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BETDARD, M.A., F.R.S. l'HOSECTOR AND VICE-SECRETARY 01 THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 89 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1898 All rights reserver Forcat 3-12 - buf? 57309 PREFACE 'W'e -711 YI 13 It was the intention of my predecessor in the office of Prosector to the Zoological Society, the late Professor Garrod, F.R.S., to write a treatise upon bird anatomy. This intention was so far realised that a nearly complete No account of the anatomy of the fowl, with the appropriate illustrations, was actually drawn up; it was proposed that this should be followed by a second part, in which the general anatomical characters of the different groups of birds were to be stated. Of this second part I have beside me some thirty sheets of MS. Professor Garrod's successor in the post of Prosector to the Zoological Society, the late Mr. W. A. Forbes, had every intention of finishing this work com- menced; but unfortunately death took place before any actual additions had been made to the MS. left by his predecessor. I have, on the kind encouragement of Mr. Sclater, determined to make an attempt to carry out this plan of my two forerunners, and the present volume is the result. It must be admitted that a handbook upon bird anatomy was more wanted at the time that it was first conceived by Mr. Garrod than it is at the present day. Zoologists had then nothing of a general character save the incompleta fragment of Bronn's Thierreich' and the sections devoted to bird anatomy in such comprehensive works as those of Meckel and Cuvier. We have now two treatises of first- rate merit, that of Fürbringer and Dr. Gadow's completion of the section - Aves' in Bronn's "Thierreich.' Professor TS vi STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Garrod’s intended work differed from either of these in that he meant to preface it with a detailed account of Gallus. I have not thought it useful to follow him in this; for we have an excellent treatise dealing with one particular bird type in Dr. Shufeldt's book upon the 'Raven. Instead of this I commence with a general sketch of bird structure, purposely avoiding histological detail and the elaborate description of anatomical facts which are not, in the present state of our knowledge, of great use in classification. The main part of this book is the account of the structure of the different groups of birds. It was upon this aspect of the subject that Mr. Garrod intended to dwell most fully. Dr. Gadow has also treated bird anatomy from this point of view; the con- cluding section of his contribution to Bronn's Thierreich’is devoted to an enumeration of the distinguishing characters of the groups of birds. I have, however, treated of this matter more fully, and have incorporated more facts (some of them recorded for the first time) in the systematic part of my book, than did Dr. Gadow. I have felt it to be useless to attempt to vie with Professor Fürbringer's magnificent treatise upon birds. To deal with all the organs of the body as fully as he has done would require more space than it would be probable that any publisher would be disposed to allow me. I believe, however, that I have been able to note the principal facts in the anatomy of the different orders of birds, and that nothing of first-rate importance has been omitted. Moreover under each section I have referred to the majority of the memoirs already published, so that the reader can supplement, where it is necessary, the facts which I myself detail. These references, I may remark, have been (with a few exceptions) carefully verified; and although my bibliography of the subject is not complete it is, I hope, without important deficiencies. The facts of bird structure contained in this book are to PREFACE I vii some extent drawn from published memoirs ; but the majority of them, especially those relating to osteology and muscular anatomy, have been verified by myself; and I have also laid under heavy contribution the note books of my two predecessors already mentioned. Some of the more import- ant of these facts are illustrated by woodcuts and process' blocks; for these I am indebted to the liberality of the Publication Committee of the Zoological Society of London and to the editors of the 'Ibis.' Finally, I regret to have to acknowledge that in several instances I have used two names for the same bird, a fact which I did not discover in every case until it was too late for alteration in the text. I hope, however, that any diffi- culties arising from this error on my part will be obviated by the cross references in the Index. FRANK E. BEDDARD. July 1898. CONTENTS Puik . . . . . .. . : ... 1 1 4 6 14 . . ... 19 . . . 20 21 22 . 23 30 . . 31 . . : . . . : . . . . 33 33 34 . THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF BIRDS . . THE FOOT . . . . . . . . BEAK . . . . . . . . . . FEATHERS . . . . . . . . PTERYLOSIS . . . . . . . . ALIMENTARY CANAL Tongue . i . . . . . . Teeth . . Esophagus. Stomach. . Intestine . . . . . . . . Cæca . . . . . . . i . Liver . . . . . . . . Gall Bladder . . . . . . . Pancreas . . . . . . . . . Cloaca . . . . . . . . Bursa Fabricii . REPRODUCTION AND RENAL ORGANS . . THE CELOM . . . CIRCULATORY SYSTEM . . . . . . Heart . . . . . . . . . Arterial System : Venous System . . . . . . . RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. Trachea , i .. Syrinx . . . . . . . . Lungs and Air Sacs .. MUSCULAR ANATOMY . . . Muscles of the Fore Limb . . Muscles of the Hind Limbi Muscles of the Neck and Trunk . . . . Caudal Muscles . . . . . . Abdominal Muscles . Hyoidean Muscles . . . . . . Muscles of the Head . . . . . . OSTEOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . 55 . . . 58 58 . . . 60 5 . . 90 . 103 . . 107 108 . . 108 . 110 . . 111 . . . STRUCTURE ANI) CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS PAGI . Ribs . . . . . . . . YOT . . . · . . . . . . Vertebral Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Shoulder Giralt . . . . . The Fore Limb . . . . . . Sternum . . . . . . . Pelvis . . . . . . . . Hind Limb . . . . . . . The Skull . BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM . . . . THE AFFINITIES OF BIRDS . . . . . THE CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . . ORNITHURÆ . . . . . . . . ANOMALOGONATÆ . . . . . PASSERES · · · · · · · · Pici . . . . . . . . . Picide . . . . . . . . Bucconidæ . . . . . . . Rhamphastidæ . Capitonidze. . . . . . ALCEDINES . ... COLII . . . . . . . . TROGONES . . CORACIÆ . . Coraciidæ . . . . - Meropidæ . . . . . . . . Momotidæ . . . . . . Todidæ . . . . . . . Galbulidze . . . . . . . BUCEROTES . . . . . . . Bucerotidæ . . . . . . . Upupide . . . . . . . MACROCHIRES . CAPRIMULGI . . . . . . . STRIGES . . . . . . . . . PSITTACI . . . . . . . . CUCULI . . . . . . . . . MUSOPHAGI. . . . . . . . OPISTHOCOMI . . . . . . . . GALLI. . . . . . . . . COLUMBE . . . . . . . . PTEROCLETES . . . . . . . . TURNICES . . . . . . . . RALLI. . . . . . . . . OTIDES . . . . . . . . . . LIMICOLE . . . . . . . . (Edicnemidal . . . . . . . Parride . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . 119 . . 120 . . 123 . . 127 . . 131 . . 13:4 • 135 . . 151 . . 153 . . 159 . . 167 . . 167 · · 172 . . 183 . . 183 . . 188 . . 189 . . 192 197 . . 201 202 20 € . . 204 . . 208 . . 210 . . 212 . . 213 . . 215 . . 215 . . 222 .224 . . 231 . . 244 . . 253 . 272 . . 282 . . 285 . . 290 . : 30€ . . 3315 . . 319 . . 321 . . 331 . . 336 . . 345 . . 346 . . . . . . . . . OT Q 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTENTS l'All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 . 349 . . 350 350 . 350 . . 359 366 366 369 . 373 . . . . . . . . . 374 . . . . . . . . . . . 377 378 . . 379 . . . . . . . 383 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 . 392 . . 396 402 . . 419 420 . . . . Chionididæ . Thibocoridæ Glareolida . Laridæ . ALCAE . . . GRUES . . Gruide. . Rhinochetidæ Carianidæ . Psophiidæ . Eurypygida . Aptornithida Mesitidæ . STEREORNITHES COLYMBI . . HESPERORNITHES SPHENISCI . . STEGANOPODES. HERODIONES . . Scopidæ . Ciconiidæ . Ardeidæ . Balænicepidie . Plataleida . TUBINARES . . PALAMEDEÆ . ANSERES . . ICHTHYORNITHES ACCIPITRES . . Falconida . Pandionidae . Serpentariidir? Cathartidæ : TINAMI . . STRUTHIONES . . #pyornithida Dinornithidæ . SAURURÆ . . Saurornithes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 429 . . 433 . 434 . . . . 445 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 . . 456 . 469 472 472 . . 470 . 478 479 481 . 485 . . 493 . 522 . . 523 . 529 . . 529 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. l'ill; 10 1. Wing of Golden Plover (after Goodchild) . . 2. a. Cubital Remiges of Pheasant. b. Cubital Remiges of Golden Eagle (after Wray) . . . . . . . .. 11 3. A. Manus of Ostrich, showing Attachment of Remiges. b. Manus of Ostrich, Upper Surface, showing Remiges and Coverts. c. Digits of Embryo, showing Remiges and Coverts (after Wray) . . . . . . . . . . 13 4. Feather showing Aftershaft (after Sclater) . . . ... 5. A, Lower Mandible of Indian Darter. t, Radimentary Tongue. B, Tongue in Profile (after Beddard) . . . . . 6. Head of Lorius, showing Extended Tongue with Brush Tip (after Garrod) . . . . . . . . . . 7. Intestinal Loops (after Gadow) . . . . . 8. Alligator Mississipiensis ; Alimentary Tract (after Chalm:crs Mitchell) . . . . . . . . . . . 9. Chauna chavaria; Alimentary Tract (after Chalmers Mitchell) 10. Argus giganteus, Chick; Intestinal Loops (after Chalmers Mitchell) . . . . . . . . . . . 11. Casuarius ; Intestinal Tract (after Chalmers Mitchell) . . 12. Struthio camelus; Intestinal Tract (after Chalmers Mitchell) 13. Haliaetus albicilla; Intestinal Tract (after Chalmers Mitchell) 14. Ara ararauna ; Intestinal Tract (after Chalmers Mitchell). 15. Parus major (after Chalıners Mitchell) . . . . . 31 16. Alimentary Viscera of the Indian Darter (after Beddard) ... 17. Duodenum of Syrrhaptes (after Brandt) . . . . . 33 18. Duodenum, Bile Ducts, and Pancreatic Ducts of another Syr. rhaptes (after Brandt) . . . . . . . . 33 19. Duodenal Loops of Rhea americana (after Gadow). . . 20. Duodenal Loop of Rh. Darwini (after Gadow) . . .. 34 21. Cloaca of Chauna derbiana laid open from in front (after Forbes) . . . . . . . . . . . 35 22. Two Types of Bursa (after Forbes) . . . . . . 23. Respiratory Organs of Duck (after Huxley) . . . . 59 xiv. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS B.'lli. J'AGE 40 5 2 1. Respiratory Organs of Apteryx (after. Huxley). . . . 39 25. Diagrammatic Transverse Section of Emu, to slow the Projec- tion of Oblique Septum (after Beddard) . . 26. Diagram of a Transverse Section throngh Thorax of Duck (after Beddard) . . . . . . . . . 41 27. Similar Diagram of Crow (Corvus capellanus) (after Beddaril). 41 28. Viscera of Rook displayed by Removal of Abdominal Walls (after Beddard). . . 29. Abdominal Cavity of Bucorvus (after Beddard) . . . 44 30. Heart of Fowl, Interior of Right Ventricle (after Lankester). 49 31. Heart of Aptery.c, Interior of Right Ventricle, with Attachment of Papillary Muscle cut through (after Lankester) . . 32. Normal Avian Carotids (after Garrod) . . . . . 33. Carotids of Bittern (after Garrod) . . . . . . 52 34. Carotids of Flamingo (after Garrod). . 35. Carotids of Cacatua (after Garrod) . . . . . . 52 36. Carotids of Passerine (after Garrod) . . . . . 53 37. Abnormal Arrangement of Carotids, where the Left is Super- ficial in Position (after Garrod) . . . . . 38. Windpipe of Seleucides nigra (after Forbes) . . . 39. Breast Region of Manucodia (after Beddard). .. 40. Syrinx of Indicator, Enlarged (after Garrod) . . . . 61 41. Syrinx of Cymbirhynchus (after Forbes) . . . 42. Syrinx of Balaniceps (after Beddard). . 43. Syrinx of Struthio (after Forbes) ... . . . . 64 44. The same Syrinx from behind . . . . . . . 64 45. Syrinx of Vanella cayennensis, from in front (after Garrod). 46. The same from behind (after Garrod). . . 47. Trachea of Tantalus loculator. a. From Front. b. From Side (after Garrod) . . . . . . . . . 48. Syrinx of Steatornis. Front View (after Garrod) . . 49. Tensores Patagii of Phoenicopterus (after Weldon). . . 50. Muscles of Leg of Palamedea. Outer View (after Beddard and Mitchell) . . . . . . . . . . 51. Leg Muscles of Palamedea, Inner View, illustrating Biceps and its Sling (after Beddard and Mitchell) . . . . . 52. Leg Muscles of Balearica. The Ambiens Tendon is cut (after Mitchell) . . . . . . . . . . . 53. Leg Muscles of Opisthocomus (after Mitchell) . . . 96 54. Flexor tendons of Gallus bankiva (after Garrod) . . 100 55. Flexor tendons of Apteryx Mantelli (after Garrod). . 100 56. Flexor tendons of Tinnunculus alaudarius (after Garrod). . 101 66 95 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XV FIG. 1 128 ?. 57. Flexor tendons of Buceros rinoceros (after. Garrod) . . 101 58. Flexor tendons of Megalcema (after Garrod) . . . . 102. 59. A Passerine Foot (after Garrod) . . . . . . 102 60. Caudal Muscles of Palamedea (after Beddard and Mitchell). 107 61. Hyoidean Muscles of Opisthocomus (after Mitchell) . . 109 62. Pelvis of Apteryx. From Beneath (after Mivart) . .. 113 63. Lumbar and Sacral Vertebræ of an Immature Ostrich (after Mivart) . . . . . . . . . . . 113 64. Ribs, Sternum, and Pelvis of Chunga Burmeisteri (after Beddard) . . . . . . . . . . . 114 65. Last Two Vertebræ of Struthio (aftcr Mivart). . . . 116 66. Atlas of Emu (after Mivart) . . . . . . . 118 67. Axis of Emu (after Mivart) . . . . . . . 118 68. Atlas of Cassowary (after Mivart) . . . . . . 118 69. Development of Shoulder Girdle of Chick (after Lindsay) . 70. Radius and Ulna of Metopidius (after Forbes) . . . 71. Digits of Ostrich (after Wray). . . 72. Sternum of Lophophorus impeyanus (after Huxley). .. 73. Sternum of Podica senegalensis (after Beddard) . . . 74 Sternum of Emu (after Mivart) . . . . . . . 129 75. Pelvis of Dinornis (after Mivart) . . . . . . 132 76. Hyoid of Lathamus discolor (after Mivart) i 137 77. Skull of Rhea. Ventral View (after Huxley) . . . . 140 78. Skull of Dacelo (after Huxley) . . . . . . . 140 79. Skull of Alca (after Huxley) . . . . . ... 141 80. Skull of Corvus (after Huxley) . . . . . . . 141 81. Skull of Psophia. Lateral View (after Beddard) . . . 143 82. Skull of Larus. Dorsal View (after Garrod) . . . . 143 83. Skull of Furnarius. Dorsal View (after Garroc). . 143 84. Skull of Chloephaga Magellanica. Back View (after Garrod) 146 ·85. Syrinx of Eurylcemus. Front View (after Forbes). . . 178 86. Syrinx of Cymbirhynchus. Side View (after Forbes) . . 178 87. Syrinx of Philepitta. Side View (after Forbes) . . . 181 88. Syrinx of Philepitta. Front View (after Forbes) . . 181 89. Syrinx of Xenicus. A. Front View. B. Back View (after Forbcs) 181 90. Skull of Woodpecker (Gecinus viridis). Ventral View (after Garrod) . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 91. Feather Tracts of Megalcema asiatica (after Beddard) . . 193 92. Tensores Patagii of Ceryle alcyon (after Beddarci) . . 199 93. Tensores Patagii of Callalcyon' rufa (after Beddard) . . 199 94. Tensores Patagii of Sauropatis albicilla (after Beddard) . 199 - • xvi STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS FIG. PAGE 95. Skull of Colills castanonotus. Ventral Aspect (after Garrrod) 203 96. Tensores Patagii of Leptosomus (after Forbes) . . . 206 97. Syrinx of Leptosomus (after Forbes). . . . 207 98. Foot of Todus (after Forbes) . . . . . . . 213 99. Foot of Momotus (after Forbes) . . . . . . . 213 100. Patagial Muscles of Bucorvus (after Beddard) . . . 216 101. Leg Muscles of Aceros (after Beddard) . . . . . 218 102. Syrinx of Aceros nipalensis. Front View (after Beddard) . 220.. 103. Syrinx of Bucorvus abyssinicus. Front View (after Beddard) 221 104. Skull of Micropus melanoleucus. Under View (after Shufeldt) 229 105. Anconal Aspect of Left Humerus of Micropus melanoleucus (after Shufeldt) . . . . . . . 230 106. Palmar Aspect of same Bone (after Shufeldt) . . . 230 107. Anconal Aspect of Left Humerus of Trochilus Alexandri (after Shufeldt) . . . . . . . . . 230 108. Palınar Aspect of same Bone (after Shufeldt) . . . . 230 109. Left Feet of Antrostomus vociferus and Nyctidromus albicollis (after Sclater) . . . . . . . . . 231 110. Right Foot of Podargus Cuvieri (after Sclater) . . . . 231 111. Powder-down Patches of Podargus (after Sclater) . . . 232 112. Pterylosis of Steatornis (after Garrod) . . 233 113. Syriox of Nyctidromus albicollis (after Beddard) . . . 235 114. Syrinx of Ægotheles (after Beddard) . . . . . . 236 115. Syrinx of Batrachostomus (after Beddard) . . . . 236 116. Patagial Muscles of Caprimulgus (after Garrod) . . . 237 117. Corresponding Muscles of Steatornis, but of Left Wing (after Garrod). . . . . . . . . . 237 118. Skull of Caprimulgus (after Huxlcy) . . . . . . 238 119. Fore Part of Skull of Nyctibus jamaicensis (after Huxley) 239 120. Skull of Steatornis (after Huxley) . . . . . . 239 . . 241 . 241 2,41 122. Sternum of Caprimulgus (after Sclater) . 123. Sternum of Podargus (after Sclater) . 124. Sternum of Nyctibius (after Sclater). . 125. Colic Cæca of Photodilus (after Beddard) 126. Skulls of Strix and Bubo (after Beddard) . 127. Right Foot of Strix (after Beddard) . 128. Left Foot of Bubo (after Beddard) . . 129. Syrinx of Scops leucotis (after Beddard). 130. Syrinx of Bubo (after Beddard) . . . 131. Hyoid of Stringops (after Mivart) . . . . .. . . 247 . . . 248 249 · . 250 . . . . . . 251 . 265 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xvii TIG. 283 287 294 J'AGE 132. Hyoid of Lorius flavopalliatus (after Mivart) . . . . 266 133. Hyoid of Lorius domicella (after Mivart) . . . . 267 134. Pterylosis of Eudynamis orientalis. Ventral View (after Beddard) · · · · · · · · · 273 135. Pterylosis of Piaya cayana. Dorsal View (after Beddard) · 274 136. Pterylosis of Piaya cayana. Ventral View (after Beddard). 275 137. Syrinx of Piaya cayana (after Beddard). . . . . 277 138. Syrinx of Centropus ateralbus (after Beddard). . .. 278 139. Intestines of Corythaix chlorochlamys (after Mitchell) . . 140. Sternum of Opisthocomus. Side View (after Huxley) .. 287 141. Sternum of Opisthocomus. Front View (after Huxley). .. 112. Syrinx of Opisthocomus. Front View (after Garrod) .. 289 143. Syrinx of Pavo spicifer. Front View (after Garrod) . . 144. Syrinx of Same. Back View (after Garrod) . . . 294 145. Syrinx of Callipepla californica. Front View (after Garroc) 295 146. Syrinx of Same. Back View (after Garrod). . . . 295 147. Syrinx of Male Tetrao tetrix. Front View (after Garrod.) 296 148. Syrinx of Aburria carunculata. Front View (after Garroc). 297 149. Syrinx of Same. Back View (after Garrod) . . . . 297 150. Syrinx of Megacephalon maleo. A. Front View. B. Back View (after Garroc) . . . . . . . . 297 151. Skull of Crax globicera. Side View (after Huxley). .. 300 152. Skull of Tetrao urogallus. Ventral View (after Huxlcy) : 301 153. Sternum of Crax globicera (after Huxley). . i. 301 154. Horizontal Sections of Gizzards of, a, Ptilopus jambu, b, Treron calva (after Garrod) . . . . . . . . 306 155. a, Gizzard of Carpophaga latrans. b, One of Horny Tubercles in Section (after Garrod) . . . . . . . . 306 156. Intestines of Columba livia (after Mitchell) . . . . 307 157. Syrinx of Carpophaga latrans (after Garrod) . . 310 158. Intestines of Cariama cristata (after Mitchell) . . . 323 159. Intestines of Crex pratensis (after Mitchell) . . . . 323 160. Deep Flexor Tendons of Heliornis (after Beddard). . 326 161. Patagial Muscles of Heliornis (after Beddard). . 326 162. Syrinx of Podica senegalensis (after Beddard) . . . 327 163. Sternum of Heliornis. Ventral View (after Beddard) .. 164. Lateral View of Vertebral Column, Pelvis, and Sternum of Podica senegalensis (after Beddard) . . . . . 328 165. Skull of Podica. Lateral View (after Beddard) . . . . 329 166. Skull of Heliornis. Ventral and Lateral Views (after Bedilard) 329 167. Skull of Podica. Ventral View (after Beddard) . . . 329 108. Under View of Skull of Charadrius pluvialis (after Huxley). 338 327 xviii STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS FIG. PAGE 349 372 373 375 169. Vomers of various Limicolæ (after Garrod) . . 339 170. Skull of Attagis Gayi (after Garrod) . . . 171. Tensores Patagii of Rhynchops (after Beddard) : . .. 352 172. Tensores Patagii of Larus argentatus (after Beddar from Forbes) . . . . . . . . . . . 353 173. Tensores Patagii of Lunda cirrhata (after Beddard from Forbes) . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 174. The same of Synthliborhamphus antiquus (after Beddard from Forbes) . . . . . . . . . 360 175. Tensores Patagii of Ceratorhina monocerata (after Beddard from Forbes) . . . . . . . . . . 361 176. Syrinx of Lomvia troile (after Beddard). . . . . 363 177. Syrinx of Ceratorhina monoceruta (after Beddard). .. 363 178. Certain Leg Muscles of Rhinochetus (after Beddard) . . 370 179. Deep Flexor Tendons of Rhinochetus (after Beddard) .. 371 180. Muscles of Fore Limb of Rhinochetus (after. Beddard). . 372 181. Syrinx of Rhinochetus (after Beddard) . . . . . 182. Skull of Chunga. Ventral View (after Beddard) . . . 183. Syrinx of Psophia leucoptera (after Beddard) . . i. 184. Sternum, Pelvis, &c., of Psophia leucoptera (after Beddard). 376 185. Skull of Phororhacos. Lateral Aspect (after Andrcws) .. 186. Skull of Phororhacos. Dorsal Aspect (after Andrews) . . 187. Pelvis of Phororhacos. Dorsal Aspect (after Andrews) .. 385 188. Syrinx of Æchmophorus (after Beddard) . . . . 388 189. Syrinx of Tachybaptes (after Beddard) . . . . . 388 190. Origin of Biceps in Pelecanus and Phalacrocora:t (after Fair. bringer) . . . . . . . . . . . 405 191. Skull of Fregata. Ventral Aspect (after Beddard). 192. Skull of Phaeton (after Beddard) . . . . 193. Stomach of Levaillant's Darter (after Garrod). .. 194. Syrinx of Scopus (after Beddard) . . . . 195. Deep Plantar Tendons of Scopus (after Beddard) .. 421 196. Deep Plantar Tendons of Scopus (after Beddard). . . 421 197. Syrinx of Leptoptilus (after Weldon) . . . . . . 198. Syrinx of Dissura episcopus (after Beddard) . . . . 199. Syrinx of Abdimia sphenorhyncha (after Beddard). .. 423 200. Syrinx of Xenorhynchus senegalensis (after Beddard). . 201. Convoluted Windpipe of Tantalus ibis (after Garrod) .. 202. Ventral Surface of Skull of Ardea cinerea (after Huxley) . 432 203. Syrinx of Balæniceps. Front View (after Beddard). .. 433 204. The saine. Back View (after Beddard) . . . . . 433 384 385 410 . . 1 par . . 07 . 422 423 424 426 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XIX TIG. PAGE 449 449 453 463 205. Syrinx of Balæniceps, arranged to display Pessulus and Mem- brana Tympaniformis (after Beddard) . . . . . 434 206. Windpipe of Platalea ajaja (after Garrod) . . . . 436 207. Intestines of Platalea leucorodia (after Mitchell) . .. 437 208. Intestines of Ciconia nigra (after Mitchell) . . 437 209. Syrinx of Phoenicopterus (after Weldon) . . . . . 440 210. Intestines of Fulmarus glacialis (after Mitchell). 446 211. Skull of Diomedea exulans (after Huxley). . . 212. Skull of Procellaria gigantea (after Huxley). . . 213. Cæca of Chauna chavaria (after Beddard). . . . . 214. Windpipe of Palamedea (after Beddard and Mitchell) . . 454 215. Skull of Chauna derbiana. Ventral Aspect (after Garrod) . 455 216. Mouth of Biziura lobata (after Forbes) . . . . . 458 217. Biceps of Femoris of Duck (Bi), to show its Relations to Gas- trocnernius (after Weldon) . . . . . . . 460 218. Windpipe of Sarcidiornis melanota ở (after Garrod) .. 461 219. Same of S. melanota (after Garrod) . . . . . 461 220. Same of Rhodonessa caryophyllacea 4 (after Garrod) .. 461 221. Syrinx of R. caryophyllacea ở (after Garrod) . . . 462 222. Windpipe of Metopiana peposaca ó (after Garrod). .. 223. Syrinx of Biziura ở (after Forbes). . . . . . 224. Skull of Querquedula crecca. Lateral View (after Huxley). 467 225. Ventral View of Same . . . . . . . . 467 226. Tensores Patagii of Polyboroides (after Beddard). . 472 227. Tensores Patagii of Serpentarius (after Beddard) . 228. Skull of Serpentarius (after Huxley) . . . 229. Windpipe of Condor (after Beddard). . 230. Skull of Cathartes aura (after Huxley) . . . . 483 231. Cæca of Calodromas elegans (after Beddard) . .. 488 232. Cæca of Nothura maculosa (after Beddard). . . i 488 233. Skull of Tinamus robustus (after Huxley) . . . . . 490 234. Tongue and Windpipe of Rhea Darwini (after Gadow). 505 235. Syrinx of Apteryx Mantelli. Front View (after Forbes) .. 507 236. The same, from behind . . . . . . . . 237. Syrinx of Rhea americana. Front View (after Forbes) .. 508 238. The same, from behind . . . . . . . . 508 239. Syrinx of Casuarius galeatus. Front View (after Horbes). . 509 240. The same, from behind . . . . . . . . 509 241. Tracheal Pouch of Emu cut open (after Murie). . . ... 242. Sternum of Rhea (after Mivarl) . . . . . . 512 243. Pelvis of Rhea (after Mivart) . . . . . . . 513 507 XX STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS WIG. Pirit . 244. Skull of Emu (after Huxley) . . . . . . . 514 245. Pelvis of Emu (after Mivart) . . . . . . . 515 246. Sternum of Cassowary (after Mivart) . . . . . 516 247. Pelvis of Cassowary (after Mivart) . . 248. Skull of Ostrich (after Huxley) . . . . . . 518 249. Sternum of Ostrich (after Mivárt) . . . . . . 519 250. Pelvis of Ostrich (after Mivart) i .. . . . . 519 251. Shoulder Girdle of Æpyornis (after Andrews) . . . . 523 252. Diagram of Relationships of Struthiones (after T. J. Parker) 527 THE STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS THE GENERAL STRUCTURE OF BIRDS As the aim of the present work is to detail the characteristics of the various groups of birds, I do not propose in this section to do more than give a general account of bird anatomy. A fuller description will be found in the part relating to birds by Dr. GADOW, in Bronn's 'Klassen und Ordnungen des Thierreichs,' where much that will be found here in the accounts of the several families of birds is treated of in the introductory chapters. The greater part of this I deliberately omit, to save repetition. The Foot The feet of birds show a large amount of variation, which is not for the most part of great value in the deter- mination of affinities. That the older naturalists paid great attention to these facts is evident from the names Palmipedes, Cursores, &c. No bird has, save for abnormalities, such as the Dorking fowl, more than four toes. The opposite ex- treme is reached by the ostrich, which has only two. That the three-toed and, a fortiori, the two-toed condition has been arrived at by a reduction from four toes seems to be shown by the condition of the feet in certain petrels, where, 2 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS as shown by FORBES, a rudiment of the missing toe is present in the shape of a nodule, or of two nodules, of bone, hidden in extreme cases beneath the skin, and only appear- ing externally as a small wart with no claw. In Phebætria there is an advance upon this, since there is externally a minute claw, and beneath the skin two minute nodules of bone. In the woodpeckers, Picoides and Tiga, commonly spoken of as three-toed birds, there is a similar vestige of the fourth toe. On the other hand this does not apply to all three-toed birds. In Rhea, Tetrax, and Pelecanoides FORBES searched in vain for a trace of the missing toe. The toes of the bird's foot are arranged in different fashions, giving rise to more than one form of foot. When there are only three toes they are all directed forwards, except in Picoides, where the last is directed backwards ; but then, as already stated, this bird has a rudimentary hallux, and it conforms therefore to the type seen in other woodpeckers. When there are four toes they are rarely all turned forwards; this is the case, however, with the swifts. Most commonly the hallux is turned more or less completely backwards ; this is so with the passerines and with many other birds. In what is termed the zygodactyle foot, e.g. the woodpeckers, both the first and the fourth toes are turned backwards, and thus an effective grasping organ is produced. An anomalous form of zygodactylism, termed hetero- dactylism by some, is offered by the trogons, where the second toe is turned back. Syndactylism is an expression used to describe toes which are united together for a longer or shorter distance, such as, for example, the todies and kingfishers. Further details in the form of foot will be found under the descriptions of the several families. In many birds the toes are perfectly free from each other up to their attachment to the metatarsals. In others there is a condition known as webbing, where a scale-covered skin is stretched between the toes. This may be feebly developed, as in many wading birds, or complete, as in swim- ming birds, such as the duck. The extreme state of webbing is seen in the pelican tribe, where all the four toes are THE FOOT CU UY united by webs—in the ducks only three being thus united, and the hallux free. The coots have a form of webbing which is characterised by applying the term 'lobate' to the foot. Each toe in the case of a lobate foot is bordered by a flat expansion of skin, but there is no connection between the borders of adjacent toes. The foot is covered to a vary. ing degree with a horny integument, which is arranged as larger or smaller flat scales, or as granules of various shapes and sizes. This scutellation sometimes extends on to the tibia ; it generally occupies the tarsus as well as the foot proper ; the other extreme is shown by Syrrhaptes, where feathering extends down to the last digits of the foot. The form of these is sometimes useful in classification, as in the Passeres (q.v.) The digits are armed with claws, which are straighter in wading birds, and very curved in the birds of prey. Their relative lengths vary ; in the larks, for example, and in the cuckoo (Centropus) that of the hind toe is enor- mously long. The middle toe is often serrated, as in herons, owls, and goatsuckers, &c. The order of the toes may be almost always settled by counting the number of the phalanges. This is progressive, the first toe having two phalanges, the second three, the third four, and the fourth five. To this general rule there are a few exceptions. I have described in the owl (Photo- dilus) only four phalanges in the last (fourth toe), a state of affairs, however, which is plainly due to a fusion between the two first phalanges. The goatsuckers (of genus Capri- mulgus and allied forms) have a digital formula of 2, 3, 4, 4. In many Tubinares the formula is 1, 3, 4, 5. In the swifts the toes are still further reduced, for we have in that group the digital formula 2, 3, 3, 3. Pterocles has a digital formula agreeing with that of Caprimulgus. ZEHNTNER' has lately shown that the digital formula of the swifts is due to reduction ; he has found, in fact, in Cypselus melba, in a certain stage of development, four phalanges in each of digits 3 and 4, in which stage, therefore, the bird is only one digit short of the normal. 1 Beiträge zur Entwicklung von Cypselus melba, Arch. f. Naturg. 1890. 1 B 2 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS A comparison of the varied forms of feet among birds has an important bearing upon the origin of the foot. From this follows some insight into the nature of the life led by the possessors of the most primitive form of foot. The matter has been put forward in a clear fashion by FINN, and in a correspondence which his paper elicited. As all the evidence at our disposal seems to show that the four-toed foot is the more primitive, we have to decide whether the palmate foot of the pelicans or the grasping foot of the passerine is the earlier, or whether some modification of these, such as the zygodactyle, or four-toed foot with a rudimentary hallux, is the more primitive. The four-toed foot of the Steganopodes is often figured as if all the toes were directed forwards, but this is really not the case; they are, as in terrestrial birds with a more or less rudimentary hallux, directed at least sideways. This seems to argue that the original form of the foot was as it is now in the Passeres, a fact which is still further enforced by the foot of Archæo- pteryx (see below). The more purely terrestrial the birds are the more rudimentary is the hallux, until in the purely terrestrial bustards the hallux has disappeared altogether, and in the ostrich, most terrestrial of birds, the second toe the more arboreal forms, the Cracidæ and Megapodidæ, the hallux is better developed than in those that do not roost in trees. That the zygodactyle foot is a further modification of the anisodactyle seems to be shown by the transitional state of the owls, which always perch in the zygodactyle position,' the fourth toe being capable of reversion.? Beak In all existing birds the upper and lower mandibles are invested with a horny sheath, the beak. The form of this | 'The Significance of the Bird's Foot,' Natural Science, June 1894 ; see also July and September Nos. of the same periodical for further notes and correspondence on the matter. ? A. REICHENOW, ' Die Fussbildungen der Vögel, J. f. O. 1871, p. 401. BEAK beak has been used by ornithologists for systematic purposes, and whole groups of birds have received their names from this shape, e.g. dentirostres, lamellirostres, &c. The bill, however, varies so greatly in admittedly allied birds that its use for classificatory purposes is not great. As a striking instance of this may be mentioned the Limicolæ ; we see there the spatulate bill of Euonyrhynchus, like a diminutive spoonbill, the upturned bill of Recurvirostra, the sideways- turned bill of Anarhrynchus, the longer lower mandible of Rhynchops, and the ibis-like bill of Numenius. GADOW has used for classificatory purposes the complex or simple con- dition of the beak. In some birds, e.g. Ratitæ, the horny sheath is composed of several pieces; in others, the majority, this is not the case. In birds of prey and in parrots there is present a structure which has been termed the cere : this is simply the basal part of the beak, which has remained soft. Its occurrence in those two groups of birds does not appear to be significant of any close affinity. The lamellirostres afford another example of how dan- gerous it is to attempt any decision as to affinities from the form of this organ. It has been insisted that one reason for regarding the flamingo as a long-legged duck is the existence of lamellæ along the beak; but this feature is also met with in the stork, Anastomus, to which group moreover the bird is now more generally believed to be related. The puffin is nearly exceptionall in the periodical moulting of a portion of the bill; but the pelican (P. trachyrhynchus) casts annually an excrescence upon the top of the upper beak. Sexual dimorphism in the bill is rare, but is exhibited in a marked way in Heteralocha, where the female has a long and down- wardly curved bill, while that of the male is shorter and straighter.? ? Several auks (q.v.) do so, and it has been asserted of the penguins. 2 See in this matter and for variations EHLERS, Zool. Miscell. i. (Göttingen, 1894). 6 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Feathers 1 A bird may be known by its feathers; to define a bird it is only necessary to refer to its covering of feathers. No other animal has any structures comparable to a well- developed feather. It is true that the filo-plumes are really little more than hairs. But the processes of development serve to place a fundamental barrier between the two kinds of structures. A hair commences as a thickening of the stratum Malpighii, which grows downwards into the dermis ; a feather is from the first a slight papilla involving the outer layers of the epidermis as well as the stratum Malpighii, a papilla which is surrounded by a circular depression. This papilla gradually sinks down into the skin and assumes a cylindrical form. The cells of the Malpighian layer commence to pro- liferate vigorously, and form a series of thickened folds disposed radially to the longitudinal axis of the feather arranged masses of cells undergo a process of cornification, · free themselves from the overlying cells of the horny layer of the epidermis, and produce a bundle of horny fibres, the embryonic down. The feathers may retain this embryonic character throughout life, or further changes may take place. This consists in the formation below the first feather follicle of a second in continuity with it; in this a feather is developed, which may be a down feather, like the first formed, or may grow into one of the stronger varieties of feathers to be described presently.. In either case the growing feather pushes the down before it, and the latter is ultimately thrown off. The structure of feathers has been described at length by | H.R. DAVIES, ' Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Feder,' Morph. J.B. xiv. 1888, p. 368, and · Die Entwicklungsgesch. d. Feder,' &c. ibid. xv. 1889, p. 560; C. R. HENNICKE, ' Die Entwicklung d. Feder,' Monatsschr. deutsch. Ver. Vogelsch. xiv. 1889, p. 223; K. KLEE, ‘Bau und Entwicklung der Feder,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. lix. p. 110 ; see also GADOW, article · Feather' iu NEWTON'S Dict. of Birds. FEATHERS NITZSCH, and among recent writers more especially by WRAY.! A typical feather consists of the stem or rhachis, of which the lower 'quill’ region is termed the calamus. From the rhachis above the calamus spring a series of lateral branches, the rami or barbs, which in turn give rise to barbules, and they to minute, often hooked, processes, the barbicels. At the junction of the calamus with the barb- bearing rhachis arises in many feathers an aftershaft (fig. 4), which has the character of a second smaller feather arising from the shaft of the first; but in the cassowary, emu, and the extinct Dinornis this aftershaft is as large as the main feather from which it arises. The barbicels with their terminal hamuli give the stiffness to the feather which is caused by the interlocking of these processes. The bar- bules are of two sorts, those nearest to the root of the barb being different from those nearest to its tip. The former are shaped something like a knife blade; they are thickened above and bent in the middle, gradually tapering away to a fine point; just in the middle, where the bend is, are two or three small teeth on the upper margin. It is by means of these teeth that successive barbules are locked together. The remaining set of barbules are frayed out. towards the end into a series of branchlets which are hooked at first, but the more distal set are merely fine- pointed branchlets; these arise obliquely, so that a given barbule comes into relation with four or five other barbules. All feathers, however, have not so complicated a structure.. The strong wing feathers of the cassowary consist of the stem alone. Filoplumes have but few radii, consisting almost alone of the calamus and rhachis. Down feathers are as a rule without the hamuli ; often the radii spring at once from the calamus, there being no rhachis. A peculiar form of these feathers, called T'On the Structure of the Barbs, Barbules, and Barbicels of a Typical Pennaceous Feather,' Ibis, 1887, p. 420. ? The term neossoptiles has been applied to the down covering the newly hatched young of many birds, in contradistinction to teleoptiles, the feathers. (down or contour) of the adult bird. 8 OF BIRDS T STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION powder down feathers,'l is found in many birds belonging to quite different groups; they are usually aggregated into special patches. These are simply down feathers of which the tops continually break down into a dusty matter. These powder down patches have been asserted to be lumi- nous in the heron, and to aid it in attracting its prey ; but the assertion seems to be void of truth. The feathers of birds are, with a few exceptions, coloured either by the deposition of pigments alone, or by optical tints derived from the actual structure of the feathers shown up against a basis of dark pigment. The colours of birds’ feathers have been chiefly investigated by CHURCH, KRUKEN- BERG, and GADOW,2 to whose papers the reader is referred. The arrangement of the feathers upon the wing requires a special description. They have been carefully studied by the late Mr. WRAY,3 from whose paper both the informa- tion and some of the explanatory illustrations have been drawn. In the wing of the wild duck there is, as in all birds, a fringe of stout quills known as the remiges. These are attached to the fore-arm and to the hand. The border of the ulna, to which they are fixed, constantly bears impres- sions of the quills. Here the feathers stand out at right angles to the bone; in the hand they become more and more inclined forwards until the last of the series lies parallel with the bone (phalanx 2 of digit II.) which bears it. Of these remiges it is usual to term those which are inserted upon the ulna the secondaries, and those upon the hand proper primaries. But the term cubitals is gaining ground as an expression for the secondaries of many writers. The first of the remiges is much smaller than the others, and has been called the remicle ; it nevertheless belongs to the series of remiges. The rest of the feathers of the wing are known as the coverts or tectrices. There are four series of L. STIEDA, Über den Bau der Puderdunen der Rohrdrommel,' Arch. f. Anat. 1. Phys. 1870, p. 104. Gadow, in Bronn's Thierreich (“Aves ’), treats of the matter in considerable detail. 3. On some points in the Morphology of the Wing of Birds, P.Z. S. 1887 P. 343. FEATHERS these, which successively overlap each other and the remiges.. The first series on the upper aspect of the wing are the tectrices majores, which have a perfectly definite relation to the remiges, there being one for each remex. To this state- ment there is in the duck a single exception; this exception is the fifth cubital (reckoning, as it is customary to do, from the carpus) ; this remex appears, by reason of the fact that there is a gap and that the tectrix is present, to be absent. On the under surface of the wing there is a corresponding row of lower tectrices majores. It will be noticed that the reference of the remicle to the series remiges is justified by its having its proper complement of tectrices majores. Next to the tectrices majores comes a row of feathers, the tectrices medie. These are also present on the under surface; the set of both, however, is not complete, that of the second metacarpal being wanting on the upper surface, and the distal four or five of the manus on the lower surface. The next row on the upper face of the wing is quintuple, and the feathers composing the five tiers are known as the tectrices minores. They are scantily represented on the manus, where in fact there is not room for them, they being developed on the skin covering the muscles and on the patagium of the wing. This row of feathers passes on to the humerus and becomes there partly specialised into two rows; the lower of these (sometimes called parapteron) are long feathers suggestive of remiges, while the row im- mediately above bears the same relation to the pseudo- remiges as the tectrices majores do to the true remiges. On the ventral surface of the wing are similar tectrices minores with a similar specialisation of an hypopteron (representing the parapteron above, and sometimes called axillaries), with its row of special coverts. The patagium is mainly filled up with several rows of feathers, which are collectively termed the marginals; anteriorly, upon the pollex, they form together with the anterior feathers of the minores the so-called ala spuria. The ala spuria is specialised into four small quills with coverts, the specialisation being quite like that of the humerals at the other extremity of the wing. VO 10 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS So much then for the arrangement of the feathers in the typical bird selected; we must now consider the divergencies from this constituted normal. The fifth cubital, absent in ......?! Fig. 1.-WING OF GOLDEN PLOVER AFTER GOODCHILD). 1-1', posterior border ; 2-2, anterior border; d, rewiges ; B, greater wing coverts ; C, D, , median coverts; E, F, remaining coverts. the wild duck, is often present in birds. The terms 'quin- cubital' and 'aquincubital' have been devised to express these facts. The following groups are quincubital: 1 Crypturi, Galli, Rhinochetidæ, Cuculi, many Picarians. On the other hand aquincubital birds are- · Colymbidæ, Tubinares, Steganopodes, Herodiones, Acci- pitres, Anseres, &c. The majority of birds, in fact, have not the fifth cubital remex. The most remarkable fact about this missing remex is that it is either absent or present ; in no case are there any intermediate conditions, such as a small remex. See SCLATER, ' Remarks on the Fifth Cubital Remex,' &c.. Ibis (6), ii. 1890, p. 77. FEATHERS 11 The only explanation, so far as I am aware, of this remarkable state of affairs is contained in a suggestive paper by DEGEN. DEGEN commences with the assumption that in the hands of the primitive bird all three fingers—then freely movable-were furnished with remiges. In modern birds remiges are only attached to the thumb (ala spuria) and to digit II. DEGEN also postulates a fourth finger (of which rudiments have been discovered in modern birds; see below) with its remiges. When the metacarpal bones became fused the feathers of the third and fourth digits were, he supposed, forced back 1 2 Love HA it ! FI f .. ANT YN BU 212 . CAZA YO . . LISTA . . - US .. his YA ... . NWU- // Ver . . .. . . 2 S . . so FE. vet MA VATTIOS LEO NE 20 IM SA M Isus. 15! ! WALLOWASILISHI HAVE WEAR VUUR -CO- OS. ti.. G UI UZ FIG. 2.-A. CUBITAL REMIGES OF PHEASANT. 6. CUBITAL REMIGES OF GOLDEN EAGLE (AFTER WRAY). R 1-7, remiges ; D.C, dorsal tectrix major ; II, ulna. upon the ulna, as there was no longer any room for their coexistence with those of the second digit upon the com- pressed hand. Among these the carpal remex was also pushed back. As this remex was attached to an unstable bone or cartilage, its position was not secured, and the varia- bility remained when the feather altered its position ; hence the presence or absence of the fifth remex, which is this feather. The carpal remex is another variable feather. It is present T.On some of the Main Features in the Evolution of the Bird's Wing,' Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, July 1894 (published in Ibis). See also for quincubitalism GERBE, 'Sur les Plumes de Vol et leur Mue, Bull. Soc. Zool. I'r. ii. 1877, p. 289. 12 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS and fully-sized in Nothura. It is occasionally present but small, and sometimes even with its covert altogether absent. The remiges themselves vary in number apart from the presence or absence of the fifth cubital, but not within very wide limits. Struthio and the penguin alone are exceptional, and will be treated of separately and later. GADOW has published a useful table showing the number of the primaries in a very large assortment of birds belonging to all orders. The number of primaries varies only between ten and twelve. The number of metacarpals has also a small range of variation, the smallest number presenting six and the largest eight. Casuarius having an abbreviated hand is still further reduced, the primaries being only two and the secondaries five. The largest number of metacarpals, eight, is possessed, however, by Apteryx, with an abbreviated hand, and by Struthio. Seven metacarpals are found in the grebes, flamingoes, and several, but not all, the genera of · storks. All other birds have six. The two prominent exceptions to the foregoing state- ments are, as has been already mentioned, Struthio and the Spheniscidæ. In the ostrich (see fig. 3) there are sixteen primaries, each with its tectrix major upon the upper surface of the wing. The other rows are perfectly recognisable, as is shown in the figure. The wing of the penguin is, however, not reconcilable with the ordinary plan of structure. It has thirty-six bordering feathers, which may be termed primaries; FÜRBRINGER has suggested that these may be really ten primaries with their coverts, but in any case the wing is covered with about thirty rows of scale-like feathers. As to the general wing feathering, GOODCHILD' has sur- veyed a large series of birds, and noted their peculiarities. Some valuable classificatory results appear to be the outcome of these investigations. Thus the plan characteristic of the humming birds resembles that of the swifts, and both are to be distinguished from the passerines. The picarian type gradually approximates to the psittacine; Melopsittacus 1. Observations on the Disposition of the Cubital Coverts in Birds,' P. Z. S. 1886, p. 184. FEATHERS 13 might be well referred to the picarians when judged from the present standpoint. On the other side the birds of prey, both diurnal and nocturnal, are parrot-like in the arrange- . . . ..... . TAKA . *** * ** ** ASS . S . . . / . ... IX. .. X 0 . . 35 : T . A LIS A: ve 14 / Claw T..ma IL YUVY. IV Ph3 SRL AL d YOU EYOR centrs IR NE 6.:L 10 XIA 4 . NA Ꮲd . M . MS Z MES WW . . V 1 . - . U "/ 21 . . LV Vrh . ** ai WE, an m . SUS GO . Sa . - 1 ,00 i . INVASHA . 22. AM www . .. . . . . . Md. TI 102, ve SARNAS AN COS .. Pj Prz .. JAR .. . . . . p EIN SENA :::::11 12 PRO AN BA . .. . WANAWAASARAY . . ! . TV * . S . 1. VE UN .. . . . . NEV mi FIG. 3.-a. Manus or OSTRICH, SHOWING ATTACHMENT OF REMIGES. 1. Manus or OSTRICH, UPPER SURFACE, SHOWING REMIGES AND COVERTS. C. DIGITS or EMBRYO, SHOWING REMIGES AND COVERTS. (AFTER WRAY.) Hal-3. metacarpals: Ph, phalauges ; I-III, digits ; C, carpal remes; M, metacarpal remiges ; D, digital remiges; Ad, addigitals; Md, middigitals; Pil, predigitals; 7. Mj, tectrices majores; .Md, tectrices mediæ ; T.Mn, tectrices minores; (M), marginals; al, ala spuria ; a', tectrices majores, . .. . . 1+ . SA WV . . VI 1 I . I . . PL. SU SORRY SYSAS Ad M www . . INS : 1 . W ... 1 . . NOSSO SIN 1:1) 8 . MC3 T! i be T.Mn 05 N Kiti 1 IN . IN an eines . i Y A 5 NAS VINY WW BURU Synt NY WA X LLE 20 A VAR . 6 1.. 2 Iclal . ' Ph.2 ALWAYA MANUSIA 1 le S :/ Ġ SITE: GO2017r. 27 IM . ... .......... -----OPO WOLI 22. COM VI Z ,..). Hr U21 24 . 11:27 Mc2 Phz | MY . ! Y . port Tava WS !.. SV SALA .. ..- -. . WIN RESORT METAR BUSCA Wil WMA .. E . z SA 5 KA Tit. 3 . NR " ZA I (WV) T - TER 2 ION 1: V2: IL M SR: .. b :: - . SUZU:n. .. - . SUV I . - 1. SI . . :. :: ::: Hotel Me in LY S .. 7.Ma ment of their wing feathers. But, curiously enough, Pernis, Pandion, Gypogeranus, and the Cathartidæ differ from their allies. This is not the only case where the disposition of the feathers runs counter to the affinities to be 14 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS derived from an examination of other structures; for while Phalacrocorax is quite accipitrine the other Stega- nopodes are quite different. Herons agree with the Accipitres, while the ciconiine pattern leads towards that of the Tubinares, and is identical in some cases with that of the American vultures. The cuckoos should be, when judged by the feathering of their wings, placed in the immediate neighbourhood of the Columbæ, from which group Goura ought to be separated. Chauna is practically a pigeon in these characters, while the Limicolæ are not far off. The Crypturi are gallinaceous.? Pterylosis As a general rule the feathers of birds are not distributed uniformly over the surface of the body, but are set in the skin in definite tracts, between which are spaces that are entirely bare or covered only with down plumage. The feathered tracts are termed pterylæ, the interspaces apteria. ** A few birds, such as the struthious, the penguins, and the screamers, have an uninterrupted plumage ; but this state of affairs, though corresponding with what one supposes to be the original condition, is not necessarily so in the birds under consideration. Thus, although the ostrich has an uninterrupted plumage in the adult state, the young embryo, as first figured by Miss Lindsay, has definite pterylæ, thus proving that the continuous feathering is here purely secondary. There is a very great variety in the arrangement of the pterylæ among birds, and for the details I DE MEIJERE has devoted some pains to the arrangement of the feathers with reference to each other, a subject which, as he says, has been hitherto treated of only in a stepmotherly fashion. It appears from his investigations that the feathers are arranged in groups, as are the hairs of mammals. For example, upon the naked region of the head of Nuinida the feathers are grouped in fours, a stronger feather with two hair-like feathers, one on one side and one on the other. This is what is generally found, a central stronger feather with hair feathers surrounding it. There is here a remarkable analogy with the grouping of mammalian hairs, where a stronger hair is often sur- rounded by three or four more slender hairs. MOSELEY also in the case of the dodo (q.v.) has found the feathers to be grouped in threes. PTERYLOSIS 15 the reader is referred to the systematic part of this work. In all, however, there are the following tracts present :- (1) The spinal tract runs from the head to the oil gland. This tract is sometimes continuous at the sides of the neck with the ventral tract, to be described next. It is sometimes a single solid tract throughout, but more usually there is a space developed in it, an apterion in the back, which is of greater or less extent. Commonly there is a break, more or less distinct, between the anterior and the posterior portion of the tract, which may be complete or may consist in an abrupt transition between anterior stiffer feathers, and posterior slighter feathers. (2) The ventral tract is always a double tract, but the median apterium may be very narrow. The anterior part of the tract may be single, but sometimes it is double from its very origin. Very commonly on the pectoral region each half of the ventral tract gives off a lateral branch. (3) The humeral tract is a band of stiff feathers running across the humerus; it is always present and shows no parti- cular modifications. (4) The femoral tract is a corresponding band crossing the thigh. There is sometimes, as in the barbets, a small tract lying between the femoral and the spinal; and, besides the main tracts, the patagium and the lower leg are more or less covered with contour feathers. The study of Pterylo- graphy was first taken up in a systematic manner by NITZSCH; since his day the number of facts has largely increased, and careful figures of the pterylosis of many birds, not figured by NITZSCH, have been published by a host of observers, especially GARROD, FORBES, SHUFELDT, PYECRAFT, GADOW, and others. For references to these see the descriptions of the different orders of birds.? . . The general facts of pterylosis must be used cautiously. See also W. MARSHALL, ' Pterologische Mittheilungen,' Zool. Gart. xiv. xv. xvi. 2 For the musculature of the feathers see HELM, 'Ueber die Hautmuskeln der Vögel,' &c., J. f. 0.1884, p. 321. These skin muscles are either limited to the skin, running from feather to feather, or are parts of skeletal muscles, such as the cutaneous branch of the latissimus dorsi, &c. . 16 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS VU On theoretical grounds it might fairly be assumed that a continuous covering, without any distinctions between pterylæ and apteria, was a primitive condition. But there is evidence to show that where a continuous covering of feathers exists it is not invariably a mark of ancient stock. Thus the ostrich, as already remarked, which when adult has practically no separation into pterylæ and apteria, has, when young, very distinct pterylæ and apteria. In this case, therefore, it is clear that the uninterrupted feathering is a secondary character and not a primitive one. With the penguins, on the other hand, it is conceivable that the absence of apteria is a primitive character. As to the value of the various arrangements of apteria in the pterylosis, GADOW lays stress upon the continuous feathering of the neck, or the presence there of lateral spaces, but admits that the Indian painted snipe (Rhynchca) is an exception which somewhat destroys the value derivable from the considera- tion of the facts. FÜRBRINGER, on the other hand, uses in his tables of characters the dorsal tract and its modifications. But the variations which occur here in a single and surely well-marked family (e.g. Picidæ) tend to shake our faith in the value of the exact way in which the hypothetically con- tinuous feathering has lost its continuity. No doubt GADOW is right in saying that it is of taxonomic importance ' more in the investigation of small than of large groups.' NITZSCH, for instance, lays some stress upon the 'furcate division and degradation of the portion of the spinal tract situated between the shoulder blades' in the Accipitrinæ ; this division includes the owls. But on turning over his plates one is struck by the fact that the peculiarity in question is by no means confined to that group, occurring as it does in such widely removed forms as Caprimulgidæ, Charadriidæ, and Psophia. Nor is an undivided dorsal tract a distinctive mark of affinity, since it is to be found in such a diversified assemblage as that including Pavo, Alcedo, Certhia, Todus, and various passerines. The ventral tracts divide each of them upon the breast into an outer and an inner division in Pernis PTERYLOSIS 17 apivora, Coracias garrulus, Rhamphastos, Musophaga, Gal- lus, various cuckoos, Charadrius, &c. They do not divide in Pandion, Cypselus, Cuculus, Opisthocomus, Buceros, Co- lumba, Fulica, and Ciconia. GARROD made originally the apparently reasonable sug- gestion that the down feathers upon the apteria of many birds may be the remains of contour feathers, from which the inference is necessary that those birds with downs upon the apteria are nearer to the continuously feathered and ancestral bird than are those whose apteria are nude. But the whole matter is rather more complicated than this. There are birds with only contour feathers and nude apteria ; there are birds with contour feathers only upon the pterylæ, and down upon the apteria ; there are birds with downs everywhere; and finally there are birds with downs only upon the pterylæ, mixed with the contour feathers. The facts, therefore, when stated thus fully are not so easy of interpretation. The evidence derivable froin Archæopteryx-less negative, perhaps, than 'negative' evidence often is—may afford us a clue. So many feathers of that bird are well preserved that it seems possible that where feathers have not been preserved they were either really absent or soft down feathers. The latter suggestion seems to be the more probable, on account of the plain fact that Archceopteryx was a flying bird. Now the fact that the contour feathers are frequently preceded by downs points in the same direction, viz. that the primitive feathering of birds was in the form of downs. The persist- ence of downs, therefore, on this hypothesis is so far a primitive character, and the greater the persistence the more primitive the bird. Thus those birds which have downs everywhere will be the more archaic. This is so far promis- ing that that group contains such apparently old types as Palamedea, Opisthoconus, Rhinochetus, &c. On this view the most modern of birds will be those which I elsewhere try to show are an ancient race, i.e. the bulk of the Pico- Passeres. But, as might be expected with an ancient race, there is every variety shown, and members of this great On 1/ 18 group are found in all the divisions of birds founded upon the distribution of the downs. This view throws a side light upon the Struthiones. The feathers of those birds have been called intermediate between contour feathers and downs. It may be that they are primitive, and that the struthious birds have arisen from some ancient type in which the modern bird's feather had hardly been evolved. Among nearly related families the details of pterylosis do at least sometimes afford indications of resemblance. Thus, for instance, there are certain small likenesses between the barbets, toucans, and woodpeckers (see below), which help in establishing the near kinship between the three. families. The size or the presence or absence of the aftershaft appears to be of little use for systematic pur- poses. Among the ducks, for ex- ample, some have it and some have it not. It is as large as the main feather in the emus and totally absent in Rhea. Facts like these, . ER T Siem 17 74. 14 UTENTE TE Born tates A 411 Nhi . 662 . LV * . . . .. S . .. 22 WAT KVIRIN . . doubts upon the value of this structure in classification. So too FIG. 4.-FEATHER SHOWING 6 with the oil gland' and its feather- AFTERSHAFT (AFTER SCLATER). ing or absence of a tuft. Cancroma, which in other points of its structure conforms to the heron type, is alone in that group in having a nude oil gland. The gland is absent in some parrots, present in others. GARROD at one time thought that he could correlate among the Pico-Passeres a nude oil gland with small cæca, and a tufted oil gland with the absence of cæca ; to the vast majority i A. PILLIET, 'Sur la Glande Sébacée des Oiseaux,' &c., Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. xiv. 1889, p. 115; R. KOSSMANN, ' Ueber Talgdrüsen der Vögel, Zeitschr. f. wiss. 2001. 1871, p. 568. PTERYLOSIS 19 apply. But the todies were found to be birds with a tufted oil gland and with large cæca. It has been pointed out that when the oil gland has a tuft of feathers upon its apex the rest of the gland is un- feathered, and that, on the contrary, when the tip is nude the general surface of the gland is feathered. The oil gland is, so far as we know, a structure special to birds ; it is, indeed, the only purely external glandular apparatus that exists in them. It is therefore possible, if not probable, that the organ first arose in the class—that it is not an inheritance from any ancestor. On this view it is quite possible that the absence of the oil gland may not be always due to its disappearance; birds without oil glands may or may not have lost them. It seems very likely, for example, that the usual absence of this structure among the struthious birds is rather a primitive than a secondary character. If this view of the matter is justifiable, the presence of a tuft may also be, in some cases at least, secondary; for it is certainly a specialisation that may have appeared after the oil gland was fully developed. . Alimentary Canal The tongue l of birds is one of the most variable organs as to size and texture. In Plotus, for example, it is practically altogether absent (see fig. 5). When present it is larger or smaller, more or less fleshy. The long, thin, horny tongue of the toucans characterises those birds; the parrots (see fig. 6) have a thick and fleshy tongue; naturally the organ is of more use to the latter than to the former. A very remarkable modification of the tongue, seen in birds quite remote in the scale, is the pulling out of the free end into a tuft of fine fibres ; this is associated with the capture of honey or ininute insects from the corollas of flowers; it is I C. S. MINOT, 'Studies on the Tongue of Reptiles and Birds,' Ann. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1880; NITZSCH-GIEBEL, 'Die Zunge der Vögel;'&c., Zeitschi. f. d. ges. Naturw. xi. 1858, p. 19; LUDWIG, PRINZ V. BAYERN, Zur Anatomie der Zunge (München, 1884). . 20 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS UTCH! BA ? ASE . . .. T seen in the Trichoglossinæ (see fig. 6), named so on account of the very structure, and in the Nectariniidæ, &c. Very frequently the tongue is more or less spiny upon its surface, particularly towards the attached end of the organ. A very singular modi- fication is the extraordinarily long tongue of the woodpeckers, which is, of course, associated with the ex- traction of grubs from the crevices in trees. A detailed description of the 4 t numerous forms of this organ would occupy more space than can be allowed; but the principal varieties will be found described under the different families. The modifications of the tongue are not of great assistance to NI Fins 2 AN . . ? ... YOU VI! - - Ti .. 10+ WIDZINZ22. 1 - . 4 SY . . I n 11 IUF innannnnnnnnnn 10.RCZYTATTI A Inila . 2 ORAN Not . 73 WE . IRI M win Settu itu Act Willi- SIS . . ad a WW 1 .. V V egamannauukot c.... S UNIT . LA INS 2 . TA VO 2014 www V // / 2 22 . ww IR UUTIS VA Nr. TY . V LAM T NU TOP . . Um NO TA Au 22 KWA IN 2 Fig. 5.- A, LOWER MANDI- BLE OF INDIAN DARTER. t; RUDIMENTARY TONGUE. B, TONGUE IN PROFILE. FIG. 6.-HEAD OF Lorius, SHOWING EXTENDED TONGUE WITH BRUSH TIP (AFTER GARROD). the taxonomist, except as regards smaller groups. Thus the Plataleidæ have been distinguished from other Herodiones as · Lipoglossæ. Teeth are not met with in living birds. RÖSE, however, has discovered what he believes to be a rudimentary tooth band ( Zahnleiste ') in Sterna,' a discovery which may have 1 This has been recently confirmed by Miss CARLSSON (' Ueber die Schmelz- leiste bei Sterira hirundo,' Anat. Anz xii. 72), who found it to characterise both jaws. For other embryonic traces of teeth see P. FRAISSE, · Uber Zähne ut. Zahn- ALIMENTARY CANAL 21: some added significance in view of the possible relationship to modern birds of the cretaceous Ichthyornis (cf. below). The need for teeth seems to have disappeared with the development of a horny bill, the replacement of the one structure by the other being, perhaps, comparable to the replacement of functional teeth by horny plates in the. Ornithorhynchus. Functional teeth, however, existed in the Jurassic Archæopteryx and Laopteryx (?), and in the Ichthyornis. In the latter the teeth are in sockets, in the former in grooves. In both the teeth are numerous, but not, perhaps, extending on to the premaxillaries; the teeth show no specialisation in different regions; they are of dentine coated with enamel, and in Hesperornis the basal portion of the roots consists of osteodentine. The Eocene bird (from the London clay) Odontopteryx toliapicus has a strongly serrated upper jaw, a state of affairs which is paralleled in the South American passerine Phytotoma rara. In this latter bird, as Parker has pointed VII the dentary and palatine ridges of the premaxillary.' He suggests that in these birds and in the merganser, where similar denticles' occur, the bone of the jaw has grown into arrested dental papillæ. The esophagus dilates in a few birds into a crop, which is more highly specialised in Opisthocomus (q.v.) than in any other form. When the crop is well marked it consists of a spherical to oval dilatation of the cesophagus, which in pigeons is divisible into a right and left half and an inter- mediate unpaired portion. The gallinaceous birds, the parrots, and among the Limicolæ the American genera Thinocorys and Attagis, are provided with a crop. In other birds a slight dilatation of the cesophagus, either permanent papillen bei Vögeln,' J.B. nat. Ges. Leipzig, 1882, p. 16; A. F. J. C. MAYER, • Zähne im Oberschnabel bei Vögeln,' &c., Froriep’s Notiz. xx. 1841, p. 69 ;. BLANCHARD, 'Observations sur le Système Dentaire chez les Oiseaux,' Comptes Zool. Zoot. Inst. Wiirab. v. 1879. | In his memoir upon ægithognathous birds. 22 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 7 O or temporary, foreshadows the fully developed crop of the birds mentioned. The stomach 1 consists of two compartments following each other, the glandular proventriculus and the more mus- cular gizzard. The proportions of these two segments of the stomach vary, and both are much reduced in the hoatzin, whose crop appears to take on the function of a gizzard. The proventriculus is usually, but not always, separated by a marked constriction from the gizzard, and has a patch of large glands which generally forms a band lining the upper part of the sac and continuous right round it; to a proventriculus in which the glandular patch is disposed in this fashion the term 'zonary' is applied. More rarely the patch of glands is a single oval or round patch not continu- ous round the proventriculus, or there may be two such patches. In Plotus anhinga the two patches of proven- tricular glands are contained in a special diverticulum of the proventriculus. In Tantalus ibis MITCHELL ? has described a remarkable divergence from the usual structure of the proventriculus. In this bird the glandular areas are two, as in other storks. Above these is a row of crypts, which are partly glandular and partly lymphatic, and are believed to be organs for the absorption of water. Among the Steganopodes and in other birds the proventriculus is much larger than the gizzard, which follows. In certain tanagers this state of affairs culminates in the apparent absence of the gizzard as a distinct structure (see below). LUND and FORBES have mentioned a number of tanagers in which this occurs. The gizzard is more muscular in grain- eating and in some other birds than it is in flesh- and fish- eating birds. It is strong and hard and lenticular in form in the Galli, Ralli, &c., bag-like and soft-walled in the heron, &c. The lining of the gizzard undergoes a remarkable modification in certain pigeons (9.v.), where it may be even ossified. .. ? On the Proventricular Crypts of Pseudotantalus ibis,'P. Z. S. 1895, p. 271. ? A comprehensive work upon this organ is that of CAZIN, Ann. Sci. Nat.(7), iv. 1887, p. 177. See also the same, Structure et Mécanisme du Gésier dès Oiseaux,' Bull. Soc. Philom. 1888, p. 19. ALIMENTARY CANAL The intestine of birds varies much in proportional as well as (naturally) in actual length. In the systematic part of this work a number of actual measurements will be found; from these it is obvious that on the whole purely frugivorous birds have a short gut, while fish- and grain-eating birds have a long gut. To compare, for example, two birds of roughly the same size but of different feeding habits, the touraco and the common pigeon, we find in the former a gut of 42 c.m., and in the latter of 108-132 c.m. As the gut is always longer than the abdominal cavity in which it lies, it has to be thrown into folds in order to find room. In the embryo chick the gut is straight and is supported by a continuous dorsal mesentery of equal vertical diameter throughout. The coiling is both lateral, which results in lateral foldings of the mesentery, and vertical, which results in unequal growths of the mesentery. It only affects the middle part of the alimentary tract, the oesophagus and stomach on the one hand, and the rectum on the other, or at least a part of it, retaining the original straight condition. The lateral foldings give rise to secondary connections between different regions of the mesentery, and tend to obscure the course of the gut; but it is easy, by carefully removing the entire intestine to distinguish these secondary mesenteries from the primary sheet binding the gut to the dorsal body wall. When the body walls of a series of birds are removed, and the disposition of the intestines thus shown examined, they have been found to present great differences. These have been studied and described by Gadow in two memoirs,' and the main results extracted for the account of the digestive. system in Newton's · Dictionary of Birds. It is mainly from the latter work that the abstract here given is drawn. In a goose, for example, the main disposition of the intestinal folds is in a longitudinal direction ; they run parallel with each other in a direction roughly coinciding 1. Versuch einer vergleichenden Anatomie des Verdauungssystemes der Vögel,' Jen. Zeitschr. xiii. 1879, pp. 92, 339; On the Taxonomic Value of the Intestinal Convolutions in Birds,' P. Z. S. 1889, p. 303. 24 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS with the long axis of the body. On the other hand the intestines of a gull, seen when the body wall is cut through and without any other disturbance, have a watchspring-like arrangement. In Platalea the coils are parallel, but mainly at right angles to the long axis of the body. These and other variations have been mapped out by GADOW into seven principal schemes, which are represented ----- ---- - - - - - I II IV - f V Fig. 7.-INTESTINAL LOOPS (AFTER GADow). a, isocoelous ; b, anticolous; C, anti pericolous; d, isopericolous; e, cyclocælous; f,g, plagiocælous; , telogyrous ; P, pylorus. N.B.—The ascending branches are dotted. in the annexed cuts. These are, of course, not accurate pictures of the actual course of the gut, but diagrams' of the principal relative positions of the intestinal loops ; and it must be further explained, in relation to another mode of mapping the intestine that we shall refer to immediately, that the diagrams, mainly if not entirely, concern the lateral foldings of the mesentery that have been already mentioned; they are representations, in fact, of the relations of the folding of the gut to the body cavity and not to the medial line of attachment of the mesentery; nor is any attention ALIMENTARY CANAL paid to fixed points in the intestine, such as the cæca or the vitelline duct. They express, however, an interesting series of facts. The general term of orthocoelous is applied to those cases where the folds are as a rule parallel to each other and in the long axis of the body. When they form spirals the general term of cyclocoelous is applied to them by GADOW. The prevailing number of loops is four, of which the first, the duodenal (which contains the pancreas), is a loop which rarely undergoes additional twisting. The orthocoelous con- dition may be regarded as the starting point. The cyclo- coelous arrangement, as will be seen by the figure, is derived from the orthocoelous by the conversion into one spiral' of the second and third loops. In all the Passeres the cyclo- colous arrangement is arrived at by a spiral twisting of the middle or second loop only (there being but three loops) ; this kind of gut has been termed by GADOW mesogyrous. The Limicolæ, which have a spiral formed by the second and third loops, are also, of course, mesogyrous; but it is clear that a similar state of affairs has been arrived at independently. Finally, there is the telogyrous condition, in which merely the end of a given loop or loops becomes twisted into a spiral, the rest remaining straight. This is shown in the last of the series of figures on p. 24. In such cases, as in the one figured, the duodenal loop rarely, but still occasionally, under- goes a twisting. The plagiocoelous condition is an irregular twisting of the ends or of parts of the loops of an orthocoelous gut. These varied arrangements of the gut may be recog- nised in most birds; but there are a few exceptions of which note must be taken. In certain fruit-eating birds, such as Carpophaga, Rhamphastos, the gut is so short and wide that the number of loops is reduced, and the arrangement quite undecipherable. On the other hand the extremely lengthened gut of the fish-eating Pandion produces an equal confusion. Since GADOW's description of the coils of the intestinal canal in birds the subject has been studied from another point of view by CHALMERS MITCHELL. GADOW considers only 1 'On the Intestinal Tract of Birds,' P. 2. S. 1896, p. 136. 2 26 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the way in which the folds of the gut are packed away in the body cavity. MITCHELL describes the actual coiling of the gut itself. In its simplest condition the gut of any animal, as is shown in their embryos, is a straight tube, passing from the stomach to the cloaca, supported by a continuous dorsal mesen- tery, the ventral mesentery being in nearly all vertebrates defective so far as the intes- tinal region is concerned. This simple condition is, however, not retained in any existing bird ; in all the length of the tube is to some extent, generally to a large extent, longer than the body. The alligator (fig. 8) offers the ideally simplest condition of a coiled intestine, where ad- ditional length is achieved without any complications of the gut, merely by its Fig. 8.-Alligator Mississipiensis ; being is being thrown into a series of to ALIMENTARY TRACT (AFTER CHALMERS folds, of which all are more MITCHELL). or less alike. So simple a condition as this does not occur in any known bird. But there is more than one type in which this arrangement is retained with but little modification. It is a significant fact that the most primitive arrangement of the folds of the intestine, judged from the crocodilian standpoint, than which we have none other more nearly approximating to the probable reptilian ancestor of birds, is found in birds which other considerations lead us to assign a low position in the avian series. In the accompanying drawing (fig. 9) of the screamer, for example, we have a gut which is but slightly advanced from that of the crocodile. The greater part of the small intestine shows the same series of undifferentiated folds, only the duodenal loop (not missing as a specialised fold in any bird) being separated off from the general coiling. The large intestine, however, differs from the short and 0 ALIMENTARY CANAL 27 straight large intestine of the crocodile by its convoluted course. So too with the gallinaceous bird (fig. 10), where P.V. | annet l.i. POM ac' noc dcl. FIG. 9.-Chauna chavaria ; ALIMENTARY TRACT. s, proventriculus; I, glandular tract; il, duodenal loop; 2-1, large loop of small intestine; y, vitelline luct; C, cæca ; 7.i, large intestine ; pov, portal vein ; 7.0, rectal vein. (After CHALMERS MITCHELL.) S . Fig. 10.- Argus giganteus, CHICK ; INTESTINAL LOOPS (AFTER CHALMERS MITCHELL). 28 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ia....ni.iiiiii the duodenal loop is again the only specialised region of the intestine. The ostrich and the cassowary present but little modifi- cation of the same primitive type of gut. In the former we have a rather more com- plicated duodenal loop, which is furnished with a small subsidiary fold. Then, too, the large in- testine has the same remarkable folded con- dition seen, but to a less extent, in Chauna. Fig. 11.-Casuarius ; INTESTINAL TRACT Casuarius is simpler (AFTER CHALMERS MITCHELL). than Struthio. In all these figures (taken from Mr. MITCHELL'S paper) the course of the principal blood vessels is shown ; only the veins, as the arteries were found invariably to accompany the veins. It will be observed that the principal feeder of the portal vein runs directly across the main mesenteric fold, and ends near to the vitel- line duct, the rudiment of the yolk sac; from Fig. 12.- Struthio camelus; INTESTINAL TRACT. the junction of this *, short-circuiting vessel cut across. (After with the main stem of the. mesenteric vein arise two other vessels; one of these supplies the duodenal loop, the other the large intestine; there is sometimes a . . . 1 -Line-é. is CHALMERS MITCHELL.) ALIMENTARY CANAL "short-circuiting' connection, as MITCHELL terms it, between the duodenal and the main mesenteric stem. Uli De Fig. 13.-Haliaetus albicilla ; INTSETINAL TRACT. x as in fig. 12. (After CIIALMERS MITCHELL.) 1. Y 2 . LAI .0 .1::......: th . Fig. 14.--Ara ararauna; INTESTINAL TRACT. t, as in fig. 12. (After CHALMERS MITCHELL.) In other groups of birds this simple state of affairs is further evolved, but in some there are remains of the primitive 30 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS folded intestine for a greater or less extent; thus in the penguin a good deal of the intestine retains the early system of folding. But this bird is remarkable for the extraordinary complications of the duodenal loop, which has become enormously lengthened, and, in Eudyptes, thrown into a series of secondary loops, which in Aptenodytes are arranged in a spiral—a convergent resemblance, thinks MITCHELL, to Haliaetus (see above, fig. 13). Platalea, which, possessing as it does the complete muscle formula of the leg, must be regarded as a primitive type among the storks, has the greater part of the small intestine disposed in the primitive fashion; the duodenal loop is, of course, distinct, and there is also a well-marked long loop just before the large intestine. Haliaetus albicilla, to which reference has just been made, is less divergent from the primitive form than many other birds, and Larus marinus has preserved considerable traces of the same. Among the most specialised birds from the present point of view are the parrots (see fig. 14). In Ara, at any rate, there is nothing left of the original primitive folds of the intestine; the whole of its course is disposed into six specialised loops. The owls and the Capri- mulgidæ appear, according to MITCHELL, to have preserved much of the primitive short, convoluted loops of the lower birds, and so, though to a less extent, has Corythaix. The very short intestine of the Passeres, represented here by Parus major, is not so easy to understand, but its general appearance is that of a primitive gut. Some further details will be found in the succeeding chapters, under the different families to which they refer. The cæca lie at the commencement of the large intes- tine, which indeed can be, as a rule, only differentiated from the small intestine by the break thus caused. This is, how- ever, not invariably the case, for in Struthio (see fig. 12, p. 28) there is a distinct break between the two sections of the gut, quite independent of the cæca, which can be readily seen from an inspection of the figure cited. The cæca are among the most variable organs of birds. Not only are they ... . ALIMENTARY LA RY CANAL sometimes completely absent, as in the majority of that large assemblage of birds the picarians, but when present they show every degree of relative size. In the Passeres, and in some other birds, the two cæca are the merest nipples, which cannot be believed to serve any function. They are in the same way reduced in size in the hawks and storks. On the other hand, in the gallinaceous birds, in the Limicolæ, and in some others the cæca are large tubular diverticula of the gut, the length being sometimes to be measured by inches. Among the owls the cæca are large, and have the Fig. 15.--Parus major. ; : ; YYY 2, as in fig. 12. (After CHALMERS MITCHELL.) (D swollen at the blind extremity. The cæca are most complicated in the ostrich, the screamers, and the tinamou Calodromas, under the descriptions of which birds will be found an account of this organ. The herons are remarkable for the fact that one of the two cæca has disappeared, the remaining one being but small. The liver is invariably composed of two lobes, of which the left often shows a more or less distinctly marked secondary division. The size of the lobes varies greatly, as does their relative size. Thus in some birds the liver lobes are quite hidden by the sternum; in others again they descend some way down below the shelter of that bone and are apparent when the muscular walls of the abdomen are cut through or removed. The two lobes are occasionally equal or subequal in size; more generally there is a dis- crepancy, the right or left, as the case may be, being the larger, sometimes very much the larger. The two lobes, of the liver are commonly firmly attached to each other by a bridge of hepatic tissue. In Chauna they are nearly separate, being only united by a very narrow isthmus of liver substance. The liver sometimes (e.g.in Rhynchotus rufescens) has two or Yni2 LLU its substance at the free edge, a state of affairs which has a 32 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS very lizard-like appearance. The relative sizes of the liver lobes appear to be of no importance systematically. 1 UN ACAO 127 . . - 1 * . ... NE Blume .. . + ! / : . . W III ZIVO TITA JUDIT . VO . . ... Hill TO . M V .. . .. . . 1 ZZI NYI . . . . . 1 DEIN 1 T I . . 787UII ID : 4 .. As.. . . .. Hi 1 . 27 . Juan ANN. MAISH 22. . . CZ W . ... 09111 2 VTT . . V ! V1 277272 M . . 5 A . . .. . . - JUILD N . . . .. . . S HA . 11. ' . 1 2 till . . . . . ** E w * TI . VWmn . . . . . . . . NU D .: IS . 111 S - . . . IN HINTAY . Ahli / / VID WIND WWWLALU WIWINNINNI // WI // SI * . 2 F VIVA .. X2 . M TIIS OM ter C .. .. . . PER - . . W a . . ter . S 7.c. A N . . 1 . ' YNADI . N . ! N NA --- A . . N IN 1 . . .. . NE . M WN . . ZN CA > M M NA IN IC N F TA AAN . . . UTE VIII VII . W .. 2 .. NINI . . .. HT M OS . .. O R .. .. ... . .. . . . ..... . .. N . WITZ YO 7 . VII .. . . ht . M . WAS hr.. M . 1 All M TITI NE M hom . NU .. ***** TUIN - M NA M M . hr M2 M M2 V ILIN SI WW a V 1 VI AM A AM W UUNIMNINTIMININNIIIIIIIIIIMIITINIMO MIINIINIUINITIVUMINIIIIIIIIIIIINNNN! MINIT DMMMMMM This WWW . HT WWW TUT III INI FIG. 16.- ALIMENTARY VISCERA OF INDIAN DARTER. G.B., gall bladder ; h.d., c.d., bile ducts; P, pancreas. Numerous livers are figured by GADOW in Bronn's Thier- reich. ALIMENTARY CANAL 38 . The gall bladder is an organ which is not invariably present in birds. It is even sometimes present and some- times absent in the same family (e.g. parrots). As a rule this vessel is of a rounded or oval contour and is embedded on the surface of the right lobe of the liver. The Picidæ, Capitonidæ, and Rhamphastidæ are remarkable for the extraordinarily elongated gall bladder, which reaches a long way down the abdominal cavity; this is described more fully below. The penguin has an almost equally elongated d. h. luklar 2.c 2 . . .. d.az Illy . 1 Gur . . . . A ... . ..... A S . .. *** .DO . the V . . . . . . . Sin . . . ... .. . . . . ... So UV . V .. FIG. 17.—DUODENUM OF Syrrhaptes. v.f, gall bladder; d.c, cystic duct; d.N, hepatic duct; d.pl, d. p2, pancreatic ducts. (After BRANDT.) Fig. 18.—DUODENUM, BILE DUCTS, AND PANCREATIC DUCTS OF ANOTHER Syr- rohaptes (AFTER BRANDT). gall bladder. The position of the apertures of the cystic and hepatic ducts upon the small intestine varies. The ostrich is remarkable for the fact that the single duct opens practically into the stomach. · The pancreas lies in the fold of mesentery that unites. the two arms of the duodenal loop. It is commonly more or less distinctly composed of two parts, and in relation to this there are two pancreatic ducts which pour its contents into the duodenum. Apparently, however, no value can be 34 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS attached to either the form of the gland or the number and position of the orifices of its ducts. In Syrrhaptes para- docus, for instance, both of the arrangements figured in the accompanying cuts have been found by BRANDT, who inves- tigated the structure of the bird. In one of them both ducts open close to each other and to the cystic duct on the ascending part of the duodenal loop; in the other the cystic and hepatic ducts were on opposite sides of the duodenal loop, and in common with each opened a single pancreatic Aisa . : . Juc.c.- . mungen ce- * . ' Fig. 19.DUODENAL LOOPS OF FIG. 20.--DUODENAL Rhec americana. LOOP OF Rh. Darwini. hc.e, he, bile ducts; pl, p2, pancreatic ce, he, bile ducts; p1, p2, pan- ducts. (After GADOW.) creatic ducts. (After GADOW.) duct. This latter arrangement was found by GADOW in Pterocles. In two species of Rhea the relative positions of the pancreatic and bile ducts were as is shown in the figures. In the owl Photodilus badius I found that the cystic duct opened near to the summit of the ascending arm of the duodenal loop; below this opened the hepatic duct, and some way below this again, and near together, the two pan- creatic ducts. A good many details upon this subject will be found in GADOW’s paper on the digestive organs of birds. The cloaca of birds is the terminal chamber of the alimentary canal, which also receives the urinary and genital ducts, and is provided with an appendix of unknown function, ALIMENTARY CANAL 35 the so-called bursa Fabricii. GADOW, in a recent work ? upon this region of the alimentary canal, recognises three cham- bers in the cloaca. Above, and separated by a constriction from it, is the coprodæum, into which the rectum opens; this is divided by a constriction from the middle chamber, or urodæum, which receives the genital and urinary ducts; - - --01 - - - . www IV . Ne www BE ww SHEMA 27202 ... POV ZON 2 PAIS .. - - IN boy . TA WR NE CICO BE222 SES re --- - --------- - 11 .. LIVE 2. Tii U RE IT..tv Y . Fig. 21.-CLOACA Or Chauna derbianu LAID OPEN FROM IN FRONT. al, rectum; 0, orifices of ureters ; U', genital papillæ ; c, fold separating coprodæum from uroclæum ; d, fold separating wrodæum from proctodauin ; l, opening of f, bursa Fabricii. (After FORBES.) then follows the proctodæum, of which the bursa Fabricii is a diverticulum. The bursa Fabricii has been chiefly investigated by FORBES 2 and WENCKEBACH. It is a dorsal diverticulum of the proctodæum, and therefore has nothing to do with the Remarks on the Cloaca and on the Copulatory Organs of the Amniota,' Phil. Trans. vol. clxxvii. p. 5. 2 'On the Bursa Fabricii in Birds,' P. Z. S. 1877, p. 304. 3 'De Ontwikkeling en de Bouw der Bursa Fabricii,' Inaug. Diss. Leyden 1888. See also E. RETTERET, · Contribution à l'Etude du Cloaque,' &c., J. de l'Anat. xxi. 1885, p. 369. D 2 36 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ventral bladder of other vertebrates. It is largest in young birds, and often becomes obliterated in older birds. The general relations of the bursa to the cloaca are shown in the two accompanying figures. The organ contains a quantity of lymphatic follicles, and presents us with two types. In most birds it is a diverticulum opening by a narrow neck into the proctodæum ; but in the struthious birds (in the young at any rate) it is not constricted at its orifice into the proctodæum, and the boundaries of the two are therefore indistinct. The structure and arrangement of R S. . . SSS B B ar'.. в C 00 D GES 'Fig. 22.-Two TYPES OF BURSA. R, coprodæum ; C, urodæum ; D, proctodæum ; B, bursa ; d, ureters. (After FORBES.) the follicles and of the bursa generally have led WENCKEMANN to certain classificatory conclusions. Reproductive and Renal Organs The kidneys are so unimportant from the point of view of the present book that they can be dismissed in a few words. Each kidney is a lobulated organ lying in the pelvic region, so closely in contact with the adjacent bones that they are marked by grooves upon the dorsal surface. In some hornbills each kidney is divided into an anterior and a posterior piece, which are perfectly separated. A ureter runs from each kidney to the urodæum.. The reproductive organs consist of a pair of testes in the male, and of one, rarely two, ovaries in the female. Corre- sponding to the single ovary (the left) is a single oviduct, the right one remaining rudimentary. BALLOWITZ 1 has 1. Untersuchungen über die Struktur der Spermatozoen,' &c., Arch. Mikr. Anat, xxxii. 402. CU REPRODUCTIVE AND RENAL ORGANS 37 figured the spermatozoa of many birds, whence it appears that their form is often characteristic, and may be of systematic use. A penis is not present in all birds ; it exists in the Struthiones, the Anseres, Tinami, Herodiones, Galli, and Edicnenus. It is a paired organ--that is to say, it is composed of two incompletely joined halves with a longi- tudinal groove. The Colom Birds differ both from reptiles and mammals in the com- plication of the subdivisions of their body cavity. The subject is one that is far from being thoroughly worked out, but enough information has been collected to allow of a certain amount of definite statement and of comparison with other animals. When a bird is dissected in the usual way from the ventral surface, the abdominal cavity, or at least the cavity containing what are generally termed the abdominal viscera- i.e. liver, intestines, &c.—is seen to be divided into two by a toughish septum, which varies in extent according to the bird dissected. This membrane, to which attention has ploon,' has been investigated in a number of birds by me.? Its relations in the common fowl have been described with the aid of diagrammatic representations of sections by BUTLER.3 . This membrane, believed by MALL 4 to be the actual homologue of the omentum of the mammal, is more or less horizontal in direction, so that it may be conveniently termed, without prejudice to its homologies, the ' horizontal septum.' This horizontal septum is attached to the ventral body wall, to the oblique septa (of which see description later), and to the gizzard, which viscus appears to lie within * In his memoir upon the anatomy of the storks and flamingo in P. 2. S. .1883, p. 638. 2 Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds,' P. Z. S. 1885, p. 836. 3. On the Subdivision of the Body Cavity in Lizards, Crocodiles, and Birds,' P.Z. S. 1889, p. 452. Journ. Morph. 1891. 38 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the thick septum, in a cavity formed by the splitting of its layers. Anteriorly the horizontal septum, passing forwards, lies beneath the liver, coming into relations on each side with a cavity which will be referred to later as the 'pulmo- hepatic recess.' If, therefore, the abdominal walls of the bird have been cut through anteriorly to the attachment of the horizontal septum to the abdominal walls, the only abdominal viscera exposed will be the gizzard and the liver lobes. These latter are separated from each other by the median vertical falciform ligament,' which is continued backwards to divide the cavity into right and left halves. If, on the other hand, the abdominal walls of the bird have been cut through posteriorly to the attachment of the horizontal septum to the abdominal walls, the viscera exposed will be the intestines and kidneys and not the liver. In some birds—for instance, in the duck, and in many charadriiform birds—the horizontal septum is so short behind the gizzard that the latter is closely attached to the abdominal parietes by what looks at first sight almost like a pathological adhesion, due to peritonitis. On the other hand in many storks, in Chauna, Cariama, struthious and other birds, the horizontal septum is very extensive, reaching back to the immediate neighbourhood of the cloaca. Various intermediate stages are offered by other birds. The Oblique Septa.—Reference has been already made to these structures, which are present in all birds, and concerning whose homologies there is some divergence of opinion. Their structure and relations are as follows: On either side of the body is a tough fibrous sheet of membrane, which runs an oblique course (hence HUXLEY'S nameof oblique septum'), entirely enclosing and shutting off from the abdominal cavities (dorsal and ventral) the lungs and air sacs, with an excep- tion to be noted immediately. These oblique septa have, as HUXLEY pointed out, a tent-like arrangement, coming into contact with the median septum in front of the heart, 1.On the Respiratory Organs of Apteryx,' P. Z. S. 1882, p. 560. THE CELOM 39 thenice diverging to be attached ventrally to the sternum along two lines, one on each side, set obliquely to the median C.cl In. A . Y + ++ VT . . . . . . ta A . + + - . . - - . . . 1 . - 2 1 . . . . I I IIIA . _ I + 23 - : ERSAL IT NE TEEL CALOR ASSIETTEKNE A FTER V 20 WWW A 2 SEL E .** G - t . . V.CO . . U - ROWE A . .HH . . * . 4 . . * ... - . . . . HI . - WS . . . ** 1 be " 11 . ... 1 . . A . . . . .. . 112 . 17 1 . . SY 14+ e- / Mulk VIL - - - SESSIE - UNI ì via.l. FIG. 23.-RESPIRATORY ORGANS OF DUCK. I-V, air sacs; Tr, trachea; 1.1, dorsal margin ; v.a.l, ventral margin of lungs; 1-3, dissepiments between air sacs; so, aorta; c.a, cæliac artery ; m.li, mesenteric ; m, muscular fibres on 0.s, oblique septum ; V.S, vertical median septum ; L.c, longus colli: K, kidney. (After HUXLEY.) ... Ао di CA CA I d.l. / S . .. S. . . . . . . women . WW . . eya . SAU . . . . . . . . . 1- . . . ELULARES 72. C 22 . WATT www . * . * ww . . WS: . TUL .. IN440 . . w P . * . 1. . . ATS * my . pa 11 W . U W A SO Luvina . lt Z ZA . BWA 70 .'" - amame F 0.S. T 1. . i v .cl.l. II 2 717 FIG. 24.-RESPIRATORY ORGANS OF APTERYX. LETTERING AS IN FIG: 23 (AFTER HUXLEY 40 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS attachment of the falciform ligament. Dorsally they are attached to the parietes. As a general rule the abdominal air sac is the only one of the posterior air sacs (see fig. 23) which is not enclosed within the oblique septa; in all birds, so far as is known, except the Apteryx, the wall of this air sac ‘has been apparently driven out, like a hernial sac, between the peritoneum and the parietes, and projects into the abdominal cavity. In Apteryx the air sac in question is completely enclosed by the oblique septum. Another exception to the statement made above as to the completely w F Mini w US " free Fold, OBLIQUETTEN OF EE Fig. 25.-DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION OF EMU, TO SHOW THE PRO- JECTION OF OBLIQUE SEPTUM. a, as a free fold ; 0, falciform ligament. dissepimental nature of the oblique septa occurs in a few birds (e.g. emu and Cariama), in which the posterior end of the oblique septum, though firmly attached to the dorso- lateral parietes, is not so attached ventrally, but projects into the abdominal cavity as a free fold. In these cases the free fold is double (see fig. 25), the inner half being conti- nuous with the horizontal septum. To the possible signi- ficance of this fact we propose to return later. The oblique septa are, as has already been stated, mem- branous, but they are occasionally and partially invaded or covered by muscular tissue. HUXLEY speaks of “unstriped THE CELOM muscular fibres' in the oblique septum of the duck ; and in the puffin? (Fratercula arctica) and the penguin (Eudyptes, Eudyptula minor and Spheniscus demersus) the posterior Set. 17 ALEVITITO A.S izs FIG. 26.--DIAGRAM OF A TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THORAX OF DUCK. L.L, R.L, lobes of liver ; L, lungs; A.S, horizontal septum; O.S, oblique septum. 21 IIIIII IIIIIIIII 111 JE III FIG. 27.-SIMILAR DIAGRAM OF Crow (Corvus capellanus). a, rudiments of sternal attachment of oblique septum. Other letters as in fig. 26. part of the oblique septum is largely covered with a thickish layer of muscular fibres, which FILHOL ? (their describer in 1 BEDDARD, 'Notes on the Visceral Anatomy of Birds,' II. 'On the Respi- ratory Organs in certain Diving Birds,' P. Z. S. 1888, p. 252. ? Sur la Constitution du Diaphragme des Eudyptes,' Bull. Soc. Philom. (7), vi. p. 235. 42 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Eudyptes) has termed 'muscle diaphragmatique transverse.' These muscles are, however, striated; but the duck is not the only bird with unstriated fibres in the oblique septum, for these also occur in the toucan. In all birds, with the exception of certain passerines-- possibly of the entire group of passerines—the oblique septa have the structure and relations that have been thus briefly described. In passerines they have undergone what appears to be a modification. The oblique septa of each side, instead NH A www. M VIS SA mer SA VU. . . . .. U www . . . S 21 wwwwwwwwwww . . . . .. 1 . . . . + . . NO . .. . . .. . . ... A III . 41. PHY ww . 27 . 1. LT ZABEZ 12 . . 4- 1111111 2 1 . www SS Die . W WW WIN VROIT . USKUVIA TWW Ulu Anna / / . ... . . . .. . ... .. . . . M .. .. *... MINIT ... ot HU w MIMI . . 119 . PZINI Will - 7 . 1 . . Willa ». . . . . . . . . . . Un 19 Ni . .. . w .. ** . Willy . ** . .. ... 17 . . V II ** INI INITI . ** IN MUZ All . Till . . . S 11. ill . . DOMAINN WWW. . . SVAY . PI TURINI UM IN NA . n Fig. 28.- VISCERA OF ROOK DISPLAYED BY REMOVAL OF ABDOMINAL WALLS. S1, gizzard ; L, liver; 0.S, oblique septum. The liver is covered by a membrane continuous with the oblique septa. of being attached independently to the sternum, become fused with the falciform ligament in the middle line, and form a horizontal sheet of membrane covering over the two lobes of the liver. The original (?) attachments of the oblique septa are not, however, in these birds entirely lost; a much fenestrated membrane-sometimes, indeed, reduced to a thread or two-remains to remind the anatomist of the BEDDARD, “On the Oblique Septa in the Passerines, and in some other Birds,' P. Z. S. 1896, p. 225. THE CELOM 43 more prevalent conditions. In the rook, however (fig. 28), they are completely preserved. But the attachment of the falciform ligament to the sternum in the median line is lost. The cutting off of two lateral sections of the body cavity by the oblique septa, and the division of the remainder by the horizontal septum, do not, however, exhaust the sub- divisions of that space. The liver lobes are attached, as is so common among reptiles, to the oblique septa, in the neighbourhood of the lungs, by what may be termed the pulmo-hepatic ligaments. In making the comparison with reptiles we assume for a moment the correctness of BUTLER'S contention that the oblique septa are in reality a portion of the pulmonary aponeurosis, a view which will require a careful re-examination. This ligament assists in closing the pulmo-hepatic recess, which is really an extension forward of the abdominal cavity, as shown by MALL's instructive figures of casts of the perivisceral cavity of birds. They are narrow cavities, one on each side of the body, walled and floored by the ligament mentioned, and by the oblique and horizontal septa. The aperture of entrance has been com- pared to the foramen of Winslow of the mammal, and so named. In some birds there are no further complications of the thoraco-abdominal coelom, but of others there are still a few facts to relate before dealing with the homologies of the various spaces and membranes. In the Australian pas- serine Struthidea cinerea the liver lobes are each partitioned into two by a transverse septum, which runs from the falci- form ligament in the middle line to the oblique septum on either side. This septum, which is clear and transparent, does not actually divide the liver lobes; it arches over each with a free crescentic margin. In some other birds similar septa are present, with very nearly the same relations. In hornbills, cuckoos, and owls--at any rate in some species of each family—the two liver lobes are each completely shut off from the ventral section of the abdominal cavity (the 'subomental space,' as it has been termed) by delicate partitions, of which one only, the left, is present in some other birds, e.g. Chrysotis Guildingi. The same appearance 44 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS is occasionally presented by birds in which the horizontal septum is very short, and therefore almost vertical in direc- tion. But in the birds mentioned the septa are perfectly C- . TITA :12 C 1 . www. OT rom PERO www USA . . . www EST . . ww www ES 11 ITA BR CU LE w WW 1/ . VITO w w . A UN + www AL P . TA . ww www. top SCAN - ve w . . ww wwwwwwwwwww . w . . I: HALUANA 19. WIL. DONNA ill . A *** 1 * - WWW . * R - Hunt LUE A . - . h 4 . ws . 1. ther - - - - SOSY- . RAS . + . . C SAN he URS id . . COLA RH STYS sty X- MERA IST 99 27 ANZA re 2. 04 A *. ** , STIG . 0 NO. . *** 3Rn MASA St. Vi AL Show! S I S -. - : . 1 IN!! U1111! TOYO St 21. SDM . .. 17 . CE S i l M 1. M. ES 1 25 . . . IT W :: ! . . , ! HAIN L. UTE tt lpe 14 Uhr. EST WA . . R ES: EYKDI . A .. ...... !. . . ... . ... . . . - RATSIZ . . -- 1942 na : . .! SAAT . in . 2007 ATTIRE . .. 1 PENER C Z LR *** . 1 - .. ... CHEL . Y -- - here . - ...?/ won ... ! W . . , . .... ... . .... ::. 2. PA . . ! ! .. ! - . www. i . ... ... s . VIAN . . 11: AT 2 .. + . FL- . . .. . ..11 W . . . TITATEKNIINCIT/ .. . . . 21 . .. .. . TML . H . . I . . . . . . . . . + . ... . .. . . . .. . ..... . . 1 + . .. . . . . .. . . Hit .. X . . w t..IL . ... . WTA IEE1 .. !! . NZD . - + . . il- . 1 . - . . AN " . " . . NI 1 . . . . 49 . . N 1 .... . 210 207 Sret . 1 1111111 . 1 # 12 151 A VA . . SC 2 . . . . RWIN . . WHITE 13 . .. . . . IN . . ... .. . . . .. . WA . 01. . . . . . . . .. . 11 NI mi UP I WWW SLWN16 MY MI . IM HAM ... IPOH . . . . VE 119 .** *. * . . www. www * . - WY ..... Our **111. . Oulu III TIT 1.. AH > * 7 1111.18. . . . . . 2 . . . Ai Vi *** .. 1 . . . . ! 1330 . . We W ". WEBM . . 7.41.. 7 . . . ve . III tot . LIMITIINA . .. * --- Fig. 29.-- ABDOMINAL CAVITY OF Bucorvus. y, gizzard ; a, band of muscular fibre connecting it with oblique septum; V, um bilical vein ; L, liver seen through fibrous partition mentioned in the text. THE CELOM 45 distinct from, and present in addition to, the horizontal septum. Homologies of Oblique and Horizontal Septa.—Sir RICHARD OWEN in the year 1838 described the oblique septa of the Apteryxl as 'a well-developed diaphragm. His figure; indeed, is highly suggestive of the mammalian diaphragm, more so than are (in our opinion) the actual structures cbservable in the dissection of the bird.. OWEN assumed that the structures corresponded, contenting himself with indicating the principal differences between the avian dia- phragm and the mammalian, and pointing out how Apteryx was nearer to mammals than any other bird. This assumption was undoubtedly based upon current opinions of the day, for in the 'Leçons d'Anatomie Comparée' of CUVIER (ed. 2, vol. vii. p. 21) such a comparison appears to be drawn. As OWEN justly observed, the imperforateness of the oblique septum of the Apteryx is more mammalian than in other birds, even struthious, where the abdominal air sacs project beyond it; the obliquity of its direction, too, is paralleled in the dugong and manatee, and it is furthermore less oblique than it is in other birds. SAPPEY and MILNE-EDWARDS also use variants of the word · diaphragm'to describe what we term in the present work, following HUXLEY, the oblique septa. But for the two first-named observers the costo-pulmonary (see under descrip- tion of lungs, below) muscles also form part of the diaphragm. The older observers, impressed with certain resemblances (such as warm-bloodedness) between birds and mammals, regarded them as more nearly akin than is at present the belief. HUXLEY devoted much work to the demonstration of the nearer relationship between birds and reptiles-a relationship which is now generally held. In redescribing the respiratory organs of Apteryx HUXLEY pointed out their thoroughly ornithic character, and remarked that in this, as in all other cases, the meaning of ornithic peculiari- ties of structure is to be sought not in mammals, but in reptiles.' It is on a priori grounds likely enough that there 1. On the Anatomy of the Southern Apteryx,' Trans. Zool. Soc. ii. 276. - - 46 44 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS (TTI are structures in birds comparable to the diaphragm of mammals; but in that case the likeness would be due to the derivation of both from a common form, perhaps low down in the reptilian series. At any rate certain anatomical facts forbid a precise comparison of the entire oblique septa of the bird to the mammalian diaphragm, though, as will be shown in the sequel, there appear to be a few genuine resemblances which can hardly be got over. HUXLEY emphasised the fact that in the bird the heart lies behind the so-called diaphragm, which is moreover not supplied by a phrenic nerve. If com- parable to any structure in the mammal, it is with the medias- tinum that they should be homologised. As to the phrenic nerve, several considerations present themselves; it is, it is true, a specialised nerve, but it is spinal in origin. Now in birds it is also branches of spinal nerves which supply the oblique septa. In the mammal it may be that the pulling out of the phrenic nerve may be due to a cause similar to that which has produced the looping of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. When nerves are drawn out by a change in position, or by an elongation of the structures which they supply, there is at least a tendency for their roots of origin, of many, to fuse into a single nerve; witness, for instance, the limb nerves arising from the anterior and posterior plexuses. The fact that the spinal nerves which form the limb plexuses are not always exactly the same has not led to any very serious belief in the serial homology only of the fore limbs in any two vertebrates which show these differences. The lungs, and consequently the diaphragm (assuming for a moment its correspondence with the mammalian diaphragm), are further back in birds; hence their different nerve supply. If we look upon the posterior portion of the oblique septa, which is alone, be it observed, muscular, as the homologue of the lateral parts of the mammalian diaphragm, the rest being absent, no great violence to the mutual relations of the different structures concerned will have been done. In any case it may well be that both the mammalian diaphragm and the avian have been derived from some such reptilian structure as is to be seen in the crocodile. THE COELOM Professor HUXLEY has made such a direct comparison. *As in birds, the liver [of crocodiles] lies between the stomach and the pericardium, and has a peculiar peritoneal investment, shut off from the great sac of the abdomen; and, as in the ostrich, the whole circumference of the stomach is united by fibrous tissue with the parietes. A fibrous expan- sion extends from the vertebral column over the anterior face of the stomach, the liver, and the dorsal and front aspect of the pericardium to the sternum and the parietes of the thorax, separating the thoraco-abdominal space into a respi- ratory and a cardio-abdominal cavity, and representing the oblique septum of the bird.' Further on we read : 'A broad thin muscle arises, on each side, from the anterior margin of the pubes; and its fibres pass forwards, diverging as they go, to be inserted into the ventral face of the posterior part of the pericardium, and into the ventral and lateral parts of the fibrous capsule of the stomach, passing between that organ and the adherent posterior face of the liver, and being inserted into the fibrous aponeurosis which covers the anterior surface of the stomach and represents the oblique septum.' Professor HUXLEY seems, according to BUTLER, to have included the 'omentum' with the oblique septa in his com- parison with the fibrous expansion and the accompanying muscle of the crocodile. I have already pointed out that • the entire fibrous expansion which arises from the vertebral column, and extends over the anterior face of the stomach, liver, &c., in the crocodile represents both the oblique septa and the omentum in the bird.' A justification for this opinion is to be seen in the dissection of an emu and one or two other birds. We have occasionally observed that where the posterior part of the oblique septa is free from the abdominal walls, ending, in fact, in a free edge within the abdominal cavity, this edge is really continuous with the horizontal septum, as shown in the cut (fig. 25). The oblique septum is thus merely a fold of the horizontal septum; they form one continuous structure. As to the muscles of the crocodile mentioned in the quotation just made from T' On Apteryx,' loc. cit. p. 568. 48 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Professor HUXLEY, we have already referred to the existence in birds of what may be considered their homologue, and we have only to add that in a hornbill the left-hand portion of the horizontal septum was muscular—that, at any rate, a strong band of muscle bound the gizzard to the left oblique septum. Circulatory System The bird's heart is very uniform in structure; there are very few and but slight differences in any part of the heart between the most and the least specialised forms. It is, however, in certain particulars equally distinctive in structure, and differs in a number of well-marked points from the heart of either reptile or mammal. As might be expected, the reptile which shows the nearest approximation in the anatomy of its heart to the bird is the crocodile, while the Monotre- mata are the mammals which on the other side occupy a corresponding position. As with the mammalia the heart is completely separated into four chambers ; in the bird the heart has perhaps more of an elongated form than in the mammal, the apex (which, as in the mammal, is formed by the left ventricle alone) being rather more pointed than in the heart of any mammal. In a transverse section through the ventricular walls a notable difference in the relative dimensions of the right and left ventricles for the two types is apparent. It will be noted that in the bird the cavity of the right ventricle is, as it were, partially wrapped round that of the left, and is in consequence of a decidedly crescentic form. The cavity of the right ventricle of the mammal's heart is more oval in form, and is not wrapped round that of the left. In this particular the Monotremata stand midway between the bird and the higher mammals. The interest of the structure of the bird's heart, however, largely, for reasons of comparative anatomy, centres in that of the valve which guards the orifice from the auricle. The interior of that ventricle has fairly smooth walls, a sculp- turing so conspicuous in the mammalian ventricle being CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 49. almost entirely absent. The valve itself, represented in fig. 30, really consists of two parts, which are distinguished by the insertion of a large papillary muscle, which ties the entire valve to the free wall of the ventricle. It is only rarely that any other representative of the generally numerous papillary muscles and chordæ tendineæ of the mammalian heart occur, but occasionally a few muscular threads in addition to the single papillary muscle are to be found. Their existence has been noted, for instance, in Apteryx australis and in a few other birds. It has been usually held that the muscular right auriculo-ventricular valve of the bird's heart represents . . . *to at int . .. A ! . r. XEN * . Yin 2 . EARL VA. . 29r SI . . 3 RAS 1 . . .. UNG . NIE . . * . AS . JM1..in HU liit1 11 . . . WWE HA? BOR M 1 ROTI MEATLLLLLLSUN SIS . VIS * HARUS: WWW.Me 1 st E VN MMMM IKUU ..., N LES . will we T im. .. V Wat? I 1 * FIG. 30.—HEART OF FOWL, INTERIOR or RIGHT VENTRICLE. papillary muscle ; 0, 0, valve. (After LANKESTER.) Fig. 31.—HEART OF Apteryx, INTERIOR OF RIGHT VENTRICLE, WITH ATTACH- · MENT OF PAPILLARY MUSCLE CUT THROUGH. 2, flap of ventricular wall removed with muscle. (After LANKESTER.) only one half of the complete valve of the mammalian and crocodilian hearts. In these last-mentioned animals the entire circumference of the ostium, which leads from the auricle into the ventricle, is surrounded by the valve, which thus forms a complete collar. There is, however, an excep- tion in the case of the Monotremata, where the septal flap of the valve (v.e. that lying on the side of the ostium which abuts upon the interventricular septum) is partially or entirely absent. On a careful comparison, however, between · 50 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the bird's heart and that of the crocodile it appears that this is not the case. If the hearts of the two animals be seen that the crocodile's heart valve is furnished with a muscle which seems comparable to that lettered a in the bird's heart. And, furthermore, on the septal side of this muscle the fibres which in the bird constitute that half that of the fibres in the other and larger half. Finally, while the larger half of the valve is never, so far as is known, fibrous in character, the lesser half occasionally appears to be so wholly or partially. Thus there are some grounds for thinking that the bird's right auriculo-ventricular valve is composed of a complete outer half and of a smaller septal half, presenting, therefore, less difference in this one particular from the monotrematous than from the crocodilian heart. We can, therefore, derive the bird's heart as regards this valve from a heart like that of the crocodile, in which the septal flap has for the most part disappeared. But in one bird at any rate there appear to be traces of a still further retention of the septal half of the valve. GEGENBAUR, who some years since wrote an exhaustive paper upon the verte- brate heart,? made the following remarks about the heart of the condor, which in translation run as follows :- Only in the heart of Sarcorhamphus do I find a peculi- arity which has interest in this connection. From the anterior origin of the muscular valve on the septum ventricu- lorum a fold runs backwards, which is formed by a thicken- ing of the endocardium. The fold runs obliquely backwards and downwards, and crosses in its direction the margin of the muscular valve. The course of this fold corresponds to the line of origin of the membranous valvular flap of the crocodile ; I think it reasonable, therefore, to regard it as á 1 . See for a fuller account BEDDARD and MITCHELL, 'On the Alligator's Heart,' P. Z. S. 1895, p. 342. 2. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens,' Jer. Zeitschr. 1866 ; ‘Notes on the Anatomy of the Condor,' P. 2. S. 1890, p. 142. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 51 remnant of the structure which is further developed in the crocodile. I have, since that sentence was written, examined the heart of a condor, in which was found along a line corre- sponding to where the flap would be, were it present, 'a series of tiny yellowish spots and vesicles ... probably pathological,' but perhaps, like other pathological structures, associated with a rudimentary structure. With this excep- tion no trace has ever been found of a septal flap other than the small flap already described. The left ventricle of the bird's heart has an auriculo- ventricular valve, which is completely membranous, and is tied to the parietes of the ventricle by tendinous threads attached to papillary muscles. 'There is one more structure occasionally present in the right ventricle of the bird to which we must direct attention before leaving the matter. The late Professor ROLLESTON, in his Hunterian lecture, described and figured in the heart of the cassowary a muscular pillar uniting the free and fixed walls of that ventricle, to which he gave the name of moderator band. This structure occurs in a few other birds -for example, in Chunga Burmeisteri, where it has been figured. In the latter, bird, however, there are two muscular bridges, which run in the same direction. One of them is also connected with the muscle tying the auriculo-ventricular valve to the free wall of the ventricle. This may conceivably be a rudiment of the septal half of the valve lying to the right side of the heart. In any case these moderator bands, which are also found in deer and in other running animals, seem to be, according to ROLLESTON'S suggestion, a mechanism for increasing the power of the ventricle to contract, and thus ensuring a more rapid and regular flow of blood into the lungs. It is characteristic, where it occurs, of running animals. · ·! For other facts about the avian heart see A. SABATIER, * Etudes sur le Coeur,' &c., Ann. Sci. Nat. (5), xviii. 1873, art. No. 4; F. R. Gasch, - Beiträge z. vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens,' Arch. f. Natury. liv. 1888, p. 119; C. RÖSE, "Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie des Herzens der Wirbelthiere, Morph. J.B. xvi. 1890, p. 27. 52 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The arterial system of birds is chiefly remarkable for the large number of the different arrangements of the carotids. SA 1.5 ris. T.BE FIG. 33.—CAROTIDS OF BITTERN. LETTERING AS IN FIG. 32. FIG. 32.-NORMAL AVIAN CAROTIDS. 2.c, 2.c, carotids ; 1., 1.s, subclavians ; 7.1, 7.1, riglit and left innominate; al, aorta ; h, its origiu. (This and five following figs. after GARROD.) 1.5 i FIG. 34.--CAROTIDS OF FLAMINGO. LETTERING AS IN FIG. 32. FIG. 35.—CAROTIDS or Cacatuc. LETTERING AS IN FIG. 32. Many writers, especially NITZSCH, among the earlier anato- mists, have drawn attention to some of these variations. IL. A. NEUGEBAUER, 'Systema Venosum Avium,' Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Cur. xxi. 1845, p. 517; RATHKE, “ Über die Carotiden ... der Vögel,' Arch. f. Anat. 26. Phys. 1850, p. 184, and 'Bemerk. über die Entstehung, &c., der gemeinsch. Carotis,' ibid. 1858, p. 315 ; GARROD, 'On the Carotid Arteries of Birds, P.Z. S. 1873, p. 457; C. H. WADE, 'Notes on the Venous System of Birds, J. Linn Soc. xii. 1876, p. 531; F. HOCHSTETTER, - Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Venensystems, &c., Morph. J.B. xiii. 1888, p. 575, and. Über den Ursprung der Subclavia d. Vögel,' ibid. xvi. 1890, p. 484. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM But the whole matter was described at considerable length by GARROD, who had more abundant material to work upon, but who, nevertheless, left for his successor FORBES one out of the eight known types to describe. The most prevalent type is that illustrated in fig. 32. It characterises a large number of birds. The two carotids are of equal size, and run up the neck for the latter part of their course in the hypapophysial canal. A modification of this (fig. 33) is seen in the common bittern and other birds, where the carotids are of equal size, but fuse into one trunk early in their course. In Phænicopterus the right (fig. 34) and in Cacatua Pis 1.C ris Fig. 36.---CAROTIDS OF PASSERINE. LETTERING AS IN FIG. 32. Fig. 37.--ABNORMAL ARRANGEMENT OF CAROTIDS, WHERE THE LEFT IS SUPERFICIAL IN POSITION. sulphurea (fig. 35) the left of the two trunks, which are later fused together, are very much the smaller. This state of affairs leads to the condition shown in Passeres, where the left carotid alone is present (fig. 36). Quite exceptionally, and only seen in two species of the bustard, genus Eupodotis, the right carotid alone is present. A very curious modification of the carotids is seen (ex- ceptionally, according to FÜRBRINGER) in the hornbill, Bucorvus. Here the two carotids are entirely superficial, running up the neck in company with the vagus nerves. In this case, as OTTLEY discovered, the true carotids are reduced to the condition of white imperforate cords, the developed 54 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ( carotids being the equivalents of the comes vagi nervi of other birds. FORBES thought that the same might be the case with Leptosoma, where the carotids are unusually small, and apparently bound together, not absolutely fused, as also in Opisthocomus. In certain parrots the left carotid artery is superficial, while the right runs in the ordinary way within the vertebral canal. This is illustrated in the accompanying figure (fig. 37). A final variation has been observed by FORBES in the passerine Orthonyx, where the left carotid, as in all passerines, is alone present; but it runs superficially, and there is no deep right carotid, as in the parrots, just referred to. These facts, striking though they are, are unfortunately of but little value in classification, or at least their value is not understood. We may, however, accept FORBES's statement that 'no passerine bird has ever yet been found with more than a left carotid, and no pigeon, duck, or bird of prey without two normally placed ones.' In all birds, as is well known, the right aortic arch ? has alone persisted. It is, however, a commonplace of the text- books to mention the fact that the Raptores have often a ligamentous rudiment of the left. There are occasionally (perhaps individual) remains of the left arch more conspicu- ous. Thus I have found a considerable tract of the left arch capable of being injected, and measuring quite an inch in length, in Spizcetus and in the hornbill Aceros. Cariama, I may mention, has (at least sometimes) a ligament repre- senting the otherwise aborted left aortic arch. A variation in the thigh arteries has been noted by GARROD, who found that in some birds the ischiadic, in others the femoral, was the most important. In Passeres the neotropical Clamatores were termed by him Heteromeri, since the femoral was the principal artery; other Passeres (including, however, the neotropical and clamatorial genus Rupicola) Homcomeri, from their ischiadic artery. The fact ? J. Y. MACKAY, · The Development of the Branchial Arterial Arches in Birds,' &c., Phil. Trans. clxxix. 1889, p. 111 ; J. F. VAN BEMMELEN, ' Die Visceral- taschen u. Aortenbogen bei Reptilien u. Vögeln,'. Zool. Anz. ix. 1886, pp. 526, 543. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 55 : that in different species of the same genus (Centropus) the same Variation occurs tends to throw considerable doubt upon the value of the character, an observation that is fre- quently and unfortunately necessary to make in describing the anatomy of birds. The descending aorta gives off three branches, which supply the alimentary canal. These are, in order of origin, the coeliac, the superior, and the inferior mesenteric. These arteries do not, however, supply certain definite regions of the gut. Thus in Bernicla rubidiceps the left cæcum receives its blood both from the coeliac and from the superior mesenteric. The right cæcum, however, appears to be supplied by the superior mesenteric alone. The coeliac is mainly concerned with the blood supply of the stomach and the liver. In Porphyrio the two cæca are provided with blood from both coeliac and superior mesenteric. A dissection of Platalea leucorhodia showed that roughly the coeliac was concerned with the blood supply of the duodenal loop and of the posterior part of the intestine; the mesenteric, on the other hand, supplied the anterior part of the intestine, ex- cepting the duodenal loop. In a few birds (e.g. in Buceros and Haliaetus, GADOW) the coeliac and superior mesenteric arise from a common stem. . The posterior mesenteric supplies the end of the alimen- tary tract. The aorta also gives off two spermatic arteries, and on either side a crural and an ischiadic. We shall deal briefly with the venous system, since it has not been up to the present largely used for systematic purposes. This is doubtless due in a great measure to our imperfect knowledge of the variations that occur. As in the lower mammalia, there are two venæ cavæ superiores. These are formed by the union on each side of a jugular, a sub- clavian, and a vertebral. The two jugulars are often of very unequal size; the right is usually stronger than the left, but the two veins are connected in the neighbourhood of the head by a transverse branch. Sometimes the left jugular may absolutely disappear. Connected with the subclavian 56 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS are several veins which extend on to the pectoral and even on to the abdominal region of the body. Most important on physiological grounds of these is the abdomino-pectoral, which on each side of the body collects blood from the pectoral and abdominal regions, and forms in the female during the breeding season a network of vessels with the corresponding arteries. The vena cava inferior is composed of the two hepatic trunks and of an unpaired median portion, the main stem of the vena cava. The latter traverses the right lobe of the liver, and in its transit receives several smaller twigs from the liver. At the commencement of the kidney the vena cava divides into, or rather is composed of, the two venæ iliacæ. It has been pointed out that in diving birds the part of the vena cava which traverses the liver is wider than in other birds, a state of affairs which is paralleled in certain aquatic mammals. The two common iliacs divide each of them into two veins, of which the first to be given off is termed the vena iliaca externa. This divides at once in the pigeon (according to JOURDAN) into the femoral and into a trunk which runs along the kidney, and after giving off the sciatic and numerous branches to the kidney substance receives the hypogastric from the pelvic region, and then joins its fellow in the middle line; at the point of junction of the two iliacæ externæ a median coccygeal is received, and a median mesenteric from in front. The other branch of the iliaca communis is purely renal. It results from what has been said that blood entering the kidney from any of the branches of the common iliacs may traverse the kidney substance before reaching the heart via the vena cava posterior. The suprarenal bodies also have their portal system. The body of each side receives a branch from the rib region and from the branch of the iliac which runs embedded in the substance of the kidney. The existence of a renal portal system in birds is therefore possible, but not certain, on the anatomical facts. available; but the liver portal system, as in all other verte- CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 57 7 I CU UN brates, is quite certain. All the blood from the alimentary canal, however, need not reach the heart via the liver. In Aceros nipalensis the vena cava inferior receives three veins from the liver, the abdominal vein (see below), and a smaller twig which is compounded of branches from the oesophagus. Moreover the blood from the posterior part of the intestine, at any rate, may reach the system of the vena caya inferior via the mesenteric vein, which, as already stated, enters the iliacs at their point of junction in the middle line. In addition to the main portal trunk a number of small veins (five on the left side in Chauna chavaria) may enter the liver lobes separately, a state of affairs which is precisely that found in lizards. The umbilical vein, which is the equivalent of a part at least of the anterior abdominal vein of the lower vertebrata, is found in very various conditions of degeneration among birds. In some it appears to be fairly well developed ; in others it is practically absent altogether. In a specimen of the hornbill Aceros nipalensis it was as well developed as I have ever found it in birds. The vein arose near to the posterior end of the abdominal cavity as a double vessel ; further forward the two halves joined to form a single vessel. The vein is supported by the falciform ligament, and the upper of the two component vessels receives, not very far from the junction of the two, a recurrent vessel from the inside of the sternum. It may be that the recurrent nature of this vessel is one among many hints of the shortening of the sternum among birds. The anterior abdominal trunk does not enter the liver, but joins the hepatic vessels, and its blood is conveyed straight to the heart. In Platalea leucorhodia I could find no trace of an anterior abdominal vein in the falciform ligament. In Grus monachus it was very small ; in a large number of other birds of different families the vein was present and large, e.g. Crax globicera, Spizaetus coronatus, Serpentarius, Bucorvus, Chauna chavaria, Botaurus stellaris, Bernicla brenta, &c. Inn UUTUU 2 VLU VU 58 . STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 210manam porno NEM W222 595 Surinamento ASI , otroTV21 SURI! NOWA Respiratory System Trachea.-As a general rule the trachea is a straight tube passing into the thorax, where it bifurcates into the two bronchi. It is composed throughout of rings, which are cartilaginous, or may be wholly or partially ossified. The rings are generally simple rings, which are like each other and quite com- plete, excepting just at the bifurcation, where it is com- mon for them to be modi- fied in connection with the formation of the syrinx. This is especially marked in the tracheophone Passeres and in the Ciconiidæ, to the accounts of which families (as well as to below, “Syrinx') reference inust be made for the facts. Other modifica- tions of some of the last s.t. tracheal rings are to be seen in the cassowary, where the last few are incomplete behind, as in the mammals and in the bird of Paradise, Seleucides (see fig. 38), where the membranous interspaces between the rings become FIG. 38.-WINDPIPE OF Seleucides nigrci. T EA-8 SW D -7 RA + . 3 - 5 * . A * WH ph www. W & M . - . . YA V . . a . . RK * Mt. . A . DIATAS! 4-11, tracheal rings; III, third bronchial; sterno-tracheal muscles. (After FORBES.) i c onifiat both icon ORBES.) rings ossified' at both sides, but not in the middle, in a peculiar fashion. A peculiarity of the trachea, seen in representatives of some most diverse groups of birds, is its looping. This is, of course, suggestive of the similar looping of the trachea in RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 69 crocodiles and chelonia. The occurrence of this state of affairs is not a character of any one group, but it is found Tr. S VIIVIHII VIS V LA . Enters into Body UKE . 10 ON mm INA ti CD CE / . . i . . VP HII . aprI / DUNIANIKA! h X2 . N- . " r . DA . LE WA 5 De . . . Ne . . 21 . 4 1:1 . 77/ . . hi . . . 11 . ITI M IL . NU - 14 . We 2 .. . . # YA # . 71 RU VIYAT : . WA // I . - . - 7 - - WYDAWNICZE ANIM .. ):13 ANAAN w D . Simm YEV 7 TT w S . f .. AN MIN URA WS A LAS . . riin FALLLESTETICE, !! 17 . WEB . : M AVUI llllliliid 1111111 CANADA S W Z il!! W L M Bath 7 S "g ASSON A 011111111 Wilschen NA W : ،را بالذاالا www .. VA RSS Tax 11 MAS . . amitin ST ma . !\|| 11:1111111 Fenil YAY IV VW le tar. 1 W . ti TERBIL AWS S AUDIN With !! I - * ** w . MWILHO EN WIL Why ! w cer www ww 19 . UWA . T. NE Ali H04 WAIIIII TI *** VITA CS YA IMA . NIHIN wwww . - INI VY AI PO7 2 de .. . . . RE . 0 * T ON IIW Fig. 39.—BREAST REGION or Manucodia. ?r, trachea ; P.M, pectoral muscle ; l'cm, femur. sporadically, as it were, in members of quite different groups. The facts have been collected into a general account of the 7 TO 60 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS C matter by FORBES. There are various grades of this lengthening of the trachea. In certain species of Phony- gama and Manucodia among the Oscinės the loops, which vary in complication, lie, as is shown in the figure of Manucodia (fig. 39), beneath the skin. Many of the cura:ssows, a few Scolopacidæ (Rhynchæa australis and R. capensis), the duck Anseranas melanoleuca, have a convoluted trachea of the same kind. In the male of Tetrao urogallus the loop is present, but is in the cervical region, not in the thoracic and abdominal, as in the types just referred to. The Syrinx.—The voice organ of birds, usually termed the syrinx, is, as is well known, situated at the bifurcation of the two bronchi. Its complexity varies greatly, though it cannot be said that a complex voice organ necessarily implies an elaboration of sound-producing power. Some of the singing birds and the parrots, whose voices are capable of emitting a great variety of tones, have, it is true, a much specialised syrinx. But, on the other hand, there are other passerines which have just as complicated a syrinx, but can, like the raven, by no means vie with some of the starling tribe, for example, in range of sound. Then, too, some of the singing passerines have syringes which are much simpler than those of others which sing as well and no better. It is, however, true that in the least differentiated forms of syrinx the bird has but one or two notes. The ostrich, for example, which has one of the simplest syringes, can roar, but possesses no variety of sound. The Apteryx, whose syrinx is about on the same level of organisation, appears to be absolutely mute. The sounds of the emu are due not to its simple syrinx, but, chiefly at any rate, to a throat pouch, to which due reference will be made later. The syrinx of birds, as has been said, varies considerably in structure. Many of the variations will be treated of in the systematic part of this book, since they are more of systematic than of morphological interest. In this place, however, the leading modifications of the organ will be T'On the Convoluted Trachea of two Species of Manucode, with Remarks on similar Structures in other Birds, P. 2. S. 1882, p. 347. C RESPIRATORY SYSTEM ULU:111019multilillent IIIIII. WWW SHIM UUNI WWWWWWW Uuunnititu m utltipli 171 shortly described. The syrinx is an organ special to birds; there are no hints of it in any reptile. In reptiles there is no modification at the bifurcation of the bronchi; the tube simply branches, and there are two sets of cartilaginous rings where there was but one. In birds the case is different, and it may be convenient to commence with what may be regarded as the typical avian syrinx, which has been termed the 'tracheo-bronchial, since the end of the trachea and the beginning of the bronchi take a share in its formation. It is fair to term this the typical syrinx, since it is found in the majority of the groups of birds; it occurs, for instance, in such diverse families as Passerines, Ardeidæ, Rallidæ, Struthiones, Picariæ, &c. The accompanying cuts illustrate this form of syrinx in a number of birds, and from an inspection and of them the principal features in the organisation of this form of syrinx may be gathered. At the end of the trachea there is usually a certain amount FIG. 40.-SYRINX Of Indicato , of modification of the tracheal rings, which may be more or a, first bronchial semi-rings. (After GARROD.) less marked, and may be in different directions. It is not necessary to particularise here, and we can select fig. 40 to illustrate one example of this modification, which consists in a complete fusion of the last few rings of the trachea. The bronchi are formed at first of the short semi-rings, the wide interspace being occupied by membrane, the tympani- form membrane, which closes them internally; the extent of this membrane varies, and below it the bronchial semi- rings become more closely applied—sometimes, indeed, becoming complete rings. The tympaniform membrane of each bronchus is separated from its fellow by a cartilaginous III/ WHINI . ' HU WC NU WLINE WISCONSIN WWW UUS HIS manninn TU W SWAMY NIM MWMUWN! UWWII WITHUB 2 . . . 11 tyret II ar lunanji ENLARGED. 62 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS or bony bar, which runs across the base of the trachea, arising from the last tracheal ring anteriorly, and attached to the penultimate or antepenultimate ring posteriorly. This bar is called the pessulus. It is shown in fig. 41, which represents a syrinx seen from below. When the syrinx is cut open it may be seen that this bony bar bears a tough semilunar membrane, directed upwards between the bronchi; the voice is due to the vibrations of this mem- brana semilunaris. Another external feature of the typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx is the presence of a pair of mus- cles which arise some way up the trachea and are inserted on to an early semi- ring of the bronchial series, one on each side, or even to the last or nearly the last of the tracheal series. From this starting point we can follow the modification of hummituto nc mane TO 1191 rdt KULTT12:31 ALATELITALIE NTS שיש שם מידע DANTE SUNT ht, Bumwam JUIST LowerPLE K LIT UNNATOU BUSTETTI atzinur W ASHIL ABOUT hip mutta his Annemin for members animemuunning a 1032DAFIR: JanuCITINUATION niinilliumok Slibilmente me DOMINULLUMAT ET MOUTFIT WITALIANO MULTIMI Autourmet qui ruumallin Withnja mlinUAINE ultimumin U11 : * FIG. 41.-SYRINX OF Cymbirhynchus, x 5, FROM BEHIND (AFTER FORBES). FIG. 42.-SYRINX Or Balcriceps. En, ligamentous rudiment of intrinsic muscle. the syrinx in a number of directions—in the way of com- plication, in the way of simplification, and in a direction of alteration which can hardly be termed either complication or simplification. . The first sign of simplification is the disappearance of the intrinsic syringeal muscles, which in many forms have completely disappeared. The disappearance is not neces- sarily associated with any other changes in the general structure of the organ. Occasionally, as in Balaniceps (see RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 63 fig. 42), the former presence of the muscle is testified to by a thin ligament, which occupies the position that the muscle would occupy were it present. The syrinx of the hoatzin shows an intermediate stage ; the muscle is absent for the lower part of its course, but present above; it is represented below by a fibrous band. It seems from what we know of the relation of muscle to tendon generally that this change is in the direction indi- cated and not in the converse direction. The fibrous band of the syrinx of Balaniceps has, so to speak, been muscle; it is not on its way to become muscle. The ostrich affords an example of a further degeneration of the syrinx, or a reten- tion of a very primitive and unspecialised syrinx, according as we view the facts. The syrinx of this bird has been care- fully described and figured by FORBES,' whose words we will quote. The trachea inferior to the insertion of the sterno- tracheales slightly narrows, having above the antepenultimate ring a diameter of about oneinch. The tracheal rings are here, as elsewhere, entire simple rings of an average depth of about .15 inch, and are separated only by very slight interannular intervals. The trachea is slightly compressed and posteriorly carinated for about the last seven rings. The last ring but four is somewhat produced downwards in the middle line both anteriorly and posteriorly ; it is in consequence nar- rower laterally than elsewhere. The antepenultimate ring presents the same features more strongly developed. In two of the four specimens examined it sent down a small pessuliform process of cartilage in the middle line behind, filling the chink left between the posterior extremities of the last two (incomplete) rings. The penultimate ring is narrower and more cylindrical than its predecessors; it is also wider transversely, and incomplete behind in the middle line, its extremities, however, being closely approximated to each other. The last tracheal ring is still wider transversely, and more cylindrical; and it, too, is incomplete posteriorly to a greater extent than its predecessor; viewed from the T. On the Conformation of the Thoracic End of the Trachea in the "Ratite » Birds,' P.Z. S. 1881, p. 778. 64 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS side it is convex upwards, as are its immediate predecessors in a less degree. The interannular intervals between all these rings are, when undisturbed, mere chinks filled up Lenov KUDHIBA FIG. 43.-SYRINX OF Struthio. , last, oo, penultimate, 000 antepenultimate tracheal rings; 1, section of wall of winl. pipe to show vocal chord ; 1-7, tracheal, I, II, bronchial rings. (After FORBIS.) by dense fibrous and elastic tissue. There is no trace of a pessulus, though the last tracheal ring is slightly produced OO FIG. 44.—THE SAME SYRINX FROM BEHIND). downwards in front. The first bronchial semi-ring on each side is narrow and cylindrical, strongest anteriorly, and somewhat attenuated posteriorly. It is separated only by a LO LU RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 65 narrow interval from the last tracheal ring. The second and third rings are similar, but are more slender and lengthy; they are convex downwards, but very slightly so; hence the interannular intervals are slight here also. Their anterior ends are very slight, inturned, impinging but to a small extent on the membrana tympaniformis, which completes the bronchial tubes internally, and, in consequence of the absence of any three-way piece, passes continuously from one bronchus to another, so closing the tracheal tube in- feriorly. The fourth, fifth, and succeeding bronchial rings are similar in character, but their ends, which tend to be dilated posteriorly, are successively more and more incurved to about the tenth. Nowhere are the bronchial rings com- plete. There is at most only a trace of a membrana semi- lunaris, in the form of a feeble, scarcely raised antero-pos- teriorly directed fold of mucous membrane.' This syrinx, therefore, differs from the more typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx in, at any rate, three essentials- (1) the absence of tracheo-bronchial muscles; (2) in the slight amount of specialisation of the last rings of the trachea ; and (3) in the absence of a pessulus. The only distinguish- ing feature of the syrinx which is present is the membrana tympaniformis. But the presence of this, and of the rudi- mentary membrana semilunaris, fully justified FORBES in contradicting the assertion, prevalent at the time when he wrote, that the Struthiones had no lower larynx,' an assertion, indeed, which could not possibly be made with the syrinx of Rhea, a quite typically tracheo-bronchial one, in existence. Still, it is undoubted that the syrinx of the ostrich is in a very simple condition, and hardly deserves the name. In the stork tribe we have a series of stages in the degeneration of the syrinx. In Abdimia sphenorhyncha, as in other storks, there are no intrinsic syringeal muscles, but the meinbrana tympaniformis is well developed and of consider- able extent. In Xenorhynchus the membrana tympaniformis is almost, but not quite, obliterated, and, finally, in Ciconia the bronchial rings are rings, and not semi-rings ; there is in them no trace of a membrana tympaniformis ; but in all the 22 LU * 66 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS pessulus is present. The syrinx of the stork, indeed, and of the American vultures very nearly approaches what we should on a priori grounds regard as the original form of the syrinx. In the other direction the syrinx may be further increased in complication; this is brought about by an hypertrophy of the intrinsic muscles. The simplest case is that of the plover, Vanellus cayennensis, figured and described by GARROD,' whose figure is here reproduced. It will not need 1 TITIO ... ? D ..... - SA TI AM Fig. 45.--SYRINX or Vanella cayennensis, FROM IN FRONT (AFTER GARROD). much description; the principal change is in the enormously thickened pair of muscles. This modification of the syrinx, however, is seen at its extreme in certain passerines and in the parrots. Here we meet with a multiplication of the intrinsic muscles, which may exist to the number of three or four pairs. A syrinx of this kind, when found in the Passeres, is frequently termed oscinine, the group of Passeres exhibiting the character being the Oscines, a term, however, which is not now used in the classification of the group. 1. On the Trachea of the Tantalus loculator and of Vanellus cayennerisis,' P. Z. S. 1878, p. 625. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 67 In Menura superba, which has been described by GARROD, there are three pairs of muscles, which are attached to different bronchial semi-rings; the posterior pair of muscles are attached to a ring below that which bears the insertion of the anterior pair, while the remaining middle pair are inserted higher up again. We now come to the consideration of those modifications of the syrinx which will be spoken of neither as degenerations nor complications. They are parallel modifications, which - . hen AN . . Will . ST W www newww - - : ON 11 LES . Hvis - NR: : III AN - -- VI AN ya NA FIG. 46.—THE SAME FROM BEHIND (AFTER GARROT). can in all cases be traced to the typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx, though whether they have originated from it is, of course, a matter of question. To the two varieties of syrinx which we briefly refer to here the names tracheal and bronchial syrinx have been giveni, implying the fact that the modification of the windpipe has taken place in the one case mainly or entirely in the trachea, and in the other mainly or entirely in the bronchi. The tracheal syrinx is distinctive of a group of Passeres which have been on that account called the Tracheophonæ ; F 2 68 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ES i. WE DI . N . ES VaR . UWLUWILD - - AM - P. SS AL - GES .. . . IN OG ...! . . ZA . . NA S3 ST ESS ES SA . VA 1 SK IT ES SS S WWW EA . . IS . MUN IM I VI 1. 2 WIMU MOBILE S . STWO SY IS .. H S522CFEE ATOUS Non tiningu Se LC ROT - - SA SHA .. M Y. TT. TE . Sun IS - . S . . www - ES . . - - but a syrinx that presents some of the same characteristic modifications distinguishes the stork tribe. The principal modification of this type of syrinx is that a large number of tracheal rings are altered in character, in a way which will be pointed out in detail for one or two forms. The tracheal syrinx of the Passeres wasinvestigated by JOHANNES MÜLLER,' but GARROD has added many new facts of importance to our knowledge of this kind of syrinx. In Hylactes negapodius there are nine tracheal rings which are very much thinner than their predecessors; on the anterior side, however, there are twenty-three which are thusaltered. Two or three of the anterior bronchial semi-rings are modified and ossified; from the second of these on each side is a ridge of cartilage, the processus vocalis, which extends up to the twelfth tracheal ring (from the bottom). As a rule these tracheophone Passeres possess intrinsic muscles to Fig. 47.--TRACHEA or Tantalus locri- their syringes, but the rule is lator. a. FROM FRONT. 6. FROM not to SIDE. (AFTER GARROD.) not without exceptions, of which Conopophaga is one, as well as Hylactes, already described ; others, such as Furnarius, have the intrinsic muscles. The same form of syrinx seems to exist in the storks. In Tantalus loculator, i In Abh. Berlin. Akad. 1845, p. 367. PER WWF - AS CE . WTON PER both . www. SAS . KI . RSS . . : si PS w Vle IN She NIN proye r . ES . S . . 21 S TM der LEH 21 TH M WMO MX tla A NA INV. ** 6 OTO . Mr 217 VI 6 RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 69 MI - - 0 1 two ID . P NA IT ! C . III INI WS IN WIUS T : ON 1111 US IT madar ten - - - WT. numatmund . za HU padona mali wurningmont www . S IT for instance (see fig. 47), the lowest seventy-eight rings of the trachea are modified through being thinner than those else- where, and this portion of the tube is of a greater calibre than that above. In Ciconia alba: the lowest twenty-nine rings are thus changed in structure, and “there is a small prolongation upwards of the lateral portions of the three lowermost tracheal rings, which forms a consolidated triangular process on each side, overlapping the next few rings and looking extremely like the rudiment of the similarly situated proces- sus vocales of the passerine tracheophone syrinx, which resemblance is increased by the thinness of the neigh- bouring rings and by their being flattened from before backwards.' The bronchial syrinx is seen in its most extreme de- · velopment in Steatornis and in Crotophaga, where it was originally described by MÜL- LER; but other cuckoos and goatsuckers, as has been shown by me,l possess also a syrinx which may be called bronchial; further- more, as WUNDERLICH has shown,” the owl tribe resem- ble the goatsuckers in this FIG. 48.--SYRINX or Steatornis. FRONT respect, while there are in- VIEW. (AFTER GARROD). dications of the bronchial syrinx in certain petrels. The fullest description of the syrinx of Steatornis, which we take as a type of the perfectly formed bronchial syrinx, . GE . GJIRO NYOS 17 Y . VIEW. Utrum LEONE Ilgun fithmone RES IT V .. NIN IN IT IIN .. SV VAT > . . . ** * S ! * ST HOST 1 . Wilminin M 2 SEXY Ciu C . * WWW . 2 - 1.On the Syrinx and other Points in the Anatomy of the Caprimulgidæ," P. Z. S. 1886, p. 147; 'On the Structural Characters and Classification of the Cuckoos,' P. 2. S. 1888, p. 168. ? Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte des. unteren Kehlkopfs der Vögel,' Nor. Act. Acad. Leop. Cæs. 1884. S 70 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS is contained in a paper upon the general anatomy of this bird by GARROD.) From that paper we borrow the descrip- tion as well as the illustration. It will be seen from that drawing (fig. 48) that the trachea of the bird bifurcates, as does the trachea of a mammal, without any modification of the rings, either tracheal or bronchial. The latter are at first complete rings; it is not until the thirteenth or fourteenth -the exact position appears to vary—that the syrinx appears; here the rings cease to be complete rings, and are semi-rings, their inner ends being completed by membrane, the mem- brana tympaniformis. To the first of these modified semi- rings is attached in the case of either bronchus the intrinsic muscle of the syrinx. The transition between this purely bronchial syrinx and the more usual tracheo-bronchial syrinx is afforded by various genera of cuckoos and goatsuckers (of which a par- ticular description will be found later), in which the mem- brana tympaniformis is placed, as in Steatornis, far down the bronchus, but which have also a sheet of membrane forming a continuation of the membrana upwards to the trachea, which is due to the non-closure internally of the earlier bronchial semi-rings ; this latter gets more and more limited in various genera until we have the purely tracheo- bronchial syrinx, in which the wide membrana tympani- formis commences at once on the bifurcation of the bronchi. The syrinx has undoubtedly some value as a test of affinity. As to the Passeres, it is, as FÜRBRINGER has remarked, a 'classical' object for the determination of relationships. In other families too it is of importance. From a more general standpoint, however, apparently but little reliance can be placed on the modifications of this so variable organ. An approximation to the reptilian condition--in the absence of any special modification at the bifurcation of the bronchi-is seen in some of the struthious birds and in the American vultures. It is not clear, however, that this simplicity is not a case of the reduction rather than of the 1. On some Points in the Anatomy of Steatornis,' P. Z. S. 1873, p. 526. n RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 71 retention of a primitive character. In special cases the form of the syrinx seems to be of not little value as a mark of affinity. The peculiar syrinx of the storks, for example, distinguishes them from their near allies the herons. The stork-like syrinx of Tantalus is one of the many reasons for placing it with that family. The peculiar form of syrinx termed the 'bronchial syrinx' may seem to some to militate against the value of this organ as a test of affinity ; but, on consideration, the fact that both owls and goatsuckers possess it will not seem extraordinary in view of their other resemblances, while the cuckoos are perhaps not so widely remote from those two families as they have been placed. We may have here a clue to the relationship of these three groups of birds. The complicated (as regards musculature) syrinx of the parrots is so far an indication of affinity with certain Passeres. The systematic position of the parrots is by no means clearly defined, and therefore this indication of a possible affinity must not be ignored. : The Lungs and Air Sacs.—The lungs of birds never depend freely in the colom, as is the case with most reptiles. They are closely fixed to the parietes, and covered with a thin and transparent aponeurosis, which is the peritoneum. So closely are they adpressed to the body walls that when they are carefully removed by dissection an impress of the ribs is to be seen upon their dorsal and lateral surfaces. An approach to this peculiar position of the lungs in Aves is to be seen in the crocodilia and to a less extent in the Chelonia and Monitor lizards. In these animals the lungs are bound down to the parietes, and do not hang freely, as in the Lacertilia generally and in the mammalia. The lungs in birds occupy the space between the first rib in front and the anterior end of the kidney behind. They nearly meet in the middle line. Seen from below, when left undisturbed in the body, only the adjacent structures being cleared away, the lungs present two facets, an anterior and a posterior; the latter is divided from the former by.a ridge which does not divide the lung into two equal halves. The anterior is considerably the smaller. 72 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS When the lung is thus bared it is seen to be provided with a number of conspicuous orifices where the covering aponeurosis is deficient; these are termed the ostia, and they lead into the air sacs. Their number is variable in correspondence with the variability in the number of air sacs. The free surface of the lung is supplied with bands of muscle, which have been termed diaphragm, but which are called. by HUXLEY? costo-pulmonary muscles. These muscles arise from the ribs and spread out over the aponeu- rosis covering the lung; they are, as a rule, extensive, extending but a short distance from their origin. The number of these costo-pulmonary muscles varies much among birds ; but little attention has been hitherto paid to them. For instance, among the storks the muscles in question are reduced to a minimum; there are only two pairs at the anterior end of the lung, which arise not from ribs, but from the end of the windpipe. In herons, on the other hand, and in the emu, all the ribs bordering upon the lungs give off fasciculi of fibres, which in the emu are of considerable thickness. Each bronchus enters the lung at a little distance from its anterior end, and sometimes, as in the condor, the cartilaginous rings cease some little way before it enters. The bronchus dilates somewhat when it has entered the lung, and from the posterior end of this dilatation a tube is continued backwards, which opens into the posterior or abdominal air sac. This trunk is termed by HUXLEY the mesobronchium. Further on in its course the mesobronchium gives off another branch, which opens into the posterior intermediate air sacs (a description of the air sacs will be found a little further on). From the dilatation of the mesobronchium, the vestibule, arise four other tubes, which are called the entobronchia by HUXLEY (whose nomenclature is adopted throughout in the present section). The first curves forward and gives off several branches, one of which opens into the præbronchial air sac, while the main trunk is continued into the subbronchial air sac. The second entobronchium passes dorsally and 1. On the Respiratory Organs of Apteryx,' P. Z. S. 1882. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 13 ramifies, a wide branch descending to the subbronchial ostium. The third entobronchium runs backwards and, gives off a number of branches. Close to its origin from the bronchus it opens into the anterior intermediate air sac by the anterior intermediate ostium. . The fourth ento- bronchium runs parallel with this; it gives off branches from its ventral wall, but ends cæcally. In addition to the entobronchia there are the ectobronchia. These are six or seven branches given off laterally and dorsally from the mesobronchium. These various bronchia are in communi- cation with each other, so that the substance of the lung is a meshwork. As a rule there are ten air sacs in birds, which are arranged in five pairs, five, in fact, arising from each lung. In front of the windpipe are the præbronchial air 'sacs; below the trachea are the subbronchial air sacs; the oblique septa, which have been described elsewhere (p. 38), enclose, in the duck and all other birds except the Apteryx, two air sacs, the anterior and posterior intermediate sacs. The abdominal air sacs lie among the intestines, and are fed by an ostium which is at the extreme posterior end of the lung; they have been, as HUXLEY has expressed it, pushed out from the space enclosed by the oblique septa like a hernia. In Apteryx, quite exceptionally, these air sacs are not so pushed out, but lie within the area enclosed by the oblique septa. The only differences that have been noticed in birds, apart from those that have been already mentioned, appear to consist in the number of the intermediate air sacs and in the condition of the præbronchial. WELDON' has described the breaking up of the præbronchial in the storks into a number of sacs, at least five in number, and the complete fusion of the subbronchial sacs into a single one. The breaking up of the præbronchial sacs is carried to a more complete extent in Chauna. In some birds there are three instead of two intermediate air sacs. I have observed this in Podargus. In many Accipitres the abdominal air sacs are "On some points in the Anatomy of Phoenicopterus and its Allies,'P.Z.S. 1883, p. 640. 74 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 07 ULUI peculiar in that one of the walls of the sacs has got to be firmly adherent to the ventral parietes, and the walls of the two sacs enclose between them the intestines, which have thus the appearance of being enclosed in a special compart- ment of the coelom. In one or two Accipitres there is the same subdivision of the intermediate air sacs that I have referred to in Podargus. These air sacs communicate with subsidiary spaces lying among the viscera, between the muscles, in the skin (particularly in Chauna and several Steganopodes), and with the bones. The skull, however, is aerated by a set of spaces which are not connected with the trachea and lungs, but with the Eustachian tubes and the nasal chambers. : The literature relating to the lungs and air sacs is large. In addition to the memoirs already quoted the following bear upon the matter :- . F. BIGNON, "Sur les Cellules Aériennes du Crâne,' &c., C. R. Soc. Biol. 1887, p. 36. Idem, “Recherches sur les Cavités Aériennes Cervico- céphaliques chez les Psitacidés,' Bull. Soc. Zool. France, xiii. 1888, p. 180. Idem, Note sur les Réservoirs Aériens de l'Urubu (Cathartes atra),' C. R. Soc. Biol. (9), i. 1889, p. 39. Idem, “Contribution à l'Etude de la Pneumaticité,' &c., Mém. Soc. Zool. France, ii. 1889, p. 260. MILNE-EDWARDS, Observations sur l'Appareil Respira- toire de quelques Oiseaux,' Ann. Sci. Nat. (5), iii. 1865, p. 137, and ibid. 1867, p. 12. Idem, 'Sur les Sacs Respiratoires du Calao rhinoceros,' C. R. 1885, p. 833. E. FICALBI, “Alcune ricerche sulla struttura istologica delle sacche aerifere,' &c., Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. (vi. 1885, p. 249). H. FILHOL, 'Sur la Constitution du Diaphragme des Eudyptes,' Bull. Soc. Philom. (7), vi. 1882, p. 235. N. GUILLOT, · Mémoire sur l’Appareil de la Respiration dans les Oiseaux,' Ann. Sci. Nat. (3), v. 1846, p. 25. E. SELENKA, 'Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeshcichte d. U RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Luftsäcke des Huhns,' Zeitsch. wiss. Zool. xvi. 1866, p. 178. H. STRASSER, ' Die Luftsäcke der Vögel,' Morph. J.B. iii. 1877, p. 179. G. ROCHÉ, · Prolongements Intra-abdominaux des Réser- voirs Cervicaux chez l'Autruche,' Bull. Soc. Philom. (8), i. 1889, p. 111. Idem, •Sur l'Appareil Aérifère des Oiseaux,' ibid. (8), ii. 1890, p. 5. Idem, 'Contribution à l'Etude de l'Anatomie Comparée des Réservoirs Aériens d'Origine Pulmonaire, chez les Oiseaux,' Ann. Sci. Nat, (7), xi. 1891. H. BOULART, ‘Note sur un Système particulier de Sacs Aériens observés chez quelques Oiseaux,' Journ. de l'Anat. et Phys. xviii. 1882, p. 467.. Idem, 'Note sur les Sacs Aériens Cervicaux du Tantale,' Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. 1885, p. 348. Other references are contained in the paper of HUXLEY upon the lungs and air sacs of Apteryx, already quoted. Muscular Anatomy The most general feature of the muscles of birds is the great length of their tendons of insertion ; the tendency of For memoirs dealing with the muscular anatomy of several types see CARUS, · Erläuterungstafeln zur vergl. Anat.,' Leipzig, 1826 (Astur, Falco, Cypselus); P. HARTING, Observations sur l'Etendue relative des Ailes et le Poids des Muscles Pectoraux,' &c., Arch. Néerl. Sci. Exact. et Nat. iv. 1869, p. 33; S. HAUGHTON, 'On the Comparative Myology of Certain Birds,' P. R. Irish Ac. 1867, p. 524 (Falco, Grus, Anas); G. JAEGER, “ Das Os humero-scapu- lare der Vögel,' J.B. K. Akad. Wiss. xxiii. 1857, p. 387; LEGAL and REICHEL, Über die Beziehungen der Grösse der Flugmusk.,' &c., Ber. schles. Ges. *1879; H. J. MAGNUS, 'De musculis costarum sternique avium,' Diss. Inaug. Vratislaviæ, 1867, and in Arch. f. Arat., 1869; H. PFEIFFER, "Zur verglei- chenden Anatomie des Schultergerüstes,' &c., Diss. Inaug. Giessen, 1854; J. J. PRECHTL, Untersuchungen über den Flug der Vögel,' Vienna, 1846 ; QUENNERSTEDT, 'Studier i Foglarnas Anatomi,' Lund's Univ. Ansskr. ix. 1872, p. 4; N. RÜDINGER, 'Die Muskeln der vorderen Extremitäten,' &c., Nat. Verh. Holland. Maatsch. Wet., 1868; C. J. SUNDEVALL, in K. Vet. Akad. Förh. 1843, p. 303, and Förl. Skandin. Naturf. 1851 ; G. ALIX, Sur les Muscles Fléchisseurs des Orteils,' &C., Bull. Soc. Philom. xi. 1874, p. 28, and Essai sur l'Appareil Locomoteur des Oiseaux, Paris, 1874. *VL 76 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS CU this is to mass the fleshy and heavy parts of the muscle about the centre of gravity of the body, a desideratum for a flying animal. This peculiarity of the muscular system is especially well seen in the muscles of the leg. The muscular system of birds is remarkably constant for the species, the number of variations being apparently, comparatively speak- ing, but slight. It is true that in but few cases has a large number of individuals been carefully dissected; but of a good many species, on the other hand, have three, four, or even more individuals been dissected from the point of view of the relations or presence of a particular muscle or muscles. The muscular system too is apt to be very constant for a given genus or even a larger division. A glance at the systematic part of this work will show how trifling are the variations even between families in some cases. All these facts lead to the inference that the muscular system in birds is of very considerable value for classificatory purposes. GARROD, FORBES, and FÜRBRINGER are the three anatomists who have laid greatest weight upon the muscular system as an index of affinity. It is, thinks Professor FÜRBRINGER, the muscles of the anterior extremity which have the greatest value of any part of the muscular system. The wing is an organ which is used in much the same way by all birds in which it is properly developed. On the other hand the uses of the muscles of the leg are manifold ; we have hopping birds, climbing birds, perching birds, swimming birds, &c. &c. Nevertheless GADOW is inclined to think (with GARROD) that they are the most important. The existing knowledge of the muscles of birds is mainly confined to the muscles of the leg and of the fore limb, a knowledge which we owe almost entirely to GARROD and FÜRBRINGER, many other anatomists having, of course, filled up many details. Less is known about the muscles of the head, neck, trunk, and hyoid region. It is curious, indeed, how very few birds have been at all thoroughly dissected. Apart from the detailed account of Apteryx by Sir RICHARD OWEN, and of less comprehensive memoirs by COUES on the diver, by MORRISON WATSON MUSCULAR ANATOMY on the penguin, we have only two recent memoirs which contain anything like a complete account of the muscular structure of a given type. These are the book upon Corvus corax by SHUFELDT and a paper by CHALMERS MITCHELL and myself upon Palamedea. The most comprehensive general account of bird muscles is unquestionably that of GADOW in Bronn's Thierreich.' I shall base the following account of avian musculature largely upon the last-men- tioned work, adding to it only such details as were inacces- sible to GADOW at the time of its publication. The muscles known to vary will naturally be treated at greater length than those of whose comparative structure but little is registered. GADOW allows altogether 112 separate muscles and sets of muscles like those of the ribs, arranged in a serially homologous row. Some of these are, however, divided again. Of these, so far as we know at present, the following are of the greatest systematicimportance, as present- ing really considerable variations even to disappearance : Gluteus maximus, gl. anterior. Obturator internus. Femorocaudal and accessory femorocaudal. Ambiens. Semitendinosus and accessory semitendinosus. Biceps femoris. Semimembranosus. Flexores profundi hallucis et digitorum. Peronei. Tibialis anticus. Pectoralis primus, p. secundus. Deltoid. Patagialis. Biceps. A12c0ncus. Expansor secundariorum. Cucullaris propatagialis. The value of muscles in classification has been highly rated by many ornithologists, especially, of course, by GARROD, FORBES, and FÜRBRINGER. It is, however, only a comparatively small number 78 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS of the total series of muscles in the body that can be trusted much as evidence of affinity. The ambicns is unquestionably of value as it is found or not found, as the case may be, through whole groups whose mode of progression when walking or climbing is as different as can be. Its total absence from all picarian and passerine birds is a fact upon which I comment elsewhere. There are very few groups in which the ambiens may be present or absent, and in those cases it is often reasonable to separate as distinct families the genera which have it from those which have it not. This cannot, perhaps, be done in every case. Some storks, such as Abdimia, have no ambiens, while the majority have it. There are auks with and auks without this muscle. The same may be said. of petrels, parrots, and pigeons. Rhynchops, the only larine bird without an ambiens, may be, perhaps, rightly elevated to the dis- tinction of a separate family. These examples, however, are so few that they may be compared to such singular exceptions as the absence of the odontophore in the nudibranch Doriopsis, which does not in the opinion of any one invalidate the great importance of that structure in arranging the mollusca. In estimating the value of the ambiens the facts of its total or apparently partial suppression, referred to below, must be borne in mind. The entire absence of all trace of the muscle in the owls shows that they are not necessarily to be placed in the neighbourhood of the parrots, in which the muscle, when absent, has left traces behind. YU Muscles of the Fore Limb Pectoralis Primus.--This muscle consists of two parts, the thoracic part, arising from the sternum, and an abdominal portion, arising from the pelvis. The latter portion, well developed in lower vertebrates, is slight in birds, and is often completely absent. The pectoralis thoracicus arises from the sternum, the clavicles, and intermediate membranes ; it is inserted on to the humerus. In ratite birds there is no origin from clavicles, but, on the other hand, an origin from cora- coids not present in carinates. There is frequently an intimate connection between the pectoral near its insertion and the tendon of origin of biceps. The pectoralis is frequently divided into two portions, the mode of division being twofold. In Apteryx the coracoidal portion is separate from the sternal, a state of affairs which recalls some of the lower vertebrates; MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB 79 in others the pectoral is divided into a superficial and deeper layer. In many Ciconiiformes' this is the case. The pectoral, in all birds except the ratites, gives off one or two branches to the patagium. The branch has been termed the pectoralis propatagialis. There are either two separate muscles split off from the surface of the pectoral (as in Nisus); the tendon of one going to the tendon of the tensor patagii longus, that of the other to the tensor patagii brevis; or (Podargus) there is but one muscle which divides into two tendons; or the origins of the two tendons are separate, one of them commencing with a special muscle, the other arising as a tendon from the surface of the pectoralis ; or both may be tendinous in origin. Finally, there is in tinamous and gallinaceous birds (some) a special 'propatagialis posticus,' joining with its tendon that of the other muscle. The pectoralis abdominalis, totally absent in nearly all ratites, in storks, various hawks, &c., is divisible into two parts, of which one or other is sometimes wanting. The pars posterior springs from the pelvis and adjacent fasciæ; it ends in front freely or comes into more or less close relations with the pars anterior. In Anseres, for example, the two form one con- tinuous band of muscle, their boundaries being simply marked by a slight tendinous inscription. The pars anterior arises from the skin close to the termination of the last, or is, as already mentioned, continuous with it; it generally ends upon the humerus, near or in common with the insertion of the main part of the pectoral. In a few birds (quite remote from each other in the system, Pelėčanus, Chaundi, Cathartes) the terminal tendon is lost in the axillary region; a more remarkable modification, possibly of classificatory importance, is described later in Crypturus. In a variety of birds there is a slip from this muscle to the metapatagium. Latissimus Dorsi.—This muscle is divided by FÜRBRIN- GER into three sections- (1) L. d. anterior. (2) L. di posterior. (3) L. d. metapatagialis and dorso-cutaneus. The first-named muscle is totally wanting in Apteryx and LO 80 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Alcedo bengalensis. It arises in other birds from the spinal processes of a varying number of cervical and dorsal vertebræ. The narrowest area of origin is seen in Alcedo, Macrochires, and various passerines, where it embraces at most a single vertebra. In other birds it may arise from as many as four and a half vertebræ. The broad fleshy or tendinous, or partly fleshy and partly tendinous, insertion varies in width. : The second division is entirely wanting in Otis, Pterocles, many passerines, &c. It arises from the spinous processes of posterior dorsal vertebra, ilium, and even adjacent ribs. Its origin is usually widely separated from that of anterior ; but there are various intermediate conditions which culminate in the cuckoos, Macrochires, and some other birds, where the two muscles form one, with, however (save in Cypselus), separate insertions. The insertion of this muscle is by a slender tendon in front of that of the latissimus dorsi anterior. The latissimi dorsi metapatagialis and dorso-cutaneus are two slips running to the metapatagium and the neck region of the skin respectively. They are not often both present, but are in Apteryx, Charadridæ, Alcidæ, and some gallinaceous birds. They are both absent in ratites (excl. Apteryx), Macrochires, Colii, Bucerotidæ, &c. The dorso- cutaneus is the rarest, and apart from the instances mentioned is found only in the Cracidæ, piciform birds, and passerines. Cucullaris.--This is an extensive muscle occupying the greater part of the neck. The only muscle superficial to it is the sphinctor colli. It has two main divisions. The pars cranialis arises from the region of the occipital and the squamosal; in many birds of the most diverse orders) a branch is given off from this (the dorso-cutaneus), which ends on the back below the spinal pterylon, whose feathers it raises. The main part of the muscle ends upon the clavicle, or sternum, or ligaments in the neighbourhood. In some birds a part of the fibres . end upon the fascia covering the pectoralis primus, and in those with a crop some of the deeper fibres come into relation with that i Not in 4. ispida. . ILI MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB ta organ, forming a levator ingluviei. A portion of the cucullaris also directs itself towards the patagium, and in most Passeres and in parrots, Pici, and Upupa forms a special cucullaris propatagialis, joining the tensor longus tendon. The pars cervicalis of the cucullaris arises from the dorsal edge of the neck, and is inserted near or in common with the other part. In many birds (e.g. Anseres) a slip is given off from this which supplies the humeral pterylon. It is termed the cucul- làris dorso-cutaneus. Rhomboideus Externus.—This muscle arises tendinously, the width of the tendinous part being about the same as that of the muscular part, from the last cervical and from the dorsal vertebræ ; it is inserted fleshily along the whole length of the scapula. The muscle varies but slightly; the origin is more or less extensive, and the vertebræ from which it arises are not always the same. Its insertion is not always limited to the scapula, but sometimes extends on to the furcula. In Casuarius and Apteryx the muscle arises from the ribs. :: Rhomboideus Profundus.—This muscle also arises ten- dinously from the neural spines of the dorsal vertebræ, or from both dorsal and cervical. Its origin sometimes extends as far back as to the ilium. It is inserted into the scapula below the last. In Casuarius and Apteryx this muscle arises from the ribs. The rhomboideus profundus is occasionally divided into two distinct parts; in Megalæma there are three distinct divisions. Serratus Superficialis.—This muscle is divided by FÜR- BRINGER into three parts, of which two are always present, while the third is sometimes absent. This is the pars métapatagialis. The pars anterior arises from one or more ribs on the boundary line between the cervical and dorsal series. It is attached to the scapula along the ventral border, but, quite exceptionally, in Rhea on to the dorsal border. The pars posterior springs from a varying number of dorsal ribs, and in several birds (e.g. Rhamphastos) it, with the pars anterior, which can hardly be separated as a distinct muscle, springs from a considerable number of ribs-five in the case referred to. LE LU 82 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS It has generally a broadish insertion on to the scapula, but in Meiglyptes, many Passeres, &c., it is attached merely to the extremity of that bone. The pars metapatagialis is absent in ratites (except Apteryx), humming birds, and a few others. It springs from 1-4 ribs, and is inserted on to the meta- patagium. Serratus Profundus.—This muscle is highly developed in Struthio and Casuarius, less so in other struthious birds and in the Carinates. It arises from a variable number of cervical and dorsal ribs, and it passes backwards in the contrary direction, therefore, to the serratus superficialis) to be inserted on to the scapula. Patagialis.!—This muscle, concerned with the folding of the patagial membrane, is present in all birds except the struthious. It arises from the clavicle and from the tip of the scapula, is sometimes divided into two muscles from the start, and sometimes arises as a single muscle, which immediately divides into two tendons, the tensor patagii longus and the tensor patagii brevis. Exceptionally the former may be absent. In a specimen of Crex pratensis the representative of tensor patagii longus was found by GARROD to be simply the biceps slip, a muscle that will be treated of presently.. The size and importance of this muscle vary considerably; it is largest in the parrots, where, indeed, it is uncertain whether a part of the deltoid has not been converted to a similar function. This matter, however, is dealt with under the description of that family. The tensor patagii longus always ends in a single tendon which runs along the anterior margin of the patagium and is inserted on to the metacarpal. It is usual for the middle part of this tendon to be of a more fibroid character and of a yellowish colour, contrasting with the steely and typically tendinous aspect of the other tendons arising from the tensores. Very commonly the entire tensor muscle is. ralis, and sometimes there is a separate slip to each of the ! G. BUCHET, ^ Première Note sur l'Appareil Tenseur,' &c., C. R. Soc. Biol.. 1988, p. 328. MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB 83 two tensores. It is also very general for one of the two tendons, or for both before their division, to be attached by a tendinous slip to the deltoid crest of the humerus. The tensores patagii are of considerable use in classification. But it must be admitted that they are apt to vary greatly from genus to genus. The variations chiefly concern the more or less complicated condition of the tendons of the brevis. The simplest condition is seen, e.g., in Rhamphastos Cuvieri, where the tendon is single and is attached below to the tendon of origin of the extensor metacarpi radialis. A further degree of complication is seen in, e.g., a cuckoo, where the single tendon gives off, near to the fore arm, a slip running obliquely wristwards, which is attached to the tendon of the extensor metacarpi radialis. In the limicolous birds the main tendon is usually divided from the first into two, of which the anterior has the wristward slip, already referred to; in those birds and many others there is the further complication of a band of tendinous fibres which arise at the junction of the wristward slip with the fore arm, and pass obliquely forwards and upwards to be inserted on to the tendon of the longus. This slip is termed, in the following pages, the 'patagial fan ;' it is frequently of a fanlike form. The tendon of the tensor patagii brevis has not always the regular form that it has in the types that have been already selected for illustration. In the tinamou, Rhynchotus, for instance, the tendon is a diffuse fascia spreading out over the greater part of the patagial membrane; in other birds, e.g. storks, it is a broad, rather diffuse band, as a rule with a thicker edge or edges. A peculiar condition of the tendons of the brevis characterises the auks, some gulls, and at least one limicolous bird. In them (see below) one or two delicate tendons arise from the longus tendon near to the insertion thereon of the patagial fan, and run obliquely backwards and downwards to be attached on to the dorsal surface of the fore arm—the reverse side, that is to say, to that to which the other tendons which together make up the tensor patagii brevis are attached. In some birds, e.g. certain passerines, the tendon of the ( 2 84 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS tensor longus is reinforced by a muscular slip ending in a tendon which is derived from the cucullaris muscle. Another muscle which is also related to the patagialis in an analogous way has been termed the 'biceps slip' (9.v.) : Anconaus Longus. This muscle arises from the neck of the scapula alone, by a head which is entirely tendinous or partly muscular, or in addition from the edge of the scapula, a little further away from its junction with the coracoid, by a tendinous head. It is inserted by a broad tendon on to the mo T.P.L. - Bi -7.P.B ny N CC YO . . . . C M .. . E.C.R. py C maneno na may Y N . 1 1 . IN C ULTER 1 AV: . * i . . . - . . . . Fig. 49.–TENSORES PATAGII OF Phoenicopterus. T.P.L, tensor patagii loogus; T.P.B, tensor patagii brevis; Bi, biceps slip; E.C.R, extensor carpi radialis. (After WELDOX.) elbow joint. Sometimes there is an accessory head from the humerus, which in this case arises, as a rule, in common with the tendon of insertion of the posterior latissimus dorsi. In Palamedea this head is double, the two halves being united by cross tendinous threads. On the whole the humeral head is characteristic of GARROD's Homalogonatæ and not of the Anomalogonatæ ; but there are exceptions on both sides. The breadth of the humeral head varies greatly; it is sometimes reduced to a thin thread. MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB 85: Triceps. This muscle springs from the greater part of the humerus fleshily by two heads, of which one-that from the tuberculum minus—is often tendinous. The name triceps, be it observed, has been given to the muscle on the understanding that the last-described muscle is a part of it. Their tendons of insertion join. . Expansor Secundariorum._This extraordinary muscle appears to be partly a skin and partly a skeletal muscle. A bundle of non-striated fibres arises near the secondary feathers of the arm and ends in a tendon. This is occa- sionally reinforced by a band of striated fibres arising from beginning of ulna. The long tendon is inserted in various ways. The typical condition (termed by GARROD ciconiine?) is for it to be inserted into the middle of a liga- ment running from the scapulo-coracoid to the sterno- coracoid articulation. Other modifications occur among the gallinaceous birds (9.v.), &c. The muscle is totally absent in Struthiones, Sphenisci, Alcæ, Psittaci, the majority of Pico- Passeres, and in a few species of groups where it is usually present. Sterno-coracoideus.—This muscle, wanting only in the Macrochires, runs from the anterior lateral border of the sternum to the adjoining region of the coracoid. The muscle shows every stage between a single muscle and a completely double one. It is double, for example, in Casuarius. In one sterno-coracoid, it is the homologue (according to FÜR- BRINGER) of the deeper section of the double muscle. Scapulo-humeralis Anterior.—Runs from the beginning of the post-glenoidal region of the scapula to the beginning of the dorsal surface of the humerus. It is a muscle which is frequently absent. FÜRBRINGER failed to find it in Struthiones, Sphenisci, Fregata, Chauna, Columbæ, Pterocles, Chunga, Bucorvus, &c. Scapulo-humeralis Posterior.--Contrary to the last this is a large muscle and is never absent. It arises from the I GARROD, “On the Anatomy of Chauna derbiana,' &c., P. Z. $. 1876 p. 193, &c. . 86 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS hinder part of the scapula and runs to the humerus, where it is inserted on to the tuberculum mediale. Coraco-brachialis Externus. This muscle, which is. relatively larger in the struthious birds, runs from the coracoid to the beginning of the planum bicipitale' of the humerus, where it is generally covered by the tendon of the biceps. It is noteworthy that among carinate birds this muscle is largest in the tinamous, which thus approach the ostrich tribe. It is most reduced in the Passeres, in some of which, indeed, it has actually disappeared. Coraco-brachialis Internus.— Springs from the coracoid and often from neighbouring parts of sternum. It is inserted on to the median tubercle of the humerus. Pectoralis II.-This muscle arises from the ventral surface of the sternum, from the coracoid, and from the coraco-clavicular membrane. It is inserted by a long tendon of attachment to the lateral tubercle of the humerus. The muscle is small in ratites, large in carinates. Deltoides Major.–Arises from the acromion and the dorsal part of the clavicle, and is inserted on to the deltoid crest of the humerus. The muscle and the length of its attachment vary much in size. It is large in Accipitres, Passeres, &c., small in Alcæ, Psittaci, &c. It appears, indeed, to be absent in Psittacula. Deltoides Minor.—This is a small muscle passing from the neighbourhood of the foramen triosseum. It is absent in Phaëthornis and occasionally) in Cypselus. It is also absent in Struthiones. Biceps. This muscle consists typically of two heads, as its name denotes. The longer of these arises from the coracoid by a long tendon. The second head arises also tendinously from the head of the humerus. The insertion of the muscle is double, on to the radius and the ulna. The division commences at a varying distance from the actual insertion. In the penguins this muscle is totally absent. In Colymbus, Pelecanoides, Thalassiarche, and other petrels, in some Alcidæ, the coracoid head alone is present, the humeral MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB 87 : 21 I head being in some of these birds entirely diverted to form the biceps slip to the patagialis (q.v.) The coracoidal head, when it exists alone, may be divided into two quite separate muscles, uniting only at their very origin. This is the case with certain Alcidæ. This division of the coracoidal half of the muscle also exists in the Laridæ and in certain Limicolæ, where there is a humeral head present also. In the Stega- nopodes both heads are present, but the humeral head after its attachment to humerus is continued on to the coracoid. A trace of this arrangement is apparently left in some birds (e.g. Porphyrio), where, though the humeral head arises from the humerus only, a ligament passes on from that part to the coracoid. Brachialis Inferior.—A flat fleshy muscle arising from the distal part of the humerus, and inserted upon the ulna. In the penguins (where the biceps is absent) this muscle is particularly large, and is inserted on to the radius. Pronator Sublimis.--This muscle springs tendinously from the inner condyle of the humerus and is inserted fleshily, and for a varying distance in various birds, upon the second third to second eighth of the radius. Pronator Profundus.--This muscle lies deep of the last, but has a similar origin and insertion. In the Ratitæ this muscle and the last form a single muscle. Entepicondylo-ulnaris.—This muscle, found apparently only in Galli and Tinami, arises in common with the pro- nator profundus, and is inserted on to the ulna. Ectepicondylo-radialis.-This muscle arises tendinously from the outer condyle of the humerus and is inserted fleshily on to the radius. It appears to be wanting in the penguins, and to be largest in the Galli. Ectepicondylo-ulnaris.--This muscle arises from the outer condyle of the humerus, and is inserted similarly to the last upon the ulna. Its insertion is fleshy, and in Palamedea it is larger than the last. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris.-This arises from the inner con- dyle of the humerus by a strong tendon, in which there is a well-marked sesamoid ; it runs down the inner side of the CU U 88 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS: ulna to be inserted on to the great tuberosity of the ulnar çarpal bone. A thin muscle arising from it passes into a tendon which is connected with the secondary feathers. The above refers to Palamedea. In penguins the entire muscle is represented by a tendon only. Extensor Digitorum Communis. ---Arises from the external condyle of humerus. It splits on the hand into two tendons, of which one is inserted on to the basis of the first phalanx of digit I., the other on to the corresponding phalanx of digit II. In Struthio the first of the two tendons is wanting. In the penguins the muscle is represented only by a tendon which is inserted on to the outer side of metacarpale II. and on to the basis of the first phalanx of that digit.. Extensor Longus Pollicis.-This muscle arises from the proximal region of both radius and ulna. The common tendon is inserted on to the origin of metacarpale I. Extensor Indicis Longus.—This muscle is two-headed. The longer head arises from the radius from its miadle two- thirds, but sometimes also receives a few fibres from the ulna; the second much shorter head springs either from the distal end of the radius or from the os carpi radiale, or finally from the basis of metacarpale II.; the united tendons are inserted on to the head of the first and the basis of the second phalanx of digit II. The second head is absent in Fulica and in some other birds. Interosseus Dorsalis.--This muscle arises fleshily from the opposed surfaces of metacarpals II. and III. The common tendon is inserted on to the base of the second phalanx of the second digit. Interosseus Palmaris.-Has an origin from the same metacarpals as the last and is inserted on to the first phalanx of digit II. Ülni-metacarpalis Ventralis. - It arises fleshily from the radial face of the last quarter of the ulna, and is inserted on to the head of the first metacarpal. Ulni-metacarpalis Dorsalis.—This springs by a tendon from the distal region of the ulna, and has an insertion upon the third metacarpal. MUSCLES OF THE FORE LIMB 89 : 7 Extensor Metacarpi. Ulnaris.—Springs from the external condyle of the humerus. There is generally a second head, which, instead of being tendinous, is fleshy and rises from the humerus a little below the first head. The tendons in which the two end do not join until a little before their insertion on to the base of the metacarpal of digit I. The degree of separation of the two heads differs considerably. In the penguins only one head is present. Flexor Digitorum Sublimis. From the internal condyle of humerus to os carpi ulnare is a strong aponeurotic fascia, from the distal end of which springs the muscle in question, to be inserted on to phalanx I. of digit II. In Palamedea Mr. MITCHELL and I traced the tendon to the base of the second phalanx of the same digit. In Psittacus and Columba the tendon has the same extension. In Struthio the muscle is entirely absent. Flexor Digitorum Profundus.-This springs from the middle and proximal third of the ulna, and is inserted on to the basis of the second phalanx of the second digit. In Corviis, &c., the muscle is two-headed, the two heads being separated by the insertion of the brachialis internus. In other birds the extent of the origin varies. · Abductor Indicis.-From metacarpal II. to basis of phalanx I. of digit II. In Palamedea it also arises from the flexor pollicis. Flexor Pollicis.-From metacarpal I. to thumb phalanx. In Palamedea its fleshy belly gives rise to a slip which passes to the abductor indicis. Adductor Pollicis.---In Palamedea it arises from the meta- carpal just beyond the articulation of the thumb; it ends in the ala spuria and not on the thumb bone. In some Extensor Pollicis Brevis.—This muscle arises fleshily from the second metacarpal. It is inserted on to the phalanx of the-thumb. Abductor Pollicis.-This muscle arises from metacarpal I. and passes to phalanx of same digit. 90 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Flexor Digiti III.–Arises from metacarpal III. and is inserted on to basis of phalanx I. of same digit.. Flexor Metacarpi Radialis. This muscle arises from the outer condyle and is inserted on to the ulnar border of metacarpal II. or on to the beginning of metacarpal III. Muscles of the Hind Limb Sartorius. This is a broad strap-shaped muscle arising from the ilium and from the fascia covering the glutæus maximus; it is inserted on to the ligament containing the patella, and on to the crest of the tibia. The muscle has an origin which sometimes extends further forwards, and is then overlapped by the latissimus dorsi. Sometimes, on the other hand, its insertion moves further back. In Phoenicopterus the muscle is divided into three distinct portions. - Gluteus Maximus. 2_ This often large muscle was used by GARROD 3 in his muscular classificatory scheme, and at first termed the tensor fasciæ. It has an origin which is sometimes entirely in front of the acetabulum, and some- times extends behind it. It arises tendinously from the fascia covering the glutæus medius, and from the ridge of the ilium; its insertion is tendinous on to fascia covering thigh. Glutæus Anterior. 4—This muscle arises from the ridge of the ilium below the last, by which it is entirely covered; it is inserted by a tendon on to the outer face of the thigh. The most remarkable modification which this muscle under- goes is its entire conversion into tendon in Bucorvus, &c., in which birds it comes to be merely a thigh ligament. Gluteus Medius:5_-This arises fleshily from the ilium, and is inserted by a short strong tendon on to head of femur. 1. Ilio-tibialis internus' (GADOW). ? • Ilio-tibialis externus' (GADOW). 3. On certain Muscles of the Thigh of Birds,' &c., P. Z. S. 1873, p. 626, and 1874, p. 111. 4 Ilio-femoralis externus' (Gadow). 5 Ilio-trochantericus medius et posterior' (GADOW). MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 91 Gluteus Quartus. —This is a small muscle lying at its insertion between that just described and that about to be described. Gluteus Minimus.2—This muscle is also small, and UULILLO GLUTE GLUT.4.-es A NO GLUT. 3 GLUT.PANT- & CRUREUS SEMITENDO nn III MPIUTTON 1 . GTE A OBO INTERN. YA VASTS & CRU . FEMUR. TERRELL na VITY LOS Vid PS . . .... . OBD.INFO : .. .... . . AMBIENS 107 . V . . . . . NO V 2 . . BICEPS FEMO CAUO YA . 11 . Wo0rb 01.id V . . 1 . . . AN LONGE HALLE . COXOX www I I www 1 A- A ON DA 2 ca f . JMY A TIBIA S 77 FLEX. 2 o! I. _FLEXOR 1.0F HIL DIGIT. . FLEX of I, FLEX ) OP u U FLEX? 2 of II. FLEX, COMM FIG. 50.—MUSCLES OF LEG OF Palamedea, OUTER VIEW (AFTER BEDDARI) AND MITCHELL). arising from the ilium is inserted next to the last on to the neck of the femur. Pectineus. 3- This is a smallish muscle arising below the I 'Ilio-trochantericus medius et posterior ’ (Gadow). ? • Ilio-trochantericus anterior' (GADOW). 3. Ilio-femoralis internus' (GADOW). 92 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS origin of the glutæus quartus and inserted on to the inner face of the femur below the head. Vastus Externus.!—This arises fleshily along the greater part of the outer side of the shaft of the femur; it is fused with the crureus in front, and ends with it upon the patellar ligament. Crureus.!—This is tendinous on the outer surface at its origin from the neck of the femur; it also arises from a considerable part of the shaft of the femur and is inserted as has already been described. Vastus Internus.l.-- This arises from the inner surface of the shaft of the femur and is inserted on to the tibia along with the tibial insertion of the sartorius. Obturator Externus. 2- This is a small deep-lying muscle, which arises from the ischium or the ilium, or even partly from the pubis ; it is inserted on to the trochanter. Obturator Internus.3—This muscle arises from the mem- brana obturatoria and from the ischium. It is inserted on to head of femur. GARROD 4 laid some classificatory stress upon the shape of this muscle, oval or triangular. Gemellus.5—This is a small fleshy muscle, double or single, surrounding the tendon of insertion of the last. Semitendinosus.6-In Palamedea this muscle arises fleshily from the ilium behind the biceps; it is half an inch broad, and, after being joined by the small accessory which springs from the femur near its distal end, sends a flat tendinous slip to the semimembranosus. The rest of the tendon of the muscle joins the middle head of the gastrocnemius. The muscle shows considerable variations in its attachments and size. It is completely absent in the owls, hawks, and swifts. The accessory head is absent in kingfishers, many Stegano- podes, Colymbus, &c. 1. Femori-tibialis' (GADOW). ? «Ischio-femoralis' (GADOW). 3 Obturator' (GADOW). 1. On the Anatomy of Chauna derbiana,' &c., P. Z. S. 1876, p. 195. 5. Accessorii musculi obturatoris' (GADOW). 6 'Caud-ilio-flexorius' (GADOW). MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 2 .0 Femorocaudal."This is another of the variable muscles of the thigh. Typically the muscle is two-headed, one head arising from the transverse processes of the caudal vertebræ, the other (termed by GARROD accessory femorocaudal) from the ilium. The two are inserted together upon the flexor side of the femur, as a rule by a longish tendon. The variations culminate in the entire absence of the muscle, which occurs in Chunga Burmeisteri and Leptoptilus. In some species--for example, in most Passeres and picarian birds--the caudal portion is alone present. In others—e.g.in Serpentarius, Otis, Phænicopterus, the iliac portion is alone present. Biceps Femoris.2_-This muscle is covered externally by the glutæus maximus where this is present; otherwise it is the most superficial of the flexors of the leg. It arises from the postacetabular region of the ilium, and ends in a strong, generally round, tendon, which passes through a sling of tendon which is derived from the femur independently, and from the same bone in common with one of the heads of the gastrocnemius, to be inserted on to the fibula. The principal variations of the muscle concern its more or less extensive origin. It has never been known to be absent. In Cory- thaix GADOW states that it is double. In the ostrich and in the ducks and swans there is the usual sling, but before entering the sling the biceps gives off a branch, which joins one of the heads of the gastrocnemius. In Fregata and in some swifts quite exceptionally the sling is totally absent, but the muscle has the usual insertion. In certain auks the muscle gives off, before entering the biceps sling, a branch to the thigh superficially. In Podica senegalensis the muscle divides into three branches. The first of these has a considerable superficial attachment to the outside of the leg; the second is attached to the fibula below the attach- ment of the third insertion, which is the normal one, through a sling. In Heliornis only the first and third of these are present. i Caud-ilio-femoralis' (GADOW). . ? Ilio-fibularis' (GADOW). . / 94 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Semimembranosus. — Arises from the ischium, sometimes trenching a little upon the pubis. It is inserted upon the tibia. The variations which it shows are mainly of size. In Phænicopterus it is two-headed, and in certain Falconidæ . . SARTORIUS .. VAST . . INTERN, . . os - 4 www W1111111 BICEP X : TI . 1 UN mond w Vio 1 .. U www . . . | . . ...... . . . .. . . .. . .. . . w ww. ch . V . wewe SOLLUS EINIMUMA . FLEXR HALLS FLEXSPERPORANS. Fig. 51.-LEG MUSCLES OF Palamedea, INNER VIEW (ATTER BEDDARD AND MITCHELL), ILLUSTRATING BICEPS AND ITS SLING. completely double. It is often inserted in common with the semitendinosus. Adductors.2—These are, as a rule, two broad, flat, fleshy bands, which arise from the pubis, and from the ischium, and are inserted upon the inner edge of the femur. The separation between the two parts is less in some birds than 'Ischio-flexorius' (GADOW). ? • Pub-ischio-femoralis ' (GADow). MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 95 IUC in others. There is also occasionally (e.g. hornbills) an additional attachment to the gastrocnemius. Ambiens.—This muscle, as is well known, is not present in all birds. Though the late Mr. GARROD used it largely in his scheme of classification, its mere presence or absence is not an absolute guide to the systematic rank of the bird. Broadly speaking, it is present in all the birds which GARROD called homalogonatous, or normal-kneed, and ZOO Oxu mo OX . e. . .. . W . . . . .. . ti . .. . V gastr. . WWW .. . W ... NOWY LANTAI hu net . . Femur want . 1 ttttt . .. N W - SE . 11 " serta mo anneer 1 MON ANEX Biceps . mai error > , .. WA . ... w mult S Sina WUTUA SYLWww ter" * . . wwwwww ANO TIPE into the A 01111MMIT Amo HEPS T DOW ML NOTES TI . UMA White .... .. N11 D 16. 11 ** mit pini! Other . ANA NUMA . ART wertuluinimum C meget . 1 . AX : r yang perempuan entwininni ti PE . .. W t.ee 17 Women meIn ment ullimin ..tif y creminuto 3 4 fibula Fig. 52.-LEG MUSCLES OF Balearica (AFTER MITCHELL). THE AMBIENS TENDON IS CUT. 1, flexor longus hallucis ; 2-4, flexores perforati ; 2', 3' flexores perforati et perforantes. it is absent in all the birds which were termed by him anomalogonatous, or abnormal-kneed. But there are excep- tions, at any rate on one side. Thus while the muscle is present in the storks generally it is absent from the nearly related herons, and, indeed, is absent in three storks, Xeno- whynchus, Abdimia, and Dissura. When the muscle is present it has as a rule the relations described above; but in a few birds it does not reach beyond the knee, thus showing, perhaps, an incipient disappearance. The import- Vu UUUU .96 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ance of this muscle in classification has been much increased by MITCHELL's interesting paper upon its exact relations to the flexors of the leg in a series of birds. He hàs shown that in Balearica chrysopelargus the mass of muscle which forms the flexor perforatus arises from three distinct heads; one of these is, in common with the flexor longus hallucis, from the intercondylar notch of the femur; the second is VID GLUT. 2.: LUT.3 BICEPS SART. I.. M VAST. UCRUR. - and CRUR. . . 00--GLUT. ANT. Veget ---OBD. INT. B-OBD. EXT. ADD. FEM.CAUD. and ACC.F.C. SEMI-MEM. Ontd www . e. ii . . . 1. SEMI-TEI FIB. KAMBIENS II.2. ! GASTROCN. 2. ...TIBIA II IY TL i 11 PER.2. FLEX. COM. FIG. 53.---LEG MUSCLES OF Opisthocomus (AFTER MITCHELL). II-IV, flexores perforati. UU from the outer condyle of the same bone; the third is from the tendon of the ambiens. This tendon divides into three, one for each of the three divisions of the flexor perforatus. The arrangement will be obvious from the accompanying cut. Apart from slight differences in detail the same arrangement was found to hold good for a few other birds provided with an ambiens. 1.On the Perforated Flexor Muscles in some Birds, P. Z. S. 1834, p. 495. GY 1 MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 97 7 In Nycticorax Gardeni, which has no ambiens, there is a difference in the origin of the flexors in question which is of great interest. The two origins from the femur are as in the crane. But there being no ambiens there can be no origin from that muscle. Nevertheless the third head of the flexors is present in the shape (see fig. 53) of a broad ten- dinous band arising from the fibula, which soon divides into the three tendons to the three muscles, precisely as does the tendon of the ambiens. This is highly suggestive of the rudiment of an ambiens, a suggestion which is confirmed on referring to a specimen of Opisthocomus without a fully de- veloped ambiens (fig. 53). And as the herons are birds which are presumed to be really homalogonatous birds, though they have lost the ambiens, the fact is of additional interest; particularly is this so when we compare the conditions obtaining in Nycticorax with those which characterise Corvus, a clearly anomalogonatous bird, none of whose near relatives possess an ambiens. In Corvus capellanus it was discovered that the flexors usually connected with the am- biens, or with its rudiment, had no origin from the fibula at all, and arose by only a single head from the femur. The same was practically the case with Bubo maximus, only that both femoral heads were present. Now the owls, formerly relegated to the Accipitres, are more generally looked upon as related to the picarian birds, forming, in fact, a section of the anomalogonatæ of GARROD. The state of their ambiens is entirely confirmatory of this placing. We have some evidence, therefore, that there are degrees in the disappearance of the ambiens, which, so far as the few types that have been examined enable us to say, distinctly support the division of birds into the two great divisions of GARROD. Peroneus Superficialis.—Confined as a rule to the tibia in its origin, this muscle sometimes springs also from the fibula. The tendon of insertion, after giving off a branch to the tarsus, becomes attached to the tendon of the flexor perforatus digiti III. This muscle is occasionally completely absent; this is the case with various Picopasseres, owls, &c. 98 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS In Podiceps, according to GADOW, there is no branch to the flexor tendon, the tendon of insertion ending at the ankle. Peroneus Profundus.--This muscle arises from the lower part of the tibia, and is inserted on to the outer side of the ankle. It is completely absent in such birds as Ciconia, Otis, &c. Gastrocnemius.—This great muscle occupies the greater part of the back of the leg. It has three heads, of which the outer arises from the outer condyle of the femur, and from the ligament which supports the insertion of the biceps; the inner head springs from the inner side of the head and neck of the tibia ; the middle head is confused at its origin with the insertion of the accessory femoro-caudal. This middle head appears to be wanting in Cypselus. It is inserted by a strong tendon to the tarso-metatarsus, and also, dividing, to the phalanges of the toes. Popliteus.--This muscle passes between the tibia and the fibula in most birds, but has been found to be sometimes absent (e.g. Picus, &c.) Tibialis Anticus. This muscle arises by two distinct heads. The first is entirely tendinous, and is from the external condyle of the femur. It forms a long and strong ligament, which runs over the knee; the second head is fleshy, and is from the front part of the head of the tibia. Its long tendon of insertion is attached to the metatarsal. In certain birds (Chrysotis, Podargus, and owls) the tendon and even a portion of the muscle are double. Ectensor Digitorum Communis.- This muscle arises gene- rally from the front part of the tibia only, but sometimes its fibres of origin stray on to the patella and on to the fibula. The divisions of the tendon of the muscle are usually inserted on to several phalanges of the toes, which they supply. It is remarkable that the parrots are the only birds in which this muscle supplies the hallux as well as the other toes; it is, therefore, in them, as GADOW remarks, truly an extensor communis. In other birds digits I., III., IV. (when present) are the only toes supplied. The common tendon divides in various ways; in Grus virgo the tendon divides into two, MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 99 ICU UU and each of these again divides; there are thus four tendons, of which the two middle ones supply the third toe. In Ptilonorhynchus violaceus the tendon first gives off a branch to the second toe, and then divides for the third and fourth. In Rhamphastos carinatus all three branches are given off at the same level. In Pharomacrus mocinno the extensor sup- plies only the two middle digits. In Scopus there is a slight variation of what is found in Grus, Nothura, &c. The tendon divides into three, and the middle one again divides into two, both of which latter supply the middle digit. The superficial flexors of the foot consist of— Flexor Perforatus et Perforans Indicis (fig. 51).–Arising from the outer condyle of the femur, and from the septum between itself and adjacent muscles ; its tendon is inserted on to base of second phalanx of its digit. Flexor Perforatus et Perforans Medii.--Has two heads of origin, one as in last, the other from fibula. Its tendon perforates that of flexor perforatus of the same digit, and is perforated by flexor profundus; it is inserted on to base of second phalanx (in Palameded, third in Ciconic) of its digits. Flexor Perforatus. – This muscle (see figs. 52, 53) arises from two heads, an inner head from the intercondylar notch and an outer head from the outer condyle of the femur. As will be seen from the annexed cuts, those portions of the muscle which supply digits III. and IV. have slips from both heads, but not that which supplies digit II. These muscles also arise either from the ambiens or from the fibula, as has been explained above under the description of the ambiens. The tendon to digit II. is inserted at the base of the first phalanx, that to digit III. is usually joined by à vinculum (absent in Opisthocomus, Asio otus, and Rhytidiceros plicatus) to tendon of flexor perforatus et perforans medii, and is inserted on to base of second phalanx of digit III. The third tendon has four slips of insertion, on to four proximal phalanges of digit IV. The descriptions of the insertion of these tendons applies to Ciconia nigru. There are varia- tions. 19199 HI 2 100 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Flexor Profundus.-Arises from nearly whole hinder surface of tibia and fibula, and sometimes also by a head from the outer condyle of femur. Flexor Hallucis.--Arises by a single head, or by two heads, from the outer, condyle of femur and from inter- condylar region. The tendons of the two last-described muscles are con- . N VZUNU 22 I RE Si VIS 12 * VA MA . . . 88 KW ننمل II. Fig. 54.--Gallus bankiva (AFTER GARROD). FIG. 55.-Apteryx Mantelli (AFTER GARROD). nected with each other in various ways, which have been described and illustrated by Mr. GARROD. In using his figures I accept the seven types admitted by Dr. GADOW.2 (1) In gallinaceous birds, pigeons, parrots, storks, &c., the tendons cross, and are united by a simple vinculum (fig. 54). 1. On the Disposition of the Deep Plantar Tendons in different Birds," P.Z. S. 1875, p. 339. ? In Newton's Dictionary of Birds, p. 617. MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 101 (2) In Apteryx, &c., the vinculum is very strong, and forms the direct continuation of the tendon of the flexor. hallucis; the tendon to the hallux has the appearance of being a branch of this (fig. 55). (3) In many Accipitres the flexor hallucis divides into two parts at the lower end of metatarsus ; one of these goes to hal- lux, the other blends with the branch of the flexor communis AM ** SA SV FIG. 56.-Tinnunculus alaridarius (AFTER GARROD). Fig. 57.—Buceros rhinoceros (AFTER GARROD). which supplies digit II. ; there may be in addition a strong vinculum, uniting tendons before their splitting (fig. 56). ; (4) In Rhea, Phænicopterus, &c., where hallux is small or absent, the two tendons are present, but fuse together, branching later to supply the digits present. ; (5) In Buceros, Podargus, Sarcorhamphus, &c., the two tendons fuse completely before supplying the digits (fig. 57). i (6) In Megalæma, Rhamphastidæ, &c., the vinculum is present, but flexor digitorum supplies only digit . III., 102 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the others being supplied by trifurcate flexor hallucis (fig. 58). (7) Both tendons present, but no vinculum at all in Passeres (fig. 59). Of these seven types there are naturally modifications and intermediate conditions, which will be described in the systematic part below. Short Flexors.—Of these there are two series ; one set L W DHSE NA KIT 222 Pro A M RETURUNLESTRE ae PECSAVARUREZ NWU XSMN ** ESS هتد ula III Fig. 58.- Megalæma (AFTER GARROD). FIG. 59.—A PASSERINE FOOT (AFTER GARR01)). arises from the bones of the metatarsus, the others from the long tendons. We shall commence with the first set. The flexor hallucis brevis is often (Palamedea, Aceros) composed of two distinct muscles with separate tendons and insertions on to the first digit. Flexor (adductor) digiti II. is inserted on to the median side of the base of first phalanx of digit II. Flexor (adductor) digiti IV. arises near to the last, and has a similar relation to the basal phalanx of digit IV. MUSCLES OF THE HIND LIMB 103 ni Flexor secundus (adductor) digiti IV. is a muscle which appears to be generally absent (e.g. Ciconia), and is not, according to GADOW, mentioned by authors. It is present in Rhea and Bucorvus. The last-named muscle may be the equivalent of the first of the two short flexors which arise from the deep long flexor tendons. Of these there are two. (1) MITCHELL has described in Opisthocomus a muscular slip which leaves the longus hallucis tendon and runs to the fourth digit. A similar muscle is present in Ardea cinerea ; 1 I have found it in the hornbill, Ceratogymna elata (not in Aceros nipalensis). (2) Another muscle (flexor brevis digiti III. of GADOW) arises from tendon of flexor profundus in Opisthocomus, Rhea, &c., and passes to third digit. Of short extensor muscles there are at most six. The extensor hallucis, generally single, is two-headed in Pandion, and formed of two distinct muscles in Pala- medea. The extensor proprius and extensor brevis digiti III. both supply the third digit. In Aceros and Bucorvus a single but two-headed muscle appears to represent both. The extensor (adductor) digiti II. is not always present. The same may be said of the extensor digiti IV. Muscles of the Neck and Trunk These muscles are, many of them, not easy to isolate and describe. There is, in consequence of this, some divergence in the published accounts. Furthermore, insufficient data have been collected for the estimation of the use of these muscles in classification. The account which follows is an almost verbatim transcript from a paper upon Palamedea 3 by Mr. MITCHELL and myself. . . It is suggested by MITCHELL that these muscles (which require further study) may throw light upon the origin of the very peculiar modes of distribu- tion of the hallucis tendon in some groups of birds, as it has been repeatedly shown that a tendon may be the homologue of a muscle.' ? GARROD MS. 3 Quoted on p. 108. 104 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Biventer Cervicis.—The two muscles are perfectly separate from each other. They arise tendinous from the spinous process of the first dorsal vertebra. Then follow a tendon of an inch long, a belly of two inches, again a tendon of four which is inserted fleshy on to the occipital below the com- plexus. In some kingfishers (q.v.) the two muscles are joined by a tendinous limb. Complexus.—This muscle arises from the transverse pro- cesses of the third and fourth cervical vertebræ, and from the fibres covering the intertransversarii of the same. It is inserted, separated from its fellow by a septum, on to the transverse ridge of the occipital. The muscle is entirely fleshy. Liongissimus Dorsi.—It arises by a series of fleshy fibres from the front edge of the ilium, becomes tendinous in the middle, and then is inserted by fleshy fibres on to the lateral surface of the vertebral spine next in front; the next anterior part arises tendinously from the spinous process of the most posterior uncovered dorsal vertebra, and is inserted on to the vertebra next in front: then follow two of precisely similar relations; the next is carried on to the dorsal surface of the longissimus dorsi, as also is the last or most anterior portion. Ilio-costalis.—This complex muscle' lies laterally to the foregoing muscle ; it is fused at the edge with its fibres. It arises from the ilium and from the transverse process beside the attachment of the rib; two similar slips in front of this arise from the transverse process and from the adjacent surface of the rib. The ends of the slips are inserted partly on to the surface of the ribs and partly pass on to the lateral musculature of the neck. Cervicalis Ascendens. This is the lateral muscle anterior to the ilio-costalis. It consists of five distinct slips arising from the transverse processes of vertebræ XVI.-XI., with the exception of XII. The two posterior are inserted on to the vertebræ next in front; the next two are inserted on to the surface of the oblique muscles next in front; the last MUSCLES OF THE NECK AND TRUNK 105 - one on to the oblique muscle next but one in front. Behind these slips, which were obvious, there were indications of additional slips both in front and behind, but these were not sufficiently differentiated from the adjacent muscles for separate description. Longus Cervicis.—This median muscle arises from the forward continuation of the longissimus dorsi and from the median underlying part of the spinalis complex. Spinalis Complex.—This system of muscles lies deeper than the foregoing. It is divisible into three parts. Part I. (sometimes called the spinalis dorsi) arises apparently only from the longissimus dorsi ; it gives off six fleshy bellies which increase in length from the posterior to the anterior; they are inserted on to the upper posterior surface of the oblique processes of cervicals X.-XVI. In addition the superior fibres from these heads form a well-marked rounded muscular cord, which runs forward to form the longus colli posticus. Part II. consists of only four well-differentiated slender bellies; these arise from the spinous processes of cervicals XIII.-XV., and they are inserted on to a continuous longitudinal band, the posterior part of which sends slips to the three posterior branches of the spinalis dorsi, while the anterior end is inserted on to the oblique processes of cervicals x., XI., at the roots of the anterior two spinalis dorsi bellies. Part III. (longus colli posticus) arises from the sides of the spinous processes of cervicals II.-XI., and from part I. of the spinalis complex; it is inserted by digitations which merge with the intervertebral muscles in front of its origins. It has been specially described and figured by GARROD for Plotus. Rectus Capitis Posticus.-It arises from the spinous process of atlas and axis ; its fibres spread out over the occipital under the complexus. Intertransversales.- These muscles are obvious all the way along from the ilium to the neck, running between the transverse processes of the vertebræ. Obliqui (Transverso-spinales).--They are clearly differen- tiated only from the last to the seventh cervical. They are 91 UU 106 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS large fleshy digitations arising from the transverse processes, and inserted on to the lateral face of the spinous processes next but one in front. Rectus Capitis Anticus Major.-It arises all along the neck from the hypapophyses and from fascia ; about the middle of the neck it grades into the longus' colli, from a slip of which it first arises about the level of the seventh vertebra. Its broad fleshy insertion is tendinous on the outside, is fused with its fellow in the middle line, and extends for about a quarter of an inch on the anterior outer edge of the basi-occipital. Rectus Capitis Anticus Minor.—This is a fleshy broad muscle underlying the preceding. Its origin is fleshy and continuous from first four vertebræ. It has a broad fleshy insertion to the extreme outer posterior face of the ridge behind the meatus auditorius. Longus Colli.-It arises from the middle of the centrum of the second dorsal vertebra tendinously, and then by a series of tendons from each vertebra up to the overlap of the rectus capitis. It is inserted by a series of slips to the vertebræ in front of its origins. Intertuberculares.-These are a series of short muscles forming the deepest layer of the neck musculature. Interappendiculares Costarum.—The first arises from the end of the last free rib, and runs backwards and downwards to the lateral anterior process of the sternum ; the second from the junction of the sternal and costal parts of the first complete rib; it shortly fuses with the third, which arises from the costal part of the next rib. These two are then inserted together. The fourth arises from the third, fourth, and fifth costal ribs and from the space between them, and is inserted immediately behind the others. The posterior ones are smaller. Intercostales Externi.—These are confined to the whole of the costal part; the fibres run from above in front and downwards towards the caudal end. Intercostales Interni.- These are confined to the lower half of the costal ribs, and are chiefly tendinous. MUSCLES OF THE NECK AND TRUNK 107 1 Costi-sternales.-Four slips arising tendinously from the sternal ribs, and inserted fleshy to the sternum. Costo-sternalis Externus.—This peculiar muscle, appa- rently found only in Palamedeidæ, replaces physiologically the uncinate processes, as its broad ribbon-like belly runs diagonally across the outer surface of the ribs. It arises by a very thin flat tendon from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, and from the interspaces between them. It is inserted to the costal edge of the sternum half an inch from the posterior end. ETRANS PROC of coca ILIOCOCGX FEMERO-CAUDL Ulllllll "LEVATOR COCG, T Itt INTERN. th VAI11 AR Ivices WIIII!!! s', so jullelloncinimui Taoctiss..." cfi , 2011, more! Caudal Muscles The caudal muscles (in DUBO.COCGX Palamedea) are illustrated in the accompanying figure. Levator Coccygis.—This arises on each side from ilium, PUBO-COCGY EXTERI from lateral faces of spinous processes, and from trans- verse processes of caudal vertebræ. It is inserted on to membrane covering rec- trices. Ilio-coccygeus.-On each side there are two parts of this muscle, both entirely fleshy. They arise from the Fig. 60.-CAUDAL MUSCLES or Pala- ilium and the ilio-sacral liga- me i medea (AFTER BEDDARD AND MITCHELL). ment, and are inserted on to outer rectrix. · Pubo-coccygeus Externuus.—This is the most posterior of the muscles of the tail. It arises from the pubis and is inserted on to external rectrix. Pubo-coccygeus Internus.--Arises in front of and below the last-mentioned. The origin extends also on to the ischium. The muscle is inserted on to last one or two caudal vertebræ. Luwun PAK 1 108 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Depressor Coccygis.-This springs from the transverse process of the last sacral vertebra, and from the adjacent surface of the ilio-sacral ligament. It is inserted on to the transverse processes of the last three or four caudal vertebræ. Ut Abdominal Muscles Obliquus Abdominis Externus.—The muscle arises from the ribs and from their uncinate processes. It ends by an aponeurosis upon the pubis. Obliquus Abdominis Internus.—Lies between the last muscle and the next. It passes from the pubis, extending on to ilium to the last true rib. A separate slip of this is described as the quadratus lumborum, running from the last false rib to the crest of the ilium. Transversus Abdominis.--This is the deepest of the ab- dominal muscles. It springs from the pubis and preace- tabular ilium, and its aponeurosis ends in that of its fellow in the linea alba. Rectus Abdominis. - Springs from last sternal rib and from sternum, and is attached to pubis. Transverso-analis.-This passes across the abdomen in front of the cloacal aperture, and meets its fellow. It arises either from the pelvis or from the transverse processes of certain caudal vertebræ. Hyoidean Muscles Our knowledge of the muscles of the hyoidean apparatus and the neighbourhood is chiefly due to GIEBEL,' GADOW,? and MITCHELL. I mainly follow the latter in his account of these muscles in Opisthocomus and in Palamedea. 1. Die Zunge der Vögel,' &c., Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturwiss. xi. 1858, p. 19. ? BRONN's Thierreich, ' Aves.' 3A Contribution to the Anatomy of the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus),' P. 2. S. 1816, p. 618; BEDDARD and MITCHELL, ' On the Anatomy of Palamedea cornuta, P. 2. S. 1894, p. 536. See also G. L. DUVERNOY, “Mémoire sur quelques Particularités des Organes de la Déglutition de la Classe des Oiseaux,' &c., Mém. Soc. Hist. Nat. Strasbourg, ii. 1835; J. KACZANDER, ' Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Kaumuskulatur,' Mth. Embr. Inst. Wien, 1883. HYOILEAN MUSCLES 109 The mylohyoid anterior is a sheet of muscles passing across between the rami of the mandible anteriorly. The mylohyoid posterior is composed of two layers, a deeper and a more superficial; the latter is a broad sheet of muscle nearly reaching the mylohyoid anterior in front and FIT FTTTTTTTT777 MTOTO SSIOITALqartists . tu uLIITIT .. ASIL W Fig. 61.-HYOIDEAN MUSCLES or Opisthocomus (AFTER MITCHELL). 1, 2, geniohyoidh ; 3, 4, 5, mylohyoid ; 6, ceratoglossus ; 7, ceratohyoid ; 8, depressor mandibulæ ; Gl, mandibular gland. covering the space between the rami of the mandible in the region where it is developed; the deeper layer arises in common with the superficial layer from the rami; it is a narrower muscle and runs forward. 110 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS n STRUCTURE SA The geniohyoid is in two distinct portions; the posterior division arises on each side from a ramus of the mandible ; it passes backwards and is wrapped round the ceratohyoid to its tip. The anterior portion also arises from the rami of the jaw; it is inserted upon the ceratohyal partly under and partly distally to the insertion of the posterior division. This muscle is sometimes a single muscle, as, for example, in Palamedea. The genioglossus (entirely absent in Palamedea, &c.) is a slight muscle, springs from the middle line near the chin, and passes to the os entoglossum. The ceratoglossus is a strong muscle, arises from the outer side of the ceratohyal; it ends in a tendon which is inserted along the side of the tongue almost to the tip. The muscle in Palamedea, &c., is divided into two parts. · The ceratohyoid arises from the inner side of the cerato- hyal and is inserted on to the urohyal. The sternohyoid (in Palamedea) is a band of muscle which arises from the basihyal and entoglossus; it spreads out over the thyroid cartilage and trachea. The hypoglossals are in Palamedea indistinguishable from the ceratoglossus. ULO CD Muscles of the Head The temporalis (in Palamedea) is divided into two portions; the superficial part arises from the whole temporal fossa and from the external and internal surfaces of the midtemporal process ; it runs to the outer upper surface of the lower jaw; the deeper part is a pyramidal muscle ending in a stout tendon attached to the lower jaw; in addition to this another portion, deeper still, runs across from the forward process of the quadrate to the inner side of the ramus, and a wide band of muscle bridges the interval between the inner edges of the forward process of the quadrate and the wall of the orbit behind the optic foramen. The pterygoid is divided into several layers which con- nect the lower jaw with the palatines and pterygoids. MUSCLES OF THE HEAD 111 The depressor mandibula consists of two parts which have been termed digastric and biventer. It connects the under surface of the occiput with the lower jaw. Osteology Vertebral Column.-Highly characteristic of birds is the saddle-shaped (heterocoelous ’) form of the vertebral centra. The existence of this mode of articulation, though confined to birds, is not found everywhere and in all of the existing members of the order, and is not found at all in some of the extinct forms, Archeopteryx and Ichthyornis. As to exist- ing birds, the opisthocoelous form is frequently met with, but so irregularly as not to be of much use from a classificatory point of view. The existence of such vertebræ, pointing towards reptiles, may, however, be accepted as some indica- tion of an archaic position in the order. The matter has been lately summed up by the late Professor PARKER,2 from his own investigations, and from those of others. The dorsal vertebræ have been found to be opisthocoelous in penguins and auks, in Limicolæ (including Laridæ), but not in petrels; among the parrots PARKER met with this condition in several forms, where it was found to be com- bined with terminal epiphyses, a character which is just commencing in the lowest mammalia (Ornithorhynchus) and The following are a few works which deal with the general osteology of a number of forms. More special treatises will be referred to in their proper place:- E. BLANCHARD, 'Recherches sur les Caractères Ostéologiques des Oiseaux,' &c., Arn. Sci. Nat. xi. 1860, p. 11; J. F. BRANDT, 'Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Naturgeschichte d. Vögel,' &c., Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb. (6), iii. 1840; EYTON, Osteologia Aviuin, London, 1858-81 ; A. B. MEYER, Abbildungci von Vogelskeleten, Dresden, 1879-96 ; MILNE EDWARDS and GRANDIDIER, Hist. Nat., c., de Madagascar, 'Oiseaux,' Paris, 1879–85; C. L. NITZSCH, Osteograt- phische Beiträge, &c., Leipsic, 1811; P. GERVAIS, 'Description Ostéologique de l'Hoazin, du Kamichi,' &c., Zool. ini Voy. de Castelnau, Paris, 1855. Besides FÜRBRINGER, Untersuchungen zur Morphologie v. Syst. d. Vögel, and GADOW, · Aves,' in Bronn's Klassen v. Ordnungen des Thierreichs, for brief and largely osteological definitions of birds see SEEBOHM, Classification of Birds, London, 1889, and SHARPE, Osteological Catalogue of College of Surgeons Museum, London, 1891. ? « On the Vertebral Chain of Birds, Proc. Roj. Soc: xliii. 1888, p. 465. 112 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS entirely exceptional among birds. Steatornis is another bird with opisthoceelous vertebræ. So too are the cormorants and darters. Another form of vertebral articulation met with in reptiles-namely, the procoelous articulation-also exists in birds. In all birds, of course, the atlas is procoelous, articulating with the convex occipital condyle. In many birds “the last two movable joints in the caudal series become proccelous.' The biconcave form of vertebræ characterises the extinct Archeopterys, and the gull-like Ichthyornis, called by its name on this very account. The concavities, however, according to FÜRBRINGER, seem rather to have been produced by the maceration out of a plug of cartilage than to have characterised the unaltered vertebra. It is doubtful, in fact, whether the spaces left in the fossil vertebræ were filled during life with copious remains of the notochord, as in fishes. The vertebral column of birds can be distinguished into four series, as in the higher vertebrates generally. It is customary to regard as cervical those vertebræ which either have no movable ribs or, if they have, do not become con- nected through their intermediary with the sternum. The rib-bearing vertebræ are the dorsal series, while those which articulate with the pelvis are usually termed sacral. But it seems better to reserve the term 'sacral' for the two vertebræ which, in the chick, bear the ilium. The number of true sacrals is not, however, always two. J.J. PARKER ? describes in the young Apteryx three vertebræ, which abut upon the ilium, and are the only ones in which there are separate rib-like ossifications at the ends of the transverse processes. These vertebrae, which are quite con- spicuous in the adult (fig. 62), are regarded as the true sacrals. There are also three in the ostrich (fig. 63). In other birds (e.g. Larus, Chionis) there is apparently only one sacral vertebra. Behind the sacrum are the caudal vertebræ. Archæo- pteryx is unique among birds for its long tail, composed of 1 Not certainly. ? • Development of Apteryx,' Phil. Trans. 1891. CU OSTEOLOGY 113 separate vertebræ. In all other birds the tail is short and does not extend far beyond the sacrum. In the majority of carinate birds the terminal vertebræ are fused together into the highly characteristic ploughshare bone (urostyle or pygostyle).' at e lp ww. AS C SI ED w 4 . 1 . ET LL . - A . . - - - VYAX mom S OS S AVIZE DU 2 2. 2 ASS . 24 2 O SAMER : : Denne - RSS . CAN VINUA 11 . LIS RASESE SI Oli ZEZE WWW VINILI . . . 1 PIA 2 . S . . ERRE VITA Hea W * - . _ PI NA UA A Ip at á i FIG. 62.-PELVIS or APTERYX. FROM BENEATH. (AFTER MIVART.) il, ilium ; », pubis ; i, ischium; lp, prepubic process. There is, however, a closer correspondence between the tail of Archaeopteryx and that of the carinate bird M , ? V TIVO CY SH SA Mine X 16" . C S2 VN SN - - . 1 . SUT . BS SEASES SE 3 . BE lis - SA - TA Blon VR . SON in Spremni WAT VAN EE S14 me 111 14. 3 dg SAMA ZO W1967 LIS e dp. 11 28.9.10 Fig. 63.—LUMBAR AND SACRAL VERTEBRA OF AN IMMATURE OSTRICH (AFTER MIVART). 8, 9, 10, sacral vertebræ ; P, parapophyses ; a, diapophyses. than might be assumed from the last-mentioned differ- ences. The first four caudal vertebræ of Archæopteryx have strong transverse processes, which are weaker, but present, on the fifth, which thus affords a transition to the remaining sixteen, upon which there are no such processes. In the W. MARSHALL, Untersuchungen über den Vogelschwanz,' Ned. Arch. f. Zool. i. 1873, p. 191. 114 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS same way the free caudals of carinate birds have transverse processes, which are at most faintly represented upon the Se 1 . SPOTI . . * CI H 3.2 WHAT? . H ti . . . . . . .. I . . . .. .. 'I..... . . NRV .... www C .... . -- . G :. STA HUA2 AVTO S NAL AT - MIN 1 . 1 NDIY juin sowW $ 19 .. . ." 111 TV 171 A . .. . . . . IZUIA . Fig. 64.-RIBS, STERNUM, AND PELVIS OF Chunga Burmeisteri (AFTER BEDDARD). THE UPTURNED PYGOSTYLE IN ITS NATURAL RELATIONS IS SHOWN. 112 . ) IRUDIN 1 Un TA 21 INCHES INCHES kwmood.co. Million, in 3: :: wurm mittimet Muhimu ... : th WW P SCALE OF fused posterior set of caudals which form the pygostyle. Four of the posterior caudals of Archæopteryx have fine OSTEOLOGY 115 lu splints of bone lying on one side, which have been compared to the ossifications in tendons found among the ptero- dactyles. They may conceivably be misplaced chevron bones. The pygostyle varies much in the degree of its develop- ment. It is weakest in various aquatic birds, such as the auks and grebes, where it is thin and narrow; in more purely flying birds it is very thick at the base, and is turned upwards instead of, as in the auks, carrying on the line of the tail. In the grebe there is really no more definite a ploughshare bone than in the ostrich. The number of vertebræ which are fused together to form the urostyle varies. In the ostrich MARSHALL finds four, five in the grebe and hornbill, six in the duck and in Eurylamus. The total number of vertebræl in the column varies greatly; the extremes are something like thirty-nine and sixty- four (reckoning the urostyle as one). The greatest number characterises the ratites, and the smallest some of the higher arboreal birds. Archeopteryx had only about fifty vertebræ. While, therefore, it may be generally true to put down as older types those with the largest number of vertebræ, it is evident that on this view Archæopteryx must be regarded as a parallel branch to the existing birds, and not as their ancestor. The number of vertebræ, though it may perhaps be considered from this general point of view, is not of the fainlest use for the systematic arrangement of existing forms. The number varies so extremely that among the . Gruidæ Professor PARKER found no two alike. Rather more fixed, but still subject to variation among the species of a genus, are the cervical vertebræ; .and some account will be taken in the pages which follow of this fixedness. The results must, however, be tempered by the reflection that while the common swan has twenty-five the black-necked swan has twenty-four. Between the successive centra are the intervertebral 1 I GIEBEL ("Die Wirbelzahlen am Vogelskelet,' Z citschu. f. d. ges. Nat. xviii. 1866, p. 20) gives a long list; see also "Der letzte Schwanzwirbel des Vogelskeletes,' ibid. vi., 1855. I 2 116 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 11.84 ns - - is . alin " t 10 KAI W ES discs,' the 'intercentra' or 'basiventral' elements. These are, as has been shown, originally the portions of each vertebra with which the ribs articulate, from which they are outgrowths. But as the ribs come to articulate with the centra these structures degenerate. In the development of Apteryx T. J. PARKER found a postoccipital and a post- atlantal intercentrum, and two in the caudal region, which ossify so as to retain their independence in the adult skeleton. Intercentra in the caudal region of the bird's vertebral column are by no means so rare as might be inferred from some published statements upon the matter. They are especially conspicuous among the Limi- colæ and the nearly allied auks, and in most water birds. In Numenius femoralis, for exam- ple, there are three smallosseous nodules lying between caudal vertebræ 1-5. Behind these FIG. 65.- LAST TWO VERTEBRÆ Or are a series of hypapophyses, STRUTHIO (AFTER MIVART). which are a continuation of us, neural spines : (), osseous bridge. the same series, but much more pronounced and ankylosed to the vertebræ. They exist also in the duck tribe. In Biziura lobata there are three distinct intercentra in the form of largish nodules. I have found intercentra also in Palamedeæ, Tubi- nares, Steganopodes, Colymbi, Herodiones, Opisthocomus. These free intercentra are rare among the Pico-passeres, but in a few of them are present. Thus in Toccus there is a distinct intercentrum lying between the last free caudal vertebræ. The hawk tribe have not these bonelets as distinct struc- iures. In the cuckoos, parrots, Ralli, Otides, Columbæ, and the SL. | This matter of the composition of the vertebra has been recently gone into by GADOW (on the 'Evolution of the Vertebral Column of Amphibia and Amniota,' Phil. Trans. 1896, p. 1), who quotes previous literature. OSTEOLOGY 117 tinamous I have not seen in the adult skeleton any free intercentra; nor in the Grues, excepting Chunga. Further details on this matter will be found in the paper cited below.' Though free intercentra are by no means universal among recent birds, hypophyses of the last caudals are almost so. That these latter are derived from intercentra, and are, therefore, not comparable to the hypapophyses of the cervicals and dorsals, is clear from such cases where the gra- dual transition between free intercentra and fixed hypapophy- ses is shown. In reptiles the intercentra are in the tail region constantly in the form of chevron bones, which are V-shaped, articulating with the vertebral column by the free ends of the V. This form of the hypophyses of the caudal region is not so common as a simply bifid condition, but does OC- casionally occur. I have seen it, for example, in Tubinares, Accipitres, and Cuculi. The first vertebra of the cervical series is called the Luult. part of the centrum’ is formed by the projecting odontoid process (see fig. 67), the rest being formed by a pair of intercentra. In the hornbills the atlas is fused with the following axis vertebra.? Generally the atlas has not what the succeeding vertebræ have, a vertebrarterial canal, but this is sometimes present (see under "Ribs,' p. 119). The odontoid process sometimes notches the lower part of the atlas, and sometimes perforates it. These two conditions are illustrated by figs. 66 and 68. It sometimes happens that the neural arch of the atlas is incomplete, e.g. Chunga, Colius, Pandion. As a rule it is perfect. In the cervical vertebræ the chief facts which appear to be of systematic importance are the relations to each other of the paired processes, to which MIVART has applied the name of catapophyses. These are sometimes inconspicu- ous processes of the transverse processes on the under | BEDDARD, 'Note upon Intercentra,' &c., P. Z. S. 1897, p. 465. ? In a specimen of Chunga I have found the same fusion. 118 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS approach each other in the middle line, as in Psophia. Sometimes a number of these processes unite to form a canal ; this occurs in the Steganopodes, and most Herodiones (but not in Scopus umbretta) ; but the classificatory signifi- cance of the fact is marred by the occurrence of a similar canal similarly formed in some Picidæ, and in the case of one vertebra in the parrot, Eclectus polychlorus. It is sometimes the case that the last of the catapophyses is consolidated into a thick process, which is bifid at the extremity; this process forms a transition to the following hæmapophyses (or hypapophyses). These latter are un- ns az ha a terme hp ula - VINA Pants ER 2 * A HAVN: . ac S hý Fig. 66.- ATLAS or EMU (ATTER MIVART). ac, articular surface; ♡, vertebrarterial canal; hy, hyper- apoplyscs. Fig. 67.—AXIS OF EMU (AFTER MIVART). 0, odontoid process ; ns, neural spine ; (la, anterior zygapophyses; pl, pleural lamella ; pc, articular sur- face; hu, hy papophysis ; hy, hyper- apoplysis. FIG. 68.--ATLAS Or CASSOWARY (AFTER MIVART). LETTERS AS IN FIG. 66. paired median processes, which commence upon the cervical vertebræ, and extend for a variable distance back along the dorsal vertebræ. They are very feeble, and sometimes limited to the cervical region, in the Herodiones. They are most highly developed in Sphenisci, Colymbi, Alcæ, and some Anseres, being in these cases continued to the end of the dorsal series, and even being found upon some of the lumbar vertebræ. In many cases these processes are flattened out at the free end like an inverted T, or are trifid at the same place. This is seen to be due to the gradual shifting in position of a posterior set of catapophyses, which at first are at the sides of, and far from, the hæmapophyses, but get OSTEOLOGY 119 nearer and nearer, until at length they mount upon the hæmapophysis itself and pass to its very end. Details of the formation of the vertebræ will be found in the systematic part of this book.' Ribs.2-The ribs of birds vary greatly in number. There are as a rule three series of ribs to be distinguished. The last cervical vertebræ, more or fewer of them, are furnished with short ribs which do not reach the sternum. Behind these are, again, a variable number of true ribs, which do reach and articulate with the sternum. These true ribs consist of the vertebral portion, which articulates with the vertebra, and of a sternal portion, which is articulated with the vertebral half of the rib above and with the sternum below; it is bent at an angle with the vertebral portion. Attached to, originally separate from, and sometimes per- manently separate from, the vertebral half of the rib is the uncinate process, of which there are a variable number. These processes are absent 3 in Archæopteryx and in the Palamedeæ only. Behind the true ribs, which articulate with the sternum, are a variable number, in all degrees of 1 The relationship of the so-called catapophyses to the unpaired hæmapo- physes varies, and suggests—what has been advanced on other grounds-an occasional excalation of vertebræ. Without wishing to commit myself to a belief in the actual dropping out of a vertebra from the middle of the series, I may mention some of the facts which may be regarded as pointing in this direction. In the grebe Æchinophorus the catapophyses form on certain vertebræ a complete ventral canal for the carotids. The summit of the arch thus formed gradually acquires a median dorsal process. This increases, and the catapophyses finally end in the obliteration of the canal which they sur round, and a solid arch is formed; the hypapophysis of the succeeding vertebra is single and no longer retains traces of its evolution from a ring of bone sur- mounted by a process. In other cases the catapophyses suddenly end and the hypapophyses begin without such intermediate stages. An intermediate stage is seen in certain types where the catapophyses end suddenly, but the first hypapophysis is double, either formed of two ciearly fused pieces or with merely a bifid spine. These latter cases suggest the dropping out of one or more vertebræ, effecting the transition between the paired catapophyses and the un- paired hypapophyses. ? In all birds except Archocopteryx the ribs are two-headed with a capitulum and tuberculum. 3 They have been often said to be absent in Dinornis, but they are not. W. BEHRENS, Untersuchungen iibcı den Processus uncinatus der Vögel und Crocodile, Inaug. Diss., Göttingen, 1880. 120 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 7 STRUCTURE degeneration, of floating lumbar ribs. Morphologically equivalent with ribs are the processes firmly ankylosed to the cervical vertebræ, which form a canal for the vertebral artery; these are, as a rule, absent from the atlas, but are present on that vertebra in the Anseres, Opisthocomus, Triponat Feddeni, Dromcus 2 (fig. 66). Archæopteryx is alone in possessing the abdominal ribs of the crocodiles and other reptiles. The Shoulder Girdle.3—The shoulder girdle of birds consists of at any rate three separate elements—the scapula above ; the coracoid, articulating with the sternum; and the clavicles, generally united into a U-shaped piece. Of these the first two are preformed in cartilage, the last in membrane. The scapula is a thinnish sword-shaped bone which is attached by muscles to the ribs and to the vertebræ, and lies in a direction, as a rule, nearly parallel to the long axis of the body. The scapula 'does not show great variability of form among birds; the most considerable variation is to be seen in the penguins, where the bone is, comparatively speaking, of enormous width. ' A free supra- scapula has been noted by PARKER in Opisthocomus. The coracoids articulate on the one hand with the scapula, and on the other with the sternum, where they are received into grooves on its anterior margin. There are some variations in the way in which these grooves are arranged : in some birds the two coracoids at their insertion are not in contact at all ; in others they are in contact; and finally they may overlap, as in reptiles. The coracoid has in many birds a procoracoid process, which is believed to be the equivalent of the procoracoid of reptiles. This is especially prominent in the ostrich, but is present in a large number of other birds, though more reduced in extent. But its large or small size is so capricious 1 Stated by PARKER to be absent. 2 MIVART figures a canal on one side of the atlas of the ostrich. 3 A. SABATIER, Comparaison des Ceintures et des Membres Antérieurs et Postérieurs dans la série des Vertèbres, Montpellier, 1880; PARKER, quoted below. See also LÜHDER in J. f. 0. 1871, p. 321. OSTEOLOGY 121 22 UUU in its relations to other structural similarities and dissimilari- ties that the fact is not of great use in classification. The same remark may be made about the foramen cora- coideum perhaps, which, again, is found in many birds and absent from others. As to the morphological significance of this foramen, which transmits a nerve twig to the pectoralis secundus, it may perhaps be regarded as the boundary between the coracoid and the procoracoid. In the course of the development of the common fowl, according to Miss LINDSAY, whose figures are here reproduced, there is a very considerable trace of the procoracoid. The three elements of the shoulder girdle are perfectly distinct from each other in the young embryo, but become fused (the scapula and the coracoid), again to get separate in the older chick. This temporary fusion may be significant of the struthionic condition to be described later. The intermediate piece is, it will be noticed, triangular in form, the elongated aspect of the adult coracoid being acquired later. Miss LINDSAY is of opinion that this change of form is to be cor- related with the disappearance of the anterior section of the bone, as indicated in the accompanying diagram, the disap- pearing (shaded) part being the equivalent of the procora- coid. The interrelationship of the scapula to the coracoid offers facts of some importance. In the ostrich tribe the two bones are firmly ankylosed; this is not the case with the young, but it is plainly the case with the adult. In carinate birds, on the other hand, there is not ankylosis, but a close union by means of fibro-cartilage. It appears, however, that in Didus (exceptionally ?) there is an actual synostosis, which of course bears out the suggestion that the synostosis of the ratite birds has something to do with their loss of the power of flight. In the ratite birds and in Hesperornis the scapula and the coracoid are nearly in the same straight line, the angle in Apteryx varying from 150° to 122°, whereas in the carinates the two bones are at right angles or at an even acute angle. That this is not a morphological distinction, but is distinctly related to the development of the shoulder 122 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS muscles, has been clearly pointed out by T.J. PARKER." He discovered an approximation to the struthious condition in several of the flightless rails and other birds. But the state of affairs which characterises the Tubinares warns us against placing too much reliance upon this apparently sound gene- ralisation ; for in them we are informed by FORBES that the angle it' (the scapula) "forms with the coracoid varies much in different genera, being most acute in Pelecanoides, whilst in the Oceanitidæ it is hardly if at all less than a right CA . . .. SKA .. com SO Co SC+C int co SC FIG. 69.-DEVELOPMENT OF SHOULDER GIRDLE OF CHICK (AFTER LINDSAY). cl, clavicle; pc, procoracoid ; cor, coracoid ; sc, scapula. 1-3, fifth day; 4, sixth day ; 5, late on sixth day. angle. The widest angle in a carinate bird is 106°, so there is a difference of only 16° between extremes of carinates and ratites. The two clavicles 2 sometimes spoken of collectively as the furcula vary much in their degree of development. They are totally absent in the Apteryx. In the emu and in certain parrots they are distinct and smallish bones which do not come into contact with each other ; but in the majority of birds they form a single U- or V-shaped bone. The furcula varies in the expansion or non-expansion of the base to form a circular hypocleidium. In some birds the T'On Notornis,' in Tr. N. Zealand Inst. xiv. 1882. ? A. WEITZEL, 'Die Furcula : ein Beitrag zur Osteologie der Vögel,' Zeitsclır. f. d. ges. Naturw. xxv. 1865, p. 317. OSTEOLOGY 123 A furcula is connected with a ligament (e.g. Psophia) by articu- lation (e.g. Herodiones) or by direct synostosis with the carina sterni. In the gallinaceous birds the furcula does not come into near relations with the carina, and in Opisthocomus-- quite exceptionally—the bone is ankylosed with the spina sterni on the one hand, and with the coracoids, so firmly that.' no trace of the primitive distinctness of the bones is discernible. There are also considerable variations in the degree of the connection between the furcula and the coracoid and scapula. In a few birds the ends of the clavicles where they arti- culate, or at least are connected, with the coracoid and scapula have a process, the acrocoracoid process of the clavicle. This is seen, for instance, in the Anseres, and the rudiment of such a process in the flamingo appears at first sight to be a duck- like character in that bird. But the same process is also developed, and to a great extent, in the Alcedinidæ, a fact which must be borne in mind before coming to any such conclusions. FÜRBRINGER has devoted some space to describing and illustrating the relations at their articulations between the clavicle, coracoid, and acrocoracoid. The two extremes may be seen in Phalacrocorax and Psophia; in the former the clavicle articulates with the acrocoracoid only, and does not reach the scapula ; in the latter, where the procoracoid is well developed, the clavicle comes into contact with all three. Further details will be found under the description of the different groups. The Fore Limb.—The fore limb is present in all birds except most Dinornithide, where up to the present no trace of one has been discovered. In Hesperornis only the humerus appears to exist; in Apteryx, Dromæus, and Casuarius there is but one finger. With these exceptions the wing of birds consists of a humerus, radius and ulna, carpus, metacarpals, and three fingers (with sometimes a rudiment of a fourth); even Archæopteryx has not been definitely shown to possess 1. LA A. TSCHAN, Recherches sur l'Extrémité Antéricure des Oiseaux et des Reptiles, Diss. Inaug., Geneva, 1889. 124 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS more than the typical three fingers (see, however, below). The relative length of the arm varies much in birds; it is longest in the flying gulls, terns, &c., whence the name applied to the former of Longipennes. In the struthious birds it is the shortest, and in many running birds the wing is reduced in length. There is too variation in the relative lengths of the humerus, fore arm, and hand. In the divers, for instance, the upper section of the arm is the longest, in the gulls the fore arm, and in the penguins the hand. The length of the hand in the Macrochires is so great that it equals that of the humerus and fore arm together. The exact reverse is seen in the ratites, where the length of the humerus is greater than that of the rest of the wing. PYE- CRAFT has brought out the interesting fact that during the growth of Opisthocomus the proportions of the different sec- tions of the wing alter. A study of the relative lengths of the different parts of the arm shows that a reduction of the wing, and a consequent 3 follow the same path. In the ostrich the middle segment is the shortest, in the cassowary the hand. The length of the humerus, the exact form and degree of development of the deltoid ridge, and of the tubercles for the insertion of muscles, furnish systematists with reliable points for the identification of genera and species. So much of our knowledge of extinct birds depends upon fragments of characters of this description has been thoroughly appraised. A glance, for instance, at LYDEKKER'S recently published Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum' will reveal the importance of the power of discriminating species by such slight indications, which furnish the student of affinities between families or genera with nothing tangible. The radius and the ulna are always separate bones, of which the ulna is the longer; it is frequently marked on its outer surface with tubercles, to which the quill feathers are attached. The most striking modification of the radius is seen in the Parridæ (fig. 70, p. 125), where it is prolonged OSTEOLOGY 125 If on the outer side into a strong flat process, the upper surface of which is slightly grooved for the reception of the tendon of the extensor metacarpi radialis muscle. The carpus of recent birds consists only of two separate bones. But in the embryo there are six separate cartilages. The two bones which persist are looked upon by ZEHNTNER as ulnare + intermedium and radiale + centrale. The three distal carpals, according to PARKER, fuse with their three metacarpals. In the emu, according to PARKER, there are no carpal elements either in the young or adult, in Casuarius galeatus there is a small ulnare. Though no bird has more than three more or less com- * FIG. 70.-RADIUS AND ULNA or Metopidius (AFTER FORBES). plete digits, there is commonly a trace of a fourth meta- carpal, found by ZEHNTNER in the development of the swift, and by STUDER in the development of the penguin. PARKER was convinced of the existence of a prepollex and of inter- calary digits, but WIEDERSHEIM looks with no favour upon this broadening of the hand. The metacarpals are free only in Archæopteryx and Gastornis ; in all other birds they are partially fused. The formula for the phalanges in Archaeopteryx is I. 2, II. 3, III. 4. In some other birds it is I. 1, II. 2, III. 1, with the exception of the ostrich, Numenius, and the embryo duck,2 where digit III. has a small additional phalanx. In other birds the formula is I. 2, II. 3, III. 1, and in the apteryx digit II. shows three phalanges in the course of its develop- LI I PARKER, 'On the Structure and Development of the Wing in the Common: Fowl,' Phil. Trans. 1888, p. 385, where previous literature is quoted. ? BAUR, Science, vol. v. p. 355. 126 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ment, of which one (apparently the middle one) is not recognisable in the adult. LEIGHTON has contributed to this question with a study of the development of the wing of Sterna.! He finds here too a rudimentary fourth digit, which in the first stage, which he figures, is as long or nearly as long as the first digit. A rudimentary metacarpal even persists attached to the side of the last metacarpal in birds just before hatching. In the carpus there are never more than four distinct cartilages; there are in the first place a radiale and ulnare, 3 1 LAYI WS Inilah '. 6 . INSTALLA KW. TA –Phi -Phl= | SW Ph2-47 . cute - -P72- -Ph2t US -Ph3&4 che Ph34- Sieci TI Fig. 71. -DIGITS OF OSTRICH (AFTER WRAY). 1, phalanx 1 (Phl) and rudimentary phalanx 2 (Ph2) of digit III.; c, connective tissue. 2, another specimen with phalanges ankylosed. 3, distal part of digit IJI. of embryonic manus (4). and distally two cartilages, of which one appears to represent the combined distalia of the two first digits, and the second that of the third digit. In birds, just before hatching, all the distalia have fused into one mass. The cartilages lettered respectively radiale and ulnare in the figures are thought, however, by the author to be really radiale + intermedium and ulnare + centrale ; and in support of this view is the partial separation between the two supposed elements of each, which is, however, never carried very far. As to the homologies of the digits in the adult with those 1The Development of the Wing of Sterna Wilsonii,' Tufts Coll. Studies, 1894. Previous literature is here quoted. OSTEOLOGY 127 of the reptilian hand, LEIGHTON leans to the view that the supposed pollex is really the index. In putting forward this opinion he rests first of all upon the fact that the radial artery is absent, thus indicating a reduction of the radial side of the hand; the second argument is derived from the fact that in animals with a reduced manus the first digit is the first to go, and then is followed by the last ; thus in Orohippus there are four digits, the first having disappeared, while in Protohippus the fifth has vanished. In addition this view is moreover strengthened by a consideration of the most reduced manus that occurs in birds ; in Apteryx and Casuarius the reduction has similarly occurred on both sides of the large persisting digit, which is thus to be regarded as No. III. Sternum.—The sternum in its most complicated condition consists of the following regions (see fig. 72): Anteriorly it ends in a moderately narrow extremity which is known as the manubrium sterni or rostrum. On either side of this is a forwardly directed process, the costal processes or anterior lateral processes. In the middle of the sternum, and forming the great projecting keel, is the lophosteon or carina sterni, or keel. The sternum ends in a median process behind (sometimes, but wrongly, called the xiphoid process), to which are appended two processes on each side, which may be termed middle and external xiphoid processes, or these may be termed, for reasons which will appear later, the posterior lateral process and the accessory process. The nomenclature first used in the preceding brief descriptions is that of HUXLEY; the second set of terms which will be used throughout in the descriptions which follow are those used by Miss LINDSAY in her paper upon the development of the avian sternum. • The sternum is subject to much modification among birds, of which the principal varieties will be now described. The birds which show perhaps the greatest difference from the gallinaceous type, selected for the above description, are the ratite birds. In them there is no keel developed, hence 1. On the Avian Sternum,' P.Z. S. 1885, p. 684. lll." 128 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the name ratite (raft-like), or at most, as in Rhea, a slight protuberance, which, however, as will be pointed out imme- diately, is not really comparable to the keel of the carinate birds. There are, however, other birds, such as the extinct Cnemiornis and the living Stringops, in which the keel is absent, its ab- sence being associated with the loss of the ir *** . www. *** . п, ср www . IS: NE? SINTA . .... . . . THE WIS N11 . er 1 . . . 1 . . M . . . Wint: . . . . . . . . NA . TE RA COV SEE p W M ER : VIH T + is. QC A4 ., 11.viere : ilti ükselenco :..::?.. . blizini 17 . A A M .cx Full TA Fig. 72.-STERNUM OF Lopho- phorus impeyanus (AFTER HUXLEY). X, rostrum ; (P, anterior lateral process; p.1.0, posterior lateral process ; C.x, 1.2, its inner and outer divisious ; 7.0. carina. Fig. 73.-STERNUM OF Podica senegalensis (AFTER BEDDARD). Cl, clavicle ; co, coracoid; cl, x, articula- tion of clavicle. power of flight. In the singular Opisthocomus the anterior part of the keel is, as it were, cut away (the enormous crop resting here), the posterior region being retained. The four posterior lateral processes of the sternum figured above are not always present in birds. The extremest modification is as seen in the goose and the crane, where the posterior OSTEOLOGY 129 margin of the bone is entire, without any processes at all. In passerine birds generally, and in some others also, there is but a single pair of these processes; while, finally, by excessive growth of the parts concerned the processes have joined and converted the notches into foramina. "The con- verse course of events has been suggested i.e. that deficient ossification leads to the fenestrated condition, whence to the posterior notches is an easy step. Development, how- ever, shows that the former view is the more correct. The diversities in the form of the sternum undoubtedly must ( са ca STA 230 MY • nekim * . . t. MMM . . . /71 1 .di. 1 . .. Wir . SA n 8 . .. 7 . . E34A2EE . . . . . . . . . . Fig. 74.-STERNUM OF EMU (AFTER MIVART). NATURAL SIZE. ca, anterior lateral process; C, grooves for coracoids; f, elevation in centre; mx, posterior end ; is, lateral view showing articulation of ribs. have some relation to the muscles which are inserted on to and take their rise from the margins of the bone. Thus, as already mentioned, the flat sternum of the Ratitæ is associated with the slight development of the pectorales muscles and the consequent loss of capacity for flight. It has been ingeniously suggested that the relative development of the posterior lateral processes of the sternum has possibly an analogous explanation. The muscles that are attached thereto are mainly the pectorals and the abdominals. Now the pull of these two is in an opposite direction. The tendency of the action of the pectorals would be to 130 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS straighten the posterior margin of the sternum, while that of the abdominals would be to pull it out, perhaps irregularly. Hopping and walking birds might therefore be expected to have a more notched sternum than purely flying birds; that there is some relation of this kind seems possible when we contrast the sternum of the running gallinaceous bird with that of the essentially aerial eagle. Moreover, since the pull of the abdominal muscles is in two directions, one antero-posterior (recti), the other oblique (the obliqui), we might expect to find what we actually do find, a direction of the xiphoid processes which corresponds with the resultant of these two forces, as is indicated in the annexed diagram. There are a few other modifications in the shape of the sternum which have been made use of for systematic purposes, besides the keel and the notches, or excavations of the posterior border. The rostrum of the bone is sometimes very pronounced, and sometimes practi- cally absent altogether. According to its position, more dorsally or more ventrally, the process has been called by FÜRBRINGER spina externa, or spina interna sterni. In the gallinaceous birds the two are combined in a vertically compressed plate of bone which arises both from the lower and from the upper side of the sternum. In the passerines and in the todies, and a few of the allies of these groups of birds, the anterior process of the sternum is more or less The sternum of birds arises, as does that of other verte- brates, in the first place between the ends of the ribs which fuse together. Birds invariably have a few 'floating 'ribs at both ends of the sternum which are no longer connected with it, this connection being often lost ontogenetically. There is, in fact, usually a shortening of the sternum during development. The keel arises from the conjoined edges of the two sets of fused ribs; it is not preformed separately as a median piece. This seems to settle in the negative an earlier view that the carina sterni was the surviving repre- sentative of the interclavicle of the reptiles, a view which commended itself to more than one anatomist of distinction, OSTEOLOGY 131 and appeared to be strengthened by the occasional connec- tion by ligament and bone with the hypocleidium. The most recent modification of this view is put forward by PARKER, who has shown in Opisthocomus a needle-shaped splint of bone lying upon the keel, and therefore independent of it. The development of the sternum throws a light upon the homologies of its different parts in different birds, and in other vertebrates. It is plain in the first place that the spina externa and the spina interna have nothing whatever to do with the manubriuin sterni of the mammal; for they are in the bird) secondary outgrowths, and not, as in the mammal, part of the primitive sternum formed by concrescence of the ribs. The same holds good of the posterior median region of the bone, which is a secondary outgrowth, and can therefore have no relations with the xiphoid process of the mammalian ster- num ; what does correspond to the latter are the posterior lateral processes of the avian sternum.? Pelvis.2—The pelvis consists of three pairs of bones, the ilium, ischium, and pubis. In the young embryo these bones form a continuous sheet of cartilage, but are all separate distally; the ilium is directed in an antero-posterior The literature of the sternum is large, and is to a considerable extent to be found under the several groups. Memoirs of a wider scope are W. K. PARKER, "A Monograph on the Structure and Development of the Shoulder Girdle and Sternum in the Vertebrata,' Ray Soc. Publications, 1868; L'HERMINIER, Recherches sur la Marche d'Ossifications,' &c., Méin. Ac. Sci. 1830. The history of the development of knowledge concerning the ossification of the sternum and the classificatory results therefrom is treated by NEWTON in Dict. Birds, 'Introduction.' Miss LINDSAY's paper, already quoted, contains references. to the chief memoirs upon the subject. See also R. DIECK, De Sterno Aviuin, Diss. Inaug., Halæ, 1867. ?C. GEGENBAUR, “Beiträge z. Kenntniss des Beckens der Vögel,' Jeri. Zeitschr. vi. p. 157; MEHNERT, · Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung des Os pelvis d. Vögel,' Morph. J.B. xiii. 1888, p. 259; A. JOHNSON, “On the Development of the Pelvis Girdle, &c., in the Chick,' Quart. J. Micr. Sci. 1883, p. 399 ; B. HAIJ, Jemförande Studier öfver Foglarnes Bäcken, Lund, 1887, and 'Morphologisk Byggnoden af Ilium,' &c., Act. Lund. Univ. xxii. 1887, p. 1; G. BAUR, ‘ Bemerkungen über das Becken d. Vögel v. Dinosaurier,' Morph. J.B. x. 1885, p. 613; A. BUNGE, Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Beckergiirtels, &c., Diss. Inaug., Dorpat, 1880. K 2 132 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS direction; the ischium and the pubis look downwards and slightly backwards ; at the end of the pubis, near to where it comes into contact with the iliac portion of the cartilage, is a forwardly directed process, the prepubic process. This primitive state of affairs has been most nearly preserved in Apteryx and Dinornis; in these birds the pubis and ischium are free from each other distally and from the ilium; their direction is, however, more backwards than in the embryo, and the prepubic process is relatively smaller. In all other birds the pubis and the ischium lie in a line more parallel i? VESSA . R JU Whilmilir: UUTA 0717 Wh EO . 25 62. . Abilim S MIS - YTI R '. Si * * . E- N NO! I LANIMISM . :. ... 2 .. . . 1 17 . - - - 11 . 1 -_ SEN. - C . ES NN NI N HA TONNI U 1 .2012 orld H VITU - VROWW'zMUWA -- LESS llllll Wi --i- 2 . . ps Fig. 75.-PELVIS OF DINORNIS (AFTER MIVART). NATURAL SIZE. il, ilium ; P, pubis ; ps, interobturator process; lp, pectineal process. with the ilium, and there is a greater or less connection between the several bones. This is seen in a less developed condition in the struthious birds and tinamous than in any others. In the tinamous, in fact, the pubis and ischium are quite free from each other distally, and from the ilium. In the ostrich the pubes unite in a ventral symphysis ; in Rhea there is a remarkable modification induced by the meeting of the ischia. The details of the struthious pelvis will be found described under the description of that group. In carinate birds the ischium is for the greater part of its extent fused with the ilium, a foramen only—the ischiadic foramen -being left anteriorly. The pubes join to a less extent with the ischia, and are sometimes (e.g. Colymbus) quite free OSTEOLOGY 133 from them. The prepubic or pectineal process is large in the struthious birds, in the tinamous, and in a few carinates, such as Geococcyx. It has received much attention as the possible equivalent of the reptilian pubis, the bird's so-called pubis being in that case the homologue of the posterior pubic process of the reptile. The dinosaurians seemed at one time to have been the means of solving the questions involved ; for in some of them there is a backwardly directed pubis, not quite so bent as in the bird, from the anterior and upper end of which a stout bone, considered to be the homologue of the pectineal process, is directed forwards. This latter, however, is clearly a part of the pubis, while the pectineal process is at least not always a product of the pubis, being sometimes purely iliac in origin, sometimes partly pubic and partly iliac. It may be that the missing prepubic process of the dinosaurian pelvis is represented by the remarkable bones ankylosed to the ostrich's pelvis anteriorly, and con- tinued forwards by a cartilaginous tract, which were dis- covered by DARWIN and GARROD. This will reduce the pectineal process to the level of a mere projection of the pelvis of no particular significance save as a secure hold for the important ambiens muscle which is there attached. In any case it is safe to assert that wherever that process is pre- sent and long the ambiens is also present and well developed. Among carinate birds the pelvis does not show a great variability of form. The pelvis is either broader or narrower, being excessively narrow in the Colymbi. The proportions of the preacetabular and the postacetabular regions also differ, as do their relative breadths. . It is noteworthy that the pubis is sometimes defective in the middle, appearing then to consist of a proximal and distal portion unconnected in the dry skeleton. The fact also that but few muscles arise from the pubis seems to show that it is in a condition of degeneration. In Archæopteryx alone are the elements of the pelvis not ankylosed together. The acetabulum of all birds except Dromæus is perfo- 134 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS rated; but the perforation is reduced in size in Geococcyx, Tinamus, and Hesperornis. Hind Limb.-The hind limb of birds consists of femur, tibia and fibula, tarsus, metatarsus, and phalanges. In all birds the femur is shorter than the tibia, the pro- portions varying much. It seems impossible to place those birds in which the difference is least at the base of the series, on account, of course, of a resemblance so far to reptiles, since relative importance of the fore and hind limb appears to have something to do with the matter. From FÜR- BRINGER's tables ? it is to be gathered that Fregata is the bird in which the difference between those two segments of the leg is least. It is most pronounced in the divers, flamingo, and Tubinares. A bone of some classificatory importance is the patella, a sesamoid on the upper surface of the knee. This bone is not ossified at all in Colymbus, but is enormous in the grebes and in Hesperornis, in which latter, as in Phalacrocorax and Biziura lobata, it is perforated by the tendon of the ambiens. In Plotus the patella is grooved only for this tendon. In no bird (except as an occasional abnormality) is the fibula a complete bone. It fails below, and does not reach the tarsus. It is usually more or less coalescent with the tibia. The latter is a strong bone with a crest in front, which is enormous in the divers and Hesperornis. The distal end of the tibia is formed by a portion of the tarsus, of which the remaining portion is coalesced with the metatarsus. The tarsus in the embryo 3 consists of three chondrites, a tibiale, a fibulare, and a distale. The latter represents the separate distal elements of the tarsus fused. The tibiale sends up- 1 KESSLER (* Osteologie der Vogelfüsse,' Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 1841) has also given tables. The value of the long bones' of the leg for defining orders, families, and often genera' is plainly set forth in this paper. See also MILNE- EDWARDS, Oiseaux Fossiles de la France, where further information is to be found. 2 J. KACZANDER, · Beitrag zur Lehre über die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Patella,' Mt. Emr. Inst. Wien, (2) ii. 1887, p. 12. 3 G. BAUR, 'Der Tarsus der Vögel u. Dinosaurier,' Morph. J.B. viii. 1883, p. 417; E. G. MORSE, "On the Carpus and Tarsus of Birds,' Ann. Lyc. New York, x. 1873, p. 141, and on the Identity of the Ascending Process of the Astragalus,' &c., Anniv. Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 1880. OSTEOLOGY 135 11 wards an 'ascending process,' found also in the dinosaurs, which is the equivalent of the intermedium, while the .centrale is represented by a distinct osseous nodule in the adults of the Struthiones (including Dinornis) and tinamous. In Apteryx T. J. PARKER found two osseous centralia. ... The number of toes and phalanges has been already described above. ... The Skull. While presenting many characteristic features of its own, the skull in birds shows certain fundamental like- nesses to the skull of the reptilią. ! As in them, and contrary to what we find in the mammalia, the skull of birds- 1. Articulates with the spine by a single occipital condyle. 2. Possesses a quadrate bone for the articulation of the mandible. 3. The mandible itself is composed of at least a dentary angular and articular portion. 4. The columella auris is very similar. The bird's skull is, however, distinguishable by a namber of characters, of which the following are the most important:- ... 1. The bones of the cranium are very closely united and 2. The brain case is large as compared with that of reptiles. 3. The bones of the skull, as are those of the skeleton in general, are light and contain air spaces. 4. The columella and the os transversum of the reptiles are absent. 5. There is no distinct postfrontal. The bones of the bird's skull, as that of other ver- tebrates, may be distinguished into four categories- (1) those of the cranium ossified from its cartilage ; (2) those of the sense capsules ; (3) those of the visceral arches, and (4) membrane bones connected with the several regions enumerated. | H. MAGNUS, · Untersuchungen über d. Struktur d. knöchernen Vogelkopfes, Zeitschr. wiss. Zool. xxi. 1871. 2 See however below, under Passerine skull. 136 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1. The bones formed by ossification from the chondro- cranium are four occipitals, viz. basioccipital, two exoccipitals, and the supraoccipital, forming a complete ring of bone round the foramen magnum; basisphenoid, with two wings, the alisphenoids ; presphenoid, with two wings, the orbito- sphenoids (occasionally atrophied, e.g. Apteryx); meseth- moid, with two lateral wings, the ectethmoids (sometimes termed prefrontals); these are occasionally absent as distinct ossifications, and may sometimes, on the other hand, be very large and even appear on the frontal surface of the skull, marking the orbit anteriorly; in those cases they take the place of the orbital part of the lacrymal and have a better claim to be called prefrontal. 2. The investment of the auditory capsule, termed collectively the periotic bone, consists of three separate elements, the prootic, opisthotic, and the epiotic, which last is absent in the Apteryx. 3. The first visceral arch, the mandibular, has but two bones 1 ossified from its cartilage, the quadrate and the articulare of the lower jaw. The second and third arches form the hyoid apparatus; the ossifications are, first, the columella auris, a bone corresponding physiologically, if not also morphologically, to the ear bones of mammals ; secondly, a median piece in front, composed of two fused pieces, the basihyal, with sometimes lateral processes, the ceratohyals ; thirdly, the basibranchial, with two long lateral outgrowths, of which the nearest regions are ossified to form the cerato- branchials; thirdly, a single median piece (sometimes absent), the urohyal, a remnant of the third arch.2 The membrane bones of the bird's skull are numerous, and may be referred to the same categories as the cartilage bones. 1. Associated with the cartilaginous cranium are pos- teriorly the parietals; in front of these the frontals; with the frontals articulate the lacrymals, of varying development, A mento-meckelian has been recently discovered in hawks. ? For modifications of hyoids see especially GADOW, in Bronn's Thierreich, and GIEBEL, Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw., xi. 1858. OSTEOLOGY 137 А VM same.com.mm. and in the hawks bearing a second and separate bone behind. These bones appear sometimes to have a definite relation to the cartilaginous ectethmoids. I do not refer so much to the fact that they sometimes entirely fuse with them (and with the skull wall) às to the varying size and relations of the two. In the kingfishers, for example, where the ectethmoids are small, the lacrymals are large, and have below an expanded plate which supplies the place of the feeble ectethmoid. When the lacrymal does not reach the orbital margin, as in Corvus, the ectethmoid does, and, as it were, takes its place. In many birds belonging C- to quite different orders there is a small bone connecting the lower end of the lacrymal, or of the ectethmoid, 6m with either the palatine or the jugal bar; this bone has been termed os crochu,' os uncinatum, os lacrymo- palatinum, and will be described in detail in those birds where it is to be found.' It may be that the os uncinatum should have been de- scribed as one of cartilaginous bones of the cranium. In some birds (tina- FIG. 76.—HYOID or Latha- mous, Menura, Psophia, and Arbori- horen US discolor (AFTER MIVART). cola) there is a set of supraorbital b, basihyal ; hb, hypobranchial ; cv, bones margining the orbits above. entoglossum ; P, parabyal ; c, con- The base of the brain case is protected by a large basitemporal, which has sometimes (e.g. Apteryx) a long rostrum in front. The maxillæ are sometimes sepa- rate from each other, and at times united across the middle line by more or less extensive ossifications, of which a pro- minent one, and with the appearance of a separate bone, is the maxillo-palatine. The premaxillaries in front of these send back a long process extending as far as the nasals. 2. To this category, perhaps, belong the squamosal, See under Cariama, Tubinares, Steganopodes, Musophagi, where cross references will be found. ceratobranchial; , rohyal ; e, cavity in e. 138 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS referable to the auditory capsule, and the nasals above and the vomers below to the nasal capsule. The vomers are often paired bones, and near to them are other small and independent ossifications, such as the septomaxillaries (see under Passeres) and the mediopalatines (see under Cuckoos). Connected with the eye--ossified, indeed, in the sclerotic-is the sclerotic ring. : 3. As membranous ossifications connected with or in the neighbourhood of the visceral arches are the pterygoids and palatines of the first arch, and perhaps the quadrato- jugal and jugal, connecting the quadrate with the maxillæ. The pterygoids are, as a rule, style-like bones, flat, however, in the penguins, and may or may not articulate with the basis cranii by means of the basipterygoid processes. The palatines may be completely separate from each other, or fused for a greater or less extent. They are broader or narrower, as the case may be. The lower jaw has a number of membranous ossifications; these are the splenial, dentary, angular, supra-angular, and coronary. One or two additional elements may be present. With these general characters the skull of birds shows a considerable number of differences of minor importance in different families and genera. The first, perhaps, of these in degree of importance-certainly in general estimation, if not actually so-is the series of modifications of the avian palate which were worked out in detail by HUXLEY, and after him by PARKER, but which had been previous to HUXLEY'S ? well-known paper studied with some degree of success by CORNAY. HUXLEY distinguished among the palates of birds the following principal modifications :- 1. Dromcognathism.— This characterises not only the ratites but also the tinamous, and has been indeed the ? In P. Z. S. 1867. See also paper by NEWTON, Ibis, 1868, p. 85, and reply, ibid. p. 357. ? •Considérations Générales sur la Classification des Oiseaux,' &c., Rev. Zool. Soc. Cuvierienne, 1847; see also HEERWAGEN, Beiträge 2. Keniti. d. Kicfergaumenapparates d. Vögel, Diss. Inaug., Nürnberg, 1889.. OSTEOLOGY 139 principal reason for the close association of these birds by subsequent writers. In these birds (see fig. 77) the vomer is broad posteriorly, and thrusts itself between the pterygoids and palatines on the one side and the basisphenoid rostrum on the other, and thus prevents their articulation. This is the typical dromæognathous state ; but there are certain modifications which will be described in detail later. The ostrich, for example, is only dromæognathous in that the pterygoids and palatines do not articulate with the basi- sphenoidal rostrum; for the vomer in this bird is short and does not reach back far enough to prevent (so to speak) the union. 2. Desmognathism.-In a variety of birds belonging to many orders the vom'er has either disappeared or is very small; the two maxillo-palatine plates come into contact in the middle line, as, indeed, they do in the dromæognathous skull. As with all the types of skull to be enumerated, the pterygoids and palatines at the point of their union with each other articulate with the basisphenoidal rostrum. (This kind of skull is illustrated in fig. 78.) 3. Schizognathism.—This type is almost as prevalent as desmognathism. The vomer, well developed, terminates, as a rule, in a point anteriorly. The maxillo-palatines, variable in size and shape, do not meet across the middle line with each other or with the vomer. (See fig. 79.) :: 4. Ægithognathism. – Found typically in 'finches' and in passerines generally; is very like the last type. The distinguishing character (fig. 80) is that the vomer is broad and truncated anteriorly, lying between the separate maxillo-palatines. The skull is thus schizognathous' etymologically. To these four divisions Professor PARKER has added- 5. Saurognathism.—Exemplified in the woodpeckers. The maxillo-palatines are extremely slight, hardly extending inwards from the maxillæ ; hence the skull is widely schizognathous. The vomers are delicate paired rods. As stated in the foregoing brief epitome of the characters of the several types of skull, the facts seem to differentiate the five types fully. ELLIOT COUES remarks of desmo- min. 140 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS gnathism that it does not fadge so well as any other one of the palatal types of structure with recognised groups of birds based on other considerations. This might be really said of saurognathism also ; for the woodpeckers are not so far removed from other picarian birds as the structure of V ) Pineau MA! ! Pmix. (2x STIU lui 3 S2 SHO . ST - WE Dop Map . . --- . ... 11 I 2 WA who SU RSS 2L . Time 15.3. ry SU w re Alitumi my f . . ID No Fig. 77.-SKULL or Rhea. VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER HUXLEY). Pm.t, premaxillæ ; Mxp, maxillo-palatine; R. rostrum ; Vo, vomer; Pl, palatine; Pl, pterygoid ; *, basipterygoid process. Fig. 78.-SKULL or Dacelo (ATTER HUXLEY). Lu, lacrymal. Other letters as in previous figure. their skull would lead us to believe. Neither are any of the subdivisions, except that of the dromæognathæ, really satis- factory from the classificatory point of view. Their in- efficiency, however, is rendered harmless by the fact that OSTEOLOGY 141 they are in reality not such hard and fast distinctions as might be gathered from the foregoing abstract and from textbooks in general. PARKER has distinguished four categories of desmo- gnathism-(a) perfect direct, the maxillo-palatines uniting below in the middle line ; (6) perfect indirect, maxillo- palatines separated by a chink in the middle line ; (c) im- perfectly, direct, maxillo-palatines sutured together in the Prix (DC ES ! .. AL MCP ES 1134 A LLT g RA le VA 12 W 87 II. www DS ... IN Fig. 79.-SKULL OF Alca (AFTER HUXLEY). *, prefrontal (ectethmoid); Qu, quadrate ; Mix, Maxilla. Other letters as in previous figures. Fig. 80.--SKULL Or Corvus (AFTER HUXLEY). LETTERING AS BEFORE. U middle line; (d) imperfectly indirect, maxillo-palatines closely articulated with and separated by the median septomaxillary. There is also the exaggerated desmognathism ( double des- mognathism ') of the hornbills, &c., where not only the maxillo-palatines but also the palatines are united across the middle line; and finally the spurious desmognathism of certain ægithognathous birds (Megalæma), in which the 142 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRI)Ş CU vomers are ægithognathous, but the maxillo-palatines are united. As of desmognathism so of ægithognathism, PARKER distinguishes four kinds- Incomplete ægithognathism (Hemipodes) is distinguished by the fact that the broad double vomer has a septomaxil- lary at each angle, which is only “strongly tied' to alinasal cartilages. Complete Var. 1.—The vomers are distinct from the often long alinasal walls and turbinals : a small septomaxillary appears on the angle of the alinasal cartilage, but does not run into it. Complete Var. 2.--Here the vomers are grafted upon the nasal wall. Compound, where in an ægithognathous palate desmo- gnathism is produced by ankylosis of the inner edge of the maxillaries with a highly ossified alinasal wall and nasal septum. Among the higher families the septomaxillaries are often absent. It is clear, therefore, that a very narrow boundary line separates desmognathism in some of its forms from schizo- gnathism, and that there is a direct relationship between desmognathism and ægithognathism. The only type of skull which is really distinct is the dromæognathous. In classificatory importance perhaps next comes the condition of the nasal bone. GARROD distinguished birds into those with holorhinal and those with schizorhinal nostrils. These terms refer to the posterior edge of the bony nostril, which in one set of birds, the holorhinal, ends behind with a clear oval outline (fig. 81), or in the schizorhinal birds runs back as a gradually narrowing chink; this latter arrangement is shown in fig. 82. In the holorhinal bird a straight line, drawn across the face from the posterior boundary of one nostril to that of the other, passes in front of the termination of the nasal processes of the prernaxilla. It is not always the case that a line drawn similarly to that of the holorhinal birds passes behind the OSTEOLOGY 143 end of the premaxillary process, but it is generally so. In the schizorhinal skull it often appears, as in the typical schizorhinal cranes and charadriiform birds, as if the outer part of the nasal bone were a distinct bone; for it joins the ul. 1 OUI ISNO int . win i - TI . I ** WIRA: Virit tit !! * AM -Tuil . RO. it lo AU . ) . FIG. 8.1.-SKULL OF Psophia. LATERAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) inner lamina at an angle. In the typical holorhinal skull, on the other hand, as, for example, in the Rallidæ, the two parts of the nasal come smoothly together, leaving the clear- AR KIRMI . www 2 TOON . SY FO TI AW WC P7 VP OLY AZ VA XXS wa 16 TO Se FIG. 82.-SKULL OF Larus. DORSAL VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) Fig. 83.–SKULL OF Furnarius. DORSAL VIEW. (ALTER GARROD.) cut, ovally contoured nostril. It is not, however, always easy to distinguish so clearly as can be done between Rallus and Grus. Thus Garron admits the schizorhiny of Furnarius 144 STRUCTURE AND. CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS and some other Passerines, in which the bony opening of the nostrils, although, as he figures it, rounded off at its termination, ends behind, or at least on a level with, the ends of the nasal processes of the premaxillæ. In the same way an intermediate condition is offered by Thinocorus and Glareola, in which there is much the same kind of arrange- ment. But one of the most striking instances which have come to my personal knowledge is that of Chunga. Its near ally Cariara is, as correctly stated by GARROD and others, holorhinal, which in view of its relationship to the cranes is unfortunate. But in Chunga it is clear that the holorhiny is secondary, being produced by a slight modifica- tion of schizorhiny. A careful examination of Chunga shows that the two parts of the nasal bone do not join evenly above the opening of the nostril, but that the outer descending lamina of the bone is divided for some little distance by a crack from the premaxillary portion, the two running up in close contact- so close that no actual space is left between them, only a line of junction to mark their original separateness. In the skulls of Cariama that I have examined there is no trace of this; but, considering the nearness to each other of the two birds, it seems probable that it is merely disguised. This fact favours FÜRBRINGER’s idea that schizorhiny is more primitive than holorhiny, and is so far adverse to GARROD'S view that the schizorhinal disposition is most certainly one which is a secondary development upon the normal holo- rhinal nares.' It is clear too that the holorhiny of such a bird as Opis- thocomus, where the ossified alinasals produce the rounded margin of the bony nostril, cannot be accurately compared with the holorhinal nostril of a gallinaceous bird, where it is the nasals themselves that bound the orifice. The presence or absence of basipterygoid processes is another matter upon which some stress is usually laid from a systematic point of view. One assumes that the existence of these processes is the original condition and that their OSTEOLOGY 145 processes is most capricious. Thus among the limicoline series they are absent from the skulls of the gulls and-more unexpectedly perhaps—from the Edicnemidæ and Thino- coridæ. Among the birds of prey the secretary bird and the American vultures have these processes, while the Falconidæ have them not. The goatsuckers may be similarly divided into those without and those with basi- pterygoid processes. The TUBINARES, again, show variation in this respect, as do the trogons. It is therefore, in the first place, impossible to compare directly all birds which are without these processes, just as it is impossible to put together all birds without an ambiens. We may note, how- ever, that it is only among groups of birds which show a considerable range of structural variation that there is this variation of the basipterygoid processes. It is not, so to speak, lightly that they have gone. The reason for the assumption that the basipterygoid processes are primitive is their existence in reptiles and in such widely separated types as chameleons, pterodactyles, and Hatteria, and in addition I may point out that there is a significant correspondence between a primitive arrangement of gut and the presence of these structures. It cannot be said that every bird with basipterygoid processes has the most primitive arrangement of gut, but we do find both in the ratites, Chauna, the gallinaceous birds, the charadriiform birds, the owls, and the goatsuckers. The falconiformes (Haliaetus) are, it is true, an exception; but it must be remembered that this group is one that has basipterygoid processes (Serpentarius, Cathartes), though they are absent in the true falcons. The principal variations exhibited by the cranium of birds, apart from those that have been already considered, concern the existence of supra-orbital bones, the existence or non-existence of occipital fontanelles, the marks of the supra- orbital glands, and the presence or absence of a hinge line between the skull proper and the face. The existence of supra-orbital bones in the form of a longer or shorter chain of ossicles was first pointed out by PARKER as a reptilian character of occasional occurrence. 146 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . . . 1S ONE .**. SaaS SUB 27 . 19 : ult LE REC Hr . DIN . NIS In the tinamous there are a series of these bones, which in Psophia are reduced to a smaller number, and in the passe- rine Menura to three only; on the other hand in Perdix they are again more numerous. It is possible that in such birds as Rhinochetus and Edicnemus, in which the edge of the bony orbit is very sharp, the thinness of the edge is due to the fusion of a set of these bonelets with the true margin of the frontal. As will be seen, the existence of these bones is so rare as to render them of not great service from a sys- tematic point of view; but it is only among birds which may be fairly on other grounds regarded as archaic that they are to be met with. The occipital fontanelles (fig. 84) are mostly developed in water birds, though any connection be- tween them and the habit of the birds is at least not obvious. They FIG. 84.-SKULL OF Chloephaga are most general among Magellanica. BACK VIEW. the (AFTER GARROD.) Limicola and the duck tribe, but are found also in the Plataleidæ and exist temporarily in the gulls; they are also found in the flamingo, Gruidæ, and among the auks. Almost the same remarks may be made of the impressions for the supra-orbital glands. They are very marked in the Limicolæ, being more usual than the occipital fontanelles ; they are met with in the auks, divers, and penguins; in the cranes and Plataleidæ they are present, but not so conspicuous. The hinge line between face and skull is seen in its most fully developed condition in parrots, where the face is actu- ally movable on the head. But it is commonly met with elsewhere, particularly among the Anomalogonatæ; it is associated with holorhiny and with comparatively short nasal processes of the premaxillary. Apart from their relations to the vomer the palatines and pterygoids show some variations in structure. As to the pterygoids, the most prominent difference concerns the place OSTEOLOGY 147 TI where the articulation with the basipterygoid facets occurs ; it is usually towards the middle of the bone; but in the emu, in the Anseres and Galli it is quite at the end of the bone, the end nearest to the palatines. The palatines differ greatly in shape and in breadth. Among the Anseres and Galli the internal lamina which meet in the middle line above the basisphenoids are practically absent, being only represented by a more or less faintly marked ridge. In other birds these regions of the palatines are well marked, and may meet for a considerable space in the middle line, and, as in Steatornis, an anterior portion of each bone may come into contact in the middle line further forward, thus giving rise to what has been termed double desmognathism, the maxillo-palatines of course forming the other junction in the middle line in front of them again. In most birds perhaps the palatines are gradually rounded off behind, but in the Ardeidæ and in Rhinochetus, &c., they are as it were sharply cut across behind this edge, being at right angles to the long axis of the bone. In many Passeres and in some other birds there is a. well-developed postero-lateral process of the bone, which has been termed transpalatine; this, if it came into contact with the jugal arch, as it nearly does in some Passeres, would bear the strongest likeness to the transverse bone of reptiles.. The palatines are occasionally, but rarely, fenestrate, e.g. Anous, Eurypyga. The vomer varies from complete absence (Colius) to very striking presence. When present there is every grade be- tween a thin splint and a broad flat bone, which in the latter case is often obviously formed of two lateral halves. These, however, do not appear to remain completely separate except among the Pici (q.v.), where they are smallish splints. But not only among the ostrich tribe, but in Hesperornis and passerines the vomers are double in the young. A series of small bones lying between the palatines, and called interpa- latines and septo-maxillaries by PARKER, may be regarded as belonging to the vomerine series. They are unpaired ossicles which continue, though with a hiatus, the vomer backwards. L ! L 2 148 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS D The degree of development of the lacrymals and the ectethmoid processes varies greatly among birds, and is at times of use for systematic purposes. In some birds, as, for example, among the cranes, there is no junction between those bones; in the Charadriidæ, on the other hand they form a complete ring; in Pterocles, &c., the two are firmly blended into a square plate of bone which bounds the orbit anteriorly. The lacrymal is occasionally joined to the palatine or to the jugal by a small independent ossicle, which PARKER has termed the uncinate bone, and thinks to be the homologue of the anterior connection of the palato-quadrate arch with the skull in the tadpole, &c. This bone is so variable in its presence (e.g. Cariama, Tubinares) that it can hardly be regarded as of much systematic importance. The last matter to which we may refer as of classificatory importance is the form of the quadrate, which Miss WALKER has shown to vary much and characteristically in different groups. It had been long known that the single-headed articulation with the skull was a character of struthious birds, excepting Apteryx, and of Ichthyornis, and to a less extent of gallina- ceous birds and ducks. · The value of the base of the skull in classification has been continuously debated since the facts were first so clearly set forth by HUXLEY. From the complications introduced into the originally simple series of modifications of the skull instituted by HUXLEY, by PARKER, and from the varied criticisms of fact and conclusion of a classificatory kind based upon fact, we may disentangle one conclusion that many ornithologists will agree with that is, the more lacertilian character of the skull in the struthious than in other birds. In them the palatines are borne off from the basisphenoidal rostrum by the vomer (with the exception of Struthio, in which, however, the palatines are still remote from the rostrum), and the general disposition of these parts is, as HUXLEY wrote, “more lacertilian than in other birds.' Furthermore in the stru- thious birds the double character of the vomer is more OSTEOLOGY 149 universally retained than in other birds. As T. J. PARKE I has shown in Mesopteryx, Anomalopteryx, and (according to OWEN) Dinornis torosus, and finally in the young of Emeus crassus, there are distinct paired vomers. The strong anterior and posterior bifurcation of the vomer in living Struthionidæ is an indication of the partial fusion of the primitively. separate halves of the single vomer. A double vomer, however, is not a feature of the struthious birds alone; in the young Hesperornis the same occurs; in the woodpeckers (hence Saurognathæ in PARKER'S nomenclature) there are two distinct vomers, while PARKER has recently committed him- self to the general statement that 'in most birds that have a large or wide vomer it is double at first. The inference is that the single thread-like vomer of many birds is in a degenerate condition. In any case a large vomer, double or single, and a lacertilian palate generally mark all the stru- thious birds, and justify their generally recognised position somewhere not far from the root of the avian series. As for desmognathism and schizognathism, Professor PARKER has aptly remarked : ' The use of such a taxonomic character as desmognathism or schizognathism is very extensive in some groups and very limited in others; and there is no sharp line of demarcation between the two. The most lacertilian palate for openness is that of the woodpecker ; the most modified by intense ossification is that of the 'toucan; yet these two types, each specialised to the utter- most, have a postcephalic skeleton, not indeed identical, but extremely similar. That the toucans and woodpeckers are exceedingly near akin is also shown by many other features of their organisa- tion (see below). HUXLEY claimed for his Schizognathæ that they were a natural group, but hardly claimed so much for the Desmognathæ. He admitted, however, that Cariama, a schizognathous bird in the totality of its organisation, had a palate approximating to the desmognathous. The Cracidæ and Rhinochetus are in the same anomalous position. The Trogonidæ, whose nearest allies are the desmognathous birds, have a schizognathous palate (as was pointed out by 150 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS FORBES), while the goatsuckers show both desmognathism and schizognathism among the members of the group. On the other hand schizognathism is not on the taxonomic side sharply marked off from ægithognathism. HUXLEY's defi- nition of the vomer in schizognathous birds was that it is pointed in front;' this is not the case with many Schizo- gnathæ, e.g. Hematopus, Numenius (cf. below). And, on the other hand, PARKER showed that another peculiarity of the ægithognathous skull, the union of the vomer with ossified alinasals, was also found in the 'Turnicomorphæ,' a group which for other reasons should be placed among HUXLEY'S Schizognathæ.. It appears, therefore, undesirable to lay too much stress upon the modifications of the palate, as seen in the three groups just discussed, as a basis of classification. HUXLEY defined desmognathism as follows: "The vomer is often either abortive or so small that it disappears from the skeleton. Where it exists it is always slender and tapers to one point anteriorly. The maxillo-palatines are united across the middle line either directly or by the intermediation of the ossifications on to the nasal septum.' This definition applies perfectly well to the Anseres and Palamedeæ, but not to all other groups of birds. But there is the form of desmognathism found in the Steganopodes and in the owls and Accipitres. In the former group there is no desmognathism in the sense of HUXLEY) except in Pelecanus. The maxillo-palatines of Phaethon and Fregata (see below) are perfectly free; in front of them the palate is complete, but that completeness is formed by a union of lateral extensions of the maxillæ which are distinct from the rounded maxillo-palatines. In the cormorant, which is admittedly an ally of Phaethon, there appears at first sight to be a true desmognathism, a fusion, that is to say, of the maxillo-palatines. The plates of bone in question are beneath the ends of the palatines, but, instead of running horizontally in the same plane as the palatines, they run obliquely upwards (when the skull is regarded from below). If it were not for Fregata, these bones might be OSTEOLOGY 151 IP looked upon as the homologues of the maxillo-palatines of Phaethon. But in Fregata both structures are present. Coexistence clearly disproves homology; we must, therefore, place the desmognathism of Phalacrocorax upon an entirely different footing from that of the Anseres, where the maxillo-palatines unite in the typical fashion across the middle line. In addition to these forms of desmognathism it appears to me that we should distinguish that of the American vul- tures, where there is no union at all of the maxillo-palatines, but only of the alinasals. • In fact there appear to be three ways of bridging over the palate which may be termed desmognathism, though the word becomes merely descriptive of a condition and not necessarily indicative of affinities; these are- (1) Union of maxillo-palatines (more or less complete). (2) Union of alinasals. (3) Union of maxillæ in front of the maxillo-palatines. These three are usually combined in various ways; e.g. In hornbills there are all three methods of union; in some Steganopodes only numbers 2 and 3. Brain and Nervous System. The brain of recent birds chiefly differs from that of reptiles by the large size of the hemispheres, the large size of the cerebellum, and by the fact that, owing to the great development of these two regions, the optic lobes are pushed to one side. T. J. PARKER found in studying the develop- ment of Apterys that the latter feature is acquired during development, and that the optic lobes have originally the reptilian position. The extinct cretaceous birds had brains with smaller cerebral hemispheres and with larger optic lobes than existing birds, and were in these particulars more repti- lian. On the other hand, if the cast present in the London example of the Archæopteryx be really, as it was first surmised to be by Sir JOHN EVANS, the brain of the bird, it was less reptilian than Hesperornis, a fact which may possibly 152 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS suggest the inference that the brain of the cretaceous bird furnishes an example of degeneration rather than of the retention of an archaic character. The hemispheres, although smooth in the majority of birds, show faint indications of what may correspond to furrows in some others. In the duck, for example, as figured by GADOW (after BUMM), there is a central raised area marked off by a furrow from the surrounding parts of the cere- brum ; faint traces of the same occur in Buteo vulgaris. The weight of the brain as compared with that of the whole body has been studied by several observers, and according to their results the Passeres and parrots take the highest place. But GADOW justly remarks that 'the attempts to sort birds according to the proportion of brain to body have led to no practical results, chiefly because the variable conditions of fat and lean subjects have not been considered.' The brachial and lumbar plexuses, particularly the former, have been studied in a large number of birds ; FÜRBRINGER has published a quantity of drawings of the former, but no classificatory results of reliability appear to follow from the facts collected with so much diligence. The brachial plexus varies in position and in complexity. The former variations are largely correlated with the varying length of the neck; thus in Columba the first spinal nerve entering into the plexus is the tenth, in Phænicopterus the seventeenth. The number of nerves which together form the plexus varies from only three in Bucorvus to six in Columba. The Eye.—The eye of birds presents many resemblances to that of reptiles. The minute structure of the retina presents many points of similarity, as also the ring of ossifi- cations in the cornea, and the pecten. The latter is a folded process of pigmented tissue which projects into the vitreous humour through the choroidal fissure, which is in the embryo the gap left between the edge of the optic cup and the lens on one side. The pecten offers differences in various birds upon which perhaps some little stress can be laid. In Aptery. it is entirely absent. There are very few folds in BRAIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM 153 the owls (4 to 7) and in the goatsuckers ; this might lead, in connection with the total absence of the pecten in Apteryx, to the conclusion that the less or greater development of the organ had some relation to nocturnal or diurnal habits. But the existence of only four in the emu seems to throw some doubt upon this suggestion. Among the passerine birds the largest number (raven 30) of folds in the pecten is found. Certain small ossifications in the cornea near to the entrance of the optic nerve seem to be peculiar to the Passeres and to certain picarian birds. The eyes have both lacrymal and Harderian gland; the eyeball is moved by four recti and two oblique muscles; the membrana by two muscles, the quadratus and the pyramidalis, both innervated by the sixth cranial nerve. The Ear:-Birds have no external ear (concha), but in many a flap forming a valve projects into the meatus from the outer margin, a state of affairs which recalls the condi- tions found in the crocodile. This outer ear is especially well developed in the owls, in which birds also the ear region of the skull is often markedly asymmetrical. The inner ear has the three semicircular canals of all higher vertebrates, but the cochlea is not coiled. The audi- tory ossicles consist of a single structure, partly bony and partly cartilaginous, called the columella. The Affinities of Birds In considering the relationship of birds to other verte- brates .it is probably safe to leave out of consideration the marnmalia and the amphibia. Points of likeness have, it is true, been urged in favour of the latter view of an affinity between birds and amphibia by the late Professor PARKER; but apart from warm-bloodedness and the resemblance of some of the more simple forms of feathers to hairs there is nothing to be said on behalf of a kinship between birds and mammals. As to the likeness with amphibians, it is possible that the divergence of birds from 154 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the reptilian stem was at a time when the characters of the amphibian had been incompletely thrown off, and at a time also when the mammals diverged on their own path from a point near to that whence the birds took their origin. The general belief is in the origin of birds from somie reptile stem, but there is not an absolute agreement as to precisely which group of reptiles birds are most nearly akin to. The researches of MARSH and HUXLEY, besides those of COPE, SEELEY, HULKE, and some others, have led to a general acceptance of a nearer kinship with the dinosaurs than with any other group of reptiles. In considering the question, then, which forms the subject of the present chapter, we shall commence with the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs, ranging in size from vast creatures of 70 or 80 feet in length to a diminutive reptile half the size of the domestic fowl, are first known from the Trias, persisted though the Jurassic and finally came to an end in the Cretaceous epoch, later than which no remains have been found. So far as we are aware birds came into existence in the Jurassic period; hence there is no anachronism in considering them from the dinosaurian aspect. It was formerly held that birds antedated the Jurassic period; for some of the celebrated tridactyle footprints in the sandstone of the Triassic period were put down to birds. It seems, however, to be now fairly certain that those foot- prints are of dinosaurs. Still with so specialised a form as Archæopteryx certainly was, and as Laopteryx probably was in the Jura, it would not be surprising to meet with genuine avian remains in the Trias. But even then there are undoubtedly dinosaurs belonging to that period, so that the question of relationship would resolve itself into a common origin, not a derivation of birds from dinosaurs. The part of the skeleton in which most resemblance is shown between birds and dinosaurs is the pelvis. The dinosaurian pelvis consists of apparently three elements, like that of birds, but the pubis is an L-shaped bone, constructed of two pieces, one directed forwards and the other back- wards and parallel with the ischium of its side. The latter THE AFFINITIES OF BIRDS 155 AL1 LI 1 is generally regarded as the homologue of the pubis of birds, while the forwardly directed half of the bone is considered to be the equivalent of the pectineal process. The alterna- tive is to look upon the prepubis of the dinosaur as the pubis of birds, and the postpubis as having disappeared altogether in them. In this case the crocodile will be an intermediate form ; for in this reptile the prepubis is the 'pubis,' while the postpubis is represented by an inconspicuous process upon the pubis. The former alternative commends itself to us. There are birds in which the pectineal process is practically absent; in others, as Apteryx, Geococcyx, &c., it is large ; on the other hand there are dinosaurs, e.g. Laosaurus Consors, in which the prepubis is generally reduced—to a length of not more than one-third of the postpubis (pubis of birds). The opposite extreme is reached by Triceratops, where it is the postpubis which is less than a third of the pre- pubis, and Ceratosaurus, where it is even further reduced. It is not, however, only in the pubes that the pelvis of the dinosaurs is like that of birds. In those reptiles the ilia were extended forwards and backwards, as in birds, and in Ceratosaurus at any rate the three bones were all firmly ankylosed, as, in all birds save Arch@opteryx, where the separation of the bones conforms to what is found in the vast majority of the dinosaurs. Laosaurus, which has just been mentioned, is one of the most birdlike of dinosaurs. "The two species of the genus first described by the writer,' remarks Professor MARSH, show these avian features best of all, and it would be difficult to tell many of the isolated remains from those of birds.' Of the cretaceous dinosaurs the same author observes, · Others were diminutive in size, and so birdlike in form and structure that their remains can be distinguished with difficulty, if at all, from those of birds.' Ornithomimus, as its name denotes, is one of those especially annectent dinosaurs. In this genus the third metatarsal is crowded backwards behind the second and fourth, as in many birds. But the dinosaurian metatarsals which are most strikingly like those of birds are of Cerato- saurus, which MARSH has figured side by side with those VI 156 STRUCTURE AND. CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS of a penguin, where the bones show greater traces than in any other birds of their distinctness, and are furthermore shorter than is the rule. In dinosaurs generally those bones are separate, but not in Ceratosaurus, where the degree of fusion is almost exactly that of Aptenodytes. Furthermore in some dinosaurs, as in birds, the inter-. medium is prolonged upwards as the ascending process of the astragalus. The proportions of the long bones of the hind limb are distinctly birdlike in some dinosaurs. In Laosaurus, for example, the femur, as in birds, is shorter than the tibia, the reverse occurring in most forms. In the same animal and in others the fibula is commencing to degenerate ; it is decidedly smaller than the tibia. In their skulls the dinosaurs show no marked approxima- tion to birds; there are nevertheless one or two features which may be remarked upon in this connection. The earliest known forms from the Trias have perhaps the most birdlike forms of skull. MARSH comments upon the light- ness and avian appearance of the skull of Anchisaurus; it has moderately developed basipterygoid processes instead of those of such great length that are apt to characterise the dinosaurs. The great extension backwards of the premaxil- laries in some dinosaurs is an avian characteristic; this is seen especially well in Diplodocus and Claosaurus. In the former animal, as in some others, the two vomers diverge widely posteriorly, as in many birds; and in the restoration of the under surface of the skull in this dinosaur the vomers have a very birdlike appearance. Finally the height at which the transverse processes of the vertebræ are borne seems, as HUXLEY has pointed out, to suggest birdlike respiratory organs, while the hollowness of many of the bones in many dinosaurs points in the same direction. It is, however, undoubtedly in the pelvis and hind limb that the most striking likenesses to birds are shown by the dinosaurs. It has been attempted to put this down merely to bipedal progression. It may be said,' remarked Professor HUXLEY, “that all birds stand upon ni THE AFFINITIES OF BIRDS 157 their hinder feet, and that, as the Ornithoscelida did the same, the resemblance of structure arises from a resemblance of function. But I doubt if the majority of the Dinosauria stood more habitually upon their hind limbs than kangaroos or jerboas do; and, unless there was some genetic connection between the two, I see no reason why the hind limbs of Ornithoscelida should resemble those of birds more than they resemble those of kangaroos. In addition to this it may be pointed out that Hallopus, which appears to have been very probably a leaping dinosaur, has not the specially ornithic form of limb; it has large pubes and no postpubes. A recent description by Mr. E. T. NEWTON of the skull, brain cast, and cast of the auditory organ in a pterodactyle, Scaphognathus Purdłoni, shows certain most interesting resemblances between the pterosaurians and birds. It is possible that this pterosaurian, like Pteranodon, possessed a horny beak and no teeth. But the presence or absence of a beak or of teeth is no more distinctive of birds (cf. Archæo- pteryx) than of reptiles. The skull shows more positive points of likeness. In the first place, the bones of the Pterodactyle cranium are early ankylosed and well anky- losed, being in this particular avian and not lacertilian. The large size and backward extension of the single pre- maxillary bone (=two fused premaxillæ) agree with that of birds and contrasts with that of lizards. The palate shows also certain interesting resemblances, more especially to both emu and cassowary. As in the struthious birds and in lizards also the palatines are borne off from the middle line by the pterygoids; the latter bones, moreover, as in the emu, articulate at their posterior ends with both quadrate and basipterygoid processes. The vomer too is birdlike in being pushed backwards, owing to the extent of the premaxillæ, and in being thin, apparently single and bifurcate posteriorly. Other general resemblances in the skeleton are the develop- ment of air cavities in the bone, the large size of the orbit —which may, however, in the pterodactyles have had some 1On the Skull, Brain, and Auditory Organ of a New Species of Pterosaurian,' Phil. Trans. 1888, B, p. 503. 158 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS relation to nocturnal habits—and the presence of a keel upon the sternum. It is possible, though far from certain, that Scaphogna- thus had not that characteristic reptilian bone, the os trans- versum. Finally, the general shape of the scapula and the angle that it makes with the coracoid are birdlike in the pterodac- tyles. The brain of the pterodactyles seems also to have pre- sented avian characters ; the optic lobes are pushed aside by the large cerebellum, which had well-developed floccular lobes. In the reptile's brain the optic lobes intervene between the cerebrum and cerebellum. The pelvis of the pterodactyles has some likenesses to that of birds. The ilium has an extension in front of as well as behind the acetabulum; and, if the opinions of SEELEY are to be agreed to, there is a rather backwardly directed pubis, more or less fused with the ischium, and a long and thin forwardly directed piece, the prepubis of dinosaurs and the pectineal process of birds. The main difficulty, however, in the way of comparing pterodactyles and birds is in the fact that both can fly, and that each has acquired the power of flight by a different method. Having acquired the power of flight it seems clear that certain of the points of resemblance between them may easily be due to that mode of life and may have been inde- pendently arrived at. 159 THE CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS PROFESSOR NEWTON'S article “Ornithology' in the 'En- cyclopædia Britannica,' and the preliminary sketch of Dr. Gadow in Bronn's Thierreich,' contain a digest of, and criticisms upon, the main schemes of classification of this group which have as yet appeared. I shall, therefore, refer the reader to those works for the history of the subject. There can be no question, in my opinion, that birds must be primarily divided into two great divisions, viz. Saururæ and Ornithuræ, the first to contain Archæopteryx and possibly Laopteryx, the latter the rest of birds, both living and extinct. As to the Ornithuræ, while there is a very general agreement with the main subdivisions-no one probably will quarrel seriously with the divisions adopted in the present work- no one has (to my mind) satisfactorily arranged the different groups with reference to each other. More especially does it appear to me that the majority of ornithologists are in error concerning the position of the picarian and passerine birds. In considering a scheme of classification it is clear that we must bear in mind. indications of the descent of birds. Existing schemes have savoured too much of a mere sorting by combining in various ways characters which are dis- tinctively bird characters. However unsuccessful the con- struction of phylogenetic trees has been, it is abundantly plain that that must be the line to take in arranging a group scientifically. It follows, therefore, that in sketching, at any rate, the main outlines of our scheme attention must be paid only, or chiefly, to those characters which birds have inherited from their reptilian ancestors. 160 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Now this at once lands us in a difficulty, which has been too lightly regarded by many systematists. Phylogenetic schemes used to be boldly linear, and even so recently as the attempt of FÜRBRINGER the family tree savours a little too much of the linear arrangement. Now the imperfect remains of birds that have come down to us from tertiary times show that the modern types of birds were fully differentiated even then in addition to a few extinct forms, such as Odontopteryx toliapicus (if this be not a steganopod). But beyond that point there is the most scanty record of bird life, limited to the Cretaceous Ichthyornithidæ and Hesperornithidæ, with a few obscurer forms, and to the Jurassic Archceopteryd. So emphatically were all these creatures birds that the actual origin of Aves is barely hinted at in the structure of these remarkable remains. Moreover, at least in the case of Ichthyornis, they depart fully as widely from any bird with the required' mixed' characters as any living group, while Hesperornis can with safety be relegated to the neighbourhood of the existing divers. We get, therefore, no help whatever from the Cretaceous birds, and, if any, only the scantiest assistance from Archcopteryx, in determining what are archaic characters in birds. There are no criteria by which we can assert with any degree of safety the relative positions of this and that existing group ; nor has the study of the comparative embryology of birds as yet advanced sufficiently far to give any results, except in isolated characters; such indications are the relatively primitive character of the, basipterygoid processes, at least in certain groups; for the gulls which are without them when adult, have them as young chicks, as have in the adult condition most of their near allies, the Limicolæ. It may, therefore, so far be inferred that the gulls are a modification of the limicoline type and not vice versa. It would be perhaps held that any type in which a number of undoubtedly reptilian characters had survived would be on a lower level of organisation than other types in which fewer or no such characters could be discovered. But the few specially reptilian features in the organisation - THE CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 161 of birds have, so to speak, been distributed with such exceed- ing fairness through the class that no type has any great advantage over its fellows. PARKER has collected together some of the reptilian survivals, and to his series a few others may be added. The rudimentary organ of Jacobson found by T. J. PARKER in Apteryx is a suggestion of the reptile ; but we do not know enough about the development of other birds (except the struthious, where PARKER found the same rudiments himself) to lay much weight upon the discovery as indicative of the low position of Apteryx in the avian system. The supra-orbital chain of bones is also on the same grounds an archaic character; but they exist in such widely different types as tinamous, Psophia, Menura, and quails. The double vomer is reptilian; this bone is double or nearly so in struthious birds, in Hesperornis, woodpeckers, and even in passerines and other types with a. broad vomer. PARKER has compared the 'os uncinatum" with the anterior suspensory cartilage of the tadpole's jaw apparatus; this is found in so many and such various forms. as Cariama, Fregata, Tubinares, Musophagidæ, Steatornis, &c. Basipterygoid processes are distinctly reptilian, found as they are in so many forms of reptiles. But among birds they occur in nearly every big group, and are therefore most. undistinctive. The pectineal process, if it is invariably—as. T.J. PARKER says it is in Apteryx—the joint product of pubis. and ilium, is not exactly comparable to the supposed corre- sponding process of the dinosaurian pelvis; but in any case it is found in Geococcyx and some other birds far away from the Struthiones and the tinamous. A large number of vertebræ in the tail is reptilian; but not only Archæopteryx but also the swan has a long tail. Opisthocoelous vertebræ are. found in the Alcæ, penguins, and gulls, not to mention the darters and parrots. As to the viscera, HUXLEY showed the close likeness be- tween the various membranes which divide the coelom and the corresponding membranes in the crocodile, and I endeavoured to show that the ostrich is not in these particulars more. reptilian than many other birds. The partial persistence M 162 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS of the left aortic arch is an approach to the reptile ; but birds belonging to the most diverse orders have this arch left in varying degrees of perfection; so that no stress can be laid upon this anatomical fact as a mark of low position. It has been pointed out that the Struthiones are unlike other birds in the absence of a syrinx; and in the absence of this specially bird organ they approach so far to the lower forms. This is not, in the first place, true of all the Struthiones, for Rhea has, as has been pointed out, a syrinx fully as typical as that of most birds, while the American vultures and even the storks have nothing in the way of a specialised syrinx. In fact, without going into further detail, it seems impossible to select any existing group of bird which is distinctly more reptilian than any other. Since positive characters appear to fail us in discriminat- ing between the relative positions of the several groups of birds, it seems to be not unreasonable to turn for light to negative characters. Birds as birds have many peculiarities of organisation, which are impossible in other animals; for example, patagial muscles cannot exist without a patagium to contain them. It may therefore be permissible to draw with caution some inferences from the absence or simplicity of certain peculiarly ornithic structures which, it appears obvious, must have originated within the class. The lower types will surely possess fewer of these essentially ornithic organs or modified organs. There is a general belief in the modified character of all the birds which GARROD placed in his subclass Anomalogonatæ. Nevertheless there is something to be said in favour of their primitive nature. Without absolutely urging the acceptance of this view, it may be useful to refer briefly to certain reasons which might be alleged in support of such a placing of the Pico-Passeres. Their small to moderate size is to some extent an argument. The most ancient mammalia and reptiles are small as compared with some of their later and more modified representatives. Universal distribution is another argument, as is possibly chiefly arboreal life. In anatomical structure we find that many essentially ornithic THE CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 163 ATS 11 characters have not yet put in an appearance, or have done so only to a small extent. There is no member of the group, wide though it is, in which there is an ambiens, a special bird muscle. It may be that GADOW's discovery of a small independent slip of the rectus femoris, which he interprets as a rudimentary ambiens, is really the beginning of this characteristic muscle. The remarkable peculiarities of this muscle seem to forbid the notion that it is the direct descendant of anything reptilian. And we have the un- doubted fact that, apart from the possible rudiment already referred to, it is present in no pico-passerine bird. If it had disappeared in them there would be here and there a rudiment left. But nothing of the kind has been hinted by GARROD and FORBES, who between them dissected so many of these birds, and who would have been especially on the look-out for such a point. I should therefore be disposed to disagree at once with GARROD's opinion that those birds which have lost the ambiens 'may be set down as having possessed the muscle in their ancestral form.' The ambiens is so purely a bird muscle, though it may doubtless have its homologue among reptiles, that one cannot but think that it was acquired within the class; and the facts discovered by MITCHELL (see above) entirely support this way of look- ing at the matter, and indeed suggested it. As to the muscular system of the wing, a highly characteristic muscle is the .expansor secundariorum ; this was supposed for some time to be absent in the group under consideration, but it has been found to occur in some of them. In the majority of those in which it does occur its structure is decidedly more rudimentary than in some of the Homalogo- natæ. It is true that FÜRBRINGER regards this muscle as the abortive remnant of a reptilian muscle. But this state- ment cannot be made about the patagial muscles, which are essentially ornithic.. Now it is noteworthy that, with the exception of the colies, not a single bird referable to the great group of Ano- malogonatæ has a biceps slip, while in the majority of them the tendon of the tensor brevis is exceedingly simple, being LCUVU 1 2 164 OF BIRDS TO STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION without the numerous subdivisions so often observable in the same muscle in the (hypothetically) higher birds. Nor is there the patagial fan, the junction between the tendons of the longus and the brevis, a character, again, so frequent among the larger birds. The complications in this case seem to be much more likely an effect of specialisation than that the simple conditions observable in the picarian and other allied birds should be due to a process of degenera- tion. The simplicity and relative shortness of the gut is a matter which is perhaps of importance in this connection. The average relative length of the gut is much less on the whole in the Pico-Passerines than in any other group. There are, of course, some startling exceptions, but the general statement holds. As to the cæca, it must be confessed that they are as a rule small or absent. But the Coraciidæ and the Todidæ are exceptions. The fact that both lobes of the liver are frequently in this group of birds enclosed in separate compartments, separated from the subomental space, seems to me to be a vestige of a condition such as that which is found in the crocodile. On the other hand certain of the organs of the body show great variety and specialisation ; particularly is this the case with the syrinx ; but to find most of the organs of the body in a primitive condition, while others are greatly specialised, is precisely what is so often found in what are believed to be archaic types. There can be no doubt that the Archeopteryx, far though it may have diverged from the ancestral stock, has retained more of the reptile than any other form known to us. One or two of the characters are shared by that large assemblage of birds which has been termed the Ano- malogonatæ. In the first place the structure of the foot of the Archæo- teryx is that found in passerine birds. That the primitive bird was arboreal seems likely, and it is not surprising to find that this mode of life has led to various specialisations in the foot, such as we find in the hornbills, &c. The THE CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 165 Archæopteryx has the smallest number of cervical vertebræ of any bird (ten), a fact which recalls the nine vertebræ or so of the cervical region of lizards and crocodiles. Now, among other recent birds there are none which have a smaller number than that possessed by certain passerines. Fifteen is perhaps the average number of these vertebræ among birds; but among passerines the low number of thirteen is to be met with. Nearly all the Anomalogonatæ are holorhinal, as was the Archæopteryx. It is doubtful, however, whether this particular fact advances my argument, as there are reasons (see p. 144) for considering the schizorhinal arrange- ment to be the older, and for looking upon the holorhinal as a derivative. There remains for consideration the large assemblage of birds which, taken together, correspond to the Homalogonatæ of GARROD. In a preliminary way we may regard, as I have pointed out above, four characters at any rate as primitive. These are the presence of basipterygoid processes, the possession of two carotid arteries and of the fifth cubital remex, and the simplicity of the intestinal coils. The only birds which have all of these are certain Galli and certain Turnices. Allowing for the degeneration of the wing, the struthious birds may be referred to a nearly equally low place in the system. In many groups, however, we find a near approximation to this presumably primitive condition. Thus among the anserine birds Palamedea is deficient only in the fifth remex. Among 'Grallæ’ it is only the saine character that is wanting in certain forms to complete the four requisite characters. And some of them—e.g. Cariama, Psophiamhave this elsewhere missing feather, though those particular forms have not some of the other characters. Opisthocomus, the cuckoos, and Musophagidæ are not far off from the base of the series, while the trogons, if they had both carotids, would be among the hypothetically) lowest groups. The facts in question may be thus tabu- lated :- 166 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS - -- - - --- -. -. .. .- --- --- 1 - ----- ' Carotids Basipt. Proc. i Bifch Remex Intestine - . . - - . - - - . . 2 or 1 to ? Colymbi. Sphenisci. Tubinares. Steganopodes Herodiones QOQOT 11 + 1 + or - 2 or 1 Complex Complex Complex Complex Simple (in Platalea) Complex Simple Complex Complex .---- . + till - - - ..--.---. 2 or 1 2 or 1 - - - - Anseres i Palamedece Accipitres, Tinami Turnices. Galli Ralli Grues . Otides . Linnicolae . Pterocletes Columbæ. Alca Opisthocomi + or - i + (Podica) + (Psophic, &c.) -- 2 or 1 11 + + + + + + !!! + + + IIII + + + Simple Complex Complex Complex Simple (some) Complex Complex . QOTG7QVQVOT OVCU O VOI TU QI Q7 Q7 Q7 Q7 Q7 .. -- or - -- - -- or 1 -- Complex - - - - - - Cuculi II + 1 + t of t 1 LI . ----- --- ... - -... - 2 or 1 2 or 1 Musophagi Struthiones Psittaci . . Striges Capriinulgi .! Pico-Passeres. ... ----· Complex Simple Complex Simple Simple Simple (?) I 2 or 1: OP to + or - -------- I have italicised in the above list those groups which come near to the supposed primitive condition; and it will be observed that those groups which are italicised are enough to account for the ancestry of the rest. The main difficulty is perhaps presented by the Cuculi; but it may well be that that group will ultimately prove to have a simple intestinal tract. It will be observed also that the groups in question comprise representatives of all the five large divisions of existing birds admitted by GADOW, and of all the corre- spondingly large divisions of FÜRBRINGER. Incidentally, therefore, I find myself in reassuring agreement with those authorities. In the systematic part of this work I have to some extent discussed the mutual affinities of these different groups. ANOMALOGONATÆ 167 GROUP ORNITHURÆ ANOMALOGONATÆ Definition.—Generally quincubital. Ambiens and accessory femoro- caudal always absent ; biceps slip rarely present. Cervical vertebræ, 13-15. Atlas generally perforated by odontoid process. Skull holorbinal. This group of birds is equivalent to the similarly named group of GARROD, with the sole addition of the Striges. The total absence of the ambiens, even of all traces of that muscle (see p. 95), is to my mind a sufficient reason for bracketing together all these birds. I am of opinion that the ambiens is not degenerate in them, but that it has not yet appeared.? It must be admitted that there are not many other charac- ters that run through the whole group. There are, never- theless, certain peculiarities of structure that are confined or nearly confined to this group. Thus, with the sole exception of the parrots, a forked manubrium sterni is a peculiarity of the Anomalogonatæ; so too, with the same exception, is the presence of a cucullaris propatagialis. Again, it is only here and in the parrots that the syrinx has so complicated a musculature. The very prevalent shortness of the intestine is a fact (not, it is true, without exceptions) not to be ignored in considering the claims of this group to existence. The feet are nearly always anisodactyle or zygodactyle, there being but few other birds not referable to this group in which that structure of foot is to be found; and those groups will be treated of later as possible allies of the present. Powder- down patches are exceedingly rare in this group, and but few possess the expansor secundariorum. I allow nineteen separate families of this group (whose main characters are given in the table), of which some may be united more closely than others. I SEEBOUM, ' An Attempt to diagnose the Pico-Passerine Group of Birds,' &c., Ibis, 1890, p. 29. ? A case which appears to contradict this statement is dealt with on p. 163. 168 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS adm.- -- -- - -------- - Basi- Leg ! Filtli i i Remex Muscles After- Oil Gland Flexor Tendons shaft Cucullaris p. sec. Patagialis Cæca | Carotids! Skull | Vomer pterygoid| Processes Geographical Distribution w .. - - . - +,0 Nude + Rud. +,r. R 1 + -- vh. + Vb + di o N. N. Feathered N. F. n. ' F. --------- . I ax Passeres Coraciidæ Meropidæ Todidæ . Trogonidæ Alcedinidæ Bucerotidæ Coliidæ . Upupidæ Picidæ, + + + + + oo + ot A ~ (Y) | 1, vii. AⓇY v. AⓇY A ⓇY viii. Ах A Y V, vb). AxY v. AxY vii. | A ~ (Y) V, vb. ---- oo + + o f - Æg. + ! Universal Desm. Narrow | Old World Desm. Narrow 0 Old World Desm. Rud. o West Indies Sch. + 1 +, rud. America, Africa, Asia Desm. o Universal Desm. 0, rud. Africa, Asia Desm. Africa Desm. Old World | Saur. Double : 0 Universal, exc. Aus- tralia, Madagas- car, and Polynesia Desm. South America ( Æg. Central and South 1 Desm. America + - . . : 10 . .. + - - - + - + + + -.-....-------- Rhamphastidæ | +,0 + Ax(Y) o Hoy on G7 Ya wa aa a a a7 07 + t - Capitonidæ , . + to AXY + + ... - LAXY + Bucconidæ Galbulidæ a. + . a. CE . ! Desm. | Rud. | Desm. Rud. + N. AⓇ(Y) + --- - - - - - Momotidæ + F. n. AxY + 0 Desm. Stout - - - - - --- + ; 0 2,1 America, Africa, Asia Central and South America Central and South America 0 Universal South America +,0 | Universal + | Universal Æg. of --- + N. + 0 Scha. + O - Cypselidæ Trochilidæ Caprimulgidæ | Strigidæ , + A Α (A) * Y ! A S . . N. 0 . Desma. + + . 1 Scha .. +,0 +,0 O 0 - N. : 1 + Desm. ' + - -- --- - ---- ANOMALOGONATÆ 169 In the above table I have used twelve characters. The Picidæ, Rhamphastidæ, and Capitonidæ agree in ten of these, and are undoubtedly nearly allied birds. The Bucconidæ are unfortunately not well known, but of the nine characters which are set forth in the table they agree in eight with one or other of the three families just mentioned. The Coraciidæ and Meropidæ agree pretty well in all the characters except the exact arrangement of the deep flexor tendons, the carotids being variable. There will be but little violence done if these groups are associated. The Cypselidæ and Trochilidæ clearly come near together, agreeing as they do in nine of the selected characters. The Caprimulgidæ on the one hand, and the owls on the other, each form a distinct group with no such near affinities to any of the others as those which we have been considering. The trogons are the only other group with basipterygoid processes; they do not, however, come very near to the Caprimulgidæ or to the owls; out of the selected twelve characters they have at least four in which they totally differ from the first, and five in which they differ from the second. This group may be left as equivalent to the other compound groups already considered. The Todidæ are placed by GADOW close to the motmots ; by FORBES, on the other hand, they are widely separated. They agree with them in ten out of the twelve, showing thus, it appears to me, a considerable nearness. They agree equally closely with the Meropidæ on the one hand and the Galbulidæ on the other. These four groups appear to me to be worthy of association into one larger group. We have left the Bucerotidæ, Upupidæ, Alcedinidæ, and Coliidæ. The kingfishers undoubtedly come near to all of these, in only at most four of the characters differing from any one of them ; but they are as near to the motmots and Rhamphastidæ. They should form a group apart. The same may be said of the colies ; they are very near to the hornbills and kingfishers, but equally near to the mot- mots and Rhamphastidæ ; we may therefore place them in a group apart. On the other hand the Bucerotidæ come nearer 170 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS to the Upupidæ than to any other groups except the colies and Alcedinidæ; we may therefore unite them. Finally as to the passerines. It is not possible to place them very definitely nearer to one than to another of the groups enumerated. They differ at the lowest in four characters from any. They are, perhaps, furthest away from the Bucerotidæ ; the two groups, in fact, are typical members each of them of the piciform and passeriform birds of GARROD. Their leanings are perhaps to the Cypselidæ and to the Pici. These conclusions may be tabulated as follows:- Group A.--Aftershaft present; fifth remex always present, Muscle formula, AXY. Expansor secundariorum present. Desmognathous. Vomer present. This group contains the families Coraciida, Meropidæ, Todidæ, Galbulidæ, and Momotidæ. : By both GADOW and FÜRBRINGER the Galbulidæ are placed nearer to the Bucconidæ, and by inference to the Pici (Picidæ, Rhamphastidæ, and Capitonidae). They differ, how- ever, from these by the presence of the expansor secundario- rum, which is so rarely present among anomalogonatous birds that when present it seems to be of special importance. The most salient point of agreement between these latter birds is the form of the deep flexor tendons. But the Bucconidæ are so little known that they may be found to differ more than is at present suspected from the Pici. In this case it may be desirable to separate both Galbulidæ and Bucconidæ from the group with which I now associate them and place them nearer together. Of the group as at present constituted the Todidæ have perhaps the most claims to be regarded as the most primitive forms. They have a feathered oil gland and long cæca, which two characters do not coincide in any other of the families now under consideration. The next group, that of the Pici, may be thus defined :- Group B.–Fifth remex always present; deep flexor tendon of type VI. Expansor secundariorum absent. Cucullaris propatagialis present. No cæca. Vomer present. ANOMALOGONATÆ 171 There are other peculiarities that unite these birds, which will be found mentioned on p. 183. The third group, containing the hornbills and hoopoos, may be thus defined :- Group C.-Oil gland feathered; fifth remex present. Muscle formula, AXY. No expansor secundariorum. Cæca absent. Skull desmognathous. The colies are the only birds among the Anomalogonatæ besides the Caprimulgidæ which possess the biceps slip; there is a rudiment of this structure in BucorvuS. The remaining families are treated of separately and need not be defined here. This arrangement, nearly coincident with that of GADOW, is widely different from that of GARROD and FORBES. The former divided the birds (excl. Striges) into the three groups of Piciformes, Passeriformes, and Cypseliformes. They were thus defined :- Piciformes.-Oil gland tufted; cæca absent; external branch of pectoral tract given off at commencement of breast. Muscle formula, (A)XY. Picidæ, Capitonidæ, Upupidæ, Bucerotidæ, Coliidæ, Alcedinidæ, Momotidæ. Passeriformes.--Oil gland nude; cæca present; pectoral tract simple or with external branch given off beyond middle of breast. Muscle formula, AX(Y). Passeres, Bucconidæ (?), Galbulidæ, Coraciidæ, Meropidæ, Trogonidæ. Cypseliformes.—Oil gland nude ; cæca absent. Muscle formula, A. To these FORBES added a fourth group Todiformes, on account of its having at once cæca and a tufted oil gland. This latter group was regarded by him as most nearly repre- senting the ancestral anomalogonatous bird. 172 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS PASSERES Definition.—Oil gland nude. Skull ægithognathous. Atlas perforated by odontoid process. One carotid, left. Cæca present, small.' Muscle formula, AXY.” No biceps slip or expansor secunda- riorum. This is an enormous group of birds, numbering over 6,000 species, which are spread over the entire globe. As a rule they are of small or moderate size; but some large species, such as the raven and other Corvidæ, are included in the assemblage. In spite of the numerous species and of a certain amount of differentiation in external form, the group is structurally a uniform one, the difference being in cha- racters which have not as a rule been regarded as of primary importance. In all Passeres the foot has this structure: the first toe is directed backwards, and none of the other toes are ever changed in position. Cholornis is exceptional in that the fourth toe is abortive. GARROD noted, some years since, another peculiar character of the group, which may possibly be universal, with the ex- ception of Menura and Atrichia. This concerns the arrange- ment of the tendon of the patagialis brevis; and the passerine disposition may be understood from a comparison of the two descriptions. In the passerine the tendon of the muscle does not end upon the tendon of the extensor, as it does in the picarian bird, but, though attached to it firmly, it to the extensor condyle of the radius. This difference, though small, appears to be constant to the Passeres. Another character dealt with on p. 41 of the present work may be also an exclusively passerine character. In birds belonging to the present family the oblique septa, instead of having a separate attachment to the sternum, are either not attached In a specimen of Gracula internedia the cæca were as long as half an inch, an exceptional length. ? Very rarely AX-. PASSERES 173 at all, lying loosely over the liver, or have but one attach- ment, which they share with the falciform ligainent. It is very general-but there are a few exceptions, which will be dealt with later--for the sternum. to have a forked manubrium in front and a single pair of notches behind.. The number of rectrices present among passerine birds varies. They are, indeed, completely absent in wrens of the genus Pnoepyga. Twelve is the usual number, but ten only occur in Xenicus, Phrenotrix, and Edolius, while Menura superba has sixteen. The aftershaft is very weak and downy' when present, and is sometimes (e.g. Paradisea rubra) absent altogether. As to the pterylosis, we may take Ampelis cedrorum, recently described by SHUFELDT,' as an example of passerine pterylosis, mentioning afterwards such varia- tions from this type as are met with. In the bird in question the dorsal tract is exceedingly narrow from the origin in the fairly continuous feathering of the head down to a point in the pelvic region, where it is greatly dilated to form a diamond-shaped area; this again contracts to the original dimensions, and the tract concludes a little way in front of the base of the oil gland. From the lateral angles of the diamond-shaped area a tract runs to the feathering of the legs. On either side of the oil gland arises a short tract, which does not leave the trunk, but appears to be the hinder part of the femoral tract of some other birds. It is perhaps noteworthy that it is very similar to the corresponding one of the Bucconidæ and Capitonidæ, also, however, of the kingfishers. The ventral tract divides early on the neck, and on the breast is increased in breadth, the outer rows of feathers being much stronger than the inner set; the latter (not the former) are continued down to the cloacal orifice, which they completely surround by a narrowish band of feathers. The humeral tracts, which are strong, are connected with the head feathering by a special neck band as wide as the dorsal tract. NITZSCH does not figure this connection or that of the diamond-shaped dorsal area of feathers with the " In a paper dealing with Macrochires in J. Linn. Soc. vol. xx. CU 174 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LI femoral feathering; but apart from this the same type of pterylosis occurs in many types, such as Motacilla, Certhia, Oriolus, &c. The principal variation is offered by those passerines in which the spinal widened area is not solid, but encloses a space. We find this in Coracina cephaloptera and Seleucides. In others (e.g. Eurylæmus) there is the same ephippial space within the dorsal tract, but the posterior sides of the diamond- shaped space are formed by a single row of feathers, which contrast with the mass of feathers which form the antero- lateral boundaries of the space. This arrangement culmi- nates in, for example, Hirundo and Diphyllodes, where the dorsal tract forks, and there is no connection between the ends of the fork and the single posterior part of the spinal tract. : The skull of Passeres has been mainly investigated by PARKER and by SHUFELDT.2 Corvus may be taken as a type, and the divergences therefrom noted later. As are all passerines, it is ægithognathous; the maxillo-palatines extend obliquely outwards and backwards; they approach each other in the middle line, and expand over the vomer. The vomer is broad and bifurcate both anteriorly and posteriorly; from the anterior horns a small separate piece of bone goes 1 ULU For passerine pterylosis, see, in addition to NITZSCH, GIEBEL, 'On Ptery- losis of Paradisea,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. xlix. p. 143, and for Philepitta ibid. p. 490 ; SHUFELDT has described Chamcea, Journ. Morph. iii. 1889, p. 475; HELLMANN, ' Beitrag zur Ptilographie u. Anatomie der Hirundo rustica,' J. f. O. iv. 1856, p. 360; GADOW, 'Remarks on the Structure of Certain Hawaian Birds,' in WILSON and Evans's Aves Hawaienses, ii. Sept. 1891. ? For osteology of Passeres see PARKER, 'On the Structure and Development of the Crow's Skull,' Month. Micr. Journi. 1872, p. 217; 'On the Development of the Skull in the Tit and Sparrow Hawk,' ibid. 1873, pp. 6, 45; . On the Development of the Skull in the Genus Turdus,' ibid. 1873, p. 102 ; 'On Ægithognathous Birds, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 289, x. p. 251; MURIE, On the Skeleton and Lineage of Fregilupus,' P. Z. S. 1874, p. 474. Lucas, · Notes on the Osteology of the Thrushes,' &c., P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi. 1888, p. 173. SHUFELDT, “Osteology of Eremophila,' Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. vi. p. 119; • Osteology of Lanius,' ibid. p. 351; On the Skeleton in the Genus Stur nella,' &c., J. Anat. Phys. xxii. p. 309; Osteology of Habia Aule,' v. p. 438; · Osteological Notes on Puffins and Ravens,' ibid. p. 328; GIEBEL, · Zur Osteo- logie d. Gattung Ocypterus,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. xxi. p. 140. PASSERES 175 1 on each side to the maxillo-palatines. These are the septo- maxillaries of PARKER, and appear to remain perfectly dis- tinct in Corvus cornix, but not in Corvus frugilegus. There are no basipterygoid processes; the pterygoids have a long foot-like attachment (as long as the free part of the bone) not only to the palatines, but to the interorbital septum also. The nares are holorhinal and pervious. In Corvus cornix the lacrymals reach the jugal bar; there is practically no orbital portion, the descending limb being closely attached to, but not fused with, the broad and thick ectethmoid. The mandibular rami have a large oval perforation near to the articular surface. Among genera nearly related to the Corvidæ are various slight modifications of skull structure. In Manucodia, for instance, the rostrum is broadly ossified and fused with the co-ossified palatal plates of the maxillæ. The nasal septum is complete, and the conjoined ectethmoids and lacrymals are enormously swollen. In Ptilonorhynchus violaceus the ectethmoids and lacrymals are separate, though in contact; contrary to what is found in Corvus, it is the latter and not the former which border the orbit above. The palatal con- ditions of Manucodia are repeated and emphasised in Gym- norhina and Strepera. There is a firm union across the middle line in front of the vomer, with which, indeed, the anterior horns of the vomer are ossified in Strepera. In both birds, moreover, the pterygoids are fused with the pala- tines, and the nostrils are partly obliterated by bony growth. The 'desmognathism'thus produced in the crows of Notogæa’ is not limited to that family. In Pheucticus and in Cracticus cassicus there is the same state of affairs. Other features in which the passerine skull shows variations are the maxillo-palatines, vomer, and pterygoids ; in Gracula javanensis, for example, the pterygoid has a very limited area of articulation with the palatine ; there is no expanded foot, as in crows, &c.; the maxillo-palatines are very long and slender, actually reaching the inner plate of the palatines. The vomer is narrow in the body, though the two anterior cornua' are thick. Trochalopteron is almost desmognathous 176 STRUCTURE AND .CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 in the sense of HUXLEY; the two maxillo-palatines, dilated at their ends, come absolutely into contact under the vomer, the middle part of which they completely cover. In Guis- calus versicolor the same arrangement occurs, the maxillo- palatines being extraordinarily slender before they dilate to overlap each other and to cover the vomer. As to the rest of the skeleton, Corvultur albicollis may serve as a type. There are fourteen cervical vertebræ ; un- impaired hypapophyses extend from the tenth to the first dorsal. Five ribs reach the sternum, to the keel of which the furcula is joined. The most salient variations from this plan are shown by many genera in which the furcula does not join the keel of the sternum, by Corcorax, in which six ribs articulate with the sternum, and above all by Gymnorhina, where there is a catapophysial canal, beginning with the seventh and ending with the tenth vertebra. In this and other forms the hypapophyses of the last cervical and the first dorsal vertebræ are reinforced by strong lateral catapophyses. In the table on the opposite page are some intestinal measurements in inches. The most noteworthy fact in the anatomy of the alimentary tract is the absence of the gizzard in certain tanagers. In almost all Passeres 2 the flexor hallucis is absolutely independent of the flexor communis, there being no vinculum at all. These characters are-adding to them those used in the diagnosis of the family—the only ones that are universal, or nearly so, among the Passeres. There are, however, a number of anatomical features in which the passerines show differ- cnces among themselves. The most abnormal Passeres on JUCU I Cf. FORBES, 'On the Structure of the Stomach in certain Genera of Tanagers, P. Z. S. 1880, p. 143, who quotes Lund's earlier (1829) paper on the same matter. ? For myology of passerines see, in addition to GARROD, KLEMM, “ Zur Muskulatur der Raben,' Zeitschi. f. d. ges. Naturw. xxiii. p. 107; SHUFELDT, The Anatomy of the Raven, London, 1890; C. L. NITZSCH, ' Ueber die Familie d. Passerinen,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Nat. xix. p. 389; C. B. ULRICH, “Zur Characteristik d. Muskulatur d. Passerinen,' ibid. xlv. p. 28. PASSERES 177 - - . . -.. -.- S. I. L. I. Cæca - - - - + - - - - - ... - - - - - + -- - - 1 - - - 9 circo eres i 15 . 5.1 102 13.75 14.85 14.15 16.2 1.3 hi cô có c - t t 1 = = E 12 1. 13 . . 1.2 13 25 a On Myiophoneus Horsfieldi Geocichla citrina . Nesocichla eremita ... Rimator malacoptilus. Cracticus cassicus .. Pastor roseus . . Seleucides nigra. . Manucodia atra . . Uranornis rubra . . Entomyza cyanotis . Garrulax albogularis. Cyanocorax cyanopogon Cissopis leveriana . Struthidea cinerea . Hirundo rustica . . Anthornis melanura . Strepera graculina Barita destructor. .. Tanagra sayaca . . festiva . Ptilonorhynchus holosericeus Gracula javanensis ". Gymnorhina leuconota Corvus corone . . Ampelis garrulus . . . 10 I - 2 - 1 •75 - .6 6.25 6.25 · .75 20 5 13 .15 •12 •75 .25 8 6.5 10.25 10.5 23 22 29.75 1.25 1.5 •5 (F.) •25 or car ܗܶ ܟܬ ] the whole are the broad-bills Eurylæmidæ and the Australian Menura and Atrichia, which form a sub-family, Menuridæ. There are differences of opinion as to which of these is most. independent of the normal Passeres. FÜRBRINGER separates the Menuridæ, GARROD and FORBES 1 the Eurylamidæ. We should explain that in first of all discussing this particular point we are not proceeding in historical sequence. It was. the syrinx that first of all attracted the attention of JOHANNES MÜLLER, whose divisions of the Passeres were the earliest to: be based upon anatomical structure ; and in the sequel we. shall show that his divisions are in the main correct, even allowing for our greatly extended knowledge. It is, however, in our opinion, beyond cavil that the major subdivisions of 1 GARROD's contributions to our knowledge of passerine birds are as. follows : "On some Anatomical Peculiarities which bear upon the Major Divisions of the Passerine Birds,' i. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 506; Notes on the Anatomy of Passerine Birds,'ii. P. 2. S. 1877, p. 447; iii. ibid. p. 523; iv. ibid. 1878, p. 143. The following papers are due to FORBES : 'Contributions. to the Anatomy of Passerine Birds,' i.-vi. P.Z. S. 1880-2. N 178 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the group first concern one of the two views that we have referred to above. The reasons which lead us to agree with GARROD and FORBES’s separation of a group Desmodactyli, as opposed to the remaining Passeres, which are to be so- called Eleutherodactyli, are as follows: The Menuridæ (Pseudoscines of SCLATER and FÜRBRINGER) are clearly in some respects degenerate forms. The clavicle has become rudimentary, and the muscles of the syrinx, while approach- ing the typical oscinine form, where these muscles are numerous and strong, have become to some degree weakened by loss. On the other hand the Eurylæmidæ, while they have retained the typical mesomyodian syrinx-typical, because it . 2 . 1 V SS . . .. S . . ... . . W - . . . COV TE FIG. 85.--SYRINX OF Eurylæmus. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) FIG. 86.-SYRINX OF Cymbi- rhynchus. SIDE VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) is distinctive of the vast majority of birds-have retained the plantar vinculum,” which in other passerines has been lost; they have also a simple manubrium sterni, this appendage being forked in other passerines. In the feet too the third and fourth toes are largely bound together, giving to the group the name of desmodactyli. The family Eurylamidæ ? contains the genera Eurylæmus, Calyptomena, Serilopha, Psarisomus, Corydon, and Cyınbi- rhynchus, all Old-World. They have no aftershaft, and the oil gland is, of course, nude. There are twelve rectrices in Occasionally absent in Calyptomena viridis. ? FORBES, 'On the Syrinx and other Points in the Anatomy of the Eurylä- midæ,' P. Z. S. 1880, p. 380. PASSERES 179 Cymbirhynchus. There is a wide ephippial space, elongated and oval in form; the narrower parts of the tract behind are two feathers wide. The tongue (of Cymbirhynchus) is bifid at tip and elongated and cordate. The following are intestinal measurements of two species : Cynubirliynchus macrorhynchus Eurylæmus achromelus 05 Small int. . . 7.75 5.75 Large int. . .. 1.25 -75 Cæca . . .1 Left liver lobe is the smallest. The following scheme gives the classification of the Passeres according to GARROD and FORBES :- New World Old World Eurylæmidæ I. DESMODACTYLI II. ELEUTHERODACTYLI A. Mesomyodi a. Heteromeri Pipridæ Cotingida b. Homoeomeri Haploophonæ Tyrannidae (Rupicola) Pittidæ Philepittide Xenicidæ Tracheophone Dendrocolaptidæ Furnariidæ Pteroptochidæ B. Acromyodi Abnormales. Atrichiidae Menuridae Norrales (= Oscines) .-.- - . - Of the remaining Passeres the Mesomyodi (also sometimes called Oligomyodi) are divided into two subdivisions, according as to whether the chief artery of the leg is the femoral or sciatic. In the Heteromeri (with the exception of Rupicola) it is the femoral, in the others (Homæomeri) the sciatic. All the Mesomyodi have but one pair of muscles upon the syrinx or none at all. But the name of Mesomyodi is derived from the fact that these intrinsic muscles are attached to the middle of the bronchial semi-ring which bears them. The Haploo- phonæ are those mesomyodians in which the syrinx is quite N 2 180 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS of the normal fashion ; the Trachephonæ are those in which the last rings of the trachea are much modified, and the syrinx may be termed tracheal. The Mesomyodi with a tracheobronchial syrinx comprise representatives from both the Old and the New Worlds. In them the syrinx presents a varied form, coupled with the fun- damental resemblance indicated. JOHANNES MÜLLER has figured and described a number of genera. GARROD has figured and described others. ' In Lipaugus cineraceus (of the family Cotingidæ) the intrinsic muscle is of great width, which seems to foreshadow its division in the Oscines into a complex of muscles; it is attached to the third bronchial semi-ring. The first and second bronchial semi-rings resemble the tracheal in their flatness, depth, and close approximation. Those which follow are slightly ossified throughout. In Heteropelma and Chiromacheris, which are Pipridæ, the syrinx is very similar. In Pipra leucocilla the intrinsic muscle has a tendency to split into two, a further approxima- tion to the Oscines. In Hadrostomus aglaia, a cotingid, the wide and thin intrinsic muscle is attached to the first bron- chial semi-ring. This semi-ring is close to the last tracheal ring, and is like it in structure, being deep. The next bronchial semi-ring is separated by a considerable interval, and the third by a wider interval still, from the ring in front. In the Madagascar Philepitta, which FORBES I was the first to refer definitely to the present group of passerines, the structure in some respects recalls that of the Eurylæmidæ. The manubrium sterni is but slightly bifid; but it has in the normal passerines no vinculum. The syrinx, on the other hand, differs from the Old-World Mesomyodi by the details of its structure (see figs. 87, 88). The different arching of the bronchial semi-rings leaves great membranous spaces in the wall of the syrinx. The first two semi-rings are very concave upwards ; the two following are not so markedly concave; the next is concave in the reverse direction. The L'On some points in the Structure of Philepitta,' &c., P. 2 S. 1880, p. 387, PASSERES 181 intrinsic muscles are wide and thin, nearly in contact with each other before, and behind they are attached to the first semi-rings everywhère but at their tips. Pitta has a much simpler syrinx, approximating so far to that of the Eurylæ- mida ; the muscles are thin and accurately median in inser- tion. Pitta is unique among passerine birds by reason of the deep temporal fossæ of the skull, which nearly meet 1 . . . X . . S A : W . . ry DO i. U: FIG. 87.--SYRINX OF Philepitta. SIDE VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) FIG. 88.--SYRINX or Philepitta. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) behind, in a way that is seen in some other birds not passerine. In the New Zealand Xenicus and Acanthisitta? there are В ST . re a Sa . LIV 2 / < WIN! 4 AO Fig. 89.-SYRINX OF Xenicus. A. FRONT VIEW. B. BACK VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) only ten rectrices, twelve being the number characteristic of the majority of the Passeres. The syrinx of Xenicus as seen in the annexed figure is quite typically mesomyodian. The last few tracheal rings are consolidated into a large box, to the top of which the intrinsic muscles (small and median in insertion) are attached. ? FORBES, ' On Xenicus and Acanthasitta,' &c., P. 2. S. 1882, p. 569. 182 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS O We now come to the Tracheophonæ, which are exclu- sively American in range. Their distinguishing mark is, of, course, the tracheal syrinx, whose general structure has been already explained (see p. 67). Besides these general agreements the Tracheophonæ show variations in structure. Heterocnemis, for instance, is unique among them and the Mesomyodi in general by the existence of a bilaminate tarsus, as in the Oscines. Conopophaga and a few others 1 have a four-notched sternum, while Furnarius, Synal- laxis, and a few others have, as has no other passerine, a schizorhinal skull. Again, the maxillo-palatine of the Dendrocolaptidæ, Furnariidæ, and Pteroptochidæ are like those of oscinine Passeres in being slender and curved back- wards, instead of being comparatively wide and blunt, as in other Mesomyodi. Phytotoma is unique among passerine birds for the nasal gland groove on the frontal bones, as in so many water birds.? The remaining group of Passeres, the Acromyodi, are sometimes called Oscines and sometimes Polymyodi, the latter term having reference to the numerous intrinsic muscles of the syrinx. It was discovered by KEYSERLING and BLASIUS that, with the exception of the Alaudidæ, the Oscines have a bilaminate tarsus, the hinder surface being covered by two closely apposed scutes. It sometimes happens in the forms which are on that account spoken of as 'booted') that the anterior face of the tarsus is covered by a single scute. The syrinx of these birds is complex in the multitude of its muscles, of which there are four or five pairs. The only exception to the muscle formula AXY- exists in this group; in Dicrurus there is the reduced formula of AX --. Ocypterus, the only passerine with powder down, is referable here. Referable to this group, but separated from the more normal members as · Abnormales' by GARROD, are the two genera Atrichia and Menura, which are also regarded as the types of separate families. These two anomalous birds are by | FORBES, 'On some points in the Anatomy of the Genus Conopophaga,' &c., P. Z. S. 1881, p. 485. 2. PARKER, Ægithognathus Birds, ii. p. 258. PASSERES 183 some systematists placed in a group Pseudoscines, equivalent to the remaining Passeres. The anatomy of the two genera has been mainly investi- gated by GARROD, who studied principally the syrinx. They are purely Australian in range. According to FÜRBRINGER this group of passerines is in many respects intermediate between the other passerines and the Pici. With the latter group Menura probably and Atrichia certainly agree in the following myological points: the origin of the rhomboideus profundus from the pelvis ; in the tendon of insertion of the supra-coracoideus upon the shoulder joint; in the origin of the latissimus dorso-cutaneus from the ilium and its covering by the leg musculature. GARROD also called attention to the fact that the patagialis brevis was picine and not passerine. The syrinx of Menura! has three pairs of intrinsic mus- cles, which are inserted respectively into the last tracheal ring and on to the second and third bronchial semi-rings. There are three modified bronchial semi-rings. So too in Atrichia, where, however, there are but two pairs of syringeal muscles, as shown in the figure. The clavicles are rudimentary in Atrichia; there is no hypocleidium in Menura, another picine character. Menura has, furthermore, a chain of three supra-orbital bones. PICI Definition.-Feet zygodactyle; aftershaft small or rudimentary ; oil gland tufted. Muscle formula of leg, AXY (AX); Gall bladder elongated. Skull without basipterygoid processes. The woodpeckers, which form the first family of the assemblage, Picidæ, are a well-marked group of birds, contain- ing about three hundred and fifty species, as allowed by the late Mr. HARGITT.3 They inhabit most parts of the world, excluding only Madagascar, Australia, and Polynesia. For passerine syrinx see Joh. MÜLLER IN Abh. Berlin. Akad., 1845 ; HERRE, Dissertatio de Aviur. Passerinarum Larynge Bronchiali, Gryphiæ, 1859; and GARROD and FORBES in papers already quoted. ? W. MARSHALL, Die Spechte. Leipzig, 1889. s Brit. Mus. Catalogue, vol. xviii. 184 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS una Twelve rectrices is the rule for this family, but the outer ones are sometimes feeble, and I found only ten in Tiga Shorei. The aftershaft is present. The pterylosis varies somewhat. But NITZSCH has pointed out that this peculiarity ... which occurs almost universally among them, is the presence of a small inner humeral tract running along upon the most elevated points of the shoulder parallel to the very broad main tract.' That this second humeral tract also occurs among parrots may be a matter worthy of considera- tion. It appears, at any rate, to distinguish the woodpeckers from other picarian birds. In Picus viridis the narrow dorsal tract passes down the middle of the neck and ends abruptly at the end of the scapulæ or a little before. Behind this are two oval wide patches, which correspond to the foot of the Y in other birds, which have a dorsal median apterion. There is a break between these patches and the posterior end of the dorsal tract, which runs to the base of the oil gland undivided. On either side of this and of the oil gland is a fainter and narrower tract. In Tiga Shorei there is no break between the several regions of the dorsal tract; the anterior part narrows and forks into two branches, consisting of but one row of feathers, which immediately after dilate into the wide interscapular tracts; from the lower angle of each of these a single row of feathers joins the median posterior part of tract. The diamond-shaped spinal apterion is thus com- pletely enclosed within the dorsal tract. Sphyrapicus nuchalis 1 has a solid spinal tract dilating between the shoulders into a rhomboidal but still solid area, as SHUFELDT says, like a passerine. In Centurus striatus the arrangement is more like that of Picus viridis, but slight scattered feathering unites the middle and posterior portions of the dorsal tract. . The ventral tracts of Picus divide early in the neck and at the commencement of the pectoral region; each gives off a stronger outer branch. In Tiga Shorei the separation between these branches is not nearly so marked as is shown in L'Observations on the Pterylosis of Certain Picidæ,' Auk, 1888, p. 212. PICI 185 T NITZSCH’s figure of Picus viridis. This woodpecker is so far much more like a parrot. In Jynx the interior part of the dorsal tract forms a continuous Y, of which the fork is hardly wider than the handle. This is completely discontinuous with the median posterior portion of the tract. The tensores patagii 1 are very simple. The tendon is single. There is a conspicuous cucullaris patagialis, but no biceps slip. Each tendon, both longus and brevis, is reinforced by a tendon from the pectoralis. In Centurus striatus the slip to the longus is muscular in origin; it seems to be more usually tendinous. . The deltoid is an extensive muscle. The latissimus dorsi posterior appears to be totally absent, as in Indicator. As to the leg muscles, the accessory femoro-caudal is always absent. The femoro-caudal and the semitendinosus are always present; the accessory to the latter may or may not be present, its occurrence in different genera being shown in the following list :- With an Accessory Semitendinosus Without an Accessory Semitendinosus Gecinus viridis Picus major Gecinus vittatus Picus minor Leuconerpes candidus Picoides tridactylus Melanerpes formicivorus Sphyrupicus varius Chloronerpes yucatanensis Mulleripicus fulvus Hypoxanthus Rivolii Jynx torquilla Dryocopus martius Picolaptes affinis Tiga Shorei Tiga javensis Centurus striatus Melanerpes erythrocepha- lon Colaptes mexicanoides 1 NITZSCH-GIIBEL, · Zur Anatomie der Spechte,' Zeitschr. I. d. ges. Naturu. xxvii. (1866), p. 477. 186 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS CU UUU. VIA The deep flexor tendons are like those of toucans and barbets (cf. p. 101). The tongue is elongated, and so are the ceratohyals in relation to it, overlapping and grooving the skull. As a rule among the woodpeckers the right lobe of the liver is larger than the left; they are equal in Xypoxanthus Rivolii. The gall bladder appears to be absent in Leuconerpes candidus and in Xypoxanthus ; it is long and intestiniform (like that of a toucan) in Gecinus viridis, Dryocopus martius, and Jynx. The intestines are without cæca ; ? the following are some measurements :- . Chloronerpes yucatanensis . . . 8 inches Picus minor . . . . . . 12 » Xypoxanthus Rivolii . . . . 12 , Dryocopus martius . . . . 20 » The syrinx has no remarkable characters. It is quite typically tracheo-bronchial with a pair of extrinsic and a pair of intrinsic muscles. As to the skull, the woodpeckers have an unusual palatal structure, which led PARKER 3 to invent the terin Sauro- gnathous in order to express this peculiarity. The palate of the woodpecker has, however, been variously interpreted. Professor HUXLEY, in his paper on the bird's skull, directed attention to an apparent vacuolation of the palatines, which is illustrated in the accompanying figure (fig. 90); a slender bar of bone passes backwards and comes into near relations with an equally slender projection forwards of the palatine bone, thus enclosing a space which in the fresh skull is filled with membrane. The anterior process in the dried skull is sometimes continuous (fig. 90), but sometimes not con- tinuous with the ascending lamina of the palatine. Where it is not continuous Professor HUXLEY found that its appa- I J. LINDAHL, Some New Points in the Construction of the Tongue of Wood- peckers,' Am. Nat. 1879, p. 43. ? Exceptionally present in Gecinus viridis. 3 "On the Morphology of the Skull in the Woodpeckers,' &c., Tr. Linn. Soc. (2), i. 1875, p. 1. See also KESSLER, · Zur Naturgeschichte der Spechte,' Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 1844, p. 285. PICI 187 IS TA AFOS 2 ia. 4 . UN RA 1 . TA OSOS . rent continuation was a separate bone, which he regarded as the vomer—the vomers thus being paired. A few years later a different complexion was given to the subject by a paper written by Professor GARROD.He con- firmed HUXLEY'S description of the supposed vomers, but regarded them merely as the perfectly ossified edge of the imperfectly ossified palatines. This opinion was chiefly based upon the discovery of a small median bone lying between the posterior ends of the palatines (, fig. 90), not observed by HUXLEY. This bone, identified by GARROD. with the vomer of other birds, occupies, as he admits, a somewhat posterior posi- tion, which is parallel, however, as he also points out, at any rate in Megalæma.? PARKER'S paper upon these birds is a long and elaborate one, but contains no reference to that of GARROD. The bone discovered by GARROD is figured and de- scribed as the medio-palatine, and is in- variably figured as distinct from the palatines, between which it lies. PARKER adopts HUXLEY's identification of the vomers, but finds that they are often divisible each into several splints of bone; Fig. 90.-SKULL OF the connection with the palatines in front WOODPECKER (Geci- and a median series of bonelets (collectively nus viridis). Ven- TRAL VIEW. (AFTER termed by HUXLEY the ossified internasal GARROD.) septum) are spoken of as septo-maxil- PP, palatines ; Pt, ptery- laries. It may be sometimes noticed—I have observed it in Leuconerpes candidus—that the anterior ends of the pterygoids, which in the Pici run for a consider- able way over the outside of the palatines, come into actual contact with the commencement of the vomers.3 Another peculiarity of the woodpecker's skull is the fre- 1.Note on some of the Cranial Peculiarities of the Woodpeckers,' Ibis, 1872, p. 357. ? See under • Capitonidæ,' p. 196. 3 SHUFELDT also (On the Question of Saurognathism of the Pici, &c., P. Z. S. 1891, p. 122) argues against HUXLEY'S view. w HAT 227 goids ; %, vomer. 1 CU 188 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS VEL quently Y-shaped form of the pterygoids. An outer. forwardly directed process is given off near to their articula- tion with the quadrate. The extraordinary hyoid connected with the long and exsertile tongue is, of course, a marked feature of the group. The long distal piece of the bran- chials curves over and furrows the cranium of those species in which it exists. In the wryneck (Jynx) the vomers are small, but thoroughly picine. The pterygoids have, however, no forwardly directed process, and do not extend quite so far over the palatines. There are fourteen cervical vertebræ. Hæmapophyses do not extend behind the first dorsal. There is a complete canal for the carotids formed in the cervical region by the hæmapophyses. Four vertebræ enter into the formation of this in Thriporax Feddeni. The sternum has two notches on either side, and has the spina exterior only, which is bifid. Four ribs reach it. The clavicles form a U-shaped furcula, but are expanded above, as in the toucans and barbets. The Bucconidæ is a South American family of zygodac- tyle birds whose anatomy ? is at present but little known, and whose affinities are therefore doubtful. It is only provi- sionally that I place them in the present position. Bucco maculatus has a nude oil gland and twelve rectrices. The inferior feather tract starts from the symphysis, leaving a bare space on either side; it divides at the angle of the jaw, and thence the two halves remain separate. Each of them gives off a stout outer pectoral branch. The dorsal tract is in two quite separate parts, separated by a good space; the posterior part is forked for half its length, tapering anteriorly to a point. · In Monasa panamensis each part of the posterior fork "This character is nearly unique among anomalogonatous birds. I deseribe it, however, above (p. 176) in Gymnorhina. The nearest possible ally in which it occurs is a parrot. ? GIBBEL, “ Zur Osteologie der Gattung Moroasa, Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturio. xviii. 1861, p. 121:. PICI 189 is connected with the anterior part of the dorsal tract by a single row of very small downy feathers. In Malacoptila fusca' the oil gland has a few fine hairs at the apex ' (NITZSCH). The aftershaft is absent. The tongue of Bucco maculatus is long, flat, and thin ; the tip is not lacerated; the base is spiny. The muscle formula of the leg is given as AXY--. Two carotids are stated to be present. The deep flexor tendons are like those of the Capitonidæ. The flexor hallucis supplies digits I., II., IV. The flexor profundus supplies only digit III. The two where they cross are connected by a small vinculum. Monasa nigrifrons has fourteen cervical vertebra. The atlas is perforated for the odontoid process. The eighth vertebra has two catapophyses, which come into contact at their bases in the middle line; on the ninth is the first median hypapophysis ; these continue to the first dorsal ; on the thirteenth cervical are large catapophyses, which are present, but much smaller, on the hypapophysis of the next vertebra. There are only three free dorsals, all of which bear ribs reaching the deeply two-notched sternum, which has a long spina externa. The clavicles are expanded into a wide, thin, roughly triangular plate at their attachment to coracoids; there is a thin but broadish hypocleidium where they meet below. The skull is desmognathous, and in front of the conjoined maxillo-palatines is a gap of about half an inch in length in the bony palate. The process of the squamosal very nearly reaches the jugal bar. The lacrymal completely reaches the jugal bar in front, and the descending process is in contact, but not fused, with the strong and swollen ectethmoids. The interorbital septum is quite complete, as is the intranarial. The Rhamphastidæ (toucans), with their large bills, serrate slightly at the edge, bear a certain superficial resem- blance to the hornbills, with which, however, they have no specially intimate connection. They are, on the other hand, 190 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS undoubtedly nearly related to the Capitonidæ, and show slighter but still recognisable points of affinity with the Passeres. The toucans, which are purely tropical American, consist, perhaps, of only one well-marked genus, Rhamphas- tos, which, however, has been subdivided into Pteroglossus, Aulacorhamphus, Selenidera, and some others. The toucans have a tufted oil gland, an aftershaft, and ten rectrices. The pterylosis (cf. NITZSCH) is characterised by the wide lateral neck spaces. The dorsal tract does not divide on the neck, nor is it as a rule' continuous throughout. There is a break between the straight anterior portion and the Y-shaped posterior portion. The ventral tract divides in the middle of the neck, and there is a strongly marked outer branch to the pectoral tracts. The femoral tract does not, according to my own experience, arise so early from the spinal tract as NITZSCH figures. • The intestinal tract of the toucans is short but volumi- nous, eighteen inches in Rhamphastos dicolorus, nineteen inches in R. carinatus. There are no cæca. The proventriculus is zonary; the stomach is a weak muscular bag. In the liver the right lobe is larger than the left, three times larger in R. carinatus. The most characteristic feature in the anatomy of the family concerns the gall bladder; this has been principally investigated by FORBES. It will be seen that the gall bladder is tubular, and of very great length (4.15 inches in a specimen of Rhamphastos dicolorus), as also in the Capitonidæ and a few Picidæ (99.v.) I found in Rh. tocard an exceptional state of affairs. As in all (?) toucans, the gall bladder is long, but from the upper extremity two separate cystic ducts arise, which soon fuse to separate again ;3 they open, however. in | Nitzsch mentions as an exception an unidentified species. And in Selenidera and Aulacorhamphus I could find no break. 2 Note on the Gall Bladder, &c., of the Toucans and Barbets,' P. Z. S. 1982, p. 94. 3 This may perhaps be regarded as a faint indication of the rete found in some reptiles.. PICI 191 common with each other and with the hepatic duct into the intestine. There are two pancreatic ducts in this species, and one of them is peculiar in having a distinct, though short, diverticulum near to its intestinal orifice. The tongue is long, horny, and feathered along the margins. The toucans as a rule possess only one carotid, the left. But in an example of Rh. dicolorus FORBES found both carotids present. The second is much smaller ; it is quite pervious, however, and blends with the left at the entrance to the neck. The syrinx is in some respects peculiar. As in some other picarian birds, the last three or four tracheal rings are fused to form a bony box, which is marked by a deep furrow mesially and behind. This region of the syrinx is much compressed antero-posteriorly. The intrinsic muscles are attached to the upper part of the box. The first bronchial ring is ossified in front; posteriorly each half is L-shaped and fibrocartilaginous. The descending limbs of each L are in the same straight line as the trachea ; they are closely applied to each other, but really separated by a membrane of very short extent, the bronchidesmus. They are in close contact with the inner end of the ossified half of the ring. At the lower end of these cartilaginous pieces is a separate rounded bit of cartilage, which is simi- larly connected with the second ring. The tensores patagii are very simple. The tendon of the brevis is quite undivided. Each has a tendinous slip from the pectoralis. There is a cucullaris patagialis. The deltoid is particularly long in its insertion. The anconcus has no humeral attachment. It arises by fleshy fibres (not a Y-shaped tendon) from the scapula. The gluteus maximus extends below the acetabulum ; there is no glutaus externus. The muscle formula of the leg is AXY-. The semitendi- nosus is attached to the leg bone separately from the semi- membranosus ; it has also a tendinous insertion on to gastro- cnemius. The deep plantar tendons are as in Megalama. 192 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS There are fourteen cervical vertebre. The atlas is per- forated by the odontoid process ; strongish median hypapo- physes exist on vertebræ C11-D2. In Rhamphastos ariel there is in addition a paired hæmapophysis on C10, not present in Pteroglossus Wiedi. Five ribs reach the sternum, which is four-notched and has a spina externa. The clavicles are short and do not unite in the middle line; they are ex- panded above, as in the barbets. There is a small accessory scapular nodule, from which deltoid in part arises. The skull is desmognathous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid processes. The ethmoids are large and quite fused with the descending process of the lacrymal, itself fused with the skull wall. The vomer is truncated at its anterior extremity. Fam. Capitonidæ.—This family of birds, with which I include, following GADOW, Indicator, is of the tropics, both Old World and New. All the members of the family that have been examined have ten rectrices, save Indicator, which has twelve. The oil gland is feathered, and there is an aftershaft. The pterylosis' shows some differences in different genera ; in all, however, the ventral tract is single as far as the posterior end of the neck, where it divides into the two pec- toral tracts; each of these, again, gives off, as in the toucans, Bucconidæ, Picidæ, &c., an outer branch. This soon termi- nates, but the inner branches are continued as far as the cloaca. The apteria being entirely devoid of down feathers, the tracts are easily defined, but in spite of this NITZSCH has, in my opinion, fallen into some errors. The typical arrangement of the dorsal pterylosis 2 (shown in fig. 91) may be considered to be that of Megalama, and was found to characterise the species M. asiatica, M. virens, M. Hodgsoni, M. javensis, M. Franklini. The spinal tract is single and narrow upon the neck, thus leaving con- GIEBEL, “ Pterylose von Tetragonops,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. li. 1878, p. 377. 2 "On the Pterylosis of Certain Barbets and Toucans,' P. 2. S., 1896, p. 555. PICI 193 . spicuous lateral neck spaces ; behind the scapulæ it forks, and the posterior part of the spinal tract is not in continuity with the interior. The former is at first a single tract, but it divides some way in front of the oil gland, which it surrounds, as in the Picidæ and Rhamphastidæ ; but in the . YO It . .. n ir CO: . . a2 . AT . . O : . .. WWS 11 11 . A. . X. TAXO Att ro I YI YA WI . a >1972 .co. z > HHHH 23 > costo 50 * rosta t . il ES WII Film SOX Sources. Fig. 91:-FEATHER TRACTS OF Megalcena asiatica. THE RIGHT-HAND FIGURE SHOWS THE VENTRAL SURFACE, THE LEFT THE DORSAL. former family there is also a median continuation of the spinal tract, which stops at the base of the oil gland. On each side of the spinal tract is a very narrow lateral tract, which is figured by NITZSCH as existing also in the Rham- phastidæ and the Picidæ. Xantholana rosea shows differ- ences from Megalama ; the spinal tract divides in the usual way, but the tracts rejoin, so as to enclose a diamond-shaped space; they then again diverge immediately, and end at the sides of the oil gland in the usual way. Xantholama has a faint lateral tract on either side. In spite of NITZSCH's figures I am disposed to think that this tract, so universal in the barbets, is at most feeble in the toucans. In the continuity of the anterior and posterior 194 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LI 1 POTT parts of the spinal tract Xantholama is more toucan-like than any barbet. In Capito and Trachyphonus NITZSCH has figured an anterior bifurcation of the posterior part of the spinal tract, much more marked in the former genus, where, indeed, I am inclined to suspect a more detailed resemblance to Xantho- lema than is suggested by NITZSCH’s figure. If this is not the case, the New World genus will be distinguished from the Old-World genera by a double posterior spinal tract · divided by a break from the forked anterior tract. The tensores patagii consist of a slighter tensor longus and a wider brevis; the tendons of both are simple, and each is reinforced by a tendinous slip from the pectoralis. The brevis tendon is simple, and terminates, as in the last two families, upon the tendon of the extensor metacarpi radialis. In Capito, at any rate, there is a cucullaris propatagialis. FÜRBRINGER had indicated a point of difference among the barbets which concerns the rhomboideus profundus. This muscle in Meiglyptes (Picidæ) and Rhamphastos is a large fan-shaped muscle, arising from the tip of the ilium, as well as from the spinous processes of certain of the dorsal vertebræ, and is inserted from the tip to about halfway down the scapula. In Capito this muscle is plainly divided into two-an anterior and a posterior--of which the latter arises from a few vertebræ and from tip of ilium. In Megalæma the anterior section of this muscle is itself again divided into two quite distinct parts. This family, like the wood- -peckers, toucans, and Passeres, has a latissimus dorso- cutaneus, but no netapatagialis. : The deltoid extends some way down the arm, as in other allied birds and in Passeres; it has no special scapular slip. The barbets, like the woodpeckers and toucans, possess a sesamoid ossicle, called the scapula accessoria,' which is developed in the scapulo-humeral ligament; from it arise some of the fibres of the deltoid. This bone, again, is also found in Passeres and owls, and in a host of other birds. The 1. See FÜRBRINGER, P. 229. Fontes laid too much stress upon its classifica- tory value in the present case. PICI 195 con TU glutæus maximus is both pre- and post-acetabular in origin. There is no gl. externals. In the leg the formula is the typical picarian one of AXY-. Both peroneals are present, as in the Rhamphastidæ, and with the normal attachments. The deep plantar tendons have been already described and displayed (fig. 58, p. 102). The tongue (in M. virens) is sagittate, with horny margins, and slightly lacerated apically. In a specimen of Megalæma asiatica the horny apex was bifid, quite regularly so. The right lobe of the liver in M. virens is a little larger than the left. The greatest peculiarity of the liver, however, II U " Picidæ it is of great length and intestiniform, i.e. of narrow and regular calibre; in a specimen of M. virens it was two and a half inches long. The presence of a similar gall bladder has been noted in M. Franklini and in Xantho-. lama rosea. The intestines (devoid of cæca) are voluminous but short. -seventeen inches in M. virens, twelve in M. asiatica. The syrinx of Megalæma (asiatica) is of a very simple. tracheo-bronchial form ; the last rings do not fuse at all, but. remain perfectly distinct; there are no intrinsic muscles. The extrinsic muscles are attached to the tips of the costal process. The skull is 'ægithognathous, with a desmognathous tendency,' holorhinal, and without basipterygoid processes. The desmognathous tendency is shown by the fact that (in · Megaloma asiatica) the maxillo-palatines may or may not blend with the nasal septum. In others, e.g. Pogonorhynchus: bidentatus, the two bones (maxillo-palatines) blend com- pletely across the middle line. These forms are, therefore, genuinely desmognathous, except as concerns the voner. This bone is truncated, as in the ægithognathous skull, and its two forward limbs join the maxillo-palatines, as in Indi- It is single (except, of course, for the anterior bifurcation). in Megalæma ; broader and double in Gymnobucco calvus. 196 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS As GARROD has pointed out, the vomer of the Capitonidæ differs from that of the Passeres in being truncated behind the posterior line of the palatines; in the Passeres the truncation is in front of the line. The skull of Megalæma asiatica has been described and figured by PARKER.' Outside the Y-shaped vomer there is on each side a small 'septo- maxillary'splint, and in front a median unpaired septo- maxillary. The former are, perhaps, the equivalents of the vomers of Picidæ (q.v.); the vomer in that case may have something to do with the medio-palatine of Picus. The nostrils are impervious and very much reduced by long growths. In Megalæma virens and Gymnobucco the lacry- mals and prefrontals entirely fuse with each other and with the skull walls to form a solid and imperforate plate of bone, as in Pterocles, pigeons, toucans, &c. . There are fourteen cervical vertebre. The atlas is per- forated by the odontoid. The axis and the three following vertebræ have median hypapophyses ; the next vertebra (the sixth) has a bifurcate one. All these processes are more conspicuous than in the toucans, where, however, they are present. Vertebræ C11-D6 (last) and Li have strong hypapophyses, that of D2 being bifurcate. In Gymunobucco only three dorsals have hæmapophyses. Five ribs reach the sternun, which is four-notched and has a spina externa; the clavicles do not meet below. The head of the clavicle expands into a wide flat triangular plate. Indicator is considered to be the type of a distinct sub- family of the Capitonidæ, which also contains the genus Protodiscus. Indicator has been chiefly investigated by GARROD.2 NITZSCH, however, previously and FÜRBRINGER subsequently added to our knowledge of the bird. It has twelve rectrices ; the pterylosis has a marked gap between the anterior and the posterior parts of the spinal tract; and the latter appears to encircle the oil gland, as in the Capitonidæ. UU 1 L'On the Structure and Development of the Bird's Skull,' Trans. Linn. Soc. (2), i. p. 122. 2 Notes on the Anatomy of Indicator major,'P.Z. S. 1879, p. 930. PICI 197 The syrinx is shown in the figure on p. 61 (fig. 40). The trachea at its lower end is formed into a bony box by a fusion of several rings; the first bronchial semi-ring, to which the single pair of intrinsic muscles are attached, is larger than those which follow. The muscular anatomy, excepting for minute details, is the same; one of these small details is that the pectoral slip to the tensor patagii is muscular and not tendinous. The skull is ægithognathous; the vomer is forked in front and joins the separated maxillo-palatines, as in Megalæma asiatica ; but GARROD has remarked upon the fact that in this character (the widely separate maxillo- palatines) the palate of Indicator is more like that of the Picidæ than are the Capitonidæ. U ALCEDINES Definition.-- Aftershaft absent. Muscle formula of leg, AX. Cæca absent. Both carotids present. Skull desmognathous. VICU UN The kingfishers form a natural assemblage of birds- Alcedinidæ—which, however, show some variations in their structure. Thus, while they generally agree with the bulk of their relations in having a characteristically tufted oil gland, the genus Tanysiptera (three species at any rate) has a nude oil gland. In this genus too the rectrices are ten, twelve being the more usual number. As to pterylosis, the kingfishers are characterised by the possession of down feathers not only on the pterylæ but also on the apteria. There is a difference between Alcedo and Dacelo in that the latter has a weak dorsal tract in the middle region of the back, it being stronger in front and again near the oil gland. In Alcedo the tract is of uniform strength throughout. The kingfishers, like the swifts, sometimes possess and sometimes do not possess the fifth cubital remex. In Dacelo gigantea there are fifteen cervical vertebra ; and only three ribs reach the sternum. In Dacebo Gaudi- ITY 198 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS chaudi·there are fourteen cervical vertebræ, and four ribs reach the sternum-a difference which appears to me to justify the separation of the latter into a distinct genus, Sauromarptis. Halcyon smyrnensis agrees in these points with D. gigantea. The last cervicals (from 101) and the dorsal vertebræ. (including the first lumbar) have well-developed, often bifurcate, sometimes trifurcate hæmapophyses. The four- notched sternum has a well-developed spina externa. As Dr. CUNNINGHAM has pointed out, the lacrymals of Dacelo are larger than those of Ceryle,2 and, I may add, of Halcyon and Todirhamphus (=Sauropatis). The skulls of the genera above mentioned are remarkable for the fact that the temporal fossæ as nearly as possible meet behind : there is only a slight bridge dividing them. The lacrymal, moreover, dilates into a wide plate, with a notch, on the inner side of which is received the small flat-pointed prefrontal process of the ethmoid. I have observed these skull cha- racters in the Coraciidæ. The clavicle reaches the scapula and gives off a longish acromial process. The nares are impervious. In Sauropatis albicilla, Daceto gigantea, Cittura cyanotis, and Pelargopsis (FÜRBRINGER) the tensores patagii have the somewhat complicated arrangement shown in the figure (fig. 94). There are two tensor brevis tendons, of which the anterior, after giving off a wristward slip, is continued over the arm to the lower side, fanning out as it goes. There is in all a passeriniform tendinous slip. Dacelo has a muscular pectoralis propatagialis. Sauromarptis Gaudi- chaudi and Sauropatis sanctus are quite similar. There is, in Pelargopsis at least, a tendinous slip from pectoralis I. to both longus and brevis tendons. In Callalcyon rufa (fig. 93) there is a simplification, only the anterior of the two tendons being present; the passeriniform slip is barely marked. In Alcedo there is a still further degeneration ;' not only is the passeriniform i On. C10 there is a paired hæmapophysis in Dacelo. 2 SHUFELDT, “On the Osteology of Ceryle,' J. Arrat. Phys. xviii. p. 279. ALCEDINES 199 slip absent, but the wristward slip is hardly shown. There is a fleshy pectoralis propatagialis joining the longus tendon. In Ceryle alcyon the two tensor brevis tendons form a broad diffused tendon, to which is joined, before it gives off the wristward slip, a peculiar long (hornbill-like) pectoralis propatagialis tendon. · In Alcyon Lessoni we have the most simple form of tensor brevis without any branch. . N LO . .... ad SS I E . . ... .. . . . . . . ... Fig. 92.–TENSORES PATAGII FIG. 93.- TENSORES 01 Ceryle alcyon. PATAGII Or Callal. CYON rufa. FIG.94.--TENSORES PATAGIİ Or Sauropatis albicilla. In Syma the tensor brevis consists of two tendons, but the anterior has no wristward slip at all. There is never a biceps slip. The deltoid has a scapular slip. The expansor secundariorum appears sometimes to be absent. But it is present in Dacelo, Tanysiptera, Syma, and Cittura. Dacelo, at any rate, has no humeral slip to the CNConceus. The leg muscle formula is, without exception, AX“. In Dacelo there is but one peroneal, which is the brevis. The deep flexor tendons vary somewhat. In Dacelo gigantea the arrangement of these tendons is, as Professor 200 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS GARROD pointed out, precisely that of Momotus. But in Halcyon vagans the two tendons blend completely before the branches to the toes, all arising approximately at the same level, are given off. The structure of the conjoined tendon, however, seems to suggest that the flexor hallucis is concerned with the supply of digits III., IV.. In some kingfishers there is a myological peculiarity not found in any other group of birds. Dr. R. O. CUNNINGHAM discovered in Ceryle stellata a strong transverse tendon uniting the two biventri cervicis close to the upper belly of the muscles. He failed to find this junction in Alcedo ispida and Dacelo gigantea. Tanysiptera and Cittura! have this link, but not Syma, Halcyon, or Sauropatis. The following table gives the intestinal lengths of two species :- Ceryle amazona . . . . 24 inches Halcyon sp.. . . 147 The right lobe of the liver seems to be always larger than the left. I have examined the syrinx in Dacelo cervina. The last tracheal rings are completely fused in front to form a bony box, which shows no traces of the number of rings of which it is composed. These rings appear to be five or six in number, and, with the exception of the last, are fused together in the middle line behind. In front of this box the tracheal rings interlock in the usual fashion. The first bronchial semi-ring, which is ossified, is firmly united to, but not fused with, the tracheal box; the succeeding rings are cartilaginous. The syrinx has two pairs of intrinsic muscles; the most anterior is the more slender; the wider muscle arises from the trachea, just where the extrinsic muscles are given off, and is attached to the first and apparently also to the second bronchial semi-ring. In Ceryle alcyon there are no great differences, but the 1 In one of two specimens of S. vagans it was present. 2 Notes on some points in the Anatomy of the Kingfisher,' P. 2. S. 1870, p. 280. See also BEDDART), P. 2. S. 1896, p. 603. ALCEDINES 201 rings forming the box are not so completely fused, and the larger intrinsic muscle arises much lower down-in fact, at the commencement of the box. COLII Definition.--Aftershaft present ; oil gland tufted. Muscle formula, AXY; biceps slip present. Cæca absent. Skull desmognathous. II Of the family Coliidæ there is only a single genus, African in range and including something like nine species. The toes are remarkable for the fact that the zygodacty- lous condition can be assumed; the first toe can be directed forwards, the fourth backwards. There are ten rectrices ; a. tufted oil gland and an aftershaft are present. The pterylosis described by NITZSCH is remarkable for the width of the pterylæ. The ventral tract almost com- pletely covers the ventral side of the body; towards the outside the feathers are stronger, but there is no outer branch. The spinal tract is narrow and strongly feathered upon the neck; on the occiput is a bare space, reminding one of that in a similar position in the Trochilidæ. There is no median spinal apterion. In their myology the colies are remarkable for possessing a fleshy biceps slip. The tensor patagii brevis muscle is very extensive, and reaches nearly as far as the fore arm. Its very short and single tendon sends back a 'passerine 'slip, oblique in direction, and is also continued over the arm. The pectoralis slips to both longus and brevis are present. The deltoid, as in so many allied birds, is very extensive. The leg muscular formula is AXY-. There is only one peroneal. The semimembranosus is inserted below and indepen- dently of the semitenclinosus. The latter gives off a tendinous slip to the gastrocnemius. The deep flexor tendons blend before giving off branches to the toes.. | Hence the term “pamprodactylous,' sometimes used for this family. 202 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 Besides the hornbills and Macrochires the colies are the only flying birds in which the latissimus dorsi metapatagialis is absent. The colies have only the left carotid. The stomach is not very muscular. The liver is small and has a gall bladder. There are no cæca. The intestines are short, but capacious, measuring nine inches. The syrinx has been figured by JOHANNES MÜLLER. It is quite typically tracheo-bronchial. The skeleton and the affinities of Colius have been elabo- rately treated of by MURIE. There are thirteen cervical vertebræ. Four ribs reach the sternum. The skull is holorhinal, without basipterygoid processes, and desmognathous. After a careful maceration GARROD 3 was unable to find a vomer, the presence of which had been previously 4 asserted (see fig. 95, p. 203). TROGONES Definition.-Feet zygodactyle by reversion of second toe. Skull schizognathous with basipterygoid processes. Oil gland nude. Left carotid alone present. Cæca short. Ambiens absent. Of deep plantar tendons Fl. hall. supplies I. and II., Fl. dig. III. and IV. Vinculum joins them before bifurcation of each. UCU This family is chiefly American, but also African and Asiatic.5 The feathers of the trogons have very well developed aftershafts. The pterylosis is remarkable for the non- bifurcation of the spinal tract, which is continuous as a single tract to the base of the naked oil gland. It is dilated to form a rhomboidal area behind the scapula. There are twelve rectrices. 1. Ueber die bisher unbekannten typischen Verschiedenheiten der Stimm- organe der Passerinen,' Abl. li. Akad. Wiss. 1845. ? Qn 'the Genus Colius, its Structure and Systematic Place,' Ibis, 1872, p. 263. 3 "Notes on the Anatomy of the Colies (Colius),' P. 2. S. 1876, p. 416. By MURIE. 5 Trogon gallicus is an extinct species from the Miocene of France. TROGONES 203 Port hi w A : > SUV " SW . . ZES www Of the muscles of the thigh which Professor GARROD regarded as of importance there are present the femorocaudal and the semitendinosus, the accessories of both being absent. The femorocaudal is proportionately larger than in almost any bird. There is no glutæus primus. The obturator internus is small and oval. The singular arrangement of the deep plantar tendons is used in the definition of the family. The two tendons concerned each supply two digits, this arrangement being unique. In the fore limb there is no biceps slip to the patagium. The patagial muscles and tendons are much compli- cated; they have been figured by GARROD for Trogon puella. The very powerful tensor brevis muscle runs as a muscle nearly to the extensors of the fore arm; it has a short broad tendinous insertion on to the fascia of the outer surface of the arm, and this is specially developed, a line running back to the humerus, as in the FIG.95.-SKULL OF Colius castano- Passares Iseen7702) Passeres (see p. 172). Deeper Deonar rotus. VINTRAL ASPECT. (AFTER GARROD.) than this are two parallel tendons : of these the one nearer the humerus terminates exactly like the single one of the Passeres ; the other tendon ends as in the Pici, elsewhere described. There is no expansor secundariorum. The tongue of the trogons is short and three-sided. It is pointed in front. The left lobe of the liver is a little the smaller. Among GARROD's notes are the following measure- ments of the intestines and the cæca in three species of trogons, which we reproduce :- . . Y . to 1.NU Kivi CM C' HW 204 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Trogon mexicanus , Tr. puella Pharomacruis mocinno Intestine . Cæca . .'10.5 inches . 1.25 and 1 inch! 8.5 inches 1.1 inch 16 inches 1.75 inch There is no crop; the gizzard is thin-walled and large ; the proventriculus is zonary. The most remarkable matter concerning the osteology of the trogons is the curious mistake which was originally made as to the nature of the palate. HUXLEY, in his paper upon the classification of birds, came to the conclusion, from a single incomplete skull of Trogon Reinwardti, that the skull was, like its presumed allies, desmognathous. Later FORBES ' was able to show in five species that the maxillo-palatines were not united across the middle line, but that they terminated in a spongy expansion some way from each other. The end of the vomer is thin and filiform. The lacrymal is somewhat styliform, and reaches the jugal bar; there appear to be no ossified ectethmoids. The palatines of the trogons are peculiar. Instead of being flat plates, as in Coracias, for ex- ample, the outer portions of the bones are bent upwards, and cling closely to the basis cranii. The two palatines are, moreover, fused posteriorly, and the pterygoids where they articulate with them are expanded. They are holorhinal with impervious nares. The trogons have fifteen cervical vertebra. The atlas is perforated by the odontoid process; four or five ribs reach the sternum. The sternum has two incisions behind, and the bifid spina externa. La WO CORACIÆ Definition.— Aftershaft present Muscle formula, AXY ; expansor secundariorum present. Cæca generally present. Desmogna- thous. The Coraciidæ are entirely Old-World birds, chiefly massed in the Ethiopian region, but extending as far as the T'Note on the Structure of the Palate in the Trogons, P. 2. S. 1881, p. 836. CORACIÆ 205 9 LUCU Australian. The genera allowed by DRESSER in his recent monograph of the family are Coracias, Eurystomus, Brachy- pteracias, Atelornis, and Leptosomus. They are distributed by him in three subfamilies; the first two genera constitute the first, the next two the second, while Leptosomus is placed in a subfamily by itself. The rollers have an anisodactyle foot; the feathers have an aftershaft; but the oil gland is nude. The pterylosis has been studied by NITZSCH, FORBES, and by myself. In Eurystomus orientalis the ventral tracts commence as two from the very first; at the angle of the mandible they are double. Though NITZSCH has figured the pterylosis of the throat of Coracias garrulus as if it were continuous, I do not find any difference from Eurystomus in this particular. On the breast the two divisions of the ventral tract remain single; there is hardly a trace of the outer branch. The tracts are here rather wide. The dorsal pterylosis narrows gradually until between the shoulders, where the feathering is very strong, and where it divides into two branches; these unite again just at the articulation of the femora, and finally terminate a little way in front of the oil gland. Leptosomus has a slightly different pterylosis ; the ventral tract is single to about an inch behind the junction of the mandibular rami ; for a considerable distance the ventral band is continuous with the dorsal, so that the lateral neck spaces do not commence until about three- quarters of an inch above the shoulder. About the middle of the sternum the pectoral tract of either side gives off an. outer branch some four feathers wide and slightly stronger than the main tract. The two forks of the dorsal tract run in between each other, the narrower posterior portion between the limbs of the wider anterior portion, as is the case with so many birds. FORBES has noted that Atelornis has a pterylosis which agrees with that of Eurystomus, already described. Leptosomus differs, however, from the remaining Coraciidæ in the possession of powder-down patches, which were first See anatomical preface to DRESSER'S monograph of the group. 206 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS described by SCLATER. There are two patches in the lumbar region, lying between the dorsal and the femoral tracts. The tongue of the rollers wants the spiny fringe at the base which is so common a feature of this organ in other birds; it is horny in front and entire at the tip. The liver has a larger right lobe and a gall bladder. The following are intestinal measurements: Small Intestine Large Intestine Cæca 9 inches i - Leptosomas . Eurystomus Coracias . 23 inches 1 inch - 10 9 | 21, 2 inches 1 inch 2:2 inches . 11 1 ta. - - --.. .-.-. -..-.-- 6:72. br. 1 The tensores patagii of Leptosomus are figured in the accompanying cut. The brevis tendon gives off a wrist- ward slip just before its attach- ment to the tendon of extensor metacarpi radialis longus, over which it passes to be inserted below. There is no biceps slip. Coracias garrulus is the same save for the fact that there are two separate brevis tendons, from the first of which the anterior gives off the wristward slip; the inner thinner tendon of these does not cross the wrist. Eurystomus does not differ. In these birds Fig. 96.---TENSORES PATAGII OF Lep- P there is a well-developed ex- tosoinus (AFTER FORBES). P, patagium ; l.p.br, tensor patagii brevis; pansor secundariorum of the Sana fully developed type, which Professor GARROD has called 'ciconjiform.' The muscle formula of the leg is AXY-. The gluteus maximus does not reach below the acetabulum; the gl. SASSA s 24URES ta,D. 2 .2. R S . . . E T * ** A emr. C.m7, extensor metacarpi;l, its origin. T'On the Structure of Leptosoinci discolor,' P. Z. S. 1865, p. 682. ? From FORBES, 'On the Anatomy of Leptosoina discolor,' P. Z. S. 1880, p. 464. CORACIÆ 207 externus is present in Eurystomus, represented by a ligament in Coracics. The deep flexor tendons are of type V., where the two tendons blend before the four branches are given off to the toes. Both peroneals are present. The carotids of the Coraciidæ are two. In Leptosomus FORBES found that the two arteries run up close together, but are not fused in the hypapophysial canal. He thinks that they may be, like those of Bucorvus;t no longer functional as blood vessels. The syrinx of the Coraciidæ is quite typically tracheo- bronchial. In C. garrulus the intrinsic muscles are attached to the first bronchial semi-ring. These semi-rings are ossified; the rest of the bronchial semi-rings are more slender and not . HUO ino. III 1113 illll 1 TO I WIND !! WWW Tom inget 41 nu I : IM lang FIG. 97.-SYRINX Or Leptosomus (AFTER FORBES). THE LETT- HAND FIGURE FROM IN FRONT, THE RIGHT FROM BEHIND. ossified. In Eurystomus the only difference is in the fact that the three semi-rings following the first are closely attached to it and to each other, and appear to be ossified; after these are the broader soft cartilaginous semi-rings. The syrinx of Leptosomus (fig. 97) is rather different; it appears to be an extreme development of the type found in Eurystomus. The first three bronchial semi-rings, like the last tracheal rings, are ossified; the first of them appears to be nearly, if not quite, a complete ring. The fourth and the succeeding semi-rings are cartilaginous; to the former are attached the intrinsic muscles. In the commencing formation of a bronchial syrinx' Leptosomus evidently gives a hint of cuckoo affinities, to which group, however, its structure in general does not incline.. . There are fourteen cervical vertebræ in Leptosomus, | Cf. p. 215. 208 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS thirteen or fourteen in other Coraciidæ. The atlas (Coracias) iş notched for the odontoid process; C2-4, C10-D2 have hæmapophyses. On C13 and 14 there are also a pair of downward processes (catapophyses), one on each side of the hæmapophysis, which, in the case of C14, arise from a common base with it and on Di from its tip. In Eurystomus the atlas is perforated. Four (Lepto- Somus ?) or five (some other forms) ribs reach the sternum, which is singly or doubly notched on either side, and has a spina externa but no spina interna. The skull is desmogna- thous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid processes. The rollers have the same peculiar lacrymal that has been referred to above in the kingfishers. The bone expands enormously below and comes into near relations, but does not fuse, with a slight ectethmoid ; the lacrymal reaches the jugal. Another process, whichi descends in a straight line and actually reaches the jugal. These remarks apply not only to Coracias, but to Eurystomus and Atelornis, in which latter, however, the postfrontal process is not quite so long. The family Meropidæ consists of the genus Merops, and of a few others which have been carefully monographed by DRESSER. Like the rollers the bee-eaters are an exclusively Old-World family, ranging through the Palæarctic, Ethiopian, Oriental, and Australian regions, but again, like the rollers predominating in the Ethiopian. As to external characters, the oil gland is nude; the rectrices are twelve; the feathers have an aftershaft. The pterylosis (described by NITZSCH and by myself ) is as follows: The spinal tract is wide, and is at first connected round the neck with the ventral tract. About halfway down the The osteology (and some of the viscera) of Leptosomus is described and figured by MILNE-EDWARDS in the Histoire Naturelle de Madagascar. See also for the family NITZSCH and GIEBEL, ' Zur Anatomie der Blauracke,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. x. p. 318. ? In anatomical preface to DRESSER's monograph. CORACIÆ 209 1 neck it becomes separate, and terminates in a truncate or sometimes bifurcate extremity between the shoulder blades ; at this point there is a break and the rest of the spinal tract is double, en closing a space bounded by two distinctly conical tracts, which gradually get narrower to their point of fusion, a little way in front of the oil gland. The ventral tract is double from close to its point of origin ; the two tracts get wide upon the pectoral region, whence they gradually dwindle to a single feather wide close to their termination; the pectoral tracts have no outer branch. Nyctiornis has two carotids; most of the others have only one, the left. The bee-eaters have long caca,' like the Coraciidæ. In a specimen of M. ornatus with the intestines. only 54 inches they measured į inch; in a larger species. 1 inch. The proventriculus is zonary; the right lobe of the liver". the larger, and with a gall bladder. The tensor patagii brevis tendon gives off a wristward slip, and a 'passeriform' slip to the humeral at its insertion to the fore arm, which it does not cross. There is no biceps. slip, but there is a fleshy slip to longus from pectoralis; that. to brevis is entirely tendinous, there being in both an agreement with Coracias. The deltoid extends a long way down the humerus ; it. receives a tendinous slip from the scapula, which passes under the latissimus dorsi and over the anconæus longus. The. latter muscle has a humeral head, but not in Nyctionis. The expansor secundariorum is present and ciconiine. The leg formula is AXY-. The deep flexor tendons are: as in fig. 55, p. 100; the flexor hallucis gives off a slip to the hallux before it fuses with the flexor communis. The Meropidæ have fourteen cervical vertebra. The atlas is perforated by the odontoid process. There are hæmapophyses on C2-4, C10-01 ; that of C14 is trifurcate. Four ribs reach the sternum, which has two lateral notches, of which the outer is the deeper, and has both external and internal spina, the latter being bifid, as in Passeres and some other birds. The clavicles have an acromial process, S P. 210 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS as in the kingfishers. The skull is desmognathous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid processes. The descending limb of the lacrymal nearly unites—is connected by cartilage—with the slender ectethmoid, thus forming a ring. The nostrils in the dried skull are pervious. The desmognathism of Merops is different from that of its allies. The maxillo-palatines are long, slender, recurved plates, like those of passerines. They are fused in the middle line to a broad plate of bone, but the free ends of the maxillo- palatines extend backwards for some distance independently of this. The palate in front of the maxillo-palatines is to some extent vacuolate. The vomer is a single rodlike bone. The Momotidæ ? are South and Central American, com- prising the genera (perhaps subgenera) Momotus, Hylomanes, Baryphthengus, and some others. They are placed by GADOW in close association with the todies, but there are various points in which they differ from that family, upon which stress has been laid by FORBES. It is mainly to the last-mentioned observer 2 and to GARROD 3 that the existing knowledge of the family is due. The external characters of the family show some variation; in Momotus the oil gland is quite nude; in Hylomanes and Eumomota the apex is furnished with a few small plumes. Momotus has twelve rectrices ; Hylomanes, Prionorhynchus, Baryphthengus, ten. A remarkable characteristic of the motmots are the two central racket-shaped rectrices, which matter was investi- gated twenty years ago by SALVIN.4 It appears that the original account given by WATERTON of the birds nibbling off the vanes is perfectly correct, for it was observed by BARTLETT at the Zoological Society's Gardens. As a rule the bird only nibbles at the two long central rectrices, but SALVIN reports a case where a bird had sought fresh fields .and had attacked others of its feathers. It is a very remark- | J. MURIE, On the Motmots and their Affinities,' Ibis (3), ii. 1872, p. 383. ? Collected papers, passim. 3 Collected papers, passim, 'On the Systematic Position of Momotidæ,' P Z. S. 1878, p. 100. t'On the Tail Feathers of Momotus,' P. Z. S. 1873, p. 429. CORACIÆ 211 1 ULIT able fact that when the rectrices in question first appear they are narrower at the points where the nibbling occurs, and where they will be ultimately denuded, than they are else- where. But an inheritance of this particular acquired character can hardly be asserted. An aftershaft is present, but small. The tensores patagii are simple, and there is no biceps slip. There is a fleshy pectoralis propatagialis. The tensor brevis consists of two parallel tendons, the anterior of which does not give off a wristward slip. The fan to the ulna arises in M. brasiliensis and M. æquatorialis as a continuation of the hinder of the two tendons, in M. Lessoni between them. Hylomanes gularis agrees with the first. The anconcus has a humeral slip. The somewhat rudimentary expansor secundariorum only reaches the margin of the teres. The deltoid is large; its attachment to humerus is longer in Hylomanes than in Momotus (1-1). There is a separate tendinous scapular slip. The muscular formula of leg is AXY-. Both peroneals are present. The deep flexor tendons of the motmots are rather peculiar in their structure. It will be observed that the slip to the hallux is given off before the flexor hallucis joins the flexor longus. The first gluteal (gl. maximus) is only present in front of the acetabulum. The glutæus externus is absent as a distinct muscle, but the insertion of glutæus II. extends so far round the head of the femur that it may represent also the other- wise missing muscle. The gizzard is stronger in Hylomanes than in Momotus, and is almost 'ptilopine’in section. The tongue is long, bifid at the apex, and worn into fila- ments. In the alimentary canal the cæca are absent; the in- testines measure fourteen inches in M.Lessoni, eighteen inches in M. brasiliensis. The right lobe of the liver is the larger, and there is a gall bladder. There are two carotids. The femoral vein is abnormal. The syrinx has been described by GARROD and is figured by him. It does not apparently differ widely from genus to P 2 212 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS genus. The last few tracheal rings are fused, but there is not a complete pessulus. ... The motmots have fifteen cervical vertebra. The.atlas is perforated by the odontoid process. C1-5, C11-D3 have median hypapophyses ; on C14-D2 are a pair of inferolateral processes, which gradually approach the median line until they spring from a common base in D1, and are just visible as rudiments towards the tip of the hamapophysis of D2. In Hylomanes there is also a double hypapophysis on C10. Three or four ribs reach the sternum, which has (Momotus) four foramina, oř (Hylomanes) two notches and two foramina, and a bifid spina externa. The skull is desmognathous and holorhinal. The lacrymals are rudimentary; the ectethmoids are very small and do not nearly reach them. Nares impervious, pervious in Hylomanes. 1 ( 110 LD. The West Indian todies (Todidæ) form à very distinct family; their structure has been chiefly investigated by MURIE 1 and FORBES.They are small birds with feet in which the syndactylism is more marked than in motmots and some others. The annexed cut shows that the digits IV. and V. are united together as far as the end of the third phalanx of the one and the second of the other. The oil gland is tufted. The skull is very imperfectly desmognathous. The two maxillo-palatines are not united together; they are com- pletely free from each other and from a median ossified nasal septum. There seems to be no vomer. The descending portion of the lacrymals is large and broad ; the ectethmoids, on the other hand, are small. The interorbital septum is widely fenestrate. There are fifteen cervical vertebræ. The intestines are, according to Mr. FORBES, remarkably short, not measuring altogether more than 3 inches ; on the other hand the cæca are as remarkably long (considering the sys- 0 1.On the Skeleton of Todus,' &c., P. 2. S. 1872, p. 664. 2On some points in the Anatomy of the Todies (Todide), and on the Affinities of that Group,' ibil. 1882, p. 442. See also REICHENOW, ' Ueber das Genus Todus,' &c., Journ. f. Ornith. xxxi. 1883, p. 430. CORACIÆ 213 . :.. : tematic position of the bird); they measure about one-third of an inch. The cæca are narrowed at their origin from the gut, and, as in the owls, &c., dilated apically. The deep plantar tendons vary from the arrangement common to the group in that the slip to the hallux is given off before the blending of the two. The arrangement, in fact, is as in the motmots. There is an expansor secundariorum ceasing at the axillary margin of the teres, in the gallinaceous fashion. The syrinx has at the middle a bony box, which is formed of three or four bronchial rings united with about two tracheal rings. It is che hall, Fangemex apically 파H Ha 26 alu 43 . Fig. 98.-Foot or Todus (AFTER FORBES). THE DIGITS AND THE PHALANGES ARE NUMBERED. FIG. 99.--Foot or Monotus (AFTER FORBES). LETTERS AS IN FIG. 98. only ventrally that the fusion is complete. The intrinsic muscles cease at the last tracheal ring but one. The Galbulidæ are a family of neotropical birds, com- prising the genera Galbula, Urogalba, Jacamerops, &c., and known as puff birds. . They are zygodactyle, with a nude oil gland, twelve rec- trices, and a small aftershaft. The pterylosis of Galbula rufoviridis is as follows :- The inferior tract is double from the angle of the jaw; just before leaving the neck each tract gives off a short branch, about six rows of two feathers, which runs on to the 214 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS margin of pectoralis. The main tract itself is also only two feathers broad. It sends off, about halfway down sternal keel, a short curved outer branch, which runs outwards and then forwards towards axilla, nearly meeting a second outer branch which is given off by the tract on opposite side to the inner branch, already spoken of. The dorsal tract has a slight break; the very short interscapular fork is of strong feathers and connected with posterior part only by a very few feathers which are weak and arranged uniserially. The tongue is long and thin, tapering to a filament ante- riorly ; a gall bladder seems to be absent. In a specimen of G. rufoviridis the intestinal measurements were as follows: s. i., 4.15 inches ; 1. i., 75 inch; cæca, :7 inch. The Galbulidæ have an expansor secundariorum, but no biceps slip. The tensor patagii brevis tendon of Galbula has no wristward slip. It is merely a single tendon ; in Urogalba there is a wristward slip. In the leg the formula of Galbula is AXY, of Urogalba AX, both birds, of course, lacking the ambiens. The glutaus I. and V. are absent, at any rate in Galbula. The plantar tendons are picine, Both carotids are present. The skull of the Galbulida is very like that of the Bucco- nidæ; but there are nevertheless points of difference. In Urogalba paradisea there is a long gap in the bony palate in front of the conjoined maxillo-palatines, as in Bucco- nidæ ; but the palatines are more sloped off posteriorly, and their posterior halves are more closely in contact. The de- scending process of the lacrymal is broader, and it is perforated by a large foramen. In Jacamerops and Galbula, on the other hand, the descending process of the lacrymal is very slender. • The ectethmoids are large and the interorbital and intra- narial septa complete. There are fourteen cervical vertebre; the sternum has two pairs of incisions. BUCEROTES 215 215 BUCEROTES Definition.-Oil gland tufted. Muscle formula, AXY. Cæca absent. Skull desmognathous. The well-marked family Bucerotidæ contains at least two distinct genera, Buceros and Bucorvus. The latter (the ground hornbill) is entirely African ; the former, which has been much subdivided, is both African and Asiatic. The great casque, not always equally developed, and the long bill, frequently serrated along its margins, and the largely black and white or black plumage distinguish these birds. But the small Toccus is a less typical form. The syndactyle foot, in which the second and fourth toes are united to the third-the latter for several joints, the former for only one-is highly distinctive, and is repeated in the ground-living Bucorvus. The oil gland is tufted. The feathers have no aftershaft.. There are ten rectrices. The pterylosis of Bucorvus abyssinicus has been described. and figured by NITZSCH. The neck is completely feathered, except at its lower end, both dorsally and ventrally. The former is the commence- ment of the very narrow dorsal space of a long oval form, but not extensive. The pectoral tracks diverge at end of neck, but are subsequently undivided. The carotids are double in Bucorvus ; the left only is. present in others. The remarkable obliteration of the carotids in the former genus, and their replacement by a pair superficial in position, have been described by GARROD 2 and OTTLEY.3 The tensores patagiż are in some ways characteristic of the Bucerotidæ. In Buceros convexus (cf. FÜRBRINGER) I OWEN, 'On the Anatomy of the Concave Hornbill,' P. Z. S. 1833, p. 102. 2 • On a Peculiarity in the Carotid Arteries ... of the Ground Hornbill, P. 2. S. 1876, p. 60. $o A Description of the Vessels of the Head and Neck in the Ground Horn- bill,' ibid. 1879, p. 461. 216. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . 14 . w ! . www www 11 II V SH IND N . . there is no patagialis longus. The brevis receives rather low down a very strong slip from the pectoral; near to its insertion it gives off a wristward slip, which is attached to a special tendon arising from the lower end of the humerus.. The main tendon passės over this, not attached to it, to the ulnar side. The absent longus is represented only by a thinnish tendon arising from the pectoralis. The same structures are found in B. malabaricus, B. coronatus, B. bicornis, and in Toccus. In B. atratus there is in addition an excessively small patagialis longus muscle, arising with brevis and con- sisting indeed of but very few fibres. In Bucorvus, on the other hand (fig. 100), the tensor patagii longus is well developed. Each tendon has a slip from pectoralis (a and a' in fig. 100), but that which joins brevis receives a tendinous slip from the biceps. This, however, as it is not figured by FÜRBRINGER, is possibly individual. Quite exceptionally-among anomalogonatous birds--many PATAGIAL MUSCLES OF hornbills have a broad humeral i Bricorvus (AFTER BEDDARD). HI, humerus; Bi, biceps; Bs, biceps slips (?); attachment of the anconaus. in ; a, «e'The muscle itself arises from the scapula by a Y-shaped (Bucorvus, Buceros) or flat, non-divided (Aceros) head. The humeral 'ankerung' is found in B. subcylindricus, B. bicor- ris, not in B. elatus, B. malabaricus, B. atratus, Bucorvus abyssinicus, Aceros, or Toccus. The deltoid has no scapular slip. · The lég formula of all hornbills is AXY-. .: The glutæus maximus is quite. absent; the glutæus ex- ternus is only present as a ligament. .. . Whili lilimilimiiniline w www www ww ucul. www m. RiE.H. 6.1, 1.2, tensor patagii brevis tendon ;dl, a', ..slips from pectoralis. On 10 BUCEROTES 217 - The biceps is occasionally (e.g. B. elatus) double at its origin, the tendons being separated by quite a quarter of an inch. The arrangement of the semitendinosus and adductor in Aceros nipalensis, which is somewhat complex, will be understood from the accompanying drawing (fig. 101). • The semitendinosus (St) is inserted on to the tibia by a long, thin, flat tendon; another tendon, joining the first just where it passes into the muscle, is attached to the gastro- cneinius. The accessory semitendinosus is in two parts: the larger half (Ast) is attached to the semitendinosus just behind the origin of the tendon of insertion of the latter ; the second half appears to arise from the tendon which connects the semitendinosus with the gastrocnemius, it passes up towards the thigh, and just in front of its (tendinous) insertion on to the femur it receives a tendon from the adductor. This latter muscle (the adductor longus) is inserted by three tendons(1) to the femur; (2) a small tendon which has already been described as joining the second half of the accessory tendinosus; and (3) near to the origin of one of the internal heads of the gastrocnemius; to this tendon is also attached the inner head of the gastrocnemius. The corresponding muscles of Bucorvus abyssinicus are rather simpler than in Aceros nipalensis. The adductor longus is only inserted at two places : first, by a fleshy inser- tion along a considerable length of the lower border of the femur; second, by a tendon in common with the inner- most head of the gastrocnemius. The semitendinosus is attached by a thin tendon to the tibia, as in Aceros, and by a short tendon, also as in that species, to the gastrocnemius. The accessory semitendinosus arises chiefly from this latter tendon, but there is no division between this part of the muscle and that which takes its origin from the fleshy part of the semitendinosus. 'In Buceros atratus there is, again, some little difference 1 Gadow figures most of these muscles in Bronn's Thierreich, '. Aves,' Bd. vi. Abth. iv. Taf. xxiii. b, fig. 1. 218 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . from both the types already described, although the resem- blances are on the whole closer to Aceros. The adductor longus is attached by two tendinous heads; the upper one of these, as in Aceros, is attached to the lower border of the femur; this corresponds to the fleshy insertion of the muscle in Bucorvus; the lower tendon is fused on its way with the inner head of the gastrocnemius, which is continued upwards and reaches the femur, and then bifur- cates into two tendons of insertion. The relations of the www. ht. www. w www ww. www . . etter . . . Nr 11 /// IIIIIIIIIII Alth LUI . wwwww wwwwww - - wwwwwww nda . . 2 . UM III /2001 . I ww. w SE ESSAARE 1 Sil. gast - AWAN FIG. 101.—LEG MUSCLES OF Aceros (AFTER BEDDARD). add, adductor ; Si, semitendinosus; Ast, its accessory; Sm, semimembranosus ; gast, gastrocnemius. semitendinosus and of the accessory semitendinosus are as in Aceros nipalensis. In Toccus these muscles are much the same as in Buceros. In Ceratogymna elata I find a closer resemblance to Aceros than to any other of the genera mentioned in this paper, but there is an agreement with Bucorvus in the fleshy insertion of the adductor longus on to the lower border of the femur. The accessory semitendinosus is distinctly double, as in Aceros, and is attached by a short tendon to the BUCEROTES 219 2 0 adductor, though the direction of this tendon is somewhat different from what is found in Aceros. The skull is doubly desmognathous. There are distinct basipterygoid processes, large in B. rhinoceros, almost va- nished in A. nipalensis, with which, however, the pterygoids do not articulate. The interorbital septum is widely fenes- trate. The fused lacrymals and ectethmoids together make a large plate of bone; the postfrontal processes are large. The atlas is fused with the axis. The håmapophyses are slight. There are fourteen or fifteen cervical vertebrae ; they are median in C12-D2. C14 and Di have a median and two lateral processes. The sternum, which is faintly two- or four-notched, has both spina externa and interna. • The liver lobes present some differences in different hornbills. Commencing with Bucorvus abyssinicus, in which the right lobe is larger than the left, the series terminates with Buceros coronatus, in which the left lobe is larger than the right. The following table shows the relations of the liver lobes in such hornbills as have been examined :-- Bucorvus abyssinicus. R>L. Aceros nipalensis. R>L Buceros bicornis. R>L. Sphagolobus atratus. R>L. Bycanistes subcylindricus. R>L. Buceros plicatus. R=L. Buceros rhinoceros. Buceros coronatus. R Sleatornis gotheles Batrachostomus Nuctibius . „Vuclidromus 1 + + + + 1 notch 2 for. | 2 notches 11 + + 1 Schiz. + + - AXY Over biceps +1+ 1 notch Tracle- Bronch. » Caprimulgus. Chordeiles .12 +t'.- antrostomus - 1 + + + + + + il AXY! AXY AXY ! » u + ti- + + + + 1 of 9 » +++ = go 1 1 | There can be little doubt, from a consideration of the above table, of the naturalness of a family Caprimulgidæ to include the last four genera. In these forms, in all of them, the toes are aberrant in that the last has only four phalanges, and further that the claw of the middle one is serrated. It will be noticed from the table that the amount of structural variation among the Caprimulgidæ (s.s.) is exceed- ingly small, the only character, indeed, of those selected which varies being the gall bladder, which is absent in Chordeiles, and shows signs of commencing disappearance by its small size in some of the others. We might, perhaps, add the desmognathism of Chordeiles ; but this is obviously but a slight exaggeration of the ægithognathous palate of the others. The enormous length of the second primary of Macrodipteryx and Cosmetorris is a variation which does not appear to be of great importance from a classificatory point of view. : The remaining genera are by no means so uniform a group as that which those that have been already considered form. In all of them, however (so far as is known), the biceps slip is absent, the glutæus primus is of limited extent, See Blyth in Ibis, 1866, p. 357. CAPRIMULGI 243 the skull' is desmognathous, the syrinx is bronchial (least marked in Ægotheles), and the outer toe has five phalanges, while the middle toe has no serration. This is a fair assemblage of identical characters. It is usual for Steatornis to be separated as a distinct family from the Podargidæ, as has been done by GADOW. It differs from Podargus in seven out of the thirteen characters made use of in the above table. It is often supposed that the Guacharo: is peculiar among goatsuckers by reason of its vegetable diet; but NEWTON states in his · Dictionary of Birds' that the Podargidæ also partly nourish themselves on fruit. More- over Ægotheles, which is by universal, consent placed in the immediate neighbourhood of Podargus, differs from that genus in four out of the thirteen characters, and from Stea- tornis in exactly the same number. It appears possible to place all these genera in one family, which, on account of its greater antiquity, has had time to vary more than the Capri- mulgidæ. It is also among members of this family that the greatest number of points of affinity to the owls is met with, a further argument in favour of their basal position. The relationship of the Caprimulgi to other groups is a puzzle hard of solution. This is partly, perhaps, due to the fact that the goatsuckers are probably a somewhat ancient group. That they are an ancient group seems to be shown by the considerable amount of specialisation of structure which they exhibit, by the primitive character of the intestinal folds—the cæca being at the same time well developed-by the double carotids, and by their wide distri- bution, with a restriction in range of some peculiar types, such as Steatornis. The remarkable series of modifications of the syrinx is one of the most striking facts in the anatomy of the group. They share this with the Cuculi, and, though to a less extent, with the Striges. It is, indeed, with this latter group that the goatsuckers seem to be most nearly allied. This con- clusion, which is in harmony with much recent opinion, is curious in view of the external likenesses' which bind 1 For instance, the 'ears' of certain Podargide and of Lyncornis. It is a R 2 244 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS together the two groups of birds, likenesses which might fairly be put down to similarity of habit. These superficial resemblances are, however, enforced by more deep-lying structural similarities. MITCHELL has found that of the various groups which may be supposed reasonably to be allied to the Caprimulgi the owls come nearest to them in the primitive character of the gut, while the cæca, swollen at the ends, are alike in both. The owls too are nearly the only other Coraciiform birds besides the Caprimulgi which have well-developed basipterygoid processes. The trogons, it is true, possess them, but then they differ in many other important particulars. STRIGES Definition.-Oil gland nude. Aquincubital. Both carotids present. Cæca well developed, ending in a dilatation. Skull desmogna- thous and holorhinal, with basipterygoid processes. No ambiens, semitendinosus, accessory femoro-caudal, biceps slip, or expansor secundariorum. LU . The owls, formerly associated with the Accipitres and termed 'Accipitres nocturnæ,' or 'Nyctharpages,' are now generally placed by themselves away from the hawks and in the neighbourhood of some of the birds comprised under the term “picarian. The group itself is characterised by a great uniformity of structure, and by the possession, so to speak, of so many negative characters. The resemblances to the hawks are really only in habits and in beak and claw. These, however, will be dealt with more fully later. The owls comprise a considerable number of genera, of which Strix stands rather apart from the rest, having as near neighbours the Eastern Photodilus? and the Madagas- cu Heliodilus.3 curious coincidence that the term 'morepork’is applied to Podargus in Australia, and in New Zealand to an owl, Spilogluur Norre-Zelandice (fide NEWTON, Dict. of Birds, sub voce 'Morepork '). Except Starix and Asio otus. 2 BEDDARI), · On Photodilus badius,' Ibis, 1890, p. 293. 3 MILNE-EDWARDS, Observations sur les Affinités Zoologiques,' &c., Nouv. Arch. Mus. (2), i. 1978, and in Hist. Nat. de Madagascar. See also R. B. SHARPE, • A Note on Heliodilus,' P. 2. S. 1879, p. 175. STRIGES 245 CY 1 ILO :. It is often given as a character of the owls (and as a bond of union with Pandion) that there is no aftershaft. There is, however, a small one in Strix. As a rule the oil gland is nude, but NITZSCH gives as a constant character of Hybris. (=Strix) the presence of two minute feathers upon the apex of that gland; in Asio otus too there are two or three small down feathers upon the apex of the oil gland—all of which facts seem to indicate a comparatively recent loss of the apical tuft so often found in birds. The rectrices are invariably twelve in number, except in Micropallas, where there are but ten. A singular external character of the owls, carefully gone into by KAUP,2 concerns the asymmetry of the ears; with this is sometimes corre- lated an asymmetry of the skull in the region of the ear.3 ! The tensores patagii of the owls 4 are on the whole simple. In none of them is there a biceps slip. Very rarely is there a recurrent tendon uniting the insertion of the brevis with the longus (patagial fan). This occurs, how- ever, in Strix Novce Hollandice (? always), S. flammea (occasionally), and S. pratincola (? always). Something of the same kind is found in Syrnium aluco, where, however, the connection is between the tendon of the longus, just at its origin, and the inner of the two branches of the brevis. In most owls (Bubo maculosus, Scops leucotis, Pulsatrix torquata, Athene noctua, Strix, Syrnium nebic- losum) the tensor brevis sends off a wristward slip not far from insertion of main tendon ; the latter alone crosses the fore arm to be inserted on to ulna. In Scops Lempiji, S. Asio, Asio otus, Ketupa javanensis, Otus vulgaris, Bubo ascalaphus, and Nyctea nivea, there is an additional posterior brevis tendon, arising separately from the muscle. This latter tendon sometimes in Otus vulgaris is connected with the middle one. 21 UUU 2 YS VV 21. Fide CLARK, 'On the Pterylographiy of certain American Goatsuckers and Owls,' Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. xvii. p. 551. ? A monograph of the Strigidæ, Zool. Trans. iv. 3 Cf. COLLETT, 'On the Asymmetry of the Skull in Strix Tengmalmi, P. 2. S. 1870, p. 739. : D'ALTON, De Strigum Musculis Commentatio, Halis, 1837; HEUSINGER, Arch. f. Phys. vii. 1922. 246 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS In Asio otus there is a fleshy slip from pectoral to longus tendon, and a fibrous slip from humerus to patagial muscle just at origin of innermost brevis tendon. In Scops Lempiji there are muscular slips to both longus and brevis from the pectoral, and a fibrous slip from the humerus to the longus tendon just at its origin. The humeral origin of the anconcus is always present. There is never an expansor secundariorum, so far as is known. The pectoralis primus is not at all double. The only one of the leg muscles used by GARROD in classification that is present is the femoro-caudal, the formula thus being A-. Glutæus. I. is absent, glutæus V. small. In Ketupa javanensis, however, V. is absent and I. not quite so. Only one peroneal muscle is present, which is attached to head of metacarpal. The tendon of insertion of the tibialis anticus is divided ; in Pulsatrix I found it to be trifid at insertion, and even the muscle itself was divided into two for a short distance. The deep flexor tendons are of type I. In Ketupa ceylonensis the two tendons blend a quarter of the way down the tarso-metatarsus; though blended the fibres can be recognised, and it may be seen that those of flexor hallucis mainly supply digits I., II., a small part only to rest of com- mon tendon. - - - - - - - . Small Int. Large Int. Caca Ins. Ins. 20 Ins. 2-5 3.5 4.5 22 . 25 40 34.5 30.25 24 Asio otus Syrnium aluco . „ nebulosum Bubo ignavus . , virginianus . , capensis .. Ketupa javanensis ceylonensis Athene noctua passerina . Pulsatrix torquata Speotyto cunicularia Nyctea nivea . Surnia funerea Gymnoglaux nudipes. 2.25 3.5 2.8 1.75 3.5 3.8 3.5, 3.25 2.5 14 .. 2.5 -... 15 42 - - - - .- . 16.5 9.9 1.5 2.2 - --- + 1.4 ------- . --------- .. - --:-- - --- --- -- .. . -- - - - - - - STRIGES 247 ra www. ... Z 271 111 1111 Hill The colic cæca are always (fig. 125) dilated at the blind end. The liver lobes are subequal, and the gall bladder appears to be always present. The skull of the owls 2 shows some differences in Strix from the characters which distinguish the majority of the group. In Strix the skull is elongate, the proportions being in Strix flammea 56 length : 36 breadth. In another species (Strix sp. inc.) 62 : 37.5. On the other hand in other owls the differences between breadth and length show gra- dually progressive series, cul- minating in Speotyto cunicu- laria, in which the proportions are nearly equal, viz. 38 : 37. The skull of Strix further differs from that of other owls in the swollen character of the prefrontal processes, which are thin, almost paper- like sheets of bone in other owls. Theinterorbital septum of Strix is thick, while in the remaining genera it is reduced to a thin dividing lamina, as is the case with most birds. The skull characters of the genus Fig. 125.—COLIC CÆCA or Photodilus (AFTER BEDDARD). Photodilus are to some extent intermediate between Strix and the remaining genera of the Striges. The interorbital septum of Photodilus is not so thick as in Strix, but, on the other hand, not so thin as in other owls, as, for example, Bubo. The prefrontals, although not so swollen as in Strix, are not nearly so flattened as they Absent in Speotyto.; cf. SHUFELDT, 'Notes on the Anatomy of Speotyto, Journ. Morpr. iii. 1889, p. 122. ? See for certain details of skull structure PARKER, Linn. Trans. (2), i. p. 138. 248 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS are in Bubo, where, as already explained, they are thin plates, hardly thicker than a piece of paper. · So far Photo- dilus agrees with Strix ; but there are points in which the skull of this aberrant owl is nearer to the bubonine section of the order. It has not the occipital convexities which are so striking a feature of the skull of Strix. Finally Photodilus is strigine in the non-extension over the occcipital region of the temporal fossæ, which do so extend in many of the Bubonidæ. In Strix there is but one notch on either side A . AUX S AVI . SY NA Voir Nii . . ": . AX 7 . . . TA 22 Y. XIDE Cola * * . KAS IL . A 11. 1 Y ! " 07 113 15 V2 . M . it. A L2 25 1W . . * . . 733 : V. ari. .. . n n . . . A 2 . . 2. ws * KY (52 . L . NO SSY . Czy , 2 'Q AKS 1. RU w 22 . . . 1 WN PAC > ST KY w Fig. 126.-SKULLS or Strix (LEFT-HAND FIGURE) AND Bubo. (AFTER BEDDAKD). E, prefrontal process ; W, maxillo-palatines. of the sternum ; in other owls, including Photodilus, there are two. The vomer of the owls is not large,' and behind it there is a medio-palatine, at least occasionally present. The lacrymals, like the maxillo-palatines, with which they come into contact, are swollen and spongy. The nostrils are often partly covered by ossified alinasals, and there is a largely bony internasal septum. .. 'Said by SACFELDT to be absent in Speotyto. STRIGES 249 : In the foot of Strix (see fig. 127) the first phalanx of digit III. is much less than the second in length; in most other owls (fig. 128) these two phalanges are small and sübequal ; Photodilus is intermediate. The latter genus has the pecu- liarity that the last digit has only four phalanges instead of five, the two basal ones being fused. The number of cervical vertebræ does not appear to vary. w SALSA i . all . ren NA Fig. 127.—Right Foot or Strix (AFTER BEDDARD). I have found fourteen in Strix, Photodilus, Ketupa, and other genera which I have examined. In Bubo bengalensis the ring of the atlas is incomplete above; the significance of lost, owing to the fact that Cariama is similarly characterised. The hæmapophyses' in Ketupa javanensis commence as single processes on C11, and extend to D3; on C10 is ir 250 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS bifid hypapophysis, and on C9 the catapophyses nearly form a canal. Posterior catapophyses begin on C12, whence they gradually climb the hypapophyses. Bubo bengalensis is much the same, save that there is not a bifid hæmapophysis . AY . . . DEN! - NE .... - - - - .. ... . . - JIH 2- . .. ver Vi 1 WW . KO w ASE www -- 1 FIG. 128.-Lert Foot or Bubo (AFTER BEDDARD). on 10. In Strix the catapophyses on C9 are distant. Photo- dilus is like Ketupa. To the sternum, which is one-notched in Strix and two- notched in other owls, five ribs are attached. Dr. COUES ! I key to N. American Birds. STRIGES 251 has mentioned the existence among the Striges of a "scapula accessoria. The coracoids are not in contact at their articu- lation with sternum; the procoracoids are moderately large, and the clavicle reaches both them and the scapula. If it were not for Photodilus, it might be possible to divide the Striges into two families, Strigida and Bubonidæ. As it is, it may perhaps be permissible to regard the order as containing but one family, but two sub-families, viz. Striginæ SE = = Y SA 3.3 SEXY BRO tu . ER TA . . TIS S ve X YUWAE - RSS ACT . MUVIN ANNA Tim ES ** bahan 7 SAHAYU YAUTO2207 CITATION Fig. 129.-SYRINX OF Scops lericolis (AFTER BEDDARD). Fia. 130.-SYRINX OF Bubo (AFTER BEDDARD). and Buboninæ, to which possibly a third, Photodilinæ, might be added. The syrinx of the Striges has been chiefly described by WUNDERLICH' and by myself. This group is one of the few that present the remarkable variety of the voice organ which has been terined the bronchial syrinx. All the owls, so far as they have been examined, possess one pair of intrinsic muscles and the usual one pair of extrinsic muscles. Scops leucotis has the most modified syrinx. In this bird (see fig. 129) the intrinsic muscles are attached so far down the bronchus as to the tenth bronchial ring, and, as will be 1' Beiträge zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des unteren Kehlkopfes der Vögel,' Nov. Act. Leop. Akad. xlviii. 1884, p. 1. 2On the Classification of the Striges,' Ibis (5), vi. p. 355. 252 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . seen from the figure, the bronchial rings in front of this attachment are complete rings, with no membranous inter- space left. In Strix, on the other hand, and in Bubo and Syrnium, the intrinsic muscles are inserted on to the first bronchial semi-ring. In Asio seven complete rings intervene between the bifurcation of the trachea and the first incom- plete bronchial semi-ring, to which the muscles are attached. In Photodilus the intrinsic muscles are inserted on to the second bronchial semi-ring. Until lately the owls have been almost invariably placed in the immediate neighbourhood of the diurnal birds of prey. Latterly, however, the opinion has been gaining ground that it is to the picarian birds (in a wide sense) that they are most nearly allied. This opinion, more than hinted at by GARROD and NEWTON, has been given a practical shape in the classi- fications of FÜRBRINGER and GADOW. The latter has in- geniously pointed out that it is impossible to imagine that the Striges have been derived from the Accipitres, since, although without an ambiens, they have much the same structure of foot as the Accipitres with an ambiens. Hence it is difficult to believe that they would have lost it; he con- cludes that they are derived from some bird without an ambiens, and the failure of MITCHELL to find the last trace of the missing ambiens-obvious in some birds which are clearly. the descendants of birds with an ambiens-still further supports that way of looking at the matter. Even in the skull, where the principal likenesses between the Accipitres diurnæ and nocturnæ (as the two groups in question have been called) have been seen, there are really many differences. It is only, for example, in the skulls of those Accipitres to which the owls have been supposed to have the least resemblance, i.e. the Cathartidæ and Serpen- tariidæ, that there are basipterygoid processes. The owls are decidedly not desmognathous (in the sense of a maxillo- palatine union), and their lacrymal is quite different from that of the hawks and eagles. The palate, too, is incom- plete in front of the maxillo-palatines, not solid, as in the Accipitres. As to other anatomical features, it is harder to STRIGES 253 find likėnesses than differences. The Accipitres have rudi- mentary cæca, a biceps slip, the expansor secundariorum, a tufted oil gland, an aftershaft (except Pandion); the deep flexor tendons are different, and, in short, the differences are as great as those which separate any two groups of carinate birds. 11 PSITTACI Definition.—Twelve rectrices ;? aftershaft present; aquintocubi- tal; żygodactyle. Skull desmognathous, holorhinal, with- out basipterygoid processes. Biceps slip and expansor se- cundariorum absent. Muscle formula, AXY + or -. No cæca ; a crop present. The parrots are an almost cosmopolitan group, being most abundant, however, in the tropics. Count SALVADORI, in his British Museum catalogue of the group, allows five hundred species, distributed among seventy-nine genera. The parrots are a very sharply defined group, there being no dubious outlying forms. They are usually brilliantly coloured, and lay white eggs in hollows of trees. With the exception of the owl parrakeet (Stringops) of New Zealand the parrots are arboreal birds, as, indeed, the zygodactyle feet denote. As to external characters, the exaggeratedly hawk- like bill is well known. The almost universal twelve rectrices distinguish the group, but in other external and internal characters the parrots show considerable diversity of structure, as is sometimes the case with large and widely distributed groups ; compare, for instance, the pigeons, which present many other analogies to the parrots. The oil gland 4 is a structure which may be wanting or developed. The table on p. 268 indicates some of the genera See also under · Çaprimulgi,' p. 243. 2 With the sole exception (cf. GADOW) of Oreopsittacus Arfaki. .: 33 See below, p. 261. .. . - External characters and many other points in the anatomy of parrots are dealt with by GARROD;." On some points in the Anatomy of the Parrots,' &c., P.Z.'s. 1874, p. 247, and Notes on the Anatomy of certain Parrots,' ibid. 1876, 1. 691 ; see also FORBES, 'On the Systematic Position of the Genus Lathamus, ibid. 1879, p. 166. . 25+ STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 . in which it is present or absent. When present it is in- variably tufted, and generally of fair size. In Cacatua sul- phurea, however, the oil gland, though present, is small, and has but a single small down feather upon it. The parrots are a group of birds which agree with the Accipitres in that some genera have powder-down patches while others have not. The table already referred to indi- cates the facts so far as they have been ascertained. The degree of development of the powder-downs, however, differs considerably, though in no parrot is there more than a single pair of definite powder-downs which are lumbar in position. In Cacatua sulphurea, for instance, there are a pair of such patches, one on either side of the dorsal tract. These send up a few scattered powder-down feathers as far forward as the neck, and a few to carinal spaces and between the branches of the ventral tract. In Calopsitta Novæ Hollandiæ there are the same lumbar patches of a reniform outline; but the powder-downs are entirely confined to this region of the body. Calyptorhynchus stellatus is more like Cacatua, but the lumbar patch is not so well developed. In Psittacula passerina there are lumbar patches more elongated but narrower than those of the parrots already referred to; there are also scattered powder-downs not aggregated into patches. Brotogerys tirica has no defined. patches, but simply a few scattered powder-downs, which, however, are more nume- rous in the lumbar regions. In Coracopsis, Chrysotis, and Pionus there are the same generally diffused powder-down feathers not aggregated into definite tracts. The same may be said generally of Psittacus, though such powder-downs as there are are limited to the lumbar region. The general pterylosis of the parrots is as follows: From the general covering of the head arises a narrow dorsal tract, which bifurcates in the interscapular region. Between the arms of this fork are the arms of another fork, which unite near the oil gland to form the single straight, short posterior part of the dorsal tract. On the ventral surface the tract is PSITTACI 255 21 single, or double on the neck, and where it widens out on either side of the carina sterni a strongly feathered lateral branch is given off. The variations shown in the pterylosis are not great. They concern the more or less definite separation of the lateral ventral tract and the slighter or more pronounced fea- thering of the anterior end of the posterior dorsal Y. Thus in Lathamus and Platycercus the lateral ventral tracts are well marked, and the posterior fork of the dorsal tract does not diminish much in width where it comes into contact with the anterior fork. In Trichoglossus the exact reverse of these conditions obtains, the lateral ventral tracts being but obscurely delimited from the main tract, and the dorsal tracts of the hinder part of the body almost ceasing before their junction with the anterior half. , Psephotus, Cyanorhamphus, Pyrrhulopsis, Agapornis, &c., agree with Platycercus. In Ara the outer branch of the pectoral tract is not definitely separable, but the dorsal tracts are more like those of Platycercus. Conurus is much the same. The syrinx of the Psittacil seems to show two main varieties. a. In the following species there is a syrinx of the type which will be described immediately :- Cacatua cristata. ,, triton. , Philippinarum. Microglossa aterrima. Calyptorhynchus Banksi. Stringops habroptilus. The syrinx is in these species remarkable for the fact that- the first semi-rings of the bronchi are weak and cartilaginous, and are usually separated from each other by considerable tracts of membrane. Cacatua itself represents the most ex- LU TY ? The syrinx has been chiefly studied by GIEBEL, · Zur Anatomie der Papageien,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Wiss. xix. p. 133, and by PARSONS and myself, On certain Points in the Anatomy of Parrots,' &c., P. Z. S. 1893, p. 507. 256 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS treme type; in Cacatua cristata, for example, when the syrinx is seen on a lateral view the membrane occupies a great deal of the outer lateral region of the commencement of the bronchus. The semi-rings of the bronchus are at first very small, and do not extend across the side of the bronchus; they gradu- ally increase in length, until at the sixth or seventh they come to extend right across the syrinx. In Microglossa aterrima the syrinx is in certain respects less abnormal ; the rings are still feeble, but on a lateral view of the organ they extend completely across, and there is on such a view no bare tract of membrane, such as we have figured in Cacatua. Calyptorhynchus Banksi is intermediate between the two extremes ; the first semi-ring only is incomplete, inas- much as it does not reach from one side of the syrinx to the other—or rather we should say from the anterior to the posterior side. Stringops habi'optilus. has the same weak cartilaginous bronchial semi-rings; but on a lateral view of the syrinx they are seen to extend right across. 6. The second group contains the following genera :- TV Chrysotis. Pyrrhulopsis. Trichoglossus. Lorius. Pionus. Psittacus. Tanygnathus. Eos. Polyteles. Platycercus. Pæocephalus. These genera' are differentiated from those of the first division by the fact that the bronchial semi-rings are as a rule ossified, and are frequently more or less fused together; åt the same time the first ring is commonly concave upwards, whereas in the parrots of the first-mentioned group the bronchial semi-rings are straight. The most extreme' type is perhaps offered by `Chrysotis; . of this genus I have seen the following species :- PSITTACI 257 . Chrysotis versicolor". , erythrura. leucocephala. Chrysotis Bodin. į viridigenalis. » Levaillanti. In all these species the first two rings of the bronchus are closely fused together, and form a bowed piece of bone forming with the last tracheal ring a semicircular outline; the space between the two is, of course, occupied by membrane. In Chrysotis Levaillanti, for instance—and there is no great difference in the other species--the double character of the apparently single first bronchial semi-ring is only to be seen at the two ends. In a number of other parrots the first bronchial semi-ring is larger than that which follows, though not fused with it; this is the case with Trichoglossus, Pyrrhulopsis, and Chalcopsitta; the genera Eos, Polyteles, Platycercus, and Tanygnathus have syringes which are con- structed on the same plan.' In Conurus there is a little difference; here the first two rings of the bronchus are equi- sized; this at any rate applies to the two species Conurus aureus and Conurus cruentatus, which are the only two that we have examined from this point of view. The genus Ara (species Ara Leari, Ara militaris) agrees with Conurus. Psittacus is like these genera ; but Pionus agrees more closely with Chrysotis. It will be obvious that no hard and fast line can really be drawn between the two groups of parrots; if it were thought desirable to draw such a line, it would be between the genus Cacatua on the one hand and all the remaining parrots on the other. . Cacatua alone has a syrinx in which the first bronchial semi-rings are incomplete, leaving a bare tract laterally which is easily visible when the syrinx is viewed from the side: but in this genus there is another peculiarity--the intrinsic muscle of the syrinx ends in a very narrow point, which passes into a fine tendon of attachment; in Chrysotis, Eos, &c., the muscle is comparatively broad down to its actual attachment. In this particular Micro- glossa and Stringops agree with Cacatua, although they do not show the incomplete rings that have been mentioned as. Inn 258 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 11 .no characteristic of the latter genus. These genera, in fact, are to this extent intermediate between Cacatua and the more normal (at any rate more usual) form of syrinx in the parrots; the rings are still, however, soft and cartilaginous, thus different from Conurus, which is a further step in the direction of Chrysotis ; Chrysotis seems to represent the opposite extreme to Cacatua. Ara is a genus which is also intermediate in the characters of its syrinx; it has weakish and straight rings, as in String ops, for instance ; but the muscles are as in the second group of parrots, and the general aspect of the syrinx is more in accord with this placing of it. Finally it should be added that occasionally (e.g. Polyteles melanurus) the extrinsic muscles are attached not to the sternum, but to the membrane covering the lungs, being con- tinued there by thin tendons. In Platycercus Barnardi there would seem to be no extrinsic muscles at all. Parrots are very much alike in their myology; there are, however, a few points in which they show differences, and which may be useful for the purposes of classification. The tensores patagii of the parrots are like those of many homalogonatous birds in the broad aponeurotic character of the tendon of the tensor brevis, which, however, has two or three thickened bands in it corresponding to the discrete tendons of most other birds (e.g. Charadriidæ). Of these thickened bands the anterior commonly gives off a wristward slip; but there appears to be never any patagial fan. The aponeurosis is inserted, as usual, on to the tendon of the extensor metacarpi radialis, and is continued over it by two tendinous slips, of which the posterior runs obliquely to the elbow joint, like the 'passerine slip' of many birds. The common tensor patagii muscle is usually very large, and often completely covers the posterior deltoid (d. major). GARROD dissected away the anterior thickened tendon of the brevis in Deroptyus accipitrinus, and found it to arise from a distinctly separate slip of the patagial muscle attached to clavicle. The tendon in question is inserted on to the lower external humeral process, and may represent with its muscle 12 LU PSITTACI 259 a primitive passerine tensor patagii brevis, to which has been subsequently added an extension of the deltoid. With the general structure that has been described the parrots show much difference in the details of the patagial tendons. The arrangement of the tendons of the tensor patagii is very much the same in Nestor, Stringops, and Calypto- rhynchus ; in all three the tendons are relatively very long when compared with the fleshy part of the muscle, and they are all close to one another, so as to give the appearance in Stringops of one tendon. In Calyptorhynchus the anterior tendon leaves the others in the lower part of the patagium and runs forwards after its usual fashion, so that the main distinctive point of these three genera, as far as the tensor patagii goes, is that the middle and posterior tendons are close together. In Coracopsis these tendons are separated by a slight interval, bnt closely correspond to the arrange- ment in the birds last named. Eos, Lorius, Pæocephalus, and Caica have a character- istic and almost uniform arrangement of the patagial tendons. In them the three tendons are very difficult to distinguish, because the fibrous membrane between them, of which they are only specialised parts, is as thick as they are. The result is that in these birds the patagial muscle seems to be inserted by a broad, short, membranous-looking tendon. Conurus shows a transitional stage between these last genera and the typical arrangement; the three tendons are more distinct, and they are equally short and show the same mode of attachment to the fleshy part of the muscle. Lathamus is remarkable for having the anterior tendon separate in its whole length from the middle one, instead of being fused with it in the upper part of its course. Chrysotis and Bolborhynchus have a small extra tendon between the middle and posterior ones; in C. Guildingi this was only present on one side, but in C. leucocephalu it was found on both. Psittacus has three tendons which are completely separate in the whole of their course, and in this respect it corre- 12 s 2 260 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS VA sponds to Lathamus. The anterior tendon may represent the fused anterior and middle tendons of Lathamus, and the middle tendon may be an extra one, as in Chrysotis. Our reasons for this are that there is a considerable interval between the two tendons, and that they do not diverge, as in all other cases. If this view is correct, the patagial tendons of Psittacus closely resemble those of Chrysotis; while they also agree in having the anterior deltoid larger than the posterior, in the absence of a lower head to the anconæus, and in having the deltoid completely covered by the tensor patagii. The two deltoids are but small muscles, and are largely covered by the relatively enormous tensor patagii. It is better to use the terms 'anterior’and posterior’ for the del- toids, since their relative dimensions vary considerably. The major is by no means always the larger. Sometimes the two deltoids are entirely covered by the tensor patagii, some- times the posterior is partly exposed. Thus in Nestor the muscle is exposed, in Deroptyus and Chrysotis it is covered. In Nestor and Stringops the anterior deltoid is the smaller, in Caica it is the larger. In Tanygnathus, Bolborhynchus, and Eclectus the deltoids are narrow and equisized. In Eos cardinalis the anterior deltoid (which is the larger) is di- visible into two distinct parts. As regards the relative sizes of the two deltoid muscles, where they differ, such genera as are known may be arranged as follows: > 2 TA A. Delt. Larger Post. Delt. Iarger Deroptyus, Psittacula, Aprosinic:: Nestor, Stringops, Calyptorhynchus, tus, Lorius, Caisa, Eos, Pyrrhulopsis, i Cacatua. Lathamus, Palæornis, Loriculus, Psephotus, Pæocephalus, Cyano- rhamphus, Psittacus, Melopsittacus. GU In some parrots the anconcus longus has an accessory head from the humerus, which is especially broad in Stringops The table on p. 268 shows the distribution of this accessory head among the genera. The expansor secundariorum is stated by GARROD to be. PSITTACI 261 absent from the Psittaci. This is certainly almost univer- sally the case. But FÜRBRINGER speaks of a rudiment-a short length of tendon—in Platycercus palliceps. No parrot has a biceps slip. A muscular cucullaris patagialis is generally, if not always, present. It is well known that the ambiens muscle is present in some parrots, and absent from the leg of others. The actual occurrences of this muscle are shown in table (p. 268). Strin- gops is peculiar in that the muscle is sometimes complete and quite normally developed, and sometimes ends in a thin tendon on the capsule of the knee joint. This recalls Edicnemus. Of the other muscles of the leg used by GARROD in classi- fication A, X, and Y are nearly always present, the only exception, so far as I am aware, being Chrysotis Guildingi, in a specimen of which I failed to find Y. Sometimes (as. in Ara chloroptera) the semitendinosus gives off a tendinous slip to the gastrocnemius, but in Chrysotis there is no such slip. The tibialis anticus is usually inserted by a single tendon. This Mr. PARSONS and I found to be the case in the majority of parrots which we examined. But in Chrysotis the tendon is distinctly double. In Deroptyus, Caica, Pæocephalus, Platycercus, and a few others, there are more or less evident indications of a double tendon. The deep flexor tendons of the parrots are gallinaceous, with a vinculum such as is illustrated in fig. 54 (p. 100). There are some inconsiderable variations of this ground plan; for instance, in Platycercus Barnardi the vinculum is divided into two parts, one to digit II., the other to III. and IV. Peroneals.—The peroneus longus and brevis are, as far as we have observed, always present in parrots, but the origin. of the former differs somewhat in different genera. In Stringops and Nestor the peroneus longus rises from the front of the bony fibula and its membranous continuation for about the upper half of the leg. The muscular belly overlaps that of the peroneus brevis very much near its origin, and the muscle is large and well marked. LUCU 262 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS In Chrysotis, on the other hand, the peroneus longus is very small and only rises from the membranous continua- tion of the fibula in the lower part of the leg; it is so small that it does not overlap the peroneus brevis at all, but lies behind it. The parrots have a well-developed crop and a zonary proventriculus. In the liver the right lobe is the larger ; rarely are they subequal. The gall bladder is as a rule absent; but it is present in Cacatua and in Calopsitta, though 'small and easily overlooked' in the latter. The intestinal measurements in a series are as follows :- Inches. Inclics. . . w 27 Stringops . . . 73 - Tanygnathus Mulleri 57 Eclectus polychlorus . 93 Psittacus erithacus. 48 Calyptorhynchus Conurus Petzii. . 12 Banksi . . . 61 Palæornis Alexandri 30 Ara ambigua . . 62 Aprosmictus erythro- » Ararauna . 50 pterus . . . 41. Cacatua sulfurea : 33.75 Lorius lori . . 33 u cristatai 37 Loriculus chrysonotus 12 , triton . . 51 o galgulus. 16 Pionus senilis . . 50:5 Chalcopsitta scintillata 37 , Maximiliani 49 Psittinus malaccensis 12 Eos reticulata . 255 Euphema pulchella . 12 , indica . . 26 , splendida . 12 Platycercus Barnardi 29.5 : Deroptyus accipitrinus 31 , pallidiceps 20 . Pionopsitta pileata. 39 Nestor meridionalis 38 Lathamus discolor. 18 Microglossa aterrima 34 . Coracopsis Barkleyi. 33 Pyrrhulopsis splendens 43 Dasyptilus Pecqueti. 17-25 Chrysotis collaria . 45 Brotogerys tirica 31 festiva. . 36 u tovi. . 21 Geopsittacus occiden- talis . . . 15 .. .. .. .. -. The most obvious comment upon the above list is to draw attention to the very great length of the gut in Eclectus, PSITTACI 263 0222 UUUUU Inn 11 ULV whose relations in this particular to other parrots are almost those of Didunculus to other pigeons.? The most recent and elaborate essay upon the osteology of the parrots is by MIVART,2 who has described the entire skeleton of Lorius and Psittacus; some of his illustrations are reproduced here. Fourteen is the prevalent number of cervical vertebrce (e.g. Lorius, Psittacus, Platycercus, Caica). Stringops, however, has fifteen. The atlas is notched (Ara militaris) or perforated (Pyrrhulopsis). for the odontoid process. Five (Ara, Psittacus) or six (Platycercus, Pyrrhu- lopsis) ribs articulate with the sternum. The sternum has as a rule an entire posterior margin, which in Licmetis is entirely unnotched and unfenestrated. Most parrots have a pair of fenestræ which in Deroptyus and Microglossa are converted into notches. The sternum has a spina externa, slightly forked occasionally (e.g. Psittacus erithacus, Callo- cephalon), but no spina interna. The carina is deep-deeper in Platycercus (without furcula) than in Caica (with furcula), the species being approximately of the same size. The furcula is sometimes present and sometimes rudimentary. It is present, and forms a complete U, in Nestor, Conurus, Caica, Licmetis, Microglossa, Ara, Palæornis, &c. An intermediate condition is observable in Eos, where the furcula thins much towards its sternal end. A still further reduction is seen where the two clavicles are separate below and only bound by cartilage. Finally there are those parrots with a quite rudimentary pair of clavicles, consisting only of a small piece of bone at the coraco-scapular end. This is the case, for example, with Pyrrhulopsis and Platycercus. The following table shows the number of cervical verte- bræ and the position of the first and last hæmophyses in a number of parrots :- TU VIU LCU For structure of tongue see Ciaccio, Nota preventiva sull'interna. struttura della lingua dei Papagalli,' Rendic. Sess. Acc. Ist. Bologna, 1877-8, p. 157. ?• The skeleton of Lorius flavopalliatus compared with that of Psittacus: Crithacus,' P. Z. S. 1895. There is no account of the bones of the limbs., 264 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS No. of C. V. First Eæm. ). ast Heu. Catap. ܥܛ C9 / 13 ܠܛ ܠܛܙ ܠ D2 D1 D3 ܠ Pyrrhulopsis personata Conurus hæmorrhous . Platycercus Penianti . Ara militaris . . Eclectus polychloros. Nestor notabilis. Caica melanocephala . Callocephalon galeatum Calopsitta Nove Hollandic Conurus cruentatus . . C13-D1 C14 C12-14 C13-D1 C11-DI' C12-D1 C13-01 C13-14 C12-14 C12-13 ܠܛ ܟܢ ܠܣܛ ܠܛܙ D2 The humerus of parrots is peculiar, and, as GARROD 3 has pointed out, there are features of resemblance to the Columbæ and to the Alcidæ. This peculiarity will be found described and figured in the chapter dealing with the Columbæ. The skull is very uniform in its structure throughout the group. It is desmognathous, holorhinal, and without basipterygoid processes. The front part of the face (nasals, maxillæ, and premaxillæ) articulates by a transverse joint with the frontals, which is movable. The mobility of the anterior part of the face is aided by the movable articulation to it of the palatines and the jugals. The palatines have a peculiar form; for the most part they are laterally flattened plates of great depth and considerable extent. The quadrate of parrots too is peculiar in the great length of the neck, which bears the squamosal articulation. In many parrots the lacrymal bone joins the forward process of the squamosal, thus completely encircling the orbit with bone. The hyoid has been extensively studied by MIVART; 4 in On D1 the median part of the hæmapophysis has vanished, leaving only the lateral. 2 On this vertebra is a double hæmapophysis, forming a canal. 3. See also for osteology of parrots BLANCHARD, 'Des Caractères Ostéologiques chez les Oiseaux de la Famille des Psittacides,' Compt. Rend. xliii. p. 1097, and xlix. p. 518 ; MILNE-EDWARDS, Observations sur les Caractères Ostéolo- giques,' &c., Ann. Sci. Nat. (6), vi. p. 91 ; L. VON LORENZ, · Über die Skeleto von Stringops habrop tilus u. Nestor notabilis,' S.B. k. Al. Wien, lxxxiv. 1882, p. 624. 4.On the Hyoid Bone of certain Parrots,' P. 2. S. 1895, p. 162. PSITTACI 265 this paper references will be found to previous figures and descriptions. It has features which absolutely distinguish this group of birds. The entoglossal has a considerable median foramen, or A . . WC .. DI Vn ho cbm -CB NY SV 1. CZ VINE a Fig. 131.—HYOID OF Stringops (AFTER MIVART). A. DORSAL ASPECT.. B. VENTRAL. C. LATERAL. o, basihyal : C, entoglossum ; , paraliyal jirocess ; u, uroliyal ; hi, hypobranchial; cb, ceratobranchial. more usually is composed of two separate pieces united in front by cartilage. The basihyal is broad, and it develops on either side a forwardly directed piece (figs. 131-3), for which Dr. MIVART has suggested the name of parahyal piece. This 266 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS latter is merely a short process in Ara, Psittacus, and Stringops (fig. 131); in Lorius, Eos, and Trichoglossus the two parahyals (figs. 132, 133) unite and form a single Y-shaped with . V no - -hb Wood F . ha '. 0 KO SI Fig. 132.-HYOID OF Lorius flavopalliatus (AFTER MIVART). A. DORSAL ASPECT. B. VENTRAL. C. LATERAL. c, cup-like excavation ; li, symphyses of parahyals. Other letters as in fig. 131. bone inclined obliquely upwards. The only bird which seems to present much resemblance to the parrots is the eagle, which, according to the figure in BRONN'S Thierreich,'' Ares, Pl. xxxi. fig. 23. PSITTACI 267 has a broad basihyal with the short angular processes which suggest the more elaborate parahyals of the parrots. The classification of the parrots has been attempted by more than one naturalist; but, as GADOW has justly ob- served, our knowledge of the anatomical structure of these birds is at present too incomplete in relation to their large numbers.' Gadow himself has practically divided them by the structure of the tongue into two families, Trichoglossidæ and Psittacidæ. In all the Trichoglossidæ the orbital ring is je VI tho ce Fig. 133.—HYOID OF Lorius domicella (AFTER MIVART). LETTERS AS IN FIG. 131. incomplete, and it is possible that the remarkable structure of the hyoid, described above, may serve to distinguish this family. The first family contains only Nestor, the lories, Cyclopsittacus, and Lathamus; but the two latter are very imperfectly known. The remaining genera are relegated to the second family. GARROD's arrangement of the group, anterior to that of GADOW’s in point of time, is based upon the variations of the ambiens, oil gland, furcula, and carotids. The facts, with a few others added, are displayed in the following table :- 268 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Oil Gland Ambieus Carotids , Humeral Head 1 + of Anconæus Distribution Furcula --- - - - -- - - - - -- - -.-. . -- Stringops. Palæornis . . .. + + : 1 1 8 1 00 + , - - ---- -- -- Aprosmictus + 1 1 + - - - .. . Polyteles - + - 1 1 +- + f 1 Eclectus . Tanygnathus - . . 00 - + + - - - -. -. .- - - - Prioniturus + + 1 1 00 + + Eos 1 Trichoglossus . . + 10 + Lorius + M + 1 Loriculuis. Coriphilus . Chalcopsitta Psittinus . OLON + + + + I I 101010 ON + II Agapornis'. Euphema . Melopsittacus Geopsittacus Eolophus. . Calyptorhynchus Calopsitta. Licmetis Microglossa Cacatua . New Zealand Africa, India, China, East Indies Australia, Austro- Malaya Australia Moluccas, Papua Philippines, Celebes, New Guinea Philippines to Celebes Moluccas, Papua, Solo. mon Islands Australia, Celebes, Papua, Timor, New Caledonia | Moluccas to Solomon Islands India to Papua Society and Marquesas Papua Malay Peninsula to Borneo Ethiopian region Australia and Tas- mania South Australia South Australia + | Australia to Philip- pines Australia Australia Australia Papua, North Australia i Australia, .Austro- Malay, Philippines Australia Tropical Africa Tropical Africa New Zealand New Guinea Mexico to South Arnerica + : Mexico to Soutb America + Mexico to South America + ! Guiana and Amazons + Costa Rica, South ! America + Guiana, North-East Brazil + ot + + + + + + + + I +++ I II III III II IIII + + + + + + + + + + + + ------------- ---- ----- + + + 1 + + + o v 0101010 + + + + + + Callocephalon Psittacus . Pæocephalus Nestor Nasiterna!. Ara . . 11 + + + + + . + + n Conurus . . 1 - Bolborhynchus . . a -- 1 - - - 1 . - -- Caica . Pyrrhula . Deroptyus. og or - . + 1 1 FORBES, 'On some Points in the Structure of Nasiterna,' &c., P. 2. S. 1880, p. 76. PSITTACI 269 Oil Gland Ambiens | Humeral Head 1 1 of Anconens Carotids Distribution Furcula ----- -------- --- -- .. -- . ------ + Pionopsitta . + Lathamus. + 1 . + * * + 1 + + Coracopsis . Pyrrhulopsis Dasyptilus . Chrysotis . 1 + + + . . - . + + + + - .. + 1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - - . . Piorus 1 1 . 1 Central and South i America Australia and Tas- mania Madagascar Fiji New Guinea Mexico to South America Mexico to South America | Central to South į America Australia, Tasmania, Norfolk Island Australia New Zealand, New Caledonia, Society Islands Mexico to South America New Caledonia to Loyalty Islands + + 1 - Brotogerys . . Platycercus . Psephotus. Cyanorhanphus . - . . - I II -- . + + 1 1 Psittacula . 1 . 00 + . 1 Nymphicus . + 2 . + From these facts and a few others may be derived the following scheme :- Sub-Order Psittaci :- TO VIOL LU Fam. I. Palæornithidæ. Two carotids. Ambiens ab- sent. Oil gland present. Subf. (1.) Palæornithinæ. Palæornis, Eclectus, Apros- mictus, Eos, Tanygnathus, Prioniturus, Psittinus, Loriculus, Trichoglossus, Lorius. Subf. (2.) Cacatuinæ. Orbital ring complete. Calopsitta, Calyptorhynchus, Licmetis, Eolo- phus, Cacatua. Subf. (3.) Stringopinæ. Furcula lost. Stringops, Euphema, Geopsittacus, Melopsitta- cus, Agapornis. Fam. II. Psittacidæ. Left carotid superficial. Div. A. Ambiens present. 270 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Subf. (4.) Arinæ. Ara, Conurus, Bolborhynchus, Caica, Psittacus, Peocephalus, Nestor. Div. 6. Ambiens absent. Subf. (5.) Pyrrhurinæ. Pyrrhura, Lathamus, Cora- copsis, Pyrrhulopsis. Subf. (6.) Platycercinæ. Furcula lost. Platycercus, Psephotus, Cyanorhamphus, Psit- tacula. Subf. (7.) Chrysotinæ. Oil gland lost. Chrysotis, Pionus, Brotogerys. A phylogenetic tree accompanies GARROD'S scheme, in which it is assumed that the ancestral parrot possessed the normally running carotids, an ambiens, an oil gland, and a complete furcula. From this the main stems are given off, in one of which the carotids remained normal, while in tho other the left became superficial. The loss of the other characters leads to further branching of both main branches. The Stringopinæ, especially Stringops itself, are the nearest living representatives of the ancestral stem. FÜRBRINGER / also argues for the low position of Strin- gops, in contradiction to MARSHALL, who holds that it is an extremely modified form. Its owl-like plumage, defective carinal keel, and associated loss of the power of flight are undoubtedly modifications, but it seems more probable that they are modifications of an ancient than of a modern type of parrot. FÜRBRINGER'S views are chiefly based upon the flexibility of its anatomical characters. I have already referred to the variability of the ambiens : the sternum offers another fact of the same kind ; sometimes it is entire, without notches or foramina, sometimes there are one or two upon one or the other side, and occasionally two incisuræ, one upon each side. This variability must not be associated, as variability may often be associated, with a rudimentary structure; the xiphosternum is not rudimentary, though the keel is. !. Einige Bemerkungen über die Stellung von Stringops,' &c., Journ. f. O. 1889, p. 236. PSITTACI 271 UU Mr. PARSONS and I have pointed out certain likenesses between Stringops, the Cacatuinæ of GARROD, and Nestor, which he places in an altogether different family. These partly concern the syrinx, to which attention has been already directed, partly the muscular system. In those birds the posterior deltoid is larger than the anterior. It may be noted also that powder-down patches are best developed and more universal among the Cacatuinæ, while it is in that family only that the gall bladder exists. Of extinct parrots among the most remarkable is Lophopsitta- cus mauritianus, characterised, as was also Necropsittacus rodcri- canus, by its enormous jaws. The principal interest attaching to other remains of parrots is the light that they throw upon the former distribution of the group; for Psittacus has been found in the lower Miocene of France. The determination of the affinities of the parrots to other groups of birds is one of the hardest problems in ornithology. They have been likened to the Accipitres (mainly, perhaps, on account of the hooked beak and its cere), and to the gallinaceous birds, in the neighbourhood of which they were placed by GARROD. It seems to me that the parrots, like the cuckoos, are a group of birds which are on the border- land between the Anomalogonatæ and the higher birds. It is remarkable what a number of points there are in which they show resemblances to the Passeres—the complicated muscu- lature of the syrinx, the absence of biceps slip and expansor secundariorum, the presence of a cucullaris propatagialis, found in the Passeres and in the somewhat passeriform Upupa and Pici, the small number of cervical vertebræ, the total want of cæca, allying them not certainly to the Passeres but again to the Pici and many Anomalogonatæ, the reduced clavicles of some genera. Zygodactyle feet, moreover, are not found among the higher birds except in the Cuculi and i Sir E, NEWTON and H. GALOW, 'On Additional Bones of the Dodo and other Extinct Birds of Mauritius,' &c., Tr. Zool. Soc. xiii. p. 281. See also for a figure and account of this bird NEWTON'S Dict. Birds, sub voce Ex- termination.' 272. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the Musophagi, which are, similarly to the parrots, on the border line between the Anomalogonatæ and higher birds. It is noteworthy also that of the Anomalogonatæ which present a catapophysial canal (found at any rate in one parrot) it is the Pici and the passerine alone. But while it is not so difficult to point out likenesses to the Anomalo- gonatæ it is much harder to indicate resemblances to any of the higher groups of birds. It must be held, in my opinion, that they have emerged from a low anomalogonatous stock at a time not far removed from that at which the Cuculi and Musophagi also emerged, but that there is not a common starting point of the three groups. CUCULI Definition.-Feet zygodactyle by reversion of fourth toe. Skull desmognathous, without basipterygoid processes.' Oil gland nude. Quintocubital. Two carotids. Cæca longish. Ambiens present. The family which is defined by the above characters is a, large one, comprising, according to the recent catalogue of Captain SHELLEY, 165 species, which are distributed by that ornithologist into forty-two genera. . The family is almost world-wide in range, being most abundant, however, in the tropics. Correlated with its numerous genera and species and wide range we find a certain amount of structural variation in the family, which permits of its division into several subfamilies, concerning the number and extent of which there is some divergence of opinion. It may be convenient, however, to consider the general anatomy of the family before dealing with its major subdivisions. Apart from the facts used in the definition of the family the cuckoos are characterised by the absence of, or the presence of only a rudimentary, aftershaft to the contour feathers. The number of rectrices is not, as was stated by NITZSCH, constantly ten; for in Saurothera, Guira, and Croto- | Well-marked rudiments in Rhinococcyx and Eudynamis. CUCULI 273 phaga there are only eight. The feather tracts are somewhat diverse in their disposition. The pterylosis of the European cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) has been described by NITZSCH in his · Pterylography. The feathering on the throat com- pletely occupies the intermandibular space. The ventral pteryla is divided upon the neck into its two halves, which are not again divided ; each passes backwards, gradually FIG. 134.—PTERYLOSIS OF Eudyramis Orientalis. VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) diminishing in extent, until it ends in a single row of feathers in the neighbourhood of the cloaca. Over the sternum this pectoral tract is very wide ; later its three rows of feathers become separated by a slight interval, two on one side and one on the other, which, however, reunite before ending at the cloaca. The spinal tract is narrow in the neck region. It bifurcates on the shoulder to enclose a lanceolate space. . ..: T: 274 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS S Of other cuckoos whose pterylosis has been studied ' Caco- mantis, Piaya, Saurothera, Diplopterus, Coccyzus, Chryso- COCCYl, and Coccystes agree in most points with Cuculus. But in the American genera Piaya, Diplopterus, Saurothera, and Coccyzus, the ventral tract is double from the very first --that is to say, in the mandibular region. A more complicated pterylosis characterises certain other 11 11 1 . Fig. 135.-PTERYLOSIS OF Piaya cayana. DORSAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) cuckoos. In the genus Centropus the feathering upon the throat is close and continuous, the two ventral tracts diverg- ing at about the junction of the neck and trunk. Each of these, : BEDDARD), 'On the Structural Characters and Classification of the Cuckoos,' P. 2. S. 1885, p. 108; SHUFELDT, . Contributions to the Anatomy of Geococcyx,' ibid. 1886, p. 966. . CUCULI 275 again, divides into two separate tracts, of which the inner is at first two feathers wide, which number is reduced to one just before the termination of the row a little way in front of the cloacal aperture. The outer branch consists of one row only, and terminates some way in front of the end of the inner branch, without, however, showing any signs of being fused with it. Pyrrhocentor, Geococcyx, Crotophaga, Eudynamis, Y 1 . • . . 10 102 O 20 :: FIG. 136.—PTERYLOSIS OF Piaya cayandı. VENTRAL VIEW. (AITER BEDDARD).) U Scythrops, and Phoenicophaes have a pterylosis which is much like that of Centropus. The two types of pterylosis observ- able in the cuckoos are illustrated in the accompanying wood- cuts. Unfortunately the pterylosis of some important genera, such as Coua, is not known. All cuckoos possess the ambiens. In all cuckoos we also find the semitendinosus, the accessory semitendinosus, and 11 16 T 2 276 - STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the femorocaudal; in Centropus and its allies, both in the Old World and in the New, the accessory femorocaudal is also present. In many groups of birds the arrangement of the tendons ending in the patagium is very complicated. This is not the case with the Cuculi, where the disposition of these tendons is very uniform. For the most part the sim- plicity is suggestive of the perhaps allied picarian birds. In Cuculus canorus, for example, which has been figured by GARROD, the tensor patagii brevis is inserted on to the fore arm without any bifurcation. So too in Piaya, Saurothera. The only exception to this which has been noted occurs in Geococcyx, where the said tendon bifurcates just before its insertion, the anterior branch being inserted on to the exten- sor metacarpi radialis a little way in front of the main attachment. This is also the case with Guira and Phonico- phaes. No cuckoo has any biceps slip. In some genera, e.g. in Saurothera, Coccyzus, Pyrrhocentor, there is an attachment between the anconæus and the humerus. In Guira there is none. The expansor secundariorum is what GARROD (see p. 85) has termed ciconiiform. The gluteus primus is extensive in most cuckoos ;? its origin in them reaches behind the head of the humerus as well as in front. There is no glutæus V. The deep plantar tendons of Pyrrhocentor and Centropus are peculiar in that no branch is sent to the hallux. The syrinx in the cuckoos shows greater variability than in any other group of birds excepting the goatsuckers. We meet with the typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx in a consider- able number of genera, while in others is the much-modified bronchial syrinx. The latter was first described many years ago in Crotophaga by JOHANNES MÜLLER. In that genus the syrinx closely resembles that of Steatornis, which has been already described in the introductory chapter (see p. 69). There are, however, as might be imagined, differences of detail. In Crotophaga the membrana tympaniformis com- mences at the seventh ring of the bronchi, the rings in front Apparently absent or very slight in Cuculus. CUCULI 277 . - 17 - . . I . TAS . , - being perfectly complete rings, the trachea dividing, 'as in the mammalia. From the seventh onward all the bronchial rings are semi-rings, the intrinsic muscles being attached to the tenth. This is one extreme of the series, the other being offered by such a type as Piaya. In Piaya (see fig. 137.) there is a purely tracheo-bronchial syrinx. The third bron- chial semi-ring is of compara- tively speaking enormous size, and to it are attached the in- trinsic muscles of the syrinx. In Saurothera we have a syrinx which is quite similar save for the fact that the third bron- chial ring is not enlarged. Diplopterus is much the same as the last. Cuculus has also a perfectly typical tracheo-bron- chial syrinx. In Eudynamis there is a cuculine syrinx, the last tracheal and the first three bronchial semi-rings being ossi- fied; the intrinsic muscles are attached, as in Praya, to the FIG. 137. -SYRINX OF Piaya cayana third bronchial semi-ring. (AFTER BEDDARD). Phænicophaes is much the same. The remaining genera of cuckoos whose syrinx is known are nearer akin to Crotophaga, though in them the bronchial syrinx is not quite so typical. In Centropus ateralbus, for instance, the first fifteen rings of the bronchi are incomplete internally and are closed by membrane, but the membranous area is narrow; this area widens out at the sixteenth ring, which with the following is much stronger than the pre- ceeding and succeeding rings of the bronchus; to the sixteenth ring are attached the intrinsic muscles of the syrinx. Pyr- rhocentor and Geococcyx have a similar syrinx. The syrinx of Guira is in many respects very remarkable. On a superficial view it is not unlike that of Cuculus. The voice organ in this genus is placed further forwards than in the genera just * 278 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS considered. But the first two or three rings of the bronchus are complete rings with no membrane internally. From the fourth onwards the rings are semi-rings. Upon the sixth are inserted the syringeal muscles. Coua is somewhat inter- mediate. The first seven bronchial semi-rings have their inner extremities separated by a narrow area of membrane. To the seventh are attached the intrinsic muscles of the syrinx. From this point commences the tympaniform mem- a WA 2 . AIR ! . * " / . she w * . . . STA ** A * - * -- *.. JA* ZO . i - FIG. 138.--SYRINX OF Centropus ateralbus (AFTER BEDDARD). A. FRONT VIEW. B. BACK VIEW.. brane. The accompanying woodcuts will serve to illustrate the varying form of the syrinx among the Cuculi. As with some other large groups of birds, such as the pigeons and parrots, the gall bladder is present in some cuckoos and absent in others. The gall bladder exists in the genera Saurothera, Coccyzus, Guira, Pyrrhocentor, Scythrops, and Cuculus; it is absent in Crotophaga and in some species of Centropus. Coua has a gall bladder ; Eudy- namis appears not to have one. In Gura the right lobe of the liver is five or six times as large as the left. The main artery of the leg is the femoral in Piaya, Cen- tropus, the sciatic in Diploptera, Saurothera, Coccyzus, Pyrrhocentor. CUCULI 279 The following are some intestinal measurements, princi- pally of the cæca :- S. I. į L. I. I Ca. - -.- . - - Inches Inches 18 1.8 Inclies 1.1 1.4 8 1.7, 1.5 1.2, 1.1 1.3 1.5 Har CCIILOI'US . Piaya cayana . . Diplopterus ncevius . Saurothera dominicensis Coccyzus americanus. Pyrrhocentor celebensis Centropus ateralbus 2 phasianus. Phonicophaes sp. Geococcyx affinis . Crotophaga sulcirostris Guirá piririgua : Scythrops . . . Chrysococcyx . . 16 1.75, 1.5 2.25 2.25 1.75 13 12 15 1.5 4.5 20. 6.5 9 As for the skull of the cuckoos, that of Scythrops has been described by PARKER 1 and by myself. SHUFELDT has studied the skeleton of Geococcyx.3 Scythrops is doubly des- mognathous, the maxillo-palatines being united for their whole lengths, and the palatines also being fused with each other posteriorly. In other cuckoos the maxillo-palatines diverge posteriorly for a short space, and there is no union between the palatines. Scythrops has, according to PARKER, two small vomers, situated one behind the other. In cuckoos the ectethmoid processes are large, and the lacrymal has often (e.g. Scythrops, Crotophaga) a large descending process nearly touching the jugal. Scythrops and Eudynamis have an os uncinatum lying between the descending process of the lacryinal and the ectethmoid. The holorhinal nostrils are much obliterated by bony growths, the degree varying. As a consequence the nostrils are as a rule impervious; but in the dried skulls of Pyrrho-. centor and Cuculus there is a considerable foramen. No cuckoo has more than fourteen cervical vertebræ, and some have only thirteen. Three or four ribs only articulate U Trans. Linn. Soc. (2), i. 2 P. Z. S. 1898. J. Anat. Phys. xx. 1886, p. 244. I could only find one lying entirely between the palatines. 280 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS with the sternum. The sternum may be fenestrated or marked by posterior incisions. The atlas of Rhinococcyx' is perforated by the odontoid process ; C11-D1 have hypapophyses in addition to the axis, and two or three following, C12-14, have also catapophyses, which on 14 ascend on to the hæmapophysis. In Saurothera C10 has closely applied paired hæmapo- physes. The modifications of the syrinx, the pterylosis, and the leg muscles permit the family to be subdivided thus, the subdivisions, as will be observed, corresponding to the geographical range of the birds :- Subfamily I. Cuculinæ. Syrinx tracheo-bronchial. Ven- tral feather tract single. Muscle formula AXY+. A. Ventral tract single at commencement. Cuculus Chrysococcyx loid World Cacomantis Coccystes (?) 6. Ventral tract double at commencement.. Saurothera Diplopterus (?) New World. Piaya Coccyzus Subfamily II. Phoenicophainæ. Syrinx tracheo-bronchial. Ventral feather tract bifurcate. Muscle formula ABXY+. Scythrops Eudynamisfold World. Phænicophaes ) Subfamily III. Centropodinæ. Syrinx bronchial. Ven- tral feather tract bifurcate. Muscle formula ABXY.+. I. CU In Scythops there is a notch nearly completely converted into a foramen; in Eudynanis a notch less nearly converted into a foramen, also in Guira and Diploplerus. In Criculus and Saurothera there is a foramen. CUCULI 281 a. Ventral tract occupying whole of space between jaws. Pyrrhocentor Centropus Old World. Coua (?) 6. Ventral tract only occupying median region. Geococcyx Crotophaga New World. Guira O The question of the affinities of the cuckoos is a difficult one. By GADOW they are placed nearest to the Musophagi and next nearest to the Psittaci. FÜRBRINGER'S views do not greatly differ. There seems to be no doubt that these birds are an archaic group not far from the point where the Ano- malogonatæ and Homalogonatæ of GARROD diverge. They are, like the Musophagi, quintocubital; their intestines are simple; and they have the complete muscle formula (B being in some forms absent). These characters are found in others among the more primitive of the higher birds. The likenesses which the cuckoos show to the Pico-Pas- seres are mainly in the structure of the foot, in the simple character of the tendons of the patagium, and the marked resemblance in the syrinx to that of the Caprimulgi, and in a less degree to the Striges. As has been pointed out, precisely the same series of modifications between the extreme bron- chial syrinx of Crotophaga and the purely tracheo-bronchial syrinx of Cuculus are to be seen among the Caprimulgi. The syrinx is really the only salient point in the anatomy of the group that can be laid hold of for purposes of com- parison, and, considering the dissimilarities in the voice and habits of cuckoos and goatsuckers, it is particularly note- worthy. As to fossil cuckoos, the two most interesting facts are, perhaps, the occurrence of Centropus and Phoenicophaes' in See MILNE-EDWARDS in Comptes Rendus for 1894. LI | 12.1) LOU 282 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Europe, especially the latter, as it has some claims to repre- sent the most ancient form of cuckoo, with complete muscle formula and tracheo-bronchial syrinx.' MUSOPHAGI Definition.- Oil gland tufted. Aftershaft present. Quintocubital. Rectrices, ten. Muscle formula of leg, ABXY+. Expansor secundariorum present. Biceps slip absent. Cæca absent. Both carotids present. Skull holorhinal, desmognathous, without basipterygoid processes. LU This group of birds, purely African in range, is divisible into three genera, Corythaix, Musophaga, and Schizorhis. These genera do not show a large amount of structural variation. As to the pterylosis, the two ventral tracts are double upon the neck in C. albocristata); they remain separate until just in front of the cloaca, being especially weak and narrow in the breast region. Longitudinally arranged rows of feathers connect the pectoral tracts above with the humeral. The other important external characters are stated in the definition. In Schizorhis the normal arrangement of the leg arteries obtains. In Corythaix and Musophaga the femoral artery is the one developed. The right jugular is the largest, and in Corythaix albocristata seems to have entirely disappeared. In the liver the right lobe is the larger,3 sometimes considerably so. The gall bladder is present, and sometimes is elongated in form. The tongue is short and triangular ; the proventriculus is zonary, the gizzard weak. The in- testines are capacious and short, without cæca. The following are a few measurements : Cf. also partial persistence of basipterygoid processes in Phæpicophaine. ? The extinct Necrornis of French Miocene may be a Touraco. 3 The viscera are described by Owen for Corythaix porphyreolophai, P. Z. S 1834, p. 3, and by MARTIN for Corythaix Buffonii, ibid. 1836, p. 32. MUSOPHAGI 283 BE 1920 YOND Corythaix erythrolophus . . . . . 17 inches albocristata . o persa . Musophaga violacea. Schizorhis africanus The windpipe of Corythaix persa is slightly swollen along its course, narrowing again at the bifurcation. It is much ossified. Counting as the last tracheal ring that to which the pessulus is attached in front, the intrinsic muscles are inserted on to the third in front of this. The first two bronchial semi-rings are ossified; the third, between which and the second there is a considerable membranous interval, is the first of the purely cartilaginous series. The extrinsic muscles are stout, and arise seven or eight Fig. 139.-INTESTINES or Corythaix chlorochlainys (AFTER MITCHELL). rings from the end of the 2, short-circuiting vessel dividel. trachea, and pass at once to their insertion; they run no distance along the trachea, as is so common. Musophaga has no intrinsic muscles ; Schizorhis has. As to muscles, the tensores patagiï are very simple, and the biceps slip is entirely absent. The tensor brevis sends off a wristward slip just before its insertion in both Musophaga and Corythaix ;? it is reinforced by a pectoral slip and by a fibrous slip from the humeral crest. The anconcus longus has not, at any rate in Corythaix albocristata, a humeral head. Gluteus I. is large, covering the biceps; gluteus V. is absent (Corythaix erythrolophus, Musophaga) or present (Schizorhis africanus). The muscle GAST UU - 7 U | Absent-perhaps as an individual variation-in C. albocristata. 284 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS formula of the leg, as stated in the definition, is ABXY+. Both peroneals are present. The deep flexor tendons are bound by a vinculum, which is single in Corythaix and double in Schizor his. The skull of Corythaix is barely desmognathous, and by no manner of means especially like that of a cuckoo, to which group the Musophagi have been often compared. The hinge in the middle of the face is nearly complete, but there is a bridge on each side, formed by an ankylosis between the frontal and nasal. The holorhinal nostrils are situated very far forwards, and each has, as PARKER' has pointed out, an osseous fold upon the ossified internarial septum. The maxillo-palatines diverge from each other posteriorly for a much longer space than in any cuckoo. The ascending laminæ of the palatines come into contact for a very brief space over the rostrum in front, and are continued forward for a short distance as a sharp spike. Between them lies a minute interpalatine splint (or vomer). The interorbital septum is moderately fenestrate. The lacrymal bones are of some size, and the descending process is closely applied to, but does not fuse with, the square ectethmoid process ; connected with both is a small os uncinatum, which reaches the palatine.? UI .. . - Cuculi Musophagi - + -- . . . . . Bony nostrils . . Close to fronto-nasal Near end of bill. hinge. Ectetmoid . . Continuous with dorsal! Not so continuous. wall of orbit. Palatines Ascending laminæ come Ascending lamine come into contact posteriorly into contact anteriorly for a considerable for a short space. space. Maxillo-palatines . More completely fused. i Less completely fused. Jugal bar . Expanded where it joins Not expanded ; junction maxilla on, or close to, with face higher up, ventral surface. very much as in parrots. - -- . - - In view of the general opinion as to the nearness of the 1 1 In his paper upon Opisthocomus. See below, p. 286, footnote ? 2 J. T. REINHARDT, Vid. Medd. Kjöbenhavn, 1871; p. 326. MUSOPHAGI 285 CU U alliance between Musophagidæ and Cuculidæ it may be useful to tabulate the principal divergences in the skull. : Corythaix has 14 cervical vertebræ ;' the atlas is notched, not perforated by the odontoid process. Four ribs reach the sternum, which is doubly notched and has a strong spina externa. . In the pelvis the prepubic process is very markedly developed, as in Geococcyx. The clavicle comes into contact both with the scapula and with the moderately large procoracoid; the latter is fused with the acrocoracoid,? making thus a complete bridge over the sulcus supracoracoideus. The coracoids slightly overlap at their articulation with the sternum. The hæmapophyses are characteristic. In Corythaix albo- cristata C11 has paired processes ; on C12 and C13 the hæma- pophyses form a continuous ventral keel to those vertebræ. The three following vertebræ have hæmapophyses. The extremities of those of D1 and D2 are expanded with a median ridge, owing to the catapophyses having descended them.3 CU Y OPISTHOCOMI Definition.--Aftershaft present. Oil gland feathered. Rectrices, ten. Quintocubital Muscle formula, ABXY+. Biceps slip and expansor secundariorum present. Carotids, two. Cæca present. Skull holorhinal, schizognathous, without basipterygoid pro- cesses. Sternum peculiar in form, wider behind than in front; the spina externa ankylosed with furcula. There is no doubt that this group, consisting of but a single genus and species, Opisthocomus cristatus, the hoatzin of British Guiana, forms a well-marked group of birds. The external characters of the adult and young have been chiefly described in recent years by NITZSCH, PYCRAFT, 4 and In Corythaix persa the atlas ring is incomplete. 2 Cf. Galli, in which the same fusion occurs. 3 E. BLANCHARD, “Remarques sur l'Ostéologie des Musophagides,' Compt. Rend. xlv. p. 599. 4. On the Pterylography of the Hoatzin,' Ibis, 1895, p. 345. 286 OF BIRDS n STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION VW 16 , i myself,' the internal anatomy of the soft parts by PERRIN,2 GARROD, 3 GADOW," MITCHELL," and myself. The pterylosis of Opisthocomus shows a less sharp differ- entiation into pteryla and apteria than in many birds; many of the spaces are covered with a sparse feathering of semi- plumes. This condition may be, as GARROD has suggested, immediately derived from a continuous feathering. Never- theless there is a sharply marked apterion upon the carina sterni, which is necessarily, therefore, of limited extent. The dorsal apterion is but feebly marked. In the young chick the ventral apterion was as clear as in the adult, but I could discover no trace of a dorsal bare space. In the young un- hatched chick the ventral feathering was closer than the dorsal. . The skin lying upon the carina sterni is dense and thick- ened, a state of affairs which appears to have some relation to its habit of squatting close to the branch upon which it is resting The principal recent papers upon the osteology of this bird are those of HUXLEY" and the more recent and more elaborate treatise of PARKER.? The cervical vertebræ are nineteen in the adult ; but PARKER found only eighteen in the unhatched young. The atlas is notched for the odontoid process. Hæmapophyses are very feeble. The last two or three cervicals are ankylosed with each other, and form part of the dorsal series of ankylosed vertebræ. There is some T11 2 1. Contributions to the Anatomy of the Hoatzin,' &c., Ibis, 1889, p. 283. See also C. G. Young, ' On the Habits and Anatomy of Opisthocomus cristatus ;' Notes Leyden Mus. X. p. 169 ; and J. J. QUELCI, 'On the Habits of the Hoatzin,' Ibis, 1890, p. 327. 2. On the Myology of Opisthocorus cristatus,' Tr. Zool. Soc. ix. p. 353. 8 "Notes on Points in the Anatomy of the Hoatzin,' P.Z. S. 1879, p. 109. 1.Description of the Modification of certain Organs,' &c., 200l. J.B. v. Abth. Syst. v. 1891, p. 629, and Proc. R. Irish Ac. (3), ii. p. 147. See below, p. 288, footnote, for reference. See also a recent paper by GOKLDI in Ornith. M.B. May 1895, and more fully in Bol. Mus. Para. 1895. On the Classification and Distribution of the Alectoromorphæ,' P. 2. S. 1868. 7. On the Morphology of a Reptilian Bird, Opisthocomus cristatus,' Tr. 2. S. 1891. OPISTHOCOMI 287 TY . variation as to the number of cervical vertebræ, which bear long rib stylets. As a rule five complete ribs exist, of which all bear uncinate processes. The sternum (see fig. 140) is ex- ceedingly remarkable in its form. It is wider behind than in front, with a pair of notches, and outside of these a pair of foramina ; the keel is shorn away anteriorly, but well deve- loped posteriorly. The furcula, which is shaped like a fork with nearly straight lines, is completely ankylosed on the one hand with the coracoids, and by its median region with Lul . S - . .- . NARNIR os " . " put . . SE . www. * 1 . Inne .. .. SOWIE i . To . 1 ED . - !! 2 Cik .. . - 1 - * SOSYS FF he www. MIT . . - . ' 1' I . ! . PS 1 . 34..-- Fig. 14:0:-STERNUM OP Opisthocomus. SIDE VIEW. (AFTER Huxley.) I'IG. 141.--STERNUM OY Opis- thocomus. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER HUXLEY.) the spina externa sterni. The region of the furcula, however, which comes into contact with the sternum was found by PARKER to be a separate 'needle of bone,' which he regarded as the interclavicle (see p. 131). The scapula is provided in the young with a distinct suprascapula, segmented off from the scapula. The pelvis is especially compared by HUXLEY with that of Coturnix ; it has no ileo-pectineal processes. 288 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 11 102 UVITU In the skull the rostrum is articulated with the frontal region by a well-marked hinge. The skull is holorhinal, schizognathous, and there are no basipterygoid processes. The vomer is expanded and bifid in front in a fashion that recalls the ægithognathous skull and that of certain of the Charadriiformes (see below). In the young skull PARKER figures basipterygoid pro- cesses, not, however, articulating with the pterygoids ; they appear to be not unlike those of Aptornis (see below). The holorhinal nostrils are partly obliterated by an ossified ali- nasal, as in so many picarian and passerine birds. The alimentary canal of Opisthocomus is remarkable in. more than one way. There is, in the first place, the enormous crop, which has been most recently and most fully described by GADOW. This organ is very large, and rests upon the furcula and the fore part of the sternum, for the abortion of the anterior part of whose keel GADOW thinks the crop is by its pressure responsible. The crop too is exceedingly muscu- lar, and has numerous parallel folds in its interior, some of which are continued into the oesophagus below. The gizzard is much reduced in size. Probably the crop is not a mere storehouse, but a compartment where at least trituration of the food (chiefly leaves) takes place. The most remarkable feature about the intestinel is the long and coiled rectum, a feature which is also found among the struthious birds and in the archaic Chauna. The general arrangement of the coils of the small intestine is intermediate between those of Pterocles and pigeons. There is in the middle loop a faint trace of the spiral found in the corresponding loop of the pigeon's gut. There are also like- nesses to the form of gut in the cuckoos. The cæca are fairly developed. The peculiarities of the muscular system mainly concern the hind limb, and chiefly characterise the ambiens. The muscle formula is complete, i.e. ABXY+. The ambiens, however, is subject to variation. GARROD found that in all I P. CHALMERS MITCHELL, ' A Contribution to the Anatomy of the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus cristatus),' P. Z. S. 1896, p. 618. OPISTHOCOMI 289 / WS WIS TA ES 1 - . .. ....... . .. . . ... .. 1119' of six knees that he examined the ambiens was present, though small; but in only one knee did it cross the knee to be inserted in the usual fashion in connection with the flexors of the leg. MITCHELL dissected this muscle in two specimens; in one the ambiens was completely absent above the knee, but in each case (see fig. 53, p. 96) a ligament left the fibula, and, dividing into three, joined each of the three perforated flexors in the way in which, as has been already described, it oc- curs in birds which have this ambiens rudiment. In the second case there was an ambiens above the knee, but it became lost upon the fascia of the knee, and not con- nected with the ambiens rudiment springing from the fibula, which was there present. So in this bird there are many stages in the reduction of this characteristic muscle, which is clearly in them on the wane. It is apparently the me FIG. 142.-SYRINX or Opisthocomus. FRONT rule among birds for - VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) there to be a vinculum between the two superficial flexors of digit III. This slip is wanting in Opisthoconus, as it is, according to MITCHELL, in Asio otus and Rhytidiceros plicatus. The deep flexor tendons are connected by a strong vinculum. The syrinx has been described by GARROD and myself. The accompanying figure is from GARROD'S paper. The last few rings of the trachea are solidified into a tracheal box, and the intrinsic muscles do not reach this box, being only continued on to it by a ligamentous continuation. There is . 1.0; olosi Bogorbeeld it. Innihamisu SISIMAIS D AHA 4:19 Oi YI WL IDUM !, Sildid * WWW SOUL itts HU ***** Hyvin . . . K . S WWW012 el HAWI . . w . . *** no 10. Vem ADIR www. 13 .4 . T ui H raun .. .. 1. Wit2 WORT ! Mt. . Latte DIIRNISMI .. " -290 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS some variation in the number of rings which coalesce to form the box, while the fibrous continuation of the intrinsic muscles may reach the first bronchial semi-ring. This muscle is evidently decaying in Opisthocoinus. $. GALLI 1 Definitio12.- Quintocubital birds with an aftershaft. Muscles of leg generally ABXY +. Expansor secundariorum present. Entepi- condylo-ulnaris present. Cæca large ; à crop present. Skull schizognathous, holorhinal, with sessile basipterygoid processes. Palatines without internal lamina. This very large group of birds, universal in range, shows a considerable amount of structural variation. The oil gland is generally tufted ; a but it is nude in the Megapodes and absent altogether in Argus. The pterylosis of the Galli is, according to NITZSCH, singularly uniform. He figures Gallus bankiva, Pavo cristatus, and Meleagris gallo-pavo, describing also a few other types. There are lateral neck spaces in all; the dorsal tract is single in Gallus, widening out on the back; in the peacock it widens out in a more pronounced fashion and further back than in Gallus. In the turkey there is a narrow space in it between the shoulder blades. The ventral tract divides early upon the neck, and each tract gives off on the breast a wider, denser outer branch; the two median tracts then continue nearly to the cloaca, where they unite. In Perdix and Tetrao there is a dorsalspace, as in Meleagris. Among the Cracidæ there may or may not be a space in the dorsal tract. The pectoral muscles of gallinaceous birds, like those of the tinamous, meet over the keel of the sternum ; this is at least the case with Euplocamus Vieilloti and some others. I H. SEEBOHM, ' An Attempt to Diagnose the Sub-Orders of the Great Galli- naceo-Gralline Group of Birds by the Aid of Osteological Characters alone,' Ibis, 1888, p. 415. ? Callipepla californica has a small tuft; in C. squamata I have observed both the complete absence of a tuft and the presence of a very small one. GALLI 291 IL Y The deltoid may or may not possess a special tendinous slip from the scapula. This slip is absent in Mitua tomentosa, Excalfactoria chinensis, and Callipepla, but present in Ortalis albiventris, Crax Sclateri, C. Daubentoni, Crosso- ptilon mantchuricum. It is evidently, therefore, not of great use in classifying the group. The biceps slip is generally present, but absent in Ortalis albiventris, Crax, Mitua; it is present in Megapodius and Megacephalon;] absent in Talegalla, Niinida, and Meleagris. The same remark may, therefore, be made about this muscle. The humeral head of the anconcus is not always presént. The tensor patagiż brevis of gallinaceous birds has a thin, wide, diffused tendon, as in the tinamous; there is no patagial fan.. The entepicondylo-ulnaris is another muscle which they share with the last-mentioned group. The expansor secundariorum is a muscle which appears to be invariably present among the Galli, but to have vary- ing relations at its scapular insertion. 'In the majority of the gallinaceous birds,' wrote Pro- fessor GARROD,“the expansor secundariorum, with the normal origin from the secondary quills, has a different method of insertion, which has led M. A. MILNE-EDWARDS to describe the muscle in the common fowl as a part of the coraco- brachialis (brevis) in his superb work on fossil birds. 'In the genera Tetrao, Francolinus, Rolluilus, Phasianus, Euplocamus, Gallus, Ceriornis, and Pavo, the muscle, instead of being inserted into the scapulo-sternal fibrous band, above referred to, after blending to a certain extent with the axillary margin of the teres, ceases by becoming fixed to a fibrous intersection about one-third down the coraco-brachialis brevis muscle. 'In Francolinus Clappertoni from among the francolins, Coturnix, Odontophorus, Ortyx, Eupsychortyx, and Numida, the tendon does not go so far as the short coraco-brachialis, but ends either by simply joining the axillary margin of the ? Absent, according to FÜRBRINGER. r 2 292 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS T STRUCTURE 11 tereś or by at the same time sending a tendinous slip behind it to the scapula. In Argus giganteus the tendon, running from the elbow, turns round the axillary border of the teres to end by joining a triangular muscular fasciculus, attached by its base to the upper portion of the thoracic surface, which appears to be nothing but a differentiation-off of the upper portion of the last-named muscle. In the Cracidæ this insertion into the scapula is also found, but it is tendinous, like the upper element of the thoracic band above described in the storks and Chauna ; and in them there is also a second tendinous slip from the axillary margin of the coraco-brachialis longus (not the brevis). In the Mega- podidæ also the attachment to the coraco-brachialis brevis is wanting, the tendon ending either by blending with the teres margin or running on to the scapula. The glutæus primus is a large muscle covering the biceps. Gluteus V. appears to be always present, but is sometimes (Thaumalea picta) quite tendinous.! Most gallinaceous birds have the complete muscle formula ABXY+. The femoro-caudal, however, varies in size, and is quite absent in Pavo and Meleagris. It is very slender in Crax and Ortalis.2 The deep flexor tendons belong to type I., and are illus- trated in fig. 54 (p. 100). There are two carotids in all but the Megapodes, where the left only is present. A gall bladder is present. Some intestinal measurements are given on p. 293. The trachea has in a few gallinaceous birds two pairs of extrinsic muscles, thus resembling, it will be observed, the Anseres and Palamedeæ. Thus in Crax Daubentoni, besides the usual sterno-trache- ales, which arise in the ordinary way from the costal processes, there are a pair of cleido-tracheales, springing from the 1 For the tail muscles of the peacock see HEMMING, Proc. Linn. Soc. 1844, p. 212. ? ? GARROD has figured (in MS.) an abnormal Gallus domesticus with a peculiar additional muscle springing by tendinous slips from femur, femoro- caudal, accessory ditto, and semitendinosus, and running to gastrocnemius.' It was the same on both sides. GALLI 293 Name of Bird Small Intest. Large Intest.! Cæca * Inches Inclies Inches - 56 - - 50 .. 8 and 9 6.5 . 39 44 3.5 3 3.5 u ni 7.5 - - 30 4.5 : 은 ​84, - 66 4.5 3.5 5.5 to 7.5 6.5 7.5 3.5 3.75 1 - --- 37 -- - -- 25 - ------- - 5.25 -- - 2.5 - - - ---- 22 A có A to V - 2.5 - -- 18 - -- -.- 3.5 3-5 .-- 43 or 5.75 46 - 53 coño en - 30 66 ser o 9 - - - . 9 ܠ - Pavo cristatus . 9 nigripennis . , muticiis . , spicifer Caccabis chukar . Argus giganteus. Ithaginis Geoffroyi : .. Polyplectron chinquis . ŠS 1 bicalcaratum . Rollulus coronatus Arboricola torqueola . Coturnix communis . Ortyx virginianus , cristatus . . , Gambelji . . Odontophorus dentatus Perdix cinerea . Phasianus versicolor. Thaunalea Amherstiæ Euplocamus Swinhoii . erythrophthalmus Vieilloti. nycthemerus. cristatus . . albo-cristatus . Andersoni nobilis . . Ceriornis Temmincki . i satyra . . .. Lophophorus impeyanus Crossoptilon wantchuricum Lobiphasianus Bulweri . Gallus bankiva . Sonnerati. Numida meleagris ptilorhyncha . 2 cristata . Edouardi vulturina Tetrao urogallus . tetrix . i phasianellus 1 cupido . Meleagris ocellata Francolinus afer . »...gularis Crax globicera .. Sclateri . Daubentoni. , Alberti . , globulosa . Mitua tuberosa . , tomentosa. Penelope cristata . ......................................................... ܒ - - OD or ст сл си с - - ܠܕ - - 59 --- un modo da CO CO 10 * *200 m - - - 61 - -- 6.5 10.5 39 54 6.25 . 61 35 ar . . - 29 .. . - — . - - » . - 5.25 6 5.5 9 and 10 30.5 2.75 16 . . . . od #cco eü a . . 17 . 13.5 . 31 6 . . . 4. 7 and 8 4.5 6.5 126 S5 104 118 121 . . . ܥܛ . 123 . 6.5 55. 90 . • 1 Penelo 2.5 . 294 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Name of Biril Small Intest. | Large Intest. Cæca Inchies Inches Iucles 48 2.5 2-5 29 36 3.5 42 2:75 4 # Penelope cujubi. cujubi. pileata. . jacucaca Pipile jacutinga . cumanensis i Aburria carunculata ! Ortalis albiventris Talegalla Lathami . Megacephalon maleo. - - - 51 a 56 40 min # - ... 2:25 i 4 2.5 24 72 . . 5.5 anterior end of the sternum and from fibrous septum between it and the pessular process; these muscles run up the sides of the trachea, reaching further than the sterno-tracheales. Where the trachea is convoluted it sometimes happens that the extrinsic muscles are quite abnormal in their attach- ments ; thus in the males of Penelope pileata and Ortalis albiventris the muscles in question do not enter the thoracic .. S . 12 2 . . . . 16:26 ArsTDRIFT . AN / . 179 VISITAS NON . . 1 binnenmin 3 W FIG. 143.-SYRINX Of Pavo spicifer. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) Fig. 144.—SYRINX Or SAME. BACK VIEW. (AFTER GARROD. cavity, but pass close to the carina sterni and are inserted at the very end of the sternum. The syrinx of gallinaceous birds has been chiefly studied by GARROD. From his paper the following account of this T. On the Conformation of the Thoracic Extremity of the Trachea in the Class Aves, Pt. 1, The Gallinæ, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 354.' GALLI 295 :: organ has been mainly drawn. The simplest form of the syrinx is seen in the peacock (fig. 143), where the modification of rings at the bifurcation is of the slightest. The last two tracheal rings are partly fused behind. The accompanying series of illustrations (figs.143–147) show some of the princi- pal forms of syrinx among the Alectoropodes, in which it will X 19 Mali OS +. IN Ant. I - RE- . . u SIN UM re I . M . hot 07 INNUNNI . / HID17 . INTU11 S 2 ! ! lll. - V Fig. 145.-SYRINX OF Callipepla califor- nica. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) S Fig. 146.- SYRINX or SAME. BACK V IEW. (AFTER GARROD.) be noticed that intrinsic muscles are but occasionally present. When present they do not descend to the bronchi, but cease upon the trachea some way in front of the bifurcation. The most remarkable modification of the intrinsic muscles is in Callipepla californica (figs. 145, 146), where the muscles descend the trachea posteriorly, and are inserted on to the found, and will be described (see below), in the condor. It is uncertain whether these muscles may be not more accurately 296 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS referred to the cleido-tracheal extrinsic pair (see below). A very singular syrinx is that of the male Tetrao tetrix (fig. 147). On each side of the trachea at the lower end is an immense irregular tumefaction, connected with its fellow by a bridge of fatty tissue.' It appears to be mucous in its chemical nature; but it may possibly have some relation to the tracheal LOTUTA N UMIT ArnTAART Aurinn URTAN somrNRADA - Poplardnanciering memors . WIN Y S S Herman Won HINNOIN TULEE VW INDUTTIMET TYLDENDUS l more tillit NR on UMANE LOITATCAVEO Mi .. RAN litt We WILL MUS St. UTANO ZA WAKA NISEMINE . CA GUD SEE 2 762 . INI WWW UN 11111 . . 2013 ! DAT .. TIN . AC in Wer • tu TH mm ** BLY! 3 LA QUE a ROAD TAX 11 . - . A S NUV WAKIL $ . H . 1 SS 11.11 MNR Kuracie Se . 14 A Miti . St from ZALUUAST MSAUERIE Opni Fig. 147.- SYRINX OF MALE Tetrao tetrix. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) box of the male ducks, and be thus another of those many unexpected resemblances between the two groups. The Cracidæ (fig. 148) generally possess the intrinsic mus- cles, which are, however, short, as in the other Galli. The syrinx itself has no salient characters by which it may be distinguished from the Alectoropodes. GARROD 1 has also described and figured (fig. 150) the syrinx of the megapode Megacephalon maleo. It is rather 1. On the Anatomy of the Maleo,' P. Z. S. 1878, p. 629. GALLI 297 peculiar in form, but has a pair of intrinsic muscles, which reach the first bronchial semi-ring ; in this point the syrinx is more primitive than that of other Galli. T . S til LX ni *. . Ar ON . SR * int PWL 11 X SCIEL ONS TEAM 67 . 11 ZAS . Vio IIIIII liliul G 2 10 URU * DOMINIR WY LAOUI PAWAN YkW . . WINNIN YA 11.11 . ENTRU IND S di 17 // ZUIA VI WWW 11 IT . . WW . SIE ICELUPAI 11 - WR 17 allur NU UNITAT W 11 FIG. 148.-SYRINX OF Aburricu carun culata. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) Fig. 149.-SYRINX OF SAME. BACK VIEW. (ATTER GARROD.) The skull in gallinaceous birds is in many respects remarkably duck-like. The basipterygoid processes—a little, ES SI // M IM/ TE 1 Yr ESLUI X ' . .. BUS . . . .. . . . V V IV i W . TV WW .. Y B FIG. 150.-SYRINX OF Megacephalon maleo. A. FRONT VIEW. B. BACK VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.) but not much, more pronounced in the Mega podes—are oval sessile structures, with which again, as in the ducks, the ptery- As pointed out by Parker. 298. STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS goids articulate by their anterior ends. The palatines too are devoid of an internal lamina, and the angle of the mandible is recurved and produced ; it is enormous, extended upwards, in Tetrao. In the typical gallinaceous birds the maxillo-palatines are generally small or even obsolescent. In Gallus bankival they are triangular plates of fair size; in Tetrao urogallus (fig. 152) they are small, narrow, backwardly projecting plates, not quite so long and thin, and not so curved as those of Talegalla. In Ptilopachys they are somewhat inter- mediate; in Callipepla californica they are still longer. In Numida and Meleagris they are much the same. The lacrymals are not large, and have a feeble or aborted descending process. It is very general for the post-frontal and zygomatic processes to fuse and enclose a more or less triangular foramen, and sometimes, as in Tetrao3 and Crosso- ptilon, the zygomatic bar extends forwards a considerable way in front of its junction with the other. The interorbital septum is sometimes (Coturnix, Calli- pepla, Perdicula, Ptilopachys) considerably fenestrated. The vomer, in gallinaceous birds generally, is thin and splint-like. As to the Megapodes, there are some differences in the skulls of the two genera Talegalla" and Megacephalon. The latter has the well-known hammer-shaped projection of the back part of the skull. In both genera the palatines are slender, and there is some ossification of the nasal septum. The interorbital septum is not much fenestrate, but it is deficient in front. In Talegalla the maxillo-palatines are thin 22 V I SHUFELDT, 'Observations upon the Morphology of Gallus bankira,' &c. Journ. Comp. Med. Surg. ix. p. 343. ? Wood-MASON has described (Ani. Mig. Nat. Hist. xvi. 1875, p. 145) supra- orbital bones in certain partridges. Cf. as to this point Tinamous, Psophia, and Menuru.. 3 SHUFELDT, 'Osteology of the N. American Tetraonidæ,' Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. vi. p. 309. The skeleton of this bird is described by PARKER, 'On the Osteology of Gallinaceous Birds and Tinamous,' Tr. Z. S. V. p. 160. See also W. K. PARKER, 'On the Structure and Development of the Skull of the Common Fowl,' Phil. Trans. 1870, p. 159. . . . GALLI 299 II plates, ending in a curved point very much like those of some passerines (e.g. Pteroptochus). Each is vacuolate posteriorly in Talegalla. They do not nearly come into contact in the middle line. In Megacephalon these bones are spongy plates, which do nearly come into contact; the palatines, slender in both birds, are more bowed in Talegalla, and thus enclose a wider interpalatine vacuity. The lacrymals of Talegalla are small and ankylosed to the skull wall; the ectethmoids are thin plates. A curious difference in the skulls of these two birds concerns the nasals and premaxillaries. In Megacephalon there is nothing worthy of special remark except the tumid outer part of the nasals; in Talegalla the premaxillary pro- cess of the nasals approach each other in the middle line, and cut the nasal process of the premaxillary into two, an anterior and a posterior portion. In the Cracidæ the maxillo-palatines are largish plates, concave inferiorly and convex above, which in Crax globicera actually come in contact for a short space, and fuse with each other and with the median septum. In Pauxi galeata this fusion (perhaps owing to the great casque) is even better marked. There is nearly a fusion in Aburria carunculata ; in Ortalis albiventris, on the other hand, the maxillo- palatines are well apart. In Ortalis and Aburria there is no ossification of the nasal septum; in Crax there is a median piece, which expands below to become attached to (C. Sclateri) or fused with (C. globicera) the maxillo-palatines. In Pauxi galeata the nasal septum, as might be expected, is quite complete and very strong. There are also in this group of gallinaceous birds a series of stages in the development of the zygoma and the post- orbital processes. In Ortalis they are short; in Aburria longer and convergent; in Crax Sclateri and Pauzi galeata they meet distally, and enclose a triangular foramen; finally in Crax globicera they are completely fused throughout, and form a stout triangular process. The lacrymals in this family are large, with a large descending process. The ectethmoids are but slightly ossified. 1 vu 300 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The interorbital septum is more fenestrate than in the Mega- podes, but still not markedly so. The Galli have sixteen cervical vertebræ. In Gallus bankiva the catapophyses of vertebra 10 nearly enclose a canal; on the next vertebra the two processes have almost fused into a single one, the two processes being closely W p IT H . y NAN imbellon. VW Hibri + C T . ... NINI BUS 07 UN * Lite' Vi 111 . . lea SAWIT S . r. YA . As W127. I . . DIV LO litli . NINAY H TIN I WSD VA ! UNUM SININ 43x44 KYSS. N . P7122 ZA UN Mii SS HOT LUXUS Fig. 151.--SKULL OF Craz globicerc. SIDE VIEW. (AFTER HUXLEY.) Pm.2*, premaxilla ; S, nasal septum. soldered together for their whole length, and not, as is so often the case, divergent at the end. All the remaining cervical vertebræ have strong median hæmapophyses, those of the sixteenth being fused with the two following at their ex- tremities (cf. Musophaga, p. 285). The last cervical vertebra and the three anterior dorsals are themselves fused. It will be simpler to compare the vertebræ of Gallus with those of some other Galli by means of the following table :- 1 First Hæm- apopli. ! Vertebra Last Hæm. | Hæm. fused. fused D4 D3 ---- D2 Crossoptilon inarrtchuricuin Numida cristata Talegalla Lathami . Megacephalor maleo. Callipepla californica Ptilopachys ventralis Aburria carunculata . C11 C11 011 C101 C13 C11 012 Di C16-D3 C16-D2 C16-D2 C15-D1 C16-D2 D1-D3 D1-D2 C16-D3 C16-D3 C16-03 C15-D2 C16-D3 D1-D3 C16-D3 -. D2 -. . Ꭰ8 D3 -- - . - - - - - + -- - - - - - - - - - · Bifid at end. GALLI 301 It is evident that not much of classificatory importance is deducible from the above facts. HUXLEY has used with more success the remaining parts of the skeleton. The gallinaceous birds are divided by HUXLEY into two main subdivisions, Peristeropodes and Alectoropodes. l'imr. DTS V L. .. LE SEN . . . * www 1 - A. . . C . - 5 * ..' - SES 4 NA 1. . 1 22 MCP WIN * E w 222 . V W S 2 ZA . to . Y . . . % N TA . VRY . - CE . . . AT KU ANA 13-14 . - 52 M - * . - . / 7 I IN * 27 POWEVE 111 mex Fig. 152.-SKULL or Tetrao urogallus. VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER HUXLEY.) Map, maxillo-palatines; lo, vomer; r, maxilla; Pl, palatines; Pl. ptery- . goids; +, basipterygoid facets; Pmil, Premaxilla. FIG. 153.-STERNUM Or Crax globicera (AFTER HUXLEY). LETTERS AS IN Fig. 72, P. 128, WITH WHICH THIS FIGURE IS TO BE COMPARED. LUU The former contains the Cracidæ and Megapodidæ, the latter the remaining families. The Peristeropodes may be thus defined :- 1. Sternum with not very deep inner notches (fig. 153) and with short obtuse costal processes, the anterior edge of which is at right angles to the long axis of sternum. : 2. Hallux on a level with other toes. 302 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The Alectoropodes in this way :- 1. Sternum with very deep inner notches (fig. 72, p. 128), and with long costal processes, whose long axis corresponds with the long axis of sternum. 2. Hallux attached above the level of other toes. The former group, which undoubtedly, so far as the above characters are concerned, is the more primitive, consists of the curassows and the Megapodes, limited respectively to Central and South America and to Australia and some of the Indian islands. These two families are distinguished by HUXLEY mainly on account of the differing form of the hallux; but there are other points of dissimilarity, not known at the time when he wrote. The two families may be thus differentiated : Cracida Megapodidæ 1. Hind toe not so long in Hind toe longer in pro- proportion to rest. portion. 2. Oil gland feathered. Oil gland nude. 3. Biceps slip never Biceps slip sometimes present. present. 4. Two carotids. Left carotid only. 5. Trachea generally coiled. Trachea always straight. The Alectoropodes may be readily divided into three groups, which may be thus differentiated :- The NUMIDIDÆ. 1. Second metacarpal without backward process. 2. Costal processes outwardly inclined (thus forming a transition between Alectoropodes and Peris- teropodes). The remaining families, which will be distinguished from each other immediately, agree with each in differing from the Numididæ in both the points mentioned. MELEAGRIDÆ. 1. Postacetabulum longer than preacetabulum. 2. Postacetabulum longer than broad. GALLI 303 3. Furcula weak and straight (viewed laterally), with straight rod-like hypocleidium. e In the remaining gallinaceous birds "the preacetabular length is greater than the postacetabular (equal in Tetrao cupido) ; the postacetabular area is broader than it is long ; the contour of the furcula is curved, with an expanded hypocleidium. The series of birds which have these cha- racters may be divided into the galline and the tetraonine type. In the former the postacetabular region is only moderately broad; the hypocleidium is oval in contour; the tarso- metatarsus is more than half as long as the tibia, and there are a number of smaller osteological marks. In the grouse-like birds the postacetabular region is very broad; the hypocleidium has a triangular form, and the tarso-metatarsus is not half as long as the tibia. I do not give HUXLEY'S characters in detail, since he has pointed out that the two series meet among the partridges and quails, and cannot thus be sharply marked off. The Alectoropodes have a range which is related to their anatomical differences, as have the Peristeropodes. The Meleagridæ are confined to America, the Numididæ to Africa, the Phasianidæ to the Oriental region just encroach- ing upon the Palæarctic, while the Tetraonidæ are Palæarctic and Nearctic. The Galli seem to be undoubtedly an ancient group of birds, a view which is upheld by their points of likeness to many diverse groups. That they are an ancient group is also shown by their quintocubitalism, the primitive character of the gut con- volutions, the often complete muscle formula, and the existence of basipterygoid processes. The existence of these structures has led to their comparison with other groups of birds. Less weight, however, appears to be due to these more general points of resemblance than to other slighter but equally constant similarities. The existence of the entepicondylo-ulnaris muscle is an example to the point. 304 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The Galli share this muscle with the Tinami only; and no one will doubt on other grounds that the gallinaceous birds and tinamous are distinctly related. It is, however, with the Anseres that the greatest number of special resemblances of this character exist. These have been admitted by HUXLEY and PARKER; and more recently, in one of his alternative schemes, SEEBOHM united the two groups. In these two groups the palatines have the peculiar character of wanting the internal lamina, which is at most indicated by a slight ridge; in both of them the basipterygoid pro- cesses can hardly be described in those words, as they are but oval facets for the articulation of the pterygoids. The two pairs of extrinsic muscles of the syrinx are one of the strong reasons for uniting the Anseres and the Palamedeæ, and we have among the Galli forms in which there are the same extra pair of muscles present. The general habit of a gallinaceous bird is, it is true, somewhat remote from that of an anserine bird; but Palamedec might with truth be described as a goose-like bird with external likeness to a curassow, or as a gallinaceous bird which had put on the characters of the Anseres. Its likeness to both is considered on another page. The existing genera Tetrao, Lagopus, and Francolinus are known from Pleistocene deposits in countries which they at present inhabit, and the species from which these few remains have been described are existing species. Similarly Coturnix Novce Zcalandice and Talegalla Lathami have been met with in the Pleistocene of Australia and New Zealand, both of them being species now living in the localities whence their fossil remains have been extracted. Phasianus is represented by a number of extinct species from Europe as old as the Miocene. Three totally extinct genera described by MILNE-EDWARDS are Palæortyx, Palæoperdix, and Taoperdix. These are all Eocene or Miocene and European. Taoperdix presents affinities to Meleagris and Numida. COLUMBÆ 305 COLUMBÆ1 Definition.—Aftershaft absent. Oil gland absent or nude. Crop present. Cæca nipples. Syrinx with asymmetrical extrinsic muscles. Of the leg muscles ABX always present; deep plantar tendons of type I. Biceps slip present and peculiar in form. Skull schizognathous, schizorhinal. Basipterygoid processes present, except in Didus. LU This group of birds contains something like 458 species, which are divided into sixty-eight genera. Pigeons are cos- mopolitan in range, and show a considerable amount of structural variation. The absence of an aftershaft and the often rudimentary condition of the oil gland are among the most important variable external characteristics of the pigeons. The latter is never feathered, and is sometimes totally absent. But its presence or absence cannot be made use of as a fact of great systematic importance; for we find in the same genus Ptilopus two species, Pt. coronulatus and Pt. superbus, with a minute oil gland, and two others, Pt. assimilis and Pt. puella, from which the gland has entirely disappeared. The rectrices vary in number from 12 (e.g. Columnbula) through 14 (e.g. Phaps), 16 (Goura), to 20 (Otidiphaps). But the variations do not invariably coincide with the limits of genera. Phaps chalcoptera has 16 rectrices, P. elegans only 14. Phloganas Stairi has 12 rectrices, P. cruentata 14. There are other examples. Though for the most part aquincubital, it is remarkable to find in Columbula a quinto- cubital bird (MITCHELL). I have by me a careful manuscript account of the pterylosis of Didunculus by Mr. FORBES. The dorsal tract is strong and broad upon the neck, narrowing a little below; where it narrows it becomes stronger. Below the shoulder it bifur- cates and becomes suddenly weak; below this point the whole dorsal region is covered with a weak and diffused feathering, which is especially weak over the head of the femur. In the I C. J. TEMMINCK, Histoire Naturelle Générale des Pigeons et cies Gallinacées. Amsterdam et Paris, 1813-1815: n 306 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS middle line posteriorly the dorsal tract is again strongish. The lumbar region is also strongly feathered, and the thigh is covered by a strong tract which ends very abruptly below. The ventral tract is much weaker, and on the neck gradually merges into the lateral space which extends from a short way below the head to the shoulder. Below this the ventral tract is still weaker, and does not bifurcate until the upper end of the carina sterni: The median apterion is oblong and narrow, and reaches the cloacal aperture. In the abdominal region the two tracts get stronger. The pterylosis of Columba livia as figured by Nitzsch hardly VW C AINK 144 . THI WWW ES / M ' Rid, . 11 VILA ! ? * Nuwun . . . AV11 TANTE 12WIN100 will n IIIIII NEWER . 1 1DIN VS . . UNT WIDY II . IWI . 77 . MAX . 01.11 : . 31. WI ASCA . ullu i tir - - - LI montes, IN IV. - 12 Sili muLuniin WON BE 2 WWW . D VIA. Ingyou GY SAS UUM MRVM SODAS SASA 1 RISTO 111mmontare . Man *** 23 WIT IN .. . FIG. 154.-HORIZONTAL SECTIONS OF FIG. 155.-C, GIZZARD OF Carpophaga GIZZARDS OF, al, Ptilopus jambi, latrails. b, ONE OF HORNY TUBER- 6, Treron calva (AFTER GARROD). CLES IN SECTION. (AITER GARROD.) differs, and is typical of the pigeons in general; there is no down. All pigeons have a well-developed crop, the presence of which organ is presumably related to their fruit- and grain- eating mode of life. In Carpophaga, a fruit-eating pigeon, the gizzard is very weak; but in other pigeons this organ is very strong, its walls being even ossified in Calcenas nicobarica. In Ptilopus a cross section of the gizzard has the peculiar form shown in the accompanying drawing, where it is compared with a L L VU I VERREAUX and DES Murs describe an exaggeration like this in Plicenornina goliath, where also the tubercles are ossified (Rev. Mag. Zool. 1862, p. 138). See also FlowER, · On the Structure of the Gizzard of the Nicobar Pigeon,' P.Z. S. 1860, p. 330. COLUMBÆ 307 A 1 pigeon showing a more normal state of affairs. There are four muscular pads in its walls, so that in transverse sections the lumen is cruciform. In Ptilopus coronulatus the lumen of the gizzard is not regularly cruciform, like Pt. jambu, but irregular and asterisk-shaped; so with Pt. superbus. Chrysana viridis has also a ptilopine gizzard. In Carpo- phaga paulina the transverse section shows a close approach in the structure of its gizzard to that of Ptilopus. In C. latrans (fig. 155) the gizzard is lined with extraordinary conical horny processes. The right lobe of the liver is larger than the left, and the gall bladder may be absent or present. * In the Columbæ which I have examined (Columbæ of several species (fig. 156), Phlo- gænas cruentata),' re- marks Mr. MITCHELL, it is tempting to regard the gut as a simple deri- vative of the type seen in Pterocles. The duo- denum is longer and narrower. The circular loop is enormously ex- FIG. 156.-INTESTINES OF Columba livia panded, but the three (AFTER MITCHELL). subsidiary loops seen in Pterocles remain. The first of these is somewhat shortened ; the second, that bearing the yolk-sac vestige at its end, is enormously lengthened ; the mesentery is folded along the line of the median mesenteric vessel, so that the two limbs. of the loop are brought in contact with each other, and, finally, the whole folded loop is rolled into a rough spiral. The third subsidiary loop of the circular part of the gut has IV . ........ .:: :: IR. GERMAIN, 'Note sur la Structure du Gésier chez le Pigeon Nicobar,' A12. Sci. Nat. (5), iii. p. 352 ; GARRON, “Note on the Gizzard and other Organs of Carpophaga latrans,' P. Z. S. 1878, p. 10%. x 2 308 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . the same arrangement and veins as in Pterocles; but the cæca no longer run along it, but occur as very short stumps upon the rectum.' The.cæca are small and nipple-like; they may be entirely absent. In Tympanistria bicolor I found one, an especially minute one, on the left side. The intestines of the Columbæ are very short and volu- minous in some of the fruit-eating forms, moderately long in the majority of forms, and extraordinarily long in Didiin- culus. The following are a few measurements :- Ft. Ins. Ft. Ins. Carpophaga cenea .16 Chrysana viridis . 7 Chalcophaps chryso- Macropygia lepto- chlora . . .1 81 granmica . . 2 101 Phlogænas Stairi . 2 6 Peristera Geoffroyi 10 cruentata 2 41 Iantheenais leuco Columba maculosa . 2 8 læma . . 3 11 Geopelia cuneata. Goura coronata . 5 1 humilis . 1 , Victorice : 4 0 Ptilopus jambu .10 Phaps chalchoptera 26 , melanoce- elegans .1 104 phalus . . 9 Didunculis strigi- Ptilopus coronulatus 611 rostris . .7 0 In Goura Victorie the tensor brevis muscle is bordered on the patagial side for the last half of its course by a strong tendon, which arises from the pectoralis muscle. Below this tendon forms the outer and stronger part of a thin and rather wide tendon, in which the muscle itself ends. A wristward slip is given off, but there is no patagial fan. The biceps slip arises tendinously froin the biceps, has a short muscular belly, and ends tendinously upon tensor patagii longus tendon. Goura coronata is much the same, but the biceps slip is (? exceptionally) digastric, a second tendon springing from tensor patagii longus muscle, and becoming muscular before it joins the muscular belly derived from biceps itself. In other pigeons-and this is one of the most salient COLUMBÆ 309 features of the group—the tensor brevis muscle is often very extensive-in fact, overlapping the extensors of the fore arm. This is the case, for instance, with Geophaps scripta, where I could find no deltoid beneath it. In Ptilopus and Phaps, on the other hand, a good deltoid is present, and though mainly attached to the humerus is also at its extremity inserted on to tendon of tensor brevis. This latter insertion is wanting in many pigeons which have a long deltoid. In Erythionas the deltoid reaches nearly to elbow. There is very often a wristward slip from tendon of tensor patagii brevis, but never, so far as I have ascertained, a patagial fan. The biceps slip appears to be always an independent. muscle, arising, as described above, by a thin tendon from the biceps, and it frequently has a second tendon of origin, as in Goura coronata. This is the case, for example, with Carpophaga, Didunculus, and Phaps. It is absent in Erythrænas. The expansor secundariorumn is very constantly present; but there are indications that it is on the wane in these birds. In Phlogenas cruentata the tendon has not the characteristic T-shape that it has in other pigeons, but blends with a trian- gular fibrous slip arising from the scapula near the scapulo- coracoid joint. In Carpophaga paulina there is much the same arrangement. In Phlog@nas Stairi the muscle appears. to be totally absent. Of the two latissimi dorsi muscles the posterior is some- times wanting in pigeons.) HASWELL ? first directed attention to this point, which was denied by GADOW 3 and FORBES, but reaffirmed by FÜRBRINGER. According to the last-men- tioned observer its occasional absence is a matter of individual variation. The anconcus has a tendinous insertion on to the humerus. 1 And also (? occasionally) in Otis, Pterocles, and various passerines, according to FÜRBRINGER. ?• The Myological Characters of the Columbidæ,' Proc. Lini. Soc. N. S. W.. iv. 1880, p. 303 ; 'Note on the Anatomy of Two Rare Genera of Pigeons,' ibid.. vii. 1883, pp. 115, 397. 3 In his memoir upon Pterocles, quoted below, p. 315, footnote. 21 UU - - 310 STRUCTURE AND. CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 7211 US The second pectoral is inserted, in an unusual way, on to the anterior face of the humerus, and not on to the pectoral ridge, as in other birds. In the hind limb nearly all pigeons have the complete formula ABXY, the ambiens being sometimes present and sometimes absent. Only in Lopholæmus apparently is the accessory femoro-caudal absent. The deep flexor tendons are gallinaceous, either blending or with a vinculum. In Lopholæmus an- tarcticus and Erythrænas there is a vinculum, and also a special slip to tendon of digit II. Considering the variability of so many muscles and organs among the Columbæ, it is remarkable to note what slight variations there are in that, as a rule, rather variable organ, the syrinx. The accompanying illus- tration will serve to show the form of the syrinx among the Columbæ; but in the species illustrated the origin of the sterno- Fig. 157.-SYRINX Carpophaca tracheales is not so highly asymmetrical as latrans (AFTER is sometimes the case; they occasionally GARROD). arise more markedly from the right side of the trachea. The intrinsic muscles are always present, and generally attached, as shown in the figure, to the membrane between the penultimate and antepenultimate tracheal rings. They are sometimes continued a little further by ligamentous tissue. The last three tracheal rings are united by median bony or cartilaginous pieces. Posteriorly the tracheal rings are weak, or even defective in the middle line. These are the general characters of the windpipe and syrinx in the Columbæ. A few of the genera which show some slight divergencies may now be mentioned. In Calænas nicobarica the intrinsic muscles are continued by ligament as far as the penultimate tracheal ring; the first four or five bronchial semi-rings are connected posteriorly by a cartilaginous bar, which borders the membrana tympaniformis and is continued up as far as the sixth tracheal ring from the end of the series. OF COLUMBÆ 311 10 In Goura there is no union posteriorly between succes- sive tracheal rings, and the last two or three are quite dis- continuous in the middle line posteriorly. In Didunculus also the last few tracheal rings do not meet in the middle line posteriorly. As to the skull, the pigeons are schizognathous birds with a slender vomer and basipterygoid processes, absent only in Didus. They are also schizorhinal, but Goura, like Cursorius, &c., among the Charadrii, is pseudo-holorhinal. The lacrymal fuses below with the ectethmoid, and, indeed, forms with it a nearly solid and often rather massive plate of bone. In Goura, at any rate, the descending process of the lacrymal is perforated in front by a largish foramen, as in the Rhea. Some pigeons-e.g.Lopholæmus—have a median small circular foramen above the foramen magnum; in Macropygia, &c., this becomes a notch upon the upper border of the foramen magnum. In Goura the foramen is totally absent. The skull of Didunculus is exceptional. The basiptery- goid processes are very large. The palatines, instead of widening out posteriorly, are narrow, solid bars throughout their whole extent. HUXLEY states that the internal lamina of these bones is ' altogether obsolete.' I find, however, in my specimen a pair of small downwardly directed hooks arising from where the palatines come into contact poste- riorly, which I take to be the homologues of these structures. Owing to the shortened and curved bill the bony nostrils are much reduced in extent. There is no supraoccipital foramen. There is, as in gallinaceous birds, a fusion between the post- frontal process and the zygoma. There are 15 cervical vertebræ in Goura, Carpophaga, &c., 14 in Columba, Phaps,&c. Vertebræ 15-17 appear to be nearly always ankylosed. The atlas is notched for the odontoid pro- cess. The hypapophyses begin in Goura upon the eleventh cervical and end upon the first dorsal. Four ribs reach the sternum in Goura Victoria, of which the three first bear uncinate processes. Only three reach the sternum in some Fide Newton and GADOW (loc. cit. on p. 314). In Leucosarcia picata I found four fused, and in Geotrygon violacea only two. 312 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS pigeons. The sternum has both spina externa and interna; it has two pairs of notches (Gourci), or one pair of notches and one pair of foramina (Phaps, Carpophaga). The furcula is U-shaped without hypocleidium. The coracoids may meet, but they do not overlap. The following table gives the variations of the principal variable organs in a number of genera :-- Ambiens Cæca i Oil í Gall Gland Bladder; Distribution - . -- -- + + + . Columba Turtur . Leptoptila Macropygia - . . . + + + + - . - - + . - ... - - . - - + + - - + + + . - . - Ectopistes Ianthanas . Chamæpelia. Geotrygon . Metriopelia : Peristera Zenaida . Zenaidura Calanas + + + + + + + + + ooooooo o . + + + . . . + + + + + + + . . . + + + + . 11 . + + . . . + + + Chalcopelia . Chalcophaps · Tympanistria . Ocyphaps .. Leucosarcia . Phaps . Didunculus Carpophaga . Ptilopus. . Erythrænas. Lopholæmus. Treron . . tot + oH + o Cosmopolitan Old World South America Australia, East Indies North America : Japan, Fiji, Samoa America South America South America South America America North America New Guinea, Cbina, Nicobar Africa Australia, East Indies Africa Australia Australia | Australia Samoa East Indies, Pacific Islands Australia, Fiji, · Celebes Madagascar Australia India, East Indies, Africa, Mada- gascar, Celebes, New Guinea New Guinea South Africa Australia, East Indies America East Indies | America Celebes, Timor ! Fiji . . + . 0 o . Oto Oto . O+ . -- - . - Goura . Ena . . Geopelia . . . - - - - vot to tto. ooo ooo - -- - Ottoo ooo --- 2. - Starnanas Phlogenas Columbula Turaccena Chrysana - - - - - - ? + - - COLUMBÆ 313 GARROD included with the Columbæ Pterocles, which I treat of separately. Accordingly, in quoting his classification of the group,' I term families what he termed subfamilies. For him the group contained two families, viz. Columbidæ and Pteroclidæ. The following is, with the alterations referred to, GARROD's scheme of division of the group :- Family I. Columbidæ. Columbæ with ambiens, cæca, oil gland, no gall bladder, and 12 rectrices. Genera: Columba, Turtur, Macropygia, Ectopistes, Leptoptila, Ianthenas. Family II. Phapidæ. Columbæ with ambiens and no сеса. Division A. Oil gland present, no gall bladder. Genera : Chamæpelia. Metriopelia. Zenaida, Zenaidura. Geotrygon. Peristera. Calonas. Chalcopelia. Tympanistrici. Ocyphaps. Leucosarcia. Phaps. Division B. The oil gland and gall bladder present. Genus Carpophaga. Division C. The accessory femoro-caudal absent; oil : gland and gall bladder present. Genus Lopholæmus. Division D. Oil gland and gall bladder absent. Genus Didunculus. Family III. Treronidæ. Columba without ambiens. Division A. With cæca and oil gland; no gall bladder. Genus Phlogænas. 1.On some Points in the Anatomy of the Columbæ,' P. Z. S. 1874, p. 249, and · Notes on Two Pigeons,' &c., ibid. 1875, p. 367. 314 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS MIN Division B. With cæca, no gall bladder, no oil gland. Genus Starnenas. Division C. With oil gland, without gall bladder and cæca. Genera Geopelia, Ena. Division D. Without oil gland (or rudimentary) and cæca; tarsi scutellate. Genera Treron, Ptilopus, Erythrænas. Division E. With cæca, oil gland, and gall bladder ; tarsi reticulate. Genus Goura.. To these must in any case be added another family to include the flightless dodo (Didus) and the equally flightless solitaire (Pezophaps), the former from Mauritius, the latter from Rodriguez, The dodo at the time of its description by Messrs. STRICKLAND and MELVILLE 2 was only very imperfectly known. Subsequently OWEN' gave an account of and figured the greater part of the skeleton. Later still Sir E. NEWTON and GADOW 4 supplemented this account by further details, and published a figure of the first correctly restored and properly mounted skeleton. There are naturally many other notices of this much-written about bird. The skull has the median supra-occipital foramen of some pigeons, but not the basipterygoid processes. The nostrils are schizorhinal. The palatines have, contrary to what is found in Didunculus, with which Sir R. OWEN specially compares Didus, an internal lamina. Neither do the postfrontal process and zygoma meet and fuse, as they do in Didunculis. The interorbital septum is thick and complete. There are 15 cervical vertebræ, and the atlas is notched for the odontoid process. The last cervical and first two dorsals A. and E. NEWTON, 'On the Osteology of the Solitaire,' &c., Phil. Trans. 1869, p. 327; E. NEWTON and J. W. CLARK, “On the Osteology of the Solitaire (Pezopraps solitarius),' ibid. vol. clxviii. 1879, p. 438. ? The Dodo and its Kindred. London, 1848. 3. On the Osteology of the Dodo,' Tr. Zool. Soc. vi. p. 49. 1.On Additional Bones of the Dodo,' &c., ibid. xiii. p. 281. COLUMBÆ 315 are fused. Four ribs reach the sternum, of which the last belongs, as in Pezophaps only, to the first pelvic vertebra. The scapula and coracoid are, as in the Ratites,' ankylosed, and the angle between them approximates to that of the Ratites in its wideness. The sternum has a fair keel, neither spina interna nor externa, and the coracoids do not nearly meet. The clavicles have no hypocleidium. I discuss the affinities of the Columbæ under Pterocletes.. PTEROCLETES 2 Definition.--Aftershaft small; aquincubital. Oil gland nude. A crop present. Cæca long. Muscle formula of leg, ABXY +. Biceps slip and expansor secundariorum present; plantar tendons of type IV. Skull schizognathous, holorhinal, with basipterygoid processes. Both carotids present. This group contains but two genera, Pterocles and Syr- rhaptes, both of which are Old-World in range. Pterocles is more widely spread than Syrrhaptes, extending southwards to Africa and Madagascar. Syrrhaptes is confined to Central Asia. These birds have a pigeon-like aspect, though NEWTON has pointed out that Syrrhaptes has a plover-like flight. The feet are peculiar for the feathering, which extends to the claws; and in Syrrhaptes the three toes (the first is altogether aborted) are encased in a common 'podotheca,' which presents the appearance of 'a fingerless glove.' This is not the case with Pterocles, which, moreover, has the first toe. The sand grouse have a small aftershaft and a nude oil gland. The rectrices vary in number from fourteen to eighteen. Contrary to what is found in the pigeons the newly hatched sand grouse is covered with down, and in the I MOSELEY (On the Structure and Arrangement of the Feathers in the Dodo, Rep. Brit. Ass. for 1884, p. 782) notes that the feathers are disposed in threes, a feature which is, he says, apparent in pictures of the bird. 2 M. BOGDANOW, ‘Bemerkungen über die Gruppe der Pterocliden,' Bull. Soc. Imp. St. Petersb. xxvii. 1881, p. 164; H. Gadow, 'On some points in the Anatomy of Pterocles,' &c., P. 2. S. 1882, p. 312; D. G. ELLIOT, 'A Study of the Pteroclidæ, or Family of the Sand Grouse,' ibid. 1878, p. 233. 316 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS adult there is down upon the apteria. The pterylosis, as figured by NITZSCH, is almost exactly like that of the pigeons, but there are no neck spaces. The beak has no soft 'cere, such as exists among the pigeons. GADOW has contrasted the crop of the sand grouse with that of the pigeon. In the former it is a simple dilatation of the anterior and lateral walls of the æsophagus, without any constriction in the middle line. In the pigeons, on the other hand, the crop consists of two symmetrical swellings of the æsophagus, between wliich is continued the esophagus. The intestinal coils have, according to MITCHELL, an extremely primitive character.' The resemblance to the intestine of the pigeons is great. The Pterocletes differ from the pigeons in the large size of the caca. The lining of the cæca is marked by about six longitudinal folds, according to GADOW, but according to PARKER no less than twelve. In Pterocles the right lobe of the liver is about three times the size of the left. A gall bladder is always present. Figs. 17 and 18 (p. 33) show some variations in the positions of the liver and pancreatic ducts in the sand grouse, which are taken from GADOW's paper upon the anatomy of this group. The syrinx (of Pterocles) is not in the least like that of the Columbæ. The extrinsic muscles are perfectly symmetri- cal, and the intrinsic muscles are enormously developed. The ordinary pair present in the Columbæ are attached to what I regard as the first bronchial semi-ring, and are not specially large ; the second pair' are only visible on the posterior aspect of the windpipe; they are two large fusiform muscles which are inserted in common into the middle line of the trachea, near to its termination. The muscles of the hind limb have been described in some detail by GADOW. The muscle formula is complete, being thus expressible, on GARROD's notation, by the letters ABXY+. There is only one peroneal, the longus, which has the usual attach- ments to the ankle and to the flexor perforatus. UVC | Pterocles arenarius; it appears that P. alchata has not the second larger pair. PTEROCLETES 317 The deep flexor tendons fuse at the ankle, but no branch is given off to the small hallux ; this digit has, however, a special flexor hallucis brevis. GADOW concludes his survey of the muscles of the bird with the following remarks : Of all the other muscles of the leg (excluding ambiens, peroneus, and absent flexor hallucis slip) there is none that shows any practical difference between sand grouse, pigeons, and even (if we include them in our comparison) the plovers. On the whole, however, the myology of Pterocles indicates that it is more nearly allied to the pigeons than to any other group of birds.' The general aspect of the skull of Pterocles arenarius is much like that of a similarly sized pigeon. The nostrils, however, are more distinctly holorhinal, thus leading towards the gallinaceous birds. They end on a level with the ends of the nasal processes of the premaxillaries, and do not narrow at all at their broadly rounded terminations. As is the case with Gorra, Opisthocorus (a fact of possible importance), and. some other holorhinal birds, a plate of bone underlies the ex- tremity of the nostrils, reducing the extent of the orifices. As in pigeons the ectethmoids are very solid plates of bone which fuse with the lacrymals, and nearly reach the jugal bar; only the minutest foramen perforates this plate above. Syrrhaptes ' agrees so far with Pterocles, but has a rather more vacuolated interorbital septum. The post-orbital and post-frontal processes are long, and nearly (Pterocles) or quite (Syrrhaptes) fuse at their extremi- ties, as in some gallinaceous birds. The maxillo-palatines are not like those of pigeons; they are, as in gallinaceous birds, slender curved hooks. The basipterygoid processes are well developed. There are fifteen or sixteen cervical vertebræ. In almost all those respects, remarked HUXLEY,' in which the grouse differ from the fowls they approach the pigeons; and an absolute transition between these groups is effected by the Pteroclidæ, whose popular name of “sand grouse” might fitly See PARKER, 'On the Osteology of Gallinaceous Birds,' &c., Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. v. On 318 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS I CU be exchanged for that of “pigeon grouse."! There is, in my opinion, much to be said for this view, which, however, is not now so generally held. HUXLEY's view was based almost exclusively upon osteological characters, with but slight reference to the anatomy of the soft parts, which were indeed—when he wrote (in 1868)—scarcely known. The several regions of the vertebral column in the sand grouse have the same number of vertebræ as in the 'Alectoromor- phæ,' and ankylosis takes place in the same manner.' The skull is dove-like for the most part; but in certain ways it approaches the Galli. For instance, the maxillo-palatines are alike in both groups of birds ; the union between the squa- mosal and the post-frontal process is gallinaceous; the holorhinal nostrils, which I must term those of Pterocles, indicate a likeness to all the members of the group Galli. The remainder of the skeleton is, in HUXLEY'S opinion, peristeromorphous, but the pelvis is partly grouse-like. Attention may be directed to the likeness of the sand grouse humerus to that of pigeons. The osteological cha- racters, however, are not quite so intermediate in some respects as might be inferred from HUXLEY'S paper. The at least pseudo-holorhinal' nostrils have their counterpart among the Limicolæ, in Thinocorus, and in some others (see below). The solid ectethmoids too are also seen in that group, while GARROD's remark that the Alcæ have a hu- merus like that of Columbæ and Pterocles is suggestive in the light of the unquestionable likeness of the Alcæ for the Limi- colæ, though the actual weight of this character may be thought by some to be discounted by the fact that it is met with in the Psittaci. Moreover Otis, which is to be placed somewhere near the Limicolæ, has the gallinaceous union between the squamosal and the post-frontal process, to which I have referred as possibly affining the Pterocletes to the Galli. Other characters too, which appear at first sight to be arguments in favour of the position taken up by HUXLEY, may be interpreted fairly as marks of affinity with the Limicolæ (and their immediate allies). Such are, for example, the long cæca (with folds in PTEROCLETES 319 the bustards), the crop (present in Thinocorus), the gall bladder, &c. MITCHELL distinctly places both Pterocletes and Columbæ in the neighbourhood of the Limicolæ by reason of the arrangement of the intestinal coils. It is at any rate clear that the Pterocletes occupy a lower place than the Columbæ—that they have given rise to the Columbæ, and not vice versa. The justice of this view is shown by the long cæca, the existence of an aftershaft, the equally unmistakable characters. On the whole it seems not unreasonable to look upon the Pterocletes as not far from possibly not far again from the primitive gallinaceous stock. TURNICES Definition.-Rectrices, twelve. Aftershaft present. Oil gland tufted. Cæca long. Muscle formula of leg, A(B)XY +. Skull ægitho- gnathous, schizorhinal, with basipterygoid processes. Cervical vertebræ, fifteen. Sternum one-notched. This group of birds consists of the genera Turnix and Pedionomnus. It has been confounded with the gallinaceous birds ; but the discovery of PARKER that the skull is ægitho- gnathous, and further investigations into the structure of the group-of which the most important is a recent paper by GADOW 2_have rendered it necessary to remove the two genera from close association with the Galli. Of the two genera Turnix (Hemipodius) is European, African, and Indian in range; Pedionomus is Australian. Besides the external characters mentioned in the defini- tion, which are common to both genera, Pedionomus wants the fifth cubital, which is present in Turnix; there are four toes in Pedionomus ; Turix has lost the small hallux of the former genus. 2 / | LEGGE (P. 2. S. 1869, p. 236), from a consideration of some external cha- racters and habits, was impressed by possible charadriine affinities of Pedio- 211. 20 11 tue ? "Notes on the Structure of Pedionomus torquatus,' &c., Records Austral. Mus. i. 1891, p. 205. 320 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS As to the pterylosis, there is a long spinal apterion, which begins on a level with the shoulder joint and reaches to a little beyond the level of the hip joint. Thence the two dorsal tracts are continued on as a single tract to the feathered oil gland. On the neck below there is no apterion; the two tracts then divide, leaving a bare interclavicular space; they divide again on a level with the anterior end of the carina sterni into a lateral thick patch and a median thinner one ; this latter swells out in its course and then again dwindles, being continued to the cloacal aperture by a few scattered feathers. . The pectoralis I. (at any rate in T. Sykesi) is two-layered. The tensor patagii brevis tendon gives off a wristward slip, but there is no patagial fan. There is no biceps slip, but the expansor secundariorum is present (? as to both these structures in Pedionomus). The muscle formula of the leg is the complete one ABXY+ in Pedionomus ; Turnix has lost the accessory femoro-caudal for the most part--not, however, in T. Kleinschmidti, where it is present. It is remarkable that in Pedionomus it is not B but A which is on the wane. Both carotids are present in Pedionomus, only the left in Turniz; but in Pedionomus the left is the weaker and not the right, as might perhaps have been suspected. The alimentary canal has no crop, but the upper half of the desophagus is very dilatable’ in Pedionomus). The ceca are well developed; the liver in both genera is split into three nearly equisized lobes. The gall bladder is present. The syrinx (of Turnix lepurana) is not at all gallinaceous in its characters. The tracheal rings are weak and carti- laginous. The intrinsic muscles are thick and originate in close contact from the anterior face of the trachea ; they are inserted some way down the bronchi on to the opposite face of the tubes. In Hemipodius tachydromus the windpipe is very soft, and is much dilated in front of the origin of the intrinsic muscles, which, as in the last species, are large. Our knowledge of the osteology of the Hemipodes is LCU TURNICES 321 12 LI chiefly due to PARKER, who has described in detail the entire skeleton of Hemipodius varius, and also the skull of Turnix rostrata. The atlas is perforated for the odontoid. There are 15 cervical vertebræ, of which Nos. 10-15 bear hæmapophyses. None of the dorsals are ankylosed. The sternum is reached by three or four ribs, and has one pair of deep lateral incisions cutting off two long thin postero- lateral processes. The skull is ægithognathous in its vomer, broad in front, and double posteriorly, and in the slender hook-like maxillo- palatines ; the latter, however, are not unlike those of many gallinaceous birds, while HUXLEY has compared the vomer with that of Tetrao urogallus. The nostrils are pseudo- holorhinal, and, as in pigeons, there is a considerable alinasal ossification, reducing the long nares, which are perfectly pervious. As is also the case with the pigeons, the ecteth- moids are large and solid, and have fused with the lacrymals. There are well-marked basipterygoid processes. ILU RALLI Definition - Aftershaft usually present. Carotids, two. Muscle formula of leg, ABX(Y) +. Expansor secundariorum always present. Tensor patagii brevis without recurrent slip to tensor patagii longus. Cæca long. Skull schizognathous and holo- rhinal. The rails are a group of birds of very uniform structure. They have as a rule a tufted oil gland, but Porzana carolina is an exception. The aftershaft is present. The rectrices vary in number from 10 (Aramides cayennensis) through 12 (Porzana carolina) to 14 (Ocydromus Earlei). The spinal tract encloses a long narrow apterion, which commences earlier in Rallus aquaticus than in Fulica atra. The latter bird has almost a gap between the anterior and posterior parts of the spinal tracts. The pectoral tract of 12 In his papers on the osteology of gallinaceous birds and of the ægitho- gnathous skull in Zool. Trans. vols. v. ix. X. 322 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LUUU each side is double in Rallus and Ocydromus, single in Fulica. The following are the intestinal measurements of a series of species :- 11 12 UUUUU LU - ------------- - ----- - --- - - Small Int. Large Int. . Cæca - - - -- - - - - . -- --.. . .. Inches 15 - .. .. Inches 1.25 Inches 1.5 .. in . 27 - - 3.5 2.5 - .- - 1.5 0 74 14 6.5 - .. . - - -- --- - - - --- - - - ----- Rallus aquaticus Ocydromus sylvestris 0. lefresnayanus . 3.5 O. Earlei . . : Aramides cayenilcisis 1.5 1.75 Porzana carolina. . 2.251 Crex pratensis . . Porphyrio madagascariensis 1 Gallinula chloropus . 39 Fulica atrc . . F. ardesiaca . . 391 3 Tribonyx Mortieri,.. 40-5 275 6, 6.75 - : ---- --- The folds of the intestine (fig. 159) are remarkably like those of the cranes (fig. 158), so much so that on intestinal characters only the two groups could not be separated. There is no crop; the proventriculus is zonary ; the stomach a gizzard.' The right lobe of the liver is larger than the left, and the gall bladder is always present. The atlas is notched for the odontoid process ; it has no lateral canals. The number of cervical vertebræ is 15 in Fulica ardesiaca, in which there are 7 complete ribs (6 in Ocydromus). On the eleventh cervical (of Fulica ardesiaca) the catapophyses nearly unite; the hæmapophyses, up which the catapophyses do not climb, extend as far as the second dorsal. The sternum has very long lateral processes, with a larger or smaller spina externa. The clavicle comes into near relations with both procoracoid and scapula. In the skull? there are no basipterygoid processes, and the lacry- mals (in Fulica, Ocydromus, and Aramides) do not join the 21 VO UL LCIUL 1 In Porzana notata the cæca are minute—8 inch in length. Cf. Parride among Limicolæ. ? C. G. GIEBEL, 'Osteologie der gemeinen Ralle,' &c., Zeitschr. ges. Naturw. V. (1855), p. 185. SHUFELDT, Osteology of certain Cranes, Rails, and their Allies,' J. Anat. Phys. 1895, p. 2; and Osteology of Porxana carolina,' Journ. Comp. Med. Surg. 1888. RALLI 323 D ectethmoids, as they do in all charadriiform birds. The ectethmoids themselves in all rails that I have examined send a process upwards, which joins the frontal bone and leaves a foramen for the passage of nerves. The interorbital septum is widely fenestrate. The pelvis in the rails has a longer preacetabulum than postacetabular portion. The ilia are vertical in their plane anteriorly, and in Tribonyx and Fulica are completely sepa- PE TO S INI KIROKRUŽE mo LUCT TYYYYY Fig. 158.-- INTESTINES OF Cariana cristata (AFTER MITCHELL). 2, short-circuiting vessel. Fig. 159.-INTESTINES OF Crex pra- tensis (AFTER MITCHELL). .2, as in fig. 158. rated from each other by the fused neural spines of the vertebræ. In Aramides and Ocydromus, on the other hand, the ilia reach the summit of those neural spines. In all these rails the pubes are fairly strong bones, which are not ankylosed anywhere with the ischia. Nearly all the Rallidæ have a biceps slip. Ocydromus Earlei and Rallus maculatus are the only exceptions known to me. The tensor brevis is simpler than in many birds ; in Ocydromus Earlei it consists of only a single tendon. In Crex, as in most others, this tendon gives off a wristward slip. In Aramides and Porphyrio martinicus the hinder branch of the tendon is very feeble, and in the latter does not reach the fore arm. In no rail is there any distal LUI Y 2 324 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS L patagial fan, a fact justly emphasised by FORBES ? in dis- criminating from the rails the somewhat rail-like Parra. In some (e.g. Ocy dromus Earlei, Aramides) the tendon of the tensor brevis does not run over the arm to the ulnar side, but in others (e.g. Crex) it does. The anconcus has a humeral attachment. FÜRBRINGER figures in Porphyrio an interesting con- dition of the biceps and of the biceps slip. The biceps slip arises by a tendinous head close to, but apparently inde- pendently of, the humeral head of the biceps. Close to the coracoidal head of the biceps springs a ligament which is inserted on to the humerus just in front of the origin of the humeral head. This ligament seems to be a detached portion of the biceps, since in the Steganopodes (9.v.; cf. also FÜRBRINGER, pl. xxvi.) it is perfectly continuous with the biceps. In the leg both peroneals are present, with the usual insertions. The deep flexor tendons are often of No. I. type. But in Aramides there is a modification of this in the shape of a second vinculum, attached partly to the tendon just before its trifurcation and partly to the special tendon of digit II. In Ocydromus Earlei the second vinculum is also present, but feebler, not having the second attachment to the flexor of digit II. The syrinx in the rails is of a quite typical tracheo- bronchial form, except for the fact that the intrinsic muscles are attached rather far down the bronchi-to the fourth bronchial semi-rings in Ocydromus, Aramides, and some others. In Ocy dromus sylvestris none of the tracheal rings are fused; the first two bronchial semi-rings are ossified, and there is an ossified pessulus. In Aramides the last three tracheal rings are partly fused; the last two of these and the first two bronchial semi-rings are ossified; there is no ossified pessulus. In Fulica (ardesiaca and leucoptera) the bronchidesmus, which is incomplete, is at first strengthened I'Notes on the Anatomy and Systematic Position of the Jaçanas,' P. Z. S. 1881, p. 639. RALLI 325 1 19 l by two yellow elastic pads of tissue springing from the membrana tympaniformis. The genera Heliornis and Podica—the former American, the latter Old-World in distribution-seem to require a sepa- rate family for their reception. The structure of these two birds has been mainly investigated by myself ; 1 the skeleton, however, has been described by BRANDT also.? In neither bird is there an aftershaft, though the oil gland is tufted. Unlike other rails they are quintocubital. The pterylosis is essentially ralline. In Heliornis the neck is nearly continuously feathered, there being only a short vental apterion. The dorsal tract is strong between the shoulder blades, and is forked; the hinder parts of the tracts scarcely join the anterior ; they become fused some way in front of the oil gland. In Podica senegalensis, but not in Heliornis, the ventral tracts are undivided. The less degree of specialisation is seen in other features of the anatomy of the smaller American finfoot. The muscle formula of the leg in both genera is ABX+, the Y of the rails not being developed. The chief peculiarity of the leg muscles, however, concerns the biceps. This is a very large muscle; in Podica it has no less than three separate insertions on the leg. First there is the ordinary insertion through a perfectly normal sling ; just before this tendon a branch is given off which is inserted independently on to the leg some way further down. In addition there is an extensive insertion on to the fascia covering the calf of the leg. In Heliornis the muscle is somewhat simplified, only the first and third insertions being present. The complications of the biceps may have some relation to swimming; for in certain auks (q.v.) there is a similar gastrocnenial attachment. I. On the Anatomy of Podica senegalensis,'P. Z. S. 1890, p. 425 ; 'On the Osteology, Pterylosis, and Muscular Anatomy of the American Finfoot (Heliornis surinamensis),' Ibis, 1993, p. 30. 2 Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Naturgeschichte der Vögel,' &C., Mem. Ac. Sci. St. Petersburg, 1840, p. 81. See also GIEBEL, ‘Zur Naturgeschichte des surinamischen Wasserhuhns Pocloa surinamensis,' Zeitschr. ges. Naturw. xviii. 1861, p. 424, and NITZSCH's Pterylography. 326 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The deep flexor tendons of Heliornis are remarkable (see fig. 160) for the fact that both tendons split into three branches for the three digits before they unite, the slip to the hallux being given off from the flexor hallucis previously. The conditions which characterise Podica are unknown. In the fore limb some of the muscles are characteristic, and differ from those of the rails. The patagialis brevis consists in ET.p . . . . . . samt- 54. LSIA . . . . I FIG. 160.- DEEP FLEXOR TENDONS OF Heliornis (AFTER BEDDARD). t, fl. hallucis ; B, il. communis ; 1-4, slips to digits. Fig. 161.--PATAGIAL MUSCLES OF Heliornis (AFTER BEDDARD) Tp, tensor patagii ; Bi, biceps; Bi.s, biceps slip; x, tendinous slip. both of a simple undivided tendon, which has not more than an indication of a patagial fan. This indication is seen only in Heliornis (fig. 161) in the shape of an upwardly directed tendinous slip, to which, a little before its termination, apparently upon the patagium—a well-developed biceps slip is attached. In Podica the biceps slip ends freely upon the patagium. Both these conditions are different from what is met with in the rails, but are to some extent paralleled among the grebes. In Podiceps the biceps slip ends freely upon the patagium, as in Podica. In Æchmophorus (p. 387) the biceps slip is connected directly with the patagial fan. The likeness between that bird and Heliornis appears to me to be unmistakable. The expansor secundariorum is present, and the anconcus ܂ RALLI 329 is anchored to the humerus. The finfoot agrees with the divers in the extensive origin of the posterior latissimus dorsi from the front end of the ilium. The largely tendinous origin of the rhomboidei appears to point in the same direc- tion. As to the alimentary viscera, there are long cæca; the right lobe of the liver is the larger ; a gall bladder is stated by GIEBEL to be present in Heliornis. I did not find one in Podica, but the matter doubtless requires re-examination. LAB . FIG. 162.–SYRINX OF Podica senegalensis (AFTER BEDDARD). Fig. 163.-STERNUM OF Heliornis. VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) The syrinx is typically tracheo-bronchial, and in no way remarkable. The osteology of the Heliornithidæ is not very decisive as to their affinities. In Podica there are seventeen cervical vertebræ, an advance upon the fifteen of the rails and an approach to the twenty-one of Podiceps. Six ribs reach the sternum in both genera of Heliornithidæ. The sternum has but one pair of notches, and in Podica, at any rate, the spina externa is well developed. The skull is, on the whole, rail- like, bearing, perhaps, a greater resemblance to Aramides than to any other genus of rails. The clavicles, contrary to what is met with in the rails, reach, and are firmly attached to, the carina sterni. The pelvis (fig. 164) of the Heliornithidæ is in some respects UU 328 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS KIZ U 1 OST TI! ta IV W 11 . ** Illit NLIMI 2 AN NON Je DIR Y L ENT If 111WUWU IIIIIIIIIII millimit M1 ZO. a 2017 2.UZ PTT . 1 . S .! . 2 RAY www w VY Nerd . HUNDA A W KO . . M . . . . . AL . . .. WOW . . IN SS . .. . h ko .. ... TANITE - 117 Il . . du . IN . I Y . Chil - VA . . UDHIW ! .. ** . **** W . .. . . . . birit . . u 2 . , . . 150 . . M ... . . . . . .. . . IINA . www 13. . . www . . . . . . where . FEC: . . . SU W . . S . UU . . . Unis S . w STO www > . . www. . . VILA TS ca 1. . 1 . w Ella III 2 WA 9 VN 11 FIG. 164.–LATERAL VIEW OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN, PELVIS AND STERNUM OF Podica senegalensis (AFTER BEDDARD). . NO w W WN HAT: VI W VM 111111 M . MUV WWW MM . . ! . Wh . . Do withili w :iflilli WIRE . re Will RIVO RE WA . A . ST RI VI WW SIM .? What illetility . S . . HULUMISI!!! SS. . . *. .. ..: : - : .:.:. + 1 . : . .. A : . . . S . - . .. - C - . F . .. .. . . . . . . . . .... .. . . . SEN NU : : YL A . YEN ** Emm !! WIRU !! ASUN MWAY W III! C SO RU ZANIA S BES re . HINO SUS PUT 2111 ... . 1:1 .. www. . 7 . P" SE . AN . WITH VIII ** VISI CM '. SE SO ... SA ... . ". - III . ws RALLI unlike that of the typical rails. As in Fulica, the ilia are widely separated by the fused neural spines of the dorsal . ... .. .... . . '.' A . plus Dib ilur SS !! . OA S ZI WA R:E:) Fig. 165.-SKULL OF Podica. LATERAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) vertebræ concerned; but the ischia are broader and directed more downwards (their position is, in fact, more primitive) www 31 , I RE . . 4 2: 6. 6 7 CS TY 1 . . 1. * . St. 1 . W Fig. 166.-SKULL OF Helioris. VENTRAL AND LATERAL VIEWS. Fig. 167.-SKULL OF Podica. VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) than in the rails, while the pubes are ankylosed at least at one point with the ischia. There are a considerable number of extinct rails, many of which were flightless, thus showing an exaggeration of a 330 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS IC 1 1 tendency of many existing rails which either do not fly much or are but feebly fitted for flying. It is particularly upon small islands that these flightless rails have been discovered, both living and fossil, and in islands where loss of flight may be regarded as having been of less importance as a disadvantage in the struggle for existence. Thus in New Zealand there was (until recently) the large Notornis, whose skeleton has been described by T. J. PARKER. The last living specimen was taken in 1879. From the Chatham Islands are known Palceolimnas chathamensis and Nesolimas Dieffenbachii. The skeletons of these rails have been described by H. O. FORBES,2 MILNE-EDWARDS,3 and ANDREWS; 4 the latter by ANDREWS. Nesolimnas ap- pears to be not yet extinct; the former species is. Another form from the Chatham Islands was originally described under the generic name of Aphanapteryx, and supposed to be congeneric with A. Broecki of Mauritius. Both of these birds have been dealt with by MILNE-EDWARDS and ANDREWS. Diaphorapteryx Hawkinsi was a largish rail, with the keel of the sternum much reduced, being about half the height of the keel of the flying Hypotonidia celebensis and slightly less than that of Ocydromus. The scapula and coracoid make an exceedingly wide angle, as in all flightless birds- about 130 degrees. The resemblances of Diaphorapteryx to Aphanapteryx are set down by ANDREWS and GADOW to parallelism of development, and not to real affinity. Palceolimnas chathamensis is not, as was at one time thought, identical with Fulica Newtoni of Mauritius ; it may, however, be the same as Fulica prisca of New Zealand. The bird is much like Fulica in osteological characters, the principal difference being the large size of the impressions T'On the Skeleton of Notornis Mantelli,' Tr. N. Zeal. Inst. xiv. (1881), p. 245. ? In Nature, xlv. (1892), p. 416; ibid. p. 580 ; and Ibis, 1893, p. 254. 3. Sur les Ressemblances qui existent entre la Faune,' &c., Anii. Sci. Nat. (8), ii. 1896, p. 117. 4.On the Extinct Birds of the Chatham Islands,' parts i. and ii.; Novitates Zool. iii. p. 73 et seq., p. 260 et seq.; and Note on the Skeleton of Diap7101 - apteryx Hawkinsi, Geol. Mag. 1896, p. 337. RALLI 331 for the supra-orbital glands. The keel is reduced as com- pared with living coots, its height being 12 mm. as compared with 17 mm. and 15 mm. in F. atra and F. cristata. The wing is short in proportion to the leg, shorter than in F. atra"; but ANDREWS thinks that the bird ‘may still have been capable of heavy flight for short distances.' Nesolimnas is a more aberrant form in some particulars. It may be still living, but the only specimen was obtained in 1840. The most striking feature in the osteology of this bird appears to be the schizorhinal nostrils, which do not occur elsewhere in the rails (as defined in the present volume). The wings are reduced, but the scapula and the coracoid do not make a wide angle (forty-five as against sixty for Ocy- dromus). Of the extinct European rails described by MILNE-EDWARDS, from the Eocene and Miocene, a number of species have been described and referred to the genus Rallus. Gypsornis is believed to be most nearly akin to Aramides. OTIDES Definition.--Three-toed birds. Oil gland absent. Aftershaft present. Aquincubital. Skull schizognathous, holorhinal, without basi- pterygoid processes. Muscle formula, BXY +. Cæca long. No biceps slip. Expansor secundariorum present. Syrinx without intrinsic muscles. THE bustards are undoubtedly a much-specialised group, not (in my opinion) distinctly nearer to the charadriiform birds, where they are placed by FÜRBRINGER, than to the cranes, with which they are associated by GADOW. They are distinguished from all their allies by the total absence of an oil gland. The feathers have an aftershaft. There are twenty rectrices in Otis and Houbara, sixteen in Eupodotis Denhami, eighteen in Tetrax. In both Otis and Tetrax the lateral neck spaces are reduced to a rudiment on each side close to the shoulder. The dorsal tract is divided high up on the back of the neck; the two halves come nearer together, and at the same time 332 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Van get broader in the lumbar region; they finally completely fuse to form a broad and uninterrupted tract. The ventral tract is undivided in the neck in Otis ; it is very broad in the pectoral region, where it divides into two narrow bands, with an indication of a third in the form of a slightly divergent outer group of particularly strong feathers. The two pairs of narrow tracts unite round the cloaca. In Eupodotis australis the dorsal tract is divided high up on the neck, the ends of the tracts at ends of scapula are particularly strongly feathered, and the two halves of the posterior region of the dorsal tract run in anteriorly between the anterior forks. The ventral tract has a fainter indication than in Otis of the outermost branch. It does not appear again to divide into two. A striking peculiarity of the bustards is the variability of the carotids. In Otis and Houbara there are two; in Eupo- dotis only the right; in Tetrax only the left. The following are intestinal measurements :- CUU - -- - - - -- -- Small Int. Large Int. Caca - - - -- - - - - - - ------- -------- Inchies liches 46 28.5 42 - 4.75 11 ! Iuclies 10.5 13.5 and 14 14:5 9.5 and 8.75 7.5 and 9 - 9 Otis tarda Eupodotis australis E. kori, . . E. crabs . . . | E. Denlami . . Houbara undulata H. Macqueeni . . · Tetrax campestris . 29 4.5 22 4.5 - 18 36 30 31 - - 6.25 - - -- - - - -- - - - -- --- -- LA The ccecum of Otis tarda is highly remarkable. The median third of the gut is much dilated, and is lined by a smooth mucous membrane, which is marked by about seven slightly raised longitudinal folds, which are visible externally, but connected with no sacculation. Scattered about are numerous circular glands, of the size of hemp seed. The terminal part of each cæcum, which is some two inches in length, has villi, like intestine. The apical region has not, but there is a close retiform disposition of mucous membrane, which gradually passes into longitudinal folds of the middle OTIDES 333 12 region. The cæca of Eupodotis Denhami appear to be much the same. In Eupodotis australis the cæca are not dilated only in the middle, as are those of Otis tarda, but for the apical eleven or twelve inches or so. The dilated region is lined with irregular folds. E. Denhami agrees with 0.tarda. The liver lobes are equal, or (Tetrax) the right is the larger. A gall bladder is present. The bustards (at any rate Eupodotis Denhami) are remark- able for possessing a rudimentary penis, as does the perhaps nearly allied Edicnemus. It is a short blunt cone, grooved above, with a row of glandular pores on each side below. Internally there are two oval spongy bodies, attached to anterior part of sphincter muscle, and external to these on each side are retractor muscles, attached to back of cloaca. The bustards have a tracheo-bronchial syrinx, but the intrinsic muscles are either absent or, if present, are but feebly developed. Eupodotis australis has perhaps the least modified syrinx. The first two or three bronchial semi-rings seem really to belong to the tracheal series, on account of their greater depth and slighter dividing membranous intervals than those which follow. The intrinsic muscles are reduced to a narrow ligament, fanning out somewhat below. In E. kori the ligament representing the intrinsic muscle of each side is even feebler, and in E. Denhami it has abso- lutely vanished. In all the above species the rings and semi-rings preserve their independence, and are not fused, except one or two ventrally to form the pessulus, which is strong and ossi- fied. · In Otis, on the other hand, the pessulus is slender and cartilaginous, being formed by one ring only. There are no traces of intrinsic muscles. The genus Houbara has a rather peculiar syrinx, which, however, like the last, is without intrinsic muscles. It is compressed from side to side just before the bifurcation. But the 'waist,' thus formed does not correspond to the . CU 1 334 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 boundary line between trachea and bronchi; it lies between the penultimate and antepenultimate tracheal rings. In front of the last three tracheal rings there is no par- ticular modification of the trachea. The antepenultimate ring is strongly ossified in front, where it is convex downwards, thus leaving a considerable membranous interval between itself and the ring in front. The next ring is of the same size, and also ossified in front; the tough and elastic mem- brane uniting the two can be easily stretched. The last tracheal ring is much narrower, but also ossified in front; it passes into the cartilaginous pessulus. Posteriorly these rings are incomplete, but are joined by a particularly tough membrane. The bronchial semi-rings are delicate, and not so long (from before backwards); they naturally diminish successively in length. The above description refers to H. Macqueeni, but A. undulata hardly differs. The bustards exhibit a phenomenon known as 'showing off,' which is associated with certain anatomical peculiarities. The appearance of the male bird, when indulging in this display, is illustrated by a plate which accompanies Dr. MURIE's paperl upon the subject. The neck is immensely puffed out, so as actually to trail upon the ground. This singular behaviour on the part of the cock bird during the breeding season is not confined to the European Otis tarda; it has been observed in both Eupodotis australis and E. Denhami. It is curious that, though the result to all out- ward appearance is much the same, the mechanism which produces the inflation of the neck differs in the two cases. In Eupodotis the anterior section of the oesophagus becomes dilated. In Otis there is a special pouch developed between the two halves of the lingual frenum, which extends for a considerable way down the neck. The tensores patagii are fairly characteristic. No bustard . 1 P. 2. S. 1868, p. 471; Sir W. ELLIOT, 'Notes on the Indian Bustard,' &c., P.Z. S. 1880, p. 486. See also FLOWER, P. 2. S. 1865, p. 747 ; NEWTON, Ibis, 1862, p. 107; MURIE, P. 2. S. 1869, p. 140; GARRON, ibid. 1874, pp. 471, 673; FORBES, ibid. 1880, p. 477. · ? Cf. similar pouch in duck Biziura, v. p. 458. . 335 OTIDES VII has a biceps slip. In Eupodotis Denhami the brevis tendon is a broad fibrous band spreading out after the ulnar muscles and inserted on to humeral tubercle. In Eupodotis australis and Houbara Macqueeni there is, in addition, a broad wrist- ward slip which does not cross the fore arm. In Otis tarda the extreme degree of complication is reached, for there is, in addition to the structures described, a slight patagial fan joining the longus tendon in the usual way. The anconaus has a tendinous humeral head (at least in Eripodotis australis and Otis tarda). Otis has no latissi- mus dorsi posterior. As in other three-toed birds, the deep flexor tendons are completely blended. The gluteus maximus is large and quite covers the biceps. The number of cervical vertebre is sixteen, seventeen (fide GADOW and FÜRBRINGER), or eighteen (Houbara Mac- queeni). The atlas is notched. In Houbara Macqueeni at any rate the eleventh to thirteenth cervicals have closely approximated hæmapophyses. The last hæmapophysis is on the D1; in the two vertebræ in front these processes are trifid. Five ribs reach the sternum, all of them with uncinate processes. The sternum has two notches. There is neither spina externa nor spina interna. In the skull the margins of the orbit are very sharp, as in Edicnemus and Rhinochetus. The interorbital septum is not greatly fenestrate. The descending process of the lacry- mal just comes into contact, but does not ankylose, with the prefrontal process of the ethmoid. The maxillo-palatine processes are curved and shell-like. In Houbara Macqueeni at any rate this bóne reaches the jugal arch. The temporal fossa is guarded by two long and spine-like processes of the squamosal bones, as in gallinaceous birds, and much more marked than in Rhinochetus. The procoracoid is of moderate size and does not reach the clavicle. The two coracoids are not in contact at their articulation with sternum. : I place the bustards in a group by themselves, largely 336 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 2 .2.1 on account of the fact that they are in several respects much . altered by modification from their allies. They show evidence of degeneration in the loss of the oil gland, in the occasional loss of one of the two carotids, in the absence of the biceps slip, and in the reduced muscle formula of the leg. GARROD associated with the bustards the Cariamidæ, Edicnemidæ, Serpentarius, and possibly Phonicopterus. There is, in my opinion, more to be said in favour of associating the first two families with the bustards than the last two. But, as I have pointed out elsewhere, Serpentarius shows more than one hint of a crane-like origin. As to the first two groups, they agree with the bustards in the muscle formula BXY, in the holorhinal nostrils, in the absence of the biceps slip (Cariama), the absence of basipterygoid processes, the absence or feeble development of intrinsic muscles to the syrinx; the oil gland too, absent in the bustards, is nude in the cariamas, and thus shows a commencing reduction. But these various cases of reduction cannot be held to be necessarily indications of relationship. I should, however, lay some stress upon the holorhinal nostrils, the leg muscles, and the syrinx; in this case the same conclusion as that advanced by FÜRBRINGER is arrived at, viz. that the Otides come nearest to the Edicnemidæ. The very difficulty of associating the Otides with either gruiform or charadriiform birds is evidence of the common descent of all three divisions of the class. LIMICOLÆ Definition.---Oil gland feathered. Aftershaft present. Aquincubital. Skull schizognathous. Both carotids present. Cæca nearly always large. Ambiensalways present. Biceps slip to patagium nearly always present. This is a large group of birds which are cosmopolitan in range and embrace a variety of types, which may perhaps be arranged in six families. The type family is that of the SEEBOHM, The Geographical Distribution of the Charadriidæ, &c., London, 1887. A monograph of all the species (excl. gulls). ? Rhynchups is alone exceptional in having no ambiens. LIMICOLÆ 337 TY Charadriidæ, which contains the largest number of genera ; the remaining families are not separated from it by very numerous points of difference, and the group as a whole is very near to the gulls, which I only divide as a family. The birds of this group, though they are generally good flyers, are mostly found upon the margins of the sea or of marshes and pools; and their long bills are apparently constructed with a view to probing the mud and sand of such localities for their food, which is, with the exception of the vegetable-feeding Thinocoridæ, animal. The bill is usually long, and, in the woodcock, soft at the extremity, reminding us of the bill of Apteryx, being used, indeed, for the same purpose, to extract earthworms. In the curlew (Numenius) the bill is curved downwards, as in the ibis. In the avocet (Recurvirostra avocetta) it is curved upwards; in Eurynorhynchus it is spatulate at the extremity, and, finally, in the crooked-billed plover it is bent sideways. The legs are often long, and the toes moderately or very much so (Parridæ). There are either four toes, the hallux being small, as in the whimbrels, pratincole, &c., or the hallux and the remaining toes also are of enormous length, as in the Parridæ only; in many forms, such as the stilt plover, the hallux is absent. In Recurvi- rostra and Himantopus andinus the feet are well webbed. In the phalaropes the feet are lobate. The colour of these last-mentioned birds is suggestive of that of the mature gulls, just as the markings of the immature gulls is suggestive of the coloration of many Limicolæ, such as the dunlin, knot, &c. The number of rectrices varies from ten in Rhynchoa and twelve in Eurynorhynchus to as many as twenty-six in Scolopax. The face in Lobivanellus is adorned with fleshy lobes, so often found in birds. The pterylosis of the Limicolæ has been chiefly studied by NITZSCH,' who figures Scolopax and Charadrius. The dor- sal tract, single on the neck, bifurcates between the shoulders into two strong bands, which either are (Scolopax) or are not (Charadrius) continuous with the anteriorly bifurcate pos- terior section of the dorsal tract. The ventral tract divides i See also ANDERSON as quoted on p. 343. 1 nn UUUU LCU 338 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS I'M A NR at the beginning of the neck; on the breast each half gives off a strong lateral branch. All the Charadriidæ, and indeed all the Limicolæ,' are schi- zognathous; but many of them have not the typical condition of the vomer which accompanies as a rule the schizognathous skull. In the woodcut (fig. 169) a few exceptions to this are given, which range from the typical condition observable in Sterna to an excavated extremity, such as charac- terises Recurvirostra. In Chionis the vomer ends in the typical manner, i.e. in a point; but it is exceedingly broad before its termination, and therefore quite unusual. In Thinocorus and Attagis the vomer is short and broad, and almost passerine in form. The maxillo-palatines are, as a rule, thin and scroll-like plates, which are bent downwards and often defi- cient in ossification, leaving holes here and there. The palatines have a spout-like process, extending upwards towards the base of the skull, which is especially well marked in Edicne- mus. The Limicolæ are nearly all of them schizorhinal, the delicate bar of Fig. 168. - UNDER VIEW or SKULL or Charadrius pluvi- the premaxilla being inserted at a alis (AFTER HUXLEY). different plane from the attachment Pmz, premaxilla ; Vo. vomer; Mx, maxilla; Pi, palatine; R, ros of the nasals to the frontals. In the palatines ; *, ectetlimoid. Charadriidæ proper there are a pair of largish occipital vacuities, one on either side of the foramen magnum. These same birds have basi-occipital processes, LAG . 2 Aft ..! RAH wand . . 7 17 7:1722 Alap A 17 . KNIHY le " 11 VUE ICM FOTO 2 21. 11 PAVILI Het WL 1 11 uw . llo 26 RAPOVI * Mr. 11 maxilla; PP, palatine; R, ros- trum; Na, nasa! ; Mliep, waxillo- SHUFELDT (* Contributions to the Comparative Osteology of Arctic and Subarctic Water Birds,' J. Anat. Phys. 1989 and 1890) figures a few skulls of Limicolæ. See also the same, 'On Aphriza virgata,' Juurn. Morph. ii. p. 311. See also Osteology of Numerius,' &c., Journ. Anat. Phys. 1885, p. 51; • Observations on the Osteology of Podlasocys inontarus,' ibid. 1884, p. 86. LIMICOLÆ 339 which vary somewhat in the degree of their development. The lacrymal bone articulates with the ectethmoid, and makes a complete arch of bone in the anterior region of the orbit. The bones are particularly slender in Himantopus, leaving, there- fore, a large vacuity. In one or two types the foramen of the arch is almost obliterated by the thickness of the ectethmoid. The upper margin of the orbits in the Charadriidæ is marked with conspicuous grooves for the supra-orbital glands. There are fifteen cervical vertebræ in Hematopus, Ni- menius, &c. The atlas is perforated by the odontoid (Numenius, 2002 UU FIG. 169.--VOMERS OF VARIOUS Limicolce (AFTER GARROD). 1. Sterna Tvirundo. 2. Hematopus Ostralegus. 3. Numenius arquatus. 4. Recurvirostra avocetta. 5. Chionis alba. ra Limosa). The Limicolæ differ from the Grues in the fact that only one or two vertebræ (the ninth in Limosa) are furnished with two fairly closely approximated hæmapophyses for the reception of the carotids. In. Numenius these exist on the ninth and tenth, and there are traces on the eleventh. The first dorsal vertebra, or the first two, has a large distally expanded hæmapophysis, an indication of a state of affairs which is carried much further in the allied group of Alcæ (q.v.) In these points the gulls may be contrasted with the more typical Limicolæ. There are no paired hæmapophyses borne by the centra. The unpaired hæmapophyses extend (in Lestris) from C10 to C15; on D1-3 there are slightly bifid hæmapophyses. The atlas is notched. In Chionis C10 has a slightly excavated hæmapophysis, 2 2 340 OF BIRDS 7 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION a trace of the double one of other birds. The hæmapophyses of D1, D2 are the longest, and the former is slightly trifid; this trifidity is very marked in the case of the two last cervicals. The atlas is notched. In Parra, as in the typical Limicolæ, the atlas is perforated by the odontoid process. On the eleventh vertebra only do the two processes, which form an incompletely closed canal for the carotids, approach each other markedly in the middle line. The first dorsal vertebra has the largest hæmapophysis, which is flattened slightly distally. (Ediciemus, with a notched atlas, has paired ventral out- growths for the carotid, closely approximated only on C10. The three following have median blade-like hæmapophyses. On the fourteenth to sixteenth there are lateral outgrowths of these. The first dorsal has the last and the strongest hæmapophysis. In Attagis the atlas is perforated ; the hæmapophyses are very feeble. In Limosa and in other genera the clavicle is attached by ligaments to the acrocoracoid, procoracoid (which is mode- rately developed and curved upwards), and scapula. The two coracoids are not in contact at articulation with sternum ; the latter is two-notched and has the spina externa only; six ribs reach it. The same statements may be made about Hæmatopus and Numenius, Eudromias (all examined by myself), as well as other genera. The pelvis of Numerius may serve as a type for that of the Limicolæ. The preacetabular portion of the ilium is about equal in length to the postacetabular portion of that bone; the tivo bones are excavated horizontally, and are just prevented from coming into contact by the fused neural spines of the 1 rtebræ. The pubes are strongish bones and not fused with te ischia. The ischia end in long thin processes which · tend back beyond the ilia and nearly as far as the ends of ne pubes. Hæmatopus and Limosa are much the same. hionis hardly differs. In Parra the pelvis has rather more e look of that of a rail. The pelvis of Attagis is wider 12001 VUUUU 1 LIMICOLÆ 341 22) III 1722222.21 DITULO O than that of other Limicolæ, and the ilia are rather further apart. In (Edicnemus bistriatus, but not in E. grallarius, the ischium has a well-marked pubic process, which reaches the pubis. As to the muscular anatomy, there is great uniformity in the tensores patagii of this group. Charadrius pluvialis may serve as a type. In that bird there is a biceps slip ; the tensor brevis early divides into two, of which the anterior is again divided not far from its ending; a recurrent slip runs to the longus. The same disposition of tendons is found in Glareola, Numenius, Scolopax, Himantopus, Vanellus, Machetes, Parra, Recurvirostra, Totanus, Limosa, the only differences being that in some (e.g. Parra jacana) the middle only of the three tendons which are inserted upon the fore arm is continued over the muscles of the fore arm to the lower border of the ulna, while in others (e.g. Numenius) both the principal tendons are thus continued. In Glareola the middle and wristward tendons are thus continued. Vanellus cristatus has been recorded with two separate biceps slips, which both run to the tendon of the longus. In Tringa cqnutus I found a second biceps slip, largely but not entirely tendinous, which is attached to the outer of the two main tendons of the tensor brevis, this latter tendon indeed only dividing into two near its insertion on to the ulna. In Gallinago the recurrent slip connecting the two tensores seems to be absent. In Gambetta flavipes GARROD found no biceps slip at all, and it seems also to be absent in Metopidius afri- Carus. Thinocorus rumicivorus has the typical pluvialine arrange- ment of the tensores tendons that has been already described, but the biceps slip is remarkable for the fact that it has a tendinous band running along it. The characters of the tensores patagii in this group are fairly distinctive and at any rate serve to distinguish the Limicolæ from the Ralli. They do not, however, permit of the enforcement of any | FORBES, P. 2. S. 1881, p. VU 342 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS UU views respecting the families into which the Limicolæ have been divided. An expansor secundariorum is almost universally present, but is often feebly developed. It appears to be absent in Tringa canutus and Chionis. The biceps is so far noteworthy that only the coracoidal head is present in Rhynchæa and in Parrci sinensis. The condition of this muscle in Himantopus is extremely interesting. It is stated by Dr. GADOW (on the authority of MECKEL) to be a double muscle. In H. nigricollis I find the following arrangement : There are two distinct portions- (1) a part which may perhaps correspond to the entire biceps. of other birds, with two heads, a coracoidal and a humeral; from the former of these arises the biceps slip : (2) in addi- tion there is a distinct coracoidal portion, with a fleshy belly, which has, however, a common origin from the coracoid with the coracoidal head of the main muscle. Something of the same kind appears to occur in Chionis and Scolopax ; it may obviously be compared with the gulls (9.v.) In Cur"- sorius the biceps was also double, though the division only commenced a little below the level of the humeral attachment. In Lobivanellus there were indications merely of the same division in the lower part of the belly of the muscle. Glareolcu has a biceps which is double for the greater part of its course. The anconaus appears to invariably possess the tendinous humeral head. My remaining notes upon the myology of the group are scanty. In Lobivanellus atronuchalis, the seinimembranosus and semitendinosus are inserted by a common tendon, and the latter gives off a branch to gastrocnemius. There is but one peroneal muscle (the longus). The latter is alone present in Chionis alba and Himantopus nigricollis. The pectoralis primus in these birds does not appear to be divided into two layers. There is some variation in the deep flexor tendons of this group. In this bird the biceps slip arises (as figured by FÜRBRINGER) from the humerus itself. 117 CU U LIMICOLÆ 343 In Totanus calidris there is a slender vinculum, and, in addition, the flexor hallucis gives off a special slip to the branch of the flexor communis which supplies the second digit. The arrangement, in fact, is like that in Scopus, in many Accipitres, &c. In the Parridæ, on the other hand, the tendons blend early upon the ankle, and in those that have been examined no branch to the hallux has been discovered. Chionis alba has the deep flexor tendons of Totanus. In all Charadriidæ the ambiens is present. The genera Charadrius, Calidris, Gambetta, Gallinago, Limosa, Ma- chetes, Scolopax, Strepsilas, Totanus, Tringa, and Vanellus have the reduced formula AXY+. In Hæmatopus, Himantopus, Recurvirostra, Ægialitis, Numenius, there is the full formula ABXY+; so, too, in the representatives of the remaining families of the Charadrii, with the sole exception of the Australian thickknee, Bur- rhinus, and some Edicnemus, which have the formula BXY+. With the exception of the Parridæ (q.v.) the charadrii- form birds have well-developed cæca. The intestinal mea- surements of a few types are as follows: Small Int. : Large Int. Cæca - .--. - 34 21 (3) و مرا با نه or J. o O c QQQQIRA - 13 18 -- 10W Inchies Inchies Inches Hematopus ostrulegus 1:6 2.75 Edicnemus crepitans 22 (32) 2} (3) u grallarius 16 (17) , superciliaris . , bistrictus Himantopus brasiliensis . Numenius arquatus . Strepsilas interpres. Gambetta flavipes . Glareola pratincola . Scolopax rusticola . Gallinago gallinula . Tringa canutus . Liinosa rufa . . Numenius phaeopus. 20 Vanellus cayennensis 18 Recurvirostru avocettil 41 (30) Hydrophasicinus chirurga. 12 Thinocorus rumicivorus . 12.6 21 and 21 Chionis alba, . . . 1.75 8.25 and 9 Attagis . . . Ai llocsolá - - -- - --- 123 33 12.5 Eurynorhynchus Pygmeus ? 8.75 •88 I •7 - 1 The brackets coutaing measurements of a second specimen. " ANDERSON, 'On the Pterylosis, &c., of the Spoou-billed Sandpiper,' 77. Linn. Soc. (2), i. p. 213. DIC972 CIUL .-- .- 344 1 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Comments upon the facts set forth in the above table must obviously be discounted by the variations (quite considerable in amount) which occur in one or two of the species. The table given by GADOW 1 increases the number and extent of the individual differences in intestinal length. In the liver the right lobe is, as a rule, larger than the left. Sometimes it is only slightly so; but in Charadrius pluvialis the right lobe is twice as large. In Scolopax ruusti- cola and in Edicnemus crepitans the lobes are equal. The gall bladder is nearly always present. GADOW did not find it in a specimen of Numenius arquatus and of Tringa arenaria and T. alpina. This, however, appears to be individual. In all the Charadriidæ the syrinx is of the tracheo-bron- chial pattern. In Vanellus cayennensis 2 (fig. 45, p. 66) the last twenty- five tracheal rings are narrower than those which precede them, and of equal diameter throughout. The first two bronchial semi-rings are like split tracheal rings; the next two are very closely applied together ; the remainder are normal bronchial semi-rings with no modification. The most remarkable fact about the windpipe is the enormous size of the intrinsic muscles, of which, however, there is only a single pair. The muscles end in a tendon, which is inserted on to the second, third, and fourth semi-rings. In l'anellus cristatus the intrin- sic muscles are certainly large, but not so abnormal as in the other species of the genus. Only the last four tracheal rings are modified, and in front they are all fused in the middle line to form a bony box; behind the last three tracheal rings are semi-rings, the pessulus being attached to the fourth. The muscles are attached to the first bronchial semi-ring. In Himantopus nigricollis there was no trace what- ever, that I could detect, of these muscles ; nor in H. brasiliensis. Charadrius pluvialis, Hematopus ostra- legus, and Squatarola helvetica are also without these muscles. On the other hand they are present in Totanus UVC In Bronn's Thicrreich, “Aves,' p. 624. 2 GARROD, 'On the Trachea of Tantalus loculator and of Vanellus cayen- izcilsis,'P. Z. S. 1878, p. 625. LIMICOLAE 345 canutus, Tringa cinclus, Numenius arquatus, Ægialitis hiaticula, Limosa rufa, L. @gocephala, Machetes pugnax, Strepsilas interpres, and Scolopax rusticola. But although the muscles are present in the birds included in the second list they do not, in all of them at least, reach as far as the bronchi, though they may possibly be continued by fibrous tissue to a more normal point of attachment. Thus in Limosa cegocephala the muscles stop three or four rings before the end of the trachea. In Scolopax rusticola, on the other hand, the rather broad intrinsic muscles reach as far as the first bronchial semi-ring. The windpipe of the Indian painted snipe (Rhynchæa capensis) is peculiar in that it is convoluted slightly in the female, not in the male, as might be expected in view of this frequent difference between the sexes in other birds. As has been pointed out, the female is the larger and more richly coloured of the two, a fact which is in harmony with the more complicated trachea. This is not seen in young females. The same condition is stated by GOULD to characterise the Australian R. aus- tralis. The large group of the Limicolæ has been variously divided. I follow GADOW in the families, but include also the Laridæ, which I separate from the auks. I should define the Charadriidæ, to which most of the foregoing refers, as schizorhinal birds, with occipital fontanelles, furrows for supra-orbital glands and basipterygoid processes, and fifteen cervical vertebræ. TT 1 The family Edicnemidæ has been instituted for the genus Edicnemus, which includes the Norfolk plover and a number of other species closely allied; these range widely, being only absent from North America, Central Asia, and New Zealand. The Australian E.grallarius has been separated as a distinct genus, Burhinus, which, as also E. crepitans, instead of possessing the complete muscle formula (ABXY+), as in LUCI i Wood-Mason, 'On the Structure and Development of the Trachea in the Indian Painted Snipe (Rhynchæa capensis),' P. Z. S. 1878, p. 745. 346 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the other members of the genus, has the formula BXY+. The pterylosis is as in the Charadriidæ, but the number of rectrices may be as numerous as fourteen. There is no hallux. In the skull the absence of basipterygoid processes (sometimes indications of them are present, according to GADOW) and the holorhinal character of the nostrils distin- guish this family from the Charadriidæ. The depressions for the supra-orbital glands are well marked. The lacrymal bones are nearly (occasionally quite, though by suture) united with a process of the frontals, and form a canal, through which the gland apparently passes ; this is seen in a more exaggerated way in Chionis and in Vanellus (v. de- scription of Chionididæ). The post-orbital angle is not distinct from the post-frontal process. There are no occipi- tal foramina, as in Charadriidæ. There are sixteen cervical vertebre, the last three of which have ribs of progressively increasing length; five or six ribs articulate with sternum. Contrary to what is found in the Charadriidæ, the coracoids slightly overlap at their external articulation. Some of the visceral characters have been already dealt with above in the general description of the Limicolæ. There is a tendency for the ambiens not to cross the knee ; this occurs individually with specimens of several species. The syrint has not, except as an occasional variation, any intrinsic muscles. Edicnenus bistriatus has on the anterior wall of the cloaca two hardly elevated ridges, which end by slightly free points, and seem to represent a rudimentary penis. The surgeon birds and jaçanas of the tropical regions of the Old and New Worlds, with their enormously elongated feet and their somewhat rail-like aspect, are now known to belong to the Limicolæ (and not to the Ralli), of which they may be regarded as forming a distinct family, Parridæ. Their anatomy has been chiefly studied by FORBES. As with the Thinocoridæ so with the present family there is a character of the alimentary canal which immediately distin- 1Notes on the Anatomy of the Jaçanas,' P. 2. S. 1881, p. 639. 2 LIMICOLE 347 guishes them from all their allies. In this family the cæca are mere passeriform nipples, measuring from 15 to 2 of an inch in length. The muscular anatomy has already been to some extent treated of in connection with the structure of the entire group of birds of which the present genera form a family. In all of them, Parra, Hydrophasianus, and Metopidius, the mus- cle formula is complete, i.e. ABXY+. The condition of the deep flexor tendons of the foot is very singular. As FORBES justly pointed out, the peculiarly large size of the hallux (as of all the digits) of the foot in these birds seems to be un- reconcilable with the entire absence of a special slip from the conjoined tendon of the long flexors. This fact,' he thinks, seems to indicate that the Parridæ may have been developed from some form with a more normal-sized foot, and a small hallux which had no special long flexor, the great size of their feet having been developed in accordance with their peculiar habits. The syrinx has a pair of intrinsic muscles. The skull has well-formed basipterygoid processes, but no occipital foramina or supra-orbital impressions. In Metopidius the radius is extraordinarily enlarged (see fig. 70, p. 125). In the remaining genera there is no such modifica- tion of the bone, but there is a metacarpal spur, which may be of the same use, i.e. for fighting. In Parra the clavicle is at its articulation further from the procoracoid than in the Charadriidæ, and the sternum has only one pair of notches. Five ribs reach it. The single genus Chionis, of antarctic range and some- what gull-like form, makes up the family Chionididæ. There are twelve rectrices. The skull is peculiar in that the grooves for the supra- orbital glands end in a large foramen on each side, which is The bones of Parra albinucha are described and figured by MILNE-EDWARDS, Hist. Madagascar. ? The peculiar sheath which covers the base of the bill and the nostrils (whence 'Sheathbill') is declared by STUDER to be developmentally different from the tube of the Tubinares. 348 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 9. U 7 11 formed by the union of the lacrymal with a process of the frontal, forming a continuous bony bar. As has been already mentioned, Edicnemus shows a very considerable approach to this state of affairs. So too, as I interpret it, do the quite typical charadriid Vanellus and Eudromas. In these birds the grooves for the supra-orbital glands do not, as they do in Limosa and Recurvirostra, border the margin of the orbit. They are situated at some distance from it, and each ends in a very small foramen, bordered in front by the ankylosed lacrymal, which I take to correspond to the large foramen of Chionis. There are no occipital foramina or basipterygoid pro- cesses. The cervical vertebræ are fifteen, of which the last three bear discrete ribs; six ribs reach the two-notched sternum, and there is one behind. The clavicles have no hypocleidium, and end a long way in front of carina. The coracoids are not in contact at sternal articulation. The muscle formula is ABXY+. The syrinx of Chionis is not widely different from that of other Limicolæ, and exhibits, as will be seen from the fol- lowing description, no particular resemblance to the Galli. As is the case in so many Limicolæ, the intrinsic muscles end as such some way in front of the bifurcation of the windpipe, though they are continued on to the bronchi by fibrous tissue. They end in Chionis upon the fifth tracheal ring counting from the last. The last four tracheal rings are more or less closely united to form an ossified box. The first bronchial semi-ring to which the fibrous continuation of the intrinsic muscles is attached is the widest (from before backwards) of the rings of the windpipe, and is deeper than the bronchial semi-rings which follow.' i The following are the principal memoirs dealing with the anatomy of this bird : EYTON, • Note on the Skeleton of the Sheathbill,' P. 2. S. 1858, p. 99 ; A. REICHENOW, Osteologie von Chionis minor,' &c., J. f. 0. xxiv. 1876, p. 84; SHUFELDT, The Chionidæ : & Review of the Opinions on the Systematic Position of the Family,' Auk, 1893, p. 158, and in ' Contributions to Comparative Osteology,' &c., J. Anat. Phys. 1891, p. 509 ; KIDDER and COUES, ‘A Study of LIMICOLA 349 17 V It is usual to separate the two genera Thinocorus and Attagis, both South American birds, into a family, Thinoco- ridæ. In contradistinction to their allies they are grain- eating birds, connected with which habit is the presence of a crop, an absolutely distinctive character so far as the present group is concerned. Their anatomy has been chiefly studied by GARROD.' The differences which distinguish them from . SN S AG . . . 21 SIS - - ET 21B - Z:.. - *1. da 10. VV . a SUNT - . 2 - 22 . 4. - . - - INT - . + . WTB . HULL * IT WE Orie US 2 SE ent WO L2 . WA12 ,3 TISSA Wh . BA 7.3 ASTERS TA . . 6 UN JUIN WWIIU " i . HH 22/ • 1 . A A ( DURA 277 M % WA M UNISI. NA . ! la 1. * * DS HL. 1 . . . 2212 V . / WPi 14 Will112 M . in 91 22 TV. Sit . ..NU RUK PLA MAY 1. . .! .. IRITVI USE UNI Fig. 170.-SKULL or Attagis Gayi (AFTER GARROD). other Limicolæ are neither great nor numerous. In the skull the basipterygoid processes are absent, and the vomer is broad and rounded in front as figured by PARKER ; ? the skull, in fact, as has been mentioned on a previous page, is ægithognathous rather than schizognathous. There are no occipital foramina, y Chionis minor',' Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. 1876, p. 85; R. O. CUNNINGHAM, · On Chionis alba,' J. Anat. Phys. 1870, p. 87 ; BLAINVILLE, "Mémcire sur la Place que doit occuper le Genre Chionis,' Ann. Sci. Nat. 1836, p. 97 ; STUDER, Forschungsreise S. M. S.' Gazelle,' Bd. iii. - Zoologie u. Geologie,' p. 107. I'Notes on the Anatomy and Systematic Position of the Genera Thinocorus and Attagis,' P.Z. S. 1877, p. 413. 2.On Ægithognathous Birds,' Zool. Trans. vol. x. 350 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS but the supra-orbital impressions are present. The maxillo- palatines are very far apart, and besides being short are swollen instead of being leaflike plates. The same pseudo- holorhiny that characterises the Glareolidæ is also found in the present family. Five ribs reach the sternum. The coracoids are quite separate at their insertion on to sternum. The muscular formula of the two genera is the complete one ABXY+. In Thinocorus rumicivorus the syrinx has a pair of lateral muscles, which are attached to the fourth incomplete ring when seen from in front. This is probably the first bronchial, the last three tracheal rings being thus incomplete. . Glareola, Cursorius, Pluvianus, and Dromas, all Old-World genera, are included in a separate family, Glareolidæ, which GARROD regarded as very near akin to the Thinocoridæ. As in them, basipterygoid processes and occipital fontanelles are absent, and impressions of supra-orbital glands present. The muscle formula too is complete, and the syrinx has intrinsic muscles. Except in Cursorius there is a hallux. FORBES, with some reason, has united into a group Pluviales, equivalent to the rest of the Limicolæ, this family, together with the Thino- corida and Chionididæ, mainly on account of the above combination of skull characters found in no other Limicolæ. As in them also there is pseudo-holorhiny, the bony nostrils, though extending back beyond the nasal process of the premaxilla, being distinctly rounded off. Pluvianus, however, has typically holorhinal nostrils. In Cursorius the grooves for nasal glands are converted into elongated foramina by a fusion between adjacent pro- cesses of the skull. The gulls form another distinct family, Laridæ, containing the genera Larus, Lestris, Sterna, Rhynchops, Anous, and Gygis. The skull is schizorhinal and schizognathous, without 1 LINNAUS placed Glarcola in genus Hirundo, SUNDEVALL in Caprimulgidæ. LIMICOLÆ 351 I basipterygoid processes or occipital fontanelles, but with well-marked grooves for supra-orbital glands. In Lestris antarcticus at any rate there is a foramen formed round anterior end of supra-orbital groove, as in Chionis (q.v.) In Lestris there is a distinct tendency towards the pseudo-holo- rhinal condition of the Thinocorida and Glareolidæ. In Larus the relations of the clavicles, scapula, and cora- coids are as in the Charadriidæ; but the clavicles provided with a hypocleidium come into nearer relations with the carina sterni, to which they are attached by a ligament. The cora- coids are in contact behind the spina (externa) sterni. The same statement may be made of Lestris. The cervical vertebræ are fifteen in number. The dorsal vertebræ are, as in Alcidæ and plovers, opisthocoelous. Six (Lestris antarcticus) or seven ribs articulate with the sternum. . The first phalanx of the second is commonly perforated.2 As to the pterylosis, the plan is that of the Limicolæ, but the ventral tract does not divide until some way down the neck. The feet are webbed, the hallux is small or absent, and there are twelve rectrices. The muscular formula of Rissa tridactyla is AX+; of Larus, Stercorarius, and Gygis, AXY+. The other genera have the complete formula ABXY+. Rhynchops has no ambiens. In Lestris crepidatus and L. antarcticus the semi- membranosus is sometimes two-headed, one arising from ischium and one from postacetabular ridge of ilium. The tensores patagii 3 (see fig. 171) are on the plan of 10 | These are present in the young: see PARKER, Linn. Trans. (2), i. p. 142. ? This does not, however, as it has been stated to do, distinguish the Laridæ from other Limicolae ; though apparently universal in the gulls (including Arous and Gygis), the same perforations are found in Glarcola. The value of this anatomical fact may be judged by the perforation of the same bone in such varied types as Pterocles, Coracopsis obscura, (not in C. nigra), Psittacula passerina, Macharhaipirus Andersoni, Heliodilus, Caprimulgus, Phaethon candidus (not P. rubricauda), and Fregata ninor. These instances are taken from the osteological plates illustrating MM. GRANDIDIER and MILNE-EDWARDS'S Histoire Naturelle de Madagascar. ? For muscular anatomy of Laridæ see GIEBEL, “ Beiträge zur Anatomie d. Möven,' &c., Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. X. (1857), p. 20; BEDDARD, 'A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Anatomy of Rhynchops,' P. 2. S. 1896, p. 299. 352 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS L 1 those of other limicoline birds, but are apt to be a little more complicated. In Larus argentatus, of which the tendons are represented in the annexed cut, the anterior stronger branch of the brevis tendon gives off a forwards and downwards slip to the extensors of the fore arm, from which arises the usual connection with the longus tendon. There is a second con- nection between the two tendons. At the origin of the ww P2P .. . . . i 1 ---6.pl 111 INDIA VI TO VIZ . ATNUVILIN . W IV W or MOTII K mil 10 UWIN R . VINI INIUM RUTIITTITTIINTIMITUITINIUM Fig. 171.-TENSORES PATAGII Or Rhynchops (AFTER BEDDARI)). 1.p.?, tensor longus; 1.p.!, tensor brevis; B, wristward slip; I", patagial fan'; A, tendons to ulnar side of arm. patagial fan is a bony nodule, as in the petrel. The tensor longus tendon also gives off a slip (A, fig. 172) to the inside of fore arm which is also present in the auks (q.v.) In Rhynchops (fig. 171, A) there are two such tendons. Lestris antarctica, Sterna, and Larus marinus (according to FÜRBRINGER's figure, Pl. xix.) are much the same, but are without the additional slips A and B. Of these A is present in Rissa tridactyla. The expansor secundariorum is frequently absent, but it LIMICOLÆ 353 is present in Larus argentatus, marinus, and glaucus, not in fuscus. It is absent in Sterna and Lestris ; present in Anous; absent again in Rhynchops. The biceps is peculiar in some members of this family. In Larus, Sterna, and Anous the biceps has, as usual, the two heads, humeral and coracoidal; but they form two per- fectly distinct muscles, of which one, the coracoidal, soon divides into two distinct muscles again, which are inserted .. A-t.22.7. 67274 OT All SON I 1 . . . . . . . . . . ..... ... ......... FIG. 172.--TENSORES PATAGII OF Larus argentatus (AFTER BEDDARD FROM FORBES). 12, osseous nodule. Other letters as in fig. 171. respectively upon the radius and ulna. The biceps head goes to the radius, and as a rule gives off the biceps slip to the patagium; but in Larus ridibundus, according to FÜR- BRINGER, this slip arises from the coracoids, an anomaly observable also in the petrel, Thalassiarche. Rhynchops has no biceps slip at all. The anconaus is generally attached by a tendon to the humerus. A A 35+ STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 The cæca vary considerably in their development, as the following table of measurements shows:- Small Int. Сеса Large Iut. S- .- V •5 (25) 3.25 (1) 2.75 . - Larus argentatus. 1 glaucus . , ridibundus. u · Jamesoni . Lestris pomatorhinus , antarcticus , crepidatus. Sternza cantiaca . Rissa tridactyla . 56.25 (36) 66 26 12.9 30.5 • 25 .12 3 3.4 2.25 1.75 3.5 38 18.5 24 Gy V I -25 25 The lobes of the liver are subequal in Sterna, Anous, Gygis, and Rissa. In Larus and Lestris the right is the larger. A gall bladder is always present. In Anous the cæca are quite short; in Gygis long and charadriine. The syrinx of this family is typically tracheo-bronchial (at any rate in Larus), with well-developed muscles, which always reach the bronchi. The family thus differs from other Limicolæ where there is a tendency towards a retro- gression of the intrinsic muscles, sometimes culminating in actual disappearance. In Larus marinus the last six or seven tracheal rings are rather narrower from above downwards than those which precede them, and are more or less firmly attached (except the last ring, which is incomplete both in front and behind) to form a box. When the syrinx is viewed from behind, a broad three-way piece is seen, into the formation of which the penultimate tracheal ring and the four or five in front of it appear to enter. This piece, however, is only really solid at the edges, the bars being a continuation of the penultimate tracheal rings. In the middle it is so thin as to be little more than a membrane. The first bronchial semi-ring (to which the intrinsic muscles are attached) is bow-shaped and in close contact with the last tracheal ring. The remaining semi-rings are narrower and run in a straight direction across the bronchi. The membrana tympaniformis is distinguished by its . : LIMICOLÆ 355 UT thinness and transparency from the thick yellowish mem- brane which unites the edges of the greater number of the bronchial semi-rings. In Larus fuscus and L. glaucus the differences are but slight, and chiefly concern the greater solidity of the three- way piece. In Larus argentatus the edges of the three-way piece are most solid; but they are connected by a series of four or five bars which divide up the central region of the three- way. piece into alternate thicker and thinner portions. This is a peculiar specialisation of the three-way piece which I have not observed elsewhere. There is, furthermore, a thin bony curved rod, closely applied to the outside of the three- way piece, which arises from, or is at least connected with, the last tracheal ring. Lestris antarcticiis has a syrinx which is rather different from that of Larus, and which points in the direction of the Charadriidæ, owing to the fact that the intrinsic muscles do not reach the bronchial semi-ring except as a fibrous band. The three-way piece, which is solid, is formed by two or three tracheal rings ; there is no differentiation in membrane closing bronchial semi-rings. It is evident from the foregoing account that, while there are a few differences between the various genera of Laridæ, Rhynchops is quite the most anomalous form in structure as well as in external appearance, as seen in its remarkable bill, with its scissor-like edge and projecting mandible. Still, the differences are, in my opinion, not sufficient to place Rhynchops in a family by itself opposite to the remaining Laridæ. It seeins that the usually received division of the family, making an additional one for Rhynchops, will serve to · divide naturally the Laridæ ; we may term these divisions subfamilies. They will be thus characterised :- 12 IT ON UILL 1Cu. Subfamily I. Larinæ. Muscle formula of the leg, AXY+. Cæca ludi- mentary. Biceps slips and expansor SCCUN- dariorum present. 356 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS , Subfamily II. Stercorariinæ. . . Muscular formula, AXY+. Cæca long. Biceps slip present. Expansor secundariorum absent. Subfamily III. Sterninæ. Muscular fornula, ABXY+. Cæca rudimentary. Biceps slip present. Expansor secundariorum absent. Subfamily IV. Rhynchopinæ. Muscular formula, ABXY-. Cæca rudimentary. Biceps slip and expansor secundariorum absent. Gygis and Anous require further investigation before they can be placed in this system; they are usually regarded as terns-by HOWARD SAUNDERS, for example. Anous has the complete muscle formula. Gygis has the formula of the gulls; but then the tern, Sternula (sp.), wants the accessory femoro-caudal, and in this approaches the gulls. Anous has the expansor secundariorum. Of undoubted or reputed extinct limicolous birds a number have been described. If Palæotringa (with three species), from North America, is rightly referred by MARSH to this group, it goes back to Cretaceous times. Milnea, from French Miocene, is known by the humerus. Elorius, known by an imperfect coracoid, a tarso- metatarsus, and parts of the skull, seems to belong here. Ægial- ornis is considered by LYDEKKER to have been a gull-like bird, largely on account of the perforated first phalanx of the second digit. Halcyornis has been described from the extremity of a humerus and the back of the skull. - -. - - . . Atlas Cery. Vert. Coracoids Sternum Nostrils Basipt. Pr. Occipital Foramina Muscle Formula of Leg 1+ 10 16 -------- - -- ...--. .. Charadriiklau Perl. Distant 2-uotchell | Schiz. A(B)XY + Edicnemidæ.1 Notch Over). 2-notchell Holorli. (A)BXY + Parridæ. . Perf. ✓ Overl. 1-110tchell Scliiz. ABXY+ Chionidida . Notcli 15 Distant 2-notchell Scliiz. ABXY + Thinocoridee. Perf. 15 Distant 1-notchel Ps.-hol ABXY+ Glareolide 15, 16Distant 2-10tchec Ps.-hol. ABXY+ Larida . . Notcli! 15 In cout. 2.110tchell | Schiz. 1- A(B)XY(+) --- --- -- ---- ..-... -- . -- --- ---- "A character which we have seen (supra, p. 351, footnote) to be of no account in fixing affinities. I!!!!! + LIMICOLA 357 The foregoing table shows some of the principal points in which the several families of the Limicolæ differ from each other, and will afford a justification for the divisions adopted in the present work. Whatever is the relation between the other families, we can clear the ground by removing the Laridæ from competition for the basal place in the series. As was discovered by PARKER, the young of these birds have basipterygoid processes and occipital formina, the persistence of which, therefore, in the Charadriidæ and Parridæ (basipterygoids only) places those two groups lower in the series than the more specialised gulls. That the gulls are rightly placed here, and therefore as rightly removed from a closer association with the Alcæ, can hardly be disputed. GADOW, who does the reverse in his scheme, enumerates only the following points in which the gulls differ from the Limicolæ : In the Laridæ- Down feathers are thicker. Coracoids in contact. Hæm- apophyses mostly (not in Lestris) wanting to the dorsal ver- tebræ. Hypotarsus simpler. In muscle formula of leg dis- appearance of B instead of Y. Webbed feet. As a matter of fact, the crossing of the coracoids in Ediciemus destroys the second of these, at best very slender, grounds, and, as GADOW admits, the webbing is almost as well developed in Recurvirostra. On the other hand the differences from the Alcæ are more pronounced. These latter birds have- A much longer sternum. Largely developed dorsal hæmapophyses, of which in- dications only are to be found in the gulls and in other Limicolæ. The biceps slip is peculiar. The leg muscles are always reduced, the formula being in Phaleris only AX -.. It may be mentioned in addition that the expansor secundariorum is always absent in the Alcæ and only some- times in the Laridæ. The auks are, in fact, so far as we Q 358 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS can see, a further modification of the gull type, but further from them than they are from the Limicolæ. We may, therefore, probably regard the gulls as a slightly inodified offshoot of the typical Limicolæ (Chionis, perhaps, being slightly intermediate), leading towards the Alcæ. The arrangement inter se of the remaining families brings us to the broader question of the affinities of the Limicolæ as a group. It appears to me that the only other groups which need be specially considered in this connection are the Grues, Otides, and Ralli. It may be convenient to preface the discussion with a tabular statement of the actual points of likeness between these several groups. Limicolæ Cirues Otides Ralli : 14, 15 -- .. -- 15-16 14-20 ! 16–18 – or + Schiz. or hol. Schiz. or hol. ; Hol. + or - ! + or - 1- or 2-notched 1- or 2-notched 2-notched A(B)XY+ (AB)XY+ BXY + Hol. Cerv. vertebra Basipt. pr.. Nares . . Occip. foram. Sternum . Leg muscles Patagial fan Biceps slip : -- -- 1-notched ABXY+ . + + + or - Х The very difficulty of finding any characters, greatly noteworthy, in which the groups in question vary is an index of how closely allied all four are. There can, to my mind, be no doubt of their common origin. The Limicolæ on the whole come nearest to the Grues, and especially to the true cranes, whose distinctive characters are a little swamped in the above table, owing to the aberrantcranes (e.g. Rhinochetus, Psophia), whose peculiarities have naturally modified that table. Taking this point of view, it seems to follow that of the Limicolæ the most primitive section is that of the Chara- driidæ proper; for it is among them that the forms with the greatest number of points of resemblance to the cranes occur. I should consider these birds to be slightly lower in the scale than the cranes. ALCÆ 359 ALCÆ VLU Definition.-Oil gland tufted. Aftershaft present; aquincubital. Skull schizognathous and schizorhinal. Occipital fontanelles present, but no basipterygoid processes. Two carotids. Ten- sores patagii and biceps slip distinctive. No expansor secun- dariorum. Dorsal vertebræ opisthcocolous. This group of birds comes nearest to the Limicolæ, but differs more from any of them than they do among them- selves. The group is entirely confined to the northern hemisphere, and is mainly Arctic. The oil gland is invariably tufted and the feathers have an aftershaft. In the pterylosis the dorsal tract divides between the scapula, and there is (? universally) a well-marked spinal space. But there is no break between anterior and posterior parts (as in Limicolæ). The ventral tract, contrary to what we find in the Limicolæ (incl. Laridæ), does not divide early in the neck. The rectrices (see table, later) vary in number from twelve to sixteen. The Great auk (Alca impennis) is said to have possessed eighteen. The oil gland has often many apertures; there are only two in Brachyrhamphus marmoratus, but four in Lunda cirrhata, six in Synthliborhamphus antiquus, and eight in Uria columba.? The skull is schizorhinal 3 and schizognathous, with well- marked occipital fontanelles 4 and impressions for supra-orbital glands ; the latter nearly meet in the middle line, leaving but Synthliborhamphus antiquus has only one (the left). ? The remarkable shedding of the beak of the puffin (stated also to occur in the penguin ; cf. P. 2. S. 1880, p. 2) has been described by BUREAU in Bull. Soc. 2006. Hr. ii. 1877, pp. 377, 432. See also ibid. iv. 1879, p. 1, for the same phenomenon in other auks. 3 For osteology of auks see OWEN, · On Alca impennis,' Th. Z. S. v. p. 317; SHUFELDT, J. Anat. Phys. vol. xxiii.; and PARKER, 'On the Morphology of the Duck Tribe (Anatide) and Auk Tribe (Alcidæ),' Curringham Memoirs R. Irislu Ac. No. 6, 1890. These are sometimes obliterated with age. I find them present in a young Uria troile, absent in an old one. In a specimen of Fratercula arctica there was only one present. They also may be present or absent in Brachyrhamphus and Synthliborlamphus. LU ULU LO 360 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS a thin median line. The interorbital septum is very imper- fect. Basipterygoid processes are absent in the adult, but present as rudiments in the young. The lacrymals are firmly united with the prefrontals, as in gulls and Limicolæ. The vomer is distinctly double in the young. Alca torda has an os uncinatum. In Uria troile and in Alca torda and A. impennis there is on each side a foramen at anterior end of supra-orbital grooves, as in Chionis, &c. There are fifteen cervical vertebræ ; the first few dorsal vertebræ have very conspicuous hæmapophyses, bifid at their free ends. Seven TRY. . . : W ' ST " . - !. .1: - -- . d RS 12 . 2 ST . 1/III w a 12III V NU wwwwwwwwwww www www *** e. . HUNT Fig. 173.-TENSORES PATAGII OF Lunda cirrhata (AFTER BEDDARD FROM FORBES). (i, slip to ulnar side of fore arm. FIG. 174.- THE SAME OF Synthli- borhamphus antiquus. ribs reach the very long and narrow sternum, which has one notch on each side posteriorly (Uria), or in addition a fenestra on each side and a median notch (Fratercula) or no notches at all (Alca impenris). As to the muscular anatomy of the auks, the simplest form of the tensores patagii tendons 1 is seen in Alca torda, where there are two brevis tendons, both of which pass over For muscles of Aica {and Spheniscus) see A. CARLSSON, “Beiträge zur Kenntniss d. Anatomie d. Schwimmvögel,' Bil. K. Svensk. Vet. Ak. Handl. ix. 1884, No. 3. ALCÆ 361 mol - the extensors of the fore arm to be inserted on to the ulna ; the anterior of these bifurcates in the limicoline fashion just in front of its insertion, and here a very faintly marked fan? (FÜRBRINGER) connects it with the longus. Synthliborhamphus antiquus is in some respects even more simple. : There is but one brevis tendon, from which-just as it passes over the extensor of the fore arm--the merest apology for a forward branch exists; from this branch arises a special muscular belly of the extensor metacarpi (cf. Petrels). There is no patagial fan, but a special slip, found in all the other members of the family (and also occurring in Larus argentatus), runs from the longus tendon to the op- posite side of the fore arm to that upon which the patagial fan, when present, is inserted. In Brachyrhamphus FIG. 175.- TENSORES PATAGII OF Cerato- marmoratus three separate lina monocerata (AFTER BEDDARD FROM and parallel tendons arise FORBES). from tensor patagii brevis muscle, of which the anterior is the strongest and alone passes to the ulna. From a small wristward slip arise a few fibres of the extensor metacarpi, as in the last species. There is no patagial fan, but an ulnar slip, which gives off a branch running back to the humerus. In Uria columba there is the same. In Lunda cirthata there are but slight differences; the two most anterior of the brevis tendons cross the extensor . ! Tartu VE NAS RSS G . · Not figured at all by GARROD in a MS. sketch. 2 For various details in anatomy of soft parts see BEDDARD, 'On the Anatomy of a Grebe (Æchinophorus major), with Remarks upon the Classification of some of the Schizognathous Birds,' P. Z. S. 1896, p. 538. 362 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ni STRUCTURE U TU muscles and reach ulna, but they cross it as a single diffuse band formed by their fusion. Ceratorhina monocerata has a slight patagial fan, as well as ulnar slip; otherwise it is like the last. Fratercula arctica has only two brevis tendons, upon the anterior of which, at the origin of the patagial fan, is an ossicle.. The biceps slip is present in Alcidæ, but is generally, if not always, peculiar. Thus in Alca torda it is inserted partly on to patagial membrane, partly on to inner of two brevis tendons (not longus tendon). In Lunda cirrhata it arises tendinously and joins inner of three patagialis brevis tendons. The biceps slip (as in some petrels) is all that is left of the humeral head of the biceps. io The biceps slip of Fratercula arctica is inserted on to middle of three tendons. In Brachyrhamphus marmoratus the biceps slip ends in a long and fine tendinous thread, which is inserted on to the innermost of the three tendons of the brevis. In Phaleris psittacula the biceps slip is firmly adherent to the single brevis tendon ; but from it just at the lower end of the line of the brevis tendon an obliquely running strand is found, which reaches the tendon of the longus. The biceps, as already mentioned, consists merely of the coracoidal head, the humeral head being represented only by the biceps slip. The muscle is not large, and in Phalcris its muscular belly is largely divided into two. The humeral head of the anconcus seems to be nearly always present. There is no expansor secundariorum. The deltoid has, as a rule, no scapular slip, but there is one in Uria. The muscles of the leg which are invariably present are the femoro-caudal and the semitendinosus. The accessory head of the latter is never present. The ambiens and the accessory femoro-caudal may be present, and, except in. ? It is (? individually) absent in Brachyrhamphus mclr'moratus. ALCÆ 363 Phaleris psittacula, are never both absent; the formulæ are the three following :- ABX - Uria. AX+ Ceratorhina. AX – Phaleris. The biceps femoris of Brachyrhamphus gives off a fleshy slip to the outside of the thigh, to the gastrocnemius (cf. Podica). This slip is not to be found in Phaleris. The least modified form of syrinx is seen in Alca torda, The biceps one of the thigh, und in Phale . . U 17) w . MIVUT:111111 01. 9.17 ARI INI TH 1.17 ISURE CO M INU Anel: . AT Fig. 176.--SYRINX Or Lomvict troile (AFTER BEDDARD). į, intrinsic muscle. Fig. 177.-SYRINX OY Ceratorhina Inonocerata (AFTER BEDDARD). į, intrinsic muscle. Lomvia troile, Synthliborhamphus antiquus, and Uria columba. In Lomvia troile the last four or five tracheal rings enter into the formation of a three-way piece, which is deeply excavate medianly. The intrinsic muscles are attached to the first bronchial semi-ring, which hardly differs from those that follow ; it and the one which immediately succeeds are slightly more broad than the rest. Alca torda is rather more gull-like, there being no marked depression in the pessulus medianly, and the trans- parent membrana tympaniformis being sharply marked off from a thicker yellowish region behind. 36Ł STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS S Synthliborhamphus antiquus has also a perfectly typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx, the first bronchial semi-ring (to which intrinsic muscles are fixed) being longer and deeper than those which follow. Phaleris is similar. Uria columba distinctly differs from Lomvia troile (with which it is often considered to be congeneric), and is an approach towards a type of syrinx to be described imme- diately, but with certain peculiarities of its own. . A dozen tracheal rings in front of the last are very thin (more particularly in front), and have, therefore, wide membranous intervals. The last tracheal ring, however, is stout and ossified; it appears to be composed of two closely adjoined; posteriorly three rings enter into the formation of the tracheal box. The first bronchial semi-ring is very much arched, so much so that laterally it conceals the last tracheal rings. To it the intrinsic muscles are attached. In Ceratorhina monocerata this state of affairs is ex- aggerated. Not only the first, to which muscles are attached, but the second bronchial semi-ring is very convex upwards, forming, indeed, the half of a rather elongated ellipse, as shown in the figure (fig. 177). The last two tracheal rings are ossified and closely connected. The last twelve tracheal rings are shallow vertically and leave considerable mem- branous interspaces. In Lunda cirrhata there is an almost identical syrinx, but the last tracheal rings are not particularly thin in front. Fratercula arctica and F. corniculata are sufficiently similar to need no special description. The tongue is generally fleshy, elongated, triangular, and spiny only at the base. The relative proportions of the liver lobes not only vary, but the absolute size of the organ varies greatly. A gall bladder is always present. There is no crop. The cæca are usually mere nipples, :35-25 inch in length, but in Alca torda one inch. The length of the small intestine in Fratercula arctica is 28.5 inches, in Alca torda 49.5 inches. From the characters displayed in the accompanying ALCÆ 365 table it seems possible to divide the group into two families, Uriidæ and Fraterculidæ, which may be thus defined :- Uriidæ Rectrices, twelve 01 fourteen. Lobes of liver equal, or left larger than right. Muscle formula, ABX – (or AX-). Fraterculidæ. Rectrices, sixteen. Lobes of liver equal, or right larger than left. Muscle formula, AX+. Syrinx peculiar. Accessori Rectrices Femoro. | Ambieus caudal Liver Lobes Syrinx 14 Uria colaembe Synthtiborhamphus antiquus Ceratorhinc monocerata Good Good 16 L>R L=R Good With U-shaped first i bronchial semi-ring With U-shaped first bronchial semi-ring Lunca cirrhata . . Giood 14 Broach Brachyrhamphus in armoratus Phaleris psittacula tralerculae circtica A L>R L=R R>L Slender With U-shaped first bronchial semi-ring I>R Alca lorda Uria troile , . . . Present ! Good L>R There appears to me to be no doubt that the Alcæ are best placed in the neighbourhood of the Limicolæ, though, as FÜRBRINGER justly states, “at first sight the relations between the two groups do not appear to be intimate.' These differences, however, merely concern outward form, in which it is perhaps reasonable to compare the auks with the grebes. But an anatomical study shows plainly that the grebes are much further away from the auks than are the Limicolæ. Such points of likeness as there are with the Colymbi are largely, if not entirely, due to the similar life ; thus the elongated sternum, which is also shared by the aquatic ducks, and possibly the muscle formula ABX+. With the Limicolæ are many positive points of likeness, to which no such explanation seems to be applicable. In the skull it is hard to find points of difference; but the most remarkable point of similarity is the presence in both groups of those additional tendinous slips upon the patagium on the 366 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ulnar side (in Charadrius as well as Laridæ) which have been duly described in the foregoing pages. Nor are there any salient facts, save such as are evidently associated with loss of the power of flight, which contradict such a placing. GRUES Definition. -Oil gland present and tufted;' feathers with an aftershaft. Rectrices, twelve. A quintocubital or quintocubital.? Ambiens, semitendinosus, and accessory always present. Expansor secun- dariorum present. Cæca large. Skull schizognathous, schizo- rhinal, without basipterygoid processes. Two carotids. 2 Among the typical cranes of the family Gruidæ I include not only the nearly cosmopolitan Grus and the African Balearica, but also the South American Aramus. There are no particular remarks to be made about the pterylosis, which NITZSCH states to be precisely like that of Psophia (see below, p. 374). The muscular system is fairly uniform in its characters, as will be seen from the length of the above definition. The tensores patagii of the demoiselle crane (G. virgo) are furnished with a muscular biceps slip, which is reinforced by a tendon springing from the biceps below the origin of the biceps slip. There is also the usual fibrous junction with the deltoid crest of the humerus. From the pectoralis 4 springs a broad flat tendinous slip, which joins the undivided tensor patagii. The tensor brevis divides at once into two thin broad diffuse tendons, of which the anterior sends forward a wristward slip, from whose junction with extensor metacarpi a slight patagial fan pro- ceeds to the longus tendon. In Grus leucogeranos the tensor brevis tendon widens out shortly after crossing biceps slip into a wide diffuse band, composed of many strands, but not distinctly separable into two or three tendons. There is a patagial fan. | Except in Mesites, Cariama, and Rhinochetus. ? Rhinochetus, Cariama, Psophia. 3 Not in Elypyga. • The pectoralis I. is usually stated to be single. It appeared to me to be distinctly double in Grus carunculatus and in Balearica pavonina, especially in the latter. GRUES 367 and person who 112 B Aramus scolopaceus has the same thin diffused tendons ; but they are distinctly divided below into a main tendon and a wristward slip. There is no patagial fan. The anconcus has generally, if not always, a well-marked broad humeral slip. The typical formula of the leg muscles for the cranes is ABXY+. This is the case with all the members of the genus Grus, excepting G. leucogeranos, where I could find neither A nor B. In Aramus and Balearica pavonina the formula is BXY+, and in B. regulorum, as in G. leucoge- ranos, XY + only. In G. americana the femoro-caudal is minute and has but a feeble accessory. The deep flexor tendons are united by a strong vinculum. Both peroneals appear to be present; but the only notes at my disposal on this matter refer to G. leucogeranos. The left lobe of the liver is much smaller in B. pavonina, a little smaller in G. antigone and G. virgo. The proportions are reversed in Aramus. The gall bladder is present; there is a good gizzard ; the proventriculus is zonary. The following are intestinal mea- surements:- 021 CONIU - - .. . - -- - - -- -- Small Int. Large Int. Caca -. .--.- - --- 69 Inches 3.5 - 78 -- ---- Inclies Grus antigone , leucogeranos . is carunculata . 80.5 ( 3 ) 86(?) , americana ñ .' 76 en canadensis ő. 72 , australasiana 8 84 (73) , virgo . . 51.5 Balearica pavonina o 54 , ,, negaton'2/17 0 64 Aramus scolopaccus 7 õ4 9 3.5 3.5 6 (3.5) Inchies 7 and 8 6.5 8850 7.5 4:25 7.5 (7 and 8:25) 2.5 and 3.25 6.8 and 6.1 5.5 2, 27 --- -------- ----- - 2:5 40 -.- - .. . - . - - . . . . . . . - ---- - UUIO The intestinal coils in the crane tribe are very character- istic and quite unlike those of any other birds except the rails and bustards. The figure of Cariama shows the characters of the Grues generally and may be compared with that of Crex on p. 323. The genus Grus has the most typical syrinx. In G. leuco- geranos the first bronchial semi-rings are firmly attached to 368 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS each other, and the first two are ossified and somewhat arched. To the first of these are inserted on each side the two flat, rather broad intrinsic muscles, which run side by side, and which appear to be continued by fibrous tissue on to the second semi-ring. There is a normal pessulus. The membrana tympaniformis gets narrower from above downwards (having, therefore, a triangular form), and finally ends opposite the thirteenth semi-ring; but the rings remain semi-rings after this point, though their ends are very closely approximated, until close to their opening into the lung. G. australasiana shows no special differences. In G.canadensis the two mus- cles, though distinct above, appear to fuse below; they do not quite reach the bronchial semi-ring as muscle, but are attached to it by a short ligamentous ending. Grus carun- culata agrees with the last. A peculiarity found in many cranes is the convoluted trachea. This state of affairs is not found in Balearica or Aramus. In both males and females of the following species the trachea is convoluted : G. cinerea, G. antigone, G. carun- culata, and G. leucogeranios. The males of G. australasiana and G. canadensis are known to be the same, and the female of G. americana. In the female of G. leucogeranos and in the male of G. carunculata the trachea, though convoluted more or less, does not enter the substance of the sternum, as it does in the others. This too holds good for Tetrapteryx and Anthropoides. The trachea has the usual pair of extrinsic muscles, which in Balearica pavonina arise not from the costal processes, as is the rule, but from the angle of the first rib. I have myself examined syringes of the following species : Grus canadensis, G. australasiana, G. leucogeranos, G. carunculata, Balearica pavonina, and B. regulorum. The syrinx of Balearica is rather different and less typical. The two intrinsic muscles are present, but they end in a See' A Natural History of the Cranes,' by W. B. TEGETMEIER, and Forbes, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 353. 2 LI GRUES 369 fibrous band fourteen rings above the end of the trachea. The first tracheal ring is not so strongly modified as in Grus. B. pavonina hardly differs. There are nineteen cervical vertebræ in G. carunculata, twenty in Balearica. Seven ribs reach the sternum in both. The clavicles in the former and in Tetrapteryx are ankylosed with the sternum, but not in Balearica. Some of the dorsal vertebræ are partly ankylosed. The skull has occipital fontanelles, as in most charadriiform birds. This holds good also of the slightly aberrant Aramus. The impressions for the supra-orbital glands are slight, and largely concealed when viewed from above. The lacrymal bones do not blend with the ectethmoid. The interorbital septum is much fenestrated, but not so much so as in the rails. In Tetrapteryx and Balearica 1 the palatine bones do not appear to come into contact posteriorly, and at any rate the inner lamina is continued right to the end of the bone. This is not the case with Grus, where the bones do come into contact posteriorly and the inner laminæ are not continued to the end. The pelvis of the typical cranes (Grus, Balearica, Tetral- pteryx) hardly differs from that of such a rail as Aramides. An outlying member of this group is usually included in the family Rhinochetidæ. This family is represented by but a single species, the kagu (Rhinochetus jubatus), of New Caledonia. The bird is not unlike a heron in appearance; but BARTLETT, who made a careful study 2 of the habits of specimens at the Zoological Society's Gardens, compared its quick active movements rather with those of a crane than with the slow motions of a heron. The anatomy of the bird has been chiefly studied by PARKER (osteology), ? So too apparently in Anthropoides stanleyanus (PARKER, T1. Z. S. x. pl. liv. fig. 6). ? P. Z. S. 1862, p. 218. 3. On the Osteology of the Kagu,' Zool. Trans. vi. p. 501. BB · 370 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS רון MURIE (dermal and visceral structures '),1 and myself (syrinx and muscular anatomy). Others, however, particu- larly FÜRBRINGER and GARROD, have contributed details of importance to our knowledge of this bird. The powder-down patches, which were originally dis- covered by BARTLETT, exist as scattered groups of feathers of the kind; there are not the regular patches found in the landiilid A . . Wh .. S1 www. ORT www . . . www . www ... . C mm Fig. 178.–CERTAIN LEG MUSCLES OF Rhinochetus (AFTER BEDDARD). Si, semitendinosus; d, its accessory; Sm, semimembranosus. near ally of Rhinochetus, Mesites. The oil gland is present but nude. The feathers have an aftershaft. There are twelve rectrices. The pterylosis, imperfectly described by 1. On the Dermal an: Visceral Structure of the Kagu,' Zool. Trans. 'vii. p. 465. ? Contributions to the Anatomy of the Kagu,' P. 2. S. 1891, p. 9. See also W. MARSHALL, 'Quelques Observations sur la Splanchnologie de Rhino-. chetus jubatus,' Arch. Néerl. 1870, p. 402. GRUES 371 VU 2012 UUUU LUO MURIE, has been rather more fully dealt with by FORBES. The dorsal tract is double on the neck, and continues so until its termination about on a level with the scapulæ. The posterior portion of the dorsal tract is not continuous with the anterior portions; it terminates with a slight bifur- cation anteriorly and is widely dilated mesially. The ventral tract is broken into two by the intervention of powder-downs, and the pectoral branch is perfectly separated from the main tract, a unique feature, save for Mesites. It is the scattered powder-downs which are apparently responsible for much of the breaking up of the pterylæ of Rhinochetus.? The semitendinosus, its accessory, the femoro-caudal, and the ambiens are all present in the kagu. As in Psophia and some other birds, the semitendinosus is inserted in common with the semimembranosus. The relations of the last muscles and of the gastrocilemius are illustrated in the accompanying figure (fig. 178), which will explain itself. Both pero- neals are present, and have the typical arrangement seen when both muscles are developed. The deep plantar tendons are as shown in the figure (fig. 179). The flexor FIG. 179.—DEEP hallucis supplies the hallux alone, and is 7 i FLEXOR TENDONS tied to the flexor communis by a strong (AFTER BEDDARD). vinculum before the trifurcation of the latter. The mode of insertion of the tensor patagiż brevis is complicated; the tendon divides into three branches, the two inner of which are prolonged some way beyond the tendon of the extensor metacarpi radialis longi, to which they are first of all attached. There is a biceps slip.? The anconcus longus has a flat tendon of origin from the humerus, as well, of course, as its scapular head. A muscle apparently peculiar to Rhinochetus (see fig. 180) is what has been termed by me an 'accessory biceps.' This arises OF 12 otuus In his paper on Mesites, P. 2. S. 1882, p. 267. 2 I wrongly asserted the absence of this in my paper upon the anatomy of the bird. B ]} 2 372 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS from the humerus just below the insertion of the deltoid, and is inserted near to the insertion of the biceps. The expansor secundariorum is present. The syrinx of Rhinochetus is tracheo-bronchial, and presents us with no features of special interest. The accompanying drawing (fig. 181) shows its lateral aspect. The bronchidesmus is incomplete ; the intrinsic muscles are attached to the third bronchial semi-ring. The number of cervical vertebrce is sixteen. Four of the -D2 . L.d.a Bil I.d. ! Bi.a Fig. 180.- MUSCLES OF FORE LIMB OF Rhinochetus (AFTER BEDDARD). D), D2, deltoid ; Lai, La2, latissimus dorsi; Bil, biceps; Bi2, accessory biceps; N, nerve. Fig. 181.--SYRINX OF Rhinochetus (AFTER BEDDARD). last dorsal vertebræ are ankylosed. Five ribs articulate with the sternum. The sternum is unnotched. The skull is schizorhinal; there are no basipterygoid processes. There is a partial bony internasal septum not to be found in the cranes. The interorbital septum is more fenestrate than in IC GRUES 373 them. The palatines are abruptly truncated posteriorly, as in the herons. There are small occipital foramina. 4 . So 4 . SS JEDI N 2 2 -- inti, 1915 . 1401 Syai . . . K AYA W SA . - An abnormal member of the crane 2 group is the South American seriema, of which it is usually considered that there are two genera, Cariama and Chunga, of the family Cariamidæ. These birds agree with the cranes in possessing an aftershaft and in the number of their rectrices (twelve). The oil gland, however, is nude. In the pterylosis (which has been described by NITZSCH) there is a marked break between the posterior forks of the anterior section of the dorsal tracts and the anterior fork of the posterior sec- tion of the same tracts. The dorsal tract is single on the neck and divides interscapu- larly. The posterior parts of the ventral tract are formed of two 8- rows about two feathers wide. Each joins the outer branch above by one row of feathers merely. The skull (fig. 182) is des- mognathous, but the two maxillo- palatines, though they come into contact in the middle line, are not fused. The nasals are appa- rently holorhinal, really schizo- FIG. 182.-SKULL OF Chunga rhinal (see p. 144), and there are no VENTRAL VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) basıpterygoid processes. There are P, palatine ; 6, supraorbital ridge. fifteen cervical vertebræ ; five ribs articulate with the sternum, which is one-notched; it has the spina externa. Stress has been laid upon this fact and comparison, but a posterior trun- cation of the palatines, nearly as marked, is to be seen in Fraterculae arctica and not in some other auks. 2 The skull is described by PARKER, Tr. Linn. Soc. (2), i. p. 128 ; the general osteology and to some extent the visceral anatomy by BURMEISTER, On . . R C TS 4 llllll.wim VA > - 2014 1 WOX VOLS w at. IM AM AUDIN . . . NA VVY GI . **. VIIMANI 2011 . . 1 WWW NO. 1 Ibai III - 22 AT . 1 WE VINTA 3 . . VEC WS Mahe CENA S 11 1 KU 12" 1.4 01 UW 10 . ins. 374 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LU . The muscle formula of the leg is BXY+, as in bustards. The accessory femoro-caudal muscle (of Chunga) is peculiar in that it becomes reduced in the middle to a thin tendon, being muscular at both extremities. Both peroneals are present. , The tensores patagii spring from a single muscle. There is no biceps slip, another point of likeness to bustards. The brevis tendon spreads out into a broad aponeurosis, but there is no patagial fan. The anconaus has a humeral head. The intestinal measurements of the two birds are as follows:- Chunga Burmeisteri. 33 inches. Cariama cristata. Small intestines, 33 inches. Large intestine, 3 , Cæca, 8.75 3.5 » 8.5 and 10.5 inches. The family Psophiidæ is represented by the single South American genus Psophia, including some four species. These birds have the outer aspect of a rail rather than of a crane, and PARKER has commented upon their phasianine? expression of face. Nevertheless their nearest alliance seems to be with the crane tribe, and perhaps more especially with Cariama. The pterylosis has been described and figured by NITZSCH. There are apparently ten rectrices (not twelve, as NITZSCH stated), and the oil gland, as in Grus, is tufted. The dorsal tract is single on the neck and forms a strong bifurcation between the shoulders; from the two ends of the fork a single row of feathers descend and unite to form a weakly feathered but widish posterior part of the dorsal tract. The ventral tract bifurcates early in the neck, and each in the pectoral region gives off a strong band on the outside ; the main portion of each tract is continued on to the cloaca by Beiträge z. Naturgeschichte der Seriema,' Abhandl. rat. Ges. Halle, i. (1854), p. 17; the viscera also by GADOW, J. f. O. xxiv. (1876), p. 445, and by MARTIN, P. Z. S. 1836, p. 29. See also BEDDARD, 'On the Anatomy of Burmeister's Cariama,' P. Z. S. 1889, p. 594, and literature there quoted. GRUES 375 1/ 17 / . ht . . a very narrow band of feathers, which is only one feather wide to begin with, and afterwards only two feathers wide. The tensor patagii muscles are distinctly gruine ; the biceps slip is present. In the hind limb the muscle formula is BXY+, as in Cariama and the bustards. The syrinx, shown in the accompanying woodcut (fig. 381), presents no remarkable features. It is quite typically tracheo-bronchial, and has, as will be observed, an incom- plete bronchidesmus. It has been stated (by TRAIL) that the windpipe communicates with an air space, apparently after the fashion of the emu. But there is no doubt that this statement was based upon some imperfection of the example studied. It has been also stated that the windpipe in the male is con- voluted; this requires confirmation also. The skull of Psophia' is schizognathous Fr. 183._SYRINX and holorhinal (fig. 81, p. 143). As PARKER OF Psophia leul- coptera (AFTER first observed, the orbital margin is furnished BEDDARD). with about five smallish supra-orbital bones, a feature which reminds us of certain archaic birds, as the tinamous, Arboricola, and Menura. The lacrymal has a de- scending process, which is swollen and nearly comes into contact with the ectethmoid. The maxillo-palatines are comparatively large and swollen bones ; as in Cariama these bones are convex on the outer side, and not concave- as in Grus. There are no occipital foramina. It may be remarked that the holorhinal nostrils of this bird show no such approach to schizorhiny as is displayed by Chunga. From the anterior part of the maxillo-palatines, on a level with a point just in front of the commencement of the bony nostrils, a stoutish knob of bone 2 projects inwards on either side. Of this there are traces in the cranes, parti- cularly in Tetrapteryx. If these processes were to be increased in size and to meet a bony internasal septum, we F. E. BEDDARD, 'On the Structure of Psophia,' &c., P. Z. S. 1890, p. 329. 2 Duly referred to by PARKER, ' Osteology of the Kagu,' Tr. 2. S. vi. p. 507. 376 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS should have the desmognathous' skull of the American vultures. Psophia has seventeen cervical vertebra, of which the ku B TAHUN ROWNIH we PP ... .. MINUNNI IRR11 WI TO T 2011 **.. umu TUNUA - IT - - - ACES w monitoring W N MATATU . 2S !!: 10POL 03 TOINTITO DELLA elim Lumir..lent: le in you ST W ii. 22 . 10. Bollisill! MU in:33 www Piniline INNE . .. . . . r . . JU IML Wh . Ali WMV .. . ! .. ... 11 R ... 1272 . .... . MU .. .. . Shr IIIIIII DAM FIG. 184.-STERNUM, PELVIS, &c., or Psophia leucoptera (AFTER BEDDARD). CORACOID ! REMY PETIT MLA WALTERUTZ D TAR ... 17TTITO 1.no DITT.7 0 LA hotellimus ST- Nirmol he LC Ulti 12 - - ! w last bears a rudimentary rib. Five dorsal vertebræ are ankylosed, there being two free ones behind. The sternum GRUES 377 (fig. 184) is entire and unnotched; eight ribs articulate with it. The atlas is notched for the odontoid process. From the fourteenth cervical vertebra to the third dorsal there are blade-like median hypapophyses. In front of the fourteenth the catapophyses nearly enclose a canal; they get further apart and die away anteriorly. The following table shows the number and character of the hypapophyses in various Grues :- Chunga Cariama | Psophia Rhinochetus Grus Balearica I- Catapophyses Last on C11 012 013 Cli 015 C16 Hypapoplyses C12-D1 C13-D1 C14-D3 012-D3 C16-019 C17-019 11 The family Eurypygidæ contains but one genus and species, Eurypyga helias, native of South America. It has an oil gland, which is generally nude but occasionally tufted, and twelve rectrices. Eurypyga, like Rhinochetus and Mesites, has powder-down patches, but their arrangement is very different from those of Rhinochetus. Dorsally there is on either side of the dorsal tract a compact dense triangular patch; in front it continues over scapula as a band which runs on to the sternal surface, and there forms a sparsely feathered patch more or less continuous with pectoral tract of contour feathers. There are a few scattered powder- downs on axilla and along neck. The tensor patagii brevis is broad and rather diffused, stronger at the two edges; it sends off a wristward slip. The tensor longus is reinforced by a strong biceps slip. The expansor secundarioruin is strong and 'ciconiine.' The anconcus has a humeral attachment. The insertion of the deltoid extends halfway down the humerus. I have noticed in the pectoralis primus a vertical septum dividing the muscle into a right and left half. The muscle formula of the hind limb is complete, i.e. ABXY+. The glutæus I. extends well over the biceps. Both peroneals are present. 378 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The liver is equilobed, with a gall bladder. The intestines are 18 inches long, the short cæca (4 inch) being 14 inch from cloaca. Both carotids are present. The skull of the sun bittern has been described 1 and figured by PARKER. It presents several points of likeness to that of Rhino- chetus, notably in the ardeine character of the palatines, which are cut off squarely behind and are of approximate length throughout; each palatine, moreover, has a fenestra, as in Tigrisoma leucolophum (and also in Numenius phcopiis and Anous stolidus). The interorbital septum is widely fenestrate; there are no occipital foramina. As in Psophia (q.v.), Rhinochetus, and cranes, there is a rudimentary "snag' from the anterior part of maxillo-palatine. The nostrils are schizorhinal, and the curves of the various surfaces of the bones are such that if the very narrow anterior chink were closed a well-rounded and quite typical holorhinal skull would be the result. Eurypyga has a one-notched sternum with well-developed spina externa. There are eighteen cervical vertebræ, and three dorsals are fused. The pelvis is a little less rail-like than in Grus, Rhino- chetus, Psophia, &c., in being wider, and in the more hori- zontal plane of ilia, which do not meet. Family Aptornithidæ.3—The two species of Aptoris, A. defosson and A. otidiformis, from New Zealand quaternary deposits, were originally referred to the Dinornithidæ, and more lately to the rails. FÜRBRINGER has, however, advanced certain reasons for relegating them to the neighbourhood of Rhinochetus, and I follow him in placing them in the present group. The chief reason which persuaded FÜRBRINGER to this conclusion was the schizorhinal nostrils, quite evident ToOn the Osteology of the Kagu,' Ir. 2. S. vol. vi., and On Ægithogna- thous Birds, ibid. vol. X. p. 307, pl. liv. figs. 7, 8, 9. ? See, however, footnote, p. 373. 3 OWEN, 'On Dinornis,' pt. xv. Tr. Z. S. vii. p. 353. GRUES 379 in OWEN's plates, and showing the inward curvature so often found in the schizorhinal nostril, and quite apparent in Grus (though not in Rhinochetus). A special point of resemblance to Rhinochetus among the crane-like birds seems to me to be in the partial ossification of the nasal septum. The solidity, posteriorly at any rate, of the interorbital septum is like Psophia so far as gruine birds are concerned, while the spout-like process, upwards of the palatines is quite in harmony with FÜRBRINGER's views of the affinities of Ap- tornis. The junction of the zygoma with the post-frontal process is not crane-like ; it occurs among gallinaceous birds, and there is a near approach to it in Otis. In the view given by OWEN of the under surface of the skull is a bone described, though not figured, which ap- pears to me to correspond to the desmognathous palate of Cariama. The union of the bones and their divergence posteriorly are precisely like what is to be seen in Cariama. Large basipterygoid processes are present, but OWEN failed to find upon them an articular surface. So that while the outline of the skull of Aptornis is very like that of some of the large rails its affinities have been probably more correctly diagnosed by FÜRBRINGER. Besides the Aptornithidæ already mentioned other forms referable to the Grues have been obtained from Tertiary strata. Of these Aletornis (with a number of species) is placed among the Gruidæ and Geranopsis of LYDEKKER. The latter is known only by the coracoid, which differs somewhat from that of Grus. LYDEKKER does not admit the genus Palæogrus of PORTIS. The family Mesitidæ is represented by the Madagascar Mesites, a genus containing but a single species, which has been investigated anatomically by MILNE-EDWARDS 2 and by FORBES. One of its principal characteristics was originally | Loc. cit. pl. xl. figs. 1, 2. 2. Remarques sur le Genre Mesites,' &c., Ann. Sci. Nåt. (6), vii., and in Hist. Nat. de Madagascar. 3 . Description of the Pterylosis of Mesites,' &c., P.Z. S. 1882, p. 267. 380 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS discovered by E. BARTLETT, who found and described briefly the powder-down patches. The bird has sixteen rectrices, and apparently—but there is some little doubt about the matter—a nude oil gland. The contour feathers have no aftershaft. There are five pairs of powder-down patches. The most anterior pair lie in the interscapular region, and are enclosed by the dorsal tracts. The second pair are upon the rump, the third pair at the commencement of the pectoral region; the fourth pair lie also on the ventral region, but posteriorly ; the fifth pair, finally, are axillary. The number of these pairs is greater than in any known bird, and their definition and complete separation as distinct patches contrasts with the diffused arrangement characteristic of Rhinochetus and Eurypyga. There are four apteria on the neck, since both dorsal and ventral tracts divide early. The dorsal tracts converge inter- scapularly, and then become much feebler, and are continued on to the Y-shaped posterior part of the tract. The ventral tracts cease altogether at the commencement of the pectoral region, but recommence behind the powder-downs. The outer branch is present, but is quite unconnected with the main stem. The muscle formula is complete, ABXY+. Both carotids are present. As FÜRBRINGER removed Aptornis from the rails and placed it in the present group largely on account of its schizorhinal nostrils, it is remarkable that he did not also do so with the present bird. The bony nostrils are, in fact, of the type that has been termed pseudo-holorhinal. They are rounded at their end, but elongated and curved inwards ; they are exactly like those of Glareola. Mesites is schizognathous, with delicate maxillo-palatines. The descending process of the lacrymal abuts upon, but does not fuse with, the very stout square ectethmoid. This part of the skull, again, is more like Glareola than any gruine form ; but it is also like Pterocles and various other birds. There are seventeen cervical vertebra, and four ribs reach I 'Remarks on the Affinities of Mesites,' P. 2. S. 1877, p. 292. GRUES 381 the one-notched sternum. The dorsal vertebræ with com- plete ribs are ankylosed. The furcula is quite degenerate. Aftershaft Oil Gland Poider-downs Fifth Remex Nostrils 1 Occipital Fontan. Supra-orbital Grooves Interorbital Septum Cervical Vertebræ Dorsal Vertebræ fused Sternum Muscle Formula of Leg Biceps Slip + O idæ ++ Gruidæ . . + Tuft o oi Schiz. + + Incompl. 19, 20 2–3(4)"| Solid ABXY+ + BXY+ XY + Cariamidæ Nude 0 + 10.10 Compl. 15 None Oue BXY+ incis. XY+ Rhinochetidæ. N. Schiz. Incompl. 16 1-4 Sol. LAXY + Eurypygidæ . + N., t. | Scliiz. Incompl. 18 1-3 One ABXY + incis. Mesitidæ Schiz. Incompl. | 17 | 1-4 One ABXY + incis. Psophiidae .. Hol. Sol. BXY+ RALLI . . Incompl. 15,14 | None ABXY + incis. OTIDIES. .lt 010 010 Incompl. | 16, 17 None Two BXY+ o iucis. CEDICNEMIDÆ. + ' T. OloHol. Tolo Incompl.16 None Two ABXY+ + incis. BXY + + + oo Ot + + + o tt O Fol. "Not completely fused, and not always. It is clear from the accompanying table that the seven families which I here include with the Grues are a tolerably divergent series of birds. Yet it does not appear to me possible to locate any one of them elsewhere. The bird concerning whose position I am most doubtful is naturally Mesites. It is placed near the hemipodes among the galli- naceous birds by GADOW, and by FÜRBRINGER near the hemipodes but among the rails. SHARPE takes the view which is urged here, while FORBES and some other recent writers are impressed by its likenesses to Eurypyga and Rhinochetus, FORBES, indeed, having associated all three in a separate group. There are, unfortunately, so many lacuna in our knowledge of this form that a strict comparison is as yet hardly possible. Allowing the characters of the deep flexor tendons, not mentioned by FÜRBRINGER, the agree- ments with the Turnices do not appear to me to be more numerous than those with Eurypyga, while the powder- bird. There are difficulties too with other genera of crane-like 382 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS birds. For PARKER the inclusion of Cariana in the present group is impossible. Yet I find myself in this matter in accord with most recent writers. If Cariama is not allied to the cranes, where are we to put it? The only alternative seems to be the rails, which are in any case not far removed from the present group. MITCHELL has pointed out the very close resemblance in the intestinal tract of cranes, rails, Cariama, Otis, and (as yet unpublished) Psophia. PARKER, on the other hand, has emphasised the likeness between Cariana and the Accipitres, a likeness which has even im- pressed itself upon their external physiognomy. FORBES went so far as to include in the same group with Cariama the secretary bird. It appears to me, in fact, that the origin of the Accipitres is to be traced to some crane-like form, and that the very varied characters of the Grues point to their being a basal form connected with more groups than one. As is pointed out elsewhere, unless we are to regard the Accipitres as here treated as diphyletic, or even triphy- letic, we must assume that the Catharta and Serpentarius are the most primitive forms whence the typical Falconidæ have been derived by a loss of two muscles of the leg. In these birds the formula BXY or AXY must come before A alone. But little change is required to convert Caricma into Gypogeranus ; and if it be objected that this is because Cariana is an accipitrine, the quite similar skull, so far as the desmognathism is concerned, of Aptornis may be pointed to; it will hardly be contended that Aptornis is anything but a crane or a rail. Along another line probably the peculiar desmognathism of the American vultures may be derived from conditions obtaining in the crane group. PARKER has pointed out the ossification and fusion in the middle line of alinasals in Cariama ; but in that bird the fused bones, though quite analogous with, cannot be the exact homologues of, the fusion of bones which has occurred in Cathartes, &c.; for the position is totally different, being much further forward in Cariana. There is, however, in Psophia and in others of its allies—particularly well developed in Psophia- ''A raptorial isomorph of the Cranes' (PARKER). GRUES 383 a small snag of bone, already referred to as projecting out- wards from the maxillo-palatine in precisely the spot required; if this projection were to grow more extensively, we should have a palate exactly like that of Cathartes and Gypagus. To consider another quite different group of birds, the Herodiones, I have urged on another page (p. 441) the low position of Platalea among the Herodiones. In more than one particular these birds recall the cranes. The occipital fontanelles, the complete muscle formula are among these characters. FÜRBRINGER has hinted at, but not accepted, the diphyletic origin of the Herodiones ; were it not for Scopus and Balæriceps, this might be fairly assumed indeed; and in view of this possibility the strongly ardeine character of the palatines in Rhinochetus and Eurypyga may be commented upon. This character, too, is coupled with the existence of powder-down patches. Though the charadriiform birds form, in my opinion, a group distinct from the Grues, there are many points of simi- larity between them. This is practically shown by the fact that Edicnemus has been much bandied about between the two groups. The occipital fontanelles, the supra-orbital impressions are among the points of likeness. In view of these facts the likeness in some matters of the skull of Mesites to that of Glareola is perhaps significant. It is really mainly the form of the intestinal coils as described by MITCHELL that leads me to dwell upon the separateness of the two groups. But this question is dealt with more fully under Limicolæ con p. 358). As an appendix to the Grues we may perhaps consider the STEREORNITHES This singular group of birds was originally discovered in the lower Tertiary strata of Patagonia by the well-known palæontologist AMEGHINO. Of the several genera assigned to the family, many of which are very imperfectly known See, however, p. 373 footnote, where a similar conformation of these bones in the auk, Fratercula, is described. 384 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS and doubtfully referable to the group, Phororhacos is the best known, almost the entire skeleton being now in the museum at Buenos Ayres. A convenient summary of AME- GHINO'S work, with criticisms, has lately appeared in the 'Ibis,'2 by Mr. ANDREWS, from the whose paper the information here has been extracted. When first discovered (the anterior por- tion of the lower jaw) the creature was referred to the mam- malia. As with the leg bone of the Dinornis its ornithic nature was doubted, though the lesson afforded by the Dinornis might have tempted naturalists to be bolder than was perhaps reasonable in the forties. The bird was formerly CD . . A X W . 10 . :* . > .. . . * 11. F S . 11W . 9 ESOS 1KO OM V pun :* SK, NY WISAP . NA 450.. . W UN VOYED 7 DAWA ay NGO HIV . 4* $ 1. SA' MORE . 1 :*: SEE 24 AVE : * OUT. . . TAYO! SOS IKA- . V Po 06 . ti usu 1 O SIS O ES ' DOS . QuotUA ::r . *** TA NOW! **US S Vr . D GER SUNT . 00 XO ka . * AX 1 " ... IS :1. . SOWE . SARAN 3.SE 1. 1X ... r . . . Di KO Vrat. ..NY - .. . . 4 RA . . * - . PU im VAN 1 it : OneWALTOVA SA WAX VIVO. . A OM ke TI HYFFITI IV . . . . 1 . . . CH KY . A O 1 WIN M MONOL 11 SUNT NYA T - . H . : KOOL 1 . ORLU ori MOS 13 VO . . Til VXXU DUITS NITA 1-tit LOV AXA 19 I LIS Ici . I KUS ... YOYO . hiv .. .. , . . .. . . . VA .. . 27 0 . CS WE 9 2 . . NA . . YOY . .. NA ASSY . . Menu . . NA Oo. AK PART 12:10 . * . . ON : Wir UUTA Fig. 185.-SKULL or Phororhacos. LATERAL ASPECT. (AFTER ANDREWS.) held to be ratite. But LYDEKKER, who examined the qua- drate, found that, as in carinates, it articulated by two heads instead of the one which characterises that bone in the ratites. The skull of Phoror hacos longissimus is two feet in length; the hooked beak has two or three serrations at the commencement of the hook, which remind one of the Eocene Odontopteryx, in which bird, however (see p. 418), the serra- tions extend along the entire length of both jaws. Seen from above certain resemblances between this skull and that of Phalacrocorax or Piotus will be apparent. ANDREWS thinks that the lacrymal was united with the jugal by a E.g. Brontornis, Dryornis, Pelecyornis. 2 Jan. 1896. 3 Except Apteryx. STEREORNITHES 385 1 . . . r . 141 " . ya US nes .. IGRO 6. 22 si x2 zł . 11 ?.01. SABT26 UK2 . . O UN . Poi * NO NIYA XXX . trẻ, OTIV O 01 . ON NICAR E ran.. . : . 12 : . * 1 . A . separate bone which exists in Cariama (and of course Chunga), a bone which is found in other birds, though its articulation with the palatines often makes its identification with that of the seriema doubtful. The ventral surface of the skull is crane-like.1 The vertebral column is interesting on account of the fact that many of the dorsal and all of the caudals have their centra per- forated for the remains of the noto- chord. There is no pygostyle. The pelvis is remarkably like that of Hes- . perornis and the grebes. It has the length and narrowness of that limb girdle in the birds mentioned. It has, however, been more satisfac- torily perhaps compared with the pelvis of Cariama. The slenderness and length of the coracoid, together with the absence of a procoracoid, prevent a comparison in this particu- iar with the ratites. It is typically NIN 9 TRA * F! * oW: ARR . NOVA NA ** Sv . . MATE C N1 dra ... 19 WRIT *. 17 FOWA with YOU K LY. PA YOY . dal ON . YO 2 . FOTO . Nr. cu 4 1 2M T TU . . st . . 22 1 ' . UMNO? . X4in. ..17 . .. . . wy. IZ . .. . CS 4 " 22 KI 2747. . ** C2 . EV A . . KOV: re in K ... 14 . . A nen Vn . . YU L * . A 3 .. 2./ . . TO MOTO C.RO tar S .. VIVA S . s "W ' SAN CO . . . 11. SOSY m .yr RM MON * WS S TATUS 1, .m ! . ' Y NN . cenu . S . .. . WWW. Si .. . . Vies XII nes . 1 AM 12 . Yes 2. - Ut . .ASTO '. inson . . asive OY ucre A ou. L 10. h CA FIG. 186.—SKULL OF P1ro- rorhacos. DORSAL ASPECT. (AFTER ANDREWS.) FIG. 187.-PELVIS OF Phororhacos. DORSAL ASPECT. (AFTER ANDREWS.) 22 UU carinate in fact, and shows perhaps special resemblances to Cariama. The ulna shows well-marked tubercles, which indicate the insertion of the secondaries. Though reduced in size, and therefore possibly useless for purposes of flight, it seems i See letter from Dr. GADOW, Ibis, Oct. 1996, p. 586, where it is pointed out that Stereornis is synonymous with Pliororlacos, and that therefore the name Stereornithes cannot stand. It is, however, difficult to compose a name out of Phororhacos, and it is not proved that the birds in question are definitely cranes. I therefore leave the name. C C 386 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS likely that the wings of this bird were more efficient than those of the ratites on account of the apparently well- developed remiges. COLYMBI Definition.-Oil gland tufted. Aftershaft present. Aquincubital. Accessory semitendinosus absent. Biceps slip present. Glutæus maximus large, extending behind acetabulum. Cæca long. Skull holorhinal, without basipterygoid processes, schizogna- thous. Tibial crest strongly developed. This group of birds contains two very well-marked families, the divers (Colymbidæ) and the grebes (Podicipedidae). In view of their numerous and important points of similarity I have not thought it desirable to separate these two families quite so widely as has GADOW. The Colymbidæ contain but one genus, Colymbus, with four species. Of the grebes there is perhaps also only one well-marked genus, Podicipes. But the Central American Centropelma (of SCLATER and SALVIN) has some claims, on account of the complete loss of flight, to generic distinction, while in the course of the following pages it will be seen that there are certain, if small, reasons for distinguishing Æchmophorus and Tachybaptes. Podilymbus, another alleged genus, has not been dissected. Our knowledge of the anatomy of this group of birds is chiefly due to NITZSCH,' BRANDT, 2 COUES,3 SHUFELDT,4 and myself.5 As to external characters, there is a close agreement among the Colymbi. The number of rectrices in Colymbus glacialis I find to be twenty. NITZSCH gives eighteen to twenty for the genus. Specialised rectrices are not recognis- able among the grebes. The inferior tract of feathers is I Loc. cit. 2 • Beiträge z. Kenntniss d. Naturg. d. Vögel,' Mem. Ac. St. Petersb. 1840, p. 197. 3. On the Osteology of Colymbus,' &c., Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. i. 1866, p. 131. +Concerning the Taxonomy of the N. American Pygopodes,' &c., J. Anat. Phys. 1892, p. 198. 5 Notes upon the Anatomy of a Grebe (Æchmophorus major),' &c., P.Z. S. COLYMBI 387 divided into two about halfway down the neck; the two tracts are not again divided upon the trunk, where they are broad. The spinal tract divides high up on the neck (Podi- ceps cristatus) or only between the shoulders (Colymbus glacialis). The anterior part of the spinal tract is stronger than the posterior part, and is separated from it; the latter is solid, enclosing no space. The patagial tendons of Colymbus glacialis are rather simple. The tendon of the brevis is a rather broad undivided band. There is no patagial fan, but, as in Æchmophorus, a delicate tendon arises from the fore arm near the insertion of the tensor brevis and ends in the biceps slip. In Colymbus arcticus, according to FÜRBRINGER's sketch, a broad diffuse tendon arises from biceps slip, and ends freely upon the patagium. The first description given is from my own dis- section of C. glacialis, and agrees with a manuscript note of Mr. FORBES upon C. septentrionalis. But C. glacialis apparently sometimes approaches C. arcticus. I have a manu- script sketch by Professor GARROD showing a broad band of fibres arising from the biceps slip, but ending on the fore arm. The anconcus has a humeral head. The expansor secun- dariorum appears to be absent. The biceps is single-headed. The leg muscle formula, in contradistinction to what we find in the grebes (where it is BX - ), is ABX +. There is a peculiarity in the gastrocnemius of C. septen- trionalis which is worth calling attention to : one of the heads of that muscle arises from the tendinous end of the glutæus maximus. The femorocaudal is tendinous for half its length; its ac- cessory is a very large muscle. The ambiens in Colymbus glacialis has two heads of origin. The combined plantar tendons give off a small slip to the hallux in C. septentrionalis, as in Podicipes minor. The divers have two carotids, the more modified (cf. leg formula) grebes only the left. The lobes of the liver in the Colymbi are equal, and there is a gall bladder. The following are a few intestinal measurements: сс 2 388 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS - - - - - - - -. . S. I. L. 1. Cæca . . . -- . - - - - - Inches 1:7, 1:8 - - - - Columbus septentrionalis glacialis Podicipes cornutus . o mninor . . Ft. Ins. 3 11 5 4 2 5 2 5 Inchies 3.7 2.5 1.5 1.5 1.1, 1.6 1.5 - - - - -- - - -- - . .. - -. . . ----- The cæca of C. septentrionalis are conical and saccular in form, with irregular but distinct transverse rugæ. The syrinx in the divers (Colymbiis septentrionalis) is not in any way remarkable in form. The last tracheal rings and . Ro படம் . All AU i Piumin Williini SS EEZ millilijiinit T SINUL WWW. l . . AN 1 " WWIIN III LAI. FIG. 188.-SYRINX OF Æchmopliorus. į, intrinsic muscles. Fig. 189.-SYRINX Or Tachybaptes. i, intrinsic muscles. the first bronchial are ossified and firmly attached to each other. The pessulus is also ossified. The succeeding bron- chial rings are soft and cartilaginous. The powerful intrinsic muscles are inserted partly on to the last tracheal ring and partly on to the first bronchial, the line of insertion being oblique. The syrinx of Æchmophorus (fig. 188) has a very incom- plete bronchidesmus, a very wide space between the two bronchi existing above its anterior edge. The last two tracheal rings are fused to form a long box, into the compo- sition of which it appears to me that the first bronchial semi- ring enters. In any case, if that be not so, the first bronchial Y COLYMBI 389 semi-ring has the unusual relations shown in the drawing, which are perfectly consistent with the belief that the ring is the second bronchial. The intrinsic muscles are attached to the third tracheal ring in front of the tracheo-bronchial box. The bronchial semi-rings are fairly ossified, but have rather wide membranous interspaces. In Podicipes cristatus there is the same failure of the intrinsic syringeal muscles to reach even the end of the trachea. A box is formed by fusion at the end of the trachea, into which it appears to me the first bronchial semi-ring does not enter. The bronchial semi-rings are deeper and closer together, and the whole bronchus is more ossified, than in the last genus. The bronchi, too, are longer. In Podicipes cornutus the syrinx is much the same, but of course smaller. The first free semi-ring of the bronchus seems to be No. 2. There is a wider membranous interval between it and the antecedent tracheo-bronchial box than in the last species. Tachybaptes fluviatilis (fig. 189, p. 388) has a different syrinx. The last three tracheal rings are only fused in front, though they are closely united laterally. These rings are much ossified. The insertion of the intrinsic muscles is remarkable. They run obliquely forward, converging, to be inserted into the last three tracheal rings. The first bron- chial semi-ring is arched, and ossified in front, where it is fused with the tracheal box; otherwise it and the succeeding rings are cartilaginous. It is clear, therefore, that the syringeal characters justify the generic distinction here adopted. The cervical vertebre are more numerous in the grebes than in the divers; they are only fourteen or fifteen in the latter, twenty-one in Æchmophorus and Podicipes cornut- tus. Cervical vertebræ 10 to 16 in Æchmophorus I have a catapophysial canal; on 17 and 18 the hypapophyses are blade-like and enormous; these processes extend to the very end of the dorsal series. The last cervical and the first three dorsals are fused. There is no catapophysial A canal is nearly formed in Podiceps. O 390 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS canal in Colymbus ; but the hypapophyses are greatly deve- loped, and in the dorsal region Y-shaped, with widely diver- gent flattened and expanded limbs. None of the dorsal vertebræ are fused. Six ribs reach the sternum in the two grebes mentioned ; eight or nine in the divers. The sternum is one-notched; in the grebes it has in addition a median triangular notch. There is no anterior spine to the sternum in the grebes. The procoracoid is moderately large and hooked in the divers, absent in grebes. The pelvis is very elongated and compressed, as in Hesperornis, but the ischia are not free from the ilia, as in that bird. In the skeleton of the leg the most conspicuous feature is the highly developed cnemial crest. The patella too is very large in the grebes, but not in Colymbidæ, where, indeed, it is not ossified. In these particulars the grebes resemble Hesperornis. The principal skull characters have been already mentioned in the definition of the group. In addition to these matters the strongly marked temporal fossæ may be mentioned, which nearly meet on the upper surface of the skull. They are not so well marked in the small Podicipes minor. In the divers are strongly marked furrows for the supra-orbital glands; this is not the case with the grebes. The former have also a single median occipital foramen above the foramen magnum. The ectethmoids exhibit the bullate form so characteristic of the Anseres. It may be useful to state in a tabular form the principal characters of the grebes and divers.! Muscle Tormula Carotids Cerv. Vert. Dors. Vert. No. of 1 Semi- Conn. I men bril- Ribs NIOSIIS Grebes Divers l . . BX- ABX + 1 1.2 . 21 15 ! Ankylosed ! Not ank. 4-6 8,9 + - - - - - - - . . . These characters appear distinctly to point to the more modified structure of the grebes. There are reasons (p. 165) for regarding a small number of cervical vertebræ and a O | The extinct Colymboicles (C.minutus, M.-E1). ; C. anglicus, LYDEKKER), of which the former is known by a humerus, the latter by a coracoid, and possibly a piece of sternum, is said to combine the characters of grebes and divers. COLYMBI 391 large number of complete ribs as more archaic characters than the reverse ; the other features as evidence of degenera- tion require no comment.' In considering, then, the affinities of the Colymbi the Colymbidæ are to be chiefly taken into account. But any comparisons bristle with difficulties. The late Mr. FORBES in his final scheme of classification definitely associated the Colymbi with the Heliornithidæ; in this course I supported him by reason of certain muscular characters of both groups of birds. The outward appearance, too, of both birds is not at variance with such an affinity. The muscular formula of the leg is the very unusual one of ABX+. This reduced formula is found in Podoa and in the Sphenisci, Anatidæ, Tubinares, Phalacrocorax, and certain Alcidæ. It is to be noted that all of these are at least largely aquatic in their habits, a fact which must, of course, discount the value of the character ; but still ABX is an unusual formula, and there are other grounds for regarding the birds mentioned (with the excep- tion, perhaps, of the Alcidæ) as having some relation to each other. The insertion of the biceps slip on to the patagium allies Colymbus and Podoa; though this also occurs in other birds, it is, again, in some that are presumably not far from the Colymbi : for example, of the forty characters selected by GADOW for the comparison of the various groups of birds the Colymbidæ agree with the Sphenisci in twenty-eight; with the Tubinares in twenty-seven ; with the Steganopodes in twenty-six; with the Anatidæ in twenty-three ; with the Heliornithidæ in twenty-three. On the other hand there are twenty-five points of likeness to the Larida, as deduced from the same tables, and no less than twenty-nine to the Alcæ. As might indeed be imagined, it would be rash to lay much stress upon the proportions of these numbers. It is not to my mind clear with which of the groups mentioned the Colymbi are most nearly allied. Their undoubted relationship to the Hesperornithes is treated of on another page (p. 395); and it is perhaps this very fact which prevents us from detecting likenesses to more modern (?) groups. 392 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS HESPERORNITHES Definition.-Large extinct birds of a diver-like form. Skull holorhinal, with supra-orbital impressions. Vomers paired. Quadrate single-headed. Sternum without keel. Shoulder girdle platy- coracoidal; clavicles fully developed. Fore limb represented by humerus only. ! The principal source of information concerning the remarkable genus Hesperornis, from the Cretaceous of North America (to which three species, viz. H. regalis, H.crassipes, and H. gracilis, are assigned), is naturally the magnificent treatise on this bird (and on Ichthyornis) by MARSH." The bird stood about six feet high, and presented the general form of the diver, to which bird it is now held to come nearest. MARSH, however, compared it more especially with the Struthiones, and it is spoken of by him and by others as an 'aquatic ostrich.' The former view now holds the field. There are, nevertheless, various struthious features in the skull, and in other parts of the skeleton, some of which may be held to be due to its loss of the power of flight; others are not so explicable from the point of view of our actual knowledge of bird structure. The skull has the general contours of that of the diver, and, like that bird, has very well-marked furrows for the supra-orbital glands. The nasal bones produce a holorhinal nostril. The figure given by MARSH of the upper surface of the skull is a little suggestive of there having been an ap- pearance of the ossified ethmoid on the surface of the skull, as in some struthious birds and tinamous. The interorbital septum is fairly ossified with a large foramen. The lacrymal is large with a large descending process, which nearly, if not quite, reaches the jugal bar. The pitting of the premaxil- laries led MARSH to the inference that the beak was present, in addition to the teeth, which will be presently referred to. The skull has been described as “saurognathous,' on i Odontornithes. Washington, 1880. HESPERORNITHES 393 account of the paired vomers. These were, however, not particularly like the presumed. vomers of the woodpeckers (see p. 187). Each bone is broad behind, where it may, as in struthious birds, have articulated with the pterygoids, and tapers in front to almost a point. It is not clear whether the bird really had, as MARSH is disposed to infer, a 'dromæo- gnathous' palate. In any case the basipterygoid processes are present, and the articulations on the pterygoids are towards the posterior end of these bones, as in the skull of the Struthiones. The palatines are longish bones, and are compared to those of the ostrich. They taper in front. As in most Struthiones the articular head of the quadrate, for articulation with the skull, is not divided into two facets. The rami of the lower jaw do not appear to have been ankylosed together, but to have been connected by a possibly merely chondrified or ligamentous tract, which would have allowed a gaping of the mandibles —seen partly in the pelican, and obviously useful to a fish-eating bird, as we may presume Hesperornis to have been. Both lower and upper jaws have teeth, which are implanted in a continuous groove, widened at the implantation of each tooth. In the upper jaw the teeth are limited to the maxillæ, and there were fourteen to each maxilla. The lower jaw had teeth along its entire length, and the number given is thirty- three. The vertebræ are saddle-shaped. The number of cervical vertebræ is seventeen. The entire vertebral column con- sisted of forty-nine vertebræ. None are ankylosed, except, of course, the sacral series, and some at the end of the tail. Pneumatic openings were not discoverable in any of the vertebræ. The atlas has not been found. In no vertebra do the catapophyses seem to have united to form a ventral canal, a state of affairs which is occasionally met with in the Struthiones and is characteristic of the Herodiones and Steganopodes. The fourteenth cervical is extraordinary by reason of the enormous size of the two catapophyses, which are approximated and nearly parallel. The following vertebra has the first median hypapophysis, which is bifid at the free 39+ STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS tip; the hypapophyses die away on the fourth dorsal vertebra. With regard to the caudal vertebræ, the most remarkable fact is that while there is no pygostyle there is no rudi- mentary state of affairs observable ; for the last few vertebræ have greatly expanded transverse processes, which would not move independently. MARSH thinks that 'the end of the tail would move mainly as a whole. This would give great power, similar to that in the beaver's tail or the flexible blade of an oar.' As to the shoulder girdle, the scapula is in the same straight line, or nearly so, with the coracoid; it belongs, in fact, to what FÜRBRINGER has termed the 'platycoracoidal’ type, seen also in the Struthiones. But, contrary to what we find in those birds, there is not a fusion between the cora- coids and scapula in Hesperornis, and there is, moreover, a complete pair of clavicles. The cora coid has a strong pro- coracoidal process, and also a supra-coracoidal foramen, as in various Struthiones. The two coracoids are widely removed at their articula- tion with the sternum. The clavicles, though complete, appear to have joined each other ventrally by a joint; they arise from the procoracoid. The sternum, which has articu- lar surfaces for five ribs, has no keel. It is notched in the middle line posteriorly, and is wider in front than behind. The elongated form of the sternum is compared by MARSH to that of Uria. The ribs have uncinate processes. The fore limb of Hesperornis appears to have consisted only of the humerus, as no other bones were discovered, and as there were no distal facets for articulation with a radius and ulna. The pelvis of Hesperornis in its general form resembles that of Podiceps. The constituent bones are, however, entirely free distally. The acetabulum is closed by bone, a state of affairs only seen in the emu and to some extent in Tinamics. The ischium has no processes tending upwards to the ilium and downwards to the pubis, as in Struthiones. . 12 . HESPERORNITHES 395 The prepubic process is large, but not larger than in certain recent birds, and not so large as in Geococcyx and Tinamus. The femur of Hesperornis is remarkably short and stout, more so than in any known bird, recent or fossil. The tibia has an enormous cnemial crest, as in divers, and the patella is a huge bone; the latter is perforated by a foramen for the ambiens muscle. The feet have four toes. Nothing is known about the soft parts of this bird, save the feathers, which have been latelyl stated to be quite ostrich-like. But casts of the brain have brought to light the interesting fact that it has smaller cerebral hemispheres than are found in any existing bird. It seems clear that, as D'ARCY THOMPSON and others have argued, the nearest affinities of Hesperornis are with the Colymbi. That they are more nearly related to the ratites was the opinion of MARSH. The likeness to the ratites, however, seems mainly to be based upon the degenerate structure of the wings in both. The degeneration of the wings, however, has not proceeded along precisely similar lines. Although the angle between the scapula and the coracoid is nearly as open as in the ratites, the two bones have not become ankylosed ; and moreover the clavicles are retained. The fact that of the fore limb only the humerus remains (at least in an ossified condition) may be compared with the fact that in the Dinornithidæ traces of the same bone have been met with. On the other hand there are more positive likenesses to the Colymbi, which are not so clearly due to the immediate action of environment. The long and narrow pelvis, and the huge cnemial crest with the relatively enormous patella, are among the more salient points of resemblance. The characters in which the Hesperornithes approach the Colymbi are divided between the two families of the latter group; in some points Hesperornis is more of a diver ; in others it comes nearer to the grebes. The following table of comparison may help to make its mixed' characters clear :- In a letter to Nature, April 8, 1897, by Prof. MARSH. 396 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS · -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- -. . - - - . - - - - - - . - .- - - - - -- Hesperornis Divers Grebes -. Cerv. vert. Catapoph. canal . | Hoeincip. . . · Dors. vert. fused . Patella . . Supra-orbit. groores 17 14, 15 i 17-21 0 With expanded With expanded Not so expanded at ends None None Several Large Very small Large Large Not marked ends ends - - - - . . - - -. . - .- - . - -- . .. With the grebes Hesperornis agrees in only two of the characters, and in the remaining four with the divers. It presents in fact, as might be expected of so ancient a form, a compound of the grebe and the diver. We cannot however, in my opinion, put it down defi- nitely as the ancestral form whence both divers and grebes have branched off; but it seems to approach that form, agreeing as it does in most points with the more generalised divers. SPHENISCI 2 Definition.—Moderately sized to large birds, with wings' modified to form a swimming paddle. Aftershaft present. Feathering continuous. Oil gland tufted. Muscle formula of leg, ABX +. No biceps brachii or expansor secundariorum. Two carotids. Skull schizognathous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid pro- cesses. Dorsal vertebræ markedly opisthocoelous. Scapula flattened and expanded. Metatarsals short and incompletely fused. The anatomy of the penguins has been mainly investi- gated by MENZBIER ? and WATSON.2 The group, which is entirely antarctic, contains the genera Eudyptes, Aptenodytes, Pygosceles, and Spheniscus. For discussion of the affinities of the Hesperornis gee, besides MARSH and FÜRBRINGER and Gadow in their large works, FÖRBRINGER, · Über die syste- matische Stellung der Hesperornithidæ,' Orn. Monatsschr. d. deutsch. Ver. 2. Schutz. Vögel, xv. 1890, p. 488; F. HELM, 'On the Affinities of Hesperornis,' Nature, xliii. 1891, p. 368; SHUFELDT, 'On the Affinities of Hesperornis,' ibid. p. 176; D’A. W. THOMPSON, 'On the Systematic Position of Hesperornis,' Stud. Mus. Univ. Coll. Dundee, i. 1890. | 2 Since WATSON'S "Report on the Penguins collected by the Challenger? the following papers have appeared : M. MENZBIER, Vergleichende Osteologie der Penguine,' &c., Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Mosc., 1887; H. SCHAUINSLAND, ' Zur Entwickelung des Pinguins,' Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. Leipzig, 1891, p. 135 ; STUDER in Zoology of S. M. S. 'Gazellc.' SPHENISCE 397 The penguins have a continuous feathering, the feathers acquiring upon the paddle-like wing a scaly aspect;' they have an aftershaft. The oil gland is tufted. In the myology of the fore limb the most remarkable fact is the entire absence of the biceps, a muscle which is wanting nowhere else among birds. There are also absent the expanşor secundariorum, scapulo-humeralis anterior, and serratus metapatagialis. The tensor patagii longus is pre- sent, and its tendon is inserted on to the whole length of the bones of the arm as far as the extremity of the last phalanx. The latissimus dorsi is peculiar in that its two parts, ending in thin tendons, pass side by side through a pulley arising from the scapula. The pectoralis major (of E: chrysocome) meets its fellow in the middle line over the carina sterni, as in tinamous, &c. In the hind limb the muscle formula is ABX+. The semimembranosus is remarkable for the fact that it has, besides the usual head of origin, a second from the aponeurosis of the abdominal muscles. The accessory femorocaudal (in E. chrysocome) sends a muscular slip to the tendon of the femorocaudal. The tibialis anticus divides in Spheniscus mendiculus into two heads of insertion; in other species its insertion, as is usual with birds, is single. There is but one peroneus present, the longus. The deep flexors are as in birds with but three well-developed toes, i.e. they blend. In S. demersus there is a slip to the hallux ; in Pygosceles papua, as in Heliornis, the flexor hallucis splits into three tendons, one for each branch of flexor profundus, there being no slip to hallux. The glutæus maximus is absent in Eudyptes, limited in extent in the other genera. The ambiens grooves the patella. In the vascular system the most remarkable fact is the breaking up of the brachial artery into a rete in the arm. There are two carotids, which do not fuse. In the leg the sciatic artery is practically absent. 2212 Ao ? It is stated that when moulting the scale-like feathers of the wing are detached in a continuous piece, as with reptiles (BARTLETT, P 2. S. 1879, p. 6). 348 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 11 The tongue and the roof of the mouth are covered with papillæ. The proventriculus has a patch of glands upon the right side, heart-shaped in Eudyptes chrysocome and Spheniscus demersus ; the gizzard is small and not gizzard-like. In Pygosceles the proventricular gland, however, is zonary, and the same state of affairs was found in one of four examples of Aptenodytes. . In Eudyptes chrysocome the gut is thrown into a vast number of primitive irregular folds. The duodenal loop is excessively complicated, more so than in Haliaetus, to which it bears some (probably a convergent) resemblance. The following are the intestinal measurements of a series of species :- - - - -- - - - -- Small Iut. Large Int. Cæca - - Inches Eudyptes chrysocome . Inches 1} - Ft. In. 11 8 (14 ft.,8 in., 23 ft.) 21 3 (20 ft.) 30 6 (19 ft.) 21 8 (17 ft. 10 in.) 37 (3 in.) 31 . - , chrysolophus . Spheniscus magellanicus ! Aptenodytes longirostris . - home - A - From these data, which are extracted from WATSON'S memoir already referred to, it is clear that there is some individual variation in the length of the small intestine among the penguins, which is indeed, greater than anything that has been recorded in any other group of birds. That the cæca are so small is a curious fact in the structure of a fish-eating bird. In the liver the right lobe is larger than the left in all species. The gall bladder is large and extends a long way down the abdominal cavity, as in the toucans. The syrinx is not especially divergent in structure. The trachea has a septum down the middle, as in certain petrels (9.v.) The intrinsic muscles are attached to the tracheal rings a considerable distance above the bifurcation of the tube, the distance varying from species to species. There is but little fusion between the last rings of the trachea. In Eudyptes chrysocome there is a thick fibrous SPHENISCI 399 pad at the commencement of the membrana tympaniformis. There is a tendency, as in the petrels, to the formation of a bronchial syrinx. This is especially well seen in Aptenodytes and Pygosceles. In the latter penguin the rings, three or four of them, after the bifurcation preserve the character of the tracheal rings, being deeper than those which follow, and being at the same time complete rings. In the penguin's skull the sutures are not so completely closed as in most birds ; in this they resemble the ratites among existing birds. In Eudyptes chrysocome, which may be taken as a type of the Sphenisci, the skull is schizognathous; the maxillo- palatines are thin plates which are curved backwards, as in many Passeres and in some other schizognathous birds; but, instead of being flatter upon the ventral and dorsal surfaces, they are compressed laterally. These bones gently nip the vomer, which is also composed of two flattened rami partially separated up to nearly the very anterior end. The palatines are large and flat with a very slightly developed internal lamina ; they nearly come into contact in the middle line. The pterygoids are unique among birds for their relatively immense size; their shape is almost that of the human scapula, the wider region being at their junction with the palatines. Each pterygoid is perforated at the middle of the wider part. The nostrils are holorhinal, and the nasal bones at their posterior extremity are seen to overlap the frontals. There are strongly marked impressions for the supra-orbital glands. The lacrymals reach the jugals, where they expand into a flattened foot; the descending limb of each lacrymal, which is flattened out in a plane parallel with the long axis of the skull, is there perforated by a very large foramen. It is extraordinary that in this bone, as in the maxilio-palatines, the plane of the bone is in a different direction from that of the same bones in other birds. There are no ossified ectethmoids. On either side of the foramen magnum are occipital fontanelles of small size. The inter- orbital septum is largely vacuolate posteriorly. In front of the occipital condyle, in the region occupied by the basi- 400 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LIV U occipital and the basitemporals, is a hollowed area which suggests the impress of the potter's thumb. The thumb of the writer exactly fills it. The symphysis of the lower jaws is of unusually limited extent. The vertebral column of Spheniscus Humboldti consists of twenty-one vertebræ in front of the sacrum, of which fifteen are cervical. The atlas is notched for the odontoid process. The catapophyses do not form a canal; hypapo- physes commence on the eleventh cervical and continue to the last dorsal but one; they are large on the twelfth and thirteenth ; on the fourteenth they have greatly diminished, but there are two large lateral catapophyses which on C15 form two large flanges (as in the diver) ; these arise from one base or Di, and gradually diminish into a single median hypapophysis again. The first dorsal is the first vertebra to be opisthocoelous, but it is heterocælous in front. The opisthocoelous characters of the dorsal vertebræ of the penguins are better marked than in other recent birds in which the same structure of vertebra occurs (cf. p. 111). In Edicnemus, for example, some of the dorsal vertebræ are opisthocælous, but the convexity in front is by no means so clear as in the penguins. The scapula is remarkable for its great breadth posteriorly, which narrows towards the neck. In Pygosceles it is wider actually as well as relatively than in Spheniscus, and has a truncated extremity ; the same is the case with Eudyptes and Aptenodytes. · The coracoid also shows some differences. In Spheniscus the procoracoid fuses below with the coracoid, leaving an oval foramen about half an inch long; at the sternal end of the bone is a short upwardly directed snag of bone. In Pygosceles the procoracoid is not fused with the coracoid, but it is carried on by ligament to the snag at the base of the coracoid—as probably also in Spheniscus. The acro- | MENZBIER describes the quadrate as single-headed. This is not accepted by FÜRBRINGER. . SPHENISCI 401 LCU coracoid in both is very long. The furcula is strong and U-shaped. The bones of the anterior extremity are extraordinarily flattened, in accordance with the paddle-like function of the limb. The sternum is roughly triangular, with a well-developed keel. There are two lateral notches (one on each side), which are united distally by cartilage and membrane. There is a spina externa, but no spina interna. The pelvis, unlike what is found in the majority of birds, is remarkable for the fact that the pubes take a share in the formation of the acetabulum. The ilia are well separated from each other by the neural spines of the dorsal vertebræ. The pelvis is thus perfectly free from, not ankylosed to, the vertebral column. The point of chief interest in the hind limb of this group is the imperfect fusion between the short metatarsals, which closely resemble those of the dinosaur Ceratosaurus. The only recent bird which approaches the penguins in the shortness of these bones is Fregata. Fossil penguins are the genera Palæeudyptes and Pala- spheniscus. The latter, from the Tertiaries of New Zealand, was originally described by HUXLEY,' and later by HECTOR.2 It was a large bird standing some five feet in height, the were proportionately longer than in recent birds, while the partly separate metatarsals were as is the case now; hence this latter character is obviously an inherited one in the recent penguins. The affinities of the penguins are not clear. This is due to their antiquity, the existing characters of the group having been apparently acquired in the Tertiary period. The main facts of structure in which the penguins differ from other birds are- (1) Continuous feathering (except Chauna). 1. On a Fossil Bird . . . from New Zealand, Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1859, p. 670 p. 341. 'Further Notice of Bones of a Fossil Penguin,' &c., ibid. 1872, p. 438. D D 402 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS VC (2) Scale-like feathering of the flattened wing. (3) Absence of biceps brachii muscle. (4) Presence of a vascular rete in the wing. (5) Freedom of cranial bones (not so marked in Ratita). (7) Large and flattened scapula. (8) Short and imperfectly fused metatarsals. The opisthocoelous character of the lumbar vertebræ is more pronounced than in other birds, but is, as has been already said, a character found in many groups. These features, some of them, have appeared so important to MENZBIER that he has divided birds into four great groups-Saururæ, Ratitæ, Odontormæ, Carinatæ, and, finally, the Eupodornithes or penguins. This, however, seems to be a too great separation from other birds. GADOW would place them nearest to the Tubinares and Steganopodes, the Colymbi being only a little further removed. STEGANOPODES Definition.- All four toes webbed. Oil gland tufted; aquincubital. Skull desmognathous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid pro- cesses.? Cæca present, but small. YA. Though this group shows much divergency of structure, its naturalness can hardly be doubted. The number of rectrices varies. In Phalacrocorax brasiliensis and graculus there are twelve, so also in Fregata aquila and Plotus anhinga.3 Phaeton has twelve or sixteen. P. carbo has four- teen. Pelecanus has up to twenty and twenty-four. The aftershaft is minute but distinct in Fregata, appa- rently absent in Plotus and other genera. The skin is only slightly pneumatic in Fregata, not so at all in Plotus. It is distinctly emphysematous in Phaeton, Pelecanus. 1 This one feature is sufficient to define the group. ? Rudiments exist in Pelecanus ; cf. infra, p. 409. 3 P. melanogaster appears to have only ten. 4 Some few details of the structure of the soft parts of this tern-like steganopod are to be found in BRANDT, ' Monographia Phaethontum,' Mem. Ac · STEGANOPODES 403 The tufted oil gland has four orifices in Phalacrocorax brasiliensis and in Plotus melanogaster. Phaeton has six, the other genera apparently two, save Pelecanus, which has the unusually large number of twelve. The pterylosis, on the other hand, is very uniform, and the feathering is very close. The neck and head are closely feathered, and there is a very narrow apterion on the breast. The spinal tract has a very limited apterion between the shoulder blades. The tongue is small in this group, practically obsolete in Plotus (see fig. 5, p. 20). The proventricular glands are in two large squarish patches in Phalacrocorax (brasiliensis). The remarkable modifications of these organs in Plotus are described later (p. 414.) The gizzard is very small in Pelecanus and Sula, the proventriculus being enormous. The glands are zonary in arrangement. The following are measurements of the alimentary tract in a series of Steganopodes. The most remarkable fact to be noted in the table is the great length of the large intestine in Plotus. Small Intestine Large Intestine Cæca Inches Inches •25 · Inches 36 42:75 111 · 2 · m · Fregata aquila Phalacrocorax brasiliensis carbo Sula bassana . . Pelecanus onocrotalus nitratus. u rufescens. Plotus anhinga 57 93 · #avodno · 25 1.75 1.25 1.25 (One cæcum only in some specimens) · · 24 2 · » Levaillanti . ... melanogaster. Phaeton sp. . . 30 5.5 2 * · * 42 .75 - - -- -- - -- * These measurements are derived from descriptions. The varying proportions of the liver lobes 1 are given in St. Petersburg, 1840, p. 239 and pl. v., and in a paper by myself, P. Z. S 1897, p. 288. "G. ALIX, “Sur l'Anatomie du Pélican,' Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr. ii. 1877, p. DD 2 404 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the table on p. 415. The gall bladder appears to be always present. The tensores patagii of Fregatal are somewhat compli- cated. The tensor muscle gives off two tendons, of which the anterior, the longus, is much the thickest. The latter is reinforced by an elastic slip from the deltoid ridge of the humerus, whereupon it again divides into two, a branch going to fuse with the brevis ; where this branch joins the brevis tendon that tendon gives off a wristward slip, and is itself continued over on to the ulnar side of the fore arm. There is a patagial fan and a bony nodule where it arises from the junction of the wristward slip of the brevis and the extensor metacarpi radialis. In Sula bassana the tendons of the brevis are two from the very first; the anterior one corresponds to the wristward slip of Fregata, and from it springs the patagial fan. The other genera are not very different, save that in none is there an osseous nodule, and that all have a patagial fan. The pectoralis I. is double in Fregata, Plotus, Pelecanus, and Sula, variable in Phaeton, single in Phalacrocorax. The biceps slip has been occasionally overlooked. It is present in Plotus, Phalacrocorax,2 Phaeton, and Sula. It is absent in Pelecanus, Fregata. Where present, however, it is slender, and is attached sometimes to the tensor longus, as ordinarily, and sometimes to the patagium itself, as in Colymbus, Podica, &c. The deltoid has the scapular slip in Phalacrocorax. The expansor secundariorum has been commonly said to be absent from the wing of the steganopods. This is not, however, at least according to FÜRBRINGER, an accurate statement of the case. In an embryo of Phalacrocorax carbo unmistakable traces of it were discovered, while in 287; G. L. DUVERNOY, 'Sur la Poche Mandibulaire du Pélican,' Mer. l’Inst. iii. 1835, p. 219. | The anatomy of this genus has been described by Burton in Linn. Trans. vol. xiii. p. 1. 2 Not always. FORBES records its absence in P. brasiliensis. I did not find one in P. africanus. 3 Not always; it is absent in S. fusca (fide GARROD). STEGANOPODES 405 Sula and Pelecanus a slender tendon, running from the arm- pit and ending in unstriated (Sula) or striated (Pelecanus) fibres for the movement of the secondary feathers, was dis- covered. The Viceps is two-headed in the Steganopodes ; but the arrangement differs from what is common among birds: Both heads, in fact, arise from the coracoid, but the outer one, which corresponds to the humeral head of other birds, is also attached to the humerus. The two muscular bellies are separate in Pelecanus and Fregata, and their tendons unite COR. ISI - COR. VA N N IH Iliria07do Tri Tiina S . S MOE . V Fig. 190.- ORIGIN OF BICEPS IN Pelecanus (LEFT-HAND FIGURE) AND Phalacrocorax (ATTER FÜRBRINGER). Cor, coracoid ; C, coracoidal head of biceps ; A, attachment of humeral head; B, its prolongation to coracoid. to divide again directly. In Fregata, indeed, the division of the tendon of the coracoidal head takes place before the junction. In Phalacrocorax africanus I found the coracoid head alone, and it had but one insertion. In Phaeton and Phalacrocorax and Sula the tendons of origin of the two heads from the coracoid are continuous. In Phalacrocorax and Plotus, at any rate, the anconcus has a humeral head. The muscles of the leg vary greatly among the Stegano- podes. The following are the formulæ for the different genera :— Phaeton AXY-1 Pelecanus AX - | ABX + 2 Plotus AX + Sula AX + Fregata A+. Phalaci*ocoran AX + Perhaps the ambiens varies. GARROD, FORBES, and I did not find it. FÜRBRINGER marks it as present, as does GADOW. 2 ABX P. carbo? AX P. lugubris, P. Brasiliensis. 1. 406 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 As regards the other leg muscles Phaeton has quite excep- tionally no tendinous loop for the biceps to pass through. The plantar tendons blend in Fregata, &c., sending slips to all four toes; they blend in Phaeton, but send no branch to hallux. In Plotus there is no blending, but a strong vinculum, which is attached to flexor perforatus, just as it splits up into its three branches. This too is the case with Phalacrocorax, but the vinculum is not strong. In the pelicans (at any rate in P. rufescens and P. mitratus) there is a curious relationship between the femoro- caudal and the semitendinosus. The former receives a tendi- nous slip not far from its insertion, which runs up from the middle of the semitendinosus at right angles to its fibres. Whether this may be regarded as a rudiment of the accessory semitendinosus or not is uncertain. . Another peculiarity shared with Biziura lobata, Colymbus, and the extinct Hesperornis is the perforating of the patella by the tendon of the ambiens in Phalacrocorax. In Plotus there is a groove upon the ossified patella, and, remarks Professor GARROD, “ some of the fibrous ligament overlapping this groove shows traces of ossification; so that in aged birds this groove may be converted into a foramen.' Glutæus I. in the Steganopodes is a small muscle, not extending, or hardly extending, over the biceps. Glutaus V. is large. In Fregata glutæus I. is absent. The form of the syrinx of the Steganopodes varies con- siderably, but in all it is tracheo-bronchial ; intrinsic muscles may be present or absent.2 Of Pelecanus I have examined six species, viz. P. mitratus, P. onocrotalus, P. rufescens, P. fuscus, P. conspicillatus, and P. crispus. In none are there any intrinsic muscles, and the bronchidesmus appears to be complete. In P. conspicillatus the organ of voice is very simple. The rings are but little modified. There is a bony pessulus, which is attached behind to the last two tracheal rings, | This peculiarity is, however, to be found in the swifts. ? The anatomy of Pelecanus rufescens has been described by OWEN, P. Z. S. 1835, p. 9, by MARTIN, ibid. p. 16, and by Alix, loc. cit. on p. 403, above. STEGANOPODES 407 which are fused and ossified where they pass into it; in front the last of these and the next following are ossified and fused in the middle line; the middle one of the three is con- tinuous with the pessulus. P.mitratus chiefly differs in the larger number of rings with which the broad three-way piece comes into contact in front and in the greater length of the membrana tympaniformis. P. fuscus is remarkable for the degree in which the syrinx is flattened from before backwards. This is caused by the straightening of two of the bronchial semi-rings, which thus come, though hardly longer than the others, to project out considerably beyond them. At a first glance these two semi-rings appear to be the first two of the bron- chial series which are commonly among birds different from those which follow. There are, however, five pairs of bars in front of them, only separated in the middle line in front by a furrow; on slitting up the windpipe it may be observed that there is really a septum between them, and that they are bronchial. Owing to the peculiar form of the sixth and seventh semi-rings the membrana tympaniformis is exposed behind, but not in front. P. onocrotalus and P. crispus have syringes which are very much alike. When removed from the body, at any rate, the bronchi stand out at right angles to the trachea. This is due to the very large posterior end of the pessulus, which is broadened into a bar at right angles to and longer than the median portion of the pessulus. It is not ossified. There is a slight dilatation of each bronchus, which is carried to an excess in the next species. In P. rufescens the characters of the syrinx of the last species are carried to an extreme. The pessulus is the same in shape, but ossified. The bronchi are greatly swollen for the space of about an inch, there being occasionally some forking and anastomosing of the individual rings. The ends of the rings in the swollen region are nearly in contact, being separated only by a narrow membranous interval. In Fregata aquila the syrinx has a pair of intrinsic muscles and the bronchidesmus is incomplete. The syrinx YA UUUU 408 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS LOT 1 is flattened from before backwards, and the first two bronchial semi-rings are very prominent. To the first of them, and apparently also to the ring in front, are attached the two muscles into which the intrinsic muscle divides. There is a membranous gap separating the last of the, specialised bronchial semi-rings from the first of those which follow, whose border, moreover, is concave upwards. The last few tracheal rings are ossified and firmly fused. Phalacrocorax has a complete bronchidesmus and a single pair of intrinsic muscles. The first three bronchial semi- rings are very prominent and arched, and to the third of these the intrinsic muscles are attached. There is a mem- branous gap between the last of these and the first of the remaining series of bronchial semi-rings, which forms, at any rate in P. carbo, quite a pocket. The fourth bronchial semi- . ring is curved in the same direction as that which precedes it; both, in fact, are convex. The curvature, which is slightly more marked in P. brasiliensis than in either P. carbo or P. varius, suggests very much the syrinx of certain auks (cf. p. 363). In P. varius the intrinsic muscles are attached to the second bronchial semi-ring, as also in P. brasiliensis. The syrinx of Plotus does not differ greatly, but it has an incomplete bronchidesmus. There are two bronchial semi- rings, which are specially increased in length and depth ; they are the second and third, and are relatively stouter than those of Phalacrocorax; to the first of them the intrinsic muscles are attached. The syrinx of Sula is a good deal different from that of other steganopods. There is no ossification, except in the pessulus. A square projection is formed by a fusion between last tracheal rings; this is continuous with the pessulus and is well shown in GARROD's figure. The bronchial semi-rings are at first feeble with wide interval. Between the third and fourth of them there is, covering the insertion of the intrinsic muscle, a protuberant pad of elastic tissue about the size and shape of a pea, P. Z. S. 1876, pl. xxxviii. fig. 4. . STEGANOPODES 409 In Phaeton flavirostris the syrinx is typically tracheo- bronchial and not flattened, as in Fregata. The skull of the Steganopodes 1 is desmognathous. It is most extremely so in Pelecanus, in correlation, perhaps, with the long broad beak. Pelecanus, in fact, may be described as doubly desmognathous, for the palatines are not merely united but ankylosed behind the posterior nares, which are of limited extent. They form but one bone with a deep ventral median crest, and on the opposite side an equally pronounced dorsal crest, occupying a space left by the here deficient interorbital septum. Fregata is nearly at the other extreme, for the maxillo-palatines are largely free from each other in the middle line, and the palatines are only united for a short distance posteriorly. Phaeton ? is most like Fregata, but here there is no fusion between the palatines. The strong inferior crest of Pelecanus is repre- sented by two feeble ridges of limited extent. Phalacrocorax is intermediate. The maxillo-palatines are completely united. The palatines are fused for the greater part of their length posteriorly; they are, however, quite flat above and have below but a faint trace of the median crest. The interpalatine space anteriorly is much more capacious than in Pelecanus. Plotus agrees with Phalacrocorax. The Steganopodes are generally (HUXLEY, FÜRBRINGER, GADOW) said to have no basipterygoid processes. In Pelecanus rufescens, however, I find a pair of thorn-like outgrowths in the right position (cf. Platalea, p. 439), which I take to be the rudiments of these structures. The bony nostrils are holorhinal, pervious only in Phaeton, in others much obliterated by bony growths, as in Herodiones ; in Plotus, indeed, reduced to the merest chinks. As in some Herodiones and Tubinares they are continued forward by a marked groove which runs to, or near to, the very end of the bill, absent only in Phaeton. In Fregata there is no | All the types are described and figured by BRANDT, ' Zur Osteologie der Vögel, Men. Aki St. Petersb. 1840 (6), iii. p. 81. See also for osteology of Plotus and Phaeton MILNE-EDWARDS in Hist. Nat. Madagascar. 2 BEDDARD, ' Notes upon the Anatomy of Phaeton,' P. 2. S. 1897, p. 288. 410 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS NOTA - RAR - 1 SRL CU BER SIA -- ES I ZA .EE . AL W S hinge line separating the cranium from the face. This is present in Pele- canus and Phaeton, while in Phalacrocorax and Plotus the existence of fibro-cartilage allows of a free motion. The lacrymal in Fre- gata and Pelecanus is large, with a large descending process, which in both reaches the jugal bar; in addition Fregata has an uncinate bone, which reaches the palatine. Of this there is apparently a rudiment in Phaeton. In Phalacrocorax the descending process of the lacrymal completely blends Mxp. with the ectethmoid to form a ring of bone, as in the Limicolæ. In Plotus the same thing occurs, but the lacrymal is much smaller. The interorbital septum as an ossified structure is almost com- plete in Pelecanus and Fregata, largely deficient in Phaeton, almost absent in Phalacrocorax and Plotus. In Phalacrocora:X carbo there is a small bonelet resting upon the REN jugal bar in front of the Fig. 191.— SKULL or Fregata. VENTRAL incromolil this I lacrymal ;l this is also ASPECT. (AFTER BEDDARD.) is also Vo, vomer ; Mæp, maxillo-palatines ; %, upwardly Ossicului supraijugale of BRANDT. IL 64 . . . . . . 2 AL . LET . nr. Z 1 + . . 1 + . . aan W ' IT HRIN OA 11 DEN directed part of maxillo-palatines. STEGANOPODES 411 Tuo . ..... . well developed in Plotus. There are traces of it in Fregata. Another peculiarity shared by Phalacrocorax and Plotus is a style-like bone l attached to the occipital, to which the temporal muscles are partly attached. The bone varies in size, is not ankylosed to the skull, and is probably to be looked upon as an ossification in the septum between the two muscles. In these birds also the quadrate is peculiar in form in that the anterior process is short and slender and at right angles to the rest of the bone. Sula is nearest to Phalacroco- Yax. It has the same peculiar form of the quadrate bone, and the equivalent of the small bone seated upon the jugal bone is Mop:-- apparently there, though anky- losed. The nostrils too are re- duced to a mere pinhole, as in Plotus. The palatines agree ab- solutely with those of Phalacro- Corax and Plotus, but the interor- bital septum is not so completely vacuolate. It rises up, more- over, in front, as in Pelecanus, and a faint crest from the pala- tines ascends into the vacuity. FIG. 192.—SEULL OF Phaeton The The lacrymal is, Loormal is however however, (AF" (AFTER BEDDARD). LETTERING AS IN FIG. 191. different; the orbital part is small, but the descending bar is large and joins the jugal ; the ectethmoids appear to be deficient as bony structures. SCAN * M -- 17 - - XIVA E. . T! . 1 CCM Muir 4. lide . WD All 1 | J. A. JEFFRIES, · The Osteology of the Cormorant,' Science, ii. p. 739, iii. pp. 59, 274 ; GILL, ' Osteology of the Cormorant, ibid. iii. p. 404 ; SHUFELDT, Remarks upon the Osteology of Ph. bicristatus,' ibid. ii. p. 640, and · Osteology of the Cormorant,' ibid. iii. p. 143; DOLLO, Bull. Mus. Roy. Belg. iii. 1884, p. 130. This bone (xiphoid, YARRELL; nuchal, MARSH ; intranuchal, DOLLO) has been wrongly compared with the post-occipitals of dinosaurs. It is merely a sesamoid. LUCAS, “Description of some Bones of Pallas's Cormorant (Ph. perspicillatus), P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xii. 1889, p. 88. 412 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 C The lacrymal, as in Pelecanus and Fregata, is deeply notched laterally. MIVART, from his investigations into the axial skeleton of this group,1 set aside Phaeton and Fregata by reason of their possessing twelve or thirteen cervical vertebræ and the doubly notched (on each side) sternum of Phaeton, besides a number of other points. There are seventeen cervical vertebrce in Pelecanus, eighteen in Sula, twenty in Phalacrocorax. The atlas vertebra is notched for the reception of the odontoid process in Pelecanus, perforated in Sula and Plotus ; in Phalacrocorax the conditions are intermediate, a perfora- tion being only just closed above. The Steganopodes have catapophyses upon some of the cervical vertebræ which enclose a canal; in Pelecanus this is found on vertebræ 8-15. In Sula, the canal may com- mence on the same vertebra, but more usually on the ninth, extending to the thirteenth. In Phalacrocorax there are no vertebræ with a complete hæmal arch formed by union of the catapophyses. In Plotus the canal begins on the ninth vertebra and extends to the fourteenth. In Phaeton there is no canal. The dorsal vertebræ are opisthocoelous in Phala- Cl'ocorax and Plotus, not in Sula and Pelecanus. In all these genera the sternum is at niost only slightly notched by one notch only on each side. In Pelecanus the clavicles are ankylosed to its keel. They reach it in Plotus, Phalacrocorax, and Sula, but are only firmly connected by ligaments, not ankylosed. In Phaeton the clavicles are attached to the keel behind the extremity. Both spina externa and interna are wanting in Sula and Pelecanus ; the spina externa is present, but small, in Phala- Crocorax; contrary to the statement of FÜRBRINGER (in his tables) I find a rudimentary spina externa in Plotus anhinga. Fregata and Phaeton show their divergence from the normal steganopod type by a better developed spina externa, while the latter bird may possess a rudimentary spina interna. Four to six ribs reach the sternum. 1.On the Axial Skeleton of the Pelecanidæ,' Tr. 2. S. x. p. 315. 021 STEGANOPODES 413 · The relationship of the clavicles to the scapula and to the coracoid, upon which FÜRBRINGER has laid so much stress, serves to differentiate some of the Steganopodes. In Plotus the clavicle is connected by ligament with the scapula; this connection is nearly effected in Phalacrocorax and Sula, but not in Pelecanus. In Fregata the dilated end of the clavicle is perforated in the middle ; it is, moreover, fused with the scapula. The genus Plotus (consisting of the four species P. anhinga, P. melanogaster", P. Nove Hollandiæ, and P. Levaillanti) has been investigated by BRANDT, EYTON,” DÖNITZ,3 GARROD,4 FORBES,5 FÜR- BRINGER,S and myself. Many of its characters have been described in the foregoing pages. I shall here direct attention to certain peculiarities of P.lotus which it does not share with the other Steganopodes, or which it possesses in a more marked degree than its nearest ally, Phalacrocorax. The darters feed in a peculiar manner; they pursue fishes under water with a jerky action of the head and neck. This action, as Mr. FORBES has suggested, may be compared to that of a man poising a spear before hurling it. * Arrived within striking distance,' continues Mr. FORBES, 'the darter suddenly transfixes-in fact, bayonets—the fish on the tip of its beak with marvellous dexterity, and then immediately comes to the surface, where the fish is shaken off the beak by jerking of the head and neck, thrown upwards, and swallowed, usually head first. This mechanical action is associated with a mechanism in the neck. The first eight vertebræ form a continuous curve forwards, so marked that the head when outstretched is in the same straight line with the eighth vertebra. This latter vertebra is articulated at right angles with the foregoing, and almost at right angles with that which follows; there is thus formed a conspicuous kink in the neck, which is never unbent. 1 Loc. cit. (on p. 409.) 2 Osteologia Aviun, p. 218. 3. Ueber die Halswirbelsäule der Vögel,' &c., Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1873, p. 357. 4 "Notes on the Anatomy of Plotus anhinga,' P. Z. S. 1876, p. 335, and "Note on Points in the Anatomy of Levaillant's Darter (Plotus Levaillanti),' ibid. 1878, p. 679. 5. On some points in the Anatomy of the Indian Darter,' &c., ibid. 1882, p. 208. 6 Notes on the Anatomy and Osteology of the Indian Darter (Plotus melanogaster),' ibid. 1892, p. 291. 414 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS On the ninth vertebra there is on the dorsal surface a fibrous loop (Dönitz's bridge'), which is fibrous only in P. anhinga, ossified in the three other species. Through this loop passes the tendon of the longus colli posterior muscle to be inserted on to vertebræ 2, 3, 4. The longus colli anterior is a very powerful muscle, which ends in a long tendon attached anteriorly to the ! 2 20 VI 1. ! . NSV Nel YUX V. 222 . WO . AS . ! JA WRIT SPL LE TU . A . M 22 Veluk mi! 1 > S UNI. R .. DUTE 11 . AN win VEIS 2:::: 1859 : BE ES EJUS 24 . M is INA WS - S *** . SO - AP . 23 A YA KER > SIE . . INI SS OB V VIA . OG - BUTY 10 WA H /1 9 IN . SAS 42 C COL . hu RISAS US ID 20 las SV ANY PIX . S 11.11 . . AU411 SAU S _ . 21 22 . . . 1 w II You Jo ES 17 12 AAA HA TATUIMMT IZO EEE !!!T7 Fig. 193.--STOMACH OF LEVAILLANT'S DARTER (AFTER GARROD). hæmapophysis of cervical vertebræ 8–10. A separate portion of the muscle is similarly attached to the eleventh. The pulling back of the head preparatory to striking is effected by the longus colli posterior, while the bayonetting movement is produced by the longus colli anterior. The second characteristic feature in the organisation of Plotus concerns the stomach. Though originally described by MACGILLI- STEGANOPODES 415 s, constitutietely lined by the well-marked.com of the ric portion of mpletely lined becal diverti VRAY in AUDUBON’s ornithological miscellany, it has been more fully described and illustrated by GARROD and FORBES. One great peculiarity is that in P.anhinga the proventricular glands, instead of forming a patch, or patches, upon the inner surface of the proventriculus, constitute a special cæcal diverticulum of the stomach, which is completely lined by the glands in question. The pyloric portion of the stomach forms a well-marked compart- ment, quite distinct from the gizzard region; the opening of the pylorus into the duodenum is protected by a dense mat of hair- like processes, each of which is about half an inch in length. Microscopically these structures are much more like true hairs' than like any filiform papillæ which might occur in such places. In P. Levaillanti there is no special compartment for the pyloric proventricular glands. The hairs lining the pyloric chamber have a more complex arrangement than in P. anhinga. There is (fig. 193) a dense mass of them lining the distal end of the pouch, but there is also a singular conical process of the mucous mem- brane, covered with more hairs and serving to close the pylorus. P. melanogaster agrees with the last species, but the plug is less developed, being rather a well-defined ridge than a retractile plug. Mr. FORBES thinks that this hairy plug of the darters is an exaggeration of the nipple-like valve which is found to guard the pylorus in many birds. The two Old-World species thus come nearer together, as they do in the ossification of Dönitz's bridge, than does either to the New World P. anhinga. In order to facilitate a comparison of the several genera of Steganopodes among themselves, the annexed table, indi- cating the differences in some of the muscles, viscera, and bones, may be of use :- Muscle Formula of Leg Exp. Sec. Bic. Slip Carotids Liver Lobes | Lateral Muscles of Syrinx Cerv. Vert. Tomer Maxillo- palatines Fregata Pelecanus. Phaeton At AX- AXY Oto! too! 1 R2> R2>L R>L 15 17 15 Single Rud. Double posteriorly Free Fused Free tot + + + 20. O'? Phalacrocorax . Plotus Sula - AX+ AX+ ++ Hlo o R2>L R2>I R>L 0? tot Absent Abseut Absent + + or 0 2 or 1 The Steganopodes, though allowed by all to be a natural 416 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 2 TO group, show, as is indicated in the above table, a considerable amount of variation among themselves. And, what is even more striking, the genera vary more than genera as a rule do -for example, the stomach of the darters, the biceps and carotid of Sula, and the muscle formula of the leg of Phala- Crocorax. The accompanying table gives some of the chief characters of the several genera. It is interesting to observe from this table that there is to some extent a linear series to be deduced from the facts of structure. If we commence with Phalacrocorax, we may associate with it certainly Plotus and also Sula. In these genera the peculiar flat and largely fused palatines are associated with the muscle formula AX+. Sula offers a slight step in the direction of Pelecanus. There is a trace of the dorsal ridge of the palatine, and of the anterior vacuity in the interorbital septum for the reception of this edge. In Pelecanus these characters are fully realised, and at the same time the ambiens has vanished. Fregata, which stands apart in the structure of its skull, is also unique in the group by reason of its muscle formula, which is only A+. But this genus and Pelecanus have lost the biceps slip, present in those referred to before, but commencing to disappear in Sula. The question is, In what direction has the modification gone? Are we to start with Phalacrocorax or with Pelecanus, or with some other genus ? The answer to this question naturally depends upon the relationship of the Steganopodes to other groups. The group to which they are most nearly allied appears to me (as to FORBES and others) to be the Tubinares. In estimating this affinity. FORBES did not, in my opinion, lay sufficient stress upon the 'os uncinatum. It is true that-as he states- this bone appears also to be present in Chunga and in the touracos, not to mention other birds; but in Chunga it is a continuation of the descending process of the lacrymal, and articulates with the jugal bar, while in Corythaix it articu- lates both with ectethmoid and lacrymal, though it ends, as in the birds under consideration, on the palatine. In both Fregata and Diomedea this bone connects the lacrymal with STEGANOPODES . 417 11 the palatine, the lacrymal itself reaching (or nearly so) the jugal bar. The palate of Diomedea is remarkably like that of Fregata, which, unlike other Steganopodes (except Phaeton), is not far from being schizognathous, and represents, I am disposed to think, the nearest intermediate form. The grooves, starting from the nostrils and running towards the end of the beak, are also found in the Tubinares (and in the Herodiones, with which latter group the Steganopodes share the very much reduced, and yet holorhinal, nostrils). Another fact which is perhaps of importance is the much-reduced gizzard and the correspondingly enlarged proventriculus. Less important likenesses are the double pectoral, the short colic cæca, which are occasionally reduced to one in the Steganopodes; these points ally the group to the Herodiones as well as to the Tubinares. The very names Fregata and Fregetta, Pelecanus and Pelecanoides are an expression of these views. FÜRBRINGER, however, and GADOW place Phaeton near- est to the base of the steganopod series, and there is much to be said for this way of looking at the group. There is no doubt that Phaeton is very different from the other genera of the group; indeed, if it were not for Fregata it would be difficult to avoid removing it altogether. It is really not desmognathous (in the sense of HUXLEY); for the maxillo- palatines do not fuse; in front of them there is a bony plat- form, forming the hard palate, but this is produced from anterior ingrowths of the maxillæ, not homologous with the maxillo-palatines, which are present and unfused. The vomer, moreover, is well developed and bifid' posteriorly, being exceedingly like the bifid vomer of such schizognathous birds as the grebe, Æchmophorus. In Fregata we have a further step. The vomer has coalesced into a single rod; the palatines have united posteriorly; the os uncinatum, rudimentary in Phaeton, has increased (?), and the grooves running from the nostrils to the end of the beak have put in an appearance ; furthermore the nostrils, pervious in Phae- ton, have acquired the steganopodous imperviousness. The maxillo-palatines, however, are not united ; but beneath them Ε Ε 418 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS VOU is a slanting wall of bone (cf. fig. 191 X), present in all the other Steganopodes, co-existing with and lying below the maxillo-palatines, and therefore not comparable to them. True maxillo-palatines, indeed, seem to be only present in Pelecanus of the remaining genera of the family, where they are small and coalesced. The other genera have only the up- wardly sloping bone of Fregata. The vomer too appears to be at the most very small in the higher steganopods, and I have not been able to find it. . All these facts point to the basal position of Phaetori. It has, however, in the loss of the ambiens departed from the primitive condition. We can derive Fregata from Phaeton; but in this case the mutual relations of the Steganopodes and the Tubinares, and perhaps the Colymbi, become somewhat obscured. As perhaps an appendix to the present group we may consider Odontopteryx toliapicus of the London clay, known? by a portion of a skull. FÜRBRINGER discusses this bird very slightly under the Tubinares and Anseres ; both GADOW and LYDEKKER place it near the Steganopodes, with which determination I associate myself. The most marked peculiarity of this bird, which has given to it its name, is the serration into longer and .shorter teeth of the upper and lower jaw. The two jaws are grooved, which seems to indicate that the beak was, as in the Steganopodes (and other birds for that matter), divided into several pieces. On the right-hand side of the skull is a small notch, which has been identified with the bony nostril of that side. It has, however, in the drawings an accidental look, and the fact of the possible obliteration of the nostrils must be weighed in discussing the steganopodous affinities of the Odontopteryx; for in many of those birds, especially in Sula and Plotus, the nostrils have been practically oblite- rated. It does not seem to me that the depressed form of the skull, or, so far as we can judge them, the shape of the lacrymals, is strong evidence in favour of the steganopodous OWEN, ' Description of the Skull of a Dentigerous Bird,' &c., Q. J. Geol. Soc. 1873, p. 511. STEGANOPODES 419 CU relationships of this remarkable fossil; but the facts are at any rate not opposed to that placing. Of birds more definitely referred to the Steganopodes a large number have been described from Tertiary strata. If MARSH'S Graiculavus, from the Cretaceous, really belongs here, the group is as old as any existing group, and older than most. Argillornis (= Lithornis) of Owen is among the most interesting, inasmuch as it is known from fuller remains than others. The skull and some long bones have been found in the London clay. It is referred to the neighbourhood of the present group by LYDEKKER, but by FÜRBRINGER to the Ichthyornithes. Actiornis, Pelargornis are placed here by LYDEKKER, and FÜR- BRINGER would include Remiornis (considered struthious by GADOW) and Chenornis, referred by others to the Anseres. HERODIONES Definition.--Oil gland feathered. Aftershaft present. Aquincubital. Skull desmognathous, holorhinal, without basipterygoid pro- cesses. Catapophysial canal nearly always present. Two carotids. Cæca present, but nearly always rudimentary. Ex- pansor secundariorum present. This group of birds is an extensive one, with a con- siderable range of structural variation. That the flamingoes form a group apart can hardly be doubted, though it is not easy to differentiate them by any very important characters from other Herodiones. Less easy is it to distinguish the herons from the storks. The extreme types, e.g. Ciconia and Cancroma, can be readily distinguished by the muscle formula and by the characters of the syrinx, not to mention some other points of minor importance; but between the extremes are forms like Abdimia, Scopus, and Balaniceps, which forbid so sharp a line of division. As to Phoni- copterus, WELDON was the first 3 to show in a convincing way its likenesses to the stork, its previous association with the duck tribe having been in large part due to the lamellated bill and the webbed feet. As to the latter character, no one 1 Except in Cancrona. ? ? except in Leptoptilus argala. 3 On some points in the Anatomy of Phonicopterus,' &c., P. Z. S. 1883, p. 638. E 2 E 420 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS would nowadays associate the gulls with the ducks for a similar reason, though it was, of course, done by the earlier ornitho- logists. The duck-like bill of the flamingo is not so exclusively anatiform as might be thought; for a very decided stork, Anastomus, has a bill which has very much the same structure as regards the lamellæ (hence, indeed, its specific name-lamelligerus). The typical storks may be distinguished from the typical herons by the following table :- - ---... anca.--- W A - - - - -- - - - - - . - - -. - ...-- .. - - - - - - - - -- - ---- - -- - Ciconiida Ardeilla -- --- - . .---.. Syrinx . . . Without intr. muscles. With intr. muscles. In Tracheal Tracheo-bronchial Creca . . . 2, small 1, small Powder-couns. 0 Pterylce . Wide Narrow Pectoralis 1. In two layers Single Cucullaris dorsocuta- : NCILS . . Pectoralis abd.. Vinculuin of deep flexor Strong Weak or absent tendons Ambiens + or 0 Carotids . 2, separate 2, fused -- .-. .- . .... --..- - - -- - - . The set of differences may be certainly regarded as of family value. But it must always be remembered that there are tendencies to the heron-like organisation among true storks; while Scopus, and possibly Balaniceps, are distinctly intermediate. Family Scopidæ.—There is one genus only, containing but a single species, Scopus umbretta-African and from Mada- gascar. The anatomy of this stork-like heron has been prin- cipally investigated, as regards the 'soft parts,' by myself.1 It differs from the true herons by the absence of powder- down patches, in having ten primaries instead of eleven, and in possessing sixteen cervical vertebrce. On the other hand it differs from the storks in having an ardeiform-or at least a 'typical'-syrinx, and (from the Plataleida) in the L'A Contribution to the Anatomy of Scopus umbretta, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 543. HERODIONES 421 absence of a biceps slip to the patagium. Its leg muscle formula too is that of a heron. Besides these facts- Flih- -F2.P SU - " WA HIVI NISUNF ve AN HMISIIN UUTTUR UKIT WIDTH Wh . LU VERENIE CAS * . / DIRI AA NL i AST JOOML IV III Fig. 194.---SYRINX OF Scopus (AFTER BEDDARD). (. FRONT VIEW. b. SIDE VIEW. Fig. 195.- DEEP PLANTAR TENDONS or Scopus (AFTER BEDDARD). Fl.), flexor hallucis: Fl.p, flexor profundus. which incline to both the stork and the heron side, and may be mentioned that Scopus shows a stork-like character in the partial division of the pectoralis primus, a fact which was first pointed out by FORBES incidentally, in his report upon the petrels collected during the voyage of the Chal- lenger.' The patagial muscles and tendons are not specially distinctive of the affinities of the bird. In my dissection of Scopus I could not find the expansor secundariorum ; but as this muscle is found in most of the Herodiones its absence is not in any way sig- Fig. 196. -- Dump nificant, though it should doubtless be PLANTAR TENDONS or Scopus (AFTER verified. The anconcus has a tendinous slip BEDDARD). to the humerus. The deep plantar tendons appear to vary somewhat; in two specimens dissected by inyself I met with the two conditions illustrated in the two ni YY 1 422 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS I CU . L Uhr SULI ma www 4 1 figures annexed. In the one the flexor hallucis was united to the flexor communis by two distinct vincula, one before the trifurcation of the latter tendon, the other attached to the tendon supplying digit II. In a specimen of Ciconia nigra dissected by FORBES there was an identical arrange- ment. In the other Scopus (see fig. 195) only the last of the two vincula was present, i.e. that passing to tendon of digit II. For the skeleton of Scopus see MILNE-EDWARDS's account.' The skull is on the whole more stork-like than heron-like, but it does not show any of the extreme modifi- cations of the stork type. The bony interorbital septum, as in the storks, is not largely fenestrate. The inner lamina of the palatines does not reach the posterior boundary of those bones. In front, at about the middle of the interpalatine vacuity, the palatines are produced into a short lateral process ; this is well marked in many storks, but also in Cancroma, to the skull of which heron that of Scopus shows ITIG. 197.--SYRINX or another point of likeness; in both Leptoptilus (AFTER these birds a deepish groove runs from WELDON). the end of the nostril to the end of the bill. This groove is also found, though it is not so con- spicuous, in Ardea and Butorides, and (among storks only) in Platalea; it is suggestive of a recently closed, more elongated nostril, like that of the cranes. The procoracoid is more rudimentary than in storks, but the coracoids overlap at insertion. wer TUIS STANE YA BO S . . u .. JUN so WA . *4* Family Ciconiidæ.-I include in this family not only the true storks but also the wood ibises (Tantalus). GARROD ? | Histoire Naturelle, c., de Madagascar, 'Oiseaux,' p. 514. ?F. E. BEDDARD), "Notes on the Convoluted Trachea of a Curassow (No- thucrax urumuturn), and on the Syrinx in certain Storks,' P. 2. S. 1886, p. 321. HERODIONES 423 contrasted Ibis and Platalea on the one hand with Ciconia and Tantalus on the other, on account of the following differences :- Ibis and Platalea Ciconia and Tantalus Skull schizorhinal, angle of man Skull holorhinal, angle of mandible dible produced. truncated. Pectoralis major single. Pectoralis double. Accessory femorocaudal present. Accessory femorocaudal absent. Semitendinosus muscular through- 1 Semitendinosus tendinous for out. distal half. Biceps slip present. Biceps slip absent. To which I add the form of the syrinx. These collec- tively appear tu me to justify this separation. The true } ur Uut WAS U111 UR - A Le BA Sheikh 06 FACE 9 . V AU t . SED ! Net NOUA E- -- . * CS item . . . . N " MOODLE 270 . . H 1 ANYS U nit Bunt . . un itu, tatt .. MIN II/ I SENA VIII AUDIO Recit FEEEEEEEEEEEEF ... it.fr EEEEEga HUND VE UUUU . uta ila : . os WEZA E ? A.. 22 FIG. 198.-SYRINX OF Dissura episcopus (AFTER BEDDARD). FIG. 199.-SYRINX OF Abdimia sphenn- rhyncha (AFTER BEDDARD). storks, including Tantalus, are well characterised by the peculiar structure of the trachea and syrinx, there being, as already mentioned, an approach in these birds to the purely tracheal syrinx of the tracheophone Passeres. In the common black stork, C. nigra, the syrinx has the form illus- trated in the figure (fig. 197). Its principal features are the absence of intrinsic muscles, the modification of the last tracheal rings, the existence of a rudimentary vocal process (see p. 69), and the closed character of the bronchial rings, which are rings, not semi-rings, the membrana tympani- 424 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS formis being absent. In Xenorhynchus senegalensis, how- ever (fig. 200), there is some approach to the more typical tracheo-bronchial syrinx, which is further developed in Abdimia sphenorhyncha and Dissura episcopus;1 the syringes of these two storks are illustrated herewith (figs. 199, VI HR11 : PRIH - W P . ir VZ. - . . Molt . . RAUN1111 " .. RSY MI ? H . -.- - - - . - . 17 i. . dr . *, V- 1 Pt. SA .6 . PE 3 - TX SATURO TO PT AL ESES Ee I ASSIST : LAS NN - Ant AAT . www. pe CT muhay 1914 RUST 911 . HI JANGWA . W A BA hr VIVA UX 2 . . 27 . . ho 11 We 2. W AY - . 41 DAR . US . SEN . . MW RUSU V w . . . . D ir Al S MU meru. SS w With 19HRN1 . Udo .... 1 1. 20 1 5. IND VW www .. h / . wana / AU! 22 A W 1 ST - FIG. 200.-SYRINX OF Xenorhynchus senegalensis (AFTER BEDDARD). 198). In the former as well as in the latter the intrinsic muscles are still absent, and there is a considerable modifi- cation of the last tracheal rings; but in both there is a partial deficiency of cartilage where the membrana tympani- formis is developed in other birds. In Xenorhynchus this " F. E. BEDDARD, ' A Note upon Dissura episcopus, &c., P. Z. S. 1896, p. 231. . HERODIONES 425 is but slight; in Abdimia and Dissura episcopus it is well shown. But the latter bird has the complete bronchidesmus which marks the ciconiine as contrasted with the ardeine syrinx (cf. figs. 194 and 198). In Mycteria americana the bronchial rings are complete, but thinner internally, which is a hint of the otherwise absent membrana tympaniformis. The genus Tantalus is unique among the Ciconiidæ in having a convoluted trachea. This, however, is now known to occur only in the male of T. ibis ; in both sexes of T. loculator the trachea is unconvoluted. In the former bird the tube makes several intrathoracic loops, as shown in the figure (fig. 201). The syrinx is essentially stork-like. In most storks the muscle formula of the leg is AXY +;2 the only exceptions to this yet known are Xenorhynchus senegalensis, Dissura episcopus, and Abdimia sphenorhyncha, where the ambiens is absent, and Leptoptilus crumeni- ferus and argala, where there is no femorocaudal. The tendency to an ardeine structure in the syrinx of these birds has already been remarked upon, and may possibly be correlated with the absence of the ambiens. Storks have no biceps slip, but a typical expansor secundariorum. The humeral head of the anconæus is generally present. The patagial tendons are usually of a somewhat complicated form. The tensor patagii brevis is constituted upon a similar plan in all storks, though there are naturally some little differences in detail. In Leptoptilus, according to WELDON,3 there is but one tendon which, widening out just before its insertion on to the fore arm, gives off a recurrent slip to the tendon of the longus. In Ciconia nigra, according to FÜRBRINGER, the tendons . o 1. On the Trachea of Tantalus,' &c., P. Z. S. 1878, p. 625 ; . On the Form of the Trachea in certain Species of Storks and Spoonbills,' ibid. 1875, p. 297. 2 A. H. GARROD, 'Note on an Anatomical Peculiarity in certain Storks, ibid. 1877, p. 711. In a specimen of Xenorhynchus australis a few fibres corre- sponding to the accessory femorocaudal were found. 3 Loc. cit. (on p. 419). 426 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS NA .. .. .- '. . . WA . wwlind w . .. w . . - ' . 1 23 whe . - / .. - www . • SS ll! ... .th 11. . - . SSN 1 -- w ! / . . - D tu - :: .. ' - * . - !! A ... lr 12 KEY LON NI . l'ig. 201.- CONVOI.UTED WINDPIPE OF Tantalus ibis (AFTER GARROI)). C', coracoid ; l, furcula ; st, sternum ; 7.0, 1.0, bronchi. 24 . . - .- - . . - . AWY A . NIM 23 . . - - - - . - -- IYA .. . .. 1. 1 SKINS - . - . S. . T- . . . . . TO 1. . Viis SR .. A III . . . Z : 27 CDR . * NI I . TES . . . . - - . SOVI WITH SNR VAN ** Si W WWW N j . ali MAT YI . . Wint...1: X NA . ? O 1. O i .. . V MAS 21 RY .. TO . cil . 13 Tahin: ge . ANN MW. ? .. € . .. .. WA 1 23 .. IN * * . 1901 2 2TAKT L NA SSSSSS *. AVA A . 12. Til . 1 - * YA . . . . 7 EUR , th- NA 1 CIIINNN .. G tc . - . - .. - . . Bu NNNNN S.-. .. . 11 . W INV . ... SYARAK . . - . - IN EN 7 IN . . . . PE - SENSA Uru . TAGS RSS ހަކަހަރި es W SET TY XI - - - OLS ENDUR . * . ESSEN S S : . Fun . A AR . ' . 2 . . 11!!!!! . . 3 . 1 .. 2 DIK. . . 11 - . . 2. . VVS . A R . SHELDONDOLID SU 1. . : . . - - - - w YARIS OU THI I WIND 9 .. INN MA: 7 N- XL .. IZ . IL I + . LEO HERODIONES 427 are a little more complicated. The tendon of the brevis is obscurely divided into two from nearly its commencement; the more anterior of these again divides into two, one of which runs forward to be inserted on to the fore arm separately from the hinder part, which remains continuous with the rest of the tendon; there is a recurrent slip to longus. In Abdimia the tendons are much the same; in both these genera the propatagialis pectoralis of FÜRBRINGER IS muscular. In Tantalus leucocephalus the broad fascia-like tendon of the brevis gives off a wristward slip, from the junction of which with tendon of extensor matacarpi radialis a patagial fan arises. The pterylosis of the Ciconiidæ has been studied by NITZSCH. The neck is continuously feathered down to about the middle, where the spinal and ventral tracts respectively become divided into two. The two spinal tracts are narrow but strongly feathered, and cease abruptly at about the end of the scapula ; after a short space they recommence as a bifid but feebly feathered tract, the limbs of which unite a little way in front of the oil gland. The ventral tracts are broad upon the pectoral region but narrow towards the vent. In Pseudotantalus leucocephalus NITZSCH could not find the aftershaft, but nevertheless one appears to exist. In Mycteria and Leptoptilus argala the dorsal tract has posteriorly no spinal space. In L. argala NITZSCH states the aftershaft to be absent. The oil gland has two apertures on each side in Ciconia alba, five in C. nigra; L. argala has no less than six. Anastomus coromandelicus has three ; Tantalus leucocephalus has the same number. The deep flexor tendons of the Ciconiidæ are constructed on the plan of type I. In Tantalus leucocephalus there is a slight variation; a small vinculum runs to flexor communis before the latter divides into three, and then a broader vincu- lum, chiefly going to tendon of digit II., but also slightly to III. and IV., binds together the two tendons. In C. Y 428 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS nigra there is the ordinary vinculum and a special slip to digit II. The lungs in the Ciconiidæ are at least often distinguish- able from those of the Ardeidæ by the great deficiency of the muscles arising from the ribs and attached to the pulmonary aponeurosis. In Cancroma there were four pairs of such muscles, arising from a corresponding number of ribs, in Nycticorax five; but in Cicoria alba I only found one pair inserted on to the aponeurosis in front of the septum bounding the anterior intermediate air sac anteriorly. Pro- fessor WELDON found no such muscles in a considerable number of storks. The tongue is always small. The proventriculus is zonary. The liver is nearly equilobed, and there is always a gall bladder. The intestinal measurements of a number of species are as follows:- - - - - - - - S. I. L. I. -- - - -- ........ Ft. 11. Inches Iuches 4.9 Ciconia nigra . , alba . . . o a 3 6 aci ci cu cei 've 7.6 » 5 3 7 3 G cici maguari .. . boyciana . . Dissura episcopus . . übdimia sphenorhynchus . Mycteria americana. . Xenorhynchus australis. senegalensis Leptoptilus crumeniferus . i argala Tantalus ibis . . . 1 loculator aromi od #ava 20 ci 8.5 6.5 5 6.6 - .. . - - - - - - -- - - The number of cervical vertebræ is seventeen (Lepto- ptilus, Tantalus) or eighteen (Xenorhynchus); the hypapo- physes are feeble; there is a ventral canal formed by union of catapophyses of 07-C11 (Xenorhynchus), C7-C12 (Tantalus). Four ribs reach the sternum in Xenorhynchus, five in the others. The sternum has one pair of notches, and the spina externa is absent or small. The procoracoid is of fair size, but does not reach the clavicle; the coracoids meet HERODIONES 429 at their sternal insertion in Leptoptilus. The hypoclei- dium articulates with carina sterni. The skull is desmogna- thous, holorhinal, and without basipterygoid processes; there are in Tantalus rudiments of these processes in the shape of a minute spine. The holorhinal character of the nostrils is largely marked by ossifications of the alinasals; the nostrils are thus much reduced in size, in a fashion suggestive of the Steganopodes and possibly significant, but there is no bony septum between them. This distinguishes the storks from the herons, as does also the form of the palatines. These bones are in the first place not cut off at right angles behind, as in the herons, while the internal lamina only bounds the interparietal space, and is at most (Xenorhynchus) carried back to the end of the bones as a slight median keel. This is absent in other storks. In Xenor hanchus and Leptoptilus the palatines again approach each other, and are only sepa- rated by the vomers just behind the maxillo-palatines. Oppo- site to this point each palatine is produced into a strong outwardly directed snag, large in Xenorhynchus, hardly indi- cated in other storks. The interorbital septum is entire. The large lacrymal is perforated or deeply notched for duct of gland. n Y Family Ardeidæ.—The herons contrast with the storks in (1) the tracheo-bronchial syrinx always furnished with a pair of intrinsic musclés, (2) non-division of pectoralis primus into two layers, (3) invariable absence of ambiens, (4) pre- sence of powder-down patches, (5) absence or weakness of vinculum, (6) presence of a single cæcum only. On the other hand the two families agree in (1) absence of biceps slip to patagium, (2) presence of expansor secun- dariorum, in addition, of course, to the points enumerated in the definition of the group. In Cancroma the oil gland is nude. The herons have four or six powder-down tracts. Six are found in Cancroma, Butorides atricapillus, Ardea cocoi, and other species ; 11 Not in Xenor lynchus and Dissura ; there is a trace of an overlap in Abilimia, Tantalus, and Platalea. 430 CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Y STRUCTURE AND four in Ardetta and Botaurus. The number of rectrices differs much; there are only eight in Ardetta exilis and A. involucris, ten in Botaurus (not invariably), twelve in Ardea cocoi and Cancroma cochlearia. The pterylosis differs from that of the storks by the narrowness of the tracts. The spinal space begins with the commencement of the neck, and only terminates a little way in front of the tufted oil gland. The anterior part of the spinal tract is not always more strongly feathered than the posterior part, and there is (according to the figures of NITZSCH) hardly a break between them. The ventral tracts also are separate early on the neck. In Cancroma they divide on the breast into a broader, stronger outer tract, which ceases just below the metapatagium, and a narrow inner tract. The anterior ventral powder-down patches constantly interrupt the continuity of the anterior and posterior sections of the ventral tracts. -- - - - - Small Intestine Large Intestine i -. Cæcuu - . -- -- - . - - '. . - . - - . 90 - -...--.- -- .25 •15 •15 - - -- Ardea Goliath . sulinairana pirpatrea сосой egretta . - 1.5 - -- ..-- - - - -- - .. 1.5 •25 . - - - - - - •15 - - 25 - - , garzetta . . Bitorides atricapilius , cyanurus. Ardetta involucris. Nycticorax caledonicus 30 15 3.6 3.5 2.25 3.5 22:5 40 .15 33 •14 violaceus. Tigrisoma brasilien.se Cancrorna cochlearia Botaurus stellaris . 33 Co •15 51 hean •15 - - : - - -... - A curious absence of any apparent relationship between the relative length of the sections of the alimentary canal, and of the alimentary canal as a whole, and of the food, is shown by the above table, drawn up by Mr. GARROD, which I reproduce here from his notes. They seem, however, to ally the last four genera, which HERODÍONES 431 22 USD have a long large intestine. As a rule the left lobe of the liver is the smaller, while in the storks the lobes are equal. A gall bladder is always present except in Botaurus stellaris. The cæcum is single, and, as will be seen from above measurements, rudimentary. The carotids are, as a rule, two, and separate ; but in Botaurus they fuse, and in Ardetta involucris the right only is present. Of the leg muscles the ambiens is always absent, and the formula is typically AXY-. The femorocaudal is never strong, and is particularly slender in Ardea Goliath,In A. sumatrana, A. ludoviciana, Nycticorax Gardeni, Cancroma cochlearia, and Tigrisoira brasiliense it is totally absent. The deep plantar tendons are characteristic; there is almost always a very slender vinculum between the two, which is totally wanting in Botaurus stellaris, Ardetta involucris, and A. exilis. The tensores patagii are stork-like. The tendon of the brevis bifurcates, and from the point where the anterior limb is inserted on to tendon of extensor of fore arm a recurrent slip is given off to longus. This arrangement holds good for Ardea purpurea, A. Goliath, Cancroma cochlearia, and Nycticorax griseus; but in Cancroma the recurrent slip is sometimes absent. The pectoralis abdomi- nalis is present, and thus serves to differentiate them from the storks, ibises, and spoonbills, in which the muscle is absent. The skull of the Ardeidæ has been chiefly studied by SHUFELDT.2 In the more normal forins (e.g. Ardea cinerea, Butorides cyanurus) the skull is holorhinal, the holorhiny not being obscured-as it is often among the storks-by the irregular ossification of alinasals. The vomer is well developed, much compressed laterally, and largely double. The maxillo-palatines are spongy bones, largely free from each other posteriorly. The palatines (see fig. 202) Y t. 1 I . Sometimes absent in this species. 2Osteological Studies of the Subfamily Ardeinæ,' Journ. Comp. Med. and Surg. 1889. 432 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ܕܵܢܵ - - V - - - UN Hote: SHA S 1 sem - - > are very straight bones, usually cut very squarely behind, but notched postero-laterally in Ardea bubulcus, A. minuta, A. comata, with well-marked internal laminæ, which extend quite to the posterior end of the bone. The interorbital septum is largely fenestrate. The bony ectethmoids are but little developed; Cancroma is in several ways rather anomalous. It is heron-like in the fenestrated in- terorbital septum, and in the fact that the internal lamina of each МІxp palatine is continuous to the posterior end of that bone. The nostrils are continued forward by a deeper groove than that which is formed in the more normal herons--a point of likeness this to Scopus and Balæniceps (qq.v.) The very broad palatines join the vomer again in front of their posterior junction with each other, thus divid- ing the interpalatine vacuity into two areas. It is thus to a certain degree 'doubly desmognathous,' and is so far like Xenorhynchus (see p. 429). There is a well-marked lateral process of the palatines, as in Scopus and storks. As in Scopus the procoracoid FIG. 202.-VENTRAL SUR- is very small and the coracoids overlap FACE OF SKULL OF Ardea cinerea (AFTER HUXLEY). each other at their insertion. Like Pł, pterygoids ; PI, palatines ; l'o, the storks, and unlike Scopus, the vomer ; ArxP, maxillo-palatincs. hypocleidium articulates with the end of the carina sterni. The hypocleidium, moreover, projects backwards between the two clavicles as a narrowish piece. The hæmapophyses of the cervical and dorsal vertebre are small, those of the latter being sometimes quite absent. There is a catapophysial canal (in Cancroma as well as Ardea), formed in the two types mentioned by cervical vertebræ 7-12. M3 Dec ' TE .. AP IL21 DIA Court . HERODIONES 433 Family Balænicepidæ.— The great 'whale head' of Africa, Balaniceps rex, requires further study before its exact position can be determined. It is admittedly a member of the present group, though its original describer, GOULD, regarded it as a pelican. We know the skeleton through the labours of PARKER, while our at present scanty know- . . JOTTO Pe . murattini wwungTROMU urrent TAN 1 .. Out .. MS 101 111 IVUL hlution on KO Stutt UUNI ARVU . 11 UNAMIN 1...... annat nh nu . 1. . tutto MUR AUDI US UN VA CON TERTUNTUT XR . .. undMANNITUS AAC A . 2 12 . 00157 Fig. 203. -SYRINX OF Balcriceps. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) b, free margin of bronchidesmus. Fig. 204.—THE SAME. BACK VIEW. (AFTER BEDDARD.) ledge of the soft parts is due to myself.3 Its powder-down patches were discovered by BARTLETT.4 As in the herons also the right lobe of the liver is the largest, and the cæcum is single. The syrinx (see figs. 203-205) is ardeine in form, but lacks the intrinsic muscles. These, however, are not en- Not a serious mistake in view of the admitted relationships between the Steganopodes and Herodiones. 2"On the Osteology of Balæniceps rex,' Trans. Zool. Soc. iv. p. 269 (abstr. in P.Z. S. 1860, p. 324). 3.On certain Points in the Visceral Anatomy of Balaniceps bearing upon its Affinities,' P. 2. S. 1888, p. 284. 4. On the Affinities of Balaniceps,' ibid. 1861, p. 131. See also REIN- HARDT, 'On the Affinities of Balaniceps,' ibid. 1860, p. 377, and GIEBEL, ' Ueber Balæniceps rex,' Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Nat. lxi. 1873, p. 350. FF 434 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 11 CA 1 n . - S ANOM . t ADI Villa 141 MINIM JI WIN ) tirely absent; their former presence is indicated by a narrow ligament on each side (fig. 42, p. 62), which occupies the place that a muscle should, and is attached precisely where the intrinsic muscles are attached in other Ardeidæ. The mem- brana tympaniformis is well formed, the bronchidesmus is incomplete, while the general form of the organ is purely tracheo-bronchial and thoroughly ardeine. This will be apparent from the annexed woodcuts. The nearest relations of Balaniceps,' said PARKER, ' are the South American boatbill (Can- croma cochlearia) and the little South African umbre (Scopus um- bretta). The interorbital septum is stork-like in its completeness. The lacrymal, as in Scopus alone among Herodiones, reaches as far down as the quadrate jugal bar, but it is fused anteriorly with the walls of the skull. The nostrils are continued forward by a groove precisely like that of Scopus and Cancroma. In FIG. 205.-SYRINX OF Bala- the palatine bones the fusion of the riceps, ARRANGED TO DISPLAY PESSULUS AND MEMBRANA internal laminæ to form a median TYMPANIFORMIS (AFTER BED- keel behind the interparietal space DARD). is precisely like Scopus ; so, too, is the lateral angle of these bones (see p. 422). There is a firm synostosis between the furcula and the carina sterni. Cervical vertebræ 7–13 have, as in most other Herodiones (excluding, however, the supposed ally of Balaniceps, Scopus), a ventral catapophysial canal. **** 11.. ** . S W . .. ** MU 9 TAYA th WWWWWWWW NA at! NO N The family Plataleidæ includes not only the spoonbills NITZSCH to the group'on account of the surprising small- ness of their tongues.' The pterylosis is exactly as in the storks. The rectrices 1 According to NITZSCH It appeared to me (in Platalea rosea) to be more like that of Tantalus loculator, in that the hinder part of the spinal tract was not bifid, but continuously though sparsely feathered. HERODIONES 435 TTT 1 11 N1 LOU 1 CU UIT are twelve. The oil gland of Platalea leucorodia has three distinct orifices on each half, that of Ibis only one. The long downwardly bent bill of the ibises distinguishes them from the storks and suggests Numenius. NITZSCH, indeed, regarded the birds as intermediate between the two groups represented by these types. The tensores patagii have always a biceps slip running to the tendon of the longus, and there is a patagial fan. In Ibis ethiopica the tendon of the tensor brevis is simple and rather diffuse. In Eudocimus ruber and G. mela- nopis the tendon gives off a distinct wristward slip, while the patagial fan is formed of two rather separate strands, with the posterior of which, rather high up, the wristward slip fuses in Geronticus melanopis. In Platalea the muscle and its tendons are much the same, but the brevis is very broad and fascia-like. The muscle formula of the leg is complete (i.e. ABXY+) in all Plataleidæ. The plantar tendons are connected by a vinculum which in Eudocimus ruber extends on to the special slip to digit II. By the division of this vinculum may have arisen the two vincula of Ciconic nigra (see above, p. 427). The liver is equilobed (I. ethiopica), or the right is a little larger (E. ruber). A gall bladder is present. The following are intestinal measurements :- S. I. l L. I. Eudocimus ruber . . 31 1.6 62 •35 •25 1 •12 10 Nipponic Terrininckii Plegadis falcinellus . Ibis cethiopica . . » strictipennis Platalea leucorodia » cijaja . . 36 •12 . The intestinal convolutions of Platalea leucorodia are shown in fig. 207. The greater part of the gut has preserved 1 HUNTER, in Essays and Observations (ed. Owen, London), 1861, writes of this species : The cæca are about four inches long and very small, attached to the ileum their whole length.' FF 2 436 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the primitive arrangement. The duodenal loop is curved, and in other storks (s.s.) this (cf. fig. 208) is converted into a spiral. There is a tendency, in fact, among the Ciconiidæ .. . EE ' B . . ht: III - - . S . VN T-IT ww ESCA w WS h *.1111 MWAIDS. * . Dhi. WICI! WA . INT liEANID X Y 20 - IXA S- 1 TAR NO 111 2 ri." SITY A 1 CNN . TY W Link UN 12 A HA11 M CALLINN A E - 2 ( 4 . - SU SHE EEN TT ER . SSS w 27 iti . ta Ditt . EN VIV13 . . 27 20 * N6 LTZU14 12 S 2. . 3 U is. The or 2. wa WA www . 39 Shar ws . .. . .. I . . . S . . - . *. . Sr . W - . - 2 -- * . . . WE 11 ci w . .. Z . . G ** PP- .- . - - * - . - WIZ - 33 Sis ih . Si - - a . ++ . LSIS s.. AI:11 ... . W . gitti IS Fig. 206.-WINDPIPE OF Platalea ajaja (AFTER GARROD). a, trachea ; 0, bifurcation of bronchi in front of sternum ; 9.6, 1.6, bronchi; d, esophagus C, cervical muscles. HERODIONES 437 JUI to the formation of these spirals, which are also found in the Accipitres. The windpipe in the ibises is simple, not convoluted; LLENDE TRARED200A FIG. 207.--- INTESTINES or Platalea leucorodia (AFTER MITCHELL). t, short-circuitiug vessel divided. but in Platalea leucorodia it is convoluted. In this bird the windpipe runs in a straight or slightly sinuous course TIPYN FIG. 208.—INTESTINES OF Ciconia nigra (AFTER MITCHELL). ** X, as in fig. 207. into the thorax; it then bends upon itself, and after an inch and a half or so reverts to its original direction, and divides within the thorax into the two bronchi. 'I have a windpipe of P. leucorodia which is not convoluted, but which bifurcates within the thorax. 438 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS In Platalea ajaja (see fig. 206) the trachea is peculiar in that its bifurcation takes place about the middle of the neck, some distance at any rate before the entry of the bronchi into the thoracic cavity. In a female which I measured the bifurcation was three inches in front of sternum, and the distance from the bifurca- tion to the end of the larynx was six and a quarter inches. HUDSON has stated 1 that there are two species of spoonbill in the Argentine : one has a windpipe like that figured above, and may be considered to be the true ajaja, while the other has a windpipe which is not modified in any way. The characters of the latter—apart from the question of the windpipe-have been considered by some to be those of immaturity ; but this is denied by HUDSON. I have in my possession seven windpipes of P. ajaja, of which two are males and the rest females. In the two males the lengths of the trachea are practically identical. In the females the position of the syrinx varies considerably, being more than an inch lower in some than in others; this may possibly account for the differences observed by Mr. HUDSON. The extrinsic muscles of this species arise from inner side of coracoid, not far from the middle line of sternum. The intrinsic muscles of the syrinx are present; they cease, how- ever, some little way in front of the syrinx. These muscles are also inconspicuous, and form a very thin though rather wide band. The syrinx is not especially stork-like, except in the fact that the bronchi are for the greater part of their extent tubes with complete rings. The first dozen or so, however, are incomplete, there being thus a membrana tympaniformis. There is a cartilaginous three-way piece, and generally there is but little ossification in the windpipe. The windpipe of P. alba is different from both the species already described. It is not convoluted, but the bifurcation does not take place outside of the thoracic cavity, as in the last species. It SCLATER and Hudson, Argentine Ornithology, vol. ii. p. 115. HERODIONES 439 is also stork-like in the fact that there is no membrana tym- paniformis; the bronchial rings are complete rings from the very first. The main peculiarity of the windpipe, however, lies in the fact that from a point about three inches from the larynx it appears to bifurcate and to consist of two closely applied tubes. By cutting windows it was ascertained that this appearance corresponded to the reality--that the windpipe did consist of two tubes. This arrangement, which seems to characterise the present species only, is, of course, suggestive of the median tracheal septum of the penguins, &c.1 Of the ibises I have examined the windpipe of Eudocimus ruber, E. alba, and of Ibis ethiopica. There are differences between the species similar to those which exist between the species of Platalea. In Ibis ethiopica there is no membrana tympaniformis, the bronchial rings being complete. In the two other species this structure is present, and moreover the last few tracheal rings are defective in the middle line posteriorly. The extrinsic pair of muscles are attached in E. ruber to the inner surface of sternum not far from the middle line. The intrinsic muscles stop short some way in front of the syrinx. In Platalea ajaja cervical vertebræ 7-10 have a cata- pophysial canal. Some of the dorsal vertebræ are fused. The number of cervical vertebræ is seventeen or eighteen (Platalea ajaja). The sternum is two-notched (Platalea) and has a small spina externa, but no spina interna. The skull has, as in charadriiform birds, a pair of occipital vacuities. It is schizorhinal and has rudimentary basipterygoid processes, which in Platalea ajaja have the form of small sharp thorns. Supra-orbital impressions are feebly developed. The lacrymals with the ectethmoids very nearly form a com- plete ring of bone, the aspect of this part of the skull being 1 Gadow, in NEWTON's Dict. Birds, speaks of the trachea (sub voce) of Platalea as divided by a cartilaginous septum. I have not found this to be the case with P. ajaja or P. leucorodia. ? Also, however, in geese. 440 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the distinctly charadriine. A groove runs forward from nostrils, as in Scopus, &c. (9.v.) Family Phænicopteridæ.1Phoenicopterus agrees with the storks in the subdivision of the prebronchial air sacs by many septa into smaller chambers. But, as this also occurs Ac 222 SINUN 2141 ADITIV . Fig. 209.-SYRINX OF Plicericopterus (AFTER WELDON). la, front view; ac, lateral view. in Chauna and to a much greater extent, less weight must be laid upon it than upon some of the muscular characters. In the storks, as in Scopus, but not the Anatidæ, the pec- toralis major is divided into two distinct layers. This is also the case with Phænicopterus. The tensores patagii are closely similar in the birds under comparison and diverge from those of the duck. The ducks are peculiar in the origin of the smallest head of the gastrocnemius from the biceps; Our knowledge of the anatomy of the soft parts' of Phoenicopterus is mainly due to WELDON (P. Z. S. 1883) and to GADOW (Journ. f. Onn. XXV. p. 382.) HERODIONES 441 VA no such connection occurs in either stork or flamingo. That the deep flexor tendons of Phænicopterus are not stork-like is surely related to the diminutive hallux of that genus. On the other hand the accessory femorocaudal, though small, is present in the flamingo, though absent in the storks, while the syrinx (fig. 209) is not stork-like. The cæca are long (three inches), but the intestines are not duck-like. The atlas is notched by the odontoid process, and the notch is very nearly converted into a foramen. There are nineteen cervical vertebræ. None of the catapophyses fuse to form a canal. The transition between catapophyses and hæmapophyses is more complete than in most birds ; on the last cervical the two catapophyses are raised on a common platform, and on the first dorsal is the first (and last) hæma- pophysis, which is flattened and obscurely bifid. The last cervical and the first three dorsals are fused. Five ribs reach the single-notched sternum. The coracoids overlap at their insertion. The skull is desmognathous, with basipterygoid processes, to which the anterior ends of the pterygoids are attached. It is holorhinal with pervious nostrils. There are lateral occipital fontanelles. The lacrymals are large and rather duck-like, notched externally; they nearly reach the jugal bar. There are no ossified ectethmoids. In including the Plataleida and Ibididae with the Hero- diones I shall have the assent of most ornithologists. Alone among recent observers who have occupied themselves with the structure of the group, GARROD and FORBES placed the spoonbills and ibises apart. The latter included them in his group Pluviales with the Charadrii, Rhinochetus, &c. These diverse opinions about the Plataleidæ appear to me to be largely due to the primitive position which they occupy among the Herodiones. They are to my thinking not far from a basal gralline' stock. The Plataleidæ have the complete muscle formula, and the biceps slip to the patagium. Some of these muscles have been lost in the other Herodiones, in which With the partial exception noted on p. 425, footnote. 442 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS there is traceable a gradual series of modifications. In the storks the accessory femorocaudal is always absent, and in some the ambiens and femorocaudal also ; in the Ardeidæ both ambiens and accessory femorocaudal are gone, and the modification of these leg muscles culminates in the aberrant Cancroma, where the formula is merely XY-. In the Plataleidæ (as in Tantalus) there are just faint traces of the basipterygoid processes, missing elsewhere in the group. The ibises are schizorhinal, and in Platalea the ends of the nasal grooves are rounded, thus tending towards the holo- rhinal, while the lower part of the bony nostril is wider than the upper, appearing thus to show a commencing occlusion of the schizorhinal nostril into a holorhinal one ; in Ardea cinerea a faint trace of a former schizorhinal condition is seen in a slight groove which runs back from the end of the holorhinal nostril, as in Chunga (see p. 144). The schizo- rhinal condition, as has been before pointed out, is probably the more archaic. Finally the Plataleidæ have, according to MITCHELL, the most primitive form of gut among the Herodiones. Significant points of likeness between the Plataleidæ and Grues are not wanting; the occipital foramina and the impressions of the supra-orbital glands were among the facts that led FORBES to associate them together. The convoluted windpipe is common to Platalea, Tantalus, and Grus. Both Platalea and Grus have the complete muscle formula and schizorhinal nostrils. It has been often asserted that there are likenesses between the Herodiones and the accipitrine birds. This largely reduces itself to a comparison between the Herodiones on the one hand and the Cathartidæ and Serpentarius on the other; for if the two latter forms of accipitrine birds are rightly so placed the falcons must, on account of the various reductions in their structure, be derived from some form near to these, and cannot be their ancestors. There are two at first sight rather striking likenesses between the Herodiones and these lower accipitrines. GADOW has commented upon resemblances in the lie of the intestines, and MITCHELL has still further emphasised this likeness. In both groups (the HERODIONES 443 falcons only among the Accipitres were examined) there is a tendency for the intestine to be thrown into spirally twisted loops; but MITCHELL is of opinion that this is really no more than a convergent resemblance, for as the simpler types are considered the spiral arrangement becomes less and less obvious, thus indicating its special development, and independent development, in both. : The second point concerns the syrinx, which as a special- ised organ is wanting in both storks and Cathartidæ. In neither group are there intrinsic muscles. This point of resemblance rests, however, upon mere negativity. The details of the conformation of the lower part of the larynx are, as may be inferred from the preceding explanations and figures, extremely different in both; it seems as if the syrinx has degenerated in both, but along quite different lines, the loss of the intrinsic muscles being about the only point in common. And we know from other groups that this muscle may be independently lost. There is, to my mind, as much to be said for a derivation of the Accipitres from the crane as from the pelargine stock, the fact being that we must probably seek for the origin of both from a low branch, perhaps common to all. The matter is further dealt with under the section devoted to the Grues. The skull of the flamingo is not duck-like. The back view of it, with the occipital fontanelles, might, it is true, be mistaken for that of an anserine bird; but there are no salient likenesses elsewhere. There are but rudimentary basipterygoid facets, and the palatines have (which they have not in the duck tribe) a well-developed internal lamina, which, as is so often the case, is sharply bent downwards at its edge. In front of the fused maxillo-palatines there is no palatal vacuity, as in nearly all Anseres. The lacrymals, like those of the Anseres, are certainly large ; but their size is not so conspicuously marked in the length of their base of attachment to the margin of the orbit as in the length and great breadth of the descending process, not a feature of the anserine skull. The ectethmoids seem hardly ossified. The interorbital septum is largely deficient in front, as in Chauna, 444 OF BIRDS - STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION but is also more vacuolated behind, and in a different way from what is found among the few Anseres in which the inter- orbital septum is not solid. The length of the angular process of the mandible, though a duck character, is also found in the Plataleida. There are so many characteristic duck-like characters wanting in the skull of Phænicopterus that we cannot place it with that group. Of fossil Herodiones a considerable number of genera and to cave deposits, and have been found in Europe, India, by DAMES, from the Cretaceous of Sweden, be really an ally of the flamingo-like bird Palclodus, it is important to note that this family goes back further into the past than any other living family, so far as our information allows us to say. HUXLEY'S name of ' Amphimorphæ’ for the group, and his remark to the effect that they are so thoroughly intermediate between the storks and ducks, will occur to the mind in this connection. This bird is known by a scapula, coracoid, and humerus. The other forms upon which new genera have been founded are not known by even so much as the scanty remains of Scanior- by the tarso-metatarsus (incomplete), while the other genera are founded upon equally fragmentary remains. Tantalus Milne- Edwardsiz ? (nearly perfect tibio-tarsus), from middle Miocene, France. Palelodus, however, is known by coracoid, scapula, and some of the 'long bones,' as well as the sternum, 'scarcely to be distinguished from the somewhat larger sternum of Phænicopterus l'oscus,' furcula, one or two vertebræ, and metacarpal bones. The bird seems not to have had such long legs as the modern flamingo, but longer toes. Elornis (Eocene and Miccene) was also a flamingo, but intermediate in the length of its legs between Phænicopterus and Palalodus. Agnopterus (Miocene) is reckoned a flamingo by FÜRBRINGER, placed'incerte sedis' by LYDEKKER. TÜber Vogelreste aus dem Saltholmskalk von Limhamn bei Malmö,' Bih. K. Svensk. Ak. Hardl. xvi. 1891. 2 SHUFELDT, 'Fossil Bones of Birds,' &c., P. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1896, p. 507. TUBINARES . 445 TUBINARES Definition.--Nostrils produced into tubes. Aftershaft present, aquinto- cubital. Oil gland tufted. Skull schizognathous, holorhinal. Two carotids present. Large supra-orbital glands. V CU In The peculiar form of the external nares, which has given to the group its name, characterises it. It is a character which is found in no other group, but in all members of the present. The Tubinares are nearly the only large group of birds which can thus be diagnosed by a single character. The tube itself is, according to FORBES, whose Challenger' memoir upon the group forms the chief classic upon the subject, in Majaqueus, and probably in other genera, caused by a growth of the catilaginous walls of the nasal sacs. The degree of fusion between the two tubes varies in different genera. In Procellaria, for example, they quite coalesce and the external aperture is single. In Pelecanoides there is a distinct and not broad septum; while in Bulweria and others the septum is so broad that the tubes almost appear double. The petrels are web-footed birds with a small hallux, which in Pelecanoides is quite absent. The web does not take in the rudimentary hallux. The general number of the rectrices is twelve, but Ossifraga has as many as sixteen. The aftershaft is always present. The pterylosis does not vary greatly; the dorsal and ventral tracts are well separated upon the neck. The ventral pteryla is divided on the neck; in the pectoral region each branch again divides. The dorsal tract divides at the middle of the scapulæ into two, which unite later, thus enclosing a space. • The tongue varies much in size and in the amount of its spiny bordering or covering. In Diomedea, for instance, it is much covered superiorly with spines. In (Estrelata and others the tongue has a bordering of spines which are lateral 1 It has been pointed out that the complex and somewhat protuberant nostrils of Chionis bear a little resemblance to those of the Tubinares, but are differently developed. 446 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS pole ". as well as posterior; in Daption capensis, and in many others, the spines are confined to the hind margin of the organ. The more usual condition is the intermediate form. There is a well-developed but small.gizzard present. The cæca are absent in the Oceanitidæ, but present, as a rule, in the Procellariidæ ; they are small and nipple-like, and in Cymochorea appear to be reduced to a single cæcum. The gall bladder is always present, and the lobes of the liver are equal or nearly so. The arrangement of the intestine is shown in fig. 210. The duodenal loop is double; the greater part of the in- testine is drawn out into a considerable number of straightish loops. As to muscular anatomy, the great FIG. 210.—INTESTINES or Fulinarus glacici- pectoral is divisible into lis (AFTER MITCHELL). two layers by an inter- 2, short-circuiting vessel divided. posed tendon, asin storks and Steganopodes. But in Larus, according to FÜRBRINGER (and in Podica also), the same division occurs, which tends to lessen the differences between the Tubinares and the Laridæ, so insisted upon by GARROD, FORBES, and some others. The tensores patagii in the Tubinares are com- plicated, but not in all the genera. In the Oceanitidæ they are simplest. In these petrels the tensor brevis is a simple tendon. In Pelecanoides, and in some others, there is the additional complication that the tendon bifurcates near to its attachment on the extensor tendon, and gives off an anterior slip inserted more wristwards. In Prion affairs are still further complicated by the metamorphosis into tendon of the whole of the extensor metacarpi radialis : . ...... MIT . TUBINARES 447 superficialis. In (Estrelata brevirostris we first meet with a recurrent slip going to the longus tendon and arising from the brevis in front of the termination of its anterior branch. The more typical tubinarian arrangement is seen in Estrelata Lessori. We find here the characteristic ossicle of the tendon of the brevis which is found in so many Tubinares, and which has been held by some to be a character of much systematic importance in differen- tiating the group-a character which FÜRBRINGER thinks has been 'overvalued.'! From this ossicle' spring some of the fibres of the extensor muscle of the fore arm ; it is also the starting point of the recurrent tendinous fibres, which unite the brevis and longus tendons; these tendons are, moreover, in close apposition for nearly the whole of their course--itself a characteristic feature of the Tubinares. In Ossifraga and in some other genera there are no ossicles, but the tendons are highly complicated. In some petrels-for instance, in Diomedea exsulans—the wing sesa- moid is double, and in this bird also there are considerable complications of the various tendons. While, therefore, we cannot define the petrels by the arrangement of the tendons of the tensores, as is sometimes possible, it is evident that we have what might be expected in a large and important group-a very considerable series of modifications of these organs. No petrel has, strictly speaking, a biceps slip, and the biceps itself, though perfectly normal in origin and insertion, has much more largely degenerated into tendon than is usual for this muscle. There is, however, a curious modification of this muscle in Pelecanoides and in a few others. Here the coracoidal head alone forms the muscle ; the humeral head goes entirely to the tensor patagii longus; this slip is, therefore, as FORBES remarks, 'functionally, a biceps slip.' Something apparently representing the true biceps slip is occasionally found in the Tubinares. In a few there is a tendon derivable from the humeral head of the I Justly, as it is found not only among the Steganopodes, which may be fairly regarded as allies of the Tubinares, but also in so lernote a type as Morops ! 448 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS biceps, which appears to end on the fascia of the wing. 1 The expansor secundariorum, found only among the Oceanitidæ, is peculiar in that it arises from the surface of the pectoral ; its muscular belly is, as usual, at the elbow, and the tendon is joined by a branch from the scapularies. The aircon@us has a well-marked tendinous attachment to the humerus. The muscles of the hind limb, to which GARROD attached so much classificatory importance, vary much in the group. The ambiens is present in all except Fregetta and Pele- canoides. In Garrodia and some others the tendon does not cross the knee. All have a femorocaudal, but the accessory is absent in Bulweria and Pelecanoides. The semitendinosus has an accessory in the Oceanitidæ, but not in the others. It is inserted separately from the semi- membranosus. The deep flexor's blend about halfway down the leg ; but when a hallux is present it receives no slip from the conjoined tendons. The syrinx of the Tubinares shows an interesting series of gradations, from a quite ordinary tracheo-bronchial type to what is very much like the bronchial syrinx of the Caprimulgidæ, though FÜRBRINGER, while admitting the 'bronchophone tendency of the syrinx of the Strigidæ, as a point of similarity between that group and the Caprimulgidæ, considers that only 'artificially' can the Tubinares and the Spheniscidæ be brought into the same line. Nevertheless in the series of Tubinares the bronchial rings to which the intrinsic muscles are attached seem to move further down. FORBES, however, regards this as a splitting of the trachea, and holds that the intrinsic muscles are invariably fastened to the fifth semi-ring. “It is in the genus Pelecanoides,' remarks FORBES, 'that the typical construction of the syrinx of the Tubinares is seen in its simplest fcrm. In this bird all the bronchial rings are semi-rings, and there is a three-way piece of the usual r In a specimen of Nycticorax griseus on one side of the body I found a tendon from the biceps running to the tensor brevis tendon, which may be com- parable to the above-described slip. 2 Cf. as to this Opisthocomus, Edicieinus, and Casuarius. TUBINARES 449 · structure. In Garrodia the first three bronchial rings are complete. In Thalasseca glacialoides the last four tracheal rings are incomplete behind, and are quite like the four succeeding bronchial semi-rings, being, moreover, like them, - 777 . :- 3. - Map Mæp M min T O . AL - " - - 1- . . 1 ande TE 2 *- Fig. 211.-SKULL OF Diomedea exularis (AFTER HUXLEY). Vo, vomer; Mxp, maxillo palatines ; Pt, pterygoid. Fig. 212.-SKULL OF Procellaria gigantea (AFTER HUXLEY). Pl, palatines ; * basipterygoid process. Other letters as in fig. 211. ossified. This modification is carried to its furthest extreme in Ossifraga. In this petrel the last nine or ten tracheal rings are incomplete in front, and the last twelve or so are incomplete behind. Thus the membrana tympaniformis does not commence for some distance away from the bifur- cation of the respiratory tube, the rings being double and GG 450 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS complete for the same way in front of it. The division of the trachea is carried upwards above the point where it is externally divided into two tubes by an internal septum. And in Acipetes, though there is no external division of the trachea, there is an incomplete internal septum. In Diomedea, according to SWINHOE, at any rate in two species, the bronchi are long and convoluted, as in certain storks. The petrels are schizognathous and holorhinal birds, some with basipterygoid processes. The skull possesses a small peculiar bone, which has been termed the 'ossiculum lacrymo-palatinum,'? whose relations are sufficiently in- dicated by its name. This bone occurs in many genera ; but it is said to be of no great classificatory significance, 2- since it also occurs in birds so remote from the petrels and from each other as Cuculidæ, Cariama, and Laridæ. The skull is markedly excavate above the orbits for the supra- orbital glands. The skull of an albatross (Diomedea melano- phrys) is in more than one particular like that of the steganopods. It is, it is true, schizognathous; but the interval separating the maxillo-palatines and the palatine expansions of the maxillæ in front of these is very slight; and, as FORBES has observed, the downwardly curved extremity of the vomer partly fills up this gap, though there is no actual fusion between it and the maxillo-palatines. The hooked bill is Fregata-like; and the closely approxi- mated and downwardly produced internal laminæ of the palatines are highly suggestive of the pelican. There are always fifteen cervical vertebre. The sternum varies so much, from having a plain hinder contour to the presence of two notches on each side, that its characters need not be given in detail. The petrels can be divided into two families, the Oceanitidæ and the Procellariidæ, which may be thus defined :- A | By BRANDT. PARKER has termed it uncinate.' ? See, however, under Steganopodes, p. 416. TUBINARES 451 . Oceanitidæ. Tarsi ocreate or covered by large transversely oblique scutes anteriorly. No cæca. Expansor secundariorum present. Accessory senvitendinosus present. Ambiens (when present) does not pass over knee. Wing shorter than leg. Procellariidæ. Tarsi covered with hexagonal scutella. Cæca present (except in Halocyptena). No expansor secundariorum 01 accessory semitendinosus. Ambiens (absent in Pelecanoides) crosses knee. Leg shorter than wing. Not many fossil Tubinares are known. If Hydrornis natator of MILNE-EDWARDS, from the lower Miocene of France, be referable to this group, it has a considerable antiquity. Diomedea anglica has been lately described by LYDEKKER.) The nearest allies of the petrels appear to be the Steganopodes (q.v.) LUU PALAMEDEÆ Definition.—Aftershaft rudimentary. Aquincubital. Oil gland tufted. Muscle formula, A(B)XY +. No biceps slip. Expansor secun- dariorum present. Carotids, two. Cæca large. Skull desmo- gnathous, holorhinal, with basipterygoid processes. Ribs without uncinate processes. This well-marked group of birds has only two genera at most, which collectively contain but three species. It has been chiefly investigated by PARKER,” GARROD,3 MITCHELL,4 and myself.5 1 In Quart. Journi. Geol. Soc. xlii. p. 366. 2. On the Systematic Position of the Crested Screamer,' P. Z. S. 1863, p. 511. 3. On the Anatomy of Chaura derbiana,' &c., ibid. 1876, p. 189. 4. On the Anatomy of Chaura chavaria,' ibid. 1895, p. 350. 5.On some Points in the Anatomy of Chauna chavaria,' ibid. 1886, p. 178, and BEDDARD and MITCHELL, On the Anatomy of Palainedea,' ibid. 1894, p. 536. GG 2 452 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS NO STRUCTURE 1) The skin in these birds is excessively emphysematous, save only on the shoulder, and-in Palamedea and Chauna derbiana-on the tibia. The feathers, however, do not per- forate the cutaneous air cells, but cause the skin to be indented where they are inserted.' The aftershaft, though present, is confined to the feathers on the nape of the neck. The rectrices are twelve in Chauna and fourteen in Palame- dea. The oil gland in Ch. derbiana has a single orifice on each side; it is encircled by feathers which constitute the tuft. In Ch. chavaria the summit of the oil gland is covered by feathers, a line of which separates the two orifices of the gland. In Palamedea the same is the case, but the encircling ring of feathers is not complete on the ventral side. The pterylosis is almost unique in the fact that there are no apteria, except, indeed, a space in the axillary cavities, and these are covered with down feathers. The strong horny spur borne on a bony core, an outgrowth of the first meta- carpal, is comparable to a thickened featherless patch of skin in a corresponding situation in Sarcidiornis.? The patagialis muscle is not reinforced by a biceps slip; the brevis tendon is single, but broad, and without a patagial fan. The expansor secundariorum is present and ciconiine.' The insertion of the deltoides posterior is extensive in Pala- medeamfor about three inches down the humerus. The anconæus has a well-marked humeral head. The division of the biceps commences in the fleshy belly of the muscle. In all the members of this family a very peculiar muscle exists, to which Mr. MITCHELL and I have given the name of costo-sternalis externus. It arises from the third, fourth, and fifth ribs by a tendinous head, and is inserted on to the costal edge of the sternum half an inch from the posterior end. The muscles of the leg are complete, as regards those upon which GARROD laid stress in his classification, in Chauna. In Palamedea, however, the accessory femorocau- dal is absent. The biceps has not an anserine insertion, but ? Not, of course, to the carpal spur of Plectropterus. 153 passes through a loop in the ordinary way. Both peroneal muscles are present; the tibialis anticus is split just at its insertion. The deep flexor tendons differ somewhat in the UU PS SP . Ni . 2 NA ES SA Hub . 11.- lllllllll NOK . U11 IN WS ilin IULIER hi !" 11:11 WS 27 UANZI/ TAS l UZUN He . UST W T :11i1i. IIN . . . - . N . SS 11. "1 A VIA 11 M 1 : . WO . ... ... INN NA T . . V U 1 mor llll PS.. . . . . . . . ... HI . ! NA a It . .1 ZINA ! lun - NI - Po - . - IITA N ZE WIIIIII/ INI . * . 77177 - We - ཆཆས ... - - LE . . ORKEL e CS 92 - Sex . - ES MO . - SAN a . * L SSSR -T Set - ... - - - P A . 11 . WONIN HIRI -se. !! iii.. . . **** :.:: . . . . . Z . .. V RUNN A All * .. ... . WILL . . . .. . - . . - IS . + + WWW . .. . . IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII : ... . . . . . M * . *. ..:::* *. . . FIG. 213.-CÆCA OF Chauna chavaria (AFTER BEDDARD). 454 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS three species. In Palamedea the flexor longus hallucis is slender, and gives off a vinculum to the flexor Communis tendon, before supplying the first digit; in Chauna derbiana there is no branch to the first digit at all; Chauna chavaria ul 11 . .. . . .... UC distinct vincula.. The palate (of Ch. chavaria at any rate) is provided with three longitudinal rows of papillæ ; the tongue is just over an inch long, and its base is edged with spines. There is no transverse constric- tion or oblique groove, such as is found in many anatiform birds. The proven- triculus is peculiar; there is a narrow zone of glands round the oesophageal aperture, from which a broad triangular patch extends down one side of the cavity. The gizzard is decidedly small. The lobes of the liver are more nearly equal in size in Chauna than in Pala- medea ; in all there is a conspicuous gall bladder. The cæca (fig. 213) are in some respects unique in structure; they are in the first place large, measuring three inches or so in length; they are sacculated by a single band. FIG. 214.-WINDPIPE OF The windpipe agrees with that of Palamedea (AFTER BED- DARD AND MITCHELL), some of the Anseres in having two pairs of extrinsic muscles : 1 the upper pair is inserted into the middle of the membrane, which runs between the coracoid and the corresponding limb of the furcula ; the lower pair close to the costal processes of the sternum. The intrinsic muscles cease some little way in front of the syrinx. The prebronchial and subbronchial air sacs are, in Ch. chavaria at least, much divided up, as in the storks. In TO nema WUNLAYN SUNT all H Apparently first noted by CRISP, : On the Visceral Anatomy of the Screamer,' P.Z. S. 1864, p. 14. PALAMEDEÆ 455 V WWF AG - . AN II . SEZO L - * III . V . A E R * ) . . IN TÄ . % 16. ** . ie 2 . . 4 II. 1 . . Chauna the lower pair of extrinsic muscles fan out upon the aponeurosis of the lungs. There are eighteen cervical vertebræ in Palamedea and in Ch. chavaria, nineteen in Ch. derbiana. There are seven complete ribs in Palamedea, eight in Chauna. The sternum, which has one notch on either side, has neither external nor internal spina. There are in neither genus any traces of uncinate processes on the ribs, a character which is unique among living birds. The skull of the Palamedeidæ has many anserine characteristics, which have been emphasised by PARKER, and perhaps rather too lightly touched upon by GARROD. In their desmognathism (which is a complete fusion) they are, of course, anserine, the form of the maxillo-palatines most recalling those of Mergus. The form of the palatines is duck-like or gallina- ceous in the rudimentary character of the internal lamina, which is a mere ridge. The pterygoids are articulated to the large oval duck- like basipterygoid processes, nearer to their middle than is the case with the Anseres. The lacrymals FIG. 215.-SKULL or Chauna derbianc. VENTRAL ASPECT. are small, quite contrary to what (AFTER GARROD.) is found among the Anseres, though the ectethmoids are not unlike those of the latter group. The anterior part of the face, with the clear- -cut holorhinal nostrils and the hooked bill, is suggestive of Cariana or a gallinaceous bird ; it does not at least recall the duck or goose. The interorbital septum is deficient in front, 1.. Y . . wi . . SUNCE A Hot EN 24 Bu li> ITUNES LI VOX VO SUS SAS . . AT . CU 10 TO * . . ca 11 . CI . 22 UU PAK ::-1111111!. A !!!".; E . It Willa . e 17 za . . . TriNKY HOIXIT: imo i Not even a rudiment of these characteristically avian structures has, so far as I am aware, been detected. 456 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS but not fenestrate posteriorly. Occipital fontanelles are absent. : Though perhaps rightly placed in the neighbourhood of the geese, it is obvious, from what has been said, that the Palamedeidæ are distinguished from them by many differ- ences, of which the most important are perhaps- (1) Continuous feathering. (2) Absence of biceps slip to patagium. (3) Peculiar form of intestinal cæca. (4) Normal character of biceps cruris. (5) Emphysematous character of skin and breaking up of cervical air sacs. On the other hand there is nothing in the skull which forbids an association with the Anseres, and the windpipe, with its two pairs of extrinsic muscles, is decidedly goose-like. But it must be remembered that this feature is also found among Galli, and in a few other forms. ANSERES 1 Definition.—Oil gland tufted. Aftershaft small or absent. Aquin- cubital. Two carotids. Trachea with two pairs of extrinsic muscles. Cæca long. Gall bladder present. Biceps slip present. Gluteus maximus large. Muscle formula of leg, ABX +. Skull desmognathous, with basipterygoid facets. The swans, geese, ducks, and mergansers, which make up this large assemblage of birds, are all aquatic, or semi-aquatic, in habit, and in correspondence have webbed feet, with the exception only of Anseranas. They are also for the most part strong flyers, excepting only the living Tachyeres cinereus and the extinct Cremiornis calcitrans. Tachyeres cinereus, the 'steamer duck,' from the shores of Patagonia, has been investigated by R. O. CUNNINGHAM.2 It does not appear from his memoir, which relates chiefly to osteology, but in the course of which he describes and 1 H. SCEBOHM, “An Attempt to diagnose the Sub-Orders of the Ancient Ardeo-Anserine Assemblage,' &c., Ibis, 1889, p. 92. 2 "On the Steamer Duck,' Tr. 2. S. vii. p. 493. ANSERES 457 figures the gizzard and windpipe, that there are noteworthy modifications of structure. The bird flies strongly when young, but swims only when adult. CUNNINGHAM suggests a greater density of the bones; but when weighed and com- pared with the skeleton of some other Anseres no reliable differences were apparent. Cremiornis calcitrans is a large anserine bird from the Pleistocene deposits of New Zealand, which, according to Sir JAMES HECTOR, stood over two feet high, and was at least three feet in length. Cremiornis is characterised by the great weight of its bones ; the following comparative table from HECTOR'S paper brings out this fact:- C Bulk Weight WOT PLS . Non-volant Cnemiornis Ocydroinus Stringops Nestor . Hieracidea 10 10 10 10 244 210 187 131 126 Volant 10 It seems clear from these comparisons that Cnemiornis could not have been a flying bird. Moreover the sternum has a keel whose highest elevation is under three lines. This bone appears to have possessed no lateral notches, but only a slight median concavity. On the other hand the 'rough tubercular surface of the keel is perhaps a little suggestive of a missing cartilaginous piece. The suggestion of FÜRBRINGER to separate Cnemiornis into a sub-family, Cnemiornithinæ, seems perhaps, in the light of the above facts, to be justifiable. But the remainder of the members of the family cannot be divided with precision. It is above all impossible to divide swans, geese, and ducks from each other into three such groups. Nevertheless, as will be gathered from the following account of their struc- ture, the Anseres vary very much among themselves—more especially in the structure of the windpipe. All the Anseres, as noted in the definition, have a tufted oil gland. 1. On Creiornis calcitrairs,' &c., P. 2. S. 1873, p. 768, and 1874, p. 307. 458 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 4 . " ... 1 . . 1 . 32 ." .. Dr Stih . 41 . . . 4 S . . . The aftershaft is always small, and sometimes absent. In the pterylosis (according to NITZSCH) the pectoral tract divides about halfway down the neck ; it is broad, and gives off on each side a stronger outer band. The dorsal tract also divides about halfway down the neck, and encloses a long narrow space. The number of rectrices in various genera is shown in the annexed table. . ** - . .- . 4 ". - . -- 261 - . . - I . . * 1 22 ISH- " LA Ft RE . .. - ... 22 34 " * NS2 * • BISS395 - SL : . ! . - ... * OS C. . SOLARE * T . . *.* . . ! -- : . . .. . OS . . 14. Rectrices XY . · * 1 The ra ESG: . . R . .. * co Y W VERINA . .. ZEE WA2 . Biziura lobata Anas specularis . . Anas boschas . . . Aix sponsa . . . Erismatura rubida . . Cereopsis Novce Hollandice Plectropterus gambersis . Cygnus mmusicus . . Fuligula rufina. . . Dafila acuta . . . Bernicla canadensis . Mergus nerganser . . albicillus . . OR . 24 . . 14 . . 14 . . 16 . . 18 141 . . 16 . . 24 16 16 ... 18 . . 18 . . + ANAS - - -- - - - . X -- - - ve . . SSS T. .. : TAM RA HO -1 VY.. CSS . . .. . A S. STAN II . 16 • 1126 . X . AL Y . . 2 " XIVACY SE11 linguæ. The tongue is strong and bordered with spines. In Mergus FIG. 216.--MOUTH of only is it thin and pointed. Biziura lobata (AFTER The liver has a large gall FORBES). P, pouch ; 1, tongue ; f.1, frænum bladder. Biziura lobata is unique among Anseres ? in having a subgular pouch (fig. 216), formed by a duplicature of the frænum linguæ. The most noteworthy point that appears from the facts given on the next page is the gradual reduction of the cæca in the mergansers and smews, and the great range of variation in size which they exhibit in Cygnus nigricollis, a variation NI ITU NITZSCH says 16. 2 Cf. Otides for a similar structure. ANSERES 459 which does not, it will be observed, bear any relation to the variation of the total length of the intestine. The following are some intestinal measurements :- S. I. L. I. Cæc. Iuches 2.25 . . Ft. In. 5 4 4 8 4 3 8 6.5 6 11.25 5 2:5 Inches 1.25, 1.5 1.8 21 6.75 7.75 . . 4.5 6.5 2:75 . . 3.5 . 4 4 1.2 7 . . - - . - 2.2, 1.75 5 2.75, 3 3.25 9 2.5, 2.75 3.75,4 15 - - . - 3-5 - . - - 2.5 . ODA 11 4 9 6 3 6 4 10.5 2:25 . 9, 10 3.2, 3.4 3.5 5.5, 6 6.75, 7.25 er DDLA HA CON 3 . 9 1 Mergus 11erganser . , castor . . , albicillus . . Biziura lobata . . Anas specularis . Rhodonessa caryophyllacea Aix sponsa i Sarcidiornis inelanota mo . , carunculata Bernicla canadensis . jubata ð . . Chenalopex jubata .. .. Cygnus nigricollis. . Dendrocygna autumnalis . .. Metopiana peposaca . . Plectropterus gambensis . us niger ő . Cereopsis Nove Hollandice Anser albifrons . . Chloephaga magellanica 4 Cygnus olor . . ferus & ,, baccc11coton 3 , atratus . . Tadoriza tadornoides . Dafila acuta... Pæcilonetta bahamensis 8 bahanensis ģ Querquedula circia . Hymenolæmus malacorhynchus Spatula clypeata . . Fuligula ferina . . „ rufina . . Nyroca leucophthalma . . no cowo . . : indicus ? : . ci 11.5 7.75 5.5 12, 13 14, 15 9.25 + . . . 9 m . . . ä 7.5 11 : 3.5, 4.5 4, 4.5 4, 4.25 3, 3.3 3. 3.8, 4.25 . . to oo ! * * * * * * 3.5, 3.75 4.5 6.75 6.5, 7.5 1.5 tam Only one present. The muscular anatony of the Anseres is very uniform, which coincides with their uniformity of life habit. Even presumed aberrant types, such as Mergus, Biziura, and IX 460 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Tachyeres, are hardly if at all to be distinguished anatomically from the typical geese and ducks. Our knowledge of the muscular structure of this group of birds is mainly due to FÜRBRINGER, who has illustrated the fore half of the body by two double plates referring to Anser cinereus. An interesting duck character (also, however, found in Colymbus, Tinami, and some Galli) is the meeting of the two great pectoral muscles over the carina sterni. In Mergus ht th Bi . . www. .. RUTINITIVE 11 INIO CI . . LA .. home w ERA m C SA . . re . . . www. ... .. . . .. . I. 7 COLO .. . . . . . FIG. 217.–BICEPS FEMORIS OF DUCK (Bi), TO SHOW ITS RELATIONS TO GASTROCNEMIUS (AFTER WELDON). merganser, for example, they blend for a space of half an inch. There is a biceps slip present, and this has at least sometimes a peculiar arrangement, which is remarkably like that of the Colymbi. In Anser cinereus FÜRBRINGER figures the biceps slip as attached in the ordinary way to the tendon of the tensor patagii longus; but before it is thus attached it gives off a slender tendon, which exactly as in the Colymbi-runs over the patagium'and is inserted on to the fore arm in front of the broad and diffuse tensor, patagii brevis tendon. In Anas FÜRBRINGER figures this tendon as joining the | Not in Cygnus Bewicki. ANSERES 461 patagial fan, a state of affairs which is exactly paralleled in Æchmophorus (see p. 387). In ducks there is a peculiarity in the biceps to which attention appears to have been first called by FÜRBRINGER. There is a tendinous sheath partly covering the patagial side of the muscle and derived Iwona Wb U V WWW WUR U AMIGA 1 SI TS Witte 2 WHIKALI Nic - - B - 2 2 .- .* E - LDP .. UT A S " * * . 1 lit .10.11 TAPI ARA PL 1 . 9 . .. . WEEN . ..! NY ! 11 I! 11 ... VERIG > VANSA F ! X V IENU! 11 Panny PODEM YAX il EV . . U. : . MAUMI Wu. LY . BUENO 2 to the ../ llam Miam. inth ASSERE RESH -, Vagandi * bol 11 PUS un toy US OM .. . H Eu 17 . oll TUS . KA BE . " NI . . . WY /" a : . 2. CR H : ENKI .. B NAMIS . TODO 2. " 41 S .. P * * 130 AUSNA Tips! SAN SETT ry 515 ANK SU A 16 ; .) Hogy 1.) Wat 18 mler Fig. 218.—WINDPIPE OF Sarcidiornis melanota ở (AFTER GARROD) FIG. 219.-SAME OF S. melanota (AFTER GARROD). FIG. 220.-SAME OF Rhodonessa caryo- phyllacea (AFTER GARROD). from the pectoralis primus. A similar structure occurs in Colymbi and storks, and in Casuarius its homologue is more independent of the biceps. The latter at any rate, if not the former, seems to me to correspond to a peculiar muscle found in the tinamous (cf. p. 489). The expansor secundariorum shows some variations. In Biziura lobata it is entirely absent. In Aix sponsa the tendons thin off and are lost on the interthoracic septa. In others, as, for instance, Bernicla canadensis, the expanded tendons end upon the oesophagus; on the way thither they 462 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS blend with the sheath of the carotids, which when pulled upon they compress, as also the jugulars. This may con- ceivably be a provision for increasing the blood supply of the wings by interrupting that of the head. Finally in Cygnus, Mergus, and Sarcidiornis the expansor secundariorum is ciconiiform. The deltoid has a strong scapular slip. The anconaus u RI ALL 201 2 TV SN " * * WA 40 * ** INN . * 23. S . Y A * * MV ill: . DY si V W ITHIUD CS1 Wh 7 B ROL . SR fo. AT 2 Ru A Tirn N . La Etware TOWO VITRO UTWA 4 h tea LAMAN Lorem masinate WMO CS . Fig. 221.-SYRINX OF R. caryophyllacea S. RIGHT-HAND FIG., FRONT VIEW; LEFT-HAND, SIDE VIEW. (AFTER GARROD.): has a humeral slip. In the hind limb all Anseres have the formula ABX+. The femorocaudal is slender, the acces- sory very large. In Biziura: lobata the ambiens has a pecu- liarity found also in Phalacrocorax and the extinct Hesper- ornis—that its tendon perforates the patella. The gluteus maximus is very large, and its origin descends below the aceta- bulum. A marked peculiarity of the Anseres, found else- where in Struthio, is that the biceps femoris gives off a slip to the gastrocnemius. In most Anseres the flexor longus hallucis gives off a slip to the hallux before fusing with the Iul ANSERES 463 1. 12 XY . - 14.2 HINS i YS LE OV . NET * ... a . . " . * W Air . IP . 6 * * . * 1 1 .. N ? -- 14 - - J . . .. ! - C ICA + TUIN. V H - 1.310 . ., . .' . . 2 ' UM WE FIES . . - TRE .. ! RI . * 01. YA ! MA MINO . UR AT&T 2 . . NA V ta : . . - ESTE - ... 14 flexor profundus ; in Biziura lobata the same slip is given off, but it be- comes lost on one of the annular masses of fibrocartilage surrounding the other flexors. The windpipe in the Anseres is nearly always straight, the only exception among the ducks and geese as yet recorded being Anseranas melanoleuca, in the males of which the trachea forms a double loop, extending to quite the end of the pectoral muscles. A second peculiarity of the trachea is seen in the males of Metopiana pepo- saca, Strictonetta novosa,' Melanitta fusca, Nyroca, Mergus, Somateria, and Clangula. In these (see fig. 222) there is a bulbous enlargement of the trachea some little way in front of the syrinx. It is present, but very slightly developed, in Fuligula rufina. In nearly all the ducks the syrinx in the male has a re- markable asymmetrical enlargement, which is as a rule entirely bony, but is sometimes (Mergus, Clangula, Nyroca, Fuligula) mainly formed of menbrane. The accompanying figures will give some idea of the form of this structure, which shows differences in different species. The figures are taken from a memoir upon the subject by Professor GARROD.2 YARRELL 3 and EYTON 4 have 121 RSD : .: NE ESS 131 EMIL LUU . 1 KAU15 mind . Var . 30 . 11111 . 12 HO SA 2 . Wi- " - 11 L21 t .* F 23 T . RI . 19: 11NR NUAXH): ! SAR. WON KI * * * . AS1163 I E. P. RAMSAY, 'Note on the Tracheæ of certain Australian Ducks' Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. 1879, p. 154. ? On the Form of the Lower Larynx in certain Species of Ducks' P. 2. S. 1875, p. 151. 3 British Birds. 4 Monograph of the Anatida or Duck Tribe. FANART TLT Fig. 222.-WINDPIPE OF · Metopiana peposaca o (AFTER GARROD). 464 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS IVUNIA Marian Or SIMO . WS * * also figured a good many of the syringes of the ducks in illustration of this matter. The only ducks in which there is certainly no modification of the syrinx of this kind are Biziura lobata, Edemia nigra, and Melanitta fusca ; in the former bird FORBES 1 has described a plain syrinx (fig. 223) with a box at the bifurcation of the bronchi formed of the last tracheal and of a few of the anterior bronchial semi-rings. He suspects, however, that the genus Erismatura 2 will be found to have a similar syrinx minus a lateral outgrowth, as MACGILLI- VRAY appears to have described something of the kind. Somateria mollissima has a very slight sym- metrical enlargement of the syrinx. A very marked characteristic of the Anseres is the possession of two Fig. 223.—SYRINX OF Biziura 8 pairs of extrinsic tracheal muscles. (AFTER FORBES). In this they agree with Pala- medeidæ. The single pair of intrinsic muscles are as a rule attached to the third or fourth tracheal ring in front of the syrinx in the ducks. Among the Cygnina (swans) there is frequently a looped trachea, the coils being intrasternal. This is so with both sexes of C. ferus, C. buccinator, C. americanus, and C. Bewicki ; there appears to be a trace of the looping in C. atratus. In C. olor, C. immutabilis, C. nigricollis, and C. coscoroba the windpipe is straight in both sexes. It is interesting to note that in C. buccinator, at any rate, the intrinsic muscles do not follow the coils that bridge across the loop. This species of swan is also remarkable for the extraordinary dilatation of the middle of each bronchus, which is, again, characteristic of both sexes. These dilatations would be almost spherical were it not for the irregular crumpling T'A Note on some points in the Anatomy of an Australian Duck (Biziurce lobata),' P. 2. S. 1882, p. 455. 2 • There is no expansion or tympanum, as in other ducks' (Orn. Biogr. iv. 1838, p. 331). ANSERES 465 1 1 here and there; their diameter is about an inch. The bronchial rings which cover them have largely lost their individuality, and form an irregular network of partly cartilaginous and partly osseous bars. The males (? as to females) of Cygnus ferus and C. Bewicki at any rate show less marked traces of the same peculiarity. In the former there is a distinct fusiform dilatation, but further down the bronchi than in C. buccinator, between the rings of which there is some slight formation of anastomoses. In C. Bewicki both features are still less marked. Cygnus olor, C. atratus, C. nigricollis, and C. coscoroba have no trace of this remarkable structure. I have examined males of all and females of two. As to the geese, Bernicla canadensis, Anser indicus, and Cereopsis Nove Hollandice (and doubtless many others) have a syrinx without the anatine bulbus. It is present in Plectropterus (gambensis, Ruppeli, niger) and Sarcidiornis, and present, though small and solid, in Chenalopex jubata. It is fenestrated in Plectropterus, not so in Sarcidiornis. Dendrocygna appears to illustrate the commencement of the syringeal enlargement. In the male of D. arcuata the last twelve tracheal rings are widened and enclose a spacious chamber about twice the diameter of the rest of the trachea. The intrinsic muscles are attached to the beginning of this thin-walled box. In the female there is an indication of this in the fact that eleven of the tracheal rings in front of the last three are imperfect posteriorly, being closed by membrane. The intrinsic muscles also are attached opposite to the commencement of this modified region of the trachea. In D. autumnalis there is the same box, which is strengthened posteriorly by a strong bony bar. The wind- pipe of the female has no such modification as has been described above in D. arcuata. It is possible that this single enlargement in Dendrocygna is the beginning of both the tracheal swelling and the syringeal bulbus in Mergus, &c. 1 Η Η 466 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The number of cervical vertebre l among the Anseres varies considerably. The smallest number is found, for example, in Plectropterus gambensis, Biziura lobata, and Tachyeres cinereus, where there are only sixteen. In Edemia nigra there are seventeen; among the swans, twenty to twenty- four. The number of true ribs also varies considerably. The smallest number is to be seen in Cereopsis, where there are but five. Tachyeres, Plectropterus, and a number of other genera have seven; there are eight in Tadorna vulp- anser, and as many as nine in certain swans and geese.. The sternum, which has a moderate spina externa, but no spina interna, is whole in Cneniornis, but has two notches or foramina in other Anseres. The coracoids come into contact, but do not overlap at their sternal articulation. The procoracoid is small, and does not reach the clavicle, which, however, reaches the scapula. The skull has large oval sessile basipterygoid processes. It is holorhinal and desmognathous. There are frequently lateral occipital fontanelles, as in many 'pluvialine' birds.2 The palatines are remarkable for the rudimentary character of their inner laminæ, which brings about a resemblance to the gallinaceous birds, as has been pointed out by HUXLEY, and, it may be added, to the parrots. That part of the palatine is only indicated by a not well marked ridge which is totally absent in Bernicla leucopsis, Chen cærulescens. The general direction of the bone, therefore, is oblique ; it is only near to the attachment with the pterygoids that it becomes feathered out in a horizontal direction. That, at least, is the more normal arrangement; for in Mergus the greater part of the bone has its upper and lower surface co- incident with the horizontal axis. This, too, is the case with Biziura lobata. The oval basipterygoid facets for articulation with the 2 | For osteology see PARKER, 'On the Morphology of the Duck and the Auk Tribes,' Currninghanı Memoirs R. Irish Ac. No. 6,1890, and SHUFELDT, 'On N. American Anseres,' P. U. S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 215. 2 Absent in Cereopsis, Biziura, Cygnus, and Cnemiornis. See Owex, Tr. 2. S. ix. pt iii. ANSERES 467 pterygoids are placed so far forwards that the anterior ends of those bones articulate with them. 14 . . . . DEAD Site A TA!! . Wil 11.11 MEPIC/ WIRIN EUR M I 1. T: 2 . V.VN 1 MY ni Bull AX S iin . ORAN : NON A IR UN + 1 . VOX ST mit NA ma Pmx WA . . 10 SO FIG. 224.-SKULL or Querquedula crecca. · LATERAL VIEW. (AFTER HUXLEY.) Fr, frontal ; Na, pasal ; Pm.x, premaxilla ; Vo, vomer ; Pa, palatine ; Pt, pterygoid. . in ER Pinel C . + -- - - .. . 21 LILU .. - MIT 19K T : BE SER . . R2 The vomer is a thin deepish plate of bone which is more or less intimately connected with the inedian septum and maxillo-palatines in front. The maxillo-palatines are com- pletely fused across the middle line in many Anseres (e.g. Chen, Hymenolamus); in Biziura and Mergus they come into contact but are not fused. The latter has very un-ducklike palatine in that the somewhat delicate maxillo-palatines diverge from each other after their junction pos- teriorly as well as anteriorly, the palatine vacuity in front being (for a duck) un- usually extensive. In Chen cærulescens, indeed, secondary bony growths have almost completely obliterated this vacuity, a kind of 'false' palate having been formed. The lacrymal bones are large, having a considerable length of line of union with FIG. 225.- VENTRAL the skull; they are sometimes (e.g. Chloë- VIEW OF SAME. phaga) and sometimes not (e.g. Mergus) Map, maxillo-palatines. ankylosed with the orbital margin. Cere- opsis has (among the genera which I have examined) a skull .... ... 9 . . .. . .. OS met 11 SMK Other letters as in fig. 224. I H 2 468 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS which is peculiar in that posteriorly the lacrymal is free from the orbital wall, but is fused with a process of the frontal at the anterior end of the supra-orbital impression, leaving (as in Chionis and some other birds) a foramen.' In Cereopsis the descending process of the lacrymal curves back- wards and comes near to the zygoma ; 2 the junction is completely effected, and there is ankylosis, in Dendrocygna. The ectethmoids of the Anseres are often largely deficient as ossifications; when present they are thin-walled bubble- like structures, coming into relation with the lacrymals. The interorbital septum is generally very complete ; but it is largely vacuolate in Mergus and Biziura. The following table shows the number of cervical vertebræ and the condition of the hamapophyses and catapophyses in a series of anserine birds :- C. V. Hyp. Cat, nearly unite Posterior Catapoph. 16 17 Plectropterus gambensis . Metopiana peposaca. Sarcidiornis carunculata . Hymenolamus. Tachyeres cinereus . dernia nigra. .. Biziura lobata Dendrocygna autumnalis . Bernicla brenta . . ooooo C13-03 C14-15 C13-14 C13-14 C13-15 C12-15 C13-D5 C13-D3 C15-D4 C12, 13 C12, 13 C11, 12 c11, 12 C11, 121 C10, 11 C11, 12 C11, 12 C12–14 C16-D1 C17-D3 C15-D2 C15-D2 C15-D3 C15-D3 C15-D3 C16-D1 C18, 19 2 19 · Fused to form a solid bifid 'hæmapophysis, as in some other birds. 2 They are rudimentary and do not mount upon the hypapophysis. As a possible appendix to the Anseres must be mentioned three or four species of an extinct genus of birds, Gastornis, flightless and larger than an ostrich. It has been found only in Europe and from Eocene beds. It is placed among the 'ratites’ by LYDEKKER and some others; this is largely on account of the coracoid, which is imperfect above, and appeared to LEMOINE and others as probably platycora- coidal.' FÜRBRINGER, however, considers that the tuberosity 1 This is figured by Owen in his paper on Cremiornis, Tr. Z. S. ix. pl. 35, fig. 8. 2 Sometimes joining. Cf. OWEN, loc. cit. pl. 35, fig. 6. ANSERES 469 described by the latter as 'tubérosité préglénoïdienne'is really the broken end of the scapula, which would be thus, as in Didus, ankylosed with the coracoid, and would also form with it an angle approaching to a right angle. The supposed remains of the scapula, on the other hand, are for FÜRBRINGER the acrocoracoid. On this interpretation the shoulder girdle of Gastornis would be a nearly typical carinate shoulder girdle. The length and slenderness of the coracoid too is not a ratite character, but it does ally Gastorovis with Cremiornis (and also for that matter with Phororhacos). In spite of the freedom of the meta- carpals (a character only known elsewhere in Archæo- pteryx), the complete furcula and various points in the bones of the lower limb, pointed out by NEWTON, together with the facts already referred to, seem to point to a greater like- ness to Cnemiornis than to any other known type. The skull had basipterygoid processes and seemingly teeth in sockets. The pygostyle appears to have been at most very small and probably absent. I 1 / ICHTHYORNITIES Definition.-Small toothed birds with carinate shoulder girdle and sternum. Bones of pelvis not united. Quadrate single-headed. Vertebræ amphicoelous. This group of birds, from the Cretaceous of North America, has been investigated by MARSH, who, in his great work upon the toothed birds, placed it in a group Odonto- tormæ, as opposed to Odontolcæ (Hesperornis), on account of the fact that the teeth are implanted each in a distinct socket. Its relationship to other groups is doubtful; but it is probably not greatly misplaced if we consider it in the neighbourhood of the stork and plover tribe, as has been done by FÜRBRINGER. The group contains two genera—Ichthy- ornis and Apatoris. Of the former MARSH refers to several species, viz. I. dispar, I. victor, I. validus, I. tener, I. agilis, and I. anceps. Of Apatornis there is but one species known, A. celer. 470 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS These two genera comprise a number of “small birds, scarcely larger than a pigeon. In their powerful wings and small legs and feet they remind one of the terns, and accord- ing to present evidence they were aquatic birds of similar life and habits.' The restoration of Ichthyornis given by MARSH has been extensively copied in various works, in some of which it would appear as if our knowledge of the osteology.of the species selected were greater than is really the case. It has been made, for example, to show schizorhinal nostrils and a pelvis constructed after the carinate type, with the ischia and ilia fused. It is not known whether the skull was schizo- rhinal, as only the calvarium and the lower jaw and a fragment of the upper jaw have been discovered. The skull has well-marked grooves for the supra-orbital glands ; the quadrate, as stated in the definition, is single-headed, as in Hesperornis and many Struthiones. The brain, like that of Hesperornis, is small, and the cerebellum is remarkably large as compared with the hemispheres. The teeth of Ichthy- 01nis are implanted in distinct sockets. MARSH has remarked upon the close resemblance between the lower jaw, with its teeth, and that of the smaller mosa- sauroid reptiles. In Ichthyornis dispar there are twenty- one distinct sockets in each ramus of the jaw. I. victor had the same number of teeth ; in I. anceps the teeth were more numerous, and at the same time more slender. The jaws. were united, as in Hesperornis, by cartilage or ligament.. The vertebræ, as already mentioned, are amphiccelous ; but an approach to the typical saddle-shaped vertebræ is seen in some of them. The atlas is notched for the odontoid process of the axis. None of the dorsal vertebræ appear to have coalesced, and there is a pygostyle quite typical in form, . but rather small. The shoulder girdle of both Ichthyornis and Apatornis is constructed upon the carinate plan. There is the same angle between the scapula and the coracoid, and the clavicles are well developed. There are, however, differ- I SAUFELDT (* Notes on the Extinct Bird Ichthyornis,' J. Anat. Phys. xxvii. p. 336) especially compares Ichthyornis with Rhynchops and Sterna. ICHTHYORNITHES 471 ences in detail. In Apatornis there is a very long acromial process. The coracoids overlap at their articulation with the sternum, more so in Ichthyornis than in Apatornis. The clavicles are generally figured as typically carinate ; but the only part of this bone known is a fragment from the upper end of that bone in Apatornis.' The sternum is deeply keeled. The bones of the fore limb are well developed ; the humerus has a very large crest, surpassing in comparative size that of any recent bird ; this clearly indicates a powerful flyer, and the rest of the bones of the limb bear out this view. Though nothing is known of the structure of the feathers, there are upon the ulna impressions for the quill feathers. In the pelvis all the bones are free posteriorly, as in Hes- perornis, Apteryx, &c. The acetabulum is perforate, as in most recent birds ; but the perforation is of moderate size, as in the tinamous. In the neighbourhood of Ichthyornis are possibly to be placed MARSH's genera Baptoriis, Telmatornis, and SEELEY'S Enaliornis. These birds, however, Cretaceous, like Hesper- ornis and Ichthyornis, are known by such limited material that their position is absolutely uncertain. The affinities of Ichthyornis to Hesperornis have been dwelt upon by some ; but it appears that LYDEKKER'S remark, that 'the Odontornithes are a series of birds ances- tral to the modern series of toothless carinates,' expresses the truth. He has furthermore added that this series differs from the Euornithes (STEJNEGER'S name for carinates) by the absence of union between the rami of the mandible and between the distal ends of the ischium and ilium,' likenesses which do not mean a near relationship, but express the degree of development of bird structure at that period. 2 472 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS ACCIPITRES Definition.— Aquincubital. Oil gland present. Two carotids. Skull desmognathous and holorhinal. Cæca rudimentary or absent. Ambiens present. Biceps slip absent. This large group of birds admits of but a scanty defini- tion, if we are to include in it, as is here done, the secretary bird and the American vultures; for it then shows a con- siderable amount of structural variation. The oil gland, . Av sodelovali Anić : FIG. 226.—TENSORES PATAGII OF Polyboroides (AFTER BEDDARD). l.p.l, tensor patagii longus; 1.p.br, tensor brevis; anc, anconæus ; D, deltoid. invariably present, is generally feathered, but nude in the Cathartidæ. In Serpentarius this gland varies in size; in one specimen it was found to be very small and to have a very minute tuft. The aftershaft is absentin the Cathartida and in Pandion, present in other Accipitres. Twelve rectrices is the usual ACCIPITRES 473 number, but fourteen occur in Neophron percnopterus and Rhinogryphus californianus. There are powder-down patches in Elanus, Circus, and Gypaetus. The pterylosis is described for a variety of types by NITZSCH. The ventral tract broadens out on the breast, where it is even sometimes (Gyps fulvus) divided into an outer and inner branch. The dorsal tract forks upon the shoulders ; in Gypaetus barbatus each limb of the fork is connected by a single row of feathers with the long single median posterior portion of the tract. In Pernis apivorus these latter slender forks are figured as being much longer, and in Falco peregrinus they dilate into four or five rows of feathers before uniting. In Falco brachypterus there is the usual dorsal fork, but between its extremities lies the beginning of the very broad posterior part of the tract. In all these birds there are lateral neck spaces. The lumbar tract is but little marked, or is entirely deficient. A large amount of detail is given in NITZSCH'S account of this family, which is treated more fully than many others. The tensor patagii brevis is simple in all accipitrines, and there is never a biceps slip. There is, however, a certain amount of variation in the tendon. The simplest form of the tendon is seen in Vultur monachus Falco melanogenys , auricularis u subbuteo Gyps fulvus asalon Tinnunculus alaudarius Thrasaetus harpyia Microhierax coerulescens 21 where it is a simple tendon without branches, as in many picarian birds. On the other hand in Buteo vulgaris Spilornis bacha Circus maurus cheela , Gouldi Neophron percnopterus Helotarsus ecaudatus Milvago chima-chima 474 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS S VU Milvago chimango Melierax polyzonus. Gypaetus barbatus Polyborus brasiliensis Dryotriorchis spectabilis Polyboroides typicus Aquila imperialis Haliaetus albicilla Lophoaetus occipitalis Milvus ictinus Melierax monogrammicus Astur approximans a wristward branch (as shown in fig. 226) is given off, the tendon, in fact, bifurcating. FÜRBRINGER, however, while figuring the two types, distinguishes in the apparently single tendon of Tinnunculus two separate tendons in close contact for their entire length. A further complication is seen in Gypaetus and Gypo- hierax,' where a small recurrent tendon (patagial fan) joins the anterior branch of the brevis with the longus, a state of affairs found to characterise Serpentarius, as will be pointed out later. The expansor secundariorum. 2 is present in Milvago chi- mango, Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, Falco, Polyborus, Tinnun- culus, and Microhierax coerulescens ; in others it is absent. The anconaus arises in Polyboroides and in some other types by a single head from the scapula, which is partly fleshy and partly tendinous. In Vultur auricularis, on the other hand, the muscle arises by two completely tendinous heads, so that the muscle has not that value in the classi- fication of the Accipitres that I at one time thought.3 In all In Geranoaetus melanoleucus, which has, as have all the last-mentioned genera, a bifurcate tendon of the brevis, a small muscular belly ending in a tendon which becomes lost upon the patagium arose on the right side, in a specimen which I dissected, from the extensor muscle near to the end of the anterior branch of the brevis tendon. I am uncertain of the exact homology of this structure in Geranoaetus. ? For muscular anatomy, &c., of Accipitres see GIEBEL, 'Bemerkungen über Cathartes (0217C, &c., Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturw. ix. (1857), p. 426 ; Zur Anatomie von Vultur fulvus,' ibid. xxi. (1863), p. 131 ; 'Zur Anatomie des Lämmergeiers,' ibid. xxviii. (1866), p. 149 ; S. HAUGHTON, . On the Comparative Myology of certain Birds, P. R. Irish Ac. ix. (1867), p. 524 (crane and goose as well as hawks). He deals with weight only. E. NEANDER, Undersökningar af Muskulaturen hos slägtet Buteo, Lund, 1875 ; MILNE-EDWARDS in Recherches Anatomiques, clc., des Oiseaux Fossiles de la France, Paris, 1867. 3. On certain Points in the Anatomy of the Accipitres,' P. 2. S. 1889, 1 . U p. 81. ACCIPITRES 475 A 2 there appears to be an accessory tendinous origin from the humerus. The pectoralis primus is commonly divisible into two layers, but not in Milvago and Dryotriorchis. The deep flexor tendons of the foot belong in the majority of species to type described above on p. 101. But there are a few variations of the typical arrangement. In Astur tibialis the slip to digit II. is present, but it is very small. In Baza, on the other hand, the vinculum is alone present, there being no special slip to the tendon supplying digit II. In Dryotriorchis spectabilis, Vultuu auricularis, and Milviis ictinus, the fibres of the vinculum are perfectly continuous with the slip to digit II., and form with it one single band of connection. - Both peroneal muscles appear to be present in the Accipitres. All genera have the ambiens and the femorocaudal. In Falco and Circus maurus there is also a slender semi- tendinosus. Glutæus I. is generally absent, glutaus V.: commonly but not always present. The syrinx of the Accipitres is. of the ordinary tracheo- bronchial form. In Falco peregrinus the intrinsic muscles are inserted on to a transversely elongate fibro-cartilaginous bar which runs across the interannular membrane of bronchial semi-rings 1 and 2. This membrane is very wide, owing to the fact that the first bronchial semi-ring is much arched, the con- cavity being downwards, while the second semi-ring is equally arched, but the concavity is upwards. None of the tracheal rings are fused, and the last gives rise to a pessulus. F. candicans, F. lanarius, F. biarmicus, F. Feldeggi, F. cesalon, F. sacer are perfectly similar, and the bronchidesmus (in those specimens in which it had been preserved) is complete. Much like the syrinx of Falco is that of Hieracidea berigora ; I can, indeed, detect no differences. So too Tinnunculus alaudarius and Erythropus vespertinus. In 1 ) LT | FORBES in a MS. note records what I call'semitendinosus' in Microlierax coerulescens as a product of the division of the semimembranosus on account of its origin from ischium and pubis. 476 OF BIRDS S STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION DIVUL 11 U Milvago chimango and M. chima-chima the syrinx is at first sight perfectly similar, but the intrinsic muscles only just get beyond the first bronchial semi-ring. In Herpetotheres cachinnans this divergence from the normal falconine syrinx is carried still further, the intrinsic muscle being attached to the first semi-ring. The syrinx of Polyborus brasiliensis is an exaggeration of the falconine type. The first and second bronchial semi-rings are very prominent and wide apart, thus leaving a very spacious interannular membrane, to which the intrinsic muscles are attached. The last few tracheal rings are fused mesially in front and behind. The remaining forms, so far as I have studied them (comprising the genera Melierax, Nisaetus, Gypaetus, Thrasaetus, Buteo, Milvus, Spizaetus, Urubitinga, Haliaetus, Vultur, Spilornis, Morphnus, Helo- tarsus, Leucopternis, Circus, Aquila, Circaetus, Gyps, Archi- buteo, Geranoaetus, and Asturina), differ from each other in details—such as the completeness or incompleteness of the bronchidesmus, the degree of ossification of the rings and semi-rings, the number of the last tracheal rings which are fused, and the attachment of the intrinsic muscles (semi-rings 1, 2, or 3)--but they agree to differ from the falcons in the absence of a pronounced oval gap between the first and second bronchial semi-rings, which gives to the syrinx of the falcons so characteristic an appearance. The lobes of the liver are subequal, and a gall bladder is present. The cæca of the Falconidæ are minute. Haliaetus albicilla is a fish-eating bird, and for some reason birds with such habits are furnished with a long in- testine, as will be seen from the measurements in the table on p. 477. The duodenal loop in this bird, exceptionally, is thrown into a series of subsidiary loops, a state of affairs which, as it occurs in the remote penguin, may have some relation to habits and may not be a character upon which stress is to be laid. The greater part of the intestine pre- serves the simple archaic form of a number of irregular coils; but near to the cæca are two spirally twisted, elongated loops. In other Accipitres it is more usual for the upper ACCIPITRES 477 loops to be long and twisted, a circumstance which recalls the structure of the loops in the stork (see fig. 208, p. 437). The following are a few intestinal measurements: Inches Serpentarius reptilivorus I . DIT Ft. In. 6 6 7 9 6 8.5 7 6 4.5 3 Inches •15. .25 25 •25 1 4.5 5 1 4 10 4 1 . 5 3 o ප 3 2 6 1.25 . 2 Gypagus papa a Catħartes atratiis : Polyborus brasiliensis Spizaetus coronatus & caligatus Falco biarinicus f . Milvus ictinus . Circus Gouldi . » @rruginosus . Haliaetus albicilla vocifer ga . Aquila navioides . 3 3 11 4 7.75 3 8.5 l 2.75 une 11 2 • 25 •15 - - . . 2.5 8 4 7 4 - - - . The skull of the Falconidæ is described and figured by HUXLEY,' PARKER, and SHUFELDT.3 The palate is described as desmognathous; but it is always the case that a large portion of the maxillo-palatines—the posterior regionare not in contact. In two skulls of Lophoaetus occipitalis the palatal surfaces of the bones were nowhere in contact, and were only in contact for a minute space in a skull of Vultur calvus. Neither is Elanus desmognathous, according to SHUFELDT. The maxillo-palatines are large and swollen. The vomer is long and knifeblade-shaped ; 4 there is often a medio-palatine, for instance in Halicetus albicilla, where it is embraced by the bifurcate posterior extremity of the vomer. The lacrymal is large and has a separate ossification, the so- called infraorbital, attached to its posterior extremity in many i In P. Z. S. 1867. 2 Linn. Trans. (2) i. 3 « Some Comparative Osteological Notes on the N. American Kites,' Ibis, 1891, p. 228; Osteology of Circus hudsonianus,' J. Comp. Med. 1889. + It has been found to be bifid in front, after the charadriiform plan, in young of Tinnunculus (cf. SUSCHKIN, “ Zur Anat. u. Entwicklungsgesch. d. Schädel d. Raubvögeln,' Arzat. Anz. xi. p. 767). -478 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS hawks, for example in Haliaetus albicilla, Lophoaetus occipi- talis, Circus Gouldi, Asturina Natteri, Astur Nove Hol- landiæ; in others, such as Herpetotheres cachinnans, Vultur calvus, the large size of the lacrymal suggests that such a bone is present, but ankylosed with the lacrymal. The bony nostrils of the Falconidæ are holorhinal, sometimes (e.g. Herpetotheres cachinnans) reduced in extent by alinasal ossifications; the long septum between them is more or less perfect. The number of cervicalvertebræ, ribs, hæmapophyses, and uncinate processes of a few types is shown in the fol- lowing table : Cerv. Vert. Ribs Hæmapo- Uncinate physes Processes (8) I' + I +6. (8) 1+1'' + 5+1 14 C10-D3 C10-D2 On 3-7 ကံ ကံ ကံ ကံ co co oo Herpetotheres cachinnans . Dryotriorchis spectabilis. Circus Gouldi. Asturina Natteri . . Accipiter nisus . Astuir Nova Hollandiæ . Lophoaetus occipitalis Melierax monogramnicus (9) 1+ v' + 6 +1 C10-04 14 | (10) r+v' + 7 + p' C11-D3 1 (9) 1 + 8 C10-D4 14 / (9) V + V' + 6 + r 010-04 13 / (9) V+r'+6+ v 010-D4 # က် ကော co co i . ! , O The sternum is whole or with one pair of foramina, some- times notches, and often only developed on one side. The coracoids slightly overlap in Dryotriorchis, Herpetotheres, and Melierax ; they do not quite meet in Accipiter, Lopho- aetus, &c. Pandion is undoubtedly an aberrant genus, which is by several (e.g. GADOW) made the type of a separate family, and is thought by some to lead towards the owls. It differs from 1 peculiar tensores patagii and deep plantar tendons. The tensor patagiữ brevis has the additional'aquiline' wristward slip, from the middle of which rises a short recurrent slip which joins the insertion of the main tendon. The tendon of the biceps muscle is split for nearly its whole length. The deep plantar tendons are not accipitrine ; they blend completely, as in owls, hornbills, &c., the area of fusion being Ossified. ACCIPITRES. 479 The syrinx is not remarkable in form. Anteriorly the last three tracheals are fused medianly; posteriorly the fusion is more extensive, and includes the first bronchial semi-ring. The second bronchial semi-ring is in front close to the first; behind it is united with the third, upon which latter are inserted the intrinsic muscles. The skull is accipitrine and not strigine. The descending process of the lacrymals, however, is firmly and entirely blended with the ectethmoid, but the former bone has no backwardly projecting frontal portion, let alone a separate Ossification at the end of it, such as is met with in some Accipitres. The vomer is long and ends in front in an olive- shaped swelling which fits in between, but is not attached to the diverging limbs of the anteriorly fused maxillo- palatines. Thering of the atlas is incomplete in the middle line above; there are fifteen cervical vertebre. The hæmapophyses are very feeble on the earlier cervical vertebræ ; they commence on C10, where they are double ; they are strong over the last cervical and the first three dorsals, where they end. Six ribs reach the sternum, of which the first four have uncinate processes. Both the tibio-tarsus and the tarso-metatarsus have a bony bridge for tendons; the latter has one behind as well as in front. This bird possesses a scapula accessoria in the glenoid capsule, the significance of which as a point of affinity with the owlsis marred by its occurrence in toucans, &c. (see p.192). The coracoids slightly overlap, as in some 'Accipitres. Whatever may be thought about Pandion, it is clear that the separation of the secretary bird to form a distinct family, Serpentariidæ, is perfectly justifiable.? Serpentarius has basipterygoid processes, and its muscle formula is BXY+.. The tensor patagiż brevis is more stork or crane like than accipitrine, and indeed resembles Cathartes in the presence of 1 The claims of Polyboroides to be a member of this family have been dis- missed by MILNE-EDWARDS (Hist. Nat. Madagascar) and myself (loc. cit. on p. 474). 480 - STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS a slip (see fig. 227) uniting the brevis and longus tendon. It must be remembered, however, that this also exists in some eagles. In Serpentarius there is a longer attachment of the deltoid to the humerus than in other birds of prey; and there is an accessory biceps muscle (see fig. 227).1 INT.p.br 1 L--Bi Bi N Anć .... .. ... . Fig. 227.-TENSORES PATAGII Or Serpentarius (AFTER BEDDARD). t.p.7, tensor longus ; t.p.br., tensor brevis ; Bi, biceps; Bi', accessory biceps ; Anc, anconæus ; D, deltoid. The anconaus has a very broad tendon of origin from humerus. In the syrinx- a strong box is formed by the last tracheal ring, and the intrinsic muscles are attached to bronchial semi-ring 2. There is a powerful expansor secundariorum. 1 Cf. Rhinochetus, p. 371. ACCIPITRES 481 Niin VIA The skull has strong basipterygoid processes. The lacrymals are large and extend backwards in close connec- tion with the skull wall; they are not ankylosed to it. The descending process is thin and articulates with the slight èctethmoid. There is a small knife-shaped vomer. The family Cathartidæ consists of the genera Sarco- rhamphus (condor), Gyparchus (or Gypagus, king vul- ture), Cathartes (turkey vulture), and Rhinogry- phus. They all have, so far as is known, the oil gland nude, twelve rec- trices, no aftershaft, and · are aquincubital. The tongue is large and fleshy, with denticul- ations of its upturned lateral margins. The stomach is not a gizzard. There are no intestinal cæca. The in- testines are 61-inch in Gyparchus, 49-inch in Cathartes atratus. Of the heart of the condor some observations will be found above (p. 50); both carotids are present. The Fig. 228.-SKULL OF Serpentarius liver is equilobed, with a (AFTER HUXLEY). gall bladder. There are in palatine ; Pl, pterygoid ; x, basipterygoid process. Gyparchus traces of a crop. The most distinctive feature of the Cathartidæ, however, is the windpipe, from which a proper syrinx may be really said to be absent. The only muscles upon the trachea are the sterno-tracheales, which (in G. papa) are very short and broad, and arise from the sternum in the middle line, close together between the inner ends of the coracoids. Intrinsic syringeal muscles are entirely absent in the Cathartidæ, SA 2 Pam, premaxilla ; Map, maxillo-palatines ; P7, II 482 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS unless, indeed, their homologues existi in the form of a muscular covering to the terminal purely membranous section of the bronchus (fig. 229) which, dividing into three slips, runs from thence to the parietes. There are in any case no muscles at the actual bifurcation. Nor is there any change in the character of the rings themselves such as to suggest even the rudiment of a syrinx. In Cathartes the rings at the bifurcation are extraordinarily thin, leav- ing wide membranous intervals, which are occasionally traversed by bridges putting successive rings into communi- cation. In Sarcorhamphus and Gyparchus, which also agree (see below) in their 'muscle formula,' the rings are thicker and closer together (see fig. 229). And in these two genera the bronchi are incomplete internally, giving rise to what may be termed a membrana tympaniformis. In Gyparchus papa the tendons of the patagium are somewhat complicated. The brevis consists of a separate anterior and posterior section, of which the latter is thinner and more diffuse. The anterior tendon divides into two, of which the foremost gives off a slip to the longus. There is no biceps slip. The tendons, in fact, are thoroughly stork-like, as are those of the condor (Sarcorhamphus) and Cathartes. In this character the family is very uni- form. The expansor secundariorum is present in all. The pectoralis primus is well divided into two parts, of which the lower (in G. papa) is inserted by a thin round tendon altogether below insertion of superficial layer. The head of the anconæus is distinctly bifid and entirely tendinous, arising from scapula and from supinator muscle. There is a humeral slip of moderate size. (This muscle is described from Cathartes.) The ambiens is present in all Cathartidæ ; so too the semitendinosus and its accessory. Cathartes has in addition the femorocaudal, which is absent in the other genera. In Gyparchus (? as to the others) the semitendinosus and semi- | BEDDARD, 'Notes on the Anatomy of the Condor,' P. 2. S. 1890, p. 146. ACCIPITRES 483 chartes). The membranosus are inserted in common. There are two peroneals (at any rate in Cathartes). The deep flexors are fused before origin of four slips to four toes. The gluteus I. covers over biceps, and glutæus V. is present. The skull of the Cathartidæ has basipterygoid processes. It is desmognathous, but the desmognathism is totally The gluteenigin of four Pmx 77777 Map NIVIN 2. an SITARIOS antissit c ndron . alt wwwremont.com vitano ZE "2110 D •• . EV AM IL mann77 f 2011 11 V11 P OS VI . . . I 15 " TUDUTO 03 Bell AN FIG. 229.-WINDPIPE OF CONDOR (ATTER BEDDARD). Tr, trachea ; Q', csophagus; 0, ostia of lungs; s, sp, septa between air sacs ; m, muscles euslieathing end of bronchi, FIG. 230.-SKULL or Cathartes aura (AFTER HUXLEY). P7.x, premaxilla ; Mxp, maxillo-pala- tiues; Pi, palatines; Pi, pterygoid ; S, ossified septum ; %, basipterygoid processes. different from that of other vultures and hawks. The maxillo-palatines proper (see fig. 230) are very far indeed from meeting in the middle line ; indeed, they only just get beyond the shelter of the palatines. But a flat dorsal pro- cess of each of these bones (S) meets and is co-ossified with 1 1 2 484 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS the nasal septum in the middle line. In Gyparchus papa, at any rate, there is a small medio-palatine. The lacrymal (at least in Cathartes atratus) is a smallish bone completely filling a notch in the frontal margin ; its descending process ankyloses with the ectethmoid, forming the usual ring. In Gyparchus papa the orbital portion of the lacrymal is greatly reduced; the nostrils are not so elongated as in Cathartes ; the palatal bridge is more plainly an alinasal fold. The bony nostrils are holorhinal, but much more elongated than in the Falconidæ; there is no trace of an ossified internarial septum. Of fossil Accipitres the remains of a number of different species have been found. The most interesting of these, on account of its age, is the Lithornis vulturinus of Owen, from the London clay. It had been held to come nearest to Cathartes, an interesting fact in view of its occurrence in this country; but LYDEKKER regards it as clearly accipitrine and allied to Accipiter and Circus. Har- pagornis, 2 from the Pleistocene of New Zealand, was a large bird, one and a half time the bulk of a golden eagle, also belonging to the same division of Accipitres. Teracus and Palæohierax are extinct genera from the lower Miocene of France, known only by femur and tarso-metatarsus respectively. They are also probably true falcons. Serpentarius is known by an extinct form, S. robustus, from the lower Miocene of the same country. The following table shows the main differences between the several families of the Accipitres :- Falconidæ Serpentariidae Cathartida + (exc.Pandion) Tufted Tufted BXY+ At Nude (A)XY+ t Aftershaft Oil gland Muscle formula Accessory semiremb. Ceca . . . Syrina. . . Basipt. proc. . . Desmognathis + (rud.) + (rud.) Trach.-bronch. Trach.-bronch. + Of maxillo-pal. Of max.-pal. 1 Of alinasals fi DI 1. Description of the Fossil Remains of ... a Bird (Lithornis vulturinus) from the London Clay,' Trans. Geol. Soc. (2), vi. 1841, p. 206. 2 Cf. HAAST in Trans. N. Zealand Inst. iv. 1871, p. 192, and ibid. vi. 1874, p. 64, and Owen in Extinct Birds of New Zealand. ACCIPITRES 485 It is clear from the few characters—the principal ones, however-given in the above list that the Cathartidæ are more aberrant (considering the Falconidæ to be the typical birds of prey) than are the Serpentariidæ; for the Cathartidæ diverge in all eight characters from the Fal- conidæ, while the secretary vulture only diverges in three. What reason is there, it might be asked, to retain the American vultures within this order at all, particularly if the owls are to be-as I think they should-excluded ? The only group which has the distinctive characters of the Cathartidæ (besides, of course, the present group) is that of Herodiones. There only do we find birds with ambiens and. expansor secundariorum, without biceps slip, holorhinal, and with rudimentary or absent cæca. The Steganopodes also are not far off. It really comes to the beak and claws, the ceroma, and to the presence of various structures (e.g. the peculiar palate, the basipterygoid processes) which forbid their association with the Herodiones. The several groups are not far off, but on the whole the American vultures are more like the remaining birds of prey than like the stork tribe (see also under the discussion of the affinities of the Grues, p. 382). TINAMI Definition.-Oil gland tufted. Quintocubital. Muscle formula of thigh, ABXY+. Expansor secundariorum present. Biceps slip absent. Both carotids present. Large cæca and crop. Skull dromzognathous. Tail short without ploughshare bones. Bones of pelvis free distally. The tinamous are purely South American birds, of which in his recent catalogue Count SALVADORI allows nine genera. The tinamous have a tufted oil gland, but the tuft is often very minute, and in Calodromas elegans consists of only four feathers, two larger and two smaller, the larger ones being uppermost. I take my account of the pterýlosis of the tinamous from 486 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 6 PYECRAFT’S careful description of Calodromas (which I can · confirm) and Rhynchotus rufescens. In the former bird the body is fairly covered with feathers, the apteria being narrow. There is no down save on the wings. The spinal tract soon divides into two; but they rejoin near the base of the neck. These tracts again divide and reunite some way in front of the oil gland, enclosing thus a dorsal apterion. The ventral tracts also divide early upon the neck, and each of them again divides on the pectoral region into a stronger, outer, and a somewhat weaker, inner, tract. Until about halfway down the neck the dorsal and ventral tracts are in contact. In Rhynchotus rufescens there is no spinal apterion. The aftershaft is much more rudimentary than in Calodromas, where it is well developed. Both birds have ten feebly developed rectrices. Rh. perdicarius has eight. The aftershaft is apparently in the process of disappear- ance among the tinamous. In Nothocercus, writes Mr. PYE- CRAFT, “it is evidently degenerating, inasmuch as the shaft is almost, if not quite, obsolete, only the rami remaining.' In Tinamus solitarius the aftershaft is absent. Powder - down patches exist in a few tinamous. They occur, for ex- ample, in Tinamus major. In Crypturus tataupa the powder- down patches extend down on each side of dorsal tract from a little in front of humerus nearly to oil gland. After the end of the scapula they thicken and spread outwards as far as the head of the femur, and are in contact for nearly two inches along mid-line; they then narrow again and terminate half an inch in front, and slightly to the side, of the oil gland. Rhynchotus perdicarius has apparently no powder- downs. The tongue of the tinamous is small and triangular in form. The crop is present and large. The proventriculus is zonary ; the liver subequilobed, with a gall bladder. The following are measurements of the alimentary canal :- LULU Ibis, 1895, p. 1. TINAMI 487 S. I. L. I. C. Crypturus tataupa 19.75 3.75 2.5 3:3 obsoletus sallai . 25 2.5 8.5, 9.5 Rhynchotus rufesceras Nothura anaculosa . 19 19 3 Tinainus solitarius 4.5 The cæca, it will be observed (fig. 231, p. 488), are well developed, particularly in Rhynchotus rufescens ; they are also large and very peculiar in form in Calodromas. The cæca, of this bird are not merely much wider than is customary, but they are beset with numerous small diverticula, which diminish in size towards the apex of the cæcum. These peculiar cæca are absolutely unique among birds, and nothing at all like them has been described in any other tinamou. A curious feature of at any rate some tinamous (shared, however, by the Anseres, Palamedeidæ, some gallinaceous birds, and perhaps Toccus) is the existence of two pairs of extrinsic muscles upon the trachea. In Crypturus tataupa one of these pairs is stouter than the other, and they are both lost on the fascia covering lungs. This genus has no intrinsic muscles. In other tinamous intrinsic muscles are present. In Calodromas elegans the anterior face of the lower part of the trachea (about an inch in length) is covered with a sheet of muscle, which is the extrinsic muscle, and probably (judging from the conditions which obtain in the female) is attached to the long fascia. The very broad intrinsic mus- cles underlie this, and are inserted a long way down the bronchus to the four or five rings following the third. When viewed laterally the curvature of the last four tracheal rings is seen to gradually increase; there is thus a considerable membranous interval left between the last tracheal and the first bronchial, which is straight. The membrana tympani- formis is narrow. In the hen bird the extrinsic muscles are BEDDARD, 'On the Cæca of Calodromas,' Ibis, 1890, p. 61. 488 Y STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS . . * " . 7 . NL . OH . :: TRADA .. . . - • . OH' O . *** RAIS . 217E 2. . 4 I'T VA . ATHAN . will IN TIR on .AHHII UNIT WWW. * .. 11 V14 I! III. DIA . . U . A 20 M CAS $ . 14 UNI W .. WW . NULLA . . Diy WS . * 27 . CHES AM NA 117 * NIHA SU TOUUNIT X ANE * 1 * . AVE * O'RIBUS MYNAI - 1 . . RUDO . ANY 12... . 22. SI. UW U . . it. . XX . - VAN : . ! HO lu AD11'. O . lol NATA CARA KO P . A Hii w . .. MY '. . *** .. CA ti .. . 1371 A . . IA .223 $ 101 S . . . . . PARA . SER 12 Y- M . . - - - TE S.), small intestine ; L.1, large intestine ; C, cæca. BEDDARD). FIG. 231.—CÆCA or Calodromas elegans (AFTER - - TV . ANXV. Ist... . . W SI RS. - A .: W SUI . . . . . . Nº. View .. IV - - . B . . , . . . dt . S W W ill" . . IN . AN ! 22 J ? er111 . YNNE.. N . . VA . . . lin . . . . * * TILL eta NAR XL WL PROWIWIRAS S tillllllllllll TRAW anna 1/12 WY: ME 4 . V Su ir II th X E ..ti TS ht M M VINE 112 AV US 21 ON . C Z CORT MINO. . CENI LUK DU . A XV i W O > al l iit . micili TE w URI . 2 CILIK . . VA • AN . ..1 W 1111/YIN lii W N MENTO VII. TI UNT the trachea. small, and do not form a sheet of muscle covering the end of . . ZE. .: " 22 DIINA D . WL 20 . . * 1 MUS MESMO * A C 2 SVWHI 2 . TAL AN Z WA P et de online NO.1 . No. ! ON el L he XIII 111 1. . U . V2 1 RSS ! si - . TA Ll- y CA 15 LA 35 WOW TEST . . . 062 - - XX NA 1 - - I - - - 19 P4 VA S - . UR- 22 1. R * Seti T G E E st :.-- L . . . AN IN FIG. 231. BEDDARI)). LETTERS AS thuru maculosa (AFTER Fig. 232.-CÆCA OF No- Sh. . . UR . S TINAMI 489 . In Tinamus solitarius the intrinsic muscles are large and are inserted upon the fifth or sixth bronchial semi-ring. In Rhynchotus rufescens they are also large, but attached higher up. The muscles 1 of the tinamous are remarkable on account of their soft texture and pale colour. The pectoralis I. is very large and meets its fellow of the opposite side and for a considerable portion of its extent. The actual junction of the fibres is prevented by a fibrous septum, which is a con- tinuation of the carina sterni. The second pectoral is also large. The tensor patagii tendon is a broad diffuse band, as in gallinaceous birds ; it has no biceps slip unless a muscle that will be referred to in connection with the biceps immediately really represents this. The biceps itself pre- sents no remarkable features, but a kind of accessory biceps runs along the front of the humerus, which is quite distinct from the biceps proper ; I have found this both in Calo- dromas and Rhynchotus. This is regarded by FÜRBRINGER as part of the coracobrachialis externus. In Crypturus (as also in gallinaceous birds and sand grouse-a noteworthy fact, perhaps) the pectoralis abdomi- nalis has a remarkable ending. Instead of being inserted directly upon the humeral crest it ends upon a tendinous bridge, to which are also attached the pectoralis, the latissimus dorsi posterior, and the expansor secundariorum. The tinamous have the gallinaceous muscle in the fore arm and the expansor secundariorun. The anconcus has a humeral slip. In Crypturus tataupa and Nothura maculosa at any rate the expansor secundariorum. ends in a tendon which is inserted on to the scapula on the one hand and the manu- brium sterni on the other. The tinamous have the complete muscular formula of the leg, i.e. ABXY+. It JU LI רן ו I ALIX, “Sur la Myologie du Rhynchotus rufescens,' Journ. de Zool. v. (1876), p. 411. "Mémoire sur l'Ostéologie et Myologie du Nothura major,' Journ. Zool. iii. 1874, pp. 167, 252. . 490 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Pms. . . I . SA RE FO The glutæi I.-V. are well developed. A very interesting feature of the thigh muscles (referred to by GARROD 1) is the existence of a small “suprasciatic' slip of muscle arising behind the acetabulum, which reinforces the accessory femorocaudal. The interest of this small muscle lies in the fact that it has its precise counterpart in the struthious birds (q.v.) This muscle was found by FORBES to be absent in a male Crypturus tataupa; it was present in a female of the same species. The two deep flexor tendons fuse and. then supply digits II.-IV. ; before uniting the flexor hallucis gives off a slender slip to hallux, which is wanting in Crypturus Map undulatus. The skull of the tinamous, as was VO first pointed out by PARKER,2 is com- pletely 'struthious 'so far as concerns the palate. As will be seen from the annexed cut (fig. 233) the vomer is broad and unites in front with the maxillo-palatines, as in Dromæus. Its ends receive behind the pterygoid and palatines, which are thus prevented from articulation with the basisphenoidal rostrum. There are large basipterygoid processes and the head of Fig. 233.-SKULL OF Tinamus robustus the quadrate is single, as in struthious (AFTER HUXLEY). birds. The supraorbital chain of bones ille: Manifigured by PARKER in Tinamus robustus tines; is another archaic skull character of these Pl, pterygoids. birds. The nasals, lacrymals, and adjoining bones are very much like those of Rhea and not at all like those of gallinaceous birds. Between the nasals posteriorly is a considerable tract of ethmoid, appearing ws . . N OU > SO ATUA . WW maxillo-palatines; 10, vomer; PT, palatines ; T' On certain Muscles of the Thigh of Birds,' &c., P. Z. S. 1873, p. 642. 2 On the Osteology of Gallinaceous Birds and Tinamous,' Zool. Trans. V. 3 Absent, according to LUCAS ( Notes on the Osteology of the Spotted Tinamou,' Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. X. 1887, p. 157), in Nothura mraculosa. 4 Prof. PARKER wrote, in 1862 (loc. cit. p. 213): 'I suppose that in the tina- mou, as in other ostriches, the broad top of the ethmoid is separately developed TINAMI 491 upon the surface of the skull. The outer descending part of the nasal reaches the maxilla, and with the upper part of the bone encircles the holorhinal nasal foramen; it is not ankylosed with the lacrymal. The latter descends and articulates with the jugal by a very distinct facet, especially distinct in Rhynchotus rufescens. The bone also becomes fused with the lateral wing-like process of the ethmoid, forming a complete ring of bone round a relatively very wide foramen. A special point of resemblance to Rhea and Dromcus is the perforation of the descending process of the lacrymal itself. This is best seen in Rhynchotus rufescens ; in Calodromas elegans, Nothura maculosa, and Crypturus tataupa, there is merely a notch which in the fresh skull may possibly be converted into a foramen by a ligament." FÜRBRINGER gives 16-18 as the number of cervical vertebre. The cup of the atlas is perforated for the odontoid process in Crypturus, Rhynchotus, and Nothura. As in the gallinaceous birds, &c., some of the dorsal vertebræ are. fused together. In Tinamus solitarius this was the case with the first three and to a less extent with the last cervical. In Nothura maculosa five vertebræ were thus fused, and a strongish longitudinal piece of bone, formed of ossified liga-- ment, connected their transverse processes. In Crypturus tataupa there were four vertebræ fused and one in front partially so. Four ribs reach the sternum in Tinainus solitarius. The sterium of the tinamous is very remarkable in form. The manubrium is slightly bifurcate; the middle portion of the sternum, which bears the keel, is exceedingly narrow, and a wide space is left on each side between it and the lateral processes, which are thin and as long as the middle piece. The anterolateral processes are well. developed The pelvis is so far on the struthious pattern that the 1 NI ILI T U VEVO by a long piece growing from above downwards between the anterior ends of the frontals. No suture remains to tell me that; but if it be so all is perfectly struthious, for those birds differ in this from all others examined by me.' 1 This, however, is not a unique feature of the birds in question. It occurs, for example, in Tantalus and Xenorhynchus. i 492 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS three bones do not fuse posteriorly; the pectineal process is large. There are at most faint traces of a ploughshare bone. In Crypturus the clavicles come into contact with the . acrocoracoid and the scapula, but not with the small pro- coracoid. The two coracoids are not nearly in contact at their articulation with the sternum. The only birds with which the tinamous have been com- pared are the ostrich tribe, the gallinaceous birds, rails, bustards, and some of the Limicolæ. PARKER saw in the tinamou a'cock ostrich mule ;' and perhaps the prevalent opinion is that they lie on the confines of these two groups. It is unquestionably to the Struthiones that they show the greatest number of important likenesses, so much so, indeed, that their inclusion in one great group with them would be by no means an unreasonable way of disposing of them. The salient points of resemblance are by no means confined to the skeleton, but the most numerous resemblances are in that part of the body of the birds. The skull, with its dromeognathous' palate, is strikingly like. The appearance of the ethmoid as a median ossification of the skull roof is struthious, but it also occurs, though not so markedly, in Gallus and (according to SELENKA) in the Caprimulgidæ. It is very conspicuous in the tinamou and the Struthiones. The open pelvis is especially like that of Apteryx. The single- headed quadrate is struthious; but, as already mentioned, the struthious birds are not uniform in this character. The sternum, with its antero-lateral and postero-lateral processes, recalls that of Apteryx, in spite of the enormous length of these parts and a consequent superficial dissimi- larity. The absent, or rudimentary, ploughshare bone may perhaps be passed over as correlated with the imperfect flight. As to the soft parts, the peculiar additional accessory 1 A singular if less important likeness than some mentioned above has been referred to by Mr. BARTLETT (* Notes on the Breeding of several Species of Birds, &c., P. 2. S. 1868, p. 114). The male Rhynchotus 9.21fescens incubates, as in the Struthiones, while the chick' much resembles the young of a Rhea.' TINAMI 493 femorocaudal muscle is a striking resemblance to the Stru- thiones; the peculiar accessory biceps muscle of the arm may have its degenerate counterpart in a sheet of strong tendinous tissue which runs along the humerus in certain ratites. The following table shows some of the more striking likenesses of the Tinami to the Struthiones and Galli :- Tinami Struthiones Galli Skull . . . Dromæognathous Drom. | Schizognathous Pelvis Bones free Bones free or Ischia and ilia but little united fused posteriorly Oil gland. Tufted Tufted, or nude, or 0 Remex V.. . + ? Leg muscles . .. ABXY+ (A)BXY(+) (A)BXY + Suprasciatic muscle. Entepicondylo-ulnaris In Apteryx Trachea . . . Sometimes with Only one pair | Sometimes two two pairs ex- pairs trins. muscles to STRUTHIONES Definition.-Flightless birds without stiff contour feathers. Oil gland absent. Wing small. Expansor secundariorum and biceps slip absent. Semitendinosus and its accessory always present. An additional slip to accessory femorocaudal present. Skull dromeognathous with basipterygoid processes; holorhinal. Sternum without a well-developed carina. Coraco-scapular angle wide. Coracoid fused with scapula. Cæca large. As will be seen from the above definition, the characters of this group are to a considerable extent negative characters. They are for the most part such characters as are correlated with the loss of the power of flight. We need not, therefore, lay too much stress upon them as indicative of the natural- ness of the group. But even when these characters (as, for instance, the absence of the carina sterni, the open angle between the coracoid and scapula, the absence of a plough- share bone, which, moreover, is occasionally and exception- ally present. There is a skeleton of an old Struthio in the Cambridge Museum in which several of the last vertebræ 494 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS are fused) are set aside as comparatively valueless as marks of near relationship, there remain enough anatomical resem- blances to justify the older view that all these birds are but members of one and the same group. FÜRBRINGER has denied this in his · Untersuchungen,' and places Apteryx, together with the Dinornithidæ, apart from the other stru- thious birds, and has again separated Struthiiformes from Rheiformes and Casuariiformes, deriving all from different levels of the ornithic tree. There is no doubt that the various types of struthious birds do require separating into at least six families; but the likenesses among them appear to me to forbid any wider separation. The close resemblance of the palate throughout the group, so far as we know it (Æpyornis is not known), is a strong reason for associating them together; perhaps even the osteological and other characters, which, as already suggested, are but evidence of the loss of the flight power, may be of more importance as an argument for affinity than is generally admitted; it may show that they are allied, because the degeneration has pro- ceeded along the same lines. There is, it is true, not a great deal of evidence in favour of this view; but we have the penguins also with a degenerate wing, in which the modifi- cations of structurel have progressed along different paths. They have, for example, lost the biceps, which is present in all Struthiones, while the feathers of the wing are equally inefficient as aids to flight with those of the Struthiones, but are quite unlike them. The peculiar muscle of the thigh, which will be found described as an adjunct of the accessory femorocaudal, is one of those apparently small facts of struc- ture which, on account of their very minuteness, seem of importance as a mark of true relationship. The fact that all of the struthious birds have large or moderately developed cæca is further evidence of affinity. It might be thought that the usual absence of the oil gland was one of those characters affording clear evidence of degene- ration; but its capricious appearance and disappearance in See, however, the qualifying remarks with regard to the wings of Apteryx on p. 499. STRUTHIONES 495 UUU other birds forbid us to assume this without any further argument. While the Struthiones present collectively and individually a larger number of important differences from other birds, their organisation is essentially on the plan of that of the remaining members of the class. To take only one-at the same time one of the most striking-of these correspondences in anatomical structure, the respiratory organs may be con- sidered. It is hardly too much to say that there are not even differences of detail in the arrangement of the lungs and air sacs among the struthious birds. Professor HUXLEY ex- ploded some years ago the idea that the oblique septa of the Apteryx were more like the mammalian diaphragm than the corresponding structures of other carinate or ratite birds. It is inconceivable that there should be this minute correspond- ence of detail with detail, if we are to assume with some that the struthious birds have arisen from a totally different stock from that which produced the carinates. They would derive the former from the dinosaurs and the latter from the pterodactyles. The existing struthious birds are the genera Struthio, Afro-Arabian in range; Rhea, South American; Dromaus, Australia; Apteryx, New Zealand; and Casuarius, Australian region. The structure of these living members of the group will be considered first, after which some account will be given of the Dinornithidæ and other extinct and undoubted members of the group, as well as of a few dubious forms which have been placed here-rather because they do not definitely fit in anywhere in particular than from their obvious affinities with the Struthiones. The genus Struthio appears to contain two species, the more common Struthio camelus and the Somaliland S. molybdophanes. The ostrich has two toes, Nos. III. and IV. There is no oil gland. The pterylosis, continuous in the adult bird, shows two distinct apteria in the embryo, as has been shown by Miss LINDSAY.' In the young chick 1. On the Avian Sternum,' P. 2. S. 1885, p. 684. See also W. MARSHALL, · Beobachtungen über das Verhältniss der Federn,' &c., Zool. Gart. xvi. (1875), 496 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS I there is a ventral apterion in the sternal region and a lateral apterion outside each half of the ventral tract. The adult ostrich has a claw on each of digits I. and II. The arrange- ment of the wing feathers has been carefully worked out by the late Mr. WRAY.He finds the remiges to be quite distinct, as well as the tectrices majores; the tectrices mediæ are but scantily represented, and there is an incomplete row of tectrices minores. The number of remiges upon the hand, including one upon the carpus, is sixteen. There are four to the ala spuria. The number of cubitals is about twenty. It has, therefore, more primaries than any bird except the penguin. The genus Apteryx, entirely confined to New Zealand, consists of three or four species, viz. A. australis, A. Mantelli, A. Oweni, A. Haasti, and A. Bulleri. It has been described as possessing a continuous, un- interrupted plumage ; but this, according to T. J. PARKER, 2 IV he remarks, 'I find the lateral apterium to be fully 2 cm. wide, and to extend about 5 cm. cephalad and 9 cm. caudad from the axilla, its total length being, therefore, about 14 cm. In the same specimen the ventral or inferior space was of about equal width (2 cm.), and extended about 11 or 12 cm. caudad from between the origins of the wings. Moreover the inner (ventral) surface of the wing is always nearly devoid of feathers and so constitutes a well-marked lower wing-space.' The oil gland is present and the feathers have no after- shaft. The relatively minute wing of the Apteryx has a true alar membrane, which, as PARKER has justly pointed out, is further evidence for regarding this bird as the derivative of a flying form. p. 121, and ZANDER, - Über das Gefieder des afrikanischen Strausses,' Schi. phys.-ök. Ges. Königsb. xxix. 1889, SB. p. 31. 1.On some Points in the Morphology of the Wings of Birds,' P. Z. S. 1887, p. 343. ? Observations on the Anatomy and Development of Apteryx,' Phil. Trans. 1891. STRUTHIONES 497 Though no rectrices can be distinguished, there are recognisable remiges. PARKER counted nine or ten cubitals and two or three metacarpals and a single mid-digital; there are also tectrices majores. An extraordinary peculiarity of Apteryx is the situation of the nostrils near the very end of the beak. Of Casuarius there are some ten species which are found in several of the islands lying to the north of the continent of Australia, such as New Britain, Ceram, &c., as well as one species, Casuarius australism in the north of Australia itself. They are remarkable externally for their black coloration, brown in the young, and for the horny casque upon the head. The neck is naked and adorned with bright colours, in which blue is especially prominent, and there are often dependent folds of bright-coloured skin in this region. The feathers have an aftershaft as large as the feather itself; the rectrices are unrecognisable, but the remiges are present in the shape of long spines which corre- spond to the stems of the feathers. The claw of the inner of three toes is very elongate. The emu, Dromeus, is entirely Australian in range, and contains two species. This genus, agreeing with the casso- wary in laying a green egg, has no helmet or wattle, or stiff spines upon the wing. It has, however, like the cassowary, a large aftershaft. The fourth genus of Struthiones is the South American Rhca, of which three species are recognised. These have been carefully compared by GADOW. The genus is cha- racterised, so far as external characters are concerned, by the want of an aftershaft and by the feathered neck-not naked, as in the ostrich ; it lays a yellowish white egg. The Rhea is three-toed. There is a distinct ventral apterion running from sternal callosity to vent.3 I G. DUCHAMP, 'Observations sur l'Anatomie du Drom@us,' Ann. Sci. Nat. (5), xvii. 1873. ?" On the Anatomical Differences in the Three Species of Rhea,' P. Z. S. 1885, p. 308. 3 • A. BOECKING, De Rhea Americana, Diss. Inaug. Bonn, 1863; J. F. KK -498 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Struthio has been found fossil in the Siwalik Hills, in South Russia and Samos. Rhea is found fossil in America (South). LYDEKKER considers Hypselornis sivalensis, whose place of inter- ment is indicated by the name, to be an emu. It is only known from the second phalanx of the third digit of the pes. Genyornis Newtoni, from Australia,' with a skull a foot long, seems to have been a gigantic emu. But it has not as yet been fully described. Dasornis londinensis (from the Eocene clay of Sheppey) is placed by FÜRBRINGER among the Ratites, rather in deference to the opinion of Sir R. OWEN ? than from conviction. GADOW, on the other hand, places it among Stereornithes. It is only known by a water-worn skull fragment, indicating á skull as large as that of the Dinornithidæ. It seems useless to speculate upon the affinities of this fragment. Macrornis of SEELEY must remain for the present a namė. C In surveying the muscular system of the Struthiones 3 it is clear that, so far as concerns the muscles of the manus, Apteryx is, in accordance with other reductions in the bones of that limb, the most degenerate type. On the other hand (assuming, of course, the derivation of the Struthiones from some carinate form) the shoulder girdle of Apteryx has retained more of the primitive musculature than the other genera. In all the genera the following muscles have disappeared : the pectoralis propatagialis, biceps propatagialis, deltoides propatagialis, 4 deltoides minor, scapulo-humeralis anterior, expansor secundariorum." The pectoralis major is in all very reduced.. All the struthious birds except Apteryx have also lost the VAN BEMMELEN, Onderzoek van een Rhea-Embryo,' Tijd. Ned. Dierk. Ver. 1888, p. cºv, STIRLING and ZIETZ, 'Preliminary Notes on Gerlyornis,' &c., Tr. Roy. Soc. S. Australia, xx. ? On Dinornis (part xiv.), Tr. Zool. Soc. vii. p. 145, pl. xvi. 3 GADOW, Z117 vergleichenden Anatomie der Muskulatur des Beckens und der hinteren Gliedinäisse der Ratitenz. Jena, 1880. 1 In Apteryx some elastic tissue in the patagium possibly represents this. 5 Traces have been asserted to exist in Apteryx and Droincus, but require confirmation. STRUTHIONES 499 TO 10 n serratus metapatagialis, the latissimus dorsi metapatagialis, and the pectoralis abdominalis. On the other hand Apteryx has lost what the other struthious birds have retained, the latissimus dorsi anterior and the rhomboideus profundus; the latter muscle, however, is not distinguishable in the cassowary. It must be admitted, therefore, that Apteryx, so far as concerns the anterior extremity, has diverged from the hypothetical ancestral condition in slightly different lines from other Struthiones. In the cassowary' both rhomboidei are present, but they originate from ribs and not from the cervical vertebræ. The rhomboideus profundus is parallel with and hardly dis- tinguishable from a portion of the serratus profundus; hence FÜRBRINGER is indisposed to admit the existence of a sepa- rate rhomboideus profundus. The serratus superficialis consists of two separate fan- shaped bands of muscle. The coraco-brachialis internus is entirely converted into tendon. The biceps originates only from the coracoid, and ends without being definitely split into two tendons upon both radius and ulna. There is only one scapulo-humeralis muscle, which is, however, of fair size. : The subscapularis is a single-headed muscle arising from the scapula only. The anconcus has a single origin from the scapula, and has no attachment to the humerus. In the hind limb all five glutæi are present; they are all large, especially gl. I. and gl. V. The ambiens is absent as a rule; it is occasionally present, but is then imperfect, reaching only as far as the knee. The 'semitendinosus and its accessory are well developed. The femorocaudal is a small slender muscle ; it is inserted in common with the accessory, which is enormous in size. In Casuarius Bennettii at any rate there is an additional adductor of peculiar origin; the muscle is two-headed, one head being a tendon which 1 J. F. MECKEL, ‘Beiträge zur Anatomie des indischen Casuars, Arch. f. Anat. 2. Phys. 1830, p. 200, 1832, p. 273. LOL Y K 2 K 500 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS springs from the muscular fibres of the accessory femoro- caudal, the other fleshy and springing from the pelvis just behind the acetabulum. It is inserted along the femur below the vastus internus and over the conjoined femoro- caudals. In Struthio the rhomboideus superficialis arises, as in carinate birds, from the spingus processes of the vertebræ (1-3 cervicals); it is inserted only on to the scapula. The rhomboideus profundus arises from the spinous processes of the last cervical and first dorsal vertebræ ; it is inserted on to the end of the scapula. The serratus superficialis of Stru- thio is a single muscle arising as two or three bands, either from the last cervical and first dorsal rib or, in addition, from the second dorsal rib. It is attached to the ventral border of the scapula. The serratus profundus is divisible into a more superficial and a deeper layer; the former is the less extensive, and arises either by a slip from the rib of cervical vertebra 19, and by two slips from the last cervical rib, or by two larger slips and one very small one from between the last cervical and the first dorsal rib, and from the latter; they are inserted on to the inner border of the scapula. The deeper layer also varies, but arises in several slips from the last two cervical ribs. It is also inserted on to the inner border of the scapula. The coraco- brachialis externus is very large as compared with the same muscle in the carinate birds; it is not quite so large as in Rhea. The coraco-brachialis internus is larger in Struthio than in any other ratite. The biceps arises from the spina 1 inserted on to the radius and ulna, and on to the membrane between them. As with Rhea the deltoid arises from the scapula and neighbouring region of coracoid. The teres major, again, as in Rhea, is a comparatively large muscle. On p. 87 et seq. will be found an account of the muscles of the hand in Palamedea, which I have taken to illustrate that The differences which are to be noticed in Struthio are, apart from minor divergences, the following: - STRUTHIONES 501 1 The extensor metacarpi radialis is single. The ectepicondylo-ulnaris is absent or fused with the extensor metacarpi ulnaris. The extensor digitorum communis supplies only the index. . The two pronators form only one muscle. The flexor digitorum sublimis and the fl. dig. profundus arise by a single head from the flexor condyle of the humerus. The two muscles immediately divide; the upper part (= sublimis) ends in two tendons, of which one is inserted on to radiale, the other fuses with the upper tendon of profundus, and also gives off two slips which surround that tendon and, reuniting, fuse with the lower tendon of the profundus. The lower part of the muscle (= profundus) gives off two ten- dons, of which the upper ends on the first metacarpal, while the lower runs to the base of the last phalanx of the index. The flexor metacarpi ulnaris ends fleshily on ulnare, but is prolonged beyond this bone, receiving also some fibres from it, to the metacarpal. The radio-metacarpalis ventralis-or at least a muscle which, if it be not this, is not found in Palamedea-arises from the ulna and not from the radius. The total number of muscles in the hand of the ostrich is twenty-three, allowing for the absent ectepicondylo-ulnaris. The additional muscle is a small pronator quadratus, running from the ulna to the radius. It appears, therefore, that, in spite of the small size of the manus of the ostrich relatively to that of flying birds, there is but little if any evidence of degeneration in its musculaturę. On the contrary, indeed, for it might be said that the wing muscles of Struthio are less degenerate, or at any rate less modified, than those of carinates in that amount of muscle as compared with tendon is greater. The complication of the conjoined flexores digitorum is highly suggestive of a walking or climbing animal. It seems to be conceivable that the ostrich branched off from the avian stem before the power of flight was perfectly established. 502 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The ostrichl has the complete leg muscle formula ABXY+. The femorocaudal is fleshy, but not large, and has no distinct tendon of its own. It blends above with the acces- sory. The accessory femorocaudal is an enormous muscle ending in a broad thin tendon' which distally is lost in a fibrous expansion round the great vesseis and nerves of the thigh. The accessory semitendinosus is small. The tendons of the semimembranosus and the semitendinosus become united just after the attachment to the latter of the acces- sory; they soon, however, diverge, the semimembranosus being continued as a long thin tendon down the leg to join the tendon of the gastrocnemius. The obturator externus and the adductors are small ; the obturator internus is very large. The ambiens does not arise from the pectineal pro- cess, or even from the pubis, but from the ilium. An additional adductor muscle which has been referred to in the cassowary also exists in the ostrich ; it has, however, but one (tendinous) head, arising from the femorocaudal muscle. The rhomboideus superficialis of Rhea 2 springs, like that of Struthio, from the spinous processes of the cervical verte- bræ, but from a larger number (four). It is inserted on to the coracoid as well as the scapula. The rhomboideus pro- fundus arises from the spinous processes of the first three dorsals. As in carinate birds the serratus superficialis is composed of an anterior and a posterior section ; the former arises as a single band from the last cervical rib, and is attached to the front part of the scapula ; the latter is large and consists of three broad slips springing from the first three dorsal ribs and their uncinate processes; it is attached to the hinder end of the scapula. It may be, FÜRBRINGER thinks, that a portion of this is really the pars superficialis i S. HAUGHTON, 'On the Muscular Mechanism of the Leg of the Ostrich,' P. R. Irish Ac. ix. (1866), p. 50; A. MACALISTER, 'On the Anatomy of the Ostrich,' ibid. 1867, p. 1; Alix, “Sur l'Appareil Locom. de l'Autruche de l’Afrique, Bull. Soc. Philom. 1868. ? S. HAUGHTON, ' Muscular Anatomy of the Rhea,' P. R. Irish Ac. ix. (1867), p. 497. STRUTHIONES 503 of the serratus profundus; otherwise that muscle only con- sists of the deeper portion which arises as two slips from the last two cervical ribs and runs directly backwards to be inserted on to the lower border of the scapula. The coraco-brachialis internus is largely tendinous ; its origin, contrary to what is found in other Struthiones, just extends on to the sternum. The origin of the biceps is. peculiar; it arises not only from the coracoid spine by a rounded tendon, but also by a sheet of tendon edged with muscle from the whole of the coracoid and from just an adjacent bit of the sternum. It is inserted on to both radius and ulna. In the manus of Rhea, on the other hand, we have more evidence of degeneration than in Struthio. There are, in the first place, only twenty-one muscles at most, and some of these are much simplified. The muscles that appear to be totally wanting are (1) the extensor digitorum communis, (2) the pronator profundus. The extensor indicis is only represented by the belly arising from the wrist. The flexor sublimis may possibly be represented by a slip of muscle arising from the tendinous edge of the flexor metacarpi ulnaris, which goes to beinserted, partly by tendon, partly by fleshy fibres, on to the ulnare and base of metacarpals 2 and 3. As in the ostrich the radio-metacarpalis ventralis arises from the ulna. In Rhea there is a special peculiarity in the presence of a muscular slip running from the tendon of the extensor metacarpi ulnaris near to its insertion to the extensor indicis. Finally the ectepicondylo-ulnaris is distinct. In the leg there is no femorocaudal, the formula being BXY+. The accessory femorocaudal is enormous, and there is a good struthious accessory adductor. Glutaus primus is very large and overlaps biceps; gluteus V. is present and large. In Dromæusl the rhomboideus superficialis and pro- 1 ! S. HAUGHTON, ‘Muscular Anatomy of the Emu,' P. R. Irish Ac. ix. (1867), p. 487; G. ROLLESTON, 'On the Homologies of certain Muscles connected with the Shoulder Joint,' Trans. Linn. Soc. xxvi. 1870, p. 609. 504 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS fundus arise from ribs, the latter from only one, the former from three. : The biceps apparently arises like that of Rhea. In the leg the ambiens and the femorocaudal are wanting, the formula being, therefore, BXY-. All the gluteals are present, and the first covers the biceps. The accessory femorocaudal is very large, but it does not appear to possess the struthious accessory muscle. The muscles of the wing of Apterys are, of course, de- scribed by OWEN in his account of the anatomy of the bird. But a fuller and later description, with illustrations, is to be found in T. J. PARKER'S paper upon Apteryx, and in FÜRBRINGER.. There is no rhomboideus profundus. The serratus super- ficialis is one muscle arising from the first two cervical ribs ; it has the pars metapatagialis wanting in the other ratites. There is also a pectoralis abdominalis wanting elsewhere, but no latiss. dorsi anterior. The latiss. dorsi metapatagialis is well developed. The muscles running from the shoulder girdle to the humerus are reduced to six; these are the two pectorals, the deltoides (single), the teres major, the coraco-brachialis longus, and the c. br. brevis The biceps is single-headed, arising from the coracoid ; it has long tendons at each end and a small belly in the middle ; it is inserted only on to the radius. The anconcus longus fuses early with the single-headed triceps. As might be expected from the presence of but a single finger, the muscles of the hand are much reduced. Perhaps. the most noteworthy peculiarity is the presence of the gallina- ceous and tinamine muscle, the entepicondylo-ulnaris. There is a peculiar accessory brachialis anticus, seemingly only met with in Apteryx. The remaining ten muscles are brachialis anticus, ectepicondylo-ulnaris, ectepicondylo- radialis, pronator (? sublimis or profundus), extensor meta- carpi ulnaris, extensor indicis longus, with one head from contiguous surfaces of radius and ulna inserted in A. australis on to carpo-metacarpus, in A. Bulleri on to base of distal STRUTHIONES 505 1112 phalanx, extensor longus pollicis I inserted on to the thumb side of the carpo-metacarpus, flexor digitorum profundus, ulni-metacarpalis ventralis.2 "In one specimen (A. australis) a minute tendon was seen preaxial of that of the deep flexor and passing to the preaxial side of the carpo-metacarpus,' a rudimentary interosseous dorsalis in one specimen of A. Bulleri. . In the leg the muscle formula is complete. WOW . CZCd .:. S. A : . sir . RON AYTI " REN . . . = L 2 The tongue in all these birds is a flat triangular organ, relatively small in size. The accompanying cut (fig. 234) shows its characters in Rhea; it does not show any differences of importance in the other genera. The course of the intestine in Struthio camelus is shown in 'fig. 12, p. 28. It will be observed that it is in many respects exceedingly simple : thus the greater part of the small intestine is thrown into a series of short folds, with none of the longer and more specialised folds found in many other birds. The duodenal loop is the only part of the FIG. 234.-TONGUE AND small intestine which shows a special WINDPIPE OF Rhea Dar- wini (AFTER GADOW). fold, and this is a loop with a short , ligpoglossal nerve. lateral diverticulum-Y-shaped, infact. The next most characteristic feature of the intestines of this bird is the enormous large intestine, which is for the greater part of its extent thrown into folds like those of the small intes- tine. In Casuarius (see fig. 11, p. 28) the small intestine is quite as simple as that of the ostrich; the large intestine is short and straight. The emu is practically identical with the OL Koh .. 17 ! I identify it as 1 PARKER terms it extensor metacarpi radialis brevis. above. 2 Flexor carpi radialis of PARKER. 506 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS cassowary, but the duodenal loop was strong, longer, and narrower. It is interesting to find from MITCHELL’s paper that the intestine of Rhea is somewhat intermediate between that of Struthio and that of Casuarius. “The anterior portion resembled Casuarius ; the rectum had an expansion recalling that in the ostrich, but much less strongly marked. The following table contains measurements of the ali- mentary tract 1 in the Struthiones :- Small Int. Large Iut. Cec. .. - . .. - - In. Ft. In. Rhea macrorhyncha o 12 Ft. i 41,1 9 2. 9 Rhea alincricaria . OG GOTHA IA govo do com oHHH 2 4, (young) Struthio cainelus . 6, 2 8, 2 11 2 103 . . Gato to 7 8, o 2 . y 2, . e de todos - # A W co co . . # Casuarius uriappendiculatus Beccarii picticollis a Benzetto 3 . Apteryx australis , Owerri Dromeus Nova Hollandic Casuarius biccruiculatus * o B C A W All the Struthiones have cæca, which are especially deve- loped in the ostrich, where they have been described by Sir EVERARD HOME as well as by GADOW. Apart from their length and structure the most remarkable fact about them is that, in contradistinction to what we find in other birds, they are inserted by a common orifice. These cæca dwindle gradually in diameter towards the tip, and are provided internally with a spiral valve of about twenty turns. I have attempted to compare these cæca with those of the Martineta tinamou (see p. 488). In the latter bird the cæca are furnished with numerous short diverticula, | E. REMOUCHAMPS, 'Sur la Glande Gastrique du Nandou,' Bull. Ac. Belg. 1. (1880), p. 114. STRUTHIONES 507 . . which are the outward expression of a reticulate internal structure, like a ruminant's stomach. Towards the extremity of the cæcum the folds cease to be so definitely arranged in a network, and some to present an indication of a spiral dis- position. Rhea has also very large cæca, and there are traces of the spiral valve of the ostrich. The cæca of the cassowaries and the emu, as will be seen from the table of measurement, are very much smaller than those of the ostrich and Rhea. GADOW mentions an obscure formation of FIG. 236.—THE SAME, FROM BEHIND. Fig. 235.-SYRINX OF Apteryx Mantelli. FRONT VIEW. (ATTER FORBES.) 0.00, in this and following figs., tracheal rings. an internal network by the presence of folds which may be compared with the structure of the cæca of Calodromas, already referred to. The cæca of Apteryx are long and nar- row, like those of the tinamous (excluding Calodromas). Struthio has the most remarkable liver of all the Stru- thiones. The two lobes are intimately fused into one heart- shaped lobe. There is an indication of a spigelian lobe, as with other Struthiones, and the single bile duct (there is no gall bladder) opens, exceptionally, only 4 cm. from the pylorus. Rhea has, as a rule, no gall bladder, but GADOW found traces of one in a specimen dissected. This occurred (see figs. 19, 20, p. 34) both in Rh. Darwini and Rh. americana. Casuarius and Dromaus have a well-developed gall bladder, { LO UU 508 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS and MITCHELL noted in the former genus that the gall duct and the pancreatic duct opened into a distinct diverticu- lum of the duodenum. . YET OS Puriniului - WW WIL! O ORA DPD 1 f . 10 PYR TERESSE . . A LOW RES FIG. 237.-SYRINX OF Rhea americana. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) In Apterys there is a gall bladder. The chief source of information about the windpipe and TH SU MHURS WWW IETE Fig. 238.—THE SAME, FROM BEHIND. syrinx of the Struthionidæ is contained in a memoir by FORBES.' These birds, as a rule, possess no specially modified 1. On the . . . . Trachea in the Ratite Birds,' P. Z. S. 1881, p. 778. STRUTHIONES 509 syrinx, a statement, however, which does not, as was first shown by ALIX,' apply to Rhea. In that bird (see woodcut, UNA / . S . SY . mm NA . re 2 . . w :. Fig. 239.-SYRINX or Casuarius galeatus. FRONT VIEW. (AFTER FORBES.) ti ur ... AINUKAI WIRA 12 WO > . 1 FIG. 240.--THE SAME, FROM BEHIND. figs. 237, 238) there is not merely a pair of intrinsic muscles, 2 U :Bull. Soc. Phil. 1874, p. 38. : ? First noted, apparently, by PARKER in Tr. Z. S. vol. v. p. 238, foot note.. 510 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRIS but some considerable modification of the last tracheal and early bronchial rings. The last four tracheal rings are soldered together to form a cartilaginous box, which behind and in front shows no lines of demarcation between the several rings of which it is composed. There is a membrana SEE Setler LISUS ON TA e . 2. PONU WA INSIR VCU . SU WA . SW YS NIC lib OR !TY. ha WAY. . WIE STO li ti KA MO Sisters 2 SY w < TE M 62 . II NA PY IV. RU MAU P / 21 JA YA 9 ZII Pathan VA CZ . Usin at 10a DU C V 1 09 . var Wilt Star :. WW ... . --.: ciliu . D . IFA . S 11 IS San OX 1 w KINK 29" AN CASA . . role ! . YO Who TTT SA . . YZ PY ES SA hod 1 . GE WOW VIRU SORT 2. 12 VAS 1 WAONY: RA . Se Cir 278 V Tersant t CHA RA VW * DICE AYES NO I OT .. r. WA ' TES AVIIK BASS CA Kui SOOV SA FIG. 241.–TRACHEAL POUCH OF EMU CUT OPEN (ATTER MURIE). Tr, Tp!, the pouch ; ap, opening into trachea ; c.d.s, prolongation of upper end of pouch ; fo, ', fibrous glands. tympaniformis and a pessulus ; the first three or four bronchial semi-rings are different from those which follow. The remaining Ratitæ have no distinct syrinx. In Struthio, for example (see figs. 43, 44, p. 64), although there is a mem- brana tympaniformis completing the bronchi internally, there is neither pessulus nor intrinsic muscles. The syrinx of Apteryx is about on the same level. Casuarius is rather 2 LULU STRUTHIONES 511 different. The last few tracheal rings are incomplete posteriorly; the space left between them is continuous with a membrana tympaniformis. There is no pessulus or intrinsic musculature; in the division of the last tracheal rings there is a suggestion, faint perhaps, of the tracheal syrinx. Dromæus, as might be imagined, closely resembles Casuarius. It has, however, a peculiarity which has been fully gone into by MURIE, who quotes the pre-existing literature upon the matter. In front of the trachea some way down the neck a certain number of the tracheal rings are deficient in front; and the lining membrane of the tube here projects as a sac, which can be inflated, and has, no doubt, something to do with the drumming voice of the bird. The accompanying illustration shows this peculiarity, which is not met with in the cassowary.2 As to osteology, in Rhea (fig. 77, p. 140) the vomer tends to be bifurcate posteriorly where it is much widened out, and articulates both with the palatines and the pterygoids. The palatines are posteriorly flat and fenestrated. The maxillo- palatines are thin plates which meet the anterior bifurcation of the vomer. The descending process of each lacrymal has a large foramen, the presence of which led R. O. CUNNING- HAM to distinguish Rh. Darwini from Rh. americana, where the foramen is simply a notch. GADOW, however, showed that the question of notch or foramen is simply individual variability, and I am in a position to assert the same of Rh. macrorhyncha. The existence of a complete descending process of the nasal has been denied. PARKER, however, has figured an ascending pillar of bone from the maxillary, and in a specimen of Rh, macrorhyncha this was joined by a suture to the anterior margin of the lacrymal. It has, it is true, no connection with the premaxillary part of the nasal ; but this can scarcely interfere with a comparison of the T'On the Tracheal Pouch of the Emu,' P. Z. S. 1867, p. 405. ? For the lungs and air sacs of Struthiones see ante, p. 495. Those of Rhea have been described by W. N. PARKER, “Note on the Respiratory!Organs of Rhea,' P. Z. S. 1883, p. 141 ; of Dromæus by Malm, Om Luftrör-säcken,' &c., Öfv. K. Vet. Al. Förh. 1880, p. 33. 3 PANDER and D'Alton, Die Skelete der straussartigen Vögel. Bonn, 1827. 512 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS bone to the outer part of a nasal and to the naso-maxillary of the Dinornithidæ (see below). There is a well-developed, though thin and curved, ectethmoid lamina, which joins the maxillo-palatine below and the descending process of the lacrymal above. This has been also stated to be absent. Rhea has seventeen cervical vertebra. The atlas is notched, as in Struthio, but not so widely. In the shoulder girdle the procoracoid is short, but is continued down to the articulations of the coracoid by the membrana coracoidea, of which, in a specimen of Rhea macrorhyncha before me, a се 16 . th VITI . II # .- DO www HAM . ww. S ww. A * www .- JUUNI • w . . he L . TA . E21 re . - SL . .. www www ** . - AWA man ant 8 . . - www A + - - 1 SA A V Fig. 242.- STERNUM OF Rhea (AFTER MIVART). cc, coracoid grooves; ca, anterior lateral process ; f, keel (?); l.x, posterior lateral process. portion is ossified as a thin spicule of bone shutting in the foramen coracoideum. The sternum (see fig. 242) has a median ventral prominence and two lateral thin rings of the bone, which may be indications of foramina. Three (some- times four) pairs of ribs reach the sternum. The pelvis (fig. 243) has a small pectineal process. The pubes join the ischia posteriorly, and anteriorly an interohturator pro- cess, of which there are faint indications in Struthio, unite the two bones. Posteriorly the ilia are attached to the ischia. STRUTHIONES 513 The structure of the skull of the emul is not widely different from that of the skull of Rhea. The vomer is widely bifurcate behind, where it articulates both with pterygoids and palatines. The basipterygoids articulate with the pterygoids at the extreme posterior end of the iz . WAND MIN Willia! . . . Un A sowie Fig. 243.-PELVIS OF Rhea (AFTER MIVART). il, ilium ; lp, pectineal process; at, antitrochanteric process; st, supratrochanteric process; ps, interobturator process ; i, ischium ; p, pubis. latter, instead of nearly halfway along them, as in other birds. The maxillo-palatines are hollow swollen plates, which unite with the vomer and premaxillaries, but come apart in the dried skull. The descending process of the lacrymal has a foramen, as in Rhea. It joins the thin lamina of the ectethmoid. The descending process of the 1 W. K. PARKER, On the Structure and Development of the Skull in the Ostrich Tribe,' Phil. Trans. 1868, p. 113. LL 514 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS nasal is only represented in the specimen before me by a minute pointed bit of bone attached above to a point cor- responding to that whence the "naso-maxillary' arises in Rhea. Dromaus has twenty cervical vertebre. The atlas is G .. . . w . RA wwww . WP w www. ww. w w . - Map NO E SK VO 7 w mm ERT . GS ST . 6 . Will . wauli 9 . . M . U2 DV TIZ ","AVA . / < 2 . . Fig. 244.—SKULL OF EMU (AFTER HUXLEY). Pmx, premaxilla ; Mxp, maxillo-palatine; Vo, vomer ; Pi, palatine ; Pl, pterygoid ; *, basipterygoid process. notched, very nearly perforated (fig. 66, p. 118). The procora- coid is not quite so well developed as in Rhea, but there are a pair of rudimentary clavicles. The sternum (fig. 74, p. 129) 'much resembles that of Rhea ;' it is not notched and is rather pointed at its extremity. Three or four ribs reach it. STRUTHIONES 515 The pelvis (fig. 245) has the pubes and ischia quite free posteriorly in the dry skeleton; but they are united by cartilage, as in the latter with the ilium. The interobturator process is present, and shuts off an anterior portion of the obturator foramen. The skull of Casuarius 1 is very like that of Dromcus. The number of cervical verterbre in Casuarius varies from eighteen to nineteen. In the atlas the indication of the m Ti AW 12 i SEO De AC E LIFE Pro M BES gungo TV ISSN . MWIS a . VI ! Milli MUNKKI .! 2012 . DIA X2 TATUTU . . ITIE . . . when www . .. . . V ** ... . 40liti, IDI closing of the notch for the odontoid process may be com- pleted, as is shown in the cut (fig. 68, p. 118). The shoulder girdle is very like that of the emu, possessing also rudimen- tary clavicles. The membrana coracoidea may, however, be ossified, and there are two foramina. One of these lies between the membrana coracoidea and the coracoid, and is therefore apparently the homologue of the foramen in W. H. Flower, “On the Skeleton of the Australian Cassowary,' P. Z. S. 1871, p. 32. L L 2 516 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Dromæus; the other is smaller and further back in the substance of the coracoid. The sternum (fig. 246) is an exaggeration of that of Dromæus, being longer and more pointed posteriorly. Four or five ribs articulate with it. The pelvis too, though very like that of the emu, is (fig. 247) an advance upon it in structure. There may be (C. DUNUDE VOIRIWA DINIMNY www lo mal for invidundrattuale niiUNIRII WWWYWWRONO3 WIDIH. umiinin ... ! VI ::. COM AN WWWWWWWWWWW BURUNDINUM . AWS Ayokohore Pentholimpiados . SUTARTY QUOMOWWIIHIIIIIIIIIIII WM litib. MWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW JWWWWWMMWM VA i . M VM VN N LOVINI WIIHOIU VUURIN W M .2 Fig. 246.-STERNUM OF CASSOWARY (AFTER MIVART). C, coracoid groove; mx, posterior end. Other letters as in fig. 242. galeatus) or may not be an osseous union between pubis and ischium and between ischium and ilium. The ostrich skull is rather unlike that of the other two. The vomer is very short and does extend back as far as the articulation of the palatines and pterygoids. The latter bones articulate not only with the basipterygoid processes but with the basisphenoid; they bear off the palatines, which T.W. GRUBER, ' Ueber das Thränenbein der straussartigen Vögel,' &c., Bull. Ac. Sci. St.-Pétersb. 1855, p. 161. It varies somewhat in length according to FÜRBRINGER, and was found in one case to be not unlike the vomer of an ægithognathous bird. STRUTHIONES 517 run forward in a straight course. The maxillo-palatines articulate with the vomer. The axial skeleton has been described in the greatest detail by MIVART.1 There are twenty cervical vertebre, and then five which have ribs articulating with the sternum. The atlas is more simply ring-like than in other birds; it has a very wide notch * s how at 11 It . MIS M Gm : : VI . / NIEZAK JITHMONTER VOLUME VIAWM . 20 . . . MA AYY NY . 2 Ukoliko NINE TO } BEBERANI . . . . r . . . Nist Sa- ZIO Fig. 247.-PELVIS OF CASSOWARY (AFTER MIVART). pl, pelvic rib. Other letters as in fig. 243. for the odontoid process of the axis. The catapophyses of the seventeenth cervical unite. The sternum has a raised and flattened tract posteriorly, which may be the equivalent of the keel ; it has two posterior lateral processes, which extend beyond the median portion of the bone. T'On the Axial Skeleton of the Ostrich,' Tr. Z. S. viii. p. 385. 518 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS The pelvis is remarkable for the symphysis of the pubes, which is shown in the accompanying figure (fig. 250). The ischia also unite each with its corresponding pubis. There is a well-developed pectineal process. GARROD 1 and F. DAR- WIN described a small ossification attached to the front Рах асу 1 . ( Alter SO . . - * :_B M JHWAY V - - - - AZ - . - 2 DOTARY 1 . PER . 42 Đ S H mm 1 . . Pali IS 5,12 - ! i . YARAN ww.re. V. -_- YO . w 1 * . WIDTH VIIIIII III11 re OKU . P . NA NX : . -7 . . . .hr UN . INI E . .. FIG. 248.-SKULL OF OSTRICH (AFTER HUXLEY). R, rostrum. Other letters as iu fig. 244. margin of the pubis which may conceivably be the homologue of the marsupial bone of the marsupialia. The skull of Apteryx has been described by OWEN ? as I'Notes on an Ostrich lately living in the Society's Gardens, P. 2. S. 1872, p. 356. 2 "On the Apteryx australis,' Trans. Z. S. ii. p. 57, and iii. p. 277. STRUTHIONES 519 regards its adult structure, and the development has been lately treated of by T. J. PARKER.) Apart from the very elongated anterior part of the skull mac ca . IN V ON VIIb WWW W brom om STA th un ley vi m usic loot Fig. 249.-STERNUM OF OSTRICH (AFTER MIVART). LETTERS AS IN FIG. 74. the characteristics are those of the struthious birds generally. The Y-shaped posterior end of the vomer bears off from ac II nili Wi OM WWWA P 12. AM NL ARA - NUNTA TAHUN " TI ii... W CASTEL KAK Rp - DIN. - UNMU WATERS R SOS SA Si! ROSET. .2 2 . 2. 1 *OR. 2 II. TULUNUL!! 18 IV. .. . ! PRI VVS2 . : .. . . YA 2 10 , IAVI AI11 . . UP CAT . . strani IN ws 27 ht . 2: 11111111 Bima 21/ WIDUUDIIDIINI 7UIIHII W IIIINNN FIG. 250.—PELVIS OF OSTRICH (AFTER MIVART). sy, symphysis pubis. Other letters as in fig. 243. articulation with the rostrum the palatines and pterygoids. The basipterygoid processes are large. As in all other l'Observations on the Anatomy and Development of Apteryx,' Phil. Tran clxxxii. (1891), p. 25. 520 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS struthious birds, with the exception of the adult cassowary and the Dinornithidæ, the ossified ethmoid appears on the dorsal surface of the skull between the nasals. In the adult the sutures disappear, and the bones are so firmly united that the quadrate and the columella are the only movable bones in the skull. The quadrate has a two-headed otic process, differing so far from other struthious birds and agreeing with the Carinata. PARKER's statements as to this matter are opposed to those of FÜRBRINGER in the table of differential characters which he gives in his great work. The vertebral column is described by the authors already quoted as well as by MIVART. There are sixteen cervical vertebra, and four ribs. articulate with the sternum. The atlas is either perforated or only notched by the odontoid process, and it is imperfectly joined above, not always, but in many cases, at the summit of the neural arch. The tenth and eleventh vertebræ have. sometimes a ventral hypapophysial canal, as in Herodiones. MIVART found this to be the case with A. Oweni. I found the catapophyses to approach each other very closely in that species and in A. australis, but not to fuse. The sternum is somewhat variable in form. Occasionally the posterior lateral processes exceed the middle process in length; sometimes they are less or subequal. As a rule the sternum appears to be broader than long, but this is not invariably the case. The varying proportions of the sternum and the lengths of its several processes seem to offer cha- racters diagnostic of the species. In two specimens of A. Bulleri PARKER found a 'low ridge nearly as well marked as the vestigial keel of String ops. The shoulder girdle, like the sternum, is subject to great individual variation. The relative lengths of the scapula and coracoid vary; the curve of the scapula varies, but it is in the coracoid that the most inte- resting variations occur. The coracoid notch, converted by a ligament into a foramen, but being in the embryo a distinct foramen in the cartilage, is sometimes absent, its place being 1. On the Axial Skeleton of the Struthionidæ,' Trans. Z. S. vol. x. p. 1. See also ALLIS, 'On the Skeleton of the Apteryx,' J. Linn. Soc. 1873, p. 523.. STRUTHIONES 521 indicated by a thinning of the bone. The rudiments of. tuberosities for the attachment of the missing furcula are often fairly evident. The coraco-scapular angle oscillated between 150 and 122. There is a supracoracoid foramen. In the pelvis there is no fusion between ilium, ischium, and pubis. The pectineal process is long and appears to be ossified equally by pubis and ilium. In the skeleton of the adult foot two of the tarsals are present as free bones not fused with either the tibia or the metatarsus; these are, according to T. J. PARKER, two centralia. The bones of the wing in the struthious birds are espe- cially reduced in the emu, cassowary, and Apteryx. The wing of the adult emu (Dromaus ater) has been figured and described by PARKER. There is no trace of a separate carpus either in young or adult. In a six-weeks-old chick the first metacarpal is half the length of the second, but in the adult it is reduced to a small prominence not a third of its length. There is no trace of a third metacarpal. The single finger (the index) has three phalanges and a long strong claw. The wings of an adult are about the size of those of a jay or a bower bird ; in the young chick, with legs the size of those of a turkey, the wings are no longer than a wren’s.' In Apteryx the wing is in some respects further reduced than that of the emu; in others less so. In the adult A. australis (T. J. PARKER) there are no distinct carpals, but a broad flattened carpo-metacarpus, with traces of being com- posed of three metacarpals. There are sometimes two and sometimes three phalanges—the last clawed--to the single finger (index); where one is atrophied it is the second. In A. Oweni there appears to be invariably a distinct radiale ; the third metacarpal is more distinct than in the last species, and in one case was entirely free. The clawed index has two or three phalanges. The single example of A. Haasti which PARKER examined had an ulnare as well as a radiale in the carpus, a fairly distinct metacarpale III., and three phalanges to the index. In A. Bulleri the manus shows much greater variations ; 522 IL STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS lu in one specimen a radiale is present in the carpus, in another a bone which appears to represent radiale and distal carpals; this specimen had a free third metacarpal. In two other instances there is a carpo-metacarpus, as in A. australis. There are two or three phalanges and, as always, a claw to the index. The development of the manus of Apteryx shows plainly what is also apparent from its adult structure, that it is in a condition of degeneration. Traces of three distal carpals, as well as of radiale and ulnare, are visible; all the metacarpals are distinct, the third being as long as the second and having a rudimentary phalanx. The Æpyornithidæ, containing the type genus Æpyornis and a recently established new genus, Mullerornis, was for some time only known by the subfossil egg and by the bones of the hind limb. More recently Messrs. MILNE- EDWARDS and GRANDIDIER, and more recently again Mr. C. W. ANDREWS, have described other parts of the skeleton, so that now, though there are still many lacunæ, we have a fair knowledge of several important parts of the skeleton. This family is limited to Madagascar, where its remains have been found chiefly in marshes. The skull is only incompletely known-the palate, for instance, so important in determining its affinities, is quite unknown-being only represented by what is little more than a calvaria, and by an imperfect mandible. The occipital condyle is pedunculate, as in the moas. The frontal region of the skull is covered by many pits, which are arranged in a fairly regular fashion ; it is suggested that these may be the marks of the inplantation of feathers, of which, therefore, the Æpyornis may have possessed a frontal crest—a feature which has also been observed in certain moas. There are also, as in the moas, a prominent basi-temporal platform, 1. Observations sur les Apyornis de Madagascar,' Comptes Rend. cxviii. 1894, p. 122 ; Sur les Ossements d'Oiseaux,' &c., Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1895, p. 9; “On the Skull, Sternum, and Shoulder Girdle of Æpyornis,' Ibis (7), ii. p. 376 ; 'On some Remains of Æpyornuis in the British Museum,' P. Z. S. 1894, p. 108. STRUTHIONES 523 an open Eustachian groove, and a similar structure of the articular facet for the quadrate. The sternum is singular by its extraordinary breadth and great shortness; the length in the middle line is only one-fifth of the greatest breadth. The hinder border is not notched, but forms a 'gently concave curve. The antero- lateral processes are stout. There is, of course, no keel. The coraco-scapula is typically ratite, the angle between . . . 22 4 . . * " 4 . : D . . M . .. . . . PUNT NRWSZNICATEN w AVA YA WEEAWAY OXOX.NA . . . **.: .. . . . . WC . .. 1 . mikor 2 SMAS ! . LISAN. 2. 11. ***MINIMALI 1, M 33 U E Onth .. WO- D SV YO . . . . .. . . . ". 17 VIVI . . . . ** " * * R 32 BV VY VA ** XC: * . BUS V R 1 . 2. .. 1. UPA CA . Xey no RO9 QUtu21 st FIG. 251.--SHOULDER GIRDLE OF Æpyornis (AFTER ANDREWS). sc, scapula; pc, procoracoid ; f.spc, foramen supracoracoideum ; gl. glenoid cavity. the two being very slight. As will be seen from the figure, it most resembles that of Casuarius. The bird had a rudimentary humerus. Dinornithidæ.—This family consists of a number of genera, all New Zealand in habitat; their remains are so abundant in various parts of the country that they must have existed in countless numbers. That there should have 10 524 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS been within so limited an area at least twenty-five distinct species is explained by Captain Hutton by the view that at one time the two islands of New Zealand were divided up into a greater number--an archipelago, in fact, the result of this being what we now see among the cassowaries, where each of the islands inhabited by them has its own peculiar species, isolation, indeed, permitting of the specialisation. All the moas, however, became extinct at a period not less than three or four hundred years ago. T. J. PARKER,' whose work on the cranial osteology of the group is the most recent, allows the genera Dinornis, Pachyornis, Mesopteryx, Anomalopteryx, Emeus, and probably Megalapteryx, dis- tributed among three subfamilies. The moas—a general term applied to all these genera—were birds of fair, often large, size. The smaller species ranged from 21 to 4 feet in height; the largest were at least thirteen feet high. The skull of the moas had a short and wide beak. The occipital condyle is remarkable on account of its more or less pedunculate character,' a circumstance which is of importance in considering the relationship to the moas of the Madagascar Æpyornis (see p. 522). The orbit is smaller than in other struthious birds. The nasals are peculiar in that they meet behind above the ethmoid, so that no part of the latter bone appears on the upper surface of the skull. It is only in the adult cassowary among recent struthious birds that the ethmoid is entirely hidden on a superficial view, a state of affairs which is brought about by the development of the crest, and does not exist in the young bird. The palate is like that of the emu and cassowary, but is most like that of Apteryx. The nasal bone is furnished with a slender maxillary process, or, as in emus, there is a corresponding bone separately ossified. The lacrymal is firmly ankylosed to frontal; its descending process joins ectethmoid. T. J. PARKER has figured and described a peculiar thin scroll-like bone which appears on a lateral view of the skull and pro- I'On the Cranial Osteology, Classification, and Phylogeny of the Dinorni- thidæ,' Ir. Z. S. xiii. p. 373. STRUTHIONES 525 jects beyond the anterior margin of the maxillo-nasal ; this he has termed the alinasal. The number of cervical vertebræ is large, at any rate in Anomalopteryx parva, the only species in which they are all without doubt preserved. There are in this bird twenty- one. The sternum is longish and rather narrow in Anomalo- pteryx casuarina ; it is short and broad in Dinornis maximus. In all it has a pair of lateral notches strongly marked; the lateral processes are strongly divergent. There is also a median posterior notch. The pectoral girdle is but little known, and appears sometimes to have been completely absent. In the pelvis the bones are separate and the pectineal process but little marked. That the feathers have large aftershafts, like the emu, &c., was first discovered by the late Mr. DALLAS.) Sir R. OWEN has figured the ossified rings of the trachea ; but they present no special features of interest. As to their relationships with other ratites, T.J. PARKER is of opinion that they form, together with the Apteryx and cassowaries, a definite branch of the struthious tree, as in the annexed diagram, which is from his paper. FÜRBRINGER comes to conclusions which are not greatly different. The relations of the Dinornithidæ to Struthio and Rhea are 'ganz entfernt,' to Dromaus and Casuarius "fern, but to Apteryx ' nahe.' There is no doubt that Struthio is removed far from the Dinornithidæ, as well as from other ratites, by the structure of its palate, which diverges much. But it not clear that Rhea is so remote; the existence of an apparent homologue of the maxillo-nasal bone, to which I have referred in the description of the skull of Rhea, is a point of somewhat striking likeness to Emeus, while the conformation of the skull generally in Rhea does not seem to divide it very deeply from Casuarius, &c. Though no doubt T.J. PARKER is right in directing attention to the special resemblances in the skulls of Apteryx and the Dinornithidæ, it must not be 1. On the Feathers of Dinornis robustus,' OWEN, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 265. 526 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS forgotten that Dinornis, like other ratites, except Apteryx, has a single head to the quadrate. In the characters of the pelvis Dinornis is near to Apteryx and the Casuariidæ and remote from Rhea (as well as from Struthio). The large aftershaft allies it to the Casuariidæ. NATHUSIUS has commented upon the practical identity in egg-shell structure which Rhea shows to Dinornis, a likeness which impressed him so greatly that he proposed to place them in the same genus. A considerable number of the special relations between Apteryx and the Dinornithidæ, upon which FüR- BRINGER writes, such as failing pneumaticity, absence of clavicle, mutual distance between coracoids, and even the form of the sternum, may largely depend upon the loss of flight, which is more complete in these birds than in the ostrich, for example. In no less than three footnotes FÜRBRINGER comments upon the supposed absence of uncinate processes to the ribs of the Dinornithidæ ; but this difference from other ratites does not exist, as T. J. PARKER has definitely asserted their presence. It is signi- ficant that in his tables of differential characters FÜRBRINGER refers little to those of the fore limb girdle (including sternum) as distinguishing Dinornithidæ from Rheu. A detailed account of the pros and cons will be found in the systematic part of FÜRBRINGER's work, and as regards the skull in PARKER'S paper already referred to. The Struthiones have been often held to be more primitive than any of the existing groups of birds. There are really, however, not a large series of characters in which they may be fairly said to be more primitive than some other groups, and most of these are shared by some others. The form of the palate and the single-headed quadrate appears to be a low character; but the former is shared with the tinamous, the latter with some other groups. The incompleteness of the fusion of the cranial bones may be looked at in the same way; but the penguin is on the same level as the Struthiones. The absence of any fusion distally between the bones of the pelvis in Apteryx and Dinornis is D. Apteryx My . . TV . .. Rhea . ICHO MUS Struthio NA Dromaeus 4. mer . This R ** r . YOA WAMVU ni . . WG2735 " Oy . . 2 Carinatae . A VIWANDA marTXEA INN * W 22 . S le . . NU ** * FIG. 252. * . rreth A G 77 .X . X Dinornis ht www 1113 LOGO 101 . * . ht IN HET LS Saudi Arabia . NR . Dikte ASS LAW Vio Kri A Pachyornis Mesopteryx Anomalo. V opteryx Emeus A 528 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS dinosaurian ; but the tinamous are like Apteryx in this. The complete procoracoid of Struthio seems to be an archaic character, as do the two free centralia in the foot of Apteryx. As to negative characters, the most important of those that. are possibly, but not certainly, to be regarded as primitive appears to be the usual absence of the oil gland. The long rectum of Struthio is probably an ancient character ; but whether the absence of a bird-like syrinx in all ratites except Rhea is a similar feature seems to be doubtful. The large size of the blood corpuscles in the ratites is noteworthy in this connection. The following table gives the principal characters of the existing genera. From it may be inferred the somewhat less modified condition of Apteryx and the very isolated position of Struthio among the members of the group :- Struthio Rhea Dromæus Casuarius Apteryx Aftershaft . : : Rhomboideus profundus Lat. dorsi anterior Lat. dorsi metapal. Serratus metupat. Pectoralis abdomi . Muscle formula of leg 0Otto oootto oottt 0Oto+ ooottt . ABXY+ BXY+ 2 2 Buvo . Carolids. Syrinx . Large intestine Cueca . Manus. Cervical vertebrce Atlas . . . R. Very long Long 3 digits Not long Long 3 digits BXY ABXY+ ABXY+ or L R. R. Not long Not long Short Short Short Moderate 1 digit I digit 1 digit 20 18, 19 16 Notched Notched or Notched perforated Bones free / Bones free / Bones free 20 17 Pelvis . . . . . Notched by Notched | odontoid . A symphysis Ischia and pubis; ischia ilia join join pubes Clavicles R. 0 SAURORNITHES 22 GROUP SAURURE LU SAURORNITHES As there is but a single genus, and in all probability but a single species,' in this group, it is useless to attempt any formal definitions of family or other characters. I shall merely give the more important facts in its structure, as I. have with the foregoing groups. As to external characters, the Archæopteryc has an anisodactyle foot, like that of the Passeres. The feet and the digits of the manus have been stated to have been covered with scales. That scales may have been present, at least on the foot, is very probable, but there is not the faintest evidence of their having been there. Of feathers the remiges and rectrices are plain, while of the general body feathering there is not so much evidence. With the exception of a circle of feathers upon the neck. suggestive of those of the condor, and similar rings of feathers upon the ankle, it is thought by some that the Archæopteryx was naked. Most of the restorations, how- ever, admit a general feathering. The chief criticism to be offered is the extreme perfection of the remains of such feathers as are visible in the slab of stone in which the dead bird was originally imbedded. This being the case, the apparent absence of feathers over the general body surface gains more weight. That they may have been present and of the nature of down feathers is believed by reason of certain faint indications of something to round the contours of the body; the group of contour feathers upon the leg are plainly visible even in photographs of the Berlin example. This example is much better than the specimen in London, which is the only other skeleton in existence. The rectrices are quite obvious, a pair to each of the separate vertebræ of the tail. There appear to have been not fewer than thirty i It has been argued that specific and cren generic differences exist between the London and Berlin cxamples, M M 530 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 1 UUVCU of these ; FÜRBRINGER places the number between that figure and forty. Most of the restorations allow thirty- two or thirty-four. This number is important; it is in excess of that generally found in living birds, although the tail itself is not composed of actually more vertebræ. Among recent birds it is perhaps a significant fact that the penguins alone have this number. Of remiges seven- teen appears to have been the number, six or seven primaries and ten secondaries. No existing bird has so few primaries, the nearest approach being nearly all the Anomalogonatæ (and some other birds too), which have ten. There is some difference of opinion as to how these remiges were attached to the arm and hand. DAMES, in his elaborate monograph upon Archceopteryx, puts forward the view that they were attached to the metacarpal and down to the claw of digit II. MENZBIER limits the attachment of the primaries to the basal phalanx of the third, not second digit. FÜRBRINGER thinks that the greater number of the primaries were attached to metacarpal III. and the third finger, only a few being inserted upon the phalanges of digit II., where the latter is overlapped by the last-mentioned digit. HURST has adopted the revolutionary view that there are missing, and probably cartilaginous, digits IV. and V., to which the primaries were attached. As to the presumed additional fingers, if they were really present, where did they articulate ? The entire available space appears to be taken up with the digits which are already known. In its primaries Archæopteryx is the very reverse of the penguin, which it appears to resemble in its rectrices. The excep- tional number to be found in that bird is not in the least explained by the conditions observable in Arch@opteryx. A beak seems to have been absent in Archæopteryx, owing to the fact that the teeth extend to the end of the jaws. The vertebral column of this bird has some fifty vertebræ, of which ten or eleven are reckoned cervical ; the smallness of the number, which probably belongs to this category, is only approached among the parrots and the Pico-Passeres and some of their nearest allies, where, however, thirteen is the · SAURORNITHES 531 LCU lowest number, fourteen being more general. This fact may, however, have some significance, especially when it is remembered that fourteen is also found in the penguins, and when the remarks on p. 164 are taken into consideration as to the possible low position among birds of the Pico-Passeres. The vertebræ were apparently amphicalous. There are only two sacral vertebræ, and, as already stated, the tail is long and composed of a long series of elongated vertebræ, to each of which a pair of rectrices are attached. The ribs seem to have had no uncinate processes, but these may have been present and cartilaginous; another remark- able feature about them is the fact that they had, as in many reptiles, but one articulation. There are also a number of abdominal ribs which might be supposed to be merely the sternal parts of the vertebral ribs, were it not for the close approximation of the V-shaped pairs. The skull is toothed to the very end of the jaws, thus rendering improbable the presence of a beak. The nostrils are definitely holorhinal, and are divided into two holes by an alinasal growth, as in some living birds. Or else the sup- posed posterior part of the nasals is really the antorbital space present in so many birds. It does not seem certain whether in the latter event the nostrils are bounded behind by the posterior division of the nasal bone or whether, as in pterodactyles, a process of the maxilla rises up to join the nasal. The space for the eye, which has a ring of bones in the sclerotic, is completed below, as in certain parrots, by a bony arch. Concerning the sternum we must, I suppose, agree with HURST, who has observed that nothing is known, though much has been written.' The scapula is eminently bird-like, as is the furcula, with its U-shaped meeting of the two ankylosed bones. The coracoid is imperfectly known. The large size of the deltoid crest of the humerus and the apparent absence of the crest for the insertion of the pectoralis are the two most salient facts in its structure: the latter fact supports those who hold that the sternum, if present, must have been small or 120 ULUI M M2 032 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS cartilaginous. It is usual to consider that the carpus of Archæopteryx contained but one carpal ; HURST, however, asserts that there are two, a radiale and an ulnare. As in · modern birds, Archæopteryx is generally held to have pos- sessed three fingers, and, again as in modern birds, the second is the longest. Hurst holds that the bird had five, and bases his view upon both fact and theory. As to the former he sees differences in the supposed second and third meta- carpals in the Berlin and London specimens ; it is possible, therefore, that the bones are not the same in the two cases; hence those of the one may be metacarpals four and five. In the second place he considers that (for reasons which will be referred to more fully immediately) the bird used its fingers for grasping purposes, and that those fingers which were thus used could not have been hampered with feathers of the stiff kind shown in the fossils as apparently attached to them; hence there were missing digits to which these feathers were attached. In support of this he recalls the young Opisthocomus, which uses the fore limb as a grasping organ before the remiges are developed, and is unable to do so afterwards. In any case the metacarpals of the three digits are mov- able, and the number of phalanges progressively increases from two to four. The pelvis is ornithic and has a perforated acetabulum ; but the bones, as in no other bird, are not fused but separated by sutures. It has been held that the supposed furcula is composed of two ventrally united prepubes, as in dinosaurs (and ptero- dactyles ?) The hind limb is avian, with nothing remarkable about it. The Archæopteryx differs from all birds in the following characters :- (1) The tail is as long as the body, with a pair of rectrices fastened to each vertebra. (2) The cervical vertebræ (nine) arc fewer than in any other birch, SAURORSITIES 533 . S C. (3) There are apparently free cervical ribs, and the thoracic ribs have but one head. (4) The sternum is absent or weak (?). (5) There are abdominal ribs. (6) The number of phalanges to the fingers of the hand is as in reptiles. (7) The constituent bones of the pelvis are separate. (8) There was no beak. The Archæopteryx also differs from all birds excepting those specially mentioned in the following characters : - (1) The jaws are toothed (also Hesperornis, Ichthyornis, Laopteryx ?). (2) The ribs have no uncinate processes (so in Chauna, Palamedea). (3) The metacarpals are free (also Gastornis). It is, furthermore, supposed that the bones were not aërated, no pneumatic foramina having been discovered. This would militate against flight, and there are other facts of structure that indicate at most a feeble power of flight. It must, however, be observed that the series of rectrices was apparently continued along the sides of the body, and that the tibiæ seem to have borne strong quill feathers. From this HURST infers that the Archceopteryx was ‘fitted for flight, if not for prolonged flight.' But though it has an 'insessorial' foot it seems doubtful whether the attitude when at rest was not quadrupedal. The heavy head and neck and the slenderness of the hind limbs would tend to throw the centre of gravity further forwards than in recent birds, HURST thinks.? As an appendix to the present group may be mentioned the very imperfectly known Laopteryx——not on account of any definitely ascertained resemblances, but merely by reason DAMES, * Über drchæopteryx,' Paliont. Abhandl. ii. 1884, is the principal memoir upon the bird. BAUR, in Zool. Anz. ix. p. 106, has summed up the literature down to 1886. Since then Hurst and PYECRAFT have written upon Archcopteryx in Natural Science, vols. y. vi. 534 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS YA of the fact that it existed at about the same period. Lao- pteryx priscus is known from a skull fragment from the upper Jurassic of Wyoming at about the same horizon as the · Atlantosaurus beds. It was about the size of the heron (Ardea herodias). The back part alone of the skull has been found, and the remains show that the head of the quadrate was undivided, as in ratites (except Apteryx). Close by was found a single tooth which may or may not have belonged to it. MARSHconsiders the bird to have been ratite in its characters. I'Discovery of a Fossil Bird in the Jurassic of Wyoming,' Annc. Journ. Sci. xxi. (1881), p. 341. INDEX (Extinct genera and species are printed in italics) ABDIMIA, 78, 95, 419, 425, 427, 429 sphenorhyncha, 65, 423, 424, 425, 428 Aburria, 299 . carunculata, 294, 297, 299, 300 Acanthisitta, 181 Accipiter, 478, 484 nisus, 478 Aceros, 54, 102, 216, 217, 218, 219, Anastomus, 5 coromandelicus, 427 lamelligerus, 420 Anomalopteryx, 149, 524 221 nipalensis, 57, 103, 217, 218, 219, 220 actiornis, 419 Æchmophorus, 119, 326, 386, 387, 388, 389, 417, 461 major, 361, 386 Ægialitis, 343 biaticula, 345 Ægialornis, 350 Ægotheles, 231, 234, 236, 237, 241, 242, 243 Aeipetes, 450 Æpyoris, 494, 522, 523, 524 Æx sponsa, 418, 459, 461 Agapornis, 255, 268, 269 Agnopterus, 444 Alca, 141, 360 impennis, 359, 360 torda, 360, 362, 363, 364, 365 Alcedo, 16, 80, 197, 198 bengalensis, SO ispida, 200 Alctoriris, 379 Ampelis garrulus, 177 cedrorum, 173 Anarhynchus, 5 Anas, 75, 460 boschas, 458 specularis, 458, 459 casuarina, 525 parva, 525 Anous, 147, 350, 351, 353, 354, 356 . stolidus, 378 Anser albifrons, 459 cinereus, 460 indicus, 459, 465 Anseranas, 456 melanoleucus, 60, 463 Anthornis melanura, 177 Anthraceros malayanus, 222 | Anthropoides, 368 stanleyanus, 369 Antrostomus, 234, 242 vociferus, 231 Apatornis, 469, 470, 471 celer, 469 Aphanapteryx, 330 Broecki, 330 Aphriza virgata, 338 Aprosmictus, 260, 268, 269 erythropterus, 262 Aptenodytes, 30, 156, 396, 398, 399,400 longirostris, 398. Apteryx, 12, 39, 40, 45, 47, 49, 60, 72, 73, 75, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 101, 112, 113, 116, 121, 122, 123, 127, 132, 135, 136, 137. 148, 151, 152, 153, 155, 161, 337, 384, 471, 492, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 504, 507, 508, 510, 518,519,521, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 534 australis, 49, 496, 505, 506, 520, 521, 522 Bulleri, 496, 504, 505, 520 536 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Apteryx Haasti, 496, 521 . ' BALENICEPS, 62, 63, 419, 420, 432, Mantelli, 100, 496 433, 434 Oweni, 496, 506, 520, 521 rex, 433 Aptornis, 288, 378, 379, 380, 382 | Balearica, 95, 366, 368, 369, 377 defossor, 378 chrysopelargus, 96 otidiforinis, 378 pavonina, 366, 367, 368, 369 Aquila, 476 regulorum, 367, 368 ( = B. imperialis, 474 chrysopelargus) nævioides, 477 Baptornis, 471 Ara ambigua, 262, 264 Barita destructor, 177 ararauna, 29, 262 Baryphthengus, 210 chloroptera, 261 Batrachostomus, 231, 232, 235, 236, Leari, 257 242 militaris, 257, 264 Baza, 475 Aramides, 322, 323, 324, 327, 331, 369! Bernicla brenta, 57, 468 cayennensis, 321, 322 canadensis, 458, 459, 461, 465 Aramus, 366, 367, 368 jubata, 459 scolopaceus, 367 leucopsis, 466 Arboricola, 137, 375 rubidiceps, 55 torqueola, 293 Biziura, 464, 466, 467 Archæopteryx, 7, 17, 21, 111, 112, 113, lobata, 116, 134, 406, 458, 114, 115, 119, 120, 123, 125, 133, 459, 461, 462, 463, 404, 151, 154, 155, 157, 159, 160, 161, .: 466, 468 164, 165, 469, 529, 530, 531, 532 Bolborhynchus, 259, 260, 268, 270 Archibuteo, 476 Botaurus, 430, 431 Ardea, 422, 432 stellaris, 57, 430, 431 bubulcus, 432 Brachypteracias, 205 cinerea, 103, 431, 432, 412 Brachyrhamphus, 359, 363 cocoi, 429, 430 • marmoratus, 359, comata, 432 361, 362, 365 egretta, 430 Brontornis, 384 garzetta, 430 Brotogerys, 269, 270 goliath, 430, 431 tirica, 254, 262 herodias, 534 tovi, 262 ludoviciana, 431 Bubo, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252 minuta, 432 ascalaphus, 245 purpurea, 430, 4:31 hengalensis, 249, 250 sumatrana, 430, 431 capensis, 240 Ardetta, 430 ignavus, 246 exilis, 430, 431 inaculosus, 245 involucris, 4.30, 4:31 maximus, 97 Argillornis, 419 virginianus, 246 Argus, 290 Bucco maculatus, 188, 189 giganteus, 27, 292, 293 Bi.ceros, 17, 55, 101, 215, 216, 218 Asio, 252 atratus, 216, 217. See also otus, 99, 244, 245, 246, 289. Sphagolobus atratus See also Otus vulgaris bicornis, 216, 219, 221. See Astur, 75 also Dichoceros bicornis approximans, 474 conrexus, 215 Novæ Hollandiæ, 478 coronatus, 216, 219 tibialis, 475 elatus, 216, 217. See also Asturina, 476 Ceratogymna elata Natteri, 478 Tunatus, 221 Atelornis, 205, 208 malabaricus, 216 Athene noctua, 245, 246 plicatus, 219. See also Rihy- passerina, 24.6 tidiceros plicatus Atrichia, 172, 177, 182, 183 rhinocercs, 101, 219, 221 Attagis, 21, 338, 340, 343, 319 subcylindricus, 216. See Gavi, 349 also Bycanistes subcylin- Aulacorhamphus, 190 dricus INDES 5:37 Bucorvus, 44, 53, 57, 85, 90, 103, 152, · Carpophaga, 25, 306, 308, 311, 312, 207, 215, 216, 218 313 abyssinicus, 215, 216, 217, latrans, 306, 307, 310 219, 220, 221 wenea, 308 Bulweria, 445, 448 paulina, 307, 309 Burrhinus, 343, 345. Sec also Edi- Casuarius, 12, 28, 81, 82, 85, 123, cnemus 127, 448, 461, 495, 497, Buteo, 474, 476 505, 506, 507, 510, 511, vulgaris, 152, 473 515, 523, 525, 526, 527, Butorides, 422 528 atricapillus, 429, 430 australis, 497 cyanurus, 430, 431 Beccarii, 506 Bycanistes subcylindricus, 219, 221. Bennetti, 499, 506 See also Buceros subcylindricus bicarunculatus, 506 galeatus, 125, 509, 516 picticollis, 500 CACATUA, 52, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, uniappendiculatus, 506 260, 262, 268, 269 Cathartes, 79, 145, 382, 383, 479, 481, cristata, 255, 256, 262 482, 483, 484 Philippinarum, 255 atratus, 74, 481, 484 sulphurea, 53, 254, 262 aura, 474, 483 triton, 255, 262 Centropelma, 386 Caccabis chukar, 293 Centropus, 3, 55, 235, 274, 275, 276, Cacomantis, 274, 280 279, 281 Caica, 259, 260, 261, 263, 268, 270 ateralbus, 277, 278, 279 melanocephala, 204 phasianus, 279 Calidris, 343 i Centurus striatus, 184, 185 Callalcyon rufa, 198, 199 Ceratogymna elata, 103, 218, 221. Sre (allipepla, 291, 298 also Buceros elatus californica, 290, 295, 298, Ceratorhina, 363 300 · monocerata, 361, 302, squamata, 290 363, 364, 365 Callocephalon, 263, 268 Cereopsis, 466, 468 galeatum, 264 Novä Hollandiæ, 458, 159, Calodromas, 31, 486, 487, 489, 507 465 elegans, 485, 487, 488, 491 Ceriornis, 291 Calænas, 312, 313 satyra, 293 nicobarica, 306, 310 Temmincki, 293 Calopsitta, 202, 268, 269 . Certhia, 16, 174 Nova Hollandiæ, 254, 264 Ceryle, 198 Calyptomena, 178 alcyon, 199. 200 viridis, 178 amazona, 200 Calyptorhynchus, 259, 260, 268, 269 stellata, 200 Banksii, 255, 256, Chætura, 226 caudacuta, 226, 227, 228 stellatus, 254 rutila, 227 Cancroma, 18, 419, 422, 428, 429, 431, spinicauda, 226 432 Vauxi, 226, 228 cochlearia, 430, 431, 434 zonaris, 226, 227 Capito, 194 Chalcopelia, 312, 313 Caprimulgus, 3, 234, 235, 236, 237, Chalcophaps, 312 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, chrysochlora, 308 351 Chalcopsitta, 257, 268 europæus, 235 scintillata, 262 Cariama, 38, 40, 54, 137, 144, 148, Chamæa, 174 149, 161, 165, 241, 249, Chamæpelia, 312, 313 336, 366, 367, 373, 374, · Charadrius, 17, 337, 343, 366 375, 377, 379, 382, 3385, pluvialis, 338, 341, 344 450, 455 Chauna, 14, 28, 31, 338, 73, 74, 79, 8:5, cristata, 323, 374 145, 288, 292, 101,-1:52, 154, 155, 533 262 538 · STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS 6 Qon VILE Chauna chavaria, 27, 57, 451, 452, 453, ! Colius, 117, 147, 202 454, 455 castanonotus, 203 derbiana, 35, 85, 92, 451, 452, Columba, 17, 89,133, 152, 311, 312, 313 454, 455 livia, 306, 307 Chen, 467 maculosa, 308 cærulescens, 466, 467 Columbula, 305, 312 Chenalopex jubatus, 459, 465 Colymboides, 390 Chenornis, 419 anglicus, 390 Chionis, 112, 338, 339, 340, 342, 346, minutus, 390 347, 348, 349, 357, 360, 445, i Colymbus, 86, 92, 134, 386, 390, 391, 468 404, 406, 460 alba, 339, 342, 343, 349 arcticus, 387 minor, 348, 349 glacialis, 386, 387, 388 Chiromachæris180 septentrionalis, 387, 388 Chloephaga magellanica, 146, 459 Conopophaga, 68, 282 Chloronerpes yucatensis, 185, 186 Conurus, 255, 257, 258, 259, 263, 268, Cholornis, 172 vi 270 Chordeiles, 234, 236, 239, 241, 242 aureus, 257 texensis, 235 cruentatus, 257, 264 virginianus, 239 Petzi, 262 Chrysococcyx, 274, 279, 280 Coxacias, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, Chrysæna, 312 209 viridis, 307, 308 garrulus, 17, 205, 206, 237 Chrysotis, 98, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, / Coracina cephaloptera, 174 260, 261, 262, 269, 270 Coracopsis, 254, 259, 269, 270 Bodin, 257 Barkleyi, 262 collaris, 262 nigra, 351 erythrura, 257 obscura, 351 festiva, 262 Corcorax, 176 Guildingi, 43, 259, 261 Coriphilus, 268 leucocephala, 257, 259 Corvultur albicollis, 176 Levaillanti, 257 Coryus, 137, 141, 174 versicolor, 257 corax, 76 viridigenalis, 257 capellanus, 87 Chunga, 85, 117, 144, 373, 374, 375, cornix, 175 377, 385, 416, 442 corone, 177 Burmeisteri, 51, 93, 114, 374 frugilegus, 175 Ciconia, 17, 65, 98, 99, 103, 419, 422, Corydon, 178 423 Corythaix, 30, 93, 282, 233, 284, 285, 416 boyciana, 428 albocristata, 282, 283, 28ð maguari, 428 Buffoni, 283 nigra, 99, 425, 427, 428, 435, chlorochlamys, 283 437 erythrolophus, 283 Circaetus, 476 porphyriolopha, 282 Circus, 473, 476, 484 persa, 283, 285 eruginosus, 477 Cosmetornis, 242 Gouldi, 473, 477, 478 Coturnix, 287, 291, 298 hudsonianus, 477 communis, 293 maurus, 473, 475 Nova Zelandiæ, 304 Cissopis leveriana, 177 Coua, 275, 278, 281 Cittura, 199, 200 Cracticus cassicus, 175, 177 cyanotis, 198 Crax, 291, 292, 299 Clangula, 463 Alberti, 293 Cnemiornis, 128, 457, 466, 468, 469 Daubentoni, 291, 292, 293 calcitrans, 456, 457 globicera, 57, 293, 299, 300, 301 Coccystes, 274, 280 globulosa, 293 Coccyzus, 274, 276, 278, 280 Sclateri, 291, 293, 299 americanus, 279 Crex, 323, 324, 327 Colaptes mexicanoides, 185 pratensis, 82, 322, 323 INDEX 539 Crossoptilon, 298 Didunculus strigirostris, 308 mantchuricum, 291, 293, ; Didus, 121, 311, 314 300 Dinoriris, 7, 119, 132, 135, 378, 384, Crotophaga, 69, 235, 236, 272, 275, 498, 524, 526, 527 276, 277, 278, 279, 281 maximus, 525 sulcirostris, 279 robustus, 525 Cryptornis, 222 torosus, 149 Crypturus, 79, 489, 491, 492 Diomedea, 416, 417, 445, 450 obsoletus, 487 anglica, 451 sallæi, 487 exulans, 447, 450 tataupa, 486, 487, 489, 490, melanophrys, 450 491 Diphyllodes, 174 Cuculus, 17, 235, 274, 277, 278, 279, Diplopterus, 274, 277, 278, 280 280, 281, nævius, 279 canorus, 273, 276, 279 Dissura, 95, 429 Cursorius, 311, 342, 350 episcopus, 423, 424, 425, 428 Cyanocorax cyanopogon, 177 Dromæus, 120, 123, 134, 490, 491, 495, Cyanorhamphus, 255, 260, 269, 270 497, 498, 503, 507, 511, Cyclopsittacus, 267 514, 515, 516, 525, 527, Cygnus, 462, 466 528 americanus, 464 ater, 521 atratus, 459, 464, 465 Nova Hollandiæ, 506 Bewickii, 460, 464, 465 Dromas, 350 buccinator, 459, 464 465, Dryocopus martius, 185, 186 coscoroba, 464, 465 Dryornis, 384 ferus, 459, 464, 465 Dryotriorchis, 475, 478 immutabilis, 464 spectabilis, 474,475, 478 musicus, 458 nigricollis, 458, 459, 464, 465 olor, 459, 464, 465 ECLECTUS, 260, 262, 268, 269 Cymbirhynchus, 62, 178, 179 polychloros, 118, 262, 264 . Cymochorea, 446 Ectopistes, 312, 313 Cypseloides fumigatus, 226, 227 Edolius, 173 Cypselus, 17, 75, 80, 86, 98, 226 Elanus, 473, 477 alpinus, 226, 228 Elorius, 356 apus, 228 Elorris, 444 melba, 23, 229 Emeus, 524, 525 crcissus, 149 Enaliorris, 471 DACELO, 140, 197, 198, 199 Entomyza cyanotis, 177 cervina, 200 Eos, 256, 257, 259, 266, 268, 269 . Gaudichaudi, 197 cardinalis, 260 gigantea, 197, 198, 199, 200 indicus, 262 Dafila acuta, 458, 459 reticulata, 262 Daption capensis, 446 Eremophila, 174 Dasornis londinensis, 498 Erismatura, 464 Dasyptilus Pecqueti, 262 rubida, 458 Dendrochelidon, 226 Erythrænas, 309, 310, 312, 314 Dendrocygna, 465, 468 Erythropus vespertinus, 476 arcuata, 465 Eudocimus albus, 439 autumnalis, 459, 465,467 ruber, 435, 439 Deroptyus, 260, 261, 263, 268 Eudromias, 340, 348 accipitrinus, 258, 262 Eudynamis, 272, 275, 277, 278, 279, Diaphorapteryč, 330 280 Hawkinsi, 330 orientalis, 273 Dicherocos bicornis, 219. See also Eudyptes, 30, 41, 42, 74, 396, 397, 400 Buceros bicornis chrysocome, 397, 398, 399. Dicrurus, 182 chrysolophus, 398 Didunculus, 263, 305, 308, 309, 311, Eudyptula minor, 21 312, 313, 314 Eumomota, 210 .--.-.-- - - - - 5510 OF BIRDS T STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION -- - - 383 Euplocamus, 291 ! Fulica leucoptera, 324 albocristatus, 293 Newtoni, 330 Andersoni, 293 prisca, 330 cristatus, 293 Fuligula, 463 erythrophthalmus, 293 ferina, 459 nobilis, 293 rufina, 458, 459, 463 nycthemerus, 293 Fulmarus glacialis, 446 Swinhoii, 293 Furnarius, 143, 182 Vieilloti, 290, 293 Euphema, 268, 269 GALBULA, 213, 214 pulchella, 262 rufoviridis, 213, 214 splendida, 262 Gallinago, 341, 343 Eupodotis, 53, 332, 334 gallinula, 343 arabs, 332 Gallinula chloropus, 322 australis, 332, 333, 334, 335' Gallus, 17, 290, 291, 300 Denhami, 331, 332, 333, bankiva, 100, 291, 293, 299, 300 334, 335 domesticus, 292 kori, 332, 333 Sonnerati, 29: Eupsychortyx, 291 Gambetta, 343 Eurylium us, 115, 174, 178 flavipes, 341, 343 Eurynorhynchus, 5, 337 Garrodia, 448, 449 Pygmæa, 5, 343 Garrulax albugularis, 177 Eurypyga, 147, 366, 377, 378, 380, 381, : Gastornis, 125, 468, 469, 533 Gecinus viridis, 185, 186, 187. See helias, 377 also Picus viridis Eurystomus, 205, 206, 207, 208 vittatus, 185 orientalis, 205 (Genyornis, 498 Excalfactoria chinensis, 291 Newtoni, 498 Geocichla citrina, 177 Geococcyx, 133, 134, 155, 161, 276, FALCO, 75, 474, 475 277, 279, 281, 285, 395 æsalon, 473, 575 affinis, 279 biarmicus, 475, 477 Geopelia, 312, 314 brachypterus, 473 cuneata, 308 candicans, 475 humeralis, 308 Feldeggi, 475 Geophaps scripta, 309 lanarius, 475 Geopsittacus, 268, 269 peregrinus, 473, 475 occidentalis, 262 sacer, 475 Geotrygon, 312, 313 subbuteo, 473 violacea, 311 Francolinus, 291, 304 Geranoaetus, 474, 476 afer, 293 melanoleucus, 474 Clappertoni, 291 Geranopsis, 379 i gularis, 293 Geronticus melanopis, 435 Fratercula, 360, 383 Glareola, 144, 341, 342, 350, 351, 380, arctica, 41, 359, 362, 364, 383 365, 373 pratincola, 343 corniculata, 364 Goura, 14, 305, 311, 312, 314, 317 Fregata, 85, 93, 134, 150, 151, 161, coronata, 308, 309 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 409,- Victoriæ, 308, 311 410, 411, 412, 413, 415, 416, 'Gracula intermedia, 172 417, 418, 450 javanensis, 175, 177 aquila, 402, 403, 407 Graculavus, 419 minor, 351 Grus, 75, 99, 366, 367, 369, 374, 33755, Fregetta, 417, 448 377, 378, 379, 442 Firegilupus, 174 americana, 367, 368 Fulica, 17, 88, 322, 323, 329, 330 antiqua, 367, 368 ardesiaca, 322, 324 australasiana, 367, 368 atra, 321, 322, 331 canadensis, 367, 368 cristata, 331 carunculata, 366, 367, 368, 369 - - - - . . . - -.-- .. . -. - . - - -- INDEX 541 Grus cinerea, 368 Heteralocha, 5 leucogeranos, 366, 367, 368 Heterocnemis, 182 monachus, 57 Heteropelma, 180 virgo, 98, 366, 367 Hieracidea, 457 Guira, 272, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281 berigora, 475 piririgua, 279 Himantopus, 339, 341, 342 Gygis, 350, 351, 354, 356 andinus, 337 Gymnobucco, 196 brasiliensis, 343, 344 calvus, 195 nigricollis, 342, 344 Gymnoglaux pudipes, 246 | Hirundo, 174 Gymnorhina, 175, 176, 188 Houbara, 331, 332, 333 leuconota, 177 Macqueeni, 332, 334, 335 Gypaetus, 473, 474, 476 undulata, 332, 334 barbatus, 473, 474 Hybris, 245. See also Strix Gypagus, 383, 481. See also : Hydrophasianus, 347 Gyparchus chirurgus, 343 papa, 477, 481, 482, 484 Hydrornis ratator, 451 Gyparchus, 481, 482 Hylactes megapodius, 68 Gypogeranus, 13, 442. See also Ser- Hylomanes, 210, 211, 212 pentarius gularis, 211 Gypohierax, 474 Hymenolæmus, 467, 468 Gyps, 476 Hypotenidia celebensis, 330 fulvus, 473 Hypoxanthus Rivolii, 185, 186 Gypsornis, 381 Hypselornis sivalensis, 498 - - --- - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - HADROSTOMUS aglaiæ, 180 IANTHNAS, 312, 313 Hematopus, 150, 339, 340, 343 leucolæma, 308 ostralegus, 339, 343, 344 Ibidipodia, 444 Halcyon, 198, 200 Ibis, 423, 435 Lessoni, 199 ethiopica, 435, 439 smyrnensis, 198 . strictipennis, 435 vagans, 200 Ichthyornis, 21, 111, 112, 148, 160, Halcyornis, 356 392, 469, 470, 471, 533 Halia, 174 agilis, 469 Haliaetus, 30, 55, 145, 398, 476 anceps, 469, 470 albicilla, 29, 30, 474, 477,478 dispar, 469, 470 vocifer, 477 tener, 469 Harpagornis, 484 validus, 469 Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, 474 victor, 469, 470 Heliodilus, 244, 351 Indicator, 61, 192, 196, 197, 229 Heliornis, 93, 325, 326, 327, 329, 397. ! major, 196 See also Podoa Irrisor, 222" surinamensis, 325. See also ! Ithaginis Geoffroyi, 293 Podoa surinamensis lielotarsus, 476 ecaudatus, 473 JACAMEROPS, 213, 214 Hemipodius, 319 Jynx, 185, 186, 188 tachydromus, 320 torquilla, 185 varius, 321 Herpetotheres, 478 cachinnans, 476, 478 KETUPA, 249, 250 Hesperornis, 21, 121, 123, 134, 147, 149, ceylonensis, 246 151, 160, 161, 385, 390, jayanensis, 245, 246, 249 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 406, 462, 469, 470, 471, 533 LAGOPUS, 304 crassipes, 392 Lanius, 174 gracilis, 392 | Laoptery?, 21, 154, 159, 523 Vegális, 392 priscus, 534 . - . - 542 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS Larus, 112, 143, 350, 351, 354, 355, 446 | Macrodipteryx, 242 , argentatus, 352, 353, 354, 355, | Macropteryx, 226 360 mystacea, 226 fuscus, 353, 355 Macropygia, 311, 312, 313 glaucus, 353, 354, 355 leptogrammica, 308 Jamesoni, 354 Majaqueus, 445 marinus, 30, 352, 353, 354 Malacoptila fusca, 189 ridibundus, 353, 354 Manucodia, 59, 175 Lathamus, 253, 255, 259, 260, 267, atra, 177 269, 270 Megacephalon, 291, 298, 299 discolor, 137, 262 maleo, 294, 296, 297, Leptoptila, 312, 313 300 Leptoptilus, 93, 422, 425, 428, 429 | Megalæma, 101, 102, 141, 187, 191, argala, 419, 425, 427, 428 192, 193, 195 crumeniferus, 425, 428 asiatica, 192, 193, 195, 196, Leptosomus, 54, 205, 206, 207, 208 197 discolor, 206 Franklini, 192, 195 Lestris, 339, 350, 351, 353, 354, 357. Hodgsoni, 192 See also Stercorarius javensis, 192 antarcticus, 351, 352, 354, 355 virens, 192, 195, 196 crepidatus, 351, 354 Megalapterya', 524 pomatorhinus, 354 Megapodius, 291 Leuconerpes candidus, 185, 186, 187 Meiglyptes, 82, 194 Leucopternis, 476 Melanerpes erythrocephalon, 185 Leucosarcia, 312, 313 formicivorus, 185 picata, 311 Melanitta fusca, 463, 464 Licmetis, 263, 268, 269 Meleagris, 290, 291, 292, 298, 304 Limosa, 339, 340, 341, 343, 348 gallo-pavo, 290 ægocephala, 345 ocellata, 293 rufa, 343, 345 Melierax, 476, 478 Lipaugus cineraceus, 180 monogrammicus, 474, 478 Lithornis, 419 polyzonus, 474 vulturinus, 484 Melopsittacus, 12, 260, 268, 269 Lobiphasianus Bulweri, 293 Menura, 137, 146, 161, 172, 177, 182, Lobivanellus, 337, 342 183, 298, 375 atronuchalis, 342 superba, 67, 173 Lomvia troile, 363, 364. See also Uria | Mergus, 455, 459, 462, 463, 465, 466, troile 467, 468 Lophoaetus, 478 albicillus, 458, 459 occipitalis, 474, 477, 478 castor, 459 Lopholæmus, 310, 311, 312, 313 merganser, 458, 459, 460 antarcticus, 310 Merops, 208, 210, 447 Lophophorus impeyanus, 128, 293 ornatus, 209 Lophopsittacus mauritianus, 271 Mesites, 366, 370, 371, 377, 379, 380, Loriculus, 260, 268, 269 383 galgulus, 262 Mesopteryx, 149, 524 chrysonotus, 262 Metopidius, 125, 347 Lorius, 20, 256, 259, 260, 263, 266, africanus, 341 268, 269 peposaca, 459, 463, 468 domicella, 267 Metropelia, 312, 313 flavo-palliatus, 263, 266 Microglossa, 257, 263, 268 lory, 262 aterrima, 255, 256, 262 Lunda cirrhata, 359, 360, 361, 362, 364, Microhierax cærulescens, 473, 474, 365 · 475 Lyncornis, 243 Micropallas, 245 Micropus melanoleuca, 227, 229, 230 Milnea, 356 MACHÆRHAMPHUS Andersoni, 351 Milvago, 475 Machetes, 341, 343 chima-chima, 473 pugnax, 345 chimango, 474, 476 INDEX 543 Nycticorax caledonicus, 430 Gardeni, 97, 431 griseus, 431, 448 violaceus, 430 Nyctidromus, 234, 236, 237, 242 albicollis, 231, 235 Nyctiornis, 209 Nymphicus, 269 Nyroca, 463 leucophthalma, 459 Milvus, 476 ictinus, 474, 475, 477 Mitua, 291 tomentosa, 291, 293 tuberosa, 293 Memotus, 200, 210, 211, 212, 213 æquatorialis, 211 brasiliensis, 211 Lessoni, 211 Monasa, 188 panamensis, 188 nigrifrons, 189 Morphnus, 476 Motacilla, 174 Mulleripicus fulvus, 185 Mullerornis, 522 Musophaga, 17, 282, 283, 300 violacea, 283 Mycteria, 427 americana, 425, 428 Myiophoneus Horsfieldi, 177 u NASITERNA, 268 Necropsittacus rodericanus, 271 Necrornis, 282 Neophron percnopterus, 473 Nesocichla eremita, 177 Nesolimnas, 330, 331 Dieffenbachii, 330 Nestor, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 267, 268, 270, 271, 457 meridionalis, 262 notabilis, 264 Nipponia Temminckii, 435 Nisaetus, 476 Nisus, 79 Nothocercus, 486 Nothocrax urumutum, 422 Nothura, 12, 99, 491 maculosa, 487, 488, 489, 490 491 major, 489 Notornis, 330 Mantelli, 330 Numenius, 5, 125, 150, 337, 338, 339, OCYDROMUS, 322, 323, 324, 330, 331, 340, 341, 343 arquarus, 339, 344, 345 femoralis, 116 phæopus, 343, 378 Numida, 291, 293, 304 cristata, 293, 300 Edouardi, 293 meleagris, 293 ptilorhyncha, 293 vulturina, 293 Nyctes nivea, 245, 246 Nyctibius, 232, 241, 242 jamaicensis, 239 Nycticorax, 428 457 Earlei, 321, 322, 323, 324 lafresnayanus, 322 sylvestris, 322 Ocyphaps, 312, 313 Ocypterus, 174, 182 Odontophorus, 291 dentatus, 293 Odontopteryx, 384 tolicpicus, 21, 160, 418 (Edemia nigra, 464, 466, 468 dicnemus, 37, 146, 261, 333, 335, 338, 340, 343, 345, 348, 357, 383, 400, 448 bistriatus, 341, 343, 346 crepitans, 343, 344, 345 grallarius, 341, 343, 345. See also Burrhinus superciliaris, 343 Ena, 312, 317 Estrelata, 445 brevirostris, 447 Lessoni, 447 Opisthocomus, 17, 21, 54, 96, 97, 99, 108, 109, 116, 120, 123, 124, 128, 131, 144, 165, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 317, 448, 532 cristatus, 108, 285, 286, 288 Oreopsittacus Arfaki, 253 Oriolus, 174 Ortalis, 292, 299 albiventris, 291, 294, 299 Orthonyx, 54 Ortyx cristata, 293 Gambelii, 293 virginianus, 293 Ossifraga, 445, 447, 449 Otidiphaps, 305 Otis, 80, 93, 98, 309, 318, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 379, 382 tarda, 332, 333, 334, 335 Otus vulgaris, 245. See also Asio otus Panornis, 524 Palcccudyptes, 401 544 1 STRUCTURE TNT OF BIRDS AND CLASSIFICATION · I'alcelod115, 444 · Peruis, 133 Palæocicoitia, 444 apivorus, 17, 473 Palcogrus, 379 P’ezoplaps, 314, 315 Palæoperdix, 304 solitarius, 314 Palæornis, 260, 263, 268, 269 | Pha@thon, 150, 151, 226, 402, 03, Alexandri, 262 404, 405, 406, 409, 410, Palæolimnas chathamensis, 330 411, 412, 415, 417, 418 Palcortyx, 304 candidus, 351 Palceospheniscus, 401 flavirostris, 409 Palcotringa, 356 rubricauda, 351 Palamedea, 17, 76, 84, 88, 89, 91, 92, Phaëtbornis, 86, 226 94, 99, 102, 103, 107, Phalacrocorax, 14, 123, 134, 151, 384, 108, 110, 165, 304, 451,: 390, 404, 405, 406, 452, 454, 455, 500, 501, : 408, 409, 410, 411, 533 412, 413, 415, 410, cornuta, 108 462 Pandion, 13, 17, 25, 103, 117, 245, africanus, 404, 405 249, 253, 472, 478, 479, 484 bicristatus, 411 Panyptila melanoleuca, 226, 227 brasiliensis, 402, 403, Paradiseа, 174 404, 405, 418 rubra, 173 carbo, 402, 403, 404, Parra, 324, 340, 341, 347 405, 408, 410 albinucha, 347 graculus, 402 jacana, 341 lugubris, 405 sinensis, 342 perspicillatus, 411 Parus major, 30, 31 varius, 408 Pastor roseus, 177 Phaleris, 357, 363, 364 Pauxi galeata, 299 psittacula, 362, 363, 365 Patagona gigas, 226 Phaps, 305, 309, 311, 312, 313 Pavo, 16, 291, 292 chalcoptera, 305, 308 cristatus, 290, 293 elegans, 305, 308 muticus, 293 Pharomacrus mocinno, 99, 204 nigripennis, 293 Phasianus, 291, 304 spicifer, 293, 294 versicolor, 293 Pedionomus, 319, 320 Phebuetria, 2 torquatus, 319 Pheucticus, 175 Pelargopsis, 198 Philepitta, 174, 180, 181 Pelargornis, 419 Phlogænas, 312, 313 Pelecanoides, 2, 86, 122, 417, 445, 446, cruentatus, 305, 307, 308, 447, 448 309 Pelecanus, 79, 150, 402, 403, 404, 405, Stairi, 305, 308, 309 400, 400, 410, 410, 412, : Phenicophaäs, 275, 276, 27, 27, 280, 413, 415, 416, 417, 418 281 conspicillatus, 406 Phrenicopterus, 53, 73, 84, 93, 94, 101, crispus, 406, 407 152, 336, 419, 440, 441 fuscus, 406, 407 Phonygama, 60 mitratus, 403, 406, 407 Phororhacos, 384, 385, 469 onocrotalus, 403, 406, 407 longissimus, 384 rufescens, 403, 406, 407, 409 Photodilus, 3, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250, trachyrhynchus, 5 251, 252 Pelecyornis, 384 badius, 34, 244 Penelope cristata, 293 Phrenotrix, 173 cujubi, 294 Phytotoma, 182 jacucaca, 294 rara, 21 pileata, 294 Piaya, 274, 276, 277, 278, 280 Perdicula, 298 cayana, 241, 274, 275, 277, 279 Perdix, 146, 290 Picoides, 2 cinerea, 293 tridactylus, 185 Peristera, 312, 313 Picolaptes affinis, 185 Geoffroij, 305 l'icus, 98 · INDEX 515 Picus major, 185 Pæcilonetta bahamensis, 459 minor, 185, 186 Pæocephalus; 256, 259, 260, 261, 268, viridis, 184, 185. See also 270 Gecinus viridis Pogonorhynchus bidentatus, 195 Pionopsitta, 269 Polyboroides, 472, 474, 479 pileata, 262 typicus, 474 Pionus, 254, 256, 257, 269, 270 Polyborus, 474 Maximiliani, 262 brasiliensis, 474, 476, 477 senilis, 262 Polyplectron bicalcaratum, 293 Pipile cumanensis, 294 chinquis, 293 jacutinga, 294 Polyteles, 256, 257, 268 Pitta, 181 melanurus, 258 Platalea, 24, 30, 409, 422, 423, 429, Porphyrio, 55, 87, 324 435, 439, 442 madagascariensis, 322" , ajaja, 435, 436, 438, 439 ( = P. martinicus, 323 · rosea, q.v.) Porzana carolina, 321, 322 alba, 438 notata, 322 leucorodia, 55, 57, 435, 437, Prion, 446 439 Prioniturus, 268, 269 rosea, 227, 434 (= Platalea Prionorhynchus, 210 ajaja, q.v.) Procellaria, 445 Platycercus, 255, 256, 257, 261, 263, 269, gigantea, 449 270 Propelargus, 444 Barnardi, 258, 261, 262 Psarisomus, 178 pallidiceps, 261, 262 Psephotus, 255, 260, 269, 270 Pennanti, 264 Psittacula, 86, 260, 269, 270 Plectropterus, 452, 465, 466 passerina, 254, 351 gambensis, 458, 459, Psittacus, 89, 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 465, 466, 468 263, 266, 269, 270 niger, 459, 465 erithacus, 262, 263 Ruppelli, 465 Psittinus, 268, 269 Plegadis falcinellus, 435 malaccensis, 262 Plotus, 19, 134, 384, 402, 403, 404, Psophia, 16, 123, 137, 143, 146, 161, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 165, 298, 357, 366, 371, 412, 413, 415, 416, 418 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, anhinga, 22, 402, 403, 412, 379, 382 413, 414, 415 leucoptera, 375, 376 Levaillanti, 403, 413, 415 | Pterocles, 3, 34, 80, 85, 148, 288, 307, melanogaster, 402, 403, 413, 308, 309, 313, 315, 316 415 317, 318, 351, 386 Nove Hollandiæ, 413 alchata, 316 Pluvianus, 350 arenarius, 316, 317 Pnoepyga, 173 Pteroglossus, 190 Podargus, 73, 74, 79, 98, 101, 232, 234, Wiedi, 192 235, 237, 239, 240, 242, Pteroptochus, 299 243, 244 Ptilonorhynchus holosericeus, 177 Cuvieri, 231, 235, 236 violaceus, 99, 175 Podasocys montanus, 338 Ptilopachys, 298 Podica, 325, 326, 327, 329, 404, 446 ventralis, 300 senegalensis, 93, 128, 325, 327, Ptilopus, 305, 306, 307, 309, 312, 314 328 assimilis, 305 · Podicipes, 98, 326, 327, 386, 389, jambu, 306, 308 394 melanocephalus, 308 cornutus, 388, 389 coronulatus, 305 307, 303 cristatus, 387, 389 puella, 305 minor, 387, 388 superbus, 305, 307 Podilymbus, 386 Pulsatrix, 246 Podoa, 391 torquata, 245, 246 surinamensis, 325. See also ! Pygosceles, 396, 398, 399, 400 Heliornis surinamensis papua, 397 Ν Ν 546 OF BIRDS 10 STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION Pyrrhocentor, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 1 Rollulus coronatus, 293 281 Rupicola, 54, 179 celebensis, 279 Pyrrhula, 268, 270 SARCIDIORNIS, 452, 462, 465 Pyrrhulopsis, 255, 266, 257, 260, 263, carunculata, 459, 468 269, 270 melanonota, 459, 461 personata, 264 Sarcorhamphus, 50, 101, 481, 482 splendens, 262 Sauromarptis, 198 Gaudichaudi, 198 QUENQUEDULA circia, 459 Sauropates, 198 crecca, 467 albicilla, 198, 199 Quiscalus versicolor, 176 sanctus, 198 Saurothera, 272, 274, 276, 277, 278, RALLOS, 143, 322, 331 280 aquaticus, 321, 322 dominicensis, 279 maculatus, 323 Scaniornis, 414 Recurvirostra, 5, 337, 338, 341, 343, Schizorhis, 282, 283, 294 348, 357 africanus, 283 avocetta, 337, 339, 343 Scolopax, 337, 341, 342, 343 Remiornis, 419 rusticola, 343, 344, 345 Rhamphastos, 17, 25, 81, 190, 194 Scops asio, 245 ariel, 192 Lempiji, 245, 246 carinatus, 99, 190 leucotis, 245, 251 Cuvieri, 83 Scopus, 99, 343, 419, 420, 421, 422, 432, dicolorus, 190, 191 434, 440 tocard, 190 umbretta, 118, 420, 434 Rhea, 2, 18, 34, 81, 101, 108, 128, 132, Scythrops, 241, 275, 278, 279, 280 140, 162, 311, 490, 491, 495, Selenidera, 190 497, 498, 500, 502, 503, 505, Seleucides, 174 506, 507, 509, 511, 512, 513, nigra, 58, 177 514, 525, 526, 527, 528 Serilopha, 178 americana, 34, 498, 506, 507, | Serpentarius, 57, 93, 145, 336, 382, 508, 511 472, 474, 479, 480, Darwini, 34, 505, 507, 511 481, 484. See also macrorhyncha, 506, 511 Gypogeranus Rhinochetus, 17, 146, 147, 149, 232, reptilivorus, 477 335, 357, 366, 370, robustus, 484 371, 372, 377, 378, Somateria, 463 379, 380, 381, 383, mollissima, 464 441, 480 Spatula clypeata, 459 jubatus, 369, 370 Speotyto, 247, 248 Rhinococcyx, 272, 280 cunicularia, 246, 247 Rhinogryphus, 481 Sphagolobus atratus, 219, 221. See californianus, 473 Celso Buceros atratus Rhinopomastus, 222, Sphepiscus, 360, 396 Rhodonessa caryophyllacea, 459, 461 demersus, 41, 397, 398, 400 Rhyncha, 16, 337, 342 Humboldti, 400 australis, 60, 345 magellanicus, 398 capensis, 60, 345 mendiculus, 397 Rhynchops, 5, 78, 350, 351, 352, 353, Sphyrapicus nuchalis, 184 355, 470 varius, 185 Rhynchotus, 83, 489, 491 Spiloglaux Nova Zelandiæ, 244 perdicarius, 486 Spilornis, 476 rufescens, 31, 486, 487 bacha, 473 489, 491, 492 cheela, 473 Rhytidiceros plicatus, 99, 289. See Spizaetus, 54, 476 also Buceros plicatus caligatus, 477 Rimator malacoptilus, 177 · coronatus, 57, 477 Rissa tridactyla, 351, 354 Squatarola helvetica, 344 Rollulus, 291 Starnænas, 312, 314 INDEX 547 434 Steatornis, 69, 70, 112, 147, 161, 232, 1 Tadorna tadornoides, 459 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, vulpanser, 466 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, Taleyalla, 291, 298, 299 276 Lathami, 294, 300, 304 Caripensis, 233, 234, 235, Tanagra festiva, 177 240 sayaca, 177 Stercorarius, 351. See also Lestris Tantalus, 71, 422, 423, 425, 428, 429, s'tercornis, 385 442, 491 Sterna, 20, 126, 338, 350, 352, 353, 354, ibis, 22, 425, 426, 428 470 leucocephalus, 427 cantiaca, 354 loculator, 66, 68, 425, 423, hirundo, 20, 359 Sternula, 356 Milne-Edwardsi, 444 Strepera, 175 Tanygnathus, 256, 257, 260, 268, 269 graculina, 177 Muelleri, 262 Strepsilas, 343 Tanysiptera, 197, 199, 200 interpres, 343, 345 Taoperdix, 304 Strictonetta nuevosa, 463 Telinatornis, 471 Stringops, 128, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260, Teracus, 484 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, Tetragonops, 192 268, 269, 270, 271, 457, | Tetrao, 290, 291, 298, 304 520 cupido, 293, 303 habroptilus, 255, 256, 264 pbasianellus, 293 Strix, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 252. tetrix, 293, 296 See also Hybris urogallus, 60, 293, 298, 301 flammea, 245, 247 321 Novæ Hollandiæ, 245 Tetrapteryx, 368, 369, 375 pratincola, 245 Tetrax, 2, 331, 332, 333 Tengmalmi, 245 campestris, 332 Struthidea cinerea, 43, 177 Thalassiarche, 86, 353 Struthio, 12, 28, 30, 64, 82, 85, 88, 89, 1. Thalassæca glacialoides, 449 148, 462, 493, 495, 498, Thaumalea Amherstiæ, 293 500, 501, 502, 503, 506, picta, 292 507, 510, 512, 525, 526, Thinocorus, 21, 144, 318, 319, 338, 349 527, 528 rumicivorus, 341, 343, 350 camelus, 28, 495, 505, 506 Thrasaetus, 476 molybdophanes, 495 harpyia, 473 Sturnella, 174 Tiga, 2 Sula, 403, 404, 405, 408, 411, 412, 413, javaneosis, 185 415, 416, 418 Shorei, 184, 185 bassana, 403, 404 Tigrisoma brasiliense, 430, 431 fusca, 404 leucolophum, 378 Surnia funerea, 246 Tinamus, 134, 394, 395 Syma, 199, 200 robustus, 490 Synallaxis, 182 solitarius, 486, 487, 489, 491 Synthliborhamphus, 359 Tinnunculus, 474, 477 antiquus, 359, 360, alaudarius, 101, 473, 475 361, 363, 364, Toccus, 116, 216, 218, 222, 487 365 Todirhamphus, 198 Syrnium, 42 Todus, 16, 212, 213, 241 aluco, 245, 246 Totanus, 341, 343 nebulosum, 245, 246 calidris, 343 Syrrhaptes, 3, 33, 315, 317 canutus, 345. See also Tringa paradoxus, 34 canuta Trachyphonus, 194 Treron, 312, 314 TACHYBAPTES, 386, 388 Tribonyx, 323 fluviatilis, 389 Mortieri, 322 Tachyeres, 460, 466 Trichoglossus, 255, 256, 257, 266, 268, cinereus, 456, 466, 468 269 548 AND CLASSIFICATION OF BIRDS T1 STRUCTURE Tringa, 343 Uria troile, 359, 360, 365. See also alpina, 344 Lomvia troile arenarius, 344 Urogalba, 213, 214 -canutus, 341, 342, 343. See also paradisea, 214 Totanus canutus Urubitinga, 476 cinclus, 345 Triponax Feddeni, 120, 188 Trochalopteron, 175 VANELLUS, 341, 343, 346, 348 Trochilus Alexandri, 229, 230 cayennensis, 66, 67, 343, colibris, 227, 228 344 Trogon gallicus, 202 c istatus, 341, 344 mexicanus, 204 Vultur, 476 puella, 203, 204 auricularis, 473, 474 475 Reinwardti, 204 calvus, 478 Turacæna, 312 fulvus, 474 Turdus, 174 monachus, 473 Turnix, 319, 320 Kleinschmidti, 320 lepurana, 320 XANTIIOLÆMA, 192, 193 rostrata, 321 Sykesi, 320 rosea, 193, 195 Turtur, 312, 313 Xenicus, 173, 181 Tympanistria, 312, 313 Xenorhynchus, 65, 95, 424, 429, 432, bicolor, 308 491 australis, 425, 428 senegalensis, 424, 425, UPUPA, 81, 222 428 Uranornis rubra, 177 Uria, 360, 362, 363, 394 columba, 359, 301, 363, 364, | ZENAIDA, 312, 313 365 Zenaidura, 312, 313 PRIXTID BY SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STRČET SQUARE LONDOS UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN US LI JU IM III 3 9015 00689 1058 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN et mere DATE DUE marsro ins room MAY, &1999999 1 . .... . 鲁鲁华 ​重量 ​畢書畫書 ​.. , , , 工事 ​“.. 11 · 1、 譯 ​| | | :雪 ​看看​, , 事 ​'', 其一 ​賽 ​. , 上陣​。 。 .. 「... ^ ^" . . 地 ​1 . :“ ... , ... . “ 中 ​意事 ​'. . , |- 背景 ​. ; 青重 ​臺s :: : *: "- 1" * , = , 1 . .. | 本本​! , 上 ​. “ 一半​, .. 重重疊疊​, 我 ​4 ? . . 「 | | 1 “青 ​。 . . 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