*** **fºtºſ,essessºseștere: sonº sesºnes …, …..…,.,.∞ √° ſ√≠√∞№ſ ſ ºtrºſſº,******************, **************************************nºt***:en:praenaerºntºſsaeraenaerºraeaeraer º PLE |TY AND **** Eº - …ºsse - -s. --es-º-º-º-ass=sººr scºsºsºmeºs seasºn sº sºº--see sº- º CITY STORICAL SITES DF TH 6 : º t Lº __ ſ BYZANT N. DNSTANTH NO º º # WAL}. É º §: , THE ADJOHNIN ºſaeuaes):: ∞ ………….……… . . . . . . . . . .• • • • • • . . . … …-…………………ae, ſº; .∞ ∞~---•••••••••••■■■■■■ ſaeſº à• • •spºrºdºwºsººººººººter******(?:.***** ſ , º 1. . . . …}, … * 3.2 ° , , EON LoN º (s. = >= zº sensae…………………………………ae, - -- %zz/ // %22% % //// / zº - / J/ZZ // /// / // , . 7% a %2% - ///,2,. / /. /* */ ~/…/ - Z z/ - - ./-/ / / / / / / / / / //"// f.” 7%, 4.2%, 2 , //, // , . . . /// / / / * / %%zz,,, • 2/% 2% /…/ /. - /. zº /ſ2/. 3. * A Trifº Z, Nº Tl2 \ . .N 2\ 'Cop'ſ 2. BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE - - . . . -- - - ſae |- ---- |- | \, - - - º --- |-- - MAP OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN 1422. (By Bondelmontius.) BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE ...--~. THE WALLS OF THE CITY AND ADJOINING HISTORICAL SITES BY ALEXANDER WAN MILLINGEN, M.A. PROFESSOR OF HISTORY RoBERT collegE, CONSTANTINOPLE WITH MAPS, PLANS, AND ILLUSTRATIONS LONDON JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET 1899 All rights reserved an ae * ‘Eyð 8? &s purépa buxº kai yüp eyevépmy trâp airfi kai érpáºnv čkéſore, kai oë Sivapal trepi airiv dyvopovica. EMPEROR JULIAN, Epistle 58. LonDon : PRINTED BY william CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS, PR EFA C E. IN the following pages I venture to take part in the task of identifying the historical sites of Byzantine or Roman Con- stantinople, with the view of making the events of which that city was the theatre more intelligible and vivid. The new interest now taken in all related to the Byzantine world demands a work of this character. The attention I have devoted, for many years, to the subject has been sustained by the conviction that the Empire of which New Rome was the capital defended the higher life of mankind against the attacks of formidable antagonists, and rendered eminent service to the cause of human welfare. This is what gives to the archaeological study of the city its dignity and importance. Only a portion of my subject is dealt with in the present volume—the walls of the city, which were the bulwarks of civilization for more than a thousand years, and the adjoining sites and monuments memorable in history. While availing myself, as the reader will find, of the results obtained by my predecessors in this field of research, I have endeavoured to make my work a fresh and independent vi - AREAEA CE. investigation of the subject, by constant appeals to the original authorities, and by direct examination of the localities con- Cerned. The difficult questions which must be decided, in order that our knowledge of the old city may be more satis- factory, have been made prominent. Some of them, however, cannot be answered once for all, until excavations are permitted. By the frequent quotations and references which occur in the course of the following discussions, the student will find himself placed in a position to verify the statements and to weigh the arguments submitted to his consideration. All difference of opinion leading nearer to the truth in the case will be welcomed. My best thanks are due to the friends and the photo- graphers who have enabled me to provide the book with illus- trations, maps, and plans, thus making the study of the subject clearer and more interesting. The plan of the so-called Prisons of Anemas by Hanford W. Edson, Esq., the sketches by Mrs. Walker, the photographs taken by Professor Ormiston, and the maps and plans drawn by Arthur E. Henderson, Esq., are particularly valuable. I wish to express my gratitude also to the many friends who accompanied me on my explorations of the city, thereby facilitating the accomplishment of my work, and associating it with delightful memories. ALEXANDER WAN MILLINGEN. ROBERT COLLEGE, CONSTANTINOPLE, September, 1899. A DD ENDU M. P. vi. The name of W. G. Campbell, Esq., has been accidentally omitted from the list of persons to whom the author's best thanks are due for kind assistance in illustrating the book. CHAPTER CONTENTS. -->0– I. THE SITE OF CONSTANTINOPLE—THE LIMITS OF BYZANTIUM ... II. THE CITY OF CONSTANTINE–ITS LIMITS-FORTIFICATIONS— INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT tº º º tº es e - - - tº º º THE THEODoSIAN WALLs ... * g º tº e e • . . . . . . THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAN WALLs—THE GOLDEN GATE THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAN WALLS-continued REPAIRs on THE THEodosian WALLs tº º tº e tº º * e º s THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYROGENITUs (TEKFOUR SERAI) ... THE FoRTIFICATIONs on THE North-WESTERN SIDE OF THE CITY, BEFORE THE SEVENTH CENTURY THE WALL OF THE EMPEROR MANUEL COMNENUS ... THE ToweR of ANEMAs : THE ToweR of ISAAC ANGELUs ... INMATES OF THE PRISON OF ANEMAS - - - tº e ºs © e G THE WALL OF THE EMPEROR HERAcLius : THE WALL EMPEROR LEO THE ARMENIAN ... tº gº & * - - g º º THE SEAWARD WALLS & © º ~ tº gº gº THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN tº e iº tº C & e s º THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN-continued ... tº e tº THE WALLs ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA ... as a e THE HARBOURs on THE SEA OF MARMORA ... THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA–continued THE HEBDOMON ... e - - THE ANASTASIAN WALL TABLE OF EMPERORS tº - © INDEX tº e 9 PAGE I5 4O 59 74 III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. 95 IO9 II5 I22 I31 I54 I64 178 I94 2I2 248 268 288 316 . 344 349 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. MAP OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN 1422. (By Bondelmontius) Frontispiece DOLPHINS AND TRIDENT (DEVICE IN CHURCH of ST. SOPHIA) Vignette BUST OVER THE GATE OF GYROLIMNE tº gº tº tº g e tº gº tº tº tº dº INSCRIPTION FROM THE STADIUM OF ByzantiUM & e & ... To face MAP OF BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE tº º gº tº tº & MAP OF THE LAND WALLS OF CONSTANTINOPLE tº g tº gº º 2 3 PoRTION OF THE THEODosſa N WALLs (BETweeN THE GATE of THE DEUTERON AND YEDI Koulie KAPOUSSI) ... tº ſº º ... Zºo face PORTION OF THE THEODoSIAN WALLs (FROM witHIN THE CITY) AQUEDUCT ACROSS THE MOAT OF THE THEODOSIAN WALLS ... COIN OF THE EMPEROR THEODOSIUS II. tº e a tº e ºs PLAN OF THE GOLDEN GATE tº e ºl * tº e tº e tº THE GOLDEN GATE (INNER) * g e © tº e THE GOLDEN GATE (OUTER) YEDI Kouli. KAPOUSSI tº ſº e - tº e THE GATE OF THE PEGE tº e & © tº e tº º & tº e tº THE GATE OF RHEGIUM tº gº º tº s & tº gº tº * & & THE GATE OF ST. ROMANUS * * * tº go & THE GATE OF CHARISIUS ... tº gº tº tº gº º {º gº e to º º VIEw ACROSS THE WALLEY OF THE LYCUS (LOOKING North) ... THE (so-cALLED) KERKO PORTA tº e e tº e e 3 9 tº º is 5 2. tº go tº 3 3 tº e e 5 * tº gº tº 3 * INSCRIPTIONS ON THE GATE of RHEGIUM tº e de & gº tº ... Zo face ToweR OF THE THEODoSIAN WALLS (WITH INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR of THE EMPERORs LEO III. AND CONSTANTINE V.) ... Zo face INSCRIPTION IN HoNour of THE EMPERORS LEO III. AND ConstanTINE V. MONOGRAMs on NINTH ToweR, NORTH OF THE GATE of PEGE e tº is INSCRIPTION IN HONou R OF THE EMPERORS BASIL II. AND CONSTANTINE IX. INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR CONSTANTINE IX. tº gº tº INSCRIPTION IN HONoUR OF THE EMPEROR Roman Us gº tº e tº gº º DIAGRAM SHOWING THE INTERIOR OF A TOWER IN THE THEODOSIAN WALLS ... tº is tº * * * te e & © Cº º tº gº tº ... Zo face PAGE xi I4 I9 4I IOO IOI IO2 IO2 IO2 X MAST OF IAEA, USTRA TIONS. PAGE INSCRIPTION IN HONoUR OF THE EMPEROR John VII. PALAEOLOGUs ... Io; DIAGRAM SHOWING APPROXIMATE SECTION AND RESTORATION \ Facing OF THE THEODOSIAN WALLS # gº tº tº º tº tº e tº ... each other DIAGRAM SHOWING APPROXIMATE ELEVATION AND RESTORATION | between OF THE THEODOSIAN WALLs tº gº tº e tº & tº e ſº tº e e IO6, Io'ſ PLAN of THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYRogENITUs tº gº º ... To face Io9 THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYROGENITUS (SouthERN FAQADE)\ Facing each other THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYROGENITUs (NorthERN FAQADE)) between IIo, III MONOGRAM OF THE PALAEOLOGI º ſº e º 'º © g & tº º tº ... I I2 THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYRogFNITUs (VIEw of INTERIOR) ... Zºo face II2 MONOGRAM FOUND IN THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYROGENITUS ... • II3 SKETCH-PLAN OF THE BLACHERNAE QUARTER ... tº gº tº ... To face II5 THE PALACE OF THE PORPHYRogenitus (FROM THE WEST) ... 2 3 II.8 BALCONY IN THE SOUTHERN FAQADE OF THE PALACE of THE PORPHYRO- GENITUS * * * tº e º tº e tº tº gº º tº º & ... To face II8 ToweR OF THE WALL OF THE EMPEROR MANUEL COMNENUS 9 3 I22 THE PALAEoloGIAN WALL, North of THE WALL OF THE EMPEROR MANUEL COMNENUS e g tº & e ∈ * * * tº ſº tº ... To face I26 THE GATE of GyroLIMNE ... e e G e & G. tº dº º ... 2 3 I26 GENERAL VIEW OF THE WALL OF THE EMPEROR MANUEL COMNENUS 29 I28 PLAN OF THE SO-CALLED PRISON OF ANEMAS ... tº º º tº g tº 5 § I31 THE L-shaped CHAMBER IN UPPER STORY OF “THE ToweR OF ANEMAS ’’ I37 “THE ToweR of ANEMAS ’’ AND “THE ToweR OF ISAAC ANGELUS” (FROM THE SouTH-WEST) tº tº ſº tº gº tº tº gº tº ſº tº º tº tº º Zºo face 138 “THE ToweR of ANEMAs”. AND “THE ToweR of ISAAC ANGELUs” (FROM THE North-WEST) tº e > tº € tº tº º is ºn tº . ... Zo face I44 VIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF “THE PRISON OF ANEMAS ’’ (BEING THE SUB- STRUCTUREs which SUPPORTED THE PALACE OF BLACHERNAE) To face I5o CHAMBER IN “THE PRISON OF ANEMAS’’ ... tº ſe e tº e (s 99 I56 ENTRANCE OF PASSAGE FROM THE STAIRway IN “THE TOWER OF ANEMAS” To CHAMBER D IN “THE ToweR of Isa Ac ANGELUs.” ... To face I62 CORRIDOR IN THE ORIGINAL WESTERN TERRACE WALL OF THE PALACE of BLACHERNAE (LOOKING SOUTH-WEST) ... tº e º ... To face 162 GENERAL VIEw of THE WALLs of THE CITY FROM THE HILL ON WHICH THE CRUSADERS ENCAMPED IN 1203 tº gº º tº gº tº ... Zºo face 166 INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR ROMANUS tº gº tº ... I69 INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR THEOPHILUS † - G ... 183 INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR MICHAEL III. ... To face 184 INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR MANUEL COMNENUS ... 187 COAT-OF-ARMS OF ANDRONICUS II. PALAEOLOGUs tº a e tº º ſº ... 189 BAS-RELIEF, on THE TOWER EAST of DJUBALI KAPOUSSI, REPRESENTING THE THREE HEBREW YOUTHS CAST INTO THE FIERY FURNACE OF BABYLON, AS DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL tº e Q ... I9 I LIST OF ILLUSTRATION.S. xi PAGE. NIKE (FoRMERLY NEAR BALAT Kapoussi) --- --- ... Zºo face 198 Portion of THE CHAIN STREtched acRoss THE ENTRANCE of THE GoLDEN HoRN IN 1453 ... --- --- --- ... Zºo face 228 Inscription in Honour of Theodosius II. AND THE PREFEcT Con- sTANTINE ; INscRIPTION IN Honour of THE EMPEROR THEoPHILus; INscRIPTION IN Honour of THE EMPERoR ISAAC ANGELUs To face 248 Portion of Walls beside THE Sea of MARMoRA ... - -- 262 Chateau and Marble Tower near the Western Extremity of the Walls beside the Sea of Marmora ... --- ... To face 266 Map of the Shore of Constantinople between the SERAGlio Light- House and Daoud Pasha Kapoussi --- --- ... To face 269 MARBLE Figures of Lions attached to THE Balcony in the Palace of THE Bucoleon --- --- --- --- ... To face 272 Ruins of the Palace of the Bucoleon ... --- --- 274 Portion of the Palace of HoRMisdas --- --- --- ... 277 Ruins of the Palace of HoRMisDas --- --- ... To face 282 Tower Guarding the Harbour of ELEUTHERIUS AND THEodosius 297 Portion of the Wall around the HARBOUR of Eleutherius and THEodosius --- --- --- --- --- --- ... 299 Map of the Territory BETween THE HEBDOMON AND THE City Walls --- - - - --- --- --- ... To face 316 TRiuMPHus THEoDosil --- --- --- -- 33o Triumphus HeracLII --- --- --- -- 334. BUST OVER THE GATE of Gyrolimni. BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. CHAPTER I. THE SITE OF CONSTANTINOPLE—THE LIMITS OF - BYZANTIUM. WITHOUT attempting any elaborate description of the site occupied by Constantinople, such as we have in Gyllius' valuable work on the topography of the city," it is necessary to indicate to the reader, now invited to wander among the ruins of New Rome, the most salient features of the territory he is to explore. The city is situated at the south-western end of the Bosporus, upon a promontory that shoots out from the European shore of the straits, with its apex up stream, as though to stem the waters that rush from the Black Sea into the Sea of Marmora. To the north, the narrow bay of the Golden Horn runs inland, between steep banks, for some six or seven miles, and forms one of the finest harbours in the world. The Sea of Marmora spreads Southwards like a lake, its Asiatic coast bounded by hills and mountains, and fringed with islands. Upon the shore of Asia, facing the eastern side * Petrus Gyllius, De Topographia Constantinopoleos et De illius Antiguitatibus, liber i. c. 4–18. B 2 A YZAAWT/AVE CONSTA WTINOPEA. [CHAP. of the promontory, stand the historic towns of Chrysopolis (Scutari) and Chalcedon (Kadikeui). The mainland to the west is an undulating plain that soon meets the horizon. It offers little to attract the eye in the way of natural beauty, but in the palmy days of the city it, doubtless, presented a pleasing landscape of villas and gardens. ; The promontory, though strictly speaking a trapezium, is commonly described as a triangle, on account of the com- parative shortness of its eastern side. It is about four miles long, and from one to four miles wide, with a surface broken up into hills and plains. The higher ground, which reaches an elevation of some 250 feet, is massed in two divisions—a large isolated hill at the south-western corner of the promontory, and a long ridge, divided, more or less completely, by five cross valleys into six distinct eminences, overhanging the Golden Horn. Thus, New Rome boasted of being enthroned upon as many hills beside the Bosporus, as her elder sister beside the Tiber. The two masses of elevated land just described are sepa- rated by a broad meadow, through which the stream of the Lycus flows athwart the promontory into the Sea of Marmora ; and there is, moreover, a considerable extent of level land along the shores of the promontory, and in the valleys between the northern hills. Few of the hills of Constantinople were known by special names, and accordingly, as a convenient mode of reference, they are usually distinguished by numerals. The First Hill is the one nearest the promontory's apex, having upon it the Seraglio, St. Irene, St. Sophia, and the Hippodrome. The Second Hill, divided from the First by the valley descending from St. Sophia to the Golden Horn, bears upon its summit the porphyry Column of Constantine the I.] THE SATAE OF CONSTA WT/AVOA’/A2. 3 Great, popularly known as the Burnt Column and Tchemberli Tash. The Third Hill is separated from the preceding by the valley of the Grand Bazaar, and is marked by the War Office and adjacent Fire-Signal Tower, the Mosque of Sultan Bajazet, and the Mosque of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. The Fourth Hill stands farther back from the water than the five other hills beside the Golden Horn, and is parted from the Third Hill by the valley which descends from the aqueduct of Valens to the harbour. It is surmounted by the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet the Conqueror. The Fifth Hill is really a long precipitous spur of the Fourth Hill, protruding almost to the shore of the Golden Horn in the quarter of the Phanar. Its summit is crowned by the Mosque of Sultan Selim. Between it and the Third Hill spreads a broad plain, bounded by the Fourth Hill on the south, and the Golden Horn on the north. The Sixth Hill is divided from the Fifth by the valley which ascends southwards from the Golden Horn at Balat Kapoussi to the large Byzantine reservoir (Tchoukour Bostan), on the ridge that runs from the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet to the Gate of Adrianople. It is distinguished by the ruins of the Palace of the Porphyrogenitus (Tekfour Serai) and the quarter of Egri Kapou. Nicetas Choniates styles it the Hill of Blachernae (3ovvöc Töv BAaxspvá v)," and upon it stood the famous Imperial residence of that name. The Seventh Hill, Occupying the South-western angle of the city, was known, on account of its arid soil, as the Xerolophos—the Dry Hill.” Upon it are found Avret Bazaar, the pedestal of the Column of Arcadius, and the quarters of Alti Mermer and Psamathia. * Page 722. All references in this work to the Byzantine Authors, unless other- wise stated, are to the Bonn Edition of the Corpus Scriptorum. Historia Byzantina. * Anonymus, lib. i. p. 20, in Banduri’s Imperium Orientale; Constantine Por- phyrogenitus, De Cerimoniis Aulæ Byzantinae, p. 501. 4 A YZAAVTZAVE COMSTA WZTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Here, then, was a situation where men could build a noble city in the midst of some of the fairest scenery on earth. But the history of Constantinople cannot be understood unless the extraordinary character of the geographical position of the place is present to the mind. No city owes so much to its site. The vitality and power of Constantinople are rooted in a unique location. Nowhere is the influence of geography upon history more strikingly marked. Here, to a degree that is marvellous, the possibilities of the freest and widest intercourse blend with the possibilities of complete isolation. No city can be more in the world and out of the world. It is the meeting-point of some of the most important highways on the globe, whether by sea or land; the centre around which diverse, vast, and wealthy countries lie within easy reach, inviting intimate commercial relations, and permitting extended political control. Here the peninsula of Asia Minor, stretching like a bridge across the seas that sunder Asia and Europe, narrows the waters between the two great continents to a stream only half a mile across. Hither the Mediterranean ascends, through the avenues of the AEgean and the Marmora, from the regions of the south ; while the Euxine and the Azoff spread a pathway to the regions of the north. Here is a harbour within which the largest and richest fleets can find a perfect shelter. But no less remarkable is the facility with which the great world, so near at hand, can be excluded. Access to this point by sea is possible only through the straits of the Hellespont on the one side, and through the straits of the Bosporus on the other —defiles which, when properly guarded, no hostile navy could penetrate. These channels, with the Sea of Marmora between them, formed, moreover, a natural moat which prevented an Asiatic foe from coming within striking distance of the city; while the narrow breadth of the promontory on which the city I.] A YZAAVTIUM. 5 stands allowed the erection of fortifications, along the west, which could be held against immense armies by a comparatively small force. As Dean Stanley, alluding to the selection of this site for the new capital of the Empire, has observed : “Of all the events of Constantine's life, this choice is the most convincing and enduring proof of his real genius.” Although it does not fall within the scope of this work to discuss the topography of Byzantium before the time of Con- stantine, it will not be inappropriate to glance at the circuits of the fortifications which successively brought more and more of this historic promontory within their widening compass, until the stronghold of a small band of colonists from Megara became the most splendid city and the mightiest bulwark of the Roman world. Four such circuits demand notice. * First came the fortifications which constituted the Acropolis of Byzantium." They are represented by the walls, partly Byzantine and partly Turkish, which cling to the steep sides of the Seraglio plateau at the eastern extremity of the First Hill, and support the Imperial Museum, the Kiosk of Sultan Abdul Medjid, and the Imperial Kitchens. That the Acropolis occupied this point may be inferred from the natural fitness of the rocky eminence at the head of the promontory to form the kind of stronghold around which ancient cities gathered as their nucleus. And this inference is confirmed by the allusions to the Acropolis in Xenophon's graphic account of the visit of the Ten Thousand to Byzantium, on their return from Persia. According to the historian, when those troops, after their expulsion from the city, forced their way back through the western gates, Anaxibius, the Spartan commander of the place, found himself obliged to seek refuge in the Acropolis from the * Xenophon, Anabasis, vii. c. I. 6 A YZAAVTIAWE CONSTA WT/WOP/LA2. [CHAP. fury of the intruders. The soldiers of Xenophon had, however, cut off all access to the fortress from within the city, so that Anaxibius was compelled to reach it by taking a fishing-boat in the harbour, and rowing round the head of the promontory to the side of the city opposite Chalcedon. From that point also he sent to Chalcedon for reinforcements.” These movements imply that the Acropolis was near the eastern end of the promontory. In further support of this conclusion, it may be added that during the excavations made in 1871 for the construction of the Roumelian railroad, an ancient wall was unearthed at a short distance south of Seraglio Point. It ran from east to west, and was built of blocks measuring, in Some cases, 7 feet in length, 3 feet 9 inches in width, and over 2 feet in thickness.” Judging from its position and character, the wall formed part of the fortifications around the Acropolis. The second circuit of walls around Byzantium is that de- scribed by the Anonymus of the eleventh century and his follower Codinus.” Starting from the Tower of the Acropolis at the apex of the promontory, the wall proceeded along the Golden Horn as far west as the Tower of Eugenius, which must have stood beside the gate of that name—the modern Yali Kiosk Kapoussi.” There the wall left the shore and made for the Strategion and * Anabasis, vii. c. I. * Paspates, Bučavruval Mexérat, p. 103. Mordtmann, Esquisse Topographique de Constantinople, p. 5. All references to these writers, unless otherwise stated, are to the works here mentioned. ° Lib. i. p. 2; Codinus, pp. 24, 25. "Hpxero 8° to reixos, kaffä kai vov, Éri too B A 3. * an A * >A 5\ * 8 a > W an Ei a tſavros &nd too triſpyou täs 'AkpotróAeos, kai Štúpxero eis róv too Eiyeviov Af * 3 / A * Af \ iſ 3. * a 3A WAé trºpyov, kai ävé8auve pléxpt too Xtparmy(ov, Kai ºpxero eis to too AxtMAéos * * Af Af º a Aovrpóv. ‘H 8& ékéſore diffis, # Aeyop,évm rod Oipſłuktov, trópra jiv xeporata. * A. º 3 * 3. *A * A a ey * Töv Bučavrčov : kai ävégauvev eis rà XaXkorparéia Tó Teixos éos too * * º * Aeyouévov Mºtov ºv 88 kāketore répra rôv Bučavriov xeporata : kai Övöpxero a f A eis roës ºrMekroës kiovas rāv Tówka)\aptov, Kai karé(3atvey eis Tótrovs, kai. * w * 3. Af drékapºtre ºrd'Auv Ště rôv Mayyávov ka? 'Apkaëtavóveis Tºv AkpótroXtv. * See below, p. 227. - I.] A YZAAVT/UM. 7 the Thermae of Achilles. The former was a level tract of ground devoted to military exercises—the Champ de Mars of Byzan- tium—and occupied a portion of the plain at the foot of the Second Hill, between Yali Kiosk Kapoussi and Sirkedji Iske- lessi.” The Thermae of Achilles stood near the Strategion; and there also was a gate of the city, known in later days as the Arch of Urbicius. The wall then ascended the slope of the hill to the Chalcoprateia, or Brass Market, which extended from the neighbourhood of the site now occupied by the Sublime Porte to the vicinity of Yeri Batan Serai, the ancient Cisterna Basilica.” The ridge of the promontory was reached at the Milion, the milestone from which distances from Constantinople were measured. It stood to the south-west of St. Sophia, and marked the site of one of the gates of Byzantium. Thence the line of the fortifications proceeded to the twisted columns of the Tzycalarii, which, judging from the subsequent course of the wall, were on the plateau beside St. Irene. Then, the wall descended to the Sea of Marmora at Topi,” somewhere near the present Seraglio Lighthouse, and, turning northwards, ran along the shore to the apex of the promontory, past the sites occupied, Subsequently, by the Thermae of Arcadius and the Mangana. If we are to believe the Anonymus and Codinus, this was the circuit of Byzantium from the foundation of the city by * The site of the Strategion may be determined thus: It was in the Fifth Region of the city (Motitia, ad Reg. V.); therefore, either on the northern slope or at the foot of the Second Hill. Its character as the ground for military exercises required it to be on the plain at the foot of the hill. In the Strategion were found the granaries beside the harbour of the Prosphorion (Constant. Porphyr., De Cerim, p. 699), near Sirkidji Iskelessi. At the same time, these granaries were near the Neorion (Bagtchê Kapoussi), for they were destroyed by a fire which started in the . Neorion (Paschal Chron., p. 582). ' * The Chalcoprateia was near the Basilica, or Great Law Courts, the site of which is marked by the Cistern of Yeri Batan Serai (Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 616; cf. Gyllius, De Top. CP, lib. ii. c. 20, 21). Zonaras, xiv. p. 1212 (Migne Edition), Év rà KaNoupévu BaoruMkū āyyworta rôv XaAkorpatetov. * See below, p. 256. 8 PYZAM7TINE CONSTAAVT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. Byzas to the time of Constantine the Great. On the latter point, however, these writers were certainly mistaken ; for the circuit of Byzantium was much larger than the one just indicated, not only in the reign of that emperor, but as far back as the year 196 of our era, and even before that date.” The statements of the Anonymus and Codinus can therefore be correct only if they refer to the size of the city at a very early period. One is, indeed, strongly tempted to reject the whole account of this wall as legendary, or as a conjecture based upon the idea that the Arch of Urbicius and the Arch of the Milion represented gates in an old line of bulwarks. But, on the other hand, it is more than probable that Byzantium was not as large, originally, as it became during its most flourishing days, and accordingly the two arches above mentioned may have marked the course of the first walls built beyond the bounds of the Acropolis. We pass next to the third line of walls which guarded the city, the walls which made Byzantium one of the great fortresses of the ancient world. These fortifications described a circuit of thirty-five stadia,” which would bring within the compass of the city most of the territory occupied by the first two hills of the promontory. Along the Golden Horn, the line of the walls extended from the head of the promontory to the western side of the bay that fronts the valley between the Second and Third Hills, the valley of the Grand Bazaar. Three ports, more or less artificial,” were found in that bay for the accommodation of the shipping that frequented the busy mart of commerce, one of them being, unquestionably, at the Neorion.* * See below, the size of city as given by Dionysius Byzantius. * Amaplus of Dionysius Byzantius. Edition of C. Wescher, Paris, 1874. * Dion Cassius, lxxiv. I4 ; Herodianus, iii. 6. * Beside Bagtchè Kapoussi. See below, p. 220. I.] A YZAAV7/UM. 9 These bulwarks, renowned in antiquity for their strength, were faced with squared blocks of hard stone, bound together with metal clamps, and so closely fitted as to seem a wall of solid rock around the city. One tower was named the Tower of Hercules, on account of its superior size and strength, and seven towers were credited with the ability to echo the slightest Sound made by the movements of an enemy, and thus secure the garrison against surprise. From the style of their construction, one would infer that these fortifications were built soon after Pausanias followed up his victory on the field of Plataea by the expulsion of the Persians from Byzantium. These splendid ramparts were torn down in 196 by Septimius Severus to punish the city for its loyalty to the cause of his rival, Pescennius Niger. In their ruin they presented a scene that made Herodianus' hesitate whether to wonder more at the skill of their constructors, or the strength of their destroyers. But the blunder of leaving unguarded the water-way, along which barbarous tribes could descend from the shores of the Euxine to ravage some of the fairest provinces of the Empire, was too glaring not to be speedily recognized and repaired. Even the ruthless destroyer of the city perceived his mistake, and ere long, at the Solicitation of his son Caracalla, ordered the reconstruction of the strategic stronghold. It is with Byzantium as restored by Severus that we are specially concerned, for in that form the city was the immediate predecessor of Constantinople, and affected the character of the new capital to a considerable extent. According to Zosimus, the principal gate in the new walls of Severus stood at the extremity of a line of porticoes erected by that emperor for the embellishment of the city.” There Constantine subsequently * I. I. * Page 96: Kai to pièv traXavöv etxe Tºv TóAmv čv tº avptAmpëoret rôv orroſov is Xe/37pos é BaoruMeðs ºkočopufforaro. Io APYZAAWTINE CONSTA/VTIAWOP/LE. [CHAP. placed the Forum known by his name, so that from the Forum one entered the porticoes in question, and passed beyond the limits of Byzantium." Now, the site of the Forum of Constan- tine is one of the points in the topography of the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire concerning which there can be no difference of opinion. The porphyry column (Burnt Column) which surmounts the Second Hill was the principal ornament of that public place. Therefore the gate of Byzantium must have stood at a short distance from that column. According to the clearest statements on the subject, the gate was to the east of the column, the Forum standing immediately beyond the boundary of the old city.” The language of Zosimus, taken alone, suggests, indeed, the idea that the gate of Byzantium had occupied a site to the west of the Forum ; in other words, that the Forum was con- structed to the east of the gate, within the line of the wall of Severus. For, according to the historian, one entered the por- ticoes of Severus and left the old town, after passing through the arches (8' &v) which stood, respectively, at the eastern and western extremities of the Forum of Constantine. This was possible, however, only if these various structures, in proceeding from east to west, came in the following order: Forum of Con- stantine ; porticoes of Severus ; gate of Byzantium. On this view, the statement that the Forum was “at the place where the gate had stood" would be held to imply that the porticoes between the Forum and the gate were too short to be taken e * * a * Zosimus, p. 96: 'Ayopäv 8& év tá, rötte kaff Öv tróAm to dpxalov ºv 3. A. e Af a a Æ Af s Af oikočopufforas, . . . diſtèas 8to pappudpov Tpourovvmortov preyſorras āAA#Aov ăvrías ātérviroore, 8 &v čveo-ru, eiotéval eis rās Xegmpov orrods, kai Tàs tröMal tróAeos éétéval. - sº * \ * Af * Theophanes, p. 42, speaking of the column, says it was set up diró too tétrov * * • a * Aſ 3 \ * M A * 3 & 8 2 3. Af of ºpčaro oikočopeſv tºw tróAuv, in rô 8vruköv pºépos tºs éri Pépºqv čvoča ms tróMms. I.] - A PZAAV7 IUM. II into account in a general indication of the Forum's position. But to interpret Zosimus thus puts him in contradiction, first, with Theophanes, as cited above ; secondly, with Hesychius Milesius," who says that the wall of Byzantium did not go beyond the Forum of Constantine (oik #30 tic Étováuov &yopäc toū ſagi)\éwc); thirdly, though that is of less moment, with the Anonymus * and Codinus,” who explain the circular shape of the Forum as derived from the shape of Constantine's tent when he besieged the city. Lethaby and Swainson “place the Forum between the porti- coes of Severus on the east and the gate of Byzantium on the west, putting the western arch of the Forum on the site of the latter. They understand the statement of Zosimus to mean that a person in the Forum could either enter the porticoes or leave the old town according as he proceeded eastwards or westwards. From that gate the wall descended the northern slope of the hill to the Neorion, and thence went eastwards to the head of the promontory.” In descending to the Golden Horn the wall kept, probably, to the eastern bank of the valley of the Grand Bazaar, to secure a natural escarpment which would render assault more difficult. Upon the side towards the Sea of Marmora the wall pro- ceeded from the main gate of the city to the point occupied by the temple of Aphrodite, and to the shore facing Chrysopolis.” The temple of the Goddess of Beauty was one of the oldest sanctuaries in Byzantium," and did not entirely disappear until * Fragm. Hist. Graec., iv. p. 49. * I. p. 14. * Page 41. * The Church of Sancta Sophia, pp. 5, 9. * Zosimus, p. 96, 'Atro 8: Too Bopetov Aébou karū rov torov rpétrov, Kartów ãxpt too Apévos 3 kaxoãort veðptov, Kai érékelva péxpt 6a)\doorms # karevöö Keira roi, oróparos 8 of trpos róv Eööelvov čváyovraz IIóvrov. * Ibid., Tô 82 reixos 8-3 roi A6%ov kaffiépcevov v 3rd too 8vrukoi pºpovs ãxpt roë rºs’Aq poètrms vaoſ, kai 6a)\doorms tºs évrukpi Xpworówoxeos. * Paschal Chron., p. 495. I 2 BYZANTINE CONSTA WTINOPLE. [CHAP. the reign of Theodosius the Great, by whom it was converted into a carriage-house for the Praetorian Prefect." It was, conse- quently, a landmark that would long be remembered. Malalas” places it within the ancient Acropolis of the city. Other authorities likewise put it there, adding that it stood higher up the hill of the Acropolis than the neighbouring temple of Poseidon,” where it overlooked one of the theatres built against the Marmora side of the citadel," and faced Chrysopolis.” From these indications it is clear that the temple lay to the north-east of the site of St. Sophia, and therefore not far from the site of St. Irene on the Seraglio plateau. Accordingly, the wall of Severus, upon leaving the western gate of the city, did not descend to the shore of the Sea of Marmora, but after proceeding in that direction for some distance turned south-eastwards, keeping well up the South- western slopes of the First Hill, until the Seraglio plateau was reached.” As these slopes were for the most part very steep, the city, when viewed from the Sea of Marmora, presented the appearance of a great Acropolis upon a hill. Where precisely the wall reached the Sea of Marmora opposite Chrysopolis is not stated, but it could not have been far from the point now occupied by the Seraglio Lighthouse, for the break in the steep declivity of the First Hill above that point offered the easiest line of descent from the temple of Aphrodite to the shore. Thus it appears that the circuit of the walls erected by Severus followed, substantially, the course of the fortifications which he had overthrown. It is a corroboration * Malalas, p. 345. * Page 292. * Hesychius Milesius, Fragm. Hist. Graec., iv. p. 149; Codinus, p. 6. * Motitia, ad Reg. II. ; Paschal Chron., p. 495. * Zosimus, p. 96. * As the Sphendone of the Hippodrome was a construction of Constantine the Great, the wall of Severus may, near that point, have stood higher up the hill than is indicated on the Map of Byzantine Constantinople, facing page 19. - I.] A VZAAWT/UM. I3 of this conclusion to find that the ground outside the wall constructed by Severus—the valley of the Grand Bazaar— answers to the description of the ground outside the wall which he destroyed ; a smooth tract, sloping gently to the water : “Primus post moenia campus erat peninsulae cervicis sensin descendentis ad litus, et ne urbs esset insula prohibentis.” " To this account of the successive circuits of Byzantium until the time of Constantine, may be added a rapid survey of the internal arrangements and public buildings of the city after its restoration by Severus.” A large portion of the Hippodrome, so famous in the history of Constantinople, was erected by Severus, who left the edifice unfinished owing to his departure for the West. Between the northern end of the Hipprodrome and the subsequent site of St. Sophia was the Tetrastoon, a public square surrounded by porticoes, having the Thermae of Zeuxippus upon its southern side. In the Acropolis were placed, as usual, the principal sanc- tuaries of the city; the Temples of Artemis, Aphrodite, Apollo, Zeus, Poseidon, and Demeter. Against the steep eastern side of the citadel, Severus constructed a theatre and a Kynegion for the exhibition of wild animals, as the Theatre of Dionysius and the Odeon were built against the Acropolis of Athens. At a short distance from the apex of the promontory rose the column, still found there, bearing the inscription Fortuna Reduci off devictos Gothos, in honour of Claudius Gothicus for his victories over the Goths. To the north of the Acropolis was the Stadium ; * * Dionysius Byzantius. See Gyllius, De Bosporo Thracio, ii. c. 2; cf. ibid., De Top. C.P., i. c. IO. * Paschal Chron., pp. 494, 495 ; cf. Malalas, p. 345; Motitia, ad Reg. ZZ. * AVotitia, ad Regiones, / V., V., VI. In the first tower south of Saouk Tchesmé Kapoussi, in the land wall of the Seraglio, is built a stone, inscribed with archaic Greek letters, which probably came from the Stadium. See Proceedings of the Greek I4 BYZA WTINE CONSTA WZTINOPLE. [CHAP. I. then came the ports of the Prosphorion and the Neorion, and in their vicinity the Strategion, the public prison," and the shrine of Achilles and Ajax.” The aqueduct which the Emperor Hadrian erected for Byzantium continued to supply the city of Severus.” - Nor was the territory without the walls entirely unoccupied. From statements found in Dionysius Byzantius, and from allusions which later writers make to ruined temples in different quarters of Constantinople, it is evident that many hamlets and public edifices existed along the shore of the Golden Horn, and in the valleys and on the hills beyond the city limits. Blachernae was already established beside the Sixth Hill; Sycae, famous for its figs, occupied the site of Galata ; and the Xerolophos was a sacred hill, crowned with a temple of Zeus. * Literary Syllogos of Constantinople, vol. xvi., 1885, Archaeological Supplement, p. 3. 'Atropºd(xov) aixpar(av), oraëtoč(pópov), 6 Tórros à(pxeral). * Codinus, p. 76. * Hesychius Milesius, Fragm. Hist. Graec., iv. p. 149. * Paschal Chron., p. 619. * For buildings, etc., outside the limits of Byzantium, see Anaplus of Dionysius Byzantius ; Gyllius, ZXe Bosporo Zºhracio, ii. c. 2, c. 5; Codinus, p. 30 ; Anonymus, iii. p 51. §§§ - Aº: Ä §§§ RS \\\\\\º ś NY & - s *:Sºf ſ § - .* := Nº |W āşş § § "...’,1: \x. e…s Šºš > W: zº As §§§ :- s , ºr tº - *\º: *ś §§§s 3. sº §§ § º a. § - º * A º v dº tºº Nº - | §§ º ſº º §sº , Wººl | º HºN §§ * §§§ ,, .ºz. g §§ § §§ § §§ ..º. ºº's ^y. Nº Ş. º º A § §§ §W § §§§ §§§ 2. º * * sº ſºº's : §§§ jºy.” S. Nº §§ ** * º º 'º', ; , $º º!" Aºi & §§ §§§§ 3. º o Sºº-S &\ § §§ºt: § ſº §§ §§§º SS Sºº Nº §§§ sº º §º º * WNN. ºr, §§§ §§§§ •, 4 º º §§ § G §§ Kºš K_* N 3 * ~4Å º &e. A $º Öğ rº- **ś §§§ {& ºš l ºn RS: º §§§ N & § Q - 2 - ~ º º * { # * 4 * ~ * * sº gº tºtº W § º K. º: * Wºº, , …Nº. ºº * º | Nº. § | N N }\ * - - . & N 2 w * º & * * 3M R N § º 2 Y" ºr 'N * - § º Vºs § º N N & * ſº g \\\\\\\\{ \º . . * § - ! Sº . $ - -º-ºr----- -->;-- - - , , ,--------- CHAPTER II. THE CITY OF CONSTANTINE—ITS LIMITS.–FORTIFICATIONS- INTERIOR ARRANGEMENT. IN the year 328 of our era, Constantine commenced the trans- formation of Byzantium into New Rome by widening the boundaries of the ancient town and erecting new fortifications. On foot, spear in hand, the emperor traced the limits of the future capital in person, and when his courtiers, surprised at the compass of the circuit he set himself to describe, inquired how far he would proceed, he replied, “Until He stops Who goes before me.”" The story expresses a sense of the profound import of the work begun on that memorable day. It was the inauguration of an epoch. We shall endeavour to determine the limits assigned to the city of Constantine. The data at our command for that purpose are, it is true, not everything that can be desired ; they are often vague ; at other times they refer to landmarks which have disappeared, and the sites of which it is impossible now to identify; nevertheless, a careful study of these indications yields more satisfactory results than might have been antici- pated under the circumstances. The new land wall, we shall find, crossed the promontory” along a line a short distance to the east of the Cistern of * Philostorgius, ii. c. 9. * See Map of Byzantine Constantinople. s I6 BYZAAV7 IAVE CONSTAAV7 IAVOA’ CAE. [CHAP. Mokius on the Seventh Hill, (the Tchoukour Bostan, west of Avret Bazaar), and of the Cistern of Aspar at the head of the valley between the Fourth and Sixth Hills, (the Tchoukour Bostan on the right of the street leading from the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet to the Adrianople Gate). The southern end of the line reached the Sea of Marmora somewhere between the gates known respectively, at present, as Daoud Pasha Kapoussi and Psamathia Kapoussi, while its northern extremity abutted on the Golden Horn, in the neighbourhood of the Stamboul head of the inner bridge. At the same time the seaward walls of Byzantium were repaired, and prolonged to meet the extremities of the new land wall. That this outline of the city of Constantine is, substantially, correct, will appear from the information which ancient writers have given on the subject. (a) According to Zosimus," the land wall of the new capital was carried fifteen stadia west of the corresponding wall of Byzantium. The position of the latter, we have already seen, is marked, with sufficient accuracy for Our present purpose by the porphyry Column of Constantine which stood close to the main gate of the old Greek town.” Proceeding from that column fifteen stadia westwards, we come to a line within a short distance of the reservoirs above mentioned. (b) In the oldest description of Constantinople—that con- tained in the Notitia *—the length of the city is put down as 14,075 Roman feet; the breadth as 6150 Roman feet. The * Pages 96, 97. - * See above, p. Io. * Notitia Dignitatum accedunz Notitia urbis Constantinopolitanæ et Zaterculi Arozinciarum, edidit Otto Seeck, p. 243. The Motitia, so far as Constantinople is concerned, will be found in Gyllius’ De Topographia Constantinopoleos. “Habetsane longitudo urbis a porta aurea usque ad litus maris directa linea pedum quattuordecim milia septuaginta quinque, latitudo autem pedum sex milia centum quinquaginta.” II.] TAZAZ CITY OF CONSTANTIAWE. 17 Motitia belongs to the age of Theodosius II., and might there- fore be supposed to give the dimensions of the city after its enlargement by that emperor. This, however, is not the case. The size of Constantinople under Theodosius II. is well known, seeing the ancient walls which still surround Stamboul mark, with slight modifications, the wider limits of the city in the fifth century. But the figures of the Notitia do not correspond to the well-ascertained dimensions of the Theodosian city; they fall far short of those dimensions, and therefore can refer only to the length and breadth of the original city of Constantine. To adhere thus to the original size of the capital after it had been outgrown is certainly strange, but may be explained as due to the force of habit. When the Notitia was written, the enlargement of the city by Theodosius was too recent an event to alter old associations of thought and intro- duce new points of view. “The City,” proper, was still what Constantine had made it. The length of the original city was measured from the Porta Aurea on the west to the sea on the east. Unfortunately, a serious difference of opinion exists regarding the particular gate intended by the Porta Aurea. There can be no doubt, however, that the sea at the eastern end of the line of measurement was the sea at the head of the promontory; for only by coming to that point could the full length of the city be obtained. Conse- quently, if we take the head of the promontory for our start- ing-point of measurement, and proceed westwards to a distance of 14,075 feet, we shall discover the extent of the city of Constantine in that direction. This course brings us to the same result as the figures of Zosimus—to the neighbourhood of the Cisterns of Mokius and Aspar. Turning next to the breadth of the city, we find that the only portion of the promontory across which a line of 6150 feet g C 18 BYZAAWTINE CONSTANTINOPEE. [CHAP. –F#----- → Y --rersr- will stretch from sea to sea lies between the district about the gate Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, beside the Sea of Marmora on the south, and the district about the Stamboul head of the inner bridge on the north ; elsewhere the promontory is either narrower or broader. Hence the southern and northern ex- tremities of the land wall of Constantine terminated respectively, as stated above, in these districts. From these figures we pass to the localities and structures by which Byzantine writers have indicated the course of Con- stantine's wall. On the side of the Sea of Marmora the wall extended as far west as the Gate of St. Æmilianus (trópra roo & Yíov Aiu- Xiavod), and the adjoining church of St. Mary Rhabdou (ric âytaç 0sorókov ric Pá98ov)." That gate is represented by Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, which stands immediately to the west of Vlanga Bostan.” In crossing from the Sea of Marmora to the Golden Horn, over the Seventh, Fourth, and Fifth Hills, the line of the fortifications was marked by the Exokionion ; the Ancient Gate of the Forerunner; the Monastery of St. Dius ; the Convent of Icasia; the Cistern of Bonus ; the Church of SS. Manuel, Sabel, and Ishmael ; the Church, and the Zeugma, or Ferry, of St. Antony in the district of Harmatius, where the fortifications reached the harbour.” To this list may be added the Trojan Porticoes and the Cistern of Aspar. (a) The Exokionion (ro ÉÉoklövtov) * was a district immedi- ately outside the Constantinian Wall, and obtained its name from a column in the district, bearing the statue of the founder of the city. Owing to a corruption of the name, the quarter was commonly known as the Hexakionion (ro Šćaktóvtov).” It is * Paschal Chron., p. 494; Anonymus, i. p. 2. * See below, p. 264. * Anonymus, i. p. 2; Codinus, p. 25. * Anonymus, i. p. 20. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 501. Cassiºn CHRYSOPOLIS Scutari Tower of Galata (3) Region XIII. Galața Sycae of Dy. Ch. of S.Mary Ch. Pammakaristós of the S Ch. of Ch. of S.Saviour Suſan , Kºš:Theodosia 62.9%ra sjoº#umo S$293.; py. Yºu! /2/. & A//. * ... - - - - * r * º Mºº º, *kºnºkaya - Ch. of Ş. aurentius Ch sº waſ, ‘. Ch. of S. John de e & 1 3. e’ 3. * ** In--~. Map of BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. of Manuel" ch.of S.John in Petra Z27. & Gate of Region X. *... Region VI. e’ Ch. of Christ Paateſºptes : Sultan Szeleiman & ""*........ < . . . . 6%, "º * * * = Ch. of Christ Pantocrator ". *. - Al/e/ze??zet I cºcoyateia *p Ch. of.S. nº e Ch. of S. * * ...”. Jh. of thefty § yr Basilicaº, 12/. Column of Marcian” Region XI. & Ch. of S.Mary Region VII. Region I & Monastir Dj. Ch.of gº& Ch. of S. ** a Region Ix. "“” & Deniz Abdal Gate of the Region XII. Forum of Cistern of (Az/7′ef Mokius Rapoze Mesdjidi • gº N ** ^ Ch. of S. Anna d Ch. of S. Andrew Fºodja Aſustap/ia Monastery of Gastria by F. R. von Hubner for and under the direction of Professor A. van Millingen. Scale of 1:30, ooo O | English Miles II.] THE CITY OF CONSTANTINE. - I9 celebrated in ecclesiastical history as the extra-mural suburb in which the Arians were allowed to hold their religious services, when Theodosius the Great, the champion of Orthodoxy, pro- hibited heretical worship within the city.” Hence the terms Arians and Exokionitai became synonymous.” In later times the quarter was one of the fashionable parts of the city, contain- ing many fine churches and handsome residences.” Gyllius was disposed to place the Exokionion on the Fifth Hill,” basing his opinion on the fact that he found, when he first visited the city, a noble column standing on that hill, about half a mile to the north-west of the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet.” Dr. Mordtmann, on the other hand, maintains that the desig- nation was applied to the extra-mural territory along the whole line of the Constantinian land fortifications.” But the evidence on the subject requires us to place the Exokionion on the Seventh Hill, and to restrict the name to that locality. For in the account of the triumphal entry of Basil I, through the Golden Gate of the Theodosian Walls, the Exokionion is placed between the Sigma and the Xerolophos." The Sigma appears in the history of the sedition which overthrew Michael V., (IO42), and is described as situated above the Monastery of St. Mary Peribleptos.” Now, regarding the position of that monastery there is no doubt. The establishment, founded by Romanus Argyrus, was one of the most important monastic. * Paschal Chron., p. 561 ; Socrates, v. c. 7. * Ibid., ut supra. * Theophanes Continuatus, p. 196; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 173; Nicetas Chon. p. 319. - * De Top. CP., iv. c. 1. * On the occasion of his second visit, Gyllius saw the column removed to the Mosque of Sultan Suleiman. - * Pages Io, 72. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 501. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 540, "Avoffew rºs trepuſ?Aérrow povſis, év tá, tórq tº ka)\oupévº Xiypart. 2O A VZA WT//WE COMWSTAAWT/WO PLAE. [CHAP. houses in Constantinople. Its church survived the Turkish Con- quest, and remained in the hands of the Greeks until 1643, when Sultan Ibrahim granted it to the Armenian community." Since that time the sacred edifice has twice been destroyed by fire, and is now rebuilt under the title of St. George. It is popularly known as Soulou Monastir (the Water Monastery), after its adjoining ancient cistern, and stands in the quarter of Psamathia, low down the southern slope of the Seventh Hill. The Xerolophos was the name of the Seventh Hill in general,” big was sometimes applied, as in the case before us, to the Forum of Arcadius (Avret Bazaar) upon the hill's summit.” This being so, the Exokionion, which was situated between the Sigma and the Forum of Arcadius, must have occupied the upper western slope of the Seventh Hill. In corroboration of this conclusion two additional facts may be cited. First, the Church of St. Mokius, the sanctuary accorded to the Arians for their extra-mural services in the Exokionion, stood on the Seventh Hill," for it was on the road from the Sigma to the Forum of Arcadius,” and gave name to the large ancient cistern, the Tchoukour Bostan, to the north-west of the Forum." In the next place, the district on the Seventh Hill to the west of Avret Bazaar (Forum of Arcadius) and beside the cistern of Mokius, still retains the name Exokionion under a Turkish form, its actual name, Alti Mermer, the district of “the Six Columns,” being, evidently, the Turkish rendering of Hexakio- nion, the popular Byzantine alias of Exokionion." The Exokio- nion, therefore, was on the Seventh Hill. Accordingly, the Wall * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Constantinople, p. 86. * Paschal Chron., p. 579. * Socrates, vii. c. 5; Constant. Porphyr., Ze Cer., p. 106. * Banduri, Imperium Orientale, v. p. 81 ; Synaxaria, May II. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 55, 56. * Codinus, p. 99; Gyllius, De Top. C.P., iv. c. 8. * Cf. Paspates, p. 362. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTA WTINE. 2I of Constantine crossed that hill along a line to the east of the quarter of Alti Mermer. (6) The next landmark, the Ancient Gate of the Forerunner (IIaMaud IIópra roo IIpoëpóuov), elsewhere styled simply the Ancient Gate (IIa)\aud IIópra)," furnishes the most precise indication we have of the position of Constantine's wall. It was a gate which survived the original fortifications of the city, as Temple Bar out- lived the wall of London, and became known in later days as the Ancient Gate, on account of its great antiquity. Its fuller desig- nation, the Ancient Gate of the Forerunner,” is explained by the fact that a church dedicated to the Baptist was built against the adjoining wall. Conversely, the church was distinguished as the Church of the Forerunner at the Ancient Gate (rùv IIa)\atav).” Manuel Chrysolaras places the entrance to the west of the Forum, of Arcadius, and describes it as one of the finest monu- ments in the city.” It was so wide and lofty that a tower or a full-rigged ship might pass through its portals. Upon the summit was a marble portico of dazzling whiteness, and before the entrance rose a column, once surmounted by a statue. When Bondelmontius visited the city, in 1422, the gate was still erect, and is marked on his map of Constantinople as Antiquissima Pulchra Porta.” It survived the Turkish Conquest, when it obtained the name of Isa Kapoussi (the Gate of Jesus), and held its place as late as 1508. In that year it was overthrown by a great earthquake. “Isa Kapoussi,” says the Turkish historian Solak Zadè, who records the occurrence, “near Avret Bazaar, which had been in existence for 1900 years (sic), fell and was levelled to the ground.” But the shadow of the name still * Codinus, p. 122. * Codinus, p. 25. * Du Cange, iv. p. IO2. * Patrologia Graeca, vol. clvi. p. 54, Migne. * Another copy of the map of Bondelmontius than that forming the Frontispiece of this work is found at the beginning of Du Cange's Constantinopolis Christiana. * For this information I am indebted to Rev. H. O. Dwight, LL.D., of the American Board of Missions. 22 BYzANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. lingers about the site. A small mosque to the west of Avret Bazaar bears the name Isa Kapoussi Mesdjidi,” while the adjoining street is called Isa Kapoussi Sokaki. The mosque is an ancient Christian church, and probably bore in its earlier character a name which accounts for its Turkish appellation. From these facts it is clear that the Wall of Constantine, in crossing the Seventh Hill, passed very near Isa Kapoussi Mesd- jidi, a conclusion in accordance with the position already assigned to the Exokionion. The column outside the Ancient Gate was probably that which gave name to the district. Nowhere could a column bearing the statue of the city's founder stand more appropriately than before this splendid entrance. (c) Another landmark of the course of the Constantinian ramparts in this part of the city were the Trojan Porticoes (roºpačáalot #uſłoxo),” which stood so near the wall that it was sometimes named after them, the Trojan wall (rów retxàv táv Towa&motov).” From their situation in the Twelfth Region,” it is probable that they lined the street leading from the Porta Aurea into the city. They were evidently of some architectural importance, and are mentioned on more than one occasion as having been damaged by fire or earthquake.” The reason for their name is a matter of conjecture, and no trace of them remains. (d) Nothing definite regarding the course of the Constan- tinian Wall can be inferred from the statement that it ran beside the Monastery of St. Dius and the Convent of Icasia, seeing the situation of these establishments cannot be determined more exactly than that they were found near each other, somewhere on the Seventh Hill. * Cf. Paspates, pp. 361-363. * Hesychius Milesius, Fragm. Hist. Gra.c., vol. iv. p. 154. * Paschal Chron., p. 590. * Motitia, ad Reg. XII. * Marcellinus Comes. - II.] THE CITY OF CONSTA WTIAWE. 23 The former, ascribed to the time of Theodosius I., is men- tioned by Antony of Novgorod in close connection with the Church of St. Mokius and the Church of St. Luke.” The Con- vent of Icasia was founded by the beautiful and accomplished lady of that name,” whom the Emperor Theophilus declined to choose for his bride because she disputed the correctness of his ungracious remark that women were the source of evil. (e) The Cistern of Aspar, which, according to the Paschal Chronicle.” was situated near the ancient city wall, is the old Byzantine reservoir (Tchoukour Bostan), on the right of the street conducting from the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet to the Gate of Adrianople in the Theodosian walls. This is clear from the following evidence. The cistern in question was a very large one, and stood near the Monastery of Manuel," which was founded by the distinguished general of that name in the reign of Theophilus. The church of the monastery is now the Mosque Kefelé Mesdjidi in the quarter of Salmak Tombruk, and a little to the east of it stands the Tchoukour Bostan mentioned above,” the only large Byzantine reservoir in the neighbourhood. This conclusion is again in harmony with the figures of Zosimus and the AVotitia, which, it will be remembered, brought the line of the Constantinian Wall close to this point. (f) The Cistern of Bonus, the next landmark to be considered, was built by the Patrician Bonus, celebrated in Byzantine history for his brave defence of the capital in 627 against the Avars and the Persians, while the Emperor Heraclius was in Persia carrying war into the enemy's country." Where this cistern was situated is a matter of dispute which cannot be definitely settled in our present state of knowledge. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. IO3; Zºraduits pour la Société de l’Orient Latin, par Madame B. de Khitrovo. * Codinus, p. 123. * Page 593. * Theophanes Continuatus, p. 168. * Paspates, pp. 304-306. * Codinus, p. 99. - ~~ 24. A VZAM/7”/AVAE COMSTAAV7//VOP/CAE. [CHAP. -erry-ºw-ºrrºr--ºr ºt Gyllius identified it with a large cistern, three hundred paces in length, which he found robbed of its roof and columns, and turned into a vegetable garden, near the ruins of the Church of St. John in Petra, on the Sixth Hill." The cistern has dis- appeared since that traveller's day, but as the Wall of Constantine never extended so far west, the identification cannot be correct. In Dr. Mordtmann's opinion, the Cistern of Bonus was the large open reservoir to the south-west of the Mosque of Sultan Selim, on the Fifth Hill,” and there is much to be said in favour of this view. The Cistern of Bonus was, in the first place, situated in one of the coolest quarters of the city, and beside it, on that account, the Emperor Romanus I. erected a palace,” styled the New Palace of Bonus,” as a residence during the hot season. Nowhere in Constantinople could a cooler spot be found in summer than the terrace upon which the Mosque of Sultan Selim stands, not to speak of the attractions offered by the superb view of the Golden Horn from that point. Furthermore, the Cistern of Bonus was within a short distance from the Church of the Holy Apostles, seeing that on the eve of the annual service celebrated in that church in commemoration of Constantine the Great, the Imperial Court usually repaired to the Palace of Bonus, in order to be within easy riding distance of the sanctuary on the morning of the festival.” A palace near the reservoir beside the Mosque of Sultan Selim would be conveniently near the Church of the Holy Apostles, to suit the emperor on such an occasion. To these considerations can be added, first, the fact that on the way from the Palace of Bonus * De Top. C.P., iv. c. 4. * Pages 72, 73. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 343. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 532. * Zbid., ut supra. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTAAVTIAWE. 25 to the Church of the Apostles there was an old cistern converted into market gardens," which may have been the reservoir near the Mosque of Sultan Selim ; and, secondly, the fact that the Wall of Constantine, on its way from the Cistern of Aspar to the Golden Horn passed near the site now occupied by the Mosque of Sultan Selim, and, consequently, close to the old cistern adjoining that mosque. But to this identifica- tion there is a fatal objection : the Cistern of Bonus was roofed in,” whereas the reservoir beside the Mosque of Sultan Selim appears to have always been open. - Dr. Strzygowski has suggested that the Cistern of Bonus stood near Eski Ali Pasha Djamissi,” on the northern bank of the valley of the Lycus, and to the south-west of the Mosque of Sultan Mehemet.* No traces of a cistern have been found in that locality, but the conjecture satisfies the requirements of the case so far as the proximity of that site to the line of Constantine's wall and to the Church of the Holy Apostles is concerned. Why that position should have been selected for a Summer palace is, however, not apparent. We have said that the Constantinian Wall, upon leaving the Cistern of Aspar, turned sharply to the north-east, and made for the shore of the Golden Horn by running obliquely across the ridge of the Fifth Hill. This view of the case is required, first, in order to keep the breadth of the city within the limits assigned by the AVotitia ; and, secondly, by the statement of the same authority that the Eleventh Region—the Region at the north-western angle of the Constantinian city—did not extend to the shore of the Golden Horn : “Nulla parte mari sociata est.”" For this statement * Constant. Porphyr., p. 532. * Anonymus, iii. p. 49, 'Eorkétao'ev airly kvXtvöpukó 66A9. * The literary form of the word is Djami'i. * Die Byzantinischen Wasserbehålter von Konstantinopel, p. 185. * Ad Reg. XI. 26 A VZAAV7 IWE CONSTA NTINOPLE. [chap. implies that the fortifications along the northern front of that Region stood at some distance from the water. But the northern slope of the Fifth Hill is so precipitous, and approaches so close to the Golden Horn that the only available ground for the fortifications on that side of the city would be the plateau of the Fifth Hill, where the large cistern beside the Mosque of Sultan Selim is found. (g) The church dedicated to the three martyr brothers, SS. Manual, Sabel, and Ishmael, must likewise have been on the Fifth Hill ; for it stood where the wall began its descent (karäpxero) * towards the Golden Horn. This agrees with the statement of the Synaxaria that the church was situated beside the land wall of Constantine, upon precipitous ground, and near the Church of St. Elias at the Petrion.” (%) As to the district of Harmatius, named after Harmatius, a prominent personage in the reign of Zeno,” it must be sought in the plain bounded by the Fifth, Fourth, and Third Hills, and the Golden Horn, the plain known in later days as the Plateia, (TIAaréta). To that plain the fortifications of Constantine would necessarily descend from the Fifth Hill, in proceeding on their north-eastern course to the Golden Horn ; and there also the figures of the AVotitia require the northern end of the walls to terminate. Doubtless in the time of Constantine the bay at this point encroached upon the plain more than at present. A church dedicated to St. Antony was found in this part of the city by the Archbishop of Novgorod, when he visited Constantinople at the close of the eleventh century. He reached it after paying his devotions in the Church of St. Theodosia, the Church of St. Isaiah, and the Church of St. Laurentius,” sanctuaries situated in the plain before us ; the * Codinus, p. 25. * Synaxaria, June 17, 20; Anonymus, ii. p. 35. * Anonymus, ii. p. 36. * /tinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. IO4, IOS. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTAAVTIAWE. 27 first being now the Mosque Gul Djami, near Aya Kapou,” while the two last are represented, it is supposed, respectively, by the Mosque of Sheik Mourad and the Mosque of Pour Kouyou, further to the south.” The Archbishop places the Church of St. Antony on higher ground than the Church of St. Laurentius, apparently a short distance up the slope of the Fourth Hill, a position which St. Antony of Harmatius may well have occupied. - (i) The locality known as the Zeugma, or Ferry of St. Antony, stood, naturally, beside the shore. If it cannot be identified with Oun-Kapan Kapoussi, where one of the principal ferries across the Golden Horn has always stood, it must, at all events, have been in that neighbourhood. (7) With the result thus obtained regarding the course of the Constantinian Wall, may now be compared the statement of the Paschal Chronicle upon the subject. According to that authority the old land wall of the city crossed the promontory from the Gate of St. Æmilianus, upon the Sea of Marmora, to the district of the Petrion, upon the Golden Horn.” This statement is of great importance, because made while the wall was still standing ; and it would on that account have been considered sooner, but for certain questions which it raises, and which can be answered more readily now than at a previous stage of our inquiries. The Chronicler makes the strange mistake of supposing that the wall which he saw stretching from sea to sea was the wall built originally for the defence of Byzantium by Phedalia, the wife of Byzas. Unfortunately, Byzantine archaeologists were not always versed in history. Setting aside, therefore, the Chronicler's historical opinions, * Paspates, pp. 320–322. * Zbid., pp. 381-383. * Page 494, T6 traXavov retxos Kovo ravruvoviróAeos, routéorw diró too KaNoupévov IIerptov čos rās répras toū āytov Aipuxuavoſ, TAmortov ris KaNoupévms Pā68ov. 28 A VZAAWTINE COAVSTA AWTINOPLE. [CHAP. and attending to the facts under his personal observation, we find him entirely agreed with the Anonymus as regards the point at which the southern extremity of the Wall of Constantine terminated. w For the Gate of St. AEmilianus, by which the former authority marks that extremity, stood close to the Church of St. Mary Rabdou, the indication given by the latter." The case seems otherwise as regards the northern end of the line, for the Petrion, mentioned in the Paschal Chronicle, was, strictly speaking, the district in which the Greek Patriarchate is now situated, the name of the district being still retained by the gate (Petri Kapoussi) at the eastern end of the enclosure around the Patriarchal Church and residence. But this would bring the northern end of the land wall considerably more to the west than the point where we have reason to believe the Church of St. Antony was found. It would also make the city broader than the AVotitia allows. The discrepancy can, how- ever, be easily removed. For, while the Petrion was pre-emi- nently the district above indicated, the designation was applied also to territory much further to the east. The Church of St. Laurentius, for example, near which St. Antony's stood, is at one time described as standing in the Plateia,” the plain to the east of Petri Kapoussi, while at another time it is spoken of as in the Petrion.” Hence the statement of the Paschal Chronicle does not conflict with what other authorities affirm respecting the point at which the Constantinian land fortifications reached the Golden Horn. (£) Finally, from the Church of St. Antony the wall proceeded * See Paschal Chron., ut supra. * Anonymus, ii. pp. 39, 40. * Bollandists, May 30, p. 238, ‘Ev paprupelº tús dyias Eiºmpias rig óvrt TAmoríov too dyſov Aavpevríov čv rô IIerpt.p. Under August 10, St. Laurentius is described as év IIovXxepuavaſs and év IIerpiº. See below, pp. 206, 207. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTA MVTIME. 29 along the shore of the Golden Horn to the head of the promon- tory, thus completing the circuit of the fortifications. It should, however, be noted that this work of surrounding the city with bulwarks was not executed entirely in the reign of Constantine. A portion of the undertaking—probably the walls defending the shores of the city—was left for his son and successor Constantius to complete." The following gates, mentioned in Byzantine history, were found, there is reason to believe, in the Constantinian circuit:— Porta Polyandriou (IIópta IIoXvavěptov,” the Gate of the Cemetery) stood in the portion of the wall near the Church of the Holy Apostles. It is true that this was one of the names of the Gate of Adrianople in the later Theodosian Walls, but if the name was derived from the Imperial Cemetery beside the Church of the Holy Apostles, there is much probability in Dr. Mordt- mann's opinion that the designation belonged originally to the corresponding gate in the Constantinian fortifications, which stood closer to the cemetery.” Another gate was the Porta Atalou (IIópra 'AráXov).” It was adorned with the statue of Constantine the Great and the statue of Atalus, after whom the gate was named. Both monu- ments fell in the earthquake of 74O. The presence of the statue of the founder of the city upon the gate, the fact that the damage which the gate sustained in 74O is mentioned in close connection with the injuries done at the same time to the Column of Arcadius on the Xeropholos,” and the lack of any proof that the gate stood in the Theodosian Walls, are circumstances which favour the view that it was an entrance in the Wall of Constan- tine. From its association with the Xerolophos one would infer that the Gate of Atalus was situated on the Seventh Hill, in a * Emperor Julian, Oratio Z. . * Paschal Chron., p. 719. * Pages Io, 28. See below, p. 85. * Theophanes, p. 634. * Zbid., zut supra. 30 A YZAAVT/AVE CONSTAAVT/AWOA/CAE. [CHAP. position corresponding to one of the later Theodosian gates on that eminence. That the Palaia Porta—Isa Kapoussi, beside the Mosque Isa Kapou Mesdjidi—was a Constantinian gate is beyond dispute. But a difficult, and at the same time important, question occurs in connection with it. Was it the Porta Aurea mentioned in the Notitia as the gate from which the length of the city was measured 2 What renders this a difficult question is the fact that the Porta Aurea of the Theodosian Walls—the celebrated Golden Gate which appears so frequently in the history of the city, and which is now incorporated in the Turkish fortress of the Seven Towers (Yedi Koulé), under the name Yedi Koulé Kapoussi—was already in existence when the Motitia was written.” That being the case, the presumption is in favour of the opinion that the Golden Gate at Yedi Koulé is the Porta Aurea to which the AVotitia refers ; and this opinion has upon its side the great authority of Dr. Strzygowski.” On the other hand, the distance from the Porta Aurea to the sea, as given by the Motitia, does not correspond to the distance between Yedi Koulé and the head of the promontory, the latter distance being much greater. To suppose that this discrepancy is due to a mistake which has crept into the figures of the Notitia is possible ; but the suppo- sition is open to more than one objection. In the first place, such a view obliges us to assume a similar mistake in the figures which that authority gives for the breadth of the city, seeing they do not accord with the breadth of the city along the line of the Theodosian Walls. But even if this objection is waived, and the possibility of a double error admitted in the abstract, the hypothesis of a mistake in the figures before us is attended by another difficulty, which cannot be dismissed so easily. How comes it that figures condemned as inaccurate because they do * See above, pp. 21, 22. * See below, p. 62. * See below, p. 61, ref. 5. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTA AWTIAWE. 3I not accord with the size of Constantinople under Theodosius II., prove perfectly correct when applied to the dimensions of the city under its founder 2 How come these figures to agree com- pletely with what we learn regarding the length and breadth of the city of Constantine from other data on that subject 2 This cannot be an accident ; the only satisfactory explanation is that the figures in question belonged to the primitive text of the document in which they are found, and never referred to any- thing else than the original size of the city. Hence we are com- pelled to adopt the view that when the Notitia was written, two gates bearing the epithet “Golden " existed in Constantinople, one of them in the older circuit of the city, the other in the later fortifications of Theodosius, and that the author of the Notitia refers to the earlier entrance. There is nothing strange in the existence of a Triumphal Gate in the Wall of Constan- tine, while the duplication of such an entrance for a later line of bulwarks was perfectly natural. Why the Notitia overlooks the second Porta Aurea is ex- plained by the point of view from which that work was written. Its author was concerned with the original city. A gate in the Wall of Theodosius was only the vestibule of the corresponding Constantinian entrance. The existence of a Porta Aurea in the Wall of Constantine being thus established, the identification of that gate with the Palaia Porta offers little difficulty. The Constantinian Porta Aurea, like the Ancient Gate, stood on the Seventh Hill, since the portion of the Via Triumphalis leading from the Exokionion to the Forum of Arcadius was on that eminence." Like the Ancient Gate, the Porta Aurea was, moreover, distinguished by fine architectural features, as its very epithet implies, and, as the Notitia declares, when it states that the city wall bounding the * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 501. 32 A YZAAVTIAWE CONSTAAVTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Twelfth Region, on the Seventh Hill, was remarkable for its monumental character—“Quam (regionem) moenium sublimior decorat ornatus.” Gates so similar in their position and appear- ance can scarcely have been different entrances. Of the Constantinian gates along the seaboard of the city, the only one about which anything positive can be affirmed is the Gate of St. Æmilianus, near the Church of St. Mary Rabdou, on the Sea of Marmora. It is now represented by Daoud Pasha Kapoussi.” Dr. Mordtmann “suggests the existence of a gate known as the Basilikè Porta beside the Golden Horn, where Ayasma Kapoussi stands; but this conjecture is exceedingly doubtful. The Wall of Constantine formed the boundary and bulwark of the city for some eighty years, its great service being the protection of the new capital against the Visigoths, who asserted their power in the Balkan Peninsula during the latter part of the fourth century and the earlier portion of the fifth. After the terrible defeat of the Roman arms at Adrianople in 378, the Goths marched upon Constantinople, but soon retired, in view of the hopelessness of an attack upon the fortifica- tions. The bold Alaric never dared to assail these walls; while Gainas, finding he could not carry them by surprise, broke up his camp at the Hebdomon, and withdrew to the interior of Thrace. It is a mistake, however, to suppose that the original bul- warks of the capital were demolished as soon as the Theodosian Walls were built.* On the contrary, the old works continued * Ad Reg. XII. * Paschal Chron., p. 494; see below, p. 264. * Pages 7, 8. There is no proof for the existence of a Porta Saturnini in the Constantinian Wall (Esquisse Zop. de C.P.). The author of the “Life of St. Isaacius,” in the Bollandists (May 31, p. 256, n. 4, p. 259), says that a cell was built for that saint by Saturninus : “Suburbanam, nec procul a civitatis muris (Constantinian) remotam domum.” The house of Saturninus himself is described as “extra portam Collarida” (Xerolophos). But nothing is said regarding a gate named after him. Regarding this Basilikè Porta, see below, p. 213. - * Nicephorus Callistus, xiv. c. I. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTANTINE. 33 *** * * * for a considerable period to form an inner line of defence. We hear of them in the reign of Justinian the Great, when, together with the Wall of Theodosius, they were injured by a violent earthquake." They were in their place also when the Paschal Chronicle was written.” What their condition precisely was in 740, when the Gate of Atalus was overthrown,” cannot be deter- mined, but evidently they had not completely disappeared. Thereafter nothing more is heard of them, and the probability is that they were left to waste away gradually. Remains of ancient walls survived in the neighbourhood of Isa Kapoussi as late as the early part of this century.* INTERIOR ARRANGEMENTS OF THE CITY OF CONSTANTINE. The work of altering Byzantium to become the seat of government was commenced in 328, and occupied some two years, materials and labourers for the purpose being gathered from all parts of the Empire. Workmen skilled in cutting columns and marble came even from the neighbourhood of Naples,” and the forty thousand Gothic troops, known as the Foederati, lent their strength to push the work forward.” At length, on the IIth of May, A.D. 330," the city of Con- stantine, destined to rank among the great capitals of the world, and to exert a vast influence over the course of human * Malalas, p. 488; Agathias, v. c. 5, 3–8. * Page 494. * Theophanes, p. 634. * Paspates, p. 363. * Lydus, De Magistratibus, iii. p. 266. * Jornandes, De Rebus Get., c. 21, “Nam et dum famosissimam et Romae aemulam in suo nomine conderet civitatem, Gothorum interfuit operatio, qui foedere inito cum imperatore XL. suorum millia illi in solatio contra gentes varias obtulere, quorum et numerus et millia usque, in Rep. nominantur Foederati.” In one brief (Cod. Theod, lib. 13, tit. iv. 1) Constantine complains of the dearth of architects; in another (Cod. Theod, lib. 13, tit. iv. 2) he offers to free from taxes thirty-five master artificers iſ they would bring up their sons in the same professions. * Paschal Chron., p. 529. D 34 A YZAAVT/WE COMSTA WTINOPLE. [CHAP. affairs, was dedicated with public rejoicings which lasted forty days." The internal arrangements of the city were determined mainly by the configuration of its site, the position of the buildings taken over from Byzantium, and the desire to repro- duce some of the features of Rome. - The principal new works gathered about two nuclei–the chief Gate of Byzantium and the Square of the Tetrastoon. Immediately without the gate was placed the Forum, named after Constantine.” It was elliptical in shape, paved with large stones, and surrounded by a double tier of porticoes ; a lofty marble archway at each extremity of its longer axis led into this area, and in the centre rose a porphyry column, bearing a statue of Apollo crowned with seven rays. The figure repre- sented the founder of the city “shining like the sun” upon the scene of his creation. On the northern side of the Forum a Senate House was erected.” The Tetrastoon was enlarged and embellished, receiving in its new character the name “Augustaion,” in honour of Constantine's mother Helena, who bore the title Augusta, and whose statue, set upon a porphyry column, adorned the square.” The Hippodrome was now completed,” to become “the axis of the Byzantine world,” and there, in addition to other monu- ments, the Serpent Column from Delphi was placed. The adjoining Thermae of Zeuxippus were improved.” An Imperial Palace,” with its main entrance on the southern side of the Augustaion, was built to the east of the Hippodrome, where it stood related to the race-course very much as the Palace of the ! Banduri, Imperium Orientale, lib. v. p. 98. * Paschal Chron., p. 528; Zosimus, p. 96. * Hesychius, Frag. Hist, Gra.c., iv. p. 154; Anonymus, i. p. 13. * Paschal Chron., p. 529, Airyovo taſov. * Ibid., p. 528. * Ibid., p. 529. * Ibid., p. 528. II.] THE CITY OF CONSTA WTINE. 35 Caesars on the Palatine was related to the Circus Maximus. There, at the same time, it commanded the beautiful view pre- sented by the Sea of Marmora, the Prince's Islands, the hilly Asiatic coast, and the snow-capped Bythinian Olympus. Euse- bius, who saw the palace in its glory, describes it as “most magnificent ; ”” while Zosimus speaks of it as scarcely inferior to the Imperial Residence in Rome.” - On the eastern side of the Augustaion rose the Basilica,” where the Senate held its principal meetings. It was entered through a porch supported by six splendid columns of marble, and the building itself was decorated with every possible variety of the same material. There also statues of rare workmanship were placed, such as the Group of the Muses from Helicon, the statue of Zeus from Dodona, and that of Pallas from Lindus.* According to Eusebius, Constantine adorned the city and its suburbs with many churches,” the most prominent of them being the Church of Irene" and the Church of the Apostles." The former was situated a short distance to the north of the Augustaion, and there, as restored first by Justinian the Great, and later by Leo III., it still stands within the Seraglio enclosure, now an arsenal of Turkish arms. The Church of the Apostles, with its roof covered with tiles of gilded bronze, crowned the summit of the Fourth Hill, where it has been replaced by the Mosque of the Turkish Conqueror of the city. There, also, Constantine erected for himself a mausoleum, surrounded by twelve pillars after the number of the Apostles ; * and in the porticoes and chapels beside the church most of * Eusebius, Zife of Constantine, iv. 66. * Zosimus, p. 97. * Paschal Chron., pp. 528, 529. * Zosimus, pp. 280, 28.I. * Eusebius, Zife of Constantine, iii. 47. * Socrates, i. c. 16. 7 Eusebius, iv. c. 52–60. * Eusebius, iv. 6o. 36 A VZA WTINE CONSTA WTINOP/LA2. [CHAP. Constantine's successors and their empresses, as well as the patriarchs of the city, found their last resting-place in sarco- phagi of porphyry or marble. Whether Constantine had any part in the erection of St. Sophia is extremely uncertain. Eusebius is silent regarding that church ; Socrates ascribes it to Constantius. Possibly Constantine laid the foundations of the famous sanctuary. Among other churches ascribed to the founder of the city are those dedicated, respectively, to St. Mokius, St. Acacius, St. Agathonicus, and to Michael the Archangel at Anaplus (Arna- outkeui), on the Bosporus." There is no doubt that in the foun- dation of New Rome, Constantine emphasized the alliance of the Empire with the Christian Church. “Over the entrance of his palace,” says Eusebius, “he caused a rich cross to be erected of gold and precious stones, as a protection and a divine charm against the machinations and evil purposes of his enemies.”” Three streets running the length of the city formed the great arteries of communication.” One started from the south-western end of the palace en- closure, and proceeded along the Sea of Marmora to the Church of St. Æmilianus, at the southern extremity of the land wall. At that point was the Harbour of Eleutherius,” on the site of Vlanga Bostan, providing the city with what Nature had failed to supply—a harbour of refuge on the southern coast of the promontory. Another street commenced at the south-eastern end of the palace grounds (Tzycanisterion), and ran first to the point of the Acropolis along the eastern shore of the city, passing on * Hesychius Milesius, Fragm. Hist. Graec., p. 154; Theophanes, p. 34; Sozomon, ii. c. 3. * Zife of Constantine, iii. c. 48. * Anonymus, i. p. 5; Codinus, pp. 22, 23. * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. See below, p. 296. II.] THE CITY OF COAVSTA WT/AWE. 37 the way the theatre and amphitheatre of Byzantium. Near the latter Constantine built the Mangana, or Military Arsenal." The street then proceeded westwards along the Golden Horn, past the Temples of Zeus and Poseidon, the Stadium, the Strategion, and the principal harbours of the city, to the Church of St. Antony in the quarter of Harmatius. In the Strategion an equestrian statue of Constantine was placed, and a pillar bearing the edict which bestowed upon the city the name of New Rome, as well as the rights and privileges of the elder capital.” The third street started from the main gate of the palace, and proceeded, first, from the Augustaion to the Forum of Constantine. On reaching the Third Hill it divided into two branches, one leading to the Porta Aurea and the Exokionion, the other to the Church of the Holy Apostles and the Gate of the Polyandrion. This was the main artery of the city, and was named the Mesé (Msam) on account of its central position. Porticoes built by Eubulus, one of the senators who accompanied Constantine from Rome, lined both sides of the Mesé, and one side of the two other streets, adding at once to the convenience and beauty of the thoroughfares. The porticoes extending from the Augustaion to the Forum of Constantine were particularly handsome.” Upon the summit of all the porticoes walks or terraces were laid out, adorned with countless statues, and commanding views of the city and of the surrounding hills and waters. Thus, the street scenery of Constantinople combined the attractions of Art and Nature. The water-supply of the new capital was one of the most important undertakings of the day.” While the water-works of Byzantium, as improved by Hadrian, continued to be used, they * Anonymus, ii. p. 26. See below, p. 250. * Socrates, i. c. 16. * Paschal Chron., p. 528 ; Lydus, De Magistratibus, iii. p. 266. * Anonymus, i. p. 5; Codinus, p. 22. \ 38 ,” A VZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. were extended, to render the supply of water more abundant. What exactly was done for that purpose is, however, a matter of conjecture.” To the construction of the aqueducts, porticoes, and fortifica- tions of New Rome sixty centenaria of gold (£2,500,000) were devoted.” The health of the city was consulted by building sewers far underground, and carrying them to the sea.” With the view of drawing population to the new city, Con- stantine made the wheat hitherto sent from Egypt to Rome the appanage of Constantinople, and ordered the daily free distribu- tion of eighty thousand loaves.” The citizens were, moreover, granted the Jus Italicus,” while, to attract families of distinction the emperor erected several mansions for presentation to Roman senators." House-building was encouraged by granting estates in Pontus and Asia, on the tenure of maintaining a residence in the new capital." Furthermore, in virtue of its new dignity, the city was relieved from its subordination to the town of Heraclea,” im- posed since the time of Septimius Severus, and the members of the public council of New Rome were constituted into a Senate, with the right to bear the title of Clari.” For municipal purposes the city was divided, like Rome, into * Cf. Tchihatchef, Le Bosphore et Constantinople, chap. ii. ; Andreossy, Com- stantinople et le Bosphore de Thrace, Livre Troisième, “Système des Eaux.” * Anonymus, i. p. 5. * Zbid., ut supra. * Socrates, ii. c. 13; Philostorgius, ii. c. 9. * Cod. Theod, lib. xiv. 13; Cod. /ustin., xi. 20. * Hesychius Milesius, Fragm. Hist. Graec., iv. p. 154; Zosimus, p. 97. * Cod. Zheod., Novella I2. * Paschal Chron., p. 530. Because of this subordination of Byzantium to Heraclea, the bishop of the latter city has still the right to preside at the consecration of the patriarch of Constantinople. * Walesian Anonymus, appended to the History of Ammianus Marcellinus. The senators of Rome were styled “Clarissimi.” II.] THE CITY OF CONSTAAWTINE. 39 Fourteen Regions,” two of them being outside the circuit of the fortifications, viz. the Thirteenth, which comprised Sycae (Galata), on the northern side of the Golden Horn, and the Fourteenth, constituting the suburb of Blachernae, now the quarters of Egri Kapou and Aivan Serai. Motitia, ad Regiones. On the delimitation of the Regions, see Gyllius, De Topographia Constantinopleos, l. ii. c. 2, Io, I6; l. iii. c. 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 ; l. iv. C. 1, 3, 7, Io, II ; and Mordtmann, Esquisse Zopographique de Constanzinople, pp. 2– Io. The point on which these authorities differ most widely is regarding the situation of the Seventh Region, Gyllius making it occupy the valley of the Grand Bazaar, on the northern side of the city; while Mordtmann (pp. 6, 7) places it on the southern slope of the Second Hill, from the Forum of Constantine to the Sea of Marmora. My view (at present) on the subject is indicated in the Map of Byzantine Constantinople. 4O A VZAAV7 IAVE COMSTA/VT/WOPLE. [CHAP. CHAPTER III. THE THEODOSIAN WALLS. THE enduring character of the political reasons which had called the new capital into being, and the commercial advantages which its unique position commanded, favoured such an increase of population, that before eighty-five years had elapsed, the original limits of Constantinople proved too narrow for the crowds gathered within the walls. So numerous were the inhabitants already in 378, that the Goths, who then appeared before the city after the defeat of the Roman arms at Adrianople, abandoned all hope of capturing a stronghold which could draw upon such multitudes for its defence." Three years later, Athanaric * marvelled at the variety of peoples which poured into the city, as they have ever since, like streams from different points into a common reservoir. Soon the corn fleets of Alexandria, Asia, Syria, and Phoenicia, were unable to provide the city with sufficient bread.” The houses were packed so closely that the citizens, whether at home or abroad, felt confined and oppressed, while to walk the streets was dangerous, on account of the number of the beasts of burden that crowded the thoroughfares. Building-ground was in such * Ammianus Marcellinus, xxxii. 16. * Jornandes, xxviii. * Eunapius, quoted by Gyllius, De Top. CP., i. c. 5. * or MARMORA. THE LAND WALLS … .º- - - -- "Aº. … GSO OF Co ~~~~. - -1025 \º • r’. 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CRG scºrer safety: h) *. 3% THE BUILDERS OF THE LAND WALLs OF CONSTANTINOPLE: * Resceny “| |pscº ...}#% Wºerjo, TH eO DOS] US II - C CO | NNGRWALL- € Rećſed BY THe frefect ANIHerºus in AD 413 Ré's c < N, rº OUIe RWALL-e Rected BY THe Prefect (oNSIANTINetwa o 447 º - - * Art F. f. HéRACLJUS N AD 62.7. ſ] VA º “. . gº...º. Ye TAP Tov LéOW T He ArtTen AN IN AD 813. "ſt a ^3 ..."; O.Mots r o a r"P. H. I l l J'a 2 MANUEL COMN GNUS WITHAN A.D. 1143–1181. º 15 999 ourſe; s:...” Gorba' TWAH XAPAC) ov. Garg of Charistus T1WAH Po NNAN OPVON *ary of Ywſ city & tary carvi Kºsº" 77 Mé TR45.above-SéA º lºss." Pl b & R 45, Ce N 7 FM C & $. N k\}} | 7 Y., ow OW ** ‘l- ©&\ s: K** * *. 2sº % A.'Q r. 9. O - Tºjº tºº, To, *, *, *śANoctušºv. A y 7/V 24 J3Aaº. & 9."“c & N& Luº A. 'ps, of Th %2 AN & º:Jºº. £ 'So- *3% *ALL "FRNAs call 24. fºsows a AN *go, pr. *éRAc. ºlºsºph990) Tower)of º A. D. 82. h ; **Moon ‘º.". to M'A', 'i' ºrieſ, º:* *** Bºok + p. º ***Mºon º " * B AAxe PNory A Sºsz; P. ºl QN]- Rq ºr, £ of Blacy, rp aſ _*02 Sºlac, hº ºwaw, tº *ēRA to: "*****t or saint Nicºs, as S. Aïv. ºalſ..."4 || st (gy .9% ºf sawmri)\t bows “recrºp Sºº- N ºf Komajūš y Tri's ! (, / wp:.. WALL of LéO. V. 95. A S t *7-8; ; ; %3.79ers THE Göloſ. N HORN III.] THA. THE O/DOS/4 AV WAZA.S. 4. I demand that portions of the sea along the shores of the city had to be filled in, and the erections on that artificial land alone formed a considerable town." Sozomon goes so far as to affirm that Constantinople had grown more populous than Rome.” This increase of the population is explained, in part, by the attractions which a capital, and especially one founded recently, offered alike to rich and poor as a place of residence and occu- pation. The ecclesiastical dignity of the city, when elevated to the second rank in the hierarchy of the Church, made it, more- over, the religious centre of the East, and drew a large body of ecclesiastics and devout persons within its bounds. The presence and incursions of the Goths and the Huns south of the Danube drove many of the original inhabitants of the invaded districts for shelter behind the fortifications of the city, and led multitudes of barbarians thither in search of employment or the pleasures of civilized life. * Then, it must be remembered that no capital is built in a day. * To make the city worthy of its name involved great labour, and demanded an army of workmen of every description. There were many structures which Constantine had only commenced ; the completion of the fortifications of the city had been left to Constantius; Julian found it necessary to construct a second harbour on the side of the Sea of Marmora ; Valens was obliged to improve the water-works of the city by the erection of the fine aqueduct which spans the valley between the Fourth and Fifth Hills. And how large a number of hands such works required appears from the fact that when the aqueduct was repaired, in the ninth century, 6000 labourers were brought from the provinces to Constantinople for the purpose.” Under the rule of the Theodosian dynasty the improvement * Zosimus, p. IoI. * Sozomon, ii. c. 3. * Theophanes, p. 680. 42 A VZA WT/WE CONSTAAVT/AVOA’ſ E. [CHAP. of the city went forward with leaps and bounds. Most of the public places and buildings enumerated by the Wotitia, were Constructed under the auspices of that House, and transformed the city. A vivid picture of the change is drawn by Themistius," who knew all the phases through which Constantinople had passed, from the reign of Constantius to that of Theodosius the Great. “No longer,” exclaims the orator, as he viewed the altered appearance of things around him, “is the vacant ground in the city more extensive than that occupied by buildings; nor are we cultivating more territory within our walls than we inhabit; the beauty of the city is not, as heretofore, scattered over it in patches, but covers its whole area like a robe woven to the very fringe. The city gleams with gold and porphyry. It has a (new) Forum, named after the emperor; it owns Baths, Porticoes, Gymnasia; and its former extremity is now its centre. Were Constantine to see the capital he founded he would behold a glorious and splendid scene, not a bare and empty void ; he would find it fair, not with apparent, but with real beauty.” The mansions of the rich, the orator continues, had become larger and more Sumptuous; the suburbs had expanded ; the place “was full of Carpenters, builders, decorators, and artisans of every description, and might fitly be called a work-shop of magnificence.” “Should the zeal of the emperor to adorn the city continue,” adds The- mistius, in prophetic strain, “a wider circuit will be demanded, and the question will arise whether the city added to Constanti- nople by Theodosius is not more splendid than the city which Constantine added to Byzantium.” The growth of the capital went on under Arcadius, with the result that early in the reign of his son, the younger Theodosius, the enlargement of the city limits, foreseen by Themistius, was carried into effect. * Oratio, xviii. p. 222. Edition of Petavius. III.] THAE 7THE O/OO.S./4 AV WAZA.S. 43 But this extension of the boundaries was not made simply to suit the convenience of a large population. It was required also by the need of new bulwarks. Constantinople called for more security, as well as for more room. The barbarians were giving grave reasons for disquiet ; Rome had been captured by the Goths ; the Huns had crossed the Danube, and though repelled, still dreamed of carrying their conquests wherever the Sun shone. It was, indeed, time for the Empire to gird on its whole armour. - Fortunately for the eastern portion of the Roman world, Anthemius, the statesman at the head of the Government for six years during the minority of Theodosius II., was eminently qualified for his position by lofty character, distinguished ability, and long experience in the public service. When appointed Praetorian Prefect of the East, in 405, by the Emperor Arcadius, Chrysostom remarked that the appointment conferred more honour on the office than upon Anthemius himself; and the ecclesiastical historian Socrates extols the prefect as “one of the wisest men of the age.”* Proceeding, therefore, to do all in his power to promote the security of the State, Anthemius cleared the Balkan Peninsula of the hostile Huns under Uldin, driving them north of the Danube. Then, to prevent the return of the enemy, he placed a permanent flotilla of 250 vessels on that river, and strengthened the fortifications of the cities in Illyria; and to crown the system of defence, he made Constantinople a mighty citadel. The enlargement and refortification of the city was thus part of a comprehensive and far-seeing plan to equip the Roman State in the East for the impending desperate struggle with barbarism ; and of all the services which Anthemius rendered, the most valuable and enduring was the addition he made to the military importance of the capital. The bounds he assigned to 1 VII. C. I. 44 A P2AAVT/AVA COAWSZTAAV7/AVOP/LA2. [CHAP. the city fixed, substantially, her permanent dimensions, and behind the bulwarks he raised—improved and often repaired, indeed, by his successors—Constantinople acted her great part in the history of the world. The erection and repair of the fortifications of a city was an undertaking which all citizens were required to assist, in one form or another. On that point the laws were very stringent, and no rank or privilege exempted any one from the obligation to promote the work." One-third of the annual land-tax of the city could be drawn upon to defray the outlay, all expenses above that amount being met by requisitions laid upon the inhabitants. The work of construction was entrusted to the Factions, as several inscriptions on the walls testify. In 447, when the Theodosian fortifications were repaired and extended, the Blues and the Greens furnished, between them, sixteen thousand labourers for the undertaking.” - The stone employed upon the fortifications is tertiary limestone, brought from the neighbourhood of Makrikeui, where the hollows and mounds formed in quarrying are still visible. The bricks used are from I foot I inch to I foot 2 inches Square, and 2 inches thick. They are sometimes stamped with the name of their manufacturer or donor, and occasionally bear the name of the contemporary emperor, and the indiction in which they were made. Mortar, mixed with powdered brick, W31S employed in large quantities, lest it should dry without taking hold,” and bound the masonry into a solid mass, hard as rock. The wall of Anthemius was erected in 413, the fifth year of * Cod. Theod, lib. viii. tit. xxii. * Anonymus, i. p. 22. * See Choisy, Z’Art de Báttir chez les Byzantins, pp. 7–13. * Socrates, vii. c. 1; Cod. Theod., “De Operibus Publicis,” lex. 51. The law refers to the towers of the new wall, and is addressed to Anthemius as Praetorian Prefect in 413: “Turres novi muri, qui ad munitionem splendidissimae urbis extructus III.] THE THEODOSIA W WA L/L.S. - 45 \ \ Al Theodosius II., then about twelve years of age, and is now represented by the inner wall in the fortifications that extend along the west of the city, from the Sea of Marmora to the ruins of the Byzantine Palace, known as Tekfour Serai. The new city limits were thus placed at a distance of one mile to one mile and a half west of the Wall of Constantine. This change in the position of the landward line of defence involved the extension likewise of the walls along the two shores of the city; but though that portion of the work must have been included in the plan of Anthemius, it was not executed till after his day. As we shall find, the new seaboard of the capital was fortified a quarter of a century later, in 439, under the direction of the Prefect Cyrus, while Theodosius II. was still upon the throne. The bulwarks of Anthemius saved the city from attack by Attila. They were too formidable for him to venture to assail them. But they suffered soon at the hands of the power which was to inflict more injury upon the fortifications of Constantinople than any other foe. In 447, only thirty-four years after their construction, the greater portion of the new walls, with fifty- seven towers, was overthrown by a series of violent earthquakes." The disaster was particularly inopportune at the moment it occurred, for already in that year Attila had defeated the armies of Theodosius in three successive engagements, ravaged with fire and sword the provinces of Macedonia and Thrace, and come as near to Constantinople as Athyras (Buyuk Tohekmedjè). He had dictated an ignominious treaty of peace, exacting the cession of territory south of the Danube, the payment of an est, completo opere, praecipimus eorum usui deputari, per quorum terram idem murus studio ac provisione Tuae Magnitudinis ex Nostrae Serenitatis arbitrio celebratur.” * Marcellinus Comes, “Plurimi urbis Augustae muri recenti adhuc constructi, cum LVII. turribus, corruerunt.” 46 A VZAAV7 IAWE COAVSTA WTVZVOPLE. [CHAP. ` indemnity of 6000 pounds of gold, and the increase of the annual tribute paid to him by the Eastern Empire from 700 pounds of gold to 2 IOO. The crisis was, however, met with splendid energy by Con- stantine, then Praetorian Prefect of the East, and under his direction, as Marcellinus Comes affirms, the walls were restored in less than three months after their overthrow." But besides restoring the shattered bulwarks of his predecessor, Constantine seized the opportunity to render the city a much stronger fortress than even Anthemius had made it." Accordingly, another wall, with a broad and deep moat before it, was erected in front of the Wall of Anthemius, to place the city behind three lines of defence. The walls were flanked by 192 towers, while the ground between the two walls, and that between the Outer Wall and the Moat, provided room for the action of large bodies of troops. These five portions of the fortifications rose tier above tier, and combined to form a barricade IQO–2O7 feet thick, and over Ioo feet high.” As an inscription * upon the fortifications proclaimed, this was a wall indeed, rö kai retxoc ēvrwg—a wall which, so long as ordinary courage survived and the modes of ancient warfare were not superseded, made Constantinople impregnable, and behind which civilization defied the assaults of barbarism for a thousand years. - Three inscriptions commemorating the erection of these noble works of defence have been discovered. Two of them are still found on the Gate Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi (Porta Rhousiou), one being in Greek, the other in Latin, as * “Intra tres menses, Constantino Praefecto Praetorio opere dante, (muri) reaedi- ficati sunt.” Cf. Inscription on the Gate Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi, p. 47. * Measuring from the bed of the Moat. * It stood on the Outer Wall between the fourth and fifth towers south of the Golden Gate (Paspates, p. 58). Portion of THE THEoDosi AN WALLs (BETWEEN THE GATE OF THE DEUTERON AND YEdi kouli. KAPoussi). III.] THE 7TAZAZO/DOS/AAV VVA/C/CS. s 47 both languages were then in official use. The former reads to the effect that “In sixty days, by the order of the sceptre-loving Emperor, Constantine the Eparch added wall to wall.” f HMAOIN EEHKONTA bladokHIITPGo BACIAHI f KøNOTANTINOC YIIAPXOO EAEIMATO TEIXEI TEDxoo f The Latin legend is more boastful : “By the commands of Theodosius, in less than two months, Constantine erected trium- phantly these strong walls. Scarcely could Pallas have built so quickly so strong a citadel.” THEODOSII JUSSIS GEMINO NEC MENSE PERACTO f CONSTANTINUS OVANS HAEC MOENIA FIRMA LOCAVIT TAM CITO TAM STABILEM PALLAS VIX CONDERET ARCEM + 1 The third inscription has disappeared from its place on the Porta Xylokerkou, but is preserved in the Greek Anthology.” It declared that, “The Emperor Theodosius and Constantine the Eparch of the East built this wall in sixty days.” @EYAOCIOO TOAE TEIXOO ANAE KAI YIIAPXOO EGOAO KGONOTANTINOO ETEYEAN EN HMAOIN EEHKONTA The shortness of the time assigned to the execution of the work is certainly astonishing. Perhaps the statement of the inscriptions will appear more credible if understood to refer exclusively to the second wall, and if we realize the terror which the Huns then inspired. The dread of Attila, “the Scourge of God,” might well prove an incentive to extraordinary perform- ance, and strain every muscle to the utmost tension. But the question of the time occupied in the reconstruction of the walls is not the only difficulty raised by these inscriptions. They present a question also as regards the official under whose direction that work was executed. For according to them, and Marcellinus Comes, the superintendent of the work was named * See illustrations facing pp. 78, 96, 248. * Banduri, Imperium Orientale, vii. n. 428. 48 A VZAAV7 IWE CONSTAA/TIA/OAZAZ. [CHAP. Constantine." Theophanes and subsequent historians, on the other hand, ascribe the undertaking to the Prefect Cyrus.” This is a serious discrepancy, and authorities are not agreed in their mode of dealing with it. Some have proposed to remove the difficulty by the simple expedient of identifying Constantine and Cyrus ; * while others maintain a distinction of persons, and reconcile the conflicting statements by understanding them to refer, respectively, to different occasions on which the walls were repaired.” Cyrus was one of the most conspicuous figures in the history of the city during the reign of Theodosius II.” On account of his talents and integrity he held the office of Praetorian Prefect, and that of Prefect of the City, for four years, making himself immensely popular by the character of his administration. During his prefecture, in 439, the new walls along the shores of the city were constructed. The fires and earthquakes, moreover, which devastated Constantinople in the earlier half of the fifth century, afforded him ample oppor- tunity for carrying out civic improvements, and he was to be seen constantly driving about the city in his chariot to inspect the public buildings in course of erection, and to push forward their completion. Among other works, he restored the great Bath of Achilles, which had been destroyed in the fire of 433,” To him also is ascribed the introduction of the practice of lighting the shops and streets of the capital at night." He was, moreover, a man of literary tastes, and a poet, who counted the Empress Eudoxia, herself a poetess, one of his admirers.” In * See above, p. 47. * Theophanes, pp. I48, I49; Leo Gram., pp. Io9, Io9. * Patriarch Constantius, Paspates, Mordtmann, Du Cange. * Muralt, Essai de Chronographie Byzantine, de 395 & IOS7, pp. 54, 55. * Paschal Chron., pp. 588, 589. * Ibid., pp. 582, 583. * Zbid., p. 588. * Suidas, ad zocem Köpos. III.] THE 7TA/A2O/DOS/AAV WAZZ.S. 49 the competition between Greek and Latin for ascendency as the official language of the Government, he took the side of the former by issuing his decrees in Greek, a practice which made the conservative Lydus style him ironically, “Our Demosthenes.”” But in the midst of all his success, Cyrus remained self- possessed and sober-minded. “I do not like Fortune, when she smiles much,” he was accustomed to say ; and at length the tide of his prosperity turned. Taking his seat one day in the Hippodrome, he was greeted with a storm of applause. “Constantine,” the vast assembly shouted, “founded the city; Cyrus restored it.” For a subject to be so popular was a crime. Theodosius took umbrage at the Ovation accorded to the renovator of the city, and Cyrus was dismissed from office, deprived of his property, forced to enter the Church, and sent to Smyrna to succeed four bishops who had perished at the hands of brigands. Upon his arrival in that city on Christmas. Day he found his people ill-prepared to receive him, so indignant were they that a man still counted a heathen and a heretic should have been appointed the shepherd of their souls. But a short allocution, which Cyrus delivered in honour of the festival, disarmed the opposition to him, and he spent the last years of his life in the diocese, undisturbed by political turmoils and unmolested by robbers. Returning to the question of the identity of Cyrus with the Prefect Constantine above mentioned, the strongest argument in favour of that identity is the fact that, commencing with Theophanes, who flourished in the latter part of the eighth century, all historians who refer to the fortification of the city under Theodosius II. ascribe the work to Cyrus. That they * Lydus, De Magistratibus, iii. p. 235. * Malalas, p. 361, Oük dpéorket plot tºxm troXXá yeXôora. 5o A YZAAV7 IAVE COA/STAAVT/AWOP/LAZ. [CHAP. should be mistaken on this point, it may be urged, is extremely improbable. On this view, the occurrence of the name Con- stantine instead of Cyrus in the inscriptions and in Marcellinus Comes, is explained by the supposition that the former name was the one which Cyrus assumed, as usual under such cir- cumstances, after his conversion to the Christian faith.” But surely any name which Cyrus acquired after his dismissal from office could not be employed as his designation in documents anterior to his fall. Perhaps a better explanation is that Cyrus always had both names, one used habitually, the other rarely, and that the latter appears in the inscriptions because more suited than the former to the versification in which they are cast. This, however, does not explain why Marcellinus Comes prefers the name Constantine. On the other hand, the proposed identification of Cyrus and Constantine is open to serious objections. In the first place, not till the eighth century is the name of Cyrus associated with the land walls of Constantinople. Earlier historians,” when speak- ing of Cyrus and extolling his services, say nothing as to his having been concerned in the fortification of the city in 447. In the next place, the information of Theophanes and his followers does not seem based upon a thorough investigation of the subject. These writers ignore the fact that under Theodosius II. the land walls were built on two occasions ; they ascribe to . Cyrus everything done in the fifth century in the way of enlarging and fortifying the capital, and are silent as regards the connection of the great Anthemius with that work. The only Byzantine author later than the fifth century who recalls the services of Anthemius is Nicephorus Callistus,” and even he represents Cyrus as the associate of that illustrious * Paspates, p. 48, quoting Skarlatus Byzantius. * Paschal Chron., Malalas. ° Lib. vii. c. I. III.] THE THEO DOS/AAW WAZZ.S. 5 I prefect. If such inaccuracies do not render the testimony of Theophanes and subsequent historians worthless, they certainly make one ask whether these writers were not misled by the great fame of Cyrus on the ground of other achievements, and especially on account of his share in building the walls along the shores of the city in 439, to ascribe to him a work which was really performed by the more obscure Constantine. THE INNER WALL. Tô káarpov to uéya: * Tö uéya refxoc.” The Inner Wall was the main bulwark of the capital. It stood on a higher level than the Outer Wall, and was, at the same time, loftier, thicker, and flanked by stronger towers. In construction it was a mass of concrete faced on both sides with blocks of limestone, squared and carefully fitted ; while six brick courses, each containing five layers of bricks, were laid at intervals through the thickness of the wall to bind the structure more firmly. - The wall rises some 30% feet above the present exterior ground-level, and about 40 feet above the level within the city, with a thickness varying from 15% feet near the base to 13% feet at the summit. The summit had along its outer edge a battlement, 4 feet 8 inches high, and was reached by flights of steps, placed generally beside the gates, and set at right angles to the wall, upon ramps of masonry. The ninety-six towers, now battered and ruined by weather, war, and earthquakes, which once guarded this wall, stood from 175 to 181 feet apart, and were from 57 to 60 feet high, with a projection of 18 to 34 feet. As many of them are recon- structions and belong to different periods, they exhibit various * Cananus, p. 476. * Nicephorus Gregoras, xiv. p. 71 I. 52 A YZAAWTINE CONSTAAVTINOPLE. [CHAP. forms and different styles of workmanship. Most of them are square; others are hexagonal, or heptagonal, or octagonal. While their structure resembles that of the wall, they are nevertheless distinct buildings, in compliance with the rule laid down by military engineers, that a tower should not be bound in construction with the curtain of the wall behind it." Thus two buildings differing in weight could settle at dif- ferent rates without breaking apart along the line of junction. As an additional precaution a relieving arch was frequently inserted where the sides of the tower impinged on the wall.” A tower was usually divided by wooden or vaulted floors into two chambers. Towers with three chambers, like the Tower of Basil and Constantine at the southern extremity of the wall, and the Soulou Kaleh beside the Lycus, were rare. The lower chamber was entered from the city through a large archway. Occasionally, it communicated also with the terrace between the two walls by a postern, situated as a rule, for the sake of con- cealment or easier defence, at the angle formed by the tower and the curtain-wall. Upon these entrances the chamber depended for light and air, as its walls had few, if any, loopholes, lest the tower should be weakened where most exposed to missiles. - Generally, the lower chamber had no means of communica- tion with the story above it ; at other times a circular aperture, about 7% feet in diameter, is found in the crown of the vaulted floor between the chambers. The lower portion of a tower had evidently little to do. directly with the defence of the city, but served mainly as a store-room or guard-house. There, soldiers returning home or * Philo of Byzantium. See Veterum Mathemat. Opera, S. ix. Edited and Trans- lated by MM. de Rochat et Graux, Æevue de Philologie, 1879. * Choisy, Z’Art de Bátir chez les Byzantins, p. 112. PORTION OF THE THEODosſan walls (FRoºt witHIN THE CITY). III.] THE THEO DOS/4 AV WA L/.S. 53 leaving for the field were allowed to take up their temporary quarters." The proprietors of the ground upon which the towers stood were also allowed to use them,” but this permission referred, doubtless, only to the lower chambers, and that in time of peace. The upper chamber was entered from the parapet-walk through an arched gateway, and was well lighted on its three other sides by comparatively large windows, commanding wide views, and permitting the occupants to fire freely upon an attacking force. Flights of steps, similar to the ramps that led to the summit of the wall, conducted to the battlemented roof of the towers. There, the engines that hurled stones and Greek fire upon the enemy were placed ;” and there, sentinels watched the western horizon, day and night, keeping themselves awake at night by shouting to one another along the line.” D THE INNER TERRACE. 'O IIspí90Xoc.” The Inner Embankment, or Terrace, between the two walls was 50 to 64 feet broad. It was named the Peribolos, and accommodated the troops which defended the Outer Wall. THE OUTER WALL. To #éo reixoc :" to ÉÉo káarpov : " to ukpóv retxoc.” The Outer Wall is from 2 to 6% feet thick, rising some Io feet above the present level of the peribolos,” and about 27% feet - above the present level of the terrace between the * Cod. Theod., “De Metatis,” lib. 13. * Cod. Theod, “De Operibus Publicis,” lib. 51. * Theophanes, p. 589; Phrantzes, p. 281. * Nicephorus Gregoras, ix. p. 408. * Ducas, p. 283. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 504. * Cananus, p. 476. * Critobulus, i. c. 34. "Or “Lists, the space between the Inner and the Outer walls of enceinte or enclosure” (Violet-le-Duc on Mediæval Fortifications ; translated by Macdermott). 54. A YZAAWTIAWE CONSTAAV7//VOA’ſ E. [CHAP. .* Outer Wall and the Moat. Its lower portion is a solid wall, which retains the embankment of the peribolos. The upper portion is built, for the most part, in arches, faced on the outer side with hewn blocks of stone, and is frequently Supported by a series of arches in concrete, and sometimes, even, by two series of such arches, built against the rear. Besides strengthening the wall, these supporting arches per- mitted the construction of a battlement and parapet-walk on the summit, and, moreover, formed chambers, 8% feet deep, where troops could be quartered, or remain under cover, while engaging the enemy through the loophole in the western wall of each chamber. The towers which flanked this wall" were much smaller than those of the inner line. They are some 30 to 35 feet high, with a projection of about 16 feet beyond the curtain-wall. They alternate with the great towers to the rear, thus putting both walls more completely under cover. It would seem as if the towers of this line were intended to be alternately square and Crescent in shape, so frequently do these forms succeed one another. That this arrangement was not always maintained is due, probably, to changes made in the course of repairs. Each tower had a chamber on the level of the peribolos, provided with small windows. The lower portion of most of the towers was generally a solid substructure ; but in the case of square towers it was often a small chamber reached from the Outer Terrace through a small postern, and leading to a sub- terranean passage running towards the city. These passages may either have permitted secret communication with different parts of the fortifications, or formed channels in which water- pipes were laid. * Only seventy out of the ninety-six towers in this wall can now be identified. III.] THE THEODOSIA W WA LL.S. 55 Notwithstanding the comparative inferiority of the Outer Wall, it was an important line of defence, for it sheltered the troops which engaged the enemy at close quarters. Both in the siege of 1422," and in that of 1453,” the most desperate fighting occurred here. THE OUTER TERRACE. Tô #éo traparstylov.” The embankment or terrace between the Outer Wall and the Moat is some 61 feet broad. While affording room for the action of troops under cover of the battlement upon the Scarp of the Moat,” its chief function was to widen the distance between the besiegers and the besieged. THE MOAT. Táppoc : goû8a.” The Moat is over 61 feet wide. Its original depth, which doubtless varied with the character of the ground it traversed, cannot be determined until excavations are allowed, for the market-gardens and débris which now occupy it have raised the level of the bed. In front of the Golden Gate, where it was probably always deepest, on account of the importance of that entrance, its depth is still 22 feet. The masonry of the scarp and counterscarp is 5 feet thick, and was supported by buttresses to withstand the pressure of the elevated ground on either side of * Cananus, p. 475. - * Ducas, pp. 266, 283, 286; Critobulus, i. c. 34; Leonard of Scio, p. 936, thinks this was poor strategy, rendered necessary by the bad condition of the Inner Wall. “Operosa autem protegendi vallum et antemurale nostris fuit; quod contra animum meum semper fuit, qui suadebam in refugium muros altos non deserendos, qui si ob imbres negligentiamgue vel scissi, vel inermes propugnaculis essent, qui non deserti, praesidium urbi salutis contulisset.” * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 438. * Ducas, p. 266, 'Ev tº rāqipº. * Cananus, pp. 461, 462. 56 A YZAAVT/AVE CONSTA WT/WOAZE. [CHAP. the Moat. The battlement upon the scarp formed a breastwork about 6% feet high. At several points along its course the Moat is crossed by low walls, dividing it into so many sections or compartments. They are generally opposite a tower of the Outer or Inner Wall, and taper from the base to a sharp edge along the summit, to prevent their being used as bridges by an enemy. On their southern side, where the ground falls away, they are supported by buttresses. Dr. Paspates" was the first to call attention to these struc- tures, and to him, also, belongs the credit of having thrown Some light upon their use. They were, in his opinion, aque- ducts, and dams or batardeaux, by means of which water was conveyed to the Moat, and kept in position there. But this Service, Dr. Paspates believed, was performed by them only in case of a siege, when they were broken open, and allowed to run into the Moat. At other times, when no hostile attack was apprehended, they carried water across the Moat into the city, for the supply of the ordinary needs of the population. That many of these structures, if not all, were aqueducts admits of no doubt, for some have been found to contain earthenware water-pipes, while others of them still carry into the city water brought by underground conduits from the hills on the west of the fortifications; and that they were dams seems the only explanation of the buttresses built against their lower side, as though to resist the pressure of water descending from a higher level. Certainly Dr. Paspates' view has very much in its favour. It is, however, not altogether free from difficulties. To begin with, the idea that the Moat was flooded only during a siege does not agree with the representations of Manuel Chrysolaras and * Pages 7–13. AQUEDUCT ACROSS THE MOAT OF THE THEODOSIAN WALLS. Coin OF THE EMPEROR THEODOSIUS II. (From Du Cange.) III.] THE 7THEO DOS/4 AV WAZA.S. 57 Bondelmontius on that point. The former writer, in his famous description of Constantinople, speaks as if the Moat was always full of water. According to him, it contained so much water that the city seemed to stand upon the Sea-shore, even when viewed from the side of the land." The Italian traveller describes the Moat as a “vallum aquarum surgentium.”” Are these statements mere rhetorical flourishes 2 If not, then water must have been introduced into the Moat by some other means than by the aqueducts which traverse it, for these, as Dr. Paspates himself admits, ordinarily took water into the city. Unfortunately, it is impossible, under present circum- stances, to examine the Moat thoroughly, or to explore the territory without the city to discover underground conduits, and thus settle the question at issue. One can only ask, as a matter for future investigation, whether, on the view that the Moat was always flooded, the water required for the purpose was not brought by underground conduits that emptied them- selves a little above the bed of the Moat. The mouth of what appears to be such a conduit is seen in the counterscarp of the Moat immediately below the fifth aqueduct to the south of Top Kapoussi. If water was brought thus to the elevation of Top Kapoussi and Edirne Kapoussi, sufficient pressure to flood the rest of the Moat would be obtained. But, in the next place, it must be added that objections can be urged against the opinion that the Moat was flooded even in time of war. The necessary quantity of water could ill be spared by a city which required all available water for the wants of its inhabitants, especially at the season of the year when sieges were conducted. Then, there is the fact that in * * an Af p * A * Page 40, Tô 8& TA;60s tow év airraſs (taq pots), 586 rov, Öote º piépet * * * º a pévov čAetrero, kai raiſrn 8okéïv are\ayſav Tów tróAlv etva, 8va toûrov. * Librum Insularum Archipelagi, p. 121. Leipsic, 1824. 58 BYzANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. ſchAP. III. * the accounts we have of the sieges of the city, all contemporary historians are silent as to the presence of water in the Moat, notwithstanding frequent allusions to that part of the fortifi- cations. Furthermore, there are statements which imply the absence of water in the Moat during a siege. Pusculus, for instance, giving a minute account of the measures adopted in I453 to place the city in a state of defence, refers to the deepening of the Moat, but says nothing about water in it. “Fossaque Cavant, atque aggere terrae educto, muros forti munimine cingunt.”" If water had been introduced into the Moat on this occasion, Pusculus could hardly have ignored the fact. Again, in the Slavic account of the last siege of the city we are informed that the Greeks opened mines through the counter- scarp of the Moat, to blow up the Turks who approached the fortifications: “Les assiégés pendant le jour combattaient les Turcs, et pendant la nuit descendaient dans les fossés, percaient les murailles du fossé du cóté des champs, minaient la terre sous le mur à beaucoup d'endroits, et remplissaient les mines de poudre et de vases remplis de poudre.”” If such action was possible, there could be no water in the Moat. * IV. I38, 139. * Dethier, Sièges de Constantinople, ii. p. Io&5 ; cf. Mijatovich, Constantine, Last Amperor of the Greeks, pp. 185, 186. Some 24 of these aqueducts or dams can still be identified: 2 between the Sea of Marmora and the Golden Gate; I between that gate and the Gate of the Deuteron; 6 or 7 between the Gate of the Deuteron and the Gate of Selivria ; 5 between the Gate of Selivria and the Gate Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi; 5 between Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi and Top Kapoussi ; 2 between Top Kapoussi and the Gate of the Pempton; 3 between the Gate of the Pempton and Edirnē Kapoussi; 2 between Edirnē Kapoussi and the northern end of the Moat. ( 59 ) CHAPTER IV. THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAN WALLS. THE GOLDEN GATE. THE Theodosian Walls were pierced by ten gates, and by Several small posterns. Of the former, some led only to the different parts of the fortifications, serving exclusively the convenience of the garrison. These may be styled Military Gates. Others connected the capital, moreover, with the outside world by means of bridges thrown across the Moat," and constituted the Public Gates of the city. The two series followed one another in alternate order, the military entrances being known by numbers, the public entrances by proper names. Both were double gateways, as they pierced the two walls. The inner gateway, being the principal one, was guarded by two large towers, which projected far beyond the curtain-wall to obtain a good flank fire, and to Command at the same time the Outer gateway. Thus also the passage from the area between the gateways to the peribolos, on either side, was rendered exceedingly narrow and capable * of easy defence. In view of its great importance, the outer gateway of the Golden Gate also was defended by two towers, projecting from the rear of the wall towards the city. * Pusculus, iv. 137, 138, “Pontes qui ad menia ducunt dirumpunt.” 6o A YZAAVT/AWE CONSTA MTV/VOPLE. [CHAP. For the sake of security against surprise the posterns Were few in number, and occurred chiefly in the great wall and its towers, leading to the peribolos. It is rare to find a postern in a tower of the Outer Wall opening on the parateichion. Proceeding northwards from the Sea of Marmora, there is a postern immediately to the north of the first tower of the Inner Wall. It is an arched entrance, with the laureated monogram “XP.” inscribed above it. The handsome gateway between the seventh and eighth towers north of the Sea of Marmora, Yedi Koulè Kapoussi, is the triumphal gate known, from the gilding upon it, as the Porta Aurea. Its identity cannot be questioned, for the site and aspect of the entrance correspond exactly to the description given of the Golden Gate by Byzantine historians and other authorities. It is, what the Porta Aurea was, the gateway nearest the Sea of Marmora,' and at the southern extremity of the Theodosian Walls,” constructed of marble, and flanked by two great marble towers.” Beside its outer portal, moreover, were found the bas- reliefs which adorned the Golden Gate, and upon it traces of an inscription which expressly named it the Porta Aurea are still visible. The inscription read as follows: HAEC LOCA THEVIDOSIWS DECORAT POST FATA TYRANNI. AVREA SAECLA GERIT QVI PORTAM CONSTRVIT AVRO. The history of our knowledge of this inscription is curious. There is no mention made of the legend by any writer before I453, unless Radulphus de Diceto alludes to it when he states that in I 189 an old resident of the city pointed a Templar to certain words upon the Golden Gate, foretelling the capture * Pusculus, iv. I51, “Aurea Porta datur ponto vicina sonanti.” * Cananus, p. 460. * Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 292, 293; Manuel Chrysolaras, p. 48. >f.xtP. :. :i :* * 3. * | s IV.] THE GA TES ZAV 7THE THEO DOS/4 AV WAZZ.S. 6F of Constantinople by the Crusaders." And of all the visitors to the city since the Turkish Conquest, Dallaway is the only one who speaks of having seen the inscription in its place.” The inscription is cited first by Sirmondi" and Du Cange,” the former of whom quotes it in his annotations upon Sidonius Apollonius, as furnishing a parallel to that poet's mode of spell- ing the name Theodosius with a v instead of an o for the sake of the metre. How Sirmondi and Du Cange, neither of whom ever visited Constantinople, became acquainted with the in- Scription does not appear. Matters remained in this position until 1891, when the atten- tion of Professor J. Strzygowski" was arrested by certain holes in the voussoirs of the central archway, both on its western and eastern faces. The holes are such as are found on stones to which metal letters are riveted with bolts. Here, then, was conclusive evidence that the Porta Aurea had once borne an inscription, and here, Professor Strzygowski divined, was also the means by which the genuineness of the legend given by Sirmondi and Du Cange could be verified. Accordingly, a comparison between the arrangement of the holes on the arch and the forms of the letters in the legend was instituted. As several of the original voussoirs of the arch had been removed and replaced by others without holes in them, the comparison could not be complete; but so far as it was possible to proceed the correspondence was all that could be desired. Where H, for example, occurred in the inscription, the * Historia Anglicanae Scriptores Antiqui, p. 642. London, 1652. * See French translation of his work, Constantinople Anciemme et Moderne, 1798, vol. i. p. 28, where, quoting the legend, he says, “On y lit encore ces vers.” * Opera Varia, vol. i., Paris, 1696; Paneg, Maioriani, Carmen V., 354. * Constantinopolis Christiana, lib. i. p. 52. * The brilliant monograph of Dr. Strzygowski on the Golden Gate is found in the Jahrbuch des Kaiserlich Deutschen Archaeologischen Instituts, Band viii., 1893, Erstes. Heft. *62 A VZAAVTIAWE CONSTA AVT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. holes on the archway are arranged thus, :: ; where an A stood, the holes are placed thus, ...; where V came, their position is . ; and so on, to an extent which verifies the inscription beyond dispute. Thus, also, it has been ascertained that the letters were of metal, probably gilt bronze, and that the words “Haec loca Thevdosivs decorat post fata Tyranni” stood on the western face of the arch, while the words “Avrea saecla gerit qui portam constryit avro" were found on the opposite side. The preservation of the inscription is a matter of very great importance, for it furnishes valuable and interesting information as to the circumstances under which the Porta Aurea was erected. From the fact that the entrance is found in the Theodosian Walls it is natural to infer that the Porta Aurea was a contemporaneous building, and that the emperor extolled in the inscription is Theodosius II. But that inference is pre- cluded by the statement that the arch was set up after the sup- pression of a usurper, post fata tyranni. For Theodosius II. was not called to suppress the usurpation of his imperial authority at any time during his reign, much less in 413, when the Wall of Anthemius, in which the Porta Aurea stands, was built. On the other hand, Theodosius the Great crushed two serious attempts to dispute his rule, first in 388, when he defeated Maximus, and again in 395, when he put down the rebellion of Eugenius. Hence, as Du Cange first pointed out, the Porta Aurea is a monument erected in the reign of Theo- .dosius the Great, in honour of his victory over one of the rebels above mentioned. It could not, however, have been de- signed to commemorate the defeat of Eugenius, seeing that Theodosius never returned to Constantinople after that event, and died four months later in the city of Milan. It must, therefore, have been reared in honour. of the victory over Maximus, a success which the conqueror regarded with feelings IV.] THE GATES MAW THE THEO DOSIAAW WA LL.S. 63 of peculiar satisfaction and pride, celebrating it by one triumphal entry into Rome, in the spring of 389, and by another into Con- stantinople, when he returned to the eastern capital in 391." Accordingly, the Porta Aurea was originally an Arch of Triumph, erected some time between 388 and 39 I, to welcome Theodosius the Great upon his return from his successful expedition against the formidable rebellion of Maximus in the West. It united with the Column of Theodosius in the Forum of Taurus, and the Column of Arcadius in the Forum on the Xerolophus, and the Obelisk in the Hippodrome,” in perpetuating the memory of the great emperor's warlike achievements. In corroboration of the date thus assigned to the monument, it may be added that the only Imperial statue placed over the Porta Aurea was that of Theodosius the Great, while the group of elephants which formed one of the ornaments of the gate was supposed to represent the elephants attached to the car of that emperor on the occasion of his triumphal entry into the city.” There is, however, an objection to this view concerning the age of the Porta Aurea, which, whatever its force, should not be overlooked in a full discussion of the subject. The inscription describes the monument as a gateway, “Qui portam construit auro.”* But such a designation does not seem consistent with the fact that we have here a building which belongs to the age of Theodosius the Great, when the city walls in which the arch stands did not exist, as they are the work of his grandson. How could an isolated arch be, then, styled a gateway ? Can * Zosimus, p. 234. * Cf. the inscription on the pedestal of the obelisk— “Difficilis quondam dominis parere serenis Jussus, et extinctis palmam portare tyrannis Omnia Theodosio cedunt,” etc. * See below, pp. 64, 65. * Malalas, p. 360, ascribes the decoration of the gate with gold to Theodosius II. 64 BYZAAVTIAWE CONSTA WT/AVOA’LAE. [CHAP. the difficulty be removed by any other instance of a similar use of the term “Porta” 2 Or is the employment of the term in the case before us explained by the supposition that in the reign of Theodosius the Great the city had spread beyond the Constantinian Wall, and reached the line marked by the Porta Aurea, so that an arch at that point was practically an entrance into the city ? May not that suburban district have been protected by some slight fortified works 2 Or was the Porta Aurea so named in anticipation of the fulfilment of the prediction of Themistius, that the growth of the city under Theo- dosius the Great would ere long necessitate the erection of new walls 2 * Was it built in that emperor's reign to indicate to a succeeding generation the line along which the new bulwarks of the capital should be built 2 The Porta Aurea was the State Entrance into the capital,” and was remarkable both for its architectural splendour and its military strength. It was built of large squared blocks of polished marble, fitted together without cement, and was flanked by two great towers constructed of the same material. Like the Triumphal Arch of Severus and that of Constantine at Rome, it had three archways, the central one being wider and loftier than those on either side. The gates glittered with gold,” and numerous statues and other sculptured ornaments were placed at suitable points." Of these embellishments the following are mentioned : a cross, which was blown down by a hurricane in the reign of Justinian ;" a Victory, which fell in an earthquake in the reign of Michael III. ;" a crowned female figure, representing the Fortune of the city;" a statue of Theodosius the Great, * See above, p. 42. * Nicephorus, Patriarcha CP., p. 59 ; Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 500, 506. * Malalas, p. 36O. * Codinus, p. 48. * Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 675. * Ibid., ii. p. I73. * Codinus, ut supra. IV.] THE GA 7TES ZAV THE THEO DOS/AAW WAZA.S. 65 overthrown by the earthquake at the close of the reign of Leo the Isaurian ; * a bronze group of four elephants;” the gates of Mompseuesta, gilded and placed here by Nicephorus Phocas, as a trophy of his campaign in Cilicia.” At the south-western angle of the northern tower the Roman eagle still spreads its wings ; the laureated monogram “XP” appears above the central archway on the city side of the gateway ; and several crosses are scattered over the building. In later days, when taste had altered, the scene of the Cruci- fixion was painted within one of the lateral archways, while the Scene of the Final Judgment was represented in the other.” Traces of frescoes are visible on the inner walls of the southern archway, and suggest the possibility of its having been used as a chapel. The whole aspect of the gateway must have been more imposing when the parapet on the towers and on the wall over the arches was intact, and gave the building its full elevation. Two columns crowned with graceful capitals adorned the outer gateway, while the wall north and south was decorated with twelve bas-reliefs, executed with considerable skill, and representing classical subjects. Remains of the marble cornices and of the pilasters which framed the bas-reliefs are still found in the wall, and from the descriptions of the slabs given by Manuel Chrysolaras, Gyllius, Sir Thomas Roe, and others, a fair idea of the nature of the subjects treated can be formed.” Six bas-reliefs were placed on either side of the entrance, grouped in triplets, one above another, each panel being supported by pilasters, round or rectangular. * Theophanes, p. 634. * Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 567. * Zbid., ii. p. 363. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 239. * Manuel Chrys., p. 48; Gyllius, De Top CP., iv. c. 9 ; Adolf Michaelis, Ancient Marèſes in Great Britain, pp. 10–14, translated by C. A. M. Fennell. See Wheler, Grelot, Gerlach, Bulliardus, Spon, and Monograph of Dr. Strzygowski. F | 66 A YZAAV7 IAVAE COMSZTAAV7'/AVOA’ CAE. [CHAP. On the northern slabs the subjects pourtrayed were: Prome- theus tortured ; a youth pursuing a horse, and trying to pull off its rider; a satyr, between a woman with a vessel of water behind her, and a savage man, or Hercules, holding a whip; Labours of Hercules (on three slabs). The bas-reliefs to the south were of superior workmanship, and represented: Endymion asleep, a shepherd's lute in his hand, with Selene and Cupid descending towards him ; Hercules. leading dogs; two peasants carrying grapes; Pegasus and three female figures, one of them attempting to hold him back ; the fall of Phaëthon ; Hercules and a stag." * The first two bas-reliefs to the north of the gate, and the first and fourth to the south, as superior in workmanship, came very near being removed to England, through the efforts of Sir Thomas Roe, ambassador to the Porte from 1621 to 1628, and of a certain Mr. Petty, who was sent to the East by the Earl of Arundel to. procure works of Ancient Art. The finds were to be divided between that nobleman and the Duke of Buckingham. The correspondence on the subject will be found in Zhe Megotiations of Sir Thomas Roe in his Embassy to the Ottoman Porte, published in London, 1740 (see pp. 386, 387, 444, 445, 495, 512, 534, 535); in Michaelis' Ancient Marbles in Great Britain ; and, partially, in Dr. Strzygowski's Monograph on the Golden Gate. “Promise to obteyne them,” wrote Sir Thomas Roe, in May, 1625, “I cannot, because they stand upon the ancient gate, the most conspicuous of the cytte, though now mured up, beeing the entrance by the castell called the Seauen Towers, and neuer opened since the Greek emperors lost yt: to offer to steale them, no man dares. to deface the cheefe seate of the grand signor: to procure them by fauour, is more impossible, such enuy they bear vnto us. There is only then one way left; by cor- ruption of some churchman, to dislike them, as against their law; and vnder that pretence to take them downe to be brought into some priuat place ; from whence, after the matter is cold and unsuspected, they may be conveyed. I haue practised for the four, and am offered to haue it done for 600 crownes.” A year later he had to write, “Those on the Porta Aurea are like to stand, till: they fall by tyme : I haue vsed all meanes, and once bought them, and deposed, 3 moneths, 500 dollers. Without authority, the danger and impossibility were alike; therefore I dealt with the great treasurer, who in these tymes is greedy of any mony, and hee had consented to deliuer them into a boat without any hazard of my part. The last weeke hee rode himself to see them, and carried the surueigher of the citty walls with him; but the Castellano and the people beganne to mutine, and fell vpon a strange conceit ; insomuch that hee was forced to retyre, and presently sent for my enterpreter, demanding if I had any old booke of prophesy: inferring, that those statues were enchanted, and that wee knew, when they should bee taken downe, some great alteration should befall this cytty. . . . In conclusion, hee sent to mee, to think, nor mention no more that place, which might cost his life, and bring mee into. Iv.] THAE GATES MAW THE THEO DOS/AAW WA L/L.S. 67 As the Porta Triumphalis of Constantinople, the Golden Gate was the scene of many historical events and imposing ceremonies. So long as the inauguration of an emperor upon his accession to the throne was celebrated at the Hebdomon (Makrikeui), it was through the Golden Gate that a new sovereign entered his capital on the way to the Imperial Palace beside St. Sophia. Marcian (450), Leo I. (457),” Basiliscus (476),” Phocas (602),” Leo the Armenian (813),” and Nicephorus Phocas (963)," were welcomed as emperors by the city authorities at this portal. Distinguished visitors to the Byzantine Court, also, were sometimes allowed to enter the city by this gate, as a mark of special honour. The Legates of Pope Hormisdas were met here upon their arrival on a mission to Justin I. : " here, in 708, Pope Constantine was received with great ceremony, when he came to confer with Justinian II. : * and here, in the reign of Basil II., the Legates of Pope Hadrian II. were admitted.” Under Romanus Lecapenus, the procession which bore through the city to St. Sophia the Icon of Christ, brought from Faessa, entered at the Porta Aurea.” It was, however, on the return of an emperor to the city after a victorious campaign that the Porta Aurea fulfilled its highest purpose, and presented a brilliant spectacle of life and splendour. Through this triumphal arch came Theodosius the Great, after his defeat of Maximus;* by it Heraclius entered the capital trouble; so that I despair to effect therein your graces seruice : and it is true, though I could not gett the stones, yet I allmost raised an insurrection in that part of the cytty.” * Paschal Chron., p. 590. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 4I4. * Theophanes, p. 186. * Paschal Chron., p. 693. * Theophanes, p. 784. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 438. * Anastasius Bibliothecarius. 8 ſh;a. * Guillelmus Bibliothecarius, in Hadriano ZZ. * Theophanes Cont., p. 432. * Zosimus, p. 234. 68 A PZA/VT/WE CONSTAAV7'/AWO PLA2. [CHAP. to celebrate the success of his Persian expeditions;’ through it passed Constantine Copronymus, after the defeat of the Bul- garians;* Theophilus, on two occasions, after the repulse of the Saracens; * Basil I., after his successes at Tephrice and Ger- manicia ; * Zimisces, after his victories over the Russians under Swiatoslaf ;” Basil II., after the slaughter of the Bulgarians;" and, for the last time, Michael Palaeologus, upon the restoration of the Greek Empire in 1261." It would seem that, in accordance with old Roman custom, victorious generals, below Imperial rank, were not allowed to enter the city in triumph through this gate. Belisarius,” Maurice,” Nicephorus Phocas, before he became emperor,” and Leo his brother,” celebrated their respective triumphs over the Vandals, Persians and Saracens, in the Hippodrome and the great street of the city.” - An Imperial triumphal procession * was marshalled on the plain in front of the Golden Gate,” and awaited there the arrival of the emperor, either from the Hebdomon or from the Palace of Blachernae. The principal captives, divided into several companies, and guarded by bands of Soldiers, led the march. Next followed the standards and weapons and other spoils of war. Then, seated on a magnificent white charger, came the emperor himself, arrayed in robes embroidered with gold and pearls, his crown on his head, his sceptre in his right hand, his * See illustration facing p. 334. * Theophanes, p. 668. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 503, 504. * Ibid., p. 498." * Leo Diaconus, p. 158. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 475. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 160. * Procopius, De Bello Vand., ii. c. 9 ; Theophanes, p. 309. * Theophanes, p. 388. * Leo Diaconus, p. 28. * Ibid., p. 23. * Theophanes, p. 309. * For the descriptions of the triumphs accorded to Basil I. and Theophilus, see Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 498–508. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 499, 'Ev 8& ré Abašíº ró Áo ris Xpworms tróptas. "(walno) a Lvb Naq’Top ſa HL Iv.] THE GA TES MAV THE THEODOSIAAW WAZZ.S. 69 victorious Sword by his side. Close to him rode his son, or the Caesar of the day, another resplendent figure of light, also on a white horse. Upon reaching the gate the victor might, like Theophilus, dismount for a few moments, and falling thrice upon his face, humbly acknowledge the Divine aid to which he owed the triumph of his arms. At length the Imperial cortége passed through the great archway. The civic authorities came forward and did homage, offering the conqueror a crown of gold and a laurel wreath, and accepting from him a rich largess in return ; the Factions rent the air with shouts—“Glory to God, who restores Our Sovereigns to us, crowned with victory ! Glory to God, who has magnified you, Emperors of the Romans ! Glory to Thee, All-Holy Trinity, for we behold our Emperors victorious ! Wel- come, Victors, most valiant sovereigns !”.' And then the glitter- ing procession wended its way to the Great Palace, through the dense crowds that packed the Mesé and the principal Fora of the city, all gay with banners, flowers, and evergreens. Sometimes the emperor, as in the case of Heraclius,” rode in a chariot instead of on horseback ; or the occupant of the triumphal car might be, as on the occasion of the triumph of Zimisces, the Icon of the Virgin.” Michael Palaeologus entered the city on foot, walking as far as the Church of St. John Studius before he mounted his horse.” On the occasion of the second triumph of Theophilus, the beautiful custom was introduced of making children take part in the ceremonial with wreaths of flowers.” But besides serving as a State entrance into the city, the Porta Aurea was one of the strongest positions in the * On the pier to the left of the central archway are painted in red the words, TIOAAA TA ETH TOUN BAOIAEGON ; while on the pier to the right are the words, O GC KAACJC HNENTEN CE; lingering echoes of the shouts that shook the gate on a day of triumph. * See illustration facing p. 334. * Leo Diaconus, p. 158. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 160. * Constant. Porphyr., p. 508. 7o A VZAAV7 I WAE COAVSTA AVT/AVOP/LA2. [CHAP. fortifications." The four towers at its gateways, the deep moat in front, and the transverse walls across the peribolos on either hand, guarding approach from that direction, constituted a veritable citadel. Cantacuzene repaired it, and speaks of it as an almost impregnable acropolis, capable of being provisioned for three years, and strong enough to defy the whole city in time of civil strife.” Hence the great difficulty he found in persuading the Latin garrison which held it on his behalf, in 1354, to surrender the place to his rival John VI. Palaeologus. The Golden Gate, therefore, figures also in the military annals of Constantinople. In the reign of Anastasius I. it was the object of special attack by Vitalianus at the head of his Huns and Bulgarians.” Repeated attempts were made upon it by the Saracens in the siege of 673–675.” Crum stood before it in the reign of Leo the Armenian, and there he invoked the aid of his gods against the city, by offering human sacrifices and by the lustration of his army with sea-water in which he had bathed his feet.” His demand to plant his spear in the gate put an end to the negotiations for peace. In 913 the Bulgarians, under their king Simeon, were again arrayed before the entrance." Here, also, in 1347, John Cantacuzene was admitted by his partisans." John Palaeologus, upon receiving the surrender of the gate foolishly dismantled the towers, lest they should be turned ' To karū thv Xpwormv kaxoupévmv ºppoiptov, Cantacuzene, iv. p. 292. It was not, however, the fortress known as the Strongylon, Cyclobion, Castrum Rotundum (Procopius, De Aed, iv. c. 8 ; Theophanes, p. 541 ; Anastasius, in Hormisda PP. ; Guillelmus Biblioth. in Hadriano Z.Z.). That fortress stood outside the city, near the Hebdomon (Makrikeui), three miles to the west of the Golden Gate (Theophanes, pp. 541, 608). See below, p. 326. * Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 293,301,302. The southern tower projects 55 feet 7 inches from the wall, and is 60 feet 5 inches broad; the corresponding dimensions of th northern tower are 55% feet, and 60 feet 4 inches. * Marcellinus Comes. * Theophanes, p. 541. * Ibid., p. 785. * Theophanes Cont., p. 385. * Cantacuzene, iii. pp. 606, 607. IV.] THE GA TES MAV THAE THEO DOSIAAW WAZ/C.S. 7 I against him, in the fickle political fortunes of the day." He did not, however, carry the work of destruction so far as to be unable to use the position as an “acropolis” when besieged, in 1376, by his rebellious son, Andronicus.” Later, when Sultan Bajazet threatened the city, an attempt was made to restore the towers, and even to increase the strength of this point in the fortifications.” With materials taken from the churches of All Saints, the Forty Martyrs, and St. Mokius, the towers were rebuilt, and a fortress extending to the sea was erected within the city walls, similar to the Castle of the Seven Towers con- structed afterwards by Mehemet the Conqueror, in 1457. Upon hearing of this action, Bajazet sent peremptory orders to John Palaeologus to pull down the new fortifications, and compelled obedience by threatening to put out the eyes of Manuel, the heir to the throne, at that time a hostage at Brousa. The humiliation affected the emperor, then seriously ill, so keenly as to hasten his death. Subsequently, however, probably after the defeat of Bajazet by Tamerlane at Angora, the defences at the Golden Gate were restored; for the Russian pilgrim who was in Constan- tinople between I435 and I453 speaks of visiting the Castle of the Emperor Kalo Jean.* - In 1390, Manuel II., with a small body of troops, entered the city by this gate and drove away his nephew John, who had usurped the throne.” During the siege of 1453 the gate was defended by Manuel of Liguria with 200 men, and before it the Sultan planted a cannon and other engines of assault." Between the Second and third towers to the north of the Golden Gate is an entrance known at present, like the Porta * Cantacuzene, iv. p. 304. * Chalcocondylas, p. 62. * Ducas, pp. 47, 48. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 239, “Chateau de l'Empereur Kalojean. Il a trois entrées.” • * See Muralt, ad annum, Essai de Chronographie Byzantine, vol. ii. * Phrantzes, p. 253. 72 A VZAAVT/WE COAVSTA WT/WOPLE. [CHAP. Aurea, also by the name Yedi Koulé Kapoussi. Dr. Paspates thinks it is of Turkish origin." It has certainly undergone repair in Turkish times, as an inscription upon it in honour of Sultan Achmet III. testifies; but traces of Byzantine workmanship about the gate prove that it belongs to the period of the Empire;” and this conclusion is supported by the consideration that, since the Porta Aurea was a State entrance, another gate was required in its immediate neighbourhood for the use of the public in this quarter of the capital. Hence the proximity of the two gate- ways. Regarding the name of the entrance opinions differ. Some authorities regard the gate as the Porta Rhegiou (Pnytov), the Gate of Rhegium,” mentioned in the Greek Anthology.” But this identification cannot be maintained, for the Porta Rhegiou was one of two entrances which bore an inscription in honour of Theodosius II. and the Prefect Constantine, and both those entrances, as will appear in the sequel, stood elsewhere in the line of the fortifications.” The gate went, probably, by the designation of the Golden Gate," near which it stands, just as it now bears the name given to the latter entrance since the Turkish Conquest. A common name for gates so hear each other was perfectly natural; and on this view certain incidents in the history of the Golden Gate become more intelligible. For instance: when Basil, the founder of the Macedonian dynasty, reached Constantinople in his early youth, a homeless adventurer in search of fortune, it is related that he entered the city about sunset through the Golden Gate, and * Paspates, p. 78. * Mordtmann, p. 13. Above the gate, on the side facing the city, is a slab with the figure of the Roman eagle. - * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Constantinople, p. 19. * Banduri, Imp. Orient, vii. p. 150. * See below, pp. 78, 91. * Mordtmann, p. 13. Iv.] T//E GA TES MAV 7"HE ZTA, E O DOS/4 N WAZZ.S. 73 laid himself down to sleep on the steps of the adjoining Monastery of St. Diomed.” If the only Golden Gate were the Porta Aurea strictly so called, it is difficult to understand how the poor way- farer was admitted by an entrance reserved for the emperor's use ; whereas the matter becomes clear if that name designated also an adjoining public gate. Again, when the historian Nicetas Choniates,” accompanied by his family and some friends, left the city five days after its capture by the Crusaders in I2O4, he made his way out, according to his own statement, by the Golden Gate. In this case also, it does not seem probable that the captors of the city would have allowed a gate of such military importance as the Porta Aurea to be freely used by a company of fugitives. The escape appears more feasible if the Golden Gate to which Nicetas refers was the humbler entrance in the neighbourhood of the Porta Aurea. * Theophanes Cont., p. 223. * Page 779. 74 Aº V.ZAAVTINE COAVSTA AVT//VOPLE. [CHAP. CHAPTER V. THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAN WALLS—continued. THE entrance between the thirteenth and fourteenth towers to the north of the Golden Gate was the Second Military Gate, toū AEvrépov.” Its identity is established by its position in the order of the gates ; for between it and the Fifth Military Gate, regarding the situation of which there can be no doubt,” two military gates intervene. It must therefore be itself the second of that series of entrances. Hence, it follows that the quarter of the city known as the Deuteron (ro Agürepov) was the district to the rear of this gate. This fact can be proved also independently by the following indications. The district in question was without the Walls of Constantine ; * it lay to the west of the Exokionion, the Palaia Porta, and the Cistern of Mokius;* it was, on the one hand, near the last street of the city,” the street leading to the Golden Gate, and, on the other, contained the Gate Melantiados," now Selivri Kapoussi." Consequently, it was the district behind the portion of the walls in which the gate before us is situated. This in turn supports the identification of the gate as that of the Deuteron. It is the finest and largest of the military gates, and * Codinus, p. 97. * See below, p. 81. * Sozomon, iv. c. 2. * Anonymus, i. p. 38. * Procopius, De Aed, i. c. 3. " Synaxaria, Octob. 25. * See below, pp. 76, 77. v.] THE GATES MAW THE THEO DOS/AN WA LL.S. 75 may sometimes have served as a public gate in the period of the Empire, as it has since. Of the churches in the Deuteron quarter, the most noted were the Church of the SS. Notarii, attributed to Chrysostom,” and the Church of St. Anna, a foundation of Justinian the Great.” Others of less importance were dedicated respectively to St. Timothy,” St. George,” St. Theodore,” and St. Paul the Patriarch.6 The next public entrance (Selivri Kapoussi) is situated between the thirteenth and fourteenth towers north of the Gate of the Deuteron. Its present name appears shortly before the Turkish Conquest (TóAm Tic >m}\vſbotag)," and alludes to the fact that the entrance is at the head of the road to Selivria ; but its earlier and more usual designation was the Gate of the Pegé, i.e. the Spring (IlúXm ric IImyńc),” because it led to the cele- brated Holy Spring (now Baloukli), about half a mile to the west. This name for the entrance is found in the inscription placed on the back of the southern gateway tower, in commemo- ration of repairs made in the year 1433 or 1438.” The gate possessed considerable importance owing to its proximity to the Holy Spring,” which, with its healing waters and shrines, its cypress groves, meadows, and delightful air, formed one of the most popular resorts in the neighbourhood of the city.” There the emperors had a palace and hunting park, to which they often retired for recreation, especially in the spring of the year. On the Festival of the Ascension the emperor visited the “Life-giving Pegè" in state, sometimes * Synaxaria, Oct. 25. * Procopius, De Ad., i. c. 3. * Synaxaria, June Io. * Ibid., April 23. * Zbid., April 22. * Nicephorus Callistus, xii. c. 14. * Phrantzes, p. 253. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 109. * See below, pp. 106, Io'ſ. ' * It is still held in great repute, and on the Friday of Greek Easter week is visited by immense crowds of devotees, as in the olden time. " Procopius, De Zd., i. c. 3. 76 Aº P.Z.4 AVT/AWA COAVSTAAV7/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. riding thither through the city, at other times proceeding in his barge as far as the Marmora extremity of the walls, and then mounting horse for the rest of the way." But in either case, the Imperial cortège came up to this gate, and was received there by the body of household troops called the Numeri. It was on returning from such a visit to the Pegé that the Emperor Nicephorus Phocas was mobbed and stoned, as he rode from the Forum of Constantine to the Great Palace beside the Hippodrome.” - - -- * The gate is memorable in history as the entrance through which, in 1261, Alexius Strategopoulos, the general of Michael Palaeologus, penetrated into the city,” and brought the ill- starred Latin Empire of Constantinople to an end. For greater security the Latins had built up the entrance; but a band of the assailants, aided by friends within the fortifications, climbed Over the walls, killed the drowsy guards, broke down the barri- cade, and flung the gates open for the restoration of the Greek power. By this gate, in 1376, Andronicus entered, after besieging the city for thirty-two days, and usurped the throne of his father, John VI. Palaeologus.* In the siege of 1422 Sultan Murad pitched his tent within the grounds of the Church of the Pegè ;" while during the siege of 1453 a battery of three guns played against the walls in the vicinity of this entrance.” There is reason to think that the gate styled Porta Me- lantiados (MEXavrić8oc)" and Pylè Melandesia (MEAavömata),” should be identified with the Gate of the Pegé. Hitherto, indeed, the Porta Melantiados has been identified with the next public gate, Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi; " but that view runs counter * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. Io9. * Leo Diaconus, iv. p. 64. cº * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 142; Niceph. Greg., iv. p. 85. * See Muralt, Essai de Chronographie Byzantine, vol. ii. * Ducas, p. 184. * Nicolo Barbaro, p. 733. * Paschal Chron., p. 590. * Synaxaria, Oct. 25. * Paspates, p. 47 ; Mordtmann, p. I5. - THE GATE OF THE PEGE. v.] TAIAE GA. TAES WAV 7THE THEO DOS/4 AV WA. Z.Z.S. 77 to the fact that the Porta Melantiados stood in the Deuteron," whereas the next public gate was, we shall find, in the quarter of the city called, after the Third Military Gate, the Triton (rö Totrow).” Unless, therefore, the Porta Melantiados is identified with the Gate of the Pegè, it cannot be identified with any other entrance in the Theodosian Walls. That the Gate of the Pegé had originally another name is certain, since the Holy Spring did not come into repute until the reign of Leo I,” nearly half a century after the erection of the Wall of Anthemius. And no other name could have been so appropriate as the Porta Melantiados, for the road issuing from the gate led to Melantiada, a town near the Athyras * (Buyuk Tohekmedjë) on the road to Selivria. The town is mentioned in the Itinerary of the Emperor Antoninus as Melantrada and Melanciada, at the distance of nineteen miles from Byzantium ; and there on different occasions the Huns, the Goths,” and the Avars” halted on their march towards Constantinople. At the gate Porta Melantiados, Chrysaphius, the minister and evil genius of Theodosius II., was killed in 450 by the son of John the Vandal, in revenge for the execution of the latter." It has been suggested that the Mosque of Khadin Ibrahim Pasha within the gate stands on the site of the Church of St. Anna in the Deuteron.” It may, however, mark the site of the Church of the SS. Notarii, which stood near the Porta Melantiados. The Third Military Gate is but a short distance from the Gate of the Pegè, being situated between the fourth and fifth * Synaxaria, Oct. 25. Ev rſ, MeMavömoria trópril, év airfi tº Kovo ravruvot- Troxet, rotroffeo'íg rod Aevrépov. * See below, p. 78. * Nicephorus Callistus, xv. c. 25, c. 28. * Agathias, v. c. 14, c. 20. * Marcellinus Comes, ad Zenonem. * Paschal Chron., p. 717. " Zbud., p. 590. * Mordtmann, p. 78. 78 A YZAAVTINE COAVSTA WTINOPLE. [CHAP. towers to the north. To the rear of the entrance was the quarter called the Triton (ro Toírov)," and, more commonly, the Sigma (>{yua);” the latter designation being derived, probably, from the curve in the line of the walls immediately beyond the gate. What precisely was the object of the curve is not apparent. One authority explains it as intended for the accommodation of the courtiers and troops that assembled here on the occasion of an Imperial visit to the Pegè.” But the Theodosian Walls were built before the Pegè came into repute ; * and the visits of the emperors to the Holy Spring were not so frequent or so important as to affect the construction of the walls in such a II] a 1111621. In the quarter of the Sigma stood a column, bearing the statue of Theodosius II., erected by Chrysaphius.” And there, in the riot of IO42, the Emperor Michael Calaphates and his uncle Constantine were blinded, having been dragged thither from the Monastery of Studius, where they had sought sanctuary." - The most noted churches in the quarter were dedicated respectively to the Theotokos, St. Stephen, and St. Isaacius.8 The site of the first is, in the opinion of Dr. Paspates, marked by the remains of an old Byzantine cistern off the street leading from the Guard-house of Alti Mermer to the Mosque of Yol Getchen.” The next public gate, Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi, situated between the tenth and eleventh towers north of the Third Military Gate, was known by two names, Porta Rhegiou (Pnytov),” the Gate of Rhegium, and Porta Rhousiou (rod Povatov),” the * Menaea, May 30, as quoted by Du Cange, Constantinopolis Christiana, ii. p. 178. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 501 ; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 540. * Mordtmann, pp. I4, 15. * See above, p. 77. * Codinus, p. 47. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 540. ' Theophanes Cont., p. 323. * Codinus, p. 126. * Pages 378-389. * Banduri, Imp. Orient., vii. p. 150. " Theophanes, pp. 355, 358. THE GATE OF RHEGIUM. V.] THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAM WALZ.S. 79 Gate of the Red Faction. That it bore the former name is established by the fact that the inscription in honour of Theo- dosius II. and the Prefect Constantine, which was placed, accord- ing to the Anthology, on the Gate of Rhegium, is actually found on the lintel of this entrance." The name alluded to Rhegium (Kutchuk Tchekmedjè),.a town twelve miles distant, upon the Sea of Marmora, whither the road leading westward conducted. The title of the gate to the second name rests partly upon the consideration that the name cannot be claimed for any other entrance in the walls, and partly upon the fact that two circum- stances connected with the gate can thus be satisfactorily ex- plained. In the first place, the seven shafts employed to form the lintel, posts, and sill of the gateway are covered with red wash, as though to mark the entrance with the colour of the Red Faction. Secondly, on the northern face of the southern gate- way-tower is an inscription, unfortunately mutilated, such as the Factions placed upon a structure in the erection of which they were concerned. The legend as preserved reads thus: “The Fortune of Constantine, our God-protected Fmperor triumphs “* *.” f NIKA H TYXH KGUNCTANTINOY TOY (EEO qYYAAETOY HMGUN AEOIIOTOY f f The missing words with which the inscription closed were at some date intentionally effaced, but analogy makes it exceedingly probable, that they were KAI POYCIGoN, “and of the Reds.” The number of inscriptions about this entrance is remarkable, ' See above, pp. 46, 47. * The inscription is found in the C. I. G., No. 8789. Dr. Paspates Compares it with No. 8788 in that collection. NIKA H TYXH KGONOTANTINOY METAAOY BACIAEGUO TOY CYOTATIKOY NIKHTOY KAI BENETCON (of the Blues) EYNGUOYNTGON. See below, p. 102. 8o tº A VZAAV7 IAWE CONSTAAWTIA/OAZAZ. [CHAP. five being on the gateway itself, and two on its southern tower. Of the former those commemorating the erection of the Theo- dosian fortifications in 447 are of special importance and interest ; * another records the repair of the Outer Wall under Justin II. and his Empress Sophia.” Indistinct traces of the fourth are visible on the southern side of the gateway; while the fifth, too fragmentary to yield a meaning, is on the tympanum, arranged on either side of a niche for Icons,” for the gates of the city were, as a rule, placed under the ward of some heavenly guardian. This gate was closed with a portcullis. The Fourth Military Gate stood between the ninth and tenth towers to the north of the Porta Rhousiou. The northern corbel of the Outer gateway is an inscribed stone brought from some other building erected by a certain Georgius.* Top Kapoussi, between the sixth and seventh towers north of the Fourth Military Gate, is the Gate of St. Romanus (trópra rod ‘Ayíou Pouávov) * so named after an adjoining church of that dedication. Its identity may be established in the following manner: According to Cananus,” the Gate of St. Romanus and the Gate of Charisius stood on opposite sides of the Lycus. The Gate of St. Romanus, therefore, must have been either Top Kapoussi, on the southern side of that stream, or one of the two gates on the stream's northern bank, viz. the walled-up entrance at the foot of that bank, or Edirnē Kapoussi upon the summit. That it was the gate on the southern side of the Lycus is clear, from the statements of Critobulus and Phrantzes," that in the * See above, p. 47. * See below, p. 97. * Choiseul-Gouffier, Voyage pittoresque dans l'Ampire Ottoman, etc., vol. iv. p. 17, speaking of this gate, says, “Sur le cintre de cette porte sont les représentations de quelques saints, donc les Turcs ont effacé le visage.” Cf. Paspates, p. 51. * Mordtmann, p. 15. * Paschal Chron., p. 720. * De Constantinopoli £xpugmata, p. 462. * Critobulus, i. c. 23, c. 27 (Aſragmenta Historicorum Græcorum, vol. v.); Phrantzes, p. 237. v.] THE GA 7TES MAW 7THE THEODOSIAAW WA LZ.S. 8I # siege of 1453 the Turkish troops which invested the walls extending from the Gate of Charisius (Edirnē Kapoussi) to the Golden Horn were on the Sultan's left, i.e. to the north of the position he occupied. But the tent of the Sultan was opposite the Gate of St. Romanus.' Hence, the Gate of Charisius was one of the gates to the north of the Lycus, and, Consequently, the Gate of St. Romanus stood at Top Kapoussi, to the south. In harmony with this conclusion is the order in which the two gates are mentioned by Pusculus and Dolfin when describing the positions occupied by the defenders of the walls from the Sea of Marmora to the Golden Horn. Proceeding from south to north in their account of the defence, these writers place the Gate of St. Romanus before, i.e. to the south of, the Gate of Charisius.” The Church of St. Romanus must have been a very old foundation, for it is ascribed to the Empress Helena. It claimed to possess the relics of the prophet Daniel and of St. Nicetas.” The entrance between the second and third towers north of the Lycus, or between the thirteenth and fourteenth towers north of the Gate of St. Romanus, is the Fifth Military Gate, the Gate of the Pempton (roo ITéutrov).” It is identified by the fact that it occupies the position which the Paschal Chronicle assigns to the Gate of the Pempton ; namely, between the Gate of St. Romanus and the Gate of the Polyandrion—one of the names, as we shall find,” of Edirnē Kapoussi. * Some authorities" have maintained, indeed, that this entrance was the Gate of Charisius. But this opinion is refuted by the fact that the Gate of Charisius, as its whole history proves, was not a military gate, but one of the public gates of the city." * Critobulus; Phrantzes, ut supra. * Pusculus, iv. Compare lines 165 and 169. Cf. Dolfin, s. 54. * Anonymus, iii. p. 55; ſtinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 103. * Paschal Chron., p. 719. * See below, p. 84. * E.g. Dethier, Ze Bosphore et Consple., p. 50. * See below, p. 83. G 82 A PZAAV7 IWE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. Furthermore, the author of the Metrical Chronicle and Cananus expressly distinguish the Gate of Charisius from the gate situated beside the Lycus." To the rear of the entrance was the district of the Pempton, containing the Church of St. Kyriakë and the meadow through which the Lycus flows to the Sea of Marmora. The meadow appears to have been a popular resort before the Theodosian Walls were built, if not also subsequently. Here, about the time of Easter, 404, the Emperor Arcadius came to take exercise on horseback, and here he found three thousand white-robed cate- chumens assembled. They proved to be persons who had recently been baptized by Chrysostom, in the Thermae Con- stantianae, near the Church of the Holy Apostles, notwithstand- ing his deposition on account of his quarrel with the Empress Eudoxia. Arcadius was extremely annoyed by the encounter, and ordered his guards to drive the crowd off the ground.” While riding down one of the slopes of the Lycus valley, in 450, Theodosius II. fell from his horse and sustained a spinal injury, which caused his death a few days later. The Gate of the Pempton was probably the entrance through which the dying emperor was carried on a litter from the scene of the accident into the city.” * Metrical Chronicle, lines 371-429; cf. statement éyépôm Teopytov 8ópos . . . Trpós trºmy rºw Xaportav with statement trómv čáo as āvoukrºv rºw rotapoi, TAmortov eis jv Tijs paprupos vaos Kuptakſis àpāra. See Byzantinshe Analecten, von Hernn Joseph Müller, “Situngs Berechte der K. Akademie der Wissenshaſten Philisoph. Hist,” Classe B. 9, 1852. Cf. Cananus, p. 462, fiv yūp à róros kai oroúða kai Túpyos TAmortov Kupuaxis rās dyſas, pºéorov Popavoi too ăytov kai Tàs Xaparis re rºv TóAmy, kai TAmortéo-rmpov toſſrov eis rov trorapév röv ćirovopačápºevov Aikov. * Palladius, Dialogus de Vita /. Chrysostomi, Migne, xlvii. p. 34. In front of St. Irene in the Seraglio grounds, is preserved the pedestal on which stood the porphyry column bearing the silver statue of the Empress Eudoxia, the occasion of Chrysostom's banishment. * Paschal Chron., p. 589, Eiorſ;X6ev Aekruktºp dro Aevkov trorapot. v.] THE GA. TAES MAV 7THE THE O/OO.S./AAW WA LZ.S. 83 The next public gate, Edirnē Kapoussi, between the eighth and ninth towers to the north of the Fifth Military Gate, was named the Gate of Charisius (rod Xaptortov). The name, which appears in a great variety of forms, occurs first in Peter Magister," a writer of Justinian's reign, and was derived, accord- ing to the Anonymus, from Charisius, the head of the Blue Faction, when the Theodosian Walls were built.” While some authorities, as already intimated, have attached this name to the Gate of the Pempton, others have supposed that it belonged to the entrance now known as Egri Kapou.” This, as will be shown in the proper place, is likewise a mistake.” The grounds on which the Gate of Charisius must be identi- fied with the Edirnē Kapoussi are these: ” From the statements of Cananus and Critobulus, already considered in determining the position of the Gate of St. Romanus,” it is clear that the Gate of Charisius was one of the two gates on the northern bank of the Lycus; either the gate at the foot of that bank or Edirnē Kapoussi upon the summit. That it was not the former is clearly proved by the fact that Cananus and the Metrical Chronicle, as already cited, distinguished the Gate of Charisius from the entrance beside the Lycus. The Gate of Charisius was, therefore, Edirnē Kapoussi, the gate on the summit of the bank. Again, the Gate of Charisius was, like Edirnē Kapoussi, at the head of the street leading to the Church of the Holy Apostles. This is evident from the circumstance that when Justinian the Great, returning to the city from the West, visited * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. wi. * Anonymus, iii. p. 50. * Paspates, p. 68. * See below, p. 124. * * Dr. Mordtmann was the first to establish the fact. For a full statement of his view, see Esquisse Topographique de Consple., pp. 16–29. * See above, pp. 80, 81. 84 A YZAAV7'INE COAVSTA WTINOP/LE. [CHAP. on his way to the palace the tomb of the Empress Theodora at the Holy Apostles', he entered the capital by the Gate of Chari- sius instead of by the Golden Gate,' because the former entrance led directly to the Imperial Cemetery near that church. To these arguments may be added the fact that near the Gate of Charisius was a Church of St. George,” the guardian of the entrance, and that a Byzantine church dedicated to that saint stood immediately to the South-east of Edirnē Kapoussi as late as the year I 556, when it was appropriated by Sultan Suleiman for the construction of the Mosque of Mihrimah. At the same time the Greek community received by way of compensation a site for another church to the north-west of the gate, and there the present Church of St. George was built to preserve the traditions of other days.” Lastly, like Edirnē Kapoussi, the Gate of Charisius stood at a point from which one could readily proceed to the Church of the Chora (Kahriyeh Djamissi), the Church of St. John in Petra (Bogdan Serai), and the Palace of Blachernae.* Another name for the Gate of Charisius was the Gate of the Polyandrion, or the Myriandron (IIópra toû IIoxvavěptov, toū Muptávěpov), the Gate of the Cemetery. This follows from the fact that whereas the respective names of the three gates * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 497. In 1299, Andronicus II. also entered the city by this entrance in great state, after an absence of two years (Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 290). * Anna Comn., ii. pp. 124, 129; Metrical Chronicle, 371-429. * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Constantinople, p. 105. The church possesses two ancient Zectionaries, one containing the Epistles, the other the Gospels. The history of the latter is interesting. The MS. was presented to the Church of St. Sophia, in 1438, by a monk named Arsenius, of Crete. It was taken, the same year, by the Patriarch Joseph to Ferrara, when he proceeded to that city to attend the council called to negotiate the union of the Western and Eastern Churches. Upon his death in Florence the year following it was returned to St. Sophia. Some time after the fall of Constantinople it came into the hands of a certain Manuel, son of Constantine, by whom it was given, in 1568, to the church in which it is now treasured. * Ducas, p. 288. v.] THE GATES IN THE THEODoSIAN WAZLS. 85 in the walls crossing the valley of the Lycus are usually given as the Gate of Charisius, Gate of the Pempton, the Gate of St. Romanus, we find the first name omitted in a passage of the Paschal Chronicle referring to those entrances, and the Gate of the Polyandrion mentioned instead." Evidently, the Gate of Charisius and the Gate of the Polyandrion were different names for the same gate. The latter designation was peculiarly appropriate to an entrance on the direct road to the Imperial Cemetery. Probably a public cemetery stood also outside the gate, where a large Turkish cemetery is now situated, and that may have been another reason for the name of the gate.” With the portion of the walls between the Gate of St. Romanus and the Gate of Charisius, memorable historical events are associated which cannot be passed over without some notice, however brief. On account of its central position in the line of the land fortifications, this part of the walls was named the Mesoteichion (Megoretxtov).” It was also known as the Myriandrion,” on * Paschal Chron., pp. 719, 720 ; cf. Anonymus, i. p. 22, with iii. p. 50. * In the foundations of one of the towers to the north of the Gate of the Pempton, pulled down in 1868 for the sake of building material, a large number of marble tombstones were found, some being plain slabs, others bearing inscriptions. Among the latter, several were to the memory of persons connected with the body of auxiliary troops, styled the Foederati. Such Gothic names as Walderic, Saphnas, Bertilas, Epoktoric, occurred in the epitaphs, e.g.— + ENOAE KTA . . . I O THC MAKAPIAC MNHMHO OEóNAO AEOIIOTIKOO IIIOTOO d'OIAEPATOC ETEAEY THOEN AE MH NOEMBPI(M) KA HMEPA. B INA B. See Paspates, pp. 33, 34; Proceedings of the Greek Literary Syllogos of Consple., vol. xvi., 1885; Archæological Supplement, pp. 17–23. Some of the stones are in the Imperial Museum. * Critobulus, i. c. 26, c. 31. * Phrantzes, p. 253; Critobulus, i. c. 26; Leonard of Scio, “In loco arduo Mili- andri, quo urbs titubabat.” 86 A YZAAVTIAWE CONSTA/VTINOPLE. [CHAP. account of its proximity to the Gate of Polyandrion ; the portion to the south of the Lycus being further distinguished as the Murus Bacchatareus," after the Tower Baccaturea near the Gate of St. Romanus.” Owing to the configuration of the ground traversed by the Mesoteichion, it was at this point that a besieging army generally delivered the chief attack. Here stood the gates opening upon the streets which commanded the hills of the city; here was the weakest part of the fortifications, the channel of the Lycus rendering a deep moat impossible, while the dip in the line of walls, as they descended and ascended the slopes of the valley, put the defenders below the level occupied by the besiegers. Here, then, for Constantinople was the “Valley of Decision ”— here, in the armour of the city, the “heel of Achilles.” In the siege of 626 by the Avars, the first siege which the Theodosian Walls sustained, the principal attack was made from twelve towers which the enemy built before the fortifications extending from the Gate of Charisius to the Gate of the Pempton, and thence to the Gate of St. Romanus.” Upon the Gate of Charisius attempts were made : by Justinian II. and his allies for the recovery of his throne in 705 ; * by Alexius Branas against Isaac Angelus in I 185;" by John Cantacuzene in 1345;" and through it the Comneni entered in Io81, by bribing the German guards (Nemitzi) at the gate, and wrested the sceptre from the hand of Nicephorus Botoniates." In I2O6, during the struggle in which the Latins, soon after their capture of the city, involved themselves with Joannicus, King of Bulgaria, a raid was made upon the Gate of St. Romanus * Leonard of Scio., Migne, vol. clix. pp. 929, 940. * Dolfin, s. 31. * Paschal Chron., pp. 719,720. “Theophanes, p. 573. * Nicetas Chon., p. 493. * Cantacuzene, iii. p. 525. * Anna Comn., ii. p. 124. v.] THE GATES IN THE THEODOSIAM WALLS. 87 and the adjacent quarter by Bulgarian troops encamped near the capital." In 1328 the gate was opened to admit Andronicus III. by two partisans, who stupefied the guards with drink, and then assisted a company of his soldiers to scale the walls with rope ladders.” In 1379 John VI. Palaeologus and his son Manuel, after effecting their escape from the prison of Anemas, and making terms with Sultan Bajazet, entered the city by this gate, and obliged Andronicus IV. to retire from the throne he had usurped.” But it was in the siegess of the city by the Turks that this portion of the walls was attacked most fiercely, as well as defended with the greatest heroism. Here in 1422 Sultan Murad brought cannon to bear, for the first time, upon the fortifications of Constantinople. His fire was directed mainly at an old half-ruined tower beside the Lycus ; but the new weapon of warfare was still too weak to break Byzantine masonry, and seventy balls struck the tower without producing the slightest effect.* In the siege of 1453 this portion of the walls was assailed by Sultan Mehemet himself with the bravest of his troops and his heaviest artillery, his tent being pitched, as already stated, about half a mile to the west of the Gate of St. Romanus.” At the Murus Bacchatareus fought the Emperor Constantine, with his 4OO Genoese allies, under the command of the brave Guistiniani, who had come to perform prodigies of valour “per benefitio de la Christiantade et per honor del mundo.” The three brothers, Paul, Antony, and Troilus, defended the Myriandrion, “with the courage of Horatius Cocles.” * Nicetas Chon., p. 824. * Cantacuzene, i. p. 29I ; Nicephorus Greg., ix. pp. 419, 420. * See Muralt, Essai de Chronographie Byzantine, vol. ii. See below, pp. 162, 163. * Cananus, pp. 461, 462. * Compare the narratives of Phrantzes, pp. 246, 253; Critobulus, i. c. 23, 27, 31, 34, 6o; Ducas, p. 275; Leonard of Scio (Migne, vol. clix.). 88 A YZAAV7 IAVE CONSTA A/TIAWOP/A2. [CHAP. As the struggle proceeded two towers of the Inner Wall and a large portion of the Outer Wall were battered to pieces by the Turkish cannon. The enemy also succeeded in filling the moat at this point with earth and stones, to secure an unobstructed roadway into the city whenever a breach was effected. On the other hand, Giustiniani repaired the breach in the Outer Wall by the erection of a palisade, covered in front with hides and strengthened on the rear by a rampart of stones, earth, branches, and herbage of every description, all welded together with mortar, and supported by an embankment of earth. Between this barricade and the Inner Wall he furthermore ex- cavated a trench, to replace to some extent the moat which had been rendered useless ; and to maintain his communications with the interior of the city he opened a postern in the great wall. … Against these extemporized defences assault after assault dashed in all its strength and fury, only to be hurled back and broken. Meanwhile, more and more of the Inner and Outer Walls fell under the Turkish fire, and the Sultan decided to make a general attack at daybreak on the 29th of May. The Onset upon the Mesoteichion, directed by the Sultan in person, was, however, repeatedly repelled, and the day threatened to go against the assailants, when a Turkish missile struck Giustiniani and forced him to leave the field. His soldiers refused to continue the struggle, abandoned their post, and disheartened their Greek comrades. The Sultan, perceiving the change in the situation, roused his janissaries to make a Supreme effort. They swept forward, carried the barricade, filled the trench behind it with corpses of the defenders, and passing over, poured into the doomed city through every available opening. Some made their way through the breach in the v.] 7 HE GATES MAW THE THEODOSIA W WA/LA.S. 89 great wall, others entered by the postern which Giustiniani had opened," while others cut a path through the heap of dead bodies which blocked the Gate of Charisius. The heroic emperor refused to survive his empire, and found death near the Gate of St. Romanus.” And through that gate, about midday, the Sultan entered, the master of the city of Constantine. It was the close of an epoch. The next Theodosian gate stands between the last tower in the Outer Wall to the north of the Gate of Charisius and the old Byzantine Palace now called Tekfour Serai. In its present condition the entrance pierces only the Outer Wall ; for the Inner Wall terminates abruptly a little to the south of the palace, having been broken away, probably when that edifice was erected. By way of compensation the Outer Wall was then raised higher and built thicker, and flanked by a large tower. According to its place in the order of the gates, this entrance should be the Sixth Military Gate; and the smallness of its dimensions is in keeping with this view. But as it led to a Circus built of timber beside the Church of St. Mamas without the walls, it was styled Porta Xylokerkou (EvXoképkov),” Gate of the Wooden Circus, or more briefly, Kerko Porta (Kepkóiropra),4 the Gate of the Circus. * Critobulus, i. c. 60. * Phrantzes, p. 287. * Cantacuzene, iii. p. 558 ; Theophanes, p. 667. * Ducas, p. 282. The Circus was known as the Circus of St. Mamas, because of its proximity to that church, and appears frequently in Byzantine history. The district associated with the Church of St. Mamas (Zonaras, xvi. c. 5, ev tº kard to Xrevöv totroffeoríg rm too dyſov Māpavros kaxoupévn) must have occupied the valley which extends from the Golden Horn southwards to the village of Ortak djilar, the territory between Eyoub (Cosmidion) and Aivan Serai at the north-western angle of the city. The church itself, with its monastery (Can- tacuzene, iv. pp. 107, 259), stood, probably, on the high ground near Ortakdjilar. Owing to its charming situation, the suburb was a favourite resort, and boasted of an Imperial palace, a hippodrome, a portico, a harbour, and, possibly, the 90 A YZAAVT/AVE COAVSTA AVT/AVOA’A.E. [CHAP. In support of this identification there is first the fact that the Gate of the Xylokerkus, like the gate before us, was an entrance bridge across the Golden Horn. The indications for the determination of the site of the suburb are : (I) it stood nearer the Golden Horn than the Gate of Charisius did ; for in the military demonstration which Constantine Copronymus made before the land walls, against the rebel Artavasdes, by marching up and down between the Gate of Charisius and the Golden Gate, the emperor reached St. Mamas and encamped there, after passing the former entrance on his march northwards (Theophanes, pp. 645, 646). (2) The Hippodrome of St. Mamas was in Blachernae (Év BAaxépvals . . . iv tº intrurº too dyſov Mápavros— Theophanes, p. 667), a term which could be used to designate even the district of the Cosmidion (Paschal Chron., p. 725, Tºv čkkAmoriav róváytov Koopa kai Aapua- voo, Év BAaxépwats). (3) The suburb stood near the Cosmidion; hence the facility with which the Bulgarians under Crum were able to ravage St. Mamas from their camp near the Church SS. Cosmas and Damianus (Theophanes Cont., pp. 613, 614). (4) The suburb was near the water; for it had a harbour (Theophanes, p. 591). It is also described as situated on the Propontis (Genesius, p. IO2), on the Euxine (Theophanes Cont., p. I97), on the Stenon, the Bosporus (Zonaras, ut supra), these names being applied in a wide sense. (5) At the same time the Church of St. Mamas stood near the walls (Zonaras, xiv. p. 1272, TA mortov Too tetxovs), and near the gate named Porta Xylokerkou (Cedrenus, i. p. 707). This does not necessarily imply that the church was immediately outside the gate, but it intimates that the church was at no very great distance from the gate, and could be easily reached from it; as, for example, the Church of the Pegè stands related to the Gate of Selivria (see above, p. 73). Such language would be appropriate if a branch road leading to St. Mamas and the Golden Horn left the great road, parallel to the walls, at the point opposite the Porta Xylokerkou. The suburb owed much to Leo the Great, who took up his residence there for six months, after the terrible conflagration which devastated the city in the twelfth year of his reign (Paschal Chron., p. 598). To him are ascribed all the constructions for which the suburb was celebrated; the harbour and portico (Paschal Chronz., ut supra), the church, the palace, and the hippodrome (Anonymus, iii. pp. 57, 58; Codinus, p. I 15). The Church of St. Mamas is, however, ascribed also to all officer in the reign of Justinian the Great, and to the sister of the Emperor Maurice (see Du Cange, Constantinopolis Christiana, iv. p. 185). There Maurice and his family were buried, after their execution by Phocas (Codinus, p. 121). The palace was frequented by Michael III., and there he was murdered by Basil I. (Theophanes Cont., p. 210). To it the Empress Irene and her son Constantine VI. retired from the city on the occasion of the severe earthquake of 790 (Theophanes, pp. 719, 720), and in it the marriage of Constantine VI. with Theodota was celebrated (Ibid. p. 728). It was burnt down by Crum of Bulgaria (Ibid. pp. 785, 786), but must have been rebuilt soon, for Theophilus took up his quarters there on the eve of his first triumphal entrance into the city (Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 504). The hippodrome may have been, originally, the one which Constantine the Great constructed of wood, outside the city, and in which the adherents of Chrysostom assembled after the e 2 tº , e. - - - A. *A * y 2 an bishop's deposition (Sozomon, viii. c. 21, ovvij\{}ov trpo too do reos eis Tuva Xópov V.] THE GATES MAW THE THEO DOSIAM WA L/.S. 9I in the Walls of Theodosius, for it bore an inscription, which has unfortunately disappeared, in honour of that emperor and the Prefect Constantine, similar to the legend on the Porta Rhegiou." In the next place, the Gate of the Xylokerkus, like the entrance before us, was in the vicinity of the Gate of Charisius, and below a palace” (Tekfour Serai). The history of the gate has an interest of its own. When the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa was at Philippopolis, on his way to the Holy Land at the head of the Third Crusade, the prevalent suspicion that he had designs upon the Byzantine Empire found expression in the prophecy of a certain Dositheos, a monk of the Monastery of St. John Studius, that the German emperor would capture Constantinople, and penetrate into the city through this entrance. Thereupon, with the view of avert- ing the calamity and preventing the fulfilment of the prophecy, Isaac Angelus ordered the gate to be securely built up.” In I346 the partisans of John Cantacuzene proposed to admit him into the city by breaking the gate open, after its long close.” But what gives to the Kerko Porta its chief renown is the part which, according to Ducas, it played in the catastrophe of ôv Kovo ravrivos à BaoruMeys, puffro Tºv tróAw ovvoukijoras, eis in Troöpópov 6éav čkóðmpe, {{\ots repurelyioras). There Michael III. took part in chariot races (Theophanes Cont., p. 197; cf. Theophanes, p. 731). Crum carried away some of the works of Art which adorned it (Theophanes, pp. 785, 786). The harbour of St. Mamas appears as the station of a fleet in the struggle between Anastasius II. and Theodosius III. (Theophanes, pp. 591, 592), and in the struggle between Artavasdes and Constantine Copronymus (Ibid., pp. 645, 646). * Banduri, Imp. Orient., vii. p. 150, n. 428, QEYAOCIOC TOAE TEIXOC ANAE KAI YTIAPXOO ECOAO KGONCTANTINOO ETEYEAN EN HMACIN EEHKONTA. The gate appears in the reign of Anastasius I. (491-518), when a nun residing near it was mobbed and killed for sharing the emperor's heretical opinions (Zonaras, xiv. c. 3, p. 1220, Migne). This is another evidence of its Theodosian origin. It must have stood in the portion of the Theo- dosian Walls that still remain, for it is mentioned in the reign of John Cantacuzene. * Ducas, pp. 282-286. Cf. Anonymus, iii. p. 50. * Nicetas Chon., pp. 528, 529. * Cantacuzene, iii. p. 558. 92 BYzAA/TIME CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. . I453, under the following circumstances. A large portion of the Outer Wall, at the Mesoteichion, having been overthrown by the Turkish cannon, the besieged were unable to issue from the city to the peribolos without being exposed to the enemy's fire. In this extremity some old men, who knew the fortifications well, informed the emperor of a secret postern long closed up and buried underground, at the lower part of the palace, by which communication with the peribolos might be established." This was done, to the great advantage of the Greeks. But on the last day of the siege, while the enemy was attempting to scale the walls with ladders at several points, a band of fifty Turkish nobles detected the newly opened entrance, rushed in, and mounting the walls from the interior of the city, killed or drove off the defenders on the summit. Thus a portion of the forti- fications was secured against which scaling-ladders could be applied without any difficulty, and soon a considerable Turkish force stood on the Inner Wall, planted their standards on the towers, and opened a rear fire upon the Greeks, who were fight- ing in the peribolos to prevent the Turks from entering at the great breach. The cry rose that the city was taken, where- upon an indescribable panic seized the Greeks, already dis- heartened by the loss of Giustiniani, and, abandoning all further resistance, they fled into the city through the Gate of Charisius, many being trampled to death in the rout. The emperor fell at his post; and the Turks poured into the city without opposition.” The fate of Constantinople was thus sealed by the opening of the Kerko Porta. But here a difficulty occurs. In one very important par- ticular the Kerko Porta, as described by Ducas, does not * Ducas, p. 282, IIaparóptuov čv Tpo troXXów Xpóvov ČorbaNós tre+paypévov, inröyawov, trpós ró Károffew pºépos toū traMaríov. * Ducas, pp. 282-286. v.] TAZA, GA TES MAW ZTA/A 7THEO DOS/4 AV WAZZ.S. 93 correspond to the character of the entrance with which it has been identified. The gate which the historian had in mind led to the peribolos, the terrace between the two Theodosian walls, whereas the gate below Tekfour Serai opens on the paratei- chion, the terrace between the Outer Wall and the Moat. This discrepancy may, however, be removed to some extent by sup- posing that under the name of the Kerko Porta, Ducas referred 2% ~~~~. * 2'; /*42. THE (SO-CALLED) KERKO PORTA.' to the postern which Dr. Paspates” found in the transverse wall built across the northern end of the peribolos, where the Inner Wall of Theodosius terminates abruptly a little to the south of Tekfour Serai. The postern was discovered in 1864, after some houses which concealed it from view had been destroyed * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) * Pages 63–67. Dr. Paspates regarded the Kerko Porta and the Porta Xylokerkou as different gates. The latter, he held, has disappeared. 94 BYZA WTAWE CONSTA WTYWOPLE. [CHAP. V. by fire. It was Io; feet high by 6 feet wide, and although the old wall in which it stood has been, for the most part, pulled down and replaced by a new construction, the outline of the ancient postern can still be traced. Such an entrance might be buried out of sight, and be generally forgotten ; and to open it, when recalled to mind in 1453, was to provide the defenders of the city with a secret passage, as they hoped, to the peribolos and the rear of the Outer Wall, where the contest was to be maintained to the bitter end. The suggestion of Dr. Paspates that this was the entrance at which the incidents recorded by Ducas occurred may, therefore, be accepted. But, from the nature of the case, an entrance in such a position could not have been, strictly speaking, the Gate of the Circus, and to call it the Kerko Porta was therefore not perfectly accurate. That was, properly, the name of the gate below Tekfour Serai. Still, the mistake was not very serious, and, under the circumstances, was not strange. Two entrances so near each other could easily be confounded in the report of the events in the neighbourhood, especially when the postern in the transverse wall had no special name of its own. Dr. Mordtmann' thinks that the postern near the Kerko Porta was the one which Giustiniani, according to Critobulus,” opened in the Inner Wall to facilitate communication with the peribolos. The latter postern, however, is represented as near the position occupied by Giustiniani and the emperor, while the former is described as far from that point.” * Page 27. * I. c. 6d. * Ducas, p. 286. CHAPTER VI. REPAIRS ON THE THEODOSIAN WALLS. THE maintenance of the bulwarks of the city in proper order was naturally a matter of Supreme importance, and although the task was sometimes neglected when no enemy threatened, it was, on the whole, attended to with the prompti- tude and fidelity which so vital a concern demanded. There was little occasion for repairs, it is true, on account of injuries sustained in the shock of war, for until the invention of gun- powder the engines employed in battering the walls were either not powerful enough, or could not be planted sufficiently near the fortifications, to produce much effect. Most of the damage done to the walls was due to the action of the weather, and, above all, to the violent and frequent earthquakes which shook Constantinople in the course of the Middle Ages. The charge of keeping the fortifications in repair was given to special officers, known under the titles, Domestic of the Walls (6 Aouéorikoç rôv Tsixéov)," Governor of the Wall ("Apxov too Tetxouc),” Count of the Walls (Köping tôv Tetxéov).” (1) The earliest record of repairs is, probably, the Latin * Codinus, De Officiis, p. 41; Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 589. * Theophanes, p. 616. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 6. Ibid., p. 295, speaks of the too tetxe6tov. 96 PY2A/VTINE COAVSTAAV7/AWOAI.A. [CHAP. inscription on the lintel of the inner gateway of the Porta of the Pempton. It reads: PORTARUM VALID # DO FIRMAVIT LIMINE MUROS PUSAEUS MAGNO NON MINOR ANTHEMIO. The age of the inscription cannot be precisely determined, but the employment of Latin, the Gothic form of the D in the word valido, the allusion to Anthemius, and the situation of the legend upon the Inner Wall, taken together, point to an early date. - From the statement of the inscription it would seem that soon after the erection of the wall by Anthemius, either this gate or all the gates in the line of the new fortifications had to be strengthened. The only Pusaeus known in history who could have presumed to compare himself with Anthemius was consul in 467, in the reign of Leo I.” There may, however, have been an earlier personage of that name. (2) A considerable portion of the Inner Wall (rá čaw retxn) was injured by an earthquake in 578, the fourth year of the reign of Zeno;” but no record of the repairs executed in consequence of the disaster has been preserved. (3) The frequent shocks of earthquake felt in Constantinople during the reign of Justinian the Great damaged the walls on, at least, three Occasions; in 542 and 554, when the injury done was most serious in the neighbourhood of the Golden Gate;” and again in 558, when both the Constantinian and the Theodosian Walls were rudely shaken, the latter suffering chiefly in the portion between the Golden Gate and the Porta Rhousiou.” So great was the damage sustained by the city and vicinity on the last occasion that for thirty days the emperor refused to wear his crown. } Aasthal Chron., p. 595. 2 Theophanes, p. I95. * Ibid., pp. 345, 355. * Zbid., pp. 357, 358. *W0IÐGIH I HO GILVð GIHL NO SNOILāIXIOSNI | }|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||F- ||||||||||||| № | ||||||||| | | | |- | ||||→ · ||| № ||||||| |-----◄-)ſ- −1)) | ſ|||| } | | ll/\\/20\\!!!!!!}\! 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TĀ-Tñ Ē№.|-%> ? ? % |----=±,±,±º2» ș_º *€.«Cº ..., ¿N ſ.{22…+?ºÁ§ „ºſº22?2©~),§ !\!22:ýměſtº 2,%ſſſſſſſſ|}\}\\}\\< ~~~~%}\\}\\}\\N ////j \!\\ſ\\ Z-Ž}}} ~\\- ' ·.*€/////////ņſ ’,ſąº 222×%22%Z%?','//}}} }})ſ!rºm.\}\\\\\\\^?&N !№.4/////||||||||}||}|\\}\\} - |×Ø%%%|||||||||}||}||\\\\\\\}\, ź* . –). ae’�%},{º|||||}}ſſ | | | } \\\\\\\}\\<\\| - --~)/, '',ZA,%;{{!!!!!!!!!!¿\\ ?}}ſſūſ\\�}} 2)=q -----*** a-~~\ ŠE %%%|%/}Š ~~~~i=~~~~);{{||||||||||||||||| �Ž~\~~~~ ** *gy º:#tº Hºwº iſºſºſºlºiſſºiſſºliºſiſ " * - 5. - > -º-º-º-º-º: ºr. “Restored by Manuel Comnenus, the Christ-loving King, Porphyrogenitus, and Emperor of the Romans, in the year II64.” According to Cinnamus,” the Emperor Manuel Comnenus repaired the city walls, wherever necessary.* * Phrantzes, pp. 287, 288. * Page IoI. The supposition is probable ; but one or two points are not clear. Phrantzes describes the post held by the Cretans as consisting of more than one tower (p. 101, rôv trºpyov), and as a single tower (p. 288, too triſpyov). (1) Is the plural number to be understood literally or rhetorically? (2) Is the Basil associated by Phrantzes with Leo and Alexius (Alexander) their father, Basil I., or does the historian refer to Basil II. and the tower erected by that emperor? If the former alternative be adopted, only one tower was concerned in the matter, and the name of Basil I. must have dropped out of the inscription of Leo and Alexander when the tower, as the reversed position of part of the inscription proved, was injured and repaired. If, on the other hand, the historian, in referring to the tower of Basil, had the tower of Basil II. in view, then more than one tower was defended by the Cretans. It should be added that Phrantzes (p. 254) speaks of the crew of a Cretan ship as defending the fortifications near the Beautiful Gate, on the Golden Horn (see below, pp. 221, 222), and this may be thought to imply that the tower or towers he had in mind stood beside the harbour. But as three ships (p. 238) from Crete were present at the siege, Cretans could be found taking part in the defence at different points. The tower of Leo and Alexander has disappeared. * Page 274. - * Two fragmentary inscriptions of doubtful import, on the walls beside the Sea of Marmora, may be cited here. - The first is found on the seventh tower south of Deïrmen Kapoussi, and reads: OY TON d'HACA)YPIOTON AIEOIIOTON ETOC KOCMOY TECOAPHC KAI AEKATOY The second is on the second tower west of Ahour Kapoussi: MBAIGONNOOM TEIX HNEOYPTEI KAI py AATEI I88 A YZAAWTINE CONSTAAWTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Upon the restoration of the Greek Empire in 1261 the condition of the seaward walls became a matter of graver impor- tance than it had been at any previous period in the history of the city. For, until the rise of the Ottoman power, the enemies whom Constantinople had then most reason to fear were the maritime States of Western Europe, with their formidable fleets. The loss of the city by the Latins put a new strain upon the relations between the East and the West. It provoked more intense political antagonism, keener commercial rivalries, and a fanatical religious hatred, which all the attempts to unite the Churches of divided Christendom only fanned into fiercer flames. Nor was the situation improved when Michael Palaeologus established the Genoese at Galata. A hostile power was then planted at the very gates of the capital; a foreign fleet com- manded the Golden Horn ; occasions for misunderstandings were multiplied ; and selfish intriguers were at hand to foment the domestic quarrels of the Empire, and involve it in disputes with the rivals of Genoa. “The Roman Empire,” as Gibbon observes, “might soon have sunk into a province of Genoa, if the Republic had not been checked by the ruin of her freedom and naval power.” The earliest concern of Michael Palaeologus, therefore, after the recovery of the city, was to put the fortifications in a con- dition to repel the expected attempt of the Latins to regain the place." Having no time to lose, and as lime and stone were difficult to procure, the emperor was satisfied, at first, with heightening the walls, especially those near the sea, by the erection upon the summit, of great wooden Screens, covered with hide to render them fire-proof. In this way he raised the walls some seven feet.” / But later in his reign he conceived the ambitious idea of * Pachymeres, vol. i. pp. 186, 187. * Three pikes. XIII.] THE SAE A WARD WAZA.S. 189 making the walls along the shores of the city, like the land walls, a double line of bulwarks." The new fortifications, how- ever, cannot have been a piece of solid work, for no traces of them have survived.” Repairs were again executed upon the seaward walls when Andronicus II. undertook the general restoration of the for- CoAT-OF-ARMS OF ANDRONICUS II. PALAEOLOGUS.* tifications of the city." Until recently a slab bearing the monogram and coat-of-arms of that emperor, a lion rampant, * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 364; Nicephoras Greg., v. p. 124; Metrical Chronicle, pp. 657–661. * Dr. Paspates (pp. 208, 209) considered the land wall of the Seraglio enclosure to be the work of Michael Palaeologus. His argument for the opinion that the Seraglio grounds were enclosed by walls before the Turkish Conquest, and formed, after 1261, part of the domain attached to the palace of the Byzantine emperors, is the statement of Cantacuzene (iii. pp. 47, 66) that the Church of St. Demetrius stood within the palace (róv BaoruMetov čvrös). That church Dr. Paspates identified with the Church of St. Demetrius, near the Seraglio Point; hence his conclusion that the territory about that point was included in the grounds of the Byzantine palace. But Dr. Paspates must have forgotten, for a moment, that the Church of St. Demetrius, which formed the chapel of the emperors, was not near the Seraglio Point, but near the Pharos and the Chrysotriclinium of the Great Palace, buildings placed by Dr. Paspates himself at Domus-Dama, a short distance to the east of the Hippodrome, and to the west of the Seraglio enclosure. See his work on the Great Palace, Bučavruvâ 'Avákropa, p. 183. There is an English translation of this work by Mr. Metcalfe. t * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) * Nicephorus Greg., vii. p. 275; Nicephorus Callistus, in the Dedication of his Aſistory to Andronicus II. I90 A PZAAVT/AWE COMSTA WTYWOAZAZ. [CHAP. crowned and holding an upright sword, was to be seen on a tower of the wall surrounding the ancient harbour at Koum Kapoussi. So far, at least, as the wall beside the Sea of Marmora was concerned, the work of Andronicus II. was soon injured. For on the very eve of his death, on the 12th of February, 1332, a furious storm from the south burst upon the fortifications beside that sea. The waves leaped over the battlements, opened breaches in the wall, forced the gates, and rushed in like a hostile army to devastate every quarter they could overwhelm." Although the fact is not recorded, the damage done on that occasion must have been repaired by Andronicus III. Occasion for attending to the state of the seaward fortifica- tions, especially along the Golden Horn, was again given, in the course of the conflicts between Cantacuzene and the Genoese of Galata. In 1348 the latter made a violent assault upon the northern side of the city, and, although failing to carry the walls, did much harm to the shipping, timber-stores, and houses near the water.” Matters assumed a more serious aspect in 1351. A powerful fleet then sailed from Genoa, under the Command of Doria, to attack Constantinople in support of certain claims put forth by the colony at Galata, and on its way up the Sea of Marmora, captured the fortified town of Heraclea. The event caused the greatest consternation in the capital, and, in view of the enemy's approach, Cantacuzene promptly set the seaward walls in order, repairing them where ruined, raising their height, and ordering all houses before them to be removed.” He also carried the towers higher, by erecting, in the manner usual on such occa- sions, constructions of timber on their summits. And not * Nicephorus Greg., ix. p. 460. * Cantacuzene, iv. p. 70; Nicephorus Greg., xvii. chaps. i.-vii. * Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 212, 213; Nicephorus Greg., xxvi. pp. 83, 84. xIII.] THAZ SAE A WA R/O WA / Z.S. I91 satisfied with these precautions, he even excavated a deep moat in front of the Harbour Walls, all the way from the Gate Xyline, at Aivan Serai, to the Gate of Eugenius (Yali Kiosk Kapoussi), near the Seraglio Point. - A trace of these repairs is found in a slab on the tower Žeznayºr? % zirzcº, ***66." BAS-RELIEF, ON THE TOWER EAST OF DJUBALI KAPOUSSI, RE- PRESENTING THE THREE HEBREW YOUTHS CAST INTO THE FIERY FURNACE OF BABYLON, AS DESCRIBED IN THE BOOK OF DANIEL." immediately to the east of the gate Djubali Kapoussi,” bearing a lion rampant, and the name of Manuel Phakrasè Catacuzene (MANOYHA q AKPACH TOY KATAKOYCHNOY), who was Proto-strator under Cantacuzene, and distinguished himself by * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) The bas-relief has been removed to the Imperial Museum. * See below, p. 209. I92 A YZANTIAWE CONSTA WT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. - -- - - - - -ºs.º. -r “w - - ºr . º- *** -i- ºr ---"Tºº-º-º-º: " " --~~~~ • * ~ * his conduct in the defence of Selivria, in 1341, and in the siege of Galata, ten years later." In 1434 the Harbour Walls called for some slight repair, in consequence of another Genoese attack upon them. An expe- dition which had been sent from Genoa to take the town of Kaffa, having failed in that object, returned to the Bosporus, and sought to compensate for defeat in the Crimea by nothing less than the capture of Constantinople itself. The bold attempt made with ships carrying 80OO troops, was repulsed, and the baffled fleet returned to Italy. But the Genoese of Galata determined to continue the struggle ; and in the bombardment of the walls with cannon, destroyed several warehouses in the city, and a tower beside the Gate Basilikè. This attack, like- wise, ended in failure, and the colony was compelled to pay an indemnity of a thousand pieces of gold, to make good the damage caused by the bombardment.” / Two inscriptions, preserved by Dr. A. D. Mordtmann * in his work on the last siege of the city,” are noteworthy as records of repairs made on the fortifications beside the Sea of Marmora, when Constantinople trembled before the Ottoman power. They are also interesting on account of the personages whom they commemorate as restorers of the walls. *. One stood, somewhere, on the wall between Ahour Kapoussi and Tchatlady Kapou, and read : AOYK NOTAPAS AIEPMHNEYTOY “Of Luke Notaras, the Interpreter.” * Cantacuzene, iii. p. 585; iv. p. 196. See Proceedings of Greek Ziterary Syllogos of Consple, 1885; Archaeological Supplement, pp. 37, 38. * Chalcocondylas, pp. 285, 286. * The father of Dr. Mordtmann, whose work on the topography of the city has been so often cited. * Belagerung und Eroberung Constantinopels durch die Tirken in Şahre 1453, note 27, p. 132; Stuttgart, J. G., Cottascher Verlag. - -- ------HP--------- XIII.] 7THE SAEA WARD WA/C/.S. I93 This was Lucas Notaras, who subsequently became Grand Duke, and was the most prominent citizen of Constantinople in the catastrophe of 1453. When he executed these repairs he held the office of interpreter, or dragoman, under the Emperor John VII. Palaeologus, in carrying on negotiations with Sultan Murad.* The office had, naturally, come into existence owing to the frequent diplomatic intercourse between the Byzantine Government and foreigners, and was of great importance and distinction. In the reign of Manuel Palaeologus it had been held by Nicholas Notaras, the father of Lucas Notaras.” The second inscription stood on a tower between Koum Kapoussi and Yeni Kapou. It commemorated repairs executed in 1448 at the expense of the celebrated George Brankovitch, Despot of Servia. f ANEKENIC (3)HN OY TOC O IIYPTOO KAI ROPTINA Y ITO TECOPTI OY AECIIOTOY CEPBIAC . . . -- EN ETEI SNYS “This tower and curtain-wall were restored by George, Despot of Servia ; in the year 6956 (1448).” It will be remembered that some of the funds furnished by the Servian king were employed in repairs on the land walls.” * Ducas, pp. 196, 275; cf. Phrantzes, p. I 18. * Ducas, pp. 93, 94. See Schlumberger, Un Empereur Byzantin au Dixième Siècle, pp. 48, 49, for an account of the interpreters attached to the Varangian Guard. Ville-Hardouin (c. 39) speaks of the dragoman who assisted Isaac Angelus in the negotiations with the envoys of the Crusaders in 1203 : “Et il (the emperor) se leva, et entra en une chambre ; et n'emmena avec lui que l'impératrice, et son chancelier, et son drogman, et les quatre messagers” (of the Crusaders). * See above, p. 107. I94. A VZAAV7"/AVE COMWS 7.4 MWT/AVO PM.A. [CHAP. — —-º-º-º-º-º- — — — ——-------------------a --- ~~---------, -w-r-----…-e -- F - ~ *—rrºr-rr -— • *- ~~~~--, *, - A- * ... -- ; →r—--- = ºr CHAPTER XIV. THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN, THE Harbour Fortifications guarded the northern side of the city, from the Acropolis (Seraglio Point) to the terminus of the land walls at Blachernae, and, excepting a small portion, con- sisted of a single wall, flanked, according to Bondelmontius, by a hundred and ten towers." To accommodate the commerce and traffic of the city, the wall was built, for the most part, at a short distance from the water ; but the strip of ground thus leſt without the fortifications was even narrower in ancient times than it is at present, much of the land outside the wall having been made by recent deposits of earth and rubbish. This explains how the Venetian fleet, in I2O3 and I2O4, was able to approach so near the ramparts that troops standing on the flying bridges attached to the ships' yards came to close quarters with the defenders on the walls. Indeed, in one case, at least, such a bridge spanned the distance between ship and tower, and permitted the assailants to cross over and seize the latter.” At the actual distance, however, of the wall from the water, such a feat would be impossible, except in the vicinity of the Seraglio Point, which was not the quarter attacked by the Venetians. * Zăbrum Insularum Archipelagi. * Ville-Hardouin, c. xxxvi., lii., liii. XIV.] TAHAE WAZA.S. A ZOAVG THE GO/LDEAV HORAV. I95 GATES. At a short distance to the east of the Xylo Porta a breach in the wall marks the site of a gateway named by the Turks Rutchuk Aivan Serai Kapoussi—“the Small Gate of Aivan Serai.” ". It stands at the head of a short street leading south- wards to the site of the famous Church of the Theotokos of Blachernae, while to the north is the landing of Aivan Serai Iskelessi, which accommodates this quarter of the city. Here, probably, was the Porta Kiliomenè (Kot)\touévn IIópra),” at which the emperors—as late, at least, as the beginning of the thirteenth century—landed and were received by the Senate, when pro- ceeding by water to visit the Church or the Palace of Blachernae. Nowhere else could one disembark so near that sanctuary and that palace. The landing-stage before the gate must, therefore, have been the Imperial Pier ('Atroſłó0pa roo Baat)\éoc) mentioned by Nicetas Choniates. Some authorities, it is true, place that land- ing at Balat Kapoussi. But it could not have been there when Nicetas Choniates wrote ; for that historian * refers to the Apoba- thra of the Emperor to indicate the position of the Wall of Leo, which was attacked by the Latins in I2O3. Now, points which could thus serve to identify each other must have been in close proximity. But Balat Kapoussi and the Wall of Leo are too far apart for the former to indicate the site of the latter. On the other hand, the Wall of Leo and Aivan Serai Iskelessi are very near each other. * Evlia Tchelebi. Aivan Serai means the Palace of the Porch, or Verandah. The name refers, probably, to the Palace of Blachermae. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 542, cf. p. 551. In the Bonn Edition the term is translated, “Depressa et in humilius deducta.” * Page 721, to tetxos 6 trapareíval trpos 6d) acrorav Trept rôtrov ôs âtroſłóðpa too Baoru)\éos divápaortat. Cf. Ville-Hardouin, c. 35: “un avant-mur . . . près de la mer.” 196 A VZAAVTINE CONSTA MTV/VOPEE. [CHAP. Over the northern entrance to the lower chamber in the tower west of the gateway were found, until recently, two blocks of stone, upon which the name of St. Pantoleon was rudely carved between the figures of two peacocks, or phoenixes, symbols of the immortality that rose from the fires of martyrdom. Possibly, the chamber was a chapel in which persons entering or leaving the city could perform their devotions. According to Stephen of Novgorod, the relics of St. Panteleon reposed in the adjoining Church of the Theotokos of Blachernae.” In the street to the rear of the tower is the small Mosque Toklou Dedë Mesdjidi, formerly, it is supposed, the Church of St. Thekla,” in the quarter of Blachernae. On the east side of the street leading from the Porta Kiliomenê to the Church of Blachernae remains are found of a large two-storied Byzantine edifice, with three aisles. Its original destination cannot be determined with any degree of certainty. By some authorities” the building is supposed to have been the Porticus Cariana (Kaptavöv "Euſ?oxov), which the Emperor Maurice erected, and upon the walls of which scenes in his life, from his childhood until his accession to the throne, were pourtrayed.* w The Bay of Aivan Serai was called the Bay of Blachernae (ó trooc BXaxépwaç kóAtrog), and had a dockyard known as the Neorion at Blachernae (rö Év BAaxépvac veðptov).” Proceeding eastwards, a few paces bring us to a breach in the wall leading to the Mosque Atik Mustapha Pasha Djamissi, * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 124. * Paspates, pp. 357-360. Cf. Theophanes Cont., pp. I47, 148; Anna Comn., iii. p. 166. - * Mordtmann, p. 39. * Theophanes, p. 402. The building is ninety-eight feet long by sixty feet wide. The central aisle is twenty feet wide ; the side aisles fifteen feet. The dividing walls, pierced by seven arches, are five feet thick. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 365. xIV.] THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN. I97 supposed to be the Byzantine Church of SS. Peter and Mark, which was erected in 458 by two patricians, Galbius and Candidus, upon the shore of the Golden Horn, in the quarter of Blachernae. The sanctuary claimed the honour of having enshrined “the Girdle of the Blessed Virgin,” before that relic was placed in the church specially dedicated to the Theotokos in this part of the city." In the street to the west of the mosque lies the marble baptismal font of the church, cruciform, and having three steps within it leading to the bottom. In a chrysoboullon of John Palaeologus dated I342, mention is made of the Gate of St. Anastasia (IIüXm rāc àytaç 'Avaara- ortag) in this part of the city.” The Russian pilgrim, who visited Constantinople in the fifteenth century (1424–1453), speaks of a chapel containing the relics of St. Anastasia near the Church of Blachernae.” Considerable interest is attached to the Church of St. Demetrius, situated within the walls a few paces to the east of Atik Mustapha Pasha Djamissi; for although the present edifice dates only from the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Original building was a Byzantine foundation, adorned with mosaics and surmounted by a dome. Its full style was the Church of St. Demetrius of Kanabus (roo Kavaſºod), and may, as the Patriarch Constantius suggests,” have been erected by a member of the family of the Nicholas Kanabus who became emperor for a few days, in the interval between the overthrow of the Angeli and the usurpation of Murtzuphlus, during the troublous times of the Fourth Crusade.” In 1334, the church * Paspates, p. 317 ; Du Cange, Constantinopolis Christiana, iv. p. II6. * NeoMáyov Egóopačuaía Eſtuffed pmots, January 3, 1893, p. 203. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 233. * >vyypaſhai ai’EAdorooves, p. 441. * Nicetas Chon., pp. 744–746. 198 ByzawTINE CONSTANTINOPZE. [CHAP. was the property of George Pepagomenos, a relative of Andro- nicus III." After the Turkish Conquest the church became, from 1597 to 1601, the cathedral of the Greek Patriarch, when he was deprived of the use of the Church of the Pammakaristos (Fethiyeh Djamissi).” - Soon after leaving the Church of St. Demetrius, and before reaching the gate now styled Balat Kapoussi, the city wall was pierced by three large archways, 45 to 55 paces apart, and alternating with three towers. Balat Kapoussi being only 55 paces beyond the easternmost archway, here stood four entrances into the city, in most unusual proximity to one another. The first, or westernmost archway was, at one time, adorned with a bas-relief on either side. Tafferner, chaplain to Count Walter of Leslie, ambassador from the German Emperor Leopold I. to the Ottoman Court in the seventeenth century, describes the archway as follows: “In decensu clivi defluentis in Euxini brachium, porta perampla et obstructa muro conspicitur. Fama fert limitum hunc fuisse aulae magni Constantini. Ad dextrum portae latus adstat Angelus a candido et eleganti marmore effigi- atus, statura celsior, ac virilem prae se ferens, et inserto muro. Ad laevam, Deipara visitur, proportione priore consimilis, atque ab Angelo consulatuta.” ” r Only the bas-relief which stood on the eastern side of the archway has survived to our time.” It represents a winged female figure, attired in a flowing robe, and holding in her left hand a palm leaf-beyond all controversy a Nikè, not, as Tafferner imagined, the Angel of the Annunciation, nor, as the Patriarch Constantius supposed, the Archangel Michael.” * Acta Patriarchatus C.P., vol. i. p. 568. * Gedeon, Xpovuka toû IIatpuapxukoč Oikov kai too Naoû, pp. 72–75. * Caesarea Legatio, pars. iii. p. 94 (Vienna, I668). * It is now in the Imperial Museum. * Ancient and Modern Constantinople, p. I5. Nikè (FoRMERLY ADoRNING ARchway NEAR Balat KAPoussi). XIV.] ZTA/E WAZZS A LOMG THE GOZZDEAV AZOAAW. I99 Regarding the precise object of these four entrances, and the names to be attached to them, a serious difference of opinion pre- vails. Most authorities maintain that the archway adorned with the bas-relief was the Gate of the Kynegos, of the Hunter (roº Kvvmyoo, rôv Kvvmyöv), so frequently mentioned in the later days of the Empire; and that Balat Kapoussi was the Pylè Basilikë (IIſºm Baqi)\tkm) referred to by writers of the same period. On the other hand, Gyllius identified Balat Kapoussi with the Gate of the Kynegos, and regarded the three archways above men- tioned as entrances to a small artificial port within the line of the fortifications. His reason for the latter opinion was the existence of a great depression in the ground to the rear of the archways, which was occupied, in his day, by market-gardens, but which seemed to him the basin of an old harbour: “Ultra Portam Palatinam.”—to give his own words—“progressus circiter centum viginti passus, animadverti tres magnus arcus, astructos urbis muro, et substructos, per quos olim Imperatores subducebant triremes in portum opere factum, nunc exiccatus et conversus in hortos concavos, praese gerentes speciem portus obruti.” " As appears from the passage just quoted, Gyllius styled Balat Kapoussi not only the Gate of the Hunter, but also the Porta Palatina. Whether in doing so he meant to identify the Gate of the Kynegos with the Basilikè Pylè, or simply gave the Latin rendering of the name by which Balat Kapoussi was popularly known when he visited the city, is not perfectly clear. The latter supposition is, however, more in harmony with that author's usage in the case of other gates. Stephen Gerlach and Leunclavius agree with Gyllius in re- garding Balat Kapoussi as the Gate of the Kynegos, but place the * De Top. CP, iv. c. 4; De Bosporo Thracio, ii. c. 2. This depression was visible as late as 1852, according to Scarlatus Byzantius, vol. i. p. 582. It was then known as a Tchoukour Bostan, the usual Turkish designation for a garden in a hollow. 2OO A VZANT/WE CONSTA WT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Basilikè Pylè near the eastern extremity of the Harbour Walls, Gerlach' identifying it with Yali Kiosk Kapoussi, Leunclavius’ with Bagtohè Kapoussi. Neither Gerlach nor Leunclavius refers to the three arches on the west of Balat Kapoussi. The latter, however, speaks of the hollow ground to their rear, describing it in the following terms: “Locus depressus et con- cavus, ubi Patriarchion erat meae peregrinationis tempore,” and supposed it to have been the arena of a theatre for the exhibition of wild animals. From that theatre, he thought, the Gate of the Kynegos obtained its name. The question to which gates the names Gate of the Kynegos and Basilikè Pylè respectively belonged is the most difficult problem connected with the history of the harbour fortifications. To discuss it satisfactorily at this stage of our inquiries is, how- ever, impossible; for the opinion that the Basilikè Pylè was not at Balat Kapoussi, but near the eastern extremity of the Harbour Walls, is a point which can be determined only after all the facts relative to the gates near that end of the fortifications are before us. The full discussion of the subject must therefore be deferred,” and, meantime, little more can be done than to state the conclusions which appear to have most evidence in their favour. There can be no doubt, in the first place, that the Gate of the Kynegos was in this vicinity, and was either Balat Kapoussi or the archway adorned with the bas-relief. This is established by all the indications in regard to the situation of the entrance. The Gate of the Kynegos stood, according to Phrantzes,” be- tween the Xylo Porta and the Petrion ; according to Pusculus,” * Tagebuch der Gesandschaft an die Ottomanische Pforte durch David Ungmad, p. 454. All subsequent references to Gerlach are to this Diary of his visit to Con- stantinople, 1573–1578. * Pand. Hist. Turc., s. 200. * See below, pp. 230–240. * Page 254. * IV. p. 181. XIV.] THE WA L/LS A LO/WG THE GOLDEAV HORAV. 2OI between the Xylo Porta and the Porta Phani (Fener Kapoussi), and not far from the former. It was in the neighbourhood of the emperor's palace," and the point at which persons approach- ing that palace from the Golden Horn disembarked and took horses to reach the Imperial residence.” Both Balat Kapoussi and the adjoining archways answer to this description, and they are the only entrances which can pretend to be city gates in the portion of the walls between the Xylo Porta and the Gate of the Phanar. Therefore, one or other of them was the Gate of the Kynegos. It is a corroboration of this conclusion to find that the district named after the Gate of the Kynegos occupied the level tract beside the Golden Horn within and without the line of the walls in the vicinity of these entrances. The Church of St. Demetrius, for instance, which stood a short distance to the west of Balat Kapoussi and the adjoining archways, is described as near a gate in the quarter of the Kynegon.” The bridge which the Turks threw out into the harbour from Haskeui, to carry a battery with which to bombard this part of the fortifications, was in front of the Kynegon.” Nicholas Barbaro” applies the name even to the territory near the Xylo Porta; for, accord- ing to him, the land walls extended from the Golden Gate to the Kynegon : “Le mure de tera, che jera mia sie, che Sun de la Cresca per fina al Chinigo.” With this agrees also the * N. Barbaro, p. 789. - * Clavijo, p. 14, “Il fut décidé que les ambassadeurs retourneraient (from Pera) à Constantinople mercredi, par la porte nomée “Quinigo,' ou ils devaient trouver le sieur Hilaire . . . ainsi que des chevaux de monture, et qu'ils visiteraient alors la plus grande partie de la ville.” Cf. p. 15, “Les dits ambassadeurs passèrent à Con- stantinople et trouvèrent bientôt le dit sieur Hilaire et d'autres personnes de la cour, près de la porte de “Quinigo,' ou ils les attendaient ; ils montèrent à cheval et parti- rent pour visiter une église nommée Sancta Maria de la Cherne (St. Mary of Blachernae).” * Acta Patriarchatus C.P., i. p. 568, year 1334. - * Ducas, p. 279 ; cf. Barbaro, p. 789. * Page 728. 2O2 BYZA/VT/WE COAVSTA WT/AVOA’/A2. [CHAP. statement of the same author that the Kynegon was the point where Diedo and Gabriel of Treviso landed the crews of their galleys, to excavate the moat which the emperor asked to be constructed before the land walls protecting his palace." The quarter of the Kynegon thus comprised the modern quarters of Balata and Aivan Serai. In the second place, it is exceedingly doubtful whether the archway with the Nikè, to which the name Gate of the Kynegos is commonly ascribed, was, after all, a city gate in the Ordinary sense of the term. It does not stand alone, but is one of three archways which pierce, respectively, the curtain-walls between three towers. And these three openings were in close proximity to a gate (Balat Kapoussi), amply sufficient for the requirements of public traffic in this quarter of the capital. Such facts do not accord with the idea that any one of these archways was a gateway. Furthermore, when their real desti- nation could be more accurately ascertained than at present, Gyllius found that they formed the entrances to an artificial har- bour within the line of the fortifications. This explanation of their presence in the wall is perfectly satisfactory, and any other is superfluous. But if Balat Kapoussi was the only gate in this vicinity, it must have been the Gate of the Kynegos, which certainly stood in this part of the city. There is nothing strange in the existence of a harbour within the line of the fortifications in the quarter of the Kynegon. It is what might be expected when we remember how closely the quarter was connected with the Palace of the Porphyrogenitus and the Palace of Blachernae, and how necessary such a harbour was for the accommodation and protection of the boats and galleys at the service of the Court. That the harbour behind the three archways near Balat Kapoussi was the Neorion of Blachernae is * Page 720. xiv.] THE WALLS Azowg THE GOLDEN HORN. 203 unlikely ; the most probable situation of that Neorion being at Aivan Serai Iskelessi. But it may very well have been the harbour on the shore of the Kynegon at which, during the period of the Palaeologi, the emperor and visitors to the palaces in the vicinity embarked or disembarked in moving to and fro by water. The landing at which the Spanish ambassadors to the Byzantine Court were received is described as near the Gate of the Kyne- gos: “Près de la porte de Quinigo.”" The galleys sent by the Council of Basle to convey John VII. Palaeologus to the West, and which reached Constantinople fifteen days after the arrival of four Papal galleys on a similar errand, were detained for one day at Psamathia, until the rival parties had been prevailed upon to keep the peace, and then came and moored at the Kynegon (sic rov Kuvnyov). There the emperor embarked for Italy, under the escort of the Papal galleys ; there the galley having on board the patriarch, who was to accompany the emperor, joined - the Imperial squadron ; and there the emperor disembarked upon his return from the Councils of Ferrara and Florence.” During the siege of I453 a fire-ship, with forty young men on board, proceeded from the Gate of the Kynegos to burn the Turkish vessels which had been conveyed over the hills into the Golden Horn.” All this implies the existence of a port somewhere on the shore of the quarter of the Kynegon. In the third place, all discussion in regard to the proper appli- cation of the names Basilikè Pylè, and Gate of the Kynegos must proceed upon the indisputable fact that the epithet “Imperial,” * Clavijo, Constantinople, Ses Sanctuaires et ses Reliques, pp. 14, 15. * See Aistory of the Council of Florence, by Sgyropoulos, who attended the Council in the suite of the patriarch. The Greek original and a Latin translation are found in Vera Historia Unionis non Vera inter Graecos et Zatinos, sive Concili: Florentini. The translation, published in 1670, is by Robert Creyghton, and was dedicated to Charles II. For the account of the matters referred to above, see that work, pp. 51, 54, 55, 67, 318. Cf. Scarlatus Byzantius, vol. i. p. 582. * Historia Politica, p. 19. 2O4 BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. belonged to an entrance at the eastern extremity of the Harbour Walls. In proof of this, it is enough to cite, meantime, the statement of Phrantzes" that Gabriel of Treviso was entrusted with the defence of a tower which guarded the entrance of the Golden Horn, and which stood opposite the Basilikè Pylè. Unless, therefore, it can be shown that there was more than One Basilikè Pylè in the fortifications beside the Golden Horn, the claim of Balat Kapoussi to the Imperial epithet falls to the ground. If the existence of two Imperial gates in the Harbour Walls can be established, then Balat Kapoussi has the best right to be regarded as the second entrance bearing that designation. In that case, however, the conclusion most in harmony with the facts involved in the matter is that the second Basilikè Pylè was only the Gate of the Kynegos under another name.” Why, precisely, the entrance was styled the Gate of the Hunter is a matter of conjecture. Some explain the name as derived from a Kynegion, or theatre for the exhibition of wild animals,” such as existed on the side of the city facing Scutari ; and in favour of this opinion is the term “Kynegesion ” (row Kvvmysatov), employed by Phrantzes * to designate the quarter adjoining the entrance. But the Ordinary style of the name lends more countenance to the view that the gate was in Some way connected with the huntsmen attached to the Byzantine Court, hunting being always a favourite pastime of the emperors of Constantinople. Their head huntsman (6 Towrokvvmyoc) was an official of some importance. Besides directing his subordinates, * Pages 254, 255. * On the supposition that there was no Imperial Gate near the eastern extremity of the Harbour Walls, it is impossible to identify the Basilikè Pylè and the Gate of the Kynegos, for these names are sometimes employed in a way which renders it perfectly evident that they referred to different gates. See Phrantzes, ut supra ; Pusculus, iv. 179-221 ; Dolfin, s. 55; Ducas, p. 275. * Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Turc., S. 200. * Page 254. + xiv.] THE WALLS A LOAVG THE GO/LDEAV HORAV. 2O5 it was his prerogative to hold the stirrup when the emperor mounted horse, and the Imperial hunting-Suit was his perquisite, if stained with blood in the course of the chase." A gate, known as the Gate of St. John the Forerunner and Baptist (IIópra toû a ytov IIpoëpóuov kai Bairrtorov), was also situated in the quarter of the Kynegon, and near the Church of St. Demetrius.” That name might readily be given to a gate in this vicinity, either in honour of the great Church and Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Petra, on the heights above Balat Kapoussi, or in honour of the church of the same dedi- cation, which, there is reason to think, stood on the site of the Church of St. John the Baptist, found, at present, on the shore to the north-east of that entrance. Whether the Gate of St. John has disappeared, or was the Gate of the Kynegos under another name, is a point upon which there may be a difference of opinion. Dr. Mordtmann” identifies it with the Gate of the Kynegos, which, according to him, was the archway adorned with the Nikè. It may be identified with the Gate of the Kynegos, even on the view that the latter was Balat Kapoussi. That a Church of St. John stood in the neighbourhood of the Gate of the Kynegos is also intimated by Pachymeres, who records a fire which, in 1308, burnt down the quarter extending from that gate to the Monastery of the Forerunner.” * Codinus, De Officiis CP, p. 39. * Acta Patriarchatus C.P., vol. i. p. 568, year 1334: "O TA mortov Tów oikmudrov airoč, rôv repi Tºv tróptav too dyſov kai évôáčov IIpoëpópov kai Battuoroo kará têv Kvvmyów, 8takeſpevos travorettos vaēs toū āv pºdprwort repugoñrov, pupoſłAörov kai 6avpatovpyot dyſov Amumpſov. Beyond all reasonable doubt, this was the same gate as the Gate of St. John mentioned in the Chrysočoullon of John Palaeologus, p. 203, cited above on p. 197. The latter, also, was a gate near the water, with a considerable territory outside the entrance, occupied by numerous buildings. See p. 203 of the NeoAdyov Egoopa- 8tata Etruffed pmots, of January 3, 1893. The identity of the two gates is confirmed by the reference in the Chrysočoulſon to Kanabus (roſ) Kavá9m), the eponym of the Church of St. Demetrius. * Page 40. * Vol. ii. p. 582. 206 A VZANTINE COAVSTA WT/AWOPLE. ſchar. The gate next in order, as its Turkish name, Fener Kapoussi, proves, is the entrance which the foreign historians of the last siege style Porta Phani, Porta del Pharo." This designation was, doubtless, the rendering of the Byzantine name of the gate, for the adjoining quarter, as appears first in a document dated I35 I, went by its present name, Phanari (rotroffsota toû pavápt),” also before the Turkish Conquest. A beacon light must have stood at this point of the harbour. From the Porta Phani eastwards to Petri Kapoussi, the next gate, the fortifications consisted of two lines of wall which enclosed a considerable territory, the inner wall describing a great curve on the steep northern front of the Fifth Hill. The enclosure was called the Castron of the Petrion* (rö káarpov Tów IIerptov), after Petrus, Master of the Offices in the reign of Justinian the Great;” and the surrounding district was named the Petrion (IIerptov, Tă IIerpta,” “Regio Petri Patricii").” It must be carefully distinguished from the district of Petra (IIárpa), at Kesmè Kaya, above Balat Kapoussi. In the angle formed by the junction of the two walls, a little to the west of the Porta Phani, was a small gate, Diplophanarion," which led from the Castron into the city. Petri Kapoussi, at the eastern extremity of the Castron, and in the outer wall, communicated with the street skirting the Golden Horn, and retains the ancient name of the district.” Dr. Mordtmann” identifies it with the Porta Sidhera (Sièmpa IIöAm), near the Convent of the Petrion.” That the Petrion was not confined to the Castron, but included territory on either * Pusculus, iv. 189; Zorzo Dolfin, s. 55. * Acta Patriarchatus C.P., vol. i. p. 32 I. - * Ibid., p. 72.I. * Anonymus, ii. p. 35 ; cf. i. p. 20. * Nicetas Chon., p. 753. * Antony of Novgorod, in Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 99. * Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Zºurc., S. 200. * Metrical Chronicle, line 259. * Page 41. * Anna Comm., iii. p. IO3; Bryennius, iii. p. 126. XIV.] 7TP/A2 IVA Z.Z.S. A ZOAVG ZTA/E GO/LZD EAV HORAV. 2O7 side of the enclosure, is manifest from the fact that whereas the wall between the Porta Phani and the Porta Petri is without a single tower, mention is yet made of towers in the Petrion." Of the churches in this quarter, St. Stephen of the Romans, St. Julianè, St. Elias, and St. Euphemia, the two last were the most important. The Church of St. Euphemia claimed to be an older foundation than Constantinople itself, being attributed to Castinus, Bishop of Byzantium, 230-237. It was restored by Basil I., and his daughters entered the convent attached to the church.” The Convent of Petrion, as it was called, must have been of considerable importance, for it was on several occasions selected as the place in which ladies of high rank, who had become politically inconvenient, were interned ; as, for instance, Zoe, the dowager-empress of Leo the Wise, for conspiracy against Romanus Lecapenus;* Theodora, by her sister the Empress Zoe ; * and Delassaina, the mother of the Comneni, with her daughters and daughters - in-law, by Nicephorus Botoniates.” In the assaults made by foreign fleets upon the Harbour Walls, the Petrion, or Phanar, occupied a conspicuous place. It was before the Petrion" that the Venetian galleys under Dandolo stood, July 17, I2O3, and established the free end of their flying bridges upon the summit of the walls, whereby twenty-five towers were captured, and the city was recovered for Isaac Angelus. The Petrion was again prominent in the assault which the Crusaders delivered on April 12, I2O4, when Con- stantinople passed into their hands and became the seat of a Latin Empire. Here the flying bridge of the ship Pelerine lodged itself on a tower, and allowed a bold Venetian and a * Ville-Hardouin, c. 36; Nicetas Chon., p. 722. * Anonymus, ii. p. 39. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 296. * Ibid., p. 537. * Anna Comm., ii. p. 103. * Nicetas Chon. ; Ville-Hardouin, ut supra. 2O8 A YZAAVT/WE COA/S 7"AAV7'/AVOA’A. AE. [CHAP. * * * * - – ---. . . . ~-- - -r º – :- -ºr - -w - & - r- - r ----- , -º - - - - -- * : * ~ * ~ * *:F. -->4, , , ... • *** -- 3:1 ºv French knight, André d'Urboise, to rush across, seize the tower, and clear a way for their comrades to follow. Here ladders were then landed, the walls scaled, three gates forced, and the city thrown open to the whole host of the invaders." In the siege of 1453, early on the morning of the 29th of May, the Phanar was fiercely attacked by the Turkish ships in the Golden Horn.” The attack was repulsed, and the Greeks remained masters of the situation, until the occupation of the city by the enemy's land forces made further resistance impossible. The memory of the struggle is said to be preserved in the quarter by the name of the street Sandjakdar Youcousou (the Ascent of the Standard-bearer) and by the Turkish name for the Church of St. Mary Mougouliotissa, Kan Klissè (the Church of Blood).” The succeeding gate, Yeni Aya Kapou, was opened, it would seem, in Turkish times, being first mentioned by Evlia Tchelebi. There is, however, one circumstance in favour of regarding it as a small Byzantine entrance, enlarged after the Conquest. On the right of the gate, within the line of the walls, are the remains of a large Byzantine edifice, which could hardly have dispensed with a postern. Aya Kapou, the next entrance, as its Turkish name intimates, and the order of Pusculus requires, is the Porta Divae Theodosiae (IIöAm Tic ‘Aytaç 0808ootag),” so named in honour of the adjoin- ing Church of St. Theodosia (now Gul Djamissi), the first martyr * Nicetas Chon., pp. 753, 754; Ville-Hardouin, c. 52, 53. * N. Barbaro, p. 818. * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., pp. 85, 86. The church was erected or restored by Maria, the natural daughter of Michael Palaeologus, upon her return to Constantinople, after the death of her husband, the Khan of the Mongols. It has remained in the possession of the Greek community, in virtue of a firman of Mehemet the Conqueror, who presented the church to Christodoulos, the architect of the mosque erected by the Sultan on the Fifth Hill (Acta Patri- archatus CP, vol. i. p. 321, year 1351). * Phrantzes, p. 254; Pusculus, iv. I90. , - 'w - -a - - XIV.] THE WAZA.S. A ZOAVG THE GO//DAZAV AſORAV. 209 in the cause of Icons, under Leo the Isaurian. The gate was also known by the name Porta Dexiocrates, after the district of Dexiocrates in which it stood.” This identification rests upon the fact that while Pachymeres” affirms that the body of St. Theodosia lay in the church dedicated to her memory, the Synaxaristes declares that she was buried in the Monastery of Dexiocrates.” Only by the supposition that the Church of St. Theodosia stood in the district of Dexiocrates can these state- ments be reconciled. The church is first mentioned by Antony of Novgorod.” The festival of the saint, falling on May 29th, coincided with the day on which, in 1453, the city was captured by the Turks. As usual, a large crowd of worshippers, many of them ladies, filled the sacred edifice, little thinking of the tragedy which would interrupt their devotions, when suddenly Turkish troops burst into the church and carried the congre- gation off into slavery.” The next gate, Djubali Kapoussi, must be the entrance styled Porta Putea by Pusculus,” and Porta del Pozzo by Zorzo Dolfin ;’ for it is the only entrance between the Gate of St. Theodosia (Aya Kapou) and the Porta Platea (Oun Kapan Kapoussi), the gates between which the writers above mentioned place the Porta Putea. Although no Byzantine author has mentioned the Porta Putea by its Greek name, there can be no doubt that the name in vogue among foreigners was the trans- lation, more or less exact, of the native style of the entrance, and that consequently the gate marks the point designated Ispigas (sic TInyàc) by the Chronista Novgorodensis, in his account of the operations of the Venetian fleet against the harbour forti- fications on the 12th of April, I2O4. The ships of the Crusaders, * Codinus, De S. Sophia, p. 147; Anonymus, ii. p. 34. * Vol. ii. pp. 452–455. * Synaxaria, May 29. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 104. * Ducas, p. 293. * IV. 191. * S. 55. 2 IO A YZAM7T/WE CO/WSTAAV7//VOA’ CAE. [CHAP. Says that authority, were then drawn up before the walls, in a line extending from the Monastery of Christ the Benefactor and Ispigas, on the east, to Blachernae, on the west: “Cum solis ortu Steterunt, in conspectu ecclesiae Sancti Redemptoris, quae dicitur toū Eüspyérou, et Ispigarum, Blachernis tenus.” " The name of the gate alluded to the suburb of Pegae (TInyai), situated directly opposite, on the northern shore of the harbour, and noted for its numerous springs of water. Dionysius Byzan- tius, in his Amaplus of the Golden Horn and the Bosporus,” describes the locality at length, naming it Krenides (Kpmytêsc). on account of its flowing springs (trnyatov), which gave the district the character of marshy ground. The suburb appears under the name Pegae in the history of the siege of the city by the Avars, when the Imperial fleet formed a cordon across the harbour, from the Church of St. Nicholas at Blachernae to the Church of St. Conon and the suburb of Pegae, to prevent the enemy's flotilla of boats in the streams at the head of the Golden Horn from descending into the harbour.” According to Antony of Novgorod, the suburb was situated to the west of St. Irene of Galata ; it contained several churches, and was largely inhabited by Jews.” It appears again in the old Records of the Genoese colony of Galata in the fourteenth * Chroniques Graeco-Romaines, pp. 96, 97. Dr. Mordtmann thinks that this point is referred to also in the Treaty of Michael Palaeologus with the Venetians in 1265, when that emperor allowed the Venetians to occupy any point from the old Arsenal to Pegae (ättö täs traXavās ééapriots pºéxpt kai Tôv IImyów). The passage is ambiguous, for there was an old arsenal and a suburb Pegae on the northern side of the Golden Horn, and the concession was outside the city. * Edition of C. Weseler, Paris, 1874. Cf. Gyllius, De Bosporo Zºhracio, ii. c. iv. * Paschal Chron., p. 720, 721. * /timeraires Russes en Orient, pp. 88, Io'ſ, IOS. Among its churches was the Church of St. Conon (Paschal Chron., p. 721), memorable in the Sedition of the Nika, as the church of the monks who rescued two of the seven rioters condemned to death from the hands of the clumsy executioner, and carried them across the Golden Horn in a boat to the Church of St. Laurentius for sanctuary (Malalas, p. 473). XIV.] THE WA LL.S. A ZOMG THE GOLDEAV HORN. 2 I I century, under the name Spiga, or De Spiga, to the west of that town." Critobulus calls it the Cold Waters (Yvypô "Yèara), placing it on the bay into which Sultan Mehemet brought his ships over the hills from the Bosporus.” As appears from the passage of the Chronista Novgorodensis, cited above, near the Porta Putea stood the Monastery of Christ the Benefactor, interesting as a Conspicuous landmark in the scenes associated with the Latin Conquest of the city. The fire which the Venetians set near the portion of the Harbour Walls captured in I2O3, reduced to ashes the quarters extending from Blachernae as far east as that monastery.” The monastery marked also the eastern extremity of the line of battle in which the ships of the Crusaders delivered the final attack upon the walls on April 12, I2O4 ; * while the fire which illuminated the victory of that day started in the neigh- bourhood of that religious house, and raged eastwards to the quarter of Drungarius.” During the Latin occupation the Vene- tians established a dockyard on the shore in the vicinity of the monastery;" the adjoining district, including the Church of Pantocrator’ (now Zeirek Klissè Djamissi) and the Church of Pantopoptes * (now Eski Imaret Mesdjidi), on the Fourth Hill, being their head-quarters. * Desimoni, Giornale Zigustico, anno iii., Genoa, 1876. * Lib. i. c. 42 ; cf. Mordtmann, p. 43. * Nicetas Chon., iii. p. 722 ; Ville-Hardouin, c. 36. * Ibid., p. 754; Chroniques Graeco-Romaines, p. 96. * Ibid., ut supra ; Ville-Hardouin, c. 54. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 365; Zafe/ und Zhomas, ii. p. 284. * Taſel und Zhomas, ii. pp. 46, 348. - * Ibid., p. 423. Dr. Mordtmann (pp. 73, 74) identifies the Monastery of Christ the Benefactor with the ruined Byzantine church known as Sinan Pasha Mesdjidi, to the south of St. Theodosia (see Dr. Paspates, pp. 384, 385). But the prominence . of the monastery suggests a position nearer the shore. For incidents connected with it, see Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 579; Cantacuzene, iii. p. 493. A tower near the monastery (“ab ultima turri de Virgioti versus Wlachernam ”) marked the eastern limit of certain fishery rights in the Golden Horn granted to the Monastery of St. Giorgio Majore, at Venice (Taſel und Zhomas, ii. pp. 47–49). 2 I 2 Aº V.ZAAV7/WE COMWSTAAV7/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. CHAPTER XV. THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN–continued. THE next gate on the list of Pusculus and Dolfin is the Porta Platea, or Porta ala Piazza," evidently the Porta of the Platea (IIópra ric IIAaréac) mentioned by Ducas.” The entrance, judging by its name, was situated beside a wide tract of level ground, and is, consequently, represented by Oun Kapan Kapoussi, which stands on the plain near the Inner Bridge, at the head of the important street running across the city from sea to sea, through the valley between the Fourth and Fifth Hills. The district beside the gate was known as the Plateia (IIAarºa),” and contained the churches dedicated respectively to St. Laurentius and the Prophet Isaiah.” The blockade of the Harbour Walls in 1453 by the Turkish ships in the Golden Horn extended from the Xylo Porta to the Gate of the Platea.” If the legend on Bondel- montius' map may be trusted, this gate bore also the name Mesé, the Central Gate, a suitable designation for an entrance at the middle point in the line of the harbour fortifications. The succeeding gate, Ayasma Kapoussi, was opened, it would * Pusculus, iv. 192; Dolfin, s. 55. * Ducas, p. 282. * Anonymus, ii. p. 39 ; Acta Patriarchatus CP., ii. p. 461 ; Itinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. IO4, IOS. * According to Dr. Paspates (pp. 381-383), respectively, Pour Kouyou Mesdjidi, and Sheik Mourad Mesdjidi. - * Ducas, ut supra. XV.] THE WA. Z.A.S A/COMG ZTAZAZ GO/L/O EAV HORAV. 2I3 seem, after the Turkish Conquest. It is not mentioned by Gyllius, or Leunclavius, or Gerlach. The conjecture that it represents a gate in the Wall of Constantine, styled Porta Basilikè, situated near the Church of St. Acacius ad Caream (rov ăytov 'Akáktov, Tāv Kapuāv, Šv Tà Baqi)\tkº IIápra)' does not appear very probable. The Church of St. Acacius, situated in the Tenth Region,” was the sanctuary to which Macedonius, the bishop of the city, removed the sarcophagus of Constantine the Great, from the Church of the Holy Apostles on the summit of the Fourth Hill, when the latter edifice threatened to fall and crush the Imperial tomb.” The bishop's action encountered the violent opposition of a large class of the citizens, and led to a riot in which much blood was shed. Under these circumstances, it is difficult to believe that the sarcophagus of Constantine was transported from its original resting-place to a point so distant as the neighbourhood of Ayasma Kapoussi, especially when the removal was a temporary arrangement, made until the repairs on . the Church of the Holy Apostles should be completed. It is more probable that St. Acacius was near the Church of the Holy Apostles. Furthermore, we cannot be sure that the Porta Basilikë was a gate in the Wall of Constantine. The Church of St. Acacius stood near a palace erected by that emperor (TAmatov rôv oikmuárov too ugyáAov Kovaravrívov): * or, as described elsewhere, was a small chapel (oiktokov sinkráptov) near a palace named Karya, because close to a walnut-tree on which the saint was supposed to have suffered martyrdom by hanging." The Porta Basilikè may have been a gate leading into the court of that palace. The three succeeding gates, Odoun Kapan Kapoussi, Zindan * Mordtmann, pp. 7, 8, 45; Du Cange, iv. ad St. Acacium. See above, p. 32. * Motitia, ad Reg. X. * Socrates, ii. c. xx. ; Theophanes, p. 70. * Du Cange, ut supra. * /özd., vi. c. xxi. 2I4 A VZAAV7/AVE CONSTA WTVAWOPLE. [CHAP. Kapoussi, Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi, bore respectively the names Gate of the Drungarii (rów Apovyyaptov); Gate of the Forerunner (Porta juxta parvum templum Precursoris, known also as St. Johannes de Cornibus); Gate of the Perama or Ferry (roß IIspáuaroc). They can be identified, perhaps, most readily and clearly by the following line of argument:— The three Byzantine gates just named were situated in the quarter assigned to the Venetians in Constantinople by succes- sive Imperial grants from the time of Alexius Comnenus to the close of the Empire. The Gate of the Drungarii marked the western extremity of the quarter;" the Gate of the Perama, its eastern extremity;” while the gate beside the Church of the Forerunner was between the two points. Where the Gate of the Perama stood admits of no doubt. All students of the topography of the city are agreed in the opinion that the entrance so named was at Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi. Conse- quently, the two other gates in the Venetian quarter lay to the west of Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi, in the portion of the fortifications between that entrance and the Gate of the Platea, all gates further west being out of the question. But as the only two gates in that portion of the walls are Zindan Kapoussi and Oun Kapan Kapoussi, they must represent, respectively, the Gate of the Forerunner and the Gate of the Drungarii. The Gate of the Drungarii (rów Apovyyaptov) derived its name from the term “Drungarius,” a title given to various officials in the Byzantine service; * as, for example, to the admiral of the fleet (uéyac 8povyyáptocroi, fleogóorov aróAov), and to the head of the city police, the Drungarius Vigiliae (ö täc Bty)\ac 8povyyāptoc). * Miklosich et Muller, iii. p. 88. * Zbid., 1st supra. * According to Du Cange, Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis, ad zocem, from Drungus, “company of soldiers.” The word is connected with the German “Gedrung” and the English “throng.” xv.] THE WALLs ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN. 215 In this particular case the reference was to the latter officer, for in the neighbourhood of the gate stood an important Vigla, or police-station, which is sometimes mentioned instead of the Gate of the Drungarii, as the western limit of the Venetian quarter." The street running eastwards, outside the city wall, was known as the Via Drungariou (De Longario),” and the pier in front of the next gate bore the name Scala de Drongario.” The practice of storing timber on the shore without the gate has come down from an early period in the history of the city. One of the questions put to Justinian the Great by the Greens, during the altercation between him and the Factions in the Hippodrome, on the eve of the Nika riot was, “Who murdered the timber-merchant at the Zeugma 2 * *—another name for this part of the shore. An inscription on the gate reminded the passing crowd that to remember death is profitable to life (Mvſium 6avárov xpmatusist rig (3tºp).” It is in favour of the identification of Zindan Kapoussi with the Gate near the Church of St. John (Porta juxta par- vum templum Precursoris) to find only a few yards within the entrance a Holy Well, venerated alike by Christian and Moslem, beside which stood, until recently, the ruins of a Byzantine chapel answering to the Small Church of the Forerunner mentioned in the Venetian charters." • Leunclavius found the gate called in his day Porta Cara- vion, because of the large number of ships which were moored in front of it.’ The landing before the gate, the old Scala de * Anna Comn., vi. p. 286 ; cf. Luitprandus, as quoted by Du Cange, in 4nna Comm., vol. ii. p. 544. * Tafel und Zhomas, ii. pp. 27, 28: “Via quae dicitur De Longaria, extra murum civitatis CP.” * Zbid., pp. II, 60 : “Scala de Drongario.” 4 Theophanes, p. 28I. * Gerlach, p. 454; Smith, Epistolae Quatuor, p. 88. * Mordtmann, p. 46. * Pand. Hist. Zºurc., S. 200. 2 I6 BYzAATINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. --— — . ~- mºr---- ------------ = --→ ----> Drongario, now Yemish Iskelessi, in front of the Dried Fruit- Market, is one of the most important piers on the Golden Horn. Dr. Paspates” and M. Heyd” identify this entrance with the Gate of the Drungarii. But this opinion is inconsistent with the fact that whereas the gate near St. John's stood between the Gate of the Drungarii and the Gate of the Perama, no entrance which can be identified with the gate near St. John's intervenes between Zindan Kapoussi and Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi (Gate of the Perama). * M. Heyd, moreover, identifies Zindan Kapoussi with the Porta Hebraica,” mentioned in the charters granted to the Vene- tians in the thirteenth century. But, as will appear in the sequel, the Porta Hebraica of that period was either the Gate of the Perama itself, or an entrance a little to the east of it. The Gate of the Perama (rod IIspáuaroc), as its name im- plies, stood where Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi is found to-day, close to the principal ferry between the city and the suburb of Galata ; communication between the opposite shores being maintained in ancient times by boats, for the only bridge across the harbour was that near the head of the Golden Horn. The Perama is first mentioned by Theophanes,” in recording the dedication of the Church of St. Irene at Sycae (Galata), after the reconstruction of that sanctuary by Justinian the Great. Special importance attached to the event, as the emperor attributed his recovery from an attack of the terrible plague that raged in Constantinople, in 542, to the touch of the relics of the Forty Martyrs which had been discovered in pulling down the old church, and which were to be enshrined in the new building. Menas, Patriarch of Constantinople, and Apollinarius, Patriarch Paspates, p. 166. Heyd, Histoire du Commerce du Cezant, vol. i. p. 25.I. * Ibid., p. 251. Theophanes, p. 353; cf. Procopius, De Ad., i. C. vii. xv.] TA/A2 WA/LA.S. A ZOAVG ZTHE GOLDEAV HORAV. 217 of Alexandria—who was then in the capital—were appointed to celebrate the service of the day; and the two prelates, seated in the Imperial chariot, and bearing upon their knees the sacred relics, drove through the city from St. Sophia to the Perama, to take boat for Sycae, where Justinian awaited them. The ferry was also styled Trajectus Sycenus;* Transitus Sycarum, after the oldest name for Galata. It was, moreover, known as Transitus Justinianarum,” from the name Justinianopolis, given to the suburb in honour of Justinian, who rebuilt its walls and theatre, and conferred upon it the privileges of a city.” The pier at the city end of the ferry was known as the Scala Sycena.” It would seem that there was a spice-market" in the vicinity of the Gate of the Perama, like the one which exists to-day to the rear of Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi, the latter being only the Continuation of the former. According to Bondelmontius, the fish-market of Byzantine Constantinople was held before this gate, as the practice is at present ; for upon his map he names the entrance Porta Piscaria. So fixed are the habits of a city. Besides bearing the name Gate of the Perama, the entrance was also styled the Porta Hebraica. This appears from the employment of the two names as equivalent terms in descrip- tions of the territory occupied by the Venetians in Constanti- nople. For example, according to Anna Comnena,” the quarter which her father, the Emperor Alexis Comnenus, conceded to the Venetians, extended from the old Hebrew pier to the Vigla. In the charter by which the Doge Faletri granted that district to the Church of San Georgio Majore of Venice, the quarter is described in one passage, as extending from the Vigla to the Porta Perame, as far as the Judeca (“ad Portam Perame, usque ad Judecam”);’ * Notitia, ad Reg. VI. * AVozella Z/X., c. v. * Paschal Chrom., p. 618. * Motitia, ut supra. * Pºochoprodromus, line II3; cf. Paspates, pp. 164, 165. * VII. p. 286. * Tafel und Zhomas, i. p. 50. 218 BYZA/V7/AVE COMSTA NTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. and in a subsequent passage, as proceeding from the Vigla to the Judeca (“a comprehenso dicto sacro Viglaé usque ad Judecam”).” In the grants made to the Venetians after the Restoration of the Greek Empire in 1261, the extreme points of the Venetian quarter are named, respectively, the Gate of the Drungarii and the Gate of the Perama.” To this identification of the Porta Hebraica with the Gate of the Perama it may be objected that on the map of Bondel- montius these names are applied to different gates, and this, it may further be urged, accords with the fact that after the Turkish Conquest, also, a distinction was maintained between the Gate of the Perama and the gate styled Tchifout Kapoussi, the Hebrew Gate. But in reply to this objection it must be noted that the Tchifout Kapoussi of Turkish days was the gate now known as Bagtchè Kapoussi,” beside the Stamboul Custom House, while the “Porta Judece” on the map of Bondelmontius stands close to the Seraglio Point. Nothing, however, is more certain than that the Venetian quarter * did not extend so far east as Bagtchê Kapoussi, much less so far in that direction as the neighbour- hood of the head of the promontory. Bagtchê Kapoussi cor- responds to the Byzantine Porta Neoriou (the Gate of the Dock- yard), which had no connection whatever with the quarter assigned to the Venetian merchants in the city, but was separated from that quarter, on the west, by the quarters which the traders from Amalfi and Pisa occupied, while to the east * Zafel und 7% omas, i. pp. 55–63. * Ibid., ii. p. 4; iii. pp. 133-I49. * Gyllius, De Top. CP., iii. c. i. ; Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Turc., s. 200. * On the subject of the Italian and other foreign colonies settled in Byzantine Constantinople, the reader may consult Paspates, pp. 127-276; Mordtmann, pp. 46–50; Desmoni, Giornale Ligustico, vol. i. ; Sui Quartieri dei Genovesi a Constanti- mopoli nel Secolo XII.; Heyd, Histoire du Commerce du Levant; Sauli, Della Colonia dei Genovesi in Galata ; Pears, A'all of Constantinople, c. 6; Miklosich et Müller, Acta et Diplomata Gra'ca ; Tafel und Thomas, Urkunden zur Alteren Handels-und Staatsgesichte der Republié Venedig. xv.] THE WAZ ZS ALO/WG THE GOLDEAV HORAW. 219 of the gate was the settlement of the Genoese. Consequently, the fact that in the age of Bondelmontius and after the Turkish Conquest the Porta Hebraica was a different entrance from the Gate of the Perama affords no ground for rejecting the evidence that in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the two names designated the same gate. It only proves that the epithet “Hebrew” had meantime been transferred from one gate to another." At the distance of seventy-seven feet to the east of the Porta Hebraica, or Gate of the Perama, there stood, according to a Venetian document of 1229, an entrance known as the Gate of St. Mark (Porta San Marci).” It probably obtained its name during the Latin occupation, after the patron saint of Venice, but whether it was a gate then opened for the first time, or an old gate under a new name, cannot be determined. Yet further east, at a point II 5 pikes before reaching Bagtchê Kapoussi, stood an entrance styled the Gate of the Hicanatissa (IIópta rāg ‘Ikavartoranc).” The adjoining quarter went by the same name, and there probably stood the “Residence of the Kanatissa’ (röv oikov tic Kavartanc) mentioned by Codinus.“ * The Russian pilgrim, Stephen of Novgorod (7tinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 121), who visited Constantinople about 1350, found a gate near the sea, and beside a Church of St. Demetrius, named “Portes Juives,” on account of the many Jews settled in the vicinity. From the connection in which the fact is mentioned, it appears that the gate stood on the Marmora side of the city, somewhere in the neighbourhood of Vlanga; thus showing how the same name might belong to different gates at different periods in the history of the city. Nicolo Barbaro (p. 817) confirms the existence of a Jewish quarter on the Marmora shore of the city, when he says that the Turkish fleet, finding itself unable to force the chain across the harbour, abandoned the attempt, and proceeded to the side towards the Dardanelles (“ de la band del Dar- danelo”), and there landed to plunder the Jewish quarter (“muntô in tera de la banda de la Zudeca”). It is possible, indeed, to contend that the Russian pilgrim referred to a gate near the Church of St. Demetrius beside the Seraglio Point. This view does not affect the argument presented in the text. * Zafel und Zhomas, ii. pp. 270–272; cf. Ibid., pp. 4-11. * Miklosich et Müller, iii. pp. 12, 16, 19; cf. Ibid., p. 6. * Codinus, p. 22 ; cf. Paspates, p. 158. 22O ByzawTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. The designation is best explained as derived from the body of palace troops known as the Hicanati." Between the Gate of the Perama and that of the Hicanatissa was situated the quarter of the merchants from Amalfi ; at the latter gate the quarter of the Pisans commenced.” The Gate of the Neorion (IIópta toû Newptov),” the Gate of the Dockyard, stood, as its name implies, beside the Dock- yard on the shore of the bay at Bagtohè Kapoussi, close to the site now occupied by the Stamboul Custom House. It is first mentioned in a chrysoboullon of Isaac Angelus, confirm- ing the right granted to the Pisan merchants by his pre- decessors, Alexius Comnenus and Manuel Comnenus, to reside in the neighbourhood of the gate.” While the western limit of the quarter thus conceded to Pisans was marked, as already intimated, by the Gate Hicanatissa,” the eastern limit of the settlement extended to a short distance beyond the Gate of the Neorion. The Neorion dated from the time of Byzantium, when it stood at the western extremity of the Harbour Walls of the city.” It was, therefore, distinguished from all other dockyards in Constantinople as the Ancient Neorion (ro IIa)\atov Nečptov), or the Ancient Exartesis (’Eádormouc). Nicolo Barbaro calls it “l'arsenada de l'imperador.” - Here the Imperial fleet assembled to refit or to guard the entrance of the harbour ; * here, until the reign of Justin II., was the Marine Exchange ; " and here was a factory of oars * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 737. * Målosich et Müller, iii. pp. I9–2I. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 365; Gyllius, De Zop, CP, iii. c. i. * Miklosich et Müller, iii. pp. 19, 2I. * Ibid., p. 19. * See above, p. Io. * Pachymeres, ut supra; Miklosich et Müller, p. 72. * Nicephorus Patriarcha, CP, p. 57; Theophanes, p. 591 ; Theophanes Cont-, p. 391. * Anonymus, ii. p. 30 ; Codinus, p. 52. xv.] THE WAAA.S. A ZOAVG THE GOLDEAV HORAV. 221 (coparia)," in addition to the one mentioned in the Justinian Code, which stood elsewhere. As might be expected, several destructive fires originated in the Neorion.” According to Gyllius,” Gerlach,” and Leunclavius,” this entrance was in their day named by the Turks, Tchifout Kapoussi, and was regarded by the Greeks as the IIóXm 'Opata (the Beautiful Gate), mentioned by Phrantzes" and Ducas' in the history of the last siege. The epithet Horaia is supposed to be a corruption of the original name for the entrance (rod Neoptov); the Turkish designation of the gate being explained by the fact that a Jewish community was settled in the neighbourhood of the gate.” As to the transformation of Neorion into Horaia, it seems somewhat far-fetched; still, Greeks think it conceivable.” If both names, indeed, belonged to the gate, a simpler and more probable explanation of the fact would be that the two names had no con- nection with each other, and that the epithet “Beautiful” was bestowed upon the entrance, towards the close of the Empire, in view of embellishments made in the course of repairs. The identification of the Gate of the Neorion with the Horaia * Miklosich et Müller, iii. p. 6. Such a factory can be seen to-day at Keurekdjilar, in Galata. * Paschal Chron., p. 582; Cedrenus, vol. i. pp. 609, 610 ; ii. p. 529. * De Zoff. CP., iii. c. i. ; De Bosporo Zºhracio, ii. c. ii. * Page 454. * Pand. Hist Zºurc., s. 200. * Phrantzes, p. 254. * Ducas, p. 282. Phrantzes and Ducas are the only Byzantine writers who mention the Beautiful Gate. * Gyllius, De Top. CP., iii. c. i. ; cf. Paspates, pp. 166, 167. The ground on which Yeni Validè Djamissi stands, near the Stamboul end of the Outer Bridge, belonged, as late as the seventeenth century, to Karaite Jews, who claimed that the territory had been granted to their ancestors under the Byzantine Empire. In return for the seizure of the ground to build the mosque (1615–1655), the community received houses at Haskeui, and forty members of the community were exempted from taxation for life. As the site of the synagogue could not be sold, the mosque has had to pay the community an annual rent of thirty-two piastres. * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 12. 222 A PZAAV7//VE COMSTAAWTIA/OA/CAE. [CHAP. Pyle involves, however, a difficulty. It makes Ducas contradict other historians, as regards the point to which the southern end of the chain across the Golden Horn was attached during the siege of 1453. According to Ducas,” that extremity of the chain was fastened to the Beautiful Gate. Critobulus,” on the other hand, affirms that it was attached to the Gate of Eugenius (Yali Kiosk Kapoussi), the gate nearest the head of the promontory, and his statement is supported by Phrantzes * and Chalcocondylas," when they, respectively, say that the chain was at the harbour's mouth, and fixed to the wall of the Acropolis. Now, the correctness of the position assigned to the chain by the three latter historians cannot be called in question. It was the position prescribed for the chain by all the rules of strategy. To have placed the chain at the Gate of the Neorion would have left a large portion of the northern side of the city exposed to the enemy, and per- mitted the Turkish fleet to command the Neorion and the ships stationed before it. Hence the accuracy of Ducas can be main- tained only by the identification of the Beautiful Gate with the Gate of Eugenius instead of with the Gate of the Neorion. We are, therefore, confronted with the question whether the historian is mistaken as regards the gate to which the city end of the chain was attached, or whether the view prevalent in Con- stantinople in the sixteenth century respecting the position of the Horaia Pylè should be rejected as unfounded. In favour of the accuracy of Ducas, it must be admitted that his statements concerning the Horaia Pylè, in other passages of his work, convey the impression that under that name he refers to the entrance nearest the head of the promontory, the Gate of Eugenius (Yali Kiosk Kapoussi). Speaking of the arrange- ments made for the defence of the sea-board of the city, he * Page 268. * I. c. 18. * Page 238. * Page 384. xv.] THE WAZZ.S. A ZOAVG 7THE GO/L/DEAV AIORAV. 223 describes them as extending, in the first place, from the Xyliné Porta, at the western extremity of the Harbour Walls, to the Horaia Pylè; and then from the Horaia Pylè to the Golden Gate, near the western extremity of the walls along the Sea of Marmora." Again, when he describes the blockade of the shore of the city outside the chain by the Sultan's fleet, he represents the blockade as commencing at the Horaia Pylè and proceeding thence past the point of the Acropolis, the Church of St. Deme- trius, the Gate of the Hodegetria, the Great Palace, and the harbour (Kontoscalion), as far as Vlanga.” Now, the gate which would naturally form the pivot, so to speak, of these operations was the Gate of Eugenius. There the two shores of the city divide ; and that was the farthest point to which the Turkish fleet outside the chain could advance into the Golden Horn. It would be strange if Ducas ascribed the strategical importance of the Gate of Eugenius to another gate. And yet, it must be also admitted that Ducas can be inaccurate. He is inaccurate, for example, in the matter of the gate before which the Sultan's tent was pitched during the siege,” and at which the Emperor Constantine fell,” for he associates these incidents with the Gate of Charisius, instead of with the Gate of St. Romanus; he is inaccurate, as we have seen, in his account of the entry of the Turks through the Kerko Porta; * and he is inaccurate, again, in saying that the ships which the Sultan carried across the hills from the Bosporus to the Golden Horn were launched into the harbour at a point opposite the Cosmidion (Eyoub),” instead of at Cassim Pasha. Under these circumstances it is impossible to maintain his accuracy as to the connection of the chain with Horaia Pylè at all hazards, and in the face of all difficulties. His credit will depend upon the value ' Pages 283, 284. * Pages 282, 283. * Page 263. * Page 300. * See above, p. 93. * Pages 270, 271. 224 APYZAAVT/WE CONSTA WTINOP/LAE. [CHAP. attached to the evidence we have, that the Horaia Pylè was another name for the Gate of the Neorion during the last days of Byzantine Constantinople. The application of both names to the same gate rests upon the authority of tradition, upon the use and wont followed in the matter by the Greek population of the city in the sixteenth century. If this is really the case, no evidence can be more decisive on the question at issue. Use and wont in respect to the name of a conspicuous public gate, in a much-frequented part of the city, constitutes an irrefutable argument, provided that use and wont goes far enough back in the history of the entrance. In that case, Ducas would be convicted of having mistaken the gate to which the chain was attached, and all the importance which he ascribes to the Horaia Pylè, in his account of the actions of friends and foes along the shores of the city, is only the consistent following up of that error. For any gate to which the chain was supposed, however erroneously, to have been affixed would be represented in the narrative of subsequent events as the point about which the assault and the defence of the sea-board turned, although the gate was not situated where it could, naturally, have sustained that character. Now, according to Gyllius," the gate anciently styled the Gate of the Neorion was called in his day Tchifout Kapoussi (“Hebrew Gate”) by the Turks, and Horaia Pylè by the Greeks, as a matter of common practice. The brief statement of Gerlach” that the second gate west of the Seraglio Point was named at once the Beautiful Gate and the Jewish Gate implies that * Gyllius’ statement (De Top. CP., III. c. i.) on the subject is: “Portum, quem vocunt Neorion, quod prope portam, quam Græci appellant Oraiam, corruptè quasi Neorii portam, aut non longe ab ea, fuisse existimo. Hodie inter mare et Portam Oraiam, quam Turci appellant Siphont (Tsifout), id est, Judaeorum eam accolentium, spatium latum . . . videre licet.” Cf. De Bosporo Zhracio, II. c. i. “Pro porta quam vulgo vocant Oriam corruptè, quasi olim Neorii portam.” * Page 454: “Die Prächtige, itzund die Juden-Pfort.” xv.] THE WAZZ.S. A ZOMG THE GOLDEAV HORAV. 225 .* these were the names of the gate in current use. Leunclavius 1 puts the facts in a somewhat different light. According to him, the common designation of the entrance was “Huraea" (Eöraia, “Hebrew Gate”), and it was only when the Greeks of the city wished to show themselves better acquainted with the truth on the subject that they claimed for the gate the epithet “Horaia.” This may, perhaps, excite the suspicion that the application of the epithet “Horaia " to the Gate of the Neorion, in the sixteenth century, was due to the fact that it was then known also as the Hebrew Gate (Ebraia). But, on the whole, the more probable view is that the epithet was correctly applied, and, consequently, that Ducas, who was not present at the siege, is mistaken in associating the chain with the Beautiful Gate. In the charters defining the privileges granted to the Genoese colony in Constantinople during the twelfth century, mention is made of a “Porta Bonu” and a “Porta Veteris Rectoris.”” As both were associated with the Scala, or Pier, at the service of that colony, they were doubtless the same gate under different names; the former appellation designating it by the proper name of the officer connected in some way with the entrance, the latter by his official title. Nothing is known concerning the Rector Bonus; the name and title are at once Byzantine and Italian. Now, the Genoese quarter in the twelfth century lay to the east of the Gate of the Neorion, and consequently the Porta Bonu, or Porta Veteris Rectoris, must be sought in that direction. It stood, probably, where Sirkedji Iskelessi is now situated. Near this gate must have been the Scala Chalcedonensis and the Portus Prosphorianus, which the Wotitia places in the Fifth * Pand. Hist. Turc., s. 200. “Porta quae Graeci quotguot vederi peritores volunt Porta Horaea (Opata), vulgo Huraea (Ebraia) dicitur.” * Miklosich et Müller, iii. pp. ix., 53; Desimoni, Giornale Zigustico, vol. i. p. 37; Sui Quartieri dei Genovesi a Constantinopoli, nel secolo XII., p. 46. Q : : . Q 3. : : ; ‘.~, !| | --— . -*. : gº ~gº 226 A VZAAV7 IAWE COMSTA WT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Region.” The former, as its name implies, was the pier frequented by boats plying between the city and Chalcedon ; it is mentioned twice, as the point at which relics were landed in solemn state to be carried thence to St. Sophia.” The Portus Prosphorianus” was in the bay which once indented the shore immediately to the east of the Gate of Bonus, where the line of the city walls described a deep curve. The name is probably derived from the word IIpóa popov, and denoted that the harbour was the resort of the craft which brought products from the country to the markets of the city.” The harbour was also called the Phosphorion, as though associated with the sudden illumination of the heavens which saved the city from capture by Philip of Macedon. But its most common designation was Tô Boatróptov, , Boögtropoc, 6 Bootropoc, probably because the point to which cattle were ferried across from Asia. The cattle- market was held here until the reign of Constantine Copronymus, who transferred it to the Forum of Taurus;" here also stood warehouses for the storage of oil, and granaries, such as the Horrea Olearia, Horrea Troadensia, Horrea Valentiaca and Horrea Constantiaca." The granaries were inspected annually by the emperor.” According to Demosthenes, the three statues erected by Byzantium and Perinthus in honour of Athens for the aid rendered against Philip of Macedon were set up at the Bosporus.” But it is not certain whether the great orator used the name in a general sense, or with special reference to this port. The great fire in the fifth year of Leo I. started in the * Motitia, ad Reg. V. * Paschal Chron., ad ann. 406, 415. * Cod. Zheod. De Calcis Coctor., Lex V. ; Stephanus Byzantius, De Urbiöus et Populis, ad vocem; Evagrius, ii. c. xiii. * Mordtmann, p. 49. * Anonymus, ii. p. 29. The point at Scutari where cattle are embarked to be ferried to the city is called by the Turks “Ukooz-Limani,” the Ox-Port. * AVotitia, ad Reg. V. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 699. * De Corona, p. 134, Edition Didot. º tº e & * * * XV.] THE WAZA.S. A ZOAVG THAE GO / DEAV HORAV. 227 market near this harbour, through the carelessness of a woman who left a lighted candle on a stall at which she had bought some salt fish." We reach, next, the last gate in the line of the Harbour Walls, the Gate of Eugenius (IIdpra toû Eüysvtov), represented now by Yali Kiosk Kapoussi. Its identity is established by the following indications. It marked the eastern extremity of the fortifications along the Golden Horn,” as the Xylo Porta marked their western terminus. Hence, the ditch constructed by Can- tacuzene in front of those fortifications is described as extending from the Gate of Eugenius to the Gate Xyline.” In the next place, the gate was close to the head of the promontory, or Acropolis, for ships outward bound rounded the promontory soon after passing the gate, while incoming ships passed the gate soon after rounding the promontory.” Again, the Church of St. Paul which stood near the gate is described, as situated in the quarter of the Acropolis, at the opening of the harbour.” This is consistent with the fact that the gate was at a point from which St. Sophia could be easily reached." Eugenius, after whom the gate, the adjacent tower, and the neighbouring district were named," was probably a distinguished proprietor in this part of the city. The gate bore an inscrip- tion commemorating repairs executed by a certain Julian ;” possibly, Julian who was Prefect of the City in the reign of Zeno, when Constantinople was shaken by a severe earth- quake. There is reason to believe that besides its ordinary designation Evagrius, ii. c. xiii. * Anonymus, i. p. 2. Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 213, 2I4. * /oid, iv. pp. 76, 232. Anna Comm., xv. p. 345. Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 175; Nicephorus Greg., vi. p. 167. Anonymus, i. p. 2; Acta Patriarchatus C.P., p. 563. * Banduri, Zmp. Orient., vii. p. 149. 76531 228 A YZANTINE COMSTA WTYWO PLAE. [CHAP. this gate bore also, at one time, the name Marmora Porta ; for certain ecclesiastical documents of the year 1399 and the year 1441 speak of an entrance in the quarter of Eugenius, under the name Marmora Porta, Mappapotrópta év tº Évopſg rod Eiryavtov." The Scala Timasii, so named after Timasius, a celebrated general in the reign of Arcadius, was in the Fourth Region,” and must therefore have been a pier near the Gate of Eugenius. At this entrance it was customary for the bride-elect of an emperor to land, upon reaching the capital by sea ; here she was received in state by her future consort, and having been invested with the Imperial buskins and other insignia of her rank, was conducted on horseback to the palace.” But what lends most interest to the gate is the fact that beside it rose the tower which held the Southern end of the chain drawn across the harbour in time of war.” Originally, the building, styled Kentenarion (Kevreváptov), was a stately structure, but after its overthrow by an earthquake, Theophilus restored it as an ordinary tower.” The chain was supported in the water by wooden floats," and its northern end was made fast to a tower in the fortifica- tions of Galata, known as the Tower of Galata, “Le Tour de Galatas.” According to Gyllius, the gate near that tower was called Porta Catena,” but, unfortunately, he does not indicate Miklosich et Müller, ii. pp. 467, 564. * Motitia, ad Reg. I V. Codinus, De Officiis, pp. IOT, Io& ; cf. Cantacuzene, iv. p. II. Critobulus, i. c. 18. Leo Diaconus, pp. 78, 79; Anonymus, iii. p. 56. This was probably the tower to which N. Barbaro (p. 733) refers when, speaking of the two towers, on the opposite sides of the entrance to the Golden Horn, which supported the chain, he says, “Etiam una tore per ladi de la zilade, zoë una de la banda de Constantinopoli, l'altra de la banda de Pera, le qual tore vignia a far defexa assai.” ° N. Barbaro, pp. 722, 723. * Ville-Hardouin, c. 32. 2 * Gyllius, De Zop. CP., iv. c. x. “Adhuc Galatae porta est, quae appellatur Caténa, ex eo, quod ab Acropoli usque ad eam portam catena extenderetur.” Cf. Theophanes, p. 609. I 3 4 5 PORTION OF THE CHAIN STRETCHED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE OF THE GOLDEN HORN IN 1453. XV.] THE WALLS AZONG THE GOLDEN HORN. 229 its precise position. From the nature of the case, however, it must have been near Kiretch Kapoussi, directly opposite the Gate of Eugenius." The employment of a chain to bar the entrance of the Golden Horn is mentioned for the first time in the famous siege of the city by the Saracens in 717–718, when the Emperor Leo lowered the chain with the hope of tempting the enemy's ships into the narrow waters of the harbour.” It appears next in the reign of Michael II., who thereby endeavoured, but in vain, to keep out the fleet with which his rival Thomas attacked the city.” It was again employed by Nice- phorus Phocas, in expectation of a Russian descent into the Bosporus.* The Venetians found it obstructing their path when they stood before Constantinople in I2O3, but removed it after capturing the Tower of Galata, to which it was secured.” Finally, in 1453, it proved too strong for Sultan Mehemet to force, and drove him to devise the expedient of carrying his ships into the Golden Horn across the hills to Cassim Pasha." A portion of the chain used on the last occasion is preserved in the Church of St. Irene, within the Seraglio grounds. In the district of Eugenius were some of the most noted charitable institutions of the city, among which the great Orphanage’ and the Hospitia,” built on the site of the old Stadium of Byzantium by Justinian the Great and Theodora, * Dr. Paspates (IIoMopkia kai"AMooris Tºs KII., p. 63) thinks the tower stood beside the Offices of the Board of Health, between the Galata Bridge and the Galata Custom House. He grounds this opinion on the existence of old ruins at that point. But the chain would never be placed aslant the harbour, as this view implies. * Theophanes, p. 609. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 80. * Leo Diaconus, p. 79. * Nicetas Chon., p. 718 ; cf. Ville-Hardouin, c. xxxii. * Phrantzes, p. 251. See below, pp. 241–247, for the discussion regarding the precise route taken by the ships. * Acta Patriarchatus CP., ii. p. 467; Anna Comn., xv. p. 345. * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. xi. 230 AP VZAAV7'IAVE COMSTA MTV/VOA’A.A. [CHAP. for the free accommodation of poor strangers, were conspicuous. There, also, stood the Church of St. Michael and the Church of St. Paul.1 THE BASILIKE PYLE. Before concluding the study of the Harbour Walls we must recur to the question which presented itself at an earlier stage of our inquiries, but was reserved for consideration at the close of this chapter, as more favourable to an intelligent and thorough discussion of the subject. Where was the Basilike Pyle which Byzantine historians, after the Restoration of the Empire, associate with this line of the city's bulwarks 2 Was it, as some authorities maintain, at Balat Kapoussi,” or, as others hold, in the neighbourhood of the Seraglio Point ** Or is it possible that a gate bearing that epithet was found at both points : In favour of the opinion that the Imperial Gate was near the Seraglio Point there is, first, the statement of Phrantzes, already cited, to that effect. “To Gabriel of Treviso,” says the historian,” “captain of the Venetian triremes, with fifty men under him, was entrusted the defence of the tower, in the middle of the current, guarding the entrance of the harbour; and he was opposite the Imperial Gate.” What Phrantzes means by the “entrance of the harbour” (rùv storošov rod Aquévog) admits of no dispute, for the phrase has only one signification. But, as though to render mistake impossible, * Nicephorus Greg., vii. p. 275. * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 15. With him agree Von Hammer, Paspates, Mordtmann, etc. * Gerlach, p. 454; Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Turc. S. 200. a * Af * Pages 254, 255, Eö60m huàdrrew Tov triſpyov tow év påorº too fleiſuaros, * Af *A * w * gº röv $vXóororovta rºw etoročov too Apačvos, kai fiv divrukpts tºs Tóms rºs Baoru Mukňs. xv.] TA/A2 WAZZS AZOAVG THE GO / DEAV HORAV. 23 I he repeats the expression, in that sense, several times. The Greek ships, which were moored beside the chain across the mouth of the harbour, and which the Sultan endeavoured to sink or drive away by the fire of a battery planted on the hill of St. Theodore, to the north-east of Galata, Phrantzes' observes, were stationed “at the entrance of the harbour” (Év tº siadèq roſ, Auévoc). The object of this bombardment, adds the historian” in the next sentence, was not simply to force “the entrance to the harbour” (Suá ràv stoočov too Aquévoc), but also to injure the Genoese shipping at that point, and thus show that the Sultan dared to act in any way he pleased, even towards the Italians of Galata. Again, Phrantzes * remarks that the ships moored along the chain at the mouth of the harbour (Év rô arðuart rod Xuévoc) were placed here to render entrance into the harbour more difficult to the enemy (§moc ioxuporépog kay}\fforwat Tiv čloočov). Equally decisive is the indication given regarding the tower which stood opposite the Imperial Gate. It was “in the middle of the current.” This statement carries the mind, at first, to the tower which stood on the rock off Scutari (Damalis, Arcla), where the lighthouse Kiz Kalehssi has been erected. But the idea that Phrantzes had that tower in view cannot be entertained for more than a moment; for to have stationed Gabriel there, with the Turkish fleet in complete command of the Bosporus and the Sea * Page 259. Dr. Paspates, in his work on the siege of the city (IIoMopkia kai. "AAoots Tºs Kovo tavruvoviróAeos, p. 141), represents the Hill of St. Theodore and the battery upon it as commanding the Bay of Cassim Pasha. This, however, is in harmony neither with the statements of Phrantzes, nor with local configuration. The requirements of the case are met by the supposition that the Hill of St. Theodore was the ridge to the north-east of Top Haneh, and that the Sultan's battery stood nearer the Bosporus than the present Italian Hospital. Cf. Zorzo Dolfin, S. 44: “Acceso el Turcho da disdegno, da i montë orientali de Pera penso a profondar con machine e morteri, o trar quelle de la cathena. Mezzo adonque le bombarde a segno dal occidente” (i.e. aiming towards west), “se sforza con bombardieri profundar le naue.” * Page 259. * Page 238. 232 A VZA WZZAVE CONS 7TA AVT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. # | i H. : : arz--~ --, - of Marmora, was not simply useless, but impossible. The current intended can be none other than the strong current at the head of the Seraglio Point, where it divides in two swift streams, which Nicephorus Gregoras' compares to Scylla and Charybdis, one running up the Golden Horn, the other out into the Sea of Marmora. A tower near a point with rushing waters on either hand might aptly be described as “in the middle of the current.”* Furthermore, Phrantzes” mentions the tower referred to, in close connection with what stood, unquestionably, near the head of the promontory. He speaks of it immediately after the Horaia Pylè, and immediately before the ships which de- fended the chain across the harbour's mouth, as though in the same vicinity. - In the second place, the view that the Imperial Gate was near the Seraglio Point is supported by the testimony of Leonard of Scio, when he makes the statement that Gabriel of Treviso fought bravely, with his men, on the portion of the walls extending from the Beacon-tower as far as the Imperial Gate, at the entrance of the bay (of the Golden Horn): “Gabriel Trevsianus cordatissime a Turri Phani usque ad Imperialem Portam, antes inum, decertabat.” “ The archbishop's phrase “ante sinum ” corresponds to Phrantzes' év tº siadèq) rot, Xuévoc. - Thirdly, it remains to add, on this side of the question, that the order in which Pusculus mentions the gates in the Harbour Walls favours the view that the Basilikè Pylè was not at Balat i * XVII., p. 860; cf. Cantacuzene, iv. p. 232. * Dr. Paspates (see p. III of his work on the siege of the city, cited above) under- stands Phrantzes in the same way. He identifies the tower with one which stood, until 1817, between the Gate of St. Barbara (Top Kapoussi) and the Gate of Eugenius (Yali Kiosk Kapoussi). It was probably the tower to which Nicolo Barbaro refers (See above, p. 228). * Pages 254, 255. * See his Epistle to the Pope on the Capture of Constantinople. XV.] THE WA/C/LS 4 LOAVG THAZ GOZZOAAW HOA'AV. 233 Kapoussi. Proceeding from west to east in his account of the defence of the fortifications along the Golden Horn, that author refers to seven gates in the following order: Xylina, Cynegon, Phani, Theodosia, Putea, Platea, Basilea," thus putting the Imperial Gate somewhere to the east of Oun Kapan Kapoussi. Had the Basilea stood at Balat Kapoussi it should have been mentioned immediately after Cynegon. This is the main evidence in support of the opinion that the Basilikè Pylè was near the Seraglio Point, and it is difficult to conceive of evidence more clear and conclusive. The argument countenancing the view which identifies the - Imperial Gate with Balat Kapoussi may be stated, briefly, thus: In the first place, when Leonard of Scio declares that Gabriel of Treviso defended the walls “a Turri Phani ad Imperialem Portam” he associates the Imperial Gate with the quarter of the Phanar. Again, when Ducas affirms that the Venetians assisted the Greeks in the defence of the walls from the Im- perial Gate to the Kynegon,” that entrance is associated with the district so named. The Imperial Gate, therefore, must have stood at a point between the Phanar and the Kynegon. But that is exactly the situation of Balat Kapoussi, with the quarter of the Phanar on its east, and the Kynegon on its west ; hence the two gates were one and the same. In the next place, the epithet “Imperial” was eminently suitable for an entrance which stood at the foot of a hill Sur- mounted by the Palace of the Porphyrogenitus, and from which the Palace of Blachernae could be readily reached. How ap- propriate the epithet was is proved by the actual name of the gate, Balat Kapoussi (the Gate of the Palace), so similar in meaning to Basilikè Pylè. In the third place, on the shore outside the Basilikè Pylè * Pusculus, iv. pp. 179–221. * Ducas, p. 275. 234. A YZAAVT/AWE CONSTAAVT/WOP/LA. [CHAP. stood a Church of St. John the Baptist." And in keeping with this fact, there is a Church of St. John the Baptist (the metochion of the Monastery of St. Catherine on Mount Sinai) Outside Balat Kapoussi. These arguments are, however, Open to criticism. So far as the statement of Leonard of Scio is concerned, it should be noted that he does not speak of the Turris Phani absolutely. Had he done so, the presumption would certainly be in favour of the view which understands him to refer to the district of the Phanar, half-way up the Golden Horn.” But his complete statement on the subject is that the Turris Phani of which he was speaking stood, with the Imperial Gate beside it, “ante sinum,” at the entrance of the bay of the Golden Horn, thus making it manifest that he had in mind another beacon-tower than the one in the district commonly known as the Phanar. That the shore of the Golden Horn was lighted at more than one point during the night, and especially at the entrance of the harbour, is only what might be expected. Nor is there in the assertion of Ducas, that the Venetians and Greeks united their forces to defend the fortifications from the Imperial Gate to the Kynegon, anything to determine the distance between the two points. They might be very near, or they might be as far apart as the extremities of the Harbour Walls; for there is no reason to think that the Venetians defended only the small portion of the walls between Balat Kapoussi and the three archways to the west of that gate. * Acta Patriarchatus CP, vol. ii. p. 391, year 1400; cf. pp. 297, 487. * Speaking of the bridge which the Sultan built out into the Golden Horn, and on which he placed cannon to batter the walls in the Kynegon, Leonard of Scio (p. 931) says the bridge was built that the army might advance near the wall, beside the “fanum ” of the city: “Decurreret ad murum prope, juxta fanum urbis.” The term is ambiguous. Zorzo Dolfin translates it, “Appresso la giesia” (the church). But more probably the reference is to the Phanar quarter, although the bridge was not exactly opposite to it. xv.] THE WALL.S. A ZOAVG THE GO/LDEAV HORAW. 235 The remaining arguments under consideration have more force, but are by no means decisive. The appropriateness of the epithet “Imperial” to an entrance in the situation of Balat Kapoussi affords, certainly, a presumption in favour of the view that the entrance was so named, although it cannot, alone, prove that such was the fact. The name Balat Kapoussi appears only after the Turkish Conquest, and may or may not be borrowed from the Byzantine designation of the gate. The strongest argument on this side of the question is, un- doubtedly, that drawn from the presence of the Church of St. John the Baptist on the shore to the north-east of Balat Kapoussi," the possible representative of the ancient church of that dedication “on the shore outside the Basilikè Pylè.”” But, in any case, these arguments do not refute the proof adduced for the existence of a Basilikè Pylè near the Seraglio Point. They leave that fact undisturbed ; and can only claim to give countenance to the idea that another Basilikè Pylè stood at Balat Kapoussi. Two questions, accordingly, are involved in the problem before us. Which of the gates near the Seraglio Point was styled the Basilikè Pylè 2 Was that gate the only Imperial Gate in the line of the Harbour Walls, or do some statements of Byzantine historians on the subject imply the existence of a second Basilikè Pylè 2 In the opinion of Leunclavius, the Imperial Gate is to be identified with the Horaia Pylè (the Gate of the Neorion) at * How old this church is cannot be precisely determined. It is known to have been in existence, as a small chapel, before 1640, when it was burned down. It was then reconstructed, but was again destroyed by fire, after which it was rebuilt at the expense of the monastery on Mount Sinai. For some time it was the fashionable church of the Phanariotes. See Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., pp. IO4, IOS. Mr. Gedeon ascribes it to the 14th century (Proceedings of the Greek Syllogos of Consple., vol. xxvi. p. 148. 1896). * Acta Patriarchatus CP, ii. p. 391. 236 B VZA WTIAWE CONSTA WT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. Bagtohè Kapoussi." But if the Horaia Pylè was at Bagtchê Kapoussi, the Basilikè Pylè could not be there also. The two entrances are unmistakably distinguished by Phrantzes, who mentions both in the same connection, the one immediately after the other, and states that, in the defence of the fortifi- cations along the harbour, the Beautiful Gate was in charge of the crew of a vessel from Crete, while the Imperial Gate was under the care of Gabriel of Treviso. - But this is an objection which has force only against those who adopt the view that the Horaia Pylè stood at Bagtchê Kapoussi. - A more general objection to the view of Leunclavius is that Bagtohè Kapoussi does not occupy the situation attributed to the Imperial Gate by Phrantzes and Leonard of Scio. It is not opposite a tower guarding the entrance of the harbour; it is too far up the Golden Horn to be described as “ante sinum.” This being so there are only two gates with one or other of which the Imperial Gate can be identified, if the indications furnished on the subject by Phrantzes and Leonard of Scio are strictly followed. It was either the Gate of Eugenius (Yali Kiosk Kapoussi), as Gerlach maintains,” or the Gate of St. Barbara (Top Kapoussi), which stands immediately to the South of Seraglio Point, and was, therefore, so near the Harbour Walls that it might be included in an account of their defence. The description of the Imperial Gate given by the historians above mentioned, applies equally well to both these entrances. Both stand near the mouth of the harbour, and opposite a tower “in the middle of the current ; ” both occupy a point of great strategical importance, such as the Basilikè Pylè must have * Pand. Hist. Turc., s. 200. * Page 454, where he styles the first gate west of the Seraglio Point “Die König- liche Pforte.” xv.] THE WAZZS AZOAVG THE GO/C/DEAV HORAV. 237 occupied, if we may judge from the fact that it was entrusted to commanders like Gabriel of Treviso and the Duke Notaras; both entrances were, in the course of history, associated with the Court" in a way which might have earned for them the distinction of the epithet, “Imperial.” It is not easy to decide, directly, between conflicting claims so nicely balanced. Judgment on the point at issue will doubtless be determined, largely, by the views adopted on questions indirectly connected with the matter in dispute, especially by what view is taken as regards the situation of the Horaia Pylè. Any one who upholds the accuracy of Ducas regarding the point to which the Southern end of the chain was attached, and identifies the Beautiful Gate with Yali Kiosk Kapoussi (the Gate of Eugenius) will, necessarily, identify the Imperial Gate with Top Kapoussi. On the other hand, those who accept the opinion that the Beautiful Gate stood, as the Greeks in the sixteenth century maintained, at Bagtchê Kapoussi, may, though still free to place the Imperial Gate at Top Kapoussi, nevertheless prefer to place it at Yali Kiosk Kapoussi, as, on the whole, more in accordance with the indi- cations of its position. If at the latter point, one can under- stand more readily why the Imperial Gate should have been associated with the Harbour Walls, and why Phrantzes mentions it immediately after the Horaia Pylè, and before the chain and the ships at the harbour's mouth. - Having thus indicated which of the gates near the Seraglio Point have the strongest claim to be regarded as the Basilikë Pylè, it remains to consider the question whether either of those gates was the only entrance bearing that epithet, in the Harbour Walls. Are there, in other words, any statements made by Byzantine * See above, p. 228 ; see below, p. 250. 238 BYZAAV7 IWE CONSTAAVTINOP/LA2. [CHAP. writers in reference to the Basilikè Pylè which cannot be applied to the Gate of Eugenius or to the Gate of St. Barbara, and which, therefore, imply the existence of another gate of that name 2 So far as the Gate of St. Barbara is concerned, there are several such statements. The narrow quay Outside Top Kapoussi could not afford room for the Church of St. John, the hospitium, and the other buildings, which are described as situated on the shore outside the Basilikè Pylè." Nor could a ship be moored in front of that gate, as the ship of the Catalan chief Berenger was moored in front of the Imperial Gate.” Nor was it necessary, before that gate could be attacked by the Turkish fleet, that the chain across the entrance of the Golden Horn should be forced, as we are told was necessary in the case of the Basilikè Pylè to which Critobulus alludes.” Hence the opinion that the Basilikè Pyle was another name for the Gate of St. Barbara involves the view that there were two Imperial Gates. The claim of the Gate of Eugenius to be the sole Basilikë Pylè encounters but one serious objection. Critobulus, it would appear, distinguishes the two entrances. He refers to the former to indicate where the southern end of the chain across the harbour was attached; * he speaks of the latter to mark the point which the Turkish fleet attacked on the last day of the siege, after breaking the chain, and becoming master of the Golden Horn.” For as soon as the Turkish admiral perceived that the Sultan's troops had entered the city, and were busily engaged in the work of plunder, he made a desperate attempt upon the chain, cut it asunder, and forced his way into the harbour. Then, having captured or sunk the Greek galleys found * Acta Patriarchatus C.P., ii. pp. 297, 391, 487. * Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 503. ° Lib. i. c. 65. * Lib. i. c. 18. ° Lib. i. c. 65. xv.] THE WALLS ALONG THE GOLDEN HORN. 239 in the port, he led his ships to the Imperial Gate (raic (3aot)\lkatc tröXatc) and landed his sailors in quest of booty. The gate was, however, still held by the Greeks, as the Turkish troops had not yet reached it from within the city. A fierce struggle therefore ensued. But at-last the gate was burst open, its brave defenders were slain to a man, their blood pouring through it like a stream, and the assailants rushed in to share the spoils of victory. What is here related might hold true of the Gate of Eugenius. Such facts as that the Imperial Gate stood within the chain, that before attacking it the Greek vessels in the harbour had to be disposed of, that it was held for a considerable time after the Turkish army had entered the city, are all con- sistent with the idea that the Basilikè Pylè, to which Critobulus refers, was the Gate of Eugenius. But, on the other hand, if the Gate of Eugenius was both the entrance to which the chain was attached and the entrance captured by the Turkish admiral after the chain had been broken, it comes very near defying all the laws of the association of ideas for the his— torian to speak of the entrance by different names, when the matters he records were so closely connected. This is a very serious objection to the identification of the Imperial Gate which Critobulus had in mind with the Gate of Eugenius. Hence, if this objection cannot be removed by saying that he could speak of the same gate by different names in different passages of his work, it follows that the epithet “Basilikè " did not belong exclusively to the Gate of Eugenius (any more than to the Gate of St. Barbara), but was bestowed also upon a gate higher up the Golden Horn. This being the case, there can be no hesitation where the latter was situated. Balat Kapoussi, by the significance of its name, by its proximity to Imperial palaces, and by the presence 24O BYzANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. of a Church of St. John, with room for other buildings, on the territory outside the gate, establishes the best claim to be con- sidered the second Basilikè Pylè in the line of the harbour fortifications." Why the Turkish admiral selected it as the point at which to land his sailors is explained by the wealthy character of the adjoining quarter of the city.” * If the Basilikè Pylè could be identified with the gate which went by the names Porta Boni, Porta Veteris Rectoris, at Sirkedji Iskelessi, all statements concerning the Imperial Gate might be applied to that single entrance. But this would be to interpret the language of Phrantzes and Leonard of Scio on the subject too loosely. Nor is there any reason apparent for bestowing such an epithet upon that gate, or for regarding that gate important during the last siege. * The Basilikè Pylè is mentioned in Byzantine history by the following writers:– Pachymeres, vol. ii. pp. 178–180.-As the starting-point of a great conflagration, in 1291, which extended far into the interior of the city, and caused immense loss of houses and merchandise. Abid., p. 503.−As the gate to which Berenger, in 1306, took his ship from the harbour at Blachernae, in order to leave Constantinople more readily, as soon as a favourable wind sprang up. Acta Patriarchatus CP., vol. ii. p. 297. Year 1399.—As the gate beside the shore on which a certain priest had his residence. - Abid., p. 391. Year 1400.-As the gate before which a Church of St. John the Baptist stood upon the seashore. Ibid., p. 487. Year uncertain.—As the gate before which there was a hospitium on the sea-shore, near the Church of St. John the Baptist. Ducas, pp. 184–186.-As the gate guarded by soldiers from Crete during the siege of 1422. At the demand of those loyal troops the Emperor Manuel Palaeologus, who had taken up his quarters in the monastery of the Peribleptos (Soulou Monastir), allowed his minister Theologus to be tried on the charge of accepting bribes from the Turks to betray the city. Having been found guilty, Theologus was forthwith dragged by the Cretans along the street to the Basilikè Pylè, and there had his eyes put out, in a manner that resulted in his death three days after the horrible operation. Chalcocondylas, pp. 285, 286.-As the gate beside which stood the tower injured by the cannon of the Genoese in I434. Ducas, pp. 275, 283, 295, 300.-As the gate defended by the Venetians, and by the Grand Duke Notaras, in the siege of I453. + - Phrantzes, p. 255; Leonard of Scio, in his Letter to Pope Nicholas.-As the gate defended, in 1453, by Gabriel of Treviso. Pusculus, iv. p. 193.—As the gate defended, in I453, by the Grand Duke Notaras. Critobulus, i. c. 65.—As the gate attacked by the Turkish fleet which entered the Golden Horn, after forcing the chain across the mouth of the harbour. º: - - - - --> xv.] A&O UTE TAA EAW B Y TURATISH SHIPS. 24. I THE ROUTE TAKEN IN CARRYING THE TURKISH SHIPS ACROSS THE HILLS FROM THE BOSPORUS TO THE GOLDEN HORN. & Owing to the conflicting statements of contemporary historians on the subject, the precise route followed in carrying the Sultan's ships, across the hills, from the Bosporus to the Golden Horn, is not fully settled. So far, indeed, as the point at which the ships reached the Golden Horn is concerned, there can be little, if any, room for doubt, though the historians differ even on that matter. The most reliable testimony, however, and the configuration of the territory on the northern side of the harbour, are in favour of the view that the Bay of Cassim Pasha was the point in question. Critobulus * names the point the Cold Waters,” and describes it as situated at a short distance from Galata (Pvxpå "Yèara, ukpov atrotépa toû Taxatā). Nicolò Barbaro* designates it as the Harbour of Pera, or Galata— “Abiando tragetà dentro dal porto de Constantinopoli ben fuste setantado, e redusele in porto dentro del navarchio de Pera"— and explains the possibility of the Occupation of a point so near . Galata by the excellent relations existing between the Turks and the Genoese: “E questo perchè lor Turchi avea bona paxe con Zenovexi.” At variance with these statements, Ducas * says the ships were launched into the harbour opposite Eyoub (Cosmidion), but that is contrary to all the probabilities of the case. Phrantzes" sheds no light upon the question. In regard to the starting-point from the Bosporus, there is general agreement that it was somewhere on the shore between Beshiktash and Top Haneh; Andreossy" being singular in supposing that the vessels left the Bosporus at Balta Liman. * Lib. i. c. 42. * See above, p. 211. * Page 753. * Page 271. * Page 251. * Constantinople et le Bosphore, p. 364. R 242 Aº V.ZAAWTINE CONSTAAV7 IAVOA’I.A. [CHAP. Now, there are four ravines or valleys that run inland from the shore between Beshiktash and Top Haneh towards the ridge dividing the Bosporus and the Golden Horn: the valleys of Beshiktash, Dolma Bagtohè, Sali Bazaar, and Top Haneh, which reach the top of the ridge, respectively at Ferikeui, the Municipal Gardens, Taxim, and Asmali-Medjid Sokaki. And the decision of the question which of these valleys was the one actually selected by the Sultan will depend partly upon our estimate of the respective merits of the historians whose testimony has to be considered, and partly upon the comparative suitableness of the various routes to serve the object in view. Of the four routes indicated above, the two which proceed, respectively, by the valley of Top Haneh and the valley of Dolma Bagtohè present, both on the ground of history and natural fitness, the strongest claims for consideration. In favour of the Top Haneh route, there is, first, the fact that it was the shortest route ; and secondly, that its length corresponds to that which Critobulus * assigns to the road taken by the ships across the hills, viz. eight stadia, or one mile. Accordingly, Dr. Dethier” and Dr. Paspates * maintain that the Sultan's ships were transported from the Bosporus to the Golden Horn by way of Top Haneh, Koumbaradji Sokaki, Asmali- Medjid Sokaki, and the Petits Champs. On the other hand, the Dolma Bagtohè route has in its favour, first, the statement made by several historians, including Critobulus himself, that the point on the Bosporus from which the ships started to cross the hills was near the Diplokionion, the name for Beshiktash in Byzantine times. Ducas * describes * Lib. i. c. 42. & * Siège de Constantinople ; Nicolò Barbaro, Giornale, p. 752. * See his work on the Siege of the City in 1453, p. 139. * * V A * sy A * Page 270: IIpoorrárret rod eiðvöpopºmºval tas vôwas rās 3rtorffew kelp vas * A a 3 M * Af & * 3. A \ * {} a 8 A a Af rob Taxatä, ärö rô pºépos to Tpós divaroMºv, Kätoffew tow out&ot kiovos. xv.] A’OUTE TAA EAV BY TURRTISH SHIPS. 243 that point as situated to the east of Galata, below the Diplo- kionion. Pusculus * speaks of it as not far from the twin columns: “Columnis haud longè a geminis, surgunt quae ad sidera rectae.” Nicolò Barbaro” is, if possible, even more explicit. According to him, the levelling of the road across the hill above Pera commenced from the shore where the columns, and the station of the Turkish fleet, were found : “Stando tuta la sua. armada sorta a le colone, che Sun mia de luntan de la tera, fexe che tute le zurme muntasse in tera, e fexe spianar tuto el monte che son de sopra a zitade de Pera, comen2ando da la marina, gae da li da le colone dove che era armada.” Critobulus,” as already intimated, styles the starting-point of the expedition the Diplo- kionion. Now, the Diplokionion was not at Top Haneh, but at Beshiktash, and the harbour of the Diplokionion must have been the bay which formerly occupied the site of Dolma Bagtohè.* In the second place, in the Dolma Bagtohè route we have the distance which Nicolò Barbaro" declares was traversed by the Turkish ships in their overland passage, i.e. three miles : “Comenzando de la marina, zae da li da le colone dove che era armada, per infino dentro dal porte de Constantinopoli, che son mza tre.” Great weight attaches to the testimony of Barbaro upon this point ; for Critobulus was not present at the siege, while Nicolò Barbaro was surgeon of one of the Venetian galleys * IV. 550–551. * Page 753. ° Lib. i. c. 42. Charles Müller thinks the correct reading in the text of Critobulus was not “eight stadia,” but “eighteen stadia.” * For the site of the Diplokionion, see Gyllius, De Bosporo 7%racio, ii. c. 7. See also, Bondelmontius’ Map (the columns are more distinctly shown in the copy of that map found in Du Cange and Banduri, than in the copy which accompanies this work). The idea of Dr. Dethier, expressed in a note on Pusculus (Siège de Constantinople, p. 237), that the Diplokionion stood, in Byzantine days, at Cabatash, and was removed— columns and inhabitants together—to Beshiktash, after the Turkish Conquest, has no foundation whatever. * Page 753. 244 A VZAAV7 IAVE CONSTAAVT/WOP/LAE. [CHAP. which took part in the defence of the chain across the entrance to the Golden Horn, kept a diary of the incidents of the siege, must have taken particular interest in the movements of the Turkish fleet, and was in the way of obtaining the best available information on the subject. Certainly, if the transport of the Turkish ships started from a point so near the chain and the Greek and foreign ships guarding it as the site of Top Haneh, Barbaro had every opportunity to know the fact, and it is inexplicable how he could have made the mistake of representing another locality as the scene of the achievement. With Barbaro agrees another competent witness, Jacques Tedaldi, a Florentine merchant, who took part in the defence of the city, and who gives the distance over which the ships were carried as from two to three miles: “Fit porter de la mer par terre deux ou trois milles, de Soixant dix a quatre-vingfs gallées que aultres fustes armées, dedans le gouffle de Mandra- quins qui est entre les deux citez, auxquieuls est le port de Constantinople.”" If, in the next place, we judge between the two routes by their comparative fitness to facilitate the accomplishment of the Sultan's design, the Dolma Bagtchè route can claim the superiority in that respect. Had the matter of distance been all the Sultan required to consider in choosing the road for his ships, the decision would necessarily have been in favour of the Top Haneh route. But, surely, other matters also had to be taken into account. It was desirable, for example, that the route should be situated where all the preparations necessary to effect the passage could be readily made, where they would be beyond the reach of interference on the part of the Greeks, where they would, as the conveyance of the ships by night proves was the Sultan's wish, be screened from hostile observation, and result in taking the enemy by * Dethier, Siège de Constantinople, No. xviii. p. 893. xv.] A’O UTE TAKEAV B V TURA /SAT SAIZA'.S. , 245 surprise. All this was impossible at the site now occupied by Top Haneh, which stood but a short distance outside the chain and its guard-ships. There the Sultan's preparations—the levelling of the ground, the laying down of sleepers and planks along. which the cradles carrying the ships were to be drawn, the gathering of seventy to eighty vessels, the army of men collected to draw the ships out of the water and overland,- would be too much in the public eye to satisfy the requirements of the case. On the other hand, although the Dolma Bagtohè route laboured under the disadvantage of being longer than the road from Top Haneh, the distance it presented was not excessive, while it offered ample compensation for the additional efforts which its greater length occasioned. It started from the usual station of the Turkish fleet in the Bosporus, where all requisite means for executing the Sultan's purpose could be obtained with the least difficulty, where no attack was to be apprehended, where the presence of a large number of ships would excite no suspicions, and where, it was reasonable to expect, the great secret could be kept as long as necessary. From the point of fitness to serve the scheme contemplated, the route from Dolma Bagtohè had most to recommend it, taking all things into consideration. Turkish historians do not afford any assistance to solve the problem under discussion. Evlia Tchelebi pretends that the ships were not brought from the Bosporus, but that some of them were constructed at Kiathaneh, the Sweet Waters, at the head of the harbour, and others at Levend Tchiflik (probably the Kutchuk Levend Tchiflik situated, in old Turkish times, high up the longer arm of the Dolma Bagtohè valley, not the Levend Tchiflik above the head of the valley of Balta Liman); and that the latter portion of the flotilla was carried to the Golden Horn by way of the Ok Meidan behind Haskeui, 246 A VZAAVTIAWE CONSTAAVT/WOPLE. [CHAP. and the gardens of the Arsenal (Tersaneh Bagtchessi). Another Turkish authority says the ships were transported from Dolma -Bagtchè to Cassim Pasha. INOTE. According to Leonard of Scio (p. 920), the distance over which the Turkish ships were conveyed was seventy stadia, “ad stadia septuaginta trahi biremes.” This statement involves so many questions which are difficult, if not impossible, to decide, that it affords no assistance in determining where the ships crossed the hills. The archbishop's account of the Sultan's action is given in the following words: “Quare ut coangustaret circumvalleratºue magis urbem, jussit invia aequare ; exque colle, suppositis lenitis vasis lacertorum sex, ad stadia septuaginta trahi biremes, quae ascensu gravius sublatae, posthac ex apice in declivum, in ripam sinus levissime introrsum vehebantur.” Now, if the “seventy stadia” in this passage are to be understood in the ordinary sense of the words, the route taken by the ships was over eight English miles in length. But from no point between Top Haneh and Beshiktash is the distance to the Golden Horn, across the hills, so great. Hence the language of Leonard has been variously interpreted, in the hope of bringing it into accord with what his com- mentators deemed the real facts in the case. Dethier, in his annotations to Zorzo Dolfin (Siège de Constantinople, No. xxii. p. 998), maintains that the numeral seventy gives the number of the ships transported over the hills, and not the length of the road tranversed: “Non sono 7o stadia, ma 70 galere o fuste.” Charles Müller, the editor of Critobulus, referring to the statement of Leonard, expresses the same opinion as Dethier, and thinks that the number for the stadia has dropped out of the text of Leonard: “Stadiorum numerus excedisse videtur, nam septuaginta vox ad navium numerum, quem eundem etiam Chalcocondylas, p. 387, 8 praebet, referenda est” (Fragm. Hist. Graec., v. p. 87). Another possible view is that the number seventy is due to an error in the text. Or, finally, it may be supposed that Leonard em- ployed the term “stadium ” in a peculiar sense. One presumption in favour of this supposition is the fact that elsewhere in his epistle, the measurements of Leonard by stadia seem too gross mistakes to be made by such a man as the archbishop, with the ordinary idea of a stadium in his mind. The bridge, for example, which the Sultan built at ‘Haskeui, to bring his cannon closer to the Harbour Walls, and which Phrantzes (p. 252) says was one hundred ortygia long, or one stadium, Leonard (p. 931) represents as about thirty stadia in length, i.e., according to the ordinary computation, between three and four miles in length, where the harbour is not half a mile wide. Again, Leonard (p. 970) speaks of the Turkish fleet as anchoring at a point less than one hundred stadia from the shore of the Propontis: “Minus ad stadia centum Propontidis ripa anchoras figunt”—a statement which, if it refers to the distance of Beshiktash from the Seraglio Point, would make that part of the Bosporus about ten miles broad It should also be added that Charles Müller thinks that the stadium of the later Byzantine writers was one-third less than the Olympic stadium: “Adeo ut stadium tertia parte minus quam vetus stadium Olympicum subesse videri possit” (Fragm. Hist. Gratc., v. p. 76). Du Cange (Glossarium Med. et Infim. XV.] A OUTE TAR EAV B V TURA ISA SAVIA 'S. 247 ILatinitatis) says, respecting the use of the term “ stadium” by mediaeval writers, “ “ Mensurae species, sed ignota prorsus.” Zorzo Dolfin translates the account which Leonard gives of the ships passage across the hills, as follows: “Et per coangustar, et circumuallar piu la terra, com- mando, fusse spianato le uie, et sopra i colli messi in terra i uasi a forza de brazze . . . per 7o stadia che sono circa miglia . . . introdusse le fuste nel mandrachio, le qual per . . . miglia con fatica se tiranno in suko” (Dethier, Siège de Constantinople, No. xxii. p. 997). If the number of miles had been given, or had not disappeared, how much discussion would have been spared ! . 248 A VZAAV7'INE COMSTA WT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. *~ .A. CHAPTER XVI. THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. THE fortifications extending along the Sea of Marmora from the Acropolis (Seraglio Point) to the southern extremity of the land walls consisted of a single wall flanked, according to Bondel- montius, by 188 towers—a line of defence some five miles in length. Almost everywhere along their course these fortifications stood close to the water's edge, making it almost impossible to land troops at their foot, and giving them only the comparatively easy task of repelling an attack upon them with ships. What they had most reason to dread was the open sea upon whose margin they stood, its ceaseless, unwearied sap and mine of their foundations, and the furious assaults of its angry waves. This explains some peculiarities noticeable in their construction. The line of their course, for instance, was extremely irregular, turning in and out with every bend of the shore, to present always as short and sharp a front as possible to the waves that dashed against them. They were protected, moreover, by a break- water of loose boulders,” scattered in the sea along their base. And the extent to which marble shafts were built, as bonds, into the lower courses of the walls and towers was, doubtless, another * See Map of Byzantine Constantinople. * Mentioned by the Anonymus, iii. p. 61 ; Nicetas Chon., p. 169; Cantacuzene, iv. p. 221. *. INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THEODOSIUS II. AND THE PREFECT constanTINE. (See Aage 46.) ſº - - º - ºº:: ºl. - INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR THEOPHILUs. (See Aage 183.) ºfºº - INSCRIPTION IN HONOUR OF THE EMPEROR ISAAC ANGELUS, (See page 132 ) xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 249 precaution adopted to maintain the stability of these fortifica- tions. A large portion of these walls is built in arches closed on their outer face, and seems to be the work of a late age. TThe walls had at least thirteen entrances. The first gate, Top Kapoussi, a short distance to the south of the apex of the promontory, was known as the Gate of St. Bar- bara (ii răc uáprwpoc Bapſ3ápac ka)\oupévn IIöXm)," after a church of that dedication in the vicinity; the presence of a sanctuary consecrated to the patroness of fire-arms at this point being explained by the fact that the Mangana, or great military arsenal of the city, stood a little to the south of the gate. The gate was guarded also on the north-west, by the Church of St. Demetrius, another military saint, and was therefore some- times styled by the Greeks, after the Turkish Conquest, the Gate of St. Demetrius.” It was likewise known as the Eastern Gate,” Owing to its position on the eastern shore of the city. Here, probably, stood one of the gates of old Byzantium ; for when the city was occupied by the Greeks under Xenophon, the Spartan admiral, Anaxibius, escaped to the Acropolis by taking boat in the Golden Horn, and rounding the promontory to the side facing Chalcedon.* The pier in front of the gate was called the Pier of the Acropolis (ii răç &kpotróXeoc alcáXa);" and for the convenience of the boatmen and sailors frequenting it, a chapel of St. Nicholas, their patron saint, was attached to the Church of St. Barbara." According to the inscriptions’ found upon the gate, it was included in the repairs of the seaward walls in the reign of * Anonymus, iii. p. 61 ; Cantacuzene, iv. p. 232; Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 270. * Gyllius, De Zop. CP, i. c. xxi. * Nicetas Chon., p. 205, 3rd tâs ééas TúAms, #ris àvéºye Karā tīv čkpó- troMºv. Cf. Zbid., p. 26; Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 270. * Anabasis, vii. c. i. See above, p. 5. * Theophanes, p. 671 ; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 12. * Pachymeres, ut supra. * * See above, p. 184. & ++- * ** W tº vie “ecº- º ºf sº | - 25O A YZAAWTINE CONSTA WTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Theophilus. As became its important position, it was a hand- some portal, flanked, like the Golden Gate, by two large towers of white marble," and beside it, if not in it, Nicephorus Phocas placed the beautiful gates which he carried away from Tarsus as trophies of his Cilician campaigns.” On two occasions it served as a triumphal entrance into the city, John Comnenus using it for that purpose in II 26, to celebrate the capture of Castamon ; * and Manuel Comnenus in 1168, on his return from the Hungarian War.” In 1816 the towers of the gate furnished material for the Marble Kiosk which Sultan Mahmoud IV. erected in the neighbourhood;" and in 1871 the gate disappeared during the construction of the Roumelian railway. Proceeding southwards from the Gate of St. Barbara, we reach the entrance known as Deïrmen Kapoussi. It is clearly Byzantine, but its Greek name is lost. Between it and the Gate of St. Barbara must have stood the Mangana (ra Máyyava),” or Arsenal, with its workshops, materials of war, and library of books on military art. Its site is identified by the statement of Nicetas Choniates,’ that it faced the rocky islet off the shore of Chrysopolis, on which the beacon tower Kiz Kalehssi, or Leander's Tower, is now built. For, according to that historian, Manuel Comnenus, with the view of closing the Bosporus against naval attack from the south, erected two towers between which he might suspend a chain across the entrance of the straits ; one of them, named Damalis and Arcla (AáuaXic, "ApkAa), being on the rock off Chrysopolis,” * Nicephorus Greg., xvii. p. 860. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 363. * Nicetas Chon., p. 26. * Zbid., p. 205. * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 23. * Anonymus, ii. p. 26; Glycas, p. 468. * Page 268, ‘O &vrítopôpos otros Túpyos Tſis tow Mayyávov dyxworra ôeóopºmpēvos povăs. * The rock is associated with the history of Byzantium. Upon it Chares, admiral of the Athenian fleet, sent to aid Byzantium against Philip of Macedon, erected a XVI.] THE WALLS AZOAVG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 251 the other, opposite to it, very close to the Monastery of Mangana. The Tower of the Mangana was exceedingly strong, capable of withstanding a siege by the whole city." Hence, in the struggle between Apocaucus and Cantacuzene, the former held it with great determination. - To the rear of Deïrmen Kapoussi a hollow, now occupied by market-gardens, indicates the site of the Kynegion, the amphi- theatre erected by Severus when he restored Byzantium.” A Combat of wild animals was held here as late as the reign of Justinian the Great, in honour of his consulship.” Subse- quently, the Kynegion became a place of execution for important political offenders. There, Justinian II., on his restoration to the throne, put his rivals, Leontius and Apsimarus, to death, after subjecting them to public humiliation in the Hippodrome, by resting his feet upon their necks, while he viewed the games.” A little to the south of the Kynegion stood the Church and Monastery of St. George at the Mangana (Movaariptov kará td. Xeyóueva Máyyava, it' ováuart rod anytov usyáAov uáprwpoc Tewpytov). It was an erection of Constantine Monomachus,” and one of the most splendid and important monasteries in the city. Its site is determined by the following indications; the church was opposite Chrysopolis," and near the Mangana and the Kynegion ;’ it stood in the midst of meadows, and to it were pillar surmounted by the figure of a heifer as a monument to the memory of his wife, Damalis, who had accompanied him on the expedition, and died at Chrysopolis. Hence that suburb and the rock were sometimes called Damalis. A palace of the Byzantine emperors at Damalis was named Scutarion (Nicetas Chon., p. 28o ; Ville- Hardouin, c. lxix.). It was noted for its pleasant air and quiet. Cf. Gyllius, De Bosporo Zhracio, iii. c. ix. * Cantacuzene, iii. pp. 438,495, 541. * Paschal Chron., p. 495; AVotitia, ad Reg. ZZ. See above, p. 13. * Marcellinus Comes. * Theophanes, p. 574. For other executions under Constantine Copronymus, see Theophanes, pp. 647, 677, 683. * Zonaras, xvii. p. 55. * Nicetas Chon., p. 268. * Zonaras, ut supra. 252 A PTZAAVT//VE COAVSTA WTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. attached gardens and a hospital." “There was,” says Clavijo, the Spanish envoy, “before the entrance (of the church), a wide court containing many gardens and houses ; the church itself stood in the middle of these gardens.”* Now, room for a church with such surroundings existed only to the south of the Kynegion, where a comparatively extensive plain is found ; while the territory to the north was contracted, and was, more- over, otherwise occupied. This conclusion is corroborated by the statement of the Russian pilgrims that the Monastery of the Mangana lay to the west of the Church of St. Saviour.” That church, we shall find, stood at Indjili Kiosk.” Hence, a building to the west of that point would be on the plain above indicated. From the Church of St. George mediaeval writers derived the name of Braz Saint George for the Sea of Marmora and the Hellespont.” The Emperor John Cantacuzene, upon his abdica- tion, was for some time a monk in the Monastery of Mangana, under the name Joasaph ('Iwógap), until he withdrew to the deeper seclusion of the Monastery of Batopedi, on Mount Athos." The next gate, Demir Kapoussi, is a Turkish erection that may have replaced an older entrance.” + A little further south, arched buttresses, forming the sub- structures on which the villa known as Indjili Kiosk, in the Seraglio grounds, once stood, are seen built against the walls. Through these buttresses the water of a Holy Spring within * M. Attaliota, p. 48. * Constantinople, ses Sanctuaires et ses reliques, au commencement du XV Siècle. Traduit par Bruun, Odessa, 1883. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. 162. * See below, pp. 253, 254. * Ville-Hardouin, cs. xxv.–xxvii.; William of Zyre, lib. xx. c. xxiv. * Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 307, 308. * Large chambers and galleries are found in the body of the portion of the wall between this gate and a short distance beyond Indjili Kiosk. One gallery measures 1233 feet long by 21 feet wide; one of the chambers is 52% feet by 51 feet. XVI.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 253 the city was, until recently, conducted to the outer side of the walls, and thus rendered accessible to the Christians of the Greek Orthodox Church, who sought the benefit of its healing virtues. This was the Holy Spring of the Church of St. Saviour, cele- brated as a fountain of health long before the Turkish Conquest. “Tout cet endroit ressemble la piscine de Salomon qui est à Jérusalem l’ exclaims one of the Russian pilgrims, who visited the shrine during the period of the Palaeologi." Its identity cannot be disputed. For the memory of the fact that the Church of St. Saviour stood at this point has been preserved by the annual pilgrimages made to the spot, on the Festival of the Transfiguration, from the time of the Turkish Conquest until the year 1821, when the privilege of frequenting the spring was withdrawn, on account of the political events of the day. Such popular customs afford strong evidence. The first writer who refers to the church and spring after 1453 is Gyllius,” who, speaking of the water-gates in the walls around the Seraglio, describes the position of Demir Kapoussi thus: “The fourth gate (counting from Yali Kiosk Kapoussi) faces south-east (Solis exortum spectat hibernum), and is not far from the ruins of the church dedicated to Christ, for the remains of which, found built in the wall, the Greeks show much rever- ence, by visiting them in great crowds.” Thevenot” and Grelot * give a long account of the animated Scene witnessed here on the Festival of the Transfiguration, in their day. The Sultan himself would sometimes come to Indjili Kiosk to be entertained by the spectacle presented on that occasion, particularly by Seeing sick persons buried up to the neck in the sand on the sea- shore, as a method of cure. Hammer writes to the same effect, * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 119. * Gyllius, De Top. C.P., i. c. vii. * A'elation d'un Voyage fait au Zevant, c. xviii. (1665). * Relation d'un Voyage de Constantinople, p. 83 (1670). 254 A VZAAVTIAWE CONSTA WTYWOALE. [CHAP. but supposed the spring to be the Hagiasma of the Virgin, and thought it marked the site of the Church of the Theotokos Hodegetria, which was in this vicinity, and to which also a Holy Spring was attached." But this opinion, adopted also by Labarte,” is opposed to all the evidence upon the subject. Finally, there is the testimony of the Patriarch Constantius, already alluded to, that from 1453 to 1821 the Hagiasma at Indjili Kiosk was annually frequented on the 6th of August, as the Holy Well associated with the Church of St. Saviour: “The Greeks still revered, until a few years ago, as a matter of tradition, the Hagiasma of the Saviour, which was under Indjili Kiosk.” In striking agreement with this evidence since the Turkish Conquest, are the accounts given regarding the Church of St. Saviour by writers previous to that event. According to them, the church was in the neighbourhood of the Church of St. George Mangana, and to the east of that sanctuary; it stood close to the sea, immediately behind the city walls; its Holy Spring was enclosed within the walls, and yet could be reached from without; in front of the walls through which the sacred stream flowed, was a beach of sand endowed with healing properties.* Nothing can be more conclusive. This identification is of the greatest importance for the topographical reconstruction of the quarters of Byzantine Con- stantinople along the eastern shore of the promontory, for, with that church as a fixed point, it becomes comparatively easy to determine the positions of other noted buildings in the neigh- bourhood. By means of that landmark, for example, the situation of * Constantinopolis und der Bosporos, vol. i. p. 238. * Ze Palais Impérial de Constantinople et ses Abords, p. 99. * Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 26; cf. Scarlatus Byzantius, vol. i. p. 181. * ZZinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. 119, 202, 231. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 255 the Church of St. George Mangana can, we have seen, be fixed." It enables us also to settle, without prolonged discussion, the question raised by the extensive ruins discovered behind Indjili Kiosk, when the ground was cleared, in 1871, for the construction of the Roumelian railroad. The walls of an edifice 322 feet long by 53 feet wide, were then brought to view, and among the débris marble pillars and capitals were found in such numbers, as to prove that the building to which they belonged had been one of considerable importance.” Because some of the capitals seemed ornamented with the heads of bulls and lions, Dr. Paspates came to the conclusion that the ruins were the remains of the celebrated Palace of the Bucoleon.” On the other hand, Dr. Mordtmann thinks that here was the site of the Imperial residence, known as the Palace of Mangana," an erection of Basil I.” That the latter opinion is the correct one may be proved by means of the fact that the Church of St. Saviour stood at Indjili Kiosk. In the first place, the Palace of Mangana was near the Church of St. George Mangana—so near that the destruction of that palace by Isaac Angelus, to obtain material for edifices of his own construction, was viewed as an act of sacrilege com- mitted against the property of the great Saint.” But the Church of St. George Mangana, we have found, lay a short distance to the west of the Church of St. Saviour," near the site of Indjili Kiosk. Consequently the remains of a palace near that kiosk must be those of the Palace of Mangana. This conclusion See above, p. 252. For a description of the ruins, see Dr. Paspates, pp. 106–109. Abid., p. IO7. Page 52. As to the opinion of Paspates that the heads on the capitals found among the ruins represented lions and bulls, Dr. Mordtmann remarks, “explication qui n'a point été admise parses contradicteurs.” * Theophanes Cont., p. 337. * Nicetas Chon., p. 581. * See above, p. 252. . 256 BYZANTIAWE CONSTANTINOP/LAE. [CHAP. agrees, furthermore, with the fact that the Mangana, which gave name to the palace, was in this vicinity." It is also consistent with the circumstance that the Palace of Mangana was noted for its coolness,” as would be characteristic of a residence in the position of Indjili Kiosk, which is exposed to the north wind that sweeps down the Bosporus from the Black Sea. Thus, also, the site of the Church of St. Lazarus can be approximately determined. From the order in which the churches visited by the Deacon Zosimus * between St. Sophia and St. George Mangana are mentioned, it is clear that the Church of St. Lazarus lay to the south of the Church of St. Saviour, and consequently somewhere between Indjili Kiosk and the Seraglio Lighthouse. The identification is important ; for near the Church of St. Lazarus was found the tier of seats, known as the Topi, which marked the southern extremity of the walls of old Byzantium on the side of the Sea of Marmora.” Thus, also, the eastern limit of the grounds of the palace erected by Constantine the Great is determined. “The Triclinia erected by Constantine the Great,” says Codinus,” “reached to that point,” i.e. the Topi. Furthermore, the Tzycanisterion, or polo-ground, attached to the Great Palace, extended, we are told, as far as the neighbourhood of the Church of St. Lazarus and the Topi.” Dr. Paspates is therefore mistaken in making the palace grounds reach to within a short distance of the Seraglio Point. * See above, p. 250. * Anna Comn., xv. pp. 372, 377. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. 201, 202 : “Non loin de ce couvent (Hodegetria, proceeding towards the Seraglio Point) sont deux autres, celui de Lazare le Ressuscité, où ses reliques et (celles de) sa Soeur Marie sont incrustees dans une colonne; et secondement celui de Lazare, évêque de Galassie.” * * Codinus, pp. 25, 79. Can the Topi have been remains of one of the theatres erected by Severus in Byzantium ? * Page 79. " Leo Gram., p. 273, Eis rôv čywov Adžapov, eis to kata/3dorwov too Tºukavi- ormptov : p. 274, eis toūs Aeyouévous Tótrovs. Cf. Theophanes Cont., pp. 859, 860. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 257 Near the Topi likewise stood the Thermae Arcadianae," con- structed by the Emperor Arcadius, and one of the finest ornaments of the capital. There, also, was a church dedicated to the Arch- angel Michael, év "Apkaëtavatc.” In this neighbourhood, moreover, must have stood the Atrium of Justinian the Great,” a favourite public resort towards sunset, when the eastern side of the city was in shade, to admire the magnificent display of colour then reflected on the Sea of Marmora and the Asiatic coast and mountains. It was built of white marble and adorned with statuary, among which the statue of the Empress Theodora, upon a pillar of porphyry, was specially remarkable.* Still further south of the Church of St. Saviour rose one of the most venerated shrines in Constantinople, the Church of the Theotokos Hodegetria (rów ‘O8myöv) founded by the Empress Pulcheria, and reconstructed by Michael III.” It boasted of a Holy Well famed for marvellous cures,” and of an Icon of the Virgin, attributed to St. Luke, which was regarded as the palladium of the city and the leader (O&nymrpta) of the hosts of the Empire to victory. Generals on leaving the city to engage in war paid their devotions at this shrine, and the sacred picture had the first place of honour in a triumphal procession, taking precedence of the emperor himself.” In view of the siege of the city by Branas, in the reign of Isaac Angelus, the Icon was carried round the fortifications;* while in 1453 it was placed in the Church of the Chora, not far from the Gate of Charisius, * Procopius, De Ad., i. c. xi. * Codinus, p. 33; Suidas, ad vocem orrij}\m. * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. xi. * Ibid., ut supra. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 160 ; Codinus, p. 80. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 229. * Genesius, iv. p. 103; Cantacuzene, iii. p. 607; Nicetas Chon., p. 26; Pachy- meres, at supra. * Nicetas Chon., pp. 496, 497. 258 A YZAAV7/AVE COAVSTA A/ZTINOP/LA2. [CHAP. ====--garº, =::sº as -ºº-º-ºzº" - –2-x-x-x-xx-ser-H -- ~~r-º-º-º------z-v- to support the defence. There, upon the capture of the city, it was found by the Turks, and cut to pieces.” According to the Russian pilgrims, the Church of the Hode- getria was situated to the south of St. George Mangana, and to the east of St. Sophia, on the right of the street conducting from the cathedral to the sea.” These indications support the opinion of Dr. Mordtmann * that the position of the church is marked by a neglected Hagiasma in the large vegetable garden at the south-eastern corner of the Seraglio grounds. Two small gates in the city walls were respectively named after the two churches just mentioned, one being styled the Postern of St. Lazarus (roi, a ytov Aa34pov tru)\tc),” the other the Small Gate of the Hodegetria (ii uikpa trij)\m ric ‘O8mymrpfaç).” They must have stood to the south of Indjili Kiosk ; and, in fact, at the distance of some 145 paces from that point the marble frames of two small gateways are seen built in the wall. On the lintel of the one more to the south is a cross, and on two slabs built into the inner side of the gateway are the words, “Open to me the gates of righteousness, that entering into them I may worship the Lord.”" Two similar gates are seen still further south, one on either side of the second tower beyond Indjili Kiosk. These four entrances must have belonged to some of the numerous churches which were situated, according to the Russian pilgrims, in this part of the city. One * Ducas, p. 288. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 230, “Au nord du couvent d'Odigitria, dans la direction de Mangana; ” p. 229, “a l'est de Sainte Sophie, dans la direction de la mer, à droite, s'élève uncouvent appelé Odigitria.” * Page 52. * Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 238. * Ducas, pp. 41, 42, 283. • Psalm czviii. 19. f ANYEATAI MOI IIYAAC AIKAIGUCYNHC INA EICEAG)(a)N EN AYTAIC EEOMOAOTHCOMAI TG) KYPI(M) f. Cf. Proceedings of Greek Literary Syllogos of Consple., vol. xvi., 1885; Archaeo- !ogical Supplement, pp. 23, 24; cf. Mordtmann, p. 53. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 259 of them, doubtless, represents the Postern of St. Lazarus, while another may claim to be the Small Gate of the Hodegetria. The Postern of St. Lazarus is mentioned in history on the occasion of the sudden appearance, in I269, of seventy-five Venetian galleys in the offing." As soon as the fleet was sighted, all the gates of the city were closed, with the exception of this postern ; and from it envoys were despatched in a boat to ascertain the object of the expedition. The public anxiety was relieved, when it was found that the Venetians had come to settle disputes with the Genoese at Galata and not to molest the capital. According to Ducas” it was through the Gate of the Hode- getria that John VI. Palaeologus penetrated, in I355, into the city to overthrow John Cantacuzene. The voyage of the conspirators from Tenedos had been accomplished in rough weather; and it was dark and stormy when they arrived before Constantinople. As their force consisted of but two galleys, with 2000 men, the assailants could hope to enter the city only by stratagem. Approaching, therefore, the Gate of the Hodegetria, they proceeded to hurl empty oil-jars against the walls, and to rend the air with loud cries of distress. The startled sentinels, imagining it was a case of shipwreck, and touched by appeals to their humanity and by promises of a share in the rich cargo of oil reported to be on board the galleys, opened the gate and rushed to the rescue. When they discovered their mistake, it was too late. They were promptly overpowered and killed, and the Italian adventurers seized the gate, mounted the adjoining towers, and raised the cry in favour of Palaeologus. It was at the Gate of the Hodegetria, probably, that Bardas, * Pachymeres, vol. ii. p. 238. * Ducas, pp. 4I, 42 ; Cantacuzene (iv. p. 284) says that John Palaeologus took the city by surprise, entering the Harbour of the Heptascalon during the night. 26o A VZAAV7 IAWE COAVSTA WT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. in 866, embarked to conduct an expedition against the Saracens in Crete, after invoking the aid of the Virgin Hodegetria." Here, the troops sent by Alexius III. to suppress the insurrection under John the Fat landed to gain the Great Palace, which the rebel leader was occupying.” The gate appears in the last siege, as a point blockaded by the Turkish fleet which invested the walls along the Sea of Marmora.” In the recess of the shore immediately beyond the Seraglio Lighthouse, where the coast bends westwards, are two gates, known, respectively, as Balouk Haneh Kapoussi and Ahour Kapoussi. The former, the Gate of the Fish House, obtained its name from the circumstance that it led to the quarters of the fishermen in the service of the Turkish Court ; the latter was styled the Stable Gate, because it conducted to the Sultan's Mews. The Patriarch Constantius * identified Balouk Haneh Kapoussi with the Postern of Michael the Protovestarius, mentioned once in Byzantine history. That was the gate by which Constantine Ducas, in 913, entered the city to join the conspirators who sought to place him upon the throne instead of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, then a minor under the tutelage of his uncle and colleague, Alexander.” The fact that Constantine Ducas reached the gate by sea without being immediately discovered, and that he was then able to reach the Hippodrome quickly, is in favour of the view that the entrance stood upon the Sea of Marmora. But if, as seems probable, the entrance at Balouk Haneh Kapoussi was within the limits of the Great Palace, it cannot be the Parapylis of Michael Protovestarius ; for that postern did not conduct Ducas into the grounds of the Imperial residence, but * Genesius, iv. p. Io9 ; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 179. * Nicetas Chon., p. 698. * Ducas, p. 283. * Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 23. * Leo Gramm., p. 289. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 261 to the private house of his father-in-law Gregoras, without the palace precincts. Possibly one of the small gates between the Lighthouse and Indjili Kiosk represents the postern. The ancient name of Ahour Kapoussi is not known. The Patriarch Constantius, it is true, identifies it with the Gate of the Hodegetria. But the Gate of the Hodegetria was remarkable for its small size, and stood outside the enclosure of the Great Palace ; whereas Ahour Kapoussi was within the palace grounds, and is of ordinary dimensions. Equally erroneous is the view of Labarte” that the recess in the shore at this point marks the site of the Port of the Bucoleon, the harbour attached to the Imperial palace. Doubt- less, the small bay before Ahour Kapoussi, as its position implies, served the convenience of the Byzantine Court, but it was not the Port of Bucoleon strictly so called. That harbour, we shall find, lay further west at Tchatlady Kapou, the gate next in order. The splendid marble stables erected by Michael III. at the Tzycanisterion * were in this vicinity. May this gate not have been at their service It would not be strange if the Sultan's Mews were built upon the site of the Mews of his Byzantine predecessors. Passing next to Tchatlady Kapou (the Broken or Cracked Gate), we reach the entrance attached, as already intimated, to the Imperial Port of the Bucoleon. Its Byzantine name has not been preserved, but in the time of Gyllius * it was called the Gate of the Lion (Porta Leonis), after the marble figure of a lion near the entrance. Upon the maps of Constantinople, made in the sixteenth century, it is styled “Porta liona della riva.” Leunclavius names it the Gate of the Bears (IIópta * Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 23. * Ze Palais Zmpérial de Consple., p. 207. * Anonymus, ii. p. 23. * De Zop. CP., ii. c. xv. 262 A YZAAV7 IAVAE COAVSTA A/7”/AVOA’/A2. [CHAP. Taic’Apkoúðats), a designation derived, doubtless, from the figures of bears which once adorned the adjoining quay.” Some authorities” have identified the entrance with the Sidhera Porta (the Iron Gate), which stood on this side of the city. But this is a mistake. The Iron Gate opened on the Harbour of Sophia,” and was near the Church of St. Thomas Amantiou; * and both these points were to the west of Tchatlady Kapou. Therefore Tchatlady Kapou itself cannot have been the Iron Gate. That the Harbour of Sophia lay in that direction is un- questionable, for it stood at Kadriga Limani,” which is to the west of Tchatlady Kapou. And that the same was true of the Church of St. Thomas is clear from the fact that this sanctuary and the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus marked, respectively, the western and eastern limits of the ravages made beside the Sea of Marmora, by the great fire in the reign of Leo I.” The Church of St. Thomas lay, therefore, to the west of SS. Sergius and Bacchus, and, consequently, as the latter stands to the west of Tchatlady Kapou, the former, also, must have occupied a similar position. In the city walls, a little to the west of Tchatlady Kapou, opposite the beautiful Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus, is a Small postern, opened, doubtless, for the use of the monastery attached to that church. Its side-posts are shafts of marble, * Pand. Hist. Zurc., s. 200, IIópta taſs'Apkočöes; Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 235 : “Sous la muraille au pied de la mer, se trouvent des ours et des aurochs en pierre.” * Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 22. * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 250. Symeon Magister (De Zeone Basilii Filio, c. i.) records a fire near the Harbour of Sophia and the Iron Gate, which burned the Church of St. Thomas—a proof that these points stood near one another. * See below, p. 290. ° Cedrenus, vol. i. pp. 609-61 I ; Zonaras, xiv. p. I2O5. Postern with inscribed posts. SS. Sergius and Bacchus. PORTION OF WALLS BESIDE THE Mosque of Sultan Achmet. SEA OF MARMORA. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 263 covered with a remarkable inscription, and were evidently brought from some other building, when the postern was con- structed or repaired. The inscription is a cento of verses, taken, with slight modifications, from the Prophet Habakkuk and the Psalter, to form a paean in honour of the triumph of some emperor over his foes. EIIIBHCI EIII TOYO IIITIOYO COY K. H IIITIAOIA COY Cºo [THP1 IA: OTI O BACIAEYC HMøN EAIIIZI EIII KN. EN Tao EAEI TO [Y YVICTOY oy MH] CAAEYOH : * OYK OqbFAHCI EKG)POC EN AYTG) K. YIOO ANOMIAO OY TIPOOOHCH TOY KAKGJOI EAYTON : 8 AINGON EIIIKAAICETO [KN.]: EK TøN EKOPCON AYTOY CCD(@HOETE: * EEOYAENGOTE ENGUIIION AyTOY IIONH- PEYOMENOC, TOYO AE poBOY [MENOYO KN.] AOEACI." The next entrance, the Gate of Sophia (IIópra rôv >optóv)," as its name implies, was attached to the Harbour of Sophia. It was known also as the Porta Sidhera (Tlöpra Xuèmpâ),’ from the material of its construction, and after the Turkish Conquest was designated Porta Katerga Limani,” the Gate of the Harbour of the Galleys, from kärspyov, the Greek word for a galley. The Porta Kontoscalion (rö 8: Asyóuevov KovrookáAtov ii IIöpra)” communicated with the Harbour of the Kontoscalion,” and stood at Koum Kapoussi. Next follows the gate Yeni Kapou, in the quarter of Vlanga. The Latin inscription which was found over the gate” proves it to have been a Byzantine entrance, but its ancient name has not been * Habakkuk iii. 8. * Psalm xxi. 7. * Psalm lxxxix. 22. * Psalm xviii. 3. * Psalm xv. 4. Possibly the inscription commemorated the triumph of Justinian over the Factions in 532. * Codinus, p. IOI ; Anonymus, iii. p. 45. * Zbid, ut supra; ibid., p. 46. * Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Zºurc., S. 200. * Codinus, p. Io9. * See below, p. 295. * See above, p. 180. ====-------------------- * - mº- + ------ <-------------------' s - --- 264 A VZA/VTIAVE CONSTA WTINOP/A2. [CHAP. preserved. The gate was beside the Harbour of Theodosius, or Eleutherius" (Vlanga Bostan). Its Turkish name must allude to repairs made after I453. - The next gate, Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, immediately to the west of Vlanga Bostan, is the Gate of St. Æmilianus (à IIápra toū āytov AiuſXavoi),” named so after a church of that dedication in the vicinity. It is identified by its situation. On the one hand, the Gate of St. Æmilianus was the westernmost entrance in the line of the Constantinian Walls beside the Sea of Mar- mora.” It must, therefore, have been a gate to the west of the old harbour at Vlanga Bostan, which, under the name of the Harbour of Eleutherius, stood within the city of Constantine.” On the other hand, it cannot have been a gate further west than Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, for the two gates which pierce the city wall in that direction can be identified with other gates, and were, moreover, beyond the original bounds of Constantinople. Near the Gate of St. Æmilianus stood the Church of St. Mary Rhabdou, venerated as the shrine in which the rod of Moses was kept.” The next gate retains its old name, Gate of Psamathia (IIópra toū Yauaffā),” derived from the ancient quarter Psamathia (roſ) Yauaôā). The name alludes to the sand thrown up on the beach here, as at Koum Kapoussi (the Sand Gate). Narli Kapoussi (the Pomegranate Gate), the succeeding entrance, accommodated the quarter around the celebrated Church * See below, p. 296. * Aaschal Chrone., p. 494; Codinus, pp. IO2, Io9. * Anonymus, i. p. 2; Codinus, p. 25. See above, p. 31. “Ibid., iii. p. 46; ibid., p. 49. * Ibid., iii. p. 49 ; ibid., pp. IO2, Io9. * Anonymus, iii. p. 48. The name appears also under the forms Wapwd.6ea (Codinus, p. 109); Tôv Yilopafftov (Phrantzes, p. 253); Too Wopagéos (Constant. Porphyr., De Administratione Imperii, c. 43). The quarter boasted of a palace and gerocomion, ascribed to St. Helena (Anonymus, zut supra), a monastery (Constant. Porphyr., at supra), and the Church of the Theotokos Peribleptos (Soulou Monastir). xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 265 and Monastery of St. John the Baptist, known as the Studion, because founded, in 463, by Studius, a patrician from Rome. The gate is never mentioned by name, but is clearly referred to by Constantine Porphyrogenitus * in his account of the Imperial visit paid, annually, to the Studion on the 29th of August, in commemoration of the martyrdom of the Baptist. On that occasion it was usual for the emperor to come from the Great Palace by water, in his state barge, and to land at this gate, where he was received by the abbot and monks of the monastery, and conducted to the services of the day. On the cliff outside the gate is an Armenian Chapel of St. John the Baptist, which Dr. Paspates” thinks belonged originally . to the Studion. The excavations made in laying out the public garden beside the city walls west of the Gas Works at Yedi Koulé, brought to light substructures of an ancient edifice, in the construction of which bricks stamped with the monogram of Basil I. and with a portion of the name Diomed were employed. The ruins marked, undoubtedly, the site of the Church and Monastery of St. Diomed, upon whose steps Basil flung himself to sleep the evening he entered the city, a poor homeless adventurer from Macedonia, in search of fortune. The kindness shown to the stranger by the abbot of the House was never forgotten; and when Basil reached the throne he rebuilt the church and the monastery on a more extensive scale, and enriched them with ample endow- ments.” The large number of pillars strewn upon the adjoining beach belonged, probably, to the church. Somewhere in the neighbourhood was the prison, known as the Prison of St. Diomed. In it, Pope Martin I. was detained by the Emperor Constans in 654 ; * and there Maria, the wife of * Ze Cer., pp. 562, 563. * Page 349. * Theophanes Cont., p. 223. * See account of his treatment at Constantinople in his fifteenth Epistle. 266 A YZAAWTVZVE CONSTAAVT/AVOA’A.A. [CHAP. Manuel Comnenus and mother of Alexius II., was confined by the infamous Andronicus Comnenus." The last tower in this line of fortifications, situated on a small promontory commanding a wide view of the Sea of Mar- mora, is a very striking and picturesque object. It has four stories, and is constructed mostly of large blocks of marble. To it was attached a two-storied building, forming, with the tower, a small château or castle at this point. Only the foundations of the western and northern walls of the building are left, but the eastern wall, pierced by two tiers of small windows, and ornamented with string-courses, stands almost intact. The castle must have been the residence of some superior military officer. Here, some think, was the Prison of St. Diomed. In the recess of the shore immediately beyond the tower was a small postern for the use of the garrison at this point. One cannot bring this account of the Walls of Constantinople to a close without calling to mind, again, the splendid part they played in the history of the world. To them the Queen of Cities, as her sons loved to call her, owed her long life, and her noble opportunity to advance the higher welfare of mankind. How great her services in that respect have been, we are coming to recognize more clearly, through a better acquaintance with her achievements, and a fairer judgment upon her faults. The city which preserved Greek learning, maintained Roman justice, sounded the depths of religious thought, and gave to Art new forms of beauty, was no mean city, and had reason to be proud of her record. But never was she so grand as in her attitude towards the barbarous tribes and Oriental peoples which threatened her existence, and sought to render European civilization impossible. * Nicetas Chon., p. 347. CHATEAU AND MARBLE TOWER NEAR THE WESTERN ExTREMITY OF THE WALLS BESIDE THE SEA OF MARMORA. xvi.] THE WALLS ALONG THE SEA OF MARMORA. 267 Some of her foes—the Goths and the great Slavic race—she not only fought, but also gathered within the pale of civilized Christendom. With others, like the Huns, Persians, Saracens, Turks, she waged a relentless warfare, often achieving signal triumphs, sometimes worsted in the struggle, always contesting every inch of her ground, retarding for a thousand years the day of her fall, perishing sword in hand, and giving Western Europe, meantime, scope to become worthy to take from her dying hands the banner of the world's hope. This is service similar to that which has earned for Ancient Greece men's eternal gratitude, and has made Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, Plataea, names which will never die. Among the monuments brought by Constantine from various parts of the Empire to adorn his city was the serpent column which had stood for eight centuries before the shrine of Delphi, inscribed with the names of the Greek States whose valour on the field of Plataea hurled the Persian out of Greece. In placing that column in the Hippodrome of New Rome, did he divine the mission of the new capital 2 It was Greece transferring to the city founded on the banks of the Bosporus the championship of the world's best life. And as we look backwards upon the tremendous conflict between barbarism and civilization, which forms the very core of Byzantine history, we see that nowhere could that venerable monument have been placed more appro- priately, and that if the name of the City of Constantine were inscribed upon it no dishonour would be cast upon the names already there, and only justice would be done to the Empire which assumed their task and emulated their renown. But the shield of the city in that long heroic contest were the Walls whose history we have reviewed. 268 A VZAAV7 IAVE COAVSTA AWTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. CHAPTER XVII. THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. THE number of harbours found, at one time or other, on the southern shore of the city formed one of the most striking features in the aspect of Byzantine Constantinople. This was not due to any natural facilities offered by that shore for the purpose. On the contrary, although the outline of the coast is very irregular, it presents no bay where ships may be moored for the convenience of commerce, or into which they can find refuge from storms. The waves, moreover, cast up great quantities of sand upon the beach. Hence, all the harbours on this side of the city were, to a great measure, artificial extensions of some indentation of the coast, and their construction and maintenance involved great labour and expense. They ranked, in fact, among the principal public works of the capital. But the interests of commerce with the regions around the Sea of Marmora and with the Mediterranean were so great, and the diffi- Culty which vessels coming from those regions often found to make the Golden Horn, owing to the prevalence of north winds, was so serious as to outweigh all drawbacks or impediments, and secured for the accommodation of the shipping frequenting this side of the city no less than five harbours. These harbours were probably constructed in the following chrono- logical order: the Harbour of Eleutherius, known also as the *::=> -----~- - - - ~gº rvion;fragºveyºry & 67e. ºveraglio L. "e & we * º * \ * * * e 's THE SHOREOFCONSTANTINOPLG ON THE SEA OF NAARNAORA gºod?. Jägfa'eep the Šeraglio Lighthouse ayd: º: k $h"). 2 apoussiº. Made for Tºofessor A VAN MILL 1N Geneº 9). he basis of the 5urvey by rhe cos Qātrins oe FéRO ReNTAX w.rbg. posses. -sion of”). GREer(LITERARY Syll-ocos of ConstaWTinople- f ARIAUREHENDéRSoN S18. º a 4-INScrifyioſ of BASIVADºo?4. & * t ** • Sº * sº * ` - - - - - - - - -– – -- “... --- *-*cºrror-frasweytary – 1 º §cale. 7&Go. •. 100 Q 100 400 7. 590. 400 Sºo MCTRéS. tºo. 2 100 48° 38° tº 53°YAros . tºº, º + 3 + 5°o / 1999 || | | | |0°. FécT. ‘. . — — Orlé QUART G R of A *11 Le – THIS Porſion of Tºle for FIGNONs, WAS or GINALLYéRéCléo BY CoNSTANTINE THe GReāT. IT was ReconsſøCIED BY THEOPHll US AND UNDeRWéNT NuMeRous Repal RSAN VARyous PéR1ODS. . Mosque of Paſſ.: OU D. LIGHT HOuse. Vowe kºa & *c. - - R J * , US ”WA W s & Cºuncil of ſo : $5:SéRGusano Bacchus %)y Now the Mosque-Kºu'ſ Aya'5ofº. sy : # : Portúš Kovus Portus Ju L, AN º AIM HN TOV OVA-1ANOv : , Atri Hn THC-coºl Ac . Aſ M HN TG)N COq>10N "...Flav bowºśćop? 3. . • º *Off. Inscription of rºw cobwore Leo ! 404 ALCKANDe R.A. D. 586 - 912. ~’ §: 9 tr; -- e. | 3 #: 3 . . O - O , to Aéro Me Now (9 N TO CRAA 10N ſlo PTA. \ 3-#: Gaz of the Koxboºk Aylon 5–- £3; -r ſy Koury. Kapoussi 2 *: — 43 f —& §: - # K #: ------- - - --> - - - , , ; # * - - - - --> --~~~~ £3 g Zd § #3; * #3 IZ º Pn) em) at # º? #2%. $. .*5. 20 Caſbcdral # * 3. > ~ º • O 9.S.-----. 3 :Fºº Jº t- § 3. * > S § # g; * : t 2 : , º, øſ #2 2 #:## C * ~ * 3 & 2-3%. S. ºr - 28 & * g -s: *kee t; Sºg °urs #4 # 3 & 5 t-sº =} º > Uh :- § w) * % *course º: º *z, º & S* º a º tº Yº e •. * i i #. . A.T Tio PTA Tov Aſ I C V At ſº tº UNNOV .. Gate of £ANT AirAll ANUs. I) apud Fasha Kapows: # * º# --s, ----- +-w -----, - ºr -- * ~ *-* - ~~~~ *tºl ~ **** *-* *.* *-**º xvi.I.] THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 269 Harbour of Theodosius; the Harbour of the Emperor Julian, known also as the New Harbour, and as the Harbour of Sophia; the Harbour of Kaisarius, the same probably as the Neorion at the Heptascalon ; the Harbour of the Bucoleon ; and the Kontoscalion. We shall consider them in the order of their position on the shore, proceeding from east to west. HARBOUR OF THE BUCOLEON. The Harbour of the Bucoleon was attached to the Great Palace 1 (rö roo traXartov vsøptov čv tº Bovko).éovri) for the convenience of the emperor, who in a city like Constantinople would have frequent occasion to move to and fro by water. Its name was derived from a marble group of a Lion and a Bull upon the harbour's quay, the lion being represented with his left foot upon a horn of the bull, in the act of twisting his victim's head round to get at the throat.” The harbour, partly artificial, was protected by two jetties from the violence of the winds and waves;” and, in keeping with its destination, displayed considerable archi- tectural splendour. Its quay was paved with marble,” and adorned with figures of lions, bulls, bears, and ostriches;" a handsome flight of marble steps led to the water;" and upon the adjoining city walls rose two Imperial villas, known as the Palace of the Bucoleon (rd traXárta rod Bovkoxéovrog).7 Strangely enough, the site of a harbour so prominent, and so fully described, has been a point concerning which students of the topography of the city have widely differed. Dr. Paspates” * Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 292. * Anna Comm., iii. p. 137; Zonaras, xvi. c. xxviii. p. 131. * Bondelmontius' Map. * William of Tyre, xx. c. xxiii. p. 983. * Theophanes Cont., p. 447; Anna Comm., vii. pp. 334, 335; Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 235. * William of Tyre, ut supra. * Anna Comm., iii. p. 137 ; Anonymus, i. p. 9. * Page 118. 27o A VZAAVTIAVE CONSTAAWTIAVOA’ZAZ. [CHAP. placed the harbour at a distance of IO4 feet to the south of Indjili Kiosk, consistently with his opinion that the ruins dis- covered behind that Kiosk marked the site of the Palace of the Bucoleon." With much learning and ingenuity, Labarte argues that the Harbour of the Bucoleon was in the recess of the shore at Ahour Kapoussi.” Von Hammer wavered in his opinion, placing the harbour at one time at Tchatlady Kapou, and at another at Kadriga Limani.” And yet to Von Hammer is due the discovery of the evidence that puts an end to all uncertainty on the subject, by showing us that the marble group of the Lion and the Bull, which gave the harbour its name, stood at Tchatlady Kapou. The evidence on the subject is found in a report which Pietro Zen, Venetian envoy to the Turkish Court, sent to his Government in I 532, where he describes the monument at great length, as he saw it after it had been shaken by an earthquake. In quoting this description," Von Hammer, how- - ever, not only fails to use it for the settlement of the question at issue, but also omits portions of the report which are of the utmost importance for determining the exact site of the famous group. Dr. Mordtmann, citing Von Hammer, has appreciated the significance of the passage referred to, and employs it more successfully, but with the same omissions.” The original manuscript of the report is preserved in the Marciana Library, among the unpublished Archives of the Venetian Republic,” and the passage with which we are concerned reads to the following effect: * See above, p. 255. * Le Palais Impérial de Consple., pp. 201–2 Io. * Constantinopolis und der Bosporos, vol. i. pp. II9, I21, 124. * Histoire de l'Ampire Ottoman, vol. v., note xxxv. * Pages 53, 54. * Marin Sanuto, Diarii Autographi, vol. lvii., Carta I58, recto, I4 Decembrio, 1532. The document was addressed to the Doge Gritti, who had been in Con- stantinople, and knew the localities to which allusion was made. xvi.I.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 271 “At the gate at which animals are slaughtered (near the columns of the Hippodrome, on the road below), which in Turkish is named Chiachadi Capisso, which in the Frank language means ‘Gate of the Crack,' outside the said water-gate, and beneath the three ancient windows which have a lion at either end (of the row); there, down beside the shore, on two columns, is a marble block upon which is a very large bull, much larger than life, attacked at the throat by a lion, which has mounted upon the back of the (bull's) neck, and thrown him down, and strikes at a horn of the bull with great force. This lion is considerably larger than life, all cut out of one piece of stone of very fine quality. These animals used to stand with their heads turned towards Asia, but it seems that on that night (the night of the catastrophe) they turned themselves with their heads towards the city. When this was observed next morning, the whole population of the place ran together to the spot, full of amazement and stupefaction. And every one went about discoursing upon the significance of the event according to his own turn of mind; a comet also appearing for many nights.” The original is as follows, the words in italics being omitted by Von Hammer: “Alla porta dove si amaza animali, acosto dile colone dilprodramo, da basso via, c in Turcho si chiama chiachadi capisso, c in francho vol dir para di crepido, fuora dila dita porta de marina, sotto quelle tre fenestre antiquissème che /anno uno Zione per banda, li abasso alla marina, sopra due colone, e una lastra di marmoro sopra la qual e uno granmo tauro, maior bonamente che il vivo, acanatto de uno lione, el qual li e montato Sopra la Schena, et lo ho atterato, et da una brancha ad un corno dil tauro in un grandissimo atto; e questo leone assai maior del vivo e tutto di una piera de una bona vena ouer miner. Questi animali soleano esser con le teste voltate 272 A YZAAV7/WE CONSTA WT/AVOP/LA2. [CHAP. verso Anatolia, et par che quella medema notte i se voltasseno con le teste verso Conple., il che la matina veduto tutta questa terra li e concorsa et ha fatto stupire stornir tutta quest terra ; et ogni uno va discorendo secondo le passione dil animo suo, stante una cometa apparsa per molte notte, questa Cosa per il preditto rispetto ho voluto significar.”” Nothing can be more explicit or more decisive. There is no room to doubt that the monument described by Zen was the group of the Lion and the Bull, described, before him, by Anna Comnena and Zonaras.” His description might be a translation of the account given of the group by those writers. Nor is there any uncertainty as to the locality. where Zen saw the monument. He indicates the site with a re- dundancy which makes misunderstanding simply impossible, and for which he may be pardoned, since minute particularity seldom distinguishes the statements of authorities on the topo- graphy of the city. According to the Venetian envoy, the monument stood on the quay Outside the water-gate named Tchatlady Kapou, which was a gate below the Hippodrome, and * Von Hammer (Histoire de Z'Empire Ottoman, vol. v. note xxxv.) quotes also from Cornelius, the ambassador of Charles V. to Sultan Suleiman, who alludes to the subject in the following words: “Est mamor quoddam hic propere ad mare, in quo sculptus est leo ingens tenens taurum cornibus, tam vasta moles ut a mille hominibus moveri non possit.” The Venetian historian Sagrado, in his Memorie /storiche de Monarch? Offomami, adds that the monument fell to the ground. “In Constantinopoli un Leone di pietra, il quale stava fuori della porta a Marina, che con una zanna afferava on toro, guardava prima verso Levante, si ritrovo che stava rivolto a Ponente. E perche, era situato sopra due colonne, precipito unitamente col toro, che si ruppe una coscia e cade con la testa nel fiume, in cui parea in certo modo che bevese ’’ (Libro, iv. p. 319. Venezia, 1677). With the above compare the statement found in the Spectator of April 20, 1895, p. 519, when describing the effects of recent earthquakes in Southern Austria, Northern Italy, and Hungary: “At Fiume and Trieste there was also a good deal of disturbance, and at Trieste the statue of the Emperor Charles is reported to have twisted round on its pedestal and now faces opposite to where it faced before. What an omen that would have been considered three hundred years ago l’’ * See above, p. 269, ref. 2. *- MARBLE FIGUREs of Lions ATTACHED to THE BALcony IN THE PALACE OF THE BUCOLEON. xvii.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 273 near a slaughter-house. The group stood, he adds, beneath a row of three windows, adorned with a lion at either end, belonging to a very ancient building. Now, the gate to which the name Tchatlady pertains is a matter of public notoriety, and every particular by which Zen marks the entrance he had in mind holds good of that gate. It is near the Hippodrome, and on the level ground below the race-course. On the western headland of the little bay in front of it, is an old slaughter-house, by which Leunclavius, likewise, identifies the gate Tchatlady Kapou, and from which he derived the name of the entrance ; * while to the east of the gate stood, until recent times, a Byzantine palace, in the façade of which was a row of three windows, supported at either end by the figure of a lion. The palace is thus described by Leunclavius: “This gate (Tchatlady Kapou) has on one side of it the marble-framed windows of an ancient building or palace, which rests upon the city walls themselves.”* Gyllius refers to it in the following terms: “Below the Hippodrome towards the South is the Gate of the Marble Lion, which stands without the city among the ruins of the Palace of Leo Marcellus. The windows of the palace are of ancient workmanship, and are in the city wall.”* Choiseul-Gouffier * gives a view of the palace as seen in his day, and so does Canon Curtis, in his Broken Bits of Byzantium. The façade was torn down in 1871, and the lions have been placed at the foot of the steps * Aand. Hist. Zurc., S. 200 : “Tchatladi capsi, a mactatione pecudum. . . . AEdificium rotundum extra muros, ipso mari vicinum, ac vetus habet undique cir- cumfluum nisi qua terræ jungitur, in quo mactantur, excoriantur et exenterantur pecudes.” * Zºd, ut supra: “Fenestres habet haec porta (Tchatlady Kapou) marmoreas a latere, cujusdam aedificii vel palatii veteris, quod ipsis, muris urbanis incumbit.” * Ze Zoº. CP, lib. i. c. vii.; lib. ii. c. xv. “Sub Hippodromo versus meridiem est Porta Leonis Marmorei, extra urbem siti, in ruderibus Palatii Leonis Marcelli; cujus fenestrae antiquo opere laboratae extant in muro inclusae.” * Poyage Pittoresque dams PAEmpire Ottoman, etc., vol. iv. 274 A VZANTINE CONSTA WTIAWOPLE. [CHAP. leading to the Imperial School of Art, within the Seraglio enclosure." With this evidence as regards the site of the group of the Lion and the Bull, it is impossible to doubt that the Harbour of the Bucoleon was in the little bay before Tchatlady Kapou. And with this conclusion every statement made by Byzantine writers regarding the harbour will be found to agree. That the shore of this bay was, like the Harbour of the † : # iſ |gºiſ | º #E º • * lift Iº. º º: | º |gº E. º º, RUINs of THE PALACE OF THE BUCOLEON.” Bucoleon, once richly adorned with monumental buildings, is manifest from the beautiful pieces of sculptured marble found upon its beach and in the water. Furthermore, the bay stands, as the Harbour of the Bucoleon stood, within easy reach of the site of the Great Palace. Here also are found the ruins of two Imperial villas, situated in the very position ascribed to the * The palace stood on a terraced platform, the area of which was some 200 by 175 feet. See Map facing p. 269. * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) xvii.] THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 275 Palaces of the Bucoleon ; namely, upon the city walls, at the water's edge, and one of them on a lower level than the other." Such correspondence goes to make the site of the Harbour of the Bucoleon one of the best authenticated localities in the topography of Byzantine Constantinople. Here, however, a question arises. How far is this conclusion, regarding the site of the Harbour of the Bucoleon, compatible with the received opinion that the palace on the bay before Tchatlady Kapou was the Palace of Hormisdas, the residence of Justinian the Great while heir-apparent ; * and that the bay itself was the Harbour of Hormisdas (6 Auñv rā ‘Oputo Sov) 2* In the face of all the evidence we have that the Harbour and the Palace of the Bucoleon were in the bay to the east of Tchatlady Kapou, there is but one answer to the question. We must either abandon the view that the Harbour and the Palace of Hormisdas had anything to do with that bay, and maintain that they stood elsewhere, or we must conclude that they were the Harbour and the Palace of the Bucoleon, under an earlier designation. Two considerations may be urged in favour of the former alternative. First, the Anonymus distinguishes between the two palaces in a way which seems to imply that they were different buildings. “The Palace of the Bucoleon,” he says, “which stands upon the fortifications, was erected by Theodosius the Younger ; ” “while of the Palace of Hormisdas he remarks: “The very large buildings near St. Sergius were the residence of Justinian when a patrician.” " In the second place, the Anonymus" identifies the Harbour * See above, p. 269. Anna Comnena (iii. p. 137) speaks of a lower and a higher palace, Ev Tó Káro Traxatiº : eis rô inrepkeiuevov traXártov. w * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. iv.; Bondelmontius, Zibrum Znsularum, p. 121. * Labarte, Ze Palais Imperial de Consple., pp. 208–210. * Lib. i. p. 9. ° Lib. iii. p. 42 ; cf. Codinus, p. 125. ° Lib. iii. p. 45. 276 A VZANZCZAWE COAVSTAAWTINOP/LA. [CHAP. of Hormisdas with that of Julian. “What is called rà roß ‘Oputabov,” observes the former writer, “was a small harbour where Justinian the Great built a monastery and called it Sergius and Bacchus, and another church, that of the Holy Apostles (SS. Peter and Paul),' after receiving unction at the foot of the seats (of the Hippodrome), because of the massacre in the Hippodrome. It was named the Harbour of Julian, from its constructor.” Codinus’ also identifies the two harbours, and adds, that the Harbour of Julian had served for the accommoda- tion of ships before the Harbour of the Sophión was constructed; that it had long been filled up ; and that Justinian the Great had lived there before his accession to the throne. But if on the ground of these statements we identify the Harbour of Hormisdas with that of Julian, as Banduri” and Labarte * maintain, then the Harbour of Hormisdas was not situated in the bay to the east of Tchatlady Kapou, but at Kadriga Limani, the undoubted site of the Harbour of Julian, to the west of the gate.” The Palace of Hormisdas, also, must then have been in that direction. In the light, however, of all our knowledge on the subject, the identity of the two harbours just named cannot be maintained. John of Antioch,” a far more reliable authority than the Anonymus or Codinus, makes it perfectly clear that the Harbour of Julian (which he calls by its later name, the Harbour of Sophia) was different from any harbour in the quarter of Hormisdas. Accord- ing to him, the troops collected by Phocas for the defence of the city against Heraclius occupied three positions—the Har- bour of Kaisarius, the Harbour of Sophia, and the quarter of Hormisdas. At the first two points were placed the Greens, while the third position was held by the Blues. From this * Codinus, p. 87. * Imperium Orientale, vol. ii. pp. 678, 679. * Ze Palais Imperial de Consple., pp. 208, 209. * See below, p. 290. * Fragm. Hist. Graec., vol. iv. p. 107. xvi.I.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 277 account of the matter it is evident that the Harbour of Julian was not the harbour in the quarter of Hormisdas. It is a corroboration of this conclusion to find that in the narrative of the same events, given in the Paschal Chronicle," while no mention is made of the Harbour of Hormisdas, the Harbour of Julian is described as situated in another quarter, the quarter of Maurus (karū td. Xeyóueva Mañpov). In favour of the alternative that the Palace and Harbour of Hormisdas were the Palace and Harbour of the Bucoleon under - at 2. ' | --> Aº - - - - - -ºº-ºº: * * º :^0 2 N Jºãº-S Hº-Lº-Yº ~$ºrºs = - PORTION OF THE PALACE OF HORMISDAS.” another name, may be urged all that goes to show that the former stood where the evidence furnished by Pietro Zen has obliged us to place the latter. The bay and palace on the east of Tchatlady Kapou stand close to what was unquestionably the district of Hormisdas ; for the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus (Kutchuk Aya Sophia), a short distance to the west of the gate, was in that district.” It would be strange if a palace and harbour so near that district were not those known by its name. * Page 7oo. * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. iv. f 278 A V2A AWTIAWE COAVSTA NT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. : The palace at Tchatlady Kapou answers, moreover, to the description which Procopius gives of the Palace of Hormisdas, the residence of Justinian, as near SS. Sergius and the Great Palace." Its position agrees also with the statement of John of Ephesus that the Palace of Hormisdas was below the great Imperial residence.” Again, the style of the capitals and other pieces of marble, which have fallen from the palace at Tchatlady Kapou into the water, resemble the sculptured work in the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus, erected by Justinian. And lastly, the palace at this point was regarded as the Palace of Justinian when Bondelmontius visited the city in 1422. “Beyond Condoscali (Koum Kapoussi),” says that traveller, as he proceeds eastward, along the Marmora shore of the city, “was the very large Palace of Justinian upon the city walls” (“Ultra fuit supra moenia amplissimum Justiniani Palatium ”). All this being the case, it seems unavoidable to conclude that the Palace and Harbour of Hormisdas were the Palace and Harbour of the Bucoleon, under an earlier name. The circum- stance that the palaces are distinguished by the Anonymus presents, after all, no serious difficulty, but the reverse ; for, as a matter of fact, there are two palatial buildings on the bay east of Tchatlady Kapou, at a distance of Some IIo yards from each other, and on different levels. One of the buildings, probably the lower, might be the Palace of Hormisdas; the other, on higher ground, and nearer the gate—may be the palace to which the Anonymus referred as the Bucoleon. It is in keeping with this view of the subject to find that the terms “Palace of Hormisdas,” “Port of Hormisdas,” are not employed by Byzantine authors to designate an Imperial resi- dence or harbour, after the name Bucoleon came into vogue. The earliest writer who refers to the Harbour of the Bucoleon * Procopius, De Ad., i. c. iv. * Translation by R. Payne Smith, p. 179. xvii.] THE HARROUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 279 is the Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus," in the tenth century. Later writers,” it is true, employ the name when speaking of events which occurred in the reign of Michael I., and in that of Theophilus, in the course of the ninth century. But whether these writers do so because the name was contemporary with the events narrated, or because, when the historians wrote, it was the more familiar appellation for the scene of those events, is uncertain. Should the former suppo- sition be preferred, it was early in the ninth century that the term “Bucoleon’ first appeared. On the other hand, the last author who alludes to the Palace of Hormisdas is the historian Theophanes, who died in 818. The passage in which the allusion is found refers, indeed, to matters which transpired in the seventh century, viz. to the execution of a certain David, Chartophylax of (the Palace of) Hormisdas, in the reign of Phocas. But the historian could hardly have described an official position in terms not still familiar to his readers.” Accordingly, the designation “Palace of Hormisdas" dis- appears about the time when the term “Bucoleon" appears, and this is consistent with the Supposition that the two names denoted the same building at different periods of its history.* The Palace of Hormisdas was so named in honour of the Persian Prince Hormisdas, who had been deprived of the succession to the throne of his country by a conspiracy of nobles, and confined in a tower; but who escaped from his prison * ZXe Cer., p. 601. * Theophanes Cont., p. 22 ; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 49. * Theophanes, p. 456. May David, however, in opposition to the view of Du Cange, adopted in the text, not have been Keeper of the Archives of SS. Sergius and Bacchus? * Against this view it may be objected that the Anonymus ascribes the Palace of the Bucoleon to Theodosius II. But the authority of the Anonymus on points of history is not very great. Or, it may be held, that the palace was founded by Theodosius II., and that the name Bucoleon was given to it later. 28O A VZANTIAWE COMSTA AWTIAVOA’A. E. [CHAP. through the ingenuity of his wife, and fled to New Rome for protection at the hands of Constantine the Great. The royal fugitive was received with the honour due to his rank, and this residence was assigned to him because near the emperor's own palace." Later, the residence was occupied, as already intimated, by Justinian while Crown Prince, with his consort Theodora; and after his accession to the throne, was by his orders, improved and annexed to the Great Palace.” It appears in the reign of Justin II. as the abode of Tiberius, upon his being appointed Caesar.” Under ordinary circumstances, Tiberius should have occupied apartments in the Great Palace. But the Empress Sophia was bitterly jealous of his wife Ino, and forbade her to show herself at Court, on any pretext whatever. Obliged, consequently, to find a home elsewhere, the Caesar selected the Palace of Hormisdas, because its proximity to the Great Palace would allow him to enjoy the society of his family, and attend to his official duties. But the jealousy of the empress was not to be allayed so readily. It followed Ino to the Palace of Hormisdas with such intensity that the ladies of the Court dared not visit her even there; and it compelled her at last to leave the capital and retire to Daphnusium. As already stated, when Heraclius appeared with a fleet, in 610, before the city to put an end to the tyranny of Phocas, he found the quarter of Hormisdas defended by the Faction of the Blues.” During the tenth century, the port and palace, then called Bucoleon, received special marks of Imperial favour. Constan- tine Porphyrogenitus, noted for his devotion to the Fine Arts, adorned the quay of the harbour with figures of animals, brought from various parts of the Empire.” Possibly, the group of the * Zosimus, ii. pp. 92, 93; iii. pp. I40, 158. 2 Procopius, ZXe Afd., i. c. iv. * John of Ephesus, translation by R. Payne Smith, pp. 179, 180. * John of Antioch, Fragm. Hist. Grac., vol. iv. p. 107. * Theophanes Cont., p. 447. xvii.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 281 Lion and the Bull was placed there by him. He also attached a fishpond to the palace. - Later, Nicephorus Phocas added a villa, which he made his usual place of residence." It was probably the building with the row of three windows, supported by a lion at either end. A still more important change was introduced by the same emperor. His austere character, and the heavy taxes he imposed for the maintenance of the army, made him exceedingly unpopular, notwithstanding his eminent services as the conqueror of the Saracens. So strong did the hostile feeling against him become, that, returning once from a visit to the Holy Spring of the Pegè, he was mobbed at the Forum of Constantine, and narrowly escaped being stoned to death before he could reach the palace.” Rumours of a plot to dethrone and kill him were also in circulation. He therefore decided to convert the Great Palace into a fortress, and to provision it with everything requisite to withstand a siege.” Accordingly, he surrounded the grounds of the Imperial residence with a strong and lofty wall, which described a great arc from the neighbourhood of Ahour Kapoussi on the east to Tchatlady Kapou on the west, and thus cut off the palace from the rest of the city.” Luitprand,” who saw the wall soon after its erection, says of it: “The palace at Constantinople surpasses * Nicetas Chon., iii. p. 149. * Leo Diac., iv. p. 63–65. * Zbid., iv. p. 64; Cedrenus, vol. ii. 369, 370; Zonaras, xvi. c. xxvi. p. 123. The last author describes the work thus : Tó vöv Špopévº reixei tā Baori Aeta éo req\dvoorev. "AkpotroXw 8 of troAtra toûto kai Tupavvetov kaff Šavrów ywópºevov exptyov. “Ibid., iv. p. 64, IIepifloxov čk too 6arépou pépous toū Tpós 64Marrow a ans a a a Af • - étruk\ivods róv čvakrópov text{ew dpčápºevos, karū 6&repov Tpès 64Marrow ovverépave, kai réxos, to vöv Špºpevov ibn Möv Te Kai Öxupèv čopio aro, Kai tºv BaoriMetov čottav Ós interóiračev, jogha)\torato. Not, as Schlumberger supposes, from the Golden Horn to the Sea of Marmora, across the promontory (Un Zmpereur Byzantin au Dixième Siècle, p. 544). * Lib. v. c. ix. ; Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. cxxxvi. 282 S BYZANTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. in beauty and strength any fortifications that I have ever seen.” Within this wall the Palace of Bucoleon was, of course, included. Labarte * and Schlumberger” maintain, indeed, that Nice- phorus surrounded the Palace of Bucoleon with special works of defence, and constituted it a citadel within the fortifi- cations of the Great Palace. But Leo Diaconus, Cedrenus and Zonaras, our authorities on the subject, make no such statement.” As might be expected, historical events of considerable im- portance transpired at the Port and the Palace of the Bucoleon. Here, in 919, Romanus Lecapenus, admiral of the fleet, made the naval demonstration which compelled Constantine VII. Por- phyrogenitus to accept him as a colleague, and to surrender the administration of affairs into his hands.” * Ze Palais Impérial de Consple., p. 2 Io. * Op. cit., p. 545. * Still, the Palaces of the Bucoleon may have been protected by a special enclosure, although the historians do not refer to it particularly. In the garden of a Turkish house to the north of the lower palace, a portion of a Byzantine wall, about 130 feet in length and 40 feet high, is found standing. It was discovered, when walls and houses in the neighbourhood were demolished for the construction of the Roumelian Railway, and was then pierced by a very large vaulted gateway, over 18 feet high, supported by four great marble columns. Gate and columns have disappeared. If produced southwards, the wall would join the tower at the eastern end of the lower palace ; while if produced northwards, the wall would abut against the retaining wall of the terrace on which the Mosque of Sultan Achmet and its courtyards are built. The wall is pierced with loopholes, facing east, and behind them a passage runs along the rear of the wall, through arches occurring at intervals. Dr. Paspates (p. I2O) regarded the wall as part of the Peridromi of Marcian (see Labarte, Ze Palais Zmpérial de Consple., p. 214), attached to the Great Palace. But this view of its character is not consistent with the fact that the loopholes look east- wards. That fact indicates that the wall belonged to the Palaces of the Bucoleon which stood to the rear. The gate in the wall, likewise, shows that these palaces were separated from the area of the Great Palace. May the wall not have turned westwards, at its present northern extremity, to protect the Palaces of the Bucoleon along the north, and then southwards, to connect with the city wall at Tchatlady Kapou, and protect the palaces on the west? This, with the city wall along the southern front of the palaces, would put them within a fortified enclosure of their own. * Theophanes Cont., p. 393. xvii.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 283 It was here that the memorable conspiracy against Nice- phorus Phocas was carried out, in 969, by John Zimisces, with the connivance of the Empress Theophano." Under cover of the night, the conspirators embarked at Chalcedon, the residence of Zimisces at the time, and in the teeth of a strong north wind, and with snow falling heavily, crossed to the Bucoleon. A low whistle announced their arrival to their accomplices, who were watching on the terrace of the palace; and in response, a basket held fast by ropes was stealthily lowered and raised, again and again, until one by one all in the boat were lifted to the summit. The last to ascend was Zimisces himself. Then the traitors made for the apartment in which they expected to find the emperor. Nicephorus, who had received some intimation of the plot, was not in his usual chamber, and the conspirators, fearing they had been betrayed, were about to leap into the sea and make their escape, when a eunuch appeared and guided them to the room in which the doomed sovereign lay fast asleep on the floor, on a leopard's skin, and covered with a scarlet woollen blanket. Not to spare their victim a single pang, they first awakened the slumberer, and then assailed him with their swords as he prayed, “Lord, have mercy upon me.” As if to add irony to the event, Nicephorus met his fate, it is said, on the very day on which the fortifications around the palace were completed. After this, guards were stationed, at night, on the quay of the Harbour of the Bucoleon, to warn off boats that approached the shore.” From this point, Alexius Comnenus entered the Great Palace, after the deposition of Nicephorus Botoniates; leaving his young wife and her immediate relatives in the residence by the shore, while he himself, with the members of his own * Leo Diaconus, v. p. 87; Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 375. * Nicetas Chon., pp. 169, 17o. 284 BYZANTINE CONSTA MVTIAWOP/CAE. [CHAP. family, proceeded to the higher palace (rö inspicetusvov traXá- rtov)." Here, also, in I 170, Amaury, King of Jerusalem, landed on the occasion of his visit to Manuel Comnenus, to seek the emperor's aid against Saladin. Access to the palace by this landing, says William of Tyre,” in his account of that visit, was reserved, as a rule, for the emperor exclusively. But it was granted to Amaury as a special honour, and here he was welcomed by the great officers of the palace, and then conducted through galleries and halls of wonderful variety of style, to the palace on an eminence, where Manuel and the great dignitaries of State awaited the arrival of the king. In the course of time, as the prominent position of the Palace and the Harbour of Bucoleon rendered natural, the name Bucoleon, it would appear, was extended to the whole collection of buildings, which formed the Great Palace, facing the Sea of Marmora. That is certainly the sense in which Ville-Hardouin employs the term in his work on the Conquest of Constantinople by the Crusaders. He associates “le palais de Bouchelyon" with the Palace of Blachernae, as one of the principal residences of the Greek emperors. In the division of the spoils of the city, the Palace of “Bouchelyon,” like the Palace of Blachernae, was to belong to the prince whom the Crusaders would elect Emperor of Constantinople ; * upon the capture of the city, the Marquis of Montferrat hastened to seize the Palace of Bucoleon, while Henry, the brother of Baldwin, secured the surrender of the Palace of Blachernae ; * the treasure found in the former is described as equal to that in the latter: “Il n'en faut pas parler ; car il y en avait tant que c'était sans fin ni mesure.” Indeed, the statements of Ville-Hardouin concerning the Palace of Buco- leon make the impression that of the two Imperial residences * Anna Comn., iii. p. I37. * Lib. xx. c. 23. * Conquête de Consple., c. li. * Ibid., c. lv. xvii.] THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 285 —, which he names, it was, if anything, the more important.” Thither Murtzuphlus fled when his troops were discomfited.” There, the Marquis of Montferrat found congregated for safety most of the great ladies of the Court, including Agnes of France, wife of Alexius II., and Margaret of Hungary, wife of Isaac Angelus.” And to the Palace of Bucoleon, the richest in the world (“el riche palais de Bochelyon, qui onques plus riches ne fu veuz”), the Latin Emperor Baldwin proceeded in great state, after his coronation in St. Sophia, to celebrate the festivities attending his accession to the throne.” There, also, were held the festivities in honour of the marriage of the Emperor Henry with Agnes, the daughter of the Marquis of Montferrat." It is not possible that the two comparatively small buildings at Tchatlady Kapou could be the palace which Ville-Hardouin had in mind in connection with these events. The terms he employs, in speaking on the subject, were appropriate only to the Great Palace as a whole. The designation of the Palace of Bucoleon as “Chastel de Bouchelyon"" is no evidence that Ville-Hardouin used the name in its restricted sense, as Labarte contends. For the Great Palace was within a fortified enclosure, and could there- fore be styled a castle with perfect propriety, just as the same historian, for a similar reason, speaks of the Palace of Blachernae as a “chastel.” Nor does the fact that the Marquis of Mont- ferrat reached the Palace of Bucoleon by riding along the shore (“chevaucha tout le long du rivage, droit vers Bouchelion”)” prove that the residence beside Tchatlady Kapou was the one he wished specially to secure. For the grounds of the Great * Conquête de Consple., c. li. * Ibid., c. liii. * Ibid., c. lv. * Ville-Hardouin, c. lviii. * Ibid., c. cvi. * Zbid., c. liii., lv. * Zbid., c. lv. The position assigned by Labarte to the Palace of Bucoleon, at Ahour Kapoussi, explains his interpretation of the statements of Ville- Hardouin. 286 APYZA WT/WE COMSTA NZTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. Palace were thus accessible by a gate which stood at the eastern extremity of the Tzycanisterion, on the plain beside the Sea of Marmora, and which communicated with the quarter of the city near the head of the promontory. Two incidents in Byzantine history, cited by Labarte' himself, establish the existence of such a gate, beyond contra- diction. When Stephen and Constantine, the sons of the Emperor Romanus Lecapenus, deposed their father, in 944, and sent him to a monastery on the island of Proti,” great fears were enter- tained in the city, that a similar, if not a worse, fate had befallen his associate upon the throne, the popular Constantine VII., Porphyrogenitus. The people, therefore, crowded about the palace to ascertain the truth, and were reassured that their favourite was safe by his appearance, with dishevelled hair, at the iron bars of the gate which stood at the end of the Tzycanisterion (“Ex ea parte qua Zucanistrii magnitudo portenditur, Constantinus crines solutus per cancellos caput exposuit.”) The existence of a gate at this point is, if possible, still clearer from the statement of Constantine Porphyrogenitus,” that the Saracen ambassadors, after their audience of the emperor, left the palace grounds by descending to the Tzycani- sterion, and mounting horse there. To approach the palace by that entrance evinced, therefore, no particular intention on the part of the Marquis of Montferrat to reach the buildings to which the name of Bucoleon strictly belonged. On the contrary, by that entrance one would reach the principal apartments of the Great Palace, sooner than the palaces beside the group of the Lion and the Bull, at Tchatlady Kapou. The Bucoleon is mentioned for the last time in Byzantine * Le Palais Impérial de Consple., p. 201. Labarte quotes Luitprandi Anta- podosis, lib. v. s. 21, ap. Pertz, Mon. Germ. Hist, t. v. p. 333. * Theophanes Cont., p. 393. * De Cer., p. 586. xvi.I.] THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 287 history, in connection with the events of the final fall of the city. “To Peter Guliano, consul of the Catalans, was en- trusted,” says Phrantzes," “the defence of the quarter of the Bucoleon, and the districts as far as the neighbourhood of the Kontoscalion.” w *. * Page 253. 288 A YZAAVT/WE CONSTA WTINOPLE. [CHAP. wº-y--- -----------, --> ------------------------------ ~~~~-----------------ºrrº-ev-º-º-º-º-ºxºtrºpºrea-3:Nºssºsrºw CHAPTER XVIII. THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA–continued. The NEw HARBOUR' (Portus Novus), known also as the HARBOUR OF JULIAN’ (Portus Divi Juliani: Apºv too 'IovXavoſ), and the HARBOUR OF SOPHIA,” or the SOPHIAS “(Apºv tís Sobias, Tóv >0%tºv). ABOUT 327 yards to the west of SS. Sergius and Bacchus traces are found of an ancient harbour extending inland to the foot of the steep slope above which the Hippodrome is situated. The Turkish name for the locality, Kadriga Limani, “the Harbour of the Galleys,” is in itself an indication of the presence of an old harbour at that point. When Gyllius visited Constantinople, the port was enclosed by walls and almost filled in, but still contained a pool of water, in which the women of the district washed their clothes, and at the bottom of which, it was reported, submerged triremes could sometimes be seen.” Here, as we shall immediately find, was the site of the harbour known by the three names Portus Novus, the Harbour of Julian, the Harbour of Sophia. The harbour obtained its first name, when newly opened in the fourth century, to distinguish it from the earlier harbours of the city; while its other names were, respectively, bestowed in * Wotitia, ad Reg. III. * Theod. Cod., De Calcis Coctor. * Theophanes, p. 284. * Nicetas Chon., p. 585. * De Zop. CP., ii. c. xv. --~~--—- -- ~~~~ *~... * * + xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 289 honour of the Emperor Julian, the constructor of the harbour, and of the Empress Sophia, who restored it when fallen into decay. . That these three names designated the same harbour can be proved, most briefly and directly, by showing first the identity of the Portus Novus with the Harbour of Sophia, and then the identity of the latter with the Harbour of Julian. The former point is established by the fact that the Portus Novus and the Harbour of Sophia Occupied the same position ; both were situated on the southern side of the city, and at the foot of the steep slope descending from the Hipprodrome towards the Sea of Marmora." The evidence for the identity of the Harbour of Sophia with that of Julian rests upon express declarations to that effect. There is, first, the statement of Leo the Grammarian” that the Emperor Justin II. built the Palace of Sophia at the Harbour of Julian, and having cleaned the latter, changed its name to the Harbour of Sophia. Then, we have two passages in which Theophanes” takes particular care to explain that the Harbour of Julian went also by the name of Sophia. Furthermore, both names are used to designate the scene of the same events, and the position of the same buildings. For instance ; whereas the Paschal Chronicle” states that the final action in the struggle between Phocas and Heraclius took place in the Harbour of Julian, John of Antioch " and Cedrenus * say it occurred at the Harbour of Sophia. Again, while some authors’ put the Residence of Probus, the district of Maurus, and the Palace of * Aotitia, ad Reg. III., Nicetas Chon., p. 585; Leo Diaconus, v. pp. 83, 84. * Page 135. Cf. Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 685. * Pages 284, 564, Eis rôv 'IovXtavoid tâs Xoºpias Aeyópevov Apºva : év rø 'IovXavioriº Apév tás Xothias. * Page 7oo. * Fragm. Hist. Graec., v. p. 38. * Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 712. ' A'aschal Chron., pp. 622, 700 ; Theophanes, pp. 284,364,564. U 290 A VZAAV7/WE CO/WSTA WTIAWOP/LA2. [CHAP. Sophia, beside the Harbour of Julian, others' place them beside the Harbour of Sophia. That the harbour known under these different names was at Radriga Limani admits of no doubt, seeing the Portus Novus and the Harbour of Sophia were, as already intimated, at the foot of the steep ascent below the Hippodrome,” where Kadriga Limani is found. Or the same conclusion may be reached by another line of argument. The Portus Juliani (identical with the Portus Novus and the Harbour of Sophia) was a large harbour on the southern side of the city,” and close to the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus.* It could not, however, have stood to the east of that church, for not only are all traces of such a harbour wanting in that direction, but no large harbour could possibly have been constructed there, on account of the character of the coast. The Portus Juliani, therefore, lay to the west of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. But it could have been very near that church (the other indication of its site), only if at Kadriga Limani. The construction of the harbour was ordered by Julian during his stay of ten months in Constantinople, on his way to the scene of war in Persia.” . He likewise erected beside it, for the convenience of merchants and traders frequenting the harbour, a fine crescent-shaped portico styled, from its form, the Sigma (>typia);" and there, also, his statue stood until 535, when it fell in an earthquake, and was replaced by a cross." In pro- moting such public works, Julian was actuated not only by the dictates of enlightened policy, but also by the affection he cherished for the city of his birth.” * Leo Gramm., p. 135; Theophanes, p. 564. * AVotitia ad Reg. ZZZ. ; Leo Diaconus, v. pp. 83, 84. * Zosimus, p. 139; Evagrius, ii. c. xiii.; Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 611. * Zonaras, xiv. c. i. p. 1205. * Zosimus, pp. 139, 140. * Zosimus, ut supra. * Malalas, p. 479. * See Epistle 58. xviii.] THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 291 After one hundred and fifty years, the harbour was so injured by the accumulation of the sand thrown up on this coast as to call for extensive repairs ; and accordingly, at the order of Anastasius I., it was, in 509, dredged, and protected by a mole." * Nevertheless, further restoration was required sixty years later, in the reign of Justin II. The work was then executed under the superintendence of Narses and the Protovestarius Troilus, at the urgent solicitation of the Empress Sophia, whose sympathies had been greatly stirred by seeing, from her palace windows, ships in distress during a violent storm on the Sea of Marmora. It was in recognition of the empress's interest in the matter that the harbour received her name,” and was adorned with her statue, as well as with the statues of Justin II., her daughter Arabia, and Narses.” Owing to the improvements made on the harbour at this time, the Marine Exchange of the city was transferred to it from the Neorion on the Golden Horn." The port continued in use to the end of the Empire, and also for some sixty years after the Turkish Conquest. The entrance (now closed) was between the two large towers immediately to the west of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. With the harbour the following historical events are asso- ciated : Here the body of St. Chrysostom was landed, and placed for a time in the neighbouring Church of St. Thomas Amantiou, when brought from the land of his exile to be entombed in the Church of the Holy Apostles.” In the riot of the Nika, the * Marcellinus Comes, “Portus Juliani, undis suis rotalibus exhaustus coeno effoso purgatus est;” Suidas, ad Anastasium. * The plural form of the name (rów Xoptôv) may allude to the two divisions of the harbour. See Mordtmann, p. 55: “La configuration actuelle permet encore de distinguer un port intérieur et un port extérieur, séparés par une étroite digne.” * Leo Gramm., p. 135; Anonymus, iii. p. 45. * Anonymus, ii. p. 30. * Menaea, January 27. This point was known also as év tá pošA9 row dyſov G}opa (Theophanes, p. 673). 292 A VZAAWTINE CONSTAA/TIAWOPLE. [CHAP. Residence of Probus, which stood beside the harbour, was first searched for arms, and then set on fire by the Factions." Here Phocas placed a division of the Green Faction, to prevent the landing of troops from the fleet of Heraclius ; * and hither the tyrant himself was dragged from his palace, thrown into a boat, and taken to Heraclius, in whose presence he was put to death.” Here Leontius, upon his appointment as Governor of the Theme of Hellas, embarked to proceed to his post; but, at the instance of his friends, landed to head the revolution which overthrew Justinian II.” Several of the great fires to which Constantinople was so liable reached this harbour. Among them was the terrible conflagration in the reign of Leo the Great, which devas- tated the principal quarters of the city, from the Golden Horn to the Sea of Marmora.” The equally destructive fire of I2O3, which started with the burning, by the Crusaders, of the Saracen Mosque beside the Golden Horn, near Sirkedji Iskelessi, likewise swept across the city to this point." Other fires of minor importance occurred here in 561, 863, 887, and 956. To the list of the noted buildings and districts near the Harbour of Julian, already mentioned, may be added the Resi- dence of Bardas, father of Nicephorus Phocas ; * the Residence of Isaac Sevastocrator, which was converted by Isaac Angelus into a khan or hostelry (Pandocheion), with accommodation for one hundred men and as many horses;" the Churches of St. Thekla;10 St. Thomas, Amantiou ;” the Archangel Michael, of Adda (roſ) * Paschal Chron., p. 622. * Ibid., p. 7oo. * Ibid., ut supra. * Theophanes, p. 564. * Evagrius, ii. c. xiii. * Nicetas Chon., p. 733. * Theophanes, p. 364; Nicet. Paphl. (Unger, Quellen der Byzantinischen Kunst- geschicte, p. 89); Cedrenus, vol. ii. 250 ; Theophanes Cont., p. 462. * Leo Diaconus, v. pp. 83, 84. * Nicetas Chon., p. 585. * Procopius, De Ad., i. c. iv. * Theophanes, p. 385. xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 293 'A886); 1 St. Julian Perdix ; and St. John the Forerunner, near the Residence of Probus.” Close to the Harbour of Sophia stood a tower known as the Bukanon, or the Trumpet (ro Būkavov).” It was so named, according to the Anonymus,” both because trumpets were kept there, and because the tower itself, being hollow, resounded like a trumpet when struck by the waves. Whenever the Imperial fleet, the same writer adds, sailed from the city, it was customary for the ships to assemble before this tower and ex- change musical salutes with it ; a legend, which is probably a fanciful travesty of the simple fact that the tower was a station from which the movements of vessels were directed by trumpet signals. If the order in which the Anonymus mentions the tower, between the SS. Sergius and Bacchus and the Harbour of Sophia, indicates its actual position, the Bukanon stood on the eastern side of the harbour. HARBOUR OF THE KONTOSCALION (ro KovrookáAtov). Another harbour on the Marmora side of the city was the Harbour of Kontoscalion. The first reference to the Kontoscalion occurs in the Anonymus,” in the eleventh century, but the harbour acquired its greatest importance after 1261, when it was selected by Michael Palaeologus to be the dockyard and principal station of the Imperial navy. Here the emperor thought his fleet could lie more secure from attack, and in a better position to assail an * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. * Codinus, p. IOS. * Nicetas Chon., p. 733; Michael Psellus (Sathas, Bibl. Graec. Med. Zvi., vol. v. p. 214). * Lib. iii. p. 45. * Lib. ii. p. 34. 294 A VZAAVTIAWE COAVSTA AVT/AVOP/LA. [CHAP. enemy, than in any other haven of the city. For the force of the current along this shore would soon oblige hostile ships approaching the port to beat a hasty retreat, lest they should be driven upon the coast, and consequently expose them, as they withdrew, to be taken in the rear by the Imperial vessels that would then sally forth in pursuit. Great labour was therefore expended upon the old harbour. It was dredged and deepened to render it more commodious ; and to make it more secure, it was surrounded with immense blocks, closed with iron gates, and protected by a mole." Subsequently, as his coat-of-arms on the western tower of the harbour indicated, the Kontoscalion was repaired by Andronicus II.” A Russian pilgrim who visited the city about 1350 has drawn a vivid picture of the harbour when crowded with triremes on account of contrary weather :— “De l'Hippodrome on passe devant Cantoscopie; la est la superbe et très grande porte en fer a grillage de la ville. C'est par cette porte que la mer pénétre dans la ville. Si la mer est agitée, jusqu'a trois cents galères y trouvent place ; ces galères ont les unes deux cents et les autres trois cents rames. Ces vaisseaux sont employés au transport des troupes. Si le vent est contraire, ils ne peuvent avancer, et doivent attendre le beau temps.”” - The Kontoscalion is generally held to have stood in front of Koum Kapoussi, where the traces of an old harbour, about 270 yards wide and some 217 yards long, are still discernible in an extensive mole off the shore, and in the great bend described by the city walls at that point to enclose an area which, at one time, was evidently a basin of water. There is scarcely any room for doubt that this view is correct. * Pachymeres, vol. i. pp. 365, 366. * See below, p. 295, note 5. * Itinéraires Russes en Orient, pp. 120, 121. xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 295 The adherence of the name Kontoscalion to this quarter, appa- rently, ever since the Turkish Conquest," is in favour of the opinion. So, likewise, is the fact that thus it becomes intelligible how Pachymeres” and Bondelmontius” associate the harbour with Vlanga, on the one hand, while Nicephorus Gregoras * associates it with the Hippodrome on the other. It is also a corroboration of this view to find on the walls of the harbour the coat-of-arms of Andronicus II., who is declared, by one authority, to have restored the Kontoscalion.” The only objec- tion to this identification is found in the difference between the character of the actual enclosure around the harbour at Koum Kapoussi and the character of the enclosure which Michael Palaeologus placed around the Kontoscalion. The former consists of the ordinary walls of the city; the latter consisted, according to Pachymeres," of very large blocks of stone: ºars yupôoat pºv Heyto raig Trétpatc töv kūkX4, T6trov. But in reply to this objection it may be said, either (though not without some violence to the words of the historian) that the great blocks of stone referred to were the boulders which form the mole of the harbour; or * Leunclavius, Pand. Hist. Turc., s. 200, is the first writer after the Conquest who refers to it: “Ipsa porta (i.e. Contoscalion) velut intra sinum quemdam abscedit versus unbem, et ab altera parte proximum sibi portum habet, pro triremibus, in mare se porrigentem et muris circumdatum.” The silence of Gyllius regarding the Rontoscalion is strange, unless he has confounded it with Kadriga Limani. * Vol. i. p. 365. * Ziber Insularum Archipelagi, p. 121. “Propinqua huic (Vlanga) Condoscali vel Arsena restat.” * Lib. xvii. p. 854. Cf. Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 72, 74. * In a copy of the Anonymus, Codex Colbertinus, made in the thirteenth century, the copyist, under the heading IIept tow Xoquaviov \p&va, adds the note that the harbour eis to KovroorkóAov was constructed by Justin, and had been deepened and surrounded by a remarkable enclosure in his own day by Andronicus Comnenus Palaeologus. See Banduri, Imperium Orientale, vol. ii. pp. 678-680. The copyist is at fault in identifying the Harbour of Sophia with the Kontoscalion, which was a historical question, but he may be trusted in regard to the restoration of the Kontoscalion, which was a contemporary event. * Vol. i. p. 365. 296 A YZAAWTIAWE COMSTAAVT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. that the work done under Michael Palaeologus was temporary, and was superseded by the improvements executed in the reign of his son and successor Andronicus II. The objection must not be ignored." HARBOUR OF ELEUTHERIUS AND THEODOSIUS. According to the Notitia,” Constantinople possessed a harbour called Portus Theodosianus, in the Twelfth Region of the city. As that Region comprised within its limits the shore of the Sea of Marmora at the southern base of the Seventh Hill, the Harbour of Theodosius must have been found at Vlanga Bostan, where the basin of a very ancient harbour, now filled in and converted into market-gardens, is distinctly visible. There can be little doubt that this harbour was also the one which went by the name Harbour of Eleutherius” (6 Aupºv rod *EXEv0sotov): for the district of Eleutherius, and the palace of that name,” were situated in the valley leading from Vlanga Bostan to Ak Serai, and the Et Meidan. The harbour at Vlanga Bostan, moreover, corresponds to the description given of the Harbour of Eleutherius by the Anonymus,” who speaks of it as a very ancient harbour, situated to the west of that of Sophia, and abandoned long before his time. If this be so, then the name Harbour of Eleutherius was its earlier designation, and the port itself was the oldest on the side of the city towards the Sea of Marmora, its construction being ascribed to a certain Eleutherius, who was present at the foundation of Constantinople.” Its antiquity is supported * See below, pp. 312, 313. * Ad Reg. XII. * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. * Ibid., p. 47. ° Lib. iii. p. 46; cf. ibid., p. 45. * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. xviii.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 297 by the aspect of its remains, for the walls enclosing it on the north are the oldest portion of the fortifications of the city, and possibly belong to the time of Constantine the Great. Here the statue of Eleutherius was erected, in the appropriate equipment of an excavator, with a spade in his hand and a basket on his back." - .*. **'. • * * e - 2- \ . 2 * SQ..º.º.S. * /.g'." Jº -º W } : Y Š, º, . ToweR GUARDING THE HARBOUR OF ELEUTHERIUS AND THEoDOSIUS.” From the fact that the harbour was called Portus Theo- dosianus, it is evident that it was improved by Theodosius I., to whom the city owed so many public works. * Anonymus, iii. p. 46. * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) 298 A VZAAVTIAVE CONSTA WT/AVO PAEA2. [CHAP. When precisely the harbour was filled in is a question not easily settled. The Anonymus declares, indeed, that this was done in the reign of Theodosius I., with the earth excavated in laying the foundations of the column of that emperor in the Forum of Taurus." But, had that been the case, the Notitia would scarcely have mentioned an abandoned harbour among the objects for which the Twelfth Region of the city was re- markable. What is certain is that the harbour was destroyed Some time before the eleventh century; probably because the earth brought by the stream of the Lycus, which flows into the harbour, and the sand cast up by the sea, proved too troublesome for the maintenance of a sufficient depth of Water. The harbour measured 786 yards from east to west and 218 yards from South to north. Along its southern side, as well as along a portion of its side towards the east, it was protected by a mole twelve feet thick, carefully constructed of masonry, and extending from the Gate of St. Æmilianus (Daoud Pasha Ka- poussi) eastwards for about 436 yards, and then northwards for 327 yards more.” Upon the greater portion of the mole, walls were constructed for the military defence of the harbour. The entrance was at the north-eastern end, between the head of the mole and the site of the Gate Yeni Kapou, the opening through which the Roumelian Railway now runs, and was guarded by a tower built at a short distance out in the sea.” * Lib. iii. p. 46. * Gyllius, De Top. C.P., iii. c. viii.; iv. c. viii. According to this authority the circuit of the harbour was over a mile ; the mole being 600 paces long and I2 feet broad. * Gyllius, ut supra. “Cujus ostium vergebat ad solis ortum aestivum, a quo moles extendebatur ad occasum aestivum, supra quam nunc muri adstricti existunt.” xviii.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 299 As stated already, the adjacent quarter was called the quarter of Eleutherius (ra toû EXsuffspíov). It is mentioned under that name in I2O3, as the farthest point reached by the great fire which then devastated the city through the folly of the Crusaders." The present name of the quarter, Vlanga, appears 2 z * g à PORTION of THE wall AROUND THE HARBOUR OF ELEUTHERIUS AND THEODOSIUS.” first in the eleventh century, as the designation of the residence of Andronicus Comnenus in this part of the city (oikoç Ög rod BAáyya iristºra)' and it is the name by which writers “In faucibus portus, adhuc navium capacibus, extra murum urbis, etiamnum videtur turris undique mari circumdata, et saxa, reliquae ruinarum.” Grelot, in his Relation Mouzelle d'un Voyage de Constantinople, pp. 79, 80, refers to the tower thus (to quote the quaint English translation of his work by J. Philips, London, 1683, p. 68): “Going by sea from the Seven Towers to the Seraglio, you meet with a square tower upon the left hand, that stands in the sea, distant from the city wall about twenty paces. The inhabitants of the country call it Belisarius Tower, affirming that it was in this tower where that great and famous commander, for the recompense of all those signal services which he had done the Emperor Justinian, in subduing his enemies, as well in Asia and Aſrica as in Europe, being despoyled of all his estate and honour, and reduced to the extremity of necessity, after he had endured putting out both his eyes, was at length shut up and forced for his subsistence to hang out a bag from the grate of his chamber, and cry to the passengers, ‘Give poor Belisarius a farthing, whom envy and no crime has deprived of his eyes.” Near to the place where stands this tower was formerly the harbour where Theodosius, Arcadius, and their successors kept their galleys.” * Nicetas Chon., p. 733. * From Broken Bits of Byzantium. (By kind permission of Mrs. Walker.) * Nicetas Chon., p. 170. 3OO A VZAAWTVAWE CONSTA AWTINOP/CAE. [CHAP. subsequent to the Restoration of the Greek Empire refer to the district." In the vicinity stood the Palace of the Empress Irene,” the unnatural mother of Constantine VI., in which Basil II. enter- tained the Legates of Pope Hadrian II.” The Church of St. Panteleemon, erected by Theodora the wife of Justinian the Great, on the site of her humble dwelling when a poor woman earning her bread by spinning wool," and the district of Narses (ra Napooj)" were in this neighbourhood ; so also was the district of Canicleius (rd Kavuk)\etov), where the emperor landed when proceeding to pay his annual visit to that church." The modern Greek church of St. Theodore, to the south of Boudroum Djamissi (Myrelaion), marks, Dr. Mordtmann" suggests, the district of Claudius (rd KXavētou). THE HARBOUR OF THE GOLDEN GATE. Another harbour on this side of the city was the Harbour of the Golden Gate (ö Alpiñv ris Xpwaſic),” in the bay to the west of the entrance of that name. This is implied in the state- ment of Ducas, that during the siege of 1453 the right wing of the Turkish army extended southwards from the Gate of St. Romanus to the Harbour of the Golden Gate.” On the occasion of a triumph celebrating a victorious campaign in Asia Minor, the harbour presented an animated * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 365; Actus Patriarchatus Constantinopolitani, year 1400, p. 394, where a vivid description of the site of the old harbour is given : Kºtros trepi rôv BAdykav, *čo Trov kai o ºveyyus toū Teixous ris tróAeos. * Anonymus, iii. p. 47; Theophanes, p. 723. * Guillelmus Bibliothecarius. * Anonymus, iii. p. 47. * Zbid., p. 48. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 560. * Page 59. * Ducas, p. 283. * Ibid., ut supra. xviii.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 301 scene ; for the spoils and prisoners which were to figure in the procession, were ferried across from Chrysopolis, and landed at this point, to be marshalled on the plain before the Golden Gate.” It was off this point that the Turkish fleet, in 1453, waited to intercept the five gallant ships, which brought provisions to the city from the island of Scio, and which forced their way to the Golden Horn, notwithstanding all the efforts of 305 vessels of the Sultan to capture them.” THE HARBOUR OF KAISARIUS AND THE NEORION AT THE HEPTASCALON. Before concluding this account of the city harbours on the Sea of Marmora, a point of Some importance remains to be settled. Byzantine historians speak of the Harbour of Kaisarius, and of the Neorion at the Heptascalon, on the southern shore of the city. Now, as traces of an additional harbour to those already mentioned, on this side of the city, may be disputed, the question presents itself: Have the Harbour of Kaisarius and the Neorion at the Heptascalon disappeared, or were they one or other of the harbours already identified ? The Harbour of Kaisarius (Auńv rod Kalaapstov) is mentioned for the first time in the Acts of the Fifth General Council of Constantinople,” held in 553, under Justinian the Great. Near it, we are there informed, stood the Residence of Germanus : * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 438, 499, 504. - * Ducas, pp. 268, 269. The principal part of the engagement took place off the entrance to the Bosporus; for Leonard of Scio (p. 931) says that the Sultan viewed the contest from the hill of Pera; “ex Colle Perensi, fortunae expectans eventum.” * Act II. 3O2 BYZANTINE CONSTA WT/WOPLE. [CHAP. “In domo Germani, prope portum Caesarii.” The harbour is mentioned for the last time by Cedrenus,” in what is mani- festly a quotation from Theophanes.” Beside it stood a district,” and a palace," known respectively as the District and the Palace of Kaisarius (Év roic Kataapsiov : kvpártop tſºv Katoapstow); the latter being probably the residence of Germanus above men- tioned. After whom the harbour was named is uncertain. Du Cange” suggests three persons from whom the designation may have been derived : Kaisarius, Prefect of the City under Valentinian ; Kaisarius, Praetorian Prefect under Theodosius I. ; and Kaisarius, a personage of some note in the reign of Leo I. If the choice lies between these persons, the preference must be given to the last; for the Notitia, which describes the city in the reign of Theodosius II., makes no mention of this harbour. In all probability, therefore, the Harbour of Kaisarius was constructed towards the close of the fifth century. That it stood on the Sea of Marmora is evident ; first, from its association with the Harbours of Julian and of Hormisdas, as one of the points at which the tyrant Phocas placed troops to prevent the landing of Heraclius on the southern side of the city;" and secondly, from the fact that it was there that Con- stantine Pogonatus, in 673, placed his ships, armed with the newly invented tubes for squirting Greek fire, to await the Saracen fleet coming up against the city from the AEgean." Passing next to the Neorion at the Heptascalon, we find that * Vol. i. p. 679. * Page 364. * Ibid., ut supra. * Ibid., ut supra. * Du Cange, Constantinopolis Christiana, ii. p. I69. • John of Antioch, Fragm. Hist. Grac., vol. v. p. 38. Etutpéret ºvXàt- reoréat ex têv IIpagrívov táv Alpéva toû Kato apetov Kai Tov Xobias, toys 8è Beveroës to émi Oppio Sov. Cf. Paschal Chron., p. 7oo. 7 Theophanes, p. 541, who uses the expression, Ev tº IIpok\lavuote tº Kai- oraptov Apévi. What does IIpok\tavioríº mean 2 xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 3O3 the term “Heptascalon" is employed by Byzantine writers only in two connections: first, and then generally in the corrupt form IIaoxá\p or IIaokáX4, it serves to mark the site of a church dedicated to St. Acacius ; the earliest writer who uses it for that purpose being Constantine Porphyrogenitus," in his biography of Basil I., by whom the church was restored: secondly, Cantacuzene.” employs the phrase to indicate the situation of the harbour now under discussion. In 1351 Cantacuzene" found the harbour in a very unsatis- factory condition. Owing to the sand which had accumulated in it for many years, it could hardly float a ship laden with cargo ; and accordingly, in pursuance of his policy to develop the naval resources of the Empire, he caused the harbour to be dredged at much labour and expense, to the great convenience of public business. So extensive was the work of restoration that in one passage the harbour is styled the New Neorion.* Du Cange,” misled by the fact that a Church of St. Acacius was found in the Tenth Region—one of the Regions on the northern side of the city—has classed the Neorion at the Heptascalon among the harbours on the Golden Horn. But to identify a site in Byzantine Constantinople by means of a church alone is a precarious proceeding, for churches of the same dedication were to be found in different quarters of the city. This, Du Cange" himself admits, was possible in the case before us ; since, besides the Church of St. Acacius at the Heptascalon, writers speak of a Church of St. Acacius ad Caream (Év tº Kapūq), and the identity of the two sanctuaries cannot be assumed. But the existence of a second church dedicated to St. Acacius is not a mere possibility. * Theophanes Cont., p. 324; Synaxaria, May 7, July 21. * Lib. iv. pp. 165, 212, 220, 284. * Ibid., p. 165. * Ibid., p. 29O. * Constantinopolis Christiana, i. p. 56. * Ibid., iv. p. I 18. 3O4 A YZANTIAWE CONSTAAV7 IAWOF/A2. [CHAP. According to Antony of Novgorod," there was a church of that dedication also on the southern side of the city, not far from the Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. The Neorion at the Heptascalon may, therefore, have been on the Sea of Marmora. - And that it was there, as a matter of fact, is evident from the statements made regarding that harbour by Cantacuzene and Nicephorus Gregoras, in their account of the naval engagement fought in the Bosporus in 1351, between a Genoese fleet on the one hand, and the Greeks, supported by Venetian and Spanish ships, on the other. Upon coming up from the AEgean to take part in the war, the Venetians and the Spaniards, says the former historian,” anchored off the Prince's Island, to rest their crews after the hardships of the winter. There they remained three days. Then, quitting their moorings, the two allies made for the Neorion at the Heptascalon, or, as it is also styled, the Neorion of the Byzantines (to Bučavríov veðptov),” to join the Imperial fleet which was stationed there, all ready for action, and awaiting their arrival. Meanwhile, the Genoese admiral, with seventy ships, had taken up his position at Chalcedon (Kadikeui), to watch and oppose the movements of the allied squadrons. The wind was blowing a gale from the South, and though the Venetians and Spaniards had started for the Heptascalon very early in the morning, it was with the utmost difficulty, and late in the after- noon, that they succeeded in crossing from the island to the city. Even at the last moment they narrowly escaped destruction, by & ! Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 106. Immediately after speaking of the Church of St. Acacius, he proceeds to say, “Au pied de la montagne, se trouve l'eglise des saints Serge et Bacchus.” In the Latin version given in Riant's Exuviae CP., ii. pp. 228, 229, the passage is rendered, “Ex altera parte monticuli posita est Ecclesia SS. Sergii et Bacchi.” • * Cantacuzene, iv. pp. 218–234. * Ibid., p. 22O. xviii.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 305 being dashed to pieces against the boulders scattered along the foot of the walls as a breakwater. The Byzantine admiral, encouraged by the arrival of his allies, then sallied forth from the Heptascalon, and led the way towards the Genoese ships at Chalcedon. The latter, finding it impossible to make head against the wind, retired towards Galata, and skilfully entrenched themselves among the shoals and rocks off Beshiktash, preferring to be attacked in that advantageous situation." The allies came on, and a desperate conflict, partly on the water, partly on the rocks, ensued, until night parted the combatants without a decisive victory on either side. With this narrative of Cantacuzene in view, no one familiar with the vicinity of Constantinople can doubt for a moment that the Neorion at the Heptascalon was upon the Sea of Marmora. The single circumstance that the walls in the neighbourhood of the harbour were protected by boulders placed in the sea as a breakwater is alone sufficient to prove the fact; for only the walls bordering the Sea of Marmora were defended in that manner. Equally conclusive is the circumstance that the Venetian and Spanish ships found it difficult to make the harbour from the Prince's Island with a strong south wind on their left. Such a wind would drive them towards the Bosporus with a violence that would render it almost impossible for them to put into any port on the Marmora shore of the city. Nor is it less decisive to find, as the historian's account makes perfectly clear, that the * But for the statement of Nicephorus Gregoras (xxvi. p. 87), one would suppose that the scene of this amphibious struggle was among the reefs and shoals off the shore between Kadikeui and Scutari. But Nicephorus says explicitly that the conflict took place off the Diplokionion (Beshiktash), &tim kioves 8ttàof oxºpla Tábov twos évéxovres to ravral. According to Gyllius, the sea off the shore between Beshiktash and Galata was in his day shallow and full of rocks. De Bosporo Thracio, ii. c. 8, “Alluitur mari vadoso, crebris petris supra aquam eminentibus inculcato.” The Turkish names of two points on this shore, Beshiktash, Cabatash, refer to these rocks. X 306 A YZAAWTIAWAE CONSTA WTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. harbour was so situated ; that the approach to it, and possible shipwrecks at its entrance, could be observed by the Genoese admiral stationed off Chalcedon ; that an enemy at Chalcedon found it hard to advance towards the Heptascalon in a strong south wind; and that vessels proceeding from the harbour to Galata could, on the way, touch at Chalcedon. These facts hold true only of a harbour on the Sea of Marmora. This conclusion, based on the narrative of Cantacuzene, is corroborated by the indications which Nicephorus Gregoras' furnishes regarding the site of the Neorion. The events which transpired, according to the former historian, at the Neorion at the Heptascalon, or the Neorion of the Byzantines, took place, according to the latter, in the Harbour of the Byzantines, or, more definitely, “the Harbour of the Byzantines facing the east” (rod Tāv Bučavríov Aluévoc, rot Toog #w (3)\étrov'roc).” That the expression “facing the east” denoted the shore of the city facing the Sea of Marmora and the Asiatic coast is manifest, from the use which Nicephorus Gregoras makes of that expression in other passages of his work. The Golden Gate, which stands near the Sea of Marmora, on what would generally be described as the southern shore of the city, stood, according to him, near the city's eastern shore.” Again, the gale from the south, which damaged the city fortifications along the Sea of Marmora in the year 1341, assailed, he says, the eastern walls of the capital.” This way of speaking, if not strictly accurate, is justified by the fact that extensive portions of the city beside the Sea of Marmora face east or south-east. - Nor is this all. The harbour in question, adds Nicephorus Gregoras,” stood where the walls of the city were protected by ' Lib. xxvi. pp. 85–92. * Ibid., pp. 86, 90 ; cf. Cantacuzene, iv. p. 220. ° Lib. xiv. p. 711 ; cf. Theophanes Cont., p. 614. * Lib. ix. p. 460. * Lib. xxvi. p. 87. xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 307 boulders; ships issuing from it, in a south wind, could readily make the Bosporus;" while ships proceeding from the Bosporus to the harbour passed Chalcedon on the left, and could be watched from Chalcedon, upon their arrival at their destination.” Such facts, we repeat, hold good only of a harbour situated on the shore of the city beside the Sea of Marmora. It being thus proved that the Harbour of Kaisarius and the Neorion at the Heptascalon were situated on the Marmora side of the city, we return to the question, whether they have disappeared, or were different names for one or other of the harbours already identified. So far as room for harbours additional to those already identified is concerned, such room could be found only in the level ground at the foot of the Third Hill, extending from the Kontoscalion at Koum Kapoussi to the Harbour of Theodosius at Vlanga, points some 910 yards apart. An additional harbour elsewhere was impossible, Owing to the character of the coast. Accordingly, if the Harbour of Kaisarius and the Neorion at the Heptascalon cannot be identified with one or other of the well-known harbours on the Sea of Marmora, they must have been situated between Koum Kapoussi and Vlanga. So far as the Harbour of Kaisarius is concerned, it could not have been another name for the Harbour of the Bucoleon, or the Harbour of Julian and Sophia, or the Harbour of the Golden Gate. For, as John of Antioch” makes perfectly clear in his account of the defence of the city by Phocas against Heraclius, the Harbour of Kaisarius was situated in the same general district as the two former harbours, and to the west of them. Nor can the Harbour of Kaisarius be identified with the Harbour of Theodosius, inasmuch as the latter had * Lib. xxvi. p. 87. - * Zbid., p. 90. * Fragm. Hist, Grac., iv. p. 38. 308 BYZAAWTIAWE COMWSTANTIAWOAZAZ. [CHAP. been filled in and abandoned before the reigns of Phocas and Constantine IV., in the seventh century, when the Harbour of Kaisarius was still one of the principal ports on the southern coast of the city.” The Harbour of Kaisarius must, therefore, have been either the Kontoscalion, at Koum Kapoussi, or another harbour between that gate and Vlanga. To suppose that it was the Kontoscalion, under an earlier name, is possible, since the name Kontoscalion, we have seen,” appears for the first time in the eleventh century. Still the circumstance that a fire which started beside the Harbour of Kaisarius extended to the Forum of the Ox (£og too Boöc),” situated at Ak Serai far up the valley that runs north- wards from Yeni Kapou, suggests a situation nearer Vlanga. Turning, next, to the Neorion at the Heptascalon, it could, obviously, not be the Harbour of the Bucoleon, attached to the Imperial Palace; nor the Harbour of the Golden Gate, which was beyond the city limits; nor the Harbour of Theodosius, which had been filled in long before the reign of Cantacuzene, and which in 14OO and I422, dates respectively not fifty and seventy years after that emperor's reign, is described as a garden.” The Neorion at the Heptascalon, therefore, must have been either the Harbour of Julian and Sophia, or the Kontoscalion, or an additional harbour between Koum Kapoussi and Vlanga. One objection to the first supposition is that the Harbour of Julian and Sophia was so notoriously known under its own special name, that reference to it by another designation is ex- tremely improbable. Another objection is that the indications respecting the site of St. Acacius at the Heptascalon, however ' Anonymus, iii. p. 46. * Fragm. Hist. Graec., iv. p. 38; Theophanes, p. 54I. * See above, p. 293. * Theophanes, p. 364. * Actus Patriarchatus Constantinopolitani, year I400, p. 394 ; Bondelmontius, “In quibus moenibus est campus ab extra, et olim portus Vlanga.” See above, p. 300, ref. I. xviii.] THE HARROURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 309 vague their character, furnish no ground for believing that the church stood in the vicinity of the Harbour of Julian and Sophia, but support, rather, the opinion that it stood in the neighbour- hood of Boudroum Djamissi, in the quarter of Laleli Hamam, situated to the north-west of Koum Kapoussi." The supposition that the Neorion at the Heptascalon was the same as the Kontoscalion is open to objections equally, if not more, serious. The identity of the two harbours is inconsistent with the fact that the two names occur in the writings of the same author, Cantacuzene,” in the same section of his work, in passages not widely separated and treating of kindred matters, without the slightest hint that under the different names he refers to the same thing. The natural impression made by the use of the two names in such a way is that they denote different things. Then, there is an opposition between the respective meanings of the two names, which makes their application to the same object incompatible ; a harbour dis- tinguished by a short pier cannot also be a harbour distinguished by seven piers. In the next place, the different accounts which Cantacuzene gives of the condition of the two harbours in his reign imply that he is not speaking of the same port. He refers * The indications for the site of the Church of St. Acacius are : (1) It was év EirraokóA® (Anonymus, ii. p. 33); (2) near the Church of St. Metrophanes (Synaxaria, June 4; Itinéraires Russes en Orient, p. 106); (3) near the Residence of Moselë (Moorºe), and the monument named the Christocamaron (Xptoſtokápapov), after a gilt Icon of Christ upon it (Anonymus, ii. p. 38). (4) The Christocamaron, it is supposed, was the same as the Chrysocamaron (Xpvookápopov : Anonymus, iii. p. 48). Supporters of that identity are Banduri (Imp. Orient., ii. p. 688) and Dr. Mordtmann (p. 59). (5) The Chrysocamaron stood to the rear of the Myrelaion (Anonymus, iii. p. 48). (6) The Myrelaion was the church, now the Mosque Boudroum Djamissi (Gyllius, De Top. CP., iii. c. 8; Patriarch Constantius, Ancient and Modern Consple., p. 75). (7) Therefore, the Church of St. Acacius was situated to the rear, or to the east of Boudroum Djamissi. There are two weak points in this chain of argu- ments; Codinus (pp. Ioſ, Io&) distinguishes the two monuments which are identified above, and speaks of two places in Constantinople that were named Myrelaion. * He refers to the Kontoscalion in the Fourth Book of his work, pp. 72, 74; and to the Neorion at the Heptascalon in the same Book, pp. 165, 212, 220, 284. 3IO A VZAAV7 IAVE CONSTA WT/AVOA’ZAZ. [CHAP. to the Kontoscalion," in 1348, without a note of disparagement, as a harbour in which he constructed several large triremes for the increase of his fleet; while he describes the Neorion at the Heptascalon,” only three years later, as a harbour which had long been neglected, which was full of silt, and which he restored at great expense, for the public advantage, on a scale which entitled it to be styled the New Neorion.” And just as all that Cantacuzene states regarding the two harbours implies that they were different, so does the language of Nicephorus Gregoras. When the latter writer alludes to the Kontoscalion, he describes it as the harbour near the Hippo- drome; * when he alludes to the Neorion at the Heptascalon, he describes it as the harbour facing the east.” Different marks are generally employed to distinguish different objects.” This being so, the unavoidable conclusion is that the Neorion at the Hep- tascalon was a harbour situated between Koum Kapoussi and Yeni Kapou, the only possible situation for an additional harbour. We should feel obliged to insist upon this conclusion, even in the absence of any remains of a harbour in the situation indicated. Our task, however, is not so arduous; for manifest traces of such a harbour have been identified. In the first place, traces of a harbour in the district above mentioned came * Codinus, p. 72. * Cantacuzene, iv. p. 165. * Zbid., p. 290. Taken in conjunction with the other arguments on the subject, the epithet New, bestowed upon the Neorion at the Heptascalon, implied not only that the harbour was no longer its old self, but, also, that it was to be distinguished from another and earlier Neorion. But the only other conspicuous Neorion during the reign of Cantacuzene was the Kontoscalion. * Lib. xvii. p. 854: 'Es to trepi rov too Bučavriou intróðpopov veðptov. Cf. Cantacuzene, iv. p. 72. ° Lib. xxvi. p. 90. * Unger (Quellen der Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, p. 264), without discussing the question at length, holds, as the result of his study of the texts, that the Kontos- calion cannot be identified with either the Harbour of Sophia or the Heptascalon. Scarlatus Byzantius (H. KovortavruvoiſiroMs, vol. i. pp. 268, 277) also maintains that the three names designated different harbours. xvi.II.] . THE HARBOUR'S OW THE SEA OF MARMORA. 311 to view in 1819, and were then officially noted by so competent an authority as the Patriarch Constantius." In that year a great fire burned down a large part of the Turkish quarter near Yeni Kapou—Tulbenkoji Djamissi—and brought to light a por- tion of an ancient circular enclosure around that quarter. The discovery excited considerable attention, and the patriarch was specially instructed by the Turkish Government of the day to examine the wall and report the result of his investigations Accompanied by two distinguished members of the Greek com munity, the prelate proceeded to the scene of the conflagration, and found a wall built of huge blocks of stone, about seven feet long, four and a half feet wide, and over a foot thick. The stones were carefully hewn and placed in three tiers; the blocks in the two lower tiers being the ordinary limestone found on the banks of the Bosporus, while the blocks in the highest row were of marble from the Island of Marmora. The territory enclosed by the wall presented the appearance of a great hollow which had been filled in, since the Turkish Conquest, and raised to afford ground for building. All that the patriarch saw convinced him that he stood upon the site of one of the ancient harbours of the city. The wall has disappeared, as the excellent building material it provided rendered natural. But other remains of a harbour at this point, the complement of those discovered by the patriarch, have been recognized, and can, to some extent, be still distinguished. Off the shore in front of the territory enclosed by the wall described above is a mole formed with boulders (marked “Molotrimmer” on Stolpe's map of the city), similar to the mole before the old harbour at Koum Kapoussi. At a point about half-way between Koum Kapoussi and Yeni Kapou, there is a wide gap in this mole, dividing it in two unequal l >vyypadai EX60 oroves, pp. 443, 444. He was not patriarch at the time. 3I2 A VZAAWTIAWE COAVSTA WZTWAVOA’ſ E. [CHAP. * parts, and forming a passage through it. The shore * opposite the gap was, until the construction of a quay in 1870 for the Roumelian railroad, a sandy beach extending back to the foot of the city walls. The portion of the walls at the rear of the beach was, however, not Byzantine ; but a piece of Turkish work” inserted between the Byzantine walls on either hand to close an opening which gave admittance to the area occupied by the quarter of Tulbenkoji Djamissi. Here, accordingly, we have traces of all that constitutes a harbour: its mole, its entrance, its basin and enclosure, indi- cating where the Neorion at the Heptascalon, which the lan- guage of Cantacuzene and Nicephorus Gregoras obliges us to distinguish from the Kontoscalion, was probably situated. At this point, it seems reasonable to think, stood also the Harbour of Kaisarius, if we may judge from the circumstance that a fire which originated at that harbour extended up the valley from Vlanga to Ak Serai.” In the opinion of the Patriarch Constantius,” indeed, the harbour discovered in 1819 was the Kontoscalion. The state- ment of Pachymeres” and Bondelmontius," that the Kontos- calion was near Vlanga, cannot, perhaps, be held to lend much countenance to this supposition, for in view of the short distance between Vlanga and Koum Kapoussi, the Kontoscalion might be thus described, although situated in front of the latter. But what presents a most serious consideration in favour of the patriarch's opinion is the fact that the wall which he examined answered exactly to the description of the wall with which Michael Palaeologus enclosed the Kontoscalion. * For the following information I am indebted to the Rev. H. O. Dwight, LL.D., who knew the quarter of Yeni Kapou in 1854, and was for many years a resident there. * It is still standing. * See above, p. 308. * Ut supra. * Pachymeres, vol. i. p. 365, Tô Tpès rêv BX4)Ka KovrookéAtov. ° Librum Insularum Archipelago, p. 12I. xvi.II.] THE HARBOURS ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 313 That emperor, according to Pachymeres,’ surrounded the Kontoscalion with very large stones; and closed the entrance in the stones with iron gates ("Qars yupôoat uév usy to raig irárpatc töv kūk)\p rôtrov, . . . trāXac 8 triffsivat āpapviac ëk atóñpov tº Šv raic trérpac sigiffum &offev). No language could describe better the enclosure of large blocks discovered in 1819; while the expression “the entrance in the stones” applies admirably to the gap in the mole which protected the harbour. Nothing of the kind is found at the harbour before Koum Kapoussi, which lay within a mole and a great curve of the ordinary city walls. This, it must be admitted, is an exceedingly strong argument in support of the patriarch's contention. On the other hand, we have seen how strong also are the arguments in favour of the view that the Kontoscalion stood at Koum Kapoussi.” Perhaps the solution of the difficulty is found in the supposition that while the name Kontoscalion strictly belonged to the harbour at Koum Kapoussi, it was sometimes applied also to other harbours in the vicinity, because the name of the most important member of the group. NOTE ON THE LOCALITY where THE ANCIENT HARBour WALL, DIscover ED IN 1819, WAS FOUND. The Patriarch Constantius, our sole informant on the subject, refers to this discovery twice; first, in his work on Ancient and Modern Constantinople (Kovorray- Tuvuòs IIa)\avă te kai Neotépa), published in 1844; secondly, in a letter, dated April 12, 1852, which is found in the collection of his minor works (>vyypashai ai EX6'ooroves), and which was addressed to Mr. Scarlatus Byzantius, upon the publication of that gentleman's work on the history and antiquities of the city. In that letter the patriarch corrects several mistakes made in his own work on the same subject, and gives additional information on other points. The earlier reference to the discovery is brief, and when viewed in the light of the later statements, altogether misleading. It occurs in the paragraph upon Koum Kapoussi, the ancient Gate of Kontoscalion (English translation, p. 21 ; Greek original, p. 30). After expressing the opinion that the Neorion of the Kontoscalion * Vol. i. p. 365. * See above, p. 295. 3I4. BVZA WTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. stood at that gate, and quoting the description which Pachymeres gives of the wall around the harbour, the reverend author adds: “A portion of this circular enclosure appeared in 1819, consisting of three layers of very large stones placed one upon the other” ("Ev pépos 3& rotºrov too kvkAtkoo treptºppáypatos toū Apévos évébávn ró 1819 &ret, ovvuotapevov čk tptov 6éoreov trappeytotov 3XXerox\ffMov trerpóv). There can be but one meaning to this language, namely, that the enclosure referred to stood beside the harbour at Koum Kapoussi. But the difficulty with this language has always been how to make it coincide with the facts in the case. For, as already intimated, the enclosure around the harbour at Koum Kapoussi is almost intact, and consists of the ordinary walls of the city at their usual elevation. There has never been room at that point for another enclosure such as the patriarch describes. But his later, and, fortunately, fuller statements (Xvy)paghai ai ‘EAdororoves, pp. 443, 444) make the matter clear, although, at the same time, they convict the patriarch of inaccuracy in his first statement, so far as the locality of the discovery is concerned. According to the patriarch's letter, the locality in question was not at Koum Kapoussi, but between that gate and the gate Yeni Kapou of Vlanga, and nearer to the latter entrance than to the former. This fact is con- firmed by the additional indication that the discovery was made in a Turkish quarter; for the only Turkish quarter near the shore between Kadriga Limani, on the east of Koum Kapoussi, and Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, on the west of Vlanga, is the quarter of Tulbenkdji Djamissi near Yeni Kapou. But to render all doubt as to the situation of the locality impossible, the route taken to reach it is minutely described ; the patriarch and his friends passed first through Kadriga Limani and the parishes of St. Kyriakë and St. Elpis ; then they went beyond Koum Kapoussi itself, and, keeping within the line of the walls, proceeded to the neighbourhood of the gate of Yeni Kapou at Vlanga, where the wall had come to light. These particulars are, indeed, at variance with the statement found in Ancient and Modern Constantinople, but as they constitute the patriarch's clearest and fullest declarations on the point at issue, and are made in a letter correcting mistakes in his former work, they have been adopted as his most authoritative statements. The subject being important and the patriarch's letter but little known, the passages bearing most directly upon the question are here appended : IIept too karū Tºv IIpotrovtiba Apévos, rept of a muetoopºev čv tá, ºperépº Xvyypéppatt, too trapd MixañA toū IIa)\atoxáyou karaokevao 66vros, airós Keiral év tº pièorg Tās II&ms Kovrooka)\tov (Koop-karovo'où) kai tºs toū Tevi-kairovood tâs B.Adykas, kai titſipxe, 8wd tò do boxéo repov, evöov Tów Trapaxtov tetxàv Karegkevao pºvos. . . . 'AAA' 3Aov too pºépous, év (; 6 rod IIaxatoxóyou keiro, karoukoupévov e A 3 a A *A - y a > A * an A Jiro 'O60pavów, kard to 1819 &ros truptroXuffévros, diveſhavn to too Xip.évos toūrov kvkAurov repúbpaypa, karū tow IIaxupépmv, Yeyupopévov čk tpiów ăAAetraXXij\os refleipävov peyd'Aov Terpów, eipyaopévov dis TAaków, exovorów pjkos pév rptów Trixeov, etpos 88 800, kai Bá60s jutorelay, táv pºv čáo Károffey &AAetraXXij\ov TAaków k Terpóv too Boortrópov, Nevkopekavoxpóov, ris à én' airów Tpirms orepās kai dvorépas, ék pappadpov io'opérpov IIpo- Kovnorſov. He then refers to the order received from the Government to investigate the discovery, and mentions the persons who accompanied him on that errand ; after xvi.II.] THE HARBOUR'S ON THE SEA OF MARMORA. 31.5 which he continues thus: Alix60pſev 8& rô Kárepya-Alpêv, tºs évopias ‘Ayías anº *A º a A * * an \ z Kupuakºs kai EXtriðos, trapſi\6opew rô Koëp-karovo'où, kai Tpoexopjorapaev sy 3. A A &\ ſyn vöoffev. čvyös tºs IIºns Tevi * éxovres àpto-repô6ev rā trapáXua Teixm évôoffev, yyūs tºs IIij}\ms Tevi-karovood * aº w tis BAéykas, Štrov etőoplew to ék Terpov kai pappudpov kvk\otepès repúbpaypa, 2 Af e z e M A. a e M. A 2 * ékretvápºevov jirokáro èvös teºpo6évros TKapuſov, Évês PeyāNov 'O6opavukoi, oikov kai Trepairépo. Kai trapavrika čyvökapev 3rt todro airó £orru karū töv IIaxupépy, rô trpès rêv B\dykav vetov too Kovrooka)\ſov Nečptov. "OAos é Tóiros 6 treptéxov troté to Neóptov airó, perä rºv &\oortv čn Ampá0m, éxeporóðm kai jºd,0m rò 8a;bos, karoukočuevos ūtrö 'O6opavóvº ai 8é àpapulat ék orw8ñpov tróAal, 8 &v eiorén Aeev 5 oróAos éAApevičápºevos, drºpkobopºmorov. 316 A YZAAVTIAWE CONSTA WTINOP/LE. [CHAP. CHAPTER XIX. THE HEBDOMON. THE Hebdomon (ro *E38ouov, “Septimum ”) was a suburb of Constantinople, situated on the Egnatian Road, at the distance of seven miles from the centre of the city. It obtained its name, as so many villages and towns on the great Roman highways did," from the number of the milestone beside which it stood (év tº ‘EGööuq, MiX(w), and holds a noteworthy place in history on account of its military associations and its connection with the Court of Constantinople. Considerable interest attaches to it also on account of the discussions which the question of its site has occasioned. There can be no doubt that the Hebdomon is represented by the modern village of Makrikeui, situated on the shore of the Sea of Marmora, three miles to the west of the Golden Gate. But the opinion which has been generally accepted, and has had the greatest names in its favour, is that the suburb stood at the northern extremity of the Theodosian Walls, where the Palace of the Porphyrogenitus and the quarter of Blachernae were found. Now, of all the mistakes committed by students of the topography of Byzantine Constantinople, none is so preposterous * A station, eleven miles from Turin, on the line of railway between that city and Milan, vić Vercelli, retains in its name, Settimo, the reminiscence of its ancient designation, ad Septimum. \? /. Ķſ,dºvq. 'º n \!,! º No fT}− do 3-i\, s }##Q� �33&lºv. „ȚŲodbiodoſoſti'Oo Q !obºoffsoff,•}; }3oºvºg NOWOCIgÐH9HL•� · Læſſ|}}> C) N \/YYYHOWNYIŃ W JO W99aerºſ|| ! -��\\\\\\\lly,\\|%}* K-L|Qnoá„noqº'!ºzaeº si<';\,j}ș\\ //@2ãĒ}}Ņ}}} ////、。}}%| :::::::::::::::::::::}}§§N sº §: § 3. s 3% #; N |||}}#:N ź@ff;;Ķ````�ŠĶĒģ||ìĒĢĒĒøºšķº (SÈS }}` ■ � � N ºlqºq ?§3ę3}\\№::::::::::::::::::://¿№sººf ſº ``S`SN •|§§№|//?·§§* ;§§ĒĒĒĒĒĖÈ$\\ *…ºff{&#$§\" - t.º.}},∞ ffffff;№ śffff;&#\ššN• %, ſaes`rº, №. !- .« /rºw:SSN<~ %%22% №§Ē ø.(/ /|,{{}}ŅNSS`S` N Ş ¿№šŠŅ\N|| ?)¿№!\, ^\\"]?)$, O L C \, Ņ Ģţ§§}} ;:Ř\||||||||||№ŘŮ. §§\,|||||||W //|(-).N(Sº-SQ*///// / ?>№ſſaeſae *- | !N !// §¶√∞ % XIX.] THAE HEAEPDOMOAV. 317 or inexcusable as this identification. It is a mistake made when to err seems impossible, for it is in direct opposition to the plainest and most convincing evidence that the famous suburb was situated elsewhere. A blind man, Valesius exclaims in his indignation at such a baseless opinion, might see the truth in the matter. The blunder started with Gyllius, and was afterwards Sup- ported with all the immense learning of Du Cange. It was soon denounced by Valesius," and shown to be utterly inconsistent with the most obvious facts in the case; but the reputation of the great authorities upon its side gave it a vitality which made it the commonly received opinion until the most recent times. Unger, however, contested the error, Once more, in his important work entitled Quellen der Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte,” pub- lished in 1878, and maintained the correct view, but without discussing the question at length. Schlumberger, also, in his monograph on the Emperor Nicephorus Phocas, has seen the facts in their true light.” * Under these circumstances one is strongly tempted to let the fallacies with which Gyllius and Du Cange maintained their views pass into oblivion, and to be satisfied with proving the truth on the subject. But the great authority and eminent services of these students of the topography of the city, and the tenacity with which the error they countenanced has held the field demand some account of the arguments which have been employed in support of an untenable position. Gyllius * entered upon the discussion of the subject with the * In his annotations to Ammianus Marcellinus. The arguments of Walesius were unknown to me when I adopted the correct view on the subject. It was startling to find, afterwards, that the truth had been established so long ago by substantially the same evidence as convinced my own mind, and that truth so well established had been ignored. My reasons for dissenting from the views of Gyllius and Du Cange were first published in the Levant Herald, April 12, 1891. * Pages 113, 114. * Un Empereur Byzantin au Dixième Siècle, p. 299. “See De Zoº. CP., iv. c. i. iv. 318 A VZAAV7/AVE COMSTAAVT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. fixed idea that no locality entitled to be regarded as a suburb could be seven miles distant from the city to which it belonged. With this conviction rooted in his mind, he found himself called to interpret the passage in which Sozomon relates how Theo- dosius the Great, upon leaving Constantinople for Italy to suppress the rebel Eugenius, stopped at the seventh mile from the city to invoke the Divine blessing upon the expedition, in the Church of St. John the Baptist which the emperor had erected at that point of the road." Gyllius knew his Greek too well not to recognize the obvious meaning of this statement. He acknow- ledges that the passage may be understood to intimate that the church above mentioned stood at the seventh milestone from Constantinople. But while allowing that this is a possible meaning of the historian's words, he contends that it cannot be his actual meaning, because the Hebdomon, being a suburb, could not be so distant from the city as seven miles. Hence Gyllius separates the numeral adjective “seventh" from the noun “mile,” and treating the former as a proper name, construes the passage to signify that the Church of St. John the Baptist, in the suburb of the Hebdomon, was one mile from the capital. The proposed construction is so original that it must be given in its author's own words: “Theodosius egressus unum milliare extra Constantinopolim, in aede Divi Joannis Bap- tistas, quam ipse construxerat in Hebdomo suburbio, a Deo precatus est.” Under the guidance of this strange interpretation of Sozomon's statement, the indefatigable explorer of the ancient sites of Constantinople set himself to discover the precise. locality which the Hebdomon had occupied. As the suburb * Sozomon, vii. c. xxiv., Aéyétat 8& Tóre tºs Kovo TavruvoviróAeos ékömpöv, Trpos tº ‘E/386pºp pu)\tº Yevópºevos, Tpoorečaoréat tº 66% v Tij čv6áðe * a º ēkk\marig, #v éti Tupi, Iodvvov too Battuorrow éðelpato. XIX.] THE HEAEDOMON. 3I9 | was in existence before the erection of the Theodosian Walls, the specified distance of one mile had to be measured from the original limits of the city, viz. from the Wall of Constan- tine. This, Gyllius thought, would put the suburb somewhere in the neighbourhood of the Walls of Theodosius. Searching next for more definite indications, he found the ruins of a splendid church dedicated to St. John the Baptist on the Sixth Hill, at Bogdan Serai near Kesmè Kaya. But a church of St. John the Baptist, as already intimated, adorned the Heb- domon, and so Gyllius leaped to the conclusion that the Hebdo- mon was the district on the Sixth Hill : “Suburbium Hebdomon appellatum in sexto colle fuisse, qui nunc est intra urbem, Ostendit aedes Divi Joannis Baptista, quam etiam nunc Graeci vulgo vocant Prodromi.” Having adopted this conclusion, it only remained for Gyllius to explain how a suburb only one mile from the city could have been styled the Hebdomon. His explanation is that the extra- mural territory along the Wall of Constantine had been occupied, before its enclosure within the Theodosian lines, by a series of suburbs distinguished from one another by numerals, and that the Hebdomon was so named because it was the seventh suburb in the series. This explanation he supports by pointing to the undoubted fact that one portion of that territory is frequently named the Deuteron " by Byzantine writers. And he might have added that other portions of the territory were, respectively, styled the Triton” and the Pempton.” Du Cange * was unable to accept Gyllius's interpretation of the phrase, "Eſºčáuſp MiXiq). He insists upon its correct and only signification ; and admits that the suburb derived its name from * See above, p. 74. * See above, pp. 77, 78. * See above, pp. 81, 82. * Constantinopolis Christiana, ii. pp. 172–174; and the “Excursus on the Hebdomon,” appended to the edition of his great work published at Venice. 32O A VZA WTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. its situation near the seventh milestone from the capital. Never- theless he is, impossible though it may seem, in substantial agreement with Gyllius. The fundamental thesis of Du Cange on the subject is that the term “Hebdomon" had two meanings. Strictly speaking, he grants, it meant the seventh mile ; but it was also employed, he maintains, as the designation of the whole district extending between the Wall of Constantine and the seventh milestone. Hence, after the erection of the Theodosian Walls, a consider- able portion of the suburb was included within the new city limits, so that the Hebdomon could very well be where Gyllius supposed it stood. Only, while supporting Gyllius on this point, Du Cange considers that the identification of the Church of St. John at Kesmè Kaya with the Church of St. John the Baptist at the Hebdomon is a mistake. For the latter is described by Constantine Porphyrogenitus" as without the city walls in the tenth century, and therefore never stood, like the Church of St. John at Kesmè Kaya, within the Theodosian lines. At the same time, Du Cange does not concede that the church of that dedication in the Hebdomon was near the seventh mile- stone. In harmony with his view regarding the extent of the area to which the term “Hebdomon’’ was applied, he holds that the church, though outside the Walls of Theodosius, was close to them. Du Cange differs from Gyllius also in laying great stress upon Tekfour Serai as an indication of the site of the Hebdomon, identifying that palace with the Palace of the Magnaura, one of the noted buildings of the suburb.” I Theophanes Cont., p. 340. * Gyllius refers to Tekfour Serai under the name of the Palace of Constantine, and recognizes the existence of a Palace of the Magnaura at the Hebdomon ; but he neither identifies the two palaces, nor points to Tekfour Serai as an indication of the site of the Hebdomon. ****, *- XIX.] THE AIEB/DOMOAV. 32I What induced Du Cange to maintain the application of the term “Hebdomon’ to the whole territory extending from the seventh mile eastwards to the walls of the city was the opinion, that only thus could certain statements regarding the suburb become intelligible or credible. The statement, for instance, that the plain at the Hebdomon was “adjacent” (āvakaſugvov) * to the city implies, he thinks, that the plain of the Hebdomon was contiguous to the city; “quas (vox) campus urbi adjacuisse situ prodit.” So does, he contends, the statement that the Avars, upon approaching to lay siege to the city, encamped “at what of the city is named the Hebdomon.”” For how could an enemy besiege a city without coming close up to its walls 2 The consideration, however, which above every- thing else led Du Cange to attach a wider meaning to the term “Hebdomon” than the seventh mile, was the difficulty of believing that the great religious processions which, on the occasion of a severe earthquake, went on foot from the city to the Campus of the Hebdomon to implore Divine Mercy, walked the whole distance of seven miles on that pious errand.” Such a performance seemed to Du Cange, especially when the emperor and the patriarch took part in the procession, incredible; and since he could not imagine the people going to the Heb- domon, in the strict sense of the word, he made the Hebdomon come to the people, by extending the signification of the term. But Du Cange forgets that the processions to which he refers were recognized to be extraordinary performances, even in the age in which they were undertaken ; that they were acts of * Theophylactus Simocat., p. 339. What the historian says is, Tô trečíov to âvakeſpevov čv tº Aeyop,évº Egöópºp, Öv Kápºtov Popalot katovopºdſovort. * Nicephorus, Patriarcha CP., pp. 15, 16, Kai Tpós to tºs tróAeos 6 "E88opov Kaxočot kataAagóvres ièpſo avro. What the enemy did was to halt at the Hebdomon before advancing against the city. * See below, p. 329. 322 B VZA/VTINE CONSTA WTIAWOPLE. [CHAP. profoundest humiliation in view of a most awful danger; that they were deeds of penance, whereby men hoped to move the Almighty to spare His people. The distance of seven miles is not too great for men to walk in order to escape a terrible death. At the same time, it is quite possible that the Campus of the Hebdomon extended some distance towards the city. The plain was not a mathematical point, and a portion of it may have been nearer the city than the seventh milestone itself was. That must be decided by the nature of the ground, not by subjective considerations. But to make the plain reach to the city walls for the reason assigned is preposterous. This brief account of the arguments with which Gyllius and Du Cange upheld their views must suffice. For all the evidence at our command goes to prove that the suburb occupied the site of the modern village of Makrikeui. In support of this proposition there are, first, express statements to the effect that the Hebdomon, taken as a whole, was seven miles distant from the city. That is how Theophy- lactus Simocatta,” for instance, indicates the situation of the suburb : “It was a place seven miles from the city”—év tº Aeyouévº Eſł8óuq' (róiroc & otroc tow dorsog ātrö a mustwy Śtră). That is how Idatius, also, describes the suburb's position, when speaking of the inauguration of Valens and of Arcadius there: “Levatus est Constantinopoli in Milliario VII.”* And it is in the same terms that Marcellinus Comes refers to the suburb, when he records the fact that Honorius was created Caesar in it: “Id est, septimo ab urbe regia milliario.” To * Page 333; cf. Ibid., p. 236, where the distance of the Hebdomon from the city is said to be one parasang and a half. Zosimus (p. 271) gives the distance as forty stadia. * Cf. Paschal Chron., pp. 556, 562. XIX.] THE HEAEPDOMOW. 323 understand such expressions as denoting the whole territory between the walls of the city and the seventh milestone is out of the question. As employed by these writers, the term “Hebdomon’’ or “Septimum ” means a definite place, reached only when a person stood seven miles from the point whence distances from Constantinople were measured. In the second place, not only is the Hebdomon, as a whole, described as being seven miles from the city, but the particular objects found there are similarly identified. The Church of St. John the Baptist in that suburb, Sozomon," Socrates,” and John of Antioch” state in express words, was seven miles from the city. The Church of St. John the Evangelist, which stood in the suburb, is declared by Socrates * to have been at the same distance. Thus, also, the Campus of the Heb- domon is described by Cedrenus as “the plain in front of the city, seven miles distant.”" The Imperial Tribune in that Campus was, according to Idatius and Marcellinus Comes, at the seventh mile: “In milliario septimo, in Tribunali;” “Septimo ab urbe regia milliario.” So, likewise, the palace which Justinian the Great built at the Hebdomon" is described, in the subscription to several of his laws, as at the seventh mile : “Recitata septimo milliario hujus inclytae civitatis, in Novo Consistorio Palatii Justiniani.” ". In all these passages the Hebdomon is defined with a precision that renders any vague and loose application of the term impossible, if language has any meaning. So much for the distance of the Hebdomon from the city. * Lib. vii. c. xxiv. See quotation of the passage on p. 318, ref. 1. * Lib. vi. c. vi., 'Atréxel kai rooro èrrà a muetois rās tróAeos. tº e * Af * Fragm. Hist. Grac., iv. p. 611, "Os &’ or muetows tºs tróAegos dºpetotijket. 4. e e s & 2 / * * e * Af * A Lib. vi. c. xii., Atréxel kai Tooto Éirtà ormuetous rºs tróNews. * Vol. i. p. 641, Eis to Tpó ris TóAeos Teótov ćirrà a muetots àtéxov. " Procopius, De A.d., i. c. xi. * Lib. xxii., De Sacros Eccl. 324 A PZAAVTIAWE CONSTAA/TNAVOA’LAE. [CHAP. That the Hebdomon was situated on the shore of the Sea of Marmora is placed beyond dispute by the fact that ships approaching Constantinople from the south reached the Heb- domon before arriving at the city. When, for example, Epi- phanius came by ship from Cyprus to Constantinople, in 402, to attend a synod called to condemn the heresies of Origen, he landed at the Hebdomon, and celebrated divine service there in the Church of St. John the Baptist, before entering the capital.’ This order in the stages of the bishop's journey implies that the suburb stood on the shore of the Sea of Marmora. Again, when the fleet of Heraclius came up from Carthage to overthrow Phocas, in 610, the latter proceeded to the Hebdomon to view the ships of the hostile expedition as they stood off the suburb, and there he remained until they advanced towards the city, when he mounted horse and hurried back to fight for his throne.” Such proceedings were possible only if the suburb stood beside the Sea of Marmora. Yet again ; the Saracen fleets which came against Constantinople, in 673 and 717, put into the harbour of the Hebdomon on their way to the city. On the first occasion the enemy's vessels anchored, says Theophanes,” “off Thrace, from the promontory of the Hebdomon, otherwise named Magnaura, to the promontory of the Cyclobion.” The ships of the second Saracen expedition, likewise, “anchored between the Magnaura and the Cyclobion.” There they waited for two days, and then, taking advantage of a south wind, “they sailed alongside the city,” some of them making the ports of Anthemius and Eutropius (at Kadikeui), others of them reaching the Bosporus, and * Socrates, vi. c. xii.; Sozomon, vii. c. xiv. * John of Antioch, Fragm. Hist. Grac., v. p. 38; cf. Paschal Chron., pp. 699, 7oo. * Page 541. Speaking of the same event, the Patriarch Nicephorus (p. 36) describes the Hebdomon as trapaffaxdorovov tátov. In regard to the situation of the Hebdomon upon the sea, compare Synaxaria, September 2, the Festival of St. John the Faster, Patriarch of Constantinople. XIX.] THE A/ASA/DOMOAV. 325 dropping anchor between Galata and Klidion (Ortakeui)." Manifestly, the Hebdomon lay to the west of the city, upon the Sea of Marmora. Let one more proof of this fact suffice. When Pope Con- stantine visited Constantinople in 708, for the settlement of certain disputes between Eastern and Western Christendom, he came all the way by sea until he reached the Hebdomon. There the Pontiff and his retinue disembarked, and having been welcomed with distinguished honour, mounted horses which had been sent from the Imperial stables, and rode into the city in great state: “A quo loco (the island Caea) navigantes venerunt a Septimo Milliario Constantinopolim, ubi egressus Tiberius Imperator, filius Justiniani Augusti (Justinian II.) cum Patriciis, cum clero, et populi multitudine, omnes laetantes, et diem festum agentes. Pontifex autem et ejus primates, cum Sellaribus im- perialibus, sellis et frenis inauratis, simul et mappulis, ingressi sunt civitatem.” ” On the view that the Hebdomon was situated beside the Sea of Marmora, all this is clear. The data for determining the situation of the Hebdomon therefore are: that the suburb was seven miles from the city; that it stood beside the Sea of Marmora ; that it had a harbour, on the one hand, and a plain of considerable extent, on the other. There is little room for difference of opinion in regard to the point from which the seven miles are to be measured. That point could not have been in the Theodosian Walls, as the Hebdomon is mentioned before they were in existence. For a similar reason, it could not have been in the Wall of Constantine, See- ing the Egnatian Road which led from Byzantium to Rome was marked with the seventh milestone before the foundation of * Theophanes, p. 608, 'Atrápavres ékéï6ev trapérèevoav Tóv tróAw. * Anastasius Bibliothecarius, De Vitis Pontificum Roman, p. 56. Paris, 1649. - - | 326 PY2AAWT/AVE COAVSTA NTVAVOA’/LAE. [CHAP. Constantinople. It must, therefore, have been the point whence distances from Old Byzantium were measured under the Roman domination. This being so, the choice lies between the Milion near St. Sophia, and the gate of Byzantium near the Column of Constantine. In favour of the former is the fact that it was the point from which distances from Constantinople were after- wards measured ; for in all probability that usage was the continuation of the practice of the older city, any change in that respect being not only unnecessary, but exceedingly incon- venient. Still, the result will be substantially the same if the gate of Byzantium is preferred, since the Milion and that gate were at a short distance from each other. Seven miles from either point, westwards, to the Sea of Marmora will bring us to the modern suburb of Makrikeui. Between the promontory on which that village stands and the promontory of Zeitin Bournou, to the east, is a bay which could serve as a harbour; while to the north and north-east spreads a magnificent plain. Makrikeui, therefore, satisfies all the indi- cations regarding the site of the Hebdomon. As a corollary from this determination of the real site of the Hebdomon there follows the determination of the real site of the Cyclobion; and thus the correction of another of the mistakes into which students of the topography of Byzantine Constantinople have fallen. The prevalent opinion on the subject, since Du Cange propounded the opinion, has been that the Cyclobion was a fortress attached to the Golden Gate. But this could not have been the case, for the Cyclobion was at the Hebdomon. It was a fortification on the eastern headland of the bay which formed the Harbour of the Hebdomon,” and, therefore, stood some two miles and a half from the Golden Gate. This explains how * Constantinopolis Christiana, i. p. 45. See above, p. 70, ref. I. * Theophanes, p. 541. - XIX.] THE HAEAPDOMOAV. 327 Theophanes' describes the engagements between the Greeks and the Saracens, who landed at the Hebdomon in 673, as taking place between the Golden Gate and the Cyclobion. The fortress was so closely connected with the suburb that the latter is some- times referred to under the name of the former. The Church of St. John the Evangelist at the Hebdomon, for example, is declared by one authority” to have stood in the Cyclobion: “Ad Castrum autem Rotundum, in quo est Ecclesia, mirae magnitudinis, Sancti Evangelistae Johannis nomini dicata.” Again, whereas John of Antioch” represents the fleet of Heraclius as standing off the Hebdomon, the Paschal Chronicle,“ on the other hand, says the fleet was seen off the Round Tower. In all probability, the Cyclobion stood at Zeitin Bournou, on the tongue of land to the east of Makrikeui. It derived its name, Kvk\ó9tov, Srpoy)6Aov KaoréAAtov (Castrum Rotundum), from its circular form,” and was a link in the chain of coast fortifications defend- ing the approach to the city. It was repaired by Justinian the Great, who connected it by a good road with Rhegium" (Kutchuk Tchekmedjë), another military post, and drew upon its garrison for troops to suppress the riot of the Nika." There Constantine Copronymus died on board the ship on which he had hoped to reach the capital from Selivria, when forced by his mortal illness to return from an expedition against the Bulgarians.” Whether the Cyclobion was the same as the “Castle of the Theodosiani at the Hebdomon,” mentioned by Theophanes,” is not certain. On the whole, the fact that the two names are em- ployed by the same historian favours the view that they designated * Page 541. * Guillelmus Biblioth. in Åadriano II. * Fragm. Hist. Graec., v. p. 38. * Page 699. * Procopius, De Zd., iv. c. viii. * Ibid., ut supra. * Paschal Chron., p. 622. * Theophanes, p. 693. * Page 458, Tô KaoréAAw tºw @eoôoorwavów év tá, ‘Egöópºp. 328 BYZAWTINE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. mºr- - different fortifications. The Theodosiani were a body of troops named in honour of Theodosius the Great." What gave the Hebdomon its importance and explains its history was, primarily, its favourable situation for the establish- ment of a large military camp in the neighbourhood of the capital. An extensive plain, with abundance of water, and at a con- venient distance from the city, furnished a magnificent camping- ground for the legions of New Rome. This, in view of the military associations of the throne, especially during the earlier period of the Empire, brought the emperors frequently to the suburb to attend great functions of State, and thus converted it also into an Imperial quarter, embellished with the palaces, churches, and monuments which spring up around a Court. To these political reasons for the prosperity of the suburb were added the natural attractions of the place–its pleasant climate, its wide prospect over the Sea of Marmora, and the excellent sport obtained in the surrounding country. It was on the plain of the Hebdomon that Theodosius the Great joined the army which he led against the usurper Eugenius in Italy.” There, the Gothic troops which Arcadius recalled from the war with Alaric took up their quarters under the command of Gainas, and there that emperor, accompanied by his minister Rufinus, held the memorable review of those troops, in the course of which Rufinus was assassinated in the Imperial tribune.” It was at the Hebdomon that Gainas gathered the soldiers with which he planned to seize the capital.” There Vitalianus encamped with more than sixty thousand men * Motitia Dignitatum, pp. 12, 14, 16, etc. Edition of Otto Seeck. Du Cange thinks the Castle of the Theodosiani was the Castellion built by Tiberius to protect his fleet against the Bulgarians (see Anonymus, iii. p. 57; Codinus, p. 115). * Sozomon, vii. c. xxiv. There, probably, Julian encamped the army with which he advanced from Gaul to Constantinople (Zosimus, p. 139). * Zosimus, pp. 255, 256. * Ibid., pp. 272, 273. XIX.] THE HEBDOMOAV. 329 to besiege Constantinople in the reign of Anastasius I." Thither Phocas” and Leo the Armenian” brought the armies that enabled them to win the crown. And there Avars, Saracens, Bulgarians, and, doubtless, other foes halted to gaze upon the walls and towers they hoped to scale, or from which they retired baffled and broken.” The plain at the Hebdomon was used, also, for military exercises and athletic sports, and consequently appears under .* the name of the Campus Martius,” as though to give it the prestige of the ground devoted to similar purposes on the banks of the Tiber. There recruits were drilled and trained in the use of arms,” and there the popular game of polo was played." Thither, also, on account of the wide and free space afforded by the plain the population of the city fled, on the occasion of a violent earthquake, to find a temporary abode, or to take part in public supplications for the withdrawal of the calamity.” Such Services were attended by the emperor and the patriarch, and it was on such an occasion that the Emperor Maurice, a particularly devout man, and the Patriarch Anatolius, proceeded from the city to the Campus, on foot.” It was customary, moreover, to hold religious services at the Campus on the anniversary of a great earthquake, to avert the recurrence of the disaster, or to celebrate the fact that it had not been attended with loss of life.” * Marcellinus Comes, in 513. * Theophanes, pp. 446, 447 ; Theophylactus Simocat., p. 339. * Theophanes, p. 784. * Nicephorus, Patriarcha C.P., pp. 15, 16; Theophanes Cont., p. 385. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 414, 416. * Theophanes, p. 458. * Theophanes Cont., p. 379. * Paschal Chron., p. 586 ; Theophanes, pp. 143, 144; Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 641 ; Paschal Chron., p. 702. * Theophanes, p. 169. * Paschal Chron., p. 589; Theophanes, p. 355. The Greek Church still com- memorates seven of the earthquakes which shook the city during the Byzantine period. 330 A VZAAV7 IAVE CONSTA WT/AVOA’A. E. [CHAP. There, also, public executions took place,' or the heads of persons executed elsewhere were set up for public gaze, as in the case of the Emperor Maurice and his five sons.” But the chief interest of the Hebdomon belongs to it on account of the many associations of the suburb with the life of the Byzantine Court. There, in the early days of the Eastern Empire, while old Roman customs prevailed and the army con- tinued to be a great political factor, an emperor often assumed the purple, in the presence of his legions and a vast concourse of the citizens of the capital. At the suburb, also, triumphal processions Sometimes commenced their march to the Golden Gate and the city. And there the emperors had a palace to which they resorted for country air, or to escape the turbulence of the Factions, or to take part in the State ceremonies performed on the adjoining Campus. The earliest reference to the Hebdomon, though not by name, is in connection with the inauguration of Valens there, in 364, as the colleague of his brother, the EmperorValentinian: “Valentem, in suburbanum, universorum sententiis concinentibus (nec enim audebat quisquam refragari) Augustum pronuntiavit; decoreque imperatorii cultus ornatum et tempore diademate redimitum in eodem vehiculo secum reduxit.” “ In commemoration of the event Valens erected a tribune, adorned with many statues, for the accommodation of the emperors when taking part in State functions on the Campus of the suburb.” It was known as the Tribune of the Hebdomon (Év rá, Towſºovva»tº roo Eſł8öuov).” Valens also provided the Harbour of the Hebdomon with a * Theophanes, p. 458. * Theophylactus Simocat., p. 339. * Ammianus Marcellinus, xxvi. c. iv.; cf. Themistius, as cited below ; Paschal Chron., p. 556. * Themistius, Oratio VI., p. 99. Edit. Dindorf. * Paschal Chron., p. 562. The Campus is sometimes styled the Campus of the Tribunal, as for example by Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 707 : év tá, Kāpirº too Totòovvaxtov. º: & . …- : - 㺠º º ... Lº: º sº R | º º º º . . . sº sº *: sº Z - º ::/ º º S º | - * - & rº º *sºs i { x zº =º-ºº: { º - / tº: ** iss º ſº tº º Ç º | i - *ç : sº * * * \ *-* ſº º * * W SS # lº i. tº se---> Sººyººſ º ">s, ºS E. ye 5.ºf º s º | ; § |Tºº ; º - |iſiº *: º º º º a. * * **, * * * * * * . . . . º º :: *. - wº- tº e- T. . . .” à gº sº sº R_i bºrº * * * - & ſº * - Cº. *ś lºssº Fº # º § § sº Wh lº |E.'ſ ſ ºzzº, 2:24: * 3 . 3. * % # = % % % %lſº 2 º º : 3 3. º z 2: 2 º - & * As º ... " 2 - % * ..., & 2. º, , …” & =t arryrºzºror ºr º | \; fºllº. ., | XIX.] - THE HEBDOMOM. 33 I quay, and showed his partiality for the suburb otherwise to such an extent that Themistius ventured to expostulate with him, and to charge him with forgetting to improve and beautify the capital." After Valens, the following ten emperors were invested with the purple at the Hebdomon : Arcadius,” by his father Theo- dosius the Great, who also raised Honorius to the rank of Caesar there; * Theodosius II. ; * Marcian ; * Leo the Great ;6 Zeno; 7 Basiliscus;* Maurice ; 9 Phocas ; " Leo the Armenian ; * and Nicephorus Phocas.” Doubtless the fatigue involved in cele- brating the ceremony so far from the heart of the city had much to do with transferring the scene of Imperial inaugurations to the Hippodrome. The custom of installing an emperor thus into his office was the continuation of an old Roman practice which testified to the power acquired by the army in deciding the succession to the throne. We have two accounts of the ceremonies observed on such an occasion at the Hebdomon, given at great length and with minute details by that devoted student and admirer of Byzantine Court etiquette, Constantine Porphyrogenitus.” They are interesting, both as an exhibition of public life during the Later Empire, and as an illustration of the extent to which old Roman forms, and even the old Roman spirit, survived the profound changes which the Empire underwent after the capital was removed to the banks of the Bosporus. When all interested in the event of the day had assembled, the troops present laid their standards prostrate upon the * Themistius, Oratio VI., p. 99. Edit. Dindorf. * Paschal Chron., p. 562. * Marcellinus Comes. * Paschal Chron., p. 568. * Ibid., p. 590. * Zbid., p. 592. * Victor Tunnensis. * Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 615. * Theophanes, p. 388. * Ibid., p. 447. * Ibid., p. 784. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 438. * The Coronation of Leo the Great in 475, and that of Nicephorus Phocas in 963. See Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 410–417, 433–440. 332 A VZAAWT/WE COMSTAAVT/AWOAZAZ. [CHAP. ground, to express the desolation of the State bereft of a ruler. Meanwhile, from every point of the Campus rose the sound of prayer, as the immense multitudes gathered there joined in supplications that God would approve the man who had been chosen as the new chief of the Empire. “Hear us, O God ; we beseech Thee to hear us, O God. Grant Leo life; let him reign. O God, Lover of mankind, the public weal demands Leo ; the army demands him ; the laws wait for him ; the palace awaits him. So prays the army, the Senate, the people. The world expects Leo ; the army waits for him. Let Leo, Our Common glory, come ; let Leo, our common good, reign. Hear us, O God, we beseech Thee.” At length the emperor-elect appeared, and ascended the Imperial tribune. A coronet was placed upon his head by one high military officer, an armlet upon his right arm by another. And instantly the prostrate standards were lifted high, and the air shook with acclamations: “Leo, Augustus, thou hast conquered ; thou art Pius, August. God gave thee, God will guard thee. Ever conquer, worshipper of Christ. Long be thy reign. God will defend the Christian Empire.”" This was the first act in the dramatic spectacle. Next came the solemn investiture of the emperor with the Imperial insignia. This took place behind a shield held before him by soldiers of the household-troops known as the Candidati, and when he had been duly robed, crowned, and armed with shield and spear, the screen was removed, and the new Sovereign stood before the gaze of his subjects in all his majesty.” * The soldiers spoke in Latin at the Coronation of Anastasius I. in the Hippo. drome. See Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 431. Probably that was the rule. * In older times the emperor was raised upon a shield at this point of the pro- ceedings. E.g. Julian (Ammianus Marcell. xx. 4); Arcadius, Valens (Idatius Fasti Consulares); Theodosius II. (Paschal Chron., p. 568); Marcian (Paschal Chron., p. 590). XIX.] THE HEAEPDOMOAV. 333 The dignitaries of the State now approached, in the order of their rank, and did homage to the monarch, while the crowds around made the air ring again with every acclamation that loyalty or adulation could invent. As soon as this scene termi- nated, the emperor addressed a brief allocation to the soldiers, through a herald ; claiming to reign by the will of God and their suffrage, promising devotion to the welfare of the Empire, and a generous donative to each of his faithful Companion-in-arms, announcements which were greeted with storms of applause. Then the sum of money required for the promised largess was handed over by the emperor to the officers charged with its distribution. Upon the conclusion of this important part of the day's proceedings, the ceremonies assumed a religious character. The emperor now repaired, on foot, to a camp-chapel, a tent of many colours, at a short distance from the Imperial tribune, and, leaving his crown without, entered to bow before the King of kings. It was a simple service Conducted by Ordinary priests, as the patriarch and higher clergy had left the Campus for St. Sophia. Upon issuing from the chapel, the emperor resumed his crown, and proceeded on a white charger, followed by a brilliant escort of dignitaries also on horseback, to the Church of St. John the Baptist, the principal sanctuary of the Hebdomon. This second service may be described as the Consecration of the Crown. For in this case, the crown, upon being again removed from the emperor's head, was not left in the vestry, but was carried by a court official up to the altar, and then placed by the emperor himself on the sacred table. There it remained until the service closed, when the emperor handed it to the court official, and, having presented a rich gift to the church, returned to the vestry and assumed his diadem once more. This brought the coronation ceremonies, so far as they 334 A YZAAV7'/WE CONSTA WT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. concerned the Hebdomon, to an end. The stream of life now poured into the city, the Imperial cortège gathering more and more pomp as it passed the Golden Gate, the Helenianae,” the Forum of Constantine, and entered St. Sophia for the supreme coronation of the emperor by the patriarch in the Great Cathedral of the capital.” Only one triumphal procession, that of Basil I.,” is expressly described as starting from the Hebdomon, but the suburb was in all probability “ the starting-point also of the processions which celebrated the victories of Theodosius the Great, Heraclius, Con- stantine Copronymus, Zimisces, and Basil II., if not of Michael Palaeologus. On the occasion of the triumph accorded to Basil I., the Senate and a vast crowd, representing all classes of the popula- tion, and carrying wreaths of roses and other flowers, went forth from the city to the Hebdomon to welcome the conqueror, who had crossed to the suburb from the palace at Hiereia (Fener Bagtohè). After the customary salutations had been exchanged, the emperor proceeded to the Church of St. John the Baptist to pray and light tapers at that venerated shrine. Then having put on his “scaramangion triblation,” he and his son Con- stantine mounted horse and took the road towards the Golden Gate, the Senate and people leading the way, with banners waving in the air. A short halt was made at the monastery of the Abramiti (rùv 'A3papurtov), which stood between the suburb * Near the Forum of Arcadius, on the Seventh Hill. * In the case of Phocas, for manifest reasons, the coronation by the patriarch took place in the Church of St. John the Baptist at the Hebdomon. So also in the case of Zeno, according to Victor Tunnensis, as quoted by Du Cange, ii. p. 173. “Zeno a Leone Augusto filio in Septimo contra consuetudinem coronatur.” * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 498. * The case of Basil I. is not given by Constantine Porphyrogenitus as exceptional, and may be considered as exemplifying the rule. eM €T B. SSFlp asſesgº **- Atº §§ & WiMA05 ACNVWPICTOICXYT Y ſº Mºrác & fºllºš ºnTAACKAIHAevoepy vº ſh-s sº & º ſº § &= \º * *º §3% * (From Du Cange.) XIX.] THE AMEBZ)OMOM. 335 and the gate, that Basil might offer his devotions in the Church of the Theotokos Acheiropoietos (Axelporoimroc), and then the procession resumed its march, and entered through the Golden Gate into the jubilant capital." The first writer who mentions the Hebdomon by name refers to it as an Imperial country retreat which the emperors gladly frequented. From the connection in which Rufinus” makes this statement, it is evident that a palace stood at the Hebdomon before the reign of Theodosius the Great. That residence was either rebuilt or enlarged in the reign of Justinian the Great, when mention is made of “the New Consistorium of the Palace of Justinian, at the seventh mile from this renowned city.” ” How agreeable a retreat the palace was may be inferred from the name bestowed upon it—the Pleasance, Jucundianae ('Iovkovv- 8tavai)." In front of the palace rose the statue of Justinian, on a porphyry column brought for the purpose from the Forum of Constantine, where it had borne the silver statue of Theodosius I.” Justinian showed his partiality for the suburb, moreover, by the erection of porticoes, fora, baths, churches, all built in a style worthy of the capital itself, and by having the Harbour of the Hebdomon dredged and provided with jetties for the better accommodation and safety of the shipping frequenting the coast." * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 498–503. * Rufinus, De Vitis Patrum, iii., n. 19. “Fuit quidam nuper monachus in Con- stantinopoli, temporibus Theodosii imperatoris. Habitabat autem in parva cella foris civitatem prope proastium, qui vocatur in Septimo, ubi solent imperatores, egressi de civitate, libenter degere.” f * De Sacro Eccl., Lex. 22. “Recitata septimo milliario inclytae civitatis, in Novo Consistorio Palatii Justiniani; ” cf. AVozella, 118. * Procopius, De Ad., i. c. xi. The name appears, also, under the form Secundianas: “In Septimo, in palatio quod dicitur Secundianas” (Pope Gregory the Great, lib. ii. epist. I ; see Du Cange, lii. p. 141 ; cf. Malalas, p. 486). * Lydus, p. 229. The column was overthrown by an earthquake in 577, and sank eight feet into the ground (Theophanes, p. 358). * Procopius, ut supra; Theophanes, p. 353. 336 A VZAAWTVZVE CONSTA WTINOPLE. [CHAP. In the seventh and eighth centuries the palace of the Heb- domon appears under the name of Magnaura ;' but whether it was the old residence under a different designation, or a new building added to the Imperial quarters, in the style of the Hall of the Magnaura in the Great Palace beside the Hippodrome,” it is impossible to say. It was to the palace of the Hebdomon, probably, that Pulcheria retired from the Court of her brother Theodosius II., while the influence of the Empress Eudoxia had the ascendency.” Basiliscus withdrew to it from the storm of theological hatred which his opposition to the creed of Chalcedon had excited in the capital, and thither the pillar-saint of Anaplus (Arnaout- keui), Daniel Stylites, went to rebuke him and foretell the loss of the throne which had been usurped and dishonoured.* As already intimated, it was a favourite resort of Justinian the Great,” and several of his laws were promulgated during his residence there. On the occasion of one of his visits, the Imperial crown mysteriously disappeared and was not heard of again for eight months, when it as strangely reappeared, with- out a single gem missing." The palace was occupied also by Justin II." and Tiberius II., the latter dying in it.” The Hebdomon enjoyed, moreover, a great religious reputa- tion on account of its numerous churches. The oldest sanctuary * Theophanes, pp. 541, 608. * See Labarte, Ze Palais Impérial de Consp/e., pp. 185-195. It was a hall in the form of a basilica, divided in three aisles by two rows of six columns, with an apse at the eastern end, where the emperor's throne stood on a platform. In it foreign princes and ambassadors were received, and there meetings of the great dignitaries of the State were held. * Theophanes, p. 152. * Symeon Metaphrastes, Zife of Daniel Stylites, p. 1025. Patrol. Graeca, Migne. * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. xi. * Theophanes, p. 351. * Eustachius, Vita Eutychii Patriarchae, as quoted by Du Cange, Constantinopolis Christiana, iv. p. 177. * Paschal Chron., p. 690. XIX.] THE A/EB/DOMOAV. 337 of the suburb was the Basilica of St. John the Evangelist," which appears first in the reign of Arcadius,” but claimed to be a foundation of Constantine the Great. It is described by the Legates of Hadrian II., after its restoration under Basil I.,” as ”* and continued to be a venerated shrine as late as the Comnenian period,” after which it was allowed to fall into decay. Basil II. was interred remarkable for its size, “mirae magnitudinis, in it, according to his dying request," and his grave was discovered among the ruins of the church in the thirteenth century, while Michael Palaeologus was engaged in the siege of Galata, in 1260. Some members of the Imperial household, in the course of their exploration of the surrounding country, then visited the Hebdomon, and found the church of St. John the Evangelist turned into a fold for sheep and cattle. As the visitors wandered among the ruins, admiring the traces of the building's former beauty, they stumbled upon the dead body of a man. It was naked, but well preserved, and in its mouth a vulgar jester had placed a shepherd's lute by way of derision. As the corpse lay near a sarcophagus upon which was inscribed an epitaph in honour of Basil II., no doubt could be entertained regarding the identity of the body. When the discovery was reported to Michael Palaeologus, he com- manded the mortal remains of his predecessor to be conveyed in great state to the camp before Galata, to receive once more a tribute of respect, and then sent them with solemn ceremonial to Selivria," for interment in the monastery of St. Saviour. * Anonymus, iii. p. 56. * Socrates, vi. c. vi. * Theophanes Cont., p. 340. * Guillelmus Biblioth. in Hadriano PP. * Anna Comn., p. 149. * Cinnamus, pp. 176, 177. * Pachymeres, vol. i. pp. 124, 125. The epitaph is given by Banduri, Imp. Orient., vol. ii. vii. p. 179. It mentions the Hebdomon: ICTIMI TYMBON EN MECOU THO EBAOMOY 338 A YZA WZTIAWE CONSTA WT/WOAZAZ. [CHAP. Another of the sanctuaries at the Hebdomon was the church erected, in 407, by the Emperor Arcadius to enshrine the reputed remains of the Prophet Samuel." Such importance was attached to these relics that their conveyance from Palestine to Constanti- nople, by way of Asia Minor, resembled an Imperial progress through the country. One might have supposed the prophet himself was moving through the land, so great was the interest and devotion displayed by the population along the route.” Nor were the relics less honoured upon their arrival at the capital. The emperor and the highest dignitaries of Church and State did homage to them at the Scala Chalcedonensis and carried them in procession to the Church of St. Sophia, where the sacred remains rested until the church built for them at the Hebdomon was completed.” The church fell in the earthquake which shook the city in the thirty-first year of the reign of Justinian the Great.* * But the most venerated church in the suburb was that dedicated to St. John the Baptist (ro uapráptov too Barriorod 'Ioãvvov),” a domical edifice, built by Theodosius the Great" for the reception of the head, it was supposed, of the heroic Forerunner of Christ. The Emperor Valens had already sought to obtain the relic. But its possessors, certain monks of the sect of Macedonius, who had taken it with them from Jerusalem to Cilicia, refused to surrender the treasure, and all that Valens succeeded in doing was to bring it as near to Constantinople as Panticheion (Pendik), on the opposite shore of the Sea of Marmora. There, the mules which drew the car conveying the relic refused to proceed any further, and at that village, accordingly, in obedience to what appeared to be an * Paschal Chron., p. 570. * Jerome, Adversus Vigilantium, c. ii. Quoted by Du Cange, iv. p. 105. * Paschal Chron., pp. 569, 570. * Theophanes, p. 357. * Socrates, vi. c. vi. * Anonymus, iii. p. 56. XIX.] THE A/A2A/DOMOAV. 339 indication of the Divine will, the sacred head was allowed to remain. When Theodosius the Great endeavoured to acquire the relic, its custodians, a woman Matrona and a priest Vicentius, did everything in their power to prevent the execution of the emperor's design. But the pressure to make them yield was such that at last they gave their reluctant consent. In doing So, however, Matrona cherished the secret belief that Theodosius would be hindered, like Valens, from carrying out his purpose; while Vicentius laid down a condition which he thought could never be fulfilled, viz. that the emperor in removing the head should walk after the Baptist. Theodosius saw no difficulty in the condition. He reverently wrapped the reliquary in his Imperial mantle and, holding the sacred contents in front of him, took them to the Church of St. John the Evangelist at the Heb- domon, and commenced the erection of a church consecrated to the Forerunner's name as their final shrine. This won Vicentius over to the emperor's side, and he followed the head to the Hebdomon. But Matrona, with a true woman's intensity of feeling, maintained her protest, and would never come near the suburb which had disappointed her faith, and purloined her treasure." It was the possession of this relic that gave the church its great religious repute. This explains why, as we have seen, Theodosius the Great,” Epiphanius of Cyprus,” Gainas,” at important moments in their lives, performed their devotions there ; and this accounts for the association of the church with the ceremonies attending Imperial inaugurations and triumphs.” r - In the course of its history the church was twice restored on * Sozomon, vii. c. xxi. * Ibid., vii. c. xxiv. * Ibid., viii. c. iv. * Socrates, vi. c. xii. - * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., pp. 413, 499. 34O APYZA/VTIWE CO/WSTANTINOP/LA2. [CHAP. a magnificent scale; first by Justinian the Great," and again by Basil I.” Other churches of less note at the Hebdomon were respec- tively dedicated to St. Theodotě (rö 98086 rmg &ytaç réuswoc);” SS. Menas and Menaius (Mnvåg kai Mnvatog); * SS. Benjamin and Berius (Aytov Beviauiv kai Bmptov);" and the Holy Innocents (rów Nmirlov).” The first two sanctuaries owed their foundation to Justinian the Great, who did so much for the suburb in other ways; at the last church, the Senate welcomed an emperor upon his return to the capital by land, from the West. Finally, in days when travellers made the first and last stages of a journey short, the Hebdomon enjoyed considerable impor- tance as a halting-place for persons leaving or approaching Constantinople ; its proximity to the city rendering it a caravansary, where a traveller could conveniently make his final arrangements to start on his way, or to enter the capital in a suitable manner. The suburb served that purpose, even in the case of the emperors." Instances of this use of the suburb, by Theodosius the Great, Epiphanius, and Pope Constantine, have already been noticed, when referring to other matters connected with the Hebdomon. There also the Legates of Pope Hormisdas, in 515,” and the Legates of Pope Hadrian II., in 869,” rested before entering the city. There the Emperor Maurice halted, upon leaving Con- stantinople, to join the expedition against the Avars;” and * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. viii. * Theophanes Cont., p. 340. The wealthy monastery at the Hebdomon, men- tioned in history, was probably attached to this church (John Scylitzes, in Cedrenus, vol. ii. p. 714). * Procopius, De Zd., i. c. iv. * Ibid., c. ix. * Menaa, 29 July, TAmortov táv traXartov too ‘E38ópov. * Constant. Porphyr., De Cer., p. 496. * Ibid., ut supra. * Anastasius Biblioth. in Hormisda A'P. * Guillelmus Biblioth. in Hadriano PP. * Theophylactus Simocat., pp. 236, 237. XIX.] - THAE AIAEAE ZOOMOAV. 34I there Peter, King of Bulgaria, stopped on his return home, in 927, with the Princess Maria, the granddaughter of the Emperor Romanus Lecapenus, as his bride." On the last occasion, as relatives and friends, doubtless, often did under similar circumstances, the parents of the princess accompanied her as far as the suburb to take leave of her there. The historian has left a vivid picture of the scene. “When the moment for their daughter's departure approached, father and mother burst into tears, as is natural for parents about to part with the dearest pledge of their love. Then having em- braced their son-in-law, and entrusted their child to his care, they returned to the Imperial city. Maria proceeded on her journey to Bulgaria in the king's charge, with mingled feelings of grief and joy—sad, because carried away from beloved parents, Imperial palaces, and the society of her relations and friends; happy, because her husband was a king, and she was the Despina of Bulgaria. She took with her much wealth, and an immense quantity of baggage.” In keeping with such practices, when the Icon of St. Deme- trius was transported from Thessalonica to Constantinople, in the reign of Manuel Comnenus, to be placed in the Church of the Pantocrator (now Zeirek Klissè Djamissi, above Oun Kapan Kapoussi), members of the Senate and a vast multitude of priests, monks, and laymen, went seven miles from the capital to receive the Sacred picture and escort it with great pomp to its destination.” * Theophanes Cont., pp. 906, 907. * Synaxaria, 26 October. 342 Byza wr/NE CONSTANTINOPLE. [CHAP. CHAPTER XX. THE ANASTASIAN WALL- SOME notice, however brief, may here be taken of the wall erected by the Emperor Anastasius I. to increase the security of the capital, and at the same time to protect from hostile incur- Sions the suburbs and a considerable tract of the rich and populous country, outside the Theodosian Walls. This additional line of defence, consisting of a wall twenty feet thick flanked by towers, stood at a distance of forty miles to the west of the city, and was carried from the shore of the Sea of Marmora to the shore of the Black Sea, across a territory fifty-four miles broad, or, as Procopius measures it, what would take two days to traverse." It was known, in view of its length, as the Long Wall (Makpov rºxog),” the Long Walls (ra Makpa retxm),” and, after the emperor by whom it was erected, as the Anastasian Wall (ro retxoc to 'Avaaraataków).” In 559, in the reign of Justinian the Great, it demanded extensive repairs on account of injuries due to earthquakes, and occasion was then taken to introduce a change which, it was hoped, would render the defence of the wall an easier task. All tower-gateways permitting communication between the towers along the summit of the wall were built up, * For a description of the wall, see Evagrius, iii. c. 38; Procopius, De Ad., iv. c. ix. * * Theophanes, p. 361. * Agathias, p. 305. * Theophanes, p. 360. XX.] THE AAVA.S.T.A.S/AAW WA. Z.Z. 343 so that a tower could be entered only by the gateway at its base; the object of this arrangement being to make every tower an independent fort, which could hold out against an enemy even after he was in possession of the wall itself.” The Anastasian Wall appears in history in connection with the attacks of the Huns and Avars, in the reigns of Justinian the Great,” Maurice,” and Heraclius." But it cannot be said to have been of much service. The attempt to obstruct the march of the enemy, and to join issue with him at a distance from the city, was indeed a wise measure. It has been imitated by the recent establishment, nearer the city, of a chain of forts across the promontory, from Tchataldja to Derkos; a line of defence occupying a position which makes Constantinople, in the judgment of a competent military authority,” the best-fortified capital in the world. But the weakness of the Anastasian Wall was its great length, which required for its proper defence a larger garrison than the Empire was able to provide for the purpose.” And, of course, it was useless against an enemy advancing upon the capital by sea." Traces of the wall are, it is said, visible at Koush Kaya and at Karadjakeui. * Theophanes, p. 362; Procopius, De Zd., iv. c. ix. * Theophanes, p. 361. * Cedrenus, vol. i. p. 692. * Paschal Chron., p. 712. 5 Colonel F. V. Greene, United States Army, in his work, The Russian Army and its Campaigns in Zurkey in 1877–78, p. 362. * Agathias, p. 305; Procopius, 24t suffra. * Theophanes, p. 460. TABLE OF EMPERORS. –Cºxe- Constantine I., the Great Constantius II. Julian Jovian Valens s tº © & e Theodosius I., the Great Arcadius . . . " Theodosius II. Marcian Leo I. Zeno Anastasius I. Justin I. Justinian I., the Great Justin II. , Tiberius II. Maurice Phocas Heraclius - e ºs © a tº Heraclius Constantinus and Heracleonas Constans II. Constantine IV. Justinian II. 306–337 337–361 361-363 363-364 364–378 378–395 395–408 408–450 450–457 457-474 474-49 I 491–518 518–527 527–565 565–578 578–582 582–602 6O2–6IO 6IO–64I 641–642 642–668 668–685 685–695 TA BALE of A. MAERORS. 345 Constantine IX. Leontius tº e & 695-697 Tiberius III. Apsimarus 697–705 Justinian II. (restored) 705–71 I Philippicus 7II–713 Anastasius II. 7I3–715 Theodosius III. 715–717 Leo III., the Isaurian 717–74O Constantine V. Copronymus 740–775 Leo IV. . 775–779 !Constantine VI. 779-797 Irene 797–802 Nicephorus I. ... 8O2–81 I Stauricius 6 º' e 8II Michael I. Rhangabe 8II–813 Leo V., the Armenian 813–82O Michael II., the Amorian 820–829 Theophilus 829–842 Michael III. 842—867 Basil I., the Macedonian 867–886 Leo VI., the Wise tº ſº tº 886–912 Constantine VII. Porphyrogenitus 912–958 Co-Emperors— Alexander 9I2–913 Romanus I. Lecapenus ... tº º º - 919–945 Constantine VIII. and Stephanus, sons of Romanus I., reigned five weeks 944 Romanus II. tº q & * 958–963 Basil II. Bulgaroktonos 963—IO25 Co-Emperors— Nicephorus II. Phocas 963–969 John I. Zimisces 969–976 ... 976–IO25 346 7TA ARZAE OAF Æ MARZERO Ä€S. Constantine IX. • Romanus III. Argyrus Michael IV., the Paphlagonian Michael V. Zoe and Theodora Constantine X. Monomachus Theodora (restored) Michael VI. Stratioticus ... Isaac I. Comnenus Constantine XI. Ducas Michael VII. Ducas ... Co-Emperor— Romanus IV. Diogenes Nicephorus III. Botoniates Alexius I. Comnenus John II. Comnenus ... Manuel I. Comnenus Alexius II. Comnenus Andronicus I. Comnenus ... Isaac II. Angelus Alexius III. Angelus Isaac II. (restored) Alexius IV. Σ- Nicolas Canabus *-* e s-* Alexius V. Ducas, Murtzuphlus LATIN EMPERORS. Baldwin I. Henry Peter Io25—Io28 Io28—IO34 IO34—IO42 IO42 IO42 IO42—IO54 IO54—IO56 Io56—Io57 . IO57—IO59 IO59—IO67 Io67—Io78 Io67—Io78 Io78—Io8I IO8I—I I I8 I I I8—II43 I I43—II8O I I8o—I I83 I I83—I I85 I I85—I I95 I I95—I2O3 I2O3— I2O4 I2O4 I2O4 I2O4—I2O5 I2o5—I2I6 I2I7—I2I9 7TA ARZAE O Æ Æ MAJEÆOÄRS. 347 Pobert I2I9—I 228 John of Brienne I228—I237 . Baldwin II. I237—126I NICÆAN EMPERORS. Theodore I. Lascaris I2O4—I222 John III. Ducas I222— I 254 Theodore II. Ducas 1254-I259 John IV. Ducas 12 59—I26O EMPIRE RESTORED. Michael VIII. Palæologus I26O-I282 Andronicus II. Palæologus I282— I 328 Co-Emperor— Michael IX. 1295-132o Andronicus III. Palæologus I 328—I34I John VI. Palæologus I34I—I 39 I Co-Emperors— John V. Cantacuzene ■ - • ... I 342— I 355 Andronicus IV. Palæologus (usurped throne) I 376—I 379 Manuel II. Palæologus I39 I—I425 John VII. Palæologus I425-I448 Constantine XII. Palæologus I448-I453 I N D E X. A. Achilles and Ajax, Shrine of, I4. Achmet, Sultan, 72. Acropolis, 36, 179, 181, 182, 194, 222, 223, 227. See Seraglio Point. at Athens, I3. of Byzantium, 5, 6, 8, 13, 249. Adrianople, 32, 40. AEdes Severianae, 138. AEgean, 4, 181, 182, 302, 3O4. Agnes, 285. Aivan Serai, 39, 89, II 7, II8, I21, 175, I91, 196, 202. Aivan Serai Iskelessi, I95, 203. Ak Serai, 296, 308, 312. Alaric, 32, 328. Alexandria, 4O, 217. Alti Mermer, 3, 20, 2I, 78. Amalfi, 218, 22O. * Amaury, King of Jerusalem, 128, 284. Amphitheatre of Byzantium, 37. Amurath I., Sultan, I62. Anaplus, Arnaout Keui, 36, 336. Anatolius, Patriarch, 329. Anaxibius, 5, 6, 249. André d’Urboise, 208. Anemas, I46, I47, I54, 155, I56. See Prison. Angora, 7I. Anna, Princess, I58-16I. Anna of Savoy, IIo, I27. Anthemius, Prefect, 43–46, 50, 62, 96, II9, 180. Antony, defended the Myriandrion, 87. Apobathra, Pier of the Emperor, 195. Apocaucus, Io9, IO4, I27, 25 I. Apollinarius, 2 I6. Aqueduct of Hadrian, I4, 37. of Valens, 3, 41. Arch of Constantine, at Rome, 64. of Severus, at Rome, 64. — of Urbicius, 7, 8. Archways near Balat Kapoussi, 198–202, 234. Arcla, 231, 250. Argyra Limnē, Silver Lake, 127. Arians, I9, 20. Arsenius, of Crete, 84. Artavasdes, 90, 91. Asia, * Minor, I, 38, 40, 226, 300, 33ö. Asmali-Medjid Sokaki, 242. Athanaric, 40. Athens, 226. Athos, 252. Athyras (Buyuk Tchekmedjë), 45, 77. Atrium of Justinian the Great, 257. Attila, 45, 47. Augusta, 34. Avars, 23, 77, 86, 97, II9, 165, I70, 174, 2IO, 32 I, 329, 340, 343. Avret Bazaar, 3, 16, 20, 2I, 22. See Forum of Arcadius. B. Bacchatureus, Murus, 86, 87. Bajazet, Sultan, 71, 87, 162, 163. Balata, 202. Baloukli, 75. See Pegè. Balta Liman, I76, 24I, 245. Barbyses, 175, I76. Bardas, I85, 259, 292. Basilica, Great Law Courts, 7. Senate House, 35. Bas-reliefs at Golden Gate, 65, 66. Belisarius, 68. Berenger, 238, 240. Beroea, I58. Beshiktash, 241-243, 246, 305. Blachernae, district of, I4, 39, 90, II6, 164, 165, 169, 173, 179, 194, 196, I97, 2IO, 2II, 3I6. Black Sea, Euxine, I, 9, 181, 256, 342. 35O AVZ) AX. Bucoleon. Board of Health, Galata, 229. Bodgan Serai, 84, 319. Bohemond, 128, 17o. Bonus, Patrician, 23. Rector, 225. Bosporus, passim. Brachionion of Blachernae, 168, 169. Branas, Alexius, 86, 257. Braz Saint George, 252. Bridge at St. Mamas, 175. —, Byzantine, across the Golden Horn, I74–177. —, Galata, 229. —, inner, across the Golden Horn, 16, 18, 212. Brousa, 71. Bucanon, 293. See Palace ; Harbour. Bulgarian, 68, 70, 87, 90, 163, I71, 327– 329. Buyuk Tchekmedjè. See Athyras. Byzantium, 5–15, 27, 33, 34, 37, 38, 42, 77, 179, 220, 226, 249-251, 256, 325, 326. Byzas, 8, 27. C. Charisius, 83. See Gate. Chares, 250. Christocamaron, 309. Christodoulos, 208. Chrysaphius, 77, 78. Chrysocamaron, 309. Chrysopolis, 2, II, 12, 181, 250, 251, 3OI. - Chrysotriclinium, 189. Chrysostom, 43, 75, 82, 90, 291. hurch— St. Acacius, in Heptascalon, 303, 304, 308, 309. St. Acacius, in Karya, 36, 213, 303. St. Æmilianus, 36, 179, 264. St. Agathonicus, 36. All Saints, 71. j St. Anastasia, I97. Angels, Seven Orders of the, Monastery, II.3. St. Anna, in the Deuteron, 75, 77. St. Antony, of Harmatius, 18, 26, 27, 28, 37, 179. Holy Apostles, 24, 25, 29, 35, 37, 82, 84, 213, 291. St. Barbara, 249. Batopedi, on Mount Athos, 252. . SS. Benjamin and Berius, 340. St. Catherine, on Mount Sinai, 234, 235. St. Conon, 2IO. SS. Cosmas and Damianus, 9o, 127, I65, 169, 170, 171, 174. Prophet Daniel, 81. St. Demetrius, near the Acropolis, 189, 219, 249. St. Demetrius, of Kanabus, 117, 121, I97, 198, 201, 205. St. Demetrius, in the Great Palace, 189,219. Dexiocrates, Monastery of, 209. St. Diomed, 73, 265. St. Dius, 18, 22. Prophet Elias, in the Petrion, 26, 207. St. Elpis, 314. St. Euphemia, in the Petrion, 207. Forty Martyrs, 71. St. George, Armenian Church (Soulon Monastir), on site of Church of St. Mary Peribleptos, 20. St. George, near the Gate of Charisius, 4. Cabatash, 305. Caea, island of, 325. Campus, Campus Martius, 329. See Hebdomon. Candidati, 332. Candidus, IQ7. Canicleius, district of, 3OO. Carthage, 324. Cassim Pasha, 223, 229, 231, 24I, 246. Castamon, 250. Castinus, 2O7. Castle— Blachernae, III, I3O. Bohemond, I70. Bucoleon, 285. Cyclobion, Strongylon, Castrum Rotundum, 70, 324, 326, 327. Kalojean, 71. St. Gregorius, I60. Seven Towers, 71, Yedi Koulé. Theodosiani, 327, 328. Castron, of the Petrion, 206. Catalans, 170, 287. Cemetery, Imperial, 84, 85. Chain across the Golden Horn, 222-224, 228, 229, 231, 238–240. chalººn, 2, 6, 165, 226, 249, 304-307, IO4, 168. See 330. . . Chalcoprateia, 7. St. George, in the Deuteron, 75. ' St. George, at the Mangana, 251, 252, 254–256, 258. St. George, Patriarchal Church, 28. San Georgio Majore, Venice, 211, 217. Holy Innocents, 340. St. Icasia, 18, 22, 23. AAWDAX. - 35 I Church—conta. St. Irene, in the Acropolis, 2, 7, 12, 35, 82, 229. St. Irene, in Galata, 2IO, 216. St. Isaacius, 78. Prophet Isaiah, 26, 2I2. St. John the Baptist, Armenian Chapel of, 265. St. John the Baptist, near Balat Ka- poussi, 234, 235, 240. St. John the Baptist, near the Basilikë Pyle, 234, 238, 240. St. John the Baptist, at the Hebdomon, 318–320, 323, 324, 333, 334, 338– 34O. St. John the Baptist, near the Gate of the Kynegos, 2O5. St. John the Baptist, near the Palaia Porta, 2I. St. John the Baptist, in Petra, 24, 84, 2O5, 319, 32O. St. John the Baptist, near Residence of Probus, 293. St. John the Baptist, of Studius, 69, 78, 91, 265. St. John de Cornibus, 214, 215. St. John the Evangelist, at the Heb- domon, 323, 327, 337, 339. St. Julian, Perdix, 293. St. Julianè, 207. St. Kallinicus, I74. St. Kyriakè, near Koum Kapoussi, 3I4. St. Kyriakè, near the Lycus, 82. St. Laurentius, 26, 27, 28, 2IO, 212. St. Lazarus, 256. St. Luke, 23. St. Mamas, 89, 9o, I75. Manuel, Monastery of, 23. ss. Manuel, Sabel, and Ishmael, 18, 2 St. Mary Acheiropoietos, of the Abramiti, 334, 335. St. Mary, of Blachernae, II6, II?, 118, II9, 128, 130, 152, I64, 165, 166, I69, I74, 195, 196, 197, 20I. St. º, Hodegetria, 254, 256-258, 200. Church—contal. St. Michael the Archangel, of Adda, --& St._Mary, of the Mongolians, Kan Cilicia, 250, 338. Klissè, 208.' Circus Maximus, 35. St. Mary, Pammacaristos, 198. Cistern— St. Mary, of the Pegè, 76, 90. Aspar, 16, 17, 18, 23, 25. St. Mary, Peribleptos, 19, 20, 240, 264. Basilica, 7. St. May, of the Rhabdos, 18, 28, 32, 204. St. Mary, in the Sigma, 78. SS. Menas and Menaius, 340. ! St. Metrophanes, 309. St. Michael, near the Acropolis, 230. 292. St. Michael the Archangel, at Ana- plus, 36. St. Michael the Archangel, in Arcadi- anais, 257. St. Mokius, 20, 23, 36, 7I. Myrelaion, 300, 309. St. Nicholas, at the Acropolis, 249. St. Nicholas, between the Walls of Heraclius and Leo V., II8, I 19, 165, I69, 17O, 2IO. St. Nicetas, 81. SS. Notarii, 75, 77. St. Panteleemon, I74, 30O. St. Paul the Apostle, 227, 230. St. Paul the Patriarch, 75. SS. Peter and Mark, 197. SS. Peter and Paul, 276. Petrion, Convent of, 206, 207. St. Priscus, 169. St. Romanus, 81. Prophet Samuel, at the Hebdomon, 338. St. Saviour, of the Chora, 84, 257, 258. St. Saviour, Euergetes, Monastery of, 2IO, 2II. St. Saviour, Pantocrator, 2II, 34I. St. Saviour, Pantopoptes, 2II. St. Saviour, Philanthropos, near Indjili Kiosk, 252-257. St. Saviour, at Selivria, 337. SS. Sergius and Bacchus, 262, 275– 279, 288, 290, 29I, 293, 3O4. St. Sophia, 2, 7, 12, 13, 36, 67, 84, I57, 159, 217, 226, 227, 256, 258, 285, 326, 333, 334, 338. St. Stephen, of the Romans, 2O7. St. Stephen, in the Sigma, 78. St. Thekla, I96, 292. St. Theodore, of Claudius, 3OO. St. Theodore, in the Deuteron, 75. St. Theodore, above Galata, 23.I. St. Theodosia, 26, 208, 209, 2II. St. Theodoté, 340. St. Thomas, Amantiou, 262, 29I, 292. St. Timothy, 75. Bonus, 18, 23, 24, 25. Mokius, I6, 17, 74. Soulon Monastir, 20. g & Yeri Batan Serai. See above, Basilica. Clari, 38. Clarissimi, 38. 352 IAWDE.Y. | Claudius, district of, 3OO. Cold Waters, 2II, 24.I. See Cassim Pasha. Column— Outside the Ancient Gate, 18, 21, 22. Arcadius, 3, 29, 63. See illustration facing p. 330. Burnt Column. See Column of Con- stantine the Great. Claudius, I3. Constantine the Great, 3, Io, I6, 34, 326. On the Fifth Hill, 19. Justinian the Great, at the Hebdomon, 335. -> Porphyry. See Column of Constantine the Great. Serpent Column, 34, 267. Strategion, in the, 37. Tchemberli Tash. See Column of Constantine the Great. Theodosius the Great, in the Forum of Taurus, 63,298. Theodosius II., in the Sigma, 78. Twisted Columns of the Tzycalarii, 7. Constantine, Pope, 67, 325, 340. Constantine, Prefect, 46–51, 72, 79, 91, II9, 18O. Constantine Ducas, 26O. Contoscopie, 294. Convent. See Church. Coparia, 22I. Cosmidion, 89, 90, I27, 169, I70, 174, I75, 223, 24.I. Council of Basle, 203. of Ferrara, 84, 203. —, Fifth General, 301. of Florence, 203. Count of the Walls, 95. Courapas, I54. Crete, Cretans, I54, 182, 186, 187, 236, 240, 260. Crimea, 192. Crum, 70, 9o, 91, 167, I70. Crusade I., I28, 176. Crusade II., I76. Crusade III., 91. Crusade IV., I27, 129, 171, 176, 193, I95, I97, 207, 2II. Crusaders, 61, 73, 122, 126, 129, 171, I72, 209, 292, 299. Custom House, Galata, 229. , Stamboul, 218, 220. Cyclobion. See Castle. Cyprus, 324, 339. Cyrus, Prefect, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51. D. Damalis, 231, 250, 251. Dandolo, Henrico, 129, 171, 172, 178, 2O7. Daniel Stylites, 336. Danube, 41, 43, 45. Daphnusium, 280. David, Chartophylax of the Palace of Hormisdas, 279. Delassaina, 207. Delphi, 34, 267. St. Demetrius, Icon of, 341. Demosthenes, 49, 226. Derkos, 343. Deuteron, district of, 74, 75, 77, 319. Dexiocratis, district of, 2O9. #: Aluxio, I72, 202. 1plokionion, 242, 243, 305. Dolma Bagtchè, #. 5 Domestic of the Walls, 95. Domos Politymos, 128. Domus-Dama, 189. Domus Gaiana, 142. Doria, 190. Dositheos, 91. Drungarius, 214. - Drungarius, district of, 211. E. Edessa, 67. Egnatian Road, 316, 325. Egypt, 38. Egri Kapou, district of, 128. Eleutherius, 297. Eleutherius, district of, 296, 299. Emperor— Alexius I. Comnenus, 86, 123, 128, I46, I47, I48, I55, 156, 170, 171, 2I4, 217, 220, 283. Alexius II. Comnenus, 266, 285. Alexius III. Angelus, 172, 26o. Alº V. Ducas, Murtzuphlus, 197, 285. Alexius, of Trebizond, Ioz. Anastasius I., 70, 91, 128, 140, 173, 29I, 329, 332, 342. Anastasius II., 91, 98, 170, 181. Andronicus I. Comnenus, 103, 156, I57, 266, 299. Andronicus, II. Palaeologus, IoS, IIo, : I60, 161, 170, 189, 190, 294– 200. Andronicus III. Palaeologus, IIo, 127, I61, 190, 198. Andronicus IV. Palaeologus, 71, 76, 87, 162, 163. //VDÆ X. Emperor—comtd. Antoninus, 77. Arcadius, 42, 43, 82, 228, 257, 299, 322, 323, 331, 332, 337, 338. Baldwin I., I29, I7I, 285. Baldwin II., I29. Basil I., I9, 68, 72, 90, 187, 207, 255, 265, 3o3, 334,335, 337, 349. Basil. II., 67, 68, Ioo-io2, 186, 187, 3OO, 334, 337. Basiliscus, 67, 331, 336. Cantacuzene, 7o, 86, 91, 92, Io3, IO4, IIo, III, II2, I I3, I27, I6I, I77, I9O, I9I, 227, 25 I, 252, 259, 3o3, , 3IO. Caracalla, 9, 138. Charlemagne, IOO. Charles V., 272. Claudius Gothicus, I3. Conrad, German Emperor, I76. Constans II., 265. Constantine I., the Great, 2, 5, 8, 9, Io, II, I2, I3, 15, 17, 24, 26, 29, 34, 35, 36, 37, 41, 42, 9o, I79, 213, 256, 28o, 297, 337. Constantine IV., 3o2, 3o8. Constantine V. Copronymus, 68, 9o, 9I, 98,99, Igo, 226, 25I, 327, 334. Constantine VI., 9o, Ioo, 3oo. Constantine VII., II2, 26o, 265, 279, 28o, 282, 286, 3o3. Constantine VIII., 286. Constantine IX., Ioo, IoI, Io2. Constantine X. Monomachus, I7I, 25I. Constantine XII. Dragoses, 87, 92, Io8, 124, 223. Constantius II., 29, 36, 4I. Erederick Barbarossa, 9I. Hadrian, 14, 37. Henry, I29, 284, 285. Heraclius, 23, 67, 69, I 16, I65, 166, 173, 175, 176, 18o, 276, 28o, 289, 292, 302, 3O7. Honorius, 322, 33I. Isaac Angelus, 86, 9 I, 125, 126, 127, I29, I3I, 132, I47, I49, 15o, 157, I73, I93, I97, 2O7, 22o, 255, 257, 285, 292. John Comnenus, 25o. John VI. Palæologus, 7o, 71, 76, 87, Io3, io4, 1 Io, 1 1 1, 152, 153, 162, | I63, 197, 259. John VII. Palæologus, Io4-Io8, 126, 393, 2o3. Julian, 41, 289, 290, 328, 332. Justin I., 67. Justin II., 8o, 97, 22o, 28o, 289, 291, 295, 336. 353 Emperor—comtd. Justinian I., the Great, 33, 35, 64, 75, 83, 84, 90, 96, 165, 17o, 174, 2o6, 2I5-2I7, 229, 25 I, 257, 263, 276, 278, 28o, 299, 3oo, 3oI, 327, 335, 336, 338, 340, 342, 343. Justinian II., 67, 86, I7o, 25 I, 292, 325. Kanabus, Nicholas, I97, 2o5. Leo I., 67, 77, 90, 96, 226, 262, 273, 292, 302, 33 I, 332. Leo II., 334. Leo III. Isauriam, 35, 65, 98, 99, IOO, 2O9, 229. Leo IV., Ioo. Leo V., the Armeniam, 67, 7o, II 5, 164, 167, 17o, 329, 33I. Leo VI. the Wise, 186, 187, 2o7. Leontius, 251, 292. Manuel I. Comnenus, Io3, I22, I23, I28, I29, 157, 187, 22o, 25o, 266, 284, 34I. Manuel II. Palæologus, 7 I, I62, I63, I93, 24O. Marcian, 67, 331, 332. Maurice, 68, 9o, 196, 329, 33o, 331, 340, 343. Michael I., 279. Michael II., 166, 168, 169, 179, 182, 185, 229. Mjsi III., 64, 9o, 9I, 184, 185, 257, 20 I. Michael V., 19, 78. Michael VIII. Palæologus, 68, 69, 76, Io3, I29, 157, 158, 159, I6o, 188, I89, 208, 2IO, 293, 295, 296, 312- 3I43 334, 337. . Nigorus Botoniates, 86, 17 I, 207, 283. Nicephorus Phocas, 65—67, 68, 76, I 54, 229, 25o, 28I, 282, 283, 292, 317, 33 I. Phocas, 67, 90, I8o, 276, 279, 28o, 289, 292, 302, 3O7, 324, 329, 33 I, 334. Romanus I., Lecapenus, 24, 67, I7o, 207, 282, 286, 34 I. Romanus II., I54. Romanus III., Argyrus, I9, Io2. Romanus, I69. Septimius Severus, 9, II, I2, I3, I4, 37, 138, 251, 256. Stephen, 286. Theodosius I., the Great, I2, 19, 22, 2, 6o-64, 67, 298, 299, 3o2, 318, 328, 331, 334, 335, 338—34o. Theodosius II., 17, 31, 42, 43, 45, 47—5o, 62, 72, 77, 78, 82, I 12, I 19, 279, 392, 331, 332, 336. Theodosius III., 9 I, I7o. 2 A 354. JAVOAZ X. * Emperor—contal. Theophilus, 23, 68, 69, 90, IoI, 112, I49, I68, 173, 182–185, 228, 250, 279. Tiberius II., 280, 328,336. Tiberius III., Apsimarus, 170, 180, 25I. Valens, 41, 322, 330–332, 338, 339. Valentinian, 302,330. Zeno, 26, 96,227,331, 334. Eß. 68, 69, IoI, 155, 283, 334. PIPhanlu.S, 324, 339, 34O. Et #. 339, 34 Eubulus, 37. Eudoxia, wife of Arcadius, 48, 82. Eugenius, 62, 227–229, 318, 328. Exartesis Palaia, 220. See Harbour. Exokionion, 18–20, 22, 31, 37, 74. Exokionitai, 19. Eyoub, 89,241. See Cosmidion. F. Faction, Blue, 44, 83, 276, 280. —, Green, 44, 215, 276, 292. —, Red, 79. Factions, 44, 69, 215, 263, 292, 330. Faletri, Doge, 217. Fener Bagtchessi, 176. Ferikeui, 242. Ferry of St. Antony, 18, 27. Foederati, 33, 85. Forum— Amastrianon, I56. Arcadius, I9, 20, 31, 32, 63. Augustaion, 34, 35, 37. Bous, 308. Constantine the Great, Io, II, 34, 37, 39, 76, 281, 334, 335. Strategion, 6, 7, 14. Taurus, 63, 226, 298. Tetrastoon, 34. Theodosius the Great, 42. See Forum of Taurus. Xerolophos. See Forum of Arcadius. G. Gabriel, Archangel, 198. Gabriel, of Treviso, 202, 204, 230–233, 236, 237, 240. Gainas, 32, 328, 339. Galata, I4, 39, 176, 181, 188, 190, 192, 2IO, 216, 217, 228, 231, 241, 243, 259, 305, 325, 337. Galbius, I97. Gas Works at Yedi Koulé, 265. Gate. See also Postern. Adrianople, 3, 16, 23, 29, IIo. St. Æmilianus, 18, 27, 28, 32, 264, 298. Ahour Kapoussi, 186, 187, 192, 260, 261, 270, 281, 285. Aivan Serai Kapoussi, I51, 195. St. Anastasia, I97. Ancient Gate, Porta Antiqua, Palaia Porta of the Forerunner, Anti- quissima Pulchra Porta, 18, 21, 22, 30, 74. Asomaton, Seven Orders of Angels, II.3. Atalus, 29, 33. Aurea, I7, 22, 30, 31, 37, 59-73. See Golden Gate. t Aya Kapou, 27. See Gate of St. Theodosia. Ayasma Kapoussi, 32, 212, 213. Bagtehé Kapoussi, 7, 8, 200, 218–220, 236, 237. Balat Kapoussi, 3, II6, II 7, 121, 195, I98–202, 204–206, 230, 232–235, 239. Balouk Bazaar Kapoussi, 2I4, 216, 217. Balouk Haneh Kapoussi, 260. St. Barbara, I84, 232, 236, 238, 239, 249, 25O. Basilikë, Inmperial Gate, 32, 192, 199, 2OO, 203, 204, 2I3, 230–24O. Bears, of the, 261. Blachernae, I66, 168, 170, 171. Bonus, 225, 226, 240. Byzantium, 5, 7, 9-II, I6, 34, 249, 326. Caraviorum, 215. Catena, 228. Charisius, 80–86, 89–92, IoI, Ioy, IIO, I24, I52, 223, 257. Chrysé. See Golden Gate. Daoud Pasha Kapoussi, I6, 3I4. See Gate of St. Æmilianus. Deirmen Kapoussi, 183, 187, 250, 25I. St. Demetrius, 249. Demir Kapou, 252, 253. Deuteron, 74, 75. Dexiocrates, 209. Diplophanarion, 206. Djubali Kapoussi, 191. See Gate Ispigas. Drungarii, 214-216, 218. Eastern Gate, 249. Edirnē Kapoussi, 57, 58. See Gate of Charisius. Egri Kapou, 3, 39, 83, IIo, I22, 124. Eugenius, 6, 191, 222, 223, 227–229, 232, 236-239. Fifth Military Gate. See Gate of the Pempton. IAWD E.X. 355 Gate—conta. Gate—conta. Fourth Military Gate, 80. Precursoris, Porta juxta Parvum Golden Gate, Porta Aurea, Chrysé Pylè, 19, 30, 55, 58, 59-73, 84, 90, 96, IO4, 176, 179, 20I, 223, 250, 300, 301, 306, 316, 326, 327, 330, 334, 335. Gyrolimnē, IIo, I26, 127, 177. Hebraica, 216–219, 225. Hicanatissa, 219, 22O. Hodegetria, 223, 258-26o, 26.I. Horaia, Beautiful, 187, 221-225, 232, 235–237. e ‘º e < * * Imperial. See Basilikè. Isa Kapoussi, 21, 30, 33. Ispigas, 209, 2IO. See Porta Putea’. St. John, 205. St. John de Cornibus, 214, 216. Judece, 218. Kaligaria, I24, I52. Katerga Limani, 263. Kerko Porta, II5-II 7, II9–12 I, I66, 223. See Gate of the Xylokerkus. Kiliomenê, 195, 196. Kiretch Kapoussi, 229. Kontoscalion, 263, 294, 295, 313. See Koum Kapoussi. Koum Kapoussi, I86, 190, 193, 263, 264, 278, 294, 295, 307-314. Kynegos, I99-205, 233. St. Lazarus, 258, 259. Leonis, 261, 273. Marina, 272. St. Mark, 219. Marmora Porta, 228. Eugenius. Melandesia or Melantiados, 74, 76, See Gate of 77. Mesé, 212. Michael Protovestarius, 260, Myriandron, 84. Narli Kapoussi, 187, 264, 265. Neorion, 218–222, 224, 225, 235. Odoun Kapan Kapoussi, 213. See Gate Drungarii. Oun Kapan Kapoussi, 27, 341. See Gate of Platea. Palatina, Balat Kapoussi, IQ9. Pegè, 75–77, IOI, Ioč. Pempton, 58, 74, 81, 83, 85, 86, 96. Perama, 2I4, 216–22O. Petrus, Petri Kapoussi, 28, 206, 207. Phanar, Phani, del Pharo, Fener Kapoussi, 201, 206, 207, 233. Piazza, ala, 212. Piscaria, 217. Platea, 209, 212, 2I4, 233. Polyandrion, 29, 37, 81, 84, 85. See Gate of Charisius. Templum. See St. John de Cornibus. Psamathia, 16, 264. Putea', del Pozzo, 2II, 233. See Gate Ispigas. Rectoris Veteris. Regia, I52. Rhegium, 72, 78, 79, 91. Rhousiou. Rhousiou, 45, 78, 79, 96, 97, IOO, IO2, 180. See Gate of Rhegium. St. Romanus, 80–89, IIo, I25, 127, 223, 300. See Top Kapoussi. Saouk. Tchesmé Kapoussi, 13. Saturninus, 32. Second Military Gate. the Deuteron. Selivria, 58, 75, 90. See Gate of the Pegè. Sidhera, 206, 262, 263. Sixth Military Gate, 89. Sophia, 263. Tchatlady Kapou, I40, I92, 261, 262, 270–278, 281, 282, 285, 286. Tchifout Kapoussi, 224. See Porta Hebraica. St. Theodosia, 208,209, 233. See Aya Kapou. Third Military Gate, 77, 78. Top Kapoussi, in Land Walls, 57, 58. See Gate of St. Romanus. - Top Kapoussi, at Seraglio Point, 237, 249. See Gate of St. Barbara, Tzycanisterion, Gate at eastern end of the, 286. Veteris Rectoris. See Gate of Bonus. Xylo Porta, Xyliné, IIo, 147, 151, I73, I 74, I91, 195, 200, 20I, 2I2, 223, 227, 233. Xylokerkus, 46, 89–94, Io9, III, 173. See Kerko Porta. Yali Kiosk Kapoussi, 7, 191, 200, 253. See Gate of Eugenius. Yedi Koulé Kapoussi. Gate. Yeni Aya Kapou, 208. Yeni Kapou, Vlanga, 18O, 193, .263, 264, 298, 308, 31O-312, 314. Yeni Mevlevi Haneh Kapoussi, 58, 76. See Gate of Rhegium. Zindan Kapoussi, 213–216. Genoa, I88, 190, 192. Genoese, 87, 162, 163, 188, 190, 192, 2IO, 219, 225, 23.I, 24O, 24I, 259, 3O4–306. George Brankovitch, Despot of Servia, IO7, IQ3. Georgius, 80, 156. See Gate of Bonus. See Porta See Gate of See Golden 356 JAVADEX. Germanicia, 68. Germanus, residence of, 3OI, 302. Gerocomion, 264. Giustiniani, 87, 88, 92. Godfrey de Bouillon, 128, 171, 176. Golden Horn, passim. Goths, Gothic, I3, 32, 33, 40, 41, 43, 77, 85, 328. Governor of the Wall, 95. Grand Bazaar, 3, 8, II, 13, 39. Grant, I25. Gregoras, 261. Gritti, Doge, 270. Guliano, Peter, 287. II. Habakkuk, Prophet, 263. Hadrian II., Pope, 67, 3OO, 337, 340. Harbour— Ancient Neorion, 7, 8, II, I4, 179, 220–222, 29 I. Anthemius, 324. Blachernae, I96, 202, 203, 240. Bosporion. See below, Prosphorion. Bucoleon, 261, 269-287, 307, 3O8. Diplokionion, 243. Eleutherius, 36, 264, 268, 296–300. Eutropius, 324. Galata, or Pera, 24.I. Golden Gate, 300, 3OI, 307, 3O8. Hebdomon, 325, 326, 330, 335. Heptascalon, 259, 269, 3OI-315. Hormisdas, 275-279, 302. Julian, 41, 97,269, 276, 277, 288-293, 302, 307, 308. Kadriga Limani, 262, 270, 295, 3I4. See Harbour of Julian. Kaisarius, 269, 276, 3OI-315. Kontoscalion, 186, 223, 263, 269, 278, 287, 293–296, 308-315. Latins, 2II. St. Mamas, 90, 91. New Neorion, 303, 3IO. Phosphorion. Seebelow, Prosphorion. Portus Novus. See Harbour of Julian. Prosphorion, 7, 14, 182, 225, 226. Sophia, 262, 263,295, 296, 3IO. See Harbour of Julian. Theodosius, 264, 269, 307, 308. See Harbour of Eleutherius. Harmatius, 26. , district of, 18, 26, 37. Haskeui, 201, 221, 245, 246. Hebdomon, 32, 67, 68, 7o, Io9, 316– 34I. Helas, Theme of, 292. Helena, Empress, 34, 81, 264. Helenianae, District of the, 334. Helenopolis, 16o. Hellespont, 4, 178,252. Heptapyrgion, 168. Heraclea, 38, 190. Hexakionion, 18, 20. Hicanati, 220. Hiereia. See Palace. Hills of Constantinople, 2, 3. Hippodrome, 2, 12, 13, 34, 49, 63, 68, 76, 157, 189, 215, 251, 260, 267, 27I-273, 288–290, 295, 3IO, 331, . 332, 336. Hippodrome at St. Mamas, 89, 92, 91. Holy Well of Blachernae, 118, 150, 152. — at Church of St. Nicholas, I 18, 169, I7O. — of the Hodegetria, 254, 257, 258. — of the Pegè, 75–78, 281. — of St. Saviour, 252-254. Hormisdas, district of, 277, 28O. Hormisdas, Pope, 67, 340. Hormisdas, Prince, 279, 280. Horrea, 226. Hospitia, 229. Huns, 41, 43, 45, 47, 77, 267, 343. See Exokionion. I. Iagari, Manuel, IoS. Ibrahim, Sultan, 20. Icon of Christ, from Edessa, 67. Illyria, 43. Indjili Kiosk, 185, 252-258, 261, 270. Ino, 28O. Irene, Empress, 90, 99, Ioo, IoS, 126, I28, 3OO. Isaac Sevastocrator, 292. Isa Kapoussi Sokaki, 22. Isidore, Cardinal, I52. Italian Hospital, 231. J. Jerusalem, 338. Jews, 2IO, 219, 22I. Joannicus, King of Bulgaria, 86. John the Fat, 260. Joseph, Patriarch, 84. Judeca, 217, 218. Julian, Prefect, 227. Jus Italicus, 38. Justinian Code, 22I. Justinianopolis, 217. K. Kadikeui, 2, 176, 3O4, 305, 324. AVDEX. 357 Kaffa, I92. Kaisarius, 3O2. , district of, 302. Raligaria. See Gate. Kanatissa, residence of, 219. Karadjakeui, 343. Kesmè Kaya, 206, 319, 320. Khan of the Mongols, 208. Kiathaneh, Sweet Waters of Europe, 175, 24.5. Kiosk of Sultan Abdul Medjid, 5. Kitchens, Imperial, 5. Kiz Kalehssi. See Tower. Klidion, 325. Koumbaradji Sokaki, 242. Koush Kaya, 343. Kral of Servia, 158, 159. Krenides, 2Io. Kutchuk Levend Tchiflik, 245. Kutchuk Tchekmedjè, 79. See Rhegium. Kynegion, 12, 204, 251, 252. Kynegon, district of, 201–203, 205, 233, 234. L. Latins, 76, 86, Io9, 122, 188. Leo, brother of Nicephorus Phocas, 68. Leontari, Manuel Bryennius, Ioë, Ioy. Levend Tchiflik, 245. Londja, II?. Lycus, 2, 25, 52, 80–83, 85, 86, 87, 298. M. Macedonia, 45,265. Macedonius, 213, 338. Magnaura. See Palace. Mahmoud IV., Sultan, 250. , Makrikeui, 44, 67, 70, Io9, 316, 322, 326, 327. See Hebdomon. Mamas, St., suburb, 89, 90. Mandrahio, Cassim Pasha, 244. Mangana, 7, 37, 182, 249–25i, 256. Manuel, 23. Manuel of Liguria, 71. Manuel Phakrasè, 191, 192. Marathon, 267. Marble Kiosk, 250. Marciana Library, 270. Margaret of Hungary, 285. Maria, 99, Ioy, 208,265,341. Marine Exchange, 220, 291. Marmora, Island of, 311. , Sea of, passim. Martin I., Pope, 265. Matrona, 339. Maurus, district of, 277, 289. - Mausoleum at the Church of the Holy Apostles, 35. Maximus, 62, 63, 67. Megara, 5. Mehemet, Sultan, 71, 87–89, 125, 186, 208, 2II, 223, passim. Melanciada, Melantiada, Melantrada, 77. Menas, Patriarch, 216. Mese, 37, 68, 69, I55. Mesoteichion, 85–89, 92. Mews, Imperial, I71, 261. Michael, Despot, I60, 161. Milan, 62, 316. Milion, 7, 8, 326. Minotto, I5I, I52. Moda, 176. Mole of St. Thomas, .291. Monferrat, Marquis of, 284–286. Moselë, residence of, 309. Mosque— Achmet, Sultan, 282. Aivas Effendi Djamissi, 133, 135. Atik Mustapha Pasha Djamissi, Church of SS. Peter and Mark, 196, 197. Aya Sofia. See St. Sophia. Bajazet, Sultan, 3. Boudroum Djamissi, Myrelaion, 300, 309. Eski Ali Pasha Djamissi, 25. Eski Imaret Djamissi, Church of the Pantopoptes, 2II. Fethiyeh Djamissi, Church of the Pam- macaristos, 198. Gul Djamissi, Church of St. Theodosia, 27, 208. Isa Kapou Mesdjidi, 22, 30. Rahriyeh Djamissi, Church of St. Saviour in the Chora, 84. - Kefelê Djamissi, Monastery of Manuel, 23. Khadin Ibrahim Pasha, 77. Kutchuk Aya Sofia. See Church of SS. Sergius and Bacchus. Mehemet, Sultan, 3, 16, 19, 23, 25, 35, 208. Mihrimah Djamissi, 84. Murad Mesdjidi, Sheik, 27, 212. Pour Kouyou Mesdjidi, 27, 212. Saracen, 292. Selim, Sultan, 3, 24–26. Sinan Pasha, 2II. Suleiman, Sultan, 3, 19. - Toklou Dedë Mesdjidi, Church of St. Thekla, 196. Tulbenkdji Djamissi, 3II, 312, 3I4. Yeni Validè Djamissi, 221. Yol Getchen Mesdjidi, 78. Zeirek Klissè Djamissi, Church of the Pantocrator, 2II, 34I. 2 A 3 358 # /AVD EX. Municipal Gardens, 242. Murad, Sultan, 76, 87, 193. Museum, Imperial, 5, 191, 198. Myriandrion, 85, 87. N. Naples, 33. Narses, 97, 291, 3OO. Memitzi, 86 * Neophytus of Rhodes, IoS. Neorion. See Harbour. Nicephorus Bryennius, 156. Nicholas V., Pope, 150. Nika, Riot of, 2Io, 215, 291, 327. Nikè, 198, 205. Normans, IO3. Notaras, 192, 193, 237, 240. Novobrodo, 125. Numeri, 76. Obelisk, 63. Odeon, I3. Ok Meidan, 245. Olympus, 35. Orban, 125. Orphanage, Great, 229 Ortakdjilar, 89. Ortakeui, 325. P. Palace— At the Argyra Limnē, 127. Blachernae, 3, 68, IO3, Io9-III, 118, II9, 12 I-I23, 125-Iz7, 130–133, I35, 136, 138, 140–147, 150, 151, I52, I64, I7O, I7I, I76, I95, 201, 2O2, 233,284. Bonus, 24. Bucoleon, I29, 140, 255, 269–287. The Caesars, 35, 142. Constantine, Great Palace, Imperial Palace, 34, 35, 67, 69, 76, 155, 161, 168, 189, 223, 256, 260, 261, 265, 269, 274, 280–287, 308,336. Hebdomon, Io9, 335. Hiereia, Fener Bagtchè, 176, 181. Hormisdas. See Palace of Bucoleon. Irene, 3OO. Justinian. See Palace of Bucoleon. Justinian, Jucundianae at the Hebdo- mon, 323, 335. Kaisarius, 302. Karya, 213. Magnaura, 320, 324, 336. Palace—contal. St. Mamas, 89, 90. Mangana, 255, 256. Pege, 75, 162. Porphyrogenitus Tekfour Serai, 3, 45, Io9-II4, IIS-120, 123, 139, 152, 2O2, 233, 316. Psamathia, 264. Scutarion, 251. Secundianas, 335. Sophia, 289, 29O. Palatine, 35, 138, 142. Palestine, 338. Panteleon, Saint, 196. Panticheion, Pendik, 338. Patriarchate, Greek, 28. Paul, defended the Myriandrion, 87. Paulinus, 170. Pausanias, 9. Pegae, 2IO. Pegé. See Gate; Holy Well. Pelerine, 207. Pempton, district of the, 82, 319. Pentapyrgion, 150, 168. Pepagomenes, George, 198. Pera, 243. Perama, 216, 217. Peridromi of Marcian, 282. Perinthus, 226. Persia, 5, 23, 165, 29O. Persians, 9, 23, 68, 267. Pescennius Niger, 9. Peter the Hermit, 128. Peter, King of Bulgaria, 341. Petits Champs, 242. Petra, Petra Palaia, 206. Petrion, 26–28, 200, 206, 207, 208. Petrus, Patrician, 206. Petty, Mr., 66. Phanar, district of the, 3, 206-208, 233, 234. Pharos, 189. Phedalia, 27, 176. Philip of Macedon, 226, 250. Philippopolis, 91. Phoenicia, 40. Pisa, Pisans, 218, 220. Plataea, 9, 267. Platea, Plateia, 27, 2I2. Pontus, 38. Portico— Between Augustaion Constantine, 37. Cariana, I96. Eubulus, 37. Josephiacus, 128. St. Mamas, 89, 90. Severus, 9–II. Troadenses, 18, 22. and Forum of IAWDA.X. 359 Postern— Giustiniani, 88, 89, 94. St. Kallinicus, 124, 173, I74. Kerko Porta, 93, 94. With Monogram of Christ, 60. Porphyrogenitus, II2. SS. Sergius and Bacchus, 262, 263. Prince's Island, 35, 3O4, 305. Prison— t Anemas, 87. See Chapters X, XI. Byzantium, I4. St. Diomed, 265, 266. Probus, residence of, 289, 292, 293. Proteichisma, I 18. Proti, Island of, 286. Psamathia, 3, 20, 264. Pteron, II8. Pulcheria, 257, 336. Pusaeus, 96. Region IV., 228. Region V., 7, 225. Region VII., 39. Region X., 213, 303. Region XI., 25, 26. Region XII., 22, 32, 296, 298. Region XIII., 39. - Region XIV., 39, II9–12 I, 128, 167, 174. Regions, Fourteen, 39, I2O, I31. Rhegium, Kutchuk Tchékmedjè, 79,327. Rhousiou. See Red Faction ; Gate. Roe, Sir Thomas, 66. Rome, 2, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 43, 63, 325. Roumelian Railroad, 6, 250, 255, 282, 298, 312. Rufinus, 328. Russians, 68, I55, 179, 229. S. Saladin, 284. Salamis, 267. Sali Bazaar, 242. St. Mamas, suburb, 89–91, 175, 181. Salmak Tombruk, 23. Sandakdjar Youkousou, 208. Saoudji, I62. Saouk. Tchesme, 13. Saracen, 68, 7o, 98, 178–182, 229, 260, 267, 286, 302, 324, 327, 329. Saturninus, 32. Scala— Acropolis, 249. Chalcedonensis, 225, 338. De Drongorio, 215. Scala—conta. Sycena, 217. Timasii, 228. Scholarii, 185. School of Arts, 274. Scio, 3OI. Scutari, 2, 226, 231, 305. Selivria, 75, 77, I92, 327, 337. Senate of Constantinople, 38, 195, 332, 334,336. - Senate House, 34, 35. Septimius Severus, 9, 12–14, 38, 138. Septimum. See Hebdomon. Seraglio Grounds, 34, 81, 189, 229, 252, 253, 258, 274. Seraglio Lighthouse, 7, 13, 256, 260, 261. | Seraglio Plateau, 2, 5, I2. Seraglio Point, 6, 189, 191, 194, 218, 2 I9, 224, 23O, 232, 233, 235–237, 246, 247, 256. Servia, 125, I58, I59, 161, 193. Settimo, 316. Sicily, 182. Sigma, 19, 20, 78, 29O. Simeon, King of Bulgaria, 70, 170. Sirkedji Iskelessi, 7, 225, 240, 292. Sirmium, 97. Smyrna, 49. Sophia, Empress, 80, 97, 280, 289, 291. Soulou Kaleh. See Tower. Spanish, 3O4, 305. Sphendoné, 12. Spigae, De Spiga, 2II. Stadium, 13, 37, 229. See Ispigas. Statue— , Apollo, 34. Arabia, 29I. Atalus, 28. Constantine the Great, 17, 28, 33, 36. Eleutherius, 297. Eudoxia, Empress, 82. Fortune of the City, 64. Helena, Empress, 34. Julian, 29O. Justin II., 29I. Justinian the Great, 335. Muses of Helicon, 35. Narses, 29 I. Pallas of Lindus, 35. Sophia, Empress, 29I. Theodosius I., 63. Theodosius II., 78. Victory, on Golden Gate, 64. Zeus of Dodona, 35. Stephen, 97. Strategion, 6, 7, 37. Strategopoulos, Alexius, 76. Studius, 265. See Church. Suleiman, Sultan, 84, 272. 360 AND EX. Swiatoslaf, 68, 155. Sycae, I3, 38, 216, 217. Syrghiannes, 161. Syria, 40. Tamerlane, 71. Tarsus, 250. Taxim, 242. Tchataldja, 343. Tchemberli Tash. See Column. Tchoukour Bostan, 3, 16, 20, 23, 199. Tekfour Serai, 45, 89, 91, 93, 94, Ioy, I52, 32O. See Palace of the Por- phyrogenitus. Templar, 60. Temple— Aphroditë, II, I2, 13. Apollo, I3. Artemis, 13. Demeter, 13. Poseidon, I2, I3, 37. Zeus, I3, I4, 37. Temple Bar, 21. Tenedos, 162, I63, 259. Ten Thousand, 5. Tephrice, 68. - Terter, King of Bulgaria, I61. Theatre of Byzantium, 37. of Dionysius, I3. - Theodora, Empress of Justinian the Great, 84, 229, 257, 280, 300. Theodora, Empress, 207. Theodore, I62. Theodosiani, 327, 328. Theodota, Empress, 90. Theologus, 240. Theophano, Empress, 283. . Thermae— Achilles, 7, 47. Arcadianae, 7, 257. Constantianae, 82. Zeuxippus, I 3, 34. Thermopylae, 267. Thessalonica, IO3, II3, 34I. Thomas, 169, 170, 179, 182, 229. Thrace, 32, 45, 324. Tiber, 2, 174, 329. Tiberius, son of Justinian II., 325. Timasius, 228. Top Haneh, 231, 241–246. Topi, 7, 179, 256, 257. Tornikius, 171. Tower— Acropolis, 6. Anemas. See Prison. Baccaturea, 86. Tower—contal. Belisarius, 299. Eugenius, 6. Fire Signal, 3. Galata, 228, 229. Hercules, 9. Imperial Gate, near, 230–232. Isaac Angelus, II?, I29. See Chapter X., passim. •. Kaligaria, I25. Kentenarion, 228. Kiz Kalessi, Leander's Tower, 231, 250. Mangana, 251. Marble, 266. Pentapyrgion, I5O. Phani, Turris, 232–234. Seven Towers. See Yedi Koulé. Seven Towers of Byzantium, 9. Soulou Kaleh, 51. Virgioti, 2II. Transitus Justinianarum, 217. Transitus Sycenus, Trajectus Sycarum, 2I7. Trebizond, I56. Tribunal, Tribune, 330. IſlCIl. Triclinium of Anastasius, I28. Danubius, I28. Holy Shrine, 128. Triton, 77, 78, 319. Troilus, defended the Myriandrion, 87. Troilus, Protovestarius, 29I. Tsinar Tchesmē, II 7. Turks, Ottoman, 188, I92, 195, 209, 223, 224, 240, 24I, 267. Tzycanisterion, 36, 256, 261, 286. See Hebdo- U. Ukooz-Limani, 226. Uldin, 43. Urbicius. See Arch. V. Vandal, John the, 77. Vandals, 68. Varangians, I59, 172, 193. Veccus, 157–16O. - Venetian, 151-163, 171, 172, 178, 179, I94, 207, 209-2II, 2I4–219, 229, 230, 233, 234, 243, 259, 27O, 272, 3O4, 305. Venice, I62, 163, 2II, 219. Vercelli, 316. JAVIDEX. 361 Via Drungariou, 215. Via Triumphalis, 31. Vicentius, 339. Vigla, 215, 217, 218. Visigoths, 32. Vitilianus, 70, 328. Vlanga, 219, 223, 263, 295, 299, 307, 308, 3I2, 3I4. Vlanga Bostan, 36, 18o, 264, 296. W. War Office, 13. . X. Xenophon, 5, 249. Xerolophos, 3, 14, 19, 20, 29. Xylokerkus, 88, 90. See Gate. Y. Yalova, 160. Yedi Koulé, 30, 265. Yemish Iskelessi, 216. Yeri Batan Serai, 7. Z. Zeitin Bournou, 326, 327. Zen, Carlo, I52, I53, 163. Zeugma, 215. Zeugma of St. Antony, 18, 27. Zoe, Empress, 207. THE END. 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