W. B., No. 86. X Price, 10 cents. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SB WEATHER BUREAU. INJURY FROM FROST AND 781 58 METHODS OF PROTECTION. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROF. WILLIS L. MOORE, CHIEF OF BUREAU. BY W. H. HAMMON, FORECAST OFFICIAL, PARIMI WASHINGTON: WEATHER BUREAU. 1896. N i " = ~2tue 9-30-4-0 Reclass 3709 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. 2 4 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER Bureau, Washington, D. C., February 6, 1896. SIR: The following circular has been compiled by Mr. W. H. Hammon, of the Weather Bureau, Forecast Official at San Francisco. He has had the needs of the agriculturists of California especially in mind, and I recommend its publication in the hope that its sug- gestions may be of benefit to a large class of readers. J. STERLING Morton, Secretary of Agriculture. WILLIS L. MOORE, Chief of Bureau. 3 5 147186 > L ! དྷ ፦ ¿ * INJURY FROM FROST AND METHODS OF PROTECTION. It is the aim of this paper to describe both the methods of prevent- ing or diminishing injury from frost, and the means of determining when danger from this source is imminent. THE FORMATION OF FROST. In studying methods of preventing injury from frost, a clear knowledge of the conditions under which it forms is essential. Frost occurs when water vapor from the surrounding air is condensed upon plants and other objects which have been cooled below the freezing point by the radiation of heat. Radiation is most rapid through dry air and when there is nothing to obscure the sky. Aqueous vapor, although invisible, is always present, in greater or less quantities, in our atmosphere, and can always be condensed into water if the temperature be sufficiently lowered. If the condensation takes place at temperatures above the freezing point of water, the moisture is deposited as dew; if below the freezing point, the condensation is in the form of frost. The temperature at which condensation begins is called the "dew- point," and varies with the amount of moisture in the air, being higher the greater the amount of moisture present. It is always con- stant for the same amount of vapor, no matter what the temperature of the atmosphere may be. The temperature of the dew-point can be readily determined by the use of two ordinary thermometers, one of which has its bulb. covered with thin muslin moistened with water. The evaporation of the water about the wet bulb lowers the temperature and causes this thermometer to read lower than the one with a dry bulb. From the difference between these readings and the temperature of the air itself the dew-point can be quite accurately determined from the table given at the end of this paper (see page 11). This apparatus is known as the wet and dry bulb hygrometer. A preferable form of the instru- ment is the sling psychrometer, where the two thermometers are at- tached to the same back and arranged with a cord, or handle, for whirling, by which good ventilation is assured. Such an instrument is extremely valuable to the orchardist or gardener in assisting him. to know when frost is imminent. The surface of the earth is continually losing heat by radiation into space, but during the day it usually receives heat from the sun more rapidly than it loses it by radiation, and consequently it grows 5 3 6 warmer. At night, however, heat from this source is cut off and the continued radiation causes the temperature to fall. Under favorable conditions this fall continues until the dew-point is reached when the heat evolved by condensation retards or practically prevents further cooling. The heat given off by the condensation of vapor is enor- mous. The condensation of enough vapor to make a pint of water will evolve enough heat to raise more than five pints of water from the freezing to the boiling point; all this heat must be lost by radia- tion in order that the formation of dew may proceed. Radiation takes place most rapidly when there is nothing to ob- scure the sky. Clouds or any other obstruction act as a screen in re- tarding it. It takes place more rapidly from the surfaces of plants, etc., than it does from the air about them, so that on still nights these surfaces are frequently cooled several degrees below the temperature of the surrounding air. One more principle should be considered in a study of the condi- tions under which frost forms and that is the increased density of the air as its temperature is lowered. Owing to this principle the air, on calm nights, arranges itself in accordance with its density. The heavier cold air rests on the surface and surrounds the plants and trees, thus increasing their liability to injury. On still nights this fact is often very manifest. Frequently a thermometer close to the ground will read 5° or 10° lower than one 8 or 10 feet higher. This principle causes the air on slopes, as it becomes chilled by radiation, to flow down into the valleys where it accumulates, thus frequently causing severe frosts in the lowlands while the hillsides remain un- injured. It is for this reason that frost does not so readily occur on windy nights since the wind mixes the air to a more uniform tem- perature throughout and causes that near the ground to be warmer than it otherwise would be. BEST LOCATIONS FOR ORCHARDS OR GARDENS TO AVOID INJURY BY FROST. Avoid, as far as possible, placing the tenderest plants on low ground, especially the bottoms of narrow valleys with high hills on either side. In addition to the loss of their own heat by radiation, these valleys will become filled, on frosty nights, by the air which has been cooled by the rapid radiation on the slopes and has then flowed down- ward into the bottoms. Bottom lands opposite the mouths of canyons should be especially avoided for the same reason. The converse of this is true that plants on gentle slopes are less liable to injury than bottom lands. Slopes facing the south are preferable to northern slopes, because they receive the rays of the sun more directly and for a longer period. Slopes facing the west are to be preferred to those with an eastern ¿ 7 exposure, since they receive heat longer in the afternoon, and being shaded for a time in the morning from the direct rays of the sun, the slower disappearance of the frost seems to cause it to be less injurious. The fact that frosted plants are more seriously injured by being sud- denly warmed in the dry air than when the frost disappears more slowly seems well established. Moist soil, or localities that can be easily flooded for the purposes of protection, are to be preferred to dry sections of otherwise similar location; for the evaporation of the moisture from the soil on dry, cold nights, will tend to raise the dew-point of the air, and thus diminish the probability of frost. The irrigation of the hillsides about a valley in which protection is desired, and the growing thereon of plants or trees with a large amount of foliage will, by the evaporation from the soil and verdure, tend to raise the dew-point of the surface air as it flows downward into the valley. When the dew-point is thus raised above 32° F., the probability of frost is annulled. METHODS OF FROST PREVENTION. From a study of the foregoing principles under which frost forms, it would seem that there would be the greatest probability of success, in preventing frost or diminishing its severity, by working along the following lines, namely: (1) Diminishing the radiation of heat. (2) Raising the dew-point, and thus making sensible the latent heat of condensation at a temperature above the danger point. (3) Adding heat to the air. (4) Draining the cold air away from the section which needs pro- tection. (5) Mixing the air so as to prevent the cold air from sinking to the surface. One method of diminishing radiation, which is of considerable value, especially in a level country, is to obscure the sky by means of the smoke of smudge fires. This method has been used with success in the level wheat fields of the Dakotas and Manitoba, and should be of about equal value in the broad interior valleys of California. It is not so successful in the narrow valleys of a hilly country, for, while it retards the radiation of heat in the valley, the smoke bank is usually of low elevation, and radiation proceeds unin- terruptedly from the hillsides, whence the cooled air flows down into the valley, underneath the smoke, and chills the plants. Damp straw, tar, turpentine, old hay, anything that will result in the greatest amount of smoke will serve as fuel for these fires. Have the fuel on the ground in advance and start the fires while the tem- perature is several degrees above the danger point. 8 It is believed that decidedly better results will be attained if damp fuel is used or if the fire be sprayed with water, for this will add vapor to the air, which, in condensing, will assist in checking radia- tion by obscuring the sky with fog or cloud, and, at the same time, the dew-point will be raised. This plan should result in absolutely pre- venting injury if the temperature be much above the danger point, for the condensation of the vapor will continue to distribute heat through- out the space occupied by the mist. In the case of smudges, the fire warms and expands the air near it, causing it to rise. This establishes an upward current of warm air from the fire, which conducts the heat of the fire upward and beyond the space needing protection, and cool air flows in from the sides to take its place. Thus the heat of the fire has but little effect in diminishing the intensity of the frost, almost the entire protection being gained by the blanket of smoke produced. By spraying the fire, on the other hand, a large portion of the heat of the fire is consumed in evaporating the water, which on rising from the fire, is quickly condensed as it comes in contact with the surrounding air. The heat of condensation thus becomes manifest in the lower air. The heat of the fire is thus, in a measure, trapped and distrib- uted throughout the lower stratum of the air and greatly aids in protecting the plants. Every quart of water thus evaporated and again condensed in the surrounding air contains heat sufficient to raise the air temperature 1° Fahrenheit throughout a space about 50 feet. square and deep. The method of spraying fires, therefore, brings into operation the first three principles of protection enunciated above, namely, retarding radiation, raising the dew-point, and adding heat to the air. In places where irrigation can be used it will be found of great value in protecting. Let the water be turned on until the soil is thoroughly moistened. The evaporation of the water from the damp soil will tend to raise the dew-point. Since evaporation takes place. near the surface this method is especially valuable in protecting low plants and shrubs, but has also been found very valuable in protecting citrus groves from freezing weather. The irrigating should be done at as early an hour as possible, preferably on the day preceding the night when frost is anticipated, and the ground kept thoroughly wet until danger from frost is passed. A modified form of water protection which is valuable in orchards is to spray the trees with water. This plan is probably even more valuable in protecting, citrus fruits and other plants which are not injured until the temperature has fallen several degrees below the freez- ing point; for, in these cases, the water will tend to freeze before the fruit is injured, and, in freezing, will make sensible a large amount of heat, thus preventing further cooling of the air. For this method to be successful, the spraying must be continued until the temperature rises. 9 Of these several methods of prevention and protection it is believed that the best results will usually be obtained from the modified method of smudges where the fires are used to vaporize water. The irrigating and spraying should be also used when possible, especially in protect- ing citrus fruit and trees from severe freezing weather. All the preceding methods are subject to one serious defect when applied to the protection of narrow valleys between high hills or mountains. In such cases the cooling by radiation from the hill- sides continues, and the denser air then flows into the valley and displaces the air which has been kept warm by the various means of protection. To make it more efficient it may, therefore, be necessary to extend the protection to the hillsides. It may be possible that this danger to the orchard or garden, could, in many instances, be permanently removed or greatly diminished if windbreaks were so erected as to drain off this cold air from the locality. The breaks could be in the form of a high, close fence or levee. Perhaps a hedge would be of use; preferably there should be a levee 4 or 5 feet high with the ditch on the side next the hill into which, if possible, water should be turned. On the top of the levee a fence should be placed. The evaporation of the water from the stream would tend to raise the dew-point of the air. The levee should be so placed along the slope near its base as to intercept the cold air and lead it beyond or around the orchard. It should have a continuous slope downward, the steeper the better, so that the cold air will not over- flow it. } WHEN TO PROTECT. The experience of the past two seasons has shown that forecasts of sudden and decided changes in temperature over a large territory are among the most accurate made by the Weather Bureau; conse- quently it is reasonable to expect that if suitable arrangements are made warnings may be received of those otherwise unexpected cool waves which will result in frost. There are instances, however, when the general forecasts of the Weather Bureau cannot be expected to be sufficiently specific to provide for the different conditions that may prevail in various sections. The temperature frequently remains for several days near the critical point, and a change of a very few degrees or a local clearing or clouding of the sky will cause or pre- vent injury. Again, the conditions in certain localities are such as to make them more susceptible to frost than the surrounding region. Prof. Willis L. Moore, Chief of the Weather Bureau, states that while forecast official in Wisconsin, he observed that a frost occurring immediately after a rain was not as injurious as when the ground and plants were dry. It is, therefore, necessary that the orchardist and gardener be able to judge, at times, for themselves when danger from frost is imminent. For this purpose they should be.provided No. 86-2 10 with a wet and dry bulb hygrometer or psychrometer, mentioned on page 11, by which the dew-point of the air can be determined. If, in the afternoon, the dew-point is near the critical temperature, arrangements should be made for protecting, if necessary. If, at a later hour, the dew-point is constant or lower, the sky clear or clear- ing, and the air calm, it is reasonable to expect that the temperature will fall to the dew-point during the night. The efforts to protect should be based on this dew-point. If it merely approximates the danger point (and no warning of more severe temperatures has been received), but little protection will be necessary and action may be delayed until the temperature is but a few degrees above the danger point. However, if the dew-point be several degrees below that liable to cause injury, or if it be falling, or if a change for the colder is anticipated, efforts to protect should be undertaken earlier. The ground should be irrigated during the day, smudge fires started when the temperature is several degrees above the critical point, and, if the temperature continues to fall, the fires should be sprayed until dense fog or mist envelops the entire space. If the temperature should then fall to the danger point, the trees and plants should be thor- oughly sprayed, at the same time keeping up the smudge and vapor- izing fires. It would seem that these precautions should be sufficient to prevent injury, unless it be in the case of narrow valleys, where the cold air from the unprotected hillsides displaces that which has been kept warm, and, should wind-breaks be found successful in removing this danger, it is believed that there are few, if any, localities where injury could not be avoided. It is evident that in attempting to protect one ranch the owner will, in a measure, protect his neighbor; therefore, if some arrange- ments for cooperation among the individuals in the same locality were made, the greatest protection could be provided at the minimum expense. By such a cooperation of all the residents of the valley, a system of wind-breaks or air-drainage dikes (if found valuable) could be laid out and built in such a manner as to result in the greatest general good at the least cost. Arrangements could be made which would insure the distribution of a frost warning from the Weather Bureau throughout the entire district. Some person, provided with a telephone, could receive the warnings from the Bureau and, in turn, telephone them to all others having such instruments. All so receiv- ing them could display the frost signal, and thus the warning would be quite thoroughly distributed. Then, by cooperation in protection, the best results would be obtained. It may be believed that the trouble and expense necessary to carry out these plans are greater than the benefits accruing from the pro- tection; but this seems hardly true as a general rule. The supplies 11 needed in the various methods are inexpensive. Any old rubbish is suitable as fuel for the fires. The apparatus used in spraying trees to avoid injury from insect pests is suitable for spraying to avoid frost, and the only other material necessary is water. Really, the trouble, inconvenience, and labor are practically the only drawbacks, while the gain may amount, at times, to many thousand dollars. THE USE OF THE PSYCHROMETER. To obtain the dew-point from the wet and dry bulb hygrometer or psychrometer, moisten the muslin on the wet bulb and then whirl or fan the instrument, when the temperature will fall. Continue the ventilation until the wet-bulb thermometer ceases to fall, when the two thermometers should be read. Subtract the reading of the wet-bulb thermometer from that of the dry. Find this difference in the column at the left of the table. The dew-point will then be found at the intersection of the line site this difference, with the column which is headed by the number nearest the air temperature (dry-bulb reading). Example. Dry-bulb thermometer. oppo- 55 Wet-bulb thermometer 44 Difference 11 Dew-point from table. 30 Second example. Dry-bulb thermometer. 43 Wet-bulb thermometer 38 D Difference. 5 30 Dew-point from table, between 28 and 33, about. Dew-point table from Weather Bureau Instructions to Voluntary Observers (1892). Difference of readings of dry and wet bulbs. 150 Temperature of air-Fahrenheit. 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 60° 65° 700 O 1200 TH LO 11 17 6 13 4 73∞∞ 22 8 5 ROP=D 27 32 19 25 30 15 22 11 18 5 14 22 10 11 12 18 14 15 G`OGO IRRID 6 9 7 2 13 8 ***** **∞ 33 18- 9 ***** *2000 38 43 48 35 41 46 39 44 30 36 42 28 33 40 25 31 37 22 28 34 18 25 13 22 8 18 13 8 19 14 ***** *88* ***8- ***** 5*88* 32** 53 52 57 50 48 53 46 51 43 49 41 47 39 45 36 43 33 40 30 28 24 32 20 29 10 32885 42795 4395! 25R85 95999 83885* 63 69 62 67 60 66 59 64 57 55 61 59 51 57 55 51 42 49 40 47 45 $4462 23452 82848 62 Mчou # 12 INJURIOUS TEMPERATURES. ! Table of temperatures at which the following plants are liable to receive injury from frosts, compiled from information received from horticulturists, orchardists, and gardeners throughout the entire Pa- cific Coast. The temperatures given are as nearly as possible those of the air in contact with the plant itself. Plants or fruits. In bud. In blossom. In setting fruit. At other times. Plants or fruits. In bud. In blossom. In setting fruit. At other times. Almonds Apples Apricots Asparagus Bananas Barley Beans Beets... • · Cabbage + Cantaloupes Cauliflower ► • • 。 ANGAM 30 30 29 30 30 31 32 29 29 29 31 31 。 AAXON о о О 28 Onions 26 30 26 32 31 Oranges + Parsnips Peaches. 30 31 31 ... 29 Pears 31 • Peas 25 • • 15-27 ... • 222324 32 30-31 Plums Potatoes: Irish 20-27 Sweet 31 Celery.. 28 • Prunes · • **** AMO 29 28 29 29 30 30 31 30 31 30 31 8887 AM 9897 SHO 30 30 29 30 31 30 30 31 31 31 31 Cucumbers · Cymlings, or squash. Flowers * Grapes Grape fruit Lemons.. Lettuce Mandarins Oats.. Okra · 31 31 31 32 Radishes 25 • 2*3*2*** MARK 29 27 29 29 31 31 31 30 • • Shrubs, roses, or trees 26-30 28-32 30-26 31 31 31 30 Spinach... 21 31 31 30 28 Strawberries 28 28 28 30 ·· • 30 31 31 28 Tangerines .... 31 31 31 28 30 31 31 28 Tomatoes.. 31 31 31 31 12-28 Turnips 26 1. • 31 31 31 28 Watermelons 28-31 31 • Wheat.. 31 31 31 Walnuts, English 30 31 31 28 • Olives 30 31 31 18+1 248 * Depends on variety. †Injured at 2° higher if continued four to six hours. Ripe. § Green. .