by R. R. CUlright, 3r. ºbtlabell)bia, Oa. s t : 4. º - ; * & * ; COMMITTEE OF Twe LVE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE INTERESTS OF THE NEGRO RAC E CHEYNEY, PA. # º E. 3. i- * i i 3 LIBRARYºyof THE - RSITY OF MICHICAN ****N ºuat RS Peninsuua • * *cºlº **C. Rcuras Pic *— Fºl Iºlº, º : . . : §elf-iHelp in Tºlegro Eoucation by R. R. Jurígbt, 3r. pbílabelpbia, pa. COMMITTEE OF Twelve FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE INTERESTs of THE NEGRO RACE CHEYNEY, PA. $5elfe'ſ Help in 1ſhegro Eöucation by iR. iR. Ultigbt, 3.t., |\biladelphia, Da. º: ºl HE question is so often asked, “What are #º Šºš º e e #6% ºil. Negroes doing for their own education?” Es: §ll that it seems fitting to issue among the publications of the Committee of Twelve a leaflet on the subject of “Self-Help in Negro Education,” only a bare outline of which, however, can be given here. Disregarding the educational efforts of the African in his native land and also that remarkable ac- complishment in race education—namely, the transforma- tion of the Negro's speech from African to European and American, we shall consider exclusively the efforts at educa- tion through the schools for Negroes in America. FIRST SCHOOLS. In the beginning there was general indifference and doubt as to the intellectual capacity of Negroes, and their ability to take on American education. The first schools for them were, therefore, private schools, which everywhere preceded public schools. In 1704, a Negro private school was opened in New York; in 1770, one was opened in Phil- adelphia; in 1798, in Boston. In all of the larger settle- ments of manumitted Negroes who went West, from North Carolina and Virginia there were schools supported largely by themselves. In 1820, a Negro school was opened in Cin- cinnati, Ohio; in 1832, in Cleveland. In Hamilton County, Indiana, a small group of Negroes helped to support a white teacher from the very beginning of their settlement, and in 1841 built their own school house; in the Negro community in Randolph County, Indiana, and Greenville, Ohio, quite a large and influential school, known as the Academy, flour- ished on Negro support before 1845. In the South, as early as 1774, a Negro school existed in the colony of South Caro- 5 jig;532G lina; in 1807, when there were less than 500 free Negroes in that city a school was started by three Negro ex-slaves in Washington, D. C. In 1829, Negro Catholics established a school in Baltimore; in 1805 a Negro taught in North Car- olina, and in 1819 a Negro school was in existence in Savan- nah, Georgia. Negroes in Louisiana early in the nineteenth century found opportunities for schooling their children at home; and many others sent theirs abroad to be trained. In 1835 a Negro woman opened a school in New Orleans. In- deed, in spite of the general condition of slavery around them, Negroes not only learned to read and write, but also conducted schools in nearly every state. In the city of Phil- adelphia there were at least two schools taught by Negroes before 1800. In 1838 there were thirteen private pay schools for Negroes in that city, and in 1856 there were more than twenty private schools for Negroes, the majority of which were taught by Negroes. In Washington there were at least twenty Negro schools, supported by Negroes, before the Civil War. - - - In most of the states Negroes paid taxes, thus aiding in the education of white children, but in very few of them did they receive any aid from the public funds for the education of their own children. They were left to their own efforts and the efforts of their friends. EDUCATIONAL WORK OF NEGRO CHURCHES. Most of the first Negro schools were connected with the church, and many of the early Negro teachers were also preachers. All over the South the Negro church buildings were used as the first School houses, and many are so used to-day. The work of the church, however, does not stop with the giving of their buildings for educational purposes; but each of the larger denominations of Negro Christians is doing aggressive educational work. Negro Methodists.--The oldest of these organizations is the African M. E. Church, organized in 1816, having now about 600,000 members, all Negroes, and entirely supervised by Negroes. Its general educational work began in 1844 6. with the purchase of 120 acres of land in Ohio for the Union Seminary, which was opened in 1847. In 1856 this church united with the Methodist Episcopal Church (North) in es- tablishing Wilberforce University, in Greene County, Ohio, which in 1863 became the sole property of the African M. E. Church. At the close of the Civil War the ministers of this church were sent South and were successful in organizing churches and schools. To-day they maintain twenty schools and colleges—one or more in each Southern state, two in Africa, and one in the West Indies. They have 202 teach- ers, over 5700 pupils, and school property valued at more than $1,132,000. The latest statistics of these schools are presented in the following table from the report of the Sec- retary of Education of the A. M. E. Church: Statistics of Schools of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. : ă # a Gå. # ## g 3 * ; : H ‘5 E. ' **t # £-5 T. S. Name and Location of Schools # ‘5 ſº É £ © O På § § i: # ; ; ; ; ; ; # # # # # 6 § 3 g E 5.8 # #3 | # 1 & 2 fl F < | > E-, * < Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio... 1856 22O 9 7 33 595 $1 I.Oo $75,594.61 $300,000.00 Payne Theo. Seminary, Wilberforce, Ohio. 1891 IO I 2 3 45 IO.OO 17,600.00 II,500.OO Kittrell College, Kittrell, N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . I886 60 6 7 I4 236 9.OO 68,244.OO 50,000.OO Wayman Institute, Harrodsburg, Ky. . . . . . . 1891 I8 2 4 3 94 7.OO 6,065.68 6,500.00 Western University, Quindaro, Kan . . . . . . . I88O I3O 7 6 18 276 7.OO I25,000.OO I25,000.00 Morris Brown College, Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . 1881 5 2 8 32 IO5O 8.00 80,762.98 93,000.00 Payne Institute, Cuthbert, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1890 4 I 3 6 38o • e e e º ºs e e s - e. 8,000.00 Allen University, Columbia, S. C. . . . . . . . . . I88O 4 4 8 I5 544 8.00 35,769.73 IIO,OOO.OO Flegler High School, Marion, S. C. . . . . . . . 1890 2 I 2 2 177 e s e 1,780.78 2,500.OO Payne University, Selma, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1889 6 IO 7 I2 584 7.OO 19,821.23 52,OOO.OO Campbell College, Jackson, Miss. . . . . . . . . . . 1890 I2OO 3 7 IO 330 7.OO . . . . . . . . 77,000.OO Delhi Institute, Alexandria, La. . . . . . . . . . . . 1890 6 3 3 2 I25 5.OO 85I.OO . . . . . . . . Shorter College, Argenta, Ark. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1897 2 3 7 IO 348 7.OO . . . . . 35,000.OO Turner N. & I. Institute, Shelbyville, Tenn. 1886 2O 2 3 4 II2 7.OO IO,090.34 9,500.OO Paul Quinn College, Waco, Tex. . . . . . . . . . 1881 2O I2 8 I2 330 8.00 52,358.00 I35.OOO.OO Edward Waters College, Jacksonville, Fla. 1883 6 © a 4 II 278 7.00 18,321.80 I5,OOO.OO Shafer Industrial School, West Africa. . . . . I902 IOO I 2 2 2 . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000.OO Miss. Sch. Collymore Rock, Barbadoes, W.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2OO,OO Miss. Sch. in Hayti and South America. . . . . . . . Wilberforce University is the most important of these schools. Its president is a widely known Negro scholar, a graduate of Oberlin College, and author of a “First Greek Book.” Its graduates have made the senior college class in the University of Chicago, and graduated with “honorable mention” from that institution. The method of raising money is through the local churches, each of which has a local educational society. The third Sunday in September is set apart as Educational Day, when a general collection is taken in all the churches. This amounted to a little more than $51,000 last year. Besides this, each member is taxed eight cents per year for the general educational fund, which is reported to the Annual Conference. Special meetings, rallies, lectures, entertainments, etc., are held for the pur- pose of raising this money. The total income from all sources for the educational work of this church is about $150,000 per year, which is contributed by about 300,000 in- dividuals. Since 1844 not less than three million dollars have been raised by this Negro denomination for educational work. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, organ- zed in 1820, is also composed entirely of Negroes and super- vised exclusively by them. It conducts twelve educational institutions, four of which are colleges, one a theological seminary and seven secondary schools, which have 150 teach- ers and more than three thousand students. The value of the property is about three hundred thousand dollars, and the total amount raised for education has been in the neighbor- hood of $1, IOO,OOO. During the past year more than $100,- OOO was raised. The schools of this denomination are as follows: Livingstone College, Salisbury, North Carolina. Atkinson College, Madisonville, Kentucky. Greenville College, Greenville, Tennessee. Lomax-Hannon High School, Greenville, Alabama. Walters' Institute, Warren, Arkansas. Lancaster N. & I. Institute, Lancaster, S. C. Edenton High School, Edenton, North Carolina. Zion Institute, Mobile, Alabama. Clinton Institute, Rock Hill, South Carolina. Eastern Carolina N. & I. Academy, New Bern, North Carolina. Dinwiddie Agri. & Ind. School, Dinwiddie, Virginia. The Colored Methodist Episcopal Church was organized a few years after the close of the Civil War, and had in 1901, .. 9 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; 204,972 members, 2751 ministers, 1649 churches and church property valued at $1,525,600. It controls and conducts six educational institutions; Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee, founded by Bishop Isaac Lane; Texas College, Tyler, Texas; Mississippi Industrial College, Holly Springs, Miss.; Homer Seminary, Homer, Louisiana; Haywood Seminary, Wash- ington, Arkansas; and Miles Memorial College, Birming- ham, Alabama. The C. M. E. Church also contributes to the Paine College, of Augusta, Georgia. Under the African Union Methodist Protestant Church, which has less than 6000 members, there are three educa- tional institutions: Kennedy Theological Institute, Balti- more, Maryland; Franklin College, Franklin, Pennsylvania, and Holland High School, Holland, Virginia. Negro Baptists.-The educational work of the Negro Baptist Churches was at first largely under the control of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, whose man- agers are whites. In recent years, however, there has been a movement among Negro Baptists to do educational work independently. This movement has been very widespread and has been participated in by nearly every association of the million and a half Negro Baptists of the country. A full list of the schools conducted by Negro Baptists has never been published. In their last Year Book—for 1907—I Io schools were reported as owned by Negro Baptists, located as follows: Eight in Alabama, eight in Arkansas, five in Florida, four in Georgia, two in Illinois, one in Indiana, two in Indian Territory, one in Kansas, nine in Kentucky, sixteen in Louisiana, one in Maryland, eleven in Mississippi, one in Missouri, thirteen in North Carolina, one in Ohio, five in South Carolina, three in Tennessee, six in Texas, five in Vir- ginia, three in West Virginia and five in Africa. Besides those mentioned in the Year Book there are several others in Louisiana, Virginia and North Carolina, making a total of not less than 120 schools owned entirely by Negro Bap- tists. Most of these are small and take the place of public high Schools. In most cases they are inadequately equipped; but their very rapid development, at the expense of the Negroes themselves, is a fair exhibition of the spirit of self- help. The value of the school property of the Negro Bap- tists is variously estimated between $700,ooo and $1,000,ooo. There are 613 teachers and 18,644 students in these schools. During 1907 the Baptist churches reported raising $97,032.75 for education, exclusive of what was raised in Maryland, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia, representing 35 per cent of Q . . . IO the Negro Baptists which made no report. If these states contributed in proportion to the others, the church collec- tions of Negro Baptists alone must have been about $149,- 332.75 for the year 1907. The total income of the I2O Bap- tist institutions for 1907 is estimated to be $343,000. Besides the contributions of Negroes themselves to their education through the church organizations controlled ex- clusively by themselves, they have made large contributions through church organizations controlled chiefly by whites, who give considerable help to Negro education, such as the American Baptist Home Mission Society, The Freedmen's Aid Society of the M. E. Church (North), The Freedmen's Board of the Presbyterian Church, the American Missionary Association, The Church Institute for Negroes of the Episco- pal Church, The Catholic Church, etc. The amount of self- help in all of these organizations is greatly increasing. The American Baptist Home, Mission Society has 23 schools under its care; but of these 14 are owned by the Negroes themselves. The report of the educational work of the society for the year 1907-1908 shows that the actual re- ceipts for that year were $269,695,78. Of this amount only $10,782.36 was contributed by white churches and indi- viduals, while $27,724.42 was contributed by Negro churches and individuals. Including tuition and board, the contributions of Negroes would probably amount to three- fourths of all the receipts of the American Baptist Home Missionary Society for Negro education. The following table, taken from the report, is self-explanatory: I I ... Receipts from Educational Institutions under the American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1907-1908. I, OOO i 13,661.60 g 8,242.20 16,889.54 20,265.21 13,201.38 9,395. 32 3 I,905.77 5 I,529.70 13,640.64 165,069.76 I 5, I 77.24 I 5,739.94 6,971.34 37,888.52 202,958.28 4,727. I 7 7,224.9 I 24, 194.70 5,335.76 7,025.50 2,296.26 3,549.90 3,975.36 3O2. OO 7,961.53 3,659.51 3,884.65 5,681.4o 1,000 13,661.60 74,137.25 *º- * – s— .2 34 - co º w) cºj _E. Sº * * # 3 : # # * cº !-- P- - P- * = - .5 # 2 ºf 3:5 Éá à | #4 * * * £ 6 g O,5 5 | O § 5 8 * : « g : 5 ~5 Tº T | < | ? § º: a) S * * $—s § c tº ~ to C) 3 : . g .2 : od • - C C ºf E ‘C 3 ‘... a. i := H . -3 O 5 * 's v O :*: - CO o, . H a º: 9 - || B HIGHER Schools own ED BY A. B. H. M. S. Atlanta Baptist College, Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.55 929. O I 5,457. I 7 41 O.OO 62.31 22 I. 1 o 1,154.og Benedict College, Columbia, S. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.58 3,514. oG 9,787.88 244.5o 635. 13 54.76 1,947.63 Bishop College, Marshall, Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492.51 1,500 3,518.70 12,393.35 65.oo 706.28 1,589.37 Hartshorn Memorial College, Richmond, Va. . . . . . . . 3,570. O6 I,245.25 6,057.30 I,031.93 258. I 5 282.4o 756.29 Jackson College, Jackson, Miss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2O O. O.O I,715.76 5,855.60 1,623.96 Shaw University, Raleigh, N. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,219. 16 2,500 7,059.35 16,572.45 1,408.5o 470.8o 263.67 2,411.84 Spelman Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 4,979. 53 20,914. 4 I 2,50 I. 30 217.78 359.91 17,556.77 Virginia Union University, Richmond, Va. . . . . . . . . 2,203.26 8,749.24 81 o.o.o 237.62 861.7o 778.82 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6, 195.86 9, ooo 25, 164.92 85,787.4o 6,406.23 1,946.79 2,749.82 27,818.74 HIGHER SCHOOLs own ED BY NEGROES Alabama Baptist Colored University, Selma, Ala. . 126.44 2,743.24 8,951.67 1,874.77 448.86 1,032.26 Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock, Ark. . . . . . . . 2,271.65 5,718.58 4,586.43 225.25 2,938.o.3 State University, Louisville, Ky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226.8o I, O99.92 1,464.81 2,398.92 63.oo 1,717.89 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353.24 6, 1 14.81 16, 135.06 8,860. 12 737. 11 5,688.18 Total for Higher Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,549. Io 9, ooo 31,279.73 Io 1,922.46 6,406.23 Io,806.91 3,486.93 33,506.92 SECON DARY SCHOOLS Americus Institute, Americus, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737. 16 1, 160.35 35.50 992. 54 137.81 663.81 Coleman Academy, Gibsland, La. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,048.35 3, Ioz. 55 1,040.oo 1,650.or 379. Oo Florida Baptist Academy, Jacksonville, Fla. . . . . . . . 1,528.65 3,673.42 2,264.68 1,996.69 93.90 975.76 Florida Institute, Live Oak, Fla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990.82 2,861.70 I, 23 I. 34 I 47.25 I oA.65 Houston Academy, Houston, Tex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,022.5o 4,638. oo I, 2 I 2.55 27. OO I 25.45 Howe Bible and Normal Institute, Memphis, Tenn. 1,655.38 635.38 5.50 Jeruel Academy, Athens, Ga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613. Og I,285. 55 I 5.oo 1,427.52 125.28 83.46 Mather School, Beaufort, S. C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793.48 27. I4 681.49 621.70 1,851.55 Tidewater Collegiate Institute, Hampton, Va. . . . . . . 196.oo 1 od.o.o Walker Baptist Academy, Augusta, Ga. . . . . . . . . . 57. 1 7 128.75 826. 13 187.oo 6,755.48 I. OO 6.oo Waters Normal Institute, Winton, N. C. . . . . . . . . . 208.54 1,699.21 733.24 1,018.52 Western College, Macon, Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.90 1,471.8o 2 I 2.25 9 Io. oo .50 473.2O Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85o.65 8,973.28 21,405.2 o 4,376. 13 16,917. 51 1,271.48 Total for Negro Schools. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,399.75 9, ooo 40,253. on 123,327.66 Io,782.36 27,724.42 4,758.41 39, 188.32 I, ooo 13,661.60 277,095.53 The contributions from churches, students and other sources by Negroes probably amounted to more than $200,- Ooo last year. An estimate of the total contributions of Negroes through the Society during the past forty years would be low at three million dollars, to which must be added at least three million dollars more, contributed to schools owned by Negroes themselves. In the Methodist Episcopal Church there is also a large amount of self-help. The following paragraphs from the report of its Freedmen's Aid Society will illustrate what progress is being made: The report says: “Self-Help Still Increasing.” “It is gratifying to note the increase of self-help both in the schools and in the Conferences of the South. Through our stu- dents last year we received in tuition, room rent and board, $143,833.26, an increase over the previous year of $10,008.94. which has been applied to the running expenses of the schools. More encouraging still are the reports from the Conferences. The reports from the Colored Conferences show a steady gain, and it is a fact of unusual significance that the South Carolina Conference, with a collection last year of $4,991.46, stands now at the head of the whole list among all the Conferences in the Church in the amount given to our work. The net increase in the Colored Con- ferences for the past year is $4,792.Oo, from which it will be seen that our net increase in Conference collections throughout the Church is due almost entirely to the increase in these Conferences among the colored people.” Concerning improvements during the year, the same re- port says: - “At Wiley University, a new President's house, at a cost of $4,000, has been completed, funds for this purpose being raised by the Texas Conference (Colored). The build- ing was erected mainly by students in the industrial depart- ment, and is entirely free from debt. At Sam Houston Col- lege, Austin, Texas, a new Boys' Hall at the cost of $15,500; $9,500 was raised by the West Texas Conference (Colored) and the Secretary in charge. At Claflin University, Orange- burg, South Carolina, the right wing of the industrial build- ing has been completed and equipped with up-to-date ma- chinery. A dry kiln has been installed with a capacity of IO,OOO feet of lumber per day. A new steam heating plant at an expense of $8,000 has been put in; a new sewerage system installed at an expense of $1,000, and a teachers’ cottage erected at an expense of $2,000. A large amount of I3 the cost of these improvements was paid by collections from the South Carolina Conference (Colored) and by special contributions secured by Dr. and Mrs. Dunton.” The M. E. Church has raised in the past forty years $8,567,127 of which $2,793,355.7o was from the Negro stu- dents, and about $250,000 from Negro Churches, making a total of more than $3,143,000.OO contributed by Negroes through this Church. Definite statistics are not kept as to the contributions of Negroes in the other Churches, but it is fair to presume that they pay an average amount as compared to what they contribute through the Baptist and Methodist Churches. But little is known of the work among the Roman Catholics, but the general policy of that Church is to encourage self- help, even more than the Protestant Churches, and the amount of money which this Church has secured from Negroes must be a large sum, as the following hints may in- dicate: In 1829, St. Frances Academy was founded by Negro Sisters from the West Indies, who gave all they had— furniture, silverware, real property and bank account—to the work. This institution is one of the best endowed institu- tions for Negro females in the country. A Miss Nancy Ad- dison left $15,000, and a Mr. Louis Bode, a Haytian, left $30,000 to the institution. A Philadelphia Negro left a sum of money variously estimated from $750,000 to $1,500,000 to establish a Catholic institution, and a New Orleans Ne- gro left nearly a half million dollars to education, a large portion of which went to Catholic institutions. Through their churches and church schools Negroes have contributed during the past forty years not less than fifteen million dollars for their own education. SELF-HELP IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. In the North as well as in the South the Negro private school preceded the public school for Negroes by many years. The Negroes' participation in anything like a public school system in the South may be said to have begun with the Freedmen's Bureau which operated from 1865 to 1870. Notwithstanding the Negroes were just out of slavery, their efforts at self-help attracted the attention of many of the officers of the Bureau. In 1869 General O. O. Howard, the Commissioner, reported that “the freedmen are already doing something. Last year it is estimated that they raised for the construction of school houses and the support of teachers not less than $200,000.” In 1870, five years after the close of the Civil War, it was reported that “the freedmen sus- I4 tained, wholly or in part, I324 regularly reported day and night schools, and own 592 of the school buildings.” In 1868 and 1869 the amount of tuition fees paid by Negro pupils was reported as $268,046.78. During the first five years of the operation of the Freedmen's Bureau it is esti- mated that Negroes paid on their own education $785,ooo. Since 1870 common school education has been conduct- ed chiefly by the States, and the Negroes' contributions have been mainly through taxes, though not exclusively so. Though there is no authoritative data from which one can draw accurate conclusions, yet it is very probable that the Negroes have paid for the entire amount of public com- mon school education which they have received from the Southern States since 1870. This does not mean, however, that the direct taxes on the property of the Negroes have been sufficient to pay for their public school training, for they have not. Neither have the direct taxes on the property of the whites been sufficient to pay for their common school education. For example, for 1907 the total direct property tax, both state and local, for the state of Georgia, for school purposes, was $1,750,577.59, whereas the total receipts for public schools were $3,0II,678.46, and the total expended was $2,850,210.69. In other words, only 55 per cent. of the school fund of the state of Georgia was raised from taxes on the property of the inhabitants. The remainder of $1,261, IOO.87 was made up in the following manner: Balance on hand from last year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180,190.33 Poll Tax, $1 for each male 21 years of age . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,000.00 Half rental, Western & Atlantic Railroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Io,006.00 Liquor Tax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242,000.OO Net fees for inspection of fertilizers and oils . . . . . . . . . . 22,600.00 Show Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,616.00 Net Proceeds from sale of prison farm products . . . . . I6,639.71 Net from holders of school lands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,680.62 Net hire of convicts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I99,659.7I Other sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96,708.5o Total, (“Indirect Taxes”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,261,100.87 The Negroes constitute 46.7 per cent. of the population of Georgia, and are, therefore, entitled to that per cent. of the indirect school taxes. And when an analysis is made, their right to their percentage becomes even more apparent. Negro slaves built the Western and Atlantic Railroad, with a great profit to the state, but none at that time to themselves; Negroes actually pay in more than $115,000 in poll taxes; they, unfortunately, drink a large amount of the liquor I5 sold in the state, and are among the chief patrons of shows; they constitute over eighty per cent. of the convicts which net the state nearly two hundred thousand dollars for the education of its children; and they make the greater propor- tion of the farm products sold by the state. Their percent- age would be $578,934. II. This, added to the $67,959. I6 property school taxes which they actually paid during 1907, makes a total of $646,893.27 available for the Negro schools. The State School Commissioner reported $420,664.46 paid Negro teachers, less than 19 per cent, of the $2,239,985.81 paid to all teachers. Very little is paid for Negro school buildings, except in cities, and there is but little actual super- vision of Negro public schools; but, allowing the same per- centage for other expenses that they get of the amount paid to teachers, that is, 19 per cent., $115,942.73 must be added to the Negro account, making a total of $536,607. I9, a very liberal estimate of the entire amount spent for education of . Negroes by the state of Georgia and its local communities. This still leaves a balance to the Negroes' credit of $1 Io,286.- 18. Besides this the Negroes pay $5900 taxes for higher institutions and $33,020 for pensions to Confederate soldiers or their widows. It is very evident from the above calculations that the Negroes are in no sense a burden upon the white taxpayers, and that, although the Negroes pay annually hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to whites as rent for their real estate, yet they do not receive one cent from the taxes on this property for their education. What is true of the state of Georgia is true of other Southern States, in no one of which do the property taxes of the whites pay for the schools of the whites, and in all of which the direct taxes of Negroes, plus their pro rata of indirect taxes, more than cover the expenses of their schools. Y The United States Commissioner of Education esti- mated that $864,383,520 was spent for public school educa- tion in the South between 1870 and 1906, and estimates that $155,000,000 of this was spent for the education of Negroes. In view of the above, it is not too much to assert that the Negroes have contributed this entire amount, if not more, and that at least $45,000,000 was paid by them in cash as property taxes, and poll taxes. The theory that Negroes bear the whole burden of their public school education, and that they derive little or nothing from the taxes of whites in the South, is not new. It is the conclusion of nearly every expert who has examined the I6 subject. As far back as 1882 State School Commissioner G. J. Orr, of Georgia, said that “of the $151,000 paid to Negro teachers by the State, $145,000 might be considered as having been contributed directly or indirectly by the col- ored people.” (Since Mr. Orr made this statement the as- sessed value of the property of Negroes in Georgia has in- creased more than 300 per cent.) In 1889 the Superintend- ent of Public Instruction of North Carolina, addressing the school officers of this state, said: “Do you know, that in- cluding the poll tax which they actually pay, fines, forfeit– ures and penalties, the Negroes furnish a large proportion of the money that is applied to their schools?” In 1900, the Superintendent of Education of Florida wrote: “The edu- cation of the Negro of Middle Florida does not cost the white people of that section one cent. The presence of the Negro has actually been contributing to the sustenance of the white Schools. The schools for Negroes not only are no burden upon the white citizens, but $4,527.OO contributed for Negro schools from other sources was in some way diverted to white schools.” As late as 1904, Superintendent of Public Instruction Joyner, of North Carolina, wrote in his annual report as fol- lows: “In justice to the Negro, and for the information of Some of those who have been misled into thinking that a large part of the taxes which the white people pay is spent for the education of the Negro it may be well at the outset to give a brief statement of the facts in regard to the appor- tionment of the school fund. This report shows that in 1904 the Negroes received for teachers' salaries and for building School houses, $244,847.38, for 221,545 children of school age. The whites received for the same purpose, for 462,639 children of school age, $929,164.26. The Negroes, there- fore, have about one-third of the school population, and re- ceive in the apportionment about one-fifth of the school mon- ey. The auditor's report showed that the Negroes paid in school taxes on their property and polls $126,029, 198, or 51 per cent. of all that they received for school purposes. Add to this their just share of the liquor licenses, fines, forfeitures and penalties, most of which they really pay, and their share of the large school tax paid by corporations, to which they are entitled under the Constitution by every dictate of reason and justice, and it will be apparent that if any part of the taxes actually paid by the individual white man ever reaches the Negro for school purposes, the amount is so small that the man who would begrudge it or complain about it ought to 17 be ashamed of himself. In the face of these facts any un- prejudiced man will see that we are in no danger of giving the Negroes more than they are entitled to by every dictate of justice, right, wisdom, humanity and Christianity.” Mr. George W. Cable, a Southerner by birth, and an ex- Confederate soldier, wrote in 1892: “In the year 1889-'90 the colored schools of Georgia did not really cost the white people of the state, as a whole, a single cent, either in poll tax, tax on property or any form of public revenue. In the other ten southernmost states the case was not seriously different. The Negro, so far from being the educational pauper he is commonly reputed to be, comes, in these states, nearer to paying entirely for his children's schooling, such as it is, than any similarly poor man in any other part of the en- lightened world.” VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. A large amount of money is contributed by Negroes to public education over and above that paid as taxes, of which, in most cases, but little account is taken. Negroes have given large sums of money for the board of teachers. In 1866, when the Superintendent of Education for the Freed- men's Bureau in Georgia wrote for more teachers, he stated that their board would be paid by freedmen; and it was for many years the general custom for the Negro rural school teacher to receive a stipulated sum of from $10.00 to $25.00 per month from the county, and board and lodging, averag- ing from four to eight dollars per month, from the Negroes. The amount of contributions of this kind, were, therefore, from 15 to 40 per cent. of the salary of the teacher, which must aggregate a very large sum. But of this no accurate accounts were ever taken. There is small provision for building school houses in the former slave states. Alabama provides practically noth- ing; Virginia and North Carolina makes loans to the local district from the Literary Funds, under certain conditions; Florida does the same. Hence the kind of School houses depends finally upon the people of the district. And since the districts are divided according to race, the Negroes are largely responsible for their school property. The following table showing the ownership of school houses in 155 counties in the southern states is constructed from information directly from reports of superintendents: I8 P (ſ) C O (ſ) tà 3 § § º .9 º ă », 3 -5 @) t States # É? #: § # * à & 5 - Tº - 42.9 O •D *—s ° à | g : g;2. O "… Tº c - -5 B: ‘5 O .” 3 O 2. dº o Oſ) < {- H Alabama . . . . . . . 4. O 9I 33 I24 I24 Arkansas . . . . . . . 4 I5O 5 3 8 I58 Delaware . . . . . . . 2 e tº e 56 O 56 56 Florida . . . . . . . . . 2 54 4. I2 I6 70 Georgia . . . . . . . . 28 I2O 295 247 542 662 Kentucky . . . . . . . 5 65 50 I4 64 I29 Louisiana . . . . . . I2 IIS 42 218 260 375 Maryland . . . . . . . 6 I39 2 9 II I50 Mississippi . . . . . I3 2O6 2O I 222 423 629 N. Carolina . . . . . 2 44 O 4 4 48 S. Carolina . . . . 9 333 50 65 II5 448 Texas . . . . . . . . . . I 2 I6o I9 58 77 237 Virginia . . . . . . . . 56 935 28 88 II6 IO5 I Total . . . . . . . . I55 232 I 843 973 I8I6 4I37 Per cent. owned by Negroes . . . . 43.9 The I55 counties reported 4137 school houses, of which 1816 or 43.9 per cent. were owned by Negroes, 973 of them being Negro churches. It is well to remark that the table as it stands is not self-explanatory. In Virginia, in 56 counties, 935 out of IoSI school houses are reported as belonging to the county. This does not mean that the county put up these houses and presented them to the Negroes for their use. The fact is, in most cases, the Negroes, because of the aid given them by the county fund, deeded them to the county; the same is true in North Carolina and Florida, where local school boards seldom hold the property. The significant fact is that of the 4137 houses reported only 973 are church buildings, which means that in 3164 cases the Negroes have exerted themselves in order to secure some kind of a school house other than the house in which they hold religious services. The average term for the Negro public schools is theo- retically about four calendar months, but practically as long as the appropriation lasts, which frequently is not more than three months. Many communities, therefore, have to volun- tarily lengthen the term by extra taxation. In Delaware, the state provides for I40 days, yet most of the schools are taught for a longer period. Last year, 15 of the 24 schools in New Castle County (exclusive of Wilmington) extended I9 their term beyond the 14o days. In states further south, where the terms are not so long as in Delaware, terms have been extended two or four months at the extra expense of the Negroes. The average salary of the Negro teacher is less than that of the Negro mechanic, and frequently less than that of the unskilled day laborer. In 1905-1906 the average salary paid the colored teachers in Mississippi was reported as $20.83 per month, whereas in that state the laborer gets $1.00 to $1.50 per day. This, together with the short terms, works a hardship upon the Negro teacher. The standard of living among Negroes and the cost of living have so increased dur- ing the recent years that the rural school is in danger of losing the very type of teacher most valuable. Many com- munities tax themselves heavily to keep the right kind of teacher with them. Some pay their board extra, others pay so much per scholar and others so much per family. Of the above I55 counties, 32 reported extra contributions for lengthening the school term, and 33 reported extra contri- butions for the increase of the salary of the teacher. The following concrete instances will give an idea of this support of public schools by extra contributions: From Union Springs, Alabama: “Town Creek Asso- ciation, Eufaula Association, Old Pine Grove, Troy and Ozark are all supporting academies of which they have sole control. Each academy owns from one to ten acres of land, the buildings are very respectable, each school having from one to four buildings. The teachers are paid by the colored people. Salaries range from $25 to $60 per month, employ- ing from three to five teachers in each school. The county public school teacher's salary is very meagre, but the people usually supplement from $5 to $10 per month. The Negroes in my community are assuming the work of educating their children almost entirely. The government or city gives us a small school, however. In town, there is the Union Springs High School, which runs nine months yearly, and has four teachers and two buildings. It takes $1053 annually to sup- port the work, all of which is paid by the Negroes of the community and adjacent communities.” From Bibb County, Georgia: “We have bought two additional lots and deeded them to the Board so that the children could have a playground. Some years ago the teachers raised somewhere near $1400 and started a school of two rooms but the Board and the city have added two rooms at a time until it is now an eight-room building. On 2O Pleasant Hill the patrons bought a lot for three hundred dol- lars, on which the Board has built an eight-room school building. The people then bought another lot adjoining and deeded it to the Board. They still want a larger playground, and the Board offers to pay for half if the school will raise the other half, which is not a hard task. We raise funds which extend or supplement our industrial work, and will send our teacher north to study methods at our expense, We keep increasing our library and in other ways exercising self-help.” From Tallahassee, Florida : “In this county there are places where Negroes have built their own schoolhouses in order that they may get a school in the community, but the Board of Education always requires them to deed the prop- erty to it before the school is established. So by this method no school houses are owned by Negroes. About one-half of the schools are taught in Negro churches. In some commu- nities the patrons are active in the matter of making the con- ditions in the school house better. This depends on the type of teacher. Teachers receive their board in a few places.” From Westminster, S. C. : “I opened school here Janu- ary, 1907, in a saw mill shanty. The county paid me for seven weeks at the rate of $25 per month. On July 15 I opened again in the same shanty taught eight weeks and re- ceived $50. Then we decided to build a school house; ten of the patrons gave me a dollar each to pay for an acre of land, which cost $13.75. The little school house cost us $80, but it is not yet finished. The stove cost $8, the benches, table and blackboard would cost perhaps $1.50. The money that the patrons gave us amounted to $101.75; the county did not give any at all. In February, 1908, I opened school again in the new house and taught eight weeks at the rate of $25 per month, and three weeks for nothing. When the money for the teacher's salary runs out and I am not too busy, I just teach on until the children are obliged to go to the farm.” A more systematic work is done under the auspices of Tuskegee Institute. The following is from the report of the agent and shows what may be done under proper supervision. This report relates mainly to Macon County, Alabama: FROM OCTOBER 1, 1906, To OCTOBER 1, 1907. .5 5 'g º # 5 Jº .# Teacher E 33 i E. | • # # É # 5 s: º £ 3. _______ ___ = | * | # # I. W. Welch . . . . . . . . . . 3 2OO $90.00 $235.40 N. E. Henry . . . . . . . . . . 3 2OO 90.OO II.3.20 J. A. Merchant . . . . . . . . 4 24O I2O.OO 25.50 M. P. Simmons . . . . . . . . 7 II5 IO5.OO gº tº º is Alex. Wilson . . . . . . . . . . I 8O 29O.OO 60.Oo J. C. Calloway . . . . . . . . . I ISO 3O.OO 78.oo J. T. Hollis . . . . . . . . . . 2 I60 60.00 222.3.I Mrs. K. B. Day . . . . . . 4 OO 82.50 I4.OO E. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 87 90.OO 468.75 J. P. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 3 I2O QO.OO 346.40 D. L. House . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IOO QO.OO 347.90 Mrs. J. S. Tyson . . . . . . 3% 60 88.75 28.25 J. H. Torbert . . . . . . . . . 8 8O 90.OO tº gº º ºs H. E. Womack . . . . . . . . 4 2OO IOO.OO 275.00 D. K. McMillan . . . . . . . 4 I95 I2O.OO 292.25 R. R. Potts . . . . . . . . . . 3 2OO 85.oo 2I2.25 E. Thweatt . . . . . . . . . . . 2% I3O 67.50 32.78 Ellen McCullough . . . . 4 I2O I2O.OO 2Io.8o W. R. Cowart . . . . . . . . 3 I 30 90.OO IOO.OO Mrs. E. M. Saunders .. 4 2OO I2O.OO 67O.OO C. Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I75 5.I.25 4O.OO N. Birmingham . . . . . . . . 2 85 50.00 35.OO Susie Mitchell . . . . . . . . 4 I55 I2O.OO 320.56 F. Pearsall . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 75.OO . . . . . L. B. Howard . . . . . . . . 4 I25 IOO.OO I65.70 Mrs J. R. Cox . . . . . . . 7 IOO 259.00 . . . . . Mrs. Doggette . . . . . . . . 9 tº gº tº 48.OO . . . . . Mrs. Powell . . . . . . . . . . 4 IOO I2O.OO 25.OO M. Martin . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% II5 I IO.OO 25.00 E. Whiting . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 I2O.OO * * * * B. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I50 90.OO e & © & J. Ammons . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 I75 I2O.OO 22.OO W. D. Floyd . . . . . . . . . . 4 275 I2O.OO 64.50 Mrs. Drake . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 90 60.oo © º & e W. H. Goode . . . . . . . . . . 4 IOO 80.00 24O.OO P. Birmingham . . . . . . . . 4 90 80.75 40.91 J. Locke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 185 90.OO 16O.oo R. V. Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 75.OO 45.OO S. B. Comer . . . . . . . . . . 3 85 90.OO tº º º ſº C. Bascom . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 IOO 75.OO 62.96 D. A. Bibb . . . . . . . . . . . 2 98 58.5o 33.00 C. P. Adams . . . . . . . . . 4 375 IOO.OO 409.OO A. L. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . 2 60 50.00 IO.4O 22 W. T. Jones . . . . . . . . . . I 45 25.00 . . . . . L. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IO5 6o.oo 24O.OO M. E. Harris . . . . . . . . . 2 97 6o.oo 26.10 N. B. Martin . . . . . . . . . 5 67 49.50 40.50 J. Albritton . . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 90.OO tº ſº º 'º J. C. Napier . . . . . . . . . . . 6 II5 I5O.OO gº º e ſº D. Glaude . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IOO 50.00 IOO.OO A. R. Griffin . . . . . . . . . . 2 84 39.00 I9.OO M. Shields . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 98 5O.OO 127.17 I. Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 IOO 60.00 40.00 B. Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8o 60.00 II.46 Alice Harris . . . . . . . . . . 2 65 50.00 I4.OO L. Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 96 60.oo 55.00 F. Patterson . . . . . . . . . . 2 39 60.oo 23.39 E. Wilson . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 40 IO.OO 64.00 C. J. Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 99 50.OO M. Carter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 IO5 5O.OO e g º & J. Magbie . . . . . . . . . . . . 4% I49 5O.OO 34O.OO B. Greene . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 65 3O.OO J - - - - - 207% 7,384 $5,214.75 $6,532.44 The report shows that in 61 schools, 207% months were added and $6,532.44 raised in 1906-1907. During the year 1907-1908, just closed, $3447. I2 was raised by the people, chiefly by educational rallies, festivals and subscriptions. In some places these are held regularly each month and reported in The Messenger, published at Tuskegee. THE NEGRO TEACHER: AN AGENT OF SELF-HELP. Self-help has meant for the Negro not only contribu- tions of money, but also of men. Although individual Ne- gro teachers have existed continuously in the south as well as in the north for more than a century, yet, as a profes- sional group, they have made their place during this gene- ration. In 1866 there were less than IOOO Negro teachers; in 1907 there were more than 28,000 Negroes engaged in teaching, an increase of nearly three thousand per cent. in a little more than a single generation. Along with the increase in numbers there has been a corresponding improvement in competency and character of Negro teachers. The following table will show the grades of teachers employed in typical southern states: 23 # $ $ * º co (ſ) C) Ö & § T. t; 'E º, & & Alabama, 1905-6 . . . . . . . I42 285 II.47 86 I660 Florida, 1905-6 . . . . . . . . 55 360 332 I40 887 Georgia, IgoS-6 . . . . . . . . 22I 567 I998 384 3I7O Mississippi, 1905-6 . . . . . 87o 973 I476 & ſº ºr 33I3 North Carolina, 1904. . . 980 I72I I45 gº tº º 2886 Virginia, 1906-7 . . . . . . . . 871 675 I45 550 2241 This table represents the teachers chiefly of the rural districts. In the cities the standard is much higher. In Ala- bama 69 per cent. of the teachers hold third grade certifi- cates; in Georgia, 63 per cent. ; in Mississippi, less than 45 per cent. ; in Florida, 37 per cent. ; in Virginia, 6.5 per cent., and in North Carolina, only five per cent. of the teachers hold third-grade certificates. In the six states about 37 per cent. hold third grade certificates. In Florida there were 93 normal school graduates who attended summer schools and 369 who subscribed for educational journals. In Virginia there were 56 college graduates and 127 who held life and professional diplomas, while 351 had graduated from the normal schools. VThe first teachers of N egroes were largely whites. In 1867 the Freedmen's Bureau reported IoS6 Negro teachers; in 1870, 1324. In 1908 nearly all of the public schools of the South were under Negro teachers. New Orleans, Lou- isiana; Charleston, South Carolina; Richmond, Virginia, and possibly one or two other cities still have some white teachers in Negro public schools. In the colleges and higher private institutions most white teachers are found. But in these the tendency is for the Negroes to be given responsibilities. In the Methodist Episcopal Church the senior secretary having charge of the schools of the Freedmen's Aid Society is a Negro. In 1907 there were 507 teachers in the Negro schools under this society, 402 of whom were Negroes. With- in the past few years Negroes have been promoted to the presidency of several of these institutions, which were for- merly entirely in the hands of white teachers. Such schools are Gammon Theological Seminary and Clark University, Atlanta, Georgia; Wiley University, Marshall, Texas; Phi- lander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkansas; Bennett Col- lege, Greensboro, North Carolina; Gilbert Industrial Acad- emy, Baldwin, Louisiana. Other schools such as Samuel Houston College, Meridian Academy, Central Alabama Col- 24 lege and Princess Anne Academy have had Negro teachers from the beginning. The same tendency is noticeable in the schools of the Baptist Church, the American Missionary As- sociation and other schools. Of 323 teachers reported in 1908 by the Baptist Home Mission Society, 188 were Ne- groes. Three years ago one of the largest colleges of the Baptist church—Atlanta Baptist College—chose its first Negro president, a graduate of Brown University, and a for- mer student at the University of Chicago. Howard Univer- sity has had Negroes in important places since its beginning. The organizer of its Theological department was a Negro; the present Dean of the College department is a former stu- dent of Johns Hopkins; its Dean of the Teachers’ College is a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Pennsylvania. In Biddle University, the largest school of the Presbyterians, and St. Augustine, the principal school of the Episcopalians, Negro presidents have succeeded whites in the conduct of the schools. Fisk University, Talladega, Atlanta University and other institutions which have maintained a high classi- cal standard, have drawn their Negro professors from grad- uates of Negro Schools—often their own alumni, who have graduated also from Harvard, Yale, and other noted insti- tutions. Tuskegee Institute, alone, has on its Faculty grad- uates from a dozen of the leading institutions in the North. In a few cities, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Harrisburg, Penn- Sylvania, and Topeka, Kansas, Negroes have served on the Board of Education. But it is in private institutions where Negroes have had the best opportunities for administration. In three great church organizations the educational work is largely under Negro secretaries. Most of the Negro colleges have Negro presidents and many of the largest institutions have Negro trustees. A third of the Board of Trustees of Howard University are Negroes. Four of the graduates of Atlanta University are on the Trustee Board of their Alma Mater. Fisk, Talledega, Storer, and other large institutions, have their Negro graduates as trustees. But perhaps the largest example of self-help along the line of administration is that of Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute of Alabama, an institution whose entire teaching force is of Negroes and whose success is due to the genius of Dr. Booker T. Wash- ington, himself a product of the self-help system of Hamp- ton Institute. • - 25 THE NEGRO STUDENT. The purpose of education is to develop self-help, self- reliance, as well as to impart knowledge. But, as a rule, we look upon education as an investment and require the stu- dent to pay but a small proportion of the cost of his training. In Germany, a few years ago the Mecca of all who aspired to higher learning, money received from the students is but a mere trifle, and in America, the students of our leading universities, such as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, etc., though often the sons of wealthy parents, pay the university but a small percentage of the running expenses. With the Negro institutions, however, quite the reverse seems to be true. According to the Twelfth Bulletin of the Atlanta Univer- sity Negro students in nine years, or from 1898 to 1907, paid in cash, to 74 Negro institutions, $3,358,667, and in work $1,828,602, a total of $5,187,269, which was 44.6 per cent. of the entire running expenses of these institutions. In some of them Negro students paid as much as three- fourths and in 24 of them they paid more than half of the total expense of operating the schools. In twelve institu- tions the average received from Negro students was more than $10,000 per year, as the following table will show : | | | # ; 5 ## § Institution # §: º . •o ed ## ## 3 º | 3" | 5 # 3 3. Tuskegee Institute . . . . . . . . . 217,798 $707,285 $925,083 $102,787 Hampton Institute . . . . . . . . . 91,228 549,618 640,846 7I,205 Fisk University . . . . . . . . . . . 261,576 22,500 284,076 31,564 Howard University . . . . . . . 2 I I, I5,927 227,915 25,324 Wiley University . . . . . . . . . . 154,896 28,500 183,396 20,377 Shaw University . . . . . . . . . . I68,241 5,161 I73,402 19,267 Knoxville College . . . . . . . . . IO9,450 24,000 I33,450 14,828 Clark University . . . . . . . . . . II6,757 7,084 123,841 13,760 Straight University . . . . . . . I Io,702 4,916 II5,618 12,846 Scotia Seminary . . . . . . . . . . 64,588 48,300 112,888 I2,543 Bishop College . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,793 12,587 94,380 Io,487 Atlanta University . . . . . . . . 82,487 16,362 98,849 Io,985 It was General S. C. Armstrong of Hampton Institute who put such great stress upon self-help among students, and the result of the system he advocated is seen in the fact th; Hampton averaged $71,205 per year paid by students • . . . . . . 26 in work and cash during the past nine years, and Tuskegee $102,787. During the past five years the average from work alone has been more than $60,000 at Hampton, as the fol- lowing table shows: - - - …- - - - - - : | 5 > 33 : a | #: 52 º d | º O | t. G à-3 > * “s + £ . c. O . Tº = % tºo * 3: | 5 ºn _____________. 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I902-3 . . . . . . . . . . $11,128.24 $60,450.83 $71,579.07 1903-4 . . . . . . . . . Io,993.16 67,646.58 78,639.74 I904-5. . . . . . . . . . II,549.3 I 70,077.64 81,636.95 1905-6 . . . . . . . . . 13,681.80 7I, I48.54 84,830.34 1906-7 . . . . . . . . . I5,146.24 68,598.80 83,745.04 The total paid in by the students of the Freedmen's Aid Society for 1907-8 was $113,154.76. The total paid by the students of Atlanta University for 38 years from 1871 to 1908 was $356, III.61, which is over 25 per cent. of $1,400,526.68, the total expense of conducting the institu- tion. In the denominational schools the proportion has been In Ore. Students have contributed in many other ways to aid the institutions of which they are members. Quartettes, sextettes and musical clubs of Negro students tour the coun- try winter and summer singing in aid of their school. The most notable of them were the Fisk Jubilee Singers which went out in 1871. They raised over a hundred thousand dollars in a campaign in America and Europe, out of which they built Jubilee Hall at Fisk University and paid a large part on Theological Hall at the same place. NEGRO PHILANTHROPISTS. The Negro race is yet poor. The total wealth of the ten million would hardly equal that of Mr. Rockefeller and Mr. Carnegie. Yet out of their meagre earnings, there have been many Negroes who have given to education. Only a bare mention of some of them can be given. Bishop D. A. Payne gave several thousand dollars to Wilberforce University, Mr. Wheeling Gant gave $5,000, Bishop J. P. Campbell gave $1,000 to the endowment, Henry and Sarah Gordon gave $2, IOO, Bishop and Mrs. J. A. Shorter gave $2,000 toward the endowment fund of the same institution. Only a few months ago French Gray 27 gave land valued at $2,000 to Dooley Normal and Industrial School in Alabama. Bishop Isaac Lane gave more than $1,000 to Lane College, Jackson, Tennessee; Thomy Lafon gave $6,000 to Straight University, New Orleans; and George, Agnes and Mollie Walker $1,000 to the same insti- tution. Fisk University received from Mrs. Lucinda Bed- ford, of Nashville, $1,000, and $275 from Mr. C. J. Ander- son for scholarships, and $500 from John and James Bar- rows, of Nashville. Tuskegee received $1,000 from R. F. Baptiste, of Galway, New York, and will receive a residue amount from the estate of Mary E. Shaw which will aggre- gate about $38,000. Aristide Mary, of New Orleans, gave $3,000 in cash to the Orphans' Indigent Institute, which was founded by Widow Bernard Couvent in 1835, who gave all she had to it. Other Negroes gave several thousand dollars to this institute anonymously. In Baltimore, Nelson Wills supported a school for Negroes before the war. In that same city Dr. Augustus and wife gave a large bequest to the Community of Oblate Sisters of Providence, which is in charge of St. Francis Xavier Academy. Miss Nancy Addison left $15,000 and Mr. Louis Bode left $30,000 to the same community. In Philadelphia Mrs. Fanny J. Coppin collected over $3,000 for the Institute for Colored Youth. George Washington, of Jerseyville, Illinois, a for- mer slave, left $15,000 for education of Negroes; Joshua Parker willed $6,000 to the State College of Delaware. Morgan College, Baltimore, has received more than $500 from Rev. C. G. Key and S. T. Houston. Scores of other Negroes have given to education at different times in smaller sums, the aggregate of which would be more than $500. There have been two gifts to education, however, that are very remarkable for their largeness, because they were given by Negroes who had grown wealthy but of whom the outside world knew but little until their death. Thomy Lafon, of New Orleans, left $413,000 to charitable and edu- cational institutions of that city, without distinction of color. Col. John McKee, of Philadelphia, who died in 1902, left upwards of a million dollars in real estate for education. He provided that “Col. John McKee's College” be estab- lished out of the proceeds of his estate. - OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS OF NEGROES. Negroes have exhibited self-help in other ways which cannot be indicated in a paper so short as this. The Church is a great organ of education as well as of worship. All of the larger denominations control printing plants and turn out 28 each year millions of copies of newspapers, Sunday School papers, booklets and other religious literature. They bring together each Sunday more than a million and a half of chil- dren who study Sunday School lessons. Then there are more than 200 secular newspapers and magazines, several thousand books and pamphlets, which have been published by Negroes, to which also must be added reading circles, lecture bureaus, conversation clubs, all agencies of self-help which the Negroes of America have developed for their own education. CONCLUSIONS. If it is proper to measure progress by the depth from which one comes as well as by the height which one reaches, the efforts at self-help in education by Negroes deserve praise. Their contributions have been far from adequate for even meagre education, and, to-day, half of their children of proper school age are not in School, and two-fifths of their race are unable to read and write. But the history of civili- zation does not show one other instance of a wholly illiterate race or nation reducing its illiteracy in half of a single generation. It is probably also true that the Negroes pay possibly a larger percentage of the cost of their schools than any other group of poor people in America. The Negroes have paid in direct property and poll taxes more than $45,000,000 during the past forty years. The Negroes have contributed at least $15,000,000 to education through their churches. The Negro student possibly pays a larger percentage of the running expenses of the institutions which he attends, than any other student in the land. A single generation has produced 28,000 teachers, 2O,OOO ministers, 200 newspapers and magazines and other agencies of self-help. 29 | | ||| O | | 3 9 MUTILATE CARD DD NOT REMOVE <, C2 ~ ~ S2 >= M- O >= }= �^) C4 \,\! > 2 ~) !, ~ ~ })