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II.-CONGREGATIONAL SINGING . . . . . III.—THE ORGAN . . . . . . . . . IV.—THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER . . . V.—THE VESTED MALE CHOIR . . . . . VI.--THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSIC IN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH . . . . . . XI 1 54 101 148 184 220 Transfer to musce 9.!!!!! EXTRACTS FROM THE WILL OF THE Rr. Rev. CHARLES REUBEN HALE, D.D., LL.D., BISHOP COADJUTOR OF SPRING- FIELD, born 1837; consecrated July 26, 1892; died December 25, 1900. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and N of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I, CHARLES REUBEN HALE, BISHOP OF CAIRO, BISHOP COADJUTOR OF SPRINGFIELD, of the City of Cairo, Illinois, do make, publish, and declare this, as and for my Last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made. First. First of all, I commit myself, soul and body, into the hands of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour, in Whose Merits alone I trust, looking for the Resurrection of the Body and the Life of the World to come. Fourteenth. All the rest and residue of my Estate, personal and real, not in this my Will otherwise spe- cifically devised, wheresoever situate, and whether legal or equitable, I give, devise, and bequeath to "THE WEST- ERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS," above mentioned, but nevertheless In Trust, provided it shall accept the trust by an instrument in writing so stat- ing, filed with this Will in the Court where probated, within six months after the probate of this Will—for the general purpose of promoting the Catholic Faith, in its purity and integrity, as taught in Holy Scrip- ture, held by the Primitive Church, summed up in the EXTRACTS Creeds and affirmed by the undisputed General Councils, and, in particular, to be used only and exclusively for the purposes following, to-wit:- (2) The establishment, endowment, publication, and due circulation of Courses of Lectures, to be delivered annually forever, to be called "The Hale Lectures." The Lectures shall treat of one of the following subjects: (a) Liturgies and Liturgics. (6) Church Hymns and Church Music. (c) The History of the Eastern Churches. (d) The History of National Churches. (e) Contemporaneous Church History: i.e., treat- ing of events happening since the beginning of what is called “The Oxford Movement," in 1833. It is the aim of the Seminary, through the Hale Lectures, to make from time to time some valuable contributions to certain of the Church's problems, without thereby committing itself to agreement with the utterances of its own selected Preachers. AUTHOR'S PREFACE BISHOP ANDERSON, when honoring the under- signed with the appointment of Hale Lecturer for 1908-1909, expressed the wish that the lectures might be made as practical as possible. Every effort has been made to comply with this request, and as a consequence, technicalities and discussions which would only interest the professional musician have been avoided. The general plan of the lectures (which are printed as delivered) is two-fold: in the first place to set before the interested reader, be he clergyman or layman, a concise history of the various subjects, in order that he may arrive at an intelligent com- prehension of the situation as a whole; in the second place to give practical suggestions bearing upon conditions as they exist in the average church or parish of to-day. The writer is greatly indebted to the files of that invaluable journal for the Church musician, the “New Music Review” (published by the H. W. Gray Co., New York), for much detailed information and many pertinent suggestions. Since these lectures were put in type an histori- cal edition of "Hymns Ancient and Modern” has ap- peared. This book contains, in addition to the hymns and tunes, a history of the words and music in each instance, giving their sources and the origi- xii AUTHOR'S PREFACD nal text in case of translations. The work is truly monumental in character and indispensable to the true hymn lover. A most valuable book, but con- cerning tunes only, is Cowan & Love's "The Music of the Church Hymnary and the Psalter in Metre." The Bibliography at the end of this book, al- though far from complete, endeavors to give works covering all phases of Church music. NOTE The numbers in parentheses, under the hymn titles in the margin, refer to the hymn numbers in the author- ized editions of the Church Hymnal. HYMN TUNES. importance. A CONSIDERATION of the relative import- ance of hymn and tune opens a very wide field for discussion, but as far as the general public Tunes, their is concerned the tune holds indisputably the supremacy. Many a hymn of mediocre merit has been sung into fame and widespread use through the compelling power of the tune, while many a worthy hymn has been unable to survive inadequate musical expression. The tune, therefore, becomes of vital practical importance and it possesses qualities peculiar to itself which no other agency can either dis- place or duplicate. It is the one channel through which we can collectively voice our offerings of prayer and praise to Almighty God, the one medium by which all can unite in an inspiring act of worship, and the only means by which the people as a whole can be swayed by a single emotion or uplifted by a common impulse. The tunes that are chosen for these high MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Choice of tunes. purposes should receive serious consideration. It is not sufficient that they appeal to man, they must also be worthy of presentation to God. The question thus transfers itself to a higher plane than the mere pleasing of the individual taste. Fundamental worth, artistic merit, his- toric association, fitness as to time and place, practicability, are all factors which should be given due consideration in the selection of tunes. The important part hymn-singing has played in the development and propagation of the Christian religion should be told to laymen. Interest would surely be awakened by telling them of the historic value and associations of certain tunes, by calling attention to the fact that hymn-singing offers a common ground of unity even among the most antagonistic of Christian bodies. Moreover a precious bond of union with the past exists in those ancient melo- dies that were sung by the early Christians, melodies which are still in existence and are in use to-day in certain of our churches. The plainsong of the early Church, the chorales of the Lutherans, the psalm-singing of the Calvin- ists, and the development of hymnology in our own communion are all subjects of absorbing interest. While we are indebted to our dissenting brethren in no small measure for the practice of hymn-singing in its modern sense, and also 12 Superiority of Anglican tunes. HYMN TUNES sponsibility. for many of our most beloved hymns, it is a notorious fact that with all their zeal for con- gregational singing no hymn tune composer of preëminence has ever sprung from the sectarian ranks. For nearly four centuries the Anglican Church has supplied English-speaking Chris- tendom with its best tunes, tunes that are uni- versally conceded to be models of their type. Their only rivals are the Lutheran chorales, but Lutheran hymnody is a thing of the past while the Anglican Church is to-day at its fullest and ripest period of musical expression. We of the Protestant Episcopal Church of Our ren America are heirs to a rich heritage of hymn music and we share in the musical glory of our mother Church. Our hymnals are looked upon as models by other Christian bodies, and each denominational hymn book as it appears draws more and more largely from our pages. We occupy a responsible position in the develop- ment of Church music in this country, and it behooves us to maintain our high standards and to make no concessions to the musical fads and fancies of the hour. But we do not all realize our high calling nor appreciate the stores of treasures that we have to draw from. Educa- tion is needed all along the line; education for the layman, for the organist, for the choirmas- ter, for the theological student, and, I fear, for the three orders of the ministry. 4 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Scope of lecture. It is the object of this lecture to consider and discuss the musical material in our hymnals; to classify the better tunes; to give their sources together with a more or less critical estimate of their worth; and to explain their position in the evolution of hymn-singing. They will be considered in the following order: I. Plainsong Melodies. II. German Chorales. III. Early English Tunes. IV. Modern English Tunes. V. American Tunes. 1. PLAINSONG MELODIES. Origin of plainsong. The origin of plainsong or plain chant melo- dies is a matter of uncertainty. By some they are thought to be descended from the music of the Jewish Temple, and by others to be founded upon the musical system of the Greeks. In any event they present features utterly foreign to our modern scales and harmonic systems, and have such striking peculiarities that even the inexperienced readily recognize them. It is more than probable that the first Christians borrowed both music and liturgy from the Jew- ish synagogue, but as there is absolutely no au- thentic trace left of the music of the Jews it is impossible to verify the matter. It must be remembered that only since the tenth century HYMN TUNES has music been preserved by any definite system of notation. Previous to that time it was a matter of tradition, melodies being passed from generation to generation largely through the sense of hearing only. Curious melodies are to be heard in the modern Jewish synagogue which are claimed to be the original music of the Tem- ple at Jerusalem, but they have doubtless suf- fered greatly through the mutations of centuries and the accumulated inaccuracies of aural tra- dition.' Modern music is based essentially upon even Plainsong pulsations and regularly recurring accents. istics. Plainsong may be looked upon as an expansion of the natural inflections of the speaking voice in declaiming prose. Modern melody is funda- mentally conceived upon a harmonic fabric, i.e., it conforms itself to certain habits of har- monic progression and it is rarely satisfactory without accompaniment. Plainsong was writ- ten before the art of harmony was thought of, and properly should not be accompanied at all." Im Plainsong character n ev 1 The tune usually sung to The God of Abraham Praise, and called LOONI (NO. 460), is generally considered of an- cient Hebrew origin. The words were written about 1770 and are an adaptation of the Jewish Yigdal or Metrical Doxology. The tune was arranged from a presumably tra- ditional melody sung to the Yigdal by a cantor named Leoni, in a London Synagogue. The melody as we know it has in all probability been infuenced by eighteenth-century har- mony, for it lacks the characteristics of great antiquity. 2 If plainsong melodies be accompanied at all the har- monies should adapt themselves to the rules of modal counterpoint, a harmonic system which grew out of the MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Greek modes. Furthermore, modern melodies confine them- selves to our present-day modes, the major and the minor. Plainsong melodies at first had choice of the four original authentic modes of the Greeks,—the Dorian, the Phrygian, the Ly- dian, and the Mixo-Lydian, to which Pope Gregory the Great is popularly supposed to have added the four plagal or accessory modes. Later the system was expanded to no less than four- teen modes, which gave to plainsong an inex- haustible source of tonal variety. At first plainsong was syllabic-that is to say, one note was sung to each syllable—but it was not long before ligatures, or the slurring of two or more notes to one syllable, came into vogue. This principle was developed until it became a prime characteristic of plainsong, and long melodic phrases were sung to a single word or syllable. These "perieleses," as they were called, are frequently of great beauty and serve to give emotional expressiveness to the text. This expansion and development of the musical phrase was an artistic necessity, as custom per- mitted no text repetition. Similar extended material of plainsong itself. The modern habit of accom- panying Gregorian tones or plainsong melodies with sen- suous chromatic harmonies and the free use of dissonances, is greatly to be deplored, and such treatment at once stamps the performer as utterly ignorant of the true nature and beauty of plainsong. A more detailed account of these modes, as well as of plainsong characteristics in general, will be found in the last lecture, HYMN TUNES Peculiar fitness of plainsong. phrases were also sung to an inarticulate vowel sound and were called "pneumae."* Although in the days of the early Church it there was no sharp distinction between the pla sacred and secular styles of music, plainsong by its inherent strength, dignity, and beauty, as well as by its centuries of use, has fully es- tablished itself as peculiarly adapted to the pur- poses of musical worship. If we assume that it is desirable to have the music used for the worship of Almighty God something apart, something entirely removed from secular sug- gestion, then we are obliged to admit that even the tremendous development of the art of music in our day has nothing to offer more fitting, more characteristic, or better suited to its pur- pose than the ancient plainsong. 4 The following is the closing phrase in a twelfth- century Kyrie translated into modern notation: Ky - ri - 0 ni le - i - son. MUSIO IN THE CHURCH Lasting quality of plainsong. It is surmised that the early hymn writers supplied also the tunes, but it is extremely un- likely that these melodies were original prod- ucts. It is more probable that they were a species of religious folksong, made up of famil- iar melodic formulas and readily acquired by the people. In any event the early Church soon accumulated a rich treasury of Latin verse set to plainsong melodies of distinction and force. That these melodies have lasting and vital qualities is amply proved by the few plainsong tunes that have come into general use. Take for example our well-known Advent hymn, "O come, O come, Emmanuel,” to its plainsong setting. There are few tunes more universally liked or sung more heartily than this. And still it is a tune at which some experienced mu- sicians look askance when first met with, be- cause it is so far removed from the melodic and harmonic phraseology to which they are accus- tomed. While certain few never learn to like it, its general popularity is unquestioned. Ex- cellent as this tune is, however, it is not a speci- Veni Emmanuel (No. 46). During the various reforming and protesting move- ments, these melodies came into disfavor, but ma hymns were translated into the vernacular and supplied with new tunes. The plainsong tunes, however, remained in use among the Roman Catholics, and several hundred of them are still extant. It remained for the Oxford Movement of less than a century ago to discover and appreciate the real worth of these ancient melodies and to introduce their use into the Anglican Church. Since then their inherent worth has slowly gained recognition. HYMN TUNDS . Veni Oreator men of the pure plainsong melody. It is usually ascribed to a French Missal of the thir- teenth century in the National Library at Lis- bon, though thorough search has failed to re- veal it. The tune is probably made up of a number of plainsong phrases, arranged to fit the metre of Neale's translation of the original Latin hymn, which dates from a Mozarabic Breviary of the twelfth century. A more authentic example of the ancient style of melody is that of the "Veni Creator (No. 289). Spiritus.” The original poem was written about the year 800 and the plainsong melody used in many of our churches has always been asso- ciated with these words. It comes with striking effect in the ordination and consecration ser- vices, when its venerable strains seem to empha- size the historic continuity of the priesthood. Here again we feel the force of a musical expression far removed from the musical idiom of our day and perfectly fitting the mediæval characteristics of the text. It must be admitted that modern settings of this hymn seem point- less and meaningless when once the spirit of the traditional tune has been fathomed. Another general favorite is “O quanta Qualia.” To hear this noble tune sung in vigorous unison is always an inspiration. Like all plainsong melodies, it appears to best ad- vantage when sung by men's voices only. The O quanta Qualia (No. 397). MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Palestrina (?-1594). Victory (No. 121). tune sung to "The strife is o'er,” by Palestrina, while not strictly a plainsong melody, has many characteristics of the early style. These four examples exhaust the list of mediæval tunes that are at all generally known in our churches, but they suffice to demonstrate the great worth of these melodies and their prac- tical adaptability to modern needs and condi- tions. Our ritualistic churches draw upon a larger selection from ancient sources, and melo- dies which at first seem to be "without form or comeliness” soon grow to be beloved. That there is a growing sentiment in favor of these tunes is attested by the fact that the last edition of "Hymns Ancient and Modern” (1904) has no less than seventy plainsong hymns, over three times as many as in the first edition of 1861. Immense labor was spent both on the translation of the text of these ancient hymns of the Western Church, and also upon securing the best and most authentic arrange- ment of the traditional tunes. These tunes are first printed in the ancient notation upon the four-lined C clef, with the square notes. Then Increasing popularity of plain- song. O Among the hymns most in vogue are Pange Lingua, Corde Natus, Ecce Agnus, Stabat Mater, and the beautiful Easter hymn, 0 Tilii et Filiae, which, however, is com- paratively modern, being of French origin and dating from 1674. Pange Lingua, dating from 570, is markedly char- acteristic of the plainsong type. Some modern editors at- tempt to force these unmetrical tunes into modern metres, a process which robs them of much of their distinctiveness. They should no more be governed by rigidly recurring accents than the free declamation of poetry itself. HYMN TUNES follows a translation into modern notation, har- monized with proper modal harmonies, in case organ accompaniment is preferred. To quote the preface of the book, "No attempt has been made by bar or accents to indicate the rhythm, as in plainsong no strict time values are repre- sented by the notes. The accent and character of the words must determine the rhythm and time of the music.” When one considers that twenty million copies of "Hymns Ancient and Modern” were sold in twenty years, the importance of this championing of the plainsong tune will be ap- preciated. • II. GERMAN CHORALES. the Refor- The Reformation brought forth marked changes of changes both in the character and in the use of mation. Church music. The Roman Catholic Church had developed a finely organized and highly elaborated system of music, founded upon plain- song, a system that remains to-day the embodi- ment of reverence and dignity, leaving little to be desired from a liturgical point of view. The more this early music of the Mass is studied the more apparent becomes its fitness to the ornate ritual of the Roman Church and to the language of that ritual. Unfortunately, however, the music was more and more rele- gated to the priesthood and officially appointed MUSIÓ IN THE CHURCH The chorale. choirs, while the people's part both in the music and in the services generally was reduced to a minimum. The Lutheran Reformation restored to the layman the right to join actively in the musical services of the Church. As a result thousands of hymns were written in Protestant Germany and these were provided with tunes which re- main to-day an unexcelled type of congrega- tional music. These chorales, or hymn tunes, were the most characteristic feature of the Reformation music. Some of the earliest specimens were not "composed” in the modern sense of the term. In fact the word "compose” originally meant to arrange, or put together. At that period it was the fashion to develop long com- positions, either vocal or instrumental, from a theme or cantus firmus, which was apt to be a fragment either of a plainsong or a folksong melody. These themes were frequently devel- oped in a most elaborate manner according to certain set formulas. While this style of com- position was at first very stiff and mechanical, it finally evolved into the masterly polyphony of Johann Sebastian Bach and became the foundation of the modern art of music. Luther and his musical co-workers arranged the celebrated chorales of that period from folk- songs, or from the music of the Roman Catholic HYMN TUNDS liturgy. These melodies are in a sense like proverbs, and conform to that apt definition of a proverb, "The wisdom of many expressed by the wit of one." But whatever their source, these justly famous tunes are marked by devo- tional earnestness and great dignity. Some seem to have been hewn from solid rock, so strong and massive are they, while others are of a more intimate and appealing nature. The emotional element in music, as we understand it, was scarcely yet developed, and even the love song of Luther's time was a serious and weighty affair. When we recall this fact it is no shock to learn that the wondrously beautiful melody known as the PASSION CHORALE to "O Sacred Head surrounded” was originally a love song to the words Mein G’müt ist Mir Verwir- ret. Luther, 1546). Martin Luther until comparatively recent Martin date has been credited with a number of tunes (1483- as his own composition-notably EIN FESTE BURG and LUTHER'S HYMN. Investigation seems to establish the fact that he, too, com- posed only in the sense of arranging and adapt- ing. As these chorales conform more nearly to Chorales our modern scales and harmonic system, they congrega- are much more easily learned and understood than the plainsong melodies. Like the latter, they are well adapted for unison singing on ac- 08sentially tional. 14 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH of the chorale. count of the strong and diatonic (as opposed to chromatic) nature of the melodies. The early chorales were harmonized in an elaborate, con- trapuntal manner, the intention being to have the melody sung by all the congregation, while a trained choir sang the harmonies. Development As was the custom in England, the melody of these German chorales was at first in the tenor part but was later transferred to the soprano part. The artistic development of the chorale reached its climax under the great Leipzig cantor, Johann Sebastian Bach, who introduced these already widely known and famous melodies into his oratorios and Church cantatas, and who harmonized them in a man- ner that established a model for all time. While of great beauty, these harmonizations are somewhat too difficult for ordinary use and simpler arrangements are better for the average congregation. It is rather a sad reflec- tion on our vaunted modern musical culture when we are forced to admit that the art and workmanship of hymn tune writing in the time of Luther or Bach far excels the best efforts of today. The compilers of our present official hymnal, through some inscrutable process of reason- ing, have deprived us of the use of the most famous of all German chorales. They have made use of Buckoll's translation of "Ein Feste Ein' Feste Burg. HYMN TUNES 15 Burg ist Unser Gott," which changes the pic- turesque and irregular metre of Luther into commonplace eights and sevens, thus making it impossible to use the original tune. Conse- quently the tune known as LUTHER'S Hymn and usually sung to "Great God, what do I see and hear,” is substituted. If the fine translation of Dr. Hedge had been made use of we should not have been robbed of the greatest of all hymn tunes, a tune that Heine called the “Marseil- laise of the Reformation” and that Frederick the Great referred to—in all seriousness—as “God Almighty's Grenadier March.” Bach has a Church cantata based upon it; Men- delssohn uses it in his Reformation symphony; Meyerbeer in one of his operas, and Wagner in his celebrated "Kaisermarsch," which glorifies the prowess of the German empire. Of the thirty-odd tunes of German origin which are found in Hutchins' edition of our hymnal but one dates from the time of Luther. This is the one already referred to as LUTHER'S Luther's HYMN. This tune was arranged by the great (No. 37). reformer and music lover from a secular song and soon became wedded to Luther's own words, "Nun Freut Euch, Lieben Christen G’mein," and the two were accounted to have made many converts to the Protestant faith. The tune first appeared in 1535 in Joseph Klug's “Gesang- buch." 16. MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Attolle Paulum (No. 202). Nicolaus Decius (?-1541). Contemporaneous with this tune and a most beautiful example of the quieter, more intro- spective style is the melody known as ATTOLLE PAULUM to the hymn, "Across the sky the shades of night." Both text and music are from the pen of the Rev. Nicolaus Decius, and date from the sixteenth century. The German words to this tune, “Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr," is a metrical version of the Gloria in Excelsis. . Mendelssohn, who, like all great composers, had respect and reverence for the traditional chorale melodies, uses this tune of Decius' in his oratorio of St. Paul. The melody is known as Decius in some hymn books and as STETTIN in others. The next tune in chronological order, HERRNHUT, was published in 1599 and is sung to the Advent hymn, "Wake, awake, for night is flying." Both text and tune are accredited to the Rev. Philipp Nicolai. The tune is used with fine effect in Mendelssohn's St. Paul to a different translation of the same text, “Sleepers, wake! a Voice is calling.” The PASSION CHORALE, “O Sacred Head surrounded,” first appeared in 1601 in its secu- lar character. It was composed by Hans Leo Hassler and appeared as a chorale in 1613. to Herrnhut (No. 40). Philipp Nicolai (1556- 1608). Passion Chorale (No. 102). 7 This versifying of canticles and psalms became later a. veritable craze, which reached its climax in England when the Acts of the Apostles were made over into metrical verse and duly provided with music by one Christopher Tye. HYMN TUNES 17 Hassler 1612). St. Theo- dulph (No. 90). Melchoir (1600-?). the German text, “Herzlich Thut Mich Ver- Hans Leo langen.” It soon, however, became associated (1564 with “O Haupt Voll Blut und Wunden," of which our hymn is a translation. Bach uses this matchless tune five times in his great "Pas- sion According to St. Matthew.” It is much in vogue in Germany to-day at funerals, intoned by trombones, and its sombre dignity never fails to make a deep impression. Our Palm Sunday tune, ST. THEODULPH, a for “All glory, laud, and honor," was composed (A and originally written in five-part harmony by Medchair Melchoir Teschner and first published in 1615. (1 Its vigorous swing and strong individuality have made it a great favorite. The most generally known, perhaps, of these mi earlier tunes, due no doubt to its sturdy straightforwardness and simplicity, is “Nun Danket All Gott.” It was composed by Johann Crüger and dates about 1648. Mendelssohn uses it in his great cantata, “The Hymn of (1698- Praise.” The tune SALZBURG was written in 1652 Sala by Johann Rosenmüller, a musician who at one time held the post of music director of the St. Rosen- Thomas School at Leipzig, thus being a prede- 4616 cessor of Johann Sebastian Bach. The tune is sung to the words “At the Lamb's high feast we sing." It is a pity that a great chorale writ- se ten about this period by George Neumark is í Nun Danket (No. 466). Johann Crüger (No. 118). müller (1615- 1686). George Neumark (1621- 1681), 18 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Bremen, Augsburg, or Neumark. not in our Hymnal. It is variously known as BREMEN, AUGSBURG, and NEUMARK and was originally sung to the German hymn, “Wer Nun den Lieben Gott Lässt Walten.” This tune was such a favorite in Lutheran circles that no less than four hundred hymns were written to be sung to it in the course of a century. We have now exhausted the older and more typical chorales to be found in our Hymnal, and they far exceed in beauty and real worth those of later date. For them to become popular is simply a matter of thorough familiarity, as the general public is by no means lacking in appreciation of good art when it has had fair opportunity of acquaintance. Every German is familiar with them and reveres them, and this love for these time-honored chorales remains when perhaps all other religious influences have vanished. Of the remaining tunes from German sources we will find many sterling tunes but of a more modern character, and it will be diffi- cult, in many instances, to differentiate between them and the better class of English tunes of the same period. HEINLEIN, written in 1677 and associated with "Forty days and forty nights,” still retains medieval characteristics and is one of the few tunes in a minor key in general use. RATISBON, dating from 1680, to “Bread of Heaven on Thee Other German tunes. Heinlein (No. 79). Ratisbon (No. 224). HYMN TUNES 19 Meinhold Winchester New Ellacombe Munich (No. 284). we feed,” is decidely modern in tone, as is also M MEINHOLD® to “Tender Shepherd, Thou hast (No. 2 stilled.” WINCHESTER NEw to “On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry" is from the year 1690 (No. 44). and is German, despite its name. The pic- turesque ELLACOMBE to "Come praise your Lord and Saviour" is ascribed to 1700, but is prob- (No. 533). ably a hundred years later. MUNICH, harmon- ized by Mendelssohn, associated with “O Word of God incarnate," dates from 1701, and might easily be considered modern English, but in the fine Easter tune WORGAN to "Jesus Christ is Worgan, risen to-day with its inspiring Alleluia re- frain, we are back in Germany again and pre- cisely two hundred years ago. “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus” to STUTTGART gives one of St our best straightforward, everyday tunes and the same characteristics apply to FRANCONIA Franconia (No. 210). (1738), to the words “Stand, soldier of the Cross,” to SWABIA (1745), to “This is the day (No. 28). of light,” and to HURSLEY (1774), “Sun of my Hursley soul, Thou Saviour dear.”. Our greatest composers have rarely turned to hymn-tune writing, but we have two fine ex- amples from Haydn, LYONS to "How wondrous Lyons (No. 467). and great,” and the Austrian National Hymn which is set to “Glorious things of Thee are Stuttgart (No. 48 Swabia (No. 11). 8 Hutchins attributes this tune to J. S. Bach, but it ap- peared in the Lüneburgisches Gesangbuch in 1686, one year after Bach's birth. 20 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH 1809). Austria (No. 490) Francis Jo- spoken.” Haydn had envied the English their seph Haydn (1732 national anthem, "God Save the King," and in consequence wrote the above-mentioned tune AUSTRIA in January, 1797. On the Em- peror's birthday, February 12th, following, it was sung simultaneously in the national theatre in Vienna and the principal theatres throughout the provinces. Haydn was sixty-five years old at the time. Twelve years later, on May 26th, he assembled his household around him for the last time, and on being carried to the piano, Ignaz Josef played the hymn through solemnly three times. Five days afterwards he died. (No. 452). The tune by Pleyel to “Children of the Heavenly King," and GRACE CHURCH to "O (No. 339). Thou to Whose all-searching sight,” by the same composer, date from this period and are quite (No. 65). modern in style. Dix, a general favorite to “As with gladness men of old,” dates from 1838. Pleyel (1757- 1831). Pleyel Grace Church Dix Character- istics. III. EARLY ENGLISH TUNES. ! The early English tunes are by no means as picturesque in outline, as extended in range, or as varied in character as the German chorales. They have as a class a certain rug- ged simplicity which adapts them admirably for general congregational use. The best ex- ample of this type is the familiar tune by Wil- liam Croft called ST. ANNE (1708), to "O God, our help in ages past," and it is a fine example William Croft (1677- 1727). St. Anne (No. 418). HYMN TUNES 21 Hanover (No. 459). Dundeo (No. 417), of what a good Church tune should be. The melody is in convenient range of the average voice, which cannot be said of many of the Ger- man chorales. It is essentially dignified, nobly befitting the massive sweep of the text. It fol- lows the early principle of plainsong, a syllable to a note, and the rhythm moves in stately strides of equal notes. The same composer's tune, HANOVER (1708), to “O worship the King" is another good specimen of this style. A tune of like character is DUNDEE, sometimes called FRENCH DUNDEE, to distinguish it from another tune of similar name, which was prob- ably derived from a melody in Christopher Tye's metrical version of the Acts of the Apos- tles published in 1553. The FRENCH DUNDEE is nearly a century older than St. ANNE, and first appeared in the Scotch Psalter in 1615. In Ravenscroft's “Whole Book of Psalms” (1621), it is indexed as a Scottish tune and is called Dundy. It appears in some books as FRENCH, in others as NORWICH. DUNDEE is one of the best tunes of its type and was much used in the early days of metrical psalm-singing, being at one time one of eight authorized com- mon metre tunes. These tunes were supposed by the ignorant to have been written by David, and they stoutly refused to sing aught but the tunes of David to the psalms of David. DUN- DEE is used a number of times in our H nal 22 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Tallin' Hymn (NO. 18). ny and perhaps most generally to the hymn, “O God of Bethel, by Whose Hand." The oldest English tune in common use is TALLIS" HYMN (also known as TALLIS' CANON or EVENING HYMN) to “All praise to Thee, my God, this night.” It is in canon form. A canon is a musical device in which a melody starts in a given voice and after a few notes are sung another voice starts the same melody and follows the first, the whole harmonizing to- gether. It will be noticed that beginning with the fifth note the tenor sings the same air as the soprano, and that the missing notes in the tenor at the end will be found at the beginning of that part. In Tallis' time the four parts were known as "meane, contra-tenor, tenor, and bass," and originally the canon started in the tenor and was followed by the meane, or soprano. The composer gives the following quaint in- structions regarding his nine tunes, which ap- pear at the end of a metrical psalter printed in 1561: "The tenor of these partes be for the peo- ple when they will sing alone, the other partes, put for greater queers or to such as will sing or play them privately.” It will be remembered that at this date it was customary to put the melody in the tenor part, and it would seem, ac- cording to Tallis, that the congregations in Thomas Tallis (1520- 1585). pre bis is sometimes printed "Tallis's." HYMN TUNDS Ordinal (No. 78). Winchester Old those days were no better prepared to sing in parts than they are to-day. Other tunes of this period are TALLIS' OR- Tallis', DINAL (1565), "In token that thou shalt not (No. 209). fear,” and St. FLAVIAN (1562), "Lord, Who Str Flavian throughout these forty days." All these tunes use a syllable to a note, have even rhythm and simple melodies. The tune WINCHESTER OLD to "When all Thy mercies, O my God” is one of the oldest and dates from (No. 657). 1592. It differs from the English tunes so far mentioned in that it makes use of dotted notes. In England this tune is frequently used to “While shepherds watched their flocks by night and is decidedly better than the tradi- tional tune to that hymn arranged by Sullivan. ST. MARTIN's, which is sometimes used to the St. Martin's same text, is a type of florid melody which came much into vogue at the time of the Common- wealth and Charles the Second. It was a period of stagnation and decadence in Church music; anthems and services were prohibited; nothing but metrical psalms were sung; and the tunes were ornamented with absurd turns and trills. Trivial interludes were also played by the or- ganists between the lines of the hymns, thus disturbing their continuity. A relic of these times is still to be met with in Tallis' EVENING HYMN, which, in certain hymnals, has been dis- figured by triplets and passing or slurredditones. 24 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH America (No. 196). (1685. 1743). Adeste Fideles (No. 49). Our national hymn, AMERICA, which we have appropriated from England, is supposed to have been composed by Henry Carey in 1740. enas. Carey At least it was first sung by him as a National Anthem at a public dinner in that year, and forty-five years afterwards the authorship was claimed for him by his son. Like WINCHESTER OLD, this tune makes use of dotted notes, but otherwise conforms to the simple early style. No tune has been subjected to so much fruitless investigation as to its origin as ADESTE FIDELES or the PORTUGUESE HYMN. It received the latter name from the Duke of Leeds, who first heard it in the Portuguese chapel (R. C.) in London. It was ascribed by Vincent Novello to John Reading, a pupil of Dr. Blow, who was the master of that greatest of early English mu- sicians, Henry Purcell. The date is given by Novello as 1680, and as this particular John Reading was born in 1677 there is evidently a mistake somewhere. Another John Reading was organist of Winchester College and died in 1692, but nothing suggesting the popular tune to “O come, all ye faithful” has been found among his compositions. As far as has been ascertained it was first published in 1782, but it was in common use in a number of Roman churches before that time, a MS. copy having been found dated 1751. As the tune is probably contánporaneous with ST. ANNE it is remark- IT13 ILI, HYMN TUNES TN LO 25 J. Darwall 1789). Yorkshire John (?-1768). Charles Burney 1814). Webbe 1816). able for its more flowing outline and the use of slurred notes. In fact it suggests the nineteenth rather than the eighteenth century. From about the year 1750 an excellent type Dome of tune was evolved which retained the sturdi- (No. 482). ness and manliness of the early type combined (1731- with greater freedom of melody and greater va- riety of rhythm. Fine examples of this style (No. 56). are DARWALL (1770), to "In loud exalted Wainwright strains,” by the Rev. J. Darwall; YORKSHIRE Truro (No. 265). (also known as STOCKPORT and MORTRAM) to “Christians, awake, salute the happy morn,” by (1726- J. Wainwright; and TRURO (1790), to "Arm of Samuel the Lord, awake,” by Charles Burney. The two (1740- tunes by Webbe, ST. THOMAS to "Lo, He comes St. Thomas with clouds descending," and MELCOMBE (1782) to "New every morning is the love," as Francois H. well as Barthélémon's MORNING HYMN to "Awake my soul and with the sun” revert to the earlier rhythm of equal notes. IV. MODERN ENGLISH TUNES. The modern English tunes include all those written since 1800. James James Turle, who was organist at West- Turle minster Abbey from 1831 to 1875, contributes 1882). two tunes, WESTMINSTER (1836) to "Lord, in Westminster (No. 189). Thy Name Thy servants plead,” and St. št. JOHN's, WESTMINSTER (1863) to “According to Thy gracious word,” which easily might be (No. 39). Barthélémon (1741- 1808). Morning Hymn (No. 2). (1802- St. John's Westminster (No. 233). 26 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Y Henry J, Gauntlett (1805- . 1876). St. Albinus (No. 122). St. George St. Alphege (NO: 672). (No. 106). University College (No. 506). Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810- 1876). Aurelia (No. 491). mistaken for the product of a century or two earlier. The tunes of Henry J. Gauntlett are but a trifle more modern: ST. ALBINUS (1852) to "Jesus lives! thy terrors now"; ST. GEORGE to "Blest be the tie that binds”; ST. ALPHEGE (1852) to "Brief life is here our portion"; and UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (1852) to “Oft in dan- ger, oft in woe.” Samuel Sebastian Wesley, the grandson of Charles Wesley, and one of the best musicians of his day, supplies an espe- cially fine tune in AURELIA (1864) to "The Church's one foundation.” One would be dis- posed to say that it must have been written especially for the words, so perfectly do they fit, but it was originally intended for “Jerusa- lem, the golden," and the characteristic and altogether satisfactory tune of EWING (1853) by Alexander Ewing that we sing to "Jerusa- lem, the golden," was written for the words "For thee, O dear, dear country," another section of the famous poem of Bernard of Cluny in praise of the heavenly Jerusalem. A good, vigorous, singable tune is Henry Smart's REGENT SQUARE (1867), to“Christ is made the sure foundation." That he can also interpret the quieter moods is shown by his popular and beautiful tune PIL- GRIMS to "Hark! hark! my soul, angelic songs are swelling," and a fine sustained mood is found in his NACHTLIED to “The day is gently sinking to a close.” The harmonies to Nacht- Ewing (No. 408). Alexander Ewing (1830. 1895). Henry Smart (1813- 1879). Regent Square (No. 483). Pilgrims (No. 398). Nachtlied (No. 7). HYMN TUNES 27 period. lied are richer and fuller than any of the Eng- Transition lish tunes thus far considered and they mark an important turning point in the evolution of the hymn tune. Up to this time tunes were rather general as to their mood or tone, and while many of them were written to some particular text, they could easily be transferred to other words of the same general character. Under Calvinistic influences religious verse in England busied itself largely with adapting the Hebrew Psalms to poetic measures. The result was very mechanical in its early attempts and con- fined itself almost exclusively with common metre. Then came a period of original work that was largely doctrinal or didactic, followed by poems of a missionary or evangelistic ten- dency. Hymns gradually became freer in their poetic expression and new combinations of rhythm appear. Finally the poetry of the Church took upon itself a more devotional and personal character, and these peculiarities called for like characteristics in the musical settings. The modern hymn tune, therefore, is of such an individualistic character that it is apt to be wholly satisfactory only in its original connec- tion. The words and music, in the best in- stances, are indissolubly wedded together. We feel this close union in the melodious setting of "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name Hopkins (1818- we raise,” by Edward J. Hopkins, called BENE- 1901). 28 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH St. Athanasius Tunes More Lyrical. Redhead, 47 (No. 348). Richard Redhead (1820- John Bacchus Dykes (1823- 1876). Benediction DICTION or ELLERS (1872) and also his St. (No. 32). ATHANASIUS to "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord.” (No. 385). Hopkins was organist of the Temple Church in London from 1843 to 1898, and during this long incumbency of fifty-five years he maintained More the highest standards of Church music both in selection and performance. In both Smart and Hopkins we note a more lyrical and emotional vein, which is typical of the modern hymn tune and which responds most intimately to the mood of the verse. Redhead's simple settings to “When our heads are bowed with woe” and 1901). "Rock of Ages, cleft for me” have this same Redhead, 76 (No. 336). feeling. The fullest development of this ten- dency, however, was left for two noted hymn- tune composers who were born within six days of each other, John Bacchus Dykes and William Henry Monk. Dykes was born March 10, 1823. Although in orders, he was a professionally trained musi- cian and was at one time conductor of the Uni- versity Musical Society at Cambridge. The de- gree of Doctor of Music was conferred upon him by the University of Durham. He confined his musical activities mostly to the composition of hymn tunes, of which he wrote about three hun- dred, and which, since his death, have been pub- lished in a single volume. Although unknown to the editors at the time, seven of his tunes which he modestly submitted were published in HYMN TUNES William Monk 1889). the first edition of "Hymns Ancient and Mod- ern.” Twenty-five more were added to later editions in which he assisted in the editorial work. Monk also was honored with the degree of Doctor of Music from the University of Dur- 41.923 - ham and was organist of several London churches and of King's College, Cambridge, which has always been famed for its music. But he is more generally known as musical edi- tor of "Hymns Ancient and Modern,” and his taste and musicianship had much to do with the enormous success of that book. His con- tribution of thirty-five original tunes is by no means the least attractive feature of that model hymnal. Both of these musicians have qualities in D common which place them in the very front compared. rank of modern hymn tune writers. Their melo- dies are invariably of definite individuality, graceful contour, and above all things, singable. Their harmonies add richness and character to the melody, avoiding the commonplace on the one side and extravagance on the other. Their part-writing is masterful, each part in itself be- ing tuneful and interesting. This is particu- larly true of the bass part, the deft handling of which is always the surest sign of ripe musician- ship. Lastly, they both have a keen apprecia- tion for the underlying thought of the text and Dykes and Monk 30 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Eventide (No. 12). Hollingside (No. 335). reflect in the music a faithful and concise com- posite of the meaning of the words. Of the two, Dykes is the more picturesque, varied, and resourceful, while Monk's tunes have a quiet earnestness that is very appealing. At times their styles closely approach in their inner essence, as for instance, Monk's EVENTIDE (1861) to "Abide with me” and Dykes' HOL- LINGSIDE (1861) to "Jesus, Lover of my soul.” It would indeed be difficult to decide on the rela- tive merits of these beautiful tunes, each is so perfect in itself, bringing out so adequately the tender trustfulness of their respective texts. HOLLINGSIDE was named from Dykes' own home in Durham, where as minor canon and precentor of the Cathedral he lived for thirteen years. Later he was vicar of St. Oswald's. Monk is said to have composed EVENTIDE in ten minutes in a room where a piano lesson was in progress. Monk is particularly successful when in a quiet, introspective mood, as is witnessed by his NUTFIELD to "God, that madest earth and heaven,” his St. MATTHIAS (1861) to "Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go," and particularly in his communion hymn UNDI ET MEMORES “And (No. 228). now, O Father, mindful of the love." That Monk can strike a more jubilant strain (No. 112). is manifested in his EASTER HYMN, “Jesus Christ is risen to-day,” his tune ASCENSION to Monk's tunes. Nutfield (No. 19). St. Matthias (No. 22). Undi et Memores Easter Hymn Y ... J. Ascension (No. 128). HYMN TUNES Perenno Tunes. St. Cross (No. 105). (NO. 412). "Hail the day that sees Him rise," his CORONÆ Coronæ (No. 130). to "Look ye saints, the sight is glorious," and his stirring ALLELUIA PERENNE, "Sing Alleluia Alleluia forth in duteous praise.” (No. 462). When we stop to consider the tunes of John Dykes' Bacchus Dykes it is difficult to decide where to begin and where to end. Of the quieter, sim- pler tunes we have the graceful St. AGNES St. Agnes (No. 55). (1866), to “Calm on the listening ear of night”; the sombre but beautiful St. Cross (1861), to "O come and mourn with me awhile”; the Dominus pastoral DOMINUS REGIT ME (1868), to “The regit King of love my Shepherd is”; the straight- s forward St. BEES (1862), to "Jesus, Name of (No. 149). wondrous love"; the appealing St. CUTHBERT St. Cuthbert (No. 375). (1861), to “Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed,” and the bright St. OSWALD (1857), No.419). St. Oswald to "Guide me, 0 Thou great Jehovah," named from the church where Dykes was vicar. Of a more vigorous type we have the ever popular NICÆA (1861) to "Holy, Holy, Holy (No. 383). Lord God Almighty"; ST. DROSTANE (1862) to (No. 91). "Ride on, ride on in majesty," and the uplift- (No. 396). ing ALFORD (1875) to "Ten thousand times ten thousand," one of the very finest modern tunes.iº St. Bees Nicæa St. Drostano Alford 10 After the death of Dykes, Mr. Henry W. Baker, one of the projectors and editors of Hymns Ancient and Mod- ern, wrote to the widow: “We are going to sing only hvis tunes to every hymn all next Sunday, and the Dies Irae after Evensong for Trim ; followed by Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand." (Baker, by the way, wrote the beautiful melody "Stephanos' to Art Thou Weary," which Monk har- monized.) MUSIC IN THE CHURCH St. Andrew of Crete. (No. 81). Vox Dilecti (No. 673). St. Sylvester (No. 621). St. John (No. 96). Lux Benigna (No. 423). Melita (No. 306). It is, however, in the opportunity for the picturesque or in the touch of the dramatic where Dykes' real genius shines. In his St. AN- DREW OF CRETE (1868) to “Christian, dost thou see them,” we have almost a new type with its sharp and striking contrasts. The same method but in less degree is used in his beautiful Vox DILECTI (1868) to "I heard the voice of Jesus say,” in his touching ST. SYLVESTER (1862) to "Days and moments quickly flying,” and in his dramatic St. John, “Behold the Lamb of God!" a tune which begins in the Middle Ages and closes rather all too sweetly in the nineteenth century. Among his best known and most widely sung tunes are Lux BENIGNA (1867) to “Lead, kindly Light," and his setting MELITA to the hymn for those at sea. Dykes' dramatic feeling, tempered by his keen sense of balance and propriety, has full sway in his DIES IRAE (1861), and it is also another successful example of breaking the bonds of limitation in hymn music and hinting at methods which tend to enlarge the scope of congregational singing. Enough has been quoted from Dykes to prove that he is easily first among moderns in his art. In the preface to the collection of Dykes' hymn tunes, Sir George C. Martin, after enumerating some four- teen of the best known tunes, goes on to say: “They are 'on the lips of thousands, and are Dies Irae (No. 36). HYMN TUNES associated with the most solemn moments of life. But because Dr. Dykes was happy in ex- pressing emotions in a way that was intelligible to the masses, we must not overlook the real difficulty and merit of discovering a musical way to the hearts of men, for not every great composer has been successful with hymn tunes.” Joseph In Joseph Barnby, Dykes has a formidable Barn rival in popular appreciation. By many, espe- 13989. cially professional musicians, Barnby is consid- ered the superior. Barnby was somewhat of a free lance in Church music and vigorously de- fended his ideas. His position will be best un- derstood through the following excerpt from the preface to his "Original Tunes to Popular Hymns,” for use in Church and Home, pub- lished in 1869, and containing about fifty hymn tunes: "If the outward form into which these tunes have been thrown be likely to be cen- sured, much more so I fancy is the modern feeling in which they are conceived. The terms effeminate and maudlin, with others, are freely used nowadays to stigmatize such new tunes as are not direct imitations of old ones. And yet it has always appeared strange to me that musicians should be found who, whilst ad- mitting that seventeenth century tunes were very properly in what we may call the natural idiom of the period, will not allow nineteenth century ones to be written in the idiom of the present day. You may imitate and plagiarize the old - - 34 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH tunes to any extent, and in all probability you will be spoken of as one who is 'thoroughly im- bued with the truly devotional spirit of the old ecclesiastical writers', but you are not per- mitted upon any account to give your natural feelings free play; or, in short, to write spon- taneously. The strangest part of the argument, however, is this: that whilst you are urged to imitate the old works, you are warned in the same breath that to succeed is altogether with- out the bounds of possibility. The question then naturally arises, Would it not be better- though at the risk of doing feebler things to follow your own natural style, which, at least, would possess the merit of truth, and to leave the task of endeavoring to achieve an impossibility to those who prefer it? For my part, I have elected to imitate the old masters in their independent method of working, rather than their works.” Fourteen years later in publishing a second volume of his "Original Tunes," a change in the public temper is apparent from the following remarks of the composer: "Happily no excuse is needed now for composing hymn tunes in the natural style and idiom, so to speak, of our own time. The modern hymn tune has long ago been accepted by all shades of religious opinion as a valuable aid to devotion. Nor has it been found less useful as a means of driving out the arrangements of secular airs which, from time to time, have threatened to make their way 'within the borders of His sanctuary.'" HYMN TUNES 35 1 The following paragraph is also of much in- terest: “I have endeavoured to record my sense of the unusual favor bestowed upon the first series by the musicians of America, professional and amateur, by setting to music nearly twenty hymns taken from the « 'Lyra Sacra Ameri- cana.'» While some of Barnby's tunes are preëmi- nently successful, a certain number of them belong in the category known as "choir tunes," that is, tunes which on account of their har- monic complexity are ill-adapted for congrega- tional use and better suited to a well-trained choir. Occasionally Barnby's bias for chromatic harmonies causes awkward or difficult intervals in the melody or the other parts and they re- quire experienced singers to do them justice. Their difficulty does not necessarily militate against their abstract worth as contributions to modern hymn music, as they are no more com- plex than many of the German chorales of great renown, especially those which have been harmonized by Bach. But the chorales are in- tended for unison singing and the strong dia- tonic melodies are particularly suited to that purpose, while Barnby's tunes, as a rule, will not bear unison singing on account of a strain of elegance which borders on the effeminate. From the musical point of view Barnby's work is unquestionably interesting, clever, and 36 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH 36 effective and as near originality as one could hope for in a hymn tune. His harmonic phrase- ology, so to speak, is borrowed from the German and English part-song, and a certain expressive- ness is gained thereby which appeals to the musi- cian. Nevertheless one feels a little the strain- ing after originality and musical effect, and misses the whole-hearted devotion to the cause and the unselfish spontaneous expression of Monk and Dykes. In Barnby one is apt to for- get the words while enjoying the music, while in Dykes one is apt to forget the music in its perfect expression of the text. One is religious music, the other musical religion. If we compare settings of the same hymn by both Dykes and Barnby—and there are many such-a calm, dispassionate, and experienced judgment, taking into account both the literary and musical values, will pronounce for Dykes four times out of five. Barnby seems almost to have challenged Dykes, for he has made new tunes to words which bore some of the latter's most popular settings. But he has not succeeded in displacing the beloved melodies to "Christian dost thou see them," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "I heard the Voice of Jesus say," "Jesus, lover of my soul," "Lead, kindly light,” or “Come unto Me, ye weary.” On the other hand, it must be admitted that Barnby's PARADISE (1866) is be- coming a greater favorite than Dykes, and in Barnby's tunes. Paradise (No. 394). HYMN TUNES (No. 242). Angels of Caurudu Su Jesus Sarum St. Anselm (No. 68). the burial hymn Mar Saba to "Now the labor- Mar Saba er's task is o'er," Barnby has the advantage. Angel While both have contributed settings to "Hark! (No. 398). hark, my soul,” which appear in all the newer hymn books, neither has been as successful as Smart in his well-known tune. Barnby's fines SARUM (1868). to "For all the saints” is in- (No. 176). finitely better than Dykes, but in entering the Barnby lists against the famous ADESTE FIDELES to “O come, all ye faithful,” he is only partially suc- cessful. A typical Barnby tune is ST. ANSELM to No "O One with God the Father," but originally written for “O day of rest and gladness.” It has a well-marked individuality and makes an effective processional. A similar but more striking tune is JORDAN to "O God, in Whose (No. 211). all-searching eye,” originally set to "Sing to the Lord a joyful song." In his wedding hymn “O perfect Love” (called both SANDRINGHAM ha and FIFE) he strikes a more practical vein from (No. 238). the congregational point of view, and gives an excellent tune, full of warmth and feeling. Holy Trinity HOLY TRINITY (1861) to "Lord, lead the way St. Andrew the Saviour went," and St. ANDREW to "The Cross is on our brow” are good examples of tuneful, simple melodies. Barnby half apolo- gizes for the chromatic harmonies in HOLY TRINITY by explaining that it was written for a Jordan Sandring- (No. 270). (No. 212). 38 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Adoro Te (No. 600). Cloisters (NO, 496). Laudes Domini (No. 445). church where unison singing was adopted. ADORO TE, or as Barnby himself calls it, St. CHRYSOSTOM (1872), to "Jesus, my Lord, my my God, my all,” and CLOISTERS (1868) to “Lord of our life,” both of which retain their original words, are fine types of modern tunes, being interesting from every point of view. One of his best and most distinctive tunes is. LAUDES DOMINI (1868) to “When morning gilds the skies." This setting is most inspir- ing and would seem at first sight to be a "choir tune,” but that it is not beyond the powers of many congregations has been amply demon- strated by practical use. An illustration of Barnby's emphasis on harmony is his much ad- mired MERRIAL (1868) to "Now the day is over.” The melody, it will be observed, in both the first and last of the four lines is entirely confined to one note, the interest centering on the movement of the alto, tenor, and particu- larly the bass. J. Spencer Curwen, of tonic sol-fa fame, in his interesting “Studies in Wor- ship Music” decries this tendency to transfer the interest from the melody to the other parts. He gives a clever "reductio ad absurdum” of this principle by writing a tune consisting of repeated notes, accompanied by rather elaborate harmonies, and succeeds in making quite an in- Merrial (No. 535). HYMN TUNES 39 teresting piece of music." A closing and most 11 Mr. Curwen's tune is as follows: OTI TDI a . 40 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH victory (No. 514). John Stainer (1840- 1901). Cross of Jesus characteristic specimen of the Barnby style is his martial tune, THE GOOD FIGHT (1869), to We march to “We march, we march to victory." Barnby has unquestionably made real and important additions to our current stock of hymn tunes, and if he is open to adverse criti- cism in some respects it is only because “one star differeth from another in glory.” of Sir John Stainer, who through his great ability and high ideals rehabilitated the music of St. Paul's Cathedral, London, has in addi- tion to many notable larger works, given us some fine hymn tunes. One of his best is taken from his “Crucifixion” to the words CROSS OF (No. 359). JESUS (1887), and so named. This noble and dignified tune most admirably fits the words “In the Cross of Christ I glory,” to which it is set. Like all his tunes, it has very solid qualities, suggesting a mixture of the German chorale, the early English style, and a strain of modern feel- ing. Another tune, OXFORD (1890), to “Lord, a Saviour's love displaying," is also from his “Crucifixion.” His setting of “There is a blessed home” is suggestive of Barnby's influ- Vesper ence. VESPER to "Holy Father, cheer our (No. 76). way," and CHARITY (1874) to “Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost,” have good, wearing, every-day qualities. The fine tune to “The saints of (No. 175). God! their conflict past” is called both BEATI Oxford (No. 258). Blessed Home (No. 679). (No. 9). Charity Beati EYMN TUNES 41 Contrition and ALL SAINTS in Hutchins' Hymnal, but Stainer himself calls it REST. The tune in point, in its strength and straightforwardness, makes an acceptable set- ting for Kipling's Recessional. MAGDALENA to nedalena "I could not do without Thee,” and CONTRITION to“O the bitter shame and sorrow” are both ster- (No. 612). ling tunes. Stainer's melodies have not the seductive curves of Barnby, nor the appeal of Dykes or Monk, but they have an inherent hon- esty and worth that will in time win general recognition. A collection of one hundred and fifty-seven of his tunes is published. There is one more prominent name in con- nection with modern English hymn tunes and Arthur that is Arthur Seymour Sullivan. His tunes Sayman are of somewhat uneven quality, certain of them 1988 being excellent, while others are but a close re- move from the ordinary, but all are popular, as Sullivan is nothing if not tuneful. Among his o Bona better tunes are 0 BONA PATRIA to "For thee, (No. 407). O dear, dear country," ULTOR OMNIPOTENS to Omnipotens “God the All-Merciful,” Lux EOI (1874) to the Lux Eoi Easter hymn "Alleluia! Alleluia ! hearts and St. Edmund voices heavenward raise," and St. EDMUND (1872) to "Nearer, My God, to Thee," and Sullivan (1842- Patria Ultor (No. 198). (No. 123). St. Edmund (No. 344). 12 This multiplication of names makes much trouble for the hymn-tune researcher. If the authentic name of a tune is not at hand, the average hymn-book compiler will invent a name of his own rather than go to any trouble in the matter. 42 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Samuel (No. 568). Cena Domini (No. 220). Hanford (NO. 341). St. Kevin (No. 110). (No. 304). St. Gertrude (No. 516). John Baptiste Calkin (1827-) "I'm but a stranger here." His tune, SAMUEL (1874) to "Hushed was the evening hymn," is a gem of quietness and peace, and his Com- munion hymn, Cena DOMINI, to "Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord,” and his Han- FORD (1872) to "Jesus, my Saviour, look on me” are both beautiful in their simplicity and expressiveness. On the contrary, St. KEVIN, to “Come, ye faithful, raise the strain," his tune Angel Voices to "Angel voices, ever singing," and his world- famous St. GERTRUDE (1872) to “Onward, Christian soldiers," are open to criticism for a certain "jigginess” of rhythm and cheapness of melody not associated with ideal tunes. John Baptiste Calkin deserves notice for his characteristic CAMDEN to “Fling out the ban- ner, let it float.” The tune appears as WALTHAM AND DOANE in other books. The setting to (No. 253). “O Father, bless the children," and named CALKIN (also Savoy CHAPEL) is a fine tune, as is also SEFTON to "Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates." v. AMERICAN TUNES. Turning to America for good tunes we do not find a very extensive list nor many names of special prominence. The only tune-writer widely known to fame as such is Lowell Mason. His tunes, doubtless, filled a valuable purpose in their day and generation; and he rendered Camden Calkin (NO. 208). Sefton (No. 454). American Tunes. Lowell Mason (1792- 1872). HYMN TUNES 43 Hamburg (No. 353). Olmutz (No. 186). CONARY Hymn S. Bethany Olivet invaluable service in the promotion of choral singing, both sacred and secular, in the forma- tive days of musical art in this country. Many of his tunes are becoming relegated to the past, but several of his melodies bid fair to live for some time to come. Two of his best known tunes, HAMBURG and OLMUTZ, are arrange- Misst ments from Gregorian tones. His MISSIONARY Hm 7,64). HYMN (1823) to "From Greenland's icy moun- tains," his BETHANY to "Nearer, my God, to (No. 344). Thee," and his OLIVET (1833) to "My faith (No. 345). looks up to Thee,” have crossed the ocean and gained entrance into many hymnals there. They are certainly excellent examples of tunes constructed from the simplest materials and deserve respect for their earnestness and adapta- bility to ordinary use. Next to Lowell Mason, William Batchelder Bradbury has been our Bradbury most popular and prolific tune-writer. His 1868). tune, AUGHTON, to "He leadeth me,” and Aughton (No. 616). ZEPHYR to “With broken heart and contrite Zephyr sigh” will doubtless remain long in popular favor. Horatio Parker, Professor of Music at Yale, Horatio represents the other extreme of American hymn (1863–). music. He has contributed a number of noble tunes which are conceived in a broad style, and which, perhaps, look a little into the future with their bold harmonies and unconventional pro- gressions. Hutchins' Hymnal, to which Parker William Batchelder (No. 87). Parker 4.4 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH acted as musical adviser, contains eleven of his tunes, while the edition of our Hymnal edited by Parker himself contains thirty. Like Stainer, Parker refrains as a rule, from writing new tunes to well-known hymns already sup- plied with tunes satisfactory alike to musician and amateur, and which have accumulated a tra- ditional value. This fact confines a number of his tunes to texts that are rarely used or used only upon special occasions. For this reason they have but small chance to gain public favor. Parker is in his element when setting to music hymns of a grandiose style, and these he sup- plies with tunes of great breadth and striking characteristics. He seeks for rhythmical variety without loss of dignity, richness of harmony without loss of strength, and melodic originality without loss of grace. He delights in a bold transition in the middle of his tunes and in- dulges himself until it becomes almost a man- nerism. Only rarely does he fall into familiar paths—a most difficult thing to avoid and not transgress the natural limitations of tune-writ- ing. A characteristic example of Parker's style is his FOUNDATION (1894) to "How firm a foun- Foundation (No. 636). 13 Parker's HOLY DAY to Come, let us all with one accord is curiously like Beethoven's tune SARDIS ; and PRO PATRIA, to God of Our fathers, suggests Harding's MORNING STAR. This, however, is only momentary, as it soon goes on its own way, and, gathering strength, culminates in a fine unison passage. HYMN TUNES (No. 493). (NO. 294). Æterna of Days dation.” This is a noble tune, finely balanced, and with an onward sweep that never wavers. Similar virile tunes but on more expansive King of lines are KING OF GLORY (1894) to "In loud (No. 482). exalted strains," and MOUNT SION to “O'twas Mount Sion a joyful sound to hear.” Other examples of masculine vigor are COURAGE (1894) to "Fight Courage au (No. 505). the good fight,” AUBURNDALE (1894) to “Christ Auburndale is our Cornerstone,” and Vox ÆTERNA (1903) Vox to "Hark! the Voice eternal.” His dignified (No. 36). setting to "Ancient of days” (1903) will doubt- Ancient less have difficulty in displacing Jeffery's popu- (No. 311). lar but rather flamboyant tune to the same words. The above examples are for the most part "choir tunes” and Parker has not hesitated to publicly criticise himself for the tendency to write for the choir rather than for the people. That he stands most distinctly for congrega- tional singing has ample testimony in the fol- lowing quotation from the preface to his own edition of the Hymnal: "In more than twenty years' experience as choirmaster the editor has not observed that improvement in congregational singing which is so earnestly to be desired. A school of hymnody, which many call sentimental, has grown up and flourished during the past twenty years without improving, so far as we have observed, either the quantity or the quality of congregational singing. We may almost be- 46 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH lieve that our grandfathers had better Church music for the people than we have. If we may accept the saying of competent observers, they had certainly more and better singing, under the influence of the singing schools in what may be called the later Lowell Mason time, in the form of service common to the most of New England, than is usually to be heard at present. But signs are now discernible of a desire for a healthier, sturdier, more manly feel- ing in hymns and tunes. These signs are un- mistakable and widespread, and are most grati- fying evidences of the improvement in public taste. Lovers of hymnody no longer seek sensuous pleasure in rhythm and harmony, de- sired naturally enough by the very young, but look rather for convincing earnestness and so- briety of feeling. Clearly we need not more tunes, but better ones, attaining a higher standard of musical worth and dignity." Parker can also write tunes, and good ones, of a congregational character as witness his beautiful setting, BRANNENBURG (1903) to “More love to Thee, O Christ,” his tender and simple JESU PASTOR (1903) to "Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me,” his graceful and appealing STELLA (1903) to "All my heart this night re- joices,” and his melodious BUDE (1903) to “Thou Who with dying lips."14 From other purely American sources we have but little of real value or that promises to Brannen- NO. 654). Jesu Pastor (No. 534). Stella (No. 538). Bude (No, 277). 14 These four tunes, together with Vox ÆTERNA and AN- CIENT OF DAYS, are in Parker's own hymnal. ÉZYMN TUNËS 48 - Rev. J. S. B. Hodges (1830–). Hymn Edward (1796- be a permanent addition to our hymnals. We are indebted to Americanized Englishmen for some excellent tunes. Prominent among them is the Rev. J. S. B. Hodges of Baltimore, who came here in his early youth. His setting to “O day of rest and gladness," called HODGES, Hodges (No. 24). compares favorably with standard English tunes, and his Eucharistic Hymn, "Bread of the Eucharistic world,” has moved many hearts by its earnest (ÑO. 225). simplicity. The tune BRISTOL to "Hark! the Bristol glad sound! the Saviour comes,” is by his father, Edward Hodges, who came to this country in Hodges 1838 and during his incumbency as organist 1876). of Old Trinity in New York, was the first to introduce the Cathedral style of service into this country. A most worthy successor to Dr. Hodges is Dr. Arthur H. Messiter, also English Arthur H. born, whose fine tune MARION to "Rejoice, ye (1834). pure in heart,” has met with general recognition (No. 520). and use. The composition of hymn tunes is at once Composition the simplest and most difficult of tasks. Any tunes. tyro in the study of harmony can put together agreeable chord progressions allied to a singable melody, and amateurs are disposed to think that this constitutes a hymn tune. Such as these are turned out by thousands. Well worn phrases from good tunes are revamped after the manner of a rag-carpet, and their very familiar- ity, which breeds contempt in the musician, Messiter Marion of hymn- 48 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Amateur dabblers. gives them a popular vogue, for they are both easy to learn and easy to sing. Fortunately the cheap tune is usually associated with cheap words, and our Church is saved from a deluge of inanity both in words and music by its wise provision which permits nothing but duly au- thorized hymns to be sung. While we thus es- cape the maudlin sentiment of the Gospel hymn- tune we are by no means free from the musical upstart who cannot appreciate sterling worth, and to whom the value of tradition is nothing. He feels called upon to write new tunes to our most treasured hymns, and worse still, he suc- ceeds in having them sung; and not infrequently they find their way into standard hymnals. They are always "taking” in the popular sense, and apt to have sensational features. Proces- sional hymns are the favorites, for a marching rhythm makes the first appeal to elementary musical instincts. A formula for such a tune would consist of a jingling rhythm recurring with deadly regularity, a melody gaily moving along the line of least resistance, and a few "barber shop” chords to help out the climax, which will be greatly heightened if some of the sopranos sustain a high tone in the refrain-for there must be a refrain! People will publish tunes who would not dream of publishing verse, and still they know infinitely more of the rules HYMN TUNES 49 Dificulties in good tune writing. of grammar, rhetoric, and poetic rhythm than they know of harmony or composition. A good tune is most difficult to write because Toni within very circumscribed limits something defi- nite and characteristic must be expressed. While comparatively simple material must be used, it should neither be commonplace nor remi- niscent. The parts must be in convenient range of the different voices. The harmonic frame must not be too elaborate for the melodic pic- ture. It must be concise, logical, artistic, and well-balanced. It must have sentiment without sentimentality, dignity without angularity. It is not surprising, then, that one of the foremost of American composers when invited to con- tribute to the hymnal of a leading denomination declined with thanks, excusing himself on the ground that he would rather write a sonata than a hymn tune! While it is true that our greatest composers Best tunes have rarely turned their attention to hymn-tune musicians. writing, it is equally true that our best tunes have been written invariably by trained musi- cians who, at the same time, were earnest, de- vout Christians. And this suggests the query, Is not the first requisite of the Church com- poser a reverent spirit: reverence for the Chris- tian religion, reverence for literary values, rev- erence for musical expression ? The criticism aimed at the amateurish dab- by trained Professional dabblers. 50 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH bler in hymn-tune writing also holds good in many instances in the profession, for many mu- sicians dash off wretched hymn tunes who are excellent performers, teachers, or choirmasters but who have had no special training in compo- sition or in the ethics of good Church music. A most curious contradiction is the fact that musicians who have the highest standards when judging the work of others and whose ideals and taste are unquestioned, seem to lose their view- point entirely when they take their pen in hand, and perpetrate a kind of music they would not tolerate in others. If these would-be Church composers would stop to consider that the language of the Scrip- tures and of the Prayer Book are models of purity and refinement, that the hymns in use with us are for the most part the work of trained and scholarly minds, and that any- thing short of these high standards would be unseemly to offer to Almighty God, they might perhaps realize that music as a worthy consort deserves equally serious consideration. A good tune is judged by precisely the same standards as a good hymn. The thought must be worthy, the expression adequate, the work- manship above criticism, and the artistic sense apparent. Logic, order, proportion, and per- spective must all be there, as well as an assuring sense of mastery in all the details. If we are to Essentials of a good tune. HYMN TUNES 51 wed music to worthy words the work of compo- sition is not to be entered into unadvisedly, but reverently, discreetly, and in the fear of the Lord. This chapter will best be brought to a close by a quotation from that admirable and most suggestive book, "Musical Ministries in the Church," by Waldo Selden Pratt, Professor of Music in the Hartford Theological Semi- nary. Professor Pratt sums up the situation in the following appreciative way, and one scarcely knows which to admire the more, his broad and sure grasp of the whole question, or the beauty and completeness of his powers of expression: “Our Christian hymns are surely among the most powerful agencies we have for developing the religious sentiment of our people. The best of them are exquisitely beautiful in form and imagery, are magnetic and noble in tone and spirit, and deal habitually with topics and as- pects of truth that all lie close to the heart of the Gospel. As a rule, they spring out of re- ligious experience at its best and they tend to lift experience to its highest levels. The very cream of truth and of soul-life is gathered into them. They contain the refined riches, the precious essences, the cut and polished jewels of Christianity in all the ages. They tend to be superlative and ideal in both thought and expression, simply because so often they come from souls of rare endowment and unusual spiritual attainment. They therefore push on 52 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH ber truthit what in our often far beyond what most of us could perhaps our- selves say in sober truth. But they proclaim and represent nothing but what in our hearts we long for and aspire unto. They often ascend into the realm of ecstacy, and speak as of seeing the invisible and participating in the inaccessible. Herein they are truly prophetic, the records of the insight and intuition and rapture of seer and saint. These sublime qual- ities, of course, are not possessed by all hymns, but they mark so many that in these days it is possible for practical hymn-singing to confine itself to such continually if it chooses. "It is by no means as commonly seen as it ought to be that entirely parallel claims may safely be made for much of the tune music that belongs to our hymns. The best of it, espe- cially in recent periods, is as beautifully ar- ticulated as the finest sonnets or the most ex- quisite miniatures, is rich and thrilling in total effect, and is charged at every point with the same spiritual intensity as the hymns that have called it forth. Most of our finer tunes are written by men of devout character and sympathies, and are plainly marked by reli- gious fervor and elevation. If we accord the praise of being true revelators to Wesley, Cowper, Montgomery, Bishop How, Ellerton, Ray Palmer, and many others of the same high rank, we should be ready to give similar ac- knowledgment to the scores of musical artists who have wrought side by side with them in the same noble ministry, like Gauntlett and Dykes and Barnby and Sullivan and Stainer, not to name others of other schools. Popular appreciation of the interior beauty and nobility HYMN TUNES 53 of tunes falls behind that of the value of hymns simply because of popular ignorance, and even musical critics are often perversely blind to the triumph involved in writing a really excellent hymn tune. Sooner or later, however, the one will be valued not less than the other." II. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING. The lemn Plan of lecture. The hymn-singing of the Christian Church had its roots in the psalmody of the Hebrew people, and it is the purpose of this paper to trace in a cursory manner its development through the crude but elaborate music of the Jews, the hymn singing of the early Christians, the plainsong of the Roman Catholic Church, the chorales of the Lutherans, the psalm singing of the Calvinists and Puritans, and the spiritual songs of the Wesleyans, as well as through the practice of our own Church, until we arrive at modern hymnody, which will receive special consideration as to its meaning and application to the Protestant Episcopal Church of America. I. HISTORY OF HYMNODY. Hebrew music. In Exodus 15 we read as follows: "Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea. CONGREGATIONAL Y 55 SINGING Hebrew congrega- tional “And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. “And Miriam answered them, Sing ye unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath He thrown into the sea." While we are uncertain as to the precise meaning of the word "singing" in the above 5 singing. quotation (for the term may have signified naught but a shouting or crude chanting), yet it seems quite possible that congregational singing in well-defined melodies was a settled habit among the Hebrews, even in the time of Moses and Miriam, for the lifting up of the voice of the populace in song was doubtless a primitive instinct in the heart of man. But it was not alone in vocal strains that Israel praised the Lord, for we read in the account of the proces- sion of the Ark that "David and all Israel played before God with all their might, and instrumental with singing, and with harps, and with psal- teries, and with timbrels, and with cymbals, and with trumpets.” (I. Chron. 13: 8.) To prepare for the Temple service there was music. formulated an elaborate musical plan enlisting no less than 4,000 singers and players, all of whom were probably males. This vast body was under the instruction of 288 skilled musi- cians and a head precentor or "master of song." Hebrew instrumental music. in Templo 56 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH At the dedication of the Temple we read the following interesting account of the music in II. Chron. 5:12: "Also the Levites which were the singers, all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and their brethren, being ar- rayed in white linen, having cymbals and psal- teries and harps, stood at the east end of the altar and with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets. "It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and the singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord: and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of mu- sic, and praised the Lord, saying, For He is good : for His mercy endureth forever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord.” The account establishes beyond a doubt the great importance attached to music by the Jews. We might infer that with the development of an official band of performers, the participa- tion of the people in the services of the inner Temple was more or less restricted. In the outer courts, however, it seems that congregational singing was more generally cultivated, the voices of women and children joining in the popular celebrations. The extensive use of instruments, the trum- pets for interludes, the pipes and stringed in- struments for accompaniments, the cymbals to CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 57 mark the rhythm, all go to indicate a consider- able development in concerted music. Then again the psalms are unquestionably intended for the purposes of song. The very nature of their parallel construction at once suggests anti- phonal singing, either between precentor and congregation, or between answering choirs." As to the character of the music of the Jews Character we are quite ignorant. The accent marks music, which exist in ancient manuscripts are supposed to have been guides or helps to the singers in re- membering the melodies. Their exact use has never been solved, and it is extremely doubtful if a solution to their mystery will ever be found. The music may have been of the most primitive character, consisting of chant-like intonations and cadences; or, as some Jewish authorities contend, it may have been of a more developed nature and the germ or source of the plainsong music that rose to such heights of beauty and perfection in the Latin Church. Traditional melodies which the Jews claim as authentic Temple music are still to be heard in the syna- gogues of to-day, but these melodies vary widely in different countries, agreeing only in certain of Hebrew 1 The psalms constitute an inexhaustible mine of riches for the musical composer down to the present day, and excerpts from them form the text of our greatest anthems and cantatas. They occupy an important place in the liturgy of all Christian Churches, and in their metrical ver- sion they are an important part of our hymnody. 58 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Early Christian music. peculiar melodic progressions which are unmis- takably of Oriental origin. In the first centuries of Christianity we find an exact parallel to the development of music as it occurred among the Jews. Before the crystallization of formis of worship in the early Church the people joined universally and heartily in the singing of the psalms and hymns. This was following the injunction of St. Paul (Eph. 5:19; Col. 3:16) in “Speaking to your- selves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” As St. Paul makes this triple allusion in his letters both to the Ephesians and the Colossians it is thought that in "psalms” he re- fers to the psalms of the psalter, in "hymns” to the canticles of the Old Testament, and in "spiritual songs” to hymns composed by the Christians themselves. We read of the early Christians assembling before daylight and singing hymns alternately to Christ, and of employing in their meetings "two choirs, one of men and one of women. From each of these a person of majestic form was chosen to lead. These then chanted hymns in honor of God, composed in different measures and modulations, now singing together, and now answering each other by turns.” This last prac- tice suggests the antiphonal music of the Jews, from whom it was no doubt derived. That the music was not always of the simplest or most CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 59 singing a source of suitable character is indicated by the action of Clement of Alexandria (died 220 A. D.) who forbade the use of certain melodies because of chromatic intervals. Later on the Church authorities were Hymn obliged in self-defence to confine the singing , o we singing heresy. of the people to certain psalms and canticles and to interdict the promiscuous singing of hymns, as it was such a fruitful source of spreading se- dition and heresy. In Gibbon we read: “The Arians had been forbidden by the Em- peror Theodosius to have places of worship within the city. But on Saturdays and Sun- days and great festivals they were in the habit of assembling outside the gates, then coming into the city in procession at sunset, and all night, in the porticoes and open places, singing Arian hymns and anthems with choruses. Chrysostom feared that many of the simple and ignorant people would be drawn from the faith. He therefore organized nightly proces- sions of orthodox hymn-singers, who carried crosses and lights, and with music and much pomp rivalled the efforts of the heretics. Riots and bloodshed were the consequence. Very soon an Imperial edict put a stop to Arian hymn- singing in public. The use, however, of hymns in nocturnal services of the Church became es- tablished.” Congregational singing was thus in general Congrega. use in the early days of the Church, but, as was ing in the the case in the Temple music, with the develop- Church. red thatuld be dnightly carrie tional sing- 60 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH A hymn as defined by St. Augus- tine. ment of the liturgy and ritual of the Roman Church and the perfecting of their ecclesiastical organization, the people's part in the services was finally reduced to a few responses. The singing of the psalms, canticles, hymns, and Mass numbers was entrusted to trained chor- isters who were ecclesiastics of a minor order, and thus the performance of music in the Roman Church became largely a clerical func- tion. Hymn-singing in all probability contin- ued to be indulged in by the laity in the home circle, in private worship, and perhaps at spe- cial popular religious functions. St. Augustine thus defines a hymn: "Hymns are the praise of God with song; hymns are songs containing the praise of God. If there be praise and it be not God's praise, it is not a hymn. If there be praise and that God's praise, and it be not sung, it is not a hymn. To constitute a hymn, then, it is neces- sary that there be these three things: praise, the praise of God, and song.” Under this definition psalms and special acts of praise, such as the Gloria in Excelsis, the Magnificat, etc., were termed hymns. The hymn referred to as sung by our Lord and His Apos- tles at the Last Supper was doubtless the Hallel, which included Psalms 113th to the 118th, and it is quite possible that the psalm "When Israel Peregrinus. came out of Egypt,” was sung to the Peregrine CONGREGATIONAL SINGING tone, a Gregorian which is used to this day in many of our churches and which has been asso- ciated with that psalm since the earliest musical records. The Te Deum is frequently referred Te Deum. to as the Ambrosian hymn, and tradition has it that at the baptism of St. Augustine on Easter night, 387, St. Ambrose and his distinguished convert improvised the great hymn in alternate strophes. The Te Deum, however, is of Greek origin in all probability. Metrical hymns in the modern sense of the Metrical word were not fully developed until about the fifth century, and St. Ambrose is credited with their introduction into the Western Church. They became very popular in the succeeding centuries, a vast number being written by monks and priests of the Roman communion. Of these some 3,500 have been traced and cata- logued by specialists in hymnody. Some of our best known hymns come from the medieval Latin Church poets, such as "Jerusalem, the main golden," "For thee, O dear, dear country," “Brief life is here our portion," "Jesus, the very thought of Thee," "Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire," “O Sacred Head surrounded,” “The day is past and over," and many others. When the Christian religion invaded Ger- tiongrega- many the Roman Church authorities found singing in themselves compelled to reckon with the innate love of the German people for music. This love Mediæval , hymns. Congrega- tional 62 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH had long expressed itself in "folk-songs,” both in their secular and religious relations. As early as 1195 we read of a choral society being formed in Prague for the study of spiritual songs, and in the thirteenth century popular songs were permitted at certain church festivals. But this was a far cry from the personal ap- proach to God encouraged by Luther. When he maintained the right of laymen to participate in public worship and to praise God through their beloved medium of song and in their na- tive tongue, the enthusiasm of the people knew no bounds. This sudden liberty on the part of the people to freely express their religious emo- tions, combined with the assurance of salvation by faith alone without priestly intervention, re- sulted in a veritable flood of verse and melody. It is estimated that over one hundred thousand hymns have been written in Protestant Germany alone, and their accompanying chorale melodies number many thousands. It is claimed that the hymn-singing made many more converts to the German Evangelical Church than did the preaching. The intense love of Luther for music and his practical knowledge of the art, together with the innate musical nature of his followers and their reverent attitude toward religion, all com- bined to evolve a type of hymn tune which for dignity, breadth, and fundamental worth has re- Lutheran hymns. The German chorale. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 63 Psalm Calvinists. mained unexcelled. Skilled musicians busied themselves with arranging and composing melo- dies, and their efforts resulted in such a high standard of attainment, and such a correspond- ing elevation of public taste, that the Lutheran Church has never suffered from trashy or un- worthy hymn music. - . With the Calvinists it was quite different. singing of They looked upon the efforts of man as an unfit offering to Almighty God, and they therefore confined their singing to metrical versions of the psalms of David. As to music, Calvin ex- pressed himself as follows: "Those songs and melodies which are composed for the mere pleas- ure of the ear, and all they call ornamental mu- sic, and songs for four parts, do not behoove the majesty of the church, and cannot fail to greatly displease God.” In consequence the tunes se- lected were of a sober not to say a forbidding character. Like many of the German chorales, the melodies set to the Genevan Psalter (as the official Calvinistic psalm-book was called) were taken from folk-songs, but of French origin. The most famous of these tunes is that known as OLD HUNDRED, which was originally sung not to the hundredth but to the one hundred and thirty-fourth psalm. A visitor to Geneva in 1557 gives the following account of the psalm- singing of the Calvinists: “A most interesting sight is offered in the Old Hundred MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Psalm singing of Puritans. city on the week days, when the hour of the sermon approaches. As soon as the first sound of the bell is heard all shops are closed, all con- versation ceases, all business is broken off, and from all sides the people hasten into the nearest meeting house. There each one draws from his pocket a small book containing the psalms with notes, and out of full hearts, in the native speech, the congregation sings before and after the sermon. Every one testifies to me how great consolation and edification is derived from this custom." Calvin's abhorrence of ritual and his detes- tation of art in any of its manifestations as an adjunct to religion, including both organ and choir, found sympathetic response in both the English Puritans and the Scotch Presbyterians. Many English Protestants, during the religious persecution of Mary, fled to Geneva, where they fell under the influence of Calvin. Upon their return to England they brought with them the psalm-singing habit. Metrical psalms at once sprang into enormous favor, not only with the Nonconformists but in the Established Church as well. Would-be poets not only versi- fied the psalms, but the canticles, the Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and a considerable portion of the New Testament in addition. A semi-official ver- sion of the psalms appeared in 1562 under the title: "The Whole Booke of Psalmes collected into English metre, by T. Sternhold, J. H. Sternhold and Hopkins Psalm-book. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING ILY 65 Tato and Hopkins, and others, conferred with the Ebrue, with apt notes to sing them withal. Set forth and allowed to be sung in all churches, of all the people together, before and after Evening Prayer, and also before and after sermons, and moreover in private houses for their godly solace and comfort, laying apart all ungodly songs and ballads, which tend only to the en- couraging of vice and the corrupting of youth.” The Sternhold and Hopkins version, known later as the "old version,” despite its crude- ness and literalness, enjoyed immense popu- larity and was not displaced until 1696, when the "new version" by Tate and Brady came into Brady. use, a version which sacrificed the ruggedness of Sternhold and Hopkins for weaker, if more graceful lines. Next in turn came Watts' ver- version. sion to which he gave the title "Imitation of the Psalms of David in the Language of the New Testament.” This version was of a much higher order of literary and poetic merit and became popular with the dissenters. In the meantime, the Scotch Presbyterians had replaced their first Psalter (a combination of the Genevan Psalter, Sternhold and Hopkins and original para- Rous' phrases) by Rous' Version, which appeared in version. 1650 and met with great favor. * Watts' 2 It may be of interest to add that the Genevan Psalter passed through at least a thousand editions; that it was translated into the Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Bo- hemian. Polish. Latin, and Hebrew Languages, and was used even by the Roman Catholics. Julian, in his "Dictionary of Hymnology," gives a list of 326 versions of the entire 150 psalms in the English language alone. 66 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Ainsworth’s version. Bay mook Psalm-book. "Lining out'' or deacon- ing.' The Puritans brought with them to this country a version by Ainsworth, while the Church of England adherents remained faithful to Sternhold and Hopkins. In 1636 a commit- tee of Congregationalists prepared an original transcription of the psalms into verse known as the Bay Psalm-book, and later as the New Eng- land Version.” Owing to a scarcity of books there arose the custom of “lining out the metrical psalms in New England, and a device more fatal to musical effect could hardly be imagined. Each line of the psalm was first read over by the clerk or minister and then sung by the congregation. The music was thus broken up into disconnected fragments and was apt to lose its identity. In fact it not infre- quently happened that a congregation became “side-tracked” and ended with a tune other than the one "pitched” at the start. The only argu- ment in favor of this unhappy custom was the fact that it permitted the introduction of new hymns without the expense of printing them, and it was no doubt due to this habit that Watts wrote a new hymn for over two hundred con- secutive Sundays. So ingrained was this custom of “lining out that it was contiņued even after the hymns were thoroughly familiar to all the congregation. A word as to the tunes used to the metrical This passed through seventy editions. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 67 tunes. psalms. The Sternhold and Hopkins Psalter Early psalm of 1562 contained forty tunes, mostly in com- mon metre, for all but twenty of the one hun- dred and forty psalms were in that metre. The melody only was printed and the tunes were of rather a severe type, Old Hundred and Dundee being samples. The Scotch Psalter of 1635 contained one hundred and forty-three tunes from French, English, and German sources. Among the dissenters the tunes gradually grew less in number until in some communities they were reduced to six or eight in number, and these attained such a traditional and senti- mental value among the ignorant that it was considered almost heretical to use other music. This restricted repertoire of tunes, together with the deadening effect of “lining out” may have been responsible for the decline in psalm- Decline singing, which in the eighteenth century degen- singing. erated into a dull and lifeless exercise. The principle of individual license in praising God was carried to such an absurd extent that every one claimed the right to sing as he pleased, and the tunes were distorted with all manner of grotesque turns and twists, according to the whim of the singer. It will be remembered that in the Noncon- formist churches organs were not permitted they were considered an abomination unto the Lord-and there were no trained choirs, conse- Decline of psalm 68 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Hymn singing of the Wesleyang. quently the music, such as it was, was confined to unison singing. In the midst of these un- promising conditions came the Wesleyan move- ment, which for the metrical versions of the Psalms then in use substituted the fervent re- ligious poetry of Charles Wesley and his asso- ciates. The hymns were set to the melodies of popular songs and found immediate and wide- spread acceptance. To "sing like the Method- ists” became proverbial, and as in the days of Luther, inspired hymn singing again demon- strated its power over the human soul. In the meantime the Established Church re- mained true to Sternhold and Hopkins, but the musical situation was greatly improved by the appearance of Ravenscroft's book of tunes in 1621, an excellent collection of music harmon- ized in four parts in musicianly manner and Ravenscroft with the melody in the tenor part. When Tate 1635?). and Brady came into vogue Ravenscroft's fine book was superseded by Playford's tunes, a col- 1693?). lection arranged in three parts but with the melody in the soprano. These tunes were not Hymn singing in the Established Church. Thomas (15827- John Playford (1623- 4 The full title of Ravencroft's Psalter is as follows: "The Whole Booke of Psalmes: With the Hymns Evangeli- cal and spiritual. Composed into 4 parts by Sundry Authors with severall Tunes as have been and are usually sung in England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands." The first edition of Playford's Psalter was published in 1671 with the following title: "Psalms and Hymns in solemn musick of four parts on the Common Tunes to the Psalms in Metre: used in Parish Churches." It was, how- ever, a later edition in three parts that became very popular. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 69 Psalm singing in America. Judge Sewall. comparable with those of Ravenscroft, being of a florid and ornate character. As to conditions in the early days of this country, church music suffered no improvement when Genevan Psalmody, together with the habit of “lining out," was transferred to New England by the Pilgrims and Puritans. Five tunes, among them Old Hundred, York, and Windsor, comprised the musical stock in trade. The diary of Judge Samuel Sewall, who was Diary of for twenty-four years a precentor, throws inter- esting side-lights on early New England music. The musical sensibilities of the singers were evi- dently not of a highly developed nature, and there were difficulties regarding the pitch, as no tuning forks or pitch-pipes were in use at the time. The pious and God-fearing Judge chroni- cles as follows: "1705, sixth day, December 28th. Mr. Pem- berton prays excellently, and Mr. Willard preaches from Ps. 66:20 very excellently. Spoke to me to set the tune; I intended Wind- sor and fell into High Dutch, and then, essay- ing to set another tune, went into a key much too high. So I prayed Mr. White to set it: which he did well, Litchfield tune. The Lord humble me and instruct me, that I should be the occasion of any interruption in the worship of God.” A further note indicates that it was not al- ways the good Judge who was at fault: 70 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Early American tunes. William Billings. “Lord's Day, February 23, 1718. I set York tune, and the congregation went out into St. David's in the very second going over. They did the same three weeks before. This is the second sign. I think they began in the last line of the first going over. This seems to me an intimation and call for me to resign the pre- centor's place to a better voice.” The New Englanders, unlike the Virgin- ians, were not long content with the imported tunes, and with true Yankee enterprise and in- genuity began the manufacture of their own tunes. Among the first to do this was William Billings, who was born in Boston in 1746. His trade was that of a tanner, but his passion was music, and he pursued his self-taught way with great energy and enthusiasm. By this time, through the influence of singing-schools, choirs had come into existence and four-part singing was a possibility. Hymns were gradually com- ing into use, particularly those of Dr. Watts, and a style of hymn music known as the "fugu- ing tune” had come over from England. In these tunes, instead of the four parts singing to- gether in the ordinary way, one part would lead off with an animated phrase, which would be imitated in one or more of the remaining parts, somewhat after the style of a fugue. Billings waxes enthusiastic over the fuguing tune and thus describes it: "It has twenty times the power of the old Fuguing tunes. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 71 Billingg' Psalm-books. slow tunes, each part straining for mastery and victory, the audience entertained and delighted, their minds surpassingly agitated and ex- tremely fluctuated, sometimes declaring for one part, sometimes for another. Now the solemn bass demands their attention, next the manly tenor: now the lofty counter, now the volatile treble. Now here, now there: now here again, O ecstatic! Rush on, you sons of harmony!” Billings was an uncouth but forceful per- sonality and neglected his tanning trade to lead choirs, with a voice that drowned all the others, to publish psalm-books, which had a wide sale, and to compose music, which had a certain crude worth. He succeeded in interesting an influ- ential backing and published successively "The New England Psalm Singer or American Chor- ister," "The Singing Master's Assistant,” “Mu- sic in Miniature," "The Psalm-singer's Amuse- ment,” “The Suffolk Harmony," and "The Continental Harmony." His tunes became very popular and were sung around the camp- fires of the Revolutionary Army. The best known among them was a tune called CHESTER, and it was frequently played by the fifers in the army. One of Billings' contemporaries and rivals was Oliver Holden, whose tune CORONATION to "All hail the power of Jesus' Name” has quite outlived any effort of Billings' and which is to On O . Oliver Holder and Coronation. 72 IN THE CHURCH Y TAY MUSIC Psalm- singing in New York City. be found in all the hymn-books of the present generation. New England was far more enterprising in matters musical than New York. According to one authority there was as late as the year 1800 practically no Church music in New York City save the Genevan Psalter with its time- worn tunes. The only exception was in Old Trinity Church, Broadway, where we find rec- ords of hymn and anthem singing beginning with 1754. Psalm singing was also deeply rooted in our own Church, for we discover that on August 21, 1707, an order was made by the vestry of. Trinity parish that the New Version of metrical psalms, by Tate and Brady, shall be introduced "the next Sunday come seven-night, and that no other psalms be sung in ye said church.” This would imply that the Old Ver- sion of Sternhold and Hopkins had been in use and perhaps with the fine tunes in Ravenscroft's collection (1621).With the advent of Tate and Brady it is likely that Playford's "Whole Book of Psalms” (1677) was drawn upon for tunes, as it was immensely popular in England. Trinity was supplied with its first organ in 1741. After its installation and following the English custom, the children of the parish char- ity school were called upon to lead the singing. They were given some instruction in singing, were taught the metrical psalms by rote and a Music at "oid Trinity.'' CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 73 William Tuckey. few simple anthems. This was the extent of the music in the parish until the arrival of Wil- liam Tuckey from England, who advertised himself as "Professor of the Theory and Prac- tise of Vocal Music, late Vicar Choral of the Cathedral Church of Bristol, and Clerk of the parish of St. Mary Port in said city, now resi- dent in New York.” He was an indefatigable composer and set about publishing all sorts of hymns, anthems, and services of his own pro- duction. He was parish clerk at Trinity for four years, but ceasing to give satisfaction he was dis- missed. However, upon the inauguration of a new organ in 1762 his services were secured to organize and drill a mixed chorus, and for the first time a Te Deum was performed in this Pin country. It was announced in the following of pompous style in the public press : “To all lovers of Divine Harmony. Whereas it is the custom in Protestant congregations in Europe on times of rejoicing, as well on An- nual as particular days of Thanksgiving, to sing the Te Deum, therefore by particular de- sire, a subscription is opened, for the encour- agement of so laudable a practice in this city. Proposals as follows: Every lady, gentleman, etc., to subscribe whatever they please, for which subscription money William Tuckey has obligated himself to teach a sufficient num- ber of persons, to perform the Te Deum, either with or without an organ, or other instruments, and that it shall be as good a piece of music performance Te Deum, m, there of Thankwell on 74 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Chanting in Trinity parish. as any of the common Te Deums sung in any Cathedral in England.” Up to the beginning of the nineteenth cen- tury there is no mention of chanting, but it seems almost incredible with the constantly increasing attention paid to music in Trinity parish that chanting was not attempted. It came eventually, however, for in 1809 a book entitled “The Churchman's Choral Companion to his Prayer Book” was published by Trinity parish, which evidently indicated the musical service at that period. The editor says that “Chants are the only kind of music which is calculated for general use in public worship,” and he further remarks that "metre singing, by its fluctuating nature and restless spirit of novelty, is an object of attention to the young and of neglect to the aged.” Despite the grad ual introduction of anthems, canticles, and ser- vices, the hymn singing for years continued to be the psalms in metre. The sectarian churches, however, and particularly the Methodists, were rapidly abandoning the psalms for the hymns of Watts and the two Wesleys. It is well within the last century that the custom of singing "spiritual songs” or hymns has grown up in the Church of England. While the Church readily took up the Calvinistic habit of metrical psalm-singing it was slow to adopt the hymn-singing of the dissenters. No hymn Hymn singing in America. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 75 Protestant Hymnal. book met with universal favor or general use until the appearance of "Hymns Ancient and Modern” in 1861, and its success was phenome- nal. As to this country, many of us still re- member the metrical psalms which were bound up with the Book of Common Prayer in the days when the clergyman would exchange his sur- plice for an academic gown while preaching the sermon. While "Hymns Ancient and Modern" was used to some extent it was not until 1871, when our own official hymnal was first issued, that psalm-singing was entirely abandoned and hymn-singing in the modern sense of the word Episcopal became general among us. II. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING. The religious and musical press indulge function periodically in heated discussions as to the proper function of music in our church services and the relative importance of the rights of choir and congregation in the matter. Some contend, and with no little asperity, that the worship of Almighty God concerns but the priest on the one hand and the people on the other; that the choir represents the people and the moment anything is sung in which the people can not readily and easily join, the choir usurps the rights of the people and arrogates to itself privileges which it has no authority to exercise. It is "praising God by proxy," a 1 of music in the church. 76 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Music divided between priest, choir, and people. principle which some natures seem incapable of comprehending. These outbreaks are without doubt occasioned by those churches in which the music of the choir is over-emphasized, and r. where the congregation is deprived of its proper share in the musical portions of the service. This, however, is a short-sighted view of the situation. If ancient custom and the authority of the primitive Church are to be heeded, the service is divided between three participating bodies, the clergy, the clerks or choristers, and people. The priest is to say or sing the psalms and ver- sicles, to read the lessons, and to join with the clerks and people in the Lord's Prayer, the con- fession, the psalms and the Creed. The clerks are to join with the people in the responses, the Kyries and the Amens, while the clerks are to sing the anthem, for the rubric says "In quires and places where they sing, here followeth the anthem.” According to traditional custom the clerks are also to sing the five anthems in the Communion service: the Nicene Creed, the Sanctus, the Benedictus, the Agnus Dei, and the Gloria in Excelsis. The people are to take part in the responses, psalms and hymns, but are only to worship nega- tively while the choir sings the more elaborate music of the service. The principle of silent worship is obviously as logical as the principle of silent prayer. We ra 1 Silent worship. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 77 Advantages of congre- gational singing. can praise God as effectually through the sing- ing of the choir as we can pray to Him through the voice of the priest. The raison d'être of a congregational singing is the opportunity it sat gives both for individual and collective expres- sions of worship or praise, and the music should never be of a nature that would debar anyone from participation on account of its difficulty. On the other hand, the principle of honoring Almighty God by dedicating to Him and His service our noblest architecture, our most beau- tiful sculpture and painting, and our best dic- tion applies with equal force to our music, and the special work of the choir should represent the highest expression of the art and should be rendered in a manner as far above criticism as circumstances will permit. The services of the Church are looked upon Worship by many people as offering convenient oppor- personal tunity for the voicing of their personal prayers and praises. They quite overlook, or fail to remember, the broader aspect of the case, which is that these services are also an act of worship on the part of the Church as a whole, and contain elements of far greater importance and dignity than our individual needs or desires. Thus while the Church makes every provision for personal approach to and communion with the Almighty through the use of response and psalm and hymn, it also has moments when Worship both and general. 78 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Chanting of the Psalter. the worshipper must forget his personal equa- tion and feel himself a part of the Church Universal. Until this attitude of mind is at- tained one can never appreciate to the fullest extent the beauty, the force, and the eminent fitness of our liturgy and ritual, and the evi- dent propriety of elaborate and artistic music. While the choir, then, has its distinct and appropriate place in the economy of our public worship, it would be as inexcusable to have it usurp the functions and rights of the congrega- tion as to have the congregation with its lim- ited musical and artistic capacity attempt to displace the choir in its peculiar province. Confining ourselves to the Book of Common Prayer (for it must be remembered that hymn- singing is not an integral part of our services but an addition thereto), it is in the psalms of David that the people find their chief oppor- tunity of joining in the services of the Church. But most unfortunately the inherent difficulty of chanting, the only practicable way of singing the psalter, is so great that it debars the con- gregation from active participation. This difficulty in setting prose to music was prob- ably responsible for the versification of the psalms, which adjusted them to popular choral expression. We have already observed how uni- versally these metrical versions were used and how they gradually became replaced by religious Difficulty of chanting. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Choral responses. poems, commonly called hymns. Among the Scotch Presbyterians and a few other branches of that persuasion, psalm-singing still obtains, but among Christians at large hymn-singing has all but universally superseded psalmody, and has become the one great musical occupation of our modern congregations. Before treating this important subject at length we will consider briefly the other portions of our ritual which present opportunities for congregational sing- ing. The responses in the choral service are prop- erly the people's part, and the musical setting of Thomas Tallis, written over 300 years ago, has neither been improved upon nor discarded, although occasional sporadic attempts are made to do both the one and the other. Tallis' Re- sponses are simplicity and dignity itself in their original form, but they have undergone a curi- ous perversion. In Tallis' time it was the cus- tom to write the melody in the tenor part, and the alto and soprano were independent parts added above. People nowadays take it for granted that the melody is in the soprano part, and when they hear Tallis' Responses they join in the soprano instead of the tenor part. It would be far better if choirs would adopt the Ferial or daily arrangement of the responses, for in this arrangement the original plainsong melody is put in the soprano part, or better yet Tallis' setting. 80 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Harmonized Confessions and Creeds. to have the plainsong sung in unison until it is thoroughly acquired by the congregation. When the custom has been once thoroughly es- tablished it would have a fine effect on festivals to have the choir sing the usual Festal arrange- ment while the people sing their proper part in the plainsong melody. A reprehensible habit is the custom of using harmonized Confessions and Creeds. These parts, together with the Lord's Prayer, should be so simple that every one can join in, and they should therefore be monotoned or sung to a single tone. The organ may play varied harmonies, but to have the choir sing anything which discourages participation—and in the Confession of all things—is certainly an in- fringement on the rights of the people and should not be tolerated. The so-called "Ely Confession” is very nice” from a musical point of view, but is unquestionably wrong in princi- ple. Furthermore, the habit of singing the re- sponses with expression and with exaggerated ritards and diminuendos is a piece of sentimen- tality that is without warrant. It is not to be expected that a congregation can indulge in the finer nuances of artistic interpretation and the worshippers feel instinctively that their coöp- eration is out of place. Those who do join in This criticism does not refer to anthem settings of the Nicene Creed in the Communion Service which are not in- tended for the people. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 81 canticles. merely mar the performance of the choir. In the anthems and services the choir has ample opportunity to exhibit its finesse as well as its prowess, and it can well afford to leave to the people their few opportunities of congrega- tional singing. The practical difficulties of chanting the Chanti psalter have been alluded to, but it is quite pos- sible for all to join in the chanting of the can- ticles, as they are sung so frequently that the pointing is soon fastened in the memory. The singing of the Venite is perhaps as generally joined in by the congregation as the singing of the hymns. Next to this comes the Nunc Di- mittis in point of familiarity, and then the Benedictus. The Te Deum, the Magnificat, and Nunc Dimittis are apt to be sung to anthem set- tings, where they have choirs of ability, and sad to say, too often where they have choirs of so little ability that it would be far better and more edifying to use simple chants. When the canticles are chanted the choirmaster should see to it that the music selected is of a simple and straightforward character and of a nature to in- vite coöperation on the part of the worshippers. There are simple anthem settings of the can- ticles, particularly of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, which are well within the capacity of the congregation. It would be very advanta- geous if such were printed on card-board slips 82 MUSIC IN THD CHURCH The Gloria in Excelsis. and distributed among the pews. It would be an indication that all were expected to take part in the performance of the music, and the printed notes would be of assistance to many. There is one hymn of the ancient Church which next to the long metre doxology is more generally known than any one musical number in our whole liturgy, i. e., the Gloria in Ex- celsis to the so-called “Old chant.” It is a thousand pities that the music is of such an unsatisfactory character. Its source is un- known, but the chant itself is known and sung not only throughout our own Communion but among the various Protestant denominations also. A custom so widespread and long estab- lished is almost impossible to supplant, but it is most devoutly to be wished that some day an equally simple but better and worthier mu- sical setting may be found and become univer- sally current.' We will now return to the important sub- ject of hymn-singing. Hymn singing is essentially and fundamen- tally a congregational function. It is equally deplorable whether this function be largely taken over by a trained choir, or whether through general apathy and indifference it de- Hymn singing essentially congrega- tional. ? May that day also include a correction of the text and avoid the redundant appearance of the phrase "that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us," which doubtless crept in through the typographical error of a "printer's doublet." CONGREGATIONAL SINGING TU 83 generates into a lifeless and listless practice. Nothing is more inspiring than good, hearty congregational singing, nothing attracts and holds people so effectually, and nothing creates in so large a measure religious zeal and fervor. The hymn singing of a congregation is almost an unfailing barometer of its spiritual condi- tion. Good hymn singing is a sure indication of a wide awake and energetic parish, one where the people turn out and join sincerely in the service. On the contrary, poor hymn sing- ing is an index of spiritual indifference and stagnation. With such a powerful agency at hand for the promotion of genuine religious feeling and enthusiasm it is singular that hymn singing is not assiduously and systematically cultivated. It is within the means of the hum- blest parish, for it is not, happily, a question of expense, but of well-directed intelligence, skill, and devotion to the cause. How shall we secure this desirable custom of hearty and spontaneous hymn singing ? It is a difficult question to answer, for con- How to ditions vary in every parish and suggestions hymn that might aid in one case might prove quite futile in another. We can only generalize in the hope that some of the suggestions offered may be found of practical value, or, failing in this, that such an awakening of interest may re- secure good singing. 84 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Ability to sing general. - sult that better methods may be discovered than any hinted at in this lecture. In the average congregation we have a mu- sically crude but not altogether incapable mass of people. There are comparatively few who absolutely cannot "carry a tune” as the phrase goes. In fact they are in about the same pro- portion as the color-blind. But many are timid, others indifferent, and the usual result is a faint-hearted attempt at singing by perhaps one- half of the congregation. Take this same body of people, let them attend some public gather- ing where their patriotic feeling is thoroughly aroused and they will sing America in a man- ner that will leave no doubt as to their vocal possibilities. This experiment simply establishes the fact that the ability to sing is there provided the in- centive is sufficiently strong. The maxim "to him that hath shall be given” and its converse are most aptly proven by congregational singing. A stranger enters a large church where everybody sings, and sings heartily. He immediately feels encouraged to join in and adds his quota to the inspiring gen- eral effect. Per contra, he attends a small church where apathy and listlessness prevail and he hesitates to open his mouth, however much he may wish to do so. How shall we improve our congregational CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 25 Intelligent guidance necessary. 11 singing; how get those who sing to sing better, and how encourage to sing those who do not sing of at all? There is only one way and that is by the enthusiasm, the hearty interest and the ju- dicious guidance of the clergy in coöperation with the choirmasters and organists. How often is the importance of singing mentioned in our churches? How often are the people urged to join in more earnestly? What attempts are made to give the people a little instruction or direction in their singing ? To accomplish anything the importance of music must be magnified, interest must be . aroused and a desire to do something awakened. When a vested choir is once installed all thought of congregational singing is apt to be forgotten, and no attempt is made to encourage or increase the participation of the people. A choir is not performing one of its most import encourage tant duties if it does not improve the hymn format singing. As a matter of fact it generally does singing. so, but this result is accidental rather than in- tentional. Sir John Stainer brought the choir of St. Stainer an Paul's Cathedral, London, from a state of in- difference and incapacity to one of the highest ti beauty and efficiency. He was equally inter- ested in the people's part of the service and con- tended that in the ideal church the congregation should form a vast amateur choir. A choir, Choir should congrega- advocate of congrega- tional singing. 86 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Congrega- tional rehearsals. amateur or otherwise, necessarily implies re- hearsing, and herein lies the crux of the whole situation. If our Church people could only be sufficiently interested to attend an occasional re- hearsal, wonders would be accomplished. If they could be induced in some way as a body to give a few minutes to instruction and rehearsal at stated intervals, the results would amply re- pay any effort involved in drawing them to- gether. Why could not a Sunday evening, say once a month, be given over to hymn singing ? A shortened form of Evening Prayer might open the service and the remainder of the hour be devoted to informal talks on the history of Church music and the rehearsing of congrega- tional music. The talks should include information con- cerning both hymnology and hymn music, for an appreciation of the literary worth of hymns is quite as essential and quite as interesting as the study of the tunes. If widely advertised such a service would tend to attract non-church members as well as non-church goers, for the love of hymn singing is more widespread than the love of church-going. An absolute condition to success would be a liberal supply of hymnals with the music. C. 8 Of course it would be far better to hold these pro- posed rehearsals on a week night, and in some gathering place other than the church itself, but in these days of endless demands upon one's time the Sunday afternoon or evening would probably be found more favorable. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Tho Methodist Desirability of cheap hymnals with music. In this regard we may well learn from our Methodist brethren. A new official Methodist Hymnal. hymnal was put forth about three years ago. It has better music type, better letter press, better paper, better printing and better binding than almost any of our hymnals, and an edition with music, in substantial cloth binding, sells for fifty cents. This enables the average church to put hymnals with music in every pew, and the Desirability far-sighted policy that supplies so excellent a boy book at such a minimum of cost will greatly im- prove the singing in the Methodist churches. Their congregational singing, too, stands in far less need of improvement than ours. Another point worthy of imitation is that the Methodist Church itself, through its Book Concern, pub- lishes the hymnal, and consequently profits largely from its sales. The low price has re- sulted in an enormous demand with correspond- ing profits to the Church at large. The advantage of a liberal supply of hym- nals containing the music lies in the fact that now-a-days so many people have some knowl- edge of musical notation, and while they may not be ready readers, the sight of the music is a great encouragement and assistance in the learn- • It is gratifying to note that this new Methodist Hymnal appropriates many of our best hymns and tunes. It marks a great advance over its predecessor in both literary and musical value. 88 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Congregation as choral society. ing of new tunes. It gives confidence to the singer as well as a feeling of responsibility. In case a congregation is brought to the point of attending rehearsals it would be an interest- tion ing experiment to treat it as a choral society and to divide the singers into the four parts: so- prano, alto, tenor, and bass. In any consider- able body of people there is sure to be a certain percentage of singers who have had experience in part singing, and a still larger percentage who could carry their respective parts with a little practice. These two elements would soon be sufficiently strong to carry the weaker singers with them and the result would be a properly constituted choral body prepared to sing mod- ern hymns as they should be, i. e., in harmony. Thus instead of having nine-tenths of the peo- ple singing the melody-a very unbalanced and unmusical arrangement--the hymns would be sung with properly balanced parts instead of a few singers here and there essaying something besides the soprano part. Also it would height- en the pleasure and interest of the singers to sing and hear sung all the parts of the harmony. The scheme may be considered visionary, but it is an experiment well worth trying where there is a good sized congregation. If the hymn prac- tice met with success, chanting might be at- tempted and perhaps simple anthem settings to the canticles. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 89 Other devices hymn Another plan to encourage the singing of the congregation is to forego the usual services to promote of the choir in the chancel on occasion and to singing. distribute the choristers throughout the church, so that by their singing they may stimulate more general participation. The music should of course be of a strictly congregational charac- ter and familiar to the people. Still another plan would be to have an auxiliary informal choir sit in the front pews or some section of the church where their efforts would be effective. If none of these suggestions are practicable naught remains but exhortations and urgings on the part of the priest and painstaking care on the part of the choir and organist to make the hymn singing as attractive as possible, with the hope of winning hearty response from the pews. As to the choice of tunes there is but one Good tunes thing to do. Use the very best tunes avail- able and ample interest will be returned upon the investment. It is a mistaken notion that good tunes are more difficult to learn than poor tunes; that the congregation will enter more heartily and readily into the singing of trashy tunes than worthy tunes. With the backing of a choir of very moderate attain- ments it is only a question of slight persistence to establish the custom of singing nothing but thoroughly good tunes, and when this is the case no one will care for anything else. We have necessary. 90 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Plainsong tunes. such a rich treasury of tunes both ancient and modern that there is not the slightest excuse for lowering our standards or pandering to ques- tionable tastes. To start with, the plainsong tunes—those noble melodies which have stood the wear and tear of ages-should be given a fair trial. They are especially suited for congregational use as they should invariably be sung in unison, and they are the only tunes which are quite satisfac- tory without accompaniment. They speak to us at first with unfamiliar phrases and we are dis- posed to reject them because they are not "pretty." ! Prettiness is the last attribute of a good hymn tune. We may have “pretty" waltzes, serenades, or nocturnes, but not pretty hymn tunes. A hymn tune may be graceful, beautiful, attractive, and ear-pleasing, but un- less it has a certain undertone of earnestness and reverence it should have no place in the services of the Church. We can in our tunes run the whole gamut of religious emotion from the depths of woe to the most joyous exuberance and still maintain a certain balance of dignity. The plainsong tunes are never trivial or common- place but are strong and rugged and full of char- acter. Most of us are familiar with "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” and appreciate its uncom- promising straightforwardness. There are six or eight more plainsong tunes in our hymnals CONGREGATIONAL 11 TA inhle odontold German chorales. SINGING 91 and at least “O Quanta Qualia” and “Veni Creator Spiritus” should not be overlooked. They do not follow the agreeable curves of mod- ern melodies, but what they lack in grace they more than atone for in freedom and vigor. If properly sung their unconventionality and un- worldliness will finally bring conviction. Another class of tunes admirably adapted G for congregational singing are the sturdy and historic tunes of the German Lutheran Church. They, too, are best sung in unison and the manly vigor of "Now thank we all our God” and the deep pathos of the Passion Chorale, “O sacred Head surrounded,” are typical and well-known instances of sterling worth. The early English composers have also given us most excellent tunes for congregational use, such as Dundee, St. Anne, St. Peter and Tallis' Evening Hymn, and succeeding composers have added to the list. The modern tunes of Dykes and Barnby, while more graceful in outline and more gracious to the ear, are not so well adapted for unison singing, as the melodies lack the strength and solidity necessary when a consider- able number of adult male voices are singing the air. It is not contended by any means that their use should be discouraged on this account, but from an artistic or ideal standpoint they are open to criticism when sung in unison. They only obtain their full effect when sung by a good English tunes. 2 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH General participation first aim. choir with well-balanced parts. To sensitive ears such tunes as Barnby's MERRIAL to "Now the day is over," or his setting to “O paradise," or Dykes' "Lead, kindly light," have a very clumsy and ill-balanced effect when sung in unison, and this is one of the reasons why musi- cianly organists sometimes shrug their shoul- ders or make wry faces when the congregation is singing. We cannot, however, look for over-refine- ment in congregational singing. The primary question is not one of artistic effect but of devo- tional uplift through hearty co-operation on the part of the worshippers. If this is attained in any considerable degree we can well dispense with ultra-esthetic considerations, although our constant aim should be to have our musical ef- forts on as high a plane as possible. It would be well if the hymn-tune composers of the fu- ture paid more attention to unison tunes which leave scope for varied treatment in the accom- paniment. The possibilities for variety in hymn sing- ing are not usually considered. Aside from the combined forces of choir and congregation we have the following factors: I. The choir as a whole in harmony. II. The choir as a whole in unison. III. The men of the choir in unison. IV. The boys of the choir in unison. Variety in hymn singing. CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 93 St. V. The congregation as a whole. VI. The men of the congregation alone. VII. The women of the congregation alone. VIII. Solo voices singing or in combination. Take for example the Palm Sunday hymn, Theodulph. “All glory, laud, and honor," to the German tune ST. THEODULPH by Teschner, which is usually sung as a processional. It is rather tax- ing to sing through consecutively and the follow- ing suggestions will relieve the strain and make it far more varied and effective: Verse I. "All glory, laud, and honor," choir and congregation in harmony. Verse II. “Thou art the King of Israel,” men of choir and congregation in unison. Verse III. "The company of angels," women and boys in unison. Verse IV. "The people of the Hebrews," men of choir and congregation in unison. Verse V. "To Thee before Thy passion,” women and boys in unison. Verse VI. "Thou didst accept their praises," all voices in unison. The refrain "All glory, laud, and honor” to be sung by all in harmony as far as possible. It will be observed that there is a certain amount of appropriateness in the distribution of the verses between the low and high voices. Of course such a procedure necessitates either 94 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Sarum. printed or verbal explanations and the sympa- thetic co-operation of the congregation, but the final effect is worth some pains to secure. Barnby's fine tune SARUM to "For all the saints” can be made very attractive by distribut- ing the verses after the following programme: * Verse I. All the voices in harmony as far as possible. Verse II. All the men's voices in unison in the melody Verse III. The congregation alone. Verse IV. Choir alone in harmony. Verse V. All men in unison. Verse VI. Choir alone in harmony. Verse VII. Congregation alone. Verse VIII. All the voices in unison with free accompaniment. To have the congregation sing alone is by no means an unheard of thing, as it has been suc- cessfully accomplished in a number of churches and with striking effect. Several of Dykes' picturesque tunes are es- pecially adapted for choir and congregation or solo and congregation, such as "I heard the voice of Jesus say," "Come unto Me ye weary," and “Christian, dost thou see them.” “Art thou weary" is also well suited for solo and chorus. In regard to the rate of speed in hymn- singing it is impossible to lay down any hard 1 Tempo of tunog. CONGREGATIONAL SÍNGING 95 and fast rules. The size of the building, the number of singers, the nature of the occasion, and the character of the tune must all be con- sidered. Young and enthusiastic choirmasters are apt to force the speed at the expense of dignity, but too quick movement is no greater fault than intolerable dragging: "º This intolerable dragging obtains largely in Germany and Holland, where it becomes fre- quently most distressing. The one virtue is the fact that no one attempts to sing anything but the melody, for the organist is apt to play very elaborate and constantly changing har- monies. He plays the melody very prominently and religiously keeps one note ahead of the con- gregation. The people sing lustily, however, even if they frequently consume nearly two min- utes in a four line hymn. To judge from the original notation the chorale melodies were sung in more varied rhythm than is the custom now, and some writers contend that they were taken with much more life and freedom, and thus ac- count for their enormous popularity in Luther's time. This is indeed strange, for one is prone 10 The writer once heard the Litany hymn, saviour, When in Dust to Thec, sung about twice too fast. It was done without accompaniment and with excellent tone quality. In remonstrating with the organist after the service, the latter maintained that if the hymn had been sung more slowly the singers would lose the pitch. Here is a case in point. The congregation was ignored that the choir might be exploited and the character of the hymn was totally de- stroyed in order that the choir might keep up to the pitch. In both instances the more important principle was sacri- ficed for the lesser. 96 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Best hymn singing in England. to think that the element most admired in the German chorale is its sustained dignity, and to change its stately and even flow would be to destroy its most eminent characteristic. Taken as a whole England probably has the best congregational singing of any country, as she has also the best choirs and the best organs. In no country is the love and practice of choral singing so universal and the Church reaps the benefit of this praiseworthy habit. English tra- ditions, therefore, should not be treated slight- ingly in regard to the speed rate of hymn tunes, and a noted authority gives the following me- tronome marks for certain familiar tunes: (The beat of a metronome is gauged so many beats to the minute.) St. Anne ................ Old Hundred ............ 80 St. George's, Windsor. ..... Eventide ................. 100 Ewing ...... ........100 Ellers . . ................104 St. Gertrude .............104 Some of these marks will doubtless be con- sidered too slow by the impetuous American, whose restless blood clamors for excitement even in the hallowed precincts of the House of God. But those who appreciate dignity and true rev- erence will find them not far astray. Certain Church musicians of the more con- LI CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 97 S No one universal servative stripe are disposed to set up the Ger- man chorale as the one type and standard of type of tune, hymn tune. They overlook the fact that modern hymns have a more personal and introspective character than those of the Lutheran era and that they require a corresponding musical inter- pretation. To sing the typical chorale melody to modern religious poetry is an anachronism and a violation of good taste. The early hymns dealt largely with objective expressions of praise, of faith, or of penitence, and the early tunes were of such interpretative amplitude as to do duty for a considerable variety of texts. There were, of course, instances of close associa- tion of words and music, but it arose more from custom than any inner bond of connection. Nowadays we expect a tune to closely fit the Tune should sentiment of the words, to enhance their mood and reinforce their meaning. When a tune is found that thoroughly accomplishes this object to the satisfaction of those competent to judge, it is a wise policy to leave it undisturbed. Both text and tune gain by association and the two form a homogeneous whole with which famil- iarity does not breed contempt. On the con- Advantages trary, they become more and more beloved with use. Imagine the Christmas season without tunes. "Hark! the herald angels sing," and "O come, fit text. of traditional 11 The well-known tune to this hymn (originally Hark ! how all the welkin rings) was adapted from Mendelssohn's Testgesang by W. H. Cummings in 1855. According to Mendelssohn's own opinion the tune was not suitable for sacred words. 98 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH all ye faithful,” or Eastertide without “The strife is o’er" and "Jesus Christ is risen to- day," sung to their familiar tunes, associated as they are with our earliest years ! No new tunes, however good or attractive, could awaken the same emotions or mean so much to us! But no rule is without its exception and it does rarely happen that a new tune is better than the old and worthy to displace it. But we must be quite sure of our ground and not be carried away by passing fancies. For example, the hymn“Jerusalem, the golden” to the tune EWING -a thoroughly good and characteristic setting. In some churches this fine tune has been dis- carded for a jingling melody which begins like “Yankee Doodle” and ends with a shriek on A- lat. The absurd part of the whole matter is that EwING is found fault with for its extreme range while this other tune goes two notes higher !! UL 12 Dr. Neale, who so beautifully translated Jerusalem, the Golden from the original Rhythm of Bernard of Cluny, thus writes: “I have so often been asked to what tune the words of Bernard may be sung, that I here mention that of Mr. Ewing, the earliest written, the best known, and with children the most popular: no small proof, in my estimation, of the goodness of Church music.” The melody originally appeared in triple rhythm, as follows: CONGREGATIONAL SINGING 99 Choice of tunes should considered. The use and choice of tunes should be gov- erned by deeper principles than ephemeral pleasing qualities. Clap-trap effects and cheap cu construction are as objectionable in music as be well they are in literature, and a lack of knowledge or taste scarcely justifies their exploitation. If one is inexperienced he need not look far for expert and capable opinion either among men or books. While liberal allowance must be made for individual opinion and taste there is nevertheless a fairly well-defined line where good music ceases and poor music begins. Familiarity with a good tune is precisely analogous to familiarity with a good poem. It is a valuable addition to our spiritual stock-in- trade and something to be appreciated and treasured. There is a strong feeling for greater unity Hymns on the part of nearly all Christian bodies, and a of unity. constantly growing bond of sympathy is the use of certain hymns and tunes which have become a bond 100 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH well-nigh universal throughout the Christian world. Each new edition of the sectarian hymnals draws more and more from the best Anglican sources. The German chorales are finding their way into the better English and American hymn-books of all denominations. The Roman Catholics do not hesitate to borrow from us and from Protestants generally, not even drawing the line at that war-cry of the Lutherans, "Ein' Feste Burg ist Unser Gott.” Accounts are balanced by the growing inter- est in plainsong music, which had its develop- ment largely in the Church of Rome. This in- terchange of congregational music of all creeds cannot but soften prejudice, increase sympathy, and call attention to much that is common to all Christian believers. All schools of hymn music have their place and their peculiar value, and it behooves us of the Anglican Church to cultivate an eclectic spirit that our congregational music may be- come wide in scope and rich in quality. Eclectic spirit necessary. III. THE ORGAN. Organ as an instrument. There are few evidences of the skill and in- genuity of man that can compare with the church or concert organ as it stands to-day. From a purely mechanical point of view it is an extremely complex instrument, its construction calling for a practical knowledge of carpentry and cabinet-making, of pneumatics and hy- draulics, of electricity and acoustics, as well as of the handling of metal and leather. On the artistic side it requires furthermore a keen sense of tone color and a feeling for proportion and balance in the distribution of the various quali- ties of sound. In the exposed portions of the in- strument it touches upon the arts of architecture and mural decoration. Without the artistic sense mechanical resourcefulness would count but little, for we admire an organ finally for its beauty of tone and its majestic volume of sound rather than for the cleverness of its action, the ease of manipulation, or the attractiveness of its case. 102 MUSIC IN THD CHURCH The origin. Greek Syrinx. Pipes of Pan. To a person interested in both music and mechanics there are few more fascinating pur- suits than the study of the development of this king of instruments. Tradition has it that the wind blowing through a broken reed gave the first suggestion of the organ pipe. In any event, the production of agreeable tones by blowing across the edge of a pipe or reed was probably known in Jubal's time, and his "organ” may have been a number of such pipes bound to- gether, whose graduated lengths gave forth the notes of the scale. An instrument of this sort was known among many ancient peoples. The Greeks, for instance, called it a syrinx, after a lovely water maid beloved by Pan. This in- strument was in common use and contained from three to nine pipes, the usual number be- ing seven. While the first pipes were made of reeds they were later made of horn, ivory, bone, wood, or metal." As these pipes were closed at the lower end they give the first example of the so-called "stopped pipes” which have the acoustical pe- culiarity of giving a tone nearly an octave lower than the same length of pipe would produce if left open. In the earliest types the pipes were 1 According to the legend Syrinx did not reciprocate the love of Pan, and to escape his importunities she fled, and was changed by her sisters into a reed. However, this dia not lessen Pan's devotion, for he cut the reed and divided it into seven portions, gradually decreasing in size. These be bound together with wax and formed a musical instru- ment upon which he continued to voice his passion. TED ORGAN 103 Chinese and Peruvian Pandoan pipes. Roumanian stopped by nature, as the reeds were cut off just below the knot. The Chinese employed twelve or sixteen tubes of bamboo, while the Peruvians made use of both cane-stalks and soapstone in their instru- ments. Later this "banded-together" series of tubes became known as Pandean Pipes, and they are still to be found in remote sections of Europe where modern civilization has not yet penetrated. These pipes of Pan were quite popular in England a century or so ago with travelling musicians, and they are still occa- sionally to be met with in connection with Punch and Judy shows. A modern Roumanian Modern specimen in the South Kensington Museum in specimen. London contains twenty-five tubes arranged in à curve. In time it was discovered that the tone could be more easily produced by arranging a mouthpiece after the manner of a penny whistle, rather than by the original method of blowing across the top of the tube. The Egyptians seem to have been the first bepantian to discover this principle as well as that of lat- eral holes in the pipe to govern the length of the column of air, thus securing a series of tones from one pipe. As the deeper toned pipes were exhausting to blow by the mouth, the construction of a reser- voir or wind-chest followed, upon which the 104 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Mochanical progr888. pipes were placed, tightly fitting into holes made to receive them. Wind was supplied by two blowers blowing alternately with their mouths through flexible tubes into a wind-chest. At first all the pipes sounded at once unless silenced by the hand or fingers. The next advance was the placing of slides underneath each pipe, by the manipulation of which the air could be admitted or cut off at will, and the wind supply was greatly improved by replacing the human mouth with a smith's bellows. Pipes were made of various metals as well as of wood, and these crude instruments gradually increased in size and power. By the beginning of the Christian era or- gans of this type were in common use, and some of them were fitted out with very clever blowing devices, the so-called “hydraulic organ” making use of the weight of water to regulate the wind supply. “Open” pipes, "stopped” pipes, and "reed” pipes were in use, thus giving variety of tone quality, and most of the underlying prin- ciples of modern organ construction were at least suggested in these rough prototypes. A quotation from the poet Claudian about 400 A. D. refers to the hydraulic system of blowing and indicates that organs were large, powerful, Popular use. Hydraulic organg. 2The use of skins as a reservoir for wind, after the manner of a bagpipe, was a device known to the Greeks as early as 400 B. C. THE ORGAN 105 and easy of manipulation in his day. He speaks as follows: "Let there be also one who by his light touch forcing out deep murmurs and managing the unnumbered tongues of the field of brazen tubes, can with nimble finger cause a mighty sound; and can move to song the waters stirred to their depths by the massive lever." Julian the Apostate is said to have referred A fourth century to an organ of the fourth century in the follow- organ. ing terms: "I see a strange sort of reeds; they must, methinks, have sprung from no earthly, but from a brazen soil. Wild are they, nor does the breath of man stir them, but a blast, leap- ing forth from a cavern of ox-hide, passes within, beneath the roots of the polished reeds; while a lordly man, the fingers of whose hands are nimble, stands and touches here and there the concordant stops of pipes: and the stops, as they lightly rise and fall, force out the melody.” St. Jerome is quoted as describing an organ L5 Wed Visuus century at Jerusalem, with twelve brazen pipes, two ele- organ. phant skins, and fifteen smith's bellows, which could be heard at the Mount of Olives, a dis- tance of nearly a mile. The value of the organ for Church purposes orga worship. was soon perceived, especially as an aid to the singing. It appears that Spain in the fifth century was the first to use the instrument for A fifth 106 MUSIC IN TAD CHURCH A Spanish organ. Venice, France, Germany, England. this purpose, being followed by Italy, England, France, and Germany, in the order named. A Spanish organ is described in Hawkins' "History of Music” as being two feet long, six inches broad, and furnished with fifteen playing slides and thirty pipes. An organ of such di- mensions would be far different in size from the one mentioned by St. Jerome at Jerusalem, but it was probably intended for choir purposes only. Venice was noted for its fine organs in the ninth century, but later France and Germany were said to produce the best instruments. About this period organs with pipes of brass or copper became numerous in England. An old manuscript Psalter in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge, contains an interesting picture of a tenth century organ. Eleven pipes varying in length from about three inches to two feet are mounted upon a wind-chest, and four men manipulating as many levers are sup- plying the wind. Two organists are evidently urging the blowers to greater effort. Two per- formers for eleven pipes seems a liberal allow- ance when we consider that nowadays one or- ganist manages several thousand pipes unaided. A treatise on organ building appears as early as the eleventh century and it describes very fully the construction of instruments at that time. This treatise informs us that a letter Eleventh century treatise on organ building. THE ORGAN 107 Cathedral. was attached to the tongue of each slide in order to indicate the pitch. These slides fitted into slits like the lid of a domino box, and they ne- cessitated double motions as the opening of one slide was accompanied by the simultaneous clos- ing of the one used previously. The following account of an organ in Win- winchester chester Cathedral gives an excellent idea of the development of the organ in England in the tenth century. It is by a monk named Wulstan, who died in 963: “Such organs as you have built are seen nowhere fabricated on a double ground. Twice six bellows above are ranged in a row, and fourteen lie below. These, by alternate blasts, supply an immense quantity of wind, and are worked by 70 strong men, laboring with their arms, covered with perspiration, each inciting his companions to drive the wind up with all his strength that the full-bosomed box may speak with its four hundred pipes which the hand of the organist governs. Some when closed he opens, others when open he closes, as the indi- vidual nature of the varied sound requires. Two brethren (religious) of concordant spirit sit at the instrument, and each manages his own alphabet. There are moreover, hidden holes in the forty tongues, and each has ten pipes in their due order. Some are conducted hither, others thither, each preserving the proper point (or situation) of its own note. They strike the seven differences of joyous sounds, adding the music of the lyric semitone. 108 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Great and choir organs. Like thunder the iron tones batter the ear, so that it may receive no sound but that alone. To such an amount does it reverberate, echoing in every direction, that every one stops with his hand his gaping ears, being in no wise able to draw near and bear the sound which so many combinations produce. The music is heard throughout the town, and the flying fame thereof is gone out over the whole country.” This most interesting account indicates that two organs, corresponding to our Great and Choir organs, were in use, that to increase the volume ten pipes were in operation with each slide, and that each player "managed his own alphabet,” or in other words, manipulated the tongues with their appropriate letterings. The three sets of playing slides doubtless controlled different degrees of force, so that a limited de- gree of variety was possible. In the eleventh century at the Cathedral in Magdeburg we hear for the first time of an organ with a key-board. It is said to have con- tained sixteen notes, but the keys were far dif- ferent from the narrow strips of ivory of to-day. These first efforts consisted of a key, or more properly a lever, from three to five inches in width, and the action was so stiff that it required a blow from the fist to operate it. Hence, organists were first called “organ beáters.” The 8 The "seven differences of joyous sounds” refers to the seven notes of our C major scale, the "lyric semitone" being B flat, the first chromatic note to be introduced into the Magdeburg Cathedral First key-board. scale. THE ORGAN 109 Introduction of sharpg addition of the sharps or flats was a process of slow evolution. The "lyric semitone” B flat and fats. was added about the tenth century. This was followed in order by F sharp, E flat and G sharp. It was probably the fourteenth century before all twelve notes of the chromatic scale were in use. At first these additional notes were played from shorter levers, separated from and above the original keys-almost like another key-board. The long and short keys were later brought close together and reduced in size so that they could be played by alternat- ing the thumb with the fingers. This process of reduction in size was gradually continued until the present dimensions were reached. By the fourteenth century churches were portatre very generally supplied with organs and they were of two sorts, positive or stationary organs, and portative or movable organs. The porta- tive, or regal organs, as they were also called, were so small that they could readily be moved from place to place and they were used to ac- company the plainsong of the choir. The pos- itive organ of Halberstadt Cathedral, built in Cathedral. Nicholas 1361 by Nicholas Faber, a priest, was the most Faber famous instrument of its day. It contained three claviers or key-boards, twenty-two keys, fourteen of which were diatonic and eight chro- matic, the wind being supplied by twenty bel- lows blown by ten men. Its largest pipe was Positive and portative organg. Halberstadt (1361). 110 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH key-board. thirty-one feet in length, approximating in size those of the great instruments of to-day. This organ was so arranged that a portion of the pipes could be silenced at will, thus giving re- lief to the constant full organ effect which had obtained previously. Pedal The introduction of pedals, a key-board for the feet, occurred in the fifteenth century. At first they consisted of one octave only, without chromatics, and their use was confined to long sustained tones, from which custom the present harmonic device of an organ point or pedal point was derived. About this time the four fundamental qualities of organ tone were evolved, the “diapasons," the “flutes," the "strings” and the “reeds." pment The greatest advance, and the one which opened the way for the future development of the organ, was the device whereby any set of pipes could be used at will. In the earlier organs increase of power was gained by adding more pipes to each key. As these pipes were all served by one pallet, they all sounded at once when the pallet was opened by pressure of the key. By the addition of other key-boards with a different selection of pipes a contrast of tone and power was possible, but only in a very re- stricted way. The first step in advance was a contrivance by which certain of the sets of pipes could be silenced at will. This was followed by of stop control. THE ORGAN 111 the introduction of a long transverse slider which brought into play or silenced any de- sired set of pipes. The fact that the tone was "stopped” or silenced by this device un- doubtedly gave rise to the term “stop” as ap- plied to the handle which adjusted the slider, and the same word also became a collective term for any one set of pipes. For instance, of stop." ; "Flute stop” refers properly to the knob or handle which brings the flute pipes into action, and it also applies to the same set of pipes as a whole. Although the device of "stopping.” pipes orig- St inated in Germany it was soon introduced into into and England. A builder by the name of Antony Antony Dudyngton erected an organ in the church of a All Hallows, Barking, near the Tower of Lon- All Hallows, don in the year 1519, and it contained three London. "stops.” It was described as a "pair of organs” and had a compass of four octaves, beginning with the note two octaves below middle C. The lowest octave was a so-called “short octave," the keys from C to E flat inclusive being wanting at the lower end. To offset this, the lowest key E sounded the low C, the F sharp key sounded D, and the G sharp key sounded the low E. The remaining keys spoke their proper tones. There was no pedal key-board, as pedals were not added to English organs until some two hundred and fifty years later, although they had been in introduced into Dudyngton (1519). 112 MUSIC IN TAD CHURCH use on German organs considerably prior to this period. York Minster organ. Disorders of the Common- wealth. 1 In 1634 York Minster was supplied with a two-manual, or two key-board organ, the Great organ containing nine stops and the Choir organ five. The stops were diapasons, principals, and flutes. At this period the progress of organ building in England, together with that of music and the arts in general, received a severe blow due to the religious and political upheavals of the Com- monwealth. In 1643 it was ordained by Parlia- ment "that all organs and the frames and cases wherein they stand in all churches and chapels aforesaid shall be taken away and utterly de- faced, and none other hereafter set up in their places.” In the following year a second ordi- nance "for the further demolishing of monu- ments of Idolatry and Superstition” was en- acted. In pursuance of these orders many organs were completely destroyed. At West- minster Abbey we are told the "soldiers brake down the organs and pawned the pipes at sev- eral ale houses for pots of ale.” Luckily a number of the prominent Cathedral organs es- caped as well as certain in the principal colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. The puritanical prejudice against musical instruments compelled organ builders to turn to other trades. By the time of the Restoration THE ORGAN 113 Bernard Schmidt (16307- 1708). Renatus Harris. there were few who had retained their cunning. Bernard Schmidt, a noted organ maker, was in- duced to come to England from Germany. He soon attained to such fame and popularity that he was known far and wide as “Father Smith.” He and his rival, Renatus Harris, were the first por great organ builders of England. Remnants of their skilled workmanship in the way of pipes and organ cases may be found to-day in some of the most noted English organs. In Father Smith's first organ, built in 1660 in the Ban- queting Room, Whitehall, London, he intro- duced the first "reed” stops in the country, in- cluding two Trumpets and a Vox Humana. The Tremolo, or "shaking stop" as it was first called, had already been in use for some fifty years. Another novelty for which Father Smith was responsible was the first "Echo" organ, which contained four stops." In May, 1664, both Father Smith and Ren- atus Harris placed organs on trial in the famous Temple Church, London. After a thorough test Can of nearly two years' duration Father Smith London. triumphed, but not to the detriment of Harris' reputation. In 1710 Renatus Harris built in Salisbury Cathedra. Templo Salisbury 4 The stops in the Echo organ were duplications of cer- tain stops in the Great organ, but they were enclosed in a separate box which muffled t he sound and gave the effect of an echo. This was the precursor of the swell organ, which later had the box supplied with movable shutters, making it possible to "swell" or increase the tone. 114 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH First Swell organ. John Snetzler (1710- 1800?). Cathedral the first four-manual organ in Eng- land. The usual Great, Choir, and Echo organs were supplemented by a second Great organ the pipes of which were borrowed from the first Great organ. The first “Swell” organ appeared six years later, the pipes of which were enclosed in a large box. By means of overlapping shutters controlled by a movement of the foot the tone could be varied in volume to a considerable ex- tent. The first “Dulciana” or string-tone stop was brought into England in 1754 by a German named Snetzler. In 1790 the pedal key-board was introduced into England after having been in use in Germany for upwards of four hundred years. In 1809 combination pedals (iron levers, operated by the foot and controlling certain groups of stops) were first applied. Organs at this period had no definite range. Some had G as the lowest note, some F, and some C. The pedal-board extended two octaves but was not continuous. The upper octave re- peated the notes of the lower octave. Many of the stops were incomplete, not extending the whole length of the key-board. The action in the larger organs was very stiff and precluded any rapid passage work. The organist of the celebrated organ at Haarlem, in Holland, was in the habit of stripping like a blacksmith for his arduous hour's work when giving a perform- Pedal key-board and combination pedals. Organs not yet fully developed. THE ORGAN 115 Pneumatic action. Charles S. (1806-?). ance. The necessity for lightening the touch re- sulted in the pneumatic lever, an invention whereby the finger was relieved from making direct connection between key and pipe. In the pneumatic action the depression of the key admitted wind into a little bellows the inflation of which was utilized as the motive power. This mechanical device was of the greatest im- portance in the evolution of organ building, as it was now possible to increase their size and scope to any desired extent. The device was invented in 1832 by an Englishman named Barker, but it Barker was first applied practically by the great French organ builder, Cavaillé-Col, in an instrument erected by him in 1841 in the Abbey Church of Saint Denis, near Paris. In the development of new tone qualities and also in mechanical improvements, the continen- tal builders were considerably in advance of the English. At the great Industrial Exhibition of 1851 in Hyde Park, London, a French organ by Du- & Sons. croquet of twenty stops, and a German organ by Schultze & Sons of fifteen stops, were in- stalled. They both had two manuals and pedal, the French organ having a manual compass of five octaves, the German of four and a half. Pedals and manuals began with C on both or- gans. These organs attracted much attention owing to the superiority of their tone quality Iniluence of continental builders. Ducroquet. Schultze 116 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Superiority of French reeds and German strings. and their general effectiveness, quite eclipsing the native organs of the same or even larger size. Up to this period the tonal appointment of English organs consisted of diapasons of vari- ous pitch and force, and reeds not conspicuous for their beauty or smoothness. The French organ was noticeable for its fine reeds (which were mounted on a separate sound-board and supplied with extra wind-pressure), and its flutes. The Oboe, Cor Anglais, and Flute were all excellent imitations of these respective or- chestral instruments. The German organ at- tracted attention more particularly to its string- tones stops, having a Gamba and two Geigen Principals or Violin Diapasons. The soft- toned Dulciana up to this time had been the only string-toned stop known in England, and that, too, was an importation from Germany, as has already been mentioned. These two organs did much to broaden the horizon of English builders and a consistent and constant improve- ment in their output has followed, placing them, in some respects at least, as the leading expo- nents of organ building in the world to-day. To have heard the great Willis organ in St. Paul's Cathedral, the magnificent instrument by Hill & Son in Westminster Abbey, the fa- mous product of Norman & Beard in Norwich Cathedral, the beautiful instruments by T. C. Walker & Co. in Southwark Cathedral, and The great English organs. THE ORGAN 117 French Walker & Sons in St. Margaret's, Westminster (the latter built to specifications by E. H. Le- mare, the noted virtuoso), or the much-talked-of organ by that modern genius, Hope-Jones, in Worcester Cathedral, is to admit that no other country could possibly duplicate so many mas- terpieces of organ construction by so many different builders. In France the great house The great of Cavaillé-Col has erected instruments of the organs. first rank in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, in St. Sulpice and the Madeleine in Paris, and in the Town Halls of Manchester and Sheffield in England, while the house of Merklin has con- structed excellent organs. Germany has lost rank somewhat in recent years and at present has no organ builders of international reputa- tion. Some of its most famous cathedrals have but inferior instruments, and its reputation for fine organs still rests upon the products of a cen- tury or so ago. Among these are the noted or- gan built for the monks at Weingarten by Gabler in 1750, the fine Silbermann organ in nu organ 1 The great the Strasburg Cathedral, the Walcker organ German in Ulm Cathedral built in 1853, and the Mooser organ in Freiburg, Switzerland, built in 1834. The most famous continental organ is doubtless The that at Haarlem, Holland. This renowned in- organ. strument by Christian Müller, was begun in 1735 and was more than three years in build- ing. It contains sixty stops and is more notable organs. Haarlem 118 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Canada: Casavant Bros. First organ in America. for its volume and power than for the beauty of its solo stops. It is practically in its original condition to-day as no attempt has been made to modernize it, but it still excites the wonder and admiration of tourists. To turn to America, Canada has produced a firm of organ builders, Casavant Bros. of St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, who are placed in the front rank by the most eminent organists such as Frederick Archer, Clarence Eddy, and E. H. Lemare. In Montreal, Toronto, and other Ca- nadian cities they have magnificent instruments equipped with the most approved modern ap- pliances. The first pipe organ in America was im- ported from England and was the property of Thomas Brattle, treasurer of Harvard College. On his death in 1713 he left it to the Brattle Square Church. This was in the Puritan days when the music consisted of psalm-singing, and instruments were considered too profane to be used in church. The gift was not accepted, as they "did not think it proper to use said organ in the public worship of God.” In accordance with the will it was transferred to King's Chapel, Boston, the Episcopalians having no scruples about accepting it. The organ was a small affair of six stops and it is still in exis- tence. Several other organs were brought over from England from time to time, the largest TED ORGAN 119 American builder. (1690-?). being a thirteen-stop instrument intended as a gift by Bishop Berkeley for the town named after him. As the gift was refused it went to Trinity Church, Newport, R. I. Probably the first organ builder in America First was John Clemm of Philadelphia, who came to organ this country in 1736. He was born in Dresden John Clemm in 1690 and learned his art with the famous Andreas Silbermann, the greatest of Ger- many's organ builders. Clemm was evidently a capable workman, for he was engaged by the vestry of Trinity parish, New York, to build a three-manual organ for their use in 1739. The organ was set up in 1741 and contained ten stops on the Great, ten on the Choir, and six on the Swell, a large instrument for those days. We read that it had a "frontispiece of gilt pipes, and was otherwise neatly adorned.” It is prob- able that many of the stops did not run through and that the Swell manual was of short compass. A few years later Edward Bromfield built an organ for a Boston church which is said to have been superior in construction to the im- ported specimens. As old Trinity, New York, has always been Organs in in the lead in Church music, the successive or- Trinity,'ks. gans in that historic church give us a general idea of the progress of organ building in this country. Clemm's organ was evidently not an unqualified success, for after twenty years' use Edward Bromfield. Organg in Wold 120 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH John Snetzler. it was condemned. In 1764 an organ by Snetz- ler, a German builder, who introduced the Dul- ciana stop into England, and who built several fine instruments for that country, was imported. This organ was destroyed by fire in 1776 and no description of it remains. In 1791, after the rebuilding of the church, an organ described by the rector as “of no great power, but sweet- toned and well adapted for the size of the build- ing," was brought from England, built by Hol- land. It had seven stops on the Great, six on the Choir, and six on the Swell, the latter being short one octave at the bass end. It was a "G” organ (having GG as the lowest note), and no pedals. Dr. Edward Hodges, the celebrated English or- ganist, who did so much to make the music of Trinity famous, evidently did not agree with the rector's estimate and spoke of it as "an ex- ceeding poor affair.” But such as it was it did duty for forty-five years. In 1846 a new organ, after specifications by Dr. Hodges, was installed by Henry Erben, of New York City, the leading builder of his day, and the instrument still stands as a fine speci- men of the art of organ-building. It had sev- eral curious features, for it was planned before there was any general consensus of opinion re- garding the compass of key-boards and pedals. The Great organ contained twelve stops and ex- tended five and one-half octaves, beginning an Henry Erben. TEE ORGAN 121 octave lower than is the custom now. The Choir organ had sixteen stops and the same compass as the Great, but the lowest octave did not speak. The Swell organ of nine stops had six and one-half octaves, but the lower two octaves were silent except with two stops designed to furnish a deep bass. The organ was supplied with a pedal key-board of two octaves but only one stop, and that of the unusual 32-foot pitch. The lowest pipe is large enough to hold twenty men and fourteen boys. This largeness of scale holds good throughout the organ and gives to it a nobility and amplitude of tone which is lack- ing in many modern organs even of much larger stop capacity. The roominess of its location and the fine acoustics of the building are also important factors in the satisfying general re- sult. Jardine & Son of New York City made Jardine excellent instruments at this period, not only in this country but also in England. The next firm of note was Hook & Hastings, who for many years held the lead. In 1853 they erected the first large concert organ in Tremont Temple, Boston, which was equipped with four manuals and pedal, seventy stops and nearly 4,000 pipes. Some twenty-five years later they installed a fine instrument in the Cincinnati Music Hall. Their church organs are also famous and are to Hook & Hastings. 122 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Boston Music Hall organ. be found in many of the principal cities of the country. The art of organ building in this coun- try received a great impetus upon the erec- tion of the great organ in Boston Music Hall in 1863 by Walcker of Ludwigsburg, Germany. It cost $70,000 and was opened with much pomp and ceremony and it became the mecca of all lovers of organ music in America. When the Boston Symphony Orchestra was founded it was discovered that the famous organ interfered with the acoustics of the hall. The decision to remove it in 1884 was received with bitter op- position. The instrument was stored away and finally sold for $1,500. The development of organ building in re- cent years in the United States has proceeded at such a rapid rate that it is impossible to more than hint at its progress and expansion. Hook & Hastings had a formidable rival in Johnson of Westfield, Mass., who built many fine church organs, Chicago claiming some forty of them. Hilborne L. Roosevelt of New York City, a man of ample means and with a passion for or- gan building, came next to the fore. About thirty-five years ago he entered into the business of organ building with the laudable intention of turning out nothing but the highest class of work regardless of expense. He declined to enter into competition with other firms and Rapid Progress. Johnson and Son. Hilborne L. Roosevelt. THE ORGAN 123 1 First organ with electric action. asked at least fifty per cent more for his organs than other builders. He perfected a new wind- chest as well as a tubular pneumatic system, and at the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876, he exhibited the first organ with electric action. His independence, inventive ingenuity, and artistic skill (for the voicing of his pipes received as great attention as the construction of the mechanical parts) set new standards and had a most stimulating effect upon the trade at large. For a number of years he secured the most important contracts and was an acknowl- edged leader. He died in the midst of his am- bitions and labors and the business was taken over for a time by his brother Frank. Later it Roosevelt. passed into the hands of the Votey Co. of De- Votey Co. troit, who built the great organ at the World's Fair, Chicago, in 1893. Roosevelt's principal rival was the Hutchings Co. of Boston, a firm Co. noted for their beautiful and refined organs. The Votey Co. and the Hutchings Co. joined Hutchings- hands about 1901 and at once assumed a pre- Votey Co. eminent position in the organ-building world; constructing organs which embrace the excel- lencies of the Roosevelt, the Votey, and the Hutchings systems. A typical and perhaps the best product of the Hutchings-Votey Co. is the magnificent organ in Woolsey Hall at Yale Uni- Frank Hutchings 5 This organ is now at Ann Arbor, Mich. In one of the halls of the State University. 124 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Organ at Yale. Austin Co. E. M. Skinner Co. versity, built in 1902. It contains four man- uals, seventy-eight speaking stops, twenty coup- lers and all the wealth of modern appliances for mechanical control in the way of pistons and combination pedals. Another fine specimen of American organ building is the superb organ by the Austin Or- gan Co. of Hartford, Conn., in All Saints' Cathedral at Albany, N. Y. Of the more re- cent organs erected in this country the most notable is the great organ in the College of the City of New York, built by the Ernest M. Skin- ner Co. of Boston. It represents the culmination of American organ building to date, and it vies with the best English makes in breadth and dig- nity and the best French makes in brilliancy. As it is intended purely for concert purposes it has been made as orchestral as possible and with remarkable success. Like all great organ build- ers, Mr. Skinner's genius is equally divided be- tween great mechanical skill and ingenuity on the one hand, and the ability to produce tones of great perfection and beauty on the other. Any record of organ building either in America or England, however fragmentary, should include mention of the products of the fertile brain of Robert Hope-Jones. Mr. Hope-Jones has invented new qualities of tone color and bas introduced radical changes into all departments of organ construction. His Robert Hope-Joneg. THE ORGAN 125 latest instruments are so arranged that any stop can be played at any pitch from any key-board. He employs cement swell-boxes with tone re- flectors and laminated lead shutters. Instead of draw stops he employs what might be termed an extra key-board, each note of which repre- sents a stop and is thrown on or off by a slight motion of the finger. A clever device automat- ically provides a "suitable bass” for any combi- nation of stops. A so-called "double-touch” per- mits the player, by pressing the keys more deeply, to bring additional force to such note or notes as he may desire. Mr. Hope-Jones' abil- ities attracted wide attention in England before he came to this country. He is now located at Elmira, N. Y., where he is president of the Hope-Jones Organ Co. The organ in the audi- Organ at torium at Ocean Grove, N. J. (a building seat- Grove. ing ten thousand people), exemplifies the Hope- Jones theory of producing unlimited power and considerable variety from comparatively few stops by virtue of his system of pipe construc- tion, voicing, and heavy wind-pressures. Of Western firms the more prominent are Kimball the W. W. Kimball Co., Lyon & Healy, both of Co Lyon & Chicago, and the Marshall Bennett Co. of Rock Healy. Island, Ill. All these concerns have demon- strated their ability to construct fine organs and have excellent and notable instruments to their Ocean W . W . Marshall n- Bennett Co. 126 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Largest of all organs in America. Louisiana Purchase Exposition organ. credit. Lyon & Healy have since ceased the manufacture of organs. The largest organs in the world are not in churches or cathedrals but in concert halls, and America has the distinction of heading the list. The largest instrument ever constructed was at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition at St. Louis in 1904. It contained five manuals and pedals, one hundred and forty speaking stops, ninety- nine mechanical appliances, and over ten thou- sand pipes. It was built by the Los Angeles Art Organ Co, and its cost is reported to have been one hundred thousand dollars. The organ was intended for the Convention Hall at Kansas City, Mo., but owing to financial complications it was never erected there, and it has been dis- mantled since the exposition. The next concert Town Hall, organs in size are the famous instruments at N. S. W. the Town Hallº in Sydney, N. S. W., and at Royal Albert the Royal Albert Hall in London, England. Both these organs are London products, the former by Hill & Son in 1889, and the lat- ter by Willis in 1876. The fourth largest Auditorium, · is in our own city of Chicago in the Audi- Chicago. torium and has four manuals and pedals, with one hundred and seven stops. It was built by Hilborne L. Roosevelt. Sydney, Hall, London. This organ has a 64 ft. reed stop on the pedal organ, the largest set of pipes ever constructed. The lowest tone vibrates but eight times per second. THE ORGAN 127 church Russia. Riga. Cathedral Incarnation, Garden City, L. I. The two largest church organs in the world Largest are both in Russia, one at Libau with one hun- organs in dred and thirty-one stops and the other at Riga Libau and with one hundred and twenty-four. The third is in the Cathedral of the Incarnation at Garden of the City, L. I., and has one hundred and fifteen stops. This instrument marks a new era in or- gan construction, as it has an electric action the use of which permitted the distribution of the organ in various parts of the church.' St. Bartholomew's, New York City, is the sixth in St. Bar- size and numbers ninety-eight stops. This is New York. in reality two organs played from one key- board, one being in the chancel, the other in the gallery. Our own Church in this country unquestion- ably leads in its appreciation of fine organs, and it can take a justifiable pride in the fact that it possesses such a large percentage of the best in- struments. That the interest in organs and or- gan building is widespread is evidenced by the fact that out of the twelve largest organs in the tholomew's, 7 The development of the electric action has made the "Echo organ' possible, whereby a few stops of a more or less "celestial character are put in some remote place. 8 In the old days of quartette choirs both singers and organ were placed in the gallery over the main entrance. With the introduction of male vested ciroirs a chancel organ became necessary. In some churches, notably at "012 Trin- ity," New York, two organists were employed after the manner of the large churches in Paris, one at the chancel organ to accompany the choir, the other at the gallery organ to play the voluntaries. Several New York churches have had the two organs connected by electricity and played from a combined console in the chancel. The effect of the two organs, especially in hymn-singing, is very fine. 128 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Organ most effective as a church instrument. world, America has four. Two of these are in Episcopal Churches, the remaining two being concert organs. While as a concert instrument the organ fills a large and important place, it is in the Church that it finds its true sphere of usefulness and effectiveness. Its only rival is the full orches- 'tra, and this, while excelling in brilliancy, fa- cility, and pliancy is lacking in that sustained dignity and serenity which so admirably adapts the organ for the worship of Almighty God. Then it has the practical advantage that it is under the control of one man, and even the most extravagant salary of an organist is but a small matter compared with the maintenance of an orchestra. The sustained quality of the organ tone is especially adapted for the support and encour- agement of congregational singing, and this fact alone is of sufficient importance to make the pur- chase and proper installation of an organ the subject of most earnest thought. Yet the church architect will rarely give the placing of the or- gan serious consideration, and the average organ committee is concerned mostly about obtaining the greatest number of pipes for the smallest amount of money." Sustained quality aids congrega- tional singing. o The custom which prevails both in this country and in England of placing the selection of an organ in the hands of a committee who have not the slightest technical knowl- edge, is certainly open to criticism. In Continental Europe the choice of an organ bullder in important instances is THE ORGÁN 129 Practical details in of an Favorable location We will now consider the practical details P involved in the selection of an organ. In the the selection first place it should be selected for its especial organ. place and purpose, being neither too large nor too small, and should be of the very best quality. If funds are not available at once it would be far wiser to build part of a good organ, trusting to its completion some later day, than to rush ahead and install a complete instrument of in- ferior make. It is as essential to have an organ placed in a favorable position as it is to have the pulpit, necessary. if the instrument is to be heard at its full and proper value. Such a foolhardy experiment as placing the preacher in an inaccessible corner, where his voice would be expected to turn cor- ners, dodge pillars, and penetrate partitions would hardly be attempted, but this is precisely what happens to many a fine instrument. An English authority, Somers Clark, has 8 the following illuminating suggestions as to the position of the organ: “We all know that an organ must have plenty of height above it, space about it, and must not in itself be crowded; but there are other points upon which the opinion of experts would be of value. "One of these is the position of the key- Somers Clark on position of organ. placed in the hands of organists and musicians of the first lank. For example, when a new organ was required for Notre Dame, in Paris, such men as Auber, Rossini, and Am- broise Thomas headed a committee of specialists. 130 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH board in regard to the organ and the choir. Custom, ruled to a great extent by expense, makes it usual to place the organ on one side of the chancel and the organist close to the organ. The organist cannot hear his choir clearly. The half of the choir nearest him sings away from him, the other half sings to- wards him but has the other mentioned half intervening. He is generally so near the organ that he cannot clearly hear how much or little noise he is making (and my experience is that to be on the safe side he makes too much) and lastly, having the organ and voices so close at hand he knows but little what the congregation is about. As far as the choir is concerned the rules for ample space, height, and width are as essential for the welfare of the voices as of the organ. “What would then be the conditions of an ideal position for the organist? "1. That he should hear the choir well. “2. That he should hear the organ. “3. That he should be able to see the choir well and also see the clergy who may be serving at the altar. "4. That he hear the congregation at least fairly well. "5. That he should have a tolerable sight of the nave of the church and thus be able to keep his eye on processions and other functions taking place there. “6. We might add that he should be able to see the organ in connection with a side chapel.” G. A. Audsley, in his monumental work on THE ORGAN 131 the Art of Organ-building, gives the following rules for a proper placing of the organ: "1. Sufficient floor space to allow the organ to stand without the slightest crowding-also back and sides to give free egress to sound and easy access to all parts. "2. Ample height at most favorable eleva- tion, having considerable space above for free emission of sound from all parts. "3. Arches, large as possible and up to full height of ceiling, the latter to follow shape of the arch. 54. Every precaution against dampness and to secure equable temperature. External walls should be double and with air space. No win- dows. Chambers to be lined with narrow grooved and tongued pine, tightly joined, se- curely nailed and varnished.” Of still greater importance than the disposi- t tion of the organ is the selection of the builder, sel for a location conforming to the ideals of both Mr. Clark and Mr. Audsley will not make a poor instrument sound well. Owing to the gen- eral lack of information regarding organ build- ing, even among professional organists, and the complicated mechanism involved, it is a simple matter for an unscrupulous dealer to market a very inferior product. A large number of organ builders look upon their business from a com- mercial point of view, and either ignore or are ignorant of the fact that good organ building is an art and not a trade. They honestly think Importanco of the selection of a builder. 132 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Unprinci- pled. builders. they have done their whole duty if they have delivered an instrument reasonably well made and conforming outwardly to the specifications. So much pressure is brought to bear upon them through competition and through almost uni- versal efforts to beat them down on their prices by the churches themselves, that they are not altogether to be blamed in the matter. Organ builders may be classed under three headings: 1. The unprincipled builders who deliber- ately quote a price at which it is impossible to build a good instrument. They are smooth talkers and the uninformed organ committee is easily deceived by their representations. More stops and more pipes are offered than by any reputable maker. Great stress is laid on unim- portant details while the essential requisites are carefully avoided. They have large factories and do an extensive business, but almost entirely in small towns or among poor churches. No or- ganist of integrity and standing will endorse them, though some musicians are venal enough to do so for a consideration. What are the results ? An instrument is delivered that seemingly com- plies with a specification not overburdened with details. The mechanical construction is of the cheapest and will constantly cause either ex- pense or annoyance. The organist will rarely have the combined resources of the instrument THE ORGAN 133 at his command, poor as they are. Something will always be out of order. The tone will be harsh and unmusical or weak and characterless; the wind supply is apt to be insufficient; there will be no agreeable variety of tone qualities. The lowest octave of pipes (which in a properly constructed organ will cost as much as the re- maining four octaves) will be thin and wheezy, and stopped pipes are likely to be substituted for open ones at a great saving in expense. Even if the congregation is content with such a wretched instrument, no self-respecting organist will play it except under stress of dire neces- sity. He will always be discontented and al- ways be on the lookout for a better instrument. 2. The second class of organ builders are those who do excellent mechanical work, who are apt to be honest and reliable in their deal- ings and try to give value received. They are, however, lacking in the artistic sense and in the scientific knowledge necessary for first-class work. One is reasonably sure of obtaining a re- liable and durable instrument, of ample volume and considerable variety of tone. Its mechan- ical features may be excellent, but it will lack the qualities that arouse admiration and provoke enthusiasm, and it will never be a source of especial pride to its owners. It will, however, give good service, and it is this class of organ Commercial builders. 134 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Artistic builders. that is most frequently to be met with in our well-to-do churches. 3. The third class of organ builders are those who are not possessed alone of mechanical ingenuity and skill, but are also keenly alive to the artistic qualities necessary to produce a really fine instrument. They realize that the foundation of a good organ are the diapasons, that they must be of ample scale and of the best material, yielding nobility of tone with ample body. Furthermore the flutes must be mellow and clear, the strings must have the character- istic “biting" quality and the reeds be pungent and pervading, without coarseness or roughness. To produce work of this quality requires arti- sans with special gifts for voicing and regulat- ing and the use of the best materials regardless of cost. The best builders take into considera- tion the size and shape of the building and the location of the instrument. The specifications give regard to the proper grading and grouping of tone values, giving volume on the one hand and delicacy on the other. Ample wind is sup- plied and every precaution taken to offset the changes of temperature and the effect of damp- ness. Organ builders of this class, despite the fact that they will not enter into competition con- cerning the price, do not amass wealth. On the contrary, they frequently meet with finan- Good organ building not Good organ profitable. 1 THE ORGAN 135 TY cial reverses or die with but a small share of this world's goods. One of the most noted of Eng- lish organ builders, who built a large number of the most famous instruments within the last half-century, died recently and left his heirs but a few hundred pounds as the net re- sults of his pre-eminent skill and incessant labor. A builder mentioned earlier in these pages as a man of wealth sank thousands of dol- lars annually in his laudable desire to do noth- ing but the highest grade of work. The most prominent organ building firm in the country has recently been forced to make an assignment, and one of the largest music houses in the world, with ample capital, gave up the unequal struggle in trying to make good organs and a reasonable profit at the same time. The building of a large organ is a matter Dificulty of of such detail and complexity that the final cost cost to the builder can never be accurately estimated in advance. Unlooked for difficulties in erec- tion, delays in transportation, fluctuation in the price of materials, and labor troubles are among the doubtful factors to be reckoned with. The estimated profit is frequently seriously lessened if not entirely wiped out, when the builder tries honestly to fulfil his contract. To meet the bids of less scrupulous builders would be suicidal, and a price must be asked which seems to the uninitiated decidedly extravagant. estimating construction. 136 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Hints regarding purchase of organ. A church contemplating the purchase of a new organ would do well to look thoroughly into the matter before deciding to let a con- tract, and a few hints will be given that may prove of value to those who have no techni- cal knowledge of organ construction. We will take it for granted that the best woods are to be used, thoroughly seasoned, and that the metal pipes will have the proper proportions of tin and zinc. The next matter for consideration is the selection of the stops. Stops, or sets of pipes, are technically named from their tone quality and from their pitch. Stops which Open pipes. sound the same pitch as the corresponding notes of the piano are known as "eight-foot” stops be- cause the lowest tone (CC) is produced by an open pipe eight feet in length. As the notes ascend the pipes gradually decrease in length, the next C being one-half the length of the lowest pipe, or four feet, the next C being but two feet in length, and the highest C, three octaves higher, but three inches in length. Piano pitch may also be produced by taking a 4-foot pipe for the lowest tone instead of an Stopped 8-foot, and plugging or stopping the top end of it. This produces an 8-foot tone from a 4-foot pipe, which, however, is dull and lifeless. Open pipes are therefore much more expensive than stopped pipes, as they are twice as large. There are also 4-foot stops which sound an octave pipeg. THE ORGAN 137 higher than piano pitch, 2-foot stops which sound two octaves higher than piano pitch, and 16-foot stops which sound an octave lower. Eight-foot stops are the normal and most im- portant stops for the key-board, while 16-foot stops are the normal and most important stops for the pedal key-board. The conclu- sion drawn from this perhaps confusing ex- planation, is that open stops and stops of eight and sixteen foot pitch are the most es- sential and the most expensive stops of the organ. Cheap builders will load up a specifi- cation with stopped pipes and pipes of 4-foot and 2-foot pitch, which will make a great showing of pipes, but their undue proportion results in thinness and shrillness of tone. Mix- Mixt tures should also be looked upon with suspicion in small organs, for they are not needed. They swell the total number of pipes, as three or more pipes are used to each note, but they are exceed- ingly small. Mixtures have, however, an im- portant place in large organs, adding a rich and "crashy" effect to the full organ. The cheap builder will also lessen his expense considerably by using poor material and by reducing the scale or dimensions of the pipes at the expense of the tone quality. The open diapasons when of ample scale, and properly constructed reed smali. stops, such as the Oboe, Cornopean, Clarinet, Trumpet, Vox Humana, etc., represent the Scales too 138 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Specification of small organ. greatest items of expense as far as the stops are concerned, but upon their quality depends the real worth of the organ. It will thus be seen that it is possible to draw up two specifications, each containing the same number of stops and the same number of pipes, but one may cost two or three times as much as the other, and its artistic value may be represented by a still larger ratio of difference. For small churches, seating from six hun- dred to eight hundred people, it would be far better to select a thoroughly good two-manual organ with from nine to twelve stops than to lis- ten to the importunities of a builder who offers twice the number of stops for the same price. A good organ, even if limited in scope, will in- terest a musicianly organist and tend to retain him. The following specifications of a nine stop organ really contain the best parts of an instrument of much greater size: Great Organ. FEET. 0 0 Open Diapason ........... 8 Gamba .. Doppel Flute Swell Organ. Violin Diapason ........... St. Diapason ....... Salicional ............... 0 0 0 THE ORGAN 139 Oboe .................... 8 Pedal Organ. Bourdon. .................16 This scheme, with pneumatic action, per- mitting the addition of sub and super octave couplers, would give great variety and ample power if properly constructed. Each funda- mental quality of organ tone is well represented, the diapason tone by the Open Diapason and the Violin Diapason, the string tone by the Gamba and the Salicional, and the flute tone by the Dopped Flute, the Stopped Diapason, the 4-foot Flute and the pedal Bourdon, and the reed tone by the Oboe. The Oboe would be equally useful as a solo stop, in combination with other stops, or in the full organ, where it would add color and richness. Such an organ from the best makers would cost quite as much as the ordinary organ of twice the nominal stop capacity, but the latter would be vastly inferior in body and in quality, and would be overladen with cheap four and eight foot stops. A con- Durability congregation takes both pride and pleasure class organ. in the possession of a really fine instrument, and it would be a constant incentive to devo- tion by leading in the hymns, by enriching the work of the choir, and by appealing to the finer emotions through well-selected voluntaries. Durability 140 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH A poor instrument a bad investment. Incidentally many a repair bill would be saved and the choir would be spared the embarrass- ment of depending upon a faulty and uncertain instrument. A poor instrument is a constant irritant to the musically sensitive and a never-ending source of dissatisfaction to all concerned. The more capable the organist, the more ready he will be to accept the first position which offers a better organ. The inadequacy of his instru- ment will be a constant damper to his ambitions both as a player and a choirmaster. The mem- bers of the choir will have the discouraging feeling that their best efforts are more or less discounted by the organ, and there is always the possibility of the mechanism getting out of gear at the most inopportune moments. The real value of such an instrument is discovered when an attempt is made to dispose of it. A word as to the care of the organ. Most or- gan or music committees are disposed to think that after an organ has been purchased and in- stalled, especially if it is from the hands of a prominent and reliable maker, that nothing re- mains to be done. If an organ were kept in a room of even temperature and reasonably free from dust and dampness it would require but little attention indeed. Unfortunately it is gen- erally placed in a building where the tempera- ture may vary in twenty-four hours from the Care of organ. THE ORGAN 141 Sentrom Anommen im Sensitive ness. Variation of temperature. freezing point to seventy degrees. An organ is se far more sensitive to changes in temperature than a piano, for it is far more complicated and delicate. Dampness is its arch-enemy, dust and smoke it cannot endure, and rats, mice, or cats can do it endless mischief. It therefore stands to reason that if the organ is not safeguarded against these various evils trouble will result even with the very best constructed instrument. Take the matter of tuning, for example. It is usually done on Saturdays before the church is upload warmed up to the Sunday standard. The tuner will leave it in good shape, but a change of ten degrees will spoil all his work, for wood and metal are affected differently by changes of tem- perature. In fact, the organ is so sensitive that it may be in tune at the beginning of a service and be badly out before the close, if the tempera- ture is raised considerably by the presence of the congregation. The excessive changes in a building which is only heated up once a week are also trying to the mechanism, and it is no cause for wonder if something goes astray. Variations of temperature, however, are not Dampness. so trying as dampness. We all know how that af- fects our household furniture, and when we con- sider that several scores of keys are connected with several hundreds of pipes, not to mention the stop action, it is really a matter of surprise that organs behave as well as they do, consider- 142 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Cleaning. ing how ill they are treated. Organs are still placed in pockets or recesses where proper venti- lation is impossible and where the normal tem- perature of the building never penetrates. As a result the metal rusts, the wood swells, the leather decays. Under these conditions a poor organ is apt to have one advantage over a good one for the reason that the woodwork is green and will not absorb as much moisture. The simple expedient of a burning lamp or two in an organ chamber (with proper ventilation), has been known to revolutionize the working ca- pacity of a troublesome instrument. An organ should also be periodically cleaned in order to keep it in favorable playing condition. This is usually left until it is an imperative necessity and then the much abused instrument will need extensive repairs to pay for the neglect. The thorough cleaning of an instrument is a matter that can only be under- taken by organ builders, for it necessitates the dismantling of the pipes, the opening of the wind chests, and a general dismembering of the action. A superficial dusting of the surface accumulations of dust is a very dangerous thing to do, for it is apt to remove it from places where it is doing no especial harm to the inner mechanism, where it will do a great deal of harm. For this reason an organ tuner moves about with great circumspection when pursuing TAD ORGAN 143 actions. and electric his work. When one takes into account the wholesale neglect to which organs are generally subjected it is certainly a matter of surprise that so many instruments render fair service Sunday after Sunday. Up to some forty years ago, organs in this Tracker country were supplied with tracker actions, a system which connected the keys with the pipes by means of narrow strips of wood. For small organs this system was quite satisfactory and is in use to the present day. In large instruments, however, the duplication of this mechanical device for several keyboards makes the action so heavy that it is well-nigh unplayable. This led Pneumatic to the invention of the pneumatic action already actions. mentioned, and later to a combination of elec- tric and pneumatic action. By means of these systems the action is made as light or lighter than that of a piano, regardless of the size of the instrument. It is only in quite recent years that the electric action has been brought to that state of perfection that it can be absolutely re- lied upon. With its use the keyboard may be any distance from the instrument, or the various departments of the organ may be distributed in various parts of the building. Echo organs may be placed in distant towers or concealed in hidden chambers. The adaptation of electricity has also greatly increased the means of con- trol and greatly lightened the labor of the or- 144 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Increase of mechanical appliances. ganist in the management of the stops and of other mechanical appliances. In fact this fea- ture of organ building has been developed to such an extent that organists are beginning to cry “Hold! enough!” for it has arrived at such a degree of complexity that the human brain cannot contain it all. In the olden days an or- ganist with a fifty-stop organ would have three manual keyboards, a pedal keyboard, six coup- lers, one swell pedal, and six or eight combina- tion pedals to look after in addition to his fifty stops. Nowadays in the same size organ he will have his fifty stops, eighteen or twenty pis- tons, twelve or more couplers, as many combina- tion pedals, two swell pedals, and a crescendo pedal. While all these appliances facilitate the manipulation of the organ, they also increase the chances of making slips, and a nervous or- ganist is in constant trepidation lest some over- sight will result in an unexpected explosion of sound. America has certainly outstripped Europe in the development of these mechanical appliances, but they are severely criticised by foreign organists, notably by Edwin H. Lemare, who is probably the greatest organ virtuoso liv- ing, and who is phenomenally clever in feats of registration and in the reproduction of orches- tral effects. Mr. Lemare claims that Yankee ingenuity has overshot the mark and that many of these would-be aids to ready registration are Lemare's criticism of American organs. f the 100 :).. in anno THE ORGAN 145 system of control desirable. criticism. in reality hindrances. A uniform system of Unfo control would be a great boon to organists, for contrab they would then be saved the mental wear and tear of constantly learning new systems. Not only has every enterprising organ builder his own particular fads and fancies in the disposi- tion of the stops, pistons, and levers, but he is continually improving, or at least changing, his own system. The following advice and crit- icism from the highest living authority may well be heeded by every American builder: "In America I have found many good or- Gullmant's gans. They are especially effective in the softer stops, such as the Dulciana, Flutes, and Gamba. But the full organ lacks resonance and does not thrill. I do not think the mix- tures and reeds of the Great organ should be included in the swell-box, as this weakens the tone and destroys proper balance. The pedals in American organs are not so clear and dis- tinct as they should be. They lack the 8-foot and the 4-foot tone. The effect is the same as if there were too many double basses in the orchestra and not enough 'cellos. The 16-foot Open Diapason in the Great organ is so power- ful that every organ should have also the milder 16-foot Bourdon, which gives mellow quality to the foundation stops. But, as a rule, the softer 16-foot stops are wholly lacking in American organs. “Organ builders should devote less time to mechanical improvements, and more time to improving the tone of their instruments. Me- 146 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH in France. chanical appliances are multiplying so fast that soon an organist will be unable to occupy himself with anything except the mechanism of his instrument. This is much to be deplored. Organ-playing should be essentially musical, and as far as possible in the pure style of the organ. It should not involve constant changes of registration. There is too much tendency to use vibrating stops—Vox Celeste and Vox Humana.” These words are from the pen of Alexandre Guilmant, and every truly musical organist will agree with him. Solo playing The organ as a solo instrument is used more more general extensively and systematically in the French Roman Catholic churches than in those of any other denomination or country. All the larger churches in Paris are provided with two organs: a small one in the chancel to accompany the choristers, and a large one over the main portal used chiefly for voluntaries. In the more promi- nent churches these gallery organs are famous and produce a thrilling effect with their full power despite the vastness of the edifices. On listening to organs such as these Honoré de Balzac, that masterful delineator of human character, has been moved to speak as follows: “The organ is in truth the grandest, the most daring, and the most magnificent instru- ment invented by human genius. It is a whole orchestra in itself. It can express anything in response to a skilled touch. Surely it is in Balzac's tribute. THE ORGAN 147 some sort a pedestal on which the soul poises for a flight forth into space, essaying on her course to draw picture after picture in endless series, to paint human life, to cross the Infinite that separates heaven from earth. And the longer a dreamer listens to those giant har- monies the better he realizes that nothing save the hundred-voiced choir on earth can fill all the space between kneeling man and a God hid- den by the blinding light of the sanctuary. The music is the one interpreter strong enough to bear up the prayers of humanity to heaven, prayer in its omnipresent moods, prayer tinged by the melancholy of many different natures, colored by meditative ecstasy, upspringing with the impulse of repentance, blending with the myriad fancies of every creed. Yes, in the long-vaulted aisles the melodies inspired by the sense of things Divine are blest with a grandeur unknown before, and decked with a new glory and might. Out of the dim daylight and the deep silence, broken by chanting of the choir in response to the thunder of the organ, a veil is woven for God, and the brightness of His at- tributes shines through it." IV. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER. Organists good musicians. Organists as a class are credited with being better musicians than pianists, singers, or play- ers of orchestral instruments. The reason for this is not far to seek. The pianist, for ex- ample, rarely has further demands made upon his artistic, theoretical, or technical equipment than the effective performance of a fixed task. In the practical pursuit of his profession it is not ordinarily necessary that he read music well at sight or that he be able to transpose readily. To be sure, we read of astonishing feats at the piano, such as Liszt's wonderful power in seiz- ing at a glance the essential features of a full orchestral score and transcribing it on the in- stant for the key-board, or of Brahms transpos- ing the entire Kreutzer Sonata a half tone lower when confronted with an instrument tuned too high; but these men were composers as well as pianists. The professional accompanist should surely be able to meet any reasonable demand THE ORGANIST 149 ATT AND CHOIRMASTER must read well at sight. of the singer for a change of key, but to the average pianist transposition is an unknown art and the ability to read readily at sight ex- ceptional. Then the pianist's knowledge of harmony, counterpoint, and composition is rare- ly called into practical use, and he may enjoy a world-wide reputation as a virtuoso and have very scant knowledge of the theoretical side of his art. Not so with the professional organist. If organists he has a post of any importance at all and is capable of filling it in any adequate way, he must be well equipped. Not infrequently is he called upon to play difficult accompani- ments without preparation. He is expected not only to play them correctly but to adapt himself to the idiosyncrasies of the singer and be ready to rally at any moment to his sup- port should he show any signs of weakness or uncertainty. For singers are the least reliable Singers poor of all musicians, and if they sing at sight it is apt to be after the fashion of the famous singer whose abilities in that direction were tested by the great Handel, and after an ignominious failure the candidate still protested that he could sing at sight-but not at first sight. Then the capable organist should at least Organists have the ability to play the choral service, the transpose. hymns and chants in any desired key. If the service is sluggish and dull a little higher pitch readers. must 150 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH. T7 will put new life into it. If the choir or con- gregation is flatting in the chanting or hymn- singing, a rousing interlude and a change of key will invariably improve the situation. Many priests in intoning the service will have a strong tendency to change to a more con- venient pitch, and it is the part of wisdom for the organist to accommodate him, rather than be continually trying to "boost” him to the proper key. The clergy sometimes get credit for phenomenal ability in striking the right pitch, when in point of fact it is the cleverness of the organist in adapting himself to the pitch of the priest that is phenomenal. As many of the older organs are tuned to the old Concert Pitch (which is nearly a semi-tone above the present International Pitch), many organists will transpose difficult Te Deums or anthems that they may be sung nearer the key intended by the composer, and that the choir may be re- lieved from the strain of the higher pitch. Then the good organist should be able to harmonize a tune well at sight, or to vary the harmonies to a hymn or chant when they are sung in unison. To do this in good taste and with a ready facility requires not only a thor- ough understanding of the complicated arts of harmony and counterpoint, but also an inborn intuitive taste. Hymn singing may be trans- formed by a good organ accompaniment, and if Organists must har- monizo at sight. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 151 Organists must a congregation is taught to understand that an organ interlude is an indication that the suc- ceeding verse is to be sung in unison, inspiring climaxes may be effected through the use of richer harmonies and freer modulations. Again, the organist must be ready to im- antil provise at a moment's notice in order to fill in improvise. any unexpected gaps in the service. To do this artistically calls upon an intimate acquaintance with the laws of composition and decided gifts of imagination and conception. Lastly, the organist must have a feeling Organists for tone color and a knowledge of orchestral ef- registrate. fects. The organ is the only instrument con- trolled by one player which contains radically different qualities of tone. It is in fact a col- lection of many instruments which can be used singly or in combination. The piano has been likened to a photograph with its infinite grada- tions of light and shade, but all of one tone, while the orchestra suggests the richness and orchestra variety of color in an oil painting. Although the organ lacks the plasticity and finish of the orchestra, still its possibilities in the way of tonal variety are great and it is the only instru- ment that approximates in any way orchestral effects. While any single instrument of the orchestra will exceed in beauty of tone and ex- pressiveness the corresponding tone quality in the organ, still the latter with all its restrictions must Piano, organ and compared. 152 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH often offers an effective substitute for a full or- chestra, and it possesses other qualities in the way of sustained grandeur which adapts it to the peculiar needs of Church music far better than an orchestra.' How is the organist educated to fit him for such an arduous and exacting task? For he must not only be a good musician theoretically, but also have skill as an executant of a high order. In England, that land which excels all others in fine organs and clever organists, in the beauty of its musical services and in the grandeur of its churches, it is managed in one of two ways. Either the would-be organist en- ters a good school of music where he receives a thorough training in the various branches be- longing to the profession, or (as has been the experience of most of the celebrated English organists) he becomes an "articled pupil” of some Cathedral organist. An "articled pupil” is always some talented youth who is accepted as a musical ward by the skilled specialist who has charge of the organ and music of one of the numerous English Cathedrals. The lad re- ceives his entire musical education at the hands Education of organist. English opportu- nities. Articled pupil. 1 The varied demands which are made upon the musical resources of the organist are apt to stimulate his musical fancy, and this no doubt accounts for the fact that the great majority of American composer's come from the ranks of the organ players. MacDowell is perhaps the only prom- inent exception, but such composers as Dudley Buck, Ho- ratio Parker, George W. Chadwick, Arthur Foote, and a host of lesser lights bear testimony to the accuracy of the state- ment. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 153 of this specialist, and in return the instructor commands the services of his pupil, who sooner or later becomes assistant organist. The pu- pil is nearly always from the ranks of the choir, and he thus has, from his early youth, the unequalled advantage of hearing nothing but the best of Church music performed in an exceptional manner. He grows up in an atmos- phere of good ecclesiastical art and is familiar with the best traditions. Given a moderate amount of talent and industry he cannot help but develop into an excellent organist and choir- master. From the American point of view an organist thus trained is apt to be rather hide- bound by his traditions and lacking in force and enterprise, but his thorough knowledge of the service, his smooth style of playing, and his regard for the dignity of the service are per- haps better assets than American energy and initiative, combined as it so frequently is with a lack of sound, musical Churchmanship. The Cathedral system of England has been Cathedral a veritable nursery for the development of England. Church music, and all who have had the privilege of learning the results of the system will readily admit its superiority. A large majority of the prominent English composers have come directly from the ranks of Cathedral choirs or from those of the Chapels Royal. Sir John Goss, George T. Smart and Edward J. system of 154 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH American op. portunities. Hopkins were all products of the Chapel Royal at St. James' Palace, London; while Joseph Barnby came from York Cathedral and Sir John Stainer from St. Paul's, London. A lad of musical sensitiveness is fortunate indeed if he fall under the influence of such a system in his early youth, for it means the unconscious ab- sorption of the best expression of religious music, and the acquirement of standards of judgment which will be invaluable in after life. But what does the would-be organist of our great Middle West do if he wishes to thoroughly prepare himself as an organist and choirmaster? Music schools there are in plenty and excellent work is done in some directions, but none of them offer anything like an exhaustive course in organ playing and choir directing so far as it concerns our own Church. We have no long- established Cathedrals whose services are ac- knowledged types of the best usage, and the post of organist is of such uncertain tenure that the "articled pupil” system is all but im- possible. The development of the average American organist is somewhat after this fashion: On exhibiting a little interest in music in his child- hood he will have some desultory piano lessons, usually from a young woman of very limited attainments. When he gets into his teens the organ attracts him. With very inadequate Development of American organist. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 155 technical preparation he will take organ lessons from a local organist. If he lives in a fair- sized city he may receive very good instruction as far as organ playing in concert is concerned, but the chances are that he will acquire next to no knowledge of Church music in general, and even less of the especial music of the Episcopal Church. His principal energies will be bent upon concert-playing, and if he is fairly capable and a good worker he will, by the time he has turned into the twenties, be able to give very respectable organ recitals. If he secures a po- sition in a denominational church and is at all resourceful he will get along fairly well, but if he accepts a position in one of our own churches with any pretensions to a good choral service he will soon realize the inadequacies of his train- ing. He will know nothing of the traditions of the choral service and will have difficulty with the simplicity of Tallis' responses. The Dificulties chanting of the canticles and psalms will be of the mal more complicated to him than the playing service. of a Bach fugue, and Gregorians will be a ver- itable bête noire. He will have had no experi- ence in improvising, modulating, transposing, or off-hand harmonizing. The order of the service, especially a choral celebration, will be an inextricable maze, and the conclusion will be forced upon him that he has been very poorly prepared for his profession as far as the 156 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH training Organ playing a ministry of the church. Protestant Episcopal Church of America is concerned. He will also discover that this same Church is the only one with any definite musical system or standards, that music is an integral and important part of the service, and that special training and talent are re- Special quired on the part of its organists and choir- required. masters. In consequence of these conditions he will furthermore learn that the Episcopal Church offers a far more interesting and lucra- tive field than the sectarian Churches. The fundamental mistake in this organist's education has been that he pursued his work purely from the secular side and no atten- tion had been paid to it as a ministry of the Church. i Church organists should be primarily Churchmen and secondarily musicians, but sad to relate the reverse is the rule and there are all-too-many organists whose interest in religion has reached the vanishing point. The interest Irreligion of of this large class of organists is principally confined to the pleasure and satisfaction they get out of the purely musical side of their work. They may have, and frequently do have, excel- lent taste as regards Church music, but the proper attitude of mind is lacking. Even our sectarian brethren have been stirred by this pre- vailing irreligion among organists and choir directors, and the Congregationalists, at least, have attempted to improve the situation. They organists. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 157 have founded an affiliated school of music with one of their Theological Seminaries, the avowed intention of which is to teach the theo- logical students something about music and its relation to religion, and the musical students something about religion and its relation to music. It is a lamentable fact that organists who are first concerned about the fitting wor- ship of Almighty God according to the best of their musical gifts are few indeed, while the opposite type, who use their positions to ex- ploit their own cleverness, and who consider a church as primarily a place to give recitals in, are all too numerous. When we reflect that the development of Dearth of Churchly musical services after the English ists and model has taken place only within the past half masters. century, and when we take into consideration the fact that the American Church makes no provision whatever for the training of its musi- cians, it is not surprising that there should be such a dearth of good organists and choir- masters. While we do not have the English Cathedral system in its completeness to develop our musi- cians, still our vested choirs serve as a base of supply and a preliminary training school for our future Church musicians. Many of the best and most successful organists and choir- masters in New York are "old Trinity boys," good organ- choir- Vested choirs a training school. 158 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Diocesan School of Church Music. while here in Chicago we have already direct results from the ranks of the pioneer vested choirs of this city among our prominent musi- cians. If this early start in the choir ranks could only be followed up by a comprehensive course in a well-equipped diocesan school of Church music our musical future would be more promising. An ideal school of such a type should be well-endowed and under the guidance and supervision of a musician of wide experi- ence, superior training, and above all, sound Churchmanship. This institution would nat- urally be associated with the Cathedral of the diocese. The Cathedral, if possible, should maintain daily choral services of a high stand- ard which should serve as practical models to the musical students. Not only should expert organists be trained in such an institution, but special attention should be given to the art of developing the boy voice, an art that is but lit- tle understood in this country. Responsibil- The organist divides with the officiating priest the responsibility for the religious atmos- phere of the church service. By well-considered voluntaries, by an earnest desire to swell the hymn of praise or deepen the fervor of prayer, he may materially augment the ministrations of the priest and sensibly aid the devotions of the congregation. On the contrary, by begin- ning divine worship with an irrelevant or tri- S ity of the organist. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 159 Selection of Voluntaries. fling organ selection, by playing the chants or hymns in a careless or flippant manner, or by making evident a desire to "show off” the organ or his own performance, he can seriously dis- turb the reverent impulses of the people and nullify in a measure the efforts of the priest. It is a matter of astonishment how little at- tention is paid to the selection of voluntaries and how little considered is their fitness to the rest of the service. In England and Northern Germany, at least, better standards prevail, and the typical American custom of playing a sen- timental Romance or Serenade on the Oboe with Tremolo for an opening voluntary, would hardly be tolerated. Nor would the noisy march for a closing voluntary meet with greater favor. The whole question is most pertinently Dr. Dufield summed up by the Rev. Howard Duffield, D.D., voluntary. of the First Presbyterian Church, New York City, who is himself an organist and musician on the organ 2 Only recently the writer attended service in a promi- nent church in a large Eastern city. To his utter amaze- ment and disgust the organist played a sensuous and im- passioned love song from Saint Saens' "Samson and De- lilah" while the congregation were receiving the Holy Com- munion. As if this were not a sufficient insult to every instinct of decency or reverence, it was followed by a selec- tion that (unintentionally, let us hope) at once suggested the principle motive in Richard Strauss: "Til Eulenspiegel," a fantastic orchestral composition which humorously depicts the adventures of a freakish imp who is finally hung for his tricks. It was at least some relief to learn that the r organist was ill and that these atrocities were per- petrated by an assistant. But it was none the less a most painful and trying experience. 160 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH of ability. In the “Church Economist” he speaks as follows: “The usual method of closing the church services by a noisy outburst of organ music seems to have been specially planned to dissi- pate any spiritual impression which may have been produced. It is hard to conceive of a better scheme for promptly and effectively ob- literating all the influences of the worship hour. The prayers have soothed and strength- ened the heart; the holy song has banished the discords of life and winged the soul with new courage; the open Scriptures and the earnest sermon have searched and thrilled the soul, and brought wider vision, and larger hope, and braver purpose. The whole being, quickened with the brooding consciousness of coming very near to God in the sweet shelter of His House, bows for the benediction, and longs to carry away as in abiding possession the light and comfort of this holy hour. Bang-whang-whang goes the drum; tootle-te-tootle the fife. "The amen from the pulpit is the signal for a blizzard of sound. The Postlude' must be played instantly and thunderously. Every stop is drawn, the manuals are coupled, the full or- gan blares and roars fortissimo, and every re- ligious idea goes to the winds helter-skelter, like leaves in a cyclone. Custom has decreed that the service must be followed with musical din; that the hallowed silence of the peace un- speakable which has been stealing into the soul must be roared and clamored away; that every resolution and aspiration and feeling of fellow- ship with Christ shall be stunned, dazed, over- THE ORGANIST TO 161 AND CHOIRMASTER whelmed, swept out of existence by an untimely and meaningless Niagara of noise. Worship- pers are habitually hustled out of God's House amid the roaring of a Fanfare,' or a "Grand Choeur,' or 'Sortie,' or Fantasia,' or worse, but always something fortissimo and allegro, which means, being Englished, “as loudly as you can and as quickly as you can drive away all holy thought and purpose.' “This postlude habit amply justifies the Scottish antipathy to the ‘kist of whistles. To compel an organist to follow the benediction by an instant opening up of his organ to its utmost power of reverberation is neither ra- tional, nor devotional, nor musical. It is not national because it is a sheer waste of good music and trained skill. No one pretends to listen to a postlude. Should one desire to do so he can only catch a fragment while on his march to the door. The power of the organ is being exhibited and the ability of the organ- ist is being taxed under circumstances which absolutely prevent their accomplishing any good result, or even of being appreciated at their true worth. It is not devotional. One of the most able and experienced of soul winners has termed the loud postlude 'a characteristic speci- men of satanic ingenuity.' In its great mo- ments the soul seeks quiet and shrinks from noise. When the depths of the heart are stirred the outburst of such a racket smites, like a blow on the face. It is not musical. The ar- tistic sense revolts at it as utterly as the devo- tional sentiment. A master musician aptly de- scribed it as 'reducing music to the function of a door mat. It is based upon the assumption so hehe to the bed and the las 162 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH that the organ has no higher possibility as an adjunct of divine worship than to drown the shuffling feet of the congregation as it assem- bles or disperses. A well-known director of church music recently remarked that if he played at all after church the people were sure to talk; if he played loudly they talked loudly, if he played softly they talked softly; but no one ever attached any meaning to the music, or seemed to suppose it accomplished any higher purpose than to give them a chance of talking without being heard. "The organ can be so used as to intensify the spirit of worship. It can be employed as a potent aid in deepening devotion, and uplift- ing feeling, and carrying home into the depths of the soul the impressions which have been awakened by the service hour. After hymns have been sung, and Scripture read, and the sermon preached, and a word of prayer offered, there comes a natūral pause in the moment of the service, when the sound of the voice, whether in speech or song, may well be hushed, and be succeeded and supplemented by the heart- warming and soul-searching ministries of mu- sic. The soul has been uplifted to God in song, has listened to God in His Word, has meditated upon God at the call of His servant, has spoken to God in prayer; and it instinctively demands that for a few moments, before it leaves the holy church's calm, it should be still and know God. “Just here the organ can preach. Just here the introduction of carefully selected and well interpreted music will do more than speech could; will carry home to deeper depths every THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 163 Accompani- good impression; will touch, kindle, expand, uplift the soul and atmosphere the entire service with an influence in which it shall long continue to move." 3 The matter of accompanying the Church ment of service can, on the one hand, be discharged in a serica mechanical and perfunctory manner, while on the other it may call upon all the resources of a highly-skilled and sensitive musician. Those parts of the service which are ordi- narily considered of the least consequence are precisely the places which require the greatest thought and preparation. Take for example and psalms. the chanting of the canticles and psalms. How often will an organist use the same registration from the beginning to the end of a psalm! Whether it expresses praise, aspiration, hope, trust, devotion, penitence, or contrition is all the same to his careless and thoughtless soul. If he have an organ of only moderate size he has a considerable variety of combinations at his command. · Like a painter with his palette of colors he can mix his various qualities of tone and by their subtle use can intensify the vary- good taste ing shades of religious emotion. Given a large modern organ with its wealth of stops and Variety and necessary. 3 Travelers relate that in the Philippine Islands "Tam- many" and "A Hot Time in the Old Town To-night" are favorite voluntaries, and are played during the most solemn parts of the Mass in the Roman churches. The churches of Italy, especially the southern portion, have scarcely higher standards, for one frequently hears operatic over- tures and dance tunes even in famous Cathedrals. 164 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH mechanical accessories, all the more scope will be given to the versatile and artistic organist to vary the usual deadly monotony of chanting. On the other hand, abrupt, ill-considered or kaleidoscopic changes of registration are even greater violations of good taste than monotony, and the organist who attempts to musically pic- ture the dramatic words of the psalms should not be tolerated. To illustrate in a realistic manner on the organ such passages as “One deep calleth upon another because of the noise of the water pipes," "Ye mountains that ye skipped like rams,” “They go to and fro in the evening, grin like a dog and run about the city," or the description of the plagues of Egypt, are the height of absurdity and turn Divine wor- ship into ridicule. It is the emotional content of the psalms that the accompanist must seize and that in a broad-minded and comprehensive spirit. A too finicky and detailed interpretation will defeat its own purpose, for the force of contrast will be lost by over-elaboration. One of the most difficult tasks the organist has to cope with is the accompaniment of the Gregorian chants. To retain their innate char- acteristic they should always be sung in unison and this leaves the organist free to display his musicianship and taste in supplying varied har- monies. Nothing is more reprehensible than the Accompani- ment of Gregorians. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 165 custom of dressing up these ancient plainsong melodies with modern chromatic harmonies. The Gregorian modes represent a development of music totally foreign to our modern scales and chordal material. The average organist knows next to nothing of the ancient ecclesias- tical modes, and is not at all familiar with the spirit in which they were conceived. In his ignorance he supplies them with nineteenth century harmonies, which is as much of an anachronism as to robe a Madonna with the latest Paris gown. Gregorians cannot be prop- erly accompanied without a close familiarity with the rules of modal counterpoint, and their real force and character are lost without such accompaniment. Then the effectiveness of hymn singing is Act at the mercy of the organist. An indifferent, hymns. careless style of playing, without definite rhythm or clear-cut phrasing, will not invite hearty coöperation on the part of the choir or congregation. Many organists consider the playing over of a tune a matter of no moment and in consequence it is done in either a slo- venly and inaccurate manner or with mechan- ical and unmeaning precision. A hymn-tune should always be announced at the rate of speed in which it is intended it should be sung, and in accordance with the general emotional character of the text. To particularize: if a hymn be in Accompani- ment of 166 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH a jubilant vein, it should be given out with a fair amount of organ and with sufficient energy to put the congregation in the right spirit before it is taken up by them. On the contrary, hymns of a quiet and reflective nature should be played over on a more subdued organ and in a more deliberate manner. This, however, must not be construed in too sentimental a manner so that the tune loses its rhythmic outline and swing." The prevailing spirit of each stanza should be suggested by the organ, avoiding a too literal and minute exposition. Sudden transitions from loud to soft are in bad taste and tend to discourage timid singers. A hymn should be treated as a coherent and logical whole, and the ebb and flow of sentiment should be confined to reasonable limits. A well-planned climax is always effective and should be made use of whenever the text permits. Good hymn playing is rather a rare accom- plishment and calls upon a sensitive nature that is keen to realize and anticipate the needs of the moment. As a rule, congregations musi- cally are a sluggish and inert mass moving along the line of least resistance. The organist must infuse life and enthusiasm into this mass, and this requires a certain aggressiveness on the Good hymn playing rare. 4 One of the most difficult tasks is to play music in moderate or slow tempo and to maintain the rhythmic unity of the larger pulses. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 167 Practical hints on playing. part of the player. He must take the reins into his own hands and as unobtrusively as possible guide the singers. He must exercise all the in- genuity at his command to arouse choir and congregation into a spirit of active coöperation, and by his well-directed domination see to it that the hymn singing does not degenerate into a perfunctory and meaningless office. A few practical hints may be useful to in- hit experienced organists. One of the commonest by faults is to keep the pedals forever booming, and when to this is added the atrocious habit of playing mostly in the lowest octave it becomes well-nigh intolerable. Give the pedals a rest once in a while on the quieter verses and ob- serve what a fine effect they have when added dignity and weight are desired. Save the lowest tones for special climaxes or the final summing up. Use the Great organ in its vary- ing degrees of power alone occasionally, for many keep it coupled to the swell practically all the time. If the alto or tenor is particularly melodious for a phrase or two, bring it out on a separate manual. The melody may be played as a solo either as written or an octave higher or an octave lower. In the latter case it is es- pecially effective as a trumpet solo (plus dia- pasons) against the full swell. Contrast dia- pasons against reeds, strings against flutes, etc. In the accompaniment of the anthem and 11 168 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH mont of anthems. Accompani- the service numbers the organist can show his art to the highest advantage. As a soloist he rarely has opportunity to shine. The open- ing and closing voluntaries are but casually listened to, and set organ numbers during the service are becoming more and more the ex- ception. In accompanying a good choir the or- ganist is not hampered by the restrictions placed upon him in hymn-playing, where he is obliged to support the voices. He can freely use the entire resources of his instrument in lending color and variety to his work. The art demands as keen a sense of literary as of musical values, for the object is not alone to enhance the effect of the music by every legitimate means, but to enforce the meaning of the words as well. The art of The art of good accompaniment and the abil- ment of**- ity to improvise are of far more practical value ance to the Church organist than great gifts as a con- cert player. The true spirit of devotional music is more in evidence while accompanying the monotoned parts of the service than in the most elaborate anthems or canticles. The Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the priest's part in the Li- tany are the delight of the real Church organist. It is his part not to make the organ conspicu- ous, or to call attention to his own cleverness, but to so reinforce the voice of supplication, of faith, or of praise that his own earnestness may be apparent to all susceptible hearts. ment of primo importance. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 169 improvisa- The organist is frequently called upon to The art of fill in gaps in the service which would otherwise tion. pass in awkward silence. Here again the ar- tistic touch and the reverent nature should be in evidence. The playing of pretty but incon- gruous melodies, or the exploitation of the Vox Humana with sentimental but meaningless phrases, should be avoided. One of two prin- ciples should be adopted for the improvisation to be in thorough good taste. The music should either embody a reference to what has gone be- fore, or suggest what is to come. In other words, the organist should have the ability to develop or enlarge upon the musical themes which immediately precede or succeed the situa- tion in question. Here is opportunity for the highest phase of the art of organ-playing, the art that welds the whole service into a coherent, connected, and artistic whole. In the choral celebration of the Holy Eu- Tho choral charist the greatest demands are made upon the resources and abilities of the organist. To so manage his part that the true spirit of reverence and devotion is never lost, to see to it that no balks or faults or hesitations mar the sacredness of this highest act of wor- ship, to be alert and ready to off-set or mitigate the acts of carelessness or inefficiency on the part of others, is no small task or responsibility. Above all, the spirit of solemnity and devout celebration. 170 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Rhythm the soul of music. worship must be maintained until the very end of the service, and no blatant or irrelevant post- lude permitted to jar upon the "peace that pass- eth all understanding." Joachim, that greatest of violinists and mu- sicians, contended that rhythm was the very soul of music. Now the organ, from the very nature of its mechanical construction, is the most difficult of all instruments to extract rhythm from, and the organist's constant aim should be to overcome this fundamental lack as far as it is possible to do so. It is quite possible to play with well-defined rhythm on the organ, but this is only accomplished by what might be termed an excess of accuracy and precision. This be- ing the case, what shall we say of the so-called organist who is so unconscious of the impor- tance of rhythmical integrity that he is con- stantly coming to a standstill with his music in order to manipulate the stops! One invariable dictum may be laid down: if the management of the stops cannot be effected without breaking the rhythm, let the registration go. Smoothness and continuity are the indispensable features of good organ playing, and it is the player's business to maintain these essentials at all costs. To hang on to a chord indefinitely with one hand while the other is groping for stops is the acme of bad organ-playing. A clever organist with quick wits and trained muscles will do most as- THE ORGANIST CIT 171 AND CHOIRMASTER The swell pedal. tonishing feats in stop manipulation without in- terfering in the slightest with the rhythmic flow of the music. As a rule, changes in registration should co- Registration. incide with changes of sentiment, and should begin and end with a definite phrase or section of the music. In the orchestra we do not begin a musical sentence with a flute and finish it with a violin, nor do we find one instrument augmenting another in a haphazard way. Logic is as essential in esthetics as in ethics. A word of caution must be given in regard to the use of the swell pedal. This single means of varying the tone quantity of certain stops or combinations of stops must be used sparingly, or its effectiveness will be badly discounted. If one is continually "see-sawing.” on the swell pedal, producing erratic gusts of sound, its le- gitimate use as a means of climax and artistic gradation of tone is completely frustrated. The typical self-instructed organist delights in pumping the swell pedal with his right foot, under the delusion that he is playing "with ex- pression,” while the left foot is vainly attempt- ing to accomplish the impossible task of playing the pedal part smoothly with one foot. As in the case of excessive registration, the greater effect is destroyed by the smaller, and a total lack of artistic balance results. The custom of frequently making use of the 172 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH The full organ. Exaggerated mannerisms. full power of the instrument is also pernicious and robs the player of one of his most potent means of effect. It should be saved for rare in- stances where special climax is desired, and then its full value will be appreciated. Mere noise for its own sake should never be indulged in—a brass band would serve that object far better. It is a curious fact that bad taste and inex- perience on the part of the organist are fre- quently accompanied by exaggerated man- nerisms while playing. The trained artist will perform his difficult task with the least possible expenditure of effort, and his movements will be made deftly and quietly, whereas the tyro will give the impression that organ playing is an acrobatic task requiring great strength and agility. These herculean efforts greatly impress the uninitiated at times, but they are entirely unnecessary and not only distress and disturb the more sensitive-minded, but hamper the player and interfere with his own measure of success. The relation of the organist to the priest in charge is always a delicate one. Both belong to professions which tend to sensitiveness and nervous tension. The organist naturally knows more of music than the minister, still, according to the canons of the Church, the latter has con- trol of both organ and organist, and if he so < Relation of priest and organist. THE ORGANIST ALLY 173 AND CHOIRMASTER choose, can dictate what music is to be used and how it is to be performed. Sometimes he knows nothing of music and does not hesitate to admit it. Again he may possess a highly gifted mu- sical nature and have sufficient practical knowl- edge of the subject to be perfectly justified in whatever criticism or suggestions he may offer. Clergy of this latter type, however, are about as rare as the organist who is thoroughly posted in the ecclesiastical aspects of his profession and in thorough sympathy with them. The organist is altogether more prone to be interested in con- cert-playing or in music generally, than in his particular task of adapting himself to the ends and conditions which surround him. With all these differing factors presenting themselves in varying degrees there is endless opportunity for friction and misunderstanding. Frankness and forbearance will be necessary on both sides. The organist will do well to remember that when all is said and done, he has been engaged to perform a specific work more or less to the liking of those who pay his salary. But the clergyman is not to forget that a man who is willing to make sacrifices for his ideals and con- victions is a valuable member of the community, and that these ideals and convictions are not the personal conclusions of the man concerned, but those of the best minds in the musical world, and as such deserve respect and consid- 174 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH eration. The matter has been aptly summed up in an address by a prominent clergyman of New York on the occasion of his election to the post of chaplain of the American Guild of Or- ganists: "Never give up one jot or one tittle of your ideals. But you have got to understand that if you can't get a whole loaf you had better take a half; that if you cannot do all that you want to do you had better do as much as you can. I may have very high ideals, but I have to take my fellow men as I find them. I may have the highest ideals of music and I insist upon holding them, but it does not follow that a plain, simple little sermonette hasn't its value in the spiritual life of the people, and it is also per- fectly evident that some simple, pathetic, beauti- ful little song, which may not be very good mu- sically, has also its place and light in the life of the people. Hang on to your ideals. I would not give a snap of my finger for a man who had no great views of his life's work and thoughts of the music he wants to give, but he must remember that he is dealing with people, many of whom are utterly ignorant of music, many of whom dislike it, and only a few really appreciate it. And he has got to guide his life not only with reference to his ideals, but with reference also to the capacity of the people with whom he is dealing." Thus far the office of organist has alone been considered. It is usually combined with that of choirmaster, and the dual position calls for a combination of qualities that is rare in- The choir- master. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 175 deed. An efficient choirmaster must also be a good musician and in addition be an expert voice-trainer, a skilled instructor, and above all, possess the qualities which attract and interest. Exemplary character and good Churchmanship are even more essential in the choirmaster than in the organist, for he should not only train those under him in Churchly singing, but he should also be responsible for their moral and religious development. Without reverence for the Church and love of the work for its own sake, satisfactory results will never be attained. In this regard we may well learn from the Lutherans, who make it a rule to permit neither organist, choirmaster, or singer to take part in their services who is not a member of their communion. It is in the matter of voice-training where Knowledge nine-tenths of our choirmasters are deficient, culture and where one person is both choirmaster and organist the situation is not at all improved, for the latter is usually three-fourths organist and one-fourth choirmaster. In other words, the in- dividual concerned is nearly always attracted to the work through the fascinations of the organ. That instrument he studies with a certain degree Organists of thoroughness, and when he finds it necessary trainers. to include choir-training in his activities, instead of properly preparing himself for that he trusts to his native wit and general musicianship. The of voice essential. poor voice 176 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH matter of discipline cuts such a figure in the situation, that given a fair organist and the ability to organize and control a choir, the question of proficiency as a voice trainer is not much in the foreground. To take a boy off the street and to change his natural inclination to yell in his chest tones to habits of really good and correct tone production is a task so difficult that it borders almost on the miraculous. In addition to the necessary technical knowledge it requires infinite patience, tact, and unfailing good humour. It is the lack of this knowledge of how to produce good and agreeable tones that lies at the root of the general unsatisfactoriness of our so-called "boy choirs." As a rule, our boys do not sing—they shout or yell. One un- consciously gets into the mental habit of ex- cluding the efforts of a boy choir from the cate- gory of real music. They are judged from standards other than those applied ordinarily Boy choirs to chorus singing. We have a subconscious satisfactory. feeling that doctrinal, utilitarian, or sentimental reasons exist which justify the use of the boy choir, no matter how much they may offend our ears or violate our artistic senses. And still some of the most esthetically exacting among us have heard choirs of men and boys which have more than satisfied our highest ideals, and have driven hard home the conviction that the vested generally un- THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 177 a fad. male choir fills every requirement of an ideal service, both artistically and liturgically. If this astounding gulf between our worst Boy choir and our best choirs is largely a matter of ability to train the human voice, why is so little em- phasis placed upon skill in vocal culture? The question can be answered in part by the fact that boy choirs are to a certain extent a fad. Every church, down to the smallest and poorest, must enjoy the picturesque spectacle of a sur- pliced choir, whether or not the conditions war- rant it. Without a considerable appropriation for its maintenance, and without an environ- ment that will supply good material it is hope- less to expect results that will justifiy the ef- fort, judged from any sane or unbiased point of view. But unfortunately there is generally some Incompetent one who will undertake the running of a boy choir, even under the most adverse and unprom- ising conditions. If the organist declines, it is apt to be delegated to some enterprising person whose entire preparation for the exacting task consists in the fact that he at one time, as boy or man, sang in a vested choir. And the choir he sang in was probably an inferior one. In this manner inefficiency is added to inefficiency and deplorable traditions are established and perpetuated. As already hinted at, the ability to maintain a semblance of order among unruly 178 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH The discip- linarian. boys is of such practical value that many mu- sical short-comings are almost gladly overlooked if discipline is maintained. But not infre- quently we meet the combination of bad con- duct and wretched singing, and surely in such cases the limit of Christian forbearance is reached. The primary need of good discipline has evolved the choirmaster who has good executive ability and the knack of attracting, holding, and controlling choristers. With such a man in command everything moves with military pre- cision, including the music. The choir enter- tainments and encampments are always a great success. The singers are well-drilled, but in a mechanical way. From some points of view such a man is a prize indeed and a great boon to the parish priest, for he relieves the latter of much responsibility and care. Choirmasters of this type, however, are usually lacking in the ar- tistic sense. They have little judgment in the selection of suitable music and little feeling for its proper performance. Such refinements as good tone production, accurate intonation, and sympathetic interpretation do not enter within their horizon. One would think that a professional voice teacher would be the logical choice for a choir- master, but such is not the case. There are several reasons for this. In the first place, it Professional voice teach- ere not available. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 179 Organist choirmaster. is difficult to make a boy comprehend the nice and complicated processes of voice production. The work is necessarily elementary and conse- quently uninteresting to most teachers. The re- sponsibility entailed in taking charge of a lot of boisterous youngsters is not usually attrac- tive. The training and developing of the boy voice is a special art in itself which the great majority of voice teachers know nothing about. Lastly, a really proficient vocal instructor can command such a sum for his services in in- structing adults that even a good church salary fails to tempt him. When the offices of choirmaster and organ- subject to ist are separated the choirmaster has charge. The organist is almost certain to be the bet- ter musician of the two and is placed in the trying situation of taking orders from a man less experienced musically than himself. It is only occasionally that the combination works out advantageously. The more capable the or- ganist, the more anxious he will be to secure a position where he is his own master. The choirmaster is thus frequently forced to put up either with incompetent players, or frequent changes on the organ bench. The situation then, as regards our choir- masters has its complexities. Like our organ- ists, they sadly need the aid of the Church itself. Our peculiar needs in Church music Special training for choirmasters necessary. 180 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Action of Church Clubs. are not to be found in any other Christian body, and the necessary experience cannot be gained outside our own walls. Surely the matter is of sufficient importance to demand the serious at- tention of the Church at large. One would naturally look to the clergy to take the initia- tive in such a cause. But it has been left to the laymen. At the last Conference of the Church Clubs of the United States held at St. Louis a paper was read severely criticising much of the music heard in our churches and suggesting that the matter be acted upon by the Conference. The result was the passing of a resolution to the effect that each Church Club of the country be asked to appoint a committee to consider the general subject of the music in our churches, and that each committee submit recommendations to a central committee. It is sincerely to be hoped that something practical and improving may be evolved from this scheme. Any thorough sifting of the subject will make apparent the fundamental need of proper training schools for our organists and choir- masters, and the necessity of setting and main- taining proper standards of selection and per- formance. But any plan will fail of its pur- pose if it does not include the musical education of the clergy, so that they may intelligently guide and direct the musical forces over which they have control, and also have sympathetic Musical education of clergy. THE ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 181 appreciation for the artistic efforts of their co- laborers. It is both trying and discouraging for a musician trained in the best traditions of the Church and possessing high and praiseworthy ideals to be thrown into an environment where all his knowledge and experience go for little or naught. If he demurs at using music which he knows to be unseemly or unworthy, it is all the more to his credit. An exhaustive course in the appreciation of Church music should find place in the curriculum of every one of our theological schools, and the course should be obligatory. Even if the embryo priest should have no taste or love for music, he should at least be trained to understand that the choice of music for divine worship is too serious a matter to be left to the judgment of an uncul- tivated taste. The question thus resolves itself into a cam- paign of education. The Church as a whole A campaign must be educated to that point where she real- of educa- izes that she, in turn, must educate her priests, her organists, her choristers, and through them her people. In this way only can music receive its full meed of appreciation and rise to its full value as an aid to religion. A closing word of a practical nature. A recent report of the corporation of Trinity par- ish, New York City, discloses the fact that over one hundred thousand dollars was expended in tion. Salaries. 182 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH salaries for its clergy, and about sixty thousand dollars for its musicians during the preceding fiscal year. This, of course, included Trinity Church and the various chapels and missions. The statement makes plain the importance which the oldest, the largest, and the most ex- perienced parish in the American Church at- taches to its musical services, and it establishes a valuable basis for comparison. The appro- priation of approximately one-half of the cleri- cal salary list for music will be found to hold good in all churches where the music is at all satisfactory. This is of course based on the assumption that the clergy are adequately paid. The moment this proportion is materially re- duced a church cannot in reason expect to secure the aid of competent musical talent. The best results are obtainable only where the musician in charge is sufficiently well paid to enable him to live comfortably without seeking other sources of revenue. If he is obliged to occupy himself otherwise during the week to any con- siderable extent, it will divide his interests and consume the energy and ambition that should be devoted to his church duties. If the re- sources of a church are insufficient to pay a liv- ing salary it is questionable indeed if that par- ish had better indulge in the luxury of a boy choir. There are other resources in every par- ish which will give far better results musically, THE, ORGANIST AND CHOIRMASTER 183 and at much less expense both in time, trouble, and money. But this aspect of the case will be considered in another lecture. V. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR. Artistic capacity of boys' voices. An English essayist remarks that if the old Athenian commander Timotheus should arise from the dead "he would be delighted with our post offices, interested in our railroads, ashamed of our oratory, horrified at our public buildings, but dumbfounded at our musical festivals." His astonishment at the English musical fes- tivals would probably suffer no abatement upon the discovery that in many instances the voices of young lads were responsible for the beauty of the general effect. If he were interested in this aspect of the case he would further find out that the greatest Cathedrals in Europe entrusted the soprano part in their choirs not to the mature and emotional charm of women's voices, but to the pure tones and musical ability of lads rang- ing in age from ten to fifteen years. It is a fact that the most famous choirs in employ boys. existence, choirs that scorn the assistance of or- gan or orchestra, choirs noted for their beauty of tone and for the perfect manner in which Most noted choirs THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 185 they perform the most difficult scores of the great masters, invariably make use of the boy voice for the soprano and sometimes the alto part. Whether we go to the Imperial Chapel at St. Petersburg, the Kremlin at Moscow, the Dom at Berlin, the Cathedral at Cologne, the Madeleine at Paris, St. Paul's or Westminster at London, King's College at Cambridge, or Magdalen at Oxford, we will hear lads sustain- ing their difficult parts with unerring accuracy, delighting the ear with the purity of their voices and satisfying the most exacting taste in their artistic interpretations. The Church of St. Thomas at Leipzig, St. Thomas' proud in the fact that the mighty Johann Se- Leipzig. bastian Bach had charge of its music something less than two centuries ago, supports a choir of men and boys that sings the works of the great Cantor every Sunday in the year. And they are works of such complexity that well-equipped and experienced choral societies plume them- selves upon the occasional performance of a Bach motette or cantata, not to mention the rare performances of his Passion according to St. Matthew or St. John, or his gigantic Mass in B minor. All this testimony goes to prove the wonder- Great ful capacity and efficiency of boys, provided boys. they are properly and sufficiently trained. choir, capacity of 186 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Sight-read- ing ability. Therein lies the whole secret-properly and sufficiently trained. The boys who sing in these world-famous choirs ordinarily receive their en- tire education at the hands of the Church they serve. They are, of course, selected for their natural musical gifts, but boys of like capacity exist in all large cities and in considerable num- bers. It is the daily musical training and the skilled attention they receive which is respon- sible for the wonderful results, and not the phe- nomenal qualities of the boys themselves. The sight-reading abilities of these boys put to shame many an adult professional. They read music as they read words. Hymn music is as child's play to them, and anthems and mot- ettes of no mean difficulty are sung through the first time without hesitation or fault. But it is the result of severe daily drill and of a life having music as its consuming activity. The Cathedrals of England are supplied with Choir Schools where the young lads not only receive sound musical training but also a general education, superior to that given in the public schools. They are nearly all boarding schools and in return for a liberal education the pupils sing at the daily Cathedral services. Without such a perfect system of training schools the results obtained would be impossible. When we recall that England has some thirty Cathedrals distributed over her restricted area English choir schools. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 187 Cathedral services as and that music has been systematically culti- vated in them ever since the Reformation-a pe- riod of over 350 years—it is small wonder that she has such high standards of Church music and that her Church people generally appreciate these standards. Good boy voices were in such demand in the middle of the sixteenth century that a musical "press-gang” scoured the country for boys with good “brestes” or voices, and they were empowered to seize such boys for service in St. Paul's Cathedral or the Royal Chapels. These Cathedral services serve as models Cathedral which are emulated by the parish churches, the models. more important of which maintain services quite up to Cathedral standards. Even if the parish churches are not provided with choir schools of their own they will experience no difficulty in securing choir boys already trained, for there are schools established for this special purpose. Contrast this enviable state of affairs with Disadvan- conditions as they exist in this country. We conditions have no historic background musically speaking, no well-defined standards of performance, and few acknowledged models. Thoroughly cap- able organists and choirmasters are rare. The time given to the work is inadequate. Choir boys already trained are almost an unknown quantity, and choir schools are in their infancy. The average choral service is performed in a tages of in America. 188 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Average choir poor. Best choirs not up to European Standards. coarse, unmusical, and inartistic manner. No one takes any pleasure in it. It is considered the normal state of affairs, and if a vested choir is wanted, crudities must be put up with as a matter of course. With these conditions prevailing in the large majority of cases, it is not surprising that Church people of refined musical sensibilities are frequently repelled by our services, and it is difficult for them to believe that there can possibly be any real merit in the so-called "boy choir.” It is true that in New York City one hears services of decided merit and in our larger cities there are choirs whose attainments are most commendable. Still the best of these do not compare with the famous choirs of Europe, and the question arises, Why cannot we, with our energy, ambition and natural resources, have choirs equal to the greatest? The only possible way is by the establish- ment of choir schools, and this conclusion is gradually forcing itself upon the consciousness of our leading churches. Before giving the actual results of this conclusion, a short sketch of the introduction of the vested male choir into the Protestant Episcopal Church of America, and its development in our own diocese, may be of interest. The first vested male choir that historians Necessity of choir schools. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 189 Sketch. St. Charleston, have been able to trace seems to have been in Historical St. Michael's Church, Charleston, S. C., in the Michael's, year 1798. It is quite plausible that a Southern s. C. church should have been the first to transplant the English custom to these shores, for the Church was far stronger and lived more nearly up to the standards of the Mother Church in the Virginias and Carolinas than was the case in New England, where under Puritan domina- tion the Church was poor and weak, or in New York, where the Dutch and French Reformed churches were in the ascendancy. Of the his- tory or longevity of this first surpliced choir we know nothing. The second choir is not heard of until 1841 and then at Flushing, L. I. The Flushing, Church of the Advent, Boston, is reported to Church have had a vested choir in 1859. As early as Advent, 1761 boys were made use of in "Old Trinity," te New York, but they were not vested nor did they WOU Vesteu tot uiuuey New York sit in the chancel, but in the gallery. In 1709, a parish Charity School was organized and for many years the children of the school, both boys and girls, led with their crude singing the metrical psalms, and sang an occasional simple anthem. With the advent of Dr. Edward Hodges, the Edward eminent English organist and composer, in 1839, a capable choir was for the first time organized. At first it consisted of boys, women, and men, who occupied places in the organ gal- L. I. of the Boston. Trinity," City. Hodges. 190 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Arthur H. Messiter. lery over the main portal. The women were gradually eliminated and early in 1859 had en- tirely disappeared. Dr. Messiter in his inter- esting "History of the Choir and Music of Trin- ity Church” gives an entertaining account of the well-nigh surreptitious methods by which the choir was gradually transferred from the gal- lery to the chancel, a process which was vigor- ously opposed by many of the congregation. Several sorties were made during week-day ser- vices before the singers were permanently in- trenched behind the choir pews—but with the men to the front. The choir was still unvested and the question of surplices was also a matter of bitter controversy. It was happily solved by the appearance of the Prince of Wales upon the scene of strife, and in order not to offend his majesty, the choir was properly vested on the occasion of his attending service at Trinity on October 14, 1860. To prevent any possible em- barrassment the vestments were worn the pre- vious Sunday by way of dress rehearsal. On this occasion two loud reports were heard dur- ing the reading of the Second Lesson, and a musket ball fell in one of the pews, without hurting any one. Whether it was a hostile demonstration or not was never ascertained. After Trinity's lead the use of the vested choir slowly extended to other parishes, but it was a quarter of a century before the profes- First Vestments in "Old Trinity.'' Vested choirs displace quartetto choirs. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 191 in the Racine sional quartette, that "baneful medium for the glorification of four people” as it has been aptly put, had all but disappeared. In the west the honor of first introducing Development the vested choir and the choral service belongs West. to Racine, Wis. A Mr. Machin was appointed choirmaster at Racine College about the year 1862, and the simple service he introduced was College. the sensation of the hour by reason of its nov- elty. As none of the college clergy could intone, Mr. Machin did so himself, and he was conse- Mr. Machin. quently much looked up to for his superior abil- ities. Helmore's Psalter was used, but little else except hymns was attempted. He was suc- ceeded by a Mr. Rowe, also an Englishman, and Mr. Rowe. later by the head-master, Gerald R. MacDowell, MacDowell. who was very gifted as a choirmaster. The material for the choir was drawn from the various schools, but the constant changes in the grammar school boys and the undeveloped voices of the college students left much to be desired in the general effect. The institution fell upon evil days financially, and the college department was finally abandoned. As the ser- vices were confined practically to the faculty and students this attempt at a proper musical service had but little influence on the Church at large. A more potent and far-reaching endeavor to establish a permanent choral service was made Gerald R. 192 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Chicago. First Cathedral in U. S. Chicago. in the year 1865, when Bishop Whitehouse, the second Bishop of Illinois, took possession of the then Church of the Atonement, and made it the Cathedral Church of the diocese, the first Cathe- dral foundation to be established in the United States. Several attempts were made at this period to make use of boys' voices in other churches of Chicago, but vestments were not used nor was the choral service attempted. A man by the ap- Mr. Mozart, propriate name of Mozart endeavoured to train St. James', boys to assist in the music of St. James' Church, the oldest parish in the city, but was unsuccess- ful. A better venture was made at Trinity Church, which was then on Jackson street where the Illinois theater now stands. Mr. W. D. Rowlands, who sang there as a boy, wrote in 1886 as follows concerning music at Trinity: "I sang in Trinity Church choir twenty-one years ago (i.e., in 1865). It was composed of boys exclusively. We numbered fifteen and were seated in the organ gallery over the entrance, seven on each side of the organ. I, being the soloist, had a seat beside the lady soloist in front of the organ, and used to feel especially favored. During the service when it came our turn to sing the curtains were always drawn so that we might be heard and not seen. We chanted the psalms, I singing the first verse and the choir responding, changing alternately. The chorister sat down stairs and we were left to our fate upstairs. We always managed to sing in Trinity, Chicago. W.D. Rowlands. TIE VESTEĎ MALE CHOIR 193 t cach lady som vibrati, of Choir. . ul Fitzhugh tune and to keep good time. Members of the congregationi often spoke of the thrilling im- pression it made on them—could only think of angels' voices sounding from heaven, vibrating through the rafters. The lady soloist always sang one selection at each service during the collection. I sang in the choir two years—it had just been started previous to my joining. I believe it was continued until the church was destroyed by fire (the great fire in 1871). Mr. Ludden was the name of the chorister. Prof. Cutler, I think, was the organist.” To return to the Cathedral. Mr. William Cathedral Fitzhugh Whitehouse, a son of the Bishop, was William an amateur organist and much interested in the Whitehouse. choral service. A mixed choir already existed and occupied seats in the east transept under the leadership of a Mr. Tobey. Mr. Whitehouse collected some boys together and instructed them in the mysteries of chanting. They occu- pied seats in the west transept by the organ, a small and inefficient instrument, incapable of supporting the voices. Mr. Tobey had no sym- Mr. Tobey. pathy with the boys and friction existed between the two choirs. The most agreeable part of the service musically was doubtless the fine voice of the Bishop's chaplain, the Rev. John Wilkinson. Rev. Tohm. This unsatisfactory condition of affairs lasted for two years, when the mixed choir of men and women was dispensed with. Up to this time a small sum had been paid the singers, but the choir was now put upon a volunteer basis. In maah temat Wilkinson, 194 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Bishop Whitehouse. Rov. John Harris Knowles. Rev. C. P. Dorset. First vested choir. his address to the Diocesan Convention in 1867 the Bishop speaks of the choir as follows: “The music has risen to a chaste standard, and the well-trained choir of boys meets our ex- pectations. These choristers will be put into surplices as soon as stall-seats can be prepared and a larger robing-room built.” In the fall of this year the Rev. John Harris Knowles of St. John's, Naperville, was ap- pointed Canon Chaplain of the Cathedral. Canon C. P. Dorset was precentor of the choir and Mr. Whitehouse, organist. The surplices came before the larger robing-room, and in Feb- ruary, 1868, six boys, duly vested in long sur- plices, entered the chancel from the diminutive vestry room singing “Jerusalem, the golden,” to Ewing's well-known tune. Shortly after Canon Knowles was induced to take charge of the choir, but much against his wishes. When a student in the General Theological Seminary in New York a few years before (1862), he had sung in Trinity Church choir under Dr. Cutler where he became familiar with many traditional usages in the English choral service and ac- quainted with the better class of Church music generally. His sensitive, artistic nature was greatly impressed by both the music and the dignified ceremonial that obtained at “Old Trinity.” A man of unusual musical apprecia- tion and judgment, he labored under the disad- THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 195 Opposition to vested choirs. Pioneer work of Canon Knowles. vantage of having had but meager training on the practical side of the art. The establishment of a vested choir and a composted on choral service required no little courage. It was an unheard of thing at that time and was looked upon as rank popery. It caused dissen- sion and bitter feeling, and many left the Cathe- dral for other parishes. No capable or experi- enced choirmaster was obtainable short of im- portation from England, and no funds were at hand to pay a choirmaster in any event. So the energetic Canon set to work, gathered to gether what material was at hand, and what he i lacked in professional training he atoned for in unbounded enthusiasm and fixity of purpose. Already at St. John's, Naperville, he had estab- Naperville, lished a choral service and choral celebration in Ill. 1865, but with an unvested choir of men and women. When he came to the Cathedral the First service was only partly choral, but soon the evening service was completely so, Tallis' Re- service. sponses and Trinity Psalter being used. The choir at first were seated in wooden kitchen chairs arranged choir-wise in the chan- nings. cel, and wore long surplices without cassocks. Among the half-dozen men were two or three Englishmen-one of them an adult alto—who had sung in choirs in their native land. It seems incredible that a Bishop, two canons, and sixteen choristers all robed in the little vestry- St. John's, Cathedral choral Unpreten- tious begin- LU 196 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH TYT First solo boy. Resource- fulness of Canon Knowles. room off of the chancel, which is now the organ chamber, yet such was the case. The writer entered the choir in 1868, and was the first boy in the choir to sing the alto part as he was also the first boy to sing oratorio solos, an accomplishment that has since be- come of common occurence. A new three-man- ual organ soon followed the old one in the west transept and it was considered a grand instru- ment at the time of its installation. Its distance from the choir was somewhat of a disadvantage, a condition that was rectified some twelve years later by its removal to the present location. The resourcefulness of Canon Knowles was early manifested. For an anthem he would take a short psalm—the Twenty-third for ex- ample--and after selecting a melodious chant would have certain verses sung as solo, duet or quartette to contrast with the full chorus. It was not long, however, before real anthems were attempted and such old-time English favorites as "Behold, how good and joyful a thing it is," by Kent, "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,” by Whitfield, “By the waters of Baby- lon," Allen, were imported from London, as they were unattainable in this country at that time. Cutler's "Trinity Anthems” were also sung, and it is a pity that such a fine collection of sterling Church music has since fallen into disuse. Occasional trips to England added First anthems. 1. 1 THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 197 First Services. Cathedral choir a organiza- Choristers' Association. stimulus to the zeal and musical ambition of the Et Canon, and in the course of a few years com- plete musical Services were given, such as Smart in F, Armes in A, and Stainer in E flat. The choir was strictly a volunteer organiza- tion and its function and importance were duly volunteer magnified. In 1870 the Cathedral Choristers' tion. Association was formed with its quota of offi- Choristers cials. As its printed constitution read, it was formed "to secure for the choral worship of Al- mighty God that attention which such a holy work demands; to insure the proper rendering of the same by careful preparation in rehearsals, and prompt and regular attendance at public services, and by organization to perpetuate and place on a firmer basis the volunteer choir of the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul.” Monthly business meetings were held and Choir the junior choristers elected representatives, who attended these meetings with full voting powers. Choir picnics, excursions, and ban- quets were held, and choral services were given in other churches and communities, thus spread- ing a love and desire for the choral service. Prizes and medals were awarded at the annual Christmas festival of the Sunday school to worthy boys for attendance, progress in music, and reverential demeanor, and all received valu- able gifts. Admission of juniors to the choir was effected through the use of a formal service Choir activities. 198 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH First festival service. laying stress on the sacredness of the office. At the Sunday School festival on Trinity Sunday selected choir boys would read from the lectern lessons illustrative of the Christian year. The choir increased in size until it numbered from thirty to thirty-five members. The state of efficiency attained by the choir at this period is best shown by its first festival service, which was held in the Cathedral on No- vember 30, 1870." PROCESSIONAL, “Songs of Praise,” arranged from a March by .......................Costa. CANTATE AND DEUS MISEREATUR in A..... .......................Bridgewater'. ANTHEM, "Like as a Father”..........Hatton. GLORIA IN EXCELSIS from Twelfth Mass. .Mozart. Solo, “O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion.” Solo, “But Thou Didst Not Leave His Soul in Hell. CHORUS, "Hallelujah” From the "Messiah,” Handel. The funeral of Bishop Whitehouse was a Whitehouse. memorable occasion, the music being of a most impressive and appropriate character. Canon Knowles had remarkable tact and taste in plan- ning and executing ceremonials, and he was Funeral of Bishop 1 Simple daily choral services were held at this time coin- ciding with the opening and closing of the Cathedral Day School, the writer beginning his career as organist on these occasions with the limited repertoire of one hymn and one chant. He later became assistant organist to Mr. William Fitzhugl Whitehouse, and upon the resignation of the latter (at the time his father, the Bishop, died), he be- came organist. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 199 tion of McLaren. equally successful in arranging the services at Consecra- the consecration of Bishop McLaren on De- Bishop cember 8, 1875. Seven or eight Bishops were present and a host of clergy. The choir ac- quitted themselves finely with Gounod's St. Ce- cilia Mass—then a novelty. A number of standard anthems and services by such composers as Stainer, Barnby, Smart, Sullivan, Gounod, etc., received their first per- formance west of New York at the hands of the Cathedral choir under the guidance of Canon Knowles. That the attainments of the choir constantly increased is evidenced by a lec- ture on Church music given by the Canon on February 16, 1879. The church was packed and the lecture was repeated on March 11, fol- lowing. The musical illustrations sung by the choir were as follows: GREGORIAN MUSIC: The Seventh and Eighth Tones and the Hymn "Pange Lingua.” ANGLICAN CHANTS: ........ Croft and Barnby. HYMN Music: ............ Cruger and Dykes. ANTHEMS: “O Where Shall Wisdom be Found,”..Boyce. “Hosanna in the Highest,"........ Stainer. MUSIC FOR THE HOLY EUCHARIST: Gounod's St. Cecilia Mass. Selections from Barnby and Garrett. It must be borne in mind that all this mu- of Canon sical activity on the part of Canon Knowles was in addition to his regular priestly duties, and Illustrated Lecture on Church Music, Devotion Knowles. 200 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Musical library. it was only at times that he had any assistance in this latter respect. It required great devo- tion and purpose, unflagging zeal and a world of patience. It was musical pioneering in every sense of the word, and Church music throughout the West received a great impetus through the courage, conviction, and high standards of this enthusiastic champion of good Church art. No trouble or expense was too great when mu- sical ideals were concerned. A large, well- selected, and comprehensive musical library was largely paid for out of the Canon's slender purse, and if works were too expensive to buy or unobtainable, his own hand spent many weary hours in making MS. copies. His discriminat- ing taste permitted nothing unworthy, and his whole-hearted consecration to the cause had its reward in setting a proper standard of Church music in its proper setting of a Cathedral. The chorister of the old Cathedral days has many pleasant recollections stored in his mem- ory: of picnics and excursions, of concerts and social gatherings. Two pleasant trips were made to Aurora, Ill., one at the laying of the cornerstone of a new church and a second to give a benefit concert. Several most enjoyable trips were made to Racine College on invitation of the lamented Dr. de Koven, where the sing- ing of the Cathedral Choir was much admired. The Knights Templars' service at Grace Social features. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 201 Spread of vested Church and a special service for St. George's Society at the Cathedral were always pictur- esque and interesting occasions. As in the case of "Old Trinity," New Develop- York, the Cathedral Choir has developed mu- musical sicians of prominence who in all probability would have followed other pursuits had it not been for the early musical surroundings which brought forth talent and perhaps unsuspected ability. Nor was the bold stand in regard to choirs. a full choral service at the Cathedral without its effect throughout the diocese. Parishes with High Church proclivities were naturally the first to follow. On Christmas day, 1870, a vested choir of seventeen boys and eight men made their first appearance in the Church of the Ascension. This was shortly after Canon Ascension, Dorset, the first precentor of the Cathedral, had Chicago. been appointed priest there. The organist was Henry Pilcher, a former Cathedral boy. From the nature of the services at the Ascension, spe- cial stress was laid on the Mass music, and in later years under Father Ritchie with Harrison Father M. Wild as organist and choirmaster, the church became notable for its fine selection of Masses. Not only were the usual run of English Com- munion services used, such as Stainer, Monk, Dykes, but also adaptations from the Latin Masses of Weber, Mozart, Gounod, etc. The Ascension has the distinction of being the only Henry Pilcher. Ritchie. Harrison M. Wild. Latin Masses. 02 202 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Gregorians. Calvary, Chicago. St. James', Chicago. John L. Hughes. church in the diocese to use a real Gregorian psalter (Redhead's) and to make persistent use of plainsong hymn tunes. If the writer's memory is not at fault, Cal- vary Church followed next with the vested choir. The more prominent and aristocratic churches were slower in giving up their quar- tette choirs. St. James' had elected Dr. Vib- bert from the East as its rector, and he stipu- lated a vested choir as one of the conditions of acceptance. On May 4, 1884, after nine months of arduous drill under the direction of Mr. John L. Hughes, Chicago's first English choir- master, the choir appeared in the chancel, and in regard to tonal quality and finish it sur- passed all others in the diocese. Mr. C. E. Reynolds was the organist. Mr. Hughes soon resigned on account of ill health and the choir attained great proficiency and a most enviable reputation under the enthusiastic and devoted guidance of Mr. William Smedley. Grace Church soon followed with a semi-choral even- ing service in October, 1884, the quartette choir singing in the morning and continuing until January 1, 1886, when the vested choir per- formed full duty. Then came the new St. Clement's Church, where, on November 23, 1884, at its dedication a vested choir of eleven boys and ten men sang a full choral service. Canon Knowles, who had severed his connection C. E. Reynolds. William Smedley. Grace Church, Chicago. St. Clement's, Chicago. Canon Knowles. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 203 extension choirs. with the Cathedral, was priest, and the writer was choirmaster and organist. The remaining churches in Chicago in- Rapid stalled vested choirs in rapid succession and of vested the custom spread to the smaller towns; even village churches are not content without some semblance of a “boy choir.” It is an open ques- tion whether the movement is the result of a desire to conform to Churchly traditions, or whether the motive springs from a wish to emu- late the larger parishes. If a surpliced choir always satisfied the ear as well as it does the eye, the veil of charity might well be drawn over the underlying impulse. If a chancel choir must obtain there is no Chancel question but that it should consist of males. males In this regard the Church patterns after the Temple service, where the choir consisted of Ancient males drawn from the tribe of Levi. Women and girls sang only in the congregation or in the court set apart for the use of women, but not in the sanctuary, to which our chancel corre- sponds. It is against all tradition, precedent, or practice in all the historic churches to permit women to perform priestly functions, and the services of a chancel choir can only be looked upon as an adjunct to the priestly ministrations at the altar. While the Church of Rome has allowed its music to become secularized to a certain extent, and has made extensive use of choir of only. precedent. 204 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Practical reasons for male choirs. 19 Other factors. women singers, they have always been relegated to the gallery and naught but men and boys permitted in the chancel. There are purely practical reasons for the use of male choirs. Boys and men are sturdier than girls or women and may be de- pended upon in all weather and at all times. It is no infrequent spectacle on a stormy night to find more people in the choir stalls than in the pews, and the worship of Almighty God pro- ceeds undisturbed, as it should, regardless of weather or the presence of a congregation. Thus we have excellent reasons for the use of male choirs on account of their fitness, utility, and reliability. But other factors enter into the discussion. As has been before intimated, there is also a fundamental principle that in its public services the Church should only offer its best: its best in thought, diction, ceremonial, and material surroundings. This principle should certainly be extended both to music and the manner of its performance. With sufficient means and material this end is best subserved by a choir of men and boys. While the trained boy voice is indisputably the most beautiful of all, the untrained boy voice is exactly the re- verse. We have much better raw material in the voices of girls and young women. They naturally produce a more agreeable quality of tone, they are innately more refined and mu- Advantages of the female voice. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 205 I sical, and far better results can be obtained from them with less ability and effort on the part of the choirmaster, than is the case with boys. Moreover they are better behaved, more docile, and their voices have not the annoying trick of breaking when the point of maximum usefulness has been gained. It is a question of relative values in many instances. On the one hand we have the male choir with its tradi- ditional authority and fitness, plus coarse sing- ing, poor interpretation, and boisterous behav- iour; on the other we have the mixed choir with its violation of churchly custom, plus better voices, more artistic finish, and better conduct. The writer would at once cast his vote for Arrange- the latter, provided always that the girls or mixed women were not permitted to sit in the chancel. They could occupy seats in the front pews where they would be sufficiently near the men to produce a good effect musically. Academic gowns and “mortar-board” caps would seem the most appropriate garb for the women, while the men (occupying the chancel) would retain their historic vestments. This arrangement would not interfere with the much-beloved choral pro- cessionals, as the women could file into their seats, the men diverging into the chancel." In some cases one-half of the frantic effort ment of choir. 2 The processional is a purely American habit, and is only indulged in on special occasions in England. 206 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH The quar- tette choir. spent in sustaining an unsatisfactory boy choir would result in a good mixed choir, which would render the music in an agreeable and effective manner. Good results are also ob- tained with a few good women voices when the boys are weak and unequal to the task. One hears excellent music by choirs of this charac- ter, but unfortunately the unchurchly custom of seating the women in the chancel is generally followed. Even the quartette choir is not an unmiti- gated evil. If proper music is selected, and the voices are well-trained and agreeable, very good music is indeed possible, if not of the most desir- able churchly quality. However, one good singer to lead the congregational singing, and to do an occasional solo, is preferable to a poor quartette, and infinitely better than a combina- tion of two or three voices when the harmony will be out of balance. The writer heard some quite satisfactory singing by a choir of but four girls in a Northern Michigan church. They were vested but occupied seats in the transept in front of the organ. The voices were fresh and good, and of ample volume to fill the small church. In the hands of an experienced organ- ist very excellent music indeed could have been supplied by these four young girls. But there, again, is the crux of the whole situation, an ex- perienced organist! Small towns do not possess The precentor. A choir of girls only. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 207 small England's advantages deficiencies. them and small churches cannot afford to Limitations pay them. In any congregation of a hundred sibilities of people there is hidden enough musical ability parishes. to make a good choir provided there is a musi- cian at hand with sufficient wit, devotion, and re- sourcefulness to extract it. This is where Eng- land has a great advantage over us. Between and our her choir schools and her many fine choirs she is supplied with capable choirmasters who know their business, and their number is constantly increasing, but with us, outside of the large cities, capable choir leaders are indeed few and far between. Here again the necessity for the adequate training of church musicians is brought to the forema training which the Church herself should provide. One of the greatest evils attending the boy Small choir in the small church is the spirit of mis- ambitious. placed emulation which seeks to use precisely the same music that is sung in the larger churches with well-equipped choirs. Nothing is more painful, reprehensible, or utterly inex- cusable than the performance of music beyond the capacity of a choir. Man is not edified nor God glorified by a choir madly wrestling with music beyond its powers, offending sensitive ears with its unseemly noises, and keeping the auditors in a state of nervous tension for fear of a total collapse! The whole object and purpose of music is perverted under such circumstances. choirs too 208 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Justice due the composer. Choirmaster to blame. A composer gives forth to the world his best thoughts, assuming at least that they will be sung in tune and with reasonable accuracy, agreeable tone production, and intelligent inter- pretation-else his most noble conceptions be- come travesties and instead of offering to Al- mighty God something worthy of His praise, we offer Him but a caricature of what the com- poser intended. Choirmasters are principally to blame for this lamentable state of affairs, and it results from one of two causes: either the choirmaster is incapable of selecting music suited to the capacity of his forces, and hence must borrow ideas from his neighbors, or else he thinks that for the protection of his own dignity and stand- ing he must have compositions of a certain class on his programmes, regardless of how they may be performed. But the retort is made that you cannot in- terest a choir for any length of time by singing hymns and chants and simple anthems. There is a modicum of truth in this. Choirs, and es- pecially volunteer choirs, must be kept inter- ested or disintegration will set in. To a certain extent choristers must be kept on their mettle and be given tasks that require application and perseverance. To sing the same old things over and over again will demoralize any choir; they must have change and new incentives to effort. Choirs need incentive. 0 THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 209 No dearth of good music. To meet this necessity there is an enormous out- put of church music, of all degrees of merit and difficulty, and it is being added to every day at an astonishing rate. To select properly from this immense mass requires time, patience, ex- perience, and judgment, qualities that are not : often found in one choirmaster, especially if he is on scant pay. It is much simpler and easier to note the programmes of neighboring churches and to use these selections whether they are suitable or not. Another factor in the equation is that choir- masters who have not the ability or knack of getting a good tone become dulled in their musi- cal perceptions and take roughness and crude- ness as a necessary evil that cannot be elimi- nated. While it frequently is desirable to have a Good choir modify its ambitions respecting the use of always a difficult and intricate compositions, it is not in- tended to imply that there should be a weakening in the quality of the music se- lected. There is good and bad music from the simplest to the most complex. It is a fact that there is little difficulty in interesting the members of a choir in good music. They may object at the start, but with a little perseverance good music is sure to win its way. As with hymn singing, if good standards once prevail no inferior product will suffice. But it is music necessity. 210 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Artistic cultivation. The esthetic 8088e. equally to the point to cultivate the taste and perception of the singers as regards artistic, musical interpretation—to appreciate good tone quality, fine shading and expression, ac- curacy, and good pitch. Here, again, where the esthetic sensibilities have once been thoroughly aroused, nothing short of good work will satisfy the singers. Boys and young men are prone to look upon singing as an athletic exercise for the display of strength. There is a certain excitement in mak- ing a noise, and this in addition to the mental alertness required in reading words and music at once, together with the pleasure in the music itself, makes rather an attractive occupation. So, unless carefully guided, the young idea is apt to acquire a very mistaken notion of what music really is. When once an appreciation of the "still small voice” is awakened and when a chorister can discriminate between mere noise and musical sonority, many of the choirmas- ter's troubles will have disappeared. It is difficult, however, to establish these de- sirable conditions of esthetic advancement un- less choristers have the advantage of daily drill in music, and daily drill is only possible when there is a choir school. This brings us back to the important subject of the choir school, the institution which has given to England its ac- Choir schools. THE VESTED MALE OHOIR 211 New York LUL Musical in Parish knowledged preëminence over all other nations in the matter of musical services. Although Trinity Church, New York City, Trinity, does not maintain a choir school, it is in her city. records that we first find mention of attempts in that direction. The children of her charity school, established in 1709, were the first to re- ceive instruction in church music, although it was of the most elementary character. Later the school became exclusively a boys' school. In 1843 steps were taken by the vestry of the parish to improve the musical instruction Instruction and, doubtless under pressure from Dr. Edward day school. Hodges, the noted organist, sixteen scholarships were established for pupils of the parish school, who were to be instructed in music two days a week by the parish musical director. The scheme, however, did not prove very satisfac- tory, Dr. Hodges reporting in 1847 that "Trinity school does not furnish musical talent enough to feed the class." The boys at this period sat in the gallery opposite the altar and were not vested. About the year 1870 in the Cathedral of SS. Cathedral Peter and Paul, Chicago, a parish day school school, was in existence which was also intended to serve as a choir school. The resources of the Cathedral did not permit of the employment of a professional musician, and the instruction of the choristers in music was undertaken by I Choir Chicago. 212 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Daily choral service. St. Paul's Choir school, Baltimore. Dr. J. S. B. Hodges. Canon Knowles. Daily choral morning and evening services were maintained until the great fire in 1871, when conditions were created which put an end to the venture, although both the Cathedral and the school buildings escaped the ravages of the flames. The first church in this country to establish permanently a choir school was St. Paul's, Baltimore, where the venerable Dr. J. S. B. Hodges was rector. It is peculiarly appropriate that this should be the case, for Dr. Hodges is not only an accomplished musician but also a son of the famous Dr. Edward Hodges already referred to in connection with “Old Trinity," New York. St. Paul's choir school was founded in 1873 and accommodates thirty boys. A priest is headmaster with a musician as as- sistant. Two courses of study are offered, one leading to college, the other to holy orders, with the result that seven graduates have been or- dained ministers of the Church.. The first choir school in New York City was established by Grace Church, Broadway and Tenth street. Grace Church was one of the last to abandon the quartette choir, but when it adopted the vested choir it did so in no half- hearted way, for liberal provision was made for the support and maintenance of the choristers. Some six years ago a splendidly equipped build- ing was erected for the use of the choir school, Grace Church Choir school, New York City. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 213 Business fessional courses. containing reception room, library, dining- room, dormitories for sixteen boys, besides the necessary domestic quarters and an infirmary with apartments for trained nurses. An ad- joining tower supplies lecture and recitation rooms, and a gymnasium. The roofs of both structures provide a playground after the man- ner of St. Paul's choir-house in London. Four- teen day scholars are accepted in addition to the sixteen boarders. The latter are attracted from all parts of the country by the superiority of the instruction, including as it does courses and pro- leading to a business as well as to a professional life, and by the distinction of singing in a prom- inent metropolitan church. A choir school was maintained at Fond du choir Lac, Wis., for some years, where the Cathedral Fond du Close is surrounded by a group of solidly-con- structed buildings which are excellent models of good ecclesiastical architecture. The group in- cludes the Cathedral proper (with its stained glass, its artistic frescoes, sculpture and paint- ings), a large and finely equipped Girls' School, a Clergy-house and a Choir School. Unfortu- nately, through lack of funds the latter is tem- porarily closed. The Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Catire New York City, looking to the future establish- ment of a more complete plant, instituted a city. day school for choristers some years since. Cathedral school, Fond du Lac. Cathedral school, New York 214 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH . Gymnasium and mili- tary drill. St. Thomas', New York City. Like the school at Grace Church, the instruction offered is of such a nature as to draw a very de- sirable class of boys, while the gymnasium and military drill are additional attractions. Candi- dates for admission must be from nine to eleven years of age, of good character, and give promise of real vocal and musical ability. After accept- ance they are periodically examined, and if found wanting musically or otherwise they are dropped from the rolls. Furthermore the par- ents are obliged to sign an agreement not to withdraw their sons from the school without ex- press permission. St. Thomas' Church, Fifth avenue, New York, is another instance of a parish slow to in- troduce the surpliced choir but ready to give generous support to the change the moment it is once decided upon. Five years ago this church maintained a famous musical service performed by a quartette and mixed chorus. It has funds in hand, it is reported, for the erec- tion of a choir school and will doubtless be the next to provide itself with adequately trained boys. The new Cathedral at Washington has plans ington, D. C. already drawn for a magnificent choir school. A generous Churchwoman has made ample financial provision, not only for the building, but for an endowment as well. We therefore have · promise in the near future of choirs that should The Cathe- dral, Wash- THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 215 choir vie with the best in England and which should be a constant incentive to the wealthier parishes to "go and do likewise." Choir schools can be maintained at an ex- Expense of pense varying from fifteen hundred dollars per schools. annum to ten times that amount. The mini- mum sum would naturally represent a modest establishment for day scholars only, and it could support but a headmaster and one assist- ant. But with the right instruction and in- structors such a school, with its close personal attention, its superior moral tone, and its musi- cal advantages, would offer decided attractions. Such adjuncts as a gymnasium and military drill (which appeal 'so strongly to the boys themselves) would require a larger appropria- tion but would doubtless pay in the end. The proposition of housing and boarding students would call for still more funds and could only be considered by wealthy parishes. It is quite within the range of possibility Possibility for a choir school to attain such a degree of mainte- excellence in its instruction, outside of the mu- sical subjects, as to attract pay students in suf- ficient numbers to either partly or wholly de- fray the cost of maintenance.* of self- nance. In addition to its Cathedrals, England has some thirty or forty parishes and college chapels supplied with choir schools. Magdalen College, Oxford, maintains its choir from an endowment left some five centuries ago. A condition of the bequest is to the effect that the support of the choir is the last thing to suffer in case of a shrinkage of income. In the more famous schools a notice of a vacancy brings 216 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Choir schools the one satisfactory solution. Literature ou vested choirs. The choir school is the one satisfactory solu- tion of the "boy choir” question, but unfortu- nately it is a solution open to comparatively few of our churches. The many parishes which could not possibly consider the establish- ment of such a school will have to content them- selves with existing circumstances, in the hope that the near future may produce a larger supply of capable, reverent, and devoted Church musicians. The literature on the formation, the train- ing, and the management of boy choirs is so plentiful, practical, and up-to-date that it would be a waste of time and effort to give any hints or suggestions along these lines in a paper of this nature. Excellent books are published on both sides of the Atlantic, but those bearing an American imprint will be found the more useful, as the conditions in this country are distinctly different from those in England. One of the oldest English books on the sub- ject is by Dr. Troutbeck, a former precentor of Troutbeck. Westminster Abbey. It gives a wholesome insight into what is expected of a thoroughly trained choir, and contains a valuable list of services and anthems for all possible occasions and of the highest merit. J. Varley Roberts in Church choir training. John Troutbeck. a flood of applications, and all concerning boys of superior musical and general intelligence. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 217 method of choristers. Roberts. training Choir boys. George ( Training his "Practical Methods of Training Choristers" Practical reveals the processes by which he has attained training such superior results with his noted choir at J. Varley Magdalen College, Oxford. It is admirably edited and printed and contains fifty-four pages of practical exercises. The "Art of Training Choir Boys,” from the hands of Sir George Martin, organist and choirmaster of St. Paul's Art of Cathedral, London, is a concise and useful book by that eminent Church musician and lays Martin. stress on the necessity of a knowledge of voice culture. It is supplied with copious vocal ex- ercises. A. Madeley Richardson, formerly organ- “Choir- ist and choirmaster at St. Saviour's Collegiate. Based on Church, London, has a very valuable book in his Produc- “Choir-Training Based on Voice Production.” Madeleg. It covers the whole field of choir music and is written in an incisive and clear style. The same author's book on "Church Music" in Longmans, Green & Co.'s "Hand-books for the Clergy," takes up the whole question of Church music in a most interesting and vigorous man- ner. Richardson is a modern of the moderns, and his book will be especially enjoyed by those who have no sympathy with Gregorian chants, plainsong hymn tunes, or Palestrina mo- tettes, subjects which he treats with scant cour- tesy. J. S. Spencer Curwen, the great "tonic sol- Voice tion.'' A. Richardson. 218 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH "The Boy Voice." J. S. S. Curwen. "Hints on Boy-Choir Training.' G. E. Stubbs. faist,” has a book entitled “The Boy Voice” which is sort of a compendium on the subject, as it has contributions from a number of noted choirmasters. In this country the most widely known and popular book is "Hints on Boy- Choir Training,” by Dr. G. E. Stubbs, organist and choirmaster of St. Agnes' Chapel, Trinity Parish, New York. Dr. Stubbs is one of the best known and best equipped writers on Church music and has charge of the Ecclesiastical De- partment of the “New Music Review.” His book is eminently practical and displays a thorough knowledge of our needs in boy-choir training. The book has passed through several editions. A more recent work and one also capitally adapted to the American boy in the American Church is "In the Choir-room," by Walter Henry Hall, organist and choirmaster of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York City. Like all true choir trainers, Mr. Hall is a specialist in tone production, and he gives many practical directions in developing the boy voice. "Clergy and Choir,” by the Rev. Charles R. and Cholerno Hodge of New Lenox, Ill., is a book of rather more extended scope as it also considers con- gregational singing, mixed choirs, quartette choirs, children's music, the organ, the organ- • In the Choir- room.'' Walter Henry Hall. «Clergy Rev. Charles R. Hodge. THE VESTED MALE CHOIR 219 Powell. ist, etc. It is interesting and gives the clergy- man's point of view. “Choralia," by the Rev. James Baden Choralia." Rev. James Powell, is a most readable and suggestive book Baden by the precentor of St. Paul's, Knightsbridge, London, where he has established a parochial service noted for its beauty and dignity. Like Richardson's "Church Music" it deals with the question of ecclesiastical music at large and is not essentially a manual on choir-training. While this bibliography of the subject of vested choirs is not complete, it is at least suf- ficient to show that the subject has received careful attention at the hands of skilled spe- cialists, and that no one interested need remain in ignorance regarding the most approved meth- ods of forming and developing boy choirs. But it is astonishing how uninformed the average choirmaster is concerning his own business, and how he prefers his own happy-go-lucky methods rather than to profit by the experience and sug- gestions of men who have made a pronounced success of their work. The subject is important enough to demand most careful thought and study both on the part of the priest and the choirmaster. 4 For additional works on Vested Choirs see Bibliography · in the Appendix. VI. THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUSIC IN THE ANGLICAN CHURCH. Plainsong an artistic product. It is not generally known, even among peo- ple interested in music, that a highly developed system of Church music existed before the twelfth century, a system not only complete and perfect in itself, but capable of great expres- siveness. Moreover it is the only system that has ever been formally adopted by the Church and prescribed as the authentic musical setting to its Liturgy. Yet this is the case and the so-called "plainsong" of the early Church, far from being the crude beginnings of modern music, or a worn-out and discarded art form, remains to-day a complete entity in itself, full of vital force and meaning to those who seriously study and adequately comprehend it. The Liturgy of the Church was originally conceived for musical expression and was al- ways intended to be sung. It appropriated the musical idiom of its day and generation, an. idiom derived from the complicated system of Greek scales with perhaps traces of the tradi- Origin of plainsong. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 221 tional Temple music of the Hebrews. Out of this material grew the system variously known as plainsong, plain chant, Gregorian chant, or Gregorian tones. As has been already stated, scales. the Greek scales or modes which formed the basis of plainsong were originally four in number: the Dorian, the Phrygian, the Ly- dian, and the Mixo-Lydian. These scales cor- respond to a conjunct series of white notes on the piano beginning with D, E, F, and G, respectively. If a melody confined itself to any one of these scales and did not exceed its keynote more than one adjacent note at either end, it was in the "authentic” mode of its series. For example, AMERICA is an authentic mode for Authentic its melody lies within the octave of its keynote with the exception of the fourth note, which is immediately below the key note or "final.” Later four collateral or “plagal” modes were Plagal developed, each of which was founded upon an authentic scale but began and ended a fourth lower but retained the same "final” as the scale from which it was derived. Thus OLD HUNDRED is in a plagal mode, for its range ex- tends four notes below and five notes above its "final,” the latter appearing as the central note of the melody, rather than its highest or lowest note. Tradition ascribes the authentic modes to St. Ambrose and the plagal modes to St. St. Ambrose. Gregory. In any event St. Gregory collected St. Gregory. The Greek modes. modes. 222 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH The Anti- phonarium. Present major and minor scales the last to be developed. the various chants then in use, systematized them in an authoritative volume called the “Antiphonarium,” and established singing schools for instruction in their proper perform- ance. Thus his name became inseparably con- nected with plainsong chants." Our modern major and minor scales ap- peared later in two additional modes known as the Ionian and the Æolian, respectively. AMERICA is thus Ionian and OLD HUNDRED Hypo-Ionian. The plainsong tune to “Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire” is Mixo-Lydian, while “O come, O come, Emmanuel" is Dorian.” The Gregorian chants as known in the An- glican Church are but a very small part of the plainsong system. Their use is confined to the psalms and canticles. There are in addi- tion most elaborate settings of the usual Mass numbers as well as for the variable Introits, Graduales, Offertories, Sequences, etc. Each Gregorian chants but small part of plain- song. 1 The plagal modes received the prefix "hypo." Conse- quently the Hypo-Dorian scale began on A but had its final on D; the Hypo-Phrygian on B with its final on D, etc. If America is played beginning on D and nothing but the white notes employed, it will be in the authentic Dorian mode. If the same process is pursued with Old Hundred the plagal Elypo-Dorian mode will result. If the same tunes are begun in E. the two Phrygian modes will be heard, if on F the two Lydian, if on G the two Mixo-Lydian. It must not be forgotten that the white notes are alone to be played. Experiments with these well-known melodies will at once impress the listener with the radical difference be- tween the modern major scale and the ancient ecclesiastical modes. 2 This latter melody is really Æolian, but the Dorian mode was later modified by lowering the sixth note of the scale, which made it agree with the 2olian in the order of its steps and half-steps. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 223 of plain- Mass number had its proper mode, but the tune varied for the different Church seasons. It is claimed that to have a command of plainsong melodies for all the offices of the Roman Church one must know at least a thousand tunes, no two of which are exactly alike. Many of these peculiarities melodies are of great charm and beauty and song. owe much of their attractiveness to the habit of singing melodic phrases to a single syllable. These groups of notes were known variously as ligatures, perieleses, melismas, or jubilations. A German writer thus comments upon the in- ner essence of this ancient art: "In the Middle Ages nothing was known of No need accompaniment; there was not the slightest need paniment. of one. The substance of the musical content, which we to-day commit to interpretation through harmony, the old musicians laid on melody. The latter accomplished in itself the complete utterance of the artistically-aroused fantasy. In this particular the melismas, which Melismas, carry the extensions of the tones of the melody, are a necessary means of presentation in medie- val art; they proceed logically out of the prin- ciples of the unison melody. Text repetition is of accom- 3 The following names were given to the eight original Gregorian modes as indicative of their esthetic content: First Mode (Dorian) "Modus Gravis." Second Mode (Hypo-Dorian) "Modus Tristis." Third Mode (Phrygian) "Modus Mysticus." Fourth Mode (Hypo-Phrygian) "Modus Harmonicus." Fifth Mode (Lydian) "Modus Laetus." Sixth Mode (Hypo-Lydian) "Modus Devotus." Seventh Mode (Mixo-Lydian) "Modus Angelicus." Saston Wagenbypolyuan dorus Depotu Lighth Mode (Hypo-Mixo-Lydian) "Modus Perfectus." 224 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH No text repetition. Pneumae. unknown. While modern singers repeat an es- pecially emphatic thought or word, the old melo- dists repeat a melody or phrase which expresses the ground mood of the texts in a striking man- ner. And they not only repeat it, but they make it unfold, and draw out of it new tones of melody. This method is certainly not less artis- tic than the later text repetition, it comes nearer, also, to the natural expression of the devotion- ally inspired heart.” Not only were the melismas referred to in the above quotation employed, but echoing phrases to inarticulate sounds were added called pneumae. These ornate phrases are extremely difficult to sing and require long training. Schools were established as early as the fourth century under St. Sylvester, and certain monas- teries, notably that at St. Gall, Switzerland, were noted for their expertness both in singing and teaching this difficult art. This was the musical system that St. Augus- tine carried to England in the year 596 at the behest of Gregory the Great, although he was cautioned not to insist upon the Roman use should it be objected to in the older British churches. However, it was adopted by York and Canterbury and soon spread to other local- ities. As was the case on the continent, the authentic melodies as found in the Antiphon- arium established: by Gregory became corrupted and many local "uses” came into vogue. Of Plainsong in England. St. Augus- tine (596). Adopted by York and Canterbury. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 225 S . Litany. Merbecke these the Sarum or Salisbury Use was of great Sarum Use. beauty despite its unauthenticity, and later was considered as a model for Anglican churches. As soon as Roman supremacy was thrown off and the use of the Latin tongue dis- pensed with, the ancient plainsong was adapted to the vernacular. The first part of the Eng- lish service to appear in print was the Litany, Cranmer's translated by Archbishop Cranmer and ar- ranged to its traditional plainsong melody. This was in 1544. In 1550 John Merbecke John (or Marbecke) published his famous "Booke of (1550). Common Praier Noted,” which was an adapta- tion of the plainsong of the earlier rituals to the first liturgy of Edward VI. Bumpus in his "English Cathedral Music” thus speaks of the work: “This, the earliest choral book our Church possesses, was not merely a Directory for the performance of Matins and Evensong, but it also contained the office of the Holy Communion and that of the Burial of the Dead. It was noted throughout for priest and people. Thus it supplied a deficiency sure to be felt through- out the country on the substitution of the Eng- lish for the Latin rite. It is not easy to dis- cover the precise extent to which Merbecke's book was used in the English Cathedral service during the latter half of the sixteenth century. Primarily intended for the use of the Chapel Royal, it constituted a model for the whole coun- try, and its adoption as the authentic choral 226 MUSIC IN TAD CHURCH Merbecke's tho standard plainsong service. book of the Church—not only for choirs, but also for congregations—is placed beyond all doubt. Based musically upon the Use of Sarum, it formed a complete antiphonarium' for the reformed liturgy." This first edition of Merbecke was not har- monized, the plainsong being alone printed on the old four-line stave. In 1844 William Pickering of London printed a beautiful fac- simile with its rubricated staves, diamond- headed notes, black-letter type, and ample mar- gins. Merbecke’s adaptation of the plainsong to the English text was done so thoroughly and well that it has remained to this day unchanged and has always been the standard plainsong ser- vice. In recent years both John Stainer and Harmonized Basil Harwood have edited Merbecke with har- monies, and its sturdy, manly music is winning the recognition it deserves. The Nicene Creed is especially fine and is particularly suitable for Advent and Lent. In the meantime the art of counterpoint and of harmony had made considerable ad- vancement. Composers sought to put several melodies together and in course of time masses appeared in two, four, six, eight, twelve and even in forty parts, some of them masterpieces of musical ingenuity, far surpassing in this respect the efforts of modern writers. versions. Beginnings of part writing. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 227 tal masses. collection. (1560). At times composers would develop the mu- Contrapun- sic for the entire mass from a single plainsong melody or cantus firmus, as it was called. In this case the mass would take its name from the melody in question and we would have the Missa, “Veni, Sponsa Christi," "Tu es Petrus," etc., as the case might be. Occasionally the mu- sical subject would be borrowed from secular sources, and not always of the most commend- able nature. Thus we have the mass of the "Armed Man” and the mass of the "Red Noses." In 1560 a book was published by John Day John Day's with the following title: “Certaine Notes set forthe in foure and three partes, to be song at Mornyng, Communion, and Evenyng Praier, very necessarie for the Church of Christe to be frequented and used: and unto them be added divers Godly Praiers and psalms in the like forme to the honour and prayse of God. Imprinted at London, over Aldersgate, beneath St. Martin's, by John Day.” These compositions were in the contrapun- Contrapun- tal style, a style which is of far more artistic merit than the ordinary church music of to- day. Instead of a pleasing melody in the so- prano to which the other parts supply agreeable harmonies, the contrapuntal style endeavors to have each voice part of equal importance and melodic beauty, so that we have a combination of independent melodies, harmonizing with tal music. 228 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Thomas Tallis (1520- 1585). each other and welded into a complete whole. This style of music was also supplied to the Motette, which later developed into the An- them." To this period belongs Thomas Tallis, the first English Church composer of note. He is known principally by his Versicles and Respon- ses and his Litany, which are in general use to- day throughout the Anglican communion. It is to be hoped that their devout and churchly strains may never cease, for they link us di- rectly with the earliest days of our Prayer Book and lay stress upon our historic continu- ity. . Tallis made use of the traditional plainsong melodies in his Versicles and Responses and harmonized them in a masterful manner. It is a matter of dispute whether the harmonization was originally in four or five parts. In this country we are accustomed to a four part ver- sion while in England they are generally sung in five parts. Tallis' reputation as the greatest composer Tallig' Responses. Tallis' great gifts as a composer. 4 The term Motette was first confined to unaccompanied sacred music with Latin text, the latter being neither a canticle or a Mass number. * While on the subject of the choral service it might be added that unless a priest is available who can sing his part in an acceptable manner, it is best dispensed with. If the intoning is out of tune or performed inaccurately or inadequately it is distressing in the extreme. To have the priest's part read and the responses sung is equally repre- hensible. It is but patchwork at best and serves 20 pur- pose whatever. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 229 Tallin' Song parts. of his day, however, does not rest upon his har- monization of the responses, but upon a large number of masses, motettes, and anthems, com- positions that are preëminently musical and scholarly and which command the respect of musicians of all time. Like most musicians of that epoch, Tallis changed his religion to suit that of the Crown, writing with equal facility masses and motettes for the Roman service or communion services and anthems for the Angli- can. But as he largely favored the Latin text it would seem that at heart he was a Roman Catholic. The most remarkable specimen of Tallis' contrapuntal skill is his "Song in Forty in forty Parts," which was written for eight choirs of five parts each. Davey in his "History of Eng- lish Music” comments as follows upon this ex- traordinary tour de force : “Every earnest student should thoroughly ex- amine this work, noting how the themes are fugued through the choirs, how the various sec- tions of the great choral body are employed anti- phonally, how long-sustained harmonies are oc- casionally varied by quickly changing succes- sions of chords, and how imposing an effect is produced by the two rests for all the voices, es- pecially the one before the last clause, when thirteen of the voices stop in the chord of C, and, after a minim rest, all the forty enter on the chord of A. Everything an unaccompanied choir can do is required in this masterpiece of the polyphonic style." 230 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Richard Farrant (circa 1564). Venetian tribute to English music. Richard Farrant was a contemporary of Tallis and a man of real talent. Several of his anthems are still in use in the English Cathe- drals, and are sung occasionally in this coun- try. The anthem, "Lord, for Thy tender mer- cies' sake,” is the most popular, but its authen- ticity is seriously questioned-experts assign- ing it to a much later period than the middle of the sixteenth century. . A Venetian ambassador at the Court of Henry VIII. wrote as follows concerning Eng- lish Church music at this period: “The mass was sung by His Majesty's choristers, whose voices were more divine than human. They did not chant like men, but gave praise like angels.” Thus early was the supremacy of Anglican art recognized and acknowledged. William Byrd and Orlando Gibbons were worthy successors to Tallis and Farrant and they added greatly to the fame of English mu- sic. Byrd, who was a Roman Catholic, wrote mostly to Latin texts and many of his motettes have since been arranged to English words. He left a legacy of fifty-four anthems and the fol- lowing quaint defence of the art of singing: 1. It is a knowledge easily taught and quickly learned, where there is a good master and an apt scoller. 2. The exercise of singing is delightful to nature, and good to preserve the health of man. William Byrd (1558- 1623). ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 231 Orlando 3. It doth strengthen all parts of the breast and doth open the pipes. 4. It is a singular good remedie for a stut- tering and stammering in the speech. 5. It is the best means to procure a perfect pronunciation and to make a good orator. 6. It is the only way to find out where na- ture hath bestowed the benefit of a good voice. 7. Because there is no music of instruments whatever to be compared to the voyces of men, when they are good, well-sorted, and ordered. 8. The better the voyce, the meeter it is to honour and serve God therewith, and the voyce of man is chiefly to be employed to that end. "Since singing is so good a thing I wish all men would learn to sing." Orlando Gibbons is considered one of the Orlando Gibbons best of England's musicians, and he is fre- (1583- 1625). quently referred to as the English Palestrina. Like Byrd, he wrote many madrigals, but there was little distinction made between the sacred and secular styles in those days beyond the text. With Gibbons, who was a Protestant, the habit of writing to Latin texts largely disappeared, and a new era in church music set in which is best explained by the following quotation: Gibbons, as it were, stood at the parting of the ways. Brought up with the strains of Tallis, Byrd, Tye, Merbecke, and other worthies of the old school ringing in his ears, he perceived that another world of music was opening: emotion and expression were destined to take the place of orderly, though cold, counterpoint. This new 232 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH feeling is reflected in his music, sacred and secular. On this foundation Gibbons built up a series of noble anthems, different from any- thing that had appeared before his time. It is exalted music that flows along with a stately melody, grand in its sonorous harmony, and im- pressive in its religious solemnity." The Festival of the Three Choirs, which comprises the Cathedral choirs of Gloucester, Worcester and Hereford, frequently makes use of Gibbons' fine anthems to this day, and this is true of a number of other important musical gatherings. The flourishing condition of English Church music suffered a serious decline during the troublous times of Charles I. and of the Commonwealth under Cromwell. Political and religious dissensions were not congenial to the gentler arts, and many composers of music forsook the pen for the sword. Under the fan- aticism of the Puritans the stately Cathedrals were disfigured and despoiled, organs and val- Decline of music during the Common- wealth. o There was a curious custom in those days of collecting "spur money' from any person entering a Cathedral wear- ing spurs. Their jangling was supposed to interrupt the service and choir-boys were permitted to extort a small fee from any and all offenders. Even the King was not exempt from it as entries in the the royal expense account prove. The boys, doubtless to the detriment of their vocal efforts, were constantly on the lookout for victims, and never al- lowed them to escape. On one occasion the boys made way with a recalcitrant's hat, and on complaint to a magistrate the boys were sustained in their traditional rights. In some places the victim had the right to demand that the youngest of the boys sing his "gamut'—a somewhat compli- cated form of scale. Upon failure no "spur money" could be collected. This custom obtained as late as 1850 in some of the Cathedrals. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 233 uable collections of music representing the ac- cumulation of many years were destroyed, and the singing of music other than that of the met- rical psalms was prohibited. In the short space of fifteen years the traditions for the perform- ance of the choral service were all but lost. It took some time to restore the Cathedral service to its former standard of excellence and there was a lack of uniformity in the various dio- ceses. The "uses” were at such variance that it was thought necessary to have a standard ver- sion established. At the request of the Univer- sity of Oxford Edward Lowe compiled a man- ual in 1661 entitled “A Short Direction for the Performance of Cathedral Service, publisht for the information of such persons who are ignor- ant of it, and shall be called to officiate in Cath- edral and Collegiate Churches, where it hath formerly been in use." This Directory contained the responses and litany as noted by Cranmer and Merbecke; two settings for the Te Deum to a chant known as “Canterbury tune” (one for men's voices and the other in four-part harmony), Festival re- sponses and Litany by Tallis, and a hymn. The Restoration found no boys capable of Dearth of taking their parts in the Cathedral services. We read that "for above a year after the opening of His Majesty's Chapell, the orderers of the Musick Edward Lowe's Cathedral Service (1661). boys. 234 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Ohurch music under Charles II. there were necessitated to supply superior parts of the music with cornets, and men's feigned voices, there being not one lad for all that time capable of singing his part readily."? Under the influence of Charles II. music Charles II. underwent a change which at the time could be hardly called for the better, but which eventu- ally proved advantageous. The King had be- come accustomed to the French style of music during his exile, and Tudway, the historian, thus comments upon the then state of affairs : "The standard of Church music began by Mr. Tallis, Mr. Byrd, etc., was continued for some years after ye Restauration, and all Com- posers conformed themselves to ye Pattern which was set by them. His Majesty, who was a brisk and airy prince, coming to ye crown in ye flower and vigor of his age, was soon, if I may say so, tyred with ye grave and solemn ways, and ordered ye Composers of his Chapel to add symphonys, etc., with instruments to their anthems, and thereupon established a select number of his private musick to play ye sym- phonys and Ritornelles which he had appointed. The king did not intend by this innovation to alter anything of the established way. He only appointed this to be done when he came himself to ye chappell which was only upon Sundays, on ye mornings of ye great Festivals and Days of Offerings. The old masters, viz., Dr. Child, 7 The cornet was a reed instrument somewhat like the oboe, though coarser in tone, and not the familiar brass band instrument of the present day. They were often made of wood covered with leather. Under these conditions com- posers were constrained to write music for men's voices alone until boys could be properly trained. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC. 235 Pelham (1647- Dr. Gibbons, and Mr. Lowe, organists to His Majesty, hardly knew how to comport themselves with these new-fangled ways, but proceeded in their compositions according to ye old style, and therefore there are only some full services and anthems of theirs to be found.” A Captain Henry Cook was made master of Henry Cook the children of the Chapel Royal after the Res- toration and soon succeeded in gathering to- gether a remarkably gifted set of young choris- ters, some of whom developed into the greatest musicians of their day. One of the most tal- Humphreys ented was Pelham Humphreys. His abilities 1674). so attracted the attention of the King that he was sent to Paris to study with the great Lulli, the most famous of the early French composers. Humphreys, who was but twenty when he re- turned from an extended stay in Paris, brought back with him a touch of the French style. He introduced the declamatory recitative, an Ital- ian device, into English church music, and also added new harmonies to the English stock in trade. John Blow was another of Captain (1848 Cook's famous boys who developed into a good no 1708). composer. In the music both of Humphreys and Blow the element of the picturesque and dramatic came more to the fore and the texts to their anthems were evidently chosen with these qualities in view. The anthems of the earlier composers, taking Anthem! John Blow ca 236 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH The Verso Anthem. their pattern from the Latin motette, were for the full choir from beginning to end, and if accompanied by the organ, the latter simply du- plicated the voice parts. The taste of the King led to a freer treatment of the organ part, and preludes and interludes were added. The next development was the breaking up of the full anthem into contrasting sections for one, two or more parts, to be sung either by solo voices or more usually by one side of the choir. This was known as the "Verse Anthem” in contradic- tion to the "Full Anthem.” The organ was necessarily an integral part of the Verse An- them for it supplied the verse parts with proper accompaniment, especially when there were not sufficient parts to complete the harmony. The instruments used in addition to the organ were the violins, the cornets or oboes, and the sack- buts or trombones. Dr. John Blow had one pupil of such pre- eminent abilities that he requested to have the fact that he was "Master to the famous Mr. Henry Purcell” engraved upon his tombstone. And it is further stated that he resigned his position as organist of Westminster Abbey that this young man, then twenty-two, might have the post. Henry Purcell was not only the greatest of English composers but the greatest musician of his age, not excepting Lulli in France or Scarlatti in Italy. Germany had not Henry Purcell (1658-1695) Greatest musician of his age. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 237 Purcell's as yet produced a really great composer, as the mighty Johann Sebastian Bach was not born until 1685, twenty-seven years after Purcell's birth. Purcell was also one of Captain Cook's boys, and upon his death Purcell came under the charge of Pelham Humphreys, and upon the demise of that talented man at the early age of twenty-seven, Dr. Blow became his master. Purcell wrote no less than 107 anthems Anthems. (besides many services and much secular mu- sic), works full of strength, dignity, breadth, and expressiveness. He brought to perfection the "verse” or “solo” anthem. He had no sym- pathy with the French tastes of the King and declared himself “to lean towards a just imitation of the most fa- mous Italian masters, principally to bring the seriousness and gravity of that sort of music into vogue and reputation amongst our country- men, whose humours it is time now should be- gin to loathe the levity and balladry of our “neighbours, the French.” None of Purcell's music was published dur- , ing his lifetime and his great gifts were but lit- appreciated. tle appreciated. In fact up to 1828, when Vin- vincer cent Novello began to publish four quarto vol- Novello. umes of Purcell's music, but a dozen anthems were known to exist in print. In 1836 a body of professional and amateur musicians formed a Purcell Club to study and perform his works. Purcell Club. Purcell un- 238 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH This club gave annually at Westminster Abbey a morning and an afternoon service devoted to Purcell's works, and, after a dinner, a perform- ance of his secular compositions in the evening. These meetings reached their climax in 1858, the bicentenary of Purcell's birth, when a grand commemoration was held, attended by a vast number of musicians and others. Purcell developed the bass solo to its full- est dignity and in his verse anthems he treats the chorus parts with unusual brevity, but they are none the less effective in their grandeur and straightforwardness. Purcell died at the early age of thirty-seven and was interred at West- minster together with Tallis, Gibbons, Blow and other musical worthies. A critic in 1848 thus speaks of the Purcell celebration that year: "But what we remark with the greatest pleas- ure is the strong and growing passion of the public for his works. The immense crowd of hearers which filled all the open avenues of the Abbey, exhibiting the deepest interest in the music, afforded testimony to the progress of a composer who has not yet resumed his true po- sition. The latest in this respect is the greatest. Every year's experience tends to show that Handel must ultimately make way for Purcell, and that the German history of vocal music, sacred and secular, needs certain corrections in favour of England.” The developments of sixty years have hard- ly borne out the hopes expressed by the above ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 239 decline of music. William 1727). writer as far as popular appreciation is con- cerned, but Purcell still is held in the highest esteem by all earnest students of Church music. After Purcell, who died in 1695, there was Gradual a gradual decline in the quality of English Church church compositions. William Croft, to whom the well-known hymn-tune ST. ANNE is at- (1677- tributed, was, however, a man of much force and left a list of nearly 100 anthems behind him. Croft was also a pupil of Dr. Blow's and well schooled in the dignified Cathedral style of writing. His compositions are still popular in the English Cathedrals, and Sir John Stain- er pays the following tribute to his morning service in the key of A. “One of the finest, if not the finest, settings of the Te Deum and Jubilate to which the Eng- lish Church can point is that by Croft in A. It combines a suitable variety of sentiment with a dignified unity as a whole; and while in turn it is plaintive, penitential, or joyous, it bursts at the close of the Gloria to the Jubilate into a rich Fugato, highly artistic and effective.” Croft also wrote a fine setting to the musi- cal portions of the burial service which has been in constant use both in St. Paul's and the Abbey. We now arrive at the time when Handel George Frederick came to England. Owing to the fact that Han- Handel del spent the larger part of his artistic career in 1769). England and that he became a naturalized citi- (1685- 240 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Chandos anthems. Early criticisms of Handel. zen in 1726 he is almost claimed as an English composer. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the abilities of this great genius, upon the sublime qualities of his oratorios, or upon the commanding position he assumed among Eng- lish musicians. He so towered above his con- temporaries that their efforts seem weak and puny in comparison. While capellmeister to the Duke of Chandos he wrote twelve anthems on a grand scale, with orchestral accompani- ment, known as the Chandos anthems, but his oratorios have attained such popularity that lit- tle attention is paid nowadays to his other works. The Rev. William Mason, Precentor of York Minster, thus criticised one of the Chan- dos anthems in 1782: "Mr. Handell has taken more liberty with the words than is usually done. So much indeed as might lead one to conclude that he formed the composition out of his musical commonplace, and adapted words to airs previously invented, which it is probable enough was the case, not only in this, but in many of his later produc- tions.” This criticism is not without warrant, for Handel not only transferred themes of his own from instrumental pieces or operas to his sacred works but he appropriated material from other composers without the slightest compunction. However, it must be admitted that he developed Handel's plagiarisms. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 241 Greene 1755). these stolen ideas in a marvelous manner and thus rescued them from oblivion. Another sub- ject of criticism was his use of the orchestra, that he sacrificed the voices and melodic charm for the sake of instrumental effects. This criticism has a familiar sound, for the same fault has been found with Beethoven and Wag- ner, and it will continue to be found by those who look upon the orchestra as a mere accom- paniment to the voices and not an added means for intensifying the general effect. A great admirer and friend of Handel's was Maurice Dr. Maurice Greene, organist of St. Paul's (1696- Cathedral. Handel would frequently attend the afternoon service and after it was over he and Greene would lock themselves up in the church and Handel, stripped to his shirt, would play long into the evening on the fine organ built by the famous Father Smith. The organ contained a set of pedals, a rarity at that time. Greene composed anthems of no little merit, Greene's adding a touch of the German and Italian man- ner. Being a man of independent means, he had an ambition to collect and publish in full score the finest specimens of English Cathedral music, much of which was only in manuscript Collec and sometimes only in separate voice parts. He Cathedral did not live to complete his task, but turned William over his material to Dr. William Boyce, who (1710-1779) anthems. Boyco's Bollection of Music. 242 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Church music at low ebb. published three notable volumes between the years 1760 and 1768. Boyce also wrote good anthems, one espe- cially, “O, where shall wisdom be found ?” being still considered a very fine specimen of the Ca- thedral style. Boyce died in 1779 and for a period of about forty years after that date Church music rapidly deteriorated. It was in the days of the fox-hunting parsons, when reli- gious life was at low ebb and those in authority took little or no interest in music and made no provision for its proper maintenance. As a con- sequence the dignified and stately music of the Cathedral school was neglected and the new compositions were of a florid and frivolous type, utterly out of harmony with a dignified and reverent service. A craze for adaptations and arrangements set in. An ingenious Mr. Bond took excerpts from various works of Handel's, fitted them to new texts and called the patchwork an anthem. Worse still, passages from various composers of different nationalities would be worked over into a hodgepodge, and words were fitted to the music in the most careless manner. Italy had fallen from its high estate when Palestrina wrote his marvelous motettes and masses, and Italian composers with their ear-tickling and sensuous melodies became immensely popular in England. The inasses of the Roman Church Craze for adaptations. Frivolous Italian music popular. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 243 Now music. were drawn upon, not to be used in translation in the Communion service, but set to transla- tions utterly at variance with the original text. Masses were written, and by composers of great fame, simply as show pieces of music and with little or no regard to the sacredness of the words. But it was not long before the music of elements in Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, and, English a little later, that of Schumann, Chopin, and Mendelssohn became known in England, and this knowledge brought new elements into Eng- lish musical life. The effectiveness of music had gained enormously through the use of new and bolder harmonies, greater varieties of rhythm, and more complex processes of develop- ment. The spinet and clavichord evolved into the harpsichord, and that in turn into the piano- forte. Organs were immensely improved, both tonally and mechanically. The modern orches- tra, developed from crude beginnings, arrived at a high state of development. Virtuosi, both vocal and instrumental, astounded the world with their marvelous gifts. The Cathedral style with its austere, classic dignity and im- passive grandeur was to gain a richer and warmer color and to speak in more impassioned accents. Thomas Atwood was the first English com- Atwood poser to be materially influenced by these 1838): Thomas 244 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Mozart's influence. Felix Men- delssohn- Bartholdy (1809- 1847). changing conditions and he was also the first composer to attempt to drag England out of its musical slough of despond. In 1783 he went to Naples, studying with a local teacher. Two years later he went to Vienna, where he was the pupil and the close friend of Mozart. This graceful and poetic master's influence is plainly discernible in Atwood's music, for it is notice- able for its clearness and delicacy of taste. Later Atwood became an intimate friend of Mendelssohn, the latter spending some time in Atwood's home in the suburbs of London, while recovering from an accident. Atwood was or- ganist at St. Paul's and Mendelssohn, like Han- del before him, was a great admirer of the Father Smith organ and would spend many hours improvising on this magnificent instru- ment, playing until the bellows blowers re- volted. Of a more vigorous talent than Thomas At- wood's was that of his god-son, Thomas Atwood Walmisley, a composer who combined the dig- nity of the old school with the freedom of the new. A Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis of his in D minor is well known on both sides of the At- lantic and the somewhat sombre but fine setting is especially suitable for Advent or Lent. The name of Wesley is quite as prominent in the musical history of England as it is in its religious history. Charles Wesley, the great Thomas Atwood Walmisley (1814- 1856). ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 245 hymn writer, had in the person of Samuel Wes- Samuel ley a wonderfully gifted son. He was born in (1786- 1766 and at the age of four he could play and improvise on the organ. He taught himself to read and write at the age of five by his unre- mitting study of Handel's oratorio of Samson, all of which he committed to memory. Before he was eight he wrote an oratorio which he called Ruth, and he presented the same to Dr. Boyce. Before he was of age he was a fine classical scholar, a splendid organist and pianist, and the most brilliant extempore player in England. Brilliant Wesley wrote much for the Roman Catholic player. service and was thought to be in sympathy with it in his religious beliefs. This he denied, claiming only a musical interest in the matter. He was extremely fond of Gregorian music and said the greatest treat of his life was playing at a Gregorian Requiem when fifty priests sang the plainsong while he improvised the harmon- ies. Both as composer and performer Wesley ranked far above his contemporaries as well on as player the continent as in England. One of his sons, Samuel Sebastian Wesley, inherited his s. father's talent and worthily upheld his reputa- tion. At the age of seven he became a chorister in the Chapel Royal under Hawes, who de- clared him to be the best boy who ever passed through his hands. Despite his talents (which received general recognition), he had a troubled 1837). Wesley's precocity. extempore High rank and com- poser. Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810- 1876). 246 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Solid style of organ playing. Gifts as a composer. life, for the church authorities where he was en- gaged cared but little for music and gave Wes- ley scant opportunity to exercise his gifts. Al- though he had several Cathedral positions, it was only while he was organist at Leeds Parish Church that he received substantial and sympa- thetic support. Like his father, he was a fa- mous organist, and very gifted in improvisa- tion. He set the pattern for a solid, noble style of organ playing that has since placed England in the forefront as a country of fine organists. As a composer of sacred music he ranked with Spohr and Mendelssohn, and his anthem “The Wilderness" is considered a model in all re- spects. To a greater extent than Atwood, his music shows the influence of continental music, and the severity of the Cathedral style is tem- pered by warmth of feeling and a picturesque imagination. Dr. Sparks, the well-known or- ganist, thus speaks of the first performance of “The Wilderness”: "Well do I remember the first rehearsal by the Exeter choir of The Wilderness, the astonish- ment and delight of the vicars choral with its rich and wonderful modulations, its deep re- ligious fervor, its difficulties and grand effects. As one of the choir boys taking part in the lovely quartette at the end, 'And sorrow and sighing shall flee away,' I was greatly inter- ested, and remember to this day the deep emo- tion which this inspiration awoke in me. If ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 247 Rise of possible, a still greater delight was afforded the choristers when they were taught to sing the fresh, responsive duet, "See that ye love one another, which forms part of the fine anthem Blessed be the God and-Father.'” This last mentioned work was written when internal troubles in the Church left Wesley with but one bass singer and the boys for Sun- day duty, and for this sadly unbalanced collec- tion of voices he wrote an anthem full of force and beauty. With the Wesleys English Church music re- Church covered from its lethargy and since that time England has had an unbroken chain of fine church composers, men of splendid technical equipment, of reverent attitude toward their John Goss work, and of expressive artistic powers. John 1880). Goss nobly upheld the new school of writing and enriched the stock of anthems with many fine specimens. His setting of "The Wilder- ness" vies with Wesley's in popularity and power, and his little anthem, “O Saviour of the world,” has touched a multitude of hearts with its quiet beauty and deep religious feeling. Of similar calibre was Henry Smart, whose ster- Henry ling service in F has found universal acceptance (1813- by reason of its honest, solid, and effective qual- ities. The Te Deum from this service is per- George haps more widely used than any other setting. Mactarren Macfarren, Sterndale Bennett, and Elvey are 1887). music. (1800- 1879). Alexander (1813- 245 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH William Sterndale Bennett (1816- 1875). George Job 1893). Barnby (1838- 1896). other writers of this school and they each pos- sess good, if not preëminent, qualities. We now reach two very prominent names of Elvey (1816. modern times and their possessors have each had a widespread influence, although their styles are very different. The names are Joseph Barnby and John Stainer. In the lecture on hymn tunes the relative abilities and the char- acteristics of these two men were dwelt upon Joseph at some length. Barnby strenuously objected to model his work after that of his predecessors and claimed the right to express his thoughts in his own idiom, unhampered by tradition. This he did in a striking way and his hymns, an- thems, and services soon won immense popu- larity, although they were severely criticised by the more conservative members of the profes- sion. Barnby delights in rich chromatic har- monies and in his choral works he borrows from the modern German part-song and the ro- mantic school of instrumental music. There is a sensuous beauty about his compositions and a glow of color that is very fascinating, and when one is under the spell of it, it is difficult to judge aright of its real value. But Barnby has the faults of his virtues and his excessive use of harmonic color is more or less at the ex- pense of solidity and real wearing qualities. His music is at times almost cloying in its rich- ness, but despite this fact we would be loth Character- 18tics. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 249 (1840- to part with most of his music, for many of his compositions are of unquestionable worth. Stainer represents qualities of a different John Stainer type. While by no means imitative, his music 1901). in a manner is a logical evolution from that of the Wesleys, Goss, and Smart. It is essen- tially sane, solid and well-balanced, and at the same time it is full of imagination and expres- siveness. He was particularly happy in select- ing graphic texts and used plenty of words, thus avoiding vain repetitions—a glaring fault in some of his predecessors. One always feels the note of sincerity in his music, and the ear- nest desire to enhance the meaning of the text and the avoidance of effect for the mere sake of effect. His “Crucifixion” is a remarkable ex- Chociation, ample of his ability to move and impress his auditors with very simple means—and it stands quite unequalled in this respect. Stainer never attempted a task beyond his powers and contented himself with Church music, for which he had the greatest love and reverence. Since Goss' “O Saviour of the world," no such simple example of pure religious musical expression has come to us as Stainer's “God so loved the world.” It was most fittingly sung at the unveiling of a memorial tablet in St. Paul's Cathedral in commemoration of Stainer's great work in rehabilitating the music 1 250 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842- 1900). in that famous fane, and it deeply moved the hearts of all those present on that occasion. Arthur Seymour Sullivan also deserves a place among the notables of English Church mu- sic, although with him it was not a subject that absorbed his entire or perhaps his best atten- tion. He possessed in a high degree the valu- ble faculty of writing effectively for voices and always avoided unnecessary difficulties. His music is most melodious and singable, but one is at times inclined to feel that the music is of more consequence than the text, and when such is the case it removes the composer from the first rank of excellence. These three prominent exponents of modern Anglican Church music have been succeeded by a host of younger men, many of whom have marked talent. Such composers as John E. West, George C. Martin, and Villiers Stanford witness to the fact that Church music is very much alive in England to-day and that the ar- -). tistic quality of the output is not deteriorating. Along with the tremendous development of modern instrumental music, Church music is expanding its borders and drawing upon a wider range of musical material for its expres- sion. More and more demand is made upon the capacity of the singers and the skill of the organist. The organ is no longer a mere support to the voices, but it is treated independently and John E. West (1683 —-). Charles " Villiers Stanford (1852 ) George Clement Martin (1844 -). Modern tendoncies. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 251 Ol organ vies in importance with the choral parts. Com- Importance posers strive for variety of expression and an part. avoidance of the old melodic and harmonic formulas. In their desire for originality they not infrequently overstep the mark and write music that is essentially unvocal. There is a disposition among the more advanced writers to treat voices like the wood-wind instruments of the orchestra, with doublings and criss-crossings of the parts. Sometimes it is effective and sometimes it is not. With the multiplication of musical festivals, the orchestra is used more and more, and with it comes the temptation to exploit the instruments rather than the voices. But with all this exploitation and experiment there is a distinct gain and without it music as an art would surely retrograde. For some years many composers have been Limitations under the impression, if not the conviction, that all the possibilities in the way of choral expression have long since been exhausted, and the most one can hope for is to equal the efforts of some great master of choral writing like Bach, Handel, or Mendelssohn. But ge- nius delights in upsetting fixed conclusions and Edward Elgar and his followers have certainly Edward extended the field of choral effects if they have (1867 –). not actually created new ones. Elgar, in his large sacred works, has discarded the oratorio form with its distinct divisions into choruses, of choral music. Elgar 252 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Church music in America. concerted numbers, and solos, and has adopted instead the Wagnerian principle of continuous movement. His one idea is the enhancement of the meaning of the text by every device known to modern music. His "Dream of Ger- ontius” and more especially his "Apostles” and "The Kingdom” are in reality religious propa- ganda and must be accepted as such if one is to comprehend their full import. Elgar's methods place his sacred music beyond any suspicion of concert purposes and elevate it to the higher plane of a moral and religious force. We are also making progress in America. A half century ago, in the days of the quartette choir, arrangements from secular and some- times from operatic sources prevailed. Orig- inal compositions were weak and poor indeed, being a mixture of mawkish sentimentality and blatant noise. Dudley Buck was the first and almost the only American composer of promi- nence, who wrote especially for the Episcopal Church. Most of his music was intended for the quartette choir and it was a marked advance on anything which had preceded it. Buck's mu- sic, while melodious and effective, is however, far removed from the English standards, being less dignified and more emotional-its too fre- quent cadences giving somewhat of a patch- work effect. His conception of the text is apt to be over-sentimental and his musical expres- Dudley Buck (1839- 1909). ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 253 sion of it too literal. The historic canticles of the Church should have breadth and dignity as their prevailing keynote, and anthem texts taken from the Scriptures should have in their musical garb the same high qualities that they have as literature. However, Buck stood more nearly for a distinctive style of American Church music than any other composer and his later works evinced a far higher standard of attainment than his early efforts. The best of them will deservedly remain upon our choir programs for many years to come. It is only in quite recent years that we have developed Church composers of sufficient abil- ity to compare them favorably with their Eng- lish contemporaries. Foremost among these is Dr. Horatio Parker, whom Yale has honored Horatio with its Chair of Music, and who in turn honors Yale by his pronounced musical gifts. Parker's oratorios and sacred cantatas rank among the most important productions of their kind composed in recent years. They are most highly regarded in England and his "Hora No- Regarded vissima,” as well as other works, have been pro- England. duced at the great music festivals held in that country. Cambridge has conferred upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Music, the first instance, so far as the writer is aware, that this signal honor has been conferred upon an American composer. Dr. Parker brings to his Parker (1863--). highly in 254 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Character- istics. work ripe musicianship, a fertile and inventive imagination, and in addition a penetrating in- sight into literary values that is all too rare. In addition to his larger works he has written anthems and service numbers, which are all marked by the same fine qualities of force, dignity, and distinctive personality. He always has something of importance to say and says it well. His compositions easily represent the high-water mark of American attainments in the field of Church music, and we, as a nation, may take a just pride in them. We are also indebted to Dr. Parker for his gifts as a teacher and his efforts in this direction have brought forth most excellent fruit. Arthur Foote, George W. Chadwick, and other prominent American composers have written much excellent Church music, but it has not been especially associated with the Episcopal Church. The list of all those who Average of attainments are doing good and creditable work is too long to mention. Suffice it to say that the average of attainment is slowly improving and that the prospect for the future of Church music in America is at least encouraging. Fostering The preëminence of the English school of Church music is the direct result of centuries spent in systematic efforts to foster and im- prove religious art. Art in any of its forms cannot flourish without congenial environment, Other American composer8. improving. care of the Church of England. ANGLICAN CHURCH MUSIC 255 Church. positive ideals, and a stimulating atmosphere. It is of slow growth and attaches itself only to permanent institutions or conditions. Archi- tecture, sculpture, painting, and music all owe their development to the ancient, historic Churches, and the great masterpieces of eccle- siastical art have been wrought out under stress of religious faith and zeal. If sacred art is to flourish in America it will Responsibil- only develop under the active and coherent ef- American forts of the Church. The growth and expan- sion of art, particularly music, has been tre- mendous in recent years, but composers have turned mainly to ancient sagas, folk-lore, the drama, poetry, realism, and idealism for their inspiration. But after all, that which most deeply stirs the souls of men are the things which concern life and death. Faith in the Creator, the hope of heaven, the dread of hell and an abiding realization of what the tragedy on Calvary has signified to a sinful world: these have been the compelling factors which have given us our very greatest art products. The mountain peaks of musical endeavor are still the "Messiah” of Handel, the monumental masses of Bach and Beethoven, the "Requiem” of Mozart, the "Elijah" of Mendelssohn, and the “German Requiem” of Brahms. No operas, no secular cantatas approach them in sublimity or beauty. The highest manifestations of art 256 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH de school of Church mugic. must perforce have to do with the most vital things of life. An American While certain of our gifted American Church composers have given us works of dis- tinction and well-defined personality, they can scarcely be credited with the creation of an American school of Church music. It is ex- tremely doubtful if such a school can ever arise, for the causes which result in strongly differen- tiated types of music are rapidly disappearing. Such types are dependent upon isolation, differ- ing habits, traditions, forms of worship, and mental concepts of religion. With the mani- fold means of intercommunication of modern life, which increase every day, the nations are growing closer and closer, and distinctive characteristics are fast losing their identity. The Church music of the future would seem to be a composite of many styles and many in- fluences. Let us hope it will be a survival of the fittest-a composite of the splendid plain- song of the early Church, the masterly poly- phony of the Middle Ages, the classic dignity of the English Cathedral style, plus the richness and fulness of modern art. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 257 BIBLIOGRAPHY YEAR. PRICE. 1875 $2.50 1905 20.00 1882 Each part, CITY. PUBLISHER. A Archer Frederick. The Organ : A Theoretical and Tan Theoretical and London. Novello. Practical Treatise. Audsley, Geo. A. Art of Organ Building. 2 vols., NI Art of Organ Building. 2 vols., New York. Dodd. Novello. Primers, Nos. 71, 72, 73.) Philadelphia. Westminster Benson, L. F. Studies of Familiar Hymns. Press. Biggs, Louis C. English Hymnology. London. Mozley. Bodine, W. D. Some Hymns and Hymn Writers. Philadelphia. Winston. Box, Charles Church Music in the Metropolis. London. Reeves. Bridge, J. T. Organ Accompaniment. Novello. Briggs, H. B. The Elements of Plain Song. Quaritch. AUTHOR. TITLE. 4to. Barrett. Wm Aler. English Church Composers (The Great Musicians Series). Voice Culture for Children. In Bates, James three parts. (Novello's Music The Choir-Boy's Elements of Mu- Bennett, J. G. sic. (Novello's Music Primer, No. 64.) 1898 1.50 1873 43. 1907 3.00 1.25 1884 1886 1.00 3.50 258 BIBLIOGRAPHY YEAR. PRICE. PUBLISHER. Schirmer. Pott. 1877 3.00 1909 S. P. C. K. 1897 Young. 1896 .50 Ditson. 1877 1.50 Froude. 1901 AUTHOR. . TITLE. CITY. Buck, Dudley Illustrations in Choir Accompani. New York. ment. A History of English Cathedral bumpus, Jon . Music. 2 vols. Te Deum Laudamus. Christian Charles, Mrs. E. R. Life in Song. The Song and London. the Singers. Church Club of New Lauda Zion: or, The Liturgical New York. York. Hymns of the Church. Clarke, Wm. H. Outline of the Structure of the Boston. Pipe Organ. Cowan, Wm., and The Music of the Church Hymnary Edinburgh. James Love. and Psalter in Metre. Crowest, F. J. The Story of Church Music (an- London. nounced). Camminos w Cummings, W. H. The Rudiments of Music. (No. vello's Music Primer, No. 2.) Curwen, John. Tonic Sol-fa. · (Novello's Music Primer, No. 18.) Studies in Worship Music. Curwen, J. Spencer. (1st series, 2d ed.) (2d series.) The Boy's Voice. D'Esterre-Keeling, The Story of Bible Music (an- Eleonore. nounced). Dickson, W. E. Practical Organ Building. . ... 1.25 · Scott. 1.25 Novello. .50 .50 Curwen. 1888 1885 1.75 1.00 1894 1.00 1.25 Scott. Lockwood. 1882 1.25 BIBLIOGRAPHY Scribner. 1902 2.50 Funk. 1886 $3.00 66 1889 3.00 Novello. 1.00 1904 Macmillan, Young. 1898 5.00 .50 .75 Reeves. 1903 Dickinson, Edw. Music in the History of the Music in the History of the West New York. ern Church. Duffield. Samuel W. English Hymns, their Authors New York. and History. The Latin Hymn Writers and their Hymns. Speech in Song. (Singer's Pro- Ellis, A. J. nouncing Primer.) (Novello's London. Music Primer, No. 6.) Elson, Louis C. The History of American Music. New York. Farrow, Miles. About the Training of Boys' Voices. (A pamphlet.) Fleming, G. T. Treatise on Training of Boys' London. Voices. Fosbery, C. S. Chorister's Aid to Monotoning. Foster, Myles Birket. Anthems and Anthem Composers. Fowler, J. T. Life and Letters of John Bacchus Dykes. Glass, Henry A. The Story of the Psalters. Gregory, A. E. The Hymn Book of the Modern Church. Gould, Nat. D. History of Church Music in Boston. America. Hadow, W. H. Studies in Modern Music (2 New York. vols.). Hall. Walter Henry. The Essentials of Choir-Boy London. Training. Novello. 1901 3d. 3.75 3.00 Murray. Kegan. Kelly Methodist Pub. House. 1897 1888 1904 66 1.50 1853 4.00 Macmillan. 1894 4.50 Novello. 1901 1.00 260 BIBLIOGRAPHY PUBLISHER. Novello. YDAR. PRICE. $ .50 Frere. 1902 Young Church- 1891 man Co. Putnam. 1896 .50 2.50 Cocks. 1877 10.00 Curwen. 1889 CITY. Ham, Albert. Milwaukee. Flodges Fanstina H Life of Edward Hodges, Organist of Trinity Parish, New York. New York. Hopkins, E. J., and The Organ : Its History and Con- Song. Howard, F. E. The Child Voice in Singing. New York. Child in Singing. Hutchins, A. L. Annotations of the Hymnal. Hartford. Historical Edition. Hymns Ancient and Modern. London. Johner, Dom Domi- A New School of Gregorian Ratishon nic. Chant. Jones, F. A. Famous Hymns and their Authors. London. Julian, John. Dictionary of Hymnology. New York. AUTHOR. TITLE. A Manual of the Boy's Voice and London Its Culture. ad (A pamphlet.) London. A Manual of Plain Song for Di- Helmore, Thos. vine Service. (Also smaller edition by H. B. Briggs.) Hodge, Rev. Charles. Clergy and Choir. London. . F. Rimbault. struction. The Hymn-Lover: An Account of Horder, W. Garrett. the Rise and Growth of Eng- lish Hymnody. The Treasury of American Sacred Handbook on the Training of the bo Frowde. 1.50 E. W. Gray Co. 1896 1895 1897 .75 .35 1872 Wm. Clowes & 1909 Sons. 8.75 Pustet. 1906 1.00 Hodder & Stoughton. Scribner. 1905 1892 3.00 10.00 BIBLIOGRAPHY 261 Pott. 1886 $2.00 Stock. 1895 .75 Page. 1902 2.00 3.75 1831 Stone. 1900 3.50 Wagner. 1904 1.00 Reeves. .50 New York. Text Book of Anglican Service Knowles, A. Music from Tallis to J. J. London. Wesley. Lahee, H. C. The Organ and Its Masters. Boston, Latrobe, J. A. The Music of the Church Consid- London. ered in its Various Branches. Lawrence, Arthur Sir Arthur Sullivan, Life Story, Chicom New York. of the Solesmes Plain Chant. English Hymn Tunes from the Malim, A. W. 16th Century to the Present London. Choirmasters' Guide to the Selec- Mallinson, Randall. tion of Hymns and Anthems " . New York. Messiter, Arthur H. A A History of the Choir and Music, lou 10 Organ o Miller, Geo. Laing. Building, Miller, Josiah. Singers and Songs of the Church. London. Mocquereau, Dom Le Nombre Gregorien, ou Rhyth- Rome, André. mique Gregorienne. Tournai. King, James. Anglican Eymnology. Letters and Reminiscences. Lemaistre, A. A Complete and Practical Method Times. for the Service of the Church. Martin, Geo. C. The Art of Training Choir Boys. Matthews, J. A Handbook of the Organ. Mees, Arthur Choirs and Choral Music. Trinity Church, New York. o A Recent Revolution in Organ Novello. .75 66 1892 1.50 1897 Augener. Scribner. Gorham. 1901 1906 1.00 1.25 2.50 Charles Francis Press. Longmans. .25 5.00 1869 Desclée et Cie. 1908 Paper, Ofr. 262 BIBLIOGRAPHY PUBLISHER. YEAR. PRICE. 1889 Parker. Simpkins. 66 1890 1.50 Ditson. .75 1.00 1890 1.50 Novello. Macmillan. Longmans Revell. Bell. 1901 CITY. Moorsome, Robt. M. H Historical Companion to Hymns London Organ Manual. With Directions Nicholson, H. D. to Amateurs and Organ Com Boston. Gregorian Accompaniment. London. Joseph D'Ortigue. Palgrave, F. T. The Treasury of Sacred Song. New York. Powell, Rev. James Choralia London. Baden. Pratt, Waldo Selden. Musical Ministries of the Church. New York. Prescott, J. E. Christian Hymns and Hymn Writers. London. Richardson, A. Ma- Choir Training Based on Voice deley. of Training Choristers. Arthur Gilman. Schaff, Phillip, and Library of Religious Poetry. New York. Smith, Nicholas. Hymns Historically Famous. Chicago. · London. AUTHOR. TITLE. Ancient and Modern, Morrison, Duncan. The Great Hymns of the Church. mittees. Niedermeyer, Louis, and Production. Church Music. (Handbook for the Clergy.) Roberts. I. Varley. A Treatise on a Practical Method Thomas Curry." Stainer, John, and mine litti chote Post The Little Choir Book. 1.50 1902 1.00 1883 2.40 Novello. 1900 .60 .90 2.00 Longmans. 1904 1st issue. 1898 Novello. 2d issue. 1907 Funk. 1895 Advance Pub. Co. 1906 Novello. 1896 6.00 1.25 .10 BIBLIOGRAPHY 263 Novello. 1877 1.00 1895 $ .50 Pott. H. W. Gray Co. .10 Novello. 1899 1.00 A. W. Gray Co. 1898 .75 16 Stainer, John. The Organ Primer. (Novello's London. Music Primer, No. 3.) Importance of Musical Knowledge Steele, J. N. to the Priesthood of the New York. Church. Stubbs, G. Edward. Congregational Singing. " How to Sing the Choral Service. A Manual of Intoning for the London. Clergyman. Practical Hints on the Training New York of Choir Boys. The Adult Male Alto or Counter- Tenor Voice. Troutbeck, Rev. J. Church Choir Training. London. G. Édwards. Walsh, R. E., and F. Romance of Psalter and Hymnal. New York. West, John E. Cathedral Organists, Past and Present. London. Williams, C. Abby. F. The Story of Organ Music. Winkworth, Cather- The Christian Singers of Ger- o ine. many. The prize Method of Voice Pro van Broekhoven, J. duction. ce from New York. (For adults.) 1908 1879 .65 2.40 Pott. 1889 Novello. 1.50 Scott. 1905 1.25 Macmillan 1869 1.50 van Broekhoven, J. The True Methode ojce Pro- H. W. Gray Co. 1908 1.50 INDEX OF TUNES ADDSTD FIDDLIS, "O come, all ye faithful," 24, 97. ADORO TD, “Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all," 38. ALFORD, “Ten thousand times ten thousand," 31. ALLELUIA PERENNE, “Sing Alleluia forth in duteous praise," 31. ALL SAINTS, “The saints of God! their conflict past,” 41. AMERICA, “Our fathers' God! to Thee," 24. ANCIENT OF DAYS, 45. ANGELS OF JESUS, "Hark! hark my soul," 37. ANGEL VOICES, "Angel poices, ever singing," 42. ASCENSION, "Hail the day that sees Him rise," 30. ATTOLD PAULUM, “Across the sky the shades of night," 16. AUBURNDALE, "Christ is our Cornerstone,” 45. AUGHTON, "He leadeth me," 43. AUGSBURG, 18. AURELIA, "The Church's one foundation," 26. AUSTRIA, “Glorious things of thee are 'spoken," 20. BARNBY, "Come hither, ye faithful," 37. BEATI, “The saints of God! their conflict past," 40. BENEDICTION, "Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise," 27. BETHANY, “Nearer, my God, to Thee," 43. BLESSED HOME, “There is a blessed home,” 40. BRANNENBURG, "More love to Thee, O Christ," 46. BRDMON, 18. BRISTOL, "Hark! the glad sound,” 47. BUDD, “Thou, Who with dying lips," 46. CALKIN, “O Father, bless Thy children," 42. CAMDEN, "Tling out the banner," 42. CHARITY, “Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost,” 40. CHESTDR, 71. CLOISTORS, “Lord of our Life," 38. CODNI DOMINI, “Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord,” 42. CONTRITION, “O the bitter shame and sorrow,' 41. CORONAD, “Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious," 31. CORDD NATUS, 10. CORONATION, “All hail the power of Jesus' Name," 71. COURAGE, “Fight the good fight," 45. CROSS OF JESUS, “In the Cross of Christ I glory," 40. DARWALL, “In loud, exalted strains,' 25. DocIUS, 16. 266 INDEX OF TUNDS DIES IRAD, “Day of wrath! O Day of mourning," 32. Dix, “As with gladness men of old," 20. DOAND, "Fling out the banner," 42. DUNDDD, "O God of Bethel, by Whose hand," 21. DUNDY, 21. DOMINUS RDGIT ME, “The King of love my Shepherd is,” 31. EASTER HYMN, "Jesus Christ is risen to-day," 30. DCCE AGNUS, 10. EIN FESTD BURG, "A mountain fastness is our God," 13, 14, 100. ELLACOMBD, “Come, praise your Lord and Saviour," 19. ELLDRS, “Saviour, again to Thy dear Name we raise," 28. EUCHARISTIC HYMN, “Bread of the world,” 47. EVENING HYMN, "All praise to Thee, my God, this night,” 22, 23. EVENTIDE, “Abide with me," 30. EWING, “Jerusalem, the golden," 26, 98, 194. FIFE, "O perfect love," 37. FOUNDATION, “How firm a foundation," 44. FRANCONIA, “Stand, soldier of the Cross," 19. FRENCH, 21. FRDNCH DUNDDD, 21. Grace CHURCH, “O Thou, to Whose all-searching sight,” 20. HAMBURG, "My God, permit me not to be," 43. HANFORD, "Jesus, my Saviour, look on me," 42. HANOVDR, "O worship the King," 21. HEINLEIN, “Forty days and forty nights," 18. FERNNHUT, “Wake, awake, for night is flying," 16. HODGES, "O day of rest and gladness,” 47. HOLLINGSIDD, “Jesus, Lover of my soul," 30. HOLY DAY, “Lord, lead the way the Saviour went,” 44. HOLY TRINITY, “Lord, lead the way the Saviour went,” 37. HURSLEY, "Sun of my soul," 19. . JESU PASTOR, “Jesus, tender shepherd, hear me," 46. JORDAN, "O God, in Whose all-searching eye,” 37. KING OF GLORY, “In loud, exalted strains,” 45. LAUDES DOMINI, “When morning gilds the skies," 38. LDONI, “The God of Abram praise,” 5. LUTHÐR'S HYMN, “Great God, what do I see and hear," 15. LUX BENIGNA, "Lead, kindly Light," 32, 92. LUX EOI, "Alleluia ! Alleluia ! hearts and voices heaven- ward raise,"' 41. LYONS, "How wondrous and great," 19. MAGDALENA, “I could not do without Thee," 41. MARION, “Rejoice ye pure in heart," 47. MAR SABA, "Now the laborers' task is o'er,” 37. MEINHOLD, “Tender Shepherd, Thou bast stilled," 19. MELCOMBD, "New every morning is the love," 25. MOLITA, "Eternal Father, strong to save," 32. MERRIAL, "Now the day is over," 38, 92. MENDELSSOHN, "Hark! the herald angeis sing," 97. INDEX OF TUNES 267 MISSIONARY HYMN, “From Greenland's icy mountains," 43. MORNING HYMN, “Awake, my soul, and with the sun," 25. MOUNT SION, “O'twas a joyful sound," 45. MORTRAM, 25. MUNICH, "O Word of God incarnate,” 19. NACHTLIDD, “The day is gently sinking to a close," 26. NOUMARK, 18. Nicha, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,” 31. NORWICH, 21. NUN DANKDT, "Now thank we all our God,” 17. NUTFIELD, “God that madest earth and heaven," 30. O BONA PATRIA, “For thee, o dear, dear country," 41. O FILLII ET FILLIAD. 10. OLD HUNDRDD, “With one consent let all the earth,” 63, 69. OLIVET, “My faith looks up to Thee,” 43. OLMUTZ, "Ye servants of the Lord,” 43. O QUANTA QUALIA, 9, 91. OXFORD, “Lord, a Saviour's love displaying,” 40. PANGD LINGUA, 10. PARADISE, "O Paradise, O Paradise," 36, 92. PASSION CHORALD, “O sacred Head surrounded," 13, 16. PILGRIMS, "Hark! hark, my soul!" 26. PLDYOL, "Children of the heavenly King,” 20. PORTUGUESE HYMN, 24. PRO PATRI, “God of our fathers, whose almighty hand,” 44. RATISBON, “Bread of beaven, on Thee we feed, 18. When our heads are bowed with woe," 28. REDHDAD, 76, “Rock of Ages, cleft for me," 28. RDGENT SQUARD, "Christ is made the sure foundation," 26. ROST, “The Saints of God! their conflict past,” 41. ST. AGNES, “Calm on the listening ear of night,” 31. ST. ALBINUS, “Jesus lives! Thy terrors now," 26. ST. ALPHDGD, “Brief life is here our portion,” 26. ST. ANDREW, “The Cross is on our brow," 37. ST. ANDRDW OF CRETD, "Christian, dost thou see them,” 32, 94. ST. ANSDLM, “O One with God the Father," 37. ST. ANNE, "O God, our help in ages past," 20, 24, 239. ST. ATHANASIUS, "Holy, Holy, Foly Lord," 28. ST. BODS, “Jesus! Name of wondrous love," 31. ST. CROSS, “O come and mourn with me awhile," 31. ST. CHRYSOSTOM, 38. ST. CUTHBERT, "Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed,” 31. ST. DROSTANE, "Ride on, ride on in majesty," 31. ST. EDMUND, "Nearer, my God, to Thee," 41. ST. FLAVIAN, “Lord, who throughout these forty years," 23. ST. GONTRUDD, “Onward, Christian soldiers," 42. ST. GEORGD, “Blest be the tie that binds," 20. ST. JOHN, “Behold the Lamb of God!" 32. ST. JOHN, WOSTMINSTER, "According to Thy gracious word,” 25. 268 INDEX OF TUNES ST. KEVIN, “Come, ye faithful, raise the strain," 42. ST. MARTIN, “While shepherds watched their flocks by night," 23. ST. MATTHIAS, “Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go,” 30. ST. OSWALD, "Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah," 31. ST. SYLVESTDR, “Days and moments quickly flying," 32. ST. THDODULPH, “All glory, laud, and honour," 17, 93. ST. THOMAS, "LO! He comes with clouds descending," 25. SALZBURG, "At the Lamb's high feast we sing," 17. SAMUEL, "Hushed was the evening bymn," 42. SANDRINGHAM, “O perfect love," 37. SARDIS, “Light of those whose dreary dwelling," 44. SARUM, "For all the saints,” 37, 94. SEFTON, “Lift up your heads," 42. STELLA, “All my heart this night rejoices," 46. STDTTIN, 16. STOCKPORT, 25. STUTTGART, “Come, Thou long-expected Jesus," 19. SWABIA, “This is the day of light,” 19. TALLIS' Canon, “All praise to Thee, my God this night," 22. TALLIS' HYMN, “All praise to Thee, my God this night," 22. TALLIS' ORDINAL, “In token that thou shalt not fear," 23. THD GOOD FIGHT, “We march, we march to victory," 40. TRURO, "Arm of the Lord, awake," 25. ULTOR-OMNIPOTDNS, “God the All-merciful," 41. UNDI DT MOMORDS, “And now, O Father, mindful of the love," 30. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, “Oft in danger, oft in woe," 26. VINI CRDATOR, “Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire," 9, 91. VENI EMMANUDL, "O come, O come, Emmanuel,” 8, 90. VDSPDR, "Holy Father, cheer our way,! 40. VICTORY, "The strife is o'er," 10, 98. Vox ÆTERNA, “Hark! the Voice eternal," 45. Vox DILDCTI, “I heard the voice of Jesus say," 32, 94. WALTHAM, “Fling out the banner," 42. WESTMINSTER, “Lord, in Thy Name Thy servants plead," 25. WINCHESTER Now, “On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry," 19. WINCHESTER OLD, “When all Thy mercies, O my God," 23, 24. WINDSOR, 69. WORGAN, "Jesus Christ is risen to-day," 19, 98. YORK, 69. YORKSHIRD, “Christians awake, salute the happy morn," 25. ZOPHYR, “With broken heart and contrite sigh.” 43. GENERAL INDEX Accompaniment of Church service, 163; of Gregor- ians, 164; of bymns, 165 ; of anthems, 168; importance of, 168. American Church Music, 256. Anthem, The Full, 235; the Verse, 236. Antiphonarium, 222. Articled pupil, 152. Attwood, Thomas, 243. Bach, Johann Sebastian, 12, 14, 17, 19. Baker, Henry W., 31. Balzac, Honoré de, 146. Barnby, Joseph, 33 et seq. 52, 248. Barthélémon, Fracois H., 25. Bennett. W. Sterndale. 247. Berkeley, Bishop, 119. Bernard of Cluny, 26. Billings, William, 70, 71. Blow, John, 24, 235, 236 et seq. Boyce, William, 241, 245. Bradbury, William B., 43. Brattle, Thomas, 118. Buck, Dudley, 252. Buckoll, H. J., 14. Burney, Charles, 25. Byrd, William, 230, 234. Calkin, J. Baptiste, 42. Calvin, John, 63. Canon, 22. Carey, Henry, 24. Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, Chicago, choir his- tory or, 192 et seq. Cathedral system of Eng- land, 153, 186. Cathedral services as models, 187. Chadwick, George W., 254. Chandos, Duke of, 240. Chanting of psalter 78; of canticles, 81. Charles I., 232. Charles II., 23, 234. Child, William, 234. Choirmasters, 174 et seq. Choirs, American Vested male, 157, 176, 177, 184 et seq.; 203 et seq.; historical sketch of, East, 189; West, 191 ; spread of, 203; litera- ture on, 216. Choirs, advantages of female voices, 204 ; mixed, 205 ; girl, 205 ; quartette, 206. Choir schools, English, 186; necessity of, 188; Ameri- can, 210 et seq.; expense of, 215. Choral Celebration, 169. Choral Responses, 79. Chorales, German, 11 et seq., 62, 100. Church Clubs, action of, 180. Church music, early Chris- tian, 58; in England, 224 ; decline of 239, 242; rise of, 247; modern tendencies, 250; in America, 252. Claudian, 104. Clement of Alexandria, 59. Clergy, guidance of, 85 ; musical education of, 180. Commonwealth, disorders of, 112, 232. Congregational singing, 54, 75 et seq.; in the Ro- man Church, 59; in 270 GENERAL INDEX Germany, 61, 95; de- vices to promote, 88. Cook, Captain Henry, 235, 237. Contrapuntal music, 227. Cranmer, Archbishop, 225. Croft, William, 20, 239. Crüger, Johann, 17. Curwen, J. Spencer, 38. Dabblers, amateur, 48; pro- fessional, 49. Darwall, Rev. John, 25. Davey, Henry, 229. Day, John, 227. Development of music in the Anglican Church, 224 et seq. Decius, Nicolaus, 16. Diocesan school for Church music, 158. Dorset, Rev. Canon C. P., 194. Duffield, Rev. Howard, 159. Dykes, Rev. John B., 28, 31, 33, 36, 52. Edward VI., liturgy of, 225. Elgar, Edward, 251. Elvey, George J., 247. Ely Confession, 80. Ewing, Alexander, 26. Foote, Arthur, 254. Farrant, Richard, 230. Frederick the Great, 15. Gauntlett, Henry J., 26, 52. Gibbon, Edward, 59. Gibbons, Orlando, 231, 235, 238. Gloria in Exceisis, 82. Goss, John, 247, 249. Greek modes or scales, 6, 221. Gregorian chants, 202, 221. Greene, Maurice, 241. Guilmant, Alexandre, 146. Hallel, 60. Handel, George Frederick, 239, 244, Harmonized confessions and creeds, 80. Harwood, Basil, 226. Hassler, Hans Leo, 16. Hawkins' History of Music, 106. Haydn, Franz Joseph, 19. Hebrew music, choral, 54 ; instrumental, 55 ; char- acter of, 57. Hedge, Dr. F. A., 15. Hodges, Edward, 47, 120, 212. Hodges, Rev. J. S. B., 47, 212. Holden, Oliver, 71. Hopkins, Edward, J. 27, 28. Hughes, John L., 202. Humphreys, Pelham, 235, 237. Hymnal, Protestant Episco- pal, 75; Methodist, 87. Hymnody, History of, 54. Hymn playing, art of, 165 ; practical hints on, 167. Hymns, early Latin, medie- val Latin, 61, Lutheran 62. Hymn singing, a source of heresy, 59; in England, 68; of Wesleyans, 68; in America, 74; how to secure good, 83; variety in, 92; in Germany, 95 ; best in England, 96; bond of unity, 99. Hymns Ancient and Modern, 10, 29, 75. Hymn tunes, Importance of, 1; choice ol, 2, 88, 98; responsibility for, 3 ; early English, 20, 91; modern English, 25 ; American, 42; composi- tion of, 47; essentials of, 50; early American, 70; fuguing, 70; tempo of, 94, 96; advantages of traditional, 97. Improvisation, art of, 169. Julian, the Apostate, 105. Klug, Joseph, 15. Kyrie, twelfth century, 7. Knowles, Rev. Canon J. H., 194, 202, 212. Lemare, E. H., 117, 118, 144. "Lining out,” 66. GENERAL INDEX 271 Lowe, Edward, 233, 235. Lulli, Jean B. 235. Luther, Martin, 12, 13, 62. Lyra Sacra Ameriana, 35. Lyric semitone, 109. MacDowell, Gerald R., 191. Macfarren, George A., 247. Machin, (?) 191. Mason, Lowell, 42. Mason, Rev. Wm., 240. McLaren, Bishop, 199. Melismas, 223. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Fe- lix, 15, 16, 17, 19, 97, 244, 246. Merbecke, John, 225. Messiter, Arthur H., 47, 189. Meyerbeer, Giacomo, 15. Monk, William H., 29, 36. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 244. Mozart, (?) 192. Musical Ministries in the Church, 51. Neumark, George, 17. Nicolai, Rev. Philipp, 16. Novello, Vincent, 24, 237. Organ builders : Audsley, G. A., 130. Austin Organ Co., 124. Barker, Charles S., 115. Bennett Organ Co., 125. Bromfield, Edward, 119. Casavant Bros., 118. Cavaillé-Coll, 117. Clark, Somers, 129. Clemm, John, 119. Ducroquet, M., 115. Dudyngton, Antony, 111. Erben, Henry, 120. Faber, Nicolaus, 109. Gabler, Johann, 117. Harris, Renatus, 113. Hill & Son, 116, 126. Hope-Jones Organ Co., 117, 124. Hook & Hastings, 121. Hutchings Organ Co., 123. Hutchings-Votey Co., 123. Jardine & Son, 121. Johnson & Son, 122. Organ Builders.-Continued. Kimball Co., W. W., 125. Los Angeles Art Organ Co., 120. Lyon & Healey, 125. Merklin, 117. Mooser, 117. Müller, Christian, 117. Norman & Beard, 116. Roosevelt, Ellborne L., 122, 126. Roosevelt, Frank, 123. Schmidt, Bernard, 113. Schulze & Sons, 115. Silbermann, Andreas, 117, 119. Skinner Co., Ernest M., 124. Smith Father, 113, 241, 244. Snetzler, John, 114, 120. Votey Organ Co., 123. Walcker, 122. Walker & Co., T. C., 116. Walker & Son, 117. Willis Henry, 116, 126. Organist and choirmaster, 148. Organists, good musicians, 148; education of, 152 et seq.; irreligion of, 156; dearth of good, 157; responsibility of, 158; hints to, 170; re- lation of priests and, 172; poor voice train- ers, 175; subject to choirmaster, 179. Organ playing, importance of, 156. Organs, history and struc- ture of, 101 ; origin of, 102; hydraulic, 104 ; early types, 105, 106; Great and Choir, 108; first key-board, 108; portative and positive, 109; introduction of sharps and flats, 109; first pedal keyboard, 110; development of 272 GENERAL INDEX stop control, 110 ; first swell, 114; combination pedals, 114; pneumatic action. French, German and English, 116; first American, 118, 119; electric action, 123, 143; largest, 126, tracker ac- tion, 143; mechanical appliances, 144; criti- cism of American, 144. Organs, purchase of, loca- tion and selection of, 129 et seq.; cost, 135, 136; specification of small organ, 138; dura- bility of good organs, 139; care of, 140. Organs, use of, aids congre- gational singing, 128 ; essentially for Church use, 128, 251 ; registra- tion, 171. Organ Voluntaries, 159. Organs mentioned : Albany, N. Y., Cathedral, 124. Boston, Mass., King's Chapel, 118. Music Hall, 122. Tremont Temple, 121. Chicago, Ill., Auditorium, 126. Columbian Exposition, Cincinnati, Ohio, Music Hall, 121. Freiburg, Switzerland, St. Nicholas, 117. Garden City, L. I., Cathe- dral, 127. Haarlem, Holland, 117. Libau, Russia, 127. London, England, All Hal- lows, Barking, 111. Banqueting Room, White- hall, 113. Royal Albert, Hall, 126. St. Paul's Cathedral, 116. St. Margaret's, West- minster, 117. Organs mentioned, London. Continued. Southwark Cathedral, 116. Temple Church, 113. Westminster Abbey, 116. Magdeburg, Prussia, Cathe- dral, 108. Manchester, Eng., Town Hall, 117. Newport, R. I., Trinity, 119. New Haven, Conn., Wool- sey Hall, Yale Uni- versity, 123. New York, N. Y., College of the City of New York, 124. St. Bartholomew, 127. Trinity, 119. Norwich, England, Cathe- dral, 116. Ocean Grove, N. J., Audl- torium, 125. Paris, France, Notre Dame, 117. Saint Sulpice, 117. Philadelphia, Pa., Centen- nial Exposition, 123. Riga, Russia, 127. St. Denis, France, Abbey Church, 115. St. Louis, Mo., Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 126. Salisbury, England, Cathe- dral, 113. Sheffield, England, Town Hall, 117. Sidney, N. S. W., Town Hall, 126. Strasbourg, Germany, Cathedral, 117, Ulm, Germany, Cathedral, 117. Weingarten, Germany, Monastery, 117. Winchester, England, Ca- thedral, 107. Worcester, England, Cathe- dral, 117. 123. GENERAL İNDEX 273 Organs mentioned.Contin ued. York, England, Minster, 112. Organ voluntaries, 159. Palestrina, 10, 242. Parker, Horatio, 43, 253. Perieleses, 6. Peregrine Tone, 60. Pilcher, Henry, 201. Pipes, Pandean, 102; Chi- nese, Egyptian, Peru- vian, Roumanian, 103. Pipes, organ, open and stopped, 136; reed, 137. Plainsong, origin of 4, 220 ; characteristics of 5 et seq., 223; popularity of, 10; an artistic product, 220; in England, 224; Cranmer's Litany, Sar- um "Use," 225. Plainsong tunes, 4, 90. Playford's Tunes, 68, 72. Pleyel, Ignaz J., 20. Pneumae, 224. Prague Choral Society, 62. Pratt, Waldo S., 51. Precentor, 206. Psalms in Metre, Genevan Psalter, 63; Sternhold and Hopkins, 64; Rous and Watts, 65; Ains- worth, 66; Bay Psalm- book (New England Ver- sion) 66. Psalm singing, of Calvinists, 63; of Puritans and Scotch Presbyterians, 64; of the Established Church, 64 ; early tunes, 67; decline of 67; in America, 69 et seq. Purcell, Henry, 236. Ravenscroft, Thomas, 68, 72. Reading, John, 24. Redhead, Richard, 28. Reformation, the changes of, 11 ; music of, 12, 61. Ryenolds, C. E., 202. Rhythm, the soul of music, 170. Ritchie, Father, 201. Roman Church music, 59, 221. Rosenmüller, Johann, 17. Rowe (?) 191. Rowlands, W. D., 192. St. Ambrose, 221. St. Augustine, 60, 224. St. Gall, 224. St. Jerome, 105. St. Sylvester, 224. Salaries, 181. Sarum Use, 225 . Scotch Psalter, 67. Sewall, Judge, 69. Smart, Henry, 26, 247. Smedley, William, 202. Sparks, William, 246. Stainer, John, 40, 52, 85, 239, 248, 249. Stanford, C. Villiers, 250. Sternbold and Hopkins, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72. Sullivan, Arthur, S., 23, 41, 52, 250. Syrinx, 102. Tallis' Responses, 79, 228, 233. Tallis, Thomas, 22, 228, 233, 234, 238. Tate and Brady, 65, 68. Te Deum, 61, 73. Temple Music, 4, 55. Teschner, Melchior, 17, 93. Tobey (?) 193. Trinity Parish, New York, 72, 73, 119, 181, 189, 211. Tuckey, William, 73. Turle, James, 25. Wainwright, John, 25. Walmsley, Thomas A., 244. Watts, Isaac, 65, 70. Webbe, Samuel, 25. Wesley, Charles, 68, 244. Wesley, Samuel, 245. Wesley, Samuel Sebastian, 245. 274 GENERAL INDEX West, John D., 250. Whitehouse, Bishop, 194, 198. Whitehouse W. Fitzhugh, 193. Wild, Harrison M., 201. Wilkinson, Rev. John, 193. Wulstan, 107. DATE DUE Ada 18 DEC O B Recen 1 UN MAR 1 2002_ . . 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