DA کالای D64 1817 VERITAS ARTES LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ABPLURIOUS UNUM TUEBOR CIRCUMSPICE t SCIENTIA SI QUÆRIS PENINSULAM·AMⱭHAMS MADADACZAGADNAKONDA TORON OF THE S SUKAN DOCUMENTS [Cmd. 1108.] RELATIVE TO THE SINN FEIN MOVEMENT. Presented to Parliament by Command of His Majesty. Dreu et nere mon-orott 0 LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE. To be purchased through any Bookseller or directly from H.M. STATIONERY OFFICE at the following addresses: IMPERIAL HOUSE, KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C. 2, and 28, Abingdon STREET, LONDON, S.W. 1; 37, PETER STREET, MANCHESTER; 611 903 1, ST. ANDREW'S CRESCENT, Cardiff; 23, FORTH STREET, EDINBURGH; or from E. PONSONBY, LTD., 116, GRAFTON STREET, Dublin. 1921. Price 9d. net. DA 962 D64 ...... ...... ****** ..... Documents relative to the Sinn Fein Movement. IN May 1918 His Majesty's Government published a statement which, so far as was then expedient in the public interest, summarised without disclosing sources of information and channels of communication, evidence and documents in the possession of the Government showing the active connection between the leaders of the Sinn Fein Movement and the German Government. The following statement amplifies the previous narrative and reveals (so far as seems at present expedient) in greater detail certain of the documents proving the intrigues between Sinn Fein and Germany. It is desirable for the purpose of throwing light upon some of these documents to mention certain facts which occurred before war was declared in August 1914. In 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914 a series of articles appeared in seditious Irish newspapers and in various organs of the Irish American press in the United States urging a German Irish Alliance in the event of war between Germany and England, and they were widely circulated also in pamphlet form. One of them was "Ireland, Germany and the next War." It was reissued immediately on the outbreak of the war together with another entitled "The Crime against Europe." Sir Roger Casement was the author of these two pamphlets. This literature insisted on the strategic importance of Ireland as a factor of supreme importance in relation to sea power, and urged that in the event of England being defeated Ireland would at the Peace Conference secure through Germany her independence. In 1912 the first-mentioned of Casement's articles was sent by him to Von Bernhardi. It was translated and widely circulated in Germany and attracted considerable attention and discussion in the German press. Immediately ar was declared Kuno Meyer, who had been Professor of Celtic Languages in Liverpool University, became associated with Casement in reproducing these and similar articles in a cheap pamphlet form grouped together under the title- arter IRELAND, GERMANY AND THE FREEDOM OF THE SEAS." "A POSSIBLE OUTCOME OF THE WAR OF 1914." "To FREE THE SEAS, FREE IRELAND." Large quantities of the pamphlet were printed in Germany as well as in America. Excerpts were also issued in leaflet form and immense numbers were smuggled into Ireland and circulated as German propaganda by Sinn Fein. The introduction to the pamphlet prepared by Casement and Kuno Meyer explains the character of this propaganda which had been commenced in 1911- CC "The following articles were begun in 1911 under the title, Ireland, Germany and the Next War,' and were intended for private circulation only among a few interested friends of both countries. CC Part I was written in August 1911, Parts II to IV were written at odd moments, between the end of 1912 and November 1913. CC The whole six parts furnish in outline the case for a German-Irish alliance as this presented itself to the writer's mind when the world was still at peace. "It was the writer's intention to show in succeeding chapters how the vital needs of European peace, of European freedom of the seas and of Irish national life and prosperity were indissolubly linked with the cause of Germany in the struggle so clearly impending between that country and Great Britain. "The war has come sooner than was expected. The rest of the writer's task must be essayed not with the author's pen, but with the rifle of the Irish Volunteer. As a contribution to the cause of Irish freedom this presentment of the cause for Germany, friend of Ireland and foe of England, is now published." 3 When the war began Casement was in America. He was in close touch with the Irish Revolutionary Associations there. John Devoy, the ex-Fenian, was the most prominent leader of these Associations. He was during the war the chief agent in America for communication between Germany and Sinn Fein, and was described by Von Skal, one of Count Von Bernstorff's staff in Washington, as their Confidential Agent in a despatch from the German Embassy in America to Berlin in February 1916. He was known as "Sean Fear" (The Old Man) among the Irish revolutionaries. Casement left America and arrived in Germany shortly after the war had commenced, and (as will appear from the documents disclosed) he maintained communication with Devoy through the Germans. He had also been suggesting to the German Embassy the formation of an Irish Legion from Irish prisoners of war. The Germans arranged for Casement's return to Berlin where he had been prior to his visit to America. On the 27th September, 1914, the following despatch was sent from the German Embassy: (( 66 Wt. September 27th, 1914. G.N. 72. German Embassy. Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. "No. 166 of 25th September. "Reply to Despatch No. A 322 and with reference to Report No. A 164. "I am telegraphing, because written reports are too unsafe. I do not think it necessary in this matter to be too much exercised about American public opinion, as we are most likely to find friends here if we give freedom to oppressed peoples, such as the Poles the Finns and the Irish. What American public opinion is afraid of. so far as it is against us, is in the event of our victory, an excessive extension of our frontiers over areas where foreign languages are spoken. The decisive point seems to me to lie in the question whether any prospect of an understanding with England is now in view. or must we prepare ourselves for a life and death struggle? If so, I recommend falling in with Irish wishes. provided that there are really Irishmen who are prepared to help us. The formation of an Irish Legion from Irish prisoners. of war would be a grand idea if only it could be carried out. "It is said that the Irish Catholic priest Sexton, teacher at the Stilly Institute in Berlin, and nephew of the Bishop of Cork, is being detained in Berlin. The Irish here request that his return to Ireland may be facilitated. Irishmen here declare that Catholic Ireland will provide no voluntary recruits for England." << "" "W. No. 172. 1.10.14. CC An Irish priest [sic] named Michael Collins and Sir Roger Casement are going to Germany in order to visit the Irish prisoners. "I have given the former a recommendation to F. ،، Casement has received a cable from Dublin reporting that the whole of the twenty-five members nominated by Redmond on the Committee of the Trish Volunteers have been expelled from the Committee on account of Redmond's attempt to induce the Irish Volunteers to enter the English army." Date 3rd November, 1914. R. 547. "C German Embassy. Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. (C Foreign Office. Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. No. 215. With reference to Report A. 184, Sir Roger Casement has arrived. His proposals are being carefully gone into. (Sgd.) "ZIMMERMANN. Zimmermann was the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at Berlin. "November 6th, 1914. R. 730. . ، (C Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. Casement begs that the following intelligence may be transmitted :— For Justice Cohalan, 51, Chambers Street, New York. "Lody's identity discovered by enemy who are greatly alarmed and taking steps to defend Ireland and possibly arrest friends. They are ignorant here purpose my coming Germany, but seek evidence at all cost. Here everything 2000 1/21 F.O.P. [5056] "" A 2 4 favourable authority helping warmly. Send messenger immediately to Ireland fully informed verbally. No letter (?upon) him. He should be native- born American citizen, otherwise arrest likely. Let him despatch priest here viâ Christiania quickly. German Legation there will arrange passage; also let him tell Bigger, solicitor, Belfast (?to) conceal everything belonging to me. CC ROGER. "ZIMMERMANN." Lody mentioned in the despatch was a German spy who was arrested at Killarney on the 2nd October, 1914, and executed in the Tower on the 6th November, 1914. On the 20th November, 1914, the following official statement was issued from the German Foreign Office. It was circulated to the German press and sent out by wireless telegram. It was printed as a leaflet in Berlin and America and sent in great quantities to Sinn Fein and German agents in Ireland, where it was distributed extensively :- (6 Berlin, November 20th, 1914. The well-known Irish Nationalist, Sir Roger Casement, who has arrived in Berlin from the United States, has been received at the Foreign Office. Sir Roger Casement pointed out that statements were being published in Ireland, apparently with the authority of the British Government behind them, to the effect that a German victory would inflict great loss upon the Irish people, whose homes, churches, priests, and lands would be at the mercy of an invading army actuated only by motives of pillage and conquest. Recent utterances of Mr. Redmond on his recruiting tour in Ireland and many pronouncements of the British press in Ireland to the above effect have been widely circulated, Sir Roger pointed out, and have caused natural apprehension among Irishmen as to the German attitude towards Ireland in the event of a German victory in the present war. "Sir Roger sought a convincing statement of German intentions towards Ireland that might reassure his countrymen all over the world, and particularly in Ireland and America, in view of these disquieting statements emanating from responsible British quarters. "In reply to this enquiry, the Acting Secretary of State at the Foreign Office, by order of the Imperial Chancellor, has made the following official declaration:- "Official Statement. << 'The German Government repudiates the evil intentions attributed to it in the statements referred to by Sir Roger Casement, and takes this opportunity to give a categoric assurance that the German Government desires only the welfare of the Irish people, their country, and their institutions. "GERMANY AND IRELAND. 'Official Statement. "The Imperial Government formally declares that under no circumstances would Germany invade Ireland with a view to its conquest or the overthrow of any native institutions in that country. "Should the fortune of this great war, that was not of Germany's seeking. ever bring in its course German troops to the shores of Ireland, they would land there, not as an army of invaders to pillage and destroy, but as the forces of a Government that is inspired by good-will towards a country and a people for whom Germany desires only NATIONAL PROSPERITY and NATIONAL FREEDOM." Zehn, 21.12/ Zeit gn. 66 (C The following letters which were intercepted were written by Casement and enclosed in a covering envelope addressed to a lady then in London. The letter to Professor Eoin McNeill requests him to have the official declaration of the German Government published throughout Ireland by every possible means. 66 Letter. Send this on by hand. Read it if you like; it is a sacred confidence. But send it on by sure means. With much love and affection from the Man of Three Cows. He is well, and has convincing assurance of help, recognition, friends, and comfort for 5 the poor old woman. All that he asks for will be given her and the stranger put out of her house for ever. He has seen the big men, and they are one with his views, and if successful they will aid to uttermost to redeem the four green fields." Second Envelope. "Not to go through post on any account. Professor Eoin McNeill, CC "19, Herbert Park "Ball's Bridge, Dublin. "Berlin, 28th November, 1914. Please have this official declaration of the German Government, stating its intentions and declaring the goodwill of the German people towards Ireland and the desire of both Government and people for Irish national freedom published throughout Ireland by every possible means. CC You know who writes this. I am in Berlin, and if Ireland will do her duty, rest assured Germany will do hers towards us, our cause, and our whole future. CC CC "The enemy are doing everything to keep the truth out of Ireland, and are even going to try to get the Vatican on their side, as in the time of Parnell. Once our people, clergy and volunteers know that Germany, if victorious, will do her best to aid us in our efforts to achieve an independent Ireland, every man at home must stand for Germany and Irish freedom. "I am entirely assured of the goodwill of this Government towards our country, and beg you to proclaim it far and wide. They will do all in their power to help us to win national freedom, and it lies with Ireland and Irishmen themselves to prove that they are worthy to be free. (C Send to me here in Berlin, by way of Christiania, if possible, one or two thoroughly patriotic Irish priests-young men best. Men like Father Murphy of Vinegar Hill-and for the same purpose. CC Rifles and ammunition can be found and good officers, too. First send the priest or priests, as I need them for a special purpose here, you can guess-for- "If the priest or priests can get to Christiania (Norway), they can get here through the German Legation at Christiania. Our friends in America will pay all expenses. Warn all our people, too, of the present intrigue at Rome to bring pressure of religion to bear on a question wholly political and national. Our enemy will stick at no crime to-day against Ireland, as you will soon know. This official declaration of the German Government has been sent out to all the German representatives abroad for world-wide publication. It may be followed by another still more to the point-but much depends on your staunchness and courage at home. "Tell all to trust the Germans-and to trust me. We shall win everything if you are brave and faithful to the old cause. Try and send me word here to Berlin by the same channel as this. Tell me all your needs at home, viz., rifles, officers, men. Send priest or priests at all costs-one not afraid to fight and die for Ireland. The enemy are hiding the truth. The Germans will surely, under God, defeat both Russia and France and compel a peace that will leave Germany stronger than before. They already have 550,000 prisoners of war in Germany, and Austria 150,000, and Russia has been severely defeated in Poland. "India and Egypt will probably both be in arms. Even if Germany cannot reach England to-day, we can only gain by helping Germany now, as with the understanding come to, Ireland will have a strong and enlightened friend to help to ultimate independence. "We may win everything by this war if we are true to Germany; and if we do not win to-day we insure international recognition of Irish nationality and hand on an uplifted cause for our sons. 66 Reply by this route: A letter for me, addressed to Mr. Hammond, 76, Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin, to be enclosed in one addressed to Messrs. Wambersin and Son, Rotterdam." With regard to Casement's statement that India would probably be in arms, reference may be made to the Report of the East India (Sedition Committee, 1918), Cd.9190 Ch.VII "German Plots," from which it appears that in October 1914 A 3 5056 6 > Chempakaraman Pillai, who will be found afterwards associated with the German- Irish Society, was employed by the German Foreign Office in Berlin and established there the "Indian National Party," attached to the German General Staff. The members of this" staff were engaged in the production of anti-British literature for propaganda; in directing a campaign to win Indian prisoners of war captured by the Germans from the British ranks from their allegiance: and in arranging for the smuggling of arms into India. A Captain Boehm (whose name will appear further down) was engaged in making arrangements in the United States with Indian agents of Germany in America to despatch cargoes of arms and ammunition to the Indian revolutionaries. Arms were shipped, but captured. The methods and fate of these Indian intrigues were very similar to those of the German dealings with Sinn Fein. (6 << CC December 1914. G.N. 83. "Confidential agent arrived in Ireland at end of November. The declaration of the German Foreign Office has made an excellent impression. C C (C German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. No. 506 of 5th December. With reference to your telegram 322 and 314. For Casement: The priest starts as soon as the leave of absence which he requires has been granted. This is expected soon. Judge Cohalan recommends not publishing statement about attempt on Casement's life until actual proofs are secured. tr (6 $6 Requests for money have been complied with. "There have been purchased for India, eleven thousand rifles, four million cartridges, two hundred and fifty Mauser pistols, five hundred revolvers with ammunition. Devoy does not think it possible to ship them to Ireland. "I am trying to buy rifles for Turkey in South America." ، ، 13th December, 1914. No. 158. No. 549 of 12th December. With reference to N. 322. ( Please remit a thousand dollars to Sir Roger Casement, which have been paid to me by Mr. Devoy, of the Gaelic American. "For Casement: "O'Donnel cannot go. Reverend John T. Nicholson, of Philadelphia, is on sick leave now and ready to start. "First available vessel sails for Netherlands December 18th. Arranged to have pass for Italy and Switzerland. 66 Is in every way qualified. Speaks Irish well. Has visited Germany and is in full sympathy with the work we want done. Born in Ireland, but is American citizen. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. 28th January, 1915. R. 651. (( Extract from Message. 6 C "No. 106. "Please pass on the two following instructions promptly as possible: Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. "1st. To John Devoy. Support of Larkin entails loss of sympathy in many quarters of Ireland. Send all possible literature to Collegio Irlandese, Rome. 7 CC 2nd. To J. MacGarrity, Philadelphia. "Send by Ambassador's Messenger at once a copy of The Crime against Europe' to Hammond. "I can publish here." N 1 The Crime against Europe" was (as above stated) incorporated with other of Casement's articles in the pamphlet "Ireland, Germany and ine Freedom of the Seas, A Possible Outcome of the War of 1914, To Free the Seas, Free Ireland." The pamphlet was printed and published both in Germany and in America. Casement after his arrival in Germany was actively engaged in endeavouring to seduce Irish prisoners of war from their allegiance. An attempt which was almost a complete failure. Kuno Meyer was associated with him in this scheme. A letter was written from the Berlin Foreign Office the 28th December, 1914, addressed to Casement by the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, lierr Zimmermann. It stated that the Imperial Government had accepted Casement's proposal for the formation of an Irish Brigade to fight only in the cause of Irish nationality under the conditions contained in the contract already concluded between Casement and the German Government. These conditions provided that in certain circum- stances the Irish Brigade should be sent to Ireland well furnished with stores and munitions to help to equip the Irish for a united attempt to restore freedom to Ireland by force of arms. Among the special conditions mentioned were the follow- ing, namely, that in the event of a German naval victory rendering it possible to reach Ireland, the German Government undertook to assist the Irish Brigade with a German auxiliary corps under the command of German officers in German trans- ports which would be landed on the Irish coast. The landing in Ireland would, however, only be considered expedient in the event of a German victory offering good prospects for a successful passage to Ireland, failing which, the Irish Brigade would be employed in Germany or elsewhere, solely, however, in the manner already agreed upon with Casement. In such a contingency the Irish Brigade might be sent to Egypt to render assistance in restoring Egyptian independence. On the 6th December, 1914, Kuno Meyer addressed a meeting of the Clan-na- Gael, of Long Island, New York. "It was in the summer of 1911 (he said) that I lost all hope of peace between England and Germany. I have visited many of our prisoners' camps, and had many talks with the English and Irish among them. At a station called Lohne I fell in with a train containing Irish soldiers who were being drafted from all parts of Germany into one camp for the mysterious purpose which I have hinted at before. That an invasion both of England and Ireland will take place sooner or later I, together with all my countrymen, firmly believe. The attack upon Yarmouth, the mines placed near Malin Head, and what happened in Lough Swilly and at Sheerness have already foreshadowed it. And when Germany has obtained the great objects for which she fights, the nations that now bear the yoke of England unwillingly will, surely, not be forgotten, and in the case of two of them at least, the oldest and the youngest of England's conquests, Ireland and Egypt, the restitution of their autonomy must be one of the conditions of peace. (See the Times," the 24th December, 1914.) 5056 >> For an account of the proceedings of Sinn Fein in Ireland and its connection there with the Irish Revolutionary Association in America, in alliance with the German organisations there, down to the outbreak of the Rebellion of Easter 1916, reference is made to the Report of the Royal Commission on the Rebellion in Ireland 1916, Cd. 8279, and the Minutes of Evidence 1916, Cd. 8311. The report states, page 6, "It is now a matter of common notoriety that the Irish volunteers have been in communication with the authorities in Germany, and were, for a long time, known to be supplied with money through Irish-American societies. It was so stated in public by Mr. John McNeill on the 8th November, 1914. It was suspected long before the outbreak that some of the money came from German sources.'' 1 Early in 1915 after the promulgation in Ireland of military orders under the Defence of the Realm Act for the action of the inhabitants in the event of invasion, counter notices were placarded calling on the people to disobey the orders issued and to welcome the German troops as friends. The following is a specimen notice :- A f P 8 'PEOPLE OF WEXFORD. "Take no notice of the police order to destroy your own property, and leave your homes if a German army lands in Ireland. When the Germans come they will come as friends, and to put an end to English rule in Ireland. Therefore, stay in your homes, and assist as far as possible the German troops. Any stores, hay, corn, or forage taken by the Germans will be paid for by them. "" In February 1915 great quantities of this proclamation and of the "Official Statement" Germany and Ireland, which had been printed in Berlin, were dis- covered at Enniscorthy, in the house of Laurence De Lacy, who evaded arrest and fled to America. He was subsequently sentenced to imprisonment at San Francisco for plotting with German agents there. After his escape to America De Lacey was in touch with the Sinn Fein Party in Ireland. The Friends of Peace. In February 1915, Albert Sander, a German spy, who had offices at 150, Nassau Street, New York, formed an organisation called the "Friends of Peace" the object of the society being to assist Germany in securing an embargo on the exportation of arms from the United States, and to prevent America from entering the war. Linked up and affiliated with this society were the Clan-na-Gael, the Socialist Party of New York, a German-Irish association called "The American Truth Society," and a number of German-American societies, and among the chairmen were John Devoy and John A. O'Leary. In February 1917, Sander was convicted in New York for initiating and providing in the United States for a military enterprise against Great Britain and Ireland and sending spies to Great Britain and Ireland, and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. (C The following despatch was sent in January 1916 from Berlin to Washington, and afterwards published by the American Secretary of State :— Telegram from the German Foreign Office to Count von Bernstorff :- 6. 56 6 "1916, January 3 (secret). General Staff desires energetic action in regard to proposed destruction of Canadian Pacific Railway at several points with a view to complete and pro- tracted interruption of traffic. Capt. Boehm who is known on your side and is shortly returning has been given instructions. Inform the Military Attaché and provide the necessary funds. (Signed) 66 German Foreign Office to Count Von Bernstorff. CC January 26, for Military Attaché. You can obtain particulars as to persons suitable for carrying on sabotage in the United States and Canada from the following persons :- ZIMMERMANN." (1) Joseph M'Garrity, Philadelphia, Pa.; (2) John P. Keating, Michigan Avenue, Chicago; (3) Jeremiah O'Leary, 16, Park Row, New York. One and two are absolutely reliable, but not always discreet These persons are indicated by Sir Roger Casement. In the United States sabotage can be carried out on every kind of factory for supplying munitions of war. Railway embank- ments and bridges must not be touched. Embassy must in no circumstances be compromised. Similar precautions must be taken in regard to Irish pro-German propaganda. "Signed Representative of General Staff." M 9 1 1 · << 5th January (1916). CC "No. 117 of 4th January. "No. 540 of 4th January. "For John Devoy: Foreign Office. Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. Letter 21st November received; officer unnecessary, no further men needed. "CASEMENT." The Friends of Irish Freedom. Shortly before the rebellion of Easter 1916 there was founded in the United States the association known as "The Friends of Irish Freedom." In February 1916 Judge Cohalan, T. St. John Gaffney, and Jeremiah A. O'Leary issued a call for an Irish Race Convention which was held in New York on the 4th and 5th March, 1916. A permanent organisation was then formed. The president, three of the vice-presidents, the treasurer and secretary were members of the Clan-na-Gael; Judge Cohalan was first of the board of directors; Jeremiah O'Leary and Joseph M'Garrity were on the executive. Of the 52 permanent members of the board of directors 37 were members of the Clan-na-Gael, and of the 17 members of the executive 15 belonged to the Clan-na-Gael. John Devoy was one of the association and T. St. John Gaffney was appointed representative of the Friends of Irish Freedom for Europe. A bureau was established at Stockholm, whither Gaffney repaired, and from there and at Berlin maintained, along with George Chatterton-Hill, close relations between the German Government and the various Irish-American and Sinn Fein organisations. De Valera, Monteith, Mellowes and others of the Irish Sinn Fein rebels who went to America after the Rebellion became participators in the work of the Friends of Irish Freedom. This congress was convoked for the purpose of "arranging means to enable Ireland to recover independence after the war. The convention demanded the recognition of Ireland as an independent nation, and passed a resolution that CC We hereby appeal to the Great Powers to recognise that Ireland is an European island and not an English island, and to appreciate the fact that the complete independence of Ireland from the Britannic Empire is the essential and indispensable condition of the freedom of the seas.' The Friends of Irish Freedom maintained close touch with the German organisations in America both before and after the rebellion. The bureau of the Friends of Irish Freedom in Stockholm was at 286 Artillerigatan, and was under the direction of T. St. John Gaffney. He will be found acting along with Chatterton-Hill as the accredited agent of Sinn Fein at Stockholm and Berlin in 1917 and 1918. رو The Indiska Central Committee (an Indian seditious organisation) shared quarters at 286 Artillerigatan with the Friends of Irish Freedom. J Nr. 109/16. Most Secret. Extract from Report of Confidential Agent, Ireland, which has been delivered to the Imperial mission : Kata Kat New York, February 10, 1916. John Devoy, on the position in Embassy for telegraphic trans- "Unanimous opinion that action cannot be postponed much longer. Delay disadvantageous to us. We can now put up an effective fight. Our enemies cannot allow us much more time. The arrest of our leaders would hamper us severely. Initiative on our part is necessary. The Irish regiments which are in sympathy with us are being gradually replaced by English regiments. We have therefore decided to begin action on Easter Saturday. Unless entirely new circumstances arise we must have your arms and munitions in Limerick between Good Friday and Easter Saturday. We expect German help immediately after beginning action. We might be compelled to begin earlier.” The Confidential Agent will advise (the Irish) if at all possible to wait, and will point out the difficulties in the way of (our) giving help, but nevertheless believes that 10 circumstances make delay impossible. The Committee here will come to a decision independently. (Signed) (Despatch in envelope addressed : Mr. W. PFITZNER, Esschenlaan 16, Rotterdam. Per s.s. Sommelsdyk." Pmk. New York, February 10, 1916.) 66 Despatch Your Excellency, Berlin, February 12, 1916. I have the honour, in answer to your report of the 24th December of last year, to acknowledge the payment of 1,000 dollars to Sir Roger Casement mentioned in wireless telegram. ZIMMERMANN. War Intelligence Centre, SKAL Attached surreptitiously by Count Bernstorff to a message regarding the "Lusitania" negotiations, which was sanctioned and passed through by State Department of the American Government, February 18, 1916. (No. 675.) The Irish leader, John Devoy, informs me that rising is to begin in Ireland on Easter Saturday. Please send arms to (arrive at) Limerick, west coast of Ireland, between Good Friday and Easter Saturday. » M To put it off longer is impossible. Let me know if help may be expected from Germany. BERNSTORFF. Foreign Office. Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. (6 No. 572 of 1st March. In reply to telegram 675 of 17th February. Between 20th and 23rd April, in the evening, two or three steam-trawlers could land 20,000 rifles and 10 machine-guns, with ammunition and explosives at Fenit Pier in Tralee Bay. Decoded it reads:- Irish agree to proposition. "Necessary steps have been taken. Irish pilot-boat to await the trawlers at dusk, north of the Island of Inishtooskert, at the entrance of Tralee Bay, and show two green lights close to each other at short intervals. Please wire whether the necessary arrangements in Ireland can be made secretly through Devoy. Success can only be assured by the most vigorous efforts. March 4, 1916, 2009. On 12th March, 1916, a code message in German was sent by wireless from the German Embassy in Washington to Banker Max Moebius, Oberwallstrasse, Berlin; translated it was:- "" "National Germania Insurance Contract certainly promised. Executor is evidently satisfied with proposition. Necessary steps have been taken.-HENRY NEWMAN,' 11 127. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. Foreign Office, 686 of 12th March. Reply to telegram 572. The Irish agree. Will follow instructions. Details sent to Ireland by messenger. Despatched in envelope addressed to:- Mr. Z. N. G. OLIFIERS, 121 Keizergracht 121, E. 10. No. 130. Sloterdyk, near Amsterdam. Per: s.s. Washington, 15th March, 1916. continuation of telegram 686 of 12th March. "Noordam" viâ Rotterdam. March 14, 1916 March 13, 1916. (( "" If those fishing steamers are equipped with wireless apparatus, the signals mentioned for the Limerick proposal would come in very useful. They are: for warning that the vessel is coming, "Finn" ; for warning that something wrong has for happened, "Bran." In case the fishing vessels are not equipped with wireless apparatus, the without wire signal could be sent from Germany and our friends would surely pick them up as they have numerous private receiving stations, though they cannot send out anything. "Bran" sent from Germany would mean that something had gone wrong, whether delay in starting or interruption of voyage, and another date mentioned with this would mean that the affair was postponed to that date. Finn would mean that the cargo had started on time to arrive about date already arrange‹l. It is important that they should be able to make the necessary arrangements in time, and be able to conscript sufficient force at right moment. They are quite_prepared to take all chances, but want to prearrange as much as possible to do. In case a submarine should come into Dublin Bay in connection with landing of anything, either material or officers, the signals "Ashling" would ensure immediate recognition. If a submarine should enter the Bay unconnected with any expedition no signal is necessary, and she should go right up to the Pigeon house, which is now used as an electric plant, and a sewage station where boats are constantly entering and leaving and there are no nets. JOHN DEVOY. BERNSTORFF. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. March 21, 1916. With reference to No. 686. In case the trawlers are fitted with wireless, they are to make the following signals in the Limerick expedition :— A. E. 56. No. 167 of 24th March. As a sign that ships are coming, FINN. As a sign that something untoward has occurred, BRAN. If the trawler is not fitted with wireless, then send wireless from Germany. There are numerous private receiving stations in Ireland. BRAN sent from Germany is to have the meaning that something has gone wrong. The addition of a date means the date to which the expedition has been postponed. FINN means that the cargo has left at the right time. If submarines proceed into Dublin Bay in connection with the landing of war material or officers, then the signal is ASHLING. If only submarines come, no signal is necessary. to the Pigeon-house, where they can proceed in and been set. They are then to go straight up out at any time. No nets have Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. March 26, 1916. In continuation of our No. 572 of 1st March. Three trawlers and a small cargo steamer are coming with 1,400 tons cargo- measurement. Lighters must be kept in readiness. As at present arranged, Nauer 12 "" will send out each night at 12 midnight, starting from 8th April, as introduction to its press service, the word "Finn as sign that the cargo has started as arranged. The word "Bran" will be sent if there is any hitch. A date placed after " Bran" means that the arrival of the steamer has been postponed to that date. The wave length will be 4,700 meters. I would recommend that the stations should listen for Nauen for practice first. Everything else will be done in accordance with arrangements made in our telegram of 1st March. Despatch. Washington, April 10, 1916. John Devoy requests that the following telegram may be forwarded to Sir Roger Casement:- Should Sir Roger be away or ill, J. D. requests that the telegram be delivered to John Monteith. BERNSTORFF. Message in envelope addressed :- M. H. EISENHUTH, 5, Stationsvej, Gentofte, Copenhagen. "" E. 171. No. 9. Per s.s. "Hellig Olav. A. No. 218. Washington, April 12, 1916. The 500 dollars mentioned in radiogram No. 144 were also given to me by Devoy to be given to Casement. Please advise of payment. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. E. 37. No. 8. In continuation of telegram 1 of 2nd February. April 18. Delivery of arms must take place punctually on Sunday, 23rd April, in the evening. This is of the highest importance. As smuggling is impossible, the landing must be carried out rapidly. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. In continuation of No. 7 of 15th April. April 19, 1916. Very Urgent. The Irish desire to know if submarines are coming to Dublin Harbour; if not, do they intend to blockade the harbour, and, if possible, Limerick Harbour? The landing of a body of troops, however small, is urgently desired, and they further suggest a simultaneous strong demonstration by airships and at sea. In April 1916 a seizure was made by the United States Government at the office of Wolf von Igel, 60, Wall Street, New York, of certain documents which proved the intimate relations between the accredited representatives of the Kaiser in the United States and Irish plotters against the laws and security of the United States, as well as against the British Empire. Excerpts from them were published by the American Government. As far as they have been already disclosed, they give a glimpse into a portion of the intrigue between the Irish revolutionaries and the German Government. Von Igel had established in the autumn of 1914 what was ostensibly an "advertising agency in Wall Street. The business carried on there had, however, nothing whatever to do with advertising. He was an official of the German Embassy, and his office was practically a sub-bureau of the German Foreign Office at Washington. Von Igel was specially concerned with the German-Irish intrigues. "" 13 German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. 20th April, 1916. E. 52. No. 4. No. 12 of the 18th April. Cohalan requests me to send on the following The Irish revolt can only succeed if assisted by Germany, otherwise England will be able to crush it, although after a severe struggle. Assistance required: There would be an air raid on England and a naval attack timed to coincide with the rising, followed by a landing of troops and munitions and also of some officers, perhaps from an airship. It might then be possible to close the Irish harbours against England, set up bases for submarines and cut off food export to England. A successful rising may decide the war. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. 2006. No. 7 of 22nd April. In reply to No. 9 of 17th April. Sending of submarine to Dublin harbour impossible. 22nd April, 1916. No. 180. VON JAGOW. Casement left Kiel about the 12th April, 1916, in a German submarine, accompanied by Monteith, a dismissed ordnance store conductor. He was an Irish Volunteer organiser who had gone to America and thence to Germany. They landed on the coast of Kerry on Good Friday, the 21st April, 1916. Casement was captured; Monteith escaped. A German ship, the "Aud," carrying arms for the rebels, was intercepted by a British cruiser, and her commander sunk the "Aud." The rebellion broke out in Dublin on Easter Monday, the 24th April, 1916-a day after the scheduled time. It was suppressed upon the 1st May, when the rebels surrendered. On the 24th April-as arranged between the German Government and the Sinn Fein leaders-a Zeppelin raid was made on East Anglia. On the 25th April a German naval raid was made on Lowestoft and Yarmouth, and a Zeppelin raid on Essex and Kent. The Proclamation of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, signed by the rebel leaders, declared that- "Having organised and trained her manhood through her secret revolutionary organisation, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and through her open military organisations, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself, she now seizes that moment, and, supported by her exiled children in America and by gallant Allies in Europe, but relying in the first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory." This Secret Revolutionary Organisation was the Irish Republican Brotherhood, or the Clan-na-Gael, which carries on the tradition of the Fenian Brotherhood. From 1861 to 1865 it had been in process of establishment in America as an Irish Revolutionary Society, and was known to the public as the Fenian or Irish Revolutionary Brotherhood, or I.R.B. It was subsequently extended through the Clan-na-Gael. The Clan-na-Gael was composed of a federation of clubs divided into districts, and had, and still has, very wide ramifications in America, and a close connection through the I.R.B. with Ireland. John Devoy, the Fenian leader, had been the Secretary of the Clan-na-Gael for over twenty years, and is its dominant figure. Among other prominent members is Judge Cohalan, who became a member in 1899, and has been chairman of very many of the biennial conventions held by the organisation. He is an ex officio member of the Executive, 14 Other prominent members were Joseph M'Garrity, of Philadelphia; John T. Ryan of Buffalo; John P. Keating, Jeremiah O'Leary, and his brother, John O'Leary St. John Gaffney, who was formerly United States consul at Dresden and Munich, but dismissed from that office by the United States Government. We find Dr. McCartan, Mellowes and Monteith, all of whom fled from Ireland after the rebellion, closely associated with its councils and operations. Kuno Meyer was in touch with the Clan-na-Gael when in America. The total casualties arising out of the rebellion were as follows:--- Military officers .. other ranks R.I.. officers "" D.M.P... Civilians and insurgents other ranks 3 I 18 56 2 17 4 }; "; "; } "> >> 15 were sentenced to death and executed. 10 penal servitude for life. 1 20 years' penal servitude. 33 10 8 "" "" "" 23 "} With the exception of those in the R.I.C., the only other casualties outside Dublin were eight civilians killed and one military officer and nine civilians wounded. Field General Courts-Martial were at once constituted for the trial of the prisoners taken in the rebellion; 3,430 men and 79 women were arrested. Of these 1,424 men and 73 women were released after enquiry. 170 men and one woman were tried by Courts Martial, and of these 159 men and one woman were convicted and the remaining 11 acquitted. The remainder of the prisoners, 1,836 men and five women, were sent to England and interned there. Of the 160 persons convicted by Courts-Martial- "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" >> "" >> "" "" >> 13 "" • "" "" Killed. 7 5 Edward Daly. William Pearse. Cornelius Colbert. J. J. Heuston. Michael O'Hanrahan. John McBride. Michael Mallin. "" 99 17 99 2 "" 11 3 318 "" 450 >> "" )) Wounded. " 22 7 2,217 2,614 "" 46 322 ?? ,, The names of the persons executed were : P. H. Pearse. Thomas McDonagh. Joseph Plunkett. Edmund Kent. Thomas J. Clarke. James Connolly. John McDermott. >> 99 55 در Missing. "" 3 "} 2 years' imprisonment with hard labour. 1 "" 6 months' 9 "" 9 ,, glim "" Total. "" 63 430 2 33 10 2,535 3,073 The above were the seven men who signed the Declaration proclaiming the formation of the Irish Republic. The other prominent leaders executed were :- 15 For the murder of Head Constable Rowe at Fermoy on 2nd May- Thomas Kent. In all 90 persons were sentenced to death by the Courts-Martial, but in only fifteen cases were the sentences carried out, the sentences in the other cases being commuted to various terms of penal servitude by the G.O.C.-in-Chief. Of the persons sent to England for internment, 1,272 were subsequently discharged after their cases had been investigated, and later on at Christmas 1916 the remainder were released. In the general amnesty which was granted in June prior to the setting up of the Irish Convention all persons who were either interned, or undergoing sentences of penal servitude or imprisonment for complicity in the rebellion, were released. In a letter written by P. H. Pearse the night before his execution the following postscript appeared: "The help I expected from Germany failed; the British sunk the ships." Immediately after the rebellion the Sinn Fein revolutionaries in America were found again plotting with Germany to arrange for another rising in Ireland. On 6th May, 1916, a message, which is missing, but is referred to as "A 259 of May 1916," was sent from Washington to Berlin requesting further help for the Irish, and their correlated energies in stirring up sedition in India appear from the following communication : Despatch in envelope addressed :- A. No. 49 of 27th May. To Ambassador. Washington. Mr. W. Gramms, · 1914-14th Street, Washington, D.C. Pmk. Copenhagen, 29.5.16. I request your Excellency in the meanwhile to enquire of the "Irish World," 28-29, Barclay Street, New York, whether the paper would be willing to permit Patrick Ford's "The Criminal History of the British Empire," published in 1915, to be reprinted for the Indian Independence Committee here. I shall look forward to your report on the results of your enquiry with interest. (Signed) ZIMMERMANN. Despatch in envelope addressed: Mr. Z. N. G. OLIFIERS, 121, Keizergracht 121, Sloterdyk, Nr. Amsterdam. << Per s.s. Ryndam," viâ Rotterdam. Mount Vernon, June 16. Pmk. Rye, 16th June 16. Po la competat A 315, in continuation of A 259 of the 6th of last month. The Irish leaders write me as follows:- the 12th June, 1916. We are completely cut off from all communication with our friends in Ireland. All we can get just now is that information brought by returning American citizens who had passed before the rebellion, and they only bring stories about the fighting. None of them have seen any man who could give them inside information. All such men have either been shot or imprisoned, except a few who are in hiding. It is said that some of these have escaped and are on their way to America. Two of those named could give us valuable information if they get here. The British casualties in Dublin were 2,700 men. It is very improbable that any vessel was able to land a cargo. But the amount of ammunition the Dublin rebels had 16 astonished us, whether they got it from a submarine or any other source we cannot say, but they had an ample supply. It was the artillery and machine-guns that beat them. The Inspector-General of Constabulary said before the Irish Commission that the troops and police captured 350,000 rounds of ammunition all over Ireland. They were able to manufacture a lot with machinery we sent them, and that they were able to duplicate by that quantity seems too much. The sending of Sir Roger Casement to Ireland was very unfortunate. His arrest with that of Bailey enabled the Government to frustrate the Kerry rising and put them on their guard, even without the betrayal from here. We have sent 1,000l. to defend Casement by Doyle, the American lawyer. Our information is, that instead of the harsh measures cowing the people, we have ten friends now for every one we had before the rebellion. It is the same here. But it will take us a little time to open communication with the right people. No one can get either in or out of Ireland now. BERNSTORFF. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. 17.6.16. 217 of 15th of June, No. 40 of 15th of June in answer to A No. 259 of 6th of May. (We are) in principle perfectly ready to give further aid to the Irish. Please send prompt statement as to the nature, time and extent of the help required. Despatch in envelope addressed: Mr. H. EISENHUTH, 5, Stationsvej, Gentofte, Copenhagen. "Frederick VIII." Per s.s. Pmk. New York, July 25, 1916. Rye, New York, July 14, 1916. A 349. Contents: Ireland and Sir Roger Casement. In continuation of report A 315 of 16th June, 1916. Copy of a letter which has arrived from Ireland by messenger is sent herewith. The news which it contains is supplemented by the following verbal reports: All the available indications point to the fact that information about the project of landing arms in Ireland reached London from New York, or, more probably perhaps, Washington. For several months the west coast of Ireland had been quite unwatched, when, on the (Wednesday) before Easter (Herr von Igel's papers came into the hands of the State Attorney on ? Tuesday), all at once the order arrived to send out all available ships to watch for a German steamer. The steamer with the arms had entered Tralee Bay on the evening of Thursday, but had turned back, not finding anyone to whom to deliver the cargo. On Friday she again put in, and was stopped by the patrol-bbat "Bluebell, whereupon she was sunk by her crew. It must be assumed that the steamer had not received the instructions not to proceed in until early on Saturday. In view of this mistake, the circumstance becomes (? explicable) that the leader MacNeill put off the rising which had been arranged for Easter Saturday, as the letter shows. It has become apparent that Casement cherished the conviction that foreigners were indiscreet, and he alone, by his personal influence, could bring about the liberation of his country. He seems, in fact, to have credited himself with super- natural powers. ر, He sent orders to MacNeill by a (messenger) that the rising must wait till he (Casement) had arrived in Dublin or London. (Consequently), at the moment when the rising could no longer be postponed, there were only 1,500 instead of the expected 5,000 men available, and the reinforcements which hurried up from the other parts of the town and suburbs could not get a chance to take part in the fighting. Had 5,000 men been available, the Castle and harbour could have been seized, and the latter kept under control. In that case, the insurgents might well have been able to hold out for several weeks. According to further reports, the work of reorganisation had already been 17 begun. Two members of the old Central Committee have so far not been arrested, and are apparently not even suspected. They have, along with some of the energetic (younger) men, undertaken the task of reorganisation, and are making good progress. They report that the number of sympathisers with the Insurrection has multiplied tenfold and that they have enough men available to make possible another attempt at any time. Also that they have succeeded in procuring large supplies of arms and munitions. The lack of money has already been supplied from here. In the near future, the Committee here will proceed to Ireland, taking with them the money which has been collected for the poor, and will then be in a position to get more accurate information. Enclosure. Letter received June 30, 1916. Ourselves! Ourselves! First about press. It is under control of authority and not a single word in the papers can be relied on. I am despatching copy of order sent to all editors. Someone got some printed for distribution to country (R.D.Cs., &c.), second copy for American consumption. We know feeling America is good because we hear nothing about it and censorship is so strict. Let John Devoy and others know that all chief men in Dublin who were not shot are in prison; the prominent men of count(ies) also. The fact that very few count(ies) were in the rising did not prevent wholesale arrests. We want American friends to understand what happened and take Cork as fairly. typical example; Cork men were out as arranged for manoeuvres on Easter Sunday; county was regularly linked up, men in trim for anything. Orders came while they were out cancelling all arrangements. Weather was atrocious and as nothing to be gained by staying out all night in the open, men disappointed returned to their districts Sunday night. Some men did not get home till Tuesday morning. Mean- while the two chief officers had been making a tour of inspection all through country by automobile. Only commander returned to Cork Monday night. Monday after- noon he got the news from Dublin that the rising was to commence there at noon and an order signed by Pearse for Cork to join in. It was late Monday evening before other two staff officers got word. Mobilisation was out of question that night and by Tuesday morning city was surrounded on all sides. The men could not have got out if they had had munition in tons and guns in hundreds, which they had not. It seemed to us here that Dublin had made criminal mistake. We have since learned that it was "Come out and fight or be disarmed " Tuesday morning. But we did not know at that time. G We still think that Inner Council were not justified in keeping MacNeill in dark so long. I cannot go into that now. Provinces wished not to be left out of affair but there certainly was regrettable disregard of provincial conditions on the part of Dublin. Dublin was well supplied with arms, munitions, provinces not; Dublin had been told that without arms, &c., we could do nothing. I have only written that much to explain why so few counties were "out. It is the present state of affairs I want to deal with. Then opinions there were divided, practically the whole country is right now. ,, There are exceptions the usual Shoneen (sic) place-hunting crowd-but the shooting of leaders the wholesale arrests all over the country--the shocking prison treatment and the continuance of Martial Law, have acted as a tonic, and as a quondam Imperialist said to me a short time ago, "We are all Sinn Feiners now.' In beginning, the week after the rising, all the councils protested horror of Dublin business and loyalty, &c. However, their tune is changing and they are resolving against present régime. No parades of volunteers are allowed. ," The organisation is supposed dead, but they are keeping in touch with each other and their spirit is excellent. Very few arms have been given up in the country and no munitions. In Limerick they gave all up, however they were not sufficiently armed to be effective. Though many arms are hidden safely, there are not sufficient for future offence, unless supplemented. You can realise that we are not cowed down from the fact that they contemplate giving a measure of Home Rule" at once. at once. Here is a grave danger. Martial Law 66 5056 B 18 Tom reigns here. We are not allowed to hold any political meetings to protest against partition of Ulster. The Irish party have accepted it as a compromise to agree to exclusion of six counties. The country is totally opposed to it, but owing to Martial Law cannot make itself heard. Redmond says the arrangement is until after war. Ulster says the exclusion is permanent, and will only agree on that understanding. We believe both Asquith and Lord French wished to get permission to apply conscription in exchange, and Redmond would gladly give it if he dared. But that won't work. Another thing we would like you to know. There was an agent from G here is in country at present-who has been sent over to find out the real state of feeling in Ireland and also to learn what probability there is of large number of recruits from Ireland. The English as fighters do not seem to appeal to them. He is interrogating the prison men, but N.B. his introductions are from the B. Govt. and the Irish party probably. We only heard accidentally through someone in touch with authority that he has been in country. He got into touch with no one in Volunteer circles in country. That much I can say for certain. One thing is certain, recruiting for the British Army is dead in Ireland. I doubt if they have got half-a-dozen in whole country since Easter. Our present position is this: There is not a leader left. The men are there and the women too, full of spirit but all the real brains of organisation are dead or locked up. Anyone who could voice the desires of country to be represented at Peace Conference is not here to do it. No papers are allowed, no speeches even if the men were there to write or make them. When it became clear that Dublin would have to surrender, Tom Clarke drew a certain person in Post Office aside and confessed the whole inner history of business to that person. Sean MacDermot also made a statement before he died. Naturally it is not safe to write these things, but the summary is there for later on. Clarke, who was a very great friend of ours, had had many intimate talks with me and had told me of certain documents in our favour. I do not want to particularise more than that, but John Devoy will understand. What we need now is to get in touch with America if possible. The men here feel that they would give anything to have a trusted envoy sent from the Clan-na-Gael to tell them how things stand over there and advise them as to best course of action possible. The Home Rule move is sinister. If England can represent Ireland as contented with Home Rule we may. be lost at conference, or worse still, if she has to let Ireland be represented at Peace Conference she may have Redmond, Prime Minister of New Home Rule Parliament, to represent us. Better Martial Law and General Maxwell. Hence we want you all to realise that the political wires are being pulled on all sides to get the papers to approve the exclusion of Ulster. Corruption is rife, and every effort is being made to do the deed. The Examiner's Cork leader to-day would make you simply sick. We are hoping that one or two of our own have succeeded in getting across the (Atlantic) and will have told details. 1 suppose over there you have heard the story that Casement landed too soon in order to stop the rising and after he was arrested asked for priest to whom he gave the warning for the I.Vs. I hope this will be clear. If you get it you will realise that paper had to be scanty and the writing cramped. Tell John Devoy and the Clan-na-Gael that our hearts are full of courage, but we count on them to help us. An autonomous Ireland at close of war we must have. If they could only be here to see the stupidity and general ineptitude of our British masters they would realise that England is almost done for. The English atrocities committed in Dublin were worse than any the English said the Germans committed anywhere. And all are not known. We grieve for the death of our gallant men, many of whom cannot be replaced in generations, but, as most of them said when dying: Our death will win the country and save its soul. That has been accomplished. They are our last martyrs, and all the fury of Govern- ment of Maxwell cannot stop the public appreciation of them. Their portraits are selling by thousands everywhere. True the soul of courtry has been saved at a heavy cost; but think of the régime under which we have been living for the past hundred years. It was specially aimed at killing our national soul and the wonder is that we have any soul to be saved. None but the Gael, the unconquerable Gael, would have a trace of nationality left. At any rate, the end is not. We shall come to our own, but let our fine countrymen over there remember our leaders are gone. The brains of organisation are mostly locked up, and they must supply our wants. "Ireland at home looks to Ireland in America to answer the call." Irish reading of recruiting poster. End. This is an BERNSTORFF. - 19 The following is a copy of a letter from John Devoy to Lawrence de Lacey who had escaped as above mentioned from Enniscorthy in February 1915. The original was found on De Lacey's premises in San Francisco: Dear Friend, July 20th, 1916. I avail myself of the chance of our friend returning to S.F. send you the letter by hand. Nothing is safe in the mails in this free country. Our information as to what occurred at home, on the inside, was very meagre up to a couple of weeks ago, though we had enough to enable us to guess the truth pretty accurately. Now authentic accounts coming by hand show us that we guessed very accurately. One is a young lady from your country," Miss R." She was in the thick of it all, and saw Sean McD. the night before he was shot. She went to London first and got a permit there to come out. She was sent by the women. So far as the leaders are concerned they are all either dead, in prison, or "on their keeping," but there are twenty men ready for work now for one there was before the fight. The same thing is told us by everybody, including priests with knowledge of the whole country. We got a long letter from Cork containing a lot of information from there. It was sad as concerned the losses of leaders, but buoyant and most hopeful. It was written by a woman on behalf of the men. Then came a man who had been in prison and was released. He is from Kilkenny, and had very accurate information about what occurred immediately before the fight. Two men from there had attended the meeting in Dublin on Easter Sunday, where, after the mix-up about the countermand, it was decided to fight. Then a young fellow from Liverpool, a Waterford chap, who does not belong to anything, but is all right, brought me a message verbally, from the son of a Dublin friend now dead. He was in the post office and his brother was with Ashe at Ash- bourne. He said the S.C. had been reorganised. He will likely get here himself. He is a very well educated young man and his father was all right. The other brother is in prison. Three days ago a Limerick man got here, after a lot of trouble, and brought verbal messages from the commandant there, which covered a lot of ground. It included messages received from Monteith after he landed and the plans they had to dispose of the cargo if it had landed. He also had the story of the countermand of the Easter Sunday mobilisation (which reached them by automobile from Dublin), and the subsequent order from Pearse to turn out on Monday. They could not then. A very long letter has come from Kerry, of which I have as yet only a verbal synopsis, but the document itself will be in my hands in a few days. And yesterday I received by a trustworthy messenger to Mike O'R. the stories of four eye-witnesses and participants for publication. They came from London. They will make about seven or eight columns in next week's paper. The substance of it all is that the betrayal of the information about the shipload of arms by Wilson's men enabled the English to catch the vessel. There is no doubt at all about this. They got in the raid on von Igel's office a note of mine the tran- script of a message received in cypher from Dublin and wirelessed to Berlin the day before-17th April-a request not to land the arms "before the night of Sunday, 23rd." That was its meaning but it used the words "Goods." It was at once given to the English and they sent out their patrol boats and caught the ship. Then they sent troops to Tralee and reinforced Limerick. That would not have spoiled the rising, because if they were in the field other shiploads would have been sent. Casement did the rest. He landed on Friday and sent a message to McNeill to stop it; that it was hopeless, &c. McNeill got it on Saturday and issued his countermand. He got one message up by Monteith, who, of course, was obeying orders, and sent another by a priest, for whom he sent after his arrest. McNeill had only been told of the decision on Good Friday-which was a great mistake. He was at first shocked, but on hearing of the shipload of arms con- sented. Then the Limerick and Kerry men got word to him of the sinking of the ship, and that, with the request from Roger, decided him and he issued the fatal order and took care that it reached everybody. From our experience of a year of his utter impracticability he had been assuring us, till we were sick, that there was no hope for the poor old woman" until the next war-we sent with the first note from home that we transmitted to Berlin a request that R. be asked to remain there. CC to take care of Irish interests." We knew he would meddle in his honest, but visionary way to such an extent as to spoil things, but we did not dream that he would ruin everything as he has done. He took no notice whatever of decisions or instruc- tions, but without quarrelling, pursued his own dreams. The last letter I got from him, written last December, said the only hope now of making a demonstration that B 2 5056 20 > would impress the world was to send the Brigade to Egypt. To impress the world by sending sixty men to a place where they could do nothing. We had told him nearly a year before that we would not consent to this but he took no notice. He was obsessed with the idea that he was a wonderful leader and that nothing could be done without him. His letters always kept me awake on the night of the day I got them. Miss R. says he told Duffy that the Germans treated us shamefully and that he had hard work to get the few arms that were on that ship; that they were no good, &c. Well, they were good enough for the Russians to overrun East Prussia with and to drive the Austrians across the Carpathians and if our fellows had got them they'd be able to shoot a good many Englishmen with them. It is not true that the Germans treated us badly; they did everything we asked, but they were weary of his impracticable dreams and told us to deal directly with them here. He had no more to do with getting that shipload than the man in the moon. The request was made from Dublin and we transmitted it from here. They replied in nine days and the message was sent to Dublin by a girl who had brought out the request. He told Duffy that he wanted to be landed in Galway, to go to Dublin and lay the situation before them--that is, to tell them that Germany was not sincere, &c., and then if they decided to fight that he would go out and die with them. Every note he struck was one of despair. And he told everything to every fellow who called on him. Christensen who "saved" him, is one of the worst crooks I ever met and was in the pay of the English all along. He, Casement, was warned of that from Ireland and the first thing he did was to tell the fellow himself and to give him the name of the man who had warned him. Christensen was going over from here to testify against him—and incidently to give away all our secrets that he had got from Roger, but we kept him here. , I don't want you to tell any of this I mean about Roger-to anyone except Father Yorke, but the rest you can use your judgment about. If that countermand had not been issued they could have taken Dublin and the big force that was concentrated on Dublin would have had to be divided up. They would not have known where to send it for a while and a lot of soldiers would have joined. Only 1,500 men fought in Dublin and they held up an army of 20,000 or 25,000 Britishers for a whole week. Only 800 turned out at first; the rest came later, but after Tuesday those who wanted could not get near them and were half crazy. Our fellows had only 103 killed and wounded. The English had 2,700. The turn over of the people to our side, according to everybody, is astonishing, partly because of the splendid fight and partly because of the atrocities, which were very extensive. The Dublin priests are collecting evidence about them and will publish the record. The conversions to our side among the priests is the most remark- able thing of all. We have sent a good sum of money for our work and it is already there. We expect to be in direct communication with a reorganised S.C., or a partly reorgan- ised one, very soon. Of course a lot of the future will depend on the course of the war which is now going somewhat against us, but whatever comes, the old Ireland is gone. The most encouraging thing of all is that there was not one informer. Hundreds of the men knew the date, but the Government was in the dark until the blow was struck. There is no doubt at all about this. Sean told the girls that he was aston- ished at the utter absence of anything but the results of their shadowing in the testimony of the Dublin dectives. Not a word of inside information. And he said their testimony was stupid. I have struck this off on the typewriter in a desperate hurry, without any regarú to style or sequence, because if I don't do it this evening I can't do it at all, and I tore one of the pages in taking it out and had to paste it. Reidy has been laid up for the past six weeks from eating bad crabs and I have been in a frightful mess in con- sequence. I nearly broke down two or three times. I have had Peter Golden helping me for the past three days, and I am easier now. But it was the hardest ordeal I ever put in because I had to go out to see the messengers and attend committee meet- ings so often and then resume work, not knowing" where I was at. "> With the few facts I have given you in your mind you will understand the situa tion better. Kind regards to Mrs. De L. and to Father Yorke. (Signed) Yours truly. JOHN DEVOY. Despatch in envelope addressed: M. H. EISENHUTH, Per s.s. "Kristianiafjord." Pmk. New York, August 23, 1916. 21 5, Stationsvej, Gentofte, Copenhagen. The Bishop of Cork having died, there is a sharp contest over the succession. The present Assistant-Bishop, Daniel Cohalan, is the choice of the local clergy, but England is using unusual influence to have appointed. is strongly anti-German, although Germany, at our request, released him shortly after the outbreak of war. He was in Berlin, taking a course of study, and was detained. His very first utterance when arriving in Ireland was a sneer at Germany, and he has continued that attitude ever since. Assistant-Bishop Cohalan is cousin of Judge Cohalan, and strongly Nationalist and pro-German. He was the intermediary between the Cork Volunteers and the British military authority, and publicly exposed the gross breach of faith on the part of the English with the surrendered men. This brought him the hostility of England: hence the effort to defeat him through the British envoy at the Vatican. The appointment of an Irish bishop is made in Rome. A list of three names is selected by the local clergy, and the selection may be made from that list or a man not mentioned may be appointed. It would have a great moral effect in Ireland if Cohalan were chosen. If Germany can exert any influence to bring about this result it would defeat the English intrigue aimed against her interests. Even if Cohalan should not be appointed, the defeat of would be the next best thing. Extract from a despatch, No. 401, August 26, 1916, from Washington to Berlin. I doubt much whether the Bureau of the Military Attaché can be conducted by von Igel and von Skal as it was in the time of von Papen. Proceedings are pending against von Igel for being compromised in the Welland Canal enterprise. As our Government adopted the attitude towards the American Government that von Igel and his papers are immune, he being a member of the Embassy, it is respectfully submitted that we could not notify the authorities that he had left our service. Besides, such a step would diminish our prestige . . Von Igel and von Skal have also conducted, in addition to the War Intelligence Centre, the various matters started by von Papen, and have partly settled them. These include the orders given to the Bridgeport Projectile Company, the Atna (? Etna) Powder Company, the purchase of chlorine and aluminium, the sale of arms lying to our account in New York and the State of Washington, and intended for India, the dealings in benzol, phenol, and toluol, the settlement of proceedings such as those against Konig, Schwindl, Kunzle, Breitung, Wieperl, and Bode, as well as the settlement of their claims. In all these affairs, as in the time of von Papen, Herr (the Embassy Councillor) has been consulted by von Igel. In important matters I myself have decided. It would be especially difficult to carry on these matters through anyone else, as it would be quite impossible to work him in owing to the order to destroy all compromising records. Von Igel and von Skal also keep up relations with the Indians and Irish respectively since von Papen left. The consul-general asked me not to expose him in this respect to any risk of being compromised in view of his instructions from you. For that reason von Papen took the business on himself and then transferred it to von Igel. Von Skal maintains relations with the Irish, for which he has special qualifications in his many relationships in those circles, and has their complete confidence. 5056 I should also observe that the authorities have in no way interfered with von Igel since he was let out on bail. I, therefore, do not think there is any risk of further contretemps from employing von Igel, assuming, of course, that political tension does not again revive, but in such an event the authorities would not hesitate to attack any members of the Embassy, if internal politics rendered it desirable. BERNSTORFF. B 3 22 ; 7th September, 1916. No. 265. No. 76 of 5th September. Reply to Telegram No. 760 and Despatch A. No. 352 of 14th July. Igel's Report is not conclusive. The betrayal of the Irish undertaking seems to have resulted, in accordance with the view taken by the Irish Americans, from American indiscretions, subsequent to the seizure of Igel's papers. I suggest that you should communicate by telegram positive proofs, if such exist, against (?Wiegand). Despatch in envelope addressed :- pla Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Washington. M. H. Eisenhuth, (C Per s.s. United States." Pmk. New York. 13th September (1916). A. No. 415 of 8th September. 5, Stationsvej, Gentofte, Copenhagen. men. Irish leaders here who have sent me the following communication, have requested that I should lay the proposals before your Excellency, and would be glad to have further advice. BERNSTORFF. Enclosure. 4th September, 1916. (English.) The Irish Revolution Director resident in America respectfully submits the following memorandum for the consideration of the German Committee. A detailed statement of causes of military failure of the recent rebellion in Ireland will be furnished later. But, notwithstanding the failure in a military sense, the result has been of great essential benefit, short of complete victory, in Ireland, and of the first importance in America. The entire Irish people are aroused and are now firm in the belief that military success can be achieved if the necessary arms and munitions can be secured. The sending of a "U" Boat has convinced them of Germany's good faith, and the fact that the vessel reached the Irish coast demonstrated the power of Germany to help them. Our forces are reorganised under capable leaders, and we are now in communication with them. They are anxious for another attempt on a large scale. In regard to the recent statement of the Imperial German Government, that it was not discouraged and was willing to help Ireland again, we respectfully submit the following proposal Arms can only reach Ireland now by an expedition with a sufficient military force to cover the landing. We ask that as large a quantity of arms, munitions and equipment and as strong a military force as the German Government feels it can send, be despatched to a point or points, in Ireland, and at a time to be agreed upon, or determined by the German Government. The expedition will be joined by a force of partially trained but mostly unarmed men who can be immediately armed and utilised. Other forces will cut rail and telegraph communications and delay concentration of British troops. The number of men available will be limited only by the supply of arms. We are assured that an initial success would bring to the colours fully 250,000 The advantage of having one or more Western Irish ports as submarine bases we have previously pointed out, and are so obvious that we need not further dwell on them. Galway and Limerick owing to better organisation, would be best. At Foynes below Limerick there is now stored an enormous quantity of petrol. The same reasoning applies to bases for Zeppelins in Îreland. 23 * Rapid communication with Ireland is now impossible, but we nave perfected a messenger system which we are confident will meet all emergencies. A successful landing in Ireland would be a tremendous blow to England and would exercise a very considerable effect on the war. We hope the foregoing will receive serious consideration, and we hope for the favour of early reply. End of enclosure. Despatch. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. (Secret.) September 13, 1916. The local Irish leaders, who have given me the following communication asking for a statement that I had submitted these proposals to your Excellency, request that further instructions be sent them. (Signed) BERNSTORFF. This enclosure was a copy of the proclamation of the Rebel Provisional Government issued on the morning of the Easter Week Rebellion, 1916. It is as follows:- Poblacht na h Eireann, The Provisional Government of the Irish Republic. To the people of Ireland, Irishmen and Irish women: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of nationhood, Ireland, through us, summons her children to her flag and strikes for her freedom. Having organised and trained her manhood through her secret revolutionary organisations, the Irish Republican Brotherhood, and through her open military organisations, the Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army, having patiently perfected her discipline, having resolutely waited for the right moment to reveal itself, she now seizes that moment and, supported by her exiled children in America and by gallant allies in Europe, but relying first on her own strength, she strikes in full confidence of victory. A We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible. The long usurpation of that right by foreign people and Government has not extinguished the right, nor can it ever be extinguished except by the destruction of the Irish people. In every generation the Irish people have asserted their right to national freedom and sovereignty; six times during the past three hundred years they have asserted it in arins. Standing on that fundamental right and again asserting it in arms in the face of the world, we hereby proclaim the Irish Republic, as a Sovereign Independent State, and we pledge our lives, and the lives of our comrades in arms, to the cause of its freedom, of its welfare, and of its exaltation among the nations. The Irish Republic is entitled to, and hereby claims, the allegiance of every Irishman and Irishwoman. The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation, and of all its parts, cherishing all children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from a majority in the past. Until our arms have brought the opportune moment for the establishment of a permanent National Government, representative of the whole people of Ireland and elected by the suffrages of all her men and women, the Provisional Government, hereby constituted, will administer the civil and military affairs of the Republic in trust for the people. 5056 We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God, Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, inhumanity or rapine. In this supreme B 4 24 hour the Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline, and by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves for the common good, prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is called. From German Embassy. Through J. SMITH, Signed on behalf of the Provisional Government: PATRICK H. L'EARSE. SEAN MACDIARMADA. JAMES CONNOLLY. In envelope addressed to:- Z. N. G. OLIFIERS, 1407, Mass Avenue, Washington. * 121, Keizersgracht, Sloterdyk, Amsterdam. 2) From Washington to Berlin. 9th October, 1916. With reference to telegram 95 of 10th September, I give herewith an extract from the English blue book containing the evidence before the Commission of Enquiry into the Rising in Ireland. (( The evidence of Sir Matthew Nathan, Under-Secretary for Ireland : On 17th April the General Commanding in Dublin showed the Under-Secretary a letter from the Officer Commanding in Queenstown, which told of a contemplated landing from a German ship rigged up as a neutral, accompanied by two submarines, of arms and ammunition on the coast for a rising timed for Easter Eve, Saturday. The letter was shown to the Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary, and inspectors in S. and S. W. were put on their guard, and special preparations were made in Dublin. On the evening of 21st April, the County Inspector of Tralee reported that some ammunition, &c., had been found in a boat captured on Saturday, Easter Eve. On the 22nd it was reported that a vessel disguised as a Norwegian steamer had been stopped off the coast of Kerry, and was being brought into Queens- town when it hoisted German colours, and was blown up by its crew near the entrance of the harbour. "" I Lord Wimborne, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, evidence: "He said he supposed the admiral thought nothing of the warning, but had thought it a mere ruse but he was told to look out for the ship. He communicated it to General Stafford, Cork, who sent it to General Friend, Dublin. He said he arrived in Dublin 17th April. The following day the Under-Secretary showed him a letter written by General Stafford on 16th April to General Friend, Dublin, conveying an intimation from the admiral at Queenstown received through Admiralty, London, that a ship had left on the 12th, accompanied by two German submarines, but he did not say where it had left. He was under the impression that it was America, but clearly it was not. It was due to arrive on the 21st. The Admiralty did not communicate that to the Irish Government. This was the only warning they had, other than facts of general notoriety. I wish to point out to you various points in this evidence worthy of attention, which go to disprove the view generally expressed that the plan was betrayed from the papers seized at von Igel's rooms. His arrest took place on 18th April. The information that the vessel was accompanied by two submarines and had left on 12th was never known to us here. This must have come from Germany. The evidence of the Lord Lieutenant in the last sentence indicated that the informant had an agent in America who forwarded the intelligence by telegraph to London. (Sgd.) ( THOMAS J. CLARKE. THOMAS MACDONAGH. EAMONN CEANNT. JOSEPH PLUNKETT. BERNSTORFF. 25 Message addressed :- J. A. WITTIG, Copenhagen. Pmk. October 25, 1916. Washington, October 24, 1916. In continuation of report A 468, of October of this year. The Irish leaders here request that Reserve Captain Boehm, at present in (? Rotterdam), may be directed by his superiors to send no further letters to Irishmen here. His letters only endanger their undertakings, especially as they are sometimes addressed to the wrong people who are only partly (? initiated). The representative of General Staff, Section 3 B, Political, is probably in touch with Boehm. BERNSTORFF. NOTE.-Captain Boehm was arrested in British waters near Falmouth early in 1917 and interned. As appears from the "Report, East India (Sedition Committee, 1918), 1918, Cd. 9190, Boehm had been employed by Germany in connection with Indian as well as Irish sedition. Despatch. Washington, November 4, 1916. Among the documents seized in possession of von Igel, who had been notified as a member of this Embassy, have been found papers concerning the Irish question, and also the Welland Canal. All my endeavours to get these documents back have failed owing to the obstinate resistance of the authorities. It would be well to exercise strong pressure with this object in Berlin, which might have the effect of delaying developments in the submarine question. Attached to a message referring to peace negotiations, which was sanctioned and passed through by State Department the 4th December, 1916. BERNSTORFF. *(The following is appended without the knowledge of the American Government.) 151. 170. Most Secret. The Irish leaders here are pressing for the carrying out of plan proposed in Report A No. 415 of the 4th September.-Ends. German Embassy, Washington, to Foreign Office, Berlin. 186 of 19th December (1916). Our Irish friends here are strongly against the proposed Peace Conference, which they regard as a desertion of Ireland on the part of Germany. If England were to make her consent to enter into negotiations dependent on impossible preliminary conditions, a public declaration on our part that we supported the principle of Irish autonomy would be very desirable. As matters appear on this side, we should gain most advantage if we put Disarmament and a future League of Peace in the forefront as the most important objects of the Conference. * The words in brackets form part of the original text 26 In relation to this despatch it may be noted that on the 20th December, 1916. The Executive Council of the Friends of Irish Freedom at Boston adopted resolution demanding that the German Government should declare its position with regard to Ireland's claim for independence, and asking that Germany accord to Ireland the same treatment as that given to Poland. The preamble was as follows: "Whereas the German Government in its peace proposals have made no mention nor demand for the freedom of Ireland, we claim that Ireland has fully established her right to be regarded as an ally of Germany, and we ask that Germany shall recognise this claim and that she protect Ireland and guarantee her freedom as she is determined to protect her other allies." From Nauen to (? Sayville). Pass on immediately to the German Embassy, Washington. No. 141 of 25th December. With reference to Telegram No. 170 and Report 415 A. It is proposed to land two lots, each of 30,000 rifles, 10 machine guns, 6,000,000 cartridges from two armed merchant vessels at Galway and Tralee on 21st February, or the following days until 25th February. Should it be impossible for the ships to arrive between 21st and 25th February, landing between 21st and 25th March. In any case, the ships will enter at second low water. After the landing, the ships will lay up in the harbours, and will be available for. in view of the small possibility of defence. . . . English opposition. 66 Owing to the impossibility of bringing over German landing troops, arrange- ments for landing the arms must in the main be the business of the Irish. Should there be any objection to the harbours chosen, please propose other harbours with sufficient water at low tide for ships of five metres draught and with moderate traffic. December 31, 1916. For piloting the ships in, it is proposed to embark pilots for Galway and Tralee in Germany. They should arrive in Berlin by, at the latest, 6th February. Should it be impossible to embark the pilots in Germany, two pilot vessels should be held in readiness from the 21st to 25th February, respectively off Tralee Bay between Kerry Head and Seven Hogs, and in Galway Bay, west of Margareta Shoal Whistling Buoy, where the pilots will be transhipped. Recognition signal: Steamer, a coloured light shown three times over the ship's side. Recognition signal: Pilot vessel, a white light shown . . . . over the stern Request prompt report as to decision. On the day the ships leave Germany and on the two following days, the great W/T station at Nauen will make after the Press service, on a . . . metre wave, three times in succession the word KOLU. Should the undertaking be postponed to March, the word NE-AL on the (date before the 21st) and . February. Moreover, for the purpose of acquainting the American Irish, the Embassy will be advised by cypher telegram, as follows:- • CC In case of the departure of the ships, by the words abgereist." In case of postponement of the undertaking until March by the words krank." An early report as to concurrence or alteration of plan is necessary so that the ships may be ready in good time. Acknowledge receipt by wireless. (Signed) ZIMMERMANN. Attached to a message of 18th January, 1917, passed through by State Department. Number 215. Reply to No. 141. Project declined, as without landing (of troops) it would be useless. 27 ✓ German Envoy's Message to Berlin. Washington, January 22, 1917. (6 I request authority to pay out up to $50,000 in order, as on former occasions, to influence Congress through the organisation you know, which can perhaps prevent war. • 1 Signature (? IRISH COMMITTEE.) "I am beginning in the meantime to act accordingly. "In the above circumstances a public German official declaration in favour of Ireland is highly desirable in order to gain the support of Irish influence here. "BERNSTORFF." "" (( In a speech to the John Mitchell Clan-na-Gael Club reported in the "Gaelic- American," the organ of the Clan-na-Gael, edited by Devoy, for 9th December, 1916, Kuno Meyer said Germany was building hundreds of submarines which in due course would put a ring round England. When that day arrives it might even be strategical, I think, to land in Ireland and from that island to attack Great Britain. Whether that is so or not, the day will then be nearer when the first step will be taken to free Ireland and make her a Republic. The last news that I had shows clearly that what Germany has done for Poland, to free Poland as far as the present circumstances of politics and military considerations allow it, is also her object with regard to Ireland • On 18th January, 1917, the official Sinn Fein organisation in America was launched at the office of the Friends of Irish Freedom at No. 26, Cortlandt Street, New York City. Among the officers chosen to act on behalf of the revolutionary programme of Sinn Fein were Jeremiah A. O'Leary, John J. O'Leary, Peter Golden, Captain Monteith, Stephen W. Johnson, Dennis Spellissy, John D. Moore and James Larkin. Shortly prior to this, arrangements were made for sending pamphlets and other written matter to Ireland through the medium of Fritz Platen, of Zurich, Switzerland, who was to send on the papers to Dublin, either by post or messenger. Various secret lines of communication between Ireland, Germany and the United States were developed by John Devoy and his associates on behalf of the Clan-na-Gael and its affiliated interests. In addition to Mellowes, various other emissaries were sent to America by Sinn Fein leaders in Ireland, including two sisters-in-law of certain of the Irish revolu- tionists who were executed in the rebellion of 1916. These emissaries were used by the Friends of Irish Freedom to make speeches and otherwise do organising work and the active work of Sinn Fein in America through the Clan-na-Gael and the Friends of Irish Freedom in raising funds to arm and equip the Irish Volunteers for the purpose of instituting a new révolution in Ireland, was continued during the year 1917. Numerous meetings were held at which speeches were made, among others, by the "Ambassador " of the Irish Volunteers, Patrick McCartan. On 28th January, 1917, Kuno Meyer lectured before a branch of the Friends of Trish Freedom in Los Angeles, California. In the summer of 1917, the leaders of the Sinn Fein movement in Ireland had commissioned Patrick McCartan, who had fled to the United States, as the envoy of the "Provisional Government of Ireland," in order to promote the spread of the Sinn Fein propaganda among the Irish-Americans. He got into connection with John Devoy and the Clan-na-Gael, and plans were made for fomenting a new rebellion in Ireland with the assistance of Germany, and with this object it was arranged that McCartan should go to Stockholm to consult 28 with emissaries of the German Government. It was also arranged that Mellowes should subsequently go to Ireland. Patrick McCartan obtained a false passport, with which he secured a passage on the the Atlantic transport "Maumee." A short time afterwards, about 22nd October, 1917, Liam Mellowes, together with Dr. Max von Recklinghausen, a German subject, were arrested in New York by the United States Secret Service. Among Mellowes' effects seized by the Secret Service was a letter reading as follows:- .6 My dear Mr. D., < C I would like to be remembered to the Judge and to my friend Joseph from Philadelphia. Give them, as well as the boys in the office, my kind regards. Every conceivable kind of intimidation is being resorted to to endeavour to make our lads prove unfaithful to their principles, but in spite of all the influences they are standing up like men. }) The "Mr. D." referred to in said letter is John Devoy, the "Judge" referred to in said letter is Judge Cohalan, and the " my friend Joseph from Philadelphia " is Joseph McGarrity of Philadelphia. Liam Mellowes, when arrested, had in his possession a false passport made out in the name of Patrick Donnelly, and Patrick McCartan was then, as above stated, on his way to Halifax on the steamship "Maumee," sailing on a fraudulent passport issued in the name of Francisco Conlin. McCartan was retained in America, and both McCartan and Mellowes were charged by the United States with having secured the issuing of fraudulent passports. Prior to the arrest of Mellowes he and Patrick McCartan had conferences with officials of the Hamburg-American Line in Hoboken and New York, and Dr. Recklinghausen, an agent and emissary of the German Government. On 3rd February 1917 diplomatic relations between the United States and Germany were broken off and Count von Bernstorff, the German Ambassador at Washington was handed his passports. On 4th and 5th February, 1917, a National Conference of 1,200 delegates of the various Irish national organisations was held in New York, over 100,000 dollars were pledged to the cause of complete national independence of Ireland, Judge Cohalan was elected chairman of this convention, and Jeremiah A, O'Leary, secretary. A special feature of the conference was the reception of a number of the rebels who had fought in the Easter-week Rebellion. The meeting was addressed by John Devoy, Liam Mellowes (who had been leader of the rebellion at Galway but escaped to America), and by Monteith who, as above stated, had landed in Kerry with Casement from the German Submarine on 21st April, 1916 and who had also escaped to America. Part of the declaration passed at the meeting was as follows:- CC Fighting for the success of the Allies would be fighting for the combined subjection of Ireland, India and Egypt to English rule. It would be a war against Ireland as well as against Germany, and keep Ireland, whose sons fought for America in their war, under the heel of England." Early in February 1917 His Majesty's Government received information that the Germans intended to attempt a further landing of arms in Ireland between the 21st and 25th February. The places selected were to be in the neighbourhood of Galway and Tralee. The consignment of arms was to consist of about 60,000 rifles, 10 machine guns and 6,000,000 cartridges. Adequate arrangements were made, and the consignments did not reach Ireland. In anticipation that Germany would be victorious, the Executive of Sinn Fein prepared in 1917 a statement of "Ireland's Case for a Peace Conference," claiming sovereign independence, and demanding from the Powers to be assembled that "that sovereignty be now recognised and established under their security." A full copy in type of this" Case" was seized on the 18th May, 1918, at the Sinn Fein offices, 6, Harcourt Street, Dublin. It was an extremely voluminous document. Extracts from portions of it are printed in Appendix C, from which its purport can 29 be gathered. The Sinn Fein official organ, "Nationality," on the 3rd March, 1917, announced:- "Mr. Darrell Figgis was engaged with others last week in discussing the statement of Ireland's case to be hereafter submitted to the Peace Conference. He was arrested in the midst of this work and deported to England." Arthur Griffiths stated on the 31st March, 1918, at Foxford, Co. Mayo, to a largely- attended meeting of Sinn Fein, that copies of the claim of Ireland had been accepted by all the neutral and Central Powers. (See "Irishman," April 6, 1918.) When America entered the war on the 4th April, 1917. Professor Kuno Meyer returned to Germany, and. with St. John Gaffney and George Chatterton-Hill-a soi-disant Irishman born in Madras, educated at Geneva. and resident for many years in Germany-founded the German-Irish Society, which had its headquarters in the same premises at Budapester Strasse 14, Berlin, as those used by the Official German Press Bureau. The presidents of the organisation were Herr Mathias Erzberger, Baron von Reichthofen, and Count von Westarp. On the directorate were Kuno Meyer, Professor Edward Meyer of Berlin University, his brother. Karl Goldschmidt of Essen, connected with Krupps, Professor Schiemann, and many other eminent men in Germany. The organ of the Association was "Irische Blätter," a monthly review, edited by Chatterton-Hill. It was devoted to pressing the Sinn Fein programme in Germany and neutral European States and it encouraged Indian as well as Irish sedition. The society started with messages hoping for its success from General Ludendorff and Herr Zimmermann, then Foreign Secretary, and it received a congratulatory message from the Kaiser. The membership of the society was large and influential, and it maintained touch with the Sinn Fein leaders in Ireland and America. The following is from the inaugural address of the German-Irish Society :- "The war has proved that Germany has very few friends. But the Irish have acted as friends at home as well as in the United States, and Germany must not underestimate the value of Irish friendship. From the beginning of the war the American-Irish adopted the German cause with enthusiasm, and, in alliance with the German-Americans, conducted a courageous fight for true neutrality. There is no doubt that, but for the support of the Irish organisations, the politically unorganised German-Americans would have been condemned to impotence. (6 The formation of this society is to supply visible proof to the Irish in Ireland as well as in America of German gratitude and German sympathy. The heroic rebellion of 1916 still lives in the memory of all of us. .. 'The German-Irish Society will devote its energies to reopening Ireland to the world, and especially to Germany. It will see that the voice of the Irish nation, which has been oppressed and sucked dry by England, again finds expression, and generally and in every way further the progressive development of the Emerald Isle in the interest of the German as well as the Irish people." The first numbers contained a full account of the Irish Easter week rebellion- with illustrations of the leaders. The following is a quotation from one of the articles: "When the west Irish harbours serve as bases for U-boats. and a large part of the country is in the hands of one of the organised revolutionary armies. then will England's rule over the sea quickly come to an end. Not only can many English ships carrying munitions and the necessaries of life be sunk, but they can be captured and towed into Irish ports in order to supply the Irish army with munitions and the Irish people with food. Thus would England be handed over to her enemies and the war quickly brought to an end. The setting free of Ireland from England would be the end of England's world dominion and of English rule over the seas. Both of these depend entirely upon whether England remains in possession of Ireland. "By the employment of efficient German methods of education, industrial organisation and military training Ireland would soon become self-reliant. The path of unhindered development of their natural gifts would be thrown open to the Irish people, gifts now stifled and repressed by the annihilating power of English rule. But this result cannot be brought about without a struggle. Ireland must secure her independence by the bravery of her men and the support of her women. 'He who will be free himself must draw the sword.' Ireland cannot accept her C 30 4 freedom as a present from the hand of another nation. The Irish, not the Germans, must drive the English army from Ireland and leave behind as an example to coming generations memorials of their fame and glorious traditions of the heroic struggle. Germany will help gladly. Every Power which wars with England is by that act the ally of Ireland; every sword-thrust made against England, no matter by whom, is a sword-thrust for the freedom of humanity. << "Ireland cannot fight without weapons and war material; and these absolutely indispensable things must be procured wherever they are to be had. But without money that is impossible-impossible without a great deal of money. From whence is this money to come? The Irish in America could raise it in the course of a month, if they had the confidence given by the prospect of the result and faith in the integrity and activity of the men, sufficient to interest themselves in the matter. ، ، Every man and every woman who desires the freedom of Ireland must strive to arouse this mutual confidence. That is at the present time the essential, the indispensable thing. When that is attained, the way is made clear.”—Irische Blätter, May 1917, p. 102. On the 18th June, 1917, all the Sinn Fein prisoners who had been incarcerated after the rebellion, and several of whom, including De Valera, had been sentenced to death, but had their sentences commuted to penal servitude, were released on full amnesty. On the day of their release, the 18th June, 1917, they sent the following message to President Wilson and the Congress of the United States. To the President and Congress of the United States. This address was presented on the 23rd July, 1917, by Dr. Patrick McCartan, the Sinn Fein "Ambassador," who had fled from Ireland after the rebellion and escaped to America. Dr. McCartan was subsequently elected M P. for King's County. Gentlemen, Dublin, June 18, 1917. We, the undersigned, who have been held in English prisons, and have been dragged from dungeon to dungeon, in heavy chains, cut off since Easter Week, 1916, from all intercourse with the outside world, have just had an opportunity of seeing the printed text of the message of the United States of America to the Provisional Government of Russia. (( 1) 66 We see that the President accepts as the aim of both countries "the carrying of the present struggle for the freedom of all peoples to a successful consummation." We also see that the object of President Wilson's own Government is the liberation of peoples everywhere from the aggressions of autocratic force. We are fighting," writes the President to the Government of Russia, "for the liberty, self-government and undictated development of all peoples, and every feature of the settlement that concludes this war must be conceived and executed for that purpose. Wrongs must first be righted and then adequate safeguards must be created to prevent their being committed again. Remedies must be found as well as statements of principle that will have a pleasing and sonorous sound." "No people must be forced under a sovereignty under which it does not wish to live." > We trust that such remedies-in preference to any governmental professions whatsoever—will be held to include the right of each people, not merely to rely on other peoples to support their claim to national liberty, but what the Governments and peoples of other nations will, we trust, regard as even more sacred the right of each people to defend itself against external aggression, external interference and external control. It is this particular right that we claim for the Irish people, and not content with statements of principle, though these themselves may be made a pretext for our oppression, we are engaged and mean to engage ourselves in the practical means for establishing this right. Without awaiting the issue of the war or the settlement that may conclude the war, we ask of the Government of the United States of America, and the Govern- ments of the free peoples of the world, to take immediate measures to inform them- selves accurately and on the spot about the extent of liberty or attempted repression which we may encounter. T 31 We, the undersigned, are officers (just released from English prisons) of forces formed independently in Ireland to secure the complete liberation of the Irish Nation. Edward de Valera. Eoin MacNeill Denis O'Callaghan. James Lawless. Robert Brennan. M. D. de Lacy. Finian Lynch. Francis Fahy. Thomas Hunter. John R. Etchingham. Richard F. King. John McEntee. Richard Hayes. James Doyle. Peter Galligan. Thomas Ashe. Jeremiah C. Lynch. To the President and Congress of the United States. Richard Coleman. George Irvine. Con. Collins. Austin Stack. John McGarry. T. Desmond Fitzgerald. Francis Thornton. Frank Lawless. James J. Walsh. Gentlemen, Dublin, June 18, 1917. The Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, which existed before the Revo- lution of 1916 and continues to exist, desires to convey to the Government and people of the United States the appreciation by the Irish people of the principles enunciated in President Wilson's communication to the new Government of Russia. Our people interpret that statement, in effect, as a declaration of independence for all oppressed nations. { While we are convinced that Ireland must rely primarily upon the people of Ireland to re-establish our independence, thus securing for ourselves undictated development of our civilisation and culture, we welcome moral or material assistance from friends of liberty everywhere. We rejoice particularly at encouragement from your great Republic, which by its example has given hope and inspiration to enslaved peoples all over the world. Since the days of Washington our people have looked to America as the champion of universal freedom and the cradle of democracy. They have, there- fore, ever been as jealous of its honour and glory as its own citizens. Since the first days of your independence there has been a constant friendship between the two countries which has been intensified by the influx of Irishmen to the United States, where they fully enjoyed the blessings of liberty. During your great struggle to shake off the same tyranny under which we have been forced to live, we glory in the fact that the patriot cause was actively and enthusiastically supported by all Irishmen in America and that it had the moral support of the Irish people at home. The resolutions of thanks for this support, which were amongst the first acts of Congress, demonstrated that the assistance and encouragement thus rendered were appreciated by the fathers of your republic. We need not dwell on the extent to which our kinsmen contributed to the building up of the United States, and their readiness at all times to defend its integrity and honour. Apart from the general principles of universal liberty, we believe we have reason to expect assistance from your great country in fighting the same battle against the same foe as Washington fought. (C In President Wilson's communication to the Russian Government he states that no people must be forced under a sovereignty under which it does not wish to live.' Ireland does not wish to live under the sovereignty of England, and of course the President's general statement includes the particular case of Ireland. The struggle to regain our independence is practically unique in the history of the world. It has been steadily maintained for seven hundred and fifty years and our right to freedom asserted by arms in nearly every generation during that period. No measures of our foreign rulers, whether bribes, gibbets or partial exter- mination, could destroy in our people the yearning for liberty. To-day the spirit of patriotism is more general and more intense than at any time since the world was intoxicated with the principles of democracy by the noble example of the United States in 1776. England never lost an opportunity to slander our nation, as she slanders all enemies. We are described by her agents in the press, on the stage and in novels as bigots and drunken savages which she has been unable to civilise. At present she assures the world that she is even anxious to grant Ireland self-government if the Irish would only agree among themselves. This is merely a subterfuge. We disagree no more than other peoples. America, when fighting for independence, had her Tories who were comparatively much more numerous than the same type is in Ireland to-day. 32 Though the American people are fairly well informed concerning Irish aspira- tions, we take advantage of this opportunity to briefly outline present conditions here and the events which led up to them. English statesmen have ever been ready to make promises when such would tend to further English policy. The leader of the late Liberal Government, on assuming control, therefore promised Home Rule to Ireland. With this promise to dangle before Irish-Americans he then sent his Irish henchmen to the United States to aid in furthering England's foreign policy there. As they failed miserably, and the war cloud already on the horizon became larger and more threatening, it was necessary to pretend to carry out the promises. The hypocritical shamon the Statute Book was therefore submitted to Parliament, but it was never intended to put it into operation. Irish Unionists were encouraged and financed by the Royal Family and aristocracy of England to threaten civil war rather than submit to home government. It was thus hoped to create an excuse for withdrawing the Bill, dwarf though it was, when England's policy no longer required its presence on the political stage. This English conspiracy against Ireland was a boomerang which, but for the baneful influence of John Redmond and his colleagues, would have made Irish independence as secure as Washington's victory at Yorktown made American independence. The result of it all is that England is now straining every nerve to conclude a separate peace with Ireland. She proposes a convention to smooth out the differences previously created by her agents and general policy; also in the hope of discovering the minimum Ireland could be induced to accept, for nobody would now tolerate the Act on the Statute Book. The Republicans, who form a majority of the people, were invited to send dele- gates, but would only be allowed the same representation as the Southern Unionists.. They replied that they would take part if all delegates were elected by the people and if England promised to abide by the decisions of such an elected convention. England dare not trust the Irish people, and hence the Republicans will ignore the packed convention. This, however, will not prevent English statesmen from trying to get other nations to regard the Irish question as a domestic instead of an international one. Their contention will probably be that the Republicans only represent a small section, or that the convention was the means of reconciling the majority of the people to a belief in English justice. We submit that the Republicans represent the vast majority of the people and there is nothing new in their demand. It is the same now as when Hugh O'Neill went to Spain, or Wolfe Tone went to France for assistance. The following facts should help to make our contention clear to the world:- 1. Count Plunkett was elected to represent a Parliamentary constituency by a large majority on a purely republican platform. 2. Mr. McGuinness, while in penal servitude for taking part in the revolution, was elected on a similar platform. 3. By the time this note reaches you Professor de Valera, whom public opinion in America saved from the same fate as Pearse, and who has just been released from prison, will be elected on the same ticket to the vacancy created by the death of Mr. W. Redmond. who died fighting for England. These men, elected in constituencies widely separated, thus proving the demand for a republic is universal, do not recognise the right of the English Parliament to legislate for Ireland, and hence will not attend that institution. 4. Mr. Ginnell, already a Member of Parliament, will withdraw when requested by the Republicans, and his constituency will endorse his action. 5. Ireland is at present ruled by martial law, and garrisoned by over 60,000 of England's best soldiers, besides 10,000 military police, though the people are practically unarmed. 6. There are in Ireland over 300,000 men available for military service who absolutely refuse to fight for England, and she dare not attempt to force them. 7. If these facts are not sufficiently convincing, the Provisional Government is willing to submit the issue to a plebiscite on a franchise similar to that prevailing in the United States, on condition that it be superintended by representatives of the American and Russian Governments. There is no doubt that the result of such a plebiscite would be at least a two-thirds majority in favour of the republic, and should convince all votaries of liberty that Ireland does not wish to live under the sovereignty of England. We freely admit that many Irishmen are in the English army. This is due to 33 poverty resulting from the economic laws imposed on us by England, for the benefit of England and to a mistaken idea of nationalism. Many people believed that it was essential to first secure some form of self-government which might be used to further the establishment of a republic. They therefore believed in placating England. The Irish Party fostered belief in this fallacy until they thought the people were sufficiently weaned from the republican ideals. This, with the prestige created by Parnell, was the secret of their influence until the great mass of the people realised that it was intended to accept nominal self-government as a substitute for a republic, instead of a means of securing a republic. With confidence we look for and invite the active support of the Government and people of the United States in our demand for absolute independence Advocacy of anything less, as some Americans, at the invitation of Lord Northcliffe, an inveterate enemy of Ireland, have already indulged in, only injures our cause and is insulting to our country. Our nationalism is not founded upon grievances, and a people nurtured from childhood on the principles enunciated in the Declaration of American Independence should have no difficulty in understanding our demands. We are opposed, not to English misgovernment, but to English government of Ireland. We have no doubts about the good-will of the American Government and people; and while prepared when the opportunity arises to assert our independence by the one force which demands universal respect, and to accept aid from any quarter to that end, we hope Americans will see their way to aid in doing for Ireland what they did for Cuba. We feel that they will insist upon repaying to Ireland the sacrifices and contributions made by her sons in the cause of America. Signed on behalf of the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic. PATRICK MCCARTAN, F.R.C.S. On America's entry into the war, the line of communication between the German Government and the leaders of the Sinn Feiners was temporarily broken, though the messenger service devised by John Devoy between the revolutionaries in America and Ireland was maintained. The following is given as an example of one of these channels of communication. This particular letter was taken from Thomas Walsh alias Cain, a messenger of the Clan-na-Gael, arrested on the 3rd November, 1917. Walsh had been sailing regularly backwards and forwards between New York and Liverpool in the "Baltic," Celtic," "Lapland" and other liners during the year 1917. The name of the sender and intended recipient of the letter are not disclosed. "" Copy of Letter. "Your very welcome letter to hand a few days ago. I was pleased to learn that you gave my friend Mr. M. such a nice time, and I have no doubt but you were well repaid in the amount of news that you received while he was amongst you. I had expected M. W. in this week, and for that reason delayed writing this until now, but, as there are no signs of his coming, I am sending this by an old friend whom you have already met. On the same boat with him, if all is well, another friend of mine will travel. He was out with you last year for a few days, and many of you thought he was a priest. When you see him you will think the same, but when you know him as well as I do you will change your mind. Ask him. He was one of the young men who were in G. with Liam last year, and I have no doubt but the three travellers who reached your place last week will have prepared you for his coming. He will have some news to relate relative to the matter about which M. spoke. I am enclosing a letter for M. which I want you to send to him at once, and it must not be posted. A few days delay will not matter, but see that it does not go beyond that. The note is for M. from myself. I read with some impatience the news that letters were reaching your side from here without our knowledge. I had a long chat with the Seanfear on the matter, and we decided that some steps must be taken to put a stop to it. We had a lot of trouble some months ago about the same matter and believed that we had rid ourselves of it. tr These letters are a nuisance and have not left here known to us. "Under the Seanfear's orders no letters must be carried without my permission, and in future do not send any letters through without some initial appears on it, 5056 C 34 either mine or the Seanfear's. You should appoint at your side one man to take charge of that particular department, and no letter should be allowed to pass unless he consents to it. I have already told my men here that on no account are they to accept messages unless we are told of them. All letters are censored, and in a recent lot that L. and myself glanced at there was enough evidence to convict the bearer, the sender, and intended recipient. In the case of the first mentioned, his name and position on the ship was mentioned. We told him about the letter, and I am sure in the future he will be more careful. I am glad that you intend to censor messages not sent officially. However, there are certain exceptions. Lately messages have arrived here from the lady who was recently released. These are all right because they all are shown to the Seanfear. However, there will be no necessity to mention any of the exceptions here if the men are told to deliver the letters to me. This is not a wish of my own, but is an order from the S. I will be pleased to learn in your next letter that this matter has been attended to, and I have no doubt but the Seanfear will be also glad because he was very angry when I told him about the matter. Your friend Tommy C. C. has just 'phoned up; he came in this morning. I am giving the bearer 60 dollars-fifty of this must be sent to Mrs. Cuman at the first opportunity. With the other 10 dollars I want you to buy some of the tara brooches, the same as the one you sent Mrs. C. Half the girls here have (obliterated) annoyed since they saw it and L. and myself (obliterated) some to one or two very particular friends who have (obliterated) more than good to us during the trying times of the past few months. "The Women's Society here want to know if it would be possible to have a supply sent out here. They will guarantee the sum of £100. Find out particulars and let me know. Any profit from the sale will be handed over to the Arms Fund. Tell Mrs. that her sister is quite safe and happy. I will send her home to her very soon, but meanwhile you can assure her that she need have no fears at all about s welfare. He is in very good hands. He was not too well a few weeks back, but a few days in bed soon put him right. I am also giving bearer some copies of the paper, some for you, some for D. which must be sent there in good condition, and some for the other lads. Try and let me have the papers from your side in regular order and not in any old style as they have been coming of late. Enclosed also some letters from the lads. I have very little time for writing these days. My friend L. starts work to-morrow morning, and I hope to get the man from Tyrone a place next week. I will surely let you have a long letter by the next man, probably N. W. The contents of this letter must not be shown to anyone but to those who met and spoke to Mr. M. That is that part of the contents referring to L., &c. Read the letter to anyone you like, keeping to yourself the matters mentioned. See that this is done. I will give you more definite news about it all next time, but the man who will reach you on this ship will be able to tell you much. When he was with you his name was William Cain. I am quite well, and the lads, as you will see from the letter, are also doing well. I am going to see them probably next week. Be careful in your letters to them through the mail never to mention the fact that I am out of town. There are letters censored locally here, and, as I have four or five aliases and addresses in this city, the less you say about my absence from town when writing to them the better. Be careful also what initials you use when referring to people or things. The game now is so high and there is too much at stake to take any risks, and you must use extreme caution when writing. Always refer in future to the Seanfear, as I do, and if possible do not mention his name at all. Well, good-bye. Remember me to all and see to it that any requests made herein are attended to as soon as possible." Very shortly after the release of the Sinn Fein rebel leaders in June 1917 the communications, which as above stated had been interrupted when America declared war, were again opened between Germany and Sinn Fein. The clue was picked up, and the line of transmission planned by Germany for getting into correspondence with the Sinn Fein element in Ireland through South America and the Irish in the United States was commanded. Some of the messages are now disclosed. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Madrid. 17.8.17. An Agent will shortly arrive from Buenos Aires. You should at once communicate by telegraph his wishes and support him in every way; also as to money payments, 35 extent and development of his activities, propaganda for the United States and arrangements of communication. He is known in Spain. He is known in Spain. His name will be com- municated to you after his arrival. (Signed) KUHLMANN. (No. 582.) Please pass on to the Military Attaché. With reference to telegram 18521 of 16th August. (Down to troops in Ireland.) No. 589. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Madrid. 21.8.17. You should also discuss with the person in question the establishing of communications with the Sinn Feiners in Ireland from South America, and, if need be, through the Irish in the U.S.A.; the object of the communications being the support of the Sinn Feiners with arms and munitions for a rising against England. After the establishing of communications, the first steps to take would be to organise the smuggling of arms, &c., from South America and the U.S.A. into Ireland. An undertaking of this nature must not be made from Spain. In the second place, the question arises of sending arms from Germany by the "Mowe or submarine in the event of its being possible to fix a place and time for landing them in good time. "" There is no question whatever of landing German troops in Ireland. Please pass on to Military Attaché. With reference to telegram 18694 of 21st August. (A. should.) W/T, 21/8/17. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Madrid. For the General Staff, Political. The following is most secret. With reference to No. 18632. 5056 German Embassy, Madrid, to Foreign Office, Berlin. 21.8.17. Arnold has arrived here to report and arrange, and returns to his post early in September. W/T. Foreign Office, Berlin, to German Embassy, Madrid. 25.8.17. A. should try to send Irish or other suitable people from America for the destruction of the harbour at Archangel and the Kola Railway. German Embassy, Madrid, to Foreign Office, Berlin. G W/T, 29.8.17. German Embassy, Madrid, to Foreign Office, Berlin. 28.8.17. The individual in question will endeavour to get into communication with the Sinn Feiners in Ireland, either through the readers of the Irish papers published m Buenos Aires or directly through North America. I am seeking through Spanish clerics for a suitable priest whom I can send to him. Arms and munitions are only procurable in South America in the event of being able to secure the cargo of the s.s. "Muansa," belonging to the East Africa Line, and likewise cargo space, only if the Hamburg-South American Line can induce the Argentine Company, whom they control, to place a ship at our disposal. The ships are at the present time carrying hides from Patagonia to Buenos Aires for the benefit of the Entente. ( 2 36 Whether arms, &c., and ships can be obtained in the U.S.A. will be ascertaineds The individual in question is of the opinion that even now transport of munition from Germany should be prepared. He would like to know where Robert Monteith is at the present time, who was promised him from Berlin, and if he, is to carry out attacks on warehouses, &c., on Argentine soil. From General Staff, Berlin, to German Military Attaché, Madrid. "2.9.17. No. 607. "With reference to 2023. "We agree to paragraph 1. With reference to paragraph 2, the question as to whether the cargo of the ship in question can be set free is still being considered. "Monteith is in Ireland. The place is not known. Please do not carry out any attacks on Argentine soil." While these communications were passing with a view to establishing communications between Sinn Fein and Berlin, the following events occurred in Ireland. A great Sinn Fein Convention was held in the Mansion House, Dublin, on the 26th and 27th October, 1917. De Valera was appointed president, Arthur Griffith vice-president-two treasurers were named-and Austin Stack and Darrel Figgis honorary secretaries of the new Sinn Fein organisation. Professor Eoin McNeill and twenty-three others were appointed an executive committee. After his election De Valera addressed the Convention and stated: "The constitution of the new movement which you have adopted says this organisation of Sinn Fein aims at securing the international recognition of Ireland as an independent Irish Republic." A resolution was passed that- "All national activities be sub-divided into clearly defined departments, as follows:-- "1. Department of Military Organisation; (C 2. Department of Political Organisation; CC 3. Department of Education and Propaganda ; "4. Department of Foreign Relations; "5. Department of Finance.' and specified six other departinents dealing with other matters. "" A précis of the Sinn Fein Constitution was circulated in small booklet form, printed in Irish and English, for the purpose of enrolling membership. The following are excerpts from the booklet :- CC "CUMANN SINN FÉIN. CC CONSTITUTION. Whereas the people of Ireland never relinquished the claim to separate Nationhood, and "Whereas the Provisional Government of the Irish Republic, Easter, 1916, in the name of the Irish people and continuing the fight made by previous generations, re-asserted the inalienable right of the Irish Nation to Sovereign Independence, and re-affirmed the determination of the Irish people to achieve it: and "Whereas the Proclamation of an Irish Republic, Easter, 1916, and the supreme courage and glorious sacrifices of the men who gave their lives to maintain it, have united the people of Ireland under the flag of the Irish Republic, be it Resolved, that we, the delegated representatives of the Irish people, in Convention assembled, hereby declare the following to be the Constitution of Sinn Fein :- “1. The name of this organisation shall be Sinn Fein. "2. Sinn Fein aims at securing the International recognition of Ireland as an independent Irish Republic. 37 (C 3. This object shall be attained through the Sinn Fein Organisation which shall, in the name of the Sovereign Irish people :- Having achieved that status the Irish people may by referendum freely choose their own form of Government. "(a.) Deny the right and oppose the will of the British Parliament and British Crown or any other foreign government to legislate for Ireland: 66 (b.) Make use of any and every means available to render impotent the power of England to hold Ireland in subjection by military force or otherwise. "4. Whereas no law made without the authority and consent of the Irish people is or ever can be binding on their conscience. 5056 "Therefore in accordance with the Resolution of Sinn Fein adopted in Convention, 1905, a Constituent Assembly shall be convoked, comprising persons chosen by the Irish Constituencies as the supreme National authority to speak and act in the name of the Irish people and to devise and formulate measures for the welfare of the whole people of Ireland. * C EXTRACT FROM SCHEME OF ORGANISATION. "The Sinn Fein organisation shall include a President, two Vice- Presidents, two Hon. Secretaries, two Hon. Treasurers, four National Trustees, an annual Ard-Fheis, an Ard-Chómhairle (with its standing committee), comhairle ceanntair and cumainn. "Membership shall be open to all adults of Irish birth or parentage, irrespective of sex, class, or creed, who accept the constitution of Sinn Fein- save that no member of the British armed forces, nor pensioner thereof, nor any person who has taken an oath of allegiance to the British Government shall be eligible so long as he retains the office or position involving that oath." After the great public meeting of the Sinn Fein Convention on the 27th October, 1917, in the Mansion House, a very large number of delegates adjourned to a Convention of Irish volunteers, which was held in a large store in Dublin on the same day, for the purpose of organising that body more fully. De Valera addressed the assembled volunteers, and in the course of his address he said: “By proper organisation and recruiting they could have 500,000 fighting volunteers in Ireland. That would be a big army, but, without the opportunity and the means of fighting, it could only be used as a menace. There had already been too much bloodshed without success, and he would never advocate another rebellion without hopeful chances of success. They could see no hope of that in the near future, except through a German invasion of England and the landing of troops and munitions in Ireland. They should be prepared to leave nothing undone towards that end." He further said :- "That there never would be peace in Ireland until they got their independence. When the war was over England would be tottering. The Allies could not win. All nations at the Peace Conference would claim their right to the Freedom of the Seas, and Ireland was of such international importance in that respect that her claim must be admitted. They wanted an army to back their claim It was intended the volunteer organisation should be a distinct body as regards control, finance, &c., but it would be part of the Sinn Fein organisation in its fight for freedom. up "Should the war end immediately, and their case not be considered by the Allied nations, they would carry on the fight, and what they could not procure now, they could get after the war. They wanted an army and they would have it." • 0 3 38 In Appendix A (1) is printed a "Memorandum on Irish Army Organisation found in possession of De Valera when he was arrested on 17th May, 1918. The manuscript is in De Valera's own handwriting. It shows the scheme of military organisation of the Irish Republican Army as designed originally by De Valera. In November 1917 the following communications were made to Berlin :— To Berlin. 6.11.17. The person in question requests that the address and covering address "Varod" given in report of the 23rd August shall not be used. Please address necessary letters with regard to the Irish matter to "Casilla 866," and with regard to the other matter to "Casilla 1201." NOTE.-A former telegram reported the safe arrival in Buenos Aires of a certain unknown person, who was reported to have been arrested in American waters. German Military Attaché, Madrid, to General Staff, Political Section, Berlin. 10.11.17. The name of the addressee for "Casilla 866" is is "Ilha de São Francisco Anel Gonzalez." Letters in connection with the Irish affair are to be addressed to "Ricardo Maquieira, Casilla 879." (Buenos Aires.) (เ German Military Attaché, Madrid, to General Staff, Political, Berlin. "No. 155 of 17th November 1917. The person in question telegraphs that the continuation of his work in Argentina for the time being is impracticable. He is proceeding to Chile in order to obtain a fresh passport. The Irish business (is going) well." ،، After the Russian Revolution in 1917 Sinn Fein began to turn attention to the possibilities of intrigue with the Russian Socialists. All the Allied Powers refused to give passports to their subjects to attend the International Socialist Conference in Stockholm. Two intending delegates from Ireland were not permitted to leave. The Sinn Fein leaders, however, in confederation with the Friends of Irish Freedom in America, presented a statement to the International Socialist Conference at Stockholm. This statement was a lengthy document in the French language. Extracts from it are printed in Appendix B. A typed copy of it was found in De Valera's attaché case when he was arrested on 17th May, 1918. It is headed:- "THE FRIENDS OF IRISH FREEDOM (NEW YORK). "Stockholm Bureau, (( "(Signé) "" "( ઃઃ (( LA QUESTION IRLANDAISE. and was presented-" Pour le Bureau de Stockholmn des Amis de la Liberté irlandaise. "(Signé) T. ST. JOHN GAFFNEY. Ancien Consul Général des États-Unis à "Dresde et Munich Artillerigartan, 20, xii, 1917. G. CHATTERTON-HILL, Ancien Privatdozent à l'Université de Genève. $9 It is similar in outline and assertion to the voluminous "Case of Ireland for the Peace Conference," extracts from which are printed in Appendix C. This appeal to Russian and other social revolutionarics concludes thus : "LA VOIX DE L'IRLANDE. "Pendant la guerre mondiale actuelle, la voix de l'Irlande s'est élevée solennelle- ment à trois reprises différentes : "D'abord à New-York, les 4 et 5 mars, à l'occasion du Congrès national des Irlandais d'Amérique. Ce Congrès national, convoqué en vue de trouver les moyens d'aider l'Irlande à recouvrer son indépendance après la guerre, s'est constitué en organisation nationale indépendante sous ce titre : "Les Amis de la Liberté irlandaise." Le représentant européen de cette organisation des Irlandais d'Amérique est actuelle- ment M. T. St. John Gaffney, ci-devant consul général d'Amérique à Munich. Dans la séance de clôture du Congrès, à New-York, à laquelle assistaient 3,000 personnes, une résolution a été prise au milieu de démonstrations imposantes en enthousiasme. Cette résolution, qui prendra dans l'Histoire le nom de déclaration d'indépendance irlandaise, s'adresse aux Puissances pour leur demander de reconnaître l'Irlande comme nation indépendante. On y lit, entre autres choses: Nous en appelons aux Puissances pour reconnaître que l'Irlande l'Irlande est une île européenne, et non une île anglaise, et pour apprécier le fait que l'indépendance complète de l'Irlande d'avec l'Empire britannique est la condition essentielle et indispensable de la liberté des mers.' "L'Irlande éleva une seconde fois la voix lors du soulèvement pendant la semaine de Pâques 1916 et par la proclamation du Gouvernement provisoire de la République irlandaise. "" Enfin, le 19 avril 1917, la voix de l'Irlande a retenti encore une fois dans l'assemblée des délégués du parti républicain irlandais, convoquée par le comte George Plunkett. Cette réunion, tenue à l'hôtel de ville de Dublin, adopta à l'unanimité et avec de frénétiques applaudissements une résolution d'après laquelle: 1° L'Irlande constitue une nation séparée et réclame, en conséquence, d'être représentée à la Conférence de la Paix, attendu que cette Conférence aura le devoir d'assurer aux peuples la liberté qu'ils réclament, et de garantir en général les droits des petites nations; 2° la volonté du peuple irlandais souverain fait seul loi, et le peuple irlandais est légitimement libre d'exécuter ses décisions sans obstacle et sans aucune immixtion étrangère quelconque. "La voix de l'Irlande n'aura pas retenti en vain. Elle trouvera son écho auprès des vrais amis de la liberté dans tous les pays. Mais c'est surtout à la vaillante démocratie russe que l'Irlande adresse sa légitime revendication de pouvoir elle-même décider de son sort et de ne pas servir plus longtemps d'instrument aux vues de l'impérialisme britannique! ور "Nationality," an official organ of Sinn Fein, edited by Arthur Griffith, of the 23rd March, 1918, announced that:- "The Stockholm Bureau of the "Amis de la Liberté irlandaise" handed to the Ministers of the Powers there a statement of the present position in Ireland, and the claim of Ireland to equal freedom with Serbia and Belgium. The document was signed for the Bureau by Mr. St. John Gaffney, formerly Consul-General of the United States, and Dr. Chatterton Hill, Professor, Geneva University." Communications were taking place between Sinn Fein and the Germans by means of U-boats off the West Coast of Ireland, and German propaganda leaflets and pamphlets were thus disseminated in Ireland. A Sinn Fein local leader named James Ruane was arrested on the 2nd December, 1917, at Kiltimagh in county Mayo, and in his possession were found two pamphlets printed in Germany and bearing the official impress, "Kriegs-Ausschuss der Deutschen Industrie, Berlin." One of them dealt with the Proclamation of the Kingdom of Poland on the 5th November as "a new proof for the unswerving confidence of victory of the Central Powers "-" a loud testimony of their internal strength and capable of disproving all the tales of their internal relaxing spread lately so assiduously by the press of the Entente "--- "while all over the enemies are speaking of the overthrow of Germany, this country is strong enough to grant freedom to a conquered country on its own responsibility." 5056 CA **** The " war. 'liberation of small nationalities is one of the leading watchwords of this If we recall the English reign of terror in India and Ireland-in connection therewith we are thinking of the last bloody insurrection in Ireland, the despairing appeal for help of the representatives of mere Russian foreign nationalities' trans- mitted to President Wilson some time ago---the falseness of this watchword will be at once perceived." "A New Baralong Case" is the heading of another portion of this pamphlet, which alleged acts of cruelty on the part of the English in the destruction of the submarine U-41 on the 24th September, 1915, off the Scilly Islands. The second pamphlet was entitled "A French Project against the Economical Life of Germany," and purported to reveal "ciphered secret orders sent by the French Government to French prisoners of war, inviting them to destroy the whole agricultural production and industry of Germany by introduction of poisonous germs. 40 Early in 1918 the authorities ascertained that arms and ammunition were being landed from Germany from time to time on the west coast of Ireland, and that "A message of Hope" had been conveyed from Germany. The Sinn Feiners were led to believe that another revolution would bring the case of Ireland before the Peace Conference, and that Independence would be then secured. Prominent leaders of Sinn Fein were constant in exhorting to arm and drill secretly; and statements were widely spread that, if a new Rebellion took place, a number of Germau officers with machine guns and ammunition would be landed from submarines. It was stated that the German Emperor had made a communication that his personal support would be given to Ireland at the Peace Conference. Information was also received by the Government that communication with Germany was being carried on by a prominent member of the Sinn Fein Executive, and that this correspondence was conveyed by the master of a fishing boat on the west coast f Ireland known to German submarine commanders. Messages in code were sent to German submarines by another prominent Sinn Feiner from the coast of Kerry, and as the period for the great German offensive of March 1918 drew near, and during its first months, frequent reference was made by influential members of the Sinn Fein Association to approaching assistance from Germany. The following are a few excerpts from some of these speeches, all of which were made by men who had been sentenced for participation in the Rebellion of Easter, 1916, and released on amnesty. They were subsequently interned :- C February 10, 1918. ،، Germany has England by the throat, who is shouting for mercy; now is the time to work.' (( "} March 3, 1918. England is now beaten to her knees by the Central Powers. She need not look to Ireland for help. She has been our only enemy, and the only assistance we will give her is to draw the sword and cut her in twain.' "" NU "" ފ April 14, 1918. 'Fight not for England but against her. England is the only enemy of this country. Germany has her nearly beaten, and we want to be ready to give her the last blow." April 14, 1918. "Their power was a well-aimed rifle, the most effective to save them. Who knows but the Kaiser, always on the alert, would land an army of deliverance on our shores ?" A #1 April 17, 1918. 5 "Be prepared to down tools and take a holiday, and perhaps our action might reach the workers on the Clyde and in Wales, for there is a great feeling of industrial unrest in England to-day, and the people over there are sick of conscrip- tion, and perhaps when England would be in a state of chaos, the Kaiser will land an army of deliverance on our shores. "," Numerous other specimens might be quoted of speeches hinting at the coming of German assistance and exhorting preparation for a new rising. On Saturday, the 12th April, 1918, a German emissary named J. Dowling, alias 41 O'Brien, was landed in a small canvas boat on Crab Island, off the County Clare, from a German submarine. He had been an Irish soldier, taken prisoner by the Germans, and was one of the fifty-two men who were seduced into joining Casement's "Brigade" and was one of the three Lieutenants of the "Brigade." He had received instructions from a German military authority who directed him to get in touch with the Sinn Fein leaders, ascertain the state of affairs, and arrange with them (1) that they should keep their people quiet for two or three months, (2) fix the date, time and place for the landing of arms, machine guns, artillery and German troops in Ireland. He was to return to Germany either in a German submarine which he was to board from a fishing boat, using a stated signal to attract attention, or to get to Scandinavia in a neutral ship and thence to Germany. 66 Having regard to these German instructions, the following letter from a known member of the Irish Republican Army is of interest. It was found on De Valera on the occasion of his arrest on the 17th May, 1918- My dear De Valera, I'm glad to have a chance of writing to you about a matter I've been pondering lately. You may remember my putting forward the opinion some time ago that enforcement of Conscription would be based on the principle of raids from a centre? Well, I think it might be necessary to modify that view. It would seem, perhaps, a more effective way to try sweeping drives. For example-take Clare-an isolated County. They might deploy a strong cordon along the Shannon from Scariff to Limerick and sweep seaward. This method to be carried out everywhere simultaneously would require great numbers-but they have those. However, it would doubtless encounter certain supply difficulties; all the same-ammunition for instance, the men could carry much of their needs on their backs. In those districts where our men are fairly well trained and fairly well armed I fancy these driving cordons could be burst repeatedly; but in other areas-in most unhappily the only policy would be to lie perdu until the cordon swept past. This again would entail very close searching which might be effective--but some time would be gained. Indeed time is what we must play for-military victory is less likely. Our position is much like that of Gen. Cambronne after Waterloo! "Surrender," say the Anglo-Prussian Cavalry; "Mort," replies Gen. Cambronne. In the matter of communications I am glad to be able to say that Leitrim is being worked up well. And I understand an effort is being made to reach the hand to us from Cavan; in this way the Shannon can be turned. I would like to be able to do more than I can; but my health has not been as good as of old, and that with some personal worries rather impairs my effectiveness. Of course, I'm far from down and out; I'm just not all I might be. I suppose Cavan will give us a lift, all right. I know the County slightly and am quite hopeful about it. There and elsewhere we must hope for the best. As regards the war, I fancy a renewal of the heaviest fighting can be expected any time now; the necessary re-constructions in rear of the . probably completed by this time. Advances equal to former ones would mean a German victory on the most stupendous scale; while it will not be two months from the beginning of the offensive until the 21st instant. Anyone who thinks the Allies have permanently stopped them must be forgetting the sequences in the manœuvie of Warsaw 1915. An idea of the cominunications referred to in this letter may be gathered from the document in Appendix A (2) found in possession of De Valera when arrested." On the 16th April, 1918, a German U-boat was sighted in the vicinity of the Kish lightship in Dublin Bay and two men, named Robert and James Cotter, who were Sinn Feiners-one of them a brother-in-law of De Valera-were intercepted at 4 A.M. next morning in a small sailing boat off Kingstown. They were prosecuted and convicted for violating Admiralty regulations. There was reason to believe they were communicating with the submarine. Aut On the 17th March, 1918-St. Patrick's Day-the eve of the great final German offensive, a remarkable gathering of the German-Irish Society was held in the Hotel Adlon, Berlin. The meeting was under the auspices of the German Government, and was addressed at length by Frhr. von Stumm, as representative of the Imperial Foreign Office. Representatives also of the German War Office, Admiralty and Foreign Office were present, and many other distinguished officials, Kuno Meyer and his brother, Professor Eduard Meyer, and others of the German Professoriate were there also. There were present too Abdul Malitch Haniza Bey, of the Committee of Egyptian 42 Nationalists and Young Turks Organisation in Berne, editor of "L'Égypte" at Geneva; Datta Bhupendranath, alias Dutt, alias Dr. Haider, alias Benganir Bey, head of the Berlin Indians during the war, and connected with the Berlin-Indian Committee in issuing among other the seditious publication "How the British conquered India,” and representative for the Germans in Persia in 1915, and Pillai Chempakaraman-a well-known Indian agitator-Secretary of the Revolutionary Association in Berlin, called the "Vereinigung verfolgter Völker" (the "Society of Oppressed Peoples "), and other Indian and Egyptian promoters of sedition. George Chatterton-Hill and T. St. John Gaffney, who were in intimate touch with the Sinn Fein leaders in Ireland, were present, and Chatterton-Hill spoke at the meeting. The following messages were sent by telegram from the German-Irish Society to the Kaiser and Von Hindenburg :- "MESSAGE. "On the occasion of their reception in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, the German-Irish Society craves permission to offer to your Majesty their most humble devotion. They express the hope that the mighty German sword, having completed the liberation of the oppressed nations in the East, will now in the West also cleave asunder the chains which England has forged round Ireland. For the Freedom of the Seas will only then be guaranteed when a free Ireland steps forth the Watcher of the Atlantic. "1 REPLY. "General Headquarters, 19.3.18. "His Majesty the King and Kaiser has received with much satisfaction the gracious address of the German-Irish Society, and heartily thanks them for it. His Majesty is following with keen interest and lively sympathy the fight that brave Ireland is making for freedom-proudly conscious that the German sword has already led a procession of nationalities to freedom. “(Gez.) GEHEIMER KABINETTSRAT VON BERG." (6 "TELEGRAM. "From the German-Irish Society, sitting at the Imperial Hotel, Berlin, 28th February, 1918, to His Excellency Field-Marshal-in-Chief von Hindenburg at General Headquarters. * The German-Irish Society takes the opportunity afforded by their extra- ordinary general meeting to offer to your Excellency their most profound and respectful homage. Confident that the forces handled in so masterly a manner under your Excellency's inspired leadership will finally overwhelm even our worst enemy, we look forward in the fullest assurance to a victorious issue of the world war. Penetrated by the conviction that Ireland free and independent of England warrants the freedom of the seas, and consequently the freeing of the world from England's sea tyranny, we hope for a masterful German peace, which alone can afford real guarantees for Germany and for Ireland." << "REPLY. "General Headquarters, 4.3.1918. Hearty thanks for your kind remembrances. I hope that the German victory will serve the cause of Ireland too. “(Gez.) GENERALFELDMARSCHALL VON HINDENburg.” The following message was also sent :- "To his Excellency the Imperial Chancellor, Count IIertling, Berlin. "The German Irish Society in their general meeting to-day thanks your Excellency for your repeated references to Ireland in your utterances dealing with the restoration of independence to Nationalities upon the conclusion of peace. "The Irish nation, which more than a thousand years ago carried its high civilisation with Christianity far and wide into Germany and other parts of 43 Europe, relying on the principle justitia fundamentum regnorum, claims emanci- pation from English oppression. The independence of Ireland is a real guarantee for the freedom of the seas from the Anglo-Saxon yoke, a consummation which is the universal aspiration not only of the whole German people, but of all nations of the world." As an official imprimatur of the proceedings of the meeting the following state- ments were published:-- German wireless (the 18th March):- "The reception given by the Germano-Irish Society in Berlin, on the occasion of the Irish National Fête (Shamrock Day), gave rise to a demonstra- tion of a great political nature. The representative of the Foreign Office, von Stumm, welcomed the Society, and expressed the feeling of goodwill of the German Government, which took a lively interest in the fate of Ireland. The speaker recalled the Easter Festival in 1916, when, for the first time for a long period, a Republic had been proclaimed in Ireland and when the harp colours of the Emerald Isle had once again waved on the public buildings of its capital. By means of ship's guns and machine guns the British Government had finally succeeded in suppressing the movement, after stubborn fighting. Since then the English Government has drawn a thick veil between Ireland and the remainder of the world, by means of issuing false reports describing the serious unrest as a 'little dissatisfaction,' whereas the real position was kept secret and military measures had been taken for suppressing the Irish people, and for the destruction of its independence, which England represents as for the re-establishment of order in the interests of the people. What English peace means the inhabitants of Ceylon and the Boers in the Transvaal are able to relate. In Germany, which a hundred years ago engaged in a great fight for its liberty against the French Emperor, the fight of brave Ireland has aroused deep sympathy. We shall not allow ourselves to be blinded by English reports as to Irish unrest and disregard of laws. So far England has not given liberty to any small nation, neither has she prepared the way for such liberty. So far she has only muzzled and suppressed them. History daily gives proof of this. The procedure of England stands in striking contrast to that of the abused enemy Germany, whose successes of arms have already led a number of nations to liberty. England always has the liberty of small nations as a phrase in her mouth, not because she has any intention of really bringing it about, but because she believes thereby to weaken her enemies. Asquith recently declared that territorial conquests made by England in this war should come before the peace conference. If he is really in earnest about this, it is his duty to see that the peace conference treats of the fate of Ireland. In the fight for self- determination she can at all times count upon the sympathy of the whole of the German nation. At the same meeting. Chatterton-Hill reviewed the (?situation) and closing his speech said:-'When the day of liberty breaks (message defective). The assembly sent a telegram of respect to the German Kaiser, expressing the hope that now, when in the East the (?enemy) had been defeated, the German sword would also cut the chains of Ireland. The freedom of the seas would only be assured when a free Ireland is made the watcher of the Atlantic Ocean.' > >> (C EXTRACT FROM ARTICLE IN BERLINER TAGEBLATT," DATED MARCH 18, 1918. ، ، CC - ST. PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATION IN BERLIN. The celebration of the Irish National Festival instituted by the German Irish Society on the occasion of St. Patrick's Day was held last evening in the Hotel Adlon, Berlin, and was attended by a numerous company. Graf Westarp, Con- servative Deputy of the Reichstag, welcomed the guests in the name of the Committee, and stated that a people which was incapable of a righteous hatred towards their mortal enemies was also incapable of any profound devotion to its own cause. England, Ireland's mortal enemy, had now become the mortal enemy of Germany. Before the war, the German people had never thought that it would be their mission to destroy England's maritime tyranny, but Germany had been compelled to undertake this task, and was in a position to accomplish it, thanks to numerical superiority which she had now achieved, and to the U-boats. "A lengthy speech was delivered by Councillor of Legation von Stumm, as representative of the Foreign Office. "Dr. George Chatterton Hill thanked the company for their warm-hearted interest in the Irish question. He welcomed those present who shared his views, particularly those from Egypt, India, and Persia. He stated that Ireland was on the eve of great events, as the journey of Lord French to Ireland showed-a journey which, in view of the state of communications in the Irish Sea was certainly no pleasure trip. The reason of all this was summarised in the two words 'Sinn Fein,' that great political, economic, and cultured movement which recognised England as the evil genius of Ireland, and which thwarted and combated her in every direction. The movement therefore raised the cry 'Separation from England!' and demanded Ireland for the Irish. From the moral point of view Ireland was the best contradiction of England's hypocritical boast that she was fighting for the freedom of the smaller nations. "An address upon Germany and the Irish question by Kommerzienrat Dr. Karl Goldschmidt concluded the proceedings. >> ' Extract from the "Irishman" (one of the official organs of Sinn Fein), dated April 6, 1918. Speaking at a largely attended meeting in Foxford (Co. Mayo) on Sunday, the 31st March, 1918, Citizen Arthur Griffith, referring to the meeting of the German-Irish Society at Berlin on St. Patrick's Day, said that followed the presentation of a claim at Stockholm to the same treatment for Ireland as would be accorded to Poland. Copies of the claim were accepted by all the neutral and Central Powers. The gathering at Berlin was officially visited by the German Government, and the representatives of the German Government declared that they would support Ireland's claims at the Peace Conference. It was because she feared that they were going to that court England wanted to set up a bogus Home Rule.' "" 44 The evidence in possession of His Majesty's Government made it clear that a design existed on the part of Germany, in combination with the Sinn Fein Extremists and Irish revolutionaries in America, to land arms in Ireland and bring about another Irish Insurrection, and thus divert British troops from the front in France. In April 1918 it was definitely ascertained that the plan for landing arms in Ireland was ripe for execution, and that the Germans only awaited definite information from Ireland arranging the time, place and date. The British authorities were able to warn the Irish Command regarding the probable landing from a submarine of the German agent Dowling, who was arrested on the 12th April as above stated. The plans for the new rising depended largely on the disembarkation of munitions from subinarines, and it was designed to follow on the anticipated success of the great German offensive in France. On the 4th May, 1918, His Majesty's Government received information that on the evening of the 26th April, 1918, seven closed railway cars had arrived at Cuxhaven and were run alongside two large submarines; the contents of the trucks-rifles and machine guns-were transferred to the submarines. These consignments did not arrive in Ireland. On the 17th and 18th May, 1918, De Valera and a large number of the other prominent leaders of the sedition in Ireland were arrested and held interned until after the victory of the Allies had been secured. De Valera and some others escaped from custody in the spring of 1919; the rest were all released from internment in March 1919. After the arrest of the leaders above mentioned the German intrigues with the disaffected Irish were still carried on. The following communications are disclosed. From General Staff, Political, Berlin, to German Military Attaché, Madrid. No. 25122 of 16th April, 1918. With reference to telegram 1172 of 1st April. Arnoid's return to Germany is not advisable because of the risk of his seizure. Communication with Ireland and America is important. Arnold is to try to win over people for the United States of America, if possible organisers, on the one hand for sabotage, and on the other hand for increasing the inclination for peace. 66 (+ 66 رد 45 From German Military Attaché, Madrid, to General Staff, Political, Berlin. No. 2504 of 4th July, 1918. "Arnold's confidential agent, who was expected here in accordance with telegram No. 2401 of 26th June, has continued his voyage to Ireland after an interview with me.' "" (. From German Military Attaché, Madrid, to General Staff, Political, Berlin. "3.7.18. No. 850. "Jahnke reports from Mexico on the 13th May "The Irish Secret Lodge in New York offers the services of its branch lodges in Argentine and Brazil. Please instruct." From General Staff, Political, Berlin, to German Military Attaché, Madrid. "31.7.18. No. 359. CC With reference to No. 850. "Inform Jahnke that a task may be assigned to the Irish Secret Lodge at New York within the limits of the instructions communicated by us with regard to S. undertaking, in agreement with the Minister. Argentine and Chile are out of the question. Caution against provocations. 66 21.8.18. No. 10 of 19th August. "To the Legation, Mexico, from General Staff, Political. 66 "For Jahnke. Report of 13th May received. Co-operation of the Irish Secret Lodge in Brazil is desirable. Object: warships and merchant-ships with important raw materials, such as manganese ore and cattle. (. In Argentine and Chile nothing must be undertaken. Caution (necessary to avoid) traps." t Co From Nauen to Mexico. , (( From German Military Attaché, Madrid, to General Staff, Political, Berlin. "27.11.18. No. 4013 of 22nd November. Arnold has had 15,000 marks per month at his disposal for the S. service and communications with Ireland." The following is an excerpt from the German Government organ the "Kölnische Zeitung," the 8th July, 1918:- cr { Since Casement's death, and to a greater extent since the heroic but unfortunate Easter Rebellion (1916) in Dublin, Ireland and her fate have roused lively interest throughout wide circles of our people. This sympathy is in a double sense not only justified but even politically necessary. The little Celtic country has to no other country in Europe such close and valuable historical rela- tions as to Germany, and no other country can, like Ireland, continually raise up difficulties for England The historical relations of the Emerald Isle and its representatives of culture in the Middle Ages (the famous monks) to central Europe of the present day, including Switzerland (St. Gall), have only lately come to be properly appreciated by the historians of culture." (( "This debt of gratitude to Irish culture can now be repaid by the German people." Germany and England will one day when the war is over again have to live together in peace But this peace, as the experiences of France and Holland in the past teach us, will have no real meaning for the English people, but will 46 only constitute the formulation of a legal situation temporarily conceived, and recognised as the result of a relationship of power that has occurred. Daily and hourly we shall have to remind the Britons after the conclusion of peace that this peace with us has to mean more than an armistice. For this purpose we must not only provide ourselves with securities against possible Continental allies of England, but we must remind her by relations openly maintained with parts of her empire that have been despoiled of their rights, that it depends only on us when we are disposed to come forward as the champions of her numerous oppressed peoples. Whoever like England has constructed his world-empire on compulsion, force, and spiritual oppression of the constituent parts, is subject in the fear of its falling to pieces to an impulse of psychological weakness that cripples his power of decision. The most sensitive impulse to excite this feeling of weakness was always the resurgence of the Irish question involved in Ireland's striving for national independence." "Love for the home country and hatred against England in all English colonies, in the United States, and in the South American republics, notably in Chile, united all citizens of Irish origin in a desire to direct against England the forces of the new home, and the policy of the new country. "The Irish in England and Ireland will never allow peace to reign in English politics. The Irish in the great English colonies, especially in Australia, will be the lever that will effect the downfall of the English Empire. If the individual portions of the English world-empire withdraw from the political influence of the mother country in order to pursue their own policy either without or against England, one can see who will be the leaders in this movement. The Irish will certainly be among them. Should the political relation of the United States to England change again later on, Irish influence will be decisive in that connection. If difficulties crop up for England anywhere throughout the world, which are not to be explained by natural opposition, let one seek for the Irish spirit as the driving force. Thus the struggle between a world-empire and its small insignificant dependency is implacably carried on. The weapons are unequal, but the effect of the Irish movement is expressed by the proverb: Constant dropping wears the stone.' If we wish this effect to operate in England, it is not our task to interfere in Irish conditions possibly in the sense that we should at the conclusion of peace demand from England a few apparent concessions to Ireland that could not be supervised by us, but we must as individuals, as traders, and as representatives of Government resolutely throughout the world in all countries offer our hand as allies to England's particular natural enemy, the Irishman. We must further help every Irishman, because he will help us to enjoy in quiet the fruits of our victory over England. The continued efficacy of the Irish movement is for us a guarantee of peace." 3 دو 47 Copy of Notes found in possession of De Valera when arrested. Manuscript in his own handwriting. APPENDIX A (1). MEMORANDUM ON IRISH ARMY ORGANISATION. (A.)-General Problem of Irish Defence. The Military Defence of Ireland should provide for three distinct contingencies :— (a.) Raids. (b.) Purely Naval Attack. (c.) Combined Naval and Military Attack, i.e., Regular Invasion. I. INTRODUCTORY. These would all be primarily problems of Military, not of Naval, Defence. Ireland would not be able to maintain such a fleet as would be the sole or even the principal safeguard of her territory. She could only maintain the smaller craft suitable for patrolling, commerce-raiding, and harrying an invader's lines of communication--thus acting as auxiliaries to the military defence of the country. Considering in order the several kinds of attack it is evident that- play (a.) Raids would be made with a definite local objective which to some extent could be foreseen. These are not naval raids, but landings of small forces. Such could be provided against by 1. An efficient coast patrol-naval and military; 2. A mobile striking force maintained within reach of the centres likely to be attacked. (b.) Purely Naval Attack can always be met and defeated by adequate Coast Batteries. M (c.) Regular Invasion. This contingency is quite different from (a) or (b): they are sudden and partial, this is prolonged and systematic. They must be met at once and could be met successfully by suitable small forces, this requires large forces but admits of time to develop them. It calls for the mobilisation of an army. An Irish Army, therefore, must be in a position to cope with two distinct types of attack- (a.) Sudden, local and partial-requiring a certain type of Standing Force to meet it. (b.) An attempt to overthrow the nation-to be resisted by the military effort of the nation as a whole, organised as a thoroughly efficient militia. Any tendency to subordinate the Militia to the Standing Forces would be inadmissible as the problem of the Militia is in last analysis the most serious of all. As far as possible continuity of the services would obtain. (B.)--Special Tactical Conditions. As regards the various arms of the service the following remarks may be made : (a.) There need be no Cavalry: in Ireland this arm has little scope; it is expensive and troublesome to train effectively; the question of horse-supply and training would present needless difficulties. # 48 (b.) Cyclists would replace Cavalry, and could be used in considerable numbers. Cycling is very common in Ireland, the road mileage is big, and the mobility of such troops would be of great use in cases of raids or even invasion. (c) Flying Artillery with a light handy gun mounted on an armoured motor would be advisable. Half-batteries of two guns and forward action of single guns might be often employed. In hedge-country pack-artillery might be employed. (d.) The number and importance of the Irish harbours call for a far larger force of Coast Artillery relatively than in any other country of similar size and defence conditions. II.-GENERAL CHARACTER OF PROPOSED SCHEME. In view of the different kinds of attack to which an independent Ireland would be exposed, it is necessary to maintain Standing Forces of a special kind and a national Militia Army linked with the Standing Forces. It is necessary to consider each of these forces separately; and first as to the STANDING FORCES. First of all there is required a Coast Artillery Corps to provide for the defence of the principal seaport towns against naval attack. To meet the case of raids alluded to above other forces are necessary: these would be a Coastal Patrol force, for which purpose in Ireland Cyclists are the most suitable arm. To act in conjunction with the Coastal Patrol, and also with the Coast Batteries there would be needed a Signal Corps. In addition to these a mobile Striking Force would be required, consisting of Flying Artillery and some other units with attendant services. (NOTE.—The number, kind and training of Aviation Troops is too special a question to be treated casually, and the experience of the present war should be fully assimilated. Possibly the anti-aircraft batteries would be part of the Coast Artillery; scouting aircraft attached to the Coastal Patrol and Signal Corps, and battle-planes to the Striking Force.) In addition to the above permanent troops there would also be maintained on a permanent footing certain Training and Administrative Personnel of the NATIONAL MILITIA. This force would be modelled on the Militia Armies of Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland. In those countries the soldiers undergo a lengthy Recruit Training during the first year of liability, supplemented by a series of shorter periods in subsequent years. The National Militia is the real defence of the country, and should be able to furnish: 1. A sufficiently numerous and efficient army to take the field before danger could seriously threaten the country. 2. Trained Reserves sufficient to maintain this army at proper strength. 3. In case of necessity the service of every able-bodied man. PRELIMINARY INSTRUCTION. As the Militia Service would be comparatively short, it would be necessary to get the fullest value from it by having the Recruits already partially trained. For this purpose the older boys in the schools would receive a Cadet Training on the lines of the Fianna na Eirrann. the Under the Irish Educational System the School Training of Cadets would cease at age of 17. This would leave a gap of some years before the man was called up for Militia Training. During these years a certain peace training would be required of these youths. Thus from boyhood a continuous military training of varying effectiveness would be imparted to each man until joining the Militia. The sequence would be carried out by further recruiting the Standing Forces from the Militia by Voluntary Enlistment. To ensure the smoothest and most efficient working of the scheme in peace and war the recruiting and training of all forces would be, as far as possible, on a territorial basis; the military service of men, especially specialists, would correspond as far as 49 possible to their peace avocations, and the material and personnel of railways, &c., would be taken over as going concerns by the Military Authorities upon the declaration of war. III. THE SCHEME IN DETAIL. (A.)-Recruiting. Liability for service in defence of the country begins with registration for the CADETS AND NATIONAL GUARD. Every boy must register on reaching the age of 13. The Registers would be compiled by Voluntary Enrolment, from School Rolls and from Census Returns. They would be kept properly checked and fully up-to-date. Registration would be on a County basis, each County having a Recruiting Staff Officer with a small clerical staff for this work. The duty of the Recruiting Staff Officer would be to— 1. Register boys and youths liable for training. 2. Enter for training as they became liable. 3. Organise Cadet units. 4. Organise National Guard units, i.e., youths in the transition period between Cadets and Militia. 5. Organise and train Second Line Reservists with National Guard. MILITIA. The Recruiting Staff Officer would annually forward to his Militia Divisional Headquarters a full return of youths in his County who were finishing their period of service in the National Guard. This would take place in the year in which the man reached 20 years. Before that age most men would not be physically best suited for military training of the most vigorous kind which would be required. Exemptions might be granted in special cases, but all men so exempt would have to undergo their Recruit Training in a subsequent year. Youths who had reached the age of 18 might be accepted before liable if of a high physical standard. From this class many valuable N.C.Os. and Officers would doubtless be forthcoming. STANDING FORCES. These would be recruited by Voluntary Enlistment of men who had completed their Recruit Training in the Militia. The necessary numbers would be readily forthcoming; indeed the probability is that sufficient men would offer themselves to admit of a strict selective process and the securing of men of a very good stamp. (B.)-Nature of Service. CADETS. Details of Cadet Training would have to be arranged with the Educational Authorities. The Training would in the first instance aim at developing the physique of the boys. The military instruction would include Drill, Musketry, &c. The boys would be trained as Infantry only. The Instructors could be furnished by the National Guard. The period of service would extend from the 13th to the 17th year. NATIONAL GUARD. The period of service would extend from the 13th to the 20th year. The Training would be strictly territorial, i.e., carried out within reach of the man's home and at convenient times. The National Guard would be trained as Infantry only. The Instructors could be furnished from the Militia. For purposes of Organisation and Training the unit of the National Guard would be the Company-and as a rule companies would have a low effective. In the event of war, youths serving in the 5056 D 50 National Guard would belong to the Second Line Reserve. The Training of the National Guard would consist annually as follows : 1. 40 drills of 14 hours each. 2. Certain Parades. 3. Week-end in Camp in Summer. 4. Course of Musketry. N.B.-A careful grounding in Musketry would be imparted to the National Guard. Every facility for Miniature Rifle Practice would be afforded, and in addition each youth would annually fire 25 rounds of service ammunition on an out-door range. Further facilities would be given to those likely to prove exceptional marksmen. MILITIA. The period of service is 12 years in First Line, 8 years in Second Line, and 10 years in Third Line-or from the 20th to the 50th year. Recruit Training would take place in the 20th year, and would be continuous for 3 months in the Infantry, and 4 months in the other arms-or longer if necessary. During the remainder of his First Line service the man would be called out for further training in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th years of liability. During his Second Line service he would be called out for further training at stated times-of which training Musketry and Guard Duty would form an important part. Adequate and convenient ranges must be provided for the shooting of reservists all the year round. Shooting competitions under the guidance of the Instructors would be encouraged. Training of reservists would not take place at the same time as Recruit training. Thus the work of cfficers and N.C.Os. would be more evenly distributed through the year; and units of well-trained troops would be available for working out Staff Problems, &c. N.B.-A large proportion of the annual contingent of Recruits would be trained as Cyclists; mainly by volunteering for that arm. (Bicycle parts would require to be gradually standardised as each man would have the machine at his house.) For physical reasons Cyclists would be mobilised as Infantry once they had passed into Second Line Reserve. An exception would be made in the case of qualified mechanics. STANDING FORCES. Service would correspond to that in the Militia, and the Second Line Reserve and Third Line Reserve would be identical. That is to say, after the age of 32 the soldier of the Standing Forces would belong to the same force, undergo the same training, and be called out along with the Militia soldier of the same age. First Line Service in the Standing Forces would consist of 3 years with the Colours and the remainder in First Line Reserve, up to the age of 32, when the man would automatically pass into Second Line. Re-enlistment from year to year would be permitted if the soldier preferred it. Such re-enlistment might continue up to the age of 40, when the soldier would in any case pass into Third Line Reserve. In addition to the First Line Reservists described above, there would be another type of Reservist to be mobilised with the Standing Forces in the event of war. These would consist of certain technical and semi-combatant personnel, i.e., supernumerary electricians for the Coast Defences, extra mechanics for Cyclists or Flying Artillery, &c. These would be added from a special reserve of a technical kind. This special reserve would evidently consist of men inferior in discipline to the men with the colours. It would, therefore, be necessary to keep their numbers within such limits as the peace- time effectives could absorb without loss of efficiency. IV. TRANSITION FROM EXISTING CONDITIONS. To cover the years necessary to admit of the Scheme getting into working order, the Government would be empowered to make the best possible use of the whole male population up to the age of 40 years, for the purpose of gradually fitting the system on to it. The following conditions would require to be met :— 1. The Organisation should fit in with the existing Volunteer System. This is largely met by the National Guard. 51 2. It should be capable of assimilating Irish troops at present in the British Service. This could be secured by adopting the British Training Manuals. 3. It should not strain the country economically. This could be secured by the utilisation of all existing barracks, ranges, camps, &c., most of which are quite suitable. 4. It should leave no scope for political friction. This might be attained by drafting East Ulster recruits elsewhere for training, and vice versa. The North- East Coast Defences and Coast Patrol could be maintained by men recruited in the South of Ireland. For probably the latter region would always supply the bulk of the Standing Forces. In course of time political animus would doubtless die out altogether, as has been the case in Italy since the Unification. In general, the first aim should be to secure an adequate defence force with the minimum of friction. The most readily available men The most readily available men would be enlisted in the most convenient centres, and details would right themselves gradually. Incompetents would be eliminated in course of time, and the scope of the system would be gradually extended. N.B.-Police Barracks might be used everywhere to- (a.) Serve as Registration Depots; (b.) Store Army Property; (c.) House Permanent Details; (d.) Serve as local Mobilisation Centres. V.-A DEFECT OF THE SYSTEM. The weak point of all Militia Army systems is the variation of the number of men with the colours according to the time of year. In the present scheme the existence of a highly-efficient Standing Force would offset this defect in part. Rapidity of mobilisation would still further diminish the risk. All the same, the following extra precautionary measures seem desirable :- (a.) Training of Recruits from the large towns could largely be carried out in barracks in winter. (b.) Extension Militia training of such specialists as machine gunners, snipers, &c., could also be carried out in winter. (c.) Training of Militia Reservists could be adapted to the same end. (d.) Special training of Coast Artillery, Signal Corps, &c., could also take place during the slack period. (e.) Of course, all Units of the Standing Forces would in peace time be so stationed as to be available for protection of the vital spots. In this context it is advisable to draw closer attention to the nature of the Standing Forces which are specially designed to provide against such a surprise attack as that suggested. Taking the constituent forces in order :- COASTAL ARTILLERY. This arm is originally recruited from the Artillery Units of the Militia, and is thus originally trained with light pieces at land targets. A high gunnery level is thus obtained, and it would be possible in case of need to utilise some of the gunners as field artillery men. In addition, following the U.S.A. model, the Coast Artillerymen are trained as Infantry, which would help to meet the case of small local raids. COASTAL PATROL. This force would be kept at a high effective and be largely used to maintain communication in conjunction with the Signal Corps. The force would be recruited from the Cyclist Units of the Militia. SIGNAL CORPS. The Signal Companies would be stationed permanently along the coast, and would be changed with the Service of Inter-Communication. In addition to Signallers 52 proper it would include despatch riders, wireless operators, balloonists, &c. Connection between the Coast Artillery and the Coastal Patrol would, in particular, be the duty of the Signal Corps. STRIKING FORCE. This force would consist of Flying Artillery, Cyclists, Machine Gunners and Snipers. The aim would be to have handy bodies of very superior troops ready to meet any emergency. The Striking Force would be maintained in suitable centres to reinforce threatened points. It would be essential to have the most thorough co-operation between the several branches of the Standing Forces. Among other methods this could be largely obtained by the practice of exchanging officers of the several arms for periods of training with arms other than their own. N.B. The Service of Aviation would be suitably provided for as indicated above in Section II. VI.-PROVISION OF OFFICERS AND N.C.O.'s. The scheme would call for several hundred permanent officers, a still larger number of Militia officers, a couple of thousand permanent N.C.O.'s, and still more Militia N.C.O.'s. Moreover, in order to get the fullest efficiency from the armed forces as a whole a high standard efficiency would have to be maintained. OFFICERS, when desiring to become Officers, would state their intention of such on entering the Militia. Of course, youths enlisting voluntarily before called up would have an advantage of a couple of years in this respect. Every aspirant must- 1. Undergo the full Recruit Training in his arm. 2. Satisfy his superiors that he will be a suitable Officer. 3. Undergo six months' Officers' Training in the Military College. 4. Pass the Officer's Examination in his arm. St Aspirants fulfilling these conditions would then be appointed Militia Officers in order of seniority. Some would prefer to remain Militia Officers, and these would be retained in that capacity. Others would wish to become Officers in the Standing Forces, and these would further- 1. Serve as Militia Officers for one year and give satisfaction in that capacity. 2. Undergo a further course of one year in the Military College. 3. Pass a further and very searching examination. It will be seen that no man would become a Militia Officer before reaching the age of 20, nor an Officer of the Standing Forces before 22. Staff Officers would have to undergo a further course of Higher Military Study. The efficiency of the Militia Officers would be kept up by Refresher Courses, Staff Rides, &c. In many respects the R.I.C. Depot in Phoenix Park is very suitable for a Military College. N.C.O.'s. In the Militia the sources for obtaining N.C.O.'s would be: 1. Aspirants for the Officer's grade who failed to fulfil all the necessary conditions. 2. Promotion of other suitable men from the ranks. In the case of the Standing Forces: 1. Men who had qualified as Militia Officers might prefer to enter the Permanent Forces as N.C.O.'s. 2. Men could be directly promoted from the ranks. 3. Militia N.C.O.'s could enter the Standing Forces in the same capacity after a probationary period of attachment to a unit of the Standing Forces. 53 Inducements to keep the ranks of N.C.O.'s well filled would be offered by prospects of good civil employment for such men on retirement. In addition to the ordinary method of appointing Officers, provision would be made for direct appointment of N.C.O.'s to the Officer's grade. Thus good men who on entering the army had not intended to become Officers would be able to do so later if they wished. The pay of all ranks, in conjunction with their found furnishings, would suffice to maintain a suitable status. Extravagance on the part of wealthy Officers would not be allowed, but such Officers would be encouraged to present trophies calculated to encourage skill in shooting, bayonet fighting, &c. VII-HIGHER ORGANISATION. (A.)-Organisation of Higher Units in Peace As regards facilities for housing and training troops, the existing English arrange- ments and buildings could be adopted with only slight modifications. But as regards the employment of the Defence Forces, the principle would be altogether different. At the present time the underlying idea is to provide defence against a landing on the West Coast backed by a possible insurrection of the people. A self-contained, independent, country would, on the contrary, expect any attack to be made against the important centres of population on the East Coast. So, too, the existing English Coast Defences in Ireland are placed so as to protect Naval anchorages in remote districts, and not to protect the important Coast towns. The total Coast line of Ireland is very long, and in some cases the important centres are quite far apart. Unavoidably, then, the peace-time disposition of the Standing Forces would be more or less cordon-fashion round the country. For example, the main defended sectors of the Coast might easily be Dublin, the South Coast, Belfast, Derry, Sligo, Galway Bay, the Shannon Estuary, Cork, Waterford and Wexford-though of course the importance of these would be very different. The weakness of the cordon system would be diminished by the actual existence of 1. A Sea Frontier. 2. Good Internal Communications. All the same it would be necessary to maintain a high standard of efficiency. co-operation and vigilance among all units of the Defence Forces. A suitable Higher Army Organisation for a country of the size and general conditions would be 6 Divisions in peace time apportioned to 6- DIVISIONAL AREAS. The various political, administrative, strategic and geographical conditions might best be met by the following distribution, as shown on map :- 1st Division.--The counties of Donegal, Derry, Tyrone, Sligo, Leitrim, Fermanagh (Headquarters: Derry.) 2nd Division. The counties of Antrim, Down, Armagh, Monaghan, Cavan. (Headquarters: Belfast.) 3rd Division.—The counties of Mayo, Roscommon, Galway, Longford, Westmeath, King's. (Headquarters: Athlone.) 4th Division.—The counties of Louth, Meath, Kildare, Dublin, Wicklow. (Head- quarters: Dublin.) 5th Division. The counties of Clare, Limerick, Kerry, Cork. (Headquarters: Cork.) 6th Division. The counties of Queen's, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Waterford. (Headquarters: Waterford.) P Extra Brigade Headquarters for the Divisions might be: Sligo or Inniskillen, Clones, Galway, Dundalk, Limerick or Fermoy, Kilkenny. 5056 E 54 The following general conditions might suitably govern the composition, organisation, &c., of each Division:- The G.O.C. the Division and the Divisional Staff. The several recruiting Staff Officers of the counties in the Divisional Area. The Artillery Divisional Staff. Personnel of Auxiliary Service.* Permanent Personnel of Militia Units. † Standing Forces of the Divisional Area. Militia Forces of the Divisional Area. (B.)- Expansion on Mobilisation. The strength of the Division might suitably be of Infantry 3 regiments 9 battalions = 9,000 men. For six Divisions this would give a full strength of 54,000 men. But probably the annual contingent of Recruits which it would be found possible to train would not number more than half that figure, and of these not all would be available for the infantry. Companies would thus not number more than 100 men as an average; so that special provisions would require to be made for exercising Officers and N.C.O.'s with full-strength companies. Once the scheme was in operation it is clear that the number of First Line Reservists of the Militia would far more than suffice to fill the six Divisions. Con- sequently the six Divisions could each have another Division linked to it practically at once. For this purpose manifestly it is necessary to have plenty of well-trained militia officers and N.C.O.'s. *-* Partly from the residue of First Line Reservists and partly from the pick of the Second Line Reservists further divisions could be added without much further delay- and these too would be of a quality not noticeably inferior to any of the former Divisions. All the fighting divisions would then be fed from Second Line. Three contingencies would be possible as regards the time at which mobilisation for war took place. 1. During no Training Period: proper measures elaborated in Peace-time would obviate friction in this case. War 2. During Reservist Training: this would be the most favourable case. strength could be reached by re-embodying the just-trained recruits of the former period. 3. During Recruit Training: this would be the least favourable case, as it would be dangerous to bring Reservists into the Recruit units. The Training Periods would have to be arranged with special reference to this difficulty. VIII.-NUMBERS AND COST. (A.)-Numbers. It is necessary to have an approximate idea of the number of troops available under the proposed scheme. In these estimates Cadets will not be included, only the first three lines being taken into account. And in making the calculations it is most suitable to begin with the- MILITIA. In any given year the number of men reaching military age can be calculated at 1 per cent. of the population, or 43,000. Various considerations, largely financial, * Engineers, Transport, Medical, &c., services would be so organised as to fit in with peace conditions. Only such permanent personnel would be maintained as to ensure smooth working of mobilisation. Existing details would be frequently exercised in conjunction with other arms. † Each larger Militia Unit, i.e., Infantry Regiment, Artillery Brigade, &c., would have a permanent Adjutant to supervise its organisation and Training as a connecting link between the Recruiting Staff and Divisional Staff. 55 would reduce the number available for actual training to say 25,000. Accordingly may estimate as follows:- 1st L.-Men undergoing Recruit Training Add 11 years Reservists, or 275,000, less 10 per cent. natural wastage, 27,500 Total First Line : 056 2nd L.-8 years Reservists=200,000, less 20 per cent. wastage N.G. with its low exemption rate 160,000 90,000 522,000 125,000 270,000 917,000 Of course the Third Line figures are conjectural, but it is clear that when the scheme became operative there would be available, including the Standing Forces, half a million trained men, which would be amply sufficient for all needs. Total First and Second Line ... - 3rd L. 10 years Reservists less 50 per cent. ... 30 years exempts less 50 per cent. Total COST. The only cost here calculated is Annual Expenditure. The aim is to keep it within the present R.I.C. figure-1,800,000l. In addition, there would be a considerable capital expenditure on Coast Defence Works, for which the services of the best existing authorities should be secured :- The Recruit Training of 25,000 at 20l. would annually Standing Forces of 8,000-9,000 of all ranks annually Extra officers and N.C.O.'s for various purposes annually Total After some years add- Training of 50,000 Reservists at 51. .. ... 25,000 247,000 272,000 .. £ 500,000 500,000 = 250,000 =1,250,000 - Total This would leave an annual margin of 300,000l. below the annual R.I.C. figure. Moreover, the above rough estimate is based on English pre-war estimates, which were by no means the most economical, and but little reduction has been made from them. 250,000 1,500,000 E 2 56 E. Dublin to Donegal, EXTRACT FROM NOTE BOOK FOUND IN DE VALERA'S POSSESSION ON ARREST, MAY 17, 1918. Dunboyne Trim Athboy Castlepollard Edgeworthstown Longford Termonbarry Seramoge Strokestown Elphin Boyle Kesh Ballymote Collooney Ballisodare Sligo Drumcliff Grange Cliffoney Bundoran Ballyshannon Ballintra Donegal Comments: Being tested from Sligo and both ways Sligo to Strokes town opened F. Dublin to Westport. Maynooth Kilcock Longwood Kinnegad Mullingar Ballymore Drumraney Athlone Knockcroghery Roscommon Cloverhill Dunamon Ballymoe Castlerea Ballyhaunis Bekan Brickuns Claremorris Balla Castlebar Westport APPENDIX A (2). Comments:- Opened from Balla First despatch re- ceived G. Dublin to Tralee. Naas Kilcullen Athy Maryborough Roscrea Toomevarra Nenagh Ballywilliam Bushfield Newport Limerick Adare Rathkeale Ardagh Newcastle Athea Listowel Tralee Comments: Being tested from and to Mary- boro' MONKS A H. Dublin to Cork. APPENDIX B. As in C. Raheen Abbeyleix Durrow Rathdowney Templemore Loughmore Thurles >> Holycross Ballagh Dundrum Donaskeagh Tipperary Galbally Mitchelstown Fermoy Rathcormack Watergrass Hill Riverstown Cork Comments: Being tested from Cork Message received 8.5.18 Thurles to Cork open Thurles to Dublin Message received 6.5.18 MAZDA MCHSELSHEPEALSESQUI 3. UNTAJASNIM K. Dublin to Dungarvan. Naas Kilcullen Athy Carlow NOTE.-Above are main routes ex Dublin. Marked Blue on map. Bagnalstown Goresbridge Borris Ballymurphy Kintealy Ballindangan Enniscorthy Clonmore New Ross Glenmore Waterford Dungarvan Comments: Opened from Ennis- corthy to Dublin Extracts from a typed Statement found in De Valera's Attaché Case when he was arrested on May 17, 1918. THE FRIENDS OF IRISH FREEDOM (NEW YORK). STOCKHOLM BUREAU, Artillerigatan 28 B, Stockholm. 20: XII 1917. LA QUESTION IRLANDAISE. Monsieur le Ministre, 66 Les Amis de la Liberté irlandaise constituent une organisation dont le nom indique le but. Cette organisation fut créée à New-York en mars 1916, en conséquence d'une décision prise par la Convention de la Race irlandaise aux États- Unis. Elle compte des branches dans chaque ville importante de l'Union et elle mène, au nom des Irlandais d'Amérique, la lutte en faveur des revendications de la mère- patrie. ...... 57 Les soussignés, qui ont fondé à Stockholm le bureau européen de la société Les Amis de la Liberté irlandaise," ont l'honneur d'attirer l'attention de votre Excellence sur la situation qui prévaut actuellement en Irlande. Votre Excellence connaît les motifs allégués par l'Angleterre, pour justifier son intervention dans la guerre. Elle n'y participe, d'après les affirmations solennelles et maintes fois répétées de ses hommes d'Etat responsables, qu'afin de sauvegarder les droits de tous les peuples à la liberté et de mettre fin au danger du militarisme prussien, qui les menace. . y Depuis le premier jour où l'envahisseur anglais a foulé le sol de l'Irlande, il a plus de sept cents ans, les Irlandais n'ont jamais cessé de revendiquer leur droit inaliénable à l'indépendance et à lutter pour lui. Dès que la guerre mondiale d'aujourd'hui a éclaté, la nation irlandaise a de nouveau fait entendre sa voix. Elle a refusé de s'associer à une guerre, qui, entre- prise par l'Angleterre pour la défense d'intérêts exclusivement anglais, ne pouvait en aucune façon-dans le cas où l'Angleterre en sortirait victorieuse-servir les intérêts de l'Irlande. * * Sinn Fein est pleinement conscient des grandes responsabilités lui incombant en raison même de son triomphe. La Convention nationale, convoquée par lui et qui s'est réunie le 25 octobre, 1917, dans l'hôtel de ville de Dublin, avait pour objet de tracer un programme politique clair et précis. Il s'agissait d'élaborer les moyens de réaliser ce qui toujours, depuis sa fondation en 1905, a été le but avéré de Sinn Fein: l'expulsion de l'envahisseur, l'Irlande aux Irlandais. La Convention nationale a déclaré que la proclamation du Gouvernement provisoire de la république irlandaise, en date du 24 avril, 1916, continue à exister valablement en droit, et elle a réitéré solennellement le principe d'après lequel aucun Gouvernement étranger ne puisse légalement s'immiscer, à un titre quelconque, dans les affaires de la nation irlandaise souveraine et indépendante. Elle a affirmé le droit de l'Irlande à se faire représenter au congrès futur de la paix. Elle a exigé que la forme de gouvernement librement choisie par le peuple irlandais dans sa vaste majorité, c'est-à-dire la république entièrement indépendante, soit protégée contre toute attaque ultérieure au moyen d'une garantie internationale, à laquelle participeraient tous les États civilisés. Et elle procéda à l'élection de son bureau comme suit : Président M. Edouard de Valera. Vice-Présidents: P. Michel O'Flanaghan, M. Arthur Griffiths. Trésoriers: MM. Cosgrave et Ginnell. Secrétaires: MM. Austen Stack et Darrel Figgis. Un comité exécutif de 24 personnes (dont 4 femmes) fut également élu. Etant donné le fait que le Gouvernement anglais persiste à isoler Irlande du reste du monde civilisé, à empêcher que la voix de la nation irlandaise réclamant la même justice et la même liberté pour elle que pour la Belgique ou la Serbie se fasse entendre, les soussignés estiment être de leur impérieux devoir de porter les faits ci-devant détaillés à la connaissance de votre Excellence, afin que votre Excellence puisse de cette manière s'informer de la véritable situation existant en Irlande. Nous prions votre Excellence de bien vouloir agréer l'expression de notre con- sidération la plus distinguée. Pour le Bureau de Stockholm des "Amis de la Liberté Irlandaise": (Signé) T. ST. JOHN GAFFNEY, Ancien Consul général des États-Unis à Dresde et Munich. (Signé) G. CHATTERTON-HILL, Ancien Privatdozent à l'Université de Genève. La République irlandaise. En convoquant tout le monde civilisé à prendre part à une conférence inter- nationale ayant pour but d'établir les conditions d'une paix durable, le Conseil des ouvriers et des soldats russes a proclamé loyalement, en termes admirables, sa volonté pacifique. Une condition primordiale de durabilité de la paix doit être, de l'avis même du Conseil, la reconnaissance du droit de tous les peuples à fixer eux-mêmes leurs destinées, car l'oppression et l'exploitation économique d'un peuple, sources naturelles et intarissables des soulèvements continuels, des guerres futures, sont incompatibles avec l'établissement d'un état de paix durable entre les nations. La plus simple logique, la justice la plus élémentaire, exigent que le principe fondamental du droit de libre disposition des peuples, reconnu comme légitime, 58 soit naturellement et raisonnablement appliqué à tous les pays sans distinction. Aucun pays ne possède plus que l'Irlande ce droit légitime de revendication à l'autonomie. Différents motifs plaident ici en faveur de ses réclamations: 1° les qualités psychiques du peuple irlandais; 2° les propriétés physiques du sol de l'Irlande et leur exploitation au seul profit de l'Angleterre; 3° la situation géographique du pays; 40 les circonstances de son développement historique. La Voix de l'Irlande. Pendant la guerre mondiale actuelle, la voix de l'Irlande s'est élevée solennel- lement à trois reprises différentes :- (C D'abord à New-York, les 4 et 5 mars, à l'occasion du Congrès national des Irlandais d'Amérique. Ce Congrès national, convoqué en vue de trouver les moyens d'aider l'Irlande à recouvrer son indépendance après la guerre, s'est constitué en organisation nationale indépendante sous ce titre : Les Amis de la liberté irlandaise." Le représentant européen de cette organisation des Irlandais d'Amérique est actuellement M. T. St. John Gaffney, ci-devant consul général d'Amérique à Munich. Dans la séance de clôture du Congrès, à New-York, à laquelle assistaient 3,000 personnes, une résolution a été prise au milieu de démonstrations imposantes d'enthousiasme. Cette résolution, qui prendra dans l'Histoire le nom de déclaration d'indépendance irlandaise, s'adresse aux Puissances pour leur demander de reconnaître l'Irlande comme nation indépendante. On y lit entre autres choses : Nous en appelons aux Puissances pour reconnaître que l'Irlande est une île euro- péenne, et non une île anglaise, et pour apprécier le fait que l'indépendance complète de l'Irlande d'avec l'Empire britannique est la condition essentielle et indispensable de la liberté des mers." .. ܕ L'Irlande éleva une seconde fois la voix lors du soulèvement pendant la semaine de l'aques 1916 et par la proclamation du Gouvernement provisoire de la République irlandaise. Enfin, le 19 avril 1917, la voix de l'Irlande a retenti encore une fois dans l'assemblée des délégués du parti républicain irlandais, convoquée par le comte George Plunkett. Cette réunion, tenue à l'hôtel de ville de Dublin, adopta à l'unanimité et avec de frénétiques applaudissements une résolution d'après laquelle : 1° L'Irlande constitue une nation séparée et réclame en conséquence d'être repré- sentée à la Conférence de la Paix, attendu que cette Conférence aura le devoir d'assurer aux peuples la liberté qu'ils réclament, et de garantir en général les droits des petites nations; 2° la volonté du peuple irlandais souverain fait seul loi, et le peuple irlandais est légitimement libre d'exécuter ses décisions sans obstacle et sans aucune immixtion étrangère quelconque. La voix de l'Irlande n'aura pas retenti en vain. Elle trouvera son écho auprès des vrais amis de la liberté dans tous les pays. Mais c'est surtout à la vaillante démocratie russe que l'Irlande adresse sa légitime revendication de pouvoir elle- même décider de son sort et de ne pas servir plus longtemps d'instrument aux vues de l'impérialisme britannique! APPENDIX C. EXTRACTS FROM A STATEMENT OF IRELAND'S CASE BEFORE THE POWERS TO BE ASSEMBLED IN A PEACE CONFERENCE. Ireland, a sovereign State. appeals to the nations to support its claim for admission to the Peace Conference, in order that she may there demand the establishment and recognition of her place among the free nations of the world. Grounds of Appeal. The grounds on which this appeal was based were set forth at great length. They are summarised in the following extracts:- 1. Because Ireland is one of the four ancient and sovereign States of Europe. This was established among the European Powers at the Council of Constance, anno 1417. There the question of precedence arose between the legates of Charles 59 the Sixth, King of France, and the legates of Henry the Fifth, King of England. The latter, abandoning any claim in respect of the Kingdom of England, put forward a claim in respect of the Kingdom of Ireland, which they pretended and assumed has been transferred to England. The King of England made good the case of the nation of Ireland to. be onsidered the third in precedence of the four ancient and sovereign States of Europe; and his legates took precedence of the legates of the King of France accordingly. 2. Because for over a thousand years Ireland exercised her full sovereign status, and for another five hundred years, during which time the full exercise of that sovereignty was frustrated, her sovereign status was recognised by the European Powers, and its re-establishment made the subject of negotiation and treaty by certain of those Powers. For until certain predatory adventurers, who admitted Henry the Second, King of England, as their feudal lord, made an incursion into Ireland, anno 1169, and were followed two years thereafter by their king, no question has ever been conceived of Ireland's sovereign status. . 3. Because Ireland has never surrendered her sovereign status, no Power possessing title by conquest, by compact, or by treaty to exercise Irish sovereignty; and because, therefore, the sovereignty of Ireland exists in suppression, the exercise of it being prevented by external force. 4. Because the conscious will of the Irish nation for the restoration of the exercise of its sovereignty has been asserted in every generation since the suppres- sion and has been again asserted during the present war. Since the suppression of Irish sovereignty and the wanton elimination of Irish polity and culture, and the attempted destruction of all literary and historical traces of Ireland's ancient greatness, at and about the opening years of the sixteenth century, Ireland has never been in any other than a state of war for the recovery of these things, and for a recovery of the sovereign freedom in which they were once comprised. Of all the years that have passed since then, not a year has passed that has not seen that war maintained in thought or by deed. At periodic intervals that war has taken the form of an armed rising-out that has infallibly declared its end to be the achievement of Ireland's absolute and entire freedom. In the intervals between each such rising-out the nation has lain stricken from the last attempt and has prepared for the next. It is now a solemn charge and tradition from generation to generation that each generation shall in its day make another attempt, however hopeless the chances, in order to carry the war forward until the day when Ireland shall take her place among the free and sovereign nations of the world according to her ancient right. During this European war this tradition has been seen fulfilled, and of all the small nations whose cases will arise for attention at the Peace Conference meeting to conclude the problems it has raised Ireland will be the only one who has of her own initiative arisen with arms in her hands to strike for her sovereign freedom. 5. Because Ireland by history, by culture, and by language is a distinctive, individual, and separate nation. 6. Because Ireland possesses within herself all the moral and material constituents of independent statehood. 7. Because the geographical position of Ireland now renders the restoration of her independent sovereignty essential to the peaceful development of Europe and the world in general, since an aggressive maritime Power controlling Ireland will dominate the Atlantic Ocean, will control ingress and egress thereto and therefrom, will control ingress and egress to and from other seas, and so will make impossible that freedom of the seas upon which the future peace of the world will depend. Even as before, in times past, the peace of the world and balance of power have made the restoration of sovereignty in other small nations a vital question among the Powers, so now the revolution of time has raised the question of the suppressed sovereignty of Ireland into one of deep significance for the Powers. The world has turned westward. For Europe the Americas have come into a striking new importance. For the Americas the affairs of Europe have become weighted with a new significance. Between them lies the Atlantic; but neither can use the Atlantic to reach the other without coming within range of the sudden swift activities of any fleet of warships that can avail themselves of the ports and harbours of Ireland. Even as the Atlantic is the only rapid means of communication between Europe and America, so Ireland, lying where and as she does, holds the key to the Atlantic. Any great naval Power having at its free use and disposal the ports and harbours of Ireland can at any time interrupt that communication, to north, to south, or to west. Un 60 Any great naval Power, therefore, controlling Ireland can at any moment it feels so disposed abrogate the freedom of the seas at their most strategic point, in spite of whatever device by which it might be thought that that freedom could otherwise be achieved, and can do so against any other combination of Powers. Any great naval Power, therefore, dominating Ireland must become the dictator of the world, since sea-power is world-power, and other Powers must live at its behest or charity. Such an active irritant in the world's affairs must infallibly lead to future wars, to pluck that Power from an overweening place achieved through an accidental geographical advantage, especially when it is seen that that advantage exists by crushing the moral rights of the sovereign nation of Ireland. The neutralisation of Ireland, however, by the restoration of the exercise of its sovereign nationhood, cancels all this. The neutralisation of Ireland will ensure in great measure the neutralisation of the Atlantic; will ensure, that is to say, the freedom of the seas at their most strategic point (no other great sea being equally commanded at its angle of communication, and no other great sea being of equal importance for international communication) by the single act that gives a long-delayed justice to an oppressed nation. Moreover, Ireland is well endowed to protect and ensure that neutralisation once granted. The cost of the expensive administrative machinery by which she is held and oppressed, and the price of which is taxed on her, turned from that immoral purpose would provide a fleet of small craft, submarine and supramarine, with which to defend her shores; and the sufficiency of such small craft for defensive and offensive operations has now been proved. The coast of Ireland is surrounded by hills and high ground, from which batteries could bring warships within range long before they could themselves be governed. And the railways of Ireland have been planned by the Power that suppresses the sovereignty of Ireland, not, as first devised, with a view to developing the resources of the country, but with a view to its military and naval defence. For it is not the desire of the Irish nation to aid any Power in hostile operations against another, when once her sovereign freedom is established and ensured. 8. Because most of the great Powers in the present European War, which the peace conference is to terminate and conclude, have publicly declared that they are contending for the right of small nations to be free, and to decree and continue their government for themselves without fear or dictation from other more powerful nations. On this ground the United States of America have lately entered the war to further the principles enunciated by their President. 9. Because, particularly, the Power that now suppresses the sovereignty of Ireland has declared that it is fighting in this war for the procurance, the assertion, and the defence of the freedom of small nations. • 10. Lastly because of the law of God, Who created all things free not bond, and Whose will it cannot be that a hard and hurtful bondage should continue that must inevitably lead to hatred and the renewed shedding of blood. He is the only sovereign; but He has endowed nations and men with that attribute of Himself. Therefore they must aspire to that sovereign freedom by the law He has implanted in them; and they must hold life as a cheap thing in comparison with the prompting of that law. Until they have seen sovereign freedom, His creatures have not fulfilled the life He gave them. . . . . Then follows a very lengthy historical, financial, and statistical statement of an extreme Sinn Fein character. BOUND AUG 6 1931 UNTV or inICH, LIBRARY E q ** UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00861 1983 PARKOTTAISIALDOLEŃOSTRELÈVENKA HASAN TERSE MAASEPOSAVIN i podatk · · '. Centre MEIO At a dat ames APLASI — " * * DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD " Lkapwa kÆ CUS ". PAGA BAKTER Ct, St Jameshapes yetgan ANAL F