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E S P O N D R N T OF T II Tº I N S T IT U T E O B F R A N C E. KEEPER OF COINS AND MEDALS. & r * t o • e * * * ſº * * e tº v * * WITH ONE MAP AND THIRTY-NINE AUTOTYPE PLATES. LONDON : PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. B. QUARITCH, 15, ProcADILLY, W.; HENRY FROWDE, Oxford UNIVERSITY PRESS WAREIIouse, AMRN Corn ER, LoNDoN, E.C. C. ROLLIN & FEUARDISNT, 19, BLoomspury Sr., W.C., AND 4, PIACI, Louvors, PArts ; A. ASHER & CO. ; KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRüBNER & CO. ; LONG MANS, GREEN, & CO. 1892. LONIDON : PRINTED BY GILBERT AND RIvan GTon, LIMITED 8T. John’s Hous E, CLERKENWELL ROAD. EDITOR'S PREFACE. —(?–- THIS volume of the Catalogue of the Greek Coins in the British Museum describes the Coinage of Ionia. The size of the coins is given in inches and tenths, and the weight in English grains. Tables for converting grains into grammes and inches into millimëtres, as well as into the measures of Mionnet's scale, are placed at the end of the volume. A Map häs been prefixed showing in red letters the position of the cities of Ionia that issued coins. The whole work has been written by Mr. Barclay Head, Assis- tant Keeper of Coins and Medals, and I have revised it by com- paring the coins with the corresponding descriptions in the manuscript. REGINALD STUART POOLE. CONTENTS. IPAGE PREFACE V INTRODUCTION . º tº e e gº © º ſº e XV § I. EARLY ELECTRUM CornAGE– IDifficulties of attribution. * º * © * º XV Origin and Extension of the electrum currency o & XV Electrum first coined at Sardes g e tº sº g xvi Extension westwards to the Ionian coast . º e tº xvi. Reattribution to Sardes of electrum coins hitherto assigned to Miletus tº tº º i- º wº & xvi Electrum of Miletus distinguished by the type of a Lion with head reverted • * * tº g tº º • xvii Electrum of Ephesus bearing types referable to the worship of Artemis . § g g te º § e . xviii Electrum of Erythrae (?) Types, Star-like flower; head of Herakles . tº & * © e tº tº * xix Electrum of Clazomenae, Types, Boar's head (?) Winged Boar . º e * tº º tº xix Electrum of Chios, Type, Sphinx XX Electrum of Samos () Types, Lion's scalp, Forepart of Bull. XX Electrum of Old Smyrna (?) Type, Lion's head . º gº XX Earliest electrum of Phocaea, its cessation, circ, B.C. 544 . XX Commencement of the series of the Hectae of Phocaea & xxi Monetary convention between Phocaea and Mytilene . º xxii Uncertain electrum coins . * e ſº * tº xxii Standards of weight ‘ Phoenician,’ ‘Phocaic,’ and ‘Euboic,’ xxiii |Uncertain electrum staters of the Phoenician standard, M. Six's proposal to attribute the whole series to Chios. xxiv The Chian ‘ Pentadrachms' . º tº in e . . xxiv Proportionate values of electrum and silver tº te & XXV viii CONTENTS. Lack of evidence as to fixed relations between electrum and PAGE silver . º te º & e e º e © XXV Values deduceable from specific gravities; unsatisfactory results e * * e º * º e . xxvi Chemical Analysis of a Cyzicene stater : its value in silver = 30 Attic drachms . o º e º xxvii Probable silver values of electrum staters weighing 220 grs. xxviii Cessation of the electrum coinage of the ‘ Phoenician' standard º e º © • e d e e XXX. Later survival of the Cyzicenes, &c. . • º © e XXX Early ‘Euboic’ electrum . o º e º & º xxxi § II. EARLY SILVER ColNAGE- The Lydian silver of Croesus probably not the earliest coins in that metal e cº o º º ſº © . xxxii The Santorin and other hoards of primitive silver coins . xxxii Attribution of early silver coins to Aegina, the Cyclades, and to some cities on the west coast of Asia Minor. . xxxiii Early silver coins with Milesian types inscribed OVA . xxxiv. Later coins with Milesian types issued by Hecatomnus and Mausolus P inscribed EKA and M.A . & º , XXXV Early silver coins of doubtful attribution . º o . xxxvi § III. CIIRONoLogy AND METROLOGY- Great variety of Coin-standards in use from time to time in Ionia . ge e & e e © Q © . xxxvii The Aeginetic, the I’hoenician, the Chian or Rhodian, the Samian, the Euboic-Attic, the Persic and the Cistophoric standards . º - º º e o º . xxxvii Chronological synopsis of the principal currencies in Ionia:— Period I. Before B.C. 700. Invention of Coining . . xxxviii Period II. B.C. 700–545. Age of Lydian influence . xxxviii Period III. B.C. 545–494. Persian dominion to the Sack of Miletus © e º o * © e xl Period IV. B.C. 494—469. Persian dominion from the Sack of Miletus to the Battle of the Eurymedon º xli Period V. B.C. 469—387. Athenian, Persian and Spar- tan Supremacies to the Peace of Antalcidas º o xliii CONTIENTS. ix Period VI. B.o. 387––301. From the Peace of Antal- cidas to the Battle of Ipsus . o º º o Period VII. B.C. 301–190. From the Battle of Ipsus to the defeat of Antiochus at Magnesia . º Period VIII. B.C. 190—133. From the Battle of Magnesia to the constitution of the Roman Province of Asia. tº © Q º © º º Period IX. From B.C. 133 to the age of Augustus Tables of the coinages in Ionia from the seventh to the first century B.C. . § IV. Satrapal coinage § V. Imperial coinage . CATALOGUE OF CoINs. UNATTRIBUTED EARLY ELECTRUM CoINs :— (a) Phoenician standard (VIIth and WIth cent.) . (3) Phoenician standard (VIth and Vth cent.) (y) Phocaic standard (VIIth and VIth cent.) (8) Aeginetic standard (?) (VIIth and WIth cent.) (e) Euboic standard (VIIth and WIth cent.) IoMIA, CITIES :— Ionian League of 13 cities Clazomenae . Colophon Ephesus º º Ephesus with Pergamum 2 3 ,, Smyrna and Pergamum 2 3 , Smyrna . 27 ,, Sardes 2 3 ,, Alexandria Erythrae 35 with Chios Heraclea ad Latmum Larissa Lebedus PA. G. E. xlv. xlvi xlviii l lii lvi lvii . 16 17 36 47 110 1 10 I 10 I 12 I 12 116 150 151 153 154 CONTIENTS. Leuce . - g Magnesia ad Maeandrum } } with Ephesus Metropolis . e º Miletus & º g a' Didyma & & º Miletus with Ephesus . Naulochus . Phocaea © ,, with Lampsacus Phygela e e e - Q e o e o Priene { Smyrna vetus Smyrna º ,, with Pergamum ,, with Laodicea . Teos SATRAPAL CoINAGE of THE WEST COAST OF ASIA MINOR :— Pythagores (?) De . . . . . (?) Pharnabazus Tissaphernes (?) Orontas Spithridates. Oata . . . . . IsLANDs of TONIA:— Chios . Oenoe Icariae Samos. INDEXES. I, Geographical II. Types e º º º III. Symbols and Countermarks . © IV. A. Kings and Rulers PAGE 157 158 174 175 183 189 202 202 203 227 228 229 236 237 305 307 309 323 325 325 326 328 347 348 399 401 418 422 CONTENTS. xi IV. B. Magistrates' Names on Autonomous Coins. IV. C. Magistrates' Names on Imperial Coins W. Roman Magistrates' Names . • VI. Engravers' Names º º * @ o VII. Remarkable Inscriptions Table for converting English Inches into Millimètres and the Measures of Mionnet's Scale tº & º tº Tables of the relative Weights of English Grains and French Grammes. º e & Q PAGE 423 433 443 445 446 ( xii ) I—-II. III—V. VI—VII. VIII. IX—XIV. IXV—XVI. IXVII. XVIII—XIX. XX. IXXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV—XXIX. XXX. IXXXI. XXXII—XXXIII. XXXIV. DXXXV—XXXVII. XXXVIII—XXXIX. LIST OR” PILATES. →•- -----•→__- Electrum, unattributed and doubtful. Ionian electrum. Clazomenae. Colophon. Ephesus IErythrae. Heraclea, Larissa, Lebedus, Leuce. Magnesia. IMagnesia, Metropolis. Miletus. Miletus, Naulochus. Phocaea. Phygela, Priene. Smyrna. Teos. Satrapal Coinage. Chios. Oenoe, Samos. Samos. Alliance Coin8. Map of Ionia, &c. ( xiii ) E. R. R. A. T A. Page 22, no. 41, for Alon Y:OAOPož read AIONY:oAQ:Poź. , 70, ,, 190, for KH 1A/\!C read KHPI/\/\IC. , 84, , 266, for €4 eCIQ read €4 eCIQN. , 91 and 103, nos. 303, 304,368, for Tyche read Homonoia. ,, 96, no. 329, for Nike read Erinys' , 119, 2, 18, for within which read within which, ,, 150, note, for o: Erythrae read of Erythrae, ,, 201, no. 166, for Mel AHC-QN read Mel AHCI.Q.N. Plate VIII., no. 7, for AR read AE. (#REEK (OINAGE OF IONIA. —º- INTRODUCTION. § I. EARLY ELECTRUM. THE geographical arrangement necessarily adopted for convenience of reference in the Catalogue of Greek Coins has one disadvantage. It obliges the compiler to classify uncertain coins, on what is some- times scanty evidence, under localities which may not have been their actual places of mintage. In the case of these doubtful specimens I have preferred to be guided by probabilities, and to hazard occasionally a more or less plausible hypothesis, rather than to omit altogether those coins, and series of coins, of which the attribution is not susceptible of positive proof. In the present volume of the Catalogue, which comprises the coins of Ionia, we are confronted at the outset with Early Electrum Coinage. Origin the problem of discriminating among the ancient and Extension. tº g g * electrum coins those which ought to be included in Ionia from those which should be relegated to other districts. The majority of the electrum coins (those of Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Phocaea, and Mytilene, excepted) are indeed either uncertain or only to be attributed conjecturally to this or that city or district. Granting, however, that the electrum coinage had its origin in Lydia, it is far more likely that the flourishing sea-ports of the Ionian coast were the first towns to adopt the new and convenient xvi INTRODUCTION. medium of exchange, than that it should have penetrated in the first instance in a northerly direction towards Cyzicus and the Hellespont, or in a southerly one towards Caria. This will be evident when we bear in mind that the great high-road from the interior of Asia Minor, the sole route of commerce under the Lydian Empire, ran in a westerly direction from Sardes to Smyrna, a distance of not more than sixty miles, and that the other Ionian cities, Phocaea, Ephesus, &c., were also connected both with the Lydian capital, and with one another by roads at a very early period, and long before such means of communication existed between Sardes and the more remote coasts of Troas in the north, or of Caria in the south. M. J. P. Six, in a recent article in the Numismatic Chronicle, Sardes. Elec. 1890, p. 202, has brought forward strong reasons trum. for transferring to Sardes the series of staters, hectae, and smaller divisions impressed with the forepart of a lion, or a lion’s head, which it has hitherto been usual to attribute to Miletus. The well-known type of the later coinage of Miletus is a lion looking back at the sun represented as a star (pl. xxi. 8), and it is perfectly true that these ancient electrum coins show an object resembling a star on the forehead of the lion between his eyes (cf. Num. Chron., 1887, pl. x. 12), and hence the attribution to Miletus. But as Fürtwängler has shown (Roscher, Leamicon d. griech. w rôm, Mythologie s.v. Gryps, p. 1472, sq.) the object which has been taken for a star is, in point of fact, only a lump or excrescence from which hairs sprout, giving it the appearance of a star. This knob, or excrescence, is frequently seen on archaic representations of lions’ and griffins' heads. Its purpose appears to have been simply to give them an aspect of greater ferocity. M. Six, having thus deprived Miletus of the series in question, proceeds to attribute them to Sardes on the strength of the curious inscription I S 4 A4 R which is more or less legible on certain EARLY ELECTRUM. xvii specimens, and which he proposes to read Fax/Fet[ates], probably the Lydian form (with digammas) of the name of King Alyattes. Whether M. Six’s ingenious suggestion will be accepted by Philologists I cannot say, but in any case, there being no longer any reason to attribute the coins to Miletus, Sardes seems to have the best claim to them, as they fill a period in the numismatic history of Lydia before the reign of Croesus, which was previously almost a blank, and during which it is presumable that the Lydian electrum was the only medium of circulation throughout western Asia Minor. This series has therefore been transferred to Lydia, and will be catalogued in a future volume. The electrum coins which (on M. Six's suggestion) have been Miletus. Elec- assigned in the present volume to Miletus are, with a trum. single exception (pl. iii. 3), only those on which the lion's head is turned back as on the later coins of the city (cf. pl. iii. 4–7, and pls. xxi.-xxii.). The attribution to Miletus of these coins is of course by no means absolutely certain, and Lenormant (Monnaies royales de la Lydie, p. 13) has adduced arguments of some weight in favour of classing them to Sardes, the chief of which is that the fox which appears in the central incuse on pl. iii. nos. 3 (?), 5, and 6, is a distinctive Lydian symbol emblematical of the Lydian god Bassareus, whose name is derived from Baaaapa, a fox (Tzetz. in Lyc. 771, cf. Bao'adpvov, Herod. iv. 192). It is noteworthy, however, that the lion with reverted head is the principal type, and points to Miletus, and that the fox only occupies a subordinate position in One of the incuse depressions of the reverse, the two others con- taining respectively a stag's head and a cruciform star with pellets at its centre and extremities. These subordinate reverse-types, or symbols, may therefore merely serve to show that the coins of Miletus were accepted also in the neighbouring territories of Ephesus (symbol, stag's head), Sardes (symbol, fox), and a third city, perhaps Erythrae (symbol, X). xviii INTRODUCTION. The only specimen without the lion which has been included among the coins of Miletus is figured on pl. iii. 3. The attribution rests on the ground of the general resemblance of the reverse to those of nos. 5 and 6 of the same plate. For the rest, this particular specimen might equally well be attributed to Sardes. From its specific gravity, which is only 10:58, * it seems to consist almost entirely of silver, the proportions being, silver 98 per cent., gold 2 per cent, but from its yellow tint as compared with pure silver it is possible that it may contain a larger proportion of gold than is indicated by its specific gravity, the above calculation of the gold percentage being based upon the assumption that the coin consists of gold and silver only. The weight of the coin, 166-87 grs., is that of the Lydian silver staters of the age of Croesus. To Ephesus I propose to attribute the early electrum coins bear- Ephesus. ing the types of the stag or the bee, the well-known ** symbols of the Ephesian Artemis. The unique and remarkable stater (pl. iii. 8) with the inscription PANOX EMI XH MA (retrograde, in archaic Ionian characters) above the back of the stag has been so often discussed (see Hist. Nunn., p. 526) that I need only repeat here that Prof. Gardner's attribution of the coin to Phanes of Halicarnassus, circ. B.C. 525, seems to me to be unsatisfactory. The stater has all the appearance of being considerably earlier than the time of this Phanes, and the type is so distinctly Ephesian that I have little hesitation in assigning it to an earlier Phanes of Ephesus. Sir Charles Newton’s suggestion that pANOX or, as he reads it, PAENOR, is equivalent to baévos, a genitive of diaevd, which he takes to be an epithet of Artemis mean- ing “ the bright one,” the translation of the legend being, according # The specific gravity of pure silver is 10:48, that of pure gold is 1928. The S. G. of Electrum ranges between these two. EARLY ELECTRUM. xix to him, “I am the coin of the bright one” (Num. Chron., 1870, p. 238), seems less probable than the simpler explanation of Pavos as a genitive of pâums, the name of some dynast or tyrant of Ephesus unrecorded in history. I prefer therefore the translation “I am the signet (or coin) of Phanes.” The next two coins with the bee (pl. iii. 9, 10) are certainly Ephesian. They are remarkable for the small percentage of gold which, judging from their specific gravities, they seem to contain, viz. 14 per cent. and 5 per cent. respectively. The series which follows next on pl. iii., nos. 12–16, is attributed Erythrae : conjecturally to Erythrae, nos. 12–14, on account of Electrum. the star-like flower which is the reverse-type of the Erythraean silver coins of the earliest period (cf. pl. xv. nos. 2–7). The hecte with the head of Herakles (pl. iii. 15) is attributed by M. Six to Heraclea in Bithynia (cf. B. M. Cat. Pontus, p. xi.); but Erythrae would appear to be a more probable place of mintage, situated as it was in the very heart of the region where electrum formed the staple of the currency, while Heraclea, far away to the north, on the coast of the Black Sea, is not known to have issued any coins before the close of the fifth century. The head of Herakles as a coin-type is equally appropriate to both towns. The ºth stater (pl. iii. 16) may be compared with the early silver coins bearing a horseman on the obverse (pl. xv. 1), which are also probably of Erythraean origin. Of the two electrum coins which are assigned to Clazomenae (?) Clazomenae. the first (pl. iii. 17), a hecte with a boar's head, is Electrum. one of the few electrum coins which are furnished with an inscription. Unfortunately, the letters in front of the head are not legible. M. Six's suggestion that they may be the first three letters of the name of King Sadyattes of Lydia seems improbable. The attribution to Clazomenae rests, however, rather upon the type than the inscription. XX INTRODUCTION. The stater with the forepart of a winged boar (pl. iii. 18) is of a later date than the preceding. In type it resembles very closely the earliest silver coins of Clazomenae (pl. vi. 1). The electrum stater, pl. iii. 19, certainly belongs to Chios, while Chios, Samos. pl. iii. 24 is probably of Samos, but whether the Electrum. coins figured on pl. iii. 20–23 are Samian is very doubtful. Another conjectural attribution which I have ventured to suggest Old Smyrna. is that of the stater and hecte with rude archaic Electrum. lions' heads (pl. iii. 1-2) and of Phocaic weight, to Smyrna before the destruction of that city by Alyattes of Lydia, circ. B.C. 585,4 for, as Prof. Ramsay has pointed out (Hist. Geog. of Asia Minor, p. 61), “the geographical situation of Smyrna must have given it a decisive advantage in the competition for the trade of the Hermos valley, but it developed such a strong Greek spirit, and it was so dangerously close to the Lydian capital, that it was destroyed as a rival to Sardis by the rising military power of Lydia.” The fact that the lion's head stater is of Phocaic weight (248 grs.) is to my mind strong evidence that it belongs to the northern part of Ionia, for, as I have elsewhere shown (Num. Chron, 1875, p. 288), the Phocaic standard prevailed from Smyrna north- wards to the shores of the Propontis, while on the other hand the Phoenician standard, with its stater of 220 grs., was in use at Sardes, Ephesus, Miletus, and generally in the southern half of Ionia. After the destruction of Smyrna by the Lydians the influence of Phocaea. Elec- Phocaea, seems to have rapidly increased, and it trum. was through this port that the products of the in- terior now found their way across the Sea. The extension of the Phocaic standard coincides (in so far as we are able to judge from * In my Hist. Wum., p. 506, I suggested Mytilene as the place of mintage of these coins. It now seems to me that Smyrna has a stronger claim. TAT&LY ELECTRUM. xxi the coins), with the period during which Phocaea enjoyed a mari- time supremacy (circ. B.C. 602–560*). The impetus given at this time to the coinage of Phocaea was doubtless also due in great part to the troubles of Miletus, and to the consequent cessation of the issue of electrum staters at that city during the Milesian war B.C. 623–612. The staters of the Phocaic standard are distinguishable from the Milesian not only by their heavier weight, 256–248 grs. as against the Sardian and Milesian, weighing only 219–215 grs., but by their darker colour, which is due to their containing a considerably higher percentage of pure gold.t To the town of Phocaea itself there is at present only one stater which can be certainly attributed. It has on the obverse a seal, the type parlamt of the city, together with the letter G (= p) beneath it (Num. Chron., 1875, pl. x. 6), but five other specimens are extant of other types (Hist. Nunn., p. 506), among which the most remarkable is the stater with a griffin’s head accompanied by an inscription apparently I5 OM, which has not been explained. The type is appropriate either to Phocaea or Teos. From this time forward no electrum staters of Phocaea are known. The Persian conquest, and the emigration of the greater part of the population of Phocaea (B.C. 544), are sufficient to account for the cessation of the coinage, and when it recommences, probably quite late in the sixth century, it seems (if we may judge from the extant coins), to have consisted only of hectae and smaller divisions. These are very abundant and exhibit a great variety of types ranging from the archaic to the finest style of art. In every case the main type is accompanied by the symbol of Phocaea, the seal (see pls. iv. and v.). * Goodwin, De potentiae veterum gentium maritimae epochis apud Euse- bium, Göttingen, 1885. † Head (B. V.), “Electrum coins and their specific gravity,” Num. Chron. 1887, p. 304 sqq. xxii INTRODUCTION. Electrum hectae, as issued from the mints of Phocaea and Mytilene, constituted the chief currency of the coasts of western Asia Minor during the whole of the fifth and a great part of the fourth century B.C., and these two cities, in order to secure an absolute uniformity in the fineness of the coinage, entered into a monetary convention about the close of the fifth century, the text of which was discovered and published by Sir Charles Newton in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol. viii., p. 549." In this decree it was stipulated that the two cities should strike coins of identical weight and fineness, each minting in turn for the space of one year, it being decided by lot that Mytilene should begin. Nothing is said in the inscription concerning the denomina- tions of the coins, which are simply called to xpvalov, but there can be little doubt that staters, as well as hectae, were struck at both towns. Of Mytilene, indeed, the British Museum has recently acquired a stater at present unique (Num. Chrom., 1890, pl. xix. 16), which clearly belongs to the end of the fifth or the beginning of the fourth century, and it is probable that specimens of the con- temporary Phocaean stater will some day be discovered, for we know that these coins circulated in large quantities throughout Greece, cf. Thuc. iv. 52, 8taxi.Atovs a Tatºpas pokaſtas, and Demosth. xl. 36, Tpualcoatovs a Tatfipas Polcaeſs. Staters and hectae of Phocaea are also mentioned in several Attic inscriptions dating from B.C. 429 and 397 (Hist. Nu'm., p. 507). The electrum coins arranged on plates iii.-v. thus comprise all Uncertain such coins in the National Collection as we are Ionian *** able to attribute with reasonable probability to Ionian cities. In the text of the catalogue they are described under the several towns to which they presumably belong. There remain, however, a large number of electrum coins which it would * The text of this treaty is given in facsimile by Conze (Lesbos, Taſ. vi. 1), and a translation by Lenormant, Rev. Num., 1868, p. 241. EARLY ELECTRUM. xxiii be hazardous to attribute, but which are, nevertheless, probably in the main Ionian. The chief of these I have arranged according to the standards which they follow, pp. 1–15 (Phoenician, Phocaic, Euboic, &c.), and on plates i. and ii. Among them a few coins will be found which are also repeated on plate iii. under their town headings. The normal standards of weight are approximately as follows Standards of (though here and there a few of the smaller divisions weight. exceed what I infer from the staters to have been the full weight):— PHOICNIC.I.A.N. PII O CAT C. EU BOTC. Stater . . . 220:00 grs. 255:00 grs. 18500 grs. # stater . 110:00 ,, tº a º 67.50 , # ,, . . 73°33 , is e gº 45:00 ,, # ,, . . . 86-66 , || 42:50 ,, 22:50 , # , . . . 27°50 , * * * a tº gº # ,, . . 18:33 , 21:00 , 11:25 ,, * ,, . . 9:16 , , | 10:00 ,, 5'62 , a's , . . 4'58 ,, 5:00 ,, e e e wº 5 y 2:29 3 3 2:50 } } Wherever I have been able to suggest a place of mintage I have done so after the descriptions of the specimens in the text. These attributions are, however, merely put forward as hints, for in some cases the provenance of the coin renders the suggested attribution somewhat improbable. In view of this uncertainty, I have held it more convenient to describe the doubtful specimens together under Ionia, in preference to distributing them among the various locali- ties, some in Ionia and some in other districts, to which they may severally belong. The descriptions of such specimens as seem to admit of a more exact attribution will, however, be repeated, both in this and subsequent volumes of the catalogue, under the headings of the towns to which they may be conjecturally ascribed. xxiv. INTRODUCTION. Enough has been said to make it evident that in the present state of our knowledge no more exact classification than the one now adopted can be safely attempted. Future discoveries may, perhaps, throw more light upon this obscure page of numismatic history. There is, however, one interesting series (pp. 7, 8) which calls uncertain Ele. ** few remarks. The coins of this class are of trum staters of pale-coloured electrum, though not of the earliest the ‘Phoenician' style. They are figured on pl. i., nos. 19–26. standard. With regard to these staters I have elsewhere said (Num. Chron., 1887, p. 281) that “it may be questioned whether the types are those of cities at all. The great similarity of the style and fabric of these coins suggests the possibility of their having all been struck at one mint which, like Cyzicus, may have adopted a fresh type for each new issue.” M. J. P. Six (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 219) not only agrees with this suggestion, but proceeds to argue that Chios was the place of mintage of the whole series, and that these electrum staters are the Chian pentadrachms mentioned by Xenophon (IIellen, i., 6, 12). His reasons for this identification are first that the Sphinx is the commonest type, and, secondly, that in weight (circ. 220 grs.) they correspond to five Corinthian silver drachms of about 44 grs. It seems, however, to me in the highest degree unlikely that a coincidence of weight between coins of different metals could have given rise to such a name as ‘Pentadrachm.’ Surely this name must imply that the coin so-called passed current for five drachms, not that it happened to be equivalent in weight to five drachms of a different metal. These electrum staters, as M. Six himself acknowledges, were worth in silver about 20 Attic or 30 Corinthian drachms, k and the --- * This estimate is based on a specimen supposed from its specific gravity to con- tain only 40 per cent. of pure gold. It is probable that the exchange value of these coins was considerably higher than 20 Attic drachms (see infra, p. xxix.). EARLY ELEUTRUM. XXV mere fact that they correspond in weight to five of the latter could hardly have been the occasion of a name which would have been quite misleading. Although, therefore, some of them (those with the sphinx) are certainly Chian coins, and although it is possible that all of them may have been struck at Chios, they cannot be the Chian penta- drachms alluded to by Xenophon as current in B.C. 406. The Chian pentadrachm must have been either an electrum hecte (worth 5 Attic drachms, see infra p. xxx), or, like the Macedonian penta- drachm, a silver coin. The series of electrum staters now under consideration probably began to be struck before B.C. 500, and may possibly cover a period of nearly half a century, for slight differences, both of style and fabric, are observable. Until, therefore, it can be clearly demonstrated that they were struck at a single mint, it will be safer to treat them as a continuation, after a break, of the earlier coinage on the same standard as issued at Sardes, Miletus, Ephesus, and other towns. Their undoubted similarity in style to one another may be accounted for on the supposition that they are the coinage of a monetary convention of the same kind as that which, at a later period, was concluded between Phocaea and Mytilene. In my two papers in the Numismatic Chronicle, “Metrological Proportionate Notes on Ancient Electrum Coins,” 1875, and values of Eleo- “Electrum Coins and their Specific Gravity,” *** 1887, and in the introduction to the Historia Numorum, the origin and extension of the various systems of weight have already been discussed. In view of the very considerable discrepancies in the percentage of gold contained in electrum staters of approximately the same weight and colour, it is evident that no exact inferences can safely be drawn with regard to the proportionate values of electrum and silver. If any fixed relations between the two metals existed (i. xxvi INTRODUCTION. in the earlier period they must have boon moroly conventional. It seems, nevertheloss, probable that some such relations did pre- vail, and it may be assumed from the darker hue of some of the archaic staters of the Phocaic standard (pl. ii. 1–3), which in weight approach the standard in use for pure gold" that they were intended to circulate as gold, while thopaler coloured electrum staters of the Phoenician and of the later Phocaic (Cyzicene) standards (the former of which in weight are about the same as the Phoenician silver staters, circ. 220 grs.) were accepted at a much lower rate of exchange, though what this may have been is doubtful, for it seems clear that the exact percentage of gold contained in the coins cannot have been taken into consideration. Thus, for instance, I find that the pure gold coins of Crosus and the Darics of 130 grs. were equivalent to 1729 grs. Of silver, assuming 13:3:1 as the proportionato value of gold to silver in Asia at the time when these coins were struck. Judging by their specific gravity (given in the text), and the gold percentage deduced therefrom, the following would bo the values in silver of electrum stators of Phoenician weight:— Weight. AV por cont. Value in grs. JR. Attribution. Pl. i. 1 219.5 grs. 5 1 1596'4 Uncertain, p. 1. Pl. iii. 4 215'4 , 4() 1975-1 Miletus, p. 183. I’l. iii. 5 215-0 , 38 1919 9 Miletus, p. 183. I’l. iii. 8 216.5 ,, 36 1175:1 ISphesus, p. 47. I’l. i. 26 2.15:17, 20 744'4 Cyme (7) p. 8. and the following of some staters of Phocaic weight:— Pl. iii. 1 248.27 grs, 59 2049'9 Old Smyrna () p. 236. I’l. ii. 3 252°5 ,, 64. 2240 - 1 Thasos () p. 9. Cat. Miſsia, 948. J ſh9) • jºr (Cat. Mys. Pl. iv. 11 } 248-7 , 51 18087 p. 22, No. 28. Here then we have two staters differing but slightly in weight and % The early Phocaic stater weighs 255 grs., which is very little, if at all, below the actual weight of two gold Darics. The normal weight of the 60th part of the heavy Assyrian mina in gold was 260 grs. EARLY TT, ECTRUM. xxvii colour. One of them (pl. i. 1) weighs 219.5 grs., and is worth 1596 grs. of silver, the other (pl. i. 26) weighs 215-17 grs., and is worth only 744 grs. of silver, or less than half the value of the first. Such figures as these seem to be fatal to the theory that the Greeks of Asia Minor had any exact knowledge of the value in silver of the electrum currency, and it is equally hard to believe that coins of pale colour, in some cases almost approaching that of silver, could have passed current as gold. We are therefore thrown back upon the hypothesis that a purely conventional proportion, possibly 8: 1, or in some cases oven 10 : 1, may have prevailed between the Ionian pale electrum and silver, and that only a few of the darkest coloured electrum coins passed, when first issued in the sixth century B.C., for pure gold at the accepted rate of 13:3: 1. It is true that the suggested proportion of 8:1 is in excess of the values given above as estimated by specific gravity. But it must be borne in mind that the specific gravity of electrum coins does not afford an exact indication of the percentages of gold and silver if there is any trace of a third metal in the composition (and generally speaking it may be assumed that such is the case), and that the actual gold percentage is consequently in excess of the amount indicated, for a small percentage of copper alloy would have the effect of lowering the specific gravity. The following example may serve to make this clearer. The specific gravity of a Cyziceno stater in the British Museum (Cat. Mysia, p. 22, No. 28) weighing 2487 grs. is 13°657. This coin, theoretically, should therefore contain 51 per cent. of pure gold and 49 per cent. of silver (see Table in Num. Chrom., 1887, p. 308), and accordingly its value in silver should be 1808-70 grs. As a matter of fact, however, this is not the case, for it has been carefully analysed by Mr. G. T. Prior, of the Department of Mineralogy in the British Museum, and he finds that the percentage composition as xxviii INTRODUCTION. deduced from an analysis of about 10 grs, scraped from its edge is— Gold tº e e * * * tº e is 57-9 Silver ... ſe s ſº e º 'º 39.0 Copper ... tº º gº tº e e 3. 1 100-0 The coin must therefore have been actually worth (if we neglect the small percentage of copper) as much as 2019 grs. of silver (= 30 Attic drachms), that is to say, 211 grs. more than the amount indicated by its specific gravity. This analysis is impor- tant, as it refutes Prof. Gardner's theory, based as it is, merely upon the specific gravity of a few specimens, that the Cyzicene stater was practically equivalent to the Daric (Num. Chrom., 1887, p. 189), for this Cyzicene stands to the Daric in the proportion of 2019: 1729, and was consequently worth 290 grs., or nearly 4% Attic drachms more than the Daric.” Supposing that the early electrum coins cited above also contain a percentage of copper like the Cyzicene which has been analysed, the gold contents of all the specimens may be raised by from 5 to 10 per cent., and the valuations in silver as given above may be proportionately increased. Now if we apply this calculation to the pale electrum coin of the Milesian standard figured on pl. i. 1, weighing 219.5 grs., we shall find that instead of containing only 51 per cent. of pure gold it would probably contain not less than 56 per cent., and that its value in silver instead of 1596:4 grs. must be raised to 1731'4 grs., which is practically equivalent to the gold Daric of which the value in silver is 1729 grs. The equivalents in current silver coins of this Silver values of Electrum stater electrum stater of the Phoenician standard may of 220 grs. therefore have been approximately as follows:— * In the time of Demosthenes (c. Phorm., 34, 23) the value of the Cyzicene staters (still current in large numbers though their issue had come to an end) had fallen to 28 Attic drachms, or about 1890 grs. of silver. This depreciation may have been due partly to wear and tear, and partly to a fall in the value of gold owing to the quantity of that metal put into circulation by Philip of Macedon, EARLY ELECTRUM. xxix 10 coins of 172 grs. 20 5 y 86 ,, }* standard. 40 ,, 43 , 8 } } 216 grs Q | 6 5 y 108 ,, . Phoenician standard. 32 32 54 } ) 9 j } 192 , 18 5 y 96 ,, } Aeginetic standard. 36 5 y 48 ,, 6; 5 y 266 5 J 13 , 133 , , laus and Corinthian 26 5 y 66.5, standard. ; , ; ) g ITY * dº e rent silver coins Silver values The rough equivalents in curre t; silve of the Cyzicene of a Cyzicene stater worth about 2020 grs, AR are stater. still more numerous, viz — 12 coins of 168 grs. 24. 5 y 84 , ; Persic standard. 48 23 42 5 y 9 , 224 , 18 , 112 , 36 3 y 56 , , 8% 3 y 237 5 y 17 ,, 118 ,, 34 5 y 59 5 5 10 , 202 20 , 101 40 , 50 ,, 11 ,, 184 , 22 , 92 , Phoenician standard. Rhodian standard. Samian standard. Aeginetic standard. 44 } } 46 ,, 7; } % 270 2 3 15 5 y 135 , ) Attic and Corinthian 30 5 y 67.5, ) standard. 45 25 45 , It is true that the above equivalents are based upon the exact analysis of a single specimen, and it is also indisputable that the specific gravities point to great divergencies in the gold contents of numerous specimens which are otherwise identical both in weight and colour. It seems, nevertheless, certain that however widely XXX INTRODUCTION. individual specimens may have differed in metal value from one another, no such differences can have been recognized in practice or in the popular estimate of the exchange values, although the current values both of the Milesian and of the Cyzicene stater may have varied from time to time, and may indeed have been higher in some districts and lower in others. For a time these two rival coinages circulated side by side, but little by little the Cyzicene mint seems to have Cessation of Electrum of the acquired the ascendency; for the electrum staters ...:"... of the Phoenician standard (220–215 grs.) ceased vival of the cy- to be issued probably soon after B.C. 500, while zicenes, &c. Cyzicus on the other hand continued to strike staters of 248 grs. down to about B.C. 350 (B.M. Cat. Mysia, Introd. p. xvii). The only rivals of Cyzicus in the fifth and fourth centuries were Phocaea, of which staters are mentioned in inscriptions, and of which hectae (39.4 grs.) are still extant in considerable numbers— Mytilene, of which one stater (238.4 grs.) and numerous hectae are known (see supra, p. xxii), Lampsacus, of which staters exist weighing 237 grs., and lastly Chios, of which a stater is published of the Cyzicene standard (Itev. Num, 1864, pl. i. 4). Whether the staters of 238 grs, are composed of the same alloy as the Cyzicenes has not been ascertained, but supposing them also to contain not less than 56 per cent. of pure gold their value in silver would have been about 1877 grs. Of the towns mentioned above, Chios was the only one which gave up the Phoenician stater of 220 grs. for the Cyzicene stater of 248 grs. Judging by style, the Chian stater of Cyzicene weight belongs to the close of the fifth century B G., and if, like Cyzicus, Chios also struck hectae at the same time, these latter may have been the Chian pentadrachms mentioned by Xenophon, for the hocte would have been worth just fivo Attic drachms. H.A.R.I.Y ELECTRUM. xxxi Among the coins of the Euboic standard figured on pl. ii., No. 14 Early Euboſc is the earliest representation of the Gorgoneion Electrum. which occurs on Greek coins. It has been attri- buted by me to Eretria in Euboea (Num. Chron, 1887, p. 287), but as M. Waddington informs me that he has a specimen which was found in the Dardanelles, and as M. Six has a hecte of the same type found in the island of Imbros, it is more probable that the electrum coins of this type belong to Parium (on the silver coins of which city the Gorgon-head also occurs) rather than to Eretria. The weight of this coin is 12346 grs., and the percentage of pure gold calculated from its specific gravity is 30%. Allowing for the presence of a small percentage of copper, we might even be war- ranted in fixing the actual gold contents of the piece as high as 40 per cent. The value in silver of this coin would in that case stand at about 730 grs., or 12 Euboic drachms of about 61 grs. On the other hand, a coin of the same (Euboic) standard though of almost full weight, 133-34 grs., and of a better quality of metal than the preceding, and containing, according to its specific gravity, 48 per cent, and therefore, possibly, in reality as much as 58 per cent. of pure gold, would be worth about 1084 grs. of silver, or 16 Euboic drachms of full weight (67.5 grs.), or 20 Phoenician drachms of 54 grs. This coin is conjecturally attributed to Samos (pl. iii. 20). Of the smaller Euboic divisions (pl. ii. 15–29) there are very few, if any, which afford any reliable clue to their places of mintage. As, however, they come almost all from Asia Minor, it is doubtful whether the attribution to Chalcis in Euboea of the specimens with the eagle and wheel types which I hazarded in the catalogue of the coins of Central Greece, p. 106, and Introd. p. lii., is well founded. xxxii INTRODUCTION, § II. EARLY SILVER ConAgB. IT has been usual to assert that the earliest silver coins struck in Lydia. Asia Minor are the silver staters (168 grs.), ; staters (84 grs.), 3 staters (56 grs.), and 'a staters (14 grs.), with the foreparts of a lion and bull face to face, attributed to the time of Croesus of Lydia, B.C. 568–554. (Hist. Num., p. 546.) The passage of Herodotus (i. 94) Avôol . . . . . Tpótol āvěpátov Töv fineſs tºuev vöpuapua Xpva'où ſcal dpyūpov ſcovápuevot expſjø auto, has frequently been cited in support of this theory; and yet, as M. Six has justly remarked (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 210), all that Herodotus means to say is that the Lydians were the first people who, so far as he knew, made use of both gold and silver money at the same time. From this it by no means follows that silver had not been struck either apart from gold or concurrently with elec- trum at an earlier period or elsewhere than in Lydia. * In point of fact there are silver coins which seem to be more The Santorin archaic in style than the silver coins of Croesus, or and other hºr” even than the Lydian electrum coins of some of his predecessors. These primitive silver coins are of two standards, the staters of which weigh respectively 227–211 grs. (Phoenician standard), and 196–180 grs. (Aeginetic standard). Most of the specimens of this ancient silver currency come from two hoards, one of which was found at Santorin (Thera) in 1821, and has been described by Mr. Wroth (Num. Chron., 1884, p. 269), while the other is believed to have been found in Egypt, and is described by Canon Greenwell (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 13). Two other smaller hoards, found respectively at Melos (Num. Chron. vi., p. 134) and at Myt-Rahineh in Egypt (Rer. Num., 1861, p. 414), also contained coins of the same class. EARLY SILVER COINAGE. xxxiii The great majority of the specimens in these hoards belong to º Aegina and the Aegean islands, viz., Delos (?) (two Aegina, the Cy- clades, and the dolphins, N. C., 1884, pl. xii. 12), Carteia in Ceos, west coast of (amphora, l.c. fig. 14), Siphnos (dove, l.c., fig. 8), Asia Minor. Naxos (?) (kantharos, l.c., fig. 7), and Paros (goat and dolphin, l.c., fig. 13). The remaining types are more difficult to attribute if we confine our attention to the Cyclades, but if we extend our field of choice so as to include the islands and coasts of western Asia Minor, we may assign the coin with the sphinx (Num. Chrom., 1890, pl. ii. 15) to Chios; the one with the crab (l.c., fig. 16) to Cos; those with the lion’s head (l.c., fig. 14) and with the forepart of a lion looking back (pl. xxi. 1, 2 of this Catalogue) to Miletus; those with the forepart of a horse (Num. Chron., 1884, pl. xii. 1, 2), to Cyme ; the one with the cock (of which the only specimen I know of is in Mr. Montagu's collection, Num, Chron., 1892, pl. iii. 1), to Dardanus; and those with the head and tail of a tunny fish (Num. Chron., 1884, pl. xii. 6), 227 grs. to Cyzicus. The boar's head, 223 grs. (Num. Chron., 1884, pl. xii. 9) might belong to Methymna, and another with a ram's head, in the British Museum, weighing 217 grs., might be ascribed to Cebrenia or possibly Clazomenae. Out of the whole number there remains only one type, head of Silenus, 211 grs. (Num. Chron., 1884, pl. xii. 17), for which I am at present unable to suggest a place of mintage. With the exception of Chios and Cos (types, sphinx and crab), all the above Asiatic attributions are more or less open to doubt, but it seems certain that this seventh century silver currency must have been common to the western coasts of Asia Minor, as well as to the Cyclades and Aegina. It seems also probable that the Specimens of the heavier weight, 227–211 grs., are the earliest, and that under the predominant influence of the coinage of Aegina the weight in many places sank to 196–180 grs. This Aeginetic 62 xxxiv. INTRODUCTION. standard even made its way across the sea to Chios (sphinx, 188 grs.), Cos (crab, 190–187 grs.), Miletus (lion’s head, 190–187 grs., and forepart of lion, sometimes with star on reverse, 1855–1808 grs.), Cyme (forepart of horse, Rev. star, 184 grs.). The only Ionian city, however, in which the Aeginetic standard continued to prevail after the Persian conquest, and even down to the beginning of the fourth century, was Teos. Nearly all the other Asiatic coast towns reverted to the older Phoenician standard, the stater of which had, however, sunk, in some places, to about 216- 205 grs., the didrachm to 108-100 and the drachm to somewhat over 50 grs. (e.g. Phocaea, Clazomenae, Erythrae, Ephesus, and Samos). The absence of inscriptions on nearly all coins of the highest Inscribed coins antiquity makes it naturally very difficult to speak with Milesian with absolute confidence with regard to their types. origin, and even where inscriptions do occur they do not always make our task much easier. For instance, on some of the coins which I propose to assign to Miletus (pl. xxi., no 1), we may read the letters OVA. This inscription is generally read retrograde from the outside as VAO (OAV), and M. Six, who adopts this reading (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 223), has suggested as their probable place of mintage the town of Olymus in Caria, about 10 miles inland, and known to us only from a few first century inscriptions (Judeich, Mittheilungen Inst. Athen., xiv. 1889, p. 367, sqq.). Whether the legend is OVA or VAO (=OAY) depends upon whether it be read from the inside or the outside, but it should be noted that the latter position is extremely rare on archaic coins. The chief objection to M. Six's proposal lies, however, in the fact that the coinage in these times was, with a very few exceptions, restricted to the more important towns on the sea-coast. Sardes, the Lydian capital, is the chief exception to this rule. It is, indeed, hardly conceivable that inland places, such as Mylasa (to which M. Six attributes the staters with the forepart of a horse EARLY SILVER COINAGE. XXXV which I would ascribe to Cyme), and Olymus (to which he gives those with the forepart of a lion) should have been issuing large silver coins at the very time when wealthy commercial seaports like Miletus were, according to this hypothesis, without a silver cur- rency, or only striking small denominations in that metal. The attribution to Miletus on the other hand rests not only upon the intrinsic probability of that city having been one of the first on the Ionian sea-board to issue silver coins but upon the types of the coins in question, on the obverse the forepart of a lion with his head turned back, and on the reverse a star (pl. xxi. 2). If we compare these types with those of the small silver coins of the fifth century (pl. xxi. 4), the attribution of which to Miletus is not disputed, we shall see that they are almost identical, and had it not been for the letters OVA on some specimens I imagine that no one would have doubted their Milesian origin. In explanation of the legend I would venture to suggest that OVA may not be the name of a locality but that of a dynast or ruler of Miletus unknown to history. (Cf. the name of Phanes on the electrum stater of Ephesus (pl. iii. 8). There is one name especially which seems to me by no means improbable, this is OVAtdöms, a well-known Ionic name (see Plut. Arist. xxiii. 6, and Boeckh, C. T. G., passim), derived from Oùxtos (the Healer), a sur- name of Apollo, both at Miletus and Delos. (Cf. Strab. xiv. 635, OüAtov 8’ ‘AtróNNova kaxobot Tuva kai MiXºja tot kai 4%lot, otov ūyao Tucov kai Tatovºlcóv Tó yöp oëAelv jºyuaivetv). To Miletus have also been attributed some coins inscribed EKA and MA, which clearly belong to the early part of the fourth century B.C. (pl. xxi. 5, 6). These specimens bear Milesian types rudely executed and sometimes misunderstood. Although it has been usual to assign them to the city of Miletus under the Carian dynasts Hekatomnus and Mausolus (Head, Hist. Num., p. 503) it should be remarked that Hekatomnus never appears to have been xxxvi INTRODUCTION. master of Miletus, and although Mausolus captured the neighbour- ing town of Heraclea and made one or two unsuccessful attempts upon Miletus, there is no evidence that he ever actually ruled over that city. If, therefore, the letters EKA and MA stand, as seems highly probable, for ‘Eica(Tópºvos) and Ma(0aa-oxAos), we must suppose with M. Six (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 231) that the coins in question are merely imitations of the Milesian coinage struck by the Carian dynasts outside the territory of Miletus. In addition to the staters, from the Santorin and other finds, of the Early silver Phoenician and Aeginetic standards, there are coins of doubtful numerous uninscribed coins of distinctly later date attribution. than these, the attributions of which, owing to their lack of inscriptions, are sometimes open to doubt. When the types are quite distinctive, as are the seal, the sphinx, the bee (Phocaea, Chios, Ephesus), no difficulties arise, but there are other types which are equally appropriate to two or more cities. Among these are the griffin (pl. xxiii. 3) and the griffin’s head (pl. xxiii. 4, 5), which I have assigned to Phocaea, but which may belong to Teos; the horseman (pl. xv. 1), assigned to Erythrae, but which might also be ascribed to Colophon; and the forepart of a bull (pl. xxxiv. 3, 6) and the lion's head (not scalp) facing (pl. xxxiv. 4), which are doubtfully attributed to Samos, though their Euboic weight, and something perhaps in their style, seems to point rather to Lycia. § III. CHRONOLOGY AND METROLOGY. THE Ionian coastland from Phocaea in the north to Miletus in the south, together with its adjacent islands Chios and Samos, presents to our view within its narrow limits a chain of maritime towns, about a dozen in number, no one of which was distant from its nearest neighbour by more than about twenty miles in a direct line. These twelve towns were, from the time of their foundation in the eleventh century B.C., connected together in a loose sort of CIIRONOLOGY AND METROLOGY. xxxvii confederacy, 808sicäToxts, which, however, appears to have been limited to religious and agonistic purposes, for each city was politically an independent republic. This fact, together with the difficulty of intercommunication, at least by land, must account for the want of uniformity which, down to the defeat of Antiochus by the Romans B.C. 190, prevails in the coinage. In no other region of the Greek world do we find within so small a compass such a chaotic mingling of weight-standards as we meet with in Ionia. In the earliest period this discrepancy is less evident than it afterwards becomes, but this is probably only owing to the fact that the coinages were less numerous, for even among the early electrum coins, as we have already seen, one standard prevailed at Phocaea and another at Miletus.* The following are the standards used for silver coins in Silver standards. Ionia :— I. The Aeginetic, derived from European Greece or the Cyclades. Stater about 185 grs. prevailed in the sixth century at Chios and Miletus and at Teos down to the beginning of the fourth century. II. The Phoenician, probably introduced in prehistoric times by the Phoenician traders before the invention of coining. The earliest form of this standard as used both for electrum and silver coins yields a stater or tetradrachm of about 220 grs. normal (actual maximum weight, 218 grs). * Prof. W. Ridgeway in his valuable and suggestive work “Origin of Currency and Weight Standards,” Cambridge, 1892, published too late for me to refer to it in the text, is of opinion that the frequent changes in the weights of the silver coins are solely due to frequent and very considerable fluctuations in the relation of silver to gold. He contends that while the gold unit remained for ages fixed at 130 grs., “ the various Greek Communities were engaged in an endless quest after bi- ºmetallism” with the inevitable result that the weights of the silver staters were con- tinually being raised or lowered in order that a definite round number of silver units might exchange for the fixed gold unit. This explanation, however, fails to account for the fact that towns separated from one another by only a few miles, and in constant communication with one another struck their silver coins simultaneously on different standards; for it is inconceivable that silver could stand to gold in an entirely different relation at one and the same time on the markets of two neigh- bouring towns. xxxviii INTRODUCTION. III. The Chian or Ithodian variety of the Phoenician standard (tetra- drachm 245–236 grs.). Whether the coins of this weight are Phoenician raised, or Euboic-Attic debased, is doubtful. IV. The Samian is a debased form of the Phoenician. The tetradrachm does not exceed 205 grs. V. The Euboic-Attic standard (didrachm or stater 135 grs.) occurs before the age of Alexander, but for a time only, at Clazomenae, Mag- nesia, Samos and Miletus. After the victory of the Romans at the battle of Magnesia the Attic weight became general. VI. The Persic, derived from the Persian siglos of 84 grs., prevailed in the fifth century at Erythrae and Colophon, and in the third century at Miletus only. VII. The Cistophoric standard (tetradrachm 196 grs.) which was intro- duced circ. B.C. 202 at Ephesus was used for the quasi-federal cur- rency of the Cistophori throughout the greater part of western Asia Minor. In Ionia, in addition to Cistophori of the ordinary type struck at Ephesus and Smyrna, a few coins of other types issued apparentlyon the Cistophoric standard occur at Samos and Miletus. The following is a résumé of the principal issues of the various Chronological Ionian towns arranged in successive chronological Synopsis. periods :— From the eleventh to the seventh century B.C. there is no coinage Period I. whatever in Ionia, notwithstanding the fact that 11th-7th century. during all these years the Greek cities of Ionia invention of cºin enjoyed complete independence and attained to 1ng. considerable wealth and prosperity. About the end of the eighth or the beginning of the seventh century the Lydians introduced the art of coining. Age of Lydian influence and dominion circ. B.C. 700–545. The Period II. only places of mintage in Ionia during this period B.C. 700-545. were the following :- PHooAEA, before the Persian conquest and the great exodus of the Phocaeans to the west. CHRONOI.OGY AND METROLOGY. xxxix EL. staters 256 grs. (Num. Chron., 1875, pl. x. 6) and fractions (Hist. Num., p. 506). AR (Phoenician standard) towards the close of the period. Tetradrachm tº & 4 220 grs. () (pl. xxiii. 3) Drachm ... ... 58 , , (pl. xxiii. 1) # Drachm ... it e is 252 grs. (pl. xxiii. 4, 5) Obols tº g ºn tº e ºs 10:3 , (pl. xxiii. 2) and smaller divisions. SMYRNA, before its destruction by Alyattes, B.C. 585. EL. staters and hectae on the Phocaic standard (pl. iii. 1, 2). Apparently no silver coins. CLAZOMENAE. EL. Hecte, Phoenician standard,359 grs. (pl. iii. 17). No silver coins. ERYTHRAE. EL. Phoenician standard. # stater 109 grs. (pl. iii. 12). # stater 9.3 grs. (p. 116, 2). # stater 27 grs. (p. 116, 3). No silver coins. CIIIos. Probably no electrum until later. stater on the Aeginetic standard, type, sphinx, 188 grs. (Num. Chron., 1890, p. 18). TEOs. No electrum. AR drachm on the Aeginetic standard, type, griffin, 90.4 grs. (pl. XXX. 1). EPHESUs. EL. Phoenician standard. Stater tº £ tº tº a te 216.5 grs. (pl. iii. 8). Trite... tº $ e gº º # 71.2 , (pl. iii. 9, 10). Hecte * @ 8. & & e 36 , (pl. iii. 11). No silver in this period. SAMOS, EL, Euboic standard. Stater * * * e t is 133.3 grs. (pl. iii. 20). # stater e tº º º, º sº 669 , (pl. iii. 21). xl INTRODUCTION. EL. I’hoenician standard. 1. - - - 4 Tº Stater 1 Hºg stater EL. Phocaic standard () # Stater 18.5 grs. (pl. iii. 22). 42 , (Num. Chron., 1887, pl. x. 25). 5 grs. (pl. iii. 23). There are also silver coins of Euboic weight (pl. xxxiv. 3–7), which may be of Samian origin. MILITUS. EL. Babylonic [Lydian] standard. Stater EL. Phoenician standard. Stater Stater # stater Hecte 166-8 grs. (pl. iii. 3). 219.5 grs. (pl. i. 1). 215-4 , (pl. iii. 4, 5). 106-7 , (pl. iii. 6). 39.9 , (pl. iii.7). The silver coins which I propose to attribute to Miletus in this period are, like those of Chios and Teos, of Aeginetic weight (see Num. Chron., 1890, pl. ii. 14 and pl.xxi. 1, 2 of the present work). Persian dominion under Cyrus, Cambyses, and Darius I, from Period III. B.C. 545 to the Ionian revolt and the sack of B.G. 545–494. Miletus, B.C. 494. This period is characterized by a very marked diminution in the coinage of the Ionian cities. The following are the chief, if not the only places of mintage:– CLAZOMENAE. EL. Phoenician standard. Stater AR Phoenician standard. Didrachm Drachm Diobols ERYTHRAE. EL. Phocaic standard. Hecte ºr stater 217-3 grs. (pl. iii. 18.) 108.1 grs. (pl. vi. 1). 51 , (pl. vi. 2). 18-13 , (pl. vi. 3). 40.5 grs. (pl. iii. 13-15). 10° 1 , (pl. iii. 16). CHRONOLOGY AND METROLOGY. xli AR. Phoenician standard. Didrachm 109 grs. (pl. xv. 1). Tetrobol 36 , (p. 119, 17). CII IOS. EL. Phoenician standard. Stater 216-97 grs. (pl. iii. 19). AR Phoenician standard. IDidrachm 105 grs. (Num. Chron. 1890, pl. i. 16). AR Chian standard. Didrachm 122°6 grs. (pl. XXXii. 1.) TEOS. AR Aeginetic standard. T)idrachm 184:4 grs. (pl. xxx. 2-5). Trihemiobols 22:9 , (pl. xxx. 6). Hemiobol 55 , (p. 311, no. 15). EPHESUS. AR. Phoenician standard. Drachm 50'3 grs. (pl. ix. 1-2). SAMOS. EL, Phoenician standard. Stater This coin may have been issued i AR. Euboic standard. 2167 grs. (pl. iii. 24). n the time of Polycrates. Didrachm 135 grs. (pl. xxxiv. 3). Drachm 63 , (pl. xxxiv. 4). Tetrobol 39:1 , (pl. xxxiv. 5). Triobol 32-7 , (pl. xxxiv. 6). Obol... 9:5 , (pl. xxxiv. 7). It is doubtful whether all these silver coins were struck at Samos, for it is probable that on the capture of the island by the Persians B.C. 520, the coinage came, for a time, to an end. From the suppression of the Ionian revolt and the sack of Miletus, Period IV. B.C. 494, to the battle of Eurymedon, B.C. 469, and B.C. 494-469, the commencement of the Athenian Hegemony. This period, if the coinage may be taken as a test, shows a f xlii INTRODUCTION. general renewal of commercial activity along the whole Ionian coast. I’IIOCAEA. EL. Phocaic standard. Commencement of the long series of Hectae (plates iv. and v.). Some few specimens of this coinage may belong to an earlier date. No silver coinage. CLAZOMENAE. AR. The Phoenician standard abandoned in favour of the Attic. Hemidrachm • * * 30 grs. (pl. vi. 4). Diobol - * * • e a 18 , (pl. vi. 5). ERYTHRAE. AR. The Phoenician standard abandoned for the Persic. Drachm ... a e v 72°2 grs. (pl. xv. 2-4). Smaller denominations 222 , ; 17.5 ; 138 grs.; 5 5 } } 3-2 , (pl. xv. 5-7). This coinage seems to have been continued throughout the whole of the 5th century, and perhaps down to the peace of Antalcidas, B.C. 387. CHIOS, EL. Phocaic (Cyzicene) standard. Stater (Rev. Num. 1864, pl. i. 4). AR Chian standard. Tetradrachm... * c 4 236 grs. (pl. xxxii. 2). Didrachm ... tº s º 122 , (pl. xxxii. 3, 4). And smaller denominations (pl. xxxii. 5-7). This coinage lasted down to the middle of the 4th century. TEOS. Continuation of AR coinage on the Aeginetic standard, circ. B.c., 494-394 (pl. xxx. 7-9). CoLOPHON. Commencement of the Colophonian coinage on the Persic standard, circ. B.C. 500. I)rachm tº e º tº a º 84.4 grs. (pl. viii. 1). EPHESUS. AR Phoenician standard. Tetradrachm... © e O 205 grs. (pl. ix. 4). Drachm 51°3 , (pl. ix. 3). CHRONOLOGY AND METROI,00;Y. xliii SAMOS. Aſ Phoenician standard. Tetradrachm ... 204:6 grs. (pl. xxxiv. 8-9, 14-15). Didrachm ... ... 1012 , (pl. xxxiv. 10). Drachm º, tº º ... 55 , (pl. xxxiv. 16-17). Tetrobol ... ... 35'6 , (pl. XXXiv. 11). Triobol & Q - ... 27.8 , (pl. xxxiv. 18). and Smaller divisions. MILITUS. AR. Attic standard, beginning probably circ. B.C. 478, after the battle of Mycale. Triobol tº $ tº • * * 324 grs. (pl. xxi. 3). Diobol • * * • * * 19:3 , (pl. xxi. 4). From the beginning of the Athenian Hegemony B.C. 469 to the Period W. Peace of Antalcidas, B.C. 387. (415–394 Persian *** and Spartan supremacy; 394 battle of Cnidus, the Spartans expelled; 387 Peace of Antalcidas). PHOCAEA. EL. Hectae as in previous period. CLAZOMENAE. AR as in previous period. ERYTHRAE. AR as in previous period. CHIOS. AR as in previous period. TEOs, probably after the victory of Conon at Cnidus, abandons the Aeginetic for the Phoenician standard, thus bringing her coinage into harmony with those of the other Ionian cities, Ephesus, Samos, Chios, &c. Drachm • * * tº 0 & 55-7 grs. (pl. xxx. 10). Triobol e - tº • e e 25-6 x (pl. xxx. 11, 12). CoLoRHON, about the end of the fifth century, or the beginning of the fourth, exchanges the Persic standard for the Rhodian. Drachm • * * * - e. 54.7 grs. (pl. viii. 2). Triobol tº º sº. º, º ſº 24°l , (pl. viii. 3). Diobol - - e. * - e. 16-7 , (p. 37, no. 11). xliv INTRODUCTION. ICPIILSUs, about B.o. 415, raises the standard of her currency, discarding the Phoenician for the Rhodian. Tetradrachm ... & ſº e 235-3 grs. (pl. ix. 7). Tridrachm ... tº dº ſº 1766 , (pl. ix. 6). Didrachm ... tº $ tº 117: , (pl. ix. 5). Drachm tº tº tº e tº ſº 47-8 , (p. 49, no. 17). Triobol * tº ſº tº tº º 28.5 , (p. 50, no. 18). MAGNESIA, under Themistocles B.C. 464-449 was one of the four towns in Ionia in which coins of Attic weight were struck in the fifth century B.o. (See also Clazomenae, Samos and Miletus.) Didrachm 132 grs. (Waddington, Mélanges, pl. i. 2). The specimen described in the present volume is plated and consequently weighs only 90 grs. (p. 158, no 1). SAMOs. B.C. 439-394. AR. Phoenician standard. Tetradrachm ... . . . . 204-5 grs. (pl. xxxv. 1-2). Tetrobol ... tº º º e - e. 32°5 , (pl. xxxv. 3). Triobol ... tº gº & 20: , (pl. xxxv. 4-7). and smaller denominations (pp. 360-361.) This standard, under Athenian influence, was exchanged for the Attic :- Tetradrachm tº q tº e q is 260.3 grs. (pl. xxxv. 11). Drachm ... & ſº q • 9 º' 643 , (pl. xxxv. 12). Circ. B.C. 394, after the battle of Cnidus, Samos again changes the standard of her coinage and adopts the Rhodian standard as used at Erythrae, Chios, Colophon, Ephesus, &c., in the same period :— Tetradrachm sº e e tº e 237.5 grs, (pl. xxxv. 14). Tridrachm tº $ tº e tº º 1782 , (pl. xxxv. 13). Drachm ... tº $ tº sº gº º 59: , (pl. xxxv. 15). Triobol ... tº tº wº tº º & 282 , (pl. xxxv. 16). Diobol ... tº º q $ tº 16:2 . (pl. xxxv. 17). MILETUS. AR as in previous period. C EIRONOLOGY AND METROLOGY. xlv. Period WI. From the Peaco of Antalcidas B.C. 387 to the B.C. 387-301. Battle of Ipsus B.C. 301. PHOCAEA. The issue of I’hocaean electrum hectae ceases probably about the time of the expedition of Alexander. LEUCE.* AR Phoenician standard (?) circ. B.C. 350. Obol (?) ... tº ſº & tº e e 7'4 grs. (pl. xvii. 13). CLAZOMENAE. AV and AR, Attic standard. AW Octobol & a tº s & tº 87-8 grs. (pl. vi. 7). AR. Tetradrachm ... tº gº tº 361 , (pl. vi. 8-9). AR. Drachm e & * * * 62-7 , , (p. 20, no. 22). AR. Triobol tº s º * g º 31 , (p. 20, no. 26). ERYTHRAE. AR Rhodian standard. Tetradrachm ... tº gº is 231-2 grs. (pl. xv. 9). Drachm ... tº º tº § tº ſº 57.6 , (pl. xv. 10). CHIOS. AR Chian standard as in the two previous periods. The coinage ceases circ. B.C. 350. (Pl. xxxii. 8-10). TEOS. AR Phoenician standard, as in the last period, continued down to the end of the 4th century. (Pl. xxx. 10-12). CoLopLION. AR Rhodian standard as in last period (pl. viii. 2-3) down to circ. 350, when the silver coinage apparently ceases. * Leuce was founded by Tachos, a commander of the Persian fleet, in revolt against Artaxerxes Mnemon, circ. B.C. 383. It stood on a promontory overlooking the sea where was a sanctuary of Apollo. For some time after the death of Tachos (B.C. 382), the possession of the place was a subject of dispute between the Cymaeans on the north and the Clazomenians on the south. The matter was re- ferred to the oracle of Delphi and the Pythia replied that Leuce should belong to that city which should first offer sacrifice there to Apollo. The Clazomenians by a strategem succeeded in anticipating the Cymaeans and thus obtained possession of the town (Diod. xv. 18). The Clazomenian types of the coins of Leuce confirm the statement of Diodorus. Xlvi INTRODUCTION. EPHESUS. AR Rhodian standard as in the last period. Tetradrachm • * * e - © 234.2 grs. (pl. ix. 8) Diobol ... • * e tº tº º 14:2 , (pl. ix. 9). Trihemiobol • 6 e - - - 12'3 , (pl. ix. 10). PHYGELA. AR Phoenician standard circ. B.C. 350. Tetradrachm ... 217 grs. (Rev. Wum., 1853, p. 246). MAGNESIA. AR Phoenician standard. Tetradrachm - * * ... 205.5 grs. (pl. xviii. 1). Didrachm • * * ... 110 , (Hist. Num., p. 501). Drachm ... tº º º . . . 55 , , (ibid). Triobol ... tº º º ... 26.2 x, (pl. xviii. 4). SAMOS. 4. AR Rhodian standard reduced. Didrachm ... - - - • * * 104 grs. (pl. xxxvi. 1). MILETUS, AR. The Attic standard replaced by the Phoenician. Drachm ... • * * - - - 56:1 grs. (pl. xxi. 9). Triobol ... - - - tº & ºl 27.5 , (pl. xxi. 10). This period, beginning with the battle of Ipsus and the victory Period WII. of Seleucus and Lysimachus over Antigonus and B.C. 301-190. Demetrius, is characterized by a general though not an universal cessation of autonomous silver coinages in Ionia. These currencies were to some extent replaced by the issue after B.C. 195 of Attic tetradrachms by Lysimachus at Smyrna, Erythrae, Ephesus, and Magnesia. Ephesus, under the temporary name of Arsinoë, the wife of Lysimachus, also struck Attic octobols 82°l grs. (pl. x. 5) and bronze coins, B.C. 288-280. It appears also to have struck bronze coins under the name of Eurydicea, out of com- pliment to Eurydice, a daughter of Lysimachus (p. 56.) At a some- what later date Ephesus fell under the dominion of the Ptolemies (B.C. 258–202), a record of which is preserved by a gold octadrachm CHRONOLOGY AND METROLOGY. xlvii of Berenice II (427.9 grs., Cat. Ptolemies, pl. xiii. 2), on which the bee, the symbol of Ephesus, as on the coins reading EYPYA|KEQN, already mentioned, indicates the place of mintage. In addition to these regal issues, the following towns struck silver money in their own names:– ERYTHRAE. AR Rhodian standard. Drachm ſº tº gº tº º & 553 grs. (pl. xv. 16). Triobol gº º ſº e e sº 24'2 , (p. 128, no. 101). TEOS. AR Phoenician standard. Drachm tº $ tº & tº & 47 grs. (pl. xxx. 13). Triobol * tº e & Cº. 237, (pl. xxx. 14). EPHESUS. AR Rhodian (reduced) standard under the Ptolemaic rule B.C. 258-202. s Didrachm ... tº º ſº 102.8 grs. (pl. xi. 1-2). AR Alexandrine tetradrachins B.C. 202-196 (Müller, 1015-1017). MAGNESIA. AR. Attic standard after B.o. 300. Octobol tº º ſº ë tº º 86 grs. (pl. xviii. 2). Tetrobol * * * tº e & 37°2 , (pl. xviii. 3). and smaller denominations. SAMOS. AR Rhodian (reduced) standard as at Ephesus. Didrachm ... tº e º 104 grs. (pl. xxxvi. 1). MILETUs. AR Rhodian (reduced) standard, circ. B.C. 300-250. T)idrachm ... * @ 9 102 grs. (pl. xxi. 12). Superseded by coins of the Persic standard B.C. 250-190. Didrachm ... tº º ſº 161-2 grs. (pl. xxi. 13). Drachm g º º * * * 803 , (pl. xxi. 14). Triobol tº $ 9. * * * 38°5 , (pl. xxi. 15). PRIENE begins to coin for the first time in the third century B.C. The standard to which the heavier coins, weighing 76 grs., belong xlviii INTRODUCTION. (pl. xxiv. 3) is doubtful. They may be either light Attic octobols, as at Ephesus (pl. x. 5) or Persic drachms as at Miletus (pl. xxi. 14). The remaining denominations follow the Phoenician or Rhodian standard. Drachm tº º º tº a º 56 grs. (pl. xxiv. 4). Tetrobol * - e. is tº e 34°4, (pl. xxiv. 5). Triol)ol • * * º e = 26-6, (pl. xxiv. 6). The great defeat of Antiochus by the Romans at the battle of Period VIII. Magnesia, B.C. 190, marks an epoch in the numis- B.C. 190-133 matic no less than in the political history of Asia Minor. Many cities now obtained their freedom at the hands of the Romans, and began once more to strike coins, not however, as formerly, on the older Phoenician or Rhodian standards, but, as if in concert with one another, everywhere on the Attic standard. The tendency of the age in western Asia Minor was towards a com- munity of currency. Without sufficient cohesion to enable them to adopt outright a federal coinage, the rival cities were yet so much impressed by the commercial advantages likely to accrue from a common currency, as to be forced into a sort of tacit agree- ment, by which the tetradrachm of the Attic standard was selected as the most widely acceptable unit of exchange. Influenced doubt- less by commercial considerations, they further chose, or were compelled by circumstances to adopt, the particular coin-type, which, by long usage, had obtained, throughout the eastern world, the widest popularity on the markets. This was the head of Herakles and the eagle-bearing Zeus of the far-famed tetradrachms of Alexander the Great. These Alexandrine coins of the second century B.C. are easily distinguishable from those of the age of Alexander by their large dimensions and flat fabric, while the mint- marks of the places of issue, in the subordinate position of symbols in the field, are in themselves sufficient to brand the coins as CHRONOLOGY AND MI}TROI,()GY. xlix autonomous imitations of the regal issues of a bygone age. Thus Alexander as the founder of the liberties of the Asiatic Greeks, though not perhaps solely on that account so much as for the sake of commercial expediency, was honoured by a posthumous revival of his coinage. In addition to the revived Alexandrines, some cities also struck Attic tetradrachms with their own local types, and in some in- stances these local tetradrachms would appear to have been the only coins issued, a fact which tends to prove that local patriotism or vanity was still too powerful to permit of the final suppression of the autonomous coinage to which the Asiatic cities had for so many ages been accustoměd. The following are the Ionian mints in the period now under consideration :- I’HOCAEA. Alexandrine tetradrachms and drachms (Müller, nos. 983-990). SMYRNA. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 991-994). Attic AV staters with Smyrnaean types (Head, Hist. Num. 509). Attic AR tetradrachms with Smyrnaean types (pl. xxv. 5, 6). Attic AR drachms with Smyrnaean types (pl. xxv. 7). Cistophori (pl. xxv. 4). CLAZOMENAE. Revived AW staters of Philip of Macedon (Müller, 309, pl. xxvi.). Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 995-998). ERYTHRAE. Alexandrine tetradrachnus (Müller, 999-1004). Attic AR drachms, with Erythraean types (pl. xvi. 1) and diobols (pl. xvi. 2). CHIOS. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1080-1125). TEos. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1005, 1006). | INTRODUCTION. LEBEDUs. Attic AR tetradrachms with types of Lebedus (pl. xvii. 7) and triobols or diobols 23:1—19.3 grs. (pl. xvii. 8). CoLoRHON. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1007-1014). EPHESUS. Alexandrine tetradrachms, B.G. 196-189 (Müller, 1018-1024). Pergamene tetradrachms of Eumenes II, B.G. 189-159 (Head, Coinage of Ephesus, p. 59-60). Cistophori undated, B.C. 202-133 (pl. xii. 1-5). Attic drachms with Ephesian types (pl. xi. 4, 5). MAGNESIA. - © Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1068-1079). Attic tetradrachms with Magnesian types (pl. xviii. 9-11). SAMOS. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1126–1127). AR. Cistophoric standard () with Samian types. 1; Drachms © tº º & 2 º' 697 grs. (pl. xxxvi. 6). Drachm ... * * * tº 6 tº 46.5 , (pl. xxxvi. 7). Triobol ... tº º º • e is 22°4 , (pl. xxxvi. 8). PRIENE. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1026-1032). MILETU8. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1033-1057). Aſ Attic staters with Milesian types (pl. xxii. 1-3). AR. Attic tetradrachms with Milesian types (Hist. Num, p. 505). AR. Cistophoric standard (?) with Milesian types. 1# Drachms º º º • * * 75.3 grs. (pl. xxii. 4, 5). Drachm ... tº º & © º is 40 , (pl. xxii. 6). HERACLEA. Alexandrine tetradrachms (Müller, 1058-1067). Attic tetradrachms with Heraclean types (pl. xvii. 1). Attic tetrobols ... & & © 38 grs. (p. 151-3). CHRONOI.OGY AND METROLOGY. li In the year B.C. 133 the Roman people succeeded to the inheri- Period. IX. tance of Attalus III of Pergamum, and Western *** *** Asia Minor was constituted a Roman province under the name of Asia. The coinage of Ionia in this period consisted almost exclusively of cistophori of Ephesus, dated from the era of the province of Asia (B.C. 133). The following issues are exceptional :- EPHESUS. AV coins of Attic weight with Ephesian types, probably struck during the few years of the revolt under Mithradates B.C. 87-84 (Head, Coinage of Ephesus, pl. v. 2-6). ERYTHRAE. AV coins of Attic weight ... 43’5 grs. (pl. xvi. 4). AR coins ... º • * * 15.2 and 9.9 grs. (pl. xvi. 5, 6). These may also be assigned to the time of the Mithradatic revolt. CHIOS. This island does not seem to have been included in the Roman province of Asia. It was declared by Sulla a free ally of the Romans, B.C. 84. The autonomous silver coinage of Chios on the Attic standard (reduced) extends down to Imperial times (pl. xxxii. 11, 12, and pl. xxxiii. 1). In the following pages is appended in a tabular form a general conspectus of the Ionian electrum, silver, and gold coinage from the seventh to the first century B.C. Only the principal denominations have been set down in these tables owing to the necessity of com- pressing into four pages an outline of the numismatic metrology of twelve cities during a period of six centuries. lii INTRODUCTION. 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 500-300 Phoc, EL. Series of Hectae, 40 grs. with seal as adjunct symbol. 350-300 Phoen. AR Obol P 7-4 grs. B.C. JPHOO AEA. IEUCE. SMYRNA, CLAZOMENAE, 700 | |00-544 7()()-585 ſº Phoc, EL. 650 Stater 256 g Phoc, EL. 600 grS. Stater 248 grs Phoen. AR } grS. 4 Dr. 220 P grs. 550 Drachm 58 grs. 550-500 Phoem. EL. Hecte 36 gr. Stater 217 grs. 500-400 Phoen. AR. 2 Drs. 108 grs. Attic AR. # Dr. 30 grs. 387–300 Attic AW 88 grs. Attic AR 4 Drs. 261 grs. ------sºus------------ 190-133 Alexandrine 4 Drachms and Drachms. 300-280 Lysimachus 4 Drs. 190-133 Alexandrine 4 Drs. Attic AW and AR and Cistophori 190-133 Philippine AW Alexandrine AR 4 Drs. INTRODUCTION. liii B.C. ERYTHRAE. CHIOS. TEOS. LEBEDUS. 700 700-500 700-550 700-550 650 Phoen, EL. Aeginetic AR Aeginetic AR 600 # stat. 110 grs. Stat. 188 grs. Dr. 90:4 grs. and (N.C. 1890, p.18) Phoc, EL. 550 | Hecte 40°5 grs. || -------... 550-500 544-494 Phoen, EL. 216 g. Aegin. AR Phoen, AR 105 g. Stat. 184 grs. (W.C. 1890, p. 4) 500 Chian AR 122 grs. 500-387 478-412 494-394 Phoen, AR Cyzicene EL. Aegin. AR 2 dr. 109 grs. * Stat. 184 grs. 450 - 4 dr. 236 grs. Persic AR 2 dr. 122 grs. Dr. 72 grs. Dr. 57 grs. 400 - 412-350 Chian AR * * 4 dr. 235 grs. 394-300 350 risiºn Dr. 57 grs. Phoen. AR. 90 ſ. Dr. 56 grºs. 300 --- - -ºs--- *-** -- 300-200 After 300 Lysimachus Phoen, AR 4 Drachms Dr. 47 grs. and 250 | Rhodian AR l)rs. 55 grs. 200 --- ---- 190-133 190-133 190-133 190-133 Alexandrine | Alexandrine | Alexandrine Attic AR. 4 drs. 4 drs. 4 drs. 4 dr. 256 grs. and 150 || Attic Drachms 64'5 grs. After 133 Attic AV 43 grs. 100|Attic AR 15 grs. Tter B.o. 84 Attic AR Dr. 6() liv INTRODUCTION. B.C. | COLOPEION. EPIHESUS. PHYGIELA. MAGNIESIA. 700 700-480 650 Phoen, EL. 600 Stat. 217 grs. Trite. 71 grs. Hecte 36 grs. 550 - Phoen. AR Dr. 50 grs. 500 500-400 Persic AR 480-415 e 450 | Dr. 84 grs. Phoen. AR 464-449 4 dr. 205 grs. Attic AR 132 grs. Dr. 51 grs. Themistocles 400 ––––– 4 15-295 400-300 Rhod. AR Rhod, AR 4 dr. 237 grs. 350 | Dr. 55 grs. 3 dr. 177 grs. 2 dr. 117 grs. 350-300 350–190 &c. Phoen. AR Phoen. AR 4 dr. 217 grs. 4 dr. 226 grs. 2 dr. 110 grs. 300 Dr. 55 grs. 295-258 *- Lysimachus Lysimachus 4 drs. 4 drs. Attic AB, Attic AR 250 8 ob. 86 grs. 8 ob. 86 grs. 258-202 Rhod. AR 2 dr. 102 grs. 200 190-133 202-133 190-133 Alexandrine Alexandrine Alexandrine 4 Drs. 4 dr. 4 drs. Pergamene 4 dr. Attic AR 150 Atticº an 4 drs. 254 grs. Cistophori After 133 Attic AV stater 100 Dated Cistoph. B. C. 700 650 600 450 400 350 300 150 100 INTRODUCTION, lv SAMOS, PRIEN E. MILETUS. HEIRACLEA. 700-494 700-494 Euboic EL. Babylonic EL. tat. 133 § Stat. 106 grs. Sta - grs Phoen. E.L. Phoen. EL. a:# #s. Stat. 217 grs. #.º. — Aeginetic AR Euboic AR Stat. 190°8 grs. Stat. 135 grs. §º. Dr. 63 grs. with OVA 494-439. Samian AR | |- - - •-- - - - ----- 478–377 4 dr. 204 grs. e 2 dr. 101 grs. Attic AR Dr. 55 grs. # dr. 32°4 grs. 439-394 2 ob. 19.3 grs. Samian AR Dr. 65-7 grs. Attic AR 4 dr. 260 grs. 394-365 Rhod. AR 4 dr. 237 grs. 377-334 3 dr, 178 grs. I’hoem. AR Dr. 59 grs. Stat. 1958 grs. Dr. 56.1 grs. # dr. 27.5 grs. T3:22-205 Rhod. AR 300-200 300-250 2 dr. 104 grS. Phoen. P AR Rhod, AR 8 ob. 76 grs. || 2 dr. 102 grs. Dr. 56 grs. 250- 190 4 ob. 34 grs. Persic AR 3 ob. 27 grs. jº - *----- - - - - - - - - ------ 3 dr. 38'5 grs. 205-129 190-133 190-133 190-133 Alexandrine Alexandrine Attic AW 130 grs. Alexandrine T8. º º 4 drs. Alexandrine 4 drs. ciºpºd 4 drs. Attic AR Dr. 46'5 grs. Cistoph, Stand, 4 dr. 250 grs. 1} dr. 75.3 grs. 4 ob. 38 grs. lvi INTIRODUCTION. § IV. SATRAPAL CoINAGE. The coins of Persian Satraps who struck at various cities on the Satrapal Coinage, west coast of Asia Minor, fall into the period between circ. b.c. 400 and b.c. 840. The actual places of mintage being for the most part doubtful, or at any rate open to dispute, it has been thought better to include all these issues in the volume of Ionia rather than to spread them over several volumes. A strict scientific classification has in this instance, as in that of the early electrum series, been sacrificed for the sake of convenience of reference. These Satrapal coins are figured on pl. xxxi. They are chiefly of Rhodian weight :— Tetradrachm - - - 238-228 grs. (pl. xxxi. 1-3, 5, 6). . Drachm ... - - - 528 , (pl. xxxi. 7). Tetrobol ... - - - 44'4 , (pl. xxxi. 8, 10, 11). Trihemiobol & © e. 15-4 , (pl. xxxi. 13). Concerning the issues of the Persian type, king kneeling, see note on p. 323. The stater of Pharnabazus (pl. xxxi. 5) has been assigned to Cyzicus, but as M. Six has pointed out to me, there is some evidence of its having been issued by Conon in B.C. 395 for the payment of his fleet blockaded in the port of Caunus by Pharax in 396, and delivered in the spring of 395 by Pharnabazus, who came to his aid and supplied him with money. The head of Pharnabazus was, according to M. Six, merely placed on the coin by Conon as a mark of respect and gratitude. The chief objection to this theory is, in my opinion, the presence of the Tunny, the well-known symbol of Cyzicus, which it seems hard to believe was likewise the symbol of Caunus. M. Six also disputes the attribution to Lampsacus of the coins of Orontas and Spithridates (pl. xxxi. 8, 9, 11, 12), preferring to assign them to Adramyteum and the neighbouring towns Iolla and Thebe. IMPERIAL COINAGE. lvii § V. IMPERIAL COINAGE. The coinage of the towns of Ionia under the Roman rule is a Imperial Coinage. Subject which I do not propose to discuss in the Introduction to the present volume, for it is one which cannot be satisfactorily dealt with apart from that of the rest of the Roman province of Asia. The types, whether mythological, historical, or relating to the games and public festivals, are often of con- siderable interest; and the inscriptions, which record the titles of the cities, the names of the local games, and the official status of the eponymous magistrates of the several cities of the province, together with the changes of administration which supervened from time to time, all deserve to be dealt with in a separate treatise, which can hardly be compiled with accuracy before the whole of the coinage of Roman Asia has been completely catalogued. In the meantime, students of the imperial series of Asia Minor may be referred in the first place to Eckhel's Doctrina, to Lenormant’s Monnaie dans l’Antiquité, Tome III., and to my Historia Numorum, as well as to the following works, among others, Marquardt and Mommsen, Handbuch der römischem. Alterthümer, Band iv., Römische Staatsverwaltung, Leipzig, 1881; Waddington’s Asie Mineure, Paris, 1858, Mélanges de Numismatique (2 parts), Paris, 1861–67, and his Fastes des provinces asiatiques, Paris, 1872; . Monceaux, De Communi Asiae Provinciae, Paris, 1885; Guiraud, Les assemblées provinciales dans l'empire romain, Paris, 1887; Buechner, De Neocoria, Giessen, 1888; and Ramsay, Historical Geography of Asia Minor, London, 1890. BARCIAY W. H.E.A.D. h IONIA. T T2gº - 27° - YME. o LARWSSA NEONTE •T - º / } - º . - MYRNA - ** -- *ERYTHRAE)-A - TY --- *. º ---.' . - - º \ - A-A ºx º - {a_I Ecºs º º * **, ſº º *. } º º, N -- Sºay ster R. º \ / \\ 2-Tº-- ~~~~~~~ --- \ * LEBESUS cºlor Metrºopolis - not on - - - ºna- º ºrt- - H33 PHYGE NEAPOLIS Panionion \, ºrméne Y s & "… NAU Lochu, o AMYZON ºn MYus º º, º - --- º º Yº s HERACLEA ºf $ 3 ºiºd. Latinum wº- (Mueºus tº ºr | / - Not e. QIDYM! EUROMHJS - - - or ºranc º The Towns in Ionia are ºn. - red, letters. º Rºmy LASA The Towns in Aeolis, Lydia, and §. o IASUS Caria are in black letters. º English Miles R. *BARGYu.A Q , , , , § 10 20 30 º - | - - - - _sº - 2*** —alº- - - - 26" 27° - - 28 No. Metal. Size. ION I.A., ETC. Obverse. i Reverse. 219.5 TJNATTRIBUTED EARLY ELECTRUM COINS cHIEFLY OF THE COAST TOWNS OF WESTERN ASIA MINOR. : N.B.-For attributed specimens see Cyzicus, Lampsacus, Lesbos, Clazomenae, Ephesus, Erythrae, Miletus, Phocaea, Sardes, | ! t | | Chios, and Samos. (a) PHOENICIAN STANDARD. J’IIth and VIth centuries B.C. St a ter. Two lions' heads to the Three incuse sinkings, the central front in opposite direc- one oblong, the others square. tions, separated by a fish-shaped line ; , the whole within an incuse enclosed in an oval frame. (Miletus or Sardes') (Specific gravity 13-66. Gold contents” about 51 per cent.) [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 970.] [Pl. I. 1.] * The amount of pure gold contained in this and the following speci- mens is calculated from their specific gravity according to the formula given by Dr. K. B. Hofmann (Num. Zeit. I 884 p. 27). Whethor the amounts here set down represent the actual gold contents depends upon the presence or absence of alloy in addition to the gold and silver. Tºš IONIA, ETC. Wt. 2 105.74 | 109'49 EL. | i | | º | ſ ! 109.9 *E. Metal. Size. EL. ' 5 5 55. •5 i Obverse. Reverse. Half St a ters. Floral device consisting of Incuse square. three flowers with a bud in the space between each (conventionalized silphium plants'): the whole forming a raised circular boss, outside which is a circle of dots. (Cyrene') (Specific gravity 15-44. Gold contents about 70 per cent.) [Pl. 1, 2.] Striated surface. Three incuse sinkings, the central (Miletus?) one oblong, the others square: the uniformity of the pattern destroyed by a subsequent restriking. (Specific gravity 12:21. Gold contents about 31 per cent.) | [Borrell, from “Balauck Hissar.”] [Pl. I. 3..] Raised rough square. Incuse square containing cuneiform strokes. (Specific gravity 15:46. Gold contents about 70 por cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. 1. 4.] |Raised circular shield Incuse square within which X: quartered (or wheel of (Miletus? cf. Symbol on pl. III. four spokes); in each nos. 5, 6.) quarter a large pellet. | | (spocific gravity 15:22. Gold contents about 68 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] {Pl. 1. 5.] # I can find no place of this name. Prof. Ramsay thinks that the present Balikesri may be a distortion of Palyk Hissar, in which case Borrell's Balauck Hissar may be the same place as Balikesri, at or near the ancient Hadrianothorae, on the road from the Hermus Valley to Mile- |ºpoli, and Constantinople. (Ramsay, Hist. Geog, 156.) EARLY ELECTRUM . Motal. No. Wt. Size, Obverse. Reverse. Ornamented raised square | Incuse square divided into a half Superposed upon ano- and two quarters. ther raised square, the whole within a square frame divided up into quadraliteral compart- ments. 6|108'42|EL. 5 (Specific gravity 15:18. Gold contents about 68 per cent.) [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 954a.] [Pl. I. 6.] Thirds. Quadripartite linear Incuse oblong divided into two Square, each quarter halves. containing irregular cru- ciform lumps. (2¢) 7| 70°28 |EL, 5 (Specific gravity 1098. Gold contents about 10 per cent.) [Pl. I. 7.] Cock 1. approaching hen | Incuse oblong or double square. 1., with head turned back towards cock. (Dardanus 7) 8. 73'02 |EL. '45 (Specific gravity 12:50. Gold contents about 35 per cent.) [Pl. I. 8.] Sixths. Striated surface. Incuse oblong (double square). (Miletus () 9| 37' |EL, 4 [Pl. I. 9..] Forepart of winged horse|Incuse square, ornamented thus l, of archaic style, *e=s (Lampsacus") º 10| 36.8 |E|, '4 [Pl. 1, 10.] 4. IONIA, ET(3. 13 14 18" |EL, 3 14" |EL. 25 9. [E.L. 25 Metal. No.] Wt. * Obverse. W Reverse. Eighths (P) Raised circular shield on Incuse square. which three ornaments back to back, each con- taining pellets, Gº) : border of dots. 11| 26°5 |EL. 3 [Borrell, Smyrna.] [Pl. I. 11.] - Floral device consisting of Incuse square. three conventionalized silphiums? springing from a central boss of triangular form. (Cyrene') 12| 27°5 |EL. 35 [Whittall Salo 1886, Lot 1575.] [Pl. I. 12.] Twelfth. Swastika within a linear || Incuse square. square. (Corinth '') [Pl. i. 13.] Sixteenth (?) Ram's head r. (Cebrenia?)|Incuse square. [Pl. i. 14.1 Twenty-fourths. Griffin seated l., in front |Incuse square, within which dots. X. [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 1024.] [Pl. 1, 15.] f EARLY ELECTRUM. No. Wt, * Obverse. Reverse. Griffin's head l. |Incuse square. 16| 8:8 |EL. “25 [Bank Collection.] [PI. I. 16.] Ram's head r. Incuse square. (Cebrenia') 17| 8-8 |EL. 25 [Borrell, Smyrna.] Irregular lumpy type, Incuse Square. possibly a lion’s head. 18| 8-9 |EL. 25 [Borroll, Smyrna.] Striated surface. Incuse square. (Miletus?) 19| 9 |EL. 2 |[Cf. Pl. 1. 9..] Thirty-sixth (P). Archaic human head l., | Incuse square roughly quartered. of goat-like aspect. * • 9) 20|| 6 EL, 2 [Borrell, Smyrna.] [Pl. I. 17.] Forty-eighths. 21| 4-2 |EL. 2 | Swastika. (Corinth') |Incuse square. [Num. Chron., 1887, Pl. x. 26.] 22 4-S EL. 2 (Swastika ż) | Owl', r., wings closed; in Incuse Square. front, olive-spray" (Athens 2) 23| 4-6 |EL. 15 [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Num, Chron., 1887, Pi. x. 43.] IONIA, ETC. No. Wt. * Obverse. ! Reverse. Flower % uncertain ob-, Stellate flower of eight petals with jects in field, r. and l. central boss, incuse. (Erythrae 7) 24. 4-1 |EL. 2 [Nowton, Halicarnassus, Vol. II., part ii., p. 648.] Uncertain type. |Incuse Square. 25 4'4 |EL, °15 [Lawson, Smyrna.] Uncertain type. |Incuse square, containing Scorpion. 26|| 3-8 EL. 15 [Lawson, Smyrna.] Ninety-Sixths. Human eye. (Eresus?) |Incuse square. 27] 2-1 |EL. 15 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. I. 18.] 28, 2.9 |EL. 15 Crab. (Cos ?) |Incuse square, quartered. 29| 1.9 |EL. 15 Top of Silphium ? Incuse Square. (Cyrene P) - 30 2-1 |EL. 15 [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 1133c.] [Num. Chron, 1887, Pl. x, 32.] EART,Y ISLECTRUM. 7 No. 31 33 Q Wt. Metal. Size. ~ *----- - - … ------------ --- *--------~~ Obverse. Reverse. 216-97 215.72 17.5 E.L. 75 (3) PHOENICIAN STANDARD. Circ. wo. 500, or earlier. Staters. Sphinx seated r. (Chios.)|Incuse square. (Specific gravity 12:09. Gold contents about 29 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. 1, 19.] Forepart of winged horse |Quadripartite incuse square. l., above (Lampsacus P) Gold contents about 31 per cent.) [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 779.] (Specific gravity 12:26. [Pl. i. 22.] For later electrum staters of this type, weighing 237-233 gr., see under Lampsacus. Eagle of archaic style |Quadripartite incuse square. standing 1., with head turned back, on a hare: border of dots. (Abydus P) (Specific gravity 12:06, Gold contents about 28 per cent.) [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 820.J [Pl. I, 23.] A stater of this type, but with a dolphin in front of the eagle, and with- out the hare, weight 217 grs. (Num, Chron. 1875, Pl. vii. 7), is of an earlier period. IONIA, ETC. No. - - --...--------~~~~ Wt. Metal. Size. | Obverse. Reverse. sº 37 38 215.79 216' 12 215-17 216.72 2 1. 7 3 7 EL. E.L. 75 FL. 8 EL. 75 EL. 75 Cock r., above bor- Quadripartite incuse Square. der of dots. (Dardanus P) (Specific gravity 12.84. Gold contents about 40 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. 1. 24.] Sow r. (Methymma P) |Quadripartite incuse Square. Gold contents about 38 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] (Specific gravity 1273. [Pl. 1. 25.] Horse prancing 1. ; be-|Quadripartite incuse square. neath, flower : border of dots. (Cyme () (Specific gravity 11:54. Gold contents about 20 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. I. 26.] Forepart of bull r., look- Quadripartite incuse square. ing back. (Samos ?) (Specific gravity 11:58. Gold contents about 21 per cent.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. 1. 20.] Forepart of winged boarr. Quadripartite incuse square. (Clazomenae ) (Specific gravity 12.73. Gold contents about 38 per cent.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. 1. 21.] The above staters seem to be nearly contemporary, but whether they belong to the mints above suggested, or were all struck at the Bame mint, is a doubtful point. Dr. J. P. Six is of opinion that all these staters were struck at Chios during the 5th century (Num. Chron. 1890, 219), but his arguments are hardly convincing. For earlier staters of the Bame standard, see Pl. I. 1, and Pl. III, 4, 5, 8 (Ephesus, Miletus); also Num, Chron. 1875, Pl. vii. 2, 3, 7 (Sardes and Dardanus). EARLY ELECTRUM. No. wº. . Obverse. Reverse. 40 252'98 |EL. “ Lion's head l., of very ar-|Rough incuse square. 39 |248-27 |EL. '75 41 || 252-6 |EL. 75 42 25.2°5 |EL. 75 (y) PHOCAïC STANDARD. VIIth and VIth centurieg. State rs. chaic style, with open jaws and protruding tongue. (Old Smyrna? before B.C. 585.) (Specific gravity 14:36. Gold contents about 59 per cent.) [Borrell, Smyrna.] [Pl. II. 1.] Tunny fish upwards, be- |Incuse square containing irregular tween two fillets, each branching lines, and, outside (as ending in lotus flower. countermark 2), smaller incuse (Cyzicus?) square containing scorpion. (Specific gravity 14:32. Gold contents about 59 per cent.) [Num. Chron., 1875, Pl. x. 7.] Chimaera advancing 1. Two incuse squares, one larger than (Zeleia? Num. Chron., the other. 1875, p. 285, but pos- sibly Sicyon?) (Specific gravity 13-67. Gold contents about 51 per cent.) [Pl. II. 2.] Centaur carrying off a Deep incuse square quartered. woman who clasps him round the neck. (Thrace or Thasos ?) (Specific gravity 14'83. Gold contents about 64 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 3..] For other staters of this standard (types, Seal, Griffin's head) attri- buted to Phocaea, see Head (Hist. Num., p. 506). C 10 IONIA, ETC. Wt. Metal. | Size. Obverse. Reverse. 43 44 45 46 47 48 42°5 40°3 19.1 EL. "4 EL. '4 EL, °3 EL, °35 EL. 25 Sixths. Lion's head in outline, of Rough incuse square. very archaic style, with open jaws, 1. on circular shield. (Old Smyrna P before B.C. 585.) [Thomas Sale 1844, Lot 2152.] [Pl. II. 4.] Two cocks face to face. Incuse square of mill-sail pattern. (Dardanus?) [Pl. II. 5.] Raised square quartered. | Incuse square quartered. [Pl. II. 6.] Twelfths. Goose standing r. with |Rough incuse square. head turned back. (Eion ?) [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 397.] [Pl. II. 7.] Horse's head r. |Quadripartite incuse square. [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 764a.] [Pl. II. 8.] Swastika upon a raised [Incuse Square irregularly divided square flanked by four into four parts. crescents; horns out- wards. [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 381a.] [Pl. II. 9..] FARLY ELECTRUM. 11 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. Twenty-fourths. Swastika on raised square |Incuse square divided into four flanked by a pair of parts. dots on each side '. 9 |EL. 25 8-7 |EL. 25 No dots. | [Borrell, Smyrna.] 10 |EL. 25|Swastika less distinct. [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 381b.] [Num. Chron., 1887, Pl. XI. 53.] Ram's head l. Incuse Square. (Cebrenia?) 10:1 |EL. 25 [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 833.] [Pl. II. 10.] Horse's head l. Incuse square contāining four lumps in cruciform pattern. 9°4 |EL. 25 [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 870.] [Pl. II. 11.] Forty-eighths. Goat's head l. |Incuse square within which -*. 5°2 |EL. 2 [Borrell, Smyrna.] Horse's head r. |Quadripartite incuse Square. 5°2 |EL. 2 [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 764c.] [Num. Chron., 1817, Pl. XI. 56.] 12 IONIA, ETC, Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 56 57 11.8 3.5 EL, °15 (3) AEGINETIC STANDARD 2 VIIth and VIth centuries, Twelfth. Tortoise / |Incuse square. [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 12.] It is very doubtful whether the type of this coin is really a Tortoise. There is however an electrum stater of the Tortoise type in the French collection. (Head, Hist. Num, p. 331 sq., and Num. Chron., 1875, P1. VIII. 16.) Forty-eighth. Crayfish (&arakós) or Incuse Square. Scorpion. [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 1133a.] [Pl. II, 13.] EARLY ELECTRUM. 13 No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 58 59 60 61 62 63 123°46 44'4 44-7 44'1 44'32 43'8 EL. "45 EL. “4 5 EL. “45 EL. '4 EL, '4 (e) EUBOfC STANDARD. VIIth and VIth centurieg. Stater 8. Gorgon-head facing, of Cruciform incuse with a large pellet very archaic style: hair in each limb, and a deeper cir- dotted. (Parium ?) cular incuse in the centre con- taining a wheel with a large cen- tral boss. [Attributed to Eretria (?), Num. Chron., 1887, p. 287.] (Specific gravity 12-12. Gold contents about 30 per cent.) [Pl. II. 14.] Thirds. Lumpy type of uncertain Incuse Square. form. [Num. Chron., 1875, p. 276.] [Found at Priene.] [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 15.] Lumpy type of uncertain form. [Num. Chron., 1887, Pl. x, 35.] [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 954b.] Incuse Square. Same dies. [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. II. 16.] Lumpy type of uncertain |Incuse square. form. [Num, Chron., 1887, p. 288, Chalcis (?)] (Specific gravity 13:47, Gold contents about 49 per cent.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. II. 17.] Lumpy type of uncertain ()TII] . Incuse Square. [Found at Astypalaea, Borrell.] [Cat. Cent. Gr., Chalcis (?), p. 106, 2.] [Pl. II. 18.] 14 IONIA, ETO. W5. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 64 65 66 67 68 40' 6 45'83 21-79 20-59 EL. '4 EL. " 4 EL. 35 EL. 35 EL, °35 Wheel of eight spokes, apparently double struck. Incuse square. [Num. Chron, 1887, p. 288, Chalcis (P)] [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 956a.] [Pl. II. 19.] Tetraskelis or swastika with a pellet in each angle, and one at the centre : the whole en- closed in a linear square 7 with zigzag lines outside it. (Specific gravity 13-65. Gold contents about 51 per cent.] [Whittall Sale 1886, Lot 955a.] [Pl. II. 20.] Incuse Square. Sixths. Eagle flying r. |Incuse square. [Cat. Cent. Gr., Chalcis (?) p. 106, 3.] (Specific gravity, 14:11. Gold contents about 56 per cent.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] [PI. II. 21.] Wheel of four spokes. |Incuse Square. [Cat. Cent. Gr., Chalcis (?) p. 106, 5.] (Specific gravity 14:43. Gold contents about 60 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 22.] Wheel of four spokes|Incuse Square. with large pellet in centre. [Cat. Cent. Gr., Chalcis (?) p 106,4.] (Specific gravity 13:20 Gold contents about 45 per cent.) [Pl. II. 23.] EARLY ELECTRUM. 15 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Lumpy type of uncertain |Incuse square. form, similar to No. 59. 69 22°1 |EL. 35 [Found at Priene.] [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 24.] Uncertain object. |Incuse Square. 70 22°2 |EL. .3 [Found at Priene.] [Bank Collection.] [Pl. II. 25.] Forepart of goat (or Incuse square. horse P) r. 71 21:1 |EL. 3 [Pl. II. 26.] Four cuneiform strokes Incuse circle. thus = 72 22°5 |EL, °3 [Pl. II. 27.] Animal l., with long ears, Incuse square. long hind legs, and long tail, above ºn e 73 | 20-3 |EL. 3 [Pl. II. 28.] Twelfth. Similar animal r. |Incuse square. 74 9-7 |EL, 2 [Pl. [Borrell, Smyrna.] II. 29.] 16 IONIA, ETC. 2 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AE 1.65 AE 1.65 |ONIAN LEAGUE OF THIRTEEN CITIES.” Antoninus Pius. AVKAI TIAIAAPI | KO |NONITTTO/\e ONTTPOM A NOCANTONG IN K/\@PONTONACIAPXKAI OCeV Bust of Anto- APX|| TTTO /\e QN Hades ninus Pius 1., laur.; wears with flying chlamys in quadriga of paludamentum. galloping horses r., carrying off Per- Sephone and holding sceptre. The horses are driven by a small winged figure of Eros above their heads, holding torch and reins; beneath the horses a basket of flowers overturned. Same die. KOIN ON | TTTO/\EQNTTPOM K/\@PONTON ACIAPXKA | APX|TITTO/\e QN Demeter r., in biga drawn by winged serpents ; she holds a long torch in each hand ; drapery flying behind her. * The Ionian cow8v consisted originally of the following 12 cities Clazomenae, Colophon, Ephesus, Erythrae, Lebedus, Miletus, Myus, Phocaea, Priene, Teos, Chios and Samos. About B.C. 700 Smyrna, which had previously been an Aeolic city, was seized by some Ionians, and the number of the Ionian cities thus raised to 13. The couáv held its meetings originally at the Panionion on the northern slope of Mt. Mycale in the territory of Priene. Here stood a temple of Poseidon and a sacred grove. The various cities on the occasions of the Panionia would send contingents to this spot. Under the Empire, games called Panionia or Panionia Pythia were held perhaps elsewhere, e.g. at Colophon P (Hist. Num. 494), Ephesus (ib. 498), Miletus (ib. 505), Smyrna (ib. 510). The coins struck for the Festival under Antoninus Pius and M. Aurelius bear no city name. They were struck under the supervision of M. Cl. Fronto, Asiarch and Archiereus of the thirteen cities. In addition to the two types described above, three others are known, viz., Ant. Pius R. Herakles giving his hand to Iolaos (Bibliothèque Nationale Paris); M. Aurelius Caesar, R/ Temple of Artemis Ephesia (Milan); M. Aurelius Caesar, R. Tyche standing (Paris, Mion. iii. p. 62, no. 5). The word variously abbreviated TTPO, TIPON, Ol' TTPONO, stands for Tpovomºévros, trpovohoſauros, trpovomarapévov or Tpovoſº, (cf. Dittenberger, Syllog. Inscr. Gr. 238, 267, and Boeckh, C. I. G. 2633, 2930 B, 3408, 4591), and not for Tpovouf? [privilegio]. The letter M which sometimes follows TIPO and TTPONO, belongs to the name of the Asiarch M.K.A. 4 PONTQNOC, 'Agićpxov (tal 'Apxtepéa's ly tróñewv. The colvövºiávoy must not be confounded with the koivov'Aqſas. (See Mon- ceaux, De Communi Asiae Provinciae, Paris, 1885, p. 94.) CLAZOMENAE, 17 No. | Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. CLAZOMENAE. ELECTRUM. Before circ. B.G. 500. Phoenician Standard. Sixth. T. AA [I: AAIX]?|Two incuse squares of different sizes, Boar's head r. both containing irregular orna- ments, 1 || 35.9 |EL, '4 [Pl. III. 17.] This coin is conjecturally attributed by Dr. J. P. Six to Sadyattes of Lydia. He reads the inscription W.P.A ( = 7 AA 7) See Num. Chron. 1890, p. 211. Stater. Forepart of winged boar|Quadripartite incuse square. flying r., wearing collar of beads. 2 |917.37 E. .75 (Specific gravity 1278. Gold contents about 38 per cent.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] The attribution of these two coins to Clazomenae is doubtful. [Pl. III. 18.] SILVER. Fifth century, B.C. Phoenician Standard. I) idra chrms. Forepart of winged boar, Quadripartite incuse square. flying r. 3 |104-7 ||AR •7 4 106'4 AR 7 D 18 IONIA. No. Wt. * obverse. Reverse. Forepart of winged boar, Quadripartite incuse square. flying r. 5 108-1 ||AR 75 6 ||108" |AR •7 [Pl. VI. 1.] 7 |105.5 |AR 7 | Drachms. 8 || 51' |AR, "55 10| 415 ||AR 55 , ,, * [Pl. vi. 2.] Smaller Denominations. 11| 18-0 |AR ‘4 (Type r.) 12| 16.5 |AR 35 | , , , 13| 15-3 ||AR 35 | , , , 14|| 13" |AR '4 22 7? Incuse of ‘mill-sail’ pattern, in one \ quarter K. [Pl. vi. 3..] Attic Standard P Forepart of winged boar I. Incuse Square, within which Gorgon head. 15|| 30- |AR ‘45 [Pl. VI. 4.] 16| 18.2 |AR 35 |(Type *) | [Pl. vi. 5.] These two coins can be only conjecturally attributed to Clazo- TOl.0109,0, CLAZOMENAE. 19 Obverse. Beverse. .17 18 19 87-8 250-6 261'5 AW 65 AR. 1. 5 5 5 AR •6 Circ. B.C. 387–300. GOLD. Head of Apollo, laur., | K/\ATO Swan standing r, with three-quarter face to-| ſlapping wings. wards r. { beneath, forepart of winged boar r. ; around, AG) HN AſOPA: [Pl. vi. 7.] SILVER. Attic Standard. Tetra dra chrms. K/\ATO . . . . Swanstanding l. with flapping wings, and head turned back pluming his wing. Head of Apollo, laur., three-quarter face to- wards 1., chlamys fas- tened round neck. around, HP AKAEIA [Pl. vſ. 8.] in field 1., G) EOAOTO: KAAT: O Swan's head not ETO El turned back; around, MANAP QNAE [Pl. vi. 9..] Dr a chrms. Head of Apollo, laur., KA A Swan standing l., wings three-quarter face to- open, pluming his breast wards 1., chlamys fas- tened round neck. ANTIQAN H: 20 ION I.A., Metal. Wt. Size. Obverse. Teverse. Head of Apollo, laur., |KA A Swan standing 1., wings three-quarter face to- open. wards l., chlamys fas- tened round neck, 21| 55-6 ||AR • 65 [EO]OYAAMA: (Swan plumes his back). 22| 62-7 |AR -65 TYQEo: !ºf Half-dra chrms, Head of Apollo, laur, KA A Swan standing l., wings three-quarter face to- open. wards 1,, chlamys fas- tened round neck, 23| 29°4 ||AR • 5 AroAAAs in field l, ram's head 1, 2 24, 28°4 |AR, "55 } } , astragalus 2 25, 29.5 |AR 5 EOOYAAMA: (Swan plumes his back). 26|| 3] : Ax '5 MA NAPQNAE 27| 28-3 AR, "5 KAA II MNH3. IG)EO: in field l, kantharos. 28, 29.8 |AR '45 MNH =IGIEo:] } % }} 29, 28.9 |AR, "5 KA A TYG)EO: 30, 31 AR 5 ,, TY.OEo:}x; CILAZOMENAE. 21 Metal. | No. Wt. º Obvorse. Reverse. Similar. K/\A IO Similar. 31|| 28.8 |AR •5 No magistrate's name ; in field T., pedum. After circ. B.C. 190. For gold staters with Philip's types (symbol, forepart of winged boar), see Müller, 309; and for Tetradrachms, with Alexander's types (symbols, forepart of winged boar, forepart of ram, and ram's head), see Müller, 995—998. Bronze. Before B.C. 387. Head of Athena r., wear-|K/\A Ram's head I, ing close-fitting crested helmet with cheek- piece lowered. 32 AE .4 33 AE 4 [Pl. VI. 6.] 34 AE '5 | (border of dots.) Circ. B.C. 387–300. Head of Athena r., wear-|Ram's head r. ing earring, necklace, and crested Athenian helmet, on side of which griſlim T. 35 AE 5 G) EOAO. . . 36 AE •5 (name illegible. 37 AE 55 EANG) H: k' [Pl. VI. 10.] 22 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Teverso. Head of Athena, wear- Ram's head r. ing earring, necklace, and crested Athenian helmet. 38 AE 5 Type 1., helmet adorned |G)EOAOT Oz: with griffin l. and swan r., back to back. 39 AE 45 } ) 55 [ANAEA] To PH: 40 /E '5 25 » : [O]EOAOTo: beneath, fore- part of winged boar r. Head of Athena l., | Ram's head and neck 1. wearing necklace and close-fitting crested hel- met with cheek-piece lowered ; olive-branch and honeysuckle orna- ment on side of hel- met. 41 AE '5 A|ONY:OAOPO: [Pl. vi. 11.] Head of Athena r., wear-|Head and neck of Ram l. ing crested Corinthian helmet bound with olive. * 42 AE '5 ATO/\/\QN |O: [Pl. VI. 12.] IIead of Athena r., wear- KAA Ram's head r. ing crested Corinthian º helmet. 43 AE • 65 44 AE '5 beneath, tº The two last coins, Nos. 43, 44, may belong to a somewhat later period than the previous ones, CLAZOMENAE, 2 3 -- -------------- Motal. t No. Wt. º Obverse, Reverse. IIead of Athena l., wear-|KAAIo Ram recumbent r. ing necklace and close- fitting crested helmet. 45 AE •6 beneath, thunderbolt. [Pl.: VI. 13.] Head of Apollo l., laur. Swan standing l, wings open. 46 AE '45 HPAKAEIA H3 in field 1., forepart of winged boar l. IIead of Apollo r., laur. KAA Forepart of ram r. 47 AE 55 beneath, pedum. Head of Athena r., wear-|Ram walking r. ing crested Corinthian helmet, 48 AE 75 GEYAOPoſ:] 49 AE 65 |Countermark, Star. TYO Eo: in field r, HK countermark, l’row r. [Pl. VI. 14.] 50 AE 75 | 5 * S{l IllC II) OI). Head of Athena r., wear- Ram walking 1. ing crested Athenian helmet. 51 AE '45 H TH: ANAP 24 IONIA. No. Wt, * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., wear-|Ram walking l. ing crested Athenian helmet. 52 AE '4 G) EOK . . . . . 53 AE '45 name illegible. 54 AE 35 KAA type r, no magistrate's Ila Iſle, Head of Athena r, wear- |Ram recumbent 1, ing crested Athenian helmet. 55 AE '45 EYHNop|[AH3] Head of Athena, three-|KAAIOME Ram walking r., quarter face towards r., |N| QN wearing necklace and three-crested helmet, sometimes bound with olive. 56 AE 7 in front, uncertain symbol. 57 ME 65 |countermark incuse A 39 )? 58 AE 6 } % 39 } } thunderbolt, 59 AE 65 %3 } } 2} 2} 60 AE '65 2) 2% 7 5 3) ? 61 AE 7 3 ) } } (inscr. in one line); in front, Trophy. 62 AE •6 no symbol (ram running). CIAZOMENAE. 25 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse, Similar type. No inscr. Similar type r. 63 AE '7 B|QN 64 AE 75 B|QN in front, pellet. [Pl. VI. 15.] 65 AE ‘5 B|QN 2) 55 66 AE 6 KY:NO(pl/\ . . 67 AE •7 MAJNAPQNA E 68 AE - 5 MANAPQNA E 69 AE 45 MA]NAPQNAE 70 AE '45 NYM boAQP[o: 71 AE •5 TYG).ON [Pl. VI. 16.] 72 AE 6 |ÓANATOPHſ: Head of Athena three- KAAI:OME Forepart of run- quarter face towards r., NION ning ram r. wearing necklace, and three-crested helmet. 73 AE 75 beneath, conical object. 74 AE 7 , -B and cornucopiae. E 26 IONIA, No. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. •75 '65 '65 Reverse. Head of Athena three- quarterface towards T., wearing necklace, and three-crested helmet. KAAIOME N | ON AI"O/\AQ N IAH3 E:TIAIO: E:TIA[I] of: |:OAHMO: QANH: Head of Athena r., wear- ing crested Corinthian helmet. K/\AIOM E N |QN in front, star. in front, wreath f KPON |O: rAPMEN1; ko: serpent. To/\YBOY /\o: Forepart of run- ning ram r. Bam recumbent r. [Pl. vi. 17.] in front, CLAZOMENAE. 27 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. After circ. B.o. 300. Head of Zeus r., laur. KAAIOM E Swan with wings N |QN open, standing 1. 87 AE 8 EPMH XI/AOXOX Counter- mark, head of Athena. 88 AE '85 XI MQN 25 22 [Pl. VII. 1.] 89 AE •9 TH |A AHX. Swan stands on caduceus. Same countermark. Similar type. K/\AZO Swan with wings open, M EN 10N standing l. on cadu- CellS, 90 AD 75 | * 9] AE 8 Gorgon head. KAAZOM. Swan with wings N | QN open, standing r., on caduceus. 92 AE 7 93 AE -6 Forepart of winged boarr. KAA To in the four quarters MENI QN of a shallow incuse Square. *. 94 AE 7 |Countermark, ram's head T. IONIA. No. Wt. *::::: Obverse. Reverse, Forepart of winged boar T. KAA IO in the four quarters MEN | QN of a shallow incuse square. 95 AE '65 |ATTO/\/\QN |OX 96 AE 7 |ATTO/\/\QN JOX. 97 AE 7 |EPMHX1/\OXOX N in l. lower quarter. [Pl. VII. 2.] 98 AE 7 |TH IAAHC Caduceus in l. lower quarter. Similar type, K A in two lower quarters of No magistrate's name. shallow incuse square. 99 AE '45 F orepart of winged boar KAA SO Caduceus: the r. : border of dots. M. EN | QN whole in olive wreath. 100 AE 75 101 AE 75 [Pl. VII. 3.] Young male head, dia- KAASO, Philosopher Anaxago- delmed, r. MEN 10N ras seated l. on globe, r. hand raised holding smaller globe P 1. resting on knees, hold- 'ing scroll. 102 AE 7 103 AE 75 Z in inscr. 104 ME ‘8 |Laterstyle: border of dots. , $ 2 [Pl. VII. 4.] CLAZOMENAE. 29 AE '85 [Pl. VII, 5.] No. Wt. *: Obverse. Reverse. Head of Zeus r, laur. KAAZOME] Club r. NION 105 AE •75 106 AE 7 107 AE • 65 Bust of Athena r., wear- KAANO Ram recumbent r., ing crested helmet and | MEN1 ON head facing. aegis. 108 *-*** ****-* = **-* -—w. --------- ~~~. --- -----~~~~ 30 IONIA. No * Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Times. Young male head, diademed, KAAZOM ENI (1N Ram recum- r. : border of dots. bent T., looking back: border of dots. 109| AE '85 [Pl. VII. 6.] 1 10| AE '85 Bust of Athena r., wearing|KAASOM € Winged boat run- crested helmet and aegis: N | QN ning r. : border of border of dots. dots. + 111. AE 65 112 AE '55 KAA SOM € N | ON PQMH CYNKAHT |KAAZOMGN 10N Horseman r., OC Busts, face to face, holding sceptre; his chlamys flying of Roma r, turreted, and behind him ; horse walking : border the Senate 1., laureate : of dots. border of dots. 113 AE 75 KAAS OMeNH Bust |KAASIO MGN 1ſ2N Asklepios of Clazomene turreted T. standing to front, head l. he rests on serpent staff. 114 AE 7 CLAZOMENAE, 31 No. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. Augustus. XEBAXTOX KTIXT KAAZOM Warrior walking T., hold- HX IIead of Augustus|| EN 10N ing round shield. r., laur. 115| AE '85 116| AE •85 K/\AZO MEN ON XEBAXTOX Head of KJAA SO Owl 1 KTIXTHX Augustus |M EN ION e r., bare. 117| AE 6 Inscr. effaced. Head of Au-|KAAZOME Athena advancing r. gustus r., bare ; in front, NION Star. K]TIXTHX. 118. AE 8 KTIXTHX KAAZOMGEA AI BIA Bust of Livia, r. IIead of Augustus r., laur, 1 19| AE 7 Caius and Lucius, Caess. TA|OX AeXKIOX|KAAZOMeNION Horseman r, Busts, face to face, of advancing, his chlamys flying be. Caius and Lucius, barel hind him. headed. 32 IONIA. 123 No. * Obverse. lèeverse. Britannicus Caesar, BPeTANN | KOC KAI K/\AZOMG Ram recumbent r., CAP J3ust of Britan-| N |(0N looking back. nicus r., bare. AE 65 [Pl. VII. 7.] Trajan. AVKA16e OVVON (sic)|KAAZO Me NIQN Emperor Ne PB TPA ANOC in military costume standing facing, CeB Te PM AAKI head l., extending his r, over a 13ust of Trajan r., laur, trophy at foot of which a captive kneels, l. AE 1:25 Hadrian. AVKAITPAIA AAPI |K AAZOM €N ICT PKA66M AN OCCGB Dust of ICTO KA Kybele turreted Hadrian r., laur. ; wear- and veiled, standing facing, head l. ; ing cuirass and aegis, she wears long chiton with diplois and peplos wrapped round her arms; on either side a lion seated with raised forepaw. AE 1.3 Commodus, AYT.A.AYP.K OMO CTPAKAAYA|ANO Y. KAAZ AOC KAICAP Bust| OMEN 10N ISybolo turreted and of young Commodus r., veiled, standing, full face, wearing laur., wearing cuirass and long chiton with diplois and peplos paludamentum. wrapped round her arms; on either side a lion seated with raised forepaw. AE 1 25 [Pl. VII. 8.] CIAZOMENAE. 33 125 AE .7 AE 1: 15 AE 1.55 Obverse. Reverse. A.AY. KOM OAOCK Al CAP Bust of young Commodus r, head bare, wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. K/\AZO MéN |QN Statue of Philosopher Anaxagoras, standing r., naked to waist with left foot on cippus ; he holds, in extended r., globe, his 1. rests on hip. [PI. VII. 9.] Julia Domna. |OYAOMNA CEBAC TH Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. crpºlaangg A AMTOBK/\A O Me N |Q N "Sarapis seated l., wearing modius; he holds patera and sceptre. [Pl. VII. 10.] |OV/\IA CeBACTH | eTT CTKATTEA AAKAAZOMG Bust of Domna r., draped. NION Horseman advancing r., his chlamys flying behind him. Caracalla. AYKAI MAYPH ANT Q[NellNOC Bust of Caracallar., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. ETTCTPKATIe/\/\A K/\AZO MeNIQN Kybele turreted and veiled, standing facing, head l. ; she wears long chiton with diplois and peplos wrapped round her arms; on either side a seated lion. 34 IONIA. No *. Obverse. Reverse. AVTKMA V. ANTQN |CIT . . . . . /\AYP H PAK/\el AOY €|NOC Iłust r., laur., K/\ A of Caracalla, wearing NO Me cuirass and paludamen- NI QN tum. Dionysos standing 1., holding kan- tharos and thyrsos, at his feet, panther, 129 AE 1.2 AYTKMAY ANTONE |KAAZO MéNIQN Asklepios |NO C Bust of Cara- standing facing, head l, resting calla r., laur. ; wearing with r. on Serpent staff. cuirass and paludamon- tum. 130 AE 7 Caracalla and Geta. .AVT.K.M.A.ANTONE|CTP.4 1/\ON OCAA M TOB |NOC K/\A CeB SOM € AVT.K.TTO.CeIT. N | O. N TeTAC. Zeus naked, standing to front, head CEB l., holding on outstretched r, eagle, Busts of Caracalla r., and and resting with 1. on sceptre. Geta 1., face to face, each laur., and wearing cuirass and paludamentum. 131|AF 1'4 [Pl. vii. 11.] Geta. TI C Te TA C KAICA|KAAZO MGN 1ſ2N Asklepios Bust of Geta r., bare; standing facing, head l, resting with wearing cuirass and palud-| r. on serpent staff amentum. 132 AE 8 CLAZOMENAE. 35 No. * Obverse. Toverse. Tl CeTTTE TAC KAIC|Similar. A Similar. 133 AE 75 Severus Alexander. A. K.M.AYP. CéA/\e= | CT. Be M CT OK /\eOYC. K ANAPOC Bust of /\ AZ OMGN | Sev. Alexander r., laur., O.N. wearing cuirass and palud-| Naked warrior, armed with spear, amentum. sword, helmet, and shield, advancing l., and looking back as if inciting his companions to follow.” 134 MB 1 '2 [Pl. VII. 12.] Valerian. A.K.TT./\!.OVA/\eP1A CTAVA. ONV C1 OVKAANO NOC Bust of Valerian M €N |QN r., laur., wearing cuirass Naked warrior as on last coin. and paludamentum. 135| AE 1.05 Same. Same die. CT. A.V. A. ON VCIOVK/\A NOME NIQN Kybele turreted and veiled, standing facing ; she wears long chiton with diplois and peplos wrapped round her arms: on either side a seated lion. 136 AE 1.05 Gallienus. A. K.TI./\!. TA/\/\IH NO |KAAS OMe N10 N Demeter C Bust of Gallienus r., standing l., clad in long chiton ; she laur., wearing cuirass| holds ears of corn, and rests on long and paludamentum. torch. 137 AE 75 * Imhoof (Gr. M., p. 111) suggests that this warrior may be Paralos (Strab. 633), or Parphoros (Paus. vii. 3, 8). 36 IONIA, Metal. $ No. Wt. ; Obverse. Reverse. C O L O PHO N. SILVER, Fifth Century B.C. Persic Standard. I}ra chrms. WQIWQOOAOX. Incuse square, within which lyre of Head of Apollo, of ar- seven strings. chaic style r., laur. 1 | 83" |AR, '65 p [Pl. VIII. 1.] 2 | 84.4 |AR '65 |WOIVAQ4) . . . . style transitional, 3 || 83.4 |AR 65|no inscr., style transi- KIOAO4 [Q. Similar. tional. M]IOſ/V 4 || 83.1 |AR 6 |Head wears taenia. KOAO © Q. NION Similar. Fourth Century, B.C. Rhodian Standard. Drachms. Head of Apollo l, laur. ;|KO/\oq Q. Lyre. hair rolled. THNH3 5 54-7 ||AR, "55 [Pl. VIII. 2.] COLOPHON. 37 Metal. No. Wt. §. Obverse. Reverse. 6 || 538 AR 65 |Head of Apollo 1., laur. ;|KOAO © (). Lyre. N | KIAX hair rolled. 7 || 51.1 |AR 65 3 2 95 TAATON 8 46.1 |AR '6 type r. KO/\O 22 AlOAQPO: MYTAAO: He midra chrms. Head of Apollo l., laur. ; KO/\O4) Tripod. hair rolled. 9 || 24.1 |AR '4 KONN | QN [Pl. VIII. 3..] 10 24.1 |AR '45 | q)YPXON I) iobol. Head of Apollo l., laur. ;|KO/\O4)Cl. Lyre. hair rolled. 11 | 16-7 ||AR '4 THAEq>A 2 (Tn) eqāvms ?) BRONZE, circ. B.C. 400–350. IIead of Apollo r., wear- TAY:ANIA: ing taenia; hair in loose locks. 12 AE '45 Head of Apollor., wearing|Lyre in linear Square. taenia ; hair rolled. 13 AE '4 14 AE * 4 K O /\ IONIA, No. W5. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo l., laur. ;|Inscr. obscure. Lyre. hair rolled. 15 AE '4 Head of Apollo T., wearing|KOAO © QNIQN Lyre. taenia tied in front ; hair in loose locks. 16 AE '4 beneath, T. [Pl. VIII. 4.] Head of Apollo r., wear-|K O Lyre. ing taenia ; hair in loose locks. 17 AE 7 Mo! PAX to r., tripod. [Pl. VIII. 5.] 18 AE 7 32 55 Head of Apollo r., laur. ;| KO Lyre. hair rolled. 19 AE •75 AEONTICKOC to r., spear- head Î Head of Apollo r., laur. ;|Forepart of galloping horse bridled, r. hair in loose locks. 20 AE 55 KO/\O AlO4).A 21 AE •5 33 7 ) 22 AE 6 KO/\ ET"|TONO: 23 AE 55 KO Alon YXoAQ[Po: COLOPHON. 39 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. ;|Forepart of galloping horse bridled, r. hair in loose locks. 24 AE ‘55 |KO EPMOOE: [Pl. VIII. 6.] 25 AE 55 KO KAEANAP 26 AE 55 KO/\ AEOAAMA: Circ. B.C. 350–300. Head of Apollo r., K O A Horseman prancing laur., with flowing r., chlamys flying behind him, hair. armed with helmet, cuirass, and spear couched. 27 AE •7 ,, AM EMTITO: behind, lyre. 28 AE '65 ,, TAAYKO: 25 53 29 AE •75 K]O /\ , AHI KAO: be- hind, lyre. 30 AE 7 95 EP]MIT TIo: ? , 31 ‘|AE 7 K O /\ , H TH:IANAE , 32 AE 8 K O/\ , HAIANAIE , [Pl. VIII. 7.] 33 AE •7 KO /\ , IKE:IO: 32 34 AE •75 22 MHTPO . . . . . 7 ) 2? 40 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur., |Horseman prancing r., chlamys with flowing hair. flying behind him, armed with helmet, Cuirass, and spear couched. 35 AE • 55 KO /\ , TAATON ? Head of Apollo r., laur., Horse walking r., with foreleg raised. with flowing hair; bor- der of dots. 36 AE '45 name illegible. Similar type. KO Forepart of galloping horse r. 37 AE '45 THAETONOſ: After circ. B.o. 300. Horseman prancing r., KO/\O4)() NION Apollo Kitha- chlamys flying behind roedos standing r., with lyre in him, armed with hel-| 1., before tripod, over which he met, cuirass, and spear holds patera. couched ; beneath horse, hound run- ning r. 38 AE 8 E]Tl|TONOX. [Pl. VIII. 8.] 39 AE •8 » : Bust of Artemis r., wear-|KO/\oq QNION The pilei of ing stephane ; at her the Dioscuri laur. and surmounted shoulder, bow and by stars. Quiver. 40 AE 6 ETI ITONOIX 41 AE 6 MHTPoAQPoſ> [Pl. VIII. 9..] COLOPTION. 41 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. KO/\O4)(ON |QN Homer seated l., chin resting on r. Apollo Kitharoedos, hand and holding with 1. a scroll with lyre in l., advanc. upon his knees. ing r. ; holding in r. patera. 42 AE •7 Aſ C/\/\AX [Pl. VIII. 10.] 43 AE •7 |TIYOEox After circ. B.C. 189. For tetradrachms of Alexander’s types, with lyre and KO/\O, see Müller, 1007–14, IONIA. [Pl. VIII. No. º Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Coinage. Trajan. AVKAI6eOVVO (sic)|KO/\Oq QN |ONKAAPIA N €PBATPAIANOC, Cultus-image of Artemis Klaria, her CeBITEPM Head of head surmounted by modius and a Trajan P., laur. fillet hanging from each hand. 44 || AE '95 AVKAIeeOVVQNeP APTeMICKA APIA KOAO .. TPAIAN OCCETEP Similar type. M A Similar type. 45 || AE 1:25 Julia Domna. |OV/\|A AOMNA €TTICTPTIBKA MVPQNOC CGB Bust of Julia | TOB º Domna r., draped. KO/\ O4) QN | QN Athena standing 1., holding in r. patera, and in l. shield and spear. 46 || AE 1.2 Caracalla. - AVT K M AVP AN | KO/\OÖ ON | ON (in ex.): €TTI TQNe|NOC Head CTPITI, ANTON AMMI of Caracalla r., laur. [ANOV]*BApollo Klarios naked to waist, seated l. ; holding laurel branch and resting on lyre : before him Artemis, standing l., looking back, clad in long chiton with diplois and holding long torch; behind him Nemesis, standing l., clad in long chiton and peplos, with right arm bent, plucking chiton at breast, and holding in 1. cubit rule. 47 AE 1.3 11.] COI/OPEION. 43 48 49 53 Metal, Size. Obverse. Reverse. AVT.M.AVP.ANT O. KO/\Oq QNION Sarapis or NG|NOC Head of IIades seated 1., wearing modius and Caracalla r., laur. resting on sceptre, his r. extended over Kerberos at his feet. AE •85 Gordian III. AYTK MANTTOPAI Eri CTF KAAAINEIKOY KOA ANOC Dust of Gor-| Oq Q NIQN Apollo Klarios dian r., laur. ; Wearing naked to waist, seated l., holding cuirass and paludamen-| laurel-branch downwards and rest- tum. ing on lyre. AE 1:15 Similar. eſhCTPAYPM APKOYKOAO QQN |QN Same type. AE 1.15 Philip Senior. AYT KM IOY pl/\| KOAO ©0NIQN Same type. Iſlſ. OC Bust of Philip r., laur. AE '85 Similar. KO/\OQ) QN |QN Ram walking r. AE 6 Otacilia. .M.QTAK. .IEBHPA. | ETI CTPA. AYP. At KIQN4) Bust of Otacilia r. l/\OCGB KO /\O Q) Q N | QN Cultus-image of Artemis Klaria, her head surmounted by modius, and her hands supported by two props standing each in an urn ? AE 1.2 [Pl. VIII. 12.] 44 ION I.A. No Metal. —- Size. Obverse. Reverse. Same die. KO/\O4) () NION Homer seated r., naked to waist, holding in extended 1. an open Scroll. 54 AE 1.1 Trajan Decius. AYTTPA ANOCACK! || KO/\OQ) () N | QN Tyche OC Bust of Trajan standing 1., wearing modius and Decius T., laur. ; wear- holding rudder and cornucopiae. ing paludamentum. 55 || AE '85 Etruscilla. ePene"TPOVCK1/\/\A|er, CTPAQ)/\ATAGO KAGOVC CeB Bust of Etruscilla KO/\O4) C)N | ON Apollo r., draped and wearing| Klarios naked to waist, seated 1., stephane ; behind her holding laurel-branch downwards | shoulders, crescent. and resting on lyre. 56 AE 1:1 Same die. ei'iCTFAQ)/\AſAGO KAeOVC KO/\O4)(). N | ON Naked male figure (Athlete P) walk- ing r, his arms hanging at his sides and fists clenched. 57 AE 1:1 [Pl. VIII. 13.] IIerennius Etruscus. KY.eP.eTP.Me, Aeki ſeriCT A4AATAGO KAe OVC OC, KAI 3ust of KO/\O4) QN | QN Apollo Herennius Etruscus r., | Klarios naked to waist, Seated 1., bare-headed; wearing cui- holding laurel-branch and resting on rass and paludamentum. Jyre. Same die as No. 56. 58 || AE 1'2 [Pl. VIII. 14.] COLOPHON. 45 61 [Pl. VIII. No. º Obverse. Roverse. Volusian. AVT, K.T.OVIB.OVOA eTTICTP AVP AG H NAI 8 OVCIA NOC. Bust || KO/\ O of Volusian r., laur. ; ©ON | Q N. wearing cuirass and palu- Homer naked to waist, seated r., damentum. holding in extended I. an open scroll. 59 || AE 1.15 [Pl. VIII. 15.] Valerian. AVTKTTOAIKINOVA GTTICTPITT]AI KAA Al Ne IK /\e PIANOC Bust of | R5 KO/\O © QN | ON Tetra- Valerian r., laur. ; wear- style temple within which seated ing cuirass and paluda-| statue of Apollo Klarios 1. ; across mentum. the field in front of the temple TO KO|NON TON | QN QN beneath which bull r., approaching a flaming altar. In the foreground, standing in a semi-circle, are the figures of the thirteen cities of the Ionian League, each with hand raised, holding wreath P 60 | AF 1:25 16.] (See Supra, p. 16, note on the icolvöv 'Idºva v.) AVT.K.TTO/\|KIOVA/\ GPIANOC Iłust of Valerian r., laur. ; wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum, (Countermark B). Similar. (Countermark B.) €TTI T (sic) TT Al KAAAI Nel KOVKO/\OQ) (). NION Apollo Klarios naked to waist, seated 1., holding laurel-branch downwards and resting on lyre. ei'i CT fi Al KAAA INSIKö. KO/\O4)(). N |QN Same type. 46 IONIA. 1Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Similar. eriCTP TTO Al Ce BH Pe (Countermark B.) |N & KO /\ O © QN |QN Homer naked to waist, seated r., holding in extended 1. an open scroll. 63 || AE 1.05 Gallienus. AVTKTTO/AIKTA/\/\I |er'ICT’ſ AICeBHPe INXKOA HNOC Bust of Gallie- OQPQN |Q. N Athena nus r., laur. ; wearing standing 1., wearing helmet and cuirass and paludamen- long chiton with diplois; she holds tum. in r. patera, and rests with 1. on Countermark B.) shield and spear placed on the ground beside her. 64 AE 1. [The countermarks on the above coins (nos. 61–64) are probably marks of value, indicating that the coins were pieces of 2 Assaria. See Imhoof, Gr. M., p. 681.] EPEIESUS. 47 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 216.5 71 ° 24 67-54 36. EL, '85 EL. EL. ' EL. 35 EPHESUS. Sixth century B.C., or earlier. ELEOTRUM. Phoenician Standard. State r. AMA-1M2.*OW2\AQD|Three incuse sinkings, that in the (qPávos épºi o figua) Stag| centre oblong, the others square, r., with head lowered. all filled with irregular transverse lines. (Specific gravity 12:58. Gold contents about 36 per cent.) [Bank Collection.] [Pl. III. 8.] Thirds. Bee in linear Square. Oblong incuse divided into two squares, filled with irregular trans- verse lines. (Specific gravity 11:20. Gold contents about 14 per cent.) [Pl. III. 9..] Similar. |Similar. (Specific gravity 1070. Gold contents about 5 per cent.) [Pl. III. 10.] Sixth. Forepart of stag l., head |Incuse square, filled with irregular turned back, in front •: transverse lines. [Pl. III. 11.] The attribution of these electrum coins to Ephesus is not absolutely certain. Gardner, AWWºm. Chrom. 1878, p. 262, attributes no. 1 to Hali- C8, I'll B, SSU18. 48 IONTA, NO. Wt. *l. Obverse. Reverse. SILVER, Before circ. B.o. 480. Phoenician Standard. Drachms. Bee crawling 1. Incuse Square roughly quartered. 5 50-3 ||AR ‘45 [Pl. Ix. 1.] Bee with curved wings;|Incuse square quartered. in field, to 1. of its head, a volute : border of dots, 6 || 49'4 |AR, "5 - [Pl. Ix. 2.] Circ. B.C. 480–450. Drachns. E © Bee with |Incuse Square quartered. curved wings; in the field, on either side, a volute: border of dots. 7 || 51.2 |AR 7 º 8 || 49°4 |ZR 65 9 || 49'4 AR 65 [Pl. Ix. 3..] Diobol. Similar. Similar. 10 | 16-7 AR 4 EPHESUS. 49 II No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.C. 450—415. Tetra dra chrm. E® E: I Bee with Incuse square quartered. W O curved wings: border of dots. | 11 | 205. AR 1. [Pl. IX. 4.] Drachms. Similar. Similar. 12 || 49' |AR, '65 | 3 || 47.7 ||AR, "55 Circ. B.o. 415–394, Didra chrms. E 4 Bee with curved Incuse square quartered, wings : border of dots. 14 || 1 || 7 ||AR, 7 15 117. AR 7 [Pl. IX, 5.] 16||1169 AR 65|beneath, TIMAPX [Head, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. I. 17.] Drachm. E 4) Bee with straight| Incuse square quartered. wings: border of dots. 17 | 47.8 ||AR •5 IONIA. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Hermidra chrm. E 4 Bee with curved Incuse square quartered. wings: border of dots. 28°5 AR ‘45 24-6 ||AR ‘45 T}r a chrm. E 4) Bee with curved Incuse square quartered by two wings: border of dots.] broad bands, on one of which, TI/WH]XIANALE 42.7 |AR, "55 [Head, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. I. 18.] He midra chrm. E 4) Bee with straight|Similar. wings : border of dots. 2' 25° 4 ||AR ‘45 on band, HPoſNHTſo: 22° 2 AR, 45 22 TO/\YKPATH: 26. AR ‘45 27 : IMO: Tet arterm or ion ? Similar E® Incuse square, within which eagle's or griffin's head r. 2.4 ||AR 25 EPHESU8. 51 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.C. 394–387. Rhodian Standard, Tridra chrm. Federal coinage of Ephesus, Rhodes, Cnidus, Iasus, and Samos. : N Infant| E 4) Dee with curved wings : Herakles r. strangling| border of dots; the whole in in- two serpents; around | cuse circle. his body, crepundia. 25 176.6 |AR 85 beneath, T E [Pl. Ix. 6.] Tetra dra chrms. E © ISec with curved Forepart of kneeling stag r., with wings : border of dots. head turned back ; behind, date- palm tree. 26 216-3 ||AR, 9 A][PIAAG)H: holed. 27 || 235-3 AR, .95 API:ToAEQ[: [Pl. Ix. 7.] 28 || 233" |AR, 95 OEOAQPO: 29 || 232'3 ||AR '85 |TTINo: [Head, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. II. 3..] Circ. B.C. 387–295. E (p Ree with straight|Forepart of kneeling stag r., with wings: border of dots. head turned back ; behind, date- palm tree. 30 228.8 |AIR 9 A/\KEIAH3 31 233 6 AR 1.0 A/\KITTO: IONIA. 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 44 45 46 Metal. Wt. Si. Obverse. Reverse. E 4 Bee with straight|Forepart of kneeling stag r., with wings: border of dots, head turned back; behind, date- | * palm tree. 230" | AR, 1-0 ATO/\/\OAQPO: 234. AR 95 API:TOAHMO: 231'4 AR 1.0 APX|AAMO: 237-3 ||AR •95 TOPTOTA: 227.8 ||AR. 1.0 AANAO: 231-2 ||AR, 9 AHMATOPH: 234.2 |AR, 9 Aſ NEA: [Pl. Ix. 8.] 230°5 AR, 9 EKATOKAIH: 2287 |AR, 95 Eoxopos 233'5, AR -9 EYKTITO: 222. AR 9 EXEAAMA: 229° 5 ||AR •9 IHNOAOTO: 228°6. AR, 95. HTE/\OXO: 228. AR 9 OEON (tooled) 225.7 * 1-0 OPA:Y/\OXO: EPHESUS. 53 NO, Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. E 4) Pee with straight|Forepart of kneeling stag r., with wings: border of dots. head turned back ; behind, date- palm tree. 47 230.9 |AR, 9 II"To KPITo: 48 || 232* |AR •95 KAPNQSP 49 229°5 AR 95 MEAATTPIA[A: 50 || 230.7 |AR, 9 TEPI:TPA[TO: 51 || 231-2 ||AR, 95 TO/\YKAH: 52 229 |AR, 95 :QBIO: Diobol. Similar. E4 Two stags' heads face to face. 53 |, 14-2 ||AR 35 [Pl. Ix. 9..] Trihermio bol. Similar E 4) Forepart of kneeling stag r., with head turned back. 54 | 12'3 |AR .3 |Pl. Ix. 10.] Circ. B.C. 295–288. Attic Standard. Octobols. Head of Artemis r., wear-E4 E Strung bow and quiver : ing stophane, shoulders beneath, bee. draped: border of dots. 55 | S6' |AR 75 EXEANATE [Pl. x. 4.] 54 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Artemis r., wear- E 4) E Strung bow and quiver; ing stephane, shoulders beneath, bee. draped: border of dots. 56 || 76'2 |AR •8 IQſ"YPOX restruck on coin of same type bearing magistrate's name MNHXAPX[OX. 57 || 76.8 |AR 75 TYA]?ITITIOx (For coins of Lysimachus struck at Ephesus in this period, see Head, Coimage of Ephesus, p. 42.) BRONZE, Circ. B.C. 305—288. E 4 Boe with straight|Stag kneeling 1., with head turned wings. back ; in field above, astragalus. 58 AE 75 ANTIA/\KIAAX [Pl. x. 1.] 59 AE •75 I]:TIAIo: 60 AE 75 |T TO:G) ENH: 61 AE 75 (p1/\O:TPATO: 62 AE 7 name illegible Similar. Similar. 63 AE 5 ſyA]?ITTox 64 AE 55 |EO EAG).ON [Pl. x, 2.] EPFIESUS. 55 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Similar. Similar. 65 AE 55. MOPIMOX 66 AE '4 X]QXIKPATHIX 67 AE - 5 (no astragalus or magistrate's name visible.) Female head 1., turreted. |E 4 Bee with straight wings. 68 AE '4 [Pl. x. 3..] 69 AE '4 70 AE '4 Ephesus under the name Arsinoë, B.O. 288—280. SILVISIR. Attic Standard. Ó ctobol. Head of Arsinoë to r., APXI Strung bow and quiver; veiled : border of dots. beneath, bee. * - E 71 82.1 (AR 8 To NEYX [Pl. x. 5.] 56 IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | 72 74 75 76 77 AE '65 AE '65 AE '5 IBRONZE, Head of Arsinoë r., veiled.|AP XI Stag kneeling 1., with head turned back : in field above, astragalus. APICTAloC [Pl. x. 6.] APIXTAI . . Head of Arsinoë r., veiled. AP] XI Forepart of kneeling stag r, with head turned back: in field 1., astragalus. TAAA! . . P (For coins of Lysimachus struck at Ephesus while it bore the name Arsinoë, see Head, Coinage of Ephesus, p. 45.) Ephesus 2 under name Eurydicea, Before B.O 280. Head of Eurydice, daugh-|EYPYA|KEQN Tripod, upon ter of Lysimachus, r., which laurel wreath. [Pl. X. 7.] veiled. These coins have been already described and attributed to Eu- rydicea Macedoniae (Cat. Mac., p. 75, and Introd., p. xxxix.). Dr. von Sallet (Beschreibung d. Ant. Münzen, Bd II. 88), on the evidence of a specimen with a Bee in the field, which was found at Ephesus, has restored them to Ephesus or its immediate neighbourhood. EPHESUS. 57 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. EPHESUS. Circ, B.C. 280–258. SILVER, Attic Standard. octobols. Head of Artemisr., wear- E 4) Forepart of kneeling stag ing stephane and ear-| r., with head turned back ; be- ring ; at her shoulder hind, date-palm tree ; in field T., bow and quiver ; neck bee. draped. 78 | 73.4 ||AR 7 A]NTI4 ON [Head, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. III. 10.] 79 || 75.2 |AR •7 |EOJE/\GOIN [Pl. x, 8.] BRONZE. E 4 Bee ; border of Stag standing r. ; above, quiver. dots. 80 AE 7 Aſlo/\AoA[QPOX [Pl. x.9.] 81 AE '65 Aſl]o/\/\oAQP[OX E 4) Boe ; border of Stag kneeling 1., head turned back ; dots. above, quiver. 82 AE • 65 58 IONIA. No. Wt. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. E 4 Bee; the whole|Stag feeding r., above quiver; in in laurel wreath. ex. magistrate's name. 83 AE 6 ATHNIOP 84 AE •7 XOAQN [Pl. x. 10.] 85 AE 55 XOXI]KPATHX Circ. B.C. 258–202. (For gold Octadrachm of Berenice, wife of Ptolemy Euergetes, struck at Ephesus, see Cat. Ptolemies, p. 59, and P1. XIII. 2.) SILVER. Rhodian Standard. Didra chrms. Head of Artemis r., wear-|E 4) Forepart of lºneeling stag ing stephane : at her r., head turned back ; in field r., shoulder bow and qui- bee. ver; shoulders draped. 86 102 3 ||AR 75 AG)H NOTIO/\IX 87 99-5 AR '8 AAEEANAPOIX 88 || 100.6 AR “8 ANTITONIox 89 || 102” AR, "7 A]NTITONo|X. 90 102.8 |AR, 75 APTIXTokPATIHX. 91 || 87.2 |AR 75 APIXTPATſox 92 99.7 |AR •8 APTEM |AQPOX EPHESUS. 59 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 {04 106 107 we ºl. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Artemis r., wear-|E 4) Forepart of kneeling stag ing Stephane; at her r., head turned back; in field T., shoulder bow and qui- bee. ver; shoulders draped. 98.2 |AR, '85 BATTAX 98.8 ||AR, 9 TPYAIX 100. AR 85 AHMHTPIOX 101 - ||AR •75 AH Moton 101.4 |AR •75 Al AITIOX 101.5 |AR 75 Al OAQPOX 101.5 |AR '8 Alon YXIOX , C in field l. 100 |AR 85 EPMQNAE 96. AR “8 G) EPXIAOXOX 101 - ||AR, 75 |AOM. EN EYX 99.2 |AR, '8 KA/\/\IXTPATOX 100.7 ||AR '8 KAYXTPIſox 100. AR 85 /\|M|NA|OX 99.7 |AR 8 winner 99. AR -75 MYTAX 60 IONIA. No. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 Metal. 120 Wt. Size. , Obverse. Reverse. Head of Artemis r., wear- E (9 Forepart of kneeling stag ing stephane ; at her r., head turned back; in field r., shoulder bow and qui- bee. ver; shoulders draped. 101" |AR, 75 NAYKPATH> I OO" |AR 8 N | KIAX 99.4 ||AR 85 TIAPPAXIox. [Pl. xi. 1.] 101" |AR '85 TPQTION 101" |AR 75 XKOſ"AAHX 101.8 |AR •85 XOXIX 101.6 ||AR, '75 22 [Pl. xi, 2.] 100.5 |AR, 9 TEAEXIAX. 101'5 |AR '85 q>1/\|TITIOX 102.5 |AR 75 XAPOTTINo[X. BRONZE, Head of Artemis r., wear- E 4) Forepart of kneeling stag ing stephane ; at her r., head turned back; in field r., shoulder, bow and bee. quiver. AE '65 AlojXKOYPIAHX [Pl. XI. 3..] AE 55 TTPOTATOPAX AE 55 |name obliterated. EPLIESUS. 61 No. wi. . Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.C. 202—133. Attic dra chrms. E 4 Bee; border of Stag standing r. before a date-palm dots. tree. 121 59' |AR, '65 | AG)H NATO PAX 122 63" |AR •75 AITYT TIox 123 64 AR 75 AIXMo KAIHX [Pl. XI. 4.] 124 62.8 |AR, 75 w ANTIq 1/\OX [Pl. xi. 5.] 125 60.2 |AR 75 - 52 126 60-7 ||AR 7 AH MAPXIOX 127| 59-3 AR “7 - AHM HTPIOX 128 64.4 |AR, '7 EYNOYX. 129 62.6 ||AR 7 |EYToAix 130 60.6 AR '75 - IQHX. 131 61.7 |AR 7 /\IXAXI 132, 64. ||AR, 7 N || KO/\OXOX. 133' 61 - 5 AR “7 XA/\KIAEYX. 62 IONIA, No. Wt. *. Obverse. . Reverse. IBRONZE. E @ IBee, the whole |Stag standing r. before a date-palm in wreath of laurel. tree : in ex. magistrate's name. 134 AE •7 ATTO/\/\QN! . . . in front, 3. 135 AE • 75 APKAX 57 22 136 AE 7 G tº KAX 55 55 137 AE 7 AHM HTPIOX , ſº 138 AE 75 [Pl. xi. 6..]| HMHT ... to 1. A, to r. , 139 AE •7 HM HTPI } } 2 5 140 AE • 55 EPMIAX in front, palm-branch. 141 AE • 7 IQTIYPOX in front, $: 142 AE •7 name obliterated. (For the tetradrachms of Alexander the Great's types (Müller, cl. v., nos. 1015–17), struck at Ephesus B.C. 202–196 and (cl. vi., nos. 1018–24), B.C. 196—189, and for the tetradrachms of Eumenes II of Pergamum, also struck at Ephesus, B.C. 189—159, see B. W. Head, Coinage of Dºhesus, pp. 55–60.) ISPEIESUS. 63 No. W 5. * Obverse. Reverse. GISTOPEIOTRI. Tetra drachms. Cista mystica with half- E4'E Two coiled serpents with open lid, from which aſ heads erect, between them a bow- serpent issues l. ; the case ornamented with an aplustre, whole in wreath of ivy. and containing a strung bow. 143, 182" |AR 1:15 tor., cultus-statue of Artemislīphesia. 144 195'5|AR, 1'2 ,, B and head of Artemis Ephesia wearing lofty head-dress. [[Iead, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. IV. 11.] 145| 1939 AR 1 - 1 to l, K. ; to r., head of Greek Artemis with quiver at shoulder. (restruck on coin of Macedonia Prima. Traces of previous type MAK with - TTPQ handle of club between the words.) 146|| 1937 ||AR 1'15 to 1., star; to r., laurel-branch with fillet attached. 147| 188" |AR 105 to r., Artemis slaying stag r. 148, 187°5 AR 1 -15 to r., quiver and bow. 149| 194'8|AR.1-15 to r., hand l. with hanging fillet attached to wrist. 150 193-2 AR.1-15 to r., Artemis huntress r., holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder; before her, stag r. 64 IONIA. |No. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 151 153 154 155 156 196'5 2| 1963 91.5 91. 47. AR. 1'15 AR 1 - AR, '85 AR, '85 AR, 7 193° AR 1 - 15 Cista mystica with half- open lid, from which a Serpent issues l. ; the whole in wreath of ivy. [Pl. XII. 1.) [Pl. XII. 2.] I)idra chrms. Lion's skin hanging over club ; the whole within vine-wreath. [Pl. XII. 3..] Lion's skin hanging over club ; the whole within laurel-wreath. [Pl. XII. 4.] Drachm. Similar, but vine-wreath. [Pl. XII. 5.] B.C. 133—67. CISTOPHORI DATED. Tetra dra chrms. Cista mystica with half- open lid, from which a Serpent issues 1. ; the whole in wreath of ivy. Eq) E Two coiled serpents with heads erect, between them a bow- case ornamented with an aplustre, and containing a strung bow. to r., stag r. before palm-tree, in field above, Small cornucopiae : to r., bee in wreath. E®E Bunch of grapes lying upon a vine-leaf. to 1., bow and quiver. E®E Bunch of grapes lying upon a vine-leaf. to l., bow and quiver(?) Similar. to r., bee in wreath. E®E Two coiled serpents with heads erect, between them a bow- case ornamented with an aplustre, and containing a strung bow ; in field r., long torch. to l., T (= B.C. 131). EPHIESUS. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Cista mystica with half-|Eq}E Two coiled serpents with open lid, from which a heads erect, between them a bow- Serpent issues l. ; the case ornamented with an aplustre, whole in wreath of ivy, and containing a strung bow ; in field r., long torch. 157| 1897 ||AR 1 - 1 in centre, E 158, 193" |AR 1.05 to l., Z; in centre, cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis. 159| 19.2°5 ||AR 1 - 15 , /\A ; in centre, tripod. 160 189" | AR 1 - 1 , M ; 35 candelabrum. [Head, Coinage of Ephesus, Pl. v. 1.] 161| 193°8 ||AR.1-15 [Pl. XII. 6..]|to 1., MZ; in centre, trident (top of bow behind right-hand serpent, and not, as usual, projecting from bow-case). 162| 195'2 ||AR 1.05 ,, MG) ; in centre, Nike holding wreath r. (bow as on last coin). 163| 190°2 |AR 1.05 ,, NA; in centre, Hermes facing, holding filleted wreath P in raised r. and caduceus in l. (bow omitted). 164| 193" |AR, 1.0 ,, NB; in centre, head-dress of Isis (bow omitted). 165. 1962 ||AR, 95 ,, NT : in centre, quiver and strap (bow omitted). 166 193° 4 ||AR 1:15 ,, NE ; in centre, Artemis hun- tress running T. (top of bow bu- hind right hand serpent). K 66 IONIA. No. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 167 168 169 170 171 172 192. 183'4 187. 189: AR 1.05 AR.1-15 AR. 1'1 AR. 1'05 AR 1-05 Cista mystica with half-|Eq>E Two coiled serpents with open lid, from which aſ heads erect, between them a bow- serpent issues 1. ; the case ornamented with an aplustre, whole in wreath of ivy. and containing a strung bow ; in field r., long torch. to l., EA ; in centre, vase with cover (bow omitted). ,, EE ; in centre, two cornuaco- piae, between which, ear of corn surmounted by head-dress of Isis' (bow omitted). ,, EE ; in centre, winged gorgon- head (bow omitted). ,, EC; in centre, two cornuaco- piae, between which ear of corn surmounted by head-dress of Isis' (bow omitted). , Eſſ; in centre, two cornuaco- piae, between which, palm (bow omitted). ,, EZ ; similar. (For the gold coins struck at Ephesus during the revolt from Rome B.o. 87–84 (time of Mithradates), see Head, Coinage of Ephesus, p. 69 (Pl. v., 2–6), and Addenda, Num, Chron, 1881, p. 22. EPHISU.S. 67 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.C. 67–48. PROCONSUIAR OISTOPEIOR.I. Tetra drachms. T. Ampius T. f. Balbus, B.C. 58–57. Cista mystica with half- EQE Two coiled serpents, be- open lid, from which a tween which, changing symbol; Serpent issues 1. ; the in field r., long torch. whole in wreath of ivy. 173| 185'8 |AR, 1-0 [Pl. XII. 7.] TAM PI.T.F. PRO COS to l., OE ; beneath, TIMOCTPATOC [T]]O/\e MAPXIOC; between serpents, tripod, above which cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis facing. 174] 191" | AR 1-0 [Pl. XII, 8.] TA MPIſ.T.F PRO COS to l., OZ ; beneath, ePM IAC KAIYCTPIIOC ; between serpents, tripod, above which, Apollo naked, standing l., resting on column; holding in r, branch, from which hangs a fillet. C. Fabius M. f. [Hadrianus], B.C. 57–56. 175|| 189°5 |AR, 1.0 [Pl. XII. 9..] C.F.A B I.M.F. PRO COS. to l., OZ beneath, KN (1):O: between serpents, aplustre (ornament of bow-case on the cistophori of preceding series), above which, Artemis wearing long chiton advancing r, with quiver at shoul- der, holding arrow and bow. 68 IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 176 177 178 188. 181-2 179-7 AR 1:0 AR 1.05 AR, 1 °05 Struck under L. Antonius M. f. Proquaestor. B.o. 50–49. No Proconsul during this year. Cista mystica with half-Two coiled serpents, between which, open lid, from which a bow-case ornamented with aplustre, Serpent issues l. ; the in field r, long torch. whole in wreath of ivy. [Pl. xii. 10.]lin centre, AR; to 1, Q C. Fannius, Praetor. B.C. 48. Cista mystica with half- E4'E Two coiled serpents, be- open lid, from which a tween which, tetrastyle temple serpent issues 1. ; the with two columns on each side, whole in wreath of ivy. and a space in the midst closed with lattice-work, the roof sur- mounted by statue of armed Athena ; in field 1., Nemesis l. ; in field r., long torch, inscr. C.FAN.PONT.PR to I., I'S ; beneath, APXIAHMOC [Pl. XII. 11.] (For the silver medallions of Asia of the Cistophoric standard with Latin inscriptions, many of which were struck at Ephesus, see Pinder, Ueber die Cistophoren. EPHESUS. 69 No. Wt. *1. Obverse. Reverse. IBRONZE. Circ. B.C. 48–27. Bust of Artemisr., draped E 4. Forepart of kneeling stag and wearing stephane ; r., head turned back; behind, long at her shoulder, bow torch. and quiver : border of dots. 179 AE '9 above, A.; beneath, AHMHTPI OC 180 AE •9 [Pl. xi. 7.] 3) MHINOOI AOC 181 AE '85 ,, 6 P.,, » : Bust of Artemis r., draped, E 4 Long torch between two wearing stephane ; at stags, face to face. her shoulder bow and quiver : border of dots. 182 AE .75 above, AHM H TPIOIX ; in field, KQ KOX; [Pl. XI. 8.]|in ex., XOTIATPo[X 183 AE •8 3 y 72 184 AE •75 } } } } E 4 Artemis hun- Cock r., with palm behind him, on tress, with bow and which hangs a wreath ; the whole quiver, advancing r., in laurel-wreath. hound running beside her : border of dots. 185 AE '95 [Pl. xi. 9.]| IAXQN 70 IONIA. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Times. Tesserae P e 4 Stag kneeling1, KHPIAIC0AeTIPOCTIAAVP his head turned back; INº Bee. beneath, CK(0TT1: border of dots. 186 AE 75 187 AE •75 188 AE •75 ſºlº ºk. ºwcoaenpocnaav 189 AE 75 37 33 190 AE • 75 Kºwalcoaen POCTIA/\V * This apparently meaningless inscription is perhaps one of the 'Eqêoria ypáupata, magic formulae used as charms and remedies against various diseases. Cf. Daremberg and Saglio, Dict, des 4nt. gr. et rom. s.v. Ephesia. ISPIIESUS. 71 be trusted implicitly. [Pl. xiii. 2.] No ºl. Obverso. Reverse. Imperial Coinage. 2nd Triumvirate, B.C. 43. Octavianus, Antonius, and Lepidus. Heads of the Triumvirs eq) E Cultus-statue of Ephesian bare, r. Artemis, fillets hanging from her hands. 191| ZE 6 192| AE '65 APX |EP EYXT PAA TAAY KQN E q}[E AXKN H Tl|| A A H > [Pl. XIII, 1.] 193 AE '65 APX] |EPE AE YXT] PAA TA]AY KQN E] ©E EYe YKP AIT H > 194| AE '7 APX | EP EYXT PAW TAAY KQN E Q) MAIP AKHIX 2 * Augustus. IIead of Augustus r., bare. Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis. 195| AE 65 AP X| E P EYX AX K AAX Eq) ETP Y4) QN * Possibly MAIAKHX, but Sestini (Mus. IIedorv. ii. 163) is not to IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 196 197 198 199 200 201 AE '65 AE 6 AE '85 AE 8 AE '85 Head of Augustus r., bare. Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis. AP X| EP EYX. AX K /\AX. Eq) E TIAT EP Head of Augustus r., bare. Stag standing r. TPAM MATE YX. APIXT EAX ©E E T]E IX: A[M 2 TPAM MATE YX. APIXT EAIX E © N1 KO XITPA TOX, Augustus and Livia. Heads of Augustus laur. Stag standing r. ; above, quiver. and of Livia, jugate r. APIXIEPEY > AXK/\AX. E QE N1 KOX TPA TPYq) QN E ©E M HN OO AN TOX, TPAM M ATE YX APIXT IOIN E ©E MH NO p AN[T OX EPHEßUS, 7 *. Obverse, Reverse. Heads of Augustus laur., |Forepart of kneeling stag r.; behind, and of Livia, jugate T. long torch. AE '9 E® E (pſ /\QN EYQPQN* Claudius and Agrippina. Heads of Claudius laur., and Eq E Stag standing r. of Agrippina, jugate r. XI.ON AE 75 AE '75 Similar. Stag standing r. AE • 65 [Pl. XIII. 3..] KOYXI NIOX t 'ºf ZS AE 75 Similar. E®E CIA Cultus-statue of Ephe- sian Artemis. AE 8 €EOTAMIA Heads of E4' E LIA Cultus-statue of Ephe- Claudius r, laur, and sian Artemis. Agrippina 1, facing each other. AE '9 (cf. Mus. Sanclem. II. 81.) | * Of the above magistrates on nos. 192—202 it would seem that the name placed first in order is that of the Archiereus of Artemis, and that that which stands second belongs to the Grammateus toū ājjuov, who in Imperial times was the eponymous magistrate of the city. L 74 IONIA. Wł. Metal, Size. Obverse. Reverse. 209 112-8 56'1 52.8 AR, '75 AR, '65 AR, '65 AE •75 AE '95 AE '9 Nero, Didra chrm. NeP(ONOC KAICA |A|APAXMON Simpulum and POC TepMAN | K| Lituus. OY Head of Nero r., bare, wearing paluda- mentum and cuirass. [Pl. XIII.4.] Drachrms. NEPONOX KAIXA-|APA XMH Tripod, a serpent POXXEBA Head twined round middle leg: above, of Nero r., laur. EFE * (pierced) [Pl. xiii. 5.] . Nero and Poppaea. M’Acilius C. f. Aviola, Proconsul A.D. 65–66. NEPON TOTITIAIA| E4 E Stag r. ; around, AOYIO Heads of Nero laur., AA AN GYTIATO: ATXMO and of Poppaea, wear-| KAHX. ! ing Stephane, jugate r. PQ MH Bust of Roma turreted r: ; beneath, bee r, ; , around, AOY|O/\A ANOYTIATO) A1XM OKAHX. ' |. NEPON E ITOTITIA A Heads of Poppaea, wearing stephane T., and of Nero laur, I., facing each other, * There are also Roman denarii of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian, struck at Ephesus, and distinguished by the above monogram. EPHES&JS. 75 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Domitian. Inscription effaced. Head EóECI QN Zeus Olympios of Domitian r., laur. seated l., holding cultus-statue of Artemis Ephesia oh extended r. hand, and resting, with 1. on sceptre; around, ZEVC O/\V 4. MTTIOC 215 AE 1: 15 AOM ITIANOCKAT | E4 E XION Stag standing 1. CAPCCBACTOY YEIOC Head of Do- mitian r, laur, 216 AE '9 AOM ITIANOC [KA eqe Stag walking 1. ICAPP] Head of Do-CION mitian r, laur. 217 AE 75 AOM ITIANOCKAIC eq)éCIQN River-god Marnas APCeBACTOC MAPNAC helmeted (?) and TEPMAN | KOC wearing himation over lower limbs, Head of Domitian r. the end falling over l. shoulder; laur, he reclines 1. against a shield, and holds in extended r, a long reed over r. shoulder; he rests l. arm on urn, from which water flows. 218 AE '95 - 219 AE '95 Domitian and Domitia. AOMITIANOCKAI eqe in field ; around, NEi KH CAP AOM ITIA C AOM ITIANOLY] Nike al- €BACTH Head vancing 1., holding wreath and of Domitian r., laur., | palm. w and bust of Domitia l, draped, face to face. 220 AE '85 76 l ONIA. No. * ()b verse Reverse. Trajan. AYT K NEPBAC TPA|eq>e CIA Cultus-statue of Ephesian |ANOCKAICAP Head | Artemis. of Trajan r., laur. 221 AE '8 AYTON EPBAC TPA|| €9e Stag walking 1. ANOCKA|CAP Head|CION of Trajan r., laur. 222 AE '85 18t Neocoria. AY NEPTPAIANOC, OſNe]Qeqe AH eTTEXAP Cap- KAIC[€A]PITe P A tive Parthiaseatedl., on aroundshield, ATTAP (Kato'ap >egao- resting her head on her r. hand ; Tös "Aptoſtos Teppavukös behind her, trophy of arms, at foot Aakukös, IIapólkós.) Bust of which are two hexagonal shields.” of Trajan r, laur., wear- ing cuirass. 223. AE 1:0 (pierced) [Pl. xIII, 6.] * Sestini (Lett. di cont. viii. 57), reads this inscr., Neoſkopov! €456: [atov] AHſuffratos] eTTIqueMyths] eXAPA[će]... Dumersan, Cat. Allier, p. 84, accepts Sestini's reading with the substitution of OMO [vota] for NeX). Both explanations are certninly wrong. I would suggest O(Ne]Q[kópos] eq'eſatov] AHſpos] ETTeXAPIáčaro]. The meaning is that the people of Ephesus caused to be engrayed upon their coin a group of a trophy and captive in commemoration of Trajan's conquest of Parthia, cf. a contemporary coin of Tripolis in Phrygia bearing the inscription 6eOAQPOC B exaPA[ćarol TPITIO/\[trov], on the reverse of which is the Emperor standing before a trophy, at the foot of which sits a captive Parthian. In each case the words étrexapáčaro and éxapdéato seem to refer to the subject engraved upon the coin, in the one case by order of the Aſiaos, in the other by the authority of the magistrate. The verb étrix&pdogetu applied to coin types occurs in Plutarch, Poplio. 11, kal tăv woulouérov toſs taxato- røros goût étrexépartov h trpóBarov h güv. The group of Parthia and the Trophy may be compared with the Roman gold coins of Trajan, reading PARTH 1A CAPTA (Cohen., 2nd ed., ii., p. 38, no. 184), The title Newcôpos occurs for the first time at Ephesus on a coin of Nero struck under the Proconsulship of M'Acilius Aviola, A.D. 65–6 (Waddington, Fastes, no. 93). The city became is veoltópos in the reign of #adrian, and rpls vewcôpos in the reign of Sept. Severus With regard to the fourth Neocory of Ephesus, it seems certain that it does not refer to the cultus of the IJmperors, but to that of the local Artemis, (Buechner, de Neocoria, p. 79). EPHESUS, 77 No. * Obverse. Reverse. Hadrian. ‘AAPIANOC KAICAP eq)éCIQN Octastyle temple of Ar- O/\YMTTIOC Bust of temis, showing sculptures on lowest Hadrian r., laur., wearing drums of columns and in pedi- cuirass and aegis. ment : within, cultus-statue of Ephe- ‘sian Artemis. 224| AE 1'45 [Pl. xIII. 7.] 225| AE 1'4 226| AB 1'4 2nd Neocoria, AAPIANOC KA ICAP eq [€C] Similar type, OAVMTI IOC Bust of IQ [N] Hadrian r., laur., wearing in ex., AIC NEQKO cuirass and paludamen- PQN tum. 227 AE 1.5 AAPIANOC KAI [CA|e£e CION Similar type, POAVMITIOC] in ex. Al C NEQKO Similar bust, PQN 228. AE 1:45 AVKAITPA AAPIIAN ſeq.e., CIQN Tetrastyle temple, OC Ce] Head of Ha- within which cultus-statue of Ephe. drian r., laur. sian Artemis. 229| M. '9 AAPIANOC, KAICAP eqe, Artemis in biga of galloping Head of Hadrian r, laur, CJON stags r, holding torch in extended r, 230 /E 8 AVKAITPAI [AAPIA eqe Stag walking 1. NOC Ce] Head of CIQN Hadrian r, laur, 231. AE 8 78 ioni A. No. * Obverso. Reverse. Antinois. ANTINOOC HPQC EQ) eCION ANAPO KAOC An- Bust of Antinois r., shoul- droklos naked, but for chlamys which ders draped (letters of hangs behind him, advancing r, carry- inscr, tooled). - ing spear over 1, shoulder, and with r. dead boar, of which the forepart only is visible; behind him, a tree. 232 AE 1'25 Antoninus Pius. AVKTAIAAPIA ANT eq)éCION in ex., around, AIC QNG|NOC Bust of NeO KOPQN Octastyle Antoninus Pius r., laur., temple, within which cultus-statue wearing cuirass and aegis, of Ephesian Artemis. 233| AE 1'45 TA|AKAICAP ANTO |Similar, NG|NOC Head of An- toninus Pius r., laur. 234 AE 1'35 T AIA IOC KAICAP €4)6ClQN Cultus- ANTONEINOC Bust (in ex.) A1C Neſl KO statue of Antoninus Pius r., laur., PQN of Ephe- wearing cuirass and palu- sian Artemis, standing between two damentum, distyle temples seen from the corners, w each containing an imperial statue, 235 AF 1'35 Similar (ANTQNéNN (in ex.) eqeCION AIC Cultus. OC sic.) NGO. KOPO statue N of Ephes | sian Artemis standing on plinth, between two recumbent river-gods, the Kaystros r. and the Kenchpios l., each holding reed over shoulder and leaning on vase, from which water flows: above, KAYCTPOC Ke NXPe|OC 236|| AB 1'4 (Pl. XIII S.] EPHESUS, 79 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | AE 1.4 AE 1.2 [T AIA]KAICAP AN eqeCION Zeus 'Yérios, wearing TQNel NOC Head of himation over lower limbs, seated Antoninus Pius r., laur. r. On throne set on the top of a rock (Tracheia); he holds in l., thunderbolt, and from raised r. pours a shower of rain upon the Mountain-god (Pion) recumbent r. and holding cornucopiae: in front of the central rock, on the level of the plain, is a distyle temple (of Athena?) above which, in the background, are cypress trees and two three-storeyed buildings, perched upon rocks; to the left of the central rock is another three-storeyed building, and behind the whole, TTEl QN [Pl. XIII. 9..] Cf. Imhoof-Blumer, Antike Münzbilder, in the Jahrbuch des Kais. Deutsch, Arch. Inst. 1888, p. 295. TAI/\|OC KAICAP A 'ATTO/\/\QN | KeCIOCE®eCION NTQNel NOC Bust| Apollo Hikesios and Artemis stand- of Antoninus Pius r, laur., ing face to face ; Apollo 1., naked, wearing cuirass and palu- but for chlamys wound round l. arm, damentum. and hanging from elbow, grasps with his T. hand an olive branch offered him by Artemis, and holds bow in l. ; Artemis r., wears long chiton with diplois and a quiver at her shoulder; she holds in l. bow and in lowered r, the olive branch, which she offers to Apollo : from the stalk of the branch near her hand hangs a fillet P [Pl. XIII. 10.] This coin is apparently the same as that published by Vaillant (Num. Gr., p. 291) with the inscription ATIO/\/\QN EM BACIOC E®ECI QN. He has mistaken the chlamys which hangs in a straight line from Apollo's elbow for a column upon which he rests, the bows held by the two divinities for darts, and the epithet | KeCIOC for CMBACIOC. The laurel-branch, irst mpſa, he has not seen at all Probably the specimen described by him was in very poor preservation, see B. W Head, Nwm. Chron, 1889, p. 236. 80 IONTA, Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 241 243 239| AE •75 240 ZE 75 AE 1.15 AE 1.15 AE '85 AE 1'15 ANTONE! NOC KAIC| €456; Stag walking 1. AP Head of Antoninus CION Pius r., laur. ete cloN M. Aurelius. AVPHAIOC KAICAP [e pje CION Artemis, with head I}ust of M. Aurelius r., turned back, seated sideways on bare-headed, wearing cui-| stag standing r. ; she wears short rass and paludamentum. chiton with diplois and endromides, holds in l, bow, and with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder. €4)6CION AIC NGOK [Pl. xiii. 11.] MAAN TONEINIOC]|eóeCION B NeO Tyche, stand- Bust of M. Aurelius r., ing 1., holds rudder and cornucopiae. laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Faustina Junior. ©AVCTINA CEBAC ||APTCM IC eq)6CIA Cultus-statue TH Bust of Faustina of Ephesian Artemis between two Jun., l., draped. Stags. In field, 1. star, r, crescent (sun and moon). EPHESUS. 81 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 24.7 249 2 5 O AE '85 AE •8 AE 1'5 AE •9 (!) AV C Tel NACe Bust of Faustina Jun., r., draped. ©A V CTel NACCB Similar. AYKAIAOYKIOIC] AY POYH POD. . . . Bust of L. Verus l., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- lmentum. OVH POCKAI L. Verus r, laur. Bust of AAVP OVH POCKAI CAP Bust of L. Verus l, laur, wearing cuirass. €4) e CI ONB'NeO Nike 1., holding wreath and palm. €456 in laurel-wreath. ClQ N L. Verus. [Pl. xIII. 12.] AICAP Bust of young Commodus r., bare-headed, wearing paludamentum. Commodus. AAVP KOM OAOc KIAPTeMIC] eteCIA (tooled) E®ELION (in ex.), Al LNEOKO TTPQ TON ALIAE Aurelius and Verus facing one another, sacri- ficing at altar which stands before the cultus-statue of Ephesian Ar- tennis, raised on a high plinth. €4)6Cl QN Stag standing r. €4 ECI ON Tyche standing 1. wearing modius and holding rudder and cornucopiae. Artemis in biga of stags, galloping 1.; she holds bow in extended r., and with 1. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder. w M 2 - IONIA. XN O Nº. Obverse. Roverse. Similar. |'ATTHMH- (sic) ſepa. ; (in ex.) i €4)6CION’ Covered four-wheeled waggon, ätrövm, drawn by two mules r.; the sides of the waggon are hung with wreaths ; within is the driver. 251| AE 1: 15 [Pl. XIII, 13.] 252 AE 1.2 253| AE 1 2 (tooled.) A AVPKOM OAOCK eqeCIO N B.NeO Tycho stand- A|C 3ust of young| ing 1., wearing modius and holding Commodus r., bare-headed, rudder and cornucopiae. wearing paludamentum. 254 AE '9 MAVOAVM KOMOA eqeCIO N B ; (in ex.) NeOK OC IIead of Commodus | Artemis r., seizing fallen stag by the r., bearded and laur. horns. 255| AB} -9 Same die. €4)6ClQN Okeanos, naked to waist, recumbent l., holding long reed and cornucopiae, and resting against re- versed urn, from which water flows: in ex., QKEANOC 256 AB. '9 [Bank Collection.] M.AVK OMOAOC eqe CION Stag walking r. Head of Commodus r., bearded and laur. 257 AE 7 EPLIESUS. 83 Metal. No Size. Obverse, Reverso. Sept. Severus. AV KAI A [Cej CeOV|e@e CION Cultus-statue of Ephe- H POC Head of Sept. sian Artemis between two stags, Severus r., laur. 258 ZE 65 AVT KAACEITT] CeO |eqeCION BNeOKOPON Tyche VH POC TTeP standing 1., wearing modius, and Similar. holding rudder and cornucopiae. 259 /E •8 AVKAIACETT CeOVH eq)6CIONA|C NeOKOPON POCTTEP Bust of Nike, peplos over lower limbs, stand- Sept. Severus r., laur., ingr. with l. foot on globe, inscribing wearing cuirass and palu- round shield attached to date-palm damentum. tree. 260 AE 1.4 [Pl. xiv. 1.] Same die. €q>e CI ON Tetrastyle tem- (in ex.) TTPQTQN ple of Ephe- ACIAC sian Artemis, containing her statue facing, flanked on either side by a distyle temple seen from the corner, each of which contains a naked male statue, resting on a sceptre. 261| AF 1'4 [Bank Collection.] ACEKA. CeOVH POC eq) eCI QN Stag walking r. IIead of Sept. Severus T., laur, 262 AE '65 84 . 'IONIA. No. 2 6 7 º Obverse. Reverse. Julia Domna. IOYAOMNA CeBAC eqeCIONAI CNeOKOPQN TH Bust of Julia Domna Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis, r., shoulders draped. between two stags : in field, l. and r., crescent and star (moon and Sun). AE 1.2 IOVAIA [AOMNA) CAPTeMIC eqeCIA Cultus-statue GB Similar. of Ephesian Artemis, between two Stags. AE 1.1 |OV/\|A AOM NAC eq)6CIONA|C Ne OKOPQ. N GBACTH Similar. Artemis huntress, wearing short chiton with diplois and endromides, run- ning r., she holds bow in extended l., and with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder; at her side, hound running r. AE 1.2 3rd Neocoria. IOVAIAA OMNACeB eqeCIOTPIC Ne QKOPQN Similar, Similar. AE 1.15 |OV/\IAA OMNAC6B | TPICNGOKOP ON Covered four- Similar. (in ex.) eq)éCION wheeled waggon, iepā ātrāvm, drawn by two mules r. AE 1: 15 Æ 8 || OVAIAA CeBACTH]eqe CION Nike advancing l., Similar. carrying wreath and palm. EPEIESUS. 85 No ºl. Obverse. Reverse. Caracalla. 2nd Neocoria. AVKMAVP ANTONG | GQ)6CION AIC NeOKOPON |NOC 13ust of Cara- | (in ex.) KAITH CAP calla r., laur., wearing Te M AOC cuirass and paludamen- | Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis tum : beneath, star P between two horsemen (Caracalla and Geta) r. and l., each holding sceptre, and raising r. towards goddess. 269| ZE 1.5 [Pl. xlv. 2.] AVTOKAI MAV PAN- . . . . . . . . . . M IAOC . . . . . . . . TON | NOC Bust of 1Il eX. . . . . . . . Artemis hold- Caracalla r., laur., wearing ing bow in T., and with 1. draw- cuirass and paludamen- ing arrow from quiver at her tum. Countermark, cul-| shoulder; in biga 1., drawn by gallop- tus - statue of Ephesian ing stags. Artemis. 270 AE 1.2 [AV KJAMAVP] AN eqeCIONAI CNeOKOPON TQNG|NOC Bust of Artemis huntress running r., hold- Caracalla r., laur., wear- ing in l. bow, and with r. drawing ing cuirass and paluda- arrow from quiver at her shoulder. mentum. 271| AE 1: 15 AVTKMAVPAN TO COCCION AIC NeOKOPQN N6|NOC Dust of Cara- Zeus scated l., wearing himation calla r, laur., wearing over lower limbs, holding cultus- cuirass and paludamentum. statue of lºphesian Artemis on r, and resting with 1. on sceptre. 272| AE 1.45 86 IONIA. No º Obverse. Reverse. AYKAI MAY ANTO |GóeCION B N eC)KOPON Nel NOC Iłust of Cara- Tyche, of the City, standing 1.; she calla r., laur., wearing weal's modius, and long chiton cuirass and paludamentum. with peplos, and holds cultus-statue of Artemis on r., and cornucopiae in 1. 273 AE '9 . . . KMAY ANTONE! |G()6ClQN B NéO NOC Bust of Caracalla | . . . . . River-god r., laur., wearing cuirass recumbent 1., wearing himation over and paludamentum. lower limbs: he holds in r. reed, and rests against urn, from which water flows. 274 AE •85 ‘AYT. K. M.A. ANTON |AICNe [O] KOPON Tetrastyle |NOC Iłust of Caracalla | E4 CCION (in ex.) temple, r., laur., wearing cuirass within which cultus-statue of Ephe- and paludamentum. sian Artemis, between crescent and pellet (for star). 275 AB. 9 3rd Neocoria. AYT KM-AYP:ANT OTPICNe OKO PON Artemis, Nel NOC IIead of Ca- €96CION (in ex.) hun- racalla I., laur. tress r., seizing fallen stag by the horns. 276, AE '95 AYITK M AYPAN TOTPIC Neo KOPON NG|NOC Head of Ca- [e] pecIQN (in ox.) Similar racalla r., laur. type. 277 AE 8 AVTKMAVPAN TON | eq)eCIONTPICNe €l NOC Bust of Cara-IO)KOPON (in ex.) Covered four- calla r., laur., wearing wheeled Waggon, iepā ātīvn, drawn cuirass and paludamentum. by two mules r. ; the sides of the Waggon are hung with wreaths. 278 ZE 1.15 ICPEIESUS. 87 No. * Obverse. Reverse. AVTKMAVPANTO N TPICNeſ) . . ." ON Similar type €|NOC Similar type. €4,6CION (in ex.). 279| AE 1.15 AVP ANT ONE! N eqGC 1 Boar running r., trans- OC IIead of Caracalla QN (in ex.) fixed by spear. r., laur. 280. ZE '7 Geta. 2nd Neocoria. AVT KTTO CeſeTAC €4)6CION BNCOKO PQN Bust of Geta r., laur., wear-| Artemis huntress r., seizing stag by ing cuirass and paluda- the horns. mentum. 281| AE '85 AYT KTTO . . . . . . . . €4)6ClONB N COKOP . . Hermes (name of Geta purposely naked, but for chlamys wound round effaced). Bust of Geta r., | 1. arm, which rests on column : he laur., wearing cuirass and holds purse and caduceus. paludamentum. 282 AE •9 AYTKTTO' CeſeTAC eqeClQ Two naked children,seated Head of Geta r., laur, N face to face, playing with astragali before the cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis, between crescent and star (moon and Sun). 283 AE '65 cf. P Gardner, Samos, p. 77. 284 AE '65 88 IONIA, No. * Obverse. Roverse. Similar. €4) e Similar type. CION 285| AE -65 . . CeTTI TeTAC AY|e beCIO N Stag advancing r., (sic) Head of Geta 1., towards an object resembling a laur. bundle of fasces, or a quiver with a conical top surmounted by a wreath ? 286| AE • 65 287| AE •65 |Game dić). ACeſi Te TAC KAI eqe CION Stag r. Bust of Geta r., bare- headed, wearing paluda- mentum. 288. AE '65 Te TACAV Bust of €456; Cl Stag r. ; l. fore-leg Geta T., laur., wearing cui-| QN (in ex.) raised. rass and paludamentum. ' |289 AE 65 A CeTTTe TACKAI eq\eCI Boar T., transfixed by spear. Bust of Geta r., bare-| QN (in ex.). headed, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. 290 AE •65 AVTKAITTO' CeTT Te TTP OTON ACIAC TAC Bust of Geta r., €4 eCION (in ex.) Galley laur., wearing cuirass and with rowers and steersman, under paludamentum. Sail r. 291. AE 1:35 [Pl. xiv. 3.] EPLIESUS, 89 No º:1. Obvorse. Reverse. Caracalla and Geta. 3rd Neocoria. AVT KAIC MAVP| eq)éCIQN TPIC NGOKOPON ANTONGINOCKAI KAIT HC AP (in ex.) TIO CeTTTETAC TeM AOC º Busts face to face of Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis Caracalla and Geta, laur, between two horsemen (Caracalla each wearing cuirass and and Geta) r. and l., each holding paludamentum : beneath, Sceptre, and raising T. towards statue. NGO | H/\! O! 292 AE 1.5 Macrinus. A VT KMOTTEA. CeO eq) eCION TIPOTON YH MAKPe! NOC ACIAC (in ex.) Tetrastyle Bust of Macrinus r., temple, containing statue of Em- laur., wearing cuirass and peror, before it, altar, around which paludamentum. are grouped five figures with r. hands raised, three on the left and two on the right, together with a bull for Sacrifice. 293 AE 1'4 [Pl. xiv. 4.] AVTK M Oſie/\CeOV|[eq: eJCI QN Similar type, but MAKPG|NOCCCE B seven figures on 1. and six on r. side of Similar. altar, and a victimarius leading the bull; in ex. BQTA [= Wota]. 29.4| AE 1:35 (pierced) . . . . . MOTIGCéO MA TTPQ TO N ACIAC Female KPe|NOC IBust of €4 eClQN (in ex.) figure Macrinus r., laur., wear-| clad in short chiton seated sideways ing cuirass and paluda-| on horse advancing r. mentum. 295 AF 1'15 [Pl. xiv. 5.] N 90 IONIA. No * Obverse. Töeverse. AVTKMOTTeACeOV eqe [C 11 QNTT [POTON ACI HMAKPe|NOC Bust| AC] Tycho wearing modius standing of Macrinus r., wearing | 1., holding rudder and cornucopiae. cuirass and paludamen- tum. 296 AF '95 AV MOTICAC MAK eq>eCl Boar r., transfixed by a PG|NOC Bust of Mac-| QN (in ex.) spear. rinus T., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. 297| AE 65 Diadumenian. A 1AAOV MéNIAN eq)6Cl QN Stag walking r. OC 3ust of IDiadu- menian r., bare-headed, wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. 298. AE 7 Elagabalus. 4th Weocoria. AVTKM.AVPAN TO eſpeciſ)N TTPOITONACIAC Nel NOC Bust of Artemis wearing short chiton and Elagabalus r., laur., wear-| endromides, standing facing, head ing cuirass and paluda-| r. beside a tree, she places her r. mentum. e hand on her head, and holds on extended I. bow f ; at her feet, stag l. 299| AE 1'15 AVTKMAVPAN TON | eq>eCIO.N.A. NeOKOPON €l NOC Bust of Ela- Artemis huntress running r., hold- gabalus r., laur., wear- ing bow in 1., and with T. drawing ing cuirass and paluda- arrow from quiver at her shoulder; mentum. hound runs beside her, r. 300 AE 1: 1 EPHESUS. 91 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Roverse. AYKMAYPA [NTION |TTPQT ON ACTAC Artemis |NOC Bust of Elaga- €4)6ClQN (in ex.) huntress r. balus r., laur., wear-| Seizing fallen stag by the horns. ing cuirass and paluda- montum. Q 301 AE '85 A . . . MAYPAN TO |64)6CON A' NeOK OPON Nel NOC Bust of Ela- Nike running 1., holding palm in r. gabalus r., laur., wear- and wreath in 1. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 302 AF 1'15 AVTKMAVP. ANTO eq)6CION A NeOKOP QN €l NOC Bust of Elaga- Tyche l., holding patera and cornu- balus r., laur., wear-| copiae, sacrificing before altar. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 303 ZE '95 AVTKM.AVP. ANTON |G(péClQN. A. NeOKOPON €l NOC CeB Bust of Tyche, turreted, standing 1., holding Elagabalus r., laur., wear-| patera and cornucopiae. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 304 AE 1 35 e Similar. TTPQ TON ACIAC Two tetra- ZY style NC temples Cl facing, K and be- €4,6CION (in ex.) neath them two distyle temples, placed corner-wise ; cach temple contains a statue, that of the Ephesian Artemis being visible in the left-hand upper temple. 305 /E 1.3 [Pl. xiv. 6.] IONIA, No º Obverse. Reverso. AVTKMAVPAN TO | AOTMATICVN Four distyle tem- NG|NOC CeB IBust KAHTOV ples, two in the of Elagabalus r., laur., (and, in ex.) centre, facing, wearing cuirass and palu- € 4 EC I O NOV and two at the damentum. TOINAO | sides, placed corner-wise ; each temple contains a statue, that of the Ephesian Artemis being visible in the left-hand central temple. 306| AE 1:35 ANTONE INOCAVT eqeC I ONA Distyle temple Bust of Elagabalus r., laur., NeOK (in ex.) of Ephesian wearing cuirass and palu- Artemis, containing cultus-statue of damentum. the goddess. 307| AE '65 Julia Paula. KOPNHAIA TTAVAA|G(peCION Agonistic table, on CeB Bust of Julia || ANGO which two urns, each Paula r., draped. KOPON containing a palm, above A: on edge of table, Ol KOV MGNIKA' cf. variety in Zeit. f. N., xii. 317. 308|| AE 15 Annia Faustina. ANN IA (PAVCTEI NA|CºpeC IQN .A. Ne QKOPO CGB Bust of Annia N (in ex.) Faustina r., wearing stc-| Flagabalus standing facing, head r., phane and draped. holding in r., palera ; crowned by ILelios, standing facing, head l., naked, but for chlamys : he holds in 1., globe. • , 309| AE 1: 1 EP[IESUS. No * Obverse. Reverse. Julia Maesa. |OV/\|A MAICA CeB eq)6C | ON ...A. Ne QKOP AC Iłust of Julia Maesa QN (in ex.) r., wearing stephane and | Elagabalus standing facing, head r., draped. holding in r., patera ; crowned by IIc.lios, standing facing, head l., naked but for chlamys; he holds in 1., globe. 310| AE 1'2 Severus Alexander. MAVP. A/\e:ANAPO|64)6CIO.N.A. NeOKOPON C AVTOVC Bust of Artemis huntress running r., hold- Severus Alexanderr., laur., ing bow in l., and with r. drawing wearing cuirass and palu- arrow from quiver at her shoulder : damentum. beside her, hound running T. : in ex. Star. 311| AE 1.2 .M. AVP A/\e:ANAP eq)6ClQNA Né QKOPON OC AVT. Bust of Artemis huntress standing facing, Severus Alexander T., head r., holding bow in l., and with bare-headed, wearing cui- r. drawing arrow from quiver at her Tass and paludamentum. shoulder. 312| AE 8 AVTK. M. AVP, Ce B.A. |ZeV CO/\ V MTTIOC Zeus /\e:ANAPOC Bust €9eClQN (in ex.) Olympios of Sev. Alexander T., seated l., wearing himation over laur., wearing cuirass and | lower limbs and l. shoulder ; he paludamentum : behind, holds in extended r., cultus-statue Star. of Ephesian Artemis, and rests with 1. on sceptre. 313| AE 1:35 [12]. xiv. 7.] 94. IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 314 317 AE 1' 3 AE 1:1 AE 1.15 AE 1.8 AVT K. M.A.V P.A/\ €º ANAPOC.AVſ. I}ust of Sev. Alexander r., laur., Wealing cuirass and palu- damentum. AVT KMAYPC eVH A/\e:ANAPOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. A NeO K OPON The City € 4 EC I O N (in ex.) as a draped and turreted female figure, standing r., holding on extended 1. cultus- statue of Ephesian Artemis, between star and crescent (Sun and moon), and grasping with r. the hand of a draped figure (the Emperor º), seated 1. On curule chair ; the figure is veiled, and holds in 1. a transverse Sceptre. €4)6ClON ANAP O KAOC Androklos naked, r., armed with Spear, charging Wild boar, 1. [Pl. xiv. 8.] [AVITKMAYP.C eVH. A/\e:AN APOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AVTKMAVPCe BA/A €3.AN APOC Bust of Severus Alexander, r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AVTIKJMAVPAA ex ANAPOC. AYſ Bust of Soverus Alexander P., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. eqeCI ONANAPOK A[OC] . Androklos, naked but for chlamys which hangs behind him, advancing r., carrying spear over 1, shoulder, and in r. hand dead boar, of which the fore-part only is visible : behind him, a tree. €4)éCIO NK ČNXPelOC River - god, Kenchrios, naked to waist, recumbent l., holding reed and cornucopiac ; behind him, over- turned vase, from which water flows. €4)éCION A N GQ KOPON Nike, standing r., with peplos over legs, and with 1. foot on helmet, in- scribing round shield fixed to date- palm tree : in field, 1., star. (picreed.) EPIIESUS. 95 No. Motal. Size. Obverse. 319 321 Aſ) '65 • 65 •65 AYITKMAYP.Ce B.A /\exA.N.APOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AVT KMAVP CeBA A62ANAP Iłust of Severus Alexander T., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. A/\e 3:ANAPOC Bust of Severus Alexander r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. A/\6:ANAPOC KAI Bust of Severus Alex- ander r., bare - headed, wears paludamentum. A/\e RAN APOC 13ust of Severus Alex- ander T., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- montum. M AYP A /\e:ANAP OC letters N K upon the shield. Teverse. €(pe CION MONON QNACIAC TTPOT Similar type, no star in field.* €q)6CI QNTTPQTO. NACAC Tetrastyle temple, containing cultus- statue of Ephesian Artemis, between star and Crescent (Sun and moon). [€4)]e CION Stag walking r. €q)6Cl Doar running r., transfixed QN by spear. €4)6C QN Doar running r., transfixed by spear. beneath, star. €q)6C I QN (in cz.) no star. €4 eC IQ [N] 55 * On a coin of this typo in Mus. Thewp. ii., p. 1023, Nike inscribes the 96 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Reverse. Barbia Orbiana. ‘BAPBIA OP BIAN H eq)6CION TIP OT ONACIAC CeB Bust of Barbia | Artemis huntress running r., hold- Orbiana r., wearing ste- ing in l, bow, and with r. drawing plane and draped. arrow from quiver at her shoulder : at her feet, hound running r. 326|| AE 1.2 Julia Mamaea. |OV/\|A MAMA IA CIAPTéM 1C eq)6C1A Cultus- €B Bust of Julia Ma- statue of Ephesian Artemis between maca r., wearing Stephane two stags. and draped. 327| AE 1'15 |OVAIA. MAMAIA C A NeOKOPON Covered four- €B Bust of Julia Ma- €4,6CION (in ex.) wheeled maea, draped. waggon (iepā ātrāvm) drawn by two 328. AE 1: 15 mules or horses galloping r. Maximinus. 3rd Neocoria. TIOVOV MA:IMG |N| EQeCION . T. NeOKOP OC Bust of Maximinus N r., laur., wearing cuirass|| Nike, running r., lifting her skirt and paludamentum. with r, and holding short torch in 1. 329 AE '85 ‘AY KT-10YA, OYHP. E4 ELION. T.NE Cow with OC MA: I Mel NOC OKOPQN (in ex.) large dew- Rust of Maximinus r, lap, standing r, and suckling calf l. laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum (counter- mark on neck, eagle, r., with open Wings, looking back). 330 AF 1'45 [Pl. xiv. 9..] ICPEIESUS. 97 No. 331 334 336 * Obverse. Reverse. Gordianus Pius. AVTK.M.ANT. TOPA|[edeCI]QN T. NeOKOPON IANOC Iłust of Gor-| Artemis huntress running r., hold- dian r., laur., wear- ing in l. bow, and with r. drawing ing cuirass and paluda- arrow from quiver at her shoulder: mentum. at her feet, a hound running r. AE 1-2 AVTOK.M.ANT OT | EIPHN H. E4'eCION Eirene, OPAI ANOC Bust of veiled and wearing chiton with Gordian r., laur., wear- diplois, standing l., sacrificing before ing cuirass and paluda-| flaming altar: she holds in r. patera, mentum. and in l, caduceus downwards. AE 1'45 AE 1.45 (same die) [Pl. xiv. 10.] AYT.K.M.ANT. TOPA|edeCIO N TYXH Tycho, |ANOC Bust of Gor- standing 1., wearing modius, and dian r., laur., wearing cui-| holding rudder and cornucopiae. rass and paludamentum. AE '9 .AYT.K.M.ANT. TOPA|ATTHMH IE PA Covered waggon IANO.C. Bust of Gor-| EQED. I.QN (iepā ātāvm) dian r., laur., wearing cui-| drawn by two mules r., driver rass and paludamentum. holds reins. AE 1: 15 [Pl. xiv. 11.] Tranquillina. q) POVCABe TPAN | AP Te M 1C Artemis huntress KV/\/\e INA Bust of €4)6ClQN in biga of stags, Tranquillina r., wearing galloping 1. ; she holds in r. bow, stephane and draped. and with l, draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder. AE 1.2 98 IONIA, TMetal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AE 1.15 3 3 9 AE '85 AE '85 AE 1.15 Similar. Similar. Similar. Eq) EDIl Q.N.A.AEI Artemis hun- AL. (in ex.) tress riding r. on stag : she holds in l. bow, and with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder. €4)6CION TIP O TONACI AC Similar type. Eq) ELION TTPQTONALIA D. Artemis huntress running r. ; she holds in l. bow, and with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder: beside her, hound running r. Philippus Senior. AVTKM IOV ÖI/\ITTTT OC Bust of Philip Se- nior T., laur., Wearing paludamentum. HPAK/\e ITO C eq)6CION Philosopher Herakleitos standing 1., himation covering lower limbs, and hanging over 1. shoulder; he raises r, and holds club upward on 1. arm. [Pl. xiv. 12.] Otacilia. Severa. MAPOTA. CEYHPA. CeB Bust of Otacilia Severa r., wearing ste- phane and draped. €456:CIONT NeOKOPON Ar- temis huntress standing r. beneath tree; she holds in 1. bow, and with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder ; beside her, stag r., looking back. (pierced) EPEIESUS. 99 NO º Obverse. Reverse. Same die (countermark, B) |N €O KO PON Artemis Eq) huntress €CIQN in biga of ‘T. (in ex.) galloping stags l., holding in extended r. bow, and with 1. drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder. 343| AE 1:25 Same die. APTe MIC eq) eCIAACYAO C. Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis between two stags : in field, star and crescent (sun and moon). 344| AE 1: 15 ::. Philippus Junior. * e .M.I.O.Y.O1/\IT TOT. K Eq) EEI QN . A PTEM II, AEYA Al DAP Lust of Philip O C Cultus-statue of Ephesian Junior r., bare, wear-| Artemis between two stags: in field, ing cuirass and paluda-| 1. and r. star and crescent (sun and mentum. moon). 345| AE 1.1 MIOY blairinocKA |etec 1 on TYxH Tyche ICAP Bust of Philip of City, wearing modius standing I., Junior r., bare - headed, holding cultus-statue of Ephesian wearing cuirass and palu- Artemis and cornucopiae. damentum. 346 A. '85 Similar. [KATATIAOYC] (?) A (?) Galley l. €4)6CION 347 AE '85 100 IONIA, No. * Obverse. Reverse. .M. l'OY. (p.1/\ITITIOL . K eq)6CION Covered four-wheeled Al EAP Bust of Philip ATTHMH (in ex.) waggon (iepā Junior r., bare-headed, &Tºwn) 1., drawn by two mules; wearing cuirass and palu- the sides of the waggon are hung damentum. with wreaths. 348. AE 1:15 Trajan Decius. AYTK-TPAJANOC Al Eq)éCION A'AC1AC Artemis €KIOC Bust of Trajan wearing short chiton with diplois, Decius r, laur, wearing standing r., holding inverted long paludamentum. torch transversely in r, and bow in 1. 349 Å;35 º: Valerianus. ...].'' 3rd Neocoria, AYTKTTO/\|KIN BA/\|“Eq) EDII.ON - T. NEOKOPQN, €PIANOC. Bust of Artemis huntress standing facing, Valerian r., laur., wear-| head r., beneath tree ; she holds in ing cuirass and paluda-| l. bow, and places her r. hand on her mentum. head; at her feet, stag r. 350 /E 1*05 Same die. E® ELION T.NEOKOPQN Similar. º 351. AE 1'1 Same die. EQED. . . . T.NEQKOPQN Similar, but no stag. 352 AE 1.05 . AVT.TTO. Aſ. OVA/\e P|ſ N E O KOP QN Artemis hun- IANOC Bust of Wa- Eq) ELION tress in biga lerian r., laur., wear-| of galloping stags r. ; she holds in 1. ing cuirass and paluda-| bow, and with r. draws arrow from mentum. quiver at her shoulder. 353 AE 1.05 EPFIESUS. 101 No. * Obverse. Reverse. AVTKTTO/\|KBAAEPI €4)6CION T NeOKO Artemis ANOL Bust of Valerian PON (in ex.) huntress r. r., laur., wearing cuirass seizing fallen stag by the horns. and paludamentum. 354 AE '8 AVTKTIO/\|KIN BA/\| eq)eCION T. NeO KOPQN €PIANOL Bust of Artemis, clad in long chiton with Valerian r., laur., wear- diplois, quiver at her shoulder, ing cuirass and paluda-| standing facing, head r., carrying mentum, countermark C. : with both hands long torch, trans- same die as No. 350. versely. 355 AE 1*05 tº e o e º e TTO-Al OVA EóEC . . . . . E QKOPON ACPIANOC Bust of Similar type: at fect of Artemis, Valerian r, laur., wearing stag r., looking back. paludamentum. 356 ZE 1.05 AVTKTTO/\! KIN BA/\|Eq>ED.I.ON . T. NEOKO PON. €PIANOE Bust of Wa- Zeus, naked, striding r., hurling lerian r., laur., wearing| thunderbolt with r., and holding cuirass and paludamen- eagle on extended l. tum : same die as No. 350. 357| AE 1:1 AVT.K.TTO./\! KIN.OV eq)éCION . T. Ne OKOPON AAEPIANOD. Bust of Erinys(ſ) winged, running T., holding Valerian r., laur., wear- torch in 1. and raising the skirt of her ing cuirass and paluda-| chiton with r. mentum. T. T. A.F. 358 ZE 1'45 [Pl. xiv. 13.] 4th Neocoria. AVT K TTOTT/\! Kl-O V eq) eCION -A-N eOKOP Ar- AAEPIANOC Bust of temis huntress running r., holding Valerian r., laur., wear- in 1. bow, and with r. drawing arrow ing cuirass and paluda-| from quiver at her shoulder: at her mentum. feet, hound running T. 359| AE 1:0 IONIA. No *::::: Obverse. Reverse. [AVT]K TO AIKINBA |eóeCION [A]NeOKOPQN ACPIANOD Bust of Similar type. Valerian r., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum : same die as No. 350. 360 ZE 1: 15 Same die. E4 ELION.A.NEOKO Apollo PQ.N. (in ex.) and Ar- temis standing face to face ; Apollo, l., naked but for chlamys wrapped round l. arm, holds branch in r. ; Artemis r., clad in long chiton with diplois, holds in r. olive-branch and in l. bow. 361| AE 1.05 (cf. no. 238, Supra.) AVT KTTO/\|K OVA |Same die. /\GPIANOC Bust of Valerian r., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. Countermark, C. 362 AE 1.05 AVT KTTO/\I KI NBA/\|Eq) EII.Q.N.A.NEOKOPQ. N €PIANOC Bust of Same type. Valerian r., laur. : Same die as No. 350. 363 AE 1:1 AVT.K.TTO/\! K. OVA | Eq) E[].O. N. APTEM | [ Artemis /\ePIANOC Bust of huntress standing facing, head r., Valerian r., laur., wear-| beneath tree ; she holds in 1. bow, ing cuirass and paluda- and places her r, hand on her head : mentum. at her feet, stag r., looking back. 364 AE 1:1 EPEIESUS. 103 No *. Obverse. Reverse. AVTKTTO/\! KIN BA/\| eq)6CION. . AACTAC Similar €PIANOD Bust of Wa- type, varied, stag l. lerian r., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. Countermark, C A A 365| AE 1:1 [Pl. XIV. 14.] AVT.K.TTO/\|K. OVA | APTEM | [ Eq) ELIA Artemis AEPIANOC. Bust of huntress running r., drawing bow : Valerian r., laur., wear- at her feet, hound running r. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 366 AE 1.05 Same die. Eq) ELIONTTPQTON ADIAL (star at end of inscr.) Artemis, clad in long chiton with diplois, with quiver at her shoulder, stand- ing r., carrying long torch with both hands transversely. 367 AE 1.05 AVTKTTO/\! KBAAEPI eqeCION T VXH Tyche stand- ANOE Bust of Vale-| ing l., holding in T. patera over rian r., laur., wearing | ſlaming altar, and in 1. cornucopiae. cuirass and paludamen- tum. Countermark un- certain. 368| ZE 8 AVTKTTO/\|KIN BA/\|ATTH M H . Eq) E €PIANOC Bust of CION (in ex.) Covered four- Valerian r., laur., wear- wheeled waggon (iepā ātrāvm) drawn ing cuirass and paluda-| by two mules r. ; side of waggon mentum : same die as hung with wreaths. No. 350. 369| AE 1.05 104 IONIA, No *l. Obverse. Reverse. Gallienus. 3rd Neocoria. AVT.K.TTO.AIK. TAA|E®ECIO NINeOK Artemis /\|HNOC Bust of Gal- OPON (in ex.) huntress lienus r., laur., wear-| seizing fallen stag by the horns r. ing cuirass and paluda- - mentum. 370 AE 8 AVT.K.TTO/\|KIN TA|Eq>ED.1Q.N. T.NEOKOPO N /\/\IH NOC Bust of Artemis, wearing long chiton with Gallienus r., laur, wear- diplois and peplos, with quiver at ing cuirass and paluda-| shoulder, Seated l. on rock: she mentum. holds in 1. bow, and with r. pours libation from patera. 371|AE 1.05 372 AE 1:1 AVT.K.TTO./\! K IN. T. Eq) ELION.T NE OKOPON. A/\/\IH NOL Bust of Hekate, wearing modius and long Gallienus r., laur., wear-| chiton with diplois and quiver at ing cuirass and paluda-| shoulder, standing facing, head l., mentum. and holding in each of her out- stretched hands a torch. 373 AE 1:1 AVT.TTO.A. K. TA/\/\|Eq>EDION T NEOKOPON Leto, IHNOC Bust of Galli- clad in long chiton with diplois and enus r., laur., wearing cui-| peplos, running r., head turned back, rass and paludamentum. and carrying on her outstretched Countermark, B arms her two children, Apollo and Artemis, each holding a bow. 374 /E 1'1 EPHESUS. 105 No * Obverse, Reverse. AVT.TTO./\|K TA/\/\||Eq>ED.I.ON TNEOKOPON An- HNOL I3ust of Galli- droklos, naked but for chlamys enus r., laur., wear- which hangs behind him, advancing ing cuirass and paluda-| r., carrying spear over 1. shoulder, mentum. and in r. patera and dead boar, of which the forepart only is visible : behind him, a tree. 375|| ZE 1: 1 AVT.K.TIO.AIK IN.TPIE NEOKO Po N Covered TA/\/\l HNOL Bust E®ELIQN (in ex.) four- of Gallienus, r., laur., wheeled waggon (iepā ātrāvm) r., wearing cuirass and palu- drawn by two mules; side of waggon damentum. hung with wreaths. 376|| AR 1 - 1 4th Neocoria. AVTP. K.TTO. A. K. TA/\/\| Eq) ELION. A. NEOKOPON | HNOC Bust of Galli- Artemis huntress standing facing, enus r., laur., wearing cui-| head r. ; she holds in l. bow, and rass and paludamentum. with r. draws arrow from quiver at her shoulder; at her feet, stag r. 377 AE 1. AVT TTO/\ITA A/\/\ || Eq) E[1...QNA NEQ KOPON HNOL (sic) Bust of Artemis huntress running r., draw- Gallienus, l., laur., wear- ing bow ; beside her, hound ing paludamentum, and running r. armed with spear and shield, on which, star. 378. AE 1.05 (Same die as Samos, No. 378.) l AVTTIOAIK.N.TAA* |EOELIONA NE OKOPO N |HNOC. (sic) Bust of Similar typo. Gallienus, I., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 379 /E 1. 106 IONIA, No. * Obverse. Reverse. AVT. K.TIO/\|K! N. T. EQeCHQ.N.A. NeOKO PON A/\/\! H NOC Bust of Artemis, wearing short chiton § Gallienus r., laur., wear- diplois and peplos, standing r., wit ing cuirass and paluda-| l. leg bent ; she holds in r. inverted mentum. torch, transversely, and in 1. bow. 380 AE 1 AVT KTTO/\|KI. TA/\/\| eq)6ClONAN e QKOPQN | HNOC Bust of Gal- Artemis, wearing long chiton with lienus r., laur., wear- diplois, and quiver at shoulder (?) ing cuirass and paluda-| standing facing, head r., holding| mentum. long torch with both hands, trans- versely. 381| AE 1.05 AVT TIO/\ITA A/\/\|| Eq) E[1...Q.N.A. N. EQKOPON HNOL (sic) Bust of Similar type (quiver at shoulder). Gallienus 1., laur., armed with spear and shield, on which, star: same die as No. 378. 382| ZE 1.05 AVT K.TTO/\lſ A/\/\IH | EóEE1@N MONO.N.A. NEOK NOL. AVTO Bust of OPQN Nike, naked to waist, Gallienus 1., radiate, wear-| standing r., with 1. foot on helmet, ing paludamentum, and inscribing round shield fixed to armed with spear and | palm-tree. shield, on which, star. 383 /E 1:25 AVT K.TTO/\! KIN TA eq)éCION A. Né QKOPQN /\/\l HNOC 13ust of Tyche of City, standing 1., wearing Gallienus r., laur., wear-| modius, holding cultus-statue of ing cuirass and paluda- Ephesian Artemis on r, and cornu- montum. copiae in 1. 384 AE 1.05 EPIIICSUS, 107 No. *! Obverse. Reverse. . AVT. K.TTO./\|K! . TA|APTeMIC eq) eCIA Artemis A/\! HNOC Lust of huntress standing r., holding in 1. Gallienus r, laur., wear-| bow, and placing f. upon her head : ing cuirass and paluda- at her fect, stag r., looking back. mentum. 385| AE '85 AVTP KTTO/\|KI - TA/\|64)6CON ...A.ACIAC Artemis /\! HNOC. Bust of huntress standing r., beneath tree ; Gallienus r., laur., wear- she holds in 1. bow, and with r. ing cuirass and paluda- draws arrow from quiver at her mentum. shoulder : at her feet, stag r. 386. AE 1.05 AVT.TTO. A. K. TA/\/\|ATTH M H ! EPA Covered four- HNOC Bust of Gallienus E4 ELION (in ex.) wheeled r., laur., wearing cuirass waggon (iepā ātāvm) r., drawn by and paludamentum. two mules; side hung with wreaths. 387| AE 1:1 AVT-KTTO. AIKI - TA|eqeC IQN Tyche standing, wear- A/\l HNOC Bust of ing modius, holding rudder and Gallienus r., laur., wear-| cornucopiae. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. Countermark, ſ 388 AF ‘8 AVT. K.TTO./\! K. TA/\/\|Eq) ET | QN Similar, behind, | HNOC. Similar type. Star. 389 AE 8 Salonina. 3rd Neocoria. -CA/\QN . XPVC OſO | Eq) ECION T N EQ KOPQN NH - CGBA. Bust of Artemis huntress standing facing, Salonina T., wearing ste-| head r., holding in l. bow, and phane and draped; behind placing r, upon her head : behind bust, a crescent. her, tree, and at her feet, stag, l., g looking back. 390 AE 1.05 108 IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Roverse. 391 393 394 AE 1:1 */ AE 1:1 AE 1-05 5| AE 1.05 Same die. Same die. CAAQNel NACG. B. I3ust of Salomina I., Wear- ing stophane and draped. .CAAQN.XPVC OſO NH.CGBA. Bust of Salonina r., wearing ste- plane and draped; behind bust, crescent : same die as No. 390. Countermark, eagle with open Wings T., looking back. NH.Cé Similar. Coun- tormark, . B Eq) ELION T. NEOKOPON Artemis huntress running r., hold- ing bow in l., and with r. drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder: beside her, hound running r. £4) ELION. T. NEOKOPON Artemis wearing long chiton and peplos, with quiver at her shoulder, seated l. on rock : she holds in 1. bow, and with r. pours libation from patera: in ex. star between two dots. €q) eCION T Ne QKOPON Artemis, wearing long cliton and peplos, running r., carrying two torches. Eq) E[1...Q.N.T. NGO Androklos, KOPON (in ex.) maked but for chlamys, charging with a spear a wild boar at bay behind the trunk of a tree: beside him, hound running r. 4th Neocoria. CA/\ON.XPV COTO ſeq)6CHQN. A. N.G.O. KOPON Artemis huntress running r., hold- ing bow in l, and with r, drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder : beside her, hound running 1. EPIIESUS. 109 Metal. No. | size. Obverse. Roverse. CAAXPV[C] OTONH. eqeCIO N AAC1AC Artemis CG. Bust of Salonina r., huntress standing r., holding in l. wearing slephane and | bow, and placing r. upon her head ; draped. behind her, tree ; and at her feet, stag l., looking back. 396 AE 1.05 CA/\XPVCO TONH APTCM IC eq) eCl A Artemis C& Iłust of Salonina T., huntress running r., drawing bow : wearing stephane and beside her, hound running 1. draped ; behind bust, Crescent. 397| AE 1.05 CAAQN.XPV COTON | Eq) E[1...QN TIPOTONAEIA[. H CE. Bust of Salo- || Artemis, wearing short chiton with nina r., wearing stephane | diplois and peplos, standing r., with and draped. 1. leg bent, holding in r. torch down- 398. AE 1.05 wards, and in l, bow. .CAAON.XPVC OITO TO ATAGON GºeClQN NH-CEBA. Bust of Naked male figure, standing facing, Salonina T., wearing ste- head I., with hauds cleuched. phane and draped : be- hind bust, crescent : same die as No. 390. Counter- mark, C 399 AE 1.05 [Pl. xiv. 15.] Saloninus. TTO. Al KOPOVA/\e P! | Eq) ED. I QN Tyche wearing ANOCKAI Bust of modius, standing l., holding rudder Saloninus r, laur., wear- and cornucopiae. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 400 AE 8 Ai K CA/\ OYA/\e PA|Similar : bellind Tyche, star. NO C Similar type. 101| Alī 'S 110 IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 402 404 406 AE 1'4 AE 1'4 AE 1'3 AE 1-3 AE 1.3 EPHESUS AND PEIRGAMUM, ALLIANCE COINS. \ Commodus. AYKAIO/\YM TTIOC eq)6CION B.N EOTT ePTAM KOMOAOC Bust H. N.ON OMONOIA (in ex.) of Commodus r., laur., Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis wearing cuirass and palu- facing, and Asklepios, standing l., damentum. resting with r. on serpent-staff. [Pl. xxxvii.I. 1.] EPHESUS, SMYRNA AND PERGAMUM. Antoninus Pius. T. Al KAJCAP AN |ZMYP TTEPT Cultus-statue of TONG|NOC Dust of €4)6ClQN Ephesian Arte- Antoninus Pius 1., laur., OMON mis facing, be- wearing cuirass and palu- tween Nemesis r. and Asklepios, l. ; damentum. beside Nemesis is a wheel. EPIIISUS AND SMYIRNA, Domitian. P. Calvigius Ruso, Proco8. AOM ITIANOCKAICA GTTI ANG)\/TTATOVPOVCON PCeBA CTOC Te OCOMO NOIA PMAN | KOC IIead of €Q) 6 Domitian r., laur., wear- SMVP (in ex.) ing aegis. Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis facing between two figures of Neme- sis, 1. and r., holding respectively bridle and cubit-rule. [Pl. xxxvii.I. 2.] ICPTIESUS. 111 No. *. Obverse. Reverse. L. Caesennius Paetus, Procos. AOM ITIANOC KAIC|eTTI ANG)V[KAICENNIOVITIA AP Ce BACTOC T | ITOV ONMONOIA €PMAN | KOC Head S M YP of Domitian r., laur., wear- .6Q)6Cl. ing aegis. Ephesian Artemis between two Ne- meses as above. 407 AE 1:25 Similar. eſ|| ANG)V[KAICeNNIOV TT AITOV]OMONOIA €()6 NMVP Two Amazons, standing face to face, joining r. hands; each holds bipennis over shoulder. 408 AF 1' 25 AOM ITIANOC KAIC|ANGY KAICCN TIAITOV OM AP CeBACTOC T | ONO!A €PMAN | K Head of €Qe Domitian r., laur. SMVP Two Nemeses face to face l. and r. ; holding respectively bridle and cubit-rule. 409 AF 1'0 410 /E 1:0 Domitia. AOM ITIACE BACTH ANGV KAI Ce N TIA (TOV J}ust of Domitia r., OMONOIA draped. €(pe NMYP Two Nemeses as above. 411| AE '85 412| ZE '85 4 13 Al '75 112 IONIA. No *::::l. Obverso. Reverse. Similar. ANG)\/ KAICeN TIAITOV OM ONOIA €(pe SMYP Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis facing. 414| AE '85 415 AB 85 EPHISSUS AND SARDES. M. Aurelius. .AY. KAI. M. AY ANTIVAQWAIAQAO | AXI WOIO3(93 QN | NOC Bust of M. OMONIA. Aurelius r, laur. ; wear-| Cultus-statues of Ephesian Artemis ing cuirass and paluda-| between two stags, and of the Sar- mentum. dian goddess, both facing. 416 AE 1'45 [Pl. XXXVIII. 3..] EPTIESU S AND ALEXANDRIA. Gordian III. AYT KMANTO TO | OMONO!A Cultus-statue of PAIANOE Bust of Eq) EDI QNK A/\ Ephesian Arte- Gordian r., laur., wearing|[E]EANAPéQN mis facing, be- cuirass and paludamen- tween two stags, in field, 1. and T., tum. crescent and star: on the right of the goddess stands Isis holding sis- trum and situla, on her left Sarapis, his r. raised, and holding in 1. Sceptre, 4] 7 AE 1'45 [Pl. xxxviii. 4.] EPHESUS. 113 Metal. Size. w Obverse. & Beverse. TAT .AYT KMAN T.TOPA eq)eCIO.N.K AIAAé:ANAPe |ANOC Bust of Gor-| QN : Busts jugate r. of Sarapis, dian r., laur., wearing wearing modius, and of Artemis cuirass and paludamen- with quiver at her shoulder. tum. 418. AE 1'15 [Pl. xxxviii. 5.] Same die. - -eq>eCION KAI A/Aé-ANAPé QN OMONO!A Same type 1. 419 AE 1:25 Same die. €4)6CION KAIA/\ €3:ANAP €ON OMONOIA (in ex.) Artemis huntress holding bow and drawing arrow from quiver at her shoulder, standing r. before Sarapis standing 1., wearing modius and with r. raised; between them, altar. 420. AE 1:15 [Pl. xxxviii. 6.] Same die. €4)6ClON KAIA/A6 ZANAP €ON OMONOIA (in ex.) Artemis huntress as above, but tree behind her and stag before her, standing before Sarapis, as above, but resting with 1. on sceptre. 421. AE 1.15 Same die. eq)eCION KA 1A/\e-ANAPé QN OMONOIA (in ex.) Isis Pharia, running r., wearing horns, globe, and plumes, clad in chiton and peplos which flies behind her ; she holds inflated Sail with both hands and sistrum () in 1. 114 IONIA, No. ". Obverse. Reverse. AYTK. M.A.N. T.TOP eq)é C | O N A/\e:ANA Pe Al ANOC Bust of QN Sarapis, wearing modius and Gordian r., laur., wear-| himation over lower limbs, seated l. ; ing cuirass and paluda- he holds cultus-statue of Ephesian mentum. Artemis on extended r. and rests with 1. On sceptre; at his feet, Kerberos. 423. AE 1'15 [Pl. xxxviii. 7.] Same die. E®ELIONTYXH Tyche, wearing A/\EEANA modius chi- PEQN ton and peplos over lower limbs, recumbent 1. on couch ; she holds in r. rudder, and rests l. elbow on pillow of couch, to which is fixed a cornucopiae. 424 AE 1'15 | [Pl. xxxviii. 8.] Same dio. €4 eCION (in ex.) KAI A /\e: TYXH ANA Pe@N Tyche of Ephesus recumbent as above, but holding in r. cultus- statue of Ephesian Artemis in place of rudder. 425| AE 1.2 AYTKMAN TITOPA|| E4 ELION A/\ E SANAPE C QN Tyche of Alexandria standing ANO Bust of Gor-| l., holding on extended r. statue of dian, r., laur., wear-| Sarapis and in 1. cornucopiae. ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 426 AF '85 ICPHESUS. 115 No *:::: 1. Obverse. Reverse. AYTKMANT TOPA|| Eq) EDIſ(). NAA E RANAPEQN C Bull Apis r., wearing collar and ANO Bust of Gor-| globe between his horns; on his side, dian r., laur., wearing globe within a crescent. cuirass. 427| AE '85 [Pl. xxxvii.I. 9.] For other Alliances with Ephesus, see Adramybeum, Cyzicus, Pergamum, Mysiae; Magnesia, Miletus, Ioniae : Aphrodisias, Cariae : Sardes, Lydiae ; Apamea, Cotiaeum, Hiorapolis, Laodicea, Phrygiae. 116 IONIA. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 109'05 9.3 2.7 EL. 6 EL. 15 TERYTHRAE. Sixth century B.C., or earlier. Tº LECTRUM. Phoenician Standard. Bfalf-Stater. Stellate flower of eight|Cruciform incuse. rays with, in the centre, a double circle con- taining a pellet. [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 952.] [Head, Num. Chron., 1887, p. 305.] (Specific gravity iá'57. Gold contents about 72 per cent.) [Pl. iii. 12.] 1/24 Stater. Stellate flower of eight|Rough incuse, rays with circle con- taining pellet in the centre. [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 955B.] [Head, Num. Chron., 1887, p. 285, Pl. x. 21.] 1/96 Stater. Stellate flower of fourteen Incuse containing irregular lines. petals with circle con- taining pellet in the the centre. [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 956B.] [Head, Num, Chron, 1887, p. 287, Pl. x. 30.] TSRYTEIRAE, 117 * Obverse. Beverse. Segment of stellate flower|Incuse containing lines and pellets. (four petals and central pellet.) 4 2-1 |EL. 15 [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 1133B.] [Head, Wum. Chron., 1887, Pl. x. 29.] Phocaic Standard. He c ta, e. Stellate flower of twelve Two incuse depressions, one oblong petals with circle con- and one square. taining pellet in the centre ; beside it, a zigzag or trellis pattern. 5 | 40-3 |EL. "5 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. III. 13.] Stellate flower of sixteen Rough incuse square. rays, the alternate ones shorter, and ending in pellets; in the centre a large boss. 6 || 39.5 |EL. “4 [Subhi Sale, 1878.] [Head, Num. Chron., 1887, p. 290.] [Pl. III. 14.] Head of young Herakles|Quadripartite incuse square; two 1., of archaic style, quarters in high and two in low wearing lion's skin ; relief. beneath, club. 7 | 40.5 | EL. '4 [Pl. III. 15.] [R. P. K.] 118 ION1A, No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles|Quadripartite incuse square, two l., of archaic style, quarters in high and two in low wearing lion's skin;| relief. beneath, club. 8 40°5 | EL, °4 [Borrell, Smyrna.] 9 || 39.7 | EL, °4 [Borrell, Smyrna.] 10 || 32-7 | EL. '4 11 || 39:7 EL. 4 |type almost obliterated. 1/24 Stater. Naked boy riding on fore-Rough incuse square. part of prancing horse. 12 || 10° EL. '3 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. III. 16.] The attribution of all the above electrum coins to Erythrae is doubt- ful, some numismatists have attributed those with the head of Hera- kles to Heraclea Bithyniae. SILVER, JBefore circ. B.o. 480. Phoenician Standard, I)idra chrms. Naked man riding on |Quadripartite incuse Square, horse cantering r. : horse wears breast- band: border of dots, 13 | 108-7 || AR “75 [R. P. K.] ERYTHIRAD, 119 2 3 } } TNo.] Wt. *:::::: Obverse. Reverse. Naked man riding on |Quadripartite incuse Square. horse cantering r.: horse wears breast- band ; border of dots. 14 || 108.2 | AR •7 Same dies as No. 13. [Woodhouse.] 15 109" | AR •7 [R. P. K.] [Pl. xv. 1.] 16 || 109" | AR, 7 Same dies as No. 15. [Burgon.] Tetro bol. Similar. Similar. 17 | 36" | AR, "5 [Whittall, Smyrna.] Fifth century B.C. Persic Standard. Drachns. Naked man holding by Incuse square, within which stellate the rein a cantering flower of eight petals. horse 1. 18| 68.9 || AR 65|in field, r., grain of corn. O Y ‘l a 19| 71-2 || AR 65 .. 2) E P Y O flower has twelve petals. 20| 701 | AR 6 horse walks ; tol., pellet; 33 32 to T., grain of corn. [Pl. xv. 2.] 21 || 70.5 | AR 6 | X 3 2 3 120 IONIA, No. Wł. *. Obverse. Reverse. Naked man holding by Incuse square, within which, stellate| the rein, a cantering flower of eight petals. horse, l. 22 || 698 || AR 6 to r., bee or wasp. E P. flower has eleven petals. G) Y 23| 722 || AR 55 , 25 55 , 93 [Pl. xv. 3..] 24 || 67 || AR “6 , , varied. E P Y flower has twelve petals with rays between them ending in pellets. 25 | 69°4 || AR ‘7 |horse wears breast-band; S P V twelve petals, pellets beneath, rosette of six between them. pellets. 26 || 71°1 | AR 65 S P V G) sixteen petals. 27 63-3 || AR 6 to r., pilos. G) Y ten petals. 28 || 70.9 || AR 65 O Y P , a sixteen petals, pellets between them : flower en- closed in linear circle. Similar type on an en-|Similar type. tablature, consisting of a line surmounting a row of crescents, each con- taining a pellet. 29 || 70.8 || AR 6 E P Y G) twelve petals, A • voided. [Pl. xv. 4.] 30 | 69.2 | AR 6 (same type.) |E G V Q (sic) , ERYTHIRAE. 12 No. 31 32 33 34 36 37 Obverse. wi. |*. 22*2 || AR ‘45 17.5 | AR '45 13-6 || AR, "5 18-3 || AR '45 17. AR '4 13.8 || AR ‘45 3°2 | AR 25 Reverse. Pegasos with curled wing flying r. to 1. pilos; beneath, A 9) no letter. }} 32 35 Smaller Denominations. Incuse square, within which, stellate flower of twelve petals. G) Y q E E P Y G. 33 [Pl. xv. 5.] Naked man holding by the rein a cantering horse 1. Incuse square, within which, stellate flower of eleven petals, ten petals. [Pl. xv. 6.] Head of bull r., wearing collar of beads. Incuse square, containing stellate flower of eight petals. [Pl. xv. 7.] 122 IONIA, No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. BRONZTE. Circ. B.C. 400. Head of bearded He- |Incuse circle, within which, EPY rakles T., wearing lion's Head and neck of bull r. ; behind, skin. club P 38 AE • 35 [Pl. xv. 8.] 39 AE '4 (traces of incuse circle.) 40 Æ 4 (lion's skin varied.) (concave surface.) SILVER. Circ. B.C. 387–300. Rhodian Standard. Tetra dra chrms. Head of young Herakles EPY Club and bow in case. in lion’s skin r. 41 222.8 || AR 1.0 A|ONY:IO: symbols, owl, kantharos. 42|231-2 || AR 1:0 (Herakles whiskered.) | MOAION owl and mon, Ā [Pl. xv. 9..] I)r a chrms. Similar type. Same inscr. and type. 43 || 57-6 || AR 6 border of dots. ABPON 44 56'2 | AR 6 Aſ"E/\/\A: owl. ERYTHRAE. * 123 No. we |*.* Obverse. Reverse. Sinilar type. Same inscr. and type. 45 557 | AR 6 (same die as no. 44.) Aſ"E/\/\A: owl 46 || 55-6 || AR 6 2 3 55 22 47 53.2 | AR 6 API:TEA: ,, 48 || 55°5 | AR '6 Alonysios , kantharos. [Pl. xv. 10.] 49 55.1 A. '6 5 J 53 3 * 50 | 54.8 || AR '6 5 7 35 59 51 56" | AR 65 AIOT"EIG)H: ,, 52 56' | AR 55 (same die as no. 51.) 33 35 53 || 54°5 || AR, "55 MO/\|QN ,, and Å 54 || 54-7 || AR 6 readriahs ,, and WN 55 53.8 || AR 6 }} (no owl), (pierced) 56 || 55.8 || AR, "55 55 owl and uncert. mon, 57 || 54-3 || AR 6 ©ANNOOEMI: owl and Å 58 54-7 || AR 6 3 2 92 25 (same dies.) 24 IONIA. No. W5. * Obverse. Reverse. Similar type. Same inscr, and type. | 59 54-5 | AR, "6 (paNNOG) EMI: Owl and A 60 53.8 || AR 6 35 22 2.9 61 || 53.5 | AR 6 ©1/\OKPATH: , ,, P BRONZE. Head of young Herakles |EPY Club, bow in case, and cloven in lion’s skin r. hoof. * 63 AE '5 64 AE *5 65 AE • 45 [Pl. xv. 11.] Head of young Herakles EPY Club and bow in case. in lion’s skin r. : 66 AE '45 API:TOKAH 67 AE '5 APXENOY: [Pl. xv. 12.] 68 AE '45 |A:KAHTIAALH: ERYTHIRAE. 125 Metal. No. size, Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles in EPY Club and bow in case. lion's skin r. 69 || AE '5 A:KAHTIAAHL: 70 || AE '5 ToPITION symbol, tripod. 71 | AE •5 92 95 25 72 AE '5 AlONY:IQANH: 73 AE •5 52 74 AE '5 HPOAOTO: 75 AE '5 GPA:Y: 76 || AE 45 t MAKAPEO: 77 || AE '45 TYOEPMoſ: 78 || AE •5 T]Yoo/WNHXT ox: symbol, astragalos. 79 || AE '4 A]PXITTo: 80 || A. "45 M IN . . . 81 | AE '5 ION I.A. Metal. No. Si. Obverse. Reverse. Similar, No inscr., club, bow, and bow-case, | crossed, in field, l., A 82 | ME '5 Similar, EPY Club and bow in case 83 || AE •55 W AIoMY:Io: 84 || AE 6 |countermark, star. k + 25 85 || AE •7 92 92 B|QN beneath, star, and counter- TYG)EA mark, star. [Pl. xv. 13.] 86 || AE 6 25 } } KA/\/\|: countermark, Star, 87 || AE 65 3 ) 5 y } } 55 25 88 || AE 55 }} Similar. Similar. 89 || AE •75 |T"To/\OXO: 90 || AE 75 TAOPEA: 91 | AE 6 (p1/\ITTo: ERYTHIRAE, 127 No. * Obverse. - Reverse. Head of young Herakles r., |EPY Bow in case and club. in lion's skin. 92 || AE '9 TOTYPO: symbol, strigil? 93 AE '85 MHTPOAOPO: Yf 94 AE '85 }} } } [Pl. xv. 14.] Head of young Herakles EPY Club and bow in case. three-quarters towards r., in lion's skin. 95 || AE •5 MHTPOAQP[OX and mon. [Pl. xv. 15.] Head of Apollo facing. Inscr. illegible; Club and bow in case. 96 || AE '45 AI:XPIOIN Bow in case. EPY Club, 97 || AE .45 TYG) H3 98 || AE .45 THAEMAXIo:? [For the tetradrachms of Lysimachus struck at Erythrae (symbols, club, and bow in case) see Müller, nos. 409–419.] 128 ION I.A. No. Wt. ºl. Obverse. Revorse. SILVER. Rhodian Standard. Circ. B.C. 300–200. Dr a chrms. Head of young Herakles EPY Club and bow in case ; r., wearing lion's skin. symbol, owl. 99 || 55-3 || AR 6 A:KAHT AAH3 AH MAACX. [Pl. xv. 16.] 100 52°5 || AR 6 | 2 3 upside down. BIe midra chrm. Similar type 1. EPY Bow in case and club. 101| 24-2 || AR, "5 BRONZE, Head of young Herakles |EPY Bow in case and club. r., in lion's skin. 102 AE '95|countermarks, head of AſſPITT PIAX countermarks Athena r., and head of AHM HTPIOY S9, DOlò 8,S OIl Helios. obverse. Head of young Herakles |EPY and magistrate's name with r., in lion's skin: border patronymic. of dots, 103 AE '65 Aſ AXI KAHX. ANTITIATPoſY FIRYT III?A E. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 104. 105 106 107 108 109 | 10 111 113 114 AE AI) '65 Head of young Herakles r., in lion's skin: border of dots. EPY and magistrate's name with patronymic. Aſ AX|K/\HX. ANTI TIA TPo`Y 25 Aſlo/\/\Q N |OX ATIO/\/\O AOTOY Aſlo/\/\Q NOAOTOX HPAKAEI TOY AYTONO |MOX AYTONO MOY BATAKOX TIAPAMO NOY TNOTOX EKATONLY MOY AAMAA HX APXEANA KTOX, AIONYXIOX |ATPOKAE OYX. EPM.ON AOQAN To Y MHT PAX AAMAAOY (a) (a) (a) (a) EPY beneath magistrato's name. S [Pl. xv. 17.] ION I.A. 116 118 119 122 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. IIead of young Herakles r., in lion's skin : border of dots. | Head of young Dionysos r., wearing ivy wreath. EPY and magistrate's name with patronymic. TIO/\YKPſ TOX, TIO/\YKPI To Y (a) Q) | AON HPOXON TOX, EPY Bunch of grapes and magis- trate's name with patronymic. ATAXI KAHX ANTITIA TPo`Y Aſlo/\/\Q NIOX ATIO/\/\O AOTOY Aſ O/\/\Q NOAOTOX H PAK/AEI To Y (8) AYTONO MOX. AYTONO MOY BATAKOX TIAPAMO NOY (8) [Pl. xv. 18.] TNOTOX EKATONY MOY (a) EPY beneath magistrate's name. . (3) EPY and bunch of grapes beneath magistrate’s name. ICRYTHIRAE. 131 Metal. Size Obvorse. Reverse. Head of young Dionysos r., | EPY Bunch of grapes and magis- Wearing ivy-wreath. trate's name with patronymic. 123| AE 6 AIONYX|OX |ATPOKAE OYX. 124 AE 6 EPMQN AlO4)AN TOY TIO/\YKPI TOX, TIO/\YKPI To Y (8) 125| AE 5 IIead of Athena r., in close- EPY and magistrate's name with fitting crested helmet : patronymic. border of dots. 126|| AR) 5 ATAXIKAHIX ANTI TIA TPo`Y 127| AE '45 Aſlo/\/\Q N |OX Aſ O/\/\O AOTOY 128. AE 5 BATAKOX TIAPAMO NOY (a) [Pl. xv. 19.] 129| AE '5 A|ONY X|OX. TT POTO TENOY 130| AE '45 EPMON A]loq AN To Y (a) EPY beneath magistrate's name. (8) EPY and bunch of grapos beneath magistrate's namo. ION I.A. 133 134 137 138 139 140 * Obverse. Roverse. Head of Athena r., in close-| EPY and magistrate's name with fitting crested helmet : patronymic. border of dots. AE '45 AAM. T. POX } AAMIT POY AE '5 Tio/WIYKPI T]ox ſlo/\|YKPI To Y (a) AE 45 XOTH P|XOX AAMA /\OY AE '5 ©!/\ON H POXON TOX, | Head of Helios, radiate, EPY and magistrate's name. facing. AE •45 Aſ AXI KAHX AE '4 A]ſlo A /\QNO AOTOX, (a) AE '4 BATA KOX (a) [Pl. xv. 20.] AE '4 HPOTI MOX AE 4 MENIE KPA THIX AE '45 ©l/\QN (a) EPY beneath magistrate's name. ERYTHIRAE. 133 Metal. No Size. Obvorso. Rovorse. Club in linear circle. EPY and magistrate's name. 141 /E • 35 ATIO/\ /\ONO AOTOX, (a) 142|| AE '4 (circle dotted), EPMON 143 AE '4 } } ©1/\QN [Pl. xv. 21.] IIead of Apollo r, laur. EPY Dow and magistrate's name with patronymic. 144| AE *55 . . MAN Alon NY (sic) 145| AE 55 HPſoAjo Tox HPLAKA]EITOY (a) EPY beneath magistrate’s name. IONIA. 146 147 148 149 150 151 Metal. Size. Obverse. Roverse. 64' 5 63. 63' 4 20-7 AR, '65 AR, '65 AR, "5 AR ‘45 AR, "5 Cºre, B.C. 200–133. [For tetradrachms of Alexander the Great's types, see Müller, Class vi., Nos. 999—1004. Symbols, club and bow in case.] SILVER. Attic Standard. Drachms. Head of young Herakles|Wreath of vine-leaves, within which r., in lion's skin. EPY club, magistrate's name with patronymic and bow in case. H POAQPOX AIONYX|OY [Pl. xvi. 1.] (club and bow-case in opposite directions from preceding speci- men.) I) iobols. Head of young Herakles 1., EPY Club, magistrate's name, and in lion's skin. bow in case. AITQP symbols, race-torch, and ear of corn. TAAokox and & MO/\|QN symbols, ear of corn and caduceus. [Pl. XVI. 2.] JERYTHRAE. 135 Obverse. Reverse. 154 157 Similar type. EPY Bow in case and club ; no magistrate's name. BRONZ E. Head of young Herakles r., EPY Bow in case, club, bust of in lion's skin: border | Herakles in lion's skin, three- of dots. quarter face towards r., and magis- trate's name with patronymic. AſAG)o KAHIX } symbol, ATIO/\/\OAOTIOY y star. A/\KEM QN } ETIIKPAToy[X. A MYM ON Y Ano/\/\onoAoToIY } ANAEATO PA[X NYM bo/\oxoſ Y ANAPQN ANAPOXOENOYX APIXToq ()[NTox HIPAKAEOAQ POY } } Aſlo/\/\oAQIPOX } flººr } ATIO/\/\QNOA[OTOX } MHTPQNAKTox 136 IONIA, No. *. Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles r., EPY Bow in case, club, bust of in lion's skin ; border of | Herakles in lion’s skin, three-quarter dots. face towards r., and magistrate's name with patronymic. 161. AE •75 APATOX } EYTIO/\|AOX. 162| AE 8 5 2 } 163 AE •85 APTEMON } AG) HNEY 164 AE '7 22 symbol, eagle l., 27 wings closed. 165| AE '75 AXTYNOYX. symbol, conical EYOYNOY stone 7 166|| ZE •75 2 3 } 167 AE •85 TOPTION } TOPTIONOX 168 AH) •75 AAMAAHX. ) MENEKPATOLYX 169| ZE •75 AEINoM E[NHX } EXEAHMo(Y 170 AB '8 AIONYX|OX } ANAEITIO/\lo[X. 171| AE 75 A|ONYX|OX } HPOAQPOY ERYTHRAE. | No. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles r., | EPY Bow in case, club, bust of in lion's skin: border of Herakles in lion's skin, three-quarter dots. face towards r., and magistrate’s name with patronymic. 172 AE '8 Aloq)ANToſX } KTHXI KPATo(YX. 173| AE 75 EKATONYINMOX } MHTPoAQP[OY 174| AE 8 EYAAMAX } TTY O. QNOX 175| AE 7 §§ O'Y ; (club across bust.) 176|| AE '9 IQTYPOX. } TYoo AQP[oy 177| AE •75 HPOOEM IX HPAKAEITOY } 178| AE 8 HPAKAEQTH(X) HPAKAEQToſY } 179| AE 8 OEO TEN HX } EPMOAQPOY 180| AE 75 3) }varied. 181| AE •7 OEYTENHX } GEYTENOY|X. 182| AE •75 KA/\/\|QN } q)YAAPXOY T IONIA. 183 184 186 187 188 189 190 191 193 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles r., EPY Bow in case, club, bust of in lion's skin : border of Herakles in lion’s skin, three-quarter dots. face towards r., and magistrate's name with patronymic. AE 75 MENEK/\HX. } APIXToAHMOY AE '85 MEN #ATHz AH M EOY AE 8 MHTPAX (Herakles to- AAMA/\OY } wards 1.) AE 75 MO/\|QN } A|ONYX|OY AE 8 MYXXHX. (Herakles towards Y“PIKAEIOYX 1.) symbol, wreath. AE •75 2 3 ; (Herakles towards 5 2 1.) no wreath. AE '8 [Pl. xvi. 3..] EE|NAX Y ol Noſ" [AOY } AE '75 TPAEITTox Herakles to: ENYOY wards 1. AE '8 TYOEOX } MHTPoAQPoſY AE 7 XI MOX } symbol, ear of TPOTorENoy[x: COTIl, AE 8 XYM MAXOX } |APixToronoy ERYTHRAE, 139 No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. Head of young Herakles r., |EPY Bow in case, club, bust of in lion's skin: border of Herakles in lion's skin, three- dots. quarter face towards r, and magistrate's name with patronymic. -- 4, 9 (Herakles towards 194 AE •75 ####! l., handle of club formed like a crook.) 195 AE '75 q>1/\OKPATHX } (tº EYroalAoz y ...) 196 AE •8 (pl.AoEENOX s. - KONQ § Symbol, rudder. After B.o. 133. GOLI). Head of young Herakles.l., EPY Female divinity wearing in lion's skin: border of short chiton and endromides, dots. standing facing ; on her head modius, and around her head nimbus; she holds in r. spear, and in l. globular object. 197 43’5 AW 55 ToxEIAQ]NI[OX] [Pl. xvi. 4.] SILVER. Head of Athenar., wearing EPY and monogram. crested Corinthian hel- nuet: border of dots. 198] 15:2 | AR '4 [? [Pl. xvi. 5.] 199| 13.8 || AR 4 } } Club : border of dots. EPY and monogram. 200 9-9 || AR 35 Fº [Pl. xvi. G.] 140 IONIA, No. Wt. *::: Obverse. Beverse. BRONZE. Head of bearded Herakles |EPY Bow in case and club ; magis- r., wearing lion's skin: trate's name and patronymic. border of dots. 201 AE 55 AHMHTPIOX } ATIE/\/\OY 202 AE '65 (countermark, bee.) 29 (countermark, [Pl. xvi. 7.] 52 bee.) 203 AE 55 THNOAQIPOX } ANAEATſoPoy 204 AE •65 55 92 [Pl. xvi. 8.] 2 3 22 205 AE 65 55 2 3 2 3 Y 2 3 y 29 206 AE •6 2 2 22 32 } 25 207 AE 6 25 57 IATPſo]KAHX. } HPAKAEQTIoy 32 208 AE 6 2 3 25 2.5 Q 7 5 ; " Head of bearded Herakles | EPY Bow in case, club, and bee. r., wearing lion's skin: border of dots. 209 AE •7 [Pl. xvi. 9..] ETI KoyPox (E PY Bee • *” “J |OEPXIONox y upwards.) 210 AE 6 22 }(EPY Beel) 211 AE •65 Hº: D ( ) ETIKoy Poly j \ " } % 212 AE '6 ; (Bee 1. EPY) 213 AE • 65 [Pl. xvi. 10.] 2 \ 2 3 ) 22 35 IERYTHIRAE. 141 No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. Head of bearded Herakles |EPY No type. l, without lion's skin. 214 AE • 65 AMYMO.[N] EPM OTPE QoY 215 AE 7 [Pl. xvi. 11.] |APION Aſl O/\ AQN | OY 216 AE •65 AEINo[M] EN HX. HPAKAE OY Head of bearded Herakles |EPY Bow in case and club. in lion's skin, three- quarter face towards r. 217 AE 55 AIoſ"EIG) HX \ EPMITToy ; 218 AE - 5 9) 219 AE •5 [Pl. xvi. 12.] 22 Head of Athena r., wear-|HPAKAIE] ing crested Corinthian OXET || <º helmet. KOYPOY 220 AE '5 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Tovorso. Imperial Times. Head of bearded Herakles EPY Two-handled () vase: plain in lion's skin r. border. 221 ZE 45 Head of bearded Herakles|E PY Quiver, club, and bow crossed: in lion's skin r. plain border. 222 AE 5 Club. EPY No type. 223| AE 6 AHMOC ePV6 PA| |e PV6 PAION ef{ATONV Head of Demos r., bearded: MOV Athena standing l., holding border of dots. patera, and resting on shield and spear : border of dots.” 224| AE 75 [Bank Collection.] 225| AE • 65 [Bank Collection.] 226|| ZE 65 lePA CVNKAHTOC |ePV eP (in field) Herakles, Bust of the Senate r., Al QN naked, standing r., draped : border of dots. wielding club with r., his extended l. covered with lion's skin : around ETTICTPKA Ce (KOVAOV (sic); border of dots,f 227| AE 1. [Pl. xvi. 13.] |e PA CVNKAHTOC ePV6 POC KTICTHCePV Bust of the Senate r., Erythros, in military dress, standing draped : border of dots. l, with r. foot on prow, resting with r. on spear and holding in 1. Sword, his chlamys wound round 1. arm ; border of dots. 228. AE '8 * Cl. Hecatonymus occurs on coins of Sabina. + Cl. Secundus occurs on coins of Ant. Pius and M. Aurelius. ERYTHIRAE. 2 3 2 Motal. Size. AR, '7 Obverse. 66:ON CVN KAHTON 3ust of the Senato r., draped : border of dots. EPYG)P Al QN Bust of Athena I., wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis : border of dots. €PV6P AION Bust of Athena r., wearing crested Corinthian helmet and draped : border of dots. €P Y Cluj) : border of dots. €PV GPAſ Bust of Tyche of the City I., turreted and draped: bor- der of dots. [Pl. xvi. Reverse. €PV6 PAl Demeter veiled, wearing modius and long chiton, standing 1. before altar : she holds in r. poppy and corn and rests with 1. on long torch : border of dots. ePV [G)PAION] Two ears of corn between two poppies tied together: border of dots. (Cf. Coin of Commodus, Imhoof. Gr, M., p. 641.) eTTIC'ſ A AICXPIONOC Four ears of corn tied together : border of dots. eTTICT ABAXVAOV + Wine-wreath ; border of dots. €PV6 PAION (in ox.) River-god Axos recumbent l., holding reed and resting on vase from which water flows: above, ETll ZQCIM OV in field, AEOC: border of dots. ,- 14.] * Bacchylus P occurs on coins of Ant. Pius, 144 IONIA e No * Obverse. €PV 6 PAI Bust of Tyche of the City r., turreted and draped : bor- der of dots. 238. AE 75 Similar. [Pl. XVI. 15.] 239 AH) .75 * 240 AE 75 241 AH, -75 Similar. 242 AE 7 €PV6)PAl QN . . Bust of Demeter Horial., veiled, holding in r, two ears of corn, and on 1. arm, cor- nucopiae : border of dots. 243 AE 1" 244 AE 1. (Same Reverse. €PV6 PA Prow r. : border of dots, |ON (in ex.) €PV6 PA|QN Fire-beacon: bor- der of dots. stem of beacon varied. €PV6 P Al QN Kalathos con- taining four ears of corn ; border o dots. 4 .GTT.C.T.A.I.A.TTAA |OſeN IA NOV. H. B. Herakles naked advancing r., wielding club with r., his extended l. covered with lion's skin : border of dots. * dies.) [Pl. XVI. 16.] * Diogenianus occurs on coins of Gallienus. ERYTHIRAE, 145 No. *::: Obverse. Reverse. Imperial. Augustus. XEBAXTOX Head of EPY no type. Augustus r, laur, EKATONY MOX A |XXPIO NOX 245 AE 8 EPY Head of Augustus r., MH no type. laur. ; in front, lituus. TPONAE ZQſlV - POV Star in front of inscr. 246 AE 6 247| AE 55 EPY Head of Augustus r., Herakles, naked, standing r., wielding bare. club and holding lance. 248. AE 55 > TPA oſP TOK €ALI AH OY > 249| AE 55 33 3 * 250 Å. 6 ETI I G) EP G) E XH To > Y |2 4. " EKA 51| AE 6 TOA HP . . . QPO > 252 AE 55 f E]KA T]OAQ HPA POX 146 IONIA. No * Obverse. Reverse. Vespasian. OVéCTIAC ANOCKA ePY GPAION Archaic statue of 1C Head of Vespasian r., bearded Herakles, naked, standing r., laur. on the tips of his toes, wielding club and holding lance. 253| AE '95 * [This is probably the best copy of the statue of Egyptian style men- tioned by Pausanias, vii. 5, 5.] Titus and Domitian. TITOC AOM ITIAN | EPY GPAION Similar type. OC KAICAPEC Pleads face to face of Titus and Domitian, both laur. 254 AE '95 [Pl. xvi. 17.] Trajan. AY. NG . . . . . TPAIAN |ePYêPA . . . Demeter standing l., ON Head of Trajan r., wearing long chiton with diplois; laur. she holds ears of corn and rests on long torch. 255| AE 1.2 e]TI ICTPA r TIJPei (Counterstruck MOY AOMITI . . . .)* Sabina. CeBACT HCABe INA €PYGPAleſ|| K/\e KATONYM Bust of Sabina r., draped. OY Asklepios standing facing, head l., resting with r. on Serpent- staff. 256 AE '95 * AOM IT! . . . undoubtedly subsequent. ERYTHRAE. 147 No º:1. Obverse. Reverse. Antoninus Pius. AV. T. KAITI-Al. AN €TTICTP. K/\ CekC) VNAOV TQNel NOC Head of €PV6P Demeter, wearing long Antoninus Pius r., laur. chiton and peplos, standing l. ; she holds poppy and two ears of corn, and rests with 1. upon long torch. 257| AE 1.15 [Pl. xvi. 18.] AV KAITIAIAIOCAN €TTIC+AB AK . . . . . . PVO TQ . . . . . . Head of |A q Antoninus Pius r., laur. V Q 258. AE 1.0 Similar type. M. Aurelius. AVPHAIOC KAICAP eTTICTP KA [CejkoVNAOV Head of M. Aurelius r., | (in ex.) ePV6PAl QN Tetrastyle bare. temple, within which statue of He- rakles, naked, standing T., wielding club and holding lance. 259| AE 1.4 Commodus. AVT. K.A. A. AVP. KO | eTTICTPA/\ Al/\ . . . . . .ePV. MOAOIC] Bust of (in ex.) Two warriors face to face, young Commodus r., laur., each with foot on prow ; one carries wearing cuirass and palu-l spear and shield, the other, spear damentum. and Sword. 260 AE 1:25 AVT.KAIA. A.V. KOMO |GTTI. A. A1, AVCI MAXOV GPV AOC Bust of Com- Fire-beacon. modus 1., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. 261| AE '8 262, AE '65 148 IONIA. No * Obverse, Reverse. Sept. Severus. AVT. KAI./\ CeTTTI. C. CTTI.CTPA. . . . . . . . . . . . . º eOVHPOCTle Bust ePV9PAIO (in ex.) Herakles of Sept. Severus r., laur., .N and Demeter wearing cuirass, paluda-| standing face to face, the former T., mentum and aegis. wielding club and holding lance, the latter 1., holding ears of corn and resting on long torch. 263 AE 1'55 Julia Paula. |OV/AIA TTAVAACEB €CTPAVP N el KONOCB. Bust of J. Paula r., €PV6) P Al QN Demeter draped. standing l., holding two ears of corn and resting on long torch. 264 AE 10 (Countermark, head of Pu- pierus r.) 265 AE 1.05 Severus Alexander. A. K.M.AVP. Ce. A/\e |.eTT.C.T.P.TT. Al-ATT A/\OV.T. ZANAP OC. Bust 1 B.CP V6 P A QN of Sev. Alexander r., Demeter standing 1. : she holds two laur., wearing cuirass and ears of corn and rests with 1. On paludamentum. long torch. 266 AE 1.2 [Pl. xvi. 19.] Julia, Mamaea. |OVMAM €A.CeBA eTT.C.TTAI. ATT A/\OV.T.B.GPV CTH Bust of Julia 6P Al QN Mamaea r., draped. Tyche standing 1., wearing modius, holds rudder and cornucopiae. 267 AF 1:0 268 AD 10 |Similar. (Countermark, headleTT.C.TTAI-AT TAAOY.T.B.EP of Emperor r.) V6 PA|ON Asklepios standing facing, head l., resting with r. on serpent-staff. ERYTEIRAE. 149 No. º Obverse. Reverse. Maximus. TIOVH MAEI MOCK] eTT.C. AVP.e/\e N OVeRV6PAI I3ust of Maximus r., laur., QN Tyche as above. wearing Cuirass and pa- - ludamentum. 269| AE '95 Otacilia. MQIT]A[K]1A. CeOV|ePVe P Al QN. Tyche as above. HPA Bust of Otacília Severa r., draped. 270 AE '85 Gallienus. & .A.K.TT. A. TA/\/\|H|NOC].C. AIA AIOTE N ANOV.e. Bust of Gallienus r., PV6 PAION Asklepios, stand- laur., wearing cuirass and ing l., resting with T. On Serpent- | paludamentum. staff. 271] AFC '85 150 IONIA. No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. ALLIANCE COINS. ERYTEIRAE AND OHIOS. Time of Valerian. .16:PACVN. KAHTOC | XIQ.N. ePV6PAl QN.OMO Bust of the Senate r., NO |A. r draped: border of dots. Weiled female figure seated l., (the sibyl Herophile) raising her r. hand to her chin, 1. resting on seat. 272 AE '9 273 AE '9 (same dies) [Pl. xxxviii. 10.] €PV 6PAI Bust of OMO N OlA Sphinx seated l., Tyche of Erythrae r., T. forepaw raised and touching top turreted and draped : of amphora. border of dots. 274 AE •75 [Pl. xxxviiI 11.] [The obverse die of nos. 272–3 is the same as that of a coin of Smyrna, no. 246. Dr. Imhoof-Blumer (Mon. Gr., p. 288), states, also that a coin of Erythrae, with the magistrate’s name €TT.C.A. (p/\-KATT|TQ Ael NOY of the time of Philip, has the same obverse die.] IIERAOLEA AD LATMUM. 151 w” Metal. No. Wt. §. Obverse. Reverse. HERACLEA AD LATMUM. Circ, B.G. 190, and later. SILVER. Attic Standard. Tetra drachms. Head of Athena r., wear-|HPAKAEOTON Club r., be- ing crested Athenian neath which Nike 1, carrying helmet, adorned in front wreath between mons. Aſ and #, With the foreparts of the whole in oak wreath. five horses, on the raised cheek-piece with a star, on the side with a running Pegasos, and at the back with an aplustre' and a figure holding a shield' (or Artemis huntress") 1 || 250-6 ||AR 1.3 [Pl. xvii. 1.] 2 || 250 |AR 1.25 | Tetrobol. Head of Athena r, wear- HPAKAE Club r., the whole in ing crested Corinthian QTON laurel-wreath. helmet. 3 38'2 |AR •6 [For Tetradrachms of the Alexandrine type, symbol, club, see Müller, mos. 1058-1067.] BRONZE. Head of Athena r., wear- HPAKAE Bow in case and club ing crested Corinthian | QTON r., the whole in helmet : border of dots. laurel-wreath. 4. AE •75 [Pl. XVII, 2.] 5 AE •65 6 AE •7 7 AE 65 152 IONIA. No. Wt. * 1. Obverse. IReverse. Head of bearded Herakles | H PA Club r., the whole in laurel- r., bound with taenia. | KAE wreath. 8 AE 55 [Pl. XVII. 3..] 9 AE '45 Lyre. HPA KAE Club r 10 AE '4 [Pl. xvii. 4.] Head of bearded Herakles | Club within laurel-wreath ; border r., with lion's skin round of dots. neck: border of dots. 11 AE '45 Nike advancing 1., carry- H P Thrysos filleted: the whole ing trophy, the whole in ivy-wreath, in laurel-wreath. 12 AE '5 Owl r., wings closed. HPAKAE Crest of helmet. QTON 13 AE '4 [Pl. XVII, 5.] 14 AE 35 | IARISSA, 153 Metal. No. Size. Obverse - Reverse. LARISSA, BRONZE. Circ, B.C. 300. Head of Apollo r., laur., |AA Horseman prancing r., chlamys hair in formal curls. flying behind him, armed with helmet, cuirass and spear couched 1 | AF •7 above Hº [Pl. xvii. 6.] 2 || AE •7 (Cf. contemporary coins of Colophon.) 154 IONIA. No. Wt. *:. Obverse. Reverse. | t LEBEDU.S. After B.C. 190. SILVER. Attic Standard. Tetra dra, ch m. Head of Athenar, wearing|AEBEAION Owl on club r., be- three-crested Athenian tween two cornuacopiae, beneath, helmet, bound across ATTO/\/\ OAOTO:: the whole front with olive-wreath.| in olive-wreath. 1 255.5 |AR 1.2 [Pl. xvii. 7] Trio bol or Diobol. Head of Athena l., wear-|AE Owl r., in front, prow r., be- ing Corinthian helmet. hind, magistrate's name. 2 || 23-1 ||AR, "5 ANA K . . . P [Pl. xvii. 8.] 3 19-3 AR, "5 HTIA[: 4 22.3 |AR ‘45 HT1A: 5 22.2 |AR '45 (p.API:TA . . . . BRONZE, Head of Athena three-|AE Prow 1. quarters towards l., wearing crested helmet. 6 AE '45 7 AE '45 [Pl. xvii. 9..] LEBEDUS. 155 Motal. No. "Si. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., wear-|AE Owl r. ing Corinthian helmet. 8 || AB '65 [Pl. xvii. 10.] in front, AHIKA . . . Head of Athena facing, wear-|AE Owl r. ing three-crested helmet. 9 || AE 65 behind, AAKIMAXOX 10 || AE 6 35 XAPE . . N Head of Athena facing,|AE Dionysos standing 1., clad in wearing three - crested short chiton, holding in T. kan- helmet : border of dots. tharos ; l. resting on thyrsos. 11 || AE '85 A/\K|MAXOX. 12 || AE •7 Name illegible. AE Prow r., on which |Owl r. Athena advancing T., striking downwards with spear, and holding in l. trophy : border of dots. 13 || AE 7 EPM|TITIOX [Pl. xvi.I. 11.] APTEM QN 14 || AE '65 35 EP . . . . . . . . . NO |AE BE Filleted thyrsos resting Athena advancing l., spear against cista mystica with half-open over r. shoulder and small lid, from which serpent issues l. round shield on 1. arm. 15| AE '7 IHNOAOTOX [Pl. xvii. 12]. 156 IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 16 || AE •65 17 | AF '85 18 ZE '8 19 | ME •7 Imperial Times. Time of Vespasian. 6EA PQMH Head of AEBEAl Dionysos standing 1., clad Roma r., turreted : border in short chiton, holding in r. kan- of dots. tharos, l. resting on thyrsos : border of dots. in front AITAIANOV Imperial Coinage. Vespasian. OYELTIH [IANOE. K. E.A. TAIANOY OEANEYNKAH Al EAP Head of Wes- | TON /\EBEAl Head of the pasian r., laur. Senate r., hair rolled and bound with diadem. Hadrian, AAPIANOC CeBAC ||AeB e Al QN Athena standing TOC Head of Hadrian | 1., resting with r. on spear and with r., laur. ; wearing aegis. l, on shield ; at her feet owl, facing. M. Aurelius. AV.A.N. TQNe|NO C /\e B e AION Athena ad- Bust of M. Aurelius r., | vancing r., striking downwards with laur., wearing cuirass and spear and holding shield on 1. arm. paludamentum. (For an alliance coin attributed to Lebedus and Perporene Mysiae, sce Sestini, Chaudoir, p. 93.) LEUCE. 157 No. W6. º: Obverse. Reverse. LEUCE. Circ. B.C. 350–300. SILVER, 1 || 7-4 || AR 3 ||Boar's head r. |AEY[K?] Head of Zeus r., laur. [Pl. xvii. 13.] BRONZE. Head of Apollo l, laur. [AEO Swan standing l., with flap- ping wings, and head turned back. 2 AE 6 3 AE •6 AEO (in ex.) Swan's head not ſº turned back. 4 AE •6 73 32 53 22 Similar. AEO Swan standing 1., with flap- ping wings, and head turned back. 5 AE '65 [Pl. xvii. 14.] | TOPTIA: 6 AE 6 (p/ANH: Head of Athena three-|AEY Lion standing r., looking quarters towards r., back. wearing three - crested helmet, earring, and necklace. 7 AE '4 [Pl. xvii. 15.] ------------------ --- 158 IONIA, Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse, Reverse. MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM. SILVER. Attic Standard. Didra chrm. Under Themistocles B.o. 464–449. 2O3 ADIOIT:1/WBO W A Eagle P flying with spread Apollo standing 1., wings: border (square) of dots. chlamys over 1. shoul- der ; he holds in r, a long branch of olive. 1 90. AR, 75 plated. Cf. Waddington (Mélanges Pl. I. 2.) Circ. B.C. 350—190. Phoenician Standard. Tetra dra chrm. Horseman r., wearing hel-| WATN Humped bull butting 1. ; met, cuirass, and chla-| beneath, magistrate's name : the mys; in r. couched whole within circular Maeander spear: horse prancing. pattern. 2 205.5 | AR 1:0 AIOT" EIG) [Pl. xviii. 1.] Attic Standard. Octobols. Similar type. MATN Similar type ; behind, ear of corn. 3 80. AR, 75 E|OXOX. TIO/\YK 4 || 86' AR 8 beneath, ſk. Alºnzor tº AR 75 5 85.7 truegratus [Pl. xvii.I. 2.] 6 | 804 || AR 75|beneath, A KYAPOKAH3 MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM. 159 No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. Tetrob Ol P Similar type: border of MATNHTQN Similar type; no dots. symbol : Maeander border varied. 7 || 37°2 | AR 55|beneath, B ANAEATO PA: AHMHTPIoy [Pl. xv.111. 3..] Phoenician Standard. Hermidra chrms. Similar type. MATN Similar type : behind, ear of corn ; beneath, magis- trate's name: Maeander pattern under bull. 8 25°5 | AR 5 ANAEIMBPOTo[X no Maean- der. 9 || 25°6 | AR 5 border of dots. WIXIA|OX 10 || 21 AR ‘45 :KYA/\ . . . . [:KYAAION] 11 24.5 | AR '45 KY . . . . . 12 20°5 | AR '45 kY . . . . . 13| 26°2 || AR '45 [Pl. xviii. 4.] |MATN (in ex) above bull, NE ANAPO3: Smaller Denominations. Head of Apollo 1., laur., MATN Forepart of butting bull with flowing hair. l. ; behind, Maeander pattern. 14 | 15.2 | AR '4 [Pl. xviii. 5.] ANAEIMBPIoTox 160 ION IA. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverso. Head of Athena r., wear- M A Trident, the whole within ing crested Athenian circular Maeander pattern. helmet, bound with olive-wreath. 15 12°2 | AR 35 [Pl. xviii. 6.] 16 11.7 || AR 35 BRONZE, Head of Apollo l., laur., MAT Forepart of rushing bull r. ; hair rolled. behind, Maeander pattern and magistrate's name. 17 AE 55 [Pl. xviii. 7.] 18 AE 55 * |Horseman r., as on no. 2. MAT Humped bull butting 1. ; beneath, magistrate's name ; the whole within circular Maeander pattern. 19 AE •65 Al NHTO: 20 AE '45 23 21 AE '4 ATO/\/\. :KY 22 AE •65 TOTYPIQſN TYP (?) or ANTIO P (see Imhoof, Gr. M., p. 643.) 23 AE 7 above, MATN ; beneath, KA/\/\ |KPAT . . MAGNESIA AD MAEAN DRUM. I 61 Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Horseman r., as on no. 2 |M AT Humped bull butting l. ; be- neath, magistrate's name; the whole within circular Maeander pattern. 24 || AR, 7 above, MATN ; beneath, K]/\EAPX OX 25 AE '65 [Pl. XVIII. 8.1 35 ,, KYAIAX º |XATO 26 || AE '65 3 y , KYAPO KAHX 27 AE -65 35 35 AY KO MHAHX APIXT 28 AE '5 25 ,, AYKoMH 29 || AD 65 |beneath, XO. } } , NJIKH PATOX 30 || AE •6 2 y ,, NIKIAX 31 | AE 75 25 , TITG).ON 32 AE 6 MAT ,, XI MON | 33 | AF • 65 MATNHTQN, no Maeander pattern? beneath, [b]]AIXKOX 34 || AE 55 J3 25 TIO/\/\IX Horseman r., as above. MATN (in ex.) Humped bull butting l. : border of dots, 35 | ZE 35 | t 162 IONIA. No. 36 37 38 39 Wł. Motal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 254' 258.1 249° AR 1 "3 AR, 1 25 AR. 1'4 AE 75 After circ. B.o. 300. [For Tetradrachms of Lysimachus struck at Magnesia, symbol) Maeander pattern, see Müller, nos. 438–439.] Bust of Artemis r., wear- ing stephane; at her shoulder, bow and quiver. [Pl. xviii. 9..] [Pl. xviii. 10.] [Pl. xv.1II. 11.] Bust of Artemis r., wear- ing stephane; at her shoulder, bow and quiver: border of dots. After circ. SILVER. Attic Standard. Tetra dra chrm. [Pl. xix, 1.] B.C. 190. MATNHTQN Apollo naked, laur., standing 1. On Maeander pattern : he holds in r. a filleted branch and rests 1. elbow against tripod, on the top of which is apparently a quiver : in front, magistrate's name : the whole in laurel-wreath. EYQ)HMOX TIAYXAN |OY EPAX|T|TIOX APIXTEOY H POTNHTOX in OſlyPIONOX [For Tetradrachms of the Alexandrine type struck at Magnesia, symbol Maeander pattern, see Müller, nos. 1068–1079.] BRONZE. MATN HTQN Horseman r., as on no. 2, above. TIAY XAN IA[x EYQ HMOY MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM. 163 Obverse. No. *. 40 || AE •7 41 AE •7 | 42 AE •9 | | 43 AE •9 44 AE '85 45 || AE '9 46 AE •75 Reverse. Horseman r., wearing hel- met, cuirass, and chlamys, holding spear on r, arm : horse trotting. [Pl. xix. 2.] Head of Apollo r., laur. [Pl. XIX. 3..] Bust of Artemis r., wearing stephane ; at her shoul- der, bow and quiver : the whole in wreath of laurel. [Pl. XIX. 4.] Head of Athena r., wearing crested Athenian helmet. Head of Athena r., wearing crested Athenian helmet. Bust of Artemis r., wearing stephane; at her shoulder, bow and quiver. MATN Humped bull walking r., on Maeander pattern. beneath, AIATO PA[X Horse walking r. MATNHTQN (in ex.) in front, N | MATN HTQIN Cultus-statue of Artemis Leukophryene facing, she wears modius and veil, and a fillet hangs from either hand. ITYPP AX TIAM plAd'Y MATNHTQN Nike standing r., holding wreath and palm. TIAYXAN IA[X MHTPoAQPoſY [MATIN HTQN Horseman r., as on no. 2, above: horse galloping. EYKAHX KP)ATINox 25 59 MATNHTQN Nike advancing holding wreath and palm. EYKAHX KPATINOX 164 IONIA. No. *. Obverse. Roverse. MATNHT (in ex.) Stag|Cultus - statue of Artemis Leuko- standing r. ; above, star. phryene. * EYKAHX. 47 AE '65 KPATINo|x [Pl. xix. 5.] M ATNHITQ]N Head Cultus - statue of Artemis Leuko- of Iſelios r., radiate, hair phryene. rolled ; at his shoulder, bow and quiver. 48 ZE 65 EYKAHX. [A]]XXPIONox [Pl. xix. 6.] Imperial Times. h AYAAITHIC MATN |AEYKO4)PYNH MALTNHTON HTON] Apollo clad in Cultus-statue of Artemis Leuko- citharoedic dress, stand-| phryene facing, crowned by two ing r, and holding plec- flying Victories : border of dots. trum and lyre: border of dots. | 49 || AE 1.05 AYAAI THC, Apollo|AeyK OqPYNH Cultus statue clad in long chiton with of Artemis Leukophryene: border diplois standing r., hold- of dots. ing plectrum and lyre: 50 | AE 65 border of dots. 51 | AE •65 Imperial Coinage. Nero. Ne PON KAICAP Head /\GVKO4)PY HN H MATNHT of Nero r., bare. QN Tetrastyle temple, within which cultus - statue of Artemis Leukophryene, crowned by two flying Victories. 52 /E '95 53 || Aº ‘95 MAGNESIA AD MAE ANDRUMI. 165 No * Obverse. Reverse. Hadrian. AYKAITPAI AAPIAN |/\eVKOOPVC MATNHTQN OCCE Head of Hadrian | Cultus-statue of Artemis Leukophryene r., laur. crowned by two flying Victories: | at her feet, two geese with out- || stretched necks, and wings raised. 54|AE 1.0 [Pl. xix. 7.] | AV . . . . . . . AAPIAN |MATN HTQN Leto clad in long . OCCE Head of Hadrian chiton with diplois running l., carry- r., laur. ing her two children. 55 || AE 1.3 t { Antoninus Pius. ſ ſi T AIAIOC KAICAP |éTT1/\AIOC KOY PIAOV ANTONE! NOC Bust| TPATOVM HTP MATNH of Antoninus Pius r., TQN Demeter wearing corn- laur., wears cuirass and wreath and chiton with diplois, paludamentum. holding in each hand a flaming torch. She stands facing, in ani- mated attitude, in a chariot drawn by two crested and winged ser- pents r. 56|| AF 1'4 [Pl. xix. 8.] M. Aurelius. AVTKA . W. ANTON | MATNH TON Cultus-statue of Head of M. Aurelius r., | Artemis Leukophryene facing. laur. 166 IONIA. No * Obverse. Reverse. Caracalla. AYT KAI M A[Y]P. |YAAOY MATNHTQN Isis ANTONG|NOC. clad in long chiton and peplos, Bust of Caracalla r., laur., standing facing, head 1., with usual wearing cuirass and palu- headdress; she holds sistrum and damentum. situla. 58 AE 1-3 [Pl. xix. 9..] AVTKAIC M AVP. € TT | TPAM Cek OVN Young ANTONE NOC AOV male Similar. MATNHTON (in ex.) figure clad in short chiton with diplois r., and holding by the halter a humºped hull r., which kneels on one knee at the entrance of a cavern or arch 59 || AE 1-3 [Pl. xix. 10.] . . . MAYP.ANTQ . . . . . . . . . TPA M Cek OVNAO Di Similar. V MATNHTQ (in ex.) Il& Yº N st; \l- ing facing, head r., holds thyrsos ºd grapes? at his feet panther l. ; bº- fore him a Bacchante runs r., lo ok- ing back; she wears long chi ton 60 || AE 1-2 with diplois, and beats cymbals. MAVP ANTONEIN MATN HTQN Dionysos stal ha- OC Similar. ing 1. ; holds kantharos, and ré st8 on thyrsos. 61 | AE '65 . . T KAI MAVP ANT eTTITIP ... EINOV XOTIK QNG|NOC Similar. MATNHTON (in ex.) Inf Dionysos scated on cista mysl ica within a distyle temple: to 1. of temple a ſlaming altar, in front - which dances one of the Koryban 62 || AE 1 3 [Pl. XIX, 11.] MAGNIESIA AIO MAT, A N DIRUM 167 Metal, Size. Obvorse. Reverse. Caracalla or Elagabalus. MAVPAN TONG |N|MAT NHTON Pan 1., with OC Similar. goat's legs, standing before lighted altar; on his head kalathos, in each . hand a branch. 63|AE 75 A VTKA NTQNe||MATN HTON Tyche standing NOC Similar. l., with usual attributes. 64 || AE 75 Julia Maesa. |OYAIA M AICA CeB eſ. Irſp?B OVA TIII][O]V 2 Bust of Julia Maesa r., MATNHTQN Leto clad in draped and wearing ste- chiton with diplois running l., look- phane. ing back, carrying Artemis draped on r, arm, and on 1. Apollo naked.* 65 || AE 1.2 [Pl. xix. 12.] Severus Alexander. ... PAA exANAIPO|| APTOM A TNHTO N Ship CK Bust of Severus Argo r., with rowers. Alexanderr., bare-headed, wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. [Pl. xx. 1.] MAVP A/\e:ANAP) MAſ N HTQN Helios Sarapis OC Bust of Sev. Alex. standing facing radiate, clad in chiton r., laur., wearing cuirass and himation, and wearing modius, . and paludamentum. r. raised, 1. holding sceptre. Countermark, eagle. [Pl. xx, 2.] * The inscription on this coin is almost obliterated. It may run as follows:–eTT|F eVBOVA OV MATNHTON, 168 ION I.A. No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. M AVPAA exANAP, MAT NHTON Isis standing l., OC Bust of Sev. Alex- holding in raised r. sistrum, and in ander P., laur., wearing| 1. Situla. ! cuirass and paludamen- tum. 67A. AE •65 . M. AVP. A/\ €3:ANA|MATN HTON Infant Dilony- POC Similar. SOS naked, seated r. in cradle, brms extended ; behind him, filleted thyrsos ; beneath, serpent r. 68 AE •7 Same die. M A TNHTQN Cista mystica with conical cover ; around it a coiled Serpent. 69 || AE 65 MAVPAA exANAP |MATN H TON Tyche ith OC Similar. her usual attributes standing 1. 70 || AE '85 MAVP A/\e:IANAP M AT NHTON Eagle with wre OC Similar. in beak, standing r, looking ba wings open. 71 || AE '85 M. AVP.A.A. ex:ANAP, M ATN HTQN Similar. OC Similar. 72 | AE '85 Julia Mamaea. |OVAIA MAMAIA. | MATN HTQN NCO. KOPO T CeB. Bust of Julia | HC APTCM IAOC Ap 110 Mamaea r., draped, and radiate, standing r., clad in lº yng wearing stephane, chiton, holds plectrum and lyre. 73 || AE 1.2 [Pl. xx. 3..] MAGNICŞIA AD MAEANDRUMI. 169 No *. Obverse. Reverse, Maximinus. AYTKTIOYH MA:I € TTI F BACCO Y MATNHT Me |NOC I3ust of QN Maximinus r., laur., wear-| Nike advancing r, carrying wreath ing cuirass and paluda- and palm. mentum. 74 AE 1.15 Same die. eTTIFTYxſk OYTIOAYMATN HTQ N Tyche standing l., with usual attributes. 75 AE 1:1 Similar. TYXHM A TNHTQN Tyche standing 1., with usual attributes. 76 || AE '85 Similar. MAT NH TON Mēn, wearing Phrygian cap, short chiton, and himation, stands facing; head l., crescent behind shoulders : he holds rus pine-cone, and rests on sceptre : 77 | ME '9 in field, r., star. AVT. T.I. MAXIMG IN | MAſ N HTQN Cultus-statue of OC Similar. Artemis Leukophryene, facing, crowned by two flying Victories: at 78 || M. 65 her feet, two geese. Maximus. T.I.O.Y.O.YH MAXIM, eTrf-AYP M OCXI ONOC OCKAI Bust of Max- Al C. imus r, laur.,wears cuirass in ex. MATNHTQ Dionysos, and paludamentum. N stand- * ing r., naked, holding kantharos and | resting on thyrsos ; at his feet, pan- ther; before him, Bacchante runs 1., looking back: she wears long chiton with diplois and beats cymbals. |) | ME 1.3 [Pl. xx. 4 | 170 IONIA. No *:::º Obverse. Reverse. T.IOYH-MAzi MOCMAT NH TON Mén, standing, [KAJICAP Similar. as on no. 77 ; in field, r., star. Countermark, T 80 || AE '85 [Pl. xx. 5.] T.IOVH. . MAXIMOC |MAT NHTQN Isis standing l., Similar. wearing usual headdress, chiton and peplos, holds sistrum and situla. 81 | AE '85 MA: IMOLK. Similar. |MATN HTQN Herakles, naked, standing facing, head l., resting on club, his 1. arm enveloped in lion's skin. 82 || AE '65 Gordianus Pius. .AYT.K.M.ANT . TOP eTrf Ae HNOAQP OYMATN Al ANOC Pust of HT ON Zeus seated 1. On Gordian r., laur., wear-| throne, wearing himation over lower ing cuirass and paluda-| limbs; he holds in r. patera and mentum. rests with l. on sceptre. 83 || AE 1.4 AYTKMANTO TO |eTTFTIAM MeNOYC.MATNH PAI ANOC. Similar. TQN Dionysos, wearing long chiton, holding grapes and * stands 1, under arching vines. 84 || ME 1'15 [Pl. xx. 6.] AYTKMAN ToroPerf AHM ed Y MArNH Al ANOC Similar. TQN Sarapis, wearing modius, chiton and himation, stands l., his r, raised ; l. holding Sceptre. 85 || ZE 1.2 MAGNESIA AD MAEANDRUM. 171 No. * Obverse. Reverse. AYT KMAN TTOPA|eth FAHMON el KOV Selene |ANOC. Similar. MA in biga TN HTQN drawn by galloping bulls 1. ; she wears chiton with diplois and inflated veil. 86 || AE 1:15 [Pl. xx. 7.] AVTKMANTO TOPA[eth FAH MONe|KOV Ram 1. |ANOC. Similar. MATNHT (in ex.) approaching QN a flaming altar consisting of four stages: olive- tree springs from side of altar. 87 | AE 1:1 AVTKMAN TITOPA|eTºTFAYPA HMOKPATOYC |ANOC Similar. TB MATNHT (in ex.) QN Similar type, but altar of five stages. 88 || AE 1 - 1 AYT.K.M. ANT. TOP|et'ſ F @ QTelNOY.B. Al ANOC. Similar. MANHT § Similar type, but bull before altar of three stages. 89 AE 1' 2 [Pl. xx. 8.] AVTKMAN TTOPAIIETTF @1/\OYM e N OYBMA ANOC Similar. TNH TON Nike advancing r., carrying wreath and palm. 90 AE 1: 1 f (pierced.) AVT.K.MANT TOPAI eTFANTIOXO YMATNHT ANOC Similar. QN Tyche wearing modius, standing l., holds rudder and cornu- copiae. 91 | AB 1'15 172 IONIA, No *. Obverse. Reverse. Similar. eth FrePMePQTOCMATNHT QN Similar type. 92 AE 1.2 AYTITO PAIANOC |MAT N HTQN Infant Dionysos Similar. naked, Seated facing, on cista mys- tica, his arms extended. 93 || ZE 7 AYT.K.TOPAI ANOC | MATN H TON Similar, but Similar. infant Seated r. 94 || AE 65 AYTK.M.AN TOPA||MATN H TON Eagle with A NOC Similar. wreath in beak standing r., look- ing back, wings open, on garlanded altar, 95 ZE 8 Inscr. obscure. M A T N H T Q N. with stºrs between letters of inser. ; crescónt with star between horns. | 96 || AE '85 t Otacilia. M.OTAKI. , LEYHPA. eTTFTYXIKO Y. BNS MAT LE Bust of Otacília r., NHTO. N. Athena, wearing hel- draped, and wearing ste- met, standing facing, head l. : she phane. Countermark, A&| rests on spear and holds shield beside her. 97 || AE 1.2 MAP.QTA. .CEYH left FMAY"EYTYXO YCTYXIK PA. Similar. XMAT NH TON Leto, wearing chiton with diplois, running 1., head T., and carrying her two children. $. 98 || AE 1:1 MAGNESIA AD MAEANDIRUM. 173 No ºl. Obverse. Reverse. M.QTAKI DEYHPA. |. Eſtrf"TTEPITENOYC. MATNHT [E Same die as no. 97. Q.N. (in ex.) Man (‘Dendrophoros') clad in short chiton and endromides, running 1., carrying over his shoulder an up- 99 || AE 1.2 rooted tree. [Pl. xx. 9.) Philippus Junior. AYT. K. OY. .q) 1/\ITTTT M A TN HTON Infant Dio- OD Bust of Philip nysos naked, seated facing, head l., Junior r., laur., wears on cista mystica, his arms extended. paludamentum, 100 ZE '65 .M.I.OYA-41/\ITTTTOC TYXHMA TNHTON Tyche Similar. of Magnesia standing 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cor- nucopiae. 101| AE •85 AYT.K.M.I.OY. pi/\||M AT NH T Two eagles stand- TTTTOC. Similar. QN (in ex.) ingfacing, wings open, heads turned towards one another : between them a crescent enclosing a star. 102 AE 8 Trebonianus Gallus. TPEB TAAAOC Bust|APTOMA T NHTON Ship of Treb. Gallus r., laur. Argo, with rowers, 1. 103 AE 75 174 IONIA, 105 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 104 106 AE 1'15 AE '85 AE 1'4 AVT.K ITO/\|K! TA/\ |H NOC Bust of Gal- lienus r., laur., wearing cuirass. AVT ITA/\/\|-|NOLAVT Head of Gallienus r., radiate. Gallienus. Effi AA®NO V AOMETIA NOV MATNHT (in ex.) QN Tyche standing 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae. MAT NHT ON Infant Dio- nysos seated r., in cradle ; his arms extended : behind him, filleted thyrsos. [Pl. xx. 10.] AV. KAM ANTONG | NIOC Bust of Cara- calla r., laur., wearing cuirassand paludamentum. A L L I A N C E CO IN. MAGNESIA AND EPHESUS. Caracalla. MATNHTON Kee (peCI [O]NMONOIA (in ex.) Two distyle temples, placed corner- wise, containing cultus-statues of Artemis Leukophryene and Artemis Ephesia. [QN] [Bank Collection.] º MIETROPOLIS. 175 ſ No. * Obvorse. Reverse. M ET R O IP O L I S. Period of Roman Dominion. Head of Athena r., wearing|MHTP Oſſl O] Winged thunder- crested helmet. /\IT ON bolt. 1 ||AE '65 2 ||AE 7 (0) for Q) Similar type. Rºf Winged thunderbolt. 3 ||AE 65 beneath, ANAPQN Female bust r., turreted MHTPIO) across field. (Kybele or Tyche of City). TIO/\l 4 || AE 65 T(0N 5 | ZE 1: 15 Imperial Coimage, Trajan. AYTINePKAIC] TPAI AN OCCETEPMA 3ust of Trajan r., laur., Wearing paludamentum. countermark, in oblong incuse, AAKI KOC tº tº e º is TIO /\e Zeus, naked to l, holding eagle " and transverse Sceptre : before him, stands r., a female figure turreted, holding uncertain object, and resting on Sceptre. ITQN . . . . . . . . . waist, standing 176 IONIA, . No *:::: l. Obverse. Reverse. Julia Domna. - |OYAIA CeBACTH | MHTPOTTO/\e [ITONTQNe J3ust of Julia Domna r., | N]] (2N | A Emperor P standing draped. l., in military dress, resting with r. on spear, and with 1. on shield placed on the ground beside him.* 6 | AF) 9 Caracalla. AVKMAANT ONE|| MHTPOTT ... ITON Empel or ? NOC Iłust of Caracalla in military dress standing 1., resting r., laur., wearing paluda- on spear and shield. mentum and cuirass. 7 | ME '85 Severus Alexander. .AYT. K.MAYP.Ce Y|eTT|, CTPA.AYP.A6H NAT OP H.A/\e:ANAPOC OY. B. Bust of Sev. Alex. r., MHT POTTO/\e (in ex.) laur., Wearing cuirass and |TON paludamentum. Zeus, wearing himation over 1. shd ul- der and lower limbs, seated I. : he holds eagle and rests with l. on Sceptre. 8 || AE 1'4 Same die. €TTICTPA AYP AGHN Aſ TO POY.B. MHTPOTTO/\e |TON Three military figures standing Wo 1. and one r. ; each has a helm het, cuirass, and small shield, and T Đsts with 1. on Spear. AE 1.3 [Pl. xx. 11.] * The figure in military dress which occurs so frequently on the Imperial coins of Metropolis from the time of Severus onwards, is pro- bably a statue of that Emperor, and not Aros, as (following Eckho. !) I called it in Hist. Numv., p. 502. METROPOLIS. 177 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. MAYPCeYH A/\e:AN MHTPO TTO/\e ITON Bearded APOC Similar. military figure (Emperor") wearing helmet and cuirass, and resting with r. On spear and 1. On shield. 10 | ME '85 MAYPCeYOYHA^e |MHTPO TTOAelTon Tycho :ANAPOC (sic) standing l., with usual attributes. Similar. 11 || AE '85 (pierced) Julia Mamaea. |OV/\|A MAMAA C MHTPOTTO/\ €ITONTONE €B Bust of Julia Ma- N | QN IA (in ex.) maea r., draped, and wear- Emperor and City goddess joining ing stephane. right hands, the former, wearing cui- rass and paludamenium, stands r., resting on Sceptre, the latter 1., tur- reted, wears chiton and peplos, and carries Sceptre on 1. arm. 12 || AE 1:15 Similar. Same inscr. Kybele turreted, seated l. on throne ; she holds patera, and rests 1. elbow on tympanum : at her tº feet, lion. 13| AE 1:15 Gordianus Pius. .AYT K.M.ANT. TOPA M HTPOTTO/\e ITO NTONe lANOC. Bust of Gor-| NION IA Kybele, as on last dian r., laur., wearing cui-| coin, but with lion on each side of rass and paludamentum. throne. 14 AE 1: 1 [Pl. xx. 12.] 178 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Teverse. AYT KMAN TITOPA|eTrCTPAAYP BACCOY B MH IANOC Similar type. TPOTTO/\ €ITON Kybele as above ; on 1. side of throne, lion r, 15| AE 1'15 .AYT K.M. ANT. TOP MHTPOTTO/\e IT ON TONEN AIANOC. Same die | 1QN IA Tyche of City standing as no. 14. l, turreted, holding in 1. cornucopiae and on Outstretched r. hand military figure (Emperor P) resting on spear and shield. 16 || AE 1° 15 AYT KMANT TOPA|MHTPO TTO/\el TON Tyche IANOC Bust of Gor-| standing 1., turreted, holds rudder dian r, laur., wearing and cornucopiae. cuirass and paludamen- tum. 17 AE '8 Similar. MHT POTTOAelT River-god (As. traios) recumbent 1, holding reed, and resting on reversed urn, from which water flows. 18 AE '9 Tranquillina, ©OVPIA CAB TPANK €TrCTFM |OY.H PA KAAMHTP V/\/\INA CeB Bust CyTTO/\GITQN Kybele scatcd of Tranquillina T., wear-| 1., as above : on 1. side of throne, ing stephane and draped. lion r, 19|AE 1:1 ©OVCABe INAT]PAN. Similar, KV/\/\IINACeB Similar. 20 | AE 1'15 METROPOLIS. 179 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverso. 21 24 25 AE 1:35 AE '85 AE '85 AE •85 AE 1: 1 Philippus Senior. AYT. K. MIOY. 4) IA| TTTTOL. Bust of Philip Sen. r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. AYT K M IO YO!/\ITT TTOC Similar. Similar. Similar. Otacilia. MAPOTA. CeXHPA. Bust of Otaciliar., draped, and wearing stephane. err. CT P.T. IOYA-ATTPQ. NIA N & M HTPO TTO /\e | TON. Zeus wearing himation over 1. shoul- der and lower limbs, seated l. : he holds eagle and rests on Sceptre. MHTPOTT O/\el TON The Em- peror' armed with helmet and cuirass, standing facing, head l. ; he rests on spear with his r. and on shield with his l, MJHTPOTTO/\ €ITQN. River- god Astraios recumbent l., holding reed and reversed urn, from which water flows: in ex. ACTPAIOC |MHT POTT O/\e ITON Tyche standing 1., with usual attributes. efrcTPAY Pêe O NOC. MHTP OTTO/\ €l T QN Tyche of City standing l., turreted, holding in 1. cornucopiae and on outstretched r, hand military figure (Emperor 7) resting on spear and shield : in front, flaming altar. 180 IONIA, No * Obverse. Reverse. Similar. [EBADTA . KAI [APHA MHT POTIO (in ex.) AEITQN Agonistic urn containing two palms. 26 AE 1'15 | . MOTAK. CeOYHPA. ||Similar. CGB Similar. Countermark, C. 27 | AE 1:1 Gallienus. AVTKTTO/\IKINITA/\/\ | eTTCT.OVA. Nel KIA.TTPTBOMH |H NOC 13ust of Gal-| TPO TTO/\GITQ lienus r., laur., wearing N (in ex.) Em- cuirass and paludamen- peror and City goddess joining tum. right hands; the former, wearing Countermark, C. cuirass, stands r., resting on sceptre, t the latter 1., wears chiton and peplos, and carries transverse Sceptre. 28 || AE 1.0 Similar (no countermark). €TTCTOIVA]NelK IAMHTPOTT O/\G | TQ N Tyche of City standing 1., turreted, holding in 1. cornucopiae and on outstretched r. hand military figure (Emperor *) resting on spear and shield. 29 || ZE 1.0 AVT.KTTO/\l Kl. TA/\/\ |MHT POTTO AEI TON TONe |HNOC Bust of Gal-| NIQNIA Similar type. lienus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. 30 | AF 1'05 [I’l. xx. 13.] METROPOLIS. 181 Metal. Sizo. Obvorse. Reverse. 31 33 34 AE 1:1 AE 1.05 ME 1"I AE 1:1 AE 1 - 1 AVT. K. TC) . Al K |N. TA/\/\|H NOL. I}ust, of Gallienus as on last coin. Same die. EThr[TAVPEVTTOPOVB MHTP OTTO/\el T.ON Tyche of City standing 1., turreted, holding in 1. cornucopiae and on Outstretched r. hand military figure (Emperor P) resting on shield and spear : before her a flaming altar. [EBATA KAI LAPEA ex.) MHTPOTTOA €ITON Agonistic urn containing two palms, and (in Salonina. CA/\QN.XPVC OTO N H. CeBA. Bust of Salonina r., wearing ste- phane and draped ; cres- cent behind shoulders. Same die. Same die. LEBAETA KAILAPEA and (in ex.) MHTPOTTOA €ITON Agonistic urn containing two palms. Same die as last. MHTPO TT OAEITONTONEN () NiA Tyche of City standing l., turreted, holding in l. cornucopiae and on Outstretched r. hand military figure (Emperor P) resting on shield and spear : before her a flaming altar. MHTPOTTO/\EITONTON EN | QN IA (in ex.) Dmperor and City goddess joining r. hands; the former wearing cui- rass and paludamentum, stands r., resting on sceptre, the latter l., wears chiton and peplos, and carries transverse sceptre. 182 IONIA. No * Obverse. Reverse, CAAQNXPV CO TO |MHTPOTTO/\e ITONTO NeNI N HCG Bust of Salo- QN IA (in ex.) nina T., wearing stephane | Similar type. and draped. Countermark, C. 36 || AE 1.0 º- 37 AE 1-05 |Same die, Same die. 38 || AE 1.05 92 92 Saloninus. AIK CAAQN OVA/\|MHTPOTTO Ael TON Military €PIANOC Bust of figure (Emperor') standing 1., wears Saloninus r., laur., wear- helmet and cuirass, and rests with r. ing paludamentum. on shield and with 1, on spear. MILIETUS. 183 No. Wt. *. Obverso. Reverse. M II, E. T. U.S. Circ. B.C. 700–494. Electrum Staters. Babylonic Standard. Striated surface. Three incuse sinkings; that in the centre oblong, the others Square : the sinkings probably contain types as on no. 3 : but these are too indistinct to describe. 1 | 166°87|EL, 75 [R. P. K.] (Specific gravity 10:58. Gold contents about 2 per cent., but see Num, Chron., 1887, p. 304.) [Pl. III. 3..] Phoenician Standard. Lion, with open jaws, re-|Three incuse sinkings ; that in the cumbent r., his head centre oblong, the others square : turned back; the whole within them are plant-like forms. within an oval frame. 2 215.4 |EL. 75 [R. P. K.] (Specific gravity 12-83. Gold contents about 40 per cent.) [Pl. III. 4.] Lion, with open jaws, re-|Three incuse sinkings; in that on cumbent r., his head the 1. (square) is a stag's head r. ; turned back ; in field in the central one (oblong with above, two loops CO ;| dentated sides) is a fox running 1. the whole within a and sº, and in the right hand one double oblong frame (quatrefoil) is X: divided up into small rectangular compart- ments; to 1., outside frame, another loop. 3 || 214:9 |EL, '85 (Specific gravity 12.62. Gold contonts about 38 por cont.) [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. III, 5.] 184 IONIA, No.] W 5. *. Obverse. Revorse. BIalf-St a ter. Similar (no loops). Similar. 4 || 106.73 EL. 6 (Specific gravity 12:34. Gold contents about 33 per cent.) [Pl. III. 6.] c - ſº Sixth. Lion of very archaic style, Incuse square divided into two with open jaws, walk-| halves. * ingr., head turned back. 5 || 39.9 |EL, ° 45 [Subhi Sale, 1878.] [Pl. III. 7.] SILVER. Aeginetic Standard. Staters. Forepart of lion 1., with |Incuse Square quartered. head turned back, and open jaws. 6 1808 AR 9 in field r., OVA [Pl. XXI. 1.] 7 | 185.5 |AR 9 |Same die. Same die. 8 1829 |AR 75 |Same die (no letters|Same die? visible). 9 | 1834 |AR 75 |Different die (no letters). ||Same die. | 10 | 1838 |AR '75 |Same die as no. 9 (no|Incuse Square containing ornamented letters). tar. Sº star, zºº [PL. XXI. 2.] 11||1855 AR .7 |Same die (no letters). ||Same die. Those six staters formed part of the Milo and Santorin Finds, see W. Wroth, Num. Chron, 1884, p. 269. The attribution to Miletus is conjectural. M. J. P. Six assigns them to Olymus in Caria, Num. Chron., 1890, p. 222, see Introduction. MILETUS. 185 No. Wł. º Obverse. Reverse. Cºre, B.C. 478–390. SILVER. Attic Standard. He midra chrms. Lion r., head lowered. Incuse Square containing ornamented NYZ 12 || 32°4 ||AR 5 star 3% [Pl. xxi. 3..] 13 || 31.3 |AR ‘4 | Diobols. Forepart of lion r., with Incuse square containing ornamented head turned back and star % Ol' Nº. open jaws. ’ 2XS 2WS 14 | 19.1 |AR 35 15 | 18-8 |AR 35 16 || 17-8 |AR '4 17 | 17.5 |AR 35 18 17.5 ||AR '4 19 | 16.7 |AR 35 20 | 16.3 |AR 35 21 | 19-3 AR '4 B B 186 IONIA, Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Forepart of lion r., with |Incuse square, containing ornamented head turned back and NSX2. $4 open jaws. Star, ŽS 9° 7's 22 || 19-3 AR 35 23| 18.7 |AR 35 | /~ 24 | 18.5 |AR 35 [Pl. xxi. 4.] 25 | 18-2 ||AR 4 26 | 18. AR 35 27 | 17-9 AR 35 28 || 17-7 ||AR 35 29 | 16.5 |AR 35 30 | 16.5 |AR 35 31 || || 6-0 ||AR 4 32 15.8 |AR 35 33 15.8 |AR 35 34 | 18.5 |AR 35 Type 1., head r. 35 | 14-6 |AR 35 | y, , (work rude.) MILETUS, I87 Metal. No. Wt. gº Obverse. Beverse. TIME OF THE CARIAN DYNASTS HECATOMNUS AND MAUSOLUS. Time of Hecatomnus, B.o. 391 2—377. Drachms. EKA Forepart of lion Incuse square containing ornamented r., with head turned star ºg back and open jaws. Žiš. 36 65-7 ||AR 55 [Pl. xxi. 5.] EKA, Lion's head I., Incuse circle containing ornamented with open jaws and star, as above. protruding tongue: be- neath it, lion's fore- leg r. 37 || 65-7 ||AR 65 38 || 65-7 ||AR 65 39 65.5 |AR 65 40 || 52.9 AR 6 41 | 61.5 |AR, "55 [On nos. 37–41, the ancient Milesian type, forepart of lion with head reverted, is misunderstood, for the outline of the lion’s body becomes a protruding tongue.] IBRONZE, Lion's head l. Ornamented star, as above. 42 AE '3 188 IONIA, No. Wt. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. Time of Mausolus, B.C. 377–353. Samian Standard. St a ter. AWA Lion's headl., with Traces of incuse circle; star orna- open jaws and pro- mented, as on no. 36. truding tongue ; be- neath it, lion's fore- leg r. 43 195'8 || AR 1. 4. [Pl. xxi. 6.] BRONZE, º º . NYºſ Lion walking 1., his head |Star # turned back. 2W. 44 AE 5 above, NW 45 AE '55 in front, NW , star (as , ,, around, A /\ K no. 44.) [Pl. XXI, 7.] 46 AE '55 ,, NW or star. , 5) 3) A/\K! TTIA 47 Aº ‘55 |im front, star , , J } , AYKo: 48 AE 55 57 2 7 3) 25 22 /WENON 49 AE •45 22 T EP 25 35 p- | 50 AE 55 , POM , >{{ MILETUS. 189 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. * Reverse. Circ. B.C. 350. Didymean Standard? Dr a chrm P Head of Apollo Didy- Eſ AIAYMON | EPH Lion meus, laur., three- standing l., looking back at star. quarter face towards 1. 51 | 27-3 || AR 5 [Pl. XXI. 8.] 52 26-3 || AR '45 | [These coins were probably struck under the auspices of the Bran- chidae, or Priests of the Didymean Apollo, at Didyma or Didymi, in the Milesian territory. Head, Iſist. Nwm., p. 504.] Circ. B.C. 350—334. Phoenician Standard. Dr a chrms. Head of Apollo l, laur. |NA Lion standing 1., looking back at star of eight rays Y!z (as on no. 50). /º 53 || 54.5 | AR 6 A]Pl:TATOPA: 54 53.8 | AR 55 AAM NA: 55 54.8 || AR 55 A]HMAl No: 56 || 51.2 | AR 6 EriroNo: & S/6% 57 54 5 º º º-O- AR. '6 G) EOT POTo: star thus, 2ISN 58 54°5 | AR, "55 , KJAAAAIzXPo: [Pl. xxi. 9] 190 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo l, laur. |NA Lion standing l., looking back at star of eight rays Y!º (as on no. 50.) /WN 59 50-7 ||AR 6 AAMI"I: 60 | 54.6 |AR, "55 27 61 56.1 |AR 6 | ME/\AINEY: 62 || 54*7 |AR 6 MHTPOAQPO: 63 || 54.3 |AR '6 NEQN 64 || 53-1 ||AR, '65 OPNYMENO: 65 || 54" |AR, '65 TPOEENO: 66 || 55-3 AR, "55 POAO: 67 || 55.8 ||AR, "55 . O:l . . . Hermidra chms. Same type. Same mon, and type. 68 27°5 |AR ‘45 APTEMAL: 69 || 24'4 AR, "5 EYTO/\|: 70 26-8 ||AR, "5 MEAAINEY[: 71 26-3 ||AR, "5 in front /W TPoEENſo: 72 27. AR '45 POAO: [Pl. XXI, 10.] 73 26-8 ||AR, "5 :KYOH: MILETUS, 191 No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. PRONZE, Head of Apollo r., laur. |Lion standing r, looking back at star of eight rays. 74 AE 7 ET1:OENH: [Pl. xxi. 11.] 75 AE •65 #4 oAPIA[: 76 AE '45 AAMT'POMAXOY 77 AE '5 Magistrate's name illegible. 78 AE “45 72 }} 22 79 AE •45 2 3 } } 55 Circ. B.C. 300–250. Rhodian Standard. Didra chrms. Head of Apollo l, laur. [N1 or N1 Lion standing l., looking back at star of eight rays. 80 99" | AR •8 ATIOAAOAOTOIX 81 | 99-6 || AR, 9 APIXTo KPATIHX (star has sixteen rays) 82 | 95.8 || AR, '85 AAMAX|AX. 83 | 99.5 | AR 85 EXEBOYAOX 192 IONIA. No. Wt. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo 1., laur. |M or N1 Lion standing l., looking back at Star of eight rays. 84 || 102" | AR '8 AYKOX [Pl. xxi. 12.] 85 99.7 | AR 8 MNAXEAX 86 98 ||AR 85 T]TIAEIKPE[! (star has 16 rays.) 87 100°4 || AR, '85 TI ITG)|X. 33 2 y 88 || 95'8 || AR, .75 TIMOPoſ: 22 27 89 || 99-0 || AR 75 (p]AIAI MOX 90 | 992 || AR, 8 XAPM HX Circ. B.C. 250—190. . Persic Standard. Staters. Head of Apollo l, laur. |M Lion standing 1., looking back at star of eight rays. 91 || 145 || AR 1 - in front, º] in ex., ETl|KPATHX 92 | 161°2 || AR •9 [Pl. xxi. 13.] [N1 in ex. MAIANAPIOX I)ra chrms. Head of Apollo l, laur. M Lion standing 1., looking back at star of eight rays. | 93 80.3 | AR 8 in field, l., E, in ex. ANAPOTI MILETUS, 193 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. IIead of Apollo l., laur. NM Lion standing l., looking back at Star of eight rays. 79" | AR 8 [Pl. xxi. 14.] in field, l., T, in ex. A/\KQN 80-3 || AR, '85 ,, T, , GAPXATOP AX. 79.3 | AR •75 ,, T , OEOAQPOX 80. AR. '8 } } T 32 KTHX|AX 80' | AR 85 , T , XIMOX He midra chrms. Head of Apollo 1., laur. |NA Lion standing l., looking back at star of eight rays. 37.8 || AR 65 in field, l., TN, in ex. AEINOXTP ATOX 38°5 || AR 65 2? T , N1KHPATIOX 36-5 | AR 6 [Pl. xxi. 15.] 9 3 T , blazkoz BRONZE. Head of Apollo r., laur. Lion standing r., looking back at star of eight rays. AE 7 [Pl. xxi. 16.] . . . . ]IPOX 2 IIead of Apollo facing, Lion standing r, looking back at laur. two stars of eight rays. AE '7 [Pl. xxi. 17.] |BAXIAEIA[HX in field, r., T * AE 7 AAMAX. 25 AE •7 $ (pl]AIXKIOX , f AE 7 illegible. ,, P 194 IONIA, No. Wt. lº. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo facing,|Lion standing r., looking back at laur. star of eight rays. 107 AE 55 AIXXYANNOTX] in field, r., Nº1 | 7\ ( ). |Head of Apollo facing, |Lion standing r., looking back at laur. star. 108 AE '4 AHMOXO . . . . 109 AE '4 EYBATHIX 110 AE '4 AEON 111 AE '4 :AM IOI:] After circ. B.C. 190. Attic Standard. GOLD. Staters. Head of Apollo facing,|N1 Lion standing r., looking back laur. at star of eight rays. 1.12 129.8 || AV '8 in ex. B10N in field, r., ‘E [Pl. XXII. 1.] Head of Apollo r., laur., at NW Similar type. shoulder, bow and quiver * * | 13| 130-3 || AV 75 in ex. Blſ)N in field, r., MOI [Pl. XXII. 2.] MILITUS. 195 114 115 116 117 118 Wt. * w Obverse. Reverse. Similar, but hair falls in ||N1 Similar type. formal curls. 130' | AV 75 in ex. EYMHXANOX in field, e r., P. [Pl. XXII. 3..] [For Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great's types struck at Miletus, see Müller, 1033—1057, and for autonomous Tetradrachms, Imhoof, Gr. M., Pl. IX. 1, 2.] Cistophoric Standard. 11/2 Drachms. Head of Apollo r, laur. Ith Lion standing l, looking back t at star of eight rays. 64.8 || AR, 75 in ex. BI () N in field, l., MOI 75. AR. 75 23 32 X 3 IX 75.3 | AR 75 (hair falls in curls.) Nº type r., in ex. MOAOXXOX in field, r., [Pl. XXII, 4.] 71.2 | AR 75 (curls formal.) Nº type r., in ex. . . . . ]El AHI... AR, "55 in field, r., Mt [Pl. XXII. 5.] Drachms. Head of Apollo T., laur. N1 Lion standing r., looking back at star of eight rays. in ex. Bl,0N in field, r., Mol in ex. name obscure 53 NE 2 (star has six rays.) [Pl. XXII. 6.] 196 IONIA, No * Obverse. Reverse. BRONZE. Head of Apollo r, laur. N1 Lion standing r, looking back at - star of eight rays. 121. AE •7 ANTIANAPLOX 122 || AE 7 AJPTEMIAQPIOX 123 AE •7 ( ~~~ MOAOCCOC ) ,” [Pl. xxII. 7.] ...~~ Head of Apollo r, laur. : Th Lion standing r, looking back at border of dots. star of eight rays: the whole within t laurel-wreath. 124 || AE 75 APTEMIAQIPOX [Pl. xxii. 8.] 125 || AE 65 BIAINI? 126 || AE 75 B|QN in field, r, É 126Al AE 75 |ATPOKAHX 2) 5) 128 | ME '7 X|MOX , 98 129 || AE '75 TIMEAX 22 /W 2 130 /E 75 XAPAHMOX } } > * 131 | AE 7 Illegible. Countermark, head of young Herakles, bare, with club at shoulder. 132 | AE '5 Illegible. MILETUS, 197 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. : |N1 Lion standing r., looking back at border of dots. star: the whole in laurel-wreath. 133| AE 75 IOTTYPOX Nº! Cultus-statue of Apollo |N| Lion recumbent r., looking back Atôupe's standing r., at star of eight rays. naked ; holding in r., stag, in 1., bow ; border of dots. 134 AH, -75 AIXXYA|NOX 135| AE 8 22 [Pl. xxii. 9..] 136|| AE 75 MEN EXTP . . . 137 AE •8 IOTTYPOX Similar type, Sinjilar type: in ex. M IAHCl(0 N 138. AE 7 139| AE 7 140 AE •7 14|| AE 65 |NA? Imperial. Caligula. TAIOX KAIX AP TEP MIAHXION XYNKAHTOX MAN | KOXXEBAXT | Youthful bust of the Senate r., with OX. Head of Caligula curly hair; shoulders, draped. 1, laur. ; in front, star. 142|, ...I. '9 198 IONIA. No. º Obverse. Reverse. Similar. M]|AHXIQN Hexastyle temple. 143 AE •85 Similar. M 1/\}{X|QN G) EAAPOYX1/\/\A Bust of l)rusilla r., wearing Stephane and draped. 144| AE '9 ( . 145| AE '9 \ / | Claudius. | XEBAXTOX Head of MIAHXION AIAYMEYX. Claudius l., laur. ; in Cultus-statue of Apollo Atôupei's front, star. standing r., naked, holding stag and bow. 146|| AE '8 Similar, M 1/\H XION Lion standing r., looking back at star of eight rays. 147| AE '85 Nero. Head of Nero r., laur. M 1/\}{CION Cultus-statue of Apollo Atóvpleſs r. 148. AE '85 Eſli Tl AAMA [Pl. XXII. 10.] 149| AB '65 |CEBA CTOC Yºna - i Similar type. /WIAHCHQN Cultus-statue of Ar- * temis r., wearing long chiton with diplois; she holds in r., pateral in 1., bow ; at her feet, stag, r. |150 MB '8 ETTI TI AAMA [Pl. xxII. h. 151 AD 85 CéB . . . . . Type 1. TMILETUS, 199 No. * Obverse. Roverse. Domitian. CeBACTOC Head of MIAHCIOIN] Cultus-statue of Domitian r., laur. Apollo Avēvpºet's r. on base ; in front, Star. 152: AE •8 153 /E 6 XEBA XTOX Head of . . . . . . . . . . . . Lion standing r., Domitian r., laur. looking back at star. 154 AE 65 Trajan. AYTONeP TPAIAN MIAHCION Cultus-statue of Ar- OCKAI Ceſe PMA temis 1., clad in long chiton with Head of Trajan r., laur. diplois; she holds in r. patera, in 1., * : bow ; at her feet, stag, 1. | 155| AE 1 €TTIO/\AM IN NI pl/\OMHTO P[OC] Similar. MIAHCIQN (in ex.) Hexastyle temple. - POC 156 MB 1.05 €TT|ÓAA WIN N | Ol/\OM HTO Hadrian. AVTOTPA1AN ... AA | Mel AHTOC [KTIC]THC PIANON Bust of Ha-| Miletos, in costume of warrior, ad- drian r., laur., wearing vancing 1., looking back, his r. arm cuirass, extended, 1. holding spear and shield. [Pl. xxii. 12.] IONIA. No. * Obverse. Reverse. M. Aurelius and Commodus 2 AYT KAI MAY PANT MI /\H e e s tº 6 s. AYT KAI A E! QN - AVP . . . Busts, face to | ETII. AIA. T POTOTY]: A[PX face, of M. Aurelius r., ONT)OD TO B Leto clad in laur., and of Commodus long chiton with diplois running l., bare, each wearing cuirass. looking back and carrying her two children. 158 AE 1:45 Faustina Junior. ©AYCTI N A Bust| MIAH CION Cultus-statue of of Faustina Junior r., | Apollo Atówpºet's with usual attri- draped. butes, r. 159 AE 6 (PA V CTI NA Similar. M 1/\HC | ON Athena, helmeted, clad in long chiton with diplois, stands facing, head l., holding gibbe" in r., and sceptre 7 in l. i 160, AE 6 Julia Domna. IOYAIA OMINACeB) MIAHCIQNeſl I MeNANAP Bust of Julia Domna r., OY Cultus-statue of veiled draped. Artemis facing, clad in long 'chiton with diplois; wears modius; she - holds in r.; patera, in 1., bow. 161| AE '95 || Countermark, head of Em- peror. 1°lautilla. bqa nyay TIAAce MIAH clan Nike advancing lº BACT Bust of Plau- holding wreath and palm. - tilla r., draped. 162 AE '85 MILETUS. 20] Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Geta. TTCGTTT TeTA . . . . |M||AH CIQN Cultus-statue of Bust of Geta r., laur. Apollo Aw8vueijs naked, facing, hold- ing stag and bow. 163 AE • 65 Balbinus. . AVT. K. KAIA|. . BA |M||AHII O N NEOKOPQN ABEl NOL Bust of Leto, clad in long chiton with di- Balbinus r., laur., wearing plois, running r., looking back, carry- cuirass and paludamen- ing her two children, each holding tum. bow and drawing arrow from quiver. 164 AE '95 [Pl. xxii. 13.] Gordianus Pius, TOPA! ANOCKA Bust MIAH ClON Poseidon naked, r., of Gordian r., bare, wear- his l. foot on prow, aiming trident ing cuirass and paluda- with r. hand, and holding dolphin mentum. on outstretched l. 165 AE •75 Valerianus and Gallienus. AVT TT /\! OVA/\e AV Al AY T.TT O. A. TA/\/\|H Me! A M Busts, face to face, of G|A HC Valerian r., and Gallienus ..Q.N. l., each laur. and wearing within laurel-wreath ; around, ETTI cuirass and paludamen-| APX AVP. Al Oſt GNOV . C. tum. 166 AF 1:15 202 IONIA. | No *. Obverse. Reverse. Gallienus. AVT K TT O /\| . TAA eTTIAPAIOT efv IAHLION Al HN Bust of Gal- Cultus-statue of Artemis facing, clad lienus r., laur., wearing in long chiton with diplois ; wears cuirass and paludamen- modius and veil ; she holds in r., tum. patera, in 1., bow. 167| AE •85 168 AB 8 |same die. aioi A q AITT2 Tetrastyle / M 1/\HCION (in ex.) temple within which cultus-statue of Apollo | Atôupei's facing. A L L I A N C E COIN. MILETUS AND EPHESUS. M. Aurelius. AVKMA ANTON IN | O MONO AM 1 /\!-H L |QNE OD. Bust of M. Aurelius q>EDIQ N Cultus-statues of Apollo r., laur., wearing cuirass. Atôvue's naked, and of Artemis Ephesia, side by side, both facing, with usual attributes. 169| AE 1:35 [Pl. xxxix. 1.] N A U L O C H U S. BRONZE, Circ. B.C. 350. Head of Athena r., in crested NAY Dolphin r., within circle formed Athenian helmet. by Maeander pattern. 1 | AE '45 [Pl. xxii. 14] 2 || AE '45 | PHOCAEA. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 39.6 39°4 40° EL. '4 EL. '45 EL. '45 P. H. O. C. A. E. A. ELECTRUM. Siacth and fifth centuries B.C. Sixth s.” Female head 1., style archaic, hair indicated by dots; wears taenia, earring in form of rosette, and necklace : behind, seal. Incuse Square. [Pl. Iv. 1.] Female head l, style | Incuse square quartered. archaic, hair in sphen- done ; wears taenia, earring, and necklace : behind, seal. [Bank Collection.] [Pl. Iv. 2.] Head of Silenos, full face, Incuse square quartered. with beard and pointed ears: (seal not visible.) [Pl. Iv. 3..] Head of androcephalous Incuse square quartered. bull l., bearded : be- hind, Seal. [Borrell, Smyrna.] [Pl. Iv. 4.] 39.9 * For Staters, see Head, Hist. Num. 503. 204 IONIA. |No. Wt * Obverse. Reverse. Siren l. (bird with wo- Incuse square quartered. man's head), hair in sphendone or Saccos: behind, seal. 5 || 38.6 |EL. '4 [Pl. IV. 5.] ( Seal l. Incuse square quartered. 6 || 38-7 |EL. '4 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. Iv. 6.] Head of seal l. : beneath, Incuse Square. seal. 7 | 40° 1 |EL, '4 [Pl. Iv. 7.] Twelfth. Head of seal l. Incuse square. 8 20°3 |EL, °3 [Bank Collection.] Twenty-fourth. Head of seal l. Incuse square, 9 || 9-9 |EL, °25 [Lawson, Smyrna.] Head of seal r. |Inause square of mill-sail type. | 10 | 9°4 |EL, 25 [Lawson, Smyrna.] PIIOCAEA, 205 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Forty-eighth. Head of seal l. Incuse Square crossed by zigzag lines. 11 || 4-7 |EL, ‘2 Ninety-sixth. Head of seal l. Incuse Square. 11A 2'3 |EL. '2 Sixths. Forepart of griffin l, with |Incuse square. curled wing: behind, Seal. 12 || 39°1 |EL, °4 [Pl. Iv. 8.] Griffin's head l. : behind, Incuse square. seal. 13| 32°3 |EL, '4 [Pl. Iv. 9..] Twenty-fourths. Griffin's head r. Incuse square quartered. 14 || 10:2 |EL. "3 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. Iv. 10.] Griffin's head l. * Square quartered. 15 || 10:8 |EL. 25 [Lawson, Smyrna.] [Pl. Iv. 11.] Griffin's head l. : behind, Incuse square. seal. 16 || 10* |EL. 25 [Pl. Iv. 12.] 17 | 9°9 |EL, °25 18 9-6 |EL, °25 [Lawson, Smyrna.T 206 IONIA. Metal. No. Wt. §. Obverse. Reverse. Forty-eighth. Griffin's head l. * Square. 19 || 4-5 |EL. ‘2 [Lawson, Smyrna.] Ninety-sixth. Griffin's head l. Incuse Square. 20.| 2:2 |EL. ‘l [Lawson, Smyrna.] \ w Sixths. Forepart of lion l., de-|Incuse square quartered. vouring serpent P no seal visible. 21 || 39°1 |EL. “45 [Pl. Iv. 13.] Lion's head l. : above, Incuse Square. Seal. fy 22 || 39.8 |EL. 35 [Pl. Iv. 14.] 23|31 |EL. 4 |beneath, seal. | [Bank Collection.] Twenty-fourths. Lion's head l., with open Incuse Square. jaws : behind, seal. 24 || 10 |EL. 25 [Pullan.] Sixth s. Bull's head l. : beneath, Incuse square quartered. Seal. 25 | 39.7 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 15.] PIHOCAEA, 207 No. Wt. *... Obverse. Reverse. Calf’s head l. ; above, Incuse Square. seal. 26 || 39.8 |EL. '4 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. Iv. 16.] 27 | 35.1 |EL, °45 Incuse square quartered. Ram's head l. : beneath, Incuse square quartered. seal. 28 || 38.8 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 17.] 29 || 39.7 |EL. '4 [Bank Collection.] Twenty-fourth. Ram's head l. : beneath, Incuse square quartered. seal. 29A, 10° |EL, 25 Sixth. Boar's head l. : beneath, Incuse square. seal. 30 || 39-6 |EL, °4 [Pl. Iv. 18.] Fifth and fourth Centuries, B.C. Sixths. Head of bearded Silenos Incuse square quartered. l, with pointed ear : behind, seal. 31 39.1 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 19.] Head of Odysseus P. l., Similar. wearing conical pilos : behind, Seal. 32 || 39.2 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 20.] IONIA, No. Wt. º Obverse. Beverse. Youthful head l., wearing |Similar. Phrygian cap : behind, seal. 33 || 38.7 |EL, '4 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. Iv. 21.] Similar type, later style: Similar. seal not visible. 34 || 39°4 |EL, '4 ( . [Bank Collection.] A [Pl. Iv. 22.] | J Head of Hermes 1., wear-|Similar. ing petasos: behind, seal. 35 | 392 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 23.] Head of young Dionysos |Similar. l, wearing ivy-wreath : beneath, seal. 36 || 39-3 |EL. '4 [Pl. Iv. 24.] . 37 ||38.9 |EL, '4 | Head of youthful Pan 1., |Similar. wearing ivy-wreath: beneath, seal. 38 39'2 |EL. 4 [Pl. Iv. 25.] PHOCAEA, 09 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Beverse. 39 40 41 43 44 39. 39-2 39°4 39' 6 38°4 39° 1 EL. EL. EL. EL. EL. EL. '4 '4 '4 Head of youthful Pan 1, with short horns and pointed ear ; wearing ivy-wreath : beneath, Seal. [Pl. Iv. Head of youthful Pan 1., without ivy-wreath : behind, Seal. [Pl. Iv. Head of youthful Satyr l, wearing as head- covering the mask of a bald and bearded Sile- nos with pointed ear: behind, seal. [Pl. IV Head of Hera l., hair short, wearing polos or stephanos adorned with honeysuckle ornament: behind, Seal. Similar. 26.] Similar. 27.] Similar. O 28.] Similar. [Pl. v. 1.] 210 IONIA. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 45 46 47 48 49 50 5] 38. I 39.2 38'8 39'2 39.3 38-9 EL, EL. ' EL, EL. '45 Head of Athena l., wear- Similar. ing crested Athenian helmet, on side of which, griffin recumbent, 1. : beneath, Seal. [Pl. v. 2.] Similar type, griffin larger: |Similar. behind, Seal. f ( Head of Athena l., hair in Similar. curls, wearing necklace and crested Corinthian helmet, on which, ser- pent : beneath, seal. [Pl. v. 3..] (no serpent, hair loose.) [Pl. v. 4.] Head of Demeter 1., hair ||Similar. rolled, bound with corn- wreath : beneath, Seal. [Pl. v. 5.] Head of Artemis 1., hair |Similar. confined by three bands, side tresses gathered up and tied at back of head : be- neath, Seal. - [Pl. v. 6.] | [Pl. v. 7.] [Bank Collection.] PHOCAEA, 211 No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Omphale 1., |Similar. wearing earring and lion's skin; club be- hind neck : beneath, Seal. 52 || 39°2 |EL. '4 53 || 392 |EL, °4 54 || 39-3 |EL. “4 55 39°3 |EL. '4 [Pl. v. 8.] Young female head l., |Similar. hair confined by cord, ends hanging loose be- hind neck : beneath, seal. 56 || 38.8 |EL, '4 [Pl. v. 9.] Horned female head l., a |Similar. fillet passing across forehead, and hanging from each horn : be- neath, seal. 57 | 39.4 |EL. '4 [Bank Collection.] [Pl. v. 10.] Female head 1., wearing Similar. earring, hair rolled : beneath, Seal. 58 || 39.2 |EL. '4 59 || 39° E.L. 4 seal behind. [Bank Collection.] [Pl. v. 11.] 212 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Female head l., hair rolled Similar. and bound with cord : beneath, seal. 60 | 38-8 |EL, '4 [Pl. v. 12.] Female head l., wearing |Similar. earring, hair covered with kerchief fringed behind: beneath, seal. 61 || 39-3 |EL, °45 \ [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 984.] | [Pl. v. 13.] \ Female head, l., wearing|Similar. earring, hair confined in kerchief open at at crown of head : be- neath, seal. 62 || 39°1 |EL. '4 [Pl. v. 14.] Female head l., laur., Similar. hair in Saccos : be- neath, seal. 63| 39:1 |EL. '4 64 || 38.8 |EL, '4 65 || 39°3 |EL, °4 [Pl. v. 15.] Female head l., of early Similar. style, wearing round earring, hair in Saccos : above, seal P 66 || 38.6 |EL. '4 [Pl. v. 16.] PHOOAEA. 213 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Female head 1., wearing|Similar. pendent earring, hair in net confined by strings: beneath, seal P 67 | 40° 1 |EL, °4 [Pl. v. 17.] Female head l., wearing|Similar. earring, hair in jewelled net : behind, seal. 68 || 38°6 |EL, '4 69 || 39°6 |EL. '4 70 || 39'2 |EL. '4 71 || 38°5 |EL, '4 [Pl. v. 18.] Head and neck of bull l.: Similar. Seal not visible. 72 || 38.7 |EL. '4 [Pl. v. 19.] Forepart of bull r., head|Similar. turned back: above, Seal. 73 || 38°2 |EL. '4 [Pl. v. 20.] 74 || 37.9 |EL. 4 | seal behind. | Forepart of cowl. : above, Similar. Seal. 75 || 38" |EL, '4 [Pl. v. 21.] 214 IONIA. Metal, No.] Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Corinthian helmet l, Similar. adorned with floral scroll: beneath, seal. 76 | 40° 1 |EL. '4 77 | 39°3 |EL. 4 |varied in details. [Pl. v. 22.] SILVIER, Phoenician Standard. \ Before B.C. 545. ', Drachm. Seal r. \ Incuse Square quartered. 78 58°5 | AR, "5 [R. P. K.] [Pl. XXIII, 1.] Obol P Head of seal l. Incuse Square quartered. 79 || 6-5 | AR 25 [Pl. XXIII. 2.] Tetra drach m. Griffin with rounded|Incuse square quartered. wings walking 1, with r. forefoot raised; he stands on double exer- gual line divided into numerous small com- partments (cf. rev. of no 80). 79A 193" | AR, '85 [Pl. XXIII. 3..] (This coin is much corroded round the edge and must have lost at least 20 grs. in weight.) k PHOCAEA. 215 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Hermidrachns. Head and neck of griffin r. Incuse square, within which (diag- onally) is a frame divided into small compartments and contain- ing in the centre a star of eight rays, of which four end in pellets. 80 || 23°2 | AR '4 | [Pl. XXIII. 4.] 81 || 25.2 | AR ‘4 (type 1.) | Head of griffin l. Rough incuse square. 82 || 21° 4 || AR '4 [R. P. K.] [PL. XXIII. 5.] 83 | 18-2 || AR 35 | [Borrell, Smyrna.] Obol and Fractions. Head of griſfin l. Rough incuse Square. 84 10-3 || AR 3 [Borrell, Smyrna.] Head and neck of griffin r. Rough incuse Square. 85 || 6-5 | AR 3 [Bank Collection. 86 || 5-3 || AR 25 35 quartered. [Bank Collection.] Head of griffin r. Incuse square quartered. 87 || 4.9 || AR '3 [Borrell, Smyrna.] 216 IONIA. No. Wt. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. Head of griffin l. Incuse square quartered. 88 2-1 | AR, .2 89 || 17 | AR 2 [Borrell, Smyrna.] Head and neck of griffin l. Incuse square quartered. 90 | 1.4 | AR 1.5 [Borrell, Smyrna.] ( \ BRONZE. Circ. B.o. 350–300. Female head 1., wearing|Head and neck of griffin l. earring ; hair in sphen- done, 91 AE '5 92 AE 55 [Pl. xxiII. 6.] 93 AE '5 94 AE '4 in front, AV 95 AE '4 22 53 96 AE 35 , A Female head l., wearing|Head and neck of griffin l. earring : hair in Saccos confined by strings. 97 AE '4 [Pl. xxiii. 7.] PHOCAEA. 217 No. 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 * Obverse. Reverse. Third and second centuries, B.C. Head of Hermes 1., wearing & petasos tied under chin. " AE 45 [Pl. xxIII. 8.] Head of Hermes 1., wearing pokAEQN . Forepart of griffin petasos tied under chin. with curled wings, l. AE 75 EPM|A: AE •75 . . [O: Head of Hermes 1., wearing 4 QKAEQN Forepart of griffin l. petasos fastened behind head. AE 7 AE 65 © Q Bust of Hermes r., wearing|4) Q. Forepart of griffin r. chlamys and petasos. AE •55 AJPIXTOL/WA] X]OX? AE 6 |X|AQPOX AE •7 TTY6 IX AE 65 } } AE '6 TIMO6 EOX [Pl. XXIII. 9..] AE 6 3) 2 18 IONIA. |No. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., in 4 OKAI E (in ex.) Griffin walking crested Corinthian hel-| QN T. ; in field, l, pilos of met : plain border. one of the Dioskuri surmounted by Star. 109|. ZE *65 [Pl. xxiii. 10.] 110| AE '8 111| AE 8 112 AE •65 113 AE 75 \ | , Second century, B.C. - [For Alexandrine tetradrachms and drachms bearing the badges of Phocaea, the seal, the griffin, or the letters (90, see Müller, nos. 988–990.] Imperial Times. (p O'Ke A Bust of Pho-|Griffin walking l. : border of dots. kaea turreted, r. ; border of dots. 114| AE "6 [Bank collection.] 115 ZE *6 Youthful male bust r. (the 40KA le QN Phokaea standing Senate 7) wearing chlamys l., turreted, holding patera in ex- and wreath P in front, tended r., and tympanum on 1. arm : palm ; border of dots. border of dots. 116 AE '6 Bust of Phokaea turreted, r. : 4 OKAI eſ] N Herakles, naked, border of dots. facing, head l, resting on club and holding in l, bow and lion's skin : border of dots, |1|17| AE 75 PHOCAEA. 219 No. 118 119 124 * Obverse. Reverse. ©O Ke A Bust of Pho-| Q N Galley r. ; above, caps of kaea turreted, r. : border 4 (2KAI the Dioskuri surmounted of dots. by stars: border of dots. AE 75 * [Pl. xxLII. 11.] AE 7 AE 7 ©QKAIe Q. M. AE •7 95 q'O Ke A. Bust of Pho- 4 OKAI e Dog r., attacking dolphin kaea turreted r. : border QN l. : border of dots. of dots. AE •7 AE •7 Time of Maaci’minus. lePACV NKAHTIOC]|.eTT, CAV-ATT plan OV40° Youthful bust of the KAICON (in ex.) Senate r., draped : border | Sarapis seated l., wearing modius of dots. and resting on sceptre, holds patera in extended r. : border of dots, AE 105 countermark, griffin recum- bent, l. Same die. €TT C.AV [ATT] plan OV .4 OKAI. (in ex.) Kybele and Phokaea P standing face to face, turreted, each holding patera and tympanum : at feet of Kybele two lions: border of dots. AE •95 nos. 152, 153, 155.) * Appianus was a Strategos in the roign of Maximinus (see infra, 220 IONIA. |s. Pººl. | Obverse. Teverse. - Time of Gordian. lePA CVN KAHTOC eTTCAVP e V TVXOVC .B.4 Youthful bust of the ©QKAI (in ex.) Senate r., draped : bor- The Dioskuri, naked, standing r., der of dots. each armed with spear and shield, and wearing pilos surmounted by - star : border of dots. 126. A 1-05 Same die. eTIC[AVP]eVTV XOVC .T.B. ©Q KA le QN Athena standing 1., wearing long ( \ chiton with diplois and aegis, and \ - A armed with helmet ; she holds patera, and rests on shield and spear : border of dots. 127| AE 1- | } Time of Philip. - 'ſepaCVN. KAHTOC.|-eTT C KA CKPelBONIANO Youthful bust of the V4) Q. KA1+ Senate r. : border of The Dioskuri, naked, standing r., dots. each armed with spear and shield: border of dots. 128. AE 1.0 129| AE '95 (same dies.) Same die. CKA.CKIPelBONIAN] OV © QKAI Prow r., above, caps of I)ioskuri surmounted by stars: border of dots, 130 AH) 1:0 * Eutyches held the office of Strategos for the second time under Gordian (see infra, no. 157). + Scribonianus was a Strategos in the reign of Philip (see wra'ſ nos. 159, 160, 162). | PIIOCAEA. 221 Metal. No Size. Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Coinage. Augustus. XEBAXTOX () () Head | MENAN of Augustus r., bare. APOX. . . MOXXOX Nike advancing l., holding wreath and palm. 131| AE 75 Claudius. KAAYAIOC KAICAP 4. Q Forepart of griffin r. Head of Claudius r., laur. 132 AE 6 NOVMH NIOC Vespasian. OYECTIAC ANOC KA 4×) KAEON Prow r., above, caps of |CAP IIead of Wes- Dioskuri; in front, dolphin and pasian r., laur. griflin's head, l. 133| AE 75 Domitian. AOM ITIANOC [KA|| @ QKA EQN The Dioskuri ad- CJAP Head of Domitian vancing r, each armed with shield, r., laur. the nearer one also wields a spear. 134 AE 1.0 [Pl. xxiii. 12.] Domitia. AOM ITIA CeBACTH 4 OKAEON Prow 1., above, caps 3ust of Domitia T., of the Dioskuri. draped. 135| AE 75 in front, dolphin, r., and griffin's head? l. 222 IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 136 138 139 140 AE '75 AE 105 AE 1.5 AE 8 Sabina. CeBA CTHCABel N p O KAe QN Prow r., above, A Bust of Sabina r. caps of the Dioskuri. Antoninus Pius. AYT KAI AAPI AN €TTI CTPA eP MATOPOY B TQN |NOC Head of © QKAI (in ex.) Antoninus Plus r., laur. Homonoia standing l., wearing mo- dius: holds patera and cornucopiae. M. Aurelius. AYPH/\IOC KAICAP. eTTI CTPATH TOY ePMATO Head of M. Aurelius r., POY.B @ QKAIGON (in ex.) bare. The Dioskuri, naked, advancing r., each armed with spear and shield ; in field, in front and behind, a star of four rays. AV. KPA. MAPAV AN |ATTAAOC @ Q KA|EVCIN TONEINOC (sic) AN E6 HKE Bust of M. Aurelius r., Aurelius and Verus togate, face to laur., wearing cuirass and face, right hands joined. paludamentum. AY . . . . MAY ANTO || @ Q &TT| |AOM €NeOC Nel N OC Head of Athena standing facing, head l., M. Aurelius r, laur. holding patera and resting on shield placed upon the ground beside her ; spear upright behind shield. PHOCAEA.. 22 3 No. *:::: 1. Obverse. Reverse. Faustina Junior. (PAVCTEINA CEBA | ATTA/\OC CTH Bust of Faustina | AN E6H KE 4) QKAI EYCIN Junior r., draped. Dog r., attacking dolphin 1. 141| AE 1.6 * Lucilla. AOYK!/\/\AC €BAC (90K AIEON Athena standing TH Bust of Lucilla r., facing, head l., wearing long chiton draped. with diplois and aegis, and armed with helmet, spear and shield. 142 /E '8 [Pl. XXIII. 13.] Commodus. /\ AVP KOMO AOC ETTICTPA TH TOYAY /\OY KAICAP Dust of | TOY MAP KOY (p OK AE young Commodus r., bare, QN Griffin walking r. wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. e 143 AE 1'55 [Pl. XXIII. 14.] .AY.K.M.AYP. KOM CTPA-HPAKAe 1AO YA[CK MOAOC Bust of AH.T.B.] 4 OKAe (in ex.) Commodus r., laur., wear-| Kybele 2 and Phokaea standing face ing cuirass and paluda- to face, turreted, each holding patera mentum. and tympanum : at feet of Kybele, two lions. 144| AE 1 ‘2 Septimius Severus. ACETT CEOVH POC. eTTICTPA AOY. ................. ? TTE Bust of Sept. 4) OKAGON (in ex.) Severus r., laur., wearing | Homonoia crowned by Nike ; the for- cuirass and paludamen- mer stands 1., wears modius and holds tum. patera and cornucopiae, the latter behind her, l., places a wreath upon her head, and holds another wreath in 1. 145| AE 1'2 224, IONIA. No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Size. Julia Domna. IOIYAO)MNA CEB eTTIC TPAM AYP eVTV ACTH Bust of Julia | [XOV] (90KAe (in ex.) Domna r., draped. Phokaea and Kybele standing face to face, turreted, each holding patera and tympanum : at feet of Kybele, two lions. 146|| AR) 1:25 Caracalla. AVKMAVP ANTQ, eTTICTP.M. AVP.eVTVXOV Nel NOC Bust of .T.E Caracalla r., laur., wear- ©QKAG.QN ing cuirass and paluda-| Youthful river-god recumbent, l., mentum. holding branch and resting l. elbow on square orifice, from which water rushes: beside the stream a bird, 1. 147| AE 1:35 [Pl. xx11.I. 15.] Severus Alexander. AKMAVP CEA/\ez|CTT . . AVP 66O AOCIANOV ANAPOC Bust of TOB Severus Alexander r., () () KAI e laur., wearing cuirass and Phokaea" and Kybele standing face paludamentum. to face, turreted, each holding patera and tympanum : at feet of Kybele, two lions. 148. AE 1-15 ^x Same die. €TTC. M. AVP-66 OAOCIANO V TO .B. Ó QKA16 ON Dog r., attacking dolphin l. 149| AE 1: 15 s [Pl. xxiii. 16.] PEIOCAEA. 225 No. º 1. Obverse. Reverse. Julia Mamaea. -IOV-MAM eACeBA eTTCIMAVP]OeO AOCIAN CTH. Bust of Julia || OV. TO .B. Mamaea r., draped. (p OKAle- Athena standing 1., holding patera in extended r. and spear in 1. ; shield on ground behind her. 150| AE 1: 1 |OV MAM eA.CeBleTIC[MAVP OeCAO)C1ANOV. ACTH Bust of Julia | TOB @IOKAI] Mamaea r., draped. Prow r., above, caps of the Dios- kuri surmounted by stars. 151| AE '95 Maximinus. AKTIOVH MAZ-1 M €l €TT C AVA () @ANOV* NOC. K. T. OVH ©QKAICON. (in ex.) MAZIMOC (in ex.) Amazon crowned by Nike, the for- KAICAP mer standsl., turreted, wearing short Maximinus and Maximus chiton and endromides, and holding seated l. On curule chairs;| patera, pelta and chlamys ; behind, Maximimus holds globe Nike holding wreath and palm. and roll, and Maximus roll only. 152| AE 1.4 153 AE 1.4 |Same die (tooled). Same die, slightly tooled. "A K.M Azl Mel NOC].4 OKAl River-god recumbent, l., .K. MAZ MOC KAI. EQN holding reed, and resting IBusts, face to face, of l. elbow on source from which water Maximinus r., laur., and flows: beside the stream a bird, l., of Maximus 1., bare. beneath, CMAPA' 154 AE '8 [Pl. xxiii. 17.] * See swpra, nos. 124, 125. G. G. 226 IONIA, No * Obverse. Reverse. - Maximus. TIOVH MAZIMOC K. .q) ()KAI River-god CMAPA. Bust of Maximus r., laur., €QN wearing paludamentum. (Same die as preceding coin.) 155| AE '85 T.I.O.V.H.P. . MAEI M |.6TT.C. A.V.AQ) q>|ANOV OC. KAI Bust of Maxi- QQKA |&ON mus r., laur., wearing Isis Pelagia or Pharia, wearing usual cuirass and paludamen- headdress, standing r., clad in long tum. chiton, with diplois and flying peplos, and holding before her an inflated sail. 156 AB 1'2 [Pl. xxi.II. 18.] Gordianus Pius. .AVKA MANT. . TOP eTTC T.A.V.P. e.VT VXOVC. B Al ANOC. Bust of . (bſ) KAle. (in ex.) * Gordian III r., laur., Phokaea 7 and Kybele standing face wearing cuirass and palu- to face, turreted, each holding patera damentum, and tympanum : at feet of Kybele, two lions. 157 AE 1:15 AKMANT. TOPAI A(p) KAI eſ)..N Poseidon Haked, NOC Bust of Gordian standing l., r. foot on rock ; holds III r., laur., wearing | dolphin and rests on trident, cuirass and paludamen- tum. . 158. AE '85 Philippus Senior. AVKM |OV (p1/\ITTTT|éTT.C.K/\.CKPe|BO N ANOV. OC Bust of Philip || @ QK Ale:ON (in ex.)+ Senior r., laur., wearing| The Dioskuri, naked, standing facing, cuirass and paludamen- each armed with spear, and holding tum. his horse by the bridle ; their heads surmounted by stars. 159| AE 1:45 * See supra, nos. 126, 127. † See swpºra, nos. 128, 129. PIIOCAEA. 7 160 16] 163 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Iłeverse. .A. K. MAP.I.O.V. .q) |A||.6:TT.CTKA.CKPel TTTTOC. Similar bust r. ..B.QN | A NOV. ..Q) () KAI eQN. Dog r., attacking dolphin l. AE 1.65 Otacília. .M A QTAK CeVHP [4]O KA leON Poseidon, naked, A CG Bust of Otacilia standing 1., r. foot on rock; holds r., draped. dolphin and rests on trident. AE '85 Philippus Junior. A K MAPLOV(pl/\ITTTT | ETTCTCKP El BQ N1ANOV. OC Bust of Philip .4 QKAI. (in ex.) Junior r., laur., wearing Phokaea P and Kybele standing face cuirass and paludamen- to face, turreted, each holding patera tum. and tympanum ; at feet of Kybele, two lions. **'. AE 1.2 •% © [º [Pl. xxIII. 19.] §: ALLIANCE COIN. 3 PHOCAEA AND LAMPSACUS. Commodus. AYTOKMAY PKOM eTTICTPA MO CCXABNE (sic?) OAOC Bust of Com- OM modus r, laur., wearing ON cuirass and paludamen- Ol tum. QQKAICON AAM SPA Phokaea and Athena joining T. hands, the former turreted resting on sceptre the latter resting on shield and Spear. AE 1: 15 [Pl. XXXIX. 2.] 228 IONIA, No, Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. PHYGELA. Circ, B.C. 350–300% IBRONZE. Head of Artemis Mu-|4 Y Bull butting r. mychia r., wearing ste- phane. l AE •45 [Pl. XXIV. 1.] beneath, astragalus and A. 2 AE '45 3 AE •45 ... Head of Artemis Mu-|4)YT Bull butting l. ; in front, F. : nychia, three-quarter | palm-tree, ... • * * face towards 1. ; wears ... • * * stephanos adorned with flowers. 4 AE •65 XQKPATH> 5 AE 55 72 6 AE 55 92 [Pl. xxiv. 2.] 7 AE 55 97 8 AE 55 57 PRIENE. 229 No. Wł. Metal, Size. Obverse. Reverse. 71°8 73°4 76. 56. 34°4 26.6 AR, 75 P RIE N E. Third century, B.C. SILVER. Phoenician Standard 2 Octobols. Head of Athena I., wear- ing round earring, necklace, and three- crested Athenian hel- met. TPIH Trident 1., and magistrate's name, all within a circle of Mae- ander pattern. BIAX IQ || AO [Bank collection.] [Pl. xxiv. 3..] |KAEOM (TTPIH) type r., XOXITTTTOX Drachm. Similar, type r. AY:ATO Similar. [Pl. XXIV, 4.] Tetrobol. Similar, type 1. IQl/\O Similar. [Pl. xxiv. 5.] Trio bol. Similar, type 1. /\Y:A T Similar. [Pl. xxiv. 6.] 230 , IONIA. Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. IBIRONZE. Head of Athena r., wearing |TPIH Tripod. crested Athenian helmet. |NEQN 8 || AE 6 [Pl. xxiv. 7.] 9 || AE • 65 10 || AE '7 11 | AE 55 beneath, griffin r. 1 Head of Poseidon Heli- TPIHNEON Owl r., with closed konios r., wearing wreath;| Wings, on olive-branch. . behind neck, trident. 12 || AE '65 [Pl. xxiv. 8.] Head of Athena r., wearing|ſlPl H and magistrate's name within crested Athenian helmet. circular Maeander pattern. 13 || AE '75 [Pl. xxiv. 9..] |AIANTI 14 | AF '4 AIANT 15 ZE 6 ANAE] /\AX 16 || AE 55 ATTo/\/\o (TTPIHNE) 17 | AE '5 ATTO/\/\O 22 18| AE '4 ATTO/\/\ PRIENE. 231 Metal. No | Si. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Athena r., wearing |T| PIH and magistrate's name within crested Athenian helmet. circular Maeander pattern. 19| AE • 6 AIONY 20 AE 6 IQ1/\ 21 | AE •5 HPQA HX 22 || AE •5 H P Q AH2. 23 AE '4 HPOI 24 || AE '6 G)PAXY 25 | ME 3 53 26 AE '7 /\YXAT 27 AE •6 5 * 28 | AF 16 |(border of dots.) AYXATO 29 || AE 6 } } 2 y (Maeander arranged in 30 AE •7 pentagon.) 31 AE 55 MENTQ 32 AE '65 TTO/\| 33 || AE 6 XAPHX. 232 IONIA, No. º Obverse. Reverse. Bust of Athena facing, ſlPl H and magistrate's name within wearing three-crested hel- circular Maeander pattern. met. 34 || AE 55 [Pl. xxiv. 10.] |ATTO/\/\OAQ POY 35 | AE •65 B|AX 36 AE 6 E/\|K 37 | AF 5 EPA 38 AE .45 ITYP Po`Y 39 AE 6 XQX|BI Head of Athena r., wearing|TIPI H Trident r. and magistrate's crested Athenian helmet. name within circular Maeander pattern. 40 || AE 6 ... HX. . . Owl towards r., wings|TTPl H Trident r. and magistrate's closed. name within circular Maeander pattern. 41. A 45 EPA 42 | AE 35 92 43 || AE '4 ,, border of dots. TIY . . . PRIENE. 233 No. *. Obverse. Reverse. Second century, B.C., or later. [For tetradrachms of the Alexandrine type, symbol, trident, and ſl PI or ſl Pl H, see Müller, nos. 1026–1032.] BRONZE. Head of Athena r., wearing|TTPl H. Owl towards r., wings crested Athenian helmet. closed, on amphora, r. ; beneath magistrate's name, and in field, 1. and r., a symbol: the whole in olive- wreath. 44 || AE 8 [Pl. xxiv. 11.] |AXIAAEI 1., star; r., ivy-leaf and AHX. blossom. 45 AE •85 55 l, crescent; r., , ,, (TT PIH) 46 | AF) 85 ,, . 1. and r, ivy-leaf and blossom. 47 AE '85 2 5 y 25 3 y yy 48 || AE '85 35 l, and T., caps of Dios- kuri surmounted by stars. Similar. TIPIHN Similar type within olive Wreath, no symbols; to l, magistrate's Il&II10. 49 | ME •75 AH M H TPIOX 50 AE 7 AIONY beneath amphora, palm. XIOX. (TIPIH) 51 | AE 8 EYH ME POX (TIPIH) IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 52 53 54 5 5 AE '85 AE '85 AE 1.05 AE 1'4 | Imperial Times. Time of Nero. NOD AP TTPIH NEQ N Weiled female eſ|| EPATO XIONT bust r., border of dots. [OE] Bust of Per- sephone r., wearing wreath of corn ; border of dots. [Pl. xxiv. 12.] O O [. TTPI H NEQN Similar type. NT EPATONOI AX Similar type. Nero. AYTOKPA[TOP KAI]|ETTIEPATO NOL APXONTOL LAPEEBACTIOC] TTP)|H N E QN Head of Nero r, laur. Athena standing 1., holding Nike and spear; beside her, shield. Severus Alexander. AVTK.M.AYP.Ce B. A eTTI APX AYP.. AOYKIOY.T.B /\e:ANAPOC TTPIHNe [Q]N Bust of Sev. Alexander T., | Athena standing 1., her r., on which laur., wearing cuirass and | Nike, is supported by trunk of tree paludamentum. from which the branches have been lopped, her l., holding spear, rests on shield behind her; in front, coiled serpent erect. PIRIENEſ. 235 Metal. No Size. Obverse. Revorse. Otacilia. Severa. M.O.T.A.CeY HPACe, ET’t APXITTPY.M.O CXION OC BAC. Bust of Otacilia | TTP |HN GON r., draped. The God Mén standing 1., wearing Phrygian cap, short chiton, chlamys, and endromides, crescent behind shoulders: he holds patera? and rests on Sceptre. 56|AE 7 (countermark, 8.) Valerianus. AVT KTIO/\IKINOVA eTTIAP XITIOV ACATOPNE! AEPIANOE Bust of NO V TT Pl H NGON Valerian r., laur., wearing| Athena standing 1., her r., on which cuirass and paludamen- Nike, is supported by trunk of tree tum. from which the branches have been lopped, her l., holding spear, rests on shield behind her ; in front, coiled Serpent erect. 57 AE 1:35 (tooled.) Similar. €TTAPXT! OVACA T OPNE! NOVTTPI HN G ON Similar type.* 58 | ME 1:25 [Pl. xxiv. 13.] * The figure on theso coins is probably copied from the statue of Athona Polias, in the temple of Prione. 236 IONIA, No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. | S MY R, N A V ET U S, Before B.C. 585. Phocaic Standard. ELECTRUM. Stater. Lion's head l., of very|Rough incuse square. arehaic style, jaws open and tongue protruding. 1 |248-27 |EL. 8 (Specific gravity 14:36. Gold contents about 59 per cent.) [Pl. III. 1.] He ct, e. Lion's head l., of very|Rough incuse square. archaic style, with open jaws: on a raised cir- cular disk or shield. 2 || 42.5 |EL. "45 [Pl. III. 2.] SMYRNA, 237 No.] Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. S M Y R N A. Third century, B.G. [For tetradrachms of Lysimachus, symbol, head of Kybele, see Müller no. 408.] Second century, B.C. [For tetradrachms of the Alexandrine type, symbol, head of Kybele, see Müller, nos. 991—994.] Cistophori. Cista mystica with half-|ZMVP Two coiled serpents with open lid, from which aſ heads erect, between them a bow- serpent issues 1.: the case ornamented with an aplustre whole in wreath of ivy. and containing a strung bow, the end of which is seen behind the left-hand serpent. 1 | 183°4 |AR, 1-1 [Pl. xxv. 4.] in centre, ºf; in field, r, A and head of Kybele T., turreted. 2 | 191" |AR. 1'15 Similar, in field, r., B. Attic Standard. Tetra drachns. Hoad of Kybele r., tur- IIMYP A ; the whole in oak- reted. NA|QN wreath. 3 || 253°8 ||AR, 1-3 [Pl. xxv. 5.] 4 || 256-5 |AR. 1-4 }} Fºr 35 } } 288 ION I.A., No.] Wt. , * Obverse. Reverse. Similar. IMYPNAION Lion standing r, his left forepaw raised: beneath, magistrate's name: the whole in | oak-wreath. 5 || 256*1 |AR 1.35 ATIO/\/\O AOTOX, 6 |260' |AR 115|(wears earning.) HPAK/\G|AHX [Pl. xxv. 6.] Dr a chrms. Head of Apollo r, laur. [I]MYPNAION Homer seated l, clad in himation, his r. raised to his chin, 1. holding volumen on his knees, behind him transverse staff: in front, XAPATI ION struck over II MYPNAION, which had been repeated on the © e die. 7 || 56" | AR, 75 [Pl. xxv. 7.] 8 .522 || AR 7 [*A*INokPATHz in ex. Fºr BRONZE, Third century, B.C. Head of Apollo r., laur. 3MYP a; NA|QN Tripod. 9 AE •6 [Pl. xxv. 1.] 10 3. "5 beneath tripod, shrimp, l. 11 E '4 12 AE 3 inscr. obsc. SMYRNA. 239 No. *. Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. #|MYPNAION Lyre. 13 | ME '55 [Pl. xxv.2.] to 1. & beneath, shrimp, 1. Head of Kybele r., turreted.|3:MYP Krater surmounted by a s vessel containing fire. 14| AE '5 TIO/\/\II.QN ?] to 1.,"shrimp, l. 15| AE •5 [Pl. xxv. 3..] [3]YMMAXO: , , Second and first centuries, B.C. Head of Apollo r., laur. IMYPNAION Tripod. 16 || AE '5 IHN IX 17 | AE '5 TIAPAMONIOX] 18 AE •5 55 25 19| AE '5 [Pl. xxv. 8.] |{1/\ONIAHIX.] Head of Kybele r., turreted: |IMYPNAION Statue of Aphro- border of dots. dite Stratonikis,* clad in long chiton and wearing kalathos, standing r., her 1. arm, resting on short column, supports Nike, who holds a wreath ; between her and column, Sceptre. 20| AE •7 ATTO/\/\QNIAHIX RA 21 | AE '65 APIXTATO FNP PAX * See R. Weil, Zeit. f. Num, viii. 338. 240 IONIA, No * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Kybele r., turreted, IMYPNAION Statue of Aphro- border of dots. dite Stratonikis, clad in long chiton | and wearing kalathos, standing T., her l. arm, resting on short column, supports Nike, who holds a wreath; between her and column, sceptre. 22 || AE 65 A H M HTPIOX FFF 23| AE '65 25 22 Rí 24 || AE '65 HTHXIAx |AN 25 || AE •75 |KEXIOX M 2 26 AE •65 KONQN X 27 | AE 7 [Pl. xxv. 9..] |MHTPOAQPOx A 28 AE '65 MOXXOX 29 || AE •65 35 (no ethnic adj.) 30 AE 7 TIPQTOMAXOX 31 | AF. 7 ITYG)EOX Ål 32 AE •65 AATI MOX |EPQNOX 33 || AE •65 MOXXOX MOXXOY Head of Kybele r., turreted: |IMYPNAION Similar type, but border of dots. statue facing, holds sceptre in r. ; 1., which rests on short column, supports Nike, who holds wreath. 34 || AE 7 |Magistrate's name obliterated. SMYRNA, 241 Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Beverse. Head of Kybele r., turreted, IMYPNAION Similar type; in the whole in oak wreath. field, r., bird. 35 | AE 7 A6 H NATOPAX 36 AE 7 32 37 || AE •7 ATIATOYPTIOx 38 AE 7 22 ſ 39 AE •75 TEYEIX uncert. mon. 40 || AE 75 |KAAIOX. 41 || AE •75 22 42 || AE 75 KYNAAAAX 42ANHX 43 || AE 75 25 92 44 || AE 75 MH]TPOAQPOX [Bank Collection.] 45 | AF. 7 2) 46 || AE 75 [Pl. xxv. 10.] ITIP]o TOTENHX. 242 IONIA. No. t * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r, laur. : EMYPNAIQN Hand in caestus, border of dots. in field, 1.jpalm. 47 | AE 6 AeHNATIOPAX 48 || AE 6 52 49| AE 55 22 50 | AE '5 3 2 51 | AE 55 TEYEIX palm, in field, r. 52 AE 6 IATPOAQPIOX , , , 53 | AF *55 K/\ E! N JAX 22 22 7.5 54 || AE '5 MENEK two palms. 55 AE '5 22 # 2 3 56 || AE '6 [Pl. xxv. 11.] |MHTPOAQP[OX * infield, r. . . 57 || AB '45 TIAPAMOINOX two palms. 58 || AE '5 25 93 59 || AE '6 TIPOTOTEINHX. [Bank Collection.] 60 || AE •6 name obliterated; palm, in field, r. SMYRNA. 243 No. º Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. ZMYPNAION Two hands in caestus (ipadvtes), on either side a palm. 61 | AE •5 [Pl. xxv. 12.] |APTEMON 62 AE - 5 MOXXIOIN] 63 AE 45 TIOXEl Similar. IMYP tº º [N]AIQN Similar. 64 || AE 55 ſl OXE and mon. Head of Kybele r., turreted. |IMYPNAIQN Portable altar, with three legs, narrow waist, two handles, and conical cover. 65 || AE '5 ATl|]O/\/\QNI[AHX 66 | ME '5 XQITATPOX Similar. IMYP Similar altar, varied. 67 | Aſ) •45 [Pl. xxv. 13.] |AHMH 68 || AE '45 AIONY EPM 69 AE •45 MENEK 70 | ME '45 MHTPOAQ 244 IONIA, No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. IMYP Lyre. 71 | AE •45 [Pl. xxv. 14.] |ATTOA 72 | ZE '4 KON.ON 73 | ME •45 MENEKPATHX 74 || AE '45 TIOXEIAQN |OX 75 AE .45 XAPATTIQ[N] 76 || AE •45 XAPATTI 77 || AE 35 name illegible. 78 || AE •4 72 25 Head of Apollo r, laur. IMYPNAION Homer seated l., clad in himation, his r. raised to his chin, 1. holding volumenon his knees; behind him, transverse staff. 79 || AE 75 KAAAIXTPATOX 80 || AE '85 25 81 | AE 8 KA/\/\|XTPA 82 AE '85 KPQKINHX 83 || AE '85 52 84 || AE •85 ©ANOKPA THX. SMYIRNA, 245 No. . Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. |IMYPNAION Homer seated l., clad in himation, his r. raised to his chin, 1.holding volumen on his knees; behind him, transverse staff. 85 AB '85 ©ANOKPA THX 86 || AE 8 APPIAA|OX Pºž 87 || AE 8 37 Neº: 88 AE '85 57 Fº 89 || AE •9 [Pl. xxv. 15.] |EPMITITIOx A. 90 || AE •8 EPMOTEN HX 22 91 ZE •85 HPAKAEIAH2. TN 92 || AE '8 52 52 93 AE '85 TIA: KPATH: #f ºrf 94 | AE •85 32 Hºf 95 95 || AE '85 TIO/\/\IX {\f 96 || AE •9 XAPATI I.QN Rixf 97 || AE '85 5 y » : 98 || AE '85 XH MATOPAX dé 246 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Reverse. Head of Apollo r., laur. IMYPNAION Homer seated 1., clad in himation, his r. raised to his chin, 1. holding volumen on his knees; behind him, transverse staff. 99 || AE '8 ATIOAAOóANHLX OJPOBIT HX. 100 AE •85 Aſlo/\/\ . . . . . . OP . . . . . . 101| AE 75 A]PTEMIAQPOIX ..]G)AX 102 AE 75 E/\ATON MHTPO4) 103. AE '85 EPM OKAHX TIYOEOY 104 ZE 75 EYMHAOX ºr OITYPOY 105 AE •8 M HNO4)!/\OX KPABAYX. 106 AF 85 MHTPOAQPOX ITAXI KPAT OY 107 AE 75 NIKAAAz MHTPOAQIPoz] OEYAAX Similar type: border of dots.[IMYPNAIQN Similar type: in front, star. 108. AE '95 AeHNATOPAx [...]OPYMB . . 109| AE '9 EYKAHX 110 ZE '95 KYNAA/\AX 40ANHX 111] AF '95 [Pl. xxv. 16.] MHTPOAQPOx SMYRNA. 247 No. * Obverse. Reverse. , Similar type ; border of dots. IMYPNAION Similar type: in front, star. 112 AE '9 TIO/\/\IX 113| AE 1.0 75 114 AE •85 TEYEIX 6.3 115| AE '95 32 GD Similar type within laurel | IMYPNAION Similar type, no wreath. magistrate's name. 116| AE 8 117| AE '85 Homer holds transverse staff. Time of Mithradates Eupator. Head of Mithradates r., |ZMYPNAIQ[N] Nike advancing diademed: border of dots. T., holding wreath and palm. 118. AE '95 EPMOTENHX 4)PIEOX [Pl. xxv. 17.] 119 AE '95 248 IONIA. No * Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Times. (Coins without Emperors' heads.) Time of Tiberius. CTPATIKAAYA|OY €Tl|| CQCANAPOY SM | TIKAAY YPNAION Zeus AIOY within laurel-wreath : seated l. ; himation over | | 6 PONY border of dots. lower limbs and sceptre MOY* over r. shoulder: border of dots. 120 AE 1.0 - [Pl. xxvi. 1.] €Tl|T|KAAYA|OY le CTPA PONYMOY ZMYPN | TIKAAY Al QN Similar type : A|OY Similar : border of dots. CQCANAP border of dots. OY 121. AE '95 G)6ON CYNK/\HT | ET |T| |e PONYMO Y COC [ON ZMYP| ANAPOC Hexastyle temple: Bust of the Senate r., | border of dots. hair curly, wears chlamys: border of dots. 122 AE '85 |Restruck, traces of letters beneath bust. [Bank Collection.] [Pl. xxvi. 2.] 123 AE '85 |G)]eON CYNKAHT ON 2 MYP * See infra, nos. 266-268, where the name of Hieronymos occurs in conjunction with that of the Proconsul Petronius, A.D. 29-35. On the above coins, nos. 120-129, Sosander is the Strategos, while Hieronymos again is without a title. It seems probable, however, that he was the eponymous magistrate of the city, and, if so, the omitted title may be that of >Teqjavnqápos; cf. C. I. G. no. 3137, and Philostratus Wit. Soph. ii. 26, 2, who, speaking of the Sophist Herakleides, says that he settlod at Smyrna, ka) Thy greqaynºpópov &pxhu tup' attois àpéev &@' &v Toºs éviavroſs T{0evral suppywºot to 3,6pora. From the time of the Antonines onwards the epony- mous magistrato of Smyrna was the Xtparnybs ºr rôv 6thww. SMYRNA, 249 No. * Obverse. Reverse. €TTI TI KAAYA|OY|CTPA-TI.KAAY COCANAPOY |e PONYMOY SMYP Winged Nemesis standing River-god recumbent, 1., holding r., holding bridle in l., reed, and resting 1. elbow on re- and with r., bent at elbow, versed vase, from which a stream plucking the neck of her flows: border of dots. chiton ; border of dots. 124 AE 8 125| AE 8 [Pl. xxvi. 3..] 126 AE 8 inscr. runs in opposite direction. Similar, but Nemesis has CTPATI KAA COCANAPOY curled wings. ZMYP Similar type. 127| AE '8 [Pl. xxvi. 4.] CTPATI CQCANAPOY ZMYP Similar type. 128. AE 8 l CTPA COCANAPOC) eTTI le PONY MOY Lighted ZMYP (in ex.)| altar; border of dots. ſ Bull standing r., border of dots. 129| AE 75 [Pl. xxvi. 5.] Time of Claudius. ZMYP (NAION] Bee: ETTI (p1/\IXTOY El KAAIOX* border of dots. Demeter'ſ veiled, standing 1., hold- ing branch : border of dots. 130| AE 6 [Pl. xxvi. 6.] * Cf. nos. 281-284 infra, where the names Philistos and Eikadios occur ! on coins of Claudius and Britannicus. l 1, K ION I.A. 3 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Time of Nero. ZMYP NAION Pust CTPATH TOCK/\APOC * of Kybele, 1., turreted : Homonoia standingl.,wearing modius, border of dots. and holding patera and cornucopiae: border of dots. AE • 6 [Pl. xxvi. 7.] AE 55 Time of Domitian. Sea. Julius Frontinus Proconsul circ. A.D. 83. ANGYTIATO ©PONT | ET | CTE MYPTOY GOVITATP eIN OCTPATH TOC, OCTOVAHMOY ZMYPNA TEPH El NOC (sic) |QN+ Two Nemeses face to face, Zeus Akraios seated 1., each with bent arm, plucking chiton himation over lower limbs at neck, the one holds bridle, the and l. shoulder: he holds other, cubit rule: border of dots. in r. Nike, and rests with 1. on sceptre : border of dots. AE 1.05 [Pl. xxvi. 8.] ANOVOPO NTel NO €Tll MVPTOV C TPAPHTe N MVP Bust of Kybele | |NOC Amazon Smyrna wearing r., turreted: border of short chiton with diplois and dots. Chlamys, standing 1, ; she rests with r. on spear and holds bipennis in 1. : border of dots. AE '85 [Pl. xxvi. 9..] * Cf. mos. 289-291 infra, where the name of Scribonius Clarus occurs on coins of Nero. # These coins show that the eponymous magistracy of Smyrna was sometimes held by a woman. The lady who here bears the titles Xteºpaum- pápos and Ovy&rmp toº Aſhuov is mentioned also in an inscription C.I.G. |3173 ºr a repaympápov Kogicavías Mūp[t]ov SMYRNA. 251 Metal. No. size. Obvorse. Reverse. AN6Y (pp.ONTel NO eITIMYPTOY PHTe|NOC Head of bearded Herakles ZMYP r., bare : border of dots. River-god recumbent, I., holding reed, and resting 1. elbow on reversed vase, from which a stream flows: border of dots. 135| AE 75 136| WE 75 137 AE .75 [Pl. xxvi. 10.] SMYP NAION Semeleeſ. IMY PTOY PH rel[NO]C and Dionysos seated; Prow, T. : bordcr of dots. Semele to the front, on chair, her feet on footstool, her head inclined l., to- wards youthful Dionysos, who sits upon lower seat beside her, naked to the waist, his head resting on her bosom, and his arms raised to clasp her round the shoulders : in field, r., filleted thyrsos ; l., small cultus-statue of bearded IDionysos, r. draped, hold- ing kantharos and thyrsos : border of dots. 138|| AE 1. [Pl. xxvi. 11.] eſ|| MYPTOY Humped ZMYP PH TelſNO]C Nike bull standing r. : border advancing r., carrying trophy over of dots. shoulder ; border of dots. 139| AE 65 [Pl. xxvi. 12.] 140' AE • 65 ZMYPPH Tel NOC 2 5 2 ION I.A. No. *. Obverse. Reverse. NMYP N A I ON Bee:[eſ]]]MYPTOY PHTel NOIC] border of dots. Dolphin r.: border of dots. 141| AE 55 [Pl. xxvi. 13.] 142|| AE '5 SMVPNAION] Bustleſ IIAHMOCTPA TOVICH I of Kybele r., turreted : OC]* Homonoiastanding 1., wearing border of dots. modius, and holding patera and cor- nucopiae : border of dots. 143 AE 65 144| AE 65 [Pl. xxvi. 14.] 145 AE 6 |S MYP NA|ON [eſ]]]AHMOCTPA TOVCH! OſC] €TI IAH MOC TPAT|SMVP CTPA CHIOC Nike OV Nemesis standing advancing r., carrying trophy over T., her r. arm bent at shoulder. elbow, and plucking chiton at her neck; l. holding bridle. 146|| AR) '65 [Pl. xxvi. 15.] Time of Trajan. CTP ATH BIONOC+ SMYPNA ION Nike advancing Bust of Athena r., wear-| l., holding wreath and palm ; border ing crested Corinthian of dots. helmet : border of dots. 147| AE •6 * Cf. mos. 306-308 infra, where these two names recur on coins of Domi- tian. The eponymous magistrate is Demostratos, the Strategos is Seios. f Bion was a Strategos in the reign of Trajan, see infra, no 323. SM YIRNA, 2 5 3 No. * Obverse. Reverse. SMVP Head of young|eTTIBI QNOC Poppy-head be- JDionysos r., bound with tween two ears of corn ; border of ivy-wreath ; border of dots. dots. 148. AE •5 [Pl. xxvi. 16.] 149| AE '5 €TT|B1(). NOC 150 AE • 5 25 |e PA CVN KAHTOC ZMVP TA.K.A. BION OC.TAM Bust of the Senate r., | |OV Two Nemeses face to face, wearing chlamys : border each with bent arm, plucking chiton of dots. at neck, the one holds bridle, the other, cubit rule : border of dots. 151. AE 1.15 [Pl. xxvi. 17.] Age of the Antonimes. Trajan–Commodus.* | SeVC AKPAIOC Head C M Athena standing T., resting of Zeus Akraios r., laur. : V P with r. on spear and 1. on border of dots. shield : border of dots. lº AE 75 | } SEVLA KPAIOC Head CMV PN AION Athena stand- of Zeus Akraios r., laur. : ing 1., before flaming altar; she holds border of dots. in r. patera over altar and rests AE 8 with l, on spear: border of dots. * The following coins (nos their reverse types. Those on to the reign of Trajan. . 152-220) which seem to belong to the age of the Antonines (Trajan–Commodus), are here arranged according to Z are the earliest in date; all those with C in Smyrna are subsequent which the name of Smyrna is spelt with a 254 IONIA. 156 157 159 *:::.1. Obverso. Reverse. Ze"YC AKPAIOC CMYP NAION Amazon Smyrna Head of Zeus Akraios r., standing 1., turreted and clad in short laur. ; border of dots. chiton and endromides ; she rests with r. on spear, and holds in 1. bipennis; border of dots. AE 75 AE 8 [Pl. xxvii. 1.] ZeXC AKPAIOC SMV PTTA NION IOC * Arte- ILead of Zeus Akraios r., mis Panionios standing 1., beside laur ; border of dots. prow, clad in short Chitoli, and hold- ing laurel-branch and bow ; border of dots. AE '85 i AE '85 [Pl. xxvii. 2.] CMVPN A Dust of CMVPN AION Nemesis, winged, Amazon Smyrna 1., tur- standing 1., r. arm bent and pluckin; reted, with bipennis over chiton at breast, she holds in , r. shoulder ; border of cubit-rule ; at her feet, wheel : boº- dots. der of dots. AE 75 [Pl. xxv.11. 3..] SevcAK PAIOc Head|C MVP N AION Tyche standiá, of Zeus Akraios r., laur. : | 1., wearing modius ; she holds ruddéy border of dots. and cornucopiae : border of dots. AE .7 * IIovićvios is here an adjective of two terminations only, and refers to Artemis. Eckhol, ii. 508, misled probably by the masculine termination of the word, takes the type for Apollo. §MYIRNA. No. 160 161 162 163 164 1.65 166 167 168 *. Obverse. Reverse. CITTV/\ HN H+ Head of SMV P NA|QN Homonoia stand- Kybele Sipylene T., tur- ing 1., wearing modius, she holds reted : border of dots. patera and cornucopiae : border of dots. AE 7 AE • 65 [Pl. xxvii. 4.] CITIVAH N H IIead|CMVPN AIO N IIomonoia standing of Kybele Sipylene r., | 1., wearing modius, she holds patera turreted : border of dots. and cornucopiae : border of dots. AE •75 AE 55 AE '55 Z eVCA KPAIOC |ZMVPN AION Eagle facing, Head of Zeus Akraios r. : head r., wings open, holding wreath border of dots. in beak : border of dots. AE 75 ZeVC AKPAIOC CMVP N AION Eagle facing, Similar : border of dots. head 1., wings open, standing on cippus, holds wreath in beak : bor- der of dots. AE 75 ZeVC AKPAIO ... [C]|CMVP NAION Similar, but Similar : border of dots. head r., and no cippus. AE 8 CMYPN A Bust of Am- CMV PN AION Similar ; border azon Smyrna 1., turreted, of dots. with bipennis over r. shoulder ; border of dots. AE 75 * Cf. C.I.G. 3387, Mātūp Oeſov ×itvXàvm # 3pxmyétis Smyrnaeorum. 256 IONIA. Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. SeVC.AKP AOC. Head CMVP NA IQN Lion seated r., of Zeus Akraios r. : border | 1. fore-paw on tympanum : , border of dots. of dots. 169 AE 75 [Pl. xxvii. 5.] CMVP NAION Bust CMVPN [A]| QN Similar, but r. of Amazon Smyrna r., tur- fore-paw on tympanum ; border of reted, without bipennis : | dots. border of dots. 170, AE •75 IITTY AH NH Bust of CMVPNA Lion standing r., with JKybele Sipylene r., tur- | 1QN (in ex.) tympanum between reted ; border of dots. fore-paws: border of dots. 171 AE '8 SeVC.AK PAIOC CMVP NA Lion walking r. ; bor- Head of Zeus Akraios r. : | 1QN (in ex.) der of dots. border of dots. 172 /E - 65 173 Æ 7 |sevc AKPAIO CCMV. P. . . NAION (in ex.) 174| AE 75 |ZeVC A KPAIOC CMVPN A IQN (in ex.) |175| AE •75 | NeWC AKPAIOC. 25 CMVPN A Bust of SMVPN A Lion walking r.; bor- Amazon Smyrna l., tur- | 1QN (in ex.) der of dots. reted, with bipennis over r. shoulder: border of dots. * 176 AH) . 65 177| AE 75 CMVPN A |ON (in ex.) 178 AE 7 CMVPNA type r. CMV P NAION (in ex.) 8 MY RNA. 257 No. *. Obverse. Reverse. NEYCA KPAIOC CMV P Griffin r., l. fore- Head of Zeus Akraios r. : NAIQN (in ex.) paw on wheel : border of dots. border of dots. 179| AE •65 180 AE 75 181| AE '75 |SeVC AKPAIOC CMVPN AI [Pl. xxvii. 6.] QN (in ex.) 182] AC '75 |ZeVC AKPAIOC C MV P. NAION (in ex.) 183| AB '75 |SeVC AKPA|O C |CMVPN AI QN (in ex.) CMYPNA. AAPIANH|G)éVAl ANOC ANCOH Ke” Bust of Smyrna l., tur- || Griffin r., l. fore-paw on wheel : reted, without bipennis : border of dots, border of dots. 184 AE •75 [Pl. xxvii. 7.] 185| AE •75 | CMV PNA Bust of CMYPNAI Griffin r., l. fore-paw Amazon Smyrna r., tur- QN (in ex.) on wheel: border reted, with bipennis at of dots. shoulder: border of dots. 186| AE 75 187| ME 7 |C MVPNA CMVPNA | QN (in ex.) 188|AE ‘7 CMVPN A type 1. 22 * Theudianos was a Strategos under Antoninus Pius and M. Aurelius. See infra, nos. 342, 343, 346, 349, 350. L L 258 IONIA, No. * Obverse. Reverse. [...] [TV AHNH Bust of CMV P Griffin r, 1. forc-paw Kybele Sipylene r., tur- NAION (in ex.) on wheel. ' w reted: border of dots. 189 AE 75 ZeVC AKPAIOC CMVPNA | Prow r : border of Head of Zeus Akraios r. : QN (in ex.) dots. border of dots, 190| AE 75 191| AE 7 | (S in inscr.) [Pl. xxvii. 8.].CMVPN A |Q.N. (in ex.) 192 AE '65 |.SéVC. AK PAIOC. cMVP. N. - Al Q.N. (in ex.) CMVPN A Bust of CMVPN Galley r : border of Amazon Smyrna I., with AION. (in ex.) dots. bipennis at shoulder; bor- der of dots. 193 AE 7 [Pl. xxvii. 9.] 194| AE 75 CMVPNA | Trow r. ; border QN (in ex.) of dots. 195| AE 7 .CMVPN A 7 3 25 |QN. (in ex.) 196 AE '7 52 } } 5 y 197 AE 7 / 7) } ) 5 J SMYRNA. 259 Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. CT PA Bust of Sarapis. SMVPNA |ON Prow r., beneath, r., wearing modius: border shrimp, 1 ; border of dots. of dots. 198| AE •65 [Pl. xxvii. 10.] 199| AD 65 NMVPN NAſ (2 (sic) (in ex.) Galley r.: border of dots. CT PA Bust of Sarapis CMVPNAI ON Prow r., beneath, r., wearing modius: border | dolphin, 1.: border of dots. of dots. 200 AE 6 [Pl. xxvii. 11.] CMVPN AI.QN Bust of CMVPNA|Q N Prow r. ; border Sarapist., wearing modius: of dots. border of dots. 201| AE • 6 beneath, dolphin, r. 202 Æ .65 CMVP NAION CMVPN A no dolphin. |ON. (in ex.) 203| AE '6 } } 5 y 2) 25 204 AE *55 35 33 5 y 33 OTT/\O ©VA Az + CMVP NA|QN Telesphoros Head of bearded Herakles standing facing : border of dots. Hoplophylax r., bare: bor- der of dots. 205| AE 6 206 ZE '6 [Pl. xxvii. 12.] * Cf. C. I. G. 3162, Téootos "Om Noºpſaaki. £Adkkos atpat myos éml Töv &m Awu ‘HpakAe? 260 IONIA. No. *. Obverse. Reverse. OTTAO ©V/\AZ Head|CMVPNA River-god recumbent, l., of bearded Herakles Hop- |QN holding reed, and rest- lophylax r., bare, lion's ing 1. arm on reversed vase, from skin round neck: border which a stream flows, within which of dots. two fishes r. ; border of dots. 207 AE '65 [Pl. xxvii. 13.] 208 AE '65 209 AZ '65 |O]TT/\O4)V AAR no. . . . . NAION lion's skin. 210| AE 7 | no inscr. 95 CMV P NA|QN River-god holds ears of corn and cornucopiae : vase under arm, stream and fish indistinct. OTT/\ O(pV/\AZ CMV P N AION Bow in case Head of Herakles Hoplo- and club : border of dots. phylax as above (no. 207): border of dots. 211| AE 6 [Pl. xxvii. 14.] OTTAO ©V/\AZ CMVP3 NAIQN Nike advancing, Similar. l, holding wreath and palm ; bor- der of dots. 212 AF •6 213 AE 65 214 AE 65 [Pl. xxvii. 15.] 215| AE '65 inscr. in opposite direction. SMYRNA. 261 * Cf. C. I. G. 3165, No. 'º. Obverse. Reverse. M6 A River-god CMVPN AION Nike advancing HC (in ex.) Meles,” r., holding wreath and palm ; bor- recumbent, l., holding der of dots. reed and resting I. arm on reversed vase, from which a stream flows: border of dots. 216 AE 55 217| AE 55 218 AE 6 219| AE •6 220 AE 6 |M EAH (in ex.) River-god CMVP NAION C Meles, holds ears of corn. [Pl. xxvii. 16.] Time of Commodus. | EPALVN KAHTOL |CTPHPA K Ael AOV.f Youthful bust of the Se- CMVPNAſ (in ex.) Two Nemeses nate r. : border of dots. QN face to face, each with bent arm, plucking chiton at neck, the one holds bridle, the other, r cubit-rule: border of dots. 221| AE 10 “ruvè Qebv Méxmra (rotauðv) Tov orwtipá uov, IIavrés ue Aouot kal kakoo tremavuévov. This refers to the pestilence in the time of M. Aurelius, to which time the coins bearing the figure of the River-god Meles may also belong. + Herakleides was a Strategos in the reign of Commodus, see nos. 479–484, infra, and was perhaps identical with the Sophist of that name. See note on p. 248, supra, 262 ION I.A. No 'º. Obverse. Reverse. Similar. CTPHPAKAel AOV C MVPN Al QN Atliena standing to front, head l. ; holds palera and rests on spear ; in front, on ground, shield : border of dots. 322 AE 1.05 [Pl. xxvii.I. 1.] Similar. CTPHPAKAEIAOV CMVPN Al QN Athena standing to front, head 1., holds patera and rests on shield placed on ground at her l. side ; behind, spear ; at her r. side, column : border of dots. 223. AE 1.05 Time of Severus and family. IEPA EVN KAHTOEICTP KACTPATONel KIA N | Youthful bust of the So-| OVCMVPNAIQN Homonoia nate r. ; border of dots. standing to front, head l., wearing modius, holds patera and cornucopiae: border of dots. 224| AE 1'15 [Pl. xxviii. 2.] OMH P OC Homer|CMVP ... . . seated r., with himation NAI Within oak-wreath ; border over lower limbs; holds | QN of dots. in 1. Scroll, r. rests on g seat : border of dots. 225| AE 8 [Pl. xxviii. 3..] 226. A '85 |same die. SMYRN A. 263 No. 2 2 7 2 2 8 2 2 9 2 3 2 * Obverse. Reverse. 3rd Neocoria.” |GPACV NKAHTOC) . CMVPN AI ON TNeO. Youthful bust of the Se- KOPON (in ex). lmate r. : border of dots. Two Nemeses face to face, each with bent arm, plucking chiton at neck ; the one holds bridle, the other, cubit- rule; at the feet of the latter a wheel : border of dots. AE 1.05 [Pl. XXVIII. 4.] AE '95 AE '85 |. iéPACVNK. AHTOC CMVPNAION. T. NeOKOPON AE 85|lePACVN KAHTOC CMVPTN e [O. KOPON] AE 75 || CPACVN KAHTOC |CMVPTN.e.OK OPQN ZE 105 Type and inscr. obliterated.|Type and inscr. obliterated. Counter- mark CM VP and two Nemeses, as above. * Smyrna was Neocorate for the first timo undor Trajan. Cf. the coin described by Mionnet, Supp. vi. 340, no. 1687, after Vaillant, and the in- scription published by Dittenbergor, Arch. Zeit, 1878, p. 94. ‘O vewicópos Zuvpwatav Šàwos Tibéptov KAaúötov ‘Pooq ov, Tov čawtoo troAeſtmv . . . . . . étéſ- A morev K.T.A. which belongs, doubtless, also to Trajan’s reign, if the Rufus is identical with the Strategos of that name (see no. 325, infra). A second Neocoria was granted to Smyrna by a decree of the Senate under Hadrian (C. I. G. 3148)—kal $ora étrétáxopiev trapa toû kvplov Kafa’apos “A6plavoj čić, 'Autovíov IIoxéuavos, bettepov boysa ovvicxhtov, cat' Öls vewirópol yeyóvagev, lc.T.A., but no mention of it occurs on coins before the time of Ant. Pius. (Mion. Suppl. vi. 343, no. 1704.) A third Neocoria was bestowed upon the city towards the close of the reign of Sept. Severus, at the same time as a like honour was conferred upon Ephesus (Waddington Fastes, p. 251). Cſ, note on the Neocories of Iºphesus, p. 76, supra. 264 IONIA, Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reversø. |e PACVN KAHTOC CMVP NA |QN. T. NGO Youthful bust of the Se- KOPON (in ex.) Tetra- nate r. : border of dots. style temple, within which, statue of Tyche I., wearing modius, and hold- ing rudder and cornucopiae : border 233| AE 1.05 of dots, 234] AC 1-05 || same die. CMVP NA| ON . T. Ne() KOPON (in ex.) 235 AH, -95 |. Ie PACV NKAHTOC CMVP NATO N TN GO.KO -PQ.N. (in ex.) 236 AE '9 35 (same die)|CMVPNAl Q.N.T.Neſ). K .OPQ.N. (in ex). 237 AE '9 52 CMVPN Al QN TN 60 KOPQ.N. (in ex.) .1e PACV N KAHTOC.|CMVPNAl Q. N.TT POTON Youthful bust of the Se- ACIAC (in ex.) nate r. : border of dots. Tetrastyle temple, within which, g statue of Tyche 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae : border of dots. 238. AE '95 Gordian to Valerian. .1e PACV NKAHTOC., CMVPTNee TTMeNe K/\e Youthful bust of the Se- OVC (in ex.)* mate r.: border of dots. Tetrastyle temple, within which, statue of Tyche 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae : border of dots. 239| AE '95 | EPACV N KAHTOC. CMVPTNG eTT TIQ/\/\l Youthful bust of the Se- ANOV (in ex.)* nate r. ; border of dots. Tetrastyle temple of Tyche as on no. 239; border of dots. 240 Æ 1:1 * Menekles and Pollianus were Strategi in the reign of Gordian. Cf. mos. 443, 444, and Mionnet. SMYRNA. 265 No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 242 243 AE 1. AE 1.15 AE 1.15 AE 1.65 |éPACV N KAHTOC. Youthful bust of the Se- nate r. : border of dots (same die as no. 240). .CMVPNA|ONTTPOT QNACAC Bust of Demeter Horia l., veiled, holding two ears of corn and cornucopiae : border of dots. €TT.C MOV| NITTO/\ €IT OV. ‘f Bust of Demeter Horia, as on no. 242 ; border of dots. infra. infra. CMVIPTNe] eTT TIQAAI ANOV. .eTTCMAVPT ePTIOV. ACIA erºy PTE PTIOVACAP CMVPNAION TTP. ACIAC TNe [Pl. xxviii. 5.] * M. Aur. Tertius was Strategos and Asiarch under Gordian, cf. no. 442, + Polites was a Strategos in the reign of Sev. Alexander, cf. no. 432, Two Nemeses face to face, each with bent arm, plucking chiton at neck, the one holds bridle, the other, cubit- rule, at the feet of the latter a wheel: border of dots. PX OV* Amazon Smyrna standing 1., before prow I., she is turreted and clad in short chiton, with di- plois and endromides, and holds in r. patera and in 1. bipennis, pelta and chlamys: border of dots. XO TQ, N.CG B. Amazon Smyrna standing 1., before prow l., she is turreted and clad in short chiton, with diplois and endromides, and holds in r. patera, and in 1. bipennis, pelta and chlamys : border of dots. M. M. 266 IONIA, +- No. * Obverse. Reverse. .CMVPTTPOTO. N. A €TT|C. (p. 1/\ H TOV. ITT Cl AC. Bust of Demeter TT| K Horia, as on no. 242: CMV. (in ex.)* border of dots. Zeus Akraios seated l., naked to 245| AE 1' 1 waist, holding Nike, and resting on sceptre : border of dots. . I e PACVN. KAHTOC CMVP. T. NGO. . eTT. .C. 4) IAH Youthful bust of the Se- T OV. nate r. f : border of dots. Iſomonoia standing 1., wearing Countermark, A. modius; she holds patera and cornu- copiae : border of dots. 246 AE '95 |CPA CVN. KAHTOC CMVPNA|ON.T. . Ne. ETTI KTH Youthful bust of the Se- T OV. nate, as on previous coin:| Homonoia standing 1., as on previous border of dots. coin; border of dots. 247 AE '95 [Pl. xxviii. 6.] Imperial Coinage. Augustus [XE]BAXTOX Head of IMYPNAION Aphrodite Stra- Augustus r., bare. tonikis clad in long chiton, standing facing, wearing modius, holding in r. sceptre and in l., which rests on a column, statuette of Nike 1., holding wreath. 248. AE 75 EPMOKAHX (V1 in inscr.) 249 AE '65 j } 250 AE •7 25 * Philotos was Strategos under Valerian and Gallienus, cf. nos. 454-458, infra. + The obv. die of this coin is the same as that of a coin of Erythrae, struck in the reign of Philip (Imhoof, Mon. Gr., p. 288), and of an Alliance coin of Erythrae and Chios (supra, p. 150, nos. 272, 273). r SMYIRNA. 267 251 255 256 257 Metal. 258 Size. Obverse. Reverse. XEBATOz (sic). ZMY|AIONYXIO Nike advancing 1, PNAION Head of X. holding wreath Augustus r., bare. KO Aaga and palm. AE 75 AE '65 |XEBAXTOX ZMYPN |A|ONYXIOX Al QN KO/\ /\YBAX XeBAXTON Head of KOPO Capricorn r. Augustus r., bare. NOX ZMVPNAI QN AE '5 Augustus and Livia. [XEBJAXTQI IOIAV1q|Aphrodite Stratonikis, clad in long VM Z Heads of Au-| chiton with peplos and veil, standing gustus laur., and Livial facing, wearing modius, she holds jugate r. in r., sceptre, and in l., which rests on a column, a statuette of Nike 1., holding wreath ; in field, r., dove 1. AE 75 [AION]YXIOX KO/\/\YBAX AD 75 |SMYPNAIOI XEBAX|AEONTIXKOX ITITIOMEAON TQI [Pl. xxviii. 7] TOX, AE •75 AE 75 AE •75 268 IONIA. No. * - Obverse. Reverse. Augustus and Tiberius. CeBACTON TIBEPI |A|BIAN ZMYPNA|ON KOPO ON KAICAPA Heads | NOC Similar type, but dove of Augustus r., and Ti- between column and statue. berius Caesar l., face to face. RP 259| AE •75 in field, l., 260 AF. 75 261| AE '75 262 AE 75 ASHAOIAX Tiberius. TI BePIOC CeBACT ZMYPNAI(JN leP(0NYMOC OC Head of Tiberius. Altar, garlanded. r., laur. 263 AE 65 264 AE • 65 Z MVPNA|(ON 265 AE 65 Livia and Senatus. P. Petronius, Procos. A.D. 29-35. CeBACTH CYNKAH |CeBACTOCTI BePIOC CTTITTE TOC ZMYPNA1(ON | TP(ONIOY Tetrastyle temple IeP(ONYMOC Heads containing statue of Tiberius in pon- of the Senate r., draped, tifical robes.* and of Livia 1., draped, wearing stephane, face to face. 266 AF: 65 267 AE '9 [Pl. xxviii. 8.] 268. AE •9 * This is the temple erected at Smyrna by the Commune of the Province of Asia, in honour of Tiberius, Livia, and the Senate, cf. Tac. Ann, iv., 15 and 55. SMYRNA. 269 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. Caius (Caligula.) C. Calpurnius Aviola, Procos. A.D. 38-39. TA|ON KAICA PATGP|Te PMAN | KON ATP TITIEINA MAN | KON eTT|AOV| NNMYPNAION |O/\A Head of Caligula MH N OOAN HC r., laur. Heads of Germanicus 1., bare, and of Agrippina r., draped, face to face. 269 AE '85 270| AE •85 inscr. continuous. 271| AE 8 TEPMANIKIONATITITIe INAN SMYP]NAIQNMHO4)A NHC TAION KAICAPATe APOYC1/\/\ANSMYPNAI(0N PMAN | KON eTTI. A | M H NO q>AN HC Drusilla, as OY|O/\A Head of Persephone, seated 1., holding in r. Caligular., laur. poppy-head between two ears of corn, and resting with 1. on Sceptre. 272 AE 75 [Pl. xxviii. 9..] 273| AE •8 274| AE •75 275 AE •75 276 AB. '75 APOYC1AAAN SLMYPNAI] (0N M H NO q>AN HC TAION KAICAP A €TT|SMYPNA ||(ONMH NO q) AN HC º IAOYIO/\A Head of Nike advancing r., holding wreath ; Caligular., laur. and palm. 277 AE 65 278. AE 75 AOYO/\A 10N]MHNO4AN [SMYPNA HC 270 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Reverse. TA|ONKAICAPA Head | NMYP NAI(M) N Crab. of Caligula r., radiate : behind, star. 279| AE 55 280 AE 6 NMYP . . . . . Claudius and Agrippina. ZMY[P] Heads jugate r. ETI Iqbl/\IXTOY EIKAAIOX of Claudius, laur., and Kybele seated 1., wearing modius: Agrippina. holds patera and rests l. arm on tympanum : at her feet, lion, seated l. 281| AE 8 [Pl. xxviii. 10.] 282 AE •75 Britannicus Caesar. ob. A.D. 55. ZMYP Head of Britannicus|| ET || |A|XTOY E|KAA|O r., bare. > Nike advancing r., carrying trophy over shoulder. 283| AE '65 [Pl. xxviii. 11.] 284 AE 7 \ Nero. NEPONAXEBAXTONISMY P , AS TEXXIOX Zes Young head of Nero r. (p1/\OTIATPIC wearing himatiºn over lower limbs, seated 1.: hol transverse Sceptre. - 285| AE •75 head bare. 286| AE 7 |head laur. Zºº, 2S TeCCIO C placſl. A TPIX SIM YIRNA, 271 No. *. Obverse. Reverse. NePON A CeBACTO |ZMY AS TEXXIOX 4) IAOTTAT N.A.TPI ITT INAN CC PIX Eirene winged, standing r., BACTH N. Busts, face in attitude of Nemesis, holding in to face, of youthful Nero | 1. caduceus downwards : at her feet l., laur, and of Agrippina | Serpent, r. r., draped. 287| AE 8 [Pl. xxviii. 12.] 288 AD 75 |[NEPONAjceBAC T || ON. Aſ PIT TII NAN [CeBACTHN] NePONA CeBACTON |ZMY P eTT|e PM OTENOYC TIOT. TIAIAN CeBA | CTPA CKPI BION IOC KAA CTHN Busts of Nero r., POC + Zeus, wearing himation over laur., and Poppaea l., lower limbs, seated l., holding trans- draped, face to face. verse sceptre. 289 AE '95 290| AE '95 291. AE '9 ZM YP NePQNA, Ce BACTON. Nel KHTTO TTAI AZMYP Head of Nero r., laur. Poppaea, as Nike, turreted (?) and winged, advancing 1., holding wreath and cornucopiae. 92 AF 65 [Pl. xxv.111. 13.] NePONACEBA CTONZMYP eſlie PMOTe NOYC Head of Nero r, laur, K/\APOC River-god naked, re- cumbent, l., holding reed and rest- ing 1. arm, wrapped in chlamys, on . reversed vase, from which a stream $93 AE 8 flows. [Pl. xxviii. 14.] * The Strategos is Clarus, not Hermogenes, see supra, nos. 131, 132. ION I.A., No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 298 AE 1: 1 AE 1.0 AE '85 AE '9 Vespasian. Vettius Bolanus, Procos. circ. A.D. 76. AYTOKPATOP KA|| NM YPNAION ETT BOAA XAPOY EXTTAXIANOX NO Y AKPAIOX (in ex.) Head of Wespasian l., laur. Zeus Akraios seated l., himation over lower limbs; holds Nike and rests on sceptre.* [Pl. xxvii.I. 15.] AYTOKPA.TOP KAI CAP OYECſIACIAN OC CeBACTOC. AYTOKPATOP KAI ZMYPNAI CTPA ATPONOC. , CAP OYECTIACIAN | TPAMMAT . . . . . OC CeBACTOC [A]KPA[IOC] (in ex.) Zeus Head of Vespasian 1., Akraios, as on previous coin. laur. Titus and Domitian. TITOC AYTOKPAT | ET | BO/\ANOYZMYPNAION OP AOM ITIANOC, EPMOC River-god Hermos, KAICAP Heads, face recumbent, l., himation over lower to face, laur., of Titus l. limbs; holds in r, two ears of corn and Domitian r. and in 1. cornucopiae : he leans on reversed vase, from which a stream flows. [Pl. xxv.111. 16.] TITOC.AYTOKPA AZMYPNAION eTTIBOAAN OM ITIAN OCKAIC OY River-god Hermos, recumbent, AP Heads face to face, l., as on previous coin. laur., of Titus r. and Domitian 1. * On a coin of Domitian (Imhoof, Gr. M., p. 651), a similar figure of Zeus is accompanied by the inscription SeVC O/\VMTTIOC. { SMYRNA, 273 No. * Obverse. Reverse. TITOC AYTOKPAT| ETTIBOAANOY SMYPNAION QP. AOM ITIAN OC EPLM OC] River-god Hermos, re- KAIC Heads jugate 1. cumbent, l., as before. of Titus, laur., and of Domitian. 300 AE '85 301 AH, -85 (Same dies.) T. Catius C. Silius Italicus, Procos. circ. A.D. 77. Wespasian. AYTOKPATOP KAIC ZMYP ANOY ITAAIKQſeſ|| AP OYeCTTAC1AN | IOYAIAC CTPAAſ PON]eX OC Ce BACTOC CeBI-1C Kybele seated l., tur- Head of Vespasian r., laur. reted, holding patera and resting 1. arm on tympanum : in front, lion, 1. 302| AE 1.2 303. AE 1: 15 Titus and Domitian. TITOC AYTOſKPAT | ETILITAAIKOYSMYPNAION QP AOM ITIANOC]| CTPA AſPONOC River-god KAICAP Head of Titus|| Hermos, recumbent, l., himation over T., laur., and bust of Do- lower limbs : he holds in T. two cars mitian l., face to face. of corn, and in 1. cornucopiae, and leans on reversed vase, from which a stream flows. 304 AE '85 Domitian and Domitia. AOM ITIANOCKAICA|AOM ITIA66A CeBACTH ZM, PCeBACTOCTCPM YPNAION Domitia as Demeter AN | KOC Head of Horia'ſ standing r., veiled, holds in Domitian r., laur. l. cornucopiae, and rests with r. on sceptre.* 305 AE 1'15 [Pl. xxix. 1.] * Cf. Z. f. N., iv. 315. 274 IONIA, No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. AOM ITIANOCKAIC eTTIAHMOCTPATOV CTPA €Te PMAN | KOCAO | TH TOC CHIOC S MYP M|TIACeBACTH Herakles, naked, standing facing, Head of Domitian r.,laur., head 1., holds kotyle in extended and bust of of Domitial r., and club with lion's skin on 1. 1., draped, face to face. 3. I’Iſl. 306| AE 1. [Pl. xxix. 2.] 307| AE •9 Z in inscr. 308 AF 1-05 2? T}omitia. AOMITIA AYTOYIC|SMYP NAION Nemesis stand- TA] Bust of Domitia r., ing l., right arm bent, and plucking draped. chiton at neck, l. lowered, holding bridle. 309| AE • 65 L. Mestrius Florus, Proco8. A.D. 83-84. Domitian. AOM ITIANOCKACA EITIAM €CTPIOV (p/\QPOV PCeBAC TOCrePM|| AN[OYTIATOY] ZMVP ANIKOC Head , of Amazon Smyrna seated 1., turreted, Domitian r., laur. holds on extended r. small tetrastyle temple, and in l. bipennis. 310| AE 1.2 SMYRNA, 275 Metal. No. §. Obverse. Beverse. Julia Titi f. ob. A.D. 89. |OYAIA CeBACTH | eTT| @AOPOV AN OYNMVPN Bust of Julia T., draped. Al QN Kybele seated l., turreted, holding patera, and resting 1. arm on tympanum : in front, lion, 1. 311| AE '85 312|| AE '85 313 AE '85 |CeBACTH |OYA|A |eTT|4}/\QPOYANG)V SMVPN Al QN 314| AE '85 92 inscr. reads from outside. Vespasian Junior. OYEC TIACIANOCNE [Z]MYPN AION Nemesis stand- QTEPOC Bust of ing r. ; r. arm bent, and plucking Vespasian jun. r., bare, chiton at neck, l. lowered, holding Wearing paludamentum. bridle. 315| AE •65 OYeCTTACIANOC ZMYPN AI.QN Nike advancing NeOTEPOC Bust l., holding wreath and palm. of Vespasian jun. r., bare, - wearing paludamentum. 3.16|| AE •75 317| AE •65 ZMYP NA|QN 318 AE '65 39 319| AE 65 SMYP NAION type r. IONIA, Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. OYECTTACIANOC ZMYPN AION Nike advancing NGOTEPOC Bust of r., holding wreath and palm. Vespasian jun., r., bare, no paludamentum. AE •7 33 inscr. Teads from | NMYP NA|QN inside. AE '65 35 }} 32 ZMYPN AI.QN AE '65 } } 33 p} NMYPN A ION Trajan. AY. KAI 6eOVVO Ne CTe. KA-TIPOKAO.V. CTPA-K/\ PBATPA ANOCCIT B| QNOC SMYP (in ex.) €P. MA Head of Trajan. Herakles, naked, standing facing, r., laur. head l., holding kotyle, club, and lion's skin, crowned by female figure, standing facing, head l., clad in long chiton and peplos, wearing a sword at her side, and holding in 1. a trans- verse sceptre. AE 1-2 AE 1:25 |Same die. (BIONOC) [Pl. xxix. 3.] Fuscus, Proco8. between A. D. 98 and 102. AV. NePOVAN TPA||NMACIQ)OV CKO ANGV ANON IIead of Trajan CTP r., laur. POV k Demeter Horiaf standing facing, head 1., wears long chiton, with diplois and peplos as veil, she holds in T. ears of corn, and on 1. arm cornu- copiae. AE 1: 1 [Pl. xxix. 4.] AE 1:1 AE 1: 1 * See note on no. 227, supra. ºf Z. f. N., iv. 315. 8MYRNA. 277 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. Hadrian. [A VTOK AJICTPA1 TTOAe MQNC TPATH TON AAPIANOX Head | AN € 6 H Ke Sk of Hadrian r., laur. Zeus seated r., himation over lower limbs, r. resting on throne, 1. holding transverse sceptre Pf 328. AE, 1 '4 [AVT]KAITPA AAPI . [S]MYP Magistrate's name obscure. A NOCC6 Bust of Figure seated I., holding patera, and Hadrian r., laur., wears' resting on Sceptre. cuirass and paludamen- tum. 329 AE 1.2 AV KAITPA AAPIA|CTe TTOM (TTO' N;OY] Ce=T NOCCé Bust of Ha-| OV ZMYP drian r., laur. Hexastyle temple. 330] AF 1 331 AD 1 ||bust in cuirass and paluda- mentum. 332 AE 1:1 2 3 5 y S MYP Sabina. CABINA CEBACTH ITO/\e MONANG 6/+ Ke CM Bust of Sabina r. YP Prow r. 333 AE '85 334| AE 8 335| AE '8 * This is probably the Antonius Polemo mentioned in C. I G. 3148, see note on no. 227, supra. It was through his instrumentality that Hadrian bestowed a munificent donation upon Smyrna on the occasion of the decree of the Senate, by which the city became Öls weakópos; cf. Philostratus, Wit. Soph. i. 25, 2. # If the figure on this coin holds a transverse sceptre the type may be compared with the Zeus on the coins of Nero and Poppaea, nos. 289-291. 278 IONIA, Reverse. Antinois. No. *. Obverse. CABC|NA CEBACTH Bust of Sabina r. 336|| AE '75 [Pl. xxix. 5.] 337 AE 75 338 AB. '75 ANTINOOC H POC Head of Antinois 1., bare. 339| AE 1.5 Similar. 340 AE 1.5 Similar. 341| AF 1:5 AYK AI.TI.A.A.API. ANTONE! NOC IHead of Antoninus Pius r., laur. 342 AE 1:35 3. 343 AD 1.35 |Same die. Antoninus Pius. [Pl. xxix. 6.] |(NAIOIC without break.) SMVP (in ex.), KA/\GON River- god Kaleon, recumbent, l., himation over lower limbs: he holds in T. cornucopiae, and rests l. arm on reversed vase. kA/\/\QN (sic) KVVQ 3 (sic) TIO/\eMONANE6H Ke CM VP NAi O1C Bull standing r. Same inscr. (almost effaced), Tam standing r.; in front, caduceus. TiOAe MQN ANé6H Ke CM VPNAIOIC Prow r. * GeVAIANOC CTPATAN CO HKe CMVP NAO | C Pelops and Hippodameia in biga I., Pelops, naked, but for chlamys, stands facing, resting with 1. on sceptre and with r. grasping the r. hand of IHippodameia r., veiled : in field, TTEAOSP SMYRNA. 279 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 344 345 347 348 AE '70 AE 1:35 AE 1:1 AE 1.05 Faustina Senior. q'AYCTel NAN CeBA CMVPNAION Amazon Smyrna CTHN Bust of Faus-| seated l., turreted : she holds in r. tina Senior r., draped, patera, and rests with 1. elbow on pelta placed on the seat behind her. (same die.) M. Aurelius. AYPH/\IOC KAICAP G)éYAIANOCCTPATHANeG) Head of M. Aurelius 1., H Ke CMYPNAIOIC Vision bare. of Alexander (Paus. vii. 5. 2, 3); Alexander, naked to waist, asleep, resting on shield under plane tree, before him, the two Nemeses face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at her breast, and holding respectively bridle and cubit-rule. Faustina Junior. ^: (pAVCTEINA CEBAC CTPAKATTPOKAOV.CO(b|CT TH Bust of Faustina | OV CMVP Hygieia standing r., junior r. feeding serpent from patera. [Pl. xxix. 7.] Similar. CTPKATTPO - KAOVCOq) ICT OV CMV Tyche standing l., wearing modius, holds rudder and cornucopiae. 280 IONIA. No *::::: Obverse, Reverse, Similar (€ in inscr.) 66VAIANOC ANGG)H Ke Griffin r., with 1. fore-paw on wheel. 349| AE •8 Similar. OéVAIANOC ANCOH Ke Lion r., with l, fore-paw on tym- panum. 350 AE 75 L. Werus. AVTO KAI /\ AV PH €TTICT PKATTP OKAO V BHPOCCe Head of CO4 ICTOV CM Zeus wearing L. Verus r., laur. himation over lower limbs, seated l., holding patera, and resting on Sceptre. 351| AE 1.2 352| AE 1.2 Lucilla. AOVKIAAA CeBACſCTP APIZ H]A O Y TH Bust of Lucilla r. C MYPN AION. Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at breast, one holds bridle, the other cubit-rule. 353 AE '95 Similar. CTP. APIZHAO Y. CMYPN Al QN Tyche, turreted, standing 1., wearing modius, holding rudder and cornucopiae. 354 AE 1*05 f 355| AE '9 cº . APIZHA OV.CMVPNA § N §MYRNA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 356 357 3 5 8 359 AE 1.3 AE 1'4 AE 1: 15 AE 1.3 360 AE 1. KAICAP Bust of young Commodus r., bare, wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. ./\-AYP.KOM OAOC KAICAP KAICAP Bust of young Commodus r., bare, wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. /\ AVP KOMO AOC KAICAP Bust of young Commodus r., bare, wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. KAIQAIOC]AABel NOCKIAICAP] Head of Albinus r., bare. Commodus. ./\. AVP. KOMO AOC A. AVP.KOM OAOC [Pl. xxix. 9..] Albinus. C TP.TTOA1/\. A P|ZH/\O Kybele, tur- reted, seated l., in biga of lions, resting her 1. arm on tym- panum. CMYPNAION [Pl. xxix. 8.] .CT.P.TTO. AIA. AP C MYPNA|QN |Z H/\OY .CT.P.TTO. AIA.APIZ H/\OY CMYPNA |ON Kybele, turreted, seated l., holding in r. patera and in 1. Sceptre, and resting l. arm on tympanum ; in front, lion 1. CTP.TTO. A.I.A.APIZ HAOY CMYPNAION (in ex.) Two Nemeses, in usual attitude, standing in biga drawn by griffins 1. eTTICTKAAPI]CT O ©AN OVC CMVPN (in ex.) Zeus, wearing himation over lower limbs, seated l., holding pateia" and resting on sceptre. 2 8 2 IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 361 363 AE 1: 1 AE 1:35 .K/\QAIOC. A/\ Bél N OC KAIC Head of Albinus r., bare. Same die. €TTICT.K/\APICTO ©A NOVC. CMVPN AION . ICybele, turreted, seated l., holding patera, and resting 1. arm on tym- panum. eTICTKALAPICTO] paNOVC cºal (in ex.) Asklepios and Hygieia standing face to face, Asklepios l, rests on Serpent-staff, Hygieia r., feeds ser- pent from patera. Sept. Severus. AVT K/\CeTTT CeOV H POC TTGP Bust of Sept. Severus r., laur., wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. AVTOK.A CeTTCeIO) VHPOCTTEPTINA Similar type. €TT CTPKA APICTO4). ANOVC CMVP NAION Amazon Smyrna, turreted, seated 1. on cippus, and looking back; she holds patera and rests 1. arm on pelta. €TTI. CTP. KA APIC TOOANO VC CMVPNAION (in ex.) Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at neck, the one on the left holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule ; at the feet of the latter griffin, seated l, with r. fore-paw on wheel. SMYIRNA, 283 Metal. No. §. Obverse. Reverse. • AV. K.A.C.ETT. commer. APIC T OÖANO POC.TT Similar type. | VC C MVPNAſ (in ex.) QN Similar type, but the Nemesis on the right holds patera and cubit-rule. 365| AE 1.4 366 AE 1:35 (same dies.) Same die. .eTII.CTPA.K.A.POY (pl. NOYC OQ) |. C MYPNAIQN* Kybele, turreted, seated l., holding patera and sceptre, and resting 1. arm on tympanum : in front, lion 1. 367| AE 1.4 [Pl. xxix. 10.] AV. K.A.Cé.Ce €TTI. CTPA.K.A. POVOINOV.CO OV H POC in ex.: around, @I Wreath, within which, •/\-Cé. Te TAC. K.A.V. TTPQ K.M. A. . ANTONIN TA.KO|N Septimius Severus be- A. ACIAC tween Caracalla and Geta, CMVPN Seated l. on curule chairs: Al QN the Emperor holds globe and volumen : Geta and Caracalla extend their r. hands, and the latter, on Emperor's left, holds volumen in l. 368. AE 1:35 369| AE 1:35 370 AB 1'4 tooled and altered. 371. AE 1:35 |name and figure of Geta (double-struck.) * effaced. * A grant of immunity, &t'éNeta, was conferred upon this Claudius Rufinus as Sophist by Severus and Caracalla, see Dittenberger, 290, Rufinum Smyrnaeum Sophistam commemorat Philostratus, Witt. Soph. ii. 25, 1, p. 608, ad quem locum Olearius de Rufinis compluribus illius aetatis disputavit. Immunitas sophistis concedi coepta erat a Vespasiano, aucta et stabilita, a Trajano, Hadriano, Antonino Pio. See also Le Bas and Waddington, Inscr. iii, 12, concerning this same Claudius Rufinus. 284 IONIA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 374| AE '95 375 AB} -85 376, AE '9 377| AE '85 378. AE '95 379| Aº ‘85 |OV AOM NA CEBA CTH Bust of Julia Domna T., draped. Similar. |OV/AIA CeBACTH Bust of Julia Domna r. same die, 7, | Julia Domna. ETT. CTP.K.A PIC T Oq)AN CMVPNA Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at neck, the one on the left holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule ; at the feet of the latter, wheel. €TTCTPKA API CTO4)AN [eTTCTPKA APICTO]{ANOYC C Mýa (in ex.) Hexastyle temple. leIT cT K Povo.IN ovcMVP NA| QN Herakles, naked, standing 1., holding kantharos and club, lion's skin on l. arm. [Pl. xxix. 11.] eTTCTKPOV4) | NOVCMVPNAI QN encrpººn OV.CMVPNAI eTT CT. POVOIN OV.CMVPNA |Q N eTT CT POV4)|NO VCMVPNA |QN SMYIRNA. Metal. Size. Obverse. Revol'se. 380 381 383 384 AE '85 •9 AE '95 AE 1:0 AE 1.05 AE 1.05 AE 1.05 Bust of Julia Domna r. CGBACTH |OV/\|A same die. |OV/\| A CeBACTH Bust of Julia Domna r., draped. Same. same die. Same. same die. 33 IIerakles, naked, standing l., holding kantharos and club, lion's skin on 1. arm. €TT CT POVOINOVC M Al QN €TT CT POV4) INOV C MVPN Al QN €TT.CT. POVOINOV CM Al QN VPN VPN .6:TTCTPAIA ATT A QNIO O/\ V CMYPNA. I.QN Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at neck, the one on the left holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule; at the feet of the latter, wheel. €CTP MAV P. T. EM | NOV ZM YºA (in ex.) Two Nemeses, as on previous coin. €TTCTP M.A.V P. Te MINOV. ZMVPNA (in ex.) |QN Tetrastyle temple, containing statue of Tyche standing, l., wearing mo- dius, and holding rudder and cornu- copiae. €CTP.M.AVP. Te MINOV zºna (in ex.) 286 IONIA. No. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. Same. eTICTP.K.A.C., TPA TONel CMVPNAſ (in ex.) g QN Tetrastyle temple of Tyche, as on 387 AE 105 |same die. no. 385. 388 AF 1'05 same die. |OYAOMNA CeBA eTTI XA Pl/AH MOV CMVP CTH Bust of Julia | NA|QN T.N EQK C6 Bº Domna r., draped. Roma, helmeted, seated 1., holding tetrastyle temple on extended T., 1. resting on spear ; behind seat, shield. 389| AE 1:25 Same. TIPOA CI AC. T.N6 (). KO P Cl N CMVP (in ex.) Roma Seated l., holding temple, as on previous coin. 390 AF 12 |same die. 391. AE 1'15 same die. 392 AF 1'2 |Same die, |OV/AIA CeBACTH | TNGOKO PQN Bust of Julia Domna r. CMVP V1.Q. A Two Nemeses standing face to face, as on no. 383. 393 AE '95 |OV/\|A CeBACTH ||.T.N6 (). KOP QN. Bust of Julia Domna r., CMVP VO!AV1 draped. (Same die as Tetrastyle temple of Tyche, as above, no. 383.) no. 385. 394 AR 10 * Cf. C. I. G., 3255. The name Aùp, Xaptónuos occurs in this inscr., and is not uncommon at Smyrna. §MY RNA, 287 No. * Obverse. Reverse. CeBACTH |OV/\|A. | CMVP NA| O N Semele and I3ust of Julia Domna r., | Dionysos scated, Semcle to the front, draped. on chair, feet on footstool, her head inclined l. towards young Dionysos, who sits upon a lower seat beside her, naked to waist, his head resting on her bosom, and his arms raised to clasp her; in field, r., filleted thyrsos; 1., Small cultus-statue of bearded Dionysos r., draped, standing on cip- pus, holding kantharos and thyrsos. (Cf. the same type above, no. 138.) 395 ZE '95 Caracalla. AVT.K.M.AVP. ANT eTTICTPA. K.A. POV4) |NOV. QNe|NOC Bust of COQ)|. Q N Caracalla, r., beardless, CMVPNA| laur., wearing cuirass and Zeus Akraios seated 1., himation paludamentum. over lower limbs, holds on extended r. Nike 1., with wreath and palm, and rests with l, on Sceptre. 396 ZE 1:25 [Pl. xxix. 12.] 397 AE 1'15 (same dies.) 398 AE 1'15 same dio. Similar. €TT, CTP. KAP OV4) NOVCO4). . CMVPN AION Same type, but Nike r. 399| AE 1.15 Same. €TT. CTP. KPO V4) || NOV CO4) CMVPN(A] |QN Similar, Nike r., throne without back. 400| AE 1 2 same die. 288 IONIA. No. * Obverse. Reverse. AVT. K.M.AVP. ANT | ETTI. CTP. KPOV p C) Nel NOC Pust of CMVP NA |Q Caracalla r., beardless, Emperor crowned by Nike: Cara- laur., wearing cuirass and calla, in military dress, stands 1., paludamentum. . holding patera over lighted altar ; Nike, behind him, places a wreath upon his head, and carries palm. 401] AF 1'2 same die as no. 396. 402 AE 1-2 35 2 3 €TTI CTPKPO V(pſ CMVP NA A. K.M.AVP. ANTON |above, eTTICTPA. €|NOC Bust of Cara- . AVP.XAPI Calla, r., bearded, laur., AH MOV wearing cuirass and palu- beneath, CMVPNAIONTTPQ damentum. TQNACAC. T. N COKO on 1., ... PQNTONCEBA. Three tetrastyle temples, each sur- mounted by wreath, the one in the centre has PQ in the pediment and contains seated figure of Roma 1. ; the one on the left has Tl in the pediment and contains statue of Tiberius standing r. ; the one on the right has AA in the pediment and contains statue of Hadrian stand- ing 1. 403 AE 1 '85 404 AE 1.8 (Same dies, pierced.) A. K. M. AVP. ANTON CMYPNA|ONTTPQTONACIA €|NOC Bust of Cara- || C. T. NGOKOPON. calla r., bearded, laur., within wreath, TON wearing cuirass and palu- CeBACTQN damentum. KA /\ A € | KAI Me TeG| €Tl|| CTPATH TIBEPIOY KA KPHTA PIOY 405 AE 1.8 same die as no. 403. 406 AF 1.8 (same dies.) SMYRNA. 289 No. º Obverse. Reverse. AV. K. M. A.V. ANTON | CMYPNA |ON TNGOKOPQN €l NOC Bust of Cara- €ſ kP HTA calla T., bearded, laur., Pl OY wearing cuirass and palu- Amazon Smyrna standing 1., turreted: damentum. she holds on extended r. Nike l., and in 1. bipennis and pelta: at her feet, prow 1. 407| AE 1.2 408 AE 1'15 same die. CMVPNAIO N T N eQKOPON €IT | KPH TA Pl OV 409| AE 1:25 (same dies.) .A.V. K.M.AY. ANTON |e TI ICTP KPHT A Pl G|NOC Bust of Cara- O V calla r., bearded, laur., TNeOKO PON wearing cuirass and palu- CMVPN (in ex.) damentum. Roma, helmeted, seated 1., holding tetrastyle temple on extended r., 1. resting on spear; behind seat, shield. 410 AF 12 same die as no. 407. 41 || AE 1'2 55 € Tl|KPHTAPIOV TNeOKO PQN CMVPN (in ex.) ‘AV.K.M.AVP ANTON |eTTICTP KPHTAPIOV Galley €|NOC Bust of Cara- NMVPNAION Sailing r calla r., bearded, laur., T. NeOKOPQ. wearing cuirass and palu- N damentum. 412 AE 1.4 [Pl. xxix. 13.] P 290 ION IA. No. º:l. Obverse. Reverse. AYTKMAYP ANTON | CMVPNAION TTPQTONACIA |NONOC (sic) Bust of C.T.NeOKOPON Caracallar., bearded, laur., within wreath, TONCE wearing cuirass and palu- BACTION damentum (tooled and KA/\/\G | KA inscr. altered). |Me Te 6 | 413| ZE 1:35 414 AE 1:3 (inscr. nearly obliterated.) inscr. in wreath differently arranged, TON CeBA.C TQN KAA /\el KAIM €ſé6 | .AY.K.M.AVP ANTON | (in ex.) CMVPNAIONTT G|NOC Bust of Cara- PQTON. T.Ne calla r., bearded, laur., OKOPON wearing cuirass and palu- (above) T3). NCEBA damentum. CT ON Temples of Roma, Tiberius, and Hadrian, as on no. 403, but without letters in pediments. 415] AF 1'4 |same die as no. 412. 416 AE 1.4 |AY.K.M.AY. ANTON |only temple of Roma contains statue. €NOC (sic) . A V.T. K. ANTQ . . . . . CMVP MQIA/ TNeO(KOP Bust of Caracalla r., Q]N Tetrastyle temple of Tycho bearded, radiate, wearing| containing statue of goddess, holding cuirass and paludamen- rudder and cornucopiae. tum. 417 AE 1:0 AVT K ANTONEI CMVP NAION Tyche standing Similar type. 1., wearing modius, and holding rudder and cornucopiae. 418. AE 1:0 SMYRNA. 291 No *. Obverse. Reverse. Caracalla and J. Domna. AYT KMAY) ANTON eTTIXAPIAHM OYCMVPNAI €|NOC CeBA |OYA|| QN Herakles, naked, standing l., Head of Caracalla and holding kantharos in extended r., bust of Domna face to and club and lion's skin in 1. arm. face, the former bearded and laur., the latter draped. 419 AE '85 420. AE '85 |AYT KMAY ANTON | eTT|XAPIAH M OV CMVPNA €ſ NOC CeBACTH | 1Q. M. |OV/\|A AVTKM AV ANTON | ETT|KPHTAPIOV CM VPNAI €1NOC CeBA 1 OYA|| QN Similar type. Head of Caracalla and bust of Domna face to face, as on previous coin. 421. AE '95 same die as no. 419. Geta. .A CeTT. Te TAC. KAI €TTICTPA POV (p INOV CAP Bust of Geta r., CMVPNA|ON bare, wearing cuirass and | Two Nemeses standing face to face, paludamentum. each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at neck, the one on the left holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule ; at the feet of the latter, wheel. 422 AE 1.05 423. AE 1 |same die. [Pl. xxix. 14.]|eTTICTPA, POV plNOV • CMVPNA ||(). 424 AE '95 JJ €TTICTP. POV q) |NOV CMVPNAſ (). 425 AE '95 |.A.CeTT. TeTAC.KAI leTICTPKPOV4 IN OV CO4) CMVPNA ION IONIA. 427 428 429 430 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. ./\CeTT. Te TAC.KAIC eTTCTPK POV (p IN OVCO4) AP Bust of Geta r., CMVPNAI (in ex.) bare, wearing cuirass and Q.N. paludamentum. Tetrastyle temple containing statue of Tyche, the acroteria at the ex- tremities of the pediment in the form of the letter B. ( AE l'0 same die as no. 422. AV.K.TTO CeTTTeTAC eTTI CTPA.K.A.C TPATONEIK Bust of Geta T., laur., OV CMV PNA with slight beard, wears | QN cuirass and paludamen- Amazon Smyrna, turreted, standing tum. l., holds on r. Nike 1., with wreath and palm, and in l. bipennis and pelta; at her feet, prow 1. AE 1: 15 [Pl. XXIX. 15.] Severus Alexander. .A.K.M AVP CeO VACMVPN AI. Q. NT.Neo /\ezANAPOC Bust KOPON (in ex.) of Sev. Alexander T., Two Nemeses, as on no. 422. laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. AE 1.0 (twice pierced.) Same. CMVP NAI ON . T. Nelſ) & KOPON (in ex.) Tetrastyle temple of Tyche. AE 1.0 same die. AE 1.0 25 CMVPNA| ON. T.NeOK OPQN (in ex.) SMYRNA. 293 No. 431 432 433 434 435 436 Metal. Sizo. Obverse. Reverse. [.A.]K.M.AVP. CeA/\e eTT CTP TKAIOTeNOVC CTe ZANAPOC. Bust of q>AN HQ) OPO V Sev. Alexander r., laur., within wreath, CMVP wearing cuirass and palu- NA|QN damentum. TTPQTON ACIAC T. N6. AE 1'35 Same. CMVPNAION TIPOTON ACIA C T NGOK TON CEB .CTT.C.TTO AGITOV. Pusts of Helios and Selene face to face, Helios r., radiate, Selene l., with crescent behind shoulders. AE 1 |Same die. AE 1:1 (same dies.) Julia Mamaea. ..! OY.M AM €ACEBAC CMVPNAION. T.N EQKOPON TH Bust of Julia €TT CT PAN Mamaea T., draped. TIOXOV (in ex.) Roma, helmeted, seated l., holding tetrastyle temple on extended r., and resting with 1. on spear : behind seat, shield. AE 1: 15 Same. CMVPNA|QN. T.N EOKOPON. €T1-C TP AN TIOXO V Amazon Smyrna, turreted, standing l., holding in T., tetrastyle temple, and in 1. chlamys, bipennis and pelta : at her feet, prow 1. AE 1'15 |same die. AE 1: 15 (same dies.) 2.94 EONIA. Metal. No| size. Obverse. Reverse. -|OYMAM € ACeBAC CMVPNAION . T. NeOKOP TH JBust of Julia | Q N Herakles, naked, standing l., Mamaea r., draped. holding in r. kantharos, and in 1. - club and lion's skin. 437 AE '85 438 AE 9 |same die. CMYPNAION T NeOKOP QN 439| AE •9 25 CMYPNA|QN T N eſ). KOPQ.N Maximinus. AK. T. OVH MAZINMe eTTI. CTP.M.AVP.TTOTTAIOV.TT |NOICKT]IOVH POK/\|AN .OV MAZIMOC (in ex.)|within wreath. TTPQ. |CA|CAP TAKOIN Maximinus and Maximus AACIAC seated 1. on curule chairs: €NCMVP the former holds globe NH and volumen, the latter extends r. and holds volumen in 1. 440 AE 1:35 A.K.M AZIMel NOC. CMVPNAION T-N eQKOPON K. MAZ1. MOCKAI. Herakles, naked, standing 1., holding Heads, face to face, of in r., kantharos, and in 1, club and Maximinus r, laur, and | lion's skin. Maximus 1., bare. 441| AE '8 Gordianus Pius. .A.V. KAI.M.A.N.T.TOP CMVPNAIQ.N.T. NeO-eTT.TeP Al ANOC Bust of | TOV ACIAPXOV. Gordian r., laur., wearing| Vision of Alexander (Paus. vii. 5, cuirass and paludamen-| 2, 3). Alexander, naked to waist, tum. asleep, l., resting on shield under plane-tree ; at foot of tree, bucra- nium, before Alexander the two Nemeses, face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at her breast, and holding respectively bridle (not visible) and cubit-rule. 442 AF 1'4 - SMYRNA. 295 Metal. No.] §ize, Obverse. Reverse. .A.V. KAI. M. ANT. TOP eTTI-CTP. T.I.O.V. MéNeK/\éO Al ANOC Bust of within wreath, TTPQ VC. Gordian r., laur., wearing TA. KO | cuirass and paludamen- NA-ACIA tum. C-6 NCM VPNH 443 AE 1:35 . A KAMANT . TOPA|. CMVP. T. Ne: €TT. MeNe K |ANOC. Dust of Gor- A € O VC (in ex.) dian r., laur., wearing | Tetrastyle temple of Tyche. cuirass and paludamen- tum. 444 AE '95 AK MANT TOPA|A|CMVPNA|ON. T. NeOKOPO.N. NOC 13ust of Gordian | Herakles, naked, standing l., holding T., laur., wearing cuirass kantharos in r., and club and lion's and paludamentum. skin in 1. 445| AE '9 Tranquillina. .(pC)VPIA.TPANKV/\/\ |C MVPNAION. T. N eſ). KOPO €|NA. CeB. Bust of N-CTP, POV (pſ NOVCO (pl. Tranquillina r., wearing Amazon Smyrna, turreted, standing stephane, and draped. l., holding tetrastyle temple in ex- º tended r., and bipennis, pelta, and chlamys on 1. arm ; at her feet, prow 1. 446 AF 1 - 15 447 AE 1-2 same die. .4 OVP.TPANKVA/\e CMVPNAION T NeOKOPON | N.A.C. Bust of Tran- Herakles, naked, standing l., holding quillina T., wearing ste- kantharos in T., and club and lion's phane, and draped. skin in 1. 448. AE '9 296 IONIA No º Obverse. Reverse. .4 OVP.TPANKVA/\el CMVPNAION T Neſ). KOPON N.A.C. Bust of Tran- Herakles, naked, standing 1., holding quillina r., wearing ste- kantharos in r., and club and lion's phane, and draped. skin in 1. 449 AE '9 CMVPNAION rNeokopo N 450| AE '85 25 . T. NeOKOP Q. N 451. AE '85 || OVPITPANKV/\/\el 3 y . T. NeOKO P QN NAC (chlamys in place of lion's skin.) Philippus Senior. .A.V. K. M.I.O.V. .q)!/\ITT|.C MVPNAON. T. Ne:Q.eTT.C.A TTOC. Bust of Philip T.eTTI KTHTOV Senior r., laur., wearing| Vision of Alexander (Paus. vii. 5, paludamentum. 2, 3). Alexander, naked to the waist, asleep, l., resting on shield under plane-tree ; at foot of tree, bucra- nium ; before Alexander the two Nemeses, face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at her breast, and holding respectively bridle and cubit-rule. 452. AE 1:35 [Pl. XXIX. 16.] Otacilia. . MOTAKIA. CeOVHP|C MVP NAION. T. NeOKOPQ A. Bust of Otacilia r., | N Herakles, naked, standing l., draped. holding kantharos in r., and club and lion's skin in 1. 453| AE '85 SMYRNA. 297 No * Obverse. Reverse. Valerian. AVT.K.TTO. AJK.OVA CMVPNA|ON. T. NeOKOPO AéPIANOC Bust of N.6 TT.C(ſ) | AHT O V. ITTTTI Valerian r., laur., wearing KOV. (in ex.) cuirass and paludamen- Kybele, turreted, seated l., holding tum. patera, and resting on tympanum placed on throne beside her. 454 AE 1-3 .A.K.TTO. A. K.I.OVA/\e CMV PNA|ON. T. NeOKOPQN. PIANOC. Bust of €TT C (pl/\H Valerian r., laur., wear- TOV. ITTTT (in ex.) ing cuirass and paluda- | KOV mentum. Three temples, the one in the centre g seen in front, the others cornerwise. 455| AE '85 .A.K.TT. Al-OIVA/\]e I CMVPNAIQN. T. Neſ)KOPO ANOC. Bust of Valerian N.GTT. .C.(); /\HT O V. ITT. r., laur., wearing cuirass|| Amazon Smyrna, turreted, standing and paludamentum. 1., holding in extended r. patera, and in l, bipennis, pelta, and chlamys. 456| AE 1: 15 Same. .eTT.C.() I/\ H TOV. ITT TT | K. C MV. (in ex.) Zeus Akraios seated l., himation over lower limbs; holds Nike and rests on Sceptre. 457] AC 1-1 |same die. Gallienus. AVT.K.TTO.AIKII]NTAC MVPNAION.T. NeOKOPON. AAIHNOC. Bust of eTTC @IA HTO [V] ITTTTI Gallienus r., laur., wear- KOV Amazon Smyrna, turreted, ing cuirass and paluda-| standing l., holding in r. patera, and mentum. in l. bipennis, pelta, and chlamys: at her feet, prow 1. 458. AE 1.2 IONTA, No. 'º. - Obverse. Reverse. .AYT.K.TTOAIKIN.TA CMVPNAION.T.NeOKO-eTT.C. /\/\|H|NOC Bust of MAVP. Ce3 CT OV. Gallienus r., laur., wear-| Amazon Smyrna standing 1., turreted, ing cuirass and paluda-| holding on extended r. tetrastyle mentum. temple, and in 1. bipennis, pelta, and chlamys. 459 AD 1-05 |Countermark, C. { 460 AD 95 AKTIAIKIN.rAAAIHNlcMYP.T.Neoko eTIC-MAVP. OC. Ce SºC TO V. 461| AE '85 |. AVT.K.TT. AIK. TAA/\| |. CMYP. T. NeOK.6 TT.C. M. AV HNOC. P.Ce SºC TO V. 462. Aº ‘9 53 25 cMYPr:NeoKo. eTICMAV P-Ce SºC TO V. AVT K.TT. A. K. TA/\/\|| CMVPNAION . T. NeOK. ETTC H NOC. Bust of Gal-| M.A.V P. C. eII C TOV lienus r, laur., wearing | 1Q) bele, turreted, seated l., holding cuirass and paludamen-| patera, and resting l. arm on tym- tum. panum ; at her feet, lion 1. 463 AE 1:1 464 AF 1 same die. CMVPNAION - TNeOK. eTTCM AVP. Ce I C TOV Same. CMVP. T.Ne OK e TTCMAVP CéS. O. CTOV (in ex.) Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at breast; the one on the left holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule ; at the feet of the - latter, wheel. 465| AE 1:05 same die. 466 A, 1.05 |AVT KIIo AIKINrAAeTICTPMAYP.cescTOVICMV /\|HNOC ENA&N T] Neok O N º | º SMYI&NA. 299 No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. AVT KTTO /\| KINTA/\|CMVPNA ||() N.T. NeOK /\|H NOC Bust of Gal- €TTI. M . AYP. lienus r., laur., wearing Ce:CT cuirass and paludamen- Roma, helmeted, seated l., holding tum. temple in extended r. and resting with 1. On spear ; on ground beside seat, shield. 467| AE '9 468 AE '95 |AVT.K.TT. Al K. TA/\/\|CMVPNA|ON. T. NeO. ETTI HNOC M.A. VP Ce + C T O V (in ex.) 469 AE '85 CMVPNAION T. NGO.K. eTTC Ce H C TOV AVT K.TT.A. K. TA/\/\|CM VPNA|Q N HNOC. Bust of Gal-| T. Neſ). K-eſſ|C. (in ex.) lienus r., laur., wearing CexCTOV Temples of cuirass and paludamen- Roma, Tiberius, and Hadrian, as on tum. no. 403, but without letters in pedi- ments. 470 AB 1'15 same die as no. 463. Same. CMVPNA|ON. T.N.G.O. KOP. €TTCMAVPCe (in ex.) HECTOY Galley sailing r. 471. AE 1:1 472 AE l'l Countermark, H. (eTTMAVPCe sCTOV ) Same. CMVPNA|QN.6TT.C. M. AVP.Ce HECTO V within wreath, TTPQ TAKOl NAACIA CeNCMVP 473 Æ l'05 Countermark, H NH 300 IONIA, No * Obverse. Reverse. .A. K.TTO/\|K. TA/\/\IH |CM VPNAl Q.N.T. NeOKOP NOC. Bust of Gal- f Q N lienus r., laur., wearing | Herakles, naked, standing l., holding cuirass and paludamen- in extended r. kantharos, and in 1. tum. club and lion's skin. 474 AE 8 t Salonina. KOP CAA QNGINA. | CMYPNA |Q N TNGO.6TTC. CG Bust of Salonina r., Ce:E CT draped. Amazon Smyrna standing 1., turreted, holding on extended T. temple, and in 1. bipennis, pelta, and chlamys; at her feet, prow 1. 475| AE '95 r 476 AF '85 Countermark, C .CMVP. T. NeOKO gaśce - w s:C [T] V. CA-XP. VCOTON H. CM VPNA|Q NT. NeOK Bust of Salonina r., OP QN draped. Herakles, naked, standing 1., holding kantharos in extended r., and club | . and lion's skin in 1. 477 AH; 8 KOP CAA QNe|NA|C MVP.Ne QK OPQN Bust of Salonina r., Similar type. draped. 478. AE •7 SMYRNA, 301. No. * Obverse. Reverse. A L L I A N C E COIN S. SMYRNA AND ATHENS, Time of Commodus. | 6 PATVN KAHTOL CTPHPAKAe AOVO MOA6H Youthful bust of the CMVPNA (in ex.) Senate r. QN Winged Nemesis and Athena stand- ing face to face: Nemesis r., with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at her breast, and holding bridle in I., at her feet, wheel; Athena 1., holding patera in r., and resting with 1. On shield. 479| AE 1:1 480 AE 1: 1 CTPHPAKA el AO [YOMO]Ae CMVP (in ex.) Commodus. •AVKAIM, AVP. . KOM |OMO. CMVP. A 6HN AI.CTPA. MOAOC Bust of Al- HPAKAEI (in ex.) Commodus r., laur., wear- AOV ing cuirass and paluda-| Winged Nemesis and Athena stand- mentum. ing face to face : Nemesis r., with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at her breast, and holding bridle in 1.; Athena l., holding patera in T., and with 1. resting on her hip. 481| AE 1.2 [Pl. xxxix. 3..] 482. AE 1.2 483 AE 1'15 CMVP.A6H OMOCTP. A1. HPAKAEI (in ex.) AOV 302 ION I.A. AE 1'15 ls. *l. Obverse. Reverse. .A.V. KAI.M.AYP KOM CTPATH PAKA EIAOVO MO MOAOC Bust of AGH NA | Commodus r.; laur., wear- CMVPNAI (in ex.) ing cuirass and paluda- QN mentum. FCybele and Athena. Kybele, tur- reted, seated l., resting with 1. On tympanum and grasping with r, the r. hand of Athena standing before her, and resting with 1. on spear. 484 AE 1.3 [Pl. XXXIX. 4.] AVKAIM AVP KOM AG)H NA I CMVP OMOCT MOAOC Bust of PAI HPAK/\el (in ex.) Commodus r., laur., wear- AOV ing cuirass and paluda- Zeus Akraios and Athena. Zeus, mentum. seated I., holds Nike and rests on sceptre ; before him stands Athena l., looking back, holding in r. patera, and resting with 1. On spear. 485| AE 1'15 486. AB 1.1 | AVKAI MAVP KO M M CMVP AG) HNAIO MOCT OAOC PAI HPAK/\el (in ex.) [Pl. XXXIX. 5.] AOV SMYRNA AND PERINTEIU.S. Gordian III. .A.V. KAIM. ANT TOP CMVPN . OMON . TI CPINC) l. Al ANOC. Bust of Ol Gordian r., laur., wearing A cuirass and paludamen- €TT. MeNe KA (in ex.) tum. €OVC. Smyrna and Perinthus, face to face, joining hands, the former as an Amazon, turreted, r., with bipennis over 1, shoulder, the latter as Tyche, turreted, l., holding rudder on 1. arm; at feet of each a prow. 487| AE 1' 2 488 Same die. same die. [Pl. xxxix. 6.] SMYRN A. 303 No. * Obverse. Reverse. SMYRNA AND NICOMEDIA, M. Aurelius. AV. K.M. AVP. ANTO ". CTPA.M.C e AA|OV.OMO. Nel NOC Bust of M. CMVP. Nel KOM. (in ex.) Aurelius r., laur., wearing Kybele and Demeter. Kybele, tur- cuirass and paludamen- reted, seated l., holding patera and tum. resting 1. arm on tympanum : be- fore her stands Demeter holding in lowered r. two ears of corn, and resting with 1. on long torch. 489 AE 1.4 [Pl. xxxix. 7.] Commodus. AV. KAI./\-AVP. KOM .CTPA. M.C e AAIOV.OMO. MOAOC Pust of CMVP. . Nel KOM. Commodus, beardless, r., Kybele, seated, and Demeter stand- laur., wearing cuirass and ing, as on previous coin. paludamentum. 490 AE 1' 4 .A.V. KAI. A. AVP. KOM |. CTPM.Ce AAIOV O MONE|K MOAOC Bust of OM .CMVP. (in ex.) Commodus, beardless, r., Smyrna and Nicomedia, face to face, laur., wearing cuirass and joining hands, the former as an paludamentum. Amazon, turreted, r., with bipennis over 1. shoulder, the latter turreted, l., holding rudder on 1. arm, at her feet a prow. 491. AE 1.2 492 AE 1.15 OMO.CMVP Nel K O M.CTP. M.C €/\/\! OV prow at feet of each figure. 493 AE 1:1 OMO. CMVP Nel K O M.CT PAM. Ce/\/\|OV prow at feet of each figure. 304 IONIA, No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 AE 1: 15 AE 1 - 2 AE '95 AE •9 • AVKAIAAVP. KOM MOAOC. Bust of Commodus, beardless, r., wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. [Pl. xxxix. 8.] CMVPNAIO. O. M.O.NIKO M.CTP.M Ce/\/\IOV KO MOAQ (in field.) The Emperor in military dress, ra- diate, r., in biga of walking horses : he holds in r. an aplustre, and rests with 1. on long torch. Similar, but horses galloping, and inscr. differently arranged (CTP.M Ce/\/\IOV under the horses). Crispina. KPICTTINA CeBACTH Bust of Crispina r., draped. KPICTT|NA CEBACTH Bust of Crispina T., draped. CTPMCe/\/\IOV OMO.CMV PN el KOM Demeter, standing l., holding two ears of corn, and resting on long torch. CTP.M.Ce/\/\IOV OMOCMV PNG|KOM CTPM Ce/\/\ |OVO M. O. Ne |KOM CMVP Two Nemeses standing face to face, each with r. arm bent, plucking chiton at breast ; the one on the 1. holds bridle, the one on the right, cubit-rule; at the feet of the latter, wheel. SMYIRNA . 305 No. * Obverse. Reverse. SMYRNA AND PERG AM UM. Caracalla. AVKMAVP ANTON | CMVPNA|ON OMONOIA G|NOC J3ust of Cara- || TTEPTA M H N calla, bearded, r., laur., QN wearing cuirass. [e]TTC.TPMAVP (in ex.) Te M | NOV Smyrna and Pergamum, face to face, joining hands, the former as an Amazon, turreted, r., with bipennis over 1. shoulder, at her feet, prow : the latter, turreted, 1., wears long chiton with peplos, and rests on 50] | AE 1.6 sceptre. : A V. K. MAVP. ANT CMVPNA OMO TTePTAMH QNG|NOC Head of |QN NO NQN Caracalla, bearded, r, laur. |A eTTCTeM I (in ex.) NOV Smyrna and Pergamum, as on pre- ceding coin, prow r., in front of Smyrna. 502 AE 1.2 [Pl. xxxix. 9.] OMO 503 AE 1.15 same, but NO! in field, and (in ex.) A CTTTEM | NO V . AVK. MAVP. ANTO |. ZMVPNA|QTTE P TAM HN Ne|NOC Head of OM QN Caracalla, bearded, r., laur. O NO | A V. €TTC. TEM | N O Amazon Smyrna, turreted, standing l., holding on extended r. statue of the Asklepios of Pergamum r., and on 1. arm bipennis, pelta, and chlamys : at her feet, prow 1. 504 AE 1:1 R. R. 306 IONIA. 508 AE 1.2 .A V.K. MAVP ANTQ Nel NOC Head of Caracalla, bearded, r., laur. No. * Obverse. Reverse. 505 ME 1:15 Same die. , ZMVPNA|QNTTE PITAM HN OM QN ON OIA AQN Jo ETT. CTP. A1A-ATTO/\. [Pl. xxxix. 10.] AYKMAYP ANTON |ZMVPNA|Q OMONOIATT 6||NOC Bust of Cara- N €P TAM HN Q. Calla, bearded, r., laur., N wearing cuirass and palu- .eTICTP.Te (in ex.) damentum. M |NOV Asklepios, holding in T. Serpent-staff, standing r., between two Nemeses, face to face, in usual attitude, and with usual attributes. 506 AB 1' 3 [AV KMAVP] ANTOTTePrA MHNON ZMVPNA Nel NOC Bust of O[MO |QN Caracalla, bearded, r., NO! laur., wearing cuirass and A] paludamentum. C. Te MINOV Asklepios and Kybele; the former standing r., holding in r. serpent- staff, the latter seated 1., turreted, holding patera, and resting 1. arm on tympanum. 507 AE 1.3 TTe PTAMH NON C MVPNA |ONIOMO] CTeMINOV (in ex.) Asklepios of Pergamum, and Tyche of Smyrna, face to face ; the former r., holding in r. serpent-staff, the latter 1., wearing modius, holding rudder and cornucopiae. $3MYRNA, 307 51() 511 513 Metal. Size. Obverge. Reverse. AE 1" AE 1.4 2 AB 1'45 AE I: 45 AVKMAVP ANTONG |NOC (obscure) Bust of Caracalla I., bearded, laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. Similar, but Caracalla wears aegis (inscr. obscure). .AY.K.M.AY. ANTQN |NOC Bust of M. Aurelius r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. Same. same die. 35 ZMVPNA|QN TTePTAMH NQN OMONO |A eTT.C.T.P.Te (in ex.) MINOV Two tetrastyle temples seen from COII) CIS. Similar, but inscr. divided OMONO! A eTICTPTeM (in ex.) |NOV 8MY RNA AND LAOD ICEA, M. Aurelius. ATTA/\OCCO © ICTHCTA IC TIATPICI CMVPAAO (in ex.) Zeus Laodikeus and Zeus Akraios; the former standing r., wearing long chiton and himation, holding on ex- tended r. eagle, and over 1. shoulder sceptre : the latter seated 1., hima- tion over lower limbs, holding in extended r. Nike, and resting with 1. on sceptre. [Pl. xxxix. 11.] ATTA/\OCC Oqb|CTHC TAIC TTATPICI. CMVP.A.AO (in ex.) Zeus Laodikeus and Kybele; the former standing r., wearing long chiton and himation, holding on ex- tended T. eagle, and over 1. shoulder sceptre; the latter seated l., turreted, holding patera in extended T., and resting 1. arm on tympanum : at her feet, lion 1. Similar, but inscr. differently divided ATTA/AOC COq) |C.TAICTTA TPIC! and lion looks back, 308 IONIA, No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Size. Same. ATTA/\OCCO © ICTHCTAICTT - - ATPICI CMVP.A.AOA (in ex.) Zeus Laodikeus and Nemeses; Zeus on the left, stands r., holding eagle and sceptre; before him the two Nemeses, face to face, in usual atti- tude, and holding usual attributes. 514] AC 1-3 same die. Faustina Junior. ÓAYCTINA CeBAC ||ATTA/\OCCO © ICTHC TAIC TH Bust of Faustina l. TI ATPICI CMYPAAOA (in ex.) Zeus Laodikeus and Nemeses, as on previous coin. 515| AE 1'45 Same. ATTA/\OCCO (p ICTHCTA ICTT ATPIC| CMYP.A.AO Zeus Laodikeus and Nemeses; Zeus wearing long chiton and himation, standing facing, holding eagle and resting on sceptre between two Nemeses, standing r, and l. in usual attitude, and with usual attributes. 516. A 1-3 |same dic. CYZICUS AND SMYRNA. See Cyzicus Mysiae. EPHESUS, SMYRNA AND PERGAMUM. See Ephesus Ioniae. EPHESUS AND SMYRNA. See Ephesus Ioniae. MAGNESIA AND SMYRNA. See Magnesia Lydiae. PHILADELPHIA AND SMYRNA. See Philadelphia Lydiae, SARDES AND SMYRNA. See Sardes Lydiae. THYATIRA AND SMYRNA. See Thyatira Lydiae. TRALLES AND SMYRNA. See Tralles Lydiae. HIERAPOLIS AND SMYRNA. See Hierapolis Phrygiac. LAODICEIA AND SMYRNA. See Laodiceia Phrygiae. CAESARIA AND SMYRNA. See Caesarea Cap. TEOS, 309 No. Wt. * Obverge. Reverse. T E O S. SILVER. Aeginetic Standard. Before B.o. 544. I)ra chrm. Griffin seated r., with Rough incuse square. curled wing ; l. fore- leg raised. 1 90'4 || AR 6 [Pl. xxx. 1.] Circ. B.C. 544–494. Staters (earlier). Griffin seated r., with Quadripartite incuse square, surface curled wings. rough. 2 |183.6 || AR 9 in front, club. [Pl. xxx. 2.] Griffin seated r., with |Quadripartite incuse square, surface curled wing ; l. fore- rough. leg raised. 3 |1844 || AR 75|beneath l. fore-leg, symbol" 4 |181-6 || AR 5 5 both wings seen; beneath|[Pl. xxx. 3..] 1. forc-leg, vine-branch, with grapes. 182.7 | AR '85 23 5 310 ION I.A., NO. Wit. º Obverse. Reverse. } Staters (later). Griffin seated r., with |Quadripartite incuse square, surface curled wings; l. fore- rough. leg raised. 6 184:3 || AR 95 beneath l. fore-leg, fore- [Pl. xxx. 4.] ſ part of Pegasos, r. : border of dots. 7 || 1795 || AR 1-0|symbol, club: border of alternate quarters granulated. dots. 8 168.2 | AR 9 |T H ! O N [Pl. xxx. 5.] Symbol, grain of corn. 9 || 1744 || AR 9 |beneath fore-leg, T; be- neath griffin, club. 10 || 1777 | AR 95|H T wings smooth ; symbol, bow in case ? plain border. Tribe mio bols. Griffin seated r., with |T [H]] in the four quarters of curled wings; 1, fore-|V1 Q. an incuse Square; quar- leg raised; border of tering lines triple; in centre, dot. dots. 11 | 19.2 | AR 5 beneath, H Same type, wings smooth.|Quadripartite incuse Square. 12| 21-3 || AR 6 |T H; border of dots, surface granulated. [Pl. xxx. 6] 13| 22.9 || AR 5 in front, T and scallop. surface plain. 14 | 18.4 || AR 5 behind, T ; in front, ivy- 2 3 25 leaf. TIEOS. 3.11 16 17 18 19 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 5-5 178.6 178. 175-6 180°4, AR. 35 AR, 9 AR •9 AR. '9 AR 1.05 He mio bol P Griffin scated r., with Quadripartite incuse square. curled smooth wings; l, fore-leg raised. in front, branch of grapes or ivy-leaf P Circ. B.C. 494—394. Staters. Griffin seated r., with curled wings, l. fore- paw raised. abovel. fore-leg, caduceus. beneath l. fore-leg, mask of Satyr, T.: exergual line surmounted by cable line. T H ! O N boneath griffin, ram's head r. : plain border. T H I O W She- griffin with curled wings seated r. on exer- gual line surmounting “leaf and tongue’ or- nament ; 1, fore-paw raised, beneath which, head of lioness or pan- ther, facing: plain border. [Pl. xxx. 7.] Quadripartite incuse square, surface maculated. Surface granulated. Quadripartite incuse square, surface plain 312 IONIA, No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. T H ! O [N]|Quadripartite incuse square, surface Griffin seated r., wings striated. pointed, l. fore-paw raised : above back of griffin, bee : triple plain border. ) 20 183-3 || AR 9 . [Pl. xxx. 8.] THION Griffin seated |Quadripartite incuse Square, surface r., wings pointed, 1.] maculated. fore-paw raised ; be- neath griffin, seal 1. : exergual line dotted. 21 183-3 || AR 9 Obols. T Griffin seated r., A in the four quarters of an wings pointed; l. fore-|Q N incuse square of ‘mill- paw raised. sail’ pattern. 22 15°4 || AR ‘45 [Pl. xxx. 9.] 23 13-3 || AR ‘45 AP Q. TO X Circ. B.o. 394–300. Phoenician Standard. Drachms. Griffin seated r., with |TH | ON AT NON at right pointed wing: 1. fore- angles on the cruciform divisions paw raised. of an incuse Square, surface granu- lated. 24 55-7 || AR “6 25 55'4 || AR, "6 [Pl. xxx. 10.] TEOS. 313 No.] Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. Trio bols. IIead of young Dionysos |TH | QN Four-stringed lyre. r., wearing wreath of ivy, hair in knot behind and with two long curls down neck ; behind, thyrsos. 26 25.6 | AR, "5 [I’l. xxx. 11.] * Griffin scated r., with 'TH | Kantharos. pointed wing ; l. fore- paw raised. 27 24-6 || AR, "5 Aloſ E NHX [Pl. xxx. 12.] 28 23.7 | AR, "5 ea HMo(X After circ. B.C. 300. IDr a chrm. Griffin seated r., with |TH | Rantharos. pointed wing; l. fore- paw raised. 29 47. AR, '65 APIX TONAE [N]? [Pl. xxx. 13.] Trio bols. Griffin, with pointedwings, TH | Kantharos. running r. | 30 23.7 | AR ‘45 [A]AM HTOX, to r., lyre. 31 23.7 | AR ‘45 H POA OTOX. between kan- tharos and l. handle, N [Pl. xxx. 14.] [For Tetradrachms of Alexander the Great's types, symbols Griffin, kantharos, or draped statue of Dionysos, inscr. THI, see Müller, Num. d’Aleſ"., nos. 1005-6.] S S 314 IONIA, No. * t Obverse. Reverse. JBRONZIE, Circ. B.C. 300—Roman Times. Griffin seated r., with |TH |QN Kantharos surmounted pointed wings; l. fore-paw| by bunch of grapes. ' raised. 32 AE • 65 AſAG) /APXOX 33 ZE '65 [AION]YX oAQPox. 34 AE7 T H KAE QN [Pl. xxx. 15.] Griffin seated r., with |TH | Kantharos. pointed wing; l. fore-paw raised. | 35 | AE '5 AY KQN to l., lyre. Griffin seated r., with |TH |QN Kantharos: the whole pointed wings spread, in linear Square, both feet on ground : * plain border. 36 AE *55 Griffin seated r., with T H Amphora. pointed wing, l. fore-paw raised. 37 AE •5 Similar. T Bunch of grapes. H | Q 38 AE '45 Similar. TH | Bunch of grapes, 39 | ME '5 M|N NION TEOS. 315 Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. Griffin, with pointed wings, THION Four-stringed lyre. running r. 40 || AE 6 3 y B| QN 41 | AE '65 53 MHTPO AQPOX 42 AE 7 25 magistrate's name effaced. Griffin, with pointed wing,|TH 10.N Ivy-wreath. seated r., both feet on ground. 43 AE 6 33 within wreath, Hº! 44| Aº ‘65 |l. fore-paw raised. no inscr. legible ; within wreath, 5. P 45 || AE *6 55 » ' º within wreath. 46 AE •65 33 32 25 33 47 || AE •6 }} 5 * }} }} 48 AE •6 y) 3 y 93 y? Griffin, with pointed wing,|TH ! within ivy-wreath. running r. QN 49 | AC 45 outside, [A]MYNTHX 316 IONIA, Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Times, Head of Anacreon r., bald|TH IQN Hermes running 1, and bearded : border of carrying on r. arm infant Dionysos, dots. and in l., caduceus : border of dots. 50 ZE 7 Bacchic mask r., bearded, TH | QN Amphora, surmounted and bound with ivy- by bunch of grapes : border of dots. wreath ; border of dots. 51 | AF •6 Similar. TH | QN Wine-branch with bunch of grapes and two leaves : border of dots. 52 || AE 7 Similar. TH | QN Cista mystica with open lid r., from which serpent issues: border of dots. 53 | AF) 65 Cista mystica, on which lies|TH | Q N Female griffin, with a Bacchic mask 1.; behind, pointed wings, seated r., l. fore-paw thyrsos placed transversely on kantharos : border of dots. towards 1. : border of dots. 54 | ME '8 Griffin with curled wing,|TH | QN Bunch of grapes: Seated r., r. fore-paw on border of dots. kantharos: border of dots. 55 AE '65 TEOS. 31 7 No. * Obverse. Reverse. T eſ). C Bust of young|T H |QN Griffin standing l., Dionysos as City-god" r., with pointed wing, r, fore-paw raised: turreted, at his shoulder, border of dots. thyrsos : border of dots. 56 AE 7 Similar. TH | ON Bunch of grapes : border of dots. 57 ZE • 55 | ANAKPe(ON TH (1)N CTP Be PH KOVNAO Fe- Anacreon, naked, standing male figure, clad in close fitting facing, head l., bald and chiton, standing l., her two hands bearded ; he holds in 1. placed on her breasts. lyre and chlamys. 58 AE •75 [Pl. xxx. 16.] 13ust of Poseidon r., in front eTT Te TA/\? . . KTH | Q Ana- dolphin twisted round creon seated r., playing lyre, which trident : border of dots. he holds upon his knee: border of - dots. 59 AE 8 Similar. CT.T.K.TTe IC QNe:TH |ON + Similar. 60 | AF '8 Te QC Bust of young|[CT.T.K.TTe][CO Ne: THION Dionysos as City-god r., | Dionysos standing 1., wearing hima- turreted, filleted thyrsos | tion over lower limbs and l. shoul- at shoulder ; border of der, holding in r. kantharos, and dots. resting with 1. on thyrsos bound (Countermark, head r.) with fillet: border of dots. 61 | AE '95 * The full title of Dionysos as the god of Teos was 6 tºs tróAews 9eos Atóvvoros (see Le Bas-Waddington, no. 110). city accompanies the bust of the god. + The name Pisoninus occur no. 106, and C.I.G., 3092. On the coins the name of the s on Teian inscriptions. Cf. Le Bas-Wadd., 3.18 ION IA, No. 63 64 65 66 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AE '95 AE '85 AE •85 AE •9 Similar. Te QC Bust of young Dionysos as City-god r., turreted, filleted thyrsos at shoulder: J. Domna. coin of Walerian. CT.T. K. Tſe ICO Né. THIQN Dionysos standing 1., wearing hima- tion over lower limbs and l. shoulder, resting with 1. on thyrsos bound with fillet, and placing his r. on the shoulder of a youthful Pan, naked, facing, looking back at Dionysos: he carries pedum over r. shoulder: border of dots. CT P eVTV XOV6TH | [Pl. xxx. 17.] * Cf. no. 81, infra, where Eutyches occurs as a Strategos on a coin of + Cf. no. 82, infra, where the name of Hermogenes also recurs on a f Cf. Mionnet iii., p. 264, nos. 1507-8, where the name Cl. Pankrates occurs on coins of Walerian and Gallienus. QN + CTP AeoNT [O]CTHION Dionysos standing 1., wearing hima- tion over lower limbs and l. shoulder, resting with 1. on thyrsos bound with fillet, and holding in r. kan- tharos over a panther l., r. fore-paw raised: border of dots. CTPAVPePM OTe . NOVTH | QN (panther not visible.)f CT.TTANK P ATOVC TH | QNf TEOS. 319 No. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. Imperial Coinage. Augustus. XEBAXTOX KTIXT THION Dionysos wearing himation HX Head of Augustus|| over lower limbs, standing l., resting r., laur. with 1. on filleted thyrsos,and holding in r. kantharos over griffin, seated l. 67 || AE 75 } 68 A. '65 |head, bare. no griffin visible. XEBAX TOX KT THION] Similar type; no griffin XTHX Tetrastyle visible. temple ; between columns head of Augustus r., bare. 69 AE 75 XEBA [XTOX] Head|TH IQN Wine-branch, with bunch of Augustus r., bare. of grapes. 70 AE •5 Nero, NePQN KAICAP |TH IGN Dionysos wearing himation Head of Nero r, laur, over lower limbs and l. shoulder, standing l., resting with l, on thyrsos, and holding in r. kantharos over griffin seated l., with fore-paw raised. 71 | AE 8 72 AE 75 73 || AE '85 Nero and Octavia. OKTAOV lan Bust][Ne]PQN Distyle temple, contain- of Octavia r., wearing|KAICAP' ing head of Emperor, r., stephane, and draped. bare : beneath TH | ? 74 AE •8 49 320 ION I.A. No. * Obverse. Reverse. Octavia. OKTA OVIA Bust TH | QN Dionysos, as above, no. 71, of Octavia r., wearing holding kantharos and resting on stephane, and draped. thyrsos. 75 AE •6 Sabina. CA Be INA Ce BACTH (pHCéſ NOC ANTATOP* Bust of Sabina T., wearing T H | stephane, and draped. Cultus-statue of Ephesian Artemis, - facing. 76 AE '8 77 | AF 75 78 AE 75 |H T Commodus. AVT.K.A.M AVP CTPKPITONOC ACKAHTHI KOMOAOC Bust of QN Dionysos wearing himation young Commodus r, laur., over lower limbs and l. shoulder, wearing cuirass and palu- standing 1., resting with 1. on filleted damentum. thyrsos, and holding in r. kantharos over griffin l., with fore-paw raised. 79 | AF 1:35 (pierced.) Crispina. KPICTTINA ceBAccTP KPITQNOC ACKAHT TH Bust of Crispina r., HION Tyche standing 1., wear- draped. ing modius, holding rudder and cor- nucopiae. 80 || AE •8 | | w * For the name Phesinos at Toos see also Le Bas- Wadd, no. 110, and C. J. G. 3002 and 2242. ſ TIEOS. 321 Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Julia Domna. |OYAAO MNA.C.EB CTP eVTYXO YCCYB.TH Bust of Julia Domna T., |Q N * draped. Aphrodite wearing long chiton and peplos, standing facing, head l., holding in r, apple, and in 1. Sceptre.* 81 | AE •9 - [Pl. xxx. 18.] Valerian. A.K.TIO.Al OVAAepi ICTAVPePMOreNOV.THION ANOC. Bust of Vale- | Dionysos wearing himation overlower rian r., laur., wearing| limbs and l. shoulder, standing l., cuirass and paludamen- resting with 1. On filleted thyrsos, and tum. holding in T. kantharos over panther l., with fore-paw raised. 82 || AE 1:35 83 || AE 1-3 (same dies.) Gallienus. .AYTKTTO/\l Kl. TA/\{CT.Cex. AOY KLOY.TH | /\|HNOC Bust of QN Gallienus r., laur.,wearing| Dionysos seated l., wearing long cuirass and paludamen- chiton: he holds in r. kantharos, and tum. rests with 1. On thyrsos. 84 || AE '95 AVT.K.TTO. Aſ KI. T A/\|.C. T. Cex. A O YKJOYTHI /\l HNOC Similar. Q N. Dionysos wearing himation over lower limbs and l. shoulder, standing l., resting with 1. on filleted thyrsos, and holding in r. kantharos: at his feet, panther l., with fore-paw raised. 85 AE 1 | * This type is identical with that of the Roman gold coins of Lucilla, reading V ENVS. T T 322 * IONIA. No º Obverse. Reverse. .A.V. KAI./\! K. TA/\/\|H|e TTICTPAKA AN |KHQOPOV NOC. Similar. T H |O N Tyche standing 1., wearing modius, holding rudder and cornucopiae. 86 || AE 1:1 Valerian Junior. .TTO/\|KOVA/\e PIAN THION. ONON. Anacreon OC Bust of Valerian wearing himation over lower limbs, Junior r., bare, wearing seated r., playing lyre, which he cuirass and paludamen- holds upon his knee. tum. 87 || AE 8 88 AE 75 89 AE 75 SATRAPAI, OOINAGE, 323 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 2 228. 226°5 AR '95 AR, 9 SATRAPAL COINAGE OF THE WEST COAST OF ASIA MINOR, etc. TJNCERTAIN MINTS. Rhodian Standard. PYTHAGOREs, &c. Circ. B.C. 400. Tetra dra chrms. TY Q A To P H |Granulated incuse containing ir- [3] King of Persia *| regular raised patterns. kneeling r., as on the Darics, bearded, crowned with royal tiara (kidaris), and clad in long robe (Persian candys); he holds in r. spear, point down- wards, and in 1. strung bow. [Pl. xxxi. 1.] AH Similar type : in Similar incuse ; patterns varied. field, r., grain of corn? [Pl. xxxi. 2.] * The king of Persia here represented is probably Artaxerxes II, B.C. 404–359. The attribution to the western coast of Asia Minor is very doubtful, and rests solely upon the Ionic form IIv0ayópms and upon the weight-standard, which, however, does not exclude the possibility of the coins being Syrian or Phoenician. It should be noted that nos. 2 and 6 were acquired from Sir A. Cunningham who, no doubt, procured them in India. 324 IONIA, Metal. (Atesh-gah). No.] Wt. Size. Obverse. Beverse. No inscr. Smilar type. Similar incuse; patterns varied. 3 227.8 || AR 9 [Pl. xxxi. 3..] 4 || 238" | AR 1-0 5 || 235-7 || AR 1-0 granulation less marked. 6 219.1 | AR 10 (JNCERTAIN SATRAP. BRONZE. King of Persia kneeling Granulated incuse containing ir- r., as on the Darics, regular raised patterns. drawing bow: behind him, A P Countermark, star. 7 AE • 55 King of Persia kneeling|Similar. r., holding spear and strung bow: as on tetra- drachms above, nos. 1—6. 8 AE 35 9 AE 35 Similar. Linear Square containing a smaller one: on one side of the larger Square a straight line joins it at right angles.” 10 AE • 5 11 AE 45 [Pl. XXXI. 4.] * These two coins are placed here only because it seems difficult to separate them from those which precede. The reverse type is purely Persian. It is apparently the ground plan of a Persian Fire-altar Cf. Perrot and Chipiez, v., p. 645, no. 401. $ATRAPAL COINAGE. 325 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. PHARNABAZUS, circ. B.o. 411—394. Tetra dra chrm. Struck at Cyzicus. [Ó A P]N A B A Prow 1., the upper deck, tºpia, Head of bearded Satrap adorned with griffin l.: on either r., wearing low Persian side dolphin, downwards: beneath, tiara. tunny 1. 12 228.6 || AR •95 [Pl. xxxi. 5.] TISSAPHERNESP Probably struck at Iasus, circ., B.C. 412–408.* Tetra drachm. Head of bearded Satrap r., |B : Lyre with seven strings: wearing low Persian | A | traces of incuse Square. tiara knotted under chin. 13 236'2 | AR •85 [Pl. xxxi. 6.] UNOERTAIN MINT. I}r a chrm. Head of bearded Satrap r., Incuse square, within which, BA31, wearing low Persian | King of Persia, kneeling r., as on tiara, knotted under the Darics, bearded, crowned with chin. royal tiara (kidaris) and clad in long robe (candys); he holds in T. spear, point downwards, and in 1. strung bow. 14 || 52.8 || AR 65 [Pl. xxxi. 7.] * See J. P. Six, in Num, Chron., 1888, p. 107 sq. 326 IONPA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. ORONTAS, Satrap of Mysia and Ionia, circ. B.C. 362—348. Probably struck at Lampsacus. Tetrobol. Head of Athena 1., wear- |OPON T A Forepart of winged ing crested Athenian horse 1. - helmet. 15 || 39°5 || AR, "55 [Pl. xxxi. 8.] º BRONZE. Head of Zeus r., laur. [OPIONT A Forepart of winged horse r. 16 AE 45 [Pl. xxxi. 9..] Probably struck at Clazomenae. Tetro bol. Greek Hoplite, naked, OPO NT A Forepart of winged helmeted, kneeling 1. boar r. : traces of incuse Square. on T. knee, defending himself with shield held before him, and holding in T., spear : between legs, T 17| 43' || AR, "55 [Pl. xxxi, 10.] 8ATRAPAL COINAGE. 327 No. Wit. º Obverse. Reverse. SPITHRIDATES. Satrap of Ionia and Lydia, ob. B.o. 334. Probably struck at Lampsacus. Tetro bol. Head of bearded Satrap |:Tl GPI Forepart of winged 1., wearing low Persian horse T. tiara. 18 44' 4 || AR, "55 [Pl. XXXI. 11.] Probably struck at Cyme. BRONZE. Head of bearded Satrap, 3ſ' Forepart of horse r., bridle r., wearing low Persian | attached to ring. tiara, covering chin. 19 AE '45 [Pl. xxxi. 12.] UNCERTAIN SATRAP OATA . . . . . . Trihermio bol. Head of beardless Satrap|OATA Head and neck of horse l., wearing low Persian towards 1., harnessed. tiara, covering chin. 20 | 15 4 || AR '4 beneath, ſol [Pl. XXXI. 13.] 328 IONIA. No. Wit. *. Obverse. Reverse. ISLANDS OF IONIA. C H I O S. Sæth century, B.C. Phoenician Standard. Electrum Stater. Sphinx seated r. |Incuse square. 1 216'97|EL, '8 [Bank Collection.] (Specific gravity 12:09. Gold contents about 29 per cent.) [Pl. I. 19 and Pl. III. 19.] Before the Persian Conquest, circ. B.C. 490. Chian Standard. SILVER, Didr a chrm. Sphinx seated 1.; in front, Quadripartite incuse square. amphora. * 2 | 122.6 |AR '65 [Pl. xxxii. 1.] 3 118-9 |AR 65 | 4 || 115-6 ||AR '6 CHIOS, No. Wt. 'º. Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.o. 478–412. Tetra dra chrm. Sphinx seated l. ; in front, Quadripartite incuse square. amphora surmounted by bunch of grapes : the whole on circular raised shield. 5 || 235-6 || AR 9 [Pl. XXXII. 2.] Didr a chrms. 6 || 121°5 AB. '7 7 | 121.5 | AR 65 [Pl. xxxii. 3..] 8 || 120-7 || AR 65 9 | 120.5 | AR 65 10 || 119.5 | AR 65 11 | 120°2 | AR 65 12 | 1198 || AR 7 ||Wine - wreath surrounds type. [Pl. xxxII. 4.] Tetrobols. 13 | 40.5 | AR '4 14 || 39°8 || AR '4 15 || 39' 3 || AR '45 [Pl. xxxii. 5.1 16 || 36°2 | AR '4 | U U 330 IONIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. | I)r a chrms. Later style. Sphinx seated l., in front, Quadripartite incuse square. amphora surmounted by bunch of grapes: the whole on circular raised shield. 17 | 56*6 || AR, "55 ſº 18 53° AR, "55 19| 55.5 | AR 55 behind 3 20 || 54° AR '55 , HT 21 52.8 AR, "55 2 3 22 [Pl. xxxii. 6.] 22 52-5 | AR 55 , dolphin l., down- wards. 23| 50.8 || AR, "5 5 y 2 3 24 56-2 || AR, "55 surface granulated. 25 || 46.7 | AR, "55 ? 7 2 y 26 40.5 | AR, "5 22 25 (worn.) Triobol. 27 28.9 || AR '45 behind, F. |surface granulated. [Pl. xxxii. 7.] CHIOS. No. Metal. Size. 34 35 36 37 38 232. 227.6 218.5 52-5 65°2 56.9 53'8 54'4 AR. " AR. ' AR. ' AR. '95 '65 ‘55 Obverse. Reverse. Circ. B.C. 412—350. Tetra dra chrms. Sphinx seated 1.; in front, amphora surmounted by bunch of grapes: the whole on circular shield faintly indicated. [Pl. XXXII. 8] Striated incuse square quartered by broad bands, on one of which magistrate's name BA:l/\ElAH3 striation horizontal. AHMOKPATH: striation ver- tical. HPATOPH: 22 KA/\/\l K/\H: 75 KH (pl:OKPIT 5 y TO:EIA|T'ſ O: yy Drachms. no indication of circular shield. 22 : 9 Pl. xxxii. 9..] Similar. no indication of circular shield. shield plainly indicated. } } } } . 2 y striation vertical. HPIAA NO3: > OVAMYX > } } Granulated incuse square divided as before. ETAIN E granulation fine. |TT1A: granulation coarse. :O:TPA }} 33 [I’l. xxxii. 10 | IONIA. No. Wł. IMetal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 180°5 (plated.) AR. 1:0 AE -35 AE 65 AE -65 Ancient forgery. Sphinx seated r., behind, Incuse square quartered. fish downwards, (coin clipped, shows bronze core.) ERONZE, Before B.C. 350. Sphinx seated l. Amphora in slightly concave cir- cular incuse. H]PIAAN ? X I O > Third century, B.C., or later. Sphinx seated 1. Wine-wreath, within which two bands placed crosswise, on one of which XI OX on the other a magis- trate's name. magistrate's name illegible. 72 2 3 TIMO/\ | Sphinx seated l. : border|Ivy-wreath, within which thyrsos 1.; of dots. above and below it, AG) H XIOC type r. HT IT XIOC CHIO3. 3 3 3 No. 46 47 48 49 50 51 Metal. W6. §. Obverse. Beverse. Circ, B.C. 190—84. [For Alexandrine tetradrachms struck in this period, symbol Sphinx, and Sphinx on amphora and magistrates’ names, see Müller, Num. d’Alez. le Grand, nos. 1080-1125.] After B.o. 84% Chios declared free by Sulla. Standard, Attic reduced. Drachms. Sphinx seated l., in front Vine-wreath, within which amphora bunch of grapes: bor- between lines of inscr. der of dots. 51.7 | AR 75 X|OX. APTEIOX 59 AR, '7 APTEM |AOPOX X|OX beneath, thyrsos. 58. AR. .7 23 52 23 53-2 || AR “75 IH NIX above, eagle, r.; be- X|OX neath, grain of corn. 57.2 | AR “75 ZH NOAQPOX. X|OX. beneath, palm. [Pl. xxx11. 11.] 55-3 || AR •8 H/\|OAQPOX X! OX, beneath, one-handled VaSC, 334 IONIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. Sphinx seated r., in front, Wine-wreath, within which amphora bunch of grapes: border between lines of inscr. of dots. 52 59' 3 || AR, 75 . . . . (pl/\OX XI OX beneath, kantharos. Sphinx seated l., in front, Amphora between lines of inscr. : bunch of grapes: border | border of dots. of dots. 53 47.2 | AR •7 APTEM |AQ POX X | OX beneath, aplustre. 54 || 58-6 || AR '75 AEPKY/\OX - XIOX. beneath, cornucopiae. [Pl. xxxii. 12.] 55 || 53.2 | AR “7 } % } % 5 y 56 || 60.2 | AR 7 OEOTOMTOX, - X I O X. beneath, race-torch. (This coin seems to be somewhat earlier in style than the rest.) 57 46.1 | AR ‘75 PAB|PIOX XI OX, beneath, crescent and Star. BRONZE, Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. 58 Aº ‘65 in front, ear of corn. APTElo[X] XI OX beneath, bunch of grapes. 59 AE 7 CHIOS, 335 No. * Obverse. Reverse. Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. 60 || AE 7 |in front, ear of corn. H TEM QN XI OX beneath, bunch of grapes. 61 AE .7 75 5 y 2? 25 23 [Pl. xxxII. 13.] 62 AE 7 5 y 23 H POXTPA X| OX 2 º' 2 3 63 | AF 7 52 25 OEPXHX. XI OX 22 25 64 AE •7 25 5 y 35 2 3 } } 65 AE •75 5 y 95 2 3 5 y 35 (countermark, tripod.) (countermark, tripod.) 66 | AC '75 5 y 5 y |KEX|OX X! OX 5? 32 67 AE 7 3 y 25 AEOMEA . . X|OX no symbol 7 68 || AE •7 in front, bunch of grapes. |AEQM E . . . above, star; beneath, XOX ear of corn. 69 | AC '65 in front, bunch of grapes. |KH (pl.xl A X| OX beneath, race-torch. 70 AE •7 5 y 3 y } ) }} 2 3 71 AE 7 } } 5 y KYA/\AM . . XI OX }} 3 y [Pl. xxxii. 14.] 336 IONIA, No *. Obverse. Beverse. Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. 72 | AF 18 in front, bunch of grapes. KYA/\AM . . above, wing; be- X| OX neath, race-torch. 73 AE 7 92 2} AAMI"| X| OX beneath, race-torch. 74 || AE '65 25 Star. APIXTOM (countermark, tripod.) XI ox beneath, prow. 75 AE '65 in front, star. TNOXIX XI OX ,, caduceus. 76 AE 65 35 25 32 33 95 (countermark, tripod.) 77 || AE '6 in front, star. THAEM . . . . t XI OX. 22 59 78 || AE •65 25 25 TI MOKA . . + (countermark, tripod.) X|OX. caduceus obscure, 79 || AE 7 in front, club ; KAYKAX beneath, ſº XI OX beneath, rudder. 80 AE 75 in front, club ; 2? 27 22 beneath, ſº 81 AE '7 in front, club. 33 25 29 82 AE '65 in front, club ; MENEX beneath, T X| OX 3 y 32 ÇHIO8. 337 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 * Obverse. Reverse. Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. AE 7 in front, club ; M EN EX beneath, ſº X| OX beneath, rudder. (countermark, tripod.) AE 7 in front, club ; XOXTPAT , } } beneath, ſ” X| OX Sphinx seated r., with 1. Vine-wreath, within which, amphora fore-paw raised over bunch between lines of inscr. of grapes: border of dots. AE ‘5 beneath, winged caduceus AIXX|NH|[X. and club united. X|OX [Pl. xxxii. 15.] AE '55 beneath, winged caduceus. | Aſl E/\/\H2. X | OX AE .5 beneath, club r. 2 ATTO/\/\Q X| OX beneath, ear of corn. AE • 55 ,, Serpent-staff. APTEM HX X|OX AE 55 ,, plain line ! AXTTAXI OX XI OX. beneath, caps of Dioskuri. AE '5 ,, plain line 7 . . Mok/\HIX X|OX AE 55 , club r, EYEENOX X|OX 338 IONIA. No. º Obverse. Reverse. Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. 92 || AE '55 beneath, plain line ! M H NOTE X|OX 93 || AE 6 75 ,, . M]HNoð1/\ox X|OX 94 || AE 55 MHT POAQ Poſx. X|OX 95 || AE 55 , club or palm r. M]IATIAAHX X|OX 96 || AE 55 ,, plain line. XTPATON] X|OX 97 || AE 6 , club r. TPYOON X|OX Sphinx seated r. Amphora between lines of inscr. 98 || AE •4 OEOAQ X|OX in field, bunch of grapes. 99 || AE 4 in front, bunch of grapes. Q & © X|OX 100 AE 4 || | . . . . . . * * * > g. ſº border of dots. 101| AF 4 |type 1., in front, bunch of |Amphora, no inscr. ; border of dots. grapCŞ. OHIOS 339 Metal. Size. Obvorso. Roverse. Imperial Times. With Archons’ names. Tet rob Ol. XEBAXTOX Sphinx|Amphora between magistrates' scated 1. Ila. In 9S. 102 37-3 || AR 8 in front, bunch of grapes: [A]]OTENTHX] border of dots. EYAHMOX [Pl. xxxiii. 1.] BRONZE. Sphinx wearing modius, seated l. On palm, T. forc-paw raised, holding wreath: border of dots. 103 AE 6 A]PIXTAIXMOX & Amphora. Sphinx seated r., in front |X I Amphora. club : border of dots. OC 104 AE 7 Mººropriazaa POG) E [Pl. xxxHI. 2.] Sphinx seated l. : border|Amphora between lines of inscr. of dots. ACM € NOC Sphinx seated l. : in front, Amphora between lines of inscr. winged caduceus : bor- XI der of dots. |CPONYMOC 106 AE 7 ATIO/\/\QN |OY OC 340 ION IA. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 107 108 109 110 111 162. 146. 111° 44" 37-5 5 1 5 AE 1:1 AE '95 AE 65 AE 65 Without name of Archon. IBRONZE. Obols. OBOAOC Sphinx XI (0N Kantharos, the whole seated r., with l, fore- in ivy-wreath. paw raised: in front, prow ; border of dots. (pierced.) O BO /\O C X I Naked male figure, stand- Sphinx seated r., l. fore-|Q N ing facing, laur., resting paw raised; in front, with 1. on staff, chlamys wrapped prow ; border of dots. round l. arm ; at his feet, helmet : border of dots. [Pl. XXXIII. 3..] Tetra chalkon. XI O N Sphinx seated|TeTPA XAAKON Bunch of l., r. fore-paw raised, in grapes; border of dots. front, prow ; border of dots. [Pl. XXXIII. 4.] |TeTPAX A/\KON Tric halk on. XAA [KON] |Kantharos between lines of inscr. PI Sphinx|XTE4'AN Hºgg wearing modius, Seated r. XI OX. in field, 1., bunch of grapes. CIHIOS. 341 113 114 . 115 116 117 Wt. *1. Obverse. Reverse. Dichalkon. X| Q N Sphinx|A1XA/\ Amphora between two seated r., r. fore-paw || KON stars: border of dots. raised ; in front, prow: border of dots. 51°5 |AE '65 [Pl. XXXIII. 5.] 32. AE 55 |X| Q N sphinx raises AIXA AKON no stars. 1. fore-paw. Age of the Antonines. With Archon's name. 3 Assaria. AC CA PIA Sphinx|ETTIAPXKOO YATTPe|MOY (in ex.) TPIA seated r., X | 1. fore-paw raised ; in Q N front, prow ; border of Amphora between two stars and dots. two loops. 269 |AE 1.2 204" |AE 1.2 [1’l. xxxiII. 6.] AC CA, PIA €TTI APX TTPel MOY AIC (in ex.) TPIA X | Same type 1. Q N Amphora between two loops with- in laurel-wreath ; border of dots. 302" |AE 1.3 342 IONIA. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. ACC AP , IA €TTIA PXKO [O]YA TTPel (in ex.) TPIA MOV (in ex.) XI.QN Same type 1. Apollo and Dionysos standing facing, each clad in himation ; Apollo on the 1. holds patera in r. ; Dionysos holds kantharos and thyrsos ; between them flaming altar: border of dots. 118, 269 |AE 1.25 (pierced.) 119, 277. MD 1.2 | AC CA PIA typer.|eTTI AP XITP eIMOYAIC (in ex.) TPIA (in ex.) XI.QN the gods face one another. 2 Assaria. ACCA P A Sphinx eTTIAPXTTP eIMOYAIC (in ex.) AYTO] Seated l., X | r. fore-paw raised ; in C) N front, prow: border of Naked male figure standing facing, dots. laur., resting with I. On staff: chlamys wrapped round l. arm; at his feet, helmet; border of dots. 120 138° |AE 1.15 (pierced.) 121 142.5 AF 1. AC C APIA type r. (in ex.) AYO - Without name of Archon. 3 Assaria. AC CA PIA Sphinx |X | Apollo and Dionysos (in ex.) TP1A scated I., |Q N standing facing, each r. forc-paw raised ; in-| clad in himation; Apollo on 1. front, prow ; border of holds patera in r., Dionysos holds dots. kantharos and thyrsos ; between them, flaming altar; in ex, star : border of dots. 122 282°5 |AE 1.25 [Pl. xxxIII. 7.] (l)ierced.) OHIOS, 343 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 126 127 230-5 251. 126- 77. 91 '') AE 1-3 AE 1:25 AE 1-2 AE '95 AE •75 AE 1.0 (in ex.) TPIA seated r., AC CA PIA Sphinx|X | Apollo and Dionysos Q N standing facing, each clad in himation; Apollo on 1. holds patera in r., Dionysos holds kantharos and thyrsos : between them, flaming altar; in ex., star : border of dots. T. forc-paw raised ; in front, prow ; border of dots. (pierced.) AC CAP (in ex.) TPIA |A 11/2 Assaria. X| Q. N Sphinx|ACCAP IONHM YCY Two seated r., r. fore-paw thyrsi crossed, the whole within raised and touching top| vine-Wreath, having one bunch of of amphora: border of grapes. dots. [Pl. xxxHI. 8.] Assarion. XI Q N Sphinx|ACCA Amphora between two scated r. on club, r. |PION stars. [Pl. XXXIII. 9..] fore-paw raised ; in front, bunch of grapes: border of dots, Later period, Time of Gallienus 2 With Archon's name. 3 Assaria. ACAP A T P 1A. €TTAVPXPVCOſON OVTOV (sic.) Sphinx seated r. ETTA®POA EIT OV. .X with head reverted, l. l (2N Amphora between two ears forc-paw raised; in front, of corn: border of dots. prow ; border of dots. 344 IONIA. No.] Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. 129, 115 A, 1.0 ACAP 1 A T PIA|eTIAPXAVPXPV Coronov. (8ic) X| Q N Amphora between two ears of corn and two stars: border of dots. [Pl. xxxiii. 10.] ACAP! A T P IA €TT AP (8ic) Same type. AV XP VCO TON OV X1 Amphora, the whole in laurel- wreath; border of dots, 130 96.5 |AE 1.0 2 Assaria. ACC A PA (sic) |eTT AP AV XP VCOſONOV (in ex.) A Y Q Sphinx X | seated r., with head C) N reverted, r. fore-leg | Naked male figure standing facing, raised; in front, prow: head r., resting with 1. on knotted border of dots. staff; chlamys wrapped round 1. arm ; at his feet, helmet : border of dots. 131 77. AE '9 132 76: AE '85 |[ACJCAP I A €TTAPX.A.V.X PVCOſONOV (in ex.) AVC2 X I (figure full face) 1. fore-leg raised. Q N 133 76. A '85 | ACC A PIA] eTTAPAVXP V COTONOVXI (in ex.) AVQ Q N Round-bellied amphora border of dots. (pierced.) OHIOS. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Beverse. 134 135 136 137 138 119. 86.5 49- 62.5 60' AE '95 AE 75 AE •75 AE 8 Without name of Archon. 3 Assaria. ACAP | A T P I A (sic) Sphinx seated T. with head reverted, 1. fore-paw raised; in front prow ; border of dots: same die as no. 129. 2 Assaria. ACAP 1 A (sic) (in ex.)A Y Q Sphinx seated r., with head reverted, r, fore-paw raised ; in front, prow : border of dots. [Pl. xxxiii. 11.] 11/2 Assaria. X I O N Sphinx seated r., r. fore-paw raised, and touching top of amphora : border of dots. Similar. X | Q N Apollo and Diony- sos standing facing, each clad in himation. Apollo on 1. holds patera in r., Dionysos holds kan- tharos and thyrsos: between them, flaming altar : in field r., star: border of dots. X | Round-bellied amphora, Q N between two stars: bor- der of dots. ACCA C PION Two thyrsi V V crossed; the HM whole with- in vine-wreath having one bunch of grapes: border of dots. ACA PI ONH MV C V ACCAP |ON H MV Two CV thyrsi crossed ; above, bunch of grapes; to r., star : border of dots: no vine-wreath. 346 IONIA, Metal. No. siz. Obverse. Reverse. Without denomination. Sphinx seated 1. on club "|OMHPOC] XIOC Homer placing r, fore-paw on seated 1. on chair: he holds in T. amphora: border of dots. | volumen. 139| AE •8 Xi () N Sphinx|OM HPOC Homer seated r. seated l., placing r. fore- on chair, unrolling volumen with paw on amphora: border both hands: border of dots. of dots. 140| AE 65 X| Q. N Sphinx|Similar. seated l, r. fore-paw raised; in front, prow : border of dots. 141| AE 65 [Pl. xxxiii. 12.] OENOE, 347 No º Obverse. Reverse. I CARIA. OENOE. Circ. B.C. 300, or later. Bust of Artemis r., at her |OINAION Bull butting r. shoulder, bow and quiver. 1 | AC '7 [Pl. xxxiv. 1.] Head of young Dionysos |OINA1(2N Bunch of grapes. T., wearing ivy-wreath. 2 AE •7 [Pl. xxxiv. 2.] 348 IONIA. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 133-35 66'09 18'5 EL, '6 EL, 5 EL. ' 17.7 IEL. 25 SAMOS. ELECTRUM. Circ, B.C. 700–494. • Euboic Standard. Stater. Lion's head facing, style very archaic. Two incuse depressions, one oblong, the other triangular. [Lawson, Smyrna.] (Specific gravity 14:20. Percentage of pure gold 57.) [Pl. III. 20.] Half-Stater. Lion's head facing. Incuse Square. [Borrell. Found at Mytilene.] (Specific gravity 14:00. Percentage of pure gold 55.) [Pl. III. 21.] Phoenician Standard. Twelfths. Lion's head facing. |Incuse Square. [Bank Collection.] [Num. Chron, 1887, Pl. x. 18.] |Incuse square. [Pl. III. 22.] Ilion's head facing. SAMOS. 349 No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverso. Reverse. 5 EL. 2 '72 EL, 75 Forty-eighth. Lion's head facing, rudely Incuse Square. executed in outline. [Whittall Sale, 1886, Lot 403.] [Num. Chron., 1887, Pl. x. 25.] Phocaic Standard. Forty-eighth. Head and neck of bull. l. Incuse Square. [Bank Collection.] [Num. Chron., 1887, p. 291.] [Pl. III. 23.] Phoenician Standard. Stater. Forepart of bull r.,” head|Quadripartite incuse square. turned back. - [Lawson, Smyrna.] (Specific gravity 11:58. Percentage of pure gold 21.) [Pl. I. 20 and Pl. III. 24.] * There is another specimen of this coin now in the Bibliothèque Nationale, which was formerly in the Bank of England Collection, Borrell N. C. 1845, p. 72; Head, N. C. 1875, p. 265, Pl. VII. 5; and B. M. Guide, Pl. I. 9. This coin was sold as a duplicate by the British Museum when the specimen above catalogued was acquired. 350 IONIA. No. Wt. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. | SILVER. Euboic Standard. Stater. Forepart of bull r. Rough incuse Square rudely divided. 8 135 | AR 7 [Pl. xxxiv. 3..] (The weight of this coin, and the style of the incuse Square, seem to be Lycian rather than Samian.) Dr a chrm. Lion's head facing. Rough incuse square quartered by double lines: one quarter filled up. 9 || 63" | AR, "55 [Pl. xxxiv. 4.] (The style of the reverse of this coin seems also Lycian.) Tetrobol. Lion's scalp facing. Rough incuse Square. 10 || 39°1 | AR 5 [Pl. xxxiv. 5.] Trio bol. Head and neck of bull r. |Rough incuse Square. 11 || 32-7 || AR, "5 [Pl. xxxiv. 6.] Obols. Lion's head facing. Quadripartite incuse square. 12 9.5 | AR 3 13 || 8 7 || AR 3 [Pl. xxxiv. 7.] SAMOS, 351 No. Wt. * Obvorse. Reverse. Lion's head facing. Quadripartite incuse Square. 14 || 8-4 || AR 3 15 8'3 || AR 3 16 8-0 || AR 3 Smaller Denominations. Bull's head l. Rough incuse square. 17 || 4'4 || AR 3 18 5-1 | AR 25 The attribution to Samos of nos. 1–18 cannot be considered as certain. Circ, B.C. 494—439 | Samian Standard. Tetra dra chrm. Lion's scalp; border of Head and neck of bull r., truncation dots. dotted, in incuse square contain- ing dotted Square. 19 1883 || AR 85 [Pl. xxxiv. 8.] 20 2012 || AR 85 (no border of dots.) |21 | 2002 AR 85 , , Lion's Scalp. A: Head and neck of bull l., in incuse Square. 22 | 183" | AR 85 [Pl. xxxiv. 9..] 352 IONIA. No. Wt. *:::: 1. Obverse. Reverse. | I)idr a chrm. Forepart of bull r., trun-Lion's head r., with open jaws within cation dotted. a square of double lines, between which, dots: the whole in incuse Square. 23 || 101.2 | AR, '65 [Pl. xxxiv. 10.] Tetrobols. Forepart of bull r. Forepart of bull r., in incuse Square. 24 35-6 || AR, "6 º [Pl. xxxiv. 11.] 25 | 32 6 || AR 55|type 1. type 1. [Pl. xxxiv. 12.] (pierced.) (The first of these two coins is above the normal weight [34 grs.]) Diobol. Lion's scalp; border of Bull's head r, truncation dotted, in dots. incuse Square. 26 | 16.8 || AR '4 Trihemiolbol. Bull's head r., truncation Lion's head r., with open jaws within dotted. linear square, the whole in incuse Square. 27 | 12.5 | AR 35 [Pl. xxxiv. 13.] §AMOS. 353 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Tetra dra chrms. Lion's Scalp. Head and neck of bull r., truncation dotted, in incuse circle. 28 202" | AR, '85 [Pl. XXXIV. 14.] |above, A3; behind, uncertain object. 29 2028 AR, '95 behind, amphora. 30 | 199°4 || AR 9 above, 3A ; behind, prow of Samian galley r. Similar. 3A Head and neck of bull r., truncation dotted. 31 204' 4 || AR '8 32 | 199: | AR “75 33 204.6 | AR 85 above, bird standing r. 34 204" | AR 85 ,, crested helmet T., supported by naked satyr , l. [Pl. xxxiv. 15.] 35 | 201" | AR “7 (Same dies.) 36 203" | AR, 8 above, wheel. 37 | 2012 || AR 9 (same dies.) 38 202" | AR 85 above, large right cye, facing. 39 201" | AR, 8 ,, astragalus. 40 | 202.7 | AR “75 behind, olive-branch. 354 IONTA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Teverse. Similar. :A/WION Head and neck of bull r., truncation dotted. 41 196'8 || AR 85 I) rachrms. Forepart of winged boar 1. Lion's scalp within a square of double lines, between which, dots: the whole in incuse square. 42 55' | AR 6 [Pl. xxxiv. 16.] Similar. Lion's scalp within dotted Square ; the whole in incuse Square. 43 || 49' | AR, "55 - 44 46°5 | AR, "55 Forepart of winged boar r. Lion's scalp within dotted Square : the whole in incuse Square. 45 53-3 || AR, "5 46 53' | AR 65 [Pl. xxxiv. 17.] 47 || 49°4 || AR, "55 48 || 49°2 | AR, "5 49 || 49' | AR, "55 50 49' | AR, "55 51 || 48° 5 || AR, "5 (Lion's scalp within square of double lines, between which, dots.) 52 || 48°5 || AR, "55 53 47°2 | AR, "5 (Of the above drachms, nos. 42, 45, 46, are above the normal weight of 51 grs.) SAMOS. 355 [Pl. xxxiv. 20.] No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. Hermidra chrms. Forepart of winged boar 1. Lion's head with open jaws 1., within dotted Square, the whole in incuse Square. 54 27.8 || AR 4 55 21.8 || AR 4 | [Pl. xxxiv. 18.] 56 21.5 | AR ‘4 |type r. type T. 57 20:5 AR, '4 52 52 | 58 21. AR '4 52 55 no dotted Square. 59 19-5 AR 4 32 25 27 [Pl. xxxiv. 19.] 60 | 17- AR, "35 32 5 5 22 61 22'4 AR ‘4 72 22 25 62 21.7 AR '4 22 5 y 5 2 63 | 19° | AR ‘4 || > type 1. 5) (The first of the above hemidrachms exceeds the normal weight of 25% grains.) Griffin with curled wing,|Lion's scalp within incuse square. seated l. ; r. fore-paw raised. 64 | 18-9 || AR 4 356 IONIA. No.1 wi. *:::::: Obverse. Reverse. | Diobols. Head of lioness r. Ram's head, without horn, r., within dotted square: the whole in incuse Square. 65 || 17-2 || AR 35 66 15-3 || AR '4 no dotted Square. 67 15.2 | AR ‘4 |type 1. 22 traces of letters in field. 68 || 14.8 || AR ‘4 , }} 69| 137 || AR 3 , } } 70 | 13.5 | AR ‘4 , 2? incuso circle. 71 13°4 AR •4 25 25 23 [Pl. xxxiv. 21.] 72 | 12.5 | AR 35 }} | 35 35 Obols. Two rams' heads horned. Griffin, with curled wing, scated l., r. fore-paw raised, within incuse Square. 73 || 8.8 || AR 3 [Pl. xxxiv. 22.] Ram's head r., horned. Griffin, with curled wing, scated r., 1. fore-paw raised, within incuse Square. 74 8.2 | AR 3 75 || 7-3 || AR 3 SAMOS, 357 Wł. º Obverse. Reverse. Ram's head r., horned. Griffin with curled wing, seated r., fore-paw raised. 8’8 || AR 3 in incuse circle. 8°7 || AR 3 } } [Pl. xxxiv. 23.] 8-2 || AR 3 } } Lion's scalp. Head and neck of bull r., within incuse circle. 7.5 | AR 3 6'7 || AR 3 [Pl. xxxiv. 24.] Hemiobol. Lion's scalp. Bull's head and neck r., in incuse Square. 3’5 | AR 25 Circ. B.C. 439–394. Samian Standard. Tetra drachms. Lion's Scalp. 3. A Forepart of bull r., r. leg bent under him, round body ornamental band ; truncation dotted; behind, olive branch : the whole in incuse Square. 203" | AR •95 202°7 || AR 95 358 IONIA. No. Wt. * *l. Obverse. Reverse. | Lion's scalp. 3A Forepart of bull r., r. leg bent || under him, round body ornamental band; truncation dotted ; bellind, olive-branch : the whole in incuse Square. 84 || 201°5 || AR '85 85 | 201" | AR 95 86 || 203'5 | AR 9 [Pl. XXXV. 1.] no band ; in front, head of lioness, downwards. 87 202-2 || AR 95 25 re-struck on coin of Athens." 88 202" | AR 85 22 89 || 2002 || AR, 8 5 2 90 | 1987 | AR, .9 º 32 91 | 194'5 | AR 85 22 Series with letters. Lion's scalp. : A Forepart of bull r., r. log bent under him, truncation dotted ; behind, olive-branch : the whole in incuse Square. 92 || 197' | AR, 9 in front, T 93 202-2 || AR 9 22 E 94 | 2013 || AR, '95 22 H * The Attic tetradrachm was adjusted to the Samian weight before being restruck. SAMOS. 359 No. 95 96 97 98 99 100 103 104 Wt. *1. Obverse. Reverse. Lion's Scalp. OVPIA CABTPANK V/\/\INAC6B 311| AE '85 || OVPIATPA NKVIA /\| NACGB (pCVP1A CAB TPANK C A MION Naked hunter V/\/\! NACEB Bust (Androklos) r., charging with spear of Tranquillina r., draped. a wild boar at bay l., emerging from rocks. 312| AE 1: 15 (OOVPIA CABTPANK |CAM QN Warrior armed with V/\/\INA CEB Bust round shield running r., his l. foot of Tranquillina r., draped. on prow r., he wears short chiton, leaving r. shoulder and chest bare : extends r. arm and looks behind him. 313 AE 1.2 314| AE 1.15 |QC)VPIA CABIN TP ANKVIA/\|NACé B 315| AE 1.1 |QOVPIA CABINA TP 316 ZE '85 ANKVI/\/\|NACCB (pCVPIA TPANKVIA A| NACGB Bust of Tranquillina r., draped. CAM | River-god (Im ClN (in ex.) brasos) recum- bent l., holding reed and resting against cornucopiae and reversed vase, from which a stream flows. SAMOS. 385 |NO * Obverse. Reverse. Philippus Senior. AVTKM |OVA () |A|TT|TAM ION Cultus-statue of TTOE Bust of Philip r., | Samian Hera standing facing, ser- laur., wearing cuirass and pent coiled round her modius. paludamentum. 317| AE 1.2 AVT. K. M. OVA. .q) 1/\|[A M | Tetrastyle temple, ITTTTOL Bust of Philip QN (in ex.) with arched space r., laur., wearing cuirass in centre, within which cultus-statue and paludamentum. of Samian Hera. - 318: AE 1'45 AVTKM IOVA. -(p1/\| LAM | QN Herakles naked, TTTTOE. Similar. standing to the front, head l., holds club, strung bow, and lion's skin. 319| AE 1.4 Same die. CA MI QN Emperor or Philip Junior? standing l. in front of galley, l., he wears cuirass and paludamen- tum, and holds in extended r. patera, and in l. long sceptre. 320| AE 1:35 [Pl. xxxvii. 8.] Otacilia. MQTAKIAIA LEOV|[AM |QN Cultus-statue of HPAEEB Bust of Samian Hera standing facing, ser- Otacilia r., draped. pent coiled round her modius. 321| AE 1: 15 322 AE 1:2 same die. 386 ION I.A., Metal. No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Same die. 323| AE 1.15 Same die. 324 AE 1: 15 Same die. 325| AE 1.15 M IOY (p1/\ITTTTOE KA ICAP Bust of Philip Jun. r., bare, wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. 326|| AE 1.15 Similar. 327| AE '85 4) IAITTTT OCKAICAP Bust of Philip Jun. r., bare, wearing cuirass and paludamentum. 328. AE •65 CAM 10N Tetrastyle temple, with arched space in centre, within which cultus-statue of Samian Hera. [AM 1 ON Naked hunter (An- droklos) r., charging with spear a wild boar at bay l, ; beside him hound r., attacking boar, EAM Q N Warrior armed with round shield running r., his 1. foot on prow r., he wears short chiton leaving r. shoulder and chest bare, extends r. arm and looks behind him. [Pl. xxxvii. 9..] Philippus Junior. LAM |QN Cultus-statue of Samian Hera standing facing; ser- pent coiled round her modius. CAM ION Tetrastyle temple, with arched space in centre, within which cultus-statue of Samian Hera. * EAM |ON Peacock r. SAMOS, 387 No. *::::: Obverse. Reverse. M IOY (p1/\ITTTTOC KAI | LAMſ QN Tyche standing l., LAP Bust of Philip wearing modius and holding rudder Jun. r., bare, wearing and cornucopiae. cuirass and paludamen- tum. 329| AE 1: 15 330 AE '9 EAM. I.QN .M.I.O.V.4 IAITTTTOE KA LAM ION Female figure standing IDAP Bust of Philip to the front, head 1., wears stephane, Jun. r., bare, wearing short chiton and endromides, l. cuirass and paludamen- breast bare ; she holds in r. wreath, tum. and in 1. palm. 331 /E '85 332| AE '9 LA M I (QN M1OV.4) IAITTTTOE KAI |DA M IQN Young male figure [AP Bust of Philip standing l., clad in toga " and bare- Jun. r., bare, wearing headed; holds in extended r. short cuirass and paludamen- sceptre. tum. 333 AE '85 [Pl. xxxvii. 10.] Same die. [AM | River-god (Im- QN (in ex.) brasos) recum- bent l., holding reed and cornu- copiae, and resting against reversed vase, from which a stream flows. 334| AF '85 Trajan Decius. { AYT.K.TPA ANOC. A. E. A.M. l'O N Cultus-statue of €KIOC Bust of Trajan | Samian Hera standing facing, be- Decius r., laur., wearing tween two peacocks, serpent coiled cuirass and paludamen- round her modius. tum. 335| AE 1: 15 388 IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 336 338 339 340 341 342 AE 1:15 AE 1-3 AE 1:35 AE 1'4 AE 1:35 AE 1.4 AVT. K.TPAJANOC. A €KIOC Bust of Trajan I)ecius r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. AYT.K.T. Me. KY.TPAI ANOC. AGKIOC. Bust of Trajan Decius r., radiate, wearing cuirass adorned with aegis, and paludamentum. AYT.K.T. Me. KY.T PA |ANOC.ACK! OC Bust of Trajan Decius r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamentum. same die. AYT. K.T. Me. KY.TPAI ANOC. AGKIOC. Bust of Trajan Decius r., radiate. Same die as no. 337. CAM ION Tetrastyle temple r., with arched space in centre, within which cultus-statue of Samian Hera. DAM IO N Two female figures standing to the front, the one on the l. wears stephane, long chiton, veil" and peplos; extends r, arm, and rests l. On her hip ; the one on the right (Eirene') wears long chiton, veil, and peplos ; holds in r., patera ! and on 1. arm child (Ploutos') holding cornucopiae. [Pl. xxxvii. 11.] LA M! Similar type, but QN (in ex.) figures facing each other and unveiled. same die P EA M | QN Poseidon and Zous standing naked to the front, facing each other. Poseidon on the left places r. foot on rock, rests with r. on long sceptre or trident, and holds in 1. short Sceptre P; Zeus on the r. holds in lowered r. a thunderbolt, and rests with 1. On sceptre. [Pl. xxxvii. 12.] (same dies.) (same dies.) SAMOS, 389 No. 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 Metal. Size. Obverse. Iłeverse. AYT.K.TPA ANOC-A |[AM | ON Tyche of Samos €KIOC Bust of Trajan standing 1., wearing modius ; she I)ecius r., laur., wearing holds on extended r. cultus-statue of cuirass and paludamen- Samian Hera, and in 1. cornucopiae. tum. AE 1:1 AE 1'2 |same die. CA M | QN AE '9 LAM |QN AYT.K.TPAIA NOC. |DAMI QN Tyche standing I, AGKIOC Similar. wearing modius; holds rudder resting on globe, and cornucopiae. AE 1: 1 AE •9 |AYT. K.TPAJANOC. A €KIOC AYT.K.TPAIANOC. A ||LAM! O N Warrior armed with .G.Kl OC Bust of Trajan round shield running r., his l. foot Decius r, laur., wearing on prow r., he wears short chiton cuirass and paludamen-| leaving r. shoulder and chest bare ; tum. extends r. arm and looks behind him. AE I'l AYT.K.TPAIA NOC.A CAM ION Nymph, naked but €KIOC Bust of Trajan for peplos round legs, standing r., Decius r., laur., wearing| holding with both hands a crescent- cuirass and paludamen- shaped object (fruit-basket, basin or tum. shell ?) AE 1:15 [Pl. xxxvii. 13.] 390 ION I.A. No. * Obverse. Reverse. AVTKTPAJANOI.Ae [AM ION Female figure stand- K! OL Bust of Trajan ing to the front, head l., wears ste- Decius r., laur., wearing phane, short chiton and Ondromides, cuirass and paludamen-| l. breast bare ; * she holds in T. hand tum. Wreath, and in 1. palm. 350 AE '85 AYT. K.TPA ANOC. A TTY6ATOPHL.LAM. I.QN €KIOC Bust of Trajan | Pythagoras seated l., wearing hima- Decius r., laur., wearing| tion over lower limbs, touches with cuirass and paludamen- wand held in r. a globe placed on a tum. column before him, and rests with 1. on seat ; Sceptre on 1. arm. 351 AB 1'15 [Pl. xxxvii. 14.] AYT.TPAIANOC-Ae CAMI River-god (Imbrasos) re- KIOC Bust of Trajan QN cumbent l., holding Decius r., laur., wearing reed and resting against cornucopiae cuirass and paludamen- and reversed vase, from which a tum. - stream flows. 352 AE '85 AYT.K.TPAIANOC.A. | LAMIQ Similar type, but River- €KIOC Similar. N god holds peacock on his knees instead of reed. 353 AE '9 [Pl. xxxvii. 15.] AVTTPA ANOLAG |LAM (). K! Bust of Trajan De- N (in ex.) Peacock r. cius r., laur., wearing cui- rass and paludamentum. 354 AE '65 AVT TPAIANOC Ae |C AMI QN Goat standing r. KIOC Similar. 355| AE •75 * Cf. nos supra. 249, 273, 279, 302, 331 SAMOS, 391 No * Obverse. Reverse. Etruscilla. €PeN.eTPO YCKI/\|LAM |ON Cultus-statue of /\A.CGB Bust of Samian Hera standing facing, be- Etruscilla T., wearing tween two peacocks. Stephane and draped; crescent behind bust. 356| AE 1.15 Same die. [AM |ON Tetrastyle temple with arched space in centre, within which cultus-statue of Samian Hera. 357| AE 1: 15 Same die. [A M I (). & Gº N (in ex.) Similar. 358. AE 1.15 Same die. LAM |QN Nemesis standing facing, wearing long chiton and peplos as veil; her r. arm bent touches her breast ; at her feet, l., wheel. 359| AE 1: 15 [Pl. xxxvii. 16.] 360 AE 1: 15 Same die. LAM QN Tyche standing l., wearing modius; holds rudder rest- ing on globe, and cornucopiae. 361| AE 1.15 Same die. C AM 1() Naked hunter N (in ex.) (Androklos) r., charging with spear a wild boar at bay l.; beside him hound, attacking boar. 362 AE 1:25 IONIA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 363 364 365 366 367 368 AE 1.15 AE 1-2 AE 1.15 AE 1.15 AE 1:1 AE 1:1 AE 1.05 Same die. Same die. Same die. AVT KTTOAIO €PIANOC Valerian r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. Same die. Same die. EAM | Q N Warrior armed with round shield running r., his l. foot on prow r., he wears short chiton leaving r. shoulder and chest bare; extends r. arm and looks behind him. CAM 10N Nymph, naked but for peplos round legs, standing r. ; holding with both hands a crescent- shaped object (fruit-basket, basin, or shell ?) TTYGATOPH E. D.A.M. I.ON Pythagoras seated 1., wearing hima- tion over lower limbs, touches with wand held in r., a globe placed on a column before him, and rests with 1. on Seat ; Sceptre on 1. arm. Valerian. VA/\ Bust of CAM ION Cultus-statue of Samian Hera standing facing. (statue varied.) -LAM IQN. Tetrastyle temple, with arched space in centre, within which cultus-statue of Samian Hera. §AMO8. 393 No. *. Obverse. Beverse. AVPTKTTO/\|KIONAA CA MI Similar €PIANOC (sic) QN (in ex.) * Bust of Valerian r., laur., wearing cuirass and palu- damentum. 370 AF 1 - 1 AVTKTTOAIO VIA/\el-CAM IQ[N] Nemesis standing P]|ANOC Same die facing, wearing long chiton and as no. 367. peplos as veil ; at her feet, J., wheel. 371. AE 1.0 AVPTKTTO/\l KIONA/\|CA M I QN Tyche of Samos €PIANOC (sic) standing 1., turreted, or wearing Same die as no. 370. modius; she holds on extended r. cultus-statue of Samian Hera, and in 1. cornucopiae. 372 AE 1.05 Gallienus. | AVT KTTO/AIKINITA/\ |CAM |QN Cultus-statue of Al HNOC Bust of Gal-| Samian Hera standing facing, on lienus r., laur., wearing her left Nemesis standing facing, cuirass and paludamen- wearing long chiton with peplos as tum. veil. 373 Æ 1-3 374| AE 1: 15 (same dies.) - 375 AF 1' 1 same die. CAM | QN Similar, but serpent? coiled round modius of Hera, and wheel beside Nemesis. AVT KTTOAI KI T A/\ |CAM |QN Cultus-statue of AIHNOC Bust of Gal-| Samian Hera standing facing. lienus r., laur., wearing cuirass and paludamen- tum. 376 AF 1 - 05 3 394 IONIA. No. . Obverse. Reverse. AVT.K.TTO/\|KIN. TA/\|Similar. /\|H NOC Dust of Gallienus r., laur., wear- ing cuirass and paluda- mentum. 377| ZE 1. AVT TTO/\ITA /\/\/\||EAM |QN Cultus-statue of HNOL (sic) Bust of Samian Hera, standing facing be- Gallienus 1., laur., wear-| tween two peacocks : on either side ing paludamentum, and of her head, crescent and star (moon armed with spear and and Sun). shield, on which star, same die as no. 378 of Ephesus. 378. AE 1:1 AVTKTTO/\! K TA/\/\|| LA M I Q Tetrastyle temple, HNOD. Bust of Gal- N (in cx.) with arched space lienus 1., laur., wearing in centre, within which cultus-statue cuirass and paludamen- of Samian Hera. tum. 379| AE 1.05 Same die. [AM (2N Nemesis standing facing, wearing long chiton and peplos as veil, r. arm bent with hand - on breast ; beside her, wheel. 380 AE 1. AVT KTTO/\|KIN TA/\|CAMI Q N Herakles standing /\|H|NOC Bust of to the front, head l. ; lion's skin Gallienus r., laur., wear- hanging over 1. shoulder : he rests ing cuirass and paluda-| with r. on club, and holds in l, bow mentum. and arrows. 381| AE 1:35 [Pl. xxxvii. 17.] AVT KTTO/\|KTA/\/\! | [AM ION Tyche standing l., HNOL Same die as wearing modius and holding rudder no. 379. and cornucopiae. 382 AE '95 SAMOS, Metal. No. size. Obverse. Reverse. AVT K.TTO. A. K. TA/\| LAM | Q Naked hunter /\l HNOE Bust of Gal- N (in ex.) (Androklos) r., lienus r., radiate, wearing charging with spear a wild boar at cuirass and paludamen- bay l., emerging from rocks. tum. 383 AE 1.05 AVT K.TTO. Al KIN. TA CAM | QN Warrior armed with /\/\IHNOC Bust of round shield running r., his l. foot Gallienus r., laur., wear- on prow r. ; he wears short chiton ing cuirass and paluda- leaving r. shoulder and chest bare mentum. extends r. arm and looks behind him. 384 AE 1.05 AVT K.TTO/\|K. TA/\|CAM River-god (Imbrasos) /\l HNOC Bust of ION (in ex.) recumbent l., hold- Gallienus r., laur., wear- ing reed and resting against cornu- ing cuirass and paluda-| copiae and reversed vase, from which mentum. a stream flows. 385| AE '8 386 AE 75 |AVTK.TTO/\|.TA/\/\|H|CAM | (cornucopiae want- NOC QN (in ex.) ing.) Salonina. CAAQNXPVC OTO CAM |QN Cultus-statue of NHCe Bust of Salo-| Samian Hera standing facing. nina T., draped. 387| AE 1: 1 CA/\XPVCOT OTON | . [...A. M. I.Q.N. Cultus-statue of HCe. (sic) Similar Samian Hera standing between two peacocks: on either side of her head crescent and star (moon and Sun.) 388. AE 1. 396 IONIA,-SAMOS, Metal. No Size. Obverse. Reverse. CAAQNXPVC OſON |CAM 1 QN Tyche standing 1, HCe Same die as wearing modius and holding rudder no. 387. and cornucopiae. 389. AE 1 CA/\QN |..}{PV VCOſ |[AM |QN Similar. ONH. (sic) Bust of Salonina r., draped ; cres- cent behind shoulders. 390 AE 1:1 Saloninus. KOPA/\OVA/\6/\|AN |CA M! Two naked children OC (sic) Bust of Salo- QN (in ex.) seated face to face, ninus r, laur., wearing playing with astra- cuirass and paludamen- gali before the cultus-statue of tum. Samian Hera. 391 || AE '85 [Pl. xxxvii. 18.] IND EX E S. I. Geographical. II. Types. III. Symbols and Countermarks. IV. A. Kings and Rulers. IV. B. Magistrates' Names on Autonomous Coins. IV. C. Magistrates' Names on Imperial Coins. V. Roman Magistrates' Names. VI. Engravers' Names. VII. Remarkable Inscriptions. ( 399 ) IN DE X I. G E O G R A PHIC A. L. The numbers in this and the following Indexes, refer to the page A. Abydus? 7. Arsinoë-Ephesus, 55 sq. Athens? 5. C. Cebrenia? 4, 5, 11. Chalcis 2 13, 14. Chios, 7, 328. Clazomenae? 8, 17, 326. Clazomenae, 17. Colophon, 36. Corinth? 4, 5. Cos ? 6. Cyme 2 8, 327. Cyrene P 2, 4, 6. Cyzicus 2 9. Cyzicus, 325. D. Dardanus? 3, 8, 10. Didyma, 189. in the Catalogue. Eion ? 10. Ephesus, 47. Ephesus and Alexandria, 112 sq. Ephesus and Pergamum, 110. Ephesus and Sardes, 112 sq. Bphesus and Smyrna, 110 sq. Ephesus, Smyrna and Pergamum, 110. Eresus? 6. Erythrae P 6. Erythrae, 116. Erythrae and Chios, 150. Eurydicea-Ephesus, 56. H. Heraclea ad Latmum, 151. Iasus, 325. Icaria, 347. Ionian League, 16. 400 INDEX I. L. Lampsacus P 326 sq. Larissa, 153. Lebedus, 154. Leuce, 157. M. Magnesia ad Maeandrum, 158. Magnesia and Ephesus, 174. Methymna? 8. Metropolis, 175. Miletus? 1 sqq., 5. Miletus, 183. Miletus and Ephesus, 202. N. Naulochus, 202. Oenoe, 347. Parium ? 13. Phocaea, 203. Phocaea and Lampsacus, 227. Phygela, 229. Samos ? 8. Samos, 348. Sardes f 1. Sicyon? 9. Smyrna Vetus? 9 sq., 236. Smyrna, 237. Smyrna and Athens, 301. Smyrna and Laodicea, 307. Smyrna and Nicomedia, 303. Smyrna and Pergamum, 305. Smyrna and Perinthus, 302. T. Teos, 309. Thasos ? 9. Thrace P 9. Z. Zeleia P 9. INT) EX II. TYP E S. A. Agonistic Table.—Ephesus, 92. Agonistic Urn.—Metropolis, 181. Alexander the Great, Vision of.- Smyrna, 279, 294, 296. Altar.—Smyrna, 249, 268. Altar, portable.—Smyrna, 243. Amazon crowned by Nike.— Phocaea, 225. Amazon Smyrna, head of.--Smyrna, 254 sqq. Amazon Smyrna, seated.—Smyrna, 274, 279, 282. Amazon Smyrna, standing.— Smyrna, 250, 254, 265, 289, 292, 293,295, 297, 298, 300. Amazon Smyrna and Asklepios.- Smyrna and Pergamum, 305. Amazon Smyrna and Peragmum.— Smyrna and Pergamum, 305. Amazon Smyrna and Tyche of Nicomedia.—Smyrna and Ni- comedia, 303. Amazon Smyrna and Tyche of Perinthus.--Smyrna and Perin- thus, 302. Amazons, Two.—Ephesus Smyrna, 111. 180, and Amphora.-Teos, 314 ; Chios, 332, 334 Sqq., 341, 343 844. ; Samos, 361. Amphora and Grapes.—Teos, 316. Amphora in vine-wreath.-Chios, 333, 334, 337. Anakreon, head of.-Teos, 316. Anakreon, seated.—Teos, 317, 322. Anakréon, standing.—Teos, 317. Anaxagoras, Seated on globe.— Clazomenae, 28. Anaxagoras, standing. — Clazo- menae, 33. Androklos, carrying dead boar.— Ephesus, 78, 94, 105, 108. Androklos, spearing boar.—Samos, 378, 379, 381—384, 386, 391, 395. Animal, uncertain.—Early electrum, 15. Ankaeos, standing, holding patera and resting on Sceptre.—Samos, 370. Antinois, head of.-Ephesus, 78; Smyrna, 278. 'Atrºvn, Waggon drawn by mules.— Ephesus, 82, 84, 86, 87, 96, 97, 100, 103, 105, 107. Aphrodite, standing.—Teos, 321. Aphrodite Stratonikis, statue of.- Smyrna, 239–241, 266—268. 3 F 402 INDEX II. Apis, Bull.—Ephesus and Alex- andria, 115. Apollo, head of.-Clazomenae, 19, 20, 23; Colophon, 36–40 ; IErythrae, 127, 133; Larissa, 153; Leuce, 157; Magnesia, 159, 160, 163; Miletus, 189— 197; Smyrna, 238, 239, 242– 247. Apollo, standing, holding olive. branch.—Magnesia, 158. Apollo, standing on Maeander pat- tern, beside tripod and holding branch.-Magnesia, 162. Apollo Didymeus, head of.—Mile- tus, 189. Apollo Didymous, cultus-statue of. —Miletus, 197—201. Apollo Didymeus and Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statues of, side by side.—Miletus and Ephesus, 202. Apollo T)idymous, Miletus, 202. Apollo Hikesios and Artemis.- IEphesus, 79, 102. Apollo Kitharoedos.-Colophon, 40, 41 ; Magnesia, 164, 168. Apollo Klarios, seated.—Colophon, 43—45. Apollo Klarios, seated between Artemis and Nemesis, standing. —Colophon, 42. Apollo Klarios, Colophon, 45. Apollo and Dionysos facing one another.—Chios, 342. Apollo and Dionysos, standing to front.—Chios, 342–345. Argo, the ship.–Magnesia, 167, 173. temple of.- temple of.- Arsinoë () head of.-Ephesus, 55, 56. Artemis, head of.-Colophon, 40; Ephesus, 53, 54, 57–60, 69 ; Magnesia, 162, 163; Phocaea, 210; Oenoe, 347. Artemis seated, pouring libation.— Ephesus, 104, 108. Artemis, standing beside tree.— Iöphesus, 90, 98, 100, 102, 103, 107, 109. Artemis, holding torch.-Ephesus, 100, 101, 103, 106, 109. Artemis, running, carrying torches.—Ephesus, 108. Artemis, riding on stag.—Ephesus, 80, 98. Artemis, in biga of stags.-Ephesus, 77, 81, 85, 97, 99, 100. Artemis, huntress.-Ephesus, 69, 84–86, 90, 93, 96, 97, 101– 103, 105, 107–109. Artemis, huntress, and Sarapis.- Ephesus and Alexandria, 113. Artemis, Seizing stag.—Ephesus, 82, 87, 91, 101, 104. Artemis, cultus-statue of, holding patera and bow, at her feet stag.—Miletus, 198, 199. Artemis, cultuš-statue of, veiled and wearing modius, holding patera and bow. — Miletus, 200, 202. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of.- Ephesus, 71, 72, 73, 76; Ephesus and Smyrna, 112 ; Teos, 320. Artemis, Ephesia, cultus-statue of, with Asklepios.—Ephesus and Pergamum, 110. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between Nemesis and Askle- two TYPES. 403 pios.-Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum, 110. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between two Nemeses.— Ephesus and Smyrna, 110, 111. Artemis Ephesia and Sardian goddess, cultus-statues of.- JEphesus and Sardes, 112. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between two horsemen (Cara- calla and Geta).-Ephesus, 85, 89. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between two stags.-Ephesus, 80, 83, 84, 96, 99. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between Rivers Kaystros and JKonchrios.-Ephesus, 78. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between Sarapis and Isis. – Bphesus and Alexandria, 112. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of, between two temples.— Bpliesus, 78. Artemis Ephesia, temple of.- Ephesus, 86, 92, 95. Artemis Ephesia, temple of, between two other temples.—Ephesus, 83. Artemis Klaria, cultus-statue of.- Colophon, 42, 43. Artemis Leukophryene, cultus-statue of.-Magnesia, 163–165, 169. Artemis Leukophryene, temple of. —Magnesia, 164. Artemis Leukophryene and Ar- temis Ephesia, temples of.- Magnesia and Ephesus, 174. Artemis Munychia, head of.- Phygela, 228. Artemis IPanionios. –Smyrna, 254. Artemis and Apollo Hikesios.- Dphesus, 79. Artemis and Sarapis, jugate busts of. —Ephesus and Alexandria, 113. Artemision.—Ephesus, 77, 78. Asklepios, standing.—Clazomenae, 30, 34, 35; Erythrae, 146, 148, 149. Asklepios and Hygieia.--Smyrna, 282. Asklepios and Kybele.—Smyrna and Pergamum, 306. Asklepios and two Nemeses.— Smyrna and Pergamum, 306. Asklepios and Tyche. —Smyrna and Pergamum, 306. Astragalizontes, before cultus-statue of Artemis Ephesia.-Ephesus, 87, 88. Astragalizontes, before cultus-statue of Hera Samia-Samos, 396. Astraios, River-god.—Metropolis, 178, 179. Athena, head of.-Clazomenae, 21 sqq., 29, 30; Erythrae, 131, 132, 139, 141, 143 ; Heraclea, 151 ; Lebedus, 154, 155; Leuce, 157; Magnesia, 160, 163; Metropolis, 175; Nau- lochus, 202; Phocaea, 210, 217; Priene, 229–233; Smyrna, 252; Orontas, Satrap, 326. Athena, standing.—Colophon, 42, 46; Erythrae, 142; Magnesia, 172; Phocaea, 220, 222, 223, 225; Smyrna, 253, 262. Athena, standing Smyrna, 258. Athena, standing with owl beside her.—Lebedus, 156. Athena, standing holding globe and sceptre (?)—Miletus, 200. Sacrificing.— 404 INDEX Il. Athena, advancing.—Clazomenae, 31 ; Lebedus, 155, 156. Athena on Prow.—Lebedus, 155. Athena and Helios, heads of.- Erythrae, 127. Athena Polias, holding Nike and spear.—Priene, 234, 235. Athlete (?)—Colophon, 44. Augustus, temple of.-Teos, 319. Axos, River-god.—Erythrae, 143, 144. IB. Bacchic mask.-Teos, 316. Bee.—Ephesus, 47 sqq.; Smyrna, 249, 252. Boar, winged, fore-part of.-Cla- zomenae, 8, 17, 18, 27, 28; Orontas, Satrap, 326; Samos, 354, 355, 359, 360. Boar, winged, running.—Clazo- menac, 30. Boar, transfixed by spear.— Ephesus, 87, 88,90, 95. Boar's head.—Clazomenae, Leuce, 157 ; Phocaea, 207. Dow.—Erythrae, 133. Bow in case.—Erythrae, 127. Bow in case, and club.-Smyrna, 260. Bow and Quiver.—Ephesus, 53, 54, 55. Boy, naked, on fore-part of horse.— Erythrae, 118. Bull.—Phygela, 228 ; Smyrna, 249, 278. Bull, butting.—Oenoe, 347. Bull, butting, and Maeander pattern. —Magnesia, 158—161, 163. Bull, humped.—Smyrna, 351. Bull, head and neck of.-Phocaea, 17; 213; Samos, 349—351, 353, 354, 357. Bull's head.—Erythrae, 121; Pho- caea, 206 ; Samos, 351, 352. Bull, fore-part of.-Samos (?) 8; Phocaea, 213; Samos, 350, 352, 357–359, 361—363, 365 —367, 369. Bull, fore-part of, head turned back. —Samos, 349. Bull, fore-part of and Maeander pattern.—Magnesia, 159, 160. Bull, man-headed.—Phocaea, 203. C. Calf's head.—Phocaea, 207. Capricorn.—Smyrna, 267. Centaur, carrying off woman.—Early electrum, 9. Chimaera.-Early electrum, 9. Cista mystica.—Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 63–68; Magnesia, 168; Smyrna (cistophorus), 237. Cista mystica and serpent.—Teos, 3.16. Cista mystica, Bacchic mask and thyrsos.-Teos, 316. Club.-Clazomenae, 29; Erythrae, 127, 133, 139, 142, 143; Heraclea, 151, 152. Club, Bow, and Cloven Hoof, Lrythrae, 124. Club, Bow, and Bow-case, crossed. —Erythrae, 126. Club and Bow in case.—Erythrae, 122–128, 134, 135, 139, 141 ; Heraclea, 151. Club and Bow in case within vine- wreath. —Erythrae, 134. TYPES. 405 Club, Bow in case, and Bee.— Erythrae, 140. Club and Nike.—Heraclea, 151. Cock.—Early electrum, 8. Cock and Hen, Early electrum, 3. Cock and Palm branch.-Ephesus, 69. Cocks, two.—Darly electrum, 10. Corn, two ears of, between two poppies.—Erythrae, 143. Corn, four ears of.-Erythrae, 143. Cow, forepart of.-Phocaea, 213. Cow suckling calf.-Ephesus, 96. Crab.-Early electrum, 6; Smyrna, 270. Cray-fish (dorrakós).-Early elec- trum, 12. Crescent and Star.—Magnesia, 172. Crest of Helmet.—Heraclea, 152. Cross, with pellets at extremities.— Early electrum, 2. Cross in vine wreath.-Chios, 332. Cuneiform strokes.—Early electrum, 2, 15. I). Demeter, head of.-Phocaea, 210. Demeter, standing.—Clazomenae, 35 ; Smyrna and Nicomedia, 304. I)emeter, standing before altar, holding poppy and corn, and resting on long torch.- Erythrae, 143. Demeter, standing holding ears of corn, and resting on long torch. —Erythrae, 146, 148. Demeter, standing holding poppy and two ears of corn, and resting on long torch.—Erythrae, 147. Demeter (?), veiled, standing, holding branch. — Smyrna, 249. Demeter, in serpent chariot.—Ionian kouvów, 16. T]emeter, in serpent chariot, holding two torches.—Magnesia, 165. T)emeter Horia, bust of, holding two ears of corn and cornucopiae, —Erythrae, 144. Demeter Horia, bust of.--Smyrna, 265, 266. Demeter Horia (?), Domitia in cha- racter of.--Smyrna, 273. Demeter Horia, standing.—Smyrna, 276. Demos, head of.-Erythrae, 142. ‘Dendrophoros.”—Magnesia, 173. Dionysos, young, head of.- Erythrae, 130, 131 ; Phocaea, 208; Smyrna, 253; Teos, 313; Oenoe, 347. Dionysos, young, head of, turreted. —Teos, 317, 318. Dionysos, infant, in cradle.—Mag- nesia, 168, 174. Dionysos, infant, seated on cista mystica.-Magnesia, 172, 173. Dionysos, infant, on cista mystica in temple, in front altar, and one of the Korybantes.— Magnesia, 166. Dionysos, seated.—Teos, 321. Dionysos, standing.—Clazomenae, 34; Teos, 317–321. Dionysos, holding grapes and thyrsos under arching vines.— Magnesia, 170. Dionysos, holding kantharos and thyrsos—Lebedus, 155, 156 : Magnesia, 166. Dionysos, with Bacchante before 406 INDIX II. him beating cymbals.-Mag- nesia, 166, 169. Dionysos and youthful Pan.—Teos, 3.18. Dionysos and Semele.—Smyrna, 251, 287. Dioskuri.-Phocaea, 220–222, 226. Dioskuri, caps of the.—Colophon, 40. T]iota ()—Erythrae, 142. Dog, attacking dolphin.—Phocaea, 219, 223, 224, 227. Dolphin.—Smyrna, 252. Dolphin, within circular Maeander pattern.—Naulochus, 202. E. Eagle.—Early electrum, 7, 14; Magnesia, 158; Smyrna, 255. Lagle, with wreath in beak.-- Magnesia, 168; on altar, Mag- nesia, 172. Tagles, two ; between them, crescent and star.—Magnesia, 173. Eagle's or Griffin's head (?) in in- cuse square.—Ephesus, 50. Eirene.—Ephesus, 97. Eirene, winged, in attitude of Nemesis.--Smyrna, 271. JEirene, carrying infant Ploutos, standing beside another female divinity.—Samos, 388. Bmperors and Imperial personages, heads, busts, etc. :— Augustus.-Clazomenae, 31 ; Eph- esus, 71, 72 ; Erythrae, 145 ; Phocaea, 221; Smyrna, 266, 267; Teos, 319; Samos, 371. Augustus and Livia.-Ephesus, 72, 73; Smyrna, 267. Augustus and Tiberius.--Smyrna, 268. Livia.-Clazomenae, 31. Lºvča and ‘Senatus.”—Smyrna, 268. Caius and Lucius.-Clazomenae, 31. Tiberius.--Smyrna, 268. Tiberius, Livia, and ‘Senatus,’ (temple of).—Smyrna, 268. Germanicus and Agrippina I.- Smyrna, 269. Caligula.-Miletus, 197, 198; Smyrna, 269, 270; Samos, 371. Drusilla.-Miletus, 198; as Per- sephone, seated.—Smyrna, 269. Claudius—Miletus, 198; Phocaea, 221; Samos, 371. Claudius and Agrippina II.- Ephesus, 73; Smyrna, 270. Agrippina II—Samos, 372. Britannicus. – Clazomenae, 32; Smyrna, 270. Nero.—Ephesus, 74; Magnesia, 164; Miletus, 198; Priene, 234 ; Smyrna, 270, 271 ; Teos, 3.19. Nero and Agrippina.--Smyrna, 270, 271. Nero and Poppaea.—-Ephesus, 74; Smyrna, 271. Octavia.-Teos, 319, 320. Poppaea (as Nike').--Smyrna, 271. Vespasian.—Erythrae, 146; Pho- caea, 221; Lebedus, 156; º Smyrna, 272, 273, 275, 276. Titus and Domitian. — Erythrae, 146; Smyrna, 272, 273. Julia, Titi f—Smyrna, 275. Domitian.—Ephesus, 75 ; Ephesus and Smyrna, 110, 111; Miletus, 199; Phocaea, 221 ; Smyrna, 273, 274 ; Samos, 372. ' TYPIES. 407 Domótíam and Domitía.—Ephesus, 75. Domitia. — Ephesus and Smyrna, 111, 112 ; Phocaea, 221 ; Samos, 373; Smyrna, 274 ; (as IDemeter Horia ?) Smyrna, 273. Trajan. — Clazomenae, 32; Colo- phon, 42; Ephesus, 76 ; Eryth- rae, 146 ; Metropolis, 175 ; Miletus, 199 ; Smyrna, 276 ; Samos, 373 ; (with trophy and captive Parthia), Clazomenae, 32. Hadríam.—Clazomenae, 32 ; Ephe- sus, 77 ; Lebedus, 156 ; Mag- nesia, 165 ; Miletus, 199; Smyrna, 277 ; Samos, 373. Sabina.— Erythrae, 146 ; Phocaea, 222 ; Smyrna, 277, 278; Teos, 320. Antìnoiis.—Ephesus, 78; Smyrna, 278. Antoninu8 Pius.—-Ephesus, 78—80; Ephesus, Smyrna, and Perga- mum, 110 ; Erythrae, 147 ; Magnesia, 165 ; Phocaea, 222; Smyrna, 278 ; Samos, 373. I'austina Senior.—Smyrna, 279. Marcus Aurelius. — I phesus, 80 ; Ephesus and Sardes, 112 ; IErythrae, 147 ; Lebedus, 156 ; Magnesia, 165 ; Miletus and Ephesus, 202 ; Phocaea, 222 ; Smyrna, 279 ; Smyrma amd Nicomedia, 303 ; Smyrma and Laodicea, 307, 308; Samos, 374. M. Aurelius and L. Verus.—Pho- caea, 222 ; (sacrificing to Arte- mis Ephesia), Ephesus, 81. Aureliu8 and Commodus.— Miletus, 200. M. I'austina Junior.—Ephesus, 80, 81 ; Miletus, 200 ; Phocaea, 223; Smyrna, 279, 280 ; Smyrna and Laodicea, 308 ; Samos, 374. Lucius Verus. — Ephesus, Smyrna, 280. Lucilla.— Phocaea, 280. Commodus.— Clazomenae, 32, 33 ; Ephesus, 81, 82 ; Ephesus and Pergamum, 110 ; Erythrae, 147 ; Phocaea, 223 ; Phocaea and Lampsacus, 227; Smyrna, 281 ; Smyrna and Athens, 301, 302 ; Smyrna and Nicomedia, 303, 304 ; Teos, 320 ; Samos, 374, 375 ; (in biga), Smyrna and Nicomedia, 304. Crìspina.—Smyrna, and Nicomcdia, 304 ; Teos, 330 ; Samos, 375. Albìnus.—Smyrna, 281, 282. Sept. Severus.—Ephesu§, 83; Eryth- rae, 148; Phocaea, 223 ; Smyrna, 282, 283; Samos, 376; (on horseback), Samos, 376 ; (statue of), Metropolis, 176, 177, 179, 182. Sept. Severu8 and Caracalla.—Samos, 376. Sept. Severu8 8eated between Cara- calla and Geta.—283. Julia Domna.—Clazomenae, 33 ; Colophon, 42; Ephesus, 84; Metropolis, 176; Miletus, 200 ; Phocaea, 224; Smyrma, 284— 287 ; Teos, 321. Caracalla.—Clazomenae, 33, 34; Colophom, 42, 43; Ephesus, 85, 86; Magnesia, 166, 167 ; Magnesia and Ephesus, 174; Metropolis, 176; Phocaea, 224; 81 ; 223 ; Smyrna, 408 INDIEX II. 287–290; Smyrna 305—307; Smyrna, and Pergamum, Samos, 376, 377. (crowned by Nike), Smyrna,288. Caracalla and Domna.—Smyrna, 291. Caracalla and Geta.-Clazomenae, 34; Ephesus, 89. Plautilla.-Miletus, 200. Geta-Clazomenae, 34; Ephesus, 87,88; Miletus, 201 ; Smyrna, 291, 292; Samos, 377. Macrinus.-Ephesus,89, 90; Samos, 378. Diadumenian.—Ephesus, 90. Elagabalus. – Ephesus, 90–92; Magnesia, 167; Samos, 378, 379. —— crowned by Helios.-Ephesus, 92, 93. Julia Paula.-Ephesus, 92; Eryth- rae, 148. Annia Faustina.—Ephesus, 92. Julia Maesa,—Ephesus, 93; Mag- nesia, 167; Samos, 379. Severus Alexander. — Clazomenae, 35; Ephesus, 93–95; Eryth- rac, 148; Magnesia, 167, 168 ; Metropolis, 176, 177; Phocaea, 224; Priene, 234; Smyrna, 292, 293.; Samos, 379, 380. Barbia Orbiana.-Ephesus, 96. Julia Mamaea. — Ephesus, 96; Erythrae, 148; Magnesia, 168; Metropolis, 177; Smyrna, 293, 294; Samos, 380, 381. Maacăminus.-Ephesus, 96; Mag- nesia, 169. Maximinus and Maa'imus.-Phocaea, 225; Smyrna, 294; (seated figures of), Phocaea, 225; Smyrna, 294. Maarimus.-Erythrae, 149; Mag- nesia, 169, 170; Phocaea, 226 ; Samos, 381. Balbinus.—Miletus, 201. Gordian III. (Pius).-Colophon, 43; Ephesus, 97 ; Ephesus and Alexandria, 112–115; Magnesia, 170–172; Metro- polis, 177, 178; Miletus, 201; Phocaea, 226; Smyrna, 294, 295; Smyrna and Perinthus, 302; Samos, 381—383. Tranquillina. —Iphesus, 97, 98; Metropolis, 178; Smyrna, 295, 296; Samos, 384. Philip Senior. — Colophon, 43 ; Ephesus, 98; Metropolis, 179; I’hocaea, 226 ; Smyrna, 296 ; Samos, 385. Philip Senior or junior standing before galley.—Samos, 385. Otacilia. Severa.—Colophon, 43, 44; Ephesus, 98, 99; Erythrae, 149; Magnesia, 172, 173; Metropolis, 179, 180 ; Phocaea, 227 ; Priene, 235; Smyrna, 296 ; Samos, 385, 386. Philip junior-Ephesus, 99, 100 ; Magnesia, 173; Phocaea, 227 ; Samos, 386, 387. Trajan Decius.-Colophon, 44; Ephesus, 100; Samos, 387– 390. Ijtruscilla.-Colophon, 44; Samos, 391, 392. Herennius Etruscus. – Colophon, 44. Trebonianus Gallus. – Magnesia, 173. Volusian.—Colophon, 45. Valerian.—Clazomenae, 35 ; Colo- phon, 45, 46; Ephesus, 100– TYPES. 409 103; Priene, 235; Smyrna,297; Teos, 321 ; Samos, 392, 393, Valerian and Gallienus.--Miletus, 201. Gallienus.--Clazomenae, 35; Colo- phon, 46; Ephesus, 104–107; Erythrae, 149; Magnesia, 174; Metropolis, 180, 181; Miletus, 201, 202; Smyrna, 297–300; Teos, 321, 322; Samos, 393— 395. Salonina. — Ephesus, 107 — 109; Metropolis, 181, 182; Smyrna, 300 ; Samos, 395, 396. Saloninus or Valerian Jun.—Ephesus, 109; Metropolis, 182; Teos, 322 ; Samos, 396. Ephesus, City, standing before seated Emperor ()—Ephesus, 94. Erinys () winged, running, holding torch.-Ephesus, 101. - Eros driving quadriga of Hades.— Ionian kouvóv, 16. Erythros, with foot on prow, armed with spear and sword.—Eryth- rae, 142. Eurydike () (Lysimachi filia), head of.-Ephesus () 56.. Eye.—Early electrum, 6. F. Female head of archaic style.—Pho- caea, 203. Female head, horned. — Phocaea, 211. Female heads, various, uncertain.— Phocaea, 211—213, 216. Female figure standing with her hands on her breasts.-Teos, 317. Female figure in short chiton, hold- ing wreath and palm.—Samos, 383, 387, 390. Female figure in short chiton, hold- ing wreath and sceptre.— Samos, 375, 379, 380. Female figure on horseback.- Ephesus, 89. Fire-altar, Persian (“Atesh-gah'). —Satraps, 324. Fire-beacon.—Erythrae, 144, 147. Floral device, three silphium flowers. —Early electrum, 2, 4. Flower, stellate.—Early electrum, 6; Erythrae, 116, 117, 119— 121. Flower, stellate, segment of.-Eryth- rae, 117. Fox in oblong incuse.-Miletus, 183, 184. G. Galley.—Ephesus, 88, 89 ; Phocaea, 219 ; Smyrna, 258, 259, 289, 299. Goat.—Samos, 390. Goat, fore-part of.-Early electrum, 15. Goat's head.—Early electrum, 11. Goat-like human head. — Early electrum, 5. Goddess wearing short chiton and modius, holding spear and globe ()—Erythrae, 139. Goose.—Early electrum, 10. Gorgoneion.—Early electrum, 13; Clazomenae, 18, 27. Grapes.—Erythrae, 130, 131 ; Teos, 314, 316, 317; Chios, 340; Oenoe, 347. Grapes on vine leaf.-Ephesus (cis- tophorus), 64. 3 G 410 INDEX II. Griffin, seated.—Early electrum, 4; Teos, 309—316; Samos, 355– 357. Griffin, female, scated.—Toos, 311, 316. Griffin, seated with fore-paw on whoel.—Smyrna, 257, 258, 280. Griffin, standing.—Teos, 317. Griffin, walking. — Phocaca, 218, 223. Griffin, running.—Teos, 313, 315. Griffin, fore-part of.-Phocaea, 205, 217, 221. Griffin, head and neck of.-Phocaea, 215, 216. Griffin's head. — Early electrum, 5; Phocaea, 205, 206, 215, 216. 214, H. IIädes carrying off Persephone.— Ionian League, 16. Hand in caestus.--Smyrna, 242. IIands, two, in caestus.—Smyrna, 243. Head, young male, diademed.— Clazomenae, 28, 30. Head, female, turreted.—Ephesus, 55. IIekate.—Fphesus, 104. Helios, head of.-Brythrae, 132; Magnesia, 164. IHelios and Selene, Smyrna, 293. IIelios-Sarapis standing.—Magnesia, 167. Helmet.—Phocaea, 214. Hera, head of. — Phocaea, Samos, 363—369. Samia, cultus-statue heads of..— 209; EIera of.- Samos, 370–374, 376–382, 385–387, 391—395. Iſora Samia and Nemesis.—Samos, 374, 381, 393. IIera Samia, temple of.-Samos, 372, 377, 379, 382, 385, 386, 388, 391—394. Herakleitos, the Philosopher, hold- ing club.-Ephesus, 98. IIerakles, young, head of.-Eryth- rae, 117, 118, 122—130, 134— 139. Herakles, bearded, head of.—Fryth- rae, 122, 140–142; Heraclea," 152; Smyrna, 251. IHerakles Hoplophylax, head of.- Smyrna, 259, 260. Herakles, bust of, bow in case, and club.-ICrythrae, 135–139. IIerakles, infant, strangling ser- pents.-ISphesus, 51 ; Samos, 362. Herakles, archaic statue of, wielding club and holding Erythrae, 146. Herakles resting on club.-Mag- nesia, 170; Phocaea, 218. Herakles wielding club.-Erythrae, 142, 144. Herakles wielding club and holding lance.—Erythrae, 145. Herakles standing.—Samos, 394. Herakles standing, holding kan- tharos and club.-Smyrna, 284, 285, 291, 294–296, 300. Herakles standing, holding kotyle and club.-Smyrna, 274, 276. IIerakles and Demeter standing face to face.—Erythrae, 148. Herakles, temple 147. lance.— 385, of. — Erythrae, TYPES. 411 Hermes, head of.-Phocaea, 208, 217. Hermes holding purse and caduceus. —Ephesus, 87. Hermes carrying infant Dionysos. – Teos, 316. Hermos, River-god.—Smyrna, 272, 273. Herophile (the sibyl) seated.— Erythrae and Chios, 150. Homer seated.—Colophon, 41, 44— 46; Smyrna, 238, 244–247, 262; Chios, 346. Homonoia. — Ephesus, 91, Phocaea, 222; Smyrna, 252, 255, 262, 266. Homonoia crowned by Phocaca, 223. Hoplite kneeling.—Satraps, 326. IIorse.—Colophon, 40; Magnesia, 163. Horse prancing.—Early electrum, 8. 103 ; 250, Nike.— Horse held by naked man,—Eryth- rae, 119–121. IIorse, head of.-Early electrum, 10, 11 ; Satraps, 327. Horse, fore-part of.-Colophon, 38– 40 ; Satraps, 327. Horse (winged), fore-part of.- Rarly electrum, 3, 7 ; Satraps, 326, 327. Horseman, naked.—Erythrae, 118, 119. Horseman with flying chlamys.- Clazomenae, 31, 33. Horseman, armed.—Colophon, 39, 40; Larissa, 153 ; Magnesia, 158—163. Horseman holding sceptre.-Clazo- menae, 30. Hygieia.--Smyrna, 279. I. Imbrasos, River-god.—Samos, 373, 375, 378, 380, 383, 384, 387, 390, 395. Incuse circle containing bull's head. —Tºrythrae, 122. Incuse circle containing star.—Mi- letus, 187, 188. Incuse square.—Early electrum, 4– 7, 9–11, 13–15 ; Ephesus, 47; Erythrae, 116 — 118; Phocaea, 203—207 ; Chios, 328; Samos, 348, 349. Incuse square, rough.-Phocaea, 215; Smyrna vetus, 236; Teos, 309; Samos, 350, 351. Incuse square quartered.—Eorly electrum, 5–11 ; Clazomenae, 17, 18, 27; Ephesus, 48, 49; Erythrae, 117, 118; Miletus, 184; Phocaea, 203 — 216; Teos, 309—312 ; Chios, 328– 330, 332; Samos, 349— 351. Incuse ‘mill-sail.’—Early electrum, 10; Clazomenae, 18; Phocaea, 204 ; Teos, 312. Incuse square, granulated, quartered by broad bands,-Chios, 331. Incuse with granulated pattern,-- Satraps, 323, 324. Incuse square, striated, quartered by broad bands.-Chios, 331. Incuse containing irregular lines.— I'rythrae, 116. Incuse containing lines and pel- lets.-Erythrae, 117. Incuse Square containing star.— Miletus, 184—187. Incuse square containing frame with star in centre.—Phocaea, 215. 412 INDEX II. Incuse Squares, two.-Early elec- trum, 9; Clazomenae, 17. Incube square, halved.—Miletus, 184. Incuse oblong, halved.—Early elec- trum, 3; Ephesus, 47. Incuses, two, oblong and triangular. —Samos, 348. Incuses, oblong and square.—Eryth- rae, 117. Incuses, three (oblong between two Squares).-Miletus or Sardes, 1 ; Early electrum, 2. Incuse, oblong, between two incuse Squares.—Ephesus, 47; Mile- tus, 183. Incuse, cruciform.—Early electrum, 13; Erythrae, 116. Ionian League, the thirteen cities personified.—Colophon, 45. Isis holding Bistrum and situla.- Magnesia, 166, 168, 170. Isis Pharia or Pelagia.-Phocaea, 226 ; Ephesus and Alexandria, 113. Ivy-wreath.-Teos, 315. F. Yalathos containing four ears of corn.—Erythrae, 144. Kaleon, River-god.—Smyrna, 278. Rantharos.-Teos, 313, 314; Chios, 340. Kantharos and grapes.—Teos, 314. Raystros and Kenchrios, River- gods.—Ephesus, 78. Kenchrios, River-god.—Ephesus, 94. Ring of Persia, kneeling as on the TJarics.-Satraps, 323—325. Klazomene, bust of.-Clazomenae, 30. Krater supporting vessel containing fire-Smyrna, 239. Kybele, head of.--Smyrna, 237— 241, 243, 250, 252. Kybele seated.—Metropolis, 177, 178; Smyrna, 270, 273, 275, 281–283, 297, 298. Kybele standing.—Clazomenae, 32, 33, 35. Kybele in biga of lions.—Smyrna, 281. Kybele Sipylene, head of.-Smyrna, 255, 256, 258. Kybele and Athena.--Smyrna and Athens, 302. Kybele and Demeter.—Smyrna and Nicomedia, 303. FCybele and Phokaea, standing face to face.—Phocaea, 219, 223, 224, 226, 227. Rybele or Tyche of Metropolis.- Metropolis, 175. L. Leto carrying her two children.— Ephesus, 104; Magnesia, 165, 167, 172; Miletus, 200, 201. Lion with head lowered,—Miletus, 185. Lion standing.—Smyrna, 238. Lion looking back.-Leuce, 157. Lion standing looking back at star. —Miletus, 189—199. Lion walking.—Smyrna, 256. Lion walking with head turned back. —Miletus, 184, 188. Lion recumbent, with head turned back.-Miletus, 183, 184. Lion recumbent, looking back at star.—Miletus, 197. Lion with forepaw on tympanum.— Smyrna, 256, 280. TYPES. 413 Lion, fore-part of.-Phocaea, 206. Lion, fore-part of, head turned back. —Miletus, 184—187. Lion's head of archaic style.—Early electrum, 9, 10 ; Smyrna vetus, 236. Lion's head.—Miletus, 187; Pho- caea, 206; Samos, 359, 360. Lion’s head in linear Square.— Samos, 352. Lion's head in square of double lines.—Samos, 352. Lion’s head in dotted Square.— Samos, 355. Lion's head and fore-leg.—Miletus, 187, 188. Lion's head facing.—Samos, 348– 351. Lions' heads, two, to front, in oppo- site directions. – Miletus or Sardes, 1. Lion's scalp.–Samos, 350–355, 357–359, 361—368. Lion's skin, Club and Wreath.- Ephesus (eistophorus), 64. Lioness, head of.-Samos, 356, 360. Lyre.—Colophon, 36–38; Smyrna, 239, 244; Teos, 313, 315 ; Satraps, 325. M. Maeander pattern.—Priene, 230— 232. See also types combined with Maeander pattern. Male figure, naked, with clenched fists.-Ephesus, 109. Male figure, naked, resting on staff, helmet at his feet.—Chios, 340, 342, 344. Male figure, youthful, holding sceptre. —Samos, 387. Man holding by the halter a bull at the entrance of a cavern.—Mag- nesia, 166. |Marnas, River-god.—Ephesus, 75. Meles, River-god.—Smyrna, 261. Mén, holding pine cone and resting on sceptre.—Magnesia, 169, 170. Mēn, holding patera () and sceptre. —Priene, 235. Miletos (Founder).-Miletus, 199. Mithradates, head of.--Smyrna, 247. N. Nemesis.-Smyrna, 252, 274, 275; Samos, 374, 391, 393, 394. Nemesis and Hera Samia.—Samos, 374, 381, 393. Nemesis, winged.—Smyrna, 254. Nemesis, winged, and Athena.- Smyrna and Athens, 301. Nemeses, two.—Ephesus and Smyr- na, 111 ; Smyrna, 250, 253, 261, 263, 265, 280, 282–286, 291, 292, 298; Smyrna and Nicomedia, 304. Nemeses, two, in biga of griffins.— Smyrna, 281. Nike.—Ephesus, 75, 81, 84, 91 ; Magnesia, 163, 169, 171 ; Miletus, 200; Phocaea, 221 ; Smyrna, 247, 251, 252, 260, 261, 267, 269, 270, 275, 276. Nike, carrying trophy.—Heraclea, 152. Nike inscribing shield attached to palm-tree.—Ephesus, 83, 94, 95, 106. Nike or Erinys running with torch. —Ephesus, 96. 249, 414 INDEX 11. Nymph, holding basin, basket, or shell ()—Samos, 371, 389, 392. ' O. Oata . . . head of.-Satraps, 327. Odysseus () head of.-Phocaea, 207. Okeanos. –Ephesus, 82. Ornphale, head of.-Phocaea, 211. Owl.—Early electrum, 5; Clazo- menae, 31 ; Heraclea, 152; Lebedus, 155 ; Priene, 232. Owl on amphora.—Priene, 233. Owl on club between two cornua- copiae.—Lebedus, 154. Owl on olive branch.-Priene, 230. Owl and Prow.—Lebedus, 154. P. Pan, head of.-Phocaea, 208, 209. Pan with goat's legs holding branches before altar.—Magnesia, 167. Paralos or Parphoros.-Clazomenae, 35. Parthia, captive, Seated.—Ephesus, 76. Peacock.-Samos, 369—372, 386, 390. Pegasos.-JErythrae, 121. Pelops and Hippodameia in biga.- Smyrna, 278. IPerSephone, head of.-Priene, 234. Persephone, rape of.-Ionian League, 16. Pharnabazus, head of.-Satraps, 325. Phokaea, bust of.-Phocaea, 218, 219. Phokaca standing.—Phocaca, 218. Phokaea and Athena joining hands. —Phocaea and Lampsacus, 227. Phokaea and Kybele standing face to face.—Phocaea, 219, 223, 224, 226, 227. Phrygian cap, head wearing.—Pho- caea, 208. Pion, mountain at Ephesus.-Ephe- sus, 79. Poppy head between two ears of corn.—Smyrna, 253. Poseidon, head of.-Teos, 317. Poseidon holding trident and dol- phin, his foot on prow.— Miletus, 201. Poseidon, one foot on rock, holding dolphin and trident.—Phocaea, 226, 227. Poseidon Helikonios, head Priene, 230. Poseidon and Zeus face to face.— Samos, 388, Prow.—Erythrae, 144 ; Lebedus, 154; Phocaea, 220–222, 225, 251, 258, 259, 277, 278 ; Satraps, 325. Prow of Samian galley.—Samos, 361, 363, 366–371, 373. Prows, Samian, two.—Samos, 370. Pythagoras, seated.—Samos, 373, 376, 381, 390, 392. of.- Q. Quatrefoil, incuse.—Miletus, 183, 184. Quiver club and bow, crossed.— Erythrae, 142. R. Ram, standing. —Smyrna, 278. Ram, recumbent.—Clazomenae, 23 sq., 26, 29, 30, 32. TYPES, 415 Ram approaching altar.—Magnesia, 171. Ram, walking.—Clazomenae, 23 sq.; Colophon, 43. Ram, fore-part of.-Clazomenae, 23, 25 Sq. Ram's head.—Early electrum, 4, 5, 11; Clazomenae, 21, 22; Pho- caea, 207 ; Samos, 356, 357, 360. Rams’ heads, two. —Samos, 356, River-god.—Ephesus, 75, 86; Pho- . caea, 224, 225; Smyrna, 249, 251, 260, 271. See also names of Rivers. Roma, head of.-Ephesus, 74; Lebe- dus, 156. Roma, seated.—Smyrna, 286, 289, 293, 299. Roma and Senatus, busts of.- Clazomenae, 30. S. Sarapis standing.—Magnesia, 170 (see also Helios-Sarapis). Sarapis, Seated.—Clazomenae, 33; Colophon, 43; Phocaea, 219. Sarapis, seated, holding cultus-statue of Artemis Ephesia.—Ephesus and Alexandria, 114. Sarapis, head of.--Smyrna, 259. Satrap, head of.-Satraps, Tissa- phernes () 325; Oata . . . 327; Spithridates, 327. Satyr, head of, wearing mask of Silenos.-Phocaea, 209. Scorpion.— Early electrum, 6. Seal,—Phocaea, 204, 214. Seal’s licad.—Phocaea, 204, 205, 214. Selene in biga drawn by bulls.- Magnesia, 171. Semele and Dionysos.-Smyrna, 251, 287. Senate, the, head of.-Erythrae, 142, 143; Erythrae and Chios, 150; Lebedus, 156; Miletus, 197 ; Phocaea, 218–220 ; Smyrna, 248, 253, 261—266 ; Smyrna and Athens, 301. Senatus and Livia, heads of.- Smyrna, 268. Serpents, two, coiled round bow- case.--Ephesus (cistophori), 63 –66, 68 ; Smyrna (cistophori), 237. Serpents, two, coiled round varying symbol.—Ephesus (Proconsu- lar, cistophori), 67, 68. Shield, ornamented.—Early trum, 4. Shield or wheel.-Early electrum, 2. Silenos, head of.-Phocaea, 203, 207. Silphium ()—Early electrum, 2, 6. Simpulum and lituus.-Ephesus, 74. Sipylene.—Smyrna, 255, 256, 258. Siren.—Phocaea, 204, Smard, . . . River-god.—Phocaea, 225, 226. Smyrna, head of.-Smyrna, 257 (see also Amazon Smyrna). Sow.—Early electrum, 8. Sphinx..—Chios, 7, 328, 332–346. Sphinx and Amphora.-Erythrae and Chios, 150 ; Chios, 328. Sphinx, Amphora, and Grapes.— Chios, 329–331. Spithridates, head of.-Satraps, 327. Square, rough or quartered, in relief. —Early electrum, 2, 10. elec- 416 INDEX II. Square, ornamented, in relief.- Early electrum, 3. Square, quadripartite linear, in relief. —Early electrum, 3. Square, incuse; see Incuse. Stag, kneeling.—Ephesus, 54, 56, 57, 70. Stag, standing.—Ephesus, 57, 72— 75, 81 ; Magnesia, 164. Stag, standing before palm-tree.— Ephesus, 61, 62. Stag (feeding')—Ephesus, 47, 58. Stag, walking.—Ephesus, 75–77, 80, 82, 83, 88, 90, 95. Stags, two, with torch between them. —Ephesus, 69. Stag, fore-part of.-Ephesus, 47, 53, 56, 58–60, 69, 73. Stag, fore-part of, and Palm-tree.— Ephesus, 51 sqq., 57. Stag's head in incuse Square.—Mile- tus, 183, 184. Stags' heads, two.—Ephesus, 53. Star.—Miletus, 184 84g. Striated surface.—Early electrum, 2, 3, 5; Miletus, 183. Swan.—Clazomenae, 198q., 23, 27 ; Leuce, 157. Swan on caduceus.-Clazomenae, 27. Swastika.-Early electrum, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14. T. Telesphoros.-Smyrna, 259. Temple, distyle, of Augustus ()— Teos, 319. Temple, hexastyle.—Miletus, 198; Smyrna, 248, 277, 284. Temple with sacrificial altar in front and group of five figures.— Ephesus, 89 ; of thirteen figures, Ephesus, 89. Temples, two.—Smyrna and Perga- mum, 307. Temples, three, of Roma, Tiberius, and Hadrian.--Smyrna, 288, 289, 297, 299. Temples, four.—Ephesus, 91, 92. Term, bearded, facing.—Samos, 371. Tetraškelis.-Early electrum, 14. Thunderbolt.—Metropolis, 175. Thyrsos in ivy-wreath.-Heraclea, 152; Chios, 332. Thyrsos, resting against cista mystica. —Lebedus, 155. Thyrsi, two, crossed.—Chios, 343, 345. Tissaphernes () head of.-Satraps, 325. Torch between two stags.-Ephesus, 69. Tortoise ()—Early electrum, 12. Tracheia (Rock at Ephesus).-Ephe- sus, 79. Trident, in Maeander pattern.—Mag- nesia, 160; Priene, 229, 232. Tripod.—Colophon, 37 ; Ephesus, 56; Priene, 230; Smyrna, 238, 239. Tripod and Serpent.—Ephesus, 74. Triumviri (Octavianus, Antonius, and Lepidus), heads of.-Ephe- Sus, 71. Tunny fish.—Early electrum, 9. Tyche.—Colophon, 44; Ephesus, 80 —83, 90, 97, 107, 109; Ery- thrae, 148, 149; Magnesia, 167 —169, 171—174; Metropolis, 177–179; Smyrna, 254, 279, 280, 289; Teos, 320, 322; Samos, 375, 377–382, 384, 387, 389, 391, 394, 396. TYPE8. 417 Tyche, recumbent on couch.—Ephe- sus and Alexandria, 114.' Tyche, holding cultus-statue of Arte- mis Ephesia. — Ephesus and Alexandria, 114. Tyche, holding cultus-statue of Arto- mis Ephesia and cornucopiae.— Ephesus, 86, 99, 106. Tyche, holding cultus-statue of Hera Samia.--Samos, 389, 393. Tyche, holding statue of Sarapis.— Ephesus and Alexandria, 114. Tyche of Erythrae, head of.-Eryth- rae, 143; Erythrae and Chios, 150. Tyche of Metropolis and Emperor joining hands. – Metropolis, 177, 180—182. Tyche of Metropolis holding statu- ette of Emperor.—178—181. Tyche, temple of.--Smyrna, 264, 285, 286, 289, 292, 295. V. Weiled female head.—Priene, 234. Vine-wreath.-Erythrae, 143. Vine-branch.--Teos, 316, 319. W. Warrior, walking.—Clazomenae, 31. Warrior, Paralos or Parphoros.- Clazomenae, 35. Warrior, with foot on prow.—Samos, 380, 381, 383, 384, 386, 389, 392, 395. Warriors, two, face to face, each with foot on prow.—Erythrae, 147. Warriors, three.—Metropolis, 176. Wheel.—Early electrum, 14. Z. Zeus, head of.-Clazomenae, 27, 29 ; Leuce, 157; Satraps, 326. Zeus, seated. — Magnesia, 170 ; Metropolis, 176, 179; Smyrna, 248, 270, 271, 277, 280, 281. Zeus, Seated, holding cultus-statue of Artemis Ephesia and sceptre. —Ephesus, 85. Zeus standing, holding eagle and sceptre.—Clazomenae, 34. Zeus hurling thunderbolt and hold- ing eagle.—Ephesus, 101. Zeus and Kybele (!) standing face to face.—Metropolis, 175. Zeus and Poseidon, standing face to face.—Samos, 375, 388. Zeus Akraios, head of.--Smyrna, 253–258. Zeus Akraios, seated.—Smyrna, 250, 266, 272, 287, 297. Zeus Akraios and Athena.--Smyrna and Athens, 302. Zeus Hyetios, seated, holding rain- cloud and thunderbolt.—Ephe- sus, 79. Zeus Laodikeus and Zeus Akraios. —Smyrna and Laodicea, 307. Zeus Laodikeus and Kybele. — Smyrna and Laodicea, 307. Zeus Laodikeus and two Nemeses. —Smyrna and Laodicea, 308. Zeus Olympios seated, holding cultus- statue of Artemis Ephesia and sceptre.—Ephesus, 75, 93. 3 H ( 418 ) TN DIE X III. SYMBOLS AND COUNTERMARKS. A. Amphora.-Samos, 353. Aplustre.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 67; Chios, 334. Apollo.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 67. Artemis, head of.-Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 63. Artemis, huntress.-Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 63, 65, 67. Artemis slaying stag.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 63. Artemis Ephesia, head of.-Ephesus (cistophorus), 63. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of.- Ephesus (cistophorus), 63, 65, 67. Astragalos (!).-Clazomenae, 20. Astragalos.-Ephesus, 54, 55 ; Ery- thrae, 125; Phygela, 228; Samos, 353. B. Bacchic mask.-Te08, 316. Bee.—Ephesus, 53.8gq., 55, 57 sqq., 64; Teos, 312. Bee or Wasp.–Erythrae, 120. Bird.—Samos, 353. Bird, aquatic.—Phocaea, 224, 225. Bird (dove).--Smyrna, 241, 267, 268. Boar, winged, forepart of.-Clazo- menae, 19, 22, 23. Bow in case.-Teos, 310. C. Caduceus.-Clazomenae, 28 ; Ery- thrae, 134; Smyrna, 278; Teos, 311 ; Chios, 336, 337, 339. Caduceus, winged, and club, united. —Chios, 337. Candelabrum.—Ephesus (cistopho- rus), 65. Club (?)-Erythrae, 122. Club.-Teos, 309, 310; 336 344. Corn, ear of.-Erythrae, 134, 138; Magnesia, 158, 159; Chios, 334, 335, 337; Samos, 366, 367. Corn, ears of, two.—Chios, 344. Corn, grain of.-Erythrae, 119 ; Teos, 310; Satraps, 323; Chios, 333. Cornucopiae. — Clazomenae, Chios, 334. Chios, K . 25; §YMBOLS AND COUNTERMARK8. 419 Cornuacopiae, two, and ear of corn. —Ephesus (cistophorus), 66. Cornua copiae, two, and palm.— Ephesus (cistophorus), 66. Countermarks:— A.—Clazomenae, 24. B.—Colophon, 45, 46; Ephesus, 99, 104, 108. 9.—Priene, 235. T.—Ephesus, 107; 170. A.—Smyrna, 266. AAKI KOC.—Metropolis, 175, ZY.—Magnesia, 172. S.—Ephesus, 101, 102, 109; Metropolis,180,182; Smyrna, 298, 300. H.—Smyrna, 299. CAA.—Ephesus, 103. CMYP and two Nemeses.— Smyrna, 263. Artemis Ephesia, cultus-statue of. —Ephesus, 85. Athena, head of.—Clazomenae, 27; Erythrae, 128. Bee.—Erythrae, 140. Eagle.—Magnesia, 167. Emperor, head of.-Erythrae, 148; Miletus, 200. Griffin.—Phocaea, 219. Head, uncertain.—Teos, 317. Helios, head of.-Erythrae, 128. IHerakles, head of.—Miletus, 196. Prow.—Clazomenae, 23. Ram's head.— Clazomenae, 27. Scorpion.—Early electrum, 9. Star.—Clazomenae, 23; Erythrae, 126; Satraps, 324. Tripod.—Chios, 335 sqq. Crescent.—Priene, 233. Crescent and star.—Chios, 334. Magnesia, D. Dioskuri, caps of.-Priene, 233; Chios, 337. Dolphin.-Phocaea, 221 ; Smyrna, 259; Chios, 330 ; Samos, 360. Dolphins, two.—Pharnabazus, 325. E. Eagle.—Erythrae, 136; Chios, 333. Eye.—Samos, 353. F. Fish.-Chios, 332. Floral device.—Early electrum, 7, 8. Fox. — Miletus, 183. G. Gorgoneion.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 66. Grapes.—Teos, 311, 314 ; Chios, 334 sqq., 338 sqq., 343; Sa- mos, 367. Griffin.—Priene, 230. Griffin's head.—Phocaea, 221. H. Hand with fillet attached to wrist. —Ephesus (cistophorus), 63. Helmet.—Chios, 340, 342, 344. Helmet supported by satyr.—Sa- mos, 353. Hermes.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 65. Hoof, cloven.—Erythrae, 124. 420 INDEX III, I. Isis, head-dress of.-Ephesus (cis- tophorus), 65. Ivy-leaf.--Teos, 310, 311. Ivy-leaf and blossom.—Priene, 233. R. I(antharos.-Clazomenae, 20; Ery- thrae, 122, 123; Chios, 334. Rybele, head of.-Smyrna (cisto- phorus), 237. T. Laurel-branch.—Ephesus (cistopho- rus), 63. Lioness, head of.--Samos, 358. Lioness or Panther, head of.-Teos, 3.11. Lion's fore-leg.—Miletus, 187, 188. Lituus.-Erythrae, 145. Lyre.—Colophon, 39; Teos, 313, 314. M. Maeander pattern.—Magnesia, 158 sqq.; Naulochus, 202; Priene, 229, Sqq. Mask of Satyr.—Teos, 311. N. Nemesis.-Ephesus(cistophorus),68. Nike.—Ephesus, (cistophorus), 65 ; IIoraclea, 151. O. Olive-branch.-Samos, 353, 357 sqq., 365. Olive-spray.—Early Samos, 361, 366. Owl.—Erythrae, 122, 123. electrum, 5; IP. Palm.—Ephesus, 62; Priene, 233; Smyrna, 242; Chios, 333, 338. Palms, two.—Smyrna, 242, 243. Palm-tree.—Phygela, 228. Peacock.-Samos, 367. Peacock on vase.—Samos, 368. Pedum.—Clazomenae, 21, 23. Pedum, or Hook.-Samos, 366. Pegasos, forepart of. —Teos, 310. Pellets, three or five.—Miletus, 183. Pilos.-Erythrae, 120, 121. Plant.—Samos, 370, 373. Prow.—Chios, 336, 340 sqq., 353; Samos, 366, 367. Q. Quatrefoil. —Miletus, 183. Quiver.—Ephesus, 57, 58, 65, 72. Quiver and Bow.—Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 63, 64. R. Race-torch.-Erythrae, 134; Chios, 334 Sqq. Ram's head. — Clazomenae, 20; Teos, 311. |Bosette.—Erythrae, 120. Rudder. — Erythrae, 139; Chios, 336, 337. SYMBOLS AND COUNTERMARKS, 421 S. Samian galley, prow of.-Samos, 353, Satyr supporting helmet.—Samos, 353. Scallop.–Teos, 310. Seal. — Phocaea, 203 sqq.; 312. Serpent.—Clazomenae, 26; Priene, 234, 235 ; Smyrna, 271. Serpent-staff.-Chios, 337. Shrimp.—Smyrna, 238, 239, 259. Spear-head (!).-Colophon, 38. Stag and palm-tree.—Ephesus (cis- tophorus), 64. Stag's head.—Miletus, 183. Star.—Clazomenae, 26, 31; Ephesus (cistophorus), 63; Erythrae, 135, 145; Magnesia, 164, 169; Miletus, 188 sqq.; Priene, 233, Smyrna, 246, 247; Chios, 335, 336, 342, 345. Stars, two.—Chios, 341, 343 sqq. Stone, conical ().—Erythrae, 136. Strigil ().—Erythrae, 127. Teos, T. Temple, tetrastyle.—Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 68. Thunderbolt.—Clazomenae, 23, 24. Thrysos.-Teos, 313, 316; Chios, 333. Torch.-Ephesus (cistophorus), 64 sqq., 73. Trident.—Ephesus (cistophorus), 65; Samos, 366 sqq. Tripod.—Colophon, 38; Ephesus (cistophorus), 65, 67; Erythrae, 125. Trophy.—Clazomenae, 24. Tunny.—Pharnabazus, 325. V. Vase.—Samos, 364, 366, 367. Vase, one-handled.—Chios, 333. Wase with cover.-Ephesus (cisto- phorus), 66. Wine-branch.--Teos, 309. W. Wheel,—Samos, 353. Wing.—Chios, 336. Wreath (!).-Clazomenae, 26. Wreath. —Erythrae, 138. INDEX IV. A. TOINGS AND RULERS. A. O. Arsinoë,-Ephesus, 55. Oataſ . . . . .-Satrap () 327. Orontas.-Satrap, 326. D. Oulſ . . . . .-Miletus (), 184. Deſ. . . . . (!).-Satrap (), 323. E. P. Eurydike.—Ephesus, 56. Phanes.—Ephesus, 47. Pharnabazus.-Satrap, 325. Pythagores,—Satrap (), 323. II. IIekatomnus.-Miletus (), 187. S. I. Spithridates.—Satrap, 327. Iaſ . . . . . (!).--Satrap (), 324. 1M. T. Mausolus.-Miletus (?), 188. Mithradates Eupator. — Smyrna, Themistokles.— Magnesia, 158. 247. * Tissaphernes ().-Satrap, 325. INT) EX IV. B. MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. A. ABPON.—Erythrae, 122. AſAG)APXOX.—Teos, 314. AſAG)o KAHIX] ATIO/\/\OA OTIOY].—Erythrae, 135. ATAX|K/\HX ANTITIATP OY-Erythrae, 128 sqq. ATHNIQP].—Ephesus, 58. Aſ NON.—Teos, 312. [A]AM HTOX.—Teos, 313. AG)H [ . . . . . . . . —Chios, 332. AG) H NATO PAX.—Ephesus, 61. A6H NATOPAX.—Smyrna,241, 242, 246. AG)HNOſlo/\IX—Ephesus, 58. AIANTII.—Priene, 230. Al TYTTIOX.—Ephesus, 61. Al NHTO3.—Magnesia, 160. AIX|NH|[X].—Chios, 337. AI:XPIQſN].—Erythrae, 127. AIXXY/\!NOX. — Miletus, 194, 197. AITQP.—Erythrae, 134. AIXMOKAIHX].—Ephesus, 61. AAE-ANAPOIX.].—Ephesus, 58. A/\KEIAH3.—Ephesus, 51. AAKEMON ET11KPATOY|X]. —Erythrae, 135. AAK! MAXOX.—Lebedus, 155. AAKITTIA[..—Miletus, 188. AAKITTO:.—Ephesus, 51. A/\ KQN.—Miletus, 193. AM EMTITO:..—Colophon, 30. AMYMON ATIO/\/\ONOAO TOIY].—Erythrae, 135. AMYMOIN] EPMoTPEQoY. —Erythrae, 141. [A] MYNTHX.—Teos, 315. ANA Kſ. . . (7). —Lebedus, 154. ANAEATO PAX AH M HTPI OY.—Magnesia, 159. ANAEATO PA[X] NYM po/\ OXOLY].—I'rythrae, 135. [ANAEA] TOPH:.—Clazomenae, 22. ANAE1/\AX.—Priene, 230. ANAEI MBPOTo[X]. — Mag- nesia, 159. ANAPOTI. . . .-Miletus, 192. ANAPQN.—Metropolis, 175. ANAPQN ANAPOXG) ENO [YX].—Erythrae, 135. ANTIA/\KIAAX.—Ephesus, 54. ANTIANAPIOX].–Miletus, 196. ANTI TONOIX].—Ephesus, 58. ANTIQANH3.−Clazomenae, 19. ANTI (91/\OX.—lºphesus, 61. 424 INDEX IV. B. [A]NTI4 ON.—Ephesus, 57, AEIOXOX ſlo/\YK.—Magnesia, 158. ATIATOYPIſOX]. — Smyrna, 241. ATE/\/\A3.—Erythrae, 122, 123. Aſl E/\/\HX.—Chios, 337. Aſ" . . . [AX AH M HTPIOY.— Erythrae, 128. ATO/\/\A:.—Clazomenae, 20, 23. Aſlo/\/\AX.—Colophon, 41. ATIO/\/\O[.—Priene, 230. ATO/\/\oſ.:KY[.—Magnesia,160. ATIO/\/\OAOTO3. — Lebedus, 154. Aſ'O/\/\OAOTOIX].—Miletus, 191. Aſlo/\/\OAOTOX. — Smyrna, 238. Aſ'O/\/\OAQPO3. — Ephesus, 52. Aſlo/\/\OAQP[OX]. — Ephesus, 57. Aſlo/\/\oAQIPOX) APIXToq) Q[NTOX].–Erythrae, 135. [A]ſlo/\/\oAOPox. [H]PAKA EOAQPOY.—Erythrae, 135. ATTO/\/\OAQPOY.—Priene, 232. Aſl O/\/\O9AN HX. — Smyrna, 2.46. ATIO/\/\Q[ . . . .-Chios, 337. ATTO/\/\QN iſ . . .-Ephesus, 62. Aſ'O/\/\QN IAH3.—Clazomenae, 26. ATTOAAQN IAHIX].—Smyrna, 239, 243, 244. Aſ'O/\/\QNIO3. — Clazomenae, 22. ATIO/\/\QNIOX. — Clazomenae, 28. Aſl O/\/\QNIOX ATIO/\/\OAO TOY. —I'rythrae, 129–131. ATIO/\/\ONOAOTOX HPAKA EITOY.—Erythrae, 129, 130, 132, 133. ATIo/\/\QNoAIOTOX] MHT PQNAKITOX]. — Erythrae, 135. APATOX EYTIO/\|AOX.—Ery- thrae, 136. APTEIOX.—Chios, 333, 334. [A]PIAAG) H3.—Ephesus, 51. [A]Pl:TATOPA:.—Miletus,189. APIXTATOPAX.—Smyrna,239. APIXTAl[OX]—Ephesus, 56. APICTAIOC.—Ephesus, 56. API:TEA:.—Erythrae, 123. API:THIA[H3].—Samos, 363. API:TOAHMO:.—Ephesus, 52. API:TOKAH3.—Erythrae, 124. APIXTOKPATHX]—Ephesus, 58; Miletus, 191. API:ToAEQ[3]-Ephesus, 51. APIXTo Mſ. ...—Chios, 336. [A]PIXTOIMAX]OX.—Phocaea, 217. APIXTPATIOX]—Ephesus, 58. APIXTONAE].—Teos, 313. APION ATIO/\/\QN |OY. — Erythrae, 141. APKAX.—Ephesus, 62. APPIAA|OX.—Smyrna, 245. APTEMAL:)—Miletus, 190. APTEM HX. —Chios, 337. APTEM |AOPOX.—Ephesus,58; Chios, 333, 334. APTEMIAQPO[X]. — Miletus, 196; Smyrna, 246. APTEMON. — Lebedus, Smyrna, 243. APTEMON AQH NEY.—Ery- thrae, 136. APXENOY:.—Erythrae, 124. APX1AAMO:.—Ephesus, 52. 155; MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS COINS. 425 APXIAHMOC.—Ephesus, 68. [A]PXITTož.—Erythrae, 125. APQITOX. —Teos, 312. A:KAHT1AAIH3]. – Erythrae, 124, 125. A:KAHſ"I AAH3 AH MAAO:. —Erythrae, 128. AXTTAXIOX.—Chios, 337. AXTYNOYX EYOYNOY. — Erythrae, 136. AYTONOMOXAYTONOMOY. —Erythrae, 129, 130. AX!/\/\EIAHX.—Priene, 233. B. BA:IAEIAH3.—Chios, 331. BAXIAEIA[HX].—-Miletus, 193. BATAKOX TAPAMONOY.— Erythrae, 129—132. BATTAX.—Ephesus, 59. BATTO:.—Samos, 365. Bl/AINT-Miletus, 196. BIAX.—Priene, 229, 232. BION.—Clazomenae, 25; Miletus, 194–196; Teos, 315. BION TYQEA.—Erythrae, 126. T. TAAOKOX-Erythrae, 134, TAAYKOż.—Colophon, 39. TNOXIX. —Chios, 336. TNOTOX EKATONYMOY.— Erythrae, 129, 130. TONEYX.—Ephesus, 55. TOPTIA:.—Leuce, 157. ToPITION.—Erythrae, 125. ToPTION ToPTIONox.—Ery- thrae, 136. TOPTOTA:.—Ephesus, 52. TPYAIX.—Ephesus, 59. TYA]? ITTOX.—Ephesus, 54. A. AAMAAHX APXEANAKTOX. —Erythrae, 129. AAMAAHX MEN EKPATO [YX].—Erythrae, 136. AAMAX.—Miletus, 193. AAMAX|AX.—Miletus, 191. AAMNA3.—Miletus, 189. AANAO3.—Ephesus, 52. AEINOMEINHX] EXEAH Mo [Y].—Erythrae, 136. AEINo[M]ENHX HPAKAE OY.—Erythrae, 141. AEINOXTPATOX. — Miletus, 193. AEPKY/\OX.—Chios, 334. AHL .—Satraps, 323. AH 1 K/\ . .-Lebedus, 155. AHI KAO3.—Colophon, 39. [A]HMATHTO:.—Samos, 363. AHMATOPH:.—Ephesus, 52. [A]H MAINoż.—Miletus, 189. AH MAPXIOX].—Ephesus, 61. AH M H .—Smyrna, 243. AHM HTPIOX. — Ephesus, 59, 61, 62, 69; Priene, 233; Smyrna, 240. AHM HTPIOC.—Ephesus, 69. AHM HTPIO: ANTIA[.. — Samos, 362. AHM HTPIOX AT EAAOY.— Erythrae, 140. AHMOKPATH:.–Chios, 331. 3 I 426 INDEX IW. B. AHMOXOſ.—Miletus, 194. AHMOOON.—Ephesus, 59. Al AſOPA[X].—Magnesia, 163. Al AITIOX].—Ephesus, 59. AIOTEN HX.—Teos, 313. AlOAQPOX.—Ephesus, 59. Al OAQPO: MYTAAO3. — Colophon, 37. AlONY[ .—Priene, 231; Smyrna, 243. AIONY: Io:. — Erythrae, 123, 126. AIONYXIOX.—Ephesus, 59, A|ONYXIOX.—Priene, 233. AIONYXIOX ANAE] ſlo/\! O[X].—Erythrae, 136 AIONYX|OX H POAOPOY.— Erythrae, 136. Alon YXIoX IATPoKAEOYX. —Erythrae, 129, 131. AIONYXIOX IKEI nesia, 158. A|ONYXIOX IT POTOTENOY. —Erythrae, 131. Alon Y:14 ANH3. — Erythrae, 122, .—Mag- 125. AIONY:OAQPO3. — Clazo- menae, 22. AIONYXOAQ[POX]. — Colo- phon, 38. AIoſ"EIG)[ .—Magnesia, 158. AIoſ"EIG)H3.—Erythrae, 123. AIoſ"EIG) HX EPM ITTo Y. Erythrae, 141. Aloxko YPIAHX. — Ephesus, 60. AlO4)A[ .—Colophon, 38. Aloq ANToſX] KTHXI KPA To[YX]—Erythrae, 137. Al NEA:.—Ephesus, 52. Alſº N.—Teos, 312. E. EKA[ .—Miletus () 187. EKATOKAIH3].—Ephesus, 52. EKATONY|Mox] MHTPoA- QPIOY].—Erythrae, 137. E/\ATON.—Smyrna, 246. EAI KI .—Priene, 232. EO EAG).ON.—Ephesus, 54, 57. EOG)YAAM A3. — Clazomenae, 20. EOXQPO3.—Ephesus, 52. ETAIN E[ .—Chios, 331. [E]T I ITENHX.—Samos, 365. Eſ"I TONoż. — Colophon, Miletus, 189. ETI ITONOX. —Colophon, 40. Eſ"| KOYPOX G) EPX|ONOX.— Erythrae, 140. ETI I KPATHX.—Miletus, 192. Eſ"|KPATH: AXEAQIO.— Samos, 362. ETI:OENH3.—Miletus, 191. EPA[ .—Priene, 232. EPAX|TITIOX APIXTEOY.— Magnesia, 162. EPM H31/\OXO3. — Clazomenae, 27, 28. EPM 1A:.—Phocaea, 217. EPM IAX.—Ephesus, 62. €PMIAC.—Ephesus, 67. [EP]MITITIo: (!).-Colophon, 39. EPM ITITIOX. — Lebedus, 155; Smyrna, 243, 245. EPMOTEN HX. — Smyrna, 245, 247. [E]PMOA|KO||Y].—Samos, 365. EPMOOE:..—Colophon, 39. EPMOKAHX TTYG) EOY. — Smyrna, 246. EPMokPATHz. — Magnesia, 158. 38; MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMoUs coins. 427 EPMON AIOOANTOY.—Ery- thrae, 129, 131, 133. EPMQNAE.—Ephesus, 59. E:TIA|O3.—Clazomenae, 26. [E]YBATHIX].—Miletus. 194. [EY]BOYALOX].—Samos, 365, EYAAMAX TTYG)|QNOX. — Erythrae, 137. EYAHMOIX].—Teos, 313. EYH MEPOX.—Priene, 233. EYH NOPIAH3].— Clazomenae, 24 EYKAHX.—Smyrna, 246. EYKAHX [A]]XXPIONOX.- Magnesia, 164, EYKAHX KPATINox,−Mag- nesia, 163, 164. EYKTITO:.—Ephesus, 52. EYMHAOX II.QTYPOY. — Smyrna. 246. EYMHXANOX.—Miletus, 195. EYNOYX.—Ephesus, 61. EYEENOX.-Chios, 337. EYTO/\I:.—Miletus, 190. EYTTO/\!X.—Ephesus, 61. EYTO/\IX. G EPXIII"TOY. — Erythrae, 137. EYQ) HMOX ITAYXAN |OY.— Magnesia, 162. EXEANAIE]..—Ephesus, 53. EXEBOYAOX.—Miletus, 191. EXEAAMA:.—Ephesus, 52. T. IEYEIX.—Smyrna, 241, 247. IHNHX.—Colophon, 36. IHNIX.—Smyrna, 239; 333. IH NOAOTOX.—Ephesus, 52; Lebedus. 155. IHNOAQPOX.—Chios, 333. Chios, IHNOAQIPOX] ANAEAT [OPOY.]—Erythrae, 140. IQHX.—Ephesus, 61. IQI/\O.—Priene, 229, 231. TOTYPION TYPP (or AN TIO P).-Magnesia, 160. TOTYPOX.—Ephesus, 54. ITQſl\(POX.—Ephesus, 62. ITQſ"YPO3.—Erythrae, 127. TOTYPOX TYG)oAOP[oy]. —Erythrae, 137. IQTTYPOX.—Miletus, 197. H. HTE/\OXO3.—Ephesus, 52. H TEMON.—Chios, 335. H TH:ANAPI —Clazomenae, 23. H TH:IANAE.—Colophon, Samos, 362, 363. H THXIAX.—Smyrna, 240. Hſ! A3. —Lebedus, 154. HTITſ .—Chios, 332. HAIANATE].—Colophon, 39. H/\! OAQPOX.—Chios, 333. HPATOPH:.—Chios, 331. H PAKAEIAH3. — Clazomenae, 19, 23 ; Smyrna, 238, 245. HPAKAEOX ET || KOYPOY.— Erythrae, 140, 141. HPAKAEOTHIX] HPAKAE QTOLY].—Erythrae, 137. H PIAANO:..—Chios, 331, 332. HPoſNHTIOX].—Ephesus, 50. HPOTN HTOX II.OITYPION OX.—Magnesia, 162. HPOAOTO:-Erythrae, 125. HPOAOTOX.—Teos, 313. HPIoA]oTox. HPIAKAJEIT OY.—Erythrae, 133. 39; 428 INDEX IV. B. HPOAQPOX AIONYXIOY.— Erythrae, 134. H POOEM IX. HPAKAEITOY. —I'rythrae, 137. HPOXTPAI —Chios, 335. HPOTIMOX.—Erythrae, 132. HPQAHX.—Priene, 231. HPOIſ .—Priene, 231. O. G)APXATOPAX.—Miletus, 193. G) EMI:TOKAEO: (retrograde). —Magnesia, 158. G) EOTEN HX EPMOAQPOY. Erythrae, 137. G) EOAOTO:.—Clazomenae, 21, 22. OEOAQſ ..—Chios, 338. OEOAQPO3.−Ephesus, 51. G)EOAQPOX.—Miletus, 193. G) Eo KI ..—Clazomenae, 24. GEON (tooled).-Ephesus, 52. G) EOTOMTox. —Chios, 334. GEOTPoſ'o:.–Miletus, 189. G)EPXHX,-Chios, 335. G) EPXI/\OXOX.—Ephesus, 59. OEYTENHX GEYTENOYTX]. —Erythrae, 137. G) EYAAX.—Smyrna, 246. GEYAQPOſ31–Clazomenae, 23. OPAxYſ .—Priene, 231. GPA:YAOXOz.—Ephesus, 52. GPA:Y3.—Erythrae, 125. IAXQN.—Ephesus, 69. |ATPOAQPIOX]. — Smyrna, 242. |ATPOKAHX.—Milotus, 196. IATPIo]KAHX HPAKAEOT [OY].—Erythrae, 140. |AOMENEYX.—Ephesus, 59. |EPON.—Samos, 366. |KAAIOX..—Smyrna, 241. |KE: IO:..—Colophon, 39. |KEXIOX.—Smyrna, 240 ; Chios, 335. ITT IA:.–Chios, 331. |TT | No.3.−Ephesus, 51. |TTOKPITO:.—Ephesus, 53. ITTO/\oxo:.—Erythrae, 126. |Tlſlo/\OXOX.—Miletus, 196. II"To:G)ENH3.−Ephesus, 54. IXIAQPOX.—Phocaea, 217. |:OAHMO:.—Clazomenae, 26. [1]:TIAIOż.—Ephesus, 54. K. KAIYCTPIIOC].—Ephesus, 67. KA/\/\Al:XPO:.—Miletus, 189. KA/\/\l K/\H3.—Chios, 331. KA/\/\IKPATſ —Magnesia, 160. KA/\/\l:.-Erythrae, 126. KA/\/\IXTPATOX. — Ephesus, 59 ; Smyrna, 244. KA/\/\ION 4)Y/\APXOY.—Ery- thrae, 137. KAPNQSP.—Ephesus, 63. KAYKAX.—Chios, 336. KAYXTPIOX].—Ephesus, 59. KH (91XIAI ..—Chios, 335. KHOI:OKPITI .—Chios, 331. KAEANAPI ..—Colophon, 39. [K]/\EAPXOX.—Magnesia, 161. K/\El N IAX.—Smyrna, 242. KAEOM .—Priene, 229. K/\EQN.—Teos, 314. KN003O3.--Ephesus, 67. MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON AUTONOMOUS coins. 429 KONNIQN.—Colophon, 37. KONQN.—Smyrna, 240, 244. KPABAYX.—Smyrna, 266. KPONIO:..—Clazomenae, 26. KPOK! NHX.—Smyrna, 244. KTHXIAX —Miletus, 193. KYAIAX IXATO. — Magnesia, 161. KYAPOKAH3.—Magnesia, 158. kYAPOKAHX.—Magnesia, 161. KYA/\AMI —Chios, 335, 336. KYNAA/\AX.—Smyrna, 241. KYNAA/\AX..—Smyrna, 246. KY:NOq 1/\I —Clazomenae, 25. KQKOX.—-Ephesus, 69. A. AAMTIſ .—Chios, 336. AAMT 1:..—Miletus, 190. AAMT POMAXOY. — Miletus, 191. AAMIT POX /\AM. T. POY. — Erythrae, 132. AATI MOX | EPQNOX. — Smyrna, 240. AEONTICKOC.—Colophon, 38. AEONTIXKOX.—Samos, 365. AEQAAM A3.—Colophon, 39. AEOM EAD .—Chios, 335. /\EQN.—Miletus, 194. Al M NAIOX.—Ephesus, 59. A1XAX.—Ephesus, 61. /\OX.—Samos, 363. AYKoMHAHX APIXT[ . . ;- Magnesia, 161. /\YKO3.—Miletus, 188, 192. /\YKQN.—Teos, 314. AYXATOſ .—Priene, 229, 231. M. MA[ .—Miletus (), 188. MA KAPEO3.—Erythrae, 125. MAl ANAPIOX.—Miletus, 192. MANAPQNAE. — Clazomenae, 19, 20, 25. MEAATTPIA[A3]. — Ephesus, 53 MEAAINEY[:]—Miletus, 190. M]EAANTHX.—Samos, 365. MENEI(?).—Samos, 366. MENEKAHX APIXTOAHM [OY].—Erythrae, 138. MENEKPATHX.—Smyrna, 242 —244. MENEKPATHX AHMEOY. Erythrae, 138. MENEXI ..—Chios, 336, 337. MENEXTPI —Miletus, 197. MENTQſ .—Priene, 231. MENON.—Miletus, 188. MHNoſ Eſ ..—Chios, 338. MHINO PIAOC.—Ephesus, 69. MHNO4.1/\OX.—Smyrna, 246; Chios, 338. MHTPAX AAMA/\OY. — Erythrae, 129, 138. MHTPo[ .—Colophon, 39. MHTPoAQPox.—Colophon, 40; Erythrae, 127; Miletus, 190; Smyrna, 240–243, 246; Teos, 315; Chios, 338. MHTPOAQPOX TTAXIKPA TOY.—Smyrna, 246. MHTPO4'ſ .—Smyrna, 246. MIKION.—Samos, 365. [M]|ATIAAHX.—Chios, 338. MINI .—Erythrae, 125. MINNION.—Teos, 314. M INNOX. —Ephesus, 59. MNAXEAX.—Miletus, 192. 430 INDEX IV. B. MNHXAPX[OX].—Ephesus, 54. MNH:IG) EOż.—Clazomenae, 20. MOI .—Miletus, 194, 195. MOIPAX.—Colophon, 38. MOAI.Q.N.—Erythrae, 122, 123. MO/\|QN.—Erythrae, 134. Mo/\|QN AIONYXIOY.—Ery- thrae, 138. MOAOXXOX.—Miletus, 195. MO/\OCCOC.—Miletus, 196. MOPIMOX.—Ephesus, 55. MOXXIQ[N].--Smyrna, 243. MOXXOX.—Smyrna, 240. MOXXOX. MOXXOY. — Smyrna, 240. MYXXHX YSPIKAEIOYX. — Erythrae, 138. MYTAX.—Ephesus, 59. N. NAYKPATHX.—Ephesus, 60. NEANAPO3.—Magnesia, 159. NEQN.—Miletus, 190. NIKAAAX.—Smyrna, 246. NIKH PATOX.—Magnesia, 161 ; Miletus, 193. NIKIAX.—Colophon, 37; Ephe- sus, 60 ; Magnesia, 161. N | KO/\OXOX.—Ephesus, 61. NIXAlOX.—Magnesia, 159. NYM poAQP[OX].—Clazomenae, 25. EANG) H3.—Clazomenae, 21. EEIN IAX Ol Noſ"IAOY.-Ery- thrae, 138. O. OATA.—Satraps, 327. OPNYMENO:.—Miletus, 190. [O]POBITHX.—Smyrna, 246. OPONTA.—Satraps, 326. OVAI —Miletus (?), 183. TI. TIAAAII(!).-Ephesus, 56. TIAPAM ONOX. —Smyrna, 239, 242, TAP1:..—Samos, 365. TAPMENT:KO3. — Clazomenae, 26. TIAPPAXIO:.—Ephesus, 60. TIAXI KPATHX.—Smyrna, 245. TAY:AN IA:..—Colophon, 37. TIAYXAN IA[X] EY4, HMOY]. —Magnesia, 162. TIAYXANIA[X] MHTPOAQ POIX].—Magnesia, 163. ſ"E[ .—Ephesus, 51. TEAOTIAH3.—Erythrae, 123. TE/\Y:IO:.—Samos, 365. TEPſ .—Miletus, 188. TEPI:TPA[TO:]. — Ephesus, 53. Tl ITOIX.—Miletus, 192. TITOON.—Magnesia, 161. T/\ATON.—Colophon, 37, 40. [T]OAEMAPXIOC].—Ephesus, 67. TTO/\II.— Priene, 231. Tl O/\/\IX.—Magnesia,161; Priene, , 231 ; Smyrna, 245, 247. TIO/\/\II.QN ?]—Smyrna, 239. TO/\YBOYAO:.—Clazomenae, 26. TO/\YKAH:.—Ephesus, 53. ToAYKPATH:.—Ephesus, 50. MAGISTRATES' NAMES ON AUTONOMOUs GoINs. 431 TIOAYKPITOX Tlo/\YKPIT OY.—Erythrae, 130–132. TO:EIA|TTO:..—Chios, 331. TIOXEIAQN IOX. — Erythrae, 139; Smyrna, 243, 244. TPAEITTox ENYoY.—Ery. thrae, 138. TPOEENO:.—Miletus, 190. TPOI .—Samos, 362. IT POTATOPAX.—Ephesus, 60. TPQTION.—Ephesus, 60. TIPOTOTENHX. — Smyrna, 241, 242. TIPOTOMAXOX.—Smyrna,240. TIYI .—Priene, 232. TYG)ATOPHI:].—Satraps, 323. TYG)EO3.—Clazomenae, 20; Colo- phon, 41; Smyrna, 240. ſ"YOEO: ºk.-Clazomenae, 20. TYOEox MHTPoAQPoſY]. Erythrae, 138. TYG) EPMoſ:].—Erythrae, 125. TYG) H3.−Erythrae, 127. TTYG)|X.—Phocaea, 217. ITYG)oMNH:Toº. – Erythrae, 125. TYG).O.N.—Clazomenae, 25. ITYPPAX TIAM plac)Y]. — Magnesia, 163. TYPPOY.—Priene, 232. P. PABIPIOX.—Chios, 334. POAIO:.—Miletus, 190. PoMſ. .—Miletus, 188. X. XAM IOIX].—Miletus, 194. XAPATI 10.N. — Smyrna, 244, 245. 238, XHMATOPAX.—Smyrna, 245. 31 MO3.—Ephesus, 50 ; Samos, 366. XII MOX.—Miletus, 193, 196. XIMOX TPQTorENOY|X]— Erythrae, 138. XI MON.—Clazomenae, 27; Mag- nesia, 161. XKOſ"AAHX.—Ephesus, 60. :KYOH3.—Miletus, 190. 3KYA/\[ION]-Magnesia, 159. 1/\OKPATHX EYTO/\|AOX. Erythrae, 139. ©1/\OEENOX KONQNOX. — Erythrae, 139. (p1/\O:TPATO:.—Ephesus, 54. (p1/\ON HPOXONTOX.—Ery- thrae, 130, 132, 133. (p1/\ONIAHIX].—Smyrna, 239. (PPIEOX.—Smyrna, 247. q)`YPXQN.—Colophon, 37. 161 ; X. XAAKIAEYX.—Ephesus, 61. XAPE . . N.—Lebedus, 155. | XAPHX.—Priene, 231. XAPIAHMOX.-Miletus, 196. XAPM H3.—Erythrae, 124. XAPM HX.-Miletus, 192. XAPOTl|No|X].—Ephesus, 60. . . ]MAN AIONNY (sic).- Erythrae, 133. . . ]MOKAHX.—Chios, 337. . JOPYMBI —Smyrna, 246. . Iſla BIKPEI().—Miletus, 192. ( 433 ) INT) EX IV. C. MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON IMPERIAL COINS. A. AſAG)OKACOVC, @A. (€r otpa.).-Etruscilla, Herennius Etruscus, Colophon, 44. AſPQN CVCEBHC (atpa.).-Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, Smyrna, 272. 273. A6H NATOPOV, AVP. (eti ortpa. 8).-Severus Alexander, Metro- polis, 176. A6H NATOV, AVP. (&mi arp.).-Volusian, Colophon, 45. A6H NOAQPOV (€ri yp.).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 170. AlſAIANOV (éſiri atpa]").-Vespasian, Lebedus, 156. AICXPIQNOC (éri orrpa.).-Erythrae, 143. AIXM OKAHX [ypappares toū 8%uov]?—Nero, Ephesus, 74. AMM IANOVI, T1. ANTQN. (&mi orp. to 8).—Caracalla, Colo- phon, 42. ANIKHôOPOV, KA. (&mi orrpa.).-Gallienus, Teos, 322. ANTIOXOV (ini yp.).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 171. ANTIOXOV (€r, orp.).-Julia Mamaea, Smyrna, 293. Aſle/\/\A, K. (ét'. orp.).-J. Domna, Caracalla, Clazomenae, 33. ATIO/\/\QNIOV, AIA. (ér'. orp.).-J. Domna, Smyrna, 285; Cara- calla, Smyrna and Pergamum, 306. ATTPQNIANOV, ſ. IOVA. (ºti orp.).--Philip I, Metropolis, 179. ATT4 IANOV. A.V. (én’. a.).-Time of Maximinus, Phocaea, 219. APIZHAOV, TiO, AIA. (grp.).-Lucilla, Commodus, Smyrna, 280, 281. [AJPIXTA1XMOX [äpxovl.—Darly Imperial time, Chios, 339. 3 K 434 IN IDEX IV. C. APIXTEAX [ápxtepe's of Artemis]–Augustus, Ephesus, 72. APIXTION.—[ápxtepe's of Artemis].-Augustus, Ephesus, 72. º APICTO på NOVC, KA. (ºri orp.).-Albinus, Sept. Severus, J. Domna, Smyrna, 281—284. AXK/\AX (àpxtepe's of Artemis),-2nd Triumvirate and Augustus, Ephesus, 71, 72. AXKAHſ! I AAHX (ypapſuare's toū 8%uov]).—2nd Triumvirate, Iºphesus, 71. ACM ENOC [ápxov1.—Early Imperial time, Chios, 339. ATTA/AOC (āvéðmke pokatevoriv.).-M. Aurelius, Faustina, Phocaea, 222, 223. ATTAAOC (orodigths [ävéðnke] ra's Tarptor. Spup. Aaoğ.).—M. Aurelius, Faustina, Smyrna and Laodicea, 307, 308. ATTA/\OV, ſl. Al. (ér”. orp. t. 9). —Severus Alexander, J. Mamaea, I'rythrae, 148. AVAOV TOV MAPKOV (&th otpatmyoſ.).-Commodus, Phocaea, 223. A@@IANOV, A.V. (&t'. J.).-Maciminus, Malcimus, Phocaea, 225, 226. B. BAK . . . . (in otpa.).-Antoninus Pius, Erythrae, 147. BACCOV (éti yp.).-Mariminus, Magnesia, 169. BACCOV, AVP. (ini atpa. B').—Gordian III, Metropolis, 178. BAXV/\OV (&T otpa.).-Erythrae, 143. BePHKOVNAOIY] (orp.).-Teos, 317. B 1ONOC (éri otpatn.).-Time of Trajan, Smyrna, 252, 253. BION OC, TA. K.A. (raptov.).--Time of Trajan, Smyrna, 253. B10 NOC, KA (otpa.).--Trajan, Smyrna, 276. T. ſeſ AA | . . K (&m'.) —Teos, 317. TeMINOV, M. AVP. (in', orp.).-J. Domna, Smyrna, 285; Cara. callºt, Smyrna and I’crgamum. 305—307. MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON IMPERIAL COINS. 435 TePHEINOC (sic). See PHTel NOC (ortparnyós).--Time of , Domitian, Smyrna, 250. TeXXIOC @ I/\OſlATPIX [arpatmyds].—Nero, Smyrna, 270, 271. TAAYKQN (àpxtepe's of Artemis),-2nd Triumvirate, Ephesus, 71. TOPTIAX AQPOOEOV, M. KAAV. [äpxov].—Early Imperial time, Chios, 339. A. AAM . . . . . See q>1/\QNOC. AAMA, Tl. (&mi).-Nero, Miletus, 198. AAQNOV AOM ETIANOV (in Yp.).-Gallienus, Magnesia, 174. AH MeOV (ºr yp.). --Gordian III, Magnesia, 170. AHMOKPATOVC, AVP. (eiri yp. r. 8).-Gordian III, Magnesia 171. AHMONEIKOV, (éri yp.).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 171. AHMOCTPATOV (éri [a reqawmºbópov]).—Domitian, Smyrna, 252, 274. [A]]Oſ ENIHX] [äpxov].—Augustus, Chios, 339. AIOTEN IANOV, AIA. (0.).—Gallienus, Erythrae, 149. AlOTEN IANOV, AIA. T.A. (&m.’ or to 6).--Time of Gallienus, Erythrae, 144. Al Oſe NOVC. AVP. (éri àpx.).-Valerian and Gallienus, Miletus, 201, 202. AlOſéNOVC, ſ. K. (Ém.’ orp. orreſpawnq6pov).-Severus Alexander, Smyrna, 293. Al ONYXIOX.—Augustus, Smyrna, 267. AlONVCIOV, AV. (ort.).-Valerian, Clazomenae, 35. AIOCKOVPIAOV TPATOV, A. (&miſypap.]).—Antoninus Pius, Magnesia, 165. E. El KAAIOX [arpa.].—Claudius, Smyrna, 249, 270, 271. EKATOAQPOX HPA . . . . Augustus, Erythrae, 145. EKATQNYMOX. AIXXPIQNOX. — Augustus, Erythrae, 145. 436 INT)FX IV. O. EKATONYMOV [éri orp.].—Time of Trajan (), Erythrae, 142. EKATQNYMOY (ériſatp.]).—Sabina, Erythrae, 146. EAENOV, AVP (ér.’ or.).-Mazimus, Erythrae, 149. €TTIKTHTOV, AT (or ATI () (er.’ g.)—Philip I, Smyrna, 296. EPATONOL (éri àpxovros).--Nero, Priene, 234. EPMATOPOV (in ortparnyol, B').—Antoninus Pius, M. Aurelius, Phocaea, 222. €PMePQTOC (£r yp.).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 172. €PMOTeNOV, AVP. (grp.).-Valerian, Teos, 318, 321. €PMOTENOVC (ºri [ated awmºbópov!).-Nero, Smyrna, 271. EPM OKAHX.—Augustus, Smyrna, 266. EVBOV/\OV () (er yp.).-J. Maesa, Magnesia, 167. EYAH MOX [ćpxov].—Augustus, Chios, 339. [E]YêYKP[A]THX (ypapſuareſs toū 8%uov]).—2nd Triumvirate, Ephesus, 71. EVTTOPOV, AVP. (ºri orp. 8).-Gallienus, Metropolis, 181. €VTVXOV, M. A.V.P. (3ri atpa.).-J. Domna, Phocaea, 224. €VTVXOV, M. AVP (éri orp. t. 6).--Caracalla, Phocaea, 224. EYTYXOYC TYXIKOY, M.AYP. (ér yp.).-Otacília, Magnesia, 172. €VTVXOVC, AVP, (&m. oºr. T. B'),—Gordian III, Phocaea, 220, 226. €VTVXOY6 (orp.).-Time of Sept. Severus, Teos, 318. €YTYXOYC CYB. (orp.).—J. Domna, Teos, 321. EY4)PQN [ypapparebs toū 8%uov].—Augustus, Ephesus, 73. * Z. ZQCIMOV (ºriſatp.]).--Erythrae, 143. H. H PAKAA M. l'OV (ºr otp.).-Tranquillina, Metropolis, 178. HPAK/\el AOV, A. AVPH. (Émſ; otpa.]).--Caracalla, Clazomenae, 34. HPAK/\el AOV (orp.), Time of Commodus, Smyrna, 261, 262. MAGISTRATE8' NAMES ON IMPERIAL COINS. 437 HPAK/\el AOV, Al. (otpa.).-Commodus, Smyrna and Athens, 301, 302. HPAK/\el AOV ACKAH. (otpat. T. B').—Commodus, Phocaea, 223. G). OEMICTOIKAEOVC KA. (orp.).-Hadrian, Clazomenae, 32. GeM ICTOK/\eOVC (at.).-Severus Alexander, Clazomenae, 35. OGOAOCIANOV, M. AVP. (et'. g. to. 3').—Severus Alewander, J. Mamaea, Phocaea, 224, 225. G) EPXHX Eſl IOETOY.-Augustus, Erythrae, 145. OGVAIANOC (orrpat. §vé0mke Xpupvatois).--Antoninus Pius, M. Aurelius, Faustina Jun., Smyrna, 257, 278—280. GeONOC, AVP. (éti arp.).—Otacilia, Metropolis, 179. |AOM €NeOC (&T).-M. Aurelius, Phocaea, 222. IGPOONYMOC ſorted avnºbópos?]—Tiberius, Smyrna, 268. lePQMYMOY, T1. KAAYAIOY (éri [a redavnihápov]?).—Time of Tiberius, Smyrna, 248, 249. lePQNYMOC ATIO/\/\QNIOY [äpxov].—Early Imperial time, Chios, 339. |OY/\! AC (iti [a req\avmdépow]).-Vespasian, Smyrna, 273. K. KA/\/\INE! KOV (&mi arp.).-Gordian III, Colophon, 43. KA/\/\INEl KOV TiO. Al. (ºri orp.).-Valerian, Colophon, 45. K/\APOX (atpatmyds) —Time of Nero, Smyrna, 250. KAAPOC, CKPIBQNIOC (atpa.).-Nero, Smyrna, 271. KAAYAIANOY (orpa.).-Commodus, Clazomenae, 32. KO/\/\YBAX.—Augustus, Smyrna, 267. KOPQNOX. —Augustus and Tiberius, Smyrna, 267, 208. 4.38 INDEX IV. O. KOYXINIOX ([ypappare's toū Shuow] () to 8).-Claudius, Ephesus, 73. KPHTAPIOV, TIBEPIOV, KA. (&mi ortparn.).-Caracalla, Smyrna, 288, 289, 291. KPITQNOC ACKAH. (a ſp.), Commodus, Crispina, Teos, 320. KTHTOV (ini otpa.).-Time of Valerian (), Smyrna, 266. /\. AEONTIXKOX ITITIOM EAONTOX.—Augustus, Smyrna, 267. AeONTOC (orp.).-Teos, 318. AOV . . . . . . (éti otpa.).-Sept. Severus, Phocaea, 223. /\OYKIOY, AYP. (gri śp. r. 8).-Severus Alexander, Priene, 234. AOYKIOY, Cez. (ort.).-Gallienus, Teos, 321. AOVKIQNſOC] (p1/\OCEBLACTOV], AVP. (gri atpa.).-Ota- cilia, Colophon, 43. AOVTIOV, (&mi.).—Nero, Miletus, 198. AVC1 MAXOV, A.A.I.A. (&ti atpa.).-Commodus, Erythrae, 147. M. MATAKHIX] (), (ypapſuats's toū 8%uoul).-2nd Triumvirate, Ephe- sus, 71. MAPKOY, AYP. (eir orp.).-Gordian III, Colophon, 43. MENANAPOX.—Augustus, Phocaea, 221. MeNANAPOY (ºri.)—J. Domna, Miletus, 200. MeNe KAeOVC (ºr,' [arpo.]).--Time of Gordian III, Smyrna, 264; Smyrna and Perinthus, 302. MeNeK/\e OVC, T. IOV, (&mi arp.).-Gordian III, Smyrna, 295. MHNO9ANHC [ortedlavnihápos ()]—Caligula, Smyrna, 269. MHNOdº/ANTOX [ypapparebs toū Shuow).-Augustus, Ephesus, 72. MHTPQNAE ZQTIVPOV.-Augustus, Erythrae, 145. MINNI. p1/\OMHTOPOX, b/\A. (ºr).-Trajan, Miletus, 199. MOCCXA (8' vetok, &mi arrp.).-Commodus, Phocaea and Lampsacus, 227. * MOCXIQNOC, AVP. (&ti yp. 86).-Macimus, Magnesia, 169. MAGISTRATES' NAMES ON IMPERIAL COINS. 439 MOCXIQNOC (ºri àpxtirpuſtáveos]).—Otacilia Severa, Prieme, 235. MOXXOX.—Augustus, Phocaea, 221. MYPTOY (éri orreſpawmºbópou), 6vyárpos toū ājjwou).-Time of Domitian, Smyrna, 250—252. MYPQNOC, TIB. KA. (&mi orp. to 6').-J. Domna, Colophon, 42. N. Nel KIA., OVA. (Éiri ort[patnyov) trpſ&rov] to 8).—Gallienus, Metro- polis, 180. Nel KQNOC, AVP. (é, orp. 8).-J. Paula, Erythrae, 148. NIKOX[TPA]TOX (ypapparewsſtod ómulov).-Augustus, Ephesus, 72. NOVMH NIOC–Claudius, Phocaea, 221. O. OVAſl[IO]V () (étri Yp. to 3).-J. Maesa, Magnesia, 167. Tl. ſl Aſ E . . . () [ypapparebs toū 8%uou].-Augustus, Ephesus, 72. TIAM MeNOVC (&ti yp.)—Gordian III, Magnesia. 170. TTANKPATOVC, [KA]. (ot.).—Time of Valerian and Gallienus, Teos, 3.18. TTelCONeſ|NOV], T.K. (ot.).-Teos, 317, 318. TTEPIſ ENOYC (éiri Yp.).-Otacília, Magnesia, 173. TIO/\ElTOV, M. OVIN 1. (&m.’ or ).-Time of Severus Alexander Smyrna, 265. TIO/\elTOV (it.’ o'.).—Severus Alexander, Smyrna, 293. TIOACMQN (otpatnyºv čváðnke Sºupwatots).-Hadrian, Sajina, Antinois, Smyrna, 277, 278. [T]Pe!MOY (ār; otpa.)—Trajan, Erythrae, 146. TTPel MOY, KO. OYA. (ºr 3px).-Time of Antonines, Chios, 341, 342. TTPel MOY (tri äpx. 86)-Time of Antonines, Chios, 341, 342. 2 440 INDEX IV. O. TIPOKAIANOV, M. AVP. ITOTI/\IOV (in orp.).-Maximinus, Smyrna, 294. TIPOKAOV, KA. (orreſqawmºbópov]).—Trajan, Smyrna, 276. ſlPOK/\OV, KA. (oroquorrow, tri orrpa.).-Faustina Junior, L. Verus, Smyrna, 279, 280. Tl PQTO . . . . (), Al/\. (êtri àpxovros to 8'.).-M. Aurelius and Com- modus, Milotus, 200. Tl|O/\/\IANOV (ét.' [otpa).-Time of Gordian to Valerian, Smyrna, 264, 265. P. PHTeiNOC (atparnyés).-Time of Domitian, Smyrna, 250—252. POV4)|NOV, KA. (oroºtſorrow], eri ortpa.).-Sept. Severus, Domna, Caracalla, Geta, Smyrna, 283—285, 287, 288, 291, 292. POV4 INOV oroq (orrow] orp.).-Tranquillina, Smyrna, 295. POV|(POV] (a tp.).-Trajan, Smyrna, 276. X. XATOPNEINOV, ſ. IOVA. (gri śpx.).—Valerian, Priene, 235. CeBHPEINOV, TiO. Al. (&ti orp.).-Valerian, Gallienus, Colo- phon, 46. CEKOVAOV (sic), KA. (éri orp.).-Time of Ant. Pius and M. Aurelius, Erythrae, 142. Ce KOVNAOV KA. (ºri orp.).--Antoninus Pius, M. Aurelius, Ery- thrae, 147. CekCVNAOV (ºr Ypap.).--Caracalla, Magnesia, 166. Ce/\/\IOV, M. (otpa.).-M. Aurelius, Commodus, Crispina, Smyrna and Nicomedia, 303, 304. Ce=TOV, TTOMITIQNIOV], (a reſpawn bápov]).—Hadrian, Smyrna, 277. Ce=CTOV, M. AVP. (iir.’ o'.).-Gallienus, Salonina, Smyrna, 298– 300. CHIOC (atparnyós).-Domitian, Smyrna, 252, 274, MAGISTRATES’ NAMES ON IMPERIAL COIN8. 441 CKPe|BONIANOV, KA. (ºr art.).-Philip I and II, Phocaea, 220, 226, 227. XTPATOKAHX Oſpj6A[1]OY.-Augustus, Erythrae, 145. CTPATONG|K1ANOV, KA. (orp.).-Time of Sept. Severus, Smyrna, 262. CTPATONG|KOV, KA. (ºri orrpa.).-J. Domna, Geta, Smyrna, 286, 292. CQCANAPOC (orrpa.).-Time of Tiberius, Smyrna, 248, 249. CQCANAPOY, T1. KAAYA|OY (grpa.).-Time of Tiberius, Smyrna, 248, 249. XQTIKOV . . . . El NOV (éri yp.).-Caracalla, Magnesia, 166. T. [T]El2A[M] . . . . " (ypappare's [toi, 8%uov]).—Augustus, Ephesus, 72. TePTIOV, M. A.V.P. (ér’. a. Čortópxov.).-Gordian III, Smyrna, 265, 2.94. TPYPON [ypapparets toū 8%uov] }–Augustus, Ephesus, 71. TPYPON [ápxtepe's of Artemis] –Augustus, Ephesus, 72. TYX| KOY ſlo/\Y. (éri Yp.).-Maaiminus, Magnesia, 169. Y. Y/\/\OY . [éri yp.].—Caracalla, Magnesia, 166. (p. ©HCeINOC ANTATOP. [arpa.]—Sabina, Teos, 320. ©1/\HTOV (ittukoč, ćiri or.).-Valerian, Gallienus, Smyrna, 266, 297. •Arrow (êmio reqawmºbópov]).—Claudius, Britannicus, Smyrna, 249, ©1AOCeBIACTOV] see AOVKIQNIOC]—Otacília, Colophon, 43. ©1/\OYMeNOY (éri yp. 6).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 171. ©1/\ON [äpxtepeſs of Artemis]-Augustus, Ephesus, 73. 3 L 442 INDEX IV. O. q 1/\QNOC AAM (orp. to 8).-J. Domna, Caracalla, Geta, Clazo- menae, 33, 34. ©AAM |NN I. See MINN]. 4)/\A. ©PONTONIOC], M. K.A. (āorićpxſov] kai épx|[spéos y tróAeov).--Ant. Pius, Ionian League, 16. ©OTEINOY (&ti Yp. 8).-Gordian III, Magnesia, 171. X. XAPIAHMOV, AVP. (irl arpa.).-J. Domna, Caracalla, Smyrna, 286, 288, 291. XPVCOTONOV, AVP, TOV eTTA®POAelTOV (r. 3px).— Time of Gallienus, Chios, 343, 344, ( 443 ) IND EX V. ROMAN MAGISTRATES’ NAMES. A. GREEK. A. AOVIOAA (3ri Lévôvirátov]), C. Calpurnius Aviola, Procos., A.D. 38-39. —Smyrna, 269. AOY1OAA (āv6virárº), M'Acilius C. f. Aviola, Procos., A.D. 65-66.— Rphesus, 74. B. BQAANOV (éritévôvirárov)), Vettius Bolanus, Procos., circ. A.D. 76.— Smyrna, 272, 273. ITA/\| KOV (ºrilāv6virárov), T. Catius C. Silius Italicus, Procos., circ. A.D. 77.—Smyrna, 273. - ITAA|KO (āv6vUrárºl), T. Catius C. Silius Italicus, Procos.-Smyrna, 273. TI. TIAITOV, KAICENNIOV (ºri àv6v[rátov]), L. Caesennius Paetus, Procos., Time of Domitian.—Ephesus and Smyrna, 111. TIETP(ONIOV (ºri dvöv[trátov]), P. Petronius, Procos., A.D. 29–35.- Smyrna, 268. 444 INDEX W. P. POVCONOC (ºr Övövtårov), P. Calvisius Ruso. Procos., Time of Domitian,—Ephesus and Smyrna, 110. | (p. ©AQPOV, A. MeCTPIOV (ºri dv6virárov), L. Mestrius Florus, Procos., A.D. 83-84.—Smyrna, 274, 275. ©OVCKQ, ACI. (āv6virárg), Asinius (?) Fuscus., Procos., between A.D. 98 and 102.—Smyrna, 276. ©PONTEINQ (āv6virárq), Sextus Julius Frontinus, Procos. circ. A.D. 83.−Smyrna, 250, 251. R. ROMAN. A. T. AMPI. T. F. (PROCOS.), T. Ampius T. f. Balbus, Procos., B.C. 58-57.-Ephesus, 67. F. C. FABI. M. F. (PROCOS.), C. Fabius M. f. [Hadrianus], Procos. B.C. 57-56.-Ephesus, 67. C. FAN. (PONT. PR.), C. Fannius, Praetor, B.o. 48.—Ephesus, 68. ( 445 ) INDEX VI. ENGRAVERS’ NAMES. O. OEOAOTO: (ETOEI).-Clazomenae, 19. ( 446 ) IN DEX VII. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS. A. ATPITITINIA GEOMHTQP. —Samos, 372. AAPIANH Smyrna, 257. AKPAIOX.—Smyrna, 272. ANAKPCON.—Teos, 317. ANAPOKAOC.—Ephesus, 94. AN EG) HKE 4) QKAI EVCIN ATTA/\OC.—Phocaea, 222, 223. [ANeeHKe] TAIC TIATPI CI ATTA/\OC COOIC THC CMVP. A.A.O.- Smyrna and Laodicea, 307, 308. ANGG) H Ke G)6VAIANO.C.— Smyrna, 257. ANéOH Ke CMVPNAIOIC G)6VAIANOC CTPAT.- Smyrna, 278—280. ANCOH Ke TTO/\GMON CT PATH ITQN.—Smyrna, 277, 278. ANKAIOC.—Samos, 370. AEOC (River).-Erythrae, 143. CMYPNA. — 78, Aſl H M H or 16:PA ATIH. M. H. Ephesus, 82, 97, 100, 103, 107. Aſl O/\/\QN | KeCIOC.—Ephe- sus, 79. APTO. —Magnesia, 173. APTCM IC eq)éCIA or €4)6C |QN.—Ephesus, 80, 81, 84, 96, 97, 99, 102, 103, 107, 109. APTGM IC KAAPIA. — Colo- phon, 42. APXIEPEYX TPAM.–Ephesus, 71. ACIAPX. KAI APXI. Iſ. TTOAGON.—Ionian League, 16. - ACCAPION.—Chios, 343. ACCAPION HMYCY.—Chios, 343, 345. ACAPION HMVCV. — Chios, 345. * ACCAPIA AYO or AY Q.— Chios, 342, 344. ACAPIA AYO. —Chios, 345. ACCAPA AYQ.—Chios, 344. ACCAPIA TPIA.—Chios, 341 —343. ACAPIA TPIA.—Chios,344,345. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS, 447 AC X11.—Samos, 370. ACTPAIOC (River). — Metro- polis, 179. ACYAOC.—Ephesus, 99. AYAAITHC.—Magnesia, 164. B. BA:IA.—Satraps, 325. BQTA (= vota),—Ephesus, 89. A. AHMOC.—Ephesus, thrae, 142. Al AYMEIA.—Miletus, 201. AI AYMEYX.—Miletus, 198. AIC See NEOKOPQ.N. AIXA/\KON.—Chios, 341. AOTMAT CVN KAHTOV €456:CION OVTOI NA Ol.—Ephesus, 92. AOM ITIA G)6A CeBACTH. Smyrna. 273. 76; Ery- E. Eſ AIAY MON tus, 189. €IPHN H.-Ephesus, 97. EPMOC (River).--Smyrna, 272, 273. €PVePOC KTICTHC.–Ery- thrae, 142. Eq>EDIA.—Ephesus, 73. |EPH.-Mile- Z. ZeVC AKPAIOC. — Smyrna, 253–258. ZEVC OAVMTTIOC. — Ephe- sus, 75, 93. H. HPAK/\e ITOC.—Ephesus, 78. H PHC.—Samos, 370. HPQC (ANTINOOC)—Ephe- sus, 78. G). GeA AOM ITIA.—Smyrna, 273. OEA APOYX1/\/\A.—Miletus, 198. G) EA /\! Bl/A.—Clazomenae, 31. ©EA POM H.—Lebedus, 156. OEAN CYNKAHTON.— Le- bedus, 156. €EOTAM IA.—Ephesus, 73. OEOAOTO: Eſ"OEl. — Clazo- menae, 19. [OEOJMHTQP ATPITITTINA. —Samos, 372. G)6ON CVN KAH TO N.— Prythrae, 143 ; Smyrna, 248. 66:OV VON.—Clazomenae, 32. 66:OV VQ.—Colophon, 42. 6VTATPOC TOV AH MOV. —Smyrna, 250. !. !CPA CVNK/\HTOC. — Pho- caea, 219, 220 ; Smyrna, 261 —266. |KeCIOC. See ATIO/\/\QN. |QNON.—Teos, 322. K. KA/\e QN, KA/\/\QN, &c. (River).--Smyrna, 278. KATAT1/\OVC A.—Ephesus, 99. 448 INDEX VII. KAYCTPOC (River).-Ephesus, 78. KeMXPelOC (River).—Ephesus, 78, 94. KHPIAAIC (0Ae TTPOC TIA AYPIN.—Ephesus, 70. [K?]/\AI.-Clazomenae, 17. K/\ASOMENH. — Clazomenae, 30. KAAPIA.—Colophon, 42. KOINA AC1AC (see TIPOTA KOINA).--Smyrna, 283, 294. KOIN ON | T TIO/\e QN.— Ionian League, 16. KO|NON TON Colophon, 45. KTICTHC ePYePOC.–Ery- thrae, 142. [KTIC|THC Mel AHTOC.— Miletus, 199. KTIXTHX XEBAXTOX.— Clazomenae, 31; Teos, 319. A. AeVKO4)PVH NH. — Magnesia, 164. AeYKO4)PYNH. — Magnesia, 164. Aey KO4)PVC.—Magnesia, 165. M. MAPNAC (River).—Ephesus, 75. Mel/\HTOC [KTIC]THC.— Miletus, 199. Me/\HC (River). — Smyrna, 261. MHTP.—Magnesia, 165. MONON A NeOKOPON.— Ephesus, 106. MON ON TIPOTON ACAC, Ephesus, 95. In NoN.— N. NEIKH AOMITIANOIY]— Ephesus, 75. NGOI HAIOI.-Ephesus, 89. NGOKOPON.—Miletus, 201. NGOKOPON THC APTCM |AOC.—Magnesia, 168. NeOKOPON (or NEOKOP QN) B or Al C.—Ephesus, 77, 78, 80–87, 110. NGOKOPON AID. TPQTQ N ADIAC.—Ephesus, 81. NeOKOPON, AIC, KAI THC APTGM IAOC. — Ephesus, 85. NeOKOPON, TPIC, KAI THC APTCM IAOC. — Ephesus, 89. NeOKOPON (or NeOKOP QN) T or TPIC.—Ephesus, 84, 86, 87, 96–101, 104, 105, 107, 108; Smyrna, 263—266, 286, 288–290, 292–300. NeOKOPON T TON CeB ACTQN.—Smyrna, 265, 288, 290, 293. NeOKOPON T CEB.—Smyrna, 286. NeOKOPON (or NeOKOP QN A).-Ephesus, 90–94, 96, 101, 102, 105, 106, 108. O. OBOAOC.—Chios, 340. Ol KOVMeNIKA (!).-Ephesus, 92. OAYMTTIOC (Zeiſs).-Ephesus, 75, 93. REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS. 449 OAYMTTIOC (A8ptavós).—Ephe- sus, 77. OMHPOC.—Chios, 346; Smyrna, 262. OMONO!A. — Ephesus and Smyrna, 110–112 ; Ephesus and Pergamum, 110 ; Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamum, 110 ; Ephesus and Sardes, 112 ; Ephesus and Alexandria, 112, 113 ; Erythrae and Chios, 150; Magnesia and Ephesus, 174; Miletus and Ephesus, 202; Phocaea and Lampsacus, 227 ; Smyrna and Athens, 301, 302; Smyrna and Perinthus, 302; Smyrna and Nicomedia, 303, 304; Smyrna and Pergamum, 305–307. OLNe]Q. eqe. AH. eTTeX AP.—Ephesus, 76. OTT/\O4}\//\AZ. — Smyrna, 259, 26(). OVA.—-Miletus, 184. II. TIANIQNIOC.—Smyrna, 254. Tiel Q.N.—Ephesus, 79. ſle/\OSP.-Smyrna, 278. TIPOſvom6évros].-Ionian League, 16. TIPOTA ACIAC. —Smyrna, 286. IT POTA KOINA ACIAC.— Smyrna, 283, 294. IT POTA KOINA ACAC GN CMVPN H. — Smyrna, 294, 295, 299. TIPOTON (or A) ACIAC.— Ephesus, 81, 83, 88–91, 95, 96, 98, 100, 103, 107, 109; Smyrna, 264—266, 288, 290, 293. ſl POTON ACAC KA/\/\e | KAI Meſeeſ.—Smyrna, 288, 290 TIXOATOPHC. — Samos, 381. 373, P. PQM H CYN KAHTOC ,— Clazomenae, 30. X. [EBACTA KAI CAPHA (or KAI CAPEA). — Metropolis, 180, 181. CEBACTH CYNKAHTOC.— Smyrna, 268. CITTVAHNH. — Smyrna, 255, 256, 258. CKUOTTI.-Ephesus, 70. CMAPA . . . (River). — Phocaea, 225, 226. CMVPNA.—Smyrna, 254–258. CMVPNA AAPIAN H. — Smyrna, 257. XTEQANH4)OPOX. — Chios, 340. CTPA.—Smyrna, 259. CVNKAHTOC (or IEPA CVN KAHTOC).-Erythrae, 142; Erythrae and Chios, 150 ; Miletus, 197; Smyrna, 253. CVNKAHTON, GeON.—Ery- thrae, 143. $YN (a vppaxuków).-Ephesus, 51 ; Samos, 362. T. TAIC TIATPICI (Gyönke) AT TA/\OC COOICTHC.— Smyrna and Laodicea, 307, 308. 3 M 450 TeTPAXAAKON.—Chios, 340. Te0C.—Teos, 317, 318. TO ATAGON.—Ephesus, 109. TP1c See Neo KOPON. TPIXAAKON.—Chios, 340. TYXH.—Ephesus, 97, 99, 103, 114; Magnesia, 168, 173. TON GN |QN A. — Metro- polis, 176—178, 180, 181. INDEX VII.-REMARKABLE INSCRIPTIONS. ©, (PAENO3 EMI 3HMA (re- trograde).-Ephesus, 47. ©QKEA.—Phocaea, 218, 219. Cl. QKEANO.C.-Ephesus, 82. ( 451 ) TA B L E FOR CONVERTING ENGLISH INCHES INTO MILLIMETRES AND THR! MEASURES OF MIONNET'S SCALE. ENGLISH INcH Es 4- FR ENch MiLL METREs Mionneſs ScALE 11 - ſº.gº*.l ( 452 ) T A B L E OF THE RELATIVE WEIGHTS OF ENGLISH GRAINS AND FRENCH GRAMMES. Grains. Grammes. || Grains. Grammes. || Graing, | Grammes. || Grains, Grammes. I •064 41 2.656 81 5.248 121 7,840 2 •129 42 2.720 82 5-312 122 7.905 3 •194 43 2.785 83 5-378 123 7.970 4 •259 44 2.850 84 5'442 124 8-035 5 •324 45 2.915 85 5-508 125 8:100 6 '388 46 2.980 86 5-572 126 8'164 7 •453 47 3.045 87 5'637 127 8.229 8 •518 48 3-110 88 5-702 128 8-294 9 ‘583 49 3.175 89 5'767 129 8:359 10 •648 50 3:240 90 5'832 130 8’424 11 •712 51 3'304 91 5'896 131 8’488 12 •777 52 3.368 92 5'961 132 8'553 13 '842 53 3'434 93 6'026 133 8-618 14 •907 54 3'498 94 6'091 134 8°682 15 •972 55 3'564 95 6'156 135 8-747 16 1.036 56 3.628 96 6'220 136 8'812 17 1 101 57 3.693 97 6'285 137 8'877 18 1-166 58 3.758 98 6'350 138 8-942 19 1.231 59 3.823 99 6'415 139 - || 9-007 20 1.296 60 3'888 100 6'480 140 9-072 21 1-360 61 3'952 101 6'544 141 9-136 22 1-425 62 4.017 102 6'609 142 9:200 23 1.490 63 4'082 103 6'674 143 9:265 24 1 555 64 4°146 104 6.739 144 9-330 25 1:620 65 4'21] 105 6'804 145 9:395 26 1'684 66 4°276 106 6'868 146 9°460 27 1749 67 4’341 107 6'933 147 9.525 28 1814 68 4'406 108 6'998 148 9-590 29 1-879 69 4'471 109 7-063 149 9.655 30 1944 70 4°536 110 7-128 150 9.720 31 2:008 71 4'600 11 I 7.192 151 9.784 32 2:073 72 4'665 112 7.257 152 9'848 33 2.138 73 4-729 113 7-322 153 9-91.4 34 2.202 74 4*794 I 14 7:387 154. 9.978 35 2.267 75 4'859 115 7'452 155 | 10-044 36 2°332 76 4-924 116 7' 516 156 || 10:108 37 2:397 77 4'989 117 7' 581 157 || 10:173 38 2°462 78 5-054 118 7:646 158 || 10:238 39 2.527 79 5.119 119 7-711 159 || 10:303 40 2'592 80 5'184 120 7-776 160 | 10:368 } T A B L E OF THE RELATIVE WEIGHTS OF ENGLISH GRAINS AND FRENCH GRAMMES. Grains. Grammes. ba. Grammes. 161 10.432 201 13.024 162 10.497 202 13-089 163 10:562 203 13' 154 164 10.626 204 13:219 165 10-691 205 13°284 166 10-756 206 13:348 167 10-821 207 13°413 168 10-886 208 13.478 169 10.951 209 13.543 170 11.016 210 13-608 171 11.080 211 13-672 172 11-145 212 13.737 173 11-209 213 13.802 174 11:274 214 13.867 175 11-339 215 13:932 176 11 .404 216 13.996 177 11 .469 217 14:061 178 1 I-534 218 14-126 179 11-599 219 14-191 180 11.664 220 14-256 181 11.728 221 14-320 I 82 11-792 222 14.385 183 11.858 223 14.450 184 11-922 224 14:515 185 11.988 225 14-580 186 12-052 226 14-644 187 12.117 227 14,709 188 12-182 228 14-774 189 12.247 229 14.839 190 12-312 230 14-904 191 12.376 231 14:968 192 12'441 232 15-033 193 12:506 233 15.098 194 12:571 234 15-162 195 12-636 235 15-227 196 12:700 236 15:292 197 12-765 237 15.357 198 12:830 238 15:422 | igg | 13 gº, I gº iñºſ? 200 12:960 240 15:552 | Grains. * 241 242 243 244 280 Grammes. || Grains. Grammes. 15-616 290 18-79 15-680 300 19-44 15-745 310 20.08 15.810 320 20-73 15.875 330 21:38 15.940 340 22:02 16:005 350 22.67 16-070 360 23-32 16-135 370 23.97 16-200 380 24.62 16:264 390 25-27 16.328 400 25.92 16-394 410 26-56 16.458 420 27:20 16:524 430 27.85 16-588 440 28'50 16-653 450 29:15 16.718 460 29.80 16.783 470 30-45 16.848 480 31-10 16.912 490 31-75 I6.977 500 32°40 17.042 510 33-04 17.106 520 33.68 17-171 530 34:34 17.236 540 34'98 17,301 550 35-64 17.366 560 36-28 17.431 570 36.93 17.496 580 37-58 17.560 590 38.23 17.625 600 38.88 17-689 700 45-36 17.754 800 51.84 17.819 900 58-32 17.884 1000 64.80 17,949 2000 | 129-60 18-014 3000 || 194-40 18:07.9 4000 || 259-20 18:144 5000 || 324-00 LOIſ DON: PRINTED BY Grubeºr AND RIVINGTorr, L.D.'s ST. John's Hous E, CLERKENWELL, E.G. | ON A Erc. PLl º gº 32.3 g).2 9.9 tº 9 @ 90 & 8) 90 e.e. º.º. 9.8 & 2 * * - Phoenician Stand urd, 7th & 6th cent. - - Phoenic to n Standard. circ. B. C. 500. ELECT RUNA . Unattributed & doubtful. | ON | A =T c. PLll. 9 & 2 & 3 & & & e º 'º 9 tº 3 Phoca ic & Aegºnetic tº Standards 7" & 6" cent 3 & 3 & £9,69 e e º e º e 9 e 39 e. e.e. & 8 e & 26 Eu hole S to nd cird 7th & 6th cent. - ELECT RU M. Unattributed & doubtful. O NLA etc. PLIII. - - Erythrae P 23. Samos ? |ON | A N ELECT RU M. º ºr - |ON | A Eurc. PLIV. ©,© ©=Q 29 gº @ e © º @ @ : № © ® Pho colled. 5th & 4th ce | ON | A N ELECTRUM © © ®©-) £ €), (?) 00: PL.V. | ON | A Fºrc. |ON | AN ELECTRUM. |© ®), º £).© ®),© ®),@@-© @ : | ON | A etc. P. VI. 9.69 3.9 | - circ B.C. 387-300. - . CLAZO MENA E. | ON A. Erc PL. VII. in perial Times. ------- CLA ZO M E N A E. Iona ºre P viii. B. c. 400 35 0. – 3 00. B.C. 350 After B.C. 300. | m perial COLO PHON | ONLA E+c PL |X. AR Before B.C. 480. AR B.C. 387-295. EP H ESU S . |ON A Erc. PLX, B.C. 280–258. EPHES U.S. │ ├─ | 53|| …): )| * C. G| |-| …| -| <|× Z| O | __,| d|-|-… ! ||-cº)ģ||- | ()Œ>3^).EUO c^)|-cº)ElD |||-|-Ur) º _* !§?] º , ~ | ¡ ¿ e )© C_)5O ſae.|-caead cr:±LL |-|× | |||- , - |- | ON A ETC. PLXII. B.C. 50-49 C|STO PHORI of EPH ESU.S. | m perial Augustus-Com modus EPHES U.S. |ONLA etc. PLXIII. . - -- IONA ETC. PLXIV s — Solonino. Severu. Imperial. EPHES U.S. | ON A. E.T.C. PLXV - - º º º º B.C. 300-200. ERYTH RAE. | ON IA ETC. PLXVI. B.C. 200-133. Imperial Tirnes. ERYTH R A. E. |ONA etc. PLXVII. Leuce B.C. 350 -300. --- HE RACLEA, LARISSA, LEBEDUS, LEU CE. º - | ONLA etc. PLXVIII. ſººſ:ſ. · |×ſ.|× . © ct. | 3 dae |- < U) LL Z U <, > B. C. 350-190. Afte |ON | A etc. PLXIX. - |90. After B.C. | m perial < U) LL Z U |ON IA etc. PLXX. MAGNES A METROPOLIS. Sº º B.C. 300-250. |- - - - - - - B.C. 250-190. M | | EIT US . º --- - |ON A etc. PLXXII. - AE - iletus. Imperio L. 4. Q Nu'uloch us B.C. 350 M | LETUS, NAULO C H U.S. |ON | A etc. PLXXIII. 2 Imperial. PHO C. A. E. A Priene 3rd cent. B. C. Priene 2 nº cent B.C. of Nero Prue ne PHYC ELA, PR ENE. Valert an |ON |A ET.c. PLXXV. 2nd and 1st cent B.C. S MY RNA Sºº |ON | A E re. PL XXVI. Trojan. Tiberius |m perial Times. S MY RNA |ON |A ET c. PL XXVII. |m periol Times, Trojan-Com modus. ------ tº S M Y RNA - |ON | A ET c. PL. XXVIII Conn modus-Valertoºn. Imperial Times, Domittan Augustus- Imperial, - --- <[ Z Oſ >- > Uſº etc. PLXXIX Imperial. Domutiºn - Philip I S M Y RNA | ON |A Etc. PLXXX. 39. | - Before B.C. 544 - B.C. 394-3.00. 92 After B.C. 300 |mberial Times Imperial - - - - - T E O S . |ON | A Hiſ C. PLXXXI. SAT R A P A L CO | N S º |ON | A ET C. P.L. XXXII. B. C. 4-90 Before B.C. 478-4 12. B. C. 4-12-350. After B.C. 84. |- C H | O S . ON A ETC. PL. XXX III. m perio | Times. C H | O S . |ON |A ET c. P.L. XXXIV. Somos B. C. 49 4-4-39. O E NO E – S A M O S . |ON | A ET c. PLXXXV. . B C. 439 – 394. B C 394-365. º S A M O S . cº/ º ET c. PLXXXVI. . | ON | A 205 B.C. 322-205 29-20. B. C. rial Times. e | in | S A M O S . |ON | A E c. PLXXXVII. | ON | A F-T C. PLXXXVIII. - Erythroe - Chios. --- | ON | A – A LLI A N C E COINS º ON LA ET c. PLXXXIX. . *,,,, , , , . -§ . . . , ** * * * * ….*?\*.*... * * * ', ' , '.,', , ' ' ' : *** *******s*,…………….!! 、§%***#:};&&&&&&&&&&&&&1% §§§¿ | | |- | | | ill 3 9015 | URIVER |||||| : …~~~~~~<--- “” # OR MUTILATE CARD |---- > © = - |---- {©< | – Q ---- © © s ºſ, -ae. ≡ ≈ ≠ ≤ ≥ ≡ ≈ ≠ ≤ ,