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WA patele t Je to the VOL. 1. ¿! i Designing Methods { Reinforced Concrete Construction Włoch MAY, 1908 BUILDINGS GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN This is the first volume of a series of bulletins on designing methods for reinforced concrete construction. مسکر THE JUNE BULLETIN WILL CONTAIN: Each issue will be devoted to a particular type of structure; the problems relating thereto will be discussed and methods of analysis given, illustrating same by a detailed design. REPRINT, MARCH, 1909 Detailed design of typical building. Complete analysis of the strength of rectangular and T-shaped beams. No. 1 PRICE, 25 CENTS National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) DNC COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY Corrugated BAR COMPANY Ke Lib hips 10-9-1920 REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDINGS. Reinforced concrete is the most efficient and logical construction for buildings where permanence and fire-proof qualities are prime requisites. There is only one perishable element, and it is so thor- oughly imbedded in and surrounded by the concrete that, protected from all corrosive influences, the reinforcement may be said to have assumed imperishable properties itself. Concrete is recognized by all as the best fire-resisting material used in building construction and it is impervious to all atmospheric influences. There are but three types of construction that may be considered for buildings of even moderate size; mill or slow-burning construction, reinforced concrete construction, and steel frame, fire-proofed, construction. It is proposed to treat of these three types of construction very briefly and then bring out some of the superior properties of reinforced concrete. Mill The only arguments that can be advanced in favor of mill-constructed buildings is their low initial cost and the ease and rapidity with which they may be erected. The main objection is that the construction is not fire-proof and that a fire of usual severity will destroy the interior structure and necessitate complete renewal. There is, moreover, very little structural stability to such a building, since the columns and beams are not rigidly connected and dependence is placed upon the exterior walls for the ability to resist shocks, wind pressure and such causes as act upon the building as a whole. The structural elements are perishable and are subject to periodic repair. Construction. A well-designed steel frame building properly fire- proofed and with adequate protection for the steel columns and beams is a "fire-proof" and permanent structure. The question of the absolute protection of the structural elements, however, is one that deserves consideration. Owing to the large size of the beams and columns, planes of separation may be pro- duced in the fire-proofing material, or the concrete may shrink away from the sides of the members, thus affording opportunity for corro- sion. The deflection under given loads and the vibration due to moving loads or machinery are very much greater in a steel frame construction than in one of reinforced concrete. The vital objection, however, to a steel frame building is the excessive first cost without any corresponding advantage over a reinforced concrete one. Steel Frame Construction. Reinforced In a reinforced concrete building the structural elements themselves are of a permanent and fire-proof Concrete nature, the concrete improves with age and the steel Construction. is completely enveloped and protected. The entire structure, floors, beams and columns are rigidly connected, and the building as a whole is capable of resisting severe shocks and unusual stresses. A reinforced concrete building is accordingly very rigid, there being practically no vibration, even under heavy moving machinery, and the construction admits of easy adaptability to various requirements of span, loading, etc. The cost of a reinforced concrete building in gen- eral will be slightly in excess of that of a mill con- structed one, although in some localities it may be even less; in all cases, however, the cost will be less than that of a fire- proofed steel frame construction. With the heavier floor loads such as occur in factories and warehouses, the economy of a reinforced concrete over a steel frame construction becomes more marked. Costs in General. In order to get a proper idea of the relative value of the different types of construction it is necessary to consider not only the first cost, but also in connection therewith the rate of depreciation, maintenance charges and insurance rates incidental to the particular construction. The total investments, as represented by the first cost plus the capi- talized charges are the proper bases of comparison, and viewed in this light the economy of reinforced concrete construction is decidedly apparent. The advantages of a reinforced concrete building may then be briefly stated as follows: (1) Comparative low first cost. (2) Absolute permanence. (3) Superior fire-resisting properties. (4) Low insurance rates. (5) Rapidity of construction. (6) Use of local material and labor. GENERAL REMARKS ON THEORY OF DESIGN. The primary conception of the action of a reinforced concrete beam is very simple; a deficiency of tensile strength in the concrete is supplied by the imbedded steel. It is only when we come to the consid- eration of internal or web stresses, and endeavor to provide for shearing and diagonal forces, taking into consideration the local stresses devel- oped in the transference of stress from one material to another, that the subject becomes complicated. Some engineers maintain that when web-reinforcement, either as attached members or as "loose" stirrups sp { -4 are used, a truss action results. It would seem, however, no matter what form the web members take, that the action is very similar to that of a plate girder; it is obvious that this condition must obtain throughout the length of the beam until the concrete has been stretched beyond its normal capacity. After cracks have developed, the same action exists, the continuity, however, being destroyed. The variation in the intensity of the stress in the reinforcement is produced through the bond with the concrete, and the value of the bond at any point may be determined by an analysis similar to that used to determine the rivet spacing in a plate girder. It is thus seen that although the web reinforcement plays a most important part in providing against failure by shear or diagonal ten- sion, and thus increases the load-carrying capacity of the beam, it is necessary that the bond between the steel and the concrete be of sufficient strength to develop the requisite stresses in the horizontal reinforcement. The adherence of concrete to metal is small, and is a negligible quantity in practical work. The bond or adhesion (used in contrast to adherence) of plain bars imbedded in concrete is mainly due to the gripping of the bar by the concrete caused by contraction in setting. supplemented by the microscopic irregularities of the surface, and the variation in the size of the bar at different sections. As might be expected, the values obtained for bond vary between wide limits in the case of plain bars, and engineers, as a rule, prefer the use of a bar having a mechanical bond with the concrete. This is, undoubtedly, the best practice, as it eliminates all uncertainty in an element of vital importance to the structure. High-elastic-limit steel is now recognized as the most desirable reinforcing material, as it is well known that the strength of a normally reinforced beam is reached as soon as the stress in the steel passes the elastic limit. With a given percentage of steel then, the strength of the beam, assuming failure by tension in the steel, is directly propor- tional to the yield point of the reinforcing bars. To get the full benefit resulting from the use of a high-elastic-limit steel, it is necessary, in most cases, to use a mechanical bond bar. 5 ON REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION IN GENERAL. Assuming a correct design and good materials, proper methods of construction are essential to the success of a reinforced concrete structure. The reinforcement is purchased under specifications which insure the physical properties assumed in the design-and check tests can easily be made. With the concrete, however, the case is different, and although we can assure ourselves of the quality of the sand, cement and "stone" the strength of the resulting concrete depends upon the thoroughness of the field work. Accurate proportioning, machine mixing and care- ful placing will result in a concrete that will meet with the require- ments of the design. We see, therefore, that it is easily possible to secure proper materials and the next element, and one which is vital to the success of the work, is the accurate location of the reinforcing steel. not possible to check the location of the steel after the concrete is placed—this must be assured by proper methods of construction. Should the reinforcing steel not occupy the exact position indicated on the drawings the strength of the structure will be affected. This statement applies to stirrups and "secondary members" as well as to the main reinforcement. Exact location of the reinforcement must be attained. To accomplish this (1) the bars and stirrups must be bent or otherwise fabricated in exact accordance with the details. (2) The bars and stirrups comprising the reinforcement for any member should be assembled by adequate means so that the whole may be inspected and placed in the forms as a unit. (3) The means adopted must be such that the reinforcement cannot be displaced by the operation of placing the concrete. More accurate methods are desirable than those which are used under the ordinary or "loose bar methods" of construction and con- structors should give their best efforts toward the attainment of this end. 6 REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS. A complete mathematical analysis of the strength of reinforced concrete beams of both rectangular and T-section will be given in our June Bulletin. The formulæ following are in simple and usable shape, and are sufficiently accurate for all designing purposes. We will use the following nomenclature: Let the accompanying figure represent the cross section of a rein- forced concrete beam, the shaded area above the neutral axis, a-a, being the area of the compressive stresses. b a E. Modulus of Elasticity of the steel. E-Initial Modulus of Elas- ticity of the concrete in com- pression. F-Elastic limit of the steel. fe Ultimate compressive strength of the concrete. q=Area of metal in width b. p=Ratio of reinforcement in terms of bd=area of metal (g) divided by the cross section of the beam above the plane of the metal (bd). M. Moment of resistance corresponding to unit stress, s, in the steel. M. Ultimate Moment of Resistance of the beam in inch pounds. K, a constant for any given concrete. All dimensions in inches and all stresses in pounds per square inch. The critical percentage of reinforcement is that percentage which will develop the compressive strength of the concrete when the steel is stressed to its elastic limit-a smaller amount of metal would presuppose a tension failure, a larger, failure in the compressive side. 7 Rectangular Beams Ultimate Resisting Moment. FORMULAE GIVING THE ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF BEAMS. F Taken as 50,000 lbs. Class No. 1. Average Rock Concrete. Class No. 2, Good Rock Concrete. Class No. 3, Cinder Concrete. BEAM FORMULAE. for Rock Concrete. This class is meant to include all concretes having a compressive strength of 2000 lbs. per square inch; fe then=2000 and taking E=2,600,000, we get for the ultimate resisting moment : M。=370 bď² for 9=.0085 bd..... (1) By using a 1:2:4 mix and good rock or gravel we get a concrete of much greater compressive strength, but with a higher modulus of elasticity. For such a concrete we may assume E. 2,800,000 and f=2700, and we get: M。=570 bď² for q=.013 bd... ... (2) For a 1.2 5 mix of cinder concrete we may assume E-750,000 and fe=750; we then have : Mo=207 bd2 for g=.0047 bd.....(3) The ultimate strength of reinforced concrete beams reinforced with any percentage of metal, General Formula so long as the reinforcement is kept below the critical percentage for the particular concrete used may be expressed by a general formula as follows. M.=.86 F p bd2. .. (4) • EXAMPLE-What size beam is required for an ultimate moment (live and dead load moments times factor of safety) of 1,500,000 inch lbs, assuming aver- age rock concrete? M。=1,500,000=370 bd2.—(Formula No. 1). Area of metal required Assuming b=10" and solving for d we get d=20" =q=.0085 bd=1.700"; say three 34" N. S. corrugated bars. The distance d is from the top of the beam to the plane of the metal; there would be about 2″ of concrete below the metal, making the outside dimensions of the beam 10"x22". 8 For convenience in designing. Table No. 1, page 23, has been prepared, which gives the necessary depth and the amount of rein- forcement required for beams 12 inches wide (of either average or good rock concrete), reinforced with the percentage of steel noted, corresponding to the ultimate resisting moments given. FORMULAE BASED ON WORKING STRESSES. By arbitrarily choosing the unit stresses in the concrete and steel, and the ratio of the moduli, we at once fix the percentage of rein- forcement. The June Bulletin will contain curves for quickly finding p for any combina- tion of stresses assuming various moduli of elasticity for the concrete. The plates also give the resisting moment corresponding to the stresses noted. Es Let n= Ec and s unit stress in steel, c=unit stress in concrete. Assuming n=12, s=16000, and c=800, we have, neglecting the tensional value of the concrete in resisting flexure: Mr=130 bď² for q=.0096 bd... .. (5) The strength of reinforced concrete beams may be assumed to be directly proportional to the percentage of reinforcement as long as the amount of steel is kept below that required to cause failure by com- pression in the concrete. With the proportion of metal below the critical percentage then, the stress in the steel need only be considered, and a very simple formula results. The distance from the plane of the metal to center of the compressive stresses may be taken as .86d for all ordinary percentages of reinforcement. The moment of resist- ance then becomes: pow: D = M=sqX0.86 d=.86 sp bd' . (6) which is the general formula to be used in the design of beams. • Note. In applying this formula, that the unit stress in the steel, s, should in no case be greater than 1-3 of the elastic limit of the metal; and 9, using high elastic limit Corrugated Bars, must be less than.0085bd the average rock concrete or.0132bd for good rock concrete. If ordinary commercial steel is used, considerable more metal is required to develop the compressive strength of the concrete and g should then be less than .0125 bd for average rock concrete and not greater than .02 bd for good rock concrete. EXAMPLE-Given n=12, s=16,000, and c=800; what size of beam is required to carry a load (including dead load) of 1,000 lbs. per ft. run, on a span of 16'? Beam considered as simply supported at the ends. The bending moment at the center of the beam then-Mr=%×1000×162×12 =384,000 in. lbs. Assuming d=20", we get by substitution in formula No. 5, b=7.4″, and from the equation, q=.0096 bd, we get the area of metal required 1.4 square inches. 9 T-BEAMS, APPROXIMATE FORMULAE. In all T-beam designs, where the ends of the beams are restrained, the strength of the section at the support should be investigated, and its ability to resist the negative moment, there developed, determined. A complete analysis of the strength of T-beams will be found in the June Bulletin, and the reader is referred to the discussion there given so that he may become acquainted with the limitations of the approximate formulæ now given. ó' b b P 3° bl F x Let- =Length of span in feet. "Maximum shearing strength of the concrete in pounds per sq. inch. All other dimensions as shown, in inches. The resisting moment of a T-section may be expressed with approximate accuracy in terms of the stress in the steel by the general formula recommended for the design of retangular beams : (6) M=.86 sq x d=.86 sp_bď² ... This formula is not based on shearing values, and it will be neces- sary to investigate the beam for possible failure in shear and diagonal tension. In this investigation the width of the stem, b, must be used. Experiments would seem to indicate that even when the area of the reinforcement is as much as 3% to 32% of the rectangle enclosing. the stem (bd), that the horizontal shearing strength of the concrete will not be exceeded. It is advisable, however, to compute the maximum permissible amount of steel that may be used by the formula: go where q。=maximum amount of steel permissible. For methods of investigating the vertical shear and diagonal ten- sion see page II. • The maximum width of floor-slab that may be considered as acting to form the T-section may be computed by methods that will be given in the June Bulle- tin, which will also contain a table for the rapid design of T-beams. This table will be found convenient, and its use will result in a harmonious or balanced design requiring no investigation of horizontal shearing stresses. 10 The recommendations of foreign authorities are given below: AUTHORITY. • Prussian Regulations, 1904 . French Rules, 1906... PERMISSIBLE WIDTH. Less than 3 length of beam. Less than 3 length of beam, or less than 3/4 spacing of beams. Report Committee, Royal Institute British Architects, 1907. Same as French rules. SHEARING STRESSES IN BEAMS. Reinforced concrete beams seldom fail in shear, yet an under- standing of the distribution of the shearing stresses is necessary for the proper consideration of the question of metallic web reinforcement. In addition, the shearing stresses are indicative of the diagonal tensile stresses developed, and it is through this diagonal tensile stress that failure may be expected. It is desirable and proper to neglect the tensile strength of the concrete in a consideration of the shearing stresses, since we are mostly concerned with the conditions that exist after the concrete has developed its full resistance; in other words, the metallic web members must carry the entire stress, or its com- ponent in their direction, after the concrete fails. Near the points of maximum bending moment at the stage of loading considered, the concrete has been stretched beyond its elastic limit, and cracks have developed; and near the supports the diagonal tensile stresses are of such magnitude that no reliance can be placed on the concrete. Since, with horizontal reinforcement only, the concrete carries all secondary or web stresses, it is evident that the total shearing stress on a horizontal plane, directly above the reinforcement, must, for a given length of beam, be equal to the variation in total stress in the reinforcement between the limits of length selected. The variation in the tensile stress between the given limits must, of course, equal the variation in the compressive stresses in the same limits. We have, therefore, since we have assumed that the concrete has no tensile strength, a constant value for the horizontal (and vertical) shear between the reinforcement and the neutral axis. Above the neutral axis the value of the horizontal shear at any plane is equal to the total compression existing above that plane. 11 The following diagram, then, represents the variation in the value of the horizontal or vertical shear throughout the depth of the beam: A Id-z B b la ยะ STRESS DIAGRAM. SECTION OF BEAM. SHEAR DIAGRAM. Let v=value of the unit shearing stress below the neutral axis; the value of v may be determined as follows: V=v b (d-z) from which V b (d-z) Let Vrepresent the total vertical external shear at any section A-B. Considering the internal stresses and taking moments about a point O in the plane of the reinforcement, and at unit distance from A-B we have: 14. b v = v BONDING STRESSES. The total bonding stress developed between the reinforcement and the concrete in one inch length of beam, is equal to the difference in the total stress in the bars at the limiting points. This difference for a length of one inch equals V (d-z) From this total bonding stress, knowing the number of the rein- forcing bars, and their perimeter, the intensity of bonding stress on one square inch of bar surface is readily obtained. SHEARING PROVISIONS. There are two general methods of reinforcing against diagonal and shearing stresses which may be used singly or in combination. One of these consists in bending all, or part, of the longitudinal bars up toward the supports at various points. The other method involves the use of stirrups, either vertical or inclined, which may, or may not, be attached to the main reinforcement. When loose stirrups are used they should be placed vertically. It is desirable, and, in fact, essential, in all beam work, that some provision be made for web stresses; otherwise, if failure should occur, it would be sudden and without warning. When the two systems of web reinforcement are used in combination the analysis becomes uncer- tain, and it is impossible to predicate the distribution of the stresses. We will, accordingly, consider the two methods separately. 12 BENDING UP THE MAIN REINFORCING BARS. When bars are bent up at intervals near the supports, the inclined portions act as the diagonals of a truss, taking tension, and the stress carried is a function of the inclination. Adjacent diagonals should overlap sufficiently to insure "truss" action. It is necessary that the inclined bars have sufficient length of im- bedment above the neutral axis to develop the requisite stress. Since the length of imbedment is necessarily limited, a bar with a strong mechanical bond is especially useful for such purposes. In this con- ception of the action occurring in the beam, all the bars are considered to act as a unit, owing to their rigid connection through the concrete, the bent-up bars acting as attached diagonals to the main member. STIRRUPS. Stirrups are generally used vertically, and we will consider only the case of vertical stirrups carried under the longitudinal bars and extend- ing to the top of the beam. Assuming no tension in the concrete, or that this discussion applies only after the concrete is itself unable to resist the diagonal tensile stresses developed, we may say that the stress in any stirrup is equal to the variation in the total stress in the longitudinal reinforcement in the distance tributary to that stirrup. It is assumed that the stirrups carry only vertical stresses, all horizontal stresses being transferred to the longitudinal bars through bond with the concrete. Vertical stirrups should be investi- gated for sufficiency of bond above the neutral axis of the beam, and owing to the short length of imbedment available, it will be desirable to use a mechanical bond bar, if no form of anchorage is provided. Formulæ for Stirrup Spacing: The following formulæ afford a ready means of determining the required spacing of vertical stirrups at any part of the beam for any particular size of stirrup. We will use the following symbols: P=Total stress in one stirrup=total cross sectional area of the vertical legs of the stirrup times the allowed unit stress. V External vertical shear at any section. v=Vertical unit shearing stress that the concrete is assumed to be capable of taking. V=Total vertical shearing stress assumed to be carried by the concrete bd x vc. } y=Spacing, center to center of stirrups, required at any section. All dimensions in inches and stresses in pounds per square inch. As before v= V .86 bd P—by v = b V y .86 bd V v .86 d 13 P is fixed by the dimensions of the stirrup and the allowed working stresses, and solving for y we have .86 d P V ·(7) The above formula applies only when the stirrups are assumed to carry all the vertical shearing stresses. Should it be desired to make an allowance for the vertical shear assumed to be carried by the concrete the formula becomes : .86 d P V-Ve y = ข y = WEB STRESSES IN T-BEAMS. The preceding remarks are based on a consideration of rectangular beams, but they apply also to T-shaped beams. As before, we have. where b is the width of the stem. The shearing stresses and the diagonal tensile stresses developed in T-beams are much higher than the unit stresses developed in rectan- gular beams, owing to the much greater load-carrying capacity for a given width of stem, b. It is, therefore, especially necessary to inves- tigate T-beam designs as to their ability to resist web stresses. In all investigations for shearing stresses the value of (d-z) may be taken as .86 d. V b(d-z) • The following table gives the allowable unit shearing stresses in beams with horizontal reinforcement, recommended by the authorities noted. It should be borne in mind, however, that the allowed stresses in shear are intended to really limit the diagonal tensile stresses to safe values, as it is through diagonal tension that failure would prob- ably occur: Committee German Architects and Engineers, 1904.... Joint Committee, Royal Insti- AUTIIORITY. Prussian Regulations, 1904....64 pounds, or less than one-fifth shearing strength. 65 pounds. tute, British Architects, 1907. 60 pounds. Commission du Ciment Armé, appointed by the French Gov- ernment, 1906... *Safe Shearing Stresses = V *SAFE SIIEARING STRESSES PER SQUARE INCH. .028 compressive strength. bd NOTE.-Beams will fail in diagonal tension when the intensity of the stress reaches the tensile strength of the concrete. Failure from this cause usually occurs when the value of the vertical shearing stress as computed by the equation V reaches from 100 to 150 pounds, the higher value corresponding to very rich mixes-(d-z) may be taken for the ordinary percentages of reinforce- ment used, as 86 d. V= b(d-z) 14 > COLUMN DESIGN. There is a scarcity of comparable experimental data on the strength of reinforced concrete columns from which reliable formulæ might be derived. Experiments to determine the compressive strength of con- crete, even when made on carefully-prepared test specimens, give widely divergent results, and conservative values for the allowed stresses should be used in designing. It is, of course, desirable in column de- sign to use high-unit stresses, in order that the column may be com- paratively small. There are three methods of increasing the allowable compressive stress in a column: (1) The use of a very rich mix for the columns only. (2) The introduction of longitudinal reinforcement, which is usu- ally tied together by bands. (3) Hooping the column to prevent lateral expansion when under load. The hooping may be accomplished by means of hoops or bands at close intervals, or else by means of spirally-wound rods. It is desirable and necessary that there be some longitudinal rein- forcement in a concrete column, since, owing to the monolithic character of reinforced concrete buildings, more or less bending moment will be put into the columns; this applies particularly to the end or wall col- umns. When the bending moment can be figured, as is the case when the eccentricity of loading is known, or when the design contemplates the resistance of wind stresses through knee-brace action, the stresses due to both the direct load and the bending moment must be taken into consideration. In the discussion following, the columns will be considered as axially loaded. We will take up the three methods outlined above. A simple and reliable method of increasing the strength of a given concrete is by the use of a greater amount of cement. The use of a special mix for the columns only of a reinforced concrete structure, is attended with considerable practical difficulty, and the practice is not to be recommended unless the work is inspected with the utmost thor- oughness. It is also essential that the column shaft be carried up through the beam and girder levels, using the special mix, and this presents many difficulties. The following table gives the compressive strength of broken stone concrete from Kimball's tests, made at Watertown Arsenal, in 1899, on 12-inch cubes, and while the results may not be good averages for the strength generally, yet they show the comparative strength of the various mixtures at different ages: 15 MIXTURE. I: I : 3 I : 2 : 4 1:22:5 :6 I:3 1:32 3/27 I : 4 :8 I : 5 I :6 ооел со о сост Crushing Strength in Pounds per Square Inch. COLUMN NUMBER. 9 13 15 : 10 : 12 18 7 DAYS. 1,600 1,525 1,300 1,230 I,100 1,000 800 600 SIZE AND LENGTH. The following table gives the crushing strength of plain concrete. columns, and has been arranged from the results reported by Prof. Talbot, in Bulletin No. 10, of the University of Illinois Experiment Station. These columns were made of a 1:2:4 mix of limestone con- crete, and should represent average conditions met with in practice. It is the purpose of the table to show what strength may be expected of such columns, and also to bring out the wide difference between the compressive strength of the concrete, as determined from tests on cubes and cylinders of the dimensions noted. Column Tests-University of Illinois Experiment Station. MAXIMUM LOADS CARRIED TOTAL LBS. PER SQ. IN. POUNDS. OF GROSS AREA. 12"x12"x12'0" 9″x 9″x12′0″ 12"X12"x12'0" 12"X12"x12′0″ 12"x12"x 6'0" 9″x 9"x 6′0″ X Averages. I MONTH. • 2,750 2,460 2,225 2,060 1,875 1,700 1,350 1,000 250200 162000 236000 254000 176000 90300 3 MONTHS. 6 MONTHS. 3,360 2,944 2,670 2,440 2,210 1,980 1,520 1,060 * 1710 2004 1610 4,300 3,900 3,400 3,100 2,800 1709 1189 1079 1550 2,500 1,900 1,300 AGE IN DAYS. 69 64 65 61 Above columns, limestone concrete 1:2:34 mix. Average crushing strength of columns-1550, Age 65 days. Average crushing strength of 12" cubes-2100, Age 64 days. Average crushing strength of cylinders 8" in diameter and 16" long -1490, Age 73 days. 63 65 65 4. 16 C COLUMNS WITH LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT. As has been stated, longitudinal reinforcement is necessary in col- umn construction in order to properly take care of such secondary stresses as may exist. Necessarily, also, it carries direct compressive stress in proportion to its deformation. It is well known that although the modulus of elasticity of concrete may, without appreciable error, be considered as constant up to stresses of about 600 pounds per square inch, yet for higher stresses the error becomes increasingly larger, and can not properly be neglected, owing to the greatly increasing deforma- tion per unit increase of stress. Owing to this stress-strain relationship for concrete the proportion of load carried by the longitudinal rein- forcing bars in a column varies with the load, the proportion increas- ing as the load on the column increases. An investigation of column tests shows that computations for the stresses in the steel and concrete, based on the assumption of a constant ratio of the moduli, give results largely in error for the higher stresses. This leads to the conclusion that while it may be justifiable to design for working loads assuming a constant ratio, yet in a consideration of ultimate strength to determine the factor of safety obtained, the vari- able relation known to exist can not be ignored. The ratio of the moduli will vary from about 12 at initial load to 25 at ultimate load. In columns with longitudinal reinforcement (we are not now con- sidering spirally wound or hooped columns), it is necessary that the reinforcing bars be so banded or secured by ties that the unsupported length of the rods between bands is not too great to permit of column action. Formula for Concrete Columns with Longitudinal Reinforcement. In general in concrete column design the ratio of length to the least side is such that the question of length need not enter into the formula for strength. It is good practice to assume that the outer one inch of concrete is available for fireproofing purposes only, and should not be considered as carrying load-the size of column given by the following formula does not include the protective portion. Let A₁=Net cross section of column=gross section minus area of reinforcement, in sq. in. (A-g). q=Sectional area of reinforcement in sq. inches. Es Ec c=unit stress in concrete. n c unit stress in reinforcement. P total load on column. Then: n= n is a variable as above explained. P=A₁ c + ncq. 17 } For normal working stresses " may be taken as 15, and we have: FOR WORKING LOADS: P c (A,+15 q) or with sufficient accuracy, P=c (A+15 q). It is evident that when (as is usually the case) q is but a small percentage o A that A may be substituted for A1, in the formula. The following diagram gives the average unit stress in reinforced concrete columns with varying percentages of longitudinal reinforce- ment based on allowable unit stresses, c in plain columns of 500, 600 and 700 pounds per square inch, the ratio of the moduli being taken as 15. Average Permissible Stress per of Column. 1100 1000 * 900 # 800 # 700 600 500 EXPERIMENTOR. Average Tests. TALBOT Average of II 'Tests. WATERTOWN ARSENAL } of 4 C = 700 C = 600 The following values for the crushing strength of columns, with longitudinal reinforcement from tests on full-sized specimens, should be of value as bases of comparison: 1% 2% Percentage of Reinforcement = q ÷ A DIAGRAM PLOTTED FROM FORMULA P = C (A + 158) Average Crushing Strength P per sq. in. A 1746 pounds. C = 2015 pounds. 500 Average Percentage of Reinforcement. 1.39 1.34 Mix of Concrete. I: 2:4 3% I: 2:4 Age in Days. 66 I04 کی موت رانی کی 18 COLUMNS WITH LONGITUDINAL BARS AND CIRCULAR BANDS OR SPIRAL WINDING. The theory of hooped columns may be broadly stated to rest on the conception that if lateral movement is prevented by an encasing shell, the pressure that may be borne by the contained concrete becomes a function rather of the tensile strength of the shell than of the compres- sive strength of the concrete. While experiments, particularly those made by M. Considere, show enormously high values for the ultimate strength of spirally wound columns, and experiments, both in the United States and abroad, show that concrete can be subjected to great distortion by cubical compression without apparently losing its struc- tural integrity, yet we are not familiar with the various stages of change which the concrete undergoes as the load is increased. When the hooping bands or spirals are sufficiently close together so that the concrete will not break out between them, a shell effect is produced. It does not seem good practice to stress even hooped concrete beyond its compressive strength, as determined on cubes, or short specimens. Hooping undoubtedly prevents sudden failure (and a hooped col- umn may carry very great loads with considerable deformation) by preventing failure through shear on an oblique plane. We may accordingly assume as the maximum stress to which the concrete in hooped columns can be properly subjected, the compressive strength of the concrete as determined on short specimens. The arbitrary limit of ultimate stress would not be approached in practice by the working loads, but the factor of safety should be based upon it, and owing to the action of the hoops this factor may be considerably less than that which should be used for plain concrete columns, or those with longi- tudinal reinforcement only. All hooped columns should, of course, have sufficient longitudinal. reinforcement to take care of bending stresses; the available cross- section considered being that within the hoops. In the design of hooped columns, therefore, the strength may be figured as for columns with longitudinal reinforcement, but higher working stresses may be used. MONOLITHIC CONSTRUCTION. In a reinforced concrete structure all the elements are rigidly con- nected, and those members which resist flexure act under conditions of end restraint. In end panels the beams framing into the wall col- umns are subjected to the restraining action due to the stiffness of the columns, and at the interior columns they are further fixed by the con- tinuous action due to their extension through the columns into the adjacent panels. It is not necessary here to go into the theory of con- 19 tinuous beams, as the discussion is based on the assumption of a uniform load on all parts-a condition not likely to be met with in an actual building. The whole question is indeterminate, but we know the limits of the bending moments that may be developed. The following formulæ have been adopted as representing the con- ditions with sufficient accuracy, and tests seem to justify their use. For interior beams, continuous over several supports, we may take: Moment at Center=M.=_WI Moment at End Ι 12 I 12 =span center to center of supports. =Me= WI For beams in end panels take: Mc Me= I IO I IO WI WI In floor slabs we have not only continuous action in the direction of the main reinforcing bars, but also such arching and plate action as exists in interior panels surrounded on all sides by beams. All of these causes tend to reduce the moment at the center. These considerations w12 have led to the adoption of the formula M.= for determining 16 the moment at the center of the span, and numerous tests show that this is a conservative and safe practice. It is understood, of course, that when the moment is taken as 1/16 w² that proper provisions will be made (by means of top reinforcing bars over the supporting. beams) to take care of the negative moment. The amount of metal used should be the same as that in the center of the span. This top reinforcement may consist of loose bars, extending on each side of the floor beam at least to the quarter points, or alternate bars of the main reinforcement may be bent up and carried over the support. It is not necessary, under ordinary conditions, to make any provisions for shear in floor slabs. For floor slabs then we recommend the following formulæ for determining the bending moment at the center of the span : Interior Panels Me Me=1/16 wl² End Panels M. Me 1/12 w/2 (w=Load per sq. foot.) 20 " CONCRETE DATA. Rock or gravel concrete weighs, approximately, 150 pounds per cubic foot. Cinder concrete weighs, approximately, 90 pounds per cubic foot. The crushing strength of concretes vary largely; the quality of the materials and methods of mixing affect the strength very materially. The crushing strength of stone or gravel concrete, when subjected to direct compression, will, under average conditions, agree fairly well with the values given in the following table: Compressive Strength. MIX BY PArts. 1:3 I 1:3 I:3 1:22:5 I: 2 I : 2 :8 : 6 : 5 Tensile Strength. : 4 : 3 Shearing Strength. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. LBS. PER SQ. INCH. AGE, 30 DAYS. AGE, 6 MONTHS. The values in the above table have been taken from "Concrete Plain and Reinforced," by Taylor and Thompson, with the author's permission. See Column Design for results of compression tests. The tensile strength of concrete may be taken, roughly, as 1/10 of the compressive strength, and the maximum proportionate elongation to which concrete may be subjected before cracking is, on the average, .00015. Temperature Stresses. The shearing strength of concrete, as determined by punching flat plates and shearing short beams, is, ap- proximately, one-half of the compressive strength: for general purposes assume shearing strength as one-third of com- pressive strength. 1810 pounds. 1950 pounds. 2030 pounds. 2180 pounds. 2440 pounds. 2540 pounds. The amount of steel required to reinforce against temperature cracks may be taken as 0.4 per cent of the cross section, if high elastic limit bars, with a yield point of 50,000 pounds are used. 21 40000 1 2440 pounds. 2580 pounds. 2740 pounds. 2940 pounds. 3300 pounds. 3420 pounds. } ن ( f The following table gives the quantities of materials required for one yard of concrete. The results given have been taken from a similar table in Concrete Plain and Reinforced by Taylor and Thompson, with the author's permission to use this copyrighted matter: Proportions by Parts Cement Sand QUANTITIES OF MATERIALS FOR ONE CUBIC YARD OF RAMMED CONCRETE BASED ON A BARREL OF 3.8 CUBIC FEET. 13 13 1 3 1 1 1.5 1 2 1 1 1 2.5 1 1 1 3 1 1 1.5 2 1 1 1.5 2.5 1 11.5 3 1 11.5 3.5 1 1 1.5 4 1 1.5 4.5 1 1 1.5 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 Stone Packed Cement Proportions by Volumes I 3.5 1 01207000 1 14 1 1 5 10 1 6 12 Loose Sand Percentages of Voids in Broken Stone or Gravel 50% Broken 45% 40% Stone Screened Average Con- Gravel or to Uniform Size dition Mixed Loose Stone Cement Sand Stone Cement I Sand 4 1 4.5 1 5 1 1 2 5.5 1 1 2 6 1 1 2.5 3 1 1 2.5 3.5 1 1 2.5 4 1 1 2.5 4.5 1 1 2.5 5 1 1 2.5 5.5 1 BblCu. Ft Ca Ft. Bbl. Ca.Yd ca Yd Cu Bbl. Cu.Yd. Ca. Id. Bbl|Cu. Yd. Ca. Yd. Bbl. Ca. Yd.|Cu. Yd 3.8 0.67 3.080.43 0.65 2.970.42 0.63 2.78 0.39 0.59 3.8 7.62.85 0.40 0.802.73 0.38 0.772.620.370.74 2.430.34 0.68 3.8 9.52.570.36 0.902.45 0.340.862.34 0.33 0.82 2.15 0.30 0.76 3.811.42.340.330.992.220.310.94 2.120.30 0.90 1.93 0.27 0.82 5.7 7.62.490.530.70 2.40 0.510.682.31 0.490.652.160.46 0.61 5.7 0.741.94 0.410.68 5.711.42.09 0.44 0.882.00 0.42 0.841.910.400.81 1.76 0.370.74 5.7 13.31.94 0.410.961.84 0.39 0.911.760.370.87 1.610.340.79 5.7 15.21.800.381.01 1.71 0.36 0.961.630.34 0.92 1.480.31 0.83 5.7 17.11.69 0.361.07 1,600.34 1.01 1.510.32 0.96 1.370.29 0.87 5.719.01.590.341.121.50 0.32 1.06 1.420.30 1.00 1.280.27 0.90 7.6 11.41.890.530.80 1.81 0.51 0.761.740.490.74 1.610.450.68 7.613.31.76 0.49 0.87 1.68 0.47 0.83 1.610.450.79 1.480.420.73 7.6 15.21.650 460.931.57 0.44 0.88 1.500.42 0.84 1.380.39 0.78 7.6 17.11.55 0.44 0.98 1.48 0.42 0.94 1.41 0.40 0.89 1.28 0.36 0.81 7.6 19.01.47 0.41 1.031.390.390.98 1.320.37 0.93 1.200.340.81 7.620.91.39 0.39 1.081.31 0.37 1.01 1.250.35 0.97 1.13 0.32 0.87 7.622.81.320.371.111.25 0.35 1.06 1.180.331.00 1.06 0.30 0.89 9.5 11.41.720.610.731.660.580.70 1.60 0.56 0.68 1.490.520.63 9.5 13.31.62 0.57 0.80 1.55 0.55 0.761.49 0.52 0.73 1.380.49 0.68 9.5 15.21.520.540.861.460.51 0.82 1.400.49 0.79 1.290 45 0.73 9.5 17.11.440.51 0.911.37 0.48 0.87 1.310.46 0.83 1.200.42 0.76 9.5 19.01.37 0.480.96 1.30 0.46 0.92 1.240.440.87 1.130.40 0.80 9.520.91.30 0.46 1.01 1.23 0.43 0.95 1.170.41 0.911.07 0.380.83 9.522.81.24 0.441.05 1.17 0.41 0.99 1.110.390.94 1.01 0.360.85 9.524.71.180.421.08 1.12 0.39 1.02 1.06 0.37 0.97 0.96 0.34 0.88 9.526.61.13 0.40 1.11 1.07 0.38 1.05 1.01 0.36 0.99 0.910.320.90 11.4 15.21.42 0.60 0.801.36 0.57 0.771.300.550.73 1.21 0.51 0.68 11.4 17.11.340.57 0.851.28 0.54 0.81 1.230.52 0.781.130.480.72 l 11.4 0.901.220.520.861.17 0.49 0.82 1.07 0.450.75 5.5 .5 1 11.420.91.220.520.94 1.16 0.49 0.90 1.110.47 0.86 1.01 0.430.78 1 1 2.5 6 1 1 1 2.5 6.5 1 1 2.5 7 1 13 4 1 3 13 1 3 4.5 1 5 1 1 11.4 1.11 0.47 0.94 1.05 0.44 0.89 0.96 0.410.81 6.5 1 11.424.71.120.47 1.02 1.06 0.450.97 1.01 0.43 0.92 0.920.39 0.84 7 1 11.4 1.05 1.01 0.43 0.99 0.96 0.40 0.95 0.87 0.37 0.86 7.5 1 11.428.51.03 0.44 1.09 0.97 0.41 1.020.920.39 0.97 0.830.350.88 1 11.430.40.99,0.421.11 0.93 0.39 1.05 0.880.37 0.99 0.800.340 90 1 0.64 0.80 1.08 0.610.761.040.59 0.73 0.960.54 0.68 1 0.590.88 0.99 0.56 0.84 0.95 0.54 0.80 0.870.490.73 15.226.6,0 96 0.540.95 0.920.52 0.91 0.880.50 0.87 0.800.45 0.79 1 0.511.01 0.85 0.48 0.96 0.81 0.46 0.91 0.740.42 0.83 1 15.234.2 0.84 0.47 1.06 0.80 0.45 1.010.760.43 0.96 0.68 0.380.86 1 0.44 1.11 0.75 0.421.060.710.401.00 0.64 0.36 0.90 1 0.69 0.490.97 0.660.46 0.93 0.600.420.84 1 22.845.5 0.62 0.52 1.04 0.58 0.49 0.98 0.56 0.47 0.94 0.50 0.420.84 NOTE-Variations in the fineness of the sand and the compacting of the concrete may affect the quantities by 10% in either direction. Use 45% column for average conditions and for broken stone with dust screened out. Use 50% column for broken stone screened to uniform size. t Stone Cement Use 40% column for gravel or mixed stone and gravel. Use 30% column for scientifically graded mixtures. Sand Stone I C Cement I 30% Graded Mixtures Sand Stone 22 · M。=370 bd². M 50 75 100 • 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2250 2500 2750 AVERAGE ROCK CONCRETE. 11 d 3 36 4.12 4.74 5.81 Table No. 1. TABLE FOR USE IN DESIGNING REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS, 12" WIDE. q=.0085 bd. M。=570 bd². 6.71 7.50 8.22 q 0.343 .420 .484 .593 .685 .765 .840 .905 .968 1.025 1.080 1.135 8.88 9.50 10.06 10.60 11.12 11.62 1.185 12.09 1.232 12.55 1.281 12.98 1.322 13.42 1.370 13.82 1.410 14.23 1.452 14.62 1.491 15.00 1.530 16.43 1.675 17.75 1.810 18.98 1.937 20.12 2.050 21.21 2.165 22.50 2.295 23.72 2.418 24.88 2.540 M 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 } d 25.97 27.05 28.06 29.05 30.00 30.92 31.84 32.70 33.55 35.18 36.75 38.22 39.68 11.08 42.42 43.72 45.00 46.22 47.43 49.72 51.95 54.10 5.520 56.12 5.725 58.10 5.925 60.00 6.120 61.80 6.310 q 2.648 2.760 2.861 2.962 3.060 3.157 3.250 3.332 3.418 3.590 3.745 3.900 4.050 4.190 4.330 4.455 4 590 4.718 4.840 5.075 5.295 63.60 6.480 65.40 6.670 67.10 6.850 M 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2250 2500 2750 ! GOOD ROCK CONCRETE. M 3000 3250 3500 d 2.70 3.31 3.82 4.68 5.40 6.04 6.62 7.15 7.64 8.11 8.54 8.96 9.36 9.74 10.10 10.46 J 19.10 20.03 I q 0.428 .524 .605 .742 .856 .956 1.050 1.134 1.210 1.285 1.352 1.420 1.484 1.544 1.601 1.658 10.81 1.714 11.15 1.764 11.47 1.817 11.78 1.866 12.08 1.915 13.23 2.100 14.30 2.266 15.28 2.421 16.21 2.570 17.09 2.704 18.13 2.875 3.025 3.180 3750 4000 4250 4500 4750 5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 } 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 | q=.0132 bd. d 20.95 21.78 22.62 23.40 3.705 . 3.828 24.17 24.92 3.950 25.65 4.063 26.32 4.170 4.282 1.190 1.691 4.875 5.070 3.245 34.20 35.422 35.25 5.580 36.28 5.741 37.26 5.901 38.22 6.050 10.10 1 6.355 11.85 6.628 43.60 6.908 45.22 7.165 7.418 27.03 28.35 29.60 30.80 32.00 33.10 1 T 3.320 3.443 3.582 I 16.80 48.35 49.83 51.30 52.70 54.10 To use table first 7.660 7.892 8.125 8.350 8.570 The moments given in the table are the ultimate moments of resistance of the sections in thousands of inch pounds. apply desired factor of safety to actual moments. M-Ultimate bending moment of external forces in thousands of inch pounds=Mo. d=Distance from top of beam to plans of metal in inches. q=Number of square inches of metal required in beam in width of 12 inches 23 Table No. 2. TABLE SHOWING THE NECESSARY SPACING OF DIFFERENT SIZES OF CORRUGATED BARS FOR A GIVEN AREA OF STEEL PER FOOT WIDTH OF SLAB. OLD STYLE, TYPE A. C to C❘ 9/4" % " of /2" 3/4" 8" 1" 11" Bars יים יים יים יים יים וייס O' C to Cl of Bars 21.08 2.22 3.30 4.20 6.43 22" 0.86 1.78 2.65 3.36 5.14 3" 0.72 1.48 2.20 2.80 4.28| 32" 0.62 1.27 1.89 2.40 3.67 40.54 1.11 1.65 2.10 3.21 42" 0.48 0.99 1.47 1.86 2.85 50.43 0.89 1.32 1.68 2.57|| 52" 0.39 0.81 1.20 1.52 2.34 6" 0.36 0.74 1.10 1.40 2.14 62" 0.33 0.68 1.02 1.29 1.97 7″0.31 0.63 0.94 1.20 1.83 72" 0.29 0.59 0.88 1.12 1.71 8" 0.27 0.55 0.82 1.05 1.60 8" 0.25 0.52 0.77 0.99 1.51 9"0.24 0.50 0.73 0.93 1.43 92" 0.23 0.47 0.69 0.88 1.35 0.66 10" 0.22 0.44 0.66 0.84 1.28 1170.20 0.40 0.60 0.76 1.17 12/0.18 0.37 0.55 0.701.07 CORRUGATED SQUARES, TYPES B AND D. ཉ 1/4" 1/2" 3/8" 1½″| 26" | " | 1 5/8" 3/4" 8" 1" 11" CORRUGATED FLATS, UNIVERSAL TYPE. יים ים ים ים ים ים ים ים ים C to Cl of No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Bars CORRUGATED ROUNDS, יים יים יים יים יים יים lo"lo" Tog f I | [ ଘ O 2" 0.36 0.66 0.84 1.50 2.34 3.36 4.626.00 9.37 2" 1.14 1.92 2.46 3.24 3 90 4.80 20.66 1.18 1.84 2.65 3.61 4.71 5.96 7.36 L 22" 0.29 0.53 0.67 1.20 1.87 2.69 3.70 4.80 7.50 22" 0.91 1.54 1.97 2.59 3.11 3.84 22" 0.53 0.94 1.47 2.12 2.89 3.774.77 5.89 3" 0.24 0.44 0.56 1.00 1.56 2.24 3.08 4.00 6.24 3" 0.76 1.28 1.64 3" 0.44 0.79 1.23 1.77 2.41 3.14 3.98 4.91 32" 0.21 0.38 0.48 0.86 1.34 1.92 2.64 3.43 5.36 32" 0.65 1.10 1.41 1 85.2.23 2.74 32" 0.38 0.67 1.05 1.51 2.06 2.69 3.41 4.21 4" 0.18 0.33 0.420.75 1.17 1.682.313.00 4.68 4" 0.57 0.96 1.23 1.621.95 2.40 4' 0.33 0.59 0.92 1.33 1.80 2.36 2.98 3.68 42" 0.16 0.29 0.37 0.67 1.04 1.49 2.05 2.67 4.16 42" 0.51 0.85 1.09 1.44 1.73 2.13 42" 0.29 0.52 0.82 1.18 1.60 2.09 2.65 3.27 I 5' 0.14 0.26 0.34 0.60 0.94 1.34 1.85 2.40 3.75 5″ 0.46 0.770 981.30 1.55 1.92 50.26 0.47 0.74 1.06,1.44 1.88 2.39 2.95 52" 0.13 0.24 0.31 0.55 0.85 1.22 1.68 2.18 3.41 52" 0.41 0.70 0.89 1.18 1.41 1.74 52" 0.24 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.31 1.71 2.17 2.68 6" 0.12 0.22 0.28 0.50 0.781.11 1.532.00 3.12 6" 0.38 0.64 0.82 1.08 1.30,1.60, 6/10 6'0 22 0.39 0.61 0.881.201.57 1.99 2.45 62" 0.11 0.20 0.26 0.46 0.72 1.03 1.42 1.85 2.88 62" 0.35 0.59 0.76 1.00 1.20,1.47 62" 0.20 0.36 0.57 0.82 1.11 1.45 1.84 2.27 70.10 0.19 0.24 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.32 1.72 2.68 7" 0.33 0.55 0.70 0.93 1.11 1.37 7" 0.19 0.34 0.53 0.761.03 1.35 1.70 2.10 | 72" 0.10 0.180.22 0.40 0.62 0.89 1.23 1.60 2.50 72" 0.30 0.51 0.66 0.86 1.04 1.28 72" 0.18 0.31 0.49 0.71 0.96 1.26 1.59 1.96 1 8" 0.09 0.17 0.21 0.380.59 0.84 1.15 1.50 2.34 8" 0.28 0.48 0.62 0.81 0.97 1.20 8" 0.17 0.29 0.46 0.66 0.901.18 1.49 1.84 82" 0.08 0.16 0.20 0.35 0.55 0.79 1.09 1.42 2.20 82" 0.27 0.45 0.58 0.76 0.92 1.13 82" 0.16 0.28 0.43 0.62 0.85 1.11 1.40 1.73 9"0.08 0.15 0.19 0.33 0.52 0.75 1.02 1.33 2.08 Į 9" 0.25 0.43 0.55 0.72 0.87 1.07 9" 0.15 0.26 0.41 0.59 0.80 1.05 1.33 1.64 92" 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.32 0.49 0.71 0.97 1.26 1.97 92" 0.24 0.40 0.52 0.68 0.82 1.01 92" 0.14 0.25 0.39 0.56 0.76 0.99 1.26 1.55 10" 0.07 0.13 0.17 0.30 0.47 0.67 0.921.20 1.87 10" 0.23 0.38 0.49 0.65 0.78 0.96 10" 0.13 0.24 0.37 0.53 0.72 0.94 1.19 1.47 L 11" 0.07 0.12 0.15 0.27 0.43 0.61 0.84 1.09 1.70 11" 0.21 0.35 0.45 0.59 0.71 0.87 11" 0.12 0.21 0.33 0.480.660.861.081 34 120.06 0.110.14 0.25 0.39 0.56 0.771.00 1.56 120.190.320.410.54 0.65 0.80 120.110.19 0.30 0.44 0.60 0.78 0.99 1.22 77|1.0 1 I Net Net Net Net 32/0 65|0. 10.190. 15 Sec- 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.70 1.07 Sec- 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.25 0.39 0.56 0,77 1.00 1.56 Sec- 0.19 0.32 0.41 0.54 0.65 0.80 Sec- 0.11 0.19 0.30 0.44 0.60 0.78 0.99 1.22 tion tion tion tion .550. C to C of 3%" Bars C. 9/6" | | | | 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 8" 1" 11" 1" יים יים 24 Thickness of Table No. 3. FLOOR SLABS, ROCK CONCRETE, .85% REINFORCEMENT. TABLE GIVING SAFE LOADS, IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, FOR FLOOR SLABS, CONTINUOUS OVER SUPPORTS WITH .85 PER CENT OF CORRUGATED BAR REINFORCEMENT, ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF THE CONCRETE TAKEN AS 2000 LBS. PER SQUARE INCH. SPAN IN FEET. Slab in inches. 10 Area of Steel in 12″ width. 3 0.220" 3" C.R. 6" 8 32 0.280" 3/8" 5" 4 0.320" 2" 42 0.370" ½" 5 0.430" " 2 Corresponding Size and Spacing of Corrugated Rounds. Size. Spacing. 82 9 9% 52 5%½ 0.480"/2½" 6 0.520" 2" 6½ 7 7% 8 (เ " 66 " 66 66 0.570" 5" 66 8 0.63" 5" 66 " 66 440 265 170 115 75 55 38 44 675 72" 970 420 270 185 135 95 65 600 400 280 150 105 80 385 280 55 50 6½" 1300 800 | 545 120 95 65 57 130 100 80 69 63 65 69 90 75 75 180 150 115 95 80 82 335 270 225 180 150 5½" 120 100 75 88 315 255 210 175 145 115 95 80 215 160 5½″ 1700 1070 715 505 375 375 285 215 170 5″ 2130 1340 905 645 480 365 280 220 175 135 110 90 42" 2600 1650 1120 800 600 455 355 230 220 180 140 115 6½" 1980 1360 970 | 730 730 555 435 345 345 275 225 2450 1600 1160 865 665 520 415 2750 1825 1320 990 760 595❘ 480 380 2130 1545 1160 900 900 710 565 455 2450 1780 1340 1040 | 815 655 535 2770 2020 1525 1185 930 750❘ 615 505 2280 1720 1345 1060 860 700 580 2550 1930 1500 1190 965 965❘ 790 655 545 465 . 465 390 330 280 240 200 125 For end panels or slabs free at one end, use % of above loads. For single panels or slabs free at both ends, use ½ of above loads. 0.66" 5/8" 94 5½" 370 310 255 215 0.710" 5%" 5″ 175 145 125 100 100 210 175 145 125 107 0.770" 34" " 375 305 7" 435 250 415 350 295 0.810" 34" 6% 6½" 245 210 175 150 113 340 | 290 240 210 180 119 480 400 0.860"¾4" 8/11 64 6" 0.910" 4 5½" Safe loads given are in addition to weight of slab. This table only applies when high elastic limit corrugated bars are used. " 4 • LO 5 CO 6 7 • 8 91 10 11 12 13 ་ 14 15 16 17 18 : : V: • ⠀⠀ • · 19 20 ... : • Weight of Slab, in lbs. per 8q. ft. 25 Table No. 4. FLOOR SLABS. ROCK CONCRETE. I PER CENT REINFORCEMENT. ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF TABLE GIVING SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT, FOR FLOOR SLABS, CONTINUOUS OVER SUPPORTS, WITH ONE PER CENT OF CORRUGATED BAR REINFORCEMENT. THE CONCRETE TAKEN AS 2500 LBS. PER SQUARE INCH. SPAN IN FEET. Slab in Inches. Thickness of 3 32 4 42 10 5 52 6 62 6½ 7 7½ 8 Area of Steel in Width. 12″ 92 10 ~ Corresponding Size and Spacing of Corrugated Rounds. Size. Spacing 0.27" 3" C.R. 5″ 8 4″ 6" 0.330" 3%" 46 8 1 0.390"2" (6 "" "L C " 66 46 66 0.450" 1/2" 0.510" 2½" 0.570" ½" 0.630" 5%" 0.69" 5%" 0.750" 5%" 0.800" 5/8" 0.86" 34" 82 0.92" 3/4" 9 0.98" 34" 4% 1.040" 34" 1.100" 134″ Safe loads given are in addition to weight of slab. This table only applies when high elastic limit corrugated bars are used. " " 66 66 4 42" 6" LO 5½" 5½" 5″ 5 CO 6 525 325 215 145 100 810 505 335 235 170 1160 720 485 340 250 5½"1550 970 660 470 345 4½" 2000 1260 850 615 455 4" 1580 1080 775 575 1950 1335 955 715 2370 1620 1165 870 6" 5½" 5″ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 : : 16 · 17 18 19 70 125 90 190 145 110 85 260 200 155 120 95 345 270 270 210 165 130 105 80 440 345 270 220 175 140 115 90 550 430 180❘ 150 120 100 670 525 225 190 155 130 105 275 230 190 160 135 110 395 325 270 220 185 155 130 110 94 345 275 225 420 340 280 510 410 335 580 475 685 560 460 790 640 535 615 515 515 | 430 700 590 500 385 320 270 225 190 160 135 100 445 375 315 265 225 190 165 107 1920 1380 1040 805 635 2170 1580 1185 915 725 1840 1380 1070 850 2110 1590 1235 975 1810 1410 1115 905 740 2050 1600 1275 1030 850 2300 1800 1430 1165 960 795 For end panels or slabs free at one end, use % of above loads. For single panels or slabs free at both ends, use ½ of above loads. 365 310 265 230 195 113 420 360 310 265 230 119 665 565 485410 355 305 260 125 : 20 : Weight of Slab in Lbs. per Sq. Ft. 38 44 50 57 63 69 75 82 8888 26 → ~ STANDARD SIZES AND TYPES OF CORRUGATED BARS. Corrugated Bars are Rolled to the Sizes and Weights Given Below. Unless otherwise specified, we furnish corrugated bars rolled from a high elastic limit steel, with a yield point of 50,000 pounds or over. We are prepared, however, to roll any grade of steel desired, and can supply corrugated bars to meet special requirements as to elastic limit, from open hearth or Bessmer stock. OLD STYLE-TYPE A. SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT 1/2" .180" .64 lb. { 1/4" 3/4" .370" SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT 1.35 lbs. 7" } .550" 1.95 lbs. NEW STYLE-TYPE B. 1" .700" 2.70 lbs. 3/4" 1/3 3/8" 1½" 5%" I" 114" 1 .060".110".140" .250" .390" .560".770" 1.000" 1.560" 7/8" 1/4" 1.070" 4.00 lbs. CORRUGATED SQUARES-TYPE D. 110 MITT .24 lb. .38 lb. .48 lb. .85 lb. 1.33lbs. 1.91 lbs. 2.60 lbs. 3.40 lbs. 5.31 lbs. CORRUGATED ROUNDS-TYPE C. 18" 14" 3/8" 1/2" 9/16" 5/8" 3/4″ 7/8" 1" SIZE NET SECTION .110″.190″.250" .300 .440" .600″ .780″ .990" 1.220″ WEIGHT PER FOOT .38 lb..66 lb..86 lb. 1.05lbs. 1.52lbs. 2.06 lbs. 2.69 lbs. 3.41 lbs. 4.21 lbs. " 1/4" 3/8 72 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1″ 1%" 14" SIZE NET SECTION .060".140".250" .390".560".760" 1.000" 1.260" 1.550" WEIGHT PER FOOT .22 lb. .49 lb. .86 lb. 1.35 lbs. 1.94 lbs. 2.64 lbs. 3.43 lbs. 4.34 lbs. 5.35lbs. CORRUGATED FLATS-UNIVERSAL TYPE. No. 6 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 .410" .540" 650" .800" 1.35 lbs. 1.97 lbs. 2.27 lbs. 2.85 lbs. A variation in weight of 5% either way is required. No. 1 No. 2 .190" .320" .73 lb. 1.18 lbs. 27 WEIGHTS, AREAS AND CIRCUMFERENCES OF ROUND BARS. DIAMETER OF BAR IN INCHES. 0 1 2 +100 moto 18 5 18 soko 17/8 HA 0/0 0 0 0 n/a No 10/0 198 1 1 16 12108 13 16 7 15 1 8 too no + ja 3 18 18 Coco No to alo aia0 m od 00/000 7 10 9 16 1 1 呆 ​} 1-60 15 18 WEIGHT OF BAR 1 FT. LONG. .042 lbs. .094 . 167 .261 .375 .511 .667 .845 1.043 1.262 1.502 1.763 2.044 2.347 2.670 3.014 3.379 3.766 4.173 4.600 5.049 5.518 6.008 6.520 7.051 7 604 8.178 8.773 9.388 10.020 10.680 AREA OF BAR IN SQ. INCHES. 0123 .0276 .0491 .0767 .1104 .1503 .1963 .2485 .3068 .3712 .4418 .5185 .6013 .6903 .7854 .8866 .9940 1.1075 1.2272 1.3530 1.4849 1.6230 1.7671 1.9175 2.0739 2.2365 2.4053 2.5802 2.7612 2.9483 3.1416 CIRCUMFERENCE OF BAR IN INCHES. .3927 .5890 .7854 .9817 1.1781 1.3744 1.5708 1.7671 1.9635 2.1598 2.3562 2.5525 2.7489 2.9452 3.1416 3.3379 3.5343 3.7306 3.9270 4.1233 4.3197 4.5160 4.7124 4.9087 5.1051 5.3014 5.4978 5.6941 5.8905 6.0868 6.2832 28 1 je vagy by s ma SIDE IN INCHES. 0 general 1 WEIGRTS. AREAS AND PERIMETERS OF SQUARE BARS. 2 +4 3 18 + *** yo 13 142424 1988 f ÷1 # 180 + 1000 18 * ∞ + do Å ap 16 1424 apo vabo por act as 1 1 6 1 book o WEIGHT OF BAR 1 FT. LONG. .053 lbs. .119 .212 .333 .478 .651 .850 1.076 1.328 1.608 1.913 2.245 2.603 2.989 3.400 3.838 4.303 4.795 5.312 5.857 6.428 7.026 7.650 8.301 8.978 9.682 10.410 11.170 11.950 12.760 13.600 AREA OF BAR IN SQ. INCHES. .0156 .0352 .0625 .0977 .1406 .1914 .2500 .3164 .3906 .4727 .5625 .6602 .7656 .8789 1.0000 1.1289 1.2656 1.4102 1.5625 1.7227 1.8906 2.0664 2.2500 2.4414 2.6406 2.8477 3.0625 3.2852 3.5156 3.7539 4.0000 PERIMETER OF BAR IN INCHES. .500 .750 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.750 3.000 3.250 3.500 3.750 4.000 4.250 4.500 4.750 5.000 5.250 5.500 5.750 6.000 6.250 6.500 6.750 7.000 7.250 7.500 7.750 8.000 29 11 WEIGHTS OF VARIOUS BUILDING MATERIALS. Lbs. per cu. ft. 150 125 90-100 170 140 165 160-170 165 170 145-150 175 62% I 20 90-105 100 150 90 140 450 480 100 Brick, Pressed Brick, Common Earth, Rammed. Granite... Granite Rubble Masonry. Granite Masonry, Well Dressed. • Limestone. Limestone Rubble Masonry Marble... Sandstone Slate.... • Rock Concrete. Cinder Concrete. Plaster • Water (1 cu. ft. 7.48 U. S. gals.). Gravel Sand, Dry. Mortar. Cast Iron. • • • • • Steel.. Paving Asphaltum.. • • • • Weight of Brick Walls, per Superficial Foot. 9-inch wall. 84 lbs. 22-inch wall. 13-inch wall 121 lbs. 26-inch wall. 18-inch wall. 168 lbs. A bar of steel 1-inch square and I foot long weighs 3.40 lbs. • • • USEFUL INFORMATION. Circumference of circle-diameter X 3.1416. Diameter of circle Xo.8862=side of equal square. Base of triangle X½ the altitude area. 0.7854 Xproduct of diameters=area of ellipse. Surface of sphere=circumference X diameter. Cubical contents of sphere surfaceX % diameter. Area of trapezoid=altitude X½ sum of parallel sides. Cubical contents of cone-area of base I meter=39.34 inches. 1-inch=2.54 centimeters. ...205 lbs. 243 lbs. perpendicular height. 30 SAFE LOADS, UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR RECTANGULAR SPRUCE OR WHITE PINE BEAMS ONE INCH THICK. FROM "CARNEGIE.” Span in Feet. 6678 –› 5 R=224 99500 222** 99≈≈≈ 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 23 24 27 6" 28 29 600 500 יי7 820❘ 1070 680 890 430 580 760 380 510 330 460 300 410 270 370 250 340 230 310 210 290 25 120 26 8" อ 230 210 670 590 200 270 360 190 260 330 180 240 310 170 290 160 280 9" 1350 1120 160 110 160 110 150 200 110 140 190 110 140 180 530 490 440 560 410 520 380 670 610 960 1190 840❘ 1040 750 930 830 760 690 640 480 590 450 420 400 370 360 150 200 270 340 140 190 260 320 140 190 240 310 130 180 230 130 170 220 DEPTH OF BEAM. 290 280 210 270 210 260 10" 11" 12″ 13" 14" 15" 16" 1670 1390 2020 1680 2400 2820 2000 2350 1440 1710 2010 1260 1500 1760 1120 1330 1560 1010 1200 1410 920 1090 1280 840 1000 1180 780 930 1080 720 860 1010 560 520 490 460 440 530 420 390 380 460 360 440 350 420 510 480 330 410 320 390 250 310 370 240 300 360 230 290 350 1090 670 800 940 630 750 880 1020 710 830 960 560 670 780 910 590 630 740 860 8888888 3270 3750 4270 2730 3120 3560 2330 2680 3050 2040 2340 2670 1810❘ 2080 2370 600 710 570 670 540 640 520 610 500 590 1630 1880 1490 1710 1360 1260 1170 820 780 740 710 680 2130 1940 1560 1780 1440 1640 1340 1530 1250 1420 1330 1260 1180 1100 1040 1190 990 1130 940 1070 890 1020 850 970 810 920 780 890 480 560 750 660 460 540 630 720 440 520 610 430 500 580 410 860 820 690 700 670 760 490 560 640 740 For oak increase values in table by 3. For yellow pine increase values in table by 3. To obtain safe load for any thickness: Multiply values for 1 inch by thickness of beam. To obtain the required thickness for any load: Divide by safe load for 1 inch. 31 SAFE LOADS FOR RECTANGULAR WOODEN PILLARS (SEASONED) FROM "CARNEGIE."' Ratio of Length to Least Side l/d 12 14 16 18 2 2 2 2 28 20 22 24 26 30 32 34 36 38 40 1=length of pillar in inches. d-width of smallest side in inches. SAFE LOADS IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH OF SECTION. Yellow Pine (Southern). 995 955 913 869 825 781 738 697 657 619 583 549 516 487 458 • White Oak. 818 785 750 715 678 642 607 575 541 509 479 451 425 400 377 White Pine and Spruce. 707 679 649 618 587 556 525 495 467 440 414 390 367 346 326 32 FORMULAE FOR BENDING MOMENTS. W= total load; w-load perft. Mc⋅ moment at center; Me=moment at end; My moment at load W↓ l Max.Mom. Mε = wl. គ WI K½l 1½l Max. Mom. = Mc = 4 Wl. W Max. Mom. = Mw= Wab wab. JW 1/2 l 1/2 l Max. Mom. =Mε = Mc = &wl. ++ b Max.Mom. = Mε = ½½ w l² kkk l Max. Mom.: Mc = 1 w l² 1 डोट Max. Mom = Mw = 1/2 Wα. l Mε = 1/2wl? Mc=214 wl? 33 ↓ • APPROXIMATE BENDING MOMENT FORMULAE MONOLITHIC CONSTRUCTION. FLOOR SLABS. For interior panels surrounded on all sides by beams, take Mc=Me=16212. For end panels, take Mc=Me (at inside beam)=wl. For slabs supported at ends only take Mc=&wl²; Me=0. A BEAMS. A Uniform Loads. For interior beams, continuous over a number of supports, take Mε Me=1 zwl². 2 For end beams take Me Me (at inside support)=%w/. Concentrated Loads. For interior beams, continuous over a number of supports, use 2/3 of moment which would exist in a simple beam. For central load take M.—Me=/ WI. For end beams, centrally loaded, take Mc=M。 (at inside support) = WI. 34 REQUIREMENTS OF VARIOUS BUILDING CODES GOVERNING REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Mix... Compressive Strength, 28 days Concrete in direct compression allowed stress COLUMNS. Spiral winding or Hooping,stress per ".. Maximum ratio height to least diameter Insulation.. ** .. SLABS. Minimum thickness. Insulation.. • . BEAMS. Maximum fibre stress on con- crete, compression... Working stress in steel Tensile stress in concrete. Shearing stress in concrete.. ... Adhesion of steel to concrete.... Beams... • Ratio of moduli.. Shearing stress for steel.. Width of slab allowed for T-beam action Insulation. ·· BENDING MOMENTS. · Slabs, continuous Square panels supported on four sides, reinforced in both direc- tions.... TESTS. Load.. Deflection allowed.... Method of calculation …….. BOSTON. ST. LOUIS 1-5 2000 350 120 times least radius gyration. 1½ 3/4 500 to 600 16000 None 60 { Beams, Slabs 60 15 Cols.-10 10000 ½ Span. 12 W I 10 Contin. W I 10 1:2:4 Rock or Gravel, 2000 500 Special. 15 2 1 800 Medium Steel, 14000 High E. Limit,' 20000 None. 25 †Medium Steel, 50 High E. Limit, 30 1/4 Span. 12 πι 12 W l 8 } SAN FRAN CISCO. 1:6 2000 450 { 700 15 12 32 1 500 | *% Elastic Limit. None. 75 75 15 10000 5 times thick ness of Slab. 1½ times diam. bars. πι 12 W I 20 WI 8 2 times Safe Load. 1/700 Safe Load. Safe Load.] Safe Load. PHILA. DELPHIA. 1:2:4 Stone & Gravel, 500 Slag, 300 1000 15 2 1 Stone & Gravel, 600 Slag, 400 16000 None. Stone & Gravel, 75 Slag, 50 Stone & Gravel. 50 Slag, 40 Stone & Gravel, 12 Slag, 15 20 times thick- ness of Slab. 2, Bottom 132 Side W I 10 W l 20 Figure as T-Beams, ½ W l 2 times Safe Load *Steel with an elastic limit above 40000 lbs. shall have mechanical bond. +Deformed bars. Value determined by test. NEW FRENCH RULES 1906. 28% of Strength at 90 Days 60% of Strength at 90 Days. 18 3/4 ( 3/4 50% and 40% of E. Limit. 1/10 Allowed Stress in Direct Comp 1/10 Allowed Stress in Direct Comp. 8 to 15 Span, or s Spacing of Ribs 3/4 Built in, End 1/12 W l. Center, 1/24 W l. Partially Fixed, 1/10 Wl. Safe Load for 24 hours. Deflection must cease after 15 hrs No Sign of Cracks. Ult. Strength, Safe Load. 4× (LL+DL). 35 Brief Specifications for Materials and Labor Used in Reinforced Concrete Construction. CEMENT. Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the speci- fications adopted by the American Society for testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. SAND. Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter, a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. COARSE AGGREGATE. Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum-sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by passing over a one- quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, · but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. PROPORTIONS OF MIX. Concrete for columns, beams and slabs to be mixed in the propor- tion of one part cement to six parts aggregate; proportions by volume taking one bag containing not less than 94 pounds of cement, equal to one cubic foot of cement. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregrate used shall be chosen so as to give a concrete of maximum density; in no case, however, may the amount of fine aggregate be less than 50 per cent of the coarse. REINFORCING STEEL. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per sq. inch. The percentage of elongation in 8" must not be less than given by the formula: Percentage of elongation= I,400,000 Ult. Strength -5.0. BENDING TEST. Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius=four times the least diameter of the specimen, without sign of fracture. 36 MIXING. All concrete to be machine mixed if possible. Concrete for rein- 'forced concrete work shall be mixed wet, sufficient water being used to make a mass that will flow readily and be of such consistency that the reinforcing steel will become covered with a protective coat of fluid mortar. Excess water should be avoided as it tends to a separa- tion of the parts. FORMS. Suitable forms must be provided so that the finished work will accurately conform to the dimensions shown on plans and must be such that the finished work will present a smooth and pleasing appearance. Exposed corners should be beveled where possible. PLACING. CONCRETE-All concrete will be of a mushy consistency and care. must be exercised in the placing so that the concrete is not too thin or the wheel too long so as to permit settlement and consequent separ- ation of the parts. It will not be permitted to drop the concrete any considerable distance. All concrete to be thoroughly puddled, and exposed faces worked so that a smooth finish will result. In floor and beam work the concrete must be placed to the full depth at one operation. Joints in the work to be made as directed by the architect or engineer. It will not be permitted to wheel over or otherwise disturb freshly laid concrete. STEEL-All reinforcing steel must occupy the exact location called for by the drawings, to accomplish this the following rules must be observed: I. Bars and stirrups must be bent or otherwise fabricated in exact accordance with the details. 2. The bars and stirrups comprising the reinforcement for any member shall be assembled by adequate means so that the whole may be inspected and placed in the form as a unit. 3. The means adopted must be such that the reinforcement can- not be displaced by the operation of placing the concrete. The brief specifications here given are intended to be suggestive-when our materials are used we will furnish complete specifications covering the reinforced concrete construction, if desired. : 37 Adhesion (adherence).. Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Con- struction... ALLOWABLE STRESSES- Building Ordinances For Columns.. Average Rock Concrete Beams, Formula. BARS- ▸ · crete.... Safe Loads on Wooden... Shearing Provisions. Shearing Stresses. ... • 24 Corrugated, Squares, Flats and Rounds. 27 Spacing for Required Areas-Table... Weights, Areas and Circumferences, Rounds... 28 Weights, Areas and Perimeters, Squares 29 BEAMS- Bending Moments Due to Various Loadings.. Bonding Stresses. Formulæ for Moment of Resistance. General Formula for Reinforced Con- Stirrups. Strength of Reinforced Rectangular... Strength of Reinforced T Sections... Table for Design of Beams 12 inches Wide ... Webb Stresses in-See Shearing Stresses. Webb Stresses in T-Beams. BENDING MOMENT FORMULE- Advantages of Concrete... Mill Construction. Tests ... Varies with Mix ·· • · * Rectangular Beams, Ultimate. Rectangular Beams, Working Stresses. T-Beams.. · · • · INDEX. • • • ... Page 6 ·· · • • • + .. • • • .. • 8 9 10 Bending Moments, Due to Various Loads. 33 6 Bond, Importance of. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION- • • · 5 • 355 Reinforced Concrete.. Steel Frame.... Building Laws, Various Cities. Building Materials, Weights of. Cinder Concrete, Beam Formula. COLUMNS Allowed Stresses, Building Ordinances 35 Design.... 15 to 19 Diagram for Design.. 18 Formula for Design. Plain Concrete, Tests Tests.. With Longitudinal Reinforcement... With Spiral Winding or Hoops.. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH- 15 • က • 33 12 8 ∞ 9 31 12 I I 13 7 10 23 14 10 5 4 4-5 17 16 16, 18 17 19 4 35 30 8 16 21 CONCRETE- Compressive Strength Data... Quantities of Materials for. Shearing Strength Specifications for Materials Tensile Strength, Maximum Extension. Continuous Beams, See Monolithic Con- struction. Corrugated Bars, Standard Sizes, Sec- tions and Weights... Costs, Building Construction, Com- parative .. •• M Critical Percentage Depends on.. High Yield Point is Desirable. Of Corrugated Bars... Specifications for. Elongation, Specification for. Critical Percentage of Reinforcement.... Crushing Strength of Concrete, Table. Diagram for Column Design. ELASTIC LIMIT. • ·· Flats, Corrugated, Universal Type.... FLOOR SLABS- Stirrup Spacing. T-Beams 1 For Bonding Stresses. General, Design of Beams. Monolithic Construction Rectangular Beams.. ••• • • • Formulæ for Design. Tables for Design of.... FORMULE- Based on Working Stresses, Beams.... Bending Moments in Beams.. Columns with Longitudinal Reinforce- ment • • ·· · • • ... ·· ... • ... • ... • Page Useful Information, Miscellaneous General Remarks on Theory of Design... Girders, See Beams. High Elastic Limit Desirable... Hooped Columns.. Importance of Bond · [ LOADS- Safe Loads, Columns, Long, Reinforce- ment Safe Loads on Floor Slabs, Tables Safe Loads, Wooden Beams Safe Loads, Wooden Posts.... Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Varies. Moments of Resistance of Beams, 12 inches Wide Monolithic Construction Notes on Design in General ... Portland Cement, Brief Specifications Posts, Safe Loads on Wooden • ………♥ • · · ·· 21 21 22 21 36 21 19 ··· 27 5 7 16 18 .20-34 25, 26 9 6 2 3 333 27 36 36 27 9 33 17 12 9 34 8 13 IO 18 25, 26 31 32 17 30 5 6 19 6 23 19-34 5 36 32 1 38 Page Quantities of Materials Required per Cubic Yard Concrete. REINFORCED CONCRETE- Advantages of this Construction. Digest of Building Laws. Theory of Design Reinforcing Steel, Specifications for. Rounds, Corrugated Rounds, Plain... Safe Loads, See Loads Sand, Brief Specifications SECTIONS- Weights and Areas of Corrugated Bars. Weights, Areas and Circumferences of Round Bars Weights and Areas and Perimeters of Square Bars.... ... ... ... .. ... • pop ·· · • • · · · • • • • 22 • 5 35 5 ♡♡♡ 2008 36 27 36 Shear, Allowed Values, Building Ordin- ances 35 Shearing Provisions.. 12 21 Shearing Strength of Concrete. Shearing Stresses in Beams Slabs, Floor Slabs, Tables for Safe Loads. 25, 26 II 27 28 29 Page 24 Spacing of Bars for Required Areas. Specifications, Concrete Materials. Squares, Corrugated.... 36 27 36 Steel, Brief Specifications for. Stirrups, Formula for Spacing. Stresses, Allowed by Building Ordinances 35 13. 14 10 14 T-Beams, Formula.. T-Beams, Web Stresses Tables, See Particular Subject. Temperature Stresses Tensile Strength of Concrete Tests. See Particular Subject. Theory of Design.. • ·· ... • • • ·· • • • · • • ► • • Universal Type, Corrugated Flats.. Useful Information... Web Stresses in Beams, See Shearing Stresses.... • · •• II Webb Stresses in T-Beams 14 Weights of Various Building Materials... 30 Working Stresses, Allowed by Ordinances 35 Working Stresses, Formula for Beams Yield Point, High Elastic Limit is Desir- able 9 ••• 21 21 5 27 30 6 39 Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. 1 JUNE, 1908 BUILDINGS DETAILED DESIGN OF TYPICAL BUILDING COMPLETE ANALYSIS OF THE STRENGTH OF RECTANGU- LAR AND "T" SHAPED BEAMS The design of the typical building is based on the methods outlined in our May bulletin. The analysis for the strength of rectangular and T-shaped beams has been included in this bulletin, owing to the large demand for our former discussion. The matter here given is similar to that which appeared in our 1906 catalogue, but the discussion has been revised and considerably extended. THE JULY BULLETIN WILL TREAT OF: No. 2 Highway bridges and culverts of the flat slab and girder type. REPRINT, MARCH, 1909 PRICE, 25 CENTS CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT 1908, BY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO. DESIGN OF A REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING. The following detailed design is given to illustrate methods of computation and to bring out our practice in the application of the formulæ given in the May bulletin. The design will be based on the following data: Lot plan; corner lot, 54'-0" x 100'-00". Column and beam arrangement to be as shown on plan. Building to be five stories and basement, as indicated on longitud- inal section. Exterior walls, 13" brick walls on spandrel beams. Allowable soil pressure, 5,000 lbs. per □′. Roof to be designed for safe live load of 40 lbs. per '. Floors to be designed for safe live load of 150 lbs. per '. Concrete to be a 1:2:4 mix, good rock or gravel. All members subjected to flexure will be designed for their break- ing or ultimate load, using a factor of 4 on the live load, and 2 on the dead load. In the design of beams, girders and slabs, allowance will be made for "continuous action." The roof will be figured to carry full live. load on all members-the floors to carry full live load on slabs and beams, and 85% of full live load on girders. In the design of columns the percentage of live load for which they are to be figured is usually prescribed by ordinance. For a building of this kind the average ordinance would permit the columns to be figured to carry 85% of full live load. NOTE-The loads specified agree with those used in light warehouse prac- tice, and the design is much heavier than would be required for hotel or office- building construction, ROOF SYSTEM. SLABS. Span: 10'-0" c. to c. of beams. L. L. 4x40 lbs. 160 lbs. D. L. 2x45 lbs. 90 lbs. Ultimate load per '. Ultimate load per '. Designing load=250 lbs.=Ultimate load per □'. The bending moment at the center of span for roof and floor slabs will be taken as 1 w2 for interior panels and as w² for end panels. 6 All slabs will be figured on a basis of .85% of reinforcement. - 1 2 INTERIOR PANELS. Ultimate moment=1X250X10²= 1,560 ft. lbs. 18,720 in. lbs. For this percentage of reinforcement Mo=370 bd². (See formula 1, page 8.) 42 b=12", therefore M. 4,440 d=18,720" lbs., from which d=2.06". q=.0085 bd=.0085 X 12 X 2.06=0.21". For practical reasons, it is not advisable to make the slab less than 3½" thick, in which case d may be taken equal to 2½". We will use this thickness of slab and reduce the amount of reinforcement as found 2.06 above in the ratio ; using 0.173 sq. inches of metal. 2.5 Make slab 3½" thick, ½" corr. sq. N. S. 8″ cts. Since the above design assumes reverse bending moment over the beams, the same amount of reinforcement should be placed in the top of slab at that point. This reinforcement will consist of " corr. sq. N. S. 8" cts. extending to the quarter points of the panels. It is desirable to have transverse reinforcement in slabs to prevent temper- ature of shrinkage cracks, and also to act as distributing bars. • END PANELS. Mo=12 wl²=24,800 inch lbs. (ult.) The ultimate resisting moment of a 3½" slab, assuming d=2½", reinforced with .85% reinforcement=M。=370_bd²=370X12 X 2.5²= 27,750 in. lbs. It is desirable to keep the thickness of slab uniform, and to illustrate a different method we will determine the amount of steel by the formula Mo-FqX.86d=24,800" lbs. 50,000XqX.86X 2½=24,800, from which g=0.230"-3" corr. squares, N. S. 6" cts. BEAMS. We will design a typical interior beam; B5. Span of beams, c to c of supports,=18′-0″. Distance between beams, c to c.10'-0". Ultimate load on beam: c, Live Load =40X10X 18=7,200 lbs.; X+=28,800 lbs. D. L. Slab =45X10X 18-8,100 lbs.; X2-16,200 lbs. D. L. Beam=10X 10X 18=1,800 lbs.; X2= 3,600 lbs. Actual, 17,100 lbs.; Ult., 48,600 lbs. Mo=13 WI=1X48,600 X 18-72,900' lbs. 874,800" lbs. (ult.) In beams and girders we will use 1.3% reinforcement, and design by formula 2, page 8; Mo=570 bd. Assuming b=9", we have M。= 570X9d²=874,800, from which d=13.1″. g=.013 bd=.013×9×13.1=1.54 sq. inches. d-distance from top of beam to plane of metal. Make beam 9"x15"; 4-%" corr. squares N. S.; bend up two bars and extend to quarter points of beam in adjacent panel. This design gives about 2" of fireproofing on the under side of the bars. 43 For complete discussion see page 12. It will be assumed that the concrete will carry safely 50 pounds of vertical shear per square inch of cross-section of beam. We will then have Ve=bd v.=9X13.1 × 50=5,900 lbs. Stirrups in roof beams will be 4" corrugated squares, bent in U-shape; allowed working stress=16,000 lbs. per sq. in. Then P=2X0.06X16,000 lbs. 1,820 lbs. total allowable stress in one stirrup. To determine stirrup spacing, use formula on page 14. 0.86 d P 0.86 X 13.1X1820 20500 V-Ve y= V-5900 V-5900 The spacing at any point may be determined by substituting the value of the external shear, V, at that section in the above. The following table illustrates the method: Distance from End of Beam. SHEARING PROVISIONS. I 2' 4 Size of Stirrups. I 1/4" Corrugated Squares New Style. Vert. Ext. Shear =V. 85'50 lbs. 7600 lbs. 6650 lbs. 4750 lbs. Vc 5900 lbs. 5900 lbs. 5900 lbs. 5900 lbs. GIRDERS. V-Vc 2650 lbs. 1700 lbs. 750 lbs. Spacing=" 0.86 d P V-Vc 8" 12" 1 Beams in end panels to be figured in a similar manner, using formula Mo=1% WI. 27" Typical interior girder, G4. The actual dead and live load concentrated at the center of the girder is 17,100 pounds, corresponding to an ultimate load of 48,600 pounds, not including the weight of the girder itself. Ult. moment at center M=% WI. (For a beam simply supported this would be 4 WI. for center load.) Mo=%X48,600 X 20= 162,000 ft. lbs. (ult.) Assume girder weighs 250 lbs. per ft., then M due to its weight=X250X20, times 2= TOTAL ULTIMATE MOMENT 16,700 ft. lbs. (ult.) 178,700 ft. lbs. (ult.) =2,144,400 in. lbs. (ult.) Assume b=12". As before 570X12Xd=2,144,400 from which d=17.7". q=.013 bd.=2.76 sq. in. Make girder 12"x20"; 5-%" corrugated squares N. S. The same amount of reinforcement should be used in the top of the girder over the supports. This will be provided for by bending up two bars in each girder, and using an additional 4-inch bar, placed as shown on drawing. 44 い ​$ SHEARING PROVISIONS. Neglecting the weight of the girders, the shear is constant from the column to center of span. V_17,100 8,550 lbs., neglecting weight of girder. 2 Ve=12X17.7X50=10,620 lbs. Although at the allowed stress of 50 lbs. per sq. in. in the concrete, no stirrups would be required, it is essential that at the columns and where the beams frame into girders, that stirrups be provided to dis- tribute the concentrated loadings at these points. GIRDERS IN END PANELS. Design girders G3 in a similar manner, using the formula M=} WI. (The formula WI and WI are for one concentrated load at center of span.) In the design of end beams and girders it is desirable to increase the percentage of reinforcement, keeping same dimensions as for interior beams, rather than make the percentage of reinforcement constant and change the size of the beams. FLOOR SYSTEM. L. L. 150 lbs. X4=600 lbs.=ult. load per '. D. L. 60 lbs. X2=120 lbs. ult. load per '. SLABS, INTERIOR PANELS. Span=10′-0″ c to c beams. ult. load per □'. 4,500 ft. lbs. (ult.) 54,000 in. lbs. (ult.) As before Mo=370 bd=54,000, from which d=3.5 in. 9=.0085X12X3.5=0.360 sq. inches per foot width. Make slab 42" thick; 2" corrugated rounds 6½" cts. Design end panels by formula Mwl. BEAMS. 720 lbs. Mo=1'e wi²=16X720 X 10²= Typical interior beam, B5. Span, c to c of supports,=18′-0″. Spacing of beams, c to c,=10′-0″. L. L., D. L. (Slab), D. L. (Beam), TOTALS... ACTUAL LOAD ON BEAM. 150X10X18=27.000 lbs. X 60X10X18=10,800 lbs. 15×10×18= 2,700 lbs. .40,500 lbs. • X FACTOR XXX 422 ULTIMATE LOAD ON BEAM. 108,000 lbs. 21,600 lbs. 5,400 lbs. 135,000 lbs. 45 Mo=12 WI=12X135,000X18= 202,500 ft. lbs. =2,430,000 in. lbs. (ult.) Using 1.3 per cent of reinforcement, Mo=570 bd²=2,430,000. Assuming b=12"; d=18.9" and 9=2.960". Make beam 12"x21"; 4-" corrugated squares, N. S. Bend up two bars in each beam. Figure beams in end panels similarly, using formula MWI. 1 I V at end-40,500 =20,250 lbs. 2 Ve=12X18.9X50=11,350 lbs. Using "U"-shaped stirrups, 3%" corrugated rounds, we have: SHEARING PROVISIONS. P=2X0.11X16,000 lbs.=3,520 lbs. .86 d P .86X18.9×3,520 20,250-11,350 y at end= V-Ve y, three feet from end=26″. L. L. 0.85X27,000. D. L. (Slab) D. L. (Beam) TOTALS. Typical interior girder, G4. All girders in floor system will be figured to carry 85% of the total live load. • ACTUAL CONCENTRATED LOad on Girder. X FACTOR GIRDERS. C =6½". =22,900 X 10,800 X 2,700 X • • • · 36,400 = 42 2 || || || ULTIMATE LOAD. 91,600 lbs. 21,600 lbs. 5,400 lbs. 118,600 lbs. Mo, concentrated load= WIX 118,600 X 20-.....395,000 ft. lbs. The girder will weigh approximately 300 lbs. per ft. Mo=2XM due to weight of girder=2X(X300X202)=20,000 ft. lbs. TOTAL.. .415,000 ft. lbs. M。=570 bd²=4,980,000 in. lbs. (ult.) Assume b=14"; d=25″ and q=4.55 ″. Make girder 14"x28"; 6-%" corrugated squares, N. S. Bend up three bars in each girder. • } • 46 B • V may be assumed constant and equal to V=14X25X50=17,500 lbs. V-V. 700 lbs., indicating that the concrete alone is capable of carrying the shear at the allowed stress. As before stated, it is desir- able to have stirrups to distribute concentrated loadings, and they will be provided as indicated on drawings. 5th Height=11′-0″ Story. 3d Height 11'-0" Contributory area=18' X 20' 360 sq. ft. The unit stress in the concrete will be taken as 600 lbs. Referring to diagram on page 18, the average permissible stress per sq. inch, using 1% reinforcement, is found to be 690 lbs. This figure will be used to determine the required area—one inch of concrete will be added all around for fireproofing. As stated, the live load on columns will be taken as 85% of full live load. 4th Height=11'-0" Col. Basement Height=10′-0″ • Story Loads. 1 L. L.....14400 D. L....28800 Col. 1100 2d Height 11'-0" Col. SHEARING PROVISIONS. TYPICAL INTERIOR COLUMN. ...* 44300 L. L....45900| D. L....39600 ..... 2900 88400 L. L....45900 D. L……..39600 Col. .... 4500 90000 IL, L....45900| D. L... .39600 · ... • 91500 |……. L………….45900 D. L....39600 ....10500 Height 15'-0" Col. 1st COLUMN DESIGN. 96000 L. L....45900) D. L……….39600 Col. .. 9500 95000 Column Load=P. 44300 132700 6000 314200 222700 410200 505200 Area Req'd =P-690. 640" 193" 323" 36,400 2 4550" 0930" 7320" 47 COLUMN SECTION. External Vertical Dimensions. Reinforced. 12"x12" 16"x16" =18,200. 20"x20" 24"x24" 27"x27" 29"x29″ 4-2½" C. R. 4-3/4" C. R. 8-3/4" C. R. 8-%" C. R. 8-1" C. R. 8-1%" C. R. Hooping. ¼4" C. R. 12" cts. 4" C. R. 12" ets. ¼4" C. R. 12 cts. 4″ C. R. 12" cts. 4" C. R. 12" cts. ¼" C. R. 12" cts. Story. Story Loads. L. L.... 7200 D L....14400 3500 25100 L. L....22950) D. L....19800 Wall...19000 5th Height=11'-0" Col. 4th Height=11'-0" Col. • • TYPICAL WALL COLUMN. 3500 65250 L. L....22950Į D. L....19800 30 Wall...19000 Height=11'-0" Col. .... 3500 65250i IL. L....22950 D. L....19800 2d Wall...19000 Height 11'-0" Col. 4100 .... 65850! IL. L……..22950 D. L... 19800 1st Wall...19000 Height=15'-0" Col. .. 7000 ... 68750 |L. L……..22950| D. L....19800 Basement Wall...27000 Height=10'-0" Col..... 6000 75750 Column Load=P. 25100 90300 155600 Required area= 221400 290200 366000 Area Req'd =P÷690. 360" 1310" 2250" 320" 4220" 5300" COLUMN SECTION. External Vertical Dimensions. Reinforced. * 13"x24" 13"x24" 13"x24" 15"x24" 19"x24" 24"x24" Load at base of column.. 505,200 lbs. Approximate weight of footing= 25,000 lbs. 530,200 lbs. 4-34" C. R. 530,200 5,000 106 sq. ft. Make footing 10'-4"x10'-4". 4-3/4" C, R. 6-34" C. R. 6-%" C. R. * Wall columns are made of uniform width throughout to simplify brick work. 6-1" C. R. FOOTINGS. TYPICAL INTERIOR FOOTING. Hooping. 1/4" C. R. 12" cts. 4" C. R. 12" cts. 4" C. R. 12" cts. 1/4" C. R. 12" cts. 6-1%" C. R. 4" C. R. 12" cts. 4" C. R. 12" cts. In the design of the footing we will not allow the vertical shearing stress to exceed 125 lbs. per sq. in. Required depth of footing then=-505,200 =35". 4X29 X 125 As the shear decreases toward the edge of the footing, and this depth of footing is not required to resist the bending moment devel- oped, we will step off the footing, as shown. ++ 48 C X → CG Eat 10-4" 2'-5" 3'-6" COLUMN BASE FOOTING 1 У • D "1 D • • 10 5,000 " is resisted by a section in the plane x-y, the width considered avail- able, may be taken equal to the side of the column plus 1½ times the depth of the footing=29"+(1½ X23")=5'-3½". The column base is used to distribute the load over the footing and its dimensions are determined from shearing considerations only. The footing and column base must be built monolithic. The moment per foot width of section=11,970.000÷5.29=2,260,000 inch lbs. (ult.) Area required=991,200 26 For footings it is necessary to have a comparatively large amount of concrete to resist shear. We will therefore use .85% reinforcement. M。=370 bď²=2,260,000 for b=12″, whence d=22.5″. The upward pressure on the tri- angle C-O-D and the downward pressure on the triangle A-O-B are each equal to one-fourth of the column load, neglecting the weight of the footing. The maximum bending moment is in the plane x-y, and may be obtained by taking moments about this line. Let a distance from x-y to center of gravity of triangle. C-O-D and b=distance to center of gravity of triangle A-O-B. Then ___505,200 (a-b)= 505,200 M '(41.3″— 4 4 9.7'')=3,990,000 in. lbs. q=.0085 X 12 X22½=2.29 sq. inches per foot width. // Make d=23″ and use i corr. sq. new style, 5" cts. both ways in footing. Using a factor of safety of 3. the ultimate moment equals M。= 11,970,000 inch lbs. This moment COMBINED FOOTINGS. Since the footings are not to extend beyond the inside lot line, it will be necessary to use combined footings on this side of the building. The combined footing acts as a beam resisting the upward reaction of the soil, and supported at the ends by the columns. By making the center of gravity of the footing plan corres- pond with the resultant of the column loads, a uniform soil-pressure is produced. Load on wall column. Load on interior column TOTAL.. Assuming footing to be 4'-0" thick, its weight would be about.... TOTAL ON SOIL.. =198 sq. feet. ..366,000 lbs. .505,200 lbs. 871,200 lbs. I20,000 lbs. 991,200 lbs. 49 Since the column loads are unequal, the footing will have a trape- zoidal shape, and by fixing its length, since we have the area, we can determine the length of the two parallel sides for conditions of uniform load. Q = 17 88 a+b 2 Katalogla É-COLUMN • *** ola 1 = 20'-6" COLUMNS G = 1085' w RESULTANT, COLUMN LOADS AND CENTER GRAVITY OF -FOOTING Jos El 17'-0" COLUMN f 36 44 N 2011 side Let G distance from small end to center of gravity of footing and to the resultant of column loads. If A area of trapezoid, we can determine the ends "a" and "b" from "C A must equal 9.65 feet, or a=19.3-b. 198 ι 20.5 Substituting in the formula we find b=11.42 feet, a=7.88 feet. The load on soil equals 5,000 lbs. per sq. foot; the weight of footing is 600 lbs. per sq. foot; upward reaction equals 4,400 lbs. per sq. foot. 04 To design footing, we will find the moment on a strip 12" wide. Using a factor of 3 on the bending moment, we have Mo=3 (% wl²)=3 (4400 X 17² X12)=5,720,000 in. lbs. (ult.) By means of table No. 1, page 23, average rock concrete, we find that the section corresponding to this moment requires d=36" and 9=3.700" f Since we have fixed upon the total depth of the footing as 48", will make d=44″ and use X3.70″=3.03″ of metal per foot width. we the following for- mula: A3 · b= 6_24(3 G—1) I The average width Make footing 48″ deep, d=44″, and use 1" corr. squares, N. S., 4" cts. in top of footing. The distance, c to c given, is on the line m-m through the center of gravity of the footing. # At the ends of the footing the portions under the columns act as transverse beams. We will figure the reinforcement required for this cantilever action at the larger end, under interior column. Ultimate 505200 2 II.42 moment Mo= X12X3=26,000,000 in. lbs. This will be X assumed to be distributed over a width of five feet. 4 50 L 1 " M。 per foot width equals 5,200,000 in. lbs. (ult.); this is practically the same as the reverse moment in the longitudinal direction and the same reinforcement will be used. SHEARING STRESSES. Limiting the vertical shear to 125 lbs. per sq. inch, the minimum depth of footing under interior column will be found to be 35 in.; as the footing is 48 in. deep the punching shear at the end need not be considered. The wall column will require investigation, since only three sides may be considered in determining the intensity of the shear. To bring this within safe limits, and also to avoid high stresses at the edge of the footing, the column will be arranged as shown on drawing. In order to avoid any possibility of the concrete shearing along diagonal planes at the ends, horizontal and vertical tie bars should be ' introduced, as shown on detail. Note-No provisions have been made in this building for resisting wind stresses, as, owing to its low height in comparison to its width, such stresses may be neglected. 51 18-0 0-81 18 54-0″ LOT LINE 2 COL./ COL.2 LINE 7 BUILDING COL.3 COL.4 20-0 COL 15 COL. 6 COL.7 COL 8 COL. 9 BUILDING 20-0′ COL /O COL./1 COL.12 LINE COL 13 20-0 100'- 0' " COL.14 COL.15 COL16 COL 20-0 p COL.18 |COL.19| COL.20 COL. 2/ 20-0 " COL.22 COL.25 COL24 FOUNDATION PLAN TYPICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING 52 1214 Z ម រ 7} ! MANA DAW 0-11 ,0,11 0.11 15 0 100 LONGITUDINAL SECTION REINFORCED CONGRETE BUILDING 53 54'-0" 18-0 18 0 0.81 LOT LINE BUILDING LINE COL.I. COL.2 84 COL. 3 ზა COL 4 10:0 G, G, A m 10:0 COL.5 COL 6 COL. 7 COL. 8 10-0 G₂ COL. 9 10-0 ELEVATOR COL 10 COL.// COL. 12 Gr 10-0° STAIR WELL G5 G ·BUILDING LINE 100-0 10-0 COL.13 29 COL.14 COL.15. ||| COL. 16 10-0 Gr G G₂ 10-0 $9 COL.17 COL.18 COL.19 COL. 20 10.0 C GI COL.2/❘ COL.22 COL.23 COL.241 10-0 TYPICAL FRAMING PLAN. TYPICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING. 54 CORR SQS · Bs · 9″ 15½"BEAM G₂- 12"x 201 GIRDER. SLAB - 31. 'CORR SQS.- B'CTS. CTS. TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT & CO 10.0 zas zudsaSAS “A " G caune 199 PLAN CORR. SQS. CORR SQS ·2·0˚CTS. NOTE - ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION NFORCEMEN OF MAIN REINFORCEMENY 10.0 12"x 20½ GIRDER 6 LNESSMITUSAMMEN stada ka plat STIRRUPS MADE OF CORR SQS G3 NOTE - MAOVUSTU 15½ AND SPACED AS SHOWN II CORR SQS. - 2 BENT UP AS SHOWN 12 DETAILS OF ROOF CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING ALL CORRUGATED SQUARES ARE NEW STYLE 32 SLAB CORR JQS.- 16°CTS ·TRANSVERSE BARS - ✯ CORR SQU 2-0˝CTS AS SHOWN CORR. SQS 12' 20½ GIRDER SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN ROOF GIRDERS ·STIRRUPS MADE OF CORR, SQS. - SPACED AS SHOWN. HOPEDAG. B5 -1- CORR SQ - STRAIGHT· 10-0 LONG 9.15 BEAM SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN ROOF SLAB Z C& CORR SQS - 8 BI 5 § CORR SQS - 2 BENT UP AS SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN ROOF BEAMS 9"x 15½" BEAM SHOWN G4 8"CTS. 4 CORR SQ5,- 2 BENT UP AS SHOWN. ANBUTANIAVĒDUS 2 BENT UP AS SHOWN. 55 4 · É CORR. JUS AM 20 64 14:28 GIRDER SLAB - 43 É CORR ROUNDS 6 ½ CTS TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT CORR ROUNDS 4 PER PANEL 10:0" " PLAN 6-7 CORR SQ5 NOTE ARROW INDICATES DIRECTION OF MAIN REINFORCEMENT IGL - 10-0 85 ✓ B, G3 IBAR 7-} CORR SQ5. - 3 BENT UP AS SHOWN 2 BARS 5.1 CORR SQS. - 2 BENT UP AS SHOWN NOTE 14 ALL CORRUGATED SQUARES ARE NEW STYLE, 12 4½ SLAB ({"CORR ROUNDS - 6½" CTS. TRANSVERSE BARS & CORR STIRRUPS MADE OF CORR. SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN GIRDERS ROUNDS AND SPACED AS SHOWN HE N DETAILS OF FLOOR CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING The SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN FLOOR SLAB STIRRUPS MADE OF CORR ROUNDS SPACED AS SHOWN TILL (14"x 28" GIRDER ~12 x 21" BEAM. SECTION SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN BEAMS. 24 ROUNDS 4 PER PANEL CORR.ROUND BARS- 6½ CTS. 6.70 G4 2 BARS IBAR. CORR SQS - 3 BENT UP AS SHOWN W B5 SQS 4. & CORR. 5Q5 - 2 BENT UP KZ AS SHOWN JUIX PURA 56 ROOF 12412 5TH FLOOR 16x16* 4TH FLOOR 20.20 3RD FLOOR 24x24 2ND FLOOR 27127 1ST FLOOR 29.29" BASEMENT 4-Ź CORR ROUNDS + 4 CORR ROUNDS CORR ROUNDS THROUGHOUT COLUMN 12"APART 8 - CORR ROUNDS 8- CORR ROUNDS 8-1´CORR ROUNDS HOOPING 8-1½"CORR ROUNDS HEIGHT VARIES WITH SLOPE OF ROOF "1 O "/ 0-11 0.11 0-,91 DETAIL OF TYPICAL INTERIOR COLUMN 13-24 0.01 13:24" 13x241 15:24 19:24 24.24 4- CORR ROUNDS 4- 2 CORR ROUNDS HOOPING CORR ROUND3 - 12″ APART THROUGHOUT COLUMN 6 CORR ROUNDS 11 42 6 & CORR ROUNDS CORR ROUNDS 9 6 1½ CORR ROUNDS YN " COLUMN AND FOOTING DETAILS TYPICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE BUILDING TYPICAL WALL COLUMN NOTE CORR SQS · ALL CORRUGATED SQUARES ARE NEW STYLE 20 6 EVERY 3RD BAR IN TOP BENT AS SHOWN Kedskoen SECTION COMBINED FOOTING 10-4 ·EVERY 3RD BAR BENT PLAN- COMBINED FOOTING SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN TOP OF FOOTING - •½ COPP SQS + + PLAN COMBINED FOOTING SHOWING REINFORCEMENT IN BOTTOM OF FOOTING /"CORR SQS AS SHOWN 1 "CORR SQS BOTH DIRECTIONS AS SHOWN 10-4 "CORR SQS AS I CIL DETAIL OF TYPICAL INTERIOR FOOTING } 788 1226 SHOWN 57 THE STRENGTH OF RECTANGULAR BEAMS. In the following analysis for determining the resisting moment of a reinforced concrete beam, it will be assumed that the bond between the concrete and steel is sufficient to bring them into the necessary intimate stress relationship, and that proper and adequate provision for all web stresses has been made. While it is evident that simple formulæ are desirable, and that there is no objection to the use of strictly empirical formulæ, yet it is essential that the designer be familiar with the complete analysis, so that when using a simplified formula, he will be familiar with its limitations. Tension has been considered as existing in the concrete up to that fiber in which the extension equals that to which plain concrete can be subjected without cracking. While the influence of the tension in the concrete, on the resisting moment, is large for very low unit stresses, yet its effect is negligible when the stresses due to ultimate, or even working, loads are considered. It was thought advisable to include it in the analysis for the sake of making the discussion com- plete mathematically. By first assuming a definite law of variation between stress and strain, for the concrete, it is possible to readily evaluate the resisting moment of the section for any given percentage of reinforcement by further assuming the stress in the steel. The principle of invariability of plane sections, although it does not strictly obtain in the case of reinforced concrete beams, in conjunction with the requirement that the total tension must equal the total compression is sufficient to determine the position of the neutral axis. The resisting moment may then be obtained by taking moments about either the neutral axis or the centroid of compression or tension. The form of curve representing the stress-strain rela- tion in the concrete was chosen after a thorough investigation of experimental data on deformation, and a study of the actual carrying capacity of beams, and, we believe, represents the actual conditions with sufficient exactness. In the following discussion it is assumed that a section plane, before bending, is plane after bending. It is further assumed that the modulus of elasticity of concrete varies, its value decreasing as the stress increases, and that its instan- taneous value may be represented by the tangent to parabola. To obtain an equation for a parabola that would represent the variations of the modulus, an inspection of a number of stress-strain diagrams was made, which led to the conclusion that if the compressive strength be taken as two- thirds of the stress corresponding to the observed deformation at failure, using the initial modulus of elasticity noted, that the parabola so obtained would represent closely the actual stress-strain diagram. The tensile stresses in the concrete, between the neutral axis and that plane at which the unit elongation has the limiting value At, are considered in the discussion. We have, then, for Rectangular Beams, the following discussion: h 12 Figure 1. d λε λε’ LASH Ac" FASH 5 y₁ Y2 e Figure 2. Z 0 ft c £c ان -214x35 It λο Figure 3. Yr Y2 X A 58 • Fig. 1 is a cross section of a reinforced concrete beam. Fig. 2 represents the strain or deformation diagram at any instantaneous load. Fig. 3 is the stress diagram corresponding to the above strain diagram. Let Es Modulus of elasticity of steel in pounds per square inch. Ec Initial modulus of elasticity of concrete in compression in pounds T F fc f = Compressive stress on extreme fiber in pounds per square inch. f may have any value less than fc. c': S ft 20 20" λό Unit deformation of extreme compression fiber at ultimate stress fc. Unit deformation corresponding to stress c'. Note that λe' and c' deal with conditions after the ultimate strength of the concrete is passed, and have no value except in determining the curve, etc. 2t Unit elongation of concrete corresponding to stress ft. 25 Unit elongation of steel corresponding to stress s. b= Width of beam in inches. Mo - ****====****** Ma per square inch. Elastic limit of steel in pounds per square inch. Compressive strength of concrete in pounds per square inch. ** Abscissa to stress diagram at vertex of parabola. Any assumed unit stress in steel, pounds per square inch. Modulus of rupture of concrete in cross bending in pounds per square inch. Unit deformation of extreme compression fiber corresponding to a stress f. Y/1 Distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber in compression in inches. Distance from neutral axis to plane of reinforcement in inches. Y2 e = Distance in inches from plane of metal to extreme fiber on tension side. d=y₁+y2=Effective depth of beam. p= Ratio of reinforcement in terms of bd=q÷bd. α Ratio of reinforcement in terms of bh=q÷bh. M = Bending moment of external forces in inch_pounds=resisting moment of beam. *** Distance from top fiber to center of gravity of compression area in inches. St Po Pc = Total compressive stress in concrete in width b. Pt Total tensile stress in concrete in width b. q= Area of metal in width b, in square inches. Ultimate moment of resistance of cross section in inch pounds. Total stress in metal in width b. Referring to Fig. 3, the shaded area above the neutral axis represents the compressive stress diagram of the concrete, O Y being the axis of proportionate elongation, and O X the axis of stress per square inch. Before getting the area of the compression diagram, it will be necessary to get the equation of the parabola referred to the axes O X and O Y. We have Ee which is represented by the tangent to the parabola at the origin O, and have also imposed the condition that the compressive stress at rupture is two- thirds Ece". The equation for the parabola then becomes: From which λe"= And f = Ec λc fc = 3 Ee λc" 3 fc 2 Ec 9 fc 20= 4 Ec Ec 22 2λ'c ► · (8) (9) 59 · Substituting in the general equation and solving for λe, we get: -): ..(10) λc = 76 (1 76 ( 1 − √1 Or We can now get a value for y₁ : From the strain diagram, Therefore, y= Pc b Pt b 2 S Yi (11) The expression for the arca of the compressive stresses may be written in the form, K 8f 370) ft Xt 2 2c 9fc 4 J' I2 λ c \ E c λ c 2 Yi S :(=- y₁=Dy₁. For the area of the tensile stresses we may, without appreciable error, con- sider the parabolis area as a triangle (since the allowed stress is very small, the tangent and parabola practically coincide), and can express the area by the equation, Therefore, p= 311 X d Es λc s + Es λc Y1 d — Yı λed 28 +λc Ec λt 2λc xć r A D-G S Y1, where r 4r d……… Since the sum of the compressive and tensile stresses must equal zero, we can write Ps Pc — Pt λε M = pbds(d-z)+ by₁ G(y₁ + 3 Y¹ ø λε ag but s yi Gy₁... M=Ps (d-z)+ Pt We have, taking moments about the center of gravity of the compressive stresses, the following expression for the moment of resistance of the section: λε 20 S Es (2 ht Yi + yı λε M。 = pbd F'(d-2)+ by₁ G(yı + 3 yı • - z)………. • - =) • (12) (13) • (14) . (15) It is to be noted that the above discussion is perfectly general, and we may, by assuming any fiber stress, f, and any stress in the steel, s, find the percentage of reinforcement required, and the corresponding resisting moment of the section. We are, however, mainly interested in the ultimate strength of the beam, reinforced with the critical percentage of metal (it being taken for granted that the designer will apply his factor of safety to actual moments, designing the section for the ultimate moment so obtained), which condition obtains when the percentage of steel is so chosen that the beam is equally strong in tension and compression; or, differently expressed, that the stress in the steel reaches the elastic limit at the same time that the compressive stress on the extreme fiber becomes the ultimate strength of the concrete. Putting these values in the general equation, No. 15, we get the following: (15a) (16) 60 The size of beam needed to develop a required moment of resistance can be obtained from the above equations, when the constants dependent upon the par- ticular materials used are known. If it is desired to neglect the tension in the concrete, the last term in equa- tion “15" and "15a" becomes zero, and we have: For no tension in the concrete: M = pbds (d-z). M。=pbd F(d-z) r Note If the extension of the steel corresponding to the assumed unit stress should happen to be less than the value for λ chosen, the formula would not apply. The value of 2t will, in all cases, be taken as .00015; the unit stress in the steel corresponding to this extension being 4,350 pounds. If a lower stress were assumed in the steel t would then have to be taken equal to the exten- sion of the steel, 2, To illustrate the application of the formulæ, the following example has been worked out in detail: 9 From equation (9)′ = ½ fc 4 Ec } λc' Also 2" Example-Determine the critical ratio of reinforcement and the ultimate moment of resistance of a beam, taking the compressive strength of the con- crete as 2,000 pounds per square inch, and assuming the elastic limit of the steel to be 50,000 pounds per square inch. For average rock concrete when fc=2,000 pounds, Ec may be taken as 2,600,000 and 2t .00015. F is given as 50,000 pounds and Es may be taken as 29,000,000, and, in this particular case, where ffc, e becomes equal to ". = X .0017308 λε 2.c 21/0 4 - r • • Y₁ = 18 yı Yi Ec λc D= (1-3210) 2 and from equation 13, (.b & — 1 ) = G p= 12 47 To obtain y₁, we substitute in equation II, Es 2c 33463 d= s+Es 2c 83463 We will now obtain values for D and G, these quantities being respectively proportional to the amount of compression and tension in the concrete, only. From equation 12: Ee de 2 Ec λi 220 2000 2,600,000 .0011539 → d=.401d. (17) . (17a). = 3 x · (Eq. 16) (Eq. 16) I143.3 50000 2,600,000 X .0011539 2 25.4 The percentage of metal necessary may now be readily obtained by means of equation 14. This will be the critical ratio of reinforcement, since we are using fc and F as the stresses in the materials. 1166.7 31 12 X = .401 X 0.00915 Yı D-G F The ultimate moment of resistance may now be obtained by substituting the proper values in equation 15a. • λε M。 = pbd F(d-e)+ by₁G(yı + Y₁ ——≈)= 392 bd² + 3 bd² = 395 bd² 61 In a similar manner we obtain the following values for a good rock concrete beam, when fc may be taken as 2,700 pounds, and Ec= 2,800,000, F= 50,000. λ=.0021696 2c"=.0014464 p=.01418 Mo=596.6 bd Note-The average F for corrugated bars will be found to be about 55,000 pounds. With this value the critical ratio for average rock concrete becomes .00785, and for good rock concrete .01224. It is desirable to have a ready means of determining the resisting moment of a section reinforced with a particular ratio of reinforcement, and the plates, Nos. 1 to 7, inclusive, give this information for various conditions. Plates 1 and 3 represent graphically the results obtained by substituting in formula 15, the constants for the two grades into which we have arbitrarily divided all rock concretes. For average rock concrete, Plate 1, fc=2,000 and Ec=2,600,000. For good rock concrete, Plate 3, fc=2,700 and Ec=2,800,000. In Plate 2 and 4 the effect of the tension in the concrete has been omitted. A comparison of Plate I with Plate 2, and of Plate 3 with Plate 4, shows that for high stresses in the steel the effect of the tension is negligible. For example, assuming a ratio of reinforcement of three-fourths of 1 per cent, and a stress in the steel of 50,000 per ", we have: From Plate 1; M=328 bd2 and f=1840 pounds. From Plate 2; M=326 bd² and f=1825 pounds. Plates 5, 6 and 7 are based on the values for the constants shown, and in the computations the effect of the tension in the concrete has been omitted. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Each plate consists of two series of curves independent of each other, but with common abscissæ representing the ratio of reinforcement. The curved lines show the relation existing between p and s for the various values of f noted. For example, it is desired to develop 1,800 pounds extreme fiber-stress in average rock concrete when the stress in the steel is 50,000 pounds: what is the corres- ponding ratio, p, assuming tension to exist in the concrete? Referring to Plate 1, follow the ordinate 50,000 until it intersects with the 1,800 curve; the ratio of reinforcement at this point is .007. The straighter lines diverging from the origin give the relation between p and M for the various values of s given. Interpolate for values not given by curves. To get the moment of resistance of a section given p and s, we proceed as follows: Assume average rock concrete and include tension in the concrete. From Plate 1, follow up the line .007 up the line .007 = p to its intersection with the 50,000 curve. The ordinate of this point is 310 = K. Therefore, M = 310 bd². Conversely-If M and p are known, the stresses corresponding may be deter- mined as follows: Let M÷bd² Let M÷bd² = 300, and take p = .0075; average rock con- crete, assuming no tension. Referring to Plate 2: The point of intersection of the ordinate 300 with the abscissa .0075 is seen to be near the 50,000 curve. By interpolation its value may be estimated as 47,000 pounds. The stress in the con- crete may now be found, since we have s and p. The intersection of the ordi- nate 47,000 and the abscissa .0075 is near the curve for f=1,800 pounds, and by interpolation is seen to be about 1,750 pounds. 62 S * STEEL IN STRESS { 55000 550 50000 500 40000 400 Kbd². 1000원 ​30009 0300 10000 = O 20000 200 COEFFICIENT; K = 100 O O £100 019 200 1600 1800 2000 .005 RATIO OF REINFORCEMENT 01 ASSUMED DATA TENSION IN CONCRETE CONSIDERED TI 015 AREA OF STEEL : pbd. - Ec- 2600,000 fc 2,000 30000 COMPRESSION 25008 02 MAT 20000 ऊए VO 8000 .025 4006 12000 10000 PLATE. NO. 1 .03 63 5 * STEEL IN STRESS 55000 550 50000 40000 400 20000 Kbd² 10000 O JA Mo 30000 300 ; 500 COEFFICIENT H x 200 100 O O Р * 20 200 жаба P 1000 2000 .01 ASSUMED DATA Ec= 2,600,000 fc. = 2.000. TENSION IN CONCRETE NEGLECTED ०००० .005 015 .02 RATIO OF REINFORCEMENT ; AREA OF STEEL = bdp. T $5 doo 025 120000 8000 dog -14000 12000 loose PLATE NO.2 .03 *9 .50 000 n (1 STEEL IN 55000 STRESS 30000 W 20000 K bd 10000 C 40000 400 COEFFICIENT 750 700 K- 600 500 500 200 100 O 0 BOO P = X200 100 1000 55000 .005 RATIO OF ASSUMED DATA. Ec - 2800,000 fc 2700 .01 REINFORCEMENT = TENSION IN CONCRETE CONSIDERED. .015 AREA OF STEEL 1700 = 02 pbd COMPRESSION 50000 25000 XXX IN .025 NG Vong AGIN B ENOVKY 5000 4000 .03 PLATE NO. 3. 65 ហ = STEEL IN STRESS 55000 50000 40000 30000 20000 10 000 O Kbd2 1 - Mo COEFFICIENT 8 = 750 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 O O P ** 4 = 1000 HH|| ASSUMED DATA AGO Ec fc = 2700 = 2 800,000 2000 50000 005 이 ​RATIO OF REINFORCEMENT KA 2800 500 TENSION IN CONCRETE NEGLECTED 015 AREA OF STEEL 00000 = 130000 02 pbd 2 SSION 85008 120000 5-18000 16000 1000 025 PLATE NO.4 03 99. ► "S" ་ STEEL IN STRESS 55.000 50000 500 40000 K bd². 20000 ព 550 30000 Σ 300 COEFFICIENT = 400 200 10000 100 O 0 Jo 4600 K 800 0000 ASSUMED DATA Ec-2,000,000 fc. 2000 Pa .01 S TENSION IN CONCRETE NEGLECTED - 200 .005 .015 RATIO OF REINFORCEMENT. AREA OF STEEL T SION = p bd 30000 .02 25009 .025 30000 In n 8000 16001 2007 17000 .03 PLATE NO 5, 67 S STEEL IN STRESS 55000 30000 K b d 2 20000 N 50000 500 10000 - 40000|Σ 400 750 700 COEFFICIENT 600 K = 300 200 100 O = 800 " ASSUMED DATA Ec. 2,500,000 fc = 2400 50 1800 1600 2000 A COMPRESSION LIMIT - Do 2400 TENSION IN CONCRETE NEGLECTED Ol 005 .015 RATIO OF REINFORCEMENT AREA OF STEEL = pbd 02 30000. 155 200 18000 16000 4000 025 PLATE NO 6 Deg 03 68 S u STEEL IN STRESS 55000 50000 30000 20000 10000 Kbd2. O Σ 40000 Mo 750 700 COEFFICIENT: си 600 500 400 300 200 100 O = RATIO 600 1400 ASSUMED DATA 1800) 2000 Ec 3,000,000 fc -- = 3000 MV 005 OF REINFORCEMENT Dod 이 ​Rich COMPRE 00005 hoo TENSION IN CONCRETE NEGLECTED 015 AREA OF STEEL 3000 Es 10 * pbd .02 80000 k 20000 15 IS: SE 400 10090 025 PLATE NO 7 N Po oa .03 69 * T-BEAMS. 1 In all T-Beam designs, when the ends of the beams are restrained, the strength of the section at the support should be investigated, and its ability to resist the negative moment there developed determined. The resisting moment of a "T" section may be determined by simple approxi- mate formulæ, and with sufficient accuracy for most purposes, when it is assured that the proportions of the beam are such that the integrity of the entire section will be preserved. Manifestly no more stress can be put into the flange than can be transmitted into it through the shearing strength of a horizontal section of the stem of a length equal to half the length of the beam, or into the wings than can be transmitted through the vertical planes of junction with the stem. An analysis based on these shearing values will then afford a means of determining the max- imum amount of stress that can be developed in either tension or compression, and thus gives a means of determining the maximum amount of reinforcement that may be used. The amount of compression being determined, the width of slab that should be considered tributary to the beam can be obtained, assuming some law of de- crease in stress from the center of the beam to the edges of the wings. It is for the purpose of bringing out these values and showing their relations more clearly that the following analysis is given : B' 4 Pc" Pc' Sh b P LOCATION OF NEUTRAL AXIS. The location of the neutral axis is dependent on the simultaneous deforma- tions in the concrete and steel, and may be found, as in the case of rectangular beams, by means of equation II. mad.com Yı Y, 92 Should the neutral axis be found to be in the flange, the analysis for rec- tangular beams applies strictly, b' replacing b in the equations. Es λc d s + Es 2 c Investigation for failure by shearing or diagonal tension should be made in this case based on the width, b, of the stem. In the analysis no account has been taken of any hori- zontal tensile stresses that may exist in the concrete. Let Sv=Total shear in pounds along the two vertical planes of attachment between the wings and the beam from one end of the beam to the center of span. Total shear in pounds along the horizontal plane of attachment of the flange and stem from one end of the beam to the center of span. • 70 。= Maximum shearing strength of concrete in pounds per square inch. Y3 K = /= Length of span in feet. Pc Compression existing at point of maximum bending moment, at ulti- mate load, in that portion of the section between the neutral axis and the underside of the flange. P'c= Compression existing at point of maximum bending moment at ulti- mate load in the flange. bo Limiting value of b'. V = Total vertical shear at any section in pounds. v=Intensity of vertical shear at any point in pounds per square inch. ď Distance from plane of reinforcement to centroid of compressive stresses, in inches. All other functions as shown on the cut and in inches. 3/1 The sub-figure o denotes limiting or ultimate values. We will now determine the ultimate resisting moment, Mo, of a T-section. There are three methods of failure above the neutral axis: 1. By compression in the flange. 2. By deficiency in Sh owing to smallness of b. 3. By deficiency in Sy owing to smallness of t. Condition I need not be considered, as the analysis which follows is based on a maximum stress of fe in the extreme fiber of the concrete. We will limit the discussion to a consideration of Sh, assuming the section to be so proportioned that Sy is greater than Sħ. The unit vertical shearing stress is a maximum at the end of a uniformly loaded beam, and its value decreases uniformly to zero at the center, and at any point the horizontal stress is equal in intensity to the vertical shearing stress. In a reinforced concrete beam, assuming the concrete to have no tensional value, the intensity of the shearing stress at any section is constant up to the neutral axis. Considering then, a uniformly loaded beam, the total shearing stress on the horizontal plane of junction of the stem from one end of the beam to the center Sh. Sh = 30 bl⇒ P¿"……. (18) Sv 6 o t l... . (19) We can now get the necessary relation between b and t, such that we need consider failure through Sh only. For equal shearing strength, t=2b. But the stress transmitted into the wings through Sy is less than that transmitted through Sʼn by the amount of compression in that part of the flange directly over the stem. Also the floor slab reinforcement, running at right angles to the length of the beam, increases the shearing strength on the vertical planes. It may accordingly be safely assumed that if t is not less than of b, failure in Sv need not be apprehended. We will assume at once that t will not have a value less than b. Similarly, The intensity of the vertical (and also horizontal) shear at any point below the neutral axis is given by the equation V (20) bď It is desirable to get an expression for Sh in terms of fe. The theoretical relation between σ and fe is: 心 ​σ fc 2 tan 9, where is the angle made by the 0 71 plane of rupture on a compression specimen, with a plane at right angles to the direction of the applied stress. (See "Johnson's Materials of Construction,' page 19.) For concrete A is about 60°, hence o Although the above relation between compressive strength and shearing strength holds for homogeneous materials, we think it desirable to use a lower value for shearing strength in concrete than is given by this equation. The shearing strength is affected to a much greater extent by variations in uniformity of structure, than is the compressive strength. We will accordingly take twice the factor in shear that we do in direct compression, and derive the following value for Pe": Pe" = 3 0 b l = x Pefe yı K² (1 — ¹3 K) b . fc 1 Mo P" 3 fc b l 3.5 If we replace the stress-strain diagram by a parabola, with its vertex at the top of the beam, and coinciding with the stress-strain diagram at this point and at the neutral axis, the area included by this parabola will closely approximate the actual stress-strain area. By using this parabolic area, we simplify the mathe- matics, and get results sufficiently accurate for T-beam analysis. We then have as a value for the compression in the stem : and P. Ps = Pc'+ Pc" = F q. = Taking moments around the plane of the metal we have : N fc 3.5 ·43 b l fc. .... • bo Po' (Y2 + 2½ Y3) + Pc” (d — 1) 2 Malaga Mada ..(23) This Mo is the maximum moment of resistance of the section as determined from a consideration of the strength of the connection between flange and stem. The maximum amount of reinforcement that may be used in a T-beam is, accordingly : qo Pe+ Pe" F To determine the width of flange that should be considered tributary to the beam so that the stress will be zero at the edges of the wings, it will be neces- sary to get Pe" in terms of bo. We have : Pe" 04 fc Y₁ (2 + K³ — 3 K²) 2 • 6 2 y₁(2+K³ — 3 K²) fc bfe (y₁ K² (1 — 1/2 K) + .431) (24) 2 स …….. • I Pc" (2 + K³ — 3 K²) fc bo Y1 3 bo on the assumption that the stress is the same in the outer portion of the wings as in the middle; this would not be the case, the stress varying as the ordinates to a parabola from zero at a distance from the center line to a maxi- mum over the stem. We must, therefore, take two-thirds of the above value for the stress in the wings, and doing so, obtain the following : 2 fe b ¼¹ (2 + K³ — 3 K²) + 3 (fc yı (2 + K³ - 3K²) (↳。 — b) Po" ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ fc i 3 — fc_Y¹ (2 + K³ — 3 K²) (b+bo) · – ..(25) 9 And we have for bo bo ........ (21) • (22) • .43 blfc, and substituting this value in equation 26 we have: 3.871 -1). .(26) • • (27) 72 Problem-Required the size of T-beam necessary to carry a total ultimate load of 600 pounds per square foot on a span of 32', ribs to be 9 feet apart. 8,300,000-inch pounds. For this spacing of beams the floor-slab should be 4″ thick, and we will assume d 20". Using good rock or gravel concrete, we have from Eq. (11), assuming F 55,000 pounds. = Yi Y2 K K2 K3 bo 11 Mo 8.66 11.34 .538 .289 .155 12 X 9 X 600 X 1024 8 Mo Pe' = fo y₁ K² (1 — K.). 3 Pe" 43 blfc = .43 X 32 X 2700 Pc = Ps = Fq= Po + Pe" M。 = Pé' (y2 + # 1/3) + Pe" (a– ½) 2 = 5500 X 1755b +37100 X 186 b == q Pe" & fc Y₁ (2 + K³ — 3 K²) 8300000 764300 42600 X 10.8 55000 3 σ bl • • • 43 b l fc 10.8″ b i te (a – ( a − 1 ) 2 go FORMULAE OMITTING P The neutral axis will, in the majority of T-beams, be found to be below the flange. It will also be seen by reference to the previous example that Pe is very small, and that its effect on the resulting resisting moment may be considered negligible. We may then write, with sufficient accuracy for most purposes: Pc" Sh t M₁ = P." (d)=3ebi (d) a 30b1 Mo - (a - 2 2 The value of y₁ is obtained as before, from the equation y b 2 b=2700 X 8.66X.289 X .82b = 5500b 8.4 square inches. 37100 X 10.8 X 2700 X 8.66 X 1.29 Esc s+ Esλc That value for σ, which applies to the particular concrete used, should be substituted in Eq. (29). The value chosen, however, should not be more than one-seventh of the compressive strength of the concrete. If we expresso in terms fe as before we have 96500b+ 667800ს 764300ს Pc" The maximum amount of metal that may be used qo F 8,300,000 667,800 37,100 X 12.5 55,000 d 10.8 2 The value of bo is obtained as before by means of Equation 26 or 27. Applying these formulæ to the preceding example, we have: b : 12."5 • 8.4 square inches. (28) (29) = 37100 42600 (30) 54.6" 73 REMARKS ON PRECEDING ANALYSIS. In the analysis it is assumed that a sufficient width of slab (bo) is available so that the compressive stress is zero at the edges. From the assumptions made bo as obtained from the equations is 50 per cent greater than the width required on the assumption of a uniform distribution of stress over the flange. It is evi- dent that bo may be reduced quite considerably without appreciably affecting the strength of the beam, since the outer portions of the flange carry very little stress. When the width of flange is limited, it may, however, be necessary to make a corresponding reduction in Pec". EXPLANATION OF T-BEAM TABLE. The following table will be found useful for the rapid design of T-sections. To illustrate the use of the table the preceding problem will be solved by its use. The table is based on ultimate values; the compression in the concrete being limited to 2,700 pounds per square inch. The stress in the steel has been taken as 50,000 pounds per square inch: Example: 1 蠱 ​M。=8,300,000 inch lbs; t=4″, and l=32′-0″. Assuming d=20" as before, we have from table for 4″ slab, M。=b (90,300+20,9007)=8,300 000 inch lbs. =b (90,300+20,900X32)=759,100 b. 8,300,000 759,100 10.9 in. Steel required 55,000 whence b =b (0.1264+.02321)=bX0.8688=9.45 sq. in. bo=172 bl- b 2 Note—In the solution of the problem by the formula F was taken 55,000 pounds. In this table a more general value: 50,000 pounds, has been adopted. If F had been assumed at the higher value, the amount of steel required would have been 50,000X9.45-8.5″. This agrees with the amount before obtained. 55½". .1 GOOD ROCK CONCRETE. t 3½" 4 42" 5" TABLE FOR THE DESIGN OF TEE BEAMS. S=50000 fc=2700 52" d 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2222228 24 26 30 231 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 1*2800* 30 32 34 GROFAR22*2*O*** 14 16 17 18 19 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 AREA OF STEEL b( 0122+.0232 l) b( 0222+ 0232 l) b( 0337+.0232 1) b(.0464+0232 ) b(.0600+0232 ) b (.0736+ 0232 ) b( (882+ 0232 1) b(.1030+.0232 l) b(.1182+ 0232 l) b(.1336+.0232 () b(.1486+.0232 1) b( 0035+.0232 1) b(.0103+.0232 ) b( 0195+0:32 l) b(.0302+.(232 1) b(.0424+0232 ) b(.0518+.0232 ) b(0681+ 0232 ) b(0824+.0232 ) b( 0964+0232 1) b(1112+.0232 l) b( 1264+ 0232 ) b(.1561+.0232 () b(.1876+.0232 l) b( 2160+0232 ) b(.00004+.0232 1) b .0027+.0232 () b(.0087+.0232 1) b(.0171+.0232 l) b(.0271+0232 1) b(0382+.0232 l) b(.0507+.0232 ) b(.0633+.0232 ) b.0770+.0232 ) b (.0909+.0232 1) b( 1050+.0232 1) b(.1342+0232 ) b(1650+.0232 ) b(.1960+0222 1) b(.2268+.0232 1) b(.2580+.0232 1) b(.0021+.0232 () b(.0073+0232 ) b(.0136+.0232 () b(.0246+.0232 () b(.0350+.0232 7) b(.0465+ 0232 () b( 0590+ 0232) b(.0718+.0232 1) b( 0854+.0232 () b(.1130+.0232 () b(.1426+ 0232 ) b(.1726-.0232 () b.2036+.0232 () b(.2344+0232 /) b(.2660+0232 l) b( 2980+.0232 7) b( 0062+.0232 () b( 0132+.0232 () b(.0220+0232 b(.0318+.0232 () b(.0429+.0232 () b( 0550+0232 /) b(.0673+ 0232 () b(.0936− .0224 7) b(.1216+.0232 7) b(.1510+.0232 () b(.1916+.02.32 () b(2120+.0232 () b(.2420 +.0232 () b( 2736+.0 321) b(.3050+.0232 ) | ULTIMATE MOMENT | b( 3750+ 9580 l) b( 7810+10750 l) b( 13200+11900 ) b( 20160+13080 ) b( 28600+14250 ) b( 38200+15400 l) b(49500+16550 ) b( 622 0+17700 ) b( 76500+18850) b( 92000+20050 7) b(108700+21200 l) b( 1035+ 9290 ) b( 3430+10450 l) b( 7320+11610 ) b( 12600+12780 l) b(19420-13920 ) b( 27500+15100 ) b( 37250+16250 l) b_48460+17400 7) b( 60700+18600 l) b( 74700+19750 l) b( 90300+20900 l) b(125000+23200 ) b(166000+25500 l) b(209500+27900 7) 11+ 9000 Z) 880+10160 ) b( 3120+11320 ) b( 6880+12500 l) b( 12020+13650 l) b( 18560+14800 l) b( 26800+16000 ) b( 36200+17120 ) b( 47200+18300 l) b( 59000+19460 ) bi 73200+20600 l) b(105000+22920 1) b(143000+25250 l) b(187000+27600 ) b(235400+29900 ) b(290υ00+32200 1) 8 ( bl bl b 725+11050 2) 2830+12200 () b( 6430+13350 () b(11550+14500 () b( 17900+15700 ) b( 25750+16850 () b( 35200+18000 Z) b( 45800+ 192007) b( 58200+20300 () b( 86.00+22650 () b(121500+25000 () b(161700+27300 () b(208000+29600 l) b(259000+31900 () b(316200+34250 l) b(380000+36600 7) b( 2560+13050 ) bi 6000+14200 7) b 10900+154007) b(17100+16550 ) b(24800+17700 () 6( 31200+18900 ) b( 44600+20000 ) b( 70000+22350 () b(101500 +24700 () b(138800+27000 /) b(182200+29300 () b(230800+31600 () b (284000+34000 () b(344000+36300 () b(410000+38600 7) Pe"=1161 bl. .230bl-b/2 .220bl-b/2 .214bl-b/2 .210bl-b/2 20561-6/2 .202b6l-b/2 .200bl-b/2 .1986l-b/2 bi .196bl-b/2 .196bl-b/2 .194bl-b/2 .217bl-b/2 .205bl-b/2 .196bl-b/2 .190bl-b/2 .186bl-b/2 .183bl-b/2 .179bl-b/2 .177bl-b/2 .175bl-b/2 .173bl-b/2 .172bl-b/2 .170bl-b/2 .168bl-b/2 .168bl-b/2 .212bl -b/2 .195bl-b/2 .185bl-b/2 .177bl-b/2 .172bl-b/2 .168bl-b/2 .164bl-b/2 .161bl-b/2 .159bl-b/2 .157bl-b/2 .156bl-b/2 .154bl-b/2 .152bl-b/2 .1516-6/2 .150bl-b/2 .149bl-b/2 .178bl-b/2 .169bl-b/2 .162bl-b/2 .157bl-b/2 .153bl-b/2 .150bl-b/2 .147bl—b/2 .145b-b/2 .143bl—b/2 .14167-6/2 139bl-b/2 .137bl-b/2 • .136bl-b/2 .135bl-b/2 .13467-6/2 .134bl-b/2 .156bi-b/2 .15067-6/2 .145bl-b/2 .14rbl-b/2 .138bl-b/2 136bl-b/2 .1336/-b/2 .130b/-b/2 • .128hl-b/2 .127bl-b/2 .125bl-b/2 .124bl-b/2 .123bl-b/2 .122bl-b/2 .1226l-b/2 75 A TABLE FOR THE DESIGN OF TEE BEAMS-Continued. GOOD ROCK CONCRETE. S=50000 P." 1161bl. t 6" 7" 8" ď 27228222*-**** 17 18 19 24 26 30 32 36 38 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 ******** 34 36 38 40 *****O** 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 AREA OF STEEL - b(.0118+.0232 ) b(.0198+.0232 l) b(.0292+ 0232 () b( 0398+.0232 b(.0510+.0232 /) b(.0756+.0232 l) b(.1028+.0232 l) b(.1304+.0232 () b(.1592+.0232 1) b(.1892+.0232 l) b(.2190+.0232 ) b(.2506+.0232 () b(.2820+.0232 l) b(.3130 +.0232 7) b(.0007+.0232 l) b(.0038+,0232 l) b(.0091+.0232 l) b(.0161+.0232 l) b(.0244+.0232 l) b(.0444+.0232 l) b(.0674+.0232 l) b(.0930+.0232 1) b(.1196+.0232 /) b(.1470+.0232 l) b(.1760+.0232 l) b (.2064+.0232 /) b(,2360+.0232 l) b(.2660+.0232 l) b(.2970+.0232 1) b(.0071+.0232 () b(.0206+.0232 l) b(.0390+.0232 l) (.0604+.0232 1) b(.0844+.0232 () b(.1096+.0232 l) b( 1368+.0232 7) b(.1646+.0232 ) b(.1928+ 0232 /) b(.2224+.0232 ) b(.2526+.0232 ) b( 2820+.0232 l) b(.3130+.0232 () b(.3430+.0232 l) b(3760+.0232 () Page BEAMS- 58 Complete Analysis, Rectangular. Complete Analysis, T-shaped 70 Plates for Design of Rectangular. 63-69 Table for Design of T Sections......... 75 BUILDING DESIGN- • • • • • • • INDEX, JUNE NUMBER. See Design. Buildings-General Principle of Design 37 • fc=2700 ULTIMATE MOMENT b( 5630+15100 l) b( 10300+16250 () b( 16400+17420 Z) b(24100+18600 ) b( 33050+19750 () b( 55400+22050 ) b( 84000+24400 ) b(117500+26700 l) b(157000+29050 () b(202500+31400 ) b(253000+33700 ) b(311000+36000 l) b(374000+38300 l) b(441500+40700 l) 16 291+14520 ) (b_1860+15700 l) (b 4820+16830 Z) (b 9200+18000 ) (b_15000+19150 () (b 31100+21500 ) (b 52800+23800 /) (b 80800+26100 /) (b114000+28450 l) b152500+30750 () (b198000+33100 ) 6249500+35400 l) 6305000+37700 l) (6368000+40100 Z) (6434000+42400 ) b( 4140+18600 l) b( 13720+20900 l) b( 29300+23200 ) b( 50600+25500 Z) b( 77600+27900 l) b(110200+30200 b(149200+32500 l) b(193300+34800 l) b(243000 +37200 l) b(299000+39500 l) b(361000+418007) b(426500+-44200√) b(500000+46500 l) b(578000+48750 () b(664000+51100 () .. • ··· bi .139bl-b/2 .134bl-b/2 .131bl-b/2 .128bl-b/2 .125bl-b/2 .122bl-b/2 .120bl-b/2 .118bl-b/2 .116bl-b/2 .115bl-b/2 .114bl-b/2 .113bl-b/2 .113bl-b/2 .112bl-b/2 • 133bl-b/2 .127bl-b/2 .122bl-b/2 .118bl-b/2 .115bl-b/2 .110bl-b/2 .106bl-b/2 .104bl-b/2 .102bl-b/2 DESIGN OF TYPICAL BUILDING- Roof System. Floor System.. Column Design Footings... Drawings. FORMULAE— .101bl-b/2 .100bbb/2 .099bl-b/2 .098b/-b/2 .097b1-6/2 .097bl-b/2 .109bl-b/2 .102bl-b/2 .09861-b/2 .095bl-b/2 .093bl-b/2 .091bl-b/2 .090bl-b/2 .088hl-b/2 .087bl-b/2 .086bl-b/2 .086bl-b/2 .085bl-b/2 .085bl-b/2 .084b/-b/2 .084bl-b/2 • • Page • • 47 48 .52-57 42 45 Rectangular Beams, Rigid Analysis.... 58 T-Beams, Rigid Analysis.. T-Beams, Rigid Analysis.. 70 70 (May Number) See page 38 (May number) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. .. 76 Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. 1 JULY, 1908 BRIDGES AND CULVERTS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC FLAT SLAB AND GIRDER TYPE Discussion of the special problems met with in the design of highway bridges and culverts. No. 3 Detailed design of flat slab bridge, box culvert and girder bridge, illustrating the application of the methods suggested. THE AUGUST BULLETIN WILL CONTAIN: Standard Designs for Flat Slab Bridges, Box Culverts and Girder Bridges, for the three classifications by loadings, adopted. REPRINT, MARCH, 1909 PRICE, 25 CENTS. CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) → National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT 1908, BY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO. REINFORCED CONCRETE BRIDGES. Reinforced concrete is now largely used for the construction of bridges and culverts, and its popularity is well deserved. No other structural material possesses, to the same degree, those qualities of permanence and freedom from maintenance charges so desirable for public works. Of all engineering structures bridges are probably the most exposed to the action of the elements and receive the severest load treatment. It is essential, therefore, that bridges be designed with unusual care and that the materials used in the construction be carefully selected. Concrete gains strength with age and is not affected by atmospheric influences—a concrete bridge is stronger at the end of ten years than it was at the age of three months. Wooden, as well as steel bridges, are subject to annual repairs and periodic renewals, while for concrete bridges the initial appropriation represents the entire outlay, present and future. And the cost of a reinforced concrete bridge is not prohibitive; in fact, the cost is but slightly in excess of that timber construction and usually considerably less than that of steel. Sand and gravel (or crushed stone) may usually be obtained near the site and the construction may be done with local labor. A reinforced concrete bridge may be designed with the same exact- ness as a steel or wooden structure. Reinforced concrete is more reliable than plain concrete or masonry, the construction is lighter, requiring less extensive foundations. Reinforced concrete is not affected by atmospheric or corrosive influences. A reinforced concrete bridge is practically free from vibration. In viaduct work, where steam or electric cars are to be carried, reinforced concrete should be used, as it practically eliminates all noise. Local labor and materials may be used in the construction of a reinforced concrete bridge. FLAT SLAB AND GIRDER BRIDGES. A flat slab design will in general be found more desirable and economical for spans up to twenty feet; for longer spans a girder type bridge should be used. By a "girder bridge” is meant a comparatively thin reinforced concrete decking carried by girders extending from abutment to abutment; these girders should preferably be entirely below the decking. In some cases, however, the side girders may be carried up 78 / above the slab to form the side rail. Girder bridges are economical under the usual conditions for spans of from eighteen to thirty-five feet; for longer spans an arch bridge will probably be more desirable. Gir- der bridges have been built for spans as great as sixty or seventy feet; these larger structures, however, should be specially designed, and we have made no attempt to include such unusual structures in the standard tables given in these bulletins. CLASSIFICATION BY LOADINGS. Highway bridges must be designed to safely carry the heaviest load likely to come upon them, and as this maximum load varies with the locality, we have arbitrarily adopted three standard classifications by loadings, which should cover all usual conditions. In short span bridges, such as we are now considering, the con- centrated loads are the determining factors in the design-the uni- formly distributed loads usually specified (100 to 150 pounds per square foot) causing smaller stresses. Class No. 1-Light highway specification answering the purposes of ordinary county traffic where the heaviest load may be taken as a twelve-ton road roller. Uniformly distributed load, 100 pounds per square foot. Class No. 2-Heavy highway specification, designed for localities. where heavy road rollers, up to twenty tons, and electric cars of a maximum weight of forty tons must be provided for. Uniformly dis- tributed load, 125 pounds per square foot. Class No. 3-City highway specification, designed for heavy con- centrated loads and large interurban cars. This classification should be adopted for all city work; the weight of the maximum car has been taken as sixty tons. Uniformly distributed load, 150 pounds per square foot. LOAD DIAGRAMS. The following diagrams represent the loadings adopted in the above classifications and used in the design of the culverts and bridges shown in this bulletin: 47-0 Q D₁Q 8:6- 24-0" 5:03 +5·0 Figure 1. Standard Car, Class No. 2-40 tons on eight wheels. 79 56-0" 99 Figure 2. Standard Car-Class No. 3-60 tons on eight wheels. MIETTE 30:0″- The concentrations due to a steam roller will be taken as indicated by Figure 3; two-thirds of the total load being assumed on the rear wheels. عراس 11-0" KIKI 1 2W 3 8:6- 7-6″. Figure 3. Road Roller Loading Diagram, Class 2. NOTE-Reinforced concrete slab bridges are very stiff and that part of the slab directly under the concentrated load is materially assisted by the adjoining sections. To assist this lateral distribution of load transverse reinforcement should be used in all slab bridges. Earth Fill-When there is an earth fill over the culvert or bridge it acts to distribute concentrated loads and our methods of dealing with such conditions will be briefly outlined. DEAD LOAD. The dead load includes the weight of the bridge or culvert top, and the weight of that part of the fill supported by the bridge includ- ing the paving or track system. In all our designs the culvert will be considered as supporting a volume of fill as indicated in Figure 4. 80 Oku * std. Roadway Kusm S Df= 100d Figure 4. The trapezoid abcd represents the amount of fill considered as sup- ported by the culvert; assuming the weight of the fill to be 100 pounds per cubic foot we may write (2 std) 2 пола 50d (2 s + d) where D-load on 12" length of culvert due to fill. sidered as a uniformly distributed load across the culvert. Dr will be con- To obtain the total dead load add the weight of a 12" strip of cul- vert top, also the weight of paving or track system. LIVE LOADS. A uniformly distributed load shall be considered as causing the specified pressure per square foot on the bridge regardless of depth of fill. A minimum fill of twelve inches is required on all bridges. Wheel or road roller concentrations shall be considered as acting on a line whose length equals the out to out tread of the wheels. Loads on car tracks shall be considered as uniformly distributed over a width of roadway equal to the length of the ties and in the direction of the track for a distance of two feet on both sides of single wheels and for a distance of the wheel base plus two feet for trucks. The above distribution of load is at the level of the roadway. The following methods of finding the loads on the bridge itself are sug- gested: 81 Wheel Loads on Roadway-Assume distribution of load by fill to be only in the direction of the roadway and to be carried down on a slope of ½ to 1. The following diagram, Figure 5, showing the distribution of road roller concentrations, illustrates our method. 11-0" 4:03 을​을 ​dddd- Figure 5. Showing Distribution of Loads due to Road Roller. Wheel Loads on Tracks-See distribution by track system, page 81. These loads will be considered as distributed in a manner similar to that adopted for wheel loads on the roadway, excepting that the distribution will be assumed to be in both directions. It should, however, be borne in mind that on double track slab bridges the width of slab considered as supporting one track can not be taken as greater than the distance c. to c. of tracks. Impact-When the fill is less than five feet add 25% for impact for rapidly moving loads. The following diagram (Fig. 6) shows the assumed distribution of standard truck load, forty-ton car. akuminan -5′0″ With this arbitrary distribution of loading it will be noted that for a strip, the width of the front wheel, the loaded areas overlap when the depth of fill is greater than the distance between axles. In this case, consider the load as uniformly distributed over an area of slab 7'6" wide by (d+11'0") long. 70"- d+70″- 24-0"- Tie Length d+Tie Length Figure 6. Load Distribution, 40-ton Car. Tuu 82 Treatment of Loads for Girder Bridges-The distribution of loads through the fill will be as above outlined; in this type of bridge, however, the girders must be so located as to properly take care of the track loads. The girders under the tracks being assumed to carry the full load. Abutments and Side Walls-For the design of abutments and side walls take the horizontal component of the earth pressure as one- third of the vertical pressure at that depth, assuming the resultant to act at a distance one-third the height above the base. The intensity of the horizontal pressure due to live load may also be taken equal to one-third of the vertical intensity at any depth; assuming that the planes of zero pressure, bounding the supporting prism of earth to have a slope of one-half to one. Weights and Dimensions of Electric Cars-The weights assumed for the electric cars in the preceding classification may seem rather large, but it should be remembered that the stresses in the bridge depend not only on the weight of the car, but also on the wheel. base, distance between trucks, etc. The dimensions vary with the locality and the weights and dimensions chosen are, in our opinion, justified. If it is desired to make a special design the following data on electric cars may be of use. The values given must be taken as approximate averages. The weights given are for the loaded car and include the weight of the trucks. Small cars, such as are used in small towns, four wheels on two axles, seating twenty-eight persons. Car body, 20'0"x8'3": over all length, 29'0"; distance c. to c. axles, 8'o"; weight, 11 tons. City car for heavy service, seating fifty-two persons. Car body, 34′0″x8′6″; over all length, 47′0″; wheel base, 4′0″ to 6′0″; c. to c. trucks, 24′0″; weight, 15 tons. Large interurban cars, seating 72 persons. Car body, 50'0"x8′6″; over all length, 56′0″; wheel base, 6′3″; c. to c. trucks, 30′0″; weight, 42 tons. METHODS OF DESIGN. Having found the loads on the bridge by the methods above outlined, the bending moments and shears are obtained by the ordinary principles of mechanics. All bridges of single span will be considered as beams. freely supported at the ends and the bending moments must be figured on this assumption. 83 Box culverts, however, are reinforced against reverse moment at the ends and the designing moment may be taken as eight-tenths of that which would be developed in a simple beam. All bridges and culverts will be designed on the basis of ultimate strength with a factor of safety of two on the dead and four on the live load, the minimum designing moment, however, to be taken as three times dead load plus live load moments. The elastic limit of the steel has been taken as 50,000 pounds. The above method of designing gives a maximum working stress in the steel of about 16,500 pounds per square inch. Since it is desirable to use local materials, and a dense hard aggre- gate may be difficult to obtain, the ultimate compressive strength of the concrete will be taken as 2,000 pounds per square inch. This com- pressive strength should be easily obtained with average aggregates using a 1:2:4 mix. The critical amount of reinforcement, correspond- ing, using steel with an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds would be .0085 bd. Girder Bridges-For single span bridges figure the inside girders as T-beams; in this case the cross section of the reinforcement should not exceed 22% of the area of the rectangle enclosing the stem (bd). For bridges with two or more spans the girders should be fig- ured as continuous rectangular beams and provision made for reverse moment over the supports. Percentage of Reinforcement-Use .85% of reinforcement in slabs and rectangular beams for concrete of 2,000 pounds compressive strength. In T-beam designs limit the amount of reinforcement to 22% of bd. These figures are based on the use of mechanical bond bars with an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds per square inch. a b Figure 7. Rectangular Beam. a ¿' b b Figure 8. T-Beam. P 2 พง 84 FORMULAE TO BE USED IN DESIGNING. Let M=moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. Mo-ultimate moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. q=area of reinforcement. p percentage of steel-g÷bd. Felastic limit of steel-50,000 lbs. All dimensions as shown, in inches, and stresses in lbs. per sq. in. Then we have for rectangular beams: and for T-beams: Mo=370 bd for g=.0085 bd. M。=.86 Fp bd²=.86×50,000×p bď³. =43.000 p bď, using high elastic limit corrugated bars. (For complete discussion of these formulæ, see May and June bulletins.) WORKING STRESSES. If it is desired to design for working stresses in the steel, use the formula: M=sg×.86 d, where s=unit stress in the steel. Shearing Provisions-In flat slab bridges it will not be necessary to make other provision for shearing stresses than by bending up part of the main reinforcing bars as required. In girder bridges, however, special provision must be made against failure by diagonal tensile stresses, as the girders carry all the shear. The concrete may be assumed to carry safely fifty pounds of vertical shear per square inch of cross section (bd). In girders some of the reinforcing bars should be bent up near the ends of the beam and stirrups put in as required. In all T-beam designs it is especially necessary to have a number of stirrups for the purpose of bonding the flange and stem. 85 BRIEF SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS AND LABOR. Cement-Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the specifications adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. Sand-Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter; a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. Coarse Aggregate-Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone, or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum-sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by passing over a one-quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. PROPORTIONS OF MIX. Concrete for columns, beams and slabs to be mixed in the propor- tion of one part cement to six parts aggregate; proportions by volume taking one bag containing not less than 94 pounds of cement, equal to one cubic foot of cement. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregate used shall be chosen so as to give a concrete of maximum density; in no case, however, may the amount of fine aggregate be less than 50 per cent of the coarse. REINFORCING STEEL. All reinforcing steel used in bridge and culvert construction shall be rolled to such form that it has a positive mechanical bond with the concrete. Adhesive bond will not be considered sufficiently reliable for this class of structures. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per sq. inch, ultimate strength not less than 1 Xelastic limit. 86 водить и умер и The percentage of elongation in 8″ must not be less than given by the formula : Percentage of elongation= 1,400,000 Ult. Strength 5.0. Bending Test-Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius=three times the least diameter of the specimen, without sign of fracture. Forms Forms must be smooth and true to dimensions, with close joints to prevent leakage, and must be of sufficient strength to carry the load without appreciable deflection. Removal of Forms-The time of removal of forms should be left to the discretion of the engineer, as the time required for the con- crete to gain sufficient strength is dependent upon temperature and weather conditions and on the particular cement used. Forms for slabs should not be removed in less than two weeks under the most favorable conditions; girder forms should not be removed in less than three weeks. Mixing Machine mixing is to be preferred in all cases-hand mixing to be allowed at the discretion of the engineer. Concrete for reinforced work shall be mixed wet, sufficient water being used to make a mass that will flow readily and be of such consistency that the reinforcing steel will become coated with a protective coat of fluid mortar. Excess of water should be avoided, as it tends to a separation of the parts. Placing-In girder bridges and in all T-beam designs the con- crete must be placed the full depth (to the top of the slab) at one operation. If possible the work should be carried on continuously to completion. 87 ! DETAILED DESIGN OF A FLAT SLAB BRIDGE The following example illustrates the application of the methods above outlined: Problem-Design a flat slab bridge, resting on abutments, clear span 16'0", with an earth fill 2'0" deep. Roadway to be 16'0" wide in the clear, Class 2 loading. See Figure 9. WININ A S EARTH FILL 20" THICK. S=16-0" Figure 9. In the design we will consider only a strip of bridge 12" wide as this simplifies matters. The section will be made constant across the width. DEAD LOAD. Total.... Weight of fill=50 d(2 s+d)=100(34)=3,400 lbs. Weight of slab (assuming thickness=16")= 13X150X16=3,200 Bending moment - WI-X 6,600 X 16 | KIK LIVE LOADS. Actual dead load moment=158,400 inch lbs. (6 ..6,600 lbs. 13,200 ft. lbs. For this span maximum stresses will be caused by the concentrated loads, the uniform load will not be considered. We will determine the bending moments due to the twenty-ton roller and to the forty- ton car, using the larger in the design. 88 W Về 1 Road Roller-Maximum moment occurs with rear wheels at center of span. Load on rear wheels equals two-thirds of 40,000 pounds=26,700 pounds. This load as previously explained (see page 82) acts on a line 7'6" long; the distribution on the slab is shown by the following diagram (Figure 10); the broken lines indicate the area of slab over which the load is distributed. TRI 1 Figure 10. 7-6″- 8-0 Spry 3560 نف 16 0' The load per square foot on area 2′0″X7′6″_27,600 Figure 11. نش 2X7.5 =1,780 lbs. On a strip of bridge 12″ wide, the load would be as shown by Figure II. Maximum moment at center of span, on strip 12″ wide, =M=(1,780X8)—(1,780X2)=13,400 ft lbs. =161,000 inch lbs. 89 Electric Car-The maximum moment occurs with one truck on center of span. Distribution of load on slab is as shown by diagram (Figure 12), assuming ties to be eight feet long. ,0-01 80 £ TRACK 7-0'- d+7·0=90' Figure 12. ار The load on a strip 12" wide would be as shown by the following diagram, Figure 13: The full line shows area over t which truck load is distributed by track system; the broken lines indicate loaded area of slab. Load per square foot of loaded area=40,000÷90=445 lbs. 18:0" D 9-0″. 4000# 16-0″ Moment at center=M=(2,000X8) — (2,000X24)= 11,500 ft. lbs. =138,000 in. lbs. Figure 13. Adding 25% for impact, moment=172,000 in. pounds. This moment is larger than that due to the road roller and we will use it in the design. ( Using a factor of safety of two on the dead load and four on the live load we have Ultimate moment, dead load=2X158,400 (( (( =4X 172,000= live Designing moment=Mo=1,004,800 in. lbs. 316,800 in. lbs. 688,000 (( 90 We can determine the depth of slab and the amount of reinforce- ment required by the formula: Mo=370 bd, for q=.0085 bd. Mo 1,004,800=370X12Xď. from which d=15" 9=.0085X12X15=1.53 sq. in. d=distance from top of slab to the center of the reinforcing bars, we will add 1½" of concrete, giving 1' on underside of bars. I I Make slab 16½" thick; 1" corrugated rounds spaced 6" centers, Bend up every third bar at the sixth point, say 2′6″ from the abutments. Tranverse Reinforcement-To properly distribute concentrated loads and to tie the bridge in the transverse direction ½" corrugated rounds will be placed (over the main reinforcing bars) crosswise of the bridge, and 12″ on centers. Shearing Investigation-The dead load shear on a strip 12″ wide is 3,400 pounds. The maximum live load shear occurs when the rear wheels of the road roller are 12″ inside the abutment, and is equal to 3,560 X 15 16 Total shear=3,400+ 3,340=6,740 lbs. F3.340 lbs. At the allowed stress of fifty pounds the concrete alone is capable of carrying 12X15X50 9,000 pounds of vertical shear. This would indicate that no provision for shear need be made; every third bar will be bent up, however, as stated. Side walls for retaining fill. It will not be necessary to figure these. They will be made 12″ thick and reinforced as shown. Waterproofing-Some form of waterproofing should be used and the top surface of the slab arranged for drainage. The top surface of the slab will be as shown on the drawings. Bearing on Abutments-All concrete bridges resting on abut- ments shall have at least 12" bearing; a maximum pressure of fifty pounds per square inch will be allowed for slab bridges. 91 147" 6:1 ESI / // | / \ | || | / \ || / // // /// DRAIN PIPE ܫ ܫ SIDE ELEVATION •#• I I CORR ROUNDS 6″ CTS. 15= 18- d LONGITUDINAL SECTION. - #ST GM QU EVERY THIRD BAR BENT AS SHOWN. 1 三​三百 ​8'0' SUMM Wa " ཌ་ TRANSVERSE BARS CORR ROUNDS 12" CTS Ź CORR. ROUNDS 12 CTS 8'-11" SECTION AT CENTER OF NOTE: ALL BARS ARE CORRUGATED ROUNDS. DETAIL PLANS LUGHA TI CLEAR SPAN 16-0" LOADING-CLASS 2. 2:0* FLAT SLAB HIGHWAY BRIDGE. 92 BOX CULVERTS. Box culverts will be built monolithic and reinforced against reverse moment at the corners. The methods suggested for designing this type of bridge will now be illustrated by a detailed design. Problem-Conditions of span and loading as before, side walls to be eight feet high. Design of Top Slab-The live and dead load moments will be figured as in the preceding example. For the designing moment, however, use eight-tenths of the moment that would be developed if the ends were free. Mo, then-X 1,004,800 in. lbs.=803,840 in. lbs. (ult.) Solving for d and q as before, we have d=13.4″ and 9=1.36 sq. inches. Make slab 15" deep and use 1" corrugated rounds 7″ on centers. Outside corner reinforcement use one-half the amount of steel re- quired in slab and fillet the corners as indicated on drawings. Bottom Slab-Make same as top slab. As before transverse reinforcement will be required and bars will be introduced as indicated on the drawings. SIDE WALLS. In addition to supporting the top slab the side walls must be capable. of resisting the horizontal pressure of the earth. This moment is of opposite sign to that produced in the side walls owing to the rigid con- nection with the top and bottom slabs. As before we will take the de- signing moment as eight-tenths of that which would be produced in a beam free at the ends. The horizontal intensity of earth pressure will be taken as one-third of the vertical intensity. The horizontal pressure due to the live load. will be based on a uniform load of 450 pounds per square foot on the roadway. This will give a horizontal pressure of 150 pounds per square foot, regardless of depth of fill, and should be ample to cover all contingencies. 93 al 1 L_b KUKTIKTIKTIETISTIKTI MINTINIK NIINI UNUNUN SÜRÜN Figure 14. Luise 200 The inclined broken line represents the intensity of the horizontal earth pressure at any point. a= b= 100X3.3-110 lbs. 3 100X11.3–375 lbs. 3 Average=242 lbs. It will be sufficiently accurate to assume this average pressure as uniform over the side wall. Average load per ′ then=242 lbs. +150 lbs. 392 lbs. M=}{} wl²=§×392X8²=3,130 ft. lbs. Using a factor of 3 on dead and live load, we have an ultimate moment of 3X3,130X12=112,500 inch lbs. Designing moment-Mo=1X112,500-90,000 in. lbs. In all box culverts the side walls will be made the same thickness as the slab; d, then, would equal 13.4". The amount of reinforcement required would be _90,000×1.36=.15 square inch. 808,000 Use ½" corrugated rounds, 14" on centers. The spacing of the reinforcing bars in the side walls should be a multiple of the spacing of the main reinforcing bars in the top slab, as this facilitates the placing of the steel. NOTE-In the above design that part of the culvert directly below the roadway and for a distance of one-half d on either side, has been considered. Beyond these limits the stresses due to dead load decrease, the side slope usually being one and one-half to one. If desired the amount of reinforcement and thickness of concrete may be reduced toward the ends of the culvert. 94 Longitudinal reinforcement should be used in all culvert construc- tion. On account of unevenness in the supporting power of the earth and similar causes, box culverts often must act as beams spanning these weak places. Wing walls with large footings and slabs to pre- vent scour, when built monolithic with the culvert sometimes produce a bending moment in the whole structure, owing to the uneven soil pressure occurring under these conditions. Aprons Box culverts should be provided with aprons to prevent scour, and the wing walls should be figured as retaining walls. 95 ,9-,01 E=2 Lauren 16 Ź CORR ROUNDS 14'0C 15 E = 뚝 ​== === I" CORR ROUNDS - 7″ac. BEND EVERY THIRD BAR AS SHOWN. _______ OUTSIDE CORNER BARS I CORR ROUNDS 14"QC. LAP AS SHOWN. BARS NOTE: ALL LONGITUDINAL BARS ARE Ź CORR ROUNDS. F # || = it L # 1 } 11 m PRE }} ! 18-6″ CROSS SECTION I {" 16:0" + HALF PLAN SHOWING OUTSIDE CORNER BARS. CORNER DIAGONALS DIAGONALS AND OUTSIDE LONGITUDINALS- 1 វ == 1 →X ព J C Ź CORR ROUNDS 14.0.C I == - 11 ===m. OF B = d B & A B 97 ===N- 11 we make se F == # 1 11 == 11 === p 11 === | ==== ==F 16" 1 ! p HALF PLAN SHOWING MAIN SLAB REINFORCEMENT AND INNER LONGITUDINALS. 1 ! E= == # makan bila dah sem SHOWING LAP OF OUTSIDE CORNER BARS · 11 NOTE == —— B ——— F == - **** - D I Pr Svet J 봄 ​- - - v s - B 16 a = # pa pa * 33 w U # ti '0' === sk DETAIL PLANS = C [1 Car S VERTICAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION. OUTSIDE CORNER BARS NOT SHOWN IN ELEVATION. med 143 .SI OF TYPICAL BOX CULVERT 16-0″x 8-0″ OPENING. ..0-8 CULVERT IS SYMETRICAL ABOUT BOTH CENTER LINES. TOP AND BOTTOM SLABS ARE SIMILARLY REINFORCED. ALL BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. 15' 96 GIRDER BRIDGES. The following detailed design will illustrate the application of the methods advocated to the design of a girder bridge: Problem-Design a girder bridge, resting on abutments; clear span 32'0"; earth fill 15" deep. Bridge to be 24'0" wide in the clear, with two 4′0″ sidewalks and car track on center line. Class 2 loading. The cross section to be as shown by "Proposed Section," Fig. 15. The detailed drawings are based on this section but the computations. apply to the alternate section as well. F G1. 5-0″ ISIA G2 5:0″ SUPIENFIFIREUENEUENIEMS VETEMEN ALTERNATE SECTION G3. G3 Dead load per square foot: 510" 5 12 1 5:0° DESIGN OF SLAB. 15 2 Gz Figure 15. Floor Slab The minimum thickness of floor slabs will be taken as 5″. This thickness of slab should take care of extraordinary concentrated loads such as might be caused should a car be derailed on the bridge. PROPOSED SECTION. To provide for such contingencies all slabs for girder bridges will be designed for a live load of 500 pounds per square foot, in addition to weight of slab and fill, using a factor of two on the dead and four on the live load. Moments will be figured by the formula M-2 wl, since the slabs are continuous over three or more supports; l=distance c to c of beams. Slab, X150= 62 lbs. Fill, X100=125 lbs. Total, 187 lbs. G1 5:0" 97 Dead load moment wX187X25=390 ft. lbs. Live load moment X 500X25=1,040 ft. lbs. Designing moment=M=(2X 12X390)+(4X12X1,040)=59,350 in. lbs. Taking a strip of slab 12" wide, we can find the thickness of slab and the amount of reinforcement required from the formula Mo=370 bd², in which q=.0085 bd. Inserting the values for M. and b in this formula, we find that d=3.7 inches, and q=.38 square inches, where q is the section of rein- forcing steel required in a 12-inch width of slab. A Since we have made the thickness of the slab 5" d will be 4", which is greater than required by the formula. The amount of steel required may accordingly be decreased, and is equal to 3.7.38 sq. in.=.35 sq. in. 4 • Slab will be 5" thick, reinforced with ½" corrugated rounds placed 7" on centers. In the design we have considered the slab as partially fixed on the beams and to provide for the reverse bending moment developed, reinforcing bars will be placed in the top of the slab over the beams; the amount used will be one-half that required in the bottom of the slab and we will use ½" corrugated rounds, 3'0" long, spaced 14″ on centers. NOTE―That part of the slab under the sidewalks will be the same as that under the roadway. Girders-In all girder bridge designs the length center to center of bearings will be taken equal to the clear span plus one foot. This length, c to c of bearings, will be used in computing the stresses developed. It is desirable to have brackets at the ends of the girders when conditions permit, so as to reduce the unit vertical shearing stresses and gradually unload the reaction at the abutment into the girder. In all girder designs special provisions for taking care of shearing and diagonal tensile stresses should be made. Some of the main reinforcing bars should be bent up near the ends of the girder and stirrups used throughout the length. 98 Girder G1-This girder will be figured for the dead load and a live load of 125 pounds per square foot on the walk. Dead load on girder: Sidewalk, X150X2½ X32= 4,000 lbs. Fill, 12X100X22X32= 7,350 lbs. Slab, 1X150X22X32= 5,000 lbs. Girder (assumed 12"X36")=14,400 lbs. Total... =30,750 lbs. 4 1 2 1 8 Dead load moment- WI-X30,750 X 33=127,000 ft. lbs. Live load, 125 lbs. per square foot. Live load on girder=125X2½ X 33=10,000 lbs. Live load moment= WI-X 10,000 X 33=41,200 ft. lbs. To get the designing moment, use a factor of 2 on dead load and 4 on live load, minimum to be, however, 3 (d. 1.+l. 1.) Mo=3(127,000+41,200) X12=6,050,000 in. lbs. Applying the formula M。=370 bď, and taking b=12″, we find that d=37″; q=.0085 bd=3.76 square inches. We will make girder 12" wide and 40″ deep, using five 1" corrugated rounds and bending up two bars as shown, at a point 4'0" from each abutment. Shearing Provisions-The maximum external vertical shear at the end of the girder, due to full live and dead loads equals 20,375 pounds. In all girder designs the concrete will be assumed as capable of carrying 50 pounds of vertical shear over the cross section bd. Accord- ingly, if V total shearing value of the concrete, we have: Ve=12× 37×50=22,200 lbs. This would indicate that no special shearing provisions are neces- sary. It is advisable, however, in all cases to make some shearing provisions, and we will use U-shaped stirrups of ½" corrugated rounds, spaced 18" on centers throughout the length of the girder. Girder G2-This will be designed for the average of the stresses in girders GI and G3, so we will accordingly figure girder G3 first. 99 Girder G3-Class 2 loading requires that the design be based on the maximum stresses produced by either a twenty-ton road roller or a forty-ton electric car. (The alternative live load of 125 pounds per square foot causes much smaller stresses than the concentrated loads.) The two girders G3 will be designed to carry the total car load. Each girder may, however, carry two-thirds of the road roller concentrations; the full load on the front wheel and one-half of the load on the two rear wheels. All interior girders on single span bridges should be figured as T-beams. Dead load on girder: Fill, X100X5X32=20,000 lbs. 5 Slab, X150X5X32=10,000 lbs. 1 2 Girder (assume 450 lbs. per ft.)=14,400 lbs. Total.... =44,400 lbs. Dead load bending moment: R₂H-. ASIDA Live Loads-Maximum moments due to road roller. We will assume that only one road roller will be on the bridge at any one time. The maximum load on one girder then may be repre- sented by two concentrated loads of 13,300 pounds each, 11'0" On centers. The maximum mo- ment will occur with one of the loads 2'9" off center of span, as shown by Figure 16. 31M M=} WI=1}{X44,400 X 33=183,000 ft. lbs. 8 1 8 110+ R₁= po 15 1 2 32-0 33-0 294 वर R, + Figure 16. 13,300X8.25, 13.300X19.25 33 33 Since the fill is but 15" deep, the effect of the fill in distribut- ing the loads will be neglected in determining the moment on the girder. =11,100 lbs. M=13.75X11,100=153,000 ft. lbs. J + Maximum moment due to electric car. For assumed distribution of load by track system, see Figure 6, page 82. 2 100 T The maximum moment will occur with one truck at the middle of the span, the other truck being off the bridge. (Two cars following each other will, for this span, produce practically the same moment as one car. See sketch of standard forty-ton car on page 79.) 16-6 KAJAKAUGELATIN 7,0 20000* 32,0 33 0 i Figure 17. To this static moment add 25% for impact for rapidly moving loads, giving a moment of 184,000 foot-pounds. The loading for maximum moment will be as shown by Figure 17; where the load given is that on one girder M=(10,000X16%)-(10,000 X1.75)=147,500 ft. lbs. The maximum moment then due to the specified live load is 184,000 foot-pounds. Designing moment : Mo=((2×183,000)+(4×184,000))12=13,224,000 in. lbs. For the design of T-beams we will use the formula M。=.86 Fp bď²=43,000 p bď², using high elastic limit corrugated bars, See page 85. Assume d=32″ and b=14″, we then have Mo=13,224,000=43,000XI4X32 XP from which p=.0215 9= 0215×14×32=9.65 square inches. We will make the girder 36" deep over all and use eight 14" cor- rugated rounds. P For this length of beam there is no danger of failure by horizontal shear along the horizontal or vertical planes of attachment of the stem to the flange. The distance between beams is 5'0", and the amount of reinforcement used=0.215 bd, where b=14'; corresponding to an average percentage of reinforcement for the full width of slab of one- half of 1%. This indicates that there is ample width of slab between beams for T-beam action. 101 Shearing Provisions-The vertical external shear at the end of the beam, due to dead load is 22,200 pounds, the load per foot of girder being 1,380 pounds. The shear at the end of the girder due to the car would be practically a maximum when the center of one truck is 3'6" from the abutment ; this total vertical shear may be taken equal to 20,000 pounds. The total maximum shear at end of girder=42,200 pounds. In providing for vertical shear we will assume that the concrete. carries fifty pounds per square inch on the section bd, and put in steel to carry the excess. Steel for reinforcing against diagonal tensile and shearing stresses. will consist of bent up main reinforcing bars and loose stirrups. In the design we will neglect the effect of the bent up bars. (If bent up bars are figured to carry the diagonal component of the vertical shear in the "panel" in which they occur, limit the direct tensile stress to 12,000 lbs. per sq. inch.) Loose vertical stirrups will be figured by the formula .86 d P V-Ve .86 d P V-50X bd y= Where y-spacing of stirrups required at any section. P-total stress in one stirrup=total cross sectional area of the vertical legs of the stirrup times the allowed unit stress (16,000 lbs.) V=external vertical shear at any section. Ve=total vertical shearing stress that the concrete is assumed to be capable of taking=v.×bd. (For the derivation of this formula see page 13, May issue.) If the stirrups are to be figured to carry all the vertical shear with- out assistance from the concrete, use the formula y= .86 d P V 102 • Should it be desired to include that part of the vertical shear assumed to be carried by the bent up bars the formula becomes .86 d P y= v(Ve+Vs)' V₁ amount of vertical shearing stress carried by bent up bars. The following table gives the data necessary to determine the required stirrup spacing, neglecting the effect of the bent up bars: Stirrups U-shaped ½" Corrugated Rounds, P=6,080. Distance from Abutment. 02+0∞ ~ O 4 6 8 12 } Vert. Ext. Shear, V. 42,200 38,400 33,200 28,400 24,200 16,100 Ve in which 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 22,400 Į V - Vc 19,800 16,000 10,800 6,000 1,800 Required Spacing, y. " 8.4 10.4 15.5 27.9 " We will make spacing nine inches for a distance of six feet from the abutment, increasing the spacing to eighteen inches beyond this point. Mo, then=½ (6,050,000+13,224,000)=9,637,000 in. lbs. 9,637,000=50,000 9X.86X 32 from which q=7.0 square inches. "! Bent up Bars-Bend up two reinforcing bars at a point 6'6" from abutment, and two additional bars 3'3" from abutment. Girder G2-In designing this girder we will take the average of the moments in girders GI and G3. This girder will be made the same size as G3; the amount of reinforcing steel required may be determined by the formula M。=s_qX.86×d 103 Make girder 36" X 14" as before, using seven 18" corrugated rounds. Bend up one bar 6'6" from end and two bars 3'3" from abutment. Stirrups: use ½" corrugated rounds same spacing as in G3. Bearing of Bridge on Abutment-In order to properly distri- bute the load and provide for sufficient bearing area the bridge will be made solid for the full depth of the girders, where it rests on the abutment. This construction is desirable on all girder bridges, owing to the rigidity and general stiffness given by the solid end. 104 12+ 61 4:0″ 5-0°. Laz Ź CR TCTS G2 SECTION AT CENTER OF SPAN. MAMMURTEBETE SATSUKUKUEUEN 5-0′ 14. .. 16-01 16 63 " 5.0 SIDE ELEVATION 63 32-0' RIWAY 02. 5-0' 14- NOTE: SLAB 5" THICK - Ź "CORR. ROUNDS 7′CTS. TOP BARS & CORR ROUNDS - 3′ LONG, 14″ CTS. 1 4-0 'CR 3'OLONO G1 5.0" CL L NOTE: ALL BARS ARE HGH ELASTIC CORR. ROUNDS DESIGN BASED ON CLASS 2 LOADING DETAIL PLANS LO TYPICAL GIRDER BRIDGE. SHEET NO 1. 105 Ź´ CORA ROUNDS. IN 15 4 15 + 4-0. REINFORCEMENT $-1" CORR. ROUNDS --TWO BARS BENT AS SHOWN; STIRRUPS ½" CORR. ROUNDS SPACED AS SHOWN. 32 主 ​8 SPACES @ 9¨*= 6·0° F HTT = // REINFORCEMENT ¹7-12 == • GIRDER 61 11 15 5 SPACES 18″-7-6 "CORR ROUNDS THREE BENT AS SHOWN; - STIRRUPS 3 CORR. ROUNDS 32-0″ GIRDER 62. N ………… 8 SPACES @ 9^-6:0″ "1 15 5 SPACES @ 18″=7-6″ REINFORCEMENT 8'-11" CORR. ROUNDS FOUR BARS BENT AS SHOWN; 32-0 GIRDER 63 U U [ ] ] ] NOTE: ALL BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. 3-3° SPACED AS SHOWN. 3:3 WESHa " 3-3″ Dans STIRRUPS {"CORR. ROUNDS SPACED AS SHOWN. 3-3′ 15" CORRR. 1 12" DETAIL PLANS ..9:2 3.0~ 3:0 OF TYPICAL GIRDER BRIDGE. SHEET 2 106 Bridges-Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Construction Classification by Loadings. Formulæ to Use in Designing.. Formulæ Based on Working Stresses INDEX, JULY NUMBER. Load Diagrams Adopted ... LOADS- .. · Assumed Load Due to Fill. Live Loads-Distribution. Wheel Loads on Roadway-Distribution Wheel Loads on Tracks-Distribution. Dead Load. ELECTRIC CARS- • • • Weights and Dimensions of Standards Adopted in Classification Weights and Dimensions of Ordinary Cars Methods of Design. Specifications for Materials and Labor.. DESIGNS- Detailed Design of Flat Slab Bridge. Detailed Design of Box Culvert . • Detailed Design of Girder Bridge Flat Slab Bridge-Detailed Design .. Box Culvert-Detailed Design • Girder Bridge-Detailed Design • • · · • • Page. 78 79 85 85 79 80 81 82 82 80 79, 80 83 • 83 85 87 93 97 87 93 97 See page 38 (Bulletin No. 1) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. See page 76 (Bulletin No. 2) for Index on Detailed Design of Typical Building and Complete Analysis of the Strength of Rectangular and T-Shaped Beams. 107 } Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. 1 AUGUST, 1908 STANDARD DESIGNS -FOR- BRIDGES AND CULVERTS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC FLAT SLAB AND GIRDER TYPE The standard designs given in this Bulletin are based on the methods outlined in our July number. Attention is here called to the fact that these plans contemplate the use of High Elastic Limit Mechanical Bond Bars-we can not be responsible for their accuracy when inferior forms of reinforcing bars may be used. BULLETIN No. 5, VOL. 1, WILL TREAT OF Retaining Walls of the cantilever and buttress types. THIS NUMBER WILL BE PUBLISHED IN OCTOBER. No. 4 REPRINT, MARCH, 1909 PRICE, 25 CENTS CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY P STANDARD DESIGNS. The standard designs given in this bulletin were made in accordance with the methods outlined and the specifications contained in our July Bulletin. Each type of bridge has been designed for the three classes of loadings adopted. The designs for Flat Slab Bridges and Box Culverts include spans of from four to twenty feet. Girder Bridges have been designed for spans of twenty to forty feet. It should be remembered when using these standard plans that the designs are based on the use of reinforcing bars which are rolled to such shape that they have a positive mechanical bond with the con- crete—the steel to have an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds per square inch. We wish to emphasize the fact that the proper factor of safety may not be attained unless the specifications given in the July Bulletin are strictly adhered to. On account of the importance of the subject we are here repeating the specifications for the reinforcing steel and the concrete. REINFORCING STEEL. All reinforcing steel used in bridge and culvert construction shall be rolled to such form that it has a positive mechanical bond with the concrete. Adhesive bond will not be considered sufficiently reliable for this class of structures. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch, ultimate strength not less than 13 Xelastic limit. 111 The percentage of elongation in 8" must not be less than given by the formula: 1,400,000 Percentage of elongation Ult. Strength 5. Bending Test-Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius equal to three times the least diameter of the specimen, without. sign of fracture. CONCRETE. Cement-Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the specifications adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. Sand-Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter; a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. Coarse Aggregate-Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone, or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum- sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by passing over a one-quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. K Proportions of Mix-Concrete for columns, beams and slabs to be mixed in the proportion of one part cement to six parts aggregate; proportions by volume taking one bag containing not less than 94 pounds of cement, equal to one cubic foot of cement. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregate used shall be chosen so as to give a concrete of maximum density; in no case, however, may the amount of fine aggregate be less than 50 per cent of the coarse. CLASSIFICATION BY LOADINGS. CLASS 1 BRIDGES. Designed for Class No. 1 Loading-Light highway specifica- tion, answering the purpose of ordinary county traffic where the heaviest load may be taken as a twelve-ton road roller. Uniformly distributed load, 100 pounds per square foot. 112 CLASS 2 BRIDGES. Designed for Class No. 2 Loading-Heavy highway specifica- tion, designed for localities where heavy road rollers, up to twenty tons and electric cars of a maximum weight of forty tons must be provided for. Uniformly distributed load, 125 pounds per square foot. CLASS 3 BRIDGES. Designed for Class No. 3 Loading-City highway specification, designed for heavy concentrated loads and large interurban cars. This classification should be adopted for all city work; the weight of the maximum car has been taken as sixty tons. Uniformly distributed load, 150 pounds per square foot. 113 FLAT SLAB BRIDGES. Reference Drawing: Plate 1. Reinforcing Steel: Mechanical Bond Bars; Elastic Limit, 50,000 lbs. The following tables, in conjunction with Plate 1, give detailed designs of Flat Slab Bridges for Spans of from six to twenty feet, with fills up to eight feet. A minimum depth of fill of twelve inches is required on all bridges. The tables not only give the size and spacing of the reinforcing bars but also the total number and lengths of each size required for the complete structure. The standard detail is based on a width of roadway of 16'0" in the clear. This width was adopted as the most usual one for this type of bridge, and it was necessary to select a definite width in order to give a complete bill of material of the reinforcement required for each design. We have given the spacing of all bars so that the design may be adapted to any desired width of bridge. 114 -94p -- C ** ww Si qu □ ㅁㅁㅁ ​St C bve p + SIDE ELEVATION BARS-D-CORR ROUNDS 12'CTS. wy TRANSVERSE BARS-B Ź CORR ROUNDS 12 CTS --- pag + Latga [ == ܕ Setge G S at o [ fi BARS-E Zara gra CLEAR SPAN´S. P Jung (genting volunt LONGITUDINAL SECTION pa Spa Maga Hom P BARS-COCCUR ONLY WITH FILLS OVER 20: £*CORR ROUNDS -12″CTS. 10 C ·MAIN REINFORCING BARS-A EVERY THIRD BAR BENT AS SHOWN - Sto 8-0 BARS-E-1"CR 9°CTS STAGGERED BATTER IIN 12" UK MAMMASIKIN BARS-D-1ˆCR 12CTS BARS-C BARS-B-ŹˆCR 12″CTS. - 17-0” LONG. BARS-A. || SECTION AT CENTER K VINY DETAILS IN W NOTE ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORR ROUNDS. 6₁ STANDARD FLAT SLAB HIGHWAY BRIDGES. PLATE 1. 115 STANDARD DESIGNS-FLAT SLAB BRIDGES. Class No. 1 Loading. d=depth of All. t=thickness of con- crete. î-bearing on abut- ment. d. | t. 2′ 8″ 12" 4' 8" 12/ 6' 9" 12" 8' 10" 12" 2' 10" 4' 10" 12" 12" 6' 11" 12" 8′ 12″ | 12” 2' 11" 12" 4' 12" 12" 6' 13" 12" 8' 15" 12" 2′ 12″ 12" 4′14″ 12" 6' 15" 12" 8′17″ 12″ 2' 14'' 12'' 4' 15" 12" 6' 17'' 15" 8' 19" 15" } BARS A Number Number f. Size. Spac. No. Length. Size. Spac. No. | Length. Required. Required. No. Length. No. Length. No. Length. ||No. Length. CLEAR SPAN, 6′-0″. 2′ 16″ | 16″ 4′19″ 15" 6' 21" 18" 23" 20" 8' 23" 15" 18" 2' 18" 4′ 21″ 15″ 6' 23' 18" 8' 26" 20" Main Reinforcement Corr. Rounds Every third bar bent up as shown 5 @ 10 10 11 Co\C Jand 2′ 15″ 12” 4' 17'' 12" 1 6′ 19″ 15" 1 8′21″ 15″ 1 1 "1 8 8 770 8 7/" ངས་ << < < 1 7/8" %" "/ %' %" 1 1 "/ 6 52" 572" 7 1 1% 11/8" 1666] 7 LIGHT HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. 5½ 5 78. 5½" 38 7/" 6½" 32 8" 52" 38 62" 32 1 6 5' 6%" 6 == // "/ 42" 1%" 6% 6½" 6 5½" 4" CO LO LO LO 6 5 5 188888888 35 38 62" 32 52" 6 38 30 こここ ​52 30 35 233882 35 5%" 38 42 2025585 35 38 32 35 20588080 5 5' 38 38 38 88230000 35 46 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 35 42 38 42 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" CLEAR SPAN, 8′-0″. 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" Trans- verse Reinforce- ment. "Corr. Rounds. 17'-0" Long BARS B. 15'-6" 15'-6" 16'-0" 16′-0″ 9 9 9 9 CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. 17'-6" 17'-6" 18'-0" 18'-0" 42 20'-0" 20'-0" 20'-6" 20′-9″ 11 11 11 11 13 13 13 13 CLEAR SPAN, 12'-0". 22'-0" 22′-0″ 22'-6" 22′-9″ 15 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 Trans- verse Re- inforce- ment in top of slab. "Corr. Rounds. 17'-0" Long BARS C. CLEAR SPAN, 14′-0″. • · 19 19 19 19 None. 9 9 9 2222 None. 11 11 11 CLEAR SPAN, 16'-0". 21 21 None. 13 23 23 24 24 13 13 CLEAR SPAN, 18'-0". None. 15 15 15 None.、 17 17 17 None. 19 19 19 CLEAR SPAN, 20'-0". None, 21 22 22 None. 23 24 24 Verticals in Side Walls "Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls. BARS D. 18 2′-9″ 18 4′-9″ 6'-9" 8'-9" 00000000 18 18 2222 22226 20333333 8888888888888 12-tou road roller. 38 34 3'.3" 34 5'-3" 34 34 2′-9″ 4′-9″ 7'-0" 9'-0" 3'-3" 38 5'-6" 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-0" 9'-3" coco00000 3'-0" 5'-3" 7′-3″ 9'-6" 38 7′-6″ 46 38 9′-9″ 48 7'-6" 9'-6" 48 42 3'-3" 5'-6" 42 7'-9" 10' 0" 44 44 3'-6" 5′-9″ 46 8'-0" 10'-3″ Horizontals in Side Walls. Y" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls. BARS E. 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 24223 10 14 20 26 7'-8" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7′-6″ 10 14 20 26 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 10 14 20 13'-6" 26 13'-6" 10 14 20 26 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 10 17'-6" 14 17'-6" 20 18'-0" 26 18'-0" 15'-6" 15'-6" 16'-0" 16'-0" 20'-0 20'-0" 20'-6" 20′-9″ 22'-0" 22'-0" 22'-6" 22′-9″ 116 d. Class No. 2. Loading. d-depth of t-thickness of con- crete. f-bearing ou abut- ment. STANDARD DESIGNS-FLAT SLAB BRIDGES. 20-ton roller or 40-ton car. t. f. 2' 9" 12" 4' 9" 12" 6' 10" 12" 8' 10" 12" 2' 11" 12" 4' 11" 12" 6'12" 12" 8' 13" 12" 2′ 12″ | 12″ 4' 13" 12" 6′ 14″ 12″ 8′ 15″ 12″ 2' 16" 124 12" 4′ 17″ 6'18" 8' 20" 2' 19" 4′ 21″ 15" 15" 2′ 14″ | 12″ 4' 15" 12" 6' 16" 12" 8′ 17″ 12" 1 15" 15" 6'22" 18" 8' 24" 20" || ε 15" 2' 21" 4' 22" 15" 6' 24" 8' 27" 18" 20" 5/8" 5/" 8 3711 83 14 Every third bar bent up as shown. Size. Spac. No. Length. $\&\3\7\ Main Reinforcement Corr. Kounds. 106 == 5576 3711 ∞LALAA = = = = ४ 1 1 1 311 7/8" 2' 18" 12" 1 4′18″ 12" 1 6' 20" 15" 1 8' 22" 15" 1/8" 7/8", "/ " " 12" 1%" HEAVY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. " %85 72" BARS A. 5%" 532" 52 7 à visto 6" 5" 6" << < < 5 62" 6 5½" 6" 5 6 "/ 42 42 28 == 5 " 5½" 512" 5 "/ 6 5½" " " "/ " 22235 1 5 1% 6 1 12" 12" 5 43½" ?? 888888 42 32 35 38 18132159335 42 5" 38 4% 46 6 35 42 38 42 332333 35 38 42 35 2524 35 16 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 15'-6" 42 15'-6" 16′-0″ 16′-0″ Number Required. CLEAR SPAN, 6′-0″. 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6/ 9'-6" Trans- verse Reinforce-l ment. "Corr. Rounds. 17'-0" Long BARS B. 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" CLEAR SPAN, 8'-0". 9 9 9 9 17'-6" 17′-6″ 18'-0" 18'-0" 11 11 11 11 20'-6" 20′-9″ CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. 13 2232 13 13 13 GGGG 17 17 17 17 Trans- verse Ke- inforce- ment in top of alab. "Corr. Rounds. 17′-0″ Long BARS C. CLEAR SPAN, 12 0". 15 15 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 15 15 CLEAR SPAN, 14'-0". Number Required. 19 19 19 19 2222 None. 18 2′-9″ 9 4'-9" 9 6′-9″ 8′-9″ 9 21 21 None. 11 11 11 CLEAR SPAN, 16′-0″. None. 13 13 13 None. 15 15 15 None. 17 CLEAR SPAN, 18′-0″. 20′-0″ 20'-0" 17 17 None. 19 19 19 None. 21 22 22 CLEAR SPAN, 20′-0″. 23 23 22'-0" 22' 0" 22′-6″ 22′-9″ 24 24 Verticals in Side Walls. 1½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls. Horizontals in Side Walls. 1½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls BARS E. BARS D. No. Length. ||No. Length. None. 23 24 24 00000000 18 18 18 2222 26 26 8888 30 30 9:0 30 **** 8888888888888 34 34 3'-3" 5'-6" 7'-6" 34 9′-9″ 34 42 42 44 44 46 38 3'-6" 00000000 3'-0" 5′-0″ 7'-0" 9′-0″ 146 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-3" 9'-3" 48 7'3″ 9'-6" 3'-3" 10 5'-3" 14 20 26 5'-6" 7′-9″ 9′-9″ 3'-6" 5'-9" 7'-9" 10'-0" 3'-9" 5'-9" 8′-0″ 48 10'-3″ 10 14 20 26 # 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6' 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 15'-6" 15'-6" 16′-0″ 16′-0″ 17'-6" 17'-6" 18'-0" 18'-0" 20'-0" 20'-0" 20,-6" 20'-9" } 10 22'-0" 14 22'-0" 20 22'-6" 26 22′-9″ 117 ! d. STANDARD DESIGNS-FLAT SLAB BRIDGES. Class No. 3. Loading. d-depth of t-thickness of con- crete. f-bearing on abut- ment. t. f. 2' 11" 12" 4' 11" 12" 6' 11" 12" 8' 11" 12" 1 2′12″ 12″ 4′ 12″ | 12″ 6'12" 12" 8′ 13″ 12″ 2' 14" 12" 4' 14" 12" 6' 14" 12" 8' 15" 12" 2′ 16″ 12″ 4' 16" 12" 6' 16" 12″ 8′ 17″ 12" 2' 19" 12" 4' 19" 12" Every third bar bent up as shown. 2' 24' 15" 4' 24" 15" 6'24' 18" 8′ 27″ | 20″ " BARS A. Size. Spac. No. Length. coco Main Reinforcement Corr. Rounds. 3711 32" 6% 6 8 Immo 2′ 21″ 12" 1 4′ 21″ 12" 1 6' 21" 15" 1 8' 22" 15" ==== "/ " 1/2" 7/" 78 7" 18 **** \R\R\R " 720 * * * * 1 6' 19" 15" 1" 8' 20" 15" 1" " " "/ 1%' 2' 22" 15" 1% 4' 22" 15" 11 6'22" 18" 8′24″ 20″ 11/2" 11 "/ 1/8 1% 1 " 62' 61/2" LO LO LO CO 5 5 5 6/2" is is is io 67/2,1 6 5½" 5" 5" 6" CITY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. Trans- Trans- verse Re- verse inforce- Reinforce- ment in ment. top of slab. " Corr. ½" Corr. Rounds. Rounds 17'-0" Long 17′-0″' Long BARS B. | BARS C. Number Number Required. Required. 5" is is is co 6½" 32 5" シュシュ​シュシュ ​6" 6" 1 6" 5″ 2223 35 2222 42 42 42 5½" 38 52" 38 5%" 5 42 22538 32 22235 42 42 42 2223 42 42 42 35 35 35 35 42 5½" 38 5½" 38 5 4½" 46 I I CLEAR SPAN, 6'-0". 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" CLEAR SPAN, 8′-0″. 13'-6". 13'-6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 9 9 9 17'-6" 17'-6" 18'-0" 18'-0" 11 11 11 11 CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. 20'-0" 20′-0″ 20'-6" 20′-9″ 1 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" CLEAR SPAN, 12′-0″. 13 13 13 13. 22'-0" 22'-0" 42 22'-6" 22'-9" 555 15 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 CLEAR SPAN, 14′-0″. 15'-6" 15'-6" 16'-0" 16′-0″ 19 19 " 19 19 None. 9 CLEAR SPAN, 16′-0″. I' 7522 9 9 21 21 None. 11 11 11 23 23 24 24 None. 13 13 13 CLEAR SPAN, 18′-0″. None. 15 15 15 None. 17 17 17 None. 19 19 19 CLEAR SPAN, 20′-0″. None 21 22 22 None 23 24 24 Verticals in Side Walls. " Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls. BARS D. 00000000 No. Length. No. Length. | 18 3′-0″ 18 5'-0" 7'-0" 9′-0″ 18 18 2222 33333 26 3'-3" 26 5'-3" 26 1 7'-3" 26 9'-3" 30 30 30 30 34 34 34 888888888888 38 38 2214 20-ton roller of 60-ton car. 44 Lo 60 000 000 1 46 46 3'-0" 5'-0" 7'-0" 9'-0" 48 3'-3" 5'-3" 44 7′-9″ 10'-0" 7'.3" 9'-6" 3'-6" 5'-6" 7'-6" 9′-9″ 3′-9″ 5′-9″ 7'-9" 9′-9″ " 3′-9″ 5'-9" 4'-0" 6'-0" 8'-0" 10'-3" Horizontals in Side Walls, ½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both walls. BARS E. v 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 1 10 14 20 26 10 14 20 26 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 7'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 9'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 11'-6" 13'-6"- 13-'6" 13'-6" 13'-6" 15'-6" 15'-6" 16'-0" 16′-0″ 17'-6" 17'-6" 18'-0" 18'-0" 10 14 20′-0″ 20'-0" 20 20'-6" 26 20'-9" 22'-0" 22′-0″ 10 14 20 22'-6" 26 22'-9" 118 BOX CULVERTS. Reinforcing Steel: Mechanical Bond Bars; Elastic Limit, 50,000 lbs. Reference Drawing: Plate 2. The following tables, in conjunction with Plate 2, give detailed designs of Box Culverts for spans of from four to twenty feet; with fills up to twelve feet. A minimum depth of fill of twelve inches is required on all culverts. Owing to the varying conditions met with in practice no standard lengths have been adopted. The tables give, however, the size and spacing of the bars and also the number required, where this is possi- ble. With the information given the complete bill of material of the reinforcement required for any design is easily obtained. 4 The style of culvert to be used at a particular location, whether of the box or open type, will depend upon the conditions. For a soft ground, or one of uncertain character, the box type should be used, but when a rock, or other substantial foundation, can be obtained, with no danger of scour, the open culvert may be used. OPEN CULVERTS. The tables for Box Culverts may be used for the design of Open Culverts of a construction similar to that shown by the accompanying sketch. UK CLEAR SPAN-S BAFFLE WALL KINIKUNIKNUNINNIKUNUNIA RIN 16757 119 TWIN CULVERTS. Reference Drawing: Plate 3. The tables for the design of Box Culverts, when used in conjunc- tion with Plate 3, apply also to Twin Culverts. It should be noted that, of the main reinforcing bars, "A," every third bar is bent up and carried over the dividing wall into the adjacent slab. NOTE-All box culverts should be provided with aprons at each end, which extend down into the ground for a distance sufficient to prevent scour. Wing walls should be designed as retaining walls and may or may not be built monolithic with the box. * Open culverts should be provided with baffle walls at intervals of about four feet; the baffle walls not only prevent scour, but also act as struts between the side walls. Johannes, F 120 Y ť UNHA KMSM | SCENE KRAJE Rods 199jji p BARS D TEMENT ROADWAY BARS-E MAIN REINFORCING BARS-A- BARS-C PNE "CORR ROUNDS IN EACH SIDE WALL FOR ALL VALUES OF h BARS B ਭਾਦ CORNER DIAGONALS BARS E É CORR ROUNDS SAME SPACING AS BARS F LENGTH=/41/2t+1-6) BARS-A EVERY THIRD BAR BENT AS SHOWN BARS F CLEAR SPAN-S. La £ 1 HALF PLAN SHOWING OUTSIDE CORNER BARS, CORNER DIAGONALS AND OUTSIDE LONGITUDINALS CROSS SECTION. katy jako hindi paran LONGITUDINAL BARS B ₤ CORR ROUNDS - FB´CTS STAGGERED → Joma in ·OUTSIDE CORNER BARS-F - P SIDE WALL REINFORCEMENT BARS D my jea BARS ·BARS- pema kwa ale, porta # ******* jok Jan HALF PLAN SHOWING MAIN SLAB REINFORCEMENT AND INNER LONGITUDINALS DIAMETERS CORNER BARS, SHOWING LAP OF OUTSIDE NOTE BARS BARS!!!! pak za |pdates, para - -E PEARL-0 +6+ #1 --. pada p ·BARS C Sa pamama pada pe samang agam VERTICAL LONGITUDINAL SECTION A A. OUTSIDE CORNER BARS NOT SHOWN IN ELEVATION. CULVERT IS SYNNETRICAL ABOUT BOTH CENTER LINES. TOP AND BOTTOM SLABS ARE SIMILARLY REINFORCED. ALL BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMET CORRUGATED ROUNDS. DETAILS BOX CULVERTS. STANDARD BOX CULVERTS. PLATE 2. Į 121 Class No. 1 Loading. d=depth of All. h-height of culvert. t-thick ness of concrete. d. 2/ 4' 6' 8' 10' 12/ 4' 6' 8' 10' 12' 10′ 12' 2' 6' 10' h. 2' 294667 JOGACON 4' 5' 6' 4' 66L6OA bòìbbà t. 8' 6" 6" 6" ייף C00127 7" 8" 9" 9" 10" 11" 12" 9' 13" 8" 9" 10" 11" 10" 6' 11" 12" 711 5/" 7" 57" 58, " 8. 13" 14 12′ | 10′ | 16" 1 STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 11"|| 12" 14" 8' 15" Main. Reinforcement, Every third bar bent up as shown. Corr. Rounds. BARS A. !!! " " 8 3/11 8 Size. Spac Lgth. No. 58 " 8 87" 8 9711 10' 17" 1 12′ · 10′ 18″|| 1 1 Lall 11 1811 3/4 97" 7 881∞∞∞ 72' CO CO 6 5½" 5 62" 5%" 87" 15 6½" 6 LIGHT HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. ミミミ ​52' 578 765 4'-9" 20 4′-9″ 20 5½" 5'-0" 20 = = = "/ 6'-9" 6'-9" 7'-0" 7'-0" 7'-2" 7'-4" "/ 9'-0" 9'-0" 9'-2" 9'-4" Longitudi- nal Bars. "Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both Slabs. 4'-9" 20 4′-9″ 20 4'-9" 9'-6" 9'-8" BARS BARS B. C. 6 11'-8" 5½" 11-10" 52" 12′-2" 52" 13'-4" 5 '" 13'-6" 6 " 13'-10" 52 14'-0" 14'-4" 62 6 14'-6" :|: 222222 20 CLEAR SPAN, 4′-0″. 222222 a co co co co co 30 30 30 30 30 30 11'-2' 32 11'-4" 32 11'-6" 32 32 32 32 1 1 CLEAR SPAN, 6'-0". 088888888888888 10 10 10 888888 38 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 CLEAR SPAN, 8'-0". No. Size. Spac. Lgth. Spac. Lgth Size. Spac. Lgth 222222 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Verticals in 10 10 Side Walls. Corr. Rounds. 888888 A 10 10 10 10 10 10 BARS D. 1½" 17/1 72 22″ "} " " EV100 " " a ja on or av or 1/11 ገዛ Vi 1% 52, 5211 8 16" 2'-8" 3'-8" 16" 16″ 15" 4′- 8″ 5'-10". 12" 6'-10" 11" 8'-0" CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. " 12″ | 2′-10″ 12" 3'-10″ 11" 5'- 0" 10" 6' 2" 14″ 7'- 4″ 12″ 8'-6" ==== 11 10 5'- 2" 6'2" 13" 7'- 4" "8'-6" 5 9'- 8" 62" 10'-8" "10′- " 11 CLEAR SPAN, 12′-0″. 8"|| "/ "/ 14" 6' 4"! 12″ 7'-6" 10" 8'-8" 13" 9'-8" 11" 10-10" 11" 12- 2" Corner Diagonals. 2" Corru gated Rounds. 11" 6' 6' 10″ 7′ 8″ 12″ | 8′-10";' 11" 10'- 0" 13" 11'- 4", 12" 12′ 6″ BARS E. 16" 1'-2" 16" 1'-2″ 16″ 1-2″ 15" 1'-5" 12" 1'-5" 11" 18" 12" 12" 11" 10" 14″ 12" I 1'- 8" 1'-8" 1-10" 11" 2'- 4" 2'- 4" 10" 13" 11" 2- 7" 2'-10" 10" 3'- 1″ 13″ 3′- 4″ 1 2-10" 3'- 0" 3'- 3" 14" 12" 10" 13" 3'-6" 11" 3' 9" 4'- 3" 11" 4'- • 12-ton Road Roller. Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. 11″ 3″ 3″ 10″ 3′ 6″ 12″ 4'- 0" 11" 43" 13″ 13" 12' 4′-9″ 5'- 0" 2'- 1" 2′ 4″| 27" $20 4 16" 5/8" 5/8 16" 5911 16" (8,11 5/811 15" 12" 11" 7/8 /8 BARS F. 5/8" 37" B Bu 8 620 8 4 23 18 4% It 18, Mar 10 "/ 12" 12" 11" 10" 14" 12" 4′-0″ 4'-6″ 5'-0" 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 10" 13" 4'.9" 5'-3" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7/3" 7′-9″ 11" 7'-0" 10" 13" 7'-6" 8'-3" 11" 8"-9" 9'-3″ 9'-9" 14" 12" 8'-3" 9'-0" 10" 10'-0" 13" 10'-6" 11" 11'-0" 11" 11'-9" 11" 9'-6" 10" 10'-0" 12" 10'-9" 11" 11'-6" 13″ 12′-0″ 12″ 12′-9″ 122 Class No. 1 Loading. d=depth of h-height of culvert. t-thick ness of concrete. d. | b. 1 h. NOORAN NOORAN 8' STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 5' 12" 6 14" 7' 16" 8' 17" 1 9' 19" 1 12′ | 10′ | 21″|| 1 NOORAN Main Reinforcement, Every third bar bent up as shown. Corr. Rounds. 3/4" 5 6 2/1 t. Size. Spac. Lgth. No. | || 6' 14" 1/8" 16" " 8' 17" 1 9′ 19″ 9' 10' 10' 21" 12' 11' 23" 1" LIGHT HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. BARS A. " 15" " 17" 1 19" 1 21" 1 10' 10' 23" 18" 12' 11' 25" 18" 9' " 6 52" 6 " 5" 4/2 1 """ 6 6′ 16″* 16 % 7' 19' 1 8' 21" 1 " 8' 9' 23' 1' 11" 10' 10' 25" 112" 1% 12' 11' 28" 14" // "/ 5½" 6 5½ 5 Longitudi- nal Bars. " Corr- Rounds. Number re- quired for both Slabs. BARS BARS B. C. No. 15'-6" -6″ 44 15′-10″ 44 16′-2″ 44 16'-4" 44 16'-8" 44 10 17'-0" 44 10 CLEAR SPAN, 14′-0″. 999228 10 10 10 10 17'-10" 46 18′-2″ 46 18'-4" 46 18'-8" 46 19'-0" 46 10 19'-4" 46 10 888888 60 888888 10 10 10 10 52" 20'-0" 54 10 6 20'-4″ 54 10 52" 20'-8" 54 10 42" 21'-0" 54 5½" 21'-4″ 54 21'-8" 10 10 54 10 CLEAR SPAN, 16'-0." 5 22''2" 52" 22′-8" 60 42" 23′-0″ 5½ 23'-4″ 5 60 60 23'-8" 60 10 52" 24′-2″ 60 10 10 10 Verticals in Side Walls. Corr. Rounds. 888888 10 10 BARS D. CLEAR SPAN, 18′-0″. 1 1½" 1/2" 5711 8 Size. Spac. Lgth. Size. Spac. Lgth. Spac. Lgth. Size. Spac. Lgth. " CLEAR SPAN, 20˚-0″. 1/2" 1/2" ミニ ​1/" 10" 6'-8" 12" 7'-10" 1/2" 1/2' " 11" 9'- 2″ 12" 10'-4″ 11" 11'- 8" 10" 13'- 0", 5/8 13″ | 7′-10″ 11″9'- 2″ 12" 10′- 4″ 11" 11- 8" 9" 13'- 0" 12" 14'- 4" 11" 8'-0" 12" 9'- 4″ 11" 10'- 8" 9" 12'- 0" 11" 13'- 4″ 10" 14'- 8", 10" 8'- 2″ 11" 9'- 8" 9' 11'- 0" 17/1 11" 12'- 4" 7) Corner Diagonals. "Corru- gated Rounds. BARS E 10" 13'- 8" 11" 15'- 2" 10" 3'- 3'- 9' 12" 9" +/- 3/7/11 11" 12" 11" 10″ 13" 4'-5" 11″ 4'-11" 12″ | 5′- 2″ 11" 5' 8" 9″ 6′- 2″ 12" 6'- 8" 11" 12″ 11 4′-9″ 5'- 0 5'-6" 6'- 0" 9" 11″ 10" 12-ton Road Roller. Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. - 10" 10'-6" 7/2 12" 11'-0" 11" 11'-9" 12″ 12′-6″ 1 Jauk þenk Jak 1 1 1 1 1%" BARS F. = 5' 7/8" 5'-5" 1 "1 6' 6 1 7'- 0"|| 1½" '7'-6" 11/8 // 1 1 11" 13'-3" 10" 14'-0" 13" 11" 12" 11" 9″ 15′-0″ 12" 15'-9″ 12'-0" 12'-6" 13'-3″ 14'-3" 11" 13'-5" 12" 14'-3" 15′-0″ 15'-6" 11" 16′-0″ 10" 16′-9″ 11" 9" 10" 11" 5'- 6′ 6'-1' 9" 6' 7" 11" 17'- 1" 9" 1" 11" 10" - 6" 11/2" 10" 11" 8' 2'' 14' 11" " 10" 14'-0" 11" 14′-9″ 15'-9" 16'-6" 17'-3" 18'-3″ 123 Class No. 2 Loading. d=depth of fill. h-height of t-thick- ness of concrete. d. 270002 10' 12' NOXRAN 2' 10' 12' NOORAN 6′ NORGAN Main Reinforcement. Every third bar culvert. bent up as shown. Corr. Rounds. h. 2' 2QCTICN ཆེ བེཤྩ s io če t- i t. 7" "y"! 7" 8" 9" 9"|| 9" 9" 9" 10" 7' 11" 11 Size. Spac. Lgth. No. 7' 12" 8' 12" 9′ 13″ 5' 11' 6′ 12″ 13" 14″ 8′ 9' 10' 15" 12' 10' 16' STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 5'13" 6' 13" 4' 10" 5' 10" 3 B 11" 8' 16" 5/11 6911 9' 12′ 10′ 18″ 8 SPIL " " 68 - 33, 17" 17" 1 5/8" 5/2 7'-0" 522" 7'-0" 5/2" 7'-0" "/ 7'-0" 7′-2″ 7'-4" $3 BARS A. AI HEAVY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. I 6 6 8 4'-9" 4'-9" 4'-9" 4′-9″ 5'-0" 5½" 5′-0″ 6 6 5 6 "52" " %" 72" 2816 7711 15" 52" 11-4" 52" 11'-6" 7 11 -8" Longitudi- nal Bars. ½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both slabs. BARS BARS B. C. 6" 13'-8″ "13'-8" "14'-0" 6 5" 14'-2" 6 14'4″ 52" 14'-6" 222222 222222 CLEAR SPAN, 4′-0″. 6" 11-10" 32 51/2" 12'-0" 222222 7" 8 グン​!! 52" 12′-2″ 32 32 32 32 30 62" 9'-2" 61/2" 9'-2″ 30 9'-4" 30 9'-6" 30 10 9'-6" 30 10 9'-8" 30 10 32 0808080808080 888888 38 10 10 CLEAR SPAN, 6′-0″. 38 10. 38 10 10 10 38 10 10 10 888888 No. Size. Spac. Lgth. Spac. Lgth. Size. Spac. Lgth. 10 10 10 CLEAR SPAN, 8′-0″. 888888 10 10 10 888888 Verticals in 10 10 10 Side Walls. Corr. Rounds. CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. 388888 1/2" 1½" 10 10 1½" 5/11 57" 10 10 10 10 16" 177 Leu Y" 10 10 5/8" "/ BARS D. €21 ·67" 12" 2'-10" 12″ | 3'-10" 12" 4"-10" 5′-10″ CLEAR SPAN, 12′-0″. 12″ 12" 11" 7/2/11 12, Kul " 7'- 0" 8'- 2" 13" 13" 12" 12" 8'-8" 10" 9'-8" 12" 10'-8" Corner Diagonals. "Corru- gated Rounds. BARS E. 11" 3'-2" 11" 2'-1' 11" 4'-2" 11" 2'-1" 11" 5'-2" 11" 2'1' 10" 6'-2″ 10" 2'-1" 12" 7'-4' 12" 2'-4" 11" 8'-6" 11" 2'-7″ 12" 12" 12" 12" 5'-4" 6'-4" 13" 13″ 7'-6" 12" 20-ton roller or 40-ton car. 12" 11" 12" 10" 12" 1'-5" 1'- 5" 1'-5" 1'-5" 1'- 8″ 1-11" < 2' 7' 2′- 7″| 2'-10" 3'- 1" 3'- 1" 3'- 4″ 11" 6'-6" 11" 3'-0" 11" 7'-8" 11" 3'-3" 14" 8'-8" 14" 3'-6" 13" 9-10" 13" 3′-9″ 11" 11'-0" 11" 4'-0" 11" 12'-2" 11" 4'-3" 13" 6'-8" 13" 3'-9" 12" 7'-8" 12" 3'-9" Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. 12" 9'-0" 12" 4'-3" 11" 10'-2" 11" 4'-6" 12" 11'-4" 12" 4'-9" 11" 12'-6" 11" 5'-0" "/ 5/0 8 "1 5211 5 8 5% 12" 12" 11" 1 "/ 4 $35. BARS F. 8 12" 12" 12" "" 11" 11" 11" 10" 12" 11" 13" 13" 12" 12" 10" 12" //"!! 13" 72" 18, 4201 18 % 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 5'-6" 1 6'-0" 6'-6' 4'-9" 5'-3" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-3" 7′-9″ 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-3" 8'-9" 9'-3" 9'-9" 11" 11" 14" 13" 11" 11'-0" 11" 11'-9" 8'-3" 9'-0" 10'-0" 10'-6" 9'-6" 12" 10'-0" 12" 10'-9" 11" 11'-6" 12" 12'-0" 11" 12′-9″ 124 Class No. 2 Loading. d-depth of All. h-height of t=thick d. NOBRAN 6' ness of concrete. 8' NORDAN 246002 Longitudi- Main nal Bars. Reinforcement." Corr. Rounds. Every third bar culvert. bent up as shown. Number re- Corr. Rounds. quired for both slabs. 10' 12′ | 10′ | 21″ 4' 6' · h. t. 8' 5' 15" 6' 15" 7′ 16″ 8' 18" 9' 19" 2' 4' 6' 8' STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 6' 16" 7' 16" 8' 18" 1 8' 9' 20" 1 10' 10' 22" 12′ 11′ 23″ BARS BAKS B. C. Size. Spac. Lgth. No. No. 1 Jak jedi jend 2' 6' 17" 1 1 7' 18" 1 8' 20" 20" 1 9' " 8' == 1" 1″ " 8 6' 19" 1 7' 20" 1 ***NA " " 22" 22" 1% BARS A. HEAVY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. "} 12′ | 11′ | 26″|| 1%" | 5 8' 22" 22"|| 1%" 9' 24" 1" 10' 10' 26" 18" 12' 11' 28" 14" 44 // 44 52" 16'-0" 52" 16'-0" 44 16′-2″ 5 5½" 16'-6" 52" 16'-8" 17'-0" 44 44 // 5 44 5 5 10' 10' 24"|| 1%½" | 5½″ | 21′-6″ "21'-10" 18'-2″ 46 18'-2" 46 5½" 18'-6" 46 5 "18"-10" 46 6 19'-2″ 5½"″ 19′-4″ // "1 "/ 6 "20'-4" 54 5" 20'-6" 54 5 "20'-10" 54 21'-2″ 54 6 54 54 "} CLEAR SPAN, 14'-0". ". 46 46 10 10 52" 22'-8" | 6 60 5 ""22'-10" 60 23'-2" 60 52" 23'-6" 60 5 23'-10" 60 52" 24'-2" 60 888888 10 10 10 10 Verticals in Side Walls. Corr. Rounds. CLEAR SPAN, 16′-0″. Size. Spac. Lgth. Spac Lgth. 10 10 10 10 1/2" " 72 1/11 17" 2 B211 10 1/2" 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 5/8 CLEAR SPAN, 18′-0″. BARS D. // 72 23,1 62,. 77 11" 7'-0" 8'-0" 11" 10" 9'-2" 11" 10'-6" 11" 11'-8" 10" 13′-0″ 10" 8'-2″ 10" 9'-2" -11" 10'-6" 10" | 11'-10" 12″ | 13′-2″ 11" 14'-4" 12" 8'-4" 11″ 9'-6" 10" 10'-10" 12" 12'-2" CLEAR SPAN, 20′-0″. Corner Diagonals. "Corru- gated Rounds. BARS E. 11" 4'-6" 11" 4'-6" 10" 4′-9″ 11" 5'-3" 11" 5'-6" 10" 6'-0" Size. Spac. Size. Spac. Lg th Size. Spac 6'- 5″ 10 //½" 11" 8'-8" 11" 10 1/2" 10" 9'-10' 10" 10 Y!! 12'' 11'-2″ 12" 10 Y" 11"' 12'-6" 11" 10 5/8" 10" 13'-10" 10" 11″ | 15′-2″ 11" " 10 5/8" 20-ton roller or 40-ton car. 8" || 6′ 8″ - - pat gand Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. 8 11" 11" 8 " 7% 10" 11" 11" 10" ייל 1 1 = 10" 4-11" 7" 10" 10" 4'-11" 11" 5'-.5" 1 10" 5'-11" 1 12'-0" 12'-6" 10" 11" 13'-3″ 12" 10" 14'-3" 12" 15'-0" 11" 11″ 15'-9" BARS F. 1″ 1%" " 12″ 5'-5" .1 11" 5'-7″ 1 10" 6'-1″ 1 12" 6'-6" 11" 7'-0" 13" 11" 12" 13'-6" 11" 14'-3" 15'-0" 15'-6" 11" 13'-6" 16′-0″ 10" 14'-10" 10" 7'-6" 18" 10" 16′-9″ 6' 1' 1 6'- 4'' 1 6'-10" 1% 7'- 3" 1" 7- 9" 1%" 8-2 1" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-9" 12'-6" 13'-3" 14′-0″ 1 " "1 10" 12" 11" 14'-0" 10" 14′-9″ 12" 15'-9" 11" 16'-6" 10″ 17'-3″ 11" 18'-3" 125 d=depth of All. hheight. of cul- vert. t-thick ness of concrete. 1. 2' 4' 6' 10' 12 NOORAN 10' 12' 8' 5' 2' 8' 10' 12' Class No. 3 Loading. FOODAN NÀY CÒN 2' 8" ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ o 6' h. t. Size. Spac. Lgth. No. 8" 8" 8" 8" 9" 2' 10" 3' 10" 4' 10" 5' 10" 6' 10" 7' 11" 11 5' 11" 6' 11" 12″ 8' 13" 9′ 14″ 2' 4' 6' 7' 13" 8' 14" 9'15" 10' 12' 10′ 16″ 5′ 12″ 6'12" STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 5'15" 6' 15" 7' 15" 8' 16" 10' 9′ 17″ 12' 10' 18" Main Reinforcement. Every third bar bent up as shown. Corr. Rounds. 5 '8 8 "/ 8 H 1 BARS A. 8 33, "/ 3311 7/8 7/7/7 4311 7/" 78 770 Za ==== \&\& 8 CITY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. ! 6 6 ****** // // " 6 52" 5 5 72" 71%' 7 6 5½" Longitudi- nal Bars ½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both slabs. 52" 9'- 4" 52" 9' 4" 52" 19′ 4″ 51/2" 9'-6" 7 9'- 8" 6" 9'-10" BAKS BARS B. C. No. 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 5'-0" 20 5'-0" 20 7'-2" 22 7'-2″ 22 7'-2' 72" 22 7'-2" 22 7'-2" 22 7'-4" 22 "/ 11-6 " 11'- 6' "11'-8" 11'-10" 62' 5½" 12'-0" 12'-2" 5 6 14'-4" 5%" 14'-6" 222222 CLEAR SPAN, 4′-0″. 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 32 32 32 32 32 5/4" 14'-0" 38 5" 14'-0" 52" 14'-0" 38 38 5" 14'-2" "/ 888888 10 8888888888888888 10 38 10 38 38 10 10 10 888888 CLEAR SPAN, 6′-0″. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Verticals in Side Walls Corr Rounds. 10 10 10 10 10 10 BARS D. CLEAR SPAN, 8′-0″. 10 10 1/2 12" 3'-0" 12" 4'-0" 1/2 1/2 12" 11" 10" Size. Spac. Lgth. Spac. Lgth. Size. Spac. Lgth. Size. Spac |Lgth ||Spac. 1 Spac Leth "/ "/ 1½" 1/2 1/2 CLEAR SPAN, 10′-0″. 1/2" 1/2" 13,, 12" "/ 5711 8 1/2 13, 5% (8,1 " CLEAR SPAN, 12′-0″. B 12" 5'-0" 6'-0" 7'-0" 8'-2" Tok at et at 1 13,, 8 11" 5'-6" 11" 6'-6" 11" 7'-6" 11″ 8'-8" 14" 9′-8″ 13" 10'-10" 15" 3'-4" 15" 15" 4'-4' 15" 15" 5'-4" 15" 6'-4" 14" 14" 12" 7' 4" 8'-6" 11" 12" 11" 10 1/2" 10 2, 10 10 Corner Diagonals. ½" Corr. Rounds. BARS E. 1/2" 11" 7'-0" 11" 11" 11" 11" 11" 10'-2" 11" 8'-0" 11" 9'-0" 12" 11'-4" 11" 12'-6' 12" 11" 20-ton roller or 60-ton car. 12" 1'-8" } 12" 1'- 8″ 1'- 8" 12" 12″ 1'- 8″ .1'- 8″ 1'-11" 11″ 10" 6'-8" 10" 10" 10" 7'-8" 10" 14" 14" 8'-8" 9'-10" 13" 13" 11" 11'-0" 11" 10" 12′- 2" 10" 11" 2'-10" 11" 2'-10" 11" 2'-10" 3'- 1" 11" 14" 13" 3'- 4″ 3'- 7″ 2'-4" 2'-4" 2'-4" 2'-4″ 2'-4" 2'-7" Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. I 1 3 3'3" 3'-3" 3'-6" 3'-9" 4'-0" 4'-3" 8 5%" 8 5/11 8 8 57" " 8 BARS F. 4 4'-3' 4'-3" 4'-3" 4'-6" 1 4′-9″ 5'-0" 1 3/4" ==== 7 7/8" 770 %" 7 "/ 8. "1 18 12" 12" 12" 12" 11" 10" 15" 15″ 15" 14″ 12" 11" 11" 11" 14" 13" 10" 10" 4'-0" 4'-6" 5'-0" 11" 7'-0" 11" 7'-6" 8'-3" 8′-9″ 9'-3" 9′-9″ * 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 4′-9″ 5'-3" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-3" 7′-9″• 8'-3" 8′-9″ 14" 10'-0" 13" 10'-6" 11" 11'-0" 10" | 11′-9″ 11" 9'-9" 11" 10'-3″ 11" 10'-9″ 11'-6" 11" 12" | 12′-0″ 11" | 12′-9″ I 126 -depth of All. h-height of cul vert. thick.| ness of concrete. t 5' 17" 6′ 17″ 6' 7' 17" 8' 8' 18" 9'19" 10' 12′ | 10′ 21″ 21802 Class No. 3 Loading. 4' 6' BARS BARS B. C. d.b. t. Size. Spac. Lgth.|| No. No. A 6' 19" 7' 19" 8′ 19″ 1 9' 20" 1 10' 10′ 22″ 1 12' 11′ 23″ STANDARD DESIGNS-BOX CULVERTS. 8' 10' 10' 24" 12' 11' 26" སོཝཡྻཱཨོསུ 2' 6' 20" 1 7′ 20″ 1 8' 20" 1 1 Main Reinforcement. Every third bar bent up as shown. Corr Rounds. 1 10′ | 10′ 26″ 11′ 28″ 12 gol gol gad pat シシミ ​1" 1' 1" 17/8" 9′ 22″ 1%" 1%" 1%" 1 - 18 BARS A. 11 78 1%" 1 78 14" CITY HIGHWAY SPECIFICATION. 6 ∞ ∞ COŁO LO LO "16'-4" 44 16′-4″ 14 16'-4" 44 5½" 16'-6" 44 44 44 6 Longitudi- nal Bars ½" Corr. Rounds. Number re- quired for both slabs. 5½" 16'-8″ " 5 17′-0″ CLEAR SPAN, 14′-0″. கககககக 888888 "20'-10" 54 "20'-10" 54 "' 20'-10" 54 "21'-2" 54 5½″ 21'- 6″ 5 "21'-10" 54 54 10 10 10 52" 18'-8" 46 5" 18'-8" 46 5½" 18'-8" 46 10 "18"-10" 46 "19'-2" 46 5%" 19'-4" 46 5 10 10 10 10 6′ 22″ 1%" 4' 7' 22" 11/11 1% 6 8' 122" 9' 24" 6 "' 23'-2'' 60 10 "23'-2' "23'-2" 6 60 5½" 23'-6" 523'-10'') 52" 24'-2″ 60 60 60 10 10 888888 60 888888 CLEAR SPAN, 16′-0″. 10 10 10 10 10 10 { 888888 Verticals in Side Walls. Corr. Rounds 10 10 10 10 10 BARS D 20 as it is not to t CLEAR SPAN, 18′-0″ 1/2" 1/2' Size. Spac Lgth Spac Lgth Size. Spac. Lgth 1½" 11" 8'-8" 1½" 11" 9'-8" 1½" 11" 10'-8" "1 8 B" CLEAR SPAN, 20'-0". 12,, 1211 72 12" 7'-4″ 12" 8'-4" 9'-4" 12" 11" 10'-6" 11" 11'-8" 10" 13′-0″ 1/11 Y" 1/2" 5711 8 BIN 8 Corner Diagonals. ½" Corr. Rounds BARS E 10" 11'-10" 10" 12″ 13'-2″ 12" 11" 14'-4″ 11" 12″ 9′-2′′ 12" 10'-2" 12″ 11'-2″ 11" 12'-6" 10' 13'-10" 11" 15'-2" 20-ton roller or 60-ton car. 12" 5'-0" 12" 5'-0" 12" 5'-0" 11" 11" 10" 10" 8'-10" 10" 10" 9'-10" 10" 10" 10'-10''| 10" 12″ 12′-2″ 12" 11" 13'-6" 11" 10" 14'-10" 10" 11" 5'- 8" 11" 5' 8" 11" 5'- 8" 1 5'-3" 1 5'-6" 5' 5′-9″ 1 Josh park but Outside Corner Bars. Corr. Rounds. 1 1 1" 1" " " 5' 11" 1 - 6' 5" 1% 6′- 8" 13 8 " 6' 6' 6'. 1 6'-6' 6'-6" 1 7'-0" 13 7'-6" 11" BARS F " 12" 6'-10" 1" 12″ | 6′-10"|| 1%" 12" 6'-10", 1" 11″ | 7′- 3''|| 1% 10 7'- 9" 1" 11" 8- 2". 134″ // [ 12" 10'-y" 11'-3″ 12″ 12″ | 12′-0″ 11" 12'-6" 13'-3″ 14'-0" 11" 10" 11" 11" 11" 12'-6" 13'-0" 13'-6" 10" | 14'-3″ 12″ 15′-0″ 11" 15'-9" 14'-0" 10'' 10′′ ¦ 14′-6'' 10" 15'-0" 12" 15'-6" 11'' 16'-0" 10" 16′-9″ 12" 14'-6' 12″ | 15′-3″ 12″ | 15′-9″ 11" 16'-6" 10″ | 17′-3″ 11" 18'-3" 127 ji ANNIKSANAISHISHKINUKI T NOTE. BARS-F BARS-D DAVIS HRSZAWAN BARS C BAAS-E Jay BARS A BARS-A CLEAR SPAN-S -BARS B что COLAR SKA 1/2 + 1/1/ PART CROSS SECTION AND ELEVATION TWIN BOX CULVERT K REINFORCEMENT, SAME AS FOR CORRESPONDING STANDARD BOX CULVERTS, EXCEPT- ING BARS A BARS-A: BEND UP EVERY THIRD BAR AT THE Ê POINTS AS INDICATED, EXTENDING THEM / UP OVER MIDDLE SUPPORT) INTO ADJOINING SLAB AS SHOWN. NOTE HOLY CULVERT IS SYMMETRICAL ABOUT THE CENTER LINE. TOP AND BOTTOM SLABS ARE SIMILARLY REINFORCED, ALL BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS DETAILS STANDARD TWIN CULVERTS. TASHISI PLATE 3. 128 } 1 GIRDER BRIDGES. Reference Drawings: Plates 4, 5 and 6. (See also Detail Sheets for Girders G1, G2 and G3.) Reinforcing Steel: Mechanical Bond Bars; Elastic Limit, 50,000 lbs. The following tables, in conjunction with Plates 4, 5 and 6, and the three sheets of details, showing slab and girder construction, give the complete design of Girder Bridges for spans of twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five and forty feet. The standard bridges have been figured for the three classes of loadings, but with only one depth of fill-eighteen inches. A mini- mum depth of fill of twelve inches is required on all girder bridges. The slab has in all cases been made five inches thick. The two girders under the car tracks have been figured to carry the full car load. Girders GI in Class I and Class 2 Bridges, and Girders G2 in Class 3 Bridges have been designed for that proportion of the roller load which may come upon them. For the sake of uniformity Girders G2 in Class 3 Bridges have been made the same depth as Girders G3. The standard designs for Class 3 Bridges are based on the sections shown on Plate 6, page 134. The tables, however, apply just as well to the Alternate Section," which may be preferred by some engineers. (" 120 18 b a GI · 5-8 INFIFIYAKATAIRIEIETI x 16-0 G2 5-8 " " G2 CLEAR SPAN - S SIDE ELEVATION SIP SECTION AT CENTER. 5-8 ENE GI 461 NOTE SLAB - 5 THICK - Ź CORR ROUNDS, 6"CTS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB TOP BARS -Ź CORR ROUNDS- 3-0 LONG 12"CTS OVER G2 TOP BARS - TOP BARS - CORR. ROUNDS 20ʻLONG 12´CTS AT GI 2- ½ CORR ROUNDS LENGTHWISE OF BRIDGE IN EACH PANEL STANDARD DETAILS, CLASS I BRIDGES PLATE 4 • 130 Clear Span h. 20' 0" 32" 25'-0" 30'-0" 35'-0" 20′-0″ 25′-0″ 38" 10'-0" 53" 30'-0" 14" 50″ 25" 29" 34" 35'-0" 39" 40'-0" 47″ | b. 12" 12" 12" 14" 15" 12″ 14" 14" 14" 14" { CLASS 1-BRIDGES. GIRDERS G1. See Detail Sheet, Page 136. f. 15" 6-4" Corr. Rounds. 15" 6-7% Corr. Rounds. 3-%" 3-1" Corr. Rounds. Corr. Rounds. 15" 18" 6-1" 21" 8-1" Reinforcement. 15' GIRDERS G2. See Detail Sheet, Page 137. Corr Rounds. 15" 6-1 Corr. Rounds. 8-1" Corr. Rounds.) 18" Corr. Rounds. 15" 8-1" Corr. Rounds. 4-1%" Corr. 4-14" Corr. Rounds. Rounds. 21" 8-14" Corr. Rounds. Bent Bars. Point 6 Bars Bend up 1 Bar at the Point Bend up 2 Bars at the In Beams with Point Point 6 Bars 2 Bars at the Berd up 1 Bar at the In Beams with Bend up Point In Beams with 8 Bars Bend up 2 Bars at the & Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 2 Bars at the In Beams with 8 Bars SLAB. 5" Thick; " Corr. Rounds, 6" Cts. in Bottom of Slab. Top Bars," Corr. Rounds 3'-0" long, 12" Cts. over G2. Top Bars, ½" Corr. Rounds 2′-0″ long, 12" Cts. at G1. 2-2" Corr. Rounds lengthwise of Bridge in Each Panel. Stirrups. Shown on Detail Drawing ½" Corr. Rounds Bent as Spacing: 12″ to the Point, 18" Beyond. ½" Corr. Rounds Bent as Shown on Detail Drawing Spacing: 9" to the Point, 18" Beyond. 131 18 Оп 의 ​AISE GI -461 10 ПОППОППЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛОЛ 5-8" ó SEISUSURIENZENNEMSIENSISININ SIENTAIBIAN, VIGNJILSINSIMILATENENSISTIN → 16-0 G2 5-8 " CLEAR SPAN = S SIDE ELEVATION G2 SECTION AT CENTER 5-8 GI +61- 4 NOTE - 10 - SLAB - 5" THICK - Ź CORR.ROUNDS. 6 CTS. IN BOTTOM OF SLAB. TOP BARS - Ź CORR ROUNDS-3-0 LONG 12 ČTS OVER G₂ • TOP BARS CORR ROUNDS-20 LONG 12CTS AT GI "1 2-20 CORR ROUNDS, LENGTHWISE OF BRIDGE IN EACH PANEL STANDARD DETAILS, CLASS 2 BRIDGES. PLATE-5. 132 Clear Span 20'-0" 36" 25'-0" 30'-0" 35'-0" 40'-0" 20'-0" 30'-0" h. 35'-0" 40'-0" 43" 47" 52" 25'-0" 34" 58" 31″ 39" 43" 47" b. 12" 12" 14" 14" 16" 14" 14" 14" 14" 17" CLASS 2-BRIDGES. GIRDERS G1. See Detail Sheet, Page 136. f.. 15" 15" 15" 21" Reinforcement. 3-34" 3-1″ 3-1" Corr. Rounds. 3-1" Corr. Rounds. 18" 6-1%" Corr. Rounds. Corr. Rounds. Corr. Rounds. 3-%" Corr. Rounds. 3-1″ Corr. Rounds. 15" 4-1" Corr. Rounds. 4-1%" Corr. Rounds. GIRDERS G2. See Detail Sheet, Page 137. 15" 8-1" Corr. Rounds. 15' 8-1%" Corr. Rounds. 4-1%" Corr. 4-14" Corr. Rounds. Rounds. 18" 8-14" Corr. Rounds. 21" 10-14"Corr. Rounds. Bent Bars. In Beams with 6 Bars Bend up 1 Bar at the Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point Point 8 Bars In Beams with Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point Beams with 8 Bars Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 3 Bars at the In Beams with 10 Bars SLAB. 5″ Thick," Corr. Rounds, 6″ Cts. in Bottom of Slab. Top Bars, " Corr. Rounds 3′-0″ long, 12″ Cts. over G2. Top Bars," Corr. Rounds 2′-0″ long, 12″ Cts. at G1. 2-2" Corr. Rounds lengthwise of Bridge in Each Panel. Stirrups. Shown on Detail Drawing " Corr. Rounds Bent as Spacing: 12" to the Point, 18" Beyond. Point, Shown on Detail Drawing " Corr. Rounds Bent as Spacing: 9" to the 18" Beyond. 133 GI Gr P || |||| Job ALTERNATE SECTION. b VELGIA 24'-0" TENSISISI, UKUSUSUEMINENSE G3 G3 5=0" CLEAR. SPAN 5. MEMEMEMEMEM π SIDE ELEVATION G2 5=0" SECTION AT CENTER · 4 " GI 5=0° BE NOTE- " SLAB - 5 "THICK & CORR ROUNDS-6CTS IN BOTTOM OF SLAB. TOP BARS - CORR ROUNDS 3-0"LONG-12 "CTS OVER G2 AND G3., A TOP BARS - ½ CORR ROUNDS - 2-0 LONG-12CTS. AT GI · 2-₤ CORR ROUNDS -LENGTHWISE OF BRIDGE IN EACH PANEL. STANDARD DETAILS, CLASS 3 BRIDGES. - PLATE-6 134 Clear Span h. 20'-0" 25'-0" 30'-0" 35'-0" 40'-0" 20′-0″ 25'-0" 30′ 0″ 35'-0" 40'-0" 20'-0" 30'-0" 30" 35′-0″ 38" 45" 50" 56" 34″ 39" 44" 47" 54" 25'-0" 39" 34" 44″ 47" 40'-0" 54" CLASS 3-BRIDGES. GIRDERS G1. See Detail Sheet, Page 136. b. 12" 12" 12" 14" 12" 14" 14" GIRDERS G2. 14" 15″ 21″ 8-1″ Corr. Rounds. 14″ f. 14' 14" 15" 6-4" Corr. Rounds. 17" 15" 6-%" Corr. Rounds. 15" 17" 18" 6-1' Corr. Rounds. 15" GIRDERS G3: Reinforcement. 15" 3-%" Corr. 3-1' Corr. 4-1%" Corr. Rounds 4-14" Corr. Rounds 14" 21" 8-14" Corr. Rounds 18' Rounds. Rounds. 15" 8-1" Corr. Rounds. 15" 1 6-1" Corr. Rounds. 4-1″ Corr. 4-1%" Corr. See Detail Sheet, Page 137. Rounds. Rounds 15" 8-1/4" Corr. Rounds 4-1%" Corr. Rounds 4-14" Corr. Rounds 15" 8-14" Corr. Rounds Bent Bars. 18" 10-14" Corr. Rounds Point Point 21" 10-14" Corr. Rounds In Beams with 6 Bars Bend up 1 Bar at the Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up 2 Bars at the In Beams with 8 Bars Point Point See Detail Sheet, Page 138. --|- In Beams with 6 Bars Bend up 1 Bar at the Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point Point In Beams with 8 Bars Bend up 2 Bars at the & Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Point In Beams with 8 Bars Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Bend up 2 Bars at the Point Point 3 Bars at the In Beams with 10 Bars Bend up 2 Bars at the Bend up Stirrups. Shown on Detail Drawing "Corr. Rounds Bent as 18" Beyond. Spacing: 12" to the Point, Shown on Detail Drawing ½" Corr. Rounds Bent as Spacing: 9" to the Point, 18" Beyond. " Corr. Rounds Bent as Shown on Detail Drawing Spacing: 9″ to the Point, 18" Beyond. SLAB. 5″ Thick, " Corr. Rounds, 6" Cts. in Bottom of Slab. Top Bars," Corr. Rounds 3'-0" long, 12" Cts. over G2 and G3. Top Bars, ½" Corr. Rounds 2'-0" long, 12" Cts. at G1. 2-2" Corr. Rounds lengthwise of Bridge in Each Panel, 135 • --- BREKLEREN MET onli Da j (a)]) (pa GI 73 18 DCO CO- b al cca ! L 66 12" 12" 12" 1/2" 12" 18" 18" Le ve 12' 12 5/5 VRS ==== Ź CORR ROUNDS. र्ट === ~B": 18 kg ka G S — — 1 == · ---- 18 5=8″ ==== CLEAR A CORR.ROUNDS- 17-6"LONG-6 CTS IŹ ½ CORR. ROUNDS-2·OLONG-12 CTS. / 2- 2 CORR. ROUNDS IN EACH PANEL. *——— G2 -- SPAN - S == = #ass n 11 38 12 11 +=== ´Ź CORR. ROUNDS-3´OʻLONG - 12 CTS. 711 5 Ź CORR ROUNDS # 11 TYPICAL DETAIL GIRDERS GI FOR CLASS-1-2 AND 3 BRIDGES. ון n 11 T TYPICAL DETAILS - SLAB AND GIRDERS GI, CLASS I BRIDGES. === 11 - · " * ---Aba NOTE - DES HA ル ​5/10 ff 2- CORR ROUNDS. 2-4 CORR.ROUNDS. ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. STIRRUPS - Ź CORRUGATED ROUNDS. BENT AS SHOWN. DETAIL SHEET, GIRDERS -GI. 136 SININ 2121 5/5 GI D) 919 19/2017/10 9 b W 슬 ​글 ​18 Y~ · |-- 18 TYPICAL DETAIL, GIRDERS G2, FOR CLASS. 1-2 AND 3 BRIDGES. *----- 18 CORR ROUNDS 17'6 LONG-6^CTS. SPAN CLEAR SPAN - 5. CORR ROUNDS - 2·0" LONG-12 CTS, 5-8 2 •Ź CORR ROUNDS-3·0 LONG - X2 CTS. ic 2-Ž CORR ROUNDS IN EACH PANEL, G2 b Im kukat dhe m CORR MIN 22 ing ROUND'S TYPICAL DETAILS - SLAB AND GIRDERS G2 -CLASS 2-BRIDGES. NOTE - 5/5 5/10 CORR ROUNDS. ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. STIRRUPS / CORR ROUNDS - BENT AS SHOWN. · DETAIL SHEET, GIRDERS - G 2. 137 GI 2 b 4 ZAT | CORR_ROUNDS 2 มุ 11 " 21212121 919 91919 5/5 13 === dc=== ELS 5-0 FO =====* H CORR ROUNDS. 25-6 LONG-6 CTS I½. } 2- ½ CORR ROUNDS IN EACH PANEL G2 [ I^ 18' 18 ↓ ޑ TYPICAL DETAIL CORR ROUNDS · 2 0 LONG 12 CTS ========== 6 18 - В "} # 0 ……………………… ย 18 18 0 CLEAR SPAN = S 11 R Ź CORR ROUNDS. * GIRDERS G3, FOR CLASS 3 BRIDGES. CŹ CORR. ROUNDS · 3-OʻLONG 12°CTS. 5-0 " G3 X b 12 MLYN ! I TYPICAL DETAILS - SLAB AND GIRDERS G3, CLASS 3 BRIDGES. A NOTE D 3 - T Q 5/5 5/10 3 4 CORR ROUNDS. ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. n STIRRUPS - CORRUGATED ROUNDS BENT AS SHOWN DETAIL SHEET, GIRDERS-G 3. 138 INDEX, AUGUST NUMBER. Box Culverts-Standard Designs Classification by Loadings Concrete, Specification for Flat-Slab Bridges-Standard Designs Girder Bridges-Standard Designs Reinforcing Steel, Specifications for. • • • Page Irg II2 • I 12 II4 129 III See page 38 (May number) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. See page 76 (June number) for Index on Detailed Design of Typical Building and Complete Analysis of the Strength of Rectangular and T-Shaped Beams. See page 107 (July number) for Index on Methods of Design and Standard Load- ings for Highway Bridges. 139. Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. 1 OCTOBER, 1908 RETAINING WALLS OF THE CANTILEVER AND BUTTRESS TYPES Discussion of the special problems met with in the design of retaining walls, with a brief discussion of the subject of earth pressures. No. 5 Detailed designs of cantilever wall to retain earth fill for both horizontal surface and with surcharge. Detailed design of buttress type of wall, surface of fill horizontal. BULLETIN No. 6, VOL. 1, WILL CONTAIN Detailed design of rectangular reservoir. THIS NUMBER WILL BE PUBLISHED IN DECEMBER. REPRINT, MARCH, 1909 PRICE, 25 CENTS CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY RETAINING WALLS FOR EARTH. A reinforced concrete retaining wall can be built at less cost than a gravity section of equal stability, under practically all conditions. Moreover the amount of saving that may be effected by the adoption of a reinforced concrete design increases with the height of the wall; comparative estimates on actual designs would show a saving of 20 to 25% on walls 30 to 40 feet high. The dimensions of a gravity section or "heavy masonry" retaining wall are determined, not from a consideration of the strength of the material used in resisting tensile or compressive stresses, but by mak- ing it of such size that the weight alone enables it to resist the over- turning moment of the backing. The usual condition imposed is that the resultant of the forces acting on the section shall pass through the middle third of the base, thus avoiding any possibility of tension on the inner face, but in most cases causing very heavy soil pressure under the toe. This pressure, which in the case of a gravity section, may exceed the safe bearing power of the soil-necessitating the use of piling-can very often be brought within the allowable amount by the adoption of a reinforced concrete design. When piling must be used in any event, a large saving in the the cost of the foundation results from the use of a reinforced concrete wall. A reinforced concrete retaining wall may be described as a section which derives its stability (against overturning) mainly from that part of the fill which rests upon the base; its structural integrity depending upon its ability to develop tensile as well as compressive and shear- ing stresses. The dimensions are not determined from a consideration of the weight of the wall as in gravity sections, but from considerations of strength as a structural material. A reinforced concrete retaining wall will then be in almost all cases of less cost than a gravity type of wall; the total pressure on the foundation will be less, and the maximum soil pressure at the toe may be kept within required limits, owing to the possibility of extending the base. Differently expressed this means that with a reinforced concrete wall a smaller and more uniform soil pressure is produced— a most desirable condition. Owing to the small sections used in a reinforced concrete design, it is practicable to provide against tem- perature and shrinkage cracks by means of longitudinal reinforcement without resorting to expansion joints. 143 EARTH PRESSURE AGAINST RETAINING WALLS. It is not proposed here to discuss the various theories of earth pressure against retaining walls. The active pressure exerted by the fill varies with the material, its compactness, the percentage of con- tained moisture, etc. If no provision for drainage is made, and there is an opportunity for water to collect behind the wall the pressure. may have any value up to hydrostatic pressure. Experience has shown that masonry walls of the gravity type will be stable under all conditions usually met with when the width of the base is made of the height. Reinforced concrete retaining walls, therefore, should be so designed that the stability against overturning will be at least as great as that of a solid masonry wall the base of which is of the height. It is therefore recommended that for ordinary fills (horizontal surface), where the material is not likely to become saturated, that the design be based on an active horizontal pressure, the intensity of which at any point is 1/3 of the vertical intensity at that point. A wall designed on this basis will have a slightly greater factor of stability than the gravity section referred to. 10 For convenient reference Rankine's formulæ for earth pressures. are given, as they are in general use. It is to be noted that for a horizontal surface and 30°, the intensity of the horizontal pressure, becomes the vertical. NATURAL SLOPE KUSTIK e H-Pcos 1/3 4 Let Figure 1 represent a retain- ing wall, the surface of the fill making an angle with the hori- zontal. The symbols may be defined as follows: Figure 1. w=weight of fill per cubic foot. P the resultant pressure corresponding to a depth of fill h. P=H, when @ is equal to zero. 144 0-angle with the horizontal made by the surface of fill. angle of repose, or natural slope of the material constituting the fill. p-intensity of the lateral pressure at any depth, in pounds per sq. foot. Then: P= P= wh² 2 P When 6, which is the usual value in surcharge design we have: wh² ..(2) 2 In all cases COS cos e X If the surface is horizontal, equals zero, and we have: wh2 I sin & X 2 1+ sin & .. (3) H=P cos 0………. cos e — √ cos² 0 COSA + √ Cos² 0 2 P=H= 2 cos² Φ cos² & =H………. wh and p= 3 ...( (1) ·(4) It may be noted that the formulæ take no account of such cohesion as may exist between the particles of the fill and that equation 3 will give the pressure due to a liquid if is made equal to zero, the equa- Ф tion reducing to the form P=½ wh². Since the intensity of the horizontal pressure is assumed to increase uniformly with the depth the resultant, P, will act as a distance h from the base of the wall. For ordinary fills, where the material is not likely to become sat- urated, ☀ may be assumed to have a value of 30°; substituting this value in equation 3 we have for a horizontal surface 2 wh² 6 ….(5) (6) Equations 5 and 6 should be used for earth fills when the surface of the fill is horizontal; these values it will be noted agree with those previously recommended. Superimposed Loads-A uniformly distributed load, covering the entire surface of the fill will be assumed to exert a uniform hori- zontal pressure, the intensity of which is 3 of the vertical, regardless of the depth. 145 The following table gives the intensity of the horizontal pressure at any depth, h, the total pressure H, above the section considered and the overturning moment, M, in inch lbs., at the section A-B: h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 2272 19 20 feet. pounds. pounds. 21 HORIZONTAL SURFACE. w=100 lbs. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 p=3 wh TABLE I. 33 67 100 133 167 200 233 267 300 333 367 400 433 467 500 533 567 600 633 667 700 733 767 800 833 867 900 933 H 967 1000 214 } H=P =% wh2 17 67 150 267 417 600 817 1067 1350 1667 2017 2400 2817 3267 3750 4267 4817 5400 6017 6667 7350 8067 8817 9600 10417 11267 12150 13067 14017 15000 Overturning Moment M= wh3X12 inch pounds. 67 533 1800 4267 8333 14400 22867 34133 48600 66667 88733 115200 146467 182933 225000 273067 327533 388800 457267 533333 617400 709867 811133 921600 1041667 1171733 1312200 1463467 1625933 1800000 h feet. 1 2 3 4 10 6 7 8 ∞ ∞ 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2****5*28 23 24 26 27 29 30 } Surcharge, 0=30°. w=100 lbs. p cos A— 3/4 wh pounds. 75 150 225 TABLE II. 300 375 450 525 600 675 750 825 900 975 1050 1125 1200 1275 1350 1425 1500 1575 1650 1725 1800 1875 1950 2025 2100 0.30: 2175 2250 H=P cos A 38 wh2 pounds. 38 150 338 600 938 1350 1838 2400 3038 3750 4538 5400 6338 7350 8438 9600 10838 12150 13538 15000 16538 18150 19838 21600 23438 25350 27338 29400 31538 33750 B Overturning Moment M=% wh³×12 inch pounds. 150 1200 4050 9600 18750 32400 51450 76800 109350 150000 199650 259200 329550 411600 506250 614400 736950 874800 1028850 1200000 1389150 1597200 1825050 2073600 2343750 2636400 2952450 3292800 3658350 4050000 } 146 " NOTES ON DESIGN. In the design of retaining walls it is necessary to investigate the stability of the structure, not only against overturning but also against sliding upon its base. To prevent sliding the total pressure upon the foundation multiplied by the co-efficient of friction of con- crete upon the soil, must be greater than the horizontal thrust of the fill. It is good practice to provide a projection or toe extending into the foundation to assist in preventing such movement. The maximum soil pressure at the toe of the retaining wall should be computed in all cases, as it is very often the determining factor in the design of the base. In the design and construction of retaining walls, provision should be made for adequate drainage. This is an important feature as the development of an hydraulic head back of the wall might result in its failure. Provision should be made in all retaining wall work against the development of shrinkage or temperature cracks. On account of the small sections required in a reinforced concrete design, it is prac- ticable to prevent the development of such cracks by the use of longitudinal reinforcement. Some longitudinal reinforcement should be used even if expansion joints are provided. It is usually considered that about 10% of reinforcement will be sufficient to prevent cracks, using high elastic limit steel. Retaining walls of the cantilever type will generally be found economical up to heights of 18 feet; for higher walls the buttress type should be used. 147 The following diagrams, Figures 2 and 3, show the forces acting upon a retaining wall which we will consider in the design: We weight of section of wall one foot long; the line of action passing through the center of gravity of the cross section. We weight of earth, per lineal foot, resting on base of wall; the line of action passing through center of gravity of the figure C, D, E, F. p2 soil pressure at toe, lbs. per sq. foot. p soil pressure at the heel, in lbs. per sq. foot. R=resultant of the earth pressure and (We+We). Other symbols as previously defined. H A 162 8 G Wc ENETISIENST ом том We H = P Figure 2. VETEMENKVIENE p 3/3 Diagram showing forces acting upon a retaining wall, surface of fill horizontal. 148 Н A ре B 6 ом ам том We E P ZIF А Ө $14 ろ ​Figure 3. Diagram showing forces acting upon a retaining wall, surface of fill not horizontal. 149 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. All formulæ for the strength of reinforced concrete beams are necessarily based on the physical properties of the concrete and steel. The formulæ proposed in this bulletin are based upon a concrete with a compressive strength of 2,000 pounds per square inch and upon the use of mechanical bond reinforcing bars which have an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds per square inch; the critical amount of reinforce- ment, under these conditions being .0085 bd. Reinforcing Steel-All reinforcing steel used in retaining wall construction shall be rolled to such form that it has a positive. mechanical bond with the concrete. Adhesive hond will not be con- sidered sufficiently reliable for this class of structures. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined. by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch, ultimate strength not less than 13 Xelastic limit. The percentage of elongation in 8″ must not be less than given by the formula: Percentage of elongation= I,400,000 Ult. Strength 5. Bending Test--Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius equal to three times the least diameter of the specimen, without sign of fracture, 150 Cement-Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the specifications adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. Sand-Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter; a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. Coarse Aggregate-Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone, or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum-sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by passing over a one-quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. Proportions of Mix-Concrete for wall, base, and buttresses to be mixed in the proportion of one part cement to six parts aggregate; proportions by volume taking one bag containing not less than 94 pounds of cement, equal to one cubic foot of cement. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregate used shall be chosen so as to give a concrete of maximum density; in no case, however, may the amount of fine aggregate be less than 50 per cent of the coarse. b FORMULAE FOR USE IN DESIGNING. P Let M-moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. Mo-ultimate moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. q=area of reinforcement. p=percentage of steel=q÷bd. F-elastic limit of steel-50,000 lbs. All dimensions as shown, in inches, and stresses in lbs. per sq. in. Then we have for rectangular beams: Mo=370 bd for g=.0085 bd... and for various percentages: .. (7) Mo=.86 Fp bd²=.86X50,000xp bd².... ..(8) =43,000 p bď², using high elastic limit corrugated bars. (For complete discussion of these formulæ, see May and June bulletins.) 151 WORKING STRESSES. If it is desired to design for working stresses in the steel, use the formula : M=sqX.86 d. where s=unit stress in the steel.. (9) REMARKS ON THE APPLICATION OF THE FORMULAE. In retaining wall design it will often be found that the section required to resist the bending moment, as determined by formula 7, is smaller than would be desirable to use in heavy work. In this case the value of "d" may be assumed, and the amount of reinforcement required determined by means of equation 8. Equation 8 should also be used in the design of buttresses, as there is more or less T-beam action. The amount of reinforcement used, however, should not exceed 2% of the cross section of the buttress. It is to be noted that equations 7 and 8 give the ultimate or breaking strength of the structure, and in applying them the actual moments must first be multiplied by the factor of safety. 152 CANTILEVER WALLS. The two examples following illustrate the methods of design advocated: Problem 1-Design a cantilever wall, 16'-0" high, to retain an earth fill weighing 100 lbs. per cubic foot; surface of fill horizontal, the value of to be taken as 30°. Ф Maximum allowable soil pressure 3,000 lbs. per square foot. We will assume the section shown herewith and investigate its stability and strength: 4267 * 9- p2°2872 G 5.56 4.64' 3.17' 12250 B 2.66 2:0" FF ・Wc = 4455* 11490 16 A = Wc+ We We = 7035* P-H-420 +420 6:0" "1 9:01 "0-,91 1267 „9-1 * To determine the position of the center of gravity of the concrete section and of the earth prism take moments about the point “A.” 153 Center of Gravity of Wall- SECTION CONSIDERED. ADIH.. K B C L. BCFG.. · · Totals. SECTION CONSIDERED. CFF'.. CF' ED... Totals.. Dag my blog AREA IN SQ. FT. 12.0 2.5 15.2 29.7 Distance from "A" to c g= AREA IN SQ. FT. =3.17 ft. Weight of wall per lineal foot=29.7 X 150-4445 lbs. W。. Static moment about "A" =4445×3.17=14110 ft. lbs. Center of Gravity of Earth Prism- 5.I 65.25 70.35 P-H= MOMENT. ARM. 391.8 70.35 4.00 2.75 2.58. 94.I 29.7 MOMENT ARM. wh² 110X16² 6 6 3.25 5.75 =5.56 ft. AREA MOMENT. 48.0 6.9 39.2 94. I Distance from "A" to c g= Weight of earth prism per lineal foot=70.35X100=7035=We. Static moment about "A"=7035X5.56=39180 ft. lbs. AREA MOMENT. To obtain the position of the resultant divide the sum of the static moments by the total weight: 16.6 375.2 391.8 14110+39180_53290 4445+703511480-4.64 ft. The horizontal thrust H, on the wall may be determined by means of formula 5. R=√(42672+11490²)=12250 lbs. =4267 lbs. (The pressure might have been taken from the table on page 146). This thrust is assumed to be concentrated at a point 5′-4″ above the base. Combining this force with the force We+ We we obtain the final resultant R. 154 • The tangent of the angle which the resultant makes with the 4267 vertical is .372, and R would cut the base at a distance, I 1490 5.′33X.372=1.98 ft. from the line We+We, or 2.66 ft. from the edge A-H. Since the resultant R passes through the third point the soil pressure at the heel is zero, and that at the toe twice the average. Average soil pressure= =1436 lbs. per sq. ft. I 1490 8 Maximum soil pressure=p2=2X1436=2872 lbs. per sq. ft. Stability Against Sliding-The total horizontal thrust=4267 lbs. Assuming that the foundation is good clay the coefficient of friction. between the concrete and the soil may be taken as .50. The frictional resistance to horizontal displacement would then equal 11490X.5= 5745 lbs. It is desirable, however, to have a projection on the base as shown in the drawing as the coefficient of friction may be as small as .33 should the footing become wet. The earth fill in front of the wall assists to a slight extent in resist- ing sliding, but its action is not positive, and should not be included in the design. REINFORCING STEEL. Having assured ourselves of the stability of the section, when acted upon by the assumed forces, it will be necessary to examine its structural integrity and provide reinforcing steel where required. The bending moment, per foot of length, in the face wall at the plane A-D is equal to 2 3 100X14.5×14.5— 100X14.5=16900 ft. lbs. 6 3 18 =202800 inch lbs. Neglecting the small fillets the effective depth of the beam, d, may be taken as 16". We will base the design on the ultimate strength of the section using a factor of safety of 3, and determine the amount of reinforce- ment required by means of formula 8. Mo=3X202800-608400-43000 pbď². 155 b=12" and d=16", substituting these values in the equation we have p=.0046. q=16X12X.0046=.88 sq. in. per foot of wall. Use 3/4" corrugated rounds, spaced 6″ on centers. It will not be necessary to carry this amount of reinforcement to the top of the wall, as the bending moments decrease rapidly toward the surface of the fill. The bending moment at a point 10'o" below the surface is 66,667 inch pounds. Mo=3X66,667=200,000 in. lbs. (ult.) The thickness of the wall at this point is 15.6″, d=13.6″. The amount of metal required, 9,=.34 sq. in. per foot of wall, which would indicate that one-half of the reinforcing bars may be stopped off at this point. It is necessary in all cantilever designs to investigate the anchorage of the vertical bars in the base. If the length of imbedment is not sufficient the bars may pull out, due to the shearing of the concrete around them. Using round corrugated bars a length of imbedment of 25 diameters will insure sufficient shearing strength. The vertical bars will accordingly be extended into the projection on the base as shown on detailed drawing, page 158. Design of Base-That part of the base back of the wall will be made sufficiently strong to lift the fill resting upon it in addition to its own weight. We will determine the bending moment on a vertical plane through the point C. Taking moments about C, we have: Moment due to fill =7035X2.06=14492 ft. lbs. Moment due to base-1012X2.25= 2277 ft. lbs. 16769 ft. lbs. =201228 in. lbs. The effective depth d, is 16", and the amount of reinforcement required is .88 sq. in. per lineal foot of wall. Use 3/4" corrugated rounds, 6'-6" long, spaced 6" on centers in the top of the slab. In the design of the toe, since the overhang is small, we will assume a uniform upward pressure of 2872 lbs. per sq. foot. The footing weighs 225 lbs. per sq. foot, and the effective upward pressure is 2872-225-2647 lbs. > 156 + Taking moments about B: M=(2X2647)XI=5294 ft. lbs.=63530 in. lbs. M。= 3×63530=190590 in. lbs., and applying equation 8. q= =.276 sq. in. 190590 43000X16 Use 5%" corrugated rounds 4′-0″ long, spaced 12″ on centers. It is desirable to fillet the corners, where the face wall joins the base, providing sufficient reinforcement in the rear fillet to carry the bending moment. Owing to the depth available for beam action 3/4" corrugated rounds, spaced 12" on centers will be sufficient. Longitudinal Reinforcement-As before stated the amount of longitudinal reinforcement required in the face wall is dependent upon the particular conditions-the position of the wall, its exposure and the probable range of temperature. Some longitudinal reinforcement is necessary in any event in both wall and base. We will use ½" corrugated rounds spaced 24" cts. in each side of the wall. If it is desired to provide fully for temperature stresses the amount of longitudinal reinforcement above the grade line should be increased to about .004 of the cross section. 157 9-67 9N07, 9-GI-SL7, 9: 5/8 C.R.-12 XTS 4-0"LONG VERTICALS - É CA 2-0 VERTICAL BARS• 3/4 CORR. ROUNDS 12 CTS. 16.4 "LONG. HORIZONTAL BARS · 1/2" C.R-2·0"CTS. IN EACH SIDE STAGGERED. ·VERTICAL BARS. & G.R. 12"CTS.-6'6" LONG 18" C.R.-12 CTS-4-0 LONG "C.R.•6" CTS-6-6" LONG LONGITUDINALS - 12. C.R. AS SHOWN. 8′-0″ CROSS SECTION Seba zaklanan pemeran pentele sun Cop pag pa pat - p Kam partem, ——vada pong Set Sp | Ka —— v v. S = pa sa p ===== -= Madde padać, zakaj za pada, per poten Jagata Zeta Sa p - pa s s cela coma ma Kod Sekadar, Tama ng So, ― === == R Come join v - - - - pp S TE REAR ELEVATION C — — ——— — pm ---- A s tem | St. J ← {p to - - == 1 • ———— 1 1 1 1 ======— B÷—— n per S poster paren — — S ——— U U Jan +=+ NOTE - 11 IN D WIZJI. HORIZONTAL SECTION DETAILS. - == " ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. CANTILEVER TYPE. ++++++++++* Poocom RETAINING WALL 16-0 HIGH. PROBLEM I. 158 h Problem 2-Design a cantilever wall, 16'-o" high, to retain an earth fill, the surface of which slopes upward at an angle 0=4=angle of repose of the material. Maximum allowable soil pressure, 5000 lbs. per sq. ft. 2:0" A H 3=0" K G B 0099* R-27200 - ору *...*. 2:0 15038*** C - Wc + We 10-0″ 0-0-30° We-8438 566° 396 265 6.52' E'. | P= 16400 I 4.21 „0-01 6.49 2:0" ,90·61 =,4 „0.91 We will determine the position of the center of gravity of the concrete section and of the earth prism by taking moments about the point I. 159 Center of Gravity of Wall- SECTION CONSIDERED. G F C B .... BCLK. ADIH • Totals • FCF .. EFE.. FCLDE. SECTION CONSIDERED. Totals .. ¿ AREA IN SQ. FT. ... . . . 18.75 5.25 20.00 44.00 Center of Gravity of Earth Prism- P 248.5 44.0 Distance from I to c g =5.'66. Weight of wall per lineal foot=44X150=6600 lbs.=Wc. Static moment about I=6600X5.66=37356 ft. lbs. AREA IN SQ. FT. 6.25 10.38 67.75 84.38 MOMENT ARM. 223.4-2.65. 84.38 6.22 6.00 5.00 ·COSO 2 37356+22350_59706 6600+8438 MOMENT ARM. Distance from I to c g Weight of earth prism per lineal foot=84.38X100-8438 lbs We. Static moment about Z=8438X2.'65=22350 ft. lbs. Distance to resultant, We+ We, 5.33 2.00 2.50 AREA MOMENT. 15038-3.96. The thrust P, acting parallel to the surface of the fill, may be determined by means of formula 2. wh2 2 100X 19.462 117.0 31.5 100.0 248.5 X.866=16400 lbs. AREA MOMENT. 33.3 20.7 169.4 223.4 160 The force P should be considered as applied on the plane I E, and at a point h' above the base. Combining P and (We+We) we obtain the resultant R=27200 lbs., which cuts the base at a point 6.'52 distant from I. Soil Pressure-The vertical component of R-23238 lbs. acting at a point 6.'52 from I. The average soil pressure is 2324 lbs. The maximum pressure at H is obtained as follows: The moment of the vertical component of R about the middle point of the base 23238X1.52=35400 ft. lbs. The moment of resistance of a rectangular section=M=&fbh², where f=stress on extreme fiber, b=width and h=depth of section. In this case : b=1'-0" and h=10'0". M=35400-ƒX 100, from which f=2124 lbs. The maximum soil pressure = 2324 + 2124 2324 + 2124 = 4448 lbs. The minimum soil pressure 2324-2124 = = 200 lbs. ― Stability Against Sliding-With a coefficient of friction of .5 the resistance to sliding would be .5X23238=11619 lbs. The total hori- zontal force tending to move wall is P cos 0=H=14200 lbs. It will be necessary therefore to provide a projection extending into the soil as shown. Reinforcement Required-The bending moment in the wall (per lineal foot) in the plane B-C may be obtained from Table 2, on page 146, which gives M-614400 in. lbs. for an h of 16′-0″. At this point d=22" and the amount of steel required as deter- mined by formula 9, for s=16500, is 1.98 sq. in. I Use 1" corrugated squares 6" on centers. Table 2 gives the bend- ing moments at various depths from which we can compute the amount of reinforcement required at these points. This operation leads to the conclusion that of the vertical bars should extend to the top of the wall; 3 should extend to within 3′-0″ of the top, and the remaining be stopped off at a point 7'-0" below the top of the wall. The vertical bars will have sufficient imbedment if extended to the underside of base. 161 Design of Base-The bending moment on the base in the plane. CF' is obtained by taking moments about the point C. Diagonal reinforcement will be placed in the rear fillet in sufficient amount to carry the bending moment at that point; the area required is approximately ½ sq. in. per lineal foot of wall-use 3/4" corrugated squares 12″ on cts.. a In the design of the toe we will determine the bending moment in the vertical plane through B. 9000 3:0° 11433 8 Moment due to fill =8438X28″=236000 in. lbs. Moment due to base=1500X30″= 45000 in. lbs. 281000 in. lbs. 158 d=22" and q=.90 sq. in. Use 1" corrugated squares 12" cts. 3174 7:0° 200 To determine the average pressure on the toe draw the diagram showing soil pressures. The average pressure on the overhang will be ½ (4448+3174) =3811 lbs. per □'. The resultant of this reaction will pass through the center of gravity of the trapezoid a b c d, which is 1.58 ft. from bc. Mo=1.58X(3X3811)X12=217000 in. lbs. (ult.) To resist this moment there will be required .72 sq. in. of steel assuming_d=22 inches, and we will use %" corr. squares 12" cts. Longitudinal Reinforcement-We will not provide fully for temperature stresses, but will arbitrarily use ½" corr. squares spaced 24″ cts. in each face. 162 # 07/ VERTICALS 1/2" C.S: 2·6075 3-0 "! ·· ..... 78 CORR. SQ. 12" CTS- 4:6 LONG :// 12" (VERTICAL BARS-I "C.5.-18 CTS. 16-6"LONG 7 VERTICAL BARS - 1 "C.S.-18 "CTS. 10 LONG HORIZONTALS - 2 6.5. ·2·0 CTS. IN EACH FACE STAGGERED 1 2-0 K VERTICAL BARS - 1 C.5. 18 CTS. 9:6 "LONG " 2:0" ¾/14 0.5. 12 (TS. 5'O'LONG ICORR. SQ. 12 CTS-70 LONG, 10=0" CROSS SECTION N === P ====+=+==+=+==+F U B U U U REAR ELEVATION NOTE. 퓨 ​AL sit HORIZONTAL SECTION DETAILS Patt == CANTILEVER TYPE. meta ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED SQUARES. = RETAINING WALL 16-0" HIGH. PROBLEM 2. 163 The following example illustrates the methods of design suggested for this type of retaining wall. Problem 3-Design a buttress wall 25′-0″ high to retain an earth fill weighing 100 pounds per cubic foot; surface of fill horizontal; the value of to be taken as 30°. Maximum allowable soil pressure 4000 pounds per square foot. A H G BUTTRESS WALLS. 4:0" 126 2'0", = 104925 Wc с BUTTRESSES- 100" ON CENTERS AND 18" THICK 7.63 Wc+ We = 296425* We=191500 5.51' 14-0" 4.37' 8:6" ********* 8.44' E 18" I 160; & 23-0" 2:0 25'-0" H-104170 4-8 NOTE - FORCES GIVEN FOR 10 FT. LENGTH We will assume the section shown herewith, and investigate its stability and strength. To determine the position of the center of gravity of the wall, we will consider a section 10'-0" long. 164 Center of Gravity of Wall, moments taken about I- SECTION CONSIDERED. Coping.. Face Wall.. Fillet... Base... Buttress.. Totals.. SECTION CONSIDERED. CDEF.... FED………. VOLUME CU. FT. Totals.... 25.0 217.5 7.5 7.5 280.0 15.0 147.0 699.5 VOLUME CU. FT. 1760.0 155.0 1915.0 8385 1915 | 5332.2 Distance from I to c g 699.5 Weight of ten foot length of wall=699.5X150=104925 lbs. Static moment about I, for section 10'-0" long= 104925X7.63=800000 ft. lbs. Center of Gravity of Earth Prism, moments taken about I- MOMENT ARM. 9.33 9.50 10.25 10.83 =7.'63. =4.37. 7.00 0.75 6.16 MOMENT ARM. 4.50 3.00 VOLUME MOMENT. Distance from I, to the resultant, We+W.= 800000+836000_____1636000 233.0 2065.0 76.7 81.3 1960.0 II.2 905.0 5332.2 Distance from I to c g= Weight of earth per ten feet of wall=1915X100=191500 lbs. Static moment about I, for section 10'-0" long= 191500X4.37=836000 ft. lbs. VOLUME MOMENT. 7920.0 465.0 8385.0 =5.'51. 104925+191500 296425 The horizontal thrust, H, on a wall 25'-0" high is 10417 lbs. per lineal foot, see Table 1, page 146. The thrust on a ten foot length would be 104170 lbs. Combining this thrust with We+ We, we obtain the final resultant R, which has a value of 314000 lbs., and cuts the base at a distance of 2.'93 from the line We+ We, or 8.'44 from the point I. 165 Soil Pressure-The weight of the wall and earth prism per lineal foot is 29642 lbs. The average soil pressure equals 29642 =2120 lbs. 14 By the methods illustrated in Problem 2, the maximum soil pressure is found to be 3430 lbs. per sq. ft., and the minimum 810 lbs. per sq. ft. The maximum and minimum soil pressure may be readily computed by means of the following formula: p=max. or min. soil pressure per sq. ft. W=total load per lineal foot on soil, in this case Wo+We. e eccentricity of R-distance from center of base to point where resultant cuts under side of base. l-width of base. Stability Against Sliding-With a coefficient of friction of .5 the resistance to sliding, per lineal foot of wall, would be .5X29642= 14821 lbs. The horizontal thrust per foot of wall is 10417 lbs. A projection will, however, be provided at the heel, which will serve the additional purpose of giving sufficient anchorage to the buttress reinforcement Reinforcement Required-Face wall. The face wall will be designed as a continuous horizontal beam, and reinforcing bars will be placed near the rear face at the abutments and extending to the quarter points of the span. The thickness of the wall is 12" and d=10″. I Bending moments will be figured by the formula M———wľ². 12 Depth. h. W бе p= (1+6e). 仕 ​ι The following table gives the bending moment and the amount of reinforcement required at various depths: 2' 6' 10' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 22' Unit Pressure. 67 lbs. 200 lbs. 333 lbs. in which 400 lbs. 467 lbs. 533 lbs. 600 lbs. 667 lbs. 733 lbs. • Bend. Mom. 100P. M= X12 12 6700 in. lbs. 20000 in. lbs. 33300 in. lbs. 40000 in. lbs. 46700 in. lbs. 53300 in. lbs. 60000 in. lbs. 66700 in. lbs. 73300 in. lbs. q M .86 sd. .05 sq. in. .14 sq. in. .23 sq. in. .28 sq. in. .33 sq. in. .38 sq. in. .42 sq. in. .47 sq. in. .52 sq. in. Reinforcement. Size and Spacing. ½" Corr. Rounds, 12″ ½" Corr. Rounds, 12" ½" Corr. Rounds, 10" "Corr. Rounds, 8" ½" Corr. Rounds, 7″ ½" Corr. Rounds, 6" " Corr. Rounds, 5½" 2" Corr. Rounds, 5" "Corr. Rounds, 4½" Vertical bars in front face; ½" corr. rounds, 2′-0″ on centers. • 166 Base-That part of the base back of the face wall will be designed as a continuous horizontal beam, and made strong enough to lift the earth resting upon it as well as its own weight. It must also be designed to resist the upward reaction of the earth when this exceeds the weight of the materials above the section considered. Longitudinal reinforcement in bottom of slab, in rear of face wall. Owing to the continuous action moments will be figured on the basis I wl2, and top reinforcement will be provided extending to the 12 For a section 12″ quarter points. The load per sq. foot is 2600 lbs. wide, 3430 M= 4-0" 12220 K 12 d=21" and using a working stress of 16500 lbs. per sq. in. q=.88 sq. in. Use %" corrugated rounds 8″ on centers, top and bottom. 2,08 I 12/1214 I2 2680 w?²====X2600X10X12=260000 in. Ibs. 2 10=0" DESIGN OF TOE. 810 is: The bending moment in the base at the vertical plane through B, 12220X2.08X12=305000 in. lbs. If we neglect the fillet and take d=21", the amount of reinforcement required is 1.02 sq. in. per foot. Use 1" corrugated rounds spaced 9″ on centers; make 2/3 of the bars 7'-0" long, and the remainder 13′-0″ long. Buttresses-The buttresses act as vertical beams attached to the base by the inclined reinforcing bars. The total stress in the steel necessary to anchor the buttress is obtained by dividing the overturn- ing moment (due to the thrust of the earth above the plane A-D on ten lineal feet of wall) by the lever arm of the steel, which may be taken as .86 Dr. 167 н K B Figure 12. 9 From Table 1, page 146, the bend- ing moment due to a fill of 23′-0″ is 811133-inch lbs. per foot of wall; for one buttress the moment would be 10X811133=8111330 inch lbs. The area of metal required at an allowed stress of 16500 lbs. per square inch, would be: 8111330 .86 X 96 X 16500 5.07 sq. in. This amount of reinforcement will not be required for the full height of the buttress; for example, the bending moment at a point 15'-0" below the top is 2250000 in. lbs., the q required is 2.03 sq. in. Use 6-1%" corrugated rounds, two of which extend to the top of the buttress, two to a point 5'-0" below the top, and two to a point 15'-0" below the top. It is necessary to have some vertical reinforcement to transfer the load from the base plate to the buttress; this will be as shown on the detailed drawing. The face wall should also be tied to the buttress by means of horizontal bars as shown. These bars should have sufficient area to transfer the horizontal thrust to the buttress without assistance from the concrete, and should be hooked over the horizontal bars in the face wall. 168 // 23 " 5 SP. @.12 1/2 CORR ROUNDS, HORIZONTAL BARS - SP.@ 10 @ 81 SP. 5 SP. 4 SP. 43P. 3SP. 35P. @ 7 @5/2 @ 6 @4/2 FO стя • VERTICALS HORIZONTAL BARS REAR FACE TTTT ======= == "/ I"C.R- 9CTS EVERY 3RD BAR FULL LENGTH SEE PLAN 1 נד Q === 12 B pagtat S [1 J] 11 0 11 ** £2 11 === #1 1: [1 ======== 2-18 C.R.. 27-0° LONG ========== n Si == HORIZONTAL BARS: EACH SIDE=. 1/2 C.R. SPACED AS SHOWN HOOKED OVER HORIZONTAL BARS IN FACE WALL A == 1 Į ——— ព 777777TTI 5-0 LONG. 11 #1 - រ .0 ม P 11 = 11 JI ]] 11 U #F kakakakak # 14-0 11 11 11 = 11 11 Li 4 VERTICALS-EACH SIDE 4 C.R.-AS SHOWN 2-18 CR-22・OLONG "1 11 11 n (1 h A H [1 Į + =====# -- n 8 DE It ===== il #t " ANT 78GR. 8.CTS. TOP BARS-5-0 LONG. #111 2-18 C.R. lek: THE !!! CROSS SECTION. 12-0 LONG الالا THE • LEUT 18. 18 T ܒ =₁F=+=== **** = 14 13 11 IF IF # d ==} C 0 10.0" REAR ELEVATION == T Odkdkdkd H C = === # #====== FA ANAH 18 ++: ++++ FF 2000 *** ** i+++* ရိုး *** ++++ BUTTRESS TYPE == Life Dama venta ef þ D—— A ŞOU ŞUN CON DO MERES CHICA CORA Čo — aus olla pass wa +++ mama uma caušļa servo cacaan doa mo sa da se fa La casa pa glass vases made van — « A == HORIZONTAL SECTION 1 - - soft cam c — A D A QU ** CO COM QUÉ jams pando C Take a man =* K Ca Scat sa ak gaman sa ----more SA A De fa co co je za d P NOTE- ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. DETAILS RETAINING WALL 25-0" HIGH 2 cm my saken grant parts get man pat bus gerai pak sa DA MORAS SEEN BEDRA YOON METER MOUNT PROBLEM 3. 109 USEFUL INFORMATION. COEFFICIENTS OF FRICTION. The following table gives average values of the coefficients of friction. The values are subject to wide variation in individual cases: Masonry on dry clay. Masonry on wet clay. Masonry on masonry • .50 · .33 .60 Brick work on brick work. .5 to .7 Timber on timber Timber on stone .2 to .5 .4 ANGLE OF REPOSE, 9. The natural slope of most materials used for filling purposes is roughly 1½ to I, corresponding to an angle of 34° with the horizontal. With wet sand may become as small as 15°. i WEIGHTS OF MATERIALS. Pounds per Cubic Foot. Sand, dry... Sand, wet. Earth, loose.. Earth, rammed. Gravel .. Rock concrete.. Granite or lime stone masonry, well dressed • • • 90-110 lbs. 110-120 lbs. 75-90 lbs. 100 lbs. 120-135 lbs. 150 lbs. 165 lbs. • # 170 INDEX, OCTOBER NUMBER. Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Construction.. Buttress Walls-Detailed Design.... Cantilever Walls, Detailed Designs- Problem I.. Problem 2.... Diagram of Forces Acting on a Retaining Wall- Surface of Fill Horizontal... Surface of Fill not Horizontal. Earth Pressure-Discussion Earth Pressures, etc., Tables 1 and 2 • Formulæ for Use in Designing. Notes on Design Specifications for Materials. Useful Information • • • • • • • • Page 143 164 • • • 153 159 148 149 144 146 151 147 150 170 See page 38 (Bulletin No. 1) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. See page 76 (Bulletin No. 2) for Index on Detailed Design of Typical Building and Complete Analysis of the Strength of Rectangular and T-shaped Beams. See page 107 (Bulletin No. 3) for Index on Methods of Design and Standard Loadings for Highway Bridges. See page 139 (Bulletin No. 4) for Index on Standard Designs for Bridges and Culverts for Highway Traffic. 171 Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. 1 DECEMBER, 1908 RESERVOIRS Discussion of the special problems met with in the de- sign of reservoirs, with some remarks on this type of structure. Detailed design of rectangular reservoir, with vertical walls backed with earth fill; reservoir divided into two compartments by a partition wall. BULLETIN No. 7, VOL. 1, WILL TREAT OF CONDUITS AND SEWERS. THIS NUMBER WILL BE PUBLISHED IN MARCH, 1909. No. 6 CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT, 1908, BY Corrugated BAR COMPANY 4 REINFORCED CONCRETE RESERVOIRS. The exterior walls of reservoirs must be designed as dams to resist the lateral pressure of the water and also as retaining walls, capable of holding the earth backing, should the reservoir be built in excavation or the side walls be banked with earth. Reservoir walls are then practically retaining walls, and a reinforced concrete design will be superior to a heavy masonry or plain concrete structure. In fact, the features which make reinforced concrete so desirable for the construction of retaining walls make it even more desirable for the construction of reservoir walls. Briefly summarized, the advantages of a reinforced concrete design over these others are as follows: / I. Greater stability at less cost. 2. Lower and more uniform soil pressure. 3. The practicability of reinforcing against temperature stresses. 4. The possibility of using such sections as could not be constructed of the other ma- terials generally used. For the construction of the roof of covered reservoirs, especially when an earth fill is to be placed upon it, reinforced concrete, owing to its permanence, is superior to all other usual materials, as the ele- ments of decay and corrosion are most active under such conditions. Reservoirs of rectangular shape may be Types of Reinforced roughly divided into two classes; first, those Concrete Reservoirs. with vertical side walls; second, those with sloping exterior walls. We are not considering those structures in which the reinforced concrete construction merely acts as a lining for the earth embankment. TYPE I. VERTICAL WALLS.-This type of reservoir is usually constructed partly in excavation—the excavated material is generally used as a backing for the walls. The backing must not, however, be relied upon to assist in maintaining the stability of the wall. It is possible that the fill may exert no active pressure on the wall; in fact, when the fill is mainly clay it may even shrink away from the back of the wall. (Such materials as sand or other granular substances with- out cohesion between the particles, will, of course, exert an active pressure.) The walls then should be designed as retaining walls to hold back the earth when the reservoir is empty, and must also be figured for the water pressure, neglecting such horizontal earth pres- sure as may exist. With this type of wall it is necessary to prevent the development of an hydraulic head under the base. Adequate provision should also be made against failure by sliding on the foundation and a projection extending into the soil should be provided in all cases. 175 TYPE 2. SLOPING WALLS.-This type of wall, which is illustrated in Figure 1, is desirable and economical under some conditions. The deck B-C is carried on the buttresses or walls B-C-D, which in turn may be carried on a con- tinuous footing or rest on isolated footings. When a rock foundation is available the buttresses are built directly upon same and the apron A-B let into the rock a suitable depth. With independent footings A Figure 1. a small leakage would not endanger the stability of the wall and could easily be taken care of. This type of structure has been extensively used for dams and has proven entirely successful. B D There are various methods of making concrete water-tight, using the term in a general way, but it should be remembered that the thoroughness of the mixing and the method of placing the concrete are most important factors. The use of graded mixtures, the introduction of special waterproofing materials into the mix, and surface treatment are three well-defined methods. Water-Tight Concrete. In regard to the use of graded mixtures, it may be stated that the densest concrete that can be made with the given materials will be the most impervious to water. The richer the mix the more nearly water- proof will the concrete be. For practical reasons it is evident that an excess of fine aggregate is required in concrete for this class of work. Surface treatment may consist in plastering the wall, immediately after the removal of the forms if possible, with a coat of cement and sand mortar. This coating is usually from one-half to three-quarters of an inch thick, and lime paste is sometimes added for smoothness in working. It is essential that the surface of the coating be well trowelled, as the hard skin developed by such treatment is practically waterproof. A cement wash is sometimes used, applied with a brush. On horizontal or inclined surfaces the surface of the concrete should be worked and trowelled, giving the effect of a a cement coating. Another method of surface treatment is the use of asphalt of tar- product mixtures used alone or in combination with felt or similar waterproofing fabrics. In addition, there are various proprietary waterproofing compounds of more or less merit. A standard way of waterproofing is the use of an inch layer of asphalt poured hot. between the face of the main wall and a thin protecting wall of brick or concrete built in front of it and carried up as the work progresses. 176 The concrete walls may be made water- tight by any of the methods outlined in the preceding paragraphs. Very frequently no special provisions are made except that of special care in the mixing and placing of the concrete. The degree of water-tightness to be attained governs the method to be adopted. The design of the floor is a most important item in reservoir construction. For small reservoirs it is desirable to put in the floor monolithic with the walls and reinforce it in both directions for tem- perature and shrinkage cracks. In larger work it is customary to place the floor upon a layer of clay puddle--the concrete being sepa- rated into blocks for its full depth and the joints run with hot asphalt filler. The Waterproofing of Reservoirs. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. Reinforcing Steel-All reinforcing steel used in retaining wall construction shall be rolled to such form that it has a positive mechanical bond with the concrete. Adhesive bond will not be con- sidered sufficiently reliable for this class of structures. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined. by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch, ultimate strength not less than 1Xelastic limit. The percentage of elongation in 8" must not be less than given by the formula : Percentage of elongation= 1,400,000 Ult. Strength 5. Bending Test-Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius equal to three times the least diameter of the specimen, without sign of fracture. Cement-Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements. of the specifications adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. Sand-Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter; a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. Coarse Aggregate-Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone, or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum-sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by 177 passing over a one-quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. Proportions of Mix-Concrete for wall, base, and buttresses to be mixed in the proportion of one part cement to six parts aggrègate; proportions by volume taking one bag containing not less than 94 pounds of cement, equal to one cubic foot of cement. The proportions of fine and coarse aggregate used shall be chosen so as to give a concrete of maximum density; in no case, however, may the amount of fine aggregate be less than 50 per cent of the coarse. FORMULAE FOR USE IN DESIGNING. All formulæ for the strength of reinforced concrete beams are necessarily based on the physical properties of the concrete and steel. The formulæ proposed in this bulletin are based upon a concrete with a compressive strength of 2,000 pounds per square inch and upon the use of mechanical bond reinforcing bars which have an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds per square inch; the critical amount of reinforce- ment, under these conditions, being .0085 bd. ULTIMATE STRENGTH Let M=moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. M。 ultimate moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. р q=area of reinforcement. p percentage of steel-g÷bd. Felastic limit of steel=50,000 lbs. b All dimensions as shown, in inches, and stresses in lbs. per sq. in. Then we have for rectangular beams: Mo 370 bd2 for g=.0085 bd (1) Mo=.86 Fp bi =.86X50,000 Xp ba. .(2) =43,000 p bď, using high elastic limit corrugated bars. (For complete discussion of these formulæ, see May and June bulletins) and for various percentages; • WORKING STRESSES. If it is desired to design for working stresses in the steel, use the formula: M=sqX.86 d, where s=unit stress in the steel..(3) 178 NOTES AND SUGGESTIONS ON DESIGN. In the detailed design which follows we have endeavored to bring out the important points, but the following disconnected notes may have a suggestive value. • Reservoir walls when banked with earth must be designed to resist the maximum thrust that the fill may exert, assuming the reservoir empty. It is possible, however, that at times the earth may not exert any active pressure on the wall and may even shrink away from the back face. The wall must therefore have sufficient stability to resist the water pressure, assuming the fill to exert no lateral pressure. Reservoir walls and retaining walls have failed by moving bodily forward while preserving their perpendicular position, and all designs should be investigated for frictional stability against sliding. The coefficient of friction of concrete on wet soil is low and a projection or toe extending into the soil should be used in all cases. The reservoir site should be drained, not only to preserve the bearing power of the soil but also to prevent the development of an hydraulic head outside of the reservoir which might destroy the floor when the reservoir is emptied. Longitudinal reinforcement should be provided in all walls, even if expansion joints are introduced. It is usually considered that four- tenths of one per cent of reinforcement, using high elastic limit steel, will be sufficient to prevent cracks. The maximum soil pressure should be computed in all cases, as it is often the controlling factor in the design of the base. 179 The following table gives the intensity of the horizontal pressure, p, at any depth, h, the total pressure H, above the section considered, and the overturning moment, M, in inch lbs., at the section A-B: . 1 - 1 h ، ܐ ܕ ܐ ܐ ܕ feet. 1 2 3 ◄ LO 1 4 5 ON 6 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 EARTII, HORIZONTAL SURface. w=100 lbs. ***** 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ان } [ H= % wh2 =3 pounds. pounds. p=3 wh 33 29 67 SA 100 35 133/4 167/3 200/ 233: 267 22 300: 7 3338 367 400-5 433 467 400 TABLE I. Lwin yard 500+2 5335 56748 600 633 13 667, *. 700 le 733617 1 - 767 800 833 775 1000€ 86774+ 900772 933 8 01/ 967 83b -67 5 150/2 17/4 267 2 417-367 замен P H 600 817 7 1067 9/5 1350/ 166754 514 A / } 案 ​2017 2400 2817 3267** (> 3750 42675 4817 5400 6017 66672 7350' 8067 € 88177565 9600 7 × 10417 X 112677 12150 Pas 13067 14017 15000 (287 2- 1 13 2 wo 1 Overturning Moment M='s wh³×12 inch pounds. 6754 533 1800/54 42673647 3333 7/40 14400 22867 34133 24 48600- // 6666757 887337612 115200 146467 182933 225000/ 273067 * P ¿ ? हू ==== 811133 921600 1041667 1171733 1312200 1463467 1625933 $ 1800000, 51- } 1 11 ش feet. h } 32753317 388800 335% 18 L 457267 3 19 5333337 20 617400 21 7098677 ३ 22 23 .. > 1 2 CT A CON 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 - 24 < 25 · 26 ***27 28 29 1 30 2465/tal FLUID PREssure. w=62.5 lbs. A TABLE II. p=wh H=2ph pounds. pounds. 31 125 281 500 781 1125 1531 2000 2531 3125 3781 4500 5281 6125 7031 8000 9031 62.5 125.0 187.5 250.0 312.5 375.0 437.5 500.0 562.5 625.0 687.5 750.0 812.5 875.0 937.5 1000.0 1062.5 1125.0 1187.5 1250.0 1312.5 1375.0 1437.5 1500.0 1562.5 1625.0 -21125 1687.5 22781 1750,0 24500 1812.5 26281 1875.0 28125 H 10125 11281 12500 13781 15125 16531 18000 19531 h/3 Overturning Moment M=4Hh inch pounds. 124 1000 3372 8000 15620 27000 42868 64000 91116 125000 166364 216000 274612 343000 421860 512000 614108 729000 857356 1000000 1157604 1331000 1520852 1728000 1953100 2197000 2460348 2744000 3048596 3375000 • 180 K DETAILED DESIGN OF RECTANGULAR RESERVOIR Problem.-Design a rectangular reservoir, with vertical sides, 200 feet long and 100 feet wide, and divided into two compartments by a partition wall. Distance from floor of reservoir to top of walls to ´be 20' 0"; maximum depth of water, 18′ o"; distance from floor of reservoir to average grade of ground to be 10 o". Earth to be banked against walls as shown. Working stress in the steel to be 16000 lbs. per ". / 4-0" 12:0 0-8/ CLAY PUDDLE DRAIN 6-0" 1-6″ 7-0" Jos de 17:0 R= * F Wc+ We 2:0 6.45' GRADE LINE H= 94075 11:0" 8.51' 3 18 Forces shown are for a section of wall 12′ 6″ long. The resultant R does not include water pressure. 2.7 7.08' P 20:0″ 12 1-9 • We will assume the section shown herewith and investigate its stability and strength. Since the buttresses are 12′ 6″ on centers this length of wall will be considered in the design. 181 Center of Gravity of Concrete Section, moments taken about P. Table refers to a section of wall 12′ 6″ long. SECTION CONSIDERED. Coping. Face Wall.. (Above B. C.) • Buttress. Fillet. Base... Projection. • • Totals.... SECTION CONSIDERED. VOLUME CU. FT. HDEFG.. HEFG.. 18.7 212.5 (Over Buttress.) Totals... 138.0 I 19.0 371.8 18.7 878.7 7838.6 878.7 VOLUME CU. FT. MOMENT ARM. . Distance from P to cg= Weight of section 12′ 6″ long=878.7X150=131800 lbs. Static moment about P=131800X8.92=1,175,000 ft. lbs. 2135 118 10'.25 10.30 2253 6'.84 II.25 8'.50 o'.75 We will now determine the weight and the position of the center of gravity of the earth prism, HCDEFG, resting upon the base of the wall, as we will consider the vertical pressure due to the earth in the design. -8.'92. MOMENT ARM. VOLUME MOMENT. 5'. II 3.37 192.2 2188.2 943.9 1340.0 3160.3 14.0 7838.6 =5.02 ft. VOLUME MOMENT. 10910 398 11308 11308 Distance from P to cg= 2253 Weight of earth prism, 12′ 6″ long=2253X100=225300 lbs. Static moment about P=225300X5.02=1,130,800 ft. lbs. The distance from P to the center of gravity of the combined earth and concrete sections 1175000+1130800___2305800 131800+225300 357100 -6.'45. Having determined the weight of the section and the position of the center of gravity, we will proceed to investigate its stability under the pressure of the earth, assuming the reservoir to be empty, and also when subjected to the pressure of the water. 182 I • I. STABILITY AGAINST EARTH PRESSURE. We will assume that the intensity of the horizontal pressure exerted by the earth against the wall at any point is equal to one- third of the vertical pressure at that point; also that the resultant horizontal pressure acts at a point, h, above the base. (For a discussion of earth pressure against retaining walls, see Bulletin No. 5). In order to simplify the calculation, we will assume that the sur- face of the fill is horizontal and of indefinite extent, at an elevation of six inches below the top of the wall. Distance from under side of base to top of fill is 21'-3″. The horizontal thrust, H, for a fill of 21'-3", taking the weight of the fill as 100 lbs. per cu. ft.=}{} wh²= The thrust on a section 12′-6″ long would be 7526X12.5=94075 lbs. acting at a distance of 7.08 ft. above the under side of base. Combining this thrust with the weight of the combined earth and concrete section (W.+ W.), we obtain the final resultant R, which has a value of 369000 lbs. and cuts the under side of the base at a distance of 8.31 ft. from the point P. The soil pressure under these conditions would be practically uniform, as the resultant passes very near to the center of the base. Average soil pressure per sq. foot then equals: 357100 12.5 X 17 =1680 lbs. The section will evidently be stable under the assumed forces, and we will determine the amount of reinforcement required in the various parts. Face Wall-The face wall will be designed as a continuous hor- izontal beam; bending moments will be computed by the formula M= === wr². I 12 The following table gives the bending moments and the amount of reinforcement required in the front face of the wall at various depths: 1 X100X21.25²=7526 lbs. per lineal foot. Depth. h. 5' 10' 12' 14' 16' Unit Pressure. 167 lbs. 333 lbs. 400 lbs. 467 lbs. 533 lbs. Bending Moment. 26100 in. lbs. 52000 in. lbs. 62500 in. lbs. 73000 in. lbs. 83500 in. lbs. g= M .86sd. .22 sq. in. .37 sq. in. .41 sq. in. .45 sq. in. .50 sq. in. Reinforcement. Size and Spacing. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 12″ cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 10" cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 9" cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 8" cts. 5" Corr. Rounds, 7" cts. 183 i The vertical bars in the front face, and the back face, carry the shear due to the weight of the water on the toe into the face wall, and will be 5/8" corr. rounds spaced 24″ cts. in each face. DESIGN OF BASE. Rear Part-That part of the base back of the face wall will be designed as a continuous horizontal beam between buttresses, and will be made strong enough to lift the earth resting upon it in addi- tion to its own weight. It must also be designed to resist the upward reaction of the earth should this exceed the weight of the material above the section considered. A The load per square foot =2220 lbs. For a section 12" wide A Toe-The toe acts as a cantilever beam carrying the reaction of the earth beyond the face wall. I M= = wr² = 1 X 2220X12.52×12=347000 in. lbs. I 2012 12 12 =1.4 sq. in. Use 1" corr. rounds=7" cts. in bottom of slab. I P B 3:01 6:0" 347000 d=18" and 9.86X18X16000 B 11:0" Soil pressure is 1680 lbs., and taking the average weight of the con- crete toe as 300 lbs. per sq. ft. we have, taking moments, about B, M=(1680—300)6X3X12=298000 Figure 4. =1.14 sq. in. Use 1" corr. ronnds, spaced 12" cts. Make one-third of the bars 16'-0" long and the remainder 12'-0" long. Figure 5. in. lbs. Taking d=19" we have 298000 9¯¯¯.86×19×16000 DESIGN OF BUTTRESSES. Buttresses-The buttresses act as vertical beams attached to the base by the inclined reinforcing bars. The total stress in the steel necessary to anchor the buttress is obtained by dividing the overturning moment by the lever arm of the steel, which may be taken as .86 or. 184 } From Table I., page 180, the bending moment due to a fill of 19'-6″ will be found by interpolation to be 495300 in. lbs. per foot of wall; for one buttress the moment would be 12.5X495300=6190000 in. lbs. 6190000 9.86X100 X16000 4.5 sq. in. Use six I" corr. rounds in rear of buttress. Extend two bars the full height, two to a point five feet below the top, and the remaining two to a point twelve feet below the top. It is necessary to have some vertical reinforcement to transfer the load from the base plate to the buttress; this will be as shown on the detailed drawing. The face wall should also be tied to the buttress by means of horizontal bars as shown. These bars should have sufficient area to transfer the horizontal thrust to the buttress without assistance from the concrete, and should be hooked over the horizontal bars in the face wall. 185 II. STABILITY AGAINST WATER PRESSURE. This investigation will be based on the following assumptions: I, That the back fill is in place before the reservoir is filled. 2. That the fill exerts a vertical pressure on the base but may not exert an active horizontal pressure on the face wall. 3. That the weight of the water resting on the toe assists in maintaining equilibrium. 4. That adequate drainage will be provided so that an hydraulic head cannot develop under the base. 12-0" H=128125* K Ww-81800 # 6-0" H *0068€/ 186 # Wc+ We + Ww = Wc+We = 357100 (62.5×12.5×6) (16.0+18.8 2 R• 457000# 11-02 7:85 6:45 14=0″ 11-0" ~5.60 * 4140 The resultant R does not include any lateral pressure due to fill. The weight of water resting on the toe, considering a section of wall 12'-6" long, will be: P =81800 lbs.=Ww. 6;/ 1 We will consider that the resultant water pressure acts at a distance of 14'-0" from P. The position of (We+ We+Ww) may be found as follows: 357100X 6.45-2304000 81800X14.00=1145200 438900 The horizontal pressure per foot of wall, due to a depth of water of 18′-0″, is 10125. See Table 2, page 180. For a 12'-6" length of wall, H=12.5×10125=128125 lbs. Combining H and (We+ We+ Ww), we find R-457000 lbs., which cuts the under side of the base at a distance of 5.60 ft. from P. Since the resultant practically cuts the third point of the base, the soil pressure at the heel will be twice the average, while that at the toe will be zero. 1. Depth (from top of wall.) 5' 10' 12' 14' 16' 3449200 438900 438900 17 X 12.5 Solid pressure at heel-4140 lbs. per sq. ft. NOTE-Any horizontal pressure that may be exerted by the earth backing will add to the stability of the wall. Whether or not an active pressure is exerted against the wall depends on the nature of the fill and other conditions-in any event, it should not be considered in the design. pear фило wita tu Average soil pressure= Unit Pressure. * sa? { } 3449200 =7.85 ft. Bending Moment. 187.5 lbs. 500.0 lbs. 29200 in. lbs. 78200 in. lbs. 625.0 lbs. 97800 in. lbs. 750.0.lbs. 117500 in. lbs. 875.0 lbs. 137000 in. lbs. Ľ M Q .86sd. C pr b P ++ A Fi-Fal Face Wall-The face wall will be designed as a continuous hori- zontal beam; bending moments will be computed by the formula, M=2w12. ا : ܝܝ ܬ =2070 lbs. 0.26 sq. in. .58 sq. in. .68 sq. in. .71 sq. in. .85 sq. in. L way بشر $ meri ALU J4 - L Reinforcement. 1. R f น The following table gives the bending moments on a twelve-inch strip of wall at the depths shown; also the amount of horizontal reinforcement required in the rear face. ** anf ܐ Ch t 1 Lad 6-24 Size and Spacing. += +6 Fo ; C "/ the bene the b 2 L centi ت 5%" Corr. Rounds, 12 cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 6" cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 5%" cts. 5/8 5%" Corr. Rounds, 5 cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 4½" cts. "/ A pom 187 DESIGN OF BASE. Rear Part-That part of the base back of the face wall should be designed as a continuous horizontal beam between buttresses to resist the upward reaction of the soil minus the weight of the material directly above it. The weight of the soil and base is (19.5×100+ 1.75X150)=2112 lbs. The maximum upward reaction is at the heel and is equal to 4140-2112=2028 lbs. This loading would require the same amount of reinforcement as was used in the under side of the base when designed to lift the fill resting upon it. In any event since moments have been figured at w/ the amount of reinforcement in the top of the slab should not be less than in the bottom. " corr. rounds-7" cts. in top of slab. We will use I Toe-The toe will be made suffi- ciently strong to lift the water resting upon it. Taking moments about B, we have M=6500X3X12=234000 in. lbs. Assuming an effective d of 37″ 234000 .86X 37X16000 .46 sq. in. Use 34" corr. rounds-12" cts. placed as shown. Longitudinal reinforcement in toe will consist of 1" corrugated rounds as shown. A 6500lbs 3′0″ 6:0 B ཤ་ H=128125 lbs A 11-0" 6=0" B C | DESIGN OF BUTTRESS. D 11-0" q= q= E 9224000 103 X 16000 The buttress must resist the overturning moment due to horizontal pressure of the water on a 12'-6" length of wall. Taking moments about r in the plane of D—E, we have M=128125X6X12=9224000 inch lbs. The reinforcing steel would be placed vertically in the front face of the buttress and the lever arm may be taken as .86 of the distance or= .86X120"=103" 5.6 sq. inches. L " 188 Use seven I" corr. rounds. corr. rounds. Extend three of these bars to the top of the wall; two to within five feet of the top and stop off the remaining bars at a point ten feet below the top. In order to provide sufficient anchorage for these bars and to make the fillet available for imbedment purposes, seven special U-shaped 3/4" corr. round stirrups will be placed in the base at each buttress, as shown on the drawings. STABILITY AGAINST SLIDING ON THE BASE. Considering no active horizontal pressure of the earth, the force tending to move the wall laterally is 10125 lbs. per foot of wall. The vertical load per foot of wall== =35100 lbs. With a coefficient of friction of .33, for concrete on wet clay, the frictional resistance to sliding is 35100X.33=11700 lbs., which is greater than the lateral force tending to move the wall. The projection at the heel gives additional security against sliding and also affords sufficient depth for the imbedment of the inclined reinforcing bars at the back of the buttress. 438900 12.5 TEMPERATURE STRESSES. 3 10 With thin walls it is usually considered that % to 1% of 1% of reinforcement will prevent cracks. The face walls are reinforced with longitudinal bars in both faces with an excess of metal in the upper part of the wall. The longitudinal reinforcement should be sufficient to take care of temperature stresses. 189 DIVISION WALL. The top of the division wall will be 12" below the top of the side walls and the under side of the bases of both walls will be at the same elevation. This wall will be designed to withstand water pressure on either side and will be symmetrical about a vertical center line. We will assume the section shown herewith and investigate its stability and strength. H=10125* M b A 18 * Ww = 7380 1:69 4:60 n We+Ww=20080 S Blo E N K 13700 = Wc R=22500 2=0" 16~0~ 5.72 Forces shown are for one lineal foot of wall. ··· • H The weight of a section of wall one foot long will be determined. Weight of DEFC=150 X 16X3.75, 2 4500 lbs. Weight of BCFG=150X3.75X9.5=5350 lbs. Weight of ABGH=150X1X6 Weight of KLIJ=150X2X1.5 =2400 lbs. = 450 lbs. Total .. 12700 lbs. 3-9 190 Center of Gravity and Weight of Prism of Water Resting on Base-We will assume, for the purpose of computation, that the water occupies the area MBCN. The following table gives the information desired: SECTION CONSIDERED. MnCb... n NC... Bb C. Totals. MOMENTS TAKEN ABOUT M. VOLUME CU. FT. 97.5 8.4 12.2 118.1 ! Distance from M to cg- MOMENT ARM. 7380X4.6 7380+12700 3.25' 6.87' 2.17 401.0 118.1 Weight of water per lineal foot=118.1X62.5=7380 lbs.=Ww. F3.40 ft. 1.69 ft. VOLUME MOMENT. To get the position of (We+ Ww), take moments about the center line of the wall. 316.8 57.8 26.4 401.0 The horizontal pressure H, for one foot of wall for a depth of water of 18'-0" is from Table 2, page 180, 10125 lbs., and is applied at a point 6'-0" above the floor level, or 7.75 ft. above the footing. SOIL PRESSURE. Combining the horizontal thrust, H, with (We+Ww), we find the resultant R to be 22500 lbs. and that it cuts the base at a distance of 3'.9 from the line, (We+W), or 5'.79 from the edge of the base; 5½ inches inside the third point. Methods for finding the maximum and minimum soil pressures for any position of the resultant are given in Bulletin No. 5. We will compute these pressures, repeating the formula there given for con- venient reference, although the position of the resultant shows that the soil pressure at A is small and that at H about twice the average. I L The weight of the wall and the water on one side of the base is 20080 lbs. per lineal foot. The average soil pressure then is 20080+16=1255 lbs. per sq. ft. 191 Let: W total vertical load per lineal foot, in this case We+Ww. e eccentricity of R-distance from center of base to point where resultant cuts under side of base. l-width of base. þ=maximum or minimum soil pressure per sq. foot. Then бе p = W/ (1 + 60) 1 1 6X2.21 20080 16 16 Max. pressure=2295 lbs.; min. pressure=215 lbs. It will be noted that the maximum soil pressure is much less than that allowed. The resultant should, however, be kept within the middle third in this type of structure, so as to insure pressure over the entire footing. Depths Below Top of Wall. It For the case when both compartments are filled the resultant would be vertical and pass through the center of the base. The average soil pressure would be (7380+7380+12700)÷16=1720 lbs. STABILITY AGAINST SLIDING. The horizontal thrust per foot of wall is 10125 lbs. Using a co- efficient of friction of 3, corresponding to concrete on wet clay, the frictional resistance to sliding would be 20080X3=6693 lbs., leaving an unbalanced thrust of 3432 lbs. The projection at the center of the base is accordingly necessary. REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED. Wall-The wall proper will be designed as a vertical beam fixed to the base; the maximum bending moment will occur at the plane C-F. The following table gives the bending moments and the amount of vertical reinforcement required at the depths given. Bending Moment. =1255+1040 5'-0" 8000 in. lbs. 8'-0" 42868 in. lbs. 12'-0" 166364 in. lbs. 16'-0" 421860 in. lbs. Thickness of Wall. 17.5" 22.5" 29.3" 36.0" M q 13760d Vertical Reinforcement. .04 sq. in. .15 sq. in. .44 sq. in. .92 sq. in. Size and Spacing. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 16" cts. 5/8" Corr. Rounds, 16" cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 8" cts. 5%" Corr. Rounds, 4" cts. Bending moments taken from Table 2, page 180. ~ ;)) 192 • 375 peop 215 A 6's *Wr⋅ 7380* 4:60 BARS Ą BARS C. 3.100 22500# 16-01 1450 q= · BARS-B 6′50 H 2295 Moment due to weight of base= 360000 .86×16000X 52 Reinforcement in Upper Faces-The base will be made strong enough to lift the water resting upon it in addition to its own weight. Total moment=360000 in. lbs. BASE. We will first determine the bending moment in the plane C-K, on a section twelve inches long. 1830X2.17X12=47600 in. lbs. 975X3.25X12=38000 in. lbs, 85600 in. lbs. Moment due to water= 7380X3.1X12=275000 in. lbs. 135200 .86X16000X36 F.50 sq. in. We will also determine the bending moment and the amount of reinforcement required at a plane 4'-0" from the center line of the wall. Moment due to water (17.5X4X62.5)X24"-105000 in. lbs. Moment due to concrete=( 2.1X4X150 ) X24": 30200 in. lbs. 135200 in. lbs. .27 sq. inch. The reinforcement in the upper side of the base will consist of 5%" corr. rounds spaced 8″ on centers. Every other bar (Bars A) will be continuous from B to G, and be bent at the center as shown. The remaining bars (Bars B) will be straight and crossed at the center as indicated. REINFORCEMENT IN BOTTOM. The transverse reinforcement (Bars C) in the bottom must be proportioned to resist the moment due to the reaction of the soil. The maximum moment will be in the vertical plane through F. The diagram gives the soil pressure. The intensity of pressure directly under the point F being 1450 lbs. 193 Upward moment due to reaction= (1450X6.5)X3.25×12+(845×3.25)X4.33X12 =367000+143000 510000 in. lbs. 510000 =.68 sq. in. .86X 54 X 16000 9 Use 34" corr. rounds spaced 8" on centers. Bars to be 13′-6″ long and placed with the ends of alternate bars near the same side of the base. LONGITUDINAL REINFORCEMENT. Longitudinal bars in the wall section proper should be propor- tioned for temperature stresses. The thicker the wall, however, the less will be the average change in temperature. An amount of rein- forcement equal to %% of the cross section should be sufficient for the upper part of the wall. We will use 5/8" corr. rounds spaced 12″ cts. in each face. The longitudinal reinforcement in the base will consist of 3/4" corr. rounds spaced approximately 2'-0" apart, as shown. FLOOR. The floor of the reservoir will consist of a concrete slab of a minimum thickness of seven inches and separated into blocks about 8'-3'x8'-3", by a joint extending the full depth. Joints to be ½" wide and are to be filled with an asphalt filler. The details of the junction of the floor construction with the side. walls and division wall to be as shown on the drawings. WATERPROOFING. It will be desirable to back the reservoir walls with twelve to fifteen inches of clay puddle. The division wall with the heavy rein- forcement, both vertically and horizontally, should not develop cracks. but may be given a surface treatment if desirable. DRAINAGE. The site should be drained and trenches containing drain tile and filled with large broken stone well compacted, should be pro- vided where indicated on the drawings. }}} 194 || Greife o of U -0-8/ 100 - U || ㄱ ​PLAN OF RESERVOIR. 16.0 + LONGITUDINAL SECTION_ 100 -0 Mark Ang pang 1001 : ==| =2] 11 |} U || Q n n X SPAMMAL F 100'- 0 Foot-our TRANSVERSE SECTION. GENERAL PLANS TYPICAL RESERVOIR 195 // 20-9 " 6 SP. @ 12 FRONT FACE-5/8" CORR ROUNDS 35A 7 33P. 8 * 3SP_ 9″ 65P @ 10 31/428. 12'675 SHO ICR. AS SHOWNES 6 SP. @ 12' VERT. BARS-7/8" CR-24 CTX BOTH FACES. REAR FACE-51g"CORR ROUNDS. 55p. 52 9.50.@6Ž 1.6 9.9 Let me shot of th 北​見 ​Colin Madr ས №2-1°C R. -24-6 LG. Berna JÓN ܡܕ HORIZONTAL BARS-EACH SIDE 1/2 GR. SPACED AS SHOWN HOOKED OVER BARS IN FACE WALL. (2.1CR. 18-626. P 4VERT, BARS 17:0″ CROSS SECTION CR IN EACH SIDE AS SHOWN X2-16R. 11:6226 1½LR-X2 CTS EVERY 3RD LONGITUDINAL BARS- BAR 18-0 LG REST 120G)/"CR 7"CTS. TOP & BOTTON 6-0 8 24 TS 7-3/4 CR. STIRRUPS AT EACH BUTTRESS 18 " 11-0 ALP 121 __ G S —— {{ S HORIZ BARS HOR.BARS IN IN FRONT REAR FACE FACE 12:6" REAR ELEVATION U 20 ✔ ===== ——|| Je me s ܫ ܐ ܚ ܫ S JO mmg a == ܡܫ C G C 1 - - 7-1CR BARS AT EACH BUTTRESS AS SHOWN •3@ 21-6"LONG 2@16:0 LG. & 2 @ 11:0 LONG. HORIZONTAL SECTION. NOTE. ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. DETAILS EXTERIOR WALL TYPICAL RESERVOIR ܒ. 196 A 5/8 CR 8"CTS." ALTERNATE BARS BENT & LAPPED AS SHOWN 74 CR-8"CTS. 13-6.LONG. STAGGERED. 191 19к 2-0 16-0 A HORIZONTAL BARS 5/8" C.R. 12" CTS. BOTH FACES. VERTICAL BARS• Folk. PATION AS SHOWN ON ELEVATION ❤ LONGITUDINAL BARS. 14C.R. AS SHOWN ..... CROSS SECTION. -.02 1-6712 + TT +-+ == SIDE ELEVATION HO 7/8 CR: 8075 5/8" C.R.-16 CTS. VERT, BARS.- BCR. BOTH FACES. alp $18°C.R- 4″C75. + NOTE- + atman, ma W HORIZONTAL SECTION A-A ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS. Kata Bran DETAILS DIVISION WALL TYPICAL RESERVOIR 197 INDEX, DECEMBER NUMBER. Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Construction. Detailed Design of Rectangular Reservoir.. Earth Pressure-Table of Formulæ for Use in Designing. Notes and Suggestions on Design Specifications for Materials...... Types of Reinforced Concrete Reservoirs Water Pressure-Table of Water-Tight Concrete... • • · • • • Page 175 181 180 178 179 177 175 180 176 ► • • See page 37 (Bulletin No. 1) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. See page 76 (Bulletin No. 2) for Index on Detailed Design of Typical Building and Complete Analysis of the Strength of Rectangular and T-shaped Beams. See page 107 (Bulletin No. 3) for Index on Methods of Design and Standard Loadings for Highway Bridges. See page 139 (Bulletin No. 4) for Index on Standard Designs for Bridges and Culverts for Highway Traffic. See page 171 (Bulletin No. 5). for Index on Retaining Walls of the Cantilever and Buttress Types. 199 ش Designing Methods Reinforced Concrete Construction VOL. I MARCH, 1909 CONDUITS AND SEWERS Discussion of the special problems met with in the design of sewers and conduits, with some remarks on this class of structures. Detailed designs of an aqueduct, sewer section and pressure pipe. BULLETIN No. 8, VOL. 1, WILL TREAT OF SEMI-CIRCULAR ARCHES THIS NUMBER WILL BE PUBLISHED IN JUNE, 1909 FIRST ISSUE No. 7 PRICE, 25 CENTS CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY (FORMERLY EXPANDED METAL AND CORRUGATED BAR CO.) National Bank of Commerce Building SAINT LOUIS COPYRIGHT 1909, BY CORRUGATED BAR COMPANY CONCRETE CONDUITS AND SEWERS. Concrete has been extensively used in the construction of conduits and sewers and its use is becoming more general. No one questions its suitability for the construction of aqueducts, conduits, and storm sewers, but doubt is sometimes expressed as to the ability of concrete sewers to withstand the possible action of acid sewage. This is a question that has been investigated by sewage experts and the adoption of concrete for the construction of sewers in many large cities, in some cases after exhaustive tests to determine its value as compared to brick construction, shows the confidence that the engineers place in this material. "Cement Sewer Pipe," The following extract from an article on by Rudolph Hering, may be of interest in this connection. "It should be added that the acid question must be viewed in a reasonable light. When the dilution by sewage is sufficient, the discharge of a small amount of even strong acid will not cause objectionable effects, as evidenced by European cities by the use of concrete sewers almost exclusively in some cities, as Paris and Vienna. In England concrete sewers are also very common. "" Many American cities have adopted concrete or reinforced concrete. for the construction of large and important sewers, and the following list refers only to the more important works: New York, Jersey City, Harrisburg, Wilmington, Cleveland, Duluth, New Orleans, Louisville, and St. Louis. DURABILITY OF CONCRETE INVERTS.* "Concrete inverts have proved in practice to be equal, if not superior, in durability to the best hard-burned brick. "C The hardness and smoothness of surface obtainable with concrete reduce the friction to a minimum and render it less liable to erosion than are other materials. Concrete sewers built at Duluth, Minnesota, furnish a practical example of the ability of Portland cement mortar to resist erosion. After twenty years of wear, they show no appreciable deterioration or enlargement in diameter, while brick sewers laid at the same time required rebuilding after six or seven years. A section of the Duluth drains, about 2,000 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, was built on a 13 per cent grade where the velocity of the water was 42 feet per second, with an invert of flat granite flags laid with I: I Portland cement joints. The flow of water during heavy storms was tremendous, carrying down with it quantities of sand and boulders, but after two years of wear the invert showed ridges of mortar between the granite flags, indicating that the Portland cement mortar was more durable than the granite." *This quotation is taken from “ Concrete, Plain and Reinforced," by Taylor and Thompson, with the authors' permission. 202 In connection with the subject of acid sewage and the durability of concrete inverts, it should be borne in mind that strong acids may affect the brick work as well as the mortar in the joints. The smooth surface and true lines that are easily possible with concrete con- struction cannot be attained in brick work. As a result, the concrete surface offers less obstructions to the flow and is less liable to erosion. One striking advantage of reinforced concrete construction is the possibility of successfully constructing sewers in poor ground without the heavy foundation that would be required for a brick or masonry sewer. By the use of longitudinal reinforcement the sewer section itself may be transformed into a stiff beam capable of spanning soft spots or even openings in the supporting soil. Some of the advantages of reinforced concrete construction will be given: Concrete is not affected by ordinary sewage. A concrete sewer is durable-the surface is smooth and strong, with minimum opportunity for erosion. A concrete sewer has a smaller friction coefficient than one of brick or masonry, resulting in larger capacity for a given section. Concrete can be shaped to exact curves and dimensions. This is impossible with brick work. A reinforced concrete sewer can be built, as a rule, more cheaply than a brick or masonry one and the construction is more rapid. A reinforced concrete conduit or sewer can be designed to with- stand bursting pressure due to an hydraulic head. Concrete sewers, even of large size, can be moulded in advance and laid in sections when this method of construction is desirable or economical. Concrete sewers are usually built in place; pressure pipes and small sewers, say those under three feet in diameter, are often laid in sections which have been moulded in advance. This latter method of con- struction is economical on account of the thin sections of concrete that may be used, accurate forms and "shop methods" permitting the adoption of thinner sections than could be constructed in place. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. Reinforcing Steel-All reinforcing steel shall be rolled to such form that it has a positive mechanical bond with the concrete. Adhesive bond will not be considered sufficiently reliable for this class of structures. Steel may be made by either the Bessemer or open-hearth process; bars to be rolled from billet stock. Re-rolled material will be accepted under conditions insuring rigid inspection. + 203 The elastic limit and percentage of elongation shall be determined by tests on accurately-machined specimens, and shall conform to the following requirements: Elastic limit to be from 50,000 to 60,000 pounds per square inch, ultimate strength not less than 1% Xelastic limit. The percentage of elongation in 8" must not be less than given by the formula: Percentage of elongation= I,400,000 Ult. Strength 5. Bending Test-Bars as rolled shall bend cold, 90 degrees, to a radius equal to three times the least diameter of the specimen, without sign of fracture. Cement-Only Portland cement conforming to the requirements of the specifications adopted by the American Society for Testing Materials, June 14, 1904, shall be used. Sand-Sand to be clean and coarse, and free from organic matter; a graded sand, with coarse grains predominating, is to be preferred. Coarse Aggregate-Broken stone to be hard, durable limestone, or its equivalent, free from dust and foreign materials; maximum-sized particles to pass through a one-inch ring; fines to be removed by passing over a one-quarter inch screen. The fines may replace part of the sand. Under special conditions making for uniformity crusher run may be used, but this is not desirable. Gravel shall be clean and of graded sizes; the sand carried to be removed by screening as for broken stone. FORMULAE FOR USE IN DESIGNING. All formulæ for the strength of reinforced concrete beams are necessarily based on the physical properties of the concrete and steel. The formulæ proposed in this bulletin are based upon a concrete with a compressive strength of 2,000 pounds per square inch and upon the use of mechanical bond reinforcing bars which have an elastic limit of 50,000 pounds per square inch; the critical amount of reinforce- ment, under these conditions, being .0085 bd. 204 р ULTIMATE STRENGTH Let M=moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. Mo-ultimate moment of resistance of section in inch lbs. g=area of reinforcement. p-percentage of steel-g÷bd. F-elastic limit of steel-50,000 lbs. b All dimensions as shown, in inches, and stresses in lbs. per sq. in. Then we have for rectangular beams : Mo=370 bd2 for g=.0085 bd.. and for various percentages: M.=.86 Fp bd²=.86X50,000xp bd² ….(2) =43,000 p bď, using high elastic limit corrugated bars. (For complete discussion of these formulæ, see bulletins Nos. 1 and 2.) I … … … … (1) • WORKING STRESSES. If it is desired to design for working stresses in the steel, use the formula: M=sqX.86 d, where s=unit stress in the steel.. (3) NOTES ON DESIGN. The design of sewer sections is attended with some difficulty, the stresses developed are to a certain extent indeterminate, as the pressures that may be exerted by the surrounding earth cannot be accurately predicated either in direction or amount. The above statement refers more particularly to circular or curved sections where the stresses developed by the vertical loads are so largely determined by the amount of the lateral pressure. In the case of rectangular sections these conditions do not exist and the section may be designed with reasonable accuracy. Longitudinal reinforcement should be used in all cases, even if expansion joints are provided. The design must provide for such stresses as might be developed from oblique or unequal pressures during construction, The restraining action of the fill on the sides has a marked effect on the strength of a curved section. The back fill should be carefully tamped to place. A uniform soil pressure is desirable with circular sections; the stresses are decreased by insuring that the main support is not along the bottom element of the section. $ 205 The following table, which was given in bulletin No. 6, is here repeated for convenient reference. In Table II, p is the pressure per square foot, corresponding to an hydraulic head, h: EARTH, HORIZONTAL SURface. w=100 lbs. h p=% wh feet. 1 2 3 4 LO 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 *****2. A 27 28 29 30 33 67 100 133 167 200 233 267 300 333 367 pounds. pounds. 400 433 467 500 533 567 600 633 667 700 733 767 800 833 867 900 933 967 1000 TABLE I. H= % wh2 17 67 150 267 417 600 817 - 1067 1350 1667 2017 75/4 2400 2817 3267 3750 4267 4817 5400 6017 6667 7350 8067 8817 9600 10417 11267 12150 13067 14017 15000 B Overturning Moment M= wh3X12 inch pounds. 67 533 1800 4267 8333 14400 22867 34133 48600 66667 88733 115200 146467 182933 225000 273067 327533 388800 457267 533333 617400 709867 811133 921600 1041667 1171733 1312200 1463467 1625933 1800000 h feet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ********* 26 27 28 29 30 FLUID PRESsure. w=62.5 lbs. A А TABLE II. p=wh H=2ph pounds. pounds. 62.5 125.0 187.5 250.0 312.5 375.0 437.5 500.0 562.5 625.0 687.5 750.0 812.5 875.0 937.5 1000.0 1062.5 1125.0 1187.5 1250.0 1312.5 1375.0 1437.5 1500.0 1562.5 1625.0 1687.5 1750.0 1812.5 1875.0 31 125 281 500 781 1125 1531 2000 2531 3125 3781 4500 5281 6125 7031 8000 9031 10125 11281 12500 13781 15125 16531 18000 19531 21125 22781 24500 26281 28125 514 Overturning Moment M=4Hh inch pounds. 124 1000 3372 8000 15620 27000 42868 64000 91116 125000 166364 216000 274612 343000 421860 512000 614108 729000 857356 1000000 1157604 1331000 1520852 1728000 1953100 2197000 2460348 2744000 3048596 3375000 p the intensity of the horizontal pressure at any depth h. H=total horizontal pressure above A-B. M the overturning moment in inch lbs. at seçtion A-B. > 206 1 RECTANGULAR CONDUITS. Rectangular Conduits of the open type, built on the hydraulic gradient, either in cut or resting on the surface of the ground, may, so far as the design of the section is concerned, be considered as reservoirs; their design offers no problems that are not considered in Bulletin No. 6, which covers this subject. The design of an aqueduct or flume supported at intervals offers some interesting features, and a detailed design will be given. Problem 1-Design a rectangular aqueduct, 4' deep and 8′ wide; supported on bents at an elevation of twelve feet in the clear above grade. Depth of water 3'-6". We will make the section of the aqueduct as shown in Figure 1. The distance center to center of the supports will be 18'-0". Allowable soil pressure will be taken as 3000 lbs. per □'. 8:0~ L Bottom Slab The bottom slab acts as a transverse beam between the side girders. The bending moment at the center will be less than that for a free beam, owing to the partial fixity of the ends. The minimum reverse moment at the ends is equal to the overturning moment due to the horizontal pressure of the water on the sides and for a strip 12" long=M.. 447 ft. lbs. The maximum moment at the center of the span would be Mc=% w2-Me. Assuming the weight of the slab to be 50 lbs. w=50+62.5 X3.5=269 lbs. and M.-1705 ft. lbs.=20460 inch lbs. COLUMNS -18:0″ CENTER TO CENTER 8:6″ Me 5-6′ 3.5X62.5 2 12:0 The stress in the reinforcing steel in the sides and bottom of the aqueduct will be limited to 14000 lbs. per "-in other parts of the structure to 18000 lbs. per " 3.5X 3.5 3 207 Using the formula M=sqX.86d, we determine q as follows: Assume d=4″ 20460 9.86X4X14000 F.42 ". We will make slab 5" thick and reinforce with ½" corrugated rounds spaced 5½" on centers. The reverse moment at the corners, Me=447X12=5364 in. lbs. q= 5364 .86X4X14000 The moment at these points may be greater than Me owing to the stiffness of the sides-we will therefore increase the amount of rein- forcement as figured, and use 3%" corrugated rounds 3'-0" long spaced 5½" cts. in the top of slab. Water... Bottom Slab.. Side..... Sides-The sides act as vertical cantilevers fixed to the base, and also as girders between columns. The minimum thickness allowed will be 5"-the section to have a flange at the top to give stiffness. The overturning moment at the base equals Mo=5364 in. lbs. The vertical reinforcement in the inside face will be 3%" corrugated rounds. spaced 5½" on centers. The bent-up ends of the bars in the bottom of the slab carry the moment around the corner. • Considered as Girder. The load per foot run on each side is: 3.5X62.5X4= 875 lbs. 50X4 200 lbs. 150(.6X4.5)= 405 lbs. =1480 lbs. q= IIO". • • Total... The girders will be designed as continuous beams with the same amount of reinforcement over the supports as at the center of span. M=12 wl²=1480 X 324-480000 in. lbs. 480000 .86X48X14000 =.83 0″. Use 4=½" corrugated squares; bend two, as shown on drawings. *Shearing Provisions-The vertical shear at the end of the girder= 1480X9=13320 lbs. The average unit shear would be approximately 13320 5X8 55 lbs. per ". The concrete itself should be capable of carrying 50 lbs. of vertical shear per sq. in., and on this assumption no special provisions to carry shearing stresses need be made. The vertical bars in the sides will act as shear members, and in order to have some vertical steel in the outside face every third bar will be put in as a U-shaped stirrup. *For a discussion of Shearing Stresses, see Bulletin 1, page 11. 208 3 Temperature Stresses-It is usually considered that .35 to .40 of one per cent of longitudinal reinforcement will take care of temperature and shrinkage stresses. We will use .35 of 1%. The amount required in the bottom slab per foot width=.0035X12X5=.21 0″. We will use %" corrugated rounds 12" centers in top and bottom of the slab. The sides will be similarly reinforced. Expansion Joints-Every tenth bent will be a double one, and an expansion joint consisting of a bent sheet lead plate made in the flume. COLUMN DESIGN. The columns will be designed to resist the overturning moment due to a wind pressure of 30 lbs. per sq. ft. on the sides of the aque- duct in addition to the vertical load. The vertical load on each column=18X1480=26640 lbs. The horizontal shear in each bent due to the wind is 18X4.7 X 30=2540 lbs.=H. In the analysis for stresses due to wind action, the two columns comprising a bent will be considered as fixed in direction (by the brace beam) at the top and practically free at the bottom. (Such fixity as is given by the bases of the columns will reduce the stresses computed on a free-end assumption). H=2540 12 8:0° V4320 H/1270 at P ཆ a V. 4320 .0.01 The forces acting on a bent, due to the wind load only, are shown in Figure 2. M2=1270 The horizontal shear in each col- umn being taken=½ H. The value of V is found by taking moments about the foot of one col- umn. The maximum moment in the column will be in the plane a-a at the foot of the knee brace. Figure 2. M=1270X13.25X12=202000 in. lbs. The critical section in the brace beam is at the plane b-b; taking moments about the center line of the beam at this plane we find the moment to be 2540 X 14.5 V= 8.5 4320 lbs. M=1270X14.5-4320X1.25= 13015 ft. lbs. =156180 in. lbs. 209 The moment in the brace beam at the center line of the bent is zero, which may be shown by taking moments about the point o. M=1270X 14.5 2540X14.5×8.5—0 8.5 We will make the columns 12"X12" and the brace beam 10'X12' in section and determine the amount of reinforcement required to resist the moments developed. The knee brace will of course have to be similarly reinforced. Column Reinforcement · 202000 9.86X10X18000 1.30 □". This amount of steel will be required in both the outside and inside faces. Column section, 12"X12" with 4-%" corrugated squares, one in each corner-1/4" bands, 12" cts. Ф Brace Beam Reinforcement 156180 .86X10X18000 2 q= 1.01□". Beam section 10"X12" with 4-3/4" corrugated squares. The two bars in upper face to be bent down into the column as shown in the drawings. The reinforcement in the knee brace will be two 34" corrugated squares. NOTE-If the columns were fixed in direction at the base as well as at the top a point of contra-flexure would have been developed at mid-height. The bending moments would have been reduced by one-half, the effect of fixing the base being equivalent to shortening the column by the distance from the base to the point of contra-flexure. Stresses in the Column Weight of Structure and Water per column=26640 lbs. Weight of Column=14X150 Compression Due to Wind = 2100 lbs. 4320 lbs. =33060 lbs. Total Maximum 33060 12 X 12 Average Pressure= The maximum unit compression that can occur in the column will be on the plane a-a, where we have a combination of direct compres- sion with the maximum compressive stress due to the bending moment. With this low unit stress, it will not be necessary to investigate the maximum stress on the extreme fibre. =230 lbs. per □”. Footings-The load on the footing is 33060 lbs., requiring II square feet of bearing area at the allowed soil pressure. Make footings 3′-4"X3'-4"X15" deep, and reinforce with 4'-½" corrugated rounds each way. 210 EVERY THIRD BAR BENT 10 U SHAPE FORMING VERTICAL REINFORCEMENT. IN OUTSIDE TAGE [61] +=====SUPER - 8:0 LONGITUDINAL CARS-7/8 CORR ROUNDS AS SHOWNI 46 CORE POUNDS. 5/14°CTS. 34° 2 •He CORP ROUNDS $$'(75 EVERY THIRD BAB IN BOTTOM BENT AS SHOWN 1 3/4 CORP SQ5 -- - T 3/4" CORR 303 TOP & BOTTO 24/4 CORR 303 74 CORP 303 DENT AS SHOWN 2-4 CORR.S03 M DETAIL SHOWING BRACE BEAM REINFORCEME 4 & CORR ROUNDS. IN BOTH DIRECTIONS. AS SHOWN. TRANSVERSE SECTION 4 ¾4 CORR SQS, IN COLUMN TIED EVERY 12 WITH & ROUND CA 34 THA MOŽN 15 M + -3/8 CORR ROUNDS. 3.4° ਮਨ ++ 1/2"CORR SQ5 2 BENT AS SHOWN SHOWING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT IN INNER FACE OF SIDE WALLS. PART LONGITUDINAL SECTION 3/8 CORR BOUNDS SHOWING VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL REINFORCEMENT IN OUTER FACE OF SIDE WALLS. 18 0" PART SIDE ELEVATION. GENERAL NOTE ALL REINFORCING BARS TO BE HIGH ELASTIC-LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS AND SQUARES. DETAILS OF AQUEDUCT PROBLEM NO.I 211 Closed rectangular conduits under fill built on the hydraulic gradient are culverts, and their design is fully discussed in Bulletin. No. 3 which treats of Highway Bridges and Culverts. The reader is referred to this bulletin in which will be found a detailed design of a box culvert. Unless joints are provided this type of conduit must be considered monolithic and reinforcement must be introduced to take care of the reverse moments that may be developed. Closed rectangular conduits working under head must of course be designed for the internal pressure in addition to the external loads. In the design no reliance should be placed on any possible restraining. action due to the lateral pressure of the surrounding earth. For con- ducting water under pressure the circular type of conduit will be found preferable, excepting in special cases. CIRCULAR SEWERS. The stresses in circular sections due to the surrounding fill cannot be accurately determined. Not only does the active pressure exerted by the fill vary widely for different materials but the pressures due to any given material change both in direction and amount with its condition. The method of back filling, the thoroughness of the tamping and the moisture content in the fill affect the pressures to a marked degree. This is true not only of the lateral pressure but also of the vertical. The lateral restraining action of the fill due to its resistance to displacement is another influence that largely affects the stresses that may be developed under certain load conditions. The compactness of the soil in the bottom of the trench is another factor. In hard soil or rock the section might rest almost entirely on the bottom longitudinal element, a condition that gives maximum stresses. In masonry designs the minimum thickness for a given section is usually determined by the judgment of the engineer. In reinforced concrete sections the ratio of the thickness of the ring to the diameter is usually such that the analysis, for the stresses developed in thin rings subjected to external loads, may be applied in the design; the section being reinforced so that it can resist the tensile stresses due to the bending moments. To assist the designer in determining the probable limits of the stresses the following discussions are given. In general it may be 212 1 fly stated that the stresses in a circular sewer are a maximum at the ends of the vertical and horizontal diameters and decrease toward the 45° points. Oblique pressures and other causes may change or even reverse these conditions. In the following equations the plus sign (+) will be used to indi- cate positive moments, i. e., tension on the inside fibre, and the negative sign (-) to indicate moments causing tension on the outside fibre. Q ELASTIC RINGS UNDER EXTERNAL LOADS. Case 1-Concentrated loads at opposite points, Figure 3. W by る ​W Figure 3. Wr 2 Ma Mb= THE Mp= W r 2 ☺ Wr 12 KAD PERS A=50°-28′, cos=.6366. c=Unit compressive stress due to total thrust, C, which is considered uniformly distributed over the section. t-thickness of the ring. bar ୫ W r Q (cos &—cos`q).... W-Concentrated load on unit length of ring. Ma-Bending moment at a. Mь=Bending moment at b. Mp=Bending moment at any point subtended by the angle ?. C-Point of zero moment or contraflexure the radius to which makes an angle o with a-a. · :—cos p)—(1—cos () ] 2 (:6366-1)=.1817 Wr.. ··(4) (S) · · · · (.6366~0)=+.3183 Wr....... ….(6) 213 COEFFICIENTS OF Wr (CONCENTRATED LOADS) * 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 O 0.1 0.2 W 16 G 0.5+ 0.4 90° 80° 70° 60° 50°40′30°··0° VALUES OF $ Moment diagram for concentrated loads. To determine the moment at any point multiply Wr by the coefficient corresponding to the value of given. a 'load, w'. W C= cos from which 2 W cos ?. $.... 21 In order to illustrate the change in bending moment, the following diagram has been prepared. The full line gives the coeffi- cients of Wr, which deter- mine moments, at any point p, due to the vertical load W the dotted line, the moments in the same quad- rant due to the horizontal The moment corresponding to a com- bination of the two loads Sp may readily be obtained by the aid of this diagram. In figure 4, page 215, the thrust at a due to the concentrated load W Wis evidently and acts in a vertical direction, the thrust at b is 2 zero. At any point p, the vertical component of the direct thrust is W and 2 Compressive stresses in the ring due to direct thrust. K It is necessary to consider these direct compressive stresses in conjunction with the stresses due to the bend- ing moment when design- ing the section. The total thrust at any point should be considered as uniformly distributed over the section. ….(7) · NOTE-This analysis follows that given in Structural Mechanics, by Charles E. Greene. 214 * Case 2-Uniform loads in opposite directions, Figure 4. The intensity of the load is assumed uniform over the projection of the ring normal to its direction. a Ᏹ Figure 4. Ө 0 Ma 1/4 w r² Mb = + ¼/4 w r² 2 from which a че 22 το 2 w=Load per unit width of projection for unit length of ring. Other symbols as for case I. The general equations for the moment at any point, p, which are obtained by taking moments about are as follows: Mp= -Mb W r че 2 os ² =½ or 0 = 2 cos 20 1/4 20 g 2 2 sin²q—Ma . . . . . . . .(8) του ν We know from other considerations that Ma is numerically equal to My but of opposite sign. We therefore obtain the following values: 45° 2 2 os 24... To find the point of zero moment let Mp = zero in equation (9). Mp = 0 = Mo COS • (10) (11) w r 2 2 (9) COS 20 NOTE-For full discussion of this subject, see Bulletin No. 22 of the Univer- sity of Illinois Experiment Station.-Tests of Cast Iron and Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe, by A. N. Talbot. 215 In the following diagram the full line gives the bending moment at any point (p) corresponding to the value of (4) noted, due to the vertical loads. The moments due to similar horizontal loads are shown by the dashed line. An inspection of the diagram will show that for equal values of (w) the bending moment is zero throughout the ring. In this case there is a uniform compression in the ring, the value of which is (wr) 10.3 0.2 COEFFICIENTS OF WI 2 LOADS) (UNIFORM 0.1 O -0.1 0.2 '0.3 18 90° 80° 70° 60° 50° 40° 30°--0 VALUES OF $ a Moment Diagram for uniformly distributed loads. To determine the moment at any point multiply (wr²) by the coefficient corresponding to the value of (Ø) given. In the usual case the intensity of the horizontal pressure will be much less than that of the vertical. Let (wy) represent the intensity of the vertical forces and (wn) the intensity of the horizontal forces then the bending moment at any point may be obtained by means of the equation. че 2 My = (1-10) (M. - 2012 cos') (12) Wh W Mp= I Mb 2 216 It is to be noted in equation (12) that when wh-wv, Mp=0. Direct compression in the ring due to thrust. As before stated, it is necessary to consider both the bending moment and direct thrust when determining the stresses at any section. In figure 4, page 215, the direct thrust at a is evidently wr, and that at bis zero. At any point p, the vertical component of the direct. thrust would be, wr cos & and the tangential thrust would be C=wr cos² & ων cos². & t …….(13) When the ring is subjected to both horizontal and vertical loads, uniformly distributed over the projections of the ring, formula (13) may be used to determine the thrust. When both these pressures are of equal amount there is no bending moment in the ring and the thrust is uniform throughout; its value may be obtained from the following formula, C=wr: APPLICATION OF FORMULAE. The analysis for thin rings applies with sufficient accuracy to concrete sections where the thickness of the ring is usually from to of the diameter. They also apply to sections similar to those shown on page 220 where the base is flattened to give more uniform soil pressure. O Figure C. Sections as shown by the accompanying diagram must be individually analyzed. The lower half not being so flexible as the upper half, exerts a restrain- ing influence on it-the invert acting as an arch between abutments to the extent of this horizontal restraint. The treatment properly comes under a study of semi-circular arches, and will not be given in this bulletin. Problem 2-Design a circular sewer section, internal diameter Io'-0" with a depth of fill of ten feet over the crown. Soil stiff dry clay. Case I, no horizontal pressure. Case 2, with horizontal pressure. Limit compressive stress in the concrete to 650 lbs. per ". Maximum ten- sile stress in the steel to be 15,000 lbs. per sq. in. 217 } MEMEME | 10:0~ 1150° FIRI 0:01 Case 1-It will be necessary to assume a thickness for the ring and determine the stresses and reinforce- ment required. We will make the thickness of the ring % of the diame- ter; the diameter of the center line of the section will be 11'-o," and the radius corresponding to r in the formulæ, is 5'-6". The average depth of fill will be taken as 12′-0″, and the vertical pressure taken as uniform and equal to 12X100=1200 lbs. per ', over a width of 11′-0″. We will determine the stresses at the critical points, a and b, on the assumption that the vertical pressures on the upper and lower half are equal and that no side pressure is exerted. Crown, Point b-We will consider a section one foot long. With vertical loads only, there would be no direct thrust at the points b, and we need only consider the bending moment. Substituting in formula II, we have I 200 X5.52 4 Mb =¼/ wr² = 9075 ft. lbs. =108900 inch lbs. 108900 .85 0". q, at inside face,: Use 3/4" corrugated rounds spaced 6" on centers. For vertical loads only the maximum positive moments occur at the points b. Since the direction of the pressure on the sewer is uncertain, the reinforcement will be made continuous. .86X10X15000 Points a—The moment at a is equal to that at b, but of opposite sign, requiring reinforcement in the outer face. Use 3/4" corrugated rounds spaced 6″ on centers in the outer face. Since we have the maximum direct compression at these points it will be necessary to determine the extreme fiber stress, due to direct compression and cross bending; which is developed, to see if it comes. below the prescribed maximum. The average pressure due to the fill= 1200X55 12 X 12 46 lbs. per sq. in. 218 The compressive stress on the extreme fibre due to flexure may be determined as follows: The neutral axis in a reinforced concrete beam will, under usual conditions, bed from the compression side. The total compressive stress, C, in a strip 12" long, must equal the total tensile stress T, and is eqnal to the bending moment divided by the lever arm of the forces, .86 d. .86d T C=T= ~12" | M .86d 108900 .86X 10 I Figure 2. The total stress on the extreme fibre=530X46=576 lbs. NOTE-This method for finding the extreme fibre stress is sufficiently accurate, but involves an error, since it does not take into account the displacement of the neutral axis due to the direct compressive stress. The accompanying diagram rep- sents the conditions. If frepresents the compressive stress per sq. in. on the extreme fibre we may write C 2 f= сх 12650X2 12X4 =530 lbs. .4d The section assumed appears to meet the requirements of the design. In order to obtain a uniform bearing on at least part of the bottom, and avoid concentration of pressure along the bottom element, the section will be as shown in the drawings. The increased thickness at the base will not affect the stresses to any large extent. 533 Longitudinal Reinforcement-Use ½" corrugated rounds spaced about 24″ centers in each face. Substituting in formula 12, we have :) (- Ma F12650 lbs. Case 2-We will assume that the intensity of the active horizontal pressure of the fill is % of the vertical at any point. The average horizontal pressure would be at the level of the center of the sewer and would be 3X16X100=533 pounds per square foot. Owing to the lateral restraint, we will make the section 10" thick; r=5′-5." I 200 I2 I 200 4 4900 ft. lbs. =58800 inch lbs. As before M-Ma, and the direct compression at a would be 50 lbs. per sq. inch, and that at b, 533X5.46 II X 12 =22 lbs. per sq. inch. 2 X 5.42 58800 .86X8X15000 ·57 0". Use 5%" corrugated rounds 6½" on centers. Longitudinal Reinforcement-Same as in Case 1. 219 12 " 苏 ​314 CORR ROUNDS 6 6 CAS. 100 3/4 CORR ROUNDS 6 CTS. Dies LONGITUDINAL BARS 1/2" CORR ROUNDS AS SHOWN CASE I ▸ — سلام 3 ← 45 NOTE 12 :117 3011 „0:01 15" 10 누수 ​D 5/8 CORR ROUNDS 61/2 CTS 518 CORR ROUNDS 6/2CTS 10:0 LONGITUDINALS BARS 1/2 CORR ROUNDS-AS SHOWN. CASE 2 === ALL BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED ROUNDS LAP HOOP BARS 30 DIAMETERS LAP LONGITUDINALS 25 DIAMETERS. 45 DETAILS 10 "/ 10° " 0:01 13 SEWER SECTIONS PROBLEM NO.2 220 อ PRESSURE PIPES. Conduits for the purpose of carrying water under pressure are usually built in the circular form. In this case the steel reinforcing bands are figured to carry all the tensile stresses due to the pressure of the water, the concrete being considered as a filling-in material. This type of conduit has been used in the construction of a large number of inverted siphons and pressure pipes and have been found entirely satisfactory. In connection with the Salt River Project, the U.S. Reclamation Service constructed about six thousand feet of reinforced concrete pressure pipes. The maximum head to which these pipes are subjected is about 75 feet, the internal diameter being 5'-3″. The question of leakage is an important one, and pressure pipes are usually given a finish coat of mortar to increase the water-tight- ness. It has been found in practice that such small cracks as may develop in pressure pipes will soon be closed up if silt-bearing water is conveyed. In pressure pipe work, as in other reinforced concrete construction, the water-proofness depends to a large extent upon the workmanship. Low-unit stresses should be used in determining the amount of hooping required and a sufficient amount of longitudinal reinforcement should be used to take care of temperature and shrinkage stresses. } In the construction there is a tendency for the concrete at the top of the pipe to dry out. Special means must be provided to insure that the concrete is wet throughout the circumference of the pipe, as any unequal drying will have a tendency to cause longitudinal cracks. It is desirable to keep the pipe moist until put in use. Mechanical bond bars should be used in all pressure pipe work. Problem 3-Design a pressure pipe 4'-0" inside diameter, maximum head 40 feet to center line of pipe. Pipe to be laid in a wet sandy soil, with a 3'-0" fill over the top. The reinforcement will be placed in two layers-one near the outer face and one near the inner face of the pipe, and will be proportioned to resist the stresses caused by the water pressure and the external loads. The direct tensile stress in the reinforcing steel is not constant, owing to the fact that the water pressure is less at the top of the pipe than at the bottom. In the design we will neglect this variation and 221 assume an average normal pressure equal to that at the center line of the pipe. The stress in the steel will be limited to 12,000 lbs. per square inch, and the design based on the static pressure assuming that suitable provisions will be made to prevent excessive stresses due to water-hammer, etc. We will assume a thickness of 4½" for the concrete shell and determine the reinforcement required. The average water pressure For a section 12" long, the direct tensile stress in the shell should be 2,500 X 2 = 5,000 lbs. 5,000 12,000 The unit tensile stress in a ring subjected to a uniform fluid pressure is equal to unit pressure times the radius. Since the pipe under consideration is horizon- tal, the pressure is not constant, and bending moments will be developed in addition to the direct tension. 9 Stresses Due to Fill-We will consider that the vertical pressure due to the fill is uniform over the width and corresponds to a depth of 4'-0" Mb 40 X 625 2,500 lbs. per sq. foot. Wv = 100X4400 lbs. per sq. ft. With a soil such as is described, the intensity of the horizontal pressure may be taken as % of the vertical at any point. Ma Taking the depth to the center line as five feet, the average horizon- tal pressure would be 1/3 X 100 X 5 = 167 lbs. per sq. ft. Substituting in formula 12, we have Wh W₂ ) 1/4 τον " .42 □″ per foot of pipe 9 του 22 w I M 400 3264 .86x32X12,000 167 100X2.212) .09" =272 ft. lbs. =3264 inch lbs. This amount of steel is required in both the inner and outer faces. The total amount of steel per foot of pipe would be .42 + (2 x .09) = .60 " 222 อ We will use 3%" corrugated squares spaced 6" centers in each face. This reinforcement may be put in as spirally wound bars or individual hoops. The spiral method is to be preferred. If individual hoops are used, lap bars at least 30 diameters and stagger laps around the circumference of the pipe. Longitudinal Reinforcement-This will be shown on the draw- ing, corresponding to approximately 4% of reinforcement. ม 4호 ​TAMAN MEMAN GRADE Ni PLASTER FINISH SAND CEMENT MORTAR 12 31/8 cope SQUARES & "CTS. PIB CORR SQUARES AS SHOWN PROPOSED SECTION ALTERNATE SECTION 3:0″ RAIRIEN NOTE ALL REINFORCING BARS ARE HIGH ELASTIC LIMIT CORRUGATED SQUARES. - USE ALTERNATE SECTION WHERE IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO FORM THE PIPE TO ACCURATE DIMENSIONS. DETAILS PRESSURE PIPE PROBLEM NO 3 P 223 OLD STYLE, TYPE A. C to Ci of Bars! TABLE SHOWING THE NECESSARY SPACING OF DIFFERENT SIZES OF CORRUGATED BARS FOR A GIVEN AREA OF STEEL PER FOOT WIDTH OF SLAB. ½" 3/4" 8" 1" 11" יים |יים |יים ייסויים C to Cl of Bars 9″ 0.24 0.50 0.73 0.93 1.43 92" 0.23 0.47 0.69 0.88 1.35 10" 0.22 0.44 0.66 0.84 1.28 11/0.200.40 0.60 0.76 1.17 12/0.18 0.370.55 0.701.07 CORRUGATED SQUARES, TYPES B AND D. 3/4" V½" 1" 11" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 34" 8" 1" 1" \" \ "\/2″ | 1/2" | ロッ ​"0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0"0" O"0" CORRUGATED FLATS, UNIVERSAL TYPE. JC to Cl of No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No 6 Bars ם יים יים ייםייםיים יים CORRUGATED ROUNDS, TYPE C. ! C to C 1/2" | 5% } %" of 3/8" 12" 5%"″ 34″ %″ 1″ Bars } T 1 { i 1 } 1 } { 1 I 1 T 1 20 36 0.66 0.84 1.50 2.34 3.36 4.62 6.00 9.37) 2" 1.14 1.92 2.46 3.24 3 90 4.80 20.66 1.18 1.84 2.65 3.614.715.967.36 Į 2½"0.861.782.65 3.36 5.14 22" 0.29 0.530.67 1.20 1.87 2.69 3.70 4.80 7.50 22" 0.911.54 1.97 2.59 3.11 3.84 22" 0.53 0.94 1.47,2.12,2 89 3.774.77 5.89 3" 0.76 1.28 1.64 2.162.60 3 20 30 44 0.79 1.23 1.772.413.143.984.91 30.72 1.48 2.20 2.80 4.28 3" 0.24 0.44 0.56 1.00 1.562.243.084.00 6.24 32" 0.62 1.27 1.89 2.40 3.67 32" 0.21 0.38 0.48 0.86 1.34 1.92 2.64 3.43 5.3632" 0.65 1.10 1.411 85 2.23 2.74 32" 0.380 67,1.05 1.512.06 2.69 3.41 4.21 4″ 0.541.111.652.103.21 4" 0.18 0.33 0.42 0.75 1.17 1.68 2.313.00 4.68 4' 0.57 0.96 1.23 1.621.95 2.40 40 33 0.59'0.92 1.33 1.80 2 36 2.983.68 Į ľ 42" 0.480.99 1.47 1.86 2.85 42" 0.16 0.29 0.37 0.67 1.04 1.49 2.05 2.67 4.16 42" 0.51 0.85 1.09 1.44 1.73 2.18 42" 0.29 0.52 0.82 1.18 1.602.09 2.65 3.27 I I 50.43 0.891.321.682.57 50.140.26 0.34 0.60 0.94 1.34 1.852.403.75 5″ 0.46 0.770 981 301.55 1 92 50.26 0.47 0.741 06 1.44 1.88 2.392 95 52" 0.390 811.201.52 2.34 52" 0.13 0.24 0.31 0.55 0.85 1.221.68 2.18 3.41 52" 0.41 0.70 0.89 1.18 1.41 1.7452" 0.24 0.430 67 0.96 1.31 1.712 17 2.68 6" 0.36 0.74 1.10 1.40 2.14 6" 0.12 0.220.28 0.50 0.78 1.11 1.53 2.00 3.12 6" 0.38 0.64 0.821.081.30 1.60 6'0 22 0.39 0.61 0.881.201.57 1.99 2 45 62" 0.33 0.68 1.02 1.29 1.97 62 0.11 0.20 0.26 0.46 0.72 1.03 1.42 1.85 2.88 62" 0.35 0.59 0.761:00 1.20 1.47620 200 36,0.57 0.82 1.11 1.45 1.84 2 27 7″0.31 0.63 0.941.20 1.83 0.43 0.67 0.96 1.32 1.72 2.68 7″ 0.33 0.55 0.70 0.93 1.11 1.37 7" 0.19 0.34 0.53,0.76 1.03 1.35 1.70 2.10 Į 72" 0.29 0.59 0.88 1.121.71 72" 0.62 0.89 1.23 1.60 2.50 72" 0.30 0.51 0.66 0.86 1.04 1.2872" 0.18 0.31 0.490 710.96 1.26 1.591.96 I 8" 0.27 0.55 0.82 1.05 1.60 8" 0.09 0.17 0.21 0.38 0.59 0.84 1.15 1.50 2.34 8″ 0 280.48 0.62 0.81 0.97 1.20 80.17 0.29 0.16 0. 8"0.17 0.29 0.46 0.660 901.18 1.49 1.84 8" 0.25 0.52 0.77 0.99 1.5182" 0.08 0.160 20 0.35 0.55 0.79 1.09 1.42 2.20 82" 0.27 0.45 0.58 0.76 0.92 1.1382" 0.16 0.28 0.43 0.62 0.85 1.11 1.401.73 T 90.08 0.15 0.190.33 0.52 0.75 1.02 1.33 2.08 9" 0.25 0.43 0:55 0.72 0.87 1.07 9'0.15 0.26 0.41 0.59 0.80 1.05 1.331.64 92" 0.08 0.14 0.18 0.320.49 0.71 0.97 1.26 1.97 92" 0.24 0.40 0.52 0.68 0.821.0192" 0.14 0.25 0.39 0.560 76 0.99 1.26 1.55 ! Į 10" 0.07 0.13 0.17 0.30 0.47 0.67 0.92 1.20 1.87 10" 0.23 0.38 0.49 0.65 0.78,0 96 10"0.13 0.24 0.37 0.53 0.72 0.94 1.19 1.47 | 11"0.07 0.43 0.61 0.84 1.09 1.70 11" 0.21 0.35 0.45 0.59 0.71 0.87 11 0.12 0.21 0.33 0.48 0.660.861.08 1.34 12" 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.25 0.39 0.56 0.771.00 1.56 120.190.320.41 0.54 0.65 0.80 120.110.19 0.30 0.44 0.600 780.991.22 40.60 0.78 0.99 } } 1 I 1 1 Net Net Net Net 06/0.11/0 560,71.00 19/0.820.410.540.650 180. Sec- 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.70 1.07 Sec- 0.06 0.11 0.14 0.25 0.39 0.56 0,771.00 1.56 Sec- 0.19 0.32 0.41 0.54 0.65 0.80 Sec- 0.11 0.19 0.30 0.44 0.60 0.780.99 1.22 tion tion tion tion 1/13/ יים ים ים ים ים ים T I f 11" 11" יים ייםיים 224 ร STANDARD SIZES AND TYPES OF CORRUGATED BARS. Corrugated Bars are Rolled to the Sizes and Weights Given Below. Unless otherwise specified, we furnish corrugated bars rolled from a high elastic limit steel, with a yield point of 50,000 pounds or over. We are prepared, however, to roll any grade of steel desired, and can supply corrugated bars to meet special requirements as to elastic limit, from open hearth or Bessemer stock. OLD STYLE-TYPE A. SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT 1/2" .180" .64 lb. ! 3/4" .370" 1.35 lbs. SIZE NET SECTION WEIGHT PER FOOT 7/8" .550" 1.95 lbs. NEW STYLE-TYPE B. 1" .700" 2.70 lbs. 一 ​3/4" 1/4" 1/3" 3/8" 1/2" 5%" 7/8" 11/4" .060".110" .140" .250" .390" .560" .770" 1.000" 1.560" 14" 1.070" 1 4.00 lbs. .24lb. .38 lb. .48 h..85 lb. 1.33 lbs. 1.91 lbs. 2.60 lbs. 3.40 lbs. 5.31 lbs. CORRUGATED ROUNDS-TYPE C. 1″ SIZE 8 3/8" 1/2″ 9/16" 5/8" 3/4" %" 1″ 1%" 18 14' NET SECTION .110".190" .250" .300" .440" .600" .780″.990" 1.220" WEIGHT PER FOOT .38b..66 lb. .86 lb. 1.05lbs. 1.52 lbs. 2.06 lbs 2.69 lbs. 3 41 lbs. 4.21lbs. CORRUGATED SQUARES-TYPE D. TO SIZE 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1″ 1%' 14" 1/4" NET SECTION .060".140" .250″ .390″ .560″ .760″ 1.000" 1.260" 1.550" WEIGHT PER FOOT .22 lb. .49 lb. .86 lb. 1.35 lbs. 1.94 lbs. 2.64 lbs: 3.43 lbs. 4.34 lbs. 5.35 lbs. CORRUGATED FLATS-UNIVERSAL TYPE. No. 6 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 .190" .320" .410" .540" .650" .800" .73 lb. 1.18 lbs. 1.35 lbs. 1.97 lbs. 2.27 lbs. 2.85 lbs. A variation in weight of 5% either way is required. 225 No attempt has been made in this bulletin to touch upon the design of special sections or those larger sewers which must be de- signed after the methods employed in arch analysis. The informa- tion given is intended to cover the design of such sections as are ordinarily constructed. T 226 Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Construction.... Aqueduct Detailed Design-Problem 1. ANALYSIS- A M INDEX, MARCH NUMBER. Elastic Ring Under Concentrated Loads. Elastic Ring Under Uniform Loads.. Bar Spacing Table... Circular Sewers.. • • Detailed Design, Problem 2. Corrugated Bars, Standard Sizes.. Durability of Concrete Inverts.. Earth Pressures-Table of. Formulæ for Use in Designing. Notes on Design.. Pressure Pipes.... • Detailed Design, Problem 3. Rectangular Conduits.. Specifications for Materials. Water Pressures, Table of.. • • • • • • Page 203 207 • • → 213 215 224 212 217 225 202 206 204 205 221 221 207 203 206 See page 37 (Bulletin No. 1) for Index on General Principles of Design, Building Construction. See page 76 (Bulletin No. 2) for Index on Detailed Design of Typical Building and Complete Analysis of the Strength of Rectangular and T-shaped Beams. See page 107 (Bulletin No. 3) for Index on Methods of Design and Standard Loadings for Highway Bridges. \ See page 139 (Bulletin No. 4) for Index on Standard Designs for Bridges and Culverts for Highway Traffic. See page 171 (Bulletin No. 5) for Index on Retaining Walls of the Cantilever and Buttress Types. See page 199 (Bulletin No. 6) for Index on Reservoirs. 227 1 | 1 { 1 J THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY MAY MAV 71 DATE DUE PRO AN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN \ 3 9015 00889 4266 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD OINTED IN U. S. A. Cat. No. 23 520