DUTIE OF WOMEN FPCOBBE a 221 C65 GEO. H. ELLIS: 1 RIEN ዓ K !!! *** Miss Frances Power Cobbe's 'Duties of Women' is in its fifth Critic, Foly 11.148athousand. Translations of this book have appeared in France, Ger- many, and Italy. } The Lowell Courier says: "Miss Frances Power Cobbe, who has identified herself with the cause of anti-vivisection, called on a distin- guished man of science to endeavor to gain him over to her cause. She had an ostrich feather in her bonnet, a bird of paradise on or near her muff, and an ivory-handled umbrella. The man of science replied as follows: 'Madame, charity begins at home; when you have given up wear- ing ostrich feathers which are plucked from the living bird, causing the most exquisite pain, and birds of paradise, which, in order to enhance their beauty and lustre, are skinned alive-when you have abjured the use of ivory, because you know that the tusks are cut out of the dying ele- phant's jaw-then, and then only, come and up- braid me with the cruelty of my operations. The difference between us is, madame, that I in- flict pain in the pursuit of knowledge and for the ultimate benefit of my fellow-creatures; you cause cruelty to be inflicted merely for your personal adornment."" But the Detroit Free Press observes: "As Miss Frances Power Cobbe has not an umbrella with an ivory handle, never wore a bird of paradise in her hat, never had a muff, never went to a distinguished scientist to protest against vivisection, she is inclined to think there is some mistake in the story about his telling her that the ivory, the feather, and the muff were obtained at the expense of far more pain to the creatures that originally owned them than his vivisection for scientific 11 oses. OTHER WORKS BY MISS COBBE. RE-ECHOES. A Collection of Short News- paper Essays. Cloth. $2.00. ALONE TO THE ALONE: Prayers for Theists. By several Contributors. Edited, with a preface, by FRANCES TOWER COBBE. Cloth. $1.50. DAWNING LIGHTS: An Inquiry concern- ing the Secular Results of the New Refor- mation. Cloth. $1.50. FALSE BEASTS AND TRUE: Essays on Natural (and Unnatural) History. Cloth. $1.00. Imported and for sale by GEO. H. ELLIS, 141 FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. she liv "The type of only in the object of wis affections - nife, child, is het cr Days 6 2.2 Mirraw A Character, but one in bid. who lives for . Bay fex