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R. E. F. A. C. E. TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. IT was only after the consideration of many months, and after much self-examination as to my motives, and after much earnest prayer, that I came to the conclusion to write this little work. I have not taken one single step in the Lord’s service, concerning which I have prayed so much. My great dislike to increasing the number of religious books would, in itself, have been sufficient to have kept me for ever from it, had I not cherished the hope of being instrumental in this way to lead some of my brethren to value the Holy Scriptures more, and to judge by the standard of the word of God the principles on which they act. But that which weighed more with me than any thing was, that I have reason to believe from what I have seen among the children of God, that many of their trials arise, either from want of confidence in the Lord as it regards temporal things, or from carry- ing on their business in an unscriptural way. On account, therefore, of the remarkable way in which the Lord has dealt with me as to temporal things, within the last ten years, I feel that I am a debtor to the church of Christ, and that I ought, for the benefit of my poorer brethren especially, to make known, as much as I can, the way in which I have been led. In addition to this, I know it to be a fact, that to many souls the Lord has blessed what I have told them about the way in which he has led me, and therefore it seemed to me a duty to use such means, whereby others also, with whom I could not possibly con- verse, might be benefited. That which at last, on May 6, 1836, induced me finally to determine to write this iy PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Narrative was, that if the Lord should permit the book to sell, I might, by the profits arising from the sale, be enabled in a greater degree to help the poor brethren and sisters among whom I labour, a matter which just at that time weighed much on my mind. I therefore at last began to write. But after three days I was obliged to lay the work again aside, on account of my other pres- sing engagements. On May 15th I was laid aside on account of an abscess; and now being unable, for many weeks, to walk about as usual, though able to work at home, I had time for writing. When the manuscript was nearly completed I gave it to a brother to look it over, that I might have his judgment; and the Lord so re- freshed his spirit through it, that he offered to advance the means for having it printed, with the understanding that if the book should not sell, he would never consider me his debtor. By this offer not a small obstacle was removed, as I have no means of my own to defray the expense of printing. These two last circumstances, con- nected with many other points, confirmed me that I had not been mistaken, when I came to the conclusion, that it was the will of God, that I should serve his church in this way. - The fact of my being a foreigner, and therefore but very imperfectly acquainted with the English language, I judged to be no sufficient reason for keeping me from wri- ting. The christian reader being acquainted with this fact, will candidly excuse any inaccuracy of expression. I'or the poor among the brethren this Narrative is especially intended, and to their prayers I commend it in particular. - GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, July 5, 1837. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE TO THIE SECOND EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. As to this second edition I would mention, that while in substance it is the same as the first, yet, on account of my increased acquaintance with the English language, many verbal alterations have been made; also several alterations have been made on account of the increased light which the Lord has been pleased to grant me since July 1837; a few paragraphs have been entirely left out, and a few new paragraphs have been added. O GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, October 28, 1840. EXTRACT FROM THE PREFACE TO THE THIRD EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. As the second edition of four thousand copies is exhausted, and as the Lord condescends to bless this Narrative more and more, both to believers and unbelievers, it has appeared to me a debt which I owe to the church of Christ to publish this third edition. Several new paragraphs of considerable length have been introduced. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, June 17, 1845. PREFA C E To THE FIFTH EDITION OF THE FIRST PART. THE fourth edition of four thousand copies is also ex- hausted, and the Lord condescends to bless yet more and more this Narrative, both to the conversion of unbelievers, and to the edification of his own children. On this account I feel it my duty, as well as my privilege, to send forth this new edition, in which but few alterations have been made. A few paragraphs have been left out for the sake of brevity. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, November, 1855. A. N A R RATIVE, &c. &c. I was born at Kroppenstaedt, near Halberstadt, in the kingdom of Prussia, on September 27th, 1805. In January 1810 my parents removed to Heimersleben, about four miles from Kroppenstaedt, where my father was appointed collector in the excise. As a warning to parents I men- tion, that my father preferred me to my brother, which was very injurious to both of us. To me, as tending to produce in my mind a feeling of self-elevation; and to my brother, by creating in him a dislike both towards my father and me. My father, who educated his children on worldly prin- ciples, gave us much money, considering our age; not in order that we might spend it, but, as he said, to accustom us to possess money without spending it. The result was, that it led me and my brother into many sins. For Ire- peatedly spent a part of the money in a childish way, and afterwards, when my father looked over my little treasure, I sought to deceive him in making up the accounts, either by not putting down all the money which he had given me, or by professing to have more money in hand than was the case, and counting it out accordingly before him. Now, though this deceit was found out at last, and I was punished, yet I remained the same. For before I was ten years old I repeatedly took of the government money which was intrusted to my father, and which he had to make up; till one day, as he had repeatedly missed money, he detected my theft, by depositing a counted sum in the room where I was, and leaving me to myself for a while. Being thus left alone, I took some of the money, and hid it under my foot in my shoe. When my father, after his return, had counted and missed the money, I was searched and my theft detected. 2 [A.D. 1820. Though I was punished on this and other occasions, yet I do not remember that at any time, when my sins were found out, it made any other impression upon me than to make me think how I might do the thing the next time more cleverly, so as not to be detected. Hence it came, that this was not the last time that I was guilty of stealing. When I was between ten and eleven years of age, I was scnt to Halberstadt, to the cathedral classical school, there to be prepared for the university; for my father's desire was, that I should become a clergyman : not, indeed, that thus I might serve God, but that I might have a com- fortable living. My time was now spent in studying, reading novels, and indulging, though so young, in sinful practices. Thus it continued till I was fourteen years old, when my mother was suddenly removed. The night she was dying, I, not knowing of her illness, was playing at cards till two in the morning, and on the next day, being the Lord's day, I went with some of my companions in sin to a tavern, and then we went about the streets half intoxicated. The following day I attended, for the first time, the reli- gious instruction, which I was to receive previous to my confirmation. This likewise was attended to in a careless manner; and when I returned to my lodgings, my father had arrived to fetch my brother and me home to our mother's funeral. This bereavement made Ino lasting im- pression on my mind. I grew worse and worse. Three or four days before I was confirmed, (and thus admitted to partake of the Lord's supper,) I was guilty of gross im- morality; and the very day before my confirmation, when I was in the vestry with the clergyman to confess my sins, (according to the usual practice,) after a formal manner, I defrauded him; for I handed over to him only the twelfth part of the fee which my father had given me for him. In this state of heart, without prayer, without true re- pentance, without faith, without knowledge of the plan of salvation, I was confirmed, and took the Lord's supper, on the Sunday after Easter 1820. Yet I was not without some feeling about the solemnity of the thing, and I stayed at home in the afternoon and evening, whilst the other boys and girls, who had been confirmed with me, walked about in the fields. I also made resolutions to turn from those vices in which I was living, and to study more. But as I A.D. 1821.] 3 had no regard to God, and attempted the thing in my own strength, all soon came to nothing, and I still grew worse. Six weeks after my confirmation I went for a fortnight to Brunswick, to a sister of my father's, where I became attached to a young female, who was a Roman catholic. My time till Midsummer 1821 was spent partly in study, but in a great degree in playing the piano-forte and guitar, reading novels, frequenting taverns, forming resolutions to become different, yet breaking them almost as fast as they were made. My money was often spent on my sinful pleasures, through which I was now and then brought into trouble, so that once, to satisfy my hunger, I stole a piece of coarse bread, the allowance of a soldier who was quar- tered in the house where I lodged. What a bitter, bitter thing is the service of Satan, even in this world!! At Midsummer 1821 my father obtained an appoint- ment at Schoenebeck, near Magdeburg, and I embraced the opportunity of entreating him to remove me to the cathedral classical school of Magdeburg; for I thought, that, if I could but leave my companions in sin, and get out of certain snares, and be placed under other tutors, I should then live a different life. But as my dependance in this matter also was not upon God, I fell into a still worse state. My father consented, and I was allowed to leave Halberstadt, and to stay at Heimersleben till Michaelmas. During this time I superintended, according to my father's wish, certain alterations, which were to be made in his house there, for the sake of letting it profitably. Being thus quite my own master, I grew still more idle, and lived as much as before in all sorts of sin. When Michaelmas came, I persuaded my father to leave me at Heimersleben till Easter, and to let me read the classics with a clergyman living in the same place. As Dr. Nagel was a very learned man, and also in the habit of having pupils under his care, and a friend of my father's, my request was granted. I was now living on the premises belonging to my father, under little real control, and in- trusted with a considerable sum of money, which I had to collect for my father, from persons who owed it to him. My habits soon led me to spend a considerable part of this money, giving receipts for different sums, yet leaving my father to suppose I had not received them. - In November I went on a pleasure excursion to Magde- B 2 4. [A.D. 1821. burg, where I spent six days in much sin, and though my absence from home had been found out by my father, before I returned from thence, yet I took all the money I could obtain, and went to Brunswick, after I had, through a number of lies, obtained permission from my tutor. The reason of my going to Brunswick was, the attachment I had formed eighteen months previously to the young female residing there. I spent a week at Brunswick, in an ex- pensive hotel. At the end of the week my money was expended. This, as well as the want of a passport, pre- vented my staying any longer in the hotel; but as I still wished to remain at Brunswick, I went to my uncle, the husband of my father's sister, and made some excuse for not having gone to him in the first instance. My uncle, seeing I suppose my unsteady life, intimated after a week, that he did not wish me to remain with him any longer. I then went, without money, to another hotel, in a village near Brunswick, where I spent another week in an expensive way of living. At last, the owner of the hotel suspecting that I had no money, asked for payment, and I was obliged to leave my best clothes as a security, and could scarcely thus escape from being arrested. I then walked about six miles, to Wolfenbuttel, went to an inn, and began again to live as if I had plenty of money. Here I stayed two days, looking out for an opportunity to run away; for I had now nothing remaining, to leave as a pledge. But the window of my room was too high to allow of my escaping, by getting down at night. On the second or third morning I went quietly out of the yard, and then ran off; but being suspected and observed, and therefore seen to go off, I was immediately called after, and so had to return. I now confessed my case, but found no mercy. I was arrested, and taken between two soldiers to a police officer. Being suspected by him to be a vagabond or thief, I was examined for about three hours, and then sent to gaol. I now found myself, at the age of sixteen, an inmate of the same dwelling with thieves and murderers, and treated accordingly. My superior manners profited nothing. For though, as a particular favour, I received the first evening some meat with my bread, I had the next day the common allowance of the prisoners:–very coarse bread and water, and for dinner vegetables, but no meat. My situation was most wretched. I was locked up in this place day and A.D. 1822.] 5. night, without permission to leave my cell. The dinner was such that on the first day I completely loathed it, and left it untouched. The second day I took a little, the third day all, and the fourth and following days I would fain have had more. On the second day I asked the keeper for a Bible, not to consider its blessed contents, but to pass away the time. However, I received none. Here then I was; no creature with me; no book, no work in my hands, and large iron rails before my narrow window. During the second night I was awakened out of my sleep by the rattling of the bolts and keys. Three men came into my room. When I asked them in my fright what it meant, they laughed at me, continuing quietly to try the iron rails, to see whether I could escape.—After a few days I found out, that a thief was imprisoned next to me, and, as far as a thick wooden partition would allow of it, I conversed with him; and shortly after the governor of the prison allowed him, as a favour to me, to share my cell. We now passed away our time in relating our adventures, and I was by this time so wicked that I was not satisfied with relating things of which I had been really guilty, but I even invented stories, to show him what a famous fellow I was. I waited in vain day after day to be liberated.—After about ten or twelve days my fellow-prisoner and I disa- greed, and thus we two wretched beings, to increase our wretchedness, spent day after day without conversing together.—I was in prison from December 18th, 1821, till January 12th, 1822, when the keeper came and told me to go with him to the police office. Here I found, that the Commissioner, before whom I had been tried, had first written to my uncle at Brunswick, and when he had written in reply, that it was better to acquaint my father with my conduct, the Commissioner had done so; and thus I was kept in prison till my father sent the money which was needed for my travelling expenses, to pay my debt in the inn, and for my maintenance in the prison. So ungrateful was I now, for certain little kindnesses shown to me by my fellow-prisoner, that, although I had promised to call on his sister, to deliver a message from him, I omitted to do so; and so little had I been benefited by this my chastisement, that, though I was going home to meet an angry father, only two hours – B 3 6 [A.D. 1825. after I had left the town where I had been imprisoned, I chose an avowedly wicked person as my travelling com- panion for a great part of my journey. My father, who arrived two days after I had reached Heimersleben, after having severely beaten me, took me home to Schoenebeck, intending to keep me there till Easter, and then to send me to a classical school at Halle, that I might be under strict discipline and the continual inspection of a tutor. In the mean time I took pupils, whom I instructed in Latin, French, arithmetic, and German Grammar. I now endeavoured, by diligence in study, to regain the favour of my father. My habits were, as to outward appearance, exemplary. I made progress in my own studies, benefited my pupils, and was soon liked by every body around me, and in a short time my father had forgotten all. But all this time I was in heart as bad as ever; for I was stillinsecret habitually guilty of great sins. Easter came, and on account of my good behaviour, my diligence in study, and also because I was no expense to my father, but earned much more than I cost him, I easily persuaded him to let me stay at home till Michaelmas. But after that period he would not consent to my remain- ing any longer with him, and therefore I left home, pre- tending to go to Halle to be examined. But having a hearty dislike to the strict discipline of which I had heard, and knowing also that I should meet there young men attending the university with whom I was acquainted, enjoying all the liberty of German students, whilst I myself was still at school: for these and other reasons I went to Nordhausen, and had myself examined by the director of the gymnasium, to be received into that school. I then went home, but never told my father a word of all this deception, till the day before my departure, which obliged me to invent a whole chain of lies. He was then very angry; but at last, through my entreaties and per- suasion, he gave way and allowed me to go. This was in the beginning of October 1822. I continued at Nordhausen two years and six months, till Easter 1825. During this time I studied with con- siderable diligence the Latin classics, French, History, my own language, &c.; but did little in Hebrew, Greek, and the Mathematics. I lived in the house of the director, and got, through my conduct, highly into his favour, so A.D. 1825.] 7 much so, that I was held up by him in the first class as an example to the rest, and he used to take me regularly with him in his walks, to converse with me in Latin. I used now to rise regularly at four, winter and summer, and generally studied all the day, with little exception, till ten at night. But whilst I was thus outwardly gaining the esteem of my fellow-creatures, I did not care in the least about God, but lived secretly in much sin, in consequence of which I was taken ill, and for thirteen weeks confined to my room. During my illness I had no real sorrow of heart, yet being under certain natural impressions of religion, I read through Klopstock’s works, without weariness. I cared nothing about the word of God. I had about three hun- dred books of my own, but no Bible. I practically set a far higher value upon the writings of Horace and Cicero, Voltaire and Moliere, than upon the volume of inspiration. Now and then I felt that I ought to become a different person, and I tried to amend my conduct, particularly when I went to the Lord's supper, as I used to do twice every year, with the other young men. The day previous to attending that ordinance, I used to refrain from certain things; and on the day itself I was serious, and also swore once or twice to God, with the emblem of the broken body in my mouth, to become better, thinking that for the oath’s sake I should be induced to reform. But after one or two days were over, all was forgotten, and I was as bad as before. I had now grown so wicked, that I could habitually tell lies without blushing. And further, to show how fearfully wicked I was, I will mention, out of many others, only one great sin, of which I was guilty, before I left this place. Through my dissipated life I had contracted debts, which I had no means of discharging; for my father could allow me only about as much as I needed for my regular main- tenance. One day, after having received a sum of money from him, and having purposely shown it to some of my companions, I afterwards feigned that it was stolen, having myself by force injured the lock of my trunk, and having also designedly forced open my guitar case. I also feigned myself greatly frightened at what had happened, ran into the director's room, with my coat off, and told him that my money was stolen. I was greatly pitied. Some friends also gave me now as much money as I pretended to have 8 [A.D. 1825. lost, and the circumstance afforded me a ground upon which to ask my creditors to wait longer. But this matter turned out bitterly; for the director, having ground to suspect me, though he could not prove any thing, never fully restored me to his confidence. - As it regards my own feeling, though I was very wicked, yet this desperate act of depravity was too much, even for my hardened conscience; for it never afterwards allowed me to feel easy in the presence of the director's wife, who, like a kind mother, had waited on me in my illness, and on whom I had now so wilfully brought trouble. How long- suffering was God at this time, not to destroy me at once And how merciful that he did not suffer me to be tried before the police, who easily would have detected that the whole was a fabrication! I was heartily glad for many reasons, but particularly on account of this latter circum- stance, to be able soon after to exchange the school for the university. - I had now obtained what I had fondly looked forward to. I became a member of the university, and that with very honourable testimonials. I had thus obtained per- mission to preach in the Lutheran Establishment; but I was as truly unhappy, and as far from God as ever. I had made strong resolutions, now at last, to change my course of life, for two reasons: first, because, without it, I thought no parish would choose me as their pastor; and secondly, that without a considerable knowledge of divinity I should never get a good living, as the obtaining of a valuable cure, in Prussia, generally depends upon the degree which the candidates of the ministry obtain in passing the examina- tion. But the moment I entered Halle, the university town, all my resolutions came to nothing.—Being now more than ever my own master, and without any control as long as I did not fight a duel, molest the people in the streets, &c., Irenewed my profligate life afresh, though now a student of divinity. When my money was spent, I pawned my watch and a part of my linen and clothes, or borrowed in other ways. Yet in the midst of it all I had a desire to renounce this wretched life, for I had no en- joyment in it, and had sense enough left to see, that the end one day or other would be miserable; for I should never get a living. ...But I had no sorrow of heart on account of offending God. A.D. 1825.] 9 One day when I was in a tavern with some of my wild fellow-students, I saw among them one of my former school- fellows, named Beta, whom I had known four years before at Halberstadt, but whom at that time I had despised, because he was so quiet and serious. It now appeared well to me to choose him as my friend, thinking, that if I could but have better companions, I should by that means improve my own conduct. I got into familiar discourse with him, and we were soon much knit to one another. “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm.” Jeremiah xvii. 5. This Beta was a backslider. When formerly he was so quiet at school, I have reason to believe it was because the Spirit of God was working on his heart; but now, having departed from the Lord, he tried to put off the ways of God more and more, and to enjoy the world of which he had known but little before. I sought his friendship, be- cause I thought it would lead me to a steady life; and he gladly formed an acquaintance with me, as he told me afterwards, because he thought it would bring him into gay society. Thus my poor foolish heart was again deceived. And yet, God, in his abundant mercy, made him, after all, in a way which was never thought of by me, the instrument of doing me good, not merely for time, but for eternity. About this period, June 1825, I was again taken ill in consequence of my profligate and vicious life. My state of health would therefore no longer allow me to go on in the same course, but my desires were still unchanged. About the end of July I recovered. After this, my con- duct was outwardly rather better; but this arose only from want of money. At the commencement of August, Beta, and I with two other students, drove about the country for four days. All the money for this expensive pleasure had been obtained by pledging some of our remaining articles. When we returned, instead of being truly sorry on account of this sin, we thought of fresh pleasures; and as my love for travelling was stronger than ever, through what I had seen on this last journey, I proposed to my friends to set off for Switzerland. The obstacles in the way, the want of money, and the want of the passports, were removed by me. For, through forged letters from our parents, we procured passports, and through pledging. 10. [A.D. 1825. all we could, particularly our books, we obtained as much money as we thought would be enough. Beta was one of the party. On August 18th we left Halle. It will be enough to say that we went as far as Mount Rigi in Switzerland, by the way of Erfurt, Frankfort, Heidelberg, Stuttgart, Zurich, and returned by the way of Constance, Ulm, and Nuremberg. Forty-three days we were day after day travelling, almost always on foot. I had now obtained the desire of my heart. I had seen Switzerland. Dut still I was far from being happy. The Lord most graciously preserved us from many calamitous circumstances, which, but for his gracious providence, might have overtaken us. But I did not see his hand at that time, as I have seen it since. Sickness of one or more of us, or separation from one another, which might have so easily befallen us, would have brought us, being so far from home, and having but just as much money as was absolutely needed, into a most miserable condition. I was on this journey like Judas: for having the common purse, I was a thief. I managed so, that the journey cost me but two-thirds of what it cost my friends. Oh! how wicked was I now. At last all of us became tired of seeing even the most beautiful views; and whilst at first, after having seen certain scenes, I had been saying with Horace, at the end of the day, in my pagan heart, “Wixi,” (I have lived), I was now glad to get home again. September 29th we reached Halle, from whence each of us, for the remainder of the vacation, went to his father's house. I had now, by many lies, to satisfy my father con- cerning the travelling expenses, and succeeded in deceiving him. During the three weeks I stayed at home, I deter- mined to live differently for the future. Once more the Lord showed me what resolutions come to, when made in man's strength. I was different for a few days; but when the vacation was over, and fresh students came, and, with them, fresh money, all was soon forgotten. At that time Halle was frequented by 1260 students, about 900 of whom studied divinity, all of which 900 were allowed to preach, although, I have reason to believe, not nine of them feared the Lord. The time was now come when God would have mercy upon me. His love had been set upon such a wretch as I A.D. 1825.] 11 was before the world was made. His love had sent his Son to bear the punishment due to me on account of my sins, and to fulfil the law which I had broken times without number. And now, at a time when I was as careless about him as ever, he sent his Spirit into my heart. I had no Bible, and had not read in it for years. I went to church but seldom; but, from custom, I took the Lord’s supper twice a year. I had never heard the gospel preached, up to the beginning of November 1825. I had never met with a person who told me that he meant, by the help of God, to live according to the Holy Scriptures. In short, I had not the least idea, that there were any persons really different from myself, except in degree. One Saturday afternoon, about the middle of November 1825, I had taken a walk with my friend Beta. On our return he said to me, that he was in the habit of going on Saturday evenings to the house of a christian, where there was a meeting. On further inquiry he told me that they read the Bible, sang, prayed, and read a printed sermon. No sooner had I heard this, than it was to me as if I had found something after which I had been seeking all my life long. I immediately wished to go with my friend, who was not at once willing to take me; for knowing me as a gay young man, he thought I should not like this meeting. At last, however, he said he would call for me.—I would here mention, that Beta seems to have had conviction of sin, and probably also a degree of acquaintance with the Lord, when about fifteen years old. Afterwards, being in a cold and worldly state, he joined me in this sinful journey to Switzerland. On his return, however, being extremely miserable, and convinced of his guilt, he made a full confession of his sin to his father; and, whilst with him, sought the acquaintance of a christian brother, named Richter. This Dr. Richter, who himself had studied a few years before at Halle, gave him, on his return to the university, a letter of introduction to a believing trades- man, of the name of Wagner. It was this brother concerning whom Beta spoke to me, and in whose house the meeting was held. We went together in the evening. As I did not know the manners of believers, and the joy they have in seeing poor sinners, even in any measure caring about the things of God, I made an apology for coming. The kind answer V 12 [A.D. 1825 of this dear brother I shall never forget. He said: “Come as often as you please; house and heart are open to you.” We sat down and sang a hymn. Then brother Kayser, now a missionary in Africa, in connexion with the London Missionary Society, who was then living at Halle, fell on his knees, and asked a blessing on our meeting. This kneeling down made a deep impression upon me; for I had never either seen any one on his knees, nor had I ever myself prayed on my knees. He then read a chapter and a printed sermon; for no regular meetings for ex- pounding the Scriptures were allowed in Prussia, except an ordained clergyman was present. At the close we sang another hymn, and then the master of the house prayed. Whilst he prayed, my feeling was something like this: “I could not pray as well, though I am much more learned than this illiterate man.” The whole made a deep impression on me. I was happy; though, if I had been asked, why I was happy, I could not have clearly explained it. When we walked home, I said to Beta : “All we have seen on our journey to Switzerland, and all our former pleasures, are as nothing in comparison with this evening.” Whether I fell on my knees when I returned home, I do not remember; but this I know, that I lay peaceful and happy in my bed. This shows that the Lord may begin his work in different ways. For -I have not the least doubt, that on that evening he began a work of grace in me, though I obtained joy without any deep sorrow of heart, and with scarcely any knowledge. But that evening was the turning point in my life.—The next day, and Monday, and once or twice besides, I went again to the house of this brother, where I read the Scriptures with him and another brother; for it was too long for me to wait till Saturday came again. Now my life became very different, though not so, that all sins were given up at once. My wicked companions were given up ; the going to taverns was entirely dis- continued; the habitual practice of telling falsehoods was no longer indulged in, but still a few times after this I spoke an untruth.-At the time when this change took place, I was engaged in translating a novel out of French into German, for the press, in order to obtain the means of gratifying my desire to see Paris, &c. This plan about A.D. 1826.] 13 the journey was now given up, though I had not light enough to give up the work in which I was engaged, but finished it. The Lord, however, most remarkably put various obstacles in the way and did not allow me to sell the manuscript. At last, seeing that the whole was wrong, I determined never to sell it, and was enabled to abide by this determination. Inow no longer lived habitually in sin, though I was still often overcome, and sometimes even by open sins, though far less frequently than before, and not without sorrow of heart. I read the Scriptures, prayed often, loved the bre- thren, went to church from right motives, and stood on the side of Christ, though laughed at by my fellow-students. It had pleased God to teach me something of the mean- ing of that precious truth: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I understood something of the reason why the Lord Jesus died on the cross, and suffered such agonies in the Garden of Gethsemane : even that thus, bearing the punishment due to us, we might not have to bear it ourselves. And, therefore, apprehending in some measure the love of Jesus for my soul, I was constrained to love him in return. What all the exhortations and precepts of my father and others could not effect ; what all my own resolutions could not bring about, even to renounce a life of sin and profligacy: I was enabled to do, constrained by the love of Jesus. The individual who desires to have his sins forgiven, must seek for it through the blood of Jesus. The individual who desires to get power over sin, must likewise seek for it through the blood of Jesus. In January 1826, Ibegan to read missionary papers, and was greatly stirred up to become a missionary myself. I prayed frequently concerning this matter, and thus made more decided progress for a few weeks. But soon, alas ! I was drawn aside. I used frequently to meet a young female, who also came to the meetings on Saturday evenings; and being the only pious female of my own age, whom I knew, I soon felt myself greatly attached to her. This led away my heart from missionary work, for I had reason to believe that her parents would not allow her to go with me. My prayers now became cold and formal, and at length were almost entirely given up. My joy in the Lord C V 14 [A.D. 1826. left me. In this state I continued for about six weeks. At the end of that time, about Easter 1826, I saw a de- voted young brother, named Hermann Ball, a learned man, and of wealthy parents, who, constrained by the love of Christ, preferred labouring in Poland among the Jews as a missionary, to having a comfortable living near his rela- tions. His example made a deep impression on me. I was led to apply his case to my own, and to compare my- self with him ; for I had given up the work of the Lord, and, I may say, the Lord himself, for the sake of a girl. The result of this comparison was, that I was enabled to give up this connexion, which I had entered upon with- out prayer, and which thus had led me away from the Lord. When I was enabled to be decided, the Lord smiled on me, and I was, for the first time in my life, able fully and unreservedly to give up myself to him. It was at this time that I began truly to enjoy the peace of God, which passeth all understanding. In this my joy I wrote to my father and brother, entreating them to seek the Lord, and telling them how happy I was ; thinking, that if the way to happiness were but set before them, they would gladly embrace it. To my great surprise an angry answer was returned.—About this period the Lord sent a believer, Dr. Tholuck, as professor of divinity to Halle, in consequence of which a few believing students came from other universities. Thus also, through be- coming acquainted with other brethren, the Lord led me OL1. With the revival of the work of grace in my heart, after the snare above related had been broken, my former desire to give myself to missionary service returned, and I went at last to my father to obtain his permission, without which I could not be received into any of the German mis- sionary institutions. My father was greatly displeased, and particularly reproached me, saying that he had ex- pended so much money on my education, in hope that he might comfortably spend his last days with me in a par- Sonage, and that he now saw all these prospects come to nothing. He was angry, and told me he would no longer consider me as his son. But the Lord gave me grace to remain steadfast. He then entreated me, and wept before me; yet even this by far harder trial the Lord enabled me to bear. Before I went away I took an opportunity A.D. 1826.] 15 of reminding my brother of my former wicked life, and told him, that now, having been thus blessed by God, I could not but live for him. After I had left my father, though I wanted more money than at any previous period of my life, as I had to remain two years longer in the university, I determined, never to take any more from him; for it seemed to me wrong, so far as I rémember, to suffer myself to be supported by him, when he had no prospect that I should become, what he would wish me to be, namely, a clergyman with a good living. This resolu- tion I was enabled to keep. By the way I would here observe, that the Lord after- wards in a most remarkable way supplied my temporal wants. For shortly after this had occurred, several Ame- rican gentlemen, three of whom were professors in Ame- rican colleges, came to Halle for literary purposes, and as they did not understand German, I was recommended by T}r. Tholuck to teach them. These gentlemen, some of whom were believers, paid so handsomely for the instruc- tion which I gave them, and for the lectures of certain professors which I wrote out for them, that I had enough and to spare. Thus did the Lord richly make up to me the little which I had relinquished for His sake. “O.fear the Lord, ye his saints; for there is no want to them that fear him.” Psalm xxxiv. 9. On my return from my father to Halle, I found that the more experienced brethren thought that I ought for the present to take no further steps respecting my desire to go out as a missionary. But still it was more or less in my mind.—Whitsuntide and the two days following I spent in the house of a pious clergyman in the country; for all the ministers at Halle, a town of more than 20,000 inhabitants, were unenlightened men. God greatly re- freshed me through this visit. Dear Beta was with me. On our return we related to two of our former friends, whose society we had not quite given up, though we did not any longer live with them in sin, how happy we had been on our visit. I then told them how I wished they were as happy as ourselves. . They answered, we do not feel that we are sinners. After this I fell on my knees, and asked God to show them that they were sinners. Having done so, I left them, and went into my bed-room, where I continued to pray for them. After a little while C 2 16 [A.D. 1826. I returned to my sitting room, and found them both in tears, and both told me, that they now felt themselves to be sinners. Trom that time a work of grace commenced in their hearts. Shortly after this, being still greatly exercised about going out as a missionary, and wishing much (according to my natural mind, as Inow see,) to have the matter settled, in one way or other, without being willing quietly, pa- tiently, and prayerfully to wait on the Lord, I came to the conclusion to ascertain the Lord’s mind by the lot. To this end I not merely drew a lot in private, but I bought a ticket in the royal lottery, and I left it thus with the Lord, that if I gained any thing, I should take it to be his will that I should become a missionary, if not, that I should remain at home. My ticket came out with a small sum, on account of which it appeared to me that I should be a missionary. I therefore applied to the Berlin Missionary Society, but was not accepted, because my father had not given his consent. Very soon afterwards I was led to see in some degree, and since then much more fully, the error into which I had fallen respecting the lot. In the first place, it was altogether wrong that I, a child of God, should have any thing to do with so worldly and ungodly a system as that of the lottery. But it was also unscriptural to go to the lot at all, for the sake of ascertaining the Lord’s mind, and this I ground on the following reasons. We have neither a commandment of God for it, nor the example of our Lord, nor that of the apostles, after the Holy Spirit had been given on the day of Pentecost. 1. We have many exhortations in the word of God to seek to know his mind by prayer and searching the Holy Scriptures, but no pas- sage which exhorts us to use the lot. 2. The example of the apostles (Acts i.) in using the lot, in the choice of an apostle, in the room of Judas Iscariot, is the only passage, which can be brought in favour of the lot, from the New Testament, (and to the Old we have not to go under this dispensation, for the sake of ascertaining how we ought to live as disciples of Christ). Now concerning this cir- cumstance we have to remember, that the Spirit was not yet given (John vii. 39; ch. xiv. 16, 17; ch. xvi. 7, 13), by whose teaching especially it is that we may know the mind of the Lord; and hence we find, that, after the day A.D. 1826.] 17 of Pentecost, the lot was no more used, but the apostles gave themselves to prayer and fasting to ascertain how they ought to act. In addition to this I would give my own experience con- cerning the lot, but only by way of illustrating the view just given ; for the word of God is quite sufficient on the subject. And first as it regards my using the lot in the above case. How did it turn out P I had repeatedly asked the Lord to show me his mind, whether he would have me to be a missionary or not. But not coming to a satisfactory assurance, and being very anxious to have the matter settled, I found out in my own judgment a much shorter way, namely, the lot. I ought to have said to myself, how can an individual, so ignorant as you are, think about being a teacher to others ? For though I was truly begotten again, and rested upon Christ alone for salvation, still I should not have been able to give a clear explanation of even the most elementary truths of the Gospel. How then could I be fit to teach others? The first thing therefore I ought to have done, was, to seek through much prayer, and searching the Scriptures, and a holy life, to obtain more knowledge of divine things. Fur- ther, as to my impatience in wishing the matter settled, how could I have been fit to endure in that state the hardships and trials of a missionary life, in which my pa- tience, no doubt, would have been much more severely tried ? I therefore ought to have said to myself, if I can- not wait quietly, though it be many months longer, before the Lord shows me clearly his will concerning the matter, how then can I be fit for missionary work P Instead of thus comparing my state of heart and knowledge, with what is required in the Scriptures from him who is to be a teacher, I ran hastily to the lot, and thought I had done it prayerfully. And how did it end ? According to my prayers the lot decided I should be a missionary among the heathen (and my mind, at that time, especially inclined to the East Indies.) But the way in which the Lord has led me since has been very different. And it ought not to be said in defence of the practice of deciding by lot.— Perhaps the Lord meant you to be a missionary among the heathen, but you did not give yourself to the work; for I actually offered myself to a society, but was not ac- cepted. Moreover, within the last twenty-six years I have C 3 18 | A.D. 1826. repeatedly offered myself most solemnly to the Lord for this work, and I am as sure that it is not his will that I should go out as a missionary, for the present, as I am sure of any thing, Nor could it be said, that perhaps the Lord yet may call me for this work. For if he should be pleased to do so to-morrow, yet that would prove nothing concerning the above point. For I did not use the lot to ascertain, whether at any period of my life I should be en- gaged in missionary work, but whether I should then set about it. And to put such an explanation on the mat- ter, would be acting as false prophets, who, when their prophecies fail, try to find out some way or other, whereby they may show that their prophecies were true. About two years after Iused the lot in another instance. I went one day to a village about fifteen miles from Halle, to see the few believers there. When I was about three miles from the place, it began to get dark, and finding myself in a spot, where the road divided, and not knowing which way I should choose, I was greatly perplexed. I stood a moment, and then prayed to God to show me by the lot, which was the right way. Now, truly one may say, if the use of the lot in our day is according to the will of God, this was particularly a case for the Lord to direct me through this means. For here was one of his children in need, looking up to his Father to help him, through the lot, out of his difficulty, and this his child also on a jour- ney in his service. I drew the lot and went the way to the left. After some time I found I was on the wrong road. Now, at last, as I did not know how to get into the right one, I did what I ought to have done before, and what I believe to be a scriptural way of acting; I prayed that the Lord graciously would send some one to put me into the right road; and almost immediately a carriage came up, and I was directed on my journey. In one other instance I used the lot some years after. It concerned a most important matter, important for my whole life. I had then a degree of conviction, that I ought prayerfully and patiently to wait for the Lord's decision. But my natural mind would have the decision at once, and thus after prayer I drew the lot, to have the matter in one way or other settled. But facts turned out completely different from what the lot decided. To ascertain the Lord's will, we ought to use Scriptural A.D. 1826.] 19 means. Prayer, the word of God, and his Spirit should be united together... We should go to the Lord repeatedly in prayer, and ask him to teach us by his Spirit through his word. I say, by his Spirit through his word. For if we should think that his Spirit led us to do so and so, because certain facts are so and so, and yet his word is opposed to the step which we are going to take, we should be deceiv- ing ourselves. For instance: A brother in business thinks he ought to leave the house in which he lives, because it is not in a good situation. He wishes to know the Lord’s mind as he says, and prays about the matter. After a few days, unexpec- tedly, a house is offered to him without seeking after it, in a much better situation. The house is very suitable, as he thinks; the rent very moderate; and moreover the person who offers him the house, being a brother himself, tells him, that because he is a believer he will let him have it at this cheap rent. There is, however, this scriptural objection in the way. If he goes into this house, he must carry on so large a business, to cover his expenses, that his time will be so occupied as to encroach upon those hours, which ought to be devoted to his spiritual interests. Now the scriptural way of deciding would be this: No situa- tion, no business will be given to me by God, in which I have not time enough to care about my soul, Matthew vi. 33. Therefore, however outward circumstances may appear, it can only be considered as permitted of God, to prove the genuineness of my love, faith, and obedience, but by no means as the leading of his providence to in- duce me to act contrary to his revealed will. In connexion with this I would mention, that the Lord very graciously gave me, from the very commencement of my divine life, a measure of simplicity and of childlike disposition in spiritual things, so that whilst I was ex- ceedingly ignorant of the Scriptures, and was still from time to time overcome even by outward sins, yet I was enabled to carry most minute matters to the Lord in prayer. And I have found “godliness profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.” Though very weak and ignorant, yet I had now, by the grace of God, some desire to benefit others, and he who so faithfully had once served Satan, sought now to win souls for Christ, 20 [A.D. 1826. I may mention a few instances. I circulated every month, in different parts of the country, about 300 mis- sionary papers. I also sold and distributed a considera- ble number of tracts, and often took my pockets full in my walks, and distributed them, and spoke to poor people whom I met. I also wrote letters to some of my former companions in sin. I visited, for thirteen weeks, a sick man, who, when I first began to speak to him about the things of God, was completely ignorant of his state as a sinner, trusting for salvation in his upright and moral life. After some weeks, however, the Lord allowed me to see a decided change in him, and he afterwards repeatedly ex- pressed his gratitude, that I had been sent to him by God, to be the means of opening his blind eyes. May this encourage the believing reader to sow the seed, though he does not see it spring up at once. Thus the Lord condescended to begin to use me soon after my conversion, though but little; for I could bear but very little, as I did not see at that time as I do now, A that God alone can give spiritual life at the first, and keep it up in the soul afterwards. How imperfectly, however, on account of my ignorance, some of these things were done, I will show by the following instance. Once I met a beggar in the fields, and spoke to him about his soul. But when I perceived it made no impression upon him, I spoke more loudly; and when he still remained unmoved, I quite bawled in talking to him; till at last I went away, seeing it was of no use. Though none had sought the Lord less than myself, when he was pleased to begin his work in me; yet so ignorant was I of the work of the Spirit, that I thought my speaking very loudly would force into him repentance towards God, and faith in the Lord Jesus. Having heard that there was a schoolmaster living in a village about six miles from Halle, who was in the habit of holding a prayer meeting at four o'clock every morning, with the miners, before they went into the pit, giving them also an address, I thought he was a believer; and as I knew so very few brethren, I went to see him, in order, if it might be, to strengthen his hands. About two years afterwards he told me, that when I came to him first, he knew not the Lord, but that he had held these prayer- meetings melely out of kindness to a relative, whose office A.D. 1826.] 21 it was, but who had gone on a journey; and that those addresses which he had read were not his own, but copied out of a book. He also told me, that he was much im- pressed with my kindness, and, what he considered con- descension on my part in coming to see him, and this, together with my conversation, had been instrumental in leading him to care about the things of God, and I knew him ever afterwards as a true brother. This schoolmaster asked me, whether I would not preach in his parish, as the aged and infirm clergyman would be very glad of my assistance. Up to this time I had never preached, though for fifteen months past I might have done so as a student of divinity; for before Christmas 1825 I had been mercifully kept from attempting to preach, (though I wrote to my father about July that I had preached, because I knew it would please him), and after Christmas, when I knew the Lord, I refrained from doing so, because I felt that I was yet too little instructed in the things of God. The same reason ought to have still kept me from preaching; yet I thought, that, by taking a sermon, or the greater part of one, written by a spiritual man, and committing it to memory, I might bene- fit the people. Had I reasoned scripturally, I should have said, surely it cannot be the will of God, that I should preach in this way, if I have not enough knowledge of the Scriptures to write a sermon. Moreover, I had not enough light nor tenderness of conscience to see, that I was a deceiver in the pulpit ; for every body supposes, that the sermon a man preaches is, if not entirely, at least as to the most part, his own composition. I now set about putting a printed sermon into a suita- ble form, and committing it to memory. It was hard work. There is no joy in man’s own doings and choos- ings. It took me nearly a whole week to commit to me- mory such a sermon as would take up nearly an hour in repeating. I got through it, but had no enjoyment in the work. It was on August 27, 1826, at eight in the morn- ing, in a chapel of ease, in connexion with which my friend was schoolmaster.” At eleven I repeated the same ser- mon verbatim in the parish church. There was one service * The schoolmasters, as well as the clergymen, in Prussia, are connected with the State. *-* 22 [A.D. 1826. more, in the afternoon, at which I needed not to have done any thing; for the schoolmaster might have read a printed sermon, as he used to do. But having a desire to serve the Lord, though I often knew not how to do it scripturally; and knowing that this aged and unenlight- ened clergman had had this living for forty-eight years, and having therefore reason to believe, that the gospel scarcely ever had been preached in that place; I had it in my heart to preach again in the afternoon. But I had no second sermon committed to memory. It came, however, to my mind to read the 5th chapter of Matthew, and to make such remarks as I was able. I did so. Immediately upon beginning to expound “Blessed are the poor in spirit, &c.” I felt myself greatly assisted; and whereas in the morning my sermon had not been simple enough for the people to understand it, I now was listened to with the greatest attention, and I think was also understood. My own peace and joy were great. I felt this a blessed work. After the service I left the aged clergyman as soon as possible, lest I should lose my enjoyment. On my way to Halle I thought, this is the way I should like always to preach. But then it came immediately to my mind, that such sort of preaching might do for illite- rate country people, but that it never would do before a well educated assembly in town. I thought, the truth ought to be preached at all hazards, but it ought to be given in a different form, suited to the hearers. Thus I remained unsettled in my mind as it regards the mode of preaching; and it is not surprising that I did not then see the truth concerning this matter, for I did not under- stand the work of the Spirit, and therefore saw not the powerlessness of human eloquence. Further, I did not keep in mind, that if the most illiterate persons in the congregation can comprehend the discourse, the most educated will understand it too; but that the reverse does not hold true. It was not till three years afterwards that I was led, through grace, to see what I now consider the right mode of preparation for the public preaching of the word. But about this, if God permit, I will say more when I come to that period of my life. I now preached frequently, both in the churches of vil- lages and towns, but never had any enjoyment in doing A.D. 1826.] 23 so, except when speaking in a simple way; though the repetition of sermons, which had been committed to memory, brought more praise from my fellow-creatures. Dut from neither way of preaching did I see any fruit. It may be, that the last day may show the benefit even of these feeble endeavours. One reason why the Lord did not permit me to see fruit, seems to me, that I should have been most probably lifted up by success. It may be also, because I prayed exceedingly little respecting the ministry of the word, and because I walked so little with God, and was so rarely a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use. About the time that I first began to preach I lived for about two months in free lodgings, provided for poor stu- dents of divinity in the Orphan-House, built in dependance upon God, by that devoted and eminent servant of Christ, A. H. Franke, Professor of Divinity at Halle, who died 1727. I mention this, as some years afterwards I was benefited myself through the faith of this dear man of God.—About that time I was still so weak that I fell re- peatedly into open sins, yet could not continue in them, nay, not even for a few days, without sorrow of heart, con- fession before God, and fleeing to the blood of the Lamb. And so ignorant was I still, that I bought a crucifix in a frame, and hung it up in my room, hoping, that being thus frequently reminded of the sufferings of my Saviour, I should not fall so frequently into sin. But in a few days the looking to the crucifix was as nothing, and I fell about that very time more than once deeply. About this time I formed an intimate acquaintance with a brother, who was also a divinity student; and as we loved one another so much, and were so happy in one another's society, we thought that it would greatly add to our joy, and to one another's benefit, to live together, and that thus we might mutually help one another. Accordingly in Sep- tember 1826, I left the free lodgings in the Orphan-House, and lived with him. But alas! we were not aware, that because God is greatly glorified by the love and union of his people, for this very reason Satan particularly hates it, and will, therefore, in every possible way, seek to di- vide them. We ought to have especially prayed, and that frequently, that the Lord would keep us together in love; instead of which, I do not think that we at all feared dis- 24 [A.D. 1827. J union, as we loved one another so much. For this reason our great adversary soon got an advantage by our neglect- ing prayer concerning this point, and we were disunited, and love and union were not fully restored between us till after we had been for some time separated. Having heard that a very rich lady of title, residing at IFrankfort-on-the-Maine, about two hundred miles from Płalle, was a very pious person, and, in visiting a charita- ble institution at Dusselthal, had given very liberally; and wishing much about the commencement of the year 1827 to help a poor relative with a small sum of money, and also to pay the remainder of the debt which I had contracted for my travelling expenses to Switzerland: I wrote to this lady, asking her to lend me a small sum of money, in ac- tual amount only little above £5., but, as money in the North of Germany has much more value than in England, it was as much as £12. or £15. in this country. Whilst I was writing, however, the thought occurred to me, sup- pose this lady should not be a believer ? I, therefore, pointed out to her the way of salvation, and related to her how I had been brought to the knowledge of the truth. But I received no answer by the time I might have had one.—I would just notice, that for the last twenty-five years my practice, on account of what I found in the Scriptures, Rom. xiii. 8, as it regards borrowing money, has been different. And, moreover, I have considered that there is no ground to go away from the door of the Lord to that of a brother, so long as he is so willing to supply our need. About January 20th I was one day very wretched. Satan obtained an advantage over me through over-much work; for I was in the habit of writing about fourteen hours a day. One morning I was in so wretched a state, that I said in my heart, what have I now gained by be- coming a christian. Afterwards I walked about in the streets in this wretched state of heart, and at last I went into a confectioner's shop, where wine and ardent spirits were sold, to eat and to drink. But as soon as I had taken a piece of cake I left the shop, having no rest, as I felt that it was umbecoming a believer, either to go to such places, or to spend his money in such a way. In the afternoon of the very day on which, in the ingratitude of my heart, I had had such unkind thoughts about the A.D. 1827.] 25 Lord, (who was at that very time in so remarkable a man- ner supplying my temporal wants, by my being employed in writing for an AMERICAN Professor), he graciously showed me my sin, not by a severe chastisement, as I most righteously deserved, but by adding another mercy to the many he had already shown me. Oh! how long- A suffering is our Lord. How does he bear with us ! May I at least now seek, for the few days whilst I may stay in this world, to be more grateful for all his mercies At two o'clock I received a parcel from Frankfort, con- taining the exact sum of money of which I had requested the loan. There was no letter to be found. I was over- whelmed with the Lord’s mercy, but very much regretted that there was no letter. At last, on carefully examining the paper in which the silver had been packed, I found one, which I have kept, and which I translate from the German. “A peculiar providence has brought me acquainted with the letter which you have written to Lady B. But you are under a mistake concerning her, both as it regards her cha- racter, and her stay at D., where she never was. She has been taken for another individual. But that I may lessen in some measure the difficulties in which you seem to be, I send you the enclosed small sum, for which you may thank, not the unknown giver, but the Lord, who turneth the hearts like rivers of waters. Hold fast the faith which God has given you by his Holy Spirit; it is the most precious treasure in this life, and it contains in itself true happiness. Only seek by watching and prayer more and more to be delivered from all vanity and self-complaceny, by which even the true believer may be ensnared when he least ex- pects it. Let it be your chief aim to be more and more humble, faithful, and quiet, May we not belong to those who say and write continually, ‘Lord,” “Lord,” but who have him not deeply in their hearts. Christianity consists not in words, but in power. There must be life in us. For, therefore, God loved us first that we might love him in re- turn; and that loving we might receive power, to be faithful to him, and to conquer ourselves, the world, distress, and death. May his Spirit strengthen you for this, that you may be an able messenger of his gospell Amen. “AN ADORING WORSHIPPER OF THE SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST.” Frankfort-on the-Maine, January, 14th, 1827. D 26 [A.D. 1827. I saw, in some measure, at the time when Ireceived this letter, how much I needed such a faithful, and, at the same time, loving word of admonition; but I have seen it more fully since. Self-complacency, and a want of quietness, and saying and writing more frequently “Lord,” “Lord,” than acknowledging him by my life as such; these were the evils against which at that time I particularly needed to be cautioned; and up to this day I am still much, very much, lacking in these points: though the Lord, to his praise I would say it, has done much for me in these par- ticulars since that time. After having read this letter, my heart was full of joy, shame, and gratitude. Truly it was the goodness of God which brought my heart into this state, and not the money; for that was gone in a few hours after, for the two purposes above referred to. With my heart full of peculiar feelings, and ashamed of my conduct in the morning, I left the town towards the evening, to walk alone in a solitary place. And now, being particularly conscious of my ingratitude to the Lord for all his mercies, and of my want of steadfastness in his ways, I could not forbear falling down on my knees behind a hedge, though the snow was a foot deep, anew to surrender myself wholly to him, and to pray for strength that I might for the future live more to his glory, and also to thank him for his late mercy. It was a blessed time, I continued about half an hour in prayer. After such an experience, it may be difficult for one, who does not know the plague of his own heart, to think that I was at that time a true believer, when I tell him that so base was I, so altogether like a beast before my God, and unmindful of his mercies to me in Christ, that only a few weeks after I fell into a wretched backsliding state, in which I continued for many days, during which time prayer was almost entirely given up. It was on One of these days that I rang my bell, and ordered the servant to fetch me wine. And now I began to drink. But how good was the Lord! Though I desired to drink, that I might be able more easily to go on in sin, yet he would not allow me to give up myself to the wickedness of my heart. For whilst in my ungodly days I had drunk once about five quarts of strong beer in one afternoon, in the way of bravado, and once also much wine at one time, without remorse of conscience, I could now take only two A.D. 1827.] 27 or three glasses, before the wickedness of my conduct was brought before me; and my conscience told me that I drank merely for the sake of drinking, and thus I gave it up. It was about this time that I formed the plan of ex- changing the University of Halle for that of Berlin, on account of there being a greater number of believing pro- fessors and students in the latter place. But the whole plan was formed without prayer, or at least without earnest prayer. When, however, the morning came on which I had to take decided steps concerning it, and to apply for the university-testimonials, the Lord graciously stirred me up, prayerfully to consider the matter; and finding that I had no sufficient reason for leaving Halle, I gave up the plan, and have never had reason to regret having done so. In the vacations, Michaelmas, 1826, and Easter, 1827, and at other times, I visited a Moravian settlement, called Gnadau, which was only about three miles distant from the place where my father then resided. Through the instru- mentality of the brethren, whom I met there, my spirit was often refreshed. The public means of grace by which I could be benefited were very few. Though I went regularly to church when I did not preach myself, yet I scarcely ever heard the truth; for there was no enlightened clergyman in the town. And when it so happened that I could hear Dr. Tholuck, or any other godly minister, the prospect of it beforehand, and the looking back upon it afterwards, served to fill me with joy. Now and then I walked ten or fifteen miles to enjoy this privilege. May those who enjoy the faithful ministry of the word feel exceedingly thankful for it. There are few blessings on earth greater for a believer; and yet the Lord is frequently obliged to teach us the value of this blessing by depriving us of it for a season. Another means of grace which I attended, besides the Saturday evening meetings in brother Wagner's house, was a meeting every Lord’s day evening with the believing students, which consisted of six or more in number, and increased, before I left Halle, to about 20; and which, after the Easter vacation of 1827, was held in my room till I left Halle. In these meetings one, or two, or more of the brethren prayed, and we read the Scriptures, sang hymns, and sometimes also one or another of the brethen spoke a little in the way of exhortation, and we read also D 2 28 [A.D. 1827 such writings of godly men as were calculated for edifica- tion. I was often greatly stirred up and refreshed in these meetings; and twice, being in a backsliding state, and therefore cold and miserable, I opened my heart to the brethren, and was brought out of that state through the means of their exhortations and prayers. “ Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together,” is a most impor- tant exhortation. Even if we should not derive any espe- cial benefit, at the time, so far as we are conscious, yet we may be kept from much harm. And very frequently the beginning of coldness of heart is nourished by keeping away from the meetings of the saints. I know, when I was cold, and had no real desire to be brought out of that state, I went a few times into the villages, where I was sure not to meet with brethren, that I might not be spoken to about the things of God. Yet so gracious was the Lord, that my very wretchedness brought me back after a few hours. The Lord had begun a good work in me, and being faithful, though I was faithless, he would not give me up, but carried on his gracious work in me, though it would have progressed much more rapidly, had not my rebellious heart resisted. As to the other means of grace I would say: I fell into the snare, into which so many young believers fall, the reading of religious books in preference to the Scriptures. I could now no longer read French and German novels, as I had formerly done, to feed my carnal mind; but still I did not put into the room of those books the best of all books. I read tracts, missionary papers, sermons, and biographies of godly persons. The last kind of books I found more profitable than others, and had they been well selected, or had I not read too much of such writings, or had any of them tended particularly to endear the Scrip- tures to me, they might have done me much good.—I never had been at any time of my life in the habit of reading the Holy Scriptures. When under fifteen years of age, I occasionally read a little of them at school; afterwards God’s precious book was entirely laid aside, so that I never read one single chapter of it, as far as I re- member, till it pleased God to begin a work of grace in my heart. Now the scriptural way of reasoning would have been: God himself has condescended to become an author, and I am ignorant about that precious book, which A.D. 1827.] 29 his holy spirit has caused to be written through the in- strumentality of his servants, and it contains that which I ought to know, and the knowledge of which will lead me to true happiness; therefore I ought to read again and again this most precious book, this book of books, most earnestly, most prayerfully, and with much meditation; and in this practice I ought to continue all the days of my life. For I was aware, though I read it but little, that I knew scarcely anything of it. But instead of acting thus, and being led by my ignorance of the word of God to study it more, my difficulty in understanding it, and the little enjoyment I had in it, made me careless of reading it, (for much prayerful reading of the word, gives not merely more knowledge, but increases the delight we have in reading it); and thus, like many believers, I practically preferred, for the first four years of my divine life, the works of uninspired men to the oracles of the living God. The consequence was, that I remained a babe, both in knowledge and grace. In knowledge I say; for all true knowledge must be derived, by the Spirit, from the word. And as I neglected the word, I was for nearly four years so ignorant, that I did not clearly know even the funda- amental points of our holy faith. And this lack of know- ledge most sadly kept me back from walking steadily in the ways of God. For it is the truth that makes us free, (John viii, 31, 32,) by delivering us from the slavery of the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. The word proves it. The experience of the saints proves it ; and also my own experience most decidedly proves it. For when it pleased the Lord in Aug. 1829, to bring me really to the Scriptures, my life and walk be- came very different. And though even since that I have very much fallen short of what I might and ought to be, yet, by the grace of God, I have been enabled to live much nearer to him than before. If any believers read this, who practically prefer other books to the Holy Scriptures, and who enjoy the writings of men much more than the word of God, may they be warned by my loss. I shall consider this book to have been the means of doing much good, should it please the Lord, through its instrumentality, to lead some of his people no longer to neglect the Holy Scriptures, but to give them that preference, which they have hitherto be. D 3 30 [A.D. 1827. stowed on the writings of men. My dislike to increase the number of books would have been sufficient to deter me from writing these pages, had I not been convinced, that this is the only way in which the brethren at large may be benefited through my mistakes and errors, and been influenced by the hope, that, in answer to my prayers, the reading of my experience may be the means of leading them to value the Scriptures more highly, and to make them the rule of all their actions. (Before I leave this subject I would only add: If the reader understands very little of the word of God, he ought to read it very much; for the Spirit explains the word by the word. And if he enjoys the reading of the word little, that is just the reason why he should read it much; for the frequent reading of the Scriptures creates a delight in them, so that the more we read them, the more we desire to do so. And if the reader should be an unbeliever, I would likewise entreat him to read the Scrip- tures earnestly, but to ask God previously to give him a blessing. For in doing so, God may make him wise unto salvation, 2 Tim. iii. 16. (If any one should ask me, how he may read the Scrip- tures most profitably, I would advise him, that: I. Above all he should seek to have it settled in his own mind, that God alone, by his Spirit, can teach him, and that therefore, as God will be inquired of for blessings, it becomes him to seek God’s blessing previous to reading, and also whilst reading. II. He should have it, moreover, settled in his mind, that although the Holy Spirit is the best and sufficient teacher, yet that this teacher does not always teach imme- diately when we desire it, and that, therefore we may have to entreat him again and again for the explanation of cer- tain passages; but that he will surely teach us at last, if indeed we are seeking for light prayerfully, patiently, and with a view to the glory of God. III. It is of immense importance for the understanding of the word of God, to read it in course, so that we may read every day a portion of the Old and a portion of the New Testament, going on where we previously left off. This is important—1, because it throws light upon the Connexion, and a different course, according to which one habitually selects particular chapters, will make it utterly A.D. 1827.] 31 impossible ever to understand much of the Scriptures. 2, Whilst we are in the body, we want a change even in spiritual things, and this change the Lord has graciously provided in the great variety which is to be found in his word. 3, It tends to the glory of God; for the leaving out some chapters here and there, is practically saying, that certain portions are better than others; or, that there are certain parts of revealed truth unprofitable or un- necessary. 4, It may keep us, by the blessing of God, from erroneous views, as in reading thus regularly through the Scriptures, we are led to see the meaning of the whole, and also kept from laying too much stress upon certain favourite views. 5, The Scriptures contain the whole revealed will of God, and therefore we ought to seek to read from time to time through the whole of that revealed will. There are many believers, I fear, in our day, who have not read even once through the whole of the Scrip- tures; and yet in a few months, by reading only a few chapters every day, they might accomplish it. IV. It is also of the greatest importance to meditate on what we read, so that perhaps a small portion of that which we have read, or, if we have time, the whole may be meditated upon in the course of the day. Or a small portion of a book, or an epistle, or a gospel, through which we go regularly for meditation, may be considered every day, without, however, suffering oneself to be brought into bondage by this plan.) Learned commentaries I have found to store the head with many notions, and often also with the truth of God; but when the Spirit teaches, through the instrumentality of prayer and meditation, the heart is affected. The former kind of knowledge generally puffs up, and is often renounced, when another commentary gives a different opinion, and often also is found good for nothing, when it is to be carried out into practice. The latter kind of knowledge generally humbles, gives joy, leads us nearer to God, and is not easily reasoned away; and having been obtained from God, and thus having entered into the heart, and become our own, is also generally carried out. If the inquirer after truth does not understand the Hebrew and Greek languages, so as to be able to compare the common translation with the original, he may, concerning several passages, get light by an improved rendering, pro- 32 [A.D. 1827. wº. vided he can be sure that the translator was a truly spi- ritual person. The last and most important means of grace, namely, prayer, was comparatively but little improved by me. I prayed, and I prayed often. I also prayed, in general, by the grace of God, with sincerity; but had Ibeen more ear- nestly praying, or even only as much, as I have prayed of late years, I should have made much more rapid progress. In August, 1827, I heard that the Continental Society in England intended to send a minister to Bucharest, the residence of many nominal German Christians, to help an aged brother in the work of the Lord; the two other Ger- man Protestant ministers in that place being, the one a Socinian, and the other an unenlightened orthodox preacher. After consideration and prayer I offered my- self for this work to professor Tholuck, who was requested to look out for a suitable individual; for with all my weakness I had a great desire to live wholly for God. Most unexpectedly my father gave his consent, though Bucharest was above a thousand miles from my home, and as completely a missionary station as any other. I con- sidered this a remarkable providence; though I see now, that a servant of Christ has to act for his master, whether it be according to the will of his earthly father or not. I then went home to spend a short time with my father. In the town where he lived, containing about 3000 inha- bitants, I could not hear of a single believer, though I made many inquiries. The time I stayed with my father was more profitably spent than it had formerly been. I was enabled more than ever before to realize my high calling. I had by the grace of God power over sin; at least much more than at any former period of my life. I returned to Halle, and now prepared with earnestness for the work of the Lord. I set before me the sufferings which might await me. I counted the cost. And he, who once so fully served Satan, was now willing, constrained by the love of Christ, rather to suffer affliction for the sake of Jesus, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. I also prayed with a degree of earnestness concerning my future work. One day, at the end of October, the above-mentioned brother, Hermann Ball, missionary to the Jews, attended the Lord's day evening meeting in my room, on his way A.D. 1827.] 33 through Halle, and stated that he feared, on account of his health, he should be obliged to give up labouring among the Jews. When I heard this, I felt a peculiar desire to fill up his place. About this very time also I became exceedingly fond of the Hebrew language, which I had cared about very little up to that time, and which I had merely studied now and then, from a sense of duty. But now I studied it, for many weeks, with the greatest eagerness and delight. Whilst I thus from time to time felt a desire to fill up Brother Ball's place as a missionary to the Jews, (about which, however, I did not seriously think, because Dr. Tholuck daily expected a letter from Tondon, finally to settle the particulars respecting my going to Bucharest); and whilst I thus greatly delighted in the study of Hebrew: I called in the evening of Nov. 17th on Dr. Tholuck. In the course of conversation he asked me, whether I had ever had a desire to be a mis- sionary to the Jews, as I might be connected with the London Missionary Society, for promoting Christianity among them, for which he was an agent. I was struck with the question, and told him what had passed in my mind, but added that it was not proper to think any thing about that, as I was going to Bucharest; to which he agreed. When I came home, however, these few words were like fire within me. The next morning I felt all desire for going to Bucharest gone, which appeared to me very wrong and fleshly, and I therefore entreated the Lord, to restore to me the former desire for labouring on that mis- sionary station. He graciously did so almost immediately. My earnestness in studying Hebrew, and my peculiar love for it, however, continued.—About this time I had an offer of becoming tutor to the sons of a pious Gentleman of title, which I did not accept on account of my purpose of going to Bucharest, and if that should come to nothing, on account of my desire of being a missionary to the Jews. About ten days after, Dr. Tholuck received a letter from the Continental Society, stating, that on account of the war between the Turks and Russians, it appeared well to the committee, for the time being to give up the thought of sending a minister to Bucharest, as it was the seat of war between the two armies. Dr. Tholuck then asked me again, what I now thought about being a missionary 34 [A.D. 1828. to the Jews. My reply was, that I could not then give an answer, but that I would let him know, after I had prayerfully considered the matter. After prayer and con- sideration, and consulting with experienced brethren, in order that they might probe my heart as to my motives, I came to this conclusion, that, though I could not say with certainty it was the will of God that I should be a mis- sionary to the Jews, yet, that I ought to offer myself to the committee, leaving it with the Lord to do with me afterwards, as it might seem good in his sight. Accord- ingly Dr.Tholuck wrote, about the beginning of December, 1827, to the committee in London. At Christmas I spent a few days at Belleben, a village about fifteen miles from Halle, where I had been once or twice before, both for the sake of refreshing the few bre- thren living there, and also of having my own spirit re- freshed by their love. One evening, when I was expounding the Scriptures to them, an unconverted young man hap- pened to be present, and it pleased the Lord to touch his heart, so that he was brought to the knowledge of the truth. In the beginning of the year 1828 there was a new workhouse established at Halle, into which persons of bad character were put for a time, and made to work. Being disposed to benefit unbelievers, I heartily desired to have permission statedly to preach the word of truth to them while I stayed at Halle, particularly as I understood that one of the lecturers of divinity in the university, who was a Socinian, had applied for this living. I wrote to the magistrates of the city, and offered to preach to those criminals gratuitously, hoping that in this way there would be less objection to my doing so. The reply was, that Dr. — had applied for this living, and that it had been laid before the provincial government for considera- . tion, but that they would be glad, if I would preach in the workhouse till the matter was decided. The decision did not come for some time, and I had thus an opportunity of preaching twice every Lord’s day, and once or twice on the week evenings; and besides this I took the criminals One by one into a room, to converse with them about their Souls. Thus the Lord condescended to give to one so unworthy, so ignorant, so weak in grace, and so young in the faith and in years, a most important field of labour. However, it was well, that even under these circumstances A.D. 1828.] 35 I should have laboured there; for, humanly speaking, had I not been there, they would have had either no instruc- tion at all, or a Socinian, or an unenlightened preacher would have preached to them. And besides this, I had at least some qualifications for ministering there; for I knew the state of those poor sinners, having been myself for- merly, in all probability, a great deal worse than most of them, and my simplicity and plainness of speech they would not have found in every minister. After some months the matter was decided, the Socinian lecturer of divinity, Dr. , was appointed to the living, and I had to discontinue my labours. It was not before March 1828, that Professor Tholuck received an answer from London respecting me, in which the committee put a number of questions to me, on the satisfactory answers to which my being received by them would depend. After replying to this first communication, I waited daily for an answer, and was so much the more desirous of having it, as my course in the university was completed. But no answer came. Had my desire, to serve the Lord among the Jews, been of the flesh, it would in all likelihood not have continued; but I still thought about it, and continued to make it a subject of prayer. At last, on June 13th, I received a letter from London, stating that the committee had determined, to take me as a missionary student for six months on probation, provided that I would come to Tondon. I had now had the matter before me about seven months, having supposed, not only that it would have been settled in a few weeks, but also, that, if I were accepted, I should be sent out immediately, as I had passed the university. Instead of this, not only seven months passed over before the decision came, but I was also expected to come to London, and not only so, but though I had from my in- fancy been more or less studying, and now at last wished actively to be engaged, it was required that I should again become a student. For a few moments, therefore, I was greatly disappointed and tried. But on calmly considering the matter, it appeared to me but right that the com- mittee should know me personally, and that it was also well for me to know them more intimately than merely by correspondence, as this afterwards would make our connexion much more comfortable. I determined, there- 36 [A. D. 1828, fore, after I had seen my father, and found no difficulty on his part, to go to London. There was, however, an obstacle in the way of my leaving the country. Every Prussian male subject is under the necessity of being for three years a soldier, provided his state of body allows it; but those who have had a classical education up to a certain degree, and especially those who have passed the university, need to be only one year in the army, but have to equip and maintain themselves during that year. Now, as I had been considered fit for service, when I was examined in my twentieth year, and had only been put back, at my request, till my twenty- third year, and as I was now nearly twenty-three, I could not obtain a passport out of the country, till I had either served my time, or had been exempted by the King him- self. The latter I hoped would be the case; for it was a well known fact that those who had given themselves to missionary service, had been always exempted. Certain brethren of influence, living in the capital, to whom I wrote on the subject, advised me, however, to write first to the president of the government of the province to which I belonged. This was done, but I was not exempted. Then those brethren wrote to the King himself; but he replied, that the matter must be referred to the ministry and to the law, and no exception was made in my favour. I now knew not what to do. In the meantime, at the beginning of August, I was taken ill. It was a common cold at first, but I could not get rid of it, as formerly. At last a skilful physician was consulted, and powerful means were used. After some time, he prescribed tonics and wine. For a day or two I seemed to get better, but after that it appeared, by the return of giddiness in my head, that the tonics had been too soon resorted to. At last, having used still other means, I seemed in a fit state for tonics, and began again to take them. At the same time one of my friends, an American Professor, took me as a companion with him to Berlin and other places, so that we rode about the country for about ten days together. As long as I was day after day in the open air, going from place to place, drinking wine and taking tonics, I felt well; but as soon as I returned to Halle, the old symp- toms returned. A second time the tonics were given up, and the former means used. A.D. 1828.] - 37 About ten weeks had by this time passed away, since I was first taken ill. This illness, in which a particular care for the body seemed to be so right, and in which therefore frequent walks were taken, and in which I thought myself justified in laying aside the study of Hebrew, &c., had not at all a beneficial effect on my soul. In connexion with this, one of my chief companions at this time, the last- mentioned American Professor, was a backslider. If the believing reader does not know much of his own heart and of man’s weakness, he will scarcely think it possible, that, after I had been borne with by the Lord so long, and had received so many mercies at his hands, and had been so fully and freely pardoned through the blood of Jesus, which I both knew from his word, and had also enjoyed; and after that I had been in such various ways engaged in the work of the Lord; I should have been once more guilty of great backsliding, and that at the very time when the hand of God was lying heavily upon me. Oh! how desperately wicked is the human heart. It was in this cold state of heart, that I rode with my friend to Leipsic, at the time of the famous Michaelmas fair. He wished me to go with him to the Opera. I went, but had not the least enjoyment. After the first act I took a glass of ice for refreshment. After the second act I was taken faint in consequence of this, my stomach being in a very weak state; but I was well enough, after a while, to go to the hotel, where I passed a tolerable night. On the next morning my friend ordered the car- riage for our return to Halle. This circumstance the Lord graciously used as a means of arousing me; and, on our way home, I freely opened my mind to my friend about the way in which we had been going on; and he then told me, that he was in a different state of heart, when he left America. He also told me, when I was taken faint, that he thought it was an awful place to die in. This was the second and last time, since I have be- lieved in the Lord Jesus, that I was in a theatre; and but once, in the year 1827, I went to a concert, when I likewise felt, that it was unbecoming for me, as a child of God, to be in such a place. On my return to Halle I broke a blood-vessel in my stomach, in consequence of the glass of ice. I was now exceedingly weak, in which state I continued for several weeks, and then went for change E 38 [A.D. 1828. of air into the country, to the house of a beloved brother in the Lord, who, up to this day, has continued a kind and faithful friend to me. My heart was now again in a better state than it had been before the rupture of the blood-vessel. Thus the Lord, in the faithful love of his heart, seeing that I was in a backsliding state, chastised me for my profit; and the chastisement yielded, in a measure at least, the peaceable fruit of righteousness. Heb. xii. 10, 11. Whilst I was staying in the country, I received a letter from the American Professor, who had in the meantime changed Halle for Berlin, and who wished me to come to Berlin, where, being near the Court, I should be more likely to obtain an exemption from my military duty; and he mentioned, at the same time, that all the expenses, con- nected with my staying in Berlin, would be fully covered by the remuneration I should receive for teaching German to himself and two of his friends, for a few hours every week. As I had no more connexion with the university at Halle, my course having been finished for more than six months past, and as I had the prospect of being spiritually benefited through my stay in Berlin, and there was no probability, if I remained at Halle, of obtaining the above-mentioned exemption, I came to the conclusion to go to Berlin. Two ladies of title travelled with me to Berlin in a hired carriage. As I knew that we should be for two days together, I thought, in my fleshly wisdom, that though I ought to speak to them about the things of God, I should first show them kindness and attention, and that, after having thus opened a way to their hearts, I might fully set before them their state by nature, and point them to the Lamb of God. We went on together most amicably, I making only a few general remarks about divine things. On the second evening, however, when we were near the end of our journey, I felt that it was high time to speak. And no sooner had I begun plainly to do so, than one of them replied, “Oh Sir, I wish you had spoken sooner about these things, for we have, for a long time, wished to have some one to whom we might open our hearts; but seeing that the ministers whom we know do not live consistently, we have been kept from speaking to them.” I now found that they had been under con- A.D. 1829.] 39 viction of sin for some time, but did not know the way to obtain peace, even by faith in the Lord Jesus. After this I spoke freely to them during the hour that yet remained. They parted from me under feelings of gratitude and regret that they could hear no more, for they only passed through Berlin. I felt myself greatly reproved, and all I could do was, by a long letter, to seek to make up for my deficiency in ministering to them on the journey. May this circumstance never be forgotten by me, and may it prove a blessing to the believing reader! My chief concern now was how I might obtain a pass- port for England, through exemption from military duty. But the more certain brethren tried, though they knew how to set about the matter, and were also persons of rank, the greater difficulty there appeared to be in obtain- ing my object; so that in the middle of January 1829 it seemed as if I must immediately become a soldier. There was now but one more way untried, and it was at last resorted to. A believing major, who was on good terms with one of the chief generals, proposed that I should actually offer myself for entering the army, and that then I should be examined as to my bodily qualifications, in the hope, that, as I was still in a very weak state of body, I should be found unfit for military service. In that case it would belong to the chief general finally to settle the matter; who, being a godly man himself, on the major's recommendation, would, no doubt, hasten the decision, on account of my desire to be a missionary to the Jews. . At the same time it stood so, that, if I should be found fit for service, I should have to enter the army immediately. Thus far the Lord had allowed things to go, to show me, it appears, that all my friends could not procure me a passport till his time was come. But now it was come. The King of kings had intended that I should go to England, because he would bless me there, and make me a blessing, though I was at that time, and am still most unworthy of it; and, therefore, though the King of Prussia had not been pleased to make an exemption in my favour, yet now all was made plain, and that at a time when hope had almost been given up, and when the last means had been resorted to. I was examined, and was declared to be unfit for military service. With a medical certificate to this effect, and a letter of recommendation from the E 2 40 [A.D. 1829. major, I went to this chief general, who received me very kindly, and who himself wrote instantaneously to a second military physician, likewise to examine me at once. This was done, and it was by him confirmed that I was unfit. Now the chief general himself, as his adjutants happened to be absent, in order to hasten the matter, wrote with his own hands the papers which were needed, and I got a complete dismissal, and that for life, from all military engagements. This was much more than I could have expected. This military gentleman spoke to me in a very kind way, and pointed out certain parts of the Scriptures, which he in particular advised me to bring before the Jews, especially Romans xi. On considering why the Lord delayed my obtaining this permission, I find that one of the reasons may have been, that I might both be profited myself by my stay in Berlin, and that I also might be instrumental in benefiting others. As to the first I would mention, that I learned a lesson in Berlin which I did not know before. Whilst I was at Halle, I thought I should much enjoy being among so many christians as there are in Berlin. But when I was there I found, that enjoyment in the Lord does not depend upon the multitude of believers, by whom we are sur- rounded. As to the second point, perhaps the last day may show, that the Lord had some work for me in Berlin; for, from the time of my coming until I left, I preached three, four, or five times every week in the wards of a poorhouse, which was inhabited by about three hundred aged and infirm people. I also preached once in a church, and likewise visited one of the prisons several times on Lord’s days to converse with the prisoners about their souls, where I was locked in by the keeper with the criminals in their cells. On the whole my time in Berlin was not lost; and I was in a better state of heart than I had been for any length of time before. I was not once overcome by my former outward besetting sins, though I have nothing to boast of even as it regards that period; and were only the sins of those days brought against me, had I not the blood of Jesus to plead, I should be most miserable, But I think it right to mention, for the glory of God, as I have so freely spoken about my falls, that whilst I was more than ever unobserved by others; and whilst I was A.D. 1829.1 41 living in the midst of more gaiety and temptations than ever; and had far more money than at any previous time of my life; I was kept from things of which I had been habitually guilty in my unconverted days l—My health was in a very weak state, almost the whole time whilst I was staying in Berlin, and I was in no degree better, till on the advice of a believing medical professor, I gave up all medicine. Eſaving now without any further difficulty obtained my passport, I left Berlin on February 3rd, 1829, for London. The Lord gave me more grace on my way from Berlin than on my way to it; for my mouth was almost immedi- ately opened to my fellow-travellers, and the message of the Gospel seemed to be listened to with interest, particu- larly by one. On February 5th I arrived at my father's house; it was the place where I had lived as a boy, and the scene of many of my sins, my father having now re- turned to it after his retirement from office. I came to it with peculiar feelings. These feelings were not excited merely by the fact of my having been seven years absent from it, but arose from the spiritual change I had under- gone since I last saw the place; for I had never been at Heimersleben since my father fetched me from thence, which was a few days after my imprisonment at Wolfen- buttel had come to an end. There were but three per- sons in the whole town with whom my soul had any fel- lowship. One of them had spent all his money in coal mines, and was then earning his daily bread by thrashing corn. As a boy I had in my heart laughed at him, for he seemed so different from all other people. Now I sought him out, having previously been informed that he was a brother, to acknowledge him as such, by having fellowship with him, and attending a meeting in his house on the Lord's day evening. My soul was refreshed, and his also. Such a spiritual feast, as meeting with a brother, was a rare thing to him. May we believers who live in Great Britain, and especially those of us who are surrounded by many children of God, seek for grace, more highly to prize the blessings which we enjoy through fellowship with brethren This dear brother, who had then been a be- liever for more than twenty years, had only a few times heard the gospel preached during all that period. What a wonderful thing that I, one of the vilest of those brought E 3 42 [A.D. 1829. up in that small town, should have been so abundantly favoured, as to have been brought to the knowledge of the truth, whilst none of all my relations, and scarcely one of those who grew up with me, so far as it has come to my knowledge, know the Lord! I left my father's house on February 10th, with the prospect of seeing him again in about a twelvemonth, as a missionary among the Jews. But how has the Lord gra- ciously altered matters!—I was kindly lodged for a night at Halberstadt by an aged brother, and then proceeded towards Rotterdam, by the way of Munster. At Munster I rested a few days, and was very kindly received by seve- ral brethren. They were officers in the army, and two of them had been, but a little while before this, Roman Catholics. I lodged in the house of a beloved brother, a tailor, who likewise had been a Roman Catholic. About February 22nd I arrived at Rotterdam. I took lodgings in the house of a believer, where two German brethren lodged, whom I had known at Halle, and who intended to go out as missionaries in connexion with the Dutch Missionary Society. It was a peculiar feeling to me, for the first time in my life to find myself among christians of another nation, to attend their family prayer, hear them sing, &c. In spirit I had fellowship with them, though our communication was but broken, as I under- stood but little of the Dutch language. Here also I heard for the first time the preaching of the Gospel in English, of which I knew enough to understand a part of what was said.—My going to England by the way of Rotterdam was not the usual way; but consulting with a brother in Berlin, who had been twice in England, I was told that this was the cheapest route. My asking this brother, to be profited by his experience, would have been quite right, had I, besides this, like Ezra, sought of the Lord the right way. Ezra viii. 21. But I sought unto men only, and not at all unto the Lord, in this matter. When I came to Rotterdam, I found that no vessels went at that time from that port to London, on account of the ice having just broken up in the river, and that it would be several weeks before the steamers would again begin to ply. Thus I had to wait nearly a month at Rotterdam, and, therefore, not only needed much more time than I should have required to go by way of Hamburgh, but also much more money, A.D. 1829.] 43 On March 19th, 1829, I landed in London. I now found myself, in a great measure, as it regards liberty, brought back to the years when I was at school; yea, almost all the time I had been at school, and certainly for the last four years, previous to my coming to England, I was not so much bound to time and order as I was in this seminary; and had not there been a degree of grace in me, yea, so much as not to regard the liberty of the flesh, I should now probably have given up all idea of being a missionary to the Jews. But as I did not see that any- thing was expected from me which I could not conscienti- ously accede to, I thought it right to submit myself, for the Lord’s sake, to all the regulations of the institution. My brethren, in the seminary, most of them Germans, had instruction in Hebrew, Latin, Greek, French, German, &c., scarcely any of them having had a classical education; I read only Hebrew, and was exempted from all the rest. I remember how I longed to be able to expound the Scriptures in English, when I heard a German brother do so, a few days after my arrival. And I also remember what joy it gave me, when a few weeks after, for the first time, I spoke in English to a little boy, whom I met alone in the fields, about his soul, thinking that he would bear with my broken English, I now studied much, about twelve hours a day, chiefly Hebrew; commenced Chaldee ; perfected myself in reading the German-Jewish in Rab- binic characters, committed portions of the Hebrew Old Testament to memory, &c.; and this I did with prayer, often falling on my knees, leaving my books for a little, that I might seek the Lord’s blessing, and also, that I might be kept from that spiritual deadness, which is so frequently the result of much study. I looked up to the Lord even whilst turning over the leaves of my Hebrew dictionary, asking his help, that I might quickly find the words. I made comparatively little progress in English ; for living with some of my countrymen, I was continually led to converse in German. My experience in this particular leads me to remark, that, should this fall into the hands of any who are desirous to labour as missionaries among a people whose language is not their own, they should seek not merely to live among them, for the sake of soon learning their language, but also as much as possible to be separated from those who 44 LA. D. 1829. speak their own language; for, when, some months after, I was in Devonshire, completely separated from those who spoke German, I daily made much progress, whilst I made comparatively little in London. Soon after my arrival in England, I heard one of the brethren in the seminary speak about a Mr. Groves, a dentist in Exeter, who, for the Lord’s sake, had given up his profession, which brought him in about fifteen hundred pounds a year, and who infended to go as a missionary to Persia, with his wife and children, simply trusting in the Lord for temporal supplies. This made such an impres- sion on me, and delighted me so, that I not only marked it down in my journal, but also wrote about it to my German friends. I came to England weak in body, and in consequence of much study, as I suppose, I was taken ill on May 15, and was soon, at least in my own estimation, apparently beyond recovery. The weaker I became in body, the happier I was in spirit. Never in my whole life had I seen myself so vile, so guilty, so altogether what I ought not to have been, as at this time. It was as if every sin, of which I had been guilty, was brought to my remem- brance; but at the same time I could realize that all my sins were completely forgiven—that I was washed and made clean, completely clean, in the blood of Jesus. The result of this was great peace. I longed exceedingly to depart and to be with Christ. When my medical attendant came to see me, my prayer was something like this: “Lord, thou knowest that he does not know what is for my real welfare, therefore do thou direct him.” When I took my medicine, my hearty prayer each time was something like this: “Lord, thou knowest that this medicine is in itself nothing, no more than as if I were to take a little water. Now please, O Lord, to let it produce the effect which is for my real welfare, and for thy glory. Let me either be taken soon to thyself, or let me be soon restored; let me be ill for a longer time, and then taken to thyself, or let me be ill for a longer time, and then restored. O Lord, do with me as seemeth thee best l” One sin in particular was brought to my mind, which I never had seen before, viz. that whilst all my life, even in former sicknesses, I had been blessed with uninterrupted refreshing sleep, which now, for some nights, had almost entirely fled from my eyes, I had never heartily thanked God for it. A. D. 1829.] 45 After I had been ill about a fortnight, my medical attendant unexpectedly pronounced me better. This, in- stead of giving me joy, bowed me down, so great was my desire to be with the Lord; though almost immediately afterwards grace was given me to submit myself to the will of God. After some days I was able to leave my room. Whilst recovering I still continued in a spiritual state of heart, desiring to depart and to be with Christ. As I recovered but slowly, my friends entreated me to go into the country for change of air; but my heart was in such a happy and spiritual frame, that I did not like the thought of travelling and seeing places. So far was I changed, who once had been so passionately fond of travel- ling. But as my friends continued to advise me to go into the country, I thought at last that it might be the will of God that I should do so, and I prayed therefore thus to the Lord: “Lord, I will gladly submit myself to thy will, and go, if thou wilt have me to go. And now let me know thy will by the answer of my medical attendant. If, in reply to my question, he says it would be very good for me, I will go; but if he says it is of no great importance, then I will stay.” When I asked him, he said that it was the best thing I could do. I was then enabled willingly to submit, and accordingly went to Teignmouth. . It was there that I became acquainted with my beloved brother, friend, and present fellow-labourer, Henry Craik. . A few days after my arrival at Teignmouth, the chapel, called Ebenezer, was re-opened,and I attended the opening. I was much impressed by one of those who preached on the occasion. For though I did not like all he said, yet I saw a gravity and solemnity in him different from the rest. After he had preached, I had a great desire to know more of him; and being invited by two brethren of Exmouth, in whose house he was staying, to spend some time with them, I had an opportunity of living ten days with him under the same roof. Through the instrumentality of this brother the Lord bestowed a great blessing upon me, for which I shall have cause to thank him throughout eternity. I will mention some points which God then began to show me. 1. That the word of God alone is our standard of judg- ment in spiritual things; that it can be explained only by the Holy Spirit; and that in our day, as well as in former 46 [A. D. 1829. times, he is the teacher of his people. The office of the Holy Spirit I had not experimentally understood before that time. Indeed, of the office of each of the blessed persons, in what is commonly called the Trinity, I had no experimental apprehension. I had not before seen from the Scriptures that the Father chose us before the foun- dation of the world; that in him that wonderful plan of our redemption originated, and that he also appointed all the means by which it was to be brought about. Further, that the Son, to save us, had fulfilled the law, to satisfy its demands, and with it also the holiness of God; that he had borne the punishment due to our sins, and had thus satisfied the justice of God. And further, that the Holy Spirit alone can teach us about our state by nature, show us the need of a Saviour, enable us to believe in Christ, explain to us the Scriptures, help us in preaching, &c. It was my beginning to understand this latter point in par- ticular, which had a great effect on me; for the Lord enabled me to put it to the test of experience, by laying aside commentaries, and almost every other book, and simply reading the word of God and studying it. The result of this was, that the first evening that I shut myself into my room to give myself to prayer and meditation over the Scriptures, I learned more in a few hours than I had done during a period of several months previously. But the particular difference was, that I received real strength ..for my soul in doing so. I now began to try by the test of the Scriptures the things which I had learned and seen, and found that only those principles which stood the test were really of value. 2. Before this period I had been much opposed to the doctrines of election, particular redemption, and final per- severing grace; so much so that, a few days after my arrival at Teignmouth, I called election a devilish doc- trine. I did not believe that I had brought myself to the Lord, for that was too manifestly false; but yet I held, that I might have resisted finally. And further, I knew nothing about the choice of God’s people, and did not believe that the child of God, when once made so, was safe for ever. In my fleshly mind I had repeatedly said, if once I could prove that I am a child of God for ever, I might go back into the world for a year or two, and then return to the Lord, and at last be saved. But now I was brought to A. D. 1829.) 47 examine these precious truths by the word of God. Being made willing to have no glory of my own in the conversion of sinners, but to consider myself merely as an instrument; and being made willing to receive what the Scriptures said; I went to the word, reading the New Testament from the beginning, with a particular reference to these truths. To my great astonishment I found that the pas- sages which speak decidedly for election and persevering grace, were about four times as many as those which speak apparently against these truths; and even those few, shortly after, when I had examined and understood them, served to confirm me in the above doctrines. As to the effect which my belief in these doctrines had on me, I am constrained to state, for God’s glory, that, though I am still exceedingly weak, and by no means so dead to the lusts of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, as I might and as I ought to be, yet, by the grace of God, I have walked more closely with him since that period. My life has not been so variable, and I may say, that I have lived much more for God than before. And for this have I been strengthened by the Lord, in a great measure, through the instrumentality of these truths. For, in the time of temptation, I have been repeatedly led to say: Should I thus sin? I should only bring misery into my soul for a time, and dishonour God; for being a son of God for ever, I should have to be brought back again, though it might be in the way of severe chastise- ment. Thus, I say, the electing love of God in Christ (when I have been able to realize it) has often been the means of producing holiness, instead of leading me into sin. It is only the notional apprehension of such truths, the want of having them in the heart, whilst they are in the head, which is dangerous. 3. Another truth, into which, in a measure, I was led during my stay in Devonshire, respected the Lord's coming. My views concerning this point, up to that time, had been completely vague and unscriptural. I had believed what others told me, without trying it by the word. I thought that things were getting better and better, and that soon the whole world would be converted. But now I found in the word, that we have not the least Scriptural warrant to look for the conversion of the world before the return of our Lord. I found in the Scriptures, 48 [A. D. 1829. that that which will usher in the glory of the church, and uninterrupted joy to the saints, is the return of the Lord Jesus, and that, till then, things will be more or less in confusion. I found in the word, that the return of Jesus, and not death, was the hope of the apostolic Christians; and that it became me, therefore, to look for his appear- ing. And this truth entered so into my heart, that though I went into Devonshire exceedingly weak, scarcely ex- pecting that I should return again to London, yet I was immediately, on seeing this truth, brought off from looking for death, and was made to look for the return of the Lord. Having seen this truth, the Lord also graciously enabled me to apply it, in some measure at least, to my own heart, and to put the solemn question to myself— “What may I do for the Lord, before he returns, as he may soon come P” 4. In addition to these truths, it pleased the Lord to lead me to see a higher standard of devotedness than I had seen before. He led me, in a measure, to see what is my true glory in this world, even to be despised, and to be poor and mean with Christ. I saw then, in a measure, though I have seen it more fully since, that it ill becomes the servant to seek to be rich, and great, and honoured in that world, where his Lord was poor, and mean, and despised. I do not mean to say that all that which I believe at present concerning these truths, and those which, in con- nexion with them, the Lord has shown me since August 1829, were apprehended all at once; and much less did I see them all at once with the same clearness, as, by the grace of God, I do now; yet my stay in Devonshire was a most profitable time to my soul. My prayer had been, before I left London, that the Lord would be pleased to bless my journey to the benefit of my body and soul. This prayer was answered in both respects; for in the beginning of September I returned to London much better in body; and as to my soul, the change was so great that it was like a second conversion. After my return to London, I sought to benefit my brethren in the seminary, and the means which I used were these. I proposed to them to meet together every morning from six to eight for prayer and reading the Scriptures, and that then each of us should give out what A. D. 1829.] 49 he might consider the Lord had shown him to be the meaning of the portion read. One brother in particular was brought into the same state as myself; and others, I trust, were more or less benefited. Several times, when I went to my room after family prayer in the evening, I found communion with God so sweet that I continued in prayer till after twelve, and then, being full of joy, went into the room of the brother just referred to; and finding him also in a similar frame of heart, we continued praying until one or two; and even then I was a few times so full of joy, that I could scarcely sleep, and at six in the morning again called the brethren together for prayer. All this moreover did not leave me idle, as it regards actual engagements in the Lord’s work, as I will now show. After I had been for about ten days in London, and had been confined to the house on account of my studies, my health began again to decline; and I saw that it would not be well, my poor body being only like a wreck or brand brought out of the devil’s service, to spend my little remaining strength in study, but that I now ought to set about actual engagement in the Lord’s work, particularly as he had now given me more light about his truth, and also a heart to serve him. I consequently wrote to the committee of the Society, requesting them to send me out at once, as they had now had an opportunity of knowing me; and that they might do so more comfortably, to send me as a fellow-labourer with an experienced brother. How- ever I received no answer. After having waited about five or six weeks, in the meantime seeking in one way or other to labour for the Lord, it struck me that I was wrong and acting unscrip- turally, in waiting for the appointment to missionary work from my fellow-men; but that, considering myself called by the Lord to preach the gospel, I ought to begin at once to labour among the Jews in London, whether I had the title of missionary or not. In consequence of this I distributed tracts among the Jews, with my name and residence written on them, thus inviting them to conver- sation about the things of God; preached to them in those places where they most numerously collect together; read the Scriptures regularly with about fifty Jewish boys; and became a teacher in a Sunday school. In this work I had much enjoyment, and the honour of being reproached f IT 50 [A. D. 1829. f and ill-treated for the name of Jesus. But the Lord gave me grace, never to be kept from the work by any danger, or the prospect of any suffering. My ſight increased more and more during the months of September, October, and November. At the end of November it became a point of solemn consideration with me, whether I could remain connected with the Society in the usual way. My chief objections were these: 1. If I were sent out by the Society, it was more than probable, yea, almost needful, if I were to leave England, that I should labour on the Continent, as I was unfit to be sent to eastern countries on account of my health, which would probably have suffered, both on account of the climate, and of my having to learn other languages. Now, if I did go to the Continent, it was evident, that without ordination I could not have any extensive field of usefulness, as un- ordained ministers are generally prevented from labouring freely there; but I could not conscientiously submit to be ordained by unconverted men, professing to have power to set me apart for the ministry, or to communicate some- thing to me for this work which they do not possess them- selves. Besides this, I had other objections to being connected with any state church or national religious establishment, which arose from the increased light which I had obtained through the reception of this truth, that the word of God is our only standard, and the Holy Spirit our only teacher. For as I now began to compare what I knew of the establishment in England and those on the Continent, with this only true standard, the word of God, I found that all establishments, even because they are establishments, i. e. the world and the church mixed up together, not only contain in them the principles which necessarily must lead to departure from the word of God; but also, as long as they remain establishments, entirely preclude the acting throughout according to the Holy Scriptures.—Then again, If I were to stay in England, the Society would not allow me to preach in any place indiscriminately, where the Lord might open a door for me; and to the ordination of English bishops I had still greater objections, than to the ordination of a Prussian Consistory. 2. Ifurther had a conscientious objection against beingled and directed by men in my missionary labours. As a ser- vant of Christ, it appeared to me, I ought to be guided by A. D. 1829.] 51 the Spirit, and not by men, as to time and place; and this I would say, with all deference to others, who may be much more taught, and much more spiritually minded than myself. A servant of Christ has but one master. 3. I had love for the Jews, and I had been enabled to give proofs of it; yet I could not conscientiously say, as the committee would expect from me, that I would spend the greater part of my time only among them. For the scriptural plan seemed to me, that in coming to a place, I should seek out the Jews, and commence my labour par- ticularly among them; but that, if they rejected the gospel, I should go to the nominal christians.—The more I weighed these points, the more it appeared to me that I should be acting hypocritically, were I to suffer them to remain in my mind, without making them known to the committee. The question that next occurred to me was, how I ought to act if not sent out by the Society. With my views I could not return to Prussia; for Imust either refrain from preaching, or imprisonment would be the result. The only plan that presented itself to me was, that I should go from place to place throughout England, as the Lord might direct me, and give me opportunity, preaching wherever I went, both among Jews and nominal Christians. To this mode of service I was especially stirred up through the pecently received truth of the Lord’s second coming, having it impressed upon my heart to seek to warn sinners, and to stir up the saints; as he might soon come. At the same time it appeared to me well, that I should do this in con- nexion with the Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, serving them without any salary, provided they would accept me on these conditions. An objection which came to my mind against taking any step which might lead to the dissolution of my connexion with the Society, namely, that I had been some expense to it, and that thus I should appear ungrateful, and the money would seem to have been thrown away, was easily removed in this way: 1. When I engaged with the Society, I did it according to the light I then had. 2. I have but one Master; his is the money, and to him I have to give an account. 3. Though I have nothing to boast of, but much reason to be ashamed before God on account of my lack of service; yet, speaking after the manner of men, in some measure I F 2 - 52 [A. D. 1829. did work, not only in the Lord's service, but even in that particular line for which the money had been put into the hands of the committee. There remained now only one point more to be settled: how I should do for the future as it regarded the supply of my temporal wants, which naturally would have been a great obstacle, especially as I was not merely a foreigner, but spoke so little English, that whilst I was greatly assisted in expounding the Scriptures, it was with diffi- culty I could converse about common things. On this point, however, I had no anxiety; for I considered, that as long as I really sought to serve the Lord, that is, as long as I sought the kingdom of God and his righteous- ness, these my temporal supplies would be added to me. The Lord most mercifully enabled me to take the promises of his word, and rest upon them, and such as Matthew vii. 7, 8, John xiv. 13, 14, Matthew vi. 25–34, were the stay of my soul concerning this point. In addition to this, the example of brother Groves, the dentist before alluded to, who gave up his profession, and went out as a missionary, was a great encouragement to me. For the news, which by this time had arrived, of how the Lord had aided him on his way to Petersburg, and at Petersburg, strength- ened my faith. At last, on December 12, 1829, I came to the conclu- sion to dissolve my connexion with the Society, if they would not accept my services under the above conditions, and to go throughout the country preaching, (being par- ticularly constrained to do so from a desire to serve the Lord as much as in me lay, BEFORE HIS RETURN), and to trust in him for the supply of my temporal wants. Yet at the same time it appeared well to me to wait a month longer, and to consider the matter still further before I wrote to the committee, that I might be sure I had weighed it fully. On December 24th I went to the Church Missionary Institution at Islington, in the hope of benefiting the students there, if it were the Lord's will. I returned very happy, as I almost invariably was at that time, and went to bed full of joy. Next morning, (being that of Christmas day), I awoke in a very different state of heart from what I had experienced for many weeks past. I had no enjoy- ment, and felt cold and lifeless in prayer. At our usual A. D. 1829.] 53 morning meeting, however, one of the brethren exhorted me to continue to pray, saying, that the Lord surely would again smile on me, though now for a season, for wise pur- oses, he seemed to have withdrawn himself. I did so. At the Lord's table, in the morning, a measure of enjoy- ment returned. Afterwards I dined in a family, in company with the brother just referred to. My former enjoyment gradually returned. Towards evening the Lord gave me an opportunity of speaking about his return, and I had great enjoyment in doing so. At eight o'clock I was asked to expound at family-prayer, and was much assisted by the Lord. About half an hour after the exposition was over, I was requested to come out of the room to see one of the servants, and the mother of another of the servants, who had been present at family-prayer. I found them in tears, and both deeply impressed and under concern about their souls. I then went home, at least as happy as on the previous evening. I have related this circum- stance, because I am aware that it is a common tempta- tion of Satan to make us give up the reading of the word and prayer when our enjoyment is gone; as if it were of no use to read the Scriptures when we do not enjoy them, and as if it were of no use to pray when we have no spirit of prayer; whilst the truth is, in order to enjoy the word, we ought to continue to read it, and the way to obtain a spirit of prayer is, to continue praying; for the less we read the word of God, the less we desire to read it, and the less we pray, the less we desire to pray. About the beginning of the next year my fellow-students had a fortnight's vacation, and as with them I had con- formed myself to the order of the Institution, I felt that I might also partake of their privileges; not indeed to please the flesh, but to serve the Lord. On December 30th I therefore left London for Exmouth, where I in- tended to spend my vacation in the house of my christian friends, who had kindly lodged me the summer before, that I might preach there during this fortnight, and still more fully weigh the matter respecting my proposal to the Society. I arrived at Exmouth on December 31st, at six in the evening, an hour before the commencement of a prayer-meeting at Ebenezer Chapel. , My heart was burning with a desire to tell of the Lord's goodness to my soul, and to speak forth what I considered might not F 3 - 54 [A. D. 1830. be known to most with whom I met. Being, however, not called on, either to speak or pray, I was silent. The next morning I spoke on the difference between being a christian and a happy christian, and showed, whence it generally comes, that we rejoice so little in the Lord. This my first testimony was blessed to many believers, that God, as it appears, might show me that he was with me. Among others it proved a blessing to a christian female, who had been for ten years in bondage, and who, in the providence of God, had been brought from Exeter to be present that morning. This she told me many months after, when I met her on a journey. At the request of several believers I spoke again in the afternoon, and also proposed a meeting in the chapel every morning at ten, to expound the epistle to the Romans. I had also most days a meeting in a room with several ladies, for reading the Scriptures with them. This I did that I might make the best of my fortnight. The second day after my arrival, a brother said to me: “I have been praying for this month past that the Lord would do something for Lympstone, a large parish where there is little spiritual light. There is a Wesleyan chapel, and I doubt not you would be allowed to preach there.” Being ready to speak of Jesus wherever the Lord might open a door, yet so, that I could be faithful to the truths which he had been pleased to teach me, I went, and easily obtained liberty to preach twice on the next day, being the Lord’s day. Besides this I preached in another village near Exmouth; so that I spoke once, twice, or three times in public or private meetings every day for the first ten or twelve days, and that with great enjoyment to my own soul. During the first days of January 1830, whilst at Ex- mouth, it became more and more clear to me, that I could not be connected with the Society under the usual con- ditions; and as I had an abundance of work where I was, and little money to spend in travelling (for all I possessed was about five pounds), it appeared best to me to write at once to the committee, that, whilst they were coming to a decision respecting me, I might continue to preach. I therefore wrote to them, stating what had been my views before I became acquainted with them, and what they were now. I also stated my difficulty in remaining con- A.D. 1830.] 55 nected with them on the usual terms, as stated in substance above; and then concluded, that as, however, I owed them much, as having been instrumental in bringing me to England, where the Lord had blessed me so abundantly; and as I, also, should like to obtain from them the Hebrew Scriptures and tracts for the Jews: I would gladly serve them without any salary, if they would allow me to labour in regard to time and place as the Lord might direct me. Some time after I received a very kind private letter from one of the secretaries, who always had been very kind to me, together with the following official communication from the committee. “London Society for promoting Christianity amongst the Jews. - “At a Meeting of the Missionary Sub-Committee, held January 27, 1830, Society House, 10, Wardrobe Place, Doctors’ Commons, a Letter was read from Mr. G. F. Müller. “Resolved, That Mr. Müller be informed, that while the committee cordially rejoice in any real progress in knowledge and grace which he may have made under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, they, nevertheless, con- sider it inexpedient for any society to employ those who are unwilling to submit themselves to their guidance with respect to missionary operations; and that while, there- fore, Mr. Müller holds his present opinions on that point, the committee cannot consider him as a missionary stu- dent ; but should more mature reflection cause him to alter that opinion, they will readily enter into further communication with him.” Thus my connexion with the Society was entirely dis- solved. Twenty-six years have passed away since, and I never have, even for one single moment, regretted the step I took, but have to be sorry that I have been so little grateful for the Lord’s goodness to me in that matter. The following part of the Narrative also will prove to the enlightened reader, how God blessed my acting out the light he had been pleased to give me. . But I cannot leave this subject without adding that it is far from my intention to throw any blame upon the Society. I have 56 [A.D. 1830. no wish to do so; nay, I confess, were the last-mentioned circumstances not so intimately connected with my being in England, I would rather have left out the matter altogether. But being under the necessity of saying something about my connexion with it, it appeared best to me to relate the circumstances just as they were. Yet I do testify that I have not done it in the least for the sake of injuring the Society; for I have received much kindness from some of those connected with it, particu- larly from two worthy men, then taking a prominent part in managing its affairs. If I be judged differently, I can only say, “Judge nothing before the time, until the Tord come.” After I had preached about three weeks at Exmouth and its neighbourhood, I went to Teignmouth, with the intention of staying there ten days, to preach the word among the brethren with whom I had become acquainted during the previous summer, and thus to tell them of the Lord’s goodness to me. One of the brethren said almost immediately on my arrival at Teignmouth, I wish you would become our minister, as the present one is going to leave us... My answer was, I do not intend to be stationary in any place, but to go through the country, preaching the word as the Lord may direct me. In the evening, Mon- day, I preached for Brother Craik, at Shaldon, in the presence of three ministers, none of whom liked the sermon; yet, it pleased God, through it, to bring to the knowledge of his dear Son a young woman who had been servant to one of these ministers, and who had heard her master preach many times. How differently does the Lord judge from man | Here was a particular opportunity for the Lord to get glory to himself. A foreigner was the preacher, with great natural obstacles in the way, for he was not able to speak English with fluency; but he had a desire to serve God, and was by this time also brought into such a state of heart as to desire that God alone should have the glory, if any good were done through his instrumentality. How often has it struck me, both at that time and since, that his strength was made per- fect in my weakness On Tuesday evening I preached at Ebenezer Chapel, Teignmouth, the same chapel, at the opening of which I became acquainted with the brother, whom the Lord had A.D. 1830.] 57 afterwards used as an instrument of benefiting me so much. My preaching was also disliked there by many of the hearers; but the Lord opened the hearts of a few to receive the truth, and another young woman was brought to the Lord through the instrumentality of the word then preached. On Wednesday I preached again in the same chapel, and the word was disliked still, perhaps more, though the few, who received the truth in the love of it, increased in number. On Thursday I preached again at Shaldon, and on Friday at Teignmouth. The effect was the same; dislike on the one side, and joy and delight in the truth on the other. By this time I began to reflect about the cause of this opposition; for the same brethren who had treated me with much kindness the summer pre- vious, when I was less spiritually minded, and understood much less of the truth, now seemed to oppose me, and I could not explain it in any other way than this, that the Lord intended to work through my instrumentality at Teignmouth, and that therefore Satan, fearing this, sought to raise opposition against me. On the Lord’s day I dined with a brother, whose heart the Lord had opened to receive me as a servant of Christ. After dinner Italked to a young woman, his servant, at the request of her sister, who on the Tuesday previous had been convinced of sin, and on the Friday brought to enjoy peace in the Lord. This young woman also was, through the instrumentality of this conversation, brought to see her sinful state, though she could not rejoice in the Lord until about seven months after. How differently the Lord dealt with her sister, and yet the work of grace was as real in the one as in the other, as I had full opportunity of seeing afterwards ! On this same Lord's day I preached twice at Teignmouth, and once at Shaldon; for so precious did every opportunity seem to me, and so powerfully did I feel the importance of those precious truths, which I had so recently been led to see, that I longed to be instrumental in communicating them to others. By this time the request, that I might stay at Teign- mouth, and be the minister of the above chapel, had been repeatedly expressed by an increasing number of the brethren; but others were decidedly against my remain- ing there. This opposition was instrumental in settling it in my mind that I should stay for awhile, at least until 58 [A.D. 1830. I was formally rejected. In consequence of this conclu- sion I took the following step, which, it may be, I should not repeat under similar circumstances, but which was certainly taken in love to those who were concerned in the matter, and for the glory of God, as far as I then had light. On the Tuesday following, after preaching, I told the brethren how, in the providence of God, I had been brought to them without the least intention of staying among them, but that, on finding them without a minister, I had been led to see it to be the will of God to remain with them. I also told them, as far as I remember, that I was aware of the opposition of some, but that I never- theless intended to preach to them till they rejected me; and if they should say, I might preach, but they would give me no salary, that would make no difference on my part, as I did not preach for the sake of money; but I told them at the same time, that it was an honour, to be allowed to supply the temporal wants of any of the ser- vants of Christ. The latter point I added, as it seemed right to me, to give out the whole counsel of God, as far as I knew it. On the next day, Wednesday, I left, and having preached in two or three places near Exmouth, and taken leave of my friends there, I returned to Teignmouth. Here I preached again three times on the Lord's day, none saying we wish you not to preach, though many of the hearers did not hear with enjoyment. Some of them left, and never returned ; some left, but returned after awhile. Others came to the chapel, who had not been in the habit of attending there previous to my coming. There was sufficient proof that the work of God was going on, for there were those who were glad to hear what I preached, overlooking the infirmities of the foreigner, delighting in the food for their souls, without caring much about the form in which the truth was set before them; and these were not less spiritual than the rest; and there were those who objected decidedly, some, however, mani- festing merely the weakness of brethren, and others the bitterness of the opposers of the cross. There was in addition to this, a great stir, a spirit of inquiry, and a searching of the Scriptures, whether these things were so. And what is more than all, God set his seal upon the A.D. 1830.] 59 work, in converting sinners. Twelve weeks I stood in this same position, whilst the Lord graciously supplied my temporal wants, through two brethren, unasked for. After this time, the whole little church, eighteen in number, unanimously gave me an invitation to become their pastor. My answer to them was, that their invitation did not show me more than I had seen before, that it was the will of God that I should remain with them, yet that for their sakes I could not but rejoice in this invitation, as it was a proof to me that God had blessed them through my in- strumentality, in making them thus of one mind. I also expressly stated to the brethren, that I should only stay so long with them, as I saw it clearly to be the will of the Tord; for I had not given up my intention of going from place to place, if the Lord would allow me to do so. The brethren, at the same time, now offered to supply my tem- poral wants, by giving me £55. a year, which sum was afterwards somewhat increased, on account of the increase of the church. I now had Teignmouth for my residence, but I did not confine my labours to this place; for I preached regularly once a week in Exeter, once a fortnight at Topsham, sometimes at Shaldon, often at Exmouth, sometimes in the above-mentioned villages near Exmouth, regularly once a week at Bishopsteignton, where a part of the church lived, and afterwards repeatedly at Chudleigh, Collump- ton, Newton Bushel, and elsewhere. That which I now considered the best mode of prepa- ration for the public ministry of the word, no longer adopted from necessity, on account of want of time, but from deep conviction, and from the experience of God’s blessing upon it, both as it regards my own enjoyment, the benefit of the saints, and the conversion of sinners, is as follows:–1. I do not presume to know myself what is best for the hearers, and I therefore ask the Lord in the first place, that he would graciously be pleased to teach me on what subject I shall speak, or what portion of his word I shall expound. Now sometimes it happens, that previous to my asking him, a subject or passage has been in my mind, on which it has appeared well for me to speak. In that case I ask the Lord, whether I should speak on this subject or passage. If, after prayer, I feel persuaded that I should, I fix upon it, yet so, that I would desire to (30 [A.D. 1830, leave myself open to the Lord to change it, if he please. Frequently, however, it occurs, that I have no text or subject in my mind, before I give myself to prayer for the sake of ascertaining the Lord’s will concerning it. In this case I wait some time on my knees for an answer, trying to listen to the voice of the Spirit to direct me. If then a passage or subject, whilst I am on my knees, or after I have finished praying for a text, is brought to my mind, I again ask the Lord, and that sometimes repeatedly, especially if, humanly speaking, the subject or text should be a peculiar one, whether it be his will that I should speak on such a subject or passage. If after prayer my mind is peaceful about it, I take this to be the text, but still desire to leave myself open to the Lord for direction, should he please to alter it, or should I have been mis- taken. Frequently also, in the third place, it happens, that I not only have no text nor subject on my mind pre- vious to my praying for guidance in this matter, but also I do not obtain one after once, or twice, or more times praying about it. I used formerly at times to be much perplexed, when this was the case, but for more than twenty years it has pleased the Lord, in general at least, to keep me in peace about it. What I do is, to go on with my regular reading of the Scriptures, where I left off the last time, praying (whilst I read) for a text, now and then also laying aside my bible for prayer, till I get one. Thus it has happened, that I have had to read five, ten, yea twenty chapters, before it has pleased the Lord to give me a text; yea, many times I have even had to go to the place of meeting without one, and obtained it per- haps only a few minutes before I was going to speak; but I have never lacked the Lord’s assistance at the time of preaching, provided I had earnestly sought it in private. The preacher cannot know the particular state of the various individuals who compose the congregation, nor what they require, but the Lord knows it ; and if the preacher renounces his own wisdom, he will be assisted by the Lord ; but if he will choose in his own wisdom, then let him not be surprised if he should see little benefit result from his labours. Before I leave this part of the subject, I would just observe one temptation concerning the choice of a text. We may see a subject to be so very full, that it may strike A.D. 1830.] 61 us it would do for some other occasion. For instance, sometimes a text brought to one’s mind for a week-evening meeting, may appear more suitable for the Lord’s day, because then there would be a greater number of hearers present. Now, in the first place, we do not know whether the Lord ever will allow us to preach on another Lord’s day; and, in the second place, we know not whether that very subject may not be especially suitable for some or many individuals present just that week-evening. Thus I was once tempted, after I had been a short time at Teignmouth, to reserve a subject, which had been just opened to me, for the next Lord's day. But being able, by the grace of God, to overcome the temptation by the above reasons, and preaching about it at once, it pleased the Lord to bless it to the conversion of a sinner, and that too an individual who meant to come but that once more to the chapel, and to whose case the subject was most remarkably suited. 2. Now when the text has been obtained in the above way, whether it be one or two or more verses, or a whole chapter or more, I ask the Lord that he would graciously be pleased to teach me by his Holy Spirit, whilst medi- tating over it. Within the last twenty-five years, I have found it the most profitable plan to meditate with my pen in my hand, writing down the outlines, as the word is opened to me. This I do, not for the sake of committing them to memory, nor as if I meant to say nothing else, but for the sake of clearness, as being a help to see how far I understand the passage. I also find it useful after- wards to refer to what I have thus written. I very seldom use any other help besides the little I understand of the original of the Scriptures, and some good trans- lations in other languages. My chief help is prayer. I have NEVER in my life begun to study one single part of divine truth, without gaining some light about it, when I have been able really to give myself to prayer and medi- tation over it. But that I have often found a difficult matter, partly on account of the weakness of the flesh, and partly also on account of bodily infirmities and multiplicity of engagements. This I most firmly believe, that no one ought to expect to see much good resulting from his labours in word and doctrine, if he is not much given to prayer and meditation. G. 62 [A.D. 1830. 3. Having prayed and meditated on the subject or text, I desire to leave myself entirely in the hands of the Lord. I ask him to bring to my mind what I have seen in my closet, concerning the subject I am going to speak on, which he generally most kindly does, and often teaches me much additionally, whilst I am preaching. In connexion with the above, I must, however, state that it appears to me there is a preparation for the public ministry of the word, which is even more excellent than the one spoken of. It is this: to live in such constant and real communion with the Lord, and to be so habitually and frequently in meditation over the truth, that without the above effort, so to speak, we have obtained food for others, and know the mind of the Lord as to the subject or the portion of the word on which we should speak. But this I have only in a small measure experienced, though I desire to be brought into such a state, that habitually “out of my belly may flow rivers of living Water.” That which I have found most beneficial in my expe- rience for the last twenty-six years in the public ministry of the word, is, eaſpounding the Scriptures, and especially the going now and then through a whole gospel or epistle. This may be done in a two-fold way, either by entering minutely into the bearing of every point occurring in the portion, or by giving the general outlines, and thus leading the hearers to see the meaning and connexion of the whole. The benefits which I have seen resulting from eaſpounding the Scriptures are these: 1. The hearers are thus, with God’s blessing, led to the Scriptures. They find, as it were, a practical use of them in the public meetings. This induces them to bring their bibles, and I have ob- served that those who at first did not bring them, have afterwards been induced to do so; so that in a short time few, of the believers at least, were in the habit of coming without them. This is no small matter; for every thing which in our day will lead believers to value the Scrip- tures, is of importance. 2. The expounding of the Scrip- tures is in general more beneficial to the hearers than if, on a single verse, or half a verse, or two or three words of a verse, some remarks are made, so that the portion of Scripture is scarcely any thing but a motto for the sub- ject; for few have grace to meditate much over the word, A.D. 1830.] G3 and thus exposition may not merely be the means of opening to them the Scriptures, but may also create in them a desire to meditate for themselves. 3. The ex- pounding of the Scriptures leaves to the hearers a con- necting link, so that the reading over again the portion of the word which has been expounded, brings to their remembrance what has been said, and thus, with God’s blessing, leaves a more lasting impression on their minds. This is particularly of importance as it regards the illi- terate, who sometimes have neither much strength of memory nor capacity of comprehension. 4. The ea:- pounding of large portions of the word, as the whole of a gospel or an epistle, besides leading the hearer to see the connexion of the whole, has also this particular benefit for the teacher, that it leads him, with God’s blessing, to the consideration of portions of the word, which otherwise he might not have considered, and keeps him from speaking too much on favourite subjects, and leaning too much to particular parts of truth, which tendency must surely sooner or later injure both himself and his hearers.- Expounding the word of God brings little honour to the preacher from the unenlightened or careless hearer, but it tends much to the benefit of the hearers in general. Simplicity in expression, whilst the truth is set forth, is, in connexion with what has been said, of the utmost im- portance. It should be the aim of the teacher to speak so, that children, servants, and people who cannot read, may be able to understand him, so far as the natural mind can comprehend the things of God. It ought also to be remembered, that there is, perhaps, not a single congre- gation in which there are not persons of the above classes present, and that if they can understand, the well-educated or literary persons will understand likewise; but the reverse does not hold good. It ought further to be re- membered, that the expounder of the truth of God speaks for God, for eternity, and that it is not in the least likely that he will benefit the hearers, except he use plainness of speech, which nevertheless needs not to be vulgar or rude. It should also be considered, that if the preacher strive to speak according to the rules of this world, he may please many, particularly those who have a literary taste; but, in the same proportion, he is less likely to become an instrument in the hands of God for the conversion of G 2 64 [A.D. 1830. sinners, or for the building-up of the saints. For neither eloquence nor depth of thought makes the truly great preacher, but such a life of prayer and meditation and spirituality, as may render him a vessel meet for the master's use, and fit to be employed both in the conversion of sinners and in the edification of the saints. About the beginning of April I went to preach at Sid- mouth. While I was staying there, three sisters in the Ilord had, in my presence, a conversation about baptism, one of whom had been baptized after she had believed. When they had conversed a little on the subject, I was asked to give my opinion concerning it. My reply was, “I do not think that I need to be baptized again.” I was then asked by the sister who had been baptized, “But have you been baptized?” I answered, “Yes, when I was a child.” She then replied, “Have you ever read the Scriptures, and prayed with reference to this subject?” I answered, “No.” “Then,” she said, “I entreat you, never to speak any more about it till you have done so.” It pleased the Lord to show me the importance of this remark; for whilst at that very time I was exhorting every one to receive nothing which could not be proved by the word of God, I had repeatedly spoken against believers' baptism, without having ever earnestly examined the Scriptures, or prayed concerning it; and now I determined, if God would help me, to examine that subject also, and if infant baptism were found to be scriptural, I would earnestly defend it; and if believers’ baptism were right, I would as strenuously defend that, and be baptized. As soon as I had time, I set about examining the sub- ject. The mode I adopted was as follows: Repeatedly I asked God to teach me concerning it, and I read the New Testament from the beginning, with a particular reference to this point. But now, when I earnestly set about the matter, a number of objections presented themselves to my mind. 1. Since many holy and enlightened men have been divided in opinion concerning this point, does this not prove, that it is not to be expected we should come to a satisfactory conclusion about this question in the present imperfect state of the church 2—This objection was thus removed: If this ordinance is revealed in the Bible, why A.D. 1830.] 65 may I not know it, as the Holy Spirit is the teacher in the church of Christ now as well as formerly. 2. There have been but few of my friends baptized, and the greater part of them are opposed to believers' baptism, and they will turn their backs on me. Answer: Though all men should forsake me, if the Lord Jesus takes me up, I shall be happy, 3. You will be sure to lose one half of your income, if you are baptized. Answer: As long as I desire to be faithful to the Lord, he will not suffer me to want. 4. People will call you a baptist, and you will be reckoned among that body, and you cannot approve of all that is going on among them. Answer: It does not follow that I must in all points go along with all those who hold believers' baptism, although I should be baptized. 5. You have been preaching for some years, and you will have thus publicly to confess, that you have been in an error, should you be led to see that believers’ baptism is right. Answer: It is much better to confess that I have been in error concerning that point than to continue in it. 6. Even if believers’ baptism should be right, yet it is now too late to attend to it, as you ought to have been baptized immediately on believing. Answer: It is better to fulfil a commandment of the Lord Jesus ever so late, than to continue living in the neglect of it. It had pleased God, in his abundant mercy, to bring my mind into such a state, that I was willing to carry out into my life whatever I should find in the Scriptures con- cerning this ordinance, either the one way or the other. I could say, “I will do his will,” and it was on that account, I believe, that I soon saw which “doctrine is of God,” whether infant baptism or believers’ baptism. And I would observe here, by the way, that the passage to which I have just now alluded, John vii. 17, has been a most remarkable comment to me on many doctrines and precepts of our most holy faith. For instance: “ Besist *ot evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Love Ayour enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, G 3 66 [A.D. 1830. and persecute you.” Matthew v. 39–44. “Sell that ye have, and give alms.” Luke xii. 33. “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another.” Rom. xiii. 8. It may be said, surely these passages cannot be taken literally, for how then would the people of God be able to pass through the world. The state of mind enjoined in John vii. 17 will cause such objections to vanish. WHosoever Is will.ING TO ACT OUT these commandments of the Lord LITERALLY will, I believe, be led with me to see that, to take them LITERALLY, is the will of God.—Those who do so take them will doubtless often be brought into diffi- culties, hard to the flesh to bear, but these will have a tendency to make them constantly feel that they are strangers and pilgrims here, that this world is not their home, and thus to throw them more upon God, who will assuredly help us through any difficulty into which we may be brought by seeking to act in obedience to his word. As soon as I was brought into this state of heart, I saw from the Scriptures that believers ONLY are the proper subjects for baptism, and that immersion is the only true Scriptural mode, in which it ought to be attended to. The passage which particularly convinced me of the former, is Acts viii. 36–38, and of the latter, Rom. vi. 3—5. Some time after, I was baptized. I had much peace in doing so, and never have I for one single moment regretted it.— Before I leave this point, I would just say a few words concerning the result of this matter, so far as it regards some of the objections which occurred to my mind when I was about to examine the Scriptures concerning baptism. 1. Concerning the first objection, my conviction now is, that of all revealed truths not one is more clearly revealed in the Scriptures, not even the doctrine of justification by faith, and that the subject has only become obscured, by men not having been willing to take the Scriptures alone to decide the point. 2. Not one of my true friends in the Lord has turned his back on me, as I supposed, and almost all of them have been themselves baptized since. 3. Though in one way I lost money in consequence of being baptized, yet the Lord did not suffer me to be really a loser, even as it regards temporal things; for he made up the loss most bountifully. In conclusion, my example has been the means of leading many to examine the ques- A.D. 1830.] 67 tion of baptism, and to submit, from conviction, to this ordinance; and seeing this truth I have been led to speak on it as well as on other truths; and during the twenty- three years that I have now resided in Bristol, more than a thousand believers have been baptized among us. In June of this year (1830) I went to preach at the opening of a chapel in a village near Barnstaple, built by that blessed man of God, Thomas Pugsley, now with the Lord. It pleased God to bring two souls to himself through this my visit, and one more was converted on another visit. So graciously did the Lord condescend to use me, that almost every where he blessed the word which I preached, thereby testifying that he had sent me, and thereby also getting glory to himself in using such an in- strument. It was so usual for me to preach with parti- cular assistance, especially during the first months of this year, that once, when it was otherwise, it was much no- ticed by myself and others. The circumstance was this. One day, before preaching at Teignmouth, I had more time than usual, and therefore prayed and meditated about six hours, in preparation for the evening meeting, and I thought I saw many precious truths in the passage on which I had meditated. It was the first part of the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians. After I had spoken a little time, I felt that I spoke in my own strength, and I, being a foreigner, felt particularly the want of words, which had not been the case before. I told the brethren, that I felt I was left to myself, and asked their prayers. But after having continued a little longer, and feeling the same as before, I closed, and proposed that we should have a meeting for prayer, that the Lord still might be pleased to help me. We did so, and I was par- ticularly assisted the next time. During this summer also it appeared to me scriptural, according to the example of the Apostles, Acts xx. 7, to break bread every Lord's day, though there is no com- mandment given to do so, either by the Lord, or by the Holy Ghost through the Apostles. And at the same time it appeared to me scriptural, according to Eph. iv., Rom. xii., &c., that there should be given room for the Holy Ghost to work through any of the brethren whom he pleases to use; that thus one member might benefit the other with the gift which the Lord has bestowed upon 68 [A.D. 1830. him. Accordingly at certain meetings any of the brethren had an opportunity to exhort or teach the rest, if they considered that they had any thing to say which might be beneficial to the hearers.--T observe here, that, as the Lord gave me grace to endeavour at once to carry out the light which he had been pleased to give me on this point, and as the truth was but in part apprehended, there was much infirmity mixed with the manner of carrying it out. Nor was it until several years after that the Lord was pleased to teach me about this point more perfectly. That the disciples of Jesus should meet together, on the first day of the week, for the breaking of bread, and that that should be their principal meeting, and that those, whether one or several, who are truly gifted by the Holy Spirit for service, be it for exhortation, or teaching, or rule, &c., are responsible to the Lord for the exercise of their gifts: these are to me no matters of uncertainty, but points on which my soul, by grace, is established, through the re- vealed will of God. On October 7th, 1830, I was united by marriage to Miss Mary Groves, sister of the brother whose name has already been mentioned. This step was taken after prayer and deliberation, from a full conviction that it was better for me to be married; and I have never regretted since, either the step itself or the choice, but desire to be truly grate- ful to God for having given me such a wife. About this time I began to have conscientious objec- tions against any longer receiving a stated salary. My reasons against it were these :— 1. The salary was made up by pew-rents; but pew-rents are, according to James ii. 1–6, against the mind of the Lord, as, in general, the poor brother cannot have so good a seat as the rich. (All pew-rents were therefore given up, and all the seats made free, which was stated at the entrance of the chapel.) 2. A brother may gladly do something towards my support if left to his own time; but when the quarter is up, he has perhaps other expenses, and I do not know, whether he pays his money grudg- ingly, and of necessity, or cheerfully; but God loveth a cheerful giver. Nay, I knew it to be a fact, that some- times it had not been convenient to individuals to pay the money, when it had been asked for by the brethren who collected it. 3. Though the Lord had been pleased to A.D. 1830.] Čí) give me grace to be faithful, so that I had been enabled not to keep back the truth, when he had shown it to me : still I felt that the pew-rents were a snare to the servant of Christ. It was a temptation to me, at least for a few minutes, at the time when the Lord had stirred me up to pray and search the word respecting the ordinance of baptism, because £30. of my salary was at stake, if I should be baptized. For these reasons I stated to the brethren, at the end of October 1830, that I should for the future give up hav- ing any regular salary. After I had given my reasons for doing so, I read Philippians iv., and told the saints, that if they still had a desire to do something towards my sup- port, by voluntary gifts, I had no objection to receive them, though ever so small, either in money or provisions. A few days after it appeared to me, that there was a better way still ; for if I received personally every single gift, offered in money, both my own time and that of the do- nors would be much taken up; and in this way also the poor might, through temptation, be kept from offering their pence, a privilege of which they ought not to be deprived; and some also might in this way give more than if it were not known who was the giver; so that it would still be doubtful whether the gift were given grudg- ingly or cheerfully. For these reasons especially, there was a box put up in the chapel, over which was written, that whoever had a desire to do something towards my support, might put his offering into the box. At the same time it appeared to me right, that hence- forth I should ask no man, not even my beloved brethren and sisters, to help me, as I had done a few times accord- ing to their own request, as my expenses, on account of travelling much in the Lord’s service, were too great to be met by my usual income. For unconsciously I had thus again been led, in some measure, to trust in an arm of flesh, going to man, instead of going to the Lord at once. To come to this conclusion before God required 7more grace than to give up my salary. About the same time also my wife and I had grace given to us, to take the Lord's commandment, “Sell that ye have, and give alms,” Luke xii. 33, literally, and to carry it out. Our staff and support in this matter were Mat- thew vi. 19–34, John xiv. 18, 14. We leaned on the arm 70 [A.D. 1830. of the Lord Jesus. It is now twenty-five years, since we set out in this way, and we do not in the least regret the step we then took. Our God also has, in his tender mercy, given us grace to abide in the same mind concerning the above points, both as it regards principle and practice ; and this has been the means of letting us see the tender love and care of our God over his children, even in the most minute things, in a way in which we never experi- mentally knew them before ; and it has, in particular, made the Lord known to us more fully than we knew him before, as a prayer hearing God. As I have written down how the Lord has been pleased to deal with us since, I shall be able to relate some facts concerning this matter, as far as they may tend to edification. JEa:tracts from my Journal. Nov. 18th, 1830.-Our money was reduced to about eight shillings. When I was praying with my wife in the morning, the Lord brought to my mind the state of our purse, and I was led to ask him for some money. About four hours after, we were with a sister* at Bishop- steignton, and she said to me, “Do you want any money P’’ “I told the brethren,” said I, “dear sister, when I gave up my salary, that I would for the future tell the Lord only about my wants.” She replied, “But he has told me to give you some money. About a fortnight ago I asked him, what I should do for him, and he told me to give you some money; and last Saturday it came again powerfully to my mind, and has not left me since, and I felt it so forcibly last night, that I could not help speak- ing of it to Brother P.” My heart rejoiced, seeing the Lord’s faithfulness, but I thought it better not to tell her about our circumstances, lest she should be influenced to give accordingly ; and I also was assured, that, if it were of the Lord, she could not but give. I therefore turned the conversation to other subjects, but when I left she gave me two guineas. We were full of joy on account of the goodness of the Lord.—I would call upon the reader to admire the gentleness of the Lord, that he did not try * My Journal gives the names of the individuals, whom the Lord has used as instruments, in supplying our wants ; but it has appeared well to me, for several reasons, not to mention them in print. A.D. 1830.] 71 our faith much at the commencement, but gave us first encouragement, and allowed us to see his willingness to help us, before he was pleased to try it more fully. The next Wednesday I went to Exmouth, our money having then again been reduced to about nine shillings. I asked the Lord on Thursday, when at Exmouth, to be pleased to give me some money. On Friday morning, about eight o'clock, whilst in prayer, I was particularly led to ask again for money; and before I rose from my knees I had the fullest assurance, that we should have the answer that very day. About nine o'clock I left the brother with whom I was staying, and he gave me half a sovereign, saying, “Take this for the expenses connected with your coming to us.” I did not expect to have my expenses paid, but I saw the Lord's fatherly hand in sending me this money within one hour after my asking him for some. But even then I was so fully assured that the Lord would send more that very day, or had done so already, that, when I came home about twelve o’clock, I asked my wife whether she had received any letters. She told me she had received one the day before from a bro- ther in Exeter, with three sovereigns. Thus even my prayer on the preceding day had been answered. The next day one of the brethren came and brought me $4., which was due to me of my former salary, but which I could never have expected, as I did not even know that this sum was due to me. Thus I received, within thirty hours, in answer to prayer, É7. 10s. In the commencement of December I went to Collump- ton, where I preached several times, and likewise in a neighbouring village. In driving home from the village late at night, our driver lost his way; as soon as we found out our mistake, as we were then near a house, it struck me that the hand of God was in this matter; and having awakened the people of the house, I offered a man some- thing if he would be kind enough to bring us into the right road. I now walked with the man before the gig, and conversed with him about the things of God, and soon found out that he was an awful backslider. May God, in mercy, bless the word spoken to him, and may we learn from this circumstance, that we have to ask on such occa- sions, why the Lord has allowed such and such things to happentous.-Since the publication of thefirst edition,one 72 [A.D. 1831. day, about eight years afterthis circumstance had happened, the individual who drove me that night introduced him- self to me as a brother, and told me that on that evening he received his first impressions under the preaching of the word. The missing of the right road may have been connected with his state of mind. May I and my fellow- labourers in the Gospel be encouraged by this, patiently to continue to sow the seed, though only after eight years or more we should see the fruit of it. I only add, that up to that time, the individual had been a very dissipated young man, who caused his believing parents very much grief. Their love led them to convey me and my wife to this village and back again, and truly the Lord gave them a reward in doing so. Between Christmas and the new year, when our money was reduced to a few shillings, I asked the Lord for more; when a few hours after there was given to us a sovereign by a brother from Axminster. This brother had heard much against me, and was at last determined to hear for himself, and thus came to Teignmouth, a distance of forty miles; and having heard about our manner of living, gave us this money. With this closes the year 1830. Throughout it the Lord richly supplied all my temporal wants, though at the commencement of it. I had no certain human prospect for one single shilling: so that, even as it regards temporal things, I had not been in the smallest degree a loser in acting according to the dictates of my conscience; and as it regards spiritual things, the Lord had indeed dealt bountifully with me, and led me on in many respects, and, moreover, had condescended to use me as an instrument in doing his work. On January 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1831, I had repeatedly asked the Tord for money, but received none. On the evening of January 8th I left my room for a few minutes, and was then tempted to distrust the Lord, though he had been so gracious to us, in that he not only up to that day had supplied all our wants, but had given us also those answers of prayer, which have been in part just mentioned. I was so sinful, for about five minutes, as to think it would be of no use to trust in the Lord in this way. I also be- gan to say to myself, that I had perhaps gone too far in living in this way. But, thanks to the Lord! this trial A.D. 1831.] 73 lasted but a few minutes. He enabled me again to trust in him, and Satan was immediately confounded; for when I returned to my room (out of which I had not been ab- sent ten minutes), the Lord had sent deliverance. A sister in the Lord who resided at Exeter, had come to Teignmouth, and brought us £2.4s. ; so the Lord tri- umphed, and our faith was strengthened. Jan. 10. To-day, when we had again but a few shil- lings, £5. was given to us, which had been taken out of the box. I had, once for all, told the brethren, who had the care of these temporal things, to have the kindness to let me have the money every week; but as these beloved brethren either forgot to take it out weekly, or were ashamed to bring it in such small sums, it was generally taken out every three, four, or five weeks. As I had stated to them, however, from the commencement, that I desired to look neither to man nor the box, but to the living God, I thought it not right on my part, to re- mind them of my request to have the money weekly, lest it should hinder the testimony which I wished to give, of trusting in the living God alone. It was on this account that on January 28th, when we had again but little money, though I had seen the brethren on January the 24th open the box and take out the money, I would not ask the brother, in whose hands it was, to let me have it; but, standing in need of it, as our coals were almost gone, I asked the Lord to incline his heart to bring it, and but a little time afterwards it was given to us, even £1.8s. 6d. I would here mention, that since the time I began living in this way, I have been kept from speaking, either directly or indirectly, about my wants, at the time I was in need. The only exception is, that in a few in- stances, twenty years or more since, I have at such times spoken to very poor brethren, in the way of encouraging them, to trust in the Lord, telling them, that I had to do the same, being myself in similar straits; or in a few in- stances, where it was needful to speak about my own want, lest I should appear unfeeling, in that I did not help at all, in cases of distress, or not as much as might have been expected. But whilst I have refrained, and do still habitually refrain, from speaking to my fellow crea- tures about my wants at the time, I desire to speak well of the Lord's goodness, after he has delivered me; not EI 74 [A. D. 1831. only in order that he thus may get glory, but also that the children of God may be encouraged to trust in him. On February 14th we had again very little money, and, whilst praying, I was led to ask the Lord, graciously to supply our wants; and the instant that I got up from my Knees, a brother gave me £1., which had been taken out of the box. On March 7th I was again tempted to disbelieve the faithfulness of the Ilord, and though I was not miserable, still I was not so fully resting upon the Lord, that I could triumph with joy. It was but one hour after, when the Lord gave me another proof of his faithful love. A christian lady at Teignmouth had been from home for some time, and on her return she brought from the sisters in the Lord, with whom she had been staying, five sovereigns for us, with these words written in the paper; —“I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink. Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee 2 or thirsty, and gave thee drink P. The King shall answer and say unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” On March 16th I went to Axminster, and preached in several places in that neighbourhood, besides holding a meeting at Axminster. Whilst staying there, I was re- quested to preach at Chard; but as I had never been away from Teignmouth on the Lord’s day, I had to pray much, before I came to the conclusion to comply with the request. At last I had the fullest assurance that I ought to preach at Chard. I have since heard that the Lord used me in edifying the brethren, and through a general exhortation to all, to read the Scriptures with earnestness, a woman was stirred up to do so, and this was the means of her conversion. As to myself, I had a most refreshing season. I mention this circumstance to show how important it is to ascertain the will of God, before we undertake any thing, because we are then not only blessed in our own souls, but also the work of our hands will prosper.—One of the brethren at Chard forced a sovereign upon me, against the acceptance of which I strove much, lest it should appear as if I had preached for money. Another would give me a paper with money. I A.D. 1831.] 75 refused it for the same reason. At last he put it by force into my pocket, and ran away. The paper contained 11s. 6d. April 16th. This morning I found that our money was reduced to 3s., and I said to myself, I must now go and ask the Lord earnestly for fresh supplies. But before I had prayed, there was sent from Exeter £ 2., as a proof that the Lord hears before we call. I would observe here, by the way, that if any of the children of God should think that such a mode of living leads away from the Lord, and from caring about spiritual things, and has the effect of causing the mind to be taken up with the question, What shall I eat?—-What shall I drink P-and Wherewithal shall I be clothed P and that on that account it would be much better to have a stated salary, particularly for one who labours in the word and doctrine, in order that he may be above these cares; I say, should any believer think so, I would request him prayerfully to consider the following remarks:–1. have had experience of both ways, and know that my present mode of living, as to temporal things, is connected with less care. 2. Confidence in the Lord, to whom alone I look for the supply of my temporal wants, keeps me, at least whilst faith is in exercise, when a case of distress comes before me, or when the Lord’s work calls for my pecuniary aid, from anxious reckoning like this: Will my salary last out P Shall I have enough myself the next month P &c. In this my freedom, I am, by the grace of God, generally at least, able to say to myself something like this:—My Lord is not limited; he can again supply; he knows that this present case has been sent to me: and thus, this way of living, so far from-leading to anariety, as it regards possible future want, is rather the means of Keeping from it. And truly it was once said to me by an individual,—you can do such and such things, and need not to lay by, for the church in the whole of Devonshire cares about your wants. My reply was: The Lord can use not merely any of the saints throughout Devonshire, but those throughout the world, as instruments to supply my temporal wants. 3. This way of living has often been the means of reviving the work of grace in my heart, when I have been getting cold; and it also has been the H 2 76 [A.D. 1831. means of bringing me back again to the Lord, after I have been backsliding. For it will not do, it is not pos- sible, to live in sin, and at the same time, by communion with God, to draw down from heaven every thing one needs for the life that now is. 4. Frequently, too, a fresh answer to prayer, obtained in this way, has been the means of quickening my soul, and filling me with much Joy. About April 20th I went to Chumleigh. Here and in the neighbourhood I preached repeatedly, and from thence I went to Barnstaple. Whilst we were at Barnstaple, there was found in my wife's bag a sovereign, put there anonymously. A sister also gave us £2. On our return to Teignmouth, May 2, when we emptied our travelling bag, there fell out a paper with money. It contained two sovereigns and threepence, the latter put in, no doubt, to make a noise in emptying the bag. May the Lord bless and reward the giver! Tn a similar way we found 4s, put anonymously into one of our drawers, a few days after. May 12. A sister has been staying for some time at Teignmouth on account of her health, and when she was about to return home to-day, we saw it the Lord’s will to invite her to stay with us for some time, as we knew that she would stay longer, if her means allowed it. We were persuaded, that, as we saw it to be the Lord’s will to in- vite her, he himself would pay the expenses connected with her stay. About the time when she came to our house, a parcel with money was sent from Chumleigh. The ex- planation of it is this. A few weeks before, I had preached at Chumleigh and in the neighbourhood. The brethren, knowing about my manner of living, after my departure collected some money for me, and thus, in small offerings (107 altogether, as I have been told,) # 2. 0s. 1; d. was given. Thus the Lord at once paid for the expenses con- nected with our sister's staying with us.--About this time a brother, who came as an invalid from London, was directed to us in the providence of God, with whom we had much communion. June 6. Having prayed much on the previous days, that when we wanted money the Lord would be pleased to send some, to-day, after I had again asked for it, a poor sister brought half a sovereign, 5s, from herself, and 5s. A.D. 1831.] 77 from another very poor sister. This is not only a fresh proof that the Lord hears prayer, but also that he sends by whom he will. Our money had been reduced to 8s. June 12. Lord's day. On Thursday last I went with brother Craik to Torquay, to preach there. I had only about 3s. with me, and left my wife with about 6s. at home. The Lord provided beds for us through the hospi- tality of a brother. I asked the Lord repeatedly for money; but when I came home my wife had only about 3s. left, having received nothing. We waited still upon the Lord. Yesterday passed away, and no money came. We had 9d. left. This morning we were still waiting upon the Lord, and looking for deliverance. We had only a little butter left for breakfast, sufficient for brother E. and a relative living with us, to whom we did not mention our circumstances, that they might not be made uncom- fortable. After the morning meeting, brother Y. most unexpectedly opened the box, and in giving me quite as unexpectedly the money at such a time, he told me that he and his wife could not sleep last night, on account of thinking that we might want money. The most striking point is, that after I had repeatedly asked the Lord, but received nothing, I then prayed yesterday, that the Lord would be pleased to impress it on brother Y. that we wanted "noney, so that he might open the boa. There was in it 17.8s. 10; d. Our joy on account of this fresh deliverance was great, and we praised the Lord heartily. June 18. Brother Craik called on us to-day, and he then had only 1; d. left. A few minutes after, he received a sum of money, and, in returning to us on his way home, he gave us 10s., when we had but 3s. left. July 20. A shoulder of mutton and a loaf were sent to us anonymously.—I understood some time afterwards, that Satan had raised the false report that we were starving, in consequence of which a believer sent these provisions. I would mention by the way, that various reports have been circulated, on account of this our way of living. Sometimes it has been said that we had not enough to eat, and that surely such and such an infirmity of body we had brought on us, because we had not the necessaries of life. Now, the truth is, that, whilst we have been often brought low ; yea, so low, that we have not had even as much as one single penny left ; or II 3 78 [A. D. 1831. so as to have the last bread on the table, and not as much money as was needed to buy another loaf:—yet never have we had to sit down to a meal, without our good Lord having provided nourishing food for us. I am bound to state this, and I do it with pleasure. My Master has been a kind Master to me, and if I had to choose this day again, as to the way of living, the Lord giving me grace, I would not choose differently. But even these very reports, false as they were, I doubt not the Lord has sometimes used as a means to put it into the hearts of his children to remember our temporal necessities. I notice one more false report which has been spread concerning our mode of living. It has been often said, since we have been in Bristol, that if more money were given to us than we needed during the week, we at once gave away the rest. The truth, however, is this. We never give away for the sake of giving; but when our Lord sends us opportunities for communicating of what he has been pleased to bestow on us, we desire to have grace to give, without anxiously reckoning as to the future. About July 25th I preached several times at Collump- ton, and in a neighbouring village, in the open air. My experience as it regards preaching in the open air has been very different from what I might have expected. I have often preached out of doors, and but once has it been blessed, as far as I know, and that was in the case of an officer in the army, who came to make sport of it; whilst almost in every place, if not in every place, where I have preached in rooms or chapels, the Lord has given testi- mony to the word. Perhaps the Lord has not been pleased to let me see fruit from this part of my work, though I have been many times engaged in it; or it may be, that because I did not pray so earnestly respecting . my out-door preaching as respecting my in-door preaching, the former has not been so much blessed as the latter. But this testimony I cannot but bear, that though I do not consider it at present my work, on account of want of bodily strength, yet it is a most important work, and I should delight in being so honoured now, as to be allowed to be engaged in it. August 9. After extreme suffering, which lasted about seventeen hours, my wife was this day delivered of a still- A. D. 1831.] 79 born child.—Who of my readers would suppose, that whilst I was so abundantly blessed by God, and that in so many respects, my heart should have been again many times, during several months previous to this day, cold, wretched, carnal? How long-suffering is the Lord! Repeatedly, during this time, I could let hours run on, after I had risen in the morning, before I prayed; at least, before I retired for prayer. And at that time when I ap- peared most zealous for God, perhaps more so than at any time before or since, Iwas often far from being in a spiritual state. I was not now, indeed, indulging in gross outward sins, which could be noticed by my brethren; but often— very often, the eye of my kind, loving T'ather must have looked on me with much grief. On this account, I have Ino doubt, the Lord now, in great compassion, sent this heavy blow. I had not seriously thought of the great danger connected with child-bearing, and therefore had never earnestly prayed about it. Now came this solemn time. The life of my dear wife was hanging, as it were, on a thread, and, in the midst of it, my conscience told me that my state of heart made such a chastisement needful. Yet at the same time I was much supported.— When the child was still-born, I saw almost immediately afterwards that this could not have been expected other- wise, for I had not looked on the prospect of having a child as on a blessing, which I was about to receive from God, but rather considered it as a burden and a hindrance in the Lord’s work; for I did not know then, that, whilst a wife and children may be in certain respects, on the one hand, a hindrance to a servant of Christ, they also may fit him, on the other hand, for certain parts of his work, in teaching him things which are important to be known, especially for the pastoral work. The Lord now brought, in addition to this, very great sufferings upon my beloved wife, which lasted for six weeks, combined with a partial lameness of the left side.—Immediately after the eventful time of August 8th and 9th, the Lord brought me, in his tender mercy, again into a spiritual state of heart, so that I was enabled to look on this chas- tisement as a great blessing. May this my experience be a warning to believing readers, that the Lord may not need to chastise them, on account of their state of heart' May it also be a fresh proof to them, that the Lord, in 80 [A. D. 1831. his very love and faithfulness, will not, and cannot let us go on in backsliding, but that he will visit us with stripes to bring us back to himself! There was one point, however, in which, by grace, I had continued to be faithful to God, i. e. in my mode of living, and, therefore, in as far as I had been faithfully sowing, I now reaped abundantly; for the Lord most graciously supplied, in rich abundance, all our temporal wants, though they were many. Another reason for this may have been, that the Lord never lays more on us, in the way of chastisement, than our state of heart makes needful; so that whilst he smites with the one hand, he supports with the other.—We saw it to be against the Lord’s mind to put by any money for my wife’s confine- ment, though we might have, humanly speaking, very easily saved 201. or 30l. during the six months previous to August 7th. I say, humanly speaking, and judging from what we had received during all these months, we might have laid by as much as the above sums; but I have every reason to believe, that had I begun to lay up, the Lord would have stopped the supplies, and thus, the ability of doing so was only apparent. Let no one profess to trust in God, and yet lay up for future wants, otherwise the Lord will first send him to the hoard he has amassed before he can answer the prayer for more. We were persuaded, that, if we laid out our money in the Lord's service, he would send more when we needed it; and this our faith, his own gift, he graciously honoured, inasmuch as he not merely gave us what we needed, but much more. On August 6th, just before this time of need, the Lord sent us 5l. from a distance of about forty miles, and that from a sister, whom, up to this day, neither of us know personally. On August 7th I received 11. 0s. 9%d. out of the box. August 15th, from a distance of twenty-five miles, was sent 5l., and from a distance of about seventy miles, 11. August 18th, whilst preaching at Chudleigh, 1!. was sent to me, and a brother sent from Exeter 2l. August 21st was again sent from a distance of seventy miles 5l., and August 23rd another 5l. from the same place. Also, August 22nd, 16s. 9d. was given out of the box. August 24th, a brother, who is a day labourer, gave me 2s. 6d. August 31st, 5s. was given to me. September A. D. 1831.] 81 3rd, whilst preaching at Chudleigh, 31. 10s. was given to me by a brother and three sisters. September 4th, a sister gave me a guinea, and also out of the box was given 9s. 8d. September 10th, 6l. was given to me. Thus, within about one month, the Lord not only sent us nearly 40l., but likewise all sorts of suitable provisions and refreshments, needful at such a time; and, in addition to this, the two medical gentlemen who attended my wife would not take any remuneration for their unwearied attention and kindness, during the space of six weeks. Thus the Lord gave us even more than we could have saved, if we had endeavoured to do so. November 16th. This morning I proposed united prayer respecting our temporal wants. Just as we were about to pray, a parcel came from Exmouth. In prayer we asked the Lord for meat for dinner, having no money to buy any. After prayer, on opening the parcel, we found, among other things, a ham, sent by a brother at Exmouth, which served us for dinner. Thus not only our own family was provided for, but also a sister in the Lord then staying with us. - November 17th. To-day we had not a single penny left. We had asked the Lord yesterday and to-day. We desired only enough money to be able to buy bread. We were reduced more than ever we had been before. But our gracious and faithful Lord, who neverlays more upon his children than he enables them to bear, delivered us again this time, by sending us ll. 10s. 6d., about an hour before we wanted money to buy bread. November 19th. We had not enough to pay our weekly rent ; but the Lord graciously sent us again to-day 14s. 6d. I would just observe, that we never contract debts, which we believe to be unscriptural (according to Romans xiii. 8;) and therefore we have no bills with our tailor, shoemaker, grocer, butcher, baker, &c.; but all we buy we pay for in ready money. The Lord helping us, we would rather suffer privation, than contract debts. Thus we always know how much we have, and how much we have a right to give away. May I entreat the believing reader, prayerfully to consider this matter; for I am well aware that many trials come upon the children of God, on account of not acting according to Rom. xiii. 8. 82 [A. D. 1831. November 27th, Lord’s day. Our money had been reduced to 2%d.; our bread was hardly enough for this day. I had several times brought our need before the Lord. After dinner, when I returned thanks, I asked him to give us our daily bread, meaning literally that he would send us bread for the evening. Whilst I was praying, there was a knock at the door of the room. After I had con- cluded, a poor sister came in, and brought us some of her dinner, and from another poor sister 5s. In the afternoon she also brought us a large loaf. Thus the Lord not only literally gave us bread, but also money. In reading about all these answers to prayer, the believ- ing reader may be led to think that I am spiritually minded above most of the children of God, and that, therefore, the Lord favours us thus. The true reason is this. Just in as many points as we are acting according to the mind of God, in so many are we blessed and made a blessing. Our manner of living is according to the mind of the Lord, for he delights in seeing his children thus come to him (Matt. vi.); and therefore, though I am weak and erring in many points, yet he blesses me in this particular, and I doubt not will bless me, as long as he shall enable me to act according to his will in this matter. After we had, on December 31st, 1831, looked over the Ilord’s gracious dealings with us during the past year, in providing for all our temporal wants, we had about 10s. left. A little while after, the providence of God called for that, so that not a single farthing remained. Thus we closed the old year, in which the Lord had been so gracious in giving to us, without our asking any one:—1. Through the in- strumentality of the box, 311. 14s.—2. From brethren of the Church at Teignmouth, in presents of money, 6l. 18s. 6d.—3. From brethren living at Teignmouth and elsewhere, not connected with the Church at Teignmouth, 931.6s. 2d.—Altogether, 1317. 18s. 8d. There had been likewise many articles of provision and some articles of clothing given to us, worth at least 201. I am so parti- cular in mentioning these things, to show that we are never losers from acting according to the mind of the Lord. For had I had my regular salary, humanly speak- ing, I should not have had nearly as much; but whether this would have been the case or not, this is plain, that I have not served a hard master, and that is what I delight A.D. 1832.] 83 to show. For, to speak well of his name, that thus my beloved fellow-pilgrims, who may read this, may be en- couraged to trust in him, is the chief purpose of my writing. We had now in the new year to look up to our kind Eather for new mercies, and indeed, during the year 1832 also, we found him as faithful and compassionate as before, not laying more on us than he enabled us to bear, though space will only permit me to mention a few particulars. January 7, 1832. We had been again repeatedly asking the Lord to-day and yesterday to supply our temporal wants, having no means to pay our weekly rent, and this evening, as late as eleven o’clock, a brother gave us 19s. 6d., a proof that the Lord is not limited to time. January 13. The Lord has again graciously fed us to- day. We have 5d. left, some bread, rice, meat, potatoes, and other good things, and above all the Lord Jesus. He who has provided will provide. January 14. This morning we had nothing but dry bread with our tea; only the second time since we have been living by simple faith upon Jesus for temporal supplies. We have more than 40l. of ready money in the house for two bills,” which will not be payable for several weeks; but we do not consider this money to be our own, and would rather suffer great privation, God helping us, than take of it. I thank the Lord, who gives me grace to be more faithful in these matters than I used to be formerly, when I would have taken of it, and said, that by the time the money was actually due, I should be able to replace it. We were looking to our Father, and he has not suffered us to be disappointed. For when now we had but 3d. left, and only a small piece of bread, we received 2s. and 5s., the particulars concerning which would take up too much space. IFebruary 18. This afternoon I broke a blood-vessel in my stomach, and lost a considerable quantity of blood. I - was very happy immediately afterwards. February 19. This morning, Lord’s day, two brethren called on me, to ask me what arrangement there should be made to-day, as * One bill I had to meet for a brother, the other was for money which in the form of a bill I had sent to the Continent; but in both cases the money was in my hands before the bills were given. 84 [A.D. 1832. it regarded the four villages, where some of the brethren were in the habit of preaching, as, on account of my not being able to preach, one of the brethren would need to stay at home to take my place. I asked them, kindly to come again in about an hour, when I would give them an answer. After they were gone, the Lord gave me faith to rise. I dressed myself, and determined to go to the chapel. I was enabled to do so, though so weak when I went, that walking the short distance to the chapel was an exertion to me. I was enabled to preach this morning with as loud and strong a voice as usual, and for the usual length of time. After the morning meeting, a medical friend called on me, and entreated me not preach again in the afternoon, as it might greatly injure me. I told him that I should indeed consider it great presump- tion to do so had the Lord not given me faith. I preached again in the afternoon, and this medical friend called again, and said the same concerning the evening meeting. Nevertheless, having faith, I preached again in the evening. After each meeting I became stronger, which was a plain proof that the hand of God was in the matter. After the third meeting I went immediately to bed, considering that it would be presumption to try my strength needlessly. February 20. The Lord enabled me to rise early in the morning, and to go to our usual prayer-meeting, where I read, spoke and prayed. Afterwards I wrote four letters, expounded the Scriptures at home, and at- tended the meeting again in the evening. February 21. I attended the two meetings as usual, preached in the evening, and did my other work besides. February 22, To-day I attended the meeting in the morning, walked afterwards six miles with two brethen to Newton Bushel, and rode from thence to Plymouth. February 23. I am now as well as I was before I broke the blood-vessel.—In relating the particulars of this circumstance I would earnestly warn every one who may read this, not to imitate me in such a thing, if he has no faith; but if he has, it will, as good coin, most assuredly be honoured by God. I could not say, that if such a thing should happen again, I would act in the same way; for when I have been not nearly so weak as when I had broken the blood- vessel, having no faith, I did not preach; yet if it were to A.D. 1832.] 85 please the Lord to give me faith, I might be able to do the same, though even still weaker than at the time just spoken of. º About this time I repeatedly prayed with sick believers till they were restored. Unconditionally I asked the Lord for the blessing of bodily health (a thing which I could not do now), and almost always had the petition granted. In some instances, however, the prayer was not answered. In the same way, whilst in London, Nov. 1829, in answer to my prayers, I was immediately re- stored from a bodily infirmity under which I had been labouring for a long time, and which has never returned since. The way in which I now account for these facts is as follows. It pleased the Lord, I think, to give me in such cases something like the gift (not grace) of faith, so that unconditionally I could ask and look for an answer. The difference between the gift and the grace of faith seems to me this. According to the gift of faith I am able to do a thing, or believe that a thing will come to pass, the not doing of which, or the not believing of which would not be sin; according to the grace of faith I am able to do a thing, or believe that a thing will come to pass, respecting which I have the word of God as the ground to rest upon, and, therefore, the not doing it, or the not believing it would be sin. For instance, the gift of faith would be needed, to believe that a sick person should be restored again, though there is no human pro- bability: for there is no promise to that effect; the grace of Jaith is needed to believe that the Lord will give me the necessaries of life, if I first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness: for there is a promise to that effect.” Matt. vi. March 18. These two days we have not been able to purchase meat. The sister in whose house we lodge gave us to-day part of her dinner. We are still looking to Jesus for deliverance. We want money to pay the weekly rent and to buy provisions. March 19. Our landlady sent again of her meat for our dinner. We have but a halfpenny left. I feel myself very cold, in asking for money: still I hope for deliverance, though I do not see whence money is to come. We were not able to buy bread to-day as usual. March 20. This has been again a day of very great mercies. In the morning we met I 86 [A.D. 1832. round our breakfast which the Lord had provided for us, though we had not a single penny left. The last half- penny was spent for milk. We were then still looking to Jesus for fresh supplies. We both had no doubt that the Iord would interfere, I felt it a trial that I had but little earnestness in asking the Lord, and had this not been the case, perhaps we might have had our wants sooner supplied. We have about 7l. in the house; but considering it no longer our own, the Lord kept us from taking of it, with the view of replacing what we had taken, as formerly I might have done. The meat which was sent yesterday for our dinner, was enough also for to-day. Thus the Lord had provided another meal. Two sisters called upon us about noon, who gave us two pounds of sugar, one pound of coffee, and two cakes of chocolate. Whilst they were with us, a poor sister came and brought us 1s. from herself and 2s. 6d. from another poor sister. Our landlady also sent us again of her dinner, and also a loaf. Our bread would scarcely have been enough for tea, had the Lord not thus graciously provided. In the afternoon the same sister who brought the money, brought us also from another sister, one pound of butter and 2s., and from another sister 5s. Thus the Lord graciously has again answered our feeble and cold breathings. Lord, strengthen our faith! March 29. I went to Shaldon this morning. Brother Craik has left for Bristol for four weeks. I think he will only return to take leave, and that the Lord will give him work there. [What a remarkable presentiment, which came to pass, concerning my beloved brother and fellow- labourer || April 4. Besides our own family, there are now four visitors staying with us, and we have but 2s. April 5. Four pounds of cheese, and one pound of butter were sent to us. April 7. Anonymously was sent to us, from Plymouth, a large ham, with two sovereigns tied in the corner of the cloth in which the ham was wrapped up. Thus the Lord, once more, in this our time of need, when our expenses are double, has graciously appeared for us. April 8. I have again felt much this day that Teignmouth is no longer my place, and that I shall leave it. I would observe that in August of the preceding year (1831), I began greatly to feel as if my work at Teign- A.D. 1832.] 87 mouth were done, and that I should go somewhere else. On writing about this to a friend, I was led, from the answer I received, to consider the matter more maturely, and at last had it settled in this way,+that it was not likely to be of God, because, for certain reasons, I should naturally have liked to leave Teignmouth. Afterwards I felt quite comfortable in remaining there. In the com- mencement of the year 1832 I began again much to doubt whether Teignmouth was my place, or whether my gift was not much more that of going about from place to place, seeking to bring believers back to the Scriptures, than to stay in one place and to labour as a pastor. I thought so particularly whilst at Plymouth, in February. On my return, however, I resolved to try whether it were not the will of God that I should still give myself to pas- toral work among the brethren at Teignmouth; and with more earnestness and faithfulness than ever, I was en- abled to give myself to this work, and was certainly much refreshed and blessed in it; and I saw immediately bless- ings result from it. This my experience seemed more than ever to settle me at Teignmouth. But notwith- standing this the impression that my work was done there, came back after some time, as the remark in my journal of April 8th shows, and it became stronger and stronger. There was one point remarkable in connexion with this. Wherever I went I preached with much more enjoyment and power than at Teignmouth, the very reverse of which had been the case on my first going there. Moreover, almost every where I had many more hearers than at Teignmouth, and found the people hun- gering after food, which, generally speaking, was no longer the case at Teignmouth. April 10. I asked the Lord for a text, but got none. At last, after having again much felt that Teignmouth is not my place, I was directed to Isaiah li. 9–11. April 11. Felt again much that Teignmouth will not much longer be my residence. April 12. Still feel the impression that Teignmouth is no longer my place. April 13. Found a letter from Brother Craik, from Bristol, on my return from Torquay, where I had been to preach. He invites me to come and help him. It appears to me, from what he writes, that such places as Bristol more suit my gifts. O Lord, teach me! I have I 2 88 [A.D. 1832. felt this day more than ever, that I shall soon leave Teign- mouth. I fear, however, there is much connected with it which savours of the flesh, and that makes me fearful. It seems to me as if I should shortly go to Bristol, if the Lord permit. April 14. Wrote a letter to Brother Craik, in which I said I should come, if I clearly saw it to be the Lord’s will. Have felt again very much to-day, yea, far more than ever, that I shall soon leave Teignmouth. At last I was pressed in spirit to determine that to-morrow I would tell the brethren so, in order that by the result of this I might see more of the Lord’s mind; and that, at all events, I might have their prayers, to be directed in this matter by the Lord. April 15. Lord’s day. This evening I preached again once more, as fully as time would permit, on the Lord’s second coming. After having done so, I told the brethren what effect this doctrine had had upon me, on first re- ceiving it, even to determine me to leave London, and to preach throughout the kingdom; but that the Lord had kept me chiefly at Teignmouth for these two years and three months, and that it seemed to me now that the time was near when I should leave them. I reminded them of what I told them when they requested me to take the oversight of them, that I could make no certain engage- ment, but stay only so long with them as I should see it . to be the Lord's will to do so. There was much weepin afterwards. But I am now again in peace. [This would not have been the case, had the matter not been of God. I knew of no place to go to. My mind was much directed to Torquay, to preach there for a month or so, and then to go further. For though I had written that I would come to Bristol, I meant only to stay there for a few days, and to preach a few times.] April 16. This morning I am still in peace. I am glad I have spoken to the brethren, that they may be prepared, in case the Lord should take me away.—Having again little money, and being about to leave Teignmouth for several days, I asked the Lord for a fresh supply, and within about four hours afterwards he sent me, from six different quarters, 31.7s.6d. I left to-day for Dartmouth, where I preached in the evening.—There was much weep- ing to-day among the Saints at Teignmouth. This is already a trial to me, and it will be still more so should I A.D. 1832.] 89 actually leave.—It is a most important work to go about and stir up the churches; but it requires much grace, much self-denial, much saying over the same things, and the greatest watchfulness and faithfulness, in making use of one's time for prayer, meditation, and reading the Scrip- tures.—I had five answers to prayer to-day. 1. I awoke at five, for which I had asked the Lord last evening. 2. The Lord removed from my dear wife an indisposition, under which she had been suffering. It would have been trying to me, to have had to leave her in that state. 3. The Lord sent us money. 4. There was a place vacant on the Dartmouth coach, which only passes through Teignmouth. 5. This evening I was assisted in preach- ing, and my own soul refreshed. April 17. I preached again at Dartmouth. April 18. I am still at Dartmouth. I wrote to Brother Craik, that, the Lord willing, I should be with him at Bristol on the 21st. I preached again this evening, with especial as- sistance, before a large congregation. April 19. I awoke early, and had a good while to myself for prayer and reading the word, and left happy in spirit for Torquay, where I preached in the evening with much help. The brethren are sorry, that, on account of my going to Bristol, my regular weekly preaching will be given up there for a while. I walked home after preaching, and arrived at Teignmouth at twelve o’clock. April 20. I left this morning for Bristol. I preached with little power (as to my own feeling) in Exeter, from three till half past four. At five I left for Taleford, where I preached in the evening, likewise with little power. I was very tired in body, and had had therefore little prayer. But still, in both places, the believers seemed refreshed. I went to bed at eleven, very, very tired. April 21. This morning I rose a little before five, and attended a prayer meeting from a quarter past five to a quarter past six. I spoke for some time at the meeting. Afterwards I prayed and read again with some believers, and likewise expounded the Scriptures. The Bristol coach took me up about ten. I was very faithless on the journey. I did not speak a single word for Christ, and was there- fore wretched in my soul. This has shown me again my weakness. Though the Lord had been so gracious to me yesterday, in this particular, both on my way from Teign- I 3 90 [A.D. 1832. mouth to Exeter, and from Exeter to Taleford, and had given me much encouragement, in that he made my fellow-travellers either thankfully to receive the word, or constrained them quietly to listen to the testimony; yet I did not confess him to-day. Nor did I give away a single tract, though I had my pockets full on purpose. O wretched man that I am I would offer here a word of warning to my fellow- believers. Often the work of the Lord itself may be a temptation, to keep us from that communion with him which is so essential to the benefit of our own souls.-On the 19th I had left Dartmouth, conversed a good deal that day, preached in the evening, walked afterwards eight miles, had only about five hours sleep, travelled again the next day twenty-five miles, preached twice, and conversed very much besides, went to bed at eleven, and arose before five. All this shows that my body and spirit required rest, and, therefore, however careless about the Lord’s work I might have appeared to my brethren, I ought to have had a great deal of quiet time for prayer and reading the word, especially as I had a long journey before me that day, and as I was going to Bristol, which in itself required much prayer. Instead of this I hurried to the prayer meeting, after a few minutes' private prayer. But let none think that public prayer will make up for closet communion. Then again, afterwards, when I ought to have withdrawn myself, as it were, by force, from the company of beloved brethren and sisters, and given my testimony for the Lord (and, indeed, it would have been the best testimony I could have given them), by telling them that I needed secret communion with the Lord: I did not do so, but spent the time, till the coach came, in conversation with them. Now, however profitable in some respects it may have been made to those with whom I was on that morning, yet my own soul needed food; and not having had it, I was lean, and felt the effects of it the whole day, and hence I believe it came that I was dumb on the coach. April 22. This morning I preached at Gideon Chapel, Bristol. [Though this sermon gave rise to false reports, yet the Lord was pleased to bless it to several; and the false reports were likewise instrumental in bringing many individuals under the sound of the word.] In the after- A.D. 1832.] 91 noon I preached at the Pithay Chapel. [This sermon was a blessing to many, many souls; and many were brought through it, to come afterwards to hear Brother Craik and me. Among others it was the means of converting a young man who was a notorious drunkard, and who was just again on his way to a public house, when an ac- quaintance of his met him, and asked him to go with him to hear a foreigner preach. He did so; and from that moment he was so completely altered, that he never again went to a public house, and was so happy in the Lord afterwards that he often neglected his supper, from eager- ness to read the Scriptures, as his wife told me. He died about five months afterwards.] This evening I was much instructed in hearing Brother Craik preach. I am now fully persuaded that Bristol is the place where the Lord will have me to labour. April 23. This evening I preached again with much assistance at Gideon. I was very happy. [The Lord made this testimony a blessing to several.] I feel that Bristol is my place for a while. The Lord mercifully teach me ! April 27. It seems to Brother Craik and myself the Lord’s will that we should go home next week, in order that in quietness, without being influenced by what we see here, we may more inquire into the Lord’s will con- cerning us. It especially appears to us much more likely that we should come to a right conclusion among the brethren and sisters in Devonshire, whose tears we shall have to witness, and whose entreaties to stay with them we shall have to hear, than here in Bristol, where we see only those who wish us to stay. Some asked me to stay with them while Brother Craik goes home. But it seems better that we should both go. [I observe here, it was evident that many preferred my beloved brother's gifts to my own; yet, as he would not come, except I came with him ; and as I knew that I also had been called by the Lord for the ministry of the word, I knew that I also should find my work in Bristol, and that though it might be a different one, yet I should fill up in some measure his lack, whilst he supplied my deficiencies; and that thus we might both be a benefit to the church and to the world in Bristol. The result has evidently confirmed this. I am, moreover, by the grace of God, strengthened to rejoice in my fellow-labourer's honour, instead of envying 92 [A.D. 1832. him; having, in some measure, been enabled to enter into the meaning of that word: “A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from above.”] April 28. It still seems to us the Lord’s will that we should both leave soon, to have quiet time for prayer con- cerning Bristol. This afternoon I felt the want of retire- ment, finding afresh, that the society of brethren cannot make up for communion with the Lord. I spent about three hours over the word and in prayer, this evening, which has been a great refreshment to my inner man. April 29. I preached this morning with much outward power, but with little inward enjoyment, on Rev. iii. 14— 22. [As it afterwards appeared, that testimony was blessed to many, though I lacked enjoyment in my own soul. May this be an encouragement to those who labour in word and doctrine !] This afternoon Brother Craik preached in a vessel called the Clifton Ark, fitted up for a chapel. In the evening I preached in the same vessel. [These testimonies also God greatly honoured, and made them the means of afterwards bringing several, who then heard us, to our meeting places. How did God bless us in every thing we took into our hands ! How was he with us, and how did he help us, thereby evidently show- ing that he himself had sent us to this city | I] Brother Craik preached this evening at Gideon for the last time previous to our going. The aisles, the pulpit stairs, and the vestry were filled, and multitudes went away on account of want of room. April 30. It was most affecting to take leave of the dear children of God, dozens pressing us to return soon, many with tears in their eyes. The blessing which the Lord has given to our ministry, seems to be very great. We both see it fully the Lord's will to come here, though we do not see under what circumstances. A brother has promised to take Bethesda Chapel for us, and to be answerable for the payment of the rent; so that thus we should have two large chapels.-I saw, again, two in- stances to-day, in which my preaching has been blessed. May 1. Brother Craik and I left this morning for Devonshire. May 2. I preached this evening at Bishop- steignton, and told the brethren that, the Lord willing, I should soon leave them. May 3. I saw several of the brethren to-day, and felt so fully assured that it is the A.D. 1832.] 93 Lord’s will that I should go to Bristol, that I told them so. This evening I had a meeting with the three deacons, when I told them plainly about it; asking them, if they See any thing wrong in me concerning this matter, to tell me of it. They had nothing to say against it; yea, though much wishing me to stay, they were convinced themselves that my going is of God. May 4. I saw again several brethren to-day, and told them about my intention to go to Bristol. There is much sorrowing and sighing, but it does not move me in the least, though I desire to sympathize with them. I am still fully persuaded that the Lord will have us go to Bristol. May 5. One other striking proof to my mind, that my leaving Teignmouth is of God, is, that some truly spiritual believers, though they much wish me to stay, themselves see that I ought to go to Bristol. May 7. Having received a letter from Bristol on May 5th, it was answered to-day in such a way that the Lord may have another opportunity, to prevent our going thither, if it be not of him. Especially we will not move a single stone out of the way in our own strength, and much less still be guilty of a want of openness and plain- ness, nor would we wish, by such means to obtain Bethesda chapel. May 11. The Lord seems to try us about Bristol. There was reason to expect a letter the day before yester- day, but none came; also to-day there is no letter. Even this is very good for us. Yea, I do wish most heartily that we may not have Bethesda chapel, if it be not good for us. May 15. Just when I was in prayer concerning Bristol, I was sent for to come to brother Craik. Two letters had arrived from Bristol. The brethren assembling at Gideon accept our offer to come under the conditions we have made, i.e., for the present to consider us only as minis- tering among them, but not in any fixed pastoral relation- ship, so that we may preach as we consider it to be according to the mind of God, without reference to any vules among them ; that the pew-rents should be done away with ; and that we should go on, respecting the supply of our temporal wants, as in Devonshire. We intend, the Lord willing, to leave in about a week, though there is nothing settled respecting Bethesda chapel. 94. [A.D. 1832. May 16. I preached for the last time at Bishop- steignton, and took leave of the brethren. May 17. . I went to Exmouth, and, after preaching, took leave of the brethren. May 21. I began to-day to take leave of the brethren at Teignmouth, calling on each of them. In the evening I went over to Shaldon to take leave of the brethren, of whom brother Craik has had the oversight. It has been a trying day. Much weeping on the part of the saints. Were I not so fully persuaded that it is the will of God we should go to Bristol, I should have been hardly able to bear it. May 22. The brethren at Shaldon and Teignmouth say, that they expect us soon back again. As far as I under- stand the way in which God deals with his children, this seems very unlikely. In every respect we have seen the Lord’s goodness, and all proves that it is his will that we should go to Bristol. This full persuasion has helped me to withstand all the tears of the saints. Towards the evening the Lord, after repeated prayer, gave me Col. i. 21—23, as a text, for the last word of exhortation. It seemed to me best to speak as little as possible about myself, and as much as possible about Christ. I scarcely alluded to our separation, and only commended myself and the brethren, in the concluding prayer, to the Lord. The parting scenes are very trying, but my full persuasion is, that the separation is of the Lord. May 23. My wife, Mr. Groves, my father-in-law, and I left this morning for Exeter. Dear brother Craik in- tends to follow us to-morrow. Jeeview of the time since I left London, up to my removal jrom Teignmouth. I. All this time the Lord never allowed me to regret the step I had taken, in separating from the Society. II. The results have most abundantly shown, that it was of God; for by his help, 1, I have not lost in truth or grace since. 2, I have been in peace concerning the matter. 3, The Lord made it a blessing to many souls. III. During this period it pleased the Lord, to convert, through my instrumentality, many souls at Teignmouth, Exmouth, Bishopsteignton, Exeter, Chudleigh, in the neighbourhood of Barnstaple, at Chard, and elsewhere. -- A.D. 1832.] 95 The church at Teignmouth increased from eighteen to fifty-one. IV. The Lord most graciously supplied all my temporal wants during this period, so that I lacked no good thing. V. We had unexpectedly received, just before we left Teignmouth, about 15l., else we should not have been able to defray all the expenses connected with leaving, travel- ling, &c. By this also the Lord showed His mind con- cerning our going to Bristol. VI. During these two years and five months, since I left London, I have sinned in many respects, though walking, it may be, in the eyes of the brethren, very near to God. Indeed, my confession concerning this time also is, that I have been an unprofitable servant. The following record will now show to the believing reader how far what I have said concerning my persuasion, that it was the will of God that we should go to Bristol, has been proved by facts. May 25th, 1832. This evening we arrived in Bristol. May 27. This morning we received a sovereign, sent to us by a sister residing in Devonshire, which we take as an earnest that the Lord will provide for us here also. May 28. When we were going to speak to the brethren, who manage the temporal affairs of Gideon chapel, about giving up the pew-rents, having all the seats free, and receiving the free-will offerings through a box, a matter which was not quite settled on their part, as brother Craik and I had thought ; we found that the Lord had so graciously ordered this matter for us, that there was not the least objection on the part of these brethren. June 4. For several days we have been looking about for lodgings, but finding none plain and cheap enough, we were led to make this also a subject of earnest prayer; and now, immediately afterwards, the Lord has given us such as are suitable. They are the plainest and cheapest we can find, but still too good for servants of Jesus, as our Master had not where to lay his head. We pay only 18s. a week for two sitting rooms and three bed rooms, coals and attendance. It was particularly difficult to find cheap furnished lodgings, having five rooms in the same house, which we need, as brother Craik and we live toge- ther. IIow good is the Lord to have thus appeared for 96 [A.D. 1832. us, in answer to prayer, and what an encouragement to commit every thing to him in prayerſ June 5. To-day we had already a testimony of a sinner having been converted by brother Craik's instrumentality, on the first Lord’s day in April, simply through hearing the text read. [This aged sister lived eleven years after- wards, during which time her walk was according to the profession she made. She fell asleep in 1843.] June 7. We have daily fresh encouragements, and fresh proofs that our being here is of God. June 16. We saw another instance of conversion through brother Craik's instrumentality. June 25. To-day it was finally settled to take Bethesda chapel for a twelvemonth, on condition that a brother at once paid the rent, with the understanding, that if the Lord shall bless our labours in that place, so that be- lievers are gathered together in fellowship, he expects them to help him; but if not, that he will pay all. This was the only way in which we could take the chapel; for we could not think it to be of God to have had this chapel, though there should have been every prospect of usefulness, if it had made us in any way debtors. We had tried to obtain a cheaper meeting-place, but could find none large enough to accommodate the hearers. July 6. To-day we commenced preaching at Bethesda Chapel. It was a good day. July 13. To-day we heard of the first cases of cholera in Bristol. July 16. This evening, from six to nine o’clock, we had appointed for conversing at the vestry, one by one, with individuals, who wished to speak to us about their souls. There were so many, that we were engaged from six till twenty minutes past ten. These meetings we have continued ever since twice a week, or once a week, or once a fortnight, or once a month, as our strength and time allowed it, or as they seemed needed. We have found them beneficial in the following respects: 1. Many persons, on account of timidity, would prefer coming at an appointed time to the vestry to converse with us, to calling on us in our own house. 2. The very fact of appointing a time for seeing people, to converse with them in private concerning the things of eternity, has brought some, who, humanly speaking, never would A.D. 1832.] 97 have called on us under other circumstances; yea, it has brought even those who, though they thought they were concerned about the things of God, yet were completely ignorant; and thus we have had an opportunity of speaking to them. 3. These meetings have also been a great en- couragement to ourselves in the work, for often, when we thought that such and such expositions of the word had done no good at all, it was, through these meetings, found to be the reverse; and likewise, when our hands were hanging down, we have been afresh encouraged to go for- ward in the work of the Lord, and to continue sowing the seed in hope, by seeing at these meetings fresh cases, in which the Lord had condescended to use us as instru- ments, particularly as in this way instances have some- times occurred in which individuals have spoken to us about the benefit which they derived from our ministry, not only a few months before, but even as long as two, three, and four years before. Eor the above reasons I would particularly recommend to other servants of Christ, especially to those who live in large towns, if they have not already introduced a simi- lar plan, to consider whether it may not be well for them also to set apart such times for seeing inquirers. Those meetings, however, require much prayer, to be enabled to speak aright to all those who come, according to their different need; and one is led continually to feel that one is not sufficient of one’s self for these things, but that our sufficiency can be alone of God. These meetings also have been by far the most wearing out part of all our work, though at the same time the most refreshing. July 18. To-day I spent the whole morning in the vestry, to procure a quiet season. This has now for some time been the only way, on account of the multiplicity of engagements, to make sure of time for prayer, reading the word, and meditation. July 19. I spent from half- past nine till one in the vestry, and had real communion with the Lord. The Lord be praised, who has put it into my mind to use the vestry for a place of retirementſ August 5. When all our money was gone to-day, the Lord again graciously supplied our wants. August 6. This afternoon, from two till after six, brother Craik and I spent in the vestry, to see the inquirers. We have had again, in seeing several instances of blessing upon our EC 98 [A.D. 1832. labours, abundant reason brought before us to praise the Lord for having sent us to Bristol. August 13, 1832. This evening one brother and four sisters united with brother Craik and me in church-fellow- ship at Bethesda, without any rules, desiring only to act as the Lord shall be pleased to give us light through his word. August 14. This day we set apart for prayer concern- ing the cholera, and had three meetings. August 17. This morning, from six to eight, we had a prayer meeting at Gideon, on account of the cholera. Between two and three hundred people were present. [We continued these meetings every morning, as long as the cholera raged in Bristol, and afterwards changed them into prayer meetings for the church at large, so that we had them for about four months.] August 24. This morning a sister in the Lord, within fifty yards of our lodging, was taken ill in the cholera, and died this afternoon. Her husband also, a believer, has been attacked, and may be near death. The ravages of this disease are becoming daily more and more fearful. We have reason to believe that great numbers die daily in this city. Who may be the next, God alone knows. I have never realized so much the nearness of death. Except the Lord keep us this night, we shall be no more in the land of the living to-morrow. Just now, ten in the evening, the funeral bell is ringing, and has been ringing the greater part of this evening. It rings almost all the day. Into thine hands, O Lord, I com- mend myself! Here is thy poor worthless child ! If this night I should be taken in the cholera, my only hope and trust is in the blood of Jesus Christ, shed for the re- mission of all my many sins. I have been thoroughly washed in it, and the righteousness of God covers me.— As yet there have not been any of the saints, among whom brother Craik and I labour, taken in the cholera. [Only one of them fell asleep afterwards in consequence of this disease. I would observe, that though brother Craik and I visited many cholera cases, by day and by night, yet the Lord most graciously preserved us and our families from it.] September 17. This morning the Lord, in addition to all his other mercies, has given us a little girl, who, with her mother, are doing well. September 21, On account of the birth of our little A.D. 1832.] 99 one, and brother Craik's intended marriage, it is needful that, we change our lodgings, as they will now be too Small for us, because we shall want one room more. Just when we were thinking about this, the house belonging to Gideon chapel, which had been let for three years, was unexpectedly given up by the tenant, and it was now offered to us by the church. We said we could not think of going into it, as we had no furniture, and no money to buy any. The brother who proposed our going into that house, however, replied, that the brethren would gladly furnish it for us, to which we objected, fearing it would burthen them. When, however, the matter was repeat- edly mentioned, and when it was particularly expressed that it would be a pleasure to the brethren to furnish the house, we began to consider the subject in prayer, and we saw no scriptural objection to accept this kindness, provided the furniture was very plain. This was pro- mised. The house was furnished, yet the love of the brethren had done it more expensively than we wished it. September 23. To-day an individual desired publicly to return thanks to the Lord, for having been supported under the loss of a child, mother, brother, and wife, in the cholera, within one month. September 25. Last night brother Craik and I were called out of bed to a poor woman ill in the cholera. She was suffering intensely. We never saw a case so dis- tressing. We could hardly say any thing to her on ac- count of her loud cries. I felt as if the cholera was com- ing upon me. We commended ourselves into the hands of the Lord when we came home, and he mercifully pre- served us. The poor woman died to-day. September 29. A brother sent this evening two new hats as a present for brother Craik and me. Oct. 1. A meeting for inquirers this afternoon from two to five. Many more are convinced of sin through brother Craik's preaching than my own. This circum- stance led me to inquire into the reasons, which are pro- bably these:–1. That brother Craik is more spiritually minded than I am. 2. That he prays more earnestly for the conversion of sinners than I do. 3. That he more frequently addresses sinners, as such, in his public minis- trations, than I do.—This led me to more frequent and earnest prayer for the wºn of sinners, and to ad- , K * ºr 100 [A.D. 1833. dress them more frequently as such. The latter had never been intentionally left undone, but it had not been so fre- quently brought to my mind as to that of brother Craik. Since them, the cases in which it has pleased the Lord to use me as an instrument of conversion have been quite as many as those in which brother Craik has been used. May the Lord be pleased to use this as a means to lead any of his servants, who may not have acted according to these two last points, to seek to do so, and may he gra- ciously enable me to do so more abundantly October 3. This day we set apart as a day of thanks- giving, the cholera having decreased. Oct. 5. Prayer meeting this morning as usual. The cholera is very much decreasing, and the number at our morning prayer meet- ings likewise.—Hundreds of people were stirred up at that time, but many of them, when the judgment of God had passed away, cared no longer about their souls. Yet a goodly number, who were first led through the instru- mentality of the cholera to seek the Lord, are now break- ing bread with us, and are walking in the fear of the Lord. How merciful in its results has this heavy judgment been to many January 4, 1833. This morning we received letters from Bagdad. The missionary brethren there invite bro- ther Craik and me to come and join them in their labours. The invitation was accompanied by drafts to the amount of £200., for our travelling expenses. What wilt thou have me to do, gracious Lord P I do not know what may be the Lord’s mind. There are points which ought to be much considered and prayed over : There are German villages not very far from Bagdad, where I might labour; upon our going, that of certain other individuals may de- pend; the brethren at Bagdad are of one mind respecting our going out; good may be done on the way; the going out without any visible support from a society, simply trusting in the Lord for the supply of our temporal wants, would be a testimony for him ; I have had for years a feeling as if one day I should go out as a missionary to the heathen or Mahomedans; and lastly, the hands of the brethren at Bagdad may be strengthened; these are the points, which must appear of no sufficient weight in comparison with the importance of our work here, before . I can determine not to go. A.D. 1833.] 101 January 5. I considered with brother Craik about going to Bagdad. We see nothing clearly. If the Lord will have me to go, here I am. January 7. I spent again some time in prayer, respecting our going to Bagdad, and examined more fully into it. January 8. I had from half- past five till eight this morning to myself in prayer and reading the word. I prayed then, and repeatedly besides this day, respecting our going to Bagdad. I wrote also a letter to some believers at and near Barnstaple, to ask their prayers concerning this matter. I do not see more clearly than I did before. January 9. I again asked the Lord concerning Bagdad, but see nothing clearly respect- ing it. I told the Lord I should stay at my post, unless he himself should most evidently take me away, and I did not feel afterwards my remaining here to be against his will. January 14. I feel more and more satisfied that it is not of the Lord that I should go to Bagdad. Janu- ary 19. For some days past I have been reading brother Groves’ journal of his residence at Bagdad, both for the sake of information respecting his position there, and also, if it please the Lord, that he may use this as a means to show me clearly whether I should go or stay. Blessed be his name that I have no desire of my own in this matter! [Twenty-three years have since passed away, and I think I may say this day still, according to the best of my knowledge, I had no desire of my own in this mat- ter; but I never saw it to be the Lord’s will to leave the work which he himself had so evidently given me.] February 9. I read a part of Franke's life. The Lord graciously help me to follow him, as far as he followed Christ. The greater part of the Lord’s people whom we . know in Bristol are poor, and if the Lord were to give us grace to live more as this dear man of God did, we might draw much more than we have as yet done out of our Hea- venly Father's bank, for our poor brethren and sisters. March 2. A man in the street ran up to brother Craik, and put a paper containing ten shillings into his hand, saying, “That is for you and Mr. Müller,” and went hastily away.—From May 9th to the 16th brother Craik and I spent at Teignmouth and Shaldon, visiting the bre- thren whom we had left, and preaching again among them. It was evident, from several circumstances, why just then and not before (as we had often desired) the Lord had sent - K 3 102 [A.D. 1833. us to them, in answer to prayer. For our visit to Teign- mouth, on account of the peculiar state of the church, was so in season, that some of the brethren thought we had been sent for to come. May 27. To-day the two churches, assembling at Gideon and Bethesda, met together at tea.—These meetings we have often repeated, and found them profitable on several accounts. 1. They give a testimony to the world of the love of the brethren, by rich and poor meeting thus toge- ther to partake of a meal. 2. Such meetings may be in- strumental in uniting the saints more and more together. 3. They give us a sweet foretaste of our meeting together at the marriage supper of the Lamb.-At these meetings we pray and sing together, and any brother has an oppor- tunity to speak what may tend to the edificationof the rest. May 28. This morning, whilst sitting in my room, the distress of several brethren and sisters was brought to my mind, and I said to myself, “Oh that it might please the Lord to give me means to help them " About an hour afterwards I received £60. from a brother, whom up to this day I never saw, and who then lived, as he does still, at a distance of several thousand miles. This shows how the Lord can provide in any way for his people, and that he is not confined to places. Oh that my heart might overflow with gratitude to the Lord! [Since the first edition was plinted, I have becomic personally acquainted with the donor.] May 29. Review of the last twelve months, since we have been in Bristol, as it regards the fruits of our la- bours. 1. It has pleased the Lord to gather a church through our instrumentality, at Bethesda, which is in- creased to 60 in number, and there have been added to Gideon church 49; therefore the total number of those added to us within the year, has been 109. 2. There have been converted through our instrumentality, so far as we have heard and can judge respecting the individuals, 65. 3. Many backsliders have been reclaimed, and many of the children of God have been encouraged and strength- ened in the way of truth. What clear proofs that we were not suffered to be mistaken, as it regards our coming to Bristol June 12. I felt, this morning, that we might do some- thing for the souls of those poor boys and girls, and grown- up or aged people, to whom we have daily given bread for [A.D. 1833. 103 some time past, in establishing a school for them, reading the Scriptures to them, and speaking to them about the Lord. As far as I see at present, it appears well to me to take a place in the midst of those poor streets near us, to collect the children in the morning about eight, giving them each a piece of bread for breakfast, and then to teach them to read, or to read the Scriptures to them, for about an hour and a half. Afterwards the aged, or grown-up people, may have their appointed time, when bread may be given to them, and the Scriptures read and expounded to them, for, perhaps, half an hour. About similar things I have now and then thought these two years.—There was bread given to about 30 or 40 persons to-day; and though the number should increase, in the above way, to 200 or more, surely our gracious and rich Lord can give us bread for them also. No sooner had these thoughts arisen, and I communicated them to my dear brother Craik, than I was also directed to a place where the people may be assembled, holding comfortably 150 chil- dren. We went about it, and may have it at the rent of 10l. yearly. The Lord directed us, also, to an aged brother as a teacher, and he gladly accepted of our offer. Surely, this matter seems to be of God. Moreover, as I have just now a good deal of money left of the 60l., we have wherewith to begin; and if it be the Lord’s will, and if he will accept it, I am willing to lay out at once 20l. of it in this way, yea, all that is left, if he will but speak; and, by the time that this is gone, he can send more. O Lord, if this matter be of thee, then prosper it! This desire was not carried out. As far as I remem- ber, the chief obstacle in the way was a pressure of work coming upon brother Craik and me just about that time. Shortly after, the number of the poor who came for bread increased to between 60 and 80 a day, whereby our neigh- bours were molested, as the beggars were lying about in troops in the street, on account of which we were obliged to tell them no longer to come for bread. But though, at this time, this matter was not carried out, the thought was, from time to time, revived and strengthened in my mind, and it ultimately issued in the formation of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, and in the establish- ment of the Orphan-Houses.] June 22. A brother sent a hat to brother Craik, and one to me, as a token of his love and gratiiude, like a 104 [A.D. 1833. thank-offering, as he says. This is now the fourth hat which the Lord has kindly sent me successively, when- ever, or even before, I needed one. Between August 19th and 27th was sent to us, by several individuals, a considerable quantity of fruit. How very kind of the Lord, not merely to send us the necessaries of life, but even such things as, on account of the weakness of our bodies, or the want of appetite, we might have desired Thus the Lord has sent wine or porter when we required it; or, when there was want of appetite, and, on account of the poverty of our brethren, we should not have consi- dered it right to spend money upon such things, he has kindly sent fowls, game, &c., to suit our appetite. We have, indeed, not served a hard master. I am quite ashamed when I still, sometimes, find my heart dissatis- fied, or, at least, not grateful as it ought to be. December 17. This evening brother Craik and I took tea with a family, of whom five have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through our instrumentality. [When we took tea with them again, about a twelvemonth afterwards, the number had increased to seven.] As an encouragement to brethren who may desire to preach the Gospel in a language not their own, I would mention that the first member of this family who was converted, came merely out of curiosity to hear my foreign accent, some words having been mentioned to her which I did not pro- nounce properly. Scarcely had she entered the chapel, when she was led to see herself a sinner. Her intention had been, to stay only a few minutes. But she felt her- self as if bound to the seat whilst I was speaking, and re- mained to the close of the meeting. She then went hastily home, instead of pursuing her pleasures, washed the paint off her face, stayed at home that Lord's day, till the meeting began again, and from that day was truly converted. Having found the Lord, she entreated her brothers and sisters to go to hear the Gospel preached, who, in doing so, were likewise converted. May my dear missionary brethren always be mindful that the Lord can bless a few broken sentences, however badly the words are pronounced, as a means in the conversion of sinners' December 31, 1833. In looking over my journal, I find:—I. That at least 260 persons (according to the number of names we have marked down, but there have been many more,) have come to converse with us about A.D. 1833.] 105 the concerns of their souls. Out of these, 153 have been added to us in fellowship these last eighteen months, 60 of whom have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through our instrumentality. Besides these 60, five have fallen asleep before they were received into communion. In addition to these, there are many among the inquirers and candidates for fellowship, whom we have reason to believe God has given to us as seals to our ministry in this city. Some also were converted through our instru- mentality who are in fellowship with other churches in this city. I have a two-fold reason for mentioning the degree in which God has been pleased to bless our labours. In the first place, it is a plain evidence that God’s own leading brought us to Bristol; and, secondly, that the simple way in which we preach is owned by God. II. In looking over the Lord’s dealings with me as to temporal things, I find that he has sent me, during the past year;-- 1. In freewill offerings through the boxes, as my part . . . . . fºlö2 14, 5} 2. Presents in money given to me . . 25 1 3 3. Presents in clothes and provisions, worth at least . . . . . . . 20 0 0 Altogetherfrom the brethrenin Bristol 197 15 8} 4. A brother sent me, from a distance of several thousand miles . . . 60 0 0 5. We live free of rent, which is worth for our part . . . . . . . 10 00 *mºms £267 15 8+ It is just now four years since I first began to trust in the Lord alone for the supply of my temporal wants. My little all I then had, at most worth 100l. a year, I gave up for the Lord, having then nothing left but about 5l. The Lord greatly honoured this little sacrifice, and he gave me, in return, not only as much as I had given up, but considerably more. For during the first year, he sent me already, in one way or other, (including what came to me through family connexion) about 130l. Turing the second year, 1517. 18s. 8d. During the third year, 1957. 3s. Duriug this year, 2671. 15s. 8%d. The 106 [A.D. 1834 following points require particular notice:—1. During the last three years and three months I never have asked any one for any thing; but, by the help of the Lord, I have been enabled at all times to bring my wants to him, and he graciously has supplied them all. And thus, the Lord helping me, I hope to be enabled to go on to the last moment of my life. 2. At the close of each of these four years, though my income has been comparatively great, I have had only a few shillings, or nothing at all left; and thus it is also to-day, by the help of God. , 8. During the last year a considerable part of my income has come from a distance of several thousand miles, from a brother whom I never saw. 4. Since we have been obliged to discontinue the giving away bread to about 50 poor people every day, on account of our neighbours, our income has not been, during the second part of this year, nearly so great, scarcely one-half as much, as during the first part of it; as if the Lord would thereby show us, that when the calls upon us are many, he is able to send in accordingly. Observe this January 1, 1834. It seemed well to brother Craik and me, to have an especial public meeting for thanksgiving to the Lord, for his many mercies towards us since we have been in Bristol, and for the great success which it has pleased him to grant to our labours, and also for con- fession of our sinfulness and unworthiness, and to entreat him to continue his goodness towards us. Accordingly, we met last evening, and continued together from seven o'clock till half-past twelve. About four hundred indi- viduals, or more, met with us on the occasion. January 3. This evening, from six to a quarter past ten, we conversed with inquirers. After we had seen twelve, we had to send away six. There were several fresh cases of conversion among them. The work of the Lord is still going on among us. One of the individuals, who has lately been brought to the knowledge of the truth, used to say in his unconverted state, when he was tempted not to go to the chapel,-I will go; the Lord may bless me one day, and soften my hard heart.”—His expectation has not come to nothing. January 9. Brother Craik and I have preached during these eighteen months, once a month, at Brislington, a village near Bristol, but have not seen any fruit of our A.D. 1834.] 107 labours there. This led me, to-day, very earnestly to pray to the Lord for the conversion of sinners in that place. I was also, in the chapel, especially led to pray again about this, and asked the Lord in particular that he would be pleased to convert, at least, one soul this even- ing, that we might have a little encouragement. I preached with much help, and I hope there has been good done this evening. [The Lord did according to my re- quest. There was, that evening, a young man brought to the knowledge of the truth.] January 13. The Lord verified in our experience the truths which I had preached last night in speaking on— “Hast thou not made an hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath, on every side P’’ Job i. 10. Thieves attempted to break into Gideon Chapel. They had broken it open, but were either smitten with blindness, so as not see a certain door which had been left unlocked, or were disturbed before accomplishing their design; for there was nothing missing. January 14. I was greatly tried by the difficulty of fixing upon a text, from which to º, on the morning of October 20, and at last preached without enjoyment. To-day I heard of a NINTH instance in which this very sermon has been blessed. May my brethren in the ministry of the word be encouraged by this to go quietly, yet prayerfully, forward in the work of the Lord! January 31. This evening a Dorcas Society was formed among the sisters in communion with us, but not accord- ing to the manner in which we found one when we came to Bristol; for as we have dismissed all teachers from the Sunday School who were not real believers, so now believ- ing females only will meet together to make clothes for the poor. The being mixed up with unbelievers had not only proved a barrier to spiritual conversation among the sisters, but must have been also injurious to both parties in several respects. One sister, now united to us in fellowship, acknowledged that the being connected with the Dorcas Society, previous to her conversion, had been, in a measure, the means of keeping her in security; as she thought, that, by helping on such like things, she might gain heaven at last. Oh that the saints in faithful love, according to the word of God, (2 Cor. vi. 14–18) 108 [A.D. 1834. might be more separated, in all spiritual matters, from un- believers, and not be unequally yoked together with them 1 February 12. I prayed little, read little of the word, and laboured little to-day. On the whole an unprofitable day. May the Lord in mercy give me fervency of spirit ! February 19. Brother Craik preached this evening on Mark iv. 30–41, and was enabled to give out precious truths. Oh that I did feed more upon them! For several weeks I have had very little real communion with the Lord. I long for it. I am cold. I have little love to the Lord. But I am not, yea I cannot be satisfied with such a state of heart. Oh that once more I might be brought to fervency of spirit, and that thus it might con- tinue with me for ever! I long to go home that I may be with the Lord, and that I may love him with all my heart. I fear that the Lord will chastise me at the time of my dear wife’s confinement. Lord Jesus, take thy miserable sinful servant soon to thyself, that I may serve thee better! Within the last week I have repeatedly sct out, as it were, afresh; but soon, very soon, all has come again to nothing. The Lord alone can help me. Oh that it might please him to bring me into a more spiritual state! Pebruary 20. By the mercy of God I was to-day melted into tears on account of my state of heart. Oh that it might please the Lord to bring me into a more spiritual state! February 21. Through the help of the Lord I am rather in a better state of heart than for some time past.—I was led this morning to form a plan for establish- ing, upon scriptural principles, an Institution for the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad. I trust this matter is of God.—This evening we had again, from six to half-past ten, a meeting with inquirers. The work of the Lord is going on among us as much as ever. Oh that our hearts might overflow with gratitude! Even after we were worn out to the utmost, we could not see all, but had to send away several individuals. February 25. The inquirers were so many yesterday, that, though we conversed more than four hours with them, we had to appoint another meeting for to-day, and saw again several from two till five. I was led again this day to pray about the forming of a new Missionary Institution, and felt still more confirmed that we should do so. A.D. 1834.] 109 [Some readers may ask, why we formed a new Institu- tion for the spread of the Gospel, and why we did not unite with some of the religious societies, already in existence, seeing that there are several Missionary— Bible—Tract—and School-Societies. I give, therefore, our reasons, in order to show, that nothing but the desire to maintain a good conscience led us to act as we have done. For as, by the grace of God, we acknowledged the word of God as the only rule of action for the disciples of the Lord Jesus, we found, in comparing the then existing religious Societies with the word of God, that they departed so far from it, that we could not be united with them, and yet maintain a good conscience. I only men- tion here the following points. 1, The end which these religious societies propose to themselves, and which is constantly put before their mem- bers, is, that the world will gradually become better and better, and that at last the whole world will be converted. To this end, there is constantly reference made to the passage in Habakkuk ii. 14, “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea;” or the one in Isaiah xi. 9, “For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” But that these passages can have no reference to the present dispensation, but to the one which will commence with the return of the Lord, that in the present dispensation things will not become spirit- ually better, but rather worse, and that in the present dispensation it is not the whole world that will be con- verted, but only a people gathered out from among the Gentiles for the Lord, is clear from many passages of the divine testimony, of which I only refer to the following: Matth. xiii. 24–30, and verse 36–43., 2 Tim. iii. 1–13., Acts xv. 14. A hearty desire for the conversion of sinners, and earnest prayer for it to the Tord, is quite scriptural; but it is unscriptural to expect the conversion of the whole world. Such an end we could not propose to ourselves in the service of the Lord. 2, But that which is worse, is, the connexion of those religious societies with the world, which is completely con- trary to the word of God (2 Cor. vi. 14–18). In temporal things the children of God need, whilst they remain here L ILO [A.D. 1834. on earth, to make use of the world; but when the work to be done requires, that those who attend to it should be possessed of spiritual life (of which unbelievers are utterly destitute), the children of God are bound, by their loyalty to their Lord, entirely to refrain from association with the unregenerate. But alas! the commexion with the world is but too marked in these religious societies; for every one who pays a guinea, or, in some societies, half-a-guinea, is considered as a member. Although such an individual may live in sin; although he may manifest to every one that he does not know the Lord Jesus; if only the guinea or the half-guinea be paid, he is considered a member, and has a right as such to vote. Moreover, whoever pays a larger sum, for instance, £10, or £20. can be, in many societies, a member for life, however openly sinful his life should be for the time, or should become afterwards. Surely, such things ought not to be! 3. The means which are made use of in these religious societies, to obtain money for the work of the Lord, are also, in other respects unscriptural; for it is a most com- mon case to ask the unconverted for money, which even Abraham would not have done (Genesis xiv. 21—24): and how much less should we do it, who are not only for- bidden to have fellowship with unbelievers in all such matters (2 Cor. vi. 14–18), but who are also in fellow- ship with the Father and the Son, and can therefore obtain everything from the Lord which we possibly can need in his service, without being obliged to go to the unconverted world! How altogether differently the first disciples acted, in this respect, we learn from 3 John 7. 4. Not merely, however, in these particulars is there a connexion with the world in these religious societies; but it is not a rare thing for even Committee Members (the individuals who manage the affairs of the societies) to be manifestly unconverted persons, if not open enemies to the truth ; and this is suffered because they are rich, or of influence, as it is called. 5. It is a most common thing to endeavour to obtain for patrons and presidents of these societies, and for chair- men at the public meetings, persons of rank or wealth, to attract the public. Never once have I known a case of a Poor, but very devoted, wise, and experienced servant of Christ being invited to fill the chair at such public meet- A.D. 1834.] 111 ings. Surely, the Galilean fishermen, who were apostles, or our Lord himself, who was called the carpenter, would not have been called to this office, according to these principles. These things ought not so to be among the disciples of the Lord Jesus, who should not judge with reference to a person’s fitness for service in the Church of Christ by the position he fills in the world, or by the wealth he possesses! 6, Almost all these societies contract debts, so that it is a comparatively rare case to read a Report of any of them, without finding that they have expended more than they have received, which, however, is contrary both to the spirit and to the letter of the New Testament. (Rom. xiii. 8.) Now, although brother Craik and I were ready, by the grace of God, heartily to acknowledge that there are not only many true children of God connected with these religious societies, but that the Lord has also blessed their efforts in many respects, notwithstanding the existence of these and other principles and practices which we judged to be unscriptural; yet it appeared to us to be his will, that we should be entirely separate from these societies, (though we should be considered as singular persons, or though it should even appear that we despised other persons, or would elevate ourselves above them), in order that, by the blessing of God, we might direct the atten- tion of the children of God in these societies to their un- scriptural practices; and we would rather be entirely unconnected with these societies than act contrary to the Holy Scriptures. We therefore separated entirely from them, although we remained united in brotherly love with individual believers belonging to them; and would by no means judge them for remaining in connexion with them, if they do not see that such things are contrary to Scrip- ture. But seeing them to be so ourselves, we could not with a clear conscience remain. After we had thus gone on for some time, we considered that it would have an injurious tendency upon the brethren among whom we laboured, and also be at variance with the spirit of the Gospel of Christ, if we did nothing at all for Missionary objects, the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, Tracts, etc., and we were therefore led for these and other reasons, to do something for the spread of the Gospel at home and L 2 112 [A.D. 1834. abroad, however small the beginning might be. This was the origin of the Institution, of which the following part of my Narrative speaks.] March 5. This evening, at a public meeting, brother Craik and I stated the principles on which we intend to carry on the institution which we propose to establish for the spread of the Gospel at home and abroad. There was nothing outwardly influential, either in the number of people present, or in our speeches. May the Lord graciously be pleased to grant his blessing upon the insti- tution, which will be called “The Scriptural Knowledge Institution* for Home and Abroad.” I. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE INSTITUTION. 1. We consider every Believer bound, in one way or other, to help the cause of Christ, and we have Scriptural warrant for expecting the Tord’s blessing upon our work of faith and labour of love: and although, according to Matt. xiii. 24–43, 2 Tim. iii. 1–13, and many other passages, the world will not be converted, before the coming of our Lord Jesus, still, while he tarries, all Scrip- tural means ought to be employed for the ingathering of the elect of God. 2. The Lord helping us, we do not mean to seek the patronage of the world; i. e. we never intend to ask uncon- verted persons of rank or wealth to countenance this Institution, because this, we consider, would be disho- nourable to the Lord. In the name of our God we set up our banners, Ps. xx. 5; he alone shall be our Patron, and if he helps us we shall prosper, and if he is not on our side, we shall not succeed. 3. We do not mean to ask unbelievers for money (2 Cor. vi. 14–18); though we do not feel ourselves warranted to refuse their contributions, if they of their own accord should offer them. Acts xxviii. 2—10. * At the beginning the name was, “The Scriptural Knowledge Society for Home and Abroad;” but as the Institution was never a Society, in the common sense of the word, there being nothing 1ike membership, voting, a committee, &c., it appeared afterwards better to alter the name as above stated, for the sake of avoiding mistakes. I mention, moreover, that in this fifth edition the Institution is spoken of in the way in which it is now existing, without further notice of the alterations which have been made since its establishment on March 5, 1834, as its original character is substantially the same. A.D. 1834.] 113 4. We reject altogether the help of unbelievers in managing or carrying on the affairs of the Institution. 2 Cor. vi. 14—18. 5. We intend never to enlarge the field of labour by contracting debts, (Rom. xiii. 8,) and afterwards appealing to the Church of Christ for help, because this we consider to be opposed both to the letter and the spirit of the New Testament; but in secret prayer, God helping us, we shall carry the wants of the Institution to the Lord, and act according to the means that God shall give. 6. We do not mean to reckon the success of the Insti- tution by the amount of money given, or the number of Bibles distributed, &c., but by the Lord’s blessing upon the work, (Zech. iv. 6); and we expect this, in the proportion in which he shall help us to wait upon him in prayer. 7. While we would avoid aiming after needless singu- larity, we desire to go on simply according to Scripture, without compromising the truth; at the same time thank- fully receiving any instruction which experienced Be- lievers, after prayer, upon Scriptural ground, may have to give us concerning the Institution. II. THE OBJECTS OF THE INSTITUTION ARE: 1. To assist Day-Schools, Sunday-Schools, and Adult- Schools, in which instruction is given upon Scriptural principles, and, as far as the Lord may give the means, and supply us with suitable teachers, and in other re- spects make our path plain, to establish Schools of this kind. With this we also combine the putting of poor children to such Day-Schools. a. By Day-Schools upon Scriptural principles, we understand Day-Schools in which the teachers are godly persons,—in which the way of salvation is scripturally pointed out, and in which no instruction is given opposed to the principles of the gospel. - b. Sunday-Schools, in which all the teachers are be- lievers, and in which the Holy Scriptures alone are the foundation of instruction,-are such only as the Institu- tion assists with the supply of Bibles, Testaments, &c.; for we consider it unscriptural, that any persons, who do I, 3 114 [A.D. 1834. not profess to know the Lord themselves, should be allowed to give religious instruction. c. The Institution does not assist any Adult-School with the supply of Bibles, Testaments, Spelling Books, &c., except the teachers are believers. 2. To circulate the Holy Scriptures. We sell Bibles and Testaments to poor persons at a reduced price. But while we, in general, think it better that the Scriptures should be sold, and not given altoge- ther gratis, still, in cases of extreme poverty, we think it right to give, without payment, a cheap edition. 3. The third object of this Institution is to aid Mission- ary efforts. We desire to assist those Missionaries whose proceed- ings appear to be most according to the Scriptures. It is proposed to give such a portion of the amount of the donations to each of the fore-mentioned objects, as the Lord Inay direct; but if none of the objects should claim a more particular assistance, to lay out an equal portion upon each ; yet so, that if any donor desires to give for one of the objects exclusively, the money shall be appropriated accordingly. March 7. To-day we have only one shilling left. Many times also in Bristol our purse has been either empty or nearly so, though we have not been brought quite so low as it regards provisions, as was sometimes the case at Teignmouth. This evening, when we came home from our work, we found a brother, our tailor, waiting for us, who brought a new suit of clothes both for brother Craik and me, which a brother, whose name was not to be men- tioned, had ordered for us. March 8. Our brother brought us this evening also, from the same friend, a new hat for each of us. - - March 10. Some time since, a brother who had been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through our in- strumentality, having been previously guilty of habitual drunkenness and other open sins, requested with tears our prayers on behalf of his wife, who, like himself for- merly, was still given to drinking, and who grew worse and worse. About ten days, after he had spoken to us, A.D. 1834.] . 115 it pleased God to begin a work of grace in her heart, in answer to the many prayers of her husband, and this evening she was added to us in fellowship. There have come many instances before us, since we have been in Bristol, in which unbelieving partners have been given to believing ones, in answer to their prayers; yea, even such as had threatened to murder their wives, or to leave them, if they would still continue to go to our chapels. March 19. This afternoon at five, my wife was in much pain, which she shortly afterwards considered as the token of her hour being near. I therefore set off to call in a sister, and then I went for the nurse, and my wife's sis- ter, and our servant, who were at Clifton. The Lord having graciously speeded all this, I went to Bethesda Chapel, where I had to preach shortly after. I thought it better to spend the few minutes, which I had before preaching, in prayer for my wife, than to return home again, as I should have had to set off directly afterwards; believing that my mind would be thus more quiet and calm, and that I also might thus help my dearest wife much more effectually. The Lord most graciously kept me from excitement and anxiety, so that I went in peace, preached in peace, and walked home in peace, looking up to Jesus to prepare me for all that might await me, as I remembered but too well the two first times of my wife’s confinement. I might have asked brother Craik to preach, and have gone home, but I thought it more honouring the Lord to do his work. In walking home, the following words were a particular refreshment to me:— Make you his service your delight, Your wants shall be his care. When I came home, I heard the joyful news that all was over, and that my dear Mary had been delivered at twenty minutes past eight of a little boy. Observe 1 1. The Lord graciously sent the medical attendant and the nurse (the latter nearly three miles off) in the right time. , 2. The Lord put it into my heart to honour him, by prefer- ring the care of his house to that of my own, and thus he lovingly spared me three painful hours. May he be pleased to give me grace more than ever to love and serve him March 31. To-day the brethren and sisters in commu- 116 [A.D. 1834. nion at Bethesda dined together, having been invited by a sister; and in the evening the churches of Gideon and Bethesda took tea together. Both times were refreshing seasons. At dinner we were together from one till half- past three, at tea from five till nine. Both times we prayed repeatedly, sang hymns, read a little of the word, and several brethren spoke of the Lord’s dealings with them. April 3. To-day I have had again much reason to see how weak I am, and how prone to give way to every sin, if I am not kept by God. May he have mercy upon me, and keep me from bringing an open disgrace upon his holy name ! O wretched man that I am April 14. Brother and sister Craik and ourselves have been living together hitherto; but now, as the Lord has given to them one child, and to us two, and there are but six rooms in our house, so that of late dear brother Craik and I have had repeatedly to go to another house to be uninterrupted; we came at Jast to the conclusion, that it would be better for our souls and the Lord’s work that we should separate. April 15. To-day I received from several sisters £25. towards furnishing a house. April 23. Yesterday and to-day I had asked the Lord to send us 20!, that we might be able to procure a larger stock of Bibles and Testaments than our small funds of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution would allow us to purchase; and this evening a sister, unasked, promised to give us that sum, adding that she felt a particular pleasure in circulating the Holy Scriptures, as the simple reading of them had been the means of bringing her to the know- ledge of the Lord. April 26. We have repeatedly conversed about the name which we should give to our babe; but being unsettled about it, and considering that in all our ways we ought to acknowledge the Lord, I gave myself to-day to prayer concerning this matter, and the name Elijah, about which I never had thought, was particularly, whilst praying, impressed on my mind, and therefore we intend to name the child Elijah, i.e. my God is Jah, Jehovah. May the Lord in mercy grant Elijah's spirit, and Elijah's blessing to our little one ! May 4. To-day 15l. more was given to me towards furnishing a house. Thus the Lord has now graciously A.D. 1834.] 117 supplied our need in this particular also. May 13. To-day 2l. more was given to us towards furnishing the house, and also some carpet. May 15. To-day we moved into our house, having lived nearly two years with brother and sister Craik. June 4. To-day a sister called on me, and I felt irritated at her staying, after having given her to understand that I had but a few minutes time. I sinned thus against the Lord. Help thou me, blessed Jesus, in future! June 8. Lord’s day. I obtained no text yesterday, notwithstanding repeated prayer and reading of the word. This morning I awoke with these words:—“My grace is sufficient for thee.” As soon as I had dressed myself, I turned to 2 Cor. xii. to consider this passage; but in doing so, after prayer, I was led to think that I had not been directed to this portion for the sake of speaking on it, as I at first thought, and I therefore followed my usual practice in such cases, i. e. to read on in the Scriptures where I left off last evening. In doing so, when I came to Heb. xi. 13–16, I felt that this was the text. Having prayed, I was confirmed in it, and in a few minutes the Lord was pleased to open this passage to me. I preached on it with great enjoyment, both at Gideon and at Be- thesda, particularly in the evening at Bethesda. This help was evidently from God. May he fill my heart with gratitude, and encourage me by this, to trust in him for the future I now understand why those words, “My grace is sufficient for thee,” were brought to my mind when I awoke this morning.—[It pleased God, as I have heard since, greatly to bless what I said on that passage, and at least one soul was brought through it to the Lord.] June 25. These last three days I have had very little real communion with God, and have therefore been ver weak spiritually, and have several times felt irritability of temper. May God in mercy help me to have more secret prayerſ—Let none expect to have the mastery over his inward corruptions in any degree, without going in his weakness again and again to the Lord for strength. Nor will prayer with others, or conversing with the brethren, make up for secret prayer, for I had been engaged in both repeatedly, during the three previous days, as my journal shows. June 26. I was enabled, by the grace of God, to rise early, and I had nearly two hours in prayer before break- 118 [A.D. 1834. fast. I feel now this morning more comfortable. May God in mercy help me to walk before him this day, and to do his work, and may he keep me from all evil! July 5. The Lord very mercifully kept us to-day from a great calamity, the apron of our servant, a sister, having caught fire; but the fire was extinguished, and she was kept from being burned July 11. I have prayed much about a master for a boys' school, to be established in connexion with our little In- stitution. Eight have applied for the situation, but none seemed to be suitable. Now at last the Lord has given us a brother, who will commence the work.-The Lord allowed us to call upon him many times before he answered, but at last he granted our request. July 13, To-day we finished reading through the Scrip- tures, at family prayer, the second time, since we came to Bristol, which is little more than two years. I mention this circumstance to show how often we may read through the whole of the Scriptures, though we should read but little every day, if we go regularly onward. August 18. To-day brother Craik and I engaged a sister to be governess of another girls’ school, which we intend to establish, in dependance upon the Lord for supplies. August 27. I had prayed repeatedly, and had read ten chapters of the word to get a text, but obtained none, and had to go this evening to the chapel without knowing on what portion of his Holy Word the Lord would have me to speak. At the commencement of the meeting I was directed to Lament. iii. 22–26, on which I spoke with much assistance and enjoyment. September 18. A brother, a tailor, was sent to mea- sure me for new clothes. My clothes are again getting old, and it is therefore very kind of the Lord to provide thus. September 25. A brother sent me a new hat to-day. October 9. Our little Institution, established in depend- ance upon the Lord, and supplied by him with means, has now been seven months in operation, and through it have been benefited with instruction,-1. In the Sunday- School, about 120 children. 2. In the Adult-School, about 40 adults. 3. In the two Day-Schools for boys, and the two Day-Schools for girls, 209 children, of whom 54 have been entirely free; the others pay about one- third of the expense. There have been also circulated 482 Bibles, and 520 New Testaments. Lastly, 57l. has A.D. 1834.] 119 been spent to aid missionary exertions. The means which the Lord has sent us, as the fruit of many prayers, during these seven months, amount to 1671. 10s. 0%d. - October 28. This afternoon brother Craik and I took tea with seven brethren and sisters, whom the Lord has brought to a knowledge of himself through our instru- mentality, within the last two years; all but one belong- ing to the same family. We heard there a most affecting account of a poor little orphan boy, who for some time attended one of our schools, and who seems there, as far as we can judge, to have been brought to a real concern about his soul, through what I said concerning the tor- ments of hell, and who some time ago was taken to the poor-house some miles out of Bristol. He has expressed great sorrow that he can no longer attend our school and ministry. May this, if it be the Lord's will, lead me to do something also for the supply of the temporal wants of poor children, the pressure of which has occasioned this poor boy to be taken away from our school! November 1. To-day, our means being completely gone, we had them supplied in the following manner:—some time since some silver spoons were given to us, which we never used, from the consideration, that for servants of Christ it was better, for the sake of example, to use cheaper ones, and for that reason we had sold our plate at Teign- mouth. Yet up to this day those spoons remained unsold. But now, as we wanted money, we disposed of them, con- sidering that the kind giver would not be displeased at our doing so to supply our need. November 4. I spent the greater part of the morning in reading the word and in prayer, and asked also for our daily bread, for we have scarcely any money left.—We obtained to-day two large school-rooms, which we much needed. Thus the Lord graciously helps us concerning the Institution, and gives us faith to go forward in the work, enlarging the field more and more, (though we have but little money) yet so that we do not contract debts. November 5. I spent almost the whole of the day in prayer and reading the word. I prayed also again for the supply of our own temporal wants, but the Lord has not as yet appeared. Still my eyes are up to him. November 8. Saturday. The Lord has graciously again supplied our temporal wants during this week, though at the commence- ment of it we had but little left. I have prayed much this 120 [A.D. 1834. week for money, more than any other week, as far as Ire- member, since we have been in Bristol. The Lord has not answered our prayers by causing means to be sent in the way of a gift, but has supplied us through our selling what we did not need, or by our being paid what was owed to us. December 10. To-day we found that a departed bro- ther had left both to brother Craik and me 12!. Tecem- ber 31, 1834.—I. Since brother Craik and I have been labouring in Bristol, 227 brethren and sisters have been added to us in fellowship. We found 68 believers in the church at Gideon, so that now the whole number would be 295, had there been no changes, but it is only 257; for twelve have fallen asleep; six have left Bristol; twelve have left the churches during the two years and six months, but are still in Bristol; eight are under church discipline, respecting some of whom, however, we hope that they may be soon restored to communion. Of those 257, there belong 125 to Bethesda church, and 132 to Gideon church. Out of the 227 who have been added to us, 103 have been converted through our instrumentality, and many have been brought into the liberty of the Gospel, or reclaimed from backsliding. Forty-seven young converts are at Gideon, and fifty-six at Bethesda. Considering that some have fallen asleep who never were in communion with us, and yet converted through our instrumentality; and that some are united to other churches in and out of Bristol; and that many are now standing as candidates for fellow- ship, of those who have been given to us in this city, as seals to our ministry; the number added may be only one- half, or two-thirds of the real number. May the Lord fill our hearts with gratitude, for having thus condescended to use us. II. The income which the Lord has given me during this year is:— 1. My part of the freewill offerings through the boxes . . . . . £135 13 2+ 2. Money given to me by saints in and out of Bristol . . . . . . 92 7 6 Altogether . . # 228 0 8+ 3. Besides this, many articles in pro- visions, clothing, and furniture, worth to us about . . . . . 60 0 0 A.D. 1835.] 121 January 1, 1835. We had last evening an especial prayer-meeting of the two churches, and any other persons that chose to attend, for the sake of praising the Lord for all his many mercies which we have received during the past year, and to ask him to continue to us his favour during this year also. It was open to any of the brethren to pray, as they felt disposed, and eighteen did so, as I afterwards reckoned. We continued in prayer and praise, mixed with singing, reading the word, and exhortation, from seven in the evening till one in the morning. January 13. From ten to one in the first part of the day, and from six to half-past eight this evening, Ivisited, from house to house, the people living in Orange Street, and saw in this way the families living in nine houses, to ascertain whether any individuals wanted Bibles, whether they could read, whether they wished their children to be put to our Day-Schools or Sunday-School, with the view of helping them accordingly. This afforded opportunities to converse with them about their souls. In this way I sold eight Bibles and two Testaments at reduced prices, and gave away one Testament; engaged one woman as an adult scholar, one boy as a day scholar; and spoke besides this to about thirty people about their souls. January 15. This morning, from ten to one, I went again from house to house in Orange Street. I visited nine houses, sold a Bible and Testament at reduced prices, and engaged a few children for the schools, and conversed with fifteen persons about their souls. I should greatly delight in being fre- quently engaged in such work, for it is a most important one; but our hands are so full with other work, that we can do but little in this way. January 17. To-day brother Groves arrived from the East Indies. One reason of his coming to England is, to go to Germany, to obtain mis- sionary brethren for the East Indies, having reason to believe that he will find them there; and he asked me, on account of my acquaintance with the language, to ac- company him, that thus, through me, he may be enabled to judge about the state of the brethren, and to commu- nicate to them what he thinks needful for them to know. This is a most important work. May the Lord direct me in this matter, and make me to act according to his will!— I received again to-day, after prayer respecting the funds, 10!, for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. January 21. Mi 122 [A.D. 1835. Teceived, in answer to prayer, from an unexpected quarter, 5l. for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. The Lord pours in, whilst we seek to pour out. For during the past week, merely among the poor, in going from house to house, fifty-eight copies of the Scriptures were sold at reduced prices, the going on with which is most important, but it will require much means. January 28. Ihave, for these several days, again prayed much to ascertain whether the Lord will have me to go as a missionary to the East Indies, and I am most willing to go, if he will condescend to use me in this way. January 29. I have been greatly stirred up to pray about going to Calcutta as a Missionary. May the Lord guide me in this matter! [After all my repeated and earnest prayer in the commencement of 1835, and willingness on my part to go, if it were the Lord's will, still he did not send me.] February 4, I have been praying repeatedly and earnestly of late respecting my journey to the Continent. I desire to go, or not to go, just as the Lord will have it to be. May he graciously direct me ! I feel the same about going to India. As a means to ascertain the Lord's will, I have been reading about the Hindoos, that I may know more clearly the state in which they are. May the Lord in mercy stir me up to care more about their state, whether it be his will that I should labour personally among them, or not! February 16. I mentioned this evening, before the church at Bethesda, as also on the 13th before the church at Gideon, that I see it the Lord’s will to go to the Con- tinent, for the sake of assisting brother Groves by my knowledge of the German language, in conferring with those who may desire to go out as missionaries. There is not one believer amongst us who sees any objection to it, and several have expressed that it seems to be of the Lord, and that thus we could help, as churches, in the going forth of missionaries. This is very comforting to me, as the Lord confirms me still more, through this unanimity, in its being his will that I should go. February 25. In the name of the Lord, and in depend- ance upon him alone for support, we have established a fifth Day-School for poor children, which to-day has been opened. We have now two boys' schools, and three girls' A.D. 1835.] 123 schools. February 26. This afternoon I left Bristol for the Continent. February 27. London. This morning I went to the Alien Office for my passport. On entering the office I saw a printed paper, in which it is stated that every alien neglecting to renew, every six months, his certificate of residence which he receives on depositing his passport, subjects himself to a penalty of 50l., or imprisonment. This law I have ignorantly broken ever since I left Lon- don in 1829. It appeared to me much better to confess at once that I had ignorantly done so, than now wilfully break it; trusting in the Lord as it regarded the consequences of the step. I did so, and the Lord inclined the heart of the officer with whom I had to do, to pass over my non- compliance with the law, on account of my having broken it figmorantly. Having obtained my passport, I found an unexpected difficulty in the Prussian ambassador refusing to sign it, as it did not contain a description of my person, and therefore I needed to prove that I was the individual spoken of in the passport. This difficulty was not removed for three days, when, after earnest prayer, through a paper signed by some citizens of London, to whom I am known, the ambassador was satisfied. This very difficulty, when once the Lord had removed it, afforded me cause for thanksgiving; for I now obtained a new passport, worded in such a way, that, should I ever need it again, will pre- vent similar difficulties. March 3. This evening I preached comfortably in John- street Chapel, for brother Evans. I never preached in any place where I so much felt that he who statedly ministers was more worthy than myself. This feeling led me to earnest prayer, and the Lord heard and assisted me. March 7. Dover. Last evening I left London, and arrived here this morning. The Lord enabled me to con- fess him before my fellow-passengers. I have had a good deal of prayer and reading the word in quietness, though staying in an hotel. March 8. I preached this morning and evening comfortably in one of the chapels at Dover. March 9. All this day too we have been obliged to remain at Dover, the sea being so rough that no packet sails. I spent the day in writing letters, in reading the word, and in prayer. We depend entirely upon the Lord as it regards our movements. This evening we asked the Lord M 2 124 [A.D. 1835. twice, unitedly, that he would be pleased to calm the wind and the waves, and Inow feel quite comfortable in leaving the matter with him March 10. The Lord heard our prayer. . We awoke early in the morning, and found the wind comparatively calm. We left the hotel before break of day, to go to the packet. All being in great hurry, on our way towards the sea, I was separated from brothers G. and Y. I now lifted up my heart to the Lord, as he generally helps me to do on such occasions, to direct my steps towards the boat which went out to meet the packet, and I found it almost immediately. We had, in answer to prayer, a good passage. At Calais we obtained our passports, luggage out of the custom house, and places in the diligence without difficulty, and left a little after ten in the morning for Paris. What a blessed thing it is, in all such matters, to have a Father to go to for help! What a different thing, also, to travel in the service of the Lord Jesus, from what it is to travel in the service of the flesh! March 11. Paris. We arrived here about ten this evening. March 12. To-day we went about our passports, and I saw thus a good deal of the best part of Paris. Blessed be God, my heart is above these things! If ten years ago, when my poor foolish heart was full of Paris, I had come here, how should I have been taken up with these palaces, &c.; but now I look at these things, and my heart does not care about them. What a difference grace makes! There were few people, perhaps, more passionately fond of travelling, and seeing fresh places, and new scenes, than myself; but now, since, by the grace of God, I have seen beauty in the Lord Jesus, I have lost my taste for these things. March 13. We again found difficulty in obtaining our passports, arising, probably, from a mistake of the police officers. May the Lord order this matter so, that it shall be for our real welfare 1 March 14. By the help of the Lord we obtained our passports, and brother Groves and I took our places in the Malle Poste for Strasburg, to leave to-morrow evening. Brother Y. intends to remain here for a few days, on account of his health. March 15. This morning I preached in a little chapel in Palais Royal. We left Paris this evening at six. March 17. From six o'clock in the evening of the 15th, till this A.D. 1835.] 125 afternoon at half-past one, when we arrived at Strasburg, we were continually shut up in the Malle Poste, with the exception of yesterday morning about seven, and last night about eleven, when we were allowed half an hour for our meals. I had refreshing communion with my beloved bro- ther. This quickest of all conveyances in France carries only two passengers, and we were thus able freely to con- verse and to pray together, which was refreshing indeed. Though we had travelled forty-four hours, yet as we had soon finished our business at Strasburg, we left this even- ing, for Basle, trusting in the Lord for strength for the third night’s travelling. A little after we had started, we stuck fast in a new road. I lifted up my heart to the Taord, and we were soon delivered, otherwise the circum- stance in a cold might, and during a fall of snow, would have been trying, as we had to get out of the mail. I now found myself again, after six years, amidst fellow-pas- sengers who spoke my native language; but alas ! they spoke not for Christ. March 18. This afternoon we arrived at Basle, where we were very kindly received by the brethren. March 23. Basle. These six days we have received great kindness from the brethren. The Lord has given me an opportunity of bringing before several who are already engaged in the ministry of the word, and before many who intend to give themselves to this work, many important truths, so that in these opportunities I have been richly repaid for the journey. This morning I conversed also with three brethren, journeymen, who have a desire to give them- selves to missionary work; but nothing could be decided now. I awoke very faint, but have been mercifully helped through the work. Brother Groves intends to go to Geneva, and I to Tubingen, in order to become acquainted with a brother, a student, who is likely to go out with brother Groves as tutor to his sons, and to combine with this, missionary service. During my stay at Basle I attended one day a meeting, at which a venerable pious clergyman expounded the Greek New Testament to several brethren, who purposed to give themselves to missionary service. The passage to which this dear aged brother had then come, in the original of the New Testament, was 1 Peter iii. 1, 2, which, in our English translation, reads thus: “Likewise, ye wives, be M 3 126 [A.D. 1835. in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; while they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear.” After this aged brother had expounded the passage, he related a circumstance which had occurred in his own days, and under his own eyes, at Basle, which has appeared to me so en- couraging for those children of God who have unbeliev- ing relatives, and especially for sisters in the Lord who have unbelieving husbands; and which, at the same time, is such a beautiful illustration of 1 Peter iii. 1.; that I judge it desirable to insert the narrative of this fact here. I will do so as exactly as I remember it. There lived at Basle an opulent citizen, whose wife was a believer, but he himself feared not the Lord. His practice was, to spend his evenings in a wine-house, where he would often tarry till eleven, twelve, or even one o'clock. On such occasions his wife always used to send her servants to bed, and sat up herself to await the return of her husband. When at last he came, she used to receive him most kindly, never reproach him in the least, either at the time or after- wards, nor complain at all on account of his late hours, by which she was kept from seasonable rest. Moreover, if it should be needful to assist him in undressing himself, when he had drunk to excess, she would do this also in a very kind and meek way. Thus it went on for a long time. One evening this gentleman was again, as usual, in a wine-house, and having tarried there with his merry companions till midnight, he said to them : “I bet, that if we go to my house, we shall find my wife sitting up and waiting for me, and she herself will come to the door and receive us very kindly; and if I ask her to prepare us a supper, she will do it at once without the least murmur, or unkind expression, or look.” His companions in sin did not believe his statement. At last, however, after some more conversation about this strange statement, (as it ap- peared to them,) it was agreed upon they would all go, to see this kind wife. Accordingly they went, and, after they had knocked, found the door immediately opened by the lady herself, and they were all courteously and kindly received by her. The party having entered, the master of the house asked his wife to prepare supper for them, which she, in the meekest way, at once agreed to do; and after A.D. 1835.] 127 awhile, supper was served by herself, without the least sign of dissatisfaction, or murmur, or complaint. Having now prepared all for the company, she retired from the party to her room. When she had left the party, one of the gentlemen said: “What a wicked and cruel man you are, thus to torment so kind a wife.” He then took his hat and stick, and without touching a morsel of the sup- per went away. Another made a similar remark and left, without touching the supper. Thus one after another left, till they were all gone, without tasting the supper. The master of the house was now left alone, and the Spirit of God brought before him all his dreadful wickedness, and especially his great sins towards his wife; and the party had not left the house half an hour, before he went to his wife's room, requested her to pray for him, told her that he felt himself a great sinner, and asked her forgive- ness for all his behaviour towards her. From that time he became a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Observe here, dear reader, the following points in parti- cular, which I affectionately commend to your considera- tion : 1, The wife acted in accordance with 1 Peter iii. 1. She kept her place as being in subjection, and the Lord owned it. 2, She reproached not her husband, but meekly and kindly served him when he used to come home. 3, She did not allow the servants to sit up for their master, but sat up herself, thus honouring him as her head and superior, and concealed also, as far as she was able, her husband's shame from the servants. 4, In all probability a part of those hours, during which she had to sit up, was spent in prayer for her husband, or in reading the word of God, to gather fresh strength for all the trials connected with her position. But whether this was the case or not, it is certain that thus, under similar circumstances, the time might be spent, and it would then indeed be spent profitably. 5, Be not discouraged if you have to suffer from unconverted relatives. Perhaps very shortly the Lord may give you the desire of your heart, and answer your prayer for them; but in the mean time seek to com- mend the truth, not by reproaching them on account of their behaviour towards you, but by manifesting towards them the meekness, gentleness, and kindness of the Lord Jesus Christ. March 25. Tubingen in Wirtemberg. The day before 128 [A.D. 1835. yesterday I left Basle in the afternoon. The Lord enabled me to confess him before a young man and his wife, who were going to Vienna to increase their riches. What a mercy that grace has made me to differ, and that I travel in the service of another master | They listened very attentively, and were not at all opposed. They also esteem the people of God, and have been in the habit of meeting with them. Our parting was very affectionate and solemn, after I had charged them to care earnestly about the one thing needful. I arrived, yesterday morning at six, at Schaffhausen, I found a brother waiting for me at the post office, a gentle- man of title, who, having been informed by brethren at Basle of my arrival, kindly took me to his house for the two hours I had to stay in that town, to refresh my body with breakfast, and my soul with communion with the brethren whom he had invited to meet me. I was in this town about ten years ago. I was now again within a few minutes' walk of the fall of the Rhine, which was then most attractive to me. Now I considered that my time could be spent much more profitably than by going there. The little time that I was at Schaffhausen, I received much information concerning the state of the church in many parts of the Continent, from a believing physician and a clergyman; and I also communicated things which, with God’s blessing, may be profitable. After this I con- tinued my journey to Tubingen. It was with peculiar feelings; for all this way I had traversed nearly ten years ago, to gratify my natural desire for travelling, and now I went over the same ground in the service of the Lord Jesus. r I arrived here this morning at nine, having been strengthened to travel two nights and a day and a half, though I left Basle very weak. This morning I saw brother Gundert, the student of divinity, on whose account I am here, and spent about three hours in conversation with him. Afterwards I called on a christian professor in the university, who received me kindly. This evening I had a meeting with the believing students, for whom the Lord gave me a word. March 26. This morning I rode with brother Gundert to Stuttgart, both for the sake of seeing more of him, and also that we might unitedly talk over the matter with his A.D. 1835.] 129 father, who lives there. I am now staying at the house of brother Gundert, senior, where I am kindly lodged. I think brother Gundert, junior, will go to the East Indies. His father is not only willing to give him up for the Lord’s sake, but seems to consider it an honour to have a son to give to the Lord in this way. This evening Iagain met several brethren, to whom I spoke about the things of God. March 30. Halle. From the evening of the 27th till this afternoon, when I arrived here, I have travelled day and night, and have been strengthened by the Lord for it. The whole of this way, several hundred miles, I had gone step by step before. My thoughts were peculiarly affecting, as I retraced the mercies which I had experienced at the hands of God.—The Lord enabled me repeatedly to con- fess his name before my changing fellow-travellers. A student spoke to me about the peculiarly good and cheap wine of Weinheim, near Heidelberg. I told him that when, years ago, as a student like himself, I came through that place, I cared about such things, but that now I knew what was much better than wine.—Yesterday, a French- man, having heard my testimony for Jesus once or twice, when the last merry companion had left the coach, quitted my society, it being too dull for him, and joined himself to an officer in the army, sitting in the forepart of the coach. (The coach was divided into the forepart and inside.) This gave me a blessed and most refreshing opportunity to pray for about an hour aloud in the coach, which strengthened and refreshed my soul. It was par- ticularly kind of the Lord to give me an opportunity of praying aloud, as, on account of having then already travelled forty-eight hours uninterruptedly, my body was too tired to allow me to continue for any length of time in mental prayer.—Yesterday afternoon, at Eisenach (situated just under the hill on which stands the decayed castle, called the Wartburg, where Luther translated the Holy Scriptures), I saw fearful scenes of profanity. How has the candlestick been removed l—This afternoon I reached Halle, where it pleased the Lord to bring me to the knowledge of himself, having been graciously pre- served hitherto, though a spring was found broken when I got out of the mail. I greatly needed rest, but my heart was too full. I could not sleep. I went first to the 130 [A.D. 1835. house of the brother, where I was first impressed, and afterwards I called on my esteemed tutor, professor Dr. Tholuck, counsellor of the Consistory, who received me, after seven years’ separation, with his former kindness and brotherly love. (He made me lodge with him, and gave thereby a testimony that differences of views, concern- ing certain parts of God’s truth, ought not to separate the children of God; for I had written to him my mind from Bristol two years before.) March 31. To-day I rode with Dr. Tholuck and two young brethren to a believing clergyman, living in the neighbourhood of Halle, where we spent the day. Dr. Tholuck told me many encouraging things, particularly this, that several of my former fellow-students, who, at the time when I was at Halle, knew not the Lord, had been brought to know him since, and are now labouring in his vineyard. And further, that certain brethren, formerly very weak in the faith, had been established, and are now going on well. May this encourage the heart of the believing reader still to pray for his unconverted friends, and may it strengthen him to hope for better days concerning those of his brethren in the Lord who are now weak in the faith ! April 1. To-day I saw a clergyman, in whom I recog- nized an individual who studied at Halle, whilst I was there, living then in open sin, and who is now, by divine mercy, pointing sinners to the Lamb of God. In the evening I went to the large Orphan-house, built, in dependance on the Lord, by A. H. Franke, to see one of the classical teachers, who is the son of my father's neighbour, and whom I had not seen for about fifteen years. I found him, to the joy of my heart, to be a bro- ther in the Lord. This evening I spent in the same room where it pleased the Lord to begin a work of grace in my heart, with several of the same brethren and sisters with whom I used to meet seven years ago, and told them of the Lord’s faithfulness, gentleness, kindness, and forbear- ance towards me, since I had seen them last. Truly how good has the Lord been to me since April 2. This morning I again spent in calling on the brethren and sisters, being enabled, every where, before learned and unlearned, to testify about the blessedness of adhering to the Scriptures as our only guide in spiritual A.D. 1835.] 181 things. I left Halle this afternoon, having received much love from the brethren, and rode fifteen miles further, to a beloved brother and old friend, brother Stahlschmidt at Sandersleben, who has shown me much kindness even since I have been in England. I was received with much love by this brother ared his dear wife, and his man ser- vant, also, a beloved brother. [This brother (the man servant) I met twenty-eight years ago at Gnadau, a Mo- ravian settlement, where I several times spent a few days for the refreshment of my soul, to which place he also came, a distance of about forty-five miles, for the same purpose. He was then living with a farmer, ploughing his fields, &c. At that time our hearts were knit toge- ther; for I wish it to be understood by any unconverted reader, that, whilst I should at one time have looked with scorn upon such a person, if he had attempted to be fa- miliar with me, now the love of Jesus, in whom we were one, filled my heart with love to him, and these outward distinctions were broken down. In consequence of this acquaintance, he wrote me several letters to Halle, and I wrote to him. These letters were particularly refreshing and spiritual, and therefore I read them to other brethren, and also to brother Stahlschmidt, a wine merchant. On account of this, he had a great desire to have brother Rroll living in his house. The Lord, after a time, brought it about, and this brother has now, (while this fifth edition is being printed) been living with him more than twenty-six years, and is a friend, a brother, and a most faithful servant to this merchant, so that his consi- derable business is in a great measure intrusted to him; and yet he treats his master with all due respect, and keeps his place as a servant. This latter point is very important, and brings glory to God. For whilst a believ- ing master should treat a believing servant with all kind- ness and brotherly love; yet the believing servant should with all obedience, with all faithfulness, and particularly with due respect, treat his believing master or mistress.] April 3. Sandersleben. To-day I saw several brethren and sisters, and among others a brother, who is in about the same state in which he was eight years ago. He has very little enjoyment, and makes no progress in the things of God. The reason is, that, against his conscience, he remains in a calling, which is opposed to the profession of 132 [A.D. 1835. a believer. We are exhorted in Scripture to abide in our calling; but only if we can abide in it “with God.” 1 Cor. vii. 24.—This evening a believing clergyman, and the brethren and sisters of this small town and some neighbouring villages, were collected together in brother Stahlschmidt's house, and I spoke to them for two hours about the things of God, particularly about the way in which God has led me, since I saw them, and sought to strengthen their hands in God, and exhorted them to give themselves fully to the Lord. It was a time of refresh- ing. Indeed the Lord has greatly refreshed my own soul, at Basle, or Tubingen, or Stuttgart, or Halle, or else- where, whenever I have spoken well of his name. The child of God should make it his particular business to en- courage sinners to seek after the Lord, and to increase the faith and love of the brethren, through speaking well of the name of the Lord. April 4. I left Sandersleben this morning. My bro- ther and host acted according to 3 John, 5 and 6, for he sent me on ten miles in his carriage. When I arrived at Aschersleben, to which place brother Stahlschmidt had conveyed me, I had but one station more to my father's house. On the way I asked the driver about a certain individual, with whom I studied at Halle, once a companion with me in open sin. I found that he is still in the same state. What a difference has grace made between him and me! Nothing, nothing but grace has made this difference I, guilty sinner, might now be still on the same road, and he, in my room, might have been plucked as a brand out of the fire. But it is not so. May the Lord help me to love him much, very much, for his distinguishing grace!—Such feelings I had in particu- lar this afternoon, when I saw the town before me in which my father lives, as there are but two in the whole place, as far as I can find out, who love the Lord. How different is every thing with me now from what it was when, as a wicked youth, I used to go to this town, at the time of my vacation. How truly happy am I now ! How is my heart now raised above all those things in which I sought, and also fancied Ifound happiness! Truly all these things are like bubbles to me now ! My heart is not here; yea, my heart is not even in England. My heart is, at least in a measure, in heaven, though I am still A.D. 1835.] 133 nothing but a poor weak worm. I felt the solemnity and importance of having once more the privilege of seeing my aged father. I also felt the importance of being at the place, where I had spent much of my time in my youth, and where I had been known as living in sin. M. desire was, that I might be enabled to walk, the three days I intended to stay there, as it becomes a servant of Christ. For this I had been led to prayer before I left Bristol, and since I have been on the Continent. At last I arrived at my father's house. How affecting to meet him once more April 5. Heimersleben. This afternoon a friend of my father's called—one who knows not the Lord. After a few minutes the Lord gave me an opportunity of setting before him the fundamental truths of the Gospel, and the joy and comfort they afford, and have afforded to me. Thus a way was opened to me of stating the truth more fully than ever I had been able to do before, by word of mouth, in the presence of my father and brother, without saying to them “Thou art the man.” I was assisted by the Lord. May he water the seed sown! This evening I went to the only two brethren in this little town, thus to own them as such. It has appeared well to me to call on none whom I know, else I should be expected to call on all; and as I see it right to spend but three days here, I consider that that little time should be wholly given to my father, as it may be the last time that I shall see him; yet at the same time I judged that it was well pleasing in the sight of the Lord, that I should call on these brethren to strengthen their hands. When I saw these brethren last, in February, 1829, two or three more used to meet with them ; but since then the reproach of the cross has driven the others back into the world. From that time, these brethren have scarcely seen a believer, and never hear the Gospel preached; it was therefore a great joy to them to see me. They told me that the Lord had blessed my last visit to them; and having been informed of my coming, they were prepared to ask me many questions. One of them, Knabe, about thirty years ago being possessed of property, was persuaded to lay it out in coal mines. He joined with two men who spent his property, and after some time they became bankrupts, so that there was not money N 134 [A.D. 1835. enough to pay the workmen and some other creditors, even after all their goods had been sold. This evening brother Knabe asked me what he ought to do about the money which had been left unpaid three and twenty years; whether he was still under an obligation to pay it, if he could. My answer was at once that he was, being in the sight of the Lord still a debtor, though cleared by the laws of men. He then told me, that some years since some property was left to him, and that he also, in the years 1816, 1817, and 1818, when the corn prices were very high, had laid by some money, and that therefore he was fully able to pay the debt. He saw immediately that this was the right way, and said that he would act accord- ingly. He added that now he saw why he had made so little progress in divine things. I have learned that this brother has lately taken two destitute orphans into his house, whom he entirely supports by the labour of his hands (he earns his bread by thrashing corn), and that the people, though they consider him, on account of his love to the Lord, a weak and foolish person, yet look upon him with respect. April 6. I spent this morning in answering questions which my father put to me about secular things in Eng- land. This I did for the following reasons:–1. I had scarcely ever spoken about these things in my letters, in- deed so little, that my father told me, he had often in- tended to ask me, whether it was forbidden in England to send letters abroad about such matters, as I never wrote about them. I had refrained from doing so, partly, on account of want of time; and partly, because I had better things to write about, wishing to direct his mind to the things of God. 2. Now, however, I spoke on these sub- jects, because I particularly desired to be as kind, affec- tionate, and obliging as I conscientiously could, as I con- sidered that this was the testimony I was especially called on to give. Formerly I had much pressed the things of God on him, and not with sufficient tenderness, knowing not then experimentally the helplessness of the creature. After it had pleased the Lord to show me the truth more clearly, in the summer of 1829, I wrote in a different way; but in the commencement of the year 1833 I felt pressed in spirit once more, most fully, not so much as a son, but as a servant of Christ, to write, and to point out to him A.D. 1835.] 135 minutely his state, showing him the danger of his soul, the grounds of which I fully laid before him. When this, as formerly, greatly displeased him, I ceased to speak any more in this way, and from that time I aimed and still aim more and more to show him love in action, as it be- comes a believing son, telling him only how happy I am— how I am supported under such and such trials—how I am not caring about certain things as formerly I did—in what an awful state I was once living, and how God brought me out of it, and how any sinner, by forsaking his evil ways, and believing in the Lord Jesus, may be brought to the same joy and happiness, and what a de- light it would be to me to meet my father at last in heaven, &c. Since I have corresponded with him in this way, things have been very comfortable, though I have brought as much truth before him as formerly, and though I have never sent a letter without speaking, comparatively, much about these things. On the same ground I have not on this visit spoken directly to my father about the state of his soul, though he has more than ever heard the truth from my lips. God has indeed been with me, and I believe that I have been led by him to pursue this course. Different, however, has been the way in which I have dealt with my unconverted brother; for the relation- ship in which I stand to him is a different one. For this afternoon, I not only pointed out to him his danger, but spoke also respecting his sins, and have done so in my letters, and intend to do so still, if the Lord permit. This afternoon brother Knabe called on me. He told me that he had already experienced a trial on account of his intention to pay the money, as his wife tried to keep him from it, by endeavouring to persuade him that God does not require him to do such a thing, as he has taken two orphan children into his house. He nevertheless is determined to do it. He saw, however, another difficulty, which was that when he looked over the papers containing the names of his creditors, it was found that all but three, out of about thirty, were dead, and he did not know what to do concerning them. I told him to go to those places where his creditors used to live, and he might find, per- haps, some needy widows and fatherless children, whom they had left behind; and, if not, he should inquire after the lawful heirs, and pay the money to them. He saw N 2 136 [A.D. 1835. with me, and declared his full intention to do so, what- ever it might cost, and seemed truly glad that God at last, through my advice, had delivered him from this bur- den; for from time to time the matter had pressed on his conscience that he ought to do it.—I spent this evening in relating to my father and brother some of the Lord’s dealings with me in England, particularly how he has graciously provided for my temporal wants in answer to prayer, and they both seemed to feel, for the moment at least, the blessedness of such a life. April 7. I saw brother Knabe this morning, who is still determined to pay the money, though tried by his wife. I exhorted him to steadfastness. I also saw some persons who called on me to hear about England, for every one of whom the Lord gave me a word without any effort. It was especially so last night. A friend of my father, a Roman Catholic, called, and I was enabled to set the truths of the gospel before him, with their blessed effects, without entering upon the Roman Catholic controversy.— A part of this morning I spent in walking about with my father to see one of his gardens, and some of his fields, because I knew it would give him pleasure; and I felt that I ought in every way to show him kindness and at- tention, as far as I conscientiously could. To-morrow, God willing, I intend to leave, and to return to England. The Lord, in his rich mercy, in answer to my prayer, has enabled me so to walk before my father, and has also im- pressed what I have said so far upon his heart, as to cause him to say to-day, “May God help me to follow your ex- ample, and to act according to what you have said to me.” April 9. Celle. Yesterday morning I rode with my father to Halberstadt, where, with many tears, he sepa- rated from me. I was alone in the mail, which was a great comfort to me. It was a solemn time. I found myself again on the road to Brunswick, which I had traversed twice in the service of the devil, and now I was travelling on it in the name of Jesus. I discerned, in passing, the inn at Wolfenbuttel, from whence I intended to run away, and where I was arrested. How peculiar were my feelings! In the evening we reached Brunswick, from whence we started the same night. During the night I heard a fearfully wicked, most profligate, infidel, and scoffing conversation between the conducteur and a A.D. 1835.] 137 student, and the only testimony I gave was, complete silence all the time. I arrived here this morning at eight, and have been here all the morning, as the mail will not start for Hamburgh until four this afternoon. It has been far from well with me in my soul to-day. That awful conversation last night has been spiritual poison to j How very soon do we, even unconsciously, receive evil | April 10. Hamburgh. I arrived here at ten this morning. April 11. I went on board last night, and at twelve we sailed. This morning at half-past eleven we arrived at Cuxhaven, where we cast anchors, on account of a strong contrary wind. April 13. Though I desired as much, perhaps, as any of the passengers speedily to get to the end of our voyage, longing to get back again to my work in Bristol, and also to my wife and children, yet I was kept in peace; and whilst some murmured at the contrary wind, the Lord enabled me to lift up my heart in prayer that he would calm it, if it were his holy will, and accordingly, after a delay of about nineteen hours, we plied again yesterday morning, at seven. At ten I was taken with sea sickness, from which I had been kept during my four previous short voyages in answer to prayer; but this time I on purpose refrained from pray- ing about it, as I did not know whether it was better for my health to be sea-sick or not. The sickness continued the whole of yesterday. To-day I am well. We have fine and calm weather. I consider it a mercy that the Lord has allowed me to be sea-sick. April 15. Bristol. Yesterday at one we landed in Tondon. In answer to prayer I soon obtained mythings from the Custom-house, and reached my friends in Chan- cery Lane a little before two, where I found a letter from my wife, stating that brother Craik is ill, having an in- flammation in the wind-pipe, and therefore, humanly speaking, will be unable to preach for some time. In consequence of this I started immediately for Bristol, where I arrived this morning. I found brother Craik better than I had expected, though completely unable to attend to the ministry of the word. tº April 16. To-day brother Craik and I received 111.15s. 9d. each, being a legacy left to us some time since. We said once or twice to one another, that per- N 3 138 [A.D. 1835. haps this money might be paid just at a time when we much needed it. And so it is just now. May I and all my brethren leave the management of all our affairs en- tirely to the Lord, who best knows what is good for us; and may it be our concern to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all temporal supplies shall be added to us ! April 25. To-day, my hat being worn out, I had a new one anonymously sent. This is the sixth hat I have had successively sent. May 1. I went to see brother Craik, and found him better, but heard from his medical atten- dant that he ought not to preach for several months. May 5. My father-in-law has been for several days very ill. May 15. Mr. Groves continues very ill. May 29. This morning brother Craik went into Devonshire for change of air. - June 3. To-day we had a public meeting on account of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for home and abroad. It is now fifteen months, since, in dependance upon the Lord for the supply of means, we have been en- abled to provide poor children with schooling, circulate the Holy Scriptures, and aid missionary labours. During this time, though the field of labour has been continually enlarging, and though we have now and then been brought low in funds, the Lord has never allowed us to be obliged to stop the work. We have been enabled during this time to establish three day-schools, and to connect with the Institution two other charity day-schools, which, humanly speaking, otherwise would have been closed for want of means. In addition to this, the expenses connected with a Sunday-school and an adult school have been likewise defrayed, making seven schools altogether. The number of the children that have been thus provided with school- ing, in the day-schools only, amounts to 439. The num- ber of copies of the Holy Scriptures, which have been circulated, is 795 Bibles and 753 New Testaments. We have also sent, in aid of missionary labours in Canada, in the East Indies, and on the Continent of Europe, 1171.11s. The whole amount of the free-will offerings put into our hands for carrying on this work, from March 5, 1834, to May 19, 1835, is 3637. 12s. 0#d. June 20. Our father is evidently to-day near his end. June 22. This morning at two our father died. June 23. A.D. 1835.] 139 Both our children areill. June 24. Our little boy is very ill. June 25. The dear little boy is so ill, that I have no hope of his recovery. The disease is inflammation on the chest. I spoke this evening comfortably at Gideon, on Psalm cylv. 1–4, thinking it right that neither the death of my father-in-law, nor my dying child should keep me from the Lord’s work. The Lord’s holy will be done concerning the dear little one. June 26. My prayer last evening was, that God would be pleased to support my dear wife under the trial, should he remove the little one; and to take him soon to himself, thus sparing him from suffering. I did not pray for the child’s recovery. It was but two hours after that the dear little one went home. The eldest and the youngest the Lord has thus removed from our family in the same week. My dear Mary feels her loss much, but yet is greatly supported. As to my- self, I am so fully enabled to realize that the dear infant is so much better off with the Lord Jesus than with us, that I scarcely feel the loss at all, and when I weep, I weep for joy. June 27. My dear wife is graciously supported. May the Lord grant that these afflictions may not be lost upon us! June 28. I preached to-day both times comfortably. June 29. This morning was the funeral. The remains of our father and infant were put into the same grave. July 3. Our taxes are due, and may be called for any day, and for the first time we have no money to pay them, as we were obliged, on account of our late afflictions, to spend the money which we had put by for them. May the Lord in mercy provide 1 July 6. I was enabled to- day, by the free-will offerings through the boxes, and by what I had left, to pay the taxes before they were called for. How kind of the Lord to answer my prayer so soon | July 8. This evening I had 57, sent from Weston-super- Mare. So the Lord has again appeared. May I praise his holy name for this seasonable help, which came when I had scarcely any money left 1 July 14. To-day I had again a suit of new clothes given to me by a brother. My clothes were much worn and old, and our late funeral might have given a second reason for having new ones. But I did not order any, because I had no money to pay for them, and thought it wrong to contract debts.-A fresh paper was brought in to-day for taxes, which ought 140 [A.D. 1835. to have been asked for many months since. May the Lord give us the means to pay them July 15. We had again an especial prayer-meeting for the restoration of brother Craik, who, though well in his general health, is yet unable to preach, or even to converse for any length of time. July 18. I have felt for several days weak in my chest. This weakness has been increas- ing, and to-day I have felt it more than ever. I have thought it well to refrain next week from all public speaking. May the Lord grant that I may be brought nearer to him through this, for I am not at all in the state in which I ought to be, and I think sometimes that our late afflictions have been lost upon me, and that the Lord will need to chastise me severely. July 22. The last mentioned taxes were called for this morning, just after the Lord had sent us 5l., from a dis- tance of about eighty miles. So the Lord has again of late, repeatedly, in answer to prayer, sent help. May this lead us to trust in him for the future 1 July 28. Since the 14th I have felt unwell, and though sometimes a little better, on the whole I have been getting worse and worse. This morning I have seen our medical attendant, who thinks that all the disease arises from a disordered stomach. July 31. To-day brother C r, formerly a minister in the establishment, who came to us a few days since, began, in connexion with the Scriptural Knowledge In- stitution, to go from house to house, to spread the truth as a city missionary. [This was a remarkable interposi- tion of God. Brother Craik had before this, for some months, been unable on account of bodily infirmity, to labour in the work of the schools, the circulation of the Scriptures, &c., and my own weakness, shortly after bro- ther C r’s arrival, increased so that I was obliged to give up the work entirely. How gracious, therefore, of the Lord, to send brother C r, that thus the work might go on | Up to July 1837 this beloved brother was enabled to continue in his work, and thus this little In- stitution was in a most important way enlarged as it regards the field of labour.] August 15. To-day dear brother Craik returned from T)evonshire, much better in his general health, but not better as it regards his voice. August 24. I feel very weak, and suffer more than before from the disease. I am A.D., 1835.] 141 in doubt whether to leave Bristol entirely for a time. I have no money to go away for a change of air. I have had an invitation to stay for a week with a sister in the country, and I think of accepting the invitation, and going to-morrow. August 26. To-day I had 5l. given to me for the eaſpress purpose of using change of air. Aug. 29. To-day I received another 5l. for the same purpose. August 30. To-day, for the first Lord’s day since our arrival in Bristol, I have been kept from preaching through illness. How mercifully has the Lord dealt in giving me so much strength for these years! I had another 5l. sent, to aid me in procuring change of air. How kind is the Lord in thus providing me with the means for leaving Bristol! September 2. Went with my family to Portis- head. September 3 to 5. I read the lives of the English martyrs at the time of the reformation. My spirit has been greatly refreshed. May the Lord help me to follow these holy men as far as they followed Christ Of all reading, besides that of the Holy Scriptures, which should be always THE book, THE CHIEF book to us, not merely in theory, but also in practice, such like books seem to me the most useful for the growth of the inner man. Yet one has to be cautious in the choice, and to guard against reading too much. At such a time as the present, when my mind and body are too weak for much exertion, as the study of the word, conversation, writing letters, or walking, &c., I find it most refreshing to read a few pages of this kind, though these last six years I have not read the fifth part, perhaps not the tenth part as much of other books as of the Holy Scriptures. September 14. We are still at Portishead. I am but little better. I am greatly bowed down to-day on account of my inward corruptions and carnality of heart. When will God deliver me from this state?! How I long to be more like him! My present way of living is also a great trial to me. The caring so much about the body; the having for my chief employment eating and drinking, walking, bathing, and taking horse exercise: all this to which I have not been at all accustomed these six years, I find to be very trying. I would much rather be again in the midst of the work in Bristol, if my Lord will con- descend to use his most unworthy servant. September 15. As I clearly understood that the per- 142 [A.D. 1835. son, who lets me his horse, has no license, I saw, that, being bound as a believer to act according to the laws of the country, I could use it no longer; and as horse exercise seems most important, humanly speaking, for my restoration, and as this is the only horse, which is to be had in the place, we came to the conclusion to leave Portishead to-morrow. Immediately after, I received a kind letter from a brother and two sisters in the Lord, who live in the Isle of Wight, which contained a fourth invitation, more pressing than ever, to come and stay with them for some time. In addition to this, they wrote that they had repeatedly prayed about the matter, and were persuaded that I ought to come. This matter has been to-day a subject for prayer and consideration to us. September 16. We came this morning to the conclu- sion to leave Portishead to-day, and that I should go to the Isle of Wight; but we saw not how my wife and child and our servant could accompany me, as we had not suffi- cient money for travelling expenses; and yet this seemed of importance, as otherwise my wife would be overbur- dened in my absence, and my mind would not be suffici- ently free; and besides this, she also seems to need change of air. The Lord graciously removed the diffi- culty this evening; for we received most unea pectedly and wn asked for 6l. 13s., which was owed to us, and also, when we had already retired to rest, a letter was brought, containing a present of 21. How very, very kind, and tender is the Lord | September 19. This evening we arrived at our friends' in the Isle of Wight, by whom we were most kindly received. September 21 to 26. Nothing remarkable has occurred. I feel very comfortable in this place, and find my stay here refreshing to my soul. My health is about the same. I am not fit for mental exercise, and am soon fatigued even by conversation. I have read during the last days, with great interest and admiration of the good- ness of God, and to the refreshment of my soul, the life of John Newton, and the lives of some of the English martyrs at the time of the reformation. Sept. 27. To-day I am thirty years of age. I feel myself an unprofitable servant. How much more might I have lived for God than I have done! May the Lord grant, that if I am allowed to stay a few days more in A.D. 1835.] 143 this world, they may be spent entirely for him 1 Sep- tember 29. Last evening, when I retired from the family, I had a desire to go to rest at once, for I had prayed a short while before; and feeling weak in body, the cold- ness of the night was a temptation to me to pray no further. However, the Lord did help me to fall upon my knees: and no sooner had I commenced praying, than he shone into my soul, and gave me such a spirit of prayer, as I had not enjoyed for many weeks. . He gra- ciously once more revived his work in my heart. I enjoyed that nearness to God and fervency in prayer, for more than an hour, for which my soul had been panting for many weeks past. For the first time, during this illness, I had now also a spirit of prayer as it regards my health. I could ask the Lord earnestly to restore me again, which had not been the case before. I now long to go back again to the work in Bristol, yet without im- patience, and feel assured that the Lord will strengthen me to return to it. I went to bed especially happy and awoke this morning in great peace, rose sooner than usual, and had again, for more than an hour, real commu- nion with the Lord before breakfast. May he in mercy continue this state of heart to his most unworthy child ! October 8. My strength has been during the last days increasing, but I feel still the symptoms of indigestion. I have been able to speak several times at family prayer, and to expound the Scriptures to the school children, without suffering in consequence of it. October 9. I have many times had thoughts of giving in print some account of the Lord's goodness to me, for the instruction, comfort, and encouragement of the chil- dren of God; and I have been more than ever stirred up to do so since I read Newton’s life a few days ago. I have considered, to-day, all the reasons for and against, and find that there are scarcely any against, and many for it. October 15. To-day we left our dear friends for Bristol. November 15. Prother C r and I have been praying together the last five days, that the Lord would be pleased to send us means for the carrying on of the work of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. This evening a brother gave me 6s. 1d., being money which he formerly used to pay towards the support of a trade elub, which he has 144 [A.D. 1835. lately given up for the Lord’s sake. November 18. This evening 30l. was given to me; 25l. for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, and 5l. for myself. This is a most remarkable answer to prayer. Brother C r and I have prayed repeatedly together during the last week, concerning the work, and especially that the Lord would be pleased to give us the means to continue, and even to enlarge, the field. In addition to this, I have several times asked for a supply for myself, and he has kindly granted both these requests. Oh that I may have grace to trust him more and more 1 November 20. This evening I took tea at a sister's house, where I found Franke's life. I have frequently, for a long time, thought of labouring in a similar way, though it might be on a much smaller scale; not to imitate Franke, but in reliance upon the Lord. May God make it plain! November 21. To-day I have had it very much impressed on my heart, no longer merely to think about the establishment of an Orphan-House, but actually to set about it, and I have been very much in prayer respecting it, in order to ascer- tain the Lord’s mind.—I received this day, from an unex- pected quarter, 5l. for the Scriptural Knowledge Institu- tion, in answer to prayer; and I had also ll. 14s. 6d. sent from a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. November 22. This evening I had sent for the Institu- tion 17 4s. November 23. To-day I had 101. sent from Ireland for our Institution. Thus the Lord, in answer to prayer, has given me, in a few days, about 50l. I had asked only for 40l. This has been a great encouragement to me, and has still more stirred me up to think and pray about the establishment of an Orphan-House. Novem- ber 25. I have been again much in prayer yesterday and to-day about the Orphan-House, and am more and more convinced that it is of God. May he in mercy guide me! The three chief reasons for establishing an Orphan- Eſouse are:—1. That God may be glorified, should he be pleased to furnish me with the means, in its being seen that it is not a vain thing to trust in him; and that thus the faith of his children may be strengthened. 2. The spiritual welfare of fatherless and motherless children. 3. Their temporal welfare. . It may be well to enter somewhat more minutely, than my journal does, upon the reasons which led me to estab- 145 [A.D. 1835. lish an Orphan-House. Through my pastoral labours among the saints in Bristol, through my considerable cor- respondence, and through brethren who visited Bristol; I had constantly cases brought before me, which proved, that one of the especial things which the children of God needed in our day, was, to have their faith strengthened. For instance: I might visit a brother, who worked four- teen or even sixteen hours a day at his trade, the neces- sary result of which was, that not only his body suffered, but his soul was lean, and he had no enjoyment in the things of God. Under such circumstances I might point out to him that he ought to work less, in order that his bodily health might not suffer, and that he might gather strength for his inner man, by reading the word of God, by medi- tation over it, and by prayer. The reply, however, I generally found to be something like this: “But if I work less, I do not earn enough for the support of my family. Even now, whilst I work so much, I have scarcely enough. The wages are so low, that I must work hard in order to obtain what I need.” There was no trust in God. No real belief in the truth of that word: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” I might reply some- thing like this: “My dear brother, it is not your work which supports your family, but the Lord; and he who has fed you and your family when you could not work at all, on account of illness, would surely provide for you and yours, if, for the sake of obtaining food for your inner man, you were to work only for so many hours a day, as would allow you proper time for retirement. And is it not the case now, that you begin the work of the day after having had only a few hurried moments for prayer; and when you leave off your work in the evening, and mean then to read a little of the word of God, are you not too much worn out in body and mind, to enjoy it, and do you not often fall asleep whilst reading the Scriptures, or whilst on your knees in prayer P” The brother would allow it was so; he would allow that my advice was good; but still I read in his countenance, even if he should not have actually said so, “How should I get on, if I were to carry out your advice P” I longed, therefore, to have some- thing to point the brother to, as a visible proof, that our. God and Father is the same faithful God as ever he was; O 146 [A.D. 1835. as willing as ever to PROVE himself to be the LIVING GOD, in our day as formerly, to all who put their trust in him. Again, sometimes I found children of God tried in mind by the prospect of old age, when they might be unable to work any longer, and therefore were harassed by the fear of having to go into the poor-house. If in such a case I pointed out to them, how their Heavenly Rather has always helped those who put their trust in him, they might not, perhaps, always say, that times have changed; but yet it was evident enough, that God was not looked upon by them as the LIVING God. My spirit was ofttimes bowed down by this, and I longed to set something before the children of God, whereby they might see, that he does not forsake, even in our day, those who rely upon him. Another class of persons were brethren in business, who suffered in their souls, and brought guilt on their consciences, by carrying on their business, almost in the same way, as unconverted persons do. The competition in trade, the bad times, the over-peopled country, were given as reasons why, if the business were carried on simply according to the word of God, it could not be expected to do well. Such a brother, perhaps, would express the wish, that he might be diffe- rently situated, but very rarely did I see, that there was a stand made for God, that there was the holy determination to trust in the living God, and to depend on him, in order that a good conscience might be maintained. To this class likewise I desired to show, by a visible proof, that God is unchangeably the same.——Then there was another class of persons, individuals who were in professions in which they could not continue with a good conscience, or persons who were in an unscriptural position with reference to spiritual things; but both classes feared, on account of the consequences, to give up the profession in which they could not abide with God, or to leave their position, lest they should be thrown out of employment. My spirit longed to be instrumental in strengthening their faith, by giving them not only instances from the word of God, of his willingness and ability to help all those who rely upon him, but to show them by proofs, that he is the same in our day. I well knew that the word of God ought to be enough, and it was, by grace, enough to me; but still, I considered that I ought to lend a helping hand to my A.D. 1835.] 147 brethren, if by any means, by this visible proof to the un- changeable faithfulness of the Lord, I might strengthen their hands in God; for I remembered what a great blessing my own soul had received through the Lord's dealings with his servant A. H. Franke, who, in de- pendance upon the living God alone, established an immense Orphan-House, which I had seen many times with my own eyes. I, therefore, judged myself bound to be the servant of the Church of Christ, in the particular point on which I had obtained mercy: namely, in being able to take God by his word and to rely upon it. All these exercises of my soul, which resulted from the fact that so many believers, with whom I became acquainted, were harassed and distressed in mind, or brought guilt on their consciences, on account of not trusting in the Lord; were used by God to awaken in my heart the desire of setting before the church at large, and before the world, a proof that he has not in the least changed: and this seemed to me best done, by the establishing of an Orphan-House. It needed to be something which could be seen, even by the natural eye. Now, if I, a poor man, simply by prayer and faith, obtained, without asking any individual, the means for establishing and carrying on an Orphan-House : there would be something which, with the Lord’s blessing, might be instrumental in strengthening the faith of the children of God, besides being a testimony to the consciences of the uncon- verted, of the reality of the things of God. . This, then, was the primary reason, for establishing the Orphan- House. I certainly did from my heart desire to be used by God to benefit the bodies of poor children, bereaved of both parents, and seek in other respects, with the help of God, to do them good for this life;—I also particularly longed to be used by God in getting the dear orphans trained up in the fear of God;—but still, the first and primary object of the work was, (and still is):-that God might be magnified by the fact, that the orphans under my care are provided with all they need only by prayer and faith, without any one being asked by me or my fellow-labourers, whereby it may be seen, that God is FAITH FUL STILL, and HEARs PRAYER STILL. That I was not mistaken, has been abundantly proved since Novem- ber, 1835, both by the conversion of many sinners who O 2 148 [A.D. 1835. have read the accounts, which have been published in connexion with this work, and also by the abundance of fruit that has followed in the hearts of the saints, for which, from my inmost soul, I desire to be grateful to God, and the honour and glory of which not only is due to him alone, but which I, by his help, am enabled to ascribe to him. November 28. I have been, every day this week, very much in prayer concerning the Orphan-House, chiefly en- treating the Lord to take away every thought concerning it out of my mind, if the matter be not of him; and have also repeatedly examined my heart concerning my motives in the matter. But I have been more and more confirmed that it is of God. December 2. I have again, these last days, prayed much about the Orphan-House, and have frequently examined my heart, that if it were at all my desire to establish it for the sake of gratifying myself, I might find it out. To that end I have also conversed with brother Craik about it, that he might be instrumental in showing me any hidden corruption of my heart concerning the matter, or any other scriptural reason against my engaging in it. The one only reason which ever made me at all doubt as to its being of God, that I should engage in this work, is, the multiplicity of engagements which I have already. But that which has overbalanced this objection in my mind has been:—1. That the matter is of such great im- portance. 2. That if the matter be of God, he will in due time send suitable individuals, so that comparatively little of my time will be taken up in this service. This morning I asked the Lord especially, that he would be pleased to teach me through the instrumentality of brother C.; and I went to him, that he might have an opportunity of probing my heart. For as I desire only the Lord’s glory, I should be glad to be instructed through the instrumentality of any brother, if the matter be not of him. But brother C., on the contrary, greatly en- couraged me in it. Therefore I have this day taken the first actual step in the matter, in having ordered bills to be printed, announcing a public meeting on December 9th, at which I intend to lay before the brethren my thoughts concerning the Orphan-House, as a means of ascertaining more clearly the Lord’s mind concerning the matter. De- A.D. 1835.] 149 cember 4. Brother Craik told me this morning, that his voice is getting a little better. December 5. This evening I was struck, in reading the Scriptures, with these words: “Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” Ps. lxxxi. 10. Up to this day I had not prayed at all concerning the means or individuals needed for the Orphan-House. I was now led to apply this scripture to the Orphan-House, and asked the Lord for premises, 1000l., and suitable in- dividuals to take care of the children. December 7. To- day I received the first shilling for the Orphan-House. Afterwards I received another shilling from a German brother. December 9. This afternoon the first piece of furniture was given—a large wardrobe. This afternoon and even- ing I was low in spirit as it regards the Orphan-House, but as soon as I began to speak at the meeting, I received peculiar assistance from God, felt great peace and joy, and the assurance that the work is of God. After the meet- inglos. was given to me. There was purposely no collection, nor did any one speak besides myself: for it was not in the least intended to work upon the feelings, for I sought to be quite sure concerning the mind of God. After the meeting a sister offered herself for the work. I went home happy in the Lord, and full of confidence that the matter will come to pass, though but 10s. has been given. December 10. This morning I have sent to the press a statement, which contains the substance of what I said at the meeting last evening. [For the sake of those who have not read it before, it is given here.] Proposal for the Establishment of an Orphan-House in connexion with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. Since the last Report of the operations of the Scriptural Rnowledge Institution for home and abroad was published, the Lord has sent us, in answer to prayer, brother John C r, formerly a minister of the establishment, as a city missionary, who goes from house to house, among the poor of this city, to converse with them about the things of God, to circulate the Scriptures among them, to get them to come to the adult-school, if they cannot read, and to advise them to put their children to our schools, pro- O 3 150 | A.D. 1835. vided they go to no other. It was particularly gracious of the Lord to send this brother, nearly five months ago, as my brother and fellow labourer, Henry Craik, has been for these eight months laid aside from the ministry of the word, on account of bodily infirmity, and has therefore been unable to take an active part in this Institution. Thus I have not only found great help, but I have been greatly encouraged to enlarge the field. That to which my mind has been particularly directed is, to establish an Orphan-House, in which destitute fatherless and mother- less children may be provided with food and raiment, and scriptural education. Concerning this intended Orphan- House I would say:- 1. It is intended to be in connexion with the Scriptural Rnowledge Institution for home and abroad, in so far as it respects the Reports, accounts, superintendence, and the principles on which it is conducted, so that, in one sense, it may be considered as a new object of the Insti- tution, yet with this difference, that only those funds shall be applied to the Orphan-House which are eaſpressly given for it. If, therefore, any believer should prefer to sup- port either those objects which have been hitherto asssisted by the funds of this Institution, or the intended Orphan- House, it need only be mentioned, in order that the money may be applied accordingly. 2. It will only be established if the Lord should provide both the means for it and suitable persons to conduct it. As to the means, I would make the following remarks. The reason for proposing to enlarge the field, is not be- cause we have of late particularly abounded in means; for we have been rather straitened. The many gracious answers, however, which the Lord had given us concern- ing this Institution, led brother C r and me to give ourselves to prayer, asking him to supply us with the means to carry on the work, as we consider it unscrip- tural to contract debts. During five days, we prayed several times, both unitedly and separately. After that time, the Lord began to answer our prayers, so that, within a few days, about 50l. was given to us. I would further say, that the very gracious and tender dealings of God with me, in having supplied, in answer to prayer, for the last five years, my own temporal wants without any A.D. 1835.] 151 certain income, so that money, provisions and clothes have been sent to me at times when I was greatly strait- ened, and that not only in small, but large quantities; and not merely from individuals living in the same place with me, but at a considerable distance ; and that not merely from intimate friends, but from individuals whom I have never seen : all this, I say, has often led me to think, even as long as four years ago, that the Lord had not given me this simple reliance on him merely for my- self, but also for others. Often, when I saw poor neg- lected children running about the streets at Teignmouth, I said to myself: “May it not be the will of God, that I should establish schools for these children, asking him to give me the means ?” However, it remained only a thought in my mind for two or three years. About two years and six months since, I was particularly stirred up afresh to do something for destitute children, by seeing so many of them begging in the streets of Bristol, and coming to our door. It was not, then, left undone on account of want of trust in the Lord, but through an abundance of other things calling for all the time and strength of my brother Craik and myself; for the Lord had both given faith, and had also shown by the follow- ing instance, in addition to very many others, both what he can and what he will do. One morning, whilst sitting in my room, I thought about the distress of certain bre- thren, and said thus to myself:-‘O that it might please the Lord to give me the means to help these poor bre- thren l’’ About an hour afterwards I had 60l. sent as a present for myself, from a brother, whom up to this day I have never seen, and who was then, and is still, residing several thousand miles from this. Should not such an experience, together with promises like that one in John xiv. 13, 14, encourage us to ask with all boldness, for our- selves and others, both temporal and spiritual blessings? The Lord, for I cannot but think it was he, again and again brought the thought about these poor children to my mind, till at last it ended in the establishment of “The Scriptural Knowledge Institution, for Home and Abroad;” since the establishment of which, I have had it in a similar way brought to my mind, first about four- teen months ago, and repeatedly since, but especially during these last weeks, to establish an Orphan-House. 152 [A.D. 1835. My frequent prayer of late has been, that, if it be of God, he would let it come to pass; if not, that he would take from me all thoughts about it. The latter has not been the case, but I have been led more and more to think that the matter may be of him. Now, if so, he can influence his people in any part of the world, (for I do not look to Bristol, nor even to England, but to the living God, whose is the gold and the silver,) to intrust me and brother C—r, whom the Lord has made willing to help me in this work, with the means. Till we have them, we can do nothing in the way of renting a house, furnishing it, &c. Yet, when once as much as is needed for this has been sent us, as also proper persons to engage in the work, we do not think it needful to wait till we have the Orphan- House endowed, or a number of yearly subscribers for it; but we trust to be enabled by the Lord, who has taught us to ask for our daily bread, to look to him for the supply of the daily wants of those children whom he may be pleased to put under our care. Any donations will be received at my house. Should any believers have tables, chairs, bedsteads, bedding, earthenware, or any kind of household furniture to spare, for the furnishing of the house; or remnants or pieces of calico, linen, flannel, cloth, or any materials useful for wearing apparel; or clothes already worn; they will be thankfully received. Respecting the persons who are needed for carrying on the work a rº" . of no less importance than the pro- curing of funds, I would observe, that we look for them to God himself, as well as for the funds; and that all who may be engaged as masters, matrons, and assistants, according to the smallness or largeness of the Institution, must be known to us as true believers; and moreover, as far as we may be able to judge, must likewise be qualified for the work. . 3. At present nothing can be said as to the time when the operations are likely to commence; nor whether the Institution will embrace children of both sexes, or be restricted either to boys or girls exclusively; nor of what age they will be received, and how long they may continue in it ; for though we have thought about these things, yet we would rather be guided in these particulars by the amount of the means, which the Lord may put into our hands, and by the number of the individuals, whom he may A.D. 1835.] 153 provide for conducting the Institution. Should the Lord condescend to use us as instruments, a short printed statement will be issued as soon as something more defi- nite can be said. 4. It has appeared well to us to receive only such desti- tute children as have been bereaved of both parents. 5. The children are intended, if girls, to be brought up for service; if boys, for a trade; and therefore they will be employed, according to their ability and bodily strength, in useful occupations, and thus help to maintain them- selves; besides this they are intended to receive a plain education ; but the chief and especial end of the Insti- tution will be to seek, with God’s blessing, to bring them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, by instructing them in the Scriptures. GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, Dec. 10th, 1835. Tecember 11. I have been enabled to pray all this week with increased confidence concerning the Orphan- House, as it regards means, a house, suitable individuals to take care of the children, furniture, &c. December 16. Brother C––n, whom the Lord has kindly allowed to stay above two months among us, to supply brother Craik's lack of service, left us to-day. How very gracious has the Lord been to us in this affliction 1 Many bre- thren have been sent to us as helpers for a little while— brother C–t for the greater part of the time, and bro- ther C––n for more than two months. And, in addition to this, when brother Craik and I were both ill, the brethren were kept in peace, and there was a spirit of prayer among them. December 31. This evening we had an especial meeting for prayer and praise. We con- tinued together from seven till after twelve. There have been received into the church at Gideon during the past year . sº º e º 29 Ditto, Bethesda c º tº º * > e 30 Altogether º º 59 Of these 59, 30 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through the instrumentality of brother Craik 154 [A.D. 1836. and me. There are now, of those who have been begotten again through us, since we have been in Bristol, at Gideon 63, and at Bethesda 71—altogether 134. Besides this several have fallen asleep in the faith, who never were in communion with us, and several of our spiritual children have joined other churches, in and out of Bristol, and many are now standing as hopeful characters on the list of candidates for communion. There have been added to the church at Gideon, since we came, 125; to Bethesda, 163—altogether 288; so that the number of both churches would have been 356 (68 believers we found at Gideon), had there been no changes; but Of Gideon are at present under church discipline 6, of Bethesda, 7, altogether 13 Do. have fallen asleep . 12 do. 5 do. 17 T}o. have left Bristol . 10 do. 4. do. 14 Do. have left us, but are still in Bristol . . . 11 do. 4. do. 15 39 20 59 So that there are at present in communion with us 297:—143 at Bethesda, and 154 at Gideon. As it regards the way in which the Lord in his faithful love supplied my temporal wants, during the past year, I mention that I received— 3. s. d. 1. In free-will offerings, given through the boxes, as my part . e ſº 2. In free-will offerings given by believ- ers in and out of Bristol, not through the boxes . & e º . 120 7 6 3. Towards the house rent I received from brother Craik, in consideration that he has no rent to pay, for nine months * º * e ſº 7 10 O 4. The presents sent to us in clothes and provisions, &c., were worth to us at least . g e & ſº . 27 O O *-** Altogether . 285 1 14 130 3 7+ January 3, 1836. This morning brother Craik spoke a A.D. 1836.] 15 5 little in public for the first time after about nine months. January 6. To-day we had three especial prayer meet- ings, for the full restoration of brother Craik's voice. We had also, on January 7, 8, 9, and 10, especial prayer meet- ings for brother Craik's full restoration. January 16. To-day I put into the press another statement, containing a further account respecting the Orphan-House. [It is here reprinted.] IFurther Account respecting the Orphan-House, intended to be established in Bristol, in connealion with the Scrip- tural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad. When, of late, the thoughts of establishing an Orphan- IHouse, in dependance upon the Lord, revived in my mind, during the first two weeks I only prayed, that, if it were of the Lord, he would bring it about ; but, if not, that he graciously would be pleased to take all thoughts about it out of my mind. My uncertainty about knowing the Lord’s mind did not arise from questioning whether it would be pleasing in his sight, that there should be an abode and scriptural education provided for destitute fatherless and motherless children, but whether it were his will that I should be the instrument of setting such an object on foot, as my hands were already more than filled. My comfort, however, was, that if it were his will, he would provide not merely the means, but also suitable individuals to take care of the children, so that my part of the work would take only such a portion of my time, as, considering the importance of the matter, I might give, notwithstanding my many other engagements. The whole of those two weeks I never asked the Lord for money, or for persons to engage in the work. On Decem- ber 5th, however, the subject of my prayer all at once be- came different. I was reading Psalm lxxxi, and was par- ticularly struck, more than at any time before, with ver. 10: “Open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.” I thought a few moments about these words, and then was led to apply them to the case of the Orphan-House. It struck me that I had never asked the Lord for any thing con- cerning it, except to know his will respecting its being established or not; and I then fell on my knees, and opened my mouth wide, asking him for much. I asked 156 [A. D. 1835. in submission to his will, and without fixing a time when he should answer my petition. I prayed that he would give me a house, i. e. either as a loan, or that some one might be led to pay the rent for one, or that one might be given permanently for this object; further I asked him for £1000. ; and likewise for suitable individuals to take care of the children. Besides this, I have been since led to ask the Lord, to put it into the hearts of his people to send me articles of furniture for the house, and some clothes for the children. When I was asking the petition, I was fully aware what I was doing, i. e. that I was ask- ing for something which I had no natural prospect of ob- taining from the brethren whom Iknow, but which was not too much for the Lord to grant. As I have stated, that I desire to see clearly the Lord’s will concerning the Orphan-House, by his providing both the means and suit- able individuals for it, I will now mention how he has been dealing with me in these respects. T]ecember 7, 1835.-Anonymously was given 2s. In the paper in which they were enclosed was written “1s. for the Orphan-House, and 1s. for the Scriptural Know- ledge Institution. In the name of the Lord alone lift up your banners, so shall you prosper.” 1s. besides was given. December 9. I found 3s, in the box, which I had put up two days before in my room for the Orphan- House, and a large wardrobe was given just before the meeting in the evening, when I stated publicly my desire concerning this object before the brethren. After the meeting 10s. was given. Also a sister offered herself at the same time for the work. December 10. This morn- ing I received a letter, in which a brother and sister wrote thus:—“We propose ourselves for the service of the intended Orphan-House, if you think us qualified for it ; also to give up all the furniture, &c., which the Lord has given us, for its use; and to do this without receiv- ing any salary whatever, believing that if it be the will of the Lord to employ us, he will supply all our need, &c.” In the evening a brother brought from several individuals three dishes, 28 plates, three basins, one jug, four mugs, three salt stands, one grater, four knives and five forks. December 12. While I was praying this morning that the Lord would give us a fresh token of his favour con- cerning the Orphan-House, a brother brought three A.D. 1835.] 157 dishes, 12 plates, one basin, and one blanket. After this had been given, I thanked God, and asked him to give even this day another encouragement. Shortly after, #50. was given, and that by an individual from whom, for several reasons, I could not have expected this sum. Thus the hand of God appeared so much the more clearly. Lven then I was led to pray, that this day the Lord would give still more. In the evening, accordingly, there was sent by a sister 29 yards of print. Also a sister offered herself for the work. Tecember 13. A brother was in- fluenced this day to give 4s. per week, or 101. 8s. yearly, as long as the Lord gives the means: 8s. was given by him as two weeks’ subscription. To-day a brother and sister offered themselves, with all their furniture, and all their provisions which they have in the house, if they can be usefully employed in the concerns of the Orphan- House. December 14. To-day a sister offered her services for the work. In the evening another sister offered herself for the Institution. December 15. A sister brought from several friends ten basins, eight mugs, one plate, five dessert spoons, six tea spoons, one skimmer, one toasting fork, one flour dredge, three knives and forks, one sheet, one pillow case, one table cloth ; also ll. In the after- noon were sent 55 yards of sheeting, and 12 yards of calico. December 16. I took out of the box in my room 1s. Tecember 17. I was rather cast down last evening and this morning about the matter, questioning whether I Ought to be engaged in this way, and was led to ask the Ilord to give me some further encouragement. Soon after were sent by a brother two pieces of print, the one seven, and the other 23# yards, 64 yards of calico, four pieces of lining, about four yards altogether, a sheet, and a yard measure. This evening another brother brought a clothes’ horse, three frocks, four pinafores, six hand- kerchiefs, three counterpanes, one blanket, two pewter salt cellars, six tin cups, and six metal tea spoons; he also brought 3s.6d., given to him by three different individuals. At the same time he told me that it had been put into the heart of an individual to send to-morrow 100l. T)ecember 18. This afternoon the same brother brought, from a sister, a counterpane, a flat iron stand, eight cups and saucers, a sugar basin, a milk jug, a tea-cup, 16 P 158" [A.D. 1835. thimbles, five knives and forks, six dessert spoons, 12 tea. spoons, four combs, and two little graters; from another friend a flat iron and a cup and saucer. At the same time he brought the 100l. above referred to. [Since the publication of the second edition it has pleased the Lord to take to himself the donor of this 100l., and I therefore give in this present edition some further account of the donation and the donor, as the particulars respecting both, with God's blessing, may tend to edification. In- deed I confess that I am delighted to be at liberty, in consequence of the death of the donor, to give the follow- ing short narrative, which, during her lifetime, I should not have considered it wise to publish. A. L., the donor, was known to me almost from the beginning of my coming to Bristol in 1832. She earned her bread by needlework, by which she gained from 2s. to 5s. per week; the average, I suppose, was not more than about 3s.6d., as she was weak in body. But this dear, humble sister was content with her small earnings, and I do not remember ever to have heard her utter a word of complaint on account of earning so little. Some time before I had been led to establish an Orphan-House, her father had died, through which event she had come into the possession of 480l., which sum had been left to her (and the same amount to her brother and two sisters) by her grandmother, but of which her father had had the interest during his life-time. The father, who had been much given to drinking, died in debt, which debts the children wished to pay; but the rest, besides A. L., did not like to pay the full amount, and offered to the creditors 5s. in the pound, which they gladly accepted, as they had not the least legal claim upon the children. After the debts had been paid, according to this agreement, sister A. L. said to herself, “However sinful my father may have been, yet he was my father, and as I have the means of paying his debts to the full amount, I ought, as a believing child, to do so, seeing that my brother and sisters will not do it.” She then went to all the creditors secretly, and paid the full amount of the debts, which took 40l. more of her money, besides her share which she had given before. Her brother and two sisters now gave 50l. each of their property to their mother; but A. L. said to herself: “I am a child of God, Surely I ought to give my mother twice as much as my A.D. 1835.] 159 brother and sisters. She, therefore, gave her mother 100l. Shortly after this she sent me the 100l. towards the Orphan-House. I was not a little surprised when I received this money from her, for I had always known her as a poor girl, and I had never heard any thing about her having come into the possession of this money, and her dress had never given me the least indication of an altera- tion in her circumstances. Before, however, accepting this money from her, I had a long conversation with her, in which I sought to probe her as to her motives, and in which I sought to ascertain whether, as I had feared, she might have given this money in the feeling of the moment, without having counted the cost. I was the more parti- cular, because, if the money were given, without its being given from Scriptural motives, and there should be regret afterwards, the name of the Lord would be dishonoured. But I had not conversed long with this beloved sister, before I found that she was, in this particular, a quiet, calm, considerate follower of the Lord Jesus, and one who desired, in spite of what human reason might say, to act according to the words of our Lord: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.” Matthew vi. 19. “Sell that ye have, and give alms.” Luke xii. 33. When I remonstrated with her, in order that I might see, whether she had counted the cost, she said to me: “The Tord Jesus has given his last drop of blood for me, and should I not give him this 100l. P” She likewise said: “Bather than the Orphan-House should not be established, I will give all the money I have.” When I saw that she had weighed the matter according to the word of God, and that she had counted the cost, I could not but take the money, and admire the way which the Lord look, to use this poor, sickly sister as an instrument, in so considerable a measure, for helping, at its very commencement, this work, which I had set about solely in dependance upon the living God. At that time she would also have me take 5l. for the poor saints in communion with us. I mention here particularly, that this dear sister kept all these things to herself, and did them as much as possible in secret; and during her life-time, I suppose, not six brethren and sisters among us knew that she had ever possessed 480l., or that she had given 100l. towards the Orphan-House. But this is not all. Some time after P 2 160 [A.D. 1835. this 100l. had been given by her, brother C r, (who was then labouring as a City Missionary in connexion with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, and who about that very time happened to visit from house to house in that part of the city where A. L. lived), told me that he had met with many cases, in which A. L. had given to one poor woman a bedstead, to another some bedding, to another some clothes, to another food; and thus instance upon instance of acts of love, on the part of our dear sister A. L., had come before him. I relate one instance more. August 4, 1836, seven months and a half after she had given the 100l., she came one morning to me and said: “Last evening I felt myself particularly stirred up to pray about the funds of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution; but whilst praying I thought, what good is it for me to pray for means, if I do not give, when I have the means, and I have therefore brought you this 5l.” As I had reason to believe that by this time by far the greater part of her money was gone, I again had a good deal of conversation with her, to see whether she really did count the cost, and whether this donation also was given unto the Lord, or from momentary excitement, in which case it was better not to give the money. However, she was at this time also steadfast, grounded upon the word of God, and evidently constrained by the love of Christ ; and all the effect my conversation had upon her was, that she said: “You must take five shillings in addition to the 5l., as a proof that I give the 5l. cheerfully.” And thus she constrained me to take the 51. 5s. Four things are especially to be noticed about this beloved sister, with reference to all this period of her earthly pilgrimage: 1, She did all these things in secret, avoiding to the utmost all show about them, and thus proved, that she did not desire the praise of man. 2, She remained, as before, of an humble and lowly mind, and she proved thus, that she had done what she did unto the Lord, and not unto man. 3, Her dress remained, during all the time that she had this comparative abundance, the same as before. It was clean, yet as simple and as inexpensive as it was at the time when all her income had consisted of 8s. 6d., or at most 5s., per week. There was not the least difference as to her lodging, dress, manner of life, etc. She remained in every way the poor hand-maid of the A.D. 1835.] 161 Lord, as to all outward appearance. 4, But that which is as lovely as the rest, she continued working at her needle all this time. She earned her 2s. 6d., or 3s., or a little more, a week, by her work, as before : whilst she gave away the money in Sovereigns or Five Pound Notes.—At last all her money was gone, and that some years before she fell asleep; and as her bodily health never had been good, as long as I had known her, and was now much worse, she found herself peculiarly de- pendant upon the Lord, who never forsook her, up to the last moments of her earthly course. The very commence- ment of her life of simple dependance upon the Lord, was such as greatly to encourage her. She related the facts to me, as I give them here. When she was completely with- out money, and when her little stock of tea and butter was also gone, two sisters in the Lord called on her. After they had been a little while with her, they told her that they had come to take tea with her. She said to herself, I should not at all mind to go without my tea, but this is a great trial, that I have nothing to set before these sisters; and she gave them therefore to understand, that their staying to tea would not be convenient at that time. The sisters, however, I suppose, not understanding the hint, remained, and presently brought out of a basket tea, sugar, butter, and bread, and thus there was all that was requisite for the tea, and the remainder of the provisions was left with her. She told me, that at that time she was not accustomed to trials of faith, as she afterwards was. Her body became weaker and weaker, in consequence of which she was able to work very little, for many months before she died; but the Lord supplied her with all she needed, though she never asked for anything. For instance, a sister in communion with us sent her for many months all the bread she used.—Her mouth was full of thanks- giving, even in the midst of the greatest bodily sufferings. She fell asleep in Jesus in January 1844.—I have related these facts, because they tend to the praise of the Lord, and may be instrumental in stirring up other children of God, to follow this dear departed sister in so far as she followed the Lord Jesus; but, in particular, that I may show in what remarkable ways the Lord proved, from the very beginning, that the Orphan-House was his and not P 3 162 [A.D. 1835. mine. I now go on to narrate further how the Lord provided me with means for it..] This evening a sister sent five small forms. December 20. A sister gave me 5l. December 21. A friend sent 17. Weekly subscription of 4s. December 22. A sister gave me 11, and a friend sent 2s. 6d. December 23. A brother gave this evening a piece of blind line and a dozen of blind tassels. About ten in the evening, a gentleman brought me from an indi- vidual, whose name he was not to mention, 4!., of which I was allowed to take 27, for the Orphan-House, and to give the other 21. to poor believers. December 28. During the last four days I had received no offerings, and was rather cast down about it, not knowing why the Lord dealt thus. Yet, in the midst of it, I had a hope, that he was in the mean time working for the Orpham-House, though nothing had been given. I was again stirred up to pray that the Lord would appear to-day. A little after, I saw a brother who told me, that ever since he had received the printed proposal for the establishment of an Orphan-House, he had considered the matter, and that he was willing to give for the use of it certain premises, which he built some years since, and which cost him 2,600l., provided there could be raised about 500l., to add to the buildings what may be needed, to fit them for the purpose. There is a piece of ground belonging to the premises, sufficiently large to build thereon what may be required. The buildings are very suitable for an Orphan- House, containing some very large rooms. If, therefore, the Lord should put it into the hearts of his people, who have the means, to give this sum of money, the premises will be given. The reason why they are offered under the above-mentioned condition is, that in the state in which they are now, on account of the peculiar purpose for which they were built, they could accommodate only about 15 children, but, by the proposed addition, would be large enough for 50 or 60. For the present, however, the pre- mises are let, and a notice of six months must be given. If this matter should be brought about by the Lord, my prayer concerning a house, which has been repeatedly brought before him since December 5th, will have been answered. Yet I leave the matter in the hands of him, who has the power to give us a place, of which we may take immediate possession, or who can put it into the A.D. 1836.] 163 hearts of his children to pay the rent for a house, or to give us the 500l. necessary to complete the building.— Weekly subscription of 4s. December 29. A clergyman gave 10s. December 30. A brother at Sidmouth sent 51. January 1, 1836. Through a sister was given 6s., being six different donations; also from herself 17. as a donation, besides 1s. as a monthly subscription. Also a lady sent through her ll. 1s. as a yearly subscription. January 2. A sister sent 5l. January 3. A gentleman sent 5s. Jan- uary 4. Weekly subscription of 4s. Through a brother from two friends, 1s. The same brother brought also one dish, three plates, two basins, two cups and saucers, and two knives and forks. January 5. 10s., and 12s. 9d., and 2!. were given. This evening some one rang our house bell. When the door was opened, no one was there, but a kitchen fender and a dish were found at the door, which no doubt were given for the Orphan-House. January 7. 10s. was sent. January 8. 21. was given, also 10s. A sister offered herself for the work. January 9, From E. G. 17. 5s., and from a brother 6d. January 10. 2s. 6d. was given. In the paper was written, “Two widows' mites for the Orphan-School. In the name of the Lord establish it.” January 11. Weekly subscription 4s. January 12. 6d., 6d., 4d, 4d., and 1d. were given. January 14. An old great coat was given; 17. by a brother. A sister in Dublin offered 27. 12s. yearly. There was sent a deal box, a small looking-glass, a candlestick, . ſº a basin, two plates, two knives and forks, and a tin 1Sil. All this money, and all these articles have been given, and all these above-mentioned offers have been made, without my asking any individual for anything ; moreover, almost all has been sent from individuals concerning whom I had naturally no reason to expect any thing, and some of whom I never saw. Upon the ground of these facts, therefore, I am clearly persuaded, that it is the will of the Lord that I should proceed in the work, and I shall therefore now state something more definite than I could in the former paper. 1. If the Lord should not provide previous to the middle of February a house in the way of gift, which in a few weeks may be occupied for an Orphan-House, or put it into the heart of some one who loves him to pay the 164 [A.D. 1836. rent for one, or to lend us one for this purpose, I intend, God willing, to rent certain suitable premises, which are to be had for about 50l. yearly. I purpose to take them for a twelvemonth, for that time would be required, before the building could be finished, should the Tord provide the above-mentioned 500l. 2. It is intended, God willing, to open the institution about April 1. 3. It is purposed to confine the Orphan-House, for the present, to female children. My desire is to help both male and female orphans, and that from their earliest youth; but hitherto the Lord has pointed out only a small commencement. Should it, however, please him to give me the means, and to increase my faith and light, I shall gladly serve him more extensively in this way. It has ap- peared well to me to commence with female children, because they are the more helpless sex, and they need more particularly to be taken care of, that they may not fall a prey to vice. The house which is to be had will accommodate about 30 children, which number I intend to receive at once, should the Lord give me the means to clothe that number, and to furnish the house for so many; but if not, I purpose, at all events, the Lord willing, to commence the work, though with a smaller number. 4. It is intended to receive the children from the seventh to the twelfth year, and to let them stay in the house, till they are able to go to service. 5. As the children will be brought up for service, they will be employed in useful household work. GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, Jan. 16, 1836. January 24. To-day brother Craik preached once for the first time. January 30. To-day I went to meet two sisters, who were expected from London. I sat down in the coach office, took out my Bible, and began to read; and though in the midst of the noise of the city, the Lord most especially refreshed my soul, so much so, that I remember scarcely ever to have had more real communion with him, which lasted for more than an hour. It was the love of Christ which led me there. I would gladly have remained at home, to have had time for prayer and A.D. 1836.] 165 reading the word, especially as I had to leave the house early in the morning. Yet I went for the Lord's sake, and he gave me a blessing: so that, though I had to wait more than two hours, and after all the sisters did not arrive, I was richly repaid. May I but leave myself more and more in his hands! He orders all things well! February 3. I have been very weak for some days. This evening brother Craik was able to preach instead of me, for the first time at the week meetings. How good is the Lord in restoring him thus far! February 16. To- day was a day of thanksgiving on account of brother Craik's restoration. We had three public meetings. Tebruary 17. I had been repeatedly praying to-day for a text, but obtained none. About five minutes before the time of preaching, I was directed to Rev. ii. 19, on which I preached with much assistance and enjoyment to my own soul, without any previous preparation; and the word was felt by many to be a word in season. February 26. This evening both churches met at tea together, with the brethren and sisters, who intend to leave us in a few days for missionary work. February 29. This evening we had a meeting on behalf of the missionary brethren and sisters. They were by seven brethren commended to the Lord in prayer. March 1. This afternoon brother and sister Groves, and the brethren and sisters going with them for missionary purposes, twelve in number, left us for the East Indies. In consequence of the journey to the Continent in the commencement of the last year, four brethren and two sisters have gone out, two brethren in October last, and two brethren and two sisters to-day. This evening we had again a prayer meeting for the dear missionary party. May the Lord soon give us the privilege of seeing some one of our own number go forth! April 21. This day was set apart for prayer and thanksgiving concerning the Orphan-House, as it is now opened. In the morning several brethren prayed, and brother Craik spoke on the last verses of Psalm 20. In the afternoon I addressed our Day and Sunday-School children, the orphans and other children present. In the evening we had another prayer-meeting. There are now 17 children in the Orphan- House. 166 [A.D. 1836. May 3, I have now been for many days praying for the supply of our own temporal wants, and for the funds of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution; but, as yet, I have had not only no answer to my prayers, but our income has been less than usual, and we have had also but very little coming in for the funds of the Institution. We have not been able to put by our taxes, and expect them daily to be called for. My clothes also are now worse than any I ever wore, and I have also but one suit. May 6. I have now been for some years, and especially these last few months, more or less thinking and praying respecting publishing a short account of the Lord’s deal- ings with me. To-day I have at last settled to do so, and have begun to write. * May 16. For these several weeks our income has been little; and though I had prayed many times that the Lord would enable us to put by the taxes, yet the prayer remained unanswered. In the midst of it all, my comfort was that the Lord would send help by the time it would be needed. One thing particularly has been a trial to us of late, far more than our own temporal circumstances, which is, that we have scarcely in any measure been able to relieve the distress among the poor saints. To-day, the Lord at last, after I had many times prayed to him for these weeks past, answered my prayers, there being 7l. 12s. 0#d. given to me as my part of the free-will offer- ings through the boxes, two 5l. notes having been put in yesterday, one for brother Craik and one for me. Thus the Lord has again delivered us, and answered our prayers, and that not one single hour too late ; for the taxes have not as yet been called for. May he fill my heart with gratitude for this fresh deliverance, and may he be pleased to enable me more and more to trust in him, and to wait patiently for his help ! May he also be pleased to teach me more and more the meaning of that word, with reference to my own circumstances:–“ Mine hour is not yet come.” A third statement, containing the announcement of the openingofthe Orphan-House for destitute female children, and a proposal for the establishment of an Infant Orphan- House, was on May 18th, 1836, sent to the press, and is here reprinted. A.D. 1836.] 167 Opening of the Orphan-House for Destitute Female Chil- dren, established in Bristol, in connecion with the Scrip- tural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad; and Proposal for the Establishment of an Infant-Orphan- IHouse. In a previous printed account, a statement has been given of the success with which the Lord has been pleased to crown the prayers of his servant, respecting the establishment of an Orphan-House in this city. The subject of my prayer was, that he would graciously pro- vide a house, either as a loan, or as a gift, or that some one might be led to pay the rent for one; further, that he would give me 1000l. for the object, and likewise suitable individuals to take care of the children. A day or two after, I was led to ask, in addition to the above, that he would put it into the hearts of his people to send me articles of furniture, and some clothes for the children. In answer to these petitions, 184!. 2s. 6d. and many articles of furniture and clothing were sent, a conditional offer of a house, as a gift, was made, and individuals proposed themselves to take care of the children, the par- ticulars of which have been given in the statement already referred to, dated Jan. 16, 1836. I shall now proceed to show how, since that time, the Lord has continued to answer my prayers. January 16, 1836, there was given 6d., six yards of calico, three plates, a cup and saucer, and a jug. January 18. 4s. Jan. 19. A saucepan and steamer, a tin dish, a teapot, some drugget; also 4d., and 1s. Jan. 21. 17., also 5s. Jan. 22.2s. 6d. Jan. 23. A brother gave 5s., the first fruits of the increase of his salary. Jan. 24. 5s.; also ll, and ll. Jan. 25. A brother promised to give 50l. within a twelvemonth, with the particular object of thus securing the payment of the rent of a house. Thus the Lord has answered the prayer respecting this point. There were also given ll. 6d. and 4s. Jan. 27. A form was sent. Jan. 28. A deal table was given, also, anony- mously, were sent a coal box and 4s., also a bedstead. Jan. 29. Two little waiters, two candlesticks, two chan- deliers, two night shades, a tin kettle, a warmer, a bread 168 [A.D. 1836. basket, a fire guard; also one dozen tin cups, six plates, and 1s. 6d. ; also 1s., a water jug, six plates, a sugar basin, a teapot, a tea canister, and a knife. Jan. 30. A frying pan, a tea canister, a metal teapot, a tin dish, a pepper box, a flour scoop, a skimmer, a grater, two tin saucepans, a tin warmer, 55 thimbles, five parcels of hooks and eyes; also ll. Jan. 31. 5l. 5s. ; an old white dress and a fur tippet. February 1. 4s., 2s. 6d., also a sister in the Lord offered to-day to make the bonnets for the children gratuitously, if any one would buy the straw, and that her husband would make a bedstead, if any one would buy the wood; she also mentioned that they would gladly give both the straw and the wood, if they had the means. Feb. 2. 6d., 2d., and out of the box in my room was taken 3s. Feb. 4. 2s. 6d., 6d. ; also a desk and a kitchen table ; there was also promised a subscription of 8s. annually. Eeb. 5. 1s. 6d. Feb. 6. A brother sent 100l., being induced to do so on having had the former paper read to him. Feb. 7. 11., 2s., 1s., 6d., 2s. 6d., 5s., 2s. 6d., 5s., 2s. 6d., 31. 10s. Feb. 8. A table and two chairs, 4.s., 5l., also 30l. was sent from Ireland; 10s., 10s., 17. Feb. 9. 1!., 4s. 1d., 10s., 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 1s., 1s., 1s., 1s., 1d., 5s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 6d., 6d., 6d., 4d., 4d., 1d., 1s. Feb. 11. Three yards of print, 2s. 6d., 5s., 5s., 10s. Feb. 12. A clothes’ horse, a coffee pot, and ls.; also a washing tub, a coffee mill, a pepper mill, two dozen pieces of bobbin, three dozen stay laces, two dozen thim- bles, two dozen bodkins, 300 needles, a gridiron, six pots of blacking paste, a pound of thread, and a large deal table. Feb. 14, 10s., 11. put anonymously into Bethesda boxes, for the Orphan-House. Feb. 15. Two glass salt cellars, a mustard pot, a vinegar cruet, and a pepper box, also 4.s., 4d, 4d., 4d., 4d., 2s. 6d. Feb. 16. 4d., 1s., 4d. Teb. 17. 5s. Feb. 18. A bedstead, and by two poor persons, 2d. Feb. 19. There were sent from London 34 yards of print, six yards of calico, one dozen pocket handkerchiefs, four pairs of stockings, and two New Testaments. Feb. 20. Two salt cellars, two mugs, two plates, also two pocket handkerchiefs. Feb. 21. 17. Feb. 22. 4s., 1s. Feb. 23. Twelve yards of gingham from two Swiss sisters. Feb. 25. 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d. Feb. 28. 17. Feb. 29. 17, 5s., 4s. A. D. 1836.] 169 March 2. 1ſ., 1s., 1s. 6d., 1s., 1s., 1s., #d., 2s., 1s., 1s., 2s. 6d. ; also out of the box in my room, 17.2s. 6d. ; two large iron pots were sent anonymously. March 4, 107., 10s., 3s., 7d., 10s., 2s. 6d., 10s., 10s., 3s. ; all these offer- ings were sent from Clapham ; also a desk. March 5. Some fancy worsted and 1s., the produce of the sale of Some old map rollers. March 7. 4.s., 10s., 5s., 5s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s., 2s. 6d., 5s. : all these offerings were sent from Cleve, also 5s. ; also, from a distance of about 100 miles, was sent the valuable and useful present of five pewter dishes, three dozen pewter plates, three dozen metal Spoons, two coral necklaces, a pair of coral ear-rings, and a large gold brooch—the trinkets to be sold for the bene- fit of the Orphan-House. Also from the same place was sent 10s. “which had been laid up for a time of need, but which were sent, because the donor thought that the time of trust in the Lord in Bristol was her time of need to ive.” March 10. 8s., 1s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 6d., 6d., 6d., 1d., 4d., 4d., 4d., 5s., 2s. March 11. 17., 5s. March 13. A little girl sent, from a distance of more than 200 miles, 2s. 6d. March 14. A brother at Plymouth promised to send 207., also 4s. were given. March 15. 7d., 10s., 6d., 1s., 1s., 1d., 6d. March 16. 1s. ; anonymously was sent from London 1!., also 2s. 6d. March 18. 10s. March 19. 3s., 1s., 4d., 4d., 4d., 4d. March 21. 4s. March 22. 11. March 23. A large deal box, also anonymously six dishes. March 24. 5s. March 25. A ton of coals. March 27. 11., 17., 17., 10s. ; these offerings were sent from Trowbridge, also 10s. Erom the Isle of Wight, 21., 27., 11., 10s., a large piece of green baize, and two metal spoons. March 28. 11., 4s., 3d., 3!., 10s., 6s., 10s., 2s. 6d., 5s., 5s., also an iron kettle and some drugget. March 29. 1s. 8d., 1s. 3d., 1s., 1s. 6d. March 31. 2s. April 2. 1s., 2s. 6d., 6d., 6d., also six blankets, two counterpanes, four sheets, eight bonnets, five frocks, six pinafores, with the promise to send also six chemises (sent since). April 4. 4.s., 1s., 1s, 8d., 1s., 1d., 1s., 3d, 6s., 2s. 6d., 17., 17., 3s., also 14 tippets, three pinafores, one frock, three chemises (two more promised), six flannel petticoats; also six stuff petticoats; also six flannel pet- ticoats (and six chemises promised), also a sheet. April 5. 2l., 7s., 6d, 6d, 4d., 4d., 1d., 4d, 6d. April 6. One dozen Q 170 [A.D. 1836. of washing basins and one jug. April 7. 2s. 2d., 3s., 1s., 2s. 2d., 1s. 1d. April 8. 10s., 10s., 6d., 1s., 2s., also a bench. April 9. 4d., 4d., 4d., 4d., 2s., also three knives and forks, also some marking ink. April 10. Two patent locks. April 11. 4s. April 12. 1s., 8d., 2s., a jug, also twelve bonnets and six tippets. April 13. A set of fire irons, a tea kettle, a coal box, a tin saucepan, a tripod, a tea pot, three cups and saucers, a wash-hand basin, three small basins, and two plates. April 15. 10s., 10s. April 16. 5l., also ll., and 22 Hymn Books. Also anonymously were sent two dozen pocket handkerchiefs, also a hymn, “The Orphan's Hope,” in a frame. April 17. A cask, also a hundred weight of treacle, and 36 pounds of moist sugar. April 18, 4s. April 19. 2s. 6d., 1s. April 20. A new bedstead. From Clapham were sent 211. and 111., like- wise three flannel petticoats, some print, six frocks, four pinafores, seven tippets, 12 caps, 14 chemises, 24 furnished work bags, 12 pocket handkerchiefs, 16 pairs of stockings, one pair of sleeves; besides this, with an orphan child, was sent from Clapham, a complete new outfit. April 21. 21., 2s., 1s., 6d., 6d, 6d., 5s., 2s., also two candlesticks, a pepper-box, and a handkerchief. April 22. 1s., 10s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 23d., also a long handle brush and 6d., also an ironing blanket, and 32 yards of flannel. April 23, 27, 5s., 10s., a cheese, and 18 pounds of beef. April 25. 1s. and eight plates. April 26. 6d., 6d., 5s. April 27. 10d. April 28. 1s., also two tons of coal, also two patch-work quilts, 15 work bags and pin cushions, 12 needle cases, three little bags, one tippet, two pairs of stockings, one kettle holder, also six pairs of worsted stockings. May 2. 8s., 11., 10s. May 3. 8d., 2s. 6d, and a pair of shoes. May 4. A gentleman and lady, who saw the In- stitution, left six chemises, seven pocket handkerchiefs, two flannel petticoats, four pairs of stockings, and four pairs of gloves; there were also sent 18 thimbles, a gross of buttons, a gross of hooks and eyes. May. 5. 2s. 6d., 1s. May 6. 15 pairs of worsted stockings. May 7. 5s., 2s. 6d. May 8. 5s., 6d., 2s. 6d. May 9, 4s., 10s., 6d., 4d, 4d, 4d. May 10. 6d., 4d, 6d, 6d, 4d., 1d., 4d., 2s. May 11. 11., 2s. 6d., 1s., May 13. A bonnet, also a dish, sent by a poor person in an almshouse; a well-wisher sent, for Wittle orphan boys, six frock pinafores, six little shirts, six A. D. 1836. 171 frocks and trousers. May 14. 9 pounds of soap. May 15. S. S. 2s. 6d. May 16. 4s. May 17. Out of the box in the Orphan-House, 3s. 0#d., also 1s. 1. It may be well to state, that the above results have followed in answer to prayer, without any one having been asked by me for one single thing, from which I have re- frained, not on account of want of confidence in the bre- thren, or because I doubted their love to the Lord, but that I might see the hand of God so much the more clearly. For as the work has been begun without any visible support, in dependance only upon the living God, it was of the utmost importance to be sure of his appro- bation at the very commencement. 2. From this statement, and from that contained in the last printed account, it will be seen how the Lord, in a great measure, has already answered the petition of De- cember 5, 1835; for an house has been given, suitable individuals have offered themselves to take care of the children, and much more furniture, and many more arti- cles of clothing have been sent than I ever had expected. The only part of the prayer which has not been as yet quite fulfilled is, that which respects the 1000l., which, however, the Lord, I doubt not, will likewise send in his own time. In the mean time, let my brethren help me to praise him, that he has sent already more than one half of that sum, and therefore more than for the present has been needed. *r 3. So far as I remember, Ibrought even the most minute circumstances concerning the Orphan-House before the Lord in my petitions, being conscious of my own weak- ness and ignorance. There was, however, one point I never had prayed about, namely, that the Lord would send children; for I naturally took it for granted that there would be plenty of applications. The nearer, however, the day came, which had been appointed for receiving ap- plications, the more I had a secret consciousness, that the Lord might disappoint my natural expectations, and show me that I could not prosper in one single thing without him. The appointed time came, and not even one application was made. I had before this been re- peatedly tried, whether I might not, after all, against the Lord’s mind, have engaged in the work, This circum- Q 2 172 [A.D. 1836. stance now led me to lie low before my God in prayer the whole of the evening, February 3, and to examine my heart once more as to all the motives concerning it ; and being able as formerly to say, that his glory was my chief aim, i. e., that it might be seen that it is not a vain thing to trust in the living God, and that my second aim was the spiritual welfare of the orphan-children,_and the third their bodily welfare; and still continuing in prayer, I was at last brought to this state, that I could say from my heart, that I should rejoice in God being glorified in this matter, though it were by bringing the whole to no- thing. But as still, after all, it seemed to me more tend- ing to the glory of God, to establish and prosper the Orphan-House, I could then ask him heartily, to send applications. I enjoyed now a peaceful state of heart concerning the subject, and was also more assured than ever that God would establish it. The very meat day, February 4, the first application was made, and since then 42 more have been made. 4. The house mentioned in the last printed account, which we had intended to rent, having been let before any applications had been made, and nothing more having been done about the premises offered as a gift, on account of the want of money needed to complete the building, I rented, at least for one year, the house No. 6, Wilson Street, as being, on account of its cheapness and large- ness, very suitable, and in which, up to March 25th, I had been living myself. Having furnished it for 30 chil- dren, we began on April 11th, 1836, to take them in, and on April 21st the Institution was opened by a day being set apart for prayer and thanksgiving. There are now 26 children in the house, and a few more are expected daily. They are under the care of a matron and governess. 5. In the last printed account it was mentioned that we intended to take in the children from the seventh to the twelfth year. But after six applications had been made for children between four and six years of age, it became a subject of solemn and prayerful consideration, whether, as long as there were vacancies, such children should not be received, though so young. For it appeared to me, that if it becomes the saints to care in this way, according to their ability, for those whom God has be- reaved of both parents, when they become seven years of A.D. 1836.] 173 age, that it becomes them equally so, to take care of them whilst they are under seven years, and therefore com- pletely unable to help themselves. Further, orphan children are often left to themselves, and thus, at the age of 11 or 12 years, have already made much progress in wickedness. Therefore I came at last to the conclusion to take in the little girls under seven years of age, for whom application had been made. Further, there are exceedingly few institutions in the kingdom, in which infant orphans are received, and provided with scriptural education. Further, it has been repeatedly brought before me, how desirable it would be to establish also in this city an orphan-house for male children, and there were even the above-mentioned articles sent for little orphan boys. Partly, then, on account of these reasons; and partly because the Institution already opened will be quite filled in a few days, and applications continue to be made; and partly, because the Lord has done hitherto far above what I could have expected: I have at last, after repeated prayer, come to the conclusion, in the name of the Lord, and in dependance upon him alone for sup- port, to propose the establishment of an Infant-Orphan- House. It is intended to open this Institution, as soon as suitable premises and individuals, to take care of the children, &c., have been obtained. a. It is intended to receive into this Infant-Orphan- IHouse destitute male and female infants bereaved of both parents, from their earliest days up to the seventh year, and to provide them with food, clothing, needful attend- ance, and Scriptural education. b. It is intended to let the female children stay up to the seventh year in the Infant-Orphan-House, and then to remove them to the Institution already opened, till they are able to go to service. c. It is also intended, as far as the Lord may help, to provide for the boys, when they are above seven years, though we cannot at present say in what manner. In proposing the establishment of this second Orphan- EIouse, I do it in the same simple dependance upon God alone, as in the case of the former. And feeling my own weakness, and knowing that it is not in my power to give faith to myself, I ask the brethren to help me with their prayers, that my faith may not fail. Q 3 174 [A.D. 1836. 6. To avoid misunderstandings, I would expressly state, that both the last mentioned Institution, and the One already opened, are for orphan children living in any part of the United Kingdom. GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, May 18, 1836. June 3. From May 16 up to this day I have been con- fined to the house, and a part of the time to my bed, on account of a local inflammation, which keeps me from walking. Almost every day during this time I have been able to continue writing a narrative of the Lord’s dealings with me, which had been again laid aside after May 7, on account of a number of pressing engagements. It is very remarkable, that the greatest objection against writing it for the press was want of time. Now, through this affliction, which leaves my mind free, and gives me time, on account of confinement to the house, I have been able to write about 100 quarto pages. May the Lord in mercy teach me about this matter June 8. I am still getting better. The abscess is now open. This affliction has been, by the mercy of the Lord, an exceedingly light one. Not one day have I had severe pain, and not one day have I been kept altogether from working. June 9. I was able to go again to-day to the Orphan-House, and to read the Scriptures with the children. This day came three more children, who have made up our number, so that there are now thirty in the house. June 11. I am, by the mercy of God, still getting better, but, as yet, unable to walk about. All this week I have been again enabled to go on writing for the press. June 12. To-day the Lord very kindly allowed me to preach again, and that most undeservedly, and much sooner than I could have expected. June 14. This morn- ing brother C r and I prayed unitedly, chiefly about the schools and the circulation of the Scriptures. Besides asking for blessings upon the work, we have also asked the Lord for the means which are needed; for on July 1, 177. 10s. will be due for the rent of school-rooms, and, besides this, we want at least 40l. more to go on with the circulation of the Scriptures, to pay the salaries of A.D. 1836.] 175 the masters, &c. Towards all this we have only about 71. I also prayed for the remainder of the 1,000l. for the Orphan-House. June 18. We have had for many weeks past, generally little money for our personal expenses, which has been a trial to us, not on our own account, but because we have thus been able to do but very little for the poor brethren. To-day, Saturday, we have 3s. left, just enough to pay for a fly to take me to and bring me back from Bethesda to- morrow, as I am unable to walk. This money we should not have had, but for our baker, a brother, who refused to-day to take money for the usual quantity of bread, which we daily take. June 21. This evening brother C r and I found, that the Lord has not only been pleased to send us, through the offerings which have come in during the last week, in answer to our prayers, the 171. 10s. which will be due for the rent of two school-rooms on July 1st, but that we have 5l. more than is needed. Thus the Lord once more has answered our prayers. June25. Saturday. We have been again helped through this week, as it regards our personal need, and have 3s. left, though we had many shillings to pay for riding about. Now the Lord has put it into the hearts of some of his children, to provide me with a fly every Lord’s-day, as long as I may need it. July 1. To-day a suit of new clothes was given to me, which came very seasonably. May this fresh instance of the Lord’s loving kindness lead me to love him more ; and may he also be pleased richly to reward those brethren, who have thus ministered to my need! July 16. To-day a brother sent me a new hat, the seventh which in suc- cession has been given to me. July 28. For some weeks past we have not been able to pay the salary of the masters and governesses a month Žn advance, but have been obliged to pay it weekly. Brother C r and I have lately prayed repeatedly together respecting the funds, but we were now brought so low, that we should not have been able to pay even this weekly salary of the teachers, had not the Lord most remarkably helped us again to-day. For besides 11, which was given to us, this evening a brother gave 8!., which sum had been made up by a number of his workmen 176 [A.D. 1836. paying weekly one penny each, of their own accord, towards our funds. The money had been collecting for many months, and, in this our necessity, it had been put into the heart of this brother to bring it. My faith has been greatly strengthened through this circumstance. For before to-day, though I never have been in the least allowed to doubt the Lord’s faithfulness, I did not under- stand his purpose in his dealings with us of late, in not sending us more than we have needed just to be kept from stopping; and I have sometimes thought, whether it might not be his will, on account of my want of faith- fulness in his work, to decrease the field; but now I see, that notwithstanding my unworthiness, his allowing us to pray so frequently, was only that the deliverance might be felt so much the more when it came. July 29. This evening from six to half-past nine we had again a meeting for inquirers. There came twelve fresh cases before us, and there were six more than we could see. Thus we saw, that the work of the Lord, even as it regards conversion, is still going on among us. October 1. To-day in dependance upon the Lord alone for means, we engaged a brother as a master for a sixth day school. Last Saturday, for the first time, we were so low in funds, that we needed 17. more than we had, to pay the salaries a week in advance; but one sister, on account of the death of her father, as we afterwards learned, was kept from calling for her money, and on the next day we received more than was needed to pay her. On account, therefore, of the many deliverances which we have had of late, we have not hesitated to enlarge the field, as another boys' school was greatly needed, there having been many applications for admission standing these several months past. October 5. This evening 25l. was given to me for the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. Thus the Lord has already given the means of defraying the expenses of the new boys' school for some months to come. October 19. To-day, after having many times prayed respecting this matter, I have at last engaged a sister as matron for the Infant-Orphan-House, never having been able, up to this day, to meet with an individual who seemed suitable: though there has been money enough in hand for some time past for commencing this work, A.D. 1836.] 177 and there have been also applications made for several in- fant orphans. October 25. To-day we obtained without any trouble, through the kind hand of God, very suitable premises for the Infant-Orphan-House. If we had laid out many hundred pounds in building a house, we could scarcely have built one more suitable for the purpose. How evi- dent is the hand of God in all these matters How important to leave our concerns, great and small, with him; for he arranges all things well ! If our work be his work, we shall prosper in it. November 30. On account, as I suppose, of many pressing engagements, I had not been led for some time past to pray respecting the funds. But being in great need, I was led yesterday morning, earnestly to ask the Lord, and in answer to this petition a brother gave me last evening 10l. He had had it in his heart, for several months past, to give this sum, but had been hitherto kept from it, not having the means. Just now, in this our great necessity, the Lord furnished him with the means, and we were helped in this way. In addition to this 10l., I received last evening a letter with 5l., from a sister whom I never saw, and who has been several times used by God as an instrument to supply our wants. She writes thus: “It has been so much on my mind lately to send you some money, that I feel as if there must be some need, which the Lord purposes to honour me by making me the instrument of supplying. I therefore en- close you 5l., all I have in the house at this moment ; but if you have occasion for it, and will let me know, I will send you as much more.” Besides these two donations, I received to-day 31. 3s. T)ecember 15. This day was set apart for prayer and thanksgiving respecting the Infant-Orphan-House, which was opened on November 28. In the morning we had a prayer-meeting. In the afternoon, besides prayer and thanksgiving, I addressed the children of our day-schools and the orphans, about 350, on Ecclesiastes xii. 1. In the evening I gave a further account of the Orphan-Houses, commencing from the time when the last printed account had been issued, dated May 18, 1836. The substance of this account was printed, and is reprinted here for the sake of those who are as yet unacquainted with it. 178 [A. D. 1836. Further account of the Orphan-House for Female Orphans above Seven Years of Age; and Opening of the Infant- Orphan-House, for destitute Male and Female Orphans under Seven Years of Age. It is now a twelve-month since the proposal for the establishment of an Orphan-House was first made. Since then the Lord has given me almost all I requested of him, and in some respects even more. This was in part stated in the last two papers which were printed on this subject, dated January 16, and May 18, 1836. Of the 1,000l. which I had asked of God on December 5, 1835, I had actually received on May 18, 1836, 450l. 13s.6%d.; and besides this, 70l. had been promised by two brethren. As it regards premises, articles of clothing, furniture, &c., I had received even beyond my petition. I have now the pleasure of detailing, still further, how God has con- tinued to answer my prayers since May 18, 1836. May 19th was given 11. 23rd, 17. and 4s. There were also sent two buckets and 1s. 24th, 10s. 6d., 2d., 1s. 6d. 25th, one pound of butter, 2s., 1s., 1s. There was also sent 14s, and in the paper was written: “The history of this money is: A lady was going to purchase a dress. The enclosed sum was the difference between the fashionable one, which took her fancy, and one less fashionable. So she thought, the orphans should profit by this sacrifice of her fancy.” May 27th, there was left at my house a sovereign, and in the paper was written: “l Thess. v. 25.” [Pause with me a few moments, dear reader, before going on with the account. In preparing the third edition for the press, I have been struck with the very many cases in which individuals, who are spoken of in this Nar- rative, are no more in the land of the living. So it is with the two donors of the last mentioned sums. The dear sister who would not indulge her fancy in having a more fashionable dress, but who would rather give the fourteen shillings, which thus could be saved, to the orphans, has been with her Lord for more than two years. Will she regret, not having indulged her fancy in that in- stance P Will she now suffer loss on account of it P Surely not l—The dear brother, who gave the sovereign, was a gracious devoted clergyman of the City of Bristol. He had written in the paper in which the sovereign was A.D. 1836.] 179 enclosed, “1 Thess. v. 25.” (“Brethren, pray for us.”) This dear man of God does now no longer need our prayers. He entered into his rest several years ago. Yet a little while, dear believing reader, and, if the coming of the Lord prevent not, we too shall fall asleep in Jesus. Therefore, let us work, “while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” And “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”—But how would it be with you, dear reader, if you are unprepared, and should be taken out of the world? Ilet me beseech you to seek the Lord while he may be found. Jesus died to save sinners. He shed his blood. He fulfilled the law of God, and died the JUST for the UNJUST : and whosoever depends for sal- Vation upon his perfect obedience, and upon his sufferings and death, shall be saved, for God hath said it.] May 28th, A fender and two coal scuttles. 29th, 5l. 30th, 4s. Also 2s. 6d., with two gowns and a tippet. The brother who left a sovereign with “1 Thess. v. 25,” gave to-day 10s. more; 2s. 4d. June 1st, from a few sisters in Dublin, nine pocket handkerchiefs, 193 yards of stuff, and forty-two yards of print. 4th, 5s. 6d., eighteen little books. 5th, 6d., 4d., 4d., 4d. 6th, 4s. 7th, 5s. 1d., 2l. 2s. 6d. 8th, 4d., 1s., 1s., 3s. 9th, six pairs of gentle- men’s trousers, two coats, one waistcoat, five pairs of socks, two gowns—all worn. 10th, 17., also from a friend in Ireland 17, 12th, S. S. 2s. 6d. 13th, 4s., 5l. 14th, 1s. 1d., 1s., 2s. 6d., 6d., 1s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 3s. 3d., 1s. 1d., ls. 1d. 15th, a brother at Plymouth sent 25l., 20!, of which had been previously promised. 18th, 11, 1d., 64 pounds of bacon, a form, a chopping knife. 19th, 11.1s., 10s.; 12s. by sale of ornaments. 20th, 4s. Also from Teignmouth, 5s., 5s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 3!., 10s., 2s. 6d., 1s. 1d., 5s., together with a gown, a boy’s pinafore, a pair of socks, coloured cotton for three children’s frocks, two babies' bed gowns, and five babies' night caps. 21st, 57. 10s., 6d, 4d., 2d., 4d., 2d., 6d., 6d., twenty pounds of bacon and ten pounds of cheese. 22d, box in the Orphan-House, 2s. 1; d. 24th, 2s. 6d., 3s. 8; d. 27th, 4s. 28th, 2s. 6d., 4s., 4d., 6d., 10s., 6s. 6d. 29th, six straw bonnets. 30th, 5s., 21. July 4th, 6d., 4d., 4d., 4d., 4s. There was also sent from “two orphans” 48l., 1s. 1d., 10s., 8s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 180 [A.D. 1836. 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 1s. 4d. 5th, 1s., 1s. 2d., 8d., 4s., 4d., 1s. 6th, six new cane chairs. 7th, 2l., 12s., 10s., 2s. 8th, 1s., 2s. 6d., 3s. 10th, 10s., 10s., 11., 11. 11th, 8s., 13s. 12th, 13s. 2d 13th, 12s. 14th, there were sent six chemises, which had been promised on April 14th. Also fourteen pin cushions. 15th, six night caps, and 2 petti- coats. 20th, 10s., 5s., 17., 6d., 2d., 6d., 6d, 4d., 6d., 4d., 2d., 4d. 24th, 17, 25th, 8s., S. S. 5s. Also 25% yards of print, 12 little shawls, and 16 yards of flannel. 26th, box in the Orphan-House 8s. 9d., 4d. 27th, two pairs of shoes. 28th, 3s. 8; d. 29th, 2s. 6d., 6d., 4d., 4d., 4d. August 1st, 4s., 11.10s, two chemises, three night caps, and ten pocket handkerchiefs; two chemises, three night caps, and six poc- ket handkerchiefs. 2nd, 8d., 1s., 1s. 3d, 1s. 3d., 1s., 1s., 6d., 5s., 2s. 6d., 1s., 1d., 1d., one patch work quilt. 5th, 6s. 8th, 4s. 10th, a box, six canisters, and an inkstand. 13th, 5s. 15th, 11., S. S. 2s. 6d., 4s. 16th, 6d., 6d., 4d., 4d., 4d., 6d., 1s., 1s. 6d. 19th, 1s. 2; d. 23rd, 1s., 10s., 11., 2s. 6d. September 1st, 1s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s., 1s., 4d, 6d., 4.d., 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 6d., 6d., 2d, 11., 11., twelve chemises, one worn stuff frock, 4d., 4d., a basket of apples, and three pounds of sugar. 3rd, 17., 5l. 5th, 12s. 7th, 5s., 2s. 6d. 8th, 5s. 13th, 1s., 1s., 1s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 8d., 1s., 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 2d., 6d., 6d., 2s. 6d, 6d. 14th, 11., 10s., 10s., 14 pinafores, a basket of apples. 19th, 8s., 2s. 6d. Rox in the Orphan-House, 17. 6s. 1+d., 10s. 20th, 6d., 6d., 4d., 4d., 1d., 4d. 27th, several numbers of the “Record” were sent to be sold for the benefit of the Orphan-House, 4d., 4d., 2s., 2s. 6d. 30th, Il. was given as “A. Thank-offering for spiritual mercies vouchsafed to a child.” Also Mr. B , Sen., Surgeon, kindly offered, to-day, to give his attendance and medicine gratuitously to the orphans. October 1st, 6d., 4d, 4d., 4d. A worn cloak. 3rd,8s., 3s. 3d., 1s. A gallon of dried peas. 4th, 11. 3s.6d. 10th, 4s., 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 1s. 1d., 1s. 11th, 10s., 2d., 6d., 3s. 3d. 14th, 4% gallons of beer. 16th, three tippets, 8d., 4d., 5s., 5s., 5s., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 10s., 10s., 2s., 1s., 1s., 2s. 6d., 5s. 17th, 4s. 18th, 10s., 6d., 6d., 4d., 4d., 6d., 1d., 4d., 1s. 19th, 11. 24th, 4s. 25th, three frocks, two pinafores, two tippets, three pairs of sleeves, 10s., 10s., 4d., 1s. 27th, three tippets. Anonymously was sent by post, 10s., with the request that prayer should be made for the donor, for divine guidance under circum- A.D. 1836.] 181 stances of much doubt and anxiety. 29th, 12 cloth tip- pets. 31st, 4s. November 2nd, 1s. 3d., 1s. 3d., 1s. 4th, two little cloaks, four quarterns of bread. 5th, two turkeys, 6d., 4d, 4d, 4d. There was also given by a bro- ther 1001,–50l. of which was previously promised, to en- sure the rent for premises. It is a remarkable fact con- cerning this donation, that I had, in December of last year, repeatedly asked the Lord to incline the heart of this brother to give one hundred pounds, and I made a memorandum of this prayer in my journal of December 12, 1835. On January 25th, 1836, fifty pounds was pro- mised by him, and on November 5, fifty pounds besides that sum was given; but it was not till some days after, that I remembered, that the very sum for which I had asked the Lord had been given. Thus we often may receive an answer to prayer, and scarcely remember that it is an answer. When it came to my mind that this prayer had been noted down in my journal, and I showed it to the donor, we rejoiced together; he, to have been the instrument in giving, and I to have had the request granted. November 6th, S. S. 7s. 6d. 7th, anonymously was sent a ton of coals, 4s., one petticoat, two pairs of gloves, two ruffs. 8th, 5!., 2s. 2d., 3s., 2s. 2d., 2s. 2d., ls. 6d., 2d., 6d., 1s. 6d., 2s. 6d., 2s. 6d. 14th, there was given 201. for the Orphan-House, and 207 for the Infant- Orphan-House. Both papers, in which the money was enclosed, contained these words: “If the Lord prolongs the life of the unworthy giver of the enclosed, the same sum will be given at Christmas.”—It has been more than once observed to me, that I could not expect to continue to receive large sums; for that persons, when first such an institution is established, might be stirred up to give liberally, but that afterwards one had to look to a number of regular subscribers, and that, if those were lacking, it was not likely that such a work could go on. On such occasions, I have said but little ; but I have had the fullest assurance, that it is a small matter for the Lord to incline donors to give liberally, a second or third time, if it were for our real welfare. And accordingly the donor, above referred to, added to the first 50l. another 50l., and the last mentioned benefactor, to the 50l. given on a for- mer occasion, added the just mentioned 40l., with the promise to give another 40l. at Christmas. I would only JR 182 [A.D. 1836. add on this subject, that there are some subscribers, and even some who give considerably; yet I would state, for the Lord’s glory, that if they were twenty times as many, I should desire that my eyes might not be directed to them, but to the Lord alone, and that I might be enabled to take the payment of every subscription as a donation from HIM. On the other hand, if there were no sub- scribers at all, yet the Lord, who heareth prayer, is rich to give according to our need.—There was given also to-day, “A widow’s mite” 10s.--also 4d. November 14th, 4s., also four ducks. For the Infant-Orphan-House : five frocks, four shirts, four chemises, a bed gown, two petti- coats; three quarterns of bread. 15th, 6d, 6d., 4d, 6d., 4d. 16th, by sale of trinkets, 11. 5s., 4s. 18th, anony- mously were sent, a boy’s cap, a bonnet, a small piece of print. 19th, four quarterms of bread. 21st, 4.s., 2s. 6d. 22nd, 4d, 6d, 6d. 23rd, three frocks, a tippet, six pairs of sheets, three pairs of blankets. 25th, 12 hymn books, a worn cloak, a new tent bedstead. 27th, anonymously put into Bethesda boxes 5s. 28th, 4s. 29th, two tur- keys. 30th, 10s., five yards of blanketing, a worn shawl. December 1st, a patch-work quilt and five yards of print, 3d., 10s. 4th, 11. 5s. 5th, 4s., 11. 5s. 6th, 6d., 2d., a worn cloak, a petticoat, a piece of linen for window curtains. 8th, box in the Orphan-House 2!. 4s. 1%d. 9th, 12. Also 11., with “Mark ix. 36, 37,” written on the paper. A most encouraging passage for this work, the force of which I had never felt before.—About a hundred weight of treacle. I. From this statement it appears, that 7707. 0s. 9%d. has been actually given, and that 40l. is promised. All the money, and all the articles of furniture, clothing, pro- vision, &c., have been given, without one individual having been asked by me for any thing, from which I have still refrained, that the Lord’s own hand might be clearly seen in the matter, and that the whole might clearly appear as an answer to prayer. II. After frequent prayer, that, if it were the will of God, he would be pleased to send us a Matron and Governess for the Infant-Orphan-House, this petition also has been answered. In addition to this we obtained a convenient house for the purpose, No. 1, Wilson Street, together with a piece of ground for a play-ground; and A.D. 1836.] 183 we therefore began to furnish it on November 21st, and on November 28th we took in the first children. III. Of late it has appeared well to us to employ some of the strongest and eldest girls of the Orphan- House in the work of the Infant-Orphan-House, under the direction of the Matron and Governess. From this plan it appeared the following advantages would result. 1st. Thus the wages which we should have to pay to assistants would be saved. 2nd. Without any further expense to the Institution, we should in this way be able to support five or six orphans more. 3rd. If thus the bigger girls of the Orphan-House pass through the Infant- Orphan-House, before they are sent into service, they will be accustomed to nursery work, which is so important for young servants. 4th. This plan would allow us to have the bigger girls longer under our care, as we should have full employment for them. [In the original paper follow eight other paragraphs, containing the audited account and various other points of information respecting the two Orphan-Houses, which, at the time when this Report was issued, were of impor- tance to the donors, but are left out now, as it seems desirable to make this edition of the Narrative as concise as may be. This plan has been also adopted concerning the three previous papers, and will be further adhered to.] GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, Dec. 20, 1836. December 31. We had this evening a prayer-meeting to praise the Lord for his goodness during the past year, and to ask him for a continuance of his favours during the coming year. We continued together till half-past eleven. During the past year there have been received into the church of Gideon, 23 brethren and sisters, and into that of Bethesda, 29—altogether 52. Of these 52, 31 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through the instrumentality of brother Craik and me. There have now been admitted into Gideon church, 79 brethren and sisters who have been converted through our instrumentality, and 86 into the church of Bethesda: 165 seals to our ministry in Bristol. Besides this, several have fallen asleep in the faith who never were in commu- R 2 184 [A.D. 1837. nion with us; several of our spiritual children are con- nected with other churches in and out of Bristol; and many are now standing as hopeful characters on the list of candidates for fellowship. There have been added to the church at Gideon, since we came to Bristol, 154; to the church at Bethesda, 193—altogether 347; so that the number of both churches would be 415 (68 believers we found at Gideon), had there been no changes; but : Of Gideon church are under church discipline 5; of Bethesda 8; altogether 18 Do. have fallen asleep 15 do. 7 do. 22 T}o. have left Bristol 12 do. 6 do. 18 Do. have left us, but are still in Bristol . . 9 do. 4 do. 13 41 25 66 There are, therefore, at present, in fellowship with us at Gideon 181, and at Bethesda 168—altogether 349. The Lord has been pleased to give me during the past year, as it regards my temporal supplies:— £. s. d. 1. In offerings through the boxes . . . 133 8 9 2. In presents of money, from brethren in and out of Bristol . . . . . . . . . 56 13 0 3. Through family connexion . . . . . 5 0 0 4. Besides this have been sent to us clothes, provisions, &c. which were worth to us at least 30 0 0 5. We have been living half free of rent during the last nine months, whereby we have saved at least . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 0 £ 232 11 9 January 2, 1837. This evening the two churches had again an especial prayer meeting, which was continued till half-past ten. January 5. To-day a sister called, and told me about the conversion of her father, who in his eightieth year, after having for many years lived openly in sin, is at last brought to the knowledge of the Lord. May this en- courage the children of God to continue to pray for their aged parents and other persons; for this sister had long A.D. 1837.] 185 prayed for the conversion of her father, and at last, though only after twenty years, the Lord gave her the desire of her heart. It was an especial refreshment to my spirit to hear the particulars of this case, as I had known so much of the sinful life of this aged sinner. January 31, and February 2. These two days we have had especial meetings for prayer and humiliation, on ac- count of the influenza, to acknowledge the hand of God in this chastisement, as the disease is so prevalent in Bristol. April 8. There are now 60 children in the two Orphan- FIouses, 30 in each. April 22. The Lord has mercifully stayed the typhus fever in the Orphan-House, in answer to prayer. There were only two cases, and the children are recovering. April 24. This evening we had a comfortable meeting with 30 brethren and sisters over the word. (Of late, brother Craik and I have frequently set apart an evening, generally once a week, to meet with ten, twenty, or thirty brethren and sisters, to take tea with them, and to spend the rest of the evening in prayer and meditation over the Scriptures. We began these meetings chiefly on account of having thus an opportunity of seeing more of the saints, as the greatness of the number of those in com- munion with us makes it impossible to see them as often in their houses, as it might be profitable, or as often as we desire. We commenced these meetings in our own houses, choosing those in particular, of whom we had seen little. After we had had several meetings in our own houses, we were invited by the brethren and sisters, and they have asked others to meet us. Sometimes also we have proposed those for invitation whom we see but seldom. These meetings we have found both for our- selves and others very useful, and they will, no doubt, continue to be a blessing as long as the Lord shall enable us to precede and follow them with prayer. They are also particularly important as a means of the brethren becom- ing acquainted with each other, and of uniting their hearts.) April 25th. To-day a brother gave me a new hat. This is the eighth hat which I have had given to me in succession, so that whenever I have needed a new one, or even before, the Lord has kindly supplied me with one. B 3 186 [A.D. 1837. IMay 13. To-day I have had again much reason to mourn over my corrupt nature, particularly on account of want of gratitude for the many temporal mercies by which I am surrounded. I was so sinful as to be dissatisfied on account of the dinner, because I thought it would not agree with me, instead of thanking God for the rich pro- vision, and asking heartily the Lord’s blessing upon it, and remembering the many dear children of God who would have been glad of such a meal. I rejoice in the prospect of that day when, in seeing Jesus as he is, I shall be like him. May 14. Lord’s-day. The Lord, in- stead of chastising me to-day for the ingratitude and dis- content of yesterday, by leaving me to my own strength in preaching, and bringing temporal want upon me, has given me a good day. I have preached with much assis- tance and comfort, and the Tord has given me rich tem- poral supplies; for besides the freewill offerings of 27.8s. 10d., a 5l. note was put into my hand for the supply of any want I may have. Thus the Lord melted the heart by love, and made me still more see the baseness of my conduct yesterday. Thanks be to God, the day is coming, when Satan will triumph no more ! May 18. There are now 64 children in the two Orphan- Houses, and two more are expected, which will fill the two houses. May 28. The narrative of some of the Lord's dealings with me is now near being published, which has led me again most earnestly this day week, and repeatedly since, to ask the Lord, that he would be pleased to give me what is wanting of the 1000l., for which sum I have asked him on behalf of the orphans; for though, in my own mind, the thing is as good as done, so much so, that I have repeatedly been able to thank God, that he will surely give me every shilling of that sum, yet to others this would not be enough. As the whole matter, then, about the Orphan-House had been commenced for the glory of God, that in this way before the world and the church there might be another visible proof, that the Lord delights in answering prayer; and as there was yet a part of the 1000l. wanting; and as I earnestly desired, the book might not leave the press, before every shilling of that sum had been given, in answer to prayer, without one single individual having been asked by me for any thing, A D. 1837.] 187 that thus I might have the sweet privilege of bearing my testimony for God in this book:—for these reasons, I say, I have given myself earnestly to prayer about this matter since May 21. On May 22 came in 7l. 10s., and on May 23, 31. On May 24 a lady, whom I never saw before, called on me and gave me 40l. This circumstance has greatly encouraged me ; for the Lord showed me thereby afresh his willingness to continue to send us large sums, and that they can even come from individuals whom we have never seen before. On May 25th 31.6s. was sent from two unexpected quarters. On May 27 was sent, anonymously, a parcel of worn clothes from London and a sovereign. To-day (May 28) I received again 4l. 3s.6d. ; and also a parcel was sent from a considerable dis- tance, containing seven pairs of socks, and the following trinkets, to be sold for the support of the orphans: 1 gold pin with an Irish pearl, 15 Irish pearls, 2 pins, 2 brooches, 2 lockets, 1 seal, 2 studs, 11 rings, 1 chain, and 1 bracelet, all of gold. June 15. To-day I gave myself once more earnestl to prayer respecting the remainder of the 1000l. This evening 5l. was given, so that now the whole sum is made up. To the glory of the Lord, whose I am, and whom I serve, I would state again that every shilling of this money, and all the articles of clothing and furniture, which have been mentioned in the foregoing pages, have been given to me, without one single individual having been asked by me for any thing. The reason why I have refrained altogether from soliciting any one for help is, that the hand of God evidently might be seen in the matter, that thus my fellow-believers might be encouraged more and more to trust in him, and that also those who know not the Lord, may have a fresh proof that, indeed, it is not a vain thing to pray to God.—As the Lord then has con- descended most fully, and even above my expectations, to answer my prayers, and to fill my mouth, (Psalm lxxxi. 10.) will you help me, brethren and sisters beloved in the Lord, to praise him for his condescension. It is a won- derful thing that such a worthless, faithless servant as I am, should have power with God. Take courage from this for yourselves, brethren. Surely, if such a one as I am, so little conformed to the mind of Jesus, has his prayers answered, may not you also, at last, have your 188 [A.D. 1837. requests granted to you. During eighteen months and ten days this petition has been brought before God almost daily. From the moment I asked it, till the Lord granted it fully, I had never been allowed to doubt that he would give every shilling of that sum. Often have I praised him beforehand in the assurance, that he would grant my request. The thing after which we have especially to seek in prayer is, that we believe that we receive, according to Mark xi. 24: “What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and yeshall have them.” But this I often find lacking in my prayers. Whenever, however, I have been enabled to believe that I receive, the Lord has dealt with me according to my faith. This moment while I am writing (June 28, 1837), I am wait- ing on the Lord for 171. 10s., the rent for two school- rooms, which will be due in three days, and I have but 3l. towards that sum. I believe God can give; I believe God is willing to give it, if it be for our real welfare; I also have repeatedly asked God for it; but as yet I can- not in the triumph of faith praise him beforehand, that he will assuredly give me this small sum. I am waiting at every delivery of letters, at every ring at the bell, for help ; I am truly waiting on God, and God alone for it : but as yet I do not feel as sure of being able to pay the rent of those school-rooms, as I should, if I had the money already in my pocket. As the Lord has so greatly condescended to listen to my prayers, and as I consider it one of the particular talents which he has intrusted to me, to exercise faith upon his promises, as it regards my own temporal wants and those of others; and as an Orphan-House for boys above seven years of age seems greatly needed in this city; and as also without it, we know not how to provide for the little boys in the Infant-Orphan-House when they are above seven years of age; I purpose to establish an Orphan-House for about forty boys above seven years of age. But there are three difficulties in the way, which must first be removed, before I could take any further step in this work. 1. My hands are more than filled already through the work arising from the ministry of the word, the attending to the ordering of church affairs, and the oversight of 370 brethren and sisters. And yet, in addition to this, I have also the work which comes upon A.D. 1837.] 189 me in connexion with the six day-schools, a Sunday-school, an adult-school, the two Orphan-IIouses, and the circula- tion of the Scriptures. (This latter part of the work is more and more increasing; for merely within the last seven months 836 copies of the Scriptures have been cir- culated). For these reasons, then, I could not in any degree enlarge the field of labour, except the Lord should be pleased to send us a brother, who, as steward, could take from me the work which arises from keeping the accounts, obtaining and circulating the Scriptures, giving , advice in ordinary matters respecting the Orphan-Houses, attending to the applications for admission of children in the Orphan-Houses, &c. But whether there is an Orphan- House for boys established or not, such a brother is greatly needed, even as the extent of the work is now, and I therefore lay it on the hearts of the believers who may read this, to help me with their prayers, that such a bro- ther may be found. 2. In addition to this, it would be needful, before I could take any further step, to obtain a truly pious master for the boys, and other suitable indi- viduals who may be needed to take care of the children. 3. The third thing by which I desire to be assured, that it is the will of God that I should go forward in the Orphan- House is, that he provide the means for such an enlarge- ment of the work. Whilst, on the one hand, I would confess to the praise of God, that he has been pleased to give me faith to trust in him; yet, on the other hand, I desire to be kept from presumption and enthusiasm. I do not intend to wait till thousands are raised, or till the Institution is endowed; but I must have such a sum given to me as is needed to furnish a house for forty boys, and to clothe that number, and to have a little to begin with : without such a sum I should not consider it to be the will of God to enlarge the field. What I ask then from the brethren who may feel interested in seeing an Orphan- House for boys established in Bristol is, that they would help me with their prayers, that if it be the will of God, he himself would be pleased to remove these three diffi- culties out of the way. [W hilst the preceding pages of the first edition of this Narrative were in the press, and before the reception of the last proof sheet for correction, the same friend who gave me on May 24, 1837, Forty Pounds for the orphans, and 190 [A.D. 1837. whom up to that time I had never seen, gave on July 12, 1837, Four Hundred and Sixty Pounds more, being altogether Five Hundred Pounds.] REVIEW OF THE LAST FIVE YEARS, THE TIME THAT I HAVE LABOURED IN BIRISTOL WITH BROTHER, CRAIK. JULY, 1837. I. Some of the mercies which the Lord has granted to us during this period. Concerning all this time I have most especially to say, that goodness and mercy have followed me every day. My blessings have been many and great, my trials few and small. To the praise of God I will mention a few of the many mercies which he has bestowed on me. 1. I consider it one of the especial mercies that, amidst so many engagements, I have been kept in the ways of God, and that this day I have as much desire as ever, yea more than ever, to live alone for him, who has done so much for me. My greatest grief is that I love him so little. I desire many things concerning myself; but I' desire nothing so much as, to have a heart filled with love to the Lord. I long for a warm personal attachment to him. 2. I consider it likewise a great mercy, for which I can never sufficiently praise God, that, whilst during these last five years so many of his children have fallen into great errors, and even those who once ran well, I, who am so faithless to him, should have been kept from them. There is scarcely one point of importance, comparatively speaking, respecting which I have had scriptural reason to alter my views, since I have come to Bristol. My views concerning the fundamental truths of the gospel are the same as they were at the end of the year 1829; though I have been more and more established in them during these last five years, and have seen more minutely the mind of God concerning many truths. My relish for the study of the word of God has not decreased. 3. I consider it further an exceeding great mercy, that I have been kept in uninterrupted love and union with my brother, friend, and fellow-labourer, Henry Craik. Very A.D. 1837.] 191 few of the blessings that the Lord has bestowed on him, on me, and on the two churches, whose servants we are, are of greater importance. There is not one point of importance, as it regards the truth, on which we differ. In judgment, as to matters connected with the welfare of the saints among whom we labour, we have been almost invariably at once of one mind. (Lord, to Thee is the praise due for this l!!) We are as much, or more than ever united in spirit, and, if the Lord permit, we desire to labour together till he come. Who that knows the proneness in man to seek his own, and to get glory to him- self; who that knows that the heart naturally is full of envy ; who that is acquainted with the position which we both hold in the church, and the occasions thereby occur- ring for the flesh to feel offended:—who that considers these things will not ascribe our union, our uninterrupted union and love, entirely to the Lord? Let the brethren among whom we labour praise God much for it ! Let the brethren everywhere, who may read this, praise God for it ! This union has glorified God! This union has sprung from God! But, for this union we depend now as much as ever upon God, and therefore let the brethren pray, that God in mercy would give us grace, to put aside every thing that might hinder it. 4. We have had much joy on account of the scriptural conduct of many of the children of God among whom we labour. The two churches have on the whole shown, in some measure, that even in our day there can be love among the brethren. I do not mean that we have been without trials on account of the behaviour of the saints under our care; nor do I mean to say, that either we or they have followed Christ as we might or ought to have done; but only, that we have been mercifully kept hitherto from great divisions; that the cases in which acts of discipline were needed (as the list at the end of the last two years shows) were so few; that we have had much more joy than sorrow on account of the brethren and sisters:–these are matters, worthy to be noticed among the special blessings which God has bestowed on us during the last five years. 5. Another mercy I mention is, that it has pleased God to keep us from some most awful characters, who either actually had proposed themselves for fellowship, or desired 192 [A.D. 1837. " to do so, and who, so far as the testimony by word of mouth went, could fully satisfy us. From several such individuals who lived in open sin, we have been kept, by the Spirit constraining them to confess, and that, perhaps, even against their own will, their wicked deeds which they were practising; in other instances we suspected them, and, on making inquiry, found out their sins. 6. Another mercy which the Lord has kindly bestowed on us is, that though neither brother Craik nor I am strong in body, yet we have been helped through much work; and, at the time when we were laid aside, the Lord made up our lack of service, either by sending help from without, or by putting into exercise the gifts of the brethren among us. At those seasons disunion might so easily have sprung up among the brethren; but the good shepherd of the sheep watched so graciously over the flock, that they were kept together in much love and union, whereby also a testimony was given for God, that their faith stood not in the power of man. 7. Sometimes, when particular trials were laid on us, and things appeared very dark, the Lord most mercifully not only supported us under those trials, but also unex- pectedly delivered us much sooner out of them, than we could have at all anticipated. May this especially encourage brethren who labour in word and doctrine, or who rule in the church, to trust in the Lord in seasons of peculiar trialſ 8. My temporal wants have all these five years been most richly supplied, so that not once have I lacked the necessaries of life, and generally I have abounded; and all this without having one shilling of regular income. I am not tired of this way of living, nor have I even for once been allowed to regret having begun to live in this way. II. The work of the Lord in our hands. 1. It has pleased the Lord to continue to bless the word preached by us to the conversion of many sinners, and there seems to have been no period during these five years, in which this work has been stopped by him. There have come again several cases before us lately, in which individuals have been recently brought to appre- A.D. 1837.] 193 hend their lost state by nature, and to see that Jesus of Nazareth alone can save them. The whole number of those who have been converted through our instrumen- tality in Bristol, and who have been received into fellow- ship with us, is 178; besides this the Lord has given us many seals to our ministry in this city, but the individuals are now either only standing on the list of candidates for fellowship, or are united to other churches in and out of Bristol, or have fallen asleep before they were united to us. 2. The whole number of the brethren and sisters, now in fellowship with us, is 370: 189 at Gideon, 181 at Bethesda. 3. It is now three years and four months since brother Craik and I began, in dependance upon the Lord for funds, to seek to help the spread of the Gospel through the instrumentality of schools, the circulation of the Holy Scriptures, and by aiding Missionary exertions. Since then there have been circulated through our instrumen- tality 4030 copies of the Scriptures; four Day-Schools for poor children have been established by us; 1119 children have been instructed in the six Day-Schools, and 353 children are now in those six Day-Schools. Besides this, a Sunday-School, and an Adult-School, have been supplied with all they needed, and Missionary exertions in the East Indies, in Upper Canada, and on the Continent of Europe, have been aided. In addition to this the word of God has been preached from house to house among the poor, in connexion with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, by brother C r, within the last two years. 4. There have been received into the Orphan-Houses 74 orphans, and there are now 64 in them. And now in conclusion I would say that the reason, why I have spoken so plainly about the sins of my uncon- verted days is, that I may magnify the riches of the grace of God, which has been bestowed on me, a guilty wretch. I have weighed much, whether I should do so or not, knowing well what contempt it may bring on me; but it appeared to me, after much prayer, that as the object of this little work is to speak well of the Lord, I should say in a few words what I once was, in order that it might be seen so much the more clearly, what he has done for me. I also judged, that in doing so, some, who live at S 194 [A.D. 1837. present in sin, might see through my example the misery into which sin leads, even as it regards the present life, and the happiness which is connected with the ways of God; and that they also might be encouraged, through what God has done for me, to turn to him. I have made my- self therefore a fool, and degraded myself in the eyes of the inhabitants of Bristol, that you, my dear unconverted fellow sinners, who may read this, may, with God’s blessing, be made wise. The love of Christ has con- strained me to speak about my former lies, thefts, fraud, &c., that you might be benefited. Do not think that I am a fool, and therefore I have told out my heart in my folly; but I have made myself a fool for the benefit of your souls. May God in mercy, for his dear Son’s sake, grant that these pages may be a savour of life unto life to you ! The reason why I have spoken so plainly about some of the sins and errors into which I have fallen since my conversion, and about my answers to prayer, and the supplies of my temporal wants, and some of my family concerns, and the success which God has given to our labours, is not, because I do not know that it is contrary to worldly custom, and against the interest of my worldly reputation; nor is it, as if I made light of my falls; nor as if I would boast in having had my prayers so often answered, and having been in such a variety of ways used as an instrument in doing the Lord’s work; but, I have written what I have written for the benefit of my brethren. I have mentioned some of my sins and errors, that through my loss the brethren who may read this may gain. I have mentioned the answers of prayer, that through them they may be encouraged to make known their requests unto God. I have spoken about my tem- poral supplies, that through seeing how richly God has supplied my temporal wants, since the commencement of 1830, when I left London, they may be stirred up “to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,” resting assured, that, in doing so, he will give them what is needful for the life that now is. I have alluded to some family circumstances, that children of God may be encouraged to cast their family burdens upon the Lord, in order that, in doing so, they may find him carrying the burdens for them. And lastly, I have written about the A.D. 1837.] 195 success which God has been pleased to grant us in his work, that it may be seen, that in acting on scriptural principles we have the Lord on our side, and that our mode of preaching is honoured by him. If in anything which I have written I have been mistaken (and what human work is there which is free from error), I have been mistaken after much prayer. Whilst writing I have often asked help of God. Whilst revising the work, I have still again and again bowed my knees. I have also frequently entreated the Lord to bless this feeble effort of mine to speak to his praise, and I have not the slightest hesitation in saying, that from the earnestness and comfort which I have enjoyed in prayer, and from the sincere self-examination of my heart, I know that God will bless this little work. May I ask you then, my brethren and sisters, who have been benefited in reading this book, to help me with your prayers, that it may be blessed to others. May I also ask you, my brethren and sisters, who think I ought not to have published it, to ask God to bless that which you yourselves consider good and scriptural in it. And now last of all, brethren beloved in the Ilord, remember me in your prayers. END OF THIE IFIRST TART. § 2 A. N A R RATIVE OF SOME OF T H E L () R. D'S DEA LIN G. S WITH GEORGE MULLER. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. SECOND PART. jourtſ, 35uition. J. NIS BET & CO., BERNERS STREET, LONDON. - TO BE HAD ALSO IN BRISTOL, AT W. WHEREAT’S, No. 7, CORN STREET; AND AT THE BIBLE AND TRACT WAREHOUSE OF THE SCRIPTURAL RNOWLEDGE INSTITUTION FOR HOME AND ABROAD, No. 34, PARK STREET; AND THROUGH ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1855. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] LONDON : PRINTED BY J. DAVY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE, P. R. E. F. A. C. E. TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE SECOND PART. THROUGH grace I am, in some measure, conscious of my many weaknesses and deficiencies; but, with all this, I know that I am a member of the body of Christ, and that, as such, I have a place of service in the body. The reali- zation of this has laid upon me the responsibility of serving the church in the particular way for which the Lord has fitted me, and this has led me to write this second little volume, if by any means those of my fellow-saints, who have not yet learned the importance and preciousness of dealing with God himself under all circumstances, may be helped in learning this lesson. Nor did I think that the first part of this Narrative rendered the second part needless, because that contains more especially the Lord's dealings with me as an individual, whilst this gives, more particularly, an account of the remarkable way in which the Lord has helped me in reference to his work in my hands. For this second part carries on the account of the Orphan-Houses, etc., which are under my care, and contains the substance of the Reports previously pub- lished, so that any one who wishes to have the account from the beginning up to the end of last year, may be able to obtain it. This latter point alone made it needful for me to think about publishing this second part, as of the Reports for 1838 and 1839, which still almost daily are inquired after, there are only a few copies left, though 2,500 of the one and 3,000 of the other were published; and of the Report for 1840 there are also only about 500, out of 4,000, remaining. The being thus able to put the whole account of the work into the hands of an inquiring IV individual, affords such a one a fairer opportunity of seeing the working of those scriptural principles on which the Institution is established. And, lastly, the Lord’s con- tinued blessing upon the first part of the Narrative and the Reports, both to believers and unbelievers, has induced me to publish this second volume, which I now affec- tionately commend to the prayers of the saints, requesting at the same time their prayers for myself. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, June 14, 1841. PR. E. F. A C E TO THE FOURTH EDITION OF THE SECONI) PART. The same reasons which have induced me to publish the fifth edition of the first part, have also led me to publish this fourth edition of the second part. For the sake of brevity, a few paragraphs have been left out, which ap- peared in the third edition. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, November, 1855. A. N A R RATIVE, &c. &c. SECOND PART. IN publishing the continuation of the Narrative of some of the Lord’s dealings with me, I have thought it well to give it in the same form in which the larger portion of the former part is written. I therefore proceed to give extracts from my journal, making here and there such remarks as occasion may seem to require. The first part of the Narrative was carried on to the beginning of July 1837, from which period the Continuation commences. July 18, 1837. Four trials came upon me this morn- ing, without my having previously had opportunity for secret prayer. I had been prevented from rising early, on account of having to spend part of the night in a sick chamber; but this circumstance shows how important it is to rise early when we are able, in order that we may be prepared, by communion with the Lord, to meet the trials of the day. Aug. 15. To-day the first 500 copies of my Narrative arrived, and I had, once more, some conflict of mind whether, after all, I had not been mistaken in this matter. A sort of trembling came over me, and a wish to be able to retrace the step. Judging, however, from the most searching self-examination, through which I had caused my heart to pass again and again, as to my motives, before I began writing, and whilst I was writing ; and judging, moreover, from the earnestness in prayer with which I had sought to ascertain the mind of God in the matter, and from the subsequent full assurance which I 202 [A.D. 1837. had had of its being according to his will, that in this way I should serve the church;-I was almost immediately led to consider this uncomfortable and trying feeling as a temptation, and I therefore went to the box, opened it, brought out some copies, and soon after gave away one, so that the step could not be retraced. [This was the last temptation or struggle I have had of that kind; for, though, very many times since, I have had abundant reason for praising the Lord that he put such an honour upon me, in allowing me to speak well of his name in so public a manner, I have never since, even for one minute, been allowed to regret publishing the Narrative; and almost daily have I been more and more confirmed in the conviction, that the giving such like publications to the church, making known the Lord’s dealings with me, is one part of my service towards the saints.] Aug. 17. To-day two more children were received into the Infant-Orphan-House, which makes up our full num- ber, 66 in the Girls’ and Infant-Orphan-Houses. Aug. 28. When brother Craik and I began to labour in Bristol, and consequently some believers united with us in fellowship, assembling together at Bethesda, we began meeting together on the basis of the written word only, without having any church rules whatever. From the commencement it was understood, that as the Lord should help us, we would try every thing by the word of God, and introduce and hold fast that only which could be proved by Scripture. When we came to this deter- mination on Aug. 13, 1832, it was indeed in weakness, but it was in uprightness of heart.—On account of this it was, that, as we ourselves were not fully settled as to whether those only who had been baptized after they had believed, or whether all who believed in the Lord Jesus, irrespective of baptism, should be received into fellow- ship: nothing was determined about this point. We felt free to break bread and be in communion with those who were not baptized, and therefore could with a good con- science labour at Gideon, where the greater part of the Saints, at least at first, were unbaptized; but at the same time we had a secret wish that none but believers who were baptized might be united with us at Bethesda. Our reason for this was, that we had witnessed in Devon- shire much painful disunion, resulting, as we thought, A.D. 1837.] 2O3 from baptized and unbaptized believers being in fellow- ship. Without then, making it a rule, that Bethesda Church was to be one of close communion, we neverthe- less took care that those who applied for fellowship should be instructed about baptism. For many months there occurred no difficulty, as none applied for communion but such as had either been already baptized, or wished to be, or who became convinced of the scriptural character of believers’ baptism, after we had conversed with them; afterwards, however, three sisters applied for fellowship, none of whom had been baptized; nor were their views altered, after we had conversed with them. As, never- theless, brother Craik and I considered them true belie- vers, and we ourselves were not fully convinced what was the mind of the Lord in such a case, we thought it right that these sisters should be received; yet so that it might be unanimously, as all our church acts then were done; but we knew by that time, that there were several in fellowship with us, who could not conscientiously receive unbaptized believers. We mentioned, therefore, the names of these three sisters to the church, stating that they did not see believers' baptism to be scriptural, and that, if any brother saw, on that account, a reason why they should not be received, he should let us know. The result was, that several objected, and two or three meetings were held, at which we heard the objections of the brethren, and sought for ourselves to obtain acquaint- ance with the mind of God on the point. Whilst several days thus passed away before the matter was decided, one of those three sisters came and thanked us, that we had not received her, before being baptized, for she now saw that it was only shame and the fear of man which had kept her back, and that the Lord had now made her willing to be baptized. By this circumstance those brethren, who considered it scriptural that all ought to be baptized before being received into fellowship, were con- firmed in their views; and as to brother Craik and me, it made us, at least, still more question, whether those brethren might not be right; and we felt therefore, that in such a state of mind we could not oppose them. The one sister, therefore, who wished to be baptized, was received into fellowship, but the two others not. Our consciences were the less affected by this, because all, 204 [A.D. 1837. though not baptized, might take the Lord's supper with us, at Bethesda, though not be received into full fellow- ship; and because at Gideon, where there were baptized and unbaptized believers, they might even be received into full fellowship : for we had not then clearly seen that there is no scriptural distinction between being in fellowship with individuals and breaking bread with them. Thus matters stood for many months, i.e. believers were received to the breaking of bread even at Bethesda, though not baptized, but they were not received to all the privileges of fellowship.–In August of 1836 I had a conversation with brother R. C. on the subject of receiving the unbaptized into communion, a subject about which, for years, my mind had been more or less exercised. This brother put the matter thus before me: either unbaptized believers come under the class of persons who walk disor- derly, and, in that case, we ought to withdraw from them (2 Thess. iii. 6); or they do not walk disorderly. If a believer be walking disorderly, we are not merely to with- draw from him at the Lord’s table, but our behaviour towards him ought to be decidedly different from what it would be were he not walking disorderly, on all occasions when we may have intercourse with him, or come in any way into contact with him. Now this is evidently not the case in the conduct of baptized believers towards their unbaptized fellow-believers. The Spirit does not suffer it to be so, but he witnesses that their not having been baptized does not necessarily imply that they are walking disorderly; and hence there may be the most precious communion between baptized and unbaptized believers. The Spirit does not suffer us to refuse fellowship with them in prayer, in reading and searching the Scriptures, in social and intimate intercourse, and in the Lord’s work; and yet this ought to be the case, were they walking disorderly.—This passage, 2 Thess. iii. 6, to which brother R. C. referred, was the means of showing me the mind of the Lord on the subject, which is, that we ought to receive all whom Christ has received (Rom. xv. 7), irrespective of the "measure of grace or knowledge which they have attained wnto.—Some time after this conversation, in May 1837, an opportunity occurred, when we (for brother Craik had seen the same truth) were called upon to put into practice the light which the Lord had been pleased to give us. A A.D. 1837.] 205 sister, who neither had been baptized, nor considered her- self under any obligation to be baptized, applied for fellowship. We conversed with her on this as on other subjects, and proposed her for fellowship, though our conversation had not convinced her that she ought to be baptized. This led the church again to the consideration of the point. We gave our reasons, from Scripture, for considering it right to receive this unbaptized sister to all the privileges of the children of God; but a considerable number, one-third perhaps, expressed conscientious diffi- culty in receiving her. The example of the Apostles, in baptizing the first believers upon a profession of faith, was especially urged, which indeed would be an insur- mountable difficulty had not the truth been mingled with error for so long a time, so that it does not prove wilful disobedience, if any one in our day should refuse to be baptized after believing. The Lord, however, gave us much help in pointing out the truth to the brethren, so that the number of those, who considered that only bap- tized believers should be in communion, decreased almost daily. At last, only fourteen brethren and sisters out of above 180, thought it right, this Aug. 28, 1837, to separate from us, after we had had much intercourse with them. [I am glad to be able to add, that even of these 14, the greater part afterwards saw their error, and came back again to us, and that the receiving of all who love our Tord Jesus into full communion, irrespective of baptism, has never been the source of disunion among us, though more than eighteen years have passed away since.] Sept. 2. I have been looking about for a house for the Orphan Boys, these last three days. Everything else has been provided. The Lord has given suitable individuals to take care of the children, money, &c. In his own time he will give a house also. Sept. 6. This morning I accompanied a sister, who had been staying a night with us, to the steamer. In answer to prayer I awoke at the right time, the fly came at half- past five, her trunk was got from the vessel in which she came yesterday, and we arrived before the steamer had left. In all these four points I felt my dependance upon the Lord, and he, having put prayer into my heart, answered it in each of these four particulars. Sept. 15. This evening we had a meeting for inquirers T 206 [A.D. 1837. and applicants for fellowship. There were more than we could see within three hours; and when all strength was gone, we had to send away four. Among those whom we saw was E. W. who had been kept for some time from applying for fellowship, on account of not seeing believers' baptism to be scriptural. She wished to be taught, but could not see it. She felt grieved that on that account she could not attend to the breaking of bread, which she did see to be scriptural. As soon as open communion was brought about at Bethesda, she wished to offer herself for fellowship, but was twice prevented by circumstances from doing so. Last Wednesday evening she came to the baptizing, when once more, after the lapse of more than two years, I preached on baptism, which fully con- vinced her of its being scriptural, and she desires now to be baptized. Her difficulty was, that she thought she had been baptized with the Spirit, and therefore needed no water baptism, which now, from Acts x. 44–47, she sees to be an unscriptural objection.—Though it is only one month this day since my Narrative was published, I have already heard of many instances in which the Lord has been pleased to bless it. This morning we received a parcel with clothes and some money for the Orphans, from a sister at a distance. Among the donations in money was a little legacy, amounting to 6s. 64d. from a dear boy, the nephew of the sister who sent the things, who died in the faith. This dear child had had given to him, in his last illness, some new shillings, sixpences, and other smaller silver coins, amounting to the above-mentioned little sum. Shortly before he fell asleep he requested that this his little trea- sure might be sent to the Orphans. This precious little legacy is the first we have had. Sept. 19. Two things were to-day particularly im- pressed upon my heart, and may the Lord deepen the impression. 1. That I ought to seek for more retirement, though the work should apparently suffer ever so much. 2. That arrangements should be made, whereby I may be able to visit the brethren more, as an unvisited church will sooner or later become an unhealthy church. Pastors, as fellow-labourers, are greatly needed among us. Sept. 27. To-day, a believer sent a brother, a tailor, to measure me for a great coat. Thus the Lord has sup- A.D. 1837.] 207 plied my need in this particular also ; for my old one, which was bought with money that had been sent to me from a distance of several thousand miles, is now much WOI’Il. Sept. 28. I have for a long time been too much out- wardly engaged. Yesterday morning I spent about three hours in the vestry of Gideon, to be able to have more time for retirement. I meant to do the same in the after- noon, but before I could leave the house I was called on, and thus one person after the other came, till I had to go out. Thus it has been again to-day. Oct. 16. For a long time past brother Craik and I have felt the importance of more pastoral visiting, and it has been one of our greatest trials, that we have been unable to give more time to it. This evening we had purposely a meeting of the two Churches, at which brother Craik and I, and a brother from Devonshire spoke on : I. The importance of pastoral visiting. II. The particular ob- stacles which hindered us in attending to it. III. The question whether there was any way of removing some of the obstacles. I. As to the importance of pastoral visiting, the follow- ing points were mentioned: 1. Watching over the saints, by means of visiting them, to prevent coldness, or to re- cover them from backsliding. 2. To counsel and advise them in family affairs, in their business, and in spiritual matters. 3. To keep up that loving familiar intercourse, which is so desirable between the Saints and those who have the oversight of them.—These visits should be, if possible, frequent ; but in our case there have been several obstacles in the way. II. The particular obstacles in our case are: I. The largeness of the number who are in communion with us. One hundred would be quite as many as we have strength to visit regularly, and as often as would be desirable; but there are nearly 400 in fellowship with us. 2. The dis- tance of the houses of the saints from our own dwellings, as many live more than two miles off. 3. The Lord's blessing upon our labours. Not one year has passed away, since we have been in Bristol, without more than fifty having been added to our number, each of whom, in general, needed several times to be conversed with before being admitted into fellowship. 4. That brother Craik T 2 208 [A.D. 1837. and I have each of us the care of two churches. At the first sight it appears as if the work is thus divided, but the double number of meetings, &c., nearly double the work. 5. The mere ruling, and taking care, in general, of a large body of believers, irrespective of the other work, takes much more time, and requires much more strength, than the taking care of a small body of believers, as we, by grace, desire not to allow known sin among us. 6. The position which we have in the church at large brings many brethren to us who travel through Bristol, who call on us, or lodge with us, and to whom, according to the Lord's will, we have to give some time. 7. In my own case an extensive needful correspondence. 8. The weakness of body on the part of both of us. When the preaching is done,—when the strangers who lodge with us are gone,—when the calls at our house are over, when the needful letters, however briefly, are written,_ when the necessary church business is settled;—our minds are often so worn out, that we are glad to be quiet. 9. But suppose we have bodily strength remaining after the above things have been attended to, yet the frame of mind is not always so, as that one could visit. After having been particularly tried by church matters, which in so large a body does not rarely occur, or being cast down in one’s own soul, one may be fit for the closet, but not for visiting the saints. 10. Lastly, in my own case, no small part of my time is taken up by attending to the affairs of the Orphan-Houses, Schools, the circulation of the Scrip- tures, the aiding Missionary efforts, and other work con- nected with the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. III. What is to be done under these circumstances P 1. In the days of the Apostles there would have been more brethren to take the oversight of so large a body as we are. The Lord has not laid upon us a burden which is too heavy for us; he is not a hard master. It is evident that he does not mean us even to attempt to visit all the saints as much as is absolutely needful, and much less as frequently as it would be desirable. We mention this, to prevent uncomfortable feelings on the part of the dear saints under our pastoral care, who find themselves not as much visited as they used to be when we came to Bristol, when the number of them was not 70, and now it is about 400, and when in many other respects the A.D. 1837.] 209 work in our hands was not half so much, as it is now, and when we had much more bodily strength. 2. It is there- fore evident that there are other pastors needed; not nominal pastors, but such as the Lord has called, to whom he has given a pastor's heart, and pastoral gifts. 3. Such may be raised up by the Lord from our own number, or the Lord may send them from elsewhere. 4. But in the meantime we should at least see whether there are not helpers among us. 5. As to the work itself, in order that time may be saved, it appears desirable that the two churches, Bethesda and Gideon, should be united into one, that the breaking of bread should be alternately, and that the number of weekly meetings should be reduced. Oct. 21. A few weeks since I had rented a very large and a very cheap house for the Boys' Orphan-House; but as the persons who live in that neighbourhood threatened the landlord with an action, on account of letting his house for a charitable institution, I, at once, gave up all claim. That which led me to do so was the word of the Lord ; “As much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” I was quite sure when I gave up the agreement, that the Lord would provide other premises. On the same morning when this took place, Oct. 5, the Lord, to show his continued approbation of the work, sent 50l. by a sister, who is far from being rich, for the furnishing of the Boys'-Orphan-House. Now, to-day, the Lord has given me another house for the Orphan-Boys, in the same street, in which the other two Orphan-Houses are. Thus, in his own time, he has sent help in this particular also. Indeed in every thing, in which I have had to deal with him alone in this work, I have never been disappointed. Oct. 23. To-day two young sisters were received into fellowship who have been in our Sunday-School. Thus we begin now to reap fruit in respect of our schools. Nov. 1. Our Bible—School—and Missionary funds having been for some time very low, I had been led repeatedly to ask the Lord for a rich supply, and men- tioned several times, though with submission to his will, the sum of 100l. before him. However, he seemed not to regard the prayer respecting the 100l. but gave to us by little and little what was needed. Yesterday I re- ceived a donation of 80l., and to-day one of 20l., and thus T 3 210 [A.D. 1837. he has kindly given the 100l. By this means we are able to increase our stock of Bibles, which has been much reduced of late. Nov. 5. Last night I awoke with a great weakness in my head, which kept me a good while awake. I at last got to sleep by tying a handkerchief round my head, and by thus pressing it. To-day, however, though weak, I was able to preach, and that with much enjoyment, espe- cially in the evening at Bethesda. Nov. 6. I feel very weak in my head. This evening it was settled at a meeting of the two churches, assembling at Bethesda and Gideon Chapels, that, for the reasons before given, the two churches should be henceforth united as one. Nov. 7. My head is so weak, that I see it absolutely needful to give up the work for some time. After I had come this morning to the conclusion to leave Bristol for a while for the purpose of quietness, I received an ano- nymous letter from Ireland with 5l. for my own personal expenses, and thus the Lord has kindly supplied me with the means for doing so.-I can work no longer, my head being in such a weak state from continual exertion, so that I feel now comfortable in going, though scarcely any time could have been, humanly speaking, more unsuitable. The Orphan-House for the Boys is on the point of being opened, the labourers therefore are to be introduced into the work;-most important church matters have been entered upon and are yet unsettled;—but the Lord knows better, and cares for his work more than I do or can. Therefore I desire to leave the matter with him, and he graciously helps me to do so, and thus, in the quiet sub- mission to his will, and the willingness to leave the work in his own hands, I have the testimony that I have not been engaged in my own work but in his. Nov. 8. This morning I left Bristol. When I left my house, I knew not which place to go to. All I knew was, that I must leave Bristol. A Bath coach was the first one I could get, and I took it. My intention was, not to go to brethren, as I needed perfect quietness; but I felt so uncomfortable at the hotel, on account of the worldliness of the place, that I went to see a brother, who with his aunts kindly pressed me to stay with them.—This even- ing has been a very trying season to me. My head has A.D. 1837.] 211 been very weak, I have greatly feared lest I should become insane; but amidst it all, through grace, my soul is quietly resting upon the Lord. Nov. 12. Lord's day... I am still staying in Bath. The weakness of my head allowed me to attend but one meet- ing, and even that distressed my head much. Nov. 13. I was greatly distressed this evening on account of my head. I prayed earnestly to be kept from insanity. Nov. 14. I am rather better in my head to-day. Nov. 15. I left Bath, and went back to Bristol, as I felt I needed more quietness than I can have in the house of any friends, being continually drawn into conversation, which my head cannot bear. Nov. 16. To-day I went to Weston Super Mare, to take lodgings for myself and family. A sister sent me this morning 5l., by which the Lord has provided me with the means for removing my family. Nov. 17. Weston Super Mare. This evening my wife and child, and our servant arrived here. Yesterday a sister secretly put two sovereigns in my wife's pocket book. How kind is the Lord in thus providing us with means according to our need . How kind also in having just now sent brother T. to take the work arising from the Schools, Orphan-Houses, &c., just as brother C I” was sent two years ago, shortly before I was completely laid aside —To-day a brother sent me information, that he had ordered one hundred pairs of blankets to be sent to me, for distribution among the poor. Nov. 23. My general health is pretty good; my head, however, is no better, but rather worse. This evening I was led, through the affliction in my head, to great irrita- bility of temper. Of late I have had afresh painfully to experience in myself two things: 1. That affliction in itself does not lead nearer to God. 2. That we may have a good deal of leisure time and yet fail in profitably im- proving it. Often had I wished within the last months that I might have more time. Now the Lord has given it to me, but alas ! how little of it is improved for prayer. I find it a difficult thing whilst caring for the body, not to neg- lect the soul. It seems to me much easier to go on altogether regardless of the body, in the service of the Lord, than to take care of the body in the time of sick- 212 [A. D. 1837. ness, and not to neglect the soul, especially in an affliction like my present one, when the head allows but little read- ing or thinking.—What a blessed prospect to be delivered from this wretched evil natureſ I can say nothing re- specting this day, and this evening in particular, but that I am a wretched man. Nov. 24. I am now quite sure that I want more than mere quiet and change of air, even medical advice. My general health seems improved through my stay at Weston, but the disease in my head is increased. I have had many distressing moments since I have been at Weston, on account of fearing that my disease may be the forerunner of insanity; yet God has in mercy sus- tained me, and enabled me, in some small measure, not- withstanding my great sinfulness, to realize the blessing of being in Christ, and therefore secure for ever. Nov. 25. We returned to Bristol. I was at peace, being able to cast myself upon the Lord respecting the calamity which I feared. This evening I saw a kind physician and surgeon, who told me that the disease is either a tendency of blood to the head, or that the nerves of the head are in a disordered state. They also told me that I had not the least reason to fear insanity. How little grateful is my soul for this Nov. 29. I am no better. A sister sent me to-day 5l. ; also a pickled tongue, fowls, cakes, and beautiful grapes were sent to me. My cup, as to temporal mer- cies, runs over.—One of the Orphan children died while I was at Weston Super Mare. There is reason to believe that she died in the faith. Nov. 30. I am not any better. I have written to m father, perhaps, for the last time. All is well, all will be well, all cannot but be well; because I am in Christ. How precious that now, in this my sickness, I have not to seek after the Lord, but have already found him. Dec. 1. By the mercy of God my head is somewhat relieved. My liver is in a most inactive state, which, as my kind medical attendants tell me, has created the pressure on the top of the head, and, through the inactivity of the liver, the whole system having been weakened, and my mental exertions having been continued, the nerves of the head have greatly suffered in consequence.—This evening was sent to me, anonymously, from a distance, 5l. for my A.D. 1837.] 213 own present necessities. The letter was only signed F. W.-A sister, a stranger, gave to my wife 1. Thus the Lord remembers our increased expenditure in conse- quence of my affliction, and sends to us accordingly. Dec. 4. Yesterday I met with the brethren for the breaking of bread. To-day I am not so well. Every time that I meet with them, the nerves of my head are ex- cited, and I am worse afterwards. A sister from Barnstaple sent us 11. 15s. Dec. 8. My head is not so well as at the end of last week. I find it difficult to be in Bristol and not to exert my mind. Prayer and the reading of the word I can bear better than any thing. May the Lord give me grace to pray more I See as yet scarcely a single reason, so far as I myself am concerned, why the Lord should remove this affliction from me. I do not find myself more con- formed to the mind of Jesus by it. Dec. 9. Two years ago this day, I stated my intention of establishing an Orphan-House, if God should permit. What has God wrought since 75 orphans are now under our care, and 21 more we can receive. Several more are daily expected. During the last twelvemonth the expenses have been about 740l., and the income about 840l. In addition to this, about 400l. has been expended upon the Schools, the circulation of the Scriptures, and in aiding Missionary purposes. More than 11007, therefore we have needed during the past year, and our good Lord has supplied all, without one single person having been asked for any thing. Dec. 12. To-day the hundred pairs of blankets arrived. How kind of the Lord to give us the privilege of being instrumental in providing, in this respect, for some of the poor, both among the saints and in the world ! This donation came in most seasonably, as, on inquiring into the circumstances of some of the poor, most affecting cases of distress were discovered, on account of the want of blankets. May the Lord give me grace to deny myself, in order to provide for the necessities of the poor How much may be done even by a little self-denial Lord, help me!—The blankets were of a very good quality. It is a Christlike spirit in supplying the necessities of the poor, not to ask how little will do for them, but how richly may I possibly supply their need. 214 [A.D. 1837. Tec. 14. A sister, who a short time since had given me 5l. for my own personal expenses, gave me another 5l. to-day. How very kind is the Lord in providing so abun- dantly for us, and giving us far more than we need! Dec. 16. My head is not at all better, but rather worse. My medical attendants have to-day changed the medicine. But however kind and skilful they are, how- ever nourishing the food which I take, however much I seek to refrain from over-exertion, and however much I take exercise in the air :—till thou, my great Physician, thou Creator of the Universe, Lord Jesus, dost restore me, I shall be laid aside —I have been working a little during the last fortnight, but only a little. Dec. 17.—Lord’s day. This morning I saw the 32 orphan girls, who are above seven years old, pass under my window, to go to the chapel. When I saw these dear children in their clean dresses, and their comfortable warm cloaks; and when I saw them walking orderly under the care of a sister to the chapel; I felt grateful to God that I had been made the instrument of providing for them, seeing that they are all better off, both as it regards tem- poral and spiritual things, than if they were at the places from whence they were taken. I felt, that, to bring about such a sight, was worth the labour not only of many days, but of many months, or years. I felt that it answered all the arguments of some of my friends who say “you do too much.” Dec. 24. This is the seventh Lord's day that I have been laid aside.—This day I determine, by the help of God, no more to send letters in parcels, because I now clearly see that it is against the laws of the country, and it becomes me, as a disciple of Jesus, in every respect to submit myself to the government, in so far as I am not called upon to do any thing contrary to the word of God. Dec. 26. To-day the same brother who sent me the hundred pairs of blankets, sent me 100l. to pur- chase as many more blankets as I can satisfactorily distribute. Dec. 29. Applications for the admission of orphans become more and more numerous. Almost daily fresh cases are brought before us. There are already as many applications for Orphan-Girls above seven years as would fill another house. There are also many more Infant- A.D. 1837.] 215 Orphans applied for than we can take in. Truly this is a large field of labour ! Dec. 31. This is the eighth Lord’s day since I have been kept from ministering in the word, nor did I think it well, on account of my head, to go to any of the meet- ings to-day. Whether I am really getting better I know not, yet I hope I am. My head is yet much affected, though my liver seems somewha; more active.—This morning I greatly dishonoured thé Lord by irritability, manifested towards my dear wife, and that almost imme- diately after I had been on my knees before God, praising him for having given me such a wife. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1837. I. There are now 81 children in the three Orphan- Houses, and nine brethren and sisters who have the care of them. Ninety, therefore, daily sit down to table. Lord, look on the necessities of thy servant II. The Schools require as much help as before; nay, more, particularly the Sunday School, in which there are at present about 320 children, and in the Day Schools about 350.-Lord, thy servant is a poor man; but he has trusted in Thee, and made his boast in Thee, before the sons of men; therefore let him not be confounded ! Let it not be said, all this was enthusiasm, and therefore it is come to nought ! III. My temporal supplies have been: 1. By the Freewill Offerings through the boxes . . . . . . . . . . . £149 18 6; 2. By Presents in money, from believers in and out of Bristol . . . . . . . 77 4 0 3. By Presents in clothes, provisions, &c., which were worth to us at least . . 25 0 0 4. By Money through family connexion . 45 0 0 5. We have been living half free of rent, whereby we have saved at least . . 10 0 0 £307 2 6% I have purposely given here again, as at the close of the former years, a statement of the supplies which the Lord has been pleased to send me during this year, because I 216 [A.D. 1838. delight in showing, both to the world and to the church, how kind a master I have served even as to temporal blessings, and how so plainly in my case the Lord has displayed the truth of that word “Whosoever believeth on him shall not be confounded,” not merely by pro- viding the means for his work in my hands, but also by providing for the necessities of myself and family. January 1, 1838. Through the good hand of our God upon me I have been brought to the beginning of another year. May he in mercy grant that it may be spent more in his service than any previous year ! May 1, through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, be more conformed to the image of his Son, than has been the case hitherto 1– Tast night the brethren had a prayer-meeting at Gideon, after the preaching was over, and continued till half-past twelve in prayer; but I was unable to be present. Jan. 2. During the last night thieves broke into our house, and into the school-room of Gideon Chapel. Being stopped by a second strong door, in my house, or rather being prevented from going any further by our loving Tather, who did not allow the hedge which he has set round about us, at this time, to be broken through, nothing was missing, except some cold meat, which they took out of the house.—They broke open several boxes in Gideon school-room, but took nothing. They left some of the bones, the meat being cut off, in one of the boxes in Gideon school-room, and hung up another in a tree in our garden. So depraved is man naturally when left to himself, that he not only steals his fellowman's property, but also makes sport of the sin! How merciful that God has protected us ! My mind was peaceful when I heard the news this morning, thanking God from my heart for preservation, and considering it as an answer to prayer, which had been many times put up to him, during these last years, respecting thieves. Jan. 6. I feel very little better in my head, though my general health seems improved ; but my kind phy- sician says I am much better, and advises me now change of air. I am most reluctant to go, though on two former occasions when I used change of air, in August 1829 at Txmouth, and in 1835 at Niton in the Isle of Wight, the Lord abundantly blessed me in doing so, both bodily and A.D. 1838.] 217 spiritually. This evening a sister who resides about fifty miles from hence, and who is therefore quite unacquainted with the medical advice given to me this morning, sent me 151, for the express purpose of change of air, and wrote that she felt assured, from having been similarly afflicted, that nothing would do me so much good, humanly speaking, as quiet and change of air. How wonderfully does God work! I have thus the means of carrying into effect my physician’s advice.—To-day I heard of a most remarkable case of conversion through the instrumentality of my Narrative. Jan. 7. This is the ninth Lord’s day that I have been kept from ministering in the word. My head is in a dis- tressing state, and, as far as I can judge, as bad as ever, It seems to me more and more clear that the nerves are affected. My affliction is connected with a great tendency to irritability of temper; yea, with some satanic feeling, foreign to me even naturally. O Lord, mercifully keep thy servant from openly dishonouring thy name! Rather take me soon home to thyself! Jan. 10. To-day I went with my family to Trowbridge. Jan. 12. Trowbridge. This evening I commenced read- ing Whitfield’s life, written by Mr. Philip. Jan. 13. I have already received blessing through Whitfield’s life. His great success in preaching the Gospel is evidently to be ascribed, instrumentally, to his great prayerfulness, and his reading the Bible on his knees. I have known the importance of this for years; I have practised it a little, but far too little. I have had more communion with God to-day than I have had, at least generally, for some time past. Jan. 14. Lord's day. I have continued reading Whit- field's life. God has again blessed it to my soul. I have spent several hours in prayer to-day, and read on my knees, and prayed for two hours over Psalm lxiii. God has blessed my soul much to-day. I have been fighting together with the armies of Jesus, though this is the tenth Lord’s day since I have been kept from preaching, and though I have not assembled with the brethren here, on account of my head. My soul is now brought into that state, that I delight myself in the will of God, as it regards my health. Yea, I can now say, from my heart, I would not have this disease removed till God, through TJ 218 [A.D. 1838. it, has bestowed the blessing for which it was sent. He has drawn out my soul much yesterday and to-day. Lord, continue thy goodness, and fill me with love I long, more fully to glorify God; not so much by outward activity, as by inward conformity to the image of Jesus. What hinders God, to make of one, so vile as I am, another Whitfield P Surely, God could bestow as much grace upon me, as he did upon him. O, my Lord, draw me closer and closer to thyself, that I may run after thee!—I desire, if God should restore me again for the ministry of the word, (and this I believe he will do soon, judging from the state into which he has now brought my soul, though I have been worse in health the last eight days, than for several weeks previously), that my preach- ing may be more than ever the result of earnest prayer and much meditation, and that I may so walk with God, that out of my belly may flow rivers of living water. But alas! if the grace of God prevent not, one day more, and the rich blessings, which he has bestowed upon my soul yesterday and to-day, will all vanish ; but again, if he favours me, (and oh! may he do it), I shall go from strength to strength, and I and the saints in Bristol shall have abundant reason to praise God for this my illness. Jan. 15. I have had since yesterday afternoon less suffering in my head than for the last eight days; though it is even now far from being well. I have still an inward assurance, on account of the spiritual blessings which the Lord has granted to me, that through this affliction he is only purifying me for his blessed service, and that I shall be soon restored to the work.--To-day, also, God has continued to me fervency of spirit, which I have now enjoyed for three days following. He has to-day, also, drawn out my soul into much real communion with him- self, and into holy desires to be more conformed to his dear Son. When God gives a spirit of prayer, how easy then to pray ! Nevertheless it was given to me in the use of the means, as I fell on my knees last Saturday, to read his word with meditation, and to turn it into prayer. To-day I spent about three hours in prayer over Ps. lxiv. and lxv. In reference to that precious word “O thou that hearest prayer,” (Ps. lxv. 2.) I asked the Lord the following petitions, and entreated him to record them in heaven and to answer them. A.D. 1838.] 219 1. That he would give me grace to glorify him by a submissive and patient spirit under my affliction. 2. That as I was enabled now, and only now from my heart, to praise God for this affliction, he would not remove his hand from me, until he had qualified me for his work more than I have been hitherto. 3. That he would be pleased to grant, that the work of conversion, through the instrumentality of brother Craik and myself, might not cease, but go on as much now as when we first came to Bristol, yea, more abundantly than even then. 4. That he would be pleased to give more real spiritual prosperity to the church under our care, than ever we have as yet enjoyed. 5. Having praised him for the sale of so many copies of my Narrative in so short a time, I entreated him to cause every copy to be disposed of. 6. I asked him to continue to let his rich blessing rest upon this little work, and more abundantly, so that many may be converted through it, and many of the children of God truly benefited by it, and that thus I might now be speaking through it, though laid aside from active service. 7. I asked him for his blessing, in the way of conver- sion, to rest upon the Orphans, and upon the Sunday and Day-School children under our care. 8. I asked him for means to carry on these Institutions, and to enlarge them. These are some of the petitions which I have asked of my God this evening in connexion with this his own word. I believe he has heard me. I believe he will make it manifest in his own good time that he has heard me, and I have recorded these my petitions this 14th day of January 1838, that when God has answered them, he may get, through this, glory to his name.—[Whilst writing this second part, I add to the praise of the Lord, and for the encouragement of the children of God, that petitions 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, have been fully answered, and the other petitions, likewise, in part.] Jan. 16. Tuesday. A blessed day. How very good is the Lord | Fervency of spirit, through his grace, is con- tinued to me, though this morning, but for the help of God, I should have lost it again. The weather has been very cold for several days; but to-day I suffered much, - U 2 220 [A.D. 1838. either because it was colder than before, or because I felt it more, owing to the weakness of my body, and having taken so much medicine. I arose from my knees, and stirred the fire; but I still remained very cold. I was a little irritated by this. I moved to another part of the room, but felt the cold still more. At last, having prayed for some time, I was obliged to rise up, and take a walk to promote circulation. I now entreated the Lord on my walk, that this circumstance might not be permitted to rob me of the precious communion which I have had with him the last three days; for this was the object at which Satan aimed. I confessed also my sin of irritability on account of the cold, and sought to have my conscience cleansed through the blood of Jesus. He had mercy upon me, my peace was restored, and when I returned I sought the Lord again in prayer, and had uninterrupted communion with him. [I have purposely mentioned the above circumstance, in detail, in order to show, how the most trivial causes may operate in suddenly robbing one of the enjoyment of most blessed communion with God.] I have been enabled to pray for several hours this day. The subject of my meditation has been Psalm lxvi.- Verses 10, 11, and 12, are particularly applicable to my present circumstances. God has already, through the instrumentality of this my affliction, brought me into a “wealthy place,” and I believe he will bless my soul yet more and more.—I do not remember any time, when I have had more fervency of spirit in connexion with such a desire to overcome every thing that is hateful in the sight of God, and with such an earnestness to be fully conformed to the image of Jesus. Truly, I have reason to apply to myself verse 16, and “tell what God has done for my soul.”—Verse 18 also I can take to myself. I do not regard iniquity in my heart, but it is upright before him, through his grace, and therefore God does hear my prayers.-What has God done for me, in comparing this 16th of January 1838 with the 16th of January 1820, the day on which my dear mother died.— I have also resolved this day, if the Lord should restore me again, to have an especial meeting at the chapel once a week, or once a fortnight, with the Orphan and Day- School children, for the purpose of reading the Scriptures with them.—My heart has been drawn out in prayer for A.D. 1838.] 221 many things, especially that the Lord would create in me a holy earnestness to win souls, and a greater compassion for ruined sinners. For this I have been quickened through reading onward in Whitfield’s life. Jan. 17. The Lord is yet merciful to me. I enjoy fervency of spirit. My soul has been again repeatedly led out in prayer this day, and that for a considerable time.—I have read on my knees, with prayer and medi- tation, Psalm lxviii.-Verse 5: “A Father of the father- less,” one of the titles of Jehovah, has been an especial blessing to me, with reference to the Orphans. The truth, which is contained in this, I never realized so much as to-day. By the help of God, this shall be my argument before him, respecting the Orphans, in the hour of need. He is their Father, and therefore has pledged himself, as it were, to provide for them, and to care for them; and I have only to remind him of the need of these poor children, in order to have it supplied. My soul is still more enlarged respecting Orphans. This word “a Father of the fatherless,” contains enough encourage- ment to cast thousands of Orphans, with all their need, upon the loving heart of God.—My head has been again in a distressing state to-day; my soul, however, is in peace. May God in mercy continue to me fervency of spirit ! January 18 to February 2. During this time I con- tinued still at Trowbridge. I was, on the whole, very happy, and habitually at peace, and had repeatedly much communion with God; but still I had not the same earnestness in prayer, nor did I, in other respects, enjoy the same degree of fervency of spirit, with which the Lord had favoured me for several days previous to this period. While the considerable degree of fervency of spirit, which I had had, was altogether the gift of God, still I have to ascribe to myself the loss of it. It is remarkable, that the same book, Whitfield’s life, which was instrumental in stirring me up to seek after such a frame of heart, was also instrumental in depriving me of it, in some measure, afterwards. I once or twice read that book when I ought to have read the Bible on my knees, and thus was robbed of a blessing. Neverthe- less, on the whole, even this period was a good season.- My health being not at all improved, it seemed best that U 3 222 [A.D. 1838. I should give up all medicine for a while, and take a tour; on which account I left Trowbridge to-day and went to Bath, with the object of going from thence to Oxford. I had grace to-day to confess the Lord Jesus on my way from Trowbridge to Bath, as also twice, lately, in going from Trowbridge to Bristol; but I was also twice silent. Oh that my heart may be filled with the love of Jesus, in order that it may be filled with love for perishing sinners' Feb. 3. I left Bath this morning, and arrived in the evening at Oxford, where I was very kindly received by brother and sister , and the sisters º Feb. 7. Oxford. I had been praying repeatedly yester- day and the day before, that the Lord would be pleased to guide me, whether I should leave this place or not ; but could not see it clearly to be his will that I should do So, and therefore determined to stay. Now, as I am able to have a quiet horse, I shall try horse exercise, if it may please the Lord to bless that to the benefit of my health. - - Feb. 10. I have had horse exercise for the last three days, but the horse is now ill. “Mine hour is not yet come,” is the Lord’s voice to me in this little circumstance. Feb. 11. This morning I was directed to read Proverbs iii. 5–12, having just a few minutes to fill up before breakfast. I was particularly struck with those words: “Neither be weary of his correction.” I have not been allowed to despise the chastening of the Lord, but I begin, now and then, to feel somewhat weary of his correction. O Lord, have mercy upon thy poor unworthy servant Thou knowest that, after the inner man, I desire patiently to bear this affliction, and not to have it re- moved till it has done its work in me, and yielded the peaceable fruits of righteousness. But thou knowest also what a trial it is to me to continue the life I am now living. Help, Lord, according to my need On Feb. 8th I sent a letter to the church in Bristol, which, having been preserved, I give here in print, as it shows the way in which the Lord dealt with me during and through the instrumentality of the affliction, and which, with his blessing, may lead one or other of the children of God, who are in trial, quietly to wait for the end, and to look out for blessings to be bestowed upon them through the instrumentality of the trial. A.D. 1838.] 223 Trowbridge, Feb. 1, 1838. To the Saints, united together in Fellowship, and assembling at Bethesda and Gideon Chapels, Bristol. T}ear Brethren, Twelve weeks have passed away since I last ministered among you. I should have written to you repeatedly during that period, had I not thought it better to put aside every mental occupation which could be deferred, as my head is unfit for mental exertion; but I would now rather write a few lines, than appear unmindful of you. You are dear to me; yea, so dear, that I desire to live and die with you, if our Lord permit, and why should I not tell you so by letter P I will write, then, as a token of brotherly remembrance and of love towards you : and may it be a means of quickening you to prayer on my behalf. In looking back upon my past life, I know not where to begin, and where to end, in making mention of the Dord’s mercies. His long-suffering towards me in the days of my unregeneracy cannot be described. You know a little of my sinful life, before I was brought to the Lord; still you know but very little. If, however, I have much reason to praise God for his mercies towards me in those days, I have more abundant reason to admire his gentle- aess, long-suffering, and faithfulness towards me since I have known him. He has step by step led me on, and he has not broken the bruised reed. His gentleness towards me has been great indeed, very great. (Brethren, let us follow God, in dealing gently with each other I) He has borne with my coldness, half-heartedness, and backsliding. In the midst of it all, he has treated me as his child. How can I sufficiently praise him for this long- suffering P (Brethren, let us imitate our Father, let us. bear long, and suffer long with each other') He has been always the same gracious, kind, loving Father, Friend, Supporter, Teacher, Comforter, and all in all to me, as he was at the beginning. No variableness has been found in him towards me, though I have again and again provoked him. I say this to my shame. (Brethren, let us seek to be faithful, in the Lord, towards each other | Let us seek to love each other in the truth, and for the truth’s sake, without variableness / It is easy, comparatively, to 224 [A.D. 1838. begin to love; but it requires much watchfulness not to grow weary in love, when little or no love is returned; yea, when we are unkindly treated, instead of being loved. Dut as our gracious, faithful God, notwithstanding all our variableness, loves us without change, so should we, his children, love each other. Lord, help us so to do ) Besides this gentleness, long-suffering, and faithfulness, which the Lord has manifested towards me, and which I have experienced in common with you all, the Lord has bestowed upon me peculiar blessings and privileges. One of the chief is, that he has condescended to call me for the ministry of his word. How can I praise him suffi- ciently for this One who was such a sinner, such a ser- vant of Satan, so fit for hell, so deserving of everlasting destruction, was not merely cleansed from sin and made a child of God through faith in the Lord Jesus, and thus fitted for heaven, and did not merely receive the sure pro- mise that he should have eternal glory; but was also called unto, and, in a measure, qualified for the expound- ing of the word of God. I magnify him for this honour! —But more than this. More than eleven years, with very little interruption, have I been allowed, more or less, to preach the word. My soul does magnify the Lord for this More still. The Lord has condescended to use me as an instrument in converting many sinners, and, in a measure at least, in benefiting many of his children. For this honour I do now praise God, and shall praise him not merely as long as I live, but as long as Thave a being. But I do not stop here. I have many other reasons to speak well of the Lord, but I would only mention one. It is my present affliction. Yes, my present affliction is among the many things, for which I have very much rea- son to praise God; and I do praise him for it. Before you, before the whole church of Christ, and before the world would I confess that God has dealt in very kind- ness towards me in this affliction. I own, I have not borne it without impatience and fretfulness; T own, I have been several times overcome by irritability of temper on account of it; but nevertheless, after the inner man, I praise God for the affliction, and I do desire from my heart, that it may truly benefit me, and that it may not be removed till the end has been answered, for which it has been sent. God has blessed me in this trial, and is A.D. 1838.] 225 still blessing me.—As I know you love me, (unworthy as I am of it), and feel interested about me, Imention a few of the many mercies with which God has favoured me during these twelve weeks. 1. At the commencement of my illness, when my head was affected in a manner quite new to me, and when thus it continued day after day, I feared lest I should lose my reason.—This created more real internal suffering than ever I had known before. But our gracious Lord supported me. His precious gospel was full of comfort to me. All, all will be well, was invariably the conclusion, the conclusion grounded upon Scripture, to which I came; yea, all will be well with me eternally, though the heaviest of all earthly trials should come upon me, even that of dying in a state of insanity.—I was once near death, as I then thought, nearly nine years ago; I was full of comfort at that time; but to be comfortable, to be able quietly to repose upon God, with the prospect of an affliction before one, such as I have now mentioned, —is more than to be comfortable in the prospect of death, at least for a believer.—Now, is it not well to be afflicted, in order to obtain such an experience P And have I not reason, therefore, to thank God for this affliction ? Oxford, Feb. 6, 1838. When I began to write the foregoing lines, beloved brethren, I intended to write but very briefly ; but as I love you, and as I have abundant reason to magnify the TIOrd, my pen ran on, till my head would follow no longer. —I go on now to mention some other mercies which the Lord has bestowed upon me, through my present affliction. 2. Through being deprived for so long a time of the privilege of preaching the word to sinners and saints, the Lord has been pleased to create in me a longing for this blessed work, and to give me at the same time to feel the importance of it, in a degree in which I never had ex- perienced it before. Thus the Tord has fitted me some- what more for his work, by laying me aside from it. Good therefore is the Lord, and kind indeed, in disabling me from preaching. Great has been my trial, after the self- willed old nature, not to be able to preach; and long ere this, unfit as I was for it, should I have resumed the work, had I followed my own will; but hitherto have I con- sidered it most for the glory of God, quietly to refrain 226 [A.D. 1838. from outward service, in order to glorify him by patient submission, till my Lord shall be pleased to condescend to call his servant forth again for active engagements. And then, I know, he will give me grace, cheerfully to go back to the delightful service of pointing sinners to the Lamb of God, and of feeding the church. 3. Through this affliction I have known earperimentally in a higher degree than I knew it before, how, if obliged to refrain from active service, one can nevertheless as really and truly help the armies of Jesus, through secret prayer, as if one were actively engaged in the proclama- tion of the truth.—This point brings to my mind a truth, of which we all need to be reminded frequently, even this, that at all times, and under all circumstances, we may really and truly serve the Lord, and fight for his kingdom, by seeking to manifest his mind, and by giving ourselves to prayer. 4. Through the instrumentality of this affliction the Lord has been pleased to show me, how I may lay out myself more fully for his service in the proclamation of his truth; and, by his grace, if ever restored for active service, I purpose to practise what he has shown me. 5. Through being deprived so much from meeting with the brethren as I have been these thirteen weeks, I have learned somewhat more to value the privilege of meeting with them, than I did before. For as my head has been much affected, even through one meeting on the Lord's day, I have seen how highly I ought to have prized the days, when twice or thrice I could meet with the saints, without suffering from it.—Bear with me, brethren, when I beseech you, highly to esteem the opportunities of assembling yourselves together. Precede them with prayer; for only in as much as you do so, have you a right to expect a blessing from them. Seek to treasure up, not merely in your memory, but in your heart, the truths which you hear; for soon you may be deprived of these privileges, and soon you may be called upon to practise what you hear. Brethren, let us not learn the greatness of our privileges, by being deprived of them.— I also delight in mentioning some of the particulars in which the Lord’s kindness to me has appeared in this affliction, and whereby he has shown, that he does not lay more on us, than is absolutely needful. A.D. 1838.] -, 227 1. You know, that since May 1836, I was able to walk but little. This infirmity the Lord entirely removed, just before I became afflicted in my head. This was ex- ceedingly kind; for air and exercise are the only means, which almost immediately relieve my head. How much greater would have been the affliction, had I not been able to walk about in the air l—Truly, “he stayeth his rough wind, in the day of his east wind.”—I delight in pointing out the gentleness of the stroke. Oxford, Feb. 7, 1838. 2. The Lord might have chosen to confine me to my bed, and kept me there in much pain these thirteen weeks, for the sake of teaching me the lessons which he pur- poses me to learn through this affliction; instead of this, the pain in my head has been so slight, that it would not be worth mentioning, were it not connected with a weak- ness of the mental faculties, which allows of but little exertion. 3. Further, it might have pleased the Lord to incapa- citate me altogether for active service, but instead of this, he has still allowed me, in some small measure, to help by my judgment in some church matters, to write some letters in his service, to speak now and then a word to believers for the furtherance of their faith, and to confess his name repeatedly before unconverted persons with whom I have met on my journeys. Besides all this, I have had strength for other work connected with the kingdom of Jesus Christ. 4. In one other point the Lord has been especially gracious to me, in that, while I have been unable to preach, unable to write or read much, or even to converse for any length of time with the brethren, he has allowed me always sufficient strength for as much secret prayer as I desired. Even praying with others has been often trying to my head; but prayer in secret has not only never tried my head, but has been habitually (I mean the act of prayer) a relief to my head. Oh how can I sufficiently praise God for this. How comparatively slight are any trials to a child of God, as long as under them he is enabled to converse freely with his Father And so sweet has been this communion with my Father, a few times, and so have I been enabled to pour out my heart before him, that whilst those favoured seasons have lasted, 228 [A.D. 1888. I not only felt the affliction to be no affliction, and could call it, from my heart, sweet affliction; but I was almost unwilling soon to go back to the multiplicity of engage- ments in Bristol, lest I should not have leisure to continue so much in prayer, meditation, and the study of his word. Shall I not then praise my Father for such dealings with me? Do I not even now see this affliction working for my good? I say, therefore, after the inward man: Father, continue thy hand upon me, as long as it shall seem good in thy sight, only bless my soul!—But, bre- thren, do not mistake me, as if I meant that I prayed habitually with much earnestness. O no I pray a little habitually, I pray now and then much ; but I pray by no means as much as my strength and present time allow me. Therefore ask God on my behalf, that grace may be given me, habitually to pray much ; and you will surely be profited by it.—But I could not help alluding to this point, as the Lord’s kindness is so particularly seen in this matter. 5. Lastly, I cannot omit mentioning the kindness of the Lord, in opening the houses of some of his children at Bath, Trowbridge, and Oxford for me, during this my affliction. These dear saints have shown me much kind- ness. But while I would be grateful to them for it, I dis- cern the hand of God in influencing their hearts. More- over, I have had kind medical attendants. And you, my dear brethren, though I have been unable to minister among you, have continued to supply my temporal wants, for which I thank you, and in all of which I see the gra- cious, loving hand of my Father, who through all this, as by a voice from heaven, tells me: “My child, even bodily health and strength would I give, were it good for thee.” I therefore desire to wait for the good pleasure of my God concerning this point. Your love will naturally ask, how I now am in body. My disease, as my kind medical friends tell me, is an inactive liver, which causes the pain in the head, and the inability of exerting my mind for any length of time. In addition to this, the nerves of the head seem to have suf- fered, through over-exertion. As medicine had been tried for about ten weeks, and had not given relief, it appeared well, that I should give it up for a time, and simply travel about for the benefit of the air. My own experience A.D. 1838.] 229 teaches me, that this means is beneficial; for it gives almost immediate relief. In consequence of this, I left Trowbridge last Friday, and arrived on Saturday evening at Oxford, where I am staying with dear brother and sister B. I have here all that brotherly love can do for me, and am in every way comfortable. It is now a week since I have given up medicine, and I am at least not worse, if not better; but I think I am a little better. I wait on the Lord to show me his will, as to the place to which I should go next. As to my inner man, I am in peace, generally in peace, and long for more conformity to the mind of Christ. My chief desire is, that if it ever shall please the Lord to re- store me again, to be sent back to active service with increased humility, greater earnestness in the work, greater love for perishing sinners, and a heart habitually influenced by the truths which I preach.—Whether I shall ever be restored for the work, I cannot say with certainty; but if I may judge from the Lord’s dealings with me in former times, I have reason to believe, that I shall yet be allowed to labour again. In conclusion, dear brethren, pray for my dear brother and fellow-labourer. Esteem him highly in the Lord ; for he is worthy of all honour.—I would write more, for I have much more to speak of; but as I purpose, if God allows me the pleasure, to write again soon, I leave it till then. Farewell. Your affectionate brother and servant in the Lord, GEORGE MüLLER. Eeb. 13. These ten days I have been staying in Oxford, though I came only for one or two; but I have stayed to see the Lord's hand leading me away from hence. I have now been led to decide on going to Lutterworth to see brother , to converse with him about accompanying him on a journey to the Continent, with reference to Mis- sionary objects. When I had come to this decision, I took another ride, the horse being well again; but now this formerly quiet horse was self-willed and shy, which does not at all suit me in the weak state of my nervous system. As horse exercise had kept me here longer than I had intended to stay, and as I cannot now ride on this horse which before suited me so well, I see, even in this, in Y 280 [A.D. 1888. itself, trifling circumstance, a confirmation that I had been right in my decision to leave Oxford. Feb. 16. Lutterworth. I arrived here on the evening of the 14th. I have been decidedly worse since I have been here, and was obliged again to have recourse to medicine. A brother having strongly recommended me, whilst in Oxford, to go to Leamington on account of my health, and having at the same time offered to pay my expenses during my stay there, and being now so very unwell again, and so near Leamington, I decided to-night upon accepting his kindness, provided that my kind phy- sician in Bristol had no objection. Feb. 17. Leamington. I left Lutterworth this morn- ing, where I have received much kindness. There was no inside place, and I was very unwell; but the fear of being quite laid up at Lutterworth, and becoming burdensome to those dear saints who had received me into their house, though a stranger to them; and having still no desirable medical advice; and the remembrance that the Lord had graciously enabled me, even lately, to travel outside in cold weather; induced me to get on the coach, and I rode off in a heavy fall of snow. But God had mercy. After eight miles’ ride, at Rugby, I obtained an inside place. The rest of the way was crowned with mercies. I had a room to myself at Southam, found a suitable dinner just ready, had an inside place to Leamington, and was pre- served by the way, though the coachman was quite in- toxicated, and drove furiously.—I had asked the Lord to let me find a suitable and cheap lodging at Leamington, and the first lodging I saw I took, for which I pay only ten shillings weekly. Thus, a few minutes after my ar- rival, I sat comfortably at my own fireside. How very kind of the Lord Feb. 26. Yesterday and to-day I have suffered again in my head, though I have been on the whole better since I have taken the Leamington waters. But far more trying has been the internal conflict which I have had. Grace fought against evil suggestions of one kind and another, and prevailed; but it was a very trying season. This was much increased by receiving neither yesterday nor to-day a letter from my dear wife. Grace sought out for reasons why she had not written; nevertheless it was a very trying season. To-day I earnestly prayed to God A.D. 1838.] 231 to send my wife to me, as I feel that by being alone, and afflicted as I am in my head, and thus fit for little mental employment, Satan gets an advantage over me. IFeb. 27. God has had mercy upon me. The sore and sharp trial, the very bitter conflict is over.—This morning also I received a letter, which ought to have come yester- day, and which showed me that my dear wife had not been remiss in writing. She announced her purpose of coming to-day, and God, in mercy to me, brought her safely. March 3. My head has been on the whole better these two weeks, than it has been for several months; but still I am not well. I have walked every day for the last thirteen days, between three and four hours a day, and by the mercy of God am able to do so, without much fatigue. March 11. My health is much the same. I am pretty well, but have no mental energy.—I have read during the last weeks once more, with as much or more interest than ever, I. and II. of Samuel, and I. and II. of Kings.-I have now, after repeated prayer, come to the conclusion, (if brother Craik, to whom I have written, sees no objec- tion, and if my physician thinks it would be beneficial to my health), to accompany brother to Germany, that thus: 1. I might aid him by my advice in reference to the object of his journey; 2, that thus, if the Lord will, through the journey and the benefit of my native air, my health might be benefited; and 3, that I might once more have an opportunity of setting the truth before my father and brother. March 12. I feel quite comfortable in the prospect of going to Germany. I trust it will prove to be as much of God, as it was shown to have been the last time. March 13. I had a letter to-day from brother Craik, who thinks it desirable that I should go to Germany, but my physician says, that I should not go for a month or two, for that my mind ought not to be burdened. I am in peace, and from this I see that the Lord has made me willing to do his and not my own will. I wrote to brother the result of to-day, and have now left it with him, whether he will wait, or go on the 21st, as he purposes. March 14–20. During these days, as before, I have X 2 . - 232 [A.D. 1838. continued to read the Scriptures with prayer, i. e. turning what I read into prayer, chiefly with a reference to myself. My days generally pass away in peace. It is a trial to me, to have to care so much about my body, but on the whole the Lord gives me grace to submit patiently, but not always. To-day I saw again my medical adviser, who wishes me to stay another week. March 23. To-day I received a letter from brother He is not gone, and will wait for me. I have in- creased assurance that I shall go to Berlin, and have comfort in the thought. March 24. A few days ago I had particular comfort in meditating on the Lord’s prayer in Luke (which came in the course of my meditation), after having been temp- ted to pass it over, as it had been the subject of my meditation a short time before.—Within the last fort- night I have read with meditation and prayer from the 4th to the 12th chapter of the Gospel by Luke. April 2. For some time I have been getting weary of my stay here. Yesterday I pleaded especially that word Psalm ciii. 13: “Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him.” I begged God to pity me, and to release me from the necessity of staying any longer at Leamington, if it might be. To-day I saw my physician, and he has allowed me to leave. Thus the Lord has granted my request. April 3. My dear Mary left for Bristol, and I for London, on my way to Germany. I was led to read, this morning, Psalm crxi. with my dear wife before we sepa- rated, which we both felt to be very appropriate to our circumstances. April 6. This evening I went on board the steamer for Hamburg. April 7. All the day ill from sea sickness. April 8. Lord’s day. I was able to get up this morn- ing, and to take my meals.—Last night I was led to praise God for having made me his child, considering that I was most likely the only one on board that knew him. This morning, however, I found a sister in the Lord among the passengers, with whom I had much conversation.— At dinner she manifested more grace, in testifying against evil, than I did. At tea time I had grace, in some mea- sure, to speak of Jesus before the company, and to con- fess him as my Lord. A.D. 1838.1 233 * April 9, We arrived at Hamburg about one in the morning, having had a most favourable passage of about 48 hours, and at seven I went on shore. It had been repeatedly my prayer that I might soon find out brother , who had gone three days before me to Hamburg, and immediately after my arrival, in answer to prayer, without any difficulty, I found out where he lodged. April 14. Berlin. We arrived here the evening before last. Having been yesterday and this morning seeking for lodgings, without being able to obtain any that were suitable, I at last became irritated. Surely there was lack of earnest prayer on my part in this matter, and want of patience in waiting the Lord’s own time, and want of openness, in not telling brother that I was tired, and that, on account of my weakness, I was unable thus to go about from place to place. At last the Lord directed us to two suitable rooms, and I feel now again comfortable, in my quiet retirement, after having confessed my sin of irritability to the Lord and to brother tº April 15–21. We met several times during this week with certain brethren who desire to give themselves to Missionary service, and prayed and read the Scriptures with them, and made such remarks as seemed to be im- portant in connexion with the work. In addition to this we saw the brethren privately at our lodgings, two, three, or four at a time. But I have still felt the great weak- mess of my mental powers, and have been only able to attend to this work about three hours a day.—Since my arrival here I have had two letters from my dear Mary. Harriet Culliford, one of the Orphans, and formerly one of the most unpromising children, has been removed. She died as a true believer, several of the brethren who saw her being quite satisfied about her state. Surely this pays for much trouble and for much expense ! My wife also mentions some fresh instances of the Lord’s blessing resting upon my Narrative.—I am now, after prayer, this day, April 21, quite sure that I should leave Berlin, and go to my father at once, as the work here is too much for my head. April 22. Confirmation-day of the children in Berlin. The son of the person with whom we lodge was confirmed, and in the evening they had the violin and dancing. How awful!—A few days since I heard that a brother in the X 3 234 [A.D. 1838. Lord, an old friend of mine, and one of the two alluded to in the first part of this Narrative, page 15, was in pri- son on account of his religious views. This brought afresh before me the privileges which the children of God enjoy in England.—I saw a few days since another bro- ther in prison, who, as an unconverted young man, in the university, was once at a political club, and had his name enrolled, in consequence of this, in the list of the *. cal students. Shortly afterwards he was converted, and gave up all connexion with these political students. He finished his university course and afterwards became a tutor to the sons of a baron. In that family he had been for a considerable time, when one night he was fetched by the police out of his bed and taken to prison, on the ground of this his connexion with the political club three or four years before. [The result was that he was for many months in prison. Now he is a Missionary in the East Indies. I have related this circumstance to remind the reader afresh, that though the Lord freely and fully forgives us all our sins at once when we believe, yet he may allow us to suffer the consequences of them in a greater or less degree.] April 24. Left Berlin last evening for Magdeburg. Had a long conversation with two deists in the mail. God helped me to make a full confession of his dear Son, in answer to prayer for grace to be enabled to do so. This afternoon I arrived at Heimersleben, the small town where my father lives. Once more then I have met with my dear aged parent, who is evidently fast hastening to the grave, and seems to me not likely to live through the next winter. I arrived just at the time when the Fair was held in the town. How great, how exceedingly great, the difference in me, as to my feelings respecting such things now, from what they were formerly April 25–28. Stay at Heimersleben. The Lord has given me both an opportunity and grace to speak more fully, more simply, and more to the heart of my father about the things of God, and in particular about the plan of salvation, than I had ever done before. I trust that, in judgment at least, he is convinced that there is some- thing lacking in him. All the time of my stay here he has been most affectionate. I spoke also fully again to my poor brother, who is now completely living in open A.D. 1838.] 235 sin. Oh to grace, what a debtor am I?—Brother Knabe, who was the only believer in Heimersleben, as far as I have been able to learn, died about eighteen months SIIlC6. April 28. To-day I left for Magdeburg. My father accompanied me about eight miles. Both of us, I think, felt, when about to separate, that we were parting from each other, never again to meet on earth. How would it have cheered the separation on both sides, were my dear father a believer! But it made my heart indeed sad to see him, in all human probability, for the last time, without having Scriptural ground for hope respecting his soul.— I arrived in the afternoon at Magdeburg, and went to a brother, a musician in one of the regiments of that fortress, who is on the point of leaving the army to go to the East Indies as a Missionary. In his lodgings I saw another brother, a private soldier, who lives in the barracks, who told me, on my inquiring, that he goes into the sand cellar, which is perfectly dark, in order to obtain oppor- tunity for secret prayer. How great the privilege of those who may freely have both time and place for retire- ment ; but how great, at the same time, our obligation to improve these opportunities —This evening at eight I went on board an Elbe-steamer for Hamburg. April 30. This morning at seven I arrived at Hamburg. Nothing particular happened during the passage, except that we stuck fast, in a shallow part of the river, through the carelessness of one of the sailors; but the Lord heard prayer, and after a little while the steamer could ply again. May 1. Yesterday and to-day I spent in an hotel at Hamburg in writing letters. I had also, though staying at an hotel, much real communion with God in reading the Scriptures and in prayer. This evening I embarked for London. May 4. London. Left Hamburg on the 2nd. Had a fine passage. I have, by the mercy of God, been kept. from light and trifling conversation; but I have not con- fessed the Lord Jesus as plainly as I ought to have done. This afternoon I arrived at the house of my dear friends in London, who received me with their usual kindness. After prayer I see it my duty to leave to-morrow for 236 [A.D. 1838. Leamington, to see my physician there once more, and then to go as soon as I can to Bristol. May 5. Leamington. Through the mercy of the Lord the journey to Germany, concerning which I had prayed so often, is now over, and I am safely brought back again to this place.—It has been a wet and cold day, but God has in mercy preserved me from injury, though I got wet. I had some conversation with a clergyman on the coach; I confessed the Lord Christ a little, but not plainly enough.-I had asked the Lord to give me a quiet and cheap resting place in my former lodgings, if it might be, and accordingly they were unlet. May 7. This morning I left Leamington for Bristol. I had grace to confess the Lord Jesus the last part of the way before several merry passengers, and had the honour of being ridiculed for his sake. There are few things in which I feel more entirely dependant upon the Lord, than in confessing him on such occasions. Sometimes I have, by grace, had much real boldness; but often I have manifested the greatest weakness, doing no more than refraining entirely from unholy conversation, without, however, speaking a single word for him who toiled beyond measure for me. No other remedy do I know for myself and any of my fellow-saints who are weak, like myself, in this particular, than to seek to have the heart so full of Jesus, and to live so in the realization of what he has done for us, that, without any effort, out of the full heart, we may speak for him.—I found my dear family in peace. May 8. This evening I went to the prayer meeting at Gideon. I read Psalm ciii. and was able to thank the Lord publicly for my late affliction. This is the first time that I have taken any part in the public meetings of the brethren, since November 6th, 1837. May 13. To-day I was much helped in expounding the Scriptures publicly. When I began I knew not how the Lord would deal with me, whether I should be able to speak or not, as my head is still very weak. But the Lord helped me. I did not feel any loss of mental power. How gracious of the Lord to allow me again to commence serving him in the ministry of his word!—[For several months after this I preached, on the whole, with much A.D. 1838.] 237 more enjoyment, and with much more earnestness and prayerfulness, than I did before I was taken ill. I also felt more the solemnity of the work.] May 18. To-day a brother gave me 5l. for my personal expenses, which the Lord sent very seasonably towards the payment of a bill for medical attendance during my illness.--About this time there were also given to me two new hats, from different individuals, being the 9th and 10th which I have received as tokens of brotherly love, since I have been in England. June 11. A stranger called on me, and told me, that, many years ago, he had defrauded two gentlemen of a Small sum, and that he wished to restore the same with interest. He also stated that he had read my Narrative, and, feeling confidence in me, he requested me to convey this money to those gentlemen, giving me, at the same time, their names and place of abode. He intrusted me with four sovereigns for each of them. At the same time he gave me one sovereign for myself, as a token of Chris- tian love. I never saw the individual before, nor do I up to this moment know his name. I conveyed this money, however, not by post, as he wished, but through two bank orders, in order that thus I might be able to show, should it be needful, that I actually did send the money; for in all such matters it becomes one to act with particular caution.—It may be that this fact will be read by some who have, like this stranger, before their conversion, defrauded certain individuals. If so, let them like him, or like Zaccheus of old, restore what they took, and, if they have the means, with interest or compound interest. June 13. Last evening my dear wife was taken ill. Often had I prayed respecting her hour, and now was the time to look out for the answer. She continued in most severe sufferings from a little after mine until mid- night. Thus hour after hour passed away until eleven this morning, Another medical attendant was then called in, at the desire of the one who attended her. At three in the afternoon she was delivered of a still-born child.— The whole of the night I was in prayer, as far as my strength allowed me. I cried at last for MERCY, and God heard. June 14. My dearest wife is alive, but I am depend- ing upon God for her life every moment. She is in much 238 [A.D. 1888. peace. A sister gave me this evening 5l. on account of dear Mary’s illness.-[Again we had not thought it well to make pecuniary provision for this time, though at no period of my life had I more abundant means of doing so than during the last few months; but our gracious Father helped us abundantly in this and in other instances, as I shall mention below.] June 22. To-day there was sent to us anonymously, by post, 5l. for our own personal expenses, at this the time of our affliction, when our expenses are so great. . The donor accompanied the 5l. note with an affectionate letter to my wife and myself. July 6. My dear wife, who for more than a fortnight after her delivery was so ill, that the two medical attend- ants came twice or three times daily, seems now, humanly speaking, likely to recover, and to be given back to me as from the dead. Lord, help me so to receive her! July 12. From the commencement of the establish- ment of the Orphan-Houses, up to the end of June 1838, the hand of the Lord was seen in the abundance with which he was pleased to supply me with the means for maintaining nearly 100 persons. Now, however, the time is come when the “Father of the fatherless '' will show his especial care over them in another way.—The funds, which were this day twelvemonth about 780l., are now reduced to about 20l. ; but thanks be to the Lord, my faith is as strong, or stronger, than it was when we had the larger sum in hand; nor has he at any time, from the commencement of the work, allowed me to distrust him. Nevertheless, as our Lord will be inquired of, and as real faith is manifested as such by leading to prayer, I gave myself to prayer with brother T of the Boys’ Orphan-House, who had called on me, and who, besides my wife, and brother Craik, is the only individual to whom I speak about the state of the funds. While we were praying, an orphan child from Frome was brought, and some believers at Frome, having collected among them 5l., sent this money with the child. Thus we received the first answer at a time of need. We have given notice for seven children to come in, and purpose to give notice for five more, though our funds are so low, hoping that God will look on our necessities. [Observe how gently the Lord dealt with us, in that, when want ap- A.D. 1838.] 239 proached, he helped at once, in immediate answer to prayer, in order thus to increase our confidence in him ; but, at the same time, to prepare us for sharper trials of our faith.] July 17 and 18. These two days we have had two especial prayer meetings, from 6 to 9 in the evening, to commend publicly to the Lord the Boys' Orphan-House. The meetings had been deferred until now, on account of my illness. In the morning of the 18th I expounded, with especial reference to children, 1 Samuel iii., before above 550 children, being our Orphan and Day-School children, and, as many as could come, of those belonging to the Sunday-School. What a great work What an honour to be allowed to provide Scriptural instruction for so many little ones. Lord, help me to make use of my talents for the benefit of the rising generation, and let me serve my generation according to thy will!—Our funds for the Orphans are now very low. There are about 201. in hand, and in a few days 30l. at least will be needed; but I purposely avoided saying any thing about our present necessities, and spoke only, to the praise of God, about the abundance with which our gracious Father, “the Father of the fatherless,” has hitherto supplied us. This was done in order that the hand of God, in sending help, may be so much the more clearly seen. July 22. This evening I was walking in our little garden, meditating on Heb. xiii. 8, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to-day, and for ever.” Whilst medi- tating on his unchangeable love, power, wisdom, &c.— and turning all, as I went on, into prayer respecting my- self; and whilst applying likewise his unchangeable love, and power, and wisdom, &c., both to my present spiritual and temporal circumstances:—all at once the present need of the Orphan-Houses was brought to my mind. Immediately I was led to say to myself, Jesus in his love and power has hitherto supplied me with what I have needed for the Orphans, and in the same unchangeable love and power he will provide me with what I may need for the future. A flow of joy came into my soul whilst realizing thus the unchangeableness of our adorable Lord. About one minute after, a letter was brought me, enclosing a bill for 20l. In it was written: “Will you apply the amount of the enclosed bill to the furtherance of the 240 [A.D. 1838, objects of your Scriptural Knowledge Society, or of your Orphan Establishment, or in the work and cause of our Master in any way that he himself, on your application to him, may point out to you. It is not a great sum, but it is a sufficient provision for the exigency of to-day; and it is for to-day’s exigencies, that, ordinarily the Lord pro- vides. To-morrow, as it brings its demands, will find its supply, etc.” [Of this 20!. I took 10l. for the Orphan fund, and 10l. for the other objects, and was thus enabled to meet the expenses of about 34!. which, in connexion with the Orphan-Houses, came upon me within four days afterwards, and which I knew beforehand would come.] On July 26 sailed from Liverpool for the East Indies, for Missionary service, twelve German brethren and three sisters, as the result of the journey of brother and myself to the Continent, in April last. The same brother has given me the power of drawing as much money as may be needed to defray the expenses of the voyage, outfit, etc., of any German or English brethren, who in depend- ance upon the Lord, desire to go to India for Missionary service, and of whose going I shall approve. This fact serves to confirm what I have long known to be true, that there is much less difficulty in obtaining the pecuniary 'means needful for the Lord’s work than in procuring suitable individuals for it. July 27. Yesterday the funds for the Orphans were reduced to 31. Blessed be God, my confidence in him was unshaken I received yesterday 2l. 13s. To-day I was going with my family for change of air to Durdham Down, and thought it well, therefore, to take out any money which there might be in the Orphan-Box in my house. When I opened it, I found a ten pound note and three half crowns. I had been waiting on God for means, both yesterday and to-day, and thus he has again shown how willing he is to help. - Aug. 6. During this week I shall have to pay again at least 35l. for the Orphans, and have but about 191, towards it. My eyes are up to the “Father of the fatherless.” I believe he will help, though I know not how. Aug. 7. How graciously has the Lord again appeared, and that in so short a time! How has he sent help, from altogether unexpected quarters! I have been praying yesterday and to-day earnestly, beseeching the Lord now A.D. 1838.] 241 to appear, and to show his power, that the enemies might not say, “Where is now thy God?” I reminded him especially, that I had commenced the work that it might be seen, that he, even in our day, is willing to answer prayer, and that the provision for our Orphans might be a visible proof to all around us of this truth. And now observe | Last evening brother Craik told me that 107. had been given him for the work in our hands; 5l. for the Orphans, and 5l. for the School—Bible—and Missionary fund. To-day, having to pay 25l., and not having quite enough, when I went to brother T for the mone which he might have received, as I knew that 25s. had been given to him, I took with me the keys of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, to see whether the Lord had sent in a little. I opened the box in the Boys'-Orphan-House, and found 11.7s. 5%d. Immediately after I received from brother T 13!. 19s. 10d., the greater part of which, as he told me, had come in within the last few days. Thus our adorable Lord has once more delivered; for I have now even more than enough to meet the current expenses of this week. Aug. 16. When to-day the account books of the Boys'- Orphan-House were brought, several days sooner than I had expected them, it was found that there was 11.6s. 6d. due to the matron. Besides this, money was to be ad- vanced for house-keeping, and there was only 13s.5%d. in hand. To this one of those connected with the work added 21. This 27. 13s. 5; d. was sent to the matron, whilst we were waiting upon God to send more help. In the evening the boxes at the Girls’ and Infant-Orphan- IHouses were opened, and in them was found 31.7s. 5%d. Thus the Lord has kindly helped us again for two or three days. Aug. 18. I have not one penny in hand for the Or- phans. In a day or two again many pounds will be needed. My eyes are up to the Lord. Evening. Before this day is over, I have received from a sister 5l. She had some time since put away her trinkets, to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. This morning, whilst in prayer, it came to her mind, I have this 5l., and owe no man any thing, therefore it would be better to give this money at once, as it may be some time, before I can dispose of the trinkets. She therefore brought it, little knowing that there was not Y 242 [A.D. 1838. a penny in hand, and that I had been able to advance only 4l. 15s. 5d. for housekeeping in the Boys'-Orphan-House, instead of the usual 101.; little knowing also, that within a few days many pounds more will be needed. May my soul be greatly encouraged by this fresh token of my gracious Lord’s faithfulness! Aug. 20. The 5l. which I had received on the 18th, had been given for housekeeping, so that to-day I was again pennyless. But my eyes were up to the Lord. I gave myself to prayer this morning, knowing that I should want again this week at least 13!., if not above 201. To- day I received 12l. in answer to prayer, from a lady who is staying at Clifton, whom I had never seen before. Adorable Lord, grant that this may be a fresh encourage- ment to me ! Aug. 23. To-day I was again without one single penny, when 3l. was sent from Clapham, with a box of new clothes for the Orphans. Aug. 29. To-day sixteen believers were baptized. Of all the baptisms which we have had, this was, perhaps, the most remarkable. Among those who were baptized was an aged brother of above 84 years, and one above 70. For the latter his believing wife had prayed 38 years, and at last the Lord answered her prayers in his conversion. Should any believer who may read this, be on the point of growing weary in prayer for his unconverted relatives, because of the answer being delayed, the above fact may be instrumental in stirring up such a one to give himself to prayer with renewed earnestness and strengthened ex- pectation. “In due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” There were also among those who were baptized a blind brother and sister, and two very young persons. Aug. 31. I have been waiting on the Lord for means, as the matron’s books from the Girls'-Orphan-House have been brought, and there is no money in hand to advance for housekeeping. But as yet the Lord has not been pleased to send help. As the matron called to-day for money, one of the labourers gave 21. of his own, for the present necessities. Sept. 1. The Lord in his wisdom and love has not yet sent help. Whence it is to come, need not be my care. But I believe God will, in due time, send help. His hour is not yet come. As there was money needed in the A.D. 1838.] e 243 Boys'-Orphan-House also, the same brother, just alluded to, gave 2. for that also. Thus we were delivered at this time likewise. But now his means are gone. This is the most trying hour that as yet I have had in the work, as it regards means; but I know that I shall yet praise the Lord for his help. I have mentioned my arguments before him, and my gracious Lord, “the Father of the fatherless,” will send help. Sept. 3. This morning the Lord again helped by 21. which another labourer connected with the work gave. This 27., together with sixpence which had been given anonymously, was sent off to the Girls'-Orphan-House, where all money must be gone. There came in further 11.14s. 8d. in the course of the day, which was given to the matron of the Boys'-Orphan-House. Sept. 5. Our hour of trial continues still. The Lord mercifully has given enough to supply our daily necessi- ties; but he gives by the day now, and almost by the hour, as we need it. Nothing came in yesterday. I have be- sought the Lord again and again, both yesterday and to- day. It is as if the Lord said: “Mine hour is not yet come.” But I have faith in God. I believe that he surely will send help, though I know not whence it is to come. Many pounds are needed within a few days, and there is not a penny in hand. This morning 21. was given for the present necessities, by one of the labourers in the work.-Evening : This very day the Lord sent again some help to encourage me to continue to wait on him, and to trust in him. As I was praying this after- noon respecting the matter, I felt fully assured that the Lord would send help, and praised him beforehand for his help, and asked him to encourage our hearts through it. I have been also led yesterday and to-day to ask the Lord especially, that he would not allow my faith to fail. A few minutes, after I had prayed, brother T CàIſlē and brought 47. 1s. 5d. which had come in, in several small donations. He told me, at the same time, that to- morrow the books will be brought from the Infant- Orphan-House, when money must be advanced for house- keeping. I thought for a moment, it might be well to keep 3!. of this money for that purpose. But it occurred to me immediately, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” The Lord can provide, by to-morrow, much Y 2 244 - [A.D. 1838. more than I need, and I therefore sent 3l. to one of the sisters, whose quarterly salary was due, and the remaining 17. 1s. 5d. to the Boys'-Orphan-House for housekeeping. Thus I am still penniless. My hope is in God: he will provide. Sept. 6. This morning the books were brought from the Infant-Orphan-House, and the matron sent to ask when she should fetch them, implying, when they would have been looked over, and when money would be ad- vanced for housekeeping. I said, “to-morrow,” though I had not a single penny in hand. About an hour after brother T– sent me a note, to say that he had re- ceived 11, this morning, and that last evening a brother had sent 29Ibs. of salt, 44 dozen of onions, and 26lbs. of groats. Sept. 7. The time had come that I had to send money to the Infant-Orphan-House, but the Lord had not sent any more. I gave, therefore, the 11. which had come in yesterday, and 2s. 2d. which had been put into the box in my house, trusting to the good Lord to send in more. Sept. 8. Saturday evening. I am still in the hour of probation. It has not pleased my gracious Lord to send me help as yet.—The evening before last I heard brother Craik preach on Genesis xii., about Abraham's faith. He showed how all went on well, as long as Abraham acted in faith, and walked according to the will of God; and how all failed when he distrusted God. Two points I felt particularly important in my case. 1. That I may not go any by-ways, or ways of my own, for deliverance. I have about 220l. in the bank, which, for other purposes in the Lord's work, has been intrusted to me by a brother and a sister. I might take of this money, and say but to the sister—and write but to the brother, that I have taken, in these my straits, 201., 50l., or 100l., for the Or- phans, and they would be quite satisfied (for both of them have liberally given for the Orphans, and the brother has more than once told me, only to let him know when I wanted money;) but this would be a deliverance of my own, not God’s deliverance. Besides, it would be no small barrier to the exercise of faith, in the next hour of trial. 2. I was particularly reminded afresh, in hearing brother Craik, of the danger of dishonouring the Lord in that very way in which I have, through his grace, in some A.D. 1838.] 245 small measure brought glory to him, even by trusting in him.—Yesterday and to-day I have been º with God eleven arguments why he would be graciously pleased to send help. My mind has been in peace respecting the matter. Yesterday the peace amounted even to joy in the Holy Ghost. But this I must say, that the burden of my prayer, during the last days, has been chiefly, that the Lord in mercy would keep my faith from failing. My eyes are up to him. He can help soon. One thing I am sure of: In his own way, and in his own time he will help. The arguments which I plead with God are: 1. That I set about the work for the glory of God, i. e., that there might be a visible proof, by God supplying, in answer to prayer only, the necessities of the Orphans, that he is the living God, and most willing, even in our day, to answer prayer; and that, therefore, he would be pleased to send supplies: 2. That God is the “Father of the fatherless,” and that he, therefore, as their father, would be pleased to provide, Psalm lxviii. 5. 3. That I have received the children in the name of Jesus, and that, therefore, he, in these children, has been received, and is fed, and is clothed; and that, therefore, he would be pleased to consider this. Mark ix. 36, 37. 4. That the faith of many of the children of God has been strengthened by this work hitherto, and that, if God were to withhold the means for the future, those who are weak in faith would be staggered; whilst, by a conti- nuance of means, their faith might still further be strengthened. 5. That many enemies would laugh, were the Lord to withhold supplies, and say, did we not foretell that this enthusiasm would come to nothing P 6. That many of the children of God, who are unin- structed, or in a carnal state, would feel themselves justi- fied to continue their alliance with the world in the work of God, and to go on as heretofore, in their unscriptural proceedings respecting similar institutions, so far as the obtaining of means is concerned, if he were not to help me. 7. That the Lord would remember that I am his child, and that he would graciously pity me, and remember that I cannot provide for these children, and that therefore he - Y 3 246 [A.D. 1838. would not allow this burden to lie upon me long without sending help. 8. That he would remember likewise my fellow-labourers in the work, who trust in him, but who would be tried were he to withhold supplies. 9. That he would remember that I should have to dis- miss the children from under our Scriptural instruction to their former companions. 10. That he would show that those were mistaken who said, that, at the first, supplies might be expected, while the thing was new, but not afterwards. 11. That I should not know, were he to withhold means, what construction I should put upon all the many most remarkable answers to prayer, which he had given me heretofore in connexion with this work, and which most fully have shown to me that it is of God. In some small measure I now understand, experimen- tally, the meaning of that word, “how long,” which so frequently occurs in the prayers of the Psalms. But even now, by the grace of God, my eyes are up unto him only, and I believe that he will send help. Sept. 10. Monday morning. Neither Saturday nor yesterday had any money come in. It appeared to me now needful to take some steps on account of our need, i. e., to go to the Orphan-Houses, call the brethren and sisters together, (who, except brother T , had never been informed about the state of the funds), state the case to them, see how much money was needed for the present, tell them that amidst all this trial of faith I still believed that God would help, and to pray with them. Especially, also, I meant to go for the sake of telling them that no more articles must be purchased than we have the means to pay for, but to let there be nothing lacking in any way to the children, as it regards nourish- ing food and needful clothing; for I would rather at once send them away than that they should lack. I meant to go for the sake also of seeing whether there were still articles remaining which had been sent for the purpose of being sold, or whether there were any articles really needless, that we might turn them into money. I felt that the matter was now come to a solemn crisis.--About half-past nine six-pence came in, which had been put A.D. 1838.] 24,7 anonymously into the box at Gideon Chapel. This money seemed to me like an earnest, that God would have com- passion and send more. About ten, after I had returned from brother Craik, to whom I had unbosomed my heart again, whilst once more in prayer for help, a sister called who gave two sovereigns to my wife for the Orphans, stating that she had felt herself stirred up to come, and that she had delayed coming already too long. A few minutes after, when I went into the room where she was, she gave me two sovereigns more, and all this without knowing the least about our need. Thus the Lord most mercifully has sent us a little help, to the great encou- ragement of my faith. A few minutes after I was called on for money from the Infant-Orphan-House, to which I sent 21, and 11. 0s. 6d. to the Boys'-Orphan-House, and 11. to the Girls'-Orphan-House. Brother Craik left Bristol to-day for a few days in com- pany with another brother. I should have gone with them for the sake of obtaining some quiet for my head ; but I must remain, to pass with my dear Orphans through the trial; though these dear little ones know nothing about it, because their tables are as well supplied as when there was 800l. in the bank, and they have lack of nothing. To-day I saw a young brother who, as well as one of his sisters, has been brought to the knowledge of the Lord through my Narrative. Sept. 11. The good Lord, in his wisdom, still sees it needful to keep us very low. But this afternoon brother T — called, and told me that one of our fellow- labourers had sold his metal watch, and two gold pins, for 11, 1s., that 9s. 6d. had come in, and that two of our fellow-labourers had sent two lots of books of their own, 19 and 21 in number, to be sold for the Orphans. What an abundant blessing, that in such a season of trial I have such fellow-labourers | This 17. 10s. 6d. was given to the Boys'-Orphan-House. Sept. 12. Still the trial continues. Only 9s. came in to-day, given by one of the labourers. In the midst of this great trial of faith the Lord still mercifully keeps me in great peace. He also allows me to see, that our labour is not in vain; for yesterday died Leah Culliford, one of the orphans, about 9 years old, truly converted, and brought to the faith some months before her departure. 248 [A.D. 1838. Sept. 13. No help has come yet. This morning I found it was absolutely needful to tell the brethren and sisters about the state of the funds, and to give necessary direc- tions as to not going into debt, etc. We prayed together, and had a very happy meeting. They all seemed com- fortable. 12s. 6d. was taken out of the boxes in the three houses, 12s. one of the labourers gave, and 11.1s. had come in for needlework done by the children. One of the sisters, who is engaged in the work, sent a message after me, not to trouble myself about her salary, for she should not want any for a twelvemonth. What a bless- ing to have such fellow-labourers' Sept. 14. I met again this morning with the brethren and sisters for prayer, as the Lord has not yet sent help. After prayer one of the labourers gave me all the money he had, 16s., saying that it would not be upright to pray, if he were not to give what he had. One of the sisters told me, that in six days she would give 61, which she had in the Savings' Bank for such a time of need. God be praised for such fellow-labourers!—Up to this day the matrons of the three houses had been in the habit of pay- ing the bakers and the milkman weekly, because they had preferred to receive the payments in this way, and sometimes it had thus been also with the butcher and grocer. But now, as the Lord deals out to us by the day, we considered it would be wrong to go on any longer in this way, as the week’s payment might become due, and we have no money to meet it; and thus those with whom we deal might be inconvenienced by us, and we be found acting against the commandment of the Lord, “Owe no man anything.” Rom. xiii. 8. From this day, and hence- forward, whilst the Lord gives to us our supplies by the day, we purpose therefore to pay at once for every article as it is purchased, and never to buy any thing except we can pay for it at once, however much it may seem to be needed, and however much those with whom we deal may wish to be paid only by the week. The little which was owed was paid off this day.—When I came home I found a large parcel of new clothes, which had been sent from Dublin for the Orphans, a proof that the Lord remembers us still. We met again in the evening for prayer. We were of good cheer, and still BELIEVE that the Lord will Supply our need, A.D. 1838.] 249 Sept. 15. Saturday. We met again this morning for prayer. God comforts our hearts. We are looking for help. I found that there were provisions enough for to- day and to-morrow, but there was no money in hand to take in bread as usual, in order that the children might not have newly baked bread. This afternoon one of the labourers, who had been absent for several days from Bristol, returned, and gave 1/. This evening we met again for prayer, when I found that 10s. 6d. more had come in since the morning. With this 11.10s. 6d. we we were able to buy, even this Saturday evening, the usual quantity of bread, (as it might be difficult to get stale bread on Monday morning), and have some money left. God be praised, who gave us grace to come to the decision not to take any bread to-day, as usual, nor to buy any thing for which we cannot pay at once. We were very comfortable, thankfully taking this money out of our Father's hands, as a proof that he still cares for us, and that, in his own time, he will send us larger sums. To-day a brother kindly paid the bill for medical at- tendance on my dear wife during her confinement. The same brother also had paid, some weeks since, the second medical attendant, who was called in. Thus the Lord, in various ways, sends help to us, showing continually his fatherly care over us. Sept. 16. Lord’s day afternoon. We met again for prayer respecting supplies for the Orphans. We are in peace, and our hope is in God, that he graciously will appear, though but one shilling has come in since last evening. Sept. 17. The trial still continues. It is now more and more trying, even to faith, as each day comes. Truly, the Lord has wise purposes in allowing us to call so long upon him for help. But I am sure God will send help, if we can but wait. One of the labourers had had a little money come in, of which he gave 12s. 6d. ; another labourer gave 11s. 8d., being all the money she had left: this, with 17s. 6d., which, partly, had come in, and, partly, was in hand, enabled us to pay what needed to be paid, and to purchase provisions, so that nothing yet, in any way, has been lacking. This evening I was rather tried respect- ing the long delay of larger sums coming; but being led to go to the Scriptures for comfort, my soul was greatly 250 [A.D. 1838. refreshed, and my faith again strengthened, by the xxxivth Psalm, so that I went very cheerfully to meet with my dear fellow-labourers for prayer. I read to them the Psalm, and sought to cheer their hearts through the pre- cious promises contained in it. Sept. 18. Brother T. had 25s. in hand, and I had 3s. This 11.8s. enabled us to buy the meat and bread, which was needed; a little tea for one of the houses, and milk for all: no more than this is needed. Thus the Lord has provided not only for this day, but there is bread for two days in hand. Now, however, we are come to an extre- mity. The funds are exhausted. The labourers, who had a little money, have given as long as they had any left.—Now observe how the Lord helped us! A lady from the neighbourhood of London who brought a parcel with money from her daughter, arrived four or five days since in Bristol, and took lodgings next door to the Boys’ Orphan-House. This afternoon she herself kindly brought me the money, amounting to 31, 2s. 6d. We had been reduced so low as to be on the point of selling those things which could be spared; but this morning I had asked the Lord, if it might be, to prevent the necessity of our doing so. That the money had been so near the Orphan-Houses for several days without being given, is a plain proof that it was from the beginning in the heart of God to help us; but, because he delights in the prayers of his children, he had allowed us to pray so long; also to try our faith, and to make the answer so much the sweeter. It is indeed a precious deliverance. I burst out into loud praises and thanks the first moment I was alone, after I had received the money. I met with my fellow-labourers again this evening for prayer and praise; their hearts were not a little cheered. This money was this evening divided, and will comfortably provide for all that will be needed to-morrow. Sept. 20. Morning. The Lord has again kindly sent in a little. Last evening was given to me 1s. 6d., and this morning 11. 3s. Evening. This evening the Lord sent still further supplies; 8l. 11s. 2; d. came in, as a fur- ther proof that the Lord is not unmindful of us. There was in the box of the Girls' Orphan-House ll. 1s., and in that of the Boys' Orphan-House 11.7s. 2; d. One of the labourers, in accordance with her promise this day week, A.D. 1838.] 251 gave 6l. 8s. About eighteen months ago she saw it right no longer to have money for herself in the Savings' Bank, and she therefore, in her heart, gave the money which she had there to the Orphan-Houses, intending to draw it in a time of need. Some time since (she told me this even- ing) she drew a part of it to buy several useful articles for the Orphan-Houses; now the sum was reduced to 6l. When she found out the present need, she went this day week to the Savings' Bank, and gave notice that she wished to draw her money to-day. Truly, as long as God shall be pleased to give me such fellow-labourers, his blessing will rest upon the work! This 8l. 11s. 2; d. was divided this evening to supply the three houses, and we thanked God, unitedly, for his help. Sept. 22. Both yesterday and to-day we have again assembled for prayer and praise. We are in no immedi- ate want, but on the 29th 191. 10s. will be due for the rent of the three Orphan-Houses.—To-day there was only 4s. 7d. in hand for the other objects of the Institution, though it was the pay-day for some of the teachers. My comfort was the living God. During this week he had helped me so repeatedly and in such a remarkable way, as it regards the Orphan-Houses, that it would have been doubly sinful not to have trusted in him for help under this fresh difficulty. No money came in this morning. About two, the usual time when the teachers are paid, a sovereign was given, with which I went immediately to brother T. (who attends to this part of the work), to pay, at least in part, the weekly salaries. Ifound that he had received a sovereign in the morning. By means of this sovereign, together with the one which I had received just at the moment when it was needed, we were helped through this day. Sept. 25. Yesterday and the previous days we have continued to assemble for prayer. In four days the rent for the Orphan-Houses will be due, and we have nothing towards it ; also the housekeeping money in the three houses is now again gone. May the Lord have compas- sion on us, and continue to send us help ! A little came in this morning: there was found 9s. 6d. in the box in my house. Sept. 27. The 9s. 6d. which eame in the day before yesterday, was given to the Infant-Orphan-House. Thus 252 [A.D. 1838. we were helped through that day and yesterday. There was every thing that was needed in the three houses; I had made particular inquiry; there was meat even for to-day. We met yesterday again for prayer. To-day I was not able to go, on account of indisposition; I sent, therefore, to brother T. to request him to divide the 18s. 6d., (10s. of which had come in last evening, and 8s. 6d. of which we had in hand), between the three matrons. This afternoon I hear of a fresh deliverance which the Lord has wrought. About five weeks ago, a farmer applied for the admission of an orphan-girl, his grand-daughter. As I knew, however, that he had the means of providing for her, and as our Institution is only for destitute orphans, I informed him that the child could only be received, on condition of his paying 101, a year for her support, (which is about the average expense for the younger girls),and this, quarterly, in advance.* This morning he came, brought the child, and paid 21. 10s. in advance, and gave 11. besides. Thus the Lord has again most seasonably helped us in this our time of need. May he keep the memory of these deliverances alive in our souls, and increase our confidence in him by every fresh one ! In less than two days we have to pay 19!. 10s. for rent 1 May the Lord keep us looking to him, and merci- fully send help ! Sept. 29. Saturday evening. Prayer has been made for several days past respecting the rent, which is due this day. I have been looking out for it, though I knew not whence a shilling was to come. This morning brother T. called on me, and, as no money had come in, we prayed together and continued in supplication from ten till a quarter to twelve. Twelve o’clock struck (the time when * Only two Orphans were received under such circumstances. Since 1841 we have had no child on such conditions, as we now consider, that, if a relative would be able and willing to pay the average expense for the support of a child, such an Orphan could not be considered destitute. During the summer of 1855, three Orphans were applied for, and their relatives offered to pay 50l. a year for these children to the funds of the Institution. They were, however, not only not received, but their names were not even entered on the list of those who are waiting for admission, as they could not be considered destitute. Our object is not to obtain funds for the Institution, but to provide by means of it for truly destitute Orphans; hence, though 50l. is more than the average expense for three Orphans in a year, we did not receive those three just referred to. A.D. 1838.] 253 the rent ought to have been paid), but no money had been sent. For some days past I have repeatedly had a misgiving, whether the Lord might not disappoint us, in order that we might be led to provide by the week, or the day, for the rent. This is the second, and only the second, complete failure as to answers of prayer in the work, during the past four years and six months. The first was about the half-yearly rent of Castle-Green school-rooms, due July 1, 1837, which had come in only in part by that time. I am now fully convinced that the rent ought to be put by daily or weekly, as God may prosper us, in order that the work, even as to this point, may be a testi- mony. May the Lord, then, help us to act accordingly, and may he now mercifully send in the means to pay the rent!—-Whilst in this matter our prayers have failed, either to humble us, or to show us how weak our faith is still, or to teach us, (which seems to me the most probable), that we ought to provide the rent beforehand; the Lord has given us again fresh proofs, even this day, that he is mindful of us. There was not money enough in the Girls'-Orphan-House to take in bread, (we give the bread to the children on the third day after it is baked); but before the baker came, a lady called who had had some needlework done by the children, and paid 3s. 11d., and thus the matron was able to take in bread as usual. I found this morning 2s. in the box in my house, our extre- mity having led me to look into it. One of the labourers gave 13s. This 15s. was divided amongst the three matrons. Thanks to the Lord, there is all which is needed for to-day and to-morrow. Sept. 30. We are not only poor as regards the Or- phan-fund, but also the funds for the other objects bring us again and again to the Lord for fresh supplies. To-day, when we had not a single penny in hand, 5l. was given for the other objects. Oct. 2. Tuesday evening. The Lord's holy name be praised He hath dealt most bountifully with us during the last three days The day before yesterday 5l. came in for the Orphans. Of this I gave to each house 10s., which supplied them before the provisions were consumed. Oh! how kind is the Lord. Always before there has been actual want, he has sent help. Yesterday came in 1!. 10s. more. This 11.10s., with 4s. 2d. in hand, was di- Z 254 [A.D. 1838. vided for present necessities. Thus the expenses of yesterday, for housekeeping, were defrayed. The Lord helped me also to pay yesterday the 191. 10s. for the rent. The means for it were thus obtained. One of the labour- ers had received through his family 107., and 5l. besides from a sister in the Lord; also some other money. Of this he gave 161, which, with the 31. 10s. that was left of the above-mentioned 5l., which came in the day before yesterday, made up 191. 10s, the sum which was needed. —This day we were again greatly reduced. There was no money in hand to take in bread as usual, for the Boys’ and Infant Orphan-Houses. But again the Lord helped. A sister who had arrived this afternoon from Swansea brought 11.7s., and one of the labourers sold an article, by means of which he was able to give 11, 13s. Thus we had 31. :—ll. for each house, and could buy bread before the day was over. Hitherto we have lacked nothing ! Oct. 4. Thursday. The money of Tuesday helped us through yesterday. To-day, when again all was gone, and help was greatly needed, our loving Lord appeared. The books which had been given some time since, by some of my fellow-labourers, were sold for 11s., also an old bedstead for 2s. 6d., and an old sofa for 10s. The boxes were also opened, as I had been told some money had been put in, and 9s. 1d. was found in them. This money was a fresh encouragement to us in our need. Dy this ll. 12s. 7d. we were helped through the day. Oct. 5. This morning, just before I was going to the Orphan-Houses to meet with the brethren and sisters for prayer, 11. 3s. was brought from Teignmouth. This money seems to have been given some months since to a brother at Teignmouth, but it did not reach me until to- day. It is a most seasonable help, to defray the expenses of this day, and a fresh proof, that not in anger, but only for the trial of our faith, our gracious Lord delays as yet, to send larger sums. Oct. 6. Saturday. The Lord has again most kindly helped us. It came to my mind that there were some new blankets in the Orphan-Houses, which had been given some time since, but which are not needed, and might therefore be sold. I was confirmed in this by finding that the moth had got into one pair. I therefore sold ten pairs, having a good opportunity to do so. Thus A.D. 1838.] 255 the Lord not only supplied again our present need for the three houses, but I was also able to put by the rent for this week and the next, acting out the light which he had given us this day week. There came in 9s. 6d., be- sides 77. for the blankets. The School fund, also, was again completely exhausted, when to-day and yesterday came in so much, that not only the weekly salaries could be paid to-day, but also above ll. could be put by for rent. Oct. 9. Through the last-mentioned supplies for the Orphans we were helped up to this day; but to-day we were brought lower than ever. The provisions would have lasted out only to-day, and the money for milk in one of the houses could only be made up by one of the labourers selling one of his books. The matron in the Boys'-Orphan-House had this morning two shillings left. When in doubt whether to buy bread with it, or more meat, to make up the dinner with the meat which she had in the house, the baker called, and left three quarterns of bread as a present. In this great need, some money having been given to one of the labourers, he gave 2!. of it, by which we were able to buy meat, bread, and other provisions. Nevertheless even this day, low as we had been brought, before this 27, was given, there had been all in the houses that was needed. Oct. 10. The Lord had sent in so much since yester- day afternoon, that we were able at our meeting this morning to divide 2!. 0s. 2d. between the three matrons, whereby we are helped through this day. But now the coals in the Infant-Orphan-House are out, and nearly so in the other two houses. Also the treacle casks in all the three houses are nearly empty. On this account we have asked the Lord for fresh supplies. Oct. 11. The “Father of the fatherless” has again shown his care over us. An Orphan from Devonshire arrived last evening. With her was sent 21. 5s. 6d. The sister who brought her gave also a silver tea-pot, sugar- basin, and cream jug (of the weight of 48 oz.) having found true riches in Christ. There was also in the boxes 9s. One of the labourers paid for a ton of coals. We obtained 16l. 16s. for the silver articles.—Thus we were helped through the heavy expenses of the following days. Oct. 12. To-day seven brethren and sisters were added z 2 256 [A.D. 1838. to us in fellowship, and eight were proposed. May the Dord send helpers for the work Oct. 13. For three months past the Orphan fund has been low, yet hitherto we have lacked nothing! Oct. 15. I knew that there would be money needed this morning, for many things in the Orphan-Houses, and my heart was therefore lifted up to the Lord. Just when I was going to meet my fellow-labourers for prayer, I received from Trowbridge 4!. There had come in also at the Orphan-Houses 7s. 8d. To this one of the labourers added 11. Thus I was enabled abundantly to supply all that was wanted, and to pay for a cask of treacle and a ton of coals. We are now, however, cast again on the love of our Lord for further supplies, as there is neither any thing in hand, nor have the labourers any more of their own to give. . Oct. 16. The day commenced with mercies. I was looking up to the Lord for help, early this morning, when, almost immediately afterwards, brother T. came, and brought two silver table-spoons, and six tea-spoons, which had been left, anonymously, yesterday afternoon, at the Girls'-Orphan-House. This afternoon I received 127. from Staffordshire. On the seal of the letter, which en- closed the money, was “Ebenezer.” How true in our case I Surely this instance is a fresh “Ebenezer” to us; for hitherto the Lord has helped us.-There was also found a half sovereign in the box at my house. Also a lady left 5s. at the door of the Girls'-Orphan-House, with about 200 pears for the children; and a brother sent 2s., the first fruits of the increase of his wages. Thus I was able to give a larger supply than usual to the matrons. Oct. 22. To-day our funds were again quite low. In the Infant-Orphan-House only 24. was left, and very little in the other two houses. But the Lord most manifestly again answered prayer. A gentleman from London, who is greatly interested about destitute and neglected chil- dren, came over from Bath with two of his sisters to see the Orphan-Houses. He gave 17. There was 2s. 6d. put into the box at my house, and 6d. anonymously into the box at Gideon Chapel. With this 11. 3s. I went directly to the Orphan-Houses to relieve the present need. Whilst I was there, the Lord gave still further supplies; for being informed that in the morning some ladies had seen A.D. 1838.] 257 the houses, and put money into the boxes, I opened them and found 37. 0s, ld. Thus the Lord, by means of this 4l. 3s. 1d., helped us through the necessities of this day. Oct. 23. The Lord again sent above 21, which supplied this day’s necessities. Oct. 24. To-day the Lord sent from a most unex- pected quarter 51. The money was given by a relative of two children in the Boys'-Orphan-House. Thus we are helped for two days, and are able to put by the rent for this week. Oct. 27. Saturday. This day we have been again mercifully helped, though our need has been almost greater than ever. But, thanks to our adorable Lord! this day also we have not been confounded; for there was 6s. in the box at the Infant-Orphan-House, and 6s. came in for things which had been given to be sold. To this one of the labourers added 18s. By means of this 1!. I0s. we have been able to meet all pressing demands, and to procure provisions for to-day and to-morrow. Oct. 29. Monday. The Lord has again given us this day our daily bread, though, in the morning, there was not the least natural prospect of obtaining supplies. One of the labourers, who had received some money for his own personal expenses, gave 2!. Some things also, which had been given for sale, had been sold for 18s. ; and 6d. had been put into the box at Gideon Chapel. This 21, 18s. 6d. enabled us to meet the expenses of this day. There were also many articles of worn clothes sent. Oct. 30. This has been again a day of peculiar mercies in reference to the funds. Whilst I was in prayer re- specting them, a brother brought 24 yards of cloth. He had bought it for himself, but, afterwards considering that he had sufficient clothes, he gave it to be sold for the Orphans. This evening a sister gave me 20l., ten of which were for the Orphans, and ten for the other objects. Thus we are helped for this week. Nov. 4. Lord’s day. There was given, by a stranger, last Wednesday evening, at Bethesda Chapel, to one of the sisters, a sovereign for the Orphans, which I received to-day. Thus the Lord has again begun the week with mercy, and his love surely will help us through it, though again many pounds will be needed. Nov. 5. Monday. By means of the sovereign which z 3 258 [A. D. 1838. had come in yesterday, and several small donations to-day and on the past days, together with 2l. 10s. which one of the labourers added of his own, 6l. 2s. 6d. was divided this day between the three matrons, which will supply their need for two days at least. Nov. 7. The funds are now again completely exhausted. To-day I divided 11. 3s. 8d., which had come in yesterday; thus the necessary wants were supplied. The Lord be praised who has helped us hitherto ! One of the Orphans was sent to-day to service, and the Lord enabled us to give her a suitable outfit. Nov. 8. Last evening Il. 4s. came in, which, being divided between the three houses, helped us through this day. Nov. 10. Saturday. All seemed to be dark, so far as regards natural appearances, at the commencement of this day. But through this day also the Lord has helped us, and enabled us to meet all demands. In the course of the day came in 11. 8s. 6d. To this two of the labourers added 10s. each, and thus we were brought to the close of one more week, having been able to supply the necessities of 97 persons in the Orphan-houses, without owing any thing. Nov. 12. Monday. Sixpence came in this morning, to which one of the labourers added 19s. 6d., to meet the most pressing necessities. This evening I found the 11. was not enough to take in bread for the Boys'-Orphan- THouse. The Lord gave us, however, before the day was over, enough to buy the usual quantity of bread; for there was found in the boxes 5s. 9d. and a pair of small gold earrings. Nov. 13. This morning our want was again great. I have 20l. in hand which has been put by for rent, but, for the Lord's honour, I would not take of it. Nothing had come in, and the labourers had scarcely any thing to give. I went, however, to the Orphan-Houses, to pray with my fellow-labourers, and, if it might be, to comfort them, and see what could be done. When I came there, I found that 19s. 6d. had come in this morning. On inquiry I heard that only 2s. 6d. more was needed to carry us through the day. This one of the labourers was able to add of his own. Thus the Lord has again helped us out of our difficulty. One of the labourers gave some things A.D. 1838.] 259 which he could do without, and another gave a workbox to be sold for the Orphans.—Before this day has come to an end, the Lord has sent in 11, 2s. 4d. more, so that we . have also a little for to-morrow. Nov. 15. The money which had come in the day before yesterday supplied the necessities of yesterday also ; but to-day we were brought again very low. I went to the Orphan-Houses, to pray with my fellow-labourers, not without hope that the Lord might have appeared, and sent a little help. When I arrived I found that one of the labourers had sold a few of his books, together with two which had been given by another labourer on the 13th, for which he had received 7s. To this one of the labourers added 7s. 9d. This 14s. 9d. supplied the most pressing necessities. When I came home I found ls. in the box at my house, and soon after received 5s. for a pair of fire screens, which had been given for sale. There were also three baskets of potatoes sent to the three different houses. A sack of potatoes had been ordered, but the brother, who had been desired to bring them, could not conveniently do so to-day, and thought, as this present had been ordered from him, there would be no immediate need of them ; and Oh! how kind of the Lord to order it thus: for had he brought them, the payment would have taken away the money which was intended for the usual quantity of bread. But before the day was over the Lord helped still further. In the afternoon a gentleman from Bath called at the Boys'-Orphan-House, and gave a check, for 3!, There was also 1s. given; 2s. 6d. came in for needle-work, and 5s. 6d. for things sold. Thus altogether 4!. 4s. 9d. has been sent by the Lord this day. Nov. 17. Saturday. To-day above 3!, was needed, and as only 15s. 6d. had come in, we found it needful to de- termine to dispose of a few articles of furniture which we conveniently could do without. One of the labourers gave a good watch to be sold, which she had bought some months since, there being then no time-piece in one of the houses. In consideration of these articles to be sold, I took, for the present necessities of the Orphans, 21. 10s. of the money which had been put by for rent, to be re- placed when these articles could be sold at a suitable opportunity. Thus we were helped to the close of one more week. 260 [A.D. 1838. Nov. 19. To-day we were again in great need. There had come in only 7s.6d. for needle-work. The Lord had, however, given to one of the labourers a little money, of which he gave 15s., by means of which we were helped through this day also. Nov. 20. To-day our need was exceedingly great, but the Lord's help was great also. I went to meet with the brethren and sisters as usual. I found that 11. would be needed to supply the necessities of to-day, but 3s. only had come in. Just when we were going to pray, one of the labourers came in, who, after prayer, gave 10s. Whilst we were praying, another labourer came in, who had re- ceived 17. Thus we had 11. 13s., even more, therefore, than was absolutely needed. Nov. 21 Never were we so reduced in funds as to- day. There was not a single halfpenny in hand between the matrons of the three houses. Nevertheless there was a good dinner, and by managing so as to help one another with bread, etc., there was a prospect of getting over this day also; but for none of the houses had we the prospect of being able to take in bread. When I left the brethren and sisters at one o’clock, after prayer, I told them that we must wait for help, and see how the Lord would deliver us at this time. I was sure of help, but we were indeed straitened. When I came to Kingsdown, I felt that I needed more exercise, being very cold, wherefore I went not the nearest way home, but round by Clarence- place. About 20 yards from my house, I met a brother who walked back with me, and after a little conversation gave me 10l. to be handed over to the brethren, the deacons, towards providing the poor saints with coals, blankets and warm clothing; also 5l. for the Orphans, and 5l. for the other objects of the Scriptural Know- ledge Institution. The brother had called twice while I was gone to the Orphan-Houses, and had I now been one half minute later, I should have missed him. But the Lord knew our need, and therefore allowed me to meet him. I sent off the 51. immediately to the matrons. Nov. 23. The above mentioned 5l., with an addition of 11s. 6d. which had also come in, helped us through the expenses of yesterday and to-day. Nov. 24. This again has been a very remarkable day. We had as little in hand this morning as at any time, and A.D. 1838.] 261 yet several pounds were needed. But God, who is rich in mercy, and whose word so positively declares, that none who trust in him shall be confounded, has helped us through this day also. While I was in prayer, about ten in the morning, respecting the funds, I was informed that a gen- tleman had called to see me. He came to inform me that a lady had ordered three sacks of potatoes to be sent to the Orphan-Houses. Never could they have come more seasonably. This was an encouragement to me, to con- tinue to expect help. When I came to the prayer meet- ing about 12 o'clock, I heard that 2s. had come in, also 1. for a guitar, which had been given for sale. The pay- ment for this guitar had been expected for many weeks. It had been mentioned among us, repeatedly, that it might come just at a time, when we most needed it : and oh! how true. Also the watch which had been given was sold for 21. 10s. But with all this we could not have put by the rents for this week, amounting to 30s. One of the labourers therefore gave his watch to the Orphan-fund under this condition, that should the Lord not enable us before Dec. 21st to make up this deficiency, it should be sold, but not otherwise, as he needs it in the Lord’s ser- vice.—[A few days after the Lord gave the means to put by the 30s., and 30s. besides for the next week’s rent.] Thus the Lord helped us through this day, and with it brought us to the close of one more week. Nov. 25. Lord’s-day. The Lord kindly remembers us, before there is absolute need. A sister who is going to leave Bristol, called on me to bid me farewell, and gave me, in parting, 11. 10s. for the Orphans. It is remark- able, that almost every donation given within the last four months and thirteen days, since our funds have been low, has come from unexpected quarters, to make the hand of God so much the more manifest. Nov. 26. Though there had come in yesterday 11, 10s., yet that was scarcely the half of what was needed this day. But the Lord knew our circumstances, and, as he is wont to do, most unworthy as we are of it, remembered our need. There was given 11, this morning, and 1s. had been put anonymously into the box at Gideon Chapel; and a lamp, which had been given some time since, had been sold for 10s. Also 1s. 2d. came in for needle-work. 262 [A.D. 1838. By means of these several little sums we could meet all the demands of this day. Nov. 27. Yesterday afternoon came in 10s., and this morning, by the disposal of some articles, which had been given for sale, 12s. This furnished us with means to pro- cure, for this day also, the necessary supplies. Nov. 28. This is, perhaps, of all days the most remark- able as yet, so far as it regards the funds. When I was in prayer this morning respecting them, I was enabled firmly to believe that the Lord would send help, though all seemed dark as to natural appearances. At 12 o'clock I met as usual with the brethren and sisters for prayer. There had come in only 1s., which was left last evening anonymously, at the Infant-Orphan-House, and which, except 2d., had already been spent, on account of the great need. I heard also that an individual had gratui- tously cleaned the time-piece in the Infant-Orphan-House, and had offered to keep the time-pieces in the three houses in repair. Thus the Lord gave even in this a little en- couragement, and a proof that he is still mindful of us. On inquiry I found that there was every thing needful for the dinner in all the three houses; but neither in the Infant nor Boys'-Orphan-Houses was there bread enough for tea, nor money to buy milk. Lower we had never been, and, perhaps, never so low. We gave ourselves now unitedly to prayer, laying the case in simplicity be- fore the Lord. Whilst in prayer there was a knock at the door, and one of the sisters went out. After the two brethren, who labour in the Orphan-Houses, and I had prayed aloud, we continued for awhile silently in prayer. As to myself, I was lifting up my heart to the Lord to make a way for our escape, and in order to know, if there were any other thing which I could do with a good con- science, besides waiting on him, so that we might have food for the children. At last we rose from our knees. I said, “God will surely send help.” The words had not quite passed over my lips, when I perceived a letter lying on the table, which had been brought whilst we were in prayer. It was from my wife, containing another letter from a brother with 10l., for the Orphans. The evening before last I was asked by a brother whether the balance in hand for the Orphans would be as great this time, A.D. 1838.] 263 when the accounts would be made up, as the last time. My answer was, that it would be as great as the Lord pleased. The next morning this brother was moved to remember the Orphans, and to send to-day 10l., which arrived after I had left my house, and which on account of our need was forwarded immediately to me. Thus I was enabled to give 6l. 10s. for housekeeping, and to put by 37. 10s. for rent. The brother who sent the 10l. for the Orphans, sent likewise 10l. to be divided between brother Craik and me, with the object of purchasing new clothes for ourselves. Nov. 29. The Lord has greatly blessed our meetings for prayer. They have been instrumental in leading us to much prayer for the children in the Orphan-Houses, in the Day-Schools, and in the Sunday-School. They have led us to prayer for ourselves, for the Day-School Teachers, and for the Sunday-School Teachers, that grace may be given to us so to walk before the children, and so to deal with them, as that the Lord may be glorified by us. We have also often been led to intercede for the believers with whom we are in fellowship, and for the Church at large. We have especially prayed, that our work may iead the church generally to a more simple confidence and trust in the Lord. That these meetings have not been in vain, as regards the procuring of funds, has been already sufficiently seen by the many instances which have been recorded in the foregoing pages. To-day, however, we have had another particular proof of this. When we met I found that 10s. had come in yesterday afternoon. When I returned home I found 11, had come in, and shortly after I received another 11. In the evening I received 50l. which was sent from Suffolk by a sister who had often expressed how gladly she would contribute more largely to the work which is in our hands, had she the means, and who just now, in this our time of need, has obtained the means to carry out the desire of her heart. I rejoice in the last donation particularly, not because of the largeness of the sum, but because it enables me to pay to my brethren and sisters in the Orphan-Houses the salary which is due to them. For though they are willing to labour without any remuneration, nevertheless “the labourer is worthy of his reward.” This donation also proves, that the Lord is willing even now, as for- 264 [A.D. 1838. merly, to send large sums. But I expect still larger. The same sister who sent the 50l. for the Orphans, sent, at the same time, 30l. to be divided between brother Craik and me for our personal expenses. How abun- dantly does the Lord care for us! Truly, we serve a kind master Dec. 5. To-day there were again a few shillings needed in the Boys'-Orphan-House. . That which remained of the 50l. had been divided for housekeeping in the three houses, and was now all spent in the Boys'-Orphan- House, and nearly also in the other two houses. The few shillings which were needed in the Boys'-Orphan-House, the Lord, however, had previously provided by the little which had come in on December 3 and 4. Dec. 6. This day our need was again as great as ever, but the deliverance of the Lord was also as manifest as ever. No money had come in, and I knew there would be some needed this morning in all the three houses. That which was required to buy provisions for to-day, was about 11. ; but there were also coals needed in two houses, and two of the treacle-casks were empty. We gave ourselves, as usual, to prayer. After prayer one of the labourers gave 11. of the salary which she had received a few days ago; another gave 6s., and 4s. 6d. was taken out of the boxes. Thus we had 17. 10s. 6d. to divide, and therefore more than was absolutely needed; also one of the labourers had ordered half a ton of coals to be sent to the Boys'-Orphan-House, for which he paid himself. This afternoon I received 100l. from a sister, 50l. for the Orphans, and 50l. for the School—Bible—and Mis- sionary-Fund. This same sister, who earns her bread with her own hands, had given, on October 5, 1837, 50l. towards the Boys’-Orphan-House, and gave for the neces- sities of the poor saints, in August 1838, 100l. more ; for she had been made willing to act out those precious exhortations: “Having food and raiment let us be there- with content.” “Sell that ye have, and give alms; pro- vide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, nei- ther moth corrupteth.” “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth A.D. 1838.] 265 nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.” Tespecting the 50l. which has been given of this sum for the School—Bible—and Missionary- Fund, it is worthy of remark, that we would not order Reference Bibles till we had the means. We had re- peatedly prayed respecting this want of Bibles, and par- ticularly again this morning. It had been also much laid on our hearts to-day, to request that the Lord would en- able us to have the Report printed, which we could not do, unless he first sent the means. Lastly, we had also re- peatedly asked him to supply us so largely, if it were his will, as that at the time of the public meetings we might be able to speak again of abundance. For though for some months past the time has been fixed for the public meetings, without any reference to the state of the funds, nevertheless, it might have had the appearance, that we had convened the brethren for the sake of telling them about our poverty, and thus to induce them to give. Dec. 8, 1838. The Lord closes the third year of this part of the work with blessings. Yesterday was sent 24 yards of flannel, and to-day were taken out of the box in the Boys'-Orphan-House a 5l. note, and 3d. Also 2s. was given and 11. besides. Tec. 11, 12, and 13. On the evenings of these three days there were public meetings, at which I gave an ac- count of the Lord's dealing with us in reference to the Orphan-Houses and the other objects of the Scriptural Rnowledge Institution. As the work, and particularly that of the Orphan-Houses, was begun for the benefit of the church at large, it appeared well to us, that from time to time it should be publicly stated how the Lord had dealt with us in reference to it ; and as on Dec. 9th the third year had been completed, since the commencement of the Orphan work, this seemed to be a suitable time for having these meetings. Should any one suppose, in reading the plain details of the trials through which we passed during the four months previous to Dec. 9, 1838, respecting the Orphan-Houses, that I have been disappointed as it regards my expecta- tions, so far as the funds are concerned : my answer is, that the reverse is the case. For straits were expected. Long before the trials came, I had more than once stated publicly, that answers to prayer, in the time of need,— A. A. 266 [A.D. 1838. the manifestation of the hand of God stretched out for our help, was just the very end for which the Institution was established. I further state, that the Orphans have never lacked any thing. Had I had thousands of pounds in hand, they would have fared no better than they have ; for they have always had good nourishing food, the necessary articles of clothing, etc. It is now (namely on Dec. 10, 1838) four years and nine months since brother Craik and I established the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. The reasons which we had for doing so were, that thus a testimony might be borne that the children of God need not go to unbelievers to ask them for money; nor require the patronage of the great men of this world in the Lord's work; and that, further, believers generally might be stirred up, to re- nounce their alliance with the world in the management and promotion of religious objects, and that, lastly, it might be seen that, without contracting debts, such ob- jects can be carried on. Painful as it was, and as it stillis, to us, to be obliged to differ from so many of our brethren, in these particulars, nevertheless we were called upon to work without them, if we could not conscientiously work with them. May the Lord grant, that the eyes of many of his children may be opened, so that they may seek, in all spiritual things, to be separated from unbelievers, (2 Cor. vi. 14–18), and to do God's work according to God’s mind / I notice briefly the following particulars respecting the first three objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. 1. There is at present (in December 1838) a Sunday School supported by it, which contains four hundred and sixty-three children. This part of the work calls for par- ticular thanksgiving; for during these last eighteen months the number of the children has been nearly three times as great as it used to be. Five of the scholars have been converted within the last two years, and are now in fel- lowship with the church, and three of them are teachers in the school. 2. There is in connexion with the Insti- tution an Adult-School, in which, since the commence- ment of the work, above 120 adults have been instructed, and in which at present twelve are taught to read. 3. The Institution has entirely supported, since its commence- A.D. 1838.] 267 ment, several Day-schools for poor children, and within the last two years six of such : three for boys, and three for girls.-The number of all the children that have had schooling in the Day-Schools through the medium of the Institution, since its formation, amounts to 1534; the number of those at present in the six Day-Schools is 342. 4. During the last two years there have been circulated 1884 copies of the Scriptures in connexion with the Insti- tution, and since the beginning of the work, March 5, 1834, five thousand and seventy-eight copies. 5. For Missionary purposes have been laid out £74. 18s. 4d. 6. The total of the income for the first three objects, during the last two years, was £1129. 13s. 1d. The total of the expense £1111. 13s. 7%d. There are, at present, 86 Orphans in the three houses, i. e. 31 in the Girls'-Orphan-House, 31 in the Infant- Orphan-House, and 24 in the Boys'-Orphan-House. The whole number of Orphans, who have been under our care, from April 11, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1838, amounts to 110. God’s blessing has most manifestly rested upon this part of the work. For, 1. Without any one having been asked for any thing by us, the sum of £2111. 5s. 4d. has been given to us, entirely as the result of prayer to God. 2. Besides this, also, many articles of clothing, furniture, provisions, etc. 3. Without our solicitation three medical gentlemen, (one for each house), have, up to Dec. 9, 1838, kindly given their attendance and medicines gratuitously. 4. The children have been, on the whole, in good health, and many of them have greatly improved as to their health, since they have been with us. 5. Though most of them had been brought up in a very different manner from what one could desire, yet God has constrained them, on the whole, to behave exceedingly well, so much so that it has attracted the attention of all observers. This can be ascribed only to the good hand of God. 6. There are a few among them, respecting whom we have a comfortable assurance that they care about their souls. 7. There is mot one of those who have died, of whom we are without hope, as it regards their eternal welfare; but respecting two of them we have especial reason to rejoice. The elder of the two, Harriet Culliford, about twelve years of age when she died, had been for many months wasting A. A 2 268 [A.D. 1838. away in consumption. She was, almost during the whole time of her illness, completely careless about the things of God; nothing seemed to make any impression upon her, though a well-behaved child in other respects. About a fortnight before her departure she was brought to know the Lord, gave the fullest evidence, that could be given in her circumstances, of a real change of heart, and de- parted full of joy at the prospect of being with the Lord, though previously she had been very desirous to be re- stored again. The younger, Leah Culliford, (both of them of a very consumptive family), fell asleep in Jesus on Sept. 11, 1838. She was but little more than eight years of age; but many weeks before her death she gave evidence to those who were placed over her of a change of heart, and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The total of the income for the Orphans, from Dec. 9, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1838, has amounted to £1341. 4s. 7d. ; the total of the expenses to £ 1664. 4s. 0#d. There was two years ago a balance of £373. 4s. 83d. in hand, and now the balance is £50. 5s. 3d. Dec. 16. There was a paper anonymously put into the box at Bethesda Chapel, containing 4!. 10s. In the paper was written “For the Rent of the Orphan-Houses, from Dec. 10 to Dec. 31, 1838. ‘ O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him /* In order that the reader may be able to enter into the value of this donation, I would request him to read over once more, what I wrote under “Sept. 29th of this year.” [The individual who gave this 4l. 10s. for the rent of the Orphan-Houses for the first three weeks after the public meetings, at which the matter about the rent, for the instruction of the brethren, was fully stated, continued for three years, up to Dec. 10, 1841, to give regularly, but anonymously, ll. 10s. a week for the same purpose, which was exactly the sum required every week for the rent of those three houses. Thus the Lord re- warded our faithfulness, in carrying out the light which he had given us. But the chief blessing, resulting from this circumstance, I consider to be this, that several bre- thren, who earn their bread by the labour of their hands, have learned through this circumstance, that it is the will of the Lord they should lay by their rent weekly. I beseech those brethren who are not pursuing this course, to do so, and they will soon prove by experience the A.D. 1838.] 269 benefit of acting on Scriptural principles even as it regards this life.] Dec. 17. To-day eleven brethren and sisters were pro- posed for fellowship. The Lord still uses us as instru- ments. Truly, our labour in the Lord is not in vain Dec. 20. As the expenses for the Orphans have been above 471. within the last six days, and as but little above 13!. has come in, and as the money for printing the Report had to be kept back, in order that we might not be in debt, we were again to-day very low in funds, though it is but six days since the public meetings. As I knew that to-morrow several pounds would be needed to supply the matrons, I gave myself this morning to prayer. About a quarter of an hour afterwards I received 3l., the payment of a legacy, left by a sister, who fell asleep in Jesus several months since, in Ireland. Be- sides this I received from the brother, through whom the legacy was paid, 21. 10s. for the Orphan-Fund. With this 5l. 10s. I hope to be able to meet the expenses of to-morrow. I observe here that it might have been naturally supposed that every heart would be touched, through what was publicly stated about the remarkable manner in which the Lord had provided for us for nearly 150 days, and that consequently an abundance of means would have come in. To this is to be added, that 50l. 5s. 3d. was in hand on Dec. 10, and that therefore it seemed not likely that we should soon be in need; and yet, by Dec. 20, we were again so poor, that there was nothing to meet the expenses of the next day, as has just been related. All this came not unawares upon me and my fellow-labourers; for we had been taught to look off from all creature ex- pectations to the living God. It was on this account that, many times in our prayer meetings during November and the beginning of December, we were led to ask the Lord, not to allow us to expect an influx of means because, for the benefit of the Church, our circumstances would be made known at the public meetings. And how kind was it of the Lord to give us prayer about this, and thus to prepare us beforehand; for had we leaned upon natural expectations, we should have been surely disappointed, as only six days after the meetings we were as poor as ever. By the grace of God we are so acquainted with A. A 3 270 [A.D. 1838. the heart of our Father, that we speak not about these things to excite the compassion of our fellow-saints, for we have learned to lean upon God only; but we make known his dealings with us, that others may be led “to taste and see that the Lord is good,” and to put their trust in him. The sister who left the 31. for the Orphans, as just alluded to, also left 31. for the funds of the other objects, 20l. to be divided between brother Craik and me, and 37. for the poor saints. Dec. 22. A solemn day. I received to-day the infor- mation from my father that my brother died on October 7th. When I saw him in April this year he was living in open sin, and in disunion with my father. I cannot learn that his end was different from his life, so that I have no comfort in his death.-Of all the trials that can befall a believer, the death of an unconverted near relative seems to me one of the greatest. “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right º' must be the stay of the believer at such a time, and, by grace, it is my stay now. I know that the Lord is glorified in my brother, whatever his end has been : whether in his last hours, like the thief on the cross, he was saved, or whether he died in sin and unbe- lief; yet I do, as to myself, desire from my heart to adore that grace which plucked me as a brand out of the burning, many years ago.—May the Lord make this event a lasting blessing to me, especially in leading me to earnestness in prayer for my father! Dec. 26. From the 21st to this day several small do- nations had come in for the Orphans, so that we were supplied as we needed. To-day there was ten-pence left, after the day's expenses had been met. One hour after the Lord kindly appeared again. 5l. was sent by Q. Q. This money came, just after I had prayed for means. Dec. 27. To-day came in 21. 12s. 6d., whereby the Lord has again helped us to meet the probable expenses of to-morrow. Dec. 28. This evening the Lord kindly sent further help, when we were again destitute of the means of providing for to-morrow. I received 20!, (half for the Orphan-Fund, and half for the other funds), with Eccle- siastes ix. 10: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device nor A.D. 1838.] 271 knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.” Dec. 29. A sister, having felt herself particularly stirred wp about the Orphans, as she writes, sent this evening 7l.; five pounds from herself and 21. which had been sent from the EAST INDIE's. To the Lord this is to be ascribed, who, in answer to our prayers, makes these impressions on the hearts of his children. BEVIEW OF THE YEAR 1838. I. As to the church. 68 brethren and sisters we found in fellowship, when brother Craik and I came to Bristol. 458 have been admitted into fellowship since, so that the total amount would be 526 had there been no changes. But, 31 have fallen asleep. 28 are under church discipline, which is the total number of all the cases of separation from communion within these six years and seven months. 36 have left Bristol. 26 have left us, but are still in Bristol. Only 26 within six years and seven months. Total 121. There are therefore only 405 at present in fellowship with us. 61 have been added during the last year, of whom 36 have been brought among us to the knowledge of the truth. II. As to my temporal supplies. The Lord has been pleased to give me during the past €ar : y 1. By the Freewill Offerings through the 2 boxes . e & e e º . £151 6 8 . By Presents in money from believers in and out of Bristol o e e . 141 18 O 3. By money, through family connexion . 40 0 0 4. By Presents in clothes, provisions, etc.. which where worth to me, at least . 12 0 0 5. We have been living for six months half free of rent, whereby we have saved at least 5 0 0 £350 4, 8 272 [A.D. 1839. During no period of my life had I such need of means, on account of my own long illness and that of my dear wife, and on account of the many and particular calls for means, as during the past year; but also during no period of my life has the Lord so richly supplied me. Truly, it must be manifest to all that I have served a most kind master, during this year also, and that, even for this life, it is by far the best thing to seek to act according to the mind of the Lord, as to temporal things | January 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 1839. We have had three especial church prayer meetings these three days. The year commenced with mercies. In the first hour of the year there came in for the Orphans 21.7s., which was given after our usual prayer meeting on December 31, which this time lasted from seven in the evening till after midnight. Jan. 5. To-day I received another new hat, the eleventh which in succession has been given to me, since I have been in England. Jan. 11. Since December 29, came in several dona- tions for the Orphans, so that we were supplied, before that which we had in hand was quite gone. On the seventh, however, all our money was again expended, when a brother, from the neighbourhood of London, who is staying here, gave me 10l. To-day, when this 10!, was iven out, T received from London 3!. 7s., and 4s. besides. Thus the Lord, as our need is, sends help, and all in an- swer to prayer, without our asking any one. Jan 17. Since the 11th 22 small donations have again come in, by which we have been helped thus far. This afternoon all which was in hand was given for housekeep- ing, and I was again pennyless. The Lord, however, was mindful of this, and in the evening two sovereigns were left anonymously at my house. In the paper was written: “The enclosed are for the use of the Orphan-Houses, from J. H., who thinks he ought to do something for the Institution.” J. H. will have in this a proof that the Lord touched his heart to give the money, because there was not a penny in hand for those who are the especial care of him who is the “Father of the fatherless.” Jan. 20. Ten small donations have come in since the 17th, which have enabled us to provide what was needed for the last three days, and also for to-day.—For some A.D. 1839.] 273 time past it has appeared to me that the words “Ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good,” which the Lord spoke to his disciples, who were themselves very poor, imply that the children of God, as such, have power with God to bring temporal blessings upon poor saints or poor unbelievers, through the instrumentality of prayer. Accordingly I have been led to ask the Lord for means to assist poor saints; and at different times he has stirred up his children to intrust me with sums both large and small, for that especial ob- ject; or has, by some means or other, put money at my disposal, which I might so use. In like manner I had been asking again for means a few days since, to be able more extensively to assist the poor saints in communion with us, as just now many of them are not merely tried by the usual temporal difficulties arising from its being winter, but especially from the high price of bread. And now this evening the Lord has given me the answer to my prayer. When I came home from the meeting, I found a brother at my house who offered to give me 10l. a week, for twelve weeks, towards providing the poor saints with coals and needful articles of clothing, but chiefly with bread. [Accordingly this brother sent me two days after- wards 120l., whereby very many, especially poor widows, were greatly assisted, chiefly with flour and bread. This money just lasted till the price of bread was reduced from 9; d. to 7#d. Thus, for several weeks, about 150 quarterns of bread were distributed weekly, besides what was given in flour, coals, and clothes. I have mentioned this circumstance as an encouragement to those who either have little or nothing at all to give to poor persons, and who yet have a desire to give; and to those who have means, but whose means are not adequate to relieve all the demands made upon them. Had we more grace to plead the words of our Lord, above referred to, we should receive far more from him to meet the necessities around us.] Jan. 22. A brother, formerly an officer in the navy, who for Jesus' sake has given up his rank and pay, gave three silver table spoons, three silver forks, and two tea- spoons, to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. The produce of them, with 17. 5s, which has come in besides, enables us to meet the expenses of to-day and to-morrow. 274 [A.D. 1839. Jan 26. Saturday. The need of the 24th, 25th, and of to-day was supplied, partly, by the little that had been left on the 23rd; and partly, by five small donations, by 9s. for the children’s needlework, and by 12s. which had come in by the sale of two old silk dresses, which had been given for sale. Now, when we were again penny- less, 6s. was given me, just after I had been praying for Iſleå.D.S. Jan. 28. Monday morning. We are now quite reduced as to means for the Orphans. The little which is in hand has been put by for rent. How the Lord will help us through this day I know not; but I have faith in God. IIe will help us, though I know not how. By God’s help I purpose not to take a single penny of what is in hand, pecause it is due for rent.--This morning and afternoon came in from one individual 4s. 6d., and from a sister, who earns her bread by needlework, 17. There was also 11. 0s. 10d. taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, which our need had led us to open. Thus we were helped through the day, and have 1.l. left for to-morrow. Jan. 29. The 17, which was left helped us through this day; but in the Boys'-Orphan-House were no means to take in bread. In the evening eight small loaves were sent by a sister who could not possibly know our need, and thus we were supplied. Jan. 30. A little while after I had been in prayer this morning for means for the Orphans, brother T. brought a silver watch and 5s., which had been given last evening. Also, still further, came in this morning, five yards of Indian muslin, a Zephyr scarf, a muslin dress, and a gold locket, to be sold. About two hours afterwards was sent 1. The individual who last evening gave the silver watch and 5s. for the Orphans, called on me to-day. She is a servant, who in the house of her master found the first part of this Narrative soon after the publication of the first edition, which the Lord used as the means of her conversion. [She has now been sixteen years in fellow- ship with us.] Jan. 31. There came in this morning 2s. 6d. for the Orphans. This, with 1.l. in hand, and 10s. which one of the labourers contributed, was sufficient for this day's necessities. A.D. 1839.] 275 Feb. 1. There is no money in hand for the Orphans. I am waiting on God. Just when brother T. had come to tell me that the need for this day would be 19s. 6d., one of the labourers in the work came and gave me 11. Feb. 2. There are again no means in hand. One of the labourers gave 1.l., but I know not whether 11. will be sufficient for the necessities of this day. This I do know, however, that the Lord will supply us with more, should more be needed. When I met with the brethren and sisters for prayer, one of the labourers gave his watch under the condition that il., which was needed besides that which we had in hand, should be taken from the rent money which had been put by, till it could be replaced; and, if otherwise, that the watch should be sold at the end of the quarter. Just as we had separated, a sovereign was brought to me, which had been sent to my house since I had left it. This was taken instead of the one which had been advanced upon the watch, and thus a speedy answer was granted to our prayers. We have now been brought to the close of one more week. Feb. 3. Lord’s day. A sister sent from her sick bed this evening 21. for the Orphans, with Ecclesiastes iz. 10. Thus the Lord has supplied our need for to-morrow. Feb. 4. This afternoon came in two pounds more from the grandmother of two of the Orphans, in answer to prayer, and very seasonably, as the coals in one house are quite out, and nearly so in the other two. Feb. 5. To-day came in 12s., which supplied the necessities of this day. Feb. 6. Only 19s. 6d. was needed for to-day, which one of the labourers gave. Feb. 7. This day has been one of the most remarkable days as it regards the Funds. There was no money in hand. I was waiting upon God. I had asked him re- peatedly, but no supplies came. Brother T. called between 11 and 12 o'clock, to tell me that about 11. 2s. would be needed, to take in bread for the three houses, and to meet the other expenses; but we had only 2s. 9d., which yes- terday had been taken out of the boxes in the Orphan- IHouses. He went to Clifton to make arrangements for the reception of the three Orphans of our sister Loader, who fell asleep on the 4th; for though we have no funds 276 [A.D. 1839. in hand, the work goes on, and our confidence is not diminished. I therefore requested him to call on his way back from Clifton, to see whether the Lord might have sent any money in the mean time. When he came I had received nothing, but one of the labourers having 5s. of his own, gave it. It was now four o'clock. I knew not how the sisters had got through the day. Just before I went out to preach, 5s. was brought to my house, which I took as a token for good. I had been asking the Lord for a passage of the word to speak from this evening, and at last was directed to Matt. vi. 19–34, a subject most applicable to our circumstances. After the meeting was over I went to the Girls'-Orphan-House, to meet with the brethren for prayer, and to give the 5s. which I had re- ceived, and to see what could be done. When I arrived there, I found that a box had come for me from Barnstaple. The carriage was paid, else there would have been no money to pay for it. (See how the Lord’s hand is in the smallest matters () The box was opened, and it contained, in a letter from a sister, 10l., of which 81. was for the Orphans, and 21. for the Bible Fund; from brethren at Barnstaple, 21. 11s. 2d.; and from another brother 5s. Besides this, there were in the box 4 yards of merino, 3 pairs of new shoes, 2 pairs of new socks; also six books for sale. Likewise a gold pencil-case, 2 gold rings, 2 gold drops of ear-rings, a necklace, and a silver pencil case. On inquiry, how the sisters had been carried through the day, I found it thus: Everything was in the houses which was needed for dinner. After dinner a lady from Thorn- bury came and bought one of my Narratives and one of the Reports, and gave 3s. besides. About five minutes afterwards the baker came to the Boys'-Orphan-House. The matron of the Girls'-Orphan-House seeing him, went immediately with the 6s. 6d. which she had just received, (to prevent his being sent away, as there was no money in hand at the Boys'-Orphan-House,) and bought bread to the amount of 4s. 6d. The two remaining shillings, with the little which was in hand, served to buy bread for the Girls'-Orphan-House. By the donations sent in the box, I was enabled to give a rich supply to the matrons before the close of the day. How sweet to see our Father thus caring for us! To A.D. 1839.] 277 a person who has spiritual eyes, what a proof is one such day of the most particular providence of God! And we have had many such days. Peb. 8. To-day the Lord sent still further help, which is remarkable for two reasons in particular. First, we had decided yesterday upon receiving the three little Loaders, though we were so low as to funds. Thus the Lord sent means on their behalf. Secondly, we were brought so low yesterday, and our faith was so much tried, in order that now again the abundance of supplies, out of our loving Father's hand, might be so much the sweeter. A sister in the neighbourhood of London sent to-day in money ll. 5s., and the following articles for sale : 3 purses, 1 mourning brooch, 1 amber ditto, 1 amethyst stud, 1 cameo ditto, 1 pair of coral ear-rings, 1 coral cross, 1 ring set with a diamond and six rubies, 1 ditto pearl and garnet, 1 ditto garnet, 1 ruby cross, 4 necklaces, and 148 pamphlets and tracts. Also several articles of clothing for the children. Feb. 13. Since the 8th, five donations, amounting to 9l. 9s., had come in. This afternoon I paid out the last money which we had in hand, and in giving it to brother T. said, we have now again to look to the Lord for further supplies. This evening 5l. was given to me, which had come in under the following circumstances: A gentleman and lady visited the Orphan-Houses, and met at the Boys'- Orphan-House two ladies who were likewise visiting. One of the ladies said to the matron of the Boys'-Orphan- House: “Of course, you cannot carry on these Institu- tions without a good stock of funds.” The gentleman, turning to the matron, said, “Have you a good stock P” She replied: “Our funds are deposited in a bank which cannot break.” The tears came into the eyes of the in- quiring lady. The gentleman, on leaving, gave to the master of the boys 5l., which came in when I had not a penny in hand. Feb. 16. Yesterday came in 17s. 6d. for the Orphans, which, with what was taken out of the boxes to-day, helped us through, and thus we have been brought to the close of one more week. March 5. Up to this day, since Feb. 16, the supplies for the Orphans have come in so seasonably, that we were able comfortably to meet all the demands. To-day, how- IB B 278 [A.D. 1839. ever, I knew that there would be again several pounds required, as, besides the daily provisions, there were coals needed, the treacle casks in two houses were empty, and there was but 5s. in hand. I gave myself therefore to prayer this morning. WHILST I WAS IN PRAYER Q. Q. sent a check for 7 l. 10s. Thus the Lord has again most seasonably helped us out of our difficulty. There came in still further this day, 11, 19s. 2d., by the sale of some articles, which had been given for the benefit of the Orphans. March 6. For some time past the minds of several brethren among us, as well as that of brother Craik and my own, had been much exercised respecting certain questions connected with points of church order and dis- cipline, on account of which brother Craik and I were absent from Bristol during the last two weeks, to give ourselves to prayer and consideration respecting those points. Since our return we have had, these last three evenings, meetings with the saints, before whom we stated the result to which we had been led, after prayer and ex- amination of the Scriptures. The following is an abstract of what was stated at those meetings, which I give here, as this matter forms an important period in my experience about church matters; but the abstract will be of little use, except the reader consider carefully the passages to which reference is made. I.—QUESTIONS RESPECTING THE ELDERSHIP. (1) How does it appear to be the mind of God, that, in every Church, there should be recognised Elders 2 Ans. From the following passages compared together, Matth. xxiv. 45, Luke xii. 42. From these passages we learn that some are set by the Tord himself in the office of Rulers and Teachers, and that this office (in spite of the fallen state of the Church) should be in being even down to the close of the present dispensation. Accordingly, we find from Acts xiv. 23, xx. 17, Tit. i. 5, and 1 Pet. v. 1, that soon after the saints had been converted and had associated together in a Church character, Elders were appointed to take the rule over them and to fulfil the office of under-shepherds. This must not be understood as implying, that, when A.D. 1839.] 279 believers are associated in Church fellowship, they ought to elect Elders according to their own will, whether the Lord may have qualified persons or not; but rather that such should wait upon God, that he himself would be pleased to raise up such as may be qualified for teaching and ruling in his church. (2) How do such come into office 2 Ans. By the appointment of the Holy Ghost, Acts xx. 28. (3) How may this appointment be made known to the Žndividuals called to the office, and to those amongst whom they may be called to labour & Ans. By the secret call of the Spirit, 1 Tim. iii. 1, confirmed by the possession of the requisite qualifications, 1 Tim. iii. 2–7, Tit. i. 6–9, and by the Lord’s blessing resting upon their labours, 1 Cor. ix. 2. In 1 Cor. ix. 2, Paul condescends to the weakness of some, who were in danger of being led away by those factious persons who questioned his authority. As an Apostle—appointed by the express word of the Lord he needed not such outward confirmation. But if he used his success as an argument in confirmation of his call, how much more may ordinary servants of the Lord Jesus employ such an argument, seeing that the way, in which they are called for the work, is such as to require Some outward confirmation. (4) Is it incumbent upon the saints to acknowledge such and to submit to them in the Lord £ Ans. Yes. See 1 Cor. xvi. 15, 16, 1 Thess. v. 12, 13, IHeb. xiii. 7, 17, and 1 Tim. v. 17. In these passages obedience to pastoral authority is clearly enjoined. II.-Ought matters of discipline to be finally settled by the Elders in private, or in the presence of the Church, and as the act of the whole body ? Ans. (1) Such matters are to be finally settled in the presence of the Church. This appears from Matth. xviii. 17, 1 Cor. v. 4, 5, 2 Cor. ii. 6–8, 1 Tim. v. 20. (2) Such matters are to be finally settled as the act of the whole body, Matth. xviii. 17, 18. In this passage the act of exclusion is spoken of as the act of the whole body. 1 Cor. v. 4, 5, 7, 12, 13. In this passage Paul gives the direction, respecting the exercise of discipline, in such a B B 2 280 [A.D. 1839. way as to render the whole body responsible: verse 7, “Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump;” and verse 13, “Therefore put away from among your- selves that wicked person.” From 2 Cor. ii. 6–8, we learn that the act of exclusion was not the act of the Elders only, but of the Church. “Sufficient to such a man is this punishment (rather, public censure) which was inflicted of many.” From verse 8 we learn that the act of restoration was to be a public act of the brethren: “Wherefore I beseech you that ye would confirm (rather, ratify by a public act) your love towards him.” As to the reception of brethren into fellowship, this is an act of simple obedience to the Lord, both on the part of the Elders and the whole Church. We are bound and privileged to receive all those who make a credible profession of faith in Christ, according to that Scripture, “Receive ye one another, as Christ also received us, to the glory of God.” Rom xv. 7. III.--When should Church acts (such as acts of recep- tion, restoration, eacclusion, &c.) be attended to ? Ans. It cannot be expressly proved from Scripture whether such acts were attended to at the meeting for the breaking of bread, or at any other meeting; therefore this is a point on which, if different churches differ, mutual forbearance ought to be exercised. The way in which such matters have hitherto been managed amongst us has been by the Church coming together on a week-evening. Before we came to Bristol we had been accustomed to this mode, and, finding nothing in Scripture against it, we continued the practice. But, after prayer, and more careful consideration of this point, it has appeared well to us that such acts should be attended to on the Lord's days, when the saints meet together for the breaking of bread. We have been induced to make this alteration by the following reasons: (1) This latter mode prevents matters from being delayed. There not being a sufficiency of matter for a meeting on purpose every week, it has sometimes happened that, what would better have been stated to the Church at once, has been kept back from the body for some weeks. Now, it is important that what concerns the whole Church, should be made known as soon as possible to those who are in fellowship, that they may act accordingly. Delay, more- A.D. 1839.] 281 over, seems inconsistent with the pilgrim-character of the people of God. - (2) More believers can be present on the Lord’s days than can attend on week evenings. The importance of this reason will appear from considering how every thing which concerns the Church should be known to as many as ſpossible. For how can the saints pray for those who may have to be excluded,—how can they sympathize in cases of peculiar trial,—and how can they rejoice and give thanks on account of those who may be received or restored, unless they are made acquainted with the facts connected with such cases P - (3) A testimony is thus given that all who break bread are Church members. By attending to Church acts in the meeting for breaking of bread, we show that we make no difference between receiving into fellowship at the Lord's Supper, and into Church membership ; but that the indi- vidual who is admitted to the Lord's table is therewith also received to all the privileges, trials, and responsibili- ties of Church membership. (4) There is a peculiar propriety in acts of reception, restoration, and exclusion being attended to when the saints meet together for the breaking of bread, as, in that ordinance especially, we show forth our fellowship with each other. Objections answered. (1) This alteration has the appearance of change- ableness. Reply. Such an objection would apply to any case in which increased light led to any improvement, and is, therefore, not to be regarded. It would be an evil thing if there were any change respecting the foundation truths of the Gospel; but the point in question is only a matter of Church order. (2) More time may thus be required than it would be well to give to such a purpose on the Lord’s day. Reply. As, according to this plan, Church business will be attended to every Lord's day, it is more than pro- bable that the meetings will be thereby prolonged for a few minutes only, but should circumstances require it, a special meeting may still be appointed during the week, for all who break bread with us. This, however, would only be needful, provided the matters to be brought B B 3 282 [A.D. 1839. before the brethren were to require more time than could be given to them at the breaking of bread. N.B. (1) Should any persons be present who do not break bread with us, they may be requested to withdraw, whenever such points require to be stated, as it would not be well to speak of in the presence of unbelievers, (2) As there are two places in which the saints meet for the breaking of bread, the matters connected with Church acts must be brought out at each place. IV.-QUESTIONS RELATIVE To THE LORD’s SUPPER. (1) How frequently ought the breaking of bread to be attended to ? Ans. Although we have no express command respect- ing the frequency of its observance, yet the example of the apostles and of the first disciples would lead us to observe this ordinance every Lord's day. Acts xx. 7. (2) What ought to be the character of the meeting at which the saints are assembled for the breaking of bread & Ans. As in this ordinance we show forth our common participation in all the benefits of our Lord’s death, and our union to him and to each other, (1 Cor. x. 16, 17.) opportunity ought to be given for the exercise of the gifts of teaching or exhortation, and communion in prayer and praise. Rom. xii. 4–8, Eph. iv. 11–16. The manifesta- tion of our common participation in each other's gifts cannot be fully given at such meetings, if the whole meeting is, necessarily, conducted by one individual. This mode of meeting does not however take off from those, who have the gifts of teaching or exhortation, the respon- sibility of edifying the church as opportunity may be offered. (3) Is it desirable that the bread should be broken at the Lord's Supper by one of the Elders, or should each ândividual of the body break it for himself? Ans. Neither way can be so decidedly proved from Scripture, that we are warranted in objecting to the other as positively unscriptural, yet— (1) The letter of Scripture seems rather in favour of its being done by each brother and sister, 1 Cor. x. 16, 17. “The bread which we break.” A.D. 1839.] 283 (2) Its being done by each of the disciples is more fitted to express that we all, by our sins, have broken the body of our Lord. (8) By attending to the ordinance in this way, we manifest our freedom from the common error that the Lord's supper must be administered by some particular individual, possessed of what is called a ministerial character, instead of being an act of social worship and obedience. [Before brother Craik and I left Bristol for the consi- deration of the above points, things wore a gloomy appear- ance. A separation in the church seemed to be unavoidable. But God had mercy, and pitied us. He was pleased to give us not merely increased light, but showed us also how to act, and gave us a measure of wisdom, grace, and spiritual courage for acting. The clouds were dispelled, and peace was restored in the church.] While I was away from Bristol, Samuel Loader, a little orphan boy, died, after a fortnight's residence in the house, and only three weeks after his mother's death. The brethren in the Boys'-Orphan-House consider him to have died in the faith. March 16. Saturday. By the good hand of the Lord we are brought to the close of one more week. I have been able to meet all the current expenses for the Orphans, and to pay, besides this, 10l. for salaries. Thus a part of what has been due for several weeks to my dear fellow- labourers is defrayed. I have especially prayed within these last ten days that the Lord would be pleased to give me the means for this. 2s. 8%d. I have left. March 18. Monday. Last evening £5. came in with Eccles. ix. 10. Thus we were again enabled to supply all the necessities of this day. Pause a few moments, dear reader | Consider how sea- sonably the Lord sends the supplies! Not once does he forget us! Not once is our need only half supplied Not once do his supplies come too late Dear reader, if you have not the like experience of the Lord’s watchful care, Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! March 20. The need of the 18th and 19th was supplied by the 5l. which had come in on the 18th. To-day we were again poor and needy, therefore the Lord thought on us, and sent us 31, 16s. 1; d. 284 [A.D. 1839. March 22. Some trinkets which had been given, and 12s. which was in hand, supplied the need of to-day. Yesterday were sent six sacks of potatoes. We were not able to lay in a stock last autumn, (as we had done the two previous autumns) on account of want of means, but in no previous year have we had so many sent. March 23. To-day I received a letter from brother T., who is on account of his health in Devonshire, to inform me that a heavy gold chain, a ring set with ten brilliants, a pair of gold bracelets, and 21. have been given to him. |He gave a Report to a brother, who, having read it, was thereby stirred up to prayer,and knowing that his believing sister possessed these trinkets, he asked the Lord to incline her heart to give them up for the benefit of our Orphans, which she soon after did. By means of these donations I am able both to meet the remaining expenses of this week, and also to pay 15l., which still remains due on account of the salaries. My fellow-labourers not only never ask me for any thing, but are willing to part with money, or any thing else in the hour of need; neverthe- less, I had asked the Lord about this point frequently, and he has now given me my request, whereof I am glad. I received also this afternoon 5l. 10s., besides a number of things to be disposed of for the Orphans. March 24. The Lord has again kindly opened his liberal hand to-day, and given us 6l. 10s. Thus we have wherewith to meet the necessities of to-morrow in the Orphan-Houses. From March 24 to April 7, came in about sixty small donations. This, with the produce of the sale of the trinkets, supplied all our need for the Orphans. April 7. Our funds were now again spent, except 15s., though three days ago above 30l. had come in ; therefore the Lord has sent in again this day several contributions, altogether 6l. 5s. April 8. The money which came in yesterday was sent off to-day for housekeeping in the three different houses, and when I was now again left pennyless, there came in 27. 6s. 10d. April 9. The 21, 6s. 10d. was given out to-day for housekeeping, and I am once more pennyless.-A few hours after I had written this, there was given to me by a brother 21. 10s. When I received this money, I was A.D. 1839.] 285 at the same time informed of the death of one of our sisters, a widow, whose child we can receive. April 10. To-day was sent anonymously from the country 5l. In the evening I received still further ll. 16s. 6d. April 11. It is three years to-day since the first Or- phans were received. Good indeed has the Lord been to us during these three years' We have lacked nothing! Again he has sent this day in a remarkable manner 5l., with the following letter, addressed to a brother: “My dear Friend, enclosed are 5l. for the Orphan- Asylum, the history of which is rather interesting. We have a servant who lived some years ago as kitchen-maid in a noble family, (i. e. the master a wealthy member of Parliament, the mistress an Earl’s daughter.) No per- quisites were allowed, but the individual in question acted on the same principle as her fellow-servants, and sold kitchen-stuff for her own benefit, which she thinks might amount to 4!. ; and therefore she believes that 5l. would fully repay principal and interest. This money is of course due to her former master arºd mistress, with whom I have had several interviews on the subject. They were disposed that the money should be given to some charity; and in consequence of reading one of the Reports you kindly sent me, the young woman had a great desire that her own repentance might yield fruit to that work of faith and love. Her wishes have been sanctioned by her former mistress. It is rather remarkable that our truly Christian servant had been converted a year and a half, before this individual sin, calling for pecuniary restitution, had come into her remembrance.” April 13. I conversed with another of the Orphans, who seems to have been truly converted, and who has walked consistently for many months. To-morrow she will be united with the saints in communion. She will be the third in fellowship with us, and several have died in the faith. How has the Lord owned the work, even in this respect April 14. To-day 5l. 0s. 8d. came in for the Orphans, 11. of which is one of the most remarkable gifts that we have ever had. A poor brother, with a large family, and small wages, (there are eight in the family, and he had 15s, wages till lately, when they were raised to 18s.) put 286 [A. D. 1839. by this money by little and little of what was given him by his master for beer. This brother, who was converted about five years ago, was before that time a notorious drunkard. April 30. To-day our dear young brother, John Short, only a little more than 14 years old, fell asleep, after having been for several yearsill. He had been for several years converted. He was one of our Sunday-School children before his illness. When, many months since, he lost one of his limbs by amputation, he glorified the Lord not merely by the way in which he sustained the severe suffering attending the operation, but also by con- fessing the Lord, as his strength, in the hour of trial. He was a sweet youth ! July 2. To-day was given to me, when there was not one shilling in hand, 50l. for the School—Bible—and Missionary-Fund. July 15. Monday. To-day 2l. 7s. 8d. was needed for the Orphans, but we had nothing. How to obtain the means for a dinner, and for what else was needed, I knew not. My heart was perfectly at peace, and unusually sure of help, though I knew not in the least whenee it was to come. Before brother T. came, I received a letter from India, written in May, with an order for 50l. for the Orphans. I had said last Saturday to brother T. that it would be desirable to have 50l., as the salaries of all my fellow-labourers are due, the three treacle casks empty, all the provision stores exhausted, several articles of clothing needed, and worsted for the boys to go on with their knitting. Now the Lord has sent exactly 50l. Moreover, this money comes very seasonably, as in three days I shall have to leave Bristol for some days, and can now go comfortably as it regards leaving means behind. [In the afternoon of this same day I met at a brother's house with several believers, when a sister said that she had often thought about the care and burden I must have on my mind, as it regards obtaining the necessary supplies for so many persons. As this may not be a solitary in- stance, I would state, that, by the grace of God, this is no cause of anxiety to me. The children I have years ago cast upon the Lord. The whole work is his, and it becomes me to be without carefulness. In whatever points I am lacking, in this point I am able, by the grace of God, A.D. 1839.] 287 to roll the burden upon my heavenly Father. Though now [July 1845] for about seven years our funds have been so exhausted, that it has been comparatively a rare case that there have been means in hand to meet the necessities of the Orphans for three days together; yet have I been only once tried in spirit, and that was on Sept. 18, 1838, when for the first time the Lord seemed not to regard our prayer. But when he did send help at that time, and I saw that it was only for the trial of our faith, and not because he had forsaken the work, that we were brought so low, my soul was so strengthened and encouraged, that I have not only not been allowed to distrust the Lord since that time, but I have not even been cast down when in the deepest poverty. Neverthe- less, in this respect also am I now, as much as ever, dependant on the Lord; and I earnestly beseech for my- Self and my fellow-labourers the prayers of all those, to whom the glory of God is dear. How great would be the dishonour to the name of God, if we, who have so publicly made our boast in him, should so fall as to act in these very points as the world does | Help us them, brethren, with your prayers, that we may trust in God to the end. We can expect nothing but that our faith will yet be tried, and it may be more than ever; and we shall fall, if the Lord does not uphold us.] July 16 and 17. These two days we have had two espe- cial prayer meetings, to commend to the Lord five German brethren who for some weeks have been sojouring among us, and who purpose to leave to-morrow for Liverpool, to sail from thence to the East Indies. July 18. Ileft this morning with the German brethren, to accompany them to Liverpool. July 21. Liverpool. This afternoon I preached in the open air on the docks. Truly, it must be a sweet privilege to be permitted frequently to proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel in the open air, which the Lord does not bestow upon me, as, under ordinary circumstances, I have no strength for this work.-The people were attentive. There was but one who mocked. July 22. Preached again out of doors. July 23. I accompanied the five brethren on board this afternoon. July 27. To-day I had another remarkable proof of 288 [A.D. 1839. the importance of the children of God opening their hearts to each other, especially when they are getting into a cold state, or are under the power of a certain sin, or are in especial difficulty. An individual called on me, who I trust is a brother, with whom I had conversed once before, but felt uncomfortable respecting him. When he called again to-day, it appeared to me that there was something upon his heart, which, if I could but know, I might be instrumental in benefiting him. I pressed him affection- ately to open his heart, assuring him at the same time that the matter which he might speak of should remain in my own bosom. At last I succeeded. . [The result of this conversation was, that the advice which I gave him, led him, after three days, to leave for America, where he ought to have been, instead of being in England; and if he has followed my advice, in one other point, the matter which for years had burdened his conscience, and which, no doubt had been the means of keeping him in a low spiritual state, will have no more power over him. Should this fall into the hands of any children of God who have a particular trial or burden, or a guilty conscience, on account of a particular thing, or a besetting sin, etc., on account of which it would be beneficial to open their hearts to another child of God, in whose love, spiritual judgment, etc., they have confidence, I would advise them to do so. 'I know from my own experience, how often the snare of the devil has been broken, when under the power of sin; how often the heart has been comforted, when nigh to be overwhelmed; how often advice, under great perplexity, has been obtained,— by opening my heart to a brother in whom I had confidence. We are children of the same family, and ought therefore to be helpers one of another.] Aug. 3. £3.5s, was required to meet the necessities of the Orpham-Houses this day. The Lord enabled us to meet this demand, partly, by the sale of some Indian muslin, which had been given some months since, but which was only now disposed of; partly, by a few small donations; and, partly, by what one of the labourers added of his own. [We have often found that the money for articles, which were put out to be sold, has come in most seasonably. At this time it happened so that a brother, into whose hands the muslin had been put, felt A.D. 1839.] 289 himself stirred up to go and ask the individual who had it for sale whether she had disposed of it. This brother. knew nothing about our need at that time. I cannot help mentioning here, how considerably we have been helped at times, by children of God having looked over their boxes, drawers, &c., and sent for the benefit of the Orphans those things which they could comfortably do without.] Aug. 5. Monday. On Saturday and yesterday morn- ing I had repeatedly asked the Lord to send us help, as there was not a penny in hand for the need of to-day. Yesterday morning a brother gave me two sovereigns, and in the evening I received two more. Besides this, there was 4!. 10s. anonymously given for three weeks' rent for the Orphan-Houses, also 10s. by a brother, and 9s. came in for needlework of the children; so that alto- gether 91.9s. came in yesterday. This evening I took tea with a sister who purposes to leave Bristol to-morrow for Van Diemen’s Land. [For the comfort of any saints, who may be similarly situated, I mention the following circumstance. The son of this sister was transported many years since. In the course of time he obtained a business of his own at Van Diemen’s. Land, and wished his mother to come to him. The mother went, and had, in answer to the prayers of the Saints, a prosperous voyage. When she arrived, she found her son truly converted. What a joy for the long and deeply-afflicted mother | What remarkable means the Lord uses to bestow blessings' Moreover, to mark that the Lord had sent her to her son, she found that a month before her arrival his wife had died, and that she therefore reached him just at the right time, both on ac- count of his children and his business.] Aug. 7. To-day again about 37, was needed for house- keeping at the Orphan-Houses, which the Lord had sent in since the day before yesterday, so that we were able to meet all the demands. - Aug. 8. To-day 11. 3s. was needed, but only 3s. had come in. The deficiency was supplied by one of the la- bourers giving a sovereign of his own. Though there is no money in hand, yet are we so little discouraged, that we have received to-day one orphan boy, and have given notice for the admission of six other children, which will bring the number up to 98 altogether. C C -* 290 [A.D. 1839. Aug. 9. Only 10s. had come in since yesterday, and as 30s. were needed, one of the labourers gave a sovereign. Aug. 10. Saturday. The need of to-day is 21. 10s., but only 10s. has been given since yesterday. One of the labourers, having 21., gave it, and thus our need was sup- lied. p Aug 12. Monday. The Lord has again kindly sent 117. Of this sum 10l. came in from Q. Q., when again there was not one penny in hand. We have now supplies for about four days. Aug. 14. To-day was very seasonably sent a whole piece of calico and a piece of print. Aug. 16. All our money is now again gone. To-day 1l. 3s. was needed, but only 3s. was in hand. One of the labourers was able to add a sovereign, and thus we were helped. Aug. 17. Saturday. 31, was needed to-day, but only 7s.6d. had come in. The remaining 21. 12s. 6d. one of the labourers gave. Thus we were helped to the close of another week. Aug. 19. Monday. This has been again a day in which our faith has been particularly tried; but even this day we have not been confounded. Not one penny was in hand when the day began. We had therefore now, for more than one hundred persons, again to look to the Lord, But this I must say, to the praise of the Lord, my soul was perfectly at peace. I meant to have gone very early to the Orphan-Houses to meet with my fellow- labourers for prayer; but, as one person after the other called upon me, I was kept from it the whole morning. When brother T. called upon me between 12 and 1 o'clock for money, I had none to give. In the afternoon at four I was able to meet with the brethren and sisters. When I came to the Girls'-Orphan-House, I found that one of those children, for the reception of whom we had given notice, had been brought from Bath, and with him was sent 11. 5s. After the meeting was over, one of the labourers gave 10s. By means of this 17. 15s. we were able for this day also to provide ever thing needful. Aug. 20. When we met together this morning for prayer, only one shilling had come in since yesterday, and 21. at least was needed to meet the expenses of this day. After prayer, one of the labourers gave 10s., and A.D. 1839.] 291 1s. 1; d. was taken out of one of the boxes. This 12s. 1; d. was divided to meet the momentary need. About an hour afterwards, 11.14s. came in, being the payment, in part, of articles which had been sold several months since. Aug. 21. Nothing had come in since yesterday. 13s. would have been needed to have taken in the usual quan- tity of bread. After we had prayed, the same labourer who had contributed yesterday and the day before, gave to-day 5s. more. This helped us to buy milk; but in one of the houses the usual quantity of bread could not be taken in. I have further to notice respecting this time of trial, that I had purposed to have gone yesterday to Bath, to meet to-day and to-morrow with several brethren who are met there from various parts of the country, to unite in prayer for the present spiritual necessities of the church at large. However, on account of our present need in the Orphan-Houses, I could not go yesterday, as I did not think it right to let my fellow-labourers bear the trial alone. To-day also I have been kept here, as our poverty is greater than ever. Yet (the Lord be praised ) neither have the children in the least lacked this day, nor has my mind been in any degree disturbed. My fellow-labourers also seem quite in peace. We are waiting for deliverance, and we are sure that the Lord, in his own time, will send it. Aug. 22. In my morning walk, when I was remind- ing the Lord of our need, I felt assured that he would send help this day. My assurance sprang from our need; for there seemed no way to get through the day, without help being sent. After breakfast I considered whether there was any thing which might be turned into money for the dear children. Among other things there came under my hands a number of religious pamphlets which had been given for the benefit of the Orphans; but all seemed not nearly enough to meet the necessities of the day. In this our deep poverty, after I had gathered to- gether the few things for sale, a sister, who earns her bread by the labour of her hands, brought 821. This sister had seen it to be binding upon believers in our Lord Jesus to act out his commandments: “Sell that ye have (sell your possessions) and give alms,” Luke xii. 33; and “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth,” Matt. C C 2 292 [A.D. 1839. vi. 19. Accordingly she had drawn her money out of the bank and stocks, being 250l. and had brought it to me at three different times for the benefit of the Orphans, the Bible—Missionary—and School-Fund, and the poor Saints. About two months ago she brought me 100l. more, being the produce of some other possession which she had sold, the half of which was to be used for the School—Bible—and Missionary Fund; and the other half for the poor saints. This 827, which she has brought to-day, is the produce of the sale of her last earthly pos- session.—[At the time I am preparing this fifth edition for the press, more than sixteen years have passed away, and this sister has never expressed the least regret as to the step she took, but goes on, quietly labouring with her hands, to earn her bread.]—But even now, when this money was given, I left it in the hands of the Lord, whether any part of it should be applied for the Orphans. T asked the sister, therefore, whether she wished the money to be spent in any particular way, as she had ex- pressed her wish about the former sums. This time she left it with me, to lay out the money as I thought best. I took, therefore, half of it for the Orphans, and half for the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institu- tion. I have thus been enabled to come to Bath, (after I had sent a more than usual supply to the sisters, the matrons), to meet at least for the remaining time with the brethren who are assembled here for prayer. Before the day is over, I have received 10l. more, while at Bath, from one of the brethren who are assembled here; so that our deep poverty, in the morning, has been turned into a comparative abundance. Aug. 23. The Lord has sent still further supplies. Another of the brethren gave me this morning 11., and a third, with whom I rode back to Bristol, 57. From Aug. 25 to Sept. 1 there came in above 177. more. Sept. 4. I have been led to pray whether it is the ‘Ilord’s will that I should leave Bristol for a season, as I have for the last fortnight been suffering from indigestion, by which my whole system is weakened, and thus the nerves of my head are more than usually affected. There are, however, two hinderances in the way, want of means for the Orphans, and want of means for my own personal expenses.—To-day I have received a check from Q. Q. A.D. 1839.] 203 for 71. 10s. for the Orphans, which came, therefore, very seasonably. Also 4!. besides have come in since the day before yesterday. Sept. 5. To-day a sister sent me 5l. for myself, to be used for the benefit of my health. She had heard that my health is again failing. I do not lay by money for such purposes; but whenever I really need means, whether for myself or others, the Lord sends them, in answer to prayer; for he had in this case again given me prayer respecting means for myself and for the Orphans, that my way might be made plain as to leaving Bristol for a season. Sept. 6. My body is now so weak, and my head again so affected in consequence of it, that I have found it needful to give up the work at once. I left to-day for Trowbridge, for three days, intending afterwards to go with my wife into Devonshire, if the Lord permit. Sept. 7. Trowbridge. This has been a very good day. I have had much communion with the Lord. How kind to take me from the work in Bristol for a season, to give me more communion with himself. I remembered the Lord's especial goodness to me in this place, at the com- mencement of last year. How kind has he also been since I prayed much for myself, for the Church at large, for the saints here and in Bristol, for my uncon- verted relatives, for my dear wife, and that the Lord would supply my own temporal necessities and those of the Orphans:—and I know that he has heard me.—I am surrounded with kind friends in the dear saints, under whose roof I am, and feel quite at home. My room is far better than I need; yet an easy chair, in this my weak state of body, to kneel before in prayer, would have added to my comfort. In the afternoon, without having given a hint about it, I found an easy chair, put into my room. I was struck with the kindness, the especial kindness of my heavenly Father, in being mindful of the smallest wants and comforts of his child. —Having had more prayer than usual, I found that my intercourse with the Saints at tea was with unction, and more than usually profitable. But this very fact reminds me of my sad de- ficiences, and of my great lack of real fervency of spirit. May the Lord carry on his work with power in my soul! To-day I had 11. given to me, half for the Orphans, and C C 3 -- 294 [A.D. 1839. half for the other funds. Thus the Lord has begun to answer my prayers; for Teaſpect far more. Sept. 8. Lord's day. I assembled with a few saints at Trowbridge, and spoke to them in the morning and even- ing with much assistance. The afternoon I spent at home over the word and in prayer. God has evidently blessed the word. He had a purpose in sending me here, both for blessing to myself and to others. Sept. 9. This morning I conversed with a poor aged sister in the Lord, who for 47 years has been a believer, but who from want of settling by the written word only, whether she is a believer or not, has often had doubts about her state before God. However I brought the Scriptures only before her. [My pressing the Scriptures alone upon her heart, was made such a blessing, that I hear she has not doubted in the same way since.] This aged sister told me that she often prays for the Orphans, and for the continuance of means. How many helpers has the Christian in the conflict; yet all are strengthened by ONE who is ALWAYs for us! This evening I returned to Bristol, to go from hence to-morrow to Exeter, if the Lord permit, on account of my health. I had been earnestly asking the Lord while I was staying at Trowbridge, that he would be pleased to send in supplies for the Orphans, before I go into Devon- shire, and I had the fullest assurance that means would come in before I left Bristol. I therefore asked my wife, on my return, how much had come in, and found that it was only 8!. 9s. 7#d. This was not nearly as much as I had expected, and would not answer the end for which I had particularly asked means, i. e. that I might be able to leave enough for several days. My reply therefore was, according to the faith given to me, and judging from the earnestness and confidence of my prayer, that the Lord would send more before I left. About an hour after, brother Craik brought me 10l. which he had received this evening with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, and also a letter from a brother at Ilfracombe, in which the arrival of a large box, full of articles, to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans, is announced. Thus the Lord has dealt with me accord- ing to my faith. Sept. 10. This morning before I left Bristol came in still further 11, 16s. 7d., so that I had about 201. to leave A.D. 1839.] 295 behind for the present need. ... I found also, on opening the box which has arrived, 65 books, a brace of valuable pistols, and a great many articles of East India linen. How kind of the Lord to send these supplies just now ! After my departure from Bristol I continued to help my fellow-labourers by my prayers. I had the fullest assurance that the Lord would help them, and my hope was not ashamed, as will appear from the following part of the journal. —In the evening of Sept. 10th, we arrived in Exeter, where we were lodged by a brother, who on the following day left for Plymouth. The love of this brother constrained us to remain for five days at his house, though he was absent, leaving us all the house with a sister, as a servant, to ourselves. Though at an- other time I should have preferred the opportunity of having intercourse with this brother, yet now, in this my weak state of body, the being left alone was the very thing which suited me. I could not but trace the kind hand of God in this circumstance. I was able to speak twice publicly whilst in Exeter. I rejoiced at what I saw there of the work of God. This city was in the year 1830 especially laid on my heart, when I used frequently to preach there; but then there was a great spiritual deadness. From Sept. 16th to Sept. 28th we were at Teignmouth, my former field of labour. I had not seen the brethren, among whom I used to labour, since May 1833. The Lord gave me strength many times to minister in the word among them, during the time of my stay there. At Teignmouth also, I had, in some respects, reason to be glad, particularly in that I saw some of those truths prac- tised, and that more fully and intelligently, which, though in much weakness and indistinctly, I had sought to set forth whilst labouring there. At Teignmouth also, as well as in Exeter, the saints showed us much love. A brother and sister lodged us during the whole of our stay. May the Lord reward them for their love —While I was at Teignmouth I received, on Sept. 18th, the following letter from brother T., in reference to the work in Bristol : — Bristol, Sept. 16, 1839. My dear Brother, I have delayed writing until now, that, as I hoped, I might have additional news to tell you 296 [A.D. 1839. after the Lord’s day. And now that my hope has been made good, I rejoice to do so. The Lord has dealt most graciously with us since your departure. The children, brother B., and the sisters are well, and the wants of the Orphans have been abundantly supplied. There has come in altogether 24l. 8s. 6d., &c. On Sept. 24th I received another letter from brother T., dated Bristol, Sept. 23rd, in which he writes: “It rejoices me that I have still nothing but the good- ness of the Lord to tell you of That little word “Eben- ezer' is at once our encouragement and our daily song, of which we are not weary, I have received since the last information you had from me 5l. 17s. 4d., besides 11. 10s. for the rent of the Orpham-Houses.” On Sept. 28, while I was at Teignmouth, a brother asked me about the funds for the Orphans, being willing to help, and I had reason to believe considerably, if they were in need. Though I knew not for a certainty that there was one shilling in hand in Bristol, yet for the Ilord’s sake I declined telling him any thing about the funds, in order that the work might evidently be carried on by dealing with the Lord himself. On Sept. 28th we left Teignmouth for Plymouth, being taken by the love of a brother from Teignmouth to New- ton Bushel in his own little carriage. At Plymouth we found again a kind brother waiting at the coach office, to receive us. He took us to his house and lodged us till our departure, on Oct. 6th. During my stay at Ply- mouth, I was stirred up afresh to early rising, a blessing, the results of which I have not lost since. That which led me to it was the example of the brother in whose house I was staying, and a remark which he made in speaking on the sacrifices in Leviticus, “that as not the refuse of the animals was to be offered up, so the best part of our time should be especially given to communion with the Lord.” I had been, on the whole, rather an early riser during former years. But since the nerves of my head had been so weak, I thought, that, as the day was long enough for my strength, it would be best for me not to rise early, in order that thus the nerves of my head might have the longer quiet. On this account I rose only between six and seven, and sometimes after seven. For the same reason also I brought myself pur- A.D. 1839.] 297 posely into the habit of sleeping a quarter of an hour, or half an hour, after dinner: as I thought I found benefit from it, in quieting the nerves of my head. In this way, however, my soul had suffered more or less every day, and sometimes considerably, as now and then unavoidable work came upon me before I had had sufficient time for prayer and reading the word. After I had heard the remark to which I have alluded, I determined, that what- ever my body might suffer, I would no longer let the most precious part of the day pass away while I was in bed. T}y the grace of God I was enabled to begin the very next day to rise earlier, and have continued to rise early since that time. I allow myself now about seven hours sleep, which, though I am far from being strong, and have much to tire me mentally, I find is quite sufficient to refresh me. In addition to this I gave up the sleeping after dinner. The result has been that I have thus been able to procure long and precious seasons for prayer and medi- tation before breakfast; and, as to my body, and the state of the nervous system in particular, I have been much better since. Indeed I believe that the very worst thing I could have done for my weak nerves was, to have lain an hour or more longer in bed than I used to do before my illness; for it was the very way to keep them weak.-- As this may fall into the hands of some children of God who are not in the habit of rising early, I make a few more remarks on the subject. I. It might be asked, how much time shall I allow myself for rest ? The answer is, that no rule of universal application can be given, as all persons do not require the same measure of sleep, and also the same persons, at different times, according to the strength or weakness of their body, may require more or less. Females also, being generally weaker in body, require more sleep than males. Yet, from what I can learn, it is the opinion of medical persons that men in health do not require more than between six and seven hours sleep, and females no more than between seven and eight hours; so that it would be rather an exception for a man to require more than seven and a woman more than eight hours. But my decided advice, at the same time, is, that children of God would be careful not to allow themselves too little sleep, as there are few men who can do with less than six hours 298 [A.D. 1839. sleep, and yet be well in body and mind, and few females who can do with less than seven hours. Certain it is that for a long time, as a young man before I went to the university, I went to bed regularly at ten and rose at four, studied hard, and was in good health; and certain also, that since I have allowed myself only about seven hours, from the time of my visit at Plymouth in Oct. 1839, I have been much better in body, and in my nerves in par- ticular, than when I was eight or eight hours and a half in bed. II. If it be asked, but why should I rise early P. The reply is, “to remain too long in bed” is 1. waste of time, which is unbecoming a saint, who is bought by the pre- cious blood of Jesus, with his time and all he has, to be used for the Lord. If we sleep more than is needful for the refreshment of the body, it is wasting the time with which the Lord has intrusted us as a talent, to be used for his glory, for our own benefit, and the benefit of the saints and the unbelievers around us. 2. To remain too long in bed injures the body. Just as when we take too much food, we are injured thereby, so as it regards sleep. Medical persons would readily allow that the lying longer in bed than is needful for the strengthening of the body does weaken it. 3. It injures the soul. The lying too long in bed, not merely keeps us from giving the most precious part of the day to prayer and meditation, but this sloth leads also to many other evils.—Any one need but make the experiment of spending one, two, or three hours in prayer and meditation before breakfast, either in his room, or with his Bible in his hand in the fields, and he will soon find out the beneficial effect which early rising has upon the outward and inward man. I beseech all my brethren and sisters into whose hands this may fall, and who are not in the habit of rising early, to make the trial, and they will praise the Lord for having done so. III. It may lastly be said, but how shall I set about rising early P My advice is, 1. Commence at once, delay it not. To-morrow begin to rise. 2. But do not depend upon your own strength. This may be the reason why before this you may have begun to rise early, but have given it up. . As surely as you depend upon your own strength in this matter, it will come to nothing. In every good work we depend upon the Lord, and in this thing we A.D. 1839.] 299 shall feel especially how weak we are. If any one rises that he may give the time which he takes from sleep, to prayer and meditation, let him be sure that Satan will try to put obstacles into the way. 3. Do trust in the Lord for help. You will honour him if you eaſpect help from him in this matter. Give yourself to prayer. for help, expect help, and you will have it. 4. Use, how- ever, in addition to this the following means: a, Go early to bed. If you stay up late, you cannot rise early. Let no society and no pressure of engagements keep you from going habitually early to bed. If you fail in this, you neither can nor ought to get up early, as your body re- quires rest. Keep also particularly in mind, that neither for the body nor the soul is it the same thing whether you go to bed late and rise late, or whether you go to bed early and rise early. Even medical persons will tell you how injurious it is to sit up late, and to spend the morn- ing hours in bed; but how much more important still is it to retire early and to rise early, in order to make sure of time for prayer and meditation before the business of the day commences, and to devote to those exercises that part of our time, when the mind and the body are most jºresh, in order thus to obtain spiritual strength for the conflict, the trials, and the work of the day. b, Let some one call you, if possible, at the time which you have determined before God that you will rise; or procure, what is still better, an alarum, by which you may regulate almost to a minute the time when you wish to rise. For about 12s. a little German clock with an alarum may be bought almost in every town. Though I have very many times been awakened by the Lord, in answer to prayer, almost to the minute when I desired to rise; yet Ithought it well to procure an alarum to assist me in my purpose of rising early: not indeed as if it conld give the least help, without the Lord's blessing, for I should remain in bed notwithstanding the noise of the alarum, were he not to give me grace to rise; but simply looking upon it as a means. c, Rise at once when you are awake. Remain not a minute longer in bed, else you are likely to fall asleep again. d, Be not discouraged by feeling drowsy and tired in consequence of your rising early. This will soon wear off. You will after a few days feel yourself stronger and fresher than when you used to lie an hour 300 [A.D. 1839. or two longer than you needed. e, Allow yourself always the same hours for sleep. Make no change, except sick- ness oblige you. Plymouth, Oct. 1. To-day my soul was again especially drawn out in prayer for the dear Orphans. I not merely asked the Lord that he would still continue to supply their need, but I was so fully assured that he had sent the necessary means since I last heard, that I was enabled to praise him for having done so. Immediately after I had praised him, but while I was yet on my knees, came another letter from brother T., dated Bristol, Sept. 29, in which he writes thus: “The Lord’s help has been graciously continued to us since I wrote last. Ever since your absence the supplies have come in so seasonably that I have not had occasion, until now, of opening the boxes in the Orphan-Houses. There came in, since my last account, from a sister 2s. 6d., with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, 17. 1s. 6d., through Mr. C. of Bath 2l. 3s. 4d., from the boxes 14s. 6; d., from A. M. B. 5s. . Some apples besides have been given, some old clothes, and a large bath to be sold or used. I gave on Thursday to the sisters 10l., and to-day for the Boys'- Orphan-Housell.10s. After this I have in hand 11.3s.8%d., to be multiplied as the Lord wills. I had written thus far, and was on the point of writing that we expected sister E. home this evening, when the door-bell rang, and sister E. came in, bringing a little packet of money, directed to you, from Hereford, enclosing a letter and ten sovereigns “for your labours of faith and love;” so that the remainder of the barrel of meal has been multiplied somewhat already. It is most seasonable help ! It rejoices me that it has come in time, for you to have the intelligence with this letter. I have in hand 19s. for the other funds, there- fore it seems well to me, if it should be needed before I hear from you, to take only 5l. for the Orphans; but if it pleases the Lord to enable us to do without, I shall leave it untouched until you write. In addition to what I have written I have just received 10s. and 11.9s. 3d. How gracious !” The time from October 6th to the 17th I spent among the brethren at Bideford and Barnstaple, with great re- freshment to my own soul, and was also allowed by the Lord to minister to them. The whole of my stay among A.D. 1839.] 301 the children of God in Devonshire has been very profit- able to me. May my soul not lose the blessing of it ! How the Lord uses our infirmity of body for the blessing of our souls | In my case also it was instrumental in communicating blessing to others. I was able to speak more frequently in public, while absent from Bristol, than I should have done under ordinary circumstances, had I remained in Bristol. Barnstaple, Oct. 10. The day before yesterday I had 10s. given to me here by a brother for the Orphans; and yesterday 31, by a sister, which she had had it in her heart long since to have sent, but had delayed doing so on account of want of opportunity. But it came now most seasonably, as will appear from the following letter which I received this evening from brother T. Bristol, Oct. 8th, 1839. “My dear Brother, We have continued to enjoy the gracious help of the Lord since I last wrote to you. Nearly up to that time the supplies had come in so sea- sonably, that the previous disbursements had scarcely ever been expended, before I was again able to make a fresh one. Since then, however, we have been twice a little straitened. On Friday evening we were in prospect of Saturday’s necessities, and had nothing to meet them, except the money about which I was in doubt from not having received directions from you. I had already used 5l. out of the 10l. which had been sent, and now, after waiting till it was actually needed, we thought it an in- dication, as none had been sent, that this should all go to the Orphan-Houses. On Monday again more money was needed than I had in hand, but we were in expectation of help. After dinner, as nothing had come in, I thought it well to open the boxes, thinking, that although I had opened them so recently, I had no right to presume that the Lord had not had time to pour into them. The ex- pectation was not in vain; for in the box at the Boys'- Orphan-House I found 11. 0s. 1%d., in the box at the Girls'-Orphan-House 7s. 1d. At the latter place I met sister A. who gave me 3s. for things which she had sold. Thus we were most graciously helped through Monday. Then, in the evening, at the meeting I received from sister B. 2s., and through sister C. lls. I had opened the box at the Infant-Orphan-House on Monday, and D D 302 [A.D. 1839. found it empty. But to-day, finding the 13s. insufficient, and being told that something had been put in, I opened it, and found 3s.6d., which nicely helped us through. And we are now looking to the Lord for more. In the mean time I shall this morning attend to the sale of whatever has been given to be sold. It comforts us to know you are praying for us,” &c. The money which I had received yesterday and the day. before yesterday here, at Barnstaple, and two weeks ago at Teignmouth, enabled me now to send off at once 5l. On Oct. 17th I returned to Bristol with renewed strength for active service. Oct. 17. Bristol. The Lord has been again very gracious as it regards the funds; for during the last three days while I was at Barnstaple I received from a sister 5s., two rings, and a brooch. From another sister a gold watch, to be sold for the Orphans. From a brother a seal, two ear-rings, and a brooch. From a third sister sixteen books to be sold; also 4!., the produce of a veil. From a fourth sister 21. 10s., and from a fifth 1.l., and from five others 8s. 9d. In addition to this I found when I came home, that though my fellow-labourers had been greatly tried a few days previous to my return, so much so that, when the 5l. arrived which I sent from Barnstaple, they were in greater poverty than they ever had been ; yet within the last days several pounds had come in, and yesterday, over and above all this, arrived 15l. from Lon- don for some articles which had been sent there to be sold. What can we render unto the Lord for all his benefits - Oct. 19. The Lord is still pouring in bountifully This morning 10l. was sent from Worcester, and a sister brought 71., being the produce of the sale of ladies’ bas- kets, which she and some other sisters are making for the benefit of the Orphans. This last case shows what various means the Lord uses to provide for our need; yet all comes without one single individual being asked to give help; for to the Lord alone we speak about our need. We are now again comparatively rich, i. e. we have means in hand to meet the current expenses of about eight days, which has been only two or three times the case during the last fifteen months. ... • Oct. 30. A little boy brought me a letter, given to him A.D. 1839.] 303 by a gentleman and lady in the street, as he said, to take to my house. The letter contained these words with a five pound note: “The enclosed 5l. accept for the benefit of the Orphans, in the name of the Lord Jesus.” Nov. 5. To-day an Orphan was brought from Bath, and a lady sent by her servant, the aunt of the child, a sovereign for the Orphans, when there was but 3s. 11d. in hand. It has been thus repeatedly, that when orphans have been brought, and we had no money, or scarcely any, that the Lord sent a little with these poor children. It never is with us any question whether there is much or little money in hand, so far as it regards the reception of children, but only, whether there is room. Nov. 8. We are now again quite poor. The Lord gave us to know more than usually from Oct 17th to Oct. 31st what it is to abound, and now we know again what it is to be poor. It would have been desirable to have had 37, to-day, but only 11. 3s. 11d. was in hand, which I sent off. In our need we were led to open the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, which had not been done for some weeks, and in them was found 16s. 2; d. To this one of the labourers added 9s. By this 21. 9s. 1; d. we could meet those expenses which needed to be met, and we were thus helped through the day. Nov. 9. Saturday. 31. 0s. 6d. was required to-day, in order comfortably to meet the present demands, but not one penny was in hand. Between ten and eleven I went to the Girls'-Orphan-House, to meet with my fellow- labourers for prayer. Only 2s. had come in. This was all I could leave. There was every thing in the houses which was required for the moment, and I proposed that we should meet again for prayer in the afternoon at four. When we did so, one of the labourers gave 8s. 6d., ano- ther 10s., another 5s. 6d., so that I had as much to give to the matrons as would provide comfortably all the necessaries for the children till Monday morning; only the usual quantity of bread could not be taken in. About half an hour, after we had separated, came in 11. 10s., the produce of the sale of a shawl, which a sister from Devon- shire had given for that purpose some days since. Thus we had altogether 27, 18s., whereas when the day com- menced we had no natural prospect of any thing. This is a new sweet encouragement. Besides this, our Father D D 2 - 304 [A.D. 1839. has given us another proof of his continued care, in that twenty sacks of potatoes and a small barrel of herrings have been sent for the Orphans. Nov. 11. Monday morning. Yesterday, when, as just related, there was not a penny in hand, there was given to me, with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, ten shillings. This morning came in 1. 10s. more. Soon afterwards a note was sent to me from the Orphan-Houses, to say that the need of to-day would be 31. JUST whilE I was READING THE NOTE I received another, including a sovereign, which a sister from Devonshire had given to one of the brethren for the Orphans. Thus I had just the 3!, which was needed. A few minutes after came in 1s. more. Nov. 12. The need of to-day was 27. As only 1s. had been left in hand yesterday, and no more than 6s. had come in, we were again in a strait. But I was not looking at the little in hand, but at the fulness of God. I sent off the little which I had. In the afternoon we met for prayer. I then found that 2s. 6d. had been taken out of the box in the Infant-Orphan-House, and that 4s. more had come in by the sale of some old books. To this one of the labourers added 2s. 8d., all she had of her own. After prayer came in 2s. 6d., which had been given while we were in prayer. In the evening we met again for prayer, when another labourer gave 3s. 4d. Thus in our deep poverty we got together this day 11. 0s. 7d., which supplied our absolute necessities. We were this after- noon so reduced, till the Lord sent a little help, that there were no means to provide breakfast for to-morrow, for the children in the Boys'-Orphan-House. Nov. 13. Nothing has come in. Our need is even greater to-day than yesterday, on account of our not having been able yesterday to take in the usual quantity of provisions. In this our need I packed up the books, which had been intended for sale on Aug. 22, when the Lord sent such a rich supply, before they were actually disposed of. To them one of the labourers added some of his own, and a few other articles. Also some old jackets which had been sent were packed up to be disposed of. At twelve I met with my fellow-labourers for prayer. There was every thing in the houses which was needed for dinner, but there were no means to get milk for tea. (The children have milk and water at tea time.) Three A.D. 1839.] . 305 of my helpers went out to dispose of the articles. At four in the afternoon I received the information that 14s. had come in, for some of the things which were dis- posed of. One of my fellow-labourers had besides disposed of an article of his own for 17. 5s. This 12. 19s. enabled us to take in bread as usual, and to defray the other necessary expenses. We had never been lower in means than yesterday and to-day. Yet my soul, thanks to the Lord ' was also yesterday and to-day in perfect peace. My helpers seem also quite in peace. This evening, I re- ceived 2s. 6d., and 11s, with Ecclesiastes ix. 10. This little money is as precious, as at other times 100l. would have been, because it is a fresh proof that our Father still cares for us. The money was given to me just after I had been speaking on these words: “But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinketh upon me.” Whilst speaking I was able, in a measure, to realize the precious- ness of the truth contained in those words, and after speaking my Father gave me a fresh proof that he is thinking upon me. Nov. 14. I took the 13s.6d. which was given last evening, early this morning, to the Orphan-Houses, where I found that 10s. 6d. had come in by the sale of an Hebrew Old and a Greek New Testament, which a brother had given who had more than one copy; and 1s. 6d. for ano- ther book. This 11. 5s. 6d. has been divided, in the hope that our kind Father will remember us before the day is over, and send in more.—This afternoon, when we met for prayer, I found that 18s, more had come in for some arti- cles which had been sold. We have had thus 21. 3s. 6d. this day to divide for housekeeping. By the good hand of the Lord upon us, there has been every thing really needful. May the Lord look upon us and help us further! Surely, he will do it! Nov. 15. We are still in deep poverty. Nothing had come in by four o’clock in the afternoon, when I went to meet with my fellow-labourers for prayer. I did not go in the morning, because I knew that there was every thing which was needed till the afternoon. When I came I found that a sister had given 2s. 6d.; a new Bible which one of the labourers had given, who had more than one old copy, had been sold for 10s. ; also 2s. had come in, and 1s. 4d. for some other articles which had been sold. D D 3 306 [A.D. 1839. This 15s. 10d. supplied that which was absolutely needed for to-day. We are still of good courage. We are sure that the Lord, in his own time, will deliver us out of the trial; for were our poverty more than a trial of faith, had the Lord in anger shut up his hands, we should not re- ceive any thing at all. But this is not the case. For even this very day two sacks of potatoes were sent by the same brother who sent twenty sacks a few days since, with the promise to send still more. We have no means to lay in a stock for the winter, else we should have bought, perhaps, fifty or sixty sacks; but our kind Father does it for us. There has been also a toy chest of drawers promised for sale. Nov. 16. Our prayer was last evening, in particular, respecting the necessities of to-day, as two days’ pro- visions would be needed, it being Saturday. Besides this, about 21. 10s. was needed to pay the weekly salaries of the brethren and sisters who labour in the lay-Schools. For all these demands there was nothing in hand, nor have we any more needless articles to dispose of; and use- jul ones we do not consider it right to sell, as our Father knows our need. When we met about twelve o’clock this morning, I found that last evening there had been Bibles unexpectedly sold to the amount of 17. 11s. 6d., and about 10s. had been given besides. Thus we had nearly enough for the School-Fund. Moreover, 15s. had come in for the Orphan-Fund. A large sea-chest was given by a brother several months since, for the benefit of the Or- phans, which had never been disposed of, and which, in this our great need, was sold for 15s. Yet this 15s. was needed to pay what was due for washing; and, there- fore, we had still nothing to take in provisions with. It occurred to one of the labourers, that there might be a little advanced on his watch, of the money which had been laid by for rent, as had once or twice before been done; and that the watch might be sold at quarter-day, in case there should not come in enough to make up the defi- ciency. Yet even this plan we did not any longer think to be quite Scriptural, as he needs the watch in the Lord’s service, and as our Lord is so kind, that he would other- wise send us means, were it well for us. In short, it ap- peared to us quite clear, that while we ought, in such a strait, to dispose of things which we do not need, nothing A.D. 1839.] 307 ought to be disposed of which is needed, in order that the Ilord’s own deliverance might be so much the more mani- fest. All we could think of for sale was five pewter dishes, which had been given nearly four years ago, but which were never used, as they were not convenient. These we agreed should be sold. About four o'clock this afternoon I received 21. 2s., which a brother and sister had brought from Leicestershire. With this I went joy- fully to the Orphan-Houses. There I found that 9s. 6d. had come in for the pewter dishes; one of the labourers had given 10s. for the Orphans, and 10s. for the School- Funds. (There had come in 2s. more for the other funds. All demands were met, and there was 1s. 6d. over.) Besides this, one of the labourers had sold a book of his own for 4s., and another labourer gave two pairs of new gloves, and four gentlemen's stocks. One pair of the gloves had been sold. Thus altogether had come in 4l. 2s. 8d., and therefore about 17. 10s. more than was needed. We are now brought to the close of one more week. This has been, perhaps, of all the weeks the most trying. So much prayer, and so little coming in, I never knew. Yet, by the grace of God, I was sure that help would come after the trial of faith was over. Turing the whole of this week, greatly as we have been tried, and though twice no stock of bread could be taken in, yet there has been nourishing food at every meal, and neither the children nor any other person can have per- ceived our poverty. About 137. has been spent even this week for housekeeping in the three Orphan-Houses. Nov. 18. Monday. The Lord has kindly sent in since Saturday evening 31, 18s. 34d., and thus our need for to- day is supplied. On Saturday evening the produce of an orphan-box, 5s. 14d., was given ; and last evening a sister gave two sovereigns to brother Craik, waiting for him a long time in the chapel, till she could see him. She might have delayed giving it till another time, as she had to wait so long; but the Lord knew our need. There were also sent eight sacks of potatoes, by the same brother who had sent twenty-two sacks before. Nov. 19. As there was not enough money in hand for the necessities of to-day, we were again as poor as on Saturday. Between three and four in the afternoon the milk is generally taken in; but in the Boys'-Orphan- 308 [A.D. 1839. House there was not money enough to meet this small expense. However, the Lord knew our need, and sent us at two o'clock 13s., which helped us comfortably through the day. A sister had purposed in her heart to give 3d. a week for the Orphans, and she felt herself stirred up to bring the yearly amount now, in this our extremity. Nov. 20. This has been a day of deep poverty. Nothing but the 13s., above referred to, came in yesterday, which was scarcely enough to meet yesterday's usual need. My mind, by the grace of God, was not at all cast down, but I felt it rather trying that the abundance of my other engagements had not allowed me to meet with my fellow- labourers either yesterday or to-day for prayer. This evening I had a note from the Boys'-Orphan-House, to state that a lady had sent two dozen of boys' shirts, which she had made herself, with which she sent 5s. to get them washed. This 5s. enabled us to meet that which was absolutely needful. [I mention here, that while our usual current expenses are about 27, 10s. daily for housekeeping in the three houses; yet we might, in case of need, do for one or two days with as little as yesterday and to-day, as there are generally potatoes and meat in the house, and a stock of bread for two days, in order that the children may eat stale bread.] Without this 5s. we should have been unable to procure all that was absolutely needed. This our kind Father knew, and therefore he sent it. There were also given two quarterns of bread by one of the bakers, which made up the usual quantity. Moreover, five and a half sacks of potatoes were sent by the brother who sent the others, making in all 35% sacks. Nov. 21. This morning one of the labourers gave 7s., in order that there might be means to take in milk, Between ten and eleven o’clock we met for prayer, and I found that 10s. had come in for a toy chest of drawers, which in this our great need had been sent for sale. Besides this, 6d. had been taken out of the box in the Infant-Orphan-House. This 17s. 6d. enabled us to pro- vide the dinner, and to take in a little bread in two houses, even as much as would be enough for breakfast to-morrow; but there was 4s. 6d. needed to buy bread for the Boys'- Orphan-House, as there was only enough for to-day. When we met again this afternoon, 3s. had come in, as one of the labourers had sold a few old books. Another A.D. 1839.] 309 labourer gave 1s. 6d., and thus we had also the 4s. 6d., which was needed for bread. After prayer, it was men- tioned that a sister, a servant, who is out of a situation, had been this afternoon to see the Orphan-Houses, and had put something into the box at the Girls'-Orphan- House. The box was opened, and half-a-crown was found in it. This money was, in our deep poverty, as acceptable as 50l. at other times might have been. We rejoiced when we saw it ; for it was a fresh proof to us, that, not in anger, but only for the trial of our faith, we are so poor. This 2s. 6d. provides us with the means to take in milk to-morrow morning, so that we shall have every thing which is needed till after breakfast to-morrow, but then there is neither bread, nor meat, etc. remaining for dinner. Our comfort, however, is: “The morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Matt. vi. 34, We separated very happy in God, though very poor, and our faith much tried. Nov. 22. Our poverty had now become very great. Greater it had never been. Yet, the Lord be praised I was as comfortable as ever; for I was sure we were onl for the trial of our faith in this state. Had the Lord shut up his hands in anger, he would not have continued to give us, even during this week, from time to time, tokens of his care over us. I said this morning: “Man’s necessity is God’s opportunity” is a proverb of the world, and how much more may we, his children, now look to him in our great need. I knew we must have help in some way, as now it had come to the greatest extremity, there being in none of the houses any thing for dinner, except potatoes, of which we have an abundance. At ten this morning I was informed that a large box, bearing my address, had arrived at one of the Orphan-Houses. I set off immediately, and found it was from the neighbourhood of Wolverhampton. It contained 127. for the Orphans, 1. 11s. 10d. for the other Funds, 4 yards of flannel, 9 yards of calico, 12 yards of print, 43 yards of coloured cotton, 4 yards of stuff, 2 pairs of stockings, and 34 yards of brown holland. Besides this, there were in it the fol- lowing articles for sale : 2 decanters and stands, 4 glass salt cellars, 3 scent bottles, a set of cruets and stand, 5 beer glasses, 7 chimney ornaments, 3 tortoise-shell combs, 3 fans, 2 silver vinaigrettes, 2 silver shoe buckles, 2 Waist 310 [A.D. 1839. buckles, 2 silver salt-cellars, 1 pair of knives and forks with silver handles, a small silver toasting-fork, 9 silver coins, 3 gold rings, 4 pairs of ear-rings, 3 brooches, a cornelian heart, a silver seal, 1 pair of silver studs, 1 gold watch key, 1 silver pencil case, 5 pairs of bracelets, 5 necklaces, and 1 urn rug. The joy which I and my fellow- labourers had when all these things lay before us, cannot be described; it must be experienced in order that it may be known. It was two hours and a half before the dinner time, when the help was granted. The Lord knew that the Orphans had no dinner, and, therefore, did he now send help.–This morning also a brother sent to the Girls'- Orphan-House to ask whether the treacle cask was empty, and if so, to send it by the messenger, that it might be filled. - Nov. 24. To-day 5l. came in again with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, besides 11. 10s. for the rents. Nov. 27. To-day again some money was needed for housekeeping. But as a little had come in yesterday and to-day, we had enough. Nov. 28. Last evening 10s. came in, which was just enough to supply this day’s need. We are now again pennyless. . Nov. 29. A great part of the articles, which were sent this day week from the neighbourhood of Wolverhampton, have now been disposed of for 5l. 11s. ; we are, therefore, supplied for to-day and to-morrow. Dec. 2. Since the last money has been given out for housekeeping, only 1%. 12s. has come in ; but as 11.10s. of this had been given for the rents, I had only 2s. in hand, when brother B., the master at the Boys'-Orphan- House, came this morning, and told me that the need of to-day would be at least 21. I gave him the 2s. which I had, and proposed that we should pray together for more means. WHILE WE WERE IN PRAYER, a brother called. After prayer brother B. left me, and the brother who had come gave me 5l. As soon as he had left I went joyfully with the money to the Orphan-Houses, to prevent the bakers being sent away. This evening I received still further 21. Thus the Lord has richly supplied our need for to-day and to-morrow. Dec. 3. The Lord has remembered again our need for to-morrow. I received to-day from Liverpool 15s. ; and A.D. 1839.] 311 from a brother in the neighbourhood of London, who had been staying here for a season, 5l. ; also 11, by the sale of Some articles. Dec. 4. It has been repeatedly our prayer during the last month and in the beginning of this, that the Lord would be pleased to give us again so much means, before the time of the public meetings, which are fixed for the 10th, 11th, and 12th, of this month, that when we speak about his dealings with us during this year, we might also respecting the close of it have again to speak, to his praise, of the abundance which we had in hand. At the end of last year we made the same request, and the Lord granted it. Now to-day, as an answer to this our often repeated request, I received from the East Indies 100l., to be laid out for the Orphans, or the other objects of our Institu- tion. Respecting this money it is to be noticed : 1. The great distance from whence it is sent. 2. That it comes just now, and thus enables us to speak at the meetings of this rich supply after our trials. 3. It furnishes us with means to order Bibles, as one half of the money will be taken for the other funds; there having been a great inquiry for Bibles lately, and we have not been able to meet the demand, for want of means. Respecting this point also we have prayed repeatedly, and now the Lord. has answered our petition. How very precious it is to wait on the Lord! What an abundant proof have we in this donation, that all our late straits, as it regards means, were only allowed for the trial of our faith ! This evening came in still further 17. 5s. - T)ec. 9. Since Dec. 4 several small donations have come in, so that up to the last day of this fourth year of the Orphan-work the Lord has continued his kindness to us. On Dec. 10, 11, and 12 we had public meetings, at which the account of the Lord’s dealings with us in reference to the Orphan-Houses and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution was given. During the whole of the past year, as formerly, the labourers who are engaged in the work had kept their trials and their joys of faith to themselves, but now we considered the time to have come when, for the benefit of the church at large, and to the glory of our Lord, we should make our boast in him.—It is now (i.e. on Dec. 10, 1839) five 312 [A.D. 1889. years and nine months since the Scriptural Knowledge Institution has been in operation. In addition to what has been said about the Lord’s dealings with us, more especially in regard to the funds, I make a few more remarks, with reference to his kindness to us, in other respects, during the last year. 1. During the last year also we have been enabled to continue to provide all the needful expenses connected with the six Day Schools, three for boys and three for girls. The number of the children who are at present in them amounts to 286. The number of all the children that have had schooling in the Day Schools, through the medium of the Institution, since its formation, amounts to 1795. 2. There are at present 226 children in the Sunday-school. 3. There are 14 taught to read in the Adult School, and there have been about 130 adults instructed in that School, since the formation of the Institution. 4. There have been circulated during the last year 514 copies of the Scriptures, and 5592 since March 5, 1834. 5. There has been laid out during the last year 917.6s. for Missionary purposes. 6. There have been received into the three Orphan Houses from Dec. 9, 1838, to Dec. 9, 1839, 16 orphans. There are at present 96 orphans in the three houses. The number of all the orphans, who have been under our care from April 11, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1839, amounts to 126. I notice further the following points in connexion with the Orphan-Houses. 1. Without any one having been asked for any thing by us, the sum of 3,0671. 8s. 9}d. has been given to us entirely as the result of prayer to God, from the com- mencement of the work up to Dec. 9, 1839. 2. Besides this, there have also been sent many articles of clothing, furniture, and provisions, for the use of the Orphans, and many trinkets, etc. for sale. 3. Without our solicitation, three medical gentlemen, (one for each house), have, up to this time, kindly given their attendance and medicines gratuitously. 4. The hand of God is most manifest in that we have had so little sickness, considering that so many persons during this autumn have been suffering from fever, etc. Even in this particular I desire publicly to acknowledge the Lord’s peculiar kindness to us. 5. Though most of the children have been brought up in a very different manner from what one could desire, yet the A.D. 1839.] 313 Lord has constrained them, on the whole, during this year also, to behave exceedingly well, so much so that it has continued to attract the attention of all observers. 6. That, however, which gives us the chief ground for thank- fulness, so far as the children are concerned, is, that in eight of them we perceive decided proofs of a real change of heart and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, so that they have been received into church fellowship. We are not surprised that these children, who are from 9 years old and upwards, have been converted; for the conversion of the orphans under our care has been a frequent subject of prayer among us, and that of late more than ever; so that we fully expect, if the Lord shall continue to give prayer for them, that soon many more will be brought to believe in the Lord Jesus. The total of the expenses, connected with the objects of the Institution, exclusive of the Orphan-Houses, from Nov. 19, 1838, to Nov. 19, 1839, is 5427. 13s. The balance in hand on Nov. 19, 1839, was 18s. 5d. The total of the expenses, connected with the three Orphan-Houses, from Dec. 9, 1838, to Dec. 9, 1839, is 960l. 9s. 23d. The balance in hand on Dec. 9, 1839, was 46l. 8s. 1d. Dec. 24. This morning we wanted again more money for the Orphans than there was in hand. It is only eight days since the last public meeting, when there was a balance of 46l. 8s. 1d. in hand. On this account we disposed of some silver articles and books which had been sent within the last days for the benefit of the Orphans, by which means we have enough for to-day and to-morrow. Dec. 31. My health is much better than for years. My mental powers also are as good as they have been at any time during the last three years. I ascribe this to God’s blessing, through the instrumentality of early rising, and plunging my head into cold water when I rise. 314 [A.D. 1840. IREVIEW OF The YEAR 1839. I. As to the church: 68 brethren and sisters brother Craik and I found in fellowship when we came to Bristol. 573 have been admitted into fellowship since we came to *=ºsº Bristol. 641 would be, therefore, the total number of those in fel- lowship with us, had there been no changes. But 40 have fallen asleep ; 33 are under church discipline, which is the total number of all the cases out of 641 individuals, during seven years and seven months. How much reason to mourn that there are any; and yet how much reason for gratitude that the number is so small ! 55 saints have left Bristol. 38 have left us, but are still in Bristol. Only 38 — during seven years and seven months 166 are therefore to be deducted from 641, so that there are only 475 at present in fellow- ship with us. During the last year have been added 115, of whom 34 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord among us. II. As to my temporal supplies. The Lord has been pleased to give me during the past year: 1. By the Free-will offerings through the boxes gº & e º 'º . £137 4 5 2. By Presents in money, from saints re- siding in and out of Bristol . . . . 121 18 0 3. By Money, through family connexion . 42 0 0 4. By Presents in clothes, provisions, etc., which were worth to us at least . . 12 O O £313 2 5 January 1, 1840. Our usual meeting last night was most precious ! We continued together from seven till half-past twelve. Of all the similar meetings which we A.D. 1840.] 315 have had, it was, according to my judgment, by far the best. Not more than five prayed; but there was much more real prayer, than at former meetings.--This morn- ing, about one hour after midnight, when our prayer meeting was over, I received a paper with some money sealed up in it for the Orphans. A few minutes after- wards I remembered that the individual who gave it was in debt, and I was aware she had been repeatedly asked by her creditors for payment; I resolved therefore, without opening the paper, to return it, as no one has a right to give whilst in debt. This was done when I knew that there was not enough in hand to meet the ea penses of the day. About eight this morning a brother brought 5l., which he had received just then from his mother, for the Orphans. Observe, the brother is led to bring it at once! The Lord knew our need, and therefore this brother could not delay bringing the money. A few hours after I received 5l. more, and 8s. 5d., also 2s. 6d. ; so that we are now again supplied for three or four days. Jan. 5. Besides the 10l. 10s. 11d. which came in on New-year's-day, there came in on the 2nd and 4th, 21.0s.7d. But when now we were again without a penny, there came in 5s., and 6d., and 1s. Also 2ſ. with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, and ll. 10s. for rent. Jan. 7. To-day, when there were again only a few shillings in hand, as since the 5th had come in only 3s., I gave myself to prayer, when, just after I had risen from any knees, a sister came and brought 11., as a thank- offering to the Lord for the many mercies of the past year. There came in still further to-day, by ten different dona- tions and the sale of two Reports, 21. 17s. Jan. 8. There were only a few shillings more in hand than was needed for housekeeping to-day. Nevertheless our kind Father remembered us before the day was over. A sister, a servant, gave me 15s. ; also with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, came in 5l. 5s., from two sisters 6s. 1d., and by sale of Reports 3s. Jan. 22. I have repeatedly asked the Lord for means to be able to order more Bibles, as two sorts were again exhausted. There is moreover scarcely enough money in hand to pay the teachers next Saturday. This afternoon I received from a sister 14l. 2s. 7d., which she had had in the Savings' Bank. She considered that this money E E 2 316 [A.D. 1840. would be better used in the Lord’s work, than left in the Savings' Bank. Thus I was enabled to order some Bibles. Prom Jan. 8th to 22nd came in 34l. 9s. 5d. for the Orphans, and the donations were so seasonable, that always either something was given, or articles which had been given for sale could be disposed of, before the last money had been expended. But as there was to-day again only very little in hand, I was led to open the orphan-box in my house, in which I found two papers, the one con- taining 10s., the other a 5l. note. In both papers was written Eccles. ix. 10. There came in to-day still further above 5l. Thus our Lord has sent us what we are likely to need for three or four days to come. - Jan. 25. I have been much in prayer this week about going to Germany : 1, To see certain brethren who pur- pose to go as Missionaries to the East Indies; and 2, To see my father once more. I am led to go just now, instead of delaying it, because my health is again so failing, that it seems desirable I should leave Bristol at all events, and thus I could continue to serve in the work of the Lord, and yet attend to the benefit of my health at the same time. Lord, keep me from making a mistake in this matter | Jan. 31. Since Jan. 22 several small donations came in for the Orphans, and several pounds by the sale of silver articles, trinkets, &c. But as I have had to pay out to-day 111.13s., we are now again very poor. For many days past we have been so helped, that money has always come in, before all was spent. Now there is only 1s. 5d. in hand. The Lord will provideſ I feel quite comfortable, though in three days I shall have to leave the work for several weeks.--About three hours after I had written the above, came in 17. 14s. 1; d. In the afternoon I received still further from Tottenham for the Orphans 10l., and in the evening from Hereford 30l., of which latter sum there was 6l. for the Orphans, and 24!. for the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. Thus the Lord will kindly allow me to leave a little money behind on my departure, and I have also a still further answer to my prayer for means to purchase Bibles, for which I have asked the Lord repeatedly, and which he began to answer by the donation which I received on the 22nd. I have received 5l. besides for the other objects. A.D. 1840.] 317 Feb. 1. I have now felt quite sure for several days past, that I should leave Bristol for a season, and go to Germany. If the Lord permit, I shall leave the day after to-morrow. Feb. 2. To-day and yesterday has come in still further, before my departure, nearly 97, for the Orphans. How kind of the Lord to send this money just now, on the eve of my leaving home ! Feb. 3. To-day I left Bristol for Berlin. On Feb. 5th I left London in the steamer for Hamburg. Though it had been so very stormy for several weeks past, the Lord gave us a very favourable passage ; the first, as the captain said, which they had had for several weeks. We landed at Hamburg on the 7th at five in the afternoon. The porter who carried my things led me, as I afterwards found out, some by-way, either to save a long distance, or to get me into the city with my luggage, though it was after the custom-house hours. I did not understand this at first ; but, when we were about to enter the city, he told me that that was not the proper way, but that if I would give to the custom-house officer, whom I should presently see at the entrance into the city, a small fee, he would let me pass. My reply was that I did not wish to do what was unlawful, nor should I give a fee to encourage what was unlawful, and that I would rather go a long way round, than get by such means into the city. Presently we arrived at the place at which the custom- house officer stood, who, on my telling him plainly that I had not the least wish to pass that way, if it were unlawful, saw that I was only a passenger, and that I had no wish to get into the city with goods which are not duty free, and therefore let me pass. This little cir- cumstance proves afresh in how many little things the children of God may act differently from the world, to the glory of their Father, and how, in going the Lord’s way, we find it to be, even as far as this life is concerned, the easiest path.--About half an hour after, when I arrived at the hotel, a little circumstance served afresh to remind me, that the Christian, like the bee, might suck honey out of every flower. I saw upon a snuffer-stand in bas- relief “A heart, a cross under it, and roses under both.” The meaning was obviously this, that the heart which bears the cross for a time meets with roses afterwards. I E E 3 3.18 [A.D. 1840. applied it to myself, and this little event greatly cheered my heart in this place, where I was without the fellow- ship of a single believer. I left Hamburg in the evening of Feb. 8th, travelled all night, all day, and the whole of the second night, and reached Berlin on the morning of the 10th. I confessed not the Lord Jesus on this long journey, which I record here to my shame; nor did I give any other testimony for Jesus in the steamer, than merely refraining from the light and trifling conversation of the party, and all this after I had had on my way from Bristol to London a fresh encouragement in conversing with a gay traveller addicted to drinking, who evidently listened with a mea- sure of attention, and with a desire of having his chains broken. |From Feb. 10th to 20th I was in Berlin. I think it is likely that eight or nine brethren and sisters will go from hence to the East Indies.—After having been greatly helped by the Lord in my work, the first and special object of my journey to the Continent; mercifully kept by him in the narrow path and in great peace, whilst surrounded with temptations on every side; and after having also seen afresh abundant reason to praise the Lord for all the way in which he had led me since I lived here in 1828 and 1829; I left Berlin on the evening of Feb. 20th for Magdeburg, which I reached on the morning of the 21st, and on the same evening I arrived at my father’s house.—In all human probability I now see my dear father the last time. He is evidently much weaker than he was two years ago, and coughs much more. What has the Lord done for me since I lived in the house where I am now ! The two rooms where I am now most in prayer, reading the word, and confessing his name, were those very rooms in which I sinned most, whilst living here many years ago. I have had again opportunity, most fully to bring out the truth about the work of the Lord Jesus before my father, whilst con- versing a long time with a woman in his hearing, to whom I showed from the Scriptures, that we are to be saved, not by our own works, but simply by faith in the Lord Jesus, who bore the punishment instead of us, and who fulfilled the law in our room. A.D. 1840.] 319 Feb. 24 and 25. I am still at Heimersleben. My dear father is very weak. - Feb. 26. This morning I left Heimersleben. I took leave of my father most probably for the last time. It has been a great pleasure to me, and I consider it a great privilege, to have been permitted by the Lord once more to see my father, once more personally to show him filial love and regard, and once more to set the truth before him. He has been again during the whole of this my stay most affectionate to me, as he was during my two former visits to him since I left the Continent to reside in England. How cheerfully should I have left him this morning, did I know him to be safe in Jesus ! But, alas ! he as yet is not resting upon Christ, though he is so far religious as to read prayers and the Bible.—After I had left him I went to my faithful and beloved friend, brother Stahlschmidt, at Sandersleben, but found him absent from home. - Brother Kroll, the servant of brother Stahlschmidt, [whom I have mentioned in the first part of my Narrative, received me with much affection. When this brother first came to Sandersleben, in 1829, there was scarcely a single true Christian besides his master in the little town. Soon afterwards he began to hold meetings, which were attended by the two or three who loved the Lord Jesus, These meetings were for a long time suffered to go on quietly; but when the Lord blessed them, and others were stirred up to care about their souls, brother Rroll had to appear before the magistrates, and was for- bidden to hold them. When this was of no effect, (as he considered that he ought only to obey earthly rulers in things in which he could do so with a good conscience,) and they continued still to meet together, the police came into one of their meetings, and forced them to discontinue it. When even this availed nothing, the brethren were finally threatened that every one who attended these meetings should pay three dollars, and every one who read or spoke at them should pay five, which is a large sum in Germany for poor people. But notwithstanding all these obstacles, the few poor saints continue their meetings, but in secret, to be unmolested by the police. They have now neither a stated place nor a fixed time for their meet- ings. On the second and third evenings, whilst I was at 320 [A.D. 1840. ‘Sandersleben, I met with them. On the second evening we were in the room of a poor weaver. The dear brethren would have me sit on the only chair which was in the room. It was a very small room, perhaps twice as large as the loom, which was in it. There were about twenty- five or thirty persons present, many of whom had seated themselves in and under the loom, and the rest sat on two or three little forms. These meetings were very precious. The very fact of going to them with the feeling of having to pay the fine, or to suffer an adequate impri- sonment, should one be found there, makes them to be doubly valued; and I believe that the Lord’s double blessing rests upon them. I spoke long both times, indeed, as long as I had strength, and the dear people seemed to eat the word.—I have so circumstantially re- lated these facts, that thereby the children of God in Great Britain may be led more highly to value their religious privileges, and to make good use of them whilst they are continued. It is worthy of remark, that while the meetings at San- dersleben were permitted to continue, there was no believing clergyman in the little town; but about the time that they were forbidden, the Lord sent a brother who truly preaches the gospel. I had for some hours refreshing and most affectionate brotherly intercourse with him. May the Lord let his blessing rest upon him, and help him to be a faithful witness for God in that dark neighbourhood | - I had travelled so fast, and stayed so short a time in the places where I had been, that I was obliged to leave Heimersleben without having received the letter which I had expected from my wife there, a matter of no small trial (as those who have been for some time at a great distance from home, know it to be); especially in my case, as, on account of the Orphans and the other work, besides my family, it was of so much importance for me to hear from time to time. I had arranged with my father to have the letter sent to me to Sandersleben, by an express messenger, who could be obtained for a small remuneration. How- ever, hour after hour passed away, on the 27th, and the messenger did not arrive. At last the time was gone by, as it was getting dark, and the person ought to have come at noon. I now lifted up my heart to the Lord, beseech- A.D. 1840.] 321 ing him to give me grace to give up my own will in this thing. No soonar had I been brought into such a state, as to be TRULY content and satisfied with the will of the Lord in this matter, than the expected letter was handed over to me. The woman who brought it had lost her way in the morning, on account of a dense fog, which made her so late. I have frequently found, under similar circum- stances, that, after I had been brought into such a state as to be willing to give up my own will, whereby I was fitted to bear the blessing, the Lord gave me the desire of my heart, according to the truth of that word: “Delight thyself also in the Lord, and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Psalm xxxvii. 4. I saw again, while at Sandersleben, a brother to whom I alluded in the first part of this Narrative, and whom I saw while I was on the Continent in April 1835, who makes no progress in the ways of God, and who indeed now seems to be more lifeless and cold than ever. The reason is that still, against his conscience, he remains in a business which he knows and allows to be contrary to the mind of God. - Feb. 29. This morning I left Sandersleben. Towards the evening I reached Halberstadt, the town where I was from Easter 1816 to June 1821, at the Cathedral Classical School. I went to a certain small inn, known to me from the time that I lived at Halberstadt, both for the sake of quietness and to save expense, as I knew it to be more like a private boarding-house than an inn. After having had my supper, the innkeeper, who seemed to me a quiet and unassuming person, came into the room where I was, and began conversation with me. After a few moments I recognized in him a former schoolfellow of mine. The Lord now enabled me to tell him of my gay life, my con- version, my subsequent going to England, and of some of the Lord's dealings with me there. He listened with great attention, and was evidently affected by what I said. May the Lord bless to him my testimony for Jesus ! I was thus afresh reminded of what grace has done for me. How kind of the Lord to direct me to that place! March 1. This morning I saw an old friend of mine, a missionary to the Jews at Halberstadt. When first he went there he held meetings, which the few Christians of the town attended; but of late he has been obliged by the 322 [A.D. 1840. police to give them up. In that town of about 15,000 inhabitants, with, I think, seven large Protestant churches, there is not one converted clergyman, as this brother told me; and the few Christians that are there are not per- mitted to assemble themselves together. Brethren, you who live in Great Britain, be thankful for your religious liberty, and make use of it while the days of outward peace last !—About twelve this morning I left by the mail for Brunswick. The Lord enabled me to preach Christ to a young man, a painter, who for the sake of improve- ment in his art had travelled far and wide, and was now returning home from Vienna to his parents. He listened very attentively, in which I had a fresh proof that one never ought to look at natural appearances in proclaiming the truth; for Ijudged, before I began to speak to him, from his gay appearance, that he would quite laugh at what I might tell him about Jesus.—I saw again this afternoon at Wolfenbuttel the inn from whence I ran away, when in debt, in the year 1821, and praised the Lord for his goodness to me since that time. Now, this evening, I am at Brunswick, and shall have again, through the Lord’s kindness, rest during the night, as the mail does not leave for Hamburg until nine to-morrow morning. March 8. London. I left Brunswick on the 2nd, and arrived at Hamburg in 24 hours. As there was ice in the Elbe, the London steamer could not get up to Ham- burg, and I had therefore to go alone, in a hired carriage, to Cuxhaven, about eighty miles, the most expensive journey that ever I made in my life, for it cost above 31. 10s. Thus I had to travel three days and two nights, with the interruption of only five hours at Hamburg. I reached Cuxhaven at half-past eight in the evening on March 4th.-The fact of having thus to travel from Ham- burg to Cuxhaven, that being the only way in which I could have got there in my circumstances, without losing the steamer, showed me afresh how one is step by step cast upon the Lord. A month since the Elbe was cleared of ice, and now, contrary to the expectation of all, the cold had returned to such a degree, that it was a second time innavigable. March 5. Iembarked this morning for London. I had conversation with two Russian Jews, who listened with great interest to all I said to them; but I did not tell A.D. 1840.] 323. them plainly that I believed Jesus of Nazareth to be the Messiah, as I fully purposed to do at the next conversa- tion. After I had left them, they conversed with each other, and I could see from their countenances, that they either took me for a baptized Jew, or for a missionary to the Jews, on account of the peculiar way in which I had conversed with them. Presently one of them came and asked me what I thought of that Jesus. No sooner had I owned him as the true Messiah and as my Lord and my God, than he began to blaspheme; and from that time, as long as we were on board, they shunned me; and I also felt that all I had to do was to show kindness to them by actions, but no more to converse with them about the Messiah, in order to keep them from blaspheming that holy name which is dear to my heart. My conversation with them had, however, an unexpected effect in another way. At the dinner table I was asked by one of the pas- sengers about those Jews, who they were, etc., as my long conversation with them on the deck had been noticed. This led me, (in order that the conversation might be turned to profitable subjects, and that I might discover whether there was a Christian at the table), to throw out the remark, “how remarkable it is that the Jews, in all parts of the world, can be recognized as such ; and are not mixed with other nations,” etc. Immediately the captain replied, “this can only be explained by the Scrip- tures, and shows the Bible to be true,” or something to that effect. I now, in agreeing with the captain, followed up the subject, and both after dinner and repeatedly during the passage had long and most interesting conver- sations with the captain, whom I found to be a true brother in the Lord, and from whom I separated most affectionately on our arrival in London. On March 7th I landed in London, where I found two letters from my dear wife, from which I saw that up to the last the Lord had been dealing with her, as well as with me, in the greatest kindness, and had given also an abundance for the Orphans during the whole time of my absence. March 9. I left London this morning, arrived this evening in peace in Bristol, and found my dearest Mary and all in peace. Truly, the Lord has abundantly blessed me and them while I have been from home ! 324 . [A.D. 1840. During the whole time of my absence the Lord not only supplied all the need of the Orphans, but on my return I found more in hand than there was when I left. The donations, which came in during my absence, amount to between 80l. and 90l. March 11. To-day I received 191. 19s., being a legacy left to me by a brother who fell asleep the beginning of last December. How richly does the Lord supply all my own temporal necessities' March 22. To-day when there was not a penny in hand for the Orphans, I received the following donations: 3!. as the produce of the sale of ladies’ baskets, an old crown piece, an old half-crown piece, and a Spanish dollar. Also ls. With Eccles. ix. 10, was given 21. 10s. March 23. To-day came in still further 17, 2s. 6d. March 25. All money was now again given out, when to-day came in by the sale of Reports 8s. 9d., and in small donations 11. 5s. 11d. March 26. On the 17th of this month I received the following letter, from a brother who several times had been used by the Lord as an instrument in supplying our need, and who also two months since sent 30l. “I have received a little money from Have you any present need for the Institution under your care P I know you do not ask, except indeed of him whose work you are doing; but to answer when asked seems another thing, and a right thing. I have a reason for desiring to know the present state of your means towards the objects you are labouring to serve : viz. should you not have need, other departments of the Lord's work or other people of the Lord may have need. Kindly then inform me, and to what amount, i. e. what amount you at this present time need, or can profitably lay out.” At the time when this letter came we were indeed in need, or at least it was desirable, as far as I had light, to have means, as I was just on the point of establishing an Infant-School, and as again some sorts of Bibles were needed in order to go on with the circulation of the Scriptures. Also, in the Orphan-Fund there was only 2s. 3; d. Nevertheless I considered that, as I have hitherto acted, (i. e. telling the Lord alone about our need), I ought to continue to do, as otherwise the principal object of the work, to be a help to the saints generally, by seek- A.D. 1840.] 325 ing to lead them to increased dependance upon God alone, through this Institution, would be frustrated. I answered therefore the letter in substance, as follows: “Whilst I thank you for your love, and whilst I agree with you, that, in general, there is a difference between asking for money, and answering when asked, nevertheless in our case I feel not at liberty to speak about the state of our funds, as the primary object of the work in my hands is, to lead those who are weak in faith to see that there is reality in dealing with God alone.” After having sent off the answer, I was again and again led to pray to the Lord in this way: “Lord, thou know- est that for thy sake I did not tell this brother about our need. Now, Lord, show afresh that there is reality in speaking to thee only about our need, and speak therefore to this brother, so that he may help us.” To-day, in answer to this my request, this brother sent 100l., of which sum I shall take 20l. for the Orphans, and 201, for each of the other objects. Thus I have means for establishing the Infant-School, and for ordering more Bibles. Also the Orphans are again supplied for a week; for when the money came in, there was not one penny in hand for them. April 7. This evening I received information from my little half brother that my dear father died on March 30th. He was taken worse a few days after I left him. How kind of the Lord to have allowed me once more to see him Had I gone to Germany at the time I first in- tended, he would most likely not have been alive to see me.—As I know not of one believer in the whole town where he lived, I cannot for a certainty ascertain any thing about his state before his death; but that which I do know gives me no proof of his having died in the faith of Christ. As to myself, I am sure of this, that it becomes me to adore that wonderful grace which plucked me as a brand out of the burning, and to say in reference to my dear departed father: “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right P’’ and in submission to the will of God to be satisfied with his dealings. This, through grace, I am able to do. Every true believer who has unconverted parents, for whose spiritual welfare he is concerned, can understand what joy it would have been to me to have heard a satisfactory account of a true change of heart in I: E 326 [A.D. 1840. my dear father before his end ; but as it has been other- wise, I know nevertheless that God will be eternally glorified even in this dispensation. Turing no period did I pray more frequently or more earnestly for the conver- sion of my dear aged parent, than during the last year of his life; but, at all events, it did not please the Lord to let me see the answer to my prayers. April 9. Through the 20!, which came in on March 26, and a number of smaller and larger donations since then, we have had for the last twelve days more than usual. But now to-day our means were again reduced to 7s. 10d., when the Lord sent in 5l. through a brother in Bristol, who during this year also, as at former times, has been the instrument in the hands of God of repeatedly supplying our need when we were very poor. We are on the point of sending some money to the East Indies for Missionary objects. Whilst I was on my Knees respecting this object, 57. was brought for it. April 10. To-day came in still further for the Orphans, with Eccles. ix. 10, 5l. ; also 2ſ. April 19. For several months past it had appeared to brother Craik and me, and to several other brethren who help us in the work of caring for the saints, that a part of the church meeting together at Gideon Chapel was a hinderance to our giving that clear and distinct testimony respecting the principles on which we meet, which we desire to give to the world and to the church at large in this city. As the Lord, however, had so abundantly blessed our labours in that place, in the conversion of sinners, and also in the building up of many saints, we felt that we ought to act in this matter with the greatest prayerfulness and consideration; and we had therefore anany meetings for prayer and deliberation with several brethren. On this account it was likewise, that though we came as early as the 17th of January to the conclu- sion that it would be better to relinquish Gideon as a meeting place, we still deferred the matter for two months and a half longer, before we even mentioned our diffi- culties publicly. At last, on March 30th, we assembled with all the saints, and brother Craik and I stated to them our difficulties. The following is the substance of what was stated at the meeting. A.D. 1840.] 327 Brief statement of certain difficulties connected with our continuing to retain the occupancy of Gideon Chapel, Neufoundland Street, Bristol. In order to enter into the force of the following parti- culars, it is necessary to keep in mind the position which, as a body of saints, we seem called upon to maintain, in this city, before the church and the world. We meet simply as believers in Christ, without reference to any sectarian distinction, maintaining the Scripture as our only rule of doctrine and discipline, and affording freedom for the exercise of any spiritual gift which the Lord may be pleased to bestow. We thus hold out a gathering place for all who believe in the Lord Jesus, and desire to confess his name, by obedience to his authority. What- ever impedes us, in this our great work, can only be suf- fered to continue if the Lord himself lays it upon us as a burden or chastisement. Nothing but necessity can justify our putting any obstacles in the way of the saints in this city, who, feeling the obligation of separating from every sectarian bond of union, would desire to meet with us, I. 1. There seems no sufficient reason for holding our Lord’s day morning meetings, for the breaking of bread, in two different places. See 1 Cor. xi. 20. The number is not too large to assemble in one place, and the eatent of locality is not so great as to prevent it, except in the case of invalids or of very aged persons: and the disadvan- tages of two meeting places are very serious. In this way of meeting the gifts are needlessly divided, as the gifted brethren are in two places instead of one ; discip- line is rendered very difficult to be executed, as it can scarcely be ascertained who absent themselves, etc.; and impediments are thrown in the way of mutual intercourse and acquaintance, as the saints sometimes go to the one place, and sometimes to the other. 2. There are only four ways in which we can so arrange as to assemble every Lord’s day morning, as a church, to- gether. a, Bethesda may be given up, and the meeting of the saints may be at Gideon. b, The meetings may be alternately at each place. c, The meetings may be held F F 2 328 [A.D. 1840. at a third place intermediate, in respect of locality, be- tween the two. d, Gideon may be given up, and Bethesda alone become the place of meeting for breaking of bread. —In regard to the first two of these four arrangements, the size of Gideon puts a complete obstacle in the way, as there would not be sufficient room, were the saints and others, who would still attend, to meet together in that place. The third plan appears to be freest from all objections, could it be accomplished; but there is no one other place to be obtained sufficiently large for our pur- pose, and therefore, if it be granted that the profit of the saints and the glory of Christ seem to require our having one gathering place, till the numbers of the saints and the extent of locality on which they reside shall force us to have more than one: the only way in which, for the present, this can be accomplished is by our relinquishing Gideon, and having Bethesda as our only place of meeting.” II. But the above are not the only reasons why we should no longer continue to retain Gideon as a meeting place for the church.—We have reason to believe that several of our dear brethren, who have been in the habit of assembling there for worship, do not see with us in re- ference to the great leading principles on which we pro- fessedly meet. Ever since the removal of any restraint upon the exercise of whatever gift the Spirit may bestow, in connexion with the practice of weekly communion at Gideon, there has been dissatisfaction on the part of some. A few have left and gone to other places, some have been in the habit of remaining only as long as there is teach- ing or exhortation, and then leaving without breaking bread. We have reason to believe that several do not, in heart, acknowledge us as taught of God in regard to the changes, which we have introduced; or, if they feel un- willing to say so, yet they are inclined to retain their old way. Now, spiritual rule can only be continued over * We continued for many months to break bread only at Bethesda, till at last, though it is a large chapel, the body of it was no longer large enough to accommodate all who were in communion with us, so that we were obliged to have the Lord's supper in two places. [Note to the second edition.] A.D. 1840.] 329 those who yield willing subjection: an unwilling submis- sion on the part of those who are in the place “ of the ruled,” we deem no true subjection at all. Therefore, those who do not believe that matters are conducted amongst us in a Scriptural way, cannot comfortably con- tinue in fellowship with us: and, by yielding up to them the use of the Chapel, we take away all just cause of complaint.—On account of these reasons there would be no need of leaving a meeting place under other cir- cumstances ; but as, when brother Craik and I came to Gideon Chapel, we found saints there assembled together in fellowship who had contributed towards the purchasing and fitting up of the Chapel, and who had been in the habit of meeting together on different principles, it seems not Christlike either to force our light upon them, or to constrain them to leave us; but to give up the Chapel to them, as they do not, in heart, go along with us.—It can- not be expected that, for the sake of pleasing even those whom we love in Christ, we should shrink back from carrying out any truth which the Lord may lead us into ; and, therefore, if our brethren cannot heartily go along with us, it is better that nothing should be imposed upon them contrary to their convictions.—If it should be said that for the sake of a few we thus separate from many : our reply is, that we separate from none of the saints; we only withdraw from a building, because it appears to us a hinderance to the manifesting of the truth, and, at the same time hold out a gathering place for all who feel that it would be for the edification of their souls, and the glory of God, that they should continue to meet with us. We invite all those who conscientiously can submit to the order which obtains amongst us, to continue in fellowship with us; and we purpose to provide a place of meeting to suit the convenience of the feeble and aged who would feel the distance of Bethesda to be an obstacle to their meeting habitually with the saints there. III. But in addition to those already mentioned, there are a third class of difficulties connected with retaining Gideon. The present character of the meeting for the breaking of bread there, is very far from fully exhibiting the principles on which we meet together. Unbelievers sitting among F F 3 330 [A.D. 1840. the saints, hinders our appearing to meet for the breaking of bread, and renders it necessary that a disturbing pause should intervene between the act of breaking bread and the other part of the meeting. We cannot have the breaking of bread at the commencement of the meeting, because of the confusion occasioned by the intermixture of those who are not in fellowship with us. To alter this, and to request all who are not in fellowship with us (ex- cept those belonging to the families of the saints) to sit by themselves, as is the case at Bethesda, would, we fear, produce increased dissatisfaction. Such a request more- over would not be Christlike, as long as from the con- struction of the building no comfortable sittings were reserved for any besides the saints themselves. Thus, by retaining Gideon, we are under the necessity of either marring our testimony to the church at large, or of deep- ening the dissatisfaction prevalent among several who are already in fellowship with us.-Again, the very construc- tion of the place renders it unsuitable for a meeting of saints. Part of the sittings being pews, necessarily tends to give the appearance of a distinction between the very poor and the more respectable class. This distinction would need to be done away, and we have every reason to fear that some might feel personally aggrieved by the pews being taken away and replaced with benches. We have only of late understood that some of the pews are looked upon as private property. This is such a violation of the statement that the sittings are all free, that it could no longer be permitted. To require these unscriptural prac- tices to be renounced, we have reason to apprehend, would be considered as an arbitrary act of rule, and might alien- ate the minds of those of our dear brethren who are still, in heart, attached to that to which they have been accus- tomed in former years. If it can be shown that the above difficulties are capable of being removed, or that any greater evil would attend the yielding up of Gideon than the evils which necessarily accompany our retaining it, then we are bound not to give it up. But, according to our present light, we see no way of reconciling the two objects, viz.: the retaining of Gideon, and the exhibiting a full, unhindered testimony to the truth of God. We repeat it, that we do not sepa- rate from any single individual in fellowship with us, we A.D. 1840.] 331 only leave the walls of a building, and invite those who feel called upon to separate from every sectarian system, and to meet where free ewercise is afforded for every spiritual gift, to assemble with us at Bethesda. In the case of those who are in ordinary health, the inconvenience attending the locality of Bethesda is a matter of very little consequence. Half an hour's earlier rising on the morning of the Lord's day, would be suffi- cient, in most cases, fully to meet the difficulty; and the consciousness, that the glory of Jesus and the true wel- fare of his church were thereby promoted, would far more than compensate for the amount of self-denial which the inconvenience arising from the distance would impose.— In reference to the weak, the sickly, and the very aged, who reside in the neighbourhood of Gideon, we trust, in the strength of the Lord, to make such ample provision for their comfort on the Lord’s day, that they may have no reason to regret that Gideon has been relinquished. Lastly, as it regards the opportunities which will be lost, by giving up Gideon, of proclaiming the truth among believers, as well as preaching the gospel to the world, we intend, according to our ability and the measure of gift amongst us, to open places for those purposes in different parts of the city. After we had fully stated our minds respecting our difficulties in continuing to meet as a church, at Gideon Chapel, we were still quite willing to continue to occupy it as a preaching place, provided the brethren whose pro- perty the Chapel was, (because of their having contributed towards the purchase and fitting up of the building,) were perfectly satisfied with our doing so. If this had been the case, all the difference would have been, that on Ilord’s day mornings Gideon Chapel would have been shut, and all the church would have met at Bethesda; but we should have been willing not only to preach at Gideon On the Lord’s day evenings, and once or twice in the week, but also on the Lord’s day afternoons instead of the morning meeting: so that even the unconverted, or the believers of that neighbourhood, who are not in com- munion with us, should have been no losers.--Whilst nothing was stated by any one, that showed us we had been mistaken in the conclusion to which we had come, a 332 [A.D. 1840. point was mentioned which soon brought the matter to a final decision. It was said that the giving up one of the principal meetings on the Lord’s day would be against the spirit of the trust deeds, as the Chapel was particu- larly intended to be a preaching place. Now, though we did not see it to be thus, as we meant to preach the word, as before, at Gideon, if it could be done in perfect har- mony with the owners of it; yet it seemed beyond a question that we could not retain the Chapel, whilst we appeared, even in the least, to alienate the property from the use for which it was said to have been intended. We, therefore, were confirmed by this in our conclusion to give up the Chapel at once, and that entirely. [In order that the aged and infirm, and invalids who live in the neighbour- hood of Gideon might not be losers by the change, cars were provided, at the expense of the church, to convey them to the meeting for the breaking of bread at Bethesda; and a Chapel was rented in Callow-hill Street, near Gideon, in which, on the Lord's day and Thursday even- ings the word was ministered. It was very kind of the Lord to order it so that this chapel was at once to be had Two years and a half afterwards, in October, 1842, we rented a still more suitable Chapel, in the heart of the City. On April 19th, 1840, we preached for the last time at Gideon, after having laboured there, with abun- dant blessing, for about eight years. Only three saints, as far as I know, out of about 250 who used to meet with us at Gideon, remained there. Nor has the Lord ceased to bless our labours since we left.] April 27. Monday. The Lord knew that we were penniless, and should be in need of fresh supplies to-day for the Orphans, therefore he moved the hearts of some of his children to remember us, in answer to our prayer. Yesterday I received with Eccles. ix. 10, 5l., and 10s. from a sister who had lent this sum to some one, but never expected it again; and now, having unexpectedly received it, gave it to the Lord for the Orphans. 1. 10s. was given for the rent of the Orphan-Houses. There was 2s. 6d. put anonymously into the box at Bethesda, and also 17, anonymously with these words: “From one who loves little children, and whom the Lord has blessed while filling for many years the duties of a servant.” This morning I was informed that 5l. had been sent to A.D. 1840.] 333 the Infant-Orphan-House by a sister who does not wish her name to be known. Thus the Lord has given for our need 131. 2s. 6d. There was also sent a dozen pen-wipers for sale. Tet us pause here a few moments, beloved reader | Let us adore the Lord's kindness I See how seasonably the Lord sends the help. As our need is, so he remembers us. It is not now and then that he is mindful of us, but continually. As surely as we stand in need of anything, he sends it; be it money, provisions, clothes, or anything else. We may be allowed to be poor, yea, very poor; we may have to pray again and again to our Father before the answer comes; we may be reduced so as to have from meal to meal to wait upon him; yea, according to all out- ward appearance, the Lord may seem to have forgotten us:—but, amidst it all, as surely as we really need any thing, in his own time and way does he send help. Perhaps you may say: “But how would you do, in case there were a mealtime to come and you had no provisions for the children, or they really wanted clothes, and you had no money to procure them P’’ Our answer is, such a thing is impossible as long as the Lord shall give us grace to trust in him, (for “whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed,”) and as long as he shall enable us to carry on the work in uprightness of heart. But should we be ever so left to ourselves as to forsake the Lord and trust in an arm of flesh, or should we regard iniquity in our heart, i. e. wilfully and habitually do any thing, either in connexion with the work or otherwise, which is against the will of God, then we may pray and utter many words before him, but he will not hear us, as it is written: “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.” Psalm lxvi. 18. I, therefore, beseech all who love our Lord Jesus and who may read this, to entreat him on be- half of all of us who are engaged in this work, that he would be pleased to continue to give us faith, and that he would keep us from living in sin. May 2. Nothing having come in for five days, we were to-day again penniless. In answer to prayer 5s. 6d. came in, and some trinkets were sent, the names of which the donor does not wish to be known. Thus we were helped through this day.—Observe here, how the Lord allowed five days to pass away without influencing the hearts of 334 [A.D. 1840. any to send us supplies; but the moment there is real need, the stream runs again. May 3. To-day the Lord sent in again some money for the Orphans. He knew we were penniless, and therefore answered our requests. Besides 17, 10s. for rent, there came in 11.1s. from London, and 27. from the Isle of Wight. May 4. By what came in yesterday, we were supplied for to-day; but the Lord sent to-day still more, as that which came in yesterday was only enough for to-day. There was given in money 7!., of which 31. was the profit of the sale of ladies’ baskets, which are made by some sisters in the Lord, for the benefit of the Orphans. Last evening a brother was baptized, who on the first Lord's day of this year came with his intended wife to Bethesda Chapel. Both were in an unconverted state. They both were, at the same meeting, through what bro- ther Craik said, made to feel the power of the truth, and, in consequence, were led to Jesus and found peace in him, and are now both in communion with us.--The Lord still condescends to use us as instruments. To-day we con- versed with seven persons about fellowship, and had to send away five, being worn out after we had seen the seven one after the other. Only since April 1st, forty-one persons have come to us to speak about their souls. May the Lord in mercy give us helpers in the work, for truly the harvest is great ; and may not our ingratitude for his abundant blessing upon our labours oblige him to shut up his hands from continuing to use us.' May 6. This evening I received 101, for the Orphans, and 10l. for the Infant-School, which we are on the point of opening. Before our little stock is quite exhausted, (for there is yet 21, left for the Orphans) the Lord has thus kindly sent a fresh supply. Thus also my prayer is answered in being able to give to two of the sisters in the Orphan-Houses some money for their personal expenses. May 8. There are four believers staying at my house, and to-day we had only a few shillings of our own money left. I gave myself, therefore, to prayer for means for our own personal expenses. In answer to my request, I received this morning 5l. May 10. To-day five of the Orphans were received into fellowship and baptized. There are now fourteen of them in fellowship. A.D. 1840.] 335 May 16. The need of to-day, as we were again penni- less, led us to open the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, in which 27. Os. 2d. was found. There was given 5s. besides. In the evening came in still further a sovereign from a sister, a servant, with the following lines: “The Lord has put it into my heart to send a sovereign to the Orphans. Ełe indeed put it into my heart, which was once at enmity with God, and would have said, lay it by, you may want Čt when you are old; but then I could not look towards heaven and say, I know my heavenly father will supply all my need; neither could I say, ‘Abba, Father,’ for I knew him not.” May 17. To-day the Lord has sent a little more, so that we have enough to meet the demands of to-morrow. There came in altogether 31. 9s. 6d. May 22. Several small donations enabled us to supply the necessities of the last four days. When this day commenced, however, there was again not a penny in hand. But my eyes were directed to the Lord, and there- fore my heart was at peace; I was fully assured that he would help this day also. About eleven I was informed that there was 19s. 3d. in hand, being the produce of the boys' knitting, and that also some old clothes, given for sale, had been sold for 3s.6d., and one Report besides for 3d. To this one of the labourers added 4s. of his own, and gave a book besides for sale. Thus we had 11. 7s., which was enough to meet the demands of this day. May 25. By the sale of 166 little books which had been given to be disposed of, by a few shillings which came in for the children’s needlework, by 4s. which had been taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, by a little money given by one of the labourers, by 10s, which came anonymously in a letter, and by the sale of some Beports—we were able to meet the demands since the 22nd. To-day there was 11.2s. 8d., left in hand, but this was not quite enough for the need of the day. In the afternoon came in for needlework 11s. 6d., and there was 5s. left at the Infant-Orphan-House. Thus we had enough, and a few shillings left for to-morrow. May 26. Nothing had come in. My engagements kept me from going to the Orphan-Houses till seven in the evening, when the labourers met together for prayer. When we met I found that one of them had given 17s., 336 [A.D. 1840. which had been divided between the three houses. This, with the little which had been left yesterday, had procured all necessary articles. We are now very poor. May 27. We met for prayer, at eleven this morning. No money had come in, but there was enough for dinner in all the houses. This morning the LAST COALs were used in the Infant-Orphan-House, and in the Boys'- Orphan-House there were ONLY ENou GH For To-DAY, and there was no money in hand to buy more. In this our meed T. P. C. sent a load of coals. How kind of the Lord! A plain proof that not in displeasure, but only for the trial of our faith we are allowed to be so poor.—We pur- pose to meet again at four this afternoon. May the Lord graciously be pleased to send help in the mean time ! JEvening. The Lord has had mercy! A person bought some days since several articles, which had been given to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans, and owed 6l. 15s. This morning I asked the Lord to incline his heart to bring the money, or a part of it, as we were in such need. Just as I was going to meet for prayer with my fellow- labourers this afternoon, he came and brought 4l. But our kind Father showed us still further to-day, that only for the trial of our faith he had for a season withheld supplies; for there was given this evening with Eccles. ix. 10, 5l. There came in also 9s. for articles which had been put into the hand of a sister, who has taken on her the service of disposing of articles which are given for sale. Besides this, there were sent two boxes of new clothes, and some materials for clothes, from sisters in the Lord, residing in Dublin, which articles are worth several pounds. Thus the day, which had begun with prayer, ended in praise. But there is one thing more to be re- corded respecting this day, as precious or more so than what has been said: I was to-day informed that the Lord has begun to stir up several of the boys to care about their souls.- May 28. The Lord has kindly sent in further supplies. A clergyman gave 21.5 and 5s. came in for Reports. May 29. To-day has come in still further 11. 3s. 2d., and several trinkets which were sent from Barnstaple. May 30. I took 11, out of the box in my house. May 31. When there was again not a penny in hand, the Lord sent in 21, 2s. A.D. 1840.] 337 June 6. This is Saturday. Several pounds were needed, as usual, for the Orphans; but there was not a penny in hand. In this our great need F. W., who often has been instrumental in supplying our need, and who lives many miles from Bristol, sent 5l. There came in 5s. besides. Thus we are helped to the close of one more week, in which our faith has been repeatedly tried. In the even- ing came in further, by sale of articles, 27., and a dona- tion of 10s. June 7. Lord's day. To-day came in 77. 1s. 3d., to enable us to meet the necessities of to-morrow. June 8. This evening eight German missionary bre- thren and sisters, whom I have been for some time expect- ing, arrived in Bristol, on their way to the East Indies. June 9. Again, when only 2s. 8d. was in hand for the Orphans, there came in from a considerable distance 2!. June 10 and 11. These two days came in 17. 0s. 4d., which was enough, with the little which had been left, to procure what was needed. June 12. When there was nothing in hand, several articles of gentlemen’s clothing, all worn, were sent for sale, which, being disposed of for 11, 17s., we were helped through this day. June 13. To-day’s need was met by a box of clothes coming from Worcester, which contained also 3!, 0s. 2d. There was also lls. taken out of the box in my house. June 15. 27. 5s. 3d. came in yesterday and to-day, by wbich we were able to meet the necessary demands, and have 5s. left, June 16. Some articles were sold for 11s., which had been given for sale. This, with the remaining 5s., met the necessities of the day. June 17. Only 4s. has come in by children's needle- work. This is all we have, to meet the need of to-day, except 2s. 6d., which I found in the box in my house, which our poverty led me to open. Evening. The Lord has had mercy upon us. A sister, to whom some time since some money was left, and whom the Lord has made willing to lay it all out in his service, having received a small part of what is coming to her, brought 5l. 10s. 6d. of it, this afternoon, for the Orphans. There came in still further this evening 21. - - For several days past I had been very poor in reference G. G. 338 [A.D. 1840. to my own temporal necessities, as well as in reference to the Orphans. To-day we were especially poor, in both respects; but our kind Father remembered not merely the need of the dear Orphans, but gave me also some money for my own personal expenses. The same sister just referred to, who brought 5l. 10s. 6d. for the Orphans, brought me also 71. for myself. June 18. To-day a new coat and waistcoat were given to me, for which I had repeatedly asked the Lord, as my clothes are now very old. As surely as I really need any thing, be it in money, or in any other way, my kind Father supplies the need. June 19. The Lord has poured in still more abun- dantly to-day. A brother gave me 10l. for myself. Thus, after a season of more than usual poverty, the Lord sends a more than usual supply. How kind a master do I serve! June 21. Again, when there was not one penny in hand, came in to-day 6l. 10s. for the Orphans. June 22. To-morrow, the Lord willing, I purpose, with my wife, to accompany the three German brethren and the five German sisters to Liverpool, who purpose to sail from thence. Under these circumstances it is de- sirable to leave at least a little money behind. This desire of my heart the Lord has granted; for this morning D. C. gave me 5l., and there came in by sale of articles 10s. 5d. In the evening a sister, who has left Bristol to-day, sent me by her mother 5l., having particularly requested her to let me have the money to-day, as she knew that I was going away to-morrow. This evening we had an especial Missionary prayer meeting, at which the brethren and sisters were com- mended to the Lord. June 23. This morning we left for Liverpool, where we safely arrived in the evening. The following extracts give the account of the Lord’s goodness in supplying the necessities of the Orphans while I was away from Bristol. On June 25, whilst at Liverpool, I received a letter from brother R. B., master at the Boys'-Orphan-House, dated Bristol, June 24th, in which he writes thus:–The money which you left behind, with 1s. 6d. which came in for Reports, supplied the necessities of yesterday and to- day; but there is nothing in hand to meet the necessities A.D. 1840.] 339 of to-morrow. Our hope is in God, assuredly believing that he will, as in former times, help us in his own time and manner.”— Two days afterwards the following letter came. “Bristol, June 26, 1840. “Dear Brother, Since I wrote to you we have very sweetly proved the mercy and truth of our heavenly JFather. When my letter left Bristol, we had not one penny in hand. On the same evening sister gave me a parcel containing 17. 1s., the produce of the sale of an article. This was sufficient for yesterday. But after this we were again pennyless. I went to the meeting in the evening, where brother J. B. gave me a list of names of persons who had given to him for the Orphans, to the amount of 11.4s. 1d. I afterwards sold one of your books, one of brother Craik's Renderings, and a Report. I also remembered that a few days before 2s. 6d. had been given to me which I had forgotten to use. We therefore had in all 17, 11s. 7d., which is sufficient to meet this day's necessities. I have just received a sovereign for the Or- phans, and besides this a box, containing various articles of clothes which has been sent from Wales, part of which articles are only fit for sale. Thus we have something for to-morrow, if needed. “Your affectionate brother, “IR. B.” The arrival of the box of clothes, etc., was announced to me in an affectionate letter from a brother in Wales, who sent them, but whom I do not know personally. What follows will show how seasonably the donation Carſle. On June 30th I received another letter from brother B., dated Bristol, June 29th, 1840, in which he writes: —“I would have posted my letter by one o'clock, but delayed until it was too late, hoping that I might have to speak of the Lord’s goodness as well as of our poverty. Thank God, my hopes have been realized!—Besides the 17. mentioned in my last letter, in the evening of the 26th 11s. 3d. came in for needlework, and 5s. was given. On Saturday I sold some of the clothes which had been sent from Wales for Il., and 5s. was given to me for an article which had been sold some time ago. As this was scarcely G G 2 340 [A.D. 1840. sufficient, I opened the boxes, and found 3s. 2d. in them. The whole, therefore, which was in hand amounted to 3l. 4s. 5d., which was enough for Saturday the 27th. This morning, Monday, as nothing had been given to me since Saturday, there were no means to provide for the dinner in the Boys'-Orphan-House; but one of the sis- ters, having a little money of her own, purchased potatoes and meat with it. At eleven o’clock we met for prayer. The baker came to the Infant-Orphan-House, but no bread was taken. A brother left two quarterns of bread at the Boys'-Orphan-House as a gift. Soon after I re- ceived 17, through sister L.G., which, as soon as I received, I began to write to you. It was a comfort to me, in our poverty, that you still, united in spirit, prayed with us, although distance separated us in body. I do not know that I ever felt more powerfully the kindness of our Heavenly Father, than when I received this last-mentioned 11. Although we are still poor, and soon shall be again in need, yet, receiving it just at this time, it was very refreshing.” The next day I received the following report about the Orphan-Houses from brother B., dated June 30th.-Ac- cording to your request, to-morrow only is the time for me to write, but as the Lord has dealt very bountifully with us, I write to-day, in order that you may be refreshed by the account thereof. Yesterday afternoon, I received 16s, and this morning I sold some more of the articles sent from Wales, for 8s. 6d., which meets this day’s demands.” On July 2nd I accompanied the eight German brethren and sisters to the vessel. Just before they went on board, |brother , one of the missionary brethren, gave me 6l. 10s. for the Orphans. He had sold his plate while at Bristol, considering that as a servant of Jesus Christ, and as one who desired to preach Jesus to the poor Hindoos, he needed it not. This money was the produce of it, except about 21., which he had spent in purchasing a few books. In giving it to me he said, “The money which we have in the common stock, (being altogether 201. for the eight,) is enough for us. For some months, while we are on board we need no money at all, whilst you may lay it out; and when we need more, the Lord will again supply our need. The other brethren and sisters have no A.D. 1840.] 341 money of their own, and I desire likewise to have none. The Lord has laid the Orphans particularly on my heart, and therefore you must not refuse to accept it.”—This brother little knew how on that very day I had been repeatedly asking the Lord for means. Truly, this was one of the most remarkable ways of obtaining money, as it came from a poor German missionary, who, in depend- ance upon the Lord for his temporal supplies, went to the East Indies. I sent off at once 5l. of this money to Bristol. The next day, July 3, I received at Liverpool the following letter from brother B., dated Bristol, July 2nd.—“Since I last wrote, we have still found that the Lord is faithful to his word. May we never be unfaithful towards him On Tuesday evening, June 30th, sister C. brought 11s. 6d. for some articles she sold, and I had received 1s. 6d. for Reports. This, with 8s. that had been put into the boxes, met the absolute necessities of yester- day, Wednesday. As nothing has been given since Tuesday, we are, to-day, Thursday, very needy. I sold the books I mentioned as being sent, with some others which one of the sisters in the Orphan-houses gave of her own, for 7s., which bought that which was needful for dinner; but there is no money to take in bread nor milk for one of the houses. We met for prayer. Our hope is in God, trusting that he, who has so often helped us in poverty, will still do so. If I write any more I shall be too late to post this letter.” [On my return to Bristol I found, which is not men- tioned in the next letter, that the milk was purchased with the money of one of the sisters in the Orphan-Houses.] On July 4th I received the following letter from Bristol, dated July 3rd. “My dear Brother, The last account I sent you left us in the greatest poverty. We had sufficient, it is true, for the time then present; but there was no money to take in bread with. In the afternoon there was an old riding habit sent for the Orphans, which I sold this morn- ing for 7s. I also sold a few books for 5s., two old silver thimbles and a ring for 1s. 6d. ; besides this, 1s. 6d. was sent for Reports; making in all 15s. This purchased dinner for the three houses. At twelve o’clock we met for prayer. We were indeed in great need. There was no money either for bread or milk. The coals in all the G G 3 342 [A.D. 1840. three houses were used, and in every other respect the stores were in a low state. We had really wanted nothing, but there was scarcely any thing left. Well, while we were in prayer to God, your letter came. One of the sisters opened the door and received it, and after prayer it was given to me. You will be able to conceive the greatness of our joy, on opening it, and finding it to con- tain 5l. I cannot express how much I felt. During the trial I had been much comforted by the Lord's sending a little token of his love every day. It just proved that he was mindful of us in our poverty, and that, when his time was come, he would send us an abundance. I think we all felt your absence a little, although not cast down on that account. Money is very precious to those who, like us, so evidently see the HAND and HEART of our Heavenly Father in bestowing it. The sisters send their love to you. “Your affectionate brother, “IR. B.” On July 6th I received the following account from Bristol, dated July 5th. “You are, I am sure, often praying for us, and therefore see, in the help we receive, God’s gracious answers to your prayers, and therefore you will be refreshed by hearing the account of how matters are with us. On Saturday there was again a little money needed in the Girls'-Orphan-House, for butter and such little articles; but I had none in hand, wherewith to supply this need, until nearly tea time, when 5s. was given to me. In the evening of the same day, at ten o’clock, 10s. was sent through brother J. S. You will see that we are still cast simply on God for the future, without anything to depend on but himself; and on whom, or on what should children depend, but on their most kind Father.” On July 8th, whilst still detained in the Lord’s service at Liverpool, I received from a brother 10l. for the Orphans, which I sent off at once. On the same day, after I had sent off the money, I received the following letter from Bristol, dated July 7. “The Lord is still pleased to keep us very low. Only 4s. 2d. in money has come in since last I wrote to you. The 10s. I told you of, and this 4s. 2d., I divided among the sisters. But as this was far from being sufficient, and knowing that you had received 6l. 10s. and only sent A.D. 1840.] 343 5l., I took out of the other funds 17.6s. 6d., being all that I could spare, and divided it also. I would not have done so, had it not been needful, and had it not appeared to me that we were not going out of the path of obedience in doing this. There was a sack of flour sent this morning. We are still, we may say, in need, as even the money, which I have divided, was not enough to purchase every thing desirable to have.” On July 11th, whilst at Worcester, I received the fol- lowing letter, dated Bristol, July 9. “After writing to you the last time, I got no more money on that day, except 1s. The next day, Wednesday, I received 2s. 6d., and took 2s. out of the box in the Boys'- Orphan-House. Also a sister purchased a Bible, and out of that money I took 3s.6d. to make up the 30s., to which I alluded in my last letter. This carried us through the day. In the evening of the same day I received 11s. 3d. and 2s., which purchased meat for dinner; and the potatoes in the boys' garden, being now fit for use, we had for dinner. After the dinner was provided we received the 10l. from you, which enabled the sisters again to replenish their stock. Out of the 10l. I kept the 30s., in case I might need it on Saturday for the salaries of the masters and governesses of the Day Schools. We felt the poverty a little more, I think, on account of your absence, I knew the Lord would help, but still I felt tried in some measure. The Lord, by his grace, reproves our wayward- ness towards him.” When this letter arrived, there was sent to me, at the same time, from Bristol, 5l. for the Orphans, which I sent off at once. On July 17th I returned to Bristol. I add a few more words respecting my stay at Liverpool. —About October 1837 I sent some Bibles and 46 copies of my Narrative to a brother in Upper Canada, who, in dependance upon the Lord for temporal supplies, is labouring as a missionary in that country. About eighteen months afterwards I heard, that this box had not arrived. I then wrote to the shipbroker at Liverpool, (who as agent had to send it to America, and to whom I had paid his commission and the freight), to make inquiry about the box; but I received no answer. About a month afterwards my letter was returned to me through the dead letter office, and it was stated on the outside that the 344 [A.D. 1840. individual had left Liverpool, and no one knew where he was gone. Putting all these things together, I had now full reason to think that the broker had never sent off the box. My comfort, however, was, that though this poor sinner had acted thus, yet the Lord, in his own place and way, would use the Bibles and my Narratives. . Now, almost immediately after my arrival in Liverpool, a brother told me, that several persons wished to hear me preach who had read my Narrative; and that he knew a considerable number had been bought by a brother, a bookseller, from pawnbrokers, and sold again; and that some also had been ordered from London when there were no more to be had otherwise. It was thus evident that the ship-broker pawned these Narratives before he ab- sconded; but the Lord used them as I had hoped. I preached ten times in English and once in German whilst at Tiverpool, and I know that several persons were brought to hear me, through having read my Narrative.— The German brethren preached twice in German, there being several German vessels in the port, and a number of German sugar refiners living at Liverpool. Liverpool seems to me especially a place where a brother, who is familiar with French and German, may find an abundance of work among the German and French sailors, in the way of preaching to them, and in the way of distributing French and German Bibles and Tracts.-One of the German missionary brethren found out a brother in the Lord, a native of the same town in Prussia, from whence he himself comes, who repeatedly met with us. This dear sailor was the only believer in the vesselin which he was, and has had to suffer much for the Lord’s sake.—When the German brethren and sisters were going on board, I engaged a fly for the purpose of taking all their small luggage. When the man put the luggage into the fly, I was struck by its having a hind boot, which I had never seen before in any fly, which he opened, and into which he put several carpet bags. There were seventeen pack- ages altogether. When we arrived at the vessel it was just on the point of going into the river, with several other vessels, and there were crowds of people standing at the docks. The flyman took out the luggage and was on the point of leaving, when I asked him whether he had taken out all the luggage, which I had not been able to A.D. 1840.] 345 count, because of the pressure of people, and the rapidity with which the packages were taken to the vessel. His reply was, Yes. But all at once, by the good hand of God, I remembered the hind boot, and I asked him to open it. The man, somewhat confused, opened it, and in it were five or six carpet bags. This thing showed me afresh our entire dependance upon the Lord, step by step. I was alone. The crowd was great. The vessel was on the point of sailing: and all without my fault or the fault of any one ; but it was so through unforeseen circum- stances. One minute later, and the bags, in all human probability, would have been lost. For when the brethren had missed their luggage, it would have been too late; for though I had marked the number of the fly when I engaged it, yet that would have profited nothing, when once the brethren were at sea. But the hand of God was for good upon these his children, whose stock of linen was only such as they would need. Such a circumstance should teach one to make the very smallest affairs a sub- ject of prayer, for instance, That all the luggage might be safely taken out of a fly. On July 10th my wife and I left Liverpool, where we had experienced much kindness, for Worcester, where we stayed a few days, and had again much love shown to us by the saints there. July 25. Since July 11th the Lord has kindly sent in the supplies for the Orphans so, that we have had always something coming in before the last which was in hand was spent. Now, to-day, having payed out this morning 8l. 5s., again nothing was left in hand, when in the after- noon 3!. came in by sale of articles. July 26. Lord’s day. As I had no opportunity to-day of preaching in our chapels (there being two brethren ministering among us who are strangers in Bristol), I have preached twice this evening in the open air. Precious as this work is, yet I am sure it is not that to which I am called for a constancy, as I have no strength of body for it. But I have seen afresh this evening how greatly it is needed. The second time I preached I took my stand in a court, filled with poor people, almost every one of whom were dirty, though it was the Lord's day evening. A woman readily lent me a chair on which I stood, and could thus be heard by the people in the houses behind and 346 [A.D. 1840. before me, and on my right and left hand. Judging from their dirty appearance, I should not suppose any of these poor people had been any where to hear the Gospel preached throughout the day. How plenteous is the harvest, and how few are the labourers | Lord of the harvest, send thou, in compassion to poor sinners, more labourers into the harvest —How well a brother who has some gift, and a measure of strength of lungs, might employ a part of the Lord's days, or of other days, either by reading the Scriptures from house to house to such persons, and making some remarks on them ; or by stand- ing up in a court and reading the Scriptures aloud and speaking on them. It is very rare that one meets with decided opposition on these occasions; at least I have generally in such cases found far more readiness to listen, than decidedly to oppose. Aug. 1. A few days since a brother was staying with me, on his way to his father, whom he had not seen for above two years, and who was greatly opposed to him, on account of the decided steps which his son had taken for the Lord. Before this brother left, that precious promise of our Lord was brought to my mind: “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven,” Matt. xviii. 19. Accordingly, I went to the brother's room, and having agreed to pray about a kind reception from his father, and the conversion of both parents, we prayed together.—To-day this brother re- turned. The Lord has answered already one part of the prayer. The brother was most kindly received, contrary to all natural expectation. May the Lord now help us both to look for an answer to the other part of our prayerſ There is nothing too hard for the Lord! Since the publication of the last edition, the father of this brother died. He lived above ten years after Aug. 1, 1840, until he was about 86 years of age, and as he con- tinued a life of much sin and opposition to the truth, the prospect with reference to his conversion became darker and darker. But at last the Lord answered prayer. This aged sinner was entirely changed, simply rested on the Lord Jesus for the salvation of his soul, and became as much attached to his believing son, as before he had been opposed to him ; and wished to have him about him as A.D. 1840.] 347 much as possible, that he might read the Holy Scriptures to him and pray with him. Let this instance encourage believers, who have unbelieving parents, to continue in prayer for them. Aug. 6. Yesterday I was led, by the sense of our necessity, and the knowledge of the Father's heart, like Elijah, to go again and again to him with my request for help, as there was nothing in hand for the Orphans to supply the necessities of to-day. Last evening, after the meeting, a brother from Oxford gave me a sovereign for the Orphans; by two other individuals was sent half-a- crown; and by the sale of an article, which had been given many weeks since, but was only disposed of to-day, came in 5s. : thus, in all, the Lord sent again 11.7s.6d. This morning I heard that 10s. was given yesterday to brother B., so that we were able to meet the demands of to-day, which are ll. 15s. Aug. 7. As there was only 2s. 6d. in hand, I asked the Lord repeatedly yesterday to send us what was needed for to-day. When I came home last evening from the meeting, 5l. was given to me, which Q. Q. had brought while I was away, to be used as I thought well. This I took for the Orphans, which will supply our need for to- day and to-morrow. Aug. 8. Saturday. This evening I was meditating on the 4th Psalm. The words in verse 3: “But know that the Lord has set apart him that is godly for himself; the Lord will hear when I call upon him,” I was enabled to apply to myself, and they led me to prayer for spiritual blessings. Whilst in prayer, the need of the Orphans (there being now again not one penny in hand), was also brought to my mind, and I asked the Lord respecting this likewise. ABOUT FIVE MINUTES AFTERWARDS I was in- formed that a sister wished to see me. She brought 11.10s. for the Orphans. Thus the Lord has already kindly sent a little to begin the week with. There was also still further given to-day, 1s. 11d. ; and 5s. 1d. was taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses. Aug. 10. Monday. The 17, 17s., which came in on Saturday evening for the Orphans, was not enough for the necessities of to-day, as 21. 15s. was required. About noon, the Lord gave through a brother in Bath, who has a relative in one of the Orphan-Houses, 11. 10s. more, so 348 [A.D. 1840. that we had enough, and a few shillings left. This evening came in 4s. besides, also 15s. 6d. by sale of articles. Aug. 11. The money which was in hand, with 3s. which was given by one of the labourers, as there was not enough otherwise, helped us through this day. Aug. 12. One of the labourers gave to-day 10s. of his own, as nothing had come in. Yet this would not have been sufficient, had there not been sold two pairs of stockings, which had been knitted by the boys, for 4s. 1d., and had not 5s. been found in one of the boxes. Aug. 13. Yesterday there was given a collection of shells, which was sold to-day, and supplied the necessities of this day, with an addition of 10s. which a brother gave last evening, and 4s. which was taken out of the box in the Infant-Orphan-House. Aug. 14. There was nothing at all in hand. I opened the box in my house, and found 1s. 4d. in it. A labourer gave 4s. of his own. There was found 1s. 6d. in the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, and 5s. came in by the sale of a few articles which had been given for that purpose. By this 11s. 10d. we were able to meet the absolute need, but were able to take in only a small quantity of bread. Aug. 15. There was to-day the greatest poverty in all the three houses; all the stores were very low, as the in- come throughout the week had been so small. In addition to this it was Saturday, when the wants are nearly double in comparison with other days. At least 3!. was needed to help us comfortably through the day; but there was nothing towards this in hand. My only hope was in God. The very necessity led me to expect help for this day; for if none had come, the Lord's name would have been dis- honoured. Between twelve and one two sisters in the TIOrd called on me, and the one gave me 27., and the other 7s.6d. for the Orphans. With this I went to the Boys'- Orphan-House about one o’clock, where I found the children at dinner. Brother B. put the following note into my hand, which he was just going to send off: “Dear Brother, With potatoes from the children’s garden, and with apples from the tree in the play-ground (which apples were used for apple dumplings), and 4s. 6d. the price of some articles given by one of the labourers, we have a dinner. There is much needed. But the Lord has provided and will provide.” A.D. 1840.] 349 There came in still further this day by sale of Reports, 1s., by the box in the Girls'-Orphan-House, 1s., by chil- dren’s needlework, 6s. 6d., by a donation of one of the sisters in the Orphan-Houses, 6s. Thus we had this day 3!. 6s. 6d. to meet all necessities, and are brought to the close of another week. Aug. 16. Lord's day. There came in still further last evening, 3s. by sale of some articles, and to-day 2s. was given, and 5l. ; so that the Lord in his love and faithful- ness has given us what we are likely to need to-morrow and the day after. Aug. 17. There has come in still further 27. Aug. 18. This morning a brother who passed through Bristol gave ll., saying that it had been especially laid on his heart to do so. Thus the Lord has provided a little towards to-morrow. Beside this came in to-day 1s. 9d. Aug. 19. By the sale of three pairs of stockings came in 5s. 6d., and from Liverpool was sent 12s. 6d. : this, with what was in hand, was enough for to-day and left a little over. Aug. 20. To-day there was not enough money in hand to meet all the demands; but it being known that yester- day several persons had put money into the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, they were opened, and found to contain 11. 4s. 6d., which was more than sufficient. I would call upon the believing reader to admire the love and wisdom and power of God in ordering it so that persons should come to the Orphan-Houses just at the time when there is temporal pressure, and should be in- fluenced to put money into the boxes. These little sums have been often the means of helping us in our greatest need. The especial providence of God, as in every other respect, so in this particular point also, is to be seen re- specting this Institution, in that so much is anonymously ut into the boxes; for there has been no less than 45l. 18s. 9%d, put in during the last two years, from Dec. 10, 1838, to Dec. 10, 1840. Aug. 22. Saturday. Yesterday there was only 13s.6d. in hand, which was enough to meet the necessities of the day, but not sufficient to enable us to take in the usual quantity of bread. This morning we were in much need, not only because there were no means for procuring dinner in the Boys' and Girls'-Orphan-Houses, but also BI. H. 350 [A.D. 1840. because, this being Saturday, we had to procure provi- sions for two days. When brother B. went to the In- fant-Orphan-House, to make inquiry about the demands for to-day, he was informed that money had been put into the box there, which was found to be 12s. There came in also in the morning 10s. besides. This ll. 2s. was more than sufficient to purchase all that was needed for dinner. Between twelve and one o’clock there arrived a parcel from Clapham, which contained several donations for the Orphans, amounting to 2l. 15s., besides a pair of sheets and pillow cases, 4 frocks, 4 handkerchiefs, 4 caps, 1 stuff petticoat, 2 chemises, 6 bags, 1 little shirt, (all new), and several yards of prints and calico. In the evening came a box from Worcester, which contained the following articles for sale : a valuable veil, 2 silver ladles, a silver fork, 2 pairs of new plated candlesticks, a fan, and 2 Italian books. There came also from the neigh- bourhood of Wolverhampton, 2s. 6d. and seven books. Thus the Lord helped us through this day also, at the commencement of which we were so very poor, and needed several pounds. Aug. 23. Lord's day. As we have often found it to be the case, so it is again now. After the Lord has tried our faith, he, in the love of his heart, gives us an abun- dance, to show that not in anger, but for the glory of his name, and for the trial of our faith he has allowed us to be poor. This morning I received from an aged and afflicted servant, 3!. ; and a little afterwards 8l. from Q. Q. From another servant 5s. ; also 2s. was put anonymously into the box at Bethesda, besides the 17. *; for rent. Thus the Lord has kindly given to-day 127. 17s. Aug. 29. Saturday. Since last Monday had come in only 2l. by the profits of the sale of ladies’ baskets, 11.14s. 10d. by sale of articles, 3s. as two donations, and 6d. by Reports. Thus it happened that when this day began, though a Saturday, we had only 7s, in hand. In the course of the morning came in 11s. 9d., and towards the evening 8s. 6d. This day we have been as poor in regard to our stores, as at any time. During the whole of this day, though Saturday, we had only 11.7s. 8d. On this account we had to buy a smaller quantity of bread than usual, etc.; nevertheless, the children have even this A.D. 1840.] 351 day lacked nothing, and there is a sufficient quantity of wholesome food till breakfast on Monday morning. For many weeks past very little has come in for the other funds. The chief supply has been by the sale of Bibles. Last Saturday I was not able to pay the whole of the weekly salaries of the teachers in the Day Schools, which, however, does not make me a debtor to them, as it is an understood thing, that they have not to look to me for payment, but to the Lord. To-day again only 2s. was in hand, whilst several pounds were needed to pay the salaries. It appeared now plainly to be the will of the Lord that, as all the labourers in the Orphan-Houses know about the state of the funds, so the brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools should share the trial of faith and the joy of faith with us. Accordingly we all met, and after I had laid on their hearts the im- portance of keeping to themselves, for the Lord’s sake, the state of the funds, we prayed together. Aug. 30. Lord’s day. To-day the Lord has again bountifully opened his hand for the Orphans. There came in with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, 5l. ; from a sister, a servant, 10s. ; and for rent 11.10s. Besides this was anonymously put into the box at Bethesda, 10s. 3d. and 2s. 6d. Sept. 1. Though there was a good supply given to the matrons yesterday, yet as the stock of provisions had been so low on Saturday, the money was all spent by last evening; and had the Lord not kindly sent in yesterday 14s, and to-day ll. 10s., we should have been again in need. Sept. 4. The day before yesterday, Sept. 2, came a box from Leeds, from sisters in the Lord whom we have never seen, and of whom until now we have never heard, but on whose hearts the Tord has laid his work in our hands. The box contained a variety of articles, to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. No money has come in the last two days, except 1s. which was given, and 5s. for things sold. On this account the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, but only 1s. 7#d. was found in them. To supply what was needed to-day, an article which came in the box from Leeds was sold for 5s., and thus we were helped through the day. The sisters who sent the box from Leeds wrote to us a most affec- tionate letter, in which they announced this and another H. H. 2 352 [A.D. 1840. box which is to follow, stating how much the Lord had laid the work in our hands on their hearts. They may have little thought, when they sent off the box, that so soon the produce of one of the articles sent by them would supply our need. Sept. 5. Saturday. Because there had come in so little during the last days, at least 31. was requisite to supply the need of to-day. There was, however, not one penny in hand when the day commenced. Last evening the labourers in the Orphan-Houses, together with the teachers of the Day Schools, met for prayer. This morn- ing one of the teachers, who had a little money of his own, brought 11. 5s. 6d. Thus, as we had hoped, we were enabled to provide for the dinner. In the afternoon all of us met again for prayer. Another teacher of the Day Schools gave 2s. 6d., and 1s. came in besides. But all this was not enough. There was no dinner provided for to-morrow, nor was there any money to take in milk to- morrow, and besides this a number of other little things were to be purchased, that there might be no real want of any thing. Now observe how our kind Father helped us! Between seven and eight this evening a sister, whose heart the Lord has made willing to take on her the service of disposing of the articles which are sent for sale, brought 21. 10s. 6d. for some of the things which came a fortnight ago from Worcester, and last Wednesday from Leeds. The sister stated, that though she did not feel at all well, she had come because she had it so laid on her heart, that she could not stay away. Our Father knew our need, and therefore, though so late, he sent this help. Thus we were richly provided with all we needed this Saturday. Sept. 6. The Lord has kindly sent in to-day for the Orphans 4l. 5s. 6d. for the need of to-morrow. One pound of this money was given by a servant, who has again and again given of late, and who has thus again and again been the means of supplying our need, when there was either nothing at all, or not sufficient in hand. When she gave me the money to night, she told me that of late she had had the Orphans particularly laid on her heart. ll. 8s. was the produce of an orphan-box, which a sister was led so seasonably to send just now. Sept. 7. This morning a brother from Barnstaple, who A.D. 1840.] 353 came on Saturday evening, (that evening when we were So greatly tried, but so graciously delivered,) gave me 1ſ. 0s. 8d., which the love of some saints at Barnstaple had sent for the Orphans, besides 5s. of his own. We have thus enough for to-day and to-morrow. There came in still further to-day, 6s. 6d. Sept. 8. How kindly has the Lord so ordered it that for some time past the income for the school-fund should have been so little, in order that thus we might be con- strained to let the labourers in the Day Schools share our joys and our trials of faith, which had been before kept from them | But as above two years ago the Lord ordered it so that it became needful to communicate to the labourers in the Orphan-Houses the state of the funds, and made it a blessing to them, so that I am now able to leave Bristol, and yet the work goes on, so, I doubt not, the brethren and sisters who are teachers in the Day Schools will be greatly blessed by being thus partakers of our precious secret respecting the state of the funds. Our prayer meetings have been already a blessing to us, and united us more than ever in the work. We have them now every morning at seven, and we shall continue them, the Lord helping us, till we see his hand stretched forth, not merely in giving us means for the teachers, but also for other purposes; for we need a stove in one of the school rooms, a fresh supply of several kinds of Bibles and New Testaments, and it is desirable to have means to help Missionary brethren who labour in dependance upon the Lord for the supply of their temporal necessities. Sept. 9. We are now meeting every morning at seven for prayer, . With 5s. which was sent yesterday from the Isle of Wight for the Orphans, we have commenced the day ; but I believe that the Lord will help us through this day also. Evening. About twelve this morning a brother, a stranger, who is staying at Ashton, near Bristol, came With some of his family to the Orphan-Houses. While brother B. was for a few moments out of the room to fetch a key, the visiting brother took the opportunity of secretly putting something into the box at the Boys'- Orphan: House. Brother B., however, perceived it before he could get away from the box, and, the brother being gone, our great need brought it out, when it was found H H 3 354 [A.D. 1840. to be 5l. Thus the Lord kindly has provided for the need of to-day and to-morrow. When this money was given we were exceedingly poor. For not only would there have been no means to take in the usual quantity of bread in one of the houses, but there was no money to take fin milk in the afternoon in any of the houses. The Lord knew our need, and therefore just now sent this brother. He gave also 2s. for Reports. Sept. 10. When now the 57 of yesterday was again spent, the Lord has kindly sent another 5l. through a sister who had heard me, just before she gave it, speaking at our evening meeting on those words:—“Who com- forteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.” It appeared to me that the Lord had reminded her of the Orphans, while I was speaking on those words, though of course there had not been the least allusion to them. Thus the Lord indeed is listening to our supplications which we unitedly offer up every morning. There came in still further 6s. 10d. Yesterday came in 17, 7s., and to-day 11.15s. 10d. for the other funds. Thus the Lord, in answer to our peti- tions at the morning prayer meetings, has sent in a little for these funds also. Sept. 11. The Lord has sent in still further and more richly for the Orphans. This morning 11. was given to me which had been sent from Trowbridge, and this after- noon a brother who came from Scotland gave me 10l., and brought the following trinkets which were sent by a lady from Scotland:—2 clasps, a ring, 2 pairs of ear-rings, a slide, a pin, a cross, and 2 bracelets, all of gold. In the afternoon came in 3!, by sale of articles. Sept. 12. The Lord has sent in still more. This morn- ing was sent 101. through a banker in London, by the order of a sister at Worcester; and 10s. was put into the box at my house. This has been a week of peculiar mercies, as above 40l has been sent in, besides several articles. We have continued to meet for prayer every morning, from seven to eight. Sept. 13. To-day came in 37.8s. 4d., of which 17.10s. 6d. was for some of the articles sent from Leeds. Sept. 16. Though during the last week above 40l. came A.D. 1840.] 355 in, yet, because the usual expenses for housekeeping were about 15l., and because most of the sisters who labour in the Orphan-Houses had not had for a long time any money for their own personal necessities, we were the day before yesterday again so poor, that only a few shil- lings were left. The Lord, knowing this, sent in a little money, and, by a sister from the Isle of Wight, 7 rings, 2 brooches, 2 pins, 1 pair of ear-rings, 2 pairs of studs, all gold, 2 chemises, and 2 babies' shirts. To-day arrived from Leeds, from some sisters in the Lord before referred to, a second box, the first having come about a fortnight ago. This second box contained the following articles:— 2 silver dessert spoons, a pair of silver sugar tongs, a silver tea caddy spoon, 6 plated forks, 4 knife resters, a cream spoon, 6 Britannia metal tea spoons, a silver watch, a metal watch, a small telescope, 2 cloak fastenings, 11 pen- cils, a pen case with pieces of sealing wax, 2 pairs of scissors, 6 chimney ornaments, a boa ring, a chess board, 3 purses with 2l. 1s. 4d., 2 silver pocket knives, a silver pencil case, a ditto of brass, a bodkin case, a gold pin, a silver vinaigrette, 125 needles, 1 memorandum case, 5 paper baskets, 18 books, 100 copies of a small English Grammar (unbound), 75 pamphlets, 37 table mats, 120 little tracts, 5 pairs of stockings, 2 pairs of socks, a Thibet shawl, 6 coloured frocks, 4 caps, 9 collars, 8 neck- erchiefs, 3 muslin aprons, 5 holland aprons, 4 muslin frocks, 6 babies' ditto, 2 white gowns, 2 remnants of print, 5 habit shirts, a bonnet, a merino apron, a glass trumpet, a taper candlestick, several small pieces of riband and gauze, 4 yards of silk fringe, 7 cases of different kinds of cards, a crape scarf, some lining calico, 13 little boxes, a straw basket, and about 50 other various little articles. It is difficult to describe the peculiar pleasure which I had in unpacking the box, and in finding that all these articles were for the Lord’s work.--—There came in still further this evening 8s. Besides other small donations since the 10th, there came in to-day 5l. for the other funds, as the answer to oft-repeated prayer; also, from Liverpool, 17. 14s. 8d. Thus the Lord encourages our hearts in this part of the work likewise. Sept. 17. The need of to-day for the Orphans was sup- plied by the little which had come in yesterday, and by 356 [A.D. 1840. the 27. 1s. 4d. which came in the second box from Leeds. These two boxes from Leeds have been sent, most season- ably by the Lord, and thus truly the sisters who sent them have been led by him to do so, according to what they wrote in a letter, which announced the arrival of the first box : “We feel deeply interested in your concerns, and our anxiety to serve you has increased by every new discovery of the kindness and goodness of God, in pro- viding for your wants. Indeed, we cannot but believe that the Lord has put it into our hearts to help you, and we trust you will honour us, his unworthy servants, by believing that our gift is really his.” There came in to- day 2l. 16s. by the sale of some of the articles sent in the first box from Leeds, and by the sale of some other articles. Thus our need for to-morrow is supplied. Sept. 18. To-day the Lord has sent again 17s. 5d. by sale of some of the articles sent from Leeds, and 21. 10s. from Leicestershire, and also 4s. for children’s needlework. Thus we have enough for to-morrow, being Saturday. Sept. 21. Monday. By what was in hand for the Orphans, and by what had come in yesterday, the need of to-day is more than supplied, as there is enough for to- morrow also. To-day a brother from the neighbourhood of London gave me 10l., to be laid out as it might be most needed. As we have been praying many days for the School— Bible—and Missionary Funds, I took it all for them. This brother knew nothing about our work, when he came three days since to Bristol. Thus the Lord, to show his continual care over us, raises up new helpers. They that trust in the Lord shall never be confounded ! Some who helped for a while may fall asleep in Jesus; others may grow cold in the service of the Lord; others may be as desirous as ever to help, but have no longer the means; others may have both a willing heart to help, and have also the means, but may see it the Lord’s will to lay them out in another way :--and thus, from one cause or an- other, were we to lean upon man, we should surely be confounded; but, in leaning upon the living God alone, we are BEYOND disappointment, and BEYOND being forsaken because of death, or want of means, or want of love, or because of the claims of other work. How precious to have learned in any measure to stand with God alone in the A.D. 1840.] 357 world, and yet to be happy, and to know that surely no good thing shall be withheld from us whilst we walk uprightly Sept. 23. This morning there was again only 10s. in hand for the Orphans. As this was not enough for the day, I opened the box in my house, in which I found 8s. 6d. The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were also opened, which contained 7s.6%d. There came in also by the sale of a pair of stockings, 1s. 6d. This 11.7s.6%d. was enough, and even 3s. more than was absolutely needed. The Lord gave to-day another proof that he is still mind- ful of us, for a brother sent half a ton of coals to each of the three houses. Sept. 24. Yesterday our prayer, in our meeting at twelve o’clock, was especially for the supply of to-day, I was fully assured that the Lord would send help, as now all our stores were again exhausted. Accordingly, last evening, a sister, into whose hands some of the articles, which came in the second box from Leeds, had been put for sale, gave me 11. 3s. 7d., being the payment for some of them. There came in a donation of 2s. besides. This 17. 5s. 7d. served for this day. The Lord be praised who has helped us thus ! Sept. 25. It is now half-past eleven. Nothing has come in as yet. How the Lord will help us through the day is not my care; for sure I am he will help. F. am just going to meet with my fellow-labourers for prayer. Per- haps the Lord will again, at the time of the meeting, fill our mouths with praise, as he has done so many times. My soul waits on him for deliverance How truly pre- cious to have such a Father as we have 1 Sept. 26. When I went yesterday to the meeting for prayer, I found that some articles which had come from Leeds, had been sold for 10s. 9d., and that 2s. 6d. had been taken out of the box in the Girls'-Orphan-House. To this one of the labourers added 10s. of his own. This 11. 3s. 3d. supplied all we needed yesterday; but there was now again nothing in hand to meet this day's demands, which I knew would be great, on account of its being Saturday. The Lord, however, remembered our Satur- day’s necessities, and therefore sent in abundantly, so that we had even more than we needed for to-day, though we required no less than 5l. The way in which he kindly 358 [A.D. 1840. helped us, was this: first 31, came in for articles which had been sent from Leeds; afterwards a little boy and girl brought two little Savings' Banks, filled with their little presents, amounting altogether to 15s.14d. In the evening came in still further 4!. for articles which had been sold, most of which had likewise been sent from Leeds. Thus the Lord sent in altogether 81. 18s. 14d. in the course of the day, whilst it commenced without there being a penny in hand. Sept. 27. To-day the Lord has sent in still further 2l. 5s. 8d., of which 15s. 8d. was for articles sent from Leeds, and 17. with Ecclesiastes ir. 10. Sept. 29. Yesterday we were again pennyless, after the necessities of the three houses had been supplied. Almost immediately afterwards came in 11.12s. 2d., suffi- cient to supply the need of to-day. Sept. 30. To-day there is nothing in hand. It is now a quarter past eleven, but nothing yet has come in. Nevertheless the Lord will surely help us this day also About five minutes after I had written the above, I was informed, by a note from brother B., that 21.10s. 6d. had come in in small donations. Oct. 1. It is now again eleven o’clock, and the Lord has not as yet been pleased to send in any thing for the necessities of this day. Let me see now how the Lord will again help us in the love of his heart; for he will surely help, though I know not how.—Evening. When I went to the prayer meeting, I found that only 1s. had come in, but at the same time I was informed that the money, which had been divided yesterday among the matrons, was enough for to-day also. Oct. 2. Nothing came in yesterday, nor this morning. In addition to this, I was so engaged, that in the after- noon I had not even time to make inquiry how the Lord had helped. Thus it is often that I can do nothing but quietly go on with my engagements, casting all care upon the Lord. When I came home this evening, the first thing that met my eyes was the following letter from a distance of many miles: “Beloved Brother, Five pounds are enclosed as from the Lord, as I believe you stand in need of it for the use of the Orphans. Yours affectionately, F. W.” Truly, the Lord, to whom we had spoken yesterday, A.D. 1840.] 359 had spoken for us, and told this brother that we were in need of money. After having read this letter, my eyes met two others. In the one I was informed by a brother, that he had sold two pairs of fire screens for 8s., and had sent the money. These screens had been for many months in his hands for sale, and now to-day, in this our poverty, a lady came to the shop and bought them. The other letter was from brother B., master of the boys in the Boys'-Orphan-House, which I give here: “I opened the boxes and found 4s. 1; d. in them. This was far from being sufficient. About four o'clock three persons came to the Orphan-Houses, and put into the box at the Boys'-Orphan-House 7s., into the box at the Infant-Orphan-House 6s., and into the box at the Girls'-Orphan-House 7s. Thus I have had in all to divide 11.4s. 1%d., which meets the necessities of the day.” Oct. 3. It was exceedingly kind of the Lord to send in so much yesterday; for the necessities of to-day, being Saturday, required it all. And now, when there was again 70thing in hand, there arrived this evening a large box, sent by a sister at Stafford, whom I never saw, which contained 11. 5s., and the following articles: 11 gold rings, a silver ring washed, a locket, a gold brooch, 3 single ear-rings, a watch hook, a silver watch guard, 2 silver- mounted eye glasses, 3 vinaigrettes, 2 purses, a silver buckle, 2 old silver coins, 2 silver pencil cases, 3 pairs of bracelets, 3 necklaces, 2 waist buckles, a bracelet Snap, a cloak fastening, a necklace Snap, a yard measure, a mourning brooch, 7 pincushions, a snuff box, a small looking glass, two china boxes, a china inkstand, 5 china cups and saucers, a china basket, 2 china jugs, a scent bottle, a boa ring, 20 shells, a boy’s cap, a pair of snuffers and stand, a little basket, a pair of screen handles, 3 ornamental pens, 5 artificial flowers, 5 glass plates, 5 counter plates, 3 pairs of card racks, a comb, a pair of watch pockets, 12 table mats, 8 paintings, 4 drawings, 2 fans, a pair of garters, 3 pairs of gloves, 3 pairs of silk stockings, 3 veils, a gauze scarf, 6 ladies' bags, 5 silk bands, 2 floss silk scarfs, a gauze handkerchief, 2 silk scarfs, a crape shawl, a silk shawl, 2 muslim capes, 30 yards of worn cotton lace, 8 yards of muslin work, 9 yards of print, a pinafore, a frock, a sampler, a pair of socks, a pair of ear-rings, and 17 ladies’ dresses.—One 360 [A.D. 1840. thing is particularly to be noticed respecting this donation, that the Lord from time to time raises up fresh individuals to help us in the work, thereby continually reminding us, that he is not limited to any individuals in particular, neither aré we, his children. Oct. 4. To-day came in 19s. 4d., by sale of some of the articles sent from Leeds. Thus our need for to- morrow is supplied. Oct. 5. 77.15s. 2d. came in again to-day, of which 5l. was from a brother whom I have never seen. Oct. 6. To-day came in further by sale of articles which had been sent from Leeds, 31.7s.6d., also 14s. 3d. in small donations. Oct. 7, 11.14s.2d. came in to-day, in small donations. It is now five weeks, since we have daily met for prayer. Not indeed merely to ask for means, but for grace and wisdom for ourselves in reference to the work, for the con- version of the children under our care, for grace for those children who stand already on the Lord’s side, for a bless- ing upon the circulation of the Scriptures, for a blessing upon the work, with reference to the church at large, etc. But whilst we thus, as the Spirit led us, prayed for various things, nevertheless, the lack of means was that which had brought us day after day together. We asked the Lord to give us the means which are needed for carry- ing on the Day-Schools, for buying Bibles, as several sorts are needed, and to enable us to assist Missionary work in foreign countries. Never at any previous time, since first the work commenced on March 5, 1834, have we had to continue so long a time in prayer for these funds, without obtaining the answer. The Lord, however, gave us grace to “continue in prayer,” and kept our hearts in the assurance that he would help. Now, though he de- layed long, before he sent us the answer, in his own time he made it manifest, that he had not only not shut his ear against our prayers in anger, but that he had answered them even before we called; for there was sent to-day, from the East Indies, a bank order for 100l., which had been sent off two months since, therefore several days before we even began to pray. It was left to me to apply this money as it might be needed. As we had so long, and so particularly prayed for these funds, I took the whole of it for them, and not for the Orphan-Fund.—The A.D. 1840.] 361 Lord be praised for this precious answer. It was parti- cularly precious, as leading the dear brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools, and who comparatively are little accustomed to this way, to see how good it is to wait upon the Lord. Oct. 10. All our wants for the Orphans have been richly supplied during this week, and to-day, on my leaving for Trowbridge in the Lord’s service, I was able to send 5l. 5s. 8d. to the sisters, the matrons. Oct. 11–14. Trowbridge. I have had a good season since I have been here. The Lord has enabled me to rise very early, and I have thus had more than two hours of communion with him before breakfast, the fruit of which I have felt all the day long. The Lord in mercy continue my enjoyment —For the last three weeks I had been asked, yea pressed, to come here, to minister among the saints; but I could not clearly see it to be the Lord's will, and therefore did not go. Now I came, assured that it was his will, and have been very happy, and greatly helped in my service here in every way, and I am fully assured that my labour has not been in vain. How good it is, even for this life, according to the Lord’s bidding either to go or stay !—I have seen, whilst here, a young woman, the daughter of a brother and sister who were in communion with us, but who have both fallen asleep. While her father was living she hated the truth, but still she came to Bethesda Chapel. One day, whilst there, she was made to feel the power of the truth, and since the death of her parents, the Lord has granted an answer to their many prayers on her behalf, for she is now standing on the Lord’s side. Let believing parents conti- nue in prayer for their children, and let them also continue affectionately and at suitable times to bring the truth before them, and to bring them to the preaching of the word: and in due season it will be manifested that their labours were not in vain. Oct. 14. Yesterday, while at Trowbridge, I received from a sister, from the neighbourhood of London, 11., for the Orphans. In the evening, a sister, a servant, gave me 1s. This morning I gave myself again to prayer re- specting the Orphan-Fund, as I had reason to believe that there was nothing in hand in Bristol, except several pounds had come in since I left. Soon after, a sister, a I I 362 [A.D. 1840. servant, gave me 5s., and, on leaving in the afternoon, a brother gave me 5l. When I came home this evening, I found that only 31. 10s. 8d. had come in since I left, just sºfficient to supply the need up to this evening, so that the help which the Lord gave at Trowbridge, in answer to prayer, came very seasonably to supply the need of to- in OPPOW. - Oct. 20. Tuesday. During these last three days we have again experienced the continued care of our loving Pather on behalf of the Orphans. On Saturday evening, when again there was no money at all remaining in my hands, a pair of silver mounted horns was anonymously left at my house. On the Lord's day I received 67. 1s. Yesterday the Lord sent in still more abundantly; for in the morning came in 12l. from the neighbourhood of Wolverhampton, and in the evening 21. was given to me by D. C. This morning, a few minutes after I had been thinking that no potatoes had been sent yet for the Orphans, and that we had no money to lay in a stock (for the 14t, which came in yesterday was at once sent off), a brother came and informed me that he had given orders that twenty sacks of good potatoes should be sent to the Orphan-Houses. Thus our kind Father continually cares for us. Oct. 26. Monday. The Lord has been again very kind to us, during these last days. There came in since Oct. 20, in small donations, 18s. 1d., for knitting and by sale of stockings, 16s. On Friday last, besides, there were sold, to a sister who came to see the Orphan-Houses, stockings to the amount of 17s. 5d. In the evening, as late as nine, a brother at whose house I was, gave me 5!. This 57. and the money for the stockings came in very seasonably, as it enabled us to supply the large demands of the next day. Yesterday morning, when I took my hat from the rail, I found in one of my gloves a note, con- taining a 5l. note and the following words: “21, for the Orphans, the rest for dear brother and sister Müller.” There came in still further yesterday 27, 12s. 6d. Thus we are again supplied for about three days. In reference to the note which was put into my hat, containing 5l., I just add, that I had repeatedly asked the Ilord for means for our own personal expenses, previous to the reception of it, as we had but very little money A.D. 1840.] 363 for ourselves. Indeed the very moment, before I took my hat from the rail, I had risen from my knees, having again asked the Lord for means for ourselves and for the Orphans. Oct. 30. The evening before last 9s. came in, being the produce of some work which a sister had done for the benefit of the Orphans; and early this morning, while my candle was yet burning, a paper was brought, containing 12s. These two donations, with what little is in hand besides, supply our need for this day. Oct. 31. Saturday. There was no money in hand. My mind was particularly stirred up to open the box in my house. I did so, and found 11. 10s. 7d. in it. The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were likewise opened, in which was found 8s. Also a brother from Tetbury gave 2s. 6d. Thus the need of to-day was supplied. Nov. 2. Monday. 1. 11s. is the need of to-day, and as 1%. 12s. has come in since Saturday evening, we are helped for to-day. - Nov. 3 and 4. Only 2s. 6d. has come in since Nov. 2nd, but the necessities of these two days were supplied by means of articles which had been given to be disposed of. Nov. 5. Only 2s. came in yesterday for knitting. We are now, without any thing, cast upon the Lord. The need of to-day is 11. 3s., which I am unable to send.— Afternoon. There came in at three o'clock 4!. for some of the articles which had been sent from Stafford, and which had been sold some time since, so that I was able to send the needful supplies. There came in 6d. besides. Nov. 7. Saturday. Of the 4!. 2s. 6d. which was in hand the day before yesterday, there was so much left, that with an addition of 9s. 6d., all the necessities of to- day could be supplied. This one of the labourers gave. Nov. 8. Lord’s day. To-day the Lord has been again very kind, and looked upon us in our poverty. Besides the 11. 10s. for rent, I received with Ecclesiastes iz. 10, 5l. I was also informed that two large sacks of oatmeal had been sent from Glasgow as a present. In addition to all this, a brother told me that he had it in his heart to give 10!. worth of materials, for winter clothes for the children, leaving the material to my choice, according to the need, so that just what was most desirable might be II 2 364 [A.D. 1840. given. (He accordingly sent a few days after, a large pair of good blankets, 32; yards of mixed beaver, and 103 yards of blue beaver for cloaks.) There was also 1s. put into the box at Bethedsa, with the words, “Jehovah Jireh.” These words have often been refreshing to my soul for many years past, and I wrote them with a valu- able diamond ring, set with ten brilliants, which was given for the Orphans about twenty months since, upon a pane of glass in my room, which circumstance, in remembrance of the remarkable way in which that valu- able ring came, has often cheered my heart, when in deep poverty my eyes have been cast upon “JEHOVAH JIREH'' (i. e. the Lord will provide) whilst sitting in my I’OOIſl. I purposed to have gone to Trowbridge yesterday, and had settled it so on Friday evening with brother * But no sooner had I decided to do so, than I felt no peace in the prospect of going. After having prayed about it on Friday evening, and yesterday morning, I determined not to go, and I felt sure the Lord had some reason for not allowing me to feel happy in the prospect of going. I began now to look out for blessings for this day, con- sidering that the Lord had kept me here for good to some souls. This evening I was especially led to press the truth on the consciences of the unconverted, entreating and beseeching them, and telling them also that I felt sure, the Lord had, in mercy to some of them, kept me from going to Trowbridge. I spoke on Genesis vi. 1–5. Immediately after I saw fruit of the word. An indi- vidual fully opened his heart to me. I walked about with him till about ten o’clock, even as long as I had any strength left. [About ten days afterwards a brother told me of a poor drunkard who heard me that evening, and who since then had stayed up till about twelve o’clock every night to read the Scriptures, and who had not been intoxicated since.] Nov. 11. As only 4s. 6d, had come in for knitting, and 2s. 6d. as a donation for the Orphans since the 8th, we were now again very poor. To-day there was 9s, more needed than there was in hand, which one of the labourers gave. There were sent to-day anonymously, nine sacks of potatoes, a proof that our Father continues to be mindful of us, though we are now again so poor. A.D. 1840.] 365 Nov. 12. Only 6s. 6d. came in last night, 4.s. 6d. of which is the produce of the work of a sister, and 2s. from a poor afflicted sister. This 6s. 6d. was very precious in my esteem, because it showed me afresh our Father's heart towards us, and it was a little to begin the day with. No more had come in this morning, when at twelve I heard from the Orphan-Houses that 1s. 6d. had been received for knitting, and that about eleven this morning a sovereign was left, anonymously, at the Girls'-Orphan- House. The paper in which the sovereign was enclosed contained only the letters “A. U. S.”—This was a pre- cious deliverance. We have thus enough for to-day.— Evening. There came in still further to-day for knitting 3s., and a little girl sent 1s. When I came home this evening I found that a boy's jacket and a sovereign had been left anonymously at my house. Truly, these deliver- ances to-day have been very precious ! We have now enough for to-morrow also. Nov. 14. Trowbridge. Saturday. That which came in the evening before last supplied our need yesterday; but since then nothing has been received, and therefore there were no means to meet this day’s demands. I had to go this morning in the Lord’s service to Trowbridge, feeling assured that his time had now come for my going, and it required indeed looking at the power, wisdom, and love of our Father, comfortably to leave my dear fellow-labourers, there being nothing in hand. My comfort was that the same kind Father who had provided would provide. Nov. 16. Trowbridge. Monday. This morning Ireceived a letter from Bristol, in which I was informed that on Saturday came in 12s. 6d. ; also 9s. was given by one of the labourers. Besides this were received 3s. by sale of articles, and three small donations, amounting to 5s. Thus the Lord most mercifully sent in 11.9s. 6d., which was enough to supply the absolute need. Nov. 17. Trowbridge. This morning I had again the report from Bristol about yesterday, in order that, though unable to send means, I might help with my prayers. In a note written in the morning by brother B., and sent to my wife, he writes thus: “I know not whether the Lord has sent in any money for the Orphans or not. I have received none. Sister (one of the labourers) has given half a ton of coals to the Boys'-Orphan-House. I I 3 366 [A.D. 1840. There are coals needed at the Girls'-Orphan-House, and much money for the ordinary expenses. There is suffi- cient in all the houses for dinner. He has said, ‘I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee, so that we may boldly say, The Lord is My helper.” In the afternoon of the same day he writes: “I have delayed writing as long as I could. The Lord has not sent any thing, but the sisters can do without taking in bread, and they had money enough to pay for the milk, except sister , who has, however, received a few shillings for some articles of her own, that she sold. Thus we are supplied with the absolute necessities for to-day.” In reference to the last lines I make a few remarks. At first sight it might appear as if it were a failure of the principles on which we act, that now and then individuals who are connected with the work have been obliged to sell articles of their own, to procure things which were needed. But let it be remembered, that under no circumstances prayer for temporal supplies can be expected to prevail with the Lord, except we are willing to part with money or any queedless articles which we may have of our own. Indeed an Institution like the one under my care could not be carried on by any rich believer, on the principles on which we, by grace, are enabled to act, except it be that he were made willing himself to give of his own property, as long as he has any thing, whenever the Institution is in real need. Nov. 18. Bristol. This morning at twelve I returned from Trowbridge, where I had been very happy, and where the Lord evidently used me this time. How happy a thing it is to go and to stay with the Lord!—I found that yesterday some money had been put into the orphan- box at my house, which my wife had reason to believe was at least 11. She therefore sent 11. which had come in for the rent of the Orphan-Houses, in consideration of this, as she had not the key to the box. This 11, met the necessities of yesterday, and with 1s. additional, which one of the labourers gave, was also enough for the dinner of to-day. There came in also yesterday from Clapham, as a token that the Lord allows us only to be poor for the trial of our faith, but not in anger, the following articles of clothing: 6 frocks, 7 pinafores, 4 chemises, 3 pocket handkerchiefs, 2 petticoats, 3 night caps, 4 work bags A.D. 1840.] 367 (all new), a yard of merino, and 12 silk papers. On my arrival at home I opened the box in my house, in which I found 21. 0s. 6d., so that I had 17. 0s. 6d. to send off, whereby the usual quantity of bread could be taken in. Nov. 19. Since Sept. 18, 1838, this has been, perhaps, of all the days the most trying. The poverty has been exceedingly great for the last six days. There had come in no money since yesterday. On this account no bread could be taken in, so far as the natural prospect went. Nor was there any money at three in the afternoon to take in milk for tea, when brother B. came to me. How- ever, we prayed together, and the Lord had mercy. For one of the labourers found that he was able, which he knew not before, to give of his own 10s., so that there were the means to take in the milk, by the time that it is usually brought. This evening about six there came in still further 10s. 3d., by the sale of Reports. Thus, by the good hand of our God upon us, we were able to take in bread as usual. How very kind of the Lord that he sent us an abundance of potatoes and two large sacks of oatmeal, before this season of deep poverty, as to pecuniary means, commenced 1 May the Lord now in great pity look upon us, for we are in deeper poverty than ever, as with every day it increases, whilst there is no full deliverance. Thanks be to the Lord that my mind has been in peace this day also, though our faith has been so very much tried Thanks to him that my mind is in peace now, though there is nothing but want on every side before me, respecting to-morrow ! Surely, the Lord will again, in his own time, more fully stretch forth his helping hand Nov. 20, Nothing more had come in this morning. It was nearly three o’clock this afternoon, when brother B. called on me, to see whether any thing had come in ; but I had received nothing. I was obliged to go out with a brother from Devonshire, and therefore requested him to wait till I returned. About a quarter past three I came back, when, among several persons who were waiting at my house to converse with me, there was a sister whom I much desired to see about some church affair. I did so. When I had ended the conversation with her, about half- past three, she gave me 10l. for the Orphans. More sweet, and more needed, were none of the previous deli- 368 [A.D. 1840 verances. Language cannot express the real joy in God which I had. I was free from Tea citement. The circum- stance did not unfit me even for a single moment to attend to my other engagements. I was not in the least surprised, because, by grace, my soul had been waiting on God for deliverance. Never had help been so long delayed. In none of the houses was milk for tea, and in one even no bread, and there was no money to purchase either. It was only a few minutes before the milkman came, when brother B. arrived at the Orphan-Houses with the money. Yet even now it was more than an hour before the usual tea time. The Lord be praised for this deliverance! Such a week of deep poverty, as we have had since Nov. 13, we never had before. Yet, thanks to the Lord ' we have lacked nothing, and we have been kept from dishonouring him by unbelief. I further notice respecting this day, that before this 10l. was received, there was sent to the Infant-Orphan-House a cart load of clumps of wood, when there were neither coals, nor money to buy any. Nov. 21. Saturday evening. The 10l. which came in yesterday afternoon is all expended. Again I have not a penny in hand. We are, however, brought to the close of another week, and have now, a little at least, replenished our provision stock; and should the Lord permit us to enter upon another week, he will surely provide according to our need, Nov. 22. Lord’s day. The Lord has been again mindful of our need, and has sent us in the means to meet the demands of two days. Besides the 11. 10s, which came in for rent, a brother gave me this morning two sovereigns, a sister from a distance sent 11., and a brother, who spent this day with us, put 12s. 6d. into the box at my house, which our need soon brought out. Nov. 23. This evening were given, after all the money had been again disbursed, 2 gold rings, 5 small silver coins, a silver ring, 5 silver studs, a silver buckle, a pair of ear-rings, a necklace, and a little box. Nov. 25. As only 3s. 6d. had come in for knitting since the 22nd, we were now again very poor. The boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, but only 1s. was found in them. In this our poverty 6l. came in this after- noon for some of the articles which had been sent from A.D. 1840.] 369 Stafford on Oct. 3rd, and which had been sold some time since. This money had been expected for some time, but came in only now, in this our great need. In the evening came in still further 2l. from the East Indies. Nov. 26. To-day were sent from Newport, near Barn- staple, 2 rings, a brooch and 4s. * Nov. 27. This morning I received 4!. from a sister in T}ublin, before we were really in need; but this donation came very seasonably to meet the large demands of to- morrow, Saturday, for which there is nothing in hand. There was also taken out of the boxes in the Orphan Flouses, this afternoon, 2l. 12s. 6d. Nov. 28. Saturday. There has come in again 11. to- day. Thus the Lord has bountifully supplied our need during this week, always sending the means without allowing us to be so deeply tried as during the two pre- vious weeks. Nov. 29. The Lord’s loving hand has again to-day provided richly for the Orphans, for at least two days. There came in altogether 6l. 19s. 6d. . Dec. 1. To-day we were so poor as to the Orphan-Fund, that we should not have been able to meet the demands of the day. But the Lord’s loving heart remembered us. There came in this morning 5l. 7s. for some of the articles which were sent some time since from Stafford. I have purposely again and again mentioned how the help, which the love of some saints at Leeds and Stafford sent, deli- vered us, that it might be manifest that those donors were directed by the Lord in this matter. Dec. 2. When to-day there was again but little money in hand, because of the disbursements of yesterday, D. C. brought me 2!., which his wife, a sister, had saved out of housekeeping, for the benefit of the Orphans. About an hour, after I had received this 2l., there was sent, in two post-office-orders, 6l. 4s. 6d. by a sister, being the produce of the sale of some trinkets; of which sum one half is to be used for the benefit of the Orphans, and the other half for my own personal necessities. Thus the Lord has by this donation also provided for myself and family, when we were in much need. Dec. 5. Saturday morning. Yesterday afternoon a sister left two sovereigns at my house for the Orphans. The Lord, in the love of his heart, remembered our Saturdays' 370 [A.D. 1840. necessities, and sent in this supply; for there was only 18s. 6d. in hand when this money came, and 27. 12s, is needed for this day. Evening. As there was now again only 6s. 6d. in hand, I gave myself to prayer, and, imme- diately after I had risen from my knees, Il. 5s. 6d. was given to me, for things which had been sold, being chiefly articles which had been sent from Stafford. There was also a flute left anonymously at my house, this evening. Dec. 6. To-day there came in still further 21, 2s. 6d. Dec. 7. Again 11. 11s. has come in. Dec. 9. Morning. This is the last day of the fifth year of the Orphan work. Hitherto the Lord has helped us! This morning there was only 1, 1s. 9d. in hand, but 11. 7s. was needed for the supply of to-day. I therefore opened the box in my house, in which 2s. 6d. was found. This 17. 4s. 3d. I sent off to the Orphan-Houses. JEvening. There came in during this day 11.6s. 6d.; out of this I had to pay away 11.2s., so that now, at the close of the year, though the balance amounts to 15l. Os. 64d., there is only 4s. 64d. in hand, as the rest has been put by for the rent, which is due up to this time. With this 4s. 64d., we have now to commence the sixth year, leaning upon the living God, who most assuredly during this year also will help us in every way, as our circumstances may call for it. At the close of these details (with reference to the year from Dec. 9, 1839, to Dec. 9, 1840) Imake a few remarks in connexion with them. 1. Though our trials of faith during this year also have been many, and recurring more frequently than during any previous year, and though we have been often reduced to the greatest extremity; yet the Orphans have lacked nothing; for they have always had good nourishing food, and the necessary articles of clothing, etc. 2. Should it be supposed by any one in reading the plain details of our trials of faith during this year, that on account of them we have been disappointed in our ex- pectations, or are discouraged in the work, my answer is, that the very reverse is the fact. Such days were expected from the commencement of the work; nay, more than this, the chief end for which the Institution was esta- blished is, that the Church of Christ at large might be A.D. 1840.] 3.71 benefited by seeing manifestly the hand of God stretched out on our behalf in the hour of need, in answer to prayer. Our desire, therefore, is not that we may be without trials of faith, but that the Lord graciously would be pleased to support us in the trial, that we may not dishonour him by distrust. 3. This way of living brings the Lord remarkably near. He is, as it were, morning by morning inspecting our stores, that accordingly he may send help. Greater and more manifest nearness of the Lord’s presence I have never had, and when after breakfast there were no means for dinner, and then the Lord provided the dinner for more than one hundred persons; or when, after dinner, there were no means for the tea, and yet the Lord provided the tea; and all this without one single human being having been informed about our need. This more- over I add, that although we, who have been eye witnesses of these gracious interpositions of our Father, have not been so benefited by them as we might and ought to have been, yet we have in some measure derived blessings from them. One thing is certain, that we are not tired of doing the Lord’s work in this way. - 4. It has been more than once observed, that such a way of living must lead the mind continually to think whence food, clothes, etc., are to come, and so unfit for spiritual exercises. Now, in the first place, I answer, that our minds are very little tried about the necessaries of life, just because the care respecting them is laid upon our Father, who, because we are his children, not only allows us to do so, but will have us to do so. Secondly, it must be remembered, that, even if our minds were much tried about the supplies for the children, and the means for the other work, yet, because we look to the Lord alone for these things, we should only be brought by our sense of need, into the presence of our Father, for the supply of it; and that is a blessing, and no injury to the soul. Thirdly, our souls realize that for the glory of God, and for the benefit of the church at large it is, that we have these trials of faith, and that leads again to God, to ask him for fresh supplies of grace, to be enabled to be faithful in this service. 5. My heart’s desire and prayer to God is that all believers, who read this, may by these many answers to 372 [A.D. 1840. prayer be encouraged to pray, particularly as it regards the conversion of their friends and relations, their own state of heart, the state of the Church at large, and the success of the preaching of the gospel. Do not think, dear reader, that these things are peculiar to us, and cannot be enjoyed by all the saints. Although every child of God is not called by the Lord to establish Schools and Orphan-Houses, and to trust in the Lord for means for them; yet there is nothing on the part of the Lord to hinder, why you may not know, by expe- rience, far more abundantly than we do now, his willing- ness to answer the prayers of his children. Do but prove the faithfulness of God. Do but carry your every want to him. Only maintain an upright heart. But if you live in sin; if you wilfully and habitually do things, respect- ing which you know that they are contrary to the will of God, then you cannot expect to be heard by him. “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me : but verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.” Psalm lxvi. 18, 19. 6. As it regards the children of God, who by the labour of their hands, or in any business or profession, earn their bread, particularly the poorer classes of them, I give my affectionate yet solemn advice, to carry into practice the principles on which this Institution is conducted, as it regards not going into debt. Are you in debt P then make confession of sin respecting it. Sincerely confess to the Lord that you have sinned against Rom. xiii. 8. And if you are resolved no more to contract debt, whatever may be the result, and you are waiting on the Lord, and truly trust in him, your present debts will soon be paid. Are you out of debt P then whatever your future want may be, be resolved, in the strength of Jesus, rather to suffer the greatest privation, whilst waiting upon God for help, than to use unscriptural means, such as borrowing, taking goods on credit, etc., to deliver your- selves. This way needs but to be tried, in order that its excellency may be enjoyed. On Dec. 14, 15, 16, and 25, we had public meetings, at which the account of the Lord's dealings with us during the last year, in respect of the Orphan-Houses, Schools, etc., was given, for the benefit of any who desired to come. A.D. 1840.] 373 In answer to prayer, many persons came, and the Lord gave help to brother Craik and me in speaking. The preceding part of the Narrative gives the substance of what was stated at those meetings, in reference to the many answers to prayer which the Lord has granted to us during the past year. There are a few points more, which may be of interest to the believing reader, and which were then mentioned, which I shall now add. 1. There have been, during this year also, six Day Schools for poor children entirely supported by the funds of our Institution, all of which have been established by us. Besides this, the rent for the school room of a seventh School, carried on by a sister who is known to us, has been paid, and two other such Schools out of Bristol, have been assisted with Bibles and Testaments. The number of all the children that have had schooling in the Day Schools through the medium of the Institu- tion, since its formation, amounts to 2216; the number of those at present in the six Day Schools is 303. These Day Schools have defrayed, by the payments of the children, about the sixth part of their own expenses. 2. There is one Sunday School entirely supported by the funds of the Institution. 3. There has been since the formation of the Institu- tion one Adult School connected with it, in which, on the Lord’s day afternoons, since that time, about 150 adults have been instructed. This School has been discontinued at the close of this year, and instead of it it is purposed to have a regular Evening School for adults who cannot read. It is pur- posed to instruct them for about an hour and a half in reading and writing twice a week, and afterwards to read the Scriptures for a short time to them, and to bring the truth before them. The School will commence at seven o'clock in the evening, and the instruction will be alto- gether free. 4. The number of Bibles and Testaments which have been circulated through the medium of our Institution, during the last year, amounts to 452 copies. There have been circulated since March 5, 1834, six thousand and forty-four copies of the Scriptures. 5. There have been laid out during the last year, of the |K K 374 [A.D. 1840. funds of the Institution, 120l. 10s. 2d. for Missionary purposes. ** 6. There are at present 91 Orphans in the three houses. The total number of the Orphans who have been under our care from April 11, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1840, amounts to 129. I notice further the following points in connexion with the Orphan-Houses. 1. Without any one having been asked for any thing by ws, the sum of 3,9371. 1s. 1d. has been given to us as the Tesult of prayer to God, since the commencement of the work. 2. Besides this also, a great variety of provisions, clothes, furniture, etc. 3. Though there has been during this year as much, or more sickness, in the Orphan- FIouses, than during any previous year, yet I own to the praise of the Lord publicly, that it has been very little, considering the number of the children. For the future, we purpose, according to the time, means, etc., which the Lord may be pleased to give us, to attend to a fifth object, the circulation of such publica- tions, as may be beneficial, with the blessing of God, to benefit both believers and unbelievers. We purpose either to buy or print tracts for unbelievers, and to sell them, or have them distributed, as opportunity may be given; and to buy or print such publications, for circula- tion, as may be instrumental in directing the minds of believers to those truths which in these last days are more especially needed, or have been particularly lost sight of, and which may lead believers to return to the written word of God. THE BLESSING OF THE LORD UPON THE WORK IN IREFERENCE TO THE SOULS OF THE CIHILDREN. 1. During the last fourteen months there have been meetings purposely for children, at which the Scriptures have been expounded to them. At these meetings, an almost universal attention is manifested by them, which I thankfully ascribe to the Lord, and upon which I look as a forerunner of greater blessing. 2. During the last year three of the Sunday School children have been received into fellowship. - 3. At the end of last year there had been eight Orphans A.D. 1840.] 375 received into communion: during the present year four- teen have been received : in all twenty-two. 4. Of those two who died during this year, one was an infant, and the other a girl of about twelve years old. The latter, on the whole, a well behaved child, was for months ill in consumption before she died. The nearer she came to the end of her life, the greater was the solici- tude of those under whose care she was, respecting the state of her heart, as she was evidently unprepared for eternity. But now we saw, what never had been witnessed in any other of the children to such a degree. This, on the whole, naturally amiable, meek, and quiet child, mani- fested not merely complete indifference to the truth, the nearer she came to the close of her life ; but also showed much aversion, and, as far as she could, great emnity to the truth. At last she was evidently dying, yet altoge- ther unprepared for death. In this state all the Orphans in the Girls'-Orphan-House were assembled together, and the awful state of this dying child was pointed out to the unbelieving Orphans as a warning, and to the be- lieving Orphans as a subject for gratitude to God on behalf of themselves, that they, by grace, were in a different state; and it was laid on their hearts to give themselves to prayer for their dying companion. The labourers in the work were sustained to hope still, and to pray still, though Charlotte Lee remained opposed to the truth while in this dying state. However, unexpectedly she lived ten days longer, and about two days before her death she was so altogether different, that we have hope in her end. It was stated in the last year's Report, that we were looking for fruit upon our labours as it regards the conver- sion of the children, as the Lord had given to us a measure of earnestness in praying for them. The Lord has dealt with us according to our expectations. But I expect far more than what we have seen. While the chief object of our work has been, and is still, the manifesta- tion of the heart of God towards his children, and the reality of power with God in prayer, yet, as we hoped, and as it has been our prayer, the Lord gives to us also the joy of seeing one child after another brought to stand openly on the Lord's side.—As far as my experience goes, it appears to me that believers generally have expected K K 2 376 [A.D. 1840. far too little of present fruit upon their labours among children. There has been a hoping that the Lord some day or other would own the instruction which they give to children, and would answer at some time or other, though after many years only, the prayers which they offer up on their behalf. Now, while such passages as Proverbs xxii, 6, Ecclesiastes xi. 1, Galatians vi. 9, 1 Cor. xv. 58, give untous assurance not merely respecting every thing which we do for the Lord, in general, but also re- specting bringing up children in the fear of the Lord, in particular, that our labour is not in vain in the Lord : yet we have to guard against abusing such passages, by thinking it a matter of little moment whether we see present fruit or not; but on the contrary, we should give the Lord no rest till we see present fruit, and therefore in persevering, yet submissive, prayer, we should make known our requests unto God. I add, as an encourage- ment to believers who labour among children, that during the last two years seventeen other young persons or chil- dren, from the age of eleven and a half to seventeen, have been received into fellowship among us, and that I am looking out now for many more to be converted, and that not merely of the Orphans, but of the Sunday and Day School children. As in so many respects we live in remarkable times, so in this respect also, that the Lord is working greatly among the children in many places. I most earnestly solicit all who know the reality of our privilege as the children of God, even that we have power with God, to help us with their prayers, that many more of the children may soon be converted, and that those who have made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus may be enabled so to walk, as that the name of Jesus may be magnified by them. The believing reader must know how great the aim of Satan will be to lead those children, who, from nine years old, and upward, have been received into fellowship, back again into the world, and thereby seek to lead believers to give up looking for real conver- sion among children. The total of the expenses connected with the objects of the Institution, exclusive of the Orphan-Houses, from Nov. 19, 1839, to Nov. 19, 1840, is 6221. 2s. 64d. The balance in hand on Nov. 19, 1840, was 13!. 2s. 9%d. The total of the expenses connected with the three A.D. 1840.] 377 Orphan-Houses, from Dec. 9, 1839, to Dec. 9, 1840, is 900l. 11s. 2%d. The balance in hand on Dec. 9, 1840, was 15l. 1s. 6+d. Dec. 23. There was sent to us for ourselves, anony- mously, a piece of beef, which came very seasonably, as we are just now again very poor. Dec. 26. This morning a poor brother, who, like our- selves, lives in dependance upon the Lord for his temporal supplies, whilst serving the Lord in the ministry of the word, and who has been several days staying with us, gave to my wife 8s. 6d., for our own personal necessities, saying, that we might need it. This is indeed a most remarkable donation, both because of the individual from whom it came, and because of its having been given just now; for without it we should not have been able to pro- vide for our temporal necessities this day. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1840. I. As to the church. 68 brethren and sisters brother Craik and I found in communion, when we came to Bristol. 687 have been admitted into communion since we came to Bristol. 755 would be, therefore, the total number of those in fel- lowship with us, had there been no changes, But, 79 have left Bristol. 55 have left us, but are still in Bristol. 44 are under church discipline. 52 have fallen asleep ! 230 are therefore to be deducted from 755, so that there are only 525 at present in communion. 114 have been added during the past year, of whom 47 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord among us, and 24 besides, though they knew the Lord, had never been in fellowship any where: 43 had been at some time or other in fellowship, but most of them with saints not residing in Bristol. K K 3 378 [A.D. 1840. II. As to the supply of my temporal necessities: 1. The Lord has been pleased to send me by the Freewill Offerings of the saints among whom I labour, through the instrumentality of the boxes 2. Through saints in and out of Bristol, by presents in money . . . . . . 3. Through family connexion gº º 4. In provisions, clothes, etc. worth to us, at least © #128 5 10; 100 5 1 8 18 0 END OF THE SECOND PART. 5 0 O £242 8 11; ºgºsºsºme A. N A R R A T | WE OF SOME OF T H E L () R. D'S DEA LIN G. S WITH GEORGE MüLLER. WRITTEN BY HIMSELF. THIRD PART. Qſìjitty #ftftion. J. NIS BET & CO., BERNERS STREET, LONDON. TO BE HAD ALSO IN BRISTOL, AT. W. WHEREAT’s, No. 7, CORN STREET; AND AT THE BIBLE AND TRACT WAREHOUSE OF THE SCRIPTURAL ENOWLEDGE INSTITUTION FOR HOME AND ABROAD, No.34, PARK STREET; AND THROUGH ALL BOOKSELLERS. 1855. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] IONDON : PRINTED BY J. DAVY AND Sons, 137, LONG ACRE, P. R. E. F. A. C. E. TO THE FIRST EDITION OF THE THIRD PART. THE reasons which induced me to publish this third part of the Lord’s dealings with me are the same which led me to the publication of the second part, and which are stated in the preface to the first edition of the second part. In addition to those reasons it appeared to me desirable to give some account of my recent labours in Germany, and also to write on a few other points, which I considered of great importance to be made known. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, June 18, 1845. PR E E A C E TO THE THIRD EDITION OF THE TIIIRD PART. THE same reasons which have induced me to publish the fifth edition of the first part, have also led me to publish this third edition of the third part. It is, with very few alterations, just as the former edition. A few paragraphs have been left out, for the sake of brevity. GEORGE MüLLER. 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, November, 1855. A. N A R RATIVE, &c. &c. THIRD PART. IN the deep consciousness of my entire natural inability for going through the work which is before me to the profit of the reader and to the glory of God, I am nevertheless of good cheer in beginning this service; for the Lord has enabled me often to bow my knees before him, to seek his help respecting it; and I am now eagecting his help. He delights in making his strength perfect in our weakness, and therefore will I also, though so weak, look for his strength. And if through this my feeble effort, to show forth the praises of the Lord, good be done (of which I have the fullest assurance, on account of the abundance of supplication which for many months past has been found in my spirit in reference to this service,) I do desire from my inmost soul to ascribe all the honour and glory to the Lord. I purpose in writing this third part of my Narrative to adopt the same mode which I employed in the two former parts, namely that of giving extracts from my journal, and accompanying them with such remarks as it may be de- sirable to make for the profit of the reader. The second part carries on the Narrative up to the end of the year 1840, so far as it regards my own personal affairs, but only to Dec. 9, 1840, so far as it regards the Orphan-Houses and other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, as on that day the accounts were closed. From this period, then, the Narrative is continued. Dec. 10, 1840. When the accounts were closed last 384 [A.D. 1840. evening, the balance in hand was 15l. 0s. 64d., but as nearly 15l. of this sum had been put by for the rent of the Orphan-Houses, the sum really in hand for use was only 4s. 64d. With this little sum we commenced the sixth year of this part of the work, while there are daily, as usual, more than a hundred persons to be provided for. —A little boy brought half-a-crown to the Boys'-Orphan- House, this morning, which is the first gift in this sixth year. Thus we had altogether 7s. 0#d. for this day, which was enough to pay for the milk in the three houses, and to buy some bread in one of them. We have never before been so poor at the commencement of the year. Dec. 11. Only 2s. 6d. more had come in since last evening. There was sufficient for dinner in the Girls’ and Infant-Orphan-Houses, but scarcely enough in the Boys'-Orphan-House. This half-crown, therefore, sup- plied the remainder of the dinner in the Boys'-Orphan- House. But now there was no money to take in milk, in any of the houses, for tea, or to buy any bread. How- ever the Lord helped us through this day also. About one o’clock some trinkets, which had been sent a few days since, were disposed of for 12s., by which the usual quan- tity of milk and a little bread could be taken in. [I observe here that there is generally bread for two or three days in the houses, the children eating the bread on the third day after it is baked. When, therefore, we are unable to take in the usual quantity, for want of means, we procure stale bread afterwards.] Dec. 12. Only 4s. had come in to meet this day’s neces- sities. Thus we should not have had sufficient means to provide for the dinner in the Girls'-Orphan-House, had not 6s. come in this morning just in time to help us through the difficulty. Still we had no means to buy bread, and a few other little things which were needed. In addition to all this it was Saturday, and therefore provisions for two days needed to be procured. About four o’clock this afternoon, one of the sisters in the Orphan-Houses, to whom I had some days since sent a little money for her own personal necessities, gave 11. Thus we were able to purchase sufficient provisions to last till breakfast on Monday morning. These last days have been very trying. The poverty has been greater than ever; the Lord, however, has not confounded us, A.D. 1840.] 385 but has strengthened our faith, and always given us IlêCêSS3.1°16S. The School-Funds are also now again very low. There was only so much money in hand, as that two of the teachers, really in need, could be paid to-day. Truly, my dear fellow-labourers in the schools need to trust the Lord for their temporal supplies 1 [I notice here, that, though the brethren and sisters have a certain remu- neration, yet it is understood that, if the Lord should not be pleased to send in the means at the time when their salary is due, I am not considered their debtor. Should the Lord be pleased to send in means afterwards, the remainder of the salary is paid up, and also additional assistance is given in time of sickness or more than usual need, as the Lord may be pleased to grant the means. A brother or sister, in connexion with this work, not looking for themselves to the Lord, would be truly uncomfortable; for the position of all of us is of such a character, that it brings heavy trials of faith, in addition to the many pre- cious seasons of joy on account of answers to prayer.] Dec. 13. Lord’s day. This morning I received 21. 10s. Thus, before the last provisions are actually consumed in the Orphan-Houses, I have been able to give fresh supplies. Dec. 14. Though 27. 10s. had come in yesterday, there was still not sufficient this morning to buy coals in the Boys’ and Girls'-Orphan-Houses. But the Lord kindly supplied us with means for that also; for there were given to-day six silver tea-spoons, and a pair of silver sugar tongs. I received also 11.10s. which yesterday had been anonymously given for rent. Thus the Lord, in this par- ticular also, again begins the year with blessing. [As during the two previous years 17. 10s, a week was anony- mously given to pay for the rent of the three Orphan- Houses, so during the whole of this year also, from Dec. 10, 1840, to Dec. 10, 1841, the donor continued the same contribution.] This evening was the first of our public meetings, at which I gave the account of the Lord's dealings with us, in regard to this work, during the last year. It was a good season. I felt much assisted by the Lord, and was, through grace, very happy, so that none of those who were present can have read in my countenance that I have nothing at all in hand towards the supply of the L L . 386 [A.D. 1840. necessities of to-morrow. After the meeting this evening 2}d. was left anonymously at my house. Dec. 15. The day commenced with 2; d. in hand. My eyes were directed to the living God. I was looking out for help. The greatness of our need led me to expect it. About eleven o’clock I received from Barnstaple a 5l. note and half-a-sovereign. Thus the Lord in his faithful love delivered us. Half an hour afterwards I had the report from the Orphan-Houses about the state of things to-day, which will show how seasonably the money from Barn- staple came. Brother R. B., master at the Boys'-Orphan- House, wrote that last evening a sister gave 5s, and a cloak, but that there never was less bread in the Orphan- IHouses at any time than this morning, and that both in the Boys’ and Infant-Orphan-Houses all bread had been cut up for use.—We are now waiting on the Lord for means to enable us to have the Report printed. Till he provides, we will, by his help, do nothing in this matter. Though it seems to us important that the account of the Lord's dealings with us in this work should be made known to the saints generally; yea, though this is the primary object of the work; nevertheless it appears to us a small matter for our kind and loving Father, who with- holds nothing from his children that is really good for them, to give us the sum which we need for this purpose, whenever his time shall have come. We do desire grace even in this thing to acknowledge him ; for his time may not yet have come for us to have the sweet privilege of sending forth far and wide the account of his goodness to us during the past year. - Dec. 16. To-night I received with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, 11. 10s., and 12s. from another individual; also a Spanish dollar was sent. Thus we have something for the neces- sities of to-morrow. Dec. 17. To-day came in 3s., and from Bath 47.6s. 8d.; also 2ſ., the produce of the sale of ladies’ baskets. Dec. 19. Only 11s. 2d. has come in since the day before yesterday. As I had to pay out to-day 6l. 10s., it being Saturday, we have now again only 5s. 9d. left, which is just enough to meet the expense of a parcel, the arrival of which has been announced. Thus we still have no means for printing the Report. The Lord's time seems not yet to have come. A.D. 1841.] 387 This afternoon came in from Exmouth 17. 10s. 5d. for the other objects, so that, with what there was in hand, the teachers of the Day-Schools who were in need could be supplied. - Dec. 20. The Lord has again sent in rich supplies. Be remembered that there was nothing in hand for the Orphans, and that we, who care for them, desire, through grace, not to be anxiously concerned about the morrow. There came in to-day altogether 6l. 17s. Dec. 25. This morning there was 57, given to me by a brother, to be used as most needed. As there is a little left for the Orphans, but about 5l. needed, to-morrow, for the Schools, and there are only a few shillings in hand, I took this money for these funds. Jan. 1, 1841. Since Dec. 20 has come in not only as much, as was needed, but more. Of the donations which were given, I only notice: A sister brought the produce of her silver spoons, which she had sold, having had it laid on her heart to do so through the last public meetings. During this week we have daily met for prayer, for the especial purpose of asking the Lord to give us the means of having the last year's Report printed. It is three weeks since it might have been sent to the press. We felt this now to be a matter of especial importance, as, if the Beport were not soon printed, it would be known that it arose from want of means. By the donations which came in during these last days for the Orphans, and by 10!. which was given to-day for the other funds, we have the means of defraying the expense of about two-thirds of the printing, and therefore a part of the manuscript was sent off, trusting that the Lord would be pleased to send in more means before two sheets are printed off; but if not, we should then stop till we have more.—Evening. There came in still further 5l. ; also 10s., and 3s. Jan. 2. To-day 18s. came in, and the following articles were sent anonymously to the Girls'-Orphan-House: A smelling bottle, a metal chain and cross, a silver pencil case, a mother-of-pearl ring, a pebble, a necklace clasp, 2 pairs of studs, and 6 chimney ornaments. There were also sent anonymously, this evening, 2 pairs of skates.— There was needed to-day 17. 1s. 6d. more than there was in hand, to pay the salaries of the teachers in the Day- Schools. About noon a sister brought three small dona- L L 2 388 [A.D. 1841. tions, amounting to 9s.; and a sovereign came in by post. Thus our need has been more than supplied. Jan. 3. This morning a brooch was given to me, set with a brilliant and 10 small emeralds. The stones are to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans, and the gold returned. I received also the following sums: From a sister, in Bristol, 5l. ; from the East Indies 27. ; from Devonshire 27, 10s., and a silver vinaigrette; anonymousl put into the boxes at Bethesda 2s., ditto by I. L. 3s.6d., ditto for rent 11. 10s. ; and by sale of articles 1s. 6d. Thus the Lord has sent in to-day 11!. 7s., in answer to our united prayer during the last week. Jan. 4. To-day the following trinkets were given, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans, or on behalf of the other objects. [They were taken for the latter, there being only about 7s. in hand.] Two chains and crosses of Soap beads, an amber necklace, a bead necklace, a gold Maltese cross and chain, a Brazilian gold chain, a pearl hair brooch, a pearl cross, a mother-of-pearl buckle, 2 rings, a necklace snap, a moonstone brooch, a brooch of Ceylon stones, a pair of bracelet snaps, a gold brooch, a gilt vinaigrette, a pair of buckles, and a box. [The money which was obtained for the greater part of these trinkets, supplied our need on Saturday, January 9th.] Jan. 11, Monday. During the last week the Lord not only supplied us richly with all we needed for the Orphans, but enabled us to put by several pounds towards printing the Report. On Saturday evening there was only 3s. 6d. left. On this account I was looking out for answers to my prayers for means, and the Lord did not disappoint me. There came in altogether yesterday 91.16s. 4d. We have now enough even for the last part of the Report. Thus the Lord has been pleased to answer our prayers in this respect also. This afternoon when there was again onl 2s. 6d. in hand, came in by sale of articles 31. 9s. 6d., and by a donation 5l. Jan. 12. To-day I have received a letter from a brother, in which he empowers me to draw upon his bankers, during this year to the amount of 1000l., for any brethren who have it in their hearts to give themselves to missionary service in the East Indies, and whom I shall consider called for this service, as far as I am able to judge. [This power lasted only for that year; but no brethren who A.D. 1841.] 389 seemed to be suitable offered themselves for this service. This is another fresh proof, how much more easily pecu- niary means can be obtained than suitable individuals. Indeed in all my experience I have found it thus, that if I could only settle that a certain thing to be done was according to the will of God, the means were soon ob- tained to carry it into effect.] Jan. 13. This evening I was called to the house of a brother and sister who are in the deepest distress. The brother had become surety for the debts of his son, not in the least expecting that he ever should be called upon for the payment of them; but as his son has not discharged his debts, the father has been called upon to do so; and except the money is paid within a few days, he will be imprisoned. How precious it is, even for this life, to act according to the word of God! This perfect revelation of his mind gives us directions for every thing, even the most minute affairs of this life. It commands us: “Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.” Prov. xxii. 26. The way in which Satan ensnares persons, to bring them into the net, and to bring trouble upon them by becoming sureties, is, that he seeks to represent the matter as if there were no danger connected with that particular case, and that one might be sure one should never be called upon to pay the money; but the Lord, the faithful Friend, tells us in his own word that the only way in such a matter “to be sure” is, “to hate suretiship.” Prov. xi. 15. The following points seem to me of solemn moment for consideration, if I were called upon to become surety for another: 1. What obliges the person who wishes me to become surety for him, to need a surety? Is it really a good cause in which I am called upon to become surety? I do not remember ever to have met with a case, in which in a plain, and godly, and in all respects Scriptural matter such a thing occurred. There was generally some sin or other connected with it. 2. If I become surety, notwithstanding what the Lord has said to me in his word, am I in such a position that no one will be injured by my being called upon to fulfil the engagements of the person for whom I am going to be surety P In most instances this alone ought to keep One from it. 3. If still I become surety, the amount of L I, 3 390 [A.D. 1841. money for which I become responsible, must be so in my power, that I am able to produce it whenever it is called for, in order that the name of the Lord may not be dis- honoured. 4. But if there be the possibility of having to fulfil the engagements of the person in whose stead I have to stand, is it the will of the Lord, that I should spend my means in that way ? Is it not rather his will that my means should be spent in another way P 5. How can I get over the plain word of the Lord, which is to the con- trary, even if the first four points could be satisfactorily settled P This morning (Jan. 13) I had again not one penny in hand for the Orphans, though there was enough for to-day at the Orphan-Houses, as I had sent yesterday sufficient for two days. The little stock being exhausted, I had been led to the Lord in prayer for fresh supplies, when soon afterwards a brother called on me, who stated that, in considering the necessities of the poor, on account of the cold season, the Orphans had likewise been brought to his mind, and that he had brought me 151. for them. This afternoon came in still further 17, from two sisters, as a thank-offering for many mercies during the past year. Likewise 10l. “Erom a friend in Christ for the Orphans'- House.” Further: by sale of articles 21. 4s. 6d., by knitting 11.4s., by Reports 9d., and by four donations 13s. Thus the Lord has been pleased to send in this day alto- gether 30l. 2s. 8d., whilst, when the day commenced, I had nothing at all in hand. Jan. 23. This day commenced without anything in hand. In addition to this it was Saturday. About nine o'clock Q. Q. called to see me, but, as I was in prayer with my family, she did not stay. About half an hour afterwards she called a second time, gave 5l. for the Or- phans, and said “I bring this because it is Saturday, and it may be needed.” This sister was not deterred by not seeing me the first time, because our Father knew we had need of this money. There was likewise 5s. given me this afternoon, and when the sister gave it she said, “I bring this to-day because it is Saturday.” Jan. 25. 21, 19s. 10d. came in yesterday and this morning. When the necessities of the day had been supplied, and there was only 12s. 10d. left, I received a parcel, from an unknown donor. It contained 1 lb. and A.D. 1841.] 391 6 oz. of worsted and 4 sovereigns, with the following note:-‘‘Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.’ ‘All things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.’ An Orphan sends 31, for the Orphans, and 11. for Mr. G. Müller’s own necessities, Jan. 23, 1841.” Reb. 1. To-day we had not sufficient money for our own personal necessities, when we were helped in the following way. Some months ago several articles were sent to my dear wife from a distance of about 200 miles, which she did not at all need, and which therefore had been placed into the hands of a sister to be disposed of. This was only now done, and to-day, in this our need, the money was brought for them, being 11.10s. 6d. Feb. 4. Since Jan 25, there has come in 10l. 14s. 11d. for the Orphans. This morning a brother from Glouces- tershire brought me a doubloon, (18% pennyweights of fine gold,) a Spanish dollar, 2 small Spanish coins, 4 old Dnglish crown pieces, 2 old English half-crown pieces, 3 old shillings, 2 old sixpences, and an old twopenny piece. He told me that he had purposed to come a day sooner, but that, though he was quite prepared for his journey, his business did not allow him to leave home, but that immediately, when these coins were given to him for the Orphans, he was able to leave. On his arrival in Bristol, this brother was asked by a gentleman, a fellow passenger, to go with him, but he replied he must go at once to me. On mentioning my name, the Gloucestershire brother was asked whether he did not believe that it was all chance work about the Orphan-Houses. He replied no, and showed him the handful of gold and silver coins, which he had received for the Orphan-Houses, and which he felt himself constrained at once to deliver.—There was also given this day a valuable gold lever watch.--Though these donations of to-day were not needed to supply the neces- sities of the children, yet they came very seasonably, and as the answer to many prayers which I had lately offered up to the Lord, to enable me to give 267, to the labourers in the Orphan-Houses, for their own personal necessities. Feb. 6. At the close of this week there is nothing at all in hand, either in the Orphan-Fund or in the other funds; but the Lord has enabled me to meet all the ex- penses of the week, which only yesterday and to-day were above 30l. 392 [A.D. 1841. Feb. 7. In answer to prayer, when we were without any money for the Orphans, came in to-day altogether 27, 18s. Eeb. 10. There came in yesterday and the day before several small donations; also by post, anonymously, a sovereign and a diamond ring from Leamington; but we are now again without means. May the Lord help us ! —Evening. There came in by sale of articles 10s., by sale of Reports 10s., and by a donation 1s. 6d. I also opened the box in my house, in which I found 11. 0s. 6d. A sovereign had been put in by a brother from Stafford, who had already left my house, but felt himself con- strained to return, in order to put in this money. Peb. 12. Last evening there was left at my house, anonymously, a letter containing two sovereigns, in which was written, “For the Orphan-House 2!.” This 21. is eaactly what is needed for to-day. Feb. 13. Saturday morning. The Lord sent in yes- terday 11.15s. which, though not enough for this day, was a little to commence with. Evening. Scarcely had I sent off this morning the 11.15s. to the Orphan-Houses, when I received from Clapham 91.6s. 6d., and 6 yds. of calico for the Orphans, so that 11. more, which was needed to meet this day’s demands, could be supplied. There came in also 14s. 6d. We are very poor in reference to the funds for the other objects, and have now determined to meet daily for prayer, till the Lord may be pleased to send help. There are now four sisters in the Lord staying at our house. This morning we had only 2s. left of our own money, when there was sent to us for ourselves from Clap- ham a sovereign and 2 lbs. of tea; and from Manchester 5 shillings’ worth of postages. Thus the Lord has kindly helped us for the present. Feb. 14. The Lord has had pity, and helped us in some measure. A brother gave me 5l. for the first four objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. Feb. 22. Since the 14th there has come in still fur- ther for the first four objects 6s. 1d., 13s. 4d., 2s. 6d., 1!., and 5l., besides what has come in by the sale of Bibles, etc. Thus we have been able to meet all the expenses of this week. March 4. From February 22 up to this day our neces. A.D. 1841.] 393 sities in the Day Schools were supplied by thirteen small donations, and by a donation of 8l. from Q. Q. To-day I received the following letter:- - “Dear Brother. I yesterday happened to meet with one of your Reports of the Orphan Institution for the last year, which I have read with much interest. I was not before at all aware how entirely you subsisted day by day on the good providence of the Lord, and it is very wonderful to see his constant care of such of his children as walk uprightly, and put their trust in him. It must be very blessed thus to know and feel his care from day to day, in makin bread and water sure. I am concerned to find that there was so much need at the time I saw you in . . . . and that I did not assist you; but I will delay no longer, for there may be equal need now ; and as I find many sums given with the text Ecclesiastes ix. 10, it reminds me, not to put off till to-morrow that which should be done to-day. Just before I fell in with your Report, I got a little portable money out of the bank, thinking it might be needed in some such way, so without delay I en- close it; the amount is 15l., and hope that the Lord will direct my mind and incline my heart to help you again at the time of need. I perceive you have a list with the sums received, and the names of the donors open for in- spection (though not published, which is well). Please to insert my donation, and any future ones I may give, under the initials A. B.” When this letter arrived, there was not one penny in hand for the Day Schools, whilst two days after about 71. was needed. As the money was not given for any parti- cular part of the work, it was put to this fund. There was also only 21, in the Orphan-Fund. This money came from a considerable distance, and from a brother who never had assisted in this work before, whereby the Lord afresh shows how easily he can raise up new helpers. March 11. From Feb. 13 to this day we have had comparative abundance for the Orphans, as 70 donations of 10!. and under have come in, also many pounds by sale of articles and Reports; but now when we had again only 13s. 6d. in hand, not half of what is needed to meet the necessities of to-morrow, a sister at Plymouth sent 6!. 394 [A.D. 1841. March 12. There came in still further to-day 5l. from {{ Fººd, to the Orphan,” besides 2s. 6d., 1s. 6d., 10s., and 8s. 6d. March 18. To-day I heard of the conversion of a gentleman, whose believing wife had prayed many years on behalf of her husband. He was a Roman Catholic and a great drunkard. But though he had been a Roman Catholic, he was truly made to rest upon the Lord Jesus alone for salvation; though he had been a great drunkard, the power of the Gospel was seen in his case, for he for- sook his evil ways; and though his wife had had to continue to pray for him many years, yet at last the Lord answered the cries of his afflicted handmaid, and gave her the desire of her heart. As I know it to be a fact, that many children of God are greatly tried by having unconverted relatives, I relate here, for the encouragement of believers who are thus exercised, two precious facts, the truth of which I know, and by which the Lord manifested his power in converting two of the most unlikely individuals, so far as natural appearance is concerned. Between forty and fifty years ago it pleased the Lord to convert the wife of a farmer at Ashburton in Devonshire, whose husband in consequence became her bitter opposer. This opposition was greatly increased when he had reason to believe that she was going to be baptized. The wife, however, thought that, on account of his great enmity, she would choose a time for being baptized when he was from home. A time was therefore chosen when he was to be absent at a fair in Exeter. The farmer went to the fair; but having learned on Thursday that his wife was to be baptized at eleven o'clock the next morning, in haste to return he rose early on Friday morning, to put a stop to the proceeding. After he had rode several miles, he said to himself, “No, I will not go; let her do what she pleases, I will not care about her at all:” and he therefore rode back again towards Exeter. But after awhile he altered his mind again and said to himself, “Nay, I will go, she shall not have her way;” and he rode again towards Ashburton. He pursued his way, and then changed his mind a third time, and turned towards Exeter; but not long after this, a fourth time he had different thoughts, and determined to ride home. Now, however, he remembered, that on A.D. 1841.] 395 account of his having thus gone backwards and forwards, and that for several miles, he had wasted so much time, that he could not possibly be at Ashburton by eleven o'clock, a distance of more than twenty miles from Exeter. Enraged by this thought he dismounted from his horse on Haldon Common, between Exeter and Teignmouth, cut a large stick out of the hedge, and determined to beat his wife with that stick, as long as a part of it remained. At last he reached his home, late in the afternoon, and found his wife had been baptized. In a great rage he now began to beat her, and continued to do so, till the stick in his hand was actually broken to pieces. Having thus most cruelly treated her, her body being full of bruises, he ordered her to bed. She meekly began to undress herself, and intended to go to bed, without saying a word. But when he saw her about to go, he said, “You shall not sleep in my bed any more. Go to the children’s bed.” She obeyed. When now on the point of lying down on the children’s bed, he ran into the kitchen, fetched a piece of wood, threw her down on the bed, and was about to begin again to beat her, when sud- denly he let the piece of wood fall, and went away without saying a word. The poor suffering wife saw no more of him that evening or night. On the next morning, Satur- day, before she had risen, her husband left the house, and was absent all day till the evening. In the evening the wife gave him to understand, when retiring for the night, that according to his wish she was again going to sleep in the children’s bed, when he meekly said to her, “Will you not sleep in your own bed P” She thought he meant to mock her, and would beat her again, if she did go into her own bed. As, however, he continued in a meek and kind way to desire her to lie down in her usual bed, she did so. All night from Saturday to the Lord’s day he lay groaning by her side, turning about in the bed, but having no sleep. On the Lord’s day morning he rose early. . After a while he came to her and said, “My dear, it is time to get up ; if you will get up and make the breakfast, I will go with you to the meeting.” Still the wife thought, he only meant to mock her, and that per- haps he would beat her again, when she was on the point of going to the meeting. Nevertheless she rose, prepared the breakfast, and at last, as he continued meek and kind 396 [A.D. 1841. as before, she made herself ready to go to the meeting. How great was the astonishment and surprise of the people in the small town, where the thing had become known almost to every one, when arm in arm he walked with his wife to the meeting and entered it himself, which he had never done before After the meeting was over he related before all persons present, what had passed in his mind between Exeter and Ashburton, how he had most cruelly beaten his wife, how he had ordered her to go to the children's bed, how he had run into the kitchen to fetch a piece of wood to beat his wife a second time, how he had thrown her on the bed for that purpose, and how he had already lifted up his hand with the piece of wood in it, when there was like an audible voice saying to him: “Why persecutest thou me?” The piece of wood had then fallen out of his hand, and he had felt instantly that he was persecuting the Lord Jesus. From that moment his soul had become most distressed. He had been sleepless and miserable during the night from Friday to Saturday. On Saturday morning he had left the house early in the greatest agonies of soul, and had been roving about in the fields and neighbouring villages all the day. He had come home, and spent another sleep- less night from Saturday to the Lord’s day. And then passed what has been related. Erom this time this persecutor became a disciple of the Lord Jesus. He found peace through the blood of the Lord Jesus, by faith in his name, and walked about thirty years in peace and love with his wife, and adorned the gospel of the grace of God. His wife outlived him. The husband died more than thirteen years ago. The aged sister told all the particu- lars of the case to a brother in the Lord, out of whose mouth I heard them ; and I have related them faithfully to the best of my knowledge. Surely the arm of the Lord is not shortened in our days In a moment he may turn the heart of the greatest persecutor. Think on Paul, think on Manasseh The other case of a remarkable conversion, which I am about to relate for the encouragement of the believing reader, occurred in my own country, the kingdom of Prussia, about the year 1820. I relate it as circum- stantially as it was brought before me by a brother in the A.D. 1841.] 397 Lord. Baron von K. had been for many years a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Even about the commencement of this century, when there was almost universal darkness or even open infidelity spread over the whole continent of Europe, he knew the Lord Jesus; and when about the year 1806, there was the greatest distress in Silesia among many thousands of weavers, this blessed man of God took the following gracious step for his Lord and Master. As the weavers had no employment, the whole Continent almost being in an unsettled state on account of Napoleon’s career, it seemed to him the will of the Lord, that he should use his very considerable property to furnish these poor weavers with work, in order to save them from the greatest state of destitution, though in doing this there was not only no prospect of gain, but the certain prospect of immense loss. He therefore found employment for about six thousand weavers. But he was not content with this. Whilst he gave the bread which perishes, he also sought to minister to the souls of these weavers. To that end he sought to set believers as over- seers over this immense weaving concern, and not only saw to it that the weavers were instructed in spiritual things, but he himself also set the truth before them. Thus it went on for a good while, till at last, on account of the loss of the chief part of his property, he was obliged to think about giving it up. But by this time this pre- cious act of mercy had so commended itself to the govern- ment, that it was taken up by them, and carried on till the times altered. Baron von K. was, however, appointed director of the whole concern as long as it existed.—This dear man of God was not content with this. He travelled through many countries to visit the prisons, for the sake of improving the temporal and spiritual condition of the prisoners, and among all the other things which he sought to do for the Lord, was this also in particular: He assisted poor students whilst at the university of Berlin, (especially those who studied divinity, as it is called,) in order to get access to them, and to win them for the Lord. One day a most talented young man, whose father lived at Breslau, where there is likewise a university, heard of the aged baron's kindness to students, and he therefore wrote to him, requesting him to assist him, as his own father could not well afford to support him any IM M 398 [A. D. 1841. longer, having other children to provide for. A short time afterwards young T. received a most kind reply from the baron, inviting him to come to Berlin; but, before this letter arrived, the young student had heard that T}aron von K. was a pietist or mystic (as true believers are contemptuously called in Germany;) and as young T. was of a highly philosophical turn of mind, reasoning about every thing, questioning the truth of revelation, yea questioning most sceptically the existence of God, he much disliked the prospect of going to the old baron. Still, he thought he could but try, and if he did not like it, he was not bound to remain in connexion with him. He arrived in Berlin on a day when there was a great review of the troops; and being full of this he began to speak about it to the steward of the baron. The steward, however, being a believer, turned the conversation, before the young student was aware of it, to spiritual things; and yet he could not say that it had been forced. He began another subject, and a third, but still it always came presently again to spiritual things. At last the baron came, who received young T. in the most affec- tionate and familiar manner, as if he had been his equal, and as if young T. bestowed a favour on him, rather than that he was favoured by the baron. The baron offered him a room in his own house, and a place at his own table, while he should be studying in Berlin, which young T. accepted. He now sought in every way to treat the young student in the most kind and affectionate way, and as much as possible to serve him, and to show him the power of the Gospel in his own life, without arguing with him, yea without speaking to him directly about his soul. For, discovering in young T. a most reasoning and scep- tical mind, he avoided in every possible way getting into any argument with him, while the young student again and again said to himself: “I wish I could get into an argument with this old fool, I would show him his folly.” But the baron avoided it. When the young student used to come home in the evening, and the baron heard him come, he would himself go to meet him on entering the house, would light his candle, would assist and serve him in any way he could, even to the fetching the bootjack for him, and helping him to take off his boots. Thus this lowly aged disciple went on for some time, whilst the A.D. 1841.] 399 young student still sought an opportunity for arguing with him, but wondered nevertheless how the baron could thus serve him. One evening, on the return of young;T. to the baron’s house, when the baron was making him- self his servant as usual, he could refrain himself no longer, but burst out thus: “Baron, how can you do all this P You see I do not care about you, and how are you able to continue to be so kind to me, and thus to serve me P” The baron replied: “My dear young friend, I have learned it from the Lord Jesus. I wish you would read through the Gospel of John. Good might.” The student now for the first time in his life sat down and read the word of God in a disposition of mind to be willing to learn, whilst up to that time he had never read the Holy Scriptures but with the view of wishing to find out arguments against them. It pleased God to bless him. From that time he became himself a follower of the Lord Jesus, and has been so ever since. I continue now the extracts from my journal. March 19, 1841. It is twelve years this day since I arrived in England. How exceedingly kind and gracious has the Lord been to me day by day ever since? And the Lord has crowned this day also with mercies. I have been for some time again very weak in body, on account of which it appeared to me desirable to change my sphere of labour for awhile, to which I was the more inclined as H purpose to write the second part of my Narrative, for which I need more time than I can well find in Bristol along with my other engagements. To-day I had fully determined to leave, as I am now exceedingly weak; but we had no means for it. This morning, after the exposi- tion of the Scriptures to the Orphan and Day School children, there was given to me a check for 15l., of which 5l. is for brother Craik, 5l. for myself, and 5l. for the * Thus my way, even as to means, is made quite all Il. March 20. , Nailsworth. I had purposed to take lodg- ings in the neighbourhood of Tetbury, passing only a night or so at Nailsworth. When I came here to-day, and heard about the state of the saints here and in the neighbour- hood, I could not but think that the Lord had sent me to this place to labour for a season. M. M. 2 400 [A.D. 1841. March 21. I ministered twice to-day among the brethren at Nailsworth, with much assistance from the Lord, and feel already much better from the change of air. March 22. Truly God has sent me here ! Certain matters which have been brought to light through my being here, prove it. May the Lord make it still more abundantly plain that he has sent me here!—There is a small house, which a brother left a few weeks since, but has to pay rent for at least three months longer. He will let me have it rent free, and he and brother mean to put into it the needful furniture.—Thus the Lord has provided a lodging, not only for me, but also for all my family, who can now join me here. A sister in the Lord in Ireland, who did not see her acceptance before God, and who was habitually without the assurance that she is a child of God, that she is born again, that her sins are forgiven, and that she shall be saved, in her distress of mind wrote to me about this time. As her case is by no means a solitary one, but as there are so many children of God who do not know that they are children of God; as there are so many whose sins are forgiven who do not know that they are forgiven; as there are so many who will be saved, who do not know that they will be saved, and who are continually afraid of what would become of them, were they to be taken out of the world:—I have thought it well to say something here on this most important subject. I. Question. How may I obtain the knowledge that I am a child of God, or that I am born again, or that my sins are forgiven, or that I shall not perish but have ever- lasting life? Answer. Not by my feelings, not by a dream, not by my experience being like this or that one’s, or unlike this or that one’s ; but this matter is to be settled, as all other spiritual matters, entirely by the revealed will of God, the written word of God, which is the only rule, the only standard for believers. II. Question. By what passages, then, for instance, may I make out that I am a child of God, or born again? Answer. 1, In 1 John v. 1, it is written: “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God.” The meaning of these words is evidently this, that every one (whether young or old, male or female, one who has lived A.D. 1841.] 401 an outwardly moral or immoral life,) who believes that the poor, despised Jesus of Nazareth, of whom we read in the New Testament, was the promised Christ or Messiah, such a one is no longer in his natural state, but is born again, is born of God, is a child of God. The question therefore is, Do you believe that Jesus, who was born at Bethlehem, and crucified under Pontius Pilate, is the promised Saviour, the Messiah, the one for whom the Jews were to look P. If so, you are a child of God, else you would not believe it. It is given unto you to believe it. Millions may say that Jesus is the Saviour, the Messiah, but none BELIEVE it except the children of God. It proves me to be a child of God that I believe it; to none besides is it given to believe it, though millions might say so. Perhaps you say, I do not feel that I am born again, born of God, and I have therefore no enjoyment. -- Answer. In order that you may have the enjoyment, which is the result of the knowledge that you are a child of God, that you are born of God, or born again, you must receive God’s testimony. He is a faithful witness, he speaks nothing but the truth, and his declaration is, That every one who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. If you receive this testimony of God, you, to whom by grace it is given to believe that Jesus is the Christ, cannot but be happy, from the fact that God himself says, that you are his child. But if you will wait till you feel that you are a child of God, you may have to wait long; and even if you felt it, yet your feelings would be worth nothing; for either it might be a false feeling, or, though it were real, it might be lost the next hour. Reelings change; but the word of God remains unalterably the same. You have, then, without having had a dream about it, without having had a portion of the word in a more than usual way impressed upon your mind concern- ing the subject, without having heard something like a voice from heaven about it, to say to yourself: If I believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah, I am a child of God. And then from the belief of what God declares in this passage concerning you who believe that Jesus is the Christ, even that you are his child, springs peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Answer 2. In Galatians iii. 26, it is written : “Ye M M 3 402 [A.D. 1841. are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.” The question here again is: Do I believe in the Lord Jesus P Do I depend upon him alone for the salvation of my soul ? If so, I am a child of God, whether I feel it or not. Answer 3. In John i. 11—13, it is written of the Lord Jesus: “Eſe came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power (or the right or the privilege) to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name : which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” The question here again is simply this, Have I received the Lord Jesus, t. e. Do I believe in his name P If so, I am born of God, I am a child of God, else I should never have believed in the Lord Jesus ; for none but the children of God do believe in him. III. Question. How may I know that my sins are for- given? Have I to wait till I feel that they are forgiven, before I may take comfort concerning this matter ? Or, must I wait till I have in some powerful way a portion of the word of God applied to my mind, to assure me of it? Answer. This point is again only to be settled by the word of God. We have not to wait till we feel that our sins are forgiven.—I myself have now been a believer for more than nineteen years (i. e. in the year 1845). How long it is, since I have had no doubt whatever about the forgiveness of my sins, I cannot tell with certainty; but this I am quite sure of, that ever since I have been in England, which is now above sixteen years (in 1845), I have never once had a single moment’s doubt that m sins are all forgiven ; and yet I do not remember that I even once have felt that they were forgiven. To know that they are forgiven, and to feel that they are forgiven, are two different things.-The way to settle, whether our sins are forgiven, is, to refer to the word of God alone with reference to it. In Acts x. 43, it is written con- cerning the Lord Jesus, “To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.” All the prophets, speaking under the immediate power of the Holy Spirit, bore testimony, that through the obedience and sufferings of the Lord Jesus, whereby he becomes our Saviour or is A.D. 1841.] 403 our Jesus, all who believe in him for salvation, who depend upon him and not upon themselves, who receive him to be the one whom God declares him to be, should receive the forgiveness of their sins. The questions therefore to be put to ourselves are simply these : Do I walk in utter carelessness? Do I trust in my own exertions for sal- vation? Do I expect forgiveness for my sins on account of living a better life in future ? Or, do I depend only upon this, that Jesus died on the cross to save sinners —and that Jesus fulfilled the law of God, to make sinners righteous P. If the latter is the case, my sins are forgiven, whether I feel it or not. I have already forgiveness. I shall not have it merely when I die, or when the Lord Jesus comes again; but I have it now, and that for all Imy sins. I must not wait to feel that my sins are for- given, in order to be at peace, and in order to be happy; but I must take God by his word, I must believe that what he says is true, and he says, “That whosoever believeth in the Lord Jesus should receive remission of sins;” and when I believe what God says, peace and joy will be the result. Again, in Acts xv. 8, 9, it is written with reference to us Gentile sinners: “And God which knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as he did unto us; and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.” Here we see how the guilt is to be removed from the heart, how we can get a clean heart, obtain the forgiveness of our sins,—even by faith in the Lord Jesus. Depending upon the suffer- ings of the Lord Jesus in the room of sinners, and depending upon his obedience in fulfilling the law of God, his sufferings are considered as endured by us, his obedience as if found in ourselves: in him (if we believe on him) we are considered to have hung on the accursed tree, and therefore were punished in him, on account of which, God, though perfectly holy and just, can forgive us our sins for Jesus' sake, as well as reckon us righteous, through faith in the Lord Jesus, who in the room of those who believe on him fulfilled the law of God. I would here by the way especially warn against one error, which is, that persons say, I can believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Saviour, that through him alone the for- giveness of sins is to be obtained, and I do depend on him 404 [A.D. 1841. alone for forgiveness; but I desire to know that he is my Christ, my Saviour, and because I am not sure about that, I can have no peace. Now, the Gospel which is preached in the New Testament is not, you must believe that Jesus of Nazareth is your Christ, your Saviour, but that he is the Christ, the Saviour; and if you believe that, you have a right to look upon him as your Saviour. IV. Question. How may I know that I shall be saved P Answer. “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rom. x. 9. The point is simply this: Do I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus? Do I own him by the confession of m mouth before men, and do I believe in my heart that Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified was not left in the grave, but was raised up again by God on the third day ? If so, I shall be saved. For while there may be the confession of the Lord Jesus with the mouth, without the person being finally saved, there does not go along with this the believing in the heart that God has raised him from the dead, without the person, in whom both are found, being finally saved; for in none but the children of God are these two points found united together. We have here particularly to observe, that it is not written: If thou shalt say that God has raised him from the dead; but, if thou shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. I have, then, to take God by his word. If I do confess the Lord Jesus with my mouth, and do believe in my heart that God has raised him from the dead, I shall be saved, though I do not feel it, though I am utterly unworthy of salvation, yea, though I am altogether deserving condemnation. I must not wait till I feel that I shall be saved before I take comfort; but I must believe what God says in this verse, and out of that peace and comfort will flow into my soul. Should, however, one or other of the children of God believe in his heart the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, if at the same time he has never made confession of the Lord Jesus with his mouth, he cannot be surprised that the assurance about his salvation is wanting to him : yet if both be found in you, my dear reader, God has been gracious to you, you are his child, you shall be saved. A.D. 1841.] 405 Further, in John iii. 16, it is written: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that who- soever believeth in him should not perish, but have ever- lasting life.” Notice here in particular: 1. It matters not how great a sinner I am. 2. The promise is positive concerning my salvation, if I believe in the Lord Jesus. 3. I have only to believe in the Lord Jesus. No matter how it may have been with me hitherto; if only now I trust in and depend upon the Lord Jesus for salvation, I shall have everlasting life. Further, in Acts xvi. 30, 31, it is written : “Sirs, what must I do to be saved P And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” Further, in John iii. 36, it is written: “He that be- lieveth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” As assuredly as I depend upon and trust in the Lord Jesus for the salvation of my soul, I shall be saved, I have already everlasting life; for he died, to deliver those who believe on him from the wrath of God, under which all men are in their natural state; but if I do not believe in the Lord Jesus, the wrath of God, which rests upon all men in their natural state, will finally destroy me, if I remain without faith in the Lord Jesus; for then I reject the one only remedy in refusing to take Jesus as my substitute, who bore the punishment that he might deliver the sinner from it, and who fulfilled the law of God that he might make the sinner who be- lieves on him a just one before God. W. Question. How may I know that I am one of the elect P I often read in the Scriptures about election, and I often hear about election, how may I know that I am a chosen one, that I am predestinated to be conformed to the image of the Son of God? Answer. It is written: “As many as were ordained, (i. e. appointed) to eternal life believed.” Acts xiii. 48. The question therefore simply is this: Do I believe in the Lord Jesus P Do I take him to be the one whom God declares him to be, i.e. his beloved Son in whom he is well pleased ? If so, I am a believer, and I should never have believed, except I had been appointed by God to eternal life—except I had been made by God to be a vessel of mercy. Therefore the matter is a very simple one: if I 406 [A.D. 1841. believe in the Lord Jesus, I am a chosen one,—I have been appointed to eternal life. Again, in Rom. viii. 29, 30, it is written: “For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predes- timate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified; and whom he justified, them he also glori- fied.” How are we justified, or constituted just ones, before God P By faith in the Lord Jesus. Rom. iii. 20–26. Therefore if I believe in the Lord Jesus, it follows (on account of the inseparable connexion of all the precious things spoken of in these two verses), that I have been foreknown by God, that I have been predes- tinated by him to be conformed to the image of his Son, that I have been called, that I have been justified, and that in the sight of God I am already as good as glorified, though I am not as yet in the actual possession and enjoy- ment of the glory. The reason why persons who renounce confidence in their own goodness for salvation, and who only trust in the merits and sufferings of the Lord Jesus, do not know that they are the children of God, that their sins are for- given, and that they shall be saved, generally arises from one of these things: 1. They do not know the simplicity of the Gospel ; or, 2. They seek to settle it by their feel- ling; or, 3. They wait for some powerful impulse, or a dream, or something like a voice from Heaven to assure them of it, or for some passage being in a powerful way applied to their mind to assure them of it; or, 4. Because they are living in sin. Should the last be the case, then, however correctly we may understand the Gospel; how- ever much we may desire by the Holy Scriptures alone to settle these questions; yea, however much in former times we may have enjoyed the assurance of the forgiveness of our sins, or of our being the children of God, or that we shall be saved : in such a state of heart all peace would be one, and would not return as long as we live in sin. There may be found much weakness and many infirmities even in the believer who has assurance about these points; but the Holy Ghost does not comfort us, and will not comfort us, if we habitually indulge in those things which we know to be contrary to the mind of God. An upright, A.D. 1841.] 407 honest heart, is of the utmost importance in all divine things; and especially with reference to the assurance about our standing before God. April 15. From March 12th up to this day we had always a little money in hand for the Orphans, so that there was comparatively no trial of faith. Of the many donations which came in during this period I only men- tion two, as rather deserving to be noticed, to show what various ways the Lord uses to send us supplies. On March 16th Ireceived from the neighbourhood of London 5l., respecting which the brother who sent it writes, that he was in the habit of giving this sum to his wife, a sister, on her birth days, to lay it out in buying any little thing she liked, and that she this time preferred giving it to the Orphans. On April 3rd a sister gave 5l., which came in most seasonably. She had lost a sum of money, which was afterwards found again, and she felt constrained to give 5l. of it to the Orphans. Now to-day, April 15, when all was again spent, 3l. came in from Wales. On Friday, April 30, while I was at Nailsworth, in Gloucestershire, I received the following letter from bro- ther R. B., Master at the Boys'-Orphan-House : “My dear Brother, “When I wrote last, on Tuesday evening, there was not one penny in hand. But since then the Lord has most graciously dealt with us. Only 1s. 6d. came in on Wednesday morning; but as there were enough pro- visions in the house for the day, the sisters experienced no difficulty; it was only necessary to refuse to take in what there was not money to pay for. About six I went out for a walk with the boys, and returned after eight, when I found a letter, in which was enclosed 5l., with these words: “ From the Lord, for the present necessities of the Orphans.” It was indeed for the present necessities. Etc. “Your Brother, “ R. B.” This letter came after a previous one, in which brother R. B. informed me about the need in the Orphan-Houses, which led me to prayer. When this letter came from brother B., I received at the same time another from Bir- mingham, in which was enclosed 10l. from a brother, who 408 [A.D. 1841. had sold some of his books. It was from a most unex- pected quarter, as that brother is himself, as a servant of the Lord, depending upon him for temporal supplies. The same post brought me also information of 11. 4.s. 6d. having been sent from Dublin. The sister in Ireland writes that she sends the money now, as we may be in want of even so small a sum. With regard to the above- mentioned 5l., I mention still further that I know from the handwriting who the donor is; and it is remarkable that he had not given or sent the money to me, as he not only knew I was not in Bristol at the time, but that I was in the neighbourhood where he lives. But this was not only of the Lord’s ordering, but it was a direct an- swer to prayer; for knowing the need at the Orphan- Bouses, I had been especially led to ask the Lord not to allow the money to be first sent to me in letters or parcels, but to cause it directly to be sent to brother B. IIow truly precious it is that every one, who rests alone upon the Lord Jesus for salvation, has in the living God a father, to whom he may fully unbosom himself concern- ing the most minute affairs of his life, and concerning every thing that lies upon his heart | Dear reader, do you know the living God? Is he, in Jesus, your father P Be assured that Christianity is something more than forms, and creeds, and ceremonies: there is life, and power, and reality, in our holy faith. If you never yet have known this, then come and taste for yourself. I be- seech you affectionately to meditate and pray over the following verses: John iii. 16, Rom. x. 9, 10, Acts x. 43, 1 John v. 1. May 2. A sister who lives near Lutterworth sent me yesterday 51., which was given for the Orphans by a friend of hers. This 5l. supplies our need to-day, it being Saturday, for there was only 11, in hand when this money CàHºle. Erom March 20th, to May 7th, I spent at Nailsworth, where I prepared the second part of my Narrative for the press, and laboured in the word. These seven weeks were on the whole, by the help of God, profitably spent in the service of the Lord, and to the benefit of my own soul. There was much love shown to me and my family by the dear Saints among whom I was labouring, and I know that my service among them has not been in vain. A.D. 1841.] 409 To-day, May 7, I returned with my family to Bristol. While I was staying at Nailsworth it pleased the Lord to teach me a truth, irrespective of human instrumen- tality, as far as I know, the benefit of which I have not lost, though now, while preparing the fifth edition for the press, more than fourteen years have since passed away. The point is this; I saw more clearly than ever, that the first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day was, to have my soul happy in the Lord. The first thing to be concerned about was not, how much I might serve the Lord, how I might glorify the Lord ; but how I might get my soul into a happy state, and how my inner man might be nourished. For I might seek to set the truth before the unconverted, I might seek to benefit believers, I might seek to relieve the distressed, I might in other ways seek to behave my- self as it becomes a child of God in this world; and yet, not being happy in the Lord, and not being nourished and strengthened in my inner man day by day, all this might not be attended to in a right spirit. Before this time my practice had been, at least for ten years previ- ously, as an habitual thing to give myself to prayer, after having dressed myself in the morning. Now I saw, that the most important thing I had to do was, to give myself to the reading of the word of God and to meditation on it, that thus my heart might be comforted, encouraged, warned, reproved, instructed; and that thus, by means of the word of God, whilst meditating on it, my heart might be brought into experimental communion with the Lord. I began therefore to meditate on the New Testament from the beginning, early in the morning. The first thing I did, after having asked in a few words the Lord’s blessing upon his precious word, was, to begin to meditate on the word of God, searching, as it were, into every verse, to get blessing out of it; not for the sake of the public ministry of the word, not for the sake of preaching on what I had meditated upon; but for the sake of ob- taining food for my own soul. The result I have found to be almost invariably this, that after a very few minutes my soul has been led to confession, or to thanksgiving, or to intercession, or to supplication: so that, though I did not, as it were, give myself to prayer, but to meditation, yet it turned almost immediately more or less into prayer. N N. If 410 [A.D. 1841. t When thus I have been for awhile making confession, or intercession, or supplication, or have given thanks, I go on to the next words or verse, turning all, as I go on, into prayer for myself or others, as the word may lead to it; but still continually keeping before me, that food for my own soul is the object of my meditation. The result of this is, that there is always a good deal of confession, thanksgiving, supplication, or intercession mingled with my meditation, and that my inner man almost invariably is even sensibly nourished and strengthened, and that by breakfast time, with rare exceptions, I am in a peaceful if not happy state of heart. Thus also the Lord is pleased to communicate unto me that, which either very soon after, or at a later time, I have found to become food for other believers, though it was not for the sake of the pub- lic ministry of the word that I gave myself to meditation, but for the profit of my own inner man. With this mode I have likewise combined the being out in the open air for an hour, an hour and a half, or two hours before breakfast, walking about in the fields, and in the summer sitting for a little on the stiles, if I find it too much to walk all the time,” I find it very beneficial to my health to walk thus for meditation before breakfast, and am now so in the habit of using the time for that purpose, that when I get into the open air, I generally take out a New Testament of good sized type, which I carry with me for that purpose, besides my Bible: and I find that I can profitably spend my time in the open air, which formerly was not the case, for want of habit. I used to consider the time spent in walking a loss, but now I find it very profitable, not only to my body, but also to my soul. The walking out before breakfast is of course not necessarily connected with this matter, and every one has to judge according to his strength and other circumstances.—The difference, then, between my former practice and my pre- sent one is this. Formerly, when I rose, I began to pray as soon as possible, and generally spent all my time till breakfast in prayer, or almost all the time. At all events I almost invariably began with prayer, except when I felt my soul to be more than usually barren, in which case I read the word of God for food, or for refreshment, or for * Since February 1849, I have been obliged to discontinue my walks in the fields entirely, on account of a weakness in my right foot. A.D. 1841.] 411 a revival and renewal of my inner man, before I gave my- self to prayer. But what was the result. I often spent a quarter of an hour, or half an hour, or even an hour on my knees, before being conscious to myself of having derived comfort, encouragement, humbling of soul, etc.; and often, after having suffered much from wandering of mind for the first ten minutes, or a quarter of an hour, or even half an hour, I only then began really to pray. I scarcely ever suffer now in this way. For my heart being nourished by the truth, being brought into eaſperimental fellowship with God, I speak to my Father, and to my Friend (vile though I am, and unworthy of it !) about the things that he has brought before me in his precious word. It often now astonishes me that I did not sooner see this point. In no book did I ever read about it. No public ministry ever brought the matter before me. No private intercourse with a brother stirred me up to this matter. And yet now, since God has taught me this point, it is as plain to me as any thing, that the first thing the child of God has to do morning by morning is, to obtain food for his inner man. As the outward man is . not fit for work for any length of time, except we take food; and as this is one of the first things we do in the morning; so it should be with the inner man. We should take food for that, as every one must allow. Now what is the food for the inner man P. Not prayer, but the word of God; and here again not the simple reading of the word of God, so that it only passes through our minds, just as water runs through a pipe, but considering what we read, pondering over it, and apply- ing it to our hearts. When we pray, we speak to God. Now, prayer, in order to be continued for any length of time in any other than a formal manner, requires, gene- rally speaking, a measure of strength or godly desire, and the season, therefore, when this exercise of the soul can be most effectually performed, is, after the inner man has been nourished by meditation on the word of God, where we find our Father speaking to us, to encourage us, to comfort us, to instruct us, to humble us, to reprove us. We may therefore profitably meditate, with God’s bles- sing, though we are ever so weak spiritually; nay, the weaker we are, the more we need meditation for the strengthening of our inner man. There is thus far less N N 2 412 [A.D. 1841. to be feared from wandering of mind, than if we give our- selves to prayer, without having had previously time for meditation.—I dwell so particularly on this point because of the immense spiritual profit and refreshment I am con- scious of having derived from it myself, and I affection- ately and solemnly beseech all my fellow-believers to ponder this matter. By the blessing of God I ascribe to this mode the help and strength which I have had from God to pass in peace through deeper trials in various ways, than I had ever had before; and after having now above fourteen years tried this way, I can most fully, in the fear of God, commend it.—In addition to this I gene- rally read after family prayer larger portions of the word of God, when I still pursue my practice of reading regu- larly onward in the Holy Scriptures, sometimes in the New Testament and sometimes in the Old, and for more than twenty-six years I have proved the blessedness of it. I take also either then or at other parts of the day, time more especially for prayer. How different, when the soul is refreshed and made happy early in the morning, from what it is when, without spiritual preparation, the service, the trials, and the temptations of the day come upon one ! May 29. To-day I received from the East Indies 100l. —Notice here, that without any solicitation, simply in answer to prayer, the Lord is pleased to send us from time to time even large sums, and that from such a dis- tance as the East Indies. June 4. Two or three weeks since, a brother at a dis- tance requested me to let him know the names of my bankers, and the names of their agents in London, in order that he might by means of his bankers send me some money. One day after another passed away, and I i. no more about it. To-day I received the following etter:— “My dear Brother, “I have delayed writing to you under the expec- tation of seeing you at Bristol; but I am not yet suffered to leave * * * *. I have, by this post, written to * * * * of London, desiring them to pay over to Messrs Robarts, Curtis & Co., in favour of Messrs Stuckey & Co. of Bris- tol, to the credit of George Müller, the sum of fifty A.D. 1841.] 413 pounds. This apply, dear brother, as the Lord gives you wisdom. I am not concerned at my having been prevented Jor so many days from sending this money; I am conſident Žt has not been needed.” This last sentence is remarkable. It is now nearly three years since our funds were for the first time ex- hausted, and only at this period since then, could it have been said in truth, as far as I remember, that a donation of 50l. was not needed. From the beginning of July 1838, till now, there never had been a period when we so abounded as when this donation of 50l. came ; for there was then in the Orphan-Fund and the other funds between two and three hundred pounds. The words of this brother are so much the more remarkable, as, on four former occasions, when he likewise gave considerable dona- tions, we were always in need, yea, great need, which he afterwards knew from the printed accounts. On the same day came in still further from Hackney 10l., besides several small donations. July 7, 1841. For some time past brother Craik and I have questioned whether, under our present circum- stances, the mode of receiving the free-will offerings of the saints among whom we labour, by means of boxes over which our names were fixed, together with the explana- tion of the object of the boxes, was any longer the more eacellent way. We have at last been quite decided about it, and put to-day the following short statement into the press. To the Saints in Christ Jesus, assembling at Bethesda Chapel, Bristol. “Dear Brethren, “It has seemed well to us to remove, from the chapel, the boxes appropriated for the reception of the free-will offerings towards our temporal support. In order to prevent misapprehension or misrepresentation, we desire affectionately to lay before you the following statement of our reasons for taking this step. Upon our first coming to Bristol we declined accept- ing any thing in the shape of regular salary, or by means of seat-rents, from the brethren among whom we were la- N N 3 414 [A.D. 1841. bouring. We did not act thus because we thought it wrong that those who were ministered unto in spiritual things should minister unto us in temporal things; but 1, because we would not have the liberality of the bre- thren to be a matter of constraint, but willingly; 2. be- cause on the ground of James ii. 1–6, we objected to seat-rents. Boxes were put up for the sake of those into whose hearts God might put it to desire to act according to that word, “Let him that is taught in the word com- municate unto him that teacheth in all good things.” Gal. vi. 6. When the boxes were first put up, we were the only brethren that seemed called to labour in the word and doctrine. Since, then, however, circumstances have con- siderably altered; and, partly, from the change in circum- stances, and, partly, from increased light in reference to the position of those who minister the word, we have for Some time past felt that it might be well, for certain rea- sons, that the present mode of receiving the offerings of the saints should be discontinued. At the same time we are very desirous of having it clearly understood, that, in the great principles which led to the adoption of the boxes, in the first instance, we are unchanged: or rather we are more strengthened, by the experience of more than ten years, in the propriety of rejecting seat-rents and fixed salaries. 1. As long as the boxes are there, it ought to be under- stood for what purpose the money, which is put into them, is applied. This necessity requires that our names should be given, as those who labour in the word and doctrine. This again has the appearance of elevating ourselves above all the other brethren, and of assuming office to ourselves, instead of just seeking to fill the place which the Holy Ghost may have given us in the body. 2. It may please the Lord increasingly to call and qualify other brethren for the work of ruling and teach- ing in the church; but still, as long as we are looked upon as we have been hitherto, in consequence of our names being affixed to the boxes, unnecessary difficulties may probably be put in the way of any others being fully recognized by the saints generally as occupying, equally i. ourselves, the place in which the Lord may set them. A.D. 1841.] 415 3. The question may be asked even now, “Are these the only labourers?” and the reply would be that there are others who also labour, but who are not supported in the same way. This fact is fitted to give the impression to those who do not know us, that we were seeking to keep our place in the church by some outward title, rather than just filling it up in obedience to the Lord, and quietly leaving it with his Spirit to produce subjection unto us on the part of the saints. 4. Lastly, from the manner in which our names appear in public, we have reason to believe that some of the saints look upon us as exclusively “the ministers,” and thus that some may have felt themselves neglected be- cause not visited personally by us. The notion that two individuals should be able to exercise pastoral inspection over about five hundred and fifty believers, we consider to be very unsound; but for ourselves we feel that it is a responsibility which we dare not take. According to our gift and strength we desire to rule, teach, and feed the sheep of Christ; but we dare not undertake the personal inspection of all who are already gathered, or may be gathered, simply as believers in the Lord Jesus, in this city. Thus we have endeavoured very briefly to state our reasons for declining any longer to receive your offerings through boxes publicly put up, and having our names ap- pended to them. We desire grace to serve you more faithfully than ever, and cast ourselves, as we have done hitherto, upon him who hath said, “If any man serve me, him will my Father honour.” HENRY CRAIK, GEORGE MüLLER. Bristol, July 7, 1841. When this alteration was made, I had another proof of the many blessings which are connected with the life of faith. Under other circumstances the question would have naturally arisen in my mind, And what will you do for support if the boxes are removed? How will the offerings come in P Will any come in P But none of these things troubled me even for a moment. I said to myself, somehow or other the Lord will provide for me. If not through the instrumentality of the Saints in 416 [A.D. 1841. Bristol, he will send help by means of those who live elsewhere. All I have to do in this matter is, to serve the Lord and to trust in him, and he will surely take care of my temporal necessities. And thus it has been since July 1841 also, even as before. The reader may desire to know, how the Lord has since that time provided for my temporal necessities, seeing that the boxes, which were put up in the two chapels for the reception of the free- will offerings, were removed. I therefore state it. 1, I have received, as at former times, some presents in provi- sions, clothes, etc., from the saints among whom I labour and from other saints. 2, Some of the brethren and sisters among whom I labour have either habitually or from time to time put up some money in paper, and di- rected it to brother Craik or to me, or to both of us, and have put these little money parcels into one of the boxes for the reception of the offerings for the poor saints, or into the boxes into which the free-will contributions for the rent and expenses of the chapels are put. These little packets have been handed over to us by the deacons, and as they were directed so they have been appropriated. Those which are directed to brother Craik only, are handed over to brother Craik; those which are directed to me only, I appropriate for myself; and those which are directed to both of us, the contents are divided be- tween us. Moreover, any such little money parcel, put into one or other of the boxes, without any direction, is divided between us both, as has been stated to the saints by the deacons. 3, In a few cases, brethren and sisters in communion with us have also given me presents in money. 4, The Lord has also continued to incline the hearts of some of his children, not living in Bristol, to send me presents in money, and again and again even those whom I have never seen, and whose names, some- times, I do not even know. The only thing that was a real difficulty in my mind in making this alteration was, not that I should be a loser, and much less that the Lord would not care for my tem- poral necessities; but lest some of the children of God should find, in the removal of the boxes for the reception of the offerings for brother Craik and me, an excuse for doing nothing at all for our temporal necessities; and lest especially the poor, because they might have only pence A.D. 1841.] 417 or halfpence to give, should be deterred from doing so, and thereby both classes should rob themselves of bless- ing. It was not because I feared to lose the gifts of some; for, I can, by the grace of God, say in some mea- sure at least with the apostle Paul, “Not because I desire a gift : but I desire fruit that may abound to your ac- count.” Philip. iv. 17. My aim also is, by the help of God, to be brought into that state of heart in which the apostle Paul was, when he said, “I will very gladly spend and be spent for you: though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.” 2 Cor. xii. 15. But yet with this desire on my part, I knew that the dear children of God among whom I labour would rob themselves and not one, of a blessing, if they did not contribute towards my temporal necessities, and I feared, lest this alteration should be used by Satan as an instrument to their injury. But the mind of God seemed to us, after all, on account of the reasons before stated, that the alteration ought to be made, notwithstanding any possible evils which might result from it. We are thus in such a position, that there is free room for the Holy Ghost to commend all the various labourers among us, according to the measure of grace and gift given to them, to the consciences of the brethren, not only with reference to their spiritual position in the body, but also with reference to their temporal need. Aug. 7. To-day we had one sixpence left for our own personal necessities. We needed some money to buy eggs and cocoa for a brother who is come to stay with us, when this brother gave me four shillings, which he had brought for me from the place whence he comes. Thus we are helped for the present. Aug. 26. After a season of comparative poverty with reference to myself, though always having what was really needful in the way of nourishing food, etc., a brother sent me to-day 171. 18s. from a considerable distance, of which half is for the Orphans, and half for my own tem- poral necessities. Sept. 2. During the last four months we have had more in hand for the Orpans than we needed. Since July 1838, when for the first time the funds were exhausted, we have had at no period so much money in hand. There was, as it were, during these four months, one continual 4.18 [A.D. 1841. © even running of the river of God’s bounty, both by pre- sents in money and articles. Of the donations which were received during this period, I mention only the fol- lowing:—On May 12th I received from Florence, in Italy, the following donations:—3 silver pins and 4 dollars; 3 dollars and a sixpence; 2 Pauls (Italian coins): 5l. ; 3 pincushions, 6 penwipers, and a little shawl. How abundantly do these donations from Florence prove how easily the Lord is able to provide us with means for his work, even from the most unexpected quarters!—As we had now for several months abounded in a greater degree than at any previous time of the same length during the past three years and three months, so it pleased the Lord after this period to try our faith more severely than during any time since the work first commenced. Indeed, so sharp were the trials of our faith for more than six months after this;–so long the seasons when, day after day, only daily supplies were granted to us, and when even from meal to meal we had to look to the Lord;—so long had we to continue in prayer, and yet help seemed to fail:—that it can be only ascribed to the especial mercy of God, that the faith of those who were engaged in this work did not altogether fail, and that they did not en- tirely grow weary of this way of carrying on the Lord's work, and go, in despair of help from God, back again to the habits and maxims of this evil world. How my fellow-labourers have felt during all this time, I am, of course, unable to state, but if I may speak of myself, I joyfully state, to the praise of the Lord, that during all the following months my faith was sustained without wavering, but still so greatly was it tried, that often I had no other petition, but that the Lord would be pleased to continue it, and that he would pity me as a father pitieth his children. In the midst of the trial I was fully assured that the Lord would lighten his hand in his own good time, and that, whilst it lasted, it was only in order that, in a small measure, for the benefit of the church of Christ generally, that word might be fulfilled in us— “Whether we be afflicted it is for your consolation.” I now give an account of the commencement and progress of our trial of faith during the months which succeeded the time of abundance. A.D. 1841.] 419 Sept. 3. The money in hand had come to 37. 5s. I therefore asked the Lord this morning for fresh supplies, º very soon after came a post-office order from Glasgow or 37. Sept. 7. 5l. 9s. more had come in since September 3rd, but this morning the last money had been given out. After the great abundance during the last months, now not a farthing was left. I gave myself therefore to prayer, and in the afternoon I received a post-office order from a brother at Plymouth for 3!. In the evening was left at my house a bonnet box, from G. T. I., which contained 5s., 4 shirts and 4 handkerchiefs. Sept. 8. To-day came in 4s. from the neighbourhood of Wolverhampton, 2s. 6d. from Bath, and 11. was given by a brother, who had just arrived from Ceylon. Sept. 9. This morning 5l. was sent by a brother, a student in the university of Cambridge, who had read my narrative; also 13s.6d. came in besides. Sept. 18. From the 9th to this day we were comfort- ably supplied with what we needed. To-day, when 3!. was needed, and there was only 11.9s. 2d. in hand, 12!. came in from the neighbourhood of Wolverhampton, and 3s. by knitting. Sept. 25, Saturday. Since the 18th was received, by donations and sale of articles, 5l. 19s. 8d., which enabled us, together with the 12l. 3s. which came in on the 18th, to meet all the expenses. But when I had sent off yes- terday what was needed to meet the day’s need, nothing at all was left in hand for this day, whilst I knew that above 31, would be required. The Lord, therefore, in his faithful love sent in yesterday afternoon 11s. 0%d.; this morning 5l. from Plymouth; and 17. 1s. with several articles of clothing for the Orphans from Clapham. Thus we had about twice as much as was required for this day. Sept. 26. 21. 11s. came in to-day. Sept. 28. As 27. was needed for the supplies of this day, and only 17, 13s. 0#d. was in hand, the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, in which was found 10s. 2d. Sept. 29. When there was again only 3s. 23d. in hand towards the need of to-day, a brother, a commercial tra- veller, having returned last night to Bristol, brought me two sovereigns, which had been given him for the 420 [A.D. 1841. Orphans by a lady at Marlborough, who had read one of the Reports. There came in still further to-day 2l. 8s. 6d. Oct. 1. . When I had again not one penny in hand for the necessities of this day, there was brought to me this morning 10s. for the Orphans, which had been sent from Rensington. In the paper which contained the money, was written: “Your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.” “Trust in the Lord.” This word of our Lord is to me of more value than many bank notes. About five minutes later I received from an Irish sister 10l., through her banker in London. At the same time I received information from Tetbury that three boxes, containing articles to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans, were on the way, and two hours after, 14 small donations were given to me, amounting to 11. 7s. 4d.—I mention here, as a point particularly to be noticed, that after the season of comparative abun- dance had come to an end in September, the Lord did not at once allow us to be so sharply tried as we were after- wards. He dealt in the same gentle way with us three years before, when the trials of faith in this part of the work first commenced. Oct. 6. As only 4!. more had been received for the Orphans since Oct. 1, the last money had now again been given out to supply this day’s necessities, when 21. 15s. came in, being the produce of some of the articles which had been sent from Tetbury. This evening I also re- ceived from a brother a sovereign, which his believing wife, on her dying bed, had requested him to give after her decease. There came in likewise this evening by a donation 10s., and by sale of articles 27. 10s. 5d. During the last five months we have had comparatively an abundance of means for the other objects of the Scrip- tural Knowledge Institution also ; but now we are again very poor. Just now, in this our great need, a brother, who has learned to esteem the Holy Scriptures above every other book, sent me a box of books, the produce of which supplies our present need for the Day Schools. Oct. 9. No more than 11.2s. 11d. having been received for the Orphans since the 6th, there was only 2l. 3s. 9d. in hand, whilst 4!. was needed, it being Saturday. In the course of the morning 21. came in for stockings, from a sister who resides five or six miles from Bristol; and in A.D. 1841.] 421 the afternoon another sister sent 1s., and a third brought 5l. The latter had it particularly laid on her heart not to delay till to-morrow the giving of this money, as it might be needed to-day. Thus the Lord has not only given us enough for to-day, but also a little to begin the next week with. Oct. 10. To-day we received still further 5l. 9s. 11d. for the Orphans. Oct. 11. When to-day again money was needed for the Day Schools, there arrived from Marlborough a box of books, containing 110 volumes and several pamphlets. The produce of the books, together with 11.9s. 4d., which came in at the same time, supplied again our present ne- cessities. Oct. 16. More than 10l. had come in since the 10th for the Orphans, but to-day there was again only 10s. 11%d. in hand, whilst about 3!. was required. The boxes at the Orphan-Houses were therefore opened, which contained 17. 1s. In the course of the day also 5s. 5d. was paid for stockings. About seven o’clock this evening sister E. C. brought several small donations, amounting to 11.17s. 4d., for the Orphans, and 9s. 8d. for the other funds. Thus we had even for this day 31. 14s. 4}d. Oct. 21. As only between 91. and 107. had come in since the 16th for the Orphans, we were this day again, as is often the case, without anything in hand, when 12s. 2d. was sent from Exmouth, and 8s. 8d. came in by sale of stockings. There arrived also a box and a basket from Ilfracombe, the contents of which are to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. Moreover 15s. 6d. was taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses. Oct. 22. By the money which was yesterday taken out of the boxes, and by 11. 3s. which came in by disposing of some of the articles sent from Ilfracombe, we were com- fortably supplied to-day. Oct. 23. We had only 5s. 6d., which I found in the box in my house, 8s. 9d. for stockings, and 9s. which came in this morning, besides a few shillings in the hands of the matrons, to help us through the day. Oct. 24. To-day, when we had not enough to pay the salaries of the teachers in the Day Schools, I received 5l. from a sister at Topsham, which supplied our need. O O 422 [A.D. 1841. Oct. 25. Yesterday and to-day was given 21, 17s. for the Orphans. Oct. 26. This afternoon I had only one penny left, when two Orphans arrived from Bath, with whom 5l. 15s. 6d. was brought. At the very moment while I was receiving this money, I was called on for money from the Girls'-Orphan-House, which I was thus able to send. It has often been so ordered by the Lord, that, whilst we require nothing at all to be paid at the admission of the children, nevertheless that which has been brought with them has been the means of supplying the need in which we were at the time when they were sent. There came in still further to-day 17. Oct. 29. To-day we were again very poor; for not only had I nothing at all in hand, but the provision stores were much reduced. About twelve o’clock a sister gave me 3s. 2d., also from a distance was sent 9d. In the afternoon we were able to dispose of some articles for 3!, which had been sent a long time ago. Three shillings came in for needlework, and 2s. 6d. as a donation. Thus we had 31.9s. 5d.—The day before yesterday I had asked the Lord that he would be pleased to send us some pota- toes, as we have no means to lay in a stock. This morn- ing I was informed that the same brother who had sent 20 sacks last year, had again ordered 20 sacks to be sent, and 6 sacks have also been given by another individual. Oct. 30. As this is Saturday, the money which came in yesterday was not quite enough for to-day. But this morning's post brought, in answer to prayer, from Clap- ham 10s., and anonymously from Plymouth 10s. Nov. 1. Yesterday was received altogether 27. 10s. 3d. Nov. 2. At a time of the greatest poverty ll. was sent by a lady from Birmingham. About half an hour after- wards I received 10l. from a brother who had saved up 150l. and put it into a savings' bank, but who now sees that to devote this money to the promotion of the work of God tends more to the glory of the name of Jesus, than to retain it in the savings' bank upon interest for a time of sickness or old age; for he is assured that should such times come, the same Lord, who has hitherto cared for him whilst in health and strength and able to work, will also care for him then. The same brother gave me, A.D. 1841.] 423 31, a fortnight since. This 10l. came in very seasonably; for though we had been able to provide for the absolute necessities of to-day, yet there was want in many respects, especially as a boy is just going out as an apprentice, who needs tools and an outfit. Nov. 3. This afternoon two little boys were received, with whom three little girls sent 13s.6d. Nov. 4 and 5. 27. 5s. 1d. more was given. Nov. 7. When there was now again nothing at all in hand, there came in 21., being the profit of the sale of ladies’ baskets; and also 3!. 1s. 10d. •, Nov. 8–11. 4l. 9s. 4d. was received during these four days. Nov. 12. This morning, after the exposition of the Scriptures to the children, 10s. was given to me, at a time when there was not only nothing at all in hand, but when without some help we should not have had every thing that was really needed for to-day. Nov. 13, Saturday. This morning I took 1s. out of the box in my house. This one shilling was all there was towards the need of to-day. Pause, dear reader, for a few moments Consider that there are more than a hundred persons to be provided with every thing they require; consider that there is no money in hand; and consider also that this is the case not once nor twice in the course of the year but very frequently. Is it not precious, under such circumstances, to have the living God as a father to go to, who is ever able and ever willing to help, as it may be really needed ? And to this privilege every one has a title who believes in the Lord Jesus, being as such a child of God. Galatians iii. 26. For though all believers in the Lord Jesus are not called upon to establish Orphan-Houses, Schools for poor chil- dren, etc., and trust in God for means; yet all believers, according to the will of God concerning them in Christ Jesus, may cast, and ought to cast, all their care upon him who careth for them, and need not be anxiously con- cerned about any thing, as is plainly to be seen from 1 Peter v. 7, Philippians iv. 6, Matthew vi. 25–34. Under these circumstances of need, a silver watch, which only yesterday afternoon had become the property of the Orphan-Fund, was disposed of, whereby we were helped through the expenses of to-day. The coals are almost O O 2 424 [An 1841. gone in each of the houses. Every article of provision, etc., is likewise much reduced. Truly, we are exceedingly poor; nevertheless there are the necessary provisions till Monday morning, and thus we are brought to the close of another week. This afternoon all the labourers met for prayer. Nov. 14. When we met again this afternoon for prayer, we had reason to praise, for the Lord had sent in means. This morning was given to me 5l., and 6s. had come in by sale of articles. There came also by post a small parcel from Wales, containing a few little articles, which are not to be mentioned, and 2s. 6d. Nov. 15. Last Friday brother Craik and I had a meeting for inquirers and candidates for fellowship. We saw eight and had to send away ten whom we could not see, our strength being quite gone after we had seen the eight, one after another. This evening we saw seven and had to send away three. Nov. 16. The last four days we have daily met for prayer, there being no means to pay the teachers in the Day Schools. Besides this, we need a stove in one of the school rooms; also some Bibles and Tracts. To-day I received 21. from a brother at Exmouth. As only 2s. had been given yesterday for the Orphans, there was this morning again only 4s. 6d. in hand, which between ten and eleven o’clock I was on the point of sending to the Orphan-Houses, having been called on for money. While I was writing the note to that effect, I received a post office order for 3!. from a brother at Barn- staple, which was again a most precious deliverance, as our stores had been in every way so much reduced. About two hours later I received 4!. more from a brother at Exmouth, the half of which was for the Orphans, and the other half for the other objects. Through the same bro- ther also was sent with Luke xxii. 32,11. for the Orphans. There came in still further to-day 2l. for stockings, which were bought by two ladies who visited the Orphan- Houses. They also gave 3s. 9d. Also an individual who had removed at four different times the furniture of the Orphan-Houses to and from Westbury, where the chil- dren had been, in turn, from August 10 to Nov. 12, while the houses were coloured down and painted inside, charged only 11, ls. 10%d., instead of 4!. 2s. 10%d., which would A.D. 1841.] 425 have been the regular charge, and stated that he had long wished to do something for the Orphans, and that he should not have charged even this 17. Is. 10; d. had he not had to lay it out in money. Thus the Lord in various ways helps us, and all without our asking any human being, but only in simplicity telling him day by day our need. Nov. 18. To-day we had again a meeting with in- quirers, and saw seven. - Nov. 21. Only 11. 11s. 4d. came in since the 16th for the Orphans, on account of which there was to-day again no money at all in hand, and the stores were very much exhausted. How kind, therefore, of the Lord to send in again at this time 2!. 10s. Nov. 23. Yesterday came in 5s. for stockings, which provided to-day the means for the breakfast in the Boys'- Orphan-House. A sister sent also a gammon and some peas. Now we are very poor indeed. One of the la- bourers was able to provide a dinner in the Girls'-Orphan- House out of his own means. In this our great need came in 17s. 6d. by sale of Reports, which money had been expected for some months past, but which the Lord sent just now most seasonably. Besides this, 2s. 6d. was also received for the children’s needlework. Thus we were provided for this day also. In the afternoon the Lord gave us a still further proof of the continuance of his loving care over us, now that we are so poor; for a box arrived from Plymouth, containing clothes, trinkets, etc. Nov. 24, . We have been daily meeting for prayer the last twelve days. To-day, just before I was going to the meeting, one of the articles, which came in the box from Plymouth yesterday afternoon, was sold for 27, 2s., which sum supplies us with means for this day. The donors may not have thought, perhaps, that their bounty would so soon be needed.—When I came to the prayer-meeting, I heard of a little circumstance, which is worthy of notice. The Infant Orphans took a walk this morning with their governess. A poor woman came to her, whilst they were walking, and gave her two pence for the benefit of the Orphans, adding, “It is but a trifle, but I must give it you.” Now, one of these two pence had been needed, by the time I came, to make up the little sum which was O O 3 426 [A.D. 1841. required for the bread.—This afternoon was received still further 9d, and also 12s. by the sale of some of the arti- cles which yesterday came from Plymouth. Nov. 25. With 12s. 1d. we began the day, which was not sufficient for all that was required. In the afternoon came in 11s. for knitting. Thus we had enough for this day also. Nov. 26. One of the labourers gave 5s. ; 11s, came in by sale of articles, and 6d. was taken out of the box in my house. Little as this was, yet we were able to pro- cure with it all that was really needful ; but now our provision stock is very much reduced. Nov. 27. This is Saturday, and nothing at all was in hand when the day commenced. My especial prayer had been that the Lord would be pleased early in the morning to send us supplies, as otherwise there would not be suf- ficient for dinner. Accordingly, about 10 o’clock, a par- cel came from Clapham, containing 11s, and the following articles: 12 yards of calico, a frock, a chemise, 2 petti- coats, a flannel ditto, 2 handkerchiefs, 2 pinafores, a fur- nished workbag, an old silver thimble and half a franc, Thus the Lord has kindly provided us with means for the dinner, and we took it as a token for good that he would send what else might be needed this day. There came in still further in the course of the afternoon, by sale of an article, given by one of the labourers, 5s.; by sale of some lithographic sketches, given by one of the labourers, 4s. 6d. ; by sale of articles, given some time since, 16s. ; by sale of stockings, 2s. 9d.; and by a donation, 2s. Thus the Lord was pleased to give us in the course of this day 27. 1s. 3d., while we were in the greatest need in the morning, and without any natural prospect of having the means which were required for the day. Nov. 29. The Lord has kindly sent in supplies. Yes- terday was given altogether 5l. 19s. 7d. These two weeks we have been likewise in the greatest poverty with reference to the Day Schools; but the Lord has almost daily sent in a little, to supply the absolute necessities of the brethren and sisters, who are engaged in that part of the work. Nov. 30. Though 57.19s. 7d. had been given, yet, as the stores had been previously so reduced, there was again some more money needed to-day. 5s, came in by sale of A.D. 1841.] 427 articles, and one of the labourers gave some money of his own. In this time of great need there arrived a parcel, sent anonymously, which contained the following articles: 3 combs, 6 shells, 5 pairs of gilt bracelets, 4 single brace- lets, a pair of ditto, a gilt chain, a gilt necklace, a cornelian ditto, a bead ditto, a brooch, a buckle, two pairs of ear- rings, 3 rings, 3 pairs of drops, and a single ear-ring. Dec. 1. Again there were many shillings needed for this day. At the Boys'-Orphan-House matters stood so in the morning that, with an addition of eight pence, the dinner could be provided; but there was only seven pence in hand. Brother B. having heard that something had been put last evening into the box at the Girls'-Orphan- House, went, and it was found to be one penny, which an aged sister had put in, whereby the present need was sup- plied. Even the gift of this one penny was thus evidently under the ordering of our kind Father, who not in anger, but for the trial of our faith, keeps us so poor. About ten o'clock this morning was sent, by post, half a sovereign. In the letter was written : “From the wife of a clergy- man, for the Orphan-Houses, Nov. 30, 1841.” This donation was truly sweet, as coming from our faithful Lord, though it was not nearly enough. But he had pity on us, and sent in still further to-day by the sale of stock- ings 5s., and by the sale of other articles 12s. Dec. 2. In the course of this morning was sold a part of the trinkets which came on Nov. 30th, for 11, 4s. 10d. Besides this, came in by sale of articles 1s. 6d. Thus was our present need supplied. In the afternoon 3!, was sent by a sister from Plymouth, and by a sister in Bristol was given to me 2s. Dec. 3 and 4. 17. 10s. 6d. has been received during these two days. Dec. 6. Yesterday the Lord again, in his faithful love, sent in means for the need of to-day. A gentleman from Devonshire came to me after the meeting, introduced himself as a brother, and gave me 5l. for the work of the Lord, as it might be needed. I had pleasant brotherly communion with him, but he preferred not to give me his name. Besides this came in 18s. 11; d. by sale of articles. As this 18s. 11%d. was not enough for the supply of the Orphans for this day, there being nothing at all in hand besides, and 17. more needed, I took 11. of the 5l. for the 428 [A.D. 1841. Orphans, and 4!. for the other objects. Through the same stranger I received also 2s. 6d. from a sister. There came in this evening 11. 3s. besides. By the 4!. which I took of the 57, given by the gentle- man from Devonshire, the most pressing need with regard to the teachers in the Day Schools is relieved. This stranger gave me also ll. for Missionary purposes. Dec. 7. Three weeks and three days we have now been daily meeting for prayer, on account of the state of the funds, and to ask the Lord’s blessing upon the work. We have been daily asking him to supply us with means for the School—Bible—Missionary—and Tract Fund. Now, to-day, in this our great poverty, was sent by a sister from one of the Northern counties, whom I have never seen, the sum of 50l., of which, according to her wish, 10l. is to be applied for each of these objects, and 10l. for the Orphans. Thus the Lord has been pleased to send us a little help, which is greatly needed for all the objects; for the teachers have had only as much as was absolutely needful, the Bible stock is almost entirely exhausted, the Tract stock is quite exhausted, and to some Missionary brethren we greatly desired to send help, but were unable to do so. Nevertheless, even now we are waiting upon the Lord for further supplies. When this money came, there was none at all in hand for the Orphans, though for many reasons fresh supplies were much needed. By this 10!., then, the Lord has again helped us for the present. There was likewise sent anonymously by post, ll., “From an elderly lady at Birmingham.” Dec. 9. To-day came in for the Orphans by the sale of stockings 10s. 10d.-We are now brought to the close of the sixth year of this part of the work, having only in hand the money which has been put by for the rent; but during the whole of this year we have been supplied with all that was needed. During the last three years we had closed the accounts on this day, and had, a few days after, some public meet- ings, at which, for the benefit of the hearers, we stated how the Lord had dealt with us during the year, and the substance of what had been stated at those meetings was afterwards printed for the benefit of the church at large. This time, however, it appeared to us better to delay for A.D. 1841.] 429 awhile both the public meetings and the publishing of the Report. Through grace we had learned to lean upon the Lord only, being assured that if we never were to speak or write one single word more about this work, yet should we be supplied with means, as long as he should enable us to depend on himself alone. But whilst we neither had had those public meetings for the purpose of exposing our necessity, nor had had the account of the Lord’s dealings with us published for the sake of working thereby upon the feelings of the readers, and thus inducing them to give money, but only that we might by our experience benefit other saints; yet it might have appeared to some that in making known our circumstances we were actuated by some such motives. What better proof, therefore, could we give of our depending upon the living God alone, and not upon public meetings or printed Reports, than that, in the midst of our deep poverty, instead of being glad for the time to have come when we could make known our circumstances, we still went on quietly for some time longer, without saying any thing. We therefore deter- mined, as we sought and still seek in this work to act for the profit of the saints generally, to delay both the public meetings and the Reports for a few months. Naturally we should have been, of course, as glad as any one to have exposed our poverty at that time; but spiritually we were enabled to delight even then in the prospect of the in- creased benefit that might be derived by the church at large from our acting as we did.—I now proceed where I left off. Dec. 11. Since the day before yesterday the following sums came in for the Orphans, whereby the need of yes- terday and to-day has been supplied. A brother gave 2!. A little boy and girl brought the produce of their savings’ banks, amounting to 19s. 5d. By the sale of stockings came in 15s.1d., and by six donations 10s. 6d. Dec. 13. Yesterday came in 17. 11s. 6d., and to-day 10s. By this 21. 1s. 6d. this day's need has been met. There was also very seasonably, half a ton of coals sent, by a brother, to each of the three Orphan-Houses. Dec. 14. , Yesterday afternoon a lady sent a sovereign for the Orphans. There came in 15s. 6d. besides. Thus we had enough for this day likewise. Dec. 15. Having now again nothing in hand for the 430 [A.D. 1841. Orphans, the boxes were opened, in which 4s. 4d. was found. This, with a little which one of the labourers was able to add of his own, helped us through the day. From Nov. 12 up to this day my fellow-labourers in the Church and I have seen thirty inquirers and candi- dates for fellowship, and some of them we have seen repeatedly. How can we sufficiently praise the Lord for still continuing to use us in his service. Dec. 16. Nothing at all had come in for the Orphans; but as one of the labourers had last night, most un- expectedly, received some money from a distance of about two hundred miles, and as the Lord inclined his heart to give of it for the present need, we were supplied for to-day also. Dec. 17. In like manner we are helped to-day. Dec. 18. Saturday morning. There is now the greatest need, and only 4d. in hand, which I found in the box at my house; yet I fully believe the Lord will supply us this day also with all that is required.—Pause a few moments, dear readerſ Observe two things | We acted for God in delaying the public meetings, and the publishing of the Report; but God's way leads always into trial, so far as sight and sense are concerned. Nature always will be tried £n God’s ways. The Lord was saying by this poverty, “I will now see whether you truly lean upon me, and whether you truly look to me.” Of all the seasons that I had ever passed through since I had been living in this way, up to that time, I never knew any period in which my faith was tried so sharply, as during the four months from Dec. 12, 1841, to April 12, 1842. But observe further : We might even now have altered our minds with respect to the public meetings and publishing the Report; for no one knew our determination, at this time, concern- ing the point. Nay, on the contrary, we knew with what delight very many children of God were looking forward to receive further accounts. But the Lord kept us stead- fast to the conclusion, at which we arrived under his guidance.—Now to return to Saturday, Dec. 18th. I'vening. The Lord has been very kind to us this day. In the course of the morning 6s, came in. We had thus, with what provisions there were in hand, all that was needed for the dinner, but no means to provide for the next meal in the afternoon. A few minutes, after the A.D. 1841.] 431 labourers had met together for prayer this morning, there was given to one of them a sovereign for himself. By means of this, all that was needed for tea could be pro- cured. Another labourer gave 3s. 6d. and two books, which were sold for 4s. There came in still further in the course of the afternoon and evening:—by sale of stock- ings, 8s. 8d.; by needlework, 8d. ; and by sale of articles, 5s. Thus, when we again met in the evening for prayer, we found that the supplies had amounted to 2l. 8s. 2d., enough for all that was required to day. But one thing more is to be noticed respecting this day. I was informed that three more of the Orphans have been recently brought to the knowledge of the truth. We have now been meeting daily for prayer during the last five weeks, and thus the Lord has not merely heard our prayers respecting the funds, but has also blessed these children. Dec. 20. The Lord has again kindly sent fresh sup- plies. A sister gave 11, ; a servant sent 11.; another servant, 2s. 6d.; by sale of articles, 13s. 1d. This morning, just before I was going to the prayer-meeting, a lady brought 31.; and 5s. more I received this evening. Dec. 21. Though 6l. 0s. 7d. had been received yester- day and the day before, there was only 5s. remaining towards the supply of the necessities of to-day. At one o'clock three little boys gave me the produce of their Orphan-box, which was 4s. 7d. When I came home, I found that 18l. had come in, being a legacy left for the Orphans by a lady who died at the commencement of the year. This money comes in most seasonably, not merely for the supply of the wants of the children, but also as enabling me to give to some of the labourers in the Orphan- IHouses supplies for themselves. Dec. 23. This is now the sixth week that the labourer in the Day-Schools and Orphan-Houses have daily met for prayer. Several precious answers we have already received since we began to meet, as it regards pecuniary supplies, fresh instances of conversion among the children, etc. One of our petitions has been that the Lord would be pleased to furnish us with means for a stove at Callow- hill Street School-room. But though we had often men- tioned this matter before the Lord, he seemed not to regard our request. Yesterday afternoon, while walking in my little garden, and meditating and praying, I had an 432 [A.D. 1841. unusual assurance that the time was now come when the Lord would answer our request, which arose partly from my being able to believe that he would send the means, and partly from the fact that the answer could no longer be delayed, without prayer having failed in this matter, as we could not assemble the children again, after the Christmas vacation, without there being a stove put up. And now, dear reader, observe:–This morning Ireceived from A. B. 207., and we have thus much more than is required for a stove. Dec. 24. On the 22nd and 23rd 27. 0s. 5d. came in for the Orphans. The need of to-day was 31. 10s., but only 3!, was in hand. This afternoon, however, 11. was sent from Kensington and 11. from Plymouth. This evening we received still further anonymously 4s., and by knitting 2l. 10s. Dec. 25. By sale of articles was received 14s.2d. Dec. 26. This afternoon I was walking in my little garden, meditating on and turning into prayer Rom. viii. 28–32. When I came to verse 32, the necessity of the Orphans came to my mind, as to-morrow we shall again need more money than there is in hand, and I therefore asked the Lord that he would be pleased to give me a fresh proof that he will “freely give us all things,” by supplying our present need. This evening I spoke on the above-mentioned passage, and after the meeting a sister gave to my wife 122., of which 107, was for the Orphans, and 21. for my own necessities. There came in 5s. besides. * Dec. 31. As only 17. 15s. had been received since the 26th, there was again nothing in hand towards the need of this day. About an hour before the money was sent for from the Orphan-Houses, an individual who lives in Redcliff Parish, Bristol, sent 5l. By sale of stockings came in likewise 8s. 6d. -- A.D. 1841.] 433 REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1841. I. In reading over my journal, I find that the Lord has given me during this year many precious answers to prayer, in addition to those which have been recorded in the previous part of the Narrative. I mention the fol- lowing for the encouragement of the reader: 1, One of the Orphan-Boys needed to be apprenticed. I knew of no suitable believing master, who would take an in-door apprentice. I gave myself to prayer, and brought the matter daily before the Lord. I marked it down among the subjects for which I would daily ask the Lord; and at last, though from May 21 to September I had to pray about the matter, the Lord granted my request; for in September I found a suitable place for him. 2, On May 23rd I began to ask the Lord that he would be pleased to deliver a certain sister in the Lord from the great spiritual depression under which she was suffering, and after three days the Lord granted me my request. 3, On June 15th I began to ask the Lord to deliver a brother at a distance from the great spiritual nervousness in which he found himself shut up, which not only distressed him exceedingly, and in a great measure hindered him in his service towards the world and the church; but which, in consequence, was also a trial to the saints who knew and valued this dear brother. This petition I brought many times before the Lord. The year passed away, and it was not granted. But yet at last this request also has been granted to me and to the many dear saints who, I know, prayed for this dear brother; for though he was for some years in this state, it is now [in 1845] two years and more since he has been quite restored. 4, On June 15th I also began to ask the Lord daily, in his mercy to keep a sister in the Lord from insanity, who was then apparently on the very border of it; and I have now [in 1845] to record to his praise, after nearly four years have passed away, that the Lord has kept her from it. 5, During this year I was informed about the conversion of one of the very greatest sinners, that I ever heard of in all my service for the Lord. Repeatedly I fell on my knees with his wife, and asked the Lord for his conversion, when she came to me in the deepest distress of soul, on account of her most barbarous and cruel treatment that she received P P. 434 [A.D. 1841. from him, in his bitter enmity against her for the Lord's sake, and because he could not provoke her to be in a passion, and she would not strike him again, and the like. At the time when it was at its worst I pleaded especially on his behalf the promise in Matthew xviii. 19: “Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.” And now this awful persecutor is converted. 6, On May 25th I began to ask the Lord for greater real spiritual prosperity among the saints, among whom I labour in Bristol, than there ever yet had been among them; and now I have to record to the praise of the Lord that truly he has answered this request; for, considering all things, at no period has there been more manifestation of grace and truth, and spiritual power among us, than there is now while I am writing this for the press (1845). Not that we have at- tained to what we might; we are far, very far from it; but the Lord has been very, very good to us, and we have most abundant cause for thanksgiving. II. The state of the church with reference to num- bers, etc. 68 brethren and sisters Brother Craik and I found in communion, when we came to Bristol. 775 have been admitted into communion since we came - to Bristol. 843 would be, therefore, the total number of those in com- munion with us, had there been no changes. But, 101 have left Bristol. 55 have left us, but are still in Bristol. 48 are under church discipline. 67 have fallen asleep. 271 are therefore to be deducted from 843, so that - there are only 572 at present in communion. 88 have been added during the past year, of whom 30 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord among us, and 12 besides, though they knew the Lord, had never been in fellowship any where: 46 had been at some time or other in fellowship, but many of them with saints not residing in Bristol. III. The Lord’s goodness as to my temporal supplies during this year. A.D. 1842.] 435 1. The Lord has been pleased to give me by means of the anonymous freewill offer- ings of the saints, put into the boxes at our meeting places . . . . . . £116 2 4% 2. By presents in money from the brethren among whom I labour in Bristol . . 43 9 9 3. By presents in money from children of God not living in Bristol . . . . . 53 19 0 4. By presents in provisions, clothes, furni- ture, etc., from the saints among whom I labour, worth to us at least . . . 15 0 0 5. By presents in clothes, etc., from believ- ers not living in Bristol, worth to us at least . . . . . . . . . . . 10 0 0 #238 11 13. Thus during this year also, without asking any one but the Lord for help with regard to my temporal necessities, I have been richly supplied with all I needed; yea, I have had much more than I needed. January 1, 1842. Last night we had our usual prayer- meeting at the close of the year, which this time lasted from seven in the evening, till half-past twelve. Jan. 3. This evening we had a most precious public prayer-meeting. When the usual time for closing the meeting came, it appeared to me that there was a desire to continue to wait upon the Lord. I therefore proposed to the brethren that those who had bodily strength, time, and a desire for waiting still longer upon the Lord, would do so. At least thirty remained, and we continued till after ten in prayer, whilst several brethren prayed. I never knew prayer more really in the Spirit. I experienced for myself unusual nearness to the Lord, and was enabled to ask in faith, nothing doubting. On the 1st of January came in for the Orphans 11. 7s. 6d.; on the 2nd 10l. 13s. 7d.; and to-day came in from Plymouth 6l., from Exmouth 5l., from a sister in Bristol 5l., and from the East Indies 21. I have by this 30l. 1s. 1d. been enabled, as it had been my prayer, to give some money to the other five sisters who labour in the Orphan-Houses, for their own personal necessities, P P 2 436 [A.D. 1842. . Jan. 4. . As we have often found it to be the case, so it is now. After a season of more than usual poverty, comes a time of more than usual abundance. To-day the same brother, who has been spoken of under November 2nd, and who has drawn his money out of the Savings'-bank to spend it for the Lord, sent 201, more of it. There came in also from Guernsey 11., and 11.7s. besides. I am now able to order oatmeal from Scotland, buy materials for the boys’ clothes, order shoes, etc. Thus the Lord has been pleased to answer all our requests with respect to the pecuniary necessities of the Orphans, which we have brought before him in our prayer meetings during the last seven weeks. We have thus had of late an abundance, but the expenses have been great also; for within the last twenty-five days I have paid out above 100l. Jan. 22. As only little above 321. had been received since the 4th, there was to-day again only 11. 8s. 0; d. in hand, whilst 31.8s, was needed, it being Saturday. How- ever, as the Lord has helped us very many Saturdays, when we had still less at the commencement of the day, So it was to-day also. About an hour before the money was called for, I received from the neighbourhood of Crediton 4!., which came with the especial recommenda- tion of a gentleman and lady to introduce the use of oatmeal in the Orphan-Houses, if we had not done so, and this money was sent towards the first supply. We have, however, used oatmeal now for many months, and have found it decidedly of great benefit to the children. As about a fortnight since I had ordered 10l. worth from “Glasgow, through the kind help of two brethren there, this money came in most seasonably to supply the other necessities of this day. Jan. 24. Yesterday the Lord sent in 3!. 5s. 7d., to supply the need of this day. Jan. 25. There was now again this morning nothing in hand for the Orphans. About ten o'clock there was sent to me, as the produce of an Orphan-box, a small necklace, an old sixpence, and 5s. 8d. There came in also by sale of stockings 3s. 9d. As this 9s. 5d. was not enough, the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, which con- tained 17s. 2d., and thus we were again supplied. Perhaps, dear reader, you have said in your heart before you have read thus far: “How would it be, suppose the A.D. 1842.] 437 funds for the Orphans were reduced to nothing, and those who are engaged in the work had nothing of their own to give, and a meal time were to come, and you had no food for the children.” Thus indeed it may be, for our hearts are desperately wicked. If ever we should be so left to ourselves, as that either we depend no more upon the living God, or that “we regard iniquity in our hearts,” then such a state of things, we have reason to believe, would occur. But so long as we shall be enabled to trust in the living God, and so long as, though falling short in every way of what we might be, and ought to be, we are at least kept from living in sin, such a state of things cannot occur. Therefore, dear reader, if you yourself walk with God, and if, on that account, his glory is dear to you, I affectionately and earnestly entreat you to beseech him to uphold us; for how awful would be the disgrace brought upon his holy name, if we, who have so publicly made our boast in him, and have spoken well of him, should be left to disgrace him, either by unbelief in the hour of trial, or by a life of sin in other respects. Jan. 26. Again there was nothing in hand when the day commenced. In the course of the morning a gen- tleman from Yorkshire came to the Orphan-Houses. He bought two Reports, and one copy of the “Improved Renderings,” put 2s. 6d. into the box at the Boys'- Orphan-House, and 8s. into the box at the Infant-Orphan- House. There was also one penny found in the box at the Girls'-Orphan-House. This 6s. 10d. would have provided the absolute necessities for to-day, but it was desirable to have more means. I therefore opened the box in my house, in which I found a sovereign and a shilling. We were thus comfortably provided. Jan. 27. Last evening came in 4s. This morning a parcel arrived from E. P., containing 3s., and the following articles: 7 books, a Bible, 6 pairs of socks, 4 pairs of babies' shoes, a purse, a lady's comb, a lady's bag, a pair of knitted over-shoes, and 2 pairs of muffetees. Yesterday afternoon a gentleman came to see the Orphan-Houses, and put a sovereign into the box at the Boys'-Orphan- IIouse, which our need has brought out. We have thus 11. 7s. for this day, Evening. This afternoon came in still further 21. from a lady at Kensington, on whose heart the Lord seems to have particularly laid the work. One P P 3 4.38 [A.D. 1842. sovereign was from herself, and the other from a friend of hers. Jan. 29. The two sovereigns which came in on the 27th supplied our need yesterday. When I had again nothing in hand, to meet to-day’s necessities, a sister came last evening, who brought me 17.6s., a sovereign from another sister, and 6s. from herself. She said: “I do not know whether the Orphans have a dinner for to- morrow or not, but I had no rest in delaying to bring this money.” I had but just then come home from a meeting, and had on the way to my house been lifting up my heart to the Lord, that he would be pleased to remember our need.—This morning was sent from Clap- ham 11. 2s. 6d., with 3 frocks, a petticoat, 4 handkerchiefs, and 2 pinafores. My dear reader, do you indeed recognise the hand of God in all these instances P I have given instance upon instance, I have brought before you not this particular case, nor another particular case; but I have purposely shown you how we have fared day after day in our poverty, in order that you may adore the Lord for his goodness to us, and that you yourself may be led to depend upon him for every thing, should you not have done so before. I affectionately beseech you, not to take these instances as a matter of course. Say not in your heart, This is a charitable Institution, persons know that the maintenance of these many Orphans, and the support of these Day Schools, etc., costs much money, and therefore they will contribute. Nor suffer Satan to rob you of the blessing which the account of the Lord’s faithfulness to us, and his readiness to listen to our supplications is calculated, with God’s blessing, to communicate to you, by allowing him to whisper into your ears, that because the Reports are read by many, donations will of course be coming in, and that not all at once, but gradually, and that this is the way in which we are supplied. Dear reader, it is not thus. Suppose, we have been for some time on the whole, bountifully supplied. Suppose, now allis gone. Suppose, the expenses are great, but very little comparatively is coming in. What shall we do now P If we took goods on credit, or if we made known our necessities at such times to the liberal Christians who have means, and who are interested in the work in our hands, then, humanly, A.D. 1842.] 439 speaking, there might be little difficulty; but we neither take goods on credit, nor do we speak to any one about our need, but we wait upon God. Now, suppose our expenses are week after week, 30l., 40l., 50l., or 60l.? Bow are the means to come P Persons might still give; yea, many persons might still give, but it might just happen so, that all the donations that are received at the time when our expenses are most heavy are very small donations; how shall we do then? Sometimes the outgoings have been so great, that if I had sold every thing I possessed, I could not thereby have met the ex- penses of two weeks. What then is to be done? We wait upon God, and he always helps us, and has done so now [i. e. in 1845] for more than nine years with reference to the Orphans, and for more than eleven with reference to the other parts of the work. Feb. 5. Saturday. As only 107. 10s. 6d. had been re- ceived since January 29th, i.e. only so much as day by day was needed to provide necessaries for the Orphans, there is again the greatest need. It is now twelve o’clock, and there are no means as yet to meet the expenses of to-day. The words in the prayer of Jehoshaphat, “Neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee,” are at this moment the language of my heart. I like- wise know not what to do, but my eyes are upon the Lord, and I am sure that he will help this day also. Our kind Father still gives us proofs that he is mindful of our need; for last evening were anonymously sent to my house : 2 waistcoats, a shawl, a net collar, 33 yards of print, 2 decanters, and Clarendon's History of England. And just now, a small silver hook, a pepper box with silver top, and some muslin work have arrived from Birmingham. —Evening. In the course of the morning came in, by sale of articles, 12s. We were able likewise to dispose of one of the articles, which were sent last evening, for 5s. This afternoon one of the labourers gave me 10s., and 3s. came in for needle-work. By means of this 11. 10s, we were able to supply all that was needed, Feb. 7. Yesterday was received ll, 13s. 5d., and to- day 5s. 6d. - Reb. 8. By what came in yesterday, and the day before, the need of yesterday was supplied, and there is enough in all the houses for the meals of to-day; but in none of 440 [A.D. 1842. the houses have we been able to take in any bread; and as yesterday also but little could be taken in, there will not remain any for to-morrow ; nor is there money enough to take in milk to-morrow morning. There are likewise coals needed in two houses. Indeed, so far as I know, these three years and seven months, since first the funds. were exhausted, we were never in greater poverty; and if the Lord were not to send means before nine o’clock to- morrow morning, his name would be dishonoured. But I am fully assured that he will not leave us.—Evening. The Lord has not yet been pleased to send us what is needed for to-morrow, but he has given us a fresh proof that he is mindful of us. Between four and five o’clock this afternoon were sent nine plum cakes, which a sister had ordered to be baked as a treat for the Orphans. These cakes were an encouragement to me to continue to look out for further supplies. There was also found in the boxes at the Orpham-Houses, 2s. 1%d., and 1s. 4d. came in for stockings. These little donations are most pre- cious, but they are not enough to meet the need of to-morrow ; yea, before nine o'clock to-morrow morning we need more money to be able to take in the milk. Truly, we are poorer than ever; but through grace, my eyes look not at the empty stores and the empty purse, but to the riches of the Lord only. Peb. 9, This morning I went between seven and eight o'glook to the Orphan-Houses, to see whether the Lord had sent in any thing. When I arrived there, he had just two or three minutes before sent help.–A brother, in going to his house of business this morning, had gone already about half a mile, when the Lord was pleased to lay the Orphans upon his heart. He said, however, to himself, I cannot well return now, but will take some- thing this evening; and thus he walked on. Neverthe- less he could not go on any further, but felt himself constrained to go back, and to take to brother R, B., at the Boys'-Orphan-House, three sovereigns. [The donor himself stated this to me afterwards.]—Thus the Lord in his faithfulness helped us. Help was never more truly needed, for our poverty was never greater; nor did the help of the Lord ever come more manifestly from him- self; for the brother was gone on a good distance, it was between seven and eight o’clock in the morning, and it was A.D. 1842.] 441 so short a time before money would have been needed; con- sider this, beloved reader, and with us praise the Lord for his goodness. Praise him particularly that he enabled us to trust in him in this trying hour. There came in besides, to-day, 7s. 6d. Feb. 11. The 31, 11s. 6d. supplied our need the last two days. To-day again a few shillings more were needed, which one of the labourers was able to give of his own; but this was only enough to take in the usual quantity of milk, and some bread. Feb. 12. Saturday. Never since the funds were for the first time exhausted, had there come in less during any week, than during this. We were only able to supply the absolute necessities; but this we were enabled to do. When the meal times came, the Lord always provided what was needful, and, considering the great distress there is now almost everywhere, our dear Orphans are very well provided for. Now this day began not only without there being anything in hand, but our stores were greatly reduced, and we had to procure provisions for two days. One of the labourers gave 5s. in the morning, to provide the means to take in the milk. I collected together some pamphlets, which had been given for sale, to dispose of them, and they were sold about eleven o’clock for 4s. There came in also by sale of stockings 3s., and 12s. was paid on behalf of one of the Orphans. Thus we were provided with means to procure a dinner, and had a little towards purchasing bread, but by no means enough. All the labourers were together in prayer from half-past eleven till one, and we separated comfortably, with the purpose of meeting again in the evening. When I came home there was given to me an old broken silver pencil case, which, though worth very little, I took as a fresh proof that our Father was mindful of our need. When we met again this evening, we found that 3s. 6d. had come in by sale of stockings, and 6d. for two Reports. As all this was not enough, a few old and needless articles were disposed of for 4s., also the broken pencil case for 6d. I say needless articles, for other articles it did not seem right to us to dispose of, in order that the Lord's own deliverance might be manifest. A labourer was also still further able to give 7s. of his own. To one of the labourers 2s. had been owed by a certain individual for more than a twelvemonth, which being paid just now, and 442 [A.D. 1842. given by him for the Orphans, came in most seasonably. Thus we had 11. 18s. 6d., as much as was needful to pro- cure provisions till after breakfast on Monday morning. However, the Lord helped still further. Between eight and nine this evening, after we had been together for prayer, and had now separated, some money was given to one of the labourers for himself, by which means he was able to give 9s, so that altogether 21.7s.6d. had come in this day. This has been of all the weeks, during the last three years and seven months, one of the most trying, so far as it regards the trial of faith. Thanks to the Lord, who has helped us this day also ! Thanks to him for enabling us already this morning, when we met for prayer, to praise him for the deliverance, which we were sure he would work. Feb. 14. Yesterday came in from Wolverhampton 11. 2s. 6d. and a necklace. There was also given to me 17. 0s. 6d., which had come in by sale of articles, and 6d. for Reports. In the course of this day came in still further 3!. 2s. 4d. Feb. 15. By needlework came in 4s. 9d. Feb. 16. This morning there was now again onl sufficient money in hand to take in milk at two of the houses; but as a labourer was able to give 6s. 6d., we had sufficient for the milk, and had also enough, with the pro- visions that were in the houses, to provide for the dinner. Nothing more came in in the course of the morning, nor was I able to make inquiries how matters stood. In the afternoon, between three and four o’clock, having once more besought the Lord to send us help, I sat peacefully down to give myself to meditation over the word, con- sidering that that was now my service, though I knew not whether there was a morsel of bread for tea in any one of the houses, but being assured that the Lord would provide. For, through grace, my mind is so fully assured of the faithfulness of the Lord, that, in the midst of the greatest need, I am enabled in peace to go about my other work. Indeed, did not the Lord give me this, which is the result of trusting in him, I should scarcely be able to work at all; for it is now comparatively a rare thing that a day comes, when I am not in need for one or the other part of the work. Searcely had I sat down to meditate, when a note was sent to me from the Orphan-Houses, in which brother R. B., master of the Orphan Boys, had written thus: “On A.D. 1842.] 443 visiting the sisters in the Infant and Girls'-Orphan-Houses, I found them in the greatest need. There was not bread in one of the houses for tea this evening, and the 6s. 6d. was scarcely enough to supply what was needed for the dinner. I therefore opened the box in the Boys'-Orphan- House, and most unexpectedly found 17. in it. Thus, through the kindness of the Lord, we were again abun- dantly supplied as it regards present necessities.” In the evening the Lord, in his love and faithfulness, stretched out his hand still further. I had expounded at the meet- ing a part of John xi. The last words on which I spoke were: “Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest be- lieve, thou shouldest see the glory of God P’” When the meeting was over, as a fresh proof of the truth of this word, a note was given to me, in which a sick sister sent me 5l. for the Orphans. Feb. 17 and 18. These two days came in 8s. 2d. Feb. 19. Saturday. Our means were now again com- pletely spent. Our provision stores, were, perhaps, even more exhausted than on any previous Saturday. There was not the least human likelihood of obtaining means for sufficient provisions for this one day, and much less for two days. When I went before breakfast to the Orphan- Houses, I found a letter from Nottingham, containing 1s., which had arrived last evening. This was not only a sweet proof that our Father remembered our need, but it was also like an earnest that he would supply us this day also with all we required. In the course of the morning came in by sale of stockings 4s. 11d. In the box at my house I found 1s. One of the labourers gave 4s. 10d. Thus we were provided with those things which were absolutely needed for this day. We met between eleven and twelve o’clock for prayer. When we met again in the evening, a second letter had arrived from Nottingham, with another shilling. This was a further sweet proof of our Father's loving remembrance of our need; but with all this we were still without any means to provide bread for to-morrow, the Lord’s day. At eight o'clock I sepa- rated from my fellow-labourers, as I expected brother B. C. to arrive a little after eight at my house. I there- fore requested one of the brethren to go with me, in order to take back to the Orphan-Houses what the Lord might send in by post or in any other way. It was now half- past eight in the evening, and there was no bread yet 444 [A.D. 1842. in any one of the three houses for to-morrow. A few moments after, brother C. arrived, and he had not been more than about five minutes in my house when he gave me half a sovereign which he brought for the Orphans. I soon found an opportunity to leave the room for a little, gave the 10s. to the brother whom I had brought with me from the Orphan-Houses, and who was waiting in another room; and thus between nine and ten o’clock sufficient bread could be bought. Observel For the trial of our faith the Lord had allowed us to be kept waiting so long. When, however, brother C. had arrived, having money for the Orphans, he could not delay giving it at once, a matter most worthy of notice. This has been a week full of trials of faith, but also full of deliverances. Feb. 21. Since Saturday evening came in 11. 8s. 11d. There was also sent from Plymouth : a piece of blond, a piece of quilling net, and eleven pairs of children’s stockings, for sale. Thus we were supplied with means for that which was requisite for the beginning of this day; butas our stores had been soreduced at the end of last week, there was not enough for tea this afternoon. Four o'clock had now come, one hour before the usual tea time, when a brother from Somersetshire came to see the Orphan- Houses, and put a sovereign into each of the boxes. Our great need soon brought out the money, and thus we were supplied. [Observe 1 The brother (as he himself told me a few days after in the course of conversation), had but little time, and therefore rather hastily went over the houses. Had he stayed long and conversed much, as might have been the case, his donations would not have been in time for the tea.] There came in 1s. besides, by needlework done by the children. Feb. 22. This morning a parcel arrived from the neighbourhood of Manchester, containing 4 old silver thimbles, 1 seal, two gold pins, 10 cent (an American coin), a buckle, a watch key, a broken seal, some pamph- lets, and 549 sheets of Hintwafers. Feb. 23. We were again in want of means. A few of the articles which had come from Manchester were dis- posed of, and one of the labourers was able to give enough for what remained to be supplied.—The narrative of the events of these days is most imperfect. The way in which the Lord stretched out his hand day by day, and from - meal to meal, cannot be accurately described. To enter A.D. 1842.] 445 fully into it, one need be a witness to his inspecting the stores, so to speak, from meal to meal, and giving us those things which we needed. Reb. 24. Yesterday the following clothes were sent: 3 pairs of boys’ trousers, 2 boys' dresses, 2 frocks, a spencer, 5 pairs of children’s stays, a pair of boots, and a few other little articles. The clothes were all much worn, and in other respects not fit for the Orphans; but the Lord used them to supply us with the means for the dinner, as they were disposed of this morning. In the afternoon we again met for prayer. On my way to the Orphan-Houses, between four and five, when I knew that there would not be any bread, at least in one of the houses, for tea, I felt quite peaceful, being fully assured that for this meal also the Lord would provide. On in- quiry I found that there was bread enough in the Girls'- Orphan-House, none at all in the Boys'-Orphan-House, but enough in the Infant-Orphan-House both for the Infants and Boys. Therefore we were at this time sup- plied by the bread which was not needed at the Infant- Orphan-House. We have thus this day also what is ab- solutely needful. But now there is no bread in any of the houses, nor scarcely any thing else in the way of pro- WIS1011 S. Eeb. 25. Greater than now our need had never been. Our trials of faith have never been so sharp as during this week. Indeed, so much so, that most of the la- bourers felt to-day considerably tried. Yet neither this day has the Lord suffered us to be confounded. Through a remarkable circumstance one of the labourers obtained some money this morning, so that all the need of to-day could be amply met. In the afternoon a physician of this city kindly sent 11. for the Orphans, which was a sweet proof to us, when we met for prayer, that our kind Father had not forgotten us. Also on my way to the prayer- meeting at the Orphan-Houses I received 9s. Eeb. 26. My prayer this morning was in particular that the Lord would be pleased now to look in pity upon us, and take off his hand. Indeed, for several days my prayer has been that he would enable us to continue to trust in him, and not lay more upon us than he would enable us to bear. This is now again Saturday. There having been given yesterday a rich supply to the matrons, Q Q 446 [A.D. 1842. I knew that not so much as usual would be required this Saturday; still I thought that 11.10s. would be needed. Between ten and eleven o’clock this morning a parcel came from Clapham, containing 21. 2s., with 2 frocks, 2 petticoats, 2 chemises, 2 pinafores, and 6 handkerchiefs (all new). Thus we were richly supplied for to-day, for only 17, 10s. was needed. There was moreover half-a-so- vereign put into the box at my house this day by a little boy, and 2s. 6d. came in by sale of articles. Thus we were brought to the close of a week in which more than at any previous time the Lord has been pleased to try our faith. To him most manifestly we owe it that our faith has not failed completely. Feb. 28. Yesterday Q. Q. gave me an order for 87. As it was left to me to lay out the money as I thought well, I put 4!. of it to the School-Fund, and 4!. to the Orphan-Fund. Thus both parts of the work have been again most seasonably helped, as to-day the teachers in the Day-Schools greatly needed some money for them- selves. To-day 13s. was received for the Orphans. - March 2. Yesterday I found a sovereign in the Or- phan-box at my house; received 9s. 23d. from three little boys, being the produce of their Orphan-box; 2s. 6d. for IReports; and 11. 10s., being the profit of the sale of ladies’ baskets. Thus we were again supplied for yester- day and to-day. This evening were also sent, by order of an Irish sister, 33% lbs. of woollen yarn. Respecting this donation it is to be remarked, that last Saturday we had asked the Lord in our prayer meeting, that he would be pleased to send us means to purchase worsted, in order that the boys might go on with their knitting. March 3. Yesterday 5s. came in, and this evening a sovereign, when there was now again great need, there being no money in hand. March 5. Saturday. It was not a small deliverance that the Lord sent this morning, between ten and eleven o'clock 21. 10s. from Edinburgh, when there were no means in hand to meet this day’s necessities, nay, not even the means to procure a dinner, as only 4s. had come in yesterday.—Evening. About eight o'clock a gentle- man called on me. He said “I conne at a late hour, but I trust not the less acceptable on that account. I bring you a little money for the Orphans.” He them gave me A.D. 1842.] 447 two sovereigns. When I requested him to give me his Iname, he told me, that if the giving of his name would be of any benefit he would do so, but as it would not, I might simply put down in the Report “Sent,” for he was sure that the Lord had sent him.—I believe it, for the help came most seasonably and in answer to prayer. There was likewise taken out of the box in my house half-a- sovereign. - - March 9. At a time of the greatest need, both with regard to the Day-Schools and the Orphans, so much so that we could not have gone on any longer without help, I received this day 10!. from a brother who lives near Dublin. The money was divided between the Day- Schools and the Orphan-Houses. The following little circumstance is to be noticed respecting this donation:— As our need was so great, and my soul was, through grace, truly waiting upon the Lord, I looked out for supplies in the course of this morning. The post, however, was out, and no supplies had come... This did not in the least dis- courage me. I said to myself, the Lord can send means without the post, or even now, though the post is out, by this very delivery of letters he may have sent means, though the money is not yet in my hands. It was not long, after I had thus spoken to myself, when, according to my hope in God, we were helped; for the brother who sent us the 10!., had this time directed his letter to the Boys’-Orphan-House, whence it was sent to me. March 11. Yesterday a box arrived from one of the Northern counties, respecting which the donor had re- quested that neither the articles which it contained, nor the name of the place whence it came, should be men- tioned in the public account. I, therefore, only state here that thus the Lord has again most seasonably helped us, besides giving us a fresh proof, in raising up this new and anonymous donor, that he does not cease to care for us. It is intended to apply the produce of the articles contained in the box partly for the Orphans, and partly for the other objects. Though the box arrived only yes- terday, we are even this day helped through means of it; for we disposed to-day of some of the articles to the amount of 91.6s. 6d. Of this sum 77. 6s. 6d. was divided among the teachers, who much needed it; and 21. was taken for the Orphan-Fund, without which the need of Q Q 2 448 [A.D. 1842. this day could not have been supplied in the Orphan- Houses. March 17. From the 12th to the 16th had come in 4!. 5s. 11; d. for the Orphans. This morning our poverty, which now has lasted more or less for several months, had become exceedingly great. I left my house a few minutes after seven to go to the Orphan-Houses to see whether there was money enough to take in the milk, which is brought about eight o’clock. On my way it was especi- ally my request, that the Lord would be pleased to pity us, even as a father pitieth his children, and that he would not lay more upon us than he would enable us to bear. I especially entreated him that he would now be pleased to refresh our hearts by sending us help. I likewise reminded him of the consequences that would result, both in reference to believers and unbelievers, if we should have to give up the work because of want of means, and that he therefore would not permit its coming to nought. I moreover again confessed before the Lord that I deserved not that he should continue to use me in this work any longer. While I was thus in prayer, about two minutes' walk from the Orphan-Houses, I met a brother who was going at this early hour to his business. After having exchanged a few words with him, I went on ; but he presently ran after me, and gave me 11, for the Orphans. Thus the Lord speedily answered my prayer. Trudy, it is worth being poor and greatly tried in faith, for the sake of having day by day such precious proofs of the loving interest which our kind Father takes in every thing that concerns us. And how should our Father do otherwise ? He that has given us the greatest possible proof of his love which he could have done, in giving us his own Son, surely he will with him also freely give us all things. It is worth also being poor and greatly tried in faith, if but thereby the hearts of the children of God may be comforted and their faith strengthened, and if but those who do not know God, and who may read or hear of his dealings with us, should be led thereby to see, that faith in God is more than a mere notion, and that there is indeed reality in Christianity. In the course of this day there came in still further 13s. March 19. Saturday. As it has often been the case on Saturdays, so it was this day in particular. We began A.D., 1842.] 449 the day in very great poverty, as only 7s, had come in since the day before yesterday. There was not one ray of light as to natural prospects. The heart would be Overwhelmed at such seasons, were there not an abun- dance of repose to be found by trusting in God. The trial having continued so long, and our poverty having now come to such a degree, that it was necessary we should have help, in order that the name of the Lord might not be dishonoured, I had proposed to my fellow- labourers that we should set apart this day especially for prayer. We met accordingly at half-past ten in the morning. By that time had come in 4.s. 6d., 7s.6d., and 10s. In the afternoon we met again at three, when 10s. came in. In the evening at seven we met once more, there being yet about three shillings needed, to provide all that was required. This also we received, and even 3s. more than was actually needed came in, just when we were about to separate. - To-day we were also very poor with reference to our own personal necessities. In the morning we had only 2#d. left, when a sister in the Lord, who knew nothing about our need, gave us the contents of her purse, being il. 7s. March 23. This afternoon, when we had no money at all of our own, a brother gave us 3s. for ourselves. March 25. During the last four days we received 6l. 12s. 2d. for the Orphans. This morning, when we were now again without any thing, a parcel arrived from Clapham, containing ll. 10s. with a frock, a chemise, 2 petticoats, 2 pinafores, and 2 handkerchiefs (all new). About the same time was sent a post-office order from Bath for 21. This is no small deliverance. The need has been so great during this week that the matrons, in order that there might be no lack in the way of provisions for the children, have been unable to order even half-a-ton of coals at once, and have been obliged to buy them in very small quantities. When again we had only 6d. left for our own personal necessities, I received 9s. March 26. We are helped to the close of one more week with reference to our own personal necessities. During this week we have had several times not one single penny for ourselves; yet during this week also we Q Q 3 - 450 [A.D. 1842. have had all that was needed in the way of nourishing food, etc., and we have 3d. left. March 30. From the 25th up to this day we were poor, with reference to the Orphans, but the Lord helped us. This morning a brother from Devonshire came to stay for a few days with me. He gave me two sovereigns for the Orphans, and told me the following facts in con- nexion with them. Last year he portioned out a piece of ground, for the benefit of the Orphans. Having done so, all the members of the family were gathered together, and he asked with them the Lord’s blessing upon the crop, that was to be planted. This prayer was often re- peated afterwards, while the crop was known to belong to the Orphans; and the ground yielded a good crop. The potatoes were to have been sent, but it was considered better to sell them for the benefit of the Orphans, and now this brother brought the produce. These two sove- reigns came in most seasonably, as they were only just in time to supply the dinner and other necessaries of this day; for when I came with the brother from the railway station to my house, I found an Orphan boy waiting for 'money, and I had nothing in hand. This evening Ireceived still further from a sister 17. 1s. 5; d. This morning we had not one single halfpenny left for our own necessities, when two brethren arrived to stay with us for some days, the one from Somersetshire and the other from the North of Devon. The brother from the North of Devon brought 12s. for my own use from Barnstaple, and also gave 11, to my dear wife this after- noon for our own need. Thus we were again supplied. My mind had been quite in peace on account of our own need, and the only inconvenience that we had in this case was, that our dinner was about half an hour later than usual. Such a thing, as far as I remember, scarcely ever occurred before, and has never occurred since; but sup- pose it had, it is well, in some little measure, to know from one's own experience the meaning of that word, “I know both how to be abased, and I, know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Philip iv. 12. - - March 31. This afternoon 5s. came in from Bath, and from a sister in the Lord in one of the Northern counties A.D. 1842.] 451 5l. for the Orphans and 157. for the other objects; and through the same donor 12s. This money arrived when there was again only 5s. in hand for the Orphans, which had come in this afternoon, and when there was particu- lar need of means, as many pairs of shoes needed to be mended, and other extra expenses were to be met. When this money came, there was also great need of fresh supplies for the lay-Schools, on account of which this donation was a precious help from the Tord. April 2. We received 17. 19s. 6d. for the Orphans. April 4. When again our little stock had been ex- hausted, the Lord was pleased to send in yesterday 5l. through a sister of Bristol; also by sale of articles 10s., and by Reports 5s. To-day came in from Kensington 17. April 6. As only 3s. Imore had come in yesterday, the money was now again all gore, when this evening was sent from a distance a post office order for 27. April 8. This afternoon, when again much money was needed, we received from Plymouth 11., and from a donor in Bristol 17. April 9. Saturday. Only 1s. 6d. had come in since yesterday afternoon. We needed more money than there was in hand, especially as it was Saturday, but the Lord was pleased particularly to try our faith. In the course of the morning came from some sisters in Dublin, 18 yards of calico, 34 yards of print, 43 balls of cotton, and a pair of worn lady's boots This donation came most Seasonably, as we had been mentioning repeatedly the Ineed of calico and print in our prayers, and the sewing cotton and the pair of boots came at once into use. Moreover, this donation was a sweet encouragement to Ime to continue waiting upon the Lord. Evening was now approaching, and no money had yet come in for pro- visions, etc., which would be needed on the Lord’s day. About six o'clock, I gave myself once more to prayer with my wife, and requested the Lord in my prayer that if the sister, who in love to him has taken upon her the service of disposing of the articles which are given for sale, had any money in hand, he would be pleased to incline her heart to bring or send the money this evening. After this I sat down peacefully to read the Scriptures, being assured that this time also the Lord would stretch out his hand on our behalf. About half-past seven o'clock { ſ' { * 1 452 [A.D. 1842. the sister, to whom reference has just now been made, came and brought 11. 10s. 4d. for articles which she had sold, stating that though she was unwell, yet she felt herself constrained not to delay bringing this money. Thus we had all that was needed, and 6s. more. When I arrived with the money at the Infant-Orphan-House, about eight o'clock, I found my fellow-labourers in prayer, and while we still continued in prayer a sister sent a large basket of stale bread, being five brown loaves, seven bread cakes, and five French loaves. April 11. It is this day six years since the first children were taken in, and, as usual, we are poor this day also : for only 13s. 10%d. has come in since Saturday evening. April 12. We were never in greater need than to-day, perhaps never in so much, when I received this morning 100l. from the East Indies. It is impossible to describe the real joy in God it gave me. My prayer had been again this morning particularly, that our Father would pity us, and now at last send larger sums. I was not in the least surprised or eaceited, when this donation came, for I took it as that which came in answer to prayer, and had been long looked for. As it was left to me to use the money as might be most needed, I took one half of it for the Orphan Fund, and the other half for the other funds. We have thus also an answer to our prayer for oatmeal, new shoes, and for means to enable us to have the old shoes mended, means for replenishing somewhat our stores, money for some articles of clothing for the children, and also a little money for the sisters who labour in the Orphan-Houses. How precious to look to the Lord! I was always sure that he would at last send larger sums, therefore had my heart been kept in peace, though my faith had never been more tried than during the last months. April 14. There was half-a-sovereign taken out of the box at the Boys'-Orphan-House this morning. This afternoon three individuals called on me. One of them gave 6l., 3 collars, and 2 veils, and brought likewise 3 gold rings. Another of them gave me 2s. 6d. After they had left I found in my room on the mantlepiece in a paper 2 sovereigns for my own personal expenses, and in three papers 3 sovereigns for the three Orphan-Houses, and also a fourpenny piece on the floor. } y } t A.D. 1842.] 453 April 30. As since the 14th only little more than 16!. had come in, there was again this day not quite enough in hand to supply all that was needed. However, the Lord sent from Clapham a parcel, which contained 10s., 2 frocks, 2 pinafores, 2 handkerchiefs, 2 nightcaps, and 2 pieces of list. May 1. To-day was given by a brother a gold watch with a small gold chain and key. The gift was accompa- nied by the following note to me: “Beloved Brother, “A pilgrim does not want such a watch as this to make him happy; one of an inferior kind will do to show him how swiftly his time flies, and how fast he is hasten- ing on to that Canaan where time will be no more : so that it is for you to do with this what seemeth good to you. It is the last relic of earthly vanity, and, while I am in the body, may I be kept from all idolatry. Your affectionate brother, # * * *.” May 2. There was now again no money in hand, not even the few shillings which were required to take in the milk to-morrow morning, when a sister gave a sovereign to brother R. B. for the Orphans, whereby we are helped. May 6. Only 31, 10s. 2%d. had been received since the 2nd, on which account there would have been only enough means in hand to provide for the breakfast to-morrow morning, when in this our fresh need 801. was sent by the same brother who has been spoken of under “June 4, 1841,” in the details respecting the other funds; and also 6l. from Great Malvern. The half af this 80l. was put to the Orphan Fund, and the other half to the other funds; the donation from Great Malvern was put to the fund for the other objects. There arrived at the same time from the East Indies by post a small parcel, contain- ing 2 pairs of gold ear-rings, a brooch, and 2 rupees. These donations come especially in season, as they enable me to give supplies to the brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools and Orphan-Houses for their own personal necessities, besides meeting the wants in other respects. May 10. 6l. 15s. 10d. more has come in since the 6th. 454 [A.D. 1842. To-day, in closing the accounts, we have left at the end of this period of seventeen months, in which we have been so often penniless, the sum of 16l. 18s. 10%d. for the Orphans, and 48l. 12s. 54d. for the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. The time now seemed to us to have come, when, for the profit of the church at large, the Lord's dealings with us, with reference to the various objects of the Scriptural Rnowledge Institution, should be made known by pub- lishing another Report. For, whilst we, on purpose, had delayed it at this time five months longer than during the previous years, and that during a period when we were in deeper poverty than during any previous time; yet, as from the commencement it had appeared to me important from time to time to make known the Lord’s dealings with us, so I judged it profitable still, to seek to comfort, to encourage, to exhort, to instruct, and to warn the dear children of God by the printed accounts of the Lord's goodness to us. The following are a fewadditional remarks with reference to the period of the seventeen months previous to May 10, 1842. 1. Though our trials of faith during these seventeen months lasted longer, and were sharper than during any previous period, yet during all this time the Orphans had every thing that was needful in the way of nourishing food, the necessary articles of clothing, etc. Indeed I should rather at once send the children back to their re- lations than keep them without sufficient maintenance. 2. I desire that all the children of God, who may read these details, may thereby be led to increased and more simple confidence in God for every thing which they may need under any circumstances, and that these many answers to prayer may encourage them to pray, particu- larly as it regards the conversion of their friends and relations, their own progress in grace and knowledge, the state of the saints whom they may know personally, the state of the church of Christ at large, and the success of the preaching of the Gospel. Especially I affectionately warn them against being led away by the device of Satan, to think that these things are peculiar to me, and cannot be enjoyed by all the children of God; for though, as has been stated before, every believer is not called upon to A.D. 1842.] 455 establish Orphan-Houses, Charity Schools, etc., and trust in the Lord for means, yet all believers are called upon, in the simple confidence of faith, to cast all their burdens upon him, to trust in him for every thing, and not only to make every thing a subject of prayer, but to expect answers to their petitions which they have asked accord- ing to his will, and in the name of the Lord Jesus.— Think not, dear reader, that I have the gift of faith, that is that gift of which we read in 1 Cor. xii. 9, and which is mentioned along with “the gifts of healing,” “the work- ing of miracles,” “prophecy,” and that on that account I am able to trust in the Lord. It is true that the faith, which I am enabled to exercise, is altogether God’s own gift ; it is true that he alone supports it, and that he alone can increase it; it is true that, moment by moment, I depend upon him for it, and that if I were only one mo- ment left to myself, my faith would utterly fail; but it is not true that my faith is that gift of faith which is spoken of in 1 Cor. xii. 9, for the following reasons. 1, The faith which I am enabled to exercise with refer- ence to the Orphan-Houses and my own temporal Inecessities, is not that “faith” of which it is said in 1 Cor. xiii. 2 (evidently in allusion to the faith spoken of in 1 Cor. xii. 9), “Though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity (love), I am nothing; but it is the self-same faith which is found in every believer, and the growth of which I am most sensible of to myself; for, by little and little, it has been in- creasing for the last six and twenty years. 2, This faith which is exercised respecting the Orphan- Houses and my own temporal necessities, shows itself in the same measure, for instance, concerning the following points: I have never been permitted to doubt during the last twenty-seven years that my sins are forgiven, that I am a child of God, that I am beloved of God, and that I shall be finally saved; because I am enabled, by the grace of God, to exercise faith upon the word of God, and be- lieve what God says in those passages which settle these matters (1 John v. 1–Gal. iii. 26—Acts x. 43–Romans x. 9, 10—John iii. 16, etc.)—Further, At the time when I thought I should be insane (though there was not the least ground for thinking so), as recorded on pages 211, 212, and 225, I was in peace, quite in peace; because my 456 [A.D. 1842. soul believed the truth of that word, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” Rom. viii. 28.—Further, when my brother in the flesh, and my dear aged father died, and when concerning both of them I had no evidence whatever that they were saved (though I dare not say that they are lost, for I know it not), yet my soul was at peace, perfectly at peace, under this great trial, this exceedingly great trial, this trial which is one of the greatest perhaps which can befall a believer. And what was it that gave me peace P My soul laid hold on that word, “Shall not the judge of all the earth do right P” This word, together with the whole character of God, as he has revealed himself in his holy word, settled all questionings. I believed what he has said concerning himself, and I was at peace, and have been at peace ever since, concerning this matter.—Fur- ther, When the Lord took from me a beloved infant, my soul was at peace, perfectly at peace, I could only weep tears of joy when I did weep. And why P. Because my soul laid hold in faith on that word: “Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew xix. 14. Believing, therefore, as I did, upon the ground of this word, my soul rejoiced, instead of mourning, that my beloved infant was far happier with the Lord, than with me.—Further, When sometimes all has been dark, exceedingly dark, with re- ference to my service among the saints, judging from natural appearances; yea, when I should have been over- whelmed indeed in grief and despair had I looked at things after the outward appearance : at such times I have sought to encourage myself in God, by laying hold in faith on his almighty power, his unchangeable love, and his infinite wisdom, and I have said to myself: God is able and willing to deliver me, if it be good for me; for it is written: “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him. also freely give us all things P” Rom viii. 32. This, this it was which, being believed by me through grace, kept my soul in peace.—Further, When in connexion with the Orphan-Houses, Day Schools, etc., trials have come upon me which were far heavier than the want of means, when lying reports were spread that the Orphans had not enough to eat, or that they were cruelly treated in other respects, and the like; or when other trials, still greater, A.D. 1842.] 457 but which I cannot mention, have befallen me in connex- ion with this work, and that at a time when I was nearly a thousand miles absent from Bristol, and had to remain absent week after week: at such times my soul was stayed upon God; I believed his word of promise which was applicable to such cases; I poured out my soul before God, and arose from my knees in peace, because the trouble that was in the soul was in believing prayer cast upon God, and thus I was kept in peace, though I saw it to be the will of God to remain far away from the work. —Further, When I needed houses, fellow-labourers, masters and mistresses for the Orphans or for the Day Schools, I have been enabled to look for all to the Lord, and trust in him for help.–Dear reader, I may seem to boast; but, by the grace of God, I do not boast in thus speaking. From my inmost soul I do ascribe it to God alone that he has enabled me to trust in him, and that hitherto he has not suffered my confidence in him to fail. But I thought it needful to make these remarks, lest any one should think that my depending upon God was a particular gift given to me, which other saints have no right to look for; or lest it should be thought that this my depending upon him had only to do with the obtaining of MONEY by prayer and faith. By the grace of God I desire that my faith in God should extend towards EVERY thing, the smallest of my own temporal and spiritual concerns, and the smallest of the temporal and spiritual concerns of my family, towards the saints among whom I labour, the church at large, every thing that has to do with the tem- poral and spiritual prosperity of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, etc. Tear Reader, do not think that I have attained in faith (and how much less in other respects 1) to that degree to which I might and ought to attain; but thank God for the faith which he has given me, and ask him to uphold and increase it. And lastly, once more, let not Satan deceive you in making you think that you could not have the same faith, but that it is only for persons who are situated as I am. When I lose such a thing as a key, I ask the Lord to direct me to it, and I look for an answer to my prayer; when a person with whom I have made an appointment does not come, according to the fixed time, and I begin to be inconvenienced by it, I ask the Lord to be pleased to hasten him to me, and I look for an R. R. 458 [A.D. 1842. answer; when I do not understand a passage of the word of God, I lift up my heart to the Lord, that he would be pleased, by his holy Spirit, to instruct me, and I expect to be taught, though I do not fix the time when, and the manner how it should be ; when I am going to minister in the word, I seek help from the Lord, and while I in the consciousness of natural inability as well as utter unworthiness, begin this his service, I am not cast down, but of good cheer, because I look for his assistance, and believe that he, for his dear Son’s sake, will help me. And thus in other of my temporal and spiritual concerns I pray to the Lord, and expect an answer to my requests; and may not you do the same, dear believing reader P Oh I I beseech you, do not think me an extraordinary be- liever, having privileges above other of God’s dear children, which they cannot have ; nor look on my way of acting as something that would not do for other believers. Make but trial! Do but stand still in the hour of trial, and you will see the help of God, if you trust in him. But there is so often a forsaking the ways of the Lord in the hour of trial, and thus the food for faith, the means whereby our faith may be increased, is lost. This leads me to the following important point. You ask, How may I, a true believer, have my faith strengthened P. The answer is this: I. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James i. 17. As the increase of faith is a good gift, it must come from God, and therefore he ought to be asked for this blessing. II. The following means, however, ought to be used : 1, The careful reading of the word of God, combined with 'meditation on it. Through reading of the word of God, and especially through meditation on the word of God, the believer becomes more and more acquainted with the nature and character of God, and thus sees more and more, besides his holiness and justice, what a kind, loving, gracious, merciful, mighty, wise, and faithful being he is, and, therefore, in poverty, affliction of body, bereavement in his family, difficulty in his service, want of a situation or employment, he will repose upon the ability of God to help him, because he has not only learned from his word A.D. 1842.] 459 that he is of Almighty power and infinite wisdom, but he has also seen instance upon instance in the Holy Scrip- tures in which his Almighty power and infinite wisdom have been actually exercised in helping and delivering his people; and he will repose upon the willingness of God to help him, because he has not only learned from the Scriptures what a kind, good, merciful, gracious, and faithful being God is, but because he has also seen in the word of God, how in a great variety of instances he has proved himself to be so. And the consideration of this, if God has become known to us through prayer and medi- tation on his own word, will lead us, in general at least, with a measure of confidence to rely upon him: and thus the reading of the word of God, together with meditation on it, will be one especial means to strengthen our faith. 2, As with reference to the growth of every grace of the Spirit, it is of the utmost importance that we seek to maintain an upright heart and a good conscience, and, therefore, do not knowingly and habitually indulge in those things which are contrary to the mind of God, so it is also particularly the case with reference to the growth Žn faith. How can I possibly continue to act faith upon God, concerning any thing, if I am habitually grieving him, and seek to detract from the glory and honour of him in whom I profess to trust, upon whom I profess to depend? All my confidence towards God, all my leaning upon him in the hour of trial will be gone, if I have a guilty conscience, arid do not seek to put away this guilty conscience, but still continue to do things which are con- trary to the mind of God. And if, in any particular instance, I cannot trust in God, because of the guilty conscience, then my faith is weakened by that instance of distrust; for faith with every fresh trial of it either increases by trusting God, and thus getting help, or it decreases by not trusting him; and then there is less and less power of looking simply and directly to him, and a habit of self dependance is begotten or encouraged. One or other of these will always be the case in each particular instance. Either we trust in God, and in that case we neither trust in ourselves, nor in our fellowmen, nor in circumstances, nor in any thing besides; or we Do trust in one or more of these, and in that case do NOT trust in God, 3, If we, indeed, desire our faith to be strengthened, g B R 2 460 [A.D. 1842. we should not shrink from opportunities where our faith may be tried, and, therefore, through the trial, be strength- ened. In our natural state we dislike dealing with God alone. Through our natural alienation from God we shrink from him, and from eternal realities. This cleaves to us more or less, even after our regeneration. Hence it is that, more or less, even as believers, we have the same shrinking from standing with God alone,—from depending upon him alone,—from looking to him alone —and yet this is the very position in which we ought to be, if we wish our faith to be strengthened. The more I am in a position to be tried in faith with reference to my body, my family, my service for the Lord, my business, etc., the more shall I have opportunity of seeing God's help and deliverance; and every fresh instance, in which he helps and delivers me, will tend towards the increase of my faith. On this account, therefore, the believer should not shrink from situations, positions, circumstances, in which his faith may be tried, but should cheerfully embrace them as opportunities where he may see the hand of God stretched out on his behalf, to help and deliver him, and whereby he may thus have his faith strengthened. 4, The last important point for the strengthening of our faith is, That we let God work for us, when the hour of the trial of our faith comes, and do not work a deliverance of our own. Wherever God has given faith, it is given, among other reasons, for the very purpose of being tried. Yea, however weak our faith may be, God will try it; only with this restriction, that as, in every way, he leads us on gently, gradually, patiently, so also with reference to the trial of our faith. At first our faith will be tried very little, in comparison with what it may be afterwards; for God never lays more upon us than he is willing to enable us to bear. Now, when the trial of faith comes, we are naturally inclined to distrust God, and to trust rather in ourselves, or in our friends, or in circumstances. We will rather work a deliverance of our own somehow or other, than simply look to God and wait for his help. But if we do not patiently wait for God's help, if we work a deliverance of our own, then at the next trial of our faith it will be thus again, we shall be again inclined to deliver ourselves; and thus, with every fresh instance of that kind, our faith will decrease; whilst, on the contrary, A.D. 1842.] 461 were we to stand still in order to see the salvation of God, to see his hand stretched out on our behalf, trusting in him alone, then our faith would be increased, and with every fresh case in which the hand of God is stretched Out on our behalf in the hour of the trial of our faith, our faith would be increased yet more. Would the believer, therefore, have his faith strengthened, he must, especially, give time to God, who tries his faith in order to prove to his child, in the end, how willing he is to help and deliver him, the moment it is good for him. I now return, dear Reader, to the narrative, giving you Some further information with reference to the 17 months, from December 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, as it respects the Orphan-Houses, and other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, besides the facts of which mention has been already made. During this period also—1, Two Sunday Schools were entirely supported by the funds of the Institution. 2, There were two adult schools, one for females, and one for males, entirely supported during these 17 months, in which, on two evenings of the week the males, and on two evenings the females were instructed, quite gratuitously, in reading and writing, and were furnished with books and writing materials gratuitously. There were, during these 17 months, 344 adults taught in these two schools, and on May 10, 1842, the number under instruction amounted to 110. The chief object of these adult schools is, to teach grown up persons to read, in order that they may themselves be able to read the Holy Scriptures; but, at the same time, those who teach them take oppor- tunity to point out the way of salvation to them, and, while the word of God is read, they seek to make remarks on the portions which are read:—3. There were, during these 17 months, also six Day Schools entirely supported by the funds of the Institution, three for boys and three for girls. These schools are principally intended to enable persons of the poorer classes of the inhabitants of Bristol, to send their children to school, either entirely free, or on paying only the fifth or sixth part of the expenses con- nected with the instruction which the children receive ; they are also, especially, intended to keep believing parents, who have not much means, from the necessity of sending their children to unbelievers for instruction. On May 10, - R R. 3 462 [A.D. 1842 1842, the number of the children who attended these Day Schools, was 363; and the total number, who from the formation of the Institution, on March 5, 1834, up to May 10, 1842, had been instructed in the Day-Schools, which are supported by the funds of the Institution, amounts to 2616.-4. During these 17 months, 798 copies of the Holy Scriptures were circulated, and from the commencement of the Institution, up to May 10, 1842, 6,842 copies. 5. Turing these 17 months was spent for Missionary purposes, the sum of 126l. 15s. 3d. of the funds of the Institution, whereby assistance was rendered to the work of God in Jamaica, in Australia, in Canada, and in the East Indies. 6. At the commencement of these 17 months, i.e. on December 10, 1840, a new object was begun, the circulation of such publications as may be beneficial, with the blessing of God, to benefit both unbe- lievers and believers. We laid out for this object, during these 17 months, from December 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, the sum of 627. 17s. 4d., for which twenty-two thousand one hundred and ninety such little publications were purchased, and of which number nineteen thousand six hundred and nine were actually given away.—7. There were received into the three Orphan-Houses, from Dec. 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, 15 Orphans, who, together with those who were in the houses on Dec. 10, 1840, make up 106 in all. Of these, five girls were sent out to service, two boys and one girl were apprenticed, one girl was removed by a lady who had placed her for a time under our care, and one was sent back to his rela- tions, as he was injurious to the other children. There were on May 10, 1842, 96 Orphans in the three houses, i. e. 30 in the Girls'-Orphan-House, 37 in the Infant-Orphan-House, and 29 in the Boys'-Orphan- House. Besides this, three apprentices were supported by the funds of the Institution, so that the total number was 99. The number of Orphans who were under our care from April, 1836, to May 10, 1842, amounts to 144. I notice further the following points in connexion with the Orphan-Houses. - Without any one having been asked for any thing by me, the sum of 5,276l. 14s. 8d. was given to me from the beginning of the work up to May 10, 1842, as the result of prayer to God. Besides this, also, many articles of A.D. 1842.] 463 clothing, furniture, provisions, &c.—During these 17 months we had very little sickness in the three houses, and not one of the children died. I desire publicly to state this, and in it to acknowledge the hand of God. The total of the expenditure for the various objects of the Institution, exclusive of the Orphan-Houses, during these 17 months, amounted to 710l. 11s. 5d.; the total of the income amounted to 746l. 1s. 0#d. The total of the expenditure for the three Orphan-Houses, from December 10, 1840, to May 10, 1842, amounted to 1,3371. 15s. 2; d.; the total of the income amounted to 1,3397. 13s. 7d. May 11, 1842. When the accounts were closed last night, the balance in hand for the Orphans was 16l. 18s. 10%d., though the actual amount for use at present is only 6l. 8s. 10%d., as 10l. 10s. is put by for the rent.—With this 6l. 8s. 10; d. therefore we had to begin again the work, whilst there were 107 persons to be provided for with all they required. From May 11 to May 27, we were always so provided for by the Lord, that we received fresh donations before the last money was spent, for there came in 28l. 15s. 8%d.; but now we should not have had sufficient for the need of to-morrow, May 28th, when to-day there arrived a parcel from Kendal, containing 6 frocks, 5 tippets, 6 pinafores, 6 chemises, 2 shirts, 3 aprons, and the following dona- tions in money: with Ps. xxvii., 10s. ; Proverbs ii. 5, 6, 2s. 6d.; from a sister who earns her own bread by her daily exertions, 10s.; from another individual 10s. There came in also by sale of articles, given for that purpose, 21.1s. May 28. There came in still further to-day 31.4s. 6d., so that we are richly provided with all we need, and have more than enough. June 3. For several days past I had not been parti- cularly led to pray for means for the Orphans. Last evening, however, I did so, as we had now again no money in hand, there having come in only 10l. 2s. 2d. during the last five days; and in answer to my request 21.19s. 6d. came in this morning. June 6. Monday. There was now no money at all in hand. I had therefore asked the Lord for fresh supplies, and since Saturday afternoon the following sums have come in : By sale of articles 11. 4s., FROM AN AGED 464 [A.D. 1842. SERVANT, ILL IN A MoRTAL DISEASE, 4l.; anonymously put into the boxes at Bethesda yesterday, in a small parcel, 11s., a gold ring, 3 small Spanish silver coins, and a small American silver coin; ditto 4.d.; by a sister was given 6d., and by another sister 5s.; anonymously put into the box at Callow-hill Street Chapel 2s. This morning I received from A. B. 50l., to be laid out as it might be most useful. I took the whole of this sum for the other objects, as the disposal of it was left to me, whereby I am enabled to order a fresh supply of tracts, some Bibles and Testaments, and to give something to the brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools, who are much in need of some supply. The stock of Bibles, as far as I remember, has never been smaller than it is now, for several years; there is likewise only a small quantity of tracts left, and the demand for them is great on the part of brethren who gratuitously circulate them. How kind therefore of the Lord to give us this supply If our work be his work, he is sure to provide the means for it! June 9. On the 7th came in 3s. for the Orphans,— on the 8th 2l. 6s. 2d. To-day was sent anonymously from Bath 5l., with the words “Jehovah Jireh.” These words are very appropriate; for the money came after I had asked the Lord for some, and is required for our need to-morrow. June 11. Saturday afternoon. As only 6s. 10d. had come in since the 9th for the Orphans, there remains no money in hand for Monday.—Saturday evening. The Lord has already sent a little towards the need of next week, as an earnest, that during the coming week also he will be mindful of us; for this evening came in by sale of articles 11. 8s. 7d., and a little boy gave 3s. 7#d. June 12. There came in further to-day 7s.6d.; anony- mously 10s.; ditto, 21.; and with Ecclesiastes. ix. 10, was given 10s. June 15. As since the 12th only 11, 13s.6d. had come in, there was now again no money in hand for the need of to-morrow. I gave myself therefore to prayer. Im- mediately after I had risen from my knees, I was told that some money had been put into the box at my house. I opened the box, and found it to be a sovereign. June 16. The sovereign which yesterday had been put A.D. 1842.] 465 into the box at my house was not enough. On my morn- ing walk I asked the Lord, therefore, for more means, and when I came home I found that 17. 16s. had been sent for articles given for sale. There came in still further by sale of articles, ll, 1s. 6d., and by a donation from Leeds, 2l. 10s. 3d. June 17. 11, 18s. 9d. came in to-day. June 18. , Having had to meet the expenses of the funeral of a dear Orphan boy, who, after having been two years in fellowship with the saints, and walked con- sistently, had fallen asleep, all means were now again gone, when an Irish lady sent this morning 10!., of which 8l. is to be used for the Orphans, and 21. for my own personal necessities. Thus we are again supplied for the present. June 25. As, besides the 81. which came in on the 18th, only 91. 14s. 10%d. had been received since, there was now not sufficient in hand for the expenses of the day; but the Lord, as usual, made it manifest, that he is mindful of our need, and that he hears our prayers. For there was sent to-day from Clapham a parcel, containing a frock, a pinafore, and 13s. 4d. Also, through the same donors, in the same parcel, were sent from Brighton : 8 frocks, 6 pinafores, 6 handkerchiefs, 3 chemises, 2 petticoats, and 10s. Likewise, a christian lady sent a sovereign; and ls. 6d. came in by sale of Reports, and 11. 18s. 0}d. by sale of articles. Thus we were abundantly supplied for the need of to-day. July 1. All our money was again spent, as only 8l. 15s. 4d. had come in since the 25th, when last night an Orphan arrived from Barnstaple, with whom there was sent 21. 5s. 10d. The Lord has repeatedly ordered it so, that when Orphans have been brought, money has been sent with them, whereby our present necessities have been supplied.—I add here, that we do not require any money to be sent with them, nor is there any interest required to get the children admitted, and much less is the institution of a sectarian spirit, so that only persons of certain religious views could succeed in making appli- cation for the admission of Orphans; but without respect of persons, from all parts of the kingdom, as long as there is room, needy children, bereaved of both parents, may be admitted.—I received to-day still further 10l. And like- 466 [A.D. 1842. wise, by six other donations, came in 11.10s. 2d. We are now again for a few days supplied. July 6. On July 2nd came in 10s.; on the 3rd 27.2s. 9d.; on the 4th 1.l.. 18s.; on the 5th came in four donations from Hackney, amounting to 3!. 6s.; a donation of 21. from Plymouth ; a donation of 4s. from a brother in Bristol; by sale of Reports 5s. 3d.; anonymously was sent from Fairford 31.; a christian lady gave 1b., and the following articles were sent from Tottenham : a two- guinea piece, a quarter-guinea piece, a half doubloon, (a Portuguese gold coin), a gold coin of James I., and two gold chains. Likewise this evening came in with Eccle- siastes ix. 10, 31. 1s. 6d., and 3s.6d. by sale of stockings. By the donations of yesterday and to-day I am enabled to meet many needful expenses, such as ordering oatmeal from Scotland, buying peas, rice, Scotch barley, materials for boys' clothes, &c. July 9. On July 7, 8, 9, had only come in 37.11s., so that now to-day, Saturday, after I had supplied the ma- trons with what they needed for to-day and to-morrow, all the money was again spent ; yet we had been, by the good hand of the Lord, brought through another week, and nothing, that had been needed during the week, had been lacking. July 11. Monday. Yesterday and to-day came in 3l. 9s. 6d. This money was quite enough for the need of to-day ; and when now again, after this day’s need had been met, scarcely any thing was left, the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, which contained 21.3s. 4d. July 12. 13s. 9d. came in to-day. July 13. When our purse was now again empty, the Lord kindly sent 5l. this morning from Glasgow. From July 13th to 19th the Lord sent in 22l. 5s. 10d., and on July 19th I left Bristol for a season, being able, through grace, to leave the work in his hands, and feeling assured, that he would provide while I was absent from Bristol; and truly the Lord did not suffer me to be dis- appointed. For during the time of my absence, from July 19th to Sept. 10th, whilst I was labouring at Barn- staple, and in the neighbourhood of Bideford, the Lord richly furnished us with means, though twice during that period we were quite poor. From July 19th to Aug. 10th had come in during my A.D. 1842.] 467 absence, 511. 3s. 7#d.; but now, on Wednesday, Aug. 10th, all the money, except ONE PENNY, was spent in the three Orphan-Houses. Between 9 and 10 o’clock in the evening, brother M. brought 71. to the Boys'-Orphan-House. 57. of this he had received from Q. Q., 11. with Ecclesiastes ix. 10, and 11. from a sister who had received this money from Weymouth. When the latter told brother M. that the money might be applied as most needed, he replied to her, that he would give it to the Orphans, as he believed them to be in need. When brother M. brought the money, he said, that when in prayer in the morning for the Orphans, who had been particularly laid on his heart, he felt assured, that we were in need. Thus this brother, not knowing any thing about our circumstances, was led by God to help us with his intercessions. The whole sum which came in from the 10th to the 26th was 25l. 5s. 3d. On the 26th of August there was now again need of a fresh manifestation of the loving care of our Heavenly Father, as on the coming day, being a Saturday, much was needed, and there were only a few pence in hand. And truly, the Lord did appear on our behalf; for this evening came in 10l. with Eccles. ix. 10.— Behold, you who do not know the Lord, what a precious thing it is, even for this life, to walk with God! Behold also you, dear brethren, who tremble to lean fully and solely upon him, that those who trust in him, according to his word, shall not be confounded ! Erom Aug. 26th to Sept. 10th came in 221.6s. 8%d. Besides the 981. 15s. 7d. which had come in, in money, during my absence, many articles of clothes, books, pro- visions, &c. were given for the benefit of the Orphans; but especially a great quantity of trinkets was sent, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans. When I had all these precious spoils before me, which the power of the love of Jesus had won, I found there were no less in my possession than : 31 brooches, 2 gold clasps, a pair of gold bracelets, 33 gold rings, a silver-gilt vinaigrette, 16 pairs of gold earrings, 2 gold crosses, a gold chain, a gold thimble, 8 gold seals, a gold watch key, a gold watch, 3 lockets, 2 watch hooks, 2 ornamental ladies’ combs, 3 or- namental gold hair pins, 2 silver cups, above 30 neck- laces, and many other ornaments; also above 60 old silver coins. I cannot describe how great the joy is, which I 468 [A.D. 1842. have, when I see the Lord Jesus, by means of this Insti- tution, bringing forth one needless article after the other, to be disposed of for the benefit of the Orphans. From Sept. 10th to 28th the Lord supplied our need richly. There came in altogether during these 18 days 921.19s. 4d. Though so large a sum had come in, in so short a time, yet as our expenses also had been great, there was again this day, Sept. 28th, not enough to meet this day's need, when, A FEw MINUTEs before I was called on for money, 21. 10s. was sent from Birmingham. Sept. 29. There came in by knitting 2s. 6d., and by two donations 7s.6d. with these words: “J. W. from the Lord” 5s., and “From the Lord” 2s. 6d. Sept. 30. There was again only 16s. 5%d. left, towards the necessities of to-day, when yesterday afternoon a donor left at my house a good silver watch, which, being disposed of for 6l., supplies us not only for to-day, but leaves something towards the need of to-morrow. Oct. 1. Yesterday afternoon 1. came in from Ken- sington, and this morning by sale of articles 2s. 6d., and 5s. was put into the box at my house. Thus we had, with what was left, something towards the necessities of this day, but not enough, as this is Saturday. As the Lord, however, had given me both yesterday and this morning prayer and faith with reference to the need, I was looking out for help, when at half past ten this morning a small parcel was anonymously left at my house, which contained a 5l. note, a gold chain, and an old 5s. piece, to be used for the Orphans. The Lord be praised who disposed the heart of the unknown donor at so sea- sonable an hour, to send this donation! Half an hour, after I had received the little parcel, I was called upon for money, and was thus able to supply the need of to- day, and have something left towards the beginning of the week.-There came in still further to-day 4l. 1s. ; for this afternoon a sister in the Lord sent two half sovereigns, which had been sent to her by two donors in Wales, and which she would not delay sending at once, “as it was Saturday.” In the evening about eight o’clock an individual, residing in the parish of St. Philip, Bristol, brought a sovereign for the Orphans, and after eight o'clock 27. 1s. came in by the sale of articles: so that, whilst the day commenced, without there being enough to A.D. 1842.] 469 meet its expenses, we received several pounds more than was needed. -- Oct. 8. As since Oct. 2 there had come in by sale of the gold chain, the old 5s. piece, and donations, only the sum of 12l. 16s. 6d., there was (after I had sent yester- day morning the money which was requisite for the day), again only 1s. 6%d. left, towards the need of to-day, being Saturday. But the Lord, in whom I had particularly again made my boast this morning before four German musicians, was mindful of our need; for, besides half a sovereign coming in from Hereford, the boxes in the Or- han-Houses were opened, in which there was found 21. 3s. 6d. Thus we have already in the morning the greater part of what is needed for to-day, waiting upon the Lord for the rest.— Evening. This evening came in still further 17. 5s. 2d., so that we have all that is needed for to-day. Oct. 10. Yesterday were put into the chapel boxes three papers, one with Eccles. ix. 10, containing 11., and two containing 1s. each. There came in also this morn- ing by the knitting of the Orphan Boys 6s. 6d. Thus we have, with a little that was left on Saturday, all that is required for to-day, and 3s. 5d. over. Oct. 11. The Lord has again kindly multiplied the 3s. 5d., which was left after the necessities of yesterday were met. A brother in the Lord from Bath called yes- terday at one of the Orphan-Houses and gave 5l. as a donation, besides 8s. 8d. for Reports. Also by a clergy- man near Cirencester was sent 5s., and this morning came a post office order for 10s. from Crediton, and 6d. was given by a sister in Bristol. My dear Reader, pause and admire the hand of the Lord ' Day after day he helps us! IHis help never fails, nor is it ever too late | We may be poor, very poor; but when the help is really needed, the Lord opens his bountiful hand and supplies our need The help may come in a variety of ways, but it is certain It may be that he allows us to wait long on him, and pray very often, whilst he appears not to be mindful of us; yet in the end, in his own appointed and best time, the help comes. Dear Reader, if you know the Lord, and you have not a similar experience, be it known to you, that you may have the same in your sphere of labour or ser- vice, though you may not be called by the Lord to establish S S 470 [A.D. 1842. Orphan-Houses, or Day Schools, or Adult Schools, or Sunday Schools, or circulate Bibles and Tracts in an ex- tensive way. Make but trial of this way, and you will see how truly precious it is to wait upon the Lord for every thing, even for the bread which perishes. Should you, dear Reader, not be reconciled with God through faith in the Lord Jesus, then may you know, that this precious privilege belongs to him who becomes a child of God by faith in the Lord Jesus, that he may come to his Heavenly Father for everything, and that his Father delights in giving him all he can need, while here in the world. But some one might say: “What would you do, if a meal-time came, and you were not able to provide the children with food?” My answer is: as long as God shall be pleased to give me grace to trust in him, this is impossible: for “he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.” On Oct. 12th came in 2l. 7s., and Oct. 13th 6s. Oct. 15. Saturday. Yesterday arrived from Glouces- tershire the following letter:-- Oct. 13, 1842. “My dear Brother, As I have no doubt on my own mind, but the Orphans are in present need, the enclosed 5l. is sent by the constraining power of the Lord through me. Yours affectionately, # # # #.” The money came indeed in a time of need; for though we had about enough for yesterday’s necessities, there was nothing for to-day’s demands, which are 5l. 5s. There came in besides, yesterday afternoon, from a bro- ther in Bristol 11, and from an individual in his employ- ment 10s. Thus we could meet both yesterday’s and to- day’s need, and are brought to the close of another week. Evening. There came in still further this evening: by sale of articles 21. 11s. 8d., from Ledbury 1s., and from two sisters in Bristol 11s. Thus we have something to- wards the need of another week. Oct. 19. Wednesday. As only 11, 2s. had come in since Saturday evening, there was now again not sufficient money in hand for the need of to-day. I therefore A.D. 1842.] 471 opened an Orphan box in my house, in which I found two sovereigns. The Lord was pleased to send still fur- ther, in the course of the day, from the neighbourhood of Troitwich 8s. ; by profit from the sale of ladies' bags, made by a sister for the benefit of the Orphans, 10s. ; by a donation 21. 10s. ; by Reports 1s. 3d. ; and by another donation, from two ladies, three-pence. These ladies, sisters in the Lord, had it much in their hearts to give considerable sums, and had given in former times gold chains, a brilliant, and many other valuable articles for the benefit of the Orphans, besides money; but now, having no means, through particular family circumstances, they were not ashamed to offer these three-pence. I doubt not that I have their prayers, and I value them more than gold; and I know, that if they had gold for the Orphans, they would give that also. The child of God ought to consider that word for his comfort : If there be first a willing mind, it is accepted, according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. 2 Cor. viii. 12. On Oct. 21st came in 17. 9s. 8%d. Oct. 24. Monday. The necessities of the 22nd, being Saturday, called for all the money that was left, about 31. Not one farthing was then remaining in my hands. And now observe, dear Reader, how the Lord helped, and praise him with me, that he always causes the stream to flow again, when there is need. On the same day on which the last money was given out, the day before yes- terday, there was handed over to me 11, 2s. 9d for sale of articles. Yesterday I received through a sister, from an Indian gentleman and lady, two sovereigns, and one from herself, being the produce of a piece of work, which she had done for the benefit of the Orphans. A poor brother also gave me 3s. To-day I received the following anony- mous note:— “Beloved Brother, Oct. 22, 1842. The enclosed 35l. was given to the Lord some time since. It was received for service done according to Eph. vi. 7; and, believing that laying up treasures for myself upon earth (having enough for my own necessities with- out it) would be disobedience to Matthew vi. 19, I put it S S 2 472 [A.D. 1842. into your hands. You will kindly dispose of it as the Lord may direct you. Yours in the Lord Jesus. You will oblige me by receiving 10l. of the enclosed for your own need, or that of your family.” This money came indeed most seasonably; for though, by the donations of yesterday, to-day’s need had been supplied, nevertheless as about 100 yards of flannel and materials for the boys' clothes are needed, and as many other expenses require to be met, besides the regular daily expenses; we are thus in some measure provided. Half of this money I took for the Orphans and half for the other objects, as they also were in great need. There was likewise yesterday put anonymously into the boxes at Bethesda 1s. and 17. Still further came in, through the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, 6s. 5%d., from a poor widow 2s. 6d., from another individual ll., in eight donations through a brother 10s. 8d., and a box of worn clothes, which are not to be named. Oct. 29. The need of to-day is 5l. 5s. We should not have had enough, humanly speaking, had there not been sent yesterday afternoon 5l. from Hull, as on the 26th and 28th only 31, 5s. 5d. had come in, so that there was only 31. 0s. 6; d. in hand when this 5l. came. There came in still further to-day 11.12s. 4d. How kindly does the Lord, as it were, day by day inspect our stores! He, in general, does not supply our need for many months at once; in order both that he himself may often have the joy of our calling upon him for the supplies we need, and that he may give unto us the joy of obtaining our supplies day by day in answer to prayer, and that thus also other children of God might be encouraged, to wait upon him for all they may need. On Oct. 30 was given 11s. Nov. 1. There would have been again nothing in hand, for the need of this day, had not the Lord kindly sent in yesterday afternoon three donations of 11., 21., and 2s. Besides this there came in by sale of stockings 3s. 7d. Nov. 2. After the demands of yesterday had been met, there remained only 16s. 9%d. in hand. I therefore again besought the Lord, that he would be pleased to send in fresh supplies. Accordingly, about one o'clock, a brother A.D. 1842.] 473 left a note at my house, containing a check for 7l., of which 17, was for the Orphans, 11. for the other objects, and 5l. for my own necessities. Between two and three o'clock I met another brother in my walk in Redland Fields, who gave me a sovereign for the Orphans; and at four o’clock a sister sent a sovereign for the Orphans. Thus our need for to-day is supplied and something left. Nov. 7. Monday. Since the afternoon of the 2nd I received 8l. 9s. 10d. After the necessities of Saturday, the 5th, had been supplied, amounting to between 3!. and 4l., there was once more nothing at all left in my hands, which led me afresh to the Lord in prayer. On the same evening I received, as the answer to my prayers, from a sister 10s., and by sale of articles 11. 16s. 10d., and this morning there came in still further by several dona- tions 21.15s. 7#d. . Nov. 9. Again all our money was spent after the ex- penses of to-day had been met, when this evening there came in 4!. 1s. by sale of articles, 7s. 9d, by sale of Reports, and 3d. as a donation. A parcel was also given to me this evening, sent by two sisters in the Lord, in Bath, containing the following articles: 5 gold rings, a locket, a gold seal, 15 brooches, a pair of ear-rings, a gold pin, a small telescope, an ornamental comb, 4 pairs of clasps, 2 head brooches, some ornaments of mock pearls, 9 necklaces, 11 bracelets, 4 waist buckles, and a few other articles. Nov. 15. Yesterday came in from W. D. B. 11, 1s., from a sister 2s., and through an Orphan box 4s. This ll. 7s. was all there was in hand, and without it we should not have been able to provide for the need of to-day. Nov. 16. After the need of yesterday had been pro- vided for, and I now again had nothing in hand, I received for Reports 1s., and from a believing clergyman 11.— When, this morning, after I had been asking the Lord for means, the post brought none, I fell again on my knees, further beseeching him to supply me with fresh means, as for several days little had come in. I especially also told him, that, though the post was now out, yet he could in various ways send help. It was ONLY A FEW MINUTES AFTER, when brother C. B. brought me 11. 3s., which just then had been given to him for the Orphans. About an hour afterwards two brethren called on me, the one from S S 3 474 [A.D. 1842. Wiltshire, the other from Essex, who stayed with me some time, and on leaving gave me 21. 10s. for the Orphans. In the evening I saw still further that the Lord had not only not disregarded my prayers in the morning, but also that he was not confined to sending means by the post. A sister called on me, and brought me, for several pur- poses, twelve sovereigns, of which six are to be applied for the benefit of the Orphans. This was not all. A brother brought me 9 silver forks and a silver butter knife, the produce of which I might use as most needed. This also, therefore, might have been applied for the Orphans, but I put it to the funds for the other objects as being more in need. In the evening was still further given to me with Eccles. ix. 10, 4.s., and as the profit from the sale of ladies’ baskets, 11., so that a rich supply has been received this day from the hand of our loving Father. Nov. 20. When we were now again in very great need on account of means for the other objects, there came in this day from a sister in the Lord, a servant in Dor- setshire, 101., which sum being left to my disposal, to use in any way I thought best, I took it for the School— Bible—Missionary and Tract-Fund. Nov. 26. Saturday. Only 7l. 16s. 11%d. had come in since the 16th for the Orphans. The day began without any thing in hand. In the course of the morning came in by sale of stockings 6s. 4d., and through the box at the Boys'-Orphan-House 8d. At two o'clock in the after- noon a believing clergyman sent to two of the labourers in the work 2 sovereigns, of which the one was able to give half the sovereign, and the other the whole sovereign. º means we were supplied with what was needed to-day. Nov. 28. Monday. Yesterday came in from Chelten- ham 5s. ; with Eccles. ix. 10, 5s; anonymously was left at the Girls'-Orphan-House a paper, containing the letters E. W. with a crown piece, and anonymously was put into the boxes at Bethesda 1s. There was sent also from Bath, a coral necklace and a gold necklace clasp. By these donations we were supplied to-day. Nov. 29. This morning I took a shilling out of an Orphan-box at my house, which was all we had where- with to commence the day. JUST AT THE MOMENT when the letter bag was sent to me from the Orphan-Houses, with the statement of what would be required for this A.D. 1842.] 475 day, I received a post-office order from Barnstaple for 11., being the profit of the sale of some ruffs, which two sisters in the Lord had knitted for the benefit of the Orphans. Thus the Lord in his faithful love has sent a little, for which I had been waiting upon him. Through his grace my heart is looking out for more, for I am sure he will never forsake us. Nov. 30. Nothing at all has come in since yesterday. But as one of the labourers was able to give 17s., we were supplied with bread and a few other little things which were needed. Dec. 1. Nothing had come in, except 5s. for needle- work of the Orphans. The labourers had nothing to give of their own, except one of them 1s. 6d. ; yet this little supplied the absolute need, which was only milk. We were unable to take in the usual quantity of bread. (The bread is eaten by the children on the third day after it is baked. If we are unable to take in the usual daily quan- tity of bread, for want of means, we afterwards seek to procure stale bread.) Should it be said that the not taking in the usual quantity of bread would at once prove to the bakers that we are poor; my reply is, that that does not follow, because bread has often been sent as a present, as may be seen in the list of articles, given for the Or- phans, at the end of the printed Reports. But perhaps it may be stated: Why do you not take the bread on credit P What does it matter, whether you pay imme- diately for it, or at the end of the month, or the quarter, or the half-year P Seeing that the Orphan-Houses are the work of the Lord, may you not trust in him, that he will supply you with means, to pay the bills which you contract with the butcher, baker, grocer, &c., as the things which you purchase are needful? My reply is this: 1, If the work in which we are engaged is indeed the work of God, then he, whose work it is, is surely able and willing to provide the means for it. 2, But not only so, he will also provide the means at the time when they are needed. I do not mean that he will provide them, when we think that they are needed; but yet, that when there is real need, such as the necessaries of life being required, he will give them; and on the same ground on which we suppose we do trust in God to help us to pay the debt which we now contract, we may and ought to 476 [A.D. 1842. trust in the Lord to supply us with what we require at present, so that there may be no need for going into debt. 3, It is true, I might have goods on credit, and to a very considerable amount ; but, then, the result would be, that the next time we were again in straits, the mind would involuntarily be turned to further credit which I might have, instead of being turned to the Lord, and thus faith, which is kept up and strengthened only by being EXER- CISED, would become weaker and weaker, till at last, according to all human probability, I should find myself deeply in debt and have no prospect of getting out of it. 4, Faith has to do with the word of God, rests upon the written word of God; but there is no promise that he will pay our debts, the word says rather: “Owe no man any thing; ” whilst there is the promise given to his children: “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee,” and “Who- soever believeth on him shall not be confounded.” On this account we could not say upon the ground of the Holy Scriptures : Why do you not trust in God that he will supply you with means to pay your debts, which you con- tract in his service for the necessaries of the Orphans ? 5, The last reason why we do not take goods on credit is this : The chief and primary object of the work was not the temporal welfare of the children, nor even their spiri- tual welfare (blessed and glorious as it is, and much as, through grace, we seek after it and pray for it); but the first and primary object of the work was . To show before the whole world and the whole church of Christ, that even in these last evil days the living God is ready to prove him- self as the living God, by being ever willing to help, suc- cour, comfort, and answer the prayers of those who trust in him : so that we need not go away from him to our fellow-men, or to the ways of the world, seeing that he is both able and willing to supply us with all we can need in his service. From the beginning, when God put this service into my heart, I had anticipated trials and straits; but knowing, as I did, the heart of God, through the experience of several years previously, I also knew that he would listen to the prayers of his child who trusts in him, and that he would not leave him in the hour of need, but listen to his prayers, and deliver him out of the difficulty, and that then, this being made known in print for the benefit of both believers and unbelievers, others A.D. 1842.] 477 would be led to trust in the Lord. Thus it has now been for more than nine years (i. e. in 1845, when the third part was first published). These accounts have been greatly owned by the Lord. We discern therefore more and more clearly, that it is for the church's benefit, that we are put into these straits, and if therefore in the hour of need we were to take goods on credit, the first and primary object of the work would be completely frustra- ted, and no heart would be further strengthened to trust in God; nor would there be any longer that manifestation of the special and particular providence of God, which has hitherto been so abundantly shown through this work, even in the eyes of unbelievers, whereby they have been led to see, that there is after all reality in the things of God, and many, through these printed accounts, have been truly converted. For these reasons, then, we consider it our precious privilege, as heretofore, to continue to wait upon the Lord only, instead of taking goods on credit, or borrowing money from some kind friends, when we are in need. Nay, we purpose, as God shall give us grace, to look to him only, though morning after morning we should have nothing in hand for the work; yea, though from meal to meal we should have to look to him ; being fully assured, that he, who is now (1845) in the tenth year feeding these many Orphans, and who has never suffered them to want, and that he, who is now (1845) in the twelfth year carrying on the other parts of the work, without any branch of it having had to be stopped for want of means, will do so for the future also. And here I do desire, in the deep consciousness of my natural help- lessness and dependance upon the Lord, to confess, that through the grace of God my soul has been in peace, though day after day we have had to wait for our daily provisions upon the Lord; yea, though even from meal to meal we have been required to do this.-I now go on with extracts from my journal. Dec. 2, 1842. By the produce of six old silver coins, which I received last evening, and by 9s. 6d. which came in besides, we were able to meet the expenses of to-day; but now there were before us the heavy expenses of to- morrow, Saturday, which I knew would be particularly great, and there was nothing at all in hand to meet them. In this our need there came in this evening from Lutter- 478 [A.D. 1842. worth and its neighbourhood two donations, one of 5l., and the other of 11. The 11. was for the Orphans, and the 5l. was left to my disposal, as it might be most needed. I took of it 31. 12s. 8d. for the Orphans, and 11.7s. 9d. for the Day Schools. This afternoon a gentleman passed the Girls'-Orphan-House. The house door being opened, he rolled half a crown into the house. This half crown came in when there was nothing at all in hand. There came in also by knitting of the Infants 6d., by knitting of the Boys 6d., from a poor believing widow 6d., and by sale of a Report 3d. Thus we have 4!. 15s. for the necessities of the Orphans to-morrow (the other little sums have been spent to-day.) Dec. 5. Monday. On Saturday, Dec. 3, 10s. came in from Brighton, and yesterday 11, with Eccles. ix. 10, and by a sister from Nailsworth 10s. Also by sale of articles 11s. 6d. Thus we had 21. 11s. 6d., which was nearly but not quite enough for the necessities of to-day, as it would be desirable to have a few shillings more. I went, therefore, to see whether there was any money in the two boxes at my house, and I found a sovereign. Thus we had more than sufficient for the need of to-day, which is 31. This evening I received 11. 10s. for articles which had been sold. Dec. 8. A few little donations which came in on the 6th, together with the little there was in hand, supplied our need on the 7th. On the 6th a shilling was anony- mously left on the mantel piece in the Infant-Orphan- House: and one of the Orphans, formerly under our care, but now in service, gave 2s. 6d. These two small dona- tions were most seasonable towards the supply of our need on the 7th. Now this day commenced without our having any thing in hand. . Just while the Orphan-Boy, who had been sent to my house for money, was waiting, I received from the neighbourhood of Droitwich 10s. This, with 3s. 9d. for Reports, and 6d. for knitting of the Infant-Orphans, and 4s. 6d. which one of the labour- ers was able to give of his own, helped us through this day. Dec. 9. There was again nothing at all in hand this morning, to meet the expenses of the day. A little after ten o’clock an Orphan arrived from Northam, with whom there was sent for my own personal necessities 10s., and 2l. 2s. 4d. besides. As about this latter sum nothing had A.D. 1842.] 479 been written, I put it to the Orphan-Fund, whereby we are supplied for to-day, and have a little left towards the Ineed of to-morrow. There was also 6d. in the boxes at my house. Dec. 10. 11. was left, after the need of yesterday had been met. This morning, Saturday, when I knew that again several pounds would be needed, and I had there- fore been waiting on the Lord, I received about nine o'clock 11. from a brother, who, on his return from Spain to Devonshire, had been intrusted with it for the Orphans, by a sister in the Lord who lives in London. A few minutes after I had received this sovereign, I had to pay on behalf of one of the apprentices 21., which took exactly all the money I had, so that there was still nothing to meet the ordinary housekeeping expenses of this day, which I knew would be at least 31. I gave myself there- fore still further to prayer, being fully assured, by grace, that my loving faithful Father would this day also provide me his child with every thing I needed. Scarcely was I risen from my knees, when I received a bank post bill from Torquay for 10l., of which 2l. is intended by the kind donor for my own temporal necessities, and 8l. for the Orphans, so that we have more than enough for this day.—There came in still further this evening, in five small donations, 6s. 10d., by needlework 6s., and by sale of articles 11.6s. 6d. Dec. 11. Anonymously put into the box at Bethesda, 2s. 6d., and from C. M. W. 11. Dec. 14. There was now again only on E PENNY in my hands this morning. About eleven o’clock I received a note enclosing 2s. and 10s. The brother who kindly brought the note which contained the money, gave at the same time 2s. 6d. for the Orphans. As only 16s. was needed to purchase the necessary provisions for this day, and one of the labourers was able to add 1s. 5d. of his own, we were supplied. Dec. 15. Only 2s. 8d., the contents of an Orphan-box, 17. by sale of stockings, and 2s. 1; d. from the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, have come in. This, with 5s. which one of the labourers was able to give, supplied the need of to-day. Dec. 16. Nothing has come in. 3s. 5d., which one of the labourers was able to give, was all we had. At six 480 [A.D. 1842. o'clock this evening, our need being now very great, not only with reference to the Orphan-Houses, but also the Day Schools, &c., I gave myself with two of the labourers to prayer. There needed some money to come in before eight o’clock to-morrow morning, as there was none to take in milk for breakfast (the children have oatmeal por- ridge with milk for breakfast), to say nothing about the many other demands of to-morrow, being Saturday. Our hearts were at peace, while asking the Lord, and assured that our Father would supply our need. WE HAD scARCELY RISEN FROM our KNEEs, when I received a letter, containing a sovereign for the Orphans, half of which was from a young East India officer, and the other half the produce of the sale of a piece of work, which the sister, who sent the money, had made for the benefit of the Orphans. She wrote: “I love to send these little gifts. They so often come in season.” Truly, thus it was at this time.—About five minutes later I received from a brother the promise of 50l. for the Orphans, to be given during the next week; and a quarter of an hour after that, about seven o’clock, a brother gave me a sove- reign, which an Irish sister in the Lord had left this day, on her departure for Dublin, for the benefit of the Or- phans. How sweet and precious to see thus so manifestly the willingness of the Lord to answer the prayers of his needy children - Dec. 17. This morning we three again waited unitedly upon the Lord, as there was not enough for the necessities of the Orphan-Houses for this day. Moreover, the teachers in the Day Schools need supplies. Between ten and eleven o’clock I received by the first delivery a letter, containing half a sovereign, with these words: “The young lions do lack and suffer hunger; but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing. Dec. 16, 1842.” It was not stated whether this money was for my own personal need, or for the Orphans, or any other object. I took it for the Orphans.—Thus we had enough, except about 2s. 6d., to provide all that was needed for to-day and to-morrow. Between seven and eight o'clock this evening a brother sent half a crown to the Boys'-Orphan- FIouse, stating that he had been thinking much about the Orphans in the course of this day, but that he had not had time to send this money sooner. Thus, by the kind- A.D. 1842.] 481 * ness of the Lord, we have the exact sum which is required, and are again brought to the close of another week.- Between nine and ten o’clock this evening came in still further, by the sale of articles, 21.7s. Thus the Lord has not only helped us to the close of the week, but given us also a little with which to begin another week. Dec. 19. Yesterday came in by the profit of the sale of ladies' bags 17., and in two donations 27. By this 5l. 7s., which came in since Saturday evening, we should have had enough for the ordinary household expenses of to-day; but as our stores of oatmeal, rice, peas, and Scotch barley, are either entirely or nearly exhausted, and as some calico for shirts and lining, besides many other little articles are needed, and as especially the teachers in the Day Schools are greatly in need of pecuniary supplies, I had been especially entreating the Lord, that he would be pleased to send us larger supplies. I rose from my knees about half past ten this morning, and about a quarter to eleven I received a letter from A. B. with an order for 100l., to be used as most needed in the work. Of this sum I took for the Orphans only 25l., and for the other funds 75l. (in consideration of 50l. having been promised to be paid this week for the Orphans); and thus we are in every way again most seasonably helped. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his be- nefits”—There came in still further by three donations 31. 10s. Our need with reference to the School-Fund had been great during the last three weeks, though we had received as much as the teachers absolutely required. Now, how- ever, it was very great, as one brother especially needed to have several pounds within a day or two, and three other teachers also required supplies. It had in addition to this been much in my heart to send some money to several brethren who labour in foreign lands, in dependance upon the Lord only for their pecuniary supplies; but I had been kept from doing so, for want of means. On these accounts, therefore, I gave myself again especially to 's prayer this morning, when, within a quarter of an hour after I had risen from my knees, I received the order for 100l., which I was at liberty to use as need required. Thus all the teachers could be fully supplied with what T T 482 [A.D. 1842. they needed, and some help could be sent to two brethren, who labour in foreign lands. I think it well to state here again, what has been noticed before, that though the brethren and sisters who labour in the Day Schools have a certain regular remuneration, when there are means in hand, yet that I am not their debtor when there are no means; so that they have to look to the Lord their master for supplies, and not to me. Indeed, in our circumstances, a brother or a sister, en- gaged in this work, could have but little enjoyment in their position, except they individually sought to lean upon the Lord. On Dec. 20 and 21 there came in 27.15s. 8d. for the Orphans. Tec. 22. Though there had come in above 36!. for the Orphans, during the last four days, yet as our stores needed to be replenished, and there had been several other expenses to be met, we were again to-day in need of further supplies, when I received the 50l. for the Orphans, which had been promised during the last week. Thus I was able also to supply the labourers in the Orphan-Houses with some money for their own personal need. REVIEW OF THE YEAR 1842. I. As to the church. 68 brethren and sisters brother Craik and I found in communion, when we came to Bristol. 848 have been admitted into communion since we came — to Bristol. 916 would be, therefore, the total number of those in fel- lowship with us, had there been no changes. But, 131 have left Bristol. 59 have left us, but are still in Bristol. 51 are under church discipline. 74 have fallen asleep ! 315 are therefore to be deducted from 916, so that there are only 601 at present in communion. 73 have been added during the past year, of whom 27 have been brought to the knowledge of the Lord among us, and 18 besides, though they knew the Lord, had never A.D. 1843.] 483 been in fellowship any where; 28 had been at some time or other before in fellowship, but most of them with saints out of Bristol. 7 brethren and sisters have fallen asleep during the past year. Of the 68 brethren and sisters whom brother Craik and I found in fellowship, 18 have fallen asleep, 12 have left us, but are still in Bristol, 3 have left Bristol, and 2 have been separated: so that only 33 of that number are remaining in fellowship with us. II. As to the supply of my temporal necessities: l, The Lord has been pleased to send me from the saints among whom I labour in Bristol, in provisions, clothes, etc., worth to us at least . . . . . . £ 10 0 0 2, In anonymous offerings in money, put up in paper, and directed to me, and put into the boxes for the poor saints or the rent, at the meeting places . 113 1. 8 3, In presents in money, from Saints in - Bristol, not given anonymously . . . 47 8 1 4, In provisions and clothes, from Saints not residing in Bristol, worth to us at least. 10 0 0 5, In money, from saints not residing in Bristol . . . . . . . . . . . 149 6 3 3329 16 0 Jan. 21, 1843. From Dec. 22 up to this day the Lord was pleased to send in the donations for the Orphans so, that there was always some money received, before all was expended.—The 50l. which was given to me on Dec. 22, and between 50l. and 60l. which had come in since, was now to-day, Jan. 21, 1843, all spent, after the expenses of to-day, Saturday, had been met, when there was given to me this evening a silver cup, a gold seal, a broken gold seal, a gold buckle, a watch hook, and a brooch. There came in also by sale of articles 2s. 6d., and by a donation 10s. Jan. 23, 1843. Yesterday came in 9s., and to-day 21.13s. Jan. 24. To-day came in 5l. 7s. 7d. Jan. 25. This day I received 31. 3s. 23d. T T 2 484 [A.D. 1843. Jan. 28. The last money had been again paid out yesterday morning, when I received 5l. last evening with Eccles. ix. 10. This morning was sent to me from Clap- ham, 21. 8s. Thus we were able to meet the expenses of to-day, which were 4!. 5s. Feb. 3. Since Jan. 28 there had come in 131. 5s. 1d., which had fully supplied all our need; but now all was again spent, after this day’s expenses had been met, on account of which I gave myself to prayer with my wife this morning. This evening I received in answer to it 7s. by sale of articles. Feb. 4. This morning a brother gave to me 11. Thus we have 11.7s. ; but as this is not nearly enough for to: day, we have given ourselves still further to prayer, and are now looking for supplies. While I am writing this, the Orphan has brought the letter bag, to fetch 2l. 15s., which is the need of to-day; I am therefore looking out for help, to make up this sum.—I opened the boxes in my house, in which I found 3s.6d. With this 11.10s. 6d. I had to send off the boy, waiting for further supplies.— This afternoon, about five, came in by sale of articles 11.4s. 7d. Thus we had enough, and one penny more than was needed, and we are brought to the close of another week. O Lord, how can thy servant sufficiently praise thee for condescending so to listen to his requests | His soul is amazed at thy condescension, and yet not amazed, when he considers that thou doest it for the sake of thy dear Son, in whom thou dost continually look upon thy servant.—There came in still further this evening 2s.6d. Feb. 6. Yesterday was intrusted to me altogether for the Orphans 21. 17s. 6d., in eight different donations. Thus I was able to send the supplies which were needed this day in the Orphan-Houses, which required all that had come in yesterday. When now there was again nothing at all in hand, I received about one o'clock 10l., with the following lines: “From the widow to the Or- phans, a thank-offering to Him that careth for them both.” Through the same donor Ireceived at the same time from a lady and gentleman. 27. In the evening came in further 10s., by the profits of the sale of ladies' bags, and 2s. 6d. as a donation. Feb. 10. As during the last three days only 11.6s. had come in, all our money was now again expended, and A.D. 1843.] 485 nothing in hand towards the supplies of to-morrow, Satur- day, when I received this afternoon 10s., being the profit of the sale of ladies' bags. This evening came in still further with Eccles. ix. 10, 11., by sale of articles 2s., and from a brother 2s. Feb. 11. By what came in yesterday afternoon and evening, we had 11.14s. towards the expenses of this day. But as this was not enough, I asked the Lord still further for help, and, behold, this morning's post brought me a ..post-office-order for 2. from Stafford, of which 17.7s.6d. is for the Orphans. Thus we have 31. 1s. 6d., which is quite enough for this day. Admire with me, my dear Reader, if you know the Lord, his seasonable help. Why does this post-office-order not come a few days sooner or later P Because the Lord would help us by means of it, and therefore influences the donor just then, and not sooner nor later, to send it. Surely, all who know the Lord, and who have no interest in disowning it, cannot but see his hand in a remarkable manner in this work.-Nor will the godly and simple minded reader say —“There is no difference between this way of proceeding, on the one hand, and going from indi- vidual to individual, asking them for means, on the other hand; for the writing of the Reports is just the same thing.” My dear Reader, there is a great difference. Suppose, that we are in need. Suppose, that our poverty lasts for some weeks or even some months together. Is there not, in that case, a difference between asking the Lord only from day to day, without speaking to any human being not connected directly with the work about our poverty, on the one hand; and writing letters or making personal application to benevolent individuals for assistance, on the other hand P Truly, there is a great difference between these two modes. I do not mean to say that it would be acting against the precepts of the Lord to seek for help in his work by personal and indi- vidual application to believers, (though it would be in direct opposition to his will to apply to unbelievers, 2 Cor. vi. 14–18); but I act in the way in which I do for the benefit of the Church at large, cheerfully bearing the trials, and sometimes the deep trials connected with this life of faith (which however brings along with it also its precious joys), if by any means a part at least of my T T 3 486 - [A.D. 1843. fellow believers might be led to see the reality of dealing with God only, and that there is such a thing as the child of God having power with God by prayer and faith. That the Lord should use for so glorious a service one so vile, so unfaithful, so altogether unworthy of the least notice as I am, I can only ascribe to the riches of his con- descending grace, in which he takes up the most unlikely instruments, that the honour may be manifestly his. I add only one word more: Should Satan seek to whisper into your ears: Perhaps the matter is made known after all, when there is need (as it has been once said about me at a public meeting in a large town, that when we were in want I prayed publicly that the Lord would send help for the Orphans, which is entirely false); I say, should it be said, that I took care that our wants were made known, I reply: Whom did I ask for any thing these many years since the work has been going on P. To whom did I make known our wants, except to those who are closely con- nected with the work P−Nay, so far from wishing to make known our need, for the purpose of influencing benevolent persons to contribute to the necessities of the Institution under my care, I have even refused to let our circumstances be known, after having been asked about them, when on simply saying that we were in need, I might have had considerable sums. Some instances of this have been given in the former part of this Narrative. In such cases I refused, in order that the hand of God only might be manifest; for that, and not the money, nor even the ability of continuing to carry on the work, is my especial aim. And such self-possession has the Lord given me, that at the times of the deepest poverty, (whilst there was nothing at all in hand, and whilst we had even from meal to meal to wait upon the Lord for the necessi- ties of more than 100 persons), when a donation of 5l. or 10l. or more has been given to me, the donors could not have read in my countenance whether we had much or nothing at all in hand. But enough of this. I have made these few remarks, beloved Reader, lest by any means you should lose the blessing which might come to your soul through reading the account of the Lord’s faith- fulness and readiness to hear the prayers of his children. Feb. 13. Monday. After having paid out on Saturday all there was in hand, though having quite enough for that A.D. 1843.] 487 day, we had now again to look to the Lord for means, as We generally need several pounds on Mondays. At this time also our faithful Lord did not disappoint us. For there came in late on Saturday, by the sale of articles given for sale, ll. 8s. 11d., and by sale of stockings, knitted by the boys, 5s. I received also since then by the profit of the sale of ladies'-bags 10s., by the boxes in my house ls. 9d., and by two donations, 6s. There was also yester- day put into the chapel boxes half-a-crown with these words: “Trust in the Lord, and wait patiently for him.” Thus we had 21. 14s. 2d., which was enough for the need of this day. Feb. 14. . I had received nothing since yesterday morn- ing. Nothing therefore was in hand when money was sent for, except 1s. 6d., which was sent up from the Or- phan-Houses, by the messenger who came for this day's supplies, and which had been received yesterday at the Infant-Orphan-House. I opened the boxes at my house, in which I found 1s. WHILE THE Boy was wAITING For THE MONEY, the sister, who sells the articles which are given to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans, and who knows nothing about our present need, came and brought 12s. for some things which she had sold. With this 14s. 6d. we are able to supply the need of to-day, as nothing but some bread and milk require to be purchased. Feb. 15. 21. 14s. came in from the neighbourhood of Rotherham, besidesls. 9d. Thus we had enough for this day. Peb. 16. Yesterday afternoon I received 9s. from two poor sisters at Portsmouth. This, with 9d., which was left of the money which I received yesterday, after the day’s need had been met, was all I had at the commence- ment of this day.—In the course of the morning was sent by a lady of Ashton, 10s. more. Thus we had 19s. 9d., which sufficed for this day. Feb. 17. Only 2s. 6d. has come in as a donation, and 2s. 4d. by knitting. This 4s. 10d. was all I could send, hoping in the Lord for more. The information I had from the Boys'-Orphan-House was, that the 4s. 10d. supplied the matrons with all that was absolutely needful for to-day. This evening at nine o’clock I received from sister E. Ch. 8s. 9d. for Reports. This is a most precious help, as without it there would be no means to take in the milk to-morrow morning. 488 [A.D. 1843. Feb. 18. This morning between seven and eight o'clock I took the money which came in last night to the Orphan- Houses, so that we were supplied for the breakfast. We had now to look to the Tord for several pounds, to meet the demands of this day, being Saturday. Between 10 and 11 o’clock I again with my wife besought the Lord, entreating him, that he would be pleased to help us, when a FEW MINUTEs AFTER, in this our great need, I received by the first delivery a letter from Barnstaple, containing 5l. for the Orphans. How truly precious, to see thus so manifestly the hand of God day by day stretched out on our behalf Feb. 20. Monday. Most seasonable as the help had been, which the Lord so kindly had sent on Saturday morning, and fully as it had supplied our need for that day; yet there was nothing left, after all the expenses had been met, so that we had even on Saturday still further to wait upon the Lord for fresh supplies for this day. Now at this time likewise the Lord has appeared on our behalf. About nine o'clock on Saturday evening arrived by post a small parcel from Yorkshire, which con- tained 6 pitcher purses, 2 night caps, a watchguard, and 6l. 1s. 4d. Of this money 5l. is to be applied for Mis- sionary purposes, 1s. 4d. for the Orphans, and 11. as it may be needed. This 11. I took therefore for the Orphans. —Yesterday morning I received as a widow’s mite 17. for the Orphans; and into the chapel boxes was put 10s. with Eccles. ix. 10, and also half-a-crown anonymously. Thus the Lord has been pleased to send us altogether 21, 13s., whereby we are able to meet this day's expenses. Feb. 21. We were comfortably helped through yester- day, but having provided for all the demands, there was again nothing left in my hands for to-day. How kind therefore of the Lord to incline the heart of the same brother, who had given me 50l. a few weeks since, to intrust me with 1.l. 2s. 6d. more last night, about nine o'clock | By this donation our need for to-day is supplied. Feb. 22. Only 3s. 9d. came in yesterday by sale of Reports. When this morning the letter bag was sent from the Orphan-Houses for supplies, I found a note in it, containing this: “ Tor to-day there is no need of men- tioning any sum, as we can make that do, which the Lord may please to send.” The 3s. 9d, was all I had to send, A.D. 1843.] 489 waiting upon the Lord for more.—There came in further in the course of the morning by sale of stockings 3s., and by sale of other articles, given for that purpose, 2s. 6d. Qur need also led us to open the boxes in the Orphan- Houses, in which we found 11s. 6d. Thus we had alto- gether ll. Os. 9d., whereby we were helped through this day. Feb. 23. Last evening I received from Bath a small parcel, containing a small telescope, a set of mother-o’pearl counters, 7 silver buckles, and a broken silver brooch. This morning the bag was brought for money, but I had inothing in hand. WHILST THE BOY WHO BROUGHT THE LETTER BAG was WAITING, to receive the answer, the sister who disposes of the articles which are given for sale, (and who was no more acquainted with the state of our funds than any other person), brought 11s. 4d. With this we began the day, again trusting in the Lord for further help. Feb. 24. Nothing more came in, in the course of yes- terday morning; but a little after four o’clock I received a letter from Jersey, containing a post-office-order for 11. for the Orphans. The donor writes thus: “Herewith you will find a post-office-order for ll, being this year's subscription. I had a desire to defer it to the 1st of June; but owing to my mind having been deeply worked on the present day, that this was the acceptable time, I make no scruple of availing myself of this evening’s post, which I hope will be acceptable.” Jersey, 20 Feb. 1843.− How manifest is the hand of the Lord in this matter! He stirs up this donor, who lives at such a distance, to remember our need, whose money indeed came in a most acceptable time.—Thus we were again helped for yester- day. A few minutes, after having received the Il. from Jersey, a brother near Bruton sent me 15s. The money, given by this donor, being always left entirely to my disposal, I took this 15s. towards the need of the Orphans for to-day. This morning’s post brought me half-a- sovereign from London. The letter contained only these words: “London, Feb. 22, 1843. Psalm xxvii. 14.” I put this half-sovereign to the Orphan-Fund. There came in also by knitting 1s. 4d., and through the boxes in my house 6%d. Thus we had for the need of this day again, by the good hand of our Lord upon us, ll. 6s. 10#d. 490 [A.D. 1848. Feb. 25. Saturday. Yesterday afternoon and evening 12s. 8d, came in by knitting, and 1s. 9d. besides. This was all we had wherewith to begin the day. There came in still further in the course of to-day: by the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 5d., by knitting 7s. 8d., by a donation 1s., by sale of Reports 4s., by sale of an article, given for that purpose, 10s., and one of the labourers gave 6s. Thus the Lord gave us again 21. 3s.6d. for to-day's need, and we are helped to the close of another week-As a fresh proof, that our loving Father is still mindful of us, we received this evening a parcel and a box from Plymouth : the former contained a musical box and a piece of worsted work, the latter 10 china ornaments: all to be sold for the benefit of the Orphans. Feb. 27. Monday. Nothing at all had come in since Saturday. When therefore this day began, we had no means to provide what was needed. My comfort, how- ever, was, that our Father knew that we were needy, and that kept me at this time also in peace. Between 10 and 11 o’clock this morning Ireceived 11.10s. from Guernsey. The brother, who sent the money, writes, that he had delayed in sending it, and hoped that “this was the Lord’s time,” which indeed it is, for we are thus supplied for this day. Reb. 28. Yesterday afternoon 3s., were put into the box in my room, which our need brought out, as again this day began without our having any thing in hand. I received still further to-day from a brother at Crediton 21., being the produce of an Orphan-box in his house.— This evening I was at a Scripture-Reading-Meeting, at a brother's house. On leaving I found half-a-crown in one of my gloves, evidently put there on purpose, which I put to the Orphan-Fund, and it was immediately taken to the Orphan-Houses. Thus we were helped through this day also, but have nothing in hand towards to-morrow. There came in also for knitting 2s. 11d. Thus we had 21. 8s. 5d. for this day. March 1. There came in this morning by sale of some articles 11. 5s. About dinner time a clergyman, who had had one of my Narratives lent to him by one of the labourers in the Orphan-Houses, returned it with 1.l.. 10s. for the Orphans, from himself and his two sisters. Thus we were again provided with all we needed for to-day.— A.D. 1843.] 491 This evening the Lord helped still further. I received with Eccles. ix. 10, 31. From sister M. B. came in 17., by knitting of the Infant-Orphans 3s. 6d., and by two donations 6s. March 2. This day the Lord has again looked upon us in his faithful love, and sent us help, whereby I am ena- bled to replenish our stores with rice, peas, and Scotch barley, and am also able to put by the rent. There was found in the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 27. 3s. 7d., which had been put in by some visitors, who saw the Orphan- Houses yesterday afternoon. There were also given to me 63 old silver coins, the greater part of them old Eng- lish coins, the others old Spanish and French coins, also one crown piece current. There came in also by sale of articles and donations, besides the money for the silver coins, 16s. 10d. Thus the Lord has dealt bountifully with us these two days, after many days of poverty. March 6. Monday. The last money had been given out last Saturday, and only 6d. had come in yesterday, whilst our need for to-day, I knew, would be about 21. About a quarter of an hour before I was called on for money, I received from a brother at Plymouth a post- office-order for 21. 11s. 6d., and by the same post, anony- mously, a French cambric handkerchief and half-a-crown. Thus our present need was again more than met. March 7. There came in to-day 2l. 13s. 10d. March 8. To-day we required 31. 10s. to supply com- fortably all that was needed in the Orphan-Houses, but only 27. 1s. 10d. was in hand. How kind therefore of the Lord to send me a large donation, whereby we were richly supplied The particulars of it are these :—On Oct. 25, 1842, I had a long conversation with a sister in the Lord, who opened her heart to me. On leaving me I told her, (because I thought it might prove a comfort to her at some future time,) that my house and my purse were hers, and that I should be glad if she would have one purse with me. This I said, I repeat, because I judged that at some future time it might prove a comfort to her in an hour of trial, having at the same time, (to judge from a circumstance which had occurred two days before,) every reason to believe, that she had not 5l. of her own. This sister, after I had said so, readily took me at my word, and said I shall be glad of it, adding presently that she 492 [A.D. 1843. had 500l. The moment I heard that, I drew back, and said, that had I known that she had any money, I should not have made her this offer, and then gave her my reason why I had supposed she had no property at all. She then assured me that she possessed 500l., and that she had never seen it right, to give up this money, else she would have done so; but that as God had put this sum into her hands, without her seeking, she thought that it was a provision which the Lord had made for her. I replied scarcely any thing to this; but she asked me to pray for her with reference to this matter. This whole conversa- tion about the money occupied but very few minutes, and it all took place after the sister had risen and was on the point of leaving me.—After she was gone, I asked the Lord if he would be pleased to make this dear sister so happy in himself, and enable her so to realize her true riches and inheritance in the Lord Jesus, and the reality of her heavenly calling, that she might be constrained by the love of Christ cheerfully to lay down this 500l. at his feet. From that time I repeated this my request before the Lord daily, and often two, three, or four times a day; but not a single word or line passed between me and this sister on the subject, nor did I even see her ; for I judged that it would be far better that she retained this money, than that by persuasion she should give it up, and afterwards perhaps regret the step she had taken, and thereby more dishonour than honour be brought on the name of the Lord. After I had thus for 24 days daily besought the Lord on behalf of this sister, I found her One day, on returning home, at my house, when she told me, that she wished to see me alone. She then said to me, that from the time she had last conversed with me, she had sought to ascertain the Lord’s will with reference to the 500l., and had examined the Scriptures, and prayed about it, and that she was now assured that it was the will of the Lord, she should give up this money. After she had told me this, I exhorted her, well to count the cost, and to do nothing rashly, lest she should regret the step she had taken, and to wait at least a fortnight longer before she carried out her intention. Thus we separated. On the 18th day after this conversation I received the following letter. * A.D. 1843.] 493 “Dear Brother, - “I believe the Lord has not permitted you to grow weary of remembering me, but that he has still en- abled you to bear me upon your heart in his presence. All is well with me, dear brother. Your petitions have been heard and answered; I am happy and at peace. The Lord has indeed manifested his tender care of and his great love towards me in Jesus, in inclining my heart cheerfully to lay all I have hitherto called my own, at his feet. It is a high privilege. I write in haste to ask you (as we have now one purse) to receive the money at a bank in Bristol; I will direct it to be sent in my name, to be delivered into your hands. Etc.” As this whole circumstance is related only for the profit of the reader, and as I knew that the sister still had my letters on the subject in her possession, I wrote to her, requesting her to send them to me, at the time when I published the last account about the Orphan-Houses, etc., and extracts of them were given in the last Report, in so far as they might refer to the subject or tend to edifica- cation. These extracts are here reprinted. My reply to the above was this : 21, Paul Street, Kingsdown, Bristol, “My dear Sister, Dec. 6, 1842. “Your letter found me in peace, and did not in the least surprise me. Dealing with God is a reality. Saints have power with him through Jesus. It is now forty-two days since you first mentioned this matter to me. I cannot but admire the wisdom of God and his love to you in allowing me to speak to you as I did [i. e. offer- ing her to have one purse with me, when I thought she had no earthly possessions at all], that thus this great privilege might be bestowed upon you, to give up this little sum for him. Since that hour I have daily prayed for you, and often thrice or more in the course of the day, that the Lord would make you so happy in himself, and help you with such faith to lay hold on all which he has given you in Jesus, that you might be constrained by love cheerfully to lay down this little sum at his feet. Thus I prayed again at six o'clock this morning for you. U U 494 [A.D. 1843. Nor have I had the least doubt from the counnencement that the Lord did hear my prayer; yea, so fully have I been assured that I had the petition, that again and again I have thanked him that he had answered my prayer, before I saw you eighteen days since, and before your letter came this morning. Moreover, I have been fully assured since you were last here, that he was carrying on his work in your soul with reference to this matter, and that no subtle suggestions of Satan, nor educational pre- judices, nor misinterpretations of the Scriptures, were able to prevail; for I had asked the Lord, by his Spirit to overcome them in you, and that, if a brother's word should be needed, he would be pleased to incline your heart to write to me: and as no letter came, I felt fully confident, you were going forward in this matter in peace. When I had seen you this day six weeks, and learned about this little sum, I determined never to say or write to gyou another word on the subject, but to leave you in the hands of the Lord. Thus I purposed again during the last eighteen days; for it was not the money given up, that I cared for in you, but the money given up unto the Lord, and from right motives. On this very account I advised you to wait one fortnight longer, though you had come to the conclusion; but now, having done so, and seeing that you are fully purposed in the Lord to be poor in this world indeed, that the more abundantly you may enjoy his riches, his inexhaustible riches, I change my advice. My word now, beloved sister, is this: “What- soever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might,” and “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” Delay then no longer, even as also you have no desire to delay: and the Lord will bless you abundantly in doing so, inasmuch as you do it unto him. As you desire to intrust me with this money, I do not refuse it, knowing many ways to lay it out for him. Etc.” Then only follows the direction how the money is to be paid into my bankers’ hands. On Dec. 18, 1842, Ireceived a reply to my letter, which answer was begun to be written on Dec. 8th, but finished on the 16th. I give a few extracts of the letter: “Since I last saw you, dear brother, I have not had the slightest doubt as to what I ought to do : the word of God has A.D. 1843.] 495 been so clear to me on this head, that I have been kept resting on it, and, in answer to your prayers, no tempta- tion has been allowed to prevail, indeed I think I may add to arise. But I feel that temptations may come, and that I may in seasons of trial not always have faith to be able to rejoice in this privilege. My heart is so deceitful and my faith so weak, that I shall greatly need your prayers still. Will you then, if the Lord enables you, pray, that I may never offend my Father by regretting in the least measure this act of obedience, which he has by his grace inclined me to carry out. I shall pray the Lord still to lay me on your heart. I felt so sure, that you were helped to pray for me, that I had thanked the Lord for his grace. I am glad you did not write, although I amuch value your advice; but I wish to be led by the Lord alone, after he had used you as the instrument in the first instance, and in such a way too, that I am quite sure he intended to bless you to my soul in this matter. I have asked my heart whether I am really doing this to him. My heart assures me that I am, and not from any other motive than obedience to the written word. Before I ever saw you. I had asked the Lord to make me willing to give this little sum into your hands, if it were his will I should; but his time to make me willing had not then come; even then I had in a measure given it to you, having written a paper, desiring, in case I should fall asleep in Jesus, that you might get possession of it; I had it signed by two witnesses, and I always carried it about with me when I travelled, sealed and directed to you. When I wrote this, I little thought what grace the Lord had in store for me. You will forgive my being thus tedious, but I am sure you will praise the Lord with me for his gracious dealings with me. Etc.”—At the end of this letter, which was finished on Dec. 16, the sister tells me, that unexpectedly a hinderance had arisen to her having possession of the money, so that it was not likely it could be paid over to me till about the end of January, 1843. When this letter came, it would have been naturally a great disappointment to me, as the sister had told me in a previous letter that the money should be paid into my hands, and as just at that time in a variety of ways it was U U 2 496 [A.D. 1843. desirable that I should have considerable sums. The Lord, however, enabled me immediately to lay hold on that word, “We know that all things work together for good to them that love God,” Rom. viii. 28, and my soul was in peace, though we had only enough money in hand to provide for one or at the most for two days the neces- sary provisions in the Orphan-Houses. It was but the next day, Dec. 19, 1842, when Ireceived 100l. from A. B., and on Dec. 22, I received 50l. from a brother in Bristol, besides other donations: so that within one week, after I had had grace to delight myself in the will of God, he gave me about 200l., whereby I was able to meet all the heavy expenses of replenishing the stores, &c., on account of which I should naturally have been tried in the pay- ment of the money being delayed. In reply to the letter, which I received from this sister on Dec. 18, I wrote another on December 31, 1842, of which I give an extract on this subject. “The hand of the Lord is indeed most manifestly to be seen in this matter, concerning the money: the way in which your own mind was led; my speaking under the circumstances under which I did, when you were already risen to leave the room; the reason why I did so, i. e. mere sympathy with your circumstances, and thinking that some day or other my brotherly offer might be a comfort to you, though you should never need it, and all this when I be- lieved that at that time you did not possess 5l.—I have continued to pray for you, or rather the Lord has enabled me every day once, twice, thrice, or even more, to remem- ber you. The burden of my prayer still has been, that he would be pleased to make you very happy in himself, and enable you to enter into the inheritance which awaits you; further, that you may not be permitted in the least to regret the step which you have taken, but rather con- sider it a privilege to be permitted to give this little sum back to him who gave it to you, and who gave himself for you.-With reference to the delay, I cannot but rejoice. This gives you abundant opportunity to ponder the mat- ter, and afterwards to state to any (who, judging as those who know not how rich the saints are, might blame you,) that you did not do the thing in haste. I consider this delay to be for the furtherance of the honour of the Lord. A.D. 1843.] 497 You know my advice to you, to wait at least a fortnight. That you have seen much of your unfaithfuluess, &c., I consider to be an especial blessing which the Lord has bestowed upon you, lest this step you have taken should become a snare to you. Humblings last our whole life. Jesus came not to save painted but real sinners; but he has saved us, and will surely make it manifest. I have a passage laid on my heart for you, read the whole of it carefully; 2 Corinth. viii. 1–9, especially verse 9. Etc.” Day after day now passed away and the money did not come. The month of January was come to an end, and February also, and the money had not come. Thus more than one hundred and twenty days were gone by, whilst day by day I brought my petition before the Lord, that he would bless this sister, keep her steadfast in her pur- pose, and intrust me with this money for his work in my hands. Amidst it all, my heart was assured (judging from the earnestness which he had given me in prayer, and that I had only desired this matter to the praise of his name), that in his own time he would bring it about. But I never wrote one single line to this sister on the subject, all this time. At last, on the one hundred and thirty-fourth day since I had daily besought the Lord about this matter, on March 8th, 1843, I received a letter from the sister, informing me that the 500l. had been paid into the hands of my bankers. - I now wrote to the sister to inquire, whether she wished the money to be expended upon any particular objects, or whether she would leave me altogether free to expend it, as I might be led. In reply to this she wrote me: “Dear Brother, I would still leave this little sum in the hands of him to whom it has been given. May he alone be your guide in disposing of it. If I did express one wish, it would be, that you would make use of a part for your own or your family’s present necessity.” This latter point I declined entirely, thinking it not wise to take a part of this money for my- self, to avoid even the appearance as if in any measure I had sought my own things in this matter, instead of the things of Jesus Christ. The 500l. were thus portioned out: 100l. for the School —Bible—Tract and Missionary Fund, 50l. for the Em- U U 3 498 [A.D. 1843. ployment Fund.* 50l. was taken at once for the Orphan- Fund, and afterwards also the remaining 300l. when, as I shall presently relate, the Lord pointed out to me to go forward in the Orphan work, and to establish a fourth Orphan-House. I have related the particulars connected with this dona- tion so minutely, in order to show, that though we may have long to wait upon the Lord, yea, though for one hundred and thirty-four days we may have daily the same petition to bring before him, yet at last he will give us the desire of our hearts, if our petitions are according to his mind. And now I only give a few lines of a letter which I received on July 3, 1844, from the sister who gave this donation, together with my letters for which I had asked her, in order that I may show her state of mind on the subject, after she had had it more than twenty months before her, and after she had for sixteen months actually given up the money. She writes thus: “I am thankful to say that I have never for one moment had the slightest feeling of regret; but it is wholly of the Lord’s abound- ing grace. I speak it to his praise.” On March 31, 1843, I called at the Orphan-Houses, to make certain arrangements, and one of the sisters told me by the way, that she had been asked by Miss G., who with her father occupied the house, No. 4, Wilson Street, to let me know that they wished to give up their house, if I would like to take it; but she had replied that it was of no use to tell me about it, for she was sure that I had no thought of opening another Orphan-House. When I came home, this matter greatly occupied my mind. I could not but ask the Lord again and again whether he would have me to open another Orphan-House, and whether the time was now come that I should serve him still more extensively in this way. The more I pondered the matter, the more it appeared to me that this was the hand of God, moving me onwards in this service. The following remarkable combination of circumstances struck me in particular. 1, There are more applications made for the admission of Orphans, especially of late, than we * This little charity business was commenced in connexion with the church assembling at Bethesda and Salem chapels, Bristol, for the pur- pose of seeking to provide employment for the poor believers, especially the poor sisters, when they were without work. A.D. 1843.] 499 are at all able to meet, though we fill the houses as much as the health of the children and of the labourers will possibly admit. 2, If I did take another house for Or- phans, it would be most desirable it should be in the same street where the other three are, as thus the labour is less, and in times of great need we are near together for prayer, the distribution of the money, &c. But since the third Orphan-House was opened, in Nov. 1837, there never has been one of the larger houses in the street to be let. 3, There are about fifteen children in the Infant- Orphan-House, whom it would have been well some time ago to have removed to the house for the older girls, had there been room; but when a vacancy happened to occur in that house, there were generally several waiting to fill it up, so that unintentionally the female children in the Infant-Orphan-House remained where they were; but this is not well, nor is it according to my original inten- tion; for the infants were intended only to be left till they are seven years old, and then to be removed to the houses for older boys and girls. This my original plan could be executed better for the future, and at once for the present, were I to open another Orphan-House. 4, I know two sisters who seem suitable labourers for this fourth Orphan-House, and who have a desire thus to be engaged. 5, There are 300l. remaining of the 500l. which I so lately received. This money may be used for the furnishing and fitting up of a new Orphan-House. So much money I have never had in hand at one time durin the last five years. This seemed to me a remarkable thing, in connexion with the four other reasons. 6, The estab- lishing of a fourth Orphan-House, which would increase our expenses several hundred pounds a year, would be, after we have gone for five years almost uninterruptedly through trials of faith, a plain proof that I have not re- gretted this service, and that I am not tired of this precious way of depending upon the Lord from day to day; and thus the faith of other children of God might be strengthened.—But, most important, yea decidedly conclusive, as these points were; yet they did not con- vince me that I ought to go forward in this service, if the Spirit's leading were not in connexion with them. I therefore gave myself to prayer. I prayed day after day, without saying any thing to any human being. I prayed 500 [A.D. 1843. two and twenty days, without even mentioning it to my dear wife. On that very day, when I did mention it to her, and on which I had come to the conclusion, after three weeks' prayer and consideration in the fear of God, to establish another Orphan-House, I received from A.B. 50l. and 11. through him from a sister. What a striking confirmation that the Lord will help, though the necessi- ties should increase more and more. At last, on the 24th day, having been now for several days fully assured, that God would have me go forward in this service, I went to inquire whether Mr. and Miss G. still wished to give up the house. But here I found an apparent hinderance. Having heard no wish expressed on my part to take the house, and the sister in the Orphan-Houses, with whom Miss G. had communicated, not having given her the least reason to think that I should do so, Mr. and Miss G. had altered their plans, and now purposed to remain in the house. However, I was to call again in a week, when I should receive an answer. I was not in the least dis- comforted by this obstacle. “Lord, if thou hast no need of another Orphan-House, I have none,” was the burden of my prayer. I was willing to do God’s will, yea to delight myself in his will. And just on this very ground, because I knew I sought not my own honour but the Lord's; because I knew I was not serving myself, but the Lord, in this thing ; and because I knew that with so much calm, quiet, prayerful, self-questioning con- sideration I had gone about this business, and had only after many days, during which I had been thus waiting upon the Lord, come to the conclusion that it was the will of God I should go forward in this service : for these reasons I felt sure, (notwithstanding what Mr. and Miss G. had told me), that I should have the house. I also especially judged, that thus it would be, because I was quite in peace, when I heard of the obstacle, a plain proof that I was not in self-will going on in this matter, but according to the leading of the Holy Ghost; for if accord- ing to my natural mind I had sought to enlarge the work, I should have been excited and uncomfortable when I met with this obstacle. After a week I called again on Mr. G. And now see how God had wrought ! On the same day on which I had seen Mr. G., he went out and met with a suitable house, so that when I came the second A.D. 1843. 501 time, he was willing to let me have the one which he then occupied in Wilson Street; and as the owner accepted me as a tenant, all the difficulties were removed, so that after the 1st of June we began fitting up the house, and in July the first Orphans were received. Of the donations which came in from March 8 to the end of May, 1843, and which were many, I only notice: on April 10 a brother gave 5l., which had been saved out of house furnishing, by doing it in a plainer way. At the end of May, 1843, I entered upon a remarkable part of my life, upon which I must dwell somewhat at length, especially as it will, by God’s blessing, still further show the Reader the preciousness of depending upon God for every thing. It was in September or October 1841, that one day a German lady, a native of Wirtemberg, called on me. She said that she had come to England to perfect herself in English, and purposed afterwards to return to Germany to establish a boarding school for young ladies, and es- pecially for English young ladies. Having heard that I was a German, she came to obtain my advice, and to request me to interest myself for her in getting her pupils to instruct in German, in order thus to support herself while in England. After having conversed with her for some time about these things, and given her the informa- tion which she desired, I then spoke to her about the things of God, in which conversation I soon found, that though she might have had some religious feelings from time to time, yet that she did not know the Lord. On leaving me I gave her the first and second part of my Narrative, which I thought she would read because it contained the experience of a German, and thus she would also have exercise in English. I then followed with my prayers the reading of the book, that God would be pleased to bless it to the conversion of her soul. After some time she called on me again, telling me that she had been deeply interested in reading my Narrative, and asked me whether I had any objection to her translating the book into German, with the view of getting it published on her return to Germany. My reply was, that I had no right to object to it; for in so far, as translation into another language was concerned, the book was every one’s property. I might have mentioned that I did not think 502 [A.D. 1843. her yet sufficiently acquainted either with the English language or the state of things in England, especially religiously, and that, as she was not converted herself she could not give the exact translation of the book, though she were qualified with reference to the two former points; but as I had the spiritual benefit of the individual in view, I thought thus with myself; this person has no employment at present, and by translating this book she will be kept from the many snares connected with idle- ness; she will by this means also make progress in English, which she is desirous of doing; but most of all, the fact of translating a book for the press will oblige her more accurately and attentively to consider what is con- tained in it, than she would be obliged to do, were she simply to read it through several times, and therefore this work may, with God’s blessing, be instrumental in doing good to her soul. The last point weighed particularly with me; I therefore did not discourage her, though at the same time I did not encourage her, but left the matter to herself. As, however, she left me with the impression that she was going to translate the book, I asked the Lord to convert her soul in doing so. After a time Mrs. G. called on me again, and brought me a part of the manuscript, that I might read it over. I took it, but could not promise her to read it; for I had little prospect of doing so, for want of time. Nevertheless I read a few pages, which I found rather better translated than I had expected. After this she brought me at two or three other times considerable parts of the translation, which, however, I had never time to read. By this time the winter had passed away, and it was come to March 1842, when all of a sudden, one Wednesday afternoon, I was seized with sharp pains, something like spasms, which were so acute that, though they passed off after about an hour, they left me so weak, that I was not able to go out to our usual meeting on that evening. About seven o’clock, just when I should have been at the meet- ing but for this illness, Mrs. G., who for several weeks had been at Trowbridge, to finish the translation, and to instruct a young lady in German, came to take leave of me. She said she now purposed to return to Wirtem- berg. Though I was very weak, yet, under these cicum- stances, I could not decline seeing her, as it would be in A.D. 1843.] 503 all human probability the last time that I should do so. I therefore besought the Lord to strengthen me for this service (which I soon perceived he had done), and, after a short conversation with her about her circumstances, I began to speak to her about her soul, and soon found she was heavy laden, burdened under her sins, and broken in heart. With many tears, she told me, that she was a great sinner, an exceedingly great sinner. Every word she spoke gave me the impression, that all she now needed was, to have the work of Christ pointed out to her, i. e. the power of his blood, in cleansing from all sin, by faith in his name. I spent about two hours with her, and she left me with many tears.-I also had said to her at the beginning of the conversation with reference to the trans- lation of my Narrative, that if she still desired to publish it, she should seek to get the assistance of a pious clergy- man in Germany, who understood English well.—On the next morning about nine Mrs. G. called again on me, telling me that she could not leave Bristol without seeing me once more. She now spent about three hours more with me, in which she told me, that during the night, which she had chiefly spent in prayer and reading the word of God, she had found peace in the Lord Jesus, and that she was now happy in him. She further told me, that, after she had translated a part of my Narrative, the spirit of God began to work upon her heart, by convincing her that she was a great sinner. The further she went on, the more she felt what a sinner she was, till at last, when she was come towards the end of the book, she came to the conclusion to return to Germany. I now gave her some advice in reference to her return, and also what she should do with reference to her spiritual welfare, after her return to Wirtemberg. After this she left me. About two or three weeks after (in April, 1842) I received a long letter from her, written on her way homeward, by which I was still further confirmed that, although Mrs. G. was only a mere babe in Christ, yet that she was a babe, and that a real work of grace had been begun in her heart. I then wrote to her, but from that time till towards the end of May 1843, I heard no more from her. Towards the end of May, 1843, however, I received a long letter from her, dated Stuttgart, (capital of the kingdom of Wirtemberg.) In this letter Mrs. G. gave me an outline of her history 504 [A.D. 1843. during the year after she had returned to her country. Suffice it here to say, that she had sought in vain to find christians with whom she could be united in fellowship according to the truths she thought she saw in my Narra- tive, and according to what she had seen and heard at our meetings in Bristol. At last, about New-year, 1843, she became acquainted with a little baptist church, which was separated from the State church, and she was after a time baptized and received into fellowship among them, which took place in Feb. 1843. Soon, however, she found things different, as to church order, etc., from what she had seen amongst us in Bristol, or from what she had learnt from my Narrative, especially with reference to close baptist principles, which in the highest and strongest degree were practised among the brethren at Stuttgart, and she wrote to me, to ask my view about that point, as she felt pained at separating from true believers, because they might not be instructed about believers' baptism. Her letter was accompanied by another letter from one of the brethren of the baptist church, Dr. R. , a solicitor or barrister to the upper tribunal of the kingdom of Wir- temberg. The letter of the latter testified of the gracious spirit of the writer, but also that he likewise held the separating views of close communion, and that he, having read the translation of my Narrative in manuscript, seemed to be drawn and knit to me affectionately, but wished to have, upon Scriptural ground, my views about open COIn DºllllllOI). Before I received these letters I had been repeatedly asked during my fourteen years' residence in England, why I did not labour in my own country. The import- ance also of doing so had been pointed out to me; nor was I myself insensible to this; but my answer had always been : “I must labour where the Lord will have me to be, and as I have never seen it to be the Lord’s will that I should labour in Germany, I ought not to de so.” About fourteen months before I received these letters, it had been also more than ever laid on my heart by brother R. C. He had seen something of the religious state of the Continent, and he had heard still more about it, and he had found almost every where that when he set truth before brethren, they said, It is Scriptural, you are right; but if we were to practise this, what would be the A.D. 1843.] 505 consequences P what would become of us and our wives and children P or something of that kind. Brother C. therefore came on purpose to see me, on his return from Denmark, to lay it on my heart to visit Germany, on account of my being a native and having been led by the Lord as I had. He told me especially that he considered it of importance that I should publish my Narrative in German, in order that thus the faith of the brethren, with the Lord’s blessing, might be strengthened, and that they might be led to act according to the light which they had. All this seemed to me very important; but my answer was as before: I cannot go, till the Lord calls me. Scarcely had I read the letters from Mrs. G. and Dr. R. , but I felt : now is the time come when I am to go to Germany; and from that time I gave myself to prayer about it. When I afterwards communicated my feeling on the subject to brother R. C. he said: I am not surprised about it, for from the time that I spoke to you on the subject, I have been constantly asking the Lord to bring it about. —The reasons that pointed it out to me as the Lord’s will, that I ought to go to Germany to labour there for a season, were these. 1, I knew not of one single body of believers, who were gathered on scriptural principles. In all the States of Germany, with scarcely any exception, believers are connected with the State Churches, and the very few believers of whom I had heard that they were separated, I knew to be close Baptists, who, generally, by their most exclusive separatist views, only confirmed believers in remaining in the Establishment. Especially of the Baptist Church at Stuttgart I had much reason to believe this. It seemed to me therefore important to go to Germany, and labour there for a season, if it might please the Lord to condescend to use me to put a light on a candlestick, howsoever dimly it might be burning at the first, so that by means thereof the light might be spread in other parts of Germany. 2, As I am a German, and therefore familiar with the language, there seemed to me an especial call that I should take on myself this service, particularly as my experience in connexion with several bodies of believers, during the 133 years previous to this time, would be of great help in this service. 3, It seemed further to me to be the Lord’s will that I should go to Germany, in order that I might publish my Narra- X X. 506 [A.D. 1843. tive of the Lord's dealings with me (which Mrs. G. had not been able to accomplish), and that not simply in the form of a translation, but so that it should be prepared for the press just as the necessities of the believers in Germany, (who, with scarcely any exceptions, are not only connected with the Establishment, but have no idea that there is any where else any thing besides Establishment) might require it. Thus, I judged, something would be given to Germany of the practical working of labouring out of the Establishment; of meeting only as believers in the name of the Lord Jesus, irrespective of any particular religious party or sect, and that in dependance upon the power and presence of the Holy Ghost in the Church of Christ; of dependance upon the Lord alone for every thing; of recognizing no other book but the Holy Scrip- tures for our rule concerning every thing, &c.; and thus my Narrative, if the Lord allowed me to publish it, might be working still, after I had left Germany. 4, Up to that time I had never known an open door for me to labour on the Continent, at least not in Germany; for in the Establishment I neither could labour with a good conscience, according to the light which the Lord had been pleased to give me, nor should I have been permitted to have done so, and I was not acquainted with believers on the Continent out of the Establishment; and as to preaching in the open air, or going somewhere and taking a place for preaching, any thing of this sort was out of the question; for I was too well acquainted with the police of Germany, not to know that that would not be permitted. But now I heard of an open door. At Stutt- gart, I judged, I might labour in expounding the truth in this close Baptist Church, and seek to bring these dear brethren out of their sectarian views. 5, But that, which in connexion with these four reasons had likewise much influence upon me, was this: During the fourteen years that I had been in England, I had never had my mind drawn to labour on the Continent, and now the very opposite was the case. It was but two or three days before I received those letters from Stuttgart, that I had again expressed my mind as to labouring in Germany, 7. e. that I felt no call from the Lord to do it, and had no drawing towards it. Now the case was altogether other- wise. I could not but pray about it; I could not but feel A.D. 1843.] 507 drawn to go to Germany in love to the Lord and in pity towards the poor Church of Christ in that country. Naturally there was nothing inviting; for I saw a hard struggle before me with reference to the brethren who were to be won for the truth, and to be brought out of their errors; in the Continental manners and the long and beautiful journey on the Rhine I saw, through grace, no charm, and certainly I saw nothing in them which would induce me to leave home, but the reverse; the fourth Orphan-House was on the point of being opened, and I, naturally, was very reluctant to be absent from it just then ; the labour would be great in Germany, and work would heap up greatly for me in Bristol, during my absence. But with all this:—the leading of my mind to Germany still remained. The more I prayed about these points, the more I iudged it to be from the Lord, that I should go for a season to Germany. It was but a few days, before I had the fullest assurance in my soul, (after much prayer, much self-examination in the fear of God, and after much looking at these five points), that it was the will of God I should go : yet even then I did not speak publicly about it. After having come to the conclusion, that, as far as I could see, it was the will of God that I should go, I be- gan prayerfully to look at the difficulties there were in the way, which were principally these. 1. The new Or- phan-House needed to be opened, and all the work in connexion with it was to be done, before I could leave; because I could not judge it to be of God, that this work, which was begun, should remain unfinished, except abso- lute necessity pointed it out, as otherwise it would be a waste of money, a breach of promise to the relatives whose children were to be received, &c. I therefore asked the Lord to help me through all this work, which was not a little, before I could leave. 2. I judged it for various reasons important, not to leave the work of the Orphan-Houses, Day-Schools, &c., without leaving such a sum of money behind, as would, at least for about two months, defray the probable current expenses for the work, therefore a few hundred pounds I thought it desi- rable to leave behind, in order that the burden of the work might not be left upon the shoulders of my dear X X 2 508 [A.D. 1843. fellow-labourers. I had therefore by prayer to get this sum from the Lord, for the obtaining of which I had no natural prospects whatever. 3. Another obstacle in the way was, want of money for travelling expenses to and from Stuttgart, and means for staying there at least for a time, and that not only for myself, but for my dear wife; for I judged for various reasons, that it was the will of God she should accompany me in this service, but princi- pally because her health was not equal to being left in Bristol, with the responsibility of the work resting upon her in my absence. This again would require a considera- ble sum, I mean considerable for me, a poor man. The means I then had of my own, as far as I now remember, were not enough, if they had been multiplied by fifty. This obstacle was to be removed by prayer. 4. One of the especial reasons for which I saw it to be the Lord’s will that I should go to Germany was, the publishing of my Narrative, at a cheap price (2s. for both parts), or to be given away gratuitously, so that the poor might have it. But this could not be obtained, except I published it on my own account, to avoid the publisher's putting a higher price upon it. Then again, as so much expense of time was connected with printing it, I intended, if once F went to Germany, to print not less than 4000 copies; and what is even that number among the many millions whose language is German. But whence was the money to come for all this; an expense which, though printing and paper are very much cheaper in Germany than in England, yet I knew would cost between one and two hundred pounds. For this, then, also, I, a poor man, be- took myself to the living God, being fully assured, that as he had pointed out to me his will with reference to my going, he would also most assuredly provide the means. May, I had a secret satisfaction in the greatness of the diff- culties which were in the way. So far from being cast down on account of them, they delighted my soul; for I only de- sired to do the will of the Lord in this matter. In honesty of heart I had examined the matter, as standing before God. I wished only to know his will, that I might do it. I judged, it was his will that I should go to Germany, and therefore determined in his fear that I would go. When I therefore saw the difficulties, they cast me not down, but cheered me; for as it was the will of God, ac- A.D. 1843.] 509 cording to my judgment, that I should go, I was sure he would remove the obstacles out of the way; and there- fore the greater the obstacles, the more abundantly plain the proof, that I had come to a right judgment, if they were removed by prayer; but if after all I had been mis- taken, which I could not think I had been, then, the sooner I was undeceived, the better. How different such a state of heart, from what it would have been, if some- how or other the love for a Continental tour, or the desire to go up the beautiful Rhine, had beguiled me: then I should not have liked to look at the difficulties, or at least I should have sought to have them removed by my own efforts. But as it was, I did nothing but pray. Prayer and faith, the universal remedies against every want and every difficulty, and the nourishment of prayer and faith, God’s holy word, helped me over all the difficulties.—I never remember in all my Christian course, a period now (in May 1845) of nineteen years and six months, that I ever SINCERELY and PATIENTLY sought to know the will of God by the teaching of the Holy Ghost, through the in- strumentality of the word of God, but I have been ALWAYS directed rightly. But if honesty of heart and uprightness before God were lacking, or if I did not patiently wait upon God for instruction, or if I preferred the counsel of my fellow men to the declarations of the word of the living God, I made great mistakes.—5. A fifth difficulty in the way was, to find a sister, as matron, for the new Orphan- IHouse, who, so far as I could see, would be suitable ; for there were reasons why the sister, of whom I had first thought, could not be engaged for this work. This was no small difficulty in the way, not only as a point im- portant in itself, but also because I could not proceed with the fitting up of the house, &c., till such a sister had been found. In the beginning of June, I began therefore to give . myself to prayer, along with my wife and her sister who lives with us, making it a point, every morning after family prayer, to retire together for the express purpose of asking the Lord to remove these five difficulties, if it were indeed, as I judged, his holy will, that I should labour for a season on the Continent. In addition to this we day by day asked his blessing upon the brethren at Stuttgart among whom I was looking forward to labour, X X 3 510 [A.D. 1843. and upon unconverted persons with whom I might come in contact on the Continent in the ministry of the Gospel, publicly or privately. We asked him also especially to prepare the hearts of the brethen in Germany for my service, to help me in writing the book, to bless it, &c. We asked him further, to be with the church in Bristol, during my absence, to use my absence as a means of making the gifts, which he had bestowed among us, more abundantly manifest, to help the labourers in the Orphan- Houses and Day-Schools during my absence, &c. Thus we were, morning by morning, waiting upon the Lord, and enlarging our petitions as the Holy Spirit might lead me in prayer. But whilst we were thus day by day waiting upon the Lord, the difficulties, instead of being removed, appeared to increase. For instance: instead of money coming in for the Orphans, the Day-Schools, and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institu- tion, there was considerably more expended than came in, so that we were getting almost poor. Instead of finding a sister, who seemed suitable as matron for the new Orphan-house, I had the prospect of losing another sister out of the work, who considered it her place to leave Bristol. But notwithstanding all this, my soul was at peace, being fully assured, that I could not be mistaken, as I had come through sincere, patient, and prayerful consideration of the whole matter at last to the conclu- sion, it was the will of the Lord that I should go to Germany, to labour there in the word, and publish my Narrative in the German language. Faith therefore saw all the difficulties already removed. Faith could give thanks, while the difficulties yet remained. Faith could triumph, though there seemed the death blow coming, since there not only was no money coming in, but the considerable sums, lately in hand, were rapidly diminish- ing, and instead of finding a sister for the new Orphan- House, another sister seemed on the point of leaving. Thus forty days had been passing away, whilst day after day we had been waiting unitedly upon the Lord ; but the obstacles were greater than ever, yet my confidence in the Lord, that he would remove the difficulties in his own time, was greater than ever also. It was on July 12 that I said to a sister, being led to it by the certain prospect of one of the dear labourers in the Orphan- A.D. 1843.] 511 Houses going to leave; “Well, my soul is at peace. The Lord's time is not yet come, but when it is come, he will blow away all these obstacles, as chaff is blown away before the wind.” It was only on E QUARTER OF AN HOUR after, when the following paper was put into my hands, whereby I obtained power over 7021. 3s. 7d. “1st, The poor brethren and sisters of our dear Lord and Saviour. In connexion with the Employ- ment-Fund or otherwise [i. e. might be given away in connexion with the Employment-Fund or otherwise.] 2nd, Sending help in the Gospel of Christ to the dear brethren in Germany, or publishing the Narrative. 3rd, The dear Orphan-Children. 4th, To complete the payment of the expenses in- curred by building a chapel for the meeting of the saints at Barnstaple. I leave the sums, to be used in these several objects, under the Lord, to the judgment of the Lord's servant, brother Müller, knowing assuredly that he whose steward he is, will direct and guide him in this and every other matter.—His holy name be praised for the REAL JOY I feel to-day in doing a thing, which a few weeks since was a trying act of obedience. Surely, the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. In keeping of them there is great reward.—July 10, 1843.” Thus three of the hinderances were at once removed: for I was by this sum furnished with travelling expenses, and with what might be required for my stay in Germany, had means to publish 4000 copies of my Narrative, and was able to leave means behind for the work in Bristol, sufficient for at least two months. When I received this note, I was not in the least excited, but took the circum- stance as quietly as if it were a matter which could not be otherwise. I had been sure, that when the Lord's time was come, he would send the means, and according to my faith it was now granted to me: and a proof, that up to the last I did believe, was, that, when the money came, it did not surprise me, The 7021, 3s. 7d. was not 512 [A.D. 1843 portioned out (except what was sent to Barnstaple), till my return, as I could not know how much each object might require. It was thus spent. 1, For the chapel at Barnstaple, 80l. 7s. 1d. 2, For poor saints, 1121. 2s., spent in a great measure in providing them or their children with linen and clothes, and for the Employment- Fund, 50l. 3, For publishing 4000 copies of the two parts of my Narrative in German, our travelling ex- penses to and from Stuttgart, our stay for nearly seven months in Germany, and other expenses connected with my service in Wirtemberg, 2671. 4s. 11d. 4, The re- mainder of the 7021. 3s. 7d. being 192l. 9s. 7d. I put to the Orphan-Fund, not that so much was in hand on m return from Germany; for I had drawn on the strength of what was in the hands of my bankers. Shortly after I had received the 7021. 3s. 7d. on July 12, the Lord was pleased to remove the other difficulties also ; for a sister was found for the matron’s place in the new Orphan-House, and after this the Lord helped me through the work connected with fitting up the house for the reception of the children. The Lord likewise made it plain to the sister who had purposed to leave her situa- tion, that she should remain in Bristol. Thus all the difficulties were by prayer and faith removed, after we had been, day by day, more than fifty days waiting upon the Lord. On Aug. 3rd, I received a valuable donation of plate, jewellery, china, linen, books, etc., which was a still fur- ther proof of the Lord’s readiness to supply all that might be needed during my absence in Germany, and also of his having heard our requests that he would be pleased to send in means before my departure. Most of these articles were readily disposed of, so that, even before I had set out, about 60l. had come in for them. On Aug. 9, 1843, my dear wife and I left Bristol in company of a German sister, Miss W. The latter, together with a Swiss brother, had been led to see the truth of believers' baptism, and had much wished to be baptized; but as the baptist church at Stuttgart had re- fused them baptism, except they would promise never to take the Lord's supper any more with unbaptized be- lievers, or with those who belonged to any State Church, to which they could not conscientiously submit, they had A.D. 1843.] 513 undertaken the journey of nearly 800 miles to come to Bristol, to be baptized by me, as they both had read the translation of my Narrative in manuscript, and thus knew that we receive all who believe in the Lord Jesus, though they should not agree with us in all parts of truth. They had arrived in Bristol about a fortnight before my departure for Germany, and were baptized at Bethesda a week after their arrival, when I gave an address in German, and used the words of the German translation of the Holy Scriptures which contain the institution of baptism, as neither the brother nor sister understood English. The brother, who had been a teacher and cashier in a considerable establishment in Wirtem- berg for educating young gentlemen, and who had lost his situation when his views with reference to baptism became known, remained in England as teacher of the French and German languages, and the sister travelled back with us to Germany. During the time of my absence from Bristol, I kept no journal, and therefore I cannot give a minute account of all that transpired, and that might be interesting to the believing reader; but as some letters which I wrote to one of my sisters-in-law are preserved, and also all the letters which I wrote to the brethren in Bristol, among whom I labour, I shall be able by giving these letters, to furnish a pretty full account of my service in Germany up to my return. The following letter to my sister-in-law gives some ac- count of a great part of our journey. Weinheim, Aug. 19, 1843. My dear L. Thus far we have now been brought through the goodness of the Lord. If you look at the map where Mannheim is, you will, I think, find a small town, called Weinheim, the place where we are now at Mrs. M’s. Weinheim forms with Heidelberg and Mannheim a triangle, about 10 miles from Mannheim, and the same from IIeidelberg. On the Lord’s day evening last I wrote to you from Rotterdam, which letter, I hope, you safely received. On Monday morning at seven, Aug. 14, we left Rotterdam with sister W. in one of the Rhine steamers, in which we sailed till about half-past eight in 514 [A.D. 1843. the evening, when we arrived at Emmerich, the first Prus- sian town, where we stopped for the night. The weather was beautiful, as indeed it has been every day of this week. There was nothing remarkable as to natural things, except a large noble river, and on the banks of the river clean pretty cottages of the Dutch people. The Lord enabled me to do a little for him. I distributed German tracts among those who could read German; but many of them were Dutch persons, who could understand me in speaking to them, but could not read German. I had a long but affecting conversation with four Jews, who, though disagreeing among themselves as to their religious views, were all agreed in their complete rejection of Jesus of Nazareth, as the Messiah, and, as usual, blasphemed. I conversed with many persons, but found only one aged person, who, I think, as far as I could learn, was a chris- tian. After having given him a tract, having heard my testimony for Christ, he came with tears and asked me to sell him another tract. After having told him that I gladly gave him the tract, he then asked me to give him a third and a fourth for the old clergyman and the schoolmaster of his place, and said, Oh! if you could but stop, how glad the old clergyman, a pious man, would be to see you.—There were two other interesting things that day. Very soon after we had started, perhaps two hours after, a gentleman left, to whom I gave a tract in German and English, as he could also read English. He then told me he had seen me reading the Bible, but did not like to interrupt me. I told him my errand to Ger- many. His reply was: “Brother, the Lord bless thee.” On asking him who he was, he told me he was a Baptist minister at Amsterdam, and on his way to the brethren at Utrecht, in Holland. He now much regretted not to have had conversation with me. In the afternoon, a gentleman, an officer on pension, who, with his lady, had heard my confession for Christ, while I was conversing with a person sitting close by, asked me very politely, on his leaving, for a tract.—There were two little cabins in the steamer, each with two berths, one of which Iengaged for Mary and myself, it being much cheaper than to go on shore, though we should not do so again, as our sleep was greatly interrupted, there being much noise till twelve o’clock, and commencing again soon after three in A.D. 1843.] 515 the mornings, so that for three nights our sleep was greatly interrupted. Yet I do not mention this in the way of complaint, for we have only to sing of mercy. However, as in spiritual things, so in natural things, we learn daily. The noise only arose from the needful occu- pations, but it could scarcely have been greater than it Was, if persons had purposely tried to disturb us.--At half-past five on Tuesday morning the steamer began again to ply. While I was sitting on deck, between five and six, reading the Bible, a Dutchman came to me to speak about the things of God. He understood me pretty well, but I understood him only imperfectly. He questioned me about the connexion between faith and works, and how man can believe, being a fallen being in Adam. I fear it was more intellectual than heart-work with him, but I made use of the opportunity, to preach Jesus before all, who through this conversation had been drawn round us. This day also I had opportunities of giving away tracts, and of speaking to several, particularly to a young Prussian soldier, and other young men. But all were dead. Most listened and received the tracts, but there were some who boldly rejected. On the second day we sailed from half-past five in the morning till about half-past ten in the evening, when we arrived at Cologne, where we stopped. Our German sister went on shore, and took leave of us, to go on by another company’s vessel, for which she had previously paid; dear Mary and I remained alone on board. The third day we had very few passengers on board. Two Irish gentlemen and an English gentleman came on board, to whom I gave English tracts. One of them soon left, and the other two declared themselves on the Lord’s side. Two other Jews, who had come on board, likewise rejected the truth, yet I con- versed with them till they blasphemed. This third day we sailed from ten in the morning till about half-past seven in the evening, when we arrived at the Prussian fortress, Coblentz. Mary and I now took a little walk. In the town I gave some tracts to a Prussian soldier, for himself and some of his comrades, for having given us some information, and in going back to the steamer we heard an English lady before us speaking English to a little boy who was with her. We joined her, and offered her some English tracts, which she accepted, also some 516 [A.D. 1843. German tracts for her Roman Catholic servant. To-day we have seen beautiful scenery. Fourth day, Aug. 17. One of the Irish gentlemen asked me to read to him and his friend a chapter in the Bible. This day also we glided along through most beautiful scenery. Travelling is a very dangerous thing. I would exhort every one, espe- cially to be aware what he is about before he sets out on a journey. Much as I had prayed about this journey, and sure as I have been and still am, that the Lord sent me on this errand, I was yet made to feel how difficult it is to keep the heart in a right frame whilst looking at such beautiful scenery. It surpassed all I have before seen of the kind. I suppose we have not had less than forty in- stances of ruined castles, fortresses, &c., brought before us this day; the ancient Roman glory—the glory of the German knights, and of the German emperors, whose works, castles, and fortresses we saw in ruins, how loudly does it speak of the changeableness of all earthly things, and yet how pernicious often the effect upon the new nature, while looking at these things. The Rhine is wide, the castles often quite close to the river, and hundreds of millions of vines, you might say, without exaggeration, and tens of thousands of vineyards all along the river for perhaps a hundred miles or more. It is beautiful; but how poor, how very poor this beauty in comparison with Jesus! Through grace I would not pay one shilling to see it again, nor go one mile to see it again, for the sake of seeing it.—On the fourth evening, after having sailed that day from seven in the morning, we arrived about five or six o'clock at Mayence, sister W. having joined us again. We found it very refreshing to have a few hours quiet in an hotel, and then all three together took a walk. In this town, where printing was invented, God's precious word is not valued. Almost all are Romanists. It is a large, magnificent, and busy town, and a strong fortress. The railroad also was just in sight on the oppo- site side of the river. There was scarcely a trace to be seen of that poverty which you see so often in large towns in England, but all bespoke abundance, though I know there is not the abundance of the English gold. Yesterday morning, Aug. 18, we ought to have left at eight o’clock by the steamer, by which we had taken our places from Rotterdam to Mannheim, but the steamer by A.D. 1843.] 517 which we ought to have gone did not arrive. We waited hour after hour, till at last, near four o'clock in the after- noon, we left Mayence for Mannheim by a steamer of another company, having thus to lose the money we had previously paid. We were on board of this steamer about seven hours, till near eleven in the evening, when we arrived at Mannheim. There were at least 14 English passengers on board, besides many Germans and French. I distributed English and German tracts, and had conver- sation with several. There was a dear young sister, a French lady, with whom I had much conversation. She had been with her little brother to a bathing place near the Rhine. I saw her reading the Epistle to the Romans, and thus took the opportunity to converse with her. She had been at school in Paris till within a few months, and is now, as she has no parents, living with her aunt, a pious woman, near Strasbourg. It was very refreshing to be able to help this solitary one, who knew no one on board, and who was very glad to have a little counsel. In parting I gave her a copy of my Narrative, some English tracts, a German tract, and an Orphan Report, as she has begun to learn English, and has a friend, a believer, who under- stands English well. I had also a pretty long conversation with a German young gentleman, a Roman Catholic, about the way to heaven. This morning, Aug. 19, we called on our sister N. at Mannheim, if it might please the Lord to use us to benefit and restore her soul. We found out her residence after some inquiry, and she seemed very glad to see us. After having our passports signed, and taken up some money from the banker, we left Mannheim at two o'clock in the afternoon, and arrived here at four, where we were very affectionately received by brother T. H. and dear Mrs. M. We are now staying in an old building, formerly a Roman Catholic cloister, where I this evening expounded the Scriptures. Aug. 20, 1843. This morning I expounded the Scriptures at family prayer in English, then at eleven o’clock we broke bread in the cloister, being five in number, and this afternoon, at four o’clock, I expounded again, when altogether 10 English gentlemen and ladies, who are staying here, were present. To-morrow morning I purpose to see the pious Lutheran clergyman resident here, and about one o'clock, Y Y 518 [A.D. 1843. the Lord willing, we shall leave by the mail and arrive at Stuttgart on Tuesday evening, Aug. 22. The heat has been exceedingly great all the last week, so that we have constantly been obliged to sleep with the window wide open. Farewell, dear helper. Our love to dear sister E. from whom we shall be very glad to hear, and to whom you will please to communicate all in our letters that may be interesting to her. Our tender love also to our own dear child. How gladly should we see and kiss her, but though we cannot do that, yet we pray for her. Love also to S. My especial love to all my dear fellow-labourers in the church. My love to all the dear brethren and sis- ters in the Orphan-Houses and Day-Schools. Our love to all the saints. Your affectionate brother, GEORGE MULLER. We are now just 600 miles from Bristol. I make a few remarks in connexion with this letter. I found it injurious to my inner man that for three nights I had had very little sleep. My own experience has been almost invariably, that if I have not the needful sleep, my spiritual enjoyment and strength is greatly affected by it. I judge it of great moment that the be- liever, in travelling, should seek as much as possible to refrain from travelling by night, or from travelling in such a way as that he is deprived of the needful night's rest; for if he does not, he will be unable with renewed bodily and mental strength to give himself to prayer and medita- tion, and the reading of the Holy Scriptures, and he will surely feel the pernicious effects of this all the day long. There may occur cases when travelling by night cannot be avoided, but if it can, though we should seem to lose time by it, and though it should cost more money, I would most affectionately and solemnly recommend the refraining from night travelling ; for, in addition to our drawing beyond measure upon our bodily strength, we must be losers spiritually. The next thing I would advise with reference to travelling is, with all one's might to seek morning by morning, before setting out, to take time for meditation and prayer, and reading the word of God; for although we are always exposed to temptation, yet we are so especially in travelling. Travelling is one of the devil’s especial opportunities for tempting us. Think of A.D. 1843.] 519 that, dear fellow believers. Seek always to ascertain carefully the mind of God, before you begin any thing, but do so in particular before you go a journey, so that you may be quite sure that it is the will of God that you should undertake that journey, lest you should needlessly expose yourself to one of the special opportunities of the devil to ensnare you. So far from envying those who have a carriage and horses at their command, or an abun- dance of means, so that they are not hindered from travelling by want of means, let us, who are not thus situated, rather thank God that in this particular we are not exposed to the temptation of needing to be less care- ful in ascertaining the will of God, before we set out on a journey. -- Stuttgart, Aug. 30, 1843. My dear L 2 My last letter I finished on the 20th, and posted it on the 21st at Weinheim. On Monday morning, Aug. 21, I saw a pious clergyman at Weinheim, a true brother, and a nice man. But we came, without my seeking it, upon the subject of separation from the state church, for which I could not be sorry, as I had an opportunity of stating truth to him which it may please the Lord to use hereafter. Mrs. gave us a rich silk dress, quite new, and a few silver articles for the Orphans. So even here the Lord makes it manifest that he is mindful of this work. About one o’clock in the afternoon we left Wein- heim. At Heidelberg, about ten miles from there, a person came into the mail in which Mary and I were, whom I found out in a few moments to be a brother; and a few minutes afterwards the widow of a much tried pious clergyman, who herself also loves the Lord Jesus, seated herself likewise. We had now, from three o’clock till about half-past nine in the evening, when we arrived at Heilbronn, a most pleasant and profitable time, being all four believers. I told this brother much about Eng- land, and also about the Orphans, and on separating from him he gave me a gold coin, about seventeen shillings in value, for the Orphans. It was indeed a most precious gift to me, and a fresh proof in what a variety of ways the Lord is able to send help. We remained the night at Heilbronn, that we might not have to travel the night, Y Y 2 520 [A.D. 1843. left the next morning at eleven o’clock, and reached the apartments of our sister G. about eight in the evening on Aug. 22. We were received in the most affectionate way, and she has done every thing to make us comfortable, but the very great heat and the change of living have hitherto drawn upon both of us. But I think, that, with the Lord’s blessing, we shall be better after a few days. Indeed I have been rather better yesterday and to-day. On the same evening of our arrival here I went to the post-office and found your first letter, and last Monday morning I received your second also. The next after- noon, Wednesday, Aug. 23rd, I went to brother Dr. R., with whom I spent about two hours; and in the evening from half-past eight till ten o’clock I met the four elders of the Baptist Church at his house. The next evening from half-past eight to ten was a meeting of the little church, which consists of about 50 brethren and sisters, of whom almost all were present. I stated the object of my coming to Germany, in so far as it was wise to do so, and also a little about the church in Bristol. The next evening, Aug. 25th, I expounded the scriptures from half- past eight to ten o’clock. All the meetings are in the evenings from half-past eight to ten, so that we generally come home at half-past ten, and go to bed about half-past eleven. Persons have their supper before they go to the meetings. On Saturday evening we had again a meeting, at which I began to give an account of the Lord’s deal- ings with me, from the beginning, as being the best means of leading me to speak about many important truths. It was desired that I should expound the scriptures at all their usual meetings, i. e. twice on the Lord’s days, and twice in the week, and on all the other evenings there should be extra meetings, at which I should give an account of the Lord’s dealings with me. On the Lord’s day therefore I expounded twice with much help, feeling scarcely any difficulty with reference to the German lan- guage, though I have not before preached in it for fourteen years and a half. On Monday, Aug. 28th, I went on again with my Narrative, and last night I expounded again with much help. But now, as the truth is begin- ning to be spoken, the devil will also begin to seek to work. But the Lord Jesus will triumph. There is a great crisis before us. Several have been already attracted A.D. 1843.] 521 by the preciousness of the truth, and others already wish I had never come to Stuttgart. They are not asleep over what I say, and that gives me pleasure. I fear it will come in a very few days to a storm, except the Lord prevent. Nor am I quite sure whether the police will allow me quietly to work here, when it gets known what I am doing, as the liberty is not so great as I had thought. But it would have been worth while to have come here, only to have spoken these few times. There is now here on a visit to us an English sister, Mrs. F. Your affectionate brother, GEORGE MüLLER. Immediately on my arrival at Stuttgart, yea, the very Jirst hour that I was there, so heavy a trial of faith came upon me, that it was one of the sharpest trials which I ever have had. The cause of it I am not at liberty to mention. But so much as this, it was in connexion with my going to Stuttgart, and, humanly speaking, the thing would not have occurred, had I not gone thither. The trial was of a double character, for it was not only the thing itself, great as the trial of my faith was on that account, but it was as though the question were put to me in the strongest way:—Are you willing to make sacri- fices in connexion with your service here P And do you really lean upon me, the living God, in your service here? But thanks to the Lord, Satan did not prevail. My heart was enabled to say almost immediately:—“All things work together for good to them that love God.” I know this also does work together for my good. I know it is the very best thing for me.—Thus peace was almost im- mediately restored to me, and I was enabled to leave the matter quietly in the hands of the Lord. Nor was it many days before I could say from my in most soul, if even then I could have had it in my power to alter the thing, which occasioned the great trial, and the consequences of which were then still remaining, and were remaining all the time while I was in Germany, yet I would not have wished it to be altered. And since my return to England I have again and again had reason to admire the goodness of the Lord in having allowed this thing to be as it was, for it proved in the end in every way good to me. May the believing Reader leave himself more and more unre- Y Y 3 522 [A.D. 1843. servedly in the hands of the Lord, and he will find it to be just as the writer has found it, i.e. that our greatest trials often turn out to be our greatest blessings.-Had I gone, however, in my own strength to Stuttgart, and had I not been led to treasure up so many petitions in heaven before I went, I should, in all human probability, have been quite overcome by this very first trial. This was not the only trial which befell me there, but they were so many, so great, and so long continued, that I required every particle of experience, wisdom, and grace, humanly speaking, which the Lord had been pleased to intrust me with. I could not but again and again admire the wisdom of the Lord in having serit me only in the year 1843 to Germany, and not several years before, as I often had been advised to go long before I did. For had Igone without having the experience which I had gathered in my service among the saints during the 13; years previously, and without having had my soul exercised before God in trials of patience, and hope, and faith, as it has been since November 1830, humanly speaking, I should have been overwhelmed. But, as it was, my soul, through grace, having learned to deal with God about every thing, I was sustained by casting all my care upon him, and looking to him for help, and eaſpecting help from him, though every thing looked dark in every way. And thus it came, that all the difficulties were overcome one after another. But more about this when I come to relate some of the peculiar difficulties in connexion with my service at Stuttgart. I also mention here, that during the eight years pre- vious to my going to Germany to labour there, it had been laid on my heart, and on the hearts of some other brethren among us, to ask the Lord that he would be pleased to honour us, as a body of believers, by calling forth from our midst brethren, for carrying the truth into foreign lands. But this prayer seemed to remain un- answered. Now, however, the time was come when the Lord was about to answer it, and I, on whose heart par- ticularly this matter had been laid, was to be the first to carry forth the truth from among us. About that very time the Lord called our dear brother and sister Bar- rington from among us, to go to Demerara, to labour there in connexion with our esteemed brother Strong, and A.D. 1843.] 523 our dear brother and sister Espenett, to go to Switzer- land. Both these dear brethren and sisters left very shortly after I had gone to Germany. But this was not all. Our much valued brother Mordal, who had com- mended himself to the saints by his unwearied faithful service among us for twelve years, had from Aug. 31, 1843, (the day on which brothers Strong and Barrington sailed from Bristol for Demerara), his mind likewise exercised about service there, and went out from among us eleven months after. He, together with myself, had had it particularly laid upon his heart, during the eight years previously, to ask the Lord again and again to call labourers from among us for foreign service. Of all persons he, the father of a large family, and about 50 years of age, seemed the least likely to be called to that work; but God did call him. He went, laboured a little while in Demerara, and then, on January 9, 1845, the Lord took him to his rest.—When we ask God for a thing, such as that he would be pleased to raise up labourers for his harvest, or send means for the carrying on of his work, the honest question to be put to our hearts should be this: Am I willing to go, if he should call me? Am I willing to give according to my ability ? For we may be the very persons whom the Lord will call for the work, or whose means he may wish to employ. The Reader will notice, in the preceding letter, that all the meetings in the evening were very late. The time of the meetings was one of the many difficulties with which I had to contend ; for if the times had been on purpose ill chosen, they could scarcely have been worse. On the Lord’s day mornings the meetings were at nine; thus the mothers of families either could not come at all, or had to hurry through their work, and come without having had any time to themselves. On the Lord’s day afternoons they were at two, when the heat of the sun in the summer, which is most oppressive, and the effect of the dinner, both combined together to make the persons sleepy, so that individuals not more than half a yard from me, though interested about what was going on, were some- times fast asleep. In the evenings the meetings com- menced at half-past eight, when persons were not only worn out from working nearly up to that time, but also, in general, had just had a heavy supper, which was sure 524 [A.D. 1843. to make them sleepy, though they might be never so desirous to listen. But, by the grace of God, none of these things moved me. I knew the Lord had sent me to these dear saints, and that, therefore, by his help, I could overcome all these difficulties. And these difficulties were overcome ; for after a little while I was able to show to the dear brethren and sisters that the Lord’s day morning meeting was too early, and we had it half an hour later. The Lord's day afternoon meeting at two o'clock was entirely given up, on account of its being an unseasonable time, and it being better to have only two meetings instead of three, as almost every one could attend two meetings, which was quite enough for one day, and gave some time for parents to be with their children, or gave some more time than usual for reading the Scrip- tures, a point at which I aimed from the beginning. For when I came to Stuttgart I found it just as I have found it in some places in England on my first beginning to labour there, even that the dear brethren and sisters had little relish for the word of God, and as a proof of this never referred to it at the meetings; but before I left Stuttgart I had the joy of seeing either all, or almost all, having the word of God open before them whilst I was expounding it.—Instead of the afternoon meeting at two, we met at four o’clock, when the oppression of the heat in the summer is not so great as at two, whereby also the lateness of the evening meeting was avoided on the Lord’s days. Also on the week evenings we had the meetings half an hour sooner, that is at 8 o’clock instead of half- past 8, and I affectionately advised the dear saints to take a very light supper on those evenings when we met, that blessing might not be hindered. Earlier than eight on the week evenings, and later than half-past nine on the Lord's day mornings, we could not have the meetings, on account of the habits of the country. It can scarcely be perceived by brethren in England how great the diffi- culties are, with which brethren have to contend in many foreign countries in seeking to spread the truth, not only on account of the climate, or the police, etc., but also on account of the habits of the people; so that I would affec- tionately beseech all, who take a hearty interest in the spread of the truth, to help by their prayers all who labour in the word and doctrine in foreign lands, so that through A.D. 1843.] 525 the power of the Holy Ghost they may be enabled to overcome all those hinderances. I now insert my first letter to the brethren in Bristol, written by me from Stuttgart, soon after my arrival, which will show to the reader my position there more clearly. The letter is, with the exception of a very slight verbal alteration, which I made in revising it for the press, just as it was written. Stuttgart, Sept. 7, 1843. To the Brethren meeting at Bethesda and Salem Chapels, Bristol. My dear Brethren, It was yesterday four weeks since I left Bristol, and I now write these few lines that you may know how I am situated in the service on account of which I left England, in order that thus you may the better be able to remember me in your prayers, according to my need. My journey to this place was full of mercies and blessings in a variety of ways, but I must delay giving you the particulars, till it may please the Lord to allow me again the privilege of labouring among you. I arrived at Stutt- gart on Tuesday evening, Aug. 22. On the next evening I met the five brethren who labour here in the little church. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday also I had meetings with the little church, at which I either ex- pounded the Holy Scriptures or communicated to the brethren things about Bristol, which might be profitable to them. The following Lord’s day I spoke twice at their meetings, and in the evening I broke bread in my room with a few saints, as the Baptist church break bread only once a month. On Monday and Tuesday evenings I con- tinued to meet the whole little church. Up to that time all went on quietly; but I knew well that it was only the quietness before a storm, and that shortly a hot battle would commence. And thus it was. On Wednesday last week, i. e. Aug. 30, I was requested to meet the elders of the church. When we came together, the brother who appears to take the lead among them, and who is the only one who speaks at their meetings, told me that the time was drawing nigh when the church would take the Lord's Supper, and that they had a rule which they considered 526 [A.D. 1843. to be Scriptural, which was, neither to take the Lord's supper with any one who was not himself baptized by immersion after he had believed, nor with any one who, (though thus baptized himself) would take the Lord’s supper with any who had not thus been baptized. Nor did they take the Lord's supper with any brother who would take it with any yet belonging to the state church. After this brother had stated to me his views, I stated my own convictions from the Holy Scriptures on these points, and I was quietly heard for about an hour and a half whilst I was speaking without interruption. The Lord was so with me, that when I came home I did not remember any one thing that I could have wished to have stated which had not been stated. The whole having taken up more than two hours, and it being now past ten o'clock in the evening, we proposed to meet again on the next day, Thursday afternoon, at five o’clock. We did so, and several other brethren besides the elders were present. The subjects were now discussed from the Scriptures. Brother maintained that no one was born again except he was baptized, no one had a right to say his sins were forgiven, except he were baptized, and also that the apostles were not born again until the day of Pentecost. Whilst seeking to defend these unscrip- tural statements, he also affirmed that our Lord himself had been born again at his baptism, and that the last three years of his life he had not been under the law, but had ceased to be under the law when he was baptized. I had been accustomed during the eight days that I had been going in and out among the brethren to hear all sorts of unscriptural statements, into which they had fallen through layinganundue stress upon baptism,andespecially through considering baptism as a covenant into which God enters with the believer; but when now the foundation truths of the Gospel were also attacked, when of our Holy Lord it was said that he was born again at his baptism, (which made him out to be like one of us), and when it was said that he had not been under the law during the last three years of his life;—I saw it needful first of all to see whether we were agreed about the foundation truths of the Gospel. But as we had now been together from five to half-past seven in the evening, and as at half-past eight the public meeting began at which I had to speak, A.D. 1843.] 527 I proposed to separate and to meet again on Friday afternoon from five to seven. This was done. I now first of all pressed the first points. Brother stated in the presence of the elders and six or seven other brethren, that he had made an unscriptural statement, and that our Tord needed not to be born again. I then went to the other point, whether the Lord was under the law up to the time when he died on the cross, or only up to the time when he was baptized. Many passages were brought forward to show that our Lord was under the law up to the last moments of his earthly life, which is clear from Gal. iii. 13, Phil. ii. 8, Heb. x. 1–13, and many other passages. At last he was convinced about this also and acknowledged his error. But many other points, equally unscriptural, he was unwilling to renounce, such as, that baptism is a covenant with God, and that there cannot be forgiveness of sins except individuals have been baptized after believing. He also maintained that I was sinning in breaking bread with unbaptized believers, and with those who belong to the state church, and that if the church here allowed me to break bread with them, they would be defiled, as I made myself a partaker of the sins of others, which sins I brought with me ; and other such unscriptural statements were made by this brother. Thus we spent again about two hours and a half in intercourse, whilst this teaching elder and one of the other elders con- sidered me unfit to take the Lord's supper with them on the coming Lord’s day, but the two other elders and several other brethren who were present were quite ready to break bread with me, and with any who love our Lord Jesus. Brother now said, There must be a separa- tion. I then entreated the brethren not to think of a separation. I represented to them what a scandal it would be to the ungodly, and what a stumbling block also to the believers who are yet in the state church. I further told them that I had not come to Stuttgart to make a separation between the brethren, but only to lend them a helping hand according to the ability which the Lord might give me. I lastly said: As we have now spent more than six hours together in intercourse, let us meet together to-morrow evening some hours for prayer. To this the brethren agreed, and we accordingly met on Saturday evening at eight o'clock for prayer. The subject 528 [A.D. 1843. of our prayer was, that the Lord would be pleased to unite us together in the truth, and make it manifest on which side the truth was. After we had thus prayed for about two hours, brother prayed at the end, and related (in what he called prayer) his experience before his con- version, his conversion, his being convinced about baptism, my coming to Stuttgart, his readiness to receive the un- baptized in consequence of my intercourse with him, and how them a great horror had befallen him, and that now he had come back to his former view, only to receive the baptized, and how now his peace had been restored to him, and that he purposed to live and die in this belief. "When we arose I told him that the Lord himself had decided the matter, and had shown on whose side the truth was: for that he, if in peace, as he had said, could not thus have related his experience, and called it prayer. This prayer tended greatly to show the other brethren that he has not the truth.-I should have stated that I said to the brethren at the commencement of this meet- ing, that, as I and my wife were the only persons on whose account they could not break bread on the coming day, and as nothing ought to be done in a hurry, to whatever conclusion they might come, we would gladly withdraw ourselves, and break bread in our room. This was not accepted, as there was much disunion among the brethren, as they told me, and had been before I came, and that my coming had now only brought matters to a point. I stated once more, at the end of the meeting on Saturday evening, Sept. 2, that we ought to dread a sepa- ration, and that we ought to pray that we might be of one mind, and that I was ready to meet them by day or by night for prayer or searching the word on the subject. Thus we separated. The next morning, Sept. 3, I spoke again at the meeting, having been by all the elders re- quested at my arrival here to expound the Scriptures at all their meetings, or to communicate to them any thing that might be profitable. On this morning I spoke prin- cipally on the Lord's supper, and on what fits for it ; on what is meant by feeding upon Jesus, and what fits for it; on the point that it is not a part of truth, but Jesus round whom believers should unite together; and on the truth that if any one is a believer he is entitled to all the privileges of the saints. These points I had not chosen A.D. 1843.] 529 on purpose for that morning, but they came in course in speaking on Exodus xii., on which chapter I had spoken four times before. After I had finished, I was going to pray at the close, when I was interrupted by brother 2 the principal and teaching elder (as to outward authority). He stated that he must contradict me, for I had said: 1, The bread and wine in the Lord’s supper meant the body and blood of our Lord, whilst, as he believed and as the word said, it was the real body and blood of our Lord. 2, He believed that as circumcision made a man an Israelite, and fitted him thus for the partaking of the Paschal Lamb, so without baptism no one is fitted to partake of the Lord’s supper, which is set forth by the Paschal Lamb; whilst I had said that every one who believes in Jesus was by this his faith made a spiritual Israelite, and had a right to the Lord's supper and to all the privileges of the children of God. He stated further, that this was against the rules of their church, and that, as I took the Lord’s supper with unbaptized believers, and with those who had not quite left the state church, I made myself partaker of their sins, and that therefore, as being defiled with these sins, I could not be admitted to the Lord’s supper. From the commencement of his speaking he was very irritated, but now continued in a passionate way: I am ruler in this church, and you (addressing himself to me) are no longer permitted to speak at our meetings. Moreover he said, “Whosoever takes the Lord’s supper with Müller will no longer be considered as a member of the church;” and then in anger he left the meeting. Turing all this time, the Lord, in the riches of his grace, kept me in perfect peace and calmness. I answered brother not a single word. When he was gone I fell upon my knees, asked the Lord’s blessing upon the word which I had spoken, asked the Lord to forgive brother , and to teach me what I should do now. After this I dismissed the meeting. When all was over, one of the elders, brother R., one who seeks after truth, and rejoices in the true liberty which the Lord enables me to preach, and one who has been sighing under the iron hand of brother for a long time; this brother, I say, requested me before all, according to the first arrangement, to continue the meetings and to tell them all that might be profitable to Z Z 530 [A.D. 1843. them. He was, however, immediately interrupted by another elder, who sees with brother , and told that he had no right to do so. I then stated again that I had only come from England in love, and that I would not force myself upon them. I then left.—By the time of the afternoon meeting I had received light from the Lord that I should not go to the meeting. I saw that as I had been cast out, together with all the other brethren who owned me as a brother, and as all my tenderness in seek- ing to avoid a separation had been useless, I had now on the other hand to go steadfastly forward, leaving it with the Lord to decide on whose side the truth was. I there- fore remained at home. The two elders who were won for the truth, went to the meeting in the afternoon, at which brother sought to disprove what I had said, and after the meeting they stated that they were purposed to own me and all who believe in the Lord Jesus as brethren in the breaking of bread.—On the same evening seventeen of us met in my room for the breaking of bread, as we were in peace; of these seventeen twelve were belonging to this little Baptist church, two Swiss brethren, one English sister, my wife and I. We had a peaceful meeting. Thus the Lord so soon, so unexpect- edly, has brought the matter to a point, though in a painful way. The matter would be, however, more pain- ful, did I not see it of great importance that the disciples who hold the truth should be separate from those who hold such fearful errors as: The forgiveness of sins received through baptism; baptism a covenant between us and God; regeneration through baptism and no regeneration without it ; the actual death of the old man through baptism, it being drowned, so that only the body and the new nature are alive ; and many other fearful errors, to which these poor deluded brethren have been led by laying such undue stress upon baptism. As to poor brother , he had denied some months since the inspiration of Luke, the Acts, and the Epistle of James, which point he only gave up when several brethren stated that they must leave on that account, and he has fallen into many other grievous errors; but there has been no one who has had sufficient spiritual courage steadfastly to resist him. Now there is joy with many that the Lord has set them free.—Cn A.D. 1843.] 531 Monday last, Sept. 4th, I had again a meeting with the brethren and sisters whose eyes the Lord has opened, and others also came, not belonging to this Baptist church. On Wednesday I had again a meeting, and to-day, Sept. 8, and to-morrow evening I purpose to meet the brethren again.--All is only a beginning. But there is a beginning. That which I longed for, the chief object of my journey to the Continent, that there might be also in Germany a little living church, but based on Scriptural principles, which might be a light to other places; the beginning of that has now been made, but it is a small beginning. The minds of the dear brethren have been so darkened through this mixture of error and truth, that about every thing they need instruction. However, the Lord will help further. I am of good cheer, because I know that the Lord is on my side, and that he has sent me here, and that he keeps me here. How gladly would I leave this very day, were it his will; but I know that at present I ought to labour here.—I have so circumstantially and minutely related all to you, that you may the better know how to help me with your prayers. The errors and sins of our brother I have only related, that you the more clearly may see how my coming here is of God, in order that these dear children of God, who have suffered so much for the Lord’s sake, and who are sincere, though in much error, might be led on and delivered out of these snares of the devil. But many, unaccustomed to examine Scripture, hold fast the former ways: yet those, who are sincere, the Lord will deliver after awhile. How long I may continue here, I know not ; but the moment I see the Lord’s leading to England, I shall be delighted to go back. At present my temptation is not to stay longer than I ought to stay; but rather to leave sooner than I ought to leave. Help me, therefore, dear brethren, that I may be willing to do and suffer all the will of God here. As to further particulars, the Lord willing, you shall have them either verbally or by writing. Should any of you like to write to me or my dear wife, we shall be glad to hear from you; and if the letters be written on thin paper and left at my house, they will be forwarded to me. We remember you daily in our prayers, as you also, no doubt, remember us. May the Lord bring us in his own Z Z 2 532 [A.D. 1843. time again together in peace. Pray earnestly for all the brethren who labour among you. My dear wife salutes you. The saints here salute you. I am, dear brethren, Affectionately your brother and servant, GEORGE MüLLER. I make the following remarks in connexion with this letter. I. In the beginning it is mentioned, that on the even- ing of the day after my arrival Imet with the five brethren who laboured in the Baptist church at Stuttgart, that is with the teaching elder or president, the three other elders, and the brother who acted as deacon. At this very meeting, nay at the very commencement even of this meeting, I saw what a difficult position mine would be, and what abundant help I should need from God. That which led me to think so was this. Turing the day that I had been at Stuttgart I had perceived, that all the brethren and sisters called one another “Thou,” which is in Germany the sign of great familiarity, and which is used between very intimate friends, or between parents and children, or husband and wife, or brothers and sisters of the same family, etc. Here now I found that males and females of all ages and different stations in life called one another “Thou.” When I therefore met with those five brethren I stated the substance of the following ob- jections against this practice, not however in the form of objections, but either in the way of affectionate inquiries or brotherly suggestions. My objections against it were these: 1, I did not think it would have, in general, a desirable effect upon believers of different sexes to speak to one another thus in the way of so great familiarity. 2, I did not think it would work well for brethren and sisters in service to speak thus to their master and mistress, especially if it should happen that the mistress was an un- believer, and therefore not in fellowship with them, and a sister were as a servant to say to her master “Thou.” 3, I thought it would not work happily and healthfully for a very young brother and sister to be expected to call aged brethren and sisters “Thou,” as if on terms of great familiarity, from the moment they were baptized and thus A.D. 1843.] 533 received among them into fellowship. 4, But that which far more strongly operated upon my mind than any of the previous reasons was this, It seemed to me to substi- tute an outward form for the inward power and reality. I stated to them, That if the calling one another “Thou.” were the result of realizing that all the children of God have one and the selfsame Father in heaven, that they are really and not nominally only brothers and sisters of the same heavenly family, and heirs of the same pre- cious inheritance, and bought by the same precious blood of the Lord Jesus; if it were the result of these truths being enjoyed and realized within, I should see not the least reason against it, in general; but I feared that it was merely an outward thing, judging from the fact, that however it might have been with a brother and sister pre- viously, the moment they were baptized they were called “Thou’” by every one of their number, and they were expected to call every one “Thou” in return. And I judged it to be a pernicious thing, if thus the “Thou” was Jorced upon persons; for on the part of those who were comparatively high in life it would be considered sooner or later an unpleasant burden, and on the part of the poorer classes it would lead to carnal gratification in being able to treat those in the way of great familiarity who were considerably above them with reference to this life. The thing itself, then, if done from right motives, from the entering into our position as saints with reference to God and to each other, would be most precious; but the thing done, merely because it was customary among them, and observed in order to keep up uniformity, would work most perniciously.—In reply to my remarks of this kind, it was stated, that the use of the word “Thou’ was scriptural, that in the Holy Scriptures we never read, when one single person is spoken to, “You,” but always “Thou.” To this I answered that it was so, but that we must re- member that in the Holy Scriptures we find governors and kings addressed by poor men in the term “Thou ;” for this was the only form of speech in use, whilst in Germany, where the “Thou ’’ is not used except to denote near natural relationship or familiarity, it ought not to be used, except there be that inwardly corresponding to what we outwardly seek to convey by the term ; else it will lead to formality, if not to hypocrisy, and sooner or Z Z 3 534 [A.D. 1843. later the pernicious tendency of this outward thing, to which there is nothing inwardly corresponding, will most surely be felt. It appeared to me far better not to make any profession of familiarity and intimacy by the use of the “Thou,” when the heart does not go along with it, and rather to continue to say to one another “You’’ till there be the drawing of heart to heart by the love of Jesus, than to force the “Thou” upon the brethren and sisters. I felt the more strongly about this, as I had wit- nessed more than once among believers in England the injurious effects of doing things because others did them, or because it was the custom, or because they were per- suaded into acts of outward self-denial, or giving up things whilst the heart did not go along with it, and whilst the outward act was NOT the result of the inward powerful working of the Holy Ghost, and the happy entering into our fellowship with the Father and with the Son. I had seen, when these things had been done from Wrong motives, that there had been regret afterwards, and the return- ing back as much as possible to what had been given up or forsaken. Moreover, though I had been only one day in Stuttgart when we had this meeting, yet I had heard enough of the state of things, to make me think the calling one another “Thou” was in many instances a mere out- ward form.—My brotherly suggestions were not received, but strongly opposed by two or three out of the five brethren, and it was pretty plainly hinted, that perhaps I was too proud to be called “Thou;” and the moment I perceived that, I said that I wished every brother, the very poorest of them, to call me “Thou” (and I encouraged them in doing so, by calling every one “Thou”), but that I could not, with my light, call any of the sisters “Thou,” nor did I do so up to the day of my departure. There was another thing of the same character, that is the kiss. In Germany, as on the Continent generally, the kiss is the sign of affection and familiarity among men as well as among females, and the brethren and sisters at Stuttgart always had been in the habit of kissing one another after having partaken of the Lord's supper, that is, all the brethren had kissed each other, and all the sisters had kissed each other. Now this again, if the result of real inward affection, and springing from the entering into our heavenly relationship and oneness in Christ Jesus, A.D. 1843.] 535 would be most beautiful, and would be the “holy kiss” of which the Apostle Paul speaks; but I had no reason to believe that this was generally the case among the brethren and sisters at Stuttgart, but rather that it was merely the Tesult of custom and form, and that it was done because it was expected to be done, for it was the church's order after the Lord’s supper to kiss one another. It was on this ground that it seemed to me to be most pernicious; and I could have known how it would work, even though I had not been actually told, that sometimes sisters had stayed away from the Lord's supper, because they did not feel comfortable in kissing all the female members of the church. When therefore I began to break bread with the brethren, after we had been separated by the close baptists, I did not kiss one brother after the breaking of bread; but I made a point of it to kiss every one of them on that very day at a later meeting, when I left them to go to my lodgings, in order that no one might be able to say it was pride or want of love in me that I had not kissed them. Thus I did on the second Lord’s day, and on the third. On the fourth Lord's day a brother said, after the break- ing of bread, Brethren shall we give one another the bro- therly kiss, and I was then ready at once, like the rest to kiss all the brethren ; but the next time there was no kissing, and thus the mere cold form was banished, and every brother felt free to kiss another brother when his heart bad him to do so, without being bound to it by custom or form. I have so circumstantially dwelt on these apparently little things, because I think them, in principle, matters of the deepest importance. Every thing that is a mere form, a mere habit and custom in divine things, is to be dreaded exceedingly : life, power, reality, this is what we have to aim after. Things should not result from without, but from within. The sort of clothes I wear, the kind of house I live in, the quality of the furniture I use, all such like things should not result from other persons doing so and so, or because it is customary among those brethren with whom I associate to live in such and such a simple, inexpensive, self-denying way; but whatever be done in these things, in the way of giving up, or self-denial, or deadness to the world, should result from the joy we have in God, from the knowledge of our being the children of 536 [A.D. 1843. God, from the entering into the preciousness of our future inheritance, etc. Far better that for the time being we stand still, and do not take the steps which we see others take, than that it is merely the force of example that leads us to do a thing, and afterwards it be regretted. Not that I mean in the least by this to imply we should continue to live in luxury, self-indulgence, and the like, whilst others are in great need; but we should begin the thing in a right way, i. e. aim after the right state of heart; begin inwardly instead of outwardly. If otherwise, it will not last. We shall look back, or even get into a worse state than we were before. But oh! how different if joy in God leads us to any little act of self-denial. How gladly do we do it then How great an honour then do we esteem it to be How much does the heart then long to be able to do more for him who has done so much for us! We are far then from looking down in proud self-compla- cency upon those who do not go as far as we do, but rather pray to the Lord that he would be pleased to help our dear brethren and sisters forward who may seem to us weak in any particular point; and we also are conscious to ourselves, that if we have a little more light or strength with reference to one point, other brethren may have more light or grace in other respects. II. It may be asked, Whether I consider brother , with all his errors, his fearful errors, to be a bro- ther. My reply is, that so far as my own personal acquaintance is concerned, I am not able to form a judg- ment about it ; but from all I have heard about his godly life formerly for many years, I think there is very much reason to believe that he is a child of God. I have related all this and made it public (which I naturally greatly dislike, on account of brother being my brother, and therefore his sin is my own shame), in order that other children of God may be profited by it. There are two most instructive points connected with the history of the Baptist church at Stuttgart and of our brother in particular. 1, These children of God had been right in considering believers' baptism to be Scriptural, and in separating from the state church of Wirtemberg. But upon these two points they had laid undue stress. Though believers’ baptism is the truth of God; though separation from A.D. 1843.] 537 state churches on the part of children of God who know that a church is “a congregation of believers” is right, because they see in state churches nothing but the world mixed up with some true believers; yet if these points are made too much of, if they are put out of their proper place, as if they were every thing, then there must be spiritual loss suffered by those who do so. Nay, whatever part of truth is made too much of, though they were even the most precious truths connected with our being risen in Christ, or our heavenly calling, or prophecy, Sooner or later those who lay an undue stress upon these parts of truth, and thus make them too prominent, will be losers in their own souls, and, if they be teachers, they will injure those whom they teach. That was the case at Stuttgart. Baptism and separation from the state church had at last become almost every thing to these dear brethren. “We are the church. Truth is only to be found among us. All others are in error, and in Babylon.” These were the phrases used again and again by our brother But God never allows this state of things without chastisement. This spiritual pride had led from one error to another. Oh may it be a warning to me and to all believers who may read this, and may God in mercy give and preserve to them and to me a lowly heart! 2, Another thing, on account of which the church at Stuttgart is a warning, is this: When these dear brethren left the state church of the Kingdom of Wirtemberg, on account of which they had many trials, they did not meet together in dependance upon the Holy Spirit, but they took some Baptist church, whether in H or E I know not, for a model, and there was to be a teaching elder among them. Instead of being content to own their weakness, and give themselves to prayer that the Lord would be pleased to give them a teacher, brother becomes their teaching elder, and this having been done, he alone speaks at all the meetings (with few ex- ceptions). Now, as his own mind laid such an undue stress upon baptism, and as there was no free working of the Holy Spirit, so that any other brother might have brought out at their meetings what the Lord might have laid upon his heart, what could there have been expected otherwise than that after a time the whole noble little 538 [A.D. 1843. band of disciples, who had taken so trying a stand as to be separated from the state church, should become un- sound in the faith. May God grant unto us to be profited by it, dear believing reader, so that in our own church position we do our utmost to give to the Holy Spirit free and unhindered opportunity to work by whom he will! I have related all these things, painful as they were to me when I was in them, and painful as they are now to me in the remembrance, if it may please God to make them a warning to other dear children of God. . . Stuttgart, Oct. 14, 1843. To the saints, meeting in the name of Jesus, at Bethesda and Salem Chapels, Bristol. My dear Brethren, I have judged that your love to the Lord and to me will make you desirous of knowing further particulars about the work here, and I write therefore a little con- cerning the state of things here.—Since the date of my last letter I have sought to instruct the dear brethren, who had been led by the Lord to own me as a brother with whom they could and ought to have fellowship, and who, therefore, had been disowned by those with whom they had formerly been associated. The state of things con- cerning the others, who think they do God service in the way in which they treat us, is very affecting. They not only keep entirely aloof from our meetings, but with those of our number, whom they consider seducers and perverters of the truth, they will not speak, nor greet us again when they are greeted. In this state of things nothing remained for us but to speak to the Lord about them, and I, therefore, proposed last week, that we should have especial prayer meetings for these dear, but awfully deluded, brethren. This was heartily responded to, and we now meet from time to time for especial prayer on their behalf. I mention this that you may help us with your prayers in this particular also. The iron rule, and the want of being able to exercise spiritual judgment is so felt, that only one of the brethren and sisters in the neighbouring little towns and villages, who belonged to the Baptist Church, has ventured to meet with us; but amidst it all I am in peace, knowing that the Lord him- A.D. 1843.] 539 self sent me here, and that the truth at last will assuredly triumph. Indeed I know that except these brethren own the sin of which they have been guilty against me, the Holy Spirit, who has been grieved, will not work among them, and the spiritual death among them will open the eyes of the upright ones. Such an instance came before me last week, when a sister of the Baptist Church came to our meetings, and said that she could not remain any longer where she was, as it was as if God had departed from them. We now meet every Lord’s day morning from nine to eleven, for the exposition of the word, and from four to six in the afternoon for the breaking of bread. On Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from eight till nearly ten, I expound the scriptures, and on Wednesday and Friday evenings, from eight to ten, I meet with the bre- thren to read the scriptures. There is the greatest teachableness among the dear saints with whom I meet, but just because they have been so long fed with error instead of truth, they need to be taught almost every thing. But hitherto the Lord has so helped me, and so made the dear brethren willing to bow before the word of God, that we have gone on most happily, and without any disagreement. The last five meetings of this kind we have spent in considering the truths contained in Romans xii., Ephes. iv., 1 Cor. xii and xiv., &c. They are now gaining light in apprehending the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the church, and his indwelling in every individual believer, together with the practical application of these truths; and I cannot but hope, that if the Lord, even now at once, were to remove me from them, they would be able to witness in some measure for God, with regard to their church position. Dut even these truths will take up several such evenings yet, in order that the dear brethren not only may be grounded in them, but also be profited by my experience in these particulars during the last thirteen years, that they may not fall into the same errors, or be exposed to the same difficulties. When that subject is done with, I have to undertake another work, perhaps as difficult as any I have had since I have been here, and I mention it to you, that you may help me with your prayers, that the Lord would be pleased to give me his especial help in that matter also. I understand that all the dear precious saints with whom 540 [A.D. 1843. I meet, have fallen into the awful error, spread almost universally among even true believers in this country, that at last all men will be saved, and even the devils themselves. This awful error I must attack as soon as the subject which we now consider is finished, but pray earnestly that the Lord would give me such spiritual power, as that these dear brethren may be brought, through God's truth, out of this delusion also. I hope in God concerning this matter. He will help me. He has in so many ways made it so abundantly plain that he himself sent me here, that he will help me in this matter also. —Last Lord’s day we were twenty in number at the breaking of bread, including my dear wife and myself; among them was the first fruit of my labours here, in the way of conversion. She is a young lady of nineteen years, the daughter of the procurator of the upper tribu- mal, Dr. R., one of the former elders of the Baptist Church, who for my sake was cast out. This young sister was baptized about four miles from here, in a river, about eight o’clock in the evening, by moonlight, as the dear brethren feared the tumult and concourse of the opposers in the day time. I advised her father to baptize her, in order that at once, even in this respect, there might be nothing in the judgment of the dear saints, as if a minis- terial person, according to the use of the word in the world, were needed, and also that thus the attention of the police might not needlessly be directed towards me, as they are so particularly opposed to baptism. Hitherto I have been left unmolested and unhindered, although I have been nearly eight weeks here, and although it is be- coming known throughout the city, and beginning also to spread throughout the country that I am here.—The work still remains small as to outward appearance, as generally, besides the believers in fellowship, there are not more than about ten or twelve persons present, but I dare not take a large place to meet in, humanly speaking, and judging from what hitherto has been always done, but I must go on quietly instructing the saints, or preaching to the few sinners who come, in the hope that God, through my instructing the brethren, will open the eyes and hearts of others, after I have left. There is one brother among us, who learned the way of God more perfectly in Swit- zerland, and who often had spoken about it, before I came, A.D. 1843.] 541 but who was neither much listened to, nor received into fellowship, because he was not baptized.—In the mean time I also go on with preparing my Narrative in the German language for the press, having found out that there is sufficient freedom of the press here to allow of my getting it printed; but I make but little progress, as my time is, in a variety of ways, here also taken up, and as I have too little mental strength to continue very long at a time working with my pen. Nevertheless, I have about the fifth part ready for the press. I am more and more assured that Germany needs my service in this re- spect, and that the Lord has called me for this work. About the time of my return to you I can say nothing, as the Lord has not given me any light concerning it; but this I must say, that my wife and myself shall consider it a happy day indeed, when the Lord allows us to see you again. But, his servants we are, and we desire grace to tarry as cheerfully here, as we shall be glad to go back to Bristol, when the Lord sends us back. Only help us in the mean time with your prayers, (as we also pray for you), that the Lord would enable us in this dark land to glorify his holy name. Farewell, greatly beloved brethren. My heart longs after you to behold you again; yet I am happy here, and will cheerfully wait the Lord’s own time here. I repeat, that if any of you have it in your heart to write to us, and will leave the letters at my house, they will be forwarded to me. My dear wife sends her love in Christ to all the dear brethren and sisters. Your affectionate brother and servant in the Lord, GEORGE MüLLER. I make again a few remarks in connexion with this letter. g I, One of my especial aims in my service among the dear brethren at Stuttgart was, to seek to ground them in the truth. To this end we had, from the beginning of our being separated from the Baptist Church, two meet- ings in the week, from eight to ten o’clock in the evening, when we considered together, upon the ground of the word of God, those points of truth on which these dear brethren appeared to me most to need instruction. I judged it not enough to expound the Scriptures at their public meetings, but to give an opportunity to any bro. A. A. A. 542 [A.D. 1843. ther or sister, at these private meetings, to state any difficulties that they might have on their minds. At first we considered particularly the great truths of the gospel, so that any remaining errors, connected with fundamental points, might be corrected. After that we began the con- sideration of Romans xii. 3–8, Ephes. iv. 7–16, 1 Cor. xii. and xiv., and the other passages which stand in con- nexion with the truths taught in these portions. The brethren had seen almost immediately that, according to the example of the first disciples (Acts xx. 7), it would become us to meet every first day of the week for the break- ing of bread. Thus far they had light, and that light, I judged, ought to be carried out at once. We therefore from the beginning met every Lord’s day for the breaking of bread, with the exception of two or three who had for a few weeks some little doubt remaining on their mind, whether, on account of the frequency of the observance, this ordinance might not lose its beneficial effects; but as we left them free, to act according to the light they had, they soon saw the greatness of the privilege of being allowed so often to show forth the Lord’s death, and they therefore met regularly with us.-As, however, on my ar- rival at Stuttgart, the dear brethren had been entirely un- instructed about the truths relating to the power and pre- sence of the Holy Ghost in the church of Christ, and to our ministering one to another as fellow members in the body of Christ; and as I had known enough of painful con- sequences when brethren began to meet professedly in dependance upon the Holy Spirit without knowing what was meant by it, and thus meetings had become opportu- nities for unprofitable talking rather than for godly edify- Žng; and as I felt myself bound to communicate to these dear brethren the experience I had gathered with reference to these very truths since June 1830: for these reasons, I say, I thought it well to spend evening after evening with them over the passages above mentioned. Thus week after week passed away. We broke bread, but it was under- stood, and I wished it to be understood, that I was the only speaker. This I did that in every possible way I might have opportunity of instructing the brethren, and because they knew not yet what was meant by meeting in depen- dance upon the Holy Spirit. But, at length, after we had for about eight weeks or more spent two evenings a week A.D. 1843.] 543 together over those passages, and others, setting forth the same truths, and full opportunity had been given, care- fully to look at all the points connected with them, and when now there seemed a measure of apprehension of the mind of God in those passages, then we met for the pur- pose of carrying out what the brethren had learned, and therefore at the next time when we met for the breaking of bread I took my place among them simply as a brother; yet as a brother who had received a measure of gift for the benefit of his fellow members, and upon whom therefore responsibility was laid to use that measure of gift, and who, by the grace of God, felt this responsibility laid upon him, and who was willing to act accordingly, I do not mean at all to say that even then this matter was perfectly understood, for a few times still things like these would occur :—A brother read a portion of the word, and then would say, “Perhaps our brother Müller will expound to us this portion.” Or, a brother might speak a little on a subject, and then would say, “Perhaps our brother Müller will enter somewhat more fully into this subject.” At such times, which occurred twice or thrice, I said nothing, but acted according to the desire of those brethren, and spoke; but afterwards, when we met privately, at our scripture reading meetings, I pointed out to the dear brethren their mistake, and reminded them that all these matters ought to be left to the ordering of the Holy Ghost, and that if it had been truly good for them, the Lord would have not only led me to speak at that time, but also on the very subject on which they desired that I should speak to them. II, At these scripture reading meetings, of which I had about forty with them, we went on very peacefully and happily, though I had many things to bring before the brethren which were quite new to them, and some points also to which they had been exceedingly opposed. The Lord enabled me to seek his help for this service, and he granted it to me. III, I never had a moment's hesitation in owning these brethren, and meeting with them at the breaking of bread; for I could not say of one of them that they wil- fully held those errors, but that it rather arose from the truth never having been brought before them. I there- fore judged, that it was my duty to seek to instruct them A. A. A 2. 544 [A.D. 1843. in the truth, and then they would be led to renounce their error’S. TV, I had from the beginning great hope that the dear brethren would be brought out of their fearful errors. I never was overwhelmed by the prospect of the difficulties before me, but had confidence in God that through him I should conquer. My assurance was built on the following grounds: 1, I considered the remarkable way in which so unexpectedly, and after the overcoming of so many diffi- culties which had been in the way, I was sent to them. I therefore judged that the Lord had sent me to them for blessing. 2, He had given me grace to pray much for the Saints at Stuttgart before I had ever seen them, and he helped me to continue in prayer for them whilst with them. This I judged was, in order that he might answer my request on their behalf. 3, They were not like persons who had had the truth set before them and wilfully rejected it, but they had never had it set before them. 4, The Lord, in his grace, enabled me to deal patiently with them. They were deeply entangled in error, very deeply. Press- ing things hastily upon them, I knew, would only make matters worse; but patiently hearing all their objections; meeting time after time over the word, and seeking the Lord’s blessing in prayer on those meetings both before and after, being willing not to press a point too much at once, but giving time to the Holy Ghost to work upon their hearts; dealing thus with them, even as the Lord had inclined my heart, I judged that he would give me the desire of my heart, and deliver them out of their fearful €rr’OTS. V, I cannot help noticing here the strange mistake under which the religious public was, with reference to my being at Stuttgart. It was this: Some weeks after my arrival the report was spread, and widely too, (for it was printed in one of the religious periodicals), that I was a Missionary sent by the Baptists in England to bring back the Baptists in Wirtemberg to the State Church, as it was the view of the Baptists in England that it was not wrong to be united with the State Church. This having been stated in print, (though I knew not of it till I was on the point of returning to England), my stay at Stutt- gart, I suppose, was rather liked by religious persons in connexion with the State Church, and it is not at all un- A.D. 1843.] 545 likely that that may have contributed to my being per- mitted to work quietly week after week, and month after month, without the police in the least interfering with me, though it not only was well known that I was there, but well known too what I was doing in the way of holding meetings, etc. I recognize the hand of the Lord in allow- ing this mistake to be made. VI, For many weeks the number of those who frequented the meetings was very small. Very few, besides those who were in communion with us, attended them. The highly sectarian and exclusive spirit which had been mani- fested by those brethren who belonged to the Baptist Church was a great hinderance in our way; for it was natu- rally supposed that we were of the same mind with them. But after nearly five months had passed away, there began to be a different effect produced. The number of those who attended increased, and increased to more than twice or thrice as many as used to come at first, and, humanly speaking, had I seen it to be the Lord’s will to remain one month longer, the result might have been still greater. But as I saw as clearly the time of my departure from Stuttgart as that of my going thither, I was not influenced by any outward appearance; for I felt certain that, for various reasons, I ought to return to my service in Bris- tol.—In this circumstance also I cannot but see the hand of God. Had the meetings all at once been much attended in the beginning, it might have attracted the attention of the police, and possibly a ticket of permission to reside any longer at Stuttgart might not have been granted to me; but as it was, there was nothing whatever outwardly to attract the notice of the world, for we were few in number, met in a very poor neighbourhood, and in a poor meeting place, and I had thus opportunity to instruct the Saints. Stuttgart, Nov. 11, 1843. To the Brethren meeting in the name of Jesus, at Salem and Bethesda Chapels, Bristol. Dear Brethren, I have judged that it might be profitable to you, with the Lord's blessing, to hear again a few particulars of his work here, and I have also thought that the love you bear me will make you desirous to know how I am, and what the Lord is doing with me: and therefore I again A. A. A 3 546 [A.D. 1843. write you a little, which is no burden to me, but a sweet pleasure. Yet I assure you, dear brethren, I need not write to you, in order that I may be reminded of you, for I think of you daily, and pray daily for you, as I am sure you do for us; and it will, indeed, be a sweet pleasure to us and joy in the Lord, to behold your faces again; but, in the meantime, we desire grace not to feel ourselves as in banishment, but so to realize, that this is our present place of service, and so to walk with Jesus, that we may be very happy, even now, though so far, and for so long a time absent from you. It is now thirteen weeks and three days since I left Bristol, but I have not during all this time, even for one single minute, been permitted to question whether the conclusion, that I should serve the Lord for a season in this country, was of him or not ; but during all this time, as also many weeks before I left Bristol, my heart has had the fullest assurance concerning this matter. It has been also very kind of the Lord, that he has not even suffered me to be tempted, through a great variety of try- ing events, which might have occurred either here or in Bristol, to question my call for this service; but, on the contrary, every day’s experience almost, here, confirms my mind, and every letter from Bristol also shows, how that God’s finger is in this matter. And thus, my dear brethren, it must be always, when we are taking any step according to the will of the Lord: the result must be peace and bless- ing. I desire therefore quietly to tarry here, till the same Lord who put me at this post, shall call me away from it. —I now enter upon the narrative of a few facts which I wish to communicate to you, that you may be led yet more highly to prize the spiritual privileges, and especially the religious liberty, which you enjoy in England.—About nineteen months since a brother and sister here, who were connected with the little Baptist Church, (the only body of believers in this country who are separated from the State Church,) desired to be united by marriage. As they had conscientious objections to be married according to the usage of the State Church, a statement was sent to the director of this city, the first magistrate, in which this brother and sister expressed their desire, and declared that they would submit themselves to everything to which they could with a good conscience, such as having their names three times publicly called at the church, paying the cler- A.D. 1843.] 547 gyman's fees, &c., but that they could not conform to the marriage ceremony at the church, and they therefore begged to be exempted from this; and they finally claimed for this the rights of the subjects of the kingdom of Wirtemberg, to whom full liberty of conscience is granted by the con- stitution of the Government. After a time they received a complete denial to this request from the Ecclesiastical court, called the Consistory. They now gave in a full statement of their views, why they left the State Church, why they could not conform to the marriage ceremony in the State Church, &c., and sent this statement, if I remem- ber right, to the highest court,the ministry of the kingdom. It was again refused. And so also by the king himself. Many months had in the meantime elapsed, and the pa- tience of the brother and sister at last began to fail, and as the sister (at that time) saw scarcely any objection to be married at the church, the brother was at last overcome, and he went and gave in the banns at the church. This was in the middle of June last summer. The nearer, how- ever, the marriage day came, the more tried the brother felt, and all peace left him. At last he came to the con- clusion to leave himself quite in the hands of the Lord while in the church, and to do no more than he could do with a good conscience, yet he did not know anything de- finite, nor did he tell his intended wife anything. He asked the brethren with whom he was in fellowship to pray for him, who accordingly met at the time when he was to be married. It was on a Lord’s day afternoon after the public service, and several hundreds of people had remained. The clergyman, a believer, who, no doubt, knew of the former expressed conscientious objection of this brother and sister, did not at all use the printed liturgy, but only gave, as I hear, a scriptural address as the occasion called for, which our brother found profitable. After this the brother and sister made the usual solemn declaration that they would take each other as husband and wife, &c. This, our brother considered all that could be required of him as a subject. But now remained the clergyman’s blessing and confirmation of the matrimony, which in the literal Eng- lish translation is as follows: “As you then have solemnly promised to each other conjugal love and fidelity, I there- fore confirm in the name of the Father, the Son, and the 548 [A.D. 1843. Holy Ghost, as an appointed minister of the christian church, this your conjugal union as a union, which, accord- ing to God’s order, is indissoluble. What God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” Now, while the cler- gyman was pronouncing the first of these words, the bro- ther walked a step or two back from the altar, with his wife, and interrupted the clergyman in words to this effect: “I do not belong to the State Church, and I therefore can- not accept the blessing of the State Church, or the con- firmation of the State Church, with reference to our mar- riage. Our union was made in heaven, and therefore needs no earthly confirmation. I have gone as far as I could with a good conscience, but further I can do nothing.”— The clergyman now stated: “I pronounce your marriage as void, and I shall give notice of your behaviour to the magistrates.”—The whole matter made a great stir, the people rushed out of the church, and our brother, with his wife, having gone orderly back into their pews, fell on their knees and prayed, and then walked home.—The first thing that now followed was, that the relations on the part of the wife sought to separate the brother and sister by all possible means, removing the funiture out of their intended rooms, sending policemen, and not suffering the brother to live where he had purposed to live after mar- riage, so that the newly married couple had to take up their abode in the house of a brother in the Lord, now in fellowship with us, who is the brother of the young wife. On the next day the newly married brother went to the clergyman, and humbly stated to him, that that, which had occurred on the previous day, was not in the least intended as an insult to him, but that he had been forced to act thus to maintain a good conscience. But he again declared the marriage as void, and said that he should legally proceed against him. Either on the same day, or the day after, our brother and sister had to appear before the director of the city, and after having been for hours examined, the marriage was declared as void, and they were ordered to separate from each other, otherwise the laws against concubinage would be put in force against them. Our brother and sister meekly declared, that they would gladly submit to the Government in every thing, in which they could submit with a good conscience, but that they could not separate from each other, as they A.D. 1843.] 549 considered that they, according to divine and human laws, were married. After some time they had to appear a second time, and, if I remember right, a third, if not a fourth time; but they always gave the same declaration before the city director, and added that they claimed the rights of the subjects of Wirtemberg, according to which there was secured to them perfect liberty of conscience. So the matter remained. Nothing more occurred till Monday, Oct. 23rd, when the said brother was ordered to appear before a court called the “Criminal Court’” at half- past two, his wife at three, and the brother who had taken them in and lodged them, at half-past three in the after- noon. I ought to have said before, that all three belong to those saints who for my sake were separated from the Baptist Church here. Brother R. and I therefore met for prayer while they were before the judge, and continued in prayer from half-past two till half-past five. All three experienced the fulfilment of that word: “Take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.” Matt. x. 19. The Lord was very nigh to them. They were able firmly, but meekly, to bear testimony for the truth. Even the sister, though alone before the judge, was greatly helped. She has been ever since the event at the church quite of one mind with her husband. The crime alleged against the other brother at this court was, that after he knew that the magistrates had declared the marriage illegal, he still lodged them in his house; to which he declared that he considered the marriage legal. This led to the reasons, and a long and blessed testimony for the Lord was borne before the judge. The crime alleged against the husband before this court was, that he had intended this as an insult against the church, which he denied, but stated that he had gone as far as he could, and that he would rather suffer any thing than act against his conscience. On Thursday, Oct. 26th, these three dear saints had to stand before the same judge, each again alone, from half-past two till half-past five, whilst brother R. and I were again in prayer for them. The Lord again abundantly helped them. Even the judge, though a Roman Catholic, sought both times to favour them as much as possible, and the investigations of the whole affair were as favourably taken down for them on paper by him, as if a brother in the 550 [A.D. 1843. Lord had written them down. We know how that came. The Lord heard the prayers of his children, and also acted according to the just mentioned promise. To both breth- ren was permitted to hand in on the next day a written statement, on what scriptural grounds the husband’s con- science led him to act as he did; and the other brother, on what scriptural grounds he could not obey the magistrates, in refusing to lodge his sister and brother-in-law, when their marriage had been declared illegal. Brother R. and I now wrote two long statements about the affair with scrip- tural proofs, which, on the next day, were delivered to the Court. On Friday, Oct. 27th, the brother, the husband, had to stand the third time that week before the judge, who, among other things told him, that until the matter by the proper court was decided, the police would separate him and his wife. Thus the matter stands. Our brother and sister may any day be separated; if so, they will be only separated as long as they are in prison; when they come out, they feel themselves before God bound to come again, together; and should the matter be forced, they must leave the country. Moreover, if the matter is pressed, the husband may be from six months to two years impri- soned for the act at the church. But the Lord reigneth, and men can go no further than the Lord gives them per- mission. Our brother who lodged them is liable to six months’ imprisonment; but the Lord reigneth. Nothing is to be done here, except to pray and to be ready to suf- fer for the Lord’s sake, in order that real liberty of con- Science may be obtained. Such a case never occurred here before. The courts know not themselves what to do. The judge who investigated the case, in order to lay the written investigation before the proper court, said publicly : “I wonder how they will manage this affair.” With refe- rence to my own judgment about the matter, it is this: If any brother and sister were now to be married, to whom the Lord has given the same light, they should not go at all to the church, but simply give information to the magis- trates, have their names called at church, declare them- selves ready to pay the fees, and state before the brethren that they mean to consider themselves as united by mar- riage; and if the government after this oppresses them, to leave the country. I cannot regret that matters have been as they have. The government itself forced our brother, A.D. 1843.] 551 so to say, to do what he did; and good will come out of it for the church.-We are now waiting for what the Lord will do in this matter, and to see whether these dear saints will have to bear imprisonment or not. Another event has occurred : On Oct. 24th, the elders of the Baptist Church, and therefore two of the brethren with whom I now meet for the breaking of bread, were ordered to appear before the director of the city to hear a communication from the ministers of state with reference to their request about being permitted to marry, without going to church. As this order now came to them as being of the Baptist Church, whilst our brethren no longer belong to the Baptist Church, but consider themselves united with all who love our Lord Jesus, they sent a writ- ten statement to the director of the city, stating that they had ceased to belong to the Baptist Church. Thus, without our seeking it, the position which we hold, even if it had not been so before, is now made known. Still, hitherto nothing has been done to us, nor any hinderance laid in our way. Indeed a few days since, through a par- ticular circumstance, the city director had my passport put into his hands, with the inquiry whether a ticket of permission to remain in Stuttgart should be granted to me, or not, and there were no objections made. So I still teach and preach Christ freely, and all that the Lord has taught me, although to a very small number; for the people are afraid of us. In the mean time I speak to souls as I may meet them in the fields, or when persons ask for an alms without the city, for in the whole of Stutt- gart I never saw one beggar. I also make considerable progress with my Narrative, much more than at the first, and have nearly one-half ready for the press. When we took our position here of receiving all who love our Lord Jesus, irrespective of their agreeing with us in all points, one brother came among us, who had been always refused by the Baptist Church here, because he was not baptized. After this brother had been about six weeks among us, he himself desired baptism. He was baptized on the evening of Oct. 28. Thus we have been able to give a practical proof of the truth which we hold. Our number has only been increased by the arrival of our brother T. H., the son of our brother H. whom you know. He resides in the same house with us.-I repeat that it 552 [A.D. 1843. will give us joy to hear from any of you. We remember before the Lord those of you by name, of whom it has been written to us that they are in trial. My dear wife sends her love to all the dear brethren and sisters. I remain, my dear brethren, Your brother and servant in the Lord, GEORGE MüLLER. P. S.—I only add that the two brothers and the sister, by their meekness and godly walk, much commend the truth, and are precious instruments chosen of the Lord, to carry the truth before the rulers of the land. Dec. 31, 1843. During this year 75 have been received into communion among us in Bristol, and 13 Saints have fallen asleep. Being absent from Bristol I am not able to give the present exact state of the church there as to numbers.-The Lord has been pleased to give me during this year for my temporal necessities. £ S. d. 1,Through the saints among whom Ilabour in Bristol, in provisions, clothes, etc. Worth to us, at least........................ 10 0 0 2, Through anonymous offerings in money, put up in paper, and directed to me, and put into the boxes for the poor saints, or the rent, at the meeting places ......... 130 8 4; 3, Through presents in money, from Saints in Bristol, not given anonymously ..... 106 12 0. 4, Through presents in money from Saints not residing in Bristol..................... 79 1 6 326 1 10% *º To this is to be added that the expenses connected with our journey to Germany, and with our temporal necessities, and all the various expenses coming on usin connexion with our stay in a foreign land, from Aug. 9, to Dec. 31, were met out of the 7021. 3s. 7d., which had been given to me, as has been stated, for several purposes, but especially also for the expenses connected with my service in Germany. Is it not again most manifest from this statement, that A.D. 1844.] 553 during the year 1843 also I served a most kind master even with reference to temporal supplies P And this I delight to show. If I had been striving with all my might to obtain a good income during the year 1843, I could not have had more; for in one way or another the Lord gave me about 400l. without asking any one for any thing, and therefore I had far more than I needed either for myself and family, or for giving me ability to use hospitality. I find it more and more pleasant, even with reference to this life, to walk in the ways of the Lord, and to rely upon him for all I need; and often when I recount on my walks for medita- tion the mercies of the Lord towards me, I am constrained to say to the praise of the Lord, that if I had remained in my unconverted state, and therefore continued a ser- vant of Satan, I could not have been nearly as well off, even with reference to this life, as I am now in the service of the Lord Jesus. Ifind that the more the Lord enables me not to seek my own things, but the things of Jesus Christ, the more he takes care that my temporal neces- sities should be richly supplied. Jan. 1, 1844.—Last evening I met with the whole little church at Stuttgart to tea, and the last hours of the year, till about 12 o'clock at night, we spent together in prayer. On Jan. 15th, I wrote another letter to the brethren in Dristol, which is here subjoined. Stuttgart, Jan. 15, 1844. To the Saints meeting in the name of Jesus, at Bethesda and Salem Chapels, Bristol. Beloved brethren, I have it in my heart once more to write to you a little about the work of the Lord here, before my return to you, and I do it the more readily, because I have con- fidence in your love, being assured that you are as glad to hear from me, as I am to write to you. With reference to all the time since I left you, and in particular with reference to the time since I last wrote to you, I have abundant reason to say, that goodness and mercy have followed us. Never, since I first saw it to be the will of God, that I should labour here for a season, which is now more than seven months, have I been permitted to ques- tion, that this conclusion was formed under the guidance of the Holy Ghost; and ever since I left you, which is T} B B 554 [A.D. 1844. now five months and six days, every thing has proved, that I left you according to the will of God. It is pre- cious, beloved brethren, to go on an errand when the Lord himself sends us, and to be at a post where the Lord himself has placed us; for then all goes on well. Far better to wait months, or even years, than to take a step in uncertainty, or being but half assured that it is the will of God, that we should take that step.–But as fully as I was assured that I should leave you for a season, so, as far as I can see at present the mind of the Lord, does it appear to me now, that the time is fast approaching, when our Lord will give us again the great joy and pre- cious privilege of seeing you face to face. Truly, we may say, through grace, and without hypocrisy, “We, brethren, being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart;” indeed nothing but grace has kept us here so long. And now the time seems to be fast approaching when we shall leave this, and I am by prayer and labour endeavouring, to see your face soon. If the Lord will, my Narrative, (which, with a particular reference to the spiritual necessities of the Church in Germany, I have been preparing for the press, and is nearly finished), will be printed within five weeks from this day, so that I hope we shall be able to leave this towards the end of February. Yet, in the mean time, there remains much work for me still to do, both with reference to writing and labouring among the brethren here; therefore continue, dear bre- thren, even as you have done hitherto, to help me with your prayers; and we also, by the help of God, will continue to intercede for you, as we do with joy. As there have occurred a number of important events among us, since I wrote to you last, I proceed now to give you some account of them.—In the early part of Novem- ber last year, brother R., the Doctor of Law, asked me to unite with him and a sister in prayer, as that sister (not one in fellowship with us, but belonging to the State Church) was going to be divorced from her husband, and she had desired that we should spend the time with her in prayer for her husband, while this act would be settled in the judicial court. This sister had had to suffer ex- ceedingly during the space of many years from her hus- band, who hated her greatly for the Lord’s sake. Three times she had been obliged to leave him, because of his awful treatment; but three times, especially through the **. A.D. 1844.] 555 peace-making efforts of brother R., who was her legal counsellor, she returned to her husband, and lived for a season with him, till at last each time her health sank under the sufferings she had endured from him. At length, about two years since, she left him again, with the intention not to return to him any more. This led to a divorce by law, a thing not uncommon on the Con- tinent; and in that hour in which we met for prayer, the matter was settled. In consequence of this, as she had three children, and brought a comparatively considerable property to her husband, the law proceeded to secure this money for the benefit of herself and children, as the husband had wasted all his own property. This act was settled on December 9th, on which occasion she had to meet her husband at his house with the appointed govern- ment officers; and she requested our brother Dr. R., as a friend to accompany her. Brother R., (who had been for fifteen years the peace-maker between this husband and wife, and who had three times succeeded in favour of the husband, though the legal adviser of the wife,) was nevertheless greatly hated by the husband, who repeat- edly spoke to him in public courts of law thus: “You shall never baptize me.” Or, “Now my wife will soon be free to marry her priest,” (meaning brother R.,) &c. All this brother R. had been able to bear with the greatest meekness, though thus publicly insulted, when acting as solicitor or barrister at the judicial courts. Now on the 9th of December, brother R., as I said, went with this divorced sister to her husband’s house. When all the business was done, the husband came close to brother R., in the presence of several magistrates, put a pistol to his side and fired it at him, then took another pistol, put it to his own breast, fired and sank down dead immediately. But while he himself died immediately, brother R. has been wonderfully preserved. He wore a thick wadded coat, and had four papers in his side pocket, through all of which the ball passed. Then, to show the hand of God, the ball met in the other clothes such obstacles (all being double in that spot,) that it only entered a very little way into the body and lodged upon one of the ribs, After the fire was extinguished, (for our brother's clothes were set on fire, so near had the poor sinner put the pistol to him,) our brother walked home, and shortly after - B B B 2 - 556 - [A.D. 1844. a surgeon extracted the ball, and on the seventh day our brother was so far restored, that the whole little church here could be gathered around his bed, together with his relations, and we united together in praising the Lord for his wonderful help ; and on the fifteenth day our brother was already so far restored, that he was able to assemble himself again with us for the breaking of bread. Half an inch higher or lower might have taken his life; but the balls (for the pistol was loaded with two, one of which fell out of his clothes,) though most maliciously so prepared that they might do much mischief on entering the body, found so much resistance that the power, through the soft clothing being every part double in that spot, was spent before touching the body. Surely, the Lord is round about us! Even the ungodly in this city have been forced to marvel; but now the devil spreads the report that that wicked person shot our brother, because he purposed to marry his wife. At last also the sentence has come from the judicial court appointed for that business, with reference to the married brother and sister about whom I wrote to you. Both of them are sentenced to fourteen days' imprison- ment, and their marriage is declared to be illegal and only concubinage, so that when the imprisonment is over, they will be separated by the police, and sent back to prison, should they still seek to live together as they must do, being married in the sight of God. Further, the brother who lodged them after their marriage, is sentenced to four days’ imprisonment, because he helped on, as it is said, concubinage. Finally, the husband is sentenced to pay # of the legal expenses, his wife # and the other brother #. If here were only the question about money, or suffering imprisonment, we must bear it, and account it an honour, to suffer for Christ’s sake; but as the sentence is, that this marriage is concubinage, which according to God and to man it is not, and as the liberty of the Wirtemberg subjects allows them to appeal to a higher court, and as brother R. can do all this busi- ness, I have with brother R. and some other brethren judged, that in this case, like Paul, we ought to appeal to a higher court, if by any means we may keep the govern- ment from committing this grievous sin of unjustly pun- ishing these godly persons. Should this, however, be in vain, we must yield to the power, the brethren must bear A.D. 1844.] 557 the imprisonment, and this dear couple must leave the country. - Our position here as saints was unquestionably known from the beginning by the police, who watch us closely; but nothing was officially done in the matter till very recently, which was occasioned in the following way. The Baptist church here have two or three times a year, or as often as the city director (the head of the police) requires it, to give in the list of names of those who belong to the church, who have been added, and who have been separating themselves or have been excluded. At the close of the year that was now done again, when the con- siderable number who had left it, on my account, were noticed by the city director, who then sent for the teach- ing elder or president of the Baptist church, who told him all about me, and that I had occasioned this business. This now drew forth an order from the city director to brother R., in which he was requested to state—1. Who had separated themselves with him, (names, station in life, and place of abode)?–2. Whether we meant to form a separate church P-3. Who were the elders ?–4. And who at present belonged to our number P This was very briefly replied to by giving the names of those who sepa- rated themselves, the additional two names of those who have been added since, that we meant to be in communion with all who love our Lord Jesus, and that this was the reason, why we had separated ourselves from the Baptist church. To this no reply has been sent; nor has any one as yet put the least hinderance to my freely teaching and preaching Jesus Christ, though it is now five months and six days since I have been labouring here. The Lord is also now beginning to work among the brethren belonging to the Baptist church here, in answer to our and your prayers, and those of many other dear saints in England, Switzerland, &c. Several are begin- ning to feel that their position is not a right one, but none have yet fully and publicly renounced their errors, which, I trust, will soon be the case. May we continue to pray concerning this matter. Moreover, the prejudices against us are wearing off on the part of some other persons, so that the number who attend our meetings is rather increasing. There seem also several who are somewhat concerned about their souls, and a few children • . B B B 3 558 [A.D. 1844. of God belonging to the state church come. Another brother was also added to our number about a fortnight ago, so that we are now two-and-twenty altogether, who break bread. This is a small company certainly, but though it be only like a taper on a candlestick, yet there is some light, however little, and I trust that, with God’s blessing, this light will be more and more bright in Ger- many, where it is so much needed. The Lord is also blessing my labours among the dear brethren here, so that they grow in knowledge, and, I trust, in grace also ; likewise those errors, of which I wrote to you, are giving way, but they are not overcome fully yet, and I shall have a conflict still about them, before I leave : still the Lord has kept us in peace, by giving me wisdom to deal gently with the brethren, remembering the years in which they were built up in error. Help me also with your prayers, that I may find a bookseller, to take my book on commission for sale; for I have offered it to three, and they have refused it. One glimpse was enough for one, in seeing that I did not belong to a State Church. Surely, I have conflict here step by step; but God helps, and through him I shall do valiantly in this thing also ; never- theless I beg your prayers.--And now, finally, I intreat you, beloved pilgrims, help me with your prayers, that I may do and suffer all the will of God here gladly, that I may live to his honour while remaining here, that I may be helped in the remainder of my work, that I may not leave a day before, nor stay a day beyond the Lord's time, and that the Lord would give us a prosperous jour- ney and voyage in his own time. My dear wife unites with me in love to all the dear brethren and sisters. We often pray for you, and remember by name those who are in particular trial through bereavement, or from other causes. Farewell, Your affectionate brother and servant in the Lord, GEORGE MüLLER. I add a few remarks in connexion with this letter:— I. The wisdom of our brother R., in being present at the judicial settlement of the money affairs of the sister, who was legally divorced from her husband, may be questioned, on account of the expressions used by the husband. As to myself, knowing the particulars more A.D. 1844.] 559 fully than the reader can, I do not for a moment think that the man thought our brother had any intention of marrying his divorced wife, for all these expressions were evidently only used to insult Dr. R.; but my objection would rather spring from this, that I question whether a christian has any business at all with such concerns. The Lord in a most remarkable way protected Dr. R.; but this by no means proves that he was in his proper place. II. I also say a few words more about the brother and sister whose marriage was considered illegal. The appeal to the highest court was of no avail, also the final appeal to the King was useless, and about July, 1844, the bro- ther and sister were imprisoned for fourteen days, and the brother, who had taken them in, four days. The Lord was with them and blessed them much in the prison, as they wrote me. The brethren had free access to them, and once even the greater part of them met in the prison and broke bread together. This exceeding great leniency was granted to them, I think, through the judge who had to investigate their affairs. When their imprisonment was expired, they were ordered to separate, which however they did not do, considering themselves married in the sight of God. For a long time the government only threatened, without separating them by force; at last, however, in March, 1845, after having taken from him his right of citizenship at Stuttgart, and having thus deprived him of the privilege of carrying on his business as a master cabinet-maker, the husband was taken by force from his wife, and escorted by a policeman to his parish, which is about nine miles distant. This was done after the government had suffered them to live together as husband and wife, above twenty months, and after they had had a child more than ten months old, which however the Lord took to himself about a week before the parents were thus separated. This affair has occasioned the loss of the business of this brother, and if an alteration be not shortly made in the laws of the country, with refer- ence to liberty of conscience concerning marriage, (which they hope for, as they mean to appeal to the representa- tives of the people,) they purpose to emigrate to England. Though our brother and sister might have acted more wisely, and not have brought the matter to this public act at the church ; yet we must keep in mind that their position had been trying, as for more than a twelve-month 560 IA.D. 1844, they had delayed being married, in hope of obtaining per- mission from the government not to have to go to the State Church ; and as no one of the brethren had ever been thus situated; and as they themselves had not much light, yet wished to maintain a good conscience: on these accounts, I say, we cannot but feel for our brother and sister in their trial, and remember them in love. Were it again to occur, that a brother and sister of the little church at Stuttgart should desire to be united in marriage, and have conscientious objections to be married in the State Church, I gave it as my judgment to the brethren, that they should humbly and meekly make known their intentions to the city director, have their banns called in the Church, pay the fees of the clergyman, etc., and afterwards make known to the whole little Church that they took each other in malriage, signify the same to the city director, and not go to the State Church. If after this they should not be suffered to live together, them to emigrate. * III. After I had been between two and three months at Stuttgart, and the brethren had been instructed in some measure, both at our public meetings and at the Scripture Reading Meetings, about many important truths, I at last began decidedly to go forward at our private meetings, after much prayer, to the exposing of the fearful errors which they almost all held in thinking that at last all men would be saved, and even the devils themselves. We had not, however, had more than two or three meetings on this subject when Dr. R. was shot; and as this occasioned his absence for some time, I thought it better not to go on with the subject; and when he was sufficiently restored, it was wished that we should consider all the passages connected with the Lord's Supper. As on this point also the brethren needed instruction, I readily yielded the point, judging that I had to show them, by being willing to wait, that I sought not my own gratification in con- sidering their views about universal salvation. Thus five or six meetings were spent in considering all the portions of the Holy Scriptures which speak about the Lord's Supper. But now this having been finished, I proposed that we should resume considering the Scriptures, with reference to universal salvation, and I found that they had been led into this error, because 1, They did not see the difference between the earthly calling of the Jews, A.D. 1844.] 561 and the heavenly calling of the believers in the Lord Jesus in the present dispensation, and therefore they said that because the words “everlasting,” etc., are applied to “the possession of the land of Canaan,” and the “priest- hood of Aaron,” that therefore the punishment of the wicked cannot be without end, seeing that the possession of Canaan and the priesthood of Aaron are not without end. My endeavour, therefore, was to show the brethren the difference between the earthly calling of Israel and our heavenly one, and to prove from Scripture, that when- ever the word “everlasting” is used with reference to things purely not of the earth, but beyond time, it denotes a period without end. 2, They had laid exceeding great stress upon a few passages where, in Luther's translation of the German Bible, the word hell occurs, and where it ought to have been translated either “hades” in some passages, or “grave” in others, and where they saw a deliverance out of hell, and a being brought up out of hell, instead of “out of the grave.” 3, They had taken pas- sages out of their connexion.—The mode which I now pursued was, to refer to all the very many passages which they had written down, and to expound them according to the connexion in which they stood, seeking to show the brethren this connexion. In addition to this, I requested them to allow me to speak on those passages withouf being Žnterrupted, in order that, being able pretty fully to enter upon this subject, there might be free opportunity given to the Holy Ghost to work conviction in their hearts; and, as they were greatly in favour of universal salvation, they might thus be kept from controversy, to which they would have been inclined, without having heard what I had to say from the Word of God against universal salva- tion; for I had previously given them full opportunity to bring out their own views. After having thus proceeded for several evenings in our private meetings, I saw that the greater part were fully convinced about the errors they had held, and the others had no desire to contradict, though they had perhaps not grace enough to say plainly that they had been in error. Nor did I in the least enforce that any acknowledgment should be made to me. These meetings took place during the last three weeks of my stay at Stuttgart. Thus, by having received grace from the Lord to deal patiently with the brethren, 562 [A.D. 1844. and to wait upon God even for the right time to attack these errors, I was helped to conquer in this thing also. IV. I add also a few words more with reference to my Narrative, which I published at Stuttgart. When I had proceeded a considerable way in preparing it for the press, I found especial help from God, in being directed through a kind brother, whom I had known eight years before at Stuttgart, to a paper manufacturer, from whom I could buy the paper for 4,000 copies on advantageous terms, and also to a very honourable and promise-keeping printer. The printer engaged to print two sheets a week and kept his word to the end, so that as long as six weeks before my departure, I was able to say that, if the Lord would, I should depart on the 26th of February, and on that very day I was able to depart. Important as it was, for many reasons, that I should return to my service in Bris- tol when I did, I cannot but see the hand of God in directing me to so honourable a person as the printer was, in whom also, I trust, is somewhat of the fear of God.— It has been often mentioned to me in various places, that brethren in business do not sufficiently attend to the keeping of promises, and I cannot therefore but entreat all who love our Lord Jesus, and who are engaged in a trade or business, to seek for his sake not to make any promises, except they have every reason to believe they shall be able to fulfil them, and therefore carefully to weigh all the circumstances, before making any engage- ment, lest they should fail in its accomplishment. It is even in these little ordinary affairs of life that we may either bring much honour or dishonour to the Lord; and these are the things which every unbeliever can take notice of. Why should it be so often said, and sometimes with a measure of ground, or even much ground: “Be- lievers are bad servants, bad tradesmen, bad masters ?” Surely it ought not to be true that we, who have power with God to obtain by prayer and faith all needful grace, wisdom and skill, should be bad servants, bad tradesmen, bad masters. - When now the Narrative was nearly printed, I had to look out for a bookseller, who would undertake the sale of the book on commission. My reason for this was not the money which might thus be obtained, for truly glad should I have been to have given away all the 4,000 copies A.D. 1844.] 563 at once, had I known of suitable opportunites; but in order that by means of the book-trade the Narrative might be circulated even a thousand miles off or more, where I had no opportunity of reaching. Here now it was again that I met with difficulty, as I had done step by step in the other parts of my service in Germany. Three booksellers refused to undertake the sale of the book. The objection evidently was, that I did not belong to the State Church, and one of them plainly told me so. But by the help of God I was not discouraged. I knew the Lord had sent me to Germany: I knew also that it was his will that I should publish an account of his deal- ings with me in the German language; for he had so unexpectedly laid this matter upon my heart; he had so remarkably provided the means for it, without my asking any one but himself for them ; he had given me such es- pecial help in preparing the book for the press; he had given me such an abundance of prayer about this part of my service, both many weeks before I left England, and day by day all the months that I had been in Germany. IFor these reasons it was that I had the fullest assurance that this difficulty also would be overcome. I therefore now began to give myself to prayer with my dear wife concerning this very matter. Day by day we waited upon the Lord for about four weeks, and then I applied to another bookseller, who without any hesitation undertook the sale of the book on commission, so that I retained 2,000 copies for gratuitous distribution, and 2,000 he was to have. Dear reader, there is no difficulty which may not be overcome. Let us but use the power which we have with God as his children by prayer and faith, and abundant blessings may be drawn down from him. V. On my departure from Stuttgart, the number of the brethren who met for the breaking of bread was twenty-five. On the very last Lord’s Day, I had the joy of seeing the third elder of the Baptist Church, who had at first thought me so much in error, come among us, and unite with us in the breaking of bread, having for some time had his mind more and more opened to the truth. The day before I departed, not only the brethren and sis- ters among whom I had laboured took leave of me with many tears, but also nineteen brethren and sisters of 564 [A.D. 1844, the close Baptist Church came to my lodgings, and affectionately bade me farewell, and many with tears. The Lord indeed, in his rich mercy, had so far answered my prayer concerning this my service, that I left a testi- mony behind in their consciences. On Feb. 26, 1844, my dear wife and I departed from Stuttgart, and on March 6th, we reached Bristol. Ex- ceedingly as we had longed to return to Bristol, as soon as we could see it to be the Lord’s will, yet so greatly had our hearts been knit to the dear saints whom we left behind, that it was a sad pleasure to depart, and our only comfort was, that we left them in the hands of the good Shepherd. I resume now the account about the Orphan-Houses, and other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. During all the time of my absence from Bristol, the Lord bountifully supplied our need. For though the money, which I was able to leave behind on my departure, would not have supplied the Orphan-Houses with more than about one-half of what was needed, yet the Lord helped so seasonably, and sent in so many donations, that there was not once, during all this time, the least, difficulty with reference to means. There came in for the Orphans, between Aug. 9, 1843, and March 6, 1844, about 450l. besides very many articles of clothing, pro- visions, books, trinkets, old silver, etc. On Aug. 11th, 1843, A. B. sent 50l., which, being left to my disposal, was put to the School—Bible—Missionary and Tract Fund. I received information about this dona- tion on the evening of Aug. 22nd, during the first hour after my arrival at Stuttgart. It was a precious earnest, that the Lord would also be mindful of the need of the Institution during my absence from England. Indeed, it cannot be described, how sweet to me just then, under the circumstances in which I found myself, in an especial trial of faith to which the Lord called me in that very hour, as before stated, was this fresh proof of the Lord’s watchful care over his work in my hands. Nov. 21, 1843. At a time when all means were ex- hausted, and when for many reasons large supplies were needed for the School—Bible—Missionary and Tract Fund, whilst I was daily waiting upon the Lord with my dear wife in Germany, bringing the work in Bristol before A.D. 1844.] 565 him, and beseeching him also to give us pecuniary means for it, that his enemies might have no cause for triumphing, was sent to me a letter from Bristol, containing another from the East Indies, in which the writer gave me an order for 100l. for the work of the Lord in my hands, giving me at the same time full liberty to use the money as most needed. - A few days after A. B. sent another 50l. for the work of the Lord in my hands. By these two donations, both of which I put entirely to the funds for these objects, we were not only helped to meet all present demands, but were richly supplied.—Thus, at so great a distance from the work, we were yet able by our prayers effectually to serve the Institution —Truly, it is precious in this way to hang upon God . It brings its abundant reward with it ! Every donation, thus received, so manifestly comes out of the hands of the Lord himself. Dear Reader, just look once more upon this circum- stance Hundreds of miles we were from Bristol, and by our bowing our knees before our Heavenly Father at Stuttgart, we not only could bring down spiritual blessings upon the work in Bristol, but also temporal means. Thus, simply by prayer, we obtained whilst in Germany, for the work of God in Bristol, within about one week, nearly 2007.; for there came in some other donations for the Orphans also. On Jan. 6, 1844, there came in 50l. from one who is VERY FAR FROM BEING RICH, of which 10l. was given for the School Fund, and 40l. for the Orphans. The donor is satisfied with food and raiment, labouring cheerfully, and wishing rather to spend than to keep, or lay up treasure on earth. March 25, 1844. After a comparatively great abun- dance with regard to the Orphans, for a whole year and seventeen days, during which time we were not once in difficulty as to means, which had not been the case for nearly five years previous to the commencement of this period, we are now again quite poor, there being NOTHING AT ALL left in my hands, after I have paid out this day more than 50l. for rent and salaries. But through the grace of God I am able to trust as heretofore in the Lord, and therefore my heart is in peace.—Evening. I received C C C, 566 [A.D. 1844. this afternoon 11s. 2%d., 2s. 7d., by sale of articles came in 11.19s. 9d., by sale of Reports 3s., and by a donation 2s. 2d. March 26. This morning my wife and I besought the Lord unitedly for means, and received almost immediately afterwards 5l. from Birmingham, in answer to our prayer. March 27. I received 8s., and there was anonymously put into the box at Bethesda 2s. 6d. This morning at half-past nine a sister came to me, and brought me a sovereign for the Orphans, saying: “Whilst I was lying this morning at six o'clock on my bed, I thought, here I am so comfortable, and perhaps the Orphans may be in need, and I resolved to bring you this.” The donation came most seasonably and as the fruit of our prayer.—I received also ll., the profit of the sale of ladies' bags. March 30. Saturday. There is 6l. 19s. 9d. in hand. This will be at least enough till Monday morning.—There came in this morning 11. 1s. by a donation, before the money was sent off to the Orphan-Houses, so that I had 8l. 0s. 9d. to send, which will be enough, I suppose, till Tuesday morning. April 1. There came in since the day before yesterday 11., which was anonymously put into the box at Salem Chapel, 15s. was given by a young sister as the produce of some work which she had done for the benefit of the Orphans, and 16s, came in by sale of articles. Having had this 21. 11s. coming in, I was able to meet extraor- dinary expenses which came upon me to-day, not having expected that anything beyond the ordinary housekeeping money would have been needed. April 2. The need of to-day was 31. 0s. 6d. Yesterday I had paid away all the money in hand, but in the after- noon came in: By sale of articles 21. 17s. 5d., by the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 5s. 6d., and by needle-work of the Orphans 4s. 3%d.: so that we were able to meet the demands of to-day. April 3. To-day 11, 14s. was required. I opened the boxes in my house, in which I found 3s. 1%d. Thus I had 8s. 10d. with what was left yesterday, and the remainder, being 17. 5s. 2d., one of the labourers was able to give of his own. April 4. Last night was given to me 11s. by a young lady who had done some work, and sold it for the benefit of the Orphans. Also 10s. was given by a sister, and A.D. 1844.] 567 this morning 5s. came in from two Christians at Old Cleeve. Thus we have ll. 6s., and the need of to-day is 11.7s. One of the labourers was able to add the 1s. April 5. Yesterday came in by sale of articles 3!., and this morning I received from Clapham ll. 10s., and through a believer in Bristol 21.6s. This afternoon came in still further from a brother in Bath 5l. We have therefore received altogether this day 11!. 14s. from the bountiful hand of our Heavenly Father. April 6. One of the labourers in the Orphan-Houses gave me still further to-day 5l., and from Kensington I received 17.6s. We are thus again provided for the pro- bable expenses of two or three days. April 7. To-day a sister gave me 27, for the express purpose of providing a little treat for the dear Orphans, and 15s. 6d. came in besides. April 8. It has often occurred in our experience, that after we have had to pass for some time through a season of comparative poverty, in which day by day we have had to wait upon the Lord, our Father alters his way of deal- ing with us, and opens his bountiful hand, by supplying us for several or many days at once. Thus it is now. During the last three days we received more than was required for each of those days, and it was still more abundantly so to-day; for this afternoon a person, residing at Keynsham, gave me ll., and this evening a brother gave me 50l. When I received this 50l. we were not in absolute need, but had enough for two or three days; yet I see the kindness of the Lord in sending this donation, as I had been repeatedly of late praying for means, and as we are thus enabled to do things which are not absolutely needful just now, though desirable, and as we have thus the continued proof of his willingness to send means. April 14. From the end of Nov. 1843, till about the middle of March, 1844, there was always as much in hand as was needed for the School—Bible—and Tract Fund; for besides the help which we received through the two donations of 50l. and 100l., a number of smaller donations came in after. TSut now for some weeks past all means were again gone, and on the last three Saturdays all the usual remuneration could not be given to all the teachers in the Day-Schools. In addition to this the greater part of the common sort of Bibles and Testaments, for circula- C C C 2 568 [A.D. 1844. tion among the poor and for Schools, were gone. I had also often prayed for means to assist Missionary brethren. Under these circumstances I received this morning from A. B., who has been already repeatedly referred to, as having been used by the Lord to help us in our need, the sum of 50l. May 4. Besides the 50l., which was given on April 8th, for the Orphans, and the money we had in hand before the 50l. was given, there has come in since then 36l. 2s. 8d., but to-day, Saturday, we have again only 5l. 6s. 6%d. left, which however is enough for to-day, and a few shillings will be left for the beginning of next week. May 6. On Saturday came in by sale of articles ll. 11s., and by a donation 10s., and yesterday was put anony- mously into the Chapel boxes. 2s. 6d. So we have more than enough for the expenses of to-day. May 8. By the produce of some little boxes, made by a sister, there came in 5s. 6d., by a donation 2s. 6d., by the contents of an Orphan-box from Crediton 6s. 10d., and by sale of articles 10s. By these small donations all that is needed for to-day is met. The brother who sent me the 6s. 10d. from Crediton, wrote, that he did not like to wait till this little sum had increased, before he sent it, as it might be just now needed; and thus it was. May 9. The Lord has again helped for to-day and to- morrow. Last evening I received through a brother 5s., and this morning the boxes in the Orphan-Houses were opened, in which 57. 3s. 1; d. was found; some one also bought a Report and gave 1s. for it. May 13. On the 10th there came in 21 1s. 9d., on the 11th 10l. 10s. 4d., on the 12th 57. was sent from Barn- staple by three sisters, and 37.6s. came in besides. By the income of these three days I was not only able to meet their own demands, but I had enough for to-day, though I required no less than 131. 15s. May 15. Yesterday there was only 17. 5s. left, not nearly enough for what was required to-day. When I came home last evening, having spent a part of the after- noon at the Infant-Orphan-House, where I found that several articles were needed, I heard that a gentleman had called and wished to be shown into my room, where he had written a paper, which he had put with some money into the Orphan-box. On opening it I found the -- -** A.D. 1844.] 569 paper to contain four sovereigns. Thus we are helped for the present. May 16. Only 5s. came in, through the boxes at my house. May 17. Yesterday I paid out all To THE LAST PENNY I had in hand. When now there was nothing left, 21. came in by the sale of some books, and 11.0s. 6d. by two dona- tions, whereby I was able to meet this day’s need. May 18. This morning 17.17s. 10d. came in. We have thus, with the little which was left yesterday, 27.15s. 11d. for this day, Saturday; but I know not whether that will be enough.--Evening. This evening at six o'clock one of my sisters-in-law returned from Plymouth, where she had been staying for a little while, and brought from a sister in the Lord 21., from another sister 11.15s. (being the produce of the sale of some hymns), and also a parcel from some sisters in the Lord in the neighbourhood of Kings- bridge, containing 14s., and the following articles: a pair of shoes, 3 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of cuffs, a pair of mittens, 8 little mats, a pincushion cover, a comb, 3 books, 4 clasps, 2 brooches, a gold pin, a chain, a vinaigrette, a Turk’s head cushion, and 10 yards of calico. Also a parcel from Plymouth, containing 2 veils and a scarf. Also from another sister: 2 netted handkerchiefs.-The money I took at once to the Orphan-Houses, where I found that, to meet the present expenses, 31. 10s. more was required than what I had been able to send in the morning, as altogether about 6l. 5s. was needed for this day. How kind, therefore, of the Lord, to send this money so oppor- tunely, though only towards the evening of the day ! Thus we had enough, and a little left towards the need of Monday. May 20. Monday. Yesterday came in 4s. 8d., and to- day 8s. 5d. As this, together with what had been left in hand, was not quite enough, one of the labourers added 6s. 6d. of his own. Thus we had 17. 18s. 2d. for the need of to-day. May 23. We are still supplied by the day. We had received from the Lord during the last days also what we required, but we were poor, having nothing at all in hand. Under these circumstances with reference to means for the Orphans, and in as great need for the other objects of the Institution, two persons, professed believers, called on me C C C 3 570 [A.D. 1844. to day, who were going from house to house in the street where I live, to ask money for a chapel debt. I remon- strated with them, and sought to show them how the name of the Lord was dishonoured by them, in calling upon the enemies of the Tord for pecuniary assistance towards, what they considered, the work of the Lord. I sought to show them, that if their work were of God, he would, in answer to their prayers, send them help : and if not, ought they not to give up, what was not his work, and not force the matter by calling promiscuously from house to house upon believers and unbelievers. Their reply was: “The gold and silver are the Lord’s, and therefore we call upon the unconverted for help for his work.” My reply was : “Tecause the gold and silver are the Lord’s, therefore we, his children, need not go to his enemies for the support of his work.” Now, at that very moment, while I was thus speaking for the Lord, having then nothing at all in hand for the Orphans or the other objects, the postman brought a small brown paper parcel and a letter. My conversation seemed, for the time at least, fruitless; for those two individuals, having left, went as before from house to house; but when I came back to my room, I found the blessedness of the scriptural way; for that parcel, which the postman had brought, while I was conversing, came from Ireland, and contained two post-office orders for 5l. each, and a worked stool cover; the letter which had been brought, and which was from Seaton, contained 11. for the Orphans; and 17. 1s. 5d. had been sent, having been taken out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses: so that altogether, whilst those two persons were with me, 12l. 1s. 5d. had come in. Half of the 10l. I put to the Orphan-Fund, and half to the other funds, there being nothing in hand to supply the teachers in the Day-Schools during this week. May 24. To-day a box with many articles arrived from the neighbourhood of Droitwich, and 11. 8s. 9d. was received by the sale of articles. May 25, 6s. 6d. came in. May 27. Monday. On Saturday, after having supplied the need of that day, which was 5l. 15s., and now again little being left in my hands, a brother from Cork brought me a parcel which contained 6 pairs of children's shoes, a pair of little boots, a pair of list slippers (all new), 2 books, A.D. 1844.] 571 2 pincushions, a knitted watch pocket, and 102 thimbles. The same brother gave also 10s. 6d. and a book. In the evening a brother gave me 1.l.—Yesterday was put into the chapel boxes 10s, with Eccles. ix. 10, and 2s. 6d. besides. By these donations, with what was left on Saturday, I am able to meet the demands of this day, being 21. 17s. May 31. By the produce of the sale of stockings, knitted by the Orpham-Boys, by some help which one of the labourers was able to give, by a donation, etc., we were supplied during the last three days. Now this morning, when again in much need, Ireceived a note, which contained 5l. with Eccles. ix. 10. By means of this 5l. I was able to meet the expenses of to-day, which are 27.8s. 3d. June 1: Yesterday there came in still further 21.18s. 11d. by sale of articles, and to-day by needle-work, done by the Orphans, 11.13s. 9d. Thus I am able (including what remained of the 5l.) to supply the need of this day, which is 5l. 10s.-Still further came in 5s. June 3. Monday. Yesterday came in 16s. 1; d. This, with what was in hand from Saturday, met the demands of to-day. June 4. This morning came in 37. 2s. 4d. by the sale of a few trinkets and of some pieces of old silver. This was enough for this day's need, and left something over, as only 11, 16s was required. This afternoon arrived a parcel from Westmoreland, containing 24 chemises, 2 shirts, 2 petticoats, a pinafore, 5 night caps, 7 pairs of stockings (all new), and 38% yards of print. Thus we are encouraged day after day, though for many days we have now been again very poor. June 5. Last evening a brother gave me a dozen of modern silver tea-spoons, which, being this morning readily disposed of at a good price, supplied our need for to-day. For several days I have now had day by day especial prayer with some of my fellow-labourers about the work, and particularly for pecuniary supplies; and surely we do not wait in vain upon the Lord. Before this day is over we have had another proof of it. This afternoon a parcel was brought by a brother from London, containing a silver cream jug, a pair of gilt earrings, a gold ring, 2 bracelets, and a muffineer. The same donor sent also a sovereign. The bearer brought also another donation of 2s. 6d. A 572 [A.D. 1844. lady also called this afternoon at the Infant-Orphan- House, to see the institution, and gave 5s. June 8. On the 6th came in 16s. 6d. and 8s. 6d.; and yesterday was received, by the sale of the silver cream jug and a few other little articles, 41.0s. 9d., by the sale of stockings, 5s., and by a donation 10s. Thus we had enough for to-day, though the need was 4!. 19s. 8d., as 4l. 15s. 9d. had come in yesterday, and a few shillings had been left before. June 10, Monday. Though on Saturday all our neces- sities were comfortably supplied, yet I had then NOT ONE PENNY left. Our Heavenly Father, however, having given us grace to trust in him, and not to be anxiously concerned about Monday, gave us, even late on Saturday evening, a proof of his loving tender care over us. The labourers met, as usual, on Saturday evening for prayer, and we con- tinued in prayer from a little after seven till about nine o'clock. After we had separated, a sister, who had been waiting at the Infant-Orphan-House, till our prayer was over, gave 4s., saying that she had intended to give it to me on the Lord’s-day morning, but had felt herself stirred up to bring it that evening.—Nothing came in yesterday. I met this morning with some of the labourers again for prayer, as I have now been doing daily for about a fort- might, and we again asked the Lord for help, with regard to the writing of the Report, that he would let his bless- ing rest upon it, bless the intended public meetings, when the account of the Lord’s dealings with us will be given, convert the children, give the needful grace and wisdom to us who are engaged in the work, give us means for the Day-Schools, means for ordering a quantity of oatmeal from Scotland, for colouring down the Orphan-Houses, for the supply of the present need, etc. There was only the 4s. in hand for the need of to-day, which I had reason to believe would be about 21. Now see the Lord’s help ! Just now, at eleven o’clock, when the letter bag is brought for the money for to-day’s need, I receive in it 27.7s. 8d., which had been taken by brother R. B. out of the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, and half-a-sovereign, which had been sent by a brother in Suffolk. Thus we have 37.1s. 3d., whilst only il. 15s. is needed to-day. In the course of reading the holy scriptures in my family this morning came the word: “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, A.D. 1844.] 573 and ye shall find ; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (Matth. vii. 7.) I pleaded this word especially with the Lord, while I was again praying, after the family prayer was over, with some of the labourers; and surely he has proved afresh that he acts according to his word.— Evening. The Lord sent still further help to-day. This afternoon a person called at the Infant-Orphan-House, and gave 7s., and two ladies met the governess at the Infant-Orphan-House in the street, and gave her a paper, directed to me, which contained 10s. 2s. was also given by a person at Clifton. June 12. By what had come in on the 10th we were supplied yesterday and also to-day, and I had three pence left, after I had sent off to the matrons of the four houses what they needed. I then gave myself to prayer with some of the labourers for the supplies of the present need, mentioning again before the Lord all the many things for which we need his help. About one hour after, I received 10s. for the Orphans from a brother of Guernsey, who has been staying a few days in Bristol. June 13. Last evening came in still further, by the sale of articles, 2s. 8d. ; and 6s. 4d. by the sale of some musk plants, which two sisters in the Lord rear and sell for the benefit of the Orphans; and this morning I received 7s. 11d., being six donations. Tikewise two small silver coins were given me, and 11.15s. 3d. I received by the sale of articles. June 14. There came in still further last evening 5s., and this morning by the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 18s. 9d. This evening 11.10s. was sent with an Orphan, from Carne in Suffolk. June 18. As only 13s. had come in on the 16th and 17th, we were now extremely poor; but the Lord looked upon our necessity, for 5l. was sent by a Christian lady at Scarborough, who seems to take much interest in the Orphans, and a person from Manchester gave 11. June 22, Saturday evening. Only is. came in the day before yesterday, and 2s. 6d. was taken this morning out of the boxes in the Orpham-Houses.—This has been one of those weeks, in which I have prayed particularly much for means, and in which the Lord seemed little to regard my requests. But my soul, through grace, has been in perfect peace, being fully assured, that he in his own good 574 [A.D. 1844. time will again send larger supplies. In every way we are now very poor, and it seems desirable that we should have large sums to meet the present circumstances. After much prayer the Lord has closed the week with fresh proofs of his loving tender care over the work, which has been a great refreshment to my spirit. There came in this even- ing, between eight and mine o'clock: by sale of stockings 9s., by sale of other articles 11. 8s. 7d., by a donation from an Irish sister 5s, and a physician in Bristol kindly sent me 2!., and his little children 4s.-How can my soul suf- ficiently praise the Lord for his tender mercies and his readiness to hear the prayers of his servant All these fresh deliverances in the hour of great need show most clearly, that it is only for the trial of our faith, for our profit, for the profit of others who may hear of it, and for the glory of the Lord, that he sometimes seems not to regard our petitions. June 24, Monday. Yesterday came in by donations 14s. 8d., anonymously was put into the Chapel boxes 1s., and 3s. was given to me as the produce of the sale of musk plants. To-day two Orphans were brought from Bath; for though we are so poor, the work goes forward, and children are received as long as there is room. The person who brought them put two sovereigns into the boxes at the Orphan-Houses. Thus we have again, with what came in on Saturday evening, more than is needed for to-day and to-morrow. June 25. To-day I received, from a sister in the Lord in Scotland, 10l., to be used as most needed, of which I took one-half for the Orphans, and the other half for the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution. Thus, in our great need, the Lord supplies us from day to day, and hears our prayers, which we daily bring to him, though there have not yet come in larger sums for oat- meal, salary of the labourers in the Orphan-Houses, colour- ing down the four houses, etc.; but the Lord in his own time will send means for these expenses also. June 29. Day after day our great poverty continues; yet day after day the Lord helps us, This evening was received from the neighbourhood of Bideford 7s. 6d., a chess board, and a gold pin. There came in also by the sale of articles 11. 8s. 3d., and by Reports 1s. June 30. This evening I received 101, between nine A.D. 1844.] 575 and ten o’clock, at a time of the greatest poverty, from a brother to whom I had been paying some money, due to him to-morrow. A little boy likewise gave mé 6d. this evening, and from a sister I received this morning 10s. July 3. On the 1st came in 2s., and to-day by the boxes in the Orphan-Houses 2s. 10d., by sale of articles 1s. 9d., and from Suffolk was sent a donation of 21. 10s. July 7. It is now about six weeks since I have been daily entreating the Lord, both alone and with some of my fellow labourers, that he would be pleased to send us the supplies which we required, both to meet the ordinary and extraordinary expenses. Of late we have been also especially asking the Lord, that he would be pleased to send a rich supply before the public meetings, (which will commence, if the Lord will, on the 15th) in order that it may be seen that without public meetings, and without publishing fresh Reports, we are yet able, by faith and prayer, to draw down help from the living God. As to ourselves, through grace we should be able to lean upon the Lord, and expect help from him, though not another Report were written, nor another public meeting held, at which the account about his dealings with us is given. We have given proof of this, in that when the year was up on May 10, 1843, no Report was published, and no meet- ings on the subject were held; and also when the second year had passed away, I still did not publish another account, because a weakness in one of my eyes seemed to point it out that the Lord’s time had not yet come,although by forcing the matter I might even then have written the Report. But whilst I do not write the Reports for the sake of obtaining money, nor give the account of the Lord's dealings with us at the public meetings for the sake of influencing persons to help us with their means, nor do so for the sake of exposing our poverty; yet some persons might think so. Our prayer, therefore, had been particu- larly, that the Lord not only would be pleased to give us what we required day by day, but that he would also send in again largely, in order to show that he was willing to hear our prayers, and influence the minds of his children who have the means, to contribute considerably, though it was now more than two years since the last Report was ublished. Not that we were anxiously concerned even about this: for in the whole work we desire to stand with 576 [A.D. 1844. God, and not to depend upon the favourable or unfavour- able judgment of the multitude ; yet our souls longed, in pity to those who might seek an occasion, that even the shadow of ground might be cut off for persons to say : “They cannot get any more money, and therefore they now publish another Report.” My soul, therefore, had assurance that the Lord not only would supply our need up to the time when the accounts were closed and the public meetings would be held; but also that he would send in means more largely than he had done for some time past. And thus it was. When on Saturday evening, July 6th, more money was needed than there was in hand, I received about eight o’clock a post-office order for 21. from Jersey, of which half is for the Orphans and half for the other objects. There came in also at the same time 4s. 9d. by sale of articles. I received likewise at the same time a small paper box by post containing: 4 mourn- ing rings (of fine stamped gold), 8 other gold rings, a gold seal, a gold locket, a pearl necklace, 2 brooches, a gold watch key, and a few other little things. This was a valu- able donation, but doubly so under our circumstances. And now to-day A. B. sent 50l., of which I took one half for the Orphans, and the other half for the other funds. Besides the reasons just referred to, why this donation is so seasonable, I would only mention one more: The brother who kindly procures the oatmeal for us in Scotland, had written to say, that he had just now some which was very good, if we liked to have it. We could not say we needed none, for by the time it could be sent our meal would be gone: nothing therefore remained but to continue waiting On the Lord for means. And now, when we needed to send an answer, this 50l. came, so that we were able to order a ton of oatmeal.-1s. besides came in this day. July 14. This is the last day before the accounts are closed, and this day also the Lord has sent in liberally. Being thus helped day by day up to the last moment of this period, we go on cheerfully to the next, leaning upon the Lord. It is scarcely needful to state at the close of these details, with reference to the last two years and nine weeks, that notwithstanding our having been often poor, and very poor, yet the children in the Orphan-Houses have always had the needful articles of clothing and mourish- A.D. 1844.] . 577 ing food; indeed this is sufficiently proved by the healthy countenances of the children. Should any one question, that the children are provided with what they need, he may at any time have the proof of it, by seeing the child- ren at their meals, inspecting their clothes, &c. But those who know what it is to walk in the fear of God, know also, that God would not help us, in answer to our prayers, if we hypocritically stated that the children were well provided with wholesome food, etc., and yet it were not true. Rather than keep the Orphans, whilst we were unable to provide for them, we would send them at once back to their relations. On July 14, 1844, it was two years and nine weeks since the last public account about the Scriptural Knowledge Institution was given. In that last Report it was stated, that we desired to leave it to the Lord’s direction, as to the time when another should be published. When the year was expired, I saw no particular reason, to lead me to think that I ought to serve the Church of Christ by publishing a fresh Narrative about the Orphan-Houses and the other objects of the Scriptural Knowledge Institu- tion, neither did I see a leading of the Lord towards this service; and soon after, it pleased the Lord to call me to labour in Germany. Having returned in March, 1844, it appeared to me desirable now to publish, at the close of the second year, which would be up on May 10, 1844, a fresh account: partly, because of the 5000 Reports, which had been printed, only a few copies were remaining; partly, because many believers expressed a great desire for some further account of the Lord's dealings with us in the work; partly, because there was now an abundance of profitable matter ready to be communicated; and most of all, because I was longing to show by a public audited account, that the considerable sums, with which I had been intrusted, had been appropriated according to the intention of the donors. But much as I desired, for the above reasons, to have written the Report then, the weak- ness in one of my eyes already mentioned prevented my doing so, till at last, my eye being better, I was enabled to do so. I now add a few particulars with reference to the opera- tions of the Scriptural Knowledge Institution, for home and abroad, from May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844. During T} ]) D 578 - [A.D. 1844. this period also six Day-Schools for poor children were supported by the funds of this Institution. Besides this, the rent for the school-room of a seventh school, which was carried on by a sister who is known to us, was paid during a great part of this period, and also occasional other assistance was given to this and two other schools.- The number of all the children that had schooling in the Day-Schools, through the medium of the Institution, from March 5, 1834, to July 14, 1844, amounts to 3319. The number of those in the six Day-Schools on July 14, 1844, was 338. During this period likewise, one Sunday-School was supported by the funds of the Institution. The number of adults that were instructed from Jan. 1841, to July 14, 1844, in the two adult schools of the Institution, amounts to 734 persons. The average attend- ance during the winter was from 50 to 70 persons, and in the summer from 20 to 40. The number on the list of adult scholars was on July, 14, 1844, eighty persons. Books, writing materials, and instruction, are given en- tirely gratis to the adult scholars. The number of Bibles and Testaments which were cir- culated from May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, is as follows:–237 Bibles were sold, and 284 Bibles were given away to poor individuals, schools, missionary stations, etc. 146 New Testaments were sold, and 162 New Testaments were given away to poor individuals, schools, missionary stations, etc.—From March 5, 1834, to July 14, 1844, there were circulated four thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight Bibles, and three thousand three hundred and fifty-seven New Testaments. From May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, was laid out for missionary objects the sum of 234l. 8s. 6d., whereby assistance was rendered to the work of God in Jamaica, in Demerara, in Upper Canada, in the East Indies, in the Mauritius, and in Switzerland. From May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, was laid out for the circulation of tracts the sum of 431. 9s. 14d. During this period were circulated thirty-nine thousand four hun- dred and seventy-three tracts, and altogether were circu- lated from Nov. 19, 1840, to July 14, 1844, fifty-nine thousand and eighty-two tracts. . From May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, there were re- A.D. 1844.] 579 ceived into the four Orphan-Houses, 39 Orphans, who, together with those who were in the houses on May 10, 1842, made up 125 in all. Of these : 1, One girl left the Institution against our will. Her aunt repeatedly applied to me to have her niece, who, having been more than eight years under our care, was now of use to her. I remonstrated with the aunt, and sought to show her the importance of leaving her niece with us for another twelvemonth, when she would be fit to be sent out to ser- vice; but all in vain. At last, knowing how exceedingly injurious her house would be for her niece, I told the aunt that I could not conscientiously dismiss the girl to go to her house; but the aunt’s influence induced the orphan to leave. May God, in tender mercy, visit the soul of this poor wanderer | Such cases are trying, very trying, but even concerning them faith contains a precious anti- dote. 2, Two of the children were removed by their friends, who by that time were able to provide for them. 3, One girl, who was received when grown up, we were obliged, after a long season of trial, to send back to her relations, in mercy to the other children. 4, Three girls were sent out to service, all three as believers, and in fellowship with the saints. 5, Three Orphans died, one as an infant, and two in the faith. One had been more than two years in church fellowship, and had walked con- sistently. 6, Four boys were apprenticed, two of whom had been several years in church fellowship, before their apprenticeship. There were on July 14, 1844, one hundred and twenty- one Orphans in the four houses, i. e. in the Girls'-Orphan- House thirty, in the Infant-Orphan-House twenty-nine, in the Boys'-Orpham-House thirty-three, and in the new Girls'-Orphan-House (opened in July, 1843) twenty- nine. Besides this the four apprentices were still sup- ported by the funds of the Institution, so that the total number was 125. The number of the Orphans who were under our care from April 1836, to July 14, 1844, amounts to 183. - I notice further the following points in connexion with the Orphan-Houses. I. Without any one having been persºnally applied to for any thing by me, the sum of 7748l. 16s. 4; d. was given to me as the result of prayer to God, from Dec. D D D 2 580 [A.D. 1844. 1835, to July 14, 1844. 2. Besides this, also, many articles of clothing, furniture, provisions, etc., were given. 3. During these two years and two months we had very little sickness, comparatively, in the four houses, though there was so much fever in Bristol. I mention this to the praise of the Lord, who so mercifully preserved us. The total of the income for the Orphan-Houses, from May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, was 24891. 0s. 7#d., leav- ing a balance of 17, 11s. 11%d. in hand on July 14, 1844.— The total of the income for the other objects, from May 10, 1842, to July 14, 1844, was 1164l. 18s. 4d., leaving a balance of 20l. 12s. 7d. in hand on July 14, 1844. I cannot omit mentioning that between May 10, 1842, and July 14, 1844, there was admitted to communion one of the Sunday-School children, and one of the Day-School children. Likewise 6 more of the Orphans were received into church fellowship, so that up to July 14, 1844, alto- gether 29 of the Orphans had been admitted. In addition to this, between May 10, 1842, and July 14, 1844, one Orphan, before being received, died in the faith, and an- other, though but nine years of age, would have been received, had she not been just then removed by her rela- tives, who took her with them to America. But whilst we desire to receive these instances as precious encourage- ments from the Lord to continue our service, we cannot but believe, judging from the many prayers the Lord gives us for the dear children and adults under our care and instruction, that that which we see is but an earnest of a far larger harvest in the day of Christ's appearing.— The greatest present visible blessing, which is resting upon the work, consists in what the Lord is pleased to do through the Narratives which are written and published respecting it ; for a very considerable number, in various parts of the world, have through them either been con- verted, or, as believers, led on in the knowledge of God. To avoid misunderstanding, it may be well to insert the following paragraph, which was written by my beloved brother and fellow labourer Henry Craik, and appended to the last Report. “Hitherto my name has been appended to the Report along with that of my beloved brother and fellow labourer George Müller; but, as the responsibility and manage- ment of the work devolve entirely upon him, it has seemed A.D. 1844.] 581 well to both of us, that, for the future, his signature should appear alone.—It is scarcely needful to add, that this alteration does not arise from any kind of disunion or even difference of judgment between us. I would espe- cially recommend to the people of God, into whose hands this brief Narrative may fall, to read, examine and ponder the instructive facts and principles herein stated and illus- trated; and I desire that the non-insertion of my name may not be understood as implying any thing like a dis- approval of the way in which the Scriptural Knowledge Institution has been conducted from the beginning. As the honour of being the instrument in this great and blessed work belongs to him, and, in no degree, to me, I feel a satisfaction in the omission of my name, lest, other- wise, I should even appear to glory in ‘another man's labour.” BIENTRY CRAIK.” Thus far only, for the present at least, do I think it well to continue the accounts of the Lord’s dealings with me. But I cannot conclude this third part, without add- ing some hints on a few passages of the word of God, both because I have so very frequently found them little regarded by christians, and also because I have proved their preciousness, in some measure, in my own experi- ence; and therefore wish that all my fellow saints may share the blessing with me. I. In Matthew vi. 19—21, it is written: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”—Observe, dear Reader, the following points concerning this part of the divine testimony: 1, It is the Lord Jesus, our Lord and Master, who speaks this as the lawgiver of his people. He who has infinite wisdom and unfathomable love to us, who there- fore both knows what is for our real welfare and happi- ness, and who cannot exact from us any requirement inconsistent with that love which led him to lay down his life for us. Remembering, then, who it is who speaks to us in these verses, let us consider them. 2, His counsel, D D D 3 582 [A.D. 1844. his affectionate entreaty, and his commandment to us his disciples is: “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth.” The meaning obviously is, that the disciples of the Lord Jesus, being strangers and pilgrims on earth, i. e. neither belonging to the earth nor expecting to remain in it, should not seek to increase their earthly possessions, in whatever these possessions may consist. This is a word for poor believers as well as for rich believers; it has as much a reference to putting shillings into the savings’ bank as to putting thousands of pounds into the funds, or purchasing one house, or one farm after another.—It may be said, but does not every prudent and provident person seek to increase his means, that he may have a goodly portion to leave to his children, or to have something for old age, or for the time of sickness, etc. P. My reply is, it is quite true that this is the custom of the world. It was thus in the days of our Lord, and Paul refers to this cus- tom of the world when he says, “The children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children.” 2 Cor. xii. 14. But whilst thus it is in the world, and we have every reason to believe ever will be so among those that are of the world, and who therefore have their por- tion on earth, we disciples of the Lord Jesus, being born again, being the children of God not nominally, but really, being truly partakers of the divine nature, being in fellow- ship with the Father and the Son, and having in prospect “an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away” (1 Peter i.4), ought in every respect to act differently from the world, and so in this particular also. If we disciples of the Lord Jesus seek, like the people of the world, after an increase of our possessions, may not those who are of the world justly question whether we believe what we say, when we speak about our inheritance, our heavenly calling, our being the child- ren of God, etc. P. Often it must be a sad stumbling block to the unbeliever to see a professed believer in the Lord Jesus acting in this particular just like himself. Consider this, dear brethren in the Lord, should this remark apply to you.-I have more than once had the following passage quoted to me as a proof that parents ought to lay up money for their children, or husbands for their wives: “But if any provide not for his own, and especially for those of his own house (or kindred), he A.D. 1844.] 583 hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” 1 Tim. v. 8. It is, however, concerning this verse only needful, in childlike simplicity to read the connexion from verse 3 to 5, and it will be obvious that the meaning is this, that whilst the poor widows of the church are to be cared for by the church, yet if any such needy believing widow had children or grandchildren (not nephews), these children or grandchildren should provide for the widow, that the church might not be charged; but that, if a believer's child, or grandchild, in such a case did not do so, such a one did not act according to the obligations laid upon him by his holy faith, and was worse than an unbeliever. Not a word, then, is there in this passage to favour the laying up treasures upon earth for our children, or our wives. 3, Our Lord says about the earth, that it is a place “where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.” All that is of the earth, and in any way connected with it, is subject to corruption, to change, to dissolution. There is no reality, or sub- stance, in any thing else but in heavenly things. Often the careful amassing of earthly possessions ends in losing them in a moment by fire, by robbery, by a change of mercantile concerns, by loss of work, etc.; but suppose all this were not the case, still, yet a little while, and thy soul shall be required of thee; or, yet a little while, and the Lord Jesus will return ; and what profit shalt thou then have, dear reader, if thou hast carefully sought to increase thy earthly possessions P My brother, if there were one particle of real benefit to be derived from it, would not he, whose love to us has been proved to the uttermost, have wished that you and I should have it P If, in the least degree, it could tend to the increase of our peace, or joy in the Holy Ghost, or heavenly-mindedness, he, who laid down his life for us, would have commanded us, to “LAY UP treasure upon earth.” 4, Our Lord, however, does not merely bid us, not to lay up treasure upon earth; for if he had said no more, this his command- ment might be abused, and persons might find in it an encouragement for their extravagant habits, for their love of pleasure, for their habit of spending every thing they have, or can obtain upon themselves. It does not mean, then, as is the common phrase, that we should “live up to our income;” for, he adds: “But lay up for yourselves 584 [A.D. 1844. treasures in heaven.” There is such a thing as laying up as truly in heaven as there is laying up on earth; if it were not so, our Lord would not have said so. Just as persons put one sum after another into the bank, and it is put down to their credit, and they may use the money afterwards: so truly the penny, the shilling, the pound, the hundred pounds, the ten thousand pounds, given for the Lord's sake, and constrained by the love of Jesus, to poor brethren, or in any way spent in the work of God, he marks down in the book of remembrance, he considers as laid up in heaven. The money is not lost, it is laid up in the bank of heaven; yet so, that whilst an earthly bank may break, or through earthly circumstances we may lose our earthly possessions, the money which is thus secured in heaven cannot be lost. But this is by no means the only difference. I notice a few more points. Treasures laid up on earth bring along with them many cares; trea- sures laid up in heaven never give care. Treasures laid up on earth never can afford spiritual joy; treasures laid up in heaven bring along with them peace and joy in the Holy Ghost even now. Treasures laid up on earth, in a dying hour cannot afford peace and comfort, and when life is over, they are taken from us ; treasures laid up in heaven draw forth thanksgiving that we were permitted and counted worthy to serve the Lord with the means with which he was pleased to intrust us as stewards, and when this life is over we are not deprived of what was laid up there, but when we go to heaven we go to the place where our treasures are, and we shall find them there. Often we hear it said when a person has died: he died worth so much. But whatever be the phrases common in the world, it is certain that a person may die worth fifty thousand pounds sterling, as the world reckons, and yet that indi- vidual may not possess, in the sight of God, one thousand pounds sterling, because he was not rich towards God, he did not lay up treasure in heaven. And so on the other hand, we can suppose a man of God falling asleep in Jesus, and his surviving widow finding scarcely enough left behind him to suffice for the funeral, who was nevertheless ºrich towards God; in the sight of God he may possess five thousand pounds sterling, he may have laid up that sum in heaven. Dear Reader, does your soul long to be rich towards God, to lay up treasures in heaven? The world A.D. 1844.] - 585 passes away and the lust thereof. Yet a little while, and our stewardship will be taken from us. At present we have the opportunity of serving the Lord with our time, our talents, our bodily strength, our gifts, and also with our property; but shortly this opportunity may cease. Oh! how shortly may it cease. Before ever this is read by any one, I may have fallen asleep; and the very next day after you have read this, dear Reader, you may fall asleep, and, therefore, whilst we have the opportunity, let us serve the Lord.—I believe, and therefore I speak. My own soul is so fully assured of the wisdom and love of the Lord towards us his disciples as expressed in this word, that by his grace I do most heartily set my seal to the preciousness of the command, and I do from my inmost soul not only desire not to lay up treasures upon earth, but, believing as I do what the Lord says, I do desire to have grace to lay up treasures in heaven. And then, Sup- pose after a little while you should fall asleep, some one may say, your wife and child will be unprovided for, because you did not make a provision for them. M reply is, the Lord will take care of them. The Lord will abundantly provide for them, as he now abundantly pro- vides for us. 5, The Lord lastly adds: “IFor where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Where should the heart of the disciple of the Lord Jesus be, but in hea- ven P Our calling is a heavenly calling, our inheritance is a heavenly inheritance, and reserved for us in heaven; our citizenship is in heaven; but if we believers in the Lord Jesus lay up treasures on earth, the necessary result of it is, that our hearts will be upon earth; nay, the very fact of our doing so proves, that they are there ! Nor will it be otherwise, till there be a ceasing to lay up treasures upon earth. The believer who lays up treasures upon earth may, at first, not live openly in sin, he in a measure may yet bring some honour to the Lord in certain things; but the injurious tendencies of this habit will show them- selves more and more, whilst the habit of laying up trea- sures in heaven would draw the heart more and more heavenward; would be continually strengthening his new, his divine nature, his spiritual faculties, because it would call his spiritual faculties into use, and thus they would be strengthened; and he would more and more, whilst yet in the body, have his heart in heaven, and set upon hea- 586 [A.D. 1844. venly things; and thus the laying up treasures in heaven would bring along with it, even in this life, precious spi- ritual blessings as a reward of obedience to the command- ment of our Lord. II. The next passage, on which I desire to make a few remarks, is Matthew vi. 33. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” After our Lord, in the previous verses, had been pointing his disciples “to the fowls of the air,” and “the lilies of the field,” in order that they should be without carefulness about the neces- saries of life; he adds: “ Therefore take no thought, (literally, be not anxious) saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek;) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.” Observe here particularly that we, the children of God, should be different from the nations of the earth, from those who have no Father in heaven, and who there- fore make it their great business, their first anxious con- cern, what they shall eat, and what they shall drink, and wherewithal they shall be clothed. We, the children of God, should, as in every other respect, so in this parti- cular also, be different from the world, and prove to the world that we believe that we have a Father in heaven who knoweth that we have need of all these things. The fact that our Almighty Father, who is full of infinite love to us his children, (and who has proved to us his love in the gift of his only begotten son, and his Almighty power in raising him from the dead), knows that we have need of these things, should remove all anxiety from our minds. There is, however, one thing that we have to attend to, and which we ought to attend to, with reference to our temporal necessities, it is mentioned in our verse : “But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” The great business which the disciple of the Lord Jesus has to be concerned about (for this word was spoken to disciples, to professed believers) is, to seek the kingdom of God, i. e. to seek, as I view it, after the external and internal prosperity of the church of Christ. If, according to our ability, and according to the opportunity which the Lord gives us, we seek to win souls for the Lord Jesus, that appears to me to be seeking the external prosperity A.D. 1844.] 587 of the kingdom of God, and if we, as members of the body of Christ, seek to benefit our fellow members in the body, helping them on in grace and truth, or caring for them in any way to their edification, that would be seeking the £nternal prosperity of the kingdom of God. But in con- nexion with this we have also “to seek his righteousness,” which means, (as it was spoken to disciples, to those who have a Father in heaven, and not to those who were without), to seek to be more and more like God, to seek to be inwardly conformed to the mind of God.—If these two things are attended to, (and they imply also that we are not slothful in business), then do we come under that pre- cious promise: “And all these things (that is food, raiment, or any thing else that is needful for this present life), shall be added unto you.” It is not for attending to these two things that we obtain the blessing, but in attending to them. I now ask you, my dear Reader, a few questions in all love, because I do seek your welfare, and I do not wish to put these questions to you, without putting them first to my own heart. Do you make it your primary business, your first great concern to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness? Are the things of God, the honour of his name, the Welfare of his church, the conversion of sin- ers, and the profit of your own soul, your chief aim 2 Or does your business, or your family, or your own temporal concerns, in some shape or other primarily occupy your attention P. If the latter be the case, then, though you may have all the necessaries of life, yet could you be sur- prised if you had them not ? Remember that the world passeth away, but that the things of God endure for ever. I never knew a child of God who acted according to the above passage, in whose experience the Lord did not fulfil his word of promiso “All these things shall be added unto rou.” III. The third portion of the divine testimony on which I desire to throw out a few hints, is in 1 John i. 3. “And truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.” Observe 1, The words “fellowship,” “communion,” “coparticipation,” and “partnership,” mean the same. 2, The believer in the Lord Jesus does not only obtain forgiveness of all his sins (as he does through the shedding of the blood of Jesus, by faith in his 588 [A.D. 1844. name;) does not only become a righteous one before God (through the righteousness of the Lord Jesus, by faith in his name;) is not only begotten again, born of God, and par- taker of the divine nature, and therefore a child of God, and an heir of God; but he is also in fellowship or part- nership with God. Now, so far as it regards God, and our standing in the Lord Jesus, we have this blessing once for all; nor does it allow of either an increase or a decrease. Just as God’s love to us believers, his children, is unal- terably the same (whatever may be the manifestations of that love;) and as his peace with us is the same, (however much our peace may be disturbed ) so it is also with regard to our being in fellowship or partnership with him : it remains unalterably the same so far as God is concerned. J3ut then 3, there is an eagerimental fellowship, or part- nership, with the Father and with his Son, which consists in this, that all which we possess in God, as being the partners or fellows of God, is brought down into our daily life, is enjoyed, experienced, and used. This experimental fellowship, or partnership, allows of an increase or a de- crease, in the measure in which faith is in exercise, and in which we are entering into what we have received in the Ilord Jesus. The measure in which we enjoy this eaſperi- mental fellowship with the Father and with the Son is with- out limit; for without limit we may make useof our partner- ship with the Father and with the Son, and draw by prayer and faith out of the inexhaustible fulness which there is in God.—Let us now take a few instances in order to see the practical working of this eagerimental fellowship (or partnership) with the Father, and with the Son. Suppose there are two believing parents who were not brought to the knowledge of the truth until some years after the Lord had given them several children. Their children were brought up in sinful, evil ways, whilst the parents did not know the Lord. Now the parents reap as they sowed. They suffer from having set an evil example before their children, for their children are unruly and behave most improperly. What is now to be done P. Need such parents despair P No. The first thing they have to do is, to make confession of their sins to God, with regard to neglecting their children whilst they were themselves living in sin, and then to remember that they are in partnership with God, and therefore to be of good courage, though they are in than selves si ºil fºrlº. ii., §ificient for ºl, a thisk of A.D. 1844.] 589 managing their children. They have in themselves neither the wisdom, nor the patience, nor the long-suffering, nor the gentleness, nor the meekness, nor the love, nor the decision and firmness, nor anything else that may be need- ful in dealing with their children aright. But their hea- venly Father has all this. The Lord Jesus possesses all this. And they are in partnership with the Father, and with the Son, and therefore they can obtain by prayer and faith all they need out of the fulness of God. I say by prayer and faith ; for we have to make known our need to God in prayer, ask his help, and then we have to believe that he will give us what we need. Prayer alone is not enough. We may pray never so much, yet if we do not believe that God will give us what we need, we have no reason to expect that we shall receive what we have asked for. So then these parents would need to ask God to give them the needful wisdom, patience, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, love, decision, and firmness, and whatever else they may judge they need. They may in humble boldness remind their heavenly Father that his word assures them that they are in partnership with him, and, as they themselves are lacking in these particulars, ask him to be pleased to supply their need; and then they have to believe that God will do it, and they shall receive according to their need.—Another instance: Suppose I am so situated in my business that day by day such diffi- culties arise, that I continually find that I take wrong steps, by reason of these great difficulties. How may the case be altered for the better P In myself I see no remedy for the difficulties. In looking at myself I can expect nothing but to make still further mistakes, and, therefore, trial upon trial seems to be before me. And yet I need not despair. The living God is my partner. I have not sufficient wisdom to meet these difficulties so as to be able to know what steps to take, but he is able to direct me. What I have, therefore, to do is this: in simplicity to spread my case before my heavenly Father and my Lord Jesus. The Father and the Son are my partners. I have to tell out my heart to God, and to ask him, that as he is my partner, and I have no wisdom in myself to meet all the many difficulties which continually occur in my business, he would be pleased to guide and direct me, and to supply me with the needful wisdom; and then I - E F I. 590 [A.D. 1844. have to believe that God will do so, and go with good courage to my business, and eaſpect help from him in the next difficulty that may come before me. I have to look out for guidance, I have to eanect counsel from the Lord; and as assuredly as I do so, I shall have it, I shall find that I am not nominally, but really, in partnership with the Father and with the Son.—Another instance : There is a father and mother with seven small children. Both parents are believers. The father works in a manufactory, but cannot earn more than ten shillings per week. The mother cannot earn any thing. These ten shillings are too little for the supply of nourishing and wholesome food for seven growing children and their parents, and for pro- viding them with the other necessaries of life. What is to be done in such a case? Surely not to find fault with the manufacturer, who may not be able to afford more wages, and much less to murmur against God; but the parents have in simplicity to tell God, their partner, that the wages of ten shillings a week are not sufficient in Eng- land to provide nine persons with all they need, so as that their health be not injured. They have to remind God that he is not a hard master, not an unkind being, but a most loving Father, who has abundantly proved the love of his heart in the gift of his only begotten Son. And they have in childlike simplicity to ask him, that either he would order it so, that the manufacturer may be able to allow more wages; or that he (the Lord) would find them another place, where the father would be able to earn more; or that he would be pleased somehow or other, as it may seem good to him, to supply them with more means. They have to ask the Lord, in childlike simpli- city, again and again for it, if he does not answer their request at once ; and they have to believe that God, their Father and partner, will give them the desire of their hearts. They have to eagect an answer to their prayers; day by day they have to look out for it, and to repeat their request till God grants it. As assuredly as they believe that God will grant them their request, so assuredly it shall be granted.—Thus, suppose, I desired more power over my besetting sins; suppose, I desired more power against certain temptations; suppose, I desired more wis- dom, or grace, or any thing else that I may need in my service among the saints, or in my service towards the unconverted : what have I to do but to make use of my A.D. 1844.] 591 being in fellowship with the Father and with the Son P Just as, for instance, an old faithful clerk, who is this day taken into partnership by an immensely rich firm, though himself altogether without property, would not be dis- couraged by reason of a large payment having to be made by the firm within three days, though he himself has no money at all of his own, but would comfort himself with the immense riches possessed by those who so generously have just taken him into partnership : so should we, the children of God and servants of Jesus Christ, comfort our- selves by being in fellowship, or partnership, with the Father, and with the Son, though we have no power of our own against our besetting sins; though we cannot withstand temptations, which are before us, in our own strength; and though we have neither sufficient grace nor wisdom for our service among the saints, or towards the unconverted. All we have to do is, to draw upon our partner, the living God. By prayer and faith we may obtain all needful temporal and spiritual help and bless- ings. In all simplicity have we to tell out our heart before God, and then we have to believe that he will give to us according to our need. But if we do not believe that God will help us, could we be at peace P The clerk, taken into the firm as partner, believes that the firm will meet the payment, though so large, and though in three days it is to be made, and it is this that keeps his heart quiet, though altogether poor himself. We have to believe that our infinitely rich partner, the living God, will help us in our need, and we shall not only be in peace, but we shall actu- ally find that the help which we need will be granted to us.-Let not the consciousness of your entire unworthi- ness keep you, dear reader, from believing what God has said concerning you. If you are indeed a believer in the Lord Jesus, then this precious privilege, of being in part- nership with the Father and the Son, is yours, though you and I are entirely unworthy of it. If the conscious- ness of our unworthiness were to keep us from believing what God has said concerning those who depend upon and trust in the Lord Jesus for salvation, then we should find that there is not one single blessing, with which we have been blessed in the Lord Jesus, from which, on account of our unworthiness, we could derive any settled comfort or peace. E E E 2 592 [A.D. 1844. IV. There is one other point which, in connexion with several portions of the word of God, which bear on the subject, I desire to bring before the believing reader, and it refers to the “scriptural way of overcoming the diffi- culties with which the believer now meets who is engaged in a business, trade, profession, or any earthly calling whatever, which arise from competition in business, too great a number of persons being occupied in the same calling, stagnation of trade and the like.” The children of God, who are strangers and pilgrims on earth, have at all times had difficulty in the world, for they are not at home but from home; nor should they, until the return of the Lord Jesus, expect it to be otherwise with them. But whilst this is true, it is also true that the Lord has provided us in all our difficulties with something in his own word to meet them. All difficulties may be over- come by acting according to the word of God. At this time I more especially desire to point out the means whereby the children of God who are engaged in any earthly calling may be able to overcome the difficulties, which arise from competition in business, too great a number of persons being occupied in the same calling, stagnation of trade and the like. 1, The first thing which the believer who is in such difficulties has to ask himself is, Am I in a calling in which I can abide with God 2 If our occupation be of that kind, that we cannot ask God’s blessing upon it, or that we should be ashamed to be found in it at the appearing of the Lord Jesus, or that it of necessity hinders our spiritual progress, then we must give it up, and be engaged in something else; but in few cases only this is needful. Far the greater part of the occupations in which believers are engaged are not of such a nature, as that they need to give them up in order to maintain a good conscience, and in order to be able to walk with God, though, perhaps, certain alterations may need to be made in the manner of conducting their trade, business, or profession. About these parts of our calling, which may need alteration, we shall receive instruction from the Lord, if we indeed desire it, and wait upon him for it, and expect it from him. 2, Now suppose the believer is in a calling in which he can abide with God, the next point to be settled is: “Why do I carry on this business, or why am I engaged in this trade or profession?” In most instances, so far as my A.D. 1844.] 593 experience goes, which I have gathered in my service among the saints during the last fifteen years and a half, [i.e. in 1845, I believe the answer would be: “I am en- gaged in my earthly calling, that I may earn the means of obtaining the necessaries of life for myself and family.” Here is the chief error from which almost all the rest of the errors, which are entertained by children of God, relative to their calling, spring. It is no right and Scrip- tural motive, to be engaged in a trade, or business, or profession, merely in order to earn the means for the ob- taining of the necessaries of life for ourselves and family, but we should work because it is the Lord's will concerning us. This is plain from the following passages: 1. Thess. iv. 11, 12; 2 Thess. iii. 10–12; Eph. iv. 28. It is quite true that, in general, the Lord provides the necessaries of life by means of our ordinary calling; but that that is not THE REASON why we should work, is plain enough from the consideration, that if our possessing the necessaries of life depended upon our ability of working, we could never have freedom from anaciety, for we should always have to say to ourselves, and what shall I do when I am too old to work? or when by reason of sickness I am unable to earn my bread P But if, on the other hand, we are engaged in our earthly calling, because it is the will of the JLord concerning us that we should work, and that thus labouring we may provide for our families, and also be able to support the weak, the sick, the aged, and the needy, then we have good and scriptural reason to say to our- selves: should it please the Lord to lay me on a bed of sickness, or keep me otherwise by reason of infirmity, or old age, or want of employment, from earning my bread by means of the labour of my hands, or my business, or my profession, he will yet provide for me. Because we who believe are servants of Jesus Christ, who has bought us with his own precious blood, and are not our own, and because this our precious Lord and master has commanded us to work, therefore we work; and in doing so our Lord will provide for us, but whether in this way or any other way, he is sure to provide for us; for we labour in obe- dience to him ; and if even a just earthly master give wages to his servants, the Lord will surely see to it that we have our wages, if in obedience to him we are engaged in our calling, and not for our own sake. How great the E E E 3 594 [A.D. 1844. difference between acting according to the word of God, and according to our own natural desires, or the customs of the world, will be plain, I trust, by the following case. Suppose I were engaged in some useful trade. Suppose I had the certain human prospect, that within the next three months my labour would bring me in nothing, for certain reasons connected with the state of mercantile affairs. As a man of the world I should say, I shall not work at all, because my labour will not be paid; but as a christian, who desires to act according to God’s Holy word, I ought to say: My trade is useful to society, and I will work notwithstanding all human prospects, because the Lord Jesus has commanded me to labour; from him and not from my trade I expect my wages. In addition to this the christian ought also to say, Idleness is a dreadful snare of the devil, he has especial opportunity to get an advantage over the children of God when they are unoc- cupied; and, therefore, I will work though I have no human prospect of obtaining payment for my labour, but shall get only the cost price of the material, and shall have to give my work for nothing. Moreover, the christian ought to say, Though according to human probability I shall have to labour for nothing during the next three months, yet I will work, because the Lord may speedily alter the state of things, contrary to all human expecta- tion; but whether he be pleased to do so or not, I labour because I am the Lord’s, bought by his precious blood, and he commands me to labour.—But there are motives still lower than to be engaged in our earthly calling merely that we may earn the means of obtaining the necessaries of life, why even christians, true children of God, may be engaged in their calling, such as: to obtain a certain sum of money, and then to retire from business and to live upon the interest ; or, to provide something for old age ; or, to obtain a certain amount of property, without in- tending to give up business. If it be unscriptural to be engaged in our calling, merely, even for the sake of earning the means for procuring the necessaries of life for our- selves and family, how much more unbecoming that a child of God should be engaged in his calling for the sake of any of the last mentioned reasons.—This second point, then, Why do I carry on this business P , Why am I en- gaged in this trade or profession P ought first to be settled in the fear of God and according to the revealed will of A.D. 1844.] 595 God; and if we cannot say in honesty of heart, I do carry on my business, I am engaged in my trade, or art, or pro- fession, as a servant of Jesus Christ, whose I am, because he has bought me with his precious blood, and he has commanded me to work, and therefore I work: I say, if we cannot say this in honesty of heart, but must confess that we work on account of lower motives such as, that we may earn our bread, or on account of still lower motives, and such as are altogether unbecoming a child of God, who is not of the world but of God, such as, to obtain a certain sum of money in order to be able to live on the interest without having to work; or, to pro- vide something for old age; or, to obtain a certain amount of property without intending to give up business: if these are our motives for being engaged in our calling, I say, can we be surprised that we meet with great difficul- ties in our business, and that the Lord in his abounding love to us, his erring children, does not allow us to succeed P But suppose this second point is scripturally settled, and we can honestly say that, because we are servants of Jesus Christ, we are occupied as we are—we have further to consider: 3, Whether we carry on our business, or are engaged in our trade, art, or profession, as stewards of the Lord. To the child of God it ought not to be enough that he is in a calling in which he can abide with God, nor that he is engaged in his calling, because it is the will of his Lord and master that he should work, but he should consider himself in his trade, business, art, or profession, only as the steward of the Lord with reference to his income. The child of God has been bought with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus, and is altogether his property, with all that he possesses, his bodily strength, his mental strength, his ability of every kind, his trade, business, art, or profes- sion, his property, &c.; for it is written: “Ye are not your own ; for ye are bought with a price.” I Cor. vi. 19, 20. The proceeds of our calling are therefore not our own in the sense of using them as our natural heart wishes us to do, whether to spend them on the gratifica- tion of our pride, or our love of pleasure, or sensual in- dulgences, or to lay by the money for ourselves or our children, or use it in any way as we naturally like; but we have to stand before our Lord and master, whose 596 [A.D. 1844. stewards we are, to seek to ascertain his will how he will have us use the proceeds of our calling. But is this in- deed the spirit in which children of God generally are engaged in their calling P. It is but too well known that it is not the case ! Can we then wonder at it, that even God’s own dear children should so often be found greatly in difficulty with regard to their calling, and be found so often complaining about stagnation or competition in trade, and the difficulties of the times, though there have been given to them such precious promises as: “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you ;” or, “Let your conversation (disposition or turn of mind) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have : for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor for- sake thee.” Heb. xiii. 5. Is it not obvious enough that when our Heavenly Father sees that we his children do or would use the proceeds of our calling, as our natural nind would desire, that he either cannot at all intrust us with means, or will be obliged to decrease them P No wise and really affectionate mother will permit her infant to play with a razor, or with fire, however much the child may desire to have them ; and so the love and wisdom of our Heavenly Father will not, cannot, intrust us with pecuniary means, (eaccept it be in the way of chastisement, or to show us finally their utter vanity,) if he sees that we do not desire to possess them as stewards for him, in order that we may spend them as he may point out to us by his Holy Spirit, through his word.—In connexion with this subject, I give a few hints to the believing reader on three passages of the word of God. In 1 Cor. xvi. 2, we find it written to the brethren at Corinth, “Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God has prospered him.” A contribution for the poor saints in Judea was to be made, and the brethren at Corinth were exhorted to put by every Lord's day, according to the measure of success which the Lord had been pleased to grant them in their calling during the week. Now, ought not the saints in our day also to act according to this word P. There is no passage in the word of God, why we should not do so, and it is altogether in accordance with our pilgrim character, not only once or twice, or four times a year to see how much we can afford A.D. 1844.] 597 to give to the poor saints, or to the work of God in any way, but to seek to settle it weekly. If it be said, I cannot ascertain how much I have gained in the course of the week by my business, and therefore I cannot give accordingly; my reply is this, Seek, dear brethren, as much as possible, to bring your business upon such a footing as that you may be able, as nearly as possible, to settle how much you have earned in your calling in the course of the week; but suppose you should be unable to settle it exactly to the shilling or pound, yet you will know pretty well how it has been with you during the week, and therefore, according to your best knowledge, contribute on the coming Lord's day towards the neces- sities of the poor saints, and towards the work of God, as he, after your having sought his guidance, may lead you. Perhaps you say, the weeks are so unlike ; in one week I may earn three or even ten times as much as in another week, and if I give according to my earnings from my calling during a very good week, then how are such weeks, when I earn scarcely any thing, or how are the bad debts to be met P How shall I do when sickness befalls my family, or when other trials productive of expense come upon me, if I do not make provision for such seasons P My reply is, 1, I do not find in the whole New Testament one single passage in which either directly or indirectly exhortations are given to provide against deadness in business, bad debts, and sickness, by laying up money. 2, Often the Lord is obliged to allow deadness in business, or bad debts, or sickness in our family, or other trials, which increase our expenses, to befall us, because we.do not, as his stewards, act according to stewardship, but as if we were owners of what we have, forgetting that the time has not yet come when we shall enter upon our possessions : and he does so in order that, by these losses and expenses, our property which we have collected may be decreased, lest we should altogether set our hearts again upon earthly things, and forget God entirely. His love is so great, that he will not let his children quietly go their own way when they have forsaken him; but if his lowing admonitions by his Holy Spirit are disregarded, he is obliged in fatherly love to chastise them. A striking illustration of what I have said we have in the case of Israel nationally, The commandment to them was, to 598 [A.D. 1844. leave their land uncultivated in the seventh year, in order that it might rest, and the Lord promised to make up for this deficiency by his abundant blessing resting upon the sixth year. However, Israel acted not according to this commandment, no doubt saying in the unbelief of their hearts, as the Lord had foretold, “What shall we eat in the seventh year P Behold we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase.” Leviticus xxv. But what did the Lord do? He was determined the land should have rest, and as the Israelites did not willingly give it, he sent them for seventy years into captivity, in order that thus the land might have rest. See Leviticus xxvi. 33–35. Beloved brethren in the Lord, let us take heed so to walk as that the Lord may not be obliged by chastisement to take a part of our earthly possessions from us in the way of bad debts, sickness, decrease of business, and the like, because we would not own our position as stewards, but act as owners, and keep for ourselves the means with which the Lord had intrusted us, not for the gratification of our own carnal mind, but for the sake of using them in his service and to his praise. It might also be said by a brother whose earnings are Small, should I also give according to my earnings P. They are already so small, that my wife can only with the greatest difficulty manage to make them sufficient for the family. My reply is: Have you ever considered, my brother, that the very reason, why the Lord is obliged to let your earnings remain so small, may be the fact of your spending every thing upon yourselves, and that if he were to give you more, you would only use it to in- crease your own family comfort, instead of looking about to see who among the brethren are sick, or who have no Work at all, that you might help them, or how you might assist the work of God at home or abroad P. There is a great temptation for a brother whose earnings are small, to put off the responsibility of assisting the needy and sick Saints, or helping on the work of God, and to lay it upon the few rich brethren and sisters with whom he is associated in fellowship, and thus rob his own soul!—It might be asked, How much shall I give of my income P The tenth part, or the fifth part, or the third part, or one-half, or more ? My reply is, God lays down no rule, concerning this point. What we do we should do cheer- fully and not of necessity. But if even Jacob, with the A.D. 1844.] 599 first dawning of spiritual light, (Genesis xxviii. 22,) pro- mised to God the tenth of all he should give to him, how much ought we believers in the Lord Jesus to do for him ; we, whose calling is a heavenly one, and who know distinctly that we are children of God, and joint heirs with the Lord Jesus ! Yet do all the children of God give even the tenth part of what the Lord gives them P That would be two shillings per week for the brother who earns 11., and 4s. to him who earns 27. and 21. per week to him whose income is 20!, per week. In connexion with 1 Cor. xvi. 2, I would mention two other portions: 1. “He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly ; and he that soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” 2 Cor. ix. 6. It is certain that we children of God are so abundantly blessed in Jesus, by the grace of God, that we ought to need no stimulus to good works. The forgiveness of our sins, the having been made for ever the children of God, the having before us the Father's house as our home : these blessings ought to be sufficient motives to constrain us, in love and grati- tude to serve God abundantly all the days of our life, and cheerfully also to give up, as he may call for it, that with which he has intrusted us of the things of this world. But whilst this is the case, the Lord nevertheless holds out to us in his holy Word motives why we should serve him, deny ourselves, use our property for him, etc., and the last mentioned passage is one of that kind. The verse is true both with reference to the life that is now and that which is to come. If we have been sparingly using our property for him, there will have been little treasure laid up in heaven, and therefore a small amount of capital will be found in the world to come, so far as it regards reaping. Again, we shall reap bountifully if we seek to be rich towards God, by abundantly using our means for him, whether in ministering to the necessities of the poor saints, or using otherwise our pecuniary means for his work. Dear brethren, these things are realitiesl Shortly, very shortly, will come the reaping time, and then will be the question, whether we shall reap sparingly or bountifully.—But while this passage refers to the life hereafter, it also refers to the life that now is. Just as now the love of Christ constrains us to communi- cate of that with which the Lord intrusts us, so will be 600 [A.D. 1844. the present reaping, both with regard to spiritual and temporal things. Should there be found therefore in a brother the want of entering into his position as being merely a steward for the Lord in his calling, and should he give no heed to the admonitions of the Holy Ghost to communicate to those who are in need, or to help the work of God, then, can such a brother be surprised that he meets with great difficulties in his calling, and that he cannot get on ? This is according to the Lord’s word. He is sowing sparingly, and he therefore reaps sparingly, But should the love of Christ constrain a brother, out of the earnings of his calling to sow bountifully, he will even in this life reap bountifully, both with regard to blessings in his soul and with regard to temporal things. Consider in connexion with this the following passage, which, though taken from the Book of Proverbs, is not of a Jewish character, but true concerning believers under the present dispensation also: “There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth ; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.” Prov. xi. 24, 25.-In connexion with 1 Cor. xvi. 2, I would also direct my brethren in the Lord to the promise made in Luke vi. 38, “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” This refers evidently to the present dispensation, and evidently in its primary meaning to temporal things. Now let any one, constrained by the love of Jesus, act according to this passage; let him on the first day of the week com- municate as the Lord has prospered him, and he will see that the Lord will act according to what is contained in this verse. If pride constrain us to give, if self-righteous- ness make us liberal, if natural feeling induce us to com- municate, or if we give whilst we are in a state of insol- vency, not possessing more perhaps than ten shillings in the pound were our creditors to come upon us; then we cannot expect to have this verse fulfilled in our experi- ence; nor should we give at any time for the sake of re- ceiving again from others, according to this verse; but if indeed the love of Christ constrain us to communicate ac- A.D. 1844.] 601 cording to the ability which the Lord gives us, then we shall have this verse fulfilled in our experience, though this was not the motive which induced us to give. Some- how or other the Lord will abundantly repay us through the instrumentality of our fellow men what we are doing to his poor saints, or in any way for his work, and we shall find that in the end we are not losers, even with reference to temporal things, whilst we communicate liberally of the things of this life with which the Lord has intrusted us.-Here it might be remarked : but if it be so, that even in this life, and with regard to temporal things it is true, that “To him that gives shall be given, good mea- sure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over,” and that “Be which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully,” then in the end the most liberal persons would be exceedingly rich. Concerning this remark we have to keep in mind, that the moment persons were to begin to give for the sake of receiving more back again from the Lord, through the instrumentality of their fel- low men, than they have given; or the moment persons wished to alter their way, and no more go on sowing bountifully, but sparingly, in order to increase their pos- sessions, whilst God is allowing them to reap bountifully, the river of God's bounty toward them would no longer continue to flow. God had supplied them abundantly with means, because he saw them act as stewards for him. Eſe had intrusted them with a little which they used for him, and he therefore intrusted them with more; and if they had continued to use the much also for him, he would have still more abundantly used them as instru- ments to scatter abroad his bounties. The child of God must be willing to be a channel through which God’s bounties flow, both with regard to temporal and spiritual things. This channel is narrow and shallow at first, it may be ; yet there is room for some of the waters of God’s bounty to pass through. And if we cheerfully yield ourselves as channels, for this purpose, then the channel becomes wider and deeper, and the waters of the bounty of God can pass through more abundantly. Without a figure it is thus: At first we may be only in- strumental in communicating 5l. or 10l. or 201, or 50l. or 100l. or 200l. per year, but afterwards double as much; and, if we are still more faithful in our stewardship, after F F E 602 [A.D. 1844. a year or two four times as much, afterwards perhaps eight times as much, at last perhaps twenty times or fifty times as much. We cannot limit the extent to which God may use us as instruments in communicating bles- sing, both temporal and spiritual, if we are willing to yield ourselves as instruments to the living God, and are content to be only instruments, and to give him all the glory. But with regard to temporal things it will be thus, that if indeed we walk according to the mind of God in these things, whilst more and more we become instru- ments of blessing to others, we shall not seek to enrich ourselves, but be content when the last day of another year finds us still in the body, to possess no more than on the last day of the previous year, or even considerably less, whilst we have been, however, in the course of the year the instruments of communicating largely to others, through the means with which the Lord had intrusted us. As to my own soul, by the grace of God it would be a burden to me to find, that, however much my income in the course of a year might have been, I were increasing in earthly possession; for it would be a plain proof to me, that I had not been acting as a steward for God, and had not been yielding myself as a channel for the waters of God’s bounty to pass through. I also cannot but bear my testimony here, that in whatever feeble measure God has enabled me to act according to these truths for the last fifteen years [this was written in 1845], I have found it to be profitable, most profitable to my own soul; and as to temporal things, I never was a loser in doing so, but I have most abundantly found the truth in 2 Cor. ix. 6, and Luke vi. 38, and Prov. xi. 24, 25, verified in my own experience. I only have to regret that I have acted so little according to what I have now been stating; but my godly purpose is, by the help of God, to spend the re- mainder of my days in practising these truths more than ever, and I am sure that when I am brought to the close of my earthly pilgrimage either in death, or by the appearing of our Lord Jesus, I shall not have the least regret in having done so; and I know that should I leave my dear child behind, the Lord will abundantly provide for her, and prove that there has been a better provision made for her than her father could have made, if he had sought to ensure his life or lay up money for her. A.D. 1844.] 603 Before leaving this part of the subject, I mention to the believing reader, that I know instance upon instance, in which what I have been saying has been verified, but I will only mention the following:—I knew many years ago a brother as the manager of a large manufactory. Whilst in this capacity he was liberal, and giving away consider- ably out of his rather considerable salary. The Lord repaid this to him; for the principals of the establishment, well knowing his value to their house of business, gave him now and then whilst he thus was liberally using his means for the Lord, very large presents in money. In process of time, however, this brother thought it right to begin business on his own account, in a very small way. Ełe still continued to be liberal, according to his means, and God prospered him, and prospered him so, that now, whilst I am writing, his manufactory is as large as the one which he formerly managed, or even larger, though that was a very considerable one. And sure I am, that if this brother shall be kept by God from setting his heart upon earthly things, and from seeking more and more to increase his earthly riches, but shall delight himself in being used as a steward by God, cheerfully communicating to the need of God’s poor children, or to his work in other ways, and doing so not sparingly, but bountifully, the Lord will intrust him more and more with means; if otherwise, if he shut up his hands, seek his own, wish to obtain sufficient property that he may be able to live on his interest, then, what he has to expect is, that God will shut up his hands, he will meet with heavy losses, or there will be an alteration in his affairs for the worse, or the like.—I also mention two other cases, to show that the Lord increases our ability of communicating temporal blessings to others, if we dis- tribute according to the means with which he has in- trusted us, though we should not be in a trade or business, or profession.—I know a brother who many years ago saw it right not only to spend his interest for the Lord, but also the principal, as the Lord might point out to him opportunities. His desire was not, as indeed it ought never to be, to get rid of his money as fast as possible, yet he considered himself a steward for the Lord, and was therefore willing, as his Lord and master might point it out to him, to spend his means. When F E F 2 604 [A.D. 1844. this brother came to this determination, he possessed about twenty thousand pounds sterling. . According to the light and grace, which the Lord had been pleased to give, he afterwards acted, spending the money for the Lord, in larger or smaller sums, as opportunities were pointed out to him by the Lord. Thus the sum more and more decreased, whilst the brother steadily pursued his course, serving the Lord with his property, and spending his time and ability also for the Lord, in service of one kind or another among his children. At last the twenty thousand pounds were almost entirely spent, when at that very time the father of this brother died, whereby he came into the possession of an income of several thousand pounds a year. It gives joy to my heart to be able to add, that this brother still pursues his godly course, living in the most simple way, and giving away perhaps ten times as much as he spends on himself or family. Here you see, dear reader, that this brother, using faithfully for the Lord what he had been intrusted with at first, was made steward over more; for he has now more than one-third as much in a year coming in, as he at first possessed altogether.—I mention another in- stance: I know a brother to whom the Lord has given a liberal heart, and who bountifully gave of that over which the Lord had set him as steward. The Lord seeing this, intrusted him with still more, for through family circumstances he came into the possession of many thousand pounds, in addition to the considerable property he possessed before. I have the joy of being able to add also concerning this brother, that the Lord continues to give him grace to use his property as a steward for God, and that he has not been permitted to set his heart upon his riches, through the very considerable increase of his property, but that he continues to live as the steward of the Lord, and not as the owner of all this wealth.-And now, dear reader, when the brethren to whom I have been referring are brought to the close of their earthly pilgrimage, will they have one moment's regret that they have used their property for the Lord? Will it be the least particle of uneasiness to their minds, or will their children be the worse for it P Oh no | The only regret they will have concerning this matter will be, that they did not serve the Lord still more abundantly with their A.D. 1844.] 605 property. Dear reader, let us each in our measure act in the same spirit. Money is really worth no more than as it is used according to the mind of the Lord; and life i. wºrth no more than as it is spent in the service of the OPCI. Whilst the three mentioned points—1, That our calling must be of that nature that we can abide in it with God; 2, That unto the Lord we should labour in our calling, as bis servants, because he has bought us with his blood, and because he will have us to labour; 3, That as stewards we should labour in our calling, because the earnings of our calling are the Lord’s and not our own, as he has bought us with his blood: I say, whilst these three points are particularly to be attended to in order that the Lord’s blessing may rest upon our calling, and we be prospering in it, there are, nevertheless, some other points to be attended to, which I mention in love to my brethren in the Lord, by whom they may be needed. 4, The next point is, that a believer in the Lord Jesus should do nothing in his calling, which is purely for the sake of attracting the world, such as for instance, fitting up his shop or rooms of business in the most costly manner. I do not in the least mean to say that his shop or rooms of business should not be clean, orderly, and of such a cha- racter as that there may be no positive hinderance in persons going there. All the needful conveniences that are expected may be there and ought to be there. But if any child of God seek to have the front of his shop, or the interior of his shop, or of his place of business fitted up in a most expensive way, simply for the sake of at- tracting attention, then let him be aware that, just in so far as he is trusting in these things, he is not likely to succeed in his calling, because he puts the manner of fitting up the shop in the room of trust in the Lord. Such things the Lord may allow to succeed in the case of an unbeliever, but they will not prosper in the case of a child of God, except it be in the way of chas- tisement, just as the Lord gave to Israel in the wilder- ness the desire of their hearts, but sent leanness into their souls. Should any brother have fallen into this error, the first thing he has to do, when the Lord has instructed him concerning this point, is, to make confes- sion of sin, and, as far as it can be done, to retrace his E F F 3 606 [A.D. 1844. steps in this particular. If this cannot be done, then to cast himself upon the mercy of God in Christ Jesus. 5, Of the same character is : To seek to attract the attention of the world, by “boasting advertisements,” such as “no one manufactures so good an article,” “no one sells this article so cheap,” “we sell the best article in the city,” etc. Suppose these statements were quite correct, yet they are unbecoming for a child of God, who has the living God to care for him and to provide for him, and therefore needs not to make use of such boasting, whereby he may seek to ensure custom to himself and keep it from others. The law of love is, “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” Matt. vii. 12. Now what do I wish in this par- ticular that others should do to me, but that they should not seek to keep away persons from dealing with me; but if I use such like expressions in my advertisements, as have been mentioned, what do they imply but, that I wish all people should come to me, and deal with me. If, however, already under the old covenant it was said, “Thou shalt not covet,” how much more sinful and altogether unbecoming is it for us children of God, who are in fellowship with the Father and the Son, to make use of such means in order to ensure to ourselves pecuniary advantages. But, however much the Lord may allow a man of the world to prosper in using such means, they are only hinderances to the child of God to getting on in his calling, because the Lord sees that they are substi- tuted instead of trust in himself; and should the Lord for a season allow his child apparently to be benefited by them, it will only be for his chastisement and connected with leanness in his soul. Therefore, my brethren in the Lord, I beseech you to put away all these things out of your calling, lest you should be hindering instead of fur- thering your real welfare. 6, Likewise of a similar character is the following point, which God may suffer to be a real hinderance to his children in their calling, it is, To seek the very best, (and therefore the most expensive) situations which can be had in a town or city. Now I do by no means intend to say, that in our trade, business, art, or profession, we should seek the most obscure, retired, out of the way place possible, and say, “God will provide, and I need A.D. 1844.] 607 not mind in what part of the town I carry on my calling.” There are most assuredly certain things to be considered. The persons who are likely to buy the articles I sell, or employ me, are to be considered, and I have not to say, it matters nothing to me, whether Imake them come a mile or two to my house, or to the most dirty and disagreeable part of the town; this would be the extreme in the other way. But whilst there is a cer- tain consideration to be used with reference to those who may employ usin our calling, yet if the trust of the child of God respecting temporal prosperity is in the fact that he lives in the best situation, the Lord will surely disappoint him. He will have to pay a very high rent for the best situation, and yet not succeed, because his trust is in the best situation. He is substituting it for dependance upon the living God for customers. He is robbing his soul not only in not taking the customers as from the hands of the Lord, but he is also obliging his heavenly Father, in the very love of his heart, to cause him to be disappointed, because he is not trusting in him. If the child of God were saying and acting thus: the best situa- tion would cost me 50l. a year more rent, than one which is not really inconvenient for my customers, nor in an improper neighbourhood, and the like, this 50l. I dedicate unto the Lord, to be paid in instalments for his work or his poor saints, whenever the rent day comes, such a bro- ther would find himself to be no loser, if this indeed were done in dependance upon the Lord, and constrained by the love of Jesus. But if the 50l. more is paid for rent, and yet the living God, in the very love of his heart, should be obliged to withold prosperity from his child in his calling, because he sees that he is laying undue stress upon the situation of the house, then not only the 50l. extra rent per year is lost, but also that which the Lord is obliged to withhold from his child besides, in order to teach him the lesson ; and thus year after year, by our own fault, we may have scarcely any thing to give for the work of God. - 7, The next obstacle to prosperity in our calling which I now would mention is, That children of God often use such expressions as these with reference to their calling: “this is our busy time,” or “this is our dead time,” which implies that they do not day after day deal with God 608 [A.D. 1844. about their calling, but that they ascribe their having much or little to do to circumstances, or to times and seasons. That the people of the world should do so is not to be wondered at ; but that the children of God should act thus, who in the most minute affairs of life should seek the help of God, and deal with God about them, is a matter of sorrow to the spiritual mind, and is altogether unbecoming saints. But what is the result P The Lord, according to the expectations of his children, allows them to be without employment, because they say, “this is our dead season.” “He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief,” contains a truth which comes in here. But what is the right way of look- ing at the matter? It is this: the child of God should say, though generally about this time of the year there is little employment to be expected, looking at it naturally, yet as want of employment is neither good for the out- ward nor inward man, and as I only desire employment to serve God in my business, to have to give to those who are in need, or help in other ways the work of God, I will now give myself to prayer for employment, for I can by prayer and faith as a child of God obtain blessings from my heavenly Father, though not in the ordinary course of things. If thus the child of God were to say and to act, he would soon have employment in his calling, except the Lord meant to use his time otherwise in his work, which he would point out to him. 8, A further reason, why God may be obliged to resist children of God in their business, may be this, that they with the greatest carefulness seek to obtain persons for their shop who are considered “good salesmen,” i. e. per- sons who have such persuasive ways, as that they gain an advantage over the customers and induce them not only to buy articles for which they ask, whether suitable or not, but that they also induce them to buy articles which they did not at all intend to buy when they came to the shop. Concerning this I notice in the first place, that if the child of God puts his dependance upon the “good sales- men,” let him not be surprised if his heavenly Father should be obliged to disappoint him, because he sees his child lean upon the arm of flesh, instead of trusting in the living God; and therefore the business does not succeed. Purther, it is altogether wrong for a child of God to A.D. 1844.] 609 induce the customers, by means of such men or women who have such a persuasive tongue, to purchase articles whether they suit or not, and whether they are needed or not. This is no less than defrauding persons in a subtle way, or leading them into the sin of purchasing beyond their means, or at least spending their money needlessly. However such sinful tricks may be allowed to prosper in the case of a man of the world, in the case of a child of God they will not prosper, except God allow them to do so in the way of chastisement, whilst leanness and wretch- edness is brought into the soul. I knew a case of this kind where it was the whole bent of the mind of a pro- fessed believer to obtain such “good salesmen,” and where even a Jew was kept outside the shop walking up and down, to induce persons to come in and buy; and yet that same professed believer failed twice in his business. 9, Another evil with reference to business, and why children of God do not get on in their calling is, that they enter upon business often without any capital at all, or with too little. If a believer has no capital at all, or only a very small capital, in comparison with what his business requires, then, ought he not to say this to himself: “If it were my heavenly Father's will that I should enter upon business on my own account, then would he not somehow or other have intrusted me with the needful means ? And since he has not, is it not a plain indication that for the present I should remain a journeyman, (or shopman, or clerk, as the case may be P’’) In a variety of ways the means might come. For instance, a legacy might be left to him, or money might be given to him by a brother in the Lord for that very purpose, or a brother or sister might propose to the individual to lend him money, yet so that if he were unable to pay it again, they would not consider him their debtor, or in many other ways God might intrust him with means. But if in some such way the Lord did not remove the hinderance, and the brother would still go into business, he would, through the bill system and other things connected with the want of capital, not only bring great distress into his mind, and subject himself to the possibility of at last being unable to pay his creditors, whereby dishonour would be brought upon the name of the Lord, but he likewise could not be surprised (as he went into business contrary to the will of 610 [A.D. 1844. God, since he pointed out to him that he was not to do so for want of means,) if he should find that he cannot get on, and that the blessing of God manifestly is wanting. In such a case as this, if it can be done, the retracing our steps is the best thing we can do; but often this cannot be done, as others are involved in the matter, and then we have to make acknowledgment of our sin, and seek God's merciful help to bring us into a right position. 10, But suppose all these nine previous points were at- tended to, and we neglected to seek God’s blessing upon our calling, we need still not be surprised if we met with difficulty upon difficulty, and could not get on at all. It is not enough that we seek God's help for that which manifestly is of a spiritual character; but we should seek his help and blessing by prayer and supplication for all our ordinary concerns in life, and if we neglect doing so, we shall surely suffer for the neglect. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own under- standing. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Prov. iii. 5, 6. These few remarks I commend affectionately to the prayerful consideration of all brethren and sisters in the Lord with reference to their calling; for though they are written by one who never was in business himself, yet the truths therein set forth have been learned by him in the school of God, and he has had them abundantly confirmed through his pastoral labours during the last fifteen years and a half, [this was written in 1845.] And now, farewell, beloved reader.—Wery many times have I sought the Lord’s blessing before I began preparing this third part for the press, and very many times have I done so while writing it, and now I am most fully assured, that he will abundantly bless this part also, because of the abundance of supplication which he has wrought concern- ing it by his Spirit in my soul. I ask you also, dear reader, if you know the power of prayer, to unite with me in seeking the Lord's blessing upon this book, and then we shall rejoice together in the answers to our prayers, if not here on earth, at least in the day of Christ's appearing. ENID OF THE THIRD PART, PRINTED Gy J. DAYY AND SONS, 137, LONG ACRE. ...” -x- tº CH iQ Bºº \\ ºupſ!!!!iſſiſſilſ . - *** * |Nº|IHILHIIIHIIIIE ſº ' ' . yº - - E-T *- : *. : -. º N ES M º º: