* * * * · · · • • • • • • • • • • • • … … ſaeſºxaea ∞, ∞ så a : * * * · · -© *********<\! sºwº, º . ſ * * * * , , , , . º ſi ſae sae … . $$$$$$*** FUM CATALOGUE ºr 'sº MUS 5 : 5 · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • º :º : · * * . º • • ► ► ► ► ► • • • • • • ►s, į. * ºº ºs ºſ s ≠ ≤ v ºsv. w.« ..……-----º * * * * * ºssº a , , ) _r^* * *, • … --× ! !!!!!!!!!! §§§§§ √ *******…*¿¿. ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ!!!!!!!!ſºſ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! inveRSITYOFMICH i{AN ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ¶ • © CT ſiſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ ſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſſ J. J., & W J , , º, º, . . .º.º. 3 D I . J. E. L. . MA. J.J J |IHTHIIIHI. lllllIllllll!!!!!!!!!![]I[III][}]|[[III] $ Tºmºrrºriſmſtrºnºr. Tºrºnſºrtrºnſtitutiºniſtintrºlliſtillºtrºl i l º, º 'º º sº, º a º ºſ º º • - · • ¶ *w., •- • ’ , ,• -· · · ·* · · · ·- CT 5 I-7 [3% ... º * * - - # - *.. * . *:::: - . . .';* * 2:... . . . . . . .” ºf ...? & c. /* , , ; , . . º ...? &; f.A.: #2, #2 . 2/. : º & . A A*- ... *-i- 3 ; zºº. # *.*. *{...}. vº º ż. ...º...?: A gº. - … i. z-i f^*** * - * * * {_* : * > /* * * * $: .* r * * * *- : *...* - & A CATALOG UE --------------- F ~ : - ? ...' ... - ...” 2-, ". :** ***, * : - tº "", (, ; sº & ***** , , ,-,-,-rºw -->> sº-, ... -- * * * OF T H E G R. E. E. K. C. O I N S T H E B F IT IS H M U S E U M . IT A L Y. LONDON : PRINTED BY WOODFALL AND KINDER, MILFORD LANE, STRAND. 1873. Page. 76. 81. 165. 277. 291. 355. 33. 35. 47. 103. 356. 113. C O R. R. I. G E N ID A. For crested Corinthian helmet, read three-crested Corinthian helmet; and for crested serpent, read Serpent. IFor having at top small spikes, read tied above. For Taras, read Apollo; and for flower, read hyacinth. For Wºl, read /VA. I. For AR 1", read AR pl. 1'. Por Herakles, read Aisaros; (river;) and for ending in spike, read tied above. For Herakles, read Herakles or Lykon. P R E FA C E . THIS volume contains a Catalogue of the Coins of Ancient Italy in the British Museum, arranged ac- cording to the system of Eckhel. The metal of each coin is stated, and its size, in inches and tenths. The weight is given in English grains of all gold and silver coins and of all copper coins of known denominations. Tables for converting grains into French grammes and inches into milli- metres, as well as into the measures of Mionnet's scale, are placed at the end of the volume. (Pp. 430, 432.) The coins of the class of Æs Grave not engraved in the “APs Grave del Museo Kircheriano,” and those of all other classes not engraved in Carelli's “Numorum Italiae Veteris Tabulae,” have been for the most part engraved on wood, and each illustration placed after the corresponding description. I have to acknowledge the valuable assistance I have received, in the preparation and revision of the Catalogue, from Mr. Head, Assistant Keeper, and Mr. Gardner, Assistant, in the Department of Coins and iv PREFACE. Medals. I am also indebted to Mr. Vaux, for the aid which he rendered me when he was Keeper of the Department of Coins, in all matters connected with the illustrations. The next volume, containing the Coins of Sicily, is in progress. REGINALD STUART POOLE. |BRITISH MUSEUM, May, 1873. ETRURIA. UMBRIA. PICENUM. VESTINI LATIUM. () () N T E N T S. Populonia Populonia ? . Volaterræ Volsinii ? lUncertain Uncertain Æs Grave Ariminum Ariminum ? . Iguvium Tuder . Ancona Asculum ? EIadria Alba Fucentis Aquinum Signia . Uncertain Æs Grave of Central Italy . Æs Grave of Various Classes B AGE 11 12 16 25 26 30 32 40 40 42 43 44. 44. 44. 56 SAMNIUM, IRRENTANI Æsernia Aquilonia Eeneventum Cosa Larinum 67 68 68 69 69 70 vi CONTEN'TS. IPAGE CAMPANIA. Campani tº . . & º & e 72 Alliba P. & .." . e e *e 73 Atella . e * & * & tº e 74 Aurunca * e º * & º e 75 Calatia o g & g g & º 75 Calatia P e & º * e º ſº 76 Cales . g • • e g º e 76 Capua . & & g . tº 80 Capua P te * ſº • * * * g 84 Cubulteria . g e g ſº . g 84 Cumae . & * > iſ: g • e e 85 Hyria . º º . . º o g 91 Neapolis e º & & e . 92, 95, 104 Neapolis or Cumae & . . g g 104. Neapolis P , gº e sº tº © , 94, 119 Nola . º g t • & * * 119 Nuceria Alfaterna & g e . º 121 Phistelia g & e & - & te 122 Suessa Aurunca . tº e e e tº 123 Teanum Sidicinum & g & & . 125 Uncertain Oscan & º * tº s 127 Uncertain . & & g tº tº g 129 APULIA. Arpi . g à g g © º de 130 Asculum ge g & * e f g 131 Barium * e * & * g 132 Caelia . . . ū & & in º 132 Canusium . * g g * tº e 135 Hyrium g tº . g & g . 135 Luceria g * > e * * tº © 136 Mateolani ? . g † & & g * 141 Neapolis e & º g g g e 142 Rubi . g gº {º & & g {{ 142 Rubi and Silvium ? & . . . e o 144 Salapia { } g º e * g g 144 Teate . * e g * e g º 145 Venusia ſº & º * : . g 148 CALABRIA. LUCANIA. CONTENTS. Azetini Brundisium . Butuntum Hyria, or Uria Sturnium Tarentum Uxentum Tncertain Town Lucani Heraclea Heraclea P Laus Metapontum Poseidonia Paestum Siris and Pyxus Sybaris . . . Sybaris and Poseidonia. Thurium Copia .. º e Velia, Hyele, or Elea vii PAGE 154 154 157 158 159 160 220 221 224 225 235 235 238 265 274, 283 283 287 287 303 304 BRUTT.II Caulonia Consentia Consentia P . Croton. e Croton and Sybaris Hipponium . Wibo Valentia Locri Mesma Nuceria Pandosia Petelia 319 334 341 341 342 357 357 359 364 369 369 370 3.71 viii CONTTENTS, BRUTT.II (continued) Rhegium Temesa Terina Uncertain of Apulia or Calabria (Side or Sidis) . Uncertain of Lucania or Bruttii (Ser . . . .) APPENDIX. ETRURIA. Populonia Uncertain City UMBRIA. Tuder LATIUM. Aquinum SAMNIUM. Peripolium CAMPANIA. Neapolis Teanum Sidicinum . APULIA. Neapolis CALABRIA. Tarentum INDEXEs. I. Geographical II. Types . º & e III. Remarkable Symbols . IV. Greek Magistrates' Names . W. Roman Magistrates' Names. VI. Engravers' Names © & & º VII. Remarkable Inscriptions and Legends . Table of the relative Weights of English Grains and French Grammes Table for converting English Inches into Millimètres and the measures of Mionnet's scale. PAGF, 373 385 385 395 395 396 397 397 398 398 398 399 399 400 401 404 419 423 426 427 428 430 4.32 IT A. L. Y. Wt. 130°4 111-3 128.5 Metal. Size. AR ‘95 AR '95 AR •9 Obverse. Reverse. E T R U R I. A. POPULONIA. Head of young Herakles, Plain, but near l. edge, full-face, in lion's club. skin; on either side of throat, X X : bor- der of dots. Same. dle. Same. |Plain. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. VII. 7.] 2 ETR URI A. No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 4 |127-0 ||AR 85 |Head of Gorgon, bound Cuttle-fish. with diadem; beneath, traces of X X : border of dots. 5 122-1 ||AR '85 Same Same. 6 |121.2 ||AR 8 |Same Irregular cross-like lines. 7 |121.5 |AR 9 |Same. (Marks of wºn type. not visible.) & 8 |129-9 AR 9 |Same. POPULONIA. | 0 | | 12 13 14 15 16 17 Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 126. 112-0 ||AR '85 Same type, but annulet Plain. - on either side of marks of value. | | 24-7 R '85 Same. Same. 123.2 AB 8 Same. Same. 108.6 ||AR 8 Same. Same. 602 AR 6 Female head, r., bound|Same. with diadem and wear- ing earring; behind, X: border of dots. 66.5 |AR .75 |Young male head, l., Same. whiskered, laur. (Apol- lo!) behind, X: plain border. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. vii. 14.] 64-7 ||AR 75 Same. (Mark of value:Same. not visible.) 64-5 |AR '75 |Same. Same. 61.2|AR 7 |Same, but wearing neck-|Same. lace. (No border visi- ble.) ETRURIA. No. Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 18 29-6 ||AR 5 |Young male head, r.;|Same. behind, (\ : | f^ : plain border. 19 || 30-5 AR “5 |Same. |Same. 20 | 24.9 |AR 65 |Head of Hermes, Three branches, like r., wearing winged prongs of trident, but petasos, ornamented irregular. above brim; behind, - O. : plain border. 21 289 AR 55 Same. Plain. 22 157 AR '45 |Young male head, r.;|Same. behind, Iſh : plain border. 23 || 14-5 |AR '45 Same. |Same POPULONIA. 5 No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 24 25 26 181-9 138°5 109.3 AE 1: 1 AE 1. AE 1.05 Sextans. (!. Head of young Hera- 1/|\'NAV’ Strung kles, r., bound with bow, arrow, l., and diadem; beneath head, club, l. ; between ar- club, l.: border of dots.] row and club, a 6. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ſº MV J M V Owl, r., ing crested Corinthian on a e ; behind, cres- helmet; above, ee : cent between two stars border of dots. of six points. Triens. Bust of young Hephais- A MVN 4 Tongs tos, r., wearing laur. and hammer, between pilos; behind, X: bor- which, 3 : border der of dots. of dots. * © [Restruck. Obv. Traces of old type (b) visible: beneath head of new type, O: border of dots. B. Star, part of crescent: plain border.] [Cf. engraving of no. 27.] ETRU RIA. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 147-8 |AE 1-05 Same. A v. v . . v 1 Same type. F1 M V N TV4 Same type. 104.4 |AE 1: Same, but Hephaistos bearded. Different monetary system. 8-9 |A 35|Young male head, r.;|Plain. behind, X : plain bor- der. 129-5 AR 1 - |Head of Gorgon, bound Same. with diadem; beneath, X; border of dots. POPULONIA 2 7 3] 2 Metal. Wt. Size. | | Obverse. Reverse. 55-3 ||AR 75 257-3 ||AR 1.2 64-6 ||AR 8 614 AR 65 Head of Hermes, Plain. l., wearing winged petasos, ornamented above brim; behind, f") : border of dots. POPULONIA 2 Leonine Chimaira, Same. (Traces of let- crouching l., with ters ?) horn, tail ending in open - mouthed cha- maelion’s 2 head : bor- der of dots. ~ *-ºst----- Sea-horse, r. ; above, Same. uncertain object: bor- der of dots. Hare, springing, r. : bor same der of dots. ETRURIA, Metal. No. Wt. Size. obverse. Reverse. 4 || 31'5|AR ‘6 |Male head, r., bearded Same. and bound with wreath: border of dots. 5 || 31'5|AR ‘55|Same. 6 16:5 AR 5 Lion's head, I., with Same. tongue protruded: bor- der of dots. 7 7-7 ||AR 35|Old male head, full-face, Same. bearded ? bound with ivy-wreath,from which hang fillets. (Mask o Seilenos ?) | (5) 8 || 6-6 ||AR 35|Boy's head, full face. Same. (Eros ?) VO LATERRAE. ; 7 10 | ] 12 | 3 14 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. VOLATERRAE. AES GRAVE. CLAss I.-Mark of value only on reverse. Head of beardless Janus, wearing pointed cap. IKIOAV4% Semis. 1013 |AE | 85 1001 |AE I-85 ) 749 |AE || 7 | | [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. I. 3, | Triens. 762 AE 1.6 @ t () (9 | | : |4 , ] 606 AF 1.6 |Same. Quadrans. 558 AE | 4 @ (...) * © - [5.] 465 AE 1:35 |Same. Sextans. 435 AE 1.3 © © [6 33 | 353 |AE 1:25 Same. 333 AE | *2 Same. 32] |AE 1.25 Same. Uncia. 217 AE '95 | Q : [7. 213 |AE 1. Same. 193 AE | Same. ETRU RIA. 2 Metal. 10 | 1 12 13 14 Wt. Si Obverse. Reverse. 176. CLAss II.-Club on Reverse. Head of beardless Janus, Same inscr. Club : wearing pointed cap. marks of value; du- pondius, triens, quad- rans, sextans, on either side; as, semis, uncia, on left. Dupondius. 3914, AE 2'95 | | | ! | [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. I. 1.] As. 2124 AE 2:45 | || - [2.] | 7 || 9 |AE 2-4, |Same. [Much injured. 1668 |AE 2.2 |Same. Semis. I070 AE I-9 | [3.] 997 |AE 1-85 Same. 994 |AE 1.8 Same. Triens. 575 |AE I'6 Q @ | c [4] Quadrans. 635 |AE 1.55 © 3 * [5. , ] 603 |AE 1:45 |Same. 482 |AE 1.4 Same. Sextans. [6.] 433 AE 1:35 Same. 403 |AE 1:35 Same. | volSINII l 1 No. Wt. * * Obverse. Reverse. IZe. Uncia. 15 295 |AE 1 - 15 |e [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. I. 7, J | 6 || 277 |AE 1: 15 Same. 17 | 260 |AE 1.05 Same. CLAss III.-Dolphin on Reverse. Head of beardless Janus, Same inscr. Dolphin, wearing pointed cap. l. : mark of value, in semis, above. Semis. 1 955 |AE I'85 4-2- (O N (s jºi fºr N ſ t sº º \ º | \ - | N. ºf: / 2 620 Same. [Very much injured.] VOLSINII (?) 1 | 72:1 |A 65|Young male head, I., Bull, walking, l. ; bound with wreath of myrtle; (Eros ?) on either side of throat, X X. above, dove, flying, l., holding wreath ; in front, star of eight rays: in ex. iſ 1/1ſt CN:12 12 ETRU R.I.A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZO. | UNCERTAIN OF ETRUE.I.A. Not connected with as grave. 1 |171-6 |AR 1-1 Winged Gorgon, run- 6 s Archaic wheel, ning, l., head facing, having long axle- wearing talaric chiton, I 1 beam, crossed by in each hand a ser— two bands, curving pent: border of dots. outwards: border of dots. [No other coins of the standard on which Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are struck are known of any other Italian mints than that or those by which these coins were issued.] 2 |1754 |AR 9 |Male head, I., bearded Plain. and laur. (Zeus 2); behind, A[N ?]; bor- der. UNCERTAIN. 13 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 3 |173°5 AR 95|Same type: (letter not Same. visible :) border of dots. 4 160-8AR 95|Young head, r., laur. Same. (Apollo?); behind N : border of dots. (Bar- barous work.) 5 AE 6 |Head of Hermes, r., 'F1& 3 O | 31 Owl, r. wearing winged pe- tasos : border of dots? [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. x. 3..] 6 AE 6 Same: border of dots. 'P1 & 3 O 131 Same type. [Cf. 2.] - 7 AE 6 |Same. £1 & 1 O | . . Same type. [Cf. 3..] 8 AE 65|Same. | a 2 a "1" Same, but, beneath, bar. |Cf. 3..] - 9 AE 6 |Same. a 2 - 1 Same i type. [Cf. 3..] 14 ETRURIA. No. Wt. *! Obverse. Reverse. 1() Æ 65|Head of Apollo, r., laur. ;Owl, r. ; beneath, bar; behind neck, top of in front, 2. quiver; in front, ~ : border of dots. - [Car. N.I.V.T. x. 4.] Quadrans. 11 219 |AE 1:05|Head of young Hera- + f1 X Anchor; in field, kles, r., in lion's © skin; above, C & O : 1. e : border of dots. border of dots. © [Restruck. R. In inscr., 9 . ] Sextans. 12 133 |AE 9 |NTF121 Same head; be-Trident; e C : plain -- neath, G 9: border of border. dots. 13 || 1 || 4 |AE '95|Same head ; behind, 3. Trident, on either side of border of dots. which dolphin, down- - wards; e e : plain border. - UNCERTAIN. 15 border of dots. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 14 AE '65|Young male head, r., in Fox-dog, running, l.; Chimaira's? skin, with beneath, VVA ; bor- raised horn ; border der of dots. of dots. [Car. N.T.V.T. xii. 2.] 15 AE '65|Same. Same; but letter AA . 16 AE 6 |Same. Same; but ) . 17 AE 7 |Head of Negro, r.; be-Elephant, r. ; beneath, hind, VVA: plain bor- VVA der. 18 AE 75|Same type; no letter:Same. border 7 19 AE 75|Same type; no letter:Same type; M ; plain plain border. border. 20 AE 7 Same; but border of Same; but 1 ; border dots 2 of dots. * 2] AE 8 Same type; no letter:Same type; ). 16 ETH U RIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZé. | TJNCERTAIN AES GRAVE OF ETRUE.I.A. [The classes are those of Mommsen, Histoire de la Monnaie Romaine, tr. par le Duc de Blacas, I. p. 376, seqq., except II. a, attributed in that work to Tuder.] CLAss I.--Wheel on both sides. As. | 2735 |AE 2.7 Wheel of six spokes;|Wheel of six spokes ; within, countermark around, | <, incuse. •essessessee [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. III. 1.] | Quadrans. 2 489 |AE 1.55 Wheel of four spokes. Wheel of four spokes: within, N and coun- | termark SP, incuse, and, separated, e - ©. @ Quadrans ? - 3 | 686 |AE 1.6 |Same. Same type. (Marks of value not visible.) 4 || 651 |AE 1:55|Same. Same type : e. (Rest wanting :) UNCERTAIN. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 434 4.18 299 20] 177 185 884 AE 1-95 Sextan S. - Wheel of four spokes; Wheel of four spokes; within, separated, e. e. within, ©e . [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. III. 5.] Same. Same type. (Marks of value not visible.) Same. Same. Same. Same type: © Uncia. Wheel of four spokes. Wheel of four spokes. [Cf. 6.] CLASS II.-Archaic wheel on both sides. Uncia. Archaic wheel, having|Archaic wheel, having two bars curving out- two bars curving out- wards; in centre, axle. wards; in centre, axle. [X. 7.] CLAss IIA.—Obv. Archaic wheel. B. Semis, triens,— Wheel with awle, but without spokes; within it, three crescents, horns outwards ; around, marks of value ; quadrans, seatans, uncia, Wheel without spokes; within it, marks of value. Semis. Archaic wheel, having|Wheel with axle, but long straight bar, without spokes; within crossed by two bars, it, three crescents, curving outwards. horns outwards; around, Gº O OO } {..} . [XI. 2.] 18 ETRU RIA. i f No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Sextans. 2 435 AE 1:25|Archaic wheel, having Wheel without spokes, two bars curving out- wards; in centre, axle within which CLAss III.—Wheel. B. Wheel without spokes, within which, head of bipennis : struck uncia and semuncia 2 head of bipennis : smaller struck division or divisions, bipennis. | | As. | 2463 AE 2.7 |Wheel of six spokes. Wheel without spokes, within which head of : bipennis ; on either side, , ). [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. Iv. 1.] | 2 2302 AF 2 55|Same. |Same; butletter 1. | 3 . - Semis. * | WIN o. ~ . (3) @ • 3 || || 429 AE 2-1 |Same. Same type ; e e 4 . - @ 69 - [2.] 4 1102AE 2.15Same. Same ; but letter v . UN CERTAIN. 19 g 10 11 Metal. Si obverse. Reverse. S126. STRUCK. DIVISIONS. Uncia. 153 AF 9 Same type; © . Head of bipennis; on either side e 4 : border of dots. i | 142 AE '95 Same. 118 AF 9 Same. | 10 e ‘9 Same. Same, but letter V : plain border. UN CERTAIN DIVISIONS. - -> 67 AE 7 |Same. Same type; in field, r., | A ; border? 34 AE 6 |Same. Bipennis, r.; in front, 2 : border. 20 AE '55|Same. Same, but letter V 20 ETRU RIA. No. Wt. *l. Obverse. Reverse. CLAss IV.- Wheel. R. Wheel without spokes ; within which, krater. As. - | |2893 AE 27|Wheel of six spokes. Wheel without spokes; within it, krater, on which ; above, 2. UNCIERTAIN. - 21 Wt. 2536 828 642 493 AE * AE 1.35|Same. * Obverse. Reverse. 126. - AE 2:7 |Same. |Same. Quadrans. AE 1.65|Wheel of four spokes. Wheel without spokes; within, krater; above which, ) , around foot, Quadrans? Same ; but above vase, A | AA |; around foot, e * wº • aw Sextans. Same type; above vase, CY); on either side of foot, 9 @ . 22. ETRU R.I.A. * No. Wt. * | Obverse. Reverse. ize. | 6 475 AF 1'4 Same. sº , but above vase, | D ge - Uncia. 7 208 AF 1:5 Same. Same type; above vase, --- -/Yº-. | 8 214 A. 1. same. - [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. v. 6.] Same ; but letter fºr . Same. (Letter almost effaced.) Same 7 (Letter effaced.) CLAss V-Wheel. B. Wheel without spokes ; Semis. |Wheel without spokes; within it, amphora, around which, 6:9 @ © & @ 69 [Cl. III. VI. 2.] Quadrans. Same type; around am- © phora, © © wº [4] 9 243 AE 1: Same. 10 174 AE l' Same. within it, amphora. 1 744 AF 1 -85. Wheel of six spokes. 2 | 665 AE 1.6 Wheel of four spokes. | | | UNCE RTAIN. 23 143 | 28 Metal. Size. Obverse. - Reverse. i | | Class VI.--Whee/. B. Wheel without spokes, within which, anchor. Struck uncia, anchor. F335 wheel of six spokes;Wheel without spokes; within, 1. AE 3.35Same. AE '95 Same type: e : - AE '85 Same as last. Dupondius. within, anchor, having ring at either end ; on either side, D [Mus. Kirch., Cl. III. viii. 1.] Same. STRUCK. I.) IVISION. Uncia. |Anchor; on either side, © D : border of dots. Same, but letter 2 24 ETRURIA. No. Wt. * obverse. - Reverse. IZ6. CLASS VIII.-Head facing, with pointed cap, B& Sacrificial implements. Quadrans. | | 697 |AE 1.55|Young head full-face, Sacrificial knife and axe, with long locks of hair, between which, o, wearing pointed cap: in field, r., cres- © plain border. cent: broad double C f border. - UMERIA—ARIMINU M. No. Wt. 1 | 1658 2 1141 3 1102 4 573 5 548 6 || 279 7 8 Metal, | | | | Size. Obverse. UMERIA. | A. R. I. M I N U M. AES GRAVE. Quadrans. AE2. 1 Bust of Gaul, r., wearing Ornamented trident; in necklace or torquis? field, I., C , O [Mus. Kirch., Cl. IV. I.4.] Sextans. AE 1:85:Same. Dolphin, r. ; beneath, | @ Q. AE l'8 Same. Same. [5.] Uncia. AE 1.45|Same. |Rostrum, r.; behind, O . [6.] AE 1.45|Same. Same. Semuncia. AE 1:05|Same. |Cockle-shell. [7.] STRUCK COINS. AE 8 |Bust of Hephaistos, l., Gaulish warrior, advanc- bearded, with long ing, l., wearing torquis, hair, wearing wreath- and holding short ed pilos : border of sword and large oval dots. - shield, with boss end- | AE 9 ing in long ridge : border of dots. Same. ARINN N | Same type. (in ex.) |E 26 UMBRIA. ARIMINUM2 Obverse. Size. Metal. | 25051A, 6.5× 3.7 Wt. No. with boss ending in long 2 Oval shield 5 ridge. →¿№ № ∞∞∞ 、、。、。 ¿? ;)-( º | | º | ſ i l W :j - - - --- 30 UMERIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IGUVIUM. AES GRAVE. [Arrangement of Mommsen, Blacas, T. p. 398-400.] CLASS I. Quadrans. 1 | 602 |AE 1.65 (N11VX Traces of Tongs; around, Q © . repeated inscription. Ç Cornucopiae. [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Cl. II. III. 6.] CLAss II. Semis. 2 || 199|AE2.5 ſ N13VXI Astragalos. Barleycorn, between - two stars of four rays; beneath, cres- cent, horns upwards. [3.] Quadrans. 3 || 619 |AE 1.5 || KVſ IV'ſ Wheel of Wheel of three spokes, three spokes. e - " - e. - ( ) within which, e © 9 [IV. A. 4.] * Sextans. 4 || 489 |AE 1:25|Branch Cornucopiae, within which, e IGUVIUM. 31 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 5 439 |AE 1-3 same. - : : broad plain border. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. II. III. 7.] Quadrans. 6 377 |AE 1:35 Same. |Same. - (Iguvium ?) 7 1598 8 262 9 189 10 182 AE 1.8 Star of sixteen rays. Barleycorn : in field, [Not in Mommsen's List.] Uncia. - Æ 1:05 Bunch of grapes. Cornucopiae, within - which, @ AE 1.1 |Same. Same. ! AE '95|Same. Same. | T., & O. O [In all these coins, except No. 7, the types are on a raised inner part of the field, which they sometimes partially, or in the case of the wheels in No. 3 wholly, define.] | 32 UMBRIA. No. Wt. 1848 * • Obverse. Reverse. - - TUDER. AES GRAve. Class I. a. Heavy weight. Semis. AE2.3 EC13TV'ſ Dog, sleep-Lyre; in field, r., C. I ing, l. : plain border. 33 TUDER. . Wt. No. . * Obverse. Reverse. - - Quadrans. 2 998 |AE 1.75 Toad: around, e : Wr Anchº having ring - - at either end ; in - @ & broad plain border. field, r., .e. [In the references (a), for left, and (b), for right, denote the position of the representation in the plates of the Mus. Kirch., when more than two subjects are engraved under one number.] [Mus. Kirch. Cl. II. I. 4 B (a).] 3 927 |AE 1.65 Same. |Same; in field, l., e? & .. [4 B (b).] © - Sextans. 4 || 656 |AE 145|Cicada; on either side, Vºr Ornamented tri- © e : broad plain dent. border. [5 B (b).] 5 573 |AE 1.5 |Same. VK ? Same; in field, l., © 6 || 559 |AE 1.45|Same. |Same; in field, r., tº [5 B (a). - Uncia. 7 391 |AE 1-2 Two-handled vase; VK 2 Spear-head. above, e. - 8 387 AE 125 Same. Vºi Same; in field, - r., O . 9 356 |AE 1:15|Same; but broad plain Same; in field, I., 6. border. - - - [6 53 B. (b).] 10 || 321 |AEl'15|Same. Same. I 1 || 290 AF 1 - 15|Same. Same. b.—Reduced Weight. - - Semis. 12 || 709 AF 1:35 aqar Vr Dog sleep-Lyre : depressed plain - border. - ing, l. : plain border. - [Cf. II. 2 (a).] t 34 U MBRIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 13 | 678 |AE I-35 ECEITV'ſ Same type;|Same type; in field,l. D.] beneath, X plain bor- - der. - - [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Cl. II. II. 2 (a).] 14 | 664 |AE 1.35|Inscr. same as no. 12;|Same; in field, r., C. same type: depressed plain border. [Cf. Cl. II. II. 2 (a), B. (b).] 15 584 AE1.35|Inscr. same as no. 13; Gary-i-Same type, - same type; beneath, T. g in field, l., D © C : plain border. - [Cf. 2 (a).] 16 566 |AE 1.3 |Inscr. same as no. 12;|Same type; infield, r., C. same type; beneath, v : depressed plain border. [Cf. 2 (a), B. (b).] 17 | 393 |AE 1:25|Inscr. same as no. 12; Same; in field, I., D. same type ; beneath X : plain border. [2 (a).] Triens. 18 449 |AE 1:2 |Right hand, r., in cestus; adar VK Two clubs, © Q © Q around, : I., around, e © Q © Q plain border. - A- [3 B: (a).] 19 434 |AE 1:25iSame. a arvin Same type. 20 399 |AE 1.35|Same. 3GKNWY Same ; but clubs, r. 21 || 367 |AE 1: 15|Same. Inscr. same as no. 18; - same type. [Cf. id.] 22 || 344 |AE I'25|Same. Inscr. same as no. 20; same type. [Cf. id.] TU D.E.R. 35 No. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Quadrans. - • - | . 358 |AB 1'15"Toad; around, e o Vº Anchor, having ring plain border. at either end; in field, - © T., ** • - [Mus. Kirch. Cl. II. II.4, B. (b).] 323 AE 1:1 |Same type and border; Same. (Marks of value O indistinct.) around, e º ' | 300 |AE 1.1 |Same. Same. 296 |AE I: 1 |Same. Same. - Sextans. 236 |AE '95|Cicada; on either side, VT Ornamented tri- : plain border. Q Q p dent; in field, r., e. [5 B. cf. (b).] 233 |AE '95|Same. Same; on either side of trident, sº (º º 212 AE '95|Same. VK Same. No marks of value visible. 201 |AE '95|Same. (Inscr. not clear.) Same © type. 194 |AB 85|Same type: plain border. Inscr. same as no. 29; same type; in field, r., O Q [5 B (b).] Uncia. 156 |AE '85 Tºledº plain VY Spear-point; in field, r., O. 156 AD 8 Same type; above, e Vºr Same; but mark - of value in field, l. [6, 124 |AE 85|Same. Inscr. same as no. 32; Sa. Iſle type. 36 TMJBRIA. CLASS Ingots: Reverse-type, or type No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. 1 º AE 6.75 x 2.8 *p// ſ | | *>s ;iº\ s º- X & Nº \\ º % § 2% tº º #$#: ºº: --- º ſº-º: } § | º º § § šº a. - º:: II. TU DER. 37 -Spine. of both sides, fish Reverse. Fish-spine with ribs. '.ae=====№ā§><!--, …………… ff;*---№ №ſ→P ſae§ż№±,±,±,±---- - ---~~Ē2€.№:E-E=SĘ:™== <!--~~~~===№ae,…,- §§**º-ĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒ2:=≡§§s§zētā№zº -·S§E,Ē№- -§§2ēŠĒ№è EFÈS`-- * ~\,ESĘ= -§\§=§§È*Nȧ Š: ~T.< ºvº - ºº:: * * * *-ºr-tº-º-º: S$ºº Wº tº gº Š - -- --- Š *- UMBRIA, Reverse. No. Wt. º Obverse. 128. Half-ingots, broken.) Fish-spine with ribs:Fish-spine with ribs. 2 |9533 AE 3.25 × 2-1 | countermark, C. : &ſ: |o|| i §8 - §i | .ºW : | i º . º Dolphin, r., upwards. Faint traces of fish-spine - with ribs. [B too indistinct to be engraved.] **ºsº ~ Ø2- • *-º: % |ſ | -- sº- -- 1-2-4-1-1-1 - ...sº ºt: ** ºº:: F--- ############### sº-º-º-º: ==º-e sº-º. --> -º TU DER. . 39 i 10 12 13 14 | 5 16 Wt. 590 471 462 278 * Obverse. Reverse. - CLAss III. Almond-shaped divisions of the as. Club or fish- spine ; B. marks of value. Quadrans. AE1'4 Club or fish-spine. e e [Mus. Kirch., Cl. II. Iv. B. 1.] Sextans. AE 1-2 Same. @ © [2.] AE 1.3 |Same. Same. AE 1.2 |Same. Same. AE 1.2 |Same. Same. AE 1:25|Same. Same. AE 1: 1 |Same. Same. AE 1-2 Same. Same. AE 1.2 |Same. Same. AE 1: 15|Same. Same. AE 1: 15|Same. Same. AE 1-05|Same. Same. Uncia. AE 1: 1 |Same. | O [3.] AE 1:05|Same. Same. AE 1: Same. Same. AE '95|Same. Same. CLAss IV. - Struck Coins. AE '75Head of Seilenos, rºad a TV-r Eagle, I., bound with ivy: bor- 2 der of dots. wings open : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. XXI., 42.] AE Zāśame. Same. AE 75|Same. Same. AE 7 |Same. Same. AE 7 |Same. Same. 40 PICENUM. No o Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. PICENUM. ANCONA. I AE 8 |Bust of Aphrodite, r. ATK O-N Right laur., with earring; - © . . . - arm, l., holding palm; behind, NW : border above, two stars of of dots. eight rays: plain border. ASCULUM (?) (Of Picenum or Apulia.) AES GRAve. I.—LIBRAL SYSTEM (?) * Sescuncia. | | 355 |AEl'l A |G - Semuncia (?) | 2 || 448 AE 125A$ |}{ [Mus. Kirch., Cl. IV. II. 7.] | 3 | 278 |A 1-1 same. Same. 4 265 |AE 1: 1 ||Same. Same. 5 |230|AE 1.1 Same. Same. I. (?) 6 || 259 |AE 1.05 Caduceus. |A [Cf.8 7 224 AE 105 Same. Same. 190 AF '95|Same. |Same. ASCULUM 2 4l 10 II. 12 13 692 615 419 365 264. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. II.-REDUCED WEIGHT. • Triens. AE 1.2 Thunderbolt. A,within which ocee. AE 1: 15 Quadrans. |AE 1.05|Same. ‘A, within which •ee. AE 1. Sextans. AE '95|Same. |A, within which ee. 42 PICTENTUM, No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. HADRIA. AEs GRAVE. As. 1 |6107 AF 315|Head of Seilenos, full-HAT Dog, sleeping, r., & face, with long ears, in field, I., , . bound with ivy; in field, r., Mr. [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Cl. IV. ii. 1.] 2 |6059 |AE 3.25 H (No other letter visi-Same; but, in field, I., ble.) Same type. ſy inverted. 3 5137 AE3’l |Same. Same ; but no letter in field. Quincunx. 4 || 3067 |AE 2'5 HAT Head, with ****** Pegasos, r. . hair, l., issuing from IY) Ulfe K. 5 2692 |AE 2-3 |Same. |Same. . - [2.] Triens. - 6 2841 |AE 2:45 Young head, with long TAH Kantharos, upon hair, I. ; in front, 3 ... which ivy-leaf. O O [Cf. 3..] 7 2467 |AE 2'4 |Same. | HAT Same type. - • “ Quadrans. 8 1800 AE2 |}{AT Dolphin, upside Fish (ray,) r. ; beneath, down, l. © 20 - {^{ [4.] 9 || 1440 AE 1-85|Same. Same. 10 | 1399 |AE 1.75|Same. Same. 11 || 1366 |AE 1.8 |Same. Same. Sextans. 12 || 129 |AE I-6 |HAT Shoe, r. |Cock, i.; in front, @ €. [5 B.] 13 | 1022 |AE I-5 |Same. Same. 14 || 941 |AE I-6 |Same. Same. HADRIA. 43 No. Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 15 776 |AE 1.5 |Same. Same. 16 || 738 |AE 1:55 TAH Same type. Same. [Mus. Kirch, Cl. IV. II. 5 A.] 17 | 687 |AE 1.45|Inscr. same as no. 12;|Same. same type. Uncia. 18 475 |AE 1.35|Anchor. HAT, around O . [6 B.] 19 467 |AE 1-3 |Same. Same, but TAH. [6 A.] 20 || 466 AE 1.25 Same. Same, but inscr. as No. & 18. 21 397 |AE 1.2 |Same. Same. - 22 || 347 AE 1.35|Same. Same, but inscr. as No. 19. W E S T IN I. AES GRAVE. Sextans. 1 |1147|AE 1.55|Bull's head, facing;|\/E5 Crescent. above, O O [C]. IV. III. B. 1.] Semuncia 7 2 || 305 |AE I'l Shoe, r. |Same inscr. ; no type. [Cf. B. 8] 44 IATIU M. No. 8-3 18-3 | 5-2 ; Metal. Size. AR 5 AR 6 AR •6 AR -45 : Obverse. Reverse. LATIUM. ALBA FUCENTIS. . A LBA (inverted) Eagle, r., looking - back, on thunderbolt. [Car. N.I.V.T. x. 5.] - A LBA Winged grif- fin, running, r. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing crested Corinthian helmet. Head of Hermes, r., wearing petasos, with small wings at top. - [8.] Same. |AV BA Same. AQUINUM. - Head of Pallas, I., wear- /\ QVIN O Cock, ing crested Corinthian r.; behind, star of helmet : border of eight rays: border of dots. dots. ROMA. (See the Roman Series.) SIGNIA. - Head of Hermes, r., & E J C Head of Seile- wearing petasos, with nos, l., joined to head wings at top, and and fore-leg of boar necklace; immediately beneath neck, dolphin, r.; in front, caduceus. Same. Same. Same. Same, but no caduceus. CENTRAL ITALY. 45 No. Wt. 2181 1881 1272 1144 1010 701 Metal. Size. AE 2' 15 AE 2.05 AE 1:9 AE l'85 AE 1.65 Obverse. Reverse. UNCERTAIN A2s GRAve of CENTRAL ITALY. |Arrangement of Mommsen, Blacas, I., p. 332–343.] a. THE Four Con NECTED CLASSEs. CLAss I. Semis. Head of Pallas, r., wear-Same as obv., 1. ing crested Corinthian helmet; beneath, f\). [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. Iv. 2.] Same. . Same. Triens. . . . C. Thunderbolt, dividing G |Same as obv. [3.] Same. |Same. Quadrans. Open hand, r. ; beneath, Same as obv., 1. (9 @ G. º [4] Sextans. Cockle-shell; above, Inside of shell, rudely () (). represented, flat; no marks of value. [5] 46 C ENTRAIL ITALY. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 7 || 657 |AE 1.4 |Same. Same. 8 || 639 |AE 135same. Same. 9 626 |AE 1.35|Same. |Same. Uncia. 10 || 378 |AE 1:1 |Astragalos. Same as obv., but turned in the opposite direc- tion, [Mus. Kirch., CI. I. Iv. 6.] 11 || 338 |AE 1.05"Same. Same. 12 || 308 |AE 1 |Same. Same. 13 || 318 AE 1: Same, but above, O. Same. [Obv. 6 B. B. 6.] Semuncia. 14 252 |AE 1: Acorn, downwards; on Same as obv.; but letter r 3 on l., reversed. • 5 º' " [7.] 15 225 |AE '85 Same. |Same. ió | 183 E 85 Same. Same. CLAss II. Club in field on both sides. As. 1 |4491 |AE2.65|Young head, r., wearing|Same as obv., 1. Phrygian helmet, hav- - ing at summit of crest animal’s head; be- hind, club, upwards; all on raised field. [Cl. I. v. 1.] 2 |4014 AE2.6 |Same. |Same. CENTRAL ITALY. 47 Obverse. Reverse. No. - Wt. Size. Semis. - 3 2264 AF 2:05|Head of Pallas, r., wear-Same as obv., 1.; mark ing crested Corinthian of value not reversed. helmet; behind, club, upwards; beneath, ! \º ſe [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. v. 2.] 4 2017 AE21 Same. - |Same. *; Triens. 5 1321||AE 1.8 Thunderbolt, dividing Same as obv.; but club - O on 1. ; beneath, on r. e club, upwards. | [3. 6 || 1306 |AE 1.8 |Same. |Same as obv. Quadrans. 7 1146|AE 1.75 Open hand, r. ; above, Same as obv., I. club, r. ; beneath, © & © . . . [4] 8 : 1107 |AE l'65 Same. Same. 9 978 |AE 16 |Same. |Same. Sextans. 10 875 AF 1:45 Cockle - shell ; above, inside of shell; above, club, r. ; beneath, club, l. © (). [Cf. 5.] ll 678 |AE 1.35|Same. Same. 12 652 |AE 1.4 |Same. Same. 48 C ENTRAL ITALY. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Uncia. 13 378 |AE 1.05|Astragalos; above, club,Same as obv., 1. I’. |Mus. Kirch, Cl. I. v. G. l4 346 |AE 1.05 Same. Same. CLAss III. As. 1 || 5148|AE 2.95|Head of beardless Janus, Head of Hermes, l., bound with diadem 3 wearing winged pe- on raised field ; above, tasos, on raised field; |. - - above, I. [Cf. VI. 1.] 2 || 4781 |AE 2.75|Same. Same. 3 || 4739|AE 2.8 |Same. Same. Semis. 4 2775|AE 2:3 Head of Pallas, I., wear-Female head, J.; beneath, ing crested Corinthian Vºn. helmet; beneath, tºº. [2.] 5 2198 |AE 2.25 Same. Same. 6 2087 |AE 2.25 Same. Same. 7 2078|AE 2:15'Same. Same. Triens. - © 8|1672A, 1.9 Thunderbolt, dividing," Dolphin, r.; beneath, 2 ee ee. |3.] 9 1573|AE 195Same. Same. 10 || 1424 |AE 1:8 |Same. Same. 11 || 1387 |AE 1-9 |Same. |Same. CENTRAL ITALY. 49 Metal. No. Wt. . . Size. Obverse. - Reverse. Quadrans. -- 12 |1262 AE 17 Open hand, lº beneath, Two barleycorns, upper, - © (96). point l., lower, r., be- - tween which, Q @ 9. [of Mus. Kirch. C. I. v.4 13 |1138 |AE 1.65 Same. Same. Sextans. 14 | 837 AE 1.45|Cockle - shell ; above, Caduceus between O O. • e. [5.] 15 | 802 |AE I-55|Same. Same. 16 || 801 |AE 1.45|Same. Same. 17 | 797 |AE 1.45|Same. |Same. Uncia. 18 532 AF 1:25|Astragalos; above, O. O. [6.] 19 438 |AE | 1 |Same. Same. 20 | 372 |AE 1'15|Same. Same. Semuncia. 21 | 292 |AE 1: Acorn, downwards. s o [7 B. (b).] CLAss IV. Symbol, reaping-hook. - As. I 3970 AF2.75|Head of beardless Janus, Head of Hermes, I., * : : bound with diadem 7 in winged petasos; all on raised field. behind, reaping-hook, * , r. ; all on raised field. |VII. 1.] - PI 50 CENTRAL ITALY. . 11 12 Metal. Wł, Size. Obverse. Reverse. . Semis. 2676|AE 2-3 |Head of Pallas, l., wear-Female head, l.; behind, - ing crested Corinthian reaping-hook, r. ; be- helmet; beneath, vs. neath, \a. - [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. VII. 2.] 2348 |AE 2.25|Same. Same. 2193 AE2.15|Same. Same. Triens. - . . . Gº |..., , , . 1569 |AE 2: Thunderbolt, divid- @ Dolphin, r.; above, - ing .*. reaping-hook, hori- Q zontally placed, l. . © beneath, © Q. O O. [3. 1408|AE 1.9 |Same. Same. 1400|AE 1-9 |Same. Same. Quadrans. 1185 AF 1:8 |Open hand, 1 ; above, Two barleycorns, upper, - reaping-hook,horizon-| point l., lower, r. ; be- tally placed, r.; be-, tween which, & neath, & Q (9 º @ 6 @ [Cf. 4.] 1083 AE 1.8 Same. Same. 928 |AE 1.65|Same. Same. 1088 |AE l'75|Same. Same, but barleycorns r. and 1. |Cf. 4.] r - - Sextans. 779 |AE 1°4 Cockle - shell; above, Caduceus, between (); on r., reap- ing hook, r. | 5.] CENTRAL ITALY. No. 13 14 15 7 Wt. . Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse, | - 7.58 732. 363 5340 5268 5128 4765 4719 4642 2780 AE 2.75 AE 2-7 AE 2.8 AE 2-7 AE 2.6 AE 2.8 AE 2.05 |Astragalos. Same. Same. Same. Same. Uncia. © ; on r., reaping-hook, 1. [Mus. Kirch., Cl, I. VII. 6.] b. THE UNCONNECTED CLASSEs. CLAss W. Types of obv. and B. the same. As. Young male head, r., Same, but type, l. bound with narrow. diadem, on raised field; above, . [Cf. IX. 1, and 1 A.] Same. (Diadem not|Same. visible.) Same. (Diadem and mark of value not visible.) Same. (Mark of value not visible.) Same. (Mark of value not visible.) Same. mark visible.) Same. (Diadem and of value not Same. visible.) Same. (Mark of value not visible.) (Diadem not Same. (Mark of value not visible.) Semis. - Pegasos, r.; beneath, S;|Same, l.; beneath, $. all on raised field. 5 [Cf. 2.] CENTRAL ITALY. 13 18 Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 126. 2550 |AE 2'3 |Same. Same. (Mark of value & not clearly visible.) 2516 |AE 2:1 |Same. Same. 2801 |AE 2'3 |Same. Same; but mark of value reversed. 2145|AE 2: Same. Same. . - 2066 |AE 2: 1 |Same; but mark of Same ; but mark of value reversed. value not reversed. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. Ix. 2.] Triens. 1905|AE 2:05|Horse's head, r. ; be-Same, 1. neath, O © OO . - [3.] 1761 AF 1:85|Same. Same. 1614 |AE l'85|Same. Same. 1544 |AE 195|Same. Same. 1445 |AE I-8 |Same. Same. Quadrans. 1577|AEl'75|Boar, running, r. ; be-Same, l. neath, O Gº O . - [4. 1314|AE 1.8 |Same. Same. 1295 |AE 1.7 |Same. Same. 1244 |AE 1.65|Same. Same. I 123 |AE I-7 |Same. Same. 1099 |AE 1.65|Same. Same. Sextans. 1039 |AE 16 ||Young male head, r., Same, l. wearing pilos; be- hind, O. [A restruck coin.] [5.] CENTRAL ITALY. 53. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 25 965 AF 1-6 |Same. Same. 26 | 847 |AE 1.5 Same. Same. 27 | 686 AE 1.45|Same. Same. 28 812 |AE l'45|Same. Same, in front, 3. Uncia. 29 474 AF 12 |Barleycorn; in field, r., Same, but mark of value © . - in field, l. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. Ix. 6.] 30 448 |AE 1.05|Same. Same. 31 | 403 |AE 1: 15|Same. Same. 32 || 392 |AE 1.05|Same. Same. 33 || 381 |AE 1.15|Same. Same. CLAss VI. Type of B. Wheel. Dupondius. I 9263 AE 3.35|Young head, r., wearing|Archaic wheel of six Phrygian helmet, hav- spokes, between two ing, at summit of crest, of which, II; all on animal's head; be- raised field. hind, Hº ; all on raised field. [VIII. 1.] As. 2 |4685 A. 2.6 Same, but mark of value, Same, but mark of value, | © | tº [2.] 3 |4276 AF 2:55|Same. Same. 4 |3835 |AE 2.4 |Same. Same. 54 CENTRAL ITALY. Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. * | Semis. 5 2211 |AE 2 Bull, galloping, l., head Same, but mark of value, facing; beneath, $; 5 © on raised field. [Mus. Kirch., I. VIII. 3..] 6 |1893 AE 2:05:Same. |Same. Triens. 7 1612 AF 18 Horse, cantering, l.; Same, butmarks of value, • * d e © each between * e e : * o e CIn Oel, Wee raised field. two spokes. [4 B (a).] 8 |1497 |AE 1.8 |Same. Same. 9 |1481 |AE 1.8 |Same. Same. 10 |1218 AF 1:75|Same. Same. Quadrans. - ll 1028 AF 1:65|Hound, running, 1.; be-Same, but marks of value, neath, 9 @ 9 ; on 9 @ raised field. G 2 each between two spokes. [5. 12 || 970 |AE 1.55|Same. Same. | 3 | 897 |AE 1.65|Same. Same. Sextans. 14 | 852 |AE 1.35|Tortoise; on raised Same, but marks of value, field. © O, each between opposite pair of spokes. [6. B. (a).] 15 673 AE l'35|Same. Same. ió | 639 |AE 1:25|Same. Same. 17 | 861 |AE 1.4 |Same. Same, but no marks of value. [6. B. (b).] CENTRAL ITAT.Y. - 55 No. Wt. 18 670 19 652 1 4959 2 |4948 3 |1173 4 |1005 5 744 6 || 613 7 317 8 247 Metal. Size. Obverse. | Reverse. . . AE 1-3. Same. Same. AE 1-3 |Same. Same. CLASS VII. Type of B. Kantharos. As. AE 2.65|Head of Pallas, I., wear-|Kantharos. ing crested Corinthian helmet. - [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. x. 1.] AE 2.85|Same. Same. Quadrans. AE 1-8 Crested helmet, r. ;|Same : around, (9 . around, C G . O © [Cf. 4.) AE 1.75|Same. |Same. Sextans. - AE 1.4 |Cockle-shell. (No marks,Same: on either side, of value visible.) | () (). [5.] AE, 1.45|Same. |Same. Uncia. AB 1'15|Club; in field, l., e. Same. (No mark of | value visible.) [6.] AE 1 |Same. Same. 56 CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. c. Coins of VARIOUS CLASSEs. These coins cannot all be attributed to Central Italy. As. 1 |4514|AE 2.95|Lion’s head facing, hold-Head and neck of horse, ing in mouth short 1. ; in front, barley- sword, point, l. COTI). [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Cl. I. XI. 1 obv. (a).] 2 || 4879 |AE 3' |Same. Same, but symbol ca- -- duceus, above. [Cf. 1 obv. (a).] 3 || 3550 |AE 2.8 |Same. |Same, but no symbol. [1 obv. (a)] 4 |41.18|AE2.95 Same ; but point of Same. sword, r. [1 obv. (b).] Semis. 5 |2413|AE 2:35|Krater. |Boar, r.; above, 2. [2.] .. - 6 |2332 AF 2:35|Same. |Same. 7 2592 |AE 2:25 Bull's head, r. |Prow, r. ; in front, S e [Inc. I. 2.] 8 2198 |AE 2: 15|Same. Same. 9 2109 AF 2:25|Same. |Same. . 10 | 1949 |AE 2'35|Same. Same. (Mark of value - -- - - not visible.) 11 2453 |AE 2-3 ||Female head, l., bound Barleycorn : beneath with broad diadem. AJ. - - [Cf. Inc. II. 1 B. (a).j CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 12 2136|AE 2: 15|Same, but diadem double.|Same, but caduceus - springing from upper side of barley corn. [Mus. Kirch., Inc. I. 1. B. (b).] Triens. - 13 || 1789 |AE 195|Wheel of eight spokes, Crescent; above which, each terminating in star of eight rays; double hook. beneath, O OOO . [III.4.] 14 | 1689 |AE 1.9 |Same. Same. 15 1512 |AE 1.75|Same. Same. 16 1497 |AE 1.75|Same. Same. Quadrans. 17 | 1248 |AE 1.7 Toad ; around, O © Triquetra of legs ; - - around, © O O [C]. I. XI. 4.] Quadrans ? 18 1147|AE 1:7 |Dolphin, rº, tail curled Anchor. upwards. (No marks of value visible.) - [Inc. II. 3. Sextans. 19 864 |AE 1:55|Anchor; (upper ring not Ornamented trident; on seen;) on either side, either side, O O. 1.4. | 58 CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. 20 2] 22 23 24 25 26 27 Wt. 850 602 85 | 710 567 602 613 690 776 *. Obverse. Reverse. AE 1.6 |Same. Same. AE 1.45|Same. |Same. Sextans ? * Ornamented trident. + 1-5 Spear - head: marks of value indistinct. [Cf. Mus. Kirch, Inc. II.4.] Sextans. AE 1.35|Same type; in field, r., Similar type. © . © AE 1.3 |Same; but marks of Same. value in field, l. AE 1.45|Tortoise; on either side, Head and neck of dragon, © gº • r., crested and beard- ed; on either side, | © O. [C]. I. xi. 5.] AE 1:45|Same. Same. AE 1:55|Boar’s head, l. Two-handled vase ; on either side & O . **:- Sis. STT-z//////. :St. - -ſ. Sºss- Ž% Æ 1-6 Plough, r. Serpent 2 r. ; above which, e O. | CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. 59 No. 29 30 3] 32 37 38 39 Metal. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | Uncia. 482 AF 1'4 Club; in field, r., e. Pentagram ; in centre, - © . [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Inc. I. 5. 465 AB 1'35"Same. Same. 354 AE 125same. |Same. 314 AF 12 |Oinochoe, I. ; in front, Pedum, l. ; in front, Q. i © . [C]. I. xi. 6.] 361 |AE 1:25|Same. Same. 345 |AE 1-2 Same. Same. 314 |AE i.2 |Same. Same. 482 AF 12 Round shield, on which Maeander-pattern, 1. as boss, 3. lº s sºjº -: 318 |AE 1.05|Same. Same. 389 |AE I: 1 |Same. Same, but pattern, r. 372 |AE 1.15 Bunch of grapes. Four-leaved flower, in i centre of which, tº . 60 CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. No. 40 4 I 43 44 45 46 Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. Uncertain denominations. 166 |AE 0-95'Scarab. |Four-leaved flower. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. I XI. 7.] 134 AE 0-95'Same |Same. 223 AE 0-95'Acorn ? |Same. 176 AB 0.85 Bunch of grapes. 140 |AE 0-9 |Same. 433 AD 1 15 Cista? having pointed Astragalos. COVéI’. º 4; Fº º º §§ -- s 254 AE 1: I CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. 6] No. 47 49 Wt. * tº Obverse. Reverse. Triens. 139 AE 0°75|Same 2 •e Q @ Semis. 625 |AE 1.3 Two crescents, horns Two naked figures, outwards, in each of dancing, that on r. which star of eight with drapery over 1. rays, with dots be- arm; in field, r. © . tween rays ; beneath, 3 © e º €9 @ 9" @ © | © [Cf. Mus. Kirch., Inc. IV. A. 4 | Quadrans. 345 AE 1.05 Same type, but no dots,Same type; in field, l., between rays ; be-, e neath, 69 @ & e : | @ Uncertain denominations. 262 AE 1: Caduceus. |Plain. 197 AEO-95|Same. |Same. CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. Ingots of *-*-mºm. 1 |26952|AE 6:15|Elephant, r. × 3'55 Wł. Metal. Obverse. | Slze. :-º -º-º: a::::::::::::#ºss % غ $ºfg % *7% % º wº§ º -- - f : ; ; ; ; - - is sºnſ * º **** (s | N *===== - Nesses=FIºw)\vas * . `N | º !, | | | | t ſ f . . /* ~~ § 2^*\. T if: \ºas ſ \ NS-2 - --zerº sºs:=º== * & *. - NSX zz.S. ** , s * | :* |º %'. |º *- *y % % ; | . CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. Various Classes. Reverse. Sow, l. e:Sºssºs: =s=Sºs š: S ~ - . asºšSWRR's > Śs== == agº: ºſſºver--" - - - - Sº S:2. ~23 {{{ #! Aj * - N 2::= ãº'ſ * --~ 3 NRºº £º-> f s's * : Nº - - º ~~ iſ . . . . . ii. 1 , . aiº, ſº ºw # º º º | {{º} § NS º - itwºs l l ~~~. § § * º as § º/2// ... ºff à ºff ; W N § \ \ i § SW; | § s N ; y i N i | \ ~{ tº | *s 3. E - == # j | .. ſº 64 CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. Obverse. Metal. Size Wł. No. AE 6-7 Two cocks, fi hting. | 4<ēĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒĒāĒēĒĢĒ№sēš§©® (№ģēźŤț¢ĒĢŹźŽ%, žģ。#fffff;ēķ<`$('<ſ≤ gaeaeae: \{/º/ ſº* - ~~ « » "ºº". - ſº ſº :*Wºffº = 1. - Wºrfºsis Kºź == \ * \ N 2 \ \ } : Fºrt .. ºn Tºº- | N`§§=S × 3.65 O *> 2 |23021 Á\! ſÀ |-|~ |§§ #ÄS-S- |ſ}} ſae ~ Sº *-* * § -- º: sº = ~\\ Ś , , , , . " -> ". * * * , *::::::s Sººn aº ~~~~...~~ Wyºn if I CENTRAL ITALY, ETC, Reverse. between which, tw s curved round one of the trident Two tridents, handles outwards, O dolphins S. meeting, tail 5№ſ:(55≤№№sae (R ~s * - / 1 / / / ' ' ' . ** … • * SW ºf ~ ... • ~ --~ . §: • * -ºx S ºf ºv * ...?" . Sº. *} , is * * Rºs *- * \S$s. <--> ii#|| # ºliº 22% tº a Žº | ſº Elºr Sºº- y uţă, ! |, | * 1 (25.1 - º w §§§sº NN\,\Sºf §ºã, sº 2 * - , , §§ º:**A*- ...º. #sis: | 4 & 4 $WS C’////> 2.7%%: 22* - Esº º/*A*2. _*: º:----> º Tº - sº as as a in A, as -º-º-º-e? * . -**ze_--- cº-sº . . . . . . SS sº º sº § 66 CENTRAL ITALY, ETC. Metal. No. Wt. Size. 3 |6109E295same |x 3.6 Same. Obverse. Reverse. [Fragment: part of r, half of ingot rudely broken.] 4 9445 A. 4:15 Two crescents, back to Same type as obv. × 2-3 back, horns to r. and l. 2:5- ========= == ==# º + ==Es: - - > ==E: º º Ø-àW º * W º: \ \\\ : & * / º j N. : %\S &\\\\ - & #liºğ & §§ º $ - º § ~s s § sº | y &§ & s § s ſ N N § S * + §`. § Nº ############# §§ ſº wº- Fºº:::::::: = Eğ 8.--> S-E- - ======= ===== - –3. -->< - **--, ºº::=- #iºśī-, *:#; º: º Tº | & gſº- -.ºº | § . º ; º | : : : | : t - }g º o f§Š § \ S. * : § j # **s $º | º º, º-º ºrº z - ſº º =: ºfflº-Egº-ºº: •w- &:=====Ele:::::::::::::=#: - E====E=E. SæE :=<>;--> º-ºº-ºººº- --~ SAM NIUM – AESERNI A. 67 Metal. Obverse. Reverse. No. Wt. Size. - SAMNIUM. AESERNIA. a. | AE '85 N/KXLG/ANO/VN /\ | SFR N (in ex.) Head of young Hephais- Zeus, in fast biga, tos, 1., wearing laur. r., hurling thunder- pilos; behind, tongs : bolt ; above, Nike, border of dots. flying, r., holding| wreath. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXI. 1.] 2 AE -8 |Same. Same type. (Exergue - wanting.) 3 AE 85|Same. /XISTIR NINK» - Same type. 4 AE -8 |\/O V CANO/V\ |Same type, without Nike. - (Exergue wanting.) Same type. {2.] b. 5 AE 85 Al 2 E R N | No Man-headed bull, r. Head of Apollo, I., laur. ; head facing; above, behind, pentagram : Nike, flying T.; border of dots. crowning bull; be- neath, T. [7. - . 6 .# 8 Same, Same. 7 .8 ||No inscr. Same type; /\!? ER NINO behind, oblong buck- ler: border of dots. (in ex.) Same type; - no letter beneath. [Cf. 9.j 68 SAM NIUM. No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. 126. | C. | S AE 85 Al 5E R N lo Head Eagle, r., wings open, of Pallas, l., wearing holding serpent in ta- crested Corinthian lons: border of dots. helmet, and neck- lace; behind, club, w upwards : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXI. 4.] 9 AE '85|Same; but no symbol. |Same. [5.] AQUILONIA. l AE 85| 91N ||/||/|\/WV- T Warrior, turned towards “Tº re I., with patera in r. Head of Pallas, ” Wºº" hand, on 1. arm round ing crested Corinthian shield, beneath which helmet; behind, round hangs sword ; border buckler : border of of dots. dots. |LXII. 12.] 2 AE 8 97.||M|AN/SIV/>|T| |Same. Same type. - BENEVENTUM. I Æ 8 || BE NVEN TOD | T R O TO /V\ Head of Apollo, I., Horse, running, r. ; laur. : border of dots. above, pentagram : 3. border of dots. | FR ENT ANI. 69 No. Wt. * i Obverse. - Reverse. COSA. l AE 7 Head of Pallas, r, wear-C o &A Mo Horse's ing crested Corinthian head, r.; bridled. helmet; behind, star of six rays : border of dots. ! 2 AE 75 Same. Same | 3 AE 75'Head of Ares, r., wear- C o N" ~ Horse’s ing crested Corinthian head, r., bridled ; im- helmet. mediately beneath, dolphin, r. FRIENTAN I. FIRENT ANI OR FRENTRUM. | AE 8 | NECITIAE (18 NEGIT!/13 (19 Head of Hermes, I., wearing petasos, with small wings at top : border of dots. [Car. N. J. V. T. LX. 1. Pegasos, running, l. ; beneath, tripod. 70 FR ENT ANI. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 2 |AE 8 EQTVIE (13 Same Same. type. ~t - 3 assume |Same. - LARINUM. (l. With Greek Inscription. I AB 8 || APINQN Head of Man - headed bull, r., Apollo, l. : border of head facing; above, dots. | Nike, flying, r., crowning bull. [This coin, being in very poor condition, is not engraved.] b. With Oscan Inscription. Quincunx. * 2 202 |AE '95|Head of Pallas, r., wear- VAD |NOD Warrior ing crested Corinthian on horseback, gallop- helmet; border of ing, I., armed with dots. helmet, spear, and round shield, on which thunderbolt ; in ex., e ee e s : border plain. ſcar. N. I. v. T., LX 4. 3 184 AE '95 Same. Same. 4 166 |AE '95 Same. Same. 5 | 186 :Same ; but above, V. AE '95 Same. |6.] LA RINU M . 7 | No. Wt, Size Obverse. Reverse. 6 || 130 |AE 9 Same. |Same. Triens. t 7 | 166 AE ‘9 Head of Zeus Dodomaios, Same inscr. Eagle, r., r., bound with oak- on thunderbolt, head wreath ; border of raised, wings open; dots. beneath, ee e º : border plain. Quadrans. 8 | 89 |AE 7 |Head of bearded Her-Same inscr. Centaur, akles, r., in lion's galloping, r., holding skin : border of dots. branch over I. shoul- der ; in ex., Geº e : border plain. Sextans. 9 || 105 AE -85. Head of Dione, r., laur. Same inscr. Dolphin, and veiled, with ear- r.; above, V ; beneath, ring : border of dots. e e : border plain. 72 CAM PAN IA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 10 | 89 |AE •8 |Same. |Same. Uncia. 11 63 |AE 7 |Head of Apollo, laur., Same inscr. Cornucopiae; r. ; behind, traces of in field, r., e ; I., V : letter: border of dots, border plain. [Car. N. I. V. T., LX. 13.] Semuncia. 12 28 |AE -5 Head of Artemis, r., Same inscr. Hound, run- wearing wreath 2 be-, ning, r. ; above, long hind shoulder, part of lighted torch, r. bow and quiver. [15] CAMPANIA. CAMPANI. 1 || 12-3 AR .85 |Head of Pallas, r., ATI TALTC) M - º alT - . wearing helmet bound > with olive-wreath. headed bull, r. ; be- neath, crane, r. 2 |109-3 AR '85 Same type. onanº Same type; in front, crane, I’. |3. ALLIBA 7 73 : Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 109.8 |AR 8 |Same type. KANM ITANON Man. headed bull, l., on | broad base. ALIll BA 2 9.8 |AR 4 |Head of Apollo, r., AAAIBANON Skylla, laur. ; around, three r., holding cuttle-fish dolphins : border of and shell ; beneath, dots. muscle. 9-6 ||AR '45 Same. Same. 9.2 |AR 4 |Same. Same. 9°4 ||AR '45 Same. Same. f 10-7 |AR '45 |Same. - (First letter wanting 2) Same type. 11.2|AR '45 |AVV IBA Head of Skylla, P.; above, a Apollo, l., laur. Swan, r. ; below, another, r. 9. AR 4 |Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing crested Corinthian helmet. Skylla, r., holding rudder with r. ; beneath, mus- cle : border of dots. 7.4 CA M P A NIA. No. Wt. Metal. Obverse. | Reverse. - Size. 8 AE 8 |Head of Poseidon 2 l., Skylla, l, holding rud- laur. - der with 1.; beneath. ATELLA. Triens. 420-5|AE 1:25. Head of Zeus, r., N (1394 N. Zeus, in laur. ; behind, e. ---, (9 fast quadriga, r., hurl- © ing thunderbolt and O holding sceptre; Nike behind as charioteer ; in ex., e e o e : bor- der of dots. [Reverse somewhat indistinct, apparently from injury to the die.j [Car. N. I. V. T., LXX. 10.] 2 |444-2 |AE 1.2 |Same. |Same. Sextans. 3 2098 AF 1: 1 Same type; behind, e :Same inscr. (in ex.) Two border of dots. e warriors, facing one another, holding with right hands raised swords, with I. hands i pig ; in field, I., Z border plain. [11.] 4 || 78°4 |AE 1: Same. |Same. CALATIA. - 75 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Uncia. 5 69.4|AE 75|Bust of Helios, full- 32 RI (in ex.) Ele- face, wearing dress phant. r fastened in front with * * large brooch; in field, -- l., 2k. [Car. N. I. V. T., LXX. 12.] AURUNCA. I AE 7 |Head of Apollo, l., laur.;|{VXNVQVN Dolphin, behind, G). l.; beneath,k; bor- der plain. CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Calatia 7 (Lower standard.) Quadrans. 2 1498 |AE '9 |Young male head, r. : Horse, r. : , above, border of dots. © & e : border plain. CALES. | || 12:8 |AR 8 |Head of Pallas, I., CALENO (in ex.) wearing crested Co- Nike, in fast biga, rinthian helmet, ear- l., holding reins with ring and necklace; on both hands. helmet, crested ser- pent; behind, cornu- copiae. 2 || 13 AR 8 Same; but on helmet, Same inscr. Nike hold- serpent; behind, kan- ing whip in r, hand, tharos. reins in, l. CAL ES. 77 No. 5 1() 113. | 10-2 112-7 | |{}'6 | 12-8 108-9 109.4 | 12.7 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AR •9 AR 9 AR 9 R 9 AR 85 Same; but helmet blank; Same. no earring or symbol. [Car. N. I. V. T., LXVII. 1.] Head of Pallas, r., Same. wearing crested Corin- thian helmet, ear- ring and necklace; on helmet, serpent ; be- hind, wing, r.; beneath, Same; but without ear-Same. ring ; on helmet, ser– pent; behind, wing, l. - - [6.] Same; but behind, sword. Same. [10.] AR 85 Same; but on helmet, Same. wing; behind, serpent. [14.] AR 85 Same; but behind, club Same. upwards. o [2.] Same ; but on helmet, Same. griffin; behind, tripod. [8.] Same; but helmet blank;|Same. behind, sword in sheath, with part of belt? beneath, A. [Cf. 12.] 78 CAMPAN IA . No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. •. Reverse, | ] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 106-3 92.7 AR • ARpl.-8 AE © '85 5|Same; but on helmet, Same. pentagram ; behind, bipennis. [Car. N.I.V.T., LXVII. 9..] Head of Pallas, 1., wear-Same. ing crested Corinthian helmet, earring and necklace ; behind, club, upwards; be- neath, E. [Cf. 3..] Head of Apollo, l., Same inscr. (in ex.) Man- laur. headed bull, r., head facing; above, Nike, flying, r., crowning ull. [LXVIII. 34.] CAL ENO Same; but Man - headed bull, r., behind, cock, r.: bor- head facing ; above, der of dots. lyre; beneath, T: bor- der of dots. [Cf. 23. Same ; but behind, hel-Same ; but beneath bull, met with cheek-pieces. I . [Cf. 18.] 5|Same; but behind, dol-Same type and symbol : phin, I., going down- but in ex., IX: border, wards. plain. Same; but behind, ear|Inscr. same as no. 1. of barley on stalk. (in ex.) Same type and symbol; but beneath bull, B: no border visible. [19.] Same; but behind, un-Same; but beneath, ſ. certain symbol. |Cf. 16. CALES. 79 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 19 AE '85 Same. (No symbol visi-Same ; but beneath, A. ble.) [Car. N.I.V.T., LXVIII. 20.] 20 AE 8 |Same; but behind, un-|Same; but beneath, Q: certain symbol (?). border, plain. 2] AE 85|Same ; but behind, dol-Same ; but beneath, star phin, I., downwards. of eight rays. [Cf. 17.] 22 AE 85|Same; but behind, un- Same. certain object. 23 AE 85|Same. (Place of symbol Same; but above bull, wanting.) large star of sixteen rays ; beneath, star of eight rays : bor- der of dots. |Cf. 28.] 24 AE '85|Same ; but behind, star. Same; but above bull, - star of six points ; beneath, ſ: border of dots. - 25 AF 8 |Head of Apollo, I., laur.;|Man - headed bull, r., behind, A : border of head facing ; above, dots. Nike, flying, r., crown- ing bull. 80 CAMPANI. A. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. 126. 26 AE -8 |Head of Pallas, I., CALENO Cock, r. ; wearing crested Corin- behind, star of eight thian helmet: border rays: border of dots. of dots. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T., LXVIII. 37.] 27 |AE 85|Same. - Same. 28 AE 85|Same. Same. 29 AE 75|CALENO Same head Same type ; in front, A. | with necklace ; be- hind, uncertain sym- bol: border of dots. CAPUA. (!. Sextans. 1 |216.4 |AE 1 |Head of young Here In NX (in ex.) Lion akles, r., diademed; advancing, r., head behind neck, club, l. : facing, holding lance border of dots. in mouth and l. fore- paw; above, e e : border of dots. 2 157-8 |AE '95|Same. Same. CAPUA. 81 No. Wt. Size. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. 121 102 678 106 AE AE -8 5 AE 1.5 Bust of Artemis, r., with Same inscr. (in ex.) Same. Same. Uncia. diadem, having at top Boar, running, r. ; small spikes; behind above, tº ; border of neck, bow and quiver: dots. border of dots. Uncertain denomination. Head of Zeus, laur., Same inscr. (in ex.) and bust of Hera, Zeus, in fast quad- wearing stephane, with riga, r., hurling thun- long hair, both r. : derbolt, and holding border of dots. sceptre : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXIX. 2.] Sextans. Head of Zeus, r., laur. ; Same inscr. (in ex.) Two behind,3%. 3%; border soldiers, facing one of dots. - another, holding with r. hands raised swords, with l. hands pig; in field, 1,3% ><3 border of dots. |LXIX. 7.] Uncia. Same head; behind, Sam.e inscr. (in ex.) Nike >k : border of dots. r., placing wreath on trophy; in field, r., 3%: border of dots. } M [9.] 82 CAMPANIA. No. - Wt. *. Obverse, Reverse. Uncertain denomination. 8 217 |AE 105 Same head : border of Same inscr. (in ex.) - - - dots. Eagle, r., on thunder- bolt, wings open : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXIX. 4.] C. Sextans. 9 || 207 |AE '95|Same head ; behind, Same inscr. (in ex.) * * * * * Selene, in fast biga, : : border of dots. r. ; above, ><%: bor- der of dots. 10 | 192 |AE 1.05|Same. |Same. Uncia. | 1 || 141 AD 9 Female head, r., wearing|Same inscr. (in ex.) turreted head – dress, Armed horseman, r., on which thunderbolt, helmeted, and carry- with earring; behind, ing spear, horse can: uncertain object, like tering: beneath, shell pedum ; mark of value! (murex), and not visible: border of border of dots. dots. 12 | | 16 |AB| 9 |Same; beneath head, Same. CAPU A. 83 Wt. Metal. Size. Reverse. Obverse. =s* 13 14 15 | 6 17 113 AE '85 AE Head of Pallas, r., wear-|Same ing crested Corinthian helmet ; behind, # : border of dots. |Young head, r., wearing Same AE 55 •6 Bust of Hera, r., wearing Same inscr. inscr. (in ex.) Nike, advancing, I. ; in front, mark of value 7 border of dots. Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXIX. 18.] d. Uncertain denominations. inscr. (in ex.) Telephos ? suckled by doe, both r. : plain border. skin of beast : border of dots. [14.] Two ar- chaic idols 7 above, lace ; behind neck, fillet; in field, l., object sceptre : border of like tripod : border of dots. dots. stephane, and neck- Same type, with earring. Same inscr. Thunder- bolt; in field, r., ob- ject like tripod : bor- der of dots. Head of Hera, r., veiled Same inscr. Ear of bar- and wearing stephane; ley; in field, r., ob- behind neck, sceptre : ject like tripod : bor- border of dots. der of dots. [13.] 84 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 176. | | 8 AE 6 |Same. |Same. 19 AE 65|Head of Apollo, r., laur.:Same inscr. Lyre, with border of dots. fillet: border of dots. ICF Car N.I. v. T. LXIX 11. 20 AE 7 |Same. Same. 21 AE 5 |Head of Pallas, r., wears Same inscr. (in ex.) Ele- ing crested helmet. phant, r. ; border of dots. [Cf. 15.] *º Capua 7 22 AE 8 |Young head (Dionysos?). A Lion or panther, r., r., bound with ivy : holding staff in mouth border of dots. and left fore-paw; bor- der of dots. 23 AE ‘8 |Same. No mon. Same. 24 AE 75|Same. Same; but animal hold- ing thyrsos. 25 AE 7 |Same. Lion or panther, l., hold- - ing staff with mouth and r, fore-paw : bor- der of dots. CUBULTERIA. } A 75MWV1437 Janvil Man-headed bull, r., Head of Apollo, l., head facing; above, laur. ; border of dots. Nike, flying, r., crown- | ing bull; beneath, IX. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXI. 11. ClO MAE. 85 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 2 AE ‘8 |Same. Same, but no letters. 3 AE 75|V/V/IQBTJB Tl Same|Same. head ; behind, oval shield, having boss ending in long ridge. CUMAE. 1 5-5 |A 2 Corinthian helmet, with-KV ME Muscle, hinge, out crest, l. : border º I. : border of dots. dots. § à M 2 117.2|AR 8 Female head, r., bound K V Muscle, hinge, r. ; with double diadem, rising from it sea- and wearing necklace: plant : plain border, cable border. within border of dots. 3 || 17-3 ||AR 8 Female head, r., bound KYMAION Muscle, with diadem. hinge, r.; above, strung bow, string down- wards: plain border. 86 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. Nº. Obverse. Reverse. 170. ----- 4 || 16 ||AR '75, Female head, r., wear-Il IA MVX. Muscle, ing stephane 2 earring hinge, r.; above, water and necklace : border shrew-mouse, r. : plain of dots. border, within border of dots. 5 || 17-7|AR 75 Same. KV MA iON Muscle, hinge, l. ; above, head of old satyr, r., with goat’s ear, beneath which, dots : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N.I.V. T. LXXI. 8. 6 || 12:6|AR 7 |Head of Pallas, r., wear-K MA Muscle, hinge, ing helmet bound with r. ; above, poodle, olive-wreath. standing on marine serpent 7 l. : border of dots. 7 108-7|AR 8 |Lion’s scalp between two KVMAIOva Muscle, boars’ heads, facing hinge, r. ; above, bar- one another: border leycorn ; border of of dots. dots. CU MAE. 87 No. Wt * Obverse. Reverse. 8 || 18-3 AR “75 Same. Muscle, hinge, r.; around, . four dolphins, r. 9 || 16:9 AR 8 Female head (Sibyl 7)KYMAl Ow Muscle, l., diademed. hinge, l. ; above, long fish, I. : border of dots. 10 || 15.9 |AR 85 Similar head. WOIAMYX Muscle, hinge, r.; above, pistrix, l. : border of dots. 11 |1136|AR 8 Similar head, r., with KYMAION Muscle, necklace; behind, 3. hinge, r. ; above, Ker- beros, r. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXI. 22. 12 101-7|ARpl.-85|Similar head; no letter|Same inscr. Muscle, | behind. hinge, r. ; above, star- fish : border of dots. [Cf. 14. \ | \ | | | 88 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 17,62. | 13 |1117 R 75 Similar head, wearing|Same inscr. Muscle, wreath, and double hinge, l.; above, crab : necklace ; no letter. border of dots. {Cf. 24.] 14 || 14-7 ||AR 8 Similar head, without|Same inscr. Muscle, wreath; behind, 3. hinge, r. ; above, bar- leycorn ; border of dots. |Cf. 9..] 15 || 03:1 ARp1.75|Same ; , but no letter YMAION Same type. behind. [Cf. 9..] 16 || 08.5 AR -75|Similar head, diademed.|X| YMAION Same. | 7 || || 2 ||AR .35|Head of Pallas, r., wear-ANAVX. Muscle, hinge, ing Corinthian helmet, r. ; on it uncertain || without crest: border marks: (part of earlier of dots. impression ?) border of dots. & 18 8-2 ||AR ‘45|Same type. KVM Muscle, hinge, l. ; beneath, barley- corn ; border of dots. 19 || 8 ||AR 4 Same type: no border. >>! Muscle, hinge, r. : border of dots. 20 | 9-4 |AR '4 Same. YX Muscle, hinge, l. : border of dots. | 21 6-8 |AR ‘4 |Same. KV Same type. CTJ MAE. 89 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZé. 22 || 6-1 |AR 35|Same: no border visible. KVME Same type, r. ; above, cockle- shell: no border visi- ble. [Much injured.] -- 23 8-3 AR .45|Similar head : (hair be-VXM Same type; no -ºr neath helmet:) no symbol : border of border. dots. | [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXI. 27.] 24 || 2:2 AR 25|Field divided into three Same inscr., inverted. parts, in each of which Dolphin, r. dot, by lines meeting - in centre and joining plain border. ©9 25 1.5 |AR 25|Corinthian helmet, with-YX Muscle, hinge, I. : out crest, r. : border border of dots. of dots. - 26 | 2 ||AR • 15|Same. Same inscr. Muscle, hinge, r. ; border of dots. 27 |116-3 AR 85|Female head (Sibyl 7) l., . . . . . . N Skylla, with with earring and neck- two dogs, I., holding lace. uncertain object with left hand ; beneath, muscle, hinge, r. 90 CAMPANIA. ſ No Wt * Obverse. Reverse. Yl Zé. , , , ----------- - - - - - - - - - ---------------- - 28 ||109 R 8 similar head, r, dia. KYMA Muscle, hinge, demed. r., above which bar- leycorn ; border of dots. 29 || 14-6AR 9 Similar head, no earring KY MA 1 O N Same - or necklace. type. 30 || 1 || 4AR 8 |Same. NO!AMYX. Muscle, hinge, l, above which, barleycorn: border of dots. 3] | | 12:8|AR 8 |Same. Same ; but inscr. dif- ferently placed. 32 || 13:6|AR 9 |Same. KY Same. - [Better work.] 33 || 101.9|ARpl.-8|Similar head. || O Y >, Same. 34 115.5|AR 8 Similar head, 1., with XYMAl Same. necklace. [A barbarous imitation.] 35 AE 8 ||Female head, r. WOIAAAVXi Same. 36 AD 85|Young male head, I., Skylla, I., right arm ex- wearing laureate 2 pi- tended, left hand hold- los: plain border. ing rudder. ; 37 AE '85|Same. |Same. 38 AE '85'Same. Same: plain border. HYRIA, 9 | No. Wt. Nº. Obverse. | Reverse. 176. HYRIA. 1 || 14-4 AR “75 Head of Pallas, I., AMI KY Man-headed wearing helmet bound bull, r. with olive-wreath, on which, owl. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXXIV. 5.] 2 || 16.7 |AR 8 |Same. |AWI QY Same type. |Cf. 5.] 3 112 |AR 75|Same type, r. |H |AOTOE V1 Man-headed bull, r., left fore-leg. NEOTIOA Same type. Same type. Man- Man- 94 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 1262. 9 || 16. AR 75 Same. EOTIO/\IT S al.]]6. - M II type. 10 || 09:2 AR '85'Same. NEOTOA Same type, but rope attached to bull’s horn ? 11 |1138|AR 8 |Head of water-nymph NEOTOLI Man- or Seiren Parthenope? PHT . three-quarter face, to- headed bull, I. wards r., diademed. sº. gºN Aſºolouv ſº sº t ſ º :^* ! ## 12 || 87°5 AR pl. 8 Same. Same. Neapolis 13 || 12:3|AR 9 |Head of Hera, three-Man-headed bull, r. ; quarter face, towards above, Nike, flying, r., wearing stephanos. r., crowning bull; ornamented with ho- wreath not visible. neysuckles and fore- parts of griffins, r. ; only one griffin visible. | NEAPOLIS. 95 necklace; back hair in net : behind, A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. | ***º-e 14 || 13-3 AR 85 Same, with griffins visi-Same ; wreath visible. - ble. 15 948 ARpl.-75 Similar head, crown or-Same. namented with single honeysuckle, griffin and fore - part 2 of another. [The preceding three coins may possibly have been struck at Palaeopolis, during the siege by the Romans, B.C. 327,6.] Neapolis. 16 || 8-3 AR 5 OEM Head of Pallas, NEO Fore - part of r., wearing Corinthian man - headed bull, helmet without crest. swimming, r. 17 | 9.4|AR 4 MEO Similar head :M EO Same type. plain border. 18 9.4|AR 35|O Same head. Fore-part of man-headed bull, swimming, l. 19 8-9 AR ‘4 VAE Same type. HV Same type. 20 9.4|AR '4 Same head : plain bor-Fore-part of man-headed der. bull, swimming, r. 21 | 10-2 AR '45. Female head, r., with NE Same type, but heron, r., pluming it- self, on bull’s back; beneath bull, A 7 96 CAMPANIA. No. Wł. Metal. | Obverse. Reverse. Size. - 22 9-8 |AR '45 Head of Pallas, r., wear-O'TOBVA Same type; ing crested helmet no symbol. bound with olive- wreath. | Car. N. I. V. T. LXXII. 3. 23 8-3 AR ‘4 |Same. Same type. 24 | 1.4|AR 25|Female head, r., wear-NE Muscle, hinge, r. ing sphendone. 25 || 14° 1 |AR 8 |Head of water-nymph NEOTO/\ITHX (in or Seiren Parthenope, ex.) Man-headed bull, r., wearing broad r., head facing; above diadem, earring, and Nike, flying, r., crown- necklace. ing bull. [LXXIII. 26.] 26 || 15.4 |AR 8 |Same. |Same; but ex. raised. [Cf. 26.] 27 || 05:3|AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same. E. [Cf. 28.] 28 113.5 AR 8 |Same. |Same; but ex. not raised. [Cf. 28.] 29 1142|R 8 Same. Same ; but N beneath bull. [28.] 30 || 10:6 AR pl. 8|Same. |Same. NEAPOLIS. 97 Wt. Metal. Size. 33 35 36 37 38 39 | | I-2 108" | | 15.2 115.5 | 13.5 110-8 109.2 1 12-4 115-3 AR AR AR AR AR AR AR AR -75 '85 Obverse. Reverse. Same: no letter visible. ||Same. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXIII. 28.] Same type, without ear-Same inscr. ; same type, ring and necklace. I., ex. separated by straight and dotted lines. [Cf. LXXII. 16.] Same. |Same; but no dotted line. Same head, wearing Same; but beneath bull, broad diadem, tied O with bow in front, ear- ring, and necklace. [Cf. obv. 19, cf. B. 24.] >HTIAOTl Same Same type: plain border. type; no letter. f [22.] Same. EOTIO/\ITHX Same ; but beneath bull, uncertain letter 7 |Cf. 19.] Same. NEVITO/\ITHX (in ex.) Same type. (Nike not visible.) [18.] Same head, l., wearing broad diadem, earring, and necklace. Same. [B same die as that of preceding coin.] TiOAITAX (in Same head, r., wearing ex.) Same type. broad diadem, tied with bow in front, earring, and neck- lace : plain border. 98 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 40 || 12:7 AR 8 |Same. NHOTIO/\ITAX sic. Same type. [Same die as preceding coin.] 41 ||109°4 AR 8 Same. Orioartax Same type. 42 || 10:8 AR '85'Same. Inscr. illegible; same - type, r. 43 |1087 AR 75 Same head, r., wearing|Inscr. not visible; same broad diadem, orna- type. mented with maeander pattern, earring, and necklace. (Cf. Car N.I.V.T. LXXII. 20.) 44 || 10:6 AR -3 |Head of Apollo, r. laur.NE Head of man- headed bull, full-face, with fillets. |Cf. LXXX. 145.] 45 9:1 AR ‘4 |Young male head, r. No inscr. same type, - no wreath visible: without fillets. & border of dots. [Cf. 144.] 46 102.5 ARpl.-8 EOTIOAITHX (be-|[N]EOTIO/\ITHX. neath.) Head of water- Man-headed bull, r., nymph or Seiren Par- head facing; above, thenope, r., wearing Nike flying, r., crown- diadem, earring, and ing bull. necklace ; behind, bunch of grapes. [Cf. LXXVI, 79. 47 || 168 AR 75Same ; but beneath, Same; beneath bull [A]. AlO4)ANOY$. |Cf. LXXIV. 63.] 48 || |5-2 AR 8 |Inscr. not legible; simi-Same; no mon. lar head and symbol. [Cf. 62.] N EAPOLIS. - 99 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 49 || 15 °5AR ‘75|Similar head ; behind, Same; but beneath bull, bunch of grapes on ivy-leaf, upwards. branch; beneath head, - ear of barley, r. 50 || 13 '5AR 8 Similar head; behind, Same ; but no symbol. kantharos ; beneath, | /\!. 51 |107.9AR pl. 8 Similar head; no symbol Same; but beneath bull, or legend. O /\Y M. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXIII, 40.] 52 || || 3 '9|AR 85 Similar head. Same. 53 || 07 -6ARpl.-85|Similar head. Same ; but beneath bull, O/\ YM ITI. 54 |110 '8|AR 8 |Similar head ; behind, Same ; but beneath bull, - uncertain symbol; be- O. neath, O. 55 || 15 '9|AR ‘75|Similar head. Same; but beneath bull, dolphin, r. ; in front, AO ; around . . . . (traces of letters.) [Cf. LXXIV. 60.] 56 || 17-5AR 8 |Similar head ; diadem|Same ; but beneath bull, broad ; behind, /\E. Al. [Cf. LXXIII. 39.] 57 || 14.4AR 8 |Similar head; ordinary|NEOſO/\ITQN (in diadem; behind, Arte- ex.). Same type; be- mis? r., holding two neath bull, N. long lighted torches; beneath, APTEMI. [LXXIV. 52.j e * 5s 112-1||R is similar head; but be-same bièbeneath bull, • . hind,astragalos,placed GE. lengthwise ; same in- SCI’. [55. 100 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 1ze. 59 || || 1 , ||AR 75 Similar head ; behind, Same; but beneath bull, club, downwards; in G). front, A. º [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXIV. 49.] 60 ill slº 75 same; but behind, Ar-Same; but beneath bull, temis 2 running, r., T. - holding long lighted torch; in front, A. [Cf. 48.] 61 || 14-5|AR 9 |Same; but behind, cor-Same. nucopiae ; in front, A. |66.] 62 110 - ||AR 8 |Same head ; no symbol Inscr. not visible; same or letter. type; beneath bull, B. [Cf. LXXIII. 30.] 63 |113 4|AR 8 |Same head, l. ; behind, Same type, l. ; beneath EY. bull, AOY. [88. 64 109 |AR 8 Similar head, only upper|Same type, r. ; beneath part of diadem seen ; bull, ETI. behind, EYE ; be- neath, TAP. [Cf. 33.] 65 108. Rplºss Same. Same. 66 112 4AR 75|Same; but behind, TAP;|Same. beneath, EYE. &l... [Cf. 34.] 67 |111.2|AR 3.7; Similar head, r., wearing|Same; but beneath bull, broad diadem, earring, EYE. - and necklace; behind, X. (symbol or letter.) [Cf. 42, 45.] N EAPOLIS. 101 No. 68 69 7] 72 73 74 Wt. Size. 1841. •8 83-5 ARpl.-8 113.8 |AR 8 107.7 AR •8 114-6 AH 8 112.1 AB. 8 | Metal. Obverse. Reverse. 79.5 Apl. '75:Same. - Same. Same. Sameinscr.on raised band of ex.; same type; beneath bull, G). [Car. N.I.V.T. LXXIII. 43.] Similar head, usual dia-Inscr. in ex.; same type; dem ; behind, Arte- beneath bull, NM. mis? running, r., hold- ing two long lighted torches; beneath, let- ters nearly effaced. Same head, I. : beneath, Same ; but beneath bull, Mi; behind, B. [LXXIV. 47.] Similar head, r.; behind, Same; beneath bull, N.; astragalos, placed ex. wanting. lengthwise: border of dots. |Cf. 65.] Similar head ; behind, Same ; but beneath bull, Artemis 7 running, r., bee, l. holding long lighted torch with both hands; beneath, TTAPME. [LXXV. 69.] Similar head; beneath, Same; but beneath bull, XTA; in front, X; be- X. hind, bunch of grapes. [Cf. 70, 71.] 103.2 ARpl. 8 Same; in front, K. |Same; but beneath bull,K. | [71.] CAMPANIA. 77 78 79 80 81 82 Wł. * Obverse. |Reverse. * 1762. 115-3 AR 8 Similar head; in front, Same ; but beneath bull, >; behind, bell, with M. - clapper. (Cf. Car N.I.V.T. LXXVIII. 116. 107.4 ||AR 8 |Same head ; no mon. ;|Same ; but beneath bull, bell without clapper. NA. [Cf. 115.] 108.2 |AR 8 Similar head ; beneath, Same ; but beneath bull, XAPIAEQ ; behind, K. astragalos, lengthwise. [Cf. LXXV. 72.] 110-6|AR 85 Same head and symbol; Same. beneath, X. 114. At 9 Same head; beneath, Same; but beneath bull, XAPI; behind, Arte- Nº1. mis? running, r., hold- ing with both hands long lighted torch. [Cf. 74.] 111-7|AR 8 |Same head, and legend;|Same; but beneath bull, behind, kantharos. K. [75.] 116.2 ÅR 8 Similar head, upper part Same; but no letter. of diadem only seen; same symbol ; be- neath, X/\IXA]. | [Cf. 78.] N E A POLIS. 103 No. 83 85 86 87 88 89 90 9] 92 Metal, Size. Obverse. | 13.8 | 09:5 10I '5 | 10:6 | | 3• I 110-4 | 13-3 | 19.6 108-2 108" | , R. AR 8 AR pl.-85 AR 75 AR AR 8 AR 85 AR 8 AR e 8 AR tº Similar head, I., usual diadem; beneath, X; behind, ME. Similar head, r. ; behind, astragalos, length- wise. Similar head ; behind, astragalos, upright. Similar head ; behind, bucranium. Similar head ; behind, Artemis? running, r., holding with both hands long lighted torch. Similar head, l.; no sym- bol. Head of water-nymph or Seiren Parthenope? r., hair very wavy, wearing diadem, ear- ring, and necklace; around four (or five 7) dots. Same head ; three (or four 7) dolphins: same border. no border visible. dolphins : border of Reverse. Same ; but beneath bull, |X. Same; but no letters. Same. Same. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXVI. 86.] Same. Same; but type, 1. Inscr. nearly wanting ; same type, r. ; beneath bull, G)E. [Cf. LXXVIII. 121.] Same ; beneath bull, OY!/\. [Cf. 122.] Same head; five dolphins: Same. Same head; three (or Same ; but no legend be- five 2) dolphins : border visible. Il O neath bull. [Inscriptions in ex. of nos. 88–91 nearly wanting.] CAMPANIA. 94 95 97 98 99 100 Metal. Wt. . 26, AR 6 11 *6 AR 4 10-8 ||AR '45 | 0 || ||AR ‘45 8-5 AR ‘4 2.5 AR 25 2-2 ||AR 25 104.4 |AR 8 ... ----------------- Obverse. Head of Apollo, r., lau- reate : border of dots. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing helmet, crested winged and bound with olive-wreath. Similar head. Same. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing helmet, crested | and winged. Reverse. Female figure in biga, r., in r. hand whip, horses cantering. O/\ITEQN Forepart of man- headed bull, swim- ming, r. NEOTO Same type. Same inscr. ; same type. NEOT. Same type. Neapolis or Cumae. Similar head. Field divided into four parts, in each of which dot, by lines meeting in centre and joining plain border. Field divided into four parts, in each of which dot, by lines meeting in centre and joining plain border. Dolphin, r. Neapolis. Head of water-nymph or Seiren Parthenope 2 1., wearing diadem, earring, and necklace; behind, cock, r. : bor- der of dots. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. NEOTIO/\IT (in ex.) Man - headed bull, r., head facing ; above, Nike, flying, r., crowning bull; be- neath bull, A. LXXVII. 95.] NEApolls. 105 No. Wt. *. - Obverse. Reverse. 101 || 412ARpl.-65|Same ; but behind, Same. krater. (No border visible.) [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXIX, 129.] 102 || 1 || 1 ||AR 85|Same; but behind, comic Same, but beneath bull, - mask; beneath, IB. Bl. [Cf. LXXVII. 99.] 103 || 79 ARpl.-8|Same; but behind, ele- same. phant, I. : no legend, [98.] 104 || 111.2|AR 8 |Same; but behind, lyre. Same. [101.] 105 || 113-9|AR 85|Same ; but behind, Same. oinochoe, l. [Cf. 103.] 106 || 112-7|AR 8 |Similar head ; behind, Same; but beneath bull, Artemis? holding two N. long lighted torches, beneath, TNAIOY. (No border visible.) 107| 85.6|ARpl.-8|Similar head; behind, Same; but beneath bull, cuirass. (No border ETI. visible.) [110.] 108||112:2|AR 85|Same; but behind, fore-Same; but beneath bull, part of running lion, º - 1. No border visible.) 109 || 12:5|AR 8 |Same; but behind, owl, Same. - 1. (No border visible.)| w | 110 | 109-1||AR 8 ||Same; but behind, acroSame. stolium; border of dots. [Cf. 105. P 106 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 111 | 12:3|AR 8 |Same; but behind, quiver|Same. with belt. (Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXVII. 109. 112||1319|AR 75|Same ; but behind, Same. diota : no border visible. [Cf. 107.] 113||112.6|AR 75|Same; but behind, cor-|Same ; but beneath bull, nucopiae. IX 114 1137|AR 8 |Same; but behind, heron, Same. r. (No border visible.) 115||111 ||AR 8 |Same; but behind, lyre. Same. - - (No border visible.) 116 113-7|AR 8 |Same; but behind, eagle, Same. - l., looking back. (No - border visible.) 117 89:1|AR pl. 8|Same. Same. 118 109-1||AR 8 |Same ; but behind, ear Same. of barley. (No border visible.) - - 119 55'3|AR 65|Same. Same. 120 111.4|AR 8 |Same head ; but behind, Same. Pallas Promachos, r. (No border visible.) 121 112-7AR 8 |Similar head; behind, Same. - poppy-head. (No bor- der visible.) - - 122 105.8|ARpl. 8 Similar head; behind, Same. bust of Helios, facing. - (No border visible.) 123 l 12:9|AR 8 |Same; but behind, thyr-Same. sos : border of dots. 124| 1 || 1:2|AR 8 |Same. Same; but no legend be- - - - neath bull. 125; 113-1AR 8 |Same; but behind, light-Same; but beneath bull, t ed torch. (No border IX. visible.) , NEA POLIS. - 107 | Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 126, 104 ||AR 8 |Same; but behind, tri-Same. dent: border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXVI. 85.] 127 1125R 75'same. Same; but no legend be- - neath bull. ! [Cf. 85.] 128||114 ||AR 75|Similar head; same sym-|Same. --- bol. 129|1146|AR 75|Similar head; behind, Same; but beneath bull, tripod. (No border vi- IX, sible.) - 130 108°5|AR 75|Similar head; behind, Same. - trophy: border of dots. |Cf. 84.] 131|| 112.5|AR '85 Same; but behind, tro-Same. phy of unusual form 2 (No border visible.) 132|113'3|AR 85|Same. |Same. 133 112.8AR 8 |Similar head ; behind, Same. - wing. (No border visi- ble.) [Cf. LXXVIII. 118.] 134, 99.7|AR pl.:8|Similar head; behind, Same ; but no legend - | club : border of dots. beneath bull. 135||112:2|AR 9 |Similar head; behind Same. helmet without crest, facing. (No border visible.) 108 CAMPANIA, No. wº * Obverse. Reverse. 186 932 Rºl's similar head; behind, Same. tintinnabulum ? (No border visible.) [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXVI. 91.] 137| 53' ||AR 65|Same. |Same. [LXXIX. 127.] 138 8.9|AR 35|Head of Apollo, I., laur.; NEOroA Herakles, behind, uncertain ob- kneeling, r., strangling ject: border of dots. lion. 139| 6 ||AR ‘4 |Same; but behind, Y. No inscr. visible; same - type; in field, l., club. 140 92 AR ‘45|Similar head, r. : no bor- TIO/\ITQN Same der. type : no symbol visi- - ble in field. [Cf. LXXX. 143.] 141 AE 85|Head of Apollo, r., laur., NEO O/\ITEQN t back hair in formal Fore-part of man- curl. headed bull, swim- ming, r., on shoulder star of four rays: plain border. 142 AE 7 |Same. Same. 143 AE 65|Same. NEOT. ET. Same type. 144 AE 7 |Same. OTIO/\ITH Same type. (No border visi- ble. 145 AE 7 |Same. Same. (No border visi- ble.) 146 AE 7 |Same. Same. 147 AE 7 |Same type, 1. NEOITO/\ITHX Same - type; star not visible. NIEAPOLIS, 109 Wt. Metal. Size. 148 149 150 151 152 153 AE 65 AE 65 AE 6 AE 55 . Obverse. Reverse. Same type, r. Same. Same. Similar head, back hair tied. Similar head, back hair in formal curl. Same. (Wreath varied.) Traces of inscr. NEOTIO/\ITH> Same type, but star of eight rays, three of which do not appear; beneath waves; behind, lyre. Fore- part of man-headed bull, swimming, r., head three - quarter face,towards r.; above, dolphin, l. : border of | dots. Al Fore-part of man - headed bull, swimming, r. : border of dots. Same type; above, dol- phin, r. : border of dots. Same: no border. NEOTTO/\ITQ Same type; no symbol; be- hind, ME: no bor- der. | 10 CAMPAN IA. N 0. Wit. *. Obverse. Reverse. 154 AE.55 |Same. - Same ; beneath, E. 155 AE '55 |Same type, 1.; in front, Same ; behind, IX: no X; behind, A ; bor- letter beneath. der of dots. - 156 AE 55 |Same head ; behind, A: Same; behind bull ME 2 border of dots. beneath which Bl. - 157 A 6 |Same type, r. : border NEOTO/\ITON Same of dots, - | type: plain border. 158 AE '95 NEO Head of Apollo, Man-headed bull, r., r., laur. ; behind, E: head facing; above, border of dots. star of eight rays; be- neath bull, M; in ex., E: border of dots. 159 AE 7 Similar head : border of OTO/\ITAVA (in dots. ex.) Same type; above, bust of Helios facing, between 4) l ; be- * neath bull, Zºº, ; bor- - - der of dots. 160 AE 7 |Same. (Inscr. varied in last two - - letters.) Same. 16] AE 7 |Same. (Inscr. similar to last.) Same type and sym- bol; beneath bull, 7WA, 162 AE 7 Similar head; behind, Same; but above, bunch A : border of dots. of grapes within lau- rel ? wreath ; border - of dots. 163 |AE 7 |Same ; but no letter. NEOTTO/\ITON (in - - ex.) Same; but above, fly; beneath bull EK. | | NIEAPOLl S. | 1 || behind.) No. Wt. Nº. Obverse. Reverse. 1763. 164 AE 65same but behind, E. Same; but above, Phry- | gian helmet; r. ; be- neath bull, ‘NA. 165 AE •7 same. Same. (No border visi- ble.) 166 AE 7 NEOTOAITON Head'Man-headed bull, r., of Apollo, r., laur. ; head facing; above, behind, K: border of dolphin, r. : border of dots. dots. 167 AE 65|Same. Same; but above, club, r.; beneath bull, K ; in ex., star of eight rays. (No border visible.) 168 AE '85 Similar. |Same ; but above, star eight rays; in ex., MA. (No border visible.) 169 AE 75|Same; but behind, am-Same : but above, phora. wreath; beneath bull, - uncertain letters ? 170 AE 7 Sanje inscr. ; same type Same : but above, round l, ; behind, E: border buckler; beneath, Aq) ; of dots. in ex., sheathed sword with belt, l.: plain bor- der. 17] AE 8 |Same. Same ; but above, bunch - of grapes on vine-leaf; beneath bull, X2 ; in ex., ME: border of dots. 172 AE 7 |Same. Same; but in ex BM. * (No border visible.) 173 AE 6 |Same ; but behind, El 2 Same; but above, eagle, * l., looking back; be- neath bull, K. 174 AE 7 |Same; but behind, E. Same type, r.; above, owl, r. ; beneath bull, - E.; in ex., fish 7 | 75 AE 65|Inscription downwards;|Same; but above, kan- same type; behind, A. tharos, between un- certain letter and Q ; no letter beneath bull. (No border visible.) 176 AE 65|Same. (No letter visible|Same; but no letters visible above ; in ex. M.I.A. (No border visi- ble.) - I 112 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 1Ze. 177 AE 55|Inscr. downwards. Same|Same type, r. ; above, - type, r. : border of caduceus, r. (No bor- dots. der visible.) 178 AE 75|NEOTIO/\ITEQN Same; but above, ear of Head of Apollo, r., barley, r. : no border. laur.; behind, XI : bor- - der of dots, 179| AE 7 |Same. Same. 18() AE 65||NEO . . . Same type;|Fore-part of man-headed no letter: no border bull, swimming, r. ; visible. above, dolphin, r. : border of dots. ls AE .5 |NEOITO/\ITQN Same|Same. type, l.; behind, A : border of dots. . 182 AE .5 |Same; behind, ME. Same ; behind,'. 183 AF 5 |Same; but behind, NE!|Same; (dolphin not visi- - (No border visible.) ble;) behind /\O - 2 y - -- B| " 184 AE 5 |Same; but behind, un-Same; but behind, X. - - certain letter. 185 |AE 5 |Same; but no letter be-Same ; but no letter. hind. (No border visible.) 186 AE .45|Same type; but behind, Same type and symbol, A 2 (No border visi- I. ; behind bull, A 2 ble.) • plain border. 187 AE 5 |Same; but behind, un-Same. (No letter or certain symbol. (No border visible.) border visible.) - - 188 AE '55|Same type, r. (No bor-Same type and symbol, der visible.) r. : border of dots. 189 Æ '55|Same. Same : plain border. 190 AE 45|Inscr. doubtful; same Same ; but behind bull, type. (No border vi- star of eight rays : - - sible.) | border of dots. .191 AE 4 ||No inscr visible; same Same type ; dolphin not -- type : no border. visible : no border. NIEAPOLIS. 113 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. -- © 192 AB 8 |Head of Apollo, r., laur.; NEOTIOAITON (in around, three (or four) ex.) Man-headed bull, dolphins : border of r.; above, ornamented dots. trident. 193 AE 9 |Same. (Around head, Place of inscr. wanting; three or four dolphins.) same type ; border of dots. 194 AE 75 |Same. (Four dolphins Place of inscr. wanting; visible.) sałme type. 195 AE 6 |Head of Apollo, I., laur. ;|NEOTO AITON behind, star of eight Tripod; between legs, rays: border of dots. Bl. ſcar. N.I.V.T. LXXXII. 16. 196 AE-6 |Same; but behind, M. Same; but between legs of tripod NY: border of dots. 197 AE 65 |Same. Same. J98 AE -6 |Same. (No border visi–Same; no letters in tripod. - ble.) (No border visible.) 199 AE -65 |Same: no letter. Same. (Cf. 171. 200 AE 6 |Same. |Same. 201 AE 6 |Same. Same. 202 AE 6 |Same. NEOIT O/\ITON Same type. 203 AE 65 |Same; but behind, cor-NEOTO AITQN nucopia. Same type. [Cf. 166.] 114 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 1762. 204 AE 6 |Same. |Same. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. IXXXII. 166.] 205 Æ ‘5 |Same. |Same: plain border. |167.] 206 AE 6 |Same; but in front, X; Same: border of dots. behind, A. (No border visible.) 207 AE '45 Same type, r. ; behind, NEOTO AITON OPO. Same. 208 AE '5 Same; no legend. Same. 209 AE 85 |Inscr. effaced ; head of Man-headed bull, r., Apollo, I., laur, ; be- head facing; above, hind, uncertain sym- Nike, flying, r., crown- bol? or mon. ; bor- ing bull; beneath bull, der of dots. BE. 210 AE '75 |NEOTIO/\ITON. Same; but beneath bull, - Same; but behind, l. l IX; in ex. X3. 2] I AE 75 Same ; but behind, M. Same; but in ex. KE. 212 AE 8 Same; but behind, N. Same; but no letters visi- ble in ex. . 213 AE ‘8 |Same ; but behind, O. Same; but in ex. Y X. 214 AE 8 |Same. Same; but no letters inex. 2] 5 AE 8 |Same ; but behind, X. Same. 2I 6 AE 8 Same; but behind, 3 |Same. 217. AB 8 Same ; but behind, un-|Same; but in ex. IX. certain letter (E3) or symbol NEAPOLIS. 115 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 218 AE '95 Same. (Nothing visible|Same; but no mon, in behind.) € X. Re-struck on coin of Æsernia, Samnii, cf. above, p. 67, no. 3. Obv. traces of R. of old impression.] 219 AE 75 |Same; but behind, E: no Same ; but beneath bull, border visible. MB; in ex., IX. 220 AE 75 Same; but behind, M or Same; but nothing be- N. neath bull. 221 AE 75 |Same; but behind, O or Same; but beneath bull, G). OX. 222 AE .75 |Same ; but behind, T. Same ; but nothing be- neath bull. 223 AE -8 |Same ; but behind, P. Same, 224 AE -8 |Same; but behind, X. Same. 225 AE 75 Same; but behind, H. Same; but beneath bull, E ; in ex., letter or mon. 7 226 AE 8 (Inscr. not visible.)|Same; but beneath bull, Same; but behind, A. Ml; nothing in ex. 227 AE 7 |Same ; but behind, lyre. Same; but nothing be- neath bull. 228 AE '65 Same. e Same. 229 AE-6 No inscr. ; same type; NEOTO/\ITQ (in but behind, dolphin, ex.). Same type, l. ; l., downwards: border but in front, bl: plain of dots. border. 230 AE •5. Same; but behind, let-Same inscr. ; same type, ters ? r. and border. 23] AE 55 Same type, r. ; but be-Same; but in front, hind, AH. AH : border of dots. 232 AE 5 Head of Apollo, r., laur, NEOTOA Fore-part - back hair in formall of man-headed bull, curl: border of dots. swimming, r. ; in field, l., A H : border of . dots. 233 AE '45 Same. Same ; but no letters in field: plain border. 234 AE '5 Same. Same type ; but above, q)ſ : no border visible. 116 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. 235 AE 65 |Head of Apollo, I., laur.;|[N]EOTIO/\ITON (in behind, A/\; no border ex.) Omphalos and visible. lyre; beneath inscr., ; trident, l. 7 no border visible. 236 |AE 75 Same; but behind, A. A. Same inscr.; same type; border of dots. but beneath inscr., lau- rel-branch, l., bound with fillet 2 no border visible. 237 AE 8 |Same; but behind, AX 2 Same ; but beneath inscr., caduceus, l. [Car. N. I. W. T. LXXXI. 151.] 238 AE 8 |Same type, r. ; behind, Same; but in field, l., AA : same border. quiver and belt; no symbol in ex. : border of dots. 239 AE ‘8 |Same; but behind, AH ! Same. 24() AE 85 |Same type, l. ; behind, Same; but no symbol visi- ©l : same border. ble in field; beneath inscr., laurel-branch, l. 241 AE ‘8 |Same. Same ; but no symbol in field; above omphalos, A?beneath inscr.,palm, 1. (No border visible.) 242 AE 75 |Same ; but behind, hel-Same; but no symbol visi- met with cheek- ble in field; between pieces ! omphalos and lyre, PO ; beneath inscr., ornamented trident, l. . [Cf. 161.] - 243 |AE '85 Same type, r. ; behind, Same inscr. ; omphalos, p. X/\! ? same border. above which, crested serpent, l. ; and lyre; | beneath inscr., club, r. [Cf. 148.] 244 A. •8 Same. |Same; but behind, XA. NEAPOLIS. I 17 No. 245 246 247 248 249 250 Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. -- Reverse. AE '85 AE 6 Same type, l.; behind, AP: no border visible. Same; but behind, N : border of dots. Same ; but no letter visi- ble behind. Head of Apollo, l., laur.; behind, Iſl upwards: all within laurel- wreath. r.; behind, star dots. Same. ble.) Same. (Cf. Same inscr. ; omphalos and lyre, latter on r. ; above former, palm ? bound with fillet; be- neath inscr., laurel- branch? r., bound with fillet: no border visi- ble. [Cf. 153.] Same inscr. ; omphalos, above which, crescent between two stars of six rays; and lyre; be- neath inscr., uncertain symbol 2 border of dots. Same; but beneathinscr., short trident, l. 7 to which is attached in front uncertain curved object formed of dots. Same inscr. ; omphalos and lyre ; to 1., cadu- ceus, handle formed of flower-stalk; no sym- bol beneath inscr. : border of dots. (Star not visi-Same [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXXI. 155.] Head of a Dioskuros ?NEOſlo/\IT of eight rays : border of (in ex.) Kastor 7 mounted, l., wearing pilos and short sword, horse cantering ; beneath horse, AX: plain bor- der. (Cf. LXXXII. 172, 173, similar figure, wearing chla- inscr. ; beneath, /\Y: no bor- der visible. Same; but beneath, pl. 174.] | mys and no sword; 118 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 252 AE 55 Same. (Star not visi-Same; but beneath, A 2. - ble.) - [Cf. 174.] 253 AE '65 Same. Same inscr., curved, beneath type; similar t figure (head not visi- | ble), wearing chlamys and short sword : be- neath horse, AH : border of dots. 254 Æ '65 Same type, l.; behind, Traces of inscr. ; similar traces of star Z all figure, wearing pilos within laurel-wreath. and chlamys, and no sword: border of dots. 255 AE '55 |Bust of Artemis, r., NEOTIO /\ITON Cor- wearing Stephane nucopiae, bound with and necklace; over fillet; in field, l., /\Y: shoulder, top of bow plain border. and quiver: border of dots. 256 AE '65 Similar bust, without|NEOTIO/\! TON Cor- necklace ; in front, nucopiae, without fillet: AH : same border. border of dots. 257 AE 6 |Similar. NEQTIOAI TON (sic). Same; but in field, l., PO, downwards. 258 AE 6 |Same. NEOIT O /\ITON Same; but in field, l., P!, downwards: plain bor- der. 259 AE 6 |Same type, l., bow and Same inscr. ; cornuco- quiver ? indistinct; in piae; in field, r., pl.: & front, uncertain object: same border. r same border. 260 AE '55 |Same bust, r, ; bow not visible : same border, Same inscr., beginning on r. ; cornucopia, r., bound with fillet : same border. NEAPOLIS. 119 261 262 263 264 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. AE ‘5 |Same bust; but behind, Same inscr., beginning * : all within laurel- on I. ; similar type ; wreath. in field, r., A (A or /\): border of dots. AE '55 Similar bust; behind, Same inscr., beginning upper part of quiver, on r. ; cornucopia, r., above which seen up- bound with fillet, per part of bow ; bor- having wings at base : der of dots. plain border. AE 6 Bust of young Hera-NEOſ /\ITON kles, r., laur., over I. Tripod : border of shoulder club ; round dots. neck, lion’s skin, tied in front: border of dots. Neapolis : AF 5 ||Female head, r. Man - headed bull, r. ; - above, bird? flying, I.: all within wreath. NOLA. 109. AR 6 Female head, r., wear-NQ/\A (in ex.) ing diadem, upper part Man-headed bull, l., of which not visible, head facing; above, ornamented with in: Nike, flying, l., crown- plest maeander pattern, ing bull. - with earring, and neck- lace. 120 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 2 || 10:5AR 6 Same, similarly deficient. - /\AlOX. Same. 3 || 13°5|AR 8 |Same, diadem tied with Same inscr.; same type, bow in front. I”. - 4 || 13 -3AR 8 |Same. Same inscr.; same type, l. [Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. LXXXIII. 9..] 5 109.5AR '85 Same. NoAAION (in ex.) - Same type, r. 6 || 12:8AR '85 Similar type, l.; diadem Same. simple. 7 ||109.7|AR 8 Same type, r. NQ/\Al Same type. (Cf. 7.] 8 || || 1 , ||AR 85 |Head of Pallas, r., wear-NQ/\AlQN Man- ing helmet, bound with headed bull, r. ; be- olive-wreath, on which meath, /2. owl; behind Y (/º.) [Cf. 4.j 9 ||109 IAR 8 |Same; but no mon, be-Same inscr. ; same type, hind. l., and mon., l. 10 2AR, "5 |NO Head of Man-headed bull, r., head 10 facing; above, Nike, flying, r, crowning bull: in ex. uncertain letters. Apollo, l., laur. : bor- der of dots. [Cf. 11.] NU CIERIA A LFATE R N A. 121 Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | 1 | | | | . | 10 AE ‘85!NOAA! AR AR . '85 •75 •8 '85 Same type; but behind head, trace of A; border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. Same : A. NNVNIGIXIVN NNVN (1...T.Z, JP, Young male head, I., with ram’s horn, and long hair; (River Sarnos ?) behind, owl, NUCERIA ALFATERNA. Same type; but beneath, M. I. LXXXIII. 14.] Same. Kastor? I., holding bridle of horse, l., and scep- tre. r. : border of dots. VMVX (I-IV/ ~ e Wvºimºiſ” same 3 but behind, dolphin, I., downwards. Same. W/VX|D|IV/ [WVIVATTV-17. Same ; but behind, kantharos. Same. Same; (inscr. almost ille- gible;) but behind head, bee. (No border visible.) ſº & © e e XI-IV/ male head, l., bound with narrow diadem : border of dots. [LXXXVI. 2.] |Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. NCWMVMII»Tax] VI/71... (in ex.) Kastor and Polydeukes on horse- back, l., r. arms raised, 1. holding sceptres and reins; horses canter- | 1 } • | 11 . | | | . | 0 || - ; # Young V/ [Cf. ing. 6.] CAMPANIA. | 0 | | Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. - Reverse. | | 6’4 | 09 -7 AE '65 • 1|AR 35 WAVMIQXRVN Young NNVVGHT787|LVI male head, I., bound Hound, r., on the with wreath, hair long: scent. border of dots. No inscr.; same type and VMVMIQXIVM - border. VVVVMIGHTV18]Vlly|| Same type. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXXXVI, 7.] AE 65 | AE 65 AR 85 AR 8 Same. | www.gºv; Same type. ..MQHTVí87.JPH/MVV Same type. Same. PHISTELIA. a. Without inscription. Barleycorn; above, mus- Young head, without cle, hinge., l. neck, full-face, hair short. b. With Oscan inscription. Female head, three-81%TM% Man-headed quarter face, towards bull, l. ; in exergue, r., diademed, with dolphin, I. necklace, hair loose: , plain border. |LXII, 1.] Same. |8 |z1|LVIz Same. |Obv. Same die as preceding.] SU ESSA AURU NCA. 123 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. - Reverse. 4 || 10:5|AR ‘4 |Young head, withoutzl LVTz18 Barleycorn; neck, three - quarter above, muscle, hinge, face, towards r., hair r. ; beneath, dolphin, short. r., upside down. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXII. 5, 6.] 5 || 8 |2|AR ‘4 |Same. Same. 6 || 7 ||AR '45|Same. Same. c. With Greek and Oscan inscriptions. 7 | 12: 14R 454 IXTE AIA Young|Same. head(with neck),three- quarter face, towards r., hair short. [Cf. 7.] 8 || 10 - |AR '45 plxTE AIA Same|Same. type. 9 || 9 -9|AR ‘45|Inscr. same as no. 7;|Same. same type. SU ESSA AURUNCA, | 105.4/AR -59 Head of Apollo, r., laur.;|%VE%ANO (in ex.). A behind, triquetra of horseman, l., (Kastor?) legs. wearing pilos, with r. - hand holding palm filleted passing over shoulder, and leading| another horse a little in advance ; horses walking. [LXIV. 7.] 2 97-8ARpl. 85|Same; but behind, lyre. Same. - [Cf. 6..] 3 || 12-6AR '85 Similar type; behind, Same; horses trotting. | thunderbolt. 14. 124 CAM PAN IA. | No. 5 7 | || 0 | I 12 a-> 14 15 pent : border of dots. - [Cf. Wt. Nº. Obverse. Reverse. 97 ‘5|AR pl. 9 Same. |Same. (M in inscr.) | 1 || 8|AR 85|Same; but behind, * shield with boss end- ing in long ridge. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXIV. 3.) 110 9AR '85 Same; but behind, hel-Same. met with cheek - pieces ! | 10 AR 85|Same ; but behind, star Same. of eight rays. - | 13 2AR 9 Same; but behind, ear|SVESANO Same type. of barley. - AE 85%WE%ANO Same type, Man - headed bull, r., 1. ; behind, M ; border head facing; above, of dots. Nike, flying, r., crown- ing bull; beneath, T. (Cf. LXV. 12.] AE -8 |Same; but behind, N. Same ; but beneath, N. (M2) | AE -8 |Same ; but behind, N. Same ; but beneath, IX. AE 8 |Same. Same ; but beneath, T. [12.] AE -8 |Same; but behind, T. Same; but beneath, M. [Cf. 13.] AB 8 No inscr. same type;|SVESAN[O] (in ex.) | but behind, O. Same type. i. [15.] AE 8 |Same. Same. AE 75'Head of Pallas, l., wear-Same inscr. (not in ex.) ing crested Corinthian Cock, r. ; behind, star *| helmet, on which ser- of eight rays : border of dots. 23.] TEAN U M SI DICINU M. No. 17 | 8 19 20 2] a- 2 2 Q Metal. 86 -3 ARpl. 8 Wt. Size. Obverse. | Reverse. | AE 8 Same. (No symbol visi–Same. ble on helmet.) AE 8 T ROBOM Head of Same inscr. Herakles, Hermes, l., in winged facing, head and petasos, tied under shoulders, r., strang- chin: border of dots. ling lion; between - legs, club : border of dots. (Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXV. 17.] AE 8 Same. Same. AE 8 |Same (K for R in inscr.)|Same. AE 8 BOM Bust of Same. Hermes; petasos not tied : border of dots. - [20. '95|ſ|RBOY Same type;|Same. petasos tied : border of dots. 1. Tíamud 3VVINRT Head of young Herakles, r., in lion's skin; beneath, club, l. : border of dots. Same inscr. ; (nearly ef- faced;) head of Apollo, r., laur. ; behind, E. Same, inscr. ; (partly ef- faced ;) similar head, TEANUM SIDICINUM. a. With Oscan inscriptions. l., hair tied behind. (Cf. LXVI, 9. Sidikinud. 3.VMIXIX112 (in ex.) Nike, in triga, I., hold- ing whip and reins; horses cantering, mid- dle one looking back. Same inscr.; (in ex., first letternot visible;) man- headed bull, r., head facing; above, star of sixteen rays. - %IRIKIMAR Sametype; but above, lyre ; be- low, N. 126 CAMPANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 2. Tiamud. 4 110 '8AR 85|Head of young Herakles, AVMWINT (in ex). r., in lion's skin, not Nike, in triga, l., hold- covering back of head; ing whip and reins; behind, heron, 1. horses cantering. 5 106 4AR 9 Similar type (no symbol Same. (NH in inscr.) visible). 6 87 4ARpl. 85|Same type, l.; behind, Same. (H.) poplar-leafº [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXVI. 5.] 7 108-7|AR 9 Similar type, r.; but Same. (K., probably Y lion's skin covering changed in die to H.) back of head; beneath, strung bow. - 8 |106 °3|AR 9 |Same ; but behind, kan-Same. (NH in inscr.) tharos. [Cf. 3..] 9 |104 -3AR 85|Same ; but beneath, Same. (H in inscr.) club, l. 10 |107.5|AR 9 |Same. Same. (NN in inscr.) | | AE -8 |Head of Apollo, I., laur.;|[X]VVD/IFT Man-head- behind, O : border of ed bull, r., head facing; dots. above, Nike, flying, r., crowning bull; be- neath bull, pentagram. [Cf. 15.] 12 AE 8 Same. (Nothing visible:Same. (N in inscr.) behind head.) 13 AE 75 Same; behind, large|Same. (Inscr.and symbol || - shield. uncertain.) 14 AE 8551VVINNT Same type;|No inscr.; same type. - behind, O: same bor- - der. [Cf. 13, 14.] OSCAN, ETC. 127 15 16 17 i Wt. : AE Metal. Size. AE '85 '65 •65 Obverse. Reverse. Same; but behind, thun-Same. derbolt. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. LXVI. 11, 12.] b. With Latin inscription. Head of Pallas, l., wear-TIANO Cock, r. ; be- ing crested Corinthian hind, star of eight helmet; behind neck, rays : border of dots. owl, r. : border of - dots. Same ; but no symbol. Same. [Cf. 16.] º UNCERTAIN OSCAN COINS. Head of Apollo, r., laur.,IDNC&I Man-headed back hair in formall bull, l. curl. [Cf. LXXXV. 1, 2, 3.] Same. - Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 1& MGI Same type. MAIIEx Female head, Man-headed bull, r., r., wearing close cap head facing; above, with tassel, and ear- mask? border of dots. ring : border of dots. [Cf. LXI. 14.] 128 CAMPANIA. * • Metal. - Obverse. Reverse. Size. No. Wt. 7 || 14:5AR 8 |Head of Hera, three-senzeP Bellerophon quarter face, towards on Pegasos, r., wear- r., wearing stephanos, ing petasos, striking ornamented with sin- Chimaira, r., with gle honeysuckle, and spear. foreparts of two grif- fins, r., with necklace: border of dots. |This and the next coin are placed here, as the same types are found with Oscan inscriptions.] 8 || 10 AR 8 |Same. Place of inscr. wanting; same type; in field, r., T. [The inscr. was probably not Oscan, as T occurs in the field of the R.] 9 |283 9|AE '95|Head of Helios, full-face, radiate; beneath, IE Horse's head, I. ; in front, © . CAMPANIA, UNCERTAIN. 129 Metal. º Obverse. Reverse. Size. Wł. : 98ſ UNCERTAIN OF CAMPANIA, 9-7 |AR ‘45 |Head of water-nymph, Lion, advancing, 1.; in full-face, towards J., ex., serpent, l. bound with diadem and wearing necklace. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXII, 2.] 10-4 |AR '45 Same. |Same. 8’4 |AR ‘4 |Same. Same. 8'2 |AR '45 Same. Same; above lion, star of eight rays. [Cf. 3..] - 7-7|AR ‘4 |Same. Same. 9:5 |AR '45 Same. : Similar, without star. 8-3 AR ‘4 |Same. (Necklace not|Similar. . visible.) 9.8 |AR 4 |Same. Similar. AE 6 |Head of Apollo, r., laur., Muscle, hinge, l.; around, back hair in formal three dolphins, upper curl. one, r., the others, l. : border of dots. [LXXXV. 5.] AE 8 |Same type. |NOJAOY7 on band. Fore-part of man- headed bull, swim- ming, r.; on shoulder, star of four rays; be- hind, pl? plain bor- der. 130 AIPULIA. No. Wt. *. obverse. - Reverse. APULIA. ARPI. 1 || 108 AR 9 APRANON Head of Horse, prancing, 1, ; Persephone, 1., bound above, star of eight with wreath of barley, rays; beneath, wearing earring and AAIOY. necklace; behind, ear of barley with two leaves: border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. XC. 2.] 2 |106-3 AR 95|Same inscr. Same head, Same, but beneath two years of barley inscr., helmet with visible; behind, am-| crest and cheek- phora : border of dots. pieces, l. [1..] 3 || 10.8 |AR 35 Horse, prancing, r., Hook; in field, r., A : - bridled ; above, A: border of dots. border of dots. [Cf. 7.] 4 AE 85|AAir OY Head of Zeus, APTTANON (in ex.) l, laur.; behind, thun- Kalydonian boar, run- derbolt: border of ning, r., above, spear- dots 7 head, r. [XCI. 11.] 5. AE 8 ||No inscr. visible. Same|APTA (in ex.) Same type ; border of dots. | type. 6 AE 8 || Bull, r., butting : be-|APTTA NOY Horse, meath, TiOYA/\l. prancing, r. [15.] 7 AE 75|Same. Same inscr. ; similar type; horse galloping. [16.] A SCULU M. 131 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 8 AE '85|Same. Same type as no. 6; beneath latter part of inscr., E. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. XCI. 14.] 9 AE 75|Same type; ſi\(^^O. | Same; but no letter. [17.] 10 AE 8 || Same. Same; horse bridled ? | 1 | AE 75|Same type; Ty/\AY. ATSA Same type. OY 12 AE 6 Head of Pallas, r., wear- APTA MOY Bunch ing crested Corinthian of grapes: border of helmet. dots. [19.] ASCULUM. 1 AE .75|AYHYXKAI Horse’s AYHYXKA: Ear of head, I., bridled. barley with leaf on 1. [Cf. LXIII, 1.] 2 AE •9 |Same. Same. 3 AE 85|Same. Same. 4 AE 8 |. . . XDYA (in ex.)|No inscr. ; same type. Kalydonian boar, run- ning, r.; above, spear- head, r. 5 AE .75 Head of young Hera- AYCKAA Nike, r., kles, 1., wearing lion's holding wreath by skin ; behind neck, fillet, and palm ; bor- club : border of dots. der of dots. - [Cf. XCIII. 1.] 6 AE 8 |Same. | Same. 132 APUILIA. No Wt * Obverse. Reverse, ! IZé –––– – º – - t | BARIUM. Sextans. | AE ‘8 Head of Zeus, r., laur. ;|BAP INU)N Prow, >k r., upon which Eros, behind, : border leaning forward, draw- 3% ing bow ; beneath, of dots. dolphin, r. : plain border. | ſCf. Car. N. I. V. T. XCVII. 1.] 2 AE 8 |Same. |BA P 1 N 00N Same. . Uncia. 3 AE 6 |Same head; behind, 3%: BAPI NUJ N Same border of dots. type : no dolphin. [2.] 4 AE 65|Same. | BAP N Same type. - Semuncia Ž | 5 AE 5 |Same head : border of BAP! Prow, r. ; in | dots, front, ſº : plain bor- | der. | CAELIA. l 15-8 |AR '45 Head of Pallas, r., wear- KAI Herakles, r., ! ing crested helmet, on kneeling, strangling which sea-horse. Nemean lion ; be- hind, club; beneath, uncertain letters. (Cf. XCVIII, 1.] CAELIA. 133 No we ºn – 2 AE 8 | 3 AE 7 4 AE •85 | 5 AE 7 6 AE 6 | Obverse. Reverse. Sextans. Head of Pallas, r., wear- KALAINQN Trophy ing crested Corinthian of crested helmet, l., helmet, on which ser- round shield, lance, pent, and earring; sword, and cuirass; on above, e s : border of either side, star of six dots. rays; in field, I., thun- derbolt: plain border. gºt [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. XCVIII, 11.] Same type; on helmet, KALAIN ON Similar griffin. trophy, Gorgon’s head on shield, palm cross- ing lance ; in field, J., | club, upwards. 9. |9.] Same type; nothing visi- KAIAIN Trophy, hel- ble on helmet; no ear- met, r., no device visi- ring 2 ble on shield, no palm; on either side, star. [10.] Uncia. Same; above head, e. QN Same type; in field, l., star of six 7 rays. [15.] Uncertain Denominations. Same; but in front, K. |AIAX Eagle, 1., on º thunderbolt; behind, two stars of eight rays : border of dots. 134 Al’ULIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 7 AE 55|Same type, with neck- K Al A IN Q. N lace ; no mark of Three crescents, horns value. outwards, within each • : plain border. 8 AE '55|Same. KAI Male figure, ad- vancing, 1., wearing | petasos ? and holding palm with r. hand : border of dots. 9 AE 5 |Similar head, with ear- Inscr. in ex. not legible: - ring : no border visi-| Dioskuri wearing ble. conical caps, on horseback, r. [Cf. Car. N.I.V. T. XCVIII. 18.] Sextans. 10 AE 7 |Similar head ; above, K/\!/\l Nike, advanc- ee ; behind, K: bor- ing, l., holding wreath, der of dots. and carrying trophy . on 1. shoulder : bor- der of dots. [Cf. 12.] | 1 AE 75 Head of Zeus, r., laur. : KAIA g ! Pallas, running, behind, * : border N*N . º 9 @ l, wearing crested of dots. helmet, holding spear and small buckler : plain border. [Cf. 4.j Uncia. 12 AE 7 |Same ; behind head, K. ||Same inscr. Thunder- bolt: plain border. (Cf. 5.] CANU SIU M. 135 No. 13 14 Metal. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. Uncertain Denominations. * AE 6 |Similar type. ... Same type. N(AJN [Car. N. I. V.T. XCVIII. 6.] AE '5 |Same. K A Club, upwards, within laurel ? wreath. CANUSIUM. 7-3 ||AR '4 A Amphora, be-|P I ? Trichord lyre. tween cornucopiae, 1. and oinochoé, l. 6.5 |AR ‘4 |Amphora between flow- K A Same type. er of eight petals and oinochoé, l. 4.9 |AR 4 |Same; but cornucopiae, Same. l., instead of flower. - [Cf. XCIV. 1. AE '85 Bare male head, l. (Dio- Horseman, r., wearing medes 2) crested helmet and with spear couched, horse galloping; be- neath horse, KANYX.INQſN]. [2.] AE 8 |Same. | Same. HYRIUM. AE .45|Head of Pallas, r., |YP1A Rudder, length- wearing crested Co-|TINQ rinthian helmet: bor-| wise, l. ; beneath, dol- der of dots. phin, r. : plain border. [LXXXVIII. 8.] º ‘55|Same. | Same. 136 - APULIA. | No. Wt, Metal. Obverse. . Size Reverse. LUCERIA. [Arrangement of Mommsen, Blacas I. p. 343–349.] AES GRAVE. Libral System. As. 1 5266|AE 2-65. Head of young Hera- Horse's head, 1., bridled. kles, r., in lion’s skin. º § | º i | à 745 | | f #As:i '. w § i º | l -: LU CERIA. 137. Metal. No. Wt. Si Obverse. Reverse. IZ6. 2 |4236 |AE 2:8 Head of Apollo, l., laur. ;|Cock, l. in front, l. [Mus. Kirch. Inc. I. 1.] | 3 ||3757 |AE 2-7 |Same. Same. | 4 || 3220 |AE 2-7 |Same. Same. 5 3130|AE2.8 |Same. Same. | 6 || 2910 |AE 2-7 |Similar head ; no mark|Horse’s head, l. of value. Quincunx. 7 | 1593 AE 1.75 Archaic wheel of four|Same type as obv. ; spokes, without tire. between two lower : spokes, 3e3. - Triens. 8 1823 |AE 1.8 Thunderbolt. Club, l. ; beneath, - © Q @ Q. [Cl. V. I. A, 1.] 9 1539 AD 17 Same. | Same. - Quadrans. 10 || 1475 AB 1'85 Star of six rays, on Dolphin, l.; beneath, raised field. O Gº C ; on raised field. [2.] 138 A PU Ll A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 11 |1335|AE 17 |Same. Same. 12 | 1244 |AE l'65|Same, Same. 13 | 1015 AE 16 |Same. |Same. Sextans. 14 || 1231 |AE 1:45 Cockle-shell, on º Astragalos ; beneath, field. - © C; on raised field. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. V. I. A. 3..] 15 999 |AE 1.4 |Same. | Same. Uncia. I6 570 |AE 1:25|Toad. *: of barley; above, O . [4.] 17 | 545 |AE 1'15|Same. Same. 18 531 |AE 1: 1 |Same. Same. 19 451 |AE 1-1 |Same. Same. Semuncia. 20 493 AE '95. Crescent, on raised field. Thyrsos with fillet, on | - - raised field. 2| || 394 |AE 1:05. Same. Same. 22 || 349 |AE 1:05|Same. Same. Triental System. As. 23 1178 AB 1.9 |Head of young Hera- Horse, prancing, r.; kles, r., in lion's skin; above, star of eight along neck, club, l. rays; beneath, 12. [Cl. V. I. B. 1.] ** 24 || 144|AE 195|Same. Same. 35 |ioso |AE i-9 |Same. Same. 26 || 1041 AE 1.9 |Same. Same. 27 | 1040 Æ 1.95|Same. Same. 28 873 Æ 17 Same. |Same. LU C E RIA. 139 30 3] 32 34 Q pº J O 36 37 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZë. Quincunx. 630 |AEl'3 |Archaic wheel of four|Same type as obv.; be- spokes, without tire, tween upper spokes, On raised field. **, between lower, |- ; on raised field. [Mus. Kirch., Cl. V. I. B. 2.] 573 Æ 1.45|Same. Same. 546 AE 1.35|Same. Same. 513 AF 1'3 |Same. Same. 495 |AE 1-3 |Same. Same. 473 AE 1:25iSame. Same. 472 AE l'25|Same. Same. Triens. 585 AF 1'25|Thunderbolt, on raised Club, F. : above, field. © C C C ; beneath, 1, ; on raised field. [3.] 525 |AE l'? |Same. Same. 489 |AE | 2 | Same. Same. 405 |AE | * 15 Same. Same. Quadrans. 369 |AEl'1 |Star of eight rays, on Dolphin, r. ; above, raised field. e ee ; beneath, y, on raised field. [4.] 294 AE 1.1 |Same. Same. 269 |AE 1.05|Same. Same. - Sextans. 308 AB 1.1 Cockle-shell, on raised |Astragalos; above, ee; field. beneath, V, ; on raised - field. [5.] 299 AE 1:05. Same. Same. 270 AF 1 |Same. Same. 249 AF 1 |Same. Same. | 40 - APU L.I.A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Uncia. 5 47 207 |AE 85|Toad, on raised field. | Ear of barley; above, O; beneath, Le; on raised field. [Mus, Kirch. Cl. V. I. B. 6.] ‘85|Same. Same. 48 203 |AE 49 | 187 |AE '85' Same. Same. 50 142|AE '9 |Same. Same. 51 | 137 AE '85, Same. Same. 52 | | 15 AE 8 |Same. Same. | Semuncia. - 53 115|AE 75 Crescent, ol, raised field. Half-thyrsos with fillet; beneath, , ; on raised - field. [...] STRUCK COINS, Sextantal System. Quincunx. 54 233 AE 1.05 Head of Pallas, r., wear-LOV C E R I. Wheel ing crested Corin- of eight spokes, inner thian helmet; above, line of tire dotted. |- e eeee : border of dots: - [Car, N I. V. T. LXXXVIII, 1.] 55 22 l |AE 105 Same. Same. 56 165 AF 1 - |Same. Same. Triens. 57 207 AF 1: Head of young Hera-LOVCER Quiver, r., | kles, r., in lion’s skin; club, r., and strung - behind, :: border of bow : plain border. dots. " [2.j 58 203 |AE '95 Same. | Same, MATEoLANI ? 141 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse: Quadrans. 59 || 173 AE 9 |Head of Poseidon, r.;|[L]OVCERI Dolphin, e 2 . tº 4" | * * * r. ; above, trident, r. : behind, ; : bordel of plain border. 2 dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXXXVIII. 3.j 60 | 160 AE '85|Same. | Same. Sextans. 61 100 AE 7 | Head of Dione, r., laur. [L]OVCERI Cockle- and veiled ; behind shell, hinge down- head, E: border of wards: plain border. dots. [4] Uncia. 62 34 AE '55. Head of Apollo, T., | LOVC ERI Toad: laur. ; over shoulder, plain border. bow and quiver ; be- - hind, e : border of dots. [Cf. 5.] MATEOLANI ? (City Mateolum or Mateola 2) Sextans. l 56 AE -65. Head of Pallas, r., wear-| Lion seated, r., head ing crested Corinthian facing; holding broken helmet, and earring; spear in mouth and above, ee : border of with 1. fore-paw; in dots. - field, r., NA: plain - border. º 142 A PULIA. No. - Wt. *. Obverse. | Reverse. 126. Uncia. 2 50 |AE '55|Similar head; above, e : Herakles, naked, r., - border of dots. leaning on club under l. shoulder; in field, l., TA: plain border. 3 || 4 || |AE 55|Same. NEAPOLIS. | AE ‘5 | Female head, r.. wear- NEA -i- ing stephanos." TIO/\ Ornamented tri * . dent. - [Car. N. I. V. T. C.I. 5.] 2 AE 6 |Bust of Demeter ? r., NE • Tº veiled: border of dots. AſO Ear of barley with two leaves: plain border. - - - RUBI. 14 AR 55|Head of Pallas, r., wear-|PY Ear of barley with - ing Corinthian helmet, two leaves; in field, on which star. r., cornucopiae. [XCV. 4.] 2 | 6′3 AR 35|Bull's head, facing, with |P Y on either side of pendent fillets. winged thunderbolt. 3 5'8 AR 35|Same. - | Same. RUBI. 143 No. Metal. 10 II Wt, Size, Obverse. Reverse. 5'8 |AR 35 Bust of Helios, full- P Y on either side of face, radiate and wear- two crescents, horns ing chlamys. - outwards; above, AA; between crescents two dots. AE 45 Head of Pallas, r., wear- PYBA Nike, I., hold- ing crested Corinthian ing wreath and palm. helmet. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. xCV. 18.] AE .45|Same. Same. - AE 75|Head of Zeus, r., laur. : PYP Eagle, I., wings border of dots. open, on thunderbolt: plain border. [11.] AE 85|Same type; behind head, Same. K. |AE 7 |Head of Herakles 2 r., PYP Smooth club with laur. ; border of dots. strap, r., quiver, I., and strung bow; all in laurel - wreath, pointing 1. [14.] AE 6 Head of Pallas, r., wear- PYBAXTEINO N ing crested Corinthian | Owl, r., on olive- helmet ; above, K : branch ; in field, AI : border of dots. plain border. [2.] - |AE 6 TP. CE.E Head of PY Female figure, l., Zeus, r., laur. ; border holding patera and of dots. cornucopiae : plain - border. [10] 144 APULIA. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | 4-5 16- AE AE AE AR * '55 '85 Rubi and Silvium ? - Head of Pallas, r., XI PY Ear of barley wearing Corinthian with leaf on right; in helmet. field, r., cornucopiae. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. XCV. 4.] Same. | Same. SAL APIA. XAAATINQN Head Kalydonian boar, run- of Zeus, l., laur. ;| ning, r. ; above, orna- behind, thunderbolt : mented trident, r. ; in border of dots. ex., TiV/\/\OY. [XCII. 18.] e tº gº & © e Similar Same type ; above, head, r. wreath ; in ex., - … * T1/\OTIOY, [20.] ‘85|XA/\ . . . . . . Head | Horse, prancing, r. ; of Apollo, r., laur. ; above, ornamented behind, quiver. trident, r. ; beneath, TTY/\/\OY. [15.] CAATT| Horse, r., left Dolphin, r. ; above, No N “” ” “"| AAMAIPE; beneath, fore-leg raised; above, AAIENI. BQ. - [Cf. 2.] Same type ; above, QMITA Same type. AAEOY; beneath, & A. - [6.] Same type ; above, Same type, l. ; above, Al || ; beneath, A. AAI Y; beneath, ViAAM. -6 |XAAAſ INQ Dolphin, Same type, r. l". TEATE. - 145 sº Wt. *. Obverse. - Reverse. 8 AE 85XAAATINQN Head |Horse, prancing, r. ; of Apollo, r., laur. above, wreath ; be- neath horse, E. 9 AE 75 (No inscr.) Similar XAAA Same type ; | head. above, star of five rays. * 10 AE 85|Similar tvoe. XA/\IT l yp |NQN Same type; star with seven rays. | | AE 8 |>A/\Aſ|| Similar Horse, prancing, r. ; head. behind neck, palm bound with fillet ; - TPOXA beneath, NTIOx: [Car. N. I. V.T. XCII. 12.] 12 AE 65|CAAATINQN Head|Eagle 1 r., on capital 2 of young Pan, r. ; behind, palm, inverted. behind neck, pedum : border of dots, [Cf. 8. TEATE. Nummus. I 446 |AE 1.25 Head of Zeus Dodo- TIATI Eagle, r., wings naios, r. : border of open, on thunderbolt; dots. in front, N, above ; which, star of eight rays. [Cf. LXXXVII.2.] 2 428 AE 1:25 Same. | Same ; without star. | | | U | 46 A PULIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 126. Quincunx. 3 335 AE 1: Head of Pallas, r., wear-TIATI Owl, r., On ing crested Corinthian bar; in ex., ee ee e. helmet : border of dots. {& [Car. N. I. V. T. LXXXVII. 8.] 4 || 313 AE 1 |Same type; on helmet, Same: plain border. griffin. - 5 207 AE 1: Head of Pallas, r., wear-TIATI Owl, r., on ing crested Corinthian Ionic capital; in front, helmet, with earring ; : above, eeese : border | * , above which, star of dots. : of eight rays. [6.] 6 | 186 |AE '95|Same type; on helmet, TIATI Same, but with- serpent 7 out star. 7 | 169 |AE 1 |Same, but without de- Same; above marks of vice on helmet. value, crescent, horns upwards. [8.] 8 | 161 AE '95. Same type; no marks | Same inscr. Owl, on of value. palm-branch, r. ; be- gº neath, marks of value: plain border. (Cf. 12.] 9 | 168 AF 9 |Same type. Same inscr. Owl, r., on bar; in front, K; in ex., Oesee: plain | - border. TEATE. 147 No, 10 | 1 12 13 14 | 5 16 Wt. 108 111 102 96 64 | 57 Metal. Size. le 5 Obverse. Reverse. Same type. helmet. $ ; bord Same. |Same, but owl on palm- branch, r. [12.] Sextans. - Same, with necklace ;|Same, but owl r., on bar; on helmet uncertain in ex., ee. device. - [13. Same. | Same; in front, wreath. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing crested helmet : border of dots. Head of Pallas, r., wear- ing crested Corinthian Head of Poseidon ? r., TIATI Taras 7 on dol- diademed 7 in front, phin, I., holding am- Quadrans. Same; no letter; in ex., O © O. [Car. N. I. V. T. LXXXVII. 11.] [14.] Uncia : TI A[T]| Owl, r., on bar. [Cf. 17.] TIATI Owl, r. Quadrans. er of dots. phora and trident. [Cf. 18.] O | | 48 APULIA. Metal. * Obverse. º Size. Reverse. No. Wł. VENUSIA. [See, for arrangement, Mommsen, Blacas I. p. 349–354.] - AES GRAVE. Libral System. As. 1 |5224|AE 2:55|Fore-part of Kalydonian Wolf's head, l. boar, l.; one fore-leg visible. --- -- *S § *"-| *SºsZ.l N-f § Ssº º 7%. , º; i. # || || *"Sº 2\, f\,\ || ||||}|\\ SS N \º is Ş SN Sº ~ * º § S. º § § - *śse - ~~~ & \ , WN |Š :N li's." N §: --- N N - N - ‘ĀYN |Nº. \\ sº § ÄN See YS - Will, 2, 44% SS- : S==\ ºft '', ºy | 3 Wº sº Žºg %2 N \s º: 2,12 % %5S$ 2 \ $: - - Jºž2>S$3." **~ * *s- \\ - - Sºs ~ Sº - - W | 5 || *s-E-- 14%, ~~~ §:23-2^2 / --~ * > Š-º- s * - * ~~ S- - - - -º , - r., TA Taras, naked, seated on dolphin r., l. arm extended; around - dolphin, waves; in | - field r. T : border of dots on band. Naked horseman horse cantering. beneath Same; but TAPAX Taras, naked, seated on dolphin l., r. arm extended; be- hind, O. (for G) 2) Same; but without letter. No inscr. Same type, but without letter. TARENTUM." 175. | 13 | 1.4 115 | | 6 117 | | 8 | | ſ | | 8-6 121.3 | 20.6 104° 119:6 1042 ARPl.:8 AR -75 AR -75 AR, 75 ARpl.-8 AR 85 8-5 7 hind, EY ; beneath horse, IQſìY. Naked horseman r., r. arm raised, horse cantering; beneath horse, X.A. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. 126. . 112 | 984 AR 8 Naked horseman l., TAPAX Taras, naked, horse cantering ; be- seated on dolphin I., holding kantharos and palm bound with fillet; in front, Go! ; behind, crested Corin- thian helmet, l. TAPAX Similar type, but no kantharos; same symbol; below, XY.M. Car. N. I. V. T. CXIII. 190.] Naked horseman holding whip in r., horse cantering: plain border. - T., TAPAX Taras, naked, seated on dolphin, I., holding kantharos in r. : plain border. . 110.] Same inscr. and type ; place of kantharos | wanting : no border visible. - Same inscr. and type, but Taras holds in r. a marine plant Q [113.] [CIX Same type, whip not visible ; beneath, AOP. Naked horseman r., horse galloping: plain border. Same. Same. Same type, but r. arm of horseman extended behind him and hold- ing whip; beneath horse, A: plain border. Traces of inscr. Same type : .plain border. Same inscription and type, but marine plant? | varied. Same inscription and type: plain border. 176 CATIA-B IRIA. No. 120 12] 123 126 122 Wt. tº Obverse. Reverse. 119.8 |AR 9 |Same type, but horse- TAPAX Taras, naked, man holding reins | seated on dolphin l., with both hands; be- holding bunch of hind, EY; beneath, grapes and distaff; APIXTAX. below, KAH. 117-3 ||AR 85|Same type, but r. arm |TAPAX Taras, naked, raised, holding whip ; seated sideways on beneath, GPA. dolphin r., looking backwards, striking cuttle-fish with trident || - in r. ; beneath, G)PA. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXI. 153.] 115.5 |AR -85|Same. Same. 97.5 |AR 8 |Same type; beneath, TAPA Taras, naked, H |T|TIOA. seated on dolphin I., holding kantharos and distaff; behind back, º Al and buccinum. [Cf. 156.] 99.4 R ‘75|Same. |Same. 121-7 |AR 9 |Same type, but horse-TAPAz Same type; man holding reins with below, IOP and doe, both hands; beneath, l., head turned back. Ni KOAAMOX. [CXII. 175.] 97.9 AR “8 |Same type, but horse- Same inscr. Taras, man holding torch in r. extended back- wards; beneath, H HPAKAHI. naked but for chlamys on 1. arm, seated on dolphin r., holds dart in raised r., and two others crossed in 1. ; in field l., X; be- neath, kantharos and A. |CXI. 151. TARENTUM. 177 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 127 | 99-3 AR “75 Naked horseman r., TAPAX Taras, naked, crowning horse stand- seated on dolphin l., ing; in field l., EY, holding rhyton and r., pl; beneath, trident; behind, ear TENEA z. of barley. - [Car. N. I. V.T. CXIII. 179.] 128 121.2|AR -85|Same type, but beneath TAPAX Taras, naked, horse, A. seated on dolphin l., holding torch 2 in r. ; beneath, A : plain border. [CXII. 172.] 129 |100.4|AR •85|Same type; but behind, TAPAX. Same type; - q>1/\OKPA, and be- but Taras holds neath horse, NK. wreath-bearing Nike and trident; beneath, APIXTO. [CX. 130.] 130 101.1|AR 8 |Same type; but behind, Same. KPA, and beneath horse, NK. 13] 121-3 AR 9 |Same type; but behind, TAPAX Taras, naked, XA, and beneath seated on dolphin l., horse, *!\! - holding bunch of 9***, APXOX. grapes in r.; beneath, Aſ A. [CXIV. 201.] 132|1202 AR 85|Same. Same. 133 99.6 |ARpl.-85|Same; but beneath |Same. horse q>1/\| * AT1/\K. 134 121. AR 85|Same; but beneath |Same. ... pl/\IA horse, PXOX. 178 CALAB RIA. No. Wt. º Obverse.’ Revere . . . . 135 | 95-3 AR 8 |Same ºtype; beneath TAPAX Taras, naked, - horse, AEON ? seated on dolphin I., - - holding bunch of grapes and trident; behind, A/; beneath, lion, 1. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXII. 164.] | 136||122-6 ||AR 8 |Naked horseman I., TAPAX Same type, | crowning horse walk- but holding kantharos ing ; beneath horse, in r. ; beneath, X; be- - hind, Q. 137 || 19.2 |AR 85|Same type; beneath Same inscr. and type; - horse, "l. but r. hand extended empty; beneath, A. 138||122.8 |AR 75|Same type; beneath|Same inscr. and type; - horse, Palladion. beneath, P. 139||120-3 |AR 85 Same type; beneath, Same inscr. and type, 2. cockle-shell. but holding kantharos. 140 || 17°5 AR 8 |Same type, r. ; beneath |Same inscr. and type; - horse, ATIH. behind, (p. 141 || 17-8 AR 9 |Same type; behind &be-|Same inscr. and type, 1,2,..., XOKPA but holding branch neath horse, THX. . of olive 2 beneath, 142| 95.2|AR 75|Similar type, horse trot- APAx Same type, but ting; behind, same holding kantharos. mon. ; beneath horse, bearded mask, full- face, and § [CXII. 162.] - - |148|997.|R 8 |Same type; behind, TAPAz Taras, naked, : rºl; beneath horse, seated sideways on NEY dolphin, l., holding in MH. r. Phrygian helmet; on either side, star of twelve rays; behind, APIX. [Cf. CXII. 174.] TARENTUM. No. Wt. * Obverse. : - * 144|100:4AR 75|Same. Same inscr., type, and symbols; but behind, …” - - - - - TIO/\Y. . . [Car. N. I. V. T. CXII. 174.] 145||983|R 85|Same. Same. 146 1002 AR ‘8 |Same. Same. 147| 93.8 |AR 8 same. TAPAX Taras, naked, Ç - seated on dolphin r., holding arrow reversed and bow; beneath, AP and elephant, r. [Cf. CX, 127.] 148 |123.4|AR 85|Same type; beneath TAP AX: Taras, naked, horse, K and club. seated on dolphin l., - holding kantharos and round buckler with trident; beneath, Q and waves : plain *- | border. [CXII. 163.j 1491222R 8 same type; behind, zATAPAz Taras, naked, - - -- ... APE seated on dolphin 1, beneath horse; G).Q.N. holding tripod in r. ; - beneath, DAX. [CX. 123.] 150 || 15-6 ARPl.:85|Same. Same. 151 99.6 AR -8 Same type; behind, Wºy ; Same inscr. and type, - - | . . • W in front, ſº ; beneath but holding rhyton | hors plac, nd and trident ; behind, * KAHX: * | two diotae. dolphin, r. [CXIV. 204.] 152, 99.2F 75 same. | Same. * w 180 CALABRIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. S126. 153| 99.2|AR 8 |Same type; behind, TAPA. Same type, ©! ; beneath horse, but holding cornuco- Tori YPO [x] : piae and trident; be- - hind, a bee. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXI. 147.] 154 99.5|AR 8 |Same type, l.; beneath, Same inscr. and type, AP IX.TIC and an- but holding wreath- chor, r. - bearing Nike and distaff. ... . [CX. 128.] 155100.3 AR 8 |Same type; behind, Same inscr. and type, but TY; beneath horse, behind, XPH ! TOTTYPOX. - [Cf. CXI. 146.] 156 96:4 |AR 8 |Same type; behind, Al ;|Same inscr. and type, - yºs, PlæC but holding kantharos beneath horse, FA. ..."...#". cock, 1. [CXIV. 211.] 157 | 974 AB 75|Same type; in front Same inscr. and type, - of horse, pl; be- but holding wreath- hind, EY; beneath bearing Nike and horse, H 1 XTIAP. trident; behind, bunch of grapes. - [CXI. 157.] - 158|100.5 |AR 75|Same, but without pl. , Same inscr. and type, - - but behind, bunch of grapes with vine-leaf. 159 100.3 AR -85Same type; behind, TAPA Same type, but NK; beneath horse, holding kantharos q>1/\OKPA. and trident; behind, AſiO/\ , written upwards. [Cf. CXIV. 206.] TARENTUM. 181 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 160 1017 AR 8 |Same. . . . . X. Same, but - AſiO/\ written down- wards. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXIV. 206.] 161 97-8 AR •8 |Same type; behind, XY;|TA PAX Taras, naked, ... /\YK! seated on dolphin 1.; beneath horse, NOX. r. arm raised and hurl- ing trident; l., round which hangs chlamys, extended ; behind, - owl, 1. [Cf. CXII. 165.] 162 98.2 |AR 75|Same type; behind, cor-|Same inscr. Taras, - nucopiae : beneath naked, seated on dol- horse, q>1/\QTA. phin l., holding kan- tharos and trident; behind, TiO/\Y. 163 |100.7 |AR 85|Same type r., but horse-TAPAX Taras, naked, man wearing chlamys, seated on dolphin I., which flies behind holding wreath-bear- him ; behind, Å; ing Nike and two beneath, XA/\QN. javelins with round buckler, upon which is a sea-horse 1. ; in front, EY; beneath, Wa VeS. 164 |100.5 |AR 75|Same, but without mon. ||Same inscr. Taras, - naked, seated on dol- phin l. ; r. arm raised and hurling trident; l., round which hangs chlamys, stretched out. 165 95.1 |AR '75, Naked horseman r., TAP.. Taras, naked, carrying palm in r., horse advancing; in front AV ; beneath horse NIKOK ” PATH>. seated on dolphin l., holding trident in r. ; chlamys wrapped round l. arm. I82 . . CALAB RIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. - Reverse. 166 96.1 ||AR '75, Naked horseman r., TAPAX: Taras, naked, - * | . placing wreath upon seated on dolphin, l., horse’s head; horse holding kantharos and advancing ; above, trident; in front, ſil; Nike flying r, crown- behind, bearded term. ing horseman ; in • field r., M ; beneath - ... APIXTO horse, KPATHz. - [Car. N. I. V. T. CX. 132.] 167| 95.2|AR 75|Same. Same. 168|987 AR 75|Naked horseman ad-|TAPAX Taras, naked, vancing r. ; above, seated on dolphin r., Nike crowning him; holding cornucopia: in front, EYH; (lastlet- and trident; behind, ter doubtful;) beneath mon. 3. horse, AAMOKPI. [CXI. 140.] 169 || 98.7 |AR 75|Same. Same. 170 |122.5 AR 85|Same type; beneath, TAPAX Taras, naked, - XIM. | seated on dolphin l., - holding kantharos and trident; beneath, HHP ‘. . . and waves. •. |CXIII. 194.] 171 || 99 AR 8 |Similar type, horse|TAPAX: Same type, trotting; in front, but holding ear of (pl. , ; beneath horse, barley and trident; APIXTEIA. behind, monogram ºf. | | | | | | [CX. 124.] 172 118-8 AR 85Naked horseman r.;|TAPAX Taras, naked, above, Nike flying r., crowning him ; horse prancing, and received by naked youth, stand- ing with arms round || horse's neck; beneath horse, I : border of dots. - - seated on dolphin I., holding one-handled vase in extended r. ; behind, K. (CXI. 150. TARENTUM. 183 No. Wt. *! Obverse. Reverse. 173 |123.2 AR “85|TAPANTIN Naked TAPAX Taras, naked, horseman, l., horse seated on dolphin r., received by naked holding arrow and man standing r. ; in bow; beneath, pl. front, H ; behind, A; beneath horse, uncer- tain letters: border of © dots. [Cf. N. I. V.T. CX. 126.] 174|957 AR “75 No inscr. Same type; No inscr. Same type, behind, TY; beneath but beneath, elephant, API I’. horse, XT T1. [CX. 126.] 175 98.8 |AR 8 |Same. TAPAX. Same type * and symbol. | 176 98°5 AR 9 |Same. No inscr. Same type | - - and symbol. | 177|120°l AR 85 Naked horseman, ad-TAPAX Taras, naked, : vancing r., crowning | seated on dolphin l., himself ; beneath holding water-snake horse, XA, and top | and curved harpoon, of Ionic column. with which he guides (meta.) dolphin ; beneath, - - KON. [CXIII. 185.] 178|122. AR 8 |Same. Same. 179|100°4 AR “75|Same type and symbol;|Same inscr. Similar x - behind, IQ; above | type, but holding ap- symbol, IA/\O. lustre and distaff, and wearing endromides 7 [Cf. CXI. 145.] 180 | 100.9 |AR 8 |Same. Same inscr. and type; behind, ANG). [145.] 184 CALABRIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse, 181 100.1 AR 8 |Same. |Same. 182|1207 AR 95|Naked horseman r., TAPAX Taras, naked, crowning his horse, seated sideways on which stands with near dolphin I., holding fore-leg bent; naked kantharos and round youth kneeling r. buckler with trident; examining hoof; in beneath, E and waves. field r., p. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXIV. 218.] 183 |1207 AR “75|Same Same; place of waves wanting. 184 |120.4 |AR '85|Same TAPAX: Same type; but beneath, ſº above WaVeS. 185||119.4|AR 8 ||Naked horseman I., TAPAX Taras, naked, crowned by Nike fly-| seated sideways on ing l., and leading | dolphin I., turning second horse to r. of round and striking that which he rides; with his trident at a horses advancing l., fish swimming r. be- further horse in ad- low, in waves; in field vance; in field, I., K; r., square tablet; be- beneath horses, pl. neath, 2 : plain border. [CXIV. 214. TARENTUM. 185 No. Wt, *. Obverse. Reverse. 186 98.1 |AR 8 |Horseman r., garment|TAPAX Taras, naked, - - - round his waist, r. seated on dolphin I., hand raised; horse holding kantharos standing ; beneath and trident; beneath, horse, pla!CKOC. tripod. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXIV. 202. 187 99.4|AR 85 Horseman advancing [T]APAX Taras, naked, - I., laur., wearing seated on dolphin I., short chiton, cuirass, turning sideways, chlamys, and greaves, holding in r. trident, r. raised; in field r., and in I. chlamys, mon. Tº ; beneath which falls behind horse EE NOKP him ; beneath, waves, * AT HX, in which cuttle-fish. [Cſ. CXIII, 180.] - 188 94.2 AR 75|Same type, mon, and Same inscr., type, and legend, but pileus in symbols, but mon. 5 field r. in field r. - [180.] - 189 95.4 |AR ‘75|Horseman wearing |Same inscr. Taras, chiton, and leaning naked, seated on dol- backwards, galloping phin l., holding sea- r. ; beneath horse, horse r. and trident; II. Oſly Pl(XN and behind, head of beard- bucranium, between ed satyr, I., beneath horns of which, XO. which, ET. [Cf. CX, 129.] 190 100.5 |AR 75 Horseman advancing|Same inscr. and type, ~ | | | r., wearing crested but holding rose ? helmet, holding spear (place of which want- in r. and large round ing) and cornucopiae : shield on 1. arm ; be- behind, incense-altar neath horse H. HPAK. and E'. *AHTOX’ in front, pl. - |CXI. 152.] 191 95.9 AR “75|Same, | Same; but rose visible. B B 186 CALABRIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 192 |119 AR 8 |Similar horseman l., Taras, naked, seated holding shield on his sideways on dolphin l. arm : plain border. 1., both hands resting on dolphin's back: plain border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXII. 170.] 193||120-3 ||AR 85 Horseman advancing 1., TAPAX Taras, naked, wearing crested hel-, seated on dolphin l., met, holding reins in carrying trident over r., shield and spear in r. shoulder, l. hand 1. ; beneath horse, A. resting on dolphin's back; beneath, K - and waves. 194 100:4|AR 8 |Same type, but without TAPAX Taras, naked, - - spear; beneath horse, seated on dolphin l., AP IX.T.O.N. holding sea - horse and trident; behind, In OTT. - - [Cf. CX. 133.] 195| 97, AR 85|Same type and legend, Same. but, in front, EY p. 196 || 007 AR 75|Same, but star upon |Same. shield. 197|102.2 AR 8 |Same. Same. 198|121.9 AR 8 |Same type, but shield |TAPAX Taras, naked, plain; in front, E.; be- wearing endromides, neath, NIKA . . . .” seated on dolphin I., holding grapes and distaff; behind, cock 1. ; beneath, Aſ A. 199||1195 AR 85|Horseman, naked, but TAPAX Taras, naked, wearing crested hel-, seated sideways on met, standing beside dolphin I., holding his horse r., his r. trident and round hand placed across back of horse as if about to mount, hold- ing in l. spear and shield; in front, H. buckler; beneath, A and waves. [CXI. 143. TARENTU. M. 187 No. 200 201 202 203 204 205 Wt. 122.6 93-9 119.7 119. I 119.3 122°4 AR AR AR AR Metal. Size. AR '85 ARpl.:75 '85 Obverse. Reverse. Naked horseman I., 3:AMAT Taras, naked, crowning horse and seated on dolphin r., holding small round r. hand raised and shield in l.; horse holding trident down- advancing. wards, l. stretched out: plain border. ====º Naked horseman J., hold- TAPAX Taras, naked, seated sideways on dolphin I., both hands resting on dolphin's back; beneath, P: | plain border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXII. 170.] Naked horsemanl., hold- TAPAX Taras, naked, ing small round shield | seated on dolphin I., in J.; horse cantering; holding grapes in ex- beneath horse, cockle- tended r. : beneath, 1. shell and Ni ? ing reins and shield; horse advancing ; be- neath, A: plain bor- der. [CXII, 178.] Same type; beneath Same inscr. and type, horse, VAQA14). but holding wreath- bearing Nike 2 (place wanting :) beneath, WaVeS. |Cf. CXIV. 210.] Same; but, behind, EY. Same; but Nike visible. [210.] Same type; but horse-|Same inscr. and type. man carrying small round shield with two spears on 1. arm ; in front, @1/\ON; be- neath horse, EY 7 |Cf. 209.j 188 , CAL AIB RIA. No. Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 206 121:5 AR 8 |Same type, but horse-Same inscr. Taras, , - man carrying shield naked, seated on dol- only; behind, XI ; be- phin I., holding wreath neath, plac)KAHX. in r. ; beneath, /\Y. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXIV. 205.] 207 100°5 AR 8 ||Naked horseman r., Taras, naked, seated on holding spear, point dolphin r., holding i downwards, in raised arrow and strung bow; r., and carrying large beneath, Al and ele- round shield, with two phant r. spears, in l ; horse cantering ; behind, EY 7 beneath horse, * AP! XT! Q. - - |CX. 127.] . 208 ||21.9 Å 8 |Same type; behind, E;|TAPAX Taras, naked, beneath horse, API. seated on dolphin l., holding kantharos and rudder; in front, KA. [Cf. CX. 134.] | 209|121-5AR 8 |Same type; in front, E;|Same. beneath horse, API. 210 || 19:1 AR 9 |Same type; behind, H ;|TAPAX Taras, naked, in front, A.; beneath seated on dolphin r., hors KA/\ . border holding with both norse, A : *| hands a crested hel- of dots. met ; on either side, . a star of eight rays; - beneath, API. [Cf. CXII. 159.] 211 || 15 AR 8 same No inscr. visible. Same | type and symbols; beneath, KAA. TAR ENTUM. 189 Metal No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 212 116-8 |AR 85|Same type; behind, /\;. TAPAX. Same, but in front, N.; beneath without stars. horse, kº - [Car. N. I. V. T. CXII. 159.] 213 |123' |AR 85|Same type ; behind, H ;|Same inscr. and type; v in front, /\; beneath on either side, star of ... KA/\ . ..l., eight rays; beneath horse, A border (pl. 2 of dots. - - 214 | 97.8 |AR 8 |Same type ; behind, TAPA Taras, naked, A! ; beneath horse, seated on dolphin l., APi XTO holding kantharos and K/\ HX. | trident ; behind, fe- male head l., hair tied in knot behind. - [CX. 131.] 215||123.7 |AR 85|Same type ; beneath TAPAX Similar type ; - horse, X.A. beneath, small dol- - phin l. [CXIII. 189.] 216 |121-3 AR 9 |Same. TAPAX Taras, naked, - . seated on dolphin l., r. hand extended, distaff in l. ; beneath, prow, l. [188.] 217 | 81 |ARpl. 8|Same, |Same. 2 | 8 || 2 || 4 ||AR 8 |Same. Same ; but in field I., - - dot. | 219 121° 1 |AR ‘85! Same. |Same inscr. Taras, naked, seated on dol- phin.l., holding kan- tharos and trident; in front, A: ; in field I., dot; beneath, small - dolphin I. |Cf. 189.] 190 CALABRIA. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 220 22 | 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 121 : 5 121. I 121-3 | 22- 121-6 115-7 106. AR AR AR • •75 5|Same. '85 Same. | |Same. '85 Same. *75 Same Same. Same. Same. Same inscr., type, and symbol, but A in field, over large dolphin’s head. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXIII. 189.] |Same inscr., type, and symbol ; in front, A.; over dolphin's head, Same inscr., type, and symbol; in front, A.; over dolphin's head, P. TAPAX Taras, naked, seated on dolphin r., holding arrow in r., point upwards, and strung bow with two more arrows in l.; be- neath, H. H.P. [Cf. 186.] Same. No inscr. Same type, but Taras holding in r. arrow, point for- wards; beneath, H HP and A’. TAPAX. Same type; beneath, HHP and HP. [186.] Same. TAPAX Taras, naked, seated on dolphin l., holding small dolphin and distaff; in front, ©! ; behind, ivy-leaf; beneath, waves. TARENTUM . 191 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 229 |122°5 AR 85|Same. Same inscr. Taras, naked, seated on dol- phin l., holding kan- tharos and trident; in front, #. beneath, small dolphin, l. 230 || 22.4 R ‘8 |Same. Same. 231 |121 : 1 AR ‘8 |Same. Same. 232 121.9 AR '85 Same. Same inscr., type, and symbol; in front, K. 233 |120°] AR 8 |Same type; beneath Taras, naked, seated on horse, XIM ; border dolphin l., holding of dots. distaff in l. ; in front, ©l/\IX; behind, eagle; beneath, waves. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXIII. 192.] 234 |123°4 AR 8 |Same. |TAPAX. Same type; | in front, eagle ; be- neath, pl, and waves. 235 || 15:1 AR 8 |Same type; behind, AR;|Same type; in front, beneath horse, pl.: pl/\IX; behind, eagle; border of dots. beneath, waves. - [CXIV. 216.] - 236|1223 AR 8 |Same type; beneath TAPAX: Same type; horse, XI. in front, eagle ; be- neath, 451. [Cf. 193.] 237 ||21.6 AR -8 inscr. Taras, Same type; behind, XI. Same - naked, seated on dol- phin l., r. extended, and holding a small dolphin, 1. [CXII. 168.] 192 - CALAB RIA. |245 horse, AA!. • { No. Wt. ºl. Obverse, Reverse. IZ62. * - - |238||119:6. AR 85|Same type ; behind, Same. º XI ; beneath, AEINOKPATHX. . . . [Car. N. I. V. T. CXI. 141.] 239|1008 AR 8 |Same type, but horse-TAPAX Taras, naked, - man helmeted; be- seated on dolphin I., g hind, EY ; beneath, holding wreath-bear- | xOxTP | ing Nike and cornu- ATOX. copiae ; in front, - TIO/\Y ; behind, thunderbolt, upwards. . . . . . . . . [CXIII. 198.] . 240 |101.8 |AR 8 |Same. Same. 241 101.2 AR 8 |Same type; behind, TY. Same. 242 101.1 |AR 8 |Same type; behind, TY; Same. beneath QXT r . . . . . . * AT. | 243 |101, AR 85|Same type ; behind, TAPAX Taras, naked, EY ; beneath horse, seated on dolphin l., q>|NTAX 3 holding wreath-bear- •. ing Nike and trident; in front, TiO/\Y; be- - neath, prow, l. . . [CXIV. 212.] 244 || 98.1 |AR 85 Same type ; behind, CE; Same inscr. Taras, . . . . . . . . . . . beneath horse, A/\E. naked, seated on . . . . . . dolphin l., holding wreath and trident; behind, XI ; beneath, star of eight rays. * [CX. 117.] 1187|AR 85 Same type ; beneath Same inscr. Taras, naked, seated on dol- phin l., holding trident over r. shoulder, and in 1. round shield, on which sea-horse l. ; in front, pH; beneath, buccinum. • [CXI. 139." TAR ENTUM, 193 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 1762. 246 |121.4 |AR 8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and - symbol; in front, pl. 1247 886 ARpl. '8|Same. Same inscr. Taras, naked, seated on dol- phin I., r. extended, holding distaff in 1. ; in front, dot; beneath, prow, l. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXIII, 188.] |248 || 16.7 |AR 8 |Same type ; beneath Same inscr. Taras, horse, q>1/\l. naked, seated on dol- phin l., holding small dolphin l., and distaff; in front, pl; behind, ivy-leaf ; beneath, W aVéS. [CXIV. 208. 249 94.1 |AR 8 || Horseman r., wearing |Same inscr. Taras, crested helmet, hold- naked, seated on dol- ing spear, point down- phin l., holding tri- wards, in r., and large | dent over r. shoulder, round shield on I. 1 hand resting on dol- arm; horse cantering; phin's back; above, behind, Gl; beneath, Nike flying, r., crown- Aſl O/\. ing Taras; beneath, Wa VéS. [Cf. CX. 121.] 250 98.5 |AR 8 |Same type; behind, 61; Inscr. obliterated. Same type, but Taras wear- ing chlamys; beneath, rudder, r. beneath APIXT * OK. [Cf. 122.] 194 CALAB RIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 251 98.4 AR 85 Horseman r., wearing |TAPAX Taras, naked, crested helmet, hold- seated on dolphin l., ing spear, point down- holding kantharos and wards, in raised r., trident; behind, TY. and large round shield with two other spears in l.; horse cantering; above, Nike flying I., crowning horseman; behind, XI ; beneath horse, AY. . 252 115°5 AR 9 |Naked horseman, l., dis-TAPAX Taras, naked, mounting, small round seated sideways on shield in l.; horse can- dolphin l., holding tering; beneath horse, trident in r., l. resting A : border of waves. on dolphin's back : border of waves. 253,119-3 AR '85 Similar type ; beneath Same inscr. Taras, horse, A : without naked, seated on dol- border. phin l., holding cut- tle-fish in r., l. resting on back of dolphin ; beneath, X. : no bor- der. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CX. 136.] 254 1208 AR 8 |Same type; beneath |Same inscr. and type, - horse, A. but holding trident over r. shoulder; be- neath, K and waves. 255 [1184 AR 85|Naked horseman, I., dis-Same inscr. and type, but mounting, r. hand holding stalk of bar- upon horse's mane, 1, ley, with two leaves; holding small round in front, API; beneath, shield with spear; spear-head, r. horse cantering; be- hind, EY ; beneath, . I KQN. [CXII. 177.] 256||119:6 ARpl.-85|Same type; behind, EY. Same. TARENTUM. 195 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 176. 257 1107 ARpl.-85. Same. Same. 258 |120°4 AR 85|Same type ; beneath |Same inscr. and type, horse, H. but Taras holding crested helmet in r. ; beneath, I and waves: plain border. 259 120-8 |AR 8 |Same type, but horse-|Same inscr. and type, man holding reins in but Taras holding r., and shield, with-| small dolphin down- out spear, in l. ; be- wards, l., in r. ; be- neath horse, ſl. neath, A. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXIII. 182.] 260 120.9 |AB. '75|Same. Same. 261 || 24" |AR '85 Same. Same inscr. and type; beneath, P. 262 112.9 AR 8 |Same type ; beneath Same inscr. and type, horse, K. but Taras holding aplustre 7 in r. 263 |121-6 ||AR 85|Naked horseman, l., dis- |Same inscr. Taras, mounting, wearing naked, seated on dol- crested helmet, grasp- phin l., holding crest- ing reins and horse's ed helmet in r., and mane in r., and hold- large shield with spear ing small round shield in I. with spear in l.; horse cantering. 264 || 18-3 AR 85, Same type, but reins |Same. only in r. : plain bor- der. 265 1191 AR 8 |Same type, but on shield, TAP.. Same type; star of six rays; be- beneath, X. neath horse, 2: plain border. 266 1242 AR 75 Same type, but shield |TAPA. Taras, naked, | plain, and with no spear; behind, EY; be- neath, NIKQTTAX. [CXI seated on dolphin r., holding dart and tri- dent; behind, IOP; beneath, sea-horse, r. . 154. 196 CALABRI.A. wearing crested hel- seated on dolphin r., No. Wt. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. NIZē. 267120-3 AR 8 |Same type and legend; Same inscr., type, and behind, YH. symbol. º 84.2|ARpl.-75 Horseman l., wearing|TAPAX Taras, naked, - crested helmet, and seated on dolphin l., - carrying two spears wearing endromides 7 - and round shield, upon and holding bunch of which, star of eight grapes and distaff; rays; horse cantering; behind, ANG). behind, IQ ; beneath horse, HI and MO/\/\/\ (sic) [Cf. Car. N. I. W. T. CX. 120.] - | : 269 |1024 AR 8 Same type; behind, Same. IQ ; beneath horse, TiOAAQ. 270 | 101.9 R '85 same. Same. | - 271 85-3 ARp1.75|Same type, but on shield, .. .A: Taras, naked, dolphin l. ; in front, seated on dolphin l., A ; beneath horse, carrying distaff in l. ; KA/\. behind, head of orna- mented trident, down- wards. - |272 AR 8 Naked horseman l., TAPAX Taras, naked, met, carrying in 1. two spears and shield, on which, sea-horse 1.; horse rearing, seized | by the rein and fore- lock by Nike wearing diploídion ; behind, H. A.; beneath horse, M and KA/\. chlamys over 1. arm and flying behind him, hurling with r. dart, and holding in 1. two others; beneath, KA/\ and waves. [Cf. CXII. 167.] TAR ENTU M. 197 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 273 |120-8 AR sº Same type, but shield |Same inscr. Taras, plain, and no letters naked, kneeling with in field. r. knee on back of dolphin l., r. hand extended, holding in 1. round shield, upon | which E, and two spears; in front, IOP; beneath, waves. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXII. 166.] 274 100-2 AR Horseman r., wearing, Same inscr. Taras, cuirass and holding naked, seated on dol- dart in raised r.; horse phin I., holding kan- galloping ; behind, tharos and cornu- wreath; beneath horse, copiae; behind, tripod. - O/\YMTI IX. [Cf. CXIII. 181.] 275 99.4 R ‘75 Same. Same. 276 99.9 AR 85 Horseman r., wearing |Same inscr. Taras, cuirass, chlamys, and naked, seated on endromides, r. arm ex- dolphin I., holding tended backwards ; wreath-bearing Nike above, Nike crowning and trident; behind, him; horse cantering; mom. NE. behind, mon. ‘Ek; be- neath KA/\/\|KPA 5 THX. [CXII. 158.] 277 99.8 AR 45 Same type and legend, Same. but behind, mon. ##. 278 107. AR Female head l., hair TA (above) Naked bound with diadem, horseman r., crowning i wearing necklace and horse; horse walk- earring; behind, EY: ing; beneath horse, plain border. dolphin r. : border of dots. [CVIII. 96.] CALA BRIA. 282 283 284 285 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZ62. - 1064 |AR 75|Similar head, but diadem|Same inscr. Similar type broader; no letters or and same symbol, border. - but horse trotting: no border. 107-7|AR 75|Same type as no. 278. Same. I 10-9 AR “75|Same. TA (between forelegs) Same type and sym- bol. ! 03" |AR '75|Same. TA (beneath horse, above symbol) Same type and symbol. 109.5 |AR 75|Same. Same. 1132 AR 7 |Same type, but hair ||Same; but in front, pl. bound with narrow sphendone. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CVIII. 86.] 1138||AR 75|Same type, but hair. No inscr. Same type and bound with narrow | symbol; behind, cres- diadem. cent, horns upwards. [Cf. 97.] 1107 AR 8 |Same, diadem orna-TA (between forelegs) mented with dots. Same type and sym- bols. [97.] 1119 |AR 8 |Same. Same. 108" |AR 75|Same. Same inscr. and type ; beneath horse, dol- phin I. ; behind, star of eight rays. | 10:8 |AR 75|Same. TA (above) Same type; beneath, dolphin, be- low which, lion, r. [93.] TAR ENTUM. 199 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 290 || 08:4 |AR 8 |Same. TA (between fore-legs) Same type ; above, dolphin r. ; beneath horse, lion, r. [Car. N. I. V. T. CVIII. 92.] 291 74.2 |AR pl.:75|Same. Same. 292 |107-3 |AR 8 |Same. TAP (above) Same type ; beneath horse, top of Ionic column; above which, dolphin, I’. [87.] 293 | 848 ARpl. 75|Same type, but diadem TA (above) Same type; broad in front, and beneath horse, top of ornamented with a Corinthian column ; zig-zag line and dots. above which, dolphin, I’. [98.] 294 ||109 AR 8 |Same type, but diadem|Same inscr. and type; ornamented with dots. beneath horse, tripod, above which, dolphin, I’. [Cf. 98.] 295 ||107-8 AR pl. 8|Same. TAP (above) Same type and symbols. [98.] 296,1137 R 75|Same. TA (above) Same type; in front, dolphin downwards r. ; be- neath horse, rhyton, ending in head and fore-legs of animal. [95.] 297,116:35 ºsame type; behind, EY. same. 200 CALAB RIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. - IZé. 298 || 11.2|AR 75|Same type. TA (between fore-legs) - - Same type ; behind, dolphin r. ; beneath horse, anchor, l. 299||114-3 AR 8 |Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, cornucopiae; beneath horse, dol- phin, r. [Car. N. I. V. T. CVIII. 91. 300 |112.2 |AR 75|Same type; behind, EY. ITA (above) Same type - l. ; in front, bunch of grapes ; beneath horse, dolphin, down- wards, r. [94.] 301 ||109.1 |AR '75|Same. - Same. 302 56.2 Å 75|Naked horseman r., TAPAX Taras, naked, holding palm, filleted, seated on dolphin l., and crowning horse; holding uncertain ob- horsetrotting; beneath ject and trident; in horse, KPITOX. front, EK ; behind, +. 303 || 53.4 |AR 75|Same type, but without |Same inscr. and type, but .* palm; horse standing; Taras holding aplustre behind, KAH; beneath and trident; behind, horse, XHPAMBOX. #. - [CXIII. 191.] 304 || 54-2 ||AR •75|Same. Same inscr., type, and - mon. ; traces of letters in field, l. 305 || 51.2|AR 75|Naked horseman I., TAPA. Taras, naked, crowning horse; horse seated on dolphin l., advancing ; behind, holding wreath-bear- IQ ; beneath horse, ing Nike and cornu- XQTE copiae. NHX. [195.] TARENTUM. 201 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse,' ' 306 || 54-6 AR 75 Horseman, r., wearing TAPAX Taras, naked, |. cuirass and carrying seated on dolphin, I., palm, filleted ; horse holding kantharos and advancing; beneath trident; dolphin with horse, XOKANNAC. branch in its mouth ; | g behind, eagle, I., wings open. 307| 55.5|R 75 same. Similar. & 308 || 48-6 ||AR -65. Head of Pallas, r.;|TAP Owl, r.; in front, wearing mecklace and club, and IOP. crested helmet, upon l which, Skylla. | [Car. N. I. V.T. CXV. 226.] 309|| 45°2 AR “6 |Same. TAP Owl, r., on olive- 2 branch; above, IOP. [Cf. 228.] 310|| 49.2|R 65 Same. Same. 311 47.4|R '65 Same. |Same type; in front, term ; behind, APIXTOKPATHX. [230.] 312|| 48.8 F '65|Same type ; on flap of Same type : behind, helmet, T. IA/\O ; in front, - - AN. 313| 488 AR 65 Same type, without letter|Same type ; behind, . on helmet. NEYMHNIOX ; in t front, API. (284.] 314 484 AR 65 Same. |Same type ; behind, NEYMHNIOX ; in front, TIO/\Y. D D [233.] 202 CATIABRIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 126. 315|| 45 AH 6 |Same type; on flap of Same type ; behind, - helmet, K. [OAIYMTIIx ; in i front, monogram, A. 3.16|| 479 AR 65, Same type, 1.; no letter|TAP Owl, I., on thun- on helmet. derbolt ; in front, - torch. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXV. 227.] 317 || 48 AR 7 |Same. TAPANTINON Owl, • * | * - r., on thunderbolt, wings open; beneath, Al ; in field, r., X (22. [Cf. 221.] 318 50' |AB| 6 |Same. Same type ; beneath, - AIO ; in field, r., XOX. |Cf. 222.] 319|| 49-3 AR 65|Same; but beneath, EY. Same. 320 || 489 AR 6 |Same. Same type ; beneath, - Al ; in field, r., X (2. 321 || 51. AR 55 Same ; but EY not visi-|Same. ble. 322 43.2 ARpl.-65|Same. Same type; in field, r., - 3C). 323| 469 AR 65|Same type, r. Owl, r., on thun- derbolt ; behind, HIXTAPXOX: ; in front, EY, and bunch of grapes. [232.] 324, 47.1 ||AR -6 |Same. TAP Owl, r., on top of Ionic column; (meta;) in field, r., . N. [235.] TARENTU M. 203 325 326 327 328 330 33] 332 Wt. 43. 5.1.1 489 15'5 17.6 16-2 14-6 Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. ARpl.-65|Same. | TA Owl on anchor, r. [Car. N. I. V.T. Cxv. 225. AR 65|Same. TAPANTINON Owl, r., wings open, holding serpent in talons; in field, l., [4]! ; r., XQ. [224.] AR 65|Same. TAP Same type, but AR .45|Head of Pallas, r., wear-|TAPANT Herakles, ‘5 |Same. TAPAN Same “type; in front, T. [285.] '45|Same, without 2 : bor- Herakles, naked, seated .45|Same type, I., but on |Herakles, naked, stand- '45. Head of Pallas, 1., wear-i Same type, no cornu- owl on bucranium ; in field, r., AEQN. [229.] ing crested helmet, on naked, seated on rock, which, sea-horse; be- l., upon which lion's hind, 2. skin, holding club in r. [Cf. CXVI. 285. der of dots. sideways, l., on dead lion, r., holding mo– nota and club. helmet, Skylla. ing, I., r. knee upon - lion's back, holding club in raised r., with which he is about to strike lion, whose tail he holds in l.; behind, cornucopiae, [245.] ing crested Corinthian copiae. helmet. 204 - CA LAB RIA. ; | No. Wt. Size Obverse. , Reverse. - - - 333 16:1 AR '45 Same. . Same type ; beneath, r - owl. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXVI. 241. 334 H7-5 R '45, Head of Pallas, r., wear. Herakles, naked, kneel- . : ing crested helmet, ing, r. on r, knee, upon which Skylla; grappling with lion; on flap of helmet, p. in r., club. 335 | 163 AR ‘5 |Same type, but on hel- Same. met, sea-horse. º [Cf. 247.] 336 16-6 AR ‘45|Same. Same type ; above, A. 337 17.2 AR '45 Head of Pallas, r., wear- NTINQN Same ing crested helmet, type. i upon which three rosettes; behind neck, M ; on flap of helmet, | A ; in ſront, A. $. (Cf. 259.] -- 338 17.7F 45|Same. A not visible. TAPANTINoN same 339 15.9 R '45|Head of Pallas, r., wear-Same type; in field, be- ing crested helmet, tween Herakles and l i adorned with three lion, A. rosettes, each com- posed of seven dots. - 340 17-7 AR '45|Same type, but olive- |Same type; no A. | wreath round helmet in place of rosettes. [248.] 341 19:7 AR '45 Head of Pallas, r., wear-|Herakles, naked, kneel- r ing crested helmet, ing, r. on r. knee : upon which, Skylla. arms round neck of lion, which he is strangling ; behind, ithyphallic term wear- ing petasos; above, A. |280.] T ARENTUM. No. || Wt. * Obverse. . . Reverse. 342 | 18-6AR 45|Same. Same. 343 || 17-8 AR '45 Same. same type, on lion's . back, grasshopper, l.; behind Herakles, club? [Car. N. I. V. T. CXVI. 277.] 344 17. AR 45|Same. Same; behind Herakles, . - club, upwards. 345 14-6 AR 5 |Same. Same type, on lion's • * back, owl, l. ; behind Herakles, club, down- wards. [276.] 346 || 1 || 5 ||AR 5 |Same. TA Same, but without - owl. 347 | 18-2 |AR ‘45|Same type, but sea-horse|No inscr. Same type, no ; |, on helmet. symbols. 348 || 18.5 |AR ‘45|Same. Same. 349| 16. AR 5 |Same type, 1., but helmet|Same. bound with olive- - - - wreath. 350 | 17-1|AR .45|Head of Herakles, Traces of inscr. Hera- three - quarter face, kles, naked, standing, towards I., wearing r., strangling lion; lion’s skin ; to 1., between legs, P. club, upwards. - - |Cf. 284.] 351 || 17-9 AR 5 | Head of Herakles, rº Same type; behind, sky- wearing lion's skin. phos? and club; above, A A ; behind, TH; between legs, 14). 352 179|AR 45 Head of Pallas, r., wear-TAPANTINQN Same ing crested helmet, on type ; , behind, bow which, Skylla. and club ; between legs, K. [251.] 206 CA LABRIA . No. Wt. º! Obverse. Reverse. S17,62. 353 || 17-9 AR ‘45|Same type, l. ; behind TAP Same neck, X; in front, H. type; behind, club, below which, E! be- tween legs, X. 354|| 14-7|AR ‘45|Same type, r. TAP same type ; be- - hind, bucranium fil- leted ; between legs, ©1. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXVI. 263.] 355 | 13-3 AR .45|Same. Same type; behind, - strung bow and club. 356 | | | | ||AR '45|Same. Same type ; behind, thunderbolt; between legs, N. |Cf. 274.] 357 | 16.2 |AR ‘45|Same type, l. Same type; behind, - strung bow and club; between legs, K. [Cf. 253.] 358 16-3 AR ‘45|Same type, r., but sea- Same type ; behind, º: horse on helmet. club; between legs, p. 359 14.8 |AR ‘45|Same. TA Same * * - type and symbol. 360 | 12:6 AR 5 |Same type, but floral |Same type and symbol. ornament on helmet. (273.] 361 || 13-1 ||AR ‘45|Same type, but three TAPAN Same type ; rosettes on helmet. behind, aplustre. 362 | 16. AR 4 |Head of Pallas, I., wear-| APANTINON Same ing crested Corinthian | type ; behind, club ; helmet. | between legs, pl. [257.] TARENTUM. 207 363 364 365 366 | 367 368, 369 370 Wit. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 14.9 14.6 13-9 15-9 14-3 19. 1 16:1 AR AR •4 '45 5 •45 •45 •45 :45 Same type, on helmet, Similar type ; behind, griffin. club. Same. TAPANT Same type, l. ; behind, club. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXVI. 256.] Head of Pallas, l., wear-|T Herakles, naked, fac- ing crested Corinthian ing, contending with helmet; behind, T. lion, r. hand raised and wielding club. [240.] Bust of Pallas, full-TAPANTI Herakles, face, towards l., naked, standing, r., wearing three-crested and strangling lion ; Corinthian helmet; behind, club and dress fastened round | palm - branch 7 be- neck with brooch. tween legs, A. [272.] Same. • No inscr. Same. Head of Pallas, r., wear-TAPAN Same type; ing crested helmet. behind, club; between t legs, owl, r., wings Open. [260. Head of Pallas, r., wear- Herakles, naked, stand- ing crested helmet, ing, r., strangling lion; upon which, sea-horse. behind him, club and - bow. [252.] Head of Pallas, r., wear- Herakles, naked, kneel- ing crested helmet, ing, r. on r. knee, and bound with olive- contending with lion, wreath, and necklace. which he is about to 18-2 . strike with his club. 208 - CALABRI.A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. . 126, t 371 17.5 |AR ‘45|Head of Herakles, r., |Similar type, but Hera- - wearing lion's skin. kles holds club up- wards in his r. [Car. N. T. V. T. CLXII. 44.] 372 || 14-7 ||AR ‘45|Head of Pallas, 1., wear-|Similar type. , ing crested helmet, winged. - [CXVI. 249.] 373 16-2 ||AR ‘45|Head of Pallas, r., wear-| Herakles, naked, stand- crested helmet, on ing facing, head, r., which, Skylla. holds club in r., and - bow and lion's skin in l. ; in field, l., wreath- bearing Nike flying, r., about to crown him; in field, r., X. [Cf. CLXII, 30.] 374 13-7 AR “5 |Same type, l. |Same type, no 2. 375 | 17-4 |AR ‘45|Head of Pallas, r., wear- Herakles, naked, stand- * ing crested Corinthian ing facing, holds club helmet; behind, X. in r., and lion’s skin w and branch of apple- tree of the Hesperides in l. ; below, T l; in field, r., 3. [Cf. CXVI. 281.] 376 16-6 |AR .45|Head of Pallas, full- Herakles, naked, stand- face, towards r., wear- ing, l., wrestling with ing three-crested hel- Antaios, whom he met, bound with olive- is lifting from the wreath. ground; between legs of Herakles, club ; behind, pl. [282.] TARENTUM. 209 to back; above and below, two small cres- cents, back to back. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 377 | 15-6 |AR '45 Head of Pallas, r., wear-|Herakles, standing, fac- ing crested Corinthian ing, legs apart, holding helmet, on which, ser- club in r., and bridle pent. of struggling horse in 1. ; below horse, NA. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXVI. 283.] 378 15-3 AR '45|Same. Same type, but in field I., A ; below horse, 379 || 13.5 |AR '45 Head of Pallas, l., wear-TA Infant Herakles, ing crested helmet, on | naked, facing and which, Skylla. leaning r., on 1. knee, . strangling serpent in each hand; in field l., N(\; in ex., thunder- bolt. | [239.] ! 380 || ||2-7|AR .45|Same type, r. Traces of inscr. Same - type, but in ex., /&. 381 | 15-6 AR 45 Bridled horse, prancing,|TAP Taras, naked, - I”. seated on dolphin, r., l. extended and hold- ing uncertain object. [CXVII.325.] 382 || 1 || 4 ||AR 4 || Horse, prancing, l.; be-, No inscr. Taras, naked, - neath, H. | seated on dolphin, r., r. raised, as if about to hurl a dart, 1. rest- ing on back of dol phin. - 383 15:5 |AR .45|Two horses’ heads, back |Same type as obverse,' but without crescents;| beneath, N. - [326.] 210 CALABRI.A. { No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 384 || 14-3 AR ‘45|Two horses’ heads, join-|Two horses' heads, back ed by their necks, one to back; above and looking r., the other below, DC; on either upside down, and side, X. - looking l. ; in field r., 29 : 1... . × “2 YC’ 385| 142||R 45|Two horses' heads, r., Two horses’ heads, | bridled ; above and bridled, approaching, below, X. and turned slightly outwards; above and below, ) (; on either side, X. |386 141 AR ‘45|Two horses’ heads, r. Same type as obverse; beneath, trident, l. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXVII. 327.] 387 | 15:1 |AR 4 |T A Club and strung|Laurel - wreath, across bow crosswise, latter which, distaff. downwards : plain border. 388 || 13.4 |AR 4 || Cockle-shell. Head of Herakles, r., in lion’s skin. 389 || 10:6 |AR 4 |Same type: plain bor- Female head, I., diadem- der. . ed, hair rolled. [CVIII. 80.] 390 10-3 |AR ‘45|Same. Same. 391 || 10:3|AR 35|Same. Same type, r. [78.] 392 || 9-9 AR 4 |Same type: no border. Taras, naked, seated on : dolphin, I., holding cornucopiae and palm; | below, q>1. [Cf. CXVII. 288.] TARIENTU M. 211. 393 394 395 396 398 399 400 401 402. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse: 10* || 9.9 10. 11. 10-8 8-3 8.7 •35 AR 35 •45 •45 Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. 5|Same. Same. Taras, naked, seated sideways on dolphin, l., holding kantharos and cornucopiae : in front, N1; behind, A. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXVII. 287.] |Taras, naked, seated on dolphin, I., holding kantharos ? and dis- taff; above, A: ; be- low, NA Dolphin, 1.; above, wreath-bearing Nike flying l. Dolphin r. ; thunderbolt. beneath, [311.] Same type ; beneath, tripod. [322.] Same type, l. ; beneath, tripod. Same type ; above, cor- nucopiae. Same type, r. ; beneath, amphora. [313.] Same type, r. ; beneath, aegis of five sides, the corners tied with Snakes. Same type ; beneath, elephant, r. [319.] 212 CALABRI.A.. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 403 || 11-7 AR 4 |Same. Same type, l. ; above, owl, l. ; beneath, H. H. P. 404 || 10°l AR 35 Same. Same type, r. ; beneath, 405 || 9-5 AR ‘4 |Same. Same type, l. ; beneath, - ©!. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXVII. 306.] 406 | 12" |AR ‘4 |Same. Same type, r. ; beneath, bunch of grapes; on either side of which, A T. [292.] 407 | 12-5 |AR ‘4 |Same. Same type; above, Aſ; beneath, spear-head, l. 408 || 10:1 AR 35|Same. Same type; above, club, l. ; beneath, AA. 409 || 10 |AR 35|Same. Same type; above, E!'; beneath, rose. 410 || 8 |AR 35|Same. |Same. y - 411 || 11 I AR '45 Same. |Same type ; above, bar- leycorii; beneatil, 27. [303.] 412 9-6 AR ‘45|Same. |Same type; above, cor- - . nucopiae ; beneath, | TiO. [302.] 4 13 || 1 || 4 R *4 |Same. Same type; above, X; beneath, ant, r. TARENTUM. 213 No. 414 415 10.6 1 || 2 7.6 7.8 8.6 8-2 6-2 8-9 6.3 6-1 AR AH AR : •3 Metal. Size. *45 •35 •35 •35 •35 •35 5 ‘35 Obverse. Reverse. 5 Horse’s head, r. Female head, diademed, Dolphin, r. r., wearing necklace and earring; behind neck, A: plain border. | Same type, but without T A Dolphin, l.; be- necklace and earring : neath, fish, l., in plain border. waves. Table. Same type as obverse ; beneath, K. Horse's head, l. Same type as obverse; in front, doe, r., head turned round. Horse’s head, r front, H. .; in Same as obverse. Same type; in front, A. ||Same type as obverse. Horse’s head, r. ; in |Same type as obverse. front, uncertain letter: plain border. Horse's head, l.; in front, Horse's head, r.; in front, Q). - E. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXVII. 337.] Horse's head, bridled, r. Horse's head, r.; in front, tripod. [340.] Horse’s head, bridled, r. ; behind, torch. Same. Same type; in front, star of sixteen rays. Horse's head, bridled, r. Horse's head, r.; in front, caduceus. - Horse's head, bridled, r. ; behind, Aſ A. Horse's head, l. [328.] 214 CALABRI.A. No. Wł. * Obverse. 427 | 6′3|AR 35 Horse's head, bridled, r. 428 82 AR 35|Same type; in front, bunch of grapes. 429 || 6-9 AR 35|Horse's head, bridled, - l.; in front, bunch of grapes. 430 || 7-6 AR 35TA Horse prancing, r. ; beneath, crescent, horns, r. 431 || 9-2 |AR 35|Female head, r., wear- ing broad diadem, upon aegis, only bor- der of which is indi- cated. 432| 84 AR 35 Kantharos; around, five dots, two on each side and one above : plain border [Car. N. I. V.T. 433 || 9 ||AR 35 Kantharos. - 434 || 8-3 AR 35 dots: plain border. 435 | 7-7|AR 35|Same type: no border. 436 || 97 AR ‘4 |Kantharos; around, * three dots. Reverse. Same type as obv.; in front, crab. Horse’s head, bridled, l. ; in front, A. - Same. Taras, naked, seated on dolphin, r., holding distaff in r. ; above, A ; beneath, crescent, horns, r. TA IKantharos; around, five dots, two on each side and one above. Bucranium. CXVIII. 370.] The cross-pieces of a torch ; in field, r., B [371.] Kantharos; around, ** type as obverse. [345.] Same as obverse. Same type as obverse ; in field, r., wreath- bearing Nike, up- wards, flying I., one dot above and one in field 1. TARENTUM. 215 No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 437 || 7-2 ||AR 35 Same. Kantharos; in field, l., - fawn galloping, l.; r., uncertain mon. Ż 438 || 7-5 AR 4 |Same type; around, four|Kantharos ; around, dots; above, rosette. four dots, the fifth in - field 1. replaced by a caduceus. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXVIII. 347.] 439 8°5 |AR ‘4 |Same type ; around, Kantharos ; above, a three dots, one above dot; in field, I., A/; r., and one on each side. top of Ionic column (meta). 440 || 7-6|AR 4 |Same type; above, dot; Same type ; above and on either side, star of in field, I., dot; in eight rays. field, r., bird r. 441 | 8-6 |AR ‘45|Kantharos ; around, Kantharos; in field, I., three stars of eight| laurel-branch. rays. 442 | 8 || ||AR 35|Same. Same type ; in field, l., diota ; r. dot. 443 5-7 |AR 4 |Same type; around, four|Same type; around, five dots, the fifth in field, dots. l., replaced by K. 444 9-5 AR 4 |Same; but dot in field, Same type; but lower r., replaced by K. dot in field 1. replaced by cornucopiae. 445 9-5 AR 35|Same type; around, five|Same type; but lower dots; below, on either dot in field r. replaced side, A A. - by club. - [357.] 446 8:8 AR ‘4 |Same type; around, four|Same type ; , but lower dots, the fifth in field, r., replaced by A. dot in field, r., re- placed by Pallas Pro- machos r. [858.] 216 - CALABRI.A. Metal. No. wº Size. Obverse. Reverse. 447 || 7-6 |AR 4 || Kantharos ; in field l. Kantharos ; in field, 1. 36, r. a dot. a dot; r. an inverted tripod ; above, a dot. 448 || 4-2 |AR 3 || Cockle-shell. Taras, naked, seated on gi - dolphin, I., holding bunch of grapes; be- neath, pl. 449 || 4-7 ||AR 3 |Same. Dolphin, 1.; above, wreath-bearing Nike flying l. ; beneath, thunderbolt. 450 5.5 |AR 35|Head of Herakles, r., Dolphin, r. - wearing lion’s skin : - plain border. 451 4.9 |AR 3 | Cockle-shell. | Dolphin, r. ; beneath, - owl, r. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXVII. 320.] 452 || 6-1 ||AR 35|Same. Same type ; beneath, bee l". 453 3-9 AR 3 |Same. |Same type ; beneath, aplustre. 454 5-6 |AR 3 |Same. Same type; above, club, l. ; beneath, AA. 455 3-7 ||AR 3 |Same. Dolphin, 1.; above, Al; - - beneath, female head, l. - 456, 51 R 3 same. Dolphin, r.; beneath, bl. 457| 3:4|AR 3 |Two crescents, back to Two crescents, back to back; around, four back; within horns, dots. - K A; above and be- neath, a dot. | TAR ENTU M. - 217. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. . 458 || 3:2 |AR 3 |Same. - Same as obverse. 459, 37 AR 3 |Same type ; above and |Same. beneath, a dot. 460 33 AR 3 |Same. . Same as obverse. 461 || 3:5 |AR 3 |Same type; within cres-Same type; in l. cres- cents, A P; above cent, K; above and and beneath, a dot. beneath, a dot. 462 || 3 || ||AR 3 |Same type; around, four|Same as obverse. stars of eight rays. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXVIII. 392.] 463 || 3 ||AR 3 |Same type; but around, Same type ; around, four small crosses, in ſl O e the angles of which are dots. 464 || 3:5 |AR 3 || One-handled vase, r. : Olive-wreath, within plain border. which, T. [379.] 465 || 3:9 AR 3 |Same type, 1., and bor-Same type; within, " : der. beneath, A. 466 || 4-6 ||AR 3 |Same; without border. Olive-wreath, within which, K. [378.] 467 || 4-6 AR 3 |Same. Olive-wreath, within - which, T. ; beneath, VA/. 468| 4:6 |AR 25|Same type; above, A. ||Same, without mon, be- neath. [376.] 469| 4-2 |AR .35|Same type; in front, T. Olive-wreath ; beneath, K. 470 || 4 ||AR -3 |Same type; traces of Olive-wreath, within letters in front ? which, T. F F CALABRI.A. 47] 472 473 474 Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. . Reverse. 475 477 3-7 AR -85 '85 | ing crested Corinthian Same type; behind, H. Same type; in front, p. Head of Zeus r., laur. Olive-wreath, within | which, T ; below| wreath, another T. same; but below, E. |TAPANTINoN Nike standing r., wearing talaric chiton, holding in 1. a thunderbolt, by the middle, and touch- ing with her r. hand its upper extremity. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXIX. 397.] Same type. Same type: border - of dots. - Same, but counter- marked 7S. (K?) TAPANTINQN Nike standing l., wearing talaric chiton, crown- ing with r. a trophy consisting of shield, cuirass, and helmet. [895.] Head of Pallas, r., wear- helmet, upon which, griffin : plain border. Herakles, naked, seated l., upon rock covered with lion's skin, hold- ing in outstretched r. one-handled vase, and resting with l, upon club; behind, pl. [400.] Same type, r. : no border. TAPANTI (in ex.) He- rakles, naked, seated l., upon rock, holding in outstretched r. one- handled vase ; l. rest- ing on club ; behind him, bow. - [401.] TARENTUM. 219 No. Wt. | 478 | 479 480 | 481 482 483 484 || - 485 Metal. Si Obverse. Reverse. 178. AE 6 |Same. |TAPAN Herakles, naked, standing l., strangling lion, which he lifts from the ground with both - arms; behind, club. [Car. N. I. W. T. CXIX. 399.] |E 55|Cockle-shell. [T]APAN Taras, - naked, seated on dol- phin l., holding kan- tharos and cornuco- _* piae. ; : {403.] AE 55|Same. * * Same. AE 55|Same. Same; but beneath dol- - phin, B. [402.] AE ‘5 Kantharos; on either | TA Kantharos. T side of which, star of :* eight rays. - s \!. AE 45|Half sea-horse, r. TA Horse’s head, r, . . . bridled. ... • [406.] AE ‘5 |Same. is - |Same. . . AE 4 Cockle-shell. TA Two dolphins, r., . . . . . - ~ * ; : | side by side. [404.] AE 45|Head of Pallas, r., wear-Two crescents, back to . ing crested helmet : back; around, four border of dots. dots. 220 CALABRI.A. No. Wt. Nº. Obverse. . - Reverse. S126. 487 AE 35|Head of Pallas, r., wear-T A Kantharos; in - ing crested Corinthian field l., ivy-leaf. helmet. | | | | | UXENTUM. | | || |AE 5 | Head of Pallas, r., wear- A O Herakles, naked, - ing crested Corinthian standing l., holding helmet and necklace. club downwards in r., and cornucopiae and - | lion's skin in 1. ". [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXIII. 3..] 2 AE ‘5 |Same. Same. 3 AE 4 |Eagle r., wings open, on A O Two-handled - thunderbolt 3 vase, on either side of which, star of eight rays. - - - - As. 4 174 |AE 85 Janiform beardless head, ZAN Herakles, naked, wearing crested hel-| standing I., holding met : plain border. club downwards in r., and cornucopiae and lion’s skin in l.; in front, Nike, r., crown- - ing him : plain border. i [CXXIII. 1.] 5 | 134 |AE ‘85! Same. | OZAN Same. Semis. 6 || 76 |AE 75|Head of Pallas, r., wear- O TAN Herakles, ing crested Corinthian] naked, standing I., helmet, earrings, and holding club down- necklace ; beneath, wards in r., and cor- vºn ; border of dots. nucopiae and lion's skin in 1.; in front, ear of wheat and S : - border of dots. [2.] , UXENTUM. 22 | No. Metal. AE, -65 Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. . . 71 |AE 65|Same - .AN. Same type; but - - . . . . . in front, goat's head downwards, r., and S : no border. 63 |AE '65 Same. O. AN Same ; but . without goat's head: border of dots. |UNCERTAIN TOWN OF CALABRIA. | 58 |AE -65. Head of Zeus, r., laur.: TPA (in ex.) Two ea- - | border of dots. gles, r., on thunder- bolt; in front, cres cent: countermarked, O)ſ. O. 48 |AE '65 Same. Same. Quadrans. 62 |AE 6 |Head of Zeus, r., laur.;|TPA (in ex.), Same behind, ; border of ºpe; belº", *: dots. in front, E : plain 3. border. 39 |AE 6 |Same. - Same, but direction of legend varied. 55 |AE 65|Same. TPA (in ex.) Same type; . . . . . . in front, f : plain bor- O der. 46 Same type; no marks Same inscr. and type; of value; border of beneath inser; see : dots. - no border visible. 222 CALABRI.A. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 7 || 35 |AE 6 |Same type ; beneath, TPA (in ex.) Eagle r., •ee: border of dots. on thunderbolt: plain – border. 8 || || 6 |Cockle-shell. TPA (in ex.) Eagle r., - wings open, on thun- derbolt; in front, star of eight rays. 9 AE '45|Same. Same ; but in front, & crescent. 10 |AE '45|Same. Same ; crescent not visi. ble. 11 AE 4 |Same. rPA Eagle r., with - closed wings, on thun- derbolt; in front, star. 12: . A. ‘35|Same. rPA Eagle, r., on bar: - - | | | | | in front, crescent. U NCERTAIN. 223: No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. - IZ6. 13 AE '5 |Same. TPA Thunderbolt; above, star 7 14 AE 4 |Same. TPA (in ex.) Dolphin r.; above, crescent and star; line of ex. dotted. 15 Aº ‘5 Same. Dolphin, r. ; above, : crescent : plain bor- | der. 224 LU CAN IA. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. LUCAN IA. * * * * LU CANI. 1 AE 1. Head of Ares, l., wear- /\OYKANOM Pallas . . . ing crested Corin- or Bellona towards r., thian helmet, on in attitude of defence, which, griffin ; be-| clothed in long chitón neath, thunderbolt with diploidion, head - facing, wearing hel-, met; on 1. arm, large shield, which she holds by the rim with her r.; over l. shoulder, spear, point downwards: border of dots. - [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXIV. 3..] 2 AE 65||NIKA Head of Nike Same inscr. Zeus, l., wearing broad dia- naked, r., hurling dem, earring, and thunderbolt with r., necklace; hair in knot and holding spear in behind, bound with 1.: border of dots. fillet, the ends of which hang down. [Cf. 4.] 3 AE 65|Same inscr. and type. Same. AE 75 Same type. Same. AE 1 | Head of young Herakles |AYKIANON Pallas r., wearing lion's skin; or Bellona towards r., beneath, spear-head, in attitude of defence, r.: border of dots. clothed in long chitón with diploidion; head facing, wearing hel- met; on 1. arm, shield, which she holds by the rim with her r.; over l. shoulder, spear, point downwards; in field r., wolf’s head r.: border of dots. |Cf. 14.] HERACLEA. 225 t Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 6 AE '85. Head of Zeus, r., laur.;|AYKIANON Eagle, behind, spear-head : I., looking back, wings border of dots. open; in field 1., wolf's head, r., - upwards: border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXIV. 12.] HERACLEA. 1 | 16-9 AR 45 Head of bearded Hera-, H E Lion running, r. ; kles, r., wearing lion's line of ex. dotted. skin. |CLXII. 47.] 2 | 18-3 AR 4 |Head of young Hera-HH Same type; line - kles, r., wearing lion’s of ex. plain. skin. [Cf. 45.] 3 | 19.2 AR .45|Same type: plain border. HH (in ex.) Same type. 16:5 AR .45|Same. EH Same type. 19:1 AR .45|Same. HE Same type 1.; line of ex. double. 6 20:8 AR .45|Same type; beneath, 9: Same inscr. Same type, border of dots. T. - [45.] 7 || 17-6 AR 5 |Same type; but in lower|Same. relief. - 8 || 18.5 AR .45|Same type: no border|HE Herakles, naked, visible. kneeling on r. knee, and contending with lion, which he is about to strike with club. [44.] 9 167 AR 45|Head of Pallas, r., wear- HE Herakles, naked, ing crested helmet, on kneeling r, and side of which sea- strangling lion. horse. [37.] 226 LUGANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. SIZe. | 0 || 21.2 AR ‘45|Same. EP Same type. 11 5-3 AR 35|Four crescents, back to EH Club and strung iº back; in the centre| bow, both upwards, and within each, a dot. cross-wise. 12 || 10:5 AR 85 Head of Pallas, r., wear- HPAKAEION] Hera- - ing crested helmet, on kles, naked, standing side of which, sea- towards r., and strang- horse, with pointed ling lion with both wing; behind, 3. arms; between legs, © ; in field 1., club and strung bow. 13 || 16:5 AR 85|Same type, but sea-horse|Same inscr. and similar with curled wing ; no | type; in field l., club letter. and XI. 14 || 16-8 AR 9 |Same type, but Skylla Same inscr. and similar on helmet holding| type ; behind, QE ; rudder over shoulder. in field l., club, above which, cockle-shell. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLX. 7. 15 120-1||AR 8 |AEgis, with border of Same inscr. Herakles, Serpents intertwined, naked, seated l. on upon which, female | rock covered with head, r., wearing olive- lion's skin; holding wreath. in outstretched r. one- handled vase ; club resting against rock. 16 | 18.2 AR ‘45|Head of young Hera- P H Lion running l; kles, l., wearing lion's line of ex. plain. skin. HERACLEA. 227 No. Wt, * Obverse. Reverse. 17 | 15.8 |AR '45|Same. VOIE/\XA qH Hera- kles, naked, kneeling r., strangling lion with both arms; behind, club, downwards. 18 16.5 |AR ‘45|Head of Pallas, r., wear-|Same. ing crested helmet, on side of which, sea- horse. 19 || 17-6 AR ‘45|Same. HPA Herakles, naked, - kneeling r. on r. knee; holding in r. club, and with 1. strangling lion. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLX. 38.] 20 | 18.5 |AR ‘45|Same. Same type ; above, A. 21 | 17.5 |AR ‘45|Same, HPA EY Same type. [38.] 22 | 16.6|AR 4 |Same. YH HPA Same type. 23 | 16. AR ‘45|Same. EY HPA Herakles, naked, kneeling l., strangling lion with both arms; behind, club. [Cf. 40.] 24 15.4 ARp1.45|[EPT. Same type. Herakles, naked, kneel- ing r. On r. knee, | holding club in r., and contending with lion; above, AſO/\; be- neath lion, b. 25 9:3||AR 4 |AEgis, with border of Club and strung bow serpents, upon which, crossed diagonally ; female head, r., dia around, five dots. demed. 228 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 26 ſ 65 R 4 Female head, r., dia- Same type, but reversed. demed, and sur-l rounded by serpents of aegis. 27 |121'l AR 85 Head of Pallas, three-H HPAKAHION He- quarter face, towards rakles, naked, stand- r., wearing crested ing facing, wielding helmet and necklace. club in r., and strang- ling lion with 1. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLX. 16.] 28 || 199|AR '95|Head of Pallas, r., wear- Same inscr. Herakles, ing earring, necklace, naked, standing to- and crested helmet, on wards r., strangling side of which, Skylla lion with both arms; hurling stone; in behind, KAA and A club ; between legs, front, K : border of owl, r. q> dots. [Cf. 4 and 9 B.] A 29 |121-3 AR 85|Same type; in front, X|Same. q) (X doubtful): border of dots. 30 |121-5 AR 8 |Same type, but earring Same inscr. ? Herakles, with single drop, and naked, standing fac- flap of helmet orna- ing, holds club down- mented: no letters or wards in r. and strung border visible. bow in l. ; over 1. arm hangs lion’s skin; Nike crowning him, in field l., and AA; in field r., Z 7 - HERACI.E.A. 229 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 31 192 AR 75 HPAKAHIQN Head APIX. Herakles, naked, of Pallas r., wearing standing facing, hold- earring, necklace, and ing club downwards crested Corinthian in r., and strung bow helmet, on which with two arrows in l.; Skylla ; behind, E : over I. arm, lion’s border of dots. skin supported by transverse strap over r. shoulder; in field l., owl r. - [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXI. 19.] 32 102.9 AR pl. ’75|Same, but no border |Same. - visible. 33 121-7|AR 8 |Same inscr. and type, HHPAKAHION Same but behind, K: border | type, but Herakles of dots. holding bow, without arrows; in field, I., One-handled vase, l. ; beneath which, AG)A. [Cf. 18.] 34 |121-3 AR “85|Same. Same. 35 1215 AR 75|Same. Same, but Herakles holding one arrow, with bow, in l. 36 ||22.5 AR 8 |Same inscr. and type; Same. no letter or border visible. 37 122. AR 8 ||No inscr. Same type;|Same. behind, K: border of dots. 38 |122. AR 8 || H. HPAKAHION Same|Traces of inscr. Same type : no border visi- type, but Herakles ble. holds two arrows, and has no strap over shoulder; in field l., flying Nike, about to crown him ; in field r., one-handled vase 1. ; same legend. 230 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * tal. Obverse. Reverse. S126. 39 98 ||AR 8 Head of Pallas, r., wear. H. H.PAKA Same type, ing crested Corinthian but instead of Nike, helmet; above, AAE; owl flying r. in field 1. behind, EY ; beneath, T. | - [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXI. 21.] 40 || 48. AR “6 | Head of Pallas, r., wear- H. H.PAKAH! Owl ing earring, necklace, standing I. On olive- and crested Athenian branch, between which helmet, on side of and owl, a rose. which, Skylla, hurling Stone. 41 164 AR 5 |Similar type, 1. HHPAKAHI Q He-l - rakles, naked, stand- ing towards r., strang- ling lion. {Cf. CLXII. 32.] 42 14.1 |AR ‘45|Same type, but no Skylla | H baKAHIQ. Similar on helmet; in front, type; behind, club; /\. between legs of Hera- kles, T 43 || 14-6 AR ‘45|Same type, r., Skylla on H. H.PAKAHI Similar helmet. type; behind, club ; no letter between legs. [33.] 44 || 65||AR 35|Barley-corn, upon which, H-HPA Plough, r. owl standing 1., wings extended : border of dots. HIERACI, E.A. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 45 46 47 48 49 97.9 99. 99.8 99.4 98’5 AR '85 '85 AR '8 AR AR •75 H. H. PAKAE! QN. Head of Pallas, 1., wearing crested Corinthian helmet, on which, griffin. Herakles, naked, stand- ing towards r., resting on club with r. and holding lion's skin with 1.; in field, r., flying Nike about to crown him; in field, l., plac). [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXI. 25.] Aſ AXIAAM . Same type, r.; behind, Éx. H. H.PAKAEION Same type; no monogram. Same, but behind, H. H. H. H. PAKAE! . Same type 1.; behind, H.A. H. H.PAKAEION He- rakles, naked, stand- ing towards 1., resting on club with r., and holding cornucopiae in l., lion's skin hanging over 1. arm suspended by a strap passing over r. shoulder; in field l., flying Nike about to crown him ; below, H.A. Herakles, naked, stand- ing l. ; holds one- handled vase in ex- tended r. and club in l.; over l. arm, lion's skin; in field r., thun- derbolt; l., altar. Same, but on forehead of Herakles, object resembling horn. Herakles, naked, stand- ing l. ; holds one- handled vase and club ; lion's skin hangs over 1. arm suspended by strap passing over r. shoul- der; in front, owl fly- ing r., and AQP. 232 LU CAN IA. No. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 50 51 52 100:6 85. | 17-1 18.5 AR AR pl. 8 AR •8 AR Same type r., but on helmet, Skylla; be- hind, H. A. Similar type r., but larger, and helmet bound with olive- wreath; behind, º]. Head of Pallas, full-face, towards r., wearing crested helmet, on which, Skylla, with two tails. Same type; in field, I., [Cf. |[H]HPAKAEION Herakles, naked, standing facing, head turned towards r., crowns himself with r. and rests on club with 1.; wearing lion's skin, which falls over I. shoulder, one end hanging over 1. arm, the other behind his back, the whole sus- pended by strap, which passes over r. shoulder and under l. arm ; in field l., aplustre r.; r. plºſ). |Cº. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXI. 22.j Same inscr. Same type, but larger; no symbol in field; to r. of legs, QPI. Herakles, naked, stand- ing facing, rests on club with r., and holds in 1. strung bow; lion's skin hangs over l. arm ; in field, l., kan- tharos. . H. H.PAKAEION He- rakles, naked, stand- ing facing, rests on club with r., and holds cornucopiae and lion's skin with l, ; in field, l., one-handled vase I.; between club and legs of Herakles, H.A. 28.] HERACLEA. 233 Wt. Metal. | No. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 54 AE 75 Head of Persephone, I., HPAKAEION Ear of bound with wreath barley with leaf on r. of barley ; border of dots. 55 AE 7 Same. |Same, but leaf l. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXIII. 66.j 56 AE 75|HPAKAEION (in ex.)|Pallas standing 1., wear- Two figures of Hera- ing long chitón with kles, l., each holding diploidion, and hel– patera in r. and with met, holding patera in I. club over shoulder r. above flaming altar, and lion's skin. and leaning on spear with 1.; behind, shield, and torch with cross- pieces. | | [50.] 57 AE 75|Same. Same, but wreath visible round altar. 58 AE 65|Head of Pallas r., wear- H. HPA KAEION He- ing crested helmet rakles, naked, stand- bound with wreath; ing towards 1., holding behind, bow in case. patera in r. and club and lion's skin in l. [Cf. 53.] 59 AE 6 same type, but no sym-|Same inscr. and type. - bol. [Cf. 54.] 60 AE 55|Bust of Pallas, full-face, HHPA KAEION Tro- wearing helmet with phy, consisting of three crests; to r., cuirass, spear, shield, spear. helmet, and greaves. [58.] 6 | AE 5 |Same type; dress fast- Same inscr. and type. ened on breast with brooch ; no symbol. 234 LUCANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Rever, 62 AE ‘5 | Head of Pallas r., wear-|H HPA KAEION He- ing crested helmet|| rakles, naked, stand- bound with olive- ing I., holding patera wreath ; behind, in r., with 1. club over shield : border of shoulder and lion’s dots. skin; in field r., agri- cultural fork with four prongs. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXIII. 55.] 63 AE 5 |Same. Same. - 64 AE .45|H HPA Owl r., on Fore-part of galloping thunderbolt. horse, r. [68.] 65 AE 6 |Head of Pallas r., wear-|HHPAKAEIQ[N] ing crested Corin- Marine divinity, thian helmet : border Glaukos ? r., armed of dots. with helmet, shield, and spear: plain bor- der. [Cf. 56.] 66 AE 5 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border, but divinity bare-headed. - [Obv. 56. R. 57.] 67 AE 55|Same. Same. 68 AE 55|Same. - Same, but in field l., thunderbolt, upwards. 69 |AE 55|Same. Same inscr. and type, but behind, star of eight rays. [56.] 70. AE ‘5 |Head of young Hera- HPAKAEION, above kles r., wearing lion's which, bow in case, skin. with strap attached; beneath, club, r. [60.] 71 AE 4 |Head of young Hera- HH Strung bow, club kles, r., bound with I., and bow-case with wreath. strap attached. [Cf. 61.] LA US. 235 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. Heraclea 2 72 AE '55. One-handled vase, 1. Quiver, with its strap, and arrow, arranged in the form of Q. 73 AE '55|Same. Same. - [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXIII. 67.] LAU.S. 1 1209 AR 9 |NR2 Man-headed NOM 7 Same type as bull standing, r., look- Obv. incuse, l.: incuse ing back; raised bor- border, in which raised der, upon which, dots; wreath-border. line of ex. similar to border. [Cf. CXLIV. 7.] 2 |121-1 |AR 8 |Xa 1 Man-headed MOVA Man-headed bull, r. bull, l., looking back: raised border, upon - which, dots. 3 |123.7 |AR 8 |zAA Man-headed 2A/\ Man-headed bull, l., looking back; bull r.: plain border. in ex., acorn, r. ; bor- der and line of ex. dotted. [Cf. 3..] 4 |120-7 ||AR 8 |N R$ Man-headed bull, AWOM Man-headed l., looking back. bull, walking r. 5 1047 ARpl.-65|r1/A1 Man-headed bull, Z[A1] Same type. r., looking back. 6 || 39:1 |AR '55. Man-headed bull l.;|Same type. in ex., barleycorn ? [4] 7 || 17-8 AR 5 || Man-headed bull I., |^AX Acorn r. looking back. [6.] 236 LU CAN IA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 8 AE 8 ||Female head r., wearing AAINQN Crow stand- earring; hair bound ing r., between back with olive(?) wreath : of which and inscr., border of dots. XTEA 2 in front, ram’s head r., up- wards. 9 AE 75|Same type, but smaller; AAINQN Same type; behind, EY : plain in front, horse's head border. I’. 10 AE 8 |AA Same type ; bor-|AAINQN Crow r., der of dots. feeding. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXLIV. 8.] | | AE 9 |Same type. Crow r. ; behind, H ; in front, bull’s head r. upside down. 12 AE 75 /\Al NQN Head of Crow r.; behind, star of Persephone, r., wear- eight rays and MI ing wreath of barley; BE; in front, stag’s hair long, and tied head, l. in single tress, ends loose ; around, four dolphins: border of dots. 13 AE *55|A A Female head | KO MO Crow r. r.; hair tied in a knot, and enclosed in a net: border of dots. LAUS. 237 No. 14 15 16 | 7 | 8 19 20 Wit. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Size. AE 6 |A A Bust of Deme-Two crows passing one ter, full-face, wearing another, l. and r. earrings; shoulders draped. º AE 5 |. A Same type : bor-Same type; beneath, M. der of dots. AE 5 A . Same. Same. AE '55|Young head, horned, r. Same type ; above, AE 65|Head of Dionysos r., Crow r. ; behind, (River Laus :) bor- traces of letters ? der of dots. Female head, I., bound|Crow 1.; behind, wreath with diadem passing between EY and B12 underneath the hair : in front, crab. border of dots. wearing wreath of XTAOSPI ; in front, ivy : border of dots. ram’s head r. |Head of young Hera-same type ; behind, kles r., wearing lion’s & * - & t tº skin : border of dots. XTA; in front, *}” 238 LTJ CANIA. No. Wt. * s Obverse. Reverse. METAPONTUM. I 44.2 A/ 5 |AEYKITTIOX Head). E Two ears of bar- of Leukippos r., ley, each with leaf on wearing crested Co- outer side; between rinthian helmet, on them, XI. which, Skylla. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXLVI. 2.] 2 |121. AR 1-1 |NAST Ear of barley: Ta’w Same as obv., border of dots. incuse. [Cf. 4.] 3 |107.5 |AR 1.05|Similar, but border of Similar, but no inscr. dots between lines. 4 || 18-9 AR 1.05|Similar, but border with-|MST Similar. out lines. 5 |120 |AR 1.05|Same, but small border|Same, but no inscr. of dots within ordi- - mary one. 6 || 17-9 |AR l 15|Same, but border of dots|Same. between lines. - 7|100.2 |ARpl. 1"|META Same type, ATHM Same type: but raised band, on traces of incuse 2 bor- which border, effaced 7 der. 8 |129. A 1-15|AT aa/\ Same type: No inscr. Same type : border of dots on border of radiating raised band. lines. 9 || 19.2 AR 11 MºšTP Same type : Same. edges of raised band defined by lines. 10 | 124-9 |AR 1 - 15 º Same type. Same. METAPONTUM. 239 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 11 |1242 AR 1'15 ME TA Same type Same. and border. 12 1226R 105MSTAT same type same. and border. 13 91.4|AR 105 TATAM Same type. Same. (Lines of border not visible.) 14 1262 |AR 1'15|AT arº Same type: |Same. cable-border, enclos- ing dots on raised band defined by lines. 15 115.8 |AR 1:05 MSTA Same type and |Same, but in field, l., g border, but on r. side dolphin, r., upwards. of ear locust walking up it. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXLVI. 10.] 16 125-3 AR 1 ||MSTPA Same type; no |Same, but no symbol. symbol: cable-border enclosing dots on raised band. 17 || 24-3 AR '95 NASTRA Same. Same. 18 1249 AR 95 META Same. Same. 19 |122.2 AR 95|Same inscr., type, and |Same. border. 20 |123-8 AR 95 (No inscr. visible.) Same. Same. (Struck upon coin of Corinth, Obv., Pegasos, with curled wing, 1., B. Quadripartite incuse.) 21 |127-5 AR 95 AT4Y Same. Same. 22 |125-9 AR •75 ATSIAA Same. Similar. 240 LU CANIA. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 123-4 | 19. I 125.8 120. 119-7 122°2 29.3 32.8 36-7 AR AR •75 •75 •75 '85 •65 .7 '65 ATH^1 Same type: border of dots on raised band. NASTA Same. (Noinscr. visible.) Same. (Struck on coin of Gela, Obv., fore-part of man-headed bull, swimming, r., B., Horseman, r.) ATHM Same type, but locust walking up 1. side of ear: cable- border enclosing dots on raised band. Same inscr. Same type, but in field l.,. ram’s head r., upwards: border of dots on raised band. N"STA Same type, but in field r., lizard r., upwards. N'Si Same type, but no symbol : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXLVI. 18.] TāNA Same type: bor- der of dots on raised band. MET Same type and border, but edges of raised band defined by lines. META Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. METAPONTUM. 241 No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 33 || 38:7 AR “75 NAETA Same. |Same. 34 406 R 7 |MSTA same type same. and border, but locust walking up 1. side of €8.I’. 35 | 6’2 |AR 35 NAE ºf Same type, but No inscr. Same as obv., | no locust: border of incuse. - - dots. - 36 || 6-6 |AR ‘4 |MET Same type: bor-Same type ; border der of dots on raised of radiating lines. band. (Border not struck clearly.) 37 57 R 35 No inser. Same. Same. 38 || 5 |AR 35||N&ET Same type and Same. border; but in field r., barleycorn. 39 || 19.2 AR 5 |Tam Same type and |Bucranium ; border of border; no symbol. radiating lines: all in- CUIS62. 40 | 2014 AR 5 | MET Same 41 | 15.2 |AR '45 Same. same varied. 42 | 16.2 AR 5 | META Same. |Same, varied. 43 20-4 AR 5 | No inscr. Same. same, varied. 242 LUCAN IA. No. Wt. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Size. - 44 | 12:2 AR as Eat of barley; on either Barleycorn, incuse; on side, O : border of either side, O. dots. - [Car. N. I. V. T. CLV. 24.] Period of Transition. 45 1244AR 8 || ETA Ear of barley: M ET A Ti Five bar. r broad plain border. leycorns, arranged - - starwise around pellet. (Struck on earlier coin: on R, part of border of dots.) 46 |123.6|AR 95M ETA Ear of barley:|Apollo, I., with long border of dots on hair turned up behind, raised band. holding long laurel- branch, and strung bow. [117.] 47 |121°5 AR 9 |Same, but border nar-Same, but laurel-leaves TO Wel". larger, bow unstrung 48 |115-7|AR 9 |Same, but locust walk-Similar type, but laurel- ing up r. side of ear: branch resting on al- cable-border enclos- tar; strung bow with ing oval dots. two arrows ; and be- hind, flower springing from earth. [Cf. 118.] 49 |121-7 ||AR 9 Same. Same. 50 |1256 AR 9 |META Same type, but Herakles, l, holding no symbol: border of club over r. shoulder, dots on raised band. 1. hand resting on hip. [CLVII. 150.] METAPONTUM. 243 No. Wt. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. 12,62. 5| ||26-8 ||AR wº Herakles, 1., wearing lion’s skin over head and back, holding one- handled vase over altar as if pouring libation, and resting l. hand on club ; in field, I., above arm, bucranium ? cable - border enclosing oval dots. 52 55-7 ||AR '65, NASTA Same. Apollo, facing, head turned to r., hair tied in knot behind, r. hand - resting on hip, l. hold- | ing strung bow; all within laurel-wreath. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLV, 120.] 53 95.6 |AR 8 |Female head, r., hair in ME Ear of barley, with knot behind, bound leaf l. with double fillet crossed, wearing ear- ring and necklace; all within laurel ? wreath. 54 |122. AR 8 ||Female head, r., dia- AETA Ear of barley; demed. [Cf. CLI, 64.] on right side locust walking up it. 244 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 55 | | 1.4|AR 35|Ear of barley ; on r. Head of man - headed side uncertain object : bull, (Acheloös,) r. ; border of dots on on either side, O O. raised band. 56 | 12:3|AR 35|Same type; in field, r., |Same. letter or symbol: bor- der obscure. 57 || 1 || 3 |AR ‘4 |Same type ; nothing in |Same, but annulets| field : border obscure. smaller. Period of finest Art. 58 || 16.8 |AR 9 | Ear of barley, with leaf Ear of barley, with leaf 1.; on r., cross-headed | 1. ; on r., poppy in forch : border of dots. seed. 59 |1233 AR '85 H. OMONOIA Head | MET A Ear of bar- of Homonoia, l., hair ley, with leaf l. bound with narrow fillet, wearing earring and necklace : plain border. 60 || 16:5 AR 8 | No inscr. Similar head, META Same type, but but diademed, without leaf r. - earring : no border visible. METAPONTUM. 245 No. Wt. . * Obverse. Reverse. 61 |106.7 r ‘7 |Similar type, no necklace | ET Ear of barley; visible : traces of bor- on r. side, winged in- | der ? sect walking up it. (This coin is of barbarous work.) [Car. N. I. V.T. CL. 53.] 62 |121. AR ‘75 Head of Hygieia, r., MET Ear of barley | hair turned up behind, with leaf l. bound with double fillet, crossed, scarce- ly separated behind, wearing earring and necklace; on edge of neck, HYTHEIA : no border visible. 63 |1206 AR 85|Same: plain border. ME T Same type. 64 1205 AH 85|Same type, but no le- ME Same type. gend ; the whole with- in wreath of olive 2 65 || 19 AR 85|Similar head, but no | META same type, but earring; on either side leaf r. ear of barley springing from plant beneath, of which leaves only ap- pear. 246 LUCANIA. No. 66 67 68 69 7() Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 106. 121-2 17.3 120°2 124°5 123- AR •75 '85 •45 •75 Female head, r., bound with double fillet, crossed, wearing ear- ring. Young male head, r., with ram’s horn and ear, and in front of ear, wreath of single olive-leaves 2 pointing forwards and upwards. ETA Same type, but leaf l. META Same type. [Car. N.I.V. T. CLIII. 99.] Same type ; border of META Same type, but dots. 5|Female head, r., wear- ing sphendone, orna- mented behind with stars, earring and necklace ; behind, AYA Similar head, but ear- ring different, and no legend behind. Female head, l., wear- ing sphendone, orna- mented behind with stars, earring, and double necklace: bor- der of dots. leaf r. MET Same type. META Same type, but leaf l. inscr. Ear of in field 1., Same barley ; II, Ull'éX. METAPONTU M. 247 Metal. No. Wt. .. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 72 |116-3 AR 85 Female head, 1., wear-|METV Ear of barley, ing diadem, appearing with leaf l. ; above only in front, hair which, one-handled rolled behind, earring vase, r. and necklace; behind, pyramidal object, one side parallel to neck, inscribed PIKI ? plain border. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXLIX. 43.] 73 || 19.6 AR -85|Same; legend on sym- METATION Same bol obscure. type, but caught round leaf and hanging from it bud or bell-shaped . flower. 74 ||21.5 |AR -85. Female head, l., hair META Same type, but - turned up behind and no symbol. bound with wreath of olive 2 with one ivy- leafº wearing earring and necklace; on edge of neck, APIXTOEE: iº countermark above nose, K: plain border. - 75 |241.2 AR 1.05|Head of Leukippos, r., METATONTINQN - - - bearded, wearing Co- Ear of barley, with rinthian helmet, on leaf l., above which, which, Nike, in fast club, and beneath, quadriga, and, above AMI. hinge, sea-horse, with - curled wing; behind, half of running lion r., in front of which, AITH : border of dots. • , ICF CLIV. 104. 248 LUCANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZ62. 76 |121-8 AR 85|Same head, helmet|META Same type. plain ; in front, A'; (Symbol and legend behind, lion’s head, below leaf obscure.) r., tongue protruding, 77 |122-6 ||AR 8 |Same. Same. 78 |120°2|AR 85|Same, but type larger.|Same. 79 || 21 '5 |AR ‘85!/\EYKlſ. TiOX Same | Same inscr. I. Same type ; behind, dog | type, but leaf r.; on it seated, l.; beneath, 3. dove, r., wings open ; beneath, AMI. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLIV. 105.] 80 |1224|AR 85|Same legend, type Same, but inscr. smaller, smaller, and same | dove varied. symbol. 81 |1204 ||AR 75|Same legend and type;|Same type, but inscr. behind, cross-headed | larger ; above leaf, torch. HH, no legend be- neath. •; [110.] | 82 1235R 85|No legend visible. Same -TAT same type, type; behind, bunch but leaf l. ; above it, of grapes. poppy-head. [112.j 83 || 19. I AR -85|Head of Persephone, r., METATION Ear of | bound with barley- barley, on r. side, wreath, wearing neck- locust, upwards, r. lace, behind, barley- corn : plain border. METAPONTUM, 249 No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 84, 97. AB 85|Same. . . . . METV Ear of barley, - with leaf l. 85 |123.2 AR 85 Head of water-nymph : 1ETA Same type, but r., hair rolled and leaf r. ; in field r., curly, wearing earring T O (EO ) and necklace: border of dots. 86. 119-7|AR 75|Female head, r., hair METATIO Same type, - - bound with four pa- but leaf l.; above it, rallel fillets, highest honeysuckle. tying knot, wearing earring and necklace: border of dots. 87 || 17-9 AR 75|Same. METATION Same type, but leaf r. ; above it, lily 2 88 119.8 |AR 8 |EAEYOEP. Head of IETA Same type, but -- Zeus, r., laur. ; be-| leaf l. ; above it, hind, thunderbolt 7 flower 7 beneath, A. border of dots. - ICf. Car. N. I. W. T. CLIII, 95.] 89 |1198 AR 85|No legend. Similar TATION same - type, but laurel-wreath | type, but leaf r. ; with berries; behind, above, poppy - head, thunderbolt. beneath which, KAA. 90 1186 AR 8 ||Female Dionysiac head, METATION Ear of r., with goat’s horn above forehead, bound with ivy-wreath ; bor- der of dots. barley, with leaf l. [Cf. CLVII. 148.] 250 LUCANIA. } No. Wł, *. Obverse. , Reverse. . . 91 124-7 |AR 85 Female Dionysiac head, META Same type. l., wearing broad dia- dem, ornamented with maeander pattern, from which rises row of ivy-leaves. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLVII. 146. 92 |12| ||AR 8 |Same. - |METAT same type, but leaf r. 93 |123.8 |AR 8 |Young Dionysiac head, META Same type, but r., wearing single ivy- leaf l.; above it owl wreath; on edge of r., wings open, be- neck, TO/\; behind, neath it, uncertain X. letter ? 94 |120.5 |AR 85|Head of Apollo, r., laur., META Same type; hair very curly; on | no symbol or letter. edge of neck, XTAY;| beneath, 2. | 95 || || 9 ||AR '85 same. . . . . ||Same, but inscr. l., leaf | METAPONTUM. 25 | No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZé, . . . . . . - - Period of Decline. 96 1202 AR 9 |Head of Persephone, r., |META Ear of barley f. wearing wreath of with leaf r.; above it, barley with ears, ear-| plough r., beneath, ring, and necklace. MAN. - [Car. N. I. V.T. CLII. 84. 97|1219 AR 8 |Similar type; border of Same. - - - - t dots. - 98.121.4|AR 8 Same. |Same. (legend obscure.) 99||121.1 |AR 8 |Similar type; behind, Same type; in field l., - Al : no border visible. touching ear, ant; above leaf, cornuco- piae, holding two ears of barley, each with leaf; and beneath, H. - (H or H.) - 100 || 14-8 |AR •8 |Similar. META Same type, but leaf l. ; above it, amphora, and, be- neath, three uncertain letters. - [Cf. 87.] 101|120-6 |AR 8 |Similar type; no legend: META Same type, border of dots. but, above leaf, fly, beneath, Al 7 first - letter doubtful. [Cf. 83.] 102 121-3 ||AR '85 Similar ; , but, in front, Same, but inscr. I., leaf - ET 2 - r.; above leaf, star of sixteen rays; in field, l., close to stalk, AY. [Cf. 81.] 1031199|R 8 similar no border visi-same; but on leaf, Nike f |, ble. l., holding two palms ? [82. - 252 LUCANIA, No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 126, - - 104 ||20-1||AR 8 |Similar type, but no ear- Same, but inscr. r., leaf ring. - l. ; on leaf, satyr, r., playing syrinx ; no - legend. 105 |1068|AR 8 |Similar type, with ear-|Same. ring. 106 |122 AR 9 |Head of Persephone, J., Same, but, above leaf, wearing wreath of tongs; beneath, barley with ears, ear- ring, and necklace: border of dots. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLII. 77.] 107 || 19.1 |AR '95|Same. Same. i08 121.2|R '8 Same. Same, but, above leaf, . ... • griffin running r., be- neath, AY. [Cf. 75.) 109 1231 AR 75|Same type, varied : bor- Same. der not visible. 110|122-6 |AR 85|Similar type, but, in Same, but, on leaf, agri- front of neck, AQll ?| cultural fork, beneath, border of dots. AA. . [Cf. 80.] 111 |118.8 |AR 8 |Same. Same, but fork between ear and leaf; AA - downwards in field 1. 112 |121. R -8 Same type varied: bor- Same, but beneath leaf, der not visible. A. - 1131195 AR 8 Same type : border of Same, but above leaf, dots. Artemis 2 running r., holding long lighted torch with both hands; beneath, /\Y. - [78.] METAPONTUM. 253 wearing ornamented sphendone, doubled, from front of which falls ear of barley, and necklace ; beneath, T P O ; behind, un- certain object and pomegranate No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. . 114|121°5 |AR'75 |Same type, varied: bor-|Same, but above leaf, der not visible. amphora, beneath, pl. [Car N.I.V.T. CLII. 76. • 3 *.* 115||122:1 |AR 75|Same type, varied : bor-Same, but symbol indis- der of dots. tinct ; on either side - of stem, /\ YK. (AYK ?) 116 |126.2 |AR 8 |Same type, varied : no |Same, but in field, r., border visible. club, upwards, above which, thunderbolt. 117 |121.2 AR 8 |Head of Persephone, Same, but inscr. I., leaf • , full-face, towards r., r. ; above it, bucra- wearing stephane, or- nium; beneath, AGA. namented in front with honeysuckle, wreath of barley with ears, earrings, and necklace. [67.] 118 || 17-3 |AR •8 |Head of Persephone, l, MET Same type; in hair rolled behind, field 1. caduceus, and wearing wreath of between it and ear, barley with ears, ear-| AY. ring and necklace : border of dots. * [Cf. 90.] 119.1921 R 85|Head of Persephone, L, M ET same type, but leaf l.; above it, laurel-leaf. 254 LUCANIA. . No. Wt. * * Obverse. Reverse. . . IZë. 120 |120°5 AR ‘85! Same. Same. 121 118:8 AR ‘85|Head of Demeter r., |META Same type ; - bound with wreath of above leaf, tripod ; in barley, with ears; field, r. below inscr., wearing earring and TPO. necklace; on back of - head, transparent veil; on either side of neck, A TT : border of dots. -> , - (Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CLII. 71.) 122 120-1||AR -85|Same type; in front, META Same type; e on leaf, field-mouse I., | beneath it, p. [70.] 123 1224|AR 8 |Same type. Same, but letter above l - symbol. 124 |122-1 ||AR 9 |Similar type ; in front, META Same type, ATO: (last letter symbol, and letter, the doubtful :) border of last beneath leaf. dots. 125/122.1 |AR 8 Similar type; no legend: META Same type, - no border visible. but leaf r. ; above it, krater, beneath, bl. [72.] 126|12|3|R 75|Female head r., hair IETATIONTINo on turned up behind, raised label. Same bound with narrow | type; helmet without diadem, wearing ear-| crest above leaf, to ring and necklace. which it is attached - . by chin-strap. METAPONTUM. 255 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 127 |l 18°5 |AR '85. Female head l., hair | META on raised label. - rolled behind, wearing Same type ; above earring and necklace: leaf, H.H. border of dots. [Car. N.I.W. T. CXLVIII. 36. 128 1233 AR 85|Similar type: no border METATIONTINQN - visible. Same type ; above leaf, ivy-leaf. 129 || 15 AR “85|Same. METATIONTIOI -- Same type; no sym- bol visible. 130 1224|AR 8 ||Female head I., back | ETA Same type; be- - hair confined in net, tween ear and leaf, p. wearing earring and necklace. |31 || 18-3 AR '85. Female head r., wear- METAT: Same type; ing sphendone, cover- above leaf, AY. ed by hair in front, earring and necklace; behind, KPI : border of dots. [CL.I. 63.] 132 || 17-1 ||AR 85|Same type; behind, × : META Same type, but no border visible. leaf l.; above it, hel- met without crest. 133 120-1||AR 85|Same type: no letter or McTATION Same border visible. type, but leaf r. ; be- tween it and ear, laurel-leaf. 134 || 12:8 AR 85|Female head r., wearing LTA Same type. narrow diadem, ear- ring, and necklace ; in front, ivy-leaf, be- low which, B ; be- neath, bipennis, l. ; behind, silphion ; bor- der of dots. 256 , LU CANIA. . No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. l35 || 17-8 AR 75|Same. Same. . 136||123.2 AR 85 NIKA Head of Nike AETA same type. I., wearing stephanos adorned with olive- wreath, ending in two broad riband-ends; in in front of neck, X. - [Cf. Car. N. I. W. T. CLV. 123.] 137 |118-1 ||AR 8 |Same. | Traces of inscr. Same " . . . . . . . type, leaf l.; beneath which, locust r., up-- *. wards. 138||1204 R 8 same. METAB^ Same type, leaf r. 139 93-3 ||ARpl.-75|Head of Nike I., bound META Same type; on - with olive - wreath ;| leaf, field-mouse 1. beneath, 2. . 140 || 15:5 |AR 8 |Similar head,wreath dou- M E T Same type, ble in front, wearing leaf l. necklace; behind, XT. [Cf. CL. 50.] 14||120.5 |AR 8 |NIKA Head of Nike|METATIONTIN Same - - f. r., wearing sphendone | type ; above leaf, tied in front, orna-| pomegranate on stalk. mented behind with three stars, earring and necklace. [CLI, 61.j - |142||121-7|AR 8 ||Female head r., wear-MET Same type. - ing diadem, earring, and necklace. - 143 || 199|AR 8 ||Female head r., wear-| ETAri Same type, ing narrow diadem, leaf not visible; in seen only in front, field r. fig. earring and necklace. M ETA PONTUM. 257 No. Wt. i * obverse. Reverse. 144|1209 AR 85 Head of Persephone, META Same type, - full-face, towards r., leaf r. wearing necklace and diadem, seen only in front, from which spring ears and leaves of barley; above, XOTHPIA. - | 145||121-3 AR 85|Same; legend obscure. Same. [On the reverse is the graffito HIXM..] | : 146||116-8 AR 85|Head of Demeter, r., META TONT Same i. wearing veil on back type, without leaf. i of head, earring and } necklace ; in front, long torch, with cross pieces at top. + [Car. N. I. V. T. CL.II, 66.] 147| 48-5 AR 6 Owl, r., on olive-branch; META Same type, in field, l., XI. leaf r. ; above it, ca- - - duceus. | CLVI. 142.] 148 55-6 AR 65|Head of Pallas, r., wear- META Same type; in ing crested Corinthian helmet, hair tied be- | hind, earring and necklace; on either side of throat a snake of aegis. field, l., incense-altar. 258 LUCA NIA. No. Wt. º obverse. Reverse. 149 || 45.9 |AR -6 | Head of Pallas, r., wear- No inscr. Same type; ' | . ing helmet winged, above leaf, club. and ornamented above wing and on flap, and earring. - 150 47.2 |AR -6 |Similar type. Same; in field, l., Nº. 151 || 46-3 AR 55|Same type. Same. 152| 48.7 |AR -6 |Same type ; border of Same. dots. 153| 467 AR 65|Same. (No border visi-Same type and mon. : ble.) symbol obscure; on upper part of leaf, countermark, owl r. 154 44. AR 65|Same. Ear of barley, with leaf - on either side; in field I., 7W ; r. club. 155 | 18.2 |AR '45|Male head, r., bearded, ME Ear of barley, with with ram's horn, wear- leaf r. ; above leaf, ing laurel-wreath 7 tripod. (Zeus Ammon 7) [Car. N. I. V.T. CLIII. 96.] 156 15-3 AR 45 Young male head, l., | ME Same type; above with ram’s horn. leaf, plough r. 157| 18.8 |AR 5 |Same, but in front A. | META Same type; on leaf, owl r.; be- neath leaf, T. [Cf. 101.] 158 | 16.5 |AR '45 Same, but no letter. |Herakles, towards r., strangling lion; be- hind, club. - [103.] METAPONTU M. 259 No. 1.59 | 60 16] 164 165 Wt. Metal. Size. AR ‘45 AR ‘45 AR 4 AR, "5 AR, "5 AE '85 AE 8 Obverse. Reverse. Head of Persephone, r., |META Ear of barley wearing wreath of with leaf r., above barley, earring, and which, plough r. necklace. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLII. 92. Same type. Same inscr. and type ; no symbol. MD AſiONTI Head|No inscr. Same type; of Pallas, r., wearing above leaf, cornuco- Corinthian helmet. piae; beneath, A. [Cf. CLVI. 140.] No inscr. visible. type. Same. No inscr. Same type; above leaf, plough r. | No inscr. Similar type, META Same type ; but hair covering flap above leaf, cornuco- of helmet. piae r. Oboli. Hermes, I., wearing pe- ME . BOAOX tasos and chlamys, r. of barley. arm extended, l. hand holding caduceus; in field, l, EY and a |, circle : border of dots. Ear [The obv. being struck irregularly, part of the type is wanting: according to Carelli's plate, Hermes drops in- cense upon censer supported by incense-altar.] [CLIX. 182.] of ME Head of Perse. OBOAOz Ear phone, r., wearing barley, with leaf r. ; earring and necklace; in field r, poppy- hair rolled behind and head. bound with wreath of barley with ears: bor- ! 19:1 130° 127. der of dots. - [Cf. CLVIII. 162.] LU CAN IA. No. Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 166 || 12- ‘8 Inscr. not legible. ||Same. Same. l67 (143. AE 8 ||Female head r., back |M E Ear of barley w hair turned under, with leaf r., in field | wearing earring and | 1. Priapic term r. necklace; behind, O. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLVIII. 159.j 168 83. AE 85|Same. (Necklace not Same. visible.) -- *-****-- - - - - - - - - - - --- -------------— — —- ------- - 169 AE 65|Female head, r., wearing MET Ear of barley - - I - stephanos and earring. with leaf r. | 70 AE 7 | Female head 2 r., wear- Same type, leaf l.; lo- ing laurel - wreath 7 | cust crawling up r. lowest part of which side of ear; in field is concealed by hair. l., doubtful letter. (Nike ) | 7 | AE 65|Head of Pallas, r., wear- Uncertain inscr. Same ing Corinthian hel- type, leaf r. met; behind, uncer- - ! tain countermark. 172 AE 56|Head of young Hera- META Same type; kles, r., in lion’s skin. above leaf, tripod. [Cf. CLIX. 191. 173 AE 55|Same type. Same inscr. and type; in - - - - - field r., torch, having * | cross pieces at top. [192.] 174. E 55|Same type. |Same inscr. and type ; no symbol. - 175 AE 55 Bearded head, r., hel-M E Barleycorn. - meted ? on helmet, countermark; barley- corn between two un- certain letters. |Cf. 195.] METAPONTUM. 261 No. w º! º * •5 177 AE 45 178 A 5 179 AE '45 | 80 AE '5 18| AE - 5 182 E 5 I83 A 5 |Head of Hermes, r., M. H. Same type ; Obverse. Reverse. Mask r., hair rolled Same. above forehead, and one long lock falling at the side. Female head, I., wearing Same inscr. and type; Stephane, earring, and in field 1. ant, and r. necklace. A'. Head of Hermes, r., M E Three barley- bound with winged corns, arranged star- diadem. wise ; between them, inscr. and caduceus. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLIX. 183.] Same type ; behind, Same. (Smaller.) thyrsos. - wearing petasos, tied symbol, lighted torch. behind. Bust of Hermes, r., Same inscr. and type; wearing large petasos | symbol, caduceus. with small wings. [186] |Head of Pallas, r., wear-Same inscr. and type ; ing crested Corinthian symbol, fly. helmet and necklace. (Cf. 177.] Bust of Helios, full-Same inscr; and type; face, radiate. symbol, lighted torch. [171.] 262 LU CAN IA. No. Wt. * Obverse. l Reverse. 184 AE 5 |Young male head, r., META Ear of barley, with ram’s horn. | with leaf r., above which, pruning-hook. | 85 |AE 45 similar type, 1. same inscr. and type; symbol, short torch having cross pieces at top. 186 AE '55. Head of Persephone, r., Same inscr. and type ; hair rolled behind, and no symbol. bound with wreath of barley, with earring and necklace. 187 AE .45|Similar type, but long|Same inscr. and type; curl behind ear, ste- symbol, bunch of phane, and wreath va- grapes. ried. (Necklace not visible.) 188 AE .45|Similar type, but no |Same. (Smaller.) curl. 189 AE .45|Head of Seilenos, r., |Same inscr. and type ; bound withivy-wreath. no symbol. 190 AE 65 Eagle, l., wings open ;|Same inscr. Ear of in front, traces of barley with leaf l., wreath ; border of and (on r.) winged dots. - thunderbolt : plain border. METAPONTU M. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 AE ‘5 ‘5 '45 •65 •65 ‘55 Pallas Promachos, l. : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. 5|Same type and border. [1 5 Same type, r., and bor- der. Head of Artemis, r., hair tied in knot be- hind ; over shoulder, bow and quiver. Same type. Head of Leukippos, r., bearded, wearing crest- ed Corinthian helmet. Bearded male head, r., bound with wreath or diadem. Bust of Demeter, r., wearing stephane and veil. - |CLVI |180.j [174.] [193.j º META Owl, l., on ear of barley : plain bor- der. T. CLIX. 181.] Same inscr. Same type r., ear with leaf r. : no border visible. 79. Same. META Amphora; in field, r., ear of barley. Inscr. not visible. Same type; symbol, ear of barley with leaf r. META Persephone, facing, wearing wreath holding of barley, hand long with r. torch having cross pieces at top, l. hand resting on hip. Traces of inscr. Ear of barley. META Same type. II. 160.] 264 LU CAN IA. No. 199 200 201 203 204 205 206 wreath. * Obverse. Reverse. 126. AE 65 Head of Persephone, r., M ETA between two wearing wreath of ears of barley, that on barley, earring, and r. with leaf, upon necklace : border of which dove r., wings large dots. partly open : plain border. & '65 Similar type: border not Same inscr. and type, visible. leaf not visible; sym- bol and border not visible. Æ 65|Similar type, wreath with Same inscr. Two ears one ear : border of of barley, each with small dots. leaf r. : plain border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLVIII. 166. AE 65 Head of Dionysos, I., |META Ear of barley bound with ivy-wreath with leaf r., above having berries. which, short torch with cross pieces at top. |CLIX, 189. AE '55. Head of Zeus, r., laur. Same, but torch some- what longer. |AE 4 |Head of Hermes, r., ME ** a ; - or Winged caduceus wearing petasos. TA between lines of inscr. |AE .45|Head of Pan, r., horned META Ear of barley, and wreathed, with leaf r., above which, uncertain ob- ject. | [190.] |AE 35|Similar head, without. E Barleycorn. FOSE I DON I.A. 265 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. POSEIDONIA. Archaic style. | 1155 AR 11 MOT Poseidon, ads MOT, Same figure as vancing, r., hair tied on obv., but seen from behind in knot, with the other side, incuse, one end falling in l., hair falling, chlamys formal curls and the and trident unorma- other standing out, mented : wreath-bor- wearing ornamented der. t chlamys, with pointed ends falling over both shoulders, and striking with ornamented tri- dent, l. arm extended : cable border, enclos- ing dots. 2 || || 6- R 1:15|Same, but both ends of Same. knot falling in formal curls. 3 1122 AR 1:15 Same, but, in front of Same. figure, sea-horse, with- out wings, r. 4 || 14:1 AR1. 1 | TOM Same type; no |Same. symbol: same border. 5 || 12: AR 1.1 MOT, Same type, but same inscr.; same figure trident and chlamys as on obv., seen from the other side, incuse, 1., but without trident: | wreath-border. unornamented, the latter with square ends: same border. º-º É:E º º | \ == :|Same inscr., type, and TIOM Similar type 115. I º } 15 border, trident visible. M M same border. 266 LU CANIA. | No. Wt. ºl. Obverse. Reverse. | 7 |1139||AR 1-05. Same inscr. ; similar ||Same inscr. ; similar type: same border. type: border of ra- - diating lines. - 8 || 14-7 ||AR 1:05 MOT! Similar type;|Same inscr. ; similar hair tied up : same type: wreath-border. border. - 9 || 16. AR 105. Q r. Same type and Mori Same type and border. border. 10 || 16. AR 1.05|Same. ^^Orl Same type and border. 11 || 15 AR 1:1 |TIOM Similar type, M&T. Similar type, but in I. hand of but in l. hand of Po- Poseidon, necklace : seidon, necklace: same border of large dots, border. within which plain border. 12 || 14 AR 1:1 |T| <>M. Same type and MOTI Same type : borders. border of radiating lines. 13 53.2 AR 75 TOM Poseidon ad- MOTI Same figure as vancing, r., hair fall- on obv., seen from the ing in formal curls, other side, incuse, I. : wearing chlamys with wreath-border. pointed ends falling over both shoulders, and striking with or- namented trident, l. arm extended : double border of dots. 14 57.9|AR 8 |Same inscr. ; similar MOL Same type and type, chlamys with border. | Square ends : same border. 15 59-7 ||AR 75|Same. MOTI Same type and border. POSE I DONIA, No. Wt. * . Obverse. Reverse. 128. - 16 56-6AR 75 MOn Similar type, Same inscr. ; similar chlamys with pointed | type, chlamys with ends ; in front, pis- pointed ends : same trix, r., upwards : border. | same border. 17 56.9 AR ‘8 || TI OM Similar type, Inscr. obscure ; similar chlamys with square type, chlamys with : ends ; no symbol : square ends : same r border of dots, with- border. in which, plain border. 18 52.8 AR 85 M&A 33Mori Same Měea type and borders. 23 MOTI Same type: border of radiating lines. 19 507 AR 7 |ſióM Es Same type: za Mörl Same | double border of dots. type: wreath-border. 20 | 8-7 AR 3 |Poseidon, kneeling, r., OT. wearing chlamys with : ends falling over both shoulders, and strik- : ing with trident, l. arm extended : border of dots. Transitional style. 21 |122-3 AR 75|FOMEX Poseidon, $EMOTI Bull, l. ; in advancing, r., wearing circular incuse. chlamys with pointed ends falling over both shoulders, and strik- ing with trident, l. arm extended. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXVIII. 28.] - 22 || 24.8 | AR ‘7 | Similar. T. | |Same inscr. Same type, 268 LU CAN IA. | | same borders. No. Wt. * Obverse. Beverse. 23 |122°6 AR 7 || Similar. TIOMEX. Same type; beneath line of ex. and springing from it, ornament of two volutes connected by two lines. 24 |123.5 |AR -75. Similar. Similar; no ornament in € X. 25 |124°5 AR .75 TOME Similar. PHMOTI Same type, I. 26 |12]-9 AR .75 p3MOTI Similar type, Same inscr. and type ; - chlamys with pointed line of ex. double. ends. 27 |1228 AR 85|Same inscr. ; similar ||Same inscr. and type; type, chlamys with upper line of ex. square ends: obscure | dotted. triple border. º [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXIII. 32.] 28 ||109.8 |AR 75|Same inscr. and type : Same inscr. and type; border of dots, within lines of ex. plain. which plain border. 29 |123.4 |AR -75. TI O M [ Similar |M O T Same type; type ; line of ex. line of ex. single. dotted : no border. 30 122" |AR -8 TOM sº, PA. N \ A Aq 03 MOTI Same TAM Similar type, type ; line of ex. trident ornamented : | dotted. border of dots within plain border. 31 ||25 ||AR 8 || 4 ||E MOTI Similar ||Same inscr. and type; type ; line of ex. line of ex. double, dotted : border of upper line dotted. dots between two plain borders. | 32 120:5 AR 8 |TIOMEX. Similar type;|v Aq&a MOTI Same line of ex. obscure : | type. | POSIE I DON I A. 269 37 34 35 36 39 40 1153 hiº | us's | l 106. | | 1.7 120-8 | 24-7 Size AR ºnomela Similar 4r13 MOT, Same type; AR AR AR AR Metal. '8 85 •S 7 5 5 •75 | 75 rioMEs, Same type AQ & 4 MOT Same Similar. - 23 MOrl Same type | | | &BMOn Same type; TOME%DA same Similar, but letter A. * 3x3 M Same type, 1.; Same. (Inscr. obscure.) TOXEIAA Same type; ITOXElAA Similar MA QXE MOTI Same TOXEIAAN Similar TOXEIAAN! Same No inscr.; similar type, TOXEIAANIA Same Obverse. Reverse. type ; line of ex. line of ex. single ; plain : triple border beneath, ornament of dots. like volutes. and border. type ; beneath bull, cockle-shell ; line of ex. double, lower line dotted. and symbol ; line of ex, single, plain, bi- sected by perpendicu- lar line. behind, A : same bor- type, r. ; in ex., A. der. - in ex., E. in ex., T. type; behind, G): type ; one line of ex., same border. dotted, alone visible. type ; behind, dol- type ; line of ex. phin, r. : border of double, plain; in ex., dots. dolphin, I. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXVIII, 43.] trident ornamented ;| type ; line of ex. in front, head of pis- single, plain : no sym- trix, 1., downwards; bol. - behind, branch of olive 2 border of dots, within plain border. [Cf. 39. Obv. 270 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 42 120 l AR 8 |TO IAAN Similar ||Same, but symbol, bar- type, trident unorna- leycorn. mented ; in front, - head of sea-monster, | r., upwards : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXVIII, 40.] | 43 38. AR 5 |TiOM Similar type; Bull, 1. | no symbol : border of dots on band. 44 19.6|AR 35|Similar. Same. 45 19:5 AR 35 MOT, Similar type ::= MOn Same type, r. | border of dots 7 46 21:3||AR ‘4 |Inscr. not visible; simi-TOM Same type. lar type ; border not visible, t [CXXVII. 7.] 47 20.2 AR '45 MOTi Similar type;|MOTI Same type, i.; behind, sprig of line of ex. dotted ; in olive 2 with leaf and ex., barleycorn. fruit: uncertain bor- der. | 10.] 48 | 18-3 AR ‘45|Same : no border visible. Same, but line of ex. plain. 49 16-6 AR ‘45 OME Same type Similar, but line of ex. and symbol : plain dotted. border. 50 159 |#R '45. Inscr. obscure ; same|Similar. type ; no symbol : border obscure. 51 17-3 AR ‘45|HMOT Similar type; IaMOri Same type symbol, sprig of and symbol; line of \ olive 2 with leaf and ex., plain. fruit: plain border. Posei DoNIA. 27] No. Wt, *. Obverse. Reverse. – 52 18-3 AR '45. Inscr. uncertain ; same TomEl Same type, type and symbol : ; r. ; line of ex. dotted ; border uncertain. similar symbol. 53 || 17-3 AR 45. TOMEl Similar type, TiOMEX Similar type ; r. ; symbol, olive 2 in front of bull, sprig branch : border of of olive 7 with two dots. leaves and fruit; lines of ex. plain; in ex, dolphin, r. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXVII. 12.j 54 17.2 AR '45 TOXEl Similar type; TOXEl Similar type; | symbol, sprig , of in front, sprig of | olive 2 with three | Olive 7 leaves: same border. 55 16 AR 45. No inscr. visible. Simi-TOx.EIA Similar type; - lar type ; behind, no symbol. | t olive? branch; border uncertain. 56 9:1 AR 35 MOT Poseidon, ad- TOM Same figure as . - vancing, r., wearing on obv. J., seen from chlamys, ends falling the other side, ends over both shoulders, of chlamys square : } and striking with tri- plain border. dent, l. arm extended : i double 7 border of dots. 57 || 7-5 R 4 ToxEl Poseidon, ad- Bull, l.; above, dolphin, vancing, r., naked, 1. striking with trident, l I. arm extended : bor- der of dots. 58 || 4-2 |AR .35|TIOXE Same type : Same. no border. [CXXVII. 8.5 272 I,U CAN IA. No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. 59 6.2 Å 25 MOTI Poseidon, ad- MOTI Bull, l. vancing, r., wearing | chlamys, ends falling over both shoulders, striking with trident, l. arm extended : plain | ſ border 7 - |Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXVII. 18.] | 60 6-9 R 25 TOM Similar type : Same. . no border 2 61 |AE :55|TIOM Poseidon, r., p3MOTI Bull, I. l wearing chlamys, ends falling over both shoulders, striking with trident, I. arm extended : border of dots. [Cf. CXXIX. 55.] 62 AE 45 TOM Similar type : TON Bull, r. no border visible. 63 AE 6 Inscr. obscure. Posei- OXEA Bull, but- don, advancing, r., ting, l. ; beneath, naked, striking with cuttle-fish. trident, l. arm ex- tended; in front, dol- phin, r., downwards. [Cf. 69.] 64 |AE 7 ||No inscr.; same type OXEIA. Same type and symbol. and symbol. 65 AE '55 Poseidon, advancing, r., | TOXEIAA (on raised wearing chlamys, ends band beneath dotted falling over both line of ex.) Bull, shoulders, striking butting, r. with trident, l. arm extended : border of dots. [65.] POSIEIDONIA. - . 273 66 67 68 69 70 71. 72 Wt. *. Obverse. - . Reverse. 126. AE ‘5 |Same type and border. GIBMO Bull, butting, - 1. ; beneath, cuttle- fish. AE 7 |Same type. Bull, butting, r. ; above, dolphin r. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXLVI. 77.] AE 65|Same. Same type; above, thum- . - derbolt. - [76.] AE 55|Same type. Bull, advancing, r. ; above, dolphin r. [61.] AE 5 |Same type. Same type; above, club I’. [62.] AE '55|TOXEl Poseidon, run-i Bull, butting, r. ; above, - ning, r., wearing caduceus r. chlamys falling over both shoulders, and striking with trident, l. arm extended. [73.] F 45.same inscr. and type. Bull, advancing, l. 274 LIJCANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. . . - Reverse. | PAESTUM. º I. No marks of value. 1 || AE 75 Head of Poseidon, r. TAIXTANO Eros ? - | laur. naked, seated on dol- | phin, I., and holding wreath and trident. - [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXXX. 1.] 2 || |E 85|Same type; behind, dol-similar - phin, downwards, r. : border of dots. • *. [3.] 3 |AE •8 |Same. Same inscr. and type : border of dots. 4 |AE ‘5 | Head of Poseidon, r., TAI T}olphin r. : bor- * diademed : border of der of dots. dots. 5 | AE 45|Heads of the Dioskuri, T. Dolphin I. : plain . . . . . r. : border of dots. border. II. Marks of value. : Semis. 6 69 |AE 7 |Head of Poseidon, r., FAIs Trident ; on laur. ; behind, S ; either side, S Q : border of dots. plain border. : - [CXXXI. 7.] 7 | 72" |AE -8 |Same. - | Same. t Triens. 8 82 AE 65|Head of androgynous TAIs Cornucopiae; in Dionysos, r., crowned field I., ear of barley with vine-leaves and 3. ...: © and B : plain border. grapes; behind, 3 : • Q border of dots. r [Cf. CXXXII. 40.] PAESTUM. 275 Metal. Obverse. Reverse: |Same, but symbol 2 palm- |TAIS Cornucopiae; in field r., : and the letters, Q \A. ear of barley. Same inscr. and type; above, see and ca- duceus r. : plain bor- Same inscr. and type; above, see ; beneath, caduceus r. : plain Same inscr. and type; above, see ; beneath, No. Wt. Size. 9 || 45 |AE 65|Same. branch. - [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXII. 41.] 10 |49. AE 6 same. * - | [of as.) 1 I 57 |AE 6 Same, but no border. ||Same, but in field r., Quadrans. 12 59 |AE 65|Head of Poseidon, r., TAIS Dolphin r. ; diademed ; behind, above, soo : plain :: border of dots. border. |Cf. CXXXIII. 58.] | 3 || 53' |AE 6 |Same. der. [68.] | 4 || 54" |AE 6 same. | border. i [67 15 51. AE 55|Same. - club l. [69.] 16 || 55 AE 6 |Same. Same inscr. and type; above, eee ; beneath, branch r. [60.] 276 LUCANIA. . | No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. IZé. 17 || 39' |AE '55|Same. |Same, but plain border. 18 64, AE 65|Same. TAIS Dolphin r. ; - beneath, tunny-fish r. ; above, ee e. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXII. 65.] 19 || 46 |AE •55|Same head and marks | Similar. - of value. Sextans. 20 122. AE -8 |Head of Poseidon, r., TAIST Dolphin r. ; diademed ; behind, B : above, ee : border of border of dots. dots. 21 52. AF 7 |Head of Persephone, r., TAIS Fore - part of crowned with barley: running wild boar r.; border of dots. beneath, ee. - . |CXXXIV. 74.1 22 || 54" |AE •6 |Similar. Same. 23 50° |AE 6 |Same head. Same : plain border. 24 26 |AE '55|Similar head; behind, Same. : : border of dots. 25 47. A 65|Same. Same. 26 45' |AE '55|Similar head; behind, TAIS Wild boar, run- 3. ning, r. ; beneath, branch 7 and es. [Cf. 77, 78.] 27 50 |AB| 6 |Same : border of dots. ||Same inscr. and type; - L. -- beneath, QVA and e e. [79.] PAESTU M. - 277 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. * - Sescuncia. 28 || 46 AF 6 |Similar head; border of TAIS Wolf galloping, dots. r.; above, e X: plain - border. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXXXIV. 85.] Uncia. 29 || 43" |AE 6 || Head of Artemis, r., TIAIS Ear of barley wearing stephane ; with three leaves; in over her shoulder, field I., e : plain bow and quiver: plain border. border. - [Cf. 93.] 30 35 Å. 55|Same type ; border of Similar. dots. 31 || 31' |AE 55|Same. Same. 32 45: AE 55|Same. TAIS Same type; in - field r., e ; in field l, QVA : plain border. 33 33: AE '5 |Same. TAIS Same type; in field l., e and cadu- ceus: same border. 34 29 |AE 45|Same head; behind, e. Same inscr. and type ; in field l., e and club. semis. 35 | 97, AE 75 Head of Poseidon, r., PAES Anchor and laur. ; behind, S and rudder, crossed; in trident : border of field l., Mºil : border dots. of dots. [CXXXI. 18.] 36 | 84 |AE 7 |Same. t Same inscr. and type : same border. 278 LU CANIA. No. Wt. Metal. Obverse. . - Reverse. Size. 37 90. A 65|Similar. | PA.S Prow r., on | either side of which, dolphin, downwards r. and l. ; above, CN TEY: same bor- - der. | Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXI, 13.] 38 | 66 |AE 65|Similar : border not|Same. visible. - - - Triens. - 39 54" |AE 6 | Head of º Cornucopiae; in Dionysos, r., crown- 3 ed with ivy; in field field I., * and cap of r., crescent and star: Dioskuri, surmounted border of dots. by star: plain border. - - [Cf. 46.] -- 40 || 33' |AE 65|Same. Same. 41 || 75 |AE 7 || Macedonian shield, Cornucopiae and thun- around which, derbolt, crossed ; bor- P A E S T and •e ee: der of dots. border of dots. [Cf. 55.j 42 58. AE 55|Same. Same. 43 || 41. AE 5 |Similar shield; around |Cornucopiae : same bor- ſ’ A E S and eeee : | der. j same border. - (Cf. 56. 44 || 34' |AE 55 Lion, r., open-mouthed, PAES Cornucopiae; in and with tail erect: field 1., cap of Dios- border of dots. kuri, surmounted by t © star; in field r., 3 plain border. 69 |49. PAESTUM. 279 M etal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. - Reverse, 45 || 38. AE -6. Same. | |Same; marks of value not visible. - . . . - Sextans. 46 || 41. AE 55|Head of Persephone, r., PAES Fore-part of wearing wreath of running wild boar r. ; corn ; border of dots. beneath, ee : plain - border. - [Car. N. I. V.T. CXXXI. 73. Sescuncia. - 47 27 AE 55|Same head : plain bor- TAES Wolf galloping, der. r. ; above, e X. - - . Semis. x 48 |46. AE 6 ||PA. Head of Pallas, M.OC a- . . .ini, Vir Rudder Corinthian helmet; border of dots. behind, S ; border of dots. | * ICF CXXXI. 20. 49 || 65 |AE 6 |Same. MOCI - Iſiſ WiF Same. 50 || 78. AE 6 "A. sº type; be- tºx Two right hands 2 joined: border of dots. [24] 51 || 51 - |AE 6. Same : border of dots. |t{ { Same type and * *, border. 52 49. AP 55 Same. Same. 53 54 AE 65|Same. - |Same. 54 45. AE 65 PAE Head of Nike, QT RE II:VIR Palm- * r., winged ; behind, branch upright, cross- S ; border of dots. ing wreath ; border of dots. . [28.] 280 I.U CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 55 | 35' |AE '55. Similar. Same. 56 || 44 AF 55 BONA ..., |MARCI- N - CA With- MENIS] Female figure in, the legend, TA: ' S (Bona Mens,) seated, border of dots. l., in a distyle temple. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXXXI. 34.] 57 50. A 7 ||Wild boar, r.; in his L ARTV neck, javelin. C COMIN || V|R. [30.] 58 || 64, AE 65|PAE Same; beneath|L ARTV boar, S. C. COMI - Ti. VIR 59 68. AE •55 Same. Same. 60 50. AE -65. PAE QVI S Side of CN COR- a temple with six M TVC . within columns. PATR wreath. [29.] 61 || 75 |AE 65|Same. Same. 62 | 76- AE 65|Same. Same. 63 |49. A 6 D. FA \FN EPV Rudder. PA- Anchor. DI. 64 || 44° AE ‘5 | FAD L - VFNE EPVL Same type. PAE; Same type. DE [22.] PAES'i U M . No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 65 37 AE •5 D - FAD Same. { EPVL Same type. - 66 58° |AE ‘6 Oinochoë, r. ; on either|PA: S Anchor : border || | side, Macedonian hel- of dots. met and cornucopiae, both inverted ; border | of dots. | - Triens. 67 55 AF 16 ||PAE (in ex.) Elephant, . AS Cornucopiae, fil- I’. . border of dots. leted ; in field, l, ; : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXII. 52.] 68 46. A 5 ||PAES (in ex.) Same Same type, marks of type. value, and border. Quadrans. 69 27. |AE '45|Head of Poseidon ? r., PA. Cornucopiae, fil- | laur. ; behind, 3 letted. border of dots. 9 70 44- |E ‘55 Trident; in field, r., E. : ||. A E Dolphin, r. : border of dots. * border of dots. 71 || 35. AE .45||Diota ; in field, l., 3 : |Rudder? border of dots. same border. © Sextans. 72 || 48. AE -55 Heads of the Dios- LEX tº kuri, r., each wearing |XXXX Ear of corn; laureate pilos, sur- beneath, e e : bor- mounted by star ; der of dots. all in wreath. [CXXXIV. 84.] 73 38. AE 5 |Same. | Similar. ilj CA NIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 74 48 |Aº ‘5 |..ANE 2 Head of Ar- TA3, Pig r. ; in ex., temis, r. ; border of ee : border of dots. dots. - - - Uncia Ž 75 39" |AB| 65|Head of Poseidon, r., PAE Ornamented tri- laur. ; behind, e : | dent: border of dots. border of dots. - Doubtful Class. 76 AE 65|Traces of inscr. Two QT ARTI ? g figures working at an PA. Balance : anvil. border of dots. 77 AE 6 |M.C.NETA - M - F Head T' S t of Juno Moneta, r.,s C Temple or house hair rolled : border of of two storeys, each dots. with sloping roof, door in the centre of lower one : border of dots. [Car. N.I.V. T. CXXXV. 107.] 78 AE 65|Head of Tiberius 2 r.; [C LOLLI M DOI 11 || in front, lituus; border VI R P S S C Veiled of dots. female figure, seated, r., holding sceptre. 79 AE 75|Same. same. 8() Aº ‘65 Head of Tiberius 2 r.; Cº LOLLI ITE. M. in front, lituus; border DOI 11 VRI DSSC of dots. Artemis, facing, wear- - ing short tunic and carrying spear and strung bow ; border | - of dots. . [98. 8] AE 6 |Same. - | Same. SY H A RIS. 283 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. | ––– SIRIS AND PYXUS. Archaic style. - | 120:5 AR 1.2 MOMR 4? M Bull, TiVXOSM Same type standing, I., on line of as obv., incuse and dots, turning his head reversed : wreath-bor- round and biting his der, incuse. back : dotted cable- border. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXXV. 1.] 2 103.6R 1:15, , , QM Similar type: |*Vrl Similar type; in- MR q&M - cuse border of radiat- border of dots on ing lines. band. [2.] SYBARIS. Struck before no. 510. 1 |12 || 4 |AR 1.2 VM (in ex.) Bull, Same type as obv., in- standing, l., on dotted cuse and reversed: bar, turning his head incuse border of dots. round and biting his back : dotted cable- border. - [CLXIV. 3. 2 127.5 |AR 1.2 |Same. |Same. 3 |121.8 |AR 1.2 | Salme. Same. 4 || 23°2 |AR }•2 |Same. Same. -- 5 |116.2 |AR 1.25|YM (above.) Same|Same type, deeper in- | type and border. cuse : incuse border of radiating lines, [Cf. 1.] 284 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 6 || 07-1 ||AR roº Similar type: border of Similar. dots on band. - 7 125°1 AR 1:1 |Same. Same, but bull standing - on double dotted bar. 8 1228 AR 1 | |M Y (in ex.) Same. Same type, shallower "… incuse, and bull stand- | ing on line of incuse squares (like border): same border. 9 39°1 AR ‘8 ||YM (in ex.) Similar Same type as obv., but type: dotted cable- incuse and reversed : border. incuse border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXIV. 6.] 10 417 AR 75|Same. Same type: incuse bor- - der of radiating lines. | ] 42.6 AR “75|Similar. Similar type : incuse border of dots. 12 40:1 AR 75|Similar. - Similar. 13 7. |AR 3 |Same inscr. and similar - type : cable-border. NA i [Cf. 10.] 14 6-9 AR 3 |Similar. | Similar. Struck B. c. 453–448. 15 20:1 AR '45 VM (in ex.) Bull, ad-Diota, incuse : incuse vancing, I., turning his border of oblongs. head round and biting - his back: raised bor- der of dots. - [Cf. 8.] 16 | 19.2 |AR '45 MY (in ex.) Bull, stand-Same. - - ing, r., turning his head round and biting || his back: raised bor- der of dots. SYBARIs. 285 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 17 | 19.4|AR ‘45. No inscr. visible; simi-|Similar type. - - lar bull, left fore-leg bent: same border. - [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CLXIV. 9. 18 || 17-7|AR 4 |VM Poseidon, naked, Dove, 1. advancing, r., striking with trident, l. arm extended. 19 | 16. AR '45|VM Similar type. Dove, r. 20 20:5|AR '4 |A HVM Same type. Similar type. . [Cf. 19.] 21 20:4|AR 4 |VM Same type : bor-Dove, within wreath, r. der of dots. 22 | 18. AR 4 |Poseidon, advancing, r., YM Bull, advancing, striking with trident; l. l. arm extended, and wearing chlamys fall- ing over both arms: same border. . [15.] 23 | 18-2 |AR ‘4 |Same. - VM Same type, r. 24 | 18.7 AR 45|Similar. |Similar. 25 | 202 AR 4 |Same. 8|YM Similar. [17.] 26 17:4|AR 45 w v Same. A8 . . Similar. 27 | 17 AR ‘4 |. V8A Poseidon, ad-i Bull, advancing, r. ; vancing, r., striking above, Nike, flying with trident, pointed r., about to crown chlamys falling over him. extended l. arm. 286 LUCANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 28 || 17-6 AR ‘45|Same figure, but with A3YM Bull, advanc- chlamys ending in ing, r., on plain line tassels falling over above dotted one. both arms: border of dots. 29 20:3||AR ‘45|MV8A Similar type : Same, but no dotted plain border. - line. 30 | 6’2|AR 25|Similar type : border of Bull, standing, 1.: bor- dots. . der of dots. - Struck after B.o. 443. 31 | 408 AR 6 |Head of Pallas, r., wear-XYBAPI (in ex.) Bull, ing crested Athenian standing, r., turning helmet, adorned with his head round and olive-wreath. biting his flank. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXIV. 12.] 32 359 AR 55|Similar type. Same inscr. (above.) - Bull, walking, r., head lowered; in ex., tunny-fish, r. 33 157 AR -45|Same. XYBA (in ex.) Same - - type as no. 31. ..[13] 34 17.2 |AR ‘45|Same, smaller. Same. 35 | 6’2 AR 3 |Same type. XYBA Head of bull, r. 36 || 6′3 |AR 3 ||Similar. . | MY Same type. 4 | | THURIUM. 287 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. SYBARIS AND POSEIDONIA. 1 13.5 |AR 4 |. VM Poseidon, naked, MOT Bull, standing, advancing, r., striking I’. - with trident, and car- rying pointed chlamys | on extended i. arm. THURIUM. 1 231-5 AR 95 Head of Pallas, r., wear- G)OYPION Bull with ing crested Athenian raised r. fore-foot, and helmet, adorned with | tail erect, butting r.; olive-wreath. in field, r., T. 2 122-3 AR 75|Similar. Same inscr. and type, but bull has I. fore- foot raised ; in ex. tunny-fish, r. 3 1219 AR '85 Similar type ; in field Same inscr. and similar r., p. - type and symbol ; between bull’s legs, | 4 P Y. 4 || 19.7 |AR 75|Similar type. same inscr. and similar - symbol and type, but bull has r. fore-foot - raised; in field r., E. 5 121°5 AR -75. Similar. Same inscr., similar type l, and symbol 1. 6 || 19.2 AR 75 Same type, but in olive-Same inscr. Bull, with wreath, an ivy-leaf. head lowered, walking r., on dotted bar; in ex., tunny-fish r. 7 || 19-3 AR 9 |Same type; no ivy-leaf. Same, but bar of ex. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXVI. 11.] plain. 288 LUCANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 8 121-8 * ‘8 |Same. |Similar. 9 1199 AR 8 |Same type. Same, but beneath bull, - one-handled vase r. 10 1197 AR 85|Same. Same inscr. and type; - beneath bull, A.; in ex., tunny-fish l. | l 122. AR 8 |Similar. Same. 12 || 19.5 |AR 8 |Similar. Same inscr. and type; beneath bull, E Y; same symbol r. 13 || 99. AR 9 |Similar. Same, but beneath bull, - A. 14 || 19 ||AR 85|Same type; in field r., |Same inscr. Bull, with q). - head lowered, walking l. ; beneath, bird r., with spread wings; in ex., tunny-fish l. [Cf. Car. N. IV. T. CLXVI. 13.] 15 123' | AR 8 |Same, wreath varied. Same. 16 1208 AR 8 |Same type as no. 14. ||Same inscr. and type; - - beneath, T; in ex., tunny-fish r. 17 121-3 AR 75 Head of Pallas, r., wear-Same inscr. and type; • ing crested Athenian beneath, helmet. helmet, adorned with wreath of ivy; be- hind, E. | [Cf. 14.] 18 122. R ‘9 |Same. Same. 19 39.9 AR 6 |Same type, but olive-|Same inscr. and type; wreath on helmet; in in ex., tunny-fish l. field r., A. - THU R1U M. 289 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 20 16:9 AR ‘45|Similar type. GOPION (sic) Similar typer.; in ex., tunny- fish r. 21 16.8 |AR '45|Same. G)OYPHON Same. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXVIII. 34.] - 22 | 18.8 |AR 5 |Same. Same inscr. Same type l., and symbol I. [33.] 23 157 AR 5 |Same. G)OYPI Same. 24 18. AR '45|Same. sº inscr. and type; beneath, T; in ex., fish r. [37.] 25 | 10. AR 4 |Similar. ooy Bull, standing r., turning his head round and biting his back. 26 (244.1 |AR 1.05 Head of Pallas, r., wear-OOYP1(2N Bull, with ing necklace and r. fore-foot raised, and crested Athenian hel- tail erect, butting r. ; met, on the side of in ex., tunny-fish r. which is Skylla with hand raised to her head, and on the flap, griffin. 27 239.9 |AR 1 |Same. Same ; type varied. 28 231-2 AR 1 - |Same. Same. | 29 243.6 |AR 1 |Same type, but no grif- Same. i fin on helmet ; be- hind, IA. 30 |237. I AR 9 |Same type, l. Traces of inscr. Same º type and symbol; be- neath bull, six dots. P P 290 LU CAN IA. No Wt. * | Obverse. Reverse. IZé. | — — | | 31 |235 AR 1 |Same. |GOYPION Same type . . . . . . and symbol. | 32 2459 R1-05 same. Same. 33 (2459 AR 1:1 |Same type, r., but Skyla Same inscr. and type; holds trident. in ex., two tunny- fishes r. 34 229-6 AR 95|Same type; on flap of Traces of inscr. Same helmet, griffin ; be- type ; beneath, A hind neck, owl r. and bird with open wings r. ; in ex., two tunny-fishes r. 35 2433 AR 1 |Head of Pallas, r., wear- PION Bull, with ing necklace and r. fore-foot raised, and crested Athenian hel- tail erect, butting r. ; met, on the side of above, lighted torch which is Skylla hold- r. ; in ex, two tunny- ing rudder, and on fishes r. the flap, griffin ; be- hind, wreath-bearing Nike, r. - [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXV. 4.] 36 244-2 ||AR 1.05|Same. Same, but below bull, EY. 37 |227.8 |AR 1.2 | Head of Pallas, r., wear-|G)OYPION Same ing mecklace, earring,| type ; in ex, EY PR and crested Athenian and owl flying r., helmet, on the side of holding wreath. which is Skylla, hurl- ing a stone. 38 2387 AR 1.05|Same type behind head, Same inscr. and type ; XAN. above bull, EY PA ; in ex., two fishes r. [Cf. 5.] 39 239-3 AR 1. Similar type. | Same. | THURIU M, 291. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 40 242 5 AR 95|Same type, but Skylla Same. holding trident in- stead of hurling stone. 4l 2385 AR 95 same type as no. 37;|Same inscr. and type ; behind head, XI. above bull, NI ; in ex., serpent, coiled, advancing r. . 42 |240-3 ||AR 105 Same type; behind head, Same inscr. and type ; -- dolphin r. - above bull, XII M ; in ex., fish r. 43 |234.6 |AR 95|Same type. Same inscr. and type ; above bull, XIM. 44 |241 - ||AR l' sa he type; behind head, Same inscr. and type ; A. - above bull, Xi ; in | - ex., tunny-fish r. 45 (246-2 |AR '95|Same type. Same inscr. and type ; - above bull, 21 ; in | ex., two dolphins | meeting ; between | them, tripod. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXV. 8.] 46 |237. AR 1 - 1 Head of Pallas, r., wear-i Same inscr. and type ;| ing necklace, earring, in ex., EY pp and and crested Athenian aegis bearing Medusa's helmet, on the side of head, and surrounded which, running griffin. by snakes. 47 |2084 AR 1 |Same type; behind head, Same inscr. and type ;| J. - in ex., H PA and | ~. lion's head r. 48 |1222 ||AR 75|Same head, wearing|GOYPIO Bull, with | crested Athenian hel-| head lowered, walking met, on the side of l.; beneath, pilos; in | which, sea-horse, with ex., tunny-fish I. curled wing; behind head, E. - l 292 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 49 || 15-3 AR Same head, wearing |G)OYPION Same type necklace and crested and fish ; beneath Athenian helmet, on bull, bird I., with the side of which, wings raised. Skylla, with her hand - to her head. 50 || 199|AR 8 |Same type; in field r., |Similar. 51 |1208 AR 8 |Same type. Same inscr. Bull, with r. fore-foot raised, and tail erect, butting r. ; in ex., tunny-fish r. 52 |122:3|AR 8 |Same type; above head, Same. 53 || 15:1 |AR 8 |Same type, but K on |Same inscr. and type ; flap of helmet. on rump of bull, K. 54 99.7|ARpl.-85|Same type, without |Same inscr. and type, letter ; behind head, without letter; in ex., E. long fish r. 55 |121-3 AR 9 |Same type, but Skylla |Same inscr. and type ; holds oar. in ex., tunny-fish r. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXVII. 28.] 56 |1191 AR 8 |Similar type. Same. 57 115-3 AR 8 |Same type, but Skylla Same. holds trident. 58 || 18.8 |AR 85 |Same type, but Skylla |Same. holds trident. 59 |123.5|AR 75|Head of Pallas, r., wear-OOYPION Bull, with ing necklace and r. fore-leg raised, and crested Athenian hel-| tail erect, butting r., met, on the side of standing on bar, on which, Skylla, with which MOAOXXOX; her hand to her head ; in ex., tunny-fish r. : on flap of helmet, M. border of dots. THUIRIUM. 293 No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. 60 |122.2 AR 85|Same type, smaller, no |Same *. letter: border of dots. 61 1226|AR 85|Same type. Similar. 62 | 84 ARpl.-8. Similar type, but Skylla Similar inscr., bull, and holds trident; behind symbol; but beneath head, T. bull, A. 63 || 19.2 ÅR 8 |Similar type. Same inscr., type, and : symbol; but above bull, T. 64 || 18.4 |AR '85 Similar type. Same ; but I below | bull. 65 104.6 |ARpl.-85|Same type. Same. 66 1107 AR 8 |Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr., type, and hurls stone. symbol; below bull, ivy-leaf r. 67 || 18. AR 8 |Same. Similar. 68 |122. AR 8 |Similar type; on flap of Same type; below, two helmet, p: border of dots ; in ex., long dots. fish r. 69 |119-3 AR '85 Similar type, but Skylla |OOYPION Sametype; holds trident; on flap in ex., dolphin r. of helmet, K. 70 96:4 |AR 8 |Similar type, but on |Same inscr. Bull, with helmet, Skylla, hold- r. fore-leg raised, and ing with 1. oar over tail erect, butting rº; her shoulder; flap of upon waves, beneath helmet ornamented. which, dolphin r. 71 || 17-3 AR 8 |Similar type, but on side Same inscr. Similar of helmet, Skylla, bull; above, torch r. ; hurling stone ; on in ex., tunny-fish r. flap, iſ ; border of dots. - 294 LU CANIA." No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 12,62, 72 |127-2 |AR 85|Same type; on flap, 2. Same inscr. and type ; in ex., torch r. * [Car. N.I.V.T. CLXVII. 80. 73 |1202 AR. '93'similar type ; behind same inscr. and type; - head, Al. - above bull, Al Q; in ex., Pegasos flying r. 74 1202 R 8 |Head of Pallas, r, wear-Same inscr. and type; ... • - ing crested Athenian above bull, EY pa; in helmet, on the side of ex., tunny-fish r. which, Skylla, hold- ing trident. . 75 || 24" | AR 85|Same. Same inscr., type, and symbol; beneath bull, HP; on flank, counter- mark, K. 76 || 19-3 AR 8 |Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr., type, and hurls stone. symbol; above bull, HPA. 77 ||22 ||AR 75|Similar type. |Same inscr. and type ; - above bull, G)E ; in ex., thunderbolt. 78 |12 || ||AR 8 |Same. Same, but above bull, 79 || 18.6|AR 75|Similar type, but on flap Same inscr. and type ;| of helmet, p. above bull, OE. 80 1227AR •7 |Similar type, but Oil flap same type ; above bull, • - of helmet, EY. G)E; in ex., star of - - eight rays. 81 107.5 Apl.-9 Similar type, but Skylla GOYPION Same type; holds oar 7 | above, IK ; in ex., | - . - fish r. 82 |1204 |AR 85|Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr. and type ; holds trident. above bull, NY. . THURIUM. 295 | i No. Wt. * e Obverse. Reverse. 83 |122°1 AR 8 |Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr. and type ; hurls stone. above bull, XII M ; in | ex., tunny-fish r. 84 1202 AR 8 similar type : plain bor-|Same, but in ex., fast | i €l’. - uadriga r. q 9. 85 120°4|AR 85|Similar type ; behind |Same inscr. and type ; head, KAA. above, XI ; beneath - bull, K. A /\; in ex., wreath-bearing Nike, flying r. 86 ||25 |AR 1. Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr. and type ; | holds trident ; on flap above, XOX; in ex., of helmet, bird r. sea-horse, with curled t - wing r. 87 |121-3 AR 8 Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr. and type ; - hurls stone; on flap above bull, X.O.; be- of helmet, 2.(2. low, 4) l; in ex., same symbol. 88 1202 AR 75|Similar type, but Skylla |Same inscr. and type ; . holds trident. above bull, X.O.; in ex, tunny-fish r. 89 |123.9 |AR 8 |Similar type; on flap of Same inser, type, and helmet, 2.(2. symbol; below bull, XOT. 90 || 25-6 AR 8 |Same. Same inscr. and type ; beneath bull, 2.(2; on shoulder, KA. 91 1229 AR 85|Similar. Same. 92 |1248 AR 75|Similar type. Same type ; above, star of eight rays; between legs of bull, (23 ; in ex., tunny-fish r., and cockle-shell. 296 T, UCA NIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 93 || 17-2 ||AR “75 Similar. Same type; above, XO; between legs of bull, F. E.; in ex., two dol- phins meeting above Wa Wes. 94 |12 || 2 ||AR 75|Same. OOYPION Same type - and letters ; in ex., dolphin r. 95 99 ||AR 85|Similar type, but Skylla Same inscr. Similar hurls stone; on flap type; in ex., PA. of helmet, uncertain letters. 96 1218 AR 9 similar. |GOYPION (in ex.) Bull, with r. fore-foot raised, and tail erect, butting r. ; above, lyre ? and Nike flying r., and crowning bull; beneath, pp.Y. 97 || 21.4|AR 9 | Head of Pallas r., wear- G)OYPION Similar & ing necklace, earring, bull r.; above, EYQA; and crested Athenian beneath, A A ; in helmet, on the side of ex., thyrsos r. which, running griffin; behind head, XI. 98 || 16. AR 8 |Similar type. Same inscr. and type ; above, EYQA; in ex., same symbol. 99 || 94. AR 8 |Head of Apollo r., YPI QN (in ex.) - laur., hair long. Same type ; above, API; in ex., tripod. 100 | 16.7 |AR ‘4 |Head of Pallas r., wear- OOYPION Bull, with ing crested Athenian r. fore-foot raised and helmet, on the side of tail erect, butting r. ; which, Skylla, with her in ex., fish r. hand to her head. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXVIII. 56.] , THURIUM. 297 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. IZe. 101 || 16. AR .45 Similar type, but Skylla |Same. • , . - hurls stone with both hands. 102 || 17-7|AR 5 |Similar type, but Skylla |Same inscr. and type ; | hurls stone with r. in ex., dolphin r. 103 || 15.8 AR 5 |Same; behind head, Al. Same. 104. 157|R 5 |Same type. Same inscr. and type ; - - above bull, AA ; in ex., caduceus r. 105 | 16.5 |AR ‘45|Same type, but T on |Same inscr. and type ; - flap of helmet. above bull, EYQA. 106 || 17-5 AR 5 |Same type; no letter. Same inscr. and type ; - above bull, EYQA; in ex., tunny-fish r. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXVIII. 59.] 107 || 17 |AR ‘5 similar type, but K on |Similar type ; above, - flap of helmet. EY; in ex., owl flying r., carrying wreath. 108 15:5 AR 5 |Same type ; no letter|OOY Same type; in visible. - ex., EY pp and owl - - flying r. 109 || 21: AR 5 |Similar type; but Skylla ||OOYPION Similar holds trident. type ; above, H ; in - ex., tunny-fish r. 110 | 17-8 AR 45|Similar type; but Skylla Similar inscr. and type; - - - hurls stone. above, HPA; in ex., fish r. - [60.] 111 | 16. AR 5 |Same. Same, but in ex., dol- .- phin r. [61.] 298 LUCANIA. No. . Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 17,62, 112 | 18-8 ||AR, "5 |Same. Same inscr. and type ; above, T1A" ; in ex., : fish r. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXVIII. 64.] 113, 189 AR 5 similar. |GOYPION (in ex.) - - Bull, with r. fore-foot raised, and tail erect, butting r. ; above, Nike, flying r., crown- ing him. 114 | 167|AR 5 |Head of Pallas r., wear-OOYPIoM Similar t - - - ing plain crested bull r. ; in ex., Athenian helmet. EY pſ’; and owl r. | [Cf. 45.] | - 115 189 AR ‘45|Same type ; on flap o PIQN (in ex.) helmet, K. Same bull r. ; above, - Nike flying r., crown- ing him. - * | | - | [42.] 116 || 15.9 |AR ‘45 Head of Pallas r., wear- OOYPION Same bull ing crested Athenian r. ; in ex., fish r. helmet, on the side of - I which, running griffin. 117 16-8 |AR ‘5 Same. Same inscr. and type ; in ex., EY p , and bunch of grapes. I 18 15.5 |AR ‘45|Similar. Same, but in ex., Y (pP, and aegis. - ead of Pallas r., wear-|OOYP1. Same type; 119 r ". I 0.9 |AR 5 || H - ing crested Athenian helmet, adorned with olive-wréath. above, EY ; in ex., thyrsos r. THURITU M. 299 No. Wt. * Obverse. . . Reverse. 120 | 1.4° 1 AR ‘4 |Same. |G)OYPION Same type; - . in ex., HPA. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXVIII. 39.] 121 21-6 AR .45|Head of Pallas r., wear. Same inscr. and type ; - - ing crested andwinged above, HPA ; in ex, Athenian helmet. fish r. 122 17.4|AR 5 |Similar. YPIO (in ex.) Same s - . . bull r. ; above, XI and Nike flying r., crowning bull. (Cf. 48.] 123 || 17 AR 5 same. GOYPION (in ex.) Same, but in place of XI, H. 124 AE .6 |Head of Pallas r., wear- OOYPION Bull, with ing crested Athenian head lowered, walk- helmet, adorned with ing r. olive-wreath. (Cf. CLXIX. 77.] 125 |AE -5 |Similar. Same inscr. Bull, with r. fore-leg raised, and tail erect, butting r. ; above, T. 126 AE 55|Similar. YOG) Similar .” type, l. 127| A: 55 similar type. GOYPIQ Same type r.; in ex., tunny-fish l. 128 ~, AE 5 |Same type. GOYPION Same type. 129 E. •7 | Head of Pallas r., wear-OOY Bull standing ing crested Athenian r., turning his head helmet, bound with round, to bite his wreath. shoulder ; in ex., tunny-fish I”. 300 LUCANIA. No. - Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. | 130| AE 7 |Head of Pallas r., wear- OYP19. (sic.) Bull, - ing crested Athenian with r. fore-foot raised, helmet, on the side of and tail erect, butting which, sea-horse, with r. ; in ex., fish r. curled wing. - •. . w [Car. N.I.V.T. CLXIX. 73.] 131 AE 75 Similar. OOYPION Same. 132 AE -55|Similar. Same inscr. and type; . . - above, H. - 133 AE 1.15|Head of Pallas r., wear- "Traces of inscr. Similar ing crested Athenian | type; in ex., caduceus helmet, on the side of r. which, Skylla, hurling a Stone. [Cf. 68.] 134 A. 9 Similar. GOYPION Similar type; in ex., tunny- fish r. 135 AE '9 |Similar type, but Skylla |Same inscr., type, and • . holds trident. | symbol; above, AP, and beneath, iſ : plain border. [Cf. 71.] 136 AE “5 | Head of Pallas r., wear- | qYOG) Fore-part - ing crested Athenian of galloping bull r. helmet, adorned with | - olive-wreath. [Cf. 82.] 137 AE '55. Similar. GOYPION Same type - l. 138 A 45|Head of Pallas r., wear-lNo inscr. visible. Bull, - ing plain crested Athe- with r. fore-leg raised, nian helmet. and tail erect, butting I”, THURIUM. 301. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. . . Zë. - - 139 AE '45 Similar. G)OY Bucranium, with - - - - pendent fillets. (Cf. Car N.I.V.T. CLXIX. 88. 140 A 45 Head of young Hera-|COY Fore-part of . . . . . - kles r., wearing lion's galloping bull r. ; be- skin. hind, 2.(2. 14] A 6 Head of Pallas r, wear-looxPI ... Bull, with ing earring and crest- r. fore-foot raised, and ed Corinthian helmet: tail erect, butting r.; border of dots. in ex., AIXXQ: plain border. [Cf. 78.] 142 AE -6 |Same. | No inscr. Same type; - in ex., AIXXQ4)| : plain border. 143 AE .5 Female head r., wearing COY (in ex.) Similar : wreath and met of bull r. ; above, Nike peculiar form, from flying r., crowning which the hair escapes bull. - in tresses. 144 A. : Head of Apollo I. laur. OOYPl ‘innd- - - º hair long. 2 ’ on Tripod-lebes | with neck and three handles. [86.] 145 AE 65|Same type. OOY Pion Five- - stringed lyre; beneath, [89.] 146 AE -6 |Similar type. G)OYPION Winged thunderbolt; beneath, T. - |Cf. 88.1 302. LU CAN IA. No. Wł, *. Obverse. - Revere - 147| |AE 9 |Head of Apollo r., laur., OOYPION Artemis, . . . . . hair long : border of wearing short chitom dots. . . . and endromides, ad- * . * * * ~ * * * * vancing r. ; in her r., torch, in her l., two darts ; at her feet, hound looking up : border of dots. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXIX. 92.] 148 A 65 Head of Artemis r., OOYPION KAE ON | - - wearing earring, hair Apollo I., naked, hold- bound with diadem ing plektron and lyre. | and tied at the back by a cord; over her shoulder, quiver. - - > [94.] 149 AE 5 |Head of Apollo r., laur., GOY Horse galloping - hair short. - r. ; beneath, A 2 [95.] 150 Aº ‘5 |Head of Apollo l, laur., COY Cornucopiae; in - r hair long ; behind field I., Q; beneath, head, A. q>1. 15] AE ‘5 |Same. Same, but in field l., X.O. - COIPIA. 303 Wt. 89. | 68. 63. 30° Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. COPIA. -- Semis. -- Head of Isis 2 r., wear. L-C-Q conia ing lotus and veil | Cornucopiae, from over bird-headdress; which leaves and fruit behind, S: plain bor-| protrude: plain bor- der. der. Similar. COTTIA Same type ; in field 1., caduceus: same border. Triens. Head of Pallas r., wear-|C-L-Q COTIA Same ing crested Corinthian | type ; in field I., helmet: plain border. : plain border. Quadrans. Head of young Hera-Likaſp kles, r., wearing lion's COTIA - : - - e 3 ... beneath, eee : plain skin ; behind, 2 : border. border of dots. } Similar type; 304 LUCANIA. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. 125-7 123°5 1145 115- | 13-1 AR AR AR •75 Reverse. Head of lion r., mouth open. … " , Lion, crouching r. ; above, B : border of dots. Similar; but 8. Similar ; but no letter ; in ex., owl r. (No border visible.) Similar ; but 3 ; ex. plain. - turned WELIA, HYELE, OR ELEA. Female head r., hair bound with three fil- lets, and turned up behind, wearing ear- ring and necklace : border of dots. V E A H Female head r., hair bound with string of beads, and up behind, wearing earring and necklace. Same, but hair bound with plain fillet; no earring or necklace. Same, but hair bound with fillet, wearing necklace. YEAHTON Same type, but hair bound with string of beads. VELIA. 305 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 6 || 17-6 AR Female head r., wearing YEAHTEQN (in ex.) necklace, hair bound | Lion, crouching r. ; with string of beads, above, owl, flying to- and tied and turned wards l. up behind. * I - . 7 || 15:5 AR 8 |Same type, but hair re-|Same, but owl, towards sembling net of beads, r. details of head-dress obscure. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXXXVI. 12.] 8 |102.5 ARpl.-8|Same. Same, but inscr. very irregular. 9 60.9 AR 6 ||Female head r., wearing|YEAH Owl r., on - necklace, hair bound olive-branch; in field with string of beads, r., A. and turned up behind. 10 60. AR Same type. same type, but in field T., t. [5.] 11 | 608 AR 55|Female head r., wearing HABY Same type 1. ; necklace, hair bound in field l., XI. with narrow fillet, and rolled behind. | 2 | 61.5 AR Female head r., hair ||YEAH Same type; no bound with narrow letter. fillet, and turned up - behind. [4.] - 13 58:5 AR 6 |Same type, but fillet YEAH Same type r. broader. - 14 | 61.2|AR Female head r., hair |HABY Same type 1. rolled behind; behind, T]. - - [7.] - R. R. 306 LU CANIA. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 15 59.5 |AR '55. Similar head, bound with YEAH Same type r. narrow fillet; no letter. 16 61-5 AR 6 |Similar type, without|Same inscr. Same type, fillet, with necklace. varied in details. 17 592 AR 65|Similar head, without|Same inscr. Same type necklace. l. 18 47.2 |AR '55. Female head r., hair HABY Same type r. turned up behind. 19 || 8 ||AR 35|Female head r., hair|YEAH Same type. turned up behind, | under narrow diadem. 20 1188 |AR 75|YEA. Female head r., AH (in ex.) Lion, | hair bound with nar- crouching r. : border row stephane, and of dots. turned up behind. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXXXVI. 15.] 21 || 17.5 |AR 75). EAH Same type. . H (in ex.) Same. 22 || 59.8 |AR -6 |Head of Pallas r., with YEAH Owl r. ; in long hair, wearing front, olive-branch. Athenian helmet with- out crest, ornamented at the back and with serpent on the side. 23 52 |AR 6 Female head r., dia-3 IABI Owl r., on demed. olive-branch. 24 59' AR 65|Similar head l. LEAH Same type. 25 51.9 |AR ‘75|Same. YEAH Same type. 26 64.1 |AR ‘6 |Same type r. ; behind |Same. head, Tl. 27 599 AR 6 |Same type; behind, A. ||Same, but olive-branch varied. V ELIA. 307 No. ; 28 29 30 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 Metal. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 60 AB 75|Same type 1. ; behind, Same, but type 1. ; and E. beneath, E. 62. 1 |AR 65|Same, but behind, D. Same. (Inscr. almost - effaced.) 57-3 |AR 65|Same, but no letter. Same. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXVI. 6.] 59. AR 65|Same, but 14. HAHY Same type. (Olive-branch varied.) 497 ||AR 65|Same type; no letter. YEAH Owl l., on olive - branch with many leaves. 63. AR 65|Similar head, with neck- YH1. Owl l., on lace, neck terminating olive-branch. (Olive- in dotted line. branch varied.) 115.6 |AR 8 |Lion, crouching r. ; in Head of Nymph 2 r., ex., owl r. : border hair rolled and wavy, of dots. wearing earring and - necklace ; in front, vine-branch, with leaf and bunch of grapes; between head and branch, 49. |16.1 59.9 |AR -65. Head of Pallas r., wear-|YEAH Owl r., on ing crested Athenian olive-branch. helmet, adorned with - olive-wreath ; above, A. | 14-9 AR 85 Head of Pallas 1., wear- . . . HT EQ. Lion ing crested Athenian seizing stag, r. helmet, adorned with triple olive-wreath ; behind, owl I. - [CXLII, 74.] 117:6. R. '85 Similar head, wreath ||YEA. Same type 1. ; */ ordinary, with earring beneath stag, A. and necklace. 44.1-4. &c. & /, ///4-t. 308 LU CAN IA. No. Wt. *. Obverse, Reverse. 176, 38 || 19.2 AR 85 Head of Pallas r., |YE AHTEQ N Same wearing necklace and | type; behind stag, A. crested Athenian hel- met, high in upper part like the Phrygian, adorned with olive- wreath ; on upper part of helmet, HPA; above, E. 39 |1139||AR 75 Head of Pallas I., wear- .. EQ VA i ing crested Athenian | Same type r. (No helmet, adorned with letter.) olive-wreath and grif- fin; behind, p. - 40 || 17-8 AR 85|Same, but no letter. . EA HT EO VA - Same type. 41 |1136|AR 8 |Head of Pallas 1., wear-| EAHTEQN Lion, ing crested Athenian walking 1. helmet, on which, griffin ; behind, K. 42 |119.5 |AR 8 |Head of Pallas r., YEAHTON Lion wearing necklace and seizing stag r. crested Athenian hel- met, adorned with olive-wreath. 43 |1197 AR 8 |Head of Pallas r., |Same inscr. Lion seiz- - wearing necklace and ing stag r. crested Athenian hel– met, on which, grif- fin, flap ornamented ; above, A.; behind, p. (Cf. Car N.I.V.T. CXLII. 76 R.] 44 || 16 AR 8 |Same, but no letters. YEAHTo N same type. 45 || 162 AH 85|Same type 1., but flap YEAHTON Lion of helmet plain, no walking r. ; in ex., necklace; behind, T. owl flying towards r. : border plain. [CXXXVIII. 37.] V E LIA. 309 : No. Wł. *. Obverse. Reverse. 126. 46 1197 R '85 same, but no letter. Same insºr (in x.) | Same type ; but above, owl, flying towards r.: no border. 47 || 15 AR '85 Same. Same ; but beneath, T. 48 1198 AR 95 same type r. ; behind, Same, but no symbol; e beneath, G) : border plain. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXVIII. 30. 49 || 16:5 AR 85, Same, but on either Same. side of neck, dolphin downwards. - [CXXXVII. 25. 50 || 17, 3AR 85|Same type 1. ; in front Same. of neck, crab ; be- hind, G). 51 || 15-8 AR 95|Same type r. ; behind, Same; but above, p. • G). 52 || 16-3 AR 85|Same. Same inscr. and type ; - above, 4 ; beneath, P: plain border. [27.] 53 |1155 AR 95|Same type I. ; behind, Same ; but no letter G). above; beneath, X. 54 || 12:6|AR 85|Same type r. ; behind, Same; but above, P; X. beneath, G). 55 || 11 AR 85|Same; but behind, P. Same; but no letter be- - neath. 56 |117.7 AR 9 |Same type 1.; same|Same. letter. - - 57 || 15.2 AR '85 same, but q. Same; but beneath, P. 310 LU CAN IA. No, Wł. * Obverse. Reverse. 176. 58 || 14-3 AR 95|Same. Same; but beneath, X; line of ex. with egg and tongue border beneath. | 59 || 16. AR -85. Same type r. Same; but no letter be- neath, and line of ex. plain. 60 |113-9 AR 9 |Same. Same inscr. and type J.; above, 4 ; beneath, >E: plain border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXVII. 21.] 61 || 14-6 ||AR 85|Same. Same inscr. Lion run- ning 1.; beneath, XE : plain border. |CXLI. 66.] 62 || 14-1 |AR 85|Same type 1., but flap of Same. helmet ornamented; behind, X. 63 |116-1 |AR 8 |Head of Pallas 1., wear-Same, but no monogr. ing crested Athenian helmet, adorned with olive-wreath. 64 || 15:1 AR 85|Same. YEAHTON (in ex.) Lion, walking r. 65 || 16. AR 8 |Same type r. ; border|YEAHTON Same : of dots. type; in ex., bunch of grapes. [CXXXIX. 46.] 66 113-4 AR -85. Same type. Same inscr. and type ; - beneath, N.; in ex., thyrsos r. - [47.] | 67 115.8 AR ‘8 |Same type, 1. | Same. i [48.] VELIA, 3.11 No Wit. * Obverse. Reverse. 68 |1138||AR 85 Head of Pallas 1., wear-YEAHTON (in ex.) ing crested Athenian | Lion l., looking back, helmet, adorned with holding ram’s head r olive – wreath with with 1. fore-paw; be- fruit; behind, XE. neath, XE: plain bor- der. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXLI. 62.] 69 || 16:1 AR 8 same type. same 70 1167 R '75, Head of Pallas, three- YEAHTON (in ex.) i . quarter face, towards Lion l., devouring I., hair long, wear- prey, held with I. fore- ing necklace and paw ; between hind winged Phrygian hel. legs, >I: plain border. met, inscribed i KAEYAOPOY. [The greater part of the space beneath the lion is filled : with metal from a fracture of the die.] [CXL. 50.] - 71 1125 AR 75|Same. Same ; but above, A.; | beneath,same monogr. : (Border not visible.) 72 || 09. AB -8 |Same. Same ; but no letter above ; beneath, b. (Border not visible.) 73 || 17.2 AR -85. Head of Pallas I., wear- - QN Lion | ing Phrygian helmet, seizing stag r. ; be- on which female Cen-| neath, pl.: border of taur, with drapery over dots. 1. arm, flap orna- mented; behind, XE. [CXLII. 67.] 74 || 17-7 ||AR 8 |Same. |YEAHTON (in ex.) - - | Lion 1., devouring prey, held with 1. fore-paw; above, A.; beneath, XE: plain border. [Cf. CXLI. 58.] 312 LUCANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 75 |1162 AR 8 |Same, but flap plain. Same, but Iz. 76 || 15.7 |AR 8 |Same, but flap orna-Same; but above, G; mented. beneath, XE. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXLI. 59.] 77 || 16.5 |AR 8 |Same, but flap more or- Same; but above, >E; - namented, and BK. beneath, p. 78 || 16:9 AR 8 |Same, but flap plain, and Same. (Mon.indistinct.) - >E. 79 || 16.5 |AR 8 |Same. Same ; but inscr. On - raised band ; above, q); beneath, 2E. | 80 || 19: I AR 8 |Same, but 3:. Same ; but inscr. as usual; no letter above; beneath, A. 81 ||109 AR pl.:85|Same, but XE. Same. 82 || 14-2 |AR 85|Same. Same; but beneath, 25. 83 |117.2 |AR 8 |Same. Same; but beneath, p. - [56.] 84 || 17-2 |AR 85|Same 2 (Lower part of Inscr. on raised band. helmet, and space be-, Same type ; above, hind obscured by lump || >E (nearly effaced); of metal.) beneath, 45. (No bor- der visible.) [60.] 85 || 14:9 |AR 85|Same, but no mon. Same ; but inscr. as - usual; no mon, above? 86 |114.1 |AR 85|Head of Pallas r., with ||YEAHTQN Lion walk- - earring and necklace, ing r. ; in ex., p 1, wearing helmet, on and vine-branch, on which, above olive- which, snake, both wreath, fast quadriga r. : border plain. r. ; on flap, griffin or horseman galloping r.; on band, beneath crest, q>1/\IXTIONOX : border of dots. V E LIA. 313 No, Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. - - | 87 || 12:9 AR 85 Similar type, but no |Same. wreath, nearest horse looking back; on flap, griffin galloping r. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXL. 53.] 88 || 13:2 |AB 9 Head of Pallas r., with YEAHTON (in ex.) earring and necklace, Lion 1., standing on wearing crested Co- bones of carcase, rinthian helmet, on gnawing prey, held which fast quadriga; with right fore-paw; on band beneath crest, above, Nike flying l., ©1/\|XTIONOX : holding wreath 7 be- border of dots. hind her, pl. [Cf. 52.] •, 89 |103-3 ARpl.-85. Same, but on flap of Same, but Nike holding helmet, horseman r. ; open diadem ż border ©i/\|XTiON. of dots, - 90 || 16.6 AR 85. Head of Pallas 1., wear-YEAHTON (in ex.) ing earring, necklace, Lion r., devouring and highly-ornament- ram’s head, held with ed Phrygian helmet, both fore-paws; above, on which griffin with || 4 |, and grasshopper | curled wing; behind, r. : plain border. - | - B [54.] 91 113-7|AR 8 |Same, but pattern on same. } flap varied. i a. 92 || 13.5 r ºn- of Pallas r., wear-YEAHTON (in ex) | ing earring, necklace, Lion walking r. ; and crested A heliº above, 4), and dol- helmet, adorned with phin r. \ olive-wreath and gif fin ; behind, A ; in front, @. [CXXXVIII. 32.] 93 || 13:1 AR 8 |Same, but head smaller. Same. 94 || 15. R ‘8 Same. Same. 314 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * obverse. Reverse. - 95 || 15-3 AR 8 |Head of Pallas I., wear-|YEAHTQN (in ex.) ing crested Athenian Lion walking l. ; helmet with curled above, 4 I, and tri- wing ; in front, 4 ; quetra of legs, with behind, K. | winged talaria, w [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXIX. 42.] 96 ||157 AR '85 Head of Pallas r., wear- YEAHToN (in ex.) ing, earring, necklace, Lion walking r. ; and crested Athenian above, p 1, and ear helmet, adorned with of barley r.; beneath, wing and olive. His plain border. wreath ; in front, ©; (obscure ;) behind, Al. [Cf. 45.] 97 || 15:4|AR 9 |Same; mon. Al. *- Same. \, 98 || 166|AR 9 |Head of Pallas r., wear-YEAHTQN (in ex.) ing earring, necklace, Lion walking r. ; and crested Athenian above, p 1, and helmet, adorned with bunch of grapes. curled wing, and olive-wreath ; above, Ti ; behind, p. . [43. 99 |106.8 |AR 85|Same, but helmet||YEAHTON (in ex.) smaller. Lion walking 1., head - nearly facing; beyond, palm-tree, on either side of which, 4 I. [Cf. 44.] 100 116-3 AR 95 Head of Pallas 1., wear- YEAHTQN (in ex.) - ing earring, necklace, Lion walking r. ; and crested Athenian | above, 4 I, and tri- helmet, ornamented dent r. ; border of over forehead; on hel– dots. met, dolphin, and on flap, 4 ; beneath, /k. [CXXXIX. 49.] VE LIA. " 3| 5 No. . Wt. *ºl. obverse. - Reverse. 101 || 16:1 AR 85|Same. Same. 102.115.4|AR 8 Head of Pallas r., wear-YEAHTON (in ex.) ing earring, necklace, Lion walking r. ; and crested Athenian | above, 4 I, and pen- helmet, on which grif- tagram. fin, with curled wing; above, A. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXXXVIII. 31.j 103 96.3 |ARpl.-8|Same. Inscr. (in ex.) barbarous and illegible. Same type I. ; above, p 1, and triquetra of legs, with winged talaria. 104 || 14-9 |AR 8 |Same; but above, traces YEAHTON (in ex.) * of A 7 in front, @. Same type r. ; above, © 1, and pentagram. 105.117-1 |AR 85|Head of Pallas I., wear-YEAHTON (in ex.) ing crested Athenian | Lion walking r. ; helmet, adorned with above, caduceus r., griffin ; on flap, 4 ; bound to head of behind, Ak. which fillet 2 plain border. [40.] } 106 || 16-4 |AR 85|Same. |Samº but caduceus without fillet. [39.] 107 ||106.9 |AR 85|Same. Similar. 108.118-9 |AR 8 |Similar type r., flap |Same inscr. and type ; plain ; behind, A. above, owl r. ; be- neath, A. [Cf. 28.] 109|117.2 AR 9 |Same type 1, ; behind, Same, but no symbol A 2 above ; beneath, A. S. 316 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. nº ºsº º * 110 1155 AR 75|Similar head r., wearing YEAHTON Lion - earring and necklace; walking r. ; beneath, on helmet, Pegasos, traces of letter. and on flap, warrior r., . . . with shield. . 111 || 16:1 AR 9 |Head of Pallas I., wear-YEAHTON Lion ing crested Athenian seizing stag l. helmet, on which, Pegasos, flap orna- | mented ; above, A ; i behind, within incuse | square, IE. [Car. N. I. W. T. CXLII. 68.] 112 || 13.7 R '85|Same. Same. (Traces of Inscr.) 113||103.8 ÅRpl.-85|Same, but letter above |Same. doubtful (A2) - 114 15-3 AR '45|Female head r., wear- YEAH Owl facing, to- - ing sphendone, ear- wards r., wings open; ring, and necklace; in field r., X. behind, G) : border of dots. [CXXXVI. 10.] - 115, 14.4A 4 Same. Inscr. off coin. Same type, but letter in field l., A | 16 || 14-6 AR ‘45|Female head I., wear- YEAH Similar type, ing stephane. towardsl., but letter.X. 117 AE -85. Head of Pallas 1., wear-|YEA (in ex.) Fore-part ing Phrygian helmet, adorned with olive- wreath. [Cf. CXLIII. 87.] 1. of lion devouring ram’s head, which he holds with l. fore- paw; above, PA. º, ºr - -- º/º & - - , If. 2:... • **** it; %:#. * = }}}. , Iff,’’.…” - " - --ºviº f V E LIA. 317 Metal. No. Wt. Si Obverse. IZé. Reverse. 118 AE 6 Head of young Hera- YEAH Owl r., on olive- kles r., in lion’s skin. branch : border of dots. | 119 |e AE '55. Same. YEAH Similar type 1., . - - - olive-branch varied : - no border visible | [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXLIII. 96.] Same type, smaller. Same, but branch va- ried : border of dots. 12] A 65 similar type 1. YEAH Owl r., wings . - | Open. [95.] 122 AE :55 Head of Poseidon ? r., YEAH : Owl facing, - diademed and laur. towards r., wings open ; beneath wings, - A P : border of dots” - [Cf. 85.] 123 AE ‘55 Head of Poseidon 2 r., |Same inscr. Similar laur. type ; above, uncer- tain letter : border of - . dots. 124 AE :55 Same. Same inscr. Similar type, but no letter visible above : same border. | - [84.] | 25 AE '55. Similar type. YEAHT Similar type and border. 126 AE '55. Similar type 1. . EAHTQN Similar - - type ; above, pl.: - same border. - * * * ) 318 LU CANIA. No. Wt. * owere - Reverse. 127 Aº ‘5 |Similar type. YEA H struck over r - type similar to pre- - ceding: same border. 128 |AE 4 ||Female head r., bound ||YEAH Owl r ; in front, - with broad diadem, A : border of dots. hair turned up behind. 129 AE 35 Head of Persephone 7 * * * * r., wearing wreath of corn-leaves over net 7 | 130 || || 45 Head of young Hera-YEAH Owl facing, - kles r., in lion's skin. towards r., wings ~ open ; in front, A: - - border of dots. 131 | AF 4 |Head of Pallas r., wear-YEAH TON Owl ing crested Corinthian r. : border of dots 3 helmet. - *. [88.] 132 AE 4 | Head of Pallas? r., wear- YEAH Owl r. ; border ing crested Athenian of dots. helmet 7 border of dots. 133 A. :5 |Head of Pallas? r., wear-Y E Tripod . } ing crested Athenian | A H pod. helmet, hair in formal curls. | | - [91] 134 AE -55 Similar type. Same. 135 |AE 5 Similar head. Same, but tripod varied. 136 A 45 similar head Similar, but tripod va- + ried. - 137 AE :45 Similar head Î. Similar, but tripod va- ried. - BRUTT II. 3.19 No. Wt, * Obverse. Reverse. 1762. BRUTTII. | | 65.2 A, 6 | Head of Poseidon, dia-BPETTION Amphi- demed, l. ; behind, trite veiled and trident r. ; beneath, draped, seated l., on a bucranium ; border of seahorse, swimming 7 61.2 65'5 65°5 32.6 AV AV AV AW AV AV •65 • 55 ‘55 dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXX. 1.] Same. [4.] Same type ; behind, tri- dent r. ; beneath, dol. phin l., and F : same border. Same. Head of bearded Hera- kles 1., wearing lion’s skin ; behind, club ;| Nike, horses gallop- beneath, T : border ing; beneath them, of dots. T and caduceus r : border of dots. Same. Same ; but beneath horses, T and serpent, coiled, r. [7] Same type; behind, cor-|Same ; nucopiae ; beneath beard, T : same bor- r. ; she holds in r. an Eros, drawing bow l.; in field r , bee : bor- der of dots. Same inscr., type, and border ; in field r., cornucopiae. Same ; but in field r., Iſ) Ul I’éX. Same ; but in field r., star of eight rays; at the feet of Eros, T. BPETTION (in ex.) Biga r., driven by but beneath der. horses, ſ and thunder- bolt. [8] {3 RU'I"I'ſ I. No Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 8 86.1 |AR '85 Busts of the Dioskuri r., |BPETTION (in ex.) wearing chlamydes. The Dioskuri on and laureate pilei ; horseback r., clad as above, two stars; be- on obv., with r. hands hind, cornucopiae and raised, and carrying T : border of dots. in I., palms; horses prancing ; above | heads, two stars; be- - - low, knotted staff l. ; | in field I., T : plain border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXI. 10.] 9 72°4 AR •8 Head of Amphitrite|BPETTION Posei- r., wearing veil, ste- don, naked, stooping phanos, earring, and l., r. foot advanced necklace ; over 1. and resting on top shoulder, sceptre ; of Ionic column ; in behind, amphora : raised l., long sceptre; i border of dots. r. elbow resting on r. knee; in field I., crab; | at his feet, T : bor- - der of dots. 10 | 73.2 AR * but behind head, Same. l bucranium. | | 11 77°4 AR “75|Same ; but behind head, Same. dolphin r., down- I ſ wards. [17.] 12 | 72.5 AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field I., | fly; below, T. eagle, standing l., | on caduceus, wings open. - [Cf. 15.] 13 | 67-8 AR is sºme but behind head, Same ; but eagle on krater ; below, ſ. thunderbolt. [16.] | | | f | BRUTTI I. 321 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 176. 14 | 72°1 AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same, but eagle on fly; below, T. wreath. 15 | 682 AR 75|Bust of winged Nike r., BPETTION Naked wearingbroad diadem, figure of youthful necklace, and earring, Dionysos ? horned, her hair bound behind full - face, crowning with a fillet ; below, himself with r., and T. holding in draped 1. a long torch; in field r., crab and T : bor- der of dots. 16 || 71-3 AR 8 |Same type; below, T: Same ; but in field r., border of dots. thunderbolt, upright, and ſ. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXI. 19 ) 17 71-8 |AB 8 |Same. Same ; but in field r., rhyton and T. 18 75-6 |AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., owl r. ; above r. wing, Sé and round buckler, T. - 19 || 74 ||AR '75, Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., bucranium. incense-altar and T. 20 78-3 AR '75, Same; but behind head, Same, but no letter, Palladion and –1. 21 | 67-4 |AR 8 |Same, but no letter. Same, with ſ. 22 || 75.4 AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., pentagram ; and be- incense-altar and I; neath, T. below, T. | 23 75's R 85 same; but behind head, same; but in field r, +. anvil. incense-altar and C Ž no letter below. 64'l AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., 24 plough l. incense-altar. T T 322 13 RUTT II, No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. IZé. 25 | 73" |AR •8 same: but behind head, Same ; but in field r., anchor, inverted ; no serpent erect r., and letter. |Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXI. 20.] 26 75-1 ‘8 |Same ; but behind head, Same. sea-horse r. 27 | 72. ‘8 |Same ; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., lyre. wreath. - 28 73-3 AR 75|Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., A Macedonian helmet; T. beneath, ſ. 29 75-3 AR 75|Same; but behind head, Same, but T. oinochoë r. ; no letter. 30 74.4 |AR 8 |Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field r., * fly. A]. 31 | 67 ||AR 75|Same ; but behind head, Same. plough r. 32 30.6 AR 65|Head of Apollo r., laur. BPETTION Artemis and with flowing hair; standing l., wearing behind, anvil; below, short chiton and en- ſ: border of dots. dromides, and carry- ing arrow and flaming torch; at her feet, hound l., looking up ; in field I., crescent : border of dots. 33 35.4 AR 6 |Same. Same ; but in field 1., star of eight rays. [11.] 34 || 33.8 |AR .6 | Head of Pallas r., wear- BPETTION Eagle - l ing earring and neck- standing l., with wings lace, and crested Co- open, on thunderbolt; rinthian helmet, on behind, rudder, and which, griffin : border T : border of dots. of dots. [13.] BRUTTII. 323 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 35 | 33-7|AR 55|Same type; behind, owl |Same. l. 36 Æ 1-1 |Head of Apollo 1., laur., |BPETTION (in ex.) with flowing hair; Biga r., driven by behind, incense-altar; Nike, who holds whip below, T: plain bor- and reins, horses gal- der. loping ; beneath, T and thunderbolt: plain border. 37 AE 1-05|Head of Mars (Ares) I., |BPETTION Bellona, wearing crested Co- (Enyo,) wearing rinthian helmet, on crested helmet and which, griffin running; long chiton with di- below, thunderbolt : ploidion, running r., plain border. holding shield with both hands, and spear under I. arm ; border obscure. 38 AE I: 1 |Same type; same sym-|Same inscr. and type: bol varied : border of border of dots. dots. 39 AE 1.05 Similar. Same; but in field T.; bucranium. 40 AE 1:05|Similar. Same. 41 AE 1.05|Similar. Same. 42 AE | 1 |Similar. Same inscr. and type ; in field r., bunch of grapes : border of dots. 324 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 43 AE I: 1 |Similar. |Same inscr. and type ; in field r., owl r., with spread wings : border of dots. 44 AE 1 |Same type; no symbol |Same ; but in field r., or border visible. plough l. 45 AE 1:05, Same type ; symbol ob-i Same inscr. and type ; - scure : border of dots. in field r., thunderbolt slanting : same bor- ~. der. 46 AE 1 |Same. Same ; but in field r., flaming torch slant- ing. 47 AE 1: 1 |Same type and border;|Same ; but in field r., below, thunderbolt. pine-torch.  º SS aſſº 48 AE 105|Same, but no symbol |Same inscr. and type, visible. but Bellona carries palm with the spear; in field r., tripod : - - border of dots. 49 AE 1: 1 |Same, but no symbol. BPETTION Bellona, head facing, wearing crested helmet and long chiton with di- ploidion, running r., holding shield with both hands, and spear under 1. arm ; at her feet, crab ; in field r., bucranium, with rig' " horn bent downwards: border of dots. BRUTT II. 325 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 50 A 1-15|Same. Same ; but in field º - thunderbolt slanting. 51 AB 1'1 |Same type and border;|Same; but at the feet of behind head, cornu- Bellona, R.; in field | copiae. r., bucranium, with left horn bent down- wards. 52 AE 1:05 Same type and border;|Same; but no monogram . no symbol visible. at the feet of Bellona; - and in field r., ſºſ. 53 AE 105 Same type, within, olive?|Same ; but in field r., wreath. lyre. 54 AE I: 1 |Same. Same ; but in field r., B and lyre. > 55 AE 1:05 Same. Same ; but in field r., E and lyre. 56 AE 1-05. Same. Same ; but in field r., N and lyre. With marks of value. Sextans. 57 265 AF 1:05|Head of Mars (Ares) l., |BPETTION Nike, wearing crested Co- wearing long chiton rinthian helmet, on with diploidion, hold- which, griffin run- ing wreath and palm, ning; beneath head, standing l. and crown- ear of barley r. ; be- ing a trophy, consist- e © . * * * * ing of helmet, cuirass, hind, e border of spear, shield, and dots. greaves; between the figures, cornucopiae : border of dots. 326 BRUTTII. No. 58 59 6() 61 62 63 64 65 255 A 1-05 224 AF 1. 252 |AE 1.05 AE 1.05 AE 1.05 AE 1.05 Obverse. Same. | Reverse. BPET TION Same type ; between the figures, cornucopiae : in field r., hammer : border of dots. Same type; behind, • Traces of inscr. Same © border of dots. Same. Same type ; thunderbolt : of dots. border |Same. |Same type and border; beneath head, harpa r. Same; but beneath head, ear of barley r. Same type and border. type ; between the figures, hook: same border. BPETTION Same type and border; be- tween the figures, hexagram. beneath, Same inscr., type, and border; between the figures, cornucopiae : above, crescent horns upwards. Same inscr., type, and border; between the figures, anchor in- verted ; in field I., X. Same inscr., type, and border; between the figures, bucranium, with right horn bent downwards. Same ; but between the figures, caduceus. Same ; but between the figures, hexagram. BRUTTII. 327 No. 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 Wt, Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AE 1.05 AE 1.05 AE I:05 AE '9 AE 8 5 Head of young Hera- kles r., in lion’s skin; behind, sword, up- wards: border of dots. Same; symbol varied. Same type and border. Head of Zeus r., laur. : border of dots. Same type and border; behind head, thunder- bolt. Same. Same; symbol varied. Same ; traces of thun- AB 8 derbolt. BPETTION Bellona, (Enyo,) head facing, wearing crested hel- met and long chiton with diploidion, run- ning r., holding shield with both hands, and spear beneath 1. arm ; in field r., plough I. : border of dots. Same. Same; symbol varied. BP ETTION Naked warrior, advancing r., armed with helmet, lance, and oblong shield; at his feet, pine-torch ; border of dots. BPE TTION Same type and border; at warrior's feet, bunch of grapes. BP ETTION Same type and border; at warrior's feet, bucra- nium ; border of dots. BPE TTION Same type and border; at warrior's feet, bunch of grapes. BP ETTION Same type ; at warrior's feet, owl, flying r. : border obscure. 328 BRUTTII. Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 74 AE '9 |Same ; , behind head, Same inscr. and type ; thunderbolt elon- at warrior's feet, gated. pine - torch ; border of dots. 75 AE 8 5 Same type and border. BPET TION Eagle - l., wings open ; in field l., caduceus : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXII, 43. 76 AE '85 Same. |Same ; but in field I., hexagram. (Cf. 37.] 77 AE 85|Same. BPETTI ON Same type; in field 1., crab and bucranium with left horn bent down- wards: border of dots. |Cf. 50.] 78 AE '9 |Same. BPETTION Same - type and border; in field l., X and bucra- nium with left horn bent downwards. 79 AE '9 |Same. BPET TION Eagle - l., on bar, wings open; in field l., thunderbolt, upwards : border of dots. 80 |AE '95|Same; but behind head, BPETTION Same : axe I., downwards. but in field 1., thunder- bolt, upwards, and 32 B RUTTI. I. 329 81 82 83 85 86 87 88 89 Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. AE 9 |Same; but no symbol. BPETTI QN Same type and border ; in field I., crab and thunderbolt, upwards. AE 75|Same type and border;|BPE TION Same traces of symbol. type; above l. wing, hammer; in field i. cornucopiae : plain border 7 | [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXII. 46.] AE 9 |Same type and border. BPET TIQN Eagle l., on thunderbolt, wings open; in field l, hook ; border of dots. [44.] AE '95 Same; but behind head, Same ; but no symbol. bucranium. * , [23.] AE 9 |Same; but no symbol Same ; but in field I., visible. cornucopiae. AE 9 Same; but behind head, Same; but above eagle, ear of barley. CreScent. - [28.] AE '9 |Same. - Same ; but above eagle, * star of eight rays. | [29.] | AE 85|Same; but behind head, Same ; but in field I., harpa Ż anchorinverted, above which, XB. [Cf. 34. Æ, -85|Same; but behind head, BPETTIQN Same type and border; in field l., cornucopiae. U U term 2 330 13 RTUTT.II. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. | 90 AE sº Same; but no symbol Traces of inscr. Same | - visible. type and border; in * field I., prow l. 9 | |AE 9 |Same type within olive-BPETTI QN Same © wreath. type and border ; in - field l., lyre. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXII. 52.] 92 AE '95|Same type, no wreath; BPET TIQN Eagle behind head, branch 7 l., wings open, look- border of dots. ing back; in field l., plough I. : border of dots. [Cf. 32.] 93 AE -8 Head of young Hera-BPETTION Zeus kles r., laur. naked, advancing r., grasping thunderbolt in raised r., and sceptre in extended l. ; at his feet, a small figure running r. (Artemis ?) 94 AE 8 |NIKA Head of Nike|Same inscr. and type; I., wearing necklace no symbol. and earring, the hair bound with broad diadem, and tied be- hind with a fillet, having falling ends. 95 AE 75|Same inscr. and type ;|Same inscr. and type : behind, ear of barley: border of dots. border of dots. [Cf. Car. CLXXIII. 56.] 96 AE 7 |Same. Same inscr., type, and - - border ; in field r., cornucopiae. ERUTTII. - 331 Metal. No. Wt. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 97 AE 7 | Same. | |Same inscr., type, and border ; in field r., cornucopiae; in field l., hammer. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXIII, 58.] 98 AE 7 | Same. Same inscr., type, and border ; in field r., cornucopiae; beneath, star of eight rays. [Cf. 62.] | 99 AE 7 | Head of Nike 1., wear-BPETTION (in ex.) ing earring and neck- Zeus, naked, hurling lace, the hair bound thunderbolt with r., with broad diadem, holding staff and reins and tied with fillet in l., driving biga I., behind ; on either side horses galloping; be- the upper part of wing: neath them, bucra- border of dots. t nium ; border of dots, [Cf. 71.] 100 AE 7 | Same. Same ; but beneath horses, owl, flying l. [Cf. 70.] 10] AE 7 |Similar type ; beneath Same; but beneath neck, thunderbolt : horses, bunch of border of dots. grapes. [72.] 102 AE, 7 || Similar. Same ; but beneath * horses, pine-torch, ho- rizontally placed, l. [73.] 103 || AE 65|Same type r. ; beneath Same inscr. and same type r. ; beneath neck, sword r. : bor- horses, plough 1., and Z. der of dots. [Cf. 67.] B R U TTI I. |06 108 109 Metal Size. AE 65 AE 65 AE 6 AE '65 AE 6 AE 55 AE •5 AE 6 Obverse. Reverse. Same, symbol uncertain. Same head l. ; beneath l. wing, A.; the whole within olive-wreath. Head of marine goddess 110 | | | | border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXIII. 64.] Same, but no letter. Inscr. not visible. Same type l. ; beneath horses, lyre r. : plain border. BPET Crab : bord €1’ (Amphitrite or Thetis)|TION l., wearing head-dress obscure. formed of a crab's shell, the legs stand- ing out above and below ; border doubt- ful. [76.] Same type ; behind, Same. club, upwards: border obscure. t Same type ; behind, Same. serpent l., erect : no border visible. Same type. º Same type ; above, cornucopiae : plain border. Same type : border of BPET S dots. TiON Same type ; above, bunch of grapes: plain border. Head of Persephone l., |BP ET S tV De : hair bound with corn- TION ame type; wreath, and falling| above, cornucopiae behind in a tress; and star of eight behind, ear of barley: rays: plain border. BRUTTII. 333 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. - 11.2 AE '55|Same. MQITT343 Same type ; above, cornu- copiae and hammer : border of dots. | 13 AE 55|Same type 2 r. : border Crab. - obscure. - 114 AE 4 |Head of Persephone, Traces of inscr. Same full-face, towards r., | type. crowned with corn ? | 15 AE -6 | Head of Pallas 1., wear-|BPETTI ON Owl r., ing crested Corinthian on bar : border ob- helmet, earring, and scure. necklace, hair falling in a tress bound with cord. - | | 6 AE -5 |Similar type, smaller, Same inscr. Same type, hair falling in loose varied ; in front of tress; below, thunder- owl, bunch of grapes: bolt: border of dots. plain border. | 17 AE ‘5 |Similar type, hair falling|Same ; but in front, cor- in tress, bound with nucopiae ; above owl, cord : border of dots. star of eight rays : - border obscure. 118 AE 5 | Head of young Hera- kles l., in lion’s skin : border of dots. TióN Club r., and strung bow, crossed : border of dots. 334 B R U TTI I. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. --- ----- º | CAULONIA. Archaic style. | || 19. AR 1. OTVAX Naked archaic |Same inscr. as obv., male figure, advancing same types as obv., r., hair bound with reversed and incuse, diadem, and falling in except the running l tresses; in raised r., figure, which is in a branch, on extended relief: incuse border l., a small figure hold- of radiating lines. ing a branch in each hand, running r., and looking back ; in front, stag r., looking back : dotted cable border, without which, traces of border of radiating lines. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVIII. 3. 2 |121-6 AR 1 - 1 |Same inscr. and same Same inscr., types, and types, but that both border. - figures bear in r. two branches; above stag, crane 2 flying r.: dotted cable border. [Cf. 5.] 3 |125°4 AH 1-05. Same; but no crane. Same. 4 || 19.8 ÅR 1.25. IVAX. Same types, but No inscr. Same large . the larger figure bears figure incuse ]., bear- • in r, two branches, ing in either hand a the lesser one branch branch in relief; in in r., and two in l. : front, stag l., incuse, raised dotted border. looking back : incuse | border of radiating lines. CAULONIA. 335 A. | bearing branch, and small figure as above; latter holds branch in r. ; in front, stag, standing r., looking back : dotted cable border. KAVT Same figure r., bearing branch, and small figure without talaria, holding branch in r., running r, and looking back ; in front, stag r., looking back : dotted cable border. Similar. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 124. AR 1 - 15 avº Same figure r.; KAVN Same. in raised r., branch, on extended 1., small figure, wearing wing- ed talaria, and holding branch in I., running r., and looking back ; in front, stag r., look- ing back : raised dot- ted border. 1 16-7 ||AR 1 - 15|Same. Sanje, but figure bears in extended hand a serpent 2 Obv. Same die as no. 5.] 119-7 ||AR ] 2 Key: Same figure , sº figure, incuse J., holding nothing, ex- cept branch in raised hand; no small figure; in front, stag, incuse, l., looking back: bor- der of incuse oblongs. Same, but with hands empty. & Same; in addition, the running figure ap- pears, outline in re- lief. 336 BRUTTII. 1 | | 3 15 16 No. Wt. | 28. 126-1 78.4 124-8 | 25.8 35' | 7.6 Metal. Size. AR AR AR 1. AR 1 - 15 AR pl. 1:1 Af, '85 Obverse. Same inscr. Same figure r., bearing branch and small figure, wearing winged talaria and drapery on the arms, and holding branch in r., running r, and look- ing back ; in front, stag r., looking back : dotted cable border. Same, but the running figure bears a branch in each hand. Same general type, much defaced. [An ancient forgery.] . VAX, Naked archaic male figure, hair fall- ing in tresses, bearing in raised r. long branch, and on ex- tended l. arm small figure running r., and looking back; in front, stag r., looking back : raised dotted border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVIII. 6.] VA-1 Same types: dou- ble plain border. O1VAX. Same types : border obscure. Triquetra of legs; a dot at each knee and in the centre : border of large dots. (º Reverse, Same large figure, in- cuse, I., bearing branch in relief, in raised hand; in front, stag I., looking back: border of incuse ob- longs. Same, but in addition, the running figure ap- pears, outline in relief. Same general type, de- faced. Large figure and stag as on obv., reversed and incuse ; in field r., crane r., in relief: in- cuse border of radiat- ing lines. Same: border obscure. Large figure and stag as on obv., reversed and incuse : incuse border of radiating lines. Yº : incuse border of oblongs. -- º º CAULONIA. 337 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. - Transitional style. 17 ||224|AR 8 KAV Naked male|Stag r. : border of dots. figure advancing r., wearing long hair and bearing branch in raised r., and on ex- tended l. arm, small figure running r., with drapery on arms; in front, stag r., look- ing back: dotted cable border. 18 122.6 |AR 8 |AVAX. Same types, but AVAX Same type; in larger figure has short front, a sapling grow- hair. ing : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVIII. 11.] 19 |123.4 |AR 85/\VAK Same types. Similar. 20 124:1 |AR 8 |KAVA Same types : AVAX Stag r. ; in border of dots. front, sapling with branches: border of dots. 21 111. A '85 KAVA Naked male KAYA (inverted.) Same figure, advancing r., | types: plain border. with short hair, bear- ing in raised r, two branches, on extended I., traces of running figure; in front, stag r., looking back: plain border. - 32 1204 AR 85|AVAX Same types, but VAX Same types : - large figure carries border of dots. one branch : border - of dots. 23 109-5 AR 85|Same inscr. and types: AVAX. Same types plain border. and border. X X 338 ERUTTII. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZē. 24 1089 AR 9 |AVAX Similar types, KAVA Stag 1. ; in small figure visible, front, a branch, up- rude in form and un-| right: border of dots. draped : border of dots. 25 1205 AR 85|Same; but inscr., run-|Stag r.; beneath, OE. ning figure, and stag wanting. 26 || 18. AR 85|Naked male figure, with |Same type; above stag, | short hair, wearing uncertain object 2 wreath or fillet, ad- vancing r. ; in raised r., branch l. extended. - [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXXVIII. 21.] 27 || 17-8 AR 9 |Naked male figure, with KAYAON IATAX short hair, advancing Same type. r., holding branch in raised r., and fillet hanging over extend- ed l. ; in field, l., + : border of dots. [Cf. 28.] 28 || 17-2 ||AR 1 |Same. | AYAX Similar type. [Obv. Same die as preceding.] 29 || 18.2 AR 95 KAYAO Similar figure, . . . . . AN Same type ; advancing r, holding above stag, ivy leaf branch, and on ex- with stalk; in field r., tended l, traces of sapling 2 running figure r. ; in field r., stag r. : be- tween legs of large figure, GE. 30 ||224|AR 95 . , ONSATAM . KAYAONIA same Similar figure, ad- type; beneath, 4 ; in vancing. r., holding field r., crab : plain branch in r., l. ex-| border. tended; in field r., stag r., beneath which, p: plain border. CATJ LONIA. 339 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 31 |121-6 AR 9 |... AONzATAN Traces of inscr. Same: Same types; in field but no border visible. l., P : plain border. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXXVIII. 17.] 32 || 10:4|AR 85|Same types. AV/\ON 2A TAX Same type; beneath, star of eight rays. 33 || 15-6 AR 85|3ATAIWAQAYAX Same type; above, three Similar figure, ad- leaves of parsley (?) vancing r., with branch on stalk. in r. and l. extended ; in front, stag standing r., on base: border of dots. 34 |122-3 AR 9 |Same. same type 1.5 in front, ". parsley - leaf : plain | border. - [18.] 35 | 95 AR pl.-85|Similar figure, advancing YtoN IATAz || r.; in front, stag r.;| Same type r. ; be- in field l., fly. neath, AE, inverted. [Cf. 16.] 36 |1208 AR 9 |Same: plain border. Stag walking r., on bar, which is ornamented with line of dots; in front, tree, with four horizontal boughs on each side. 37 |122.8 AR I. Similar figure, advancing KAYAQ 3ATAIM r. ; in field 1., dolphin | Stag r. ; beneath, A. r., upwards; in field r., dolphin r., down- wards: plain border. [Cf. 22.] 340 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 38 || 33-5AR -6 |KAV Naked male|VAX Stag r.; in front, - figure advancing r., sapling : border of bearing branch in dots. - raised r. and on ex- tended J., small figure running r. ; in front, stag r., looking back: border of dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVIII, 13.] 39 || 39.4|AR -6 VAX. Same types and Same types I. : same - border. border. 40 || 314|AR ‘6 |Similar figure advancing Stag l.; above, leaf of - r., bearing branch, parsley. and with l, extended : plain border. 41 39 AR 6 |KA Y Same type; in A2 MOAVAX Stag r.; front, stag r.: plain above, kantharos; border. beneath, 4 : plain border. 42 | 18.5 R 4 similar; stagr., looking vax (inverted) simi- back. lar type ; in front, barleycorn: border of dots. 43 17:4|AR 55|Similar figure r.; behind, Same type: border of - - ++; in front, uncertain dots. - º object: plain border. 44 | 19.4|AR ‘45|Similar figure r., but on |Same type I.; in front, l., running figure ?;| sapling : border of in front, stag r., look- dots. - ing back; in field l., uncertain object: plain border. 45 15.2 AR 45|K A Y Similar figure, KAYNO Same type r. - but nothing on 1. arm : border of dots. CAULONIA. 341 No. Wit. * Obverse. Reverse. IZ62. 46 | 12: AR '45 Head of Apollo r., laur., KAV Stag r., on orna- hair long : plain bor- mented base; above, der. ivy-leaf. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVIII. 32.] 47 | 10: AR 5 |Same. K A v t Similar type. - 48 || 12:1 |AR ‘4 |....ON SA Female Similar type: plain bor- head r., hair rolled. der. 49 || 14-4 AR '4 ... NON SA Same Same. - type. CONSENTIA. [Millingen Numism. de l'Anc. Italie p. 85.j 1 | 89 |AE 75 Head of Ares r., wear– KQX. Thunderbolt : ing crested Corinthian beneath, three cres- helmet; above, O. cents, horns down- wards. • *- 2 | 66 |AB| 7 |Same; but beneath chin, Same. N. 3 | 72 |AE 75|Youthful male head r., KQX. Crab ; above, - •º crowned with reeds, two crescents, back and having a small to back, vertically horn in front; above, placed. O; and behind, cres- cent. -- - . CONSENTIA - 1 |120. AE -85. Head of Artemis r., hair Strung bow, string bound with a cord passing four times round it. downwards; beneath, crescent, horns down- wards; above, to r., another crescent 2 342 B RUTTII. No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse, IZ62. - CROTON. Archaic style. 1 || 15-7 ||AR 1.2 |QPO Tripod-lebes, the Same type as obv., in- legs ending in lion’s cuse, but the handles feet, with three han- and serpents' heads dles, and surmounted in relief: incuse bor- by two serpents’ der of radiating lines. heads: dotted cable border. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXII. 2.] 2 || 17-3 ||AR 1 - 15|Similar. Similar. 3 |122.2 |AR 1 - 15|Same inscr. Similar Tripod incuse, having tripod, with three three handles in relief: handles; between the same border. legs, two serpents facing each other : raised dotted border. [1..] 4 || 16.2 |AR 1 - 15|Same. Same. 5 || 16.1 |AR 1:15|Q4O Same type; but Os!? Same type: in- between the handles, cuse border. two serpents’ heads facing each other; in field r., crab : same border. [Cf. 5.] 6 || 17-8 AR 95|OS!? Tripod - lebes|Same type; but between having three handles ; legs, two serpents' in field 1., crab : raised heads, back to back, dotted border. in relief; in field l., cuttle-fish ; in field r., dolphin l., upwards, incuse : incuse border of radiating lines. [Cf. 7. CROTO N. 343 No. Wt. *. * Obverse. Reverse. 7 |1145 AR •85|O-19 Same. Same type, but without serpents’ heads; in field r., same symbol : incuse plain border. 8 || 18-7 |AR ‘9 |Same. O“12 Same. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXII. 8.] 9 |1233 AR 1.05|QPO Similar type; in QPO Similar type; in field r., stork I. : field r., stork l. : same border. incuse border of ra– diating lines. 1() || 16.5 |AR 1.05|Same. §§ Same type and border. | | | 123' |AR '95. Similar. Similar. 12 ||104.9 |AR '95. Similar. & Similar type and border. 13 |124-2 |AR 8 |QPO Similar type and |Similar type : same bor- symbol : border of der. dots. 14 || 18-3 AR 8 |QRO Similar. Similar type: same bor- der. 15 1192 |AR 85 OG Q Similar type and |Same. symbol: raised dotted border. 16 || 21:5 AR 95|Same 2 (No inscr. visi- Same. - ble.) [Restruck on coin of Agrigentum. Obv. Eagle stand- ing 1. R. Crab.] 17|1083 AR 8 |Oaº Similar ; but Similar type incuse, out- between legs of tri- lines marked by raised pod, two serpents lines: same border. coiled, facing one another. 344 BRUTTI I. No. Wt. º! Obverse. | - Reverse. * 18 |1136|AR sºon, Tripod – lebes, Same type as obv., in- - having three handles; cuse : incuse border in field 1., stork r. : of radiating lines. border of dots. 19 |122:3|AR 85 O-49 Similar. Similar. 20 1226R 8 |QPQ similar. Similar. 21 ||20-1||AR 8 |QROT Similar. Similar. 22 1252 |AR 8 || PPO Same type and Similar type incuse, out- | | symbol; in ex., strung| lines marked by raised bow, string upwards: lines: same border. plain border, within - - border of dots. 23 |1222 |AR 75|Same inscr., type, and Similar. - - - symbol; in ex., un- - certain object: plain - border. 24 || 17-3 ||AR 75|QPO tº s Similar ||Same type as obv., in- type : dotted cable cuse : same border. border. - - 25 || 12. ARpl. 1" | PO Similar type |Same type as obv., in- (rude); in field I., | cuse : incusc border stork r. : raised dot- of large dots. ted border. - d (Ancient forgery.) - 26 38.6 AR 6 |O 19 Similar type; in Same type as obv., in- field l, stork r. : raised | cuse : incuse border dotted border. of radiating lines. 27 | 37.2 Å 55|QPO Same. Same. 28 || 40.4 AR 6 |Od? Similar. Same type : border of - - dots. 29 39.9 AR 55 QPO Similar. Similar type: incuse bor- • * - g der of radiating lines. 30 || 6 || AR 4 |QPO Similar type : Similar type and border. raised dotted border. C. ROTO N. 345 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. . . | * 31 || 15-3 AR 95|QPO TON Tripod-, Eagle, incuse, flying r. : lebes, having three incuse border of ra– handles, two serpents diating lines. | emerging from it; and between legs, two serpents' heads facing each other : dotted cable border. 32 || 13-8 |AR 95 QSO TON' Same|Same. type, but without ser- pents: raised dotted border. - | 33 1189 AR 95|QSO TON (inverted.)|Same type, the body Same type and bor- and wings varied with der. dots and lines: simi- lar border. t 34 |123.2 AR 85 OPQ Same. Same. 35 |123.6 AR 8 |OSIQ Same. Same. 36 |123-3 AR 9 |OP Q Same. Same type }. : same - border. 37 || 19. 1 AR 8 |QPO Same. Same. 38 |121-3 AR 8 |OP Q Same type: bor- Same. der of dots. 346 BRUTTII. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 1Z62. 39 || 6’4 |AR 35|QPO Similar type : Similar type r. : same same border. border. 40 || 65|R 35 similar. Same type 1. : same border. 4] | 6-1 ||AR 35|OGSP Similar. Similar type r. : same . border. 42 || 38.8 |AR 5 |QPO Similar type : Corinthian helmet l., same border. without crest: same border. - Transitional style. 43 |122.5|AR 8 |QPO Tripod - lebes, Same type as obv. : having three handles: border of dots. border of dots. 44 |123.3 |AR 75|Same type and border. ||Same. 45 82.6 |AR pl.-85|QPO Tripod - lebes, Same as obv. - having three handles; in field I., stork r., with l. leg raised : border of dots. 46 || 11:2 AR 8 |QPO Same type ; in |Same type and border. field l., stork r. : same border. 47 || 19.7 |AR 9 |QPO Similar type; in DA Same type ; in field l., kantharos : field r., incense-altar : i same border. border of dots. CROTO N. 347 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. IZ62. | 48 || 17-6 AR º O * { type: same border. 56 | 19.7 |AR ‘45|O4Q Same type and Same type. border as no. 51. 57 || 17-7 |AR 4 || PPO Same type. |Same type r. 348 B.R. UTTII. No. Wt, * Obverse. Reverse. 58 12-7|AR 35|OqQ Same type: bor- O O Fore - part of der of dots. Pegasos, with curled wing, flying 1. * 59 | 16.7 |AR 5 |O49 Similar type ; Kantharos; on either - r but between the legs, side coiled serpent, two serpents' heads outwards : border of facing each other : | dots. same border. - 60 | 102 AR 4 |PP Tripod-lebes, with O O" Hare running - neck and three han- r. : plain border. dles; in field l., ivy- leaf : plain border. 61 || 1 || 9 ||AR .45|O4Q Tripod - lebes, Same type. having three handles; in field I., stork r. : | plain border. - 62 | 10:4|AR ‘4 |Same type, but no han- Type of doubtful mean- dles visible : raised ing: incuse border of dotted border. radiating lines. CROTON. 349 Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 63 64 65 66 | 17-3 ||AR 76-7 116. | 18-2 ||AR ARpl. AR '85 '85 , - Period of Finest Art. QPOT Eagle stand- QPOT Tripod - lebes, ing l., on Ionic capi- having three handles; tal: border of dots. in field l., grain of barley ; border of dots. Same. |Same; but beneath tri- - - pod, E. Same. |Toq9 Same type ; - in field r., grain of barley; in ex., H.M. Similar type r. ; in field|QPO, Tripod - lebes, r., branch of olive : with neck and three same border. handles; from l. han- - dle hangs a fillet, the lower end of which is turned upwards : border of dots. 350 BRUTT.II. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 67 || 19.1 |AR 85 Eagle standing l., on | PPO Tripod - lebes, - ram’s head I., and with neck and three looking back : same handles; in field r., border. spray of olive : plain border. 68 |122-6 AR 8 |Similar eagle, standing QPQ Same type and on nose of stag’s border ; in field l., head r. : plain border. ivy-leaf. 69 || 18-2 ||AR 8 |Same. Same, lebes varied. 70 122:1 |AR 9 | Eagle r., looking back, QPO Same type ; in standing in pediment field r., spray of olive: of a temple, the plain border. guttae below visible; in front, antelope's skull I. : plain bor- der. CROTON, 351 Wt. Metal. Size. 7| 72 73 74 75 76 112-9 118.5 | 19.8 118. | 19.5 |AR AR AR AR '85 Obverse. Reverse. Same. Same. Same. QPO Same type; in - field l., ivy-leaf: same border. Eagle standing l., with |2 PO Same type; in wings spread, holding field r., ear of barley: in talons serpent 1. : same border. border of dots. Eagle standing r., with QPO Same type and head raised, and flap- border ; in field l., ping its wings: plain laurel ?-leaf. border. Similar eagle standing QPOTQ Same type, on olive-branch r.; be-, but from r. handle of neath r.wing, BOI. lebes hangs a fillet; behind tripod is a bough of laurel. Similar eagle standing QPO Same type, but 1. ; in ex., BOl: plain from 1. handle of lebes border. hangs a fillet: plain | border. - 352 BRUTT.II. No. Wt. | Metal. Obverse. Reverse. Size. 77 1218 AR 9 |Similar eagle flying 1., KPO Similar type, no holding a hare in its fillet; in field r., stork, talons; in field l., Al : with raised leg, stand- border of dots. ing l. : same border. 78 || 18-1 ||AR 9 |Similar eagle standing|Same ; but beneath l., on olive-branch. stork, A. 79 97.1 |AR pl.:9|Same. Same inscr. and type; in field r., A : same border. - 80 || 18-3 AR 9 |Same type: plain bor-Same inscr. Tripod- €l’. lebes with neck, hav- ing ornamented rim and one handle; in field r., A. 81 |120°6 ||AR 85|Same. Same, but lebes with - three handles. 82 |101.5 |AR 9 || KPOTONIATAN Tripod-lebes, standing Eagle, with spread on base, having two wings, standing 1. on handles and conical olive - branch, and cover with handles; turning back its head. in field I., ear of bar. - ley with leaf, and Q) . K E ; in field r., P +MI, and dolphin r, turning downwards : plain border. C. ROTO N. 353 No. 83 84 86 87 88 Wt. * Obverse. Reverse, | 126. | 17-2 ||AR ºsmº inscr. Eagle with Tripod - lebes, having spread wings, stand- three handles,standing | ing]., on olive-branch: on base; from two of plain border. the handles hangs a s fillet; on the tripod is a round cover with handle; in field l., ear of barley with leaf; in field r., Python coiled, erect: plain border. 122°4 AR 9 KPOTONIA Same. Same. 121:2 AR 9 |OſKrMTAM Hera- KPOTON (in ex.) kles naked, seated l. Tripod-lebes, having on rock covered with three handles, filleted, lion’s skin, holding standing on bar; in laurel-branch filleted, field-l., Apollo stoop- and club ; behind ing and directing an him, bow and quiver; arrow at the Python, in front, altar, bound coiled and erect, in with laurel; in ex., field r. two fishes, meeting. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIII. 21.] 117-6 |AR 9 Same; ex. plain Ż Same, but crossbar of tri- pod ornamented with pendent honeysuckle and lotus flowers. 123-2 ||AR '95. Same. QPO Tripod of simi- - lar form ; in field I., barley-corn; in ex., E: border of dots. 117.4 |AR 85. Head of Hera Lakinia, KP OT Herakles, full-face, towards r., naked, reclining I. On wearing necklace with rock covered with pendants and ste- lion's skin ; in ex- phanos adorned with | tended r., wine-cup, J.; honey - suckle orna- elbow resting on rock; ment and griffins' in field above, quiver, | heads; hair flowing: and club and strung border of dots. bow crossed ; below, bucranium; in field I., | M.E. - [Cf. CLXXXIV. 37.] 354 BRU iſ TII. No. Wt. * | - Obverse. Reverse. 89 |123' || ||AR 9 |KPOTO Same. |Same type ; in field above, bow and club crossed. Gºa iCf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIV. 38.] 90 1189 AR 85|Same type and border; KPOTO Same type ; in field r., A. in field 1., tripod ; in field above, bow and club crossed, and MA. [35.] 9| || 14-7 ||AR 9 |Same. Similar. 92 || 17-4 AR “85|Same head, but on the KPOTONIATAN stephanos only honey- Same type, but Hera- suckle ornaments. kles holds in l. club : plain border. [31.] 93 |104.4 |AR 8 |Same type; in field r., |KPOTONIA Simi- * B : plain border. lar type ; on rock, - bow : same border. 94 |121 |AR 1 |Same type and border. KPOTON Same. 95 |120:5 AR 9 |Same. KPOTON ATAX Same type; in field l., B : same border. 96 |123.I AR 8 |KPOTQſNIA] TAx|Infant Herakles seated, Head of Apollo r., facing, on bed; in laur.; hair long : bor- each extended hand der of dots. a serpent, which he is strangling, and whose foldsentwine his body. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIII. 19.] 97 || 18.7 |AR ‘7 |Similar. Similar. 98 || 18-8 AR 9 |Same head r. |KPo Tripod - lebes, having neck and three handles; in field I., | branch of laurel, fil- leted. - {Cf. 17.] CROTON. No. Wt. ºf Obverse. Reverse. | 99 |119 AR 85|Same type. Similar. 100 110-9 AR 8 |Same. same type; in field º, branch of laurel, fil- leted. | Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIII. 16.] 101 112.9 AR 9 |Same. KPO Similar. 102 |107.4 |AR 8 |Same. KPO Similar. 103 || 437|AR 6 |Head of Herakles r., KPO Owl standing 1. wearing diadem end- on stalk of ear of ing in spike. barley with leaves. 104 || 24.4 |AR 5 |Head of Apollo r., laur. ; KPO Same type as hair short. no. 98 ; in field r, ear of barley with leaf. {Cf. 18.] - 105 || 14:9 AR 55 kPOTONIA TAN | OlkixTAx. Herakles Head of Pallas r., standing r., clad in wearing crested Co- lion's skin, leaning on rinthian helmet. his club, which he grasps with both ! hands. [Cf. 24.] | 106 || 15.2 AR 5 |KPOT Same type. Similar. 107 13:5|AR 5 |. PO Same type. O}}. Same - Q type; behind, A. 108 || 17-8 AR 5 |KPOTO Same type. Oi KIXTA: Same - type; behind, O-. 109 AE 6 |Eagle standing r., on KPO Same type as bar, and looking back. no. 98; in field r., stork r. [Cf. CLXXXV. 54.] 336 B RUTTII. No. ; Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 12,62. - | || 0 AE 75 Eagle standing r., on Thunderbolt; on either - ram's head r. side, a crescent, horns outwards. | | | | AH) -65 AH2APOX Young|KPOTO. , : male head r., wearing |N|ATAN Thunderbolt, diadem, hair long. above which, star of eight rays. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXV. 58.] | | 2 AE 6 |Same type. KPO. NiATAN same. 113 AE •75|AVKON Head of KPO Eagle flying r., young Herakles, in carrying in its talons lion's skin, r.; in field a serpent, which it r., H : border of dots. attacks with its beak; behind, ivy-leaf. [Cf. 45.] | 14 AE -8 |Similar type ; border of KPO Crab. dots. [51.] 115 AE -6 |Similar type. Similar. 116 AE -85. Head of Persephone r., K P O Each letter wearing wreath of within a crescent, COI’I). horns outwards. [42.] 117 AE 7 |Similar. similar. - [43.] 118 AE 7 |Similar. | Similar. HIPPO NIU M. 357 | No. 2 |26-7 AR 123-9 |AB '95 '85 '85 •65 '65 Obverse. Reverse. CROTON AND SYBARIS. QPO Tripod - lebes, MV (in ex.) Bull r., having three handles: turning his head border of dots on round and biting his band. back ; border of ra- diating lines : both | type and border in- CUIS62. Same. VM. Same. [Obv., same die as the preceding coin.] HIPPONIUM. Head of Hermes r., CE Eagle r., with wearing petasos tied closed wings, holding under his chin. serpent with its claws and beak. . [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVI. 2.] Same. Same. Traces of inscr. Same|Amphora. type. [3.] CEl Same type. | Caduceus. [5.] Same. Same. Same. Same type : border of dots. 358 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * I Obverse. • Reverse. 7 95 || 85xoTEIPA Head of [EITIONIEoN Nike Pallas r., wearing standing 1., wearing crested Corinthian long chiton with helmet, on which, diploidion, holding griffin: border of dots. wreath and sceptre; beneath 1. arm, li . (marks of value 2) [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVII, 11. | 8 || 12 |AE 8 |Same, but on helmet, [Same. sea-horse. 9 AE 85|Same, but on helmet, Same, but withoutmarks. Skylla. 10 AE '9 |Same, but without de-|Same. vice on helmet. 11 AE 85|Same, but on helmet, . ONIEO Same griffin. type ; in field l., NIKA and crab. [Cf. 13.] 12 A. :75|AIOz Head of Zeus IſloNIEON Am- - r., laur. : border of phora; in field r., long dots. - forch, lighted. [Cf. 9..] 13 AE 7 |Similar type l.; beneath, Same. º, H. : border of dots. 14 AE . .8 similar type r. ; behind, Elſionſ EQN Same NY1 : same border. type; in field r., ca- + duceus, [Cf. 8.] 15 AE 8 |Similar type. Same inscr., type, and - symbol, but latter filleted. 16 AE 7 |Same as no. 14. Same. VIIBO. V. ATLE NTIA 359 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 17 A 65|Head of Apollor, laur.; EITIONIEQN pan- - behind, NY1; border | TAN AINA - of dots. dina standing 1., wear- - ing long chitón with diploidion, and hold- ing whip? and sceptre. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVII. 14.] 18 || |AE 65|Same type and border;|EITIONIEON ANA behind head, kantha- NA Same type; in I’OS. field 1., star of eight rays. 19 AE 65|Same type. (Symbol Similar. not visible.) 20 AE 6 |Same type and symbol. Similar. 2] AE 6 |Same type and symbol : Same inscr. and type. border of dots. (Symbol not visible.) VIIBO VALENTIA. (Hipponium under the Romans.) As. | 214 |AE 1: 1 | Head of Zeus r., laur. ; VALENTIA Winged behind, 1 ; border of thunderbolt, placed dots. perpendicularly ; in field r., I and lyre: border of dots. 2 || 74" |AE 1 | Same. |Same inscr. and type; - in field r., staff, end- ing in head of boar, and crescent : plain border. - | 3 |161 |AE 1 |Same. - Same; but I in place of - Crescent. [18.] 360 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * Obverse. - Reverse. 4 154" |AE '95 Same. |Same. 5 152; AB 1: Same. |Same inscr. and type ; in field r., l and doubt- ful symbol : border of dots. - 6 |131 - |AE '95 Same. VALENTIA Winged thunderbolt, placed horizontally ; above, bee 1. and i ; border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVII. 21.] 7 |126° |AE 1 - |Same. Same inscr. and type ; above, i and star of twelve rays : same border. 8 |121' |AE '95 Same. vaLENT (inverted) Same type ; beneath, I and vase without handles. Semis. 9 105 AE 8 Female head (Hera !)|VALENTIA Double r., hair long, wear- cornucopiae, lower ing stephane, earring, points turned l ; in and necklace; behind, field r., ºr, and cres- S : border of dots. cent : border of dots. 10 102 |AE 8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and . - border; in field r., S. and star of six rays. [25.] | } 92 |AE •8 |Same. |Same; but in field r., 5 and lyre. - [28.] VIBO. V. ATL ENTIA. 361 No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 89. 83. 73. 70. 65. 58. 54. 7 5 •75 •75 Same. Same. *75|Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. VALENTIA Double cornucopiae, lower oints turned r. ; in field 1., bull butting l., upwards, and S. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVII. 24.] Same as no. 9; but in field r., S and cray- fish. [27.] ſ {3 Same; but in field r., § and star of twelve rays. Same ; , but in field r., S and vase without handles. Same inscr. and type; in field r., staff, end- ing in boar's head, and S : plain border. VALENTIA Same type ; in field 1., S and tripod, placed horizontally : border of dots. VALENTIA Same type; in field r., S and dolphin l., down- wards. 2.] Same inscr. and type ; in field r., wreath- bearing Nike l. and S: plain border. 3 A 362 . BRU TTI I. No. Wt. * Obverse. . Reverse. - Triens. 20 -: 87. AE -75. Head of Pallas r., wear- VALENTIA Owl r. ; ing crested Corinthian in front, 3 helmet, earring, and * : necklace; behind, : :| border of dots. Q [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXXVII. 34.] 2] | 73. AE 7 |Same. Same inscr., type, and marks of value; above last, star of six rays: border of dots. 22 || 67 |AE 7 |Same. Same, but the star be- neath marks of value. 23 61. AE 7 |Same. Same, but the star to r. - - of marks of value. 24 | 72. AE 7 |Same. Same inscr., type, and + marks of value; above last, vase with two small handles: plain border. 25 | 61. AE 7 |Same. Similar. 26 56. E 65|Same. Same ; but in field r., . marks of value and bull butting r. Quadrans. 27 | 36. AE -65. Head of bearded Hera-VALENTIA Two clubs kles r., wearing lion's upwards, handles kin behind, 3. united ; in field l., | S 2 * 3 || star of six rays and - border of dots. : ; border of dots. {40.] V IBO VALENTIA. - 363 Metal. Size. AE 65|Same. AE No. Wt. 28 39. 29 30. 30 28. 31 25. 32 22. 33 20. 34 | ] AE ‘55 ‘5 “55 Obverse. Reverse. 5 •45 i ; 4 Head of Hermes r., |VALENTIA Cadu- Same inscr. and type ; in field l., marks of value : plain border. Same. - Same inscr. and type ; in field I., plough l., upwards, and marks of value. Same. Same inscr. and type ; in field 1., bull but- ting l., above which, marks of value: plain border. Sextans. | Head of Apollo r., laur.;|VALENTIA Lyre; in behind, 3: border of field r., 3: plain dots. border. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXVII. 44.] Same. - Same inscr., type, and marks of value; be- neath last, bull but- ting r. : plain border. Uncia. Head of Artemis r., |VALENTIA Hound over shoulder quiver running r. ; above, and e : border of e : plain border. dots. Semuncia. wearing winged dia-| ceus; in field I., & : dem ; behind, 3 : | border of dots. border of dots. [Cf. CLXXXVI. 7.] 364 TBRUTTII. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 128. - LOCRI. 1 || 17-3 AR “75 I: EYX. Head of Zeus ElPHNH /\OKPON r., laur., hair short. Eirene, wearing long - chiton and peplon over knees, holding caduceus in r., seated 1. on cippus, the front h of which is orna- | - mented with bucra- nium. : [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIX. 18.] 2 94.8 |ARp1.85 Eagle flying 1., devour-AOKPON Thunder- ing hare : border of bolt; beneath, cadu- dots. ceus J.: border of dots. [5.] 3 || 19.6 AR 8 Same. Same. 4 |113-3 AR '85 Same; but behind back Same. of eagle, O. l 5 || 17-6 AR 8 |Similar type of later|AOK ºn Nº . | style: same border. PQN Thunderbolt : double border of dots. 6 || 18. AR 85 AOKPON Head of Eagle flying 1., devour- | Zeus I., laur., hair ing, hare ; behind long. back, thunderbolt; beneath tail, M ; in field below, dot. [Cf. 11.] 7 119 ||AR 85|Same type. |Same type and symbol. 8 |115'6 AR '85 Same. Same type ; in front, thunderbolt; behind, }\. - [Obv. same die as preceding coin.] 9 119.2 º '85 AOKPON Same type. Same; but behind, R. - [10.] I.O CRI. Metal. Size. | | 12 13 14 109.2 1 12" | AR 8 Head of Zeus r., laur.; AOKPON Same type: AR AR AR •85 '85 '85 '85 Same : Obverse. behind, thunderbolt : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIX. 7.] border not visible. Same type ; border not visible. AOKPON Same type: border of dots. Same. |Obv. same die as preceding coin.] Head of Zeus 1., laur. ; beneath, NE : border of dots. - AOKPQN Same. | Reverse. border of dots. Same. AOKPQM Same type. Same type; above, thun- derbolt ; border of dots. Same type and symbol; behind, Y : same border. A KPON (in ex.) Roma seated r., on throne, wearing long chiton and peplon Over knees; her r. arm rests on oblong shield, upon which is a thun- derbolt; under her l. arm, parazonium. She is crowned by a female figure (Fides) standing l., wearing long chiton and pep- lon, one end of which, brought over her l. shoulder, she holds in her l. hand : behind the figures respec- tively PQMA and T. ix.TX. No inscr. in ex. Same type and legends. [14.j 366 BRUTT II. No. Wt. Nº. Obverse. Reverse. 17 | 99.5 |AR 75. No inscr. Same. K PON Same type and legends; in ex., Aſ. | 18 18 AR '45 Eagle standing 1. and AOK * looking back, wings|PQN Thunderbolt. open ; in front, cadu- ceus I. : plain border. 19 11.5 |AR 35|AO Eagle I., wings|Thunderbolt between - closed : border of O O : plain border. dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXXIX. 2.] (Note.—The coins with Corinthian types will be described under the Colonies of Corinth.) 20 AE 1 | Head of Zeus r., laur., | Eagle r., wings closed. hair short. 2] AE '95|Same. Eagle 1., on rock, wings closed. - 22 AE |Same. Same. 23 : '95|Similar head I. Similar. 24 AE 85|A|OX Head of Zeus /\OK ino r., laur. ; behind, PQN Winged thun- thunderbolt. derbolt. |CXC. 29.] 25 |AE 85|Same. (Inscr. and sym-|Same. * bol indistinct.) 26 AE '95. Head of Zeus l., laur, : /\OKPQN Winged border of dots. thunderbolt; in field - r., incense-altar. LOCRI. 367 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 27 AE 65 Head of Pallas 1., wear- /\OK wi red th ing crested Corinthian ||PON Inge 1Ulſ]- helmet : border of derbolt, dots. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXCI. 52.] 28 |AE 65|Same. AOKPON Winged - | thunderbolt. 29 A 65 same type; above, EY: AOKPQN Winged plain border. thunderbolt; in field l., cornucopiae : bor- der of dots. [Cf. CXCI. 54.] 30 AE 6 |Head of young Hera-'AOKPQN Pegasos kles 1., wearing lion's flying 1. ; beneath, skin. club l. [Cf. 60.] 31 AE 1.05|Female head º (Perse-|AOKPON Eagle - phone 2) wearing dia- standing I. on thun- dem, earring, and derbolt, wings closed; necklace, and having behind, wreath ; bor- long tress tied behind; der of dots. behind, poppy-head : border of dots. [Cf. CXC. 35.] 32 AE 1.05|Same type ; behind, Same inscr. and type ; - bunch of grapes: in front, A ; behind, border not visible. bunch of grapes: same border. [34.] 33 AE 1.1 Same type; behind, long|Same inser, type, mon, lighted torch ; border and border ; behind, of dots. - | palm filleted. (Cf. 33.] 368 BRUT"I’II. | No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 34 AE 75|Similar type I.; behind, AOKPON Pallas I., ear of barley ; border wearing crested Co: of dots. rinthian helmet, and long chiton with diplo- idion, rests with r. upon spear, and with 1. on shield placed on the ground; in field r., star of seven rays and cornucopiae : border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CXC. 32.] 35 AE 1.1 |Head of Pallas r., wear-AOKPON Persephone? ing crested Corinthian wearing long chiton, helmet, earring, and seated I. on throne, necklace ; behind, the front leg of which AEY : border of dots. is in the form of ani- - . . mal’s leg; holding in r. patera, and in 1. Sceptre surmounted by poppy - head ; above, on either side, a star of eight rays: border of dots. [Cf. 36.] 36 AE 1:05|Same type and border;|Same. above, EY. [37.] 37 AE 75|Head of Pallas I., wear-AOKPON Eagle I., ing, earring, necklace, on thunderbolt, wings and crested Corinthian open; in front, cornu- helmet, adorned with copiae: border of dots. olive-wreath ; border of dots. [Cf. CXCI. 50. 38 4, 75|Same type; above, EY: Same; but in front, star plain border. | of eight rays. | , NTU CERIA. 369. No. Wt. * Obverse. . Reverse. 39 AE -6 |A Same type and bor-AOKPQN Same type der. r.; in front, cornuco- --- ra - - - - - piae. 40 AE :75 Busts of the Dioskuri /\OKPQN Zeus seated t r., each wearing laur. l., on throne, naked pilos surmounted by to waist, holds patera star; their shoulders and sceptre; behind, draped : border of cornucopiae : border dots. of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXCI. 57.] MESMA. l AE 85 MEXIMAl QN Head of Female head (Perse- Apollo r, laur., hair phone 7), full - face, long: plain border. crowned with barley, wearing earrings and necklace; in field l., oinochoë : border of dots. ſCLXXIV. 3.) 2 |AE 85|Same. Same. 3 AE -8 |MEX. Female head r., |Male figure, naked (He- - wearing earring and rakles 2) seated 1. on necklace; hair rolled rock, holding patera; round the head. in front, uncertain ob- - ject. [Cf. 2.] NUCER.I.A. l AE -85. Head of Apollo r., laur.; , N.YKP INQN. Horse beneath, ear of barley, l. ; beneath, pentag- l. 3 border of dots. ram: plain border. [Cf. CLXXX. 79.] 3 B 370, “ERUTTII. No. Wt: * Obverse. Reverse. PANDoSIA. 1 1047 R 85 r"AN DOM 3A ||River Krathis, naked, - - Head (of nymph facing, head turned ... Pandosia 2) r., wear- towards I., holding in ing broad double dia- extended r. patera, dem, beneath which and in 1. olive-branch, the hair is turned up which leans against behind : the whole his shoulder; at his within wreath of feet a fish, leaping olive. towards the patera ! in field l., KPAG)3M. 2 120-1||AR 95 Head of Hera Lakinia, AOXIN Pan, full-face, towards r., wearing earrings, necklace with acorn pendants, and ste- phanos ornamented: with honeysuckles and fore-parts of grif- fins r., placed alter- nately; hair loose. naked, seated 1. on rock, on which lies his garment, holding in r. two lances, which lean against his shoulder, his l. hand rests on rock ; beside him, hound, lying I., look- ing back; above, 4 ; in front, bearded term r., to which is affixed caduceus, filleted ; term, on trunk of . MAAYX 2 plº'ſ ELIA. 371. No. | 52. Wt: 33-7 16-6 AR AR Metal. Size. '4 5 '65 Obverse. Same type,but stephanos with ornamented rosettes. Reverse. TIANAOX| Pan, naked, seated l. on rock; r. stretched out, 1. resting on rock; on either side of him a hound about to start; beyond, two lances; in front, NiKO. Same type, i | | | TIANAOXIN Pan, naked, seated r. on rock, on which lies his garment, holding in 1. two lances, his r. resting on rock, on side of which, syrinx; behind, N1KO. ſcar. N. I. v. T. CLXXV. 2) Similar head, full-face, towards l. TIAN Incense-altar. PETELIA. Quadra IlS. Head of Zeus r., laur. ; behind, #: border of ...d OtS. TIETHA! NON Zeus, naked, striding r., hurling thunderbolt and holding sceptre; behind, mon. 94 : plain border. [Cf. CLXXXI. 3..] 372 TBRUTTII. No. Wt. Metal. | Obverse. Reverse. Size. | * - Uncia. | 2 | 68' |AE 6 |Head of Ares r., wear- [TIETH •e º - - - - - - - ing crested Corinthian |AINQN Wreath-bear- .* helmet : border of ing Nike, standing 1. dots. |Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXXI. 18.] 3 || 52" |AE •6 |Same. | Same. Without marks of value. 4 AE '45 Head of bearded Hera-| TIETH Club, I kles r., wearing|AINON u D, 1. wreath ; border of dots. [Cf. 22.] 5 |AE 8 |Head of Demeter r., TIETHAIN ON Zeus, " . . . . . . . . wearing veil and naked, facing, and wreath of barley : striding l., hurling border of dots. thunderbolt and hold- ing sceptre; in field l., star of six rays; in field r., H. |Cf. 28.] 6 AE, "9 |Same. Same inscr. and type; - in field l., star of five rays; r., e? | 7 AE •8 |Same. |Same inscr. and type; - r * . - in field 1., star of six | - ‘. . . . . .'; rays; r., K. . . 8 * AL '85|Same. ' Same inscr. and type; . . . . . . . . . . . . in field I., star of five * rays; r., A. rhEGIUM. 373 No. Wł. * Obverse. Reverse, RHEGIUM. - Archaic style. º . . . . . Time of Anaxilaus B.C. 494-476. b | | 87-9 AR 65|Lion’s scalp; border of VAO1) a 9 Calf's head - ~. dots. . . . . . . . . l. : border of dots. . |Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXCII. 7.] 2 88.4 R ‘75 Same. same. 3 2613|R 1. Mule-car (arºv) T.2 NON1534 Hare run. driven by seated ning r. : border of bearded charioteer, dots. holding reins and goad; border of dots. 4 |261-6 AR 1:1 |Same type and border;|Same. in ex., olive-leaf. * |1.] 5 64.5 |AR 6 |Same type and border. WI)39 Same type * - - - and border. - . -- [2.] - - 6. 629 R 65|Same. RECINON Same type - - and border. 7 || 11-6 AR ‘4 Hare running r. ; border X391 within border of . . . . . . of dots. dots. - [4.] * ~. Transitional style. - * * * t no. aid to B.o. cir. 415. | 8 |266:3|AR 105|Lion's scalp; border of RECI NOS, , Male . . . . . dots. figure, bearded, naked f * * > to waist, seated I., r. resting on staff, l. On hip : the whole within * ~ -* * - olive-wreath, [11] 374 BRUTTIT. 12 | 14 | 13. 257.2 R 1 - 1 2585 AR 1:1 | | 64'4 AR •7 w No. Wt. * Obverse. . Reverse. 9 |260 5 AR 1.05|Same. Similar. ! 10 |266-7 AR 1.2 |Similar type and border;|S O VAID39. Similar | in field r., bunch of type; l. resting on grapes. - 1 seat : the whole with- - in olive-wreath. | 1 |267-6 AR I •2 Similar type ; above | RECINOS Similar i each eye-brow small | type ; beneath seat, circle enclosing three dots: border of dots, outside which traces of second border of dots. - Type and border same as no. 10; in field 1., sprig of olive with fruit: graffito,ſ"AIAAXKAO. (Tenth letter doubtful.) Same. Same type and border; in field r., sprig, with two olives. Same type and border. dog seated l. : the -whole within olive- wreath. . ECINOX. Similar type; beneath seat, duck I. ; the whole within olive-wreath. No inscr. visible. Same type ; beneath seat, dog r., looking back; the whole within olive- wreath. 3OVA 1 TH q Young male figure, wearing diadem, naked to waist, seated I., r. resting on staff, I. on hip; the whole within olive-wreath. RECI NOS same as no. 8. | RHEGIUM. 375 No. Metal. Obverse. Reverse. AR •9 | as no. 23. | symbol. (without en- Size. - 16. AR ‘7 |Same; but in field r., RECI N ON Same. dot. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXCII, 10.] 17 AR 7 |Same, without dot. RECIN O N Same; but beneath seat, dot. 18 AR -65. Same. | RECI NON Same, - without dot. [9.] 19 AR 65|Same. RECI WOVA Same, 20. AR ‘4 |Same. DB9 within border of dots. i 2 | 3||AR ‘45|Same type and border; RECI Within olive- in field r., ivy-leaf. wreath r. 22 AR ‘45|Same type and border. Same. [13.] Period of finest Art, B.o. cir. 415–387. - 23 AR 1 |Lion's scalp : border of PHTINON Head of dots. | Apollo r., laur., hair - turned up ; behind, sprig of olive. |CXCIII. 16.] 24 AR 95|Same. |Same inscr., type, and symbol. 25. AR 95|Same. |Same: plain border. 26, 267:5 AR 95|Same type, lion's mane|PHTINOX. Same type arranged in a double and symbol ; in ridge on the top of front in small letters, the head : border of KPAT dots. Orl Tilz. - | - * | 27 Type and border same|Same inscr., type, and graver's name.) | 376 BRUTTII. No. Wt. º Obverse. Reverse. 28: 61-7 ||AR “6 |Same. PHTINON Same type and symbol. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXCIII. 15.] 29 || 63' |AR ‘6 |Same. |Same inscr. and type; - - behind, ivy-leaf. 30 || 32-8 |AR ‘5 |Same. PH Sprig r., consisting T - - of two leaves with two olives: border of dots. [21.] 31 20' . AR 55|Same. |HQ Same type 1. and - - border. 32 || 12:1 AR 5 |Same. Same as no. 30. 33 13:5|AR 4 |Same. Same. - - [22.] 34 || 1 1.5 |AR ‘4 |Same. Same. | 35 | 11-3 AR ‘4 |Same. Same 36. 261-6|AR 9 |Lion's scalp; border of HTINOX. Head of - dots. Apollo 1., laur., hair long : border of dots. 37 (269.7|AR 1-1 |Same. Same. . . . . - [14] 38 59.9 |AR 65|Lion's scalp; border of PHTINON Head of - dots. Apollo r., laur., hair long ; behind, sprig of olive : plain border. 39 AE ‘5 | Lion's scalp : border of 3-3 within border of - dots. dots. 40 - Same. |R-E ; beneath, sprig of olive : border of dots. RTHEGIU M. 377 No. Wt. Yº! Obverse. Reverse. 4 | AE 65|Same. PH Sprigr., consisting - of two leaves with three olives: border of dots, + [Car. N. I. V. T. CXCIV. 29.] 42 |AE '45 same PH Same type varied : - w - - - - plain border. - [30.] 43 AE 6 Same. PHTINQN Lyre ; above, crescent, horns downwards : plain border. [31.] 44 AE '45|Same. HT NON Same type and border. 45 AE 75|Same. PHTINQN Head of " . Apollo r., hair turned up behind ; in field l., olive-leaf. 46 |AE 45|Same. PH Head of Apollo r., laur., hair turned up|| behind. [Cf. 40.] 47. H - AE .45|Same. Same. 48 AE 4 |Same. Same. - [Cf. CXCV. 43.] 49 AE -8 |Same. PHTINQN Head of Apollo r., laur., hair long ; behind, half- open rose: border of dots. [Cf. 47.] 3 C 378 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 50 AE 75|Same. |Same inscr., type, and border; behind, om- phalos. 51 AE 8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, wreath with long ends. 52 AE ‘8 |Same, Same inscr., type, and border; behind, strung bow 7 [Car, N. I. V.T. CXCV. 49.] 53 AE 75|Same. Same. 54 AE 9 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, para- Zonium. . | 55 Æ 75|Same. Same. 56 Æ 8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, A. 57 AE 8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, IE. 58 AE •8 |Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, E. 59 AE 75|Same. Same inscr., type, and border; behind, A 2 60 AE •9 |Same. PHTINQN Same type l, ; border of dots, [Cf. 36.] 61 AE 75|Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, amphora. 62 Æ 8 |Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, caduceus. RHEGIUM. 379 No. Wł. Nº. 63 AE '85 64 AE •75 65 AE '8 66 AE •8 67 AE •75 68 AE •8 69 AE •65 70 AE •6 7] AE '85 72 AE -9 73 AE '9 74 AE '9 same type and border; Obverse. Reverse. Same. Same. Same. Inscr. not visible. Same type; behind, cornu- copiae. Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, crab. |Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, dolphin r., downwards. Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, tripod 7 Same. Same inscr. and type ; behind, lyre 7 Same type: plain bor- No inscr. visible. Same der. type r. ; behind, mu- rex: border of dots. [Cf. Car. N. I. V.T. CXCV. 41.] Same. PHT1: ... Same; but | symbol uncertain. PHTINQN Head of Tripod-lebes, with neck Apollo l., laur., hair and three handles : long : border of dots. border of dots. [CXCVI, 67.] PHT) NON Similar No inscr. Same type type ; beneath, om- r. ; border of dots. [52.] Same. behind, palm. [Cf. 54.] Same; but beneath head, Same. PT. [Cf. 56.] phalos ; in field l., R. BRUTTII. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 75 A. 9 Similar type l; behind, PHri tº hook?"border of dots. NóN Tripod - lebes, with neck and three handles resembling wheels of four spokes: border of dots. 76 ‘9 |Same ; behind, cornu- Same. copiae. 77 AE '9 |Same; behind, lyre. Same. 78 AE '95|Same ; behind, dolphin |Same. l, downwards. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXCVI. 59.] 79 AE 85|Same; behind, omphalos. ||Same. 80 AE 6 Head of Apollo, r., laur., PHTINQN (in ex.) hair long; behind, un- Lion walking r. certain object, [Cf. CXCIV. 28.] 8 | AE '9 | Head of Artemis r.,wear-| PHT! ing stephane, earring,|NON Same type. and necklace ; over shoulder, bow and quiver: border of dots. 82 AE 9 |Same. Same inscr. and type : border of dots. [A restruck coin. Previous types. Head of Apollo. Lion's scalp.] 83 AE 1 |Same. - PHTINQN Apollo, naked, seated l. on omphalos, holding ar- row and strung bow : border of dots. (Cf. CXCVIII. 80.] * 84 º 9 |Same. & §§ Seven - stringed | lyre : border of dots. [88.] RHEGIU M. 381. No. Wł. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 86 87 88 89 90 189. 163. |AE 1.05 AE '95 Same. '85|Same. Same. Same. Janiform female heads, laur., and each wear- ing modius, stephane, earring, and necklace. [Car. N. I. V. T. CXCVIII, 90.] [86.] With marks of value. Quincunx. [Cf. CXCIX, 100.] Same inscr. and type, but lyre with five strings. PTI NQN field I., cornucopiae : border of dots. Same type; in § Naked male figure, standing fac- ing, wearing wreath; r. stretched out, hold- ing branch of laurel and bird; l. resting on sceptre, round which is twined a ser- pent? in field l., cor- nucopiae : border of dots. PT INQN Same type; in field l., tripod-lebes: border of dots. PHTINON Asklepios, naked to waist, seated I. on high - backed chair, holding in r. staff, round which is twined serpent ; in field l., Tl. Same type : border of Same. dots. (Restruck coin.) 382 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * - Obverse. Reverse. 91 ||141* |AE 1.05|Same. |Same inscr. and type ; in field I, § plain border. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXCIX. 101.] 92 |173" |AE 1.05|Same. Same inscr. and type ; - in field beneath ſl, tripod ; in ex., ser- pent r.: border of dots. [99.] | 93 |166 |AE '95|Same. Same. 94 |173. AE 1.05|Same, Same, but no exergue. 95 ||103" |AE 85|Head of Pallas 1., wear-|PHTINQN Pallas ing crested Athenian standing 1., wearing helmet, on which grif- long chiton with di- fin : border of dots. ploidion, holding in r, Nike bearing a trophy, and l. resting on shield ; a spear leans against her 1. shoulder; in field l., thunderbolt and ſl: border of dots. [CXCIV. 33.] 96 || 9 || |AE 8 same | Same. Triens. 97 183 |AB 1'05|Heads, jugate, rº, , of PHT. Tripod - ich Apollo, laur., and Ar- NON ripod - lepes, temis, wearing ste- with neck and three phane and necklace; handles resembling | behind, O : border wheels of four spokes; of dots. in field r., : : border of dots. Q i |CXCVII. 72.] RHEGIUM. 383 No. Wt. º | Obverse, Reverse. 98|193 AE 1 |Same type, but with Same. berries in Apollo's wreath : same border. 99||105 AE '95|Same type and border;|Same. behind, anvil? Quadrans. 100 |131. AE 85 Head of Asklepios r., PHTINQN Hygieia laur.: border of dots. standing 1., wearing long chiton, holding in r. patera from which serpent is feed- ing ; with her l. she raises her garment; in field l., lll: plain border. [Car. N. I. V.T. CXCIX, 103.] 101 || 98. AE '9 |Same. | Same. Triens. 102 || 52. AE 65|Heads, jugate, r., of As-PHTINIQN] Artemis, klepios and Hygieia, standing facing, wear- both laur. ; border of ing short chiton and dots. endromides, holding spear and bow ; at her feet, hound run- ning 1. and looking up ; in field r., llll and ear of barley : plain border. [116.] 103 || 51 - |AE '65|Same, Same. - 104|38. AE 6 |Head of Artemis r., PHriNoN Lyre with wearing stephane. two strings; in field l., llll, above which, crescent : border of dots. 384 IBRUTT.II. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. i 105 || 50- E '65 Busts of the Dioskuri, Same inscr. Demeter jugate, r.,wearing laur. standing l., holding pilei and chlamydes; two ears of corn and above each, a star : resting on sceptre ; i border of dots. in field l., llll, above which, crescent: plain border. [Car. N. I. V.T. C.C. 118.] 106 || 48. AE •65|Same. Same. 107 || 41 |AE 65|Same. Same. 108 || 50° |AE •65|Same. Same inscr. Hermes - standing 1., wearing petasos, and chlamys overl. shoulder; holds branch and caduceus; in field l., llll and cornucopiae. [121.] 109 || 51. AE •6 |Same. Same inscr., type, and | marks of value: plain border. 110 || 53. AE 65|Same type ; behind, Same inscr. Naked - spear - head : border male figure, standing of dots. l.; holds branch in r.; on his wrist, bird with open wings; he rests with l. upon knotted staff; in field l., IIII : plain border. [124.] 111 || 42: AE 65|Same type; but behind, Same. uncertain object. - 112 || 55 AF 16 |Same type ; border of Same, but bird with - | dots. - - closed wings, and below marks of value, a tripod. [125.] TER INA. 385 No. - Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. | 17,63. | | Quadrans. 113 ||32 |AE 6 |Head of Asklepios r., PHTINON Hygieia laur. : border of dots. standing 1., wearing long chiton; holding in r. patera, from which a serpent is feeding; with her l. she raises her gar- ment; in field l., l l l : plain border. | Car. N. T. W. T. C.C. 113.] | | 14 || 39. AE 55|Same. |Same, but above, in field l., crescent. 115 34" |AE •6 |Same. |Same, but no crescent. TEMESA. 1 ||1098 |AR -6 |Corinthian helmet r. | Tripod-lebes. [CLXXVI. 1.] [This coin being in bad preservation, the inscription on the obverse and the greaves on the reverse are not visible.] TERINA. iſ: 1 AR 85|TEP 4NA Female |AX2 M Nike Apteros, 123-5 head r., wearing dia- dem, hair turned up behind, the ends fall- ing over the diadem : border of dots on band. facing, head turned l., wearing long chiton with diploidion, hold- ing in r. branch down- wards, 1. resting on hip : the whole within olive-wreath. 386 BRUTT II. No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 2 |1138||AR 85|Female head I., hair TEPINA QN Nike, | bound with sphendone winged, seated l., of three folds : the wearing long chiton whole within olive - and peplon over her ! wreath. knees, holding wreath | in r. and caduceus downwards in l., which rests on the corner of her seat. 3 119.8 |AR 85 Female head l., wear- Same type. ing sphendone, broad in front : the whole within olive-wreath. 4 121-8 AR 8 ||Female head r., hair ||Same type. bound with narrow diadem : the whole within olive-wreath. 5 118-5 AR 85|Female head I., wearing TEP1 NAION Nike, sphendone, broad in winged, wearing long front, and necklace : chiton with diploidion, the whole within olive- and peplon over her wreath. knees, seated l. On three – handled vase lying on its side, and holding wreath and caduceus. [Cf. Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXVIII. 28.] 6 || 18.5 AR 85|Same. |Same. 7 |123.2 AR 8 Similar. Same. TERINA. 387 No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 8 |1209 AR 8 |Same type, without Same. wreath. 9 || 16-7 AR 85 Female head r., hair |Nike, with spread wings, twice bound with facing, head turned l., narrow diadem : the wearing long chiton whole within olive - with diploidion, and wreath. holding a loosened wreath by its lower extremities in her outstretched hands so as to form an arch over her head : border of dots. 10 || 19.5 |AR 8 ||Female head r., wearing|TEPINATO N Nike, necklace and ampyx| winged, wearing long ornamented with ho- chiton with diploidion, neysuckle and lotus and peplon over knees, flowers; behind neck, seated r. upon vase, 4 : the whole within lying on its side olive-wreath. towards l.; she holds caduceus in r., a bird is seated upon the fore-finger of her l. hand. [Car. N.I.V.T. CLXXVIII. 25.] 1 || |118.4 |AR •8 |TEPIN AION Female|Same. head r., wearing sphendone, hair in korymbos. 388 BRUTTII. No. 12 13 14 15 16 Wł. Size. Metal. º Obverse. Reverse. 1 19-9 | 18-1 118-2 117.2 117. AR e AR •75 AR •75 AR Same as no. 10. |Cf. Car. N. I. V.T Same inscr. and type as no. 1 I ; behind neck, q). TEPINATON Nike, winged, seated l. on Square cippus, on one side of which is a wreath ; she holds in her l. caduceus, and supports with r. upon her r. knee a vase, into which flows a stream of water from a foun- tain in the form of a lion’s head, fixed into a stone wall; in the basin of the fountain is a swan swimming l. . CLXXVIII. 26.] Nike, winged, seated l., on four-legged stool, toss- ing up two balls, one of which is in the air, the other upon the back of her r. hand; her l. rests on corner of stool. (Cf. CLXXVII, 6.] Same, Same. Same: plain border. Nike, with spread wings, seated l. on square cippus, holding cadu- ceus, handle forwards, and wreath. Same. Similar type, but Nike holds the caduceus downwards, and rests her l. upon corner of cippus; on base of cippus, 9. TERINA. 389 No. Wt. | *. Obverse. Reverse. 1763. 17 || 19.7 |AR 9 TEPI NA... Same|Similar type, but Nike - type; sphendone orna- holding spray of olive. mented with maeander pattern. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXVII. 16.] 18 121-7 |AR 85|TEP1 NAION Same. Nike, winged, wearing only peplon over | knees, seated l., on - square cippus; touch- ing with r, the top of a caduceus which stands before her; l. rests on corner of cippus. 19 |123' |AR 85|Same. Same ; in field r., T. [Cf. 2.] 20 |115-9 AR 8 |Same. Same. 21 |1204 ||AR 75|Same inscr. and similar Similar type; Nike hold- head l: ; sphendone ing caduceus by the plain: border of dots. middle, handle for- - wards. [9.] 22 |119.4|AR 8 |Same inscr. and type r. Nike, winged, l., wearing longchiton, over which peplon, in stooping posture, her r. foot upon a rock, and r. arm resting on her knee; she holds ca- duceus by the middle, handle downwards, her l. behind her back; in field I., T. 23 99.5 |AR 7 ||No inscr. Same type, NAſ Same but broad diadem, type. having in the front tWO StarS. [Cf. 5.] 390 BRUTTII, | No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. 24 120°2|AR -85. TEPINAION Female Nike, winged, wearing head r., wearing long chiton with di- sphendone and neck- ploidion, and peplon lace. over knees, seated l. on Square cippus, holding wreath in r., 1. resting on cippus, on base of which, poppy-head. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXVII. 15.] 25 |121-7 ||AR 8 |Same inscr. Female|Nike, winged, wearing head I., wearing only peplon over sphendone and neck- knees, seated l. on lace; behind, T. square cippus, hold- ing in r. staff, sur- mounted by poppy- head, handle forwards; in field 1., T. [11.] 26 || 15.8 |AR 8 ||Female head l., wearing |TE. . . . . QN Nike, ampyx adorned with winged, wearing long olive-wreath ; behind chiton with diploi- neck, A. dion, and peplon over knees, seated l. on Square cippus; r. ex- tended, upon it bird 7 l. hanging down hold- ing caduceus. [Cf. CLXXVIII. 29.] 27 119.1 |AR 85|TEPINAION Female|Nike, winged, seated I. head r., wearing on square cippus; r. sphendone. extended, on the back of which a dove with spread wings; l. rest- | ing on cippus. [20.] 28 || 20:5 AR “75 Inscr. doubtful. Same|Same. type. TERINA. 391 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 29 |1167 AR 8 |TEPINAION Female Similar type, but Nike head 1., wearing holds wreath in r. ; sphendone ; behind on hand, bird as on neck, T. preceding coin. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXVIII. 22 R.] 30 || 35"] AR 6 EP Female head r., Nike, winged, seated 1. wearing sphendone, on square cippus, earring, and necklace. round the base of which is a wreath; she holds hird on r. ; in front, plal X. . (Cf. 50.] 31 || 33-8 |AR '6 |Same. Nike, winged, seated l. on square wreathed cippus; her r. touching top of caduceus, which stands before her; l. resting on cippus. 32 || 33-3 AR 55|Same type. Nike, winged, seated l. on cippus, holding bird 7 33 164 AR 5 Female head I., wearing TEP IN Nike, winged, - ampyx, adorned with seated l. on cippus, wreath; behind neck, holding wreath an A l. caduceus’ - 34 16-6 AR 5 Female head r., wearing|Nike, winged, seated l. sphendone. on Square cippus, holding poppy. 35 | 17 AR .45|Same type; behind, T. TE PI Nike, winged, seated l. On square cippus, holding in r. staff surmounted by poppy - head, handle forwards; behind, T. (Cf. 52.] 36 | 18-2 ||AR wº- type I. Same, but Nike holds wreath. 392 BRUTTII. No. Wt. * 37 17.6R 45 . | f 38 18.9 R 5 | | 39 148 R 45 40 11:4 R 35 41 117.4 AR •75 42 |120. I AR 85 Obverse. Reverse. Female head Î., hair TE Nike, winged, bound with wreath, wearing earring and necklace; behind, A. & | Female head r., wearing ampyx' Female head r., wearing sphendone. seated towards r. on square cippus, hold- ing caduceus 2 and wreath. Same. Nike, winged, seated l., on the capital of Ionic column, holding an olive-branch. [Car. N. I. V. T. CLXXVIII. 56.] Female head r., wearing|Nike, flying 1., wearing sphendone and neck- lace; behind, ſ. long chiton, bearing in r. olive-branch, l. raised to her shoulder. [60.] TEPINAION Female head r., wearing ear- ring and necklace, hair rolled and very wavy. Nike, winged, wearing long chiton with di- ploidion and peplon over knees, seated l. on Square cippus; r. hand extended, on the back of which dove with spread wings; l. resting on cippus. [31.] TEPINAION Female head r., wearing sphendone, the back part of which is or- namented with crosses having dots in the an- gles: border of dots. TEPINA Nymph Te- rina, wearing necklace and long chiton, pep- lon over knees, seated 1. on Square cippus; she holds in extended r. a patera, I. rests on corner of cippus; behind, flying Nike about to crown her with wreath which she holds open with both hands. [Cf. 33.] TERINA. 393 No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. 43 ||32 ||AR -6 TEPINAION Female Nike, winged, wearing head r., wearing ear- long chiton, and pep- ring and necklace, lon over knees, seated hair rolled and very | 1. on square cippus, wavy ; behind neck, holding in r. a bird triquetra of legs : resembling a swan; in border of dots. field 1., TE. - (Cf. Car. N.I.V.T. CLXXIX. 36. 44 26:6 AR 6 |Same. Same type and mon, but - bird resembling dove. 45 || 33 AR 65|TEPINAION Same|Same. head l. ; behind, tri- quetra of legs : bor- der of dots. 46 || 36 I AR 65|Same. Same, but in place of mon., A. [35.] 47 || 313||AR -6 |Inscr. not visible. Same. Same type; in field l., - star of eight rays. [34.] - 48 || 33-9 AR 55 Same typer. ; in field I., Same type. - T. - - - 49 || 30-4 AR 6 |Same type. |Same type; in field l, - A. - - 50 328 AR pl.-6, Same type 1: ; behind, Nike, winged, seated 1. triquetra of legs: bor- on square cippus, der of dots. holding up caduceus in r. ; in field l., TE. 5] AE 9 |Female head r., wearing TEPI Crab, upside sphendone and ear- down. ring. 52 AE 1: Female head l, ** - earring and necklace, hair rolled. [CLXXX. 68.] 394 BRUTTII. No. Wt Metal. º r $62. º Size. Obvers Reverse and border. seated l. on square 53 AE 75 Female head I., wearing TEPI Crab ; above earring and necklace, which, ch. | hair rolled : border of | dots. [Car. N. I. V.T. CLXXX. 70.] | - 54 AE 7 |Same. |Same. 55 AE,-6 Female head I., wearing|Same: plain border. sphendone, earring, and necklace : border of dots. - [72.] | - - 56 º ‘55|Same. Same. 57 . ‘6 |Same. Same. 58 AE 85 Lion’s scalp. TEPINA Head of Apollo, J., laur., hair | t | long ; behind, short : º sword, downwards. ; 59 A. •9 |Same. - |Same. | i | [This coin appears to be of barbarous work.] i - 60 |E •55 TIANAINA Head of TEP Nike, winged, Pandina r., wearing seated r. on square sphendone, earring, wreathed cippus, hold- and necklace: border ing palm ? and bird. of dots. 6] A. :55|No inscr. Same type TEPI Nike, winged, cippus, holding bird one. [Cf. 64.] UNCERTAIN. 395 i - No. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. UNCERTAIN OF APULIA OR CALABRIA. • SIDE OR SIDIS. 1 AE '55|Head of Zeus r., laur. ;|XIAIN ON Herakles i behind, ear of barley: r., leaning on club border of dots. underl. shoulder, from which hangs lion’s skin : plain border. 2 AE 6 |Same. Same. [Cf. for type, Mateolum Apuliae.] UNCERTAIN OF LU CAN IA OR BRUTT.II. SER. . . . . | |122:1 AR 95 MEP Naked figure, Branch of vine r., hav- - bearded, (Dionysos,) ing three leaves, one standing l., holding| large bunch of grapes kantharos in r., and hanging down, and a in l. long branch of small one growing vine which passes upwards : border of over his shoulder and | dots on band. trails on the ground : border of dots on band. A P P E N D I X. Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. ETRU R.I.A. P O P U L O N T A. 129-5 '85 Head of Pallas, full-VJ 1 Crescent, horns 3 || 9 AR AR 5 face towards 1., wear- ing earring, necklace, and Athenian helmet with three crests; hair loose : border of dots. with diadem; beneath, () : border of dots. upwards, enclosing star of four rays, the whole within a border of dots half off the coin; to the l., outside this border, are traces of the obverse-type and border of another specimen, incuse, also half off the coin ; the two borders form tangent semicircles. Head of Gorgon, bound|Plain. APPENDIX. 397 No Wt. * Obverse. Reverse. —!----|--|- i 182 AE 1.05 Head of Hermes r., AVAVJ 1 V1; above, ca- . - wearing winged peta- duceus l. filleted ; sos ? and chlamys below, X, beneath i fastened round throat which, traces of letters with brooch ; behind, and border: (remains : C; border of dots. of an earlier type 2) . border of dots. . | . . - |UNCERTAIN CITY OF ETRURIA. - - tº & - | 144.9 |AR -85 OESIVE Head and Sea-monster r., having shoulders of cow the head of a horse with short horns r., and tail of a fish, head nearly facing : with three wing-like plain raised border. fins projecting from its body, one above and two below. UMER.I.A. TUDER. AE '95 a (13 +V tº Sow r.; at Young male head r., wearing pilos with flattened top and double brim, tied under the chin: bor- der of dots. * Nº. \ A s/ * .% -z, & y:: & ;~ * sº s#‘.---- *sN...º y*.-º3. *t-- t s% her feet three little pigs: border of dots. 398 APPENDIX. No. Wt. Metal. Size. Obverse. Reverse. 9-8 AR •75 •45 LATIUM. A QUIN U M. Head of Pallas I., wear-|/AQVINO Cock I. ; ing necklace and above, star of eight crested Corinthian rays: border of dots. helmet : border of - dots. SAMNIUM. PERIPOLIUM. Head of Hera 7 l., wear- TiſlTAJNATAN ing stephane and ear-| TEPITO/\QN He- ring ; behind, ſº : rakles kneeling r. and border of dots. strangling lion with both arms. CAMPANIA. NEAPOLIS. Head of Apollo *.*... [??'... Fore-part back hair in formal | NEOTIO/\l p curl: border of dots. of swimming man- AE • headed bull r. 2 º’s ſº Š. APPENDIX. 399 AE 7 5 Metal. Size. Obverse. TEANUM SIDICINUM. With Oscan inscription. Sidikinud. QVVAIX Head of Hermes r., with flowing hair, wearing winged petasos and chlamys fastened round his throat with a brooch ; over his shoulder, caduceus; behind head, star of eight rays: border of dots. | à #-\º ) ſr= # ^ APU LIA. N E A PO.I., I S. Head of young Diony- wreath ; over his shoulder, thyrsos. N the bunch, counter- Reverse. Man-headed bull walking r., head facing ; above, star of sixteen rays. 2^T.ºs. / Sº // 3 \"\S 7 s \{\% OG= --> S. // ſ. &: #4. " \ } - |}( \s f () j, \! t } l - ^ \ ) EAT' Vine - branch with bunch of grapes, on either side of which, a leaf and tendril; on mark, caduceus: plain border. 400 APPENDIX. No. Wt. *. Obverse. Reverse. - 126. - C. A. L. A. B. R. I. A. TARENTUM. Transitional style. I 123. I AR 95 Horseman r., wearing SAT Taras, naked, seated on dolphin I., holding in raised r. uncertain object, l. resting on dolphin's back; beneath, cockle- shell and waves: plain | border. short chiton and pilos, holding in raised r. spear, and in 1. reins; horse cantering. * $ } º, -- 22. } - Á Period of Finest Art. 66-7|AE. 7 ||Female head l., wearing TA Naked horseman ** broad diadem, earring, r., placing wreath on and necklace. horse's head ; horse advancing; in field l., 2 crescent, horns up- wards; beneath horse, dolphin r. 3 26.2 |AR -6 ||Naked horseman r,TA PAX placing wreath on horse's head ; horse standing ; behind horseman, Nike flying Taras, naked, seated on dol- phin l., holding kan- tharos in extended r., “P & É. A- & A and carrying in l. r., crowning him ; trident with chlamys beneath horse, on arm. XQKAN | | - - NAX. - - ...~~ & *N*- > i , sº º) ! : & __#" INDEX I. G E O G. R. A. P. H. I. C. A. L. A. AEsernia Samnii, 67. Alba Fucentis Latii, 44. Alliba Campaniae, 73. Ancona Piceni, 40. APULIA, 130, 399. Apulia or Calabria, 395. Aquinum Latii, 44, 398. Aquilonia Samnii, 68. Ariminum Umbriae, 25. Ariminum P 26. Arpi Apuliae, 130. Asculum Apuliae, 131. Asculum ? 40. - Atella Campaniae, 74. Aurunca Campaniae, 75. Azetini Calabriae, 154. B. Barium Apulie, 132. Beneventum Samnii, 68. Brundisium Calabriae, 154. BRUTT.II, 319. Bruttii or Lucania, 395. Butuntum Calabriae, 157. C. Caelia Apuliae, 132. CALABRIA, 154, 400. Calabria, Uncertain city of, 221. Calabria or Apulia, 395. Calatia Campaniae, 75. Calatia P 76. Cales Campaniae, 76. CAMPANIA, 72, 398. Campania, Uncertain of, 129. Campani, 72. - - Canusium Apuliae, 135. Capua Campaniae, 80. Capua P84. Caulonia Bruttiorum, 334. CENTRAL ITALY, 45. Consentia Bruttiorum, 341. Consentia P. 341. Copia Lucaniae, 303. Cosa Samnii, 69. Croton Bruttiorum, 342. Croton and Sybaris Bruttiorum, 357. -- Cubulteria Campaniae, 84. Cumae Campaniae, 85. Cumae or Neapolis Campaniae, 104. E. Elea. See Welia. ETRURIA, 1, 396. Etruria, Uncertain of 12, 397. Etruria, Uncert. AEs Grave of, 16. - - 3 F 402 IN DEX I. F. FRENTANI OR FRENTRUM, 69. EI. Hadria Piceni, 42. Heraclea Lucaniae, 225. Heraclea P 235. Hipponium Bruttiorum, 357. Hyele. See Welia. Hyria Campaniae, 91. Hyria or Uria Calabriae, 158. Hyrium Apuliae, 135. T. Iguvium. Umbriae, 30. ITALY, CENTRAL, 45. T. Larinum Frentanorum, 70. LATIUM, 44, 398. Taus Lucaniae, 235. Tocri Bruttiorum, 364. LUCANIA, 224. Lucania or Bruttii, 395. Lucani, 224. Luceria Apuliae, 136. M. Mateolani? Apuliae, 141. Metapontum Lucaniae, 238. Mesma Bruttiorum, 369. N. Neapolis Apuliae, 142, 399. Neapolis Campaniae, 92, 398. Neapolis P. Campaniae, 94, 119. Neapolis or Cumae Campaniae, 104. Nola Campaniae, 119. Nuceria Alfaterna Campaniae, 121. Nuceria Bruttiorum, 369. O. Oscan, Uncertain, 127. P. Paestum Lucaniae, 274. Pandosia Bruttiorum, 370. Peripolium Samnii, 398. Petelia Bruttiorum, 371. Phistelia Campaniae, 122. PICENUM, 40. Populonia Etruriae, 1,396. Populonia? 7. Poseidonia Lucaniae, 265. Poseidonia and Sybaris Lucaniae, 287. - Pyxus and Siris Lucaniae, 283. R. Rhegium Bruttiorum, 373. Rubi Apuliae, 142. Rubi and Silvium ? Apuliae, 144. S. Salapia Apuliae, 144. SAMNIUM, 67, 398. Side or Sidis, 395. Sidicinum. See Teanum Sidi- cinum. Signia Latii, 44. Silvium ? and Rubi Apuliae, 144. Siris and Pyxus Lucaniae, 283, GEO GRAPHICAL. Sturmium Calabriae, 159. Sybaris Lucaniae, 283. Sybaris and Poseidonia Lucaniae, 287. Sybaris and Croton, 357. Suessa Aurunca Campaniae, 123. T. Tarentum Calabriae, 160, 400. Teanum Sidicinum Campaniae, 125, 399. Teate Apuliae, 145. Temesa Bruttiorum, 385. Terina Bruttiorum, 385. Thurium Lucaniae, 287. Tuder Umbriae, 32, 397. TJ. UMBRIA, 25, 397. Uncertain of Etruria, 12, 397. 403 Uncertain AEs Grave of Etruria, 16. Uncertain AEs Grave of Central Italy, 45. Uncertain Oscan, i27. Uncertain of Campania, 129. Uncertain town of Calabria, 221. Uncertain of Apulia or Calabria, 395. Uncertain of Lucania or Bruttii, 395. Uria or Hyria Calabriae, 158. Uxentum Calabriae, 220. W. Various classes, AEs Grave of, 56. Welia Lucaniae, 304. Venusia Apuliae, 148. WESTINI, 43. Wibo Valentia Bruttiorum, 359. Wolaterrae Etruriae, 9. Wolsinii P Etruriae, 11. I N D E X II. T Y. P. E. S. A. Acorn.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 46 seqq.; Laus, 235 ; Un- certain AES Grave, 60. AEgis, on which female head. See Female Head. Aisaros, Head of.-Croton, 356. Altar, Incense.—Pandosia, 371. Amphitrite, Head of.-Bruttii, 320. Amphitrite or Thetis, Head of.- Bruttii, 332. Amphitrite P and Eros.-Bruttii, 3.19. - Amphora.-AEs Grave of Etruria, 22; Uxentum, 220; Mcta- pontum, 263; Hipponium, 357 seq. Amphora, with cornucopiae and oinochoe.—Camusium, 135. Amphora, with flower and oino- choe.—Canusium, 135. Anchor.—Uncert. of Etruria, 14; AEs Grave of Etruria, 23 ; Tuder, 33, 35 ; Hadria, 43; Uncert. AEs Grave, 57 ; Paestum, 280 seq. Anchor and rudder.—Paestum, 277. Apeme. See Biga of Mules. Aphrodite, Head of.-Ancona,40; Hyria, 158; Tarentum, 163. Apollo.—Metapontum, 242 seq.; Thurium, 302. Apollo, Head of—Uncert. of Etruria, 14 ; AEsernia, 67; Beneventum, 68; Larinum, 70, 72 ; Alliba P 73; Au- runca, 75; Cales, 78 seq. ; Capua, 84; Cubulteria, 84; Neapolis, 98, 104, &c., App. 398 ; Nola, 120 ; Suessa Aurunca, 123; Teanum Si- dicinum, 125 seq.; Oscan TJncert., 127 ; Uncert. of Caiupania, 129; Luceria, 137, 141; Salapia, 144 seq.; Tarentum, 163 seqq.; Meta- pontum, 250; Thurium, 296, 301 seq.; Bruttii, 323; Caulonia, 341; Croton, 354; Hipponium, 359; Vibo Va- lentia, 363; Mesma, 369 ; Nuceria, 369 ; Rhegium, 375 seqq.; Terina, 394. Apollo, Head of, surrounded by dolphins. – Alliba P 73; Neapolis, 113. Apollo, Head of, within wreath. —Neapolis, 117. TYPES. Apollo, seated on omphalos.— Rhegium, 380. Apollo, at altar.— Metapontum, 242. Apollo, with hyacinth. Taras.) Apollo? Head of—Populonia, 3; TJucert. of Etruria, 13. Apollo and Artemis, Heads of.- Rhegium, 382. Ares, Head of.-Cosa, 69; Lu- cani, 224; Bruttii,323 seqq.; Consentia,341; Petelia,372. Ares, Head of, within wreath.- .* Bruttii, 325. Arm.—Ancona, 40. Artemis.—Paestum, 282; Thu- rium, 302 ; Bruttii, 322; Rhegium, 383. Artemis, Head of.-Larinum,72; Capua, 81; Neapolis, 118 seq.; Metapontum, 263; Daestum, 277, 282 ; Thu- rium, 302; Consentia P 341; Vibo Valentia, 363 ; Rhe- gium, 380, 383. See also Apollo and Artemis. Artemis, Head of, within wreath. - —Neapolis, 119. Asklepios.-Rhegium, 381 seqq. Asklepios and Hygieia, Heads of-Rhegium, 383. Astragalos.—Iguvium, 30; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 46 seqq.; (See Uncert. AEs Grave, 60 ; Luceria, 138 seq. E. Balance.—Paestum, 282. Barley, Ear of.-Capua, 83 ; Asculum, 131 ; Luceria, 405 138, 140; Neapolis Apuliae, 142; Rubi, 142; Rubi and . Silvium ? 144 ; Azetini, 154; Butuntum, 157; He- raclea, 233 ; Metapontum, 238, &c.; Paestum, 277, 281. Barley, Two ears of.-Metapon- tum, 238, 264. Barley, Ear of, and thunderbolt. —Metapontum, 262. Barleycorn.—Iguvium, 30 seq.; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 53 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 56 ; Metapontum, 264. Barleycorns, Two.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 49 seqq. Barleycorns, Three, star wise.— Metapontum, 261. Barleycorns, Five, starwise.— Metapontum, 242. Barleycorn, incuse.— Metapon- tum, 242. Barleycorn and muscle.—Phis- telia, 122 seq. Bellerophon and Chimaira.-- Oscan Uncert., 128. Bellona, or Pallas.-Lucani, 224; Bruttii, 323 seqq. Biga of Zeus.—AEsernia, 67 ; Bruttii, 331. Biga of Nike.—Cales, 76 seqq.; Bruttii, 319, 323. Biga of Selene.—Calatia, 75 ; Capua, 85. Biga of Taras P-Tarentum, 162 Seg. Biga, driven by female figure.— Neapolis, 104. Biga of mules.—Rhegium, 373. . Bipennis.—AK's Grave of Etru- ria, 19. - 406 Bipennis, Head of.-AEs Grave of Etruria, 18 seq. Boar.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 52; Uncert. AES Grave, 56; Capua, 81; Arpi, 130 ; Asculum, 131; Salapia, 144; Paestum, 276, 280. . Boar, Head of.-Uncert. AEs Grave, 58 ; Venusia, 149, 151. Boar, Forepart of — Venusia, 148; Paestum, 276, 279. Bona Mens in Temple.—Paes- tum, 280. Bow.—Consentia P. 341. Bow and club.-Heraclea, 234. Bow, arrow, and club.-Populo- nia, 5. Branches, Three.—Populonia, 4. Branch P—Iguvium, 30. Bull.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 54; Arpi, 130; Poseidonia, 267 seqq.; Siris and Pyxus, 283 ; Sybaris, 283 seqq.; Sybaris and Poseidonia,287; Thurium, 287, &c. Bull, incuse.—Croton and Syba- ris, 357. Bull, Head of.-Westini, 43 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 56; Rubi, 142; Tarentum, 214; Sybaris, 286; Thurium, 301. Bull, Head of, incuse.—Meta- pontum, 241. Bull, Forepart of —Thurium, 300 seq. Bull, crowned by Nike.—Syba- ris, 285; Thurium, 299, 301. Bull, crowned by dove.—Wolsi- nii P, 11. - - Bull, Man - headed.—Campani, 72 seq. ; Cales, 78 seq. ; INIDEX II. Hyria, 91; Neapolis, 92 seqq.; Nola, 120; Phistelia, 122; Teanum Sidicinum, 125, App. 399; Oscan Un- cert., 127; Laus, 235. Bull, Man-headed, Head of.- Neapolis, 98; Metapontum, 244. - - Bull, Man-headed, Forepart of.-- Neapolis, 95, 104, &c., App. 398; Uncert. of Campania, 129 Bull, Man-headed, with star on shoulder.—Neapolis, 108. Bull, Man-headed, in waves.— Neapolis, 109. - Bull, Man-headed, within wreath. —Neapolis P 119. Bull, Man-headed, crowned by Nike.—AEsernia, 67; Lari- num, 70; Cales, 78 seq.; Cubulteria, 84; Neapolis, 94 seqq.; Nola, 119 seq.; Suessa Aurunca, 124; Tea- num Sidicinum, 126. C. Caduceus. – Populonia, App. 397 ; Asculum, 40; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 49 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 61 ; Hipponium, 357; Wibo Wa- lentia, 363. Caduceus, springing from barley- corn.—Uncert. AEs Grave, 57. Caduceus, winged.— Metapon- tum, 264. Calf, Head of.-Rhegium, 373. Centaur.—Larinum, 71. Cestus, Hand in.—Tuder, 34. TYPES. Chimaira.—Populonia P 7. Cicada.—Tuder, 33, 35. Cista ?—Uncert. AEs Grave, 60. Club.-Populonia, 1; Volaterrae, 10; Tuder, 36, 39; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 55; Un- cert. AEs Grave, 59; Lu- ceria, 137, 139 ; Petelia, 372. Club, in wreath.--Caelia, 135. Clubs, Two.—Tuder, 34. Clubs, Two, with one handle.— Vibo Valentia, 362. Club and bow.—Tarentum, 210; Heraclea, 226; Bruttii, 333. Club and bow, amid dots.-He- raclea, 227. Club, quiver, and bow.—Rubi, 143. - - - Cock.-Hadria, 42; Aquinum, 44; Luceria, 137. Cocks, fighting.—Ingots, 64. Cock, with star.—Aquinum, App. 398; Cales, 80; Suessa Au- runca, 124; Teanum Sidici- . num, 127. Cockle-shell. — Ariminum, 25. AEs Grave of C. Italy, 45 seqq., 55 ; Luceria, 138 seqq.; Venusia, 150; Butun- tum, 157; Sturnium, 159; Tarentum, 167 seq., 172, 210, 216, &c.; Uncert. of Calabria, 222. Cornucopiae.—Iguvium, 30 seq.; Larinum, 72; Neapolis, 118; Paestum, 274, 278, 281 ; Thurium, 302; Copia, 303. Cornucopiae, filleted.—Neapolis, 118. , Cornucopiae, winged.—Neapolis, 119. 407 Cornucopiae, Double.—Wibo Wa- lentia, 360 seq. - Cornucopiae and thunderbolt.— Paestum, 278. Cow, Head of.-Uncert. of Etru- ria, App. 397. Crab.-Venusia, 153; Bruttii, 332; Consentia, 341; Cro- ton, 356; Terina, 393 seq. Crescent.—Westini, 43; Uncert. AEs Grave, 60 seq.; Luceria, 138, 140; Venusia, 150. Crescents, Two.—Ingots, 66. Crescents, Three.—Caelia, 134; Venusia, 150; Croton, 356. Crescents, Three, within wheel.— AEs Grave of Etruria, 17. Crescent and star.—Populonia, App. 396 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 57; Venusia, 153. Crescents and stars.-Uncert. AEs Grave, 61; Venusia, 150, 152; Tarentum, 217. Crescents and dots.—Rubi, 143; Tarentum, 216 seq., 219; Heraclea, 226. - Cross-like lines.—Populonia, 2. Crow.—Laus, 236 seq. Crows, Two, passing.—Laus,237. Cuttle-fish —Populonia, 2; Cro- ton, 347. - D. Dancing figures.—Uncert. AEs Grave, 61. Demeter.—Rhegium, 384. Demeter, Head of.-Laus, 237; Metapontum, 254, 257, 263; Petelia, 372. Demeter P Head of.-Neapolis Apulia, 142. 408. Demeter, or Hera.—Tarentum, 160 seqq. T)iomedes? Head of. — Canu- sium, 135. Dione, Head of.-Larinum, 71; Luceria, 141. Dionysos.-Ser. ..., 395. Dionysos, Head of.-Laus, 237; Metapontum, 264. Dionysos, young, Head of.--Nea- polis Apuliae, App. 399; Venusia, 151. Dionysos?—Venusia, 151. Dionysos? crowning himself.- Bruttii, 321. T)ionysiac head.—Capua P 84; Metapontum,249 seq.; Paes- tum, 274, 278. T]iota.-Pastum, 281. Diota, incuse.—Sybaris, 284. Dioskuri, The.—Nuceria Alfa- terna, 121 ; Caelia, 134 ; Tarentum, 160, 172 seq.; Eruttii, 320. Dioskuri, Heads of.-Paestum, 274; Bruttii, 320; Locri, 369; Rhegium, 384. Dioskuri, Heads of, in wreath.-- Paestum, 281. Tioskuros ? a, Head of—Neapo- lis, 117. Distaff, within wreath. –Taren- tum, 210. Dog, sleeping.—Tuder, 32 seqq.; Hadria, 42. Dog (Fox - dog).-Uncert. of Etruria, 15. Dog (Hound).-AEs Grave of C. Italy, 54; Larinum, 72; Nuceria Alfaterna, 122; Vibo Valentia, 363. Dolphin.—Wolaterrae, 11; Ari- INDEX II. minum, 25; Tuder, 38; Ha- dria, 42 ; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 48 seqq.; Uncertain AEs Grave, 57; Larinum, 71; Aurunca, 75; Cumae, 89; Neapolis or Cumae, 104; Luceria, 137, 139, 141; Sa- lapia, 144; Venusia, 149; Brundisium, 155; Taren- tum, 167 seq., 211 seqq.; Uncert. of Calabria, 223 ; Paestum, 274 seqq., 281. Dolphin, crowned by Nike.—Ta- rentum, 211, 216. Dolphins, Two.—Venusia, 150; Tarentum, 219. Dove.—Sybaris, 285. Dove, with wreath, – Hyria, 159. Dove, within wreath.-Sybaris, 285. T}ragon, Head of.-Uncert. AEs Grave, 58. E. Eagle.—Tuder, 39 ; Alba Fu- centis, 44; Uncert. of Ca- labria, 222; Tucani, 225; Metapontum, 262; Bruttii, 328 seqq.; Croton, 351, &c.; Locri, 366, &c. Eagle, on thunderbolt.—Lari- num, 71; Capua, 82; Caelia, 133; Rubi, 143; Teate, 14.5; Venusia, 152; Azetini, 154; Hyria, 158; Sturnium, 159; Tarentum, 160, 163; Uxen- tum, 220 ; Uncert. of Cala- bria, 222; Bruttii,322, 329; Locri, 367 seq. - Eagle, on Olive-branch.-Croton, 351 seqq. TYPES. Eagle, in pediment.—Croton, 350. • Eagle, on capital—Salapia, 14.5; Croton, 349. * Eagle, on head of stag.—Croton, 350. Eagle, on head of ram.—Croton, 350, 356. Eagle, holding serpent.—AEser- nia, 68; Croton, 351, 356; Hipponium, 357. Eagle, holding hare.—Croton, 352; Locri, 364. Eagle, incuse.—Croton, 345. Eagles, Two.—Uncert. of Cala- bria, 221. Eirene.—Locri, 364. Blephant.—Uncert. of Etruria, 15; Ingots, 62; Atella? 75; Capua, 84; Paestum, 281. Eros.-Hyria, 158 seq. Eros P Head of.-Populonia, 8; Wolsinii P 11. Eros, on prow.—Barium, 132. Eros P on dolphin.—Paestum, 274. F. Eemale head, crowned with olive. —Laus, 236; Metapontum, 247. - Female head, in crab head-dress. —Bruttii, 332. Female head, with thunderbolt on head-dress.—Capua, 82. Temale head, within wreath.— Metapontum, 243 ; Terina, 386 seqq. Female head, on aegis.--Taren- tum, 214 ; Heraclea, 226 Ségg. - 4.09 Female figure, veiled.—Paestum, 282. Female figure, with patera and cornucopiae.—Rubi, 143. Fides. See Roma and Fides. Figures at an anvil.—Paestum, 282. Eish. (Ray.)—Hadria, 42. Fish-spine.—Tuder, 37 seqq. Flower.—Uncert. AEs Grave, 59, 60. - Fox-dog. (See Dog.) G. Gaul.-Ariminum, 25. Gaul, Head of—Ariminum, 25. Gorgon.—Uncert. of Etruria, 12. Gorgon, Head of.-Populonia, 2, 6, App. 396. Griffin.—Alba Fucentis, 44. Grapes, Bunch of.-Iguvium, 31; Uncert. AES Grave, 59 seq.; Arpi, 131. TH. Hand, Open.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 45 seqq. Hands joined.—Paestum, 279. Hare.—Populonia, 7; Croton, 348; Rhegium, 373. - Head. See Male head and Fe- male head. Head, issuing from Murex,- Hadria, 42. FIead in Phrygian helmet, Sur- mounted by animal’s head.— AEs Grave of C. Italy, 46, 53. 3 G 410 Head in wild beast's skin.— Capua, 83. Head, without neck.—Phistelia, 122 seq. Helios, head of.--Atella, 75; Oscan uncert., 128; Rubi, 143; Venusia, 153; Taren- tum, 164; Metapontum,261. Helmet.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 55. Helmet, Corinthian.-Cumae, 85, 89; Croton, 346; Temesa, 385. Hephaistos, Head of.-Populonia, 6; Ariminum, 25. Hephaistos, young, Head of.- Populonia, 5 seqq; AEsernia, 67. Hera, Head of—Capua, 83; Venusia, 152. See also Zeus and Hera. JHera Lakinia, Head of.-Hyria, 92; Neapolis; 94; Oscan uncert., 128; Croton, 353 ; Pandosia, 370 seq. Hera? Head of.-Vibo Valentia, 360; Peripolium, App. 398. Hera 2 Head of, surrounded by dolphins.—Tarentum, 160. Seg. Herakles. – Mateolum ? 142; TJXentum, 220; Heraclea, 229, &c.; Metapontum,242; Croton, 355, &c.; Side or Sidis, 395. Herakles, bearded, Head of.- Larinum, 71; Venusia, 153; Heraclea, 225; Vibo Va- lentia, 362; Petelia, 372. Herakles, young, Head of.- Populonia, 1; Uncert. of Etruria, 14; Capua, 80; INDEX II. Neapolis, 119; Teanum Sidi- cinum, 125 seq.; Asculum, 131; Luceria, 136, 138, 140; Tarentum, 162, 164, 205, 208, 210, 216; Lucani, 224; Heraclea, 225 seq., 234; Laus, 237; Metapontum, 260; Thurium, 301; Copia, 303; Welia, 317 seq.; Bruttii, 327, 330, 333; Croton, 356 ; Locri, 367. Herakles, young, Head of, dia- demed.—Populonia, 5; Cro- ton, 355. Herakles? Head of, laur.—Rubi, 143 ; Heraclea, 234. Herakles, young, Bust of.-We- nusia, 151. Herakles, strangling lion.—Peri- polium, App. 398; Neapolis, 108; Suessa Aurunca, 125; Caelia, 132; Tarentum, 164, 203 seqq., 219; Heraclea, 225 seqq.; Metapontum, 258. Herakles and lion, on whose back grasshopper.—Taren- tum, 205. Herakles and lion, on whose back owl.—Tarentum, 205. Herakles, with apple-branch.- Tarentum, 208. - Herakles, taming horse.—Taren- tum, 209. & Herakles, crushing Antaios.- Tarentum, 208. Herakles, at altar.—Heraclea, 231, 233 seq.; Metapontum, 243; Croton, 353. Herakles, with patera.-Mesma, 369. Herakles, crowning himself— Heraclea, 232. TYPES. Herakles, crowned by Nike.— Tarentum, 208; Uxentum, 220; Heraclea, 228 seqq. Herakles, seated. — Tarentum, 26, 218. * Herakles, with wine-cup.–He- raclea, 226, 231; Croton, 353. Herakles, Infant. — Tarentum, 209; Croton, 354. Herakles, Two —Heraclèa, 233. Hermes.—Rhegium, 384. Hermes, Head of.--Populonia, 4, 7, App. 397; Uncert. of Etruria, 13; Alba Fucentis, 44; Signia, 44; AES Grave of C. Italy, 48 seq.; Fren- tani, 69; Suessa Aurunca, 125; Teanum Sidicinum, App. 397; Venusia, 151; 1Metapontum, 261, 264; Hipponium, 357. Hermes, Head of, with winged ſ diadem. — Wibo 363. Hermes, at altar.—Metapontum, 259. #. Homonoia, Head of.-Metapon tum, 244. - - IIook.-Arpi, 130. Horse.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 54; Beneventum, 68; Cala- tia? 76; Arpi, 130; Sala- pia, 144 seq. ; Tarentum, 209, 214; Thurium, 302; Nuceria, 369. Horse, Head of—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 52; Uncert. AEs Grave, 56; Cosa, 69; Oscan uncertain, 128; Asculum, 131; Luceria; 136 seq.; Ta- rentum, 213, 219. Valentia, 411 Horse, Forepart of.-Heraclea, 234. Horse and star.—Luceria, 138. Horses, two, Heads of:-Taren- tum, 209 seq. Horses, two, Heads of, and cres- cents.-Tarentum, 209 seq. Horseman, Armed. – Larinum, 70; Capua, 82; Canusium, 135; Tarentum, 161, 193, &c.; App. 400. Horseman, Unarmed. — Taren- tum, 161, 173, &c. Horseman, crowning himself.— Tarentum, 183. Horseman, received by youth.- Tarentum, 181. Iſorseman, received by Nike.— Tarentum, 196. Horseman, with torch.--Taren- tum, 176. - Horseman, mounting.—Taren- tum, 186. Horseman, dismounting. — Ta- rentum, 194 seqq. Horseman, with palm.--Taren- tum, 181. - Horseman, crowned by Nike.— Tarentum, 161, 182, 194, &c. . Horseman, crowning horse. — Tarentum, 173, 177, &c.; App., 400. - EIorseman, with two horses. Tarentum, 184. Horseman, with youth examining horse's shoe. — Tarentum, 184. - - Hygieia.-Rhegium, 383, 385. . Hygieia, Head of — Metapon- tum, 245. See also As- klepios and Hygieia. 412 I. Idols, Archaic.—Capua, 83. Inscription.—Asculum P 40 seq.; Eſadria, 43; Westini, 43; Tarentum, 168; Paestum, 280; Sybaris, 284; Caulo- nia, 336; Rhegium, 373, 375. - . Inscription, in wreath. — Paes- tum, 280; Rhegium, 375. Isis 2 Head of.-Copia, 303. J. Janiform Head, Young.—Vola- terrae, 9 seqq.; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 48 seq. - Janiform Head, Helmeted. — Uxentum, 220. Janiform Head, Female.—Rhe. gium, 381. Juno Moneta, Head of. — Paes- tum, 282. FC. Kantharos. –AEs Grave of C. Italy, 55; Tarentum, 164, 214 seqq.; 219 seq. Rantharos, with ivy.—Hadria, 42. Kantharos, amid stars.—Taren- tum, 215. Kantharos, amid dots.—Taren- tum, 214 seq. - . Kantharos, between serpents.- Croton, 348. - Kastor? — Neapolis, 117 seq.; Nuceria Alfaterna, 121. INDEX II. Kastor P leading two horses.— Suessa Aurunca, 123. R rater.—AEs Grave of Etruria, 20 seqq.; Uncert. AES Grave, 56. - Krathis, River.—Pandosia, 370. L. Laus River, Head of. — Taus, 237. Leukippos, Head of.--Metapon- tum, 238, 247, 263. Lion. — Uncert. of Campania, 129; Heraclea, 225 seq.; Paestum, 278; Velia, 304 seqq.; Rhegium, 380. - Lion, Head of.--Populouia, 8 ; Velia, 304. - Lion, Head of, holding sword.— TJr.cert. AEs Grave, 56. Lion, Scalp of.-Rhegium, 373, &c.; Terina, 394. Lion, Scalp of, between boars’ heads.-Cumae, 86. Tion, Forepart of —Velia, 316. Lion, holding lance.—Capua, 80; Mateolum P 141; Ve- nusia, 151, 153. - Lion, or Panther, holding staff. —Capua P84. Lion, or Panther, holding thyr- sos.—Capua P84. Lion, seizing stag.—Velia, 307 8éqq. Lion, devouring prey.—Velia, 311 seqq. : Lion and palm-tree.—Welia, 314. Lion, crowned by Nike.—Welia, 313. - TYPES. Locust, on ear of barley.—Me- tapontum, 239 seqq. Lyre.—Tuder, 32 seqq.; Capua, 84; Canusium, 135; We— nusia, 149; Thurium, 301; Vibo Valentia, 363; Rhe- gium, 377, 380, 383. M. Maeander-pattern.—Uncert. Æs Grave, 59. , Male Head, horned.—Metapon- tum, 246, 258, 262. Male Head, wearing pilos.-AES Grave of Etruria, 24; Tu- der, App. 391; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 52; Cumae, 90. Male Head, in Chimaira's P skin. —Uncert. of Etruria, 15. Male Head, crowned with reeds. —Consentia, 341. Male Figure, with palm. — Caelia, 134. • . Male Figure, seated.—Rhegium, 373 seqq. - - Male Figure, seated (Taras P).— Tarentum, 169. Male Figure, seated, within olive-wreath. — Tarentum, 169. - Male Figure, seated, with dis- taff.-Tarentum, 169 seqq. Male Figure, seated, with leky- thos and strigil. — Taren- tum, 170. Male Figure, seated, with pan- ther's cub.--Tarentum, 171. 413 Male Figure, holding running figure, with stag.--Caulo- nia, 334, &c. Male Figure, striking with branch.--Caulonia,338 seqq. Male Figure, with bird and ser- pent.—Rhegium, 381, 384. Marine Divinity.—Heraclea,234. Mask.-Metapontum, 261. Monota.-Tarentum, 217; He- raclea P 235. Muscle.—Cumae, 85 seqq.; Nea- polis, 96. Muscle, surrounded by dolphins. —Uncert. of Campania, 129. Muscle, out of which grows sea- plant.—Cumae, 85. N. Negro, Head of. — Uncert. of Etruria, 15. : - Nike. — Capua, 83 ; Asculum, 131 ; Caelia, 134; Rubi, 144; Brundisium, 155; Ta- rentum, 218; Hipponium, 358; Petelia, 372. - Nike, Head of—Lucani, 224; Metapontum, 256, 260; Paestum, 279; Bruttii, 321, 330 seqq. : Nike, Head of, within wreath.- Bruttii, 332. Nike Apteros.--Terina, 385. Nike, seated on vase.—Terina, 386 seqq. Nike, playing with balls.-Te- rina, 388. • Nike, at fountain.—Terina, 388. Nike, seated on meta-Terina, 392. 414 Nike, crowning trophy.—Capua, 81; Tarentum, 218; Bruttii, • 325 seqq. Nike, in Biga. See Biga. Nike, in Triga. See Triga. O. Oinochoe.—Uncert. AEs Grave, 59. - - Oinochoe, between helmet and cornucopiae.—Paestum,281. Olive, Spray of.-Rhegium, 376 Ség. Omphalos and Lyre.—Neapolis, 116. Owl.—Populonia, 5 ; Uncert. of Etruria, 13 seq.; Teate, 146 Ség. ; Tarentum, 201; Velia, 316 seqq.; Bruttii, 333; Wibo Valentia, 362. Owl, on ear of barley.—Meta- pontum, 263; Croton, 355. Owl, on olive-branch. — Rubi, 143; Venusia, 152; Taren- tum, 201; Heraclea, 230; Metapontum, 257; Velia, 305 seqq. Owl, on palm-branch. — Teate, 146 seq. - Owl, on thunderbolt.—Taren- tum, 202; Heraclea, 234. Owl, on anchor.—Tarentum,203. Owl, on bucranium.—Tarentum, 203. Owl, on barleycorn.—Heraclea, 230. Owl, on capital.—Teate, 146; Azetini,154; Tarentum, 202. Owl, holding serpent.—Taren- tum, 203. Venusia, 149, 151; INDEX II. P. Pallas.—Caelia, 134; Locri, 368. Pallas, Head of, in Athenian helmet. — Populonia, App. 396; Campani, 72; Capua, 84; Cumae, 86; Hyria, 91; Neapolis, 92 seqq ; Neapolis or Cumae, 104; Nola, 120 ; Caelia, 132; Teate, 147; • Hyria, 158; Tarentum, 201 segg., 219; Heraclea, 225 seqq.; Metapontum, 258; Sybaris, 286; Thurium, 287 &c.; Velia, 306 &c.; Rhe- gium, 382. Pallas, Head of, in Corinthian helmet. — Populonia, 5; Alba Fucentis, 44; Aqui- num, 44; App. 398 AF's Grave of C. Italy, 45, 47 seqq., 55; AEsernia, 68; Aquilonia, 68; Cosa, 69; Larinum, 70; Alliba P 73; Cales, 76 seqq.; Capua, 83; Cumae, 88; Neapolis, 95; Suessa Aurunca, 124; Tea- num, 127; Arpi, 131; Caelia, 133; Hyrium, 135; Luceria, 140; Mateolum ? 141; Rubi, 142 seq.; Rubi and Silvium ? 144; Teate, 146 seq.; Venusia, 150, 152; Azetini, 154; Butuntum, 157; Tarentum, 163, 203 seqq., 218; Uxentum, 220; Heraclea, 229 seqq.; Meta- pontum, 257, 259 seqq.; Paestum, 279; Thurium, 301; Copia, 303; Welia, 313, 318; Bruttii, 333 ; Croton, 355; Hipponium, TY PES, 358 ; Vibo Valentia, 362; - Locri, 367, seq. - Pallas, Head of, in Phrygian helmet. —Welia, 308, 311, Ségg. Pallas, Head of, between dol- phins.—Velia, 309. Pallas Nikephoros. – Rhegium, 382. Pallas Promachos. – Metapon- tum, 263. Pallas, at altar.—Heraclea, 233. Pallas or Bellona. See Bellona. Palm and wreath.—Paestum,279. Pan.—Pandosia, 370 seq. Pan, Head of—Salapia, 14.5; Metapontum, 264. Pandina-Hipponium, 359. Pandina, Head of.-Terina, 394. Pandosia, Head of. —Pandosia, 370. - Panther, holding staff or thyrsos. See Lion, holding staff or thyrsos. Parthenope P Head of. — Nea- polis, 94 seqq. Parthenope P Head of, sur- rounded by dolphins.—Nea- polis, 103. Pedum.—Uncert. AES Grave, 59. Pegasos.—Hadria, 42; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 51; Frentani, 69; Croton, 347; Locri, 367. - Pegasos, Forepart of.-Croton, 348. Pentagram.—Uncert. AES Grave, 59. - Persephone.—Metapontum, 263. Persephone, Head of. — Arpi, 130; Heraclea, 233; Meta- pontum, 248, 251, seqq.; 415 Paestum, 276, 279; Velia, 318; Bruttii, 332 seq.; Croton, 356; Locri. 367; Mesma, 369. Persephone, Head of, surrounded by dolphins.—Laus, 236. Persephone, enthroned.—Brut- tii, 368. - Big.—Paestum, 282. Pig, Sacrifice of. See Warriors sacrificing pig. Pistis. See Roma and Fides. Plain reverse. — Populonia, 1 seqq.; App. 396; Uncert. of Etruria, 12 seq.; Uncert. AEs Grave, 61. Plough.-Uncert. AEs Grave, 58; Heraclea, 230. Poseidon.—Poseidonia, 265, &c.; Sybaris, 285 ; Sybaris and Poseidonia, 287; Bruttii, 320. Poseidon, Head of. — Luceria, 141; Paestum, 274 seqq.; Welia, 317; Bruttii, 319. Poseidon, Head of, crowned by Nike. — Brundisium, 154 Séqq. Poseidon P Head of.-Alliba P 74; Teate, 147. Prow.—Ariminum, 25; Uncert. AEs Grave, 56; Barium, 132 ; Paestum, 278. Q. Quadriga of Zeus.-Atella, 74; Capua, 81. • Quiver and Arrow.—Heraclea P - 235. - Quiver, Club, and Bow.—Luce- ria, 140. 416 R. River god. See Aisaros, Krathis, Haus, Sarnos ? and Male Head crowned with reeds. Roma and Fides.—Docri, 365. Rudder.—Paestum, 279 seqq. Rudder and dolphin —Hyrium, 135. - S. Sacrificial implements. – AEs Grave of Etruria, 24. Sarnos? River, Head of.-Nu- ceria Alfaterna, 121. Scabbard.—Ariminum ? 29. Scarab.-Uncert. AEs Grave, 60. Sea-horse.—Populonia P 7 ; Un- cert. of Etruria, App. 397; Tarentum, 166 seq. Sea-horse, Forepart of.--Taren- - tum, 172, 219. Seilenos, Head of.-Tuder, 39; IHadria, 42; Metapontum, 262. Seilenos, Head of, joined to Boar's head.—Signia, 44. Seilenos, Mask of— Populonia, 8. - Selene, in Biga. See Biga. Serpent P—-Uncert. AEs Grave, 58. Shield.—Ariminum ? 26; Uncert. AEs 278. Shoe.—Hadria, 42; Westini, 43. Sibyl P Head of.--Cumae, 87 Séqq. - - Skylla. — Alliba P 73 seq.; Cumae, 90. Grave, 59 ; Paestum, TN DEX II. Skylla and muscle.—Cumae, 89. Sow.—Ingots, 63. Sow and pigs. – Tuder, 397. Spear-head. — Tuder, 33, 35 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 58, 60 ; Venusia, 149. Stag.—Caulonia, 337 seq. Stag and sapling. — Caulonia, App. 337 Ség. P2 & av } c Star.—Iguvium, 31 ; Lucería, 137, 139. Sword.—Ariminum ? 28. T. Table.—Tarentum, 213. Talaria, One of the.—Venusia, 151. Taras, Head of.-Tarentum, 167, 172. Taras, on dolphin.—Tarentum, 162, &c.; App. 400. Taras? on dolphin.—Teate, 147; Brundisium, 154 seqq.; Butuntum, 157. Taras, crowned by Nike.—Taren- tum, 193. Taras, with flower. (Apollo P)— Tarentum, 165. Telephos, with doe.—Capua, 83. Temple, Side of.-Paestum, 280. Temple of Bona Mens.—Paestum, 280. Temple of two storeys.-Paes- tum, 282. Terina, Head of.-Terina, 385. Terina, crowned by Nike.— Terina, 392. TYPES, Thunderbolt. — Asculum ? 41; AEs Grave of C. Italy, 45 seqq.; Capua, 83; Caelia, 134 ; Luceria, 137, 139; Tarentum, 164; Uncert. of ; Calabria, 223; Consentia, " 341; Croton, 356; Locri, 364, &c. Thunderbolt, Winged. — Rubi, 142; Thurium, 301; Wibo Valentia, 359 seq.; Locri, - 366 seq. - Thyrsos. –Luceria, 138. Thyrsos, Half-Luceria, 140. Tiberius P Head of.-Pastum, 282. Toad.—Tuder, 33, 35 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 57; Luceria, 138, 140 seq.; Venusia, 153. Tongs.-Iguvium, 30. Tongs and hammer. — Popu- lonia, 5 seqq. Torch, Cross pieces of.--Taren- tum, 214. Tortoise.—AEs Grave of C. Italy, 54; Uncert. AEs Grave, 58. Trident.—Uncert. of Etruria, 14; Ariminum, 25; Tuder, 33, 35; Uncert. AEs Grave, 57 seq.; Neapolis Apuliae, | 142; Paestum, 274,281 seq. Trident and dolphins.—Uncert. of Etruria, 14. Tridents and dolphins.—Ingots, 65. Triga of Nike.—Teanum Sidi- cinum, 125 seq. Tripod.—Neapolis, 113, 119 ; Thurium, 301; Velia, 318; Croton, 342 seqq.; Croton and Sybaris, 357; Rhegium, 379 seqq.; Temesa, 385. 417: Tripod, with serpents.--Croton, 342 seqq. Tripod, Apollo, and Python.— Croton, 353. - Triquetra of legs.- Uncert. AEs Grave, 57; Caulonia, 336. Trophy.—Caelia, 133; Heraclea, 233. V. Vase, One-handled. See Mo- nota. - Vase, Two-handled.—Tuder, 33, 35 ; Uncert. AEs Grave, 58. See also Amphora. Wine, Branch of.-Neapolis Apuliae, App. 399; Ser . 395. • 3 W. Warrior.—Aquilonia,68; Bruttii, 327 seq. Warrior, Head of.-Hyria, 158. Warriors sacrificing -- * tella, 74; Cap 34. Wheel.—AEs ... rºe ºf Fºrt, ºia, 16 seqq.; Iguvium, 30 : A's Grave of C. Italy, 53; Un- cert. Æs Grave, 57; Lu- ceria, 140; Tarentum, 165 Séqq. Wheel, Archaic.—Uncert. of Etruria, 12 ; AEs Grave of Etruria, 17, 18; Luceria, 137, 139. Wheel without spokes.—AEs Grave of Etruria, 17 seqq. 3 H 418 INDEX IT. Wheel enclosing dots.—Cumae, 89; Neapolis or Cumae, 104. Wolf–Paestum, 277, 279. Wolf, Head of.-Venusia, 148. Wreath of olive.—Tarentum, 217 seq. Z. Zeus.—Lucani, 224; Bruttii, 330; Locri, 369 ; Petelia, 371 seq. Zeus, Head of.-Atella, 74; Calatia, 75; Capua, 81 seq.; Arpi, 130; Barium, 132; Caelia, 134; Rubi, 143; Salapia, 144; Venusia, 150, 152; Tarentum, 160, 218; TJncert. of Calabria, 221; Lucani, 225; Metapontum, 249,264; Bruttii, 327 seqq.; F[ipponium, 358; Vibo Va- lentia, 359; Tocri, 364, &c.; Petelia, 371; Side or Sidis, 395. Zeus, Head of, within wreath, – Bruttii, 330. Zeus P Head of. – Uncert. Ttruria, 12. Zeus in Biga. Zeus in Quadriga. riga. Zeus Ammon, Head of.-Meta- pontum, 258. T}odomaios, Head of.- Larinum, 71; Teate, 145. Zeus and Hera, Heads of:- Capua, 81. of See Biga. See Quad- Zeus INDEX III. R. E M A. R. K. A B L E S Y M B O T. S. A. Acorn.—Laus, 235. AEgis.—Tarentum, 211; rium, 291. Anchor.—Tarentum, 180, 200; Bruttii, 322, 329. Annulets.-Populonia, 3; Meta- pontum, 242, 244; Croton, 348; Locri, 366. Ant.—Tarentum, 212 ; pontum, 251, 261. Antelope, Skull of — Croton, 350. Anvil.—Bruttii, 321, &c. Artemis P-Neapolis, 99 seqq.; Metapontum, 252; Bruttii, 330. Astragalos.-Neapolis, 99, &c. Thu- Meta- B. Bee.—Nuceria Alfaterna, 121 ; Tarentum, 180, 216; Brut- tii, 319 ; Vibo Valentia, 360, Bell.—Neapolis, 102. Bird, with spread wings.--Thu- rium, 288, &c. Bucranium, with one horn bent down.—Bruttii, 324 seqq. Bull.—Wibo Valentia, 361 seqq. C. Caduceus, filleted.—Welia, 315. Caduceus, handle formed of flower-stalk.—Neapolis,117. Capital of Meta.-Tarentum, 183, 199, 215. Centaur, on helmet of Pallas.— Welia, 311. Cock.-Cales, 78; Neapolis, 104; Tarentum, 180, 186. Crane or Stork.-Campani, 72; Neapolis, 95, 106; Teanum Sidicinum, 126; Caulonia, 334 seqq.; Croton, 343 seqq. Cray-fish.--Tarentum, 171; Wibo Valentia, 361. Crescent and Star.—Uncert. of Calabria, 223; Paestum, 278. Crescent between stars.-Popu- lonia, 5; Iguvium, 30; Nea- polis, 117. Crescents.-Consentia, 841; Cro- ton, 356. 420 Cuirass.-Neapolis, 105. Cuttle-fish.--Tarentum, 169; Poseidonia, 272 seq.; Cro- ton, 342. - D. INT) EX Diota,Two.—Tarentum,162,179. Diotae, surmounted by stars.— Tarentum, 160. Doe.—Tarentum, 176, 213. T}og.—-Metapontum, 248. Dog on serpent.—Cumae, 86. Dolphin in waves.—Thurium, 293. T}olphins, Two, above waves.— Thurium, 296. Dolphins and Tripod.—Thurium, 291. Dove.—Metapontum, 248, 264. - E. Eagle.—Tarentum, 191, 201. Eagle on thunderbolt.—Bruttii, 320. Eagle on caduceus.--Bruttii,320. Eagle on wreath.—Bruttii, 321. Blephant.—Neapolis, 105; Ta- rentum, 179, 183, 188, 211. F. Fawn.—Tarentum, 215. Female Head.—Tarentum, 189, 216. Fig.—Metapontum, 256. Fish, Tunny.—Paestum,276; Sy- baris, 286; Thurium, 287, &c. Helmet, III. Fishes, Two tunny.—Thurium, 290. Fly.—Neapolis, 110; Meta- pontum, 251, 261; Bruttii, 320 seqq.; Caulonia, 339. Fork, Agricultural,—Heraclea, 234; Metapontum, 252. G. Goat, Head of.-Uxentum, 221. Grapes, Bunch of, in wreath.- Neapolis, 110. Grasshopper. See Locust. Griffin.-Metapontum, 252. H. Hammer.—Bruttii,326,331,333. Harpa. — Metapontum, 262; Bruttii, 326, 329. Helios, Head of.-Neapolis, 106, 110. Phrygian.—Neapolis, 111. Heron. See Crane. Hexagram.—Bruttii, 326 seqq. Honeysuckle. — Metapontum, 249. - Horse, Head of.-Laus, 236. Eſorseman, on helmet of Pallas. —Welia, 312. I. Insect, Winged.—Metapontum, 245. |R. Kerberos.-Cumae, 87. REMAIRRAIBLE SYMBOLS. L. Laurel-branch.-Neapolis, 116; Tarentum, 215; Croton, 351, 355. Laurel-leaf.-Metapontum, 253, 255. - Lily?—Metapontum, 249. Lion.—Tarentum, 178, 198. Lion, Forepart of.-Neapolis, 105; Metapontum, 247. Tizard.—Metapontum, 240. Locust or Grasshopper.—Meta- pontum, 239 segg. ; Velia, 313. TMI. Mask.--Neapolis, 105; Taren- tum, 178. Mouse, Shrew.—Cumae, 86. Mouse, Field. — Metapontum, 254, 256. N. Nike.—Tarentum, 214; Meta- pontum, 251 ; Thurium, 290, 295; Vibo Valentia, 361. O. Olce P Mark of—Brundisium, 155. Olive-branch. — Azetini, 154; Poseidonia, 269 seqq.; Cro- ton, 349 seq.; Rhegium, 374 Ségg. Olive-leaf-Rhegium, 373, 377. Omphalos.-Rhegium, 378 seqq. 421 Owl.—Neapolis, 105, &c.; Nu- ceria Alfaterna, 121; Ta- rentum, 181, 204, &c.; Heraclea, 228 seq; Meta- pontum, 250; Velia, 304, &c.; Bruttii, 321, &c. carrying wreath.—Thu- rium, 290, 297. Owl, on helmet of Pallas.- Hyria, 91. Owl, P. Palladion. — Tarentum, Bruttii, 321. Pallas Promachos. – Neapolis, 106; Tarentum, 215. Palm.—Neapolis, 116; Paestum, 275; Locri, 367; Rhegium, 379. Palm, filleted.—Salapia, 145. Parsley, Leaves of.-Caulonia, 339 seq. Pegasos.—Thurium, 294. Pegasos, on helmet of Pallas.- Welia, 316. Pentagram.—AEsernia, 67; Ben- eventum, 68 ; Teanum Sidicinum, 126; Welia, 315; Bruttii, 321; Nuceria, 369. Pilos.-Pastum, 278; Thurium, 291. - Pistrix.-Cumae, 87; Poseidonia, 267. 178; Pistrix, Head of.-Poseidonia, 269 seq. Pomegranate. — Metapontum, 253, 256. Poplar-leaf-Teanum Sidicinum, 126. - Poppy—Metapontum, 244. Pyramid, inscribed. — Metapon- tum, 247. 422 TNT). EX III. Q. Quadriga.-Thurium, 295. Quadriga, on helmet of Pallas. —Welia, 312. Quadriga, on helmet of Leu- kippos.-Metapontum, 247. R. Ram, Head of.-Laus, 236 seg. ; Metapontum, 240. Reaping-hook.-AES Grave of C. Italy, 49. - Rhyton.—Tarentum, 199; Brut- tii, 321. Rose.—Tarentum,212; Heraclea, 230; Rhegium, 377. S. Satyr.—Metapontum, 252. Satyr, Head of.-Cumae, 86; Tarentum, 185. Sea-horse. — Tarentum, 195; Poseidonia, 285; Thurium, 295; Bruttii, 322. Serpent, Crested. — Neapolis, 116. Sescuncia, Marks of.-Asculum ? 40; Venusia, 153; Paes- tum, 277. Shrew-mouse. See Mouse. Sicilicus, Mark of—Brundisium, 155. - Silphion.—Metapontum, 255. Skylla, on helmet of Pallas.- Tarentum, 201, &c.; Hera- clea, 226, &c.; Thurium, 289, &c.; Hipponium, 358. Skylla, on helmet of Leukippos. —Metapontum, 238. Staff, ending in boar's head.— Vibo Valentia, 359, 361. Stag, Head of.-Laus, 236. Stars, Two. — Tarentum, 178, 188, 219; Uxentum, 220 ; Locri, 368. i Star-fish.-Cumae, 87. Stork. See Crane. Swans, Two.—Alliba P 73. T. Tablet.—Tarentum, 184. Term.—Tarentum, 174, 201, &c.; Metapontum, 260; Pando- sia, 370. Tongs.—Metapontum, 252. Triquetra of legs.—Suessa Au- runca, 123; Welia, 314 seq.; Terina, 393. W. Wine-branch.—Welia, 307, 312. W. Warrior, on helmet of Pallas.— Velia, 316. Wing. — Cales, 77; Neapolis, 107. Wolf, Head of. —Lucani, 224 Ség. Wreath. --Salapia, 144 seq.; Locri, 367; Rhegium, 378. INDEX IV. M A G T S T R A T E Sº N A. M. E. S. (See also Indea of Engravers' Names.) A ATA, Tarentum, 177, 186. Aſ AXIAAM, Heraclea, 231. AG)A, Heraclea, 229 ; Meta- pontum, 252 seq. AAE, Tarentum, 192; Heraclea, 230. AM1, Metapontum, 247. AOP, Tarentum, 175. ATH, Tarentum, 178; Meta- pontum, 247. ATIO, Metapontum, 254. ATIOA, Tarentum, 160, 164, &c.; Heraclea, 227. APEG)ON, Tarentum, 179. APIX, Heraclea, 229. AIXXO4)l, Thurium, 301. APIXTEIA, Tarentum, 182. APIXTIAX, Tarentum, 176. APIXTIC, Tarentum, 180. APIXTITI, Tarentum, 183. APIXTIQ, Tarentum, 188. APIX-TOKAHX, Tarentum, 189, Taren- APIXTOKPATHX, tum, 182, 201. APIXTON, Tarentum, 186. A AAT ENI, Salapia, 144. AAI OY, Arpi, 130; Salapia, 144. - - - AAMATPE, Salapia, 144. AAMOKPI, Tarentum, 182. AEINOKPATHX, Tarentum, 192. - AIO, Thurium, 294. E EYQA, Thurium, 290, 294, &c. EY4iP, Thurium, 290, 297, &c. I IAAO, Tarentum, 183, 201. IQſìYPION, Tarentum, 185. IQſ"YPOX, Tarentum, 180. 424 INDEX IV. H NIKOAAMOX, Tarentum, * 176. HPA, Thurium, 291, 294, &c. & Cº., Nikºpatrº tº H.H.PAKAHTOX, Tarentum, 185. H ITI TOA, Tarentum, 176. H. ixTIAPXOX, Tarentum, 202. K KAAAIKPATHX, Tarentum, 197. KAEON, Thurium, 302. KPITOX, Tarentum, 200. KYAIK, Tarentum, 161. /\ AEON, Tarentum, 178, 203. AYKINOX, Tarentum, 181. M MIA, Neapolis, 111. N NEYMHNIOX, Tarentum, 201. . NIKAP, Tarentum, 160, 162. NIKO, Pandosia, 371. NIKOTTAX, Tarentum, 195. EENEAX, Tarentum, 177. EENOKPATHX, Tarentum, 185. O OAYMT, I, Neapolis, 99. OAYMT, IX, Tarentum, 197. OPO, Neapolis, 114. OYIA, Neapolis, 103. T. IT/\OTIOY, Salapia, 144. ITO/\/\Q, Tarentum, 196. noax, Tarentum, 179, 181, &c. ITOYA/\l, Arpi, 130. TPOBOM, Suessa Aurunca, 125. IT POTTOM, Beneventum, 68. TTYAAO, Arpi, 131. ITY/\/\OY, Salapia, 144. TYAAY, Arpi, 131. X XA/\QN, Tarentum, 181. XHPAMBOX, Tarentum, 200. \, MAGISTRATES’ NAMEs. XQTENHX, Tarentum, 200. XOKANNAC, Tarentum, 201. XQKANNAX, Tarentum, App. 400. XOKPATHX, Tarentum, 178. XQXTPATOX,Tarentum,192. T TPQXANTIOx, Salapia, 145. q> ©IAHMENOX, Tarentum,173 425 (p1/\IAPXOX, Tarentum, 177. (pl/\IX, Tarentum, 191; Terina, 39L. (b1/\ICKOC, Tarentum, 185. ©1/\O, Heraclea, 231. (plåOKAHX, Tarentum, 179, 188. blackPA, Tarentum, 177, 180. (p1/\Q, Heraclea, 232. ©1/\ON, Tarentum, 187. ©1/\QTAX, Tarentum, 180 seq. . plNTIAX, Tarentum, 192. IN ID EX V. R, OMIA IN MA GISTRATES * N A IMIES. A AAC, Brundisium, 156. ^A{I., (See Corrigenda.) Pæs- tum, 277. GAR, Brundisium, 156. L.ARTV [II VIR], 280. Pæstum, B M.BIT, Brundisium, 156 seq. C C.COMIN [II VIR], Paestum, 280. CN.COR [PATRONvs], Pæstum, 280. D M.DOI [II VIR], Pæstum, 282. F D.FAD, Pæstum, 280 seq. L.FAQ, Pæstum, 279. L- C. LOLLI [II VIR], Pæstum, 282. M. MARCI, Pæstum, 280. O M.OCI [IIII VIR], Pæstum, 279. S L.sA, Pæstum, 279. -T .] QT ARPI ?, Pæstum, 282. CN.TEY, Pæstum, 278. Q.TRE [II VIR], Pæstum, 279. M.Tvc [PATRONvs], Pas- tum, 280. V. Q VA, Pæstum, 275 seqq. L.\E NE, Pæstum, 280. INDEX VI. E N G R A V E R S ' N A M E S. A APIXTOEE, Metapontum, 247. APTEMI, Neapolis, 99. T TNAOY, Neapolis, 105. A AlO4)ANOYX, Neapolis, 98. H HPA, Welia, 308. K - KAEYAQPOY, Welia, 311. KPATIHIXIITſiox, gium, 375. Rhe- M MOAOXXOX, Thurium, 292. T TIAPME, Neapolis, 101. TIO/\, Metapontum, 250. > XT1/\Y, Metapontum, 250. T TPO, Metapontum, 253. º © q'IAIXTIONOX, Velia, 312 - Ség. X -> xAPIAEo, Neapolis, 102, INDEX VII. REMARKABI,E INSCRIPTIONS AND LEGENDS. 1. Greek. AIXAPOX, Croton, 356. TPA, Uncert. of Calabria, 221. AIOX, Hipponium, 358; Locri, 366. EIPHNH, Locri, 364. EAEYOEP[IOX], tum, 249. Mzz7, Poseidonia, 267. TEYX, Locri, 364. KPAG)3M, Pandosia, 370. kOX, Consentia, 341. AEYKiſſiox, Metapontum, 238, 248. /\YKON, Croton, 356. METABO, Metapontum, 256. MAll EX, Oscan, Uncert., 127. NIKA, Lucani, 224; Metapon- tum, 256; Hipponium, 358. N%KA, Terina, 385. OBO/\OX, Metapontum, 259. OIAN, Uxentum, 220. Ol KIXTAX, Croton, 353, 355. ORRA, Hyria, 158. Metapon- HOMONOIA, Metapontum, 244. TAIAAXKAO (graffito), Rhe- gium, 374. TANAINA, Hipponium, 359; Terina, 394. ITANAOM%.A, Pandosia, 370. TTIXTIX, Locri, 365. T[ITAJNATAN TTEPI- TIO/\ON, Peripolium, App. 398. TiVXQEM, Siris and Pyxus, 283. PQMA, Locri, 365. XENXEP, Oscan, Uncert., 128. MEP, Ser ..., 395. XIAIN ON, Side or Sidis, 395. XTAO-PI, Tians, 237. | XOTEIPA, Hipponium, 358. XQTHPIA, Metapontum, 257. TEP%NA, TEPINA, Terina, 385, 392. - | H. YTIEIA, Metapontum, 245. IREMIAIREXA BILE INSCRIPTIONS AND I, EGENIDS. 429 2. Oscam and Etruscam. AOVÍ`ONI, Uncert. of Cam- pania, 129. ΠP. LE: E, Rubi, 148. Ji- gj, Uncert. of Etruria, 14. ,r1ar1CJ2124 , Volsinii ?, 11. DE, Oscam, Uncert., 128. OE SIVE, Uncert. of Etruria, App. 397. 1 DNQ I, Oseam, Uncert., 127. <11$1>INNN, Aurunca, 75. ' a 2 2 O I 2 ^1 , Uneert. of Etruria, 13. � et VOV. CANON^ LEI, Hipponium, 357. V�V