. * . .: . jest MUSIC 1 ----- MT 50 .T76 ! . . . A 1,083,295 Á . - . HEORY OF MUSIC AND HARMONY y . . James M. Tracp. PI . ' .. . " . . , - . . · . . . Pullillllll .... 1817 7 MOTORITATILE SCIENTIA ARTES < imi IT- LIBRARY VERITAS OF THE VERSITY OF MICHIGANT MINISTRUTTUMTUMI ORTOU UNUR ------ SE PLURIBUS ---- : . MILIISIUNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ITTITUTIMITTITiitlittiin murtunumuriimminwind Nr. UTAN -- TCEBOR WMN SABORE - - ------ SI QUÆRIS.PL RIS.PENINSULAMAMA AMENAMN . UV CIRCUM SAS CUMSPICE SEE Se 1 TWISTULUULUISUZDU 1UIDICULUVUUDUMIW.VIII .. M សមាហរណm kami I NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFA STUS! MIMINIMIIMTIMINTIRIS ... Podsabomoabombi Li TIMISTITUITIIEITTITTAMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT: W MYYNTIHIUTATIVIITTYWATUNUTTUM INVM THE GIFT OF LIMITIL PUBLIULUNUL oreil. Trosti Theodoret. - Music МТ Бо Trt, THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. BY JAMES M. TRACY, A. M. TEACHER AT TUB Bostox CONSERVATORY OY MUHIC. WHITE, SMITH & CO Copyrighted, 1878 MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO THE 2 President and faculty of Penteronth lattge, LY BY THE AUTHOR, This work is designed for all students and others who wish to beu some thoroughly acquainted with the numerous signs and characters used in Wi'iting music. It also gives the various forms and sizes of in- tortals, together with their appropriato names; the movement of the Tort voices or paits, the different divisions of time, the farions kinds of chords with their inversionis and relation to each otlier, and arrangement into fundamental harmonies. It also contains a large nurrber of practical exampfes in writing harmony correctly, intro- ducing all the intervals and chords as used by the best composers of modern tiines. It is confidently believed this little work will prove a most valuable aid to all who are in pursuit of accurate musical knowledge, emiliracing as it does, ererything necessary to be understood by first-class teachers and amateurs. The author's practical experience in this branch of 1:usical education is sufficient evidence of liis ability to issue a work which will be found useful, practical, and reliable. Hoping that all those who study these pages will not be disappointed in good results is the earnest trish of the author. Boston: Gould, dusic Pr., 18 r. 0. Squaro. supt HEODORE LOUIS TROST 7.17.30 CHAPTER 1 MUSICAL SOUND AND MUSICAL ART. IN order to understand this subject thoroughly we must begin by stat. ing the difference between general and musical sound, for they must be separated. Sound comprises everything which is perceptible to our sense of hearing or everything hearable. Sound is produced on our ear by oscillation, or vibrating motion of air, or any other intermediate body which is perceiver by our auditory nerves. MUSICAL SOUNDS are produced by a regular number of vibrations, fast or slow: if slow, the tone is low; if quick, the tone is high. The ear nught to be able to distinguish between slow and quick vibrations, (high or dow tones,) otherwise there can be but little use for a person to study mua sic. A musical sound of some definite pitch is called a tone. Sound is a hearable action of a vibrating body. A musical sound is a sound of perceptible determinable pitch. A tone is a sound of known pitch, either high or low. Unmusioal sounds are those which do not have Bregular well defined number of vibrations. They are mixed or confused, of unknown pitch, and toneless - such sounds are termed noises. The string of a violin, piano, or guitar can be seen when vibrating, but the stroke of a bell or common drum-head is produced in a different manner, and cannot be so readily seen. Elastic bodies are employed for musical instruments, as bell metal, steel ror tuning-forks and piano wire, cat-gut for violins and guitars, glass for bells, &c. ;. . . . On wind instruments it is the column of air within that vibrates and not the instrument itself; the length and breadth regulates the pitch, high or low THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. CHAPTER II. ON TONES THERE are two ways of producing musical tones: one by the human voice, and the other by inanimate musical instruments. Music produced by an inanimate instrument is called instrumental music. Vocal music, or music produced by voices, is called human music. The inventive musical art is the talent of being able to combine musical ideas and put them in form so as to produce a perfect musical composition. The executive mu- sical art consists in the power and ability of rendering a piece of music properly after it has been composed, whether yocal or instrumental. The theory of musical composition teaches us how to put tones grammatically together in order to form a piece of music according to the laws of beauty, it also treats of signs and characters used in writing music. . CHAPTER III. MUSICAL TONES AND PITCH. MUSICAL ART embraces the entire compass of all perceptible tones, and the realm of these tones is unlimited in number and variety. In musical composition we can only make use of such tones as our ear is capable of distinguishing as being high or low. The human ear can only recognize those vibrations as sound which are neither too slow nor too quick. That is to say, beyond a given heighth or depth the ear cannot comprehend dis- tances. It requires about thirty-two vibrations a second to make a musical highest tone is nine octaves above this, and consists of several thousand vibrations in a second. The pitch of tones is the distance between any one tone and another, whether high or low. The easiest way of furnishing a clear illustration is by the keys of a pianoforte. It will be perceived that the keys are divided by white and black, the object of which will be ex- plained hereafter. " CHAPTER IV. NAMES OF TONES. As a means of naming the different tones it is usual to employ seven let- ters of the alphabct, C. D. E. F. G. A. B. These seven letters taken tow gether constitute what is called an octave, and, as before stated, there can · THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 2 be only nine octaves recognizable in music. Now, from C. to C. again is an octave; or, from D. to D., E, to E., F. to F., is the same. The black keys, situated between the white ones, are secondary, and will be treated of in their proper place. The distance between one white key and another, above or below, is calld a tone, or step. It will be seen that every white key has a letter of Its own, but the black keys have none; they borrow their names from the white keys, either above or below, as the case may be. We will designate all white keys as natural, or independent, in contradistinction to the black, which are chromatic. Chromatic means colored, and in this work has ref- erence to the black keys. The Greeks used to write their chromatic signs with different colored ink (hence color to represent different keys, &c.) To simply write the seven letters of the musical alphabet without ary other symbol or sign to designate their location, position, or pitch wouin leave us entirely in the dark regarding distance or pitch, and as a ineans to obviate this difficulty a linear system or staff has been furnished upon which to place the notes, and thus the exact pitch of any note can be reacl- ily ascertained or deterinined. For this purpose five lines are written, thus: Fig. 1. STAFF. Every position between a line or space is called a degree. A note placeil in a higher or lower position is said to be higher or lower in pitch; but to understand exactly where the true pitch is, it is necessary to have a fixed location or position for each letter, and usage has introduced other signs for this purpose called clefs. This character or sign is called a G clef, and it is placed on the second la líne, thus: " Fig. 2. With this line fixed as the clef line it is easy to ascertain y where the oth- er letters must be placed. - - Fig. 3. Fig. 4. DF B- * 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 The first line is named E, second G, third B, fourth D, fifth T. The dis- tance between the lines are called spaces, and are named F, A, C, E; or, taking all the lines and spaces together they form all the letters of the mu- THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fig. 5. _ EDO BIGE E- related . Ema A-BODEF in the example given above, other lines and spaces are used called added lines or added spaces. They are written both above and below the regular staff, thus:- 17 mp B . Fig. 7. A - - - 12 23-56- The above series of letters must be thoroughly learned and committed to memory, otherwise it will be useless to proceed further. No one can learn to read vocal or instrumental music with facility without first thoroughly committing to memory all the rudimental signs, and especially the letters. Having learned all the letters and tones of the : G clef, which represents the higher tones of music, we now come to the Bass cleff, which rep- resents the lower tones. thus:- Fig. 8. Ā :-F- This cleff is called the F. or bass cleff, and is used for the lowest notes or tones, bass voices or instruments. The fourth line is the cleff line: - · Fig. 9. Fig. 10. A- Ge- THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMOŅY. To more clearly indicate the clef line a dot is placed on each side of the fourth line. Added lines and spaces to any number can be placed above and below the bass staff, thus:- -B- Fiy, 11. . Ġ- Fig. 12. .. - - - -E- -o- 2A-T = To facilitate reading music when it runs very high it is usual to place 8va --- above the notes, meaning an octave higher than written, instead of having too many added lines, as the lines confuse the eye. When mu- sic runs very low, we write 8 va --- below the notes, which means an or tave lower than written. Examples will be given further on. There is another clef which is used quite frequently, it is called the Tenor, or C clef; and is made thus: Het or, sometimes thus: tatt This clef is a very useful one, because it Het is movable, and for RIF this reason is particularly well adapied in writing music for the various instru- ments of the orchestra. fourth line is the chef line. A- The __ 2 3 4 5 Fig. 14. Fig. 15, IANO DE T 1 2 3 4 5 6 : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 To understand thoroughly this clef we will place it in the various posi- tions where it is most frequently found:- 8 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . Fig. 17. Fig. 16. Hallo-I AGF-ID-CB-ad tista . BOD GA Ban 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 Fig. 18. Fig. 19. --I IGMA DIGA Bm Fig. 20. IMI wa - T -F- = = i In example 16 the fifth line is the clef line. Ex. 18, with the clef on the third line. Ex. 19, with the clef on the second. Ex. 20, with the clef placed on the lowest line. From the foregoing examples it will be seen that the c clef is very useful, and students should study all the positions thoroughly. If, as is frequently the case, a piece of music runs very high or very low, it may with propriety be changed, as in the following example:-- Fig. 21. The two C's, one on the added line above with the bass clef, and the other on the added line below with the G clef, represent one and the same tone. This C is called middle C, because it is situated midway between the higher and lower parts of the musical scale. The three clefs showing the true position of all the letters on them when embraced together:- THEORY AND RIDIMENTAL HARMONY. C. DVIG-BODHG AB-C- - GA BINDEFG A B Co. G I C D- E TG IBCDEFGAB -C- CHAPTER V. DURATION OF VOTES AND RESTS. How long or short is to be the duration of a tone is shown in part by the characters called notes. There are two ways of showing the duration of tones, one, by the particular form called notes, and the other, by figures placed at the beginning of every piece of music. Here follows the present note form; it will be seen that we have discarded the ancient names of notes, because we like the modern plain English best:- (1) O A whole note. (2) P A half note. (6) A thirty-second note. (3) A quarter no (7) A sixty-fourth note. (4) An eighth note. It will be seen there are seven different notes. o The whole note is a round, open note. p The half note is the same, with a sten. The quarter note is a black dot with stem. The eighth note is a black dot with stem and one hook. 0 TIT THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. The sixteenth note is a black dot with stem and two nooks, The thirty-second is a black dot with stem and three hooks The sixty-fourth is a black dot with stem and four books. A whole note equals two half notes, or four quarters, or eight eighths, or sixteen sixteenths, or thirty-two thirty-seconds. . A Q g AS BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB382333333333333 A note may be increased (lengthened) one half by the use of a dot place after it, thus:- D equals equals d. equals dd A di equals d . equals · equals - THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. A second dot after the first adds one-half the value of the first dot:-- 7.. equals del ] equals l .. equals d.. equals don ' I equals FORMS OF NOTES AND RESTS. Toe different forms of notes, or signs of tones, have different forms cor- responding to them, called rcsts, pauses, or marks of silence. A whole note rest, or mark of silence, is indicated-thus: a bar placed under the fourth line. . A half note rest is placed above the third line, and is made tlus: A quarter note rest is made with a hook turning to the right, thius: . An eighth, the hook turns to the left, thus: A sixteenth has two hooks turning to the left: A thirty-second has three hooks: A sixty-fourth has four hooks: Another kind of quarter note rest now in frequent use is made like an inverted seven, thus: " THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. A rest can be prolonged by a dot in the same manner as notes, and the result is the same: Or, a bar is placed thus in the music staff to show or indi- cate a measure, as music must be regularly divided into measures for the purpose of indicating time. The distance between the bars is called a measure: Double bars indicate the end of a phrase or of the piece: THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. CHAPTER VI. . DISTANCE OF TONES, INTERVALS, &c. Thus far we have acquired a knowledge of notes or tones, their names, and the manner in which they are written, that is, every tone has appearel by itself; we will now examine them in their natural relation to each other, when situated one above another. Two tones of liké elevation is called a unison. Ai Two tones not exactly alike in point of pitch, but situat- ed at the distance of a tone higher, or tone low- er, is u On called an interval. The name of every interval, higher or lower, depends on the distance between the tones. A note which stands one place higher on the staff, one line or one space higher, is one degree distant from its thus: A The first or lowest note is called a prime, and the sec- ond a tone or second. The Interval between the two is the called a degree, step; 0. sec- ond. For perfect uniform- ity we will hereafter use the terms whole tone and semitone to represent distances between any two notes of a higher or lower degree. III Hof th ot LA (A.) Interval of a third, or two tones; (B.) interval of a fourth; (C.) interval of a fifth; (D., interval of a sixth; (E.) interval of a seventh; (F) interval of an eighth, or octave. We can go still further, by using ninths, tenths, elevenths, and thirteenths, but beyond this it is unnecessary to go, and rarely beyond the ninth (G). After the eighth, or octave, has been completed, it is usual to call the ninth a second, and the tenth a third, and so on. As previously stated the musical alphabet is composed of secen letters, but to complete the octave the first letter has to be repeated, thus: Intervals are always reck- oned from below, upwards. It will be remembered in our treatment of intervals, thus far, we have only spoken of Fig. 22. DEIGIDO THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. the white keys of a piano, or the so called natural tones of a scale. The black keys of a piano represent no distinct letters or tones of their own, but an accessory to the white keyg' (principal tones), showing whether a tone is large or small, whole' tone or semitone By these accessory tones (black keys) we are enabled to measure the exact magnitude of every intéra: val, small or great. We find by this arrangement that there are two differa ent species of seconds, large and small, or major and minor. Beforeo proceeding further with intervals we must first learn that are termed chromatic signs: they are a sharp is a flat , and a natural bl. The sharpis a sign of elevation, showing that the ngte is made a semitone higher when the sharp is placed before it, thus fa T II: The sharp before the F raises the pitch a semitone to cet higher, which is represented by the black key I I between F and G, and the sharp before the C raises the pitch a semitone higlier', represented by black icey between C and D. The seven notes (letters) of the scale can all be sharpened, raised, or elevated by this sign : Fig. 23. نتعلتتتتتننننسس - the Lalike manner all the keys (letters) can be flatted. This sign (k) shows the note is lowered or depressed a semitone when placed be. A m i fore it. The flat before A shows that the black key be- th-by- tween A and G is to be used, and the flat before E, that I the black key between E and D is used. Fig. 24. to bo bobo سنسنلبمسلسعععسعسمسمنلححسسه The natural is used to cancel the effect of a sharp or flat. A double sharp X, a double flat b2; cancelling sign for a double sharp bi#, and cancelling sign for a double flat 62. The same black key may represent at one time asharp, and at another, a flat. : THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONI. 15 Fig. 25 VIEW OF THE KEY-BUARD OF A SEVEN-OCTAVE PLANOFORTE. itses V ABCDEFGA LCD TGA Bodega b c d e f g a b c d e f za b'c d e f g a b c dc ollll Smallll. 11110 BABS PART. . TREBLE PART. It will be seen or remembered that the key board of a piano is divided into groups of eight white and five black keys, thus:-- odepg MIRI 4BCDEFGA BODEGAB This key.board embracce sever, octaras, viz: from. A. to a THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL ÉARMONY. . This key-board einbraces seven octaves, viz: from A to a. Between B and C, and E and F, there is no intermediate or blaclä key, and there- fore the difference between these letters is only a semitone, according to the following chart Fig. 27. - - - G - whole tone large, scmitone, large, large, or whole step. whole, half step, wole, whole, znajor, major, minor, major, major, B - C- large, small. whole, semitone. major, minor: 1 1 Fig. 26. ** A halfi half. Con beya 8 The lines under the A means the large A twice marked; and the lines (marks. will enable us to definitely fix any letter found in the musical al- phabet. By referring to the key-board the exact location of the different octaves (each octave) will readily be found. CHAPTER VII. THE SCALE. THE seven tones (letters), c, d, e, f, g; a, bc, form what is called a scale, and are reckoned from the lowest (tonic) upwards, by counting the lowest tone as one, second two, third three, and so on to the end of the octave. Each individual tone has a distinct name of its own. Thus: the first tone THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. is called the tonic; the next above, second, or super tonic; third degree, the mediant; fourth degree, the sub-dominant; fifth degree, dominant; sixth degree, the sub-mediant; 'seventh degree, sub-semitone or leading note; cightli degree, the octáve: All tones which do not belong to this key (scale) are said to be foreigii'to the scale, and therefore we call these the natural or appropriate' tones of the scăle;' tonés belonging to this scale." There are two keys (scales) connected with each letter: major and minor. Every major scale contains five whole tones and two semitones, according to the following forin :- whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half. d e f g a b c major, major; minor, major, major, major, minor. semitova. Fig. 28. semnitoue. do rae me fa sol la see do see : la sol fa nie rae do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ē Īē 7.5ā ūc ū ã ã 7ē di The degree from one to two is a step; from two to three, a step; from. three to four, a half step; from four to five, a step; from five to six, a step; from six to seven, a step; from seven to éight, a half step, It will be seen that there are five, whole.steps. (tones) and two half steps (şemitones) in the . completion of this scale. The half steps occur between e and f, b and c, all.the others being whole steps. This is called the major diatonic scale of C', all other major scales must be constructed after the plan of this scale, and for this reason is often called the model scale, because the others are inodelled after it, but only in respect to the intervals are the scales alike. It will be seen that we have given peculiar (fixed) names to those letters which make up the major kej (scale) of C, and so long as they remain un- changed by toñes forcijn to this scale, so long it must, continue in this key or scale. The letters c, d, e, f, g, a b, constitute what is termed a natural series of tones (white keys), and is therefore called a natural scale. If we introduce ariy tone which is foreign to this pecüliar key, the scale or key is said to be transposed; because the introduction of this foreign tone dis- places the natural series of degrees" (tones) 'already established. Other 18 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . major scales can be constructed with our system of notation, but they are : copies of the C scale placed on other degrees of the staff. As this system is particularly adjusted to the major scale of C, we cannot make any change without introducing some additional element not as yet brought in- to practical use. If music were all written in one key, there would soon cease to be any charm in it; and for this reason, to give a greater variety, characters called chromatic signs (sharps, flats, and naturals) have been introduced (employed). CHAPTÉR VİII. - TRANSPOSED SCALES. We will take G as the first or tonic of a new key, but on an examinatioti of the tone series we find they do not correspond with our model scale C:- g a b d e f lu major, major, minor, major, major, miuor, major. It will be scen that the interval between E and F is minor (semitone), and that according to our model scale C, the interval should be major, and that the interval between F and G is major when it should be minor la semin tone). This difficulty can be easily overcome (obviated) by introducing a sharp before the F; for, as the sharp elevates or raises the pitch a half step or semitone, the F is sung or played on the black key at the right of it, making it a semitone higher in pitch, and therefore adjusts the intervals 80 they correspond to those in the scale of C: Fig. 29. HI Nilo alf half- a . b c 2 3 4 dorae me fa sol la see do This scale is an exact copy of the C scale in respect to intervals, but it differs in position (pitch), being a fifth higher than C. The changing of." THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 19 the scale from C to G is called transposition. We will give examples of all the transpositions by sharps, or transposition by fifths. G is a fifth higher in pitch than C. A fifth from G would be D, and D will be the next transposition:- Fig. 30. soeo de . half half e . fig c d . 2 i 3 4 7 8 do rae me fa sol a see do Note. When a letter has been once sbarped like F, in transposing the scale, it is usual and more convenient to place the sharp on the fi, lh line, at the beginning instead of before the note, in the course of the music. Hereafter we will follow this rule. A is a fifth higher than D, and in order to have the intervals come in their proper places three sharps are required: A # at Fig. 31, 1 os -halt- half. 2 6 7 8 do rae me fa sol la see do These sharps are placed on f, c, and g. In the above, the first two sharps are placed on the fifth line and third space of the cleff. E is a fifth higher than A, and is the fourth transposition from C:- # # Fig. 32. ta --- lialf- 2 3 4 6 7 8 doraeme fa sol sol l a see do B is a fifth higher than E, and requires five sharps, namely: fi, , Fig. 33. ho t or do they do 1 rae me 2 3 fa 4 sol 5 la 6 see do ✓ 8 20 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. F sharp is a fifth higher than B. It will be remembered that the inter- val between E and F is only a semitone, and consequently. E sharp becomes : the same as F natural, or, the white key of F represents E sharp in its.elem. vated position, thus:- Fig. 34. hall. ho 12160p Do not leto -half- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 do rae me fal sol la see do C sharp is a fifth higher than F sharp, and requires all the letters to be sharped:- Fig. 35. half. half. tro 22 Dci' de fi 1" 2 3 41 5" 6" 7" 8" do rae me fa sol la - see: do.. The scale can be further transposed by sharps, þut as there is an easier way, less chromatic, we will carry it no further. i . The rule for finding the key note by sharps, is the next letter above the lust letter sharped, or a fifth higher than the last key note. We will now proceed to transpose the scale by fourths. . The reason for this will be obvious enough as we progress with our subject. The fourth :- from C is F:- .. Fig. 36. .. . . .. ***** half. .. ... ... ; . half. - hoo- obo eo • f g bb c . d e f 1 Ž 3 4 5 6 , 8 doraeme fasolla see do The reason for placing the flat before B is to make the interval from three to four a half step (semitone), without this flat, the interval would be a whole step. It will be remembered that a flat placed before a note lowers or depresses it a semitone (half step), that B is no longer represented by the white key, but by the black key immediately at the left of it. In like man- THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. ner we transpose all the keys by fourths, &c. From F to B flat is a fourth : Fig. 37.“ .."; half. - -- .. half. -a- प . Co 7 8 : 3 b c d ek. f . 8. a. bk 1 2 3 4 5 do: rae , me fa sol la. see do A flat once introduced continues in force through all the subsequent keys. From B flat to E flat is a fourth...E is the third letter flatted:- Fig. 38. **: half. ---- ... half. Ꭰ abea 1. gak bb 3 4 5 do rae; ' me fa sol Fourth transposition by flats. A flat:.. Fig. 9. . . " balf.: d eh 7 8 see do . Lalf. o ovo el a ak .bb ..C.dk 1 2 3 4 dow'räeme fa Fifth transposition by flats. D flat:- Fig. 40. half. 5 sol ỹ sce 8 do half. a 2 "..e . f gk ab ak bb 6 la - rae sol "me få Sixth transposition by filats. G flat: - . fig. 41. .' half. half. 70%-25- O o Scale in G fiat. 22 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. If there are any more transpositions to take place it is better to return to some of the sharp keys, as it is less work and facilitates reading. In finding the key note in transpositions by flats, look a fourth below the last flat; or, it may be found on the last flat but one. C major. -half- - half- G major. - Ni boco half- lialf- Jo h 4 U D major. half- alf- ashto ES) er as major. - W alf- # DQ | os Ft model E major, 1 half HA . 900 B major. NILA -half- half--- ort LOCO # # THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY, . 23 F sharp major. half alf # # C sharp major. I tha_to_12 Il -alf iala Stand | QQ F major. 10 o obom half notre a 3 half bé .4 B flat major. 2.Po o oberoe half- half- 0.00 à b2 7 8 3 4 E fat major. -ola halt half de 7 8 A fat major. half- e 5 OWN o THEORY AND KUDIMENTAL CARMONI. D fiat major. طواب -all- 21:11 빨 ​얌 ​뺨 ​먕 ​양 ​일 ​양 ​G flat major. - - M - - i à ß in 2 be 3 bile ole idle 2 ole ole . 2000 1 4 5 CHAPTER X. MINOR SCALES. If we examine the major scales it will be ascertained there are twelve in all. Now there is another scale closely connected with every major scale, but having an entirely different order of intervals; it possesses the saine signature, but begins with a different letter. This scale is called minor. The ininor scale belonging to the C maj r scale is placed on A, or a minor third below the C. It' is known ör indicated by having a sharp placed before the G. The following is the ordę of the letters, a, b, c, d, e, f, a; or, Fig. 42. - 0 lialf- --aug- half----- -ialr a un- b c . , . e. f 2 3 sec do rae me fa see lit , An exainination of the intervals will disclose three whole tones, three half tones, and what we shall term an augmented tone. An augmented · tone consists of a whole tone and a semitone, and is represented by the ill- 'terval between f and g sharp. The following is the order of intervals : from one to two, is a whole tone; two to three, a seritone; three to four, 2 whole tone; four to five, a whole toue; five to six, a semitone, six ta THEORY ACID RUDIICNTAL UANZIONY. seven, an angmented tone; and seven to 'cight, a semitone. Like the muajor. scale of this a minor is the model for all the other minor scales. Perlaps the following diagrain will make this minor scale more intelligi- 1;lo:- A : B ef whole tonc. scmitonic. whole. whole. ' semitona. ungmented. semitone. We will now give the transposition of the twelve minor scales: . Il. 43. -To- e half. ft , a uum. alhalf. c lialf. b. C 5 6 ' ine fa . 2". 11 7 17: 8 lal see: do . r:le see la The interval from e.to f sharp, whɔle tone; f sha:p to , semitone; g to a, whole toue; a to b, whole toue; b toc, semicone; c to d shari, augmented tone; d sharp to e, semitoue. Şecond transposition of the ininor scale by shards, B:- Tix. 4t. - half. auguzicuted. Da!r. li. : Cd. a # b 8 see do le me fa sce sce Third transposition, F sharp:-- Tig. 43. a '.1:21f. . half. . aug. !!:ur c Nog 26 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fourth transposition, C sharp. Fig. 46. hall. 11:1!f. hair. ão a --- f croa an *Fifth transposition, G sharp- too Wau ialf- -half lill--- a b fx gt 5" 6 2 3 . . Sixth transposition, D sharp. ,,Fig. 48. - -- casoo lialr. luur. # Xt liall. cxa 8" x ܕܬܩܝ 5* 6 MINOR SCALES ON RASS CLEF BY SHARPS. This scale consists of three major seconds, three minor seconds, and . an augmented second. A minor, half aug.* half- -- b C 2 3 se do rae * From f to g sharp is an augmented second. E minor. alf- e f 5 6 , me fa a see aug. key-uote. ma half. ъс Ellos be to ous lia!l. die 7 S THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. B minor. -half- lail- aug- half- بعد artta asio I sharp minor. ooo half lialfang. lall 1 . нь B1 3 a H - 4 5" 6 C sharp rinor. halls - lialf i ng half- Ich G sharp minor. half halfang. de 5 6 Bull fx g# 7 . 8" · P is twice slurped, or double sharped. D sbarp minor. A ooo lialr aug. half F cus 28 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. That the minor scales may be thoroughly understood, we present some examples in the Melodic form. A minor. . . . . @ la -half- b C see do rae A miuor. D lalt lalt- ono see la E minor. ^ half. . Wer 2009 D minor. half. e: f - 1-...----2- 3- i.d., 8 . ico 1 2011111 lala alt... Co my THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. The scale illustrated on page 28 (melodic form) consists of five major seconds and two minor seconds, the minor seconds occurrir.g between two and three, and seven and eight. " This-scale is changed in the descending form, inasmuch as the seventh and sixth are flatted, or made natural. A minor. d etali- d . c b . a Ś 4 : 8 2 1 see fa me rae : do. see la We shall not transpose this form of the minor scale any further, but the intelligent teacher will assist his pupils in doing 80, should it be thought advisable. We will now take up the Harmonic form of the mi- nor scale by flats. This scale is sung and played the same in ascending and descending. . Dininor. --- M liall. half. half. 2 3 6 G minor. LD ANO alfa half a b2 2 3 half el. snoo nor. baf balfot... f . "C ...d eb C . 37. .. : . 1.7 8 From c to d, whole tone; d to eb, semitone; e), to f, whole; f to 8, whole; g to ab, semitone; ak to bf, augmented; bly to c, sémitone. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. F minor. No alf- half- gak 2 3 c de 5 6 1. 4 Bk minor. ão half. cdk. ek half. augwented. f gk a half. b E minor. Aaee half- a OS Wos MINOR SCALES OX BASS CLEF BY FLATS. D minor. - all- -hali- a b 2 . half- Chod. From b flat to sharp is an augmented sccond. G minor. 1 half, aug. half laulf a be 2 .3 . del TIEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. C minor. .. INI liali -half--aug- gal half- by C. 7? 8 F minor. ) - - half half half, ang Cd 2 5 6 B flat minor. lialf- lialf -Hug h alf- 2 3 E flat minor. دوس half. aug. halt. One more scale, the Chromatic Scale, (colored) completes the series of scales. This scale is constructed by a series of semitones, thus ; oooooooooo Beth d d e f f g. &#a - In the descending Chromatic Scale, flats are used. a b c ale apo o bombo c b bh a ak g g2 f .ek d dh c THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. A musical circle representing all the major diatonic keys: - .,.. Fig. 576 B sharp is the same as C. e . This same circle can repre. sent the transpositions by . O flats as well as. -by-sharps, and also the minor transpo 51 F#sitions. : As we stated in a previ ç! nous chapter the excessive transposed keys can bebel... ! "avoided l;y the usc of others in simpler form. Tor in stance, seven sharps can be written with five flats, the ema individual tones being repre- sented by exactly the same keys. Six Nats and six,shazps also representi the same series of individual tones... We will now give a table showing the dear relationship of some of the keys to one another: c d e f g a b c F . g a b flat c d e f c d e f g a b c G a b c d e fsharp ģ Between C sharp and C there is no characteristic connection, they being diumetrically opposed to each other C . d e . f g b . C . C sharp d sharp e sharp . f shaip g sharp a sharp · b sharpc sharp. An examination will show there is an entire different order of tones. There is also a close relationship between some of the major and minot keys as the following table will show:--- & b c d e f g sharp. .. C d : e f g a b c . c d e flat f. & a flat b.flat c. . O d e f g a b c e fsharp ģ b b c d sharp e - If we wish to write a piece of music in a transposed key, we are accos- tomed to write the requisite number of transposition signs at the begin- ning, to save trouble in prefixing, a sharp. or flat to each individual note: w which is to be effected by such a sign as it accurs along the piece. One or . more such. signs thus placed at the beginning. is called a signature, . Here follow the different signatures in THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. WE Bass signatu ires. ) 11 E TF1 C# F Bb Ер Ар Db Gb 雪莲臻霆骚辈遊路 ​Đább chnikbh PV- bo - We have treated this subject - transposition of scales ---thus elaborate- ly because it is one of the great stumbling-blocks of nearly all our students in inusic; without a full understanding of this part of our subject we might as well stop study and close our book in despair. We advise all students to make it a point to write out all the scales in standing of the subject. CHAPTER XI. DESIGNATION OF TIME. sesses in a relative point of view, but not in a positive or absolute sense; they nerely tell how many times longer or shorter one tone is than an- other, but not how long a tone is in itself -- this is indicated by other signs which we will now proceed to explain. The term teinpo relates to the mythmical movement, and was formerly adjusted by technical terms: alle- Gró, iindante, adario, and inany othare, but these terms are very uncertain and variable, causing the necessity of a more sure scale for ineasurement THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. of time. A machine called Maelzels Metronome has been invented, which indicates the time exactly, whether slow or fast. By means of an adjusti- ble slide on a penduliun, the time can be regulated faster or slower as the tempo may require. As a substitute for the Metronome a threaci pendu- lum can be used, which any one can inake by attaching a common leack for the weight. If a piece of inusic is añarked 50 quarters, the pondulur must be 56 inches long. If 60 quarters is indicated the penduluin must be 39 inches. If 72 quarters is indicated, 27 inches, if 80 quarters, 22 inches, 84 quar., 19 34 inches, 108 quar., 12 inches, 152 quar., 6 inches 88 - 18 " 112 " 11 14" 160 66 51-2" 92 0 16 1-2 16 120 66 91-2 « 168 66 434 66 98 66 15 14.66 132 " 8 66 176 " 41-2 " 100 16 14 16 138 66 71-3“ 184. - 4 66 104 " 13 " 144 .66 6 1-2 66 192 66 33-4 66 Pendulums of equal length vibrate in equal time, even if their weights are unlike. A pendulum to vibrate twice as slow as another must be four times as long. Although this scale or table is not exactly perfect, it is suf- ficiently so for all practical purposes. CHAPTER XII. DIVISION OF MEASURES. Rythim consists in a symmetrical combination of different groups of time, which may be larger or shorter. There are two different species : one consists of time which are equal or even among themselves, and the other of unequal numbers. These groupes are divided into what is termed measures, and are bounded by bars. Bars are of two kinds: single and double, the single is used for dividing the measures, while the other is used at the end of a passage or the end of the music. A measure contains two or three parts: if two parts, it is called even measure; if three parts, uneven measure. The parts of incasure can be represented by either long or short notes, at the pleasure of the composer. To show what species of notes are to be used, a sign, calcd the rythmical signature, is placed at the beginning of the music, and is written in the lollowing manner:- THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL TARMONY. 85 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 0 0 0 9 12 2 4 2 4 8 2 4 8 2 4 8 8 8 and so on to the end. The signature is to show, in the first place, whether the measure is divided into two, three, or more parts; and secondly, what kind of notes are required. The upper figure shows the number of parts the measure is divided into, and the lower figure the kind or denomination 2 - 2 of notes required to fill the measure. Thus: 2, two, two, the upper figure shows that the measure is divided into two parts, and that two half notes fill the measure; 2 shows the measure is divided into three parts, and that it requires three half notes to fill the measure; 4 requires three quarter notes to fill a measure; 8, three eighth notes fill a measure; 4, four quarter notes fill a measure; 8, six eighth notes are required to fill a measure. The simplest species of even measure is called two half measure, and is represenied thus: 2 r . The whole note represents a full weas- ure, as du also the two halves. We also have another specie of two part ineasure, thus: This is called two quarter measure. We also have mae more form of this measure, called two eighth, thus: A though it is seldom found. CHAPTER XIII. DIFFERENT SPECIES OF UNEVEN MEASURE. UNEVEN measure consists of three parts: Three hall three measure, or, three half notes fill the measure. quarter notes fill the measure. . . . Dieasure. Three eighth notes fit a THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. SUBDIVISION OF THE PARTS OF MEASURE Even subdivisions of even ineasure: - oleo Even subdivision of uneven even teagures dalah Uneven subdivision is found written in the following form: alat Three quarters are here played in the time of one half note. They are called triplets, 2ddd Three eighths are here played in the time of one quarter note. aludto Three sixteenths are here played in the time of one eighth note, 2 Uneven subdivision of uneven measure, thus:- dd oggen We might go on with numerous other divisions, but it is better for the THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY, student to scek them out for himself. In rendering a piece of music, it becomes often uncertain how a certain number of notes shall be grouped together, and, for a better understanding of them, it is usual to designate by the use of figures, thus:- Fig. 58. Fig. 59. a A or tbus: 2 2 It will be observed that the first group is accented by sixes, while in the second figure they are accented by threes. In 2 measure the delivery is somewhat more heavy than in 4, though the degree of quickness is the same; for this reason composers emplcy the longer notes to represent heavy, and the shorter ones to represent the light or weaker character of music CHAPTER XIV. MUSICAL ACCENT. sic; but there is another property requisite, which enhances the effect and gives more definite meaning to a whole performance. Musical accent is This accent comes from an instinctive impulse within us to sing or play some parts of a measure with greater force than another. In our method of writing music, it is divided into ineasures by bars, and it is usual to acu cent the first note after every bar, or, we begin the first part of every meas- ure with a heavy accent. In two part time the first is the accented, and the second the unaccented. We say down beat, up beat: the down beat is 2 on beat is the accented, and the up beat the unaccented, thus: A heavy light heavy light THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. In three part measure the first beat requires the accent, and the two fol lowing are light: heavy light fight It must be borne in mind that by accent we do not mean a force suffi- cient to stun or shock us, but only a slightly increascd force, to distinguislı it from the others; like soldiers marching, the left foot is the accented or heaviest. HIGHER RHYTHIM. Thus far we have only had groups of two and three parts in a meas- ure, but there is a still higher symmetry than this. As parts of time taken together form small groups, so also can several groups taken together form a larger group, or 2. rythm of a higher order. We mean by this, several measures forming a sentence or musical phrase, like so many words in language forming a grammatical sentence; like this melody from Mo- zart:- . MINUET. Even compounds of even measure, consists in doubling the simple form of two, two ineasure:- ddd This time is often designated by this sign: C 12 12 * Double whole note. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Three fold ineasures brought into one produce nine fold measure: g. 10.10 9 1 9d. . . 2 z. z. o. 40d 18. d. d. Vecdddddd! didid. 1°•... Loddooddod With one more example we will close the subject of compound measure: So far as quickness or slowness of movement is concerned it does not matter whether a piece is written in simple or compound measure, but custom hias established a different kind of delivery of compound mcasure from that usually given to simple, and, therefore, composers sometimes use the one and sometimes the other, as thcir ideas or taste may dictate. There is another species cf measure soinetimes used, composed of an 5 7 uneven number of parts, like 8 °F 8, but it is only used for its quaintness by composcrs who wish to produce some peculiar musical effect, or to show their eccentricity; we opine the latter, THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. CHAPTER XV. As we have already stated, music is divided into figures called phrases, or sets, and consists of two, three, or more measures; but this rythmical arrangement does not imply that the notes must all be of equal length, like sixteenths, eighths, and quarters, for they may consist of a variety of unequal notes, only the notes must correspond to the time stated in the signature. It often happens that a phrase begins in the middle of a meas- ure, or even on the last part of it, for sometimes it begins with a heavy ac- cent, and at others with unaccented or light part of the measure. Musical passages are usually composed of rythmically round numbers or parts, and are, or should be, reducible to the primary numbers 2 and 3, but these parts are often extended so as to produce greater variety and to prevent inonotony in phrasing. It frequently happens that the heavy part of the measure occurs on the last, or unaccented part, and this is called inversion, or changing position:- Fig. 61. . Fig. 62. A b-- - . Inversions of this kind can only take place in uneven divisions of time, . though examples of this kind are of frequent occurrence. 4 1 1 2 Music written in this way is called syncopation. Syncopation, then, is where a measure begins with an unaccented note, followed by an accented one; or, it is where a long note occurs between two shorter ones. There are many ways of expressing these syncopes or interruptions, but we need not dwell on them, and will only give a few ex- amples: - THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fig. 63. TII Fig. 64. Syncope produces a shock or revulsion of our feelings, because the stress of voice falls on the light portion of the measure instead of the heavy, which accords with our feelings best. Syncope differs from the rythmical inversion mentioned, inasmuch as the syncopated note begins on an unac- cented note, and holds over to the accented one, whereas the inverted ac- cent does not continue so. Rythmical inversion:- ...dord door ddddordd dd hdd ddod 2 doada Syncopated notes occur in the following: - As we have already recommended, we advise the student to seek out oth- er forms of inversion and syncopation, to such an end; the orchestral scores of overtures and symphonies will furnish a great variety. INTERRUPTION OF RYTHMICAL UNIFORMITY, There are some pieces which liave no time at all, and there are others with a well defined rythm, which, in order to give it the proper expres- sion, it becomes desirablc in particular places to disturb the regular course “ of rythin. This interruzdion is termed accelerated, or retarded (faster or slower), piu accelerando, a little faster, piu adagio, a little slower. There are many other terms in use, like ad libitum, but the one most frequently literally; at the will or caprice of the performer. 42 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. The recitative, used so much in oratorio and opera, is a form of vocal declension, having no marked time; it is true there are long and short notes, to represent certain words intended to be longer or shorter than oth- crs, but it is left to the will or choice of the singer to accelerate or retard, as his feelings may dictate, a liberty which is almost uniformly misused and abused. There are other terms employed in music which indicate a change in the style of rendering other than that indicated by the written botes. We shall treat of some of the most common under the head of expression and style. CHAPTER XVI. The movement of a piece of music is generally indicated by the ryth- mical sign, placed at the beginning, with the addition or prcfix of certain Italian words, indicating how fast or slow the movement is to be played. we give a few of these terms, though they come more properly in the mu- sical dictionary which will appear at the end of this work:-. . Grave, very slow, Affectuoso, gently, Adagio, a degree faster, Agitato, with emotion, Largo, slow, and in a large style, Amoroso, tenderly, Larghetto, a degree faster than largo, Cantabile, in a singing style, Andantino, somewhat slow and flowing, Con brio, with spirit, Andante, a degree faster than andant- Con fuoco, with fire, ino, Brillante, brilliantly, Moderato, moderate time, Pastorale, in a simple, unaffected Allegretto, lively and tripping, manner, Allegro, fast, Sostenuto, sustained, Vivace, quick, Scherzando, playfully, Presto, very quick, Vigoroso, with vigor. Prestissimo, as quick as possible, GRACES AND EMBELLISHMENTS. The principal embellishments used in music are the trill, turn, fore and afternotes, and the appoggiatura. Long fore notes are written thus, and borrow half of the time of the principal note. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fig. 65. Written, Il 1 Fig. 66. ya Played. How ITTI -E-F-theme Long after notes are not of very frequent occurrence; they borrow their time from the principal note like the fore note, thus:- Fig. 67. Written. Fig. 68. Played. TITI -0- AL The appoggiatura is played very short, and is made thus: A . | - - · The turn consists of three or four notes, and is performed in a variety of ways: Fig. 69. Fig. 70. Written. Played. Written. Played. _KL- It is sometimes made from below, thus:- Fig. 71. 2 Played. Played. . THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 44 The trill can be made with or without a finishing note or turn, but it sounds inuch better with the turn. Whicn a sharp is placed above the sign it shows the next degree above the principal note is to be sharped; when plaeed below the sign, that the degree below the principal note is to be sharped. A flat placed above the turn indicates that the next degree above the principal note is to be flatted, and when below the sign that the degree below is to be flatted. A trill.is the quick alternation of two notes on different degrees, but generally at the distance of a semitone or whole tone from the principal; it can be made a degree above or a degree below the principal note From above the principal note: - tr 1 . From below the principal note: -^ Without the turn. There are so many ways of making this embellishment, and authors dif- fer so much in regard to it, that we deem it inexpedient to lay down any set rules. It is known by this sign: tr w Expression of music means the coloring of it: loud, soft, fast, slow, and attention to the accents, phrasing, and other marks used in writing music, Signs of emphases:- > > sf sfz do: . . ..!! These signs can only be fully explained by practical examples, such as the student will find in almost every well written piece, and which the com- petent teacher should be particular to explain to his pupils in a clear, in- telligent manner. Legato means in a smooth, connected, or sustained man. ner; it is is known by the term legato, or these marks, called slurs or binds: THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 45 Fig. 72. Wor Staccato means in a short, detatched style, it is known by the following signs: lll.... The pointed dot means very short, one-fourth the length of the note; the round dot, short or one-half the length of the note: --- Fig. 73. Played. Search لمحتتتتتتتتسلسجسته ستلمتتشمتحمست Played. fibi Arpeggio, or broken chords (harp style), is known by the following ex- ample. It must be played rapidly from the lowest note upward: -- Fig. 75. R . سسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسسس A tie is used to connect two or more notes on the same degree, and shows that only the first note is struck, the I others are held till the time has expired. A hold or pause is indicated thus a, or thus U; it signifies that the note or rest, over or under which it is placed, is to be prolonged double its given length. Dots placed before or after a fe double bar indicate the music is A to be repeated. The words dal segno, D.C., or this sign , in- 40 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. dicates a repeat from it to the double bar. Notes are often abbreviated to avoid labor and space: tritten. Played. --+*+TTIISIH-+4+, UT - -- - - Written. Played. The sign M.D. means right hand, and M. S., left hand. PHRASING, A musical phrase may be complete, as when it embraces any regular symmetrical course of notes which begin and complete the intended ex- pression; or, so to speak, when a full question is asked, or when fully ail- swered. Dfusic, like language, is divided into sentences of longer or short. er duration, according to the marks, signs, and slurs of the composer. A musical phrase is incomplete when it does not include a full question, or a full answer, or a full symmetrical course of notes. This subjcct rc- quires personal instruction to be fully compreliended, though much can be learned from examples, which, in a book of this size, we have not the space to devote to it. A few hints will sufñce our purpose, and give the student points by which he can explore the field wider, and make discova eries for himself. A full musical phrase equals in language what is em- braced within a period: it is generally known by the double bar, or the end of a slur or bind. The beginning of a phrase should always be stronga ly accented, and unaccented at the end: the more complete the sentence or phrase the stronger should be the accent at the beginning. The begin- ning of all phrases should be accented, but the shortér or incomplete ones THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. do not require, and must not receive, so strong an accent as the complete, or full periods. Phrasings included within the semicolon or comma do not require so much of 'an accent as those embraced or concluded within the sface of a period. In playing the piano always take the hand or finger up from the keys at the end of every well defined phrase, so as to begin the next phrase with an accent and with precision. The singer should always take breath at the end of every phrase, no matter how short! There is phrasing; it gives color and expression to it, the same as good reading does to language. A reader who uses the saine stress of voice throughout, and *vho passes all the punctuation marks without stopping to take breath, will never make any sense out of his subject, and will never become pop- ular as a reader. So with the singer and player, for what is true of one is also true of the other. We advise all students to make it a special point to hear and watch artists of mcrit, as through this mcans much can be 2carncd which cannot be obtained through any other sourcc. We have endeavored to give a full, clear, and concise stateinent of all the signs and characters employed in writing music, and we feel assured that if the student has followed the examples closely, as laid down in this work, he will experience no difficulty in reading or writing any music he inay desire, so far as the signs and characters are concerned. We again urge the necessity of a thorough commital of all the signs and characters used in this book, as it will greatly facilitate the student in gaining a complete mastery of this difficult subject. Remember "that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” (End of Part First. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY PART SEOOND. HARMONY. CHAPTER 1. DIFFERENT INTERVALS WITH THE SAM2 NAME. In the first part of this work, the intervals were named from the number of their degrees from each other, we will now treat them according to their actual dimensions. For instance, we called the interval from e to f, a degree, and from c to d, a degree; but it must be observed that from c'to d is a whole tone, while from e to f is a semitone. EXAMPLE 1. Major and minor seconds belonging to the major scale of C. major second. major second. minor second. major second. II Et Whole tone. whole tone. half tone. . whole tono. major second. major second. ---G - A mini r second. -B A- -B wholc tone. whole tone. half tonc. There are still ther sizes of intervals for which we must have specific names, We will therefore icsignate all intervals by the name of major, mặinor, dinin- ished and augmented, or four sizes of every kind of interval. Some authors give only three sizes of intervals. We shall rigidly adhere to this order, because we desire to make this part of our work plain and intelligible, avoiding the error of proſuse names, which must result in confusion, especially to the young student; mye, and to the old as well, THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 49 In the regular order of the scale, we find two sides of tones; namely, whole Fone, and semitone. c d e f f g a... b to whole whole. hall.' whole.' whole. whole.half. In addition to the semitones between e and f, b and c, many others may be formed by means of tlre chromatic signs of elevation and depression. We will how write aninor tone, instead of semitone, or, the name minor will be substituted for semitore, and major will be used hereafter in place of whole tone. Ex. 2. Minor Seconds. LI xo habet Watchizosovo aproapaathaalbobototho I wers few Et tandent tool toe pola bobono Ex. 2. Minor Seconds are found from c# to.d, d# to e, e to f, f to g, g# to a, a # to b, b# to c#, cx to d#, fx to g# c to by bh to a, a to g, g2 to f, f2 to eh, ek to d, d2 to c, bk to ch, or a to b2, g to a2, d to eh, e to d2, f to g2, bl2 to ok, ez to fk, az to b2. Ex. 3. Major Seconds. LAT bertat TH- Late 1:50 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. to bola bobo trobot bba &c. E Ib090-100 Major Seconds. Ex. 3. c to d, c to dif, d to e, df to eft, e to f#, f# to g#, G# to all, af to bit, ef to fx, bff to cx, b5 to c, as to b5, g5 to ag, f5 to g5, d5 to es, e5 to f, bab to ch. . Ex. 4. Thirds. major: major. inajor. minot. minor. rinor. minor. LI Thirds. Ex. 4. A third consists of two degrees; namely, froni c to e, f to a, g to b, a to c. There are two different kinds of thirds found in the series of natural tones, major and minor, b major. minor. major. minor. or, c to e, major, d to f, minor, c to g, minor, f to a, major, g to b, ma- jor, a to c, minor, b to d, minor. Beside these two sizes, many others can be formed by means of the chromatic signs . Ex. 5. Minor Thirds by Chromatic Signs. 1 1 th 711 Ex. 5. Minor Thirds. c# to e, df to f#, ef to g#, f# to a, gint to be a to ce b# to det, fx to at, ab. to ch, bato 057 g to b5, c to e, f to a e to gz, db to f5, g5 to bbb." THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL IARMONY. 51 Ex. 6. Major Thirds by Chromatic Signs. A V Ex. 6. Major Thirds. c# to e#, dit to fx, d to f#, e to go f# to all 8 to bit, a to cx, a to Ch, b to a4, b5 te d, e5 to g, ap to c, dā to f, g' to b), cā to e), f5to ab, bəs to ube There are two species of fourths, major, (the same as perfect,) and minor: c to f, d to g,. e to a, g to c, a to d, h to e, are minor: f to b, is major. Some of the minor fourths which can be formed by the chromatic signs. Ex. 7. Major and minor Fourths. tatott th taa th Lot-pitba A- - Ex. 7. f# to b, c to f#, gh to che ał to s ay to dłt, e# to all, bt to eh, fX to f' to b, bj to ek, ek to a2, as to db, dj to g5, g5 to 5, e to f'b, f5 to b55. Some of the manjor (perfeet).four!ls. Ex. 8. Major Fourths, - 52 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 52 Ex. 8. c to f#, d to g#, e to at, g to c#, a to df, b to e#, f# to bu, 4 to fx, b k to fk, e5 to a, .a5 to d, dā to g, g5 to c, 5 to f, f5 to 55, 155 to e5. According to the old method, fourths are called pure or perfect instead of minor, and false instead of major. Other names are also given, varying as the whim or caprice of the author dictates; but uniformity is necessary to a thorough understanding of the subject, and therefore we shall, as previously stated, adhere to one system of names, so there will be no possibility of the student getting confused, or lost in the mazes of a promiscuity of terms. The same name will mean the same thing throughout. We give these examples in two ways, that the eye may readily take in the contents, whichever way is. stated. Fifths are also of two sizes, major and minor. The only minor fifth in the natural series of tones is from b to f; all the others are major. Ex. 9. Minor Fifths, (sometimes called diminished.). Tutt- ti el. Ex. 9. ff to e, c# to g, # to d, df to a,' ał to e, e# to b, b# to f#, . fX to c#, e to bta, a to 85, d to abs & to db, c to gb, f to c5, b5 to'for es to be there THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 53 Ex. 10. Major Fifths, (sometimes called perfect.) TA OTT thoa Thatbottt.. -t-na tába 50 Ex. 10. b) to f#, f# to C#, c# to go to dł, a# to allt, ał to e, con to b#, by to fx, b5 to f, es to b5, ag to es, d5 to a5, 85 to d5, c5 to g5, f5 to ch, b 55 to fb. The term diminished or false fifth is frequently used for minor, and pure or perfect for major. We discard these names. The minor sixth consists of three major degrees and two minor, E-C, A-, B-g. Ex. 11. Minor Sixths. toetat t - - Ihot. bombo bo -bo toth Xesonde Ex. 11. Minor Sixths by chromatic signs. ff to d, c# to a, o to e, af to b, a to f#, e# to c#, b# to G#, fx to d#, d to b5, g to es, c to' a, f to d5, b to g5, e5 to c, aš to f5, dɛ to b5. Ex. 12: Major Sixths. I THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . Ex. 12. Major Sixths by chromatic signs. a to f#, e to c#, b to H, f# to df, c# to a#, g# to e#, d# to b#, ał to fx, b5 to g, ek to c, az to f, d5 to bk, gk to er, c2 to ak, fk to dk, bkk to ge. Major and Minor Sevenths. There are only two major sevenths in. the natural series of tones, C—b, and F-e. y Ex. 13. Minor Sevenths. AETH 7558 Foto debo Ex. 13 Minor Sevenths by chromatic signs. f# to e, c# to b, g#to f#, df to c#, a togh, e to a bto af, fx to e#, c to bb, f to .ek, hk to ak, ek to d2, ak to gb, d5 to c5, gb to f5, cś to b5b. Ex. 14. Major Sevenths. NIN. ME * tho F bo *Ex. 14. Major Sevenths by chromatic signs. ig to f#, d to ch, a to #, e to dł, b to at, f# to e#, Cht to bł, g#to fx, b2 to a, e to d, ap to g, d5 to c, go to f, ck to b5, f5 to ek, bz2 to a2. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 55 · The octave is always the same, it being neither great or small; it is called pure. Octaves. f --- - ____-att8T+- to be the bo + Polo 20 botot i it to be bo be obo bobo b = t Major and minor ninths, tenths and elevenths are only repetitions of the second, third and fourth. We have seen that intervals so far in our study have been only major and minor, and that the difference be- tween them is just one key, or a minor second. There are other inter- vals produced by means of the chromatic signs, which we will proceed to explain in our next chapter. CHAPTER II. DIMINISHED AND AUGMENTED INTERVALS. Intervals which are a minor second larger than major, are called rrugmented; and when a minor second smaller than minor, they are called diminished. It must be stated and horne in mind, that two notes occurring on the same degree is called a prime, and that when one of these notesgis raised or depressed by a chromatic sign, it is called an augmented prime. There is no such thing as a diminish.cd prime, The augmcnted prime and the minor second represent one and the same key on the piano, though harmonically speaking, they are treated differ- (nily. Sorne theorists treat of the diminished and augmented tone, or second; for instance, c to cand o to dk is a diminished second; and though c# and dk represent the same key on the piano, they have 56 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. entirely different names. On the violin or violoncello, ch is not quite 80 high in pitch as d5, and d5 is not quite so low as C#. .. Ex. 15. Diminished Seconds. (Not used by many theorists.) I- - y hot elo belsboliserate Ex, 15. Diminished Seconds. "c# to d5, dito eh, e# to f, f# to g5, to as, ał to b5, b#to.ch, cx to d, ax to e, fx to g, b55.to a, 855 to f, d 5b to c, &c. Ex. 16. Augmented Seconds. 2 I totobetonoptit Thea 75502 boa- Augmented Seconds (tones) are a minor second larger than major seconds. c to d#, d to e, f to get it go to att, a to h#, eb to f#, aby to l, dy to e, g5 to a, c5 to d, 15 to g, h 55 to é, ekz to f, &c. Ex. 17. Diminished Thirds. X ft Diminished Thirds are as follows: 4 to e5, a# to f, f# to ab, b to da, e to gb, a to c2, d to fk, g to b bb, # to bh, ał to c, ef to g, bi to d, fx to a, cx to e, gx to b. In respect to keys, the diminished third is the same as a major second. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 57 Ex. 18. Augmented Thirds. Augmented Thirds are as follows: eb to gł, bb to df, f to at, c to g to b, d to fx, a to cX, e to gX; a5 to c#, d5 to f# go to b, ch to c, f5 to a, b 55 to d, e55 to g. Ex. 19. Diminished Fourths. 12nt ta Diminished I'ourths are as follows: a to g, e to ak, b# tó e, c to fli, fX to b, f to b 55, &c. Ex. 20. Augmented Fourths. Ex. 21. Diminished Fifths. beba astrot tetibo Soort to the -trei-ari . Augmented Fourths. f to hi, fk to b, c to fx, b 55 to e, ek to all.. Diminished Fifths. c to g5; b to f5, fx to c, e to b 55, &c. Ex. 22. Augmented Fifths. Augmented Fifths. c tog# g to di#, ak to e, e to b#, fb to c, b to fx, b hk to f, &c. 58 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Ex. 23. Diminished Sixths. hot-rot-too- Diminished Sixths. b to gz, ał to f, e# to C, e to c5, fx to d, d to kh2, f# to d5, &c. Ex. 24. Augmented Sixths. H t ET Thotho bo - Augmented Sixths. ep to c#, g5 to e, f to d# g to e, c5 to a, b bez to g, e to cX, as to f# &c. Ex. 25. Diminished Sevenths. Cibo e berbeza foon cotxoFat ! Diminished Sevenths. b to ak, # to f, to b5, b# to a, g to fb, fX to e, f to ekk, f# to eh. · Ex. 26. Augmented Sevenths. OF - - -- 19bet = -bbo Augmented Sevenths. fb to e, c to b# g to fx, ehk to d, as to go, &c. 1 · As we before stated, octaves are pure intervals, but by some harmo- nists are treated as augmented and diminished, though this work will not include any such elaborate treatment, or dispute points of different theorists. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. si SIGNS FOR DIFFERENT INTERVALS. To represent different distances of tones by short signs, we employ our ordinary figures : 2 stands for the second ; 3 for third ; 4, fourth; 55, fifth; 6, sixth ; 7, seventh. To still further represent the size, (spe- cific) we will employ dots before and after the figures. A dut before the figure, thus, .2 represents a minor second ; after the figure, thus, 2. major. Tro dots before the figure, thus, ..3 a diminisheil third; two dots after the figure, thus, 5 .. an augmented ſiſth. Minor intervals coincide with augmenteil, ando augmentect with minor. It will be ob- served that each interval contains a specific number of minor seconda, and when once learned can always be readily recognized. CHAPTER III. INVERSION OF INTERVALS. By inversion we mean, changing places. If the lowest note of an interval is carried up an octave, the interval is said tô be inverted. In- · version means then, that the lowest uote must be carried up an octave. Ex. 27. Inversions. In. In. In. In. In. In. tostogtooe Inverted. Invertei. o g-d C-d d-g It is easy to see that in cvery inversion the interval is changed, and that the distance of tones does not remain the same. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL ILARMONY. TABLE SHOWING THE CHANGE OF INTERVALS. The 2d becomes a 7th, 3d 6th 4th 66 " 5th. or 2 3 or, v 6 The 5th becomes a 4th, 6th 16 1631.' 7th. 66 662d. 5 6 7 4 3 4 5 The octave when inverted gives no other interval, and consequently the same interval is represented over again. By inversion, intervals which are major become minor, and minor become rajor ; augmented become diminished, and diminished become augmented. ts - :ܚܞ 3 iy TABLE SIOWING AUGMENTED AND DIMINISHED INTERVALS .2 minor seconds become major sevenths... .3 6. .3 minor thirds become major sixths. . 5 4minor fourths become major fifths. .5 4. 5 minor fifth's become major fourths. nós i aj 2. 7. minor sevenths become major seconds. We would advise the student to go through all the inversions of the different intervals, for they will prove an invaluable exercise. INTERVALS OF THE SCALE ACCORDING TO RICHTER. Major Seconds. os 132 baboliszthez Minor Seconds. 1 sec. Minor, Minor. Minor. tynyt THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 61 Augmented Seconds. 9 scc. mil i taire de - of- O منلنلععععه Major Thirds.. 4 sec. 11 mit hvad 44a abutalent than sual mshots ttt Minor Thirds. 3 sec. 2226|52 . 2g cenfeta 212121 Diminished Thirds. 2 sec. 9 fecum U11 Major or Perfect Fourths. 5 800. O rientation de la fin Augmented Fourths. 6 sec. ORIOLISI iztrtez. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Diminished Fourths. 4 sec. IN LIT? } to dal belanden die Velo Perfect Fifths. 7 sec. FALFITRI IZTI, 1922 32 222II- - - Augmented Fifths. 8 SCC. t Rollather-of-of ott 31 VOIRZIbetooth trottotapety Hea السسسیمهبللسمينعله لمنه o olhat . Diminished Fifths. 7 scc. AFIFe 216 beibetb RA Major Sixths. 9 SCC. Augmented Sixths. 10 sec. wise کتا بوسهسيعلن Sobe obore THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. : 63 Minor Sixths. 8 SCC. 2 obo e 100 Major Sevenths. Il sec Led ed Minor Sevenths. 10 sec. toto frotatatate Restata t he amint Diminished Sevenths. 9 sec. = befalte the patarole e tattoo oftelele otteet Octaves. 12 sec. hetonte tobate papo - A l Gore Augmented Octaves. -]3 SEC. st -tittit thothethe 2 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Diminished Octaves. 11 sec. Lagoge be borbehe thatto the stototas Ninths. 14 sec. Otame27 ولد L ist Minor Ninths. 13 sec. be obefore ta med CHAPTER IV. THE MOVEMENT OF VOICES OR PARTS. Musical art connects the various tones into a musical composition in two different ways: first, in such a manner as to let us hear them fola lowing one another successively; and second, in such a way as to let is hear two or more of them sounding at the same time. A successivo series of tones following one another according to the principles of mua sical art or grainiar, in a musical sense, is called a melody or theme. Several tones sounding at the same time, is called a chord. Several „successive chords following one another in accordance with the gram- matical rules of the art, is called Harmony. A person singing a suca cession of musical tones, (melody,) is called a voice. When an instru- ment plays a succession of musical toner, it is called a part. The movement or carriage of voices or parts, is called Theory, or Musical Composition. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 65 Every passage of music consists of one or several voices or parts. In the former case it is called one-voiced ; in the latter, several-voiced. Harmony is usually written with four parts, but it may have more. Rousseau states that it is impossible for the ear to distinguish more than two voices at once, while Marpurg contends that it is possible to hear a hundred and thirty-three. The margin between these two cele- brated writers is so great, that we conclude both are wide of the mark. Our object is not to ascertain how many voices can be heard at once, but to make ourselves acqnainted with the best method of moving the four parts, which is adopted as our standard. In four-voiced compo- sition, the highest voice is called soprano ; the lowest, bass; the two iniddle voices are called tenor and alto. How these several voices are to move according to the grammatical rules of music, is called musical progression ; but as writers and composers differ so materially on this point, our treatment will necessarily be somewhat limited; that is to say; we shall not prescribe how or in what way a voice shall move, except in a general way. The two outer voices usually make a stronger impression upon the ear than the middle voices, and the highest voice is strongest of all. The outer voices are therefore called the principal, and the middle, secondary voices. As the principal voices particularly impress the ear, they require the most careful construction in accord- ance with the laws pertaining to the carriage of voices, as a slight de- viation from the regular purity is quickly observed, making it offensive to the ear. It has already been observed that there are two ways of producing musical sounds : one by the human throat, the other by musical instru- ments. In respect to singing voices, they are of far greater importance than instrumental voices, and when used together, the former take the higher rank, while the latter appear only as secondary, or forming an accompaniment to the vocal parts. In respect to the nature of voices, male and female, male voices are an octave lower than female voices. Male voices are divided into three classes : Tenor, the highest male voice; Barytone, the low tenor; and Bass, the lowest male voice. There are also three classes of the female voice : Soprano, the highest; 86 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Contralto, the middle; and Alto, the lowest. Boys' voices are gener- ally alto, though there are instances where they possess an excellent quality of soprano voice, singing as high as 7 three times marked. A single voice is called a melody; two voices is called a duet; three voices a trio; four voices a quartet; five voices a quintet; six voices at sextet, &c. The difference between a few and many-voiced composi- tion consists in the following things. The many-voiced composition is in general more full, ample, and richer in sound than the few-voiced. Another difference consists in the fact that the larger the number of voices, the more difficult it is for the ear to distinguish or follow out the different parts or threads; and the less the number of voices, the easier it is for the ear to distinguish them. In many-voiced composi- tions, a slight deviation in the strict rule of the movement of the parts may easily be made unperceived, while in a fer-voiced composition, more care must be exercised, &c., dii A four-voiced composition has the advantage over either the many or few-voiced, because it seems to be the happy medium between them, neither sounding too full por too thin. Several voices sounding together in a musical com- position are commonly written on several staffs, con- nected by a character called a Brace. The whole is called a Score. The movement of a voice is either quiek or slow, According to the number of tones passed over in a given time. In general, a quick movement is better adapted to nigh voices, while a blow movement is better for low voices. The sounds of low voices and bass instruments vibrate slowly, and therefore cannot express a quick movement with any good degree of satisfaction, from their very nature and construction. On the other hand, high voices and high instruments represent a greater number of vibrations, and are consequently better adapted to all quick movements. The direction of voices may be either upwards or downwards. They may move a single step, two, three or even more steps at once. Like BRACE. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 67' movement is whare several voices move in the sam.. time and direction. Unlike movement is wbere one voice proceeds faster or slower than anoth- er. Like movement produces more sameness than unlike movement, and therefore, for variety, unlike movement is the best. Two voiccs moving in the same direction is called parallel motion. Two voices moving in contrary direction is called contrary motion. Two voices, one moving. either up or down from the other is called oblique motion. There are then, three movements : parallel, contrary, and oblique. Converginy: movement is when the parts come toward each other. - Diverging movement is where the parts move opposite from each other. This subject will be further illustrated in the treat- ment of Harmony, which comes in our next chapter. CHAPTER V. FUNDAMENTAL HARMONIES. The lowest tone of any group of notes is called the bass or funda- mental tone. Dominant. Mediant. 3 Fundamental. The variety of chords occurring in music is almost infinite, though they are all reducible to a few species in name, and are called fundamental chords. There are two species of fundamental harmonies, called three and four-fold chords; the latter are sometimes called chords of the seventh. The three-fold harmonies consist of three tones: a bass tone, (lowest), the third, and fifth, viz: ceg, fac, gbd. These three- fold chords are sometimes called Triads, because they consist of three. tones. Ex. 1. ob - - 123- oboch THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Triads may be formed on every degree of the scale, and are either major, minor, or diminished, according as the intervals are major or minor. We present the major scale of C, with all its triads. The first chord, ceg, the fourth chord, f a'c, and the fifth chord, gb d, contain major thirds from one to three, and minor thirds from three to five; we shall call them major three-fold chords or major triads. The chords il f a, e gb, and a ce, contain minor thirds from one to three, and ma- por thirds from three to fire. We denominate these, minor three-fold chords or minor triads. The chord b d f, on the seventh degree, con- tains two minor thirds, and is called a diminished triad. The natural major scale of C, it will be observed, contains three man jor, three minor and one diminished three-fold chord. On the first, fourth and fifth are found major; on the secondi, third and sixth are found minor; and on the seventh degree, a diminished triad. All the twelve major scales contain just the same number of major, minor and vliminished chords, and they are situated in just the same order or po- sition as in the example given above. The student must transpose these chords into all the other major keys if he wishes to be benefitted lor the study of harmony in this or any other good instruction book; lvut fearing he will fail to do this, we here present them in tabular form. . MAJOR SCALE OF C WITH ITS FUNDAMENTAL THREE-FOLD HARMONIES TRANSPOSED INTO DIFFERENT KEYS. Ex. 2. In C. Minor. ajor. IN Minor. aior. Mejor. Mojar · Minor. Mjuar. Dimimiked. Diminished. - IV . V Azbor. Mjpor. Mijo 6113 - D- -B- -G-6 For-- GE E- -- TC-6 1. Tonic three-fold chord. 4. Subdominant chord. 5. Domiuunt chord. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 69 Major. major. major. II . III VI WIL minor. minor. minor. diminislicd. OVII In G. IV II Major III minor VI ininor. wiajor innjor VIL diminished. minor In F. ' T IV III Major. II minor. major, major. VI minor.. diininished. mninor. in D. Major. minor. minor. major. major. minor. diminished. ASS. 11 III III VI 70 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. : Major. · minor. minor. major. nujor. minor. dinn ho 11 III IV had . 11 VIVI VII wajor. Major. julur. climinished: Minor. ninor. 000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 Š 6 ģ 11! vdim. 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Minor scale already explained, with the augmenteil serenth, contains its different three-fold chords arranged in the following order. THEORY YYY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. MINOR SCALE OF A, WITH ITS FUNDAMENTAL HARMONIES TRANSPOSED INTO DIFFERENT KEYS. - Minor. Aug. major. dim. II minor. minor. IV major. VI diin. VII too oht to za lin) 11 V VI dadim, II VII* VII Minor. dim. minor. major. major. dim. minor. Bass. Minor. dim. inin. dim. mini. D minor. · Minor. dim. inile. dim. miu. E minor. . & bol muj. maj. dim. min. Minor. dini. miu. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . B minor. - ME Miuor. aug. unin. maj. maj. min. min. _ maj. _ G minor. Minor. dim. aug. min. maj. maj. dim. niu. The first degree of the minor scale contains a minor triad; the scr- ond degree a diminished triad; the third degree an augmentel triail; the fourth degree a minor triad; the fifth degree a major triad ; the sixth degree a major triad ; the seventh degree a diminished triad. This scale contains two major triads, situated on the fifth and sixth degrees of the scale ; two minor triads, situated on the first and fourth degrees of the scale ; two diminished triads, situated on the second and seventh degrees of the scale, and an augmented triad on the thirit degree. An augmented triad is composed of two major tliirds. Each of the twelve minor scales contain the same number of inajor, ininor diminished and augmented triads, situated in the same order as here given. It will be found that the three-fold chord as arranged, contains two intervals, situated at the distance of a third-and a fifth from the fun- denental tone, and that they are sometimes major, minor, or dimin- ivel, taking their names according to the size of the intervals. We a !.30 find in like manner, four different species of four-fold chorils, con- sisting of a fundamental tone, its third, fifth and seventh, thus: ceyb. -A-- - This species of seventh is called a major four-fold 2 chord. From the fundamental tone to its third is - major; to its fifth, major, and to its serenti, major. If all the intervals are large or major, it is a major three-fold chord with the seventh added. Here follow the four species of seventh : TIITORY AND RUDLİEXTIL ILARMONY. BOLR-FOL)) HARMONIES FOUNDEI) OY TIILNLAJOR SCALE OF C. Ex. t. . Major. Minor. Minor. Major. Dominant. Minor. Dimi :ished. : Tlujor, ceg.b; minor, g buf; diminishel, b df ah; a ceg is a śccond species of scvent', with a minor third, major fiſth and a minor sereillir. The last chord in the above exainple is a four-fold chord on the seventh of the scale, with seventh flatted, called diminished... seventh, and is called a major four-fold chord. A similar chord is found ** on t?e fourt degree of each major scale. Minor four-fold chords are found on the second, third, and sixth degrees of every major scale:. They consist of a minor third, major fifth, and minor seventh. The seventh founded on the fifth degree of every major scale is called a Dominant Seventh; it consists of a Major third, Major fifth, and a li- nor seventh. This chord plays a very important role in musical com- position. The Dirninisned seventh consists of a Minor third, Minor fifth and Ninor seventh. We shall denominate the four-fold chords on the first and fourth of the major scale as major; on the fifth as 1100.- inant; on the second, third and sisth as minor; on the seventh as ci- minished. Transpose these chords into all the major keys. FOUR-FOLD CHORDS ON THIE MINOR SCALE. · Dominant. Major. Diminished. Minor. · Major. Minor. Major. In order to distinguish the different kinds o, sevenths, we shall here. after use large capital letters, thus : C7, 1%, 0%, with a mark throug!!, the figure, for major four-fold chords. For minor four-fold chords we F THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY : TI H will use sınall letters with the plain figure 7:07, e7, a 7. Dominaril sevenths will be written with large letters, thus: G7, C7, C7, D7, A7, Eb7. Diminished four-fold chords will be written with small let- ters, a figure seven, and a cypher, thus: 07, ob 7, 0d 7, 0e7, og#7,. &c. As we have before stated, the student must transpose all the above chords into other keys, for practice, if he would be materially benefitted It is also an excellent practice to accustom the ear to different harmonies by getting a second person to strike them on the piano while you stand with your back to the instrument and name them. Too much attention to this subject cannot be given, for it quickens the ear, and helps culti- vate all the musical faculties. CHANGES OF POSITION. In all the exhibition of the chords so far, the fundamental tone has appeared only in its original position, as the lowest tone, with the thiral next above, fifth above that, and lastly, the seventh. All the above chords are capable of several transformations without altering the mate- rial character of the chord; one becomes a variation of the other: for in- stance, the chord ce g buyhmes e g. c or gce; the letters all remain tho same, but their position is changed. This changing the position of the letters, necessitates a change of the intervals, so that different intervals and harmonics are constantly multiplying; in fact, there is no real enil to the variety of harmonies which can be constructed. This change is called inversion. INVERSION OF THREE-FOLD CHORDS. We have seen that three-fold chords form in themselves thirds and fifths ; but by inversion other intervals are produced. Now to produce an inversion, it is necessary to change the fundamental Note, otherwise the chord is not inverted. If the third or fifish is changed and the fundamental note remains in position, there is no inversion, but simply a displacement of the third and fifth into a closer or dispersed position. . THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL Ut TT HARMONY.. 75 It has already been observed that the letters of a chord cannot be changer ;' they can only be placed higher or lower on the staff, as cir- cumstances may require. Thus, c eg - . is a three-fold chord in its fundameniil position, though in the second example the third is carried up an octave. To produce an in version of this chorl, the cor fundamentul note must be carried into the position of the third or fifth. We will now give a few examples of inverted cords: INVERSIONS OF ALL THE FUNDAMENTAL THREE-YOLD CHORDS IX THE LAJOK fund. ist inver. 2inver.. 00C -(1 .-ig SCALE OF C. Mlol. mujor. major. minor. ninor. minor. Minor. 11:nor. 11or. - people . --- ma. inal). maj. maj. maj. maj. min. min. min. din din. dim. INVERSION OF THE THREE-FOLD CHORDS OF THE A MINOR SCALE.. - DA 7-21-39--B8-FH- -.9-ergore .- Bo- many. -F7 -G# IBM 0 Co- min. min.. inin.. dim. dins .. aug. aug. os- U21- L . - - inin. min. inin. maj. maj. maj. maj. maj. maj. dim. dini. dim. 76 HARMONY. : TII THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL It will be observed that the previous chords are all in the close posi- tion. We earnestly recommend the student to transpose them into other keys, and also to write them in both the close and dispersed po. : sitions. The fundamental three-fold chord in its first position is called the third-fifth chord; in its first inversion it is called the chord of the sixth; in its second inversion it is called the sixth-fourth chord, because it produces these intervals with the bass note. INVERSION OF THE FOUR-FOLD HARMONIES OF THE MAJOR Ex. 6. - - major. maj. minor. min. min. - - ) min. · unin. imin, Waj. maj. muj. NON dom. don. dom. dom. min. min. min. min. dim. dim. dim. dim. :: There are three inversions of the four-fold chords, (sevenths.) Each inversión produces different intervals. The fundamental position is called a chord of the seventh. 7. The first inversion produces the chord of the fifth-sixth : 3 The second inversion gives the chord of the six-four-three, or 4; the third inversion, the chord of the six-four- two, or . In the appropriate place we shall give the signs and figures ni ebasary for a thorough understanding of all the chords of the seventh. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY, MINOR FOUR-FOLD CHORDS ON BASS NOTES OF THE SCALE. 66 00 min. maj. min. dom. dim. 1107 IIIM IVY TS MINOR FOUR-FOLD CHORDS ON TREBLE NOTES or THE SCALE. - maj. min. dom. dim. VITORY INVERTED CHORDS OF THE SEVENTH IN Å MINOR. bhag 2 h i C . *The inversions of the chord on tonic minor are impracticable. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . THREE-FOLD CHORDS OF THE MINOR SCALS AND THEIR INVERSIONS. Practical lessons for writing, embracing examples in all the different barmonies or combinations used, will be found at the end of this book. a @ t-on A minor. Is version. oot een IV V P 1 I IV V Second inversion. IV. 'V 1 = + - - 000! 1 E minor. lycrsion. - - - th- - -- . JU la 0 ! 2d inversion. x THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL T了 ​79 HARMONY. Ht- VAN 十一日 ​nor. 十月至十多​] | || | ist inversion. 国 ​| AN · 一 ​2d unrors 一台 ​. 」 D minor. 1st inversion, “T || |||| 21 layersion. 「。 -- Love en TIEORY AXD RODDESTAL ILIRMONT. į UT i This is G minor. Istinversion. E stado - de mere bmw TAI MON - condole NOO Second inversion. $ --- . Ht L helemaal vas EXAMPLES OF INVERTED THREE-FOLD CHORDS CONTINUED, IN CLOSE ANI) DISPERSED POSITIONS. Ix. 7. C major. A ininor. hendrerit Thirl, or Ist in velsion). fundamental. tiitli, or 21 inversion, - - late-fororo - - - Here we have in Example 7, the funilamental position, nainely, one, three, and five. In the second measure will be found the first invers siun, consisting of the third, fifth and octave position of the fundamen- tal tone, the bass being carried up an octave. In the third measure occurs the second inversion ; the fifth of the original chord becomes the fundainental or bass, the original third becomes a sixth, and the THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 81 original fundamental or bass becomes a fourth of the new chord. In this inversion of the three-folil chord we have produced two new inter- vals without using different letters; they are a fourth in the first in- version, and four-six in the second inversion. . NON E minor. I!! INO 11 A FZ-or try D minor. -6-fm-or-o - B minor, or THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL -HARMONY. i 000 no Bb major. G minor. - - - A major. minor. two- . un - a We will now give a few practical examples of the moveinent of the three-fold chords and their inversions. Ex. 8. IT: Istinyersion. : am- H- THO an V. IV . V . . I I IV THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 83 TTOO INOD 20 inversion, TO> STIAH I IV V In the above, the bass moves up to the fourth, the fift), the octare, and back to the fundamental tone again; this makes what is called a cadence, or a satisfactory close. The inversions are treated in just the same manner as the fundamental chord... The minor three-fol. chorit takes the same course as the major. .. 1 Tony Q00 ' Vi - - - - - ... - . . A INOO Vio 18 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. atay H . . hon L TB ONE OF 100% UNI ] ! - ODNE O - oon III totoo The TODO O la THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY, 990 TTOQD IN llits T1000 00 Noof INVERSION OF THE PRINCIPAL FUNDAMENTAL CHORDS REVIEWE]). The chord stands thus : c, e, g: o is the funda- } mental note, e is the fundamental third, and g is the fundamental fifth. E, is a major third from the root, g, is a major fifth from the root, and a minor third above the major third. In the first inversion of the chord, the fundamental third becomes the temporary root, and the fun- damental fifth becomes the temporary third : the fundamental root be.. comes a sixth to the temporary root. First inversion. : Second inversion. -ca -G- G -2 ES In the second inversion the original fifth becomes the temporary root: the original third becomes the sixth to the temporary root, and the original root becomes a fourth to the temporary root. 86 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL ILARMONY. 1st. 30. 1st position. 21 position. 3dl position. This is stated as plainly as it can very well be, and we will now take up the other chords of the scale in succession. All chords of the seventh are dissonant, and require preparation and resolution, except the dominant, which resolves directly to its tonic. The three-fold harmonies are consonant, as a general thing, and require no preparation. Consonant intervals may be doubled, but dissonant intervals are very rarely doubled, though there are exceptions to all rules. Major sevenths are very dissonant, but are often employed to good - advantage by the ingenious composer. SEQUENCE OF SEVENTHS. The bass moves up a fourth or clown a fifth. This exercise can be carried through the scale, and also inust be transposed into other keys for practice. . C7 F7 ob ez THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 1 Nil 0 ON- - -- -- - Dominant sevenths are the most important, and we give thein with the rule which governs their inovenient., RULE. In dominant sevenths, the root moves up a fourth, or down a fifth ; but when in one of the upper parts, it remains unchanged. The third moves up one degree. The fifth generally down one degree, but 88 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL IIARMONY. sometimes up one degree. The seventh always down one degree. . Dominant sevenths on the minor scale observe the same rule. Bei sure to transpose into other keys for practice. Dominant serenthis. TO --- JAS .. . - Oil To como - و مرمت Minor to major. tato -or-6 - . tty MINOR FOUR-FOLD CHORDS. (SEVENTHS.) Minor sevenths on the second degree of the scale. RULE.-They more to dominant sevenths and like them are resolved. DO Pigeo . THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. و . Minor sevenths on the third degree of the scale. 1 . اتنا عد N / 09 / N A W/ 2-5- ----------- : Minor sevenths on the sixth degree of the scale. - - SNO -- ----- - , ان : THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL IIARMONY. 90 Diminished sevenths. - CHAPTER VI. TONES FOREIGN TO THE HARMONY, V The harmonic combinations which have been thus far explained as: fundamental harmonies always consist of the same tones, but there are other tones which frequently occur in music not found or explained in any of the fundamental harinonies; such tones not belongingstrict- ly to the fundamental harmonies are called foreign to the harmony. Tri relation to the above, we will remark“tliat an additional tone may. he added withont changing any notes of the liarmonies already ex- plained. This is the case with the dominant sevenths and aninor? sevenths wheñ å inajor or a minor third is added above the serenthi This härmony appears as a major or minor ninth, gb difa. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY: 91 Major ninth. Minor ninth. LA Prova . These.chords are called chords of the seventh. - ninth, because the upper note is situated a ninth; from the bass not?), (i ninc degrees from it. Inversions of this chord with the fundamental note left out. it I +- - -+- - -RT- - - t-o domi nicaine . Minor ninths. Fig. 1. - PO : * 1 2 :1 When and where the ninth is to be applied, is not in our province to explain; we only have to do witli tlie naming and progression of it. ( treatment..) ... Fig. 2. . • THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fig. 3. Fig. 4. The major ninth sounds more agreeable when it lies higher than the original third: if it lies below the third, the effect is disagreeable, and on this account, composers, as far as possible, avoid such positions. Fig. 6. Fig. 6. The major ninth usually sounds still more smoothly when it lies higher than the fundamental fifth. As there are other chords of the ninth to be explained hereafter, it becomes necessary to give the ninths above treated, particular names, and we shall therefore call : them independent ninths. Major independent ninths iỳ some of the harsher or more disagreeable positions cited for examples. 1 . 000 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAI. HARMONY. 93 Fig. 8. Disperscd and close position. 44 一比一​, 十一小 ​X NEW 4 ## # - 一 ​4 十七世 ​Gb 参學 ​ 100多带 ​并 ​INNY'S th 丹 ​10 * A7 ““G#7 Fig. 10. Resolution. - - 一十的 ​THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Fig. 11. Prepared screuths. - I TO III17 TIL 11111 UL H- L ti MODI'LATION BY THE FOU'R-FOLD DOMINANT HARMONY. Ex 1. 11111 gol : Tele C:I 'V IG VI IC: Ex. 2. Modulation when the dominant is not the leading chord. . - . . . C Ilus - G:V C: V I 1 . Id El FT I . C: VI I. 1 VT É THEORY AND. RUDIMENTAI IIARMONY, Ex. 3. V I VI VII LITT Minol. Lil A iv 017 I 17 I A four-fold chord with the fundamental tone omitted and a ninth substituted therefor, makes it very diflicult to distinguish. The caser most easily distinguished are those of the first inversion, or, where the chords stand in thirds, one above another. Fig. 3. The appearance of the ninth with the root left oạt, is like the screnth, and becomes very difficult for the unlearned to distinguish; but we hope farther on to make it plain, even to the novice. plinor indepen- dent ninths, are often called chords of the diminished seventh, because the bass tone, (the root heing left off,) forins a diminished seventh with the upper tone; as, b, d, f; B, d, f, aly, &c. - 07 Bb7 D7 Ab7 A7 F Eb7 E7 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. These chords are all arranged at the distance of a minor third from Cach other: distance between each note is a minor third. C#, e, g, hk, 22; d, f, ak, ck: f#, a, c, e2: c, eh, gk, hbb: ał, C, e, g: g, hk, dk, f5. It will be seen that this four-fold chord introduces tones foreign to the harmony, and may with propriety be called a chromatic harmony. The intervals which the ninth forms with other elements of the har- mony. What intervals the ninth forms with other elements of the harmony where they lie hişlier than the ninth. Major ninth, minor seventh, major fifth, major third and major second. Minor nint?1, diminished ser- enth, minor fifth, minor third and minor second. If we go into an exam- ination of the different positions and inversions of the chords under con- sideration, we shall find in the first inversion of a four-fold chord with the ninth, the original major third becomes the bass tone; the major fiſth becomes a small third: the seventh becomes its minor fifth, and its major ninth becomes-its diminished seventh, and the fundamental tone itself becomes a minor sixth, or: A E BAS mal eis To In the second inversion, the original major fifth becomes the hass tone: the seventh becomes a minor third : the minor ninth becomes - either a major or minor fifth: the major third becomes a major sixth, the fundamental tonc itself becomes a minor fourth. In the third inversion of the four-fold chord with ninth, the seventh becomes the hass tone: the third becomes the major fourth: the fourth becomes the major sixth : the major or minor ninth becomes a major or minor third: the root appears as a major second.. THEORY AND RUDINENTAL HARMONY. 97 N Finally in the fourth inversion, or when the ninth becomes the bass tone, the third becomes a major second: the fifth becomes a minor or mejor fourth: the seventh becomes a major or minor sixth: and the fundamental tone becomes a major or minor seventh. _R_ I s . As a useful exercise, the student had better write out all the inver- sions of these chords, and gire a definite account to himself of every diote. The major fjur-fold chord of C with ninth, becomes o, e, g, h2, d: first inversion, e, f, bb, d, c: second inversion, &, bb, d, c, e: third inyersion, bb, d, c, e, g: fourth inversion, d, c, e, g, bb, or, 11 VN In like manner other ninthe can be tåken up and gone through withi. The reason why we call the above ninths independent, is because they are not confined to the condition of transient notes or suspension, but are entirely independent of such notes TRANSITION One method of introducing tones into a harmony which are entirely foreign to it is that which is denominated transition: Transition depends on circumstances: a voice, before giving a par- wext higher or lower note, thns passing over to its proper harmonie THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL ILARMONY. tone: the previous struck norc is called the transition tone, because it . is struck in advance of the principal tone, the tone to which it Icads. : This species of transition produces a rich source of new combinations of which it is not in the province of this book to treat in a definite manner. There are mariy ways in which tones foreign to the funda- mental harmonies may be introduced, and which must be learned through a course of practical writing under a competent teacher, CONSONANT AND DISSONANT CHORDS, Teachers of music visually divide all harinonies into consonant and disa' sonant, or pleasing and displeasing. Consonant tones are those whicha, constitute the three-fold harmonies, first, third and fifth : and every other tone or combination, is called dissonant. Thus: the fundamental tone, its third and fifth, are consonant; with the seventii, mintáig or any other combination added, it is called dissonant. . PREPARATION, It has been ascertained that there are chords which are more or less disagreeable, such as the major and miror sevenths, and the ninths: " this harshiness can be done away with by what is termed preparation ; by introclucing the discordant note into a previous chord, This prepar- ing the note beforehand, is called the preparation of dissonance. The tone itself, as it is heard in the chord of preparation, is called tone of preparation. Most serent's require preparation. The major seventh is verý císagreeable to the ear, but the minor sevenths are much less so, though bcth require to be prepared. The dominant sevenths do not require any preparation, but may re- solve directly to a concord. Tones which are forcign to the fundamentul harmonies must be prepared, like the ninth, when the fundamental tone is heard with it. Theorists have laid down the rule that cill dissonances must be pre- pared, but the rule is often broken, as in the case of dominert seventiis, and therefore the rule does not hold good in all cases. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 99 W EXAMPLES OF PREPARING THE SEVENTI. Essential harmonies of the key are the tonic chord, or major three- told chord, and the four-fold chord on the major fifth: this last harmony is next after the tonic barmony, and is called dominant harmony, and the fifth is the doninant. The next harmony nearly related to this key, is the three-fold chord on the minor fourth of the tonic,-- a three-loll chord that is major when the tonic harmony is major, and minor when y the tonio harmony is minor. It is callcu sub-dominant chord, because it į is the under fifth of the tonic. The three essential harmonies of C, are cy.e, g: g, b, d: g, b, d, f, and f, a, c. The four most essential harmonies of every key are the major and minor three-fold chord: the three and four-fold harmony on the fifth or dominant, and the three-fold chord on the sub-dominant. These ar : the leads of the family; they determine its character, they impress the key on the ear, and are called the niost essential harmonies of the key. Whole pieces are often constructed on the above barmonies, and even on the topic and dominant. There are other harmonies nearly rclatei, which will appear more plain to the student as he progresses in his st.1::- ies. The harmonies of each key have already been given, but we will once more enumerate them. MAJOR SCALE. 9:333-2185 C C7, d, dt, a ei, F, 17, 4, 6*7, u7, ob, Ol? :: ixon SCALE. porno- 0000 - nothing " 3.1. - 6 il, 17, Oh; Ob7, d, d7, E, E7, F, F7, og# Define 100 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. Mode of representing the different harmonies. For major harmonies we will use large capital letters thus:-G, B, 1), F: for minor harmonies, small letters will be used thus: a, d, e, and for diminished harmonies a small cypher will be placed before the letter thus; Oa, od. For four- fold chord a figure 7 will be used after the letter, thus: d7, D7, &c. The following figures will be used underneath the chords; I, IV, V, or large figures for major chords and small figures (11, III, VIO , V117) for minor and diminished. Tables showing all the appropriate harmonies of major and minor keys should be constructed on all the different degrees of the scale, like the following example. C, CH, C or B, B5, A, A5, GH, G, G5, F1, F, F5, E, E5, D, D5, C#, &c. Each harmony is capable of having more than one key, and may be represented by a large letter at one time, and by a small letter at another. On the first degree, on. ly a major three-fold and major four-fold chord can occur -- thus : I or 17. The harmony of the second degree is always a minor three-fold and a minor four-fold chord, thus, II, 117. The harmony of the third degree is minor, thus: III Or 1117. The harmony of the fourth degree is major ; IV or 117. The harmony of the fifth degree is major; V or V7. The harmony of the sixth degree is minor; VI or V17. The harmony of the seventh degree is diminished; Ovit or Ov117. The harmony in minor keys on the first degree of the scale is always i. On the second degree is Oil'or 0117. On the fourth degree IV or 1v7. , On the fifth degree V or 17. On the sixth degree VI or V17. Ou the seventh degree OvII. It will be seen that major three-fold chords occur on the first, fourth and fifth of major keys, and third, : fourth or fifth and sixth of minor keys. Minor three-fold chords occur won the second, third and sixth of major scales, and on the first and fourth · of minor key8. Diminished three-fold chords occur on the seventh in major, and second and seventh in aninor keys. Dominant sevenths occur only on the fifth of the scale. Minor sevenths occur on the sec- ond, third and sixth degrees, and iliminished on the serienth ; major sevenths are found on the first and fourth of major, and fourth of minor, & THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 101 The major or minor keys which are the nearest related, are those which are most like each other, and are the dominant and sub-dominant of each key. The relationship of keys must be left here, as we do not wish to make this a complete book of harmony, and will close this part of our subject with a table of near related keys. TABLE OF THE RELATIONSHIPS. OF KEYS. C - a - A - F# -- F# -- d# — D# 6# B# - g Em G# - e* - E# :- - - C# - a# - A# - F# - d# - D# nomu o-o-o- 1 - Fd - 5 - 6 - B - --- c# - C# - El-C- 0 - a -- A -- F# - - di - Ab- f - F - d - D - b - B – 5# - F1-dź $ - -*-nom u goro Bbok - :- ( -* - E Ebbe -- ab - Az Abbe- fb db -- Db Bb D2b-322 Bhage. 102 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. It might be useful, as an exercise, to go through the preceding table carefully and propose questions somewhat as follows: What keys are inost nearly related to C-major? What to c-minor? What to f-minor?. &C.-What keys are thus related in the second degree?-What in the third degree?—Which of these relationships are the more or the less intimate?-In which degree are Fand E related to each other? What is the relationship between c and a ?-&c. TEMPERAMENT. To tune an instrument with entire purity and exactness, with the tone g as the perfectly pure fifth, that is, so that the velocity of the vi- brations of the tone g would be to those of the toue c as 3 to 2, g accoin- plishing three vibrations in the time o accomplishes two—and d as a pure fifth or under fourth and so on through a, e, b, f#,c#, and g#. The result of this pure tuning would necessitate a great number of keys, and for this reason, another and more practical method has been adopted. The difference between d# and ek must be equally divided, has been tuning is called equal temperament. No two instruments can be tuned absolutely alike, because the timber or quality of tone does not corres- , pond. A stringed instrument produces a different quality of tone from a wind instrument, and so we might go through all the various instru- CHAPTER VII. MODULATION. Modulation is the changing of harmonies in or out of a key. That modulation in which a piece remains in one key, is called morlulation in the key. That modulation which, after the ear becomes attuned to one key is changed into another, is called modulating out of the key, or digressive modulation. Digressive modulation then, is the changing of attunement from one key to another. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 103 DONNE a E a G . C A modulation which wholly erases the impression of the previous key is called perfect modulation; but when such impression is not en- tirely eradicated from the ear, it is called imperfect modulation. ht tal TOTO TOT Tulo HO - NHI @ The dominant four-fold harmony of the new key is the usual means by which a modulation is generally effected, and is therefore called the leading harmony; but modulation can be effected by other means, as we shall prove by and by Modulations may be made from any major. key to the eleven other major keys; from a major key to any of the twelve minor keys; from any minor key to the eleven other minor keys, and from any minor key to any of the twelve major keys, making in all forty-six modulations. How and by what means are we to determine whether a piece is in this or that key? The principles relating to this subject are quite simple, as the ear explains to itself every combination of tones in the most simple, most natural and most obvious manner. Generally speaking, the attunement of the ear to any particulat key, arises from the introduction of harmonies which are peculiar to that key. Thus, the tonic, dominant and sub-dominant harmonies are peculiar to every 104 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. kes, and a piece of music usually begins with the tonic harmony, thought there are instances where a piece of music begins with other than tonio chords. The ear once attuned to a particular key does not change its state of attunement into that of another key without a sufficient cause'. The means by which modulations are made are so numerous, and so diversified, that we shall not enter into detailed statements, but shall leave the subject in the hands of the teacher of practical harmony, to explain to his pupils, how and in what way modulations are best effected.' There are many forbidden progressions, many rules laid down for iliis and that chord to be doubled and not to be doubled, together with a thousand and one rules given for naming and omitting chords, which are only given to be broken, that we deem it inexpedient to argue alt length any of these disputed points. For this reason, we have left the entire matter of arbitrary rules to the judgment of the teacher, 10 teach according to his educational standpoint, and according to the necessities of the occasion. Hoping our labors have not been in raill, we wish our students Godspeed. PRACTICAL EXAMPLES IN WRITING HARMONY CORRECTLY. PROGRESSION. Two consecutive Fifths or Octaves must not follow each other, als they sound unpleasantly on the ear, and make what is termed fatse progression. A few examples. Used. t . Bad... Bad. THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY, 105 Octaves arıl Fifths. WOW LY First position. Good. O.- CI G V Second position. Third position. 11:10 UN . 106 V21 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL 2 ILARMONY. First. - Second. IV CI · G V CI Third. HI doo NU ODI TRIADS IN THREE POSITIONS ON THE PRINCIPAL HARMONIES OF THE SCALE. These examples show how chords can move without making connec- utive Fifths and Octaves. . . Tot - - . CI G V F IVCI G V CI CI F IV G VCI F IV 0 I THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL IIARMONY. 107 .. 一十​…… 1111 HHH Ai14 من مدا ۔ - 以IoT 16111到2年 ​= = —— ——— UE---- -- -- 十十一十​… 1 Fa上上 ​一十一​+ 2 4 The above exercises must be transposed into all the other major keys. Sequence. 一寸 ​23128282828I doo 39222外 ​一一一一一一 ​十一一 ​- - RS SO 86 198 石 ​DAN! 0 CONT 110 一 ​Donal THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 会多多多多 ​笔多多多多多 ​AN || - 900||| 116 ONN |||| 二十一 ​9: - 19 ID -- - - - All the exercises given above must be transposed into all major keys in order to familiarize the student with the triads. EXERCISES TO BE WRITTEN. No. 1. 当 ​上一十一 ​II. V III VI III I 如图 ​34 - - THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL ĦARMONY. 109 No. 4. to 11. No.5 A minor. The seventh of the minot scale must be sharped. wir 000- W o-2o1o2273-8g 3gp ota -o-to- la 1 . 1 -eie A sharp or flat over the bass note indicates that the third in the har- mony must be sharped or flatted. . Minor exercises. No.1. No. 2. # #1 TALA -- - سنعه تباينتننتالنتن سنش بنسای ن. متناننا تحت سلن No. 3. # 5# fairipofani tatem test . EI L istential * Indicates the fifth is sharpcd. No. 5. * D minor. 5 NH fo -- - S denne de * A the highest note in harinony. 110 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. :. No. 6. No.7. E minor # - -- LOJ · in t ernet inte No. 8. No.. 5#6 # +- . #Ni th edha No. 10. C minor. # N ننلن ti EXERCISES INTRODUCING THE CHORD OF THE SIXTH. M son TODO VOT DADE QLOL ONT . 6 6 6 6 com BOLL - tek ded. trum Yht -Kett en met op 35 TIN -- - ZEL THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. . 111 منم بدن هست م منه مسامسه ساسی مانسنسنا استسننداس 3 4 6 6 3 4 6 3 ----سمنسحس مستنسنشن-م س-سسسس اس س ندن- . مانند --مس- ساس----سنل به دسسسسستیل .د ا نششش انتشتعلتتسلتنانتنت س نتان پساینسميسماس مبانیستنسن تنیس 3 في 6 ننوتنتکس مستند » تسننت سشسسمنت به امسا۔ متستستلمتتتنفس TNI #VIL 9 الی 6 6 * 6 | سا 0 مضمد | * السسسسسس 10 : . . -من- السمن-- -- .شه - نه• م . م . م . الم به نکسنممنبمننه ---- - -من . م . . نب-بس . | +-- هش نسنس لسنستن لسنا ست سن متن سخت من بسته -د ماس -- - 11 محمدمحصص و سلننلمننينسك لمينسكسنساتسكسسسس لشن نے یه سلن نضمن لمن تستنشن لیننننن 14 HARMONY. 112 THEORY AND THEORY RUDIMENTAL HARMON AND RUDIMENTAL 8 5 # * 1 * Httt 21 th 1. الدماسي مانه PROGRESSIONS. rint- MONI OU M0. TTOO DOTO IN Nai 6 6 Kertoire 6 fe Affection - -- WM TOO! TO00 ANOL O ITI OLON FIAA TO 6 6 6 to - font- متانتناسالمندشناسنشاسته تسلسل سناتنساشاشند CHORD OF THE. SIXTË AND FOURTH: sappia, ON i N THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 113 113 OHORDS OF THE SEVENTH. | | 6 3. ॥ TE 36. 6. TTN 4 -- - 66 114 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 114 INVERSION OF SEVENTHS WITH FIGURES. 6 6 3 2 oto I. 6 6 6 8 en OT 3 6 6 8 NII WA وحدت - - # co Ni . ol 4- -- THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY.. 115. N N CL 1 6 6 7 UID 0070 ill khme ITA ti 2. 6 my op 5 any way 7. 7 6 A# ItemIA FOTO tlantol to-ro 116 . 116 THEORY THEORY AND HARMONY AND RUDIMENTAL: RUDIMENTAL HARMONY8. H I OTTTO! . #NI I . TN --# . fi ots | HITT NI # . .. 9... 4.... 1 - - teo # 9.. . N THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 117 17 . #L 十一 ​618 1-TT2.7|T 65-19 7 #44# 一口一 ​今井一二 ​-- 43 llllimil 十一​… 2-- 五一 ​- - -- - Efb43TTTO - (7366. 6 .TW #4 s2. 年 ​6 TTTT | QIN、 62 wt.. 1 A #NE s10| | 65|18 , T + |-- - 分一​--- 「一 ​|||| Rss #1 118 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. erec 2 6 6 Lum 8 very a co ii 011 # cet TN iicio, lii 1. CHAOS TTT و محبت leb HOSTTT02 * Nu! · THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 119 6 TO WIL TTT 다 ​# DL.100 HTT? Qiros 2-#lil N & os So 5 5 5 5# 3 6 6 Nii TTO EXAMPLE. 5 5# 5 - - Se 2 vi 5# 5 5# 6 2 6 4 y. Ti 0163 erot mi 120 .THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 4 - 6 | | وا 3 5 36 3 5 6 6 3 سم ۱ 3 6 4 * 2 6 7 | | مدع ** | N{ | | و حمایت * 2 | مد طه 6 . ! . . 8 مرحب ا ! أما اتنا | ما لی۔ Cuern TTT وسط با | !!! : و T# موت [ALL TIN مد THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY: 121 | | - هم می و خرید 7 6 5 ) احمدى سسسسس----- ته - من . ا | 다 ​NI . * HTM 8 ' 4 ' 2 * 6 6 -T- س ه- سنس د- سا ||: TTTT أن 8 6 3 * | - || سالب خرید |V i له | 122 THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY 32 | THE -- - Oro 6 . # 637h || PIN . 8: . 9 9 laros 4 3 : TINO QWL TTT 070 } mit IN V TIN IHOI 8 6 f con + OIL THEORY AND RUDIMENTAL HARMONY. 12:3 TT no or X - Oro CIAO EI Lii INI. SFLIN | oto Y ebon | TTTI TIN || . . . 8 2 6 6 2 5 eros. # toit . · If the student has been diligent and faithful in writing all the exam- ples given in this book, he will have no trouble in writing from any figured bass, or understanding any chords used in musical composition. OVER 500,000 ALREADY SOLD.- WHITE'S SCHOOL FOR THE REED ORGAN racen no no no no comment PRINTED ON HEAVY PAPER, AND BOUND IN BOARD COVERS. The phenomenal sale of this method is without a parallel. The author (C. A.White), designed it to be A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE; and its unrivalled success proves how well he knew just what was needed by the people. It contains the essential rudiments of music, and progressive exercises enough to prepare the pupil for the execution of all ordinary music for the instrument. “It also has instru mental and vocal music for recreation purposes. Price, post-paid, - - $2.50. OLIINIT WHIT CLUSTER OF WALTZES. W WE PRICE, $1.00.- SHEET MUSIC SIZE. BOUND IN BOARDS. 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This instructor is destined to become a UNIVERSAL PIANO METHOD in this country for the following reasons:- It is THOROUGH, . INTERESTING, SIMPLE, PRACTICAL, PROGRESSIVE, INSTRUCTIVE. Published with both American and Foreign fingering. Price, $2,50. 11 III * 11 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ] 3 9015 00960 3401 . . A ** . . | - 。 - - 于 ​II K 重 ​量 ​* A : ": - 雪​” 事 ​轟轟 ​- 是因​: [i , " 才更 ​是是非 ​看看 ​: : : 1,1111 . :: : :: : : : ... 单 ​事 ​。 TH " , 1 .1 _ , * . … . . . * - * 直单​, :: .. . . 事​, 車​, -..」 ** ..: , :: 1.單車場 ​.•* , , | . '. , 目 ​本書由基​, 1年​,,, 单 ​* :: | 12- : 1“重 ​| . … ” . kiyet - - : . . .., , : * : *** : | rs;事​,事 ​。 ” : :: 鲁 ​, 于一身 ​. …. . · .. . -- * “ 一 ​4 鲁 ​”是晋is, 看畢​“ 重事事 ​1. 。 “. . 畢​。 ·鲁​,鲁鲁lt. ar; . …, l .. * *.. . 5 . カ ​: . . . .. .. - ' ' IT .. 書 ​. ||,是中国 ​出售中 ​. 臺中 ​4 . . … (星 ​