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Secretary, JoHN B. ANDREws, 131 East 23d St., New York. Assistant Secretary, IRENE OsgooD ANDREws, New York City. Treasurer, V. EveRIt Macy, New York City. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE t CHARLEs M. CABor, Boston FREDERICK L. HoFFMAN, Newark JoBIN CALDER, Detroit, Mich. PAUL U. KELLOGG, New York City JoHN R. Commons, Madison, Wis. SAMUEL McC. LINDsay, New York HENRY W. FARNAM, New Haven John MITCHELL, New York City ERNST FREUND, Chicago CHARLEs P. NEILL, Washington The President and the Secretary. MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Minimum individual membership fee, $3 a year. Associate members contribute annually $5 to $25. Contributing members contribute annually $25 to $100. Sustaining members contribute annually $100 or more. In addition to the American Labor Legislation Review, which is sent pre- paid to all members, the quarterly Bulletin of the International Labor Office will be sent to members paying $5 or more, if specially requested. Societies and institutions pay $5 or more a year and receive all publications. Letters of inquiry and membership contributions should be sent to THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR LABOR LEGISLATION, JOHN B. ANDREws, Secretary, I31 East 23d St., New York City. International Association for Labor Legislation BASEL, SWITZERLAND. Serves as a bond of union to all who believe in the necessity for Labor Legislation. Facilitates the study of Labor Legislation in all countries and provides in- formation on the subject. The International Labor Office publishes a periodical Bulletin in English, German and French—which contains the text of recent Labor Laws in all countries, notes on action taken in the various Legislatures, resolutions of Congresses, and an International Bibliography on Labor Legislation. NATIONAL SECTIONS ARGENTINA FINLAND ITALY AUSTRIA FRANCE NORWAY BELGIUM GERMANY SPAIN DENMARK HOLLAND SWEDEN ENGLAND HUNGARY SWITZERLAND UNITED STATES Public Halth AMERICAN LABOR LEGISLATION REVIEW Vol. II, No. 2 ILLUSTRATIONS Dry Sandpapering. Wet Sanding with Pumice Stone. Facing Page 181 Arsenic Poisoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & Gº ** 188. Cross Section of Caisson in Full Operation . . . . . . . . “ ** 193 Occupational Skin Diseases ......... p e º e s e e o e e s e 6 & ** 208. Making Lead Colors. Lead Casting, Showing Lead Pot in a Smelter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & “ 273. Dust Collectors in a Lead Plant. Emptying a Red- Lead Furnace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & “ 276. Lead Used as a Hardening Agent. Heading up Barrels of Dry Red Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & ** 284 Chaser Room in White-Lead Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . & & ** 288 Air-Lock on Top of Caisson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & “ 353 Separating Screens in White-Lead Factory ........ & & ** 360 Workers in White-Lead Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & & “ 368. AMERICAN LABOR LEGISLATION REVIEW Vol. II JUNE, 1912 - No. 2 C O N T E N T S - I. SYMposium on INDUSTRIAL DISEASEs. PAGE Classification of Occupational Diseases...... W. G. Thompson... 185 Compressed-Air Illness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FREDERICK L. KEAYs 192 Occupational Skin Diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JoBIN A. FoEDYCE. . 206 Occupational Nervous and Mental Diseases...CHARLEs L. DANA... 217 Occupational Eye Diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELLICE M. ALGER. . 223 Industrial Poisoning. . . . . . . . . . © tº e o e s e s a s s a s DAVID L. EDSALL. . . 231 Cooperation in Promoting Industrial Hygiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HENRY R. SEAGER... 235 GENERAL DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 II. INVESTIGATION OF INDUSTRIAL DISEASEs. Intensive Investigations in Industrial Hygiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. L. HoFFMAN. . . . 255 Compulsory Reporting by Physicians ...... LEONARD W. HATCH 264 Lead Poisoning in New York City.......... EDWARD E. PRATT. . 273 GENERAL DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281 III. HEALTH PROBLEMs IN MoDERN INDUSTRY. - The Function of Hospitals and Clinics in the Prevention of Industrial Disease. . . . . . . RICHARD CABOT...... 293 Temperature and Humidity in Factories....C.-E. A. WINSLow. . .297 Air Impurities—Dusts, Fumes, and Gases...CHARLEs BASKERVILLE 305 Effects of Confined Air Upon the Health of Workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEORGE M. PRICE. ... 312 GENERAL DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 IV. STATE PROMOTION of INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE. Education for the Prevention of Industrial Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. G. Overlock.... 329 Notification of Occupational Diseases...... CRESSY L. WILBUR. . .339 Medical Inspection of Factories in Illinois. . HARo1.D. K. GIBSON.. 346 Compressed-Air Illness in Caisson Work. ... L. M. RYAN. . . . . . . . 350 Legal Protection for Workers in Unhealthful Trades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John B. ANDREws... 356 GENERAL DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 V. BIBLIOGRAPHY on INDUSTRIAL HyGIENE. - American Titles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369 Titles Other Than American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397 The American Labor Legislation Review is published quarterly by the Ameriean Asso- ciation for Labor Legislation, 131 East 23d St., New York, N. Y. The price is one dollar per single copy, or three dollars per year in advance. Annual subscription includes indi- vidual membership in the Association. z Public Health Princeton University Press Princeton, N. J. A report of five cases of chronic mercurial poisoning. (Med- ical news, Philadelphia, 1891, v. 59: I86-188. Also reprint.) All in hat factory workers. Agnew, C. R. A preliminary analysis of 1,060 cases of asthenopia. New York, 1877. I2 p With occupation tables for men and wo. men afflicted with this eye disease. Alcohol. Hearings on free alcohol be- fore the Committee on ways and means of the House of representa- tives, February–March, 1906, Ist ses- sion, 59th Congress. Washington, government printing office. I906. 9 p. Testimony upon the effects of wood-alco- hol on the health of workmen. See Index, “Health”, p. 436. Aldrich, Charles J. Trap-drummer's neurosis: a hitherto undescribed Oc- cupational disease. (Medical news, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1903, v. 82: 257–258.) Single case due to overstrain of certain muscles. • . . . . . . . Caisson disease; illustrated with pen drawings of caisson, tunnel, shaft and drift, air-locks, etc. (Cleveland medical gazette, March 1899, v. I4:279-287. Discussion, p. 287-295.) . * General discussion of symptoms, causes, theories, etc., with account of cases in Ar- kansas. .....: Compressed-air illness, or cais- son disease. (Medical news, N. Y., 1904, v. 85: 1020-1024. Illustrated.) Based on study of 50 cases of caisson disease occurring in the water tunnel under Lake Erie at Cleveland, with description, of a caisson, and review of experience else- where. Alger, Ellice M. Occupational eye diseases. (American labor legisla- tion review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 223-230.) Allen, J. W. On the need of a pro- gressive study of industrial diseases. (Chicago magazine times, I907, V. 40: 641–649.) American Association for Labor Leg- islation. First national conference on industrial diseases. Chicago, June 10, 1910. American association for labor legislation, New York, 1910, 52 p. (Publication no. Io. American association for labor leg- islation.) (See Farnam, Favill, An- drews, Henderson, Hamilton, and Hoffman.) ... ....Second national conference on industrial diseases, Atlantic City, June 3-5, 1912. American Labor leg- 37O American Labor Legislation Review American museum of safety, islation review, v. 2, no. 2. p. 179-417. (See Thompson, Keays, Fordyce, Dana, Alger, Edsall, Seager, Hoff- man, Hatch, Pratt, Cabot, Winslow, Baskerville, Price, Overlock, Wilbur, Gibson, Ryan, and Andrews.) tº e º 'º e e º ºs American labor legislation re- view, v. I, no. I (see Hamilton, Schwab, Hoffman, and Memorial on occupational diseases). (Discussion of reporting of diseases by employ- ers, medical inspection of factories, clinic for industrial diseases, mer- curial poisoning in New York and New Jersey, etc., p. 73-95.) & tº º ºs & © tº € gº tº g tº e º v. I, no. 2 (see Hoff- man, Winslow, Elliott, Graham- Rogers, and Laws.) • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * v. I, no. 3 (see Laws). tº e º e º e º ſº º e º e º a v. I, no. 4 (see An- drews). (Discussion of occupational disease reports, p. III-I37.) tº tº º gº tº º ſº tº ſº º º is ... v. 2, no. 1 (see Hotch- kiss.) tº $ tº ſº º e tº e Leaflets, nos. I-6. New York. Safety manual no. 3. Foun- dry practice. Dangers to health in the molding industry. I912. 44 p. Ames, Azel, Jr.. Sex in industry: a plea for the working girl. Boston. Os- good and company. 1875. I58 p. A popular treatment of the results of the investigation into special effects of certain forms of employment upon female health, published in the Sixth Annual Report of the (Mass.) Bureau of Statistics of Labor (q.v.) by the physician who made the investiga- tion. Andrews,. John B. Phosphorus poi- soning in the match industry in the United States. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 86, Jan. 1910, p. 31-144.) & ſº º & ſº a tº Based on thorough, original investigation of 15 out of the 16 match factories in the Ljnited States. - tº e º 'º gº tº tº ſº Deaths from industrial lead poisoning (actually reported) in New York state in 1909 and 1910. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 95, July 1911, p. 260-282.) A personal investigation of 60 deaths re- ported by physicians as due to lead poison- tº e º g º ſº ſº º Phosphorus poisoning in the manufacture of matches. (American association for labor legislation, 1910. Publication no. 10: II-I9.) Brief general discussion based on report for United States Labor Bureau (q. v.). & & © tº dº e º gº Beginning of & © tº e º e º & Bartlett, Elisha. e tº ſº & © tº ſº The beginning of occupational disease reports. (American labor legislation review, Dec. 1911, v. 1, no. 4: IO7-II.3. Discussion, p. III- I37.) tº g tº ſº Reasons for and main provisions of laws passed in six states in 1911. gº º sº e º ſº º Legal protection for workers in unhealthful trades. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 356-362.) is e º ºs e º e º e Industrial diseases and occu- pational standards. (Proceedings of the National conference of chari- ties and corrections, 37th session, May 1910, p. 440-449. Reprinted as pamphlet.) tº e º 'º tº e º ſe Protection against occupation- (Academy of political York, v. 2, no. 2: 18- al diseases. science, New 23.) . . . . . . Industrial diseases and physi- cians. (Journal of American medical association, April 15, 1911, v. 56: II32-II34.) occupational disease reports. (Journal of Ameri- can medical association, Dec. 16, I9II, v. 57: 1984-1986.) * } Diseases of occupation. (The physician, Aug. 1911, p. 9-15. Ameri- can federationist, June 1911, p. 455- 457.) & e º e º ſº tº e Industrial diseases problem. (Proceedings of the National con- ference of charities and corrections, 39th session, June 1912.) © º 'º e º tº º tº Clinic for industrial diseases, (Survey, Nov. I2, 1910, v. 25, p. 268- 270. Illustrated.) A description of the Milan clinic. match worker. (Survey, Dec. 2, 1911, v. 27, p. 1275. Illus- trated.) Case of phosphorus necrosis. Bard, C. L. Malignant pustule, and insanity due to bisulphide of carbon. (Southern California practitioner, Los Angeles, 1892, v. 7: 481-485.) Case of anthrax and discussion of dangers to which sº. are exposed. Three cases of insanity from bisulphide of carbon, one in a manufacturer of the substance, and dis- cussion of its uses and effects on workmen. Vindication of the character and condition of the fe- males employed in the Lowell mills. Lowell, 1841, 23 p. Results of personal investigations of hº of operatives in 1835 and 1841 (p. 10-14). Bibliography (American) 37I Baskerville, Charles. Air impurities— dust, fumes and gases. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 305-31I.) - º & Bassoe, Peter. Compressed-air dis- ease. (Report of Illinois commis- sion on occupational diseases, Jan. I9II, p. 99-150.) - e e Thorough, up-to-date discussion, . with table of 161 cases personally investigated, abstract of work conducted by British Ad- miralty, abstract of Henry Japp's article (q. v.), text of the New York law, summary of laws in other countries, and suggestions for legislation. º º Bates, Josephine (White). “Mrs. L. W. Bates.”. Mercury poisoning in the industries of New York city and vicinity, by Mrs. Lindon W. Bates. . . . . . (New York) National civic federation, New York and New Jersey section (Women’s welfare de- partment), 1911, I32 p. Illustrated. Results of an investigation made by the Woman’s Welfare Department of the Na- tional Civic Federation, with statistics, des- criptions of processes, and cases. Bauer, Louis. Pathological effects up- on the brain and spinal cord of men exposed to the action of a largely increased atmospheric pressure. (St. Louis medical and surgical journal, May Io, 1870, n. s. v. 7: 234-245.) Historically interesting experience with caisson disease among workmen on St. Louis bridge. © tº Beard, Geo. M. Our home physician. New York, I869. “Influence of the occupation on health,” p. 332–373. Illustrated. Bistorically interesting description, pic- tures and statistics of especially danger- ous occupations. tº , tº Bennett, W. H. Dust as an exciting cause of disease of the air passages. (Medical record, N. Y., 1872, v. 7: 388-389.) . - º Brief article on dusty occupations. . Bergey, D. H. Principles of hygiene. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, 1909, Ch. XI. “Industrial hygiene”, p. 268-286. On effects of anilin dyes and nitroben-' zine, influence of length of working day on health of laborers, and lighting of industrial establishments. Betts, W. W. Chalicosis pulmonum, or interstitial pneumonia induced by stone-dust. (Denver medical times, 1899-1900, v. 19: 354-361. Discussion, p. 361-366.) Based on practice among workers in a cyanide mill, showing great mortality from effects of dust. Billings, John S. Diseases of occupa- tion. (Progress of the world, Aug. 1896, v. 2:248-252.) Good, brief, general treatment in lecture before Pratt Institute. Based on experi- ence in the Philadelphia Hospital, with special description of 9 cases. Blumer, G., Young, H. H. A case of anthrax septicaemia in a human be- ing, associated with acute anthrax endocarditis and peritonitis. (Johns Hopkins hospital bulletin, Baltimore, I895, v. 6: I27-132. Also reprint.) In a hair factory laborer, resulting in death, with report of autopsy. Boston, L. N. Leukocystosis in lead- workers. (Philadelphia medical journal, I902, v. Io: 441–443. Also Proceedings of the Philadelphia county medical society, 1902-3, v. 23: 246-250.) - Bowen, John T. Acute infectious pem- phigus in a butcher, during an epi- zootic of foot and mouth disease, with a consideration of the possi- . ble relationship of the two affec- tions. (Journal of cutaneous dis- eases, 1904, v. 22, p. 253-265. Illus- trated.) Braymer, O. W. The sanitary inspec- tion of factories. (Journal of the American medical association, Chi- cago, 1896, v. 26: 320-323.) Urging importance of proper legislation and factory inspection. Brigham, Charles H. Influence of oc- cupations upon health. (Michigan State board of health report, 1875, p. 41-54). . . General descriptions of effects of dust, bad air, noise, eyestrain, etc., and possible safe- guards. tº tº Brooks, Harlow. Caisson disease; the pathological anatomy and patho- genesis, with an experimental study, (Long Island medical journal, April I907, v. I: I49-158.) Thorough discussion of the history, theo- ries, etc., with medical history of cases and autopsies. compressed-air workers. (Medical record, N. Y., 1907, v. 71:855–857.) Observations in 75 cases occurring in employees of the Belmont Tunnel. Brose, L. D. Amaurosis following the entrance of a well after the use of dynamite. (Archives of ophthalmol- ogy. N. Y., 1899, v. 28: 402–406.) Two cases of prostration, and temporary blindness in a farmer and his rescuer. Broughton, M. The “bends.” [Cais- 372 American Labor Legislation Review son disease.] (Medical tribune, N. Y., 1882, v. 4: 185-195.) General discussion based largely on Dr. Smith’s pamphlet (q.v.) with description of case in employee of Hudson River Tunnel. Burr, C. W. Occupation spasms. (In A text-book on nervous diseases by American authors. Ed. by Francis X. Dercum, 1895, p. 276-279.) Brief discussion of various occupational cramps. Burrell, H. L. The report of a case of anthrax. (Transactions of the American surgical association, Phila., 1893, v. II: 309-328. Also Annals of surgery, Phila., 1893, v. 18; 605-622. Illustrated. Bibliography.) Thorough discussion of the disease as manifested in a longshoreman who had been handling hides. Butler, Elizabeth. Women and the trades: Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. The Pittsburgh survey. Charities pub- lication committee, N. Y., 1909. “Health,” p. 358-367. Summary of health conditions among women workers in Pittsburgh. Cabot, Richard. The function of hos- pitals and clinics in the prevention of industrial diseases. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 293–296.) Caisson disease and a safety apparatus for pneumatic caisson locks. gineering record, N. Y., 1904, v. 49: II2-II3.) Brief description of disease, and descrip- tion and pictures of a device for reducing pressure gradually, invented by Mr. W. I. Aims, engineer of the New York Tunnel Co. Caisson disease, Cases of. (Medical and surgical reports, Presbyterian hospital, New York, 1896.) - Callan, L. W. Double choked discs associated with compressed-air dis- ease. (Archives of ophthalmology. N. Y., July 1907, v. 36:509-512.) Case in a tunnel worker, and general dis- cussion of effects of compressed air on the eyes. Camac, C. N. Bancker. Chromic acid poisoning. (Cornell university med- ical college bulletin, Jan. I905.) Cancer mortality in the United States, by occupations. (In Tenth census, vital statistics, v. 2: 576-577.) Canfield, W. B. Relation of dusty oc- cupations to pulmonary phthisis. (Transactions of the medical and chirurgical faculty, Maryland. Balti- more, 1889. Report of the section of (En- practice of medicine, p. 106-IIo. Also reprint.) Describes case of a slate miner. Carpenter, J. T. Mining, considered with regard to its effects upon health and life. (Transactions, Medical society of Pennsylvania, Phila., 1869, 5. S. pt. 2:487-49I.) & General discussion of effect of coal min- ing on the health of miners. Chace, D. E. Diseases of shop-girls in notes of private practice. (Med- ical society of the County of Kings, Brooklyn. Proceedings, June 1881, v. 6:83–89. Discussion, p. 89-91.) Record of 150 cases, arguing that lack of seats is not particularly injurious. Chadbourne, A. P. The gastric and respiratory symptoms caused by the dust of curled hair. (Boston medi- cal and surgical journal, 1894, v. I30: Case of a man who had worked 20 years in a mattress factory. Chancellor, C. W. Impure air and un- healthy occupations as predisposing causes of pulmonary consumption. (American public health association report, 1885, Concord, N. H., 1886, v. II: 67–72.) General discussion of indoor and dusty occupations. Chaney, Lubian W. Employment of women in the metal trades. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States. 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645, v. II. “Legal provisions against industrial dangers and diseases,” p. I6-18; “Light and ventilation, dust and fumes,” etc., p. 22-26.) General results of extensive, official in- vestigations. Chapin, J. B. Insanity following ex- posure to fumes of mercury. (Amer- ican journal of insanity, Utica, N. Y., 1863-4, v. 20:335-338.) tº a tº . General discussion , and description of a single case in a blacksmith who had been engaged for two years in “retorting gold,” or driving off the mercury by means of high temperature. Chenery, Wm. Ludlow. Occupational diseases. (Independent, Feb. 9, 1911, v. 70: 306–309.) Popular article based on Dr. Hamilton's report for the Illinois Commission on In- dustrial Diseases and Dr. Andrews’ report for the U. S. Labor Bureau (q. v.). Cheney, Horace B., La. Rue, Omer. Report of factory conditions in Con- necticut as related to tuberculosis. Bibliography (American) 373 (Connecticut public document, spe- cial. Hartford, 1908. 8 p.) Part of report of special committee to in- vestigate tuberculosis, with special reference to the future enactment of laws to prevent its spread. Church, John A. Accidents in the Comstock mines and their relation to deep mining (Transactions of the American institute of mining engineers, 1879-188o. v. 8:84-97. Abstract in Scientific American, Nov. 1, 1879, v. 55: 272-273.) On the effects of excessive heat on min- ers, fainting, insanity, prostration, and death. Clark, E. A. Effects of increased at- mospheric pressure upon the human body with a report of thirty-five cases brought to city hospital from the caisson of the St. Louis and Il- linois bridge. (Medical archives, St. Louis, Sept. 1870, v. 5: I-30.) Valuable historically, not theoretically. Clark, J. F. Mercurial tremor. (Med- ical record, N. Y., 1893, v. 43: I3.) . Single case in a hatter, with description of his work. Clark, L. P. Occupation neurosis or ironer's cramp. (Medical record, N. Y., 1896, v. 50:642.) Single case in a laundress. Clendening, L. Muscular spasms due to heat in cooks on Pullman diners. (Journal of American medical asso- ciation, Chicago, IQIO, v. 54: I517.) Brief account of single case. Clothing, Men’s ready-made. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645. “Health and hygienic conditions” (home work), v. 295-298; “Ventila- tion of workrooms,” v. 2:321-322.) General results of a thorough official in- vestigation in New York and other cities. Coleman, J. W., Jerome, A. T. Some pathological conditions to which the miner is peculiarly liable. (Colora- do medical journal, Denver, 1902, v. 8: 99-IoI. Also Medical dial, Minne- apolis, 1902, v. 4: 183-184.) Effects of powder smoke, heat, dust, etc., especially on metal miners. Cook, J. C. Physical effect of child labor upon the individual. (Illinois medical journal, Springfield, Igo2-3, n. s. v. 4:509-51O.) Brief, general article. Cooseman, E. The hearing-power of beetlers; contribution to the study of occupation deafness. (Archives of otology, N.Y., . v. 28: 413.) Linen-workers in Belgium. Coplin, W. M. L., and others. The ef- fects of heat as manifested in work- men in sugar-refineries. (Medical news, Sept. 3, 1892, v. 61:262-266.) Experience with over 200 cases in a single refinery in Philadelphia during period of eight days. Corning, J. L. Observations on the caisson or tunnel disease, with notes on nine cases which occurred at the engineering works known as the Hudson river tunnel. (Medical record, N. Y., 1890, v. 37: 513-521. Illustrated. Bibliography.) Corporations and operatives. 1843, 72 p. . On health conditions among factory oper- atives in Lowell, p. 35-40. Cotton textile industry. (Report on condition of woman and child wage- earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645. Pre- pared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of labor. “Hygienic conditions of mills,” v. I: 358-367.) * tº . tº . * e Results of extensive investigations, in the North and the South, of lighting, venti- lation and humidity, dust and lint, and spit- ting on floors. Dis- Cotton and woolen operatives. eases, and disease tendencies of oc- cupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, twenty-fifth annual report, 1902, p. 377–382.) . . . tº a tº gº & General description and statistics of sick- ness and death. Cowgill, J. E. Occupation as affecting the death rate. (Medical examiner and practitioner, N. Y., July 1901, v. II: 339-34I.) General discussion from actuarial point of view, with classification of occupations and census and life insurance company statistics. * * ... ...... Mortality of the United States: diagrams of the mortality by occupation. Indianapolis, 190I. Crabtree, J. H. The methods of dust extraction on cotton-carding en- gines: safeguarding the working- man’s health. (Scientific American, Dec. 30, 1911, v. IoS: 592-593. Illus- trated.) Practical. Crawford, H. M. Medical appliances for health and safety in the weaving industry. (Cassier, Dec. I910, v. 39: I 17-134. Illustrated.) Mainly on accidents, but describes and gives pictures of safe methods of thread- ing shuttles. Lowell, 374 American Labor Legislation Review . . . . . . . . Mechanical appliances for dust extraction in cotton mills. (Cas- sier, Nov. 1911, v. 40: 579-596. Illus- trated.) º - With 21 illustrations of respirators, dust extractors and exhaust fans. Crum, Frederick S. Health and mor- tality of the cotton mill operatives of Blackburn, England. 23 p. (Med- ical record, Aug. II, 1906, v. 70: 207- 213. Also reprint.) . . . . . . . . . . . Occupation mortality statis- tics of Sheffield, England. I890- 1907. (Publications of the American statistical association, Dec. I908, v. II: 309-318.) . Two reviews of English reports. ticS. - e e º 'º e e ... The mortality from consump- tion in small cities. (Quarterly pub- lications American statistical asso- ciation, Boston, Dec. 1907, v. Io: 448- Statis- Íñfluence of occupations, with statistics, p. 463-466. Curtis, Josiah. Public hygiene of Mas: sachusetts; but more particularly of the cities of Boston and Lowell. YTransactions of American medical association, 1849, v. 2:487-554. Sum- mary quoted in Documentary his- tory of American industrial society, v. 8: 187.) º On lack of ventilation in mills and board- ing houses of Lowell (p. 513-519). Dana, Charles Loomis. Text-book of nervous diseases and psychiatry, for the use of students and prac- titioners of medicine. 7th ed. New York, W. Wood and company, 1908, xii, 782 p. “Professional neuroses, occupation neuroses”: p. 609-617. Excellent treatment of occupational cramps. g º e º is ...Occupational nervous and mental diseases. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, V. 2, no. 2:217-222.) e e o e s e s a Occupational neuroses. (Med- ical record, Feb. 3, 1912, v. 81, no. Io: 451–459. Illustrated.) Elaborate clinical study of 100 cases, giv- ing occupations of patients. Darlington, T., The effect of the pro- ducts of high explosives, dynamite, and nitro-glycerine, on the human system. (Medical record, N. Y., 1890, v. 38: 661-662. Also reprint.) hased on experience as surgeon of the Croton Aqueduct and of Arizona mining and railroad companies. Darwall, J. Diseases of artisans. (In Ziemssen’s Cyclopedia of practi- cal medicine, Phila., 1845, v. I: I70- 182.) Davis, I. P. Diseases occurring in manufacture of rubber boots and shoes. (Tenth annual report of the board of health of New Jersey, 1886, Trenton, 1887, p. 195-200.) Describes processes of manufacture, con- ditions of work and danger of lead poison- ing, etc. Dennis, L. Hatting as affecting the health of operatives. (Report of the New Jersey State board of health. 1878, p. 67–85. Also Report of the Connecticut board of health, 1882, Hartford, 1883, p. 41-59.) Description of processes and statistics of 168 cases of mercury poisoning among 1546 hatters. Detmold, W. The physiological effect of highly condensed air on the hu- man body. (New York journal of 'medicine, 1843, v. I: 185-189.) . Description of the use of compressed air in mining and its effect on the miners, based on German article. Interesting as the first American article on caisson disease. Dickey, John L. “Nailers' consump- tion” and other diseases peculiar to workers in iron and glass. (West Virginia State board of health re- ports, 1881-1884. p. 149-154.) Describes briefly work and its dangers, with typical case of “nailers’ consumption”. Diseases of occupation. . (Report, of the Chicago industrial exhibit, March, 1908.) Diseases and disease tendencies of oc- cupations. (New Jersey bureau, of ! statistics of labor and industries, twenty-fourth annual report, Igor, p. 347-354.) General discussion. Dock, George, Bass, Charles C. Hook- worm disease. St. Louis, 1910. 250 p. Describes briefly St. Gothard Tunnel epi- demic, the anemia of brick workers, miners, etc. p. 22:23, 33-37. Hookworm disease in the United States, p. 37-45, etc. º Doehring, C. F. W. Factory sanita- tion and labor protection. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 44, Jan. I903, p. I-131.) Extended treatise on factory conditions and industrial processes injurious to health, with lists of injurious dusts and poisons and descriptions of the lead manufacturing and using industries, and of dangerous processes in the manufacture of oilcloth and linoleum, linseed oil, tallow, and fertilizers. Describes Bibliography (American) 375 methods of safeguarding workmen. Based mainly on European experience and inves- tigations in a few factories in the United States. Donaldson, Frank. The influence of city life and occupation in devel- oping pulmonary consumption. (American public health association. Reports and papers, v. 2: 95-II.4. New York, 1876.) Mainly on general influence of city life, but shows briefly influence of sedentary and indoor occupations (p. 106-7). Drake, Daniel. The principal diseases of the interior valley of North America. “Cotton ginning,” v. 2: 799-801. Draper, Frank W. Arsenic in certain green colors. (Massachusetts State board of health report, 1872, p. 18- Éffects on workmen, with specific in- stances, p. 52-56. Dudley, P. The metal worker's occu- pation and his health. (Report of the board of health, etc., of Penn- sylvania, 1888-9, fifth annual. Har- risburg, 1891, p. 374-377.) Brief general discussion of the effects of dust, especially as a cause of consumption. Dust and its relation to disease. (Iowa State board of health report, 1906, p. IOS. Illustrated.) . Pictures of lungs of coal miners, lead miners, steel grinders, etc. Dusty occupations and the dust prob- lem. (See reports of state factory inspection departments and of state labor bureaus.) Dusty trades, in , Massachusetts. (Monthly bulletin of the Massachu- setts State board of health, Aug. I9IO, v. 5: 316–379. Illustrated.) Mainly illustrations, with brief descrip- tions. List of processes declared injurious to the health of minors b Health, July 7, 1910, p. 378-9. e Dutton, Walton Forest. . Vanadium: ism. . (Journal of American medical association, June 3, 1911, v. 56: I648.) Brief description of the poisoning to which employees are subject in establish- ments where vanadium is produced. Eads, James B. Report to the presi- dent and directors of the Illinois and St. Louis bridge co., 1870. On compressed-air illness in employees. Edsall, David L. Diseases due to chemical agents. (In Osler's Mod- ern medicine, 1907, v. I : 83–155.) Authoritative treatise on chronic poison- ings, with special reference to occupational Ca11S6S. State Board of . . . . . . . . . Industrial poisoning. (Amer- ican labor legislation review, June I912, v. 2, no. 2: 231-234.) * * * * * * * * Some of the relations of occu- pations to medicine. (Journal of American medical association, Dec. 4, 1909, v. 53: I873–81. Wisconsin medical journal, Jan. 1910, v. 8: 425- 447.) & & g Good general discussion of the disease tendencies of occupations. Elliott, E. Leavenworth. Factory. lighting: topical criticism of exist- ing laws. (American labor legisla- tion review, June 1911, v. I, no. 2: IIO-II2.) Brief criticism of existing laws, with sug- gestions for improvements. Elliott, W. C. Measures to protect workers in factories and elsewhere from noxious dust and fumes. (Transactions of the Medical society of Wisconsin, Madison, 1896, v. 30: 360-362.) Brief plea for the protection of the metal polisher. Emerson, Nathaniel B., Tracy, Roger On the manufacture of cigars in tenement houses. (New York city board of health report, 1874-75, p. 649–656.) $ s 3 s & ſº e Results of personal investigation of air, light, ventilation, etc., with special reference to the effects on the health of workers and their families. Endemann, H. The operations of cleansing hair and manufacturing felt. (New York city board of health report, 1872, p. 305.) Brief account of dust conditions, advo- cating use of respirators by working people. Erdman, Seward. Aeropathy or com- pressed-air illness among tunnel workers. (Journal of American medical association, Nov. 16, 1907, v. 49: 1665-1670.) General review of history, theories, etc. Exline, J. W. The sanitation of mines. (Transactions of the Colorado med- ical Society, Denver, 1896, p. 235-242. Also Medical age, Detroit, 1897, v. I5: 99-102.) General discussion, with special reference to the prevention of disease in Colorado 1111116S. gº Fantus, B. The diagnosis and treat- ment of plumbism. (Illinois medical journal, Springfield, 1910, v. 17: 616– 62I.) •' Mainly technical, but names, trades which are most likely to produce plumbism, and gives special attention to symptoms. 376 American Labor Legislation Review Farrar, J. N. Importance of direct sunlight in the workroom; useful- ness in art, and its bearing upon the general health. (In American dental association. Transactions, 1877. Elgin, 1878, v. 17: 77–85.) General argument applied mainly to health of dentists, but using as illustrations Wal- tham and Elgin watch factories (p. 83-84). Favill, Henry Baird. Importance of industrial hygiene. (American asso- ciation for labor legislation, 1910. Publication no. IO: 9-II.) Brief remarks as presiding officer at First National Conference on Industrial Diseases. tº º G & © tº gº . Industrial hygiene and the police power. A reprint of a paper, prepared for the American associa- tion for labor legislation, on the Legitimate exercise of the police power for the protection of health. (From the Thirteenth biennial re- port of the Wisconsin bureau of labor and industrial statistics. Mad- ison, Wisconsin, 1908, p. 479–486. Also in Transactions of the Sixth international congress on tubercu- losis, Washington, 1908.) Shows the necessity for extensive regula- tion of unhealthful trades, based on Scien- tific research. e e º 'º - e º te The toxin of fatigue. (Pro- ceedings, Thirty-seventh annual ses- sion of the National conference of charities and corrections, p. 405-4I4.) On fatigue as a factor in standardizing hours of labor. Female health, Special effects of cer- tain forms of employment upon. (Sixth annual report of the Massa- chusetts bureau of statistics of labor, 1875, part II, p. 67-II2.) Describes especially the manufacture of textile fabrics, typesetting, telegraphy, and sewing machine labor. Fisher, Irving. Industrial hygiene as a factor in human conservation. (Academy of political science, New York, v. 2, no. 2: I-9.) - Relates primarily to women and children. Fitch, John A. The steel workers. The Pittsburgh survey. Charities publication committee, N. Y., 1911. “Health and accidents in steel mak- ing”, p. 57-75. - - º Effects of heat, dust, noise, nervous strain, and long hours. Foley, J. L. The influence of occupa- tion in skin diseases. (Journal of cutaneous and genito-urinary dis- eases, N. Y., 1889, v. 7: 170–178 General discussion and classification of occupational skin diseases by a London (Eng.) physician. Fordyce, John A. Occupational skin diseases. (American labor legisla- tion review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 2O6-216.) tº e º 'º - e tº e Occupational diseases of the skin. (Medical record, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1912, v. 81: 207-2IO.) Practically same as article in American tº: Legislation Review, v. 2, No. 2 (q. V. ). Freeman, J. Addison. Mercurial dis- eases among hatters. (Transactions New Jersey state medical society, 1860, p. 61- . One 㺠cases in Orange and cases in other New Jersey cities. French, John Marshall. Occupation in relation to longevity. (Medical examiner and practitioner, N. Y., Jan. IQ04, v. I4:26-28.) Statistical study based on Massachusetts registration report for 1886. . .......Occupation and ... longevity. (Annals of hygiene, Phila., 1896, v. II: 80–82.) Brief, general discussion. - Freudenthal, Wolff. In what relation does occupation stand to, tubercu- losis? (Medical news, Philadelphia, Sept. I5, 1900, v. 77:402-404.) Results of investigation of 1,576 cases, with statistics of occupations and special discussion of tuberculosis among tailors. Furey, G. W. Obesity among loco- motive engineers. (Medical bulle- tin, Philadelphia, 1889, v. II: 2II- 212.) With table showing weight of 19 men, on becoming engineers. and “present weight.” Gallivan, J. V. The etiology of cais- son disease; theories based on clin- ical observations of the disease. (Long Island medical journal, April I907, v. I: 181-183.) - Account of a case, and theories of causes of the disease. Gardner, A. K. Hygiene of the sew- ing machine. (American medical times, Dec. 15, 22, 1860, v. I: 420- 421, 435-437. Also Bulletin of the New York academy of medicine, 1860–62, v. I: Ioo-Io&.) . Argument that use of sewing machines is not injurious to health of women. Garvin, L. C. Sanitary require- ments in factories: injurious effects of cotton factories upon the health of operatives. (Transactions of the American public health association, N. Y., 1877, v. 3: 69-78.) Bibliography (American) 377 sey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, twenty-fourth annual re- ...; Trenton, 1902, p. 355-363; 373- 391. Description of unhealthful occupations, statistics of sickness and death, and sched- ules from 24 establishments, filled in by employers. Goldmark, Josephine. Fatigue and ef- ficiency; a study in industry. . Char- ities publication committee for the Russell Sage foundation, New York, I912, 890 p. Thorough, scientific, and authoritative study based on European and American ex- periments and experience, and on European authorities. Part II consists of material used in four briefs for the regulation of the hours of women. Goltman, A. A case of occupation neurosis. (New York medical jour- nal, 1898, v. 68: 625-626.) In a cigarette roller. Gonley, John W. S. Excision and dis- articulation of the entire inferior maxillary bone for phosphorus ne- crosis. Philadelphia, I877, 6 p. History of interesting case and operation in 1864. Gordon, John A. Tuberculosis among the granite workers of Quincy. (In Tuberculosis in Massachusetts, ed. by Edwin A. Locke, p. 193-200.) Based on analysis of death records of Quincy, Mass. Graham-Rogers, C. T. Protection from gases, fumes and vapors: top- ical criticism of existing laws. (American labor legislation review, June 1911, v. I, no. 2: IIO-II2.) An argument, based on several years’ med- ical practice in a Rhode Island factory vil- lage, for child labor legislation, regulation of hours, and medical factory inspection. George, H. The poisons of the man- ufactory. (Popular science monthly, N. Y., 1882, v. 21: 663-667.) Brief general article on industrial poisons, lead, mercury, phosphorus, etc. Getchell, Albert C. The relation of the industries of Worcester to tuber- culosis. (In Tuberculosis in Massa- chusetts, ed. by Edwin A. Locke, p. 187-192.) Based on personal observation of 1000 CalSeS. Gibson, Harold K. Medical inspec- tion of factories in Illinois. (Amer- ican labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 346-349.) Gilbert, G. R. Effects of gases and powder smoke upon coal miners' eyes, and the treatment to be used. (Therapeutical gazette, Detroit, Igo3, 3. s. v. Ig:529-532.) ased on experience as surgeon of a coal mining company in Wyoming. Gilchrist, T. C. Erysipeloid, with a record of 329 cases, of which 323 were caused by crab bites or les- ions produced by crabs. (Journal of cutaneous diseases, 1904, v. 22: 50Z-519) . . . Description of disease and cases, some of them due to occupational causes. (Ohio Gilliam, D. T. Miner’s wrist. medical recorder, Columbus, 1878, v. 2: 542-543.) - Based on personal observations. Glass industry. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645. Prepared un- der the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of labor. v. 3. “Dif- ficulty and physical strain of the work”, p. 47–59; “Dust and fumes” and “Heat conditions”, p. 65-80; “Causes of death of glass blowers and diseases of glass workers”, p. 237–277; “Light, ventilation, and overcrowding”, p. 341, 342; “Rela- tion of the work to health”, p. 433- 447; “Special features of the work” of making incandescent electric lamps, and “Ventilation”, p. 477-487, 500, 501.) º º - a - Results of extensive, official investigations. ... ...... Diseases incident to the glass industry. Diseases and disease ten- dencies of occupations. (New Jer- e e s tº 9 - > * Medical inspection of indus- trial plants. (Proceedings of the eighth annual conference of sani- tary officers of the state of New York, Albany, Dec. I-3, 1908. Twen- ty-ninth annual report of the N. Y. state department of health, Albany, 1909, p. 726-736. Discussion, p. 736- 742. Also North American journal of homoeopathy, 3. s. v. 24: 386–395.) General description of the work of the sanitary inspector of factories, with remarks on physical condition of the working child. e e s e º e º e Report of medical inspector of factories, New York. (Eighth annual report of the commissioner of labor, for the year ended Sept. 30, 1908. Appendix II, p. 65-94, Albany, 1909.) - • e i s e º e < e < e < * * * (Ninth annual report of the commissioner of labor for the year ended Sept. 30, 1909. Appendix 378 American Labor Legislation Review II, p. 68-91. Albany, 1910.) fatigue. (World’s work, Sept. 1907, v. I4: 9345-9349. Also in his Mind and work, N. Y., 1908, p. 89-109.) Hackley, Chas. E., Walter, Emma E. Caisson disease. (In Reference handbook of the medical sciences, Albert H. Buck, ed., v. 2:547-8.) Brief general discussion. Haines, Walter S., Karasek, Mathew, Apfelbach, George L. Carbon mon- Oxide poisoning. (Report of Illin- ois commission on occupational dis- eases, Jan. I9 II, p. 88-98.) Based on original investigations in Illinois steel and illuminating gas industries, with suggestions for prevention and treatment. Hall, H. N. Preventive medicine among the working classes. (Med- ical news, Philadelphia, 1891, v. 58: 462-465.) & º Based on experience as physician of the Crane Company, Chicago, and covering occu- pational and other diseases. (Na- Hall, J. N. Trainman’s back. tional association of railway sur- geons. Official report of the fifth annual meeting. Chicago, 1892, p. 88-91.) Based on experience among employees of the Union Pacific Railway. Hamilton, Alice. White-lead indus- try in the United States, with an appendix on the lead-oxide indus- try. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bul- letin no. 95, July 1911, p. 189-259.) Based on personal investigation of 22 out Includes special investigation of the calico print industry, bakeries in Manhattan bor- . ough, and potteries. e e e s tº e º e º º 'º it ... (Eleventh annual report of the commissioner of labor for the year ended Sept. 30, 1911. Appendix II, p. 69-133. Albany, IQI2.) Includes special investigation of ventila- tion of a department store and of the cloak and suit industry in New York City. tº e º e º C º º . . . . . . (Tenth annual report of the commissioner of labor for the year ended Sept. 30, 1910. Appendix II, p. 62-III. Albany, 1911.) Includes special investigation of the phos- phorus match industry and the pearl button industry. These reports contain valuable data con- cerning the sanitation and ventilation of fac- tories, the results of air analyses, etc. tº & e º 'º º º tº Ventilation of industrial es- tablishments. (American journal of public hygiene, Boston, June 1910, v. 20: 245-251.) Brief description of the work of the Medi- cal Inspector of Factories of New York, with special reference to air analyses. tº tº º tº g tº gº tº Medical inspection of indus- trial plants. (North American jour- nal of homoeopathy, N. Y., 1909, v. 57:386--395.) * Green, Charles Lyman. Medical ex- amination for life insurance. “Oc- cupation”, Phila., 1900 ed. p. I47; 2nd ed., Phila., 1905, p. 155-I57.) Brief discussion from point of view of life insurance risks, of occupations involv- ing injurious exercise. gº tº Green, J. O. The factory system in its hygienic relations. (Medical com: munications, Massachusetts medical society, Boston, 1842-8, v. 7:217-248. Also reprint.) Extended discussion of Lowell factory system and its effects on the health of opera- tives, with .#;"; statistics, and brief ac- count of English factory system, especially hours and child labor. * e Griswold, S. Case of poisoning by ar- senic from working in Scheel’s green. (New York journal of med- icine, 1858, 3. s. v. 5:64-77.) Death of a fourteen year old boy who had been working in an establishment for the manufacture of paper hangings, with account of proceedings of the coroner’s jury. Guilford, Paul. Will certain occupa- tions in time affect the cylindrical curvature of the eyeball? (Ophthal- mic record, Chicago, Sept. Igo3, n. s., v. 12:426-428.) Results of examination of 22 locomotive engineers over 50 years of age. Gulick, Luther. The effects of mental of 25 factories manufacturing white lead in the United States. Report on investigations of the lead troubles in Illinois from the hygienic standpoint. (Report of Illinois commission on occupational diseases, Jan. 1911, p. 21-49. Covers some fifteen different industries. Report on arsenic (p. 47-48). tº gº tº tº e º 'º º Lead poisoning in Illinois. (American association for labor leg- islation, 1910. Publication no. Io: 27–35.) tº g Brief general discussion based on pre- liminary investigations for her report to Illinois Commission on Occupational Dis- eases (q. v.). Lead poisoning in Illinois. (American labor legislation review, Jan. IQII, v. I, no. I: 17-26. Bulle- tin of the American economic asso- ciation, fourth series, no. 2: 257-264.) Lead poisoning in Illinois. (Journal of the American medical association, April 29, 1911, v. 56, I240-1244.) Bibliography (American) 379 Two general discussions, with comparison of conditions in Europe and in Illinois. ......Occupational diseases. (Hu- man engineering, 1911, v. I:I42-149.) ...: ..... Industrial diseases, with spe- cial reference to the trades in which women are employed. (Charities and the commons, Sept. 5, 1908, v. 20:655-659.) Hamilton, Allan McLane. On manu- facturing establishments where lead and arsenic are used. (New York city board of health report, 1872, p. 312-314.). * , º a tº Descriptive account of an investigation of several typefoundries, lead-smelting, and shot and lead-pipe manufactories. ........ On the liability of car-drivers to certain forms of disease. (New York city board of health report, I873, p. 444-5.) Diseases of circulatory and nervous sys- tems due to long hours of labor. Hamlin, A. C. Consumption as affect- ed by seafaring pursuits. (Report supervising surgeon, marine hospital service, 1875. Washington, 1876, p. 187-190.) Brief, general discussion. Hanson, W. C. Attitude of Massa- chusetts manufacturers toward the health of their employees. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 96, Sept. 1911, p. 488-500.) On health and welfare work and Worces- ter tuberculosis movement. tº e º 'º e º 'º e The work of the state inspec- tors of health. (In Tuberculosis in Massachusetts, ed. by Edwin A. Locke, Boston, 1908, p. 18–28.) Brief description of their duties in fac- tories and workshops. & º: e e º e s tº º e The effect of industry on health. Boston, 1907, 12 p. (Bos- ton medical and surgical journal, April 4, 1907, v. I56: 421-425. Also reprinted as pamphlet.) Brief review of investigation conducted by Dr. Charles Harrington (q.v.) for the Massachusetts State Board of Health, into the sanitary condition of factories, workshops and other establishments. tº s e º 'º e º e Protection of factory em- ployees against dust arising from certain occupations. (American journal of public hygiene, Boston, June 1910, v. 20: 239-244.) Description of methods used by State Inspectors of Health in , enforcing the two Massachusetts laws relating to dust. a s s s a e º º The health of young persons in Massachusetts factories. (Bos- Harrington, Charles. ton medical and surgical journal, 1910, v. I62: 313-314. Proceedings Sixth annual conference on child la- bor, Boston, Jan. I3-16, 1910, p. III- II.3). Brief account of duties and opportunities # ; Massachusetts State Inspectors of ealth. Hard, William. Where poison haunts man's daily work. (Munsey's mag- azine, Sept. 1907, v. 37: 717-721.) Popular article on occupational poisons and caisson disease. Hare, Hobart Amory. New and al- tered forms of disease, due to the ad- vance of civilization in the last half century. Philadelphia, P. Blakiston, son & co., 1886, 71 p. Caisson disease, phosphorus necrosis, lead poisoning, etc. A manual of . practical hygiene for students, phy- sicians, and medical officers, 4th ed., revised and enlarged by Mark Wyman Richardson. Philadelphia and New York, Lea and Febiger, 1911, 13, 17–760 p. “Hygiene of oc- cupation”: p. 716–742. Thorough general treatise on the causes of industrial diseases, including classifica- tion and description of unhealthful occupa- tions, and brief discussion of employment of women and children in such occupations. . . . . . . . Report of the Massachusetts State board of health upon the san- itary condition of factories, work- shops and other establishments where persons are employed. Bos- ton, Wright & Potter printing co., state printers, 1907. I44 p. Run- ning title: Dangerous occupations. Senate. No. 250. Continuous report pub. in thirty- sixth Annual report of the Board, I903-04, p. xxii-xxxi. Results of a special investigation of dan- gerous processes in some 65 different indus- tries, with special attention to boot and shoe and textile factories. Harris, Henry J. Workmen’s insur- ance in Austria and Germany. (In Twenty-fourth annual report of the U. S. commissioner of labor, 1909, v. I. Also reprints. Statistics of sickness in Austria, 1890-1895, p. 293– 395. Statistics of sickness in Ger- many, p. 1243-1251; “Sickness sta- tistics of the Leipzig local sick fund”, p. 1255-1354.) Hatch, Leonard W. Compulsory re- porting by physicians. (American 38o American Labor Legislation Review labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 264-272.) © tº tº e º 'º º º State control of occupational diseases. (Medical record, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1912, v. 81: 202-205.) Explanation of need for and purpose of New York, law requiring the reporting of occupational diseases. Hatters, Vital statistics of. (Semi- annual reports of the United hatters of North America.) Hatting industry, Health conditions of the. Diseases and disease tenden- cies of occupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and in- dustries, twenty-fourth annual re- port, Trenton, 1902, p. 365-37I, 392- 399. Continued in twenty-fifth an- nual report, I003, p. 361-362.) Description of processes dangerous to health. Publishes schedules filled in by em- ployers for 11 establishments. Hayes, Denis A. Length of trade life in the glass bottle industry. (An- nals of the American academy of political and social science, May 1906, v. 27, no. 3: 34-41.) tº a tº General discussion, without statistics, mainly of child labor. Hayhurst, Emery R. Report of the investigation of the brass manufac- turing industry, Chicago (Cook county), and the zinc smelters of La Salle county, Illinois. (Report of Illinois commission on occupa- tional diseases, Jan. IQII, p. 49-84.) Results of original investigation. e - © e is e º – Brass chills: brass moulder's (Survey, Sept. 23, 1911, v. 26: 879-82. Illustrated.) te General discussion based on results of his investigations for Illinois Commission on Oc- cupational Diseases (q. v.). Health and duration of trade life of workmen, The effect of occupation on. (New Jersey bureau of statis- tics of labor and industries, twelfth annual report, p. 1-303; thirteenth annual report, p. 357-413; fourteenth annual report, p. 171-234; fifteenth annual report, p. 347-432; seven- teenth annual report, p. 81-135; eigh- teenth annual report, p. 63-161, 1889– 1895.). . . . © a Statistics of ages at beginning work, ages of journeymen beginning to decline, causes of decline and of incapacity, etc., by occu- pations, with descriptions of industrial pro- cesses and conditions. Health, The relation of occupation to. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, thirty-third annual report, Paterson, 1910, p. I67–178.) General discussion with brief description of health measures in use in certain estab- lishments. Health and its relation to occupation. (Ohio bureau of labor statistics, tenth annual report, 1886, p. 206.) Health and morals in their relation to occupation. (New York bureau of gº first annual report, 1885, p. 5. Health in industries. (Montana bu- reau of agriculture, labor and indus- try, first annual report, Helena, 1893, p. 18-132.) Individual reports of quartz miners, smelt- er men, engineers, and others, showing health at beginning work, health “now”, and sanitary conditions of their work. Analysis of these reports by occupations. Health in industry. (Wisconsin bu- reau of statistics, third biennial re- port, 1887–88, p. 189–213. Table V. “Trade statistics, showing peculiar- ities of occupations, ailments of workmen,” etc.) Compiled from reports made by workmen as to bodily ailments peculiar to their trades. Health in various industries and causes of decline. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, sixth annual report, Trenton, 1883, p. 80-109.) Tables, showing age at which the work- men begin to decline, age at which they be- come incapacitated for active work, and dis- eases peculiar to the trade, for glass, silk, cotton, woolen, hat, and other industries. Health of employees in various in- dustries. (California bureau of la- bor statistics, fifth biennial report, Sacramento, 1891-92, p. 245-465.) Tabulated statements of individual wage earners showing time lost by reason of sickness. Heaton, James P. World-wide fight against phosphorus poisoning. (Sur- vey, Dec. 3, 1910, v. 25: 384-388.) Popular, general article. Hedger, Caroline. The relation of in- fant mortality to the occupation and long hours of work for women. (Bulletin of the American academy of medicine, Easton, Pa., 1910, y. II: 80-89. Discussion, p. 89-91.) Effect of work on health of women, with mortality statistics for Fall River, Provi- dence, Chicago, and York (Eng.). Heinemann, O. S. Necrosis of the maxillae by phosphorus poisoning. (Ohio dental journal, Toledo, 1901, v. 21:215-219.) Bibliography (American) 381 General discussion, with special reference to lucifer-match workers. Henderson, Charles R. Occupational diseases in Illinois. (American as- sociation for labor legislation, 1910. Publication no. Io: 19-27. On the origin, plan, and methods of the Occupational Disease Commission. Hessler, Robert. Dust; a neglected factor in ill health. (Transactions Indiana State medical society, 1904.) Hill, Leonard. Caisson sickness and compressed air. (Scientific Ameri- can supplement, Oct. 21-28, 1911, v. 72: 270–271, 282-283.) Excellent treatment by leading English authority on the subject. Hinsdale, Guy. The occupation neu- roses. Illustrated. (In Wilson and Eshner, An American textbook of applied therapeutics, p. III3-II21. Philadelphia, 1896.) On writer’s and telegrapher’s cramp and their treatment. Hirt, L. Tobacco dust in the lungs. The effect of the dust upon the health of workers in tobacco. (Clin- ic, Cincinnati, 1872, v. 3: IO2-105.) Translated from Hirt’s Krankheiten der Arbeiter, Breslau, 1871. Hobbs, W. R. Industrial lead poison- ing. (New York medical journal, 1898, v. 67: 323-325.) - Results of four years’ experience among lead workers, with statistics. Hodgen, J. T. Effects of compressed air upon the human body. (Medical archives, St. Louis, 1870-71, v. 5: 219–226.) A criticism of Dr. Clark’s article (q. v.). Hoffman, Frederick L. Mortality from consumption in dusty trades (in- cluding list of references on occupa- tion mortality). (U. S. Bureau of la- bor, Bulletin no. 79, Nov. 1908, p. 633-875.) tº a º º Thorough, statistical study by classified occupations. ........ Mortality from consumption in occupations exposing to munici- pal and general organic dust. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 82, May 1909, p. 471-638.) Practically a continuation of the preced- ing report, taking up a new series of occu- pations. º e o 'o e o 'º e e Problem and extent of indus- trial diseases. (American associa- tion for labor legislation, 1910. Pub- lication no. Io:35-52.) General treatment, with estimate of mone- tary loss from sickness and accidents. Mor- tality statistics. . . . . . . . Industrial diseases in Amer- ica. (American labor legislation re- view, Jan. I9II, v. I, no. I : 35-41. Bulletin of the American economic association, 4th series, no. 2: 271- 276. Brief general discussion of needs. . . . . . . . . Legal protection from injur- ious dusts: topical criticism of ex- isting laws. (American labor legis- lation review, June 1911, v. I, no. 2: IIO-II2.) . . . . . . . . Intensive investigations in in- dustrial hygiene. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2:255-263.) tº e º e º ºs º º Physical and medical aspects of labor and industry. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, May 1906, v. 27, no. 3: 3-28.) On efficiency as related to preventable mortality, trade diseases, industrial acci- dents, etc., with recommendations for scien- tific inquiry. - . . . . . . . Industrial accidents and in- dustrial diseases. (Quarterly pub- lications of the American statistical association, 1908-1909, Boston, v. II: 567-603.) Plea for legislation, with statistics relat- ing mainly to accidents. ... Influence of trades on disease. (North American journal of homoe- opathy, N. Y., 1910, 3rd ser., v. 25: 234-250; Proceedings of ninth annual conference of sanitary officers of state of New York, Nov. 1910, New York state department of health, thirtieth annual report, v. I: 421-437. Discussion, p. 437-439.) . . Argument for conservation of health, or- iginal research, medical factory inspection, and legislation. . . . . . . . . Relation of occupation to tu- berculosis. (Medical examiner and general practitioner, Sept. 1907, v. 17:265-276.) . . . . . . . . Dust as a factor in occupa- tion mortality. (Medical examiner and general practitioner, Dec. 1907, v. 17:360-375.) . . . Two papers relating primarily to consump- tion, with mortality statistics based on ex- perience of Prudential Insurance Co., simi- lar to but not as complete or recent as his reports for the U. S. Labor Bureau (q.v.). tº e º e e ... Prevention of disease by the elimination of dust. (American city magazine, May 1911, v. 4:213–216. Also in Proceedings of the first an- © e º 'º º º 382 ---, American Labor Legislation Review nual conference of mayors of the cities of New York, June 1910.) Brief discussion of outdoor public dusts, household dusts, and industrial dusts. ge e º e º 'º ... Medical and social aspects of child labor. (Medical examiner and practitioner, Aug. I903, v. I3: 470- £íaborate statistical study based on measurements of school children. e e º e º e º a Occupation mortality statis- tics of England and Wales. (Spec- tator, N.Y., Qct. 22, 1908) & • * * * * * * * Tuberculosis as an industrial disease. (Transactions of the Sixth international congress on tuberculo- sis. Washington, 1908, v. 3: I4I- I75.) . * - - Extensive statistical treatment of the dusty trades similar to his reports for the United States Labor Bureau (q. v.). e e o e º 'º º º Trade mortality statistics. (American journal of public hy- giene, 1910, v. 20: 126-132.) Brief paper on methods, without figures. . . . . . . Problems of social statistics and social research. (Quarterly publications of American statistical association, June 1908, v. II: IO5- I32.) frief discussion of the problem of prevent- able diseases, p. 116-117. Table showing mor- tality from consumption in certain occupa- tions, p. 128. . • . tº e e e s - e. ... The vital statistics of the cen: sus of 1900. (American statistical association, quarterly publications, Dec. 1902, v. 8: 127-202). Theoretical discussion showing what occu- pation mortality statistics are contained in the Twelfth Census, p. 170-179, 181-185, 186, etc. - Holden, E. Relative mortality of mar- iners, railroad men, and travellers, (American journal of medical science, 1876, v. 141: 102-II3). Disease treated merely as accounting for deaths not due to accident, the chief sub- ject under discussion. - Homan, George. The leading local productive industries, and their ef- fect on the health and lives of their operatives. (American public health association. Public health papers and reports, 1884. Concord, N. H., 1885, v. Io:327–328.) . . Outline of proposed inquiry into tobacco industry of St. Louis, with series of ques- tions. Hopkins, G. G. The neural disorders of writers and artisans. (Brooklyn medical journal, 1888, v. 2:384-389.) .* General discussion with description of several cases. Hoppe, H. H. Occupation neurosis. (Cincinnati lancet-clinic, 1894, n. S. v. 32: I-2.) - Single case in a type-setter. Hotchkiss, S. C. Occupational dis- eases in the mining industry. (American labor legislation review, Feb. 1912, v. 2, no. I : I31-I40.) Based on personal investigations in Color- ado for the U. S. Bureau of Mines and U. S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service. Huber, J. B. Occupations with relation to tuberculosis. (American medi- cine, Philadelphia, Jan. 21, 1905, v. 9: II2-II4.) - Based on diagram prepared by Miss Brandt, statistician of the Charity Qrgani- zation Society of New York, and considering 53 occupations. Hughes, C. H. Railway brain strain of and brain strain regulation of railway employees. (Alienist and neurologist, St. Louis, 1906, v. 27: 189-199.) e Urging sanitary regulations to prevent railway accidents due to overwork of em- ployees. Hunt, Ezra M. The hygiene of occu- pations. General introduction. (Tenth annual report of the Board of health of the state of New Jersey, 1886. p. 157-166.) Gives long quotations from physicians, relating especially to diseases due to dust. s & e º e º e y Relation of trades and occu- pations to public health. (New Jer- sey State board of health, fourteenth annual report, 1890, p. 135-138.) Abstracts from lectures by Dr. Arlidge of England. Hunt, J. Ramsey. Occupation neuri- tis of the deep palmar branch of the ulnar nerve. (Cornell university medical bulletin, Oct. 1911.) Hunter, Arthur. Mortality among in- sured lives engaged in certain occu- pations involving additional hazard. (Actuarial society of America, transactions. I907, v. Io: 44-59.) Hunter, Robert. A plea for the inves- tigation of the conditions affecting the length of trade life. (Annals of the American academy of political and social science, May 1906, v. 27, no. 3: 38-45.) Hutchcroft, L. W. The mortality from industrial diseases. (American journal of public hygiene, Boston, 1909, v. 19: Io9-II6. Also in Ameri- can public health association report, 1908, v. 34, pt. I:356-363.) Bibliography (American) 383 Industrial hygiene. Injurious trades. tion 58 of the labor law. (New York department of labor, Bulletin no. 50, March 1912, p. 96.) (American public health association report, Concord, 1896, v. 21: 367-372.) Review of report of Parliamentary Com- mittee of Great Britain on certain dangerous trades, bronzing, paper staining, india-rubber manufacture, etc. Health and safety in factories and mercantile estab- lishments. (U. S. Industrial com- mission report, v. Ig: 90I-904. Wash- ington, 1902.) Brief general discussion of specially in- jurious trades. International association for labor legislation and its publications. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 86, Jan. I9IO, p. 169-184.) Brief description of the work of the association and bibliography of its publi- cations. tº gº tº tº tº º tº ſº Resolutions of the sixth dele- gates’ meeting. (U. S. Bureau of labor. Bulletin no. 92, Jan. I9II, p. 182-193) On administration of labor laws, child labor, night work, hours, home work, indus- trial poisons, work in compressed air, etc. Ireland, George H. The preventable causes of disease, injury, and death in American manufactories and workshops, and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoid- ing them. Concord, N. H., Repub- lican press association, 1886. IQ p. (American public health association. Lomb prize essay, no. 4.) (Issued also in American public health asso- ciation. Public health. Concord, N. H., 1886, p. 137-153.) General description of how to build and equip a factory, recommending proper ven- tilation but giving no consideration to speci- fic industrial diseases. Ivy, Robert H. Prevention of indus- trial phosphorus poisoning. (Amer- ican medical association journal, Chicago, IQII, v. 56: IoI8-1019.) Based on experience in supervision of health of employees in a large match fac: tory, arguing that prohibition of use of poisonous phosphorus is not necessary. Jacobi, A. The physical cost of wom- en’s work. (Charities and the com- mons, 1907, v. 17: 839-844.) g Overwork of women and its effect on their health, with brief discussion of legislation. Jaminet, A. Physical effects of com- Brief plea for vital statistics that will show relation of occupation to death and for state investigation and regulation of con- ditions of employment. Hutchinson, Woods. Health of em- ployees as an investment. (Satur- day evening post, Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1907, v. 180, no. 8: I2-13. Illus- trated.) Brief, popular discussion of hours, wages, ventilation, lead poisoning, accidents, etc. . . . . . The hygienic aspects of the shirt-waist strike. (Survey, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1910, v. 23: 541-550.) Based on personal investigations of san- itary conditions in the shirt-waist factories of New York City. e © Hygiene of the sewing machine; a brief inquiry into the causes of dis- orders arising from the use of mach- ines, with suggestions as how [sic] they may be avoided. By a physi- cian. Baltimore. Turnbull. I874. 40 p. Illustrated. Argument to show that “sewing machine diseases” are due to improper posture of the body and overstrain of certain muscles, and that operatives are healthier in factories where steam power is employed, with ana- tomical causes. Hygienic conditions in American em- ployment. (Consular report 278, Nov. 1903, p. 456.) Brief review of findings of the Moseley commission sent from England to study con- ditions in the United States. Illinois commission on occupational diseases. Report . . . to Governor Charles S. Deneen. Jan. Igi I. Chi- Cago, IQII, 2IQ p. Authoritative treatise based on original in- vestigations by experts (see Hamilton, Hay- hurst, Nicholl, Haines, Karasek, Bassoe, Shambaugh, and Lane), with general des- cription of the work, discussion of prin- ciples of effective legislation, text of pro- posed bills, suggestions for cards of instruc- tion of employees in dangerous trades, pro- visions of protective laws in states of the Union and in European legislation, index of protective legislation in the United States, and extracts from Dr. Andrews' report for the U. S. Labor Bureau on phosphorus poi- soning (q. v.). e e g º 'º e º ſº tº Governor’s special message, transmitting the report of the Com- mission on occupational diseases to the Forty-sixth General assembly. April, 1909. Springfield, Ill., Illin- ois state journal co., state printers, 1909. 8 p. e is a e º e º & (Review of report). (U. S. Labor bureau, Bulletin no. 92, Jan. 1911, 194-202.) Industrial diseases reported under sec- pressed air and causes of pathologi- cal symptoms produced on man by 384 American Labor Legislation Review increased atmospheric pressure em- ployed for the sinking of piers in the construction of the Illinois and St. Louis bridge over the Mississippi . river. St. Louis, 1871. I35 p. Historically, interesting as first extensive treatise on the subject published in this country, _ describing 119 cases and 14 deaths. By the physician in charge of the employees. Japp, Henry. Caisson disease and its prevention. (American society of civil engineers, transactions. N. Y., I909, v. 35, no. 4: I-37.) Comprehensive, practical treatment from engineering. point of view, by the engineer of the East River Tunnel, New York. - Jeffries, B. Joy. Our eyes and our in- dustries. (Massachusetts State board of health report, 1882-3. Sup- plement, p. 89-II?. Also in part in West Virginia State board of health reports, 1881–84, p. 178–187.) Overstrain of the eyes in industries and in schools. Jewelry industry, Health conditions of the. , Diseases and disease ten- dencies of occupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and in- dustries, twenty-fifth annual report, I993, p. 363-369.) ſº General description of factors producing ill health, and sickness statistics of 19 firms. Johnson, An unusual powder smoke fatality. (Colorado medicine, April, 1911.) - Account of death from effects of nitrous fumes of nine out of a bunch of thirteen men who inhaled the smoke of a single blast in the Gunnison Tunnel. Joint board of sanitary control in the cloak, suit and skirt industry of greater New York. First annual re- port, N. Y., Oct. 1911. Contains information with regard to pres- ent conditions. Jones, J. D. Effect of occupation on health of individuals. (Ohio State . "board of health report, 1886-7. Col- umbus, 1888, v. 2: 311-316. Also Cin- cinnati lancet-clinic, 1888, n. s. v. 21: 355-358.) . . . . . & Brief general article discussing workers in lead, file cutters, etc. Karasek, Stella, Karasek, Matthew. Preliminary report on the injurious effects of metol, platinum, chro- mates, cyanides, hydrofluoric acid and of materials used in silvering mirrors. (Report of Illinois com- mission on occupational diseases, Jan. 1911, p. 96-98.) Results of original investigation. Keays, Frederick L. Compressed-air illness, with a report of 3,692 cases. (Cornell university medical college bulletin, Oct. Igo9, v. 2: I-55.) Authoritative article by physician in charge of the East River Tunnels, New York. . Compressed-air illness. (Amer- ican labor legislation review, June I912, v. 2, no. 2: IQ2-205.) Kelley, Florence. The sex problems in industrial hygiene. (American journal of public hygiene, Boston. June 1910, v. 20:252-257.) Brief plea for legal regulation of the hours of labor of women to prevent exces- sive fatigue. Kimball, D. D. Ventilation and pub- lic health. (Annals of the Ameri- can academy of political and social science, March 1911, p. 207-219.) General article, only incidentally relating to factory ventilation. King, William A. Mortality statistics of the census in relation to occupa- tions. (American journal of sociol- ogy, Sept. 1897, v. 3: 216-235.) Ten tables with discussion. Klink, Jane S. The health of women workers. (Academy of political sci- ence, New York, v. 2, no. 2: 35-40.) Based on experience as welfare manager of a Brooklyn laundry. Knapp, C. P. The caisson disease. (Lehigh valley medical magazine, Easton, Pa., 1891-2, v. 3: I-12.) General discussion and history of 17 cases that came under his observation as surgeon during the sinking of two caissons for a coal mining company. Knapp, P. C. A case of professional. neurosis of co-ordination of unus- ual origin. (Journal of nervous and mental diseases, N. Y., 1887, n. s., v. I2:41-45. Also reprint.) In a carpet maker, with general discussion of occupation neuroses. Kober, George Martin. Industrial hygiene. A report of the committee on social betterment of the Presi- dent's homes commission, 1908. Washington, D. C., iv, 8-175 p. (Also in reports of the President’s homes commission, 60th Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 644, p. 25-107. Washington, 1909.) Comprehensive general treatise on con- ditions in 1907 in a considerable number of trades, with discussion of measures, legal and otherwise, which would improve con- ditions. © . . . . . . . . Industrial hygiene. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 75, March 1908, p. 472-591.) Bibliography (American) 385 Similar to the above, with text of English laws for the regulation of dangerous and unhealthful industries. Korshet, M. Diseases of occupation. (New York medical journal, IQII, V. 93: II34-II37.) tº a . e. º On effects of chronic fatigue, occupation dusts, industrial poisons, compressed air, woman’s work, child labor, etc. Lane, Francis, Ellis, John B. Miner's nystagmus. (Report of Illinois com- mission on occupational diseases, Jan. 1911, p. I55.) . . º e tº Brief report on investigations in Illinois. Laundries, Employment of women in. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645, v. 12. Prepared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commis- sioner of labor. Effect of laundry work upon health, p. 25-II8.) Results of thorough investigation of this industry in Chicago, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Rockford, Ill. Law, James. Report on the malig- nant anthrax in herds, and malig- nant pustule in men, in Livingston county, N. Y., in Sept. 1875. (Amer- ican public health association. Re- ports and papers, v. 2:465-467.). Describes three cases of anthrax in the manager of a farm and two German work- IIle11, Laws, G. C. The effects of nitro-gly- cerine upon those who manufacture it. (Journal of American medical association, Chicago, 1898, v. 3I: 793– 794.) Based on experience among employees of a large nitro-glycerine factory in New Jersey. Laws relating to occupational dis- eases and industrial hygiene. (Twen- ty-second annual report of the U. S. commissioner of labor, Igo3. U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletins no. 85, 91 and 97.) . . . . . . . Laws enacted during IQII re- quiring the report of occupational diseases. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 95, July 1911, p. 283- 288.) e - © tº º ... Act providing for a tax on white phosphorus matches and for prohibiting their import or export. [Approved April 9, 1912.] (U. S. Bu- reau of labor, Bulletin no. IOO, May 1912, p. 760-762.) Comfort, health and safety Comparative analysis (American labor in factories. of existing laws. legislation review, June 19II, V. I, no. 2: I-IOI.) t e & © e º ºs e e Review of labor legislation of 1911. (American labor legislation review, Oct. 1911. v. I, no. 3.) Lea, M. C. On the poisonous effects resulting from the employment of arsenical preparations in the arts. (American journal of medical sci- ences, Phila., 1860, n. s. v. 40: IIo- II2.) Brief, general discussion of effects on em- ployees and consumers, urging legislation to stop its use. Lead. Hearings before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives, on H. R. 2190I. Manufacture, sale, etc., of adulterated or mislabeled white 1ead and mixed paint. May 31, 1910. 2 D. s &ntains testimony on lead poisoning. See 111C16-X. Leather industry, Health conditions of the. Diseases and disease tenden- cies of occupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and in- dustries, twenty-ninth annual re- port, Camden, IQ06, p. 209-23 4. General discussion and statistics of health and accident conditions. Leupp, Constance D. Phossy jaw. (Twentieth century magazine, Mar. I912, v. 5: 28-35.) Popular article based on Dr. Andrews’ in- vestigations (q. v.). Levis, R. J. Phosphor-necrosis. (Med- ical and surgical reporter, Phila., 1879, y. 4I: 450-451.). Brief general description, based on ob- servation of many cases in Philadelphia and Wilmington match factories, and description of a single case in a match factory worker. Lewis, G. L. The effects of com- pressed air upon the human system, as evinced in the sinking of bridge piers during the construction of the Atchison bridge over the Missouri river. (Transactions of the medical society of Kansas, 1860–77, Law- rence, 1884, v. I : 279-291.) History of use of compressed air, de- Scription of a caisson, and observations on some fifty cases which he treated as Surgeon of the American Bridge Company. Lewis, Morris J. The neural disor- ders of writers and artisans. (In Pepper's American system of prac- tical medicine, Philadelphia, 1886, v. 5: 504-543.) . . Extended discussion of cramps. occupational 386 American Labor Legislation Review Library of congress. Division of bibli- ography. Select list of references on occupational injuries and dis- eases. Aug. 25, 1910. Typewritten IO p. Lincoln, David Francis. School and industrial hygiene. Philadelphia. Blakiston, 1880. American health primers. I44 p. Part II (p. 107-144) , is an elementary treatise on industrial hygiene. Linenthal, Harry. Sanitation of cloth- ing factories and tenement-house workrooms. (In Tuberculosis in Massachusetts, ed. by Edwin A. Locke, p. 28–36. Illustrated.) Brief statement of conditions in men's clothing industry in Boston. . . . . . . . . The prevention of occupation: al diseases. (Boston medical and surgical journal, May 23, 1912, v. I66: 779-783. Also reprint.) Based on experience as state inspector of health in Massachusetts. & Lloyd, James Hendrie. The diseases of occupations. (In Stedman, Twen- tieth century practice. New York, 1895. v. 3:309-496.) . Thorough treatise covering all the common occupational diseases, with brief review of the literature and of the legal restraints on the employment of women and children in the United States. tº tº e º º e º e Occupation neuroses and poi- sonings in the arts and by foods. (In Modern treatment, ed. by H. A. Hare, 1910-1911, v. 2: 583–619.) Including miner's nystagmus, lead, ar- senic, phosphorus and mercury poisoning, etc. Loeb, H. W. Railroad dust in rail- roaders' noses. (National associa- tion of railway surgeons. Official report of the fifth annual meeting, Chicago, 1892, p. 208-2II.) Diseases resulting from such dust. Loomis, H. . Miners’ phthises. (Proceedings of the New York pathological society, 1891. N. Y., 1892, p. 52.) . g Brief description of a lung, said to be an example of “miner’s phthisis.” Lovejoy, O. R. Age problems in in- dustrial hygiene. (American jour- nal of public hygiene, Boston, June 1910, v. 20:233-238.) An argument for the legal regulation of child labor. Maclay, J. W. Prize essay on the re- lations of the different professions and vocations to longevity. N. Y., 1873. 58 p. Macleod, J. J. R. Cause, treatment and prevention of the “bends” as observed in caisson sickness. (As- sociation of engineering societies journal, Boston, 1907, v. 39: 283-302.) An excellent, comprehensive article by 3. former associate of Leonard Hill in ex- perimental work. M'Cready, B. W. On the influence of trades, professions and occupations in the United States in the produc- tion of disease. (In the Medical society of New York. Transac- tions, 1836-1837. Albany, 1837. v. 3: 9.1-159.). . . . - Historically interesting as the first gen- eral treatment of the subject in American literature. Describes the unhealthful con- ditions of work of seamen, women and chik dren in textile factories, tailors, shoemakers, sewing women, printers, butchers, Smiths, gold beaters, carpenters, painters, profes- sional men, etc. “Prize Dissertation for 1837.” McConnell, J. W. Case of pronator spasm in a compositor. (Philadel- phia polyclinic, April 28, 1894, v. 3: I61–162.) Description of a single case. tº e º e º e º e An uncommon case of occu- pation neurosis. (Philadelphia poly- clinic, March 20, 1897, v. 6: 123-124.) In a brick sorter. McDowell, W.J. Oyster shucker's corneitis. (Virginia medical month- ly, 1879, v. 5: 883-885.) Based on experience with between forty and fifty cases of this eye disease in oyster shuckers. McKay, George A. The effect upon the health, morals, and mentality of working people employed in over- crowded workshops. (Fifth annual report of the New York state fac- tory inspector, Albany, 1891, p. 77- O. 9 &n discussion of results of over- crowding. McNeill, George E. Dangerous trades and occupations. (Insurance press, N. Y., July 26, 1905, p. 2-4.) - Industrial diseases from the insurance point of view (9 columns). Manning, Caroline. Violations of health laws in women-employing in- dustries. (In Labor laws and their enforcement, with special reference to Massachusetts. Susan M. Kings- bury, ed. Boston, 1911. p. 152-155.) Brief account of personal investigations in 29 factories, stores and restaurants. Manning, Wm. J. Health of em- ployees in the government printing Bibliography (American) 387 office, Washington. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 75: 497-508.) Mainly description of methods in use for the prevention of lead poisoning. Marriott, W. McKim. The air they breathe in New York factories. (Charities and the commons, Nov. Io, 1906, v. I7: 274–276.) Results of an examination of air in a number of factories in New York City. Table and chart. Marshall, S. A. [Caisson disease.] (Long Island medical journal, April, I907, v. I : 183-184.) Based on experience among workmen in the Pennsylvania railroad tunnel. Discus- sion of Dr. Gallivan’s paper (q. v.). Martin, John. Factory legislation and tuberculosis. (Transactions of the Sixth, international congress on tu- berculosis. Washington, IQ08. v. 3: I79-183.) . * Brief discussion of dusty occupations and legislation providing for ventilation. Massachusetts. First annual report of the work of the state inspectors of health. (In Thirty-ninth annual re- port of the State board of health of Massachusetts. Boston, I907, p. 459–485.) tº e º e º 'º e e Second annual report. (In Fortieth annual report of the State board of health of Massachusetts. Boston, 1908. p. 653–750. Illus- trated.) tº gº tº e º 'º º º Third annual report. (In For- ty-first annual report of the State board of health of Massachusetts. Boston, 1909. p. 763–887.) tº gº tº gº & e º e Fourth annual report. (In Forty-second annual report of the State board of health of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1910. p. 437-556.) tº e ∈ E → * * * Fifth annual report. (In For- ty-third annual report of the State board of health of Massachusetts. Boston, 1911.) These annual reports furnish a valuable source of information on factory and work- shop conditions and methods by which they may be improved, and contain discussions of specific occupational diseases and danger- ous processes. But they also cover tene- ment and schoolhouse hygiene, etc. ......... Massachusetts House docu- ments no. 50, March, 1845; no. 153, 1850. (Reprinted in Documentary history of American industrial so- ciety, Cleveland, 1910, v. 8:133-186.) Testimony, on effect of long hours of labor on health of factory *:::::" (o 11t- Mayo, Earl. Work that kills. look, Sept. 23, K9II, v. 99: 203-213. Illustrated.) Popular, general article covering subject of industrial diseases. Mears, J. Ewing. Phosphorus necro- sis of the jaws. (Philadelphia med- ical times, Jan. 9, 1886, v. 16:264- 275. Illustrated. Also Transactions American surgical association, 1885, v. 3: 357-385. Also reprint.) Elaborate paper , based on European sources and on examinations of a large num- ber of employees in match factories, and the treatment of sixteen cases in this country. Meigs, Arthur V. Caisson disease. A clinical lecture. (Philadelphia medical news, Nov. 28, 1885, v. 47: 589-592.) . Based mainly on Jaminet’s, Smith's, Bauer’s, and Clark’s articles, and on Wood- zºº, History of the St. Louis Bridge Memorial on occupational diseases. Prepared by a committee of ex- perts appointed by the American association for labor legislation, and presented to the President of the United States. (American labor legislation review, Jan. 1911, v. 1, no. I : 125-I43. Also reprint.) This memorial lays the groundwork for a federal investigation. Mercury. Physiological effects of the mercury arc: its influence upon the eye. (Scientific American supple- ment, Oct. 7, 1911, v. 72: 235-236.) Brief general article on artificial light, with only incidental reference to working people. Merk, Fred. Industrial diseases. (Or- ation, University of Wisconsin, n. p. I9II. 5 p.) Mettler, L. H. Occupation neuroses. (Clinical review, Chicago, 1904-1905, v. 21:43-60.) - General discussion of various types of nerve disorders due to occupation. Middleton, P. Harvey. White phos- phorus horror. (Technical world magazine, April 1911, v. 15: 146-155. Illustrated.) Popular article. - Miles, Henry A. Lowell as it was and as it is. Lowell, 1845. 234 p. “Pro- visions for the comfort and health of the operatives”, p. II6-127. e Argues that the factory population, espe- cially the women, were in good health. Miller, James A. Pulmonary tuber- culosis among printers. (Transac- tions of the Sixth international con- gress on tuberculosis. Washington, 1908. v. 3: 209-216.) 388 American Labor Legislation Review Results of thorough physical examinations of 200 printers in New York City, with des- cription of working conditions. Mills, Charles Karsner. Occupation neuroses; affections of the neuro- muscular apparatus due to special occupations. (In Loomis and Thompson, A system of practical medicine. v. 4:597-610. New York, 1898.) Good general discussion of fatigue neu- roses, occupation cramps and other forms of nervous disease due to occupation, with methods of treatment. tº e º 'º - © tº º Mental overwork and prema- ture disease among public and pro- fessional men. (Smithsonian mis- cellaneous collections, no. 594. Washington, 1885, 34 p.) - Moss, R. E. Occupations. (Medical examiner and practitioner, N. Y., 1902, v. I2: 7IO-712.) Occupations as affecting insurance risks, giving diseases characteristic of a large num- ber of different occupations. e Moyer, H. N. A rare occupation neurosis (shoe salesman's disease). (Medical news, Philadelphia, 1893, v. 62: 188-189.) Brief general discussion and description of a. single case. Municipal ordinances, rules, and regu- lations pertaining to public hygiene adopted from January 1, 1910, to June 30, 1911, by cities of the United States having a population of over 25,000 in 1910. Prepared by direc- tion of the surgeon general. U.S. Public health, and marine-hospital service. Washington, Gov't. print. off, I912, 244 p. e Murray, F. W. Anthrax maligna. (New York medical journal, 1889, v. 49: I44-147. Also reprint.) General discussion, with a description of four cases, a porter in a restaurant, a longshoreman, a clerk, and a groom. Myers, R. M. Cramps as affecting sto- kers. (Virginia medical semi-month- ly, Richmond, 1897-8, v. 2:552-553.) Observations as ship surgeon on one of the trans-Atlantic lines. Nearing, Scott. Social adjustment. New York, Macmillan co., 1911, 377 p. Ch. xi. “Dangerous trades”, p. General discussion, and account of three cases, all occupational in origin. Nevin, John. Occupational diseases. (Medical examiner and general prac- titioner, N. Y., Aug. 1908, v. 19:254- 256.) As affecting insurance risks. Newton, W. K. An inquiry into the causes of disease among workers in silk, flax, and jute. (Tenth annual report of the board of health of New Jersey, 1886, Trenton, 1887, p. 188–194.) Describes processes and sanitary condi- tions in workrooms. 2II-22I. Brief, popular discussion. Neer, C. S. The value of examination of the blood in the diagnosis of chronic lead poisoning. (Interstate medical journal, St. Louis, 1907, v. 14: 838–843.) Occupation mortality statistics. Nicholl, R. H., Flinn, T. E., Hay- hurst, E. R. Effects of turpentine upon the health of workmen. (Re- port of Illinois commission on oc- cupational diseases, Jan. I911, p. 84–88.). Results of investigations of 62 men in Chicago. Nichols, Arthur H. The effects on health of the use of sewing machines moved by foot-power. (Massachu- setts State board of health report, I872, p. 180–22I.) Based on personal investigations and re- turns from many correspondents. Norton, H. G. Dangers of the potters’ . trade from the life insurance stand- point. (Medical examiner and prac- titioner, New York, 1906, v. 16:242- 246.) Description of various branches of the work and their special dangers, with particu- lar reference to the Trenton, N.J., potteries: Obenauer, Marie L. Working hours, earnings and duration of employ- ment of women workers in selected industries of Maryland and of Cali- fornia. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bul- letin 96.) Sanitary conditions in canneries, p. 359-362, 368, 401–403. Cen- sus of 1890. Deaths of males in cer- tain occupations, in certain cities, and from certain causes. v. VII, Re- port on vital statistics, Part II, table I8, p. II30. Washington, 1896. º e º e º a ... Census of 1900. Occupations in relation to deaths. Report on vital statistics, Part I, sec. xiii, p. cclvii. Tables, p. 76. Washington, I902. - Annual reports on Mortality statistics, 1900- date. - tº e º ºs e º e - Connecticut registration re- Bibliography (American) 389 ports, 1881-1907. Deaths by occupa- machinery has shortened the life of the tions in Connecticut for ten years, où.”; ſº is- in report for IQ06. Oliver, Thomas. Industrial lead pois tº g tº e º ſº º º Massachusetts registration oning, with descriptions of lead pro- g cesses in certain industries in Great reports, 1843-1889. Deaths in Mass- Britain and the western states of achusetts by occupations for pre- Europe. (U. S. Bureau of labor ceding 20 years, in report for 1863. º e tºº & 2 e & Bulletin no. 95, July 1911, p. 1-188. Elliott, E. B. Life tables of Massa- #.:*::::..]"; º; #3 chusetts, 1858. authority on the subject, based on English ... . . . . . Vermont registration reports, and European data. 1857-1889, and health reports, 1900. Oppenheimer, Seymour. Effect of cer- 1906. tain occupations on the pharynx. e e e º ºs e º e Rhode Island registration re- (Medical record, N. Y., Dec. 16, ports, 1853-1906. - 1899, v. 56: 891-893.) tº º ºs e º e º e Rhode Island. Eighteenth an- Results of study of 50 cases, effects of heat, e. g. a laundress and a tinsmith. Osgood, Irene. Women workers in Milwaukee tanneries. (Wisconsin Bureau of labor and industrial sta- tistics, thirteenth biennial report, nual report of the commissioner of industrial statistics, 1905. Mortal- ity statistics of workingmen in Rhode Island, I899-1902. Tables, p. 53-I52. º & & 33 - .......... New Jersey State board of §. Io29-1172. “Health”, p. 1060 health, annual reports, 1903-1907. #!ed on personal investigations. & © tº & © º º º Experience of thirty-four life Overlock, Melvin George. The work- companies upon ninety-eight special ing people; their health and how classes of risks. Compiled and pub- to protect it. Worcester, Mass., lished by the Actuarial society of The Blanchard press, 1910. 293 p. America. New York, 1903, xiv, 479 Brief, popular discussion of the preven- p. tion of disease in certain occupations (p. Experience of leading life insurance com- 89-96); hours and fatigue (p. 106-109); panies with regard to specially hazardous and the health of factory employees (p. occupations and groups of persons. 166-169). g e e tº e º 'º e º º Érudential insurance com- . . . ...... Education for the prevention pany of America: Industrial occu- of industrial diseases. (American pation mortality statistics, exhibits labor legislation review, June 1912, of diagram and charts at Interna- v. 2, no. 2: 329-338.) . º tional exposition, Paris, 1900; In- Owens, John E. . Caisson disease. ternational congress on tuberculosis, (Railway surgical journal, Chicago, London, I901; Pan American expo. Mºjº, º % V.4.” 5:63) erience as jº 1. *:::::: chief º i the inji and Chi- - y e 3. 3. - cago an orthwestern railways. town ter-centennial exposition, Parker, W. W. and others. Report on I907; International congress on tu- the effect of the use of the sewing berculosis, Washington, 1908. machine on the health of women. ... • * * * * * ... Mutual life insurance com- (Transactions of the medical society pany of New York, mortality exper- of Virginia, third annual session, ience. N. Y., 1877. “Occupations”, Richmond, 1872, p. 146-153.) V. 2:42-43. Report of a committee, based mainly on e e e º º e º ºs Connecticut mutual life in- Dr. Nichºls' pape.(q.v.); e surance company, mortality exper- Parton, Mabel. Women's work in rub- ience, 1846-1878. Hartford, Conn. ber factories. . The work of women 1884. 54 p. and children in cordage and twine O’Connell, James. Manhood tribute factories. Plate. (In Labor laws to the modern machine: influence and their enforcement, with special determining the length of the trade reference to Massachusetts. Susan life among machinists. (Annals of M. Kingsbury, ed. Boston, IQII. the American academy of political D. §º º © . tº f and social science, May 1906, v. 27, he jºi"...:"...";...”. “...i. n O. 3 : 29-33.) women workers in these industries are sub- Brief argument to show that high-speed ject, and methods by which the dangers 390 4merican Labor Legislation Review could be reduced. Originally published in pamphlet form. Peet, Walter. Pressing out “the bends” (caisson disease). (Harper's weekly, Feb. 17, 1912, v. 56: I2.) Brief, popular article on caisson disease and its treatment. Peirce, Paul S. Industrial diseases. (North American review, Oct. I911, v. 194: 529-540.). Good general article. Pelton, Henry H. Treatment of com- pressed-air (caisson) illness. (Amer- ican journal of medical sciences, Philadelphia, 1907, v. 133: 679-685.) Precautions against, types, and treat- ment of the disease, with description of a medical lock. Perry, S. H. Brass-workers' disease. (Medical yieſ. St. Louis, Igo7, v. 35: 4I4-4I9. Description of the disease, with special reference to its occupational origin, by a physician of Birmingham, England. Peterson,. F. Three cases of acute mania from inhaling, carbon bisul- phide. (Boston medical and surgi– cal journal, 1892, v. 127: 325-326. Also reprint.) All three in employees of a single rubber factory near New York City. Phosphorus matches (white). Hear- ings before the Committee on ways and means of the House of repre- sentatives, 61st Congress, 3d ses- sion, on R. 2654o and H. R. 29469, December 16, 1910. Wash- ington, Govt. print. off., 1910. 39 p. On bill (H. R. 29469) “A bill to provide for a tax upon white phos- phorus matches, and for other pur- poses.” - © tº & G ſº e º tº Hearings . . . December 16, 1910, and January 20, 1911. Wash- ington, Govt. print. off., 1911. iii, 277-357 p. On H. R. 26540, H. R. 29469 and H. R. 30022. The Hear- ing of Dec. 16, 1910, is also pub. sep- arately. ...... Hearings . .January Io, ióiz. Washington, Govt. print. off., 1912, 11o p. On H. R. 2896. . tº e s tº e º 'º º Hearings on bills relating to health activities of the general government, before the Committee on interstate and foreign commerce of the House of representatives. Washington, Govt. print. off., I910, Part 6, p. 389-496. These hearings, together with Dr. An- drews’ report for the U. S. Labor Bureau (q.v.) contain most of the up-to-date, pri- mary source material on phosphorus poison- ing in the United States. * Poisoning, Industrial. (See Index cat- alogue of the surgeon general’s li- brary and Index medicus, under Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, Phosphor- us, etc., passim.) Pietrowicz, S. R. A case of brass molder’s ague. (Journal of Amer- ican medical association, Chicago, 1904, v. 43: 465.) . . . In a brass molder in Chicago. Polishing and buffing. (Fourteenth annual report of the New York state factory inspector, Albany, 1899, p. 32-35.) - Relates mainly to interpretation of the law as to the employment of women and children in polishing and buffing. ottery industry, Health conditions in ‘the. Diseases and disease tenden- cies of occupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, twenty-eighth annual re- port, Trenton, 1905, p. 177-197.) Description of processes and statistics. Pratt, Edward Ewing. Occupational diseases. Preliminary report on lead poisoning in the city of New York, with an appendix on arsenical poi- soning. (First report of New York factory investigating commission. I912. Appendix vi, p. 365-569.) . . . . . . . . Lead poisoning in New York city. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2:273- 28o.) Price, George M. Hygiene of occupa- tion. (In Reference handbook of the medical sciences, ed. by Albert H. Buck, 1904, v. 6:316-333.) Comprehensive discussion of the entire subject. . . . . . ... Effects of confined air upon the health of workers. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 312-315.) tº tº º & © e º ºs Medical factory inspection. (Transactions of Sixth international congress on tuberculosis. Igo3. v. 4, pt. I: 307-310.). º Brief outline showing the need for medi- cal inspection of factories. .. Sanitation, and ventilation of factories. (Academy of political sci- ence, New York, v. 2, no. 2:32-34.) Brief discussion based on experience as special investigator for Joint Board of San- itary Control and New York State Factory Investigating. Commission. Not as complete . ºisie in Labor Legislation Review Q. W. J., Bibliography (American) 39 I Pritchard, J. F. Diseases of railway men caused by their occupations. (American academy of railway sur- geons report, 1896. Chicago, I897, p. 136-144. Also (abstr.) Journal of American medical association, 1897, v. 28: II69-II 71.) Especially nervous and mental diseases from strain of responsibility over life. Ramsey, M. E. Practical life insur- ance examination. Philadelphia, 1908. “Occupation”, p. 20–23. * Brief treatment of occupations as affecting insurance risks. Randolph, R. L. A clinical and exper- imental study of the so-called oys- ter shucker's keratitis. (Johns Hop- kins hospital bulletin, Baltimore, 1895, v. 6: I50-154.) X- Description, with cases, of eye disease produced by injuries from oyster shells. Ravenel, M. P.. Anthrax. (In Osler's Modern medicine, 1907, v. 3: 42-51.) Complete technical discussion, with sta- tistics of occupations of persons affected with the disease. Raymond, Rossiter W. Hygiene of metal mines. (In A treatise on hygiene' and public health, ed. by A. H. Buck, v. 2. Ziemssen’s Cyclo- pedia of medicine, v. Ig: 253-264.) Discusses ventilation, dust, temperature, tº º tº dº ſº tº ... The hygiene of mines. (Trans- actions of the American institute of mining engineers, 1879–80, v. 8: 97- I2O.) Practically same as his Hygiene of Metal Mines (q.v.), with quotations from Sheafer’s Hygiene of Coal Mines (q. V.). Reporting of industrial diseases. New York State department of labor. Al- bany, IoI2, 25 p. Pamphlet for physicians containing the law, a statement of its purpose, and informa- tion in regard to the diseases to be reported and their symptoms. Reynolds, H. R. . Caisson disease. (Railway surgical journal, Chicago, Feb. 1909, v. I5:255-59.) Rice, M. B. White lead poisoning. (Alkaloidal clinic, Chicago, 1905, v. 12:460–462.) In painters and employees of white-lead factories. Riggs, C. Eugene. Nervous disorders and paralyses from excessive use of the parts affected—vertigo, tremor, and lead poisoning. (In System of practical therapeutics, ed. by H. A. Hare, Philadelphia, 1892, v. 3: 419- From medical standpoint, without regard to origin, but including writer’s and tele- grapher’s cramp and lead poisoning. Rohé, George H. The hygiene of oc- cupations. (In American public health association. Public health papers and reports, 1884. Concord, N. H., 1885, v. Io: I65-173.) Brief, concrete description of causes of disease in unhealthful trades, with general summary of American literature and Massa- chusetts mortality statistics. Royer, B. F., Holmes, E. B. Fifteen cases of anthrax treated in the Phil- adelphia municipal hospital. (The- rapeutic gazette, etc., Detroit, 1908, 3 s. v. 24:6-17. Also Pennsylvania medical journal, Athens, 1907-8, v. II: 937–949. Illustrated.) Elaborate description of cases, all of which were occupational in origin, from handling hair, leather, etc. Russel, C. P. Table of deaths from phthisis in New York city, showing relative mortality of various profes- sions. (Medical record, N. Y., 1873, v. 8: 93. Statistics, without discussion. Ryan, L. M. Compressed-air illness in caisson, work. (American labor leg- islation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 350-355.) tº e º º º . . . Compressed-air disease from a clinical aspect. (New York medi- cal journal, July 31, 1909, v. 90: 193- I98. Also reprint.) Describes the causes, methods of preven- tion, symptoms, types, and treatment, with the clinical history of two cases. Ryland, K. Phosphorus necrosis of the maxillary bones, peculiar to lu- cifer-match makers, (St. Louis medical and surgical journal, 1854, v. I2:28-34.) Based mainly on European experience, but describes conditions of work in a St. Louis match factory. Safety and security of American life. American institute of social service, New York, 1906. Sanitary conditions in factories. (See reports of factory inspection depart- ments and bureaus of labor of the various states.) Sanitary commission of Massachu- setts. Boston, 1850. Influence of occupation on health, p. 85-87, I29 and 508–5IO. Occupation mortality statistics, and mor- tality and conditions of work of shoemakers in Lynn. • . Schamberg, F. J. Grain itch (acaro- dermatitis urticarioides): a study of 392 American Labor Legislation Review a new disease in this country. (Jour- nal of cutaneous diseases, 1910, v. 28: 67–89. Illustrated.) Scientific description of the disease with- out special regard to its origin. Schwab, Sidney I. Neurasthenia in garment workers. (American labor legislation review, New York, Jan. I9II, v. I : 27-33. Bulletin of the American economic association, 4th series, no. 2:265-271. General results of study of 7000 garment workers in St. Louis dispensary during ten years. Schwartz, G. J., Royer, B. F., Keen, W. W. Anthrax. (Annals of sur- gery, I905, v. 42: 286-296.) General discussion of the disease and des- cription of case in a farmer who had skinned 3. COW. Schwartz, H. J., Sincard, M. H. Brass founder’s ague. (Cornell university medical college bulletin, Jan. 1905.) Scott, A. L. Report on “hatting”. (Report of the Board of health of Connecticut, 1887–8, New Haven, I889, v. II: 299-300.) Brief description of processes, arguing that the making of hats is a healthful occupation. Scott, W. J. Hygiene of the laboring classes. (Ohio medical journal, 1881, v. I : 17-22.) Brief, general discussion of dangers to health of lead workers, stonecutters, cigar- makers, etc.' tº gº tº tº º ... Hygiene of the working class- es. (Cleveland medical gazette, 1885-86, v. I : 383-387.) Plea for public baths as method of pre- venting occupational diseases. Seager, Henry R. Cooperation in pro- moting industrial hygiene. (Amer- ican labor legislation review, June I912, v. 2, no. 2: 235-24.I.) ' Sewall, Hannah R. Child labor in the United States. (U. S. Bureau of la- bor, Bulletin 52. “Conditions affect- ing children”, p. 506-516; “Health of working children”, p. 528–532.) Sanitary and other conditions in factories, and facts obtained by questioning the chil- dren and their parents. Sexton, Samuel. The ear, and its dis- eases. “The effect of high atmos- pheric pressure on the ear in tun- nels, caissons, , etc. The effects of submarine diving on the ear.” p. 428-434. . . With description of a number of cases of deafness occurring among employees of the Hudson River Tunnel. In part practically the same as in Medical Record, 1887 (q. v.). * the effect of high atmospheric pressure on the ear. (Medical record, N. Y., 1887, v. 32: 732-734.) Based on treatment for ear trouble of a number of employees working in the Hud- son River Tunnel. Shambaugh, Geo. E., Boot, G. W. Reports on occupation deafness. (Report of Illinois commission on occupational diseases, Jan. I9II, p. I50-155.) tº º Discussion of occupations which may lead to deafness and of boilermaker’s deafness, based mainly on European sources. Sharples, C. W. A contribution to the pathology of the spinal cord in diver’s palsy. (Journal of nervous and mental diseases, N. Y., 1894, v. 21, n. s. v. 19: 636-640.) Report of a single case and autopsy. Sheafer, H. C. Hygiene of coal mines. (In Treatise on hygiene and public health, ed. by A. H. Buck, v. 2. Ziemssen’s Cyclopedia of medicine, v. Ig: 229-250.) Describes character of work, danger from gases, lack of ventilation, etc. Shoe factory operatives. Diseases and disease tendencies of occupations. (New Jersey bureau of statistics of labor and industries, twenty-fifth an- nual report, 1903, p. 371-375.) wº General description and sickness statis- tics of seven factories employing 1,000 hands. Silk industry. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645, v. 4. Pre- pared under the direction of Chas. P. Neill, commissioner of labor. “Light and ventilation”, p. 179-181.) General results of official investigation in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Skeel, S. Lead colic, or mine sickness. (St. Louis medical and surgical jour- nal, 1848, v. 6: 125-129.) Based on experience with over a hundred cases among lead miners, with histories of a number of cases. Smith, A. H. Effects of high atmos- pheric pressure, including the cais- son disease. College of physicians and surgeons alumni association prize essay, Brooklyn, 1873, 53 p. Pub. also by New York and Brook- lyn bridge co. • Extensive treatise giving his experience as surgeon of the New York Bridge Co., but based on theory which has now been abandoned. Bibliography (American) 393 . . . . . . . . Caisson disease. (Medical record, N. Y., 1894, v. 45: 130-133.) Based on experience as physician to the Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, with employees of the East River Tunnel. ... .......The caisson disease. (In Pep: per. American system of practical medicine, v. 3: 854-860.) Brief treatment based on his Effects of PIigh Atmospheric Pressure (q. v.). © tº tº e º ſº e º Physiologic, pathologic and therapeutic effects of compressed air, Detroit, I886. New edition of his Effects of High Atmos- pheric Pressure, with addition of a chapter on therapeutic uses of compressed air. Snow, Walter B. Dust removal in a brass foundry. (Heating and venti- lating magazine, N. Y., Oct. Igo7, v. 4:30-35. Illustrated.) Scientific, practical. º Sommerfeld, Th., Oliver, Thomas, Putzeys, Felix. List of industrial poisons. Prepared for the Interna- tional association for labor legisla- tion. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulle- tin no. 86, Jan. 1910, p. 147-169) Sommerfeld, Th., Fischer, R. List of industrial poisons and other sub- stances injurious to health found in industrial processes. Prepared un- der the auspices of the International association for labor legislation. (U. S. Bureau of labor, Bulletin no. 100, May 1912, p. 733–759.) & This is a revision of the list in Bulletin 86, with an outline of the work along this line of the International Association for Labor Legislation and an outline by Dr. Fischer of measures for the protection of workers against danger of poison. s' Soper, George A. The air and yenti- lation of subways. N. Y. Wiley and sons, 1909, 244 p. Health of employees in European subways, p. 77, 98. “Health of New York, sub- way employees”, p. 195-229. (Also Technology quarterly, Boston, 1907, v. 20: 218–245.) - Results of original investigations into the effects of metallic dust on health of em- ployees. Practically identical with report made in 1907 to the Board of Rapid Transit Commissioners of the City of New York. Special regulations for dangerous and unhealthy industries enforced by the factory inspectors in England. (New York State bureau of labor statistics, twenty-fourth annual re- port, Albany, 1906, p. 833–879.) Text of English laws. Spratling, W. P. Report of , fifty- seven cases of insanity occurring in six years among silk-mill employees in a manufacturing city in New Jer- sey. (New York medical journal, 1894, v. 59: 614-616.) Gives cause as “prolonged and excessive overtax of mind and body” in the course of their occupation. Tables. Stainsby, William. Diseases and dis- ease tendencies of occupation. The glass industry and the hatting in- dustry. Trenton, N. J. 1901. 55 p. (From the Twenty-fourth annual report of the Bureau of statistics of New Jersey.) - (See Glass industry and Hatting industry.) Standen, Wm. T. The effect of occu- pation and habits on life insurance risks. Pub. by N. Y. Life insur- ance co. (Also in his Ideal pro- tection, N. Y., 1897, p. Ioo-II8.) Gives classification of occupations, with number of insurance companies, which re- ject persons in each, number which discrim- inate against the specified occupations, and number which accept persons engaged in them without restriction. Starr, M. Allen. Industrial diseases due to the use of metallic poisons and the measures needed for their prevention. (Medical record, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1912, v. 81: 205–207.) Discusses briefly lead, arsenic, mercury and phosphorus. Stevens, George A. The health of printers: a study in industrial hy- giene. (Twenty-fourth annual re- port of the New York bureau of la- bor statistics for the year ended Sept. 30, 1906. Albany, 1907, p. 71- I52. 5 * statistics for England and the United States, and descriptions of health conditions. Stewart, D. D. Lead convulsions; a study of sixteen cases. (American journal of medical sciences, Philadel- . phia, 1895, n. s. v. Io9: 288-306.) Four of these cases were of occupational origin, in persons who handled dyes and paints. Stickler, J. W. Hatters’ consumption. (New York medical journal, May 29, 1886, v. 43:598–602. Also reprint.) Description of processes and effects, with abstracts of letters from hatters’ societies, records of 17 cases, and mortality statistics. & & E e º ſº tº º Diseases of hatters. (Report of the Board of health of New Jer- sey, 1885-6, Trenton, 1887, v. Io: I66– 188.) Describes processes and sanitary condi- tions of workrooms and gives statistics of physical condition of 240 employees in hat 394 American Labor Legislation Review factories and mortality statistics of hatters in Newark and Orange. Stickler, J. W., Lane, F. B., Stubbart, J. B. Diseases of workers in textile goods. (New Jersey board of health, ºth annual report, 1888, p. I59- I78. Describes processes, and gives table show- ing results of inquiry into diseases acquired since entering mill. Sullivan, J. W. The printer's health. (Typographical journal, 1903, v. 23, no. 5, p. 425-429; no. 6, p. 527–532. Reprinted, condensed, in Commons, Trade unionism and labor prob- lems, p. 435-454.) . . Based on mortality statistics of the Inter- national Typographical Union and of local union no. 6 (New York Citv), with des- criptions of unhealthful conditions. Sumner, Helen L. History of women in industry in the United States. (Report on condition of woman and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d sess., Senate doc. 645, v. 9. Health in textile factories, p. IOO-Io8.) Mainly on health of Lowell factory women before 1880. Taylor, G. R. The Chicago industrial exhibit. (Charities and the com- mons, N. Y., 1907, v. 18:38-45. Il- lustrations.) Popular account, with reference to san- itary conditions in factories. Thayer, Gordon. Matches or men. (Everybody’s magazine, April 1912, v. 26: 490–498.) . . Popular article on phosphorus poisoning. Thompson, T. Kennard. Pneumatic caissons. (Scientific American sup- plement, Oct. I7, 1908, v. 66: 244- 247.) Mainly, technical description of caissons, but contains also brief account of caisson disease. e {º Thompson, W. Gilman. Classifica- tion of occupational diseases. (American labor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 185-191.) . . . . . . Occupational diseases of mod- ern life. (Journal of the Maine state medical association, March 1912. Also pamphlet.) . . . . . . . Occupational p o is on in g. (Journal of industrial and engineer- ing chemistry, June 1912, v. 4:454- 457.) On the prevalence, nature, and means of mitigation of occupational poisoning. ... .... Résumé of the importance and prevalence of the occupational diseases. (Medical record, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1912, v. 81: 201-202.) Introductory outline of the subject. . . ... .... Reporting of occupational dis- eases by physicians. (Academy of political science, New York, v. 2, no. 2: 24-31.) Practical article with sample schedules and history cards. e tº e º e ... Notes on the caisson disease. (Medical record, N. Y., 1894, v. 45: I33-134). . g sº a Q Brief discussion with description of sev- eral cases. Tracy, Roger S. Hygiene of occupa- tion. (In Ziemssen, Hugo von, ed. Cyclopaedia of the practice of medi- cine. New York, 1874-1881. v. 19: 3–78.) g & º Comprehensive treatise (1879) with clas- sification of occupations, descriptions of dangerous processes, effects of poisons, dusts, constrained attitudes, etc. Bibliography. g e º 'º º º ... Report on tobacco and cigar manufactories. (New York city board of health report, 1872, p. 308- 3II.) General discussion of results of sanitary inspection to determine effects on health of workers. e º 'º e º ſº. ... Dusty occupations. (New York State factory inspector, sec- ond annual report, 1888, Albany, 1889, p. 68-94.) General discussion of all kinds of dust, with tuberculosis statistics of dusty occupa- tions. Trask, John W. A digest of the laws and regulations of the various states relating to the reporting of cases of sickness. U. S. Public health and marine-hospital service. Public health bulletin no. 45. Washington, Govt. print. off., 1911. IQI p. Abstracts of laws by states, and tables of notifiable diseases, including occupational diseases. Tuberculosis. American federation of labor. Movement inaugurated and plan adopted by the American fed- eration of labor to war on con- sumption. 2d ed., 1909. Washing- ton, American federation of labor, I909. e ‘º e º 'º º º e Influence of occupation in tu- berculosis. (Thirty-seventh annual report of the Michigan State board of health, Lansing, 1909, p. 93-IOO.) Statistics of occupations of 19,642 tuber- culous, persons in Michigan, 1895-1908, and mortality statistics of various occupations. . . . . . Tuberculosis in the industries of Massachusetts. (Massachusetts Bibliography (American) 395 Labor bulletin, July 1909, v. I4:81– IoA. Whole no. 65.) Brief descriptions of various industries which produce tuberculosis, and methods of relief and prevention in use. e e e º ºs e º 'º Relation of occupation to tu- berculosis. (Monthly bulletin of the New York State department of health, Sept. I908, n. S. v. 3, no. 9: 238-239.). tº a tº º Occupation statistics of patients at the Henry Phipps Institute, Philadelphia. Tyson, James. On chronic interstitial nephritis. A clinical lecture. (Phil- adelphia medical times, Jan. 9, 1886, v. 16:261-264.) Account of results of lead poisoning in a house painter. United States Bureau of labor. Bulle- tins 44 (see Doehring), 52 (see Se- wall), 75 (see Kober), 79 (see Hoff- man), 82 (see Hoffman), 86 (see Andrews, Sommerfeld, and Interna- tional association for labor legisla- tion), 92 (see International associa- tion for labor legislation), 95 (see Oliver, Hamilton, Andrews, and Laws), 96 (see Hanson and Obenau- er), Ioo (see Laws and Sommerfeld), 85, 91 and 97 (see Laws). tº e º e º ſº tº e Report on condition of wom- an and child wage-earners in the United States, 61st Cong., 2d Sess., Senate doc. 645, 1910-1912 (see Cot- ton textile industry, Clothing, Glass industry, Silk industry, Laundries, Chaney, and Sumner). e ſº º e º ºr ... Report on conditions of em- ployment in the iron and steel in- dustry of the United States, IoI2, v. 3. A study of working conditions in American steel mills. Treats of the various factors affecting the health and efficiency of the working force, e. g. the 7-day week, the 12-hour day, tem- perature, etc. Fourth annual Working women). & e º º ſº ſº gº º Twenty-second annual report (see Laws). - ge º ſº tº tº º ... Twenty-fourth annual report (see Harris). - Van Kleeck, Mary. Working hours of women in factories. (Charities, N. Y., 1906-7, v. IZ: I3-2I.) Describes actual conditions, non-enforce- ment of ten-hour law, and results in physical condition of working women. Van Rensselaer, H. The pathology of the caisson disease. (Medical record, N. Y., 1891, v. 40: 141-150; report (see 178-182. Also Transactions of the medical society of New York, 1891, p. 408-444. I pl. Bibliography.) Thorough treatise, with reports of cases and post-mortem examinations, results of ex- periments with animals, and history of theor- ies, upholding the mechanical congestion theory. Veasey, C. A. Central amblyopia in a dye-worker, probably produced by inhalation of the aniline dyes. (American journal of ophthalmol- ogy, St. Louis, 1898, v. I5: I49-152. Also reprint.) ingle case. Wainwright, J. M., Nichols, H. T. Two phases of anthracite mine hygiene. (Transactions of the Luzerne county medical society, Wilkesbarre, 1905, v. I3: IOO-II6. Discussion, p. II6- II.7.) On hookworm disease and the relation between pulmonary, tuberculosis and anthra- cosis, with occupation mortality statistics. Wald, Lillian D. The doctor and the nurse in industrial establishments. (Academy of political science, New York, v. 2, no. 2:41-47.) Results of experience of various estab- lishments. . Walling, William English. The dan- gerous trades. (Fourteenth annual convention of the International as- sociation of factory inspectors of 'America, p. 35-42.) Walton, G. L., Carter, C. F. Metal- turners’ paralysis. (American jour- nal of medical sciences, Phila., 1892, n. s. v. Ioa: 61-63.) General discussion and account of two cases in brass workers. Warman, D. The diseases of potters, their causes and prevention. (Elev- enth annual report of the Board of health of New Jersey, Trenton, 1887, p. 97-116.) - Describes nature of the occupation, its in- fluence on health, and sanitary conditions in potteries of New Jersey. Warthin, A. S. A preliminary report on some occupational diseases oc- curring in Michigan. (Public health, published quarterly by the State de- partment of health, Michigan, Jan.- March, 1912, v. 7, no. 1, p. 67-77.) On miner’s cramp, compressed-air dis- ease, miner’s nystagmus, etc., with cases. Washburn, E. Practical studies in oc- cupational hygiene. (Monthly bul- letin, State board of health, Massa- chusetts. Boston, 1911, v. 6: 74-77.) Weidner, Carl. Occupational diseases. 396 American Labor Legislation Review (Kentucky medical journal, Feb. 15, I9II, v. 9: I7I-I75. Discussion, I75- I77.). Brief, concrete treatment of a large num- ber of different diseases. Wheatley, F. G. Factory inspection. (Medical communications, Massa- chusetts medical society, Boston, I907, v. 20: 50I-506. Discussion, p. 506-509.) . With special reference to Massachusetts and to the campaign against tuberculosis. Wilbur, Cressy L. Notification of oc- cupational diseases. (American la- bor legislation review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 339–345.) & º - e º e º e Better statistics of industrial mortality for the United States. (Publications of the American sta- tistical association, June 1909, v. II: 505–509.) Plea for more definite statements of oc- cupations on death certificates. (Med- Wile, Ira S. Laundry hygiene. ical news, N. Y., 1904, v. 85: Io95- Ioé8.) - On health of employees, giving results of investigations in Rochester, N. Y., London, Paris, and New York City. Williams, Henry Smith. Poisonous matches. (The world to-day, Feb. I912, v. 21: I'798–1800.) e Brief, popular article. tº , º e tº Wilson, G. B. Air-conditioning; being a short treatise on the humidifica- tion, ventilation, cooling, and the hy- giene of textile factories, especially with relation to those in the U. S. A. New York, 1908. I38 p. An effort to show how methods used abroad can be applied to American condi- tions. Mainly technical, dealing incidentally with hygiene: Wilson, James C. Chronic lead poi- soning. (In Pepper’s System of practical medicine by American au- thors. Philadelphia, 1886. v. 5: 678- 692). . . . tº º sº tº e e Brief history and medical discussion with reference to origin in trades and arts. Wilson, J. F. Diseases incident to some occupations. (“The Transac- tions”, Youngstown, Ohio, 1879-80, v. 1: 89-93.) Winslow, Charles Edward Amory. Occupational disease and economic waste. (Atlantic monthly, May 1909, v. Io9: 679–684.) General argument for investigation, legis- lation, factory inspection, etc. & G - e º e ...Ventilation, air space, humid- ity and temperature: topical criti- cism of existing laws. (American labor legislation review, June 1911, v. I, no. 2: IIO-II2.) ºrsing investigations to establish stand- aſ CIS. tº º º ºs e º ſº tº Temperature and humidity in factories. (American labor legisla- tion review, June 1912, v. 2, no. 2: 297-304) . º • ‘º e e º 'º e tº Sanitary dangers of certain occupations. (Journal of the Mass- achusetts association of boards of health, May 1904, v. I4: 92-106, Also reprint.) © e e s - e. ... Factory sanitation and effi- ciency. (In Technology and indus- trial efficiency, a series of papers pre- sented at the Congress of technol- ogy. Boston, 1911. McGraw-Hill book company, N. Y., 1911, p. 442- 448. Also abstract in Journal of in- dustrial and engineering chemistry, Easton, Pa., 1911, v. 3:508–5II.) e On ventilation, with table showing tem- perature and humidity in New York fac- tories. © e º O © tº e º Industrial hygiene. Boston, I9II. 40 p. (Health-education se- ries, no. 24.) & e º e º 'º º is he cash value of factory ven- tilation. (Transactions of the Sixth international congress on tu- berculosis, Washington, 1908. v. 3: 184-189.) Discussion, tables and chart showing de- crease in absences from work among tele- phone and telegraph operators when work- room was ventilated. Witmer, A. F. Clinical aspects of the occupation neuroses. (Proceedings, Philadelphia county medical society, Phila., 1898, v. 19: I-5. Also Phila- delphia polyclinic, 1898, v. 7:44-48.) ºneral article from physician’s stand- point. . Wood, H. B. The influence of factory inspectors upon public health. (Pennsylvania medical journal, Ath- ens, Igo9-IO, v. I3: 17-23. Also Vir- ginia medical semi-monthly, Rich- mond, Igo9-IO, v. 14:313–317.) With special reference to Pennsylvania, urging additional factory legislation. Wood, James R. Removal of the en- tire lower jaw for necrosis caused by phosphoric acid gas. New York, 1856. Prm. (Also in New York jour- nal of medicine, 1856, [2] s. v. 16: 301-316.) History of nine serious cases of phos- phorus poisoning in match factories in New York City, during 1855 and 1856, Bibliography (Other Than American) 397 Woodward, C. M. History of the St. Louis bridge. St. Louis, 1881. The physiological effects of compressed air. (Also in Van Nostrand’s en- gineering magazine, N. Y., 1882, v. 26:29-42.) Experience with caisson disease in build- ing the bridge, with statistics of cases and deaths. Working women in large cities. (Fourth annual report of the United States commissioner of labor, 1888. “Condition of health”. Tables xviii, xix, and xx, p. 369-394.) Health at age of beginning work during previous occupations and “now”, by indus- tries and by cities. Wright, Carroll D. “Effect of work on health.” The working girls of Bos- ton, p. 69-75. (From the Fifteenth, annual report of the Massachusetts Bureau of statistics of labor.) Bos- tön, Wright & Potter printing co., I884. . Brief descriptive treatment based on tes- Hºy of girls employed in various indus- . . . . . . . . Effect of factory employments on health. (Report on the factory system of the United States. Tenth census, I882, v. 2:558-562.) Tables giving amount of air space per operative in 2,140 rooms in textile factories in Massachusetts, and occupation mortality statistics for manufacturing cities in Eng- land. Wright, Edward W. Readers’ cramp, TITLES OTHER THAN AMERICAN 1 an analogy. (New York medical journal, I897, v. 66:347–349.) Nerve affection in persons whose occupa- tions necessitate overstrain of the eyes. Würdemann, H. V. Economic limi- tations of the visual acuity in var- ious trades and professions. (Jour- nal of American medical associa- tion, Feb. 8, 1902, v. 38:380-382.) Scientific discussion of keenness of sight as related to specific occupations. e tº e g º e º 'º Phosphor-necrosis of the tem- poral bone. Milwaukee, 1898. Pam- phlet, reprint. |Description of unusual case of phosphorus polSoning. Wyman, Walter. River exposure and its effects upon the lungs. (Annual . report of supervising surgeon-gen- eral, United States marine-hospital service. I876–77, p. 157-164.) Describes conditions of work which result in “river phthisis”. Wynne, James. Report on vital statis- tics of the United States made to the Mutual life insurance company of New York, 1857. “Occupations”, p. 205-2IQ. Mortality statistics for England and for Massachusetts. Zenner, P. Auctioneer’s cramp. (Jour- nal of nervous and mental diseases, N. Y., 1886, v. I3: 616–622. Cincin- nati lancet-clinic, 1886, n. s. v. I7: 207-209.) Description of a single case. Abel, F. Des propriétés dangéreuses des poussières. Revue internation- ale de science biologique, Paris, 1882, v. Io: 351, 462. Ackerman, V. B. Des maladies spéciales aux ouvriers employés dans les fabriques de sulfate de quinine. Paris, 1880. Action populaire, Reims. Extraits des discours prononcés au Sénat sur: Interdiction de la céruse à l'in- * Many additional titles will be found in the list of references. On occupational diseases and industrial hygiene in the quarterly bibli- ography on labor topics published as a sup- plement to the Bulletin of the International Labor Office by the Association for Labor Legislation. térieur des bâtiments. Reims; Par- is, V. Lecoffre [1908.] 34 p. (Actes sociatix; publication documentaire riodius de l’Action populaire, no. I5 Adelmann, G. Ueber die Krankheiten der Künstler und Handwerker nach den Tabellen des Instituts für kranke Gesellen der Kunstler und Handwerker in Würzburg von den ſººn 1786 bis 1802, Würzburg, Iö03. 9 Alfassa, Georges. Les poisons indus- triels. Rapport présenté à l’Asso- ciation internationale pour la pro- tection légale des travailleurs. . . Paris, 1906. 34 p. +. 398 American Labor Legislation Review Allan, J. W. Lectures on trade dis- eases. Glasgow medical journal, 19oo, v. 53: 332-338. 9 Allevi, Giovanni. Le malattie dei la- voratorie. L'igiene industriale. Mi- lano, U. Hoepli, I908. 4I5 p. Alliance d'hygiene sociale. 2” Con- gres, Montpelier, 19o5. 2"° Con- grès d'hygiène sociale tenu à Mont- pelier I9-2I mai I905. I Bordeaux, 1905] 49I p. Amado, J. J. Hygiene des professions, cultures, et métiers insalubres. Con- grès international de medicine des colonies, 1883, Amsterdam, 1884, p. 95-IOI. Angey, C. Les risques professionels; les accidents et les maladies du tra- vail. Paris, A. Rousseau, I907. 207 p. Paris, F. Alcan, [etc.] I9II. IO7 p. [Its Publicationsl 6° ser., no. 5) a e º La réforme de la proce- dure de la mise en demeure, organi- sée par la loi du 12 juin 1893-II juil- let i9o3 sur l'hygiène et la securité des travailleurs. Rapport de M. E. Briat. Paris, Felix Alcan, éditeur, 191o. 15o p. (Its Publicationsl 6° ser. no. 2) Association ouvrière de l'hygiène et de la sécurité des travailleurs et des ateliers. 3d congress, Paris, 19o7. Troisième congrès de l'hy- giène et de la sécurité des travail- Annaratone, C. A. Contributo alle malattie professionali dell' orec- chio. Giornale medico del rº esercito e della rº marina, I905, v. 53: 739- 742. Arlidge, John Thomas. The hygiene, diseases and mortality of occupa- tions. London, Percival & co., 1892, xx, 568 p. . . . . On occupations in their re- lation to health and life. British medical journal, 1878, v. 2: 239-244. º i . On the position of the study of industrial diseases; its past neglect and its scope. Sanitary in- stitute (London). Journal, Jan. I895, v. I5: 5I7-52O. º o º The state of sickness among laborers. (In international congress of hygiene and demography. 8th, Budapest. Comptes-rendus et mémoires. Budapest, 1896. v. 8, pt. 3: 37-4o.) Arnould, J. La fabrication du bleu d'outremer, hygiène industrielle et hygiène administrative. Annales d'hygiène (Paris), 1884, 3. sér., v. I2: 4O4-423. Association des industriels de France contre les accidents du travail. Bul- letin. . No. 22-23. Paris, 19Io- (Annual) . . . . . Bulletin bimestriel. . . I9Io. Paris, 19Io. Association nationale francaise pour la protection legale des travailleurs, Paris. Les maladies profession- nelles; rapport de M. L.-J. Breton. leurs et des ateliers. 1907. . . Par- is, L'Èmancipatrice, impr. com- muniste, 1907. I23 p., 2 I. 4th congress, Paris, 1909. Quatrième congrès de l'hygiène et de la sécurité des travailleurs et des ateliers, 1909. . Paris, L'Èman- cipatrice, 1909. I69 p., I I. 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Verslag over het voorkomen van den mijnworm boven den grond in Limburg. In opdracht van de ministers van bin- nenlandsche zaken en van landbouw, nijverheid en handel samengesteld door den Centralen gezondheids- raad en den directeur-generaal van den arbeid. [’s Gravenhage? I909?] 97 p. incl. tables. tº º . Loodwitcommissie. [Eers- ten and] Tweede voorloopig rapport door de Loodwitcommissie, in Feb- ruari 1908 uitgebracht aan den min- ister van landbouw, nijverheid en handel. Uitg. door het Departement van landbouw, nijverheid et handel. [’s Gravenhage, Drukkerij V/h H. L. Smits, 1908. II p. tº tº Rapport der Loodwitcom- missie, benoemd bij besluit van den minister van binnenlansche zaken d. d. 12 September 1903, no. 7216, afdeeling a. (Uitg. door het De- partement van landbouw, nijverheid en handel). 's-Gravenhage, Gebrs. J. & H. van Langenhuysen [1909] 68 p. incl. tables. viii fold. diagr. Newsholme, A. 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On the influence of manufactures on health. British and foreign medico- chirurgical review, 1843, v. I5: 286– 3I4. Orjollet, J. B. A. De l'influence de certaines professions comme cause de maladies, et de quelques moyens préservatifs et curatifs. Paris, 1825. 4I2 American Labor Legislation Review Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ar- beiterschutz, Vienna. Antràge der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft für Arbeiterschutz betreffend I. Ver- hitung der Bleivergiftung und der Caissonkrankheit; 2. Schutz der Heimarbeiter; 3. Erhebungen über Arbeitszeit in Gesundheitsschäd- lichen Betrieben und Arbeitsur- laube. (Eingaben an die Regie- rungen) . . Wien, Selbstverlag der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Arbeiterschutz, IoII. I6 p. Paraf, Georges G. Hygiène et sécu- rité du travail industriel. Paris, V” C. Dunod, 1905. vii, 632 p. illus. Contents.-Introduction.—I. ptie. Généralitiés.—2. ptie. Industries di- verses.—3. ptie. Législation. Parry, Leonard A. The risks and dangers of various occupations and their prevention. London, Scott, Greenwood & co., 1910. IQ6 p. Pecholier, G. and C. Saintpierre. Etude sur l'hygiène des ouvriers peaus- siers du département de l'Hérault. Montpellier médical, I864, v. I2: 301– 332. Périssé, S. Etude microscopique des poussières industrielles. Revue d'hygiene, Paris, 1894, v. 16: 397:417. Permanent international committee for the study of industrial diseases. Bulletin de la Commission interna- tionale permanente pour l'étude des maladies professionnelles. I.-an- née, avril 1908— Florence, IQ08– pam. fold. pl. quarterly. “Biblio- graphie et Fiches bibliographiques” are included in each number. * e º 'º º Medici ispettorato del lavoro. Cusano, Tipografia A. Colombo e figli, 1911. I76 p. (Its Pubblicaz- ione 2.* della serie I.") Bibliography, p. 173-176. Perris, G. H. Industrial disease; the quantitative aspect, London. Royal institute of public health. Journal, 1895, v. 3: IO4-I-2. Perroncito. La malattia dei minatori. Torino, IQIO. Pfennig, M. Ursache, Verhütung und Behandlung der Nerven—, Lungen —, Verdauungs— und Kehlkopf- Leiden (als Berufskrankheiten der Kaufleute, Lehrer, Beamten, etc.). Stuttgart, [n.d.] Phosphorus Treaty. International convention respecting the prohibi- tion of white (yellow) phosphorus in the manufacture of matches. Text of treaty signed at Bern on Septem- ber 26, 1906 by representatives of Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Bulletin of the Inter- national Labor Office, vol. I. p. 296. Also Bulletin of U. S. Bureau of Labor No. 86, p. I46. Pieraccini, Gaetano. Patologia del lavoro e terapia sociale... Milano, I906. 695 p. tº e º Lº La patologia del lavoro. Clinica moderna (Pisa), I903, v. 9: 555-558. & Poincare, Dangers de la fabri- kation des objets en carton vernis- ses et laqués. Annales d'hygiène, 1881, 3. sér., v. 5: I32-138. Pol and Wattelle. Memoire sur les effets de la compression de l’air. Annales d'hygiène publique et de medicine legale, 1854. Popper, M. Beiträge zur Gewerbe- Pathologie. Vierteljahrsschrift für gerichtliche Medicin und Öffent- liches Sanitätswesen, 1879, n. S., v. 30: 98-II8. * > . Lehrbuch der Arbeitkrank- Stutt- heiten und Gewerbehygiene. gart, 1882. Porée, Henri, Livache, Ach. Traité théoretique et pratique des manu- factures et ateliers dangereux, insal- ubres, ou incommodes, etc. Paris, 1887, Marchal et Billard. 704 p. Prendergast, W. Dowling. The potter and lead poisoning... London, Mar- shall, Russell & co., Longton, Hughes and Harber, 1898. 54 p. Projektierte Ausdehnung des gegen- wärtigen französischen Arbeiterun- fallgesetzes auf Krankheiten ge- werblichen Ursprungs. Zeitschrift für Gewerbe-Hygiene [etc.], 1905, v. I2: 479; 507. Proust, A. Nouvelle maladie profes- sionnelle chez les polisseuses de camées. Annales d'hygiène, 1878, 2. Sér., v. I: 193-206. tº º e Professions: maladies pro- fessionnelles. International diction- naire de médecine et chirurgie pra- tique, Paris, 1880, v. 29: 509-583. Pulligny, Leclerc de. Hygiène indus- trielle, par Leclerc de Pulligny... Bibliography (Other Than American) 4I3 [and others] ... Paris, 1908. 610 p. (Traité d'hygiène; pub... par M.M. Brouardel, Chantemesse et Mosny. [fasc.] 7) Ramazzini, Bernardino. De morbis ar- tificum diatriba. (In his Opera om- nia [etc.]. Genevae, 1716. p. 470- 696.) . . . . . Essai sur les maladies des artisans. Paris, 1777. . . . . Health preserved in two treatises. I. on the diseases of artificers, which by their particular callings they are most liable to, with the method of avoiding them and their curse. II. on those distemp- ers which arise from particular cli- mates, situations, and methods of life, with directions for the choice of a healthy air, soil and water. 2d ed. London, I750. * * > * > A treatise of the diseases of tradesmen, shewing the various in- fluence of particular trades upon the state of health; with the best meth- ods to avoid or correct it, and use- ful hints proper to be minded in reg- ulating the cure of all diseases in- cident to tradesmen. Written in Latin by Bern. Ramazzini ... and now done in English. Printed for A. Bell [etc.] 1705. 6 p. 1., 274 p. e . . . . A treatise on the diseases of tradesmen to which they are sub- ject by their particular callings. (In Hoffman, Frederick, ed. A disserta- tion on endemial diseases, etc. Lon- don, 1746.) Ramazzini; giornale italiano di medi- cina sociale Anno I—Gennaio 1907—Firenze, L. Niccolai, 1907– v. illus., plates (partly fold.) maps (partly fold.) tables (partly fold) diagrs. (partly fold.) monthly. Rambousek, Josef. Gewerbehygiene für österreichische Amtsärzte, Phy- sikatskandidaten, Verwaltungsbeam- ten und Gewerbeinspektoren. Wien, 1909. 368 p. . . . . Gewerbliche Vergiftungen, deren Vorkommen, Erscheinungen, Behandlung, Verhütung. Leipzig, Veit & comp., 1911. xv, 431 p. illus. Bibliographical references in text. . . . . . Der erste internationale Kongress für Arbeiterkrankheiten in Mailand. Zeitschrift für Gewer- be-Hygiene [etc.], 1906, v. I3: 327; 359; 391. London, Rate of mortality. Laws of sickness, influence of trade and locality on health. Data by Neison from Friend- ly Societies. Journal of the royal statistical Society, London, v. 8: 290; v. 9: 50. I845. Razous, Paul. Réglementation du tra- vail industriel. Commentaire pra- tique, par Paul Razous ſet] Armand Razous. Paris [etc.] Berger-Lev- rault & cº", 1901. x, 328 pp. “Hy- giène et securite du travail et des travailleurs”: p. 107-425. Reille, P. Les maladies profession- nelles. Annales d'hygiène, 1908, 4 sér., v. 9: 38-74. Repaci, F. Le stigmate e le modifi- cazioni e lesioni organiche delle por- tatrici di peso sul capo nelle Cala- brie. Ramazzini (Firenze), 1907, v. I: 483-496. & Riadore, J. E. On the remediable evils attending the life of the peo- ple engaged in professions, com- merce, trade and labour... London, 1847. Richardson, B. W. Diseases incident to public life. Asclepiad (London), 1885, v. 2: 289-298. Rivalta, R. Malattie professionali ed infortuni del lavoro nella vita civile e nella vita militare. Rocca San Casciano, 1908. 349 p. Romanelli, L. L’influenza delle artie dei mestiere sulla salute degli op- erai: relazione igienico-statistica. Napoli, 1879. Ronzani, E. Intorno all’ influenza del- le inalazioni di gas irritanti delle in- dustrie; sui poteri di difesa dell'or- ganismo verso le malattie infettive. Annali d'igiene sper. Roma, Igo9, n. S. V. IQ : I.39–I93. Roose, R. The wear and tear of Lon- don. London, 1886. Ropke, F. Die Berufskrankheiten des Ohres und der Oberen Luftwege. Ohrenheilkunde der Gegenwart und ihre Grenzgebiete, 1902, v. 2: I-I47. º . Die Berufskrankheiten des Ohres und der oberen Luftwege. Wiesbaden, J. F. Bergmann, IQ02. I47 p. Rosenfeld, S. Gewerbekrankheiten und ihre Verhütung in den Öster- reichischen Fabriken. Wiener med- izinische Blätter, 1898, v. 21: 6; 27; 39; 59; II9; 187. Roth, Emanuel. Gewerbehygiene. Leipzig, G. J. Göschen, I907. 156 4I4 American Labor Legislation Review p. illus. (Sammlung Göschen. [3501) “Literatur”: p. [I51]-I54. * . . Kompendium der Gewerbe- krankheiten und Einführung in die Gewerbehygiene. Berlin, R. Schoetz, I904. 27I p. Royal society of arts, London. Shaw lectures on industrial hygiene. De- livered before the Royal Society of arts in November and December, I907; and February and March 1908. London, Printed by W. Trounce, I908. London, 63 p. Rubin, J. Grundzüge der internen Arbeiterversicherungsmedizin. Jena, I909. 224 p. Sanarelli, Discorso al Congres- so per le malattie del lavoro. Cor- riere sanitario (Milano), 1906, v. 17: 688; 698. Sandwith, F. M. Diseases of miners, wool-sorters and others. Clinical journal, London, Igo&, v. 33: I33- I38. Schierbeck, N. P. Om bekaempelsen af faren ved anvendelsen af giftstof- fer i industrielle virksomheder.... Kobenhavn, 1907. I2 p. (Dansk forening for arbeiderbeskyttelse. [2. hfte.]) Schneider, H. Gefahren der Arbeit in der chemischen Industrie; hrsg. vom Verband der Fabrik-Arbeiter Deutschlands. Hannover, Volks- buchhandlung, 1911. Schuler, F. and F. H. Whymper. Fa- brikhygiene und Fabrikgesetzge- bung. Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Oeffentliche Gesundheitspflege, 1888, v. 20: 283-302. Schut, P. Bakker. Bericht tiber das Verbot des Gebrauches von Bleifar- ben und über die Versuche mit blei- freien Farben in den Niederlanden ... Amsterdam, Drukkerij Plantijn, 1908. 21 p. (Nederlandsche ver- eeniging voor wettelijke bescherm- ing van arbeiders, section der In- ternationalen Vereinigung für ges- etzlichen Arbeiterschutz) Schweizerische Vereinigung zur För- derung des internationalen Arbei- terschutzes, Bern. 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