1 PK 146 1896 B 1,205,427 ARTES 1817 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FL. LURIBUS UNUS TUEBOR SI.QUER.S-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM. CIRCUMSPICE PK 666. P46 9881 33314 A SANSKRIT PRIMER: BASED ON THE LEITFADEN FÜR DEN ELEMENTAR-CURSUS DES SANSKRIT OF PROFESSOR GEORG BÜHLER OF VIENNA BY EDWARD DELAVAN PERRY, OF COLUMBIA COLLEGE, NEW-YORK. BOSTON: GINN AND COMPANY 1886. Way Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1885, By E. D. PERRY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. Composition by GEBRÜDER UNGER, SCHÖNEBERGER STRASSE, 17 A, BERLIN, SW. Presswork by JOHN WILSON AND SON, UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. 1 Preface. In the preface to the work* of which the following is a revision, Prof. BÜHLER writes as follows: "The following Leitfaden was written last winter [1881-82], and, printed in manuscript form, was used in the instruction of quite a large number of scholars. It is based upon the purely practical method of Sanskrit instruction, which was introduced at HAUG's and my own instance into the Indian secondary schools, and has become established there by means of R. G. BHANDĀRKAR'S text-books. The attempt to transfer this method to European uni- versities is justified by the practical success which, as my ex- perience shows, is to be gained thereby. For I have found that beginners master the first difficulties of Sanskrit very rapidly, and that learners take the most lively and continued interest in the study, if opportunity for activity on their own part is given them from the very first, and they are introduced at once into the living language. Moreover, the question of economy of time is made the more weighty by the fact that the elements of Sanskrit form an * Leitfaden für den Elementarcursus des Sanskrit; mit Uebungs- stücken und zwei Glossaren. Von GEORG BÜHLER. Wien, 1883. I have translated above a little freely. iv important aid to students of Classical and Germanic Philology, yet to a large number of such are accessible only when the subject can be mastered in a short time. On the other hand, the disad- vantages necessarily entailed by the purely practical method may readily be removed later by a short methodical exposition of the grammar The verses in the exercises are taken chiefly from BOEHTLINGK's Indischen Sprüchen; the sentences are in part derived from various Sanskrit works, or modelled after passages contained in them. To the last lessons no Sanskrit exercises have been appended, since the reading of the Nala or of some other easy Sanskrit work may very well be begun as soon as the form- ation of the perfect has been learned.” After using the Leitfaden for some time in the instruction of a class, I was convinced of its great merits as a practical intro- duction to the language; while on the other hand it seemed very unfortunate that it held throughout to the native system of grammar, which, since the appearance of Prof. WHITNEY'S work, we in America at least have learned to distrust. Under these circum- stances it seemed advisable to attempt a combination of BÜHLER'S practical exercises with WHITNEY's theory; and to this end the book has been really rewritten. An introduction has been added, giving a general view of the structure of the language; the exer- cises have been pruned here and there, chiefly to remove forms which seemed too unusual or doubtful to have a just claim on the beginner's memory; and the number of lessons has been re- duced from forty-eight to forty-five, by condensing the description, needlessly full for beginners, of the aorist, precative, and second- ary conjugations. I have endeavored to retain nothing but what would supply the real wants of those for whom the book is de- signed; yet here and there, having in mind those who may take up this study without a teacher, I have added explanations which I should otherwise have left for oral communication by the instructor. A detailed explanation of the changes in the grammatical part of the book would require too much space to be given here. They may be summarized in the statement that I have striven to remove all forms at present "non- quotable". In the explication of the rules I have sought to be brief, but never to the sacrifice of clear- ness. In very many cases not only the substance but also the words of Prof. WHITNEY'S rules have been incorporated into those of the Primer, which was done with his sanction. It seemed quite needless to designate all such borrowings by quotation-marks. Many acknowledgments are due to those whose aid has made possible the appearance of the work. Prof. BÜHLER's ready gene- rosity in consenting to the rendering of his book into a very different form from that which he gave it deserves most grateful mention. To Prof. WHITNEY I owe deep gratitude for many valu- able suggestions; he was kind enough to look over the work in manuscript, and, later, to put at my disposal the advance sheets of his invaluable collection of verb-forms. To Prof. LANMAN I am equally indebted; as well for many useful hints as for the arduous task of looking over proof-sheets, which he imposed on himself with characteristic readiness. My pupil, Mr. A. V. W. JACKSON, assisted me not a little in the compilation of the Glossaries. My acknowledgments are also due to the printers, GEBR. UNGER (TH. GRIMM) of Berlin, for the careful manner in which their part of the work has been done. 7 From V. S. APTE's "Guide to Sanskrit Composition" I have derived occasional examples. vi The appearance of the book has been delayed considerably beyond the date originally planned for it. The printing was begun in November last, but was interrupted by my illness, and a re- sulting stay of considerable length in the West Indies. I shall esteem it a favor if any who may use this book will notify me of misprints or inaccuracies of any sort which they may remark. BERLIN, August, 1885. E. D. P. NOTE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In this edition errors have been corrected in the plates wher- ever possible, otherwise noted in a list of corrections and additions at the end of the book. My thanks are due to Prof. LANMAN, and Prof. H. F. BURTON of Rochester, for corrections furnished. NEW YORK, September, 1886. E. D. P. ! Table of Contents, in systematic grammatical arrangement. The figures in heavy type refer to paragraphs. Introductory suggestions, p. xi. I. Alphabet and Sounds. Characters, 1–20. — Classification of Sounds, and Pronunciation, 21-47. Light and Heavy Syllables, 48. II. Changes of Sounds. Guna and Vṛddhi. 49-54. III. Rules of Euphonic Combination. Accent, 56. General Rules of Vowel Combination, 105, 106, 156–161, 164. Laws concerning Finals, 239-242. — Deaspiration, 242. — Transferral of Aspiration, 244, 249, 428. Surd and Sonant Assimilation, 147, 148, 266, 267. Combinations of Final s and r, 95, 117-123, 129. Conversion of s to s, p. 27 (note**), 191, 192, 342, 352. Conversion of n to n, p. 32 (note **), 166. Conversion of Dental Mutes to Linguals and Palatals, 149, 150, p. 99 (note), 342. Combinations of n, p. 29 (note), 138-140, < 184. Change of ch to cch, p. 27 (note*), 165. — Combinations < of m, p. 29 (note). Final n [and] 184. Final k, t, p, 266. Final t, 148-151. IV. Declension. Gender, Number, Case, 83-89. Case-endings, 90, 91. - Pada-endings, 91, 241. V. Substantives and Adjectives. Vowel-stems: Stems in a, m. n., 103, III. Stems in i, m., 113, 115; n., 114, 115. viii Stems in u, m., 128; n., 136, 137. — Stems in i and u, f., 185–187. - Stems in a, i, u: (a) Root-words. In a, 212, 213; in î, 189, 212, 214; in ū, 197, 212, 214. (b) Derivative Stems, f. In a, 162; in 7, 183; in u, 198. Stems in ?, 201-205, 208. Stems in Diphthongs: go, 209; nău, 211; rãi, 277. General, 237-242. Consonant-stems: (a) Root-stems, 243, 244, 246-250.- (b) Derivative Stems. In as, is, us, 252–254. In an (an, man, In in (in, min, vin), 251. In ant (ant, mant, vant) van), 265. 256-264. in yas, 255. Perfect Participles in vāns, 268. Irregular Nouns: 269-284. Comparison, 337-345. Comparatives Formation of Feminine-stems, 187, 251, 255, 262-264, 268. VI. Numerals. 328-336. VII. Pronouns. 223-236, 285-288, 413. VIII. Conjugation. Voice, Tense, Mode, Number, Person, 57-65. - Verbal Ad- jectives and Nouns, 66-68. Secondary Conjugation, 69-70. — Mode and Tense-stems, 71. IX. Present-System. Conjugation Classes, 72-80. First Conjugation. General, 383-387. I. Root-class (Hindu second or ad-class), 404-412, 414 -429. II. Reduplicating Class (H. third or hu-class), 430-440. III. Nasal Class (H. seventh or rudh-class), 441-446. IV. Nu and u-Classes (H. fifth and eighth, or su and tan- classes), 388-395. V. Nā-Class (H. ninth or kri-class), 399–403. ix Second, or a-Conjugation. VI. a-Class (H. first or bhu-class), 92-94, 97-102, 134, 135, 152-154, 178-182, 188, 193-196, 199, 200, 206, 207, 210, 222, 260. VII. Accented á-Class (Hindu sixth or tud-class), 107-110, 152-154 etc. (as for a-class). VIII. ya-Class (H. fourth or div-class), 124-127, 131-134, 152-155 etc. (as for a-class). IX. Accented yá-Class or Passive Conjugation, 168-176, 188, 199, 200, 210, 222. [Causative and Denominative Conjugation (partly=H. tenth or cur-class), 141-146, 152-154 etc. (as for a-class); also 215-221.] X. Perfect-System. 447-471, 474. Periphrastic Perfect, 472, 473. XI. Aorist-System. General, 486. Simple Aorist: Root-aorist, 487; a-aorist, 488. Reduplicated Aorist, 489, 490. Sibilant Aorist: s-aorist, 491; is-aorist, 492; sis-aorist, 493; sa-aorist, 494. — Aorist Passive, 495, 496. XII. Future-System. General, 475. Simple Future, 476-481. Conditional, 482. Periphrastic Future, 483-485. XIII. Verbal Adjectives and Substantives: Participles, Infinitive, Gerund. Passive Participle in ta or na, 289–301. Past Active Par- ticiple in tavant or navant, 302, 303. 304–313. — Infinitive, 314-322. Gerundives, 323–327. Gerunds: Absolutives, Future Passive Participles: XIV. Derivative or Secondary Conjugations. General, 497. Passive, 498. Causative, 507, 508. Intensive, 499-502. Desiderative, 503-506. Denomina- tive, 509, 510. XV. Periphrastic Conjugation. Perfect, 472, 473. Future, 483-485. < X XVI. Verbal Prefixes: Adverbs and Prepositions. 81, 82, 167, 190, 395-397. XVII. Formation of Compound Stems. Classification, 346–353. — Copulative Compounds, 354–357. — Determinative Compounds, 358; Dependent, 359-361; De- scriptive, 362-365. Secondary Adjective Compounds, 366- 370; Possessive, 371-377; with Governed Final Member, 378. Adjective Compounds as Nouns and Adverbs, 350, 379–381. [Dvandva-compounds, p. 136 (note); Tatpurușa-compounds, p. 137 (note); Karmadharaya-compounds, p. 137 (note); Dvigu-com- pounds, 380; Bahuvrihi-compounds, p. 142 (note); Avyayībhāva- compounds, 381.] XVIII. Syntactical Rules. Position of Modifiers, p. 35 (note). Repetition of Words, p. 67 (note*). Agreement of Adjectives, 245. - Force of Cases, 104, 112. Prepositions with Cases, 82, 130. kim with Instrumental (and Genitive), p. 89 (note). Comparatives, 345. Numerals, 333. -236. — iti, p. 47 (note). Force of Tenses: Present, 96; Imperfect, 182; Perfect, 474; Aorist, 486. Force of Modes: Imperative, 194-196; Optative, 207. Passive, 177. Participle, 303. Construction with Pronouns, 225, 234 Causative, 221. — Past Passive Participle, 290. Past Active Gerund, 311-313. Future Passive Participle, 327. Appendix. Infinitive, 320–322. Hindu Names of Letters. Modern Hindu Accentuation of Sanskrit. Suggestions for using the Primer. The Primer can be finished by earnest students in sixteen or seventeen weeks, reckoning three lessons per week, with here and there an hour for review. After that LANMAN'S Sanskrit Reader, an introduction to which this work is partly intended to be, should be taken up. Students are strongly recommended to provide themselves with WHITNEY'S Sanskrit Grammar at the outset. It seemed advisable to leave the Introduction undivided into lessons, as different teachers may prefer to impart the alphabet, etc., to their scholars at different rates of speed. Some of the exercises for translation may be found rather too long to be com- pleted in one lesson. In such cases it will probably be better, after requiring the translation of only so many sentences as the pupil may reasonably be expected to master in the preparation of one day's lesson, to proceed directly to the next lesson in the following hour,, leaving the untranslated sentences for a review. The vocabularies prefixed to each exercise are not exhaustive, since words which have been treated of immediately before are sometimes omitted from them. The glossaries at the end of the book will, it is hoped, be found complete for the exercises; but the meaning of compound words must in most cases be learned from their elements; and proper names have often been omitted, their Sanskrit forms being discernible from the transliteration. The table of contents in systematic grammatical arrangement is designed to facilitate the finding of any desired article; it may also be found useful as an outline for a rapid grammatical review. Arrangement of Vocabularies. The vocabularies are arranged 1 xii in strict alphabetic order (see below). All nouns, whether sub- stantives or adjectives, are given in the stem-form. All verb-forms are placed under the root; prepositional compounds of verbs like- wise, and not in the alphabetic place of the preposition. Of verbal adjectives and nouns, some important ones have been given in their alphabetic places, but the meaning of most of them must be learned from their respective roots. Pronouns are given generally in the form of the nominative. Alphabetic Order. The alphabetic order is that given in § 1, but the following points are to be noticed here: The visarga stands next after the vowels; but a visarga re- garded as equivalent to a sibilant and exchangeable with it has the alphabetic place of that sibilant. The sign ǹ, representing "the anusvāra of more independent origin", has its place before all the mutes etc.; thus danç and danṣṭra stand before dakṣa. The sign m, representing an assimilated m, is placed according to its phonetic value. 1. If m, resulting from the assimilation of m to a semivowel, sibilant, or h, represent a nasal semivowel or anusvāra, then its place is like that of n. Thus pums comes before punya and saṁçaya before sakṛt. 2. But if m be the product of m assimilated to a mute, representing ñ, ñ, n, n, or m, then its place is that of the nasal so represented. Introduction. Alphabet. 1. Sanskrit is commonly written in what is called the Devanagari alphabet. The characters of this, and the European characters which will be used in transliterating them, are as follows: Vowels. simple labial palatali उ24 short अ a long आ å chor ई 12 ऊ. lingual ॠ ? FET dental ऌ ! palatal diphthongs labial ओ ० औ au Visarga: ḥ. Anusvāra ǹ or m. Consonants. surd surd asp. sonant sonant asp. nasal guttural k ख kh ग g घ gh ङ palatal च c छ ch ज झ jh Fπ ñ Mutes lingual = th dental สเ थ th labial ЧР फ ph Perry, Sanskrit Primer. to ho to 3 d dh ण ? द व ध dh न n ब 6 ✈ bh Am 1 1 2 Introduction. palatal य ! lingual Tr Semivowels dental ल / labial v. Sibilants: palatal ; T lingual $; ष dertals. Aspiration ह h. 2. The above order is that in which the sounds are catalogued by native grammarians; and European scholars have adopted it as the alphabetic order, for dictionaries, etc. The writing runs from left to right. 3. The theory of the devanagari mode of writing is syllabic and consonantal. That is, it regards as the written unit, not the simple sound, but the syllable; and further, it regards as the sub- stantial part of the syllable the consonant (or the consonants) pre- ceding the vowel this latter being merely implied, as is the case with shorta, except when initial, or, if written, being written by a subordinate sign attached to the consonant. 4. Hence follow these two principles: A. The forms of the vowel-characters given above are used only when the vowel forms a syllable by itself, or is not combined with a preceding consonant: that is, when it is initial, or preceded by another vowel. In combination with a consonant, other modes of representation are used. B. If more than one consonant precede a vowel, forming with it a single syllable, their characters must be combined into a single character. 5. According to the Hindu mode of dividing syllables, each syllable must end in a vowel, or visarga, or anusvāra, except at the end of the word; and as ordinary Hindu usage does not divide the words of a sentence in writing, a final consonant is combined into one syllable with the initial vowel or consonant of the following word, so that a syllable ends in a consonant only at the end of the sentence. Introduction. ون 3 Thus the sentence kṣetreṣu siktābhir meghānām adbhir dhānyaṁ prarūḍham — 'by the water which drops from the clouds upon the fields the grain grows tall' would be considered as consisting of the syllables kṣe tre șu si ktā bhi rme ghã nã ma dbhi rdhã nyaṁ pra rũ ḍham. Each of these syllables would be indicated by a single group of signs, without any reference whatever to the di- vision of the words composing the sentence; and the syllables. are always written independently, with more or less closeness of approach; either like this: क्षेत्रेषु सिक्ताभि में घा नाम निधी न्यं प्र रूढम् - or thus : क्षेत्रेषु- सिक्ताभिर्मेघानामनिधीन्यंप्ररूढम् . 6. In Sanskrit works printed in Europe, the common practice is to separate the words so far as this can be done without any alteration of the written form. Thus, ¤; indrāya namaḥ; but aæfagdîwa tat savitur vareṇyam, because the final a t and rare not written with their full forms. But some few works have been printed, in which, by a free use of a sign called virāma (see below, § 8), the individual words are separated. In translite- rated texts there is no good reason for printing otherwise than with all the words separated. 7. Under A. Vowels combined with preceding consonants are written as follows: 1. a: Short a has no written sign at all; the consonant-sign itself implies a following a, unless some other vowel-sign is attached to it (or else the virāma see below, § 8). Thus the consonant-signs given above are really the signs for ka, kha, ca, cha, etc. (as far as ha). 2. : का kā. चा ca. धा dhā etc. 3. i and ì: fa ki. fa pi. fa dhi. ९ ant ki. ut pi. Et dhì. The hook above, turning to the left or to the right, is histori- cally the essential part of the character, having been originally 1* 4 Introduction. the whole of it; the hooks were only later prolonged, so as to reach all the way down beside the consonant. Observe that the i-hooks and the u-hooks, respectively above and below the line, are analogous in turning to the left for the short vowel and to the right for the long. चु cu. बु bu. 4. u and ù: gì ku. Đau đơu đi kê. H của H thù. Owing कू keū. चू cu. bhu. भू to the necessities of combination, consonant and vowel-sign are sometimes disguised; thus, du, — dū; «ru, T rū; Ţ or ॐ hu, हू ht. 5. r and kr. ų pr. कृ kr. tr. With the h-sign, the vowel - hook is usually attached to the middle; thus, हृ hr. 7. Diphthongs. e: 6. l: a kl. ke. ape. A ye. ai: kāi. ✈ dhãi. 0: ant ko. t bho. ău: at kău. ÎÌ rău. In some printed texts the signs for o and ãu are separated, the or being placed over the consonant-sign, and not over the perpendicular stroke; thus, T ko, aĥī kāu. 8. A consonant-sign may be made to signify the sound of that consonant alone, without an added vowel, by writing beneath it a stroke called the virāma ('rest', 'stop'); thus, k, h, z d. Strictly, the virāma should be used only at the end of a sentence; but it is often used by scribes, or in print, in the middle of a word or sentence, to avoid awkward or difficult combinations; thus, farefu: liḍbhiḥ, fare litsu. 9. Under B. The combinations of consonants are in general not difficult. The perpendicular and horizontal lines are common to almost all; and if two or more are to be combined, the following method is pursued. The characteristic part of a consonant-sign that is to be added to another is taken (to the exclusion of the perpendicular or of the horizontal framing -line, or of both), and they are put together according to convenience, either side by side, Introduction. 5 1 or one above the other: in some combinations either arrangement is allowed. The consonant to be pronounced first is set first in the one arrangement, and above in the other arrangement. Only the consonant at the right of a horizontal group, and that at the top of a perpendicular group, are written in full. Examples of the horizontal arrangement are: ग्ग gga, ज्ञ jja, प्य pya, न्म nma, त्य ttha, भ्य bhya, एक skha, tu ṣṇa. Examples of the perpendicular arrangement are: kka,cca, क्व kva, अ nja, प्त pta, न tna. 10: In some combinations there is more or less abbreviation or disguise of the independent form of a consonant-sign. Thus, of kin ♬ kta; and in ¶ kṇa, kya etc.; an of a tin atta; ofdindga, Edda, ddha, of mandy, when following other consonants; thus, क्य kya, कम kema, ♬ dbha etc.; nma, झ dma, द्य dya, ह्मhma, when followed by çya. hya, thya, ☎ ḍhya; off, which generally becomes a consonant; thus, çca, çna, çla, The same change is usual when a vowel- sign is added below; thus, çu, cr.• 11. Other combinations, of not quite obvious value, are nṇa, I sta, stha; and the compounds of h, as hņa, ♬ hna. 12. In a case or two, no trace of the constituent letters is recognizable; thus, kṣa, jña. 13. The semivowel r, in making combinations with other consonants, is treated in a wholly peculiar manner, analogous with that of the vowels. 1. As the first of a group of consonants it is written with a hook above, opening to the right (like the subjoined sign of ?); thus, rka,rpta. When a compound consonant 6 Introduction. thus containing r as its first member is followed by one of the vowels i, i, e, o, ai, au, with or without a nasal symbol, the r- sign must stand at the extreme right; thus, rke, frko, afrkau, farki, af rki, ärkam, if rkānsi, f rbhīṁ. 2. If pronounced after another consonant or consonants, r is indicated by a slanting stroke below, to the left; thus, gra, ♬ pra, sra, dra. And, with modifications of the preceding consonant- sign like those noted above, tra, cra. In the middle of a group, r has the same sign as at the end; thus, grya, ♬ srva. 3. When r is to be combined with a followingr, it is the vowel which is written in full, with its initial character, and the consonant in subordination to it; thus,rr, fa fa nirṛti. Combinations of three, four, or even five consonants (this latter excessively rare) are made according to the same rules; thus, त्त्व ttva, द्ध्य adhya, द्व्य doya, द्रा drya, प्स्व psva, त्स्य tsya, ष्ठ्य sthya; ङ्ख nksva, थ्र्य strya, त्स्म्य tsmya; स्र्न्य rtsnya. 14. geya, 15. Both MSS. and type-fonts differ considerably in their management of consonant-combinations, but a little practice will enable one who is thoroughly familiar with the simple signs and with the principles of combination to decipher, as well as to make for himself, all such groups. 16. A sign (5) called the avagraha, or 'separator', is used in printed texts to mark the elision of initial a after final e or o (see below, § 119, 158): thus as te 'bruvan. But some texts, especially those printed in India, dispense with this sign. In our transliteration this sign will be represented by the inverted comma, as in the example just given. In the MSS. the $ is also used as a hyphen, and sometimes as a mark of hiatus. 17. The sign is used to mark an omission of something easily understood (whether from the context, or from previous knowledge), Introduction. 7 and thus becomes a mark of abbreviation; thus, गतस् तम् तेन gatas -tam -tena, i. e. gatam gatena etc. 18. The only signs of punctuation are and II. 19. The numeral figures are १ 1, २ 2, ३ ३, ४ 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,00. In combination, to express larger numbers, they are used precisely as are European digits; thus, २४24, ४८५485, ७६२० 7620. This system of notation originated in India, and was brought to Europe by the Arabs, who call it the Indian system, as we style it the Arabic. 20. In writing Sanskrit the Hindus generally begin at the left of the letter, and make the horizontal top-stroke last; thus, 7, HI, T; I, 2, T; 1,, . But often the horizontal stroke is made first, and the perpendicular stroke added without raising the pen from the paper; thus, 7, 7; 7, a. System of Sounds: Pronunciation. 21. The Sanskrit is used in India to this day very much as Latin was used in Europe in the previous century: it is a common medium of communication between the learned, be their native tongues what they may, and it is not the vernacular of any district whatever. Hence it is not strange that the pronunciation of San- skrit words varies greatly among scholars from different parts of India; and probably no one system represents the true ancient mode of utterance with much exactness. I. Vowels. 22. A. The a, i, and u-vowels. These three occur both short and long, and are to be pronounced in the 'Italian' manner as in (or-)gan and father, pin and pique, pull and rule, respectively. The 8 Introduction. a-vowel stands in no relation of kindred with any of the classes of consonantal sounds. But the i- vowel is distinctly palatal, and the u-vowel as distinctly labial. 23. B. The and -vowels. Both of these are plainly the result of abbreviating syllables containing ar or 7 along with another vowel: r is to be sounded like the re in the English fibre, like le in able. 24. C. The diphthongs. 1. The e and o, which are always long, should receive the long e and o-sounds of the English they and bone, without true diphthongal character. In their origin, both were doubtless in the main pure diphthongs (e = a + i, o = a + u); but they lost this character at a very early period. 2. The ăi and ău are spoken like the ai in English aisle and au in German Baum (ou in English house); that is, as pure diphthongs with long prior element. They were originally, doubtless, distin- guished from e and o only by the length of the first element. II. Consonants. 25. A. Mutes. In each series of mutes there are two surd members, two sonants, and one nasal (also sonant); e. g., in the labial series, the surds p and ph, the sonants b and bh, and the sonant m. 26. The first and third members of each series are the ordinary corresponding surd and sonant mutes of European languages; thus, k and g, t and d, p and b. 27. Nor is the character of the nasal any more doubtful. What m is to p and b, or n is to t and d, that is also each other nasal to its own series of mutes: a sonant expulsion of breath into and through the nose, while the mouth-organs are in the mute- contact. 28. The second and fourth of each series are aspirates; thus, Introduction. 9 beside the surd mute k we have the corresponding surd aspirate kh, and beside the sonant g, the corresponding aspirate gh. It is usual among European scholars to pronounce both classes of aspi- rates as the corresponding non-aspirates with a very closely fol- lowing h; e. g., th nearly as in boathouse, ph as in haphazard, dh as in madhouse. This is inaccurate so far as the sonants are con- cerned; but the question of their original sound is one of great difficulty, and still unsettled. 29. The aspirates are not double letters. The several mute-series will now be taken up in detail. 30. 1. Gutturals: k, kh, g, gh, ñ. These are the ordinary English k and g ("hard")-sounds, with their corresponding aspirates and nasal; the last, like ng in singing. 31. 2. Palatals: c, ch, j, jh, ñ. This whole series is derivative, being generated by the corruption of original gutturals. (The palatal mute c and the sibilant ç often represent two successive stages of corruption of k; the corresponding degrees of corruption of g are both represented by j.) For this reason the euphonic treatment of the palatals is in many respects peculiar. The palatal mutes. c and are pronounced with the compound sounds of English ch and j, as in church and judge. See also § 28. 32. 3. Linguals: t, th, d, dh, n. The lingual mutes are said to be uttered with the tip of the tongue turned up and drawn back into the dome of the palate, somewhat as the English (or rather American) smooth r, e. g. in very is pronounced. In practice European Sanskritists make no attempt to distinguish them from the dentals: ț is pronounced like t, d like d, and so on. 33. 4. Dentals: t, th, d, dh, n. These are practically the equivalents of our so-called dentals t, d, n.* * But the Hindus generally use linguals to represent the English dentals; thus, landana 'London.' a = 10 Introduction. 34. 5. Labials: p, ph, b, bh, m. These are exactly the equi- valents of the English p, b, m. 35. B. Semivowels: y, r, l, v. 1. The palatal semivowel y stands in the closest relationship with the vowel i (short or long): the two exchange with one another in cases innumerable. Very probably the Sanskrit y had everywhere more of an i-character than our y. 36. 2. The r is clearly a lingual sound. It thus resembles the English smooth r, and like this seems to have been untrilled. 37. 3. The l is a sound of dental position, quite as in English. 38. 4. The labial v is pronounced as English or French v by the modern Hindus except when preceded by a consonant (except r) in the same syllable, when it sounds like English w; and European scholars follow the same practice (with or without the same exception). But strictly the v stands related to an u- vowel precisely as y to an i-vowel: that is, it is a w-sound in the English sense, or perhaps more like the ou in French oui. The rules of Sanskrit euphony affecting this sound, and the name "semi- vowel", have no application except to such a w-sound: a v-sound (German w) is no semivowel, but a spirant, like the English th- sounds and ƒ. 39. C. Sibilants: ç, ș, s. 1. The s is of plain character: a dental, and exactly like the English s (as in lesson never as in ease). 40. 2. The ș is the sibilant pronounced in the lingual position. It is, therefore, a kind of sh-sound, and by Europeans is pronounced as ordinary English sh, no attempt being made to give it its proper lingual quality. 41. 3. The c is by all native authorities described as palatal. It is the usual sh-sound of English, though the Hindus are said Introduction. 11 to speak it somewhat differently nowadays. By Europeans it is variously pronounced perhaps oftener as s than as sh. 42. All three sibilants are always surd. 43. D. Aspiration: h. This is usually pronounced like the ordinary European surd aspiration h. But its true value in the euphony of the language is that of a sonant. It is not an original sound of the language, but comes in most cases from an older gh, in some few cases from dh or bh. It appears to include in itself two stages of corruption of gh: one corresponding with that of k to c, the other with that of k to ç. 44. E. Visarga: ḥ. The ḥ appears to be merely a surd breath- ing, a final h-sound (in the European sense of h), uttered in the articulating position of the preceding vowel. The visarga is not original, but always a mere substitute for final s or r. 45. F. Anusvara. The anusvāra, ǹ or m, is a nasal sound lacking that closure of the organs which is required to make a nasal mute; in its utterance there is nasal resonance along with some degree of openness of the mouth. European scholars give the anusvāra the value of the nasal in the French -an, -on, -en, -in, etc., which is a mere nasal coloring of the preceding vowel. 46. Two different signs, and, are used in the MSS. to indicate the anusvāra. Most commonly is employed; will not often be met with in printed texts, except to mark the change of a nasal mute to anusvara before a following semivowel, parti- cularly ; thus, tal labdhan. Cf. § 139. 1 47. It is convenient in transliteration to distinguish the assi- milated m (in all cases) by a special sign m, from the anusvāra of more independent origin, represented by ǹ. 12 Introduction. Light and Heavy Syllables. 48. For metrical purposes syllables (not vowels) are dis- tinguished as 'heavy' and 'light'. A syllable is heavy if its vowel is long, or short and followed by more than one consonant ("long by position"). Visarga and anusvāra are here counted as full con- sonants. The aspirated mutes, of course, do not count as double letters. Changes of Sounds. Guna and Vṛddhi. 49. The changes to which both the vowels and the consonants of Sanskrit are subject are very numerous. Among the vowel- changes, the most regular and frequent are the so-called guna and vṛddhi, which are of frequent occurrence in derivation and inflection. 50. The following table exhibits these changes: Simple vowels अ a आ ā | इं ई Guna Vrddhi अ a आ ā Te Tā उ ऊ ū ओ ० ॠ ? अर् ar Tai औ au आर् HIT ār 51. Theoretically the changes of of r, and the vṛddhi of! would be āl; would coincide with those but actual cases of these are quite unknown. The guna of is al (just The guna of l is al (just as that of r is ar), but it occurs only in one root, klp. As will be seen in the sequel, the guna-sound coincides with the result of the combination of ana with the simple vowel corresponding to that guna; thus, a combines with a following or into e, which is also the guņa ofi and 7. The vṛddhi, in like manner, is identical with the result of combining ana with the corresponding guņa; thus, a combines with a following e into ↑ ăi, the vṛddhi of i and. For the present the table is to be learned outright. 52. In all gunating processes a remains unchanged or, Introduction. 13 as it is sometimes expressed, a is its own guņa; ā remains unchanged for both guna and vṛddhi. 53. The guna-increment does not, except in exceedingly rare instances, take place in a heavy syllable (see § 48) ending in a consonant: e. g., facit may become cet, and ✈ ni may become ne; but fa cint or fa nind or become cent or नेन्द् ņend or जेव् jev. जीव् jīv may not 54. Other changes of vowels and consonants occur very fre- quently, in the making-up of single words from roots, by means of suffixes and endings, and in the formation of compound words by the union of two or more stems a process of the very greatest frequency in Sanskrit. Furthermore, in the form in which the language is handed down to us by the literature, the words composing a sentence or paragraph are adapted to and combined with each other by nearly the same rules as those which govern the making of compounds, so that it is impossible to take apart and understand the simplest sentence in Sanskrit without understanding those rules. The most important of the rules for such combination will be given piecemeal in the lessons. Roots and Stems. 55. A knowledge on the student's part of the meaning and application of the terms root, stem, personal ending, etc., is pre- supposed. The formative processes by which both inflectional forms and derivative stems are made, by the addition of endings to bases and roots, are more regular and transparent in Sanskrit than in any other Indo-European language.* In the present work, which aims preeminently to give the student considerable practical acquaintance with the language within a brief compass of lessons, not every given form will be explained by analysis. But wherever any explanation of forms is given, it will of course be according to this method. 14 Introduction. bucest سرا ہے Accent. 56. The phenomena of accent are, by the Hindu grammarians of all ages alike, described and treated as depending on a variation of tone or pitch; of any difference of stress involved, they make no account. These accents are marked only in certain Vedic texts, and employed only in their recitation, whereas the accents used nowadays by Hindus in the pronunciation of Sanskrit (and left. undenoted in writing) are mainly ictus-accents, i. e. variations of stress. The principles of the latter system will be given in an appendix. The older system of accents has great etymological im- portance; the latter none whatever; and only the older system will be referred to in the following. Here it will be enough to state that the primary tones or accent-pitches of the older system are two: a higher, or acute; and a lower, or grave. A third, called svarita, is always of secondary origin, being ordinarily the result of actual combination of an acute vowel and a grave vowel into one syllable. It is uniformly defined as compound in pitch, a union of higher and lower tone within the limits of a single syllable. It is thus identical in physical character with the Greek and Latin circumflex, and fully entitled to be called by the same name. Whenever, in the sequel, accent is mentioned, without further de- finition, the acute accent is to be understood; and it will be de- signated by the ordinary acute sign. Conjugation of Verbs. 57. The Sanskrit verb exhibits the closest analogy with that of Greek, being developed in tense-systems, as outgrowths of certain tense-stems. In the older stage of the language, i. e. in the so- called Vedic period, the modal ramifications of each tense-stem are as numerous as in Greek; but in the later stage, the Sanskrit proper (also called the classical language), these outgrowths have > Introduction. 15 been lopped off to so very great an extent, that with one insigni- Jarer tom. ficant exception, the precative or aorist optative, only the present- system still retains any modal variety whatever. 58. There is a simple or ordinary conjugation of verbal roots, which we call primary; and there are certain more or less fully developed secondary or derivative conjugations (§ 69). 59. Voices. There are two voices, active and middle, which extend throughout the whole system of conjugation. For the present- system alone there is a special passive inflection; the middle forms outside that system, and sometimes even within it, are liable to be used likewise in a passive sense. An active form is called by the Hindu grammarians parasmai padam 'word for another'; a middle form, ātmane padam 'word for one's self.' Some verbs are conjugated in both voices, others in one only; sometimes some of the tenses are inflected only in one voice, others only in the other voice, or in both; of a verb usually inflected in one voice sporadic forms of the other occur; and sometimes the voice differs as the verb is compounded with certain prepositions. 60. Persons and Numbers. There are three persons: first, second, and third; and, as with substantives, adjectives, and pro- nouns, three numbers: singular, dual, and plural. All these persons and numbers are made from every tense and mode-except that the first persons of the imperative are really subjunctive forms. 61. The native grammarians denote as the first person what we call the third; and as we are wont to speak of the verb λéyw, the verb pxoμal, the verb amo, etc., so the Hindus use for instance Hafa bhávati (3rd sing. pres. indic. of √bhū) to signify the whole system of verbal forms from that root, since Hafa heads the list of forms in the native grammar, as λéyw, or epxoμal, or amo, does in Greek or Latin. The Hindus even make substantives out of 16 Introduction. such catchword forms, and inflect them according to the needs of expression. 62. In the following, the conjugation-class of verbs will be indicated by the 3rd sing. pres. ind., placed in parenthesis after the root; thus, ↔ bhũ (Hafa bhávati). a 63. Tenses and modes. The scheme of tenses and modes put forth by the Hindus holds good only for the later language, and even there utterly confounds the ideas of mode and tense. 64. The only logical arrangement of the modes and tenses in Sanskrit is shown in the following table (which includes only the classical speech): I. Present-System: a. Indicative. b. Imperfect. c. Imperative. d. Optative. e. Participle. II. Perfect-System. a. Indicative. b. Participle. III. Aorist Systems (of triple formation). a. Indicative. b. Op- tative (sometimes = "Precative"). IV. Future Systems. A. Sibilant Future. a. Indicative. b. Preterit (= "Conditional"). c. Participle. B. Periphrastic Future. a. Indicative. 65. The tenses here distinguished as imperfect, perfect, and aorist receive those names from their correspondence in mode of formation with tenses so called in other languages of the family, especially in Greek, and not at all from any differences of time designated by them. In no period of the Sanskrit language is there any expression of imperfect or pluperfect time nor of perfect time, except in the older language, where the "aorist" has this value; in the later speech, imperfect, perfect, and aorist (of rare use) are so many undiscriminated past tenses or preterits. Introduction. 17 Verbal Adjectives and Substantives. 66. Participles. The participles belonging to the tense-systems have been already indicated in the table at § 64. There is, besides, a participle formed directly from the root of the verb, which is prevailingly of past and passive (sometimes neuter) meaning. Moreover, future passive participles, or gerundives, of several different formations, are made, but without connection with the future-stems. 67. Infinitive. The classical Sanskrit has a single infinitive. It is really an accusative case of a verbal noun, having nothing whatever to do with the tense-systems. 68. Gerund. A so-called gerund, or absolutive, is especially frequent, and is, like the infinitive, a stereotyped case-form (in- strumental) of a derivative verbal noun. Its value is that of an indeclinable active participle, with indeterminate, but oftenest past, temporal force. Secondary Conjugations. 69. The secondary conjugations are as follows: 1. Passive; 2. Intensive; 3. Desiderative; 4. Causative. In these, not the simple root, but a conjugation-stem, underlies the whole system of inflections. Yet in them all is plainly visible the character of a present-system, expanded into a more or less complete conjuga- tion; the passive is palpably a present-system. Compare § 58-59. 70. Under the same general head belong: 5. Denominative conjugation, which results from the conversion of noun-stems, both substantive and adjective, into conjugation-stems; 6. Compound con- jugation, resulting from the prefixion of prepositions to roots, or from the addition of auxiliary verbs to noun-stems; and 7. Periphrastic conjugation, from the looser combination of auxiliaries with verbal nouns and adjectives. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. ہو 2 18 Introduction. 1 1 71. The characteristic of a proper (i. e. finite or personal) verb-form is its personal ending. By this alone is determined its character as regards person and number, and in part also as regards mode and tense. But the distinctions of mode and tense are mainly made by the formation of mode and tense-stems, to which, instead of to the bare root, the personal endings are appended. Conjugation - Classes. 72. Of the whole conjugation, the present-system is the im- portant and prominent part. Its forms are very much more fre- quent than those of all the other systems together. As there is also great variety in the manner in which different roots form their present-stems, this, as being their most conspicuous difference, is made the basis of their principal classification; and a verb is said to be of this or that conjugation, or class, according to the way in which its present-stem is made. 73. Of these conjugation-classes there are nine, including the passive, which is really a present-system only. The first five exhibit coincidences enough to justify their inclusion into one con- jugation, and the remaining four will compose likewise a second conjugation. The chief distinctions between the two groups are as follows: 74. In the first, the classes have in common, as their funda- mental characteristic, a shift of accent: the tone is now upon the personal ending, now upon the root or the class-sign. Along with this goes a variation in the stem itself, which has a stronger, or fuller, form when the accent rests upon it, and a weaker, or briefer, form when the accent is on the ending. We distinguish these forms as the strong and the weak stem-forms respectively. 75. In the second conjugation, on the contrary, the accent has a fixed place, remaining always upon the same syllable of the Introduction. 19 stem, and never being shifted to the endings; and the distinction of strong and weak forms is unknown. Moreover, the present-stem of every verb in the four classes of this conjugation ends in ✈ a. There are also other points of difference. 76. The classification current among the Hindu, and hitherto among the European, grammarians comprises ten conjugation- classes, arranged according to no intelligible principle whatever. The native "tenth class" is really no present-class at all, but a causative, i. e. a derivative conjugation, which extends beyond the limits of the present-system. Probably the fact that by no means all conjugation-stems formed by the causative sign had really a causative value induced the natives to adopt such a present-class. The Hindu scheme also quite omits the passive. 77. The Hindu first, sixth, fourth, and tenth classes form the so- called first conjugation of their scheme, which corresponds, except as regards the tenth class, with our second conjugation. The remainder of the classes form the natives' second conjugation, which agrees in the main with our first. 78. The classes are then as follows: First Conjugation. I. The root-class (second or ad-class, of the Hindus); its present-stem is coincident with the root itself; thus, ad, 'eat'; Ţi, ‘go'; faq dviș, ‘hate’. II. The reduplicating class (third or hu-class); the root is reduplicated to form the present-stem; thus, juhu from Vhu, 'sacrifice'; dadā from V'dā, ‘give'. III. The nasal class (seventh or rudh-class); a nasal, extended to the syllable na [na] in strong forms, is inserted before the final consonant of the root; thus, rundh (or my ruṇadh) from Trudh, 'hinder'. 2 cozzj 5 ? 2* 20 Introduction. t IV. a. The nu-class (fifth or su-class); the syllable nu is added to the root; thus, sunu from 1 su, 'press.' b. A very small number of roots (only half-a-dozen) ending already inn, and also one very common and irregularly inflected root not so ending (kr, 'make'), add u alone to form the present-stem. This is the eighth or tan- class of the Hindu gram- marians; it is best ranked as a sub-class, the u-class; thus, a tanu from tan, 'stretch.' V. The nā- class (ninth or krī- class); the syllable τ nā (or, in weak forms, ni) is added to the root; thus, u krīņā (or tut krīņi) from l'a krì, ‘buy'. See note, p. 32. Second Conjugation. VI. The a-class, or unaccented a-class (first or bhu-class); the added class-sign is a simply; and the root, which bears the accent, is strengthened by guna throughout, if it be capable of taking guna (see §§ 52-53); thus, bháva (through the inter- mediate stage bhó-a) from V bha, 'be.' VII. The d-class, or accented a-class (sixth or tud- class); the added class-sign is a, as in the preceding class; but it has the accent, and the unaccented root is not strengthened by guna; thus, तुद tudá from tud, 'thrust." VIII. The ya- elass (fourth or div-class); ya is added to the root, which has the accent; thus, divya from a div (by the Hindus given as fa div), 'play.' IX. The passive conjugation is also properly a present-system only, having a class-sign which is not extended into the other systems; though it differs markedly from the remaining classes in having a specific meaning, and in being formable from all tran- sitive verbs, but with endings of the middle voice only. It forms Introduction. 21 its stem by adding an accented yd to the root; thus, from √ ad, अन्य adyà; from / रुध् rudh, रुध्य rudhya. 79. Roots are not wholly limited, even in the later language, to one mode of formation of their present-stem, but are sometimes reckoned as belonging to two or more different conjugation-classes. 80. The verbs of our second conjugation show much greater simplicity of formation and inflection and are far more frequent and numerous than those of our first; their paradigms will there- fore be given before those of our first. Prepositions and Prepositional Prefixes. budh + 81. Prepositions, or, more strictly speaking, adverbial prefixes, are used with verbs quite as frequently in Sanskrit as in Greek; and more than one may be prefixed. Thus when anu is given in the vocabulary, this signifies that the preposition अनु is prefixed to the proper verbal form; and the 3rd sing. pres. ind. act. of the verb would then be fa anubodhati; so dha + सम्-आ (or समा) sam- ā, 3rd sing. समादधाति samādadhati. The rules prevailing in Greek for the prefixion of prepositions, etc., to verbal forms will be found to hold good in Sanskrit. 82. There is in Sanskrit no proper class of prepositions (in the modern sense of the term); no body of words having as their exclusive office the "government" of nouns. But many adverbial words are used with nouns in a way which approximates them to the more fully developed prepositions of other languages. Words are used prepositionally along with all the noun-cases, except the dative (and of course the nominative and vocative). But in general their office is directive only, determining more definitely, or strengthening, the proper case-use of the noun. 22 Introduction. 1 Declension. 83. The declension of substantives and that of adjectives cor- respond so closely that the two classes of words must be treated together. The pronouns and numerals, on the other hand, exhibit here as in the kindred languages many striking peculiarities. 84. Numbers and Genders. There are three numbers, singular, dual, and plural; and the usual three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter. The dual is used much more extensively than in Greek, where it appears in a moribund state. 85. Cases. The cases are eight in number, given generally in the following order: nominative, accusative, instrumental, dative, ablative, genitive, locative, and vocative. The object sought in the arrange- ment is simply to set next to one another those cases which are to a greater or less extent, in one number or another, identical in form; and, putting the nominative first, as leading case, there is no other order by which that object could be attained. For the uses of the cases in detail see Wh. §§ 267-305. 86. The stems of substantives and adjectives may for convenience be classified as follows: I. Stems in a. II. Stems in i and ♬ u. III. Stems in Ţă, §î, and Gú: namely, A. radical-stems, and a few others inflected like them; B. derivative stems. IV. Stems in r (or ar). V. Stems in consonants. 87. Strong and weak cases. In stems ending in consonants, and those in ☞r (or ar), there is seen a distinction of stem- form in different cases. Sometimes the stem-forms are two, when they are called strong and weak respectively; sometimes three: strong, middle, and weakest. As is the case with verbs, this variation of stem-form often goes hand-in-hand with a shift of accent. 88. In the masculine and feminine, the strong cases are the nom. and acc., both sing. and dual, and the nom. pl. The rest Introduction. 23 are weak; or, if there be the distinction of three stem-forms, then the instr., dat., abl., gen., and loc. sing., the gen. and loc. du., and the gen. pl. (all of which take endings beginning with a vowel), are weakest; and the instr., dat., and abl. du., the instr., dat., abl., and loc. pl. (whose endings begin with consonants), are middle. 89. In the neuter, the only strong cases are the nom. and acc. pl.; if there be the triple distinction, then the nom. and acc. sing. are middle, and the same cases in the dual are weakest. Otherwise the cases are classified as in the masculine. 90. Case-endings. The normal scheme of case-endings, as recognized by the native grammarians (and conveniently to be assumed as the basis of special descriptions), is this: Singular Dual Plural m. f. n. m. f. n. m. f. n. N. $ m ău ī as i A. am āu 10 as i I. ā bhyām bhis D. e bhyām bhyas Ab. as bhyām bhyas G. as Os ām L. i OS su It applies entire to consonant-stems, and to the radical division of ī and u-stems; and to other vowel-stems, with considerable variations and modifications. The endings which have almost or quite unbroken range, through stems of all classes, are bhyam and os of the dual, and bhis, bhyas, am, and su of the plural. Su 91. Pada-endings. The case-endings bhyam, bhis, bhyas, and i. e. those of the middle cases are called pada (“word”)- endings. The treatment of stem-finals before them is generally the same as in the combinations of words with one another. Lesson I. 24 Lesson I A 92. Verbs. Present Indicative active. Unaccented a-class. number of roots conjugated in this class have medial short a. Inasmuch as "a is its own guna", these roots merely add an a to form the present-stem; e. g., vad, present-stem a The final a of the stem is lengthened in the three first persons. वद váda. Sing. Dual. Plural. 1. वदामि vādāmi वदावस् vādāvas वदामस् vādāmas 2. वदसि vddasi वदथस् vidathas वदथ vadatha 3. वदति vddati वदतस् rādatas वदन्ति vidanti 93. The ending of the 3rd plur. is properly f anti; it suffers abbreviation, however, by the loss of its a, in verbs whose stem ends in अ a. 94. As a heavy syllable ending in a consonant cannot be gunated, a root like जीव् jño makes its 3rd sing. जीवति joati; निन्दु nind makes fifa nindati, etc. See § 53. 95. Euphonic rule. At the end of a word standing in the final position of a sentence, or alone, s and Tr always become visarga: ḥ; and generally also before ak, kh, up, ч ph, and before sibilants [N F, I §, A 8], whether these stand in the same word, or as initial in the following word; e. g. vadatas punar becomes always : 97: vadataḥ punaḥ. 96. Force of the present. The present indicative signifies 1. Present time. 2. Immediate futurity. 3. Past time, in lively narration ("historical present"). Lesson I. 25 Vocabulary 1. Verbs to be conjugated like a vad: वद् car (intr.) go, wander, graze pat fall; fly. (of cattle); (tr.) perform, commit.yaj sacrifice (c. acc. pers. et - जीव् jio live. tyaj leave, abandon. दह् dah burn. धाव् dhāv run. nam (intr.) bow, bend one's self; (tr.) honor, reverence. पच् pac cook. instr. rei). Traks protect. वद् vad speak, say. वस् was dwell. vah (tr.) carry, bear; (intr.) flow, blow, proceed. शंस çans praise. Adverbs and Conjunctions. अतस् atas इतस् itas } hence ततस् tatas thence therefore thereupon यतस् yatas whence wherefore अत्र atra इह iha here hither तत्र tatra there thither यत्र yatra where whither in this इत्यम् ittham) way तथा tathā SO { in that way यथा yathā in which way So as कुतस् Tcutas whence? why? कुत्र kutra En kva where? whither? कथम् katham how? कदा kada when? यदा yadā when, if अधुना adhunā now adya to-day TEĦ eram so, thus Ta eva just, exactly तदा tadā then सर्वत्र sarvatra everywhere fa iti so, thus ca (postpos.) -que सदा sadā always तु a tu but, however punar again, but 26 Lesson I. II. Exercise I. अद्य जीवामः । १ । सदा पचथः । २ । अत्र रक्षति । ३ । अधुना रक्षामि । ४ । यदा धावथ तदा पतथ । ५ । क्व यजन्ति । ६ । तत्र चरथः । ७ । कुतः शंससि । ८ । त्यजामि कथम् । ९ । पुनः पतावः ॥ १० ॥ दहसि । ११ । पुनर्वदन्ति । १२ । तत्र वसावः । १३ । सर्वत्र जीवन्ति ॥ १४ ॥ 15. *Today¹ they abandon³. 16. Now¹ ye go². 17. Always¹ I protect². 18. We two bow¹ again². 19. Whither¹ runnest thou? 20. We sacrifice. 21. They two cook. 22. Ye abandon. burns. 24. Now¹ we live. 25. Ye two praise. 26. Why do ye bend¹? 27. There¹ they fly2. 28. Where do ye dwell²? Lesson II. 23. He 97. Verbs. Unaccented a-class, cont'd. Roots of this class which end in a vowel, and consonant - roots not forming heavy syllables (§ 53), gunate their vowels in forming their present-stems; e. g., fî ji and ♬ në form♬ je and a ne; dru and ↳ bhū form द्रो dro and भो bho; स्मृ smr forms स्मर् smar; चित् cit and बुध् budh form चेत् cet and बोध् bodh; वृष् or forms वर्ष् vars. 98. With the class- signa, a final e of the gunated root unites to form aya see § 159; soo with a becomes Hava; Har with a yields ara. Thus, fji, 3rd sing. जयति jdya-ti; भू ठ bhú Hafa bhávati; π smṛ Hfa smárati. 99. Roots in consonants: budh, 3rd sing. atafa bódhati ; faa cit, aafa cétati; qq vṛş, adfa várṣati. * The superior figures indicate the position in the Sanskrit sentence of equivalents for the words so designated. By this indi- cation is avoided the necessity of applying euphonic rules which have not yet been stated. The order of words in Sanskrit is very free, and rarely influences the meaning of the sentence. From the figures the number of words required in the Sanskrit sentence will readily be seen. Words in Italics are not to be translated. 100. The roots Lesson II. 27 gam and yam make the present-stems गच्छ gáccha and यच्छ yáccha*. 101. The root sad, 'sit', makes the present-stem sida. The root guh, 'hide', makes fa gúhati. 102. Several roots in finală form their present-stem by a …. peculiar process of reduplication; thus, T sthā, 3rd sing. fagfa tíṣṭhati**; чī pā fuafa píbati; aι ghrā faafa jighrati. 103. Masculines and Neuters in a. a. Masculines: Singular. N. देवस् devas Acc. देवम् devam Voc. देव deva a deva, 'god'. za Dual. Plural. 小 ​देवौ devāu देवास devās देवान् devan " 231 b. Neuters: N. फलम् phalam Acc. phala, ‘fruit'. फले phale (a+7) फलानि phalāni " " " Voc. फल phala As a rule, the grammarians do not allow ch to stand in that form after a vowel, but require it to be doubled, becoming च्छ् cch. An aspirate is doubled by prefixing the corresponding non-aspirate. Cf. § 165. ** The dental sibilants is changed to the linguals, if immediately preceded by any vowel savea and a, or by क् k or Tr unless the s be final, or followed by r. Thus, fa fa ti-stha-ti becomes fagfa tiṣṭhati (the change of th to th a process of assimilation will be explained below). So अग्निसु agni-su becomes अग्निषु agnisu; and धनुसा dhanus-a becomes धनुषा dhanusā. The nasalization of the alterant vowel, or in other words, its being followed by anusvāra, does not prevent its altering effect upon the sibilant; thus, if havinṣi. And the alteration takes place in the initial of an ending after the finals of a stem, whether the latter be regarded as also changed to s or as converted into visarga; thus, facg havis-șu or fa:g haviḥ ṣu instead of afany havis-su. ļ 23/ fraid 28 Lesson II. ། 104. Force of cases. 1. The nominative is casus subjectivus. 2. The accusative is casus objectivus, denoting chiefly the nearer or direct, sometimes however the more remote, object; sometimes also the terminus ad quem, and extent of time and space. 105. Euphonic combination of vowels. 1. अ a or आ ∝ + अ or आ = आ. eg गता अपि gatā api = गतापि gatā 'pi. 2. अor आ + इ ं or ईट = एe. eg . गता + इति = गतेतिgate 'ti. 3. अ or आ + उ u or ऊ ū = ओ ०. e. g. गता + उत uta = गतोत gato 'ta. 4. अ or आ + ऋ ? = Har. e. g. HET mahā + Efq: rṣiḥ = महर्षि: maharsih. 5. अ or आ + ए e or ऐ å = ऐ . = गतैव gatāai 'va. e. g. गता + एव eva tau. e. g. at + Hafy: गता ओषधिः 6. अ or आ + ओ o or औ åu = औ ãu. oṣadhiḥ = Tatufu: gatāu 'ṣadhiḥ. 106. It will be the practice everywhere in this work to separate independent words in transliteration, but not in the deva- nāgarī text; and if an initial vowel of a following word has coalesced with a final of the preceding, this will be indicated by an apostrophe single if the initial vowel be the shorter, double if it be the longer, of the two different initials which in every case of combination yield the same result. To aid the be- ginner, a point will sometimes be placed, in the devanāgarī, under a long vowel formed by two coalescing vowels; thus, fa- नारीणाम् agninā 'rīnām. Verbs, a- class: π gam (gácchati) go. ★ ghrā (jíghrati) smell. Vocabulary II. faji (tr. and intr.) conquer, win. dru run. ni lead, guide. 1 Lesson II. 29 π pã (píbati) drink. भू bhū become, be, exist. π yam (yácchati) furnish, give. qurs rain, give rain; (fig.) shower down; overwhelm. smr remember, think on. stha (tisthati) stand (intr.). Subst. Masc.: Anara man (vir and homo). नृप nrpa king. putra son. Neut.: क्षीर ksīra milk. गृह grha house. jala water. gaja elephant. gandha odor, perfume. ग्राम grāma village. दान 7 dāna gift, present. नगर nagara city. Interj.: The O, ho. Exercise II. सदा देवान् स्मरन्ति । १ । गृहं* गच्छामः । २ । जलं पिबति पुत्रः । ३ । नृपी जयतः । ४ । कदा फलानि यच्छथः । ५ । कुत्रधुना गजं नयामि | ६ | नयन्तिं देवाः । ७ । नयथ हे देवाः । ८ । नरः फले यच्छति । ९ । अ- धुना जिघ्रामि गन्धम् । १० । देवं यजावः । ११ । पुत्र ग्रामं गच्छन्ति । १२ । तत्र गृहे भवतः । १३ । सर्वत्र दानानि वर्षन्ति नृपाः ॥ १४ ॥ 15. The man¹ drinks³ milk. 16. The king leads the elephant¹. 17. Two houses¹ fall2. 18. The god³ gives2 water¹. 19. Ye both think² on (₹) the two gods¹ (accus.). 20. The king³ village¹. 21. The two elephants¹ smell³ the perfume². 2 wins the 22. They cook fruits¹. 23. The man³ reverences the gods'. 24. The two 2 2 elephants¹ live². 25. The gods² give¹ rain (qq). *Finalm is commonly written as anusvāra if the fol- lowing word begins with a consonant; but the Hindus pronounce it asm in such cases. At the end of a sentence anusvāra should not be written for ✈ m, though this is a habit common in the MSS. Final radicalm, in internal combination, is assimilated to a following mute or spirant. In the former case it becomes the nasal of the same class with the mute; in the latter it becomes anusvāra.- Final radical n, in internal combination, becomes anusvāra be- fore a sibilant. 30 Lesson III. . Lesson III. 107. Verbs. Accented d-class. Roots of this class form their present-stem by adding an accentedá to the root, which is not gunated. The inflection of these stems is precisely like that of stems belonging to the preceding class, except as to the position of the accent; thus, fau kṣip, present-stem faч kṣipá, pres. ind. faufa kṣipámi, faufa kṣipási, faufa kṣipáti, etc. 108. Several roots in r of this class (by the Hindus written with ॠ?) form stems in दूर ira; e. g., कृ kr, 'strew', किरति lirdti. The roots ini andu and change those vowels into iy and a uv, respectively, before the class-sign; thus, faksi, faafa kṣiyáti; a su, gafa suváti; a dhú, yafa dhuváti. 109. For the root is, 'desire', substitute in the present-stem; thus, Likewise, makes its present ich is regarded as a fa iccháti (§ 100, note). a rccháti; and Д prach, sometimes given as prch, makes yufa precháti. 10. A number of roots following this class are strengthened in the present by a penultimate nasal; thus, f sic, present ind. सिञ्चति faafa siñcáti. The nasal is always assimilated in class to the following consonant; thus is used before palatals, n before dentals, ♬ m before labials; and ± ǹ before sibilants and ☎ h. III. Masculines and Neuters in a, cont'd. a. Masculines: Singular. Dual. Plural. I. देवेन devena देवाभ्याम् devābhyām देवैस् devais ह् D. देवाय devāya " Ab. देवात् devāt देवेभ्यस् devebhyas " " देवानाम् devānām देवेषु devesu G. देवस्य devasya देवयोस devayos L. देवे deve b. Neuters follow exactly the declension of masculines in the above cases; thus, phalena, phalaya, etc. Lesson III. 31 112. Force of cases. 1. The instrumental answers the questions wherewith? and whereby? and expresses accompaniment, agent, or means. 2. The dative denotes the remoter object, and direction. It is also used as dativus commodi; very frequently also to denote end or purpose. Sometimes (and oftenest with copula omitted) it is predicative, in the sense of 'makes for, tends toward'. 3. The ablative answers the question whence? and very frequently denotes cause. 4. The genitive is casus adjectivus, denoting all kinds of belonging (e. g. gen. subjectivus, objectivus, partitivus). 5. The lo- cative denotes the place where, or the time when, an action occurs. It is often used absolutely, in agreement with a participle expressed or understood, as the ablative is used in Latin and the genitive in Greek. Verbs, d-class: Vocabulary III. iş (icchati) wish, desire. na krṣ (krṣáti) plough. fa sic (siñcáti) drip, drop; moisten. srj (srjáti) let go; create. faq kṣip (kṣipáti) hurl, cast, (spṛçáti) touch; (in certain throw. fan diç (diçáti) show, point out. prach (precháti) ask, ask about. faπ viç (viçáti) enter. Subst. Masc.: कट kata mat. कुन्त kunta spear. a bāla child, boy. A marga road, way, street. A megha cloud. TT çara arrow. connections) wash. a-class: guh (guhati, § 101) hide, conceal. सद् sad (sidati, § 101) sit. हस्त hasta hand. Neut.: क्षेत्र ksetra field. dhana money, riches. लाङ्गल lāngala plough. विष visa poison. sukha fortune, luck, happiness. } { 32 Lesson III. IV. Exercise III. धनानि गृहेषु गूहन्ति । १। कुन्तान् हस्ताभ्यां क्षिपामः । २ । नृपाय नरौ मार्ग दिशतः । ३ । मार्गेण ** ग्रामं गच्छावः । ४ । सुखेनेह गृहे तिष्ठति पुत्रः । ५ । जलं सिञ्चति मेघः । ६ । धनेन सुखमिच्छन्ति नराः । ७। ह- स्तयोः फले तिष्ठतः। ८ । जलं हस्तेन स्पृशसि । ९ । नरौ कटे सीदतः । १० । क्षेत्राणि लाङ्गलैः कुषन्ति । ११ । नगरं नृपौ विशतः | १२ | नरः पुत्रेण मार्गे गच्छति । १३ । नरान्सृजति देवः ॥१४॥ 15. The boy asks³ the men¹ about the road² (acc.). 16. The cloudst dropt waters on the fields 2 ( loc. ). 17. The two ment got (loc.). by two roads² (instr.) into the city³. 18. The king men1 money 2. 19. The man's sons sitt on mats 3. gives³ the two 20. The gods 4 gives the water of the clouds 1. 21. We washs (use स्पेश) both hands 2 with water 1. 22. Both men 1 leadt their sons 2 (dual) home (गृहं). 23. The two boys³ point out the road to the city¹ (gen.). 4 Lesson IV. 13. Masculines in इ . अग्नि agni, ' fire'. Singular. N. अग्निस् agnis A. अग्निम् agnim I. अग्निना agninā D. अग्नये agnaye A. अग्नेस् agnes G. L. अग्नौ agnāu V. अग्ने agne * ** Dual. अग्नी agnī " " Plural. .अग्नयस् agnayas अग्नीन् agnin अग्निभ्याम् agnibhyām अग्निभिस् agnibhis " " " " अग्निभ्यस् agnibhyas " अग्नीनाम् agninām " " अग्निषु agnisu* अग्न्योस agnyos See note to $ 102. The dental nasaln, when immediately followed by a vowel, or by न् n or म् m or य् y or व् 2, is turned into the lingual ण् ? if preceded in the same word by the lingual sibilant or semi- vowel or vowels - i. e. by ष् , '", ऋ ?, or ॠ ?: and this, not ्र Lesson IV. 33 arf 114. Neuters ini. vāri, 'water'. Singular. N. वारि vāri A. "" " 1. aftur vāriņā* D. वारिणे vārine Ab. वारिणस् vārinas Dual. वारिणी vārina " Plural. πūfu vārīņi " " " वारिभ्याम् vāribhyām वारिभिस् vāribhis » वारिभ्यस् vāribhyas " " " » arjuna vārīṇām * वारिषु vārisu G. " " L. aff¶ vāriņi वारिणोस vārinos V. avāre or afft vāri 115. Masculine and neuter adjectives in i are declined like the substantives above. But neuter adjectives (never substantives) may, in the dat., abl., gen., and loc. sing., and the gen. and loc. dual, substitute the corresponding forms of masculines. These two sounds 116. Euphonic changes of s andr. stand to each other in the practical relation, in external combination, of corresponding surd and sonant: in countless casess becomes rin situations requiring or favoring the occurrence of a sonant; and, less often, r becomes s where a surd is required. In internal combination the two are far less interchangeable. The s is extremely common as an etymological final, the r not common. 117. A. Final s. 1. Before a sonant, either vowel or conso- nant (except r — see below), s is changed to the sonant Tr - unless, indeed, it be preceded by a ora; thus, f T ♬ only if the altering letter stands immediately before the nasal, but at whatever distance before the latter it may be found: unless, in- deed, there intervene a palatal (except y), a lingual, or a dental. Thus, नगरेण nagarepa, मार्गेण mārgena, पुष्पाणि puspami. * See preceding note. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 3 34 Lesson IV. अत्र agnis atra becomes अग्निरत्र agnir atra; अग्निस दहति agnis dahati becomes fafa agnir dahati. See also § 95. 118. 2. Final as, before any sonant consonant or before initial shorta, is changed too and the initiala is dropped ; thus, नृपस् जयति nrpas jayati becomes नृपो जयति nrpo jayati; नृपस् अत्र nrpas atra = नृपो ऽत्र nrpo 'tra. 119. It is the practice in our system of transliteration to render the sign S, which denotes this dropping of an initiala, by an inverted comma. 120. 3. Before any initial vowel other than short a, final Has loses itss, becoming simple a; and the hiatus thus occasioned remains; thus, नृपस् इच्छति nrpas icchati becomes नृप इच्छति nrpa icchati; ततस् उदकम् tatas udakam = तत उदकम् tata udakam. 121. 4. Final Tas before any sonant, whether vowel or consonant, loses itss, becoming simply Ta; and the hiatus thus occasioned remains; thus, नृपास इच्छन्ति nrpās icchanti = नृपा इच्छन्ति nrpa icchanti; नृपास जयन्ति nrpās jayanti = नृपा जयन्ति nṛpā jayanti. 122. B. Final r. 1. Final r in general shows the same form which would exhibit under the same conditions: thus punar standing at the end of a sentence becomes : punaḥ; गीर् gir, गीः gih. But original final 7, after a or आ ā, maintains itself before vowels and sonant consonants; thus, punar atra, yasufa punar jayati. 123. 2. A doubler is nowhere admitted: if such would occur, either by retention of an original r or by conversion of s tor, the first r is omitted, and the preceding vowel, if short, is made long by compensation; thus, H: punar rāmaḥ = पुना रामः punā rāmah; अनिस रोचते agnis rocate = अग्नी रोचते agnā rocate ; धेनुस् रोचते dhenus rocate = धेनू रोचते dhenu rocate. Lesson IV. 35 Verbs: Vocabulary IV. कृत् krt (kexntdti) cut, cut off. मुच् muc (muñcati ) free, deliver, release. Subst.: रुह ruh (rdhati) grow. लिप् lip (limpati ) smear. लुप् lup (lumpdti) break to pieces, devastate, plunder. अपि agni, m, fire; (as proper | पाणि pāni, m, hand. name) Agni, the god of fire. पाप pāpa, 11, sin. अरि ari, m, enemy. असि asi, m, sword. ऋषि ?si, m., seer. afa kavi, m., poet. fift giri, m., mountain. गिरि जन jana, m, man; (pl.) people. दुःख duhkha, n., misery, mis- fortune. राम rāma, m., nom. pr., name of a hero. वृक्ष orksa, m., tree. शिव fra çiva, m., nom. pr. name of a god. सत्य satya, n., truth, righteousness. हरि hari, m, nom. pr., name of a god. Exercise IV. सदा देवा जनान्मुञ्चन्ति पापात् |१| नृपस्य पुत्रौ क्व वसतः ॥ २॥ ऋषिर्दुःखात्पुत्रं रक्षति । ३ । नृपो ऽसिनारे:* पाणी कृन्तति । ४ । कवयो हरिं शंसन्ति । ५ । अरयो जनानां धनं लुम्पन्ति । ६ । जलं गिरेः (abl.) पतति । ७ । शरान्विषेण लिम्पथ । ८ । वृक्षा गिरौ रोहन्ति । ९ । ऋष्योः पुत्रौ तत्र मार्गे तिष्ठतः । १० । हरिः कविभ्यां दानानि यच्छति । ११ । ऋषिभी ($ 123) रामो वसति । १२ । अग्निनारीणां गृहाणि नृपा दहन्ति | १३ | हरिं क्षीरेण यजतः ॥ १४ ॥ 3 15. Çiva' dwells in the mountains 2 16. Both enemiest hurit spears″ at the kings (dat.) 17. Rāma 1 touchest his two sons with his hands 2. 18. Firel burns the trees 2. 19. Seers1 speak the truth³. 20. Through righteousness¹ happiness³ arises* (H) for man- * Modifiers generally precede the word which is modified. 2 3* 36 Lesson IV. V. 2 kind² (77, gen. pl.). 21. The seer's¹ two hands touch water³. 22. Fruits¹ are³ (use) on the trees². 23. People¹ remember³ Hari2. 24. Rāma¹ hurls the sword³ from his hand² (abl.). Lesson V. 124. Verbs. Unaccented ya-class. Roots of this class form their present-stem by adding ya to the root, which bears the nah is made the present-stem accent. Thus from from लुभ् lubh, लुभ्य libhya. T náhya; 125. The inflection of stems of this class follows the model of वद् vad. 126. Certain a-roots, because of their peculiar exchanges withiand-forms, especially in the formation of the present- stem, are given by the Hindu grammarians as ending in Te or Tai oro (cf. § 132), and by them assigned to the bhũ, or a-class. Thus dha, 'suck' (Hindu dhe), forms fa dháyati; the root hū or hva (Hindu hve) forms gufa hváyati; πgā (Hindu ✈ gāi) makes πfa gáyati. 127. For the root system another root drç, 'see', is substituted in the present- pas, which makes fa páçyati. 128. Masculines inu. Hi bhānu, ‘sun'. Singular. Dual. N. भानुस् bhānus भानू bhānu A. भानुम् bhānum " "9 Plural. भानवस् bhānavas भानून bhānūn I. भानुना bhānunā भानुभ्याम् bhānubhyām भानुभिस् bhānubhis D. भानवे bhānare " " भानुभ्यस् bhānubhyas " " " » " भान्वोस bhānvos भानूनाम् bhānūnām " " भानुषु bhānusu Ab. भानोस् bhānos G. n L. भानौ bhāndu v. भानो bhāno Lesson V. 37 Masculine adjectives in are similarly declined. 129. Euphonic Changes of s, cont'd. 1. Finals, the dental sibilant, whether original or representing final r, before the palatal surd mutes [c, ch], is assimilated, becoming palatal π ç. Thus नरस् चरति naras carati becomes नरश्चरति naraç carati; नरस् छलेन naras chalena becomes नरश्छलेन naraç chalena. 2. Before a lingual surd mute [t, th], in like manner, it would become linguals, but the case almost never occurs. 3. Before the dental surd mutes [√ t, th], since it is already of the same class with them, it of course remains unchanged; thus, TTH¤ fagfa rāmas tiṣṭhati. 130. The preposition Tā is sometimes used with the ablative (much less often with the accusative), in the sense of 'hither from', 'all the way from'; but far more usually to signify all the way to', 'until'. As a prefix to verbs, à means 'to', 'unto', 'at'. Verbs: Vocabulary V. Has (ásyati) throw, hurl. कुप् kcup (kcipyati dat.) be angry. w. gen. or रुह् ruh (róhati) rise, spring up, grow. + Tā (āróhati) climb, mount, ascend. faa likh (likháti) scratch; write. na krudh (krúdhyati w. gen. Hlubh (lubhyati or dat.) be angry. loc.) desire, covet. fa www w. dat. or ¤ gam +¶à (ágácchati) come. çuş (çúşyati) dry up. तृ a tr (tárati) cross over. naç (náçyati) perish. чπ paç (páçyati) see. snih (sníhyati — w. gen. or loc.) feel inclined to, love. ễ hū or 51 hoa (hoảyati) call. 38 Lesson V. Subst.: अन्न anna, n., food, fodder. अव açoa, m., horse. उदधि udadhi, m., ocean. गुरु guru, m, teacher. पत्र pattra, n., leaf, letter. परशु paraçu, m., axe. पाद pāda, m., foot; quarter; ray, beam. बाहु bāhu, m., arm. farz bindu, m., drop. | भानु bhānu, m., sun. मणि mani, m, jewel. रत्न ratna, n., jewel. राशि ragi, m, heap. răçi, वायु vāyu, m, wind. विष्णु vishu, m., nom. pr. name of a god. शत्रु çatru, m., enemy. शिखर pikchara, m, summit. शिष्य çisya, m., pupil, scholar. सूक्त sukta, n., Vedic hymn. Exercise V. कवयो धने लुभ्यन्ति । १ । ऋषिः सूक्तानि पश्यति । २ । गुरू शि- ष्ययोः क्रुध्यतः । ३ । नृपा अरिभ्यः कुप्यन्ति । ४ । अग्निरुदधौ तिष्ठति । । । परशुना वृक्षान्कृन्तथ । ६ । जलस्य बिन्दवो गिरेः पतन्ति । ७ । विष्णुमृ- षिर्यजति नृपाय । ८ । नृपो ऽश्वमारोहति । ९ । क्षेत्रेषु जलं शुष्यति । १० । गुरवः शिष्याणां स्निह्यन्ति । ११ । नृपाणां शत्रवो ऽसिना नश्यन्ति । १२ । बालो गुरवे पत्त्रं लिखति । १३ । जना मणीनां राशीनिच्छन्ति । १४ आ गिरेर्वृक्षा रोहन्ति । १५ । बाहुभ्यां जलं नरास्तरन्ति । १६ । बालौ गृहे ह्वयति नरः । १७ । कवेः पुत्री ग्रामस्य मार्गे गजं पश्यतः ॥ १८ ॥ 19. Now± the sun’s' rays 2 climbs the mountains. 20. A drop 2 of water' fallsł down from the clouds. 21. O1 men2, we seet the city3. 22. Both kings 1 love poets 2 (gen. or loc.). 23. The wind' blows (वह्) from the summits of the mountains 2 24. The king' hurls± spears at his enemies 2 (dat. or loc.). 25. The scholar1 bows³ before his teacher² (acc.). 26. Two men¹ come³ with their sons² (instr.). 27. The two kings¹ desire¹ the poet's² jewels³ (dat. or loc.). 28. O1 seer, we sacrifices to Visnu (acc.). 29. The two 3 2 * Orthodox Hindus maintain that the Vedic hymns, etc., were revealed to their reputed authors, who thus 'saw' them. Lesson V. VI. 39 2 cook³ food¹ with fire². 30. The seers¹ praise¹ Vişnu² with hymns³. 4 31. In the city¹ the king calls his enemies³. Lesson VI. 131. Verbs. ya-class, cont'd. The roots of this class which end inam lengthen theira in forming their present-stem; thus, तम् tam, ताम्यति tāmyati; भ्रम् bhram, भ्राम्यति bhrāmyati — but this last makes some forms with short a. The root Ħ mad has the same lengthening: Hafa mádyati. 132. Certain ā-roots (five-by the Hindus written with final o) make present-stems with an accented yά; thus, ī dā, afa dyáti. 133. The root vyadh is abbreviated to fa vidh in the present-system: faufa vidhyati. 134. The root kram, said by the natives to form its present-stem according to this class, really forms it only according to the a-class, and the root-vowel is lengthened in the active voice, but not in the middle; thus, Яfa krámati, but middle A krámate. 135. The root cam, used only with the preposition ā, forms fa ācámati. 136. Neuters in 3 u. मधु madhu, 'honey'. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. मधु madhu मधुनी madhunī मधूनि madhuni A. " " " " " " I. मधुना madhunā मधुभ्याम् madhubhyām मधुभिस् madhubhis D. मधुने madhumne Ab. मधुनस् madhunas G. " " L. मधुनि madhuni V. मधु or मधो " " मधुभ्यस् madhubhyas " " "7 " " मधुनोस् madhunos - " " मधूनाम् madhūnām मधुषु madhusu 40 Lesson VI. 137. Neuter adjectives (but not substantives) in u may take the forms proper to the masculine in the dat., abl.-gen., loc. sing., and gen.-loc. dual. 138. Changes of final n. Before initial ज् j and श् ९, न् n becomes ञ्ञ ; thus, तान् जनान् tān janān becomes ता- ञ्जनान् tāñ janān; तान् शत्रून् tān çatrin = ताञ्शत्रून् tan çatrin. In last case, however, ch is almost always substituted for the initial श् 9; thus, ताञ्छत्रून् tāñ chatrün. 139. Final n, before an initial, is assimilated and becomes nasalized 1, which is written, or (what is the same thing) — Å; thus तान् लोकान् tān lokān becomes तालेँ लोकान् tanl lokān or तां लोकान् tān lokān. 140. Before the surd palatal, lingual, and dental mutes there is inserted after final na sibilant of each of those classes re- spectively, before which becomes anusvāra; thus for तान् च tān ca we find तांश्च täñç ca; for तान् तथा tān tathā, तांस्तथा tāns tatha.* n Verbs: Vocabulary VI. ¤¤ cam+ à (ācámati) sip, r (rccháti -§ 109) go to; fall drink, rinse the mouth. to one's lot, fall upon. AЯ tam (támyati) be sad. HЯ kram + ¾ ā (ākrāmati) qu tuş (túṣyati) rejoice, take stride up to, attack. pleasure in (w. instr.). zta dīv (divyati) play. *This rule really involves an historic survival, the large ma- jority of cases of final n in the language being for original ns. Practically, the rule applies only ton before and at, since cases involving the other initials are excessively rare. Lesson VI. 41 भ्रम् bhram (bhrāmyati wander about. § 131 ) | श्रम् gram (grāmyati) become मद् mad (mādyati) get drunk. व्यध् vyadh (vidhyati) hit, pierce. TЯ çam (çắmyati) become quiet, be extinguished, go out . Subst.: अक्ष aksa, m., die, dice. अधर्म adharma, m, injustice, wrong. अलि ali, m., bee. अश्रु açru, n., tear. ऋक्ष !ksa, m., bear. कोप kopa, m, anger. । weary. hr (hárati) take away, steal, plunder. क्षत्रिय kşatriya, m., warrior, man of the second caste. नृपति nrpati, m., king. नेत्र netra, n., eye. मधु madhu, n., honey. मुख mukha, n., mouth, face. मृत्यु mrtyu, m., death. वसु vasu, n., wealth, money. Exercise VI. ऋक्षा मधुने लुभ्यन्ति | १ | ऋषिरधुना पाणिना जलमाचामति । २ । नृपा अनैस्तत्र दीव्यन्ति । ३ । अलिर्मधुना माद्यति । ४ । नरा विषेणासीं लिम्पन्ति । ५ । रामः क्षत्रियान्परशुनाक्रामति । ६ । गुरू शिष्यांश्च शं- सामः। ७। अरयो जनानां वसूनि हरन्ति । ८ । नरौ मृत्युमृच्छतः । ९ । बालस्य नेत्राभ्यामश्रूणि पतन्ति । १० । जलेनाग्निः शाम्यति । ११ । ऋषे- रश्वौ श्राम्यतः। १२ । गुरुः शिष्यस्य पापात्ताम्यति । १३ । गजा नगरे भ्रा- म्यन्ति । १४ । मधुना क्षीरेण च तुष्यन्ति बालाः ॥ १५ ॥ 5 16. The warriors' play for money' (instr.). 17. The king's 2 horses' become weary on the road to-day'. 18. The warrior 1 piercest his enemy' with the spear " . 19. Beest are fond of (तुष्) honey 2. 20. The water' of his tears 1 moistens (सिच्) his feet. 4 21. There± bees1 are flitting about ' ( भ्रम ) 22. Two ment are cook- ings honey″ and≠ fruits 3. 23. When the teacher's' anger ceases 4, then' the scholars' rejoice 24. Tears 2 standt in the warriors" 42 Lesson VI. VII. eyes³. 25. The enemies¹ overwhelm* (a) the king with arrows³. 26. A quarter² of the injustice¹ falls upon¹ () the king³ (acc.). Lesson VII. 141. Causative Verbs (native "cur-class"). The Hindu gram- marians describe a certain present-system which they assign to a so-called "cur-class". This is, however, in fact no present-class at all, but a causative or secondary conjugation, which is not con- fined to the present-system. But many formations of this sort have no causative value; and it is chiefly these that are grouped by the Hindus in their cur-class, which also includes some denominative- stems in άya, with causative accent. For practical purposes it is well enough to consider these verbs here. aya to the 142. The causative-stem is formed by adding root, which is usually strengthened; and the strengthening process is in the main as follows: 143. 1. Medial or initiali, u, and r have the guṇa- strengthening, if capable of it; thus, चुर् cur, चोरयति cordyati ; विद् vid, वेदयति veddyati; but पीड् pid, पीडयति pidiyati. 144. 2. A final vowel has the vṛddhi-strengthening; thus, घृ dhr, धारयति dhārayati Before अय aya, ऐ and औ au become आय् āy and आव् ãv respectively; thus भी bhi, भाययति bhāyāyati; Н bhú, Haufa bhāváyati. 145. 3. Medial or initiala in a metrically light syllable is sometimes lengthened, and sometimes remains unchanged; thus, चल ksal, caus. क्षालयति ksālāyati; but जन् jan, caus. जनयति janáyati. 146. The inflection is the usual one of a-stems. 147. Rules of euphonic combination. In external combination an initial sonant of whatever class (even a vowel or semivowel or nasal) requires the conversion of a preceding final surd to a sonant. Lesson VII. 43 1. Final a t becomes d, before any initial 1: thus, DI 148. Final t. sonant, except the palatals, the nasals, and meghāt atra becomes मेघादत्र meghād atra ; पापात् रक्षति pāpāt raksati or भ्राम्यति bhrāmyati or गोपायति gopāyati becomes पापा- द्रक्षति pāpād rakşati or पापानाम्यति pāpād bhrāmyati or पापाद्गोपा- afa păpăd gopāyati. 149. 2. Final at is assimilated to an initial palatal, lingual, or in the next word; thus it becomes c before cand ल् छ् ch, ज् j before ज् j, and ल् / before ल् l: e.g, मेघात् च meghat ca ch,j becomes मेघाच्च meghāc ca ; मेघात् जलम् meghat jalam becomes मेघाज्जलम् meghaj jalam; पापात् लोकात् pāpāt lokāt becomes पापाल्लोकात् pāpāl lokāt. 150, 3. Before initial, finalt becomes c, and the then becomes ch; thus, a nṛpāt çatruḥ becomes नृपाच्छत्रु: nrpāc chatruh. 151. 4. Before initial nasalst becomes n: thus, गृहात् नयति grhat nayati becomes गृहान्नयति grhān nayati But the change into ad is also permitted, though hardly used; thus, Tefa gṛhad nayati. Verbs: Vocabulary VII. kathaya (denom. stem kathayati) relate, tell. kṣal (kṣāláyati) wash. A gaṇaya (denom.-gandyati) number, count. cur (corȧyati) steal. tad (tādayati) strike, beat. datul (toláyati) weigh. danḍaya (denom. ṇḍáyati) punish. da- √ + ¶¶ nî + ã (ānáyati) bring. piḍ (pīḍáyati) torment, vex. ч pūj (pūjáyati) honor. чpr (pāráyati) overcome; prevail. 44 Lesson VII. VIII. Subst.: रूपक rūpaka, n., gold-piece. जनक janaka, m, father. लोक loka, m., world, world, people दण्ड danda, m., stick; punishment. ( sing and pl. ). पुण्य punya, n, merit. फल phala, n., fruit; reward. रामायण rāmāyana, n., a noted poem. साधु sādhu, m., holy man, saint. सुवर्ण suvarna, n., gold. सूत sīta, m., driver, charioteer. स्तेन stena, m, thief. Adverb: दूव iva as, like (postpos.). Exercise VII. स्तेनः सुवर्ण नृपस्य गृहाच्चोरयति । १ । गुरुर्दण्डेन शिष्यांस्ताडयति । २ । सूतो ऽश्वान्पीडयति । ३ । ऋषिर्जलेन पाणी क्षालयति । ४ । ग्रामाज्जना- नगरं नयन्ति । ५ । नरौ रूपकाणि गणयतः । ६ । नृपाच्छचूणां दण्डो भवति । ७ । रामस्य पुत्रौ जनेभ्यो रामायणं कथयतः । ८ । सुवर्ण पाणि- भ्यां तोलयामः । ९ । जनकः पुत्रान्कोपाद्दण्डयति । १० । गृहाल्लोका आगच्छन्ति । ११ । पुण्येन साधुर्दुःखानि पारयति । १२ । देवानिव नृपतीं लोकः पूजयति ॥ १३ ॥ 3 5 । 4 14. Thieves' stealt the people's 2 money 3. 15. The two boyst wash their mouths 2. 16. The father' tells his sons 2 (dat ) the reward± of sins. 17. The scholarst honor and reverencet their teacher 2. 18. Ye both bring fruits in your hands and count t them. 19. Merit1 protects from misfortune 2 (abl.).20. The char- ioteers1 striket the horses 2 with sticks 3. 21. In angerl (abl.) the king2 pierces' the thief 3 with a spear'. 3 Lesson VIII. 152. Verbs, a-conjugation. Present Indicative Middle. The present indicative middle of verbs whose stems end in a is inflected as follows: Lesson VIII. 45 Singular. 1. वदे vide Dual. Plural. वदावहे vddāvahe वदामहे vādāmahe 2. वदसे vādase वदेथे vàdethe वदध्वे vddadhve 3. वदते vàdate वदेते vädete वदन्ते vàdante 153. The ending of the 3rd pl. is properly ante (cf. fa nti for f anti in the act.); before thee of the 1st sing. the stem-final is dropped. ethe and a ete are hard to explain. 154. With verbs inflected in both voices, the chief force of the middle is this, that the action is performed for the benefit of the actor himself; thus, qafa yájati 'he sacrifices' (for some one else); qa yájate ‘he sacrifices for himself'. But many verbs are conjugated only in the middle, like the Latin and Greek deponents. 155. The verb mr, 'die', makes fa mriydte in the pres- ent; and jan, 'give birth', substitutes as present mid. jayate, 'be born’. 156. Combination of final and initial vowels. Two simple vowels, either or both of them short or long, coalesce and form the corresponding long vowel. For the a-vowels, see above, § 105. Thus : 1. दू or ई + हूं or ई i i i = ई ; e. g. गच्छति इति gacchati iti becomes गच्छतीति gacchatī ti. 2. उ u or ऊ ū + उ u or ऊ = ऊ थे; e. g. साधु उक्तम् sādhu ilctam becomes साधूक्तम् sādha 'ktam*. अत्र 157. The i-vowels, the u-vowels, and r, before a dissimilar vowel or diphthong, are regularly converted each into its own corresponding semivowel, y or av orr. Thus, fagfa wa य् व् vor tisthati atra beconies तिष्ठत्यत्र tisthaty atra (four syllables ) ; नदी अत्र nad atra becomes नद्यत्र nady atra ; मधु अत्र madhu atra becomes मध्वत्र madhv atra; कर्तृ इह karty iha becomes कर्त्रिह kartr iha. * And theoretically 3. !+ != r, but probably this has no occurrence. 46 Lesson VIII. 158. Final e and to remain unchanged before an initial short a, but the a disappears. Thus, a vane atra be- comes वने ऽत्र vane 'tra; भानो अत्र bhāno atra becomes भानो ऽत्र bhāno 'tra. By far the commonest case of finalo is where it represents final as (see § 118). 159. The final i oru-element of a diphthong is changed to its corresponding semivowely or av, before any vowel or diphthong, except when the rule of § 158 would apply. Thus, e becomes अय् ay, and ऐ ai, आय् ãy; ओ ० becomes अव् , and ✈ău, ¾ āv. Thus, in internal combination, ne-a becomes नय naya; भो- bho-a becomes भव bhava; so नै अय nāi-aya yields नायय nāy-aya, and भौ-अय bhāu-aya yields भावय bhāv-aya. 160. In external combination, the resulting semivowel is in gen- eral dropped; and the resulting hiatus remains. Thus, a fa vane iti becomes fa vana iti (through the intermediate stage वनयिति vanay iti ); भानो इति bhāno iti becomes भान इति bhāna iti (through fafa bhānav iti). The case of final e is by far the more frequent. See also § 164. 161. Certain final vowels maintain themselves unchanged be- fore any following vowel. Such are 1. ì, ú, and ū e as dual endings, both of declension and of conjugation; thus, fat girl iha, साधू अत्र sādhu atra; फले अत्र phale atra. 2. The final, or only, vowel of an interjection; thus, he indra, he agne. Vocabulary VIII. Verbs (deponents): ¶ arthaya (denom. — artha- yate) ask for (w. two accus.). ikṣ (ikṣate) see, behold. kamp (kámpate) tremble. jan (jáyate) be born, arise, spring up (mother in loc.). bhāṣ (bhắṣate) speak. mr (mriyáte) die. yat(yátate) strive for (w. dat.). yu yudh (yúdhyate) fight (w. instr. of accompaniment). Lesson VIII. 47 रभ् rabh + आ å (ārābhate) take | वन्दु vand (vindate) greet, honor. hold on, begin. föa çikṣ (çikṣate) learn. रुच् ruc(rócate) please (dat., gen.). सह sah (sdhate) endure. लभ् labh (läbhate) receive, take. | सेव् sev (sévate) serve, honor. Subst.: अनर्थ anartha, m., misfortune. उद्योग udyoga, m., diligence. कल्याण kalyāna, n., advantage; salvation. तरु taru, m., tree. द्विज fa dvija, m., Aryan. fafa dvijāti, m., Aryan. मनुष्य manusya, m., man (homo). यज्ञ yajña, m., sacrifice. वन vana, n., woods, forest. विनय vinaya, m., obedience. वीचि ci, m, wave. शास्त्र çāstra,n., sciencc; text-book. शूद्र çūdra, m., man of the fourth caste. धर्म dharma, m., right; law ; virtue. हित hita, n., advantage. धैर्य dhāirya, n., steadfastness. पशु pagu, m., beast. बल bala, n., strength, might. Adverb: न na, not. Exercise VIII. वायोर्बलेन तरवः कम्पन्ते । १ । असिना धारयो म्रियन्त इत्यत्र* नृपो भाषते । २ । वसूनां राशीन्नृपतीन्कवयो ऽर्थयन्ते । ३ । शास्त्रे ( 161 ) अधुना शिक्षामह इति पत्त्रे हरिर्लिखति । ४ । पापाद्दुःखं जायते । ५ । शिष्याणां विनय उद्योगश्च गुरुभ्यो रोचेते । ६ । अधमीय न धर्मीय यतेथे। ७। विष्णोः (abl.) सूक्ते ऋषी लभेते। ८ । अत्रर्षिर्भानुं वन्दते। ९ । अग्नी ईक्षते बालः । १० । धनेन पशूं लभध्वे यज्ञाय । ११ । सदा गुरोः पादौ बालाः सेवन्ते । १२ । फले अत्र मनुष्यस्य पाण्योस्तिष्ठतः । १३ । सहेते अनर्थं साधू । १४ । वनेष्विहक्षा वसन्ति । १५ । चत्रिया ऋषी सेवन्ते ॥१६॥ 6 17. The two houses 4 yonders tremble " by the powers (instr.) इति, 'thus', is very commonly used as a particle of quotation, following the words quoted. , 48 Lesson VIII. IX. 2 2 3 of the ocean's¹ waves2. 18. The father3 beholds his son's face.2 19. "We strive³ after the advantage of the scholars¹;" thus* (fa) speak the teachers³. 20. The children ask¹ their father¹ for food³ (accus.). 21. In the forest' yonder elephants are fighting with bears. 22. The two Çūdras³ serve the two Aryans¹ here. 23. Fruits¹ please³ the children. 24. Whence¹ do ye receive³ money?? 25. Now¹ the two seers begin the sacrifice³. 2 Lesson IX. 162. Feminines in a, declined like senā, ‘army.' Singular. N. सेना senā A. सेनाम् senām I. सेनया senayā D. सेनायै senāyãi Ab. सेनायास् senāyās Dual. Plural. सेने sene (ā + 2) सेनास् senās " " " " सेनाभ्याम् senābhyām सेनाभिस senābhis " " सेनाभ्यस् senābhyas " " " " G. " " सेनयोस् senayos ÂATATA senānām " " सेनासु senāsu L. सेनायाम् senāyām V. सेने sene v. 163. Adjectives in a are declined in the masc. like za, in the fem. like, in the neuter like. But often the fem. stem ends in, and is declined like (in Less. XI). 164. Finalai and Tau, according § 159, become ay and आव् The य् य् is āv respectively before any following vowel or diphthong. or may then be dropped, leaving a hiatus. The in fact always dropped, but the not often. Thus, becomes, through the medium of सेनायाय् अत्र सेनाया अत्र; देवौ अत्र becomes देवावत्र. 165. Initial, after short vowels, the preposition, and the Lesson IX. 49 prohibitive particle मा, becomes च्छ्: thus, अत्र छाया becomes अत्र च्छाया; आ + छादयति = आच्छादयति. 166. An initial of a root generally becomes after a verbal prefix containing, either original or representing ; such as अन्तर् ‘between ', निस्, परा, etc. Thus, प्रणयति, निर्णयति. 167. The following prefixes are often used before verbs: 'after, along, toward'; 'down, off'; 'to, toward'; f 'down; in, into'; f 'up, up forth or out'; a distance, away'; qft 'round about, around'; H‘along with, completely.' 'out, forth'; 'to 'forward, forth'; Vocabulary IX. fa+π (parājάyate) be con- Active Verbs: + stand. (avagácchati) under- quered (rarely w. act. sense: +(avatárati) descend. +39 (upanáyati) introduce, consecrate. conquer). +(prapádyate) flee for re- fuge (acc.) to (acc. of person). fîa (bhikṣate) beg, get by begging. परि +uft (pariņáyati) lead about; (denom. — mṛgáyate) hunt marry. पत् + उद् (utpātati ) fly up. (avaróhati) descend. Deponents: TH + ĦĦ (samgácchate) come together, meet. मृगय for, seek. qa (vártate) exist, subsist, be, become. (cobhate) be brilliant, shine; be eminent. Subst.: Ty m., arrow. Tf., daughter, maiden. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. THT gañgā f., n. pr., the Ganges. TW m., householder, head of family. 4 50 Lesson IX. छाया f. shade. शरण n. protection. प्रयाग m., nom. pr., Prayāga (a संध्या f. twilight. city, Allahābād). स्वर्ग m., heaven. भय n., fear. हृदय n., heart. भार्या f., wife, woman. Adj.: भाषा f. speech, language. भिक्षा f. alms. कृष्ण, f. ०आ, black. पाप, f. o, bad, wicked. यमुना f., n. pr., Yamunā ( a river, प्रभत f. o, much, abundant; the Jumna). रण m., n., battle. रथ्या f., street. विद्या f. knowledge, learning. विहग m., bird. व्याध m., hunter. pl. many. Adv.: सह together with ' ( postpos, 20. instr.). सहसा suddenly, quickly. Exercise IX. रत्नं रत्नेन संगच्छते* । १ । यदा विहगा व्याधं पश्यन्ति तदा सहसो- त्पतन्ति । २ । सत्यं हृदयेषु मृगयन्त ऋषयः । ३ । हरेः कन्यां रामः परि- णयति । ४ । विष्णोर्हरेश्च भार्ये कन्याभिः सहागच्छतः । ५ । रामो वि- ष्णुश्च देवाञ्शरणं प्रपद्येते । ६ । भिक्षया रामस्य शिष्यौ वर्तते । ७ । यदा जना गङ्गायां म्रियन्ते तदा स्वर्ग लभन्ते । ८ । कन्याया ($164) अन्नं यच्छत्यृषेर्भार्या।९। वन ऋक्षेष्विषून्मुञ्चन्ति व्याधाः कृष्णौ च म्रियेते। १० । द्विजातीनां भाषां शूद्रा नावगच्छन्ति । ११ । हे शिष्या नगरस्य रथ्यासु । साधूनां भार्याभ्यो ऽद्य भिक्षां लभध्वे । १२ । अत्र च्छायायां प्रभूता विह- गास्तिष्ठन्ति । १३ । चत्रियस्य बालावृषिरुपनयति ॥ १४ ॥ 4 5 15. The two scholars¹ beg6 much2 alms3 from the wives of the householders. 16. At Prayaga¹ the Ganges² unites with the Yamuna 3. 17. Bad 1 men do not reach' (लभ्) heaven. 18. O Visnu', to-day Civa' marries 7 Ganga, Hari's daughter'. 19. In the 2 2 4 battle' the kings' fight with arrows and conquer their enemiess. * "Birds of a feather flock together". Lesson IX. X. 51 20. Here² in the street³ the two kings¹ dismount from their black¹ horses. 21. The seer's two sons³ are eminent in learning¹ (instr.). 2 4 22. From fear³ of the wicked¹ hunters (abl.) two birds fly up³. 23. At twilight¹ (loc. du.) the seers² (§ 13, 3) reverence* the gods³. 24. In the street² of the village¹ the teacher³ and the scholar* meet. 25. We two sacrifice to the gods¹ for ourselves; we do not sacri- fice for Hari3. 2 Lesson X. 168. Verbs. Passive Inflection. A certain form of present- stem, inflected with middle endings, is used only with a passive meaning, and is formed from all roots for which there is occasion to make a passive conjugation. Its sign is an accented yá added to the root, without any reference to the classes according to which the active and middle forms are made. The inflection is precisely like that of other a-stems. Thus, a tanyé, a tanyáse, tanyáte, etc. 169. Outside the present-system middle forms may be used in a passive sense; but there is a special form for the aor. pass. in the 3rd sing. 170. The form of root to which the passive-sign is appended is usually a weak one. Thus a penultimate nasal is dropped; and certain abbreviations which are made in the weak forms of the perfect, or in the past passive participle, are found also in the passive present-system Eg. from अञ्ज, pass. अज्यते; from बन्धू, बध्यते. L 171. In the roots वच्, वढ्, वप्, वस्, वह, and स्वप्, the व va becomes उ u in the pres. ; thus, उच्यते, उप्यते, उष्यते (see note to § 102), सुप्यते . Similarly, यज् makes दूज्यते, and ग्रह and गृह्यते and पृच्छ्यते; शास् makes शिष्यते. प्रक् make 52 Lesson X. 172. Final and of roots are generally lengthened; thus, जि, जीयते; स्तु, स्तूयते. 173. Final ॠ is in general changed to रि; thus, कु, क्रियते; but if preceded by two consonants it takes guņa; thus, स्मृ, स्मर्यते. The roots in "variable r", which the natives write with 7, change ऋ to ईर्, or, if a labial letter precede, to ऊ; thus, तृ, तीर्यते; ; कृ, ‘strew', कीर्यते; but पू, पूर्यते. 174. Final of roots is usually changed to; thus, T दीयते; गा, गीयते; धा, धीयते . But ध्या makes ध्यायते; and so some other roots in . and 175. The roots parallel roots in अ; thus, तायते. usually form their passives from But तन्यते and खन्यते occur. 176. Verbs of causative inflection, and denominatives in , form their passive by adding to the causative or denominative stem after अय has been dropped; thus, चोर्यते ' is stolen '; गण्यते 'is counted'. 177. The personal passive construction, with the logical subject in the instrumental, is particularly common with transitive verbs; and not less so the impersonal passive construction, both with transitive and intransitive verbs. Thus, नरेण स्वर्गो लभ्यते ' Heaven is reached by the man'; आगम्यते ' one comes hither '; सुप्यते sleeps'; 'it is beard', i. e. they say'. The predicate to the instrumental subject of such a construction is of course also in- strumental; thus, रामेणर्षिणा जीव्यते ' Rama lives as a seer'. Verbs, with passives: 6 Vocabulary X. a (p. kriyáte) make, do, perform. ' one (p.grhyάte) take, receive, seize. (dáçati; p. daçyáte) bite. (khánati; p.khāyáte,khanyáte) 27 (dyáti; p. dîyάte) cut. dig. za (divyati; p. divyáte) play. π(gáyati; p. gîyáte) sing. 1Я (p. dhiyάte) put, place. Lesson X. 53 2धा (dhayati; p. dhāyáte ) suck. ध्या (dhyayati ; p. dhyāyáte) think, ponder. 1पा (p. piyäte) drink. lų (Hindu ų; p. pūryáte) fill. वप् (vapati; p. upyáte) sow, scatter. शास (p. pisyäte) rule; punish. श्रु (p. prūydte) hear. (p. stūyáte) praise. स्वप् (p. supyate) sleep. बन्ध् (p.badhyäte) bind; entangle; | 1हा (p. hydte) abandon, give up; catch. 1ĦT (p. mìyáte) measure. वच् (p. ucyäte) speak. Substantives: आज्ञा f., command. आशा f., hope. काष्ठ n., fagot; wood. गीत n, song. घर m., pot, vessel. घृत n., melted butter; ghee. धान्य n. grain. पाश m., noose, cord, snare. I neglect. For (hváyati; p. hūyáte) call. + अ call, summon. भार m., burden. भिक्षु m., beggar, ascetic. भृत्य m., servant. माला f. garland. राज्य n., kingdom. शिशु m., child. सर्प m., snake. Adj.: विधेय, f. o obedient. Exercise X. रामेण पुत्रावद्योपनीयेते इति श्रूयते । ऋषिर्नृपेण धर्म पृच्छयते । २ । घटी घृतेन पूर्येते । ३ । विहगाः पाशैर्बध्यन्ते । ४ । जनैर्नगरं गम्यते | 4 | हे शिष्या गुरुणाहूयध्वे । ६ । नरैः कटाः क्रियन्ते । ७ । कविभिर्नृपाः सदा स्तूयन्ते । ८ । प्रभूता भिक्षा गृहस्थस्य भार्यया भिक्षुभ्यो दीयते । ९ । कन्याभ्यां गीतं गीयते । १० । स्तेनैर्लोकानां वसु चोर्यते । ११ । इषुभी रणे ऽरयो नृपतिना जीयन्ते । १२ । हे देवौ साधुभिः सदा स्मर्ये थे । १३ । दण्डेन बालाः शिष्यन्ते । १४ । प्रभूतः काष्ठानां भारो नरेणह्यते । १५ ॥ अश्वेन जलं पीयते | १६ | धर्मेण राज्यं शिष्यते नृपेण | १७ | सर्पेण दश्येते नरौ | १८ | सूतेनाश्वस्ताड्यते || १९ || 1 1 54 Lesson X. XI. (Use passive constructions throughout.) 20. Grain is scattered³ for the birds¹. 21. Garlands¹ are twi- 1 4 2 2 ned³ (use) by the maidens. 22. Again Hari¹ is praised* by Rāma³. 23. Visņu' drinks water from his hand. 24. 'Pleas- antly 1 (सुखेन) 3 one sleeps in the shade2'; so says the people". 25. Both seers¹ sacrifice. 26. The father¹ sets hopes on his child³ (loc.). 27. The scholar³ neglects the teacher's¹ command². 28. The two scholars¹ think³ about their text-book (nom.). 29. Grain is sown³ in the fields¹. 2 30. They play with dice¹ (impers. pass.). 31. The king's¹ commands² are received by the obedient³ servants*. 32. The man¹ digs³ in the field². Lesson XI. 178. Verbs. Imperfect Active, a-conjugation. The imperfect is formed from the present-stem by prefixing the augment, and adding a set of secondary endings. 179. If the present-stem begin with a vowel, the augment unites with it to form always the vṛddhi-vowel, not the guna: thus + or ई or ए = ऐ; अ + उ or ऊ = औौ; अ + ऋ = आर्. 180. If a preposition be prefixed, the augment comes between preposition and verb, as in Greek; thus, from -, impf.-stem उपानय, i. e. उप + अ + नय; वि-नी, impf-stem व्यनय. 181. The inflection in the active is as follows: Dual. Plural. Sing. 1. अवदम् dvadam अवदाव dvadāva अवदाम ávadāma 2. अवदस् dvadas अवदतम् dvadatam अवदत ávadata 3. अवदत् ãvadat अवदताम् dvadatām अवदन् ävadan 182. The imperfect is the tense of narration; it expresses past time simply, without any further implication. 183. Polysyllabic Feminines ini, declined like, 'river.' Lesson XI. 55 Sing. N. नदी nada A. नदीम् nadim " I. नद्या nadyā Dual. नद्यौ nadyāu Plural. नद्यस् nadyas नदीस nadis नदीभ्याम् nadibhyām नदीभिस् nadibhis D. नद्यै nadyai " " नदीभ्यस् nadibhyas Ab. नद्यास् nadyās " G. " L. V. नद्याम् nadyām नदि nadi " नद्योस् nadyos " " नदीनाम nadinām नदीषु nadisu 184. Final nasals. The nasals,, and, occurring as finals after a short vowel, are doubled before any initial vowel: thus, तिष्ठन् अत्र becomes अतिष्ठन्नत्र. " Vocabulary XI. Verbs: कृत् + अव (avakrntäti) cut off or down. чą (páṭhati) recite, read. fan+(praviçáti) enter. + उप seat oneself. +(ahárati, -te) fetch, bring. Subst.: m., purpose; meaning; wealth. g af, wife, consort. TF U m., nom. pr., the god Indra. Tuff., nom. pr., the goddess Indrāṇī. ., poem. m., literary work, book. f., mother. f., female slave, servant. zat f., goddess, queen. anЯ f., city. f., woman, wife. f., daughter. n., book (manuscript). m., flood, high water. qft f., earth; ground. A m., priest, Brahman. Hem., fish. f., cistern. HT f., council, meeting. f., army. n., song of praise. 56 Lesson XI. XII. Exercise XI. नृपतिर्नगरीं सेनयाजयत् । १ । कवयः सभायां काव्यान्यपठन् । २ । दास्यो ऽन्नमानयम् । ३ । देवीदेवांश्च हरिरपूजयत् । ४ । साधोः पत्न्या भिक्षवे रूपकाणि दीयन्ते । ५ । नदीषु मत्स्यानपश्याम । ६ । पुस्तकं पुत्र्या अयच्छद्विष्णुः । ७ । नगयी रथ्यासु गजावभ्राम्यताम् । ८ । पृथिव्या: प्रभूता विहगा उदपतन् । ९ । गृहं नद्याः पूरेणोह्यते । १० । पत्नीभिर्नरा नगर् आगच्छन् । ११ । यदा शिवो विष्णुश्च ग्रन्थमपठतां तदार्थ नावा- गच्छाव । १२ । शिष्या गुरोर्गृहं प्राविशन्नुपाविशश्च कटयोः पृथि- व्याम् ॥ १३ ॥ 3 14. Whent ye besought 4 (प्रपद) the king 2 for protections (acc.), then5 ye were' (स्था) in misfortune . 15. In the two rivers 1 Ganga 2 andł Yamuna it is (वर्तते ) high-water 5. 16. The two women' sang 1 a song of praise³ about Rāma² (gen.). 17. 0¹ seers², why³ do ye both sacrifice to the goddesses with melted butter"? 18. The queen's¹ women-servants' brought jewels and 5 precious stones . 6 4 3 4 19. In angerl (abl.) the teacher 2 struck the scholar with his hand 3. 20. The two servants' brought water t from the cistern' in pots. 21. Ye cut off (impf.) wood³ from the trees² with the axe¹. 22. The seer1 praised Indrānī', Indra's consorts, with hymns '. Lesson XII. 185. Feminine Substantives in i and u are declined as in the paradigms on the next page. The two series of forms exhibit complete parallelism: where the one shows i, y, e, or ay, the other shows respectively u, v, o, or av; cf. §§ 50, 51. In the D., Ab.- G., and L. sing., these stems sometimes follow नदी; thus matyãi, -yās, -yām; dhenvāi, -vās, -vām. 186. Feminines in टू i and उ : मति ' opinion'; धेनु 'cow'. Lesson XII. 57 Sing. N. मतिस matis मती matī A. मतिम् matim I. मत्या matyā " Dual. Plural. मतयस् matayas मतीस् matis मतिभ्याम् matibhyām मतिभिस् matibhis D. मतये mataye " मतिभ्यस् matibhyas Ab. मतेस् mates " " " G. " मत्योस् matyos मतीनाम् matinām L. मतौ matāu " " मतिषु matisu v. मते mate N. धेनुस् dhenus धेनू dhenu A. धेनुम् dhenum " " I. धेन्वा dhenva धेनवस dhenavas धेनूस् dhenus धेनुभ्याम् dhenubhyām धेनुभिस् dhenubhis D. धेनवे dhenave " " धेनुभ्यस् dhenubhyas Ab. धेनोस् dhenos " G. , धेन्वोस dhenvos L. घेनौ dhendu " धेनूनाम् dhenunām धेनुषु dhenusu v. धेनो dheno 187. Adjectives in i and u are often inflected in the fe- minine like fa̸ and . But adjectives inu preceded by one consonant often form a derivative feminine stem by adding 7. Thus, बहु 'much', N. masc. बहुस्, f. बही, n. बहु; गुरु ' heavy', m. गुरुस्, f. गुर्वी, n. गुरु. This fem. is then declined like नदी. Vocabulary XII. Verbs : दिश् + उप (upadiçäti) teach, in- कूप (kilpate) be in order; tend struct. or conduce to (w. dat. ). 2faz (vindáti, vindáte) acquire. 58 Lesson XII. Subst.: कलह m., quarrel. काव्य n., poem. कीर्ति f. glory. मक्षिका f., fly, gnat. मुक्ति f. salvation, deliverance. यष्टि f., stick, staff. रश्मि m. ray ; rein. गोप m., cowherd, shepherd; | रात्रि f., night. guardian. जाति f. birth; caste; kind. धृति f., decision of character; courage. पार्थिव m., prince. बुद्धि f. prudence, intelligence. भक्ति f. devotion, honor. भाग m. part, piece. व्रण m., wound. शान्ति f. repose. श्रुति f, hearing; holy writ. स्मृति f., tradition; law-book. स्वप्न m., sleep; dream. हनु f. jaw. Adj.: नीच, f. o, low. भूति f., prosperity, blessing. मुख्य, f. principal, first. भूमि f., earth, ground, land. लघु m., f., n., or f. оध्वी, light. Exercise XII. मक्षिका व्रणमिच्छन्ति धनमिच्छन्ति पार्थिवाः । नीचाः कलह मिच्छन्ति शान्तिमिच्छन्ति साधवः ॥ १ ॥ शान्त्यर्षय इह शोभन्ते । १ । श्रुतौ बह्वीषु स्मृतिषु च धर्म उपदि- श्यते । २ । रात्र्यां स्वप्नं न लभामहे । ३ । बह्रीं कीर्तिं धृत्याविन्दन्नृप- तिः । ४ । पुण्येन मुक्तिं लभध्वे | ५ | बहनिषून्रणे ऽरिष्वक्षिपन्नृपतिः | ६ | हन्वामश्वां लघुा यथ्यताडयम् । ७ । नृपतेर्बुद्ध्या क्षत्रियाणां कलहो ऽशाम्यत् । ८ । शूद्राणां जातयो नीचा गण्यन्ते । ९ । द्विजातीनां जातिषु ब्राह्मणा मुख्याः 1901 धर्मो भूत्यै कल्पते । ११ । जात्या क्षत्रियौ वर्तेथे । १२ । भूमेभागं ब्राह्मणायायच्छत्पार्थिवः । १३ । अश्वा श्राम्यन्भूमावप- तंश्च ॥ १४ ॥ 4 2 15. Visnu' rejoices at the devotion (instr.) of the pious1 (pl.), and gives¹ deliverance³. 16. Men³ of many¹ castes' dwelt in the city4. 17. The birdst see the hunter 2, and's fly up from the ground*. 18. By the power of intelligence' we overcame* advers- 3 2 Lesson XII. XIII. 59 4 3 ity³. 19. The cowherd¹ guards the cows in the wood. 20. By intelligence¹ and³ diligence² ye acquire much glory5. 21. The poem¹ tends to the poet's glory³ (two datives). 22. For prosperity¹ we bow before³ Çiva (acc.). 23. The reins¹ are being fastened 4 2 (a) to the horse's jaws³ (loc.). 24. In the night¹ we both read³ (impf.) holy writ². Lesson XIII. 188. Verbs, a-conjugation. Imperfect Middle. The imperfect middle of verbs in a is as follows: Sing. Dual. Plural. 1. अलभे álabhe (a + i) •भावहि dlabhāvahi ●भामहि dlabhāmahi 2. अलभथास् álabhathās • भेथाम् dlabhethām •भध्वम् ilabhadhvam 3. अलभत álabhata • भेताम् álabhetām With एथाम् and एताम् of the dual, cf. pres. ind. mid. •भन्त álabhanta एथे and एते of the 189. Root-words in are declined as follows: Dual. ferit dhiyau Sing. N. V. धीस dhās A. धियम् dhiyam " I. feren dhiya D. धिये dhiye Plural. " धीभ्याम् dhābhyām " " धियस् dhiyas " " धीभिस् dhābhis धीभ्यस् dhībhyas Abl. धियस् dhiyas G. " " L. fufa dhiyi " " धियोस् dhiyos " " " " धियाम् dhiyām धीषु dhāsu In the D., Ab. - Gen., and L. sing., and G. pl., these stems sometimes follow; thus, dhiyai, dhiyās, dhiyām, dhīnām. Cf. § 185. Observe that where the case-ending begins with a vowel the stem final is split into y. 60 Lesson XIII. ,* 190. The following additional prefixes are used with verbs: afy ‘over, above, on'; f'unto, close upon **; f 'to, unto', 'against' (often with implied violence); f 'down, into, in'; ufa 'back to, against, in return'; fa 'apart, away, out'. 191. Both in verbal forms and in derivatives, the final or 3 of a prefix ordinarily lingualizes the initial of a root to which it is prefixed; and, in a few cases, the remains even after an interposed of augment or reduplication; thus, from + fa, निषीदति; स्था + अधि, pres. pass. अधिष्ठीयते, impf. pass. अध्य- ष्ठीयत. 192. The final स् of prefixes in इस and उस् becomes ष् be- fore initial क्, ख्, प्, फ्; thus, from पद् + निस्, निष्पद्यते. Vocabulary XIII. Verbs: भाष् + प्रति (pratibhāsate) answer +fa (atikrámati, -krámate) (w. acc. of pers.). pass beyond or by, transgress.+ arise; rule. + 3 (ujjáyate) be born, (racáyati) arrange, compose arise from (abl.). + Я arise, come into existence. धा + अपि cover, keep shut. aπ + fa (vináçyati) disappear, perish. (a literary work). f+fa(pratiṣédati) hold back; forbid. a +fa (niṣévate) dwell; devote oneself to; attend. नह् + सम् (samndhyati ) gird; स्था + अधि mount, stand above equip. uz+fa or over; rule, govern. (nispádyate) grow; +fa hinder; injure; offend. arise from (abl.). * Sometimes, with the verbs and T, abbreviated to fq; but in classical Skt. most commonly used as a conjunction: 'also', 'too'. Lesson XIII. 61 Subst.: अनुज्ञा f., permission. ईश्वर m. god; lord. कपोत m., dove. कर्ण m., ear. काम m., love, desire. कारण n., reason, cause. क्रोध m. anger. जाल n., net. घी f., understanding, insight. नाश m., destruction. पद्म m., n., lotus. पुरुष m., man (homo). महाराज m., great king. मुनि m., sage; ascetic. मेखला f. girdle. मोह m., infatuation. रथ m., wagon. लोभ m., desire, avarice. वसति f. dwelling. श्री f., luck, fortune, riches; as nom. pr., goddess of fortune. समुद्र m., ocean. सृष्टि f., creation. ही f, modesty, bashfulness. Adj.: कृत्स्न, f. आ, whole. चारु, f. oरु, beautiful. धीर, f. o, steadfast, brave. श्वेत, f, white. Exercise XIII. लोभात्क्रोधः प्रभवति लोभात्कामः प्रजायते । लोभान्मोहश्च नाशश्च लोभः पापस्य कारणम् ॥ २ ॥ नृपतिऋषिणा पापात्प्रत्यषिध्यत । १ । हरेभीर्यीयां चारवः पुत्रा अ- जायन्त । २। धीरं पुरुषं श्रियः सदा निषेवन्ते । ३ । पार्थिवस्याज्ञां शत्रू अत्यक्रमेताम् । ४ । पद्मं श्रिया (gen.) वसतिः । ५ । धियो बलेन पुरुषा दुःखानि पारयन्ति । ६। रथो ऽध्यष्ठीयत रामेण । ७। कवेर्गृहं श्रिया- शोभत । ८ । शिशू आह्वयेथां जनन्या । ९ । भानुमैक्षतर्षिः । १० । गु- रोरनुज्ञया कटे शिष्यावुपाविशताम् । ११ । मुनिरीश्वरस्य सृष्टिं ध्या- यति । १२ । क्षेत्रेषु धान्यं निष्पद्यते । १३ । गुरवो ग्रन्थान्रचयन्ति शि- ष्याश्च पुस्तकानि लिखन्ति ॥ १४ ॥ 15. * The goddess of fortune was born from the ocean. 16. Why did ye hold your ears shut ? ( pass. constr.) 17. “The Cūdras spoke # As the principal euphonic rules have now been stated and 62 Lesson XIII. XIV. the language of the Aryans": thus answered (impers. pass.) the Brahmans. 18. By its cleverness the dove was freed from the net. 19. The teacher girded both boys with the girdle. 20. When the scholar's modesty disappeared, then the law was offended against. 21. Whence did ye get (H) the white cows? 22. The whole earth was ruled by the great king. 23. For prosperity (dat.) we took refuge with the king (-7). 24. Two law-books were com- posed by Vişņu. 25. The milk of the black cow is drunk by both children. Lesson XIV. 193. Verbs, a-conjugation. Present Imperative Active. The inflection of this mode is as follows: Sing. Dual. Plural. 2. - ல் ஸ் 1. वदानि vidāni वदाव vādāva वदाम vādāma वद vàda वदतम् vddatam वदत vādata वदताम् vddatām वदन्तु vādantu 3. वदतु vidatu 194. The three first persons are properly subjunctive forms, and accordingly often express a wish or future action. 195. The second and third persons of the imperative express oftenest a command; sometimes a wish or future action. The negative used with the imv. is HT. 196. A rare imv. form, either 2nd or 3rd pers. sing. (or plur.), is made with the ending; thus, . Its value is that of a posterior or future imv. (like the Latin forms in to and tote). 197. Root-words in ū, inflected like ✈ f., ‘earth'. exemplified in the exercises, no further indication need be made, except in special instances, of the position of the words in the Sanskrit. Lesson XIV. 63 Sing. NV. भूस् bhūs A. भुवम् bhuvam " I. भुवा bhuvā D. भुवे bhuve " ” Dual. भुवौ bhuvāru 7 भूभ्याम् bhūbhyām Plural. भुवस् bhuvas " भूभिस् bhūbhis भूभ्यस् bhūbhyas Ab. भुवस् bhuvas " " " G. L. " " भुवोस bhuvos भुवि bhuvi " भुवाम् bhuvām भूषु bhusu In the D., Ab.-G., and L. sing., and G. pl., these stems some- times follow नदी ; thus, bhuvai, bhuvās, bhurām, bhūnām. Cf. §§ 185, 189. 198. Polysyllabic Feminines in ऊ ū, inflected like वधू f., ' woman'. N. Sing. वधूस् vadhus Dual. Plural. वध्वौ vadhvāu वध्वस् vadhvas A. वधूम् vadhūm " वधूस् vadhus I. वध्वा vadhvā वधूभ्याम् vadhibhyām वधूभिस् vadhūbhis D. वध्वै vadhvai " वधूभ्यस् vadhūbhyas Ab. वध्वास vadhvās " " G. वध्वोस vadhvos वधूनाम् vadhūnām L. वध्वाम् vadhvām वधूषु vadhusu v. वध vadhu Vocabulary XIV. Verbs : दृश् in pass. ( drpyäte) seem, look. अस् + अभि (abhyasyati) repeat, वस् + नि (nivdsati) inhabit; dwell. study, learn. + प्र (prāsyati) throw forward or into. दिश् + आ (ādiçäti) command. वृत् + प्र ( pravártate) get a-going, break out, arise. शुच् (çdcati) sorrow, grieve. सद् + नि (nigidati) seat oneself. 64 Lesson XIV. Subst.: अतिथि m., guest. अनृत n., untruth. अभ्यास m., study; recitation. आदेश m., command, prescription आसन n., seat, chair. जुहू f., spoon, esp. sacrificial spoon. पाठ m., lecture, lesson. प्रजा f. creature; subject. भू f., earth, ground. भूषण n., ornament. भ्रू f. eyebrow. वधू f., woman, wife. वेदि f. altar. वश्रू f., mother-in-law. स्तुति f. song of praise; praise. सुषा f. daughter-in-law. Adj.: अपर, f. o, lower; other. पर, f. ०आ, highest; other. वक्र, f. o, crooked, bent. सुन्दर, f. ई, beautiful. Adv.: अधस्तात् under, underneath (gen.). चिरम् long (of time ). दीर्घम् far, afar. HT prohibitive particle, like Greek un, Latin ne. वा ( postpos. ) or. ह्रस्वम् near by. Exercise XIV. धर्म चरत माधर्म सत्यं वदत मानृतम् । दीर्घं पश्यत मा ह्रस्वं परं पश्यत मापरम् ॥ ३ ॥ जयतु महाराजश्चिरं च कृत्स्नां भुवमधितिष्ठतु । १ । प्रयागं गच्छतं सु- खेन च तत्र निवसतम् । २ । सुन्दर्या (gen.) भ्रुवौ वक्रे दृश्येते । ३ । गुरव आसने निषीदन्तु भुवि शिष्याः । ४ । स्नुषाभिः सह श्वश्रूणां कलहः प्रावर्तत । ५ । हे क्षत्रियाः कुन्तान्क्षिपतेषून्मुञ्चत पापा शत्रून्दण्डयतेति क्रोधान्नृपतिरभाषत । ६ । अतिथिं पृच्छतु रात्रौ कुत्र न्यवस इति । ७। श्वश्वाः कोपाच्छोचतः स्नुषे । ८ । वध्वाः स्निह्य त्यृषिः । ९ । पाठस्याभ्या- साय शिष्यावागच्छतामिति गुरोराज्ञा । १० । जुहानौं घृतं प्रास्या- नि । ११ । हे वधु वाप्या जलमानय । १२ । जुह्वां घृतं तिष्ठति । १३ । भ्रुवोरधस्तान्नेत्रे वर्तेते ॥ १४ ॥ 15. The women sing the praises (singular) of Indrāņī (pass. constr.). 16. “Study ye holy writ and the sciences, speak the Lesson XIV. XV. 65 2 the truth, honor your teachers": thus¹ is the prescription of the text-books for scholars (gen.). 17. Let kings protect their sub- jects and punish the wicked: thus is the law not offended (pass.). 18. O women, reverence your mothers-in-law. 19. Let not the coachman strike or torment the horses. 20. "Bring the jewels": thus the two maid-servants were commanded by the queen. 21. Let us with two spoons drop water on the altar. 22. "Let us play with dice for money" (instr.): thus spoke the two warriors (pass.). 23. “To-day let me initiate (imv.) my two sons": thus says the Brahman. 24. Let the men dig a cistern. Lesson XV. 199. Verbs, a-conjugation. Present Imperative Middle. The present imperative middle is inflected thus: Sing. Dual. Plural. - ai a 1. लभै labhāå लभावहै lābhāvahāi लभामहै lābhāmahãå 2. लभस्व labhasva लभेथाम् läbhethām लभध्वम् labhadhvam लभन्ताम् labhantām 3. लभताम् läbhatām लभेताम् läbhetām 200. The first persons are really subjunctive forms. The in- flection of the passive imv. is precisely similar; thus, fa, fa, क्रियताम्, etc. 201. Nouns inr. These stems, like many belonging to the consonant-declension, exhibit in their inflection a difference of stem-form: strong, middle, and weak. (For the cases called strong, etc., see Introd., § 87). In the weak cases (except loc. sing.) the stem-final is, which in the weakest cases is changed naturally to Tr. But as regards the strong cases, the stems of this declension fall into two classes: in the one which is much the larger, comprising all the nomina agentis, and a few others the is vriddhied, becoming ar; while in the other class, containing Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 5 66 Lesson XV. is gunated, becoming most nouns of relationship, the In both classes, the loc. sing. has ar. ar as stem-final. The abl.- gen. sing. is of peculiar formation; and the final r is dropped in the nominative singular. 202. Nomina agentis inr, like a m., 'doer”. Dual. Plural. कर्तारौ kartārāu कर्तारस् kartāras Sing. N. कर्ती kartā A. कर्तारम् kartāram " I. कची kartrā " कर्तन kartin कर्तृभ्याम् - tybhyām कर्तृभिस् kartybhis D. कर्चे kartre " Ab. कर्तुर् kartur (or -us) G. " " " कस kartros L. कर्तरि kartari " " " कर्तृभ्यस् cartybhyas " " " कर्तृणाम् kartryām V. कर्तर् kartar कर्तेषु kartrsu 203. Two nouns of relationship, f., "sister", and a m., नप्तृ 'grandson', follow this declension; but makes the acc. pl. स्वसृस् svasī-g. 204. The nouns of agency are sometimes used participially, or with adjective value. The corresponding feminine-stem is made in ई, and declined like नदी; thus, कर्त्री kartri. 205. The grammarians prescribe a complete neuter declension also for bases in a, precisely analogous with that off or HY, but such forms are rare. Verbs: Vocabulary XV. T +J (anugácchati) follow. a+fa (vivádate) dispute, argue. + (açráyate) go for pro- TY+BA-(samācárati)commit, tection to, take refuge with perform, do. (acc.). Lesson XV. 67 Subst.: आचार्य m., teacher. कर्तृ m., doer, maker, author; as adj., doing, making. काल m., time. कृपा f., graciousness, pity. दातृ m. giver ; as adj., generous. दुर्जन m., scamp, rogue. पद n., step. प्रायश्चित्त n. penance, expiation. भर्तृ m., supporter, preserver ; lord, husband; master. रक्षितृ m., protector. व्यवहार m., trial, law-suit. शास्तृ m., punisher, governor. स्रष्टृ m., creator. द्रष्टृ m., seer, author (of Vedic | नमस् n., honor, glory (often as books); as adj., seeing. धातृ m., creator. indecl., w. foll'g dat.). Adj.: poor. वर, f. ०आ, best, most excellent; निश्चय m., decision; certainty. दरिद्र, f. o नेतृ m., leader. पण्डित m., learned man ; pandit. | better (w. follg abl.). Exercise XV. दुर्जनस्य च सर्पस्य वरं सर्पो न दुर्जनः । सर्पो दशति कालेन दुर्जनस्तु पदे पदे * ॥ ४॥ आचार्य लभस्व प्रायश्चित्तं समाचरेति पापं द्विजातय आदिशन्ति | १ | काव्यानि रचयाम कीर्ति विन्दाम नृपतीनाश्रयाम है श्रियं लभामहा इति कवयो वदन्ति । २ । स्वसुर्गृहे कन्ये न्यवसताम् । ३ । नृपे रक्षि- तरि ** सुखेन प्रजा वसन्ति । ४ | धर्मीय देवान्यजावहा अर्थाीय कीर्तये च सभासु पण्डितैः सह विवदावहा इति ब्राह्मणस्य पुत्रयोर्निश्चयः । ५ । मुक्तय (dat.) ईश्वर: सृष्टेः कर्ती मनुष्यैर्भक्त्या सेव्यताम् । ६ । नृपतयः प्रजानां रक्षितारो दुर्जनानां च शास्तारो वर्तन्ताम् । ७ । शास्त्रस्य कर्चे पाणिनये नमः । ८ । लोकस्य स्रष्टृभ्यो वसूनां दातृभ्यो देवेभ्यो नमो नमः ॥ ९ ॥ * Words are often repeated, to give an intensive, a distributive, or a repetitional meaning. So here: "at every step". The po- sition of च is very unusual; it would naturally follow सर्पस्य. ** Loc. absol. supply "being". 5* 68 Lesson XV. XVI. 10. Let the wife love her husband. 11. Let the warriors follow their leaders and fight with the enemy (pl.). 12. At the river the boy is to meet his two sisters (instr.). 13. The world was created by the creator. 14. In the houses of pious givers alms is given to ascetics. 15. King Bhoja was (a) generous toward the author (loc.) of the eulogies. 16. Let servants always be useful to (a) their masters (acc.). 17. For protection (acc.) betake yourselves to the gods³, the protectors of the pious¹. 18. Men live by the graciousness of the creator. 19. O generous one, the poor bend before thee! 20. The man leads his sisters to the city (pass. constr.). 4 Lesson XVI. The 206. Verbs, a-conjugation. Present Optative Active. present optative is formed from the general present-stem by the addition of a mode-sign, after which are used secondary end- ings (in 3rd pl. act. us, in 1st sing. mid. a, in 3rd pl. mid. Tran). After an a-stem, this mode-sign, in all voices, is i, unaccented, which blends with the final a to Te (accented, or not, according to the accent of the a): and the T is maintained unchanged before a vowel-ending (अम्, उस्, आथाम्, आताम्) by means of an interposed euphonicy. The inflection in the active voice is as follows: Sing. Dual. 1. वदेयम् oddeyam वदेव vādeva 2. वदेस् vddes वदेतम् videtam 3. वदेत् vädet वदेताम् vàdetām Plural. वंदेम videma वदेत videta वदेयुस् vddeyus Similarly, विशेयम् viçeyam, नह्येयम् ndhyeyam, चोरयेयम् corάyeyam, etc. Lesson XVI. 69 207. The optative expresses : 1. wish or desire ; 2. request or entreaty; 3. what is desirable or proper; 4. what may or might, can or could be. It is also largely used in conditional sentences. The subject is often indefinite and unexpressed. The negative used with the opt. is na. Both the prescriptive and the prohibitive न optative are very common. 208. The nouns of relationship in ऋ (except स्वसृ and नप्तृ - see § 203) gunate ऋ in the strong cases; thus, पितृ m., ' father', मातृ f., ‘mother', declined as follows: Plural. Sing. Dual. N. पिता माता पितरौ मातरौ पितरस् मातरस् A. पितरम् मातरम् " पितॄन मातृस् I. पित्रा मात्रा पितृभ्याम् मातृभ्याम् पितृभिस् मातृभिस् etc. etc. etc. v. पितर् मातर् 209. The stem गो m., f., ' bull' or 'cow', is declined thus : Sing. Dual. Plural. NV. गौस gāus गावौ gāvdu गावस् gāvas A. गाम् gām " " I. गवा gavā गोभ्याम् gobhyām गास gās गोभिस gobhis " " D. गवे gave Ab. गोस् gos " G. " " गवोस् gavos गोभ्यस् gobhyas गवाम् gavām " L. गवि gavi Verbs: " गोषु gogu Vocabulary XVI. मन् (mdnyate) think, suppose. मुद् (modate) rejoice. शंस (páñsati) proclaim (see also in Vocab. 1.). (smárati; p. smaryáte) re- member; think of; teach, esp. in pass. it is taught ', i. e. 'tra- ditional '. 70 Lesson XVI. Subst.: गो m., f, bull, steer, cow; f., speech. गोत्व n., ox nature; stupidity. घास m., fodder, hay. जामातृ m., son-in-law. दुहितृ f. daughter. पङ्क n., mud, bog. meal and gifts to the Brāh- mans. Adj.: अधिक f. आ, more, greater, greatest. कामदुघ, f, granting wishes; as f, sc. धेनु, the fabulous Won- der-cow. पितृ m., father; du., parents ; pl., दुष्प्रयुक्त, f. o badly arranged manes. प्रयोक्तृ m., user, arranger. बुध m., wise man, sage. भ्रातृ m., brother. मातृ f. mother. मास m., month. युग्म n., pair. रक्षण n., protection. श्राद्ध n., an oblation to the manes, accomplanied by a sacrificial or used. प्रयुक्त, f. o, arranged, used. श्रेष्ठ, f. आ, best. Pron.: सा f., she, it. Adv. and Conj.: चेत् if. नित्यम् always, daily. यदि if. well, properly. Exercise XVI. गोगः कामदुघा * सम्यक् प्रयुक्ता स्मर्यते बुधैः । दुष्प्रयुक्ता पुनर्गोत्वं प्रयोक्तुः सैव शंसति ॥ ५ ॥ भतीरं भर्तुश्च पितरं मातरं च पत्नी देवानिव पूजयेत् |१| गा रक्षेद्ग- वां रक्षणेन पुण्यं भवतीति द्विजातयो मन्यन्ते । २ । यदा प्रयाग आग- च्छेव तदा पित्रे पत्रं लिखेव । ३ । पितृभ्यो मासे मासे श्राद्धं यच्छेयुः । ४। ग्राममद्य गच्छेतमिति मातरौ पुत्रावभाषेताम् | ५ | गोः चीरेण शि- शवी मोदन्ताम् । ६ । गामतिथये पचेमेत्यृषिभार्याीमवदत् । ७ । दुहि- * Predicate. Play upon words throughout the verse. Lesson XVI. XVII. 71 तरं पितरौ रक्षेतां स्वसारं भ्रातरो मातृः पुत्राश्च रक्षेयुः । ८ । यदि शास्त्रमभ्यस्येयं तदा गुरवस्तुष्येयुः । ९ । हे स्वसः पित्रोर्गृहे तिष्ठेः । १० । बाहुभ्यां नदीं न तरेत् । ११ । हे शिशवः पितॄन्सेवध्वं भ्रातॄणां स्त्रि- ह्यत ॥ १२ ॥ 13. By Rşabhadatta, son-in-law of Nahapāna, many cattle and villages and much money were given to the Brahmans. 14. Thou shalt give the mother's jewels to the sisters (opt. or imv.). 15. Let the coachman bring (आ-हृ) fodder for the horses ; let him not tor- ment the horses. 16. Of the father's property a greater part is to be given (imv.) to the eldest of the brothers. 17. "Children, bring wood and water into the house daily " ; thus was the father's com- mand. 18. Let the cows graze in the forest. 19. Let both live on the milk (instr.) of the black cow. 20. The wagon is drawn by two steers. 21. The seer rejoices over the pair (instr.) of white steers. 22. Hari and Çiva marry two sisters, the daughters of Rama. Lesson XVII. The 210. Verbs, a- conjugation. Present Optative Middle. optative middle ( and passive) of a-stems, formed as shown in the preceding lesson, is inflected as follows: Sing. Dual. 1. लभेय labheya लभेवहि läbhevahi Plural. लभेमहि labhemahi 2. लभेथास् libhethās लभेयाथाम् labheyāthām लभेध्वम् libhedhvam 3. लभेत labheta लभेयाताम् labheyātām लभेरन् läbheran Similarly चोर्येय coryéya, संगच्छेय sanigaccheya, etc. 2ll. Declension. The stem नौ f., ‘ship, boat', is entirely reg- ular, taking throughout the normal endings, as given in § 90. Thus : नौस, नावम्, नावा, etc.; नावौ, नौभ्याम्, etc.; नावस्, नौभिस्, etc. 72 Lesson XVII. 212. The stems ending in long vowels (,,) fall into two well-marked classes: A. root-stems mostly monosyllabic and their compounds, with a comparatively small number of others inflected like them; B. derivative feminine stems in and with a few in ऊ, inflected like जाया, नदी and वधू. The stems of class A take the normal endings throughout, with optional ex- ceptions in dat., abl.-gen., and loc. sing. fem., and with inserted before of the gen. pl. The simple words are as nouns with few exceptions fem.; as adjectives (rare), and in adjective com- pounds, they coincide in masc. and fem. forms. The declension of the simple words in and has been given (in §§ 189, 197); those in are rare that it is not possible to make up a whole scheme of forms in actual use. 213. When any root in or or is found as final member of a compound word, these root-finals are treated as follows: 1. Roots in T lose that vowel before vowel-endings, except in the strong cases and in the acc. pl., which is like the nominative. Thus, fa- m., f., 'all-protecting': Sing. Dual. Plural. N. V. विश्वपास - pās विश्वपौ -pau विश्वपास -pās A. विश्वपाम् -pām विश्वपाभ्याम् " " I. faч viçvap-ā faчuta viçvap-os 214. 2. Roots in vowel-endings, into विश्वपाभिस् etc. and change their final vowel, before and, if but one consonant precede the final vowel; but if two or more consonants precede, the change is into इय् and उव्. Thus, यव-क्री m., f, 'corn-buying' : nom. voc. यव- - m., f., ‘street-sweeper': nom. sing. ma, acc. gafhyn; खलपूस्, acc. खलप्वम्. Lesson XVII. 73 Verbs : Vocabulary XVII. ईन् + प्रति (pratiksate) expect. नन्द् + अभि ( abhinändati, poet. -te) rejoice in, greet with joy (acc.). Subst.: उद्यान n. garden. कृषि f. agriculture. जीवित n, life. रम् (rámate) amuse oneself. +fa (virámati) cease from (abl.); cease. स्थT + अनु ( anutisthati) follow out, accomplish. मित्र n., friend. युद्ध n. battle. वाणिज्य n., trade. fafu m., rule; fate. निदेश m., command. पाशुपाल्य n. cattle-raising. श्वशुर m., father-in-law. Adj.: पुरोहित m., domestic priest, chap - भद्र, f. o, good, pleasant, dear; lain. भक्षण n., eating. भृतक m., servant. मरण n., death. as n. subst., fortune. संदिग्ध f. o, doubtful; un- steady. Exercise XVII. नाभिनन्देत मरणं नाभिनन्देत जीवितम् । कालमेव प्रतीक्षेत निदेशं भृतको यथा* ॥ ६ ॥ भ्रातरि स्तेनाः शरानमुञ्चन्।१। यदि नरः श्रुतेः स्मृतेश्च विधीननुतिष्ठे- युस्तदा साधुभिः शस्येरन् । २ । वैश्याः कृष्या वाणिज्येन पाशुपाल्येन वा वर्तेरन् । ३ । संदिग्धां नावं नारोहेत् । ४ । यदि गङ्गाया वारिणि म्रि- येष्ध्वं तदा स्वर्ग लभेध्वम् । ५ । जामातरः श्वशुरान्नुषाः श्वश्रुर्दुहितरश्च पुत्राञ्च पितरौ सेवेरन् । ६ । ब्राह्मणैर्नीवोदधिर्न तीर्येत । ७। शत्रुभिर्न पराजयेथा इति नृपतिं प्रजा वदन्ति । ८ । नृपती अरिभिर्युध्येया- ताम् । ९ । नौषु युद्धमभवत् । १० । बालावुद्याने रमेयाताम् ॥ ११ ॥ *Rule for an ascetic, who is to put aside all earthly desires and passions. 74 Lesson XVII. XVIII. 12. Let fodder be brought (T-E) (opt., imv.) by the brother for the horses of the all-protecting king. 13. May ye see good fortune (pl.); may ye acquire (H) glory. 14. The king with his warriors crossed the sea in a ship. 15. Tell (opt., imv.) where our friends may meet with their brothers. 16. You may amuse yourselves in the garden, but cease eating (abl. of H) the fruits (gen.). 17. Mayest thou be saved by the all-protector from thy misfortune. 18. To-day let the king's two sons be consecrated (opt., imv.) by the house - priest. 19. Ye both shall greet (opt., imv.) your parents. 20. If we two should speak untruth, then we should be punished by the king. 21. May I conquer the enemies with my brave warriors: thus is the king's wish (use 22. May we receive the reward of virtue. pass.). Lesson XVIII. 215. Causative. The chief points to be noticed in the form- ation of causative-stems have been given already (in Less. VII); some additional ones follow. 216. Most roots in and add before the conjugation- sign; thus, दापयति from 1दा; धापयति ; गापयति; अर्पयति from ऋ. श्रा makes श्रपयति ; ज्ञाand ना, sometimes ज्ञापयति, etc., some- times ज्ञपयति, etc. 1पा, 'drink, makes पाययति (as though from 997). A few roots in and take the same ч, with various irregularities ; thus, अध्यापयति from अधि-इ. 217. Medial or initial in a light syllable is commonly length- ened, but sometimes remains unchanged. Thus, ya, qraufa; पत्, पातयति; कम्, कामयते; चम्, चामयति. But most roots in अम्, and जन्, त्वर्, प्रथ्, व्यथ्, ,,, with other rarer ones, generally keep the thus, गम्, गमयति. short; Lesson XVIII. 75 2|8. Final vowels take orddhi before अय; thus, भू, भावयति; कृ. कारयति. 219. Some verbs of causative meaning are by formation de- nominatives; thus पालयति, 'protect', called causative to 2पा: प्री- णयति, to प्री; भीषयति, to भी; घातयति, to हन्. 220. For the passive of causatives, see Less. X. 22l. The causatives of intransitive verbs are transitive. The causatives of transitive verbs are construed sometimes (a) with two accusatives, sometimes (b ) with an acc. of the object and an in- strumental of the agent. Thus, "he causes the birds to eat the cakes” may be rendered either (a): विहगान् पिण्डान् खादयति, or (b) विहगैः पि० खा०. 222. Participles. The general participial endings are अन्त् (weak form) for the active, and T for the middle. But after a tense-stem in, the active suffix is virtually, one of the two अ's being lost ; and the middle suffix is मान ( ex- cept आन sometimes in causative forms). Thus, भवन्त् bhavant, तुदन्त् tudónt, दीव्यन्त् divyant, चोरयन्त् coräyant; भवमान bhdva- māna, etc. For the declension of the participles in see below, Less. XXIII. 223. Pronoun of the First Person. The pronominal declension exhibits some striking peculiarities which are not easily explained. The pronoun of the first person is declined thus: N. Sing. अहम् Dual. Plural. A. माम्, मा आवाम् आवाम, नौ वयम् अस्मान्, नस् I. मया आवाभ्याम् D. मह्यम्, मे ” " " नौ Ab. मत् G. मम, मे L. मयि " आवयोस्, नौ " अस्माभिस् अस्मभ्यम्, नस् अस्मत् अस्माकम्, नस् अस्मासु 76 Lesson XVIII. 224. The forms Ħ, à, đ, a¤ are enclitic, and are never used at the beginning of a sentence, or before the particles ▼, एव, वा. 225. In pronouns of the first and second persons the plural is often used for the singular. Pronouns (and other words as well) show in Sanskrit a curious tendency to agree in form with the predicate rather than with the subject to which they refer. Vocabulary XVIII. Verbs, with causatives: eat; caus. (açáyati) make sacrifice; caus. (yājāyati) eat; give to eat. ✈ die; caus. (mārάyati) kill. make to sacrifice; offer sacrifice वद् + अभि in caus. (abhivādayati) +f study, read; caus. (a- for (acc.*). dhyapayati) teach. ay in caus. (kalpáyati,-te) make; greet. ordain, appoint. in caus. (janáyati) beget. + in caus. (ājñāpȧyati) command. faz know; caus. (vedáyati) in- form (dat.). +fa in caus. inform (dat.). qu (várdhate) grow; caus. (var- 17 give; caus. (dāpayati) make dhayáti,-te) make grow; bring up. give or pay. see; in caus. (darçáyati) show. 1+uft, in caus. (dhapayati) make put on, clothe in (two acc.). व्यथ् in caus. (vyatháyati) torment. hear; in caus. (çrāváyati) make hear, i. e. recite, proclaim (acc. of pers.). + lead away (caus. apa-T stand; in caus. (sthāpayati) näyάyati). put, place; appoint; stop. in caus. (pratháyati) spread,| +¶ (pratiṣṭhate) start off; in proclaim. caus. (prasthāpȧyati) send. * The priest who performs sacrifice for the benefit of another person is said to "make that person sacrifice", as though the latter (who is called GT) were celebrating the sacrifice for himself. Lesson XVIII. 77 Subst.: अमृत n., nectar. उपनयन n., initiation, investiture. कर m., hand; trunk (of ele- phant); ray; toll, tax. दास m., slave, groom. दूत m., messenger, envoy. पाटलिपुत्र n., nom. pr., the city of Patna. मनोरथ m., wish. कालिदास m., nom. pr., a noted वस्त्र n., garment. poet. fafu m., Brahman (the deity). काशी f., nom. pr., the city of वृक m., wolf. Benares. गुण m., quality; excellent quality, excellence. वेद m., science, knowledge; esp. sacred knowledge, holy writ. Adj.: दशरथ m., nom. pr. ( Rāma's नवीन, f. ०, new. father). स्व, f. o, own, one's own. Exercise XVIII. 1 सूत । अधुना स्थापय रथम् । १ । यथाज्ञापयति देवः ॥ २ ॥ दश- रथश्चारून्पुत्रानजनयत् । ३ । कालिदासस्य काव्यं मां श्रावयेः । ४ । वै- श्यान्करान्दापयेन्नृपः । ५ । उपनयने बालान्नवीनानि वस्त्राणि परिधा- पयेयुः । ६ । भ्रातरो ऽस्मान्नगरं प्रास्थापयन् । ७ । स्वसार आगच्छन्ती- ति मह्यं न्यवेद्यत । ८ । वायोर्बलेन तरवो ऽपात्यन्त । ९ । क्षत्रिया युद्धे रीन्मारयन्ति | १० | कवयो ऽस्माकं गुणान्प्रथयेयुः कीर्ति च वर्धयेयु- रिति पार्थिवैरिष्यते । ११ । अहं प्रयागे निवसामि रामः काश्यां तिष्ठ - ति । १२ । ग्रन्थो ऽस्माभी रच्यते पुस्तकं रामेण लेखयामः ॥ १३ ॥ 14. I cause a mat to be made ( caus. pass. ). 15. Show me (dat.) the books. 16. Let Brāhmans teach us both and offer sacrifice for us. 17. The king determined (ordained) the taxes in his kingdom. 18. I have my field ploughed by slaves. 19. Give me water and food. 20. They had the boy taken (led) away from me (abl.). 21. The kings sent envoys to Pataliputra. 22. Thieves stole our (gen.) cows, and wolves killed our * flocks. 23. The king made the * The expression of possession, etc., on the part of pronouns Home 78 Lesson XVIII. XIX. poet recite (use काथयति) a eulogy of Visnu. 24. We torment our hearts with wishes. 25. Both scholars greet the teacher. Lesson XIX. 226. Pronoun of the Second Person. This pronoun (for which the natives assume त्वद् and युष्मद् as bases) is declined thus : Singular. Dual. Plural. N. त्वम् युवाम यूयम् A. त्वाम् त्वा युवाम्, वाम् I. त्वया युवाभ्याम् D. तुभ्यम्, ते " वाम् युष्मान्, वस् युष्माभिस् युष्मभ्यम्, वस् Ab. त्वत् युष्मत् G. तव, ते युवयोस्, वाम् युष्माकम्, वस् L. त्वयि " युष्मासु 227. The forms त्वा, ते, वाम, वस् are enclitics, subject to the same rules as मा, मे, etc. (224). 228. The Pronoun of the Third Person (for which the natives assume as base the base is really ) is declined as follows (note nom. sing., m. and f.): Masculine : Feminine: Sing. Dual. Plural. Sing. Dual. Plural. N. सस् तौ ते सा ते तास् A. तम् तान् ताम् " I. तेन ताभ्याम् तैस तया D. तस्मै " तेभ्यस् तस्यै ताभ्याम् " ताभ्यस् ताभिस् Ab. तस्मात् " तस्यास् " G. तस्य तयोस् तेषाम् " तयोस् तासाम् L. तस्मिन् तेषु तस्याम् " तासु is made almost entirely by the genitive case, not by a derivative possessive adjective. But often the unemphatic possessive pronoun of the English is omitted in Sanskrit. Lesson XIX. 79 N. Sing. तद् الد A. " " I. तेन Dual. Neuter: Plural. aufa ATHITA " etc., as in the masculine. 229. The nom. sing. masc. Ħ, and its compound qч¤, lose their final before any consonant; before vowels, and at the end of a sentence, they follow the usual euphonic rules. Thus, A A- æfa, & fagfa; a zœfa; à sefa; ræfa A:. 230. The third personal pronoun is used oftenest as a weak or indefinite demonstrative, especially as antecedent to a relative; and often like the English "definite article.' 231. Like are declined: (a) Ta, 'this', formed by prefixing to the forms of, throughout; thus, nom. sing. m. H, f. T&T, n. var; (b) the relative pronoun (and adj.), 'which, who'; (c) comparatives and superlatives from pronominal roots, such as, which (of the two)?' and 'which (of the many)?' So यतर and यतम; एकतम 'one of many'; अन्य 'other', with its comparative at; and at ‘different'. — Yet other words are अन्यतर; इतर so inflected, but with instead of in nom.-acc.-voc. sing. neut. : as, सर्व, विश्व, 'all'; एक 'one', in pl. 'some' ; उभय, f. °यी (only sing. and pl.), 'both'. 232. The interrogative pronoun (for which the Hindus give the base as fa) follows precisely the declension of a, except nom.-acc. sing. neut. fa; nom. sing. m. , f. l. 233. A number of words follow the pronominal declension in some of their significations, or optionally; but in other senses, or without known rule, lapse into the adjective inflection. Such are comparatives and superlatives from prepositional stems, as 'lower', अधम ' lowest'; पर 'chief', पूर्व ' earlier', उत्तर 'upper', 80 Lesson XIX. 'northern', a 'southern', etc. Occasional forms of the pro- nominal declension are met with from numeral adjectives, and from other words having somewhat of a numeral character, as 'few', 'half', etc. 234. Peculiarities in the use of relative pronouns, etc. The Sanskrit often puts the relative clause before the antecedent clause, and inserts the substantive to which the relative refers into the same clause with the relative, instead of leaving it in the antecedent clause. In translating into Sanskrit, a relative clause is to be placed either before or after or after the whole antecedent clause; but not inserted into the antecedent clause, as is done in English. Thus, "the mountain which we saw yesterday is very high" would be in Sanskrit either : यं पर्वतं वयं ह्यो ऽपश्याम सो ऽतीव तुङ्गः, or: स पर्वतो ऽतीव तुङ्गो यं ह्यो ऽपश्याम; but not स पर्वतो यं वयं ह्यो ऽपश्याम, etc., according to the English idiom. 235. The relative word may stand anywhere in its clause; thus, faa afzai à : “the gods whose chief is Çiva”. Sometimes relative or demonstrative adverbs are used as equivalents of certain case-forms of relative or demonstrative pronouns; thus, यत्र वने = यस्मिन्वने. 236. The repetition of the relative gives an indefinite meaning: 'whosoever, whatever'. The same result is much more commonly attained by adding to the relative the interrogative pronoun, with (or, less usually, without) one of the particles, 7, faz, afa, . Sometimes the interrogative alone is used with these particles in a similar sense. Thus; yuq yufa “whatever this woman relates"; E HIJ: ETA “whatever any one's disposition may यो यस्य भावः स्यात् be"; यस्मै कस्मै चिद्यच्छति “he gives to some one or other'; यस्मात्क- स्माच्चिन्न लभते “he takes from no one whatever". Lesson XIX. 81 Verbs: Vocabulary XIX. TH sit; in caus. (asáyati) place. 1 drink; in caus. (payáyati) give to drink, water. 2 protect; in caus. (palayati) protect. say, speak; name; in caus. (vācáyati) make (a written leaf) speak, i. e. read. (sáhate) endure. f (sidhyati) succeed; in caus. (sadháyati) perform, acquire. rejoice; in caus. (priņáyati) kill; caus. (ghatáyati) have make rejoice, please. killed. fear; in caus. (bhiṣayate, bhāyd-call; in caus. (hvāyāyati) have yate) terrify, frighten. called. Subst.: n., business, concern. chu m., n. pr., a god. कौसल्या f., n. pr. fa f., gait; refuge. m., n., foot, leg. n., umbrella. n., milk. E m., companion, helper. Adj.: अन्य other. इतर other. विश्व all (Vedic). सर्व all. स्वादु sweet. Indecl.: at f., n. pr., Kṛṣṇa's mother. fu also, even. yeat f., earth. , as prefix to proper names, has the meaning 'famous', 'ho- fa without (w. instr. or acc.; often postpos.). norable'. Exercise XIX. ugiŷa faar âa anë fanfu faufa i एकेन चरणेनापि गतिः कस्य प्रवर्तते ॥ ७ ॥ nfu afu a funcì fay7: 191 7: yfudi uraufa a 41- र्थिव उच्यते।२। कस्यै देव्यै स्तोत्रं रचयेम।३। गुरुर्युष्मानाह्वाययत् । ४ । Perry, Sanskrit Primer. í 6 82 Lesson XIX. XX. I या अस्मान्दुग्धं पाययन्ति ता धेनूमा घातयत । ५। युष्मन्मम दुःखं भ- वति । ६ । साधवः पुण्यैः सह स्वर्ग लभन्ते न त्वितरे जनाः । ७ । वयमेत- त्पुस्तकं नेच्छामस्तदन्यस्मै कस्मैचिद्दीयताम् । ८ । त्वदन्यो* न को ऽप्य- स्माभिः शस्यते । ९ । या देवकी वसुदेवस्य पत्न्यभवत्तस्यां कृष्णो ऽजा- यत । १० । तव पित्रा सह नगयी आगच्छाम । ११ । यूयं पितृश्राद्धैः प्रीणयथ वयं जलेन । १२ । विश्वे देवास्त्वा पालयन्तु । १३ । अन्येषां का- व्यैरेष कविः कीर्तिमसाधयत् ॥ १४ ॥ 1 4 15. The husband of that' (gen.) Kausalyā 2 (loc.), of whom t (loc. fem.) Rāma was born, is called s Daçaratha 7. 16. The teacher 1 rejoices' at thy' diligence 2 (abl.). 17. Why (कस्मात् ) speakest thou so? 18. Others than we could not endure this suffering. 19. The teacher teaches us holy-writ and the law-books. 20. May all³ those' kings' who protect their subjects” according to t (अनु, post- pos.) the law' (acc. ) be victorious. 21. The fruits of all these trees are sweet. 22. May the glory of all women, who honor their husbands, increase (imv.). 23. In this kingdom the king's punishment terrifies the wicked. 24. Which of the two fruits do ye wish ? 25. My father had gold given to me, cows to thee, to the other brother nothing. Lesson XX. 237. Declension of Stems in Consonants. All noun - stems in consonants may well be classed together, since the peculiarities shown by some concern only the stems themselves, and not the endings. Masculines and feminines of the same final are inflected precisely alike; and neuters are peculiar (as usually in the other “Other than thou". With अन्य, as with comparatives, the ablative is used. ** “Makes us read” (अधि-दू, caus. ) . Lesson XX. 83 declensions) only in the nom.-acc.-voc. of all numbers. But the majority of consonantal stems form a special feminine stem by adding (never) to the weak form of the masculine. 238. Variations, as between stronger and weaker forms, are very general in consonantal stems: either of strong and weak stems, or of strong, middle, and weakest. The endings are throughout the normal ones (Introd., § 90). 239. The general law concerning final consonants is as follows: 1. The more usual etymological finals are, J, A, 7, a, क्, प्, ट्; sporadic are ङ्, ल, ण् as finals. 2. In general, only one consonant, of whatever kind, is allow- ed to stand at the end of a word; if two or more would etymo- logically occur there, the last is dropped, and again the last, until but one remains. 3. Of the non-nasal mutes, only the first in each series, the non-aspirate surd, is allowed as final; the others surd asp., and both sonants are regularly converted into this, wherever they would etymologically occur. 4. A final palatal, or, becomes either, or (less often) ; but in a very few cases (where it represents original ) be- ह् comes • 240. According to 239. 2, the of the nom. sing., m. and f., is always lost; and irregularities of treatment of the stem-final, in this case, are not infrequent. 241. Before the pada-endings, HT, FHA, WH and Y, a stem- final is treated as in external combination. 242. An aspirate mute is changed to its corresponding non- aspirate before another non-nasal mute or a sibilant; it stands unaltered only before a vowel or semivowel or nasal. Hence such a mute is doubled by prefixing its own corresponding non-aspirate. 243. Consonant-stems of one form in 7, 7, & and H. Be- Y 6* 84 Lesson XX. } fore suffixal, both and as stem-finals become ; as stem-final becomes ब्. Examples: मरुत् m., ' wind'; आपद् f., 'misfortune' ; जगत् n., ' the world'. Sing. N.V. मरुत् । आपत् । जगत् ॥ A. मरुतम् । आपदम् । जगत् ॥ I. D. मरुता । आपदा | जगता ॥ मरुते । आपदे । जगते ॥ 1 Ab. मरुतस् । आपदस्। जगतस् ॥ G. " L. । ॥ मरुति | आपदि । जगति || Plural. मरुतस् । आपदस् । जगन्ति ॥ " मरुद्भिस् । आपद्भिस् । जगद्भिस | मरुद्भ्यस् । आपद्भ्यस् । जगद्भ्यस् ॥ " " मरुताम् । आपदाम् | जगताम् ॥ मरुत्सु । आपत्सु । जगत्सु ॥ Dual. N.A. V. मरुतौ । आपदौ । जगती ॥ I.D.Ab. मरुद्भ्याम् । आपद्भ्याम् । जगद्भ्याम् ॥ G.L. मरुतोस् । आपदोस् । जगतोस् ॥ For the न् inserted in nom. acc. pl. neuter, cf. phalāni, ma- dhūni, etc. 244. In a few roots, when a final sonant aspirate (घ्, घ्, भ्; also हु, representing घ्) loses its aspiration according to 88 239. 3, 242, the initial sonant consonant (ग्, द्, or ब्) becomes aspirate; thus, बुध्, nom. voc. sing. भुत्; भुझस्, भुत्सु. 245. Agreement of adjectives. If the same adjective qualify two or more substantives, it will be used in their combined number; if the substantives are masculine and feminine, the adj. will be masc.; but in a combination of masc. or fem. subjects with neuter, the adjective will be neuter. Lesson XX. 85 Verbs: Vocabulary XX. रुह grow; caus. rohayati or ro- páyati) make rise or grow; plant. लभ्, in caus. (lambhayati*) make receive or take ; give. Subst. शत n., a hundred. उपनिषद् f., name of certain Vedic | शरद् f., autumn ; year. writings. समिध् f., fagot. उपवीत n., sacred cord (worn by सरित् f. river. the three higher castes). तडित् f., lightning. दृषद् f., stone. निर्वृति f. contentment, happiness. पोषक m., supporter, maintainer. भूभृत् m., king; mountain. सुहृद m., friend. Adj.: कुशल, f, skilled, learned. त्रिवृत् m., f., n., threefold, triple. दुर्लभ, f. ०, hard to find or reach; difficult. मरुत् m., wind; as pl., n. pr., भक्त, f. o, devoted, true. the Storm-gods. वात m., wind. Indecl.: अपि also ; even. विश्वास m. trust, confidence. पश्चात् behind (w. gen.). वृत्र m., n. pr., a demon, Vxtra. Exercise XX. ते पुत्रा ये पितुर्भक्ताः स पिता यस्तु पोषकः । ** तन्मित्रं यत्र विश्वासः सा भार्याी यत्र निर्वृतिः ॥ ८ ॥ हे शिष्य समिधो वनादाहर । १ । उपनिषत्सु मुक्तमार्ग उपदि- श्यते । २ । आपदि सुहृदो ऽस्मान्मालयेयुः । ३ । विश्वस्यां भुवि पापा * If a nasal is ever taken in any of the strong forms of a root, it usually appears in the causal. ** See § 225; यत्र = यस्मिन् and यस्याम; see § 235, end. 86 Lesson XX. XXI. भूभृद्भिर्दण्ड्यन्ताम् । ४ । समिद्भिरमिं यजेत । ५ । पुण्येन जगती जयेः । ६ । त्वं जीव शरदः शतम् । ७ । भूभृत: (gen.) शिखरं वय- मारोहाम यूयमधस्तादतिष्ठत । ८ । काश्चित्सरितः समुद्रेण काश्चिद- न्याभिः सरिद्भिः संगच्छन्ते । ९ । रात्रौ तडिददृश्यत । १० । भक्ताः सुहृदो ऽस्मान्सुखं लम्भयन्ति । ११ । अश्रुभिनार्यो बालाश्च मनोरथा- न्साधयन्ति । १२ । शरदि कासुचित्सरित्सु पद्मानि दृश्यन्ते । १३ । 14. Indra, with the Maruts as his companions, killed Vṛtra. 15. Without a companion no one can perform a difficult business. 16. One (express in pl.) should plant trees on all the roads, for the sake of the shade. 17. Those friends who are true in misfortune are hard to find in the three worlds. 18. The girdle and the sacred cord of Aryans are to be made threefold (neut. dual). 19. Put ( caus.) this stone behind the fire. 20. The ocean is called by the poets the husband of rivers. 21. All subjects must be protected (imv.) by their kings. 22. Some of these Brahmans are learned in the Upanisads, others in the law-books. Lesson XXI. 246. Declension of Consonant-stems, cont'd. Stems in pala- tals, etc. 1. Final of a stem reverts to the original guttural when it comes to stand as word-final, and before the pada-endings, becoming when final, and before, and before . 2. Final ग् H. ज is oftenest treated exactly like च् for cases of other treat- ment, see below. 3. In the roots * दिश्, दृश् and स्पृश्, the श् πis treated in the same way. 4. The of becomes after ष् घ् after क्; * In classical Sanskrit not many root-stems are used as inde- pendent substantives; but they are frequently employed, with adjective or (present) participial value, as final element of a com- pound word. Lesson XXI. 87 thus, तु. E. g. वाच् f., 'speech, word'; रुज् f., ' illness' ; दिश् f., Plural. वाचस् । रुजस् । दिशस् ॥ " ' direction, point of the compass ' : Sing. N.V. वाक् । रुक् । दिक् ॥ A. वाचम् । रुजम् । दिशम् ॥ , I. वाचा । रुजा । दिशा ॥ L. वाचि । रुजि । दिशि ॥ 247. 1. Final वाग्भिस । रुग्भिस् । दिग्भिस | वाक्षु । रुतु । दिक्षु ॥ Dual. वाचौ । रुजौ । दिशौ ॥ वाग्भ्याम् । रुग्भ्याम् । दिग्भ्याम् ॥ वाचोस । रुजोस् । दिशोस ॥ of a stem regularly becomes the lingual mute (ड् or ट्) before भ् and सु, and when word-final. For exceptions, ee § 246, 3. 2. The final ज् of the root-stems राज्, ‘rule', यज्, ‘sacrifice', and सृज्, with others; and 3. the final हृ of a number of roots, are treated like श् above. Thus, द्विष् m., 'enemy'; विश् m. pl., 'people', the 'Vaiçya-caste'; fag m., f., (adj.) 'licking'. Sing. Plural. N.V. द्विट् । लिट् ॥ द्विषस् । विशस् । । लिहरु | A. द्विषम् | लिहम || I. द्विषा | लिहा ॥ L. द्विषि । लिहि ॥ " द्विभिस् । विभिस् । लिभिस् ॥ द्विट्सु । विट्सु । लिट्सु ॥ Dual. द्विषौ । लिहौ || द्विड्भ्याम् । लिड्भ्याम् ॥ द्विषोस । लिहोस् ॥ 248. But ऋत्विज् m., ' priest', though containing the root यज्, 88 Lesson XXI. makes etc.; and f., 'garland', though containing / सृज, makes स्रक् etc. दुह्, • 249. 1. Nouns having the roots, 'burn', and , 'milk', द्रुह् 'be hostile', with others, as final element, and also fu f. (name of a certain metre), change the final into and Thus, 18, wood-burning', makes nom. - voc. sing. ; HAZE f., ‘granting wishes', nom.-voc. sing., acc. •ZEA, loc. pl. ; friend-betraying,' nom.-voc.-sing, fЯ- etc. 2. In words with, 'bind,' as final element, where ह् represents original घ्, the ह् becomes द् and त्; thus, उपानह् f., 'shoe, sandal,' nom.-voc. sing. acc., instr. du. •नयाम्, loc. pl. • नत्सु. Verbs: Vocabulary XXI. Z in caus. (damáyati) tame; compel. धृ (drúhyati) be hostile; offend. in caus. (dharáyati) bear. ✈ (bhárati, -te) bear, support (lit. and fig.). } सृज् + उद् (utsrjäti) let loose or out; raise (the voice). +f(pariṣvájate*) embrace. + (prahárati) strike out; smite. Subst.: f., look, glance; eye. m. pl., n. pr., a people in fam., enemy. India. at m., tears. ऋच् f., verse of the Rigveda ; in मधुलिह् m. bee. pl., the Rigveda. n., medicine. कौन्तेय 4 đam., nom. pr. म n., sweetness. f., sickness, disease. m., great king, emperor. and a few other roots, whose nasal is not constant throughout their inflection, lose it in the present-system. Lesson XXI. 89 सामन्त m. vassal. स्नातक m., one who has taken a certain ceremonial bath. नीरुज् (i. e. निस्- रुज् ) m. f. n., healthy, well. पथ्य, f. o, wholesome (gen. ) . स्वाध्याय m., private recitation (of बलिष्ठ, f. आा, strongest. sacred texts). Adj.: आक्रान्त f. ० ( pass. part. of क्रम् + अ ), attacked, smitten. आ), ईश्वर, f. o, rich. कामदुह् m. f. n., granting wishes; as f. subst., the Wonder-cow. रुद्ध, f. •आ (pass. part. of रुध ), besieged, surrounded; suffused. विद्विष्ट f. ० ( pass. part. of द्विष् + वि), hated, detested. वृद्ध, f. ° (part. of वृध् ), old. व्याधित, f. oा, sick, ill. समेत f. आ, provided with. Adv.: दक्षिण,f.०, right hand; southern. | कदाचन, कदाचित् कदापि, ever. Exercise XXI. दरिद्रान्भर कौन्तेय मा प्रयच्छेश्वरे धनम् । व्याधितस्यौषधं पथ्यं नीरुजस्तु किमौषधैः * ॥ ९ ॥ मरुतः सर्वभ्यो दिग्भ्यो ( abl.) वहन्ति ।१। सम्राजोऽपि राज्यं द्विभिर्व्यनाश्यत । २ । तव वातुं कालिदास माधुर्ये वर्तते । ३ । यदा दिशो दहन्ति तदा शिष्यान्नाध्यापयेत् । ४ । बाष्पै रुद्धाभ्यां दृग्भ्यां पिता पुत्रमैचत पर्यष्वजत च । । ऋत्विजां वाक् कामधुक् सा सर्वान्नराणां मनोरथान्पूरयति । ६ । सर्वासु दिक्षु द्विषो ऽदृश्यन्त । ७ । परिव्राजाचं नोत्सृजेत् । ८ । मित्रध्रुक् सर्वेषां विद्विष्टः । ९ । स्रग्भिरुपानयां समेताः शिष्या गुरुं नोपतिष्ठेरन् । १० । रुग्भिराक्रान्ता बहवो जना म्रियन्ते । ११ । दक्षिणस्यां दिशि कृष्णो ऽन्ध्राणां सम्राडभवत् । १२ । मधुलिभिरेष बा- लो ऽदश्यत ॥ १३ ॥ 14. In the private recitation of the Veda an ascetic must * किम (interrog.), with some other words expressing use or need, takes with it an instrumental of what is used or needed, and a genitive of the user. So here: "of what use to a well man are medicines''? 90 Lesson XXI. XXII. raise (opt. or imv.) his voice. 15. That one among the priests is called hotṛ, who recites the Rigveda. 16. A snātaka must wear shoes and a garland, and carry an umbrella. 17. "Among my friends Rāma is the strongest": thus spoke Rāvaṇa. 18. Let an emperor keep his vassals in check ( caus.), and protect (T caus.) the people in all the earth. 19. In the Rigveda occurs ( pass.) the Uṣṇih. 20. The father's glance fell upon me (loc.). 21. Among the betrayers-of-friends is named ( pass.) Vibhīṣaṇa. 22. The seer praises Indrāņī with verses of the Rig- veda. 23. The emperor smote his enemies (acc., dat., or loc.) with the sword. 24. In the battle Kṛṣṇa was killed by his en- emies. 25. "May our enemies be tormented by diseases": thus spoke the Brahman in anger (abl.). Lesson XXII. उर् 250. Declension of Stems in. The stems in दूर् and lengthen the vowel before consonant-endings, and in nom.- sing., and the of the nom. is lost. In the nom.-sing. the final then becomes (or visarga) under conditions requiring a surd as final (see § 95, 116). Thus, fx f., 'voice'; yg f., ‘city'. Plural. Singular. Dual. N.V. गीर् । पूर् first I get 11 गिरस् । पुरस् । A. गिरम् । पुरम् ॥ " " I. गिरा | पुरा ॥ ÂHÎTA | GHÊTA || गोर्भिस् । पूर्भिस् ॥ L. faft I gftll गिरोस् । पुरोस् ॥ गीर्षु । पूर्षु These are masc. 251. Stems in इन् [and in मिन् and विन्]. and neut. only; the corresponding feminine is made by adding ; thus, ft.* They lose their final before consonant-endings; * Almost any noun in may form a possesive derivative with Lesson XXII. 91 and also in the nom. sing., where the masc. lengthens the दू in compensation. Thus, धनिन् m., n., ‘rich’. Masculine. Neuter. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. धनी धनिनौ धनिनस् Singular. Dual. Plural. धनि धनिनी धनीनि A. धनिनम् I. धनिना धनिभ्याम् धनिभिस् L. धनिनि धनिनोस् धनिषु > V. धनिन् " 7 as in the masculine 252. Derivative stems in अस्, इस, उस्. The stems of this division are mostly neuter; but there are a few masculines and feminines. Their infection is nearly regular (for ओ, इर्, उर् be- foresee § 241; for the loc. pl., p. 27, bottom of page). Masc. [and fem.] stems in lengthen the in nom. sing.; and the nom.-acc. pl. neut. also lengthen oror before the inserted nasal (@nusvāra). Thus, मनस् n., 'mind'; हविस् n., 'oblation' ; धनुस् n., ' bow '. Singular. Dual. N.A. V. मनस् । हविस् । धनुस् ॥ मनसी । हविषी । धनुषी ॥ मनसा । हविषा । धनुषा ॥ मनोभ्याम् । हविर्भ्याम । धनुर्भ्याम् ॥ मनसि । हविषि । धनुषि ॥ मनसोस् । हविषोस् । धनुषोस् ॥ I. L. N.A. I. L. Plural. मनांसि । हवींषि । धनूंषि ॥ मनोभिस् । हविर्भिस् । धनुर्भिस् ॥ मनस्सु । हविष्षु । धनुष्षु ॥ or मनःसु | or हविःषु । or धनुःषु ॥ 253. अङ्गिरस् m. (name of certain mythical characters): nom. sing. अङ्गिरास्, acc. अङ्गिरसम्, instr. अङ्गिरसा, voc. अङ्गिरस; nom.-acc. pl. अङ्गिरसस्. the suffix इन्; thus, from बल n., ' strength', बलिन्, 'having strength, strong'. Stems in f and fa are very rare. 92 Lesson XXII. 254. Adjective compounds having nouns of this class as final member are very common. Thus, सुमनस् 'favorably-minded.' N. Singular. m. f. Dual. Plural. n. m. f. n. m. f. n. सुमनसौ नसी सुमनसस् ॰नांसि सुमनास् ॰नस् A. सुमनसम् ०नस् दीर्घायुस् ' long-lived’: Singular. R Dual. " " Plural. 6 N. दीर्घायुस दीर्घायुषी 'युषी दीर्घायुषस •यूंषि A. दीर्घायुषम् • युस " " I. दीर्घायुषा etc. दीर्घायुभ्याम् etc. दीर्घायुर्भिस् etc. Vocabulary XXil. Verb : सज् (sàjati; but often pass. : sajjäte for sajyáte) hang on, be fastened on (as thoughts w. loc.). Subst.: अप्सरस् f., heavenly nymph. उर्वशी f., n. pr., an Apsaras, Ur - vaçi. क्षितिप m., king. गिर् f., voice; song. चक्षुस् n., eye. चन्द्रमस् m., moon. चार m. spy. पुर् f., city. पुरूरवस् m., n. pr., Purūravas. प्राणिन् m., ( living) creature. भरतखण्ड m., n., pr., India. मनस् n., mind. मन्त्रिन् m., minister (of state). धनुस् n., bow. नाली f. pipe, conduit. पयस् n. milk. ज्या f. bowstring. यजुस् n., sacrificial formula, text. ज्योतिस् n., light; star; heavenly | यशस् n., glory, fame. body. तडाग m., pond. द्वार f., door, gate. वणिज् m. merchant. वयस् n., age. सुमनस् f. flower. Lesson XXII. 93 सूर्य m., sun. asceticism; as m. subst., ascetic. स्थान n., place, spot, locality; तेजस्विन् courageous. stead. स्वामिन् m., possessor, lord. हविस् n., oblation. Adj.: आकृष्ट, o f. ° (part. of कृष् +आ), drawn, bent (as a bow ). प्रथम, f. oत्रा, first. मृत f. o (part of मृ), dead, fallen. स्थित f. ० ( part of स्था), , standing. Indecl.: तपस्विन् suffering, doing acts of वै to be sure, in sooth. Exercise XXII. गन्धेन गावः पश्यन्ति वेदैः पश्यन्ति वै द्विजाः । चारैः पश्यन्ति क्षितिपाश्चक्षुर्म्यामितरे जनाः ॥ १० ॥ आ कर्णमाकृष्टेन धनुषा द्विट्सु शरान्मुञ्चन्ति क्षत्रियाः |१| सूर्यश्च चन्द्रमाश्च जगतो ज्योतिषी । २ । धनी वणिग्द्वारि स्थितेभ्य स्तपस्विभ्यो वसु दापयेत् । ३ । यज्ञेषु य ऋत्विजो यजूंषि पठन्ति ते ऽध्वर्यव उच्च- न्ते । ४ । विश्वस्या भुवः सम्राट् पुरूरवा उर्वशीमप्सरसं पर्यण्यत्तस्यां च पुत्रो ऽजायत । ५ । कामस्य धनुषि ज्यायाः स्थाने ऽलयः शराणां स्थाने सुमनसस्तिष्ठन्ति । ६ । प्राणिनां मनांसि जीविते सजन्ति । ७ । पुरि वारि तडागान्नाल्या पार्थिवो ऽनाययत् । ८ । मन्त्रिणः स्वामिने क- दापि न द्रुह्येयुः । ९ । एतस्या धेन्वाः पयो बालान्पितरावपायय- ताम् । १० । 11. Raise ye the voice in praise (dat.) of Hari. 12. In the cities of India dwell rich merchants and courageous warriors. 13. The praise of Purūravas was sung by Kalidasa. 14. The king gave orders (आ-ज्ञा caus.) to have his minister called (use or recta ). 15. The minds of ascetics must not dwell (सअ ) on riches (श्री, loc. sing.). 16. At night the moon gives light to all creatures. 17. One should sacrifice to the gods (of यज् in Voc. 1) flowers, fruits, and milk, not living creatures. 18. The Apsarases lead into Heaven warriors fallen in battle. 19. In age (instr.), not in knowledge, 94 Lesson XXII. XXIII. Çiva is the eldest among his brothers (loc., gen.). 20. The gods live by the oblation. 21. A merchant wishes wealth (श्री), a warrior fame, an ascetic deliverance. 22. The woman's eyes are suffused with tears. Lesson XXIII. 255. Declension. Comparative Adjectives. Comparative ad- jectives of primary formation have a double form of stem for mas- culine and neuter : a stronger in यांस (usually ईयांस), in the strong cases, and a weaker in यस ( usually ईयस् ), there being no distinction of middle and weakest cases. The ends in . The feminine-stem is made with stem-form. Thus, श्रेयांस, 'better ': Masculine. voc. sing. masc. from the weak Neuter. Sing. Dual. Plural. Sing. Dual. Plural. N.V. श्रेयस श्रेयसी श्रेयांसि • N. श्रेयान् श्रेयांसौ श्रेयांसस् A. श्रेयांसम् 7 श्रेयसस् I. श्रेयसा श्रेयोभ्याम् श्रेयोभिस् I. श्रेयसि श्रेयसोस् श्रेयस्तु यः सु v. श्रेयन् ॰यःसु Fem. stem. श्रेयसी, declined like नदी. " like the masculine. " 256. Stems in अन्त् (or अत्) fall into two divisions: A those made with the suffix अन्त् (अत्), being, with few exceptions, active participles, present and future ; and B. those made with the pos- sessive suffixes मन्त् (or मत्) and वन्त् (or वत्). They are masc. and neuter only, the fem. being formed with ई. 257. A. Participles in अन्त् (or अत् ). Eg. जीवन्त् m., n., 'living.' Lesson XXIII. 95 Masculine. Sing. N. V. जीवन जीवन्तौ जीवन्तौ जीवन्तस A. जीवन्तम् Neuter. Dual. Plural. Sing. Dual. Plural. जीवत् जीवन्ती जीवन्ति जीवतस् " " I. जीवता जीवद्भ्याम् जीवद्भिस् as in masculine. L. जीवति जीवतोस जीवत्सु 258. The strong form of these participles is obtained, me - chanically, by cutting off the final from the 3rd pl. pres. (or fut.) ind. act. ; thus, नयन्ति gives strong form of pres. act. part. नयन्त्, weak नयत् ; तिष्ठन्ति तिष्ठन्त् and तिष्ठत् ; - नह्यन्ति, नह्यन्त् and नह्यत् ; दण्डयन्ति, दण्डयन्त् and दण्डयत् ; ( fut.), भविष्यन्त् and भविष्यत्. भविष्यन्ति 259. But those verbs which in the 3rd pl. act. lose the न् of the usual f (as e. g. the verbs following the reduplicating class in the present-system), lose it also in the present participle, and have no distinction of strong and weak stem. Thus, from / ऊ, 3rd pl. pres. ind. act. जुहूति, part. (only stem-form) जुहूत् : nom. - voc. sing. masc. जुहूत्, acc. जुहूतम् ; nom -voc. acc. du. जुहूतौ, pl. जुहूतस् ; nom. voc. acc. sing. neut. जुहूत्, du. जुहूती, pl. जुहूति. 260. Only the present participles of verbs of the a-class, the ya-class, and causatives, invariably insert in nom.-voc.-acc. du. neut. Present participles of the d-class, of the root-class when the root ends in, and all future participles, may either take or reject it; thus, neut. sing. किरत्, du. किरती or किरन्ती; करिष्यत् ( fut. ), du. करिष्यती or करिष्यन्ती; यात् (pres. part. from या, 'go'), du. याती or यान्ती. Participles of all other verbs, and all other stems in अत्, leave out the न् in the du. neut.; thus, अदत् (अद् 'eat', root-class), du. अदती. · 261. The adj. महन्त्, 'great', takes in strong cases the stem- The grammarians, however, allow these verbs to insert the in the nom.-voc.-acc. pl. neuter of the present participle. 96 Lesson XXIII. form महान्त: nom. sing. masc. महान् (see $ 239, 2), acc. महान्तम्, voc. महन् ; du. neut. महती, pl. महान्ति Otherwise the infection is like that of participles. 262. The feminine of participles and adjectives in (or ) is always made with, and the form is always identical with the nom. dual neuter. Verbs; f(nindati) blame. (rájate) shine; rule. Vocabulary XXIII. Nouns (subst. and adj.): आदित्य m., sun. गरीयांस i (comp.) very honorable. a (pr. part. of TT) giving. प्रकाशिन् f. oनी, bright, glistening; (act.) illuminating. भूत, f. •; become (past. pass. part. of ); as neut. subst., being, creature. +(apasárati) go away; in caus. (apasarayati) drive away. m., calf. better, best; as neut. subst., salvation. सन्त (neut. सत्) being, existing; as masc. subst., good man; as fem. (H), faithful wife.* Adv.: to-morrow. fa surely, indeed. Exercise XXIII. सन्तो ऽपि ** न हि राजन्ते दरिद्रस्येतरे गुणाः । आदित्य इव भूतानां श्रीर्गुणानां प्रकाशिनी ॥ ११ ॥ तिष्ठन्तं गुरुं शिष्यो ऽनुतिष्ठेद्गच्छन्तमनुगच्छेद्धावन्तमनुधावेत् *** 191 गरीयसः (acc. pl.) श्रेयसे पूजयेत् । २ । धनिनस्तपस्विभ्यो धनं ददतः Especially a widow who immolates herself on the funeral- pile of her husband; whence Anglo-Indian suttee. **Even though they exist". *** अनु in composition often conveys the idea of imitation. Lesson XXIII. XXIV. 97 शस्यन्ते । ३ । स्निह्यन्तीं भार्या त्यजन्निन्द्यते । ४ । जीवतः पुत्रस्य मुखं पश्यन्तौ पितरौ तुष्यतः । ५ । भ्रात्रो (gen. du.) रामो यशसा गरी- यान् । ६ । एतेषां वणिजां धनानि महान्ति वर्तन्ते । ७ । कुप्यते मा कुप्यत । ८ । उद्याने पतयो विहगेभ्यो धान्यं किरतीः कन्या अपश्यम् । ९ । पित्रोर्जीवतोभ्रातरः स्वसारश्च तयोर्धनस्य स्वामिनो न भवेयुः । १० । धेनुं धयन्तं वत्सं मापसारय । ११ । गुरुषु पिताचार्यो माता च गरी- । यांसः । १२ । त्वयि जीवति सुखेन वयं जीवामः ॥ १३ ॥ 14. We blame the driver who strikes (part.) the horses. 15. The king who punishes (part.) the bad and gives (part.) food to the good is praised. 16. The warrior who conquers (part.) in battle attains great fame. 17. Among the heavenly bodies the sun and moon are the two great ones. 18. In the field I saw birds flying. 19. He who lives (part.) to-day is dead to-morrow. 20. The word of the good must be followed (done). 21. Dwell among good men. 22. A maiden, making (सृज् ) garlands, sits on a stone. 23. A hus- band shall punish a wife who steals (part.) his property. 24. The child (gen.) was afraid (use subst., no copula) of the bees (abl.) Bying about (भ्रम्) in the house. Lesson XXIV. 263. Declension. Stems in अन्त् (or अत्), contd. B. Stems in मन्त् ( मत्) and वन्त् (वत्) Adjectives formed with these suffixes are possessives. They are declined precisely alike*; and differ in inflection from the participles in only by lengthening the in the nom. sing. masc. The feminine is made in ई; thus, श्री- मती. In the dual neut. न् is never inserted. Thus, श्रीमन्त्, ‘rich’, ‘celebrated: ' * The two adjectives इयन्त्, ' so great ', ' so many', and कि- यन्त्, ‘how great? ' ' how many?' are similarly declined. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 7 98 Lesson XXIV. Masculine. Singular. Dual. Neuter. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. श्रीमान् श्रीमन्तौ श्रीमन्तस् NV. श्रीमत् श्रीमती श्रीमन्ति A. श्रीमन्तम् " श्रीमतस् I. श्रीमता श्रीमद्भ्याम् श्रीमद्भिस् " " " as in the masculine. L. श्रीमति श्रीमतोस् श्रीमत्सु V. श्रीमन् 264. A stem भवन्त् * (to be carefully distinguished from भवन्त्, pres. part. act. of ) is frequently used in respectful address as a substitute for the pronoun of the second person. It is con- strued with the verb in the third person. Its nom. sing. masc. is भवान् (fem. भवती ); and भोस्, the contracted form of its older voc. Han, is a common exclamation of address: "you, sir!", "ho, there!"; and is often doubled. ** 265. Derivative stems in. These are made by the suffixes I, HI, and q, and are, with one or two exceptions, masc. and neut. only. The stem has a triple form. In the strong cases of the masc. the vowel of the suffix is lengthened to T, in the weakest cases it is in general dropped; in the middle cases the finalis dropped, and it is also lost in the nom. sing. of all genders.. In the neuter, the nom.-acc. pl., as being strong cases, lengthen the vowel of the suffix; the same cases in the dual (as weakest cases) lose - but this only optionally. After the or व् of मन् and वन्, when these are preceded by a consonant, the is retained in all the weakest cases, to avoid too great an accumulation of consonants. Examples: m., 'king'; n., 'name'; m., 'soul, self';n., 'devotion'. * Probably contracted from blessed'. ** loses its final before all vowels and all sonant con- sonants; thus, it at . Lesson XXIV. 99 Masculine. Neuter. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. N. राजा राजानौ राजानस् नाम Dual. Plural. नामनी नामानि or नाम्नी A. राजानम् " राज्ञस् R I. राज्ञा* राजभ्याम् राजभिस् नाम्ना L. राजनि राज्ञोस् राजसु or राज्ञि " " नामभ्याम् नामभिस नामनि नाम्नोस् नामसु or नाम्नि नामन् or नाम ब्रह्मणी ब्रह्माणि v. राजन् N. आत्मा आत्मानौ आत्मानस् ब्रह्म A. आत्मानम् " आत्मनस् " I. आत्मना आत्मभ्याम् आत्मभिस् V. आत्मन् ब्रह्मणा ब्रह्मन् or ब्रह्म 7 " ब्रह्मभ्याम् ब्रह्मभिस् 266. Euphonic rules. Final क्, ट् and प् remain unaltered be- fore initial surd consonants; before sonants, whether vowel or con- sonant, they become respectively ग्, ड्, ब्. Before nasals they may be still further assimilated, becoming the nasals ङ्, ण, म्. Thus, परिव्राट् न becomes either परित्रान or परित्राणः सम्यक् न becomes सम्यग्न or सम्यङ्क. The latter method is much more usual. 267. Before initial a final mute is made sonant; and then the may either remain unchanged, or be converted into the so- nant aspirate corresponding to the preceding letter; thus, either सम्यग्हस्तः or सम्यग्घस्तः; either तस्माद् हस्तात् or तस्माद्धस्तात्. In practice the latter method is almost invariably followed. * When a dental mute comes in contact with a lingual or pa- latal mute or sibilant, the dental is usually assimilated, becoming lingual or palatal respectively. Thus, tisthati from ti-stha-ti; rājñā instead of rājna. 7* Uor M 100 Lesson XXIV. Vocabulary XXIV. Verbs: वर्णय ( denom. varņȧyati) de- छिद् + अव cut off. scribe, portray. Hin caus. (mārjáyati) rub, rub fa in caus. (udvejáyati) off, polish. Subst.: m., soul, self; often as sim- ple reflexive pronoun; in geni- tive, his, etc.; one's own. n., deed; ceremony; fate. n., hide, skin; leather. Hn., birth. n., bank, shore. fagų f., name of a metre. faɩ n., day. n., temple. m., hell. पक्षिन् ufa m., bird. Tn., pot, vessel. (bráhman) n., devotion; sacred word (of God); sacred knowledge; the world-spirit. terrify. f., border, boundary; out- skirts. m., slayer, killer. Adj.: long-lived (often used in respectful address). so great, so much (263). fa how great? how much? ч, f., poor; niggardly. कृपण, so much, so many. fantu, f. •I, second. प्रियकर्मन् kind. प्रियवाच् saying pleasant things, sociable. strong, mighty. f., honorable; blessed. H shining, brilliant. ब्रह्मन् (brahmin a personifi- fï¬ shrewd, prudent. cation of the preceding) m., the supreme All-Soul, the creator., f. •, harsh, rough. how much, as many. H n., ashes. afa m., ascetic. m., king. लोमन् n., hair. au n., year. fay, f. orat, pervading, far- reaching; omnipresent; mighty. हत, f. o (pass. part. of हन्) killed. Adv.: समागम m., meeting, encounter. प्रायेण commonly. Lesson XXIV. 101 Exercise XXIV. नोद्वेजयेज्जगद्वाचा रूक्षया प्रियवाग्भवेत् । प्रायेण प्रियकर्मा यः कृपणो ऽपि हि सेव्यते ॥ १२ ॥ यावन्ति हतस्य पशोश्चर्मणि लोमानि विद्यन्ते तावन्ति वर्षाणि हन्ता नरके वसेत् । १ । भृत्या बलवन्तं राजानमायुष्मन्निति वदन्तु । २ । भा- स्वन्तं सूर्य दिने दिने द्विजातयः पूजयन्तु । ३ । कियतो मासान्भवान्का- श्यां न्यवसत् । ४ । के चिद्यतयो भस्मना शरीरं मार्जयन्ति । ५ । कर्म बलवदिति मतिमतो दरिद्रान्पश्यतो (gen.) मे मतिः । ६ । त्वयि राज्ञि तिष्ठत्यस्माकं सर्वासां च प्रजानां सुखं न विनश्येत् । ७ । एकस्मिञ्जन्मनि ये शूद्रा अजायन्त त आत्मनां धर्मन्सम्यगनुतिष्ठन्तो द्वितीये जन्मनि द्विजातयो भवेयुः । ८ । ग्रामे परित्राण तिष्ठेद्वने परिभ्रमन्ब्रह्म ध्या- येत् । ९ । एतस्यां पुरि श्रीमतो राज्ञोः समागमो ऽजायत । १० । ब्रह्मा जगतः स्रष्टा वेदेषु श्रूयते । ११ । यान्पक्षिणो वनस्य सीमनि वृक्षादुत्प- ततो ऽपश्यत ते सर्वे मया भ्रात्रा च पाशैर्जीवन्त एवाबध्यन्त मात्रा चास्म- भ्यमपच्यन्त ॥ १२ ॥ 13. Brāhmans have their shoes made (use कॄ caus.) of leather (instr.) or wood. 14. A temple of blessed Visnu stands in the outskirts of this village, on the bank of the river. 15. Let him rub off the vessels diligently with ashes (pl.). 16. The servants announced to the king that the two celebrated poets were coming (use or. recta with इति). 17. O children (du.), tell me your (आत्मन्, gen. du. ) names. 18. The world-spirit is described in many Upanisads. 19. It is said by the seers that the world- spirit is omnipresent (use or. recta). 20. That part of the world-spirit, which is encompassed by the body, is called the soul of man (cf. § 234). 21. Candragupta was the mighty emperor of the whole earth. 22. All the mighty warriors who fought in Krsna's army were killed in battle by the enemy. 23. In the Rigveda (ऋच् pl.) occurs (विद् pass. ) also the Tristubh. 24. The king of Pataliputra is by birth a Çūdra; let him not marry the beautiful daughter of the ascetic Mitrātithi. 102 Lesson XXV. Lesson XXV. • 268. Declension. Perfect Active Participles in वांस The active participles of the perfect tense-system are quite peculiar as regards the modifications of the stem. In the strong cases the suffix is ai¤, which becomes in the voc. sing. in the nom. sing. masc., and In the weakest cases the suffix is shortened to is contracted into ; and in the middle cases it is changed to वत्. A union vowel द्दू, if present in the strong and middle cases, disappears before in the weakest. Radical and, if preceded उष् टू by one consonant, become before, but if preceded by more than one consonant, become ; whereas radical always be- comes उव् before उष्, and radical ॠ, र्. Thus, निनीवांस्, नि- न्युष्; शुश्रुवांस्, शुश्रुवुष्; चकृवांस, चक्रुष्. The feminine stem is formed with ई from the weakest stem-form; thus, निन्युषी. Examples: 1. विद्वांस ' knowing': Masculine. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. विद्वान् विद्वांसौ विद्वांसस् विद्वांसस् " विदुषस् A. विद्वांसम् 1. विदुषा विद्वयाम् विद्वद्भिस् L. विदुषि विदुषोस् विद्वत्सु v. विद्वन् 2. जग्मिवांस 'having gone' * : Neuter. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. V. विद्वत् विदुषी विद्वांसि " as in the masculine. * Another form of perf. part. of this verb ( गम् ) makes the strong and middle stems जगन्वांस and जगन्वत्; the weakest form is as above, जग्मुष्. Lesson XXV. 103 Masculine. Neuter. Singular. Dual. Plural. Singular. Dual. Plural. N. जग्मिवान् जग्मिवांसी 'वांसस् जग्मिवत् जग्मुषी जग्मिवांसि " A. जग्मिवांसम् " जग्मुषस् " I. जग्मुषा •वद्भ्याम् ॰वद्भिस as in the masculine L. जग्मुषि जग्मुषोस् जग्मिवत्सु V. जग्मिवन् 269. Stems श्वन्, युवन्. The stems श्वन् m., 'dog', and युवन् m., n., ' young', have as weakest stems शुन् and यून् ; in the strong and middle cases they follow राजन् ; voc. श्वन्, युवन्. Fem. सुनी and युवति. 270. The stem मघवन् m., ' generous' (in the later language almost exclusively a name of Indra), has as strong stem मघवान्, mid. •व, weakest मघोन्. Nom. sing. मघवा, voc. •वन्. Fem. मघोनी. 271. The stem अहन् n., ' day', is used only in the strong and weakest cases, the middle, with the nom. sing., coming from अहर् or अहस्. Thus : Singular. Dual. Plural. N.A.V. अहर् (°स) अहनी or अही अहानि I. अहूा अहोभ्याम् अहोभिस् L. अहनि or अहि अहोस् अहस्सु or अहःसु 272. Compounds with / अच् or अञ्च् . The adjectives formed from this root with prepositions and other words are quite irregular. Some of them have only two stem-forms: a strong in and a अञ्च् weak in अच्; while others distinguish from the middle in अच् a weakest stem in, before which the is contracted with a pre- ceding इ (य्) or उ (व्) into ई or ऊ. The fem. is made with ई from the weakest (or weak) stem; thus, विषूची. The principal stems of this sort are as follows: 104 Lesson XXV. Strong. Middle. Weak (weakest ). प्राञ्च् ‘forward', 'eastward' प्राञ्च् प्राच् अवाञ्च् ‘downward' अवाञ्च् अवाच् उदञ्च् ‘northward' उदच्च् उदच् उदीच्* प्रत्यञ्च् ‘backward’,'westward' प्रत्यञ्च प्रत्यच् प्रतीच् न्यञ्च् ‘low’ न्यञ्च् न्यच् नीच् अन्वञ्च् ‘following' अन्वञ्च् अन्वच् अनूच् तिर्यञ्च् ‘going horizontally' तिर्यञ्च् तिर्यच् तिरच् ** Vocabulary XXv. Verbs: गम् + अस्तम् (astangdcchati) go 66 down, set (lit'ly " go home " used of the heavenly bodies). Subst.: गौरव n., weight; dignity. जगत् n., that which lives. तक्षशिला f., n. pr., a city (Taxila) in India. तिर्यञ्च् m., n., animal. त्वष्टृ m., n. pr., a god, Tvastar परिषद् f. assembly. + उद् (udgácchati) rise. स्पृह् (sprhdyati) desire (dat.). श्रम m., pains, trouble. सिंह m., lion. स्नान n., bathing, bath. हरिण m. gazelle. Adj.: अधीत, f., o, learned, studied. | तस्थिवांस having stood; as n. subst., the immovable. भृगुकच्छ n., Baroch (a holy place त्रिशीर्षन् three-headed. in India). मघवन् m., Indra. युवन् m., n., young; f . युवति. विपाक m., ripening; recompense. ** दष्ट f. ०, ( part of दंश् ) bitten. वनवासिन् forest-dwelling. विद्वांस knowing, wise, learned. द् inserted, irregularly, in weakest forms only. irregular (तिरस् + अच्). Lesson XXV. XXVI. 105 । Exercise XXV. विद्वान्प्रशस्यते लोके विद्वान्गच्छति गौरवम् । विद्यया लभ्यते सर्व विद्या सर्वत्र पूज्यते ॥ १३ ॥ 1 प्राच्यां दिशि ज्योतींष्युद्गच्छन्ति प्रतीच्यामस्तंगच्छन्ति । १ । विद्वद्भि- रेव विदुषां श्रमो ज्ञायते । २ । त्वष्टुस्त्रिशीर्षीणं पुत्रं मघवामारयत् । ३ । अहनी एव क्षत्रियावयुध्येताम् । ४ । शुना दष्टो द्विजातिः स्नानमा- चरेत् । ५ । काश्या आजग्मुषो भ्रातृनपश्याम । ६ । येन वेदा अधीतास्तं युवानमपि गुरुं गणयन्ति । ७ । पापाः कर्मणां विपाकेन द्वितीये जन्म- नि तिर्यक्षु जायन्त इति स्मृतिः । ८ । विद्वांसो विद्वद्भिः सह समागमाय स्पृहयन्ति । ९ । कियद्भिरहोभिः काश्याः प्रयागमगच्छत । १० । प्राचां देशे पाटलिपुत्रं नाम महन्नगरं विद्यत उदीचां तक्षशिला प्रतीचां भृगु- कच्छम् ॥ ११ ॥ 12. Vxtra was killed ( हन्, caus. pass. ) by Maghavan and the Maruts. 13. Young women sang a song. 14. Two learned Brāhmans dispute. 15. Saramā is called in the Rigveda the dog (f.) of the gods. 16. Great forests are found in the west (expr. as pred., nom. pl.). 17. In the assembly let the best among the learned teach (उप-दिश्) the law. 18. Those who have committed evil deeds must stand by day (acc.) and sit by night. 19. Glory was attained by the young warrior. 20. Turned toward the east ( nom. sing.) let one reverence the gods; the east (प्राची) is the quarter (दिश्) of the gods. 21. Day by day one must worship (पूज्) the sun. 22. The gazelle has been killed by dogs. 23. The lion is king of forest- dwelling animals. Lesson XXVI. Some Irregular Substantives. 273. अम्बा f., ' mother' : voc. sing. अम्ब. 274. 1. सखि m., ' friend' : sing. nom. सखा, acc. सखायम्, inst. सख्या, dat. सख्ये, abl. gen. सख्यस्, loc. सख्यौ, voc. सखे ; du. सखायौ, 106 Lesson XXVI. सखिभ्याम्, सख्योस्; pl. nom. सखायस्, acc. सखीन्, instr. सखिभिस्; the rest like अनि. 2. पति m., is declined regularly (like अग्नि) in composition, and when meaning lord, master '; when meaning ‘husband', it follows सखि in the following forms : inst sing. पत्या, dat. पत्ये, abl. gen. पत्युस, loc. पत्यौ. 275. The neuter stems अक्षन् 'eye', अस्थन् ‘bone', दधन् ' curds', सक्थन् ‘thigh’, form only the weakest cases; thus, अक्ष्णा, दध्वस्, Aqufa or Afay, etc.; the rest of the inflection is made from cor- responding stems in ; thus, nom. sing. अक्षि etc. 276. 1. लक्ष्मी f. goddess of fortune', makes nom. sing. लक्ष्मीस. - 2. स्त्री f., ' woman', follows a mixed declension; thus, nom. sing. स्त्री, acc. स्त्रियम् or स्त्रीम, instr. स्त्रिया, dat. स्त्रियै, abl. - gen. स्त्रियास, loc. स्त्रियाम् ; du. स्त्रियौ, स्त्रीभ्याम्, स्त्रियोस् ; pl. nom. स्त्रियस् acc. स्त्रियस् or स्त्रीस्, instr. स्त्रीभिस्, etc. ; gen. स्त्रीणाम्. 277. 1. अप् f., ‘water', only pl. ; its final is changed to be- fore भ्; thus, nom. आपस्, acc. अपस्, instr. अद्भिस्, dat. abl. अद्भ्यस्, gen. अपाम्, loc. अप्सु. 2. दिव् f., * ' sky', makes nom. sing. द्यौस्, du. द्यावी, pl. (sometimes) द्यावस्; the endings are the यु normal ones, but the root becomes before consonant-endings: thus, acc. sing. दिवम्, nom. acc. pl. दिवस्, instr. द्युभिस्. Not all the cases are found in use. 3. Stem रै m. (rarely f.), ‘wealth’: sing. रास, रायम्, राया etc. ; du. रायौ, राभ्याम्, रायोस्; pl. रायस् (nom. and acc.), राभिस् etc. 278. 1. अनडूह or अनडुह m., (from अनस् + वह 'cart-drawing', i. e.) ‘ox ’: strong stem अनड्डाह, mid. अनडुद्, weakest अनडुहु; nom. sing. अनडान्, voc. अनड्डून् – 2. The stem पन्थन् m., 'road', makes all the strong cases, with irregular nom. sing. पन्थास्; the corresponding middle cases are made from uf, and the weakest from पथ् ; thus, acc. sing. पन्थानम्, dat. पथे, acc. pl. पथस्, * In the older language oftener masculine. Lesson XXVI. 107 dat. पथिभ्यस्. [The stems मन्थन् m., ' stirring-stick', and ऋभुक्षन् m., an epithet of Indra, are said to follow .] 279. The stem Я m., 'man', is very irregular. The strong stem is पुमांस, mid. पुम्, weakest पुंस्. Thus, sing. पुमान्, पुमांसम्, पुंसा, etc., voc. पुमन् ; du. पुमांसी, पुम्भ्याम्, पुंसोस्; pl. पुमांसस्, पुंसस्, पुम्भिस् etc., पुंसु. 280. For the stem f., 'age', may be substituted in the cases with vowel endings forms from जरस् f. ; thus, जरया or जरसा. · 281. n., ‘heart', does not make nom.-voc.-acc. of any number (except in composition), these being supplied from U n. 282. The stem m., 'foot', becomes in strong cases; e पाद् and, in compounds, in the middle cases also; thus, nom. sing. 4, पाद्, acc. पादम्, instr. पदा, etc. From द्विपद् ' biped' acc. sing. द्वि- पादम्, pl. द्विपदस्, instr. pl. द्विपाद्भिस्. [The stem पाद m., 'foot', has the complete declension of a-stems.] 283. The root 'slay', as final member of a compound, becomes in nom. sing., and loses its in the middle cases and its in the weakest cases (but only optionally in loc. sing.). Further, when is lost, in contact with reverts to its original ; thus, m., 'killing a Brahman', makes nom. sing. E, acc. •हणम्*, instr. ब्रह्मघ्ना, etc., loc. ब्रह्मनि or •हणि, voc. •हन्; du. ब्रह्मणौ, 'हभ्याम् etc. ; pl. nom. ०हणस्, acc. ०घ्नस्. 284. The stems q m., n. pr., and н m., n. pr. (both personifications of the sun), make the nom. sing. in, but otherwise do not lengthen the ; thus, nom. ч, acc. quæ, instr. पूषा, पूषणम्, पूष्णा. But a *In compound words, an altering cause in one member some- times lingualizes a of the next following member. guttural or labial in direct combination with sometimes prevents the combination, as in the instr. 108 Lesson XXVI. Verbs: Vocabulary XXVI. तृप् (ti pyati) be pleased or satis- ऋ move; in caus. (arpáyati) send ; | fied, satisfy or satiate oneself. put; hand over, give. गुह (gihati) in caus. ( guhāyati) hide away, conceal. लप् + वि (vilápati ) complain. Subst.: अक्षन् (अक्षि) n., eye. अद्रोह m., faithfulness. असुर m., demon. चित्त n., notice, thought, mind. देवता f. divinity, deity. a Vedic saint. मानव m., man (homo ) . व्रत n., vow, obligation, duty. Adj.: काण f., o, one-eyed. चतुष्पद् four-footed, quadruped. द्विपद् m. biped. दध्यञ्च् (weakest॰धीच्) m., n. pr., नियत, f. o (part of नि-यम्), पद् m., foot. पालन n. protection. ordained, fixed, permanent. शिव, 1. ०, beneficent, gracious, blessed. Exercise XXVI. पत्यौ भक्तिर्व्रतं स्त्रीणामद्रोहो मन्त्रिणां व्रतम् । प्रजानां पालनं चैव नियतं भूभृतां व्रतम् ॥ १४ ॥ बलवन्तावनड्डाही लाङ्गलं वहेताम् । १ । शिवास्ते पन्थानस् | २ | लक्ष्मीर्विष्णोभायी। ३ । हृद्येष पुमान्परं ब्रह्म ध्यायति । ४ । बाहुभ्यां भूभृ- त्कृत्स्नं जगदजयत् । ५ । केन पथा भवान्सख्या सहागच्छत् । ६ । पदा मामस्पृशत्सखा । ७ । पुम्भिः सह स्त्रीरागमयद्राजा । ८ । हे युवन्पन्थानं मे दर्शय । ९ । अद्भिः पादौ चालयत्येष परिव्राट् | १० | स्त्री पत्ये रूपकाण्यर्पयति । ११ । एकेनाच्णा यो न किंचित्पश्यति तं काणं वद- न्ति । १२ । द्यौः पिता पृथिवी च माता वो रक्षताम् | १३ | एते पुमांसो हृदयेषु पापं गूहयन्ति । १४ । ब्रह्मघ्ना न संभाषेत न च तमध्यापयेद्या- जयेद्वा । १५ । असुरेभ्यो भयाद्मानवा देवताः पालनं प्रार्थयन्त ताभिश्च शिवाभिः पापा असुरा अघात्यन्त | १६ | महानुदीचां राजा दरिद्रैः पथि तिष्ठद्भिः शिष्यैः संभाषमाणस्तेभ्यो भिक्षां यच्छति ॥ १७ ॥ Lesson XXVI. XXVII. 109 18. The meeting of the men and women took place on the road. 19. In the Veda they call the sun Püşan, Mitra (m.), Aryaman, and Savitar. 20. Water also is named ( गणय, pass.) among the deities in the Rik (use ऋचस्) and in the sacrificial formulas. 21. Be gracious, O Çiva, to biped and quadruped. 22. The seers' view is, that fire is to be found in the water (use वृत्, and make a direct statement with इति). 23. The Asura was slain by Maghavan with a bone of Dadhyañc. 24. Who knows the wind's path (pass.)? 25. Mother, satisfy (तृप् caus.) the child with curds. 26. Have food brought (use आ-नी, caus. pl.) from our friend's house. 27. The Maruts are Maghavan's friends. Lesson XXVII. 285. Demonstrative Pronouns. Two demonstrative-declensious are made up with particular irregularity: they are those of the pronouns अयम् and असो (for which the natives give the stem-forms as इदम् and अदस् respectively ). The first is a more indefinite de- monstrative: ‘ this' or 'that'; the other signifites especially the re- moter relation. 286. अयम् (इदम्) Masculine. Feminine. Sing. Dual. Plural. Sing. Dual. Plural. N. अयम् इमौ इमे इयम् इमे इमास् A. इमम् इमान् इमाम् D. अस्मै Ab. अस्मात् L. अस्मिन् I. अनेन आभ्याम् एभिस् G. अस्य अनयोस् एषाम् एषु अनया आभ्याम् आभिस् एभ्यस् अस्यै " अभ्यस् अस्यास् " " अनयोस् आसाम अस्याम् " आसु 110 Lesson XXVII. Nenter: Nom.-ace. sing. इदम्, du. इमे, pl. इमानि ; the rest is like the masculine. 287. असौ (दस) : Masculine. Feminine. Sing. Dual. Plural. Sing. Dual. Plural. N. असौ अमू अमी असौ अमू अमूस A. अमुम् " अमून अमूम " " I. अमुना अमूभ्याम् अमीभिस् अमुया अमूभ्याम् अमूभिस् D. अमुष्मै A अमीभ्यस् अमुष्यै R अमूभ्यस् R अमुष्यास् 3 " अमुयोस् अमूषाम् अमीषु " Ab. अमुष्मात् G. अमुष्य अमुयोस् अमीषाम " " अमुष्याम् अमष L. अमुष्मिन् Neuter: Nom.-acc. sing. अदस्, du. अमू, pl. अमूनि; the rest like masc. – The final ई of अमी is unchangeable (cf. § 161 ). finaloft 161). 288. There is a defective pronominal stem एन, which is accentless, and hence used only in situations where no emphasis falls upon it. The only forms are the following : Sing. acc. m. एनम् n. एनद् f. एनाम्; instr. m., n., एनेन, f. एनया. Du. ace. m. एनी f. n., एने; gen. loc. m., f, n., एनयोस्. Pl. acc. m. एनान्, D. एनानि f. एनास्. These forms may be used only when the person or object to which they refer has already been indicated by a form of अयम् or एष. Thus, अनेन काव्यमधीतमेनं व्याकरण- मध्यापय “ this one has read the art of poetry; teach him grammar". > - 289. Past Passive Participle in ā or न. By the suffix त — or, in a comparatively small number of verbs, न - is formed, di- rectly from the root of the verb, and unconnected with any tense- stem, a verbal adjective called the past passive participle. The fem. ends always in T. When this participle is made from transitive verbs, it qualifies something as having endured the action expressed by the verb; thus, दत्त dattà, 'given'; उक्त uktà, 'spoken'. When made from an intransitive or neuter verb, the same par- Lesson XXVII. 111 ticiple has no passive, but only an indefinite past, sense; thus, JA, 'gone', भूत, ‘been'; पतित, 'fallen '. 290. This participle is often used as an adjective. Very com- monly, also, it supplies the place of a finite verb, when some form His मया पत्रं लिखितम् of, 'be', or is to be supplied; thus, : "he is gone"; Hun qri fafa "by me a letter was written". The neuter is frequently used as a substantive; thus, दत्तम् ' a gift'; दुग्धम् 'milk '; and also as nomen actionis. Sometimes it has a present significa- tion, particularly when made from neuter verbs; thus, fæ (from 1) often 'standing'. 291. A. With suffix 7 [w]. The suffix is taken by a number of roots. Thus: 1. Certain roots in T, and in i and u- vowels; thus, Tor पी ' swell, be fat', पीन; हा 'abandon ', हीन; म्ला 'wither', म्लान; चि 'destroy', क्षीण; श्वा or fश्व ' swell', शून; लू 'cut', लून. 2कृ 2. The roots in variable (so-called ṛ-roots), which before the suffix becomes or, as in the pres. pass.; thus, (किर्), कीर्ण; तृ, तीर्ण; 1पृ (पूर ) ' fill', पूर्ण. ग् 3. A few roots ending in (which becomes before the ); thus, भञ्ज ‘break', भग्न; 1भुज् ' bend', भुग्न; मज्ज् ' sink', मग्न; रुज् ‘be sick’, रुम; विज् ' fear', विग्न. Also one or two others which exhibit a guttural before the नः लग् ‘attach', लग्न; व्रश्च् ' cut up', वृक्ण. द् 4. A number of roots, some of them very common, in (which becomes न् before न) : सद्, सन्न; (नि- सद्, निषण) भिद् 'cut', f. भिन्न. तूर्ण 292. Some few verbs make double forms; thus, ‘hasten', or afta; faz acquire', fa or fazi. Commonest exceptions: खादित from खाद 'eat'; मत्त from मद्; मुदित from मुटु ' rejoice' ; रुदित from रुद 'weep'; उदित from वद् ' speak' ; विदित from विद् ' know '. 1 112 Lesson XXVII. Verbs: Vocabulary XXVII. +34 (upékṣate) neglect. 2a+fa (vikiráti) scatter. TWY+WA (den. — avagaṇáyati) गणय अव despise. (bhakṣayati) eat. भय् break. 2भुज् + उप enjoy. भू H+TFT (paribhávati) despise. (májjati) sink. +, in caus. (uccarάyati) in caus. (yojayati) yoke, pronounce, say. J+ (avatáratí) descend. + 3 (uttárati) emerge, come out. ✯ or ш↑ (pyáyate) become stout or fat. harness. (lágati) attach; hang, cling, adhere. (sidati) sit, settle down; be overcome, exhausted. Subst.: af m. du., nom. pr., the Açvins (the Indian Aids xoupo). Am., "walk and con- versation"; conduct of life, ob- servance. विवाह faqte m., wedding, marriage. m., illness. m., car. f., bed. m., n., plough. E m., chain, garland. U n., debt. Adj.: aala m., n. pr. a mountain. au (part. of 2fa) reduced, de- Juf., hunger. cayed; ruined. n., life of holiness, i. e. f., great, strong, violent. religious studentship. n., meal-time, meal. н m., n. pr., a Vedic personage. म ч m., sweet drink. Half., pearl. Am., demon. TH m., acquisition, gain. पीन ( part of पो) fat. ब्रह्मचारिन् studying sacred know- ledge; as m. subst., Brahman student. (part.) abandoned; wanting in; and so sometimes w. instr., = 'without'. Lesson XXVII. XXVIII. 113 Exercise XXVII. वर्धमानमृणं राजन्परिभूताश्च शत्रवः । जनयन्ति भयं तीव्रं व्याधयश्चाप्युपेक्षिताः ॥ १५ ॥ यानि कर्माण्यस्त्रिं लोके क्रियन्ते तेषां फलं कर्त्रमुष्मिं लोक उप- भुज्यते । १ । भो असावहम् * इत्युच्चारयन्गरीयसो ऽभिवादयेत् । २ । अयं नः पिता रथादवतीर्णः सख्या सह संभाषमाणस्तिष्ठति । ३ । आचारेण हीनं पुमांसं विद्वांसमप्यवगणयन्ति सन्तः । ४ । उदधौ मग्नं म्रियमाणं भुज्युमश्विनौ नावोदहरताम् । ५ । एभ्यः चुधा सीदयो भिक्षुभ्यो ऽनं प्रयच्छ। ६ । पथ्यस्माकं रथो भग्नः । ७ । युध्यमानानमूननडुहः पश्य । ८ । भवता विकीर्ण धान्यमिमे विहगा भक्षयन्ति । ९ । आभिरद्भिः पाणी प्रक्षालय । १० । इदम् ** आसनमिमा आपः स्नानायायं मधुपर्क इदं भोजनमिमानि वस्त्राणीयं शय्येति गृहस्थो ऽतिथिं गृहमागच्छन्तं व- देत् ॥ ११ ॥ 12. Have medicine given quickly (use pass. part. of त्वर्, in nom.) to these sick persons. 13. This is that mountain Káilāsa, on which Civa dwells. 14. In order to attain ( लाभ, dat.) this and that other world (gen.) the priest offered sacrifice for me (यज् caus.). 15. The flowers in the garlands of these women are withered. 16. By that king, who was praised by us, we were delighted with these jewels. 17. The peasant yoked two fat oxen to the plough. 18. The learned Brāhman emerged ( pass. part.) from the water. 19. Here comes (pass. part.) the queen. 20. A chain of pearls hung (pass. part.) on the neck of this demon. 21. What sin is not committed by persons reduced in fortune? 22. This garden is filled with men and women. Lesson XXVIII. 293. Past Passive Participle, cont'd. B. With suffix त. I. Without union-vowel. Much more commonly this parti- * “I am so-and-so; N. or M.” ** Translate the pronoun-forms by 'here', and cf. § 225. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 8 114 Lesson XXVIII. ciple is made by adding the suffix to the bare root; thus, from ज्ञा; जित from जि; क्षिप्त from क्षिप्; हूत from हू (or हा); वृत्त from वृत्. 294. If the root end in a consonant other than क्, त्, प्, स्, the ordinary rules of euphonic combination apply as follows: 1. Final च् and ज् become क्; thus, सिक्त from सिच्; युक्त from युज्; त्यक्त from त्यज्. 2. Final becomes, after which, as also after radical final ष्, त् becomes ट्; thus, दृष्ट from दृश्; द्विष्ट from द्विष्. सृष्ट and मृष्ट are made from सृज् and मृज, and दृष्ट from यज्, contrary to 1. प्रछ् makes पृष्ट; and तत्, तष्ट. 3. Final घ् becomes द्, and भ्, ब्; and the following त् be- comes ध्; thus, वृद्ध from वृध्, लब्ध from लभ्. 4. Final he is treated in various ways, according to its his- torical value. a. Sometimes combines with a to form 7, before which short vowels (except ॠ) are lengthened; thus, गाढ from गाह्, लीढ from लिहू, रूढ from रुह; मूढ from मुह; but दृढ from दृह्. सह् forms सोढ. 6. Where ह् represents original घ्, the com- bination is ग्ध; thus, दग्ध from दह; दिग्ध from दिह; दुग्ध from दुह्. The root मुह् forms also मुग्ध नह, where ह् represents C. original घ्, makes नच. 295. The root before त usually has its weakest form, if there is any where in the verbal system a distinction of strong and weak forms. Thus : 1. A penultimate nasal is dropped ; eg, अक्त from अञ्ज; बद्ध from बन्ध्; स्रस्त from स्रंस् (or स्रस्); शस्त from शंस्. 2. Roots which are abbreviated in the weak forms of the perfect suffer the same abbreviation here; e. g., ऊक्त from वच्, उप्त from वप्, सुप्त from स्वप्, ऊढ from वह्; इष्ट from यज् (the same form from दूष ); विद्ध from व्यध्; पृष्ट from प्र. 3 Final आ is weakened to ई in गीत from गा 'sing', पीत from 1पा 'drink'; to टू in स्थित from स्था, हित from धा 'put' (with घ् also changed to ह्), मित from Lesson XXVIII. 115 'measure', and a few others. 4. A final is lost after in गत, यत, नत, रत (from गम् etc.); and likewise final न् in क्षत, तत, मत, वत, हत (from चन् etc.) 5. Isolated cases are शिष्ट from शास्; द्यूत from दीव् 'play'. 296. More irregular are the following: 1. Some roots in अम् make participles in अन्त; thus, कान्त, क्रान्त, क्षान्त, तान्त, दान्त, शान्त, श्रान्त, from कम् etc. 2. जन्, क्षन्, and सन् make जात etc. 3. The root 1दा, 'give', forms दत्त (from the derivative form दद्). The contracted form is widely found in composition, especially with prepositions; thus, प्रदत्त or प्रत्त, निदत्त or नीत्त, etc. 297. II. With union - vowel दू. The suffix with दू, or in the form, is regularly used with the derivative verb-stems in se- condary conjugation, also often with roots of derivative character (like जिन्व्, हिंस), and not infrequently with original roots. 298. When is added to causative and denominative verb- stems the syllables अय are dropped; thus, चुर्, pass. part. चोरित; गणय, गणित; तड्, ताडित; मृ, caus. मारयति, caus. pass. part. मारित; हन्, caus. घातयति, घातित. 299. Among the original roots taking may be noticed the following: पत् ' fall', पतित; कुप्, कुपित; वस् ' dwell', उषित; श्वस, श्वसित; तृष् ‘thirst', तृषित; लिख, लिखित; ईन्, ईक्षित; वद्, उदित. ग्रह makes गृहीत; शी 'lie' makes शयित. 300. A few roots form this participle either with or without the auxiliary दू; thus, मत्त and मदित from मद्. 301. The grammarians reckon as participles of the na-formation a few derivative adjectives, coming from roots which do not make a regular participle; such are नाम 'burnt ' (क्षा); कृश 'thin', 'hag- gard' (कृय्); पक्व 'ripe' (पच्); शुष्क 'dry' (शुष्); फुल्ल ' expanded ' (फुल्). 8* 116 Lesson XXVIII. 302. Past Active Participle in तवन्त् (or नवन्त् ). From the past pass. part. is made, by adding the possessive suffixa (f. a), a secondary derivative having the meaning and construction of a perfect active participle; thus, कृतवन्त्, प्रतिपन्नवन्त्. 303. This participle is almost always used predicatively, and generally without expressed copula, i. e., with the value of a per- sonal perfect-form. Thus, "no one has seen मां न कश्चिद्दृष्टवान् me"; or, with copula, f "thou (fem.) hast come into great misery". This participle comes to be made even from intransitives; thus, & aqat “she has gone". Verbs: Vocabulary XXVIII. + in caus. (pratārάyati) de- ceive. H(muhyati) be confused or dazed or stupid. रुध् + अप besiege. + (saṁnáhyati) equip one-+(praróhati) grow up. self. ч?+ fa-in caus. (vyāpādάyati) kill. TT * (pálāyate) flee. 2भुज् enjoy, eat. मन् + सम् honor. Subst.: m., end; in loc., at last. इन्द्रप्रस्थ n., n. pr., Delhi. E m., ass. faЯ + ■ (praviçáti) penetrate, enter. + in caus. (pravartáyati) continue. शिष् + अव remain over, survive. स्तृ + उप bestrew. पौर m., citizen. ATATZ m., palace. m., Greek, barbarian. शृगाल m., jackal. JET f., cave. गुहा afa n., behavior, life. पृथ्वीराज m., nom. pr. fa m., soldier. n., army. afm., elephant. * A quasi-root from 'go' + 'away'. Lesson XXVIII. XXIX. 117 fa (part. from fa) affectio- nate. Adj.: भूयस् (comp. ) more. In neut. sing. as adv.: mostly. Exercise XXVIII. श्रीमतो (abl.) राज्ञः संमतैरेभिः कविभिरिष्टानि वसूनि लब्धानि ॥ १॥ कुतो भवानागत इति द्वारि स्थितः परिव्राड्गहस्य पत्या पृष्टः । २। श्व- भिर्गृहीतो हरिणो व्याधैर्व्यापादितः । ३ । मूढः खरः शृगालस्य स्निग्धा- भिर्वाग्भिः प्रतारितः सिंहस्य गुहायामागतस्तेन हतः । ४ । क्षेत्रेषु सिक्ता- भिर्मेघानामद्भिधान्यं प्ररूढम् । ५ । काश्यामुषितैभ्रातृभिः शास्त्राणि सम्यगधीतानीति तेषामाचार्येण लिखितात्पत्वादवगम्यते ॥ ६ ॥ उदीच्या दिशो (abl.) यवनेष्वागच्छत्सु पृथ्वीराज इन्द्रप्रस्थात्सैन्येन सह नि- ष्क्रान्तः । ७ । पथि संगच्छमानैर्द्विद्भिः सह महद्युद्धं संजातम् । ८ । तस्मिन्राजा पराजितः शरैर्विद्धो हस्तिनो भूमौ पतितो यवनैर्जीवन्नेव गृहीतः पञ्चाच्चासिना घातितः ॥ ९ ॥ (In the following render all finite verbs by participles.) 10. Many of the soldiers were killed; some who survived fled into the city. 11. The gates of the city were shut fast (दृढा अपि- हिता:); the citizens equipped themselves for battle. 12. The Ya- vanas approached and besieged the city (pass.). 13. Finally the Yavanas, proving victorious (past act. part.), entered the city by force. 14. The young and old men were mostly murdered; the women made slaves; the great possessions of the citizens plundered, the palaces and houses burnt with fire. 15. The end of Pṛthvīrāja has been described by the Yavanas, and his previous life sung by the poet Canda. Lesson XXIX. 304. Gerund, or Absolutive. The gerund is made in classical Sanskrit by one of the suffixes त्वा and य. 118 Lesson XXIX. 305. A. त्वा. To uncompounded roots is added the suffix त्वा. It is usually added directly to the root, but sometimes with the vowel interposed. With regard to the use of, and to the form of root before it, this formation closely agrees with that of the participle in or. A final root-consonant is treated as before Roots which make the past pass. part. in generally reject before त्वा. Examples. 1. Without inserted द्ः ज्ञात्वा, जित्वा, नीत्वा, श्रुत्वा, भूत्वा ; स्थित्वा from स्था, हित्वा from 1धा ' place' (cf. हित ) and from हा, दत्त्वा from दा (ef. दत्त), गीत्वा from गा; उक्त्ता from वच्, युक्त्वा from युज्; गत्वा from गम्, मत्वा from मन्, वित्त्वा from 2विद् ' find'; तीली from तृ (ef. तीर्ण), पूवी from पृ (ef. पूर्ण); दृष्ट्वा from दृश्, सृष्ट्वा from सृज्, इष्ट्वा from यज् (cf. § 295, 2), बुद्धा from बुध्, लब्ध्वा from लभ्, दग्ध्वा from दह्. 2. With inserted दू: विदित्वा from 1विद् 'know', उषित्वा from वस् ' dwell', शयित्वा from शी (cf. शयित), गृहीत्वा from ग्रह (ef. गृहीत). 306. Some verbs make both forms; thus, from खन् either ख- नित्वा or खात्वा ; from भ्रम् either भ्रमित्वा or भ्रान्त्वा 307. Causatives and denominatives in अय make अयित्वा ; thus, चुर्, चोरयित्वा; तड्, ताडयित्वा; स्थापयति, स्थापयित्वा . 308. B. य. Roots in composition with prepositions (or some- times with elements of other kinds, as adverbs or nouns) take the suffix, before which is never inserted. A root which ends in a short vowel adds त् before य. Thus, परिणीय अनुभूय; वि- जित्य, संस्तुत्य, अधीत्य (अधि-इ) अधिकृत्य. - 309. Roots in अम् and अन् whose pass. part. ends in अत form this gerund in अत्य; thus, •गत्य, • हत्य. But such am-roots (not an-roots) may preserve the nasal; thus, •गम्य. Final change- able ऋ becomes ईर् or ऊर्; thus, °तीर्य, • पूर्य. Final remains आ unaltered; thus, आदाय. Some roots show a weak form before Lesson XXIX. 119 this suffix ; thus, प्रगृह्य, संपृच्छयः प्रोच्य (प्र-उच्च) from प्र-वच्; अ- नूद्य from अनु- वद्; व्युह्य from वि-वह्. 310. Causals and denominatives in reject those syllables; thus, प्रचोरयति, प्रचीर्य; प्रताड्य; प्रस्थाप्य; अवघात्य; आनाययति (आ-नी), आनाय्य. But if the root ends in a single consonant and encloses short which is not lengthened in the causative, then the gerund of the caus. ends in , to distinguish it from the gerund of the simple verb; thus, अव-गम्, ger अवगम्य; caus. अव- गमयति, ger अवगमय्य. 311. The gerund or absolutive is used generally as logical ad- junct to the subject of a clause. It denotes an action accompanying or (usually) preceding that which is signified by the verb of the clause. (In the later language it is not always confined to the grammatical subject of the clause as an adjunct.) It has thus vir- tually the value of an indeclinable participle, present or past, qual- ifying the actor whose action it describes. Thus, तद् आकर्ण्य च्छागं त्यक्त्वा स्नात्वा स्वगृहं गतः “having heard this, having abandoned the goat, having bathed, he went to his own house " 312. The gerunds of some verbs have not much more than prepositional value; thus, 'having taken', i. e. with', like Greek haßuv, xwv; 'having released', i. e. 'without', 'except'. 313. Before all gerunds may be used the privative or ; thus, अलब्ध्वा “ without having received "; अनाहूय "without having summoned. " Verbs: Vocabulary XXIX. acquire, attain, reach. +fa (nyásyati) entrust (to go forth; die. one's care). * Of course the absolutives are often best rendered by relative clauses, or even by clauses coordinate with the principal clause. 120 Lesson XXIX. कृ + अधि put at the head, ap | जय m., victory. point as ruler over (loc.). दुर्दशा f. misfortune. चल + प्र (pracalati) move on, पक्ष m., wing; side; party. march. fara (cintáyati) consider. भेक m., frog. लङ्का f., n. pr., Ceylon. च्यु (cydvate) totter, fall. दा + अ take. Cf. § 312. धा + सम्-अ lay or place on. नी + निस् (nirniyati) bring to an end, determine, settle. भज् + वि (vibhajati, -te) distribute. शूर m., hero. साधन n., means, device. सेतु m., bridge, dike. हनुमन्त् m., n. pr., a monkey-king. जतभुज् (nom. ०भुक्) m, fire. Adj.: व्रज् + प्र (pravràjati) wander forth ; अहित disagreeable. leave one's home to become a wandering ascetic. Subst.: अभिप्राय m., plan, design. आहरण n., bringing. afm., monkey. करिन् m., elephant. responsible, trustworthy. उभ du, both. क्षुद्र, f. , little, small. fae, f. •™, daily, regular. मूर्धग on the head. Prepos.: प्रति (postpos, with acc.) against. Exercise XXIX. गते हि दुर्दशां लोके क्षुद्रो ऽप्यहितमाचरेत् । पङ्के निमने करिणि भेको भवति मूर्धगः ॥ १६ ॥ गुरावुषित्वा वेदमधीत्य स्त्रीं परिणीय पुत्रं जनयित्वा नित्यानि कर्माण्यनुष्ठाय यज्ञानिष्ट्वा दानानि च दत्त्वा प्रेत्य ब्राह्मणो न च्यवते ब्रह्मणो लोकात् । १ । भुक्का पीत्वा चैते नराः सुप्ताः। २ । धीमतां म- न्त्रिणामागमनं स्वामिने निवेद्य भृत्यो निष्क्रान्तः । ३ । सख्या हनुमता- न्यैश्च कपिभिः समेतो ऽपां भर्तरि सेतुं बद्धा लङ्कां प्रविश्य च रामो रा- वणं हतवान् । ४। कृत्स्नं वनं दग्ध्वा हुतभुगधुना शान्तः । ५ । बल- वतो मरुत आदाय मघवा गवामाहरणाय निर्गतः । ६ । शिष्यानाहूय गुरुस्तैः सम्यग्वन्दितस्तानृचो यजूंषि चाध्यापितवान् । ७ । हविषेष्ट्वर्लि- Lesson XXIX. XXX. 121 ग्भ्यो भूयो धनं यजमानेन दत्तम् । ८ । त्वां मुक्का न केनापि तादृग्दुः- खं सोढम् । ९ । गूढैश्चारैः शत्रूणां बलं विदित्वा कार्याणि मन्त्रिषु न्यस्य सैन्य आप्ताञ्शूरानधिकृत्य राजा युद्धाय निर्गच्छेत् ॥ १० ॥ 11. After the king had conquered the vassals of the western lands he marched (pass. part.) against the eastern vassals. 12. The merchants, in joy (pass. part.), took the money and gave the jewels to the king (use ger., and pass. constr.). 13. " After adoring the gods at twilight, and placing fagots on the fire, bring water from the cistern": thus having spoken, the teacher seated himself (pass. part.) on the mat. 14. The hero fought (ger.) with his enemies and gained (part.) great glory by the victory over them (gen.). 15. The Brāh- man, abandoning his own (pl.), became an ascetic (-, pass. part.). 16. When the merchant had imparted (fa-faz, caus.) his plan to the servant, he sent him into the village. 17. The master of the house had money brought (ger.) and distributed it to the poor. 18. Let not kings decide law-suits without hearing the arguments (a) of both sides. 19. Whoever despises powerful foes, and fights with them without considering the means to victory (gen.), perishes. 20. Whoever becomes an ascetic without having studied the Veda, attains (ger.) not salvation, but falls into hell (loc.). Lesson XXX. 314. Infinitive. The later language has a single infinitive, the ending of which is J (or JH). The root takes guṇa, when possible. 315. The ending is added directly: 1. To almost all roots ending in vowels, except those in and changeable ऋ. Thus, पा, पातुम्; दा, दातुम्; जि, जेतुम; नी, नेतुम; श्रु, श्रोतुम; कृ, कर्तुम. 2. To a number of roots ending in consonants. As root- 122 Lesson XXX. finals, क्, त्, प् and स् remain unchanged before तुम्; thus, शक्, शक्तुम्; मन्, मन्तुम्; आप्, आप्नुम्; चिप्, क्षेप्तुम्; लुप्, लोप्तुम्; शप् ‘curse', शप्तम् ; श्वस् ‘dwell’, वस्तुम्. Other finals are changed according to the rules given in Lesson XXVIII for the con- version of final consonants before the participial suffix 7. Thus, पच्, पक्तुम्; त्यज्, त्यक्तुम्; दृश्, द्रष्टुम् ; स्पृश्, स्प्रष्टुम् *; कृष्, क्रष्टुम् *; प्रक्, प्रष्टुम्; यज्, यष्टुम्; सृज्, स्रष्टुम् *; क्रुध्, क्रोडुम्; लभ्, लब्धुम्; रुह्, रोढुम; वह, वोढुम् ; दह, दग्धुम; नह, नड्डुम. Final द् becomes त्, and final म्, न्; thus, अद्, अत्तुम; विद 'know', 'वेत्तुम् (also वेदितुम्); गम्, गन्तुम. 316. The ending तुम् with इ (in the form इतुम्) is taken by roots in final long and the root, with a few other vowel- roots; by the majority of roots in consonants; and by verbs of the secondary conjugations. Thus, भू, भवितुम; शी, शयितुम्; ईच, ईक्षितुम; वन्द्, वन्दितुम; गुह, गूहितुम् (cf. § 101). 317. Causatives and denominatives in अय have अयितुम्, the root being treated as in the present; thus, चुर्, चोरयितुम्; कथ्, कथयितुम्; तड़, ताडयितुम्. 318. Some roots in consonants insert or rejectat pleasure; thus, मृज्, मार्जितुम् or मार्टुम् * *. मार्टुम् **. 319. The rules for the use of The root The root ग्रह makes ग्रहीतुम्. in the infinitive agree closely with those governing its use in the formation of the s-future and of the nomen agentis in तृ. 320. Uses of the infinitive. The chief use of the infinitive is as equivalent to an accusative, as the object of a verb, especially of the verbs 'be able', and 'be worthy', 'have the right * The increments of are sometimes and TT instead of and आर्; especially where a difficult combination of consonants is thus avoided. अर् In all the tense-systems, and in derivation, the root exhibits often the vṛddhi instead of the guna-strengthening. Lesson XXX. 123 or power'; thus, कथयितुं शक्नोति “ he is able to tell"; श्रोतुमर्हति कुमारः “the prince ought to hear it”. अर्ह is often thus used with the infinitive to express a respectful request or entreaty, as in the last example. The infinitive is also often found with verbs of motion, and with those meaning 'desire', 'hope', 'notice', 'know', and the like. 321. But often the infinitive has a case-value not accusative. Thus, a dative value: Hafa un "there is food to eat” i. e. भवति भोक्तुमन्नम् “for eating”; a genitive value: "capable of going". Even a construction as nominative is not unknown. T गन्तुम् 322. In certain connections the infinitive has a quasi-passive force. Thus, कर्तुमारब्धः “begun to be made"; श्रोतुं न युज्यते “it is not fit to be heard." This is especially frequent along with the passive forms of H; thus, ☎Я 7 Tafa "he cannot abandon”, but त्यक्तुं न शक्यते “he cannot be abandoned "; नरौ शक्याविहाने तुम् "the two men can be brought hither." 323. Future Passive Participle, or Gerundive. Certain deriv- ative adjectives, mostly secondary, have acquired a value quite (from a) 'to be done', like that of the Latin gerundive; thus, faciendus. They may be made from every verb. The ordinary suffixes are three : य, तव्य, and अनीय. 324. A. Suffix .* a. Before this suffix final radical T be- comes ; thus, from 21, 34; M, îa. b. Other final vowels some- times remain unchanged, sometimes have the guna or even the vyddhi-strengthening; and often, and always, are treated before य as before a vowel; thus, from जि, जेय and जय्य; from भी, भेय and भय्य; from श्रु, श्रव्य and श्राव्य; from कृ, कार्य; from धू, धूय; from c. In a few instances, a short vowel adds before भाव्य. H, HIA. भू, P the suffix ; thus, इत्य (इ), श्रुत्य (शु), कृत्य (कृ). d. Medial * remains The original value of this suffix is ia. Hence the conversion of ए to अय् and of ओ to अव् before it. 124 Lesson XXX. unchanged in one class of words, and is lengthened in another class; thus, दभ्य, वन्द्य, सद्य, but माद्य (मद्), वाच्य (वच्). e. Initial or medial i, u, and r- vowels are sometimes unchanged, sometimes have the guna-strengthening; thus, ईड्य, गुह्य, तृद्य; वेद्य, योध्य, बोध्य.f. The root शास् makes शिष्य. A form वध्य (from the defective root वघ्) is assigned to हन्. आ-लभ् makes आलभ्य and FH. g. Causatives and denominatives in are treated as in the present, but omit the syllables अय; thus, चुर्, चोर्य. 325. B. Suffix . This is a secondary adjective derivative from the infinitival noun in 7. Hence, both as regards the form of root and the use or omission of, the rules are the same as for the formation of the infinitive; thus, वक्तव्य, लब्धव्य, वन्दितव्य, शयि- तव्य (शी). 326. C. Suffix अनीय [ अणीय]. Generally radical vowels will be found gunated before this suffix; causatives and denomin- atives in are treated as in the present-system, without the syllables अय; thus, दानीय (दा), गानीय (गा), श्रवणीय (शु), बो- धनीय, चोरणीय, गूहनीय ( गूहयति). 327. The gerundives in are common in the impersonal pas- sive construction described in Lesson X, and not seldom have a purely future sense; thus, तेन त्वया सुखिना भवितव्यम् “ with that thou shalt be happy". Vocabulary XXX. Verbs: (árhati) have the right, etc. NE + FI (avagáhate) dive under (acc.). (cf. § 320.) आप् + सम् finish, attain. कृ + अप - pay. (tápati, -te) burn (tr. and intr.); pain; in pass., suffer, TH+ f (abhigácchati) visit, T+fa arrange, ordain, order. attend. do penance. (nityati) dance. Lesson XXX. 125 भू + प्र be mighty, able; valere. पुष्ट stout, fat. वृत् + प्र (pravartate ) continue, प्रियवादिन् acceptably speaking. go on. Subst.: कृषीवल m., husbandman. गीत n, song, singing. तपस् n., heat ; self-torture. नाटक n., drama, play. नृत्त n., dance, dancing. वपुस् n., body, figure. फलवन्त् fruitful. यज्ञिय destined or suitable for sacrifice. fafaa (part. of fa-) ordained. समर्थ, f., o, capable, able. स्वयम्भू self-existent; as m. subst., epithet of Brahma. Adv.: समाज m., convention, company. | अलम् enough, very; w. instr., सामन् n., Vedic melody, song; enough of, away with; w. dat., pl., the Samaveda. Adj.: तरुण, f. °ई, young, delicate. suitable for. स्वैरम् at pleasure. Exercise XXX. सर्वे पौराः कालिदासेन रचितं नाटकं द्रष्टुमागच्छन् । १ । सवी- द्विषो बाहुभ्यां जेतुं स्वामी समर्थ इति प्रियवादिनो भृत्या राजानमु- क्तवन्तः । २ । पापान्यपमार्टुमपो ऽवगाह्यर्चः पठनीयाः सामानि वा गे- यानि । ३ । तीव्रं तपस्तप्तुं यतिर्वनाय प्रस्थितः । ४ । अश्वमारोहुमधुना मे पथि श्रान्तस्य मतिजीता । ५। पितृभ्यो दातव्यमृणमपाकर्तुं ब्राह्मणः पुत्रं जनयेत् । ६ । स्वर्ग लब्धुं भूयसो यज्ञान्यष्टुमर्हसि । ७ । सर्वासु दिक्षु स्वैरं चरितुं यज्ञियो ऽश्वो भवद्भिर्मोक्तव्य इति राज्ञादिश्यत । ८ । भ- वतां भाषा नवगन्तुं शक्यते (8322 ) । ९ । पुष्टावनद्वाहौ शकटे योक्तुं कृषीवल आदेष्टव्यः । १० । स्वयंभुवा जगत्स्रष्टुं मनः कृतम् ॥ ११ ॥ or with (Sentences with must may be rendered either with gerundives). 12. A Brahmacārin must not visit any companies to see (प्र-ईन्) dancing or to hear singing. 13. Remembering that works will be fruitful in the other life (use “thus thinking", after or. recta), a man must strive to perform what is ordained. 126 Lesson XXX. XXXI. 14. The maidens seated themselves ( pass. part.) in the garden / to bind wreaths. 15. True friends are able to save from misfortune. 16. The daughters came (pass. part.) to bow before their parents. 17. How is the delicate body of this fair one capable of enduring penance? 18. You must become a scholar (use भवन्त्, and cf. § 177). 19. You must bring a boat to cross the river. 20. Who is able to stop the mighty wind ? 21. The gentlemen (use भवन्त् ) are to read this letter. 22. Having finished the Veda, he went on to study the other sciences. Lesson XXXI. 328. Numerals. Cardinals: एक 1, द्व 2, त्रि, चतुर् 4, पञ्च 5, षष् 6, सप्त 7, अष्ट 8, नव 9, दश 10. एकादश 11, द्वादश 12, त्रयोदश 13, चतुर्दश 14, पञ्चदश 15, षोडश 16, सप्तदश 17, अष्टादश 18, नवदश 19, विंशति 20. - एकविंशति 21, द्वाविंशति 22, etc. त्रिंशत् 30, चत्वारिंशत् 40, पञ्चाशत् 50, षष्टि 60, सप्तति 70, अशी- ति 80, नवति 90, शत 100. - द्विशत or द्विशत or द्वे शते 200. द्वे शते 200. - सहस्र 1000, द्विसहस्र or द्वे सहस्रे 2000, शतसहस्र or लक्ष 100000. 329. The numbers between the even tens are made by pre- fixing the unit-number to the ten; thus, qafanfa 25. But note: एकादश not एकदश, 11. 42, 52, 62, 72 and 92, either द्विचत्वा- रिंशत् or द्वाच°, etc.; 43 – 73, and 98, either त्रिo or त्रयश्चत्वा • etc. ; 48–78, and 98, either अष्ट° or अष्टाचत्वा° etc. 96 is षमवति 330. There are other ways of expressing the numbers between the tens. Thus : 1. By the use of the adj. ऊन ' deficient', in com - position; eg . एकोनविंशति '20 less 1', i. e. 19. This usage is not common except for the nines. Sometimes is left off, and ऊनविंशति, etc., have the same value. 2. By the adj. अधिक or उत्तर 'more', also in composition; eg अष्टाधिकनवति (also अष्टाधिका नवति) 98. , Lesson XXXI. 127 331. The same methods are used to form the odd numbers above 100. Thus, एकशतम् 101, अष्टाशतम् 108, पञ्चाधिकं शतम् 105, सप्तोत्तरं शतम् 107. 332. Inflection of cardinals. 1. एक is declined like सर्व, at § 231 ( pl. : 'some', 'certain ones '). The dual does not occur. एक sometimes means 'a certain'; or even ‘an, a', as an indefinite article. 2. (dual only) is quite regular; thus, nom.-acc.-voc. m., at, f. n. द्वे; द्वाभ्याम्, द्वयोस. 3. त्रि is in masc. and neut. nearly regular; the fem. has the stem faa. Thus, nom. m. त्रयस्, acc. m. acc. m. चीन्, nom.-acc. n. त्रीणि; instr. त्रिभिस्, dat. abl. त्रिभ्यस्, gen. त्रयाणाम्, loc. त्रिषु. Fem.: nom.-acc. तिस्रस्, instr. तिसृभिस्, dat. abl. तिसृभ्यस्, gen. तिसृणाम्, loc. तिसृषु. 4. चतुर् has चत्वार् in strong cases; the fem. stem is चतसृ. Thus, nom. m. चत्वारस्, acc. m. चतुरस्; nom. acc. 1. चत्वारि; instr. चतुर्भिस् etc. Fem. : nom. acc. चतस्रस्, instr., etc., चतसृभिस्, चतसृभ्यस्, चतसृणाम्, चतसृषु. (5 - 19.) These numbers have no distinction of gender. They are inflected with some irregularity as plurals. Thus: 5, 7, 9, 10. पञ्च पञ्चभिस्, भ्यस्, पञ्चानाम्, पञ्चसु. सप्त, नव, दश, and compounds of दश, are similarly declined. 6. षष् as follows: षट्, षड्भिस, षड्भ्यस्, षणाम्, षट्सु. 8. अष्ट may follow पञ्च, or be declined thus : अष्टौ, अष्टाभिस्, ०भ्यस्, अष्टानाम्, अष्टासु. 20, 30, etc. fanfa, fixa, etc., are declined regularly as fem. stems, in all numbers. 100, 1000. शत and सहस्र are declined regularly as neut. stems, in all numbers. 333. Construction of numerals. 1. The words from 1 to 19 are used as adjectives, agreeing in case (and in gender, if possible ) 128 Lesson XXXI. with the nouns. 2. The numerals above 19 are usually treated as nouns, either taking the numbered noun as a dependent genitive, or standing in the sing. in apposition with it; thus, शतं दासीनाम or शतं दासी: “ a hundred female slaves"; षथ्यां शरत्सु “ in sixty autumns". 334. Ordinals. प्रथम * ' first', द्वितीय, तृतीय, चतुर्थ, पञ्चम, षष्ठ, सप्तम, अष्टम, नवम, दशम, एकादश (to 19th, the same as the cardinals, but declined like देव, etc.); विंश or विंशतितम 20th ; त्रिंश or त्रिंशत्तम 30th, etc. Note also एकोनविंश or ऊनविंश, एकोनविंशतितम or ऊनविंशतितम, 19th. The shorter forms (विंश etc.) are by far the commoner. 335. प्रथम, द्वितीय and तृतीय make their fem. in ॰आ; the rest, in Occasional forms of the pronominal declension are met with from the first three; but the usual declension of nouns is the normal one for ordinals also. 336. Numeral adverbs. 1. सकृत् 'once' ; द्विस् ' twice' ; त्रिस ' thrice' ; चतुस् ' four times' ; पञ्चकृत्वस् or पञ्चवारम् ‘five times'; and so on, with °कृत्वस् or •वारम्. - 2. एकधा ' in one way'; द्विधा or द्वेधा ' in two ways'; त्रिधा or त्रेधा, चतुधी, पञ्चधा, षोढा or षड्धा, etc. – 3. एकशस् ' one by one'; शतशस् ' by hundreds ', etc. Verbs : Vocabulary XXXI. भुज् in caus. (bhojayati) feed. कल + सम् (sarikalayati ) put to सिच् + अभि (abhisincáti) anoint gether, add. क्रम् + अति pass (of time ). जल्प् (jalpati ) speak, chat. as king. हृ + उद्-आ cite, mention. Subst.: अथर्ववेद m., the fourth Veda. अनहिलपाटक m., n. pr. a city. * एक forms no ordinal. Lesson XXXI. 129 कलियुग n., the “ Iron Age" of | शक m., Scythian. the world. चक्र n., wheel. ज्योतिष n., astronomy; astrono mical text-book. दर्शन n. philosophical system. नक्षत्र n., lunar mansion. शरीर n., body. शाखा f. branch, edition, re- daction. संवत्सर m., year. often post- Adv.: अनन्तरम् (20. abl. क्वचित् sometimes (in altern.). पाण्डव m., n. pr, descendant of pos) after, immediately after. Pāndu. पुराण n., one of a class of works | तद्यथा namely, to wit. on the creation of the world. विक्रमादित्य m., n. pr., a famous king. साम्प्रतम् at present. Exercise XXXI. सकृज्जल्पन्ति राजानः सकृज्जल्पन्ति साधवः । सकृत्कन्याः प्रदीयन्ते त्रीण्येतानि सतां सकृत् ॥ १७ ॥ सप्तानामृषीणां शरीराणि दिवि राजमानानि दृश्यन्ते* ॥ १ ॥ चत्वारो वेदा विद्यन्ते ऽष्टादश पुराणानि षट्त्रिंशत्स्मृतयः षड् दर्शना- नीति विदुषां मतम् । २ । चतुर्णा वेदानां तु बहवः शाखा वर्तन्ते । ३ । तद्यथा । ऋग्वेदस्य पञ्च शाखा यजुर्वेदस्य षडशीतिः सामवेदस्य सप्ता- थर्ववेदस्य नवेति । ४ । सर्वाः संकलय्य सप्तोत्तरं शतं शाखानां श्रूयते ॥ ५ ॥ साम्प्रतं चत्वारि सहस्राणि नव शतानि त्र्यशीतिश्च कलियुगस्य वर्षा- व्यतिक्रान्तानि | ६ | श्रीविक्रमादित्यादनन्तरं पञ्चपञ्चाशाधिके शततमे संवत्सरे शकानां राजाभिषिक्तः । ७। अधुना त्वष्टादश शतानि चत्वारि च शकानां राज्ञो वर्षाणि गतानि ॥ ८ ॥ त्रीणि लक्षाणि गवां षोडश ग्रामाश्चर्षभदत्तेन ब्राह्मणेभ्यो दत्तानि । ९ । स एव वर्षे वर्षे शतसहस्रं ब्राह्मणानामभोजयत् ॥ १० ॥ 11. The wagon of the Açrins is fitted (युज्, part. pass. ) with three wheels. 12. The Açvins are praised by the seer with four * i. e., in the seven stars of the Great Bear. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 9 130 Lesson XXXI. XXXII. Rik-verses. 13. Kṛṣṇa is the eldest of six brothers. 14. Arjuna is the third among the five Pandavas. 15. Some think there are eight sorts of marriage (pl.); others, six (model after 2nd sentence in Sanskrit above). 16. Twenty-seven or twenty-eight lunar mansions are mentioned in astronomy. 17. One should consecrate a Brahman in his eighth year, a Ksatriya in his eleventh, a Vaiçya in his twelfth. 18. Two great lights shine in the sky. 19. The teacher, having taught the fifth Rik-verse, recited the sixth. 20. Çākyamuni Buddha died in the eightieth year of his age (life). 21. Sometimes 33 gods are reckoned in the Veda, sometimes 3333. Lesson XXXII. 337. Comparison of Adjectives. Derivative adjectives having comparative and superlative meaning or often, and more origin- ally, a merely intensive value are made either (A.) directly from roots (by primary derivation), or (B.) from other derivative or com- pound stems (by secondary derivation). for the 338. A. The suffixes of primary derivation are comparative, and for the superlative. The root before them is accented, and usually strengthened by guna (if capable of it), or sometimes by nasalization or prolongation. In classical Sanskrit few such formations are in use; and these attach themselves in meaning mostly to other adjectives from the same root, which seem to be their corresponding positives. In part, however, they are connected with words unrelated to them in derivation. 339. Thus क्षेपीयस् and क्षेपिष्ठ (/ चिप्) attach themselves to चित्र ' quick' ; वरीयस् and वरिष्ठ ( / वृ ' encompass ' ), to उरु "broad'; quter and q1f48, 'worse' and 'worst', to the subst. पाप; पटीयस् and पटिष्ठ, to पटु ' skilful' ; महीयस् and महिष्ठ to Lesson XXXII. 131 महन्त्; बलीयस् and बलिष्ठ, to बलिन् or बलवन्त्; साधीयस् and साधिष्ठ to साधु. 340. The following are examples of artificial connections: अन्तिक 'near', नेदीयस, नेदिष्ठ; अल्प ' little', कनीयस्, कनिष्ठ (but also अल्पीयस्, अल्पिष्ठ); गुरु ‘heavy ', गरीयस्, गरिष्ठ; दीर्घ ' long', द्राघीयस्, द्राघिष्ठ ; प्रशस्य ' praiseworthy', 'good', श्रेयस् ‘better', श्रेष्ठ ‘best'; प्रिय 'dear', प्रेयस्, प्रेष्ठ; बहु 'much', भूयस्, भूयिष्ठ; युवन् ' young', यवीयस्, यविष्ठ; वृद्ध 'old', वर्षीयस्, व- र्षिष्ठ. ज्यायस् and ज्येष्ठ correspond sometimes to प्रशस्य or साधु, sometimes to वृद्ध. 341. The stems in are inflected like ordinary adjectives in अ, with the fem. in आ; those in ईयस् have a peculiar de- clension, with a strong stem in ईयांस, and fem. ईयसी, for which see § 255. So also ज्यायस् and भूयस्. 342. B. The suffixes of secondary derivation are तर and तम. They are of almost unrestricted use. That form of stem is usually taken which appears before an initial consonant of a case-ending. Stems in अस् are always unchanged; final इस and उस् become A दुष् and उष्, after which the त् of the suffix becomes ट्. Thus, प्रियवाच्, प्रियवाक्तर, 'क्तम; धनिन्, धनितर, तम; वि- द्वांस, विद्वत्तर, त्तम. 343. Some stems which are substantives rather than adjectives are found to form derivatives of comparison; thus, मातृतम 'most motherly', नृतम 'most manly', गजतम 'most like an elephant.' 344. Comparison of Adverbs. Adverbs are compared by adding the suffixes in the forms तराम् and तमाम्; thus, सु 'well', सुत- राम, सुतमाम्. 66 345. Construction. With a comparative (and sometimes with other words used in a similar way) the ablative is the regular construction; thus, पुत्रात्कन्या तस्य प्रेयसी “ a daughter is dearer to him than a son"; मतिरेव बलाद्गरीयसी “ intellect alone is " 9* 132 Lesson XXXII. stronger than force". After the superlative either genitive or locative may be used. The comparative often has the force of a strength- ened superlative; thus, गरीयान् 'most honorable’. Vocabulary XXXII. सिन्धु m., n. pr., the Indus. Subst.: गन्धर्व m., one of a band of celes- सुराप m., drunkard. tial singers, a Gandharva. दक्ष m., n. pr. धावन n., running, course. परमात्मन् m., the world spirit. मोच m., deliverance, salvation. रोहिणी f., n. pr. लोह n. metal; iron. वायस m., crow. वेदान्त m., a system of philosophy. शकुन्तला f., n. pr. हेमन्त m., winter. Adj.: अणु little, small; as n. subst., atom. आशु swift. ईदृश् f. ईदृशी, such. पुराण, f. • and oर्दू, old. वर्तिन् abiding, being. Indecl.: च sometimes in sense of if. Exercise XXXII. ज्येष्ठो भ्राता पिता वापि यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति । त्रयस्ते पितरो ज्ञेया धर्में* च पथि वर्तिनः ॥ १८ ॥ मोक्षाय ज्ञानं यज्ञेभ्यः साधीय इति पुराणैरुक्तम् । १। साम्प्रतं तु भक्त्या श्रेयो लब्धुं द्विजातयो यतन्ते ॥ २ ॥ त्रयः कनीयांसो भ्रातरो रा- मस्याभवन् । ३ । यवीयसीं भार्या परिणयेत् । ४ । यदि ज्येष्ठायां भा- यीयां कनिष्ठः पुत्रो जायेत तदा स एव श्रेष्ठं धनस्य भागं लभेतेत्येके । ५ । परमात्माणोरप्यणीयान्महतो ऽपि महीयान्वेदान्तेषु वर्ण्यते । ६ । पञ्च- भिरेताभिर्नदीभिः सह संगतः सिन्धुर्गङ्गाया अपि वरीयान्दृश्यते । ७ । या अष्टाविंशतिर्दक्षस्य दुहितरश्चन्द्रमसा परिणीतास्तासां रोहिणी भर्तुः प्रेष्ठाभवत् । ८ । स्तेनेभ्यः सुरापाः पापीयांसः स्मर्यन्ते । ९ । पा- पानां पापिष्ठास्तु ब्रह्महणः । १० । प्रथीयो यशस्त्रिषु लोकेष्वर्जुनेन ल- ब्धम् ॥ ११ ॥ * Translate as though genitive. Lesson XXXII. XXXIII. 133 12. Of the three wives of Daçaratha, Kausalya was older and more honored (, comp.) than Kaikeyi and Sumitra. 13. In winter the nights are very long. 14. Not very many (express as pred.) such jewels are found on earth. 15. Among those kings of the North Prthvīrāja was the mightiest. 16. The poems of Kalidasa are sweeter than the works of Bāņa. 17. Anāthapindika was the richest among all the merchants in Rājagṛha. 18. Iron is lighter than gold, but heavier than wood. 19. In running the horse is the swiftest of quadrupeds. 20. Çakuntala was more beautiful than all other women of that time, and became the wife of the mightiest monarch (A) of the whole earth. 21. The crow is called the shrewdest of birds. Lesson XXXIII. (Part I.) 346. Compounds. In all periods of the language the combination of stems of declension with one another, forming compounds which are treated in accent, inflection and construction as if simple words, is one of the most striking peculiarities of the Sanskrit tongue. In the Vedic period compounds of more than two elements are rare. In the later language this moderation is abandoned; and the later the period, and especially the more elaborate the style of composition, the more unwieldy and difficult do the compounds become. To such an extent is this carried that the advantages of an inflective language are often deliberately thrown away, and a clumsy aggregation of elements replaces the due syntactical union of inflected words into sentences. 347. Sanskrit compounds fall into three principal classes: I. Copulative or Aggregative compounds, of which the members are syntactically coordinate: a joining together of words which in 134 Lesson XXXIII. an uncompounded state would be connected by 'and'.* E. g. - F- ताकृतम् ‘done and undone' ; देवगन्धर्वमानुषाः 'gods and Gan - dharvas and men'. The members of such a compound may obvi- ously be of any number, two or more. II. Determinative compounds, of which the former member is syntactically dependent on the latter, as its determining or quali- fying adjunct: being either a noun limiting it in a case-relation, or an adjective or an adverb describing it. Thus may be distin- guished two sub-classes: A. Dependent, and B. Descriptive, com- pounds; their difference is not absolute. Examples are: of dependents, fäÂN ‘army of enemies'; पादोदक 'water for the feet'; हस्तकृत 'made with hands' ; — of descriptives, (§353, 2) 'dear friend'; दुष्कृत ' badly done'. great king'; f 348. The character of compounds of classes I. and II., as parts of speech, is determined by their final member, and they are capable of being resolved into equivalent phrases by giving the proper independent form and formal means of connection to each member. But this is not true of the third class, which accordingly is more fundamentally distinct from them than they from each other. 349. III. Secondary Adjective compounds, the value of which is not given by a simple resolution into their component parts, but which, though having as final member a noun, are themselves ad- jectives. These again are of two sub-classes: A. Possessive com- pounds, which are noun-compounds of the preceding class (II. A. or B.), with the idea of 'having' added, turning them from nouns into adjectives; and B. compounds in which the second member is * This class of compounds is of comparatively recent devel- opment; only the other two are common in others of the related tongues. Lesson XXXIII. 135 a noun syntactically dependent on the first: namely, 1. Participial compounds (only Vedic), of a present participle with its following object; and 2. Prepositional compounds, of a preposition and fol- lowing noun. This whole sub-class B is comparatively small. Examples: वरसेन 'possessing a hero-army'; प्रजाकाम 'having desire of progeny '; afa™ 'excessive'. 350. The adjective compounds are, like simple adjectives, some- times used, especially in the neuter, as abstract and collective nouns; and in the accusative as adverbs. Out of these uses have grown apparent classes of compounds, reckoned and named as such by the Hindu grammarians. 351. A compound may, like a simple word, become a member in another compound, and so on indefinitely. The analysis of a compound (except copulatives), of whatever length, must be made by a series of bisections. Thus the dependent compound you- कृत, 'done in a previous existence', is first divisible into and कृत the descriptive, then this into its two elements. 352. Euphonic combination in compounds. The final of a stem is combined with the initial of another stem in composition according to the general rules for external combination. But: 1. Final इस् and उस् of a prior member become दूष् and उष् before surd gutturals, dentals, and labials; thus, f. 2. Final of a prior member often remains unchanged under similar circumstances. 3. After final,,, an initial often becomes lingual. 4. Pronouns generally take the stem-form of the neuter; for the personal pronouns are oftenest used and in the sing., मद् त्वद् अस्मद् and युष्मद् in the pl. 5. For H, in the prior member of descriptive and possess- ive compounds, is used T. 6. A case-form in the prior member is not very rare. 136 Lesson XXXIII. 353. In all classes of compounds, certain changes of final are liable to appear in the concluding member; generally they have the effect of transferring the compound as a whole to the a-declension. Thus: 1. A stem in often drops the final, as in , FE, अह, • मूर्ध, राज. 2. An इ or ई is changed to अ, as in °भूम, रात्र, °सख, Any to, •чч. 3. An is added after a final consonant, sometimes even after an u-vowel or a diphthong, as in • अहू (अहन्), गव (गो). The separate classes of compounds will now be taken up. (Part II.) 354. I. Copulative compounds. Two or more nouns less often adjectives, and once or twice adverbs much having a co- ordinate construction, as though joined by 'and', are sometimes com- bined into a compound." * 355. The noun-compounds fall, as regards their inflective form, into two classes: A. The compound has the gender and declension of its final member, and is in number a dual or plural, according to its logical value as denoting either two, or more than two, individual things. Examples are: व्रीहियवौ 'rice and barley'; रामकृ- ष्णौ ‘Rāma and Krsna'; अजावयः 'goats and sheep'; ब्राह्मणक्षत्रि- यवैश्यशूद्राः ‘Brāhmans, Kşatriyas, Vaiçyas and Çūdras'; पितापुत्रौ (§ 352, 6) 'father and son'. B. The compound, without regard to the number denoted or to the gender of its constituents, becomes a neuter singular collective (so-called samāhāra-dvandva). Thus, ¶¶¶ ‘hand and foot'; सर्पनकुलम् ' snake and ichneumon'; छत्त्रोपानहम् ($ 353, 3) 'um- brella and shoe'; I (§ 353, 2) day and night'. * 356. The later language preserves several dual combinations This class is called by the Hindus dvandva, 'couple'; but a dvandva of adjectives they do not recognize. Lesson XXXIII. 137 of the names of divinities, etc., which retain their earlier forms; thus, द्यावापृथिव्यौ and द्यावाभूमी ' Heaven and Earth'; मित्रा- वरुणौ ‘Mitra and Varuna ' ; अग्नीषोमो 'Agni and Soma'. 357. Adjective copulative compounds are made likewise, but are rare. Examples are: शुक्लकृष्ण ‘light and dark'; वृत्तपीन 'round qua'round and plump';* bathed and anointed'. स्नातानुलिप्त ' 358. Determinative compounds. A noun or adjective is often A combined into a compound with a preceding determining or qual- ifying word a noun or adjective or adverb. The two principal divisions of this class are, as indicated above, A. Dependent, and B. Descriptive, compounds. Each class falls into two subdivisions, according as the final member, and therefore the whole compound, is noun or adjective. ** 359. A. Dependent compounds. 1. Noun - compounds. The case-relation of the prior to the second member may be of any kind, but is oftenest genitive, and least often accusative. Thus, तत्पुरुष = तस्य पुरुषः ; मूर्खशतानि ' hundreds of fools'; – पादोदक (= पादेभ्य उदकम् ) ‘water for the feet'; विद्याधन ' money (ob- जलक्रीडा tained) by science'; आत्मसादृश्य (= आत्मना सादृश्यम्) ‘likeness with self'; चौरभय (= चौराद्भयम्) 'fear of a thief'; (to) 'sport in the water'; - नगरगमन (= नगरं ग०) ' going to the city'; fa 'lord of speech', n. pr. (§ 352, 6.). 360. 2. Dependent adjective compounds. Only a very small proportion of the compounds of this class have an ordinary adjective as final member; usually the final member is a participle, or a de- rivative of agency with the value of a participle (§ 204). The The Hindus reckon these as karmadharayas (see next note). ** The whole class of determinatives is called by the natives tatpuruşa (the name is a specimen of the class, meaning 'his man'); the second division, the descriptives, bears the special name karma- dhāraya, a word of obscure meaning and application. 138 Lesson XXXIII. prior member stands in any possible case-relation. Thus, ATA 'gone to the village'; afa Veda-knowing'; शिवरक्षित 'protected by Çiva'; πfga (= nâ fṛa:) 'good for the cow'; स्वर्गपतित ' fallen from the sky'; तरङ्गचञ्चलतर 'more mobile than waves ' ; - द्विजोत्तम ( द्विजानाम् उत्तमः) ‘best of Brāhmans' स्थालीपक्क 'cooked in a pot'. root 361. Compounds of this sort having as final member the bare sometimes modified in form, and, if it end originally are very numerous: in a short vowel, generally with an added thus, वेदविद् above ( § 360 ) ; रथस्थ ' standing in the wagon' (or simply 'in the wagon'); on the head'; 'only-born'; वनेचर (§ 352, 6) ‘forest-dwelling'; युधिष्ठिर 'firm in battle' ; मन- f 'born in the heart' (i. e. 'love'). 362. B. Descriptive compounds. In this division of the deter- minatives, the prior member stands to the other in no distinct case- relation, but qualifies it adjectively or adverbially, according as the final member is noun or adjective. Thus, प्रियसख ($ 353, 2); सुकृत 'well-done'; 'evil-doing' (adj.). The compounds of noun-value cannot well be separated in treatment from those of adjective-value. 363. The simplest case is that in which a noun as final member is preceded by a qualifying adjective as prior member. Thus, - ष्णाश्व (= कृष्णो ऽश्वः) ‘black horse'; महापुरुष 'great man'. Instead of an adjective, the prior member is in a few cases a noun used appositionally or with a quasi-adjective value; thus, f 'priest- sage'; राजर्षि ‘king-sage'. 364. Sometimes compounds of this sort express a comparison; thus, HH ‘black as a thunder - cloud' (cf. 'coal-black', etc.). Reversed, ya 'man-tiger', i. e., ‘a man fierce as a tiger';* Literally, a tiger which is not a tiger after all, but a man. Or, perhaps better, 'tiger of (or among) men' (so Whitney). Lesson XXXIII. 139 नरसिंह 'man-lion' ; पादपद्म 'foot-lotus', i. e. 'a foot lovely as a lotus'. 365. The adverbial words most commonly used as prior members of descriptive compounds, qualifying the other member, are the verbal prefixes ("prepositions "), and the words of direction related to them; likewise the inseparable prefixes or priva- tive, ‘well', 'ill', etc. These are combined with nouns (in सु दुस् quasi-adjectival value) as well as with adjectives. Thus, a 'not अकृत done'; अपण्डित ‘not a scholar' ; अनर्थ 'misfortune' ; अतिदेव ‘more than a god’; अतिदूर ' exceedingly far' ; अतिभय ' excessive fear ' ; प्रतिपक्ष ' opposing side. ' Vocabulary XXXIII. Verbs: आप् + सम् complete. JA + VI (anurájyati, -te) be devoted to, inclined to (loc.). +f station, place, appoint. + go away (on a journey). qa+fa return home. Subst.: n., step; place. THπ m., air, sky. पूरु m., n. pr. महिषी Afgat f., queen. मृगया f. chase. m., hermitage. कण्व m., n. pr. Am., boy, prince. T f., game, sport. faa m., ornament (often fig.). n., bathing-place; place of pilgrimage. facta n., oat f., the threefold world. m., n. pr. fum., panther. द्वीपिन् f., march, journey; support. ¿ m., race, family. वृत्तान्त m., state of affairs; news. tf., female friend. Hm., hospitality. सत्कार Adj.: अनुरूप, f. oआ, suitable. f, f. •, adopted. 140 Lesson XXXIII. गान्धर्व, f. of, in the manner of, | समीप, f. T, near; as neut. subst., or suitable for, the Gandharvas. vicinity, nearness, presence. दिव्य, f. o, heavenly, divine. मानुष, f. of, human. Adv.: पुरा earlier, formerly. Exercise XXXIII. दुष्षन्तो नाम राजर्षिः पूरुवंशतिलकस्त्रिलोक्यां विश्रुतः कृत्स्नां पृ- थिवीमपालयत् । १ । स चैकदा मन्त्रिसूत सैनिकान्वितो मृगयाक्रीडार्थ * महावनं प्रविष्टः । २ । तस्मिन्वने दुष्षन्तो ऽनेकान्व्याघ्रसिंहर्त्तद्वीपिनो ऽन्यांश्च वनेचरान्प्राणिनः स्वशरैर्व्याीपादयत् । ३ । एकं तु हरिणं पलाय- मानं रथस्थो ऽनुसरन्स नदीतीरे दिव्याश्रमपदं दृष्टवान् । ४ । कण्वस्य ब्रह्मर्षेरयमाश्रम इति सूतमुखाच्छ्रुत्वा सैनिकान्वने संस्थाप्य र्ष नन्तुं रा- जा तत्र प्रविष्टः । ५ । तदा कखे तीर्थयात्रार्थ प्रोषिते सति तस्य कृत्रिमा दुहिता शकुन्तला नाम सखीसमेता महाराजमतिथिसत्कारेण पूजयितु- माश्रमान्निर्गता ॥ ६ ॥ (Form compounds of words joined by hyphens). 7. When he had seen her, brilliant (राज् pres. part.) with di- vine-beauty, as though (a) more-than-human, the heart of the king-sage was inclined (pass. part.) toward her. 8. Thereupon, having learned that she (acc.) was the daughter-of-an- Apsaras (acc.), he married her by the gāndharva - ceremony (विवाह) suitable-for- Kşatriyas. 9. Dussanta, after dwelling very many days-and-nights in the hermitage, abandoned Çakuntala and returned to his-own- city. 10. Afterwards, when Kaņva bad finished his pilgrimage, and returned to the hermitage, learning (fa) the news*-of-bis¹- daughter's2-marriages, he sent her into-the-presence-of-Dussanta. 11. The royal-sage at first disowned (प्रत्याख्या, ger.) Cakuntala when she was come-to-the-city'; but at last he put (नि-युज्, part.in • वन्त्) her in-the-place-of-the-first-queen'. 12. In the course of time * “To engage in the sport of hunting"; cf. below, $375, 3. Lesson XXXIII. XXXIV. 141 (A) a beautiful-prince, named Bharata, was born to her (loc.). Lesson XXXIV. 366. III. Secondary Adjective Compounds. A compound with a noun as final member very often wins secondarily the value of an adjective, being inflected in the three genders to agree with the noun which it qualifies, and used in all the constructions of an adjective. The two divisions of this class have been given above (§ 349). 367. Certain changes are sometimes necessary in the stem of the final member to make possible the inflection in different genders. Masc. and neut. stems in, and fem. in, generally interchange; thus, from सु + हस्त comes the compound सुहस्त ' with excellent hands', nom. sing. सुहस्तस्, स्ता, स्तम्; so also (from त्रि + जिह्वा) त्रिजिइस्, 'हा, 'हम्; and (from सु + फल n.) सुफलस्, 'ला, 'लम्. The same holds good for masc., fem., and neut. stems in इ and stems in consonants. and 3, 368. But often a fem. in is used by the side of a masc. and neut. in; thus, faqf two-leaved', f. fauuff. 6 369. Very frequently the suffix (attenuated into an element of indefinite value) is added to a pure possessive compound, to help the conversion of the compounded stem into an adjective; especially to fem. stems in and, and to stems in; and in general, where the final of the stem is less usual or manageable in adjective inflection. Thus, बहुनदीक ' rich in rivers '; मृतभर्तृका f., 'whose husband is dead', i. e. 'widow'; HYTA (nom. masc. and fem. ०शास् ) or महायशस्क. is added to 370. Sometimes the possessive-making suffix secondary adjective compounds, without effect upon the meaning; thus, गर्दभनादिन् (= ॰नाद) 'having an ass's voice.' 142 Lesson XXXIV. 371. A. Possessive compounds. The possessives are determin- ative compounds to which are given both an adjective inflection (as just shown), and also an adjective meaning of a kind best defined by adding 'having' to the meaning of the determinative. Thus, the dependent a n., ‘beauty of a god', becomes the possessive Tay, ol, m. f. n., ‘having the beauty of a god’; the descriptive 15 m., ‘long arm', becomes the possessive दीर्घबाज दीर्घबाज m. f. n., 'having long arms'. * 372. Dependent compounds are, by comparison, not often thus turned into possessives. But possessively used descriptives are extremely frequent and various; and some kinds of combination which are rare in proper descriptives are very common as pos- sessives. 373. An adjective as prior member takes the masculine stem- form, even though referring to a feminine noun in the final member; thus, रूपवद्भार्य (from भार्याी) ' possessing a beautiful wife'. 374. As prior members are found: 6 - 1. Adjectives proper; thus, of other form'. - 2. Parti- ciples; thus, whose mother is slain'. 3. Numerals; thus, चतुर्मुख ' four-faced ' ; त्रिलोचन 'three-eyed'. – 4. Nouns with quasi- adjectival value; thus, fawn 'gold-handed'. Es- pecially common is the use of a noun as prior member to qualify the other appositionally, or by way of equivalence. These may well be called appositional possessives. Thus, TA 'having "Kṛṣṇa" as name'; 'having men who are heroes'; चारचक्षुस् 'using spies as eyes'; त्वादूत 'having thee as senger'. 5. Adverbial elements (especially inseparable prefixes); 66 mes- * This class of compounds is called by the natives bahuvrīhi; the name is an example of the class, meaning 'having much rice'. The possessive may generally, in accented texts, be distinguished from the original determinative by a difference of accent. Lesson XXXIV. 143 thus, अनन्त ' endless ' ; अपुत्र 'childless ' ; सुपुत्र 'with excellent sons'; fill- savored'. The associative prefix ♬ (less often H) is treated like an adjective element; thus, of like form'; Hy or with a son', or 'having one's son along with one'; सपुत्र सहपुत्र सानुकूल (स AIGHT (A + B n.) 'favorable'. - 6. Ordinary verbal pre- fixes; thus, प्रश्रवस् ' of wide fame' ; व्यङ्ग ‘limbless ' ; निर्बल अनुकूल — 'powerless'; 'with uplifted face'. 7. Ordinary adverbs; HE with mind directed hither'. thus, 375. Certain words, very frequent in the compounds mentioned at § 374, 4, have in part won a peculiar application. 1. Thus with beginning' (or the derivatives or आदिक) f) are made compounds signifying the person or thing de- signated along with others such a person or thing et cetera. Thus, — : 'the gods having Indra as first', i. e. ‘the gods Indra, etc.' Often the qualifying noun is omitted; thus, If food, drink, etc.' — 2. Words like чa (a) etc., पूर्व (पूर्वक) are used in the same way, to denote accompaniment; chiefly ad- verbially. 3. The noun 'object', 'purpose', is used at the end of a compound, oftenest as a neut. subst. (acc. or instr. or loc.), to signify for the sake of', and the like; thus, TË ‘for Damayanti's sake'; 'for a bed'. (See below, § 379). 4. (as neut. subst.) often means 'other' in possessives; thus, I n., ‘another region' (lit. 'that which has a difference of region'). 376. In appositional possessives, the final member, if it de- signate a part of the body, sometimes signifies the part to which belongs what is designated by the prior member: that on or in which it is. Thus afuta with necklace on neck'. Such com- pounds are commonest with words meaning hand; thus, 'with sword in hand'; 'with club in hand'. fufu 377. The possessives are not always used with the simple 144 Lesson XXXIV. value of qualifying adjective. Often they have a pregnant sense, and become the equivalents of dependent clauses; or the 'having' implied in them becomes about equivalent to our 'having' as a sign of past action. Thus, possessing attained ado- lescence', i. e. 'having reached adolescence'; AfYTATEA 'with unstudied books', i. e. 'one who has neglected study'; FANTU 'whose breath is gone', i. e. 'lifeless'; 'to whom death is come near'. 378. B. Compounds with governed final member. 1. Participial compounds, exclusively Vedic. 2. Prepositional compounds. Thus may conveniently be called those compounds in which the prior member is a particle with true prepositional value, and the final member a noun governed by it. Thus, अतिरात्र ' lasting over night' ; अतिमात्र ' beyond measure', 'excessive'; fuaf 'next the ear’. Compound 379. Adjective compounds as nouns and adverbs. adjectives, like simple ones, are freely used substantively as ab- stracts and collectives, especially in the neuter, and less often in the feminine; and they are also much used adverbially, particularly in the acc. sing. neuter. 380. The substantively used possessive compounds having a numeral as prior member, with some of the strictly adjective com- pounds, are treated by the Hindus as a separate class, and called dvigu*. Examples of such numeral abstracts and collectives are: fa n., ‘the three ages'; fn., 'space of three leagues'. Feminines of like use occur in the later language; thus f (by the side of on.,) 'the three worlds'. 381. Those adverbially used accusatives of secondary adjective * The name is a sample of the class, and means ‘of two cows' (said to be used in the sense of 'worth two cows'). Lesson XXXIV. 145 compounds which have an indeclinable or particle as prior member are considered by the Hindus a separate class of compounds, and called avyayībhāva*. 1. The prepositional compounds are especially frequent in this use; thus, प्रतिदोषम् ' at evening' ; समतम् ' in sight'; अनुगङ्गम् (= गङ्गाम् अनु ) ' along the Ganges' ; उपगङ्गम् 'on the G.'; faq 'every year'. — 2. A large class of avyayi- bhāvas is made up of words having a relative adverb, especially यथा, as prior member. Thus, यथावशम्, यथाकामम्, यथेच्छम, 'as one chooses'. And, with other adverbs: long as one lives'; 'whither one will'. iqh ‘as 382. Occasionally quite anomalous compounds will be met with. For such, cf. Whitney, § 1314. Verbs: Vocabulary XXXIV. चि + निस् determine, decide. +fa in caus. (vidārāyati) tear open. ч (pāṭáyati) split open. भू + अभि overpower. Subst.: n., limb, member, body. m., form, figure. m., moon. n., belly. ag m., banner. af f., peak; point, tip. चूडा f.. top-knot, scalp. n., knowledge; insight. 27 (varayate) choose, select. H+ (ăsídati) approach. + in caus. (samāsādáyati) meet with, encounter. Eu (hárṣati; hṛṣyati) rejoice, be delighted. al n., palate. f., thirst, desire. ¿ f., tooth. afa f., brilliancy. qɗa m., mountain. yfe m., a tribe in India. ч m., stroke, shot; wound. m., breath, life (often pl.). H., head. The word means 'conversion to an indeclinable'. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 10 146 Lesson XXXIV. मीन m., fish. juncture (§ 376, 4. ) वक्षस् n., chest, breast. वराह m., boar. वेदना f. pain. स्नायु m. tendon; bowstring. Adj.: पटु skilled. बाल, f. o, young. Indecl.: अथ then, thereupon. तद् (adv. acc.) therefore. अनवद्य, f. ०आ, blameless, fault - तावत् so long; often_merely : less. donc, doch. as. = अनुकूल, f. ०आ, favorable; as यावत् as long as, while; as soon neut. subst., favor. अन्तर, f. oआ, inner ; as neut. subst., the interior, middle; interval, difference; occasion, स्म asseverative particle; gives to the present the force of an historical tense. Exercise XXXIV. अतितृष्णा न कर्तव्या तृष्णां नैव परित्यजेत् । अतितृष्णाभिभूतस्य चूडा भवति मस्तके ॥ १९ ॥ कस्मिंश्चिद्वने पुलिन्दः प्रतिवसति स्म । १ । स चैकदा मृगयां कर्तुं प्रस्थितः । २ । अथ तेन प्रसर्पता (pres. part.) पर्वतशिखराकारो महा- वराहः समासादितः । ३ । तं दृष्ट्वा कर्णान्ताकृष्टशरेण स तेन समा- हतः । ४ । तेनापि वराहेण कोपाविष्टेन बालेन्दुद्युतिना दंद्राग्रेण पा- टितोदरः पुलिन्दो गतप्राणो भूमावपतत् । ५ । अथ व्याधं व्यापाद्य वराहो ऽपि शरप्रहारवेदनया मृतः । ६ । एतस्मिन्नन्तरे कश्चिदासन्न मृत्युः शृगाल इतस्ततः परिभ्रमंस्तं देशमागतः । ७ । यावद्वराहपुलिन्दौ पश्यति तावत्प्रहृष्टो ऽचिन्तयत् । ८ । भोः सानुकूलो मे विधिः । ९ । तेनैतद- चिन्तितं भोजनमुपस्थितम् । १० । तदहं तथा भक्षयामि यथा बहून्यहा- नि मे प्राणयात्रा भवति । ११ । तत्तावत्प्रथमं स्नायुपाशं धनुष्कोटिगतं भक्षयामि । १२ । एवं मनसा निश्चित्य धनुष्कोटिं मुखे चिप्त्वा स्नायुं भक्षयितुमारब्धः | १३ | ततश्च कर्तिते स्नायो तालु विदार्य धनुष्को- टिर्मस्तकमध्येन निष्क्रान्ता । १४ । सो ऽपि मृतः ॥ १५ ॥ 16. Those-who-have-done-evil must do penance twelve-days, Lesson XXXIV. XXXV. 147 six-days, or three-days. 17. Pururavas, Indra's-friend, married the moon-faced*, faultless-limbed* Apsaras Urvaçi. 18. Bhṛgukaccha is situated (q) on the Narmada. 19. There stands the long- armed, broad-chested king-of-the-Angas, sword-in-hand. 20. The path-of-knowledge is better than the path-of-works. 21. In-the- opinion-of-the-ancient-seers (cpd in loc. or instr.) one-whose-hus- band-is-dead may choose a second at-pleasure. 22. Love is bodiless, and bears-a-fish-in-his-banner; so say the poets. 23. The Brahman's- daughter, Sītā-by-name*, is lotus-eyed. 24. The king, although (f) many-wived, is childless. 25. The eloquent** pandit has arrived with-his-scholars. 26. With-upturned-face () Cātaka (उन्मुख) prays for rain-water. Lesson XXXV. 383. First Conjugation of Verbs. Present System.*** In this conjugation the optative act., the 2nd sing. imv. act., and the 3rd pl. mid., are formed otherwise than in the a-conjugation. 384. Strong forms. The forms in which the stem assumes its strong form are these: the three persons sing. of the pres. and impf. indic. act., all first persons of the imv., act. and mid., and the 3rd sing. imv. act. All other forms of the present system are weak. 385. Endings. For the middle endings अन्ते, अन्त, and अन्ताम् are substituted अते, अत, and अताम् ; and after reduplicated stems (and a few others) अति, अतु, and उस् are substituted for the 營​營 ​Secondary adj. cpds., fem. in t. Dep. cpd, "skilled in speech". *** For a comprehensive view of the ways of forming the present- stems of verbs following this general conjugation, see Introduction, § 78. 10 148 Lesson XXXV. active endings अन्ति, अन्तु, and अन् (impf.). The 2nd sing. imv. often takes the ending for f. Otherwise the endings are the same as in the a-conjugation. 386. Optative mode-sign. The sign of the opt. act. is Tyá, with secondary endings; but is the ending in the 3rd pl., and आ is dropped before it; thus, व्युस्. 387. Present participle middle. In the first conjugation this participle is made with the suffix आन [आण], before which the stem takes the same form as before the 3rd pl. pres. ind. The fem. is always in आ. 388. Class IV. A: nu-class. The present-stem is made by adding to the root the syllable नु nu [णु ņu], in strong forms नो nd [णो ?]. The उ of the class-sign may be dropped before व् and of the 1st du. and 1st pl. endings, except when the root ends in a consonant; and the before a vowel-ending becomes a or उव्, according as it is preceded by one or by two consonants. The ending f of the 2nd. sing. imv. is dropped if the root end in a vowel. 389. I. Roots in vowels. सु 'press'. Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. सुनोमि सुनुवस् सुनुमस् सुन्वे सुनुवहे सुनुमहे sunómi sunuvás sunum ás sunvé sunuváhe sunumȧhe 2. सुनोषि सुनुथस् सुनुथ सुनुषे सुन्वाथे सुनुध्वे sunoşi sunuthás sunuthá sunuşé sunváthe sunudhvé 3. सुनोति सुनुतस् सुन्वन्ति सुनुते सुन्वाते सुन्वते sunóti sunutás sunvánti sunuté sunváte sunváte The forms सुन्वस्, सुन्मस्, सुन्वहे, सुन्महे, are alternative with those given above for 1st du. and pl., and occur oftener. Lesson XXXV. 149 * Imperfect. 1. असुनवम् असुनुव असुनुम असुवि असुनुवहि ० नुमहि 2. असुनोस् असुनुतम् असुनुत असुनुथास असुन्वाथाम् ०नुध्वम् 3. असुनोत् असुनुताम् असुन्वन् असुनुत असुन्वाताम् ॰न्वत The briefer forms असुन्व, असुन्म, असुन्वहि, असुन्महि, are al- lowed and more usual. 1. सुनवानि सुनवाव sunávāni sunávāva Imperative. सुनवाम सुनवै सुनवावहै सुनवामहै sunávāma sunávāi sunávāvahāi sunávāmahāi 2. सुनु sunú सुनुतम् सुनुत सुनुष्व सुत्वाथाम् सुनुध्वम् sunutám sunutá sunusvá sunváthām sunudhvám सुनुताम् सुन्वाताम् सुन्वताम् sunvátām 3. सुनोतु सुनुताम् सुन्वन्तु sunótu* ** sunutám sunvántu sunutám sunvátām Optative. 1. सुनुयाम् सुनुयाव व्याम सुन्वीय sunuyảm sunuyáva sunuyȧma sunviyá सुन्वीवहि सुन्वीमहि sunvīmáhi sunvīváhi सुन्वीथास् सुन्वीयाथाम् सुन्वीध्वम् सुन्वीत सुन्वीयाताम् सुन्वीरन 2. सुनुयास् सुनुयातम् यात 3. सुनुयात् सुनुयाताम् 'यस् Participle. सुन्वन्त्, f सुन्वती सुन्वान, f. ॰आ 390. II. Roots in consonants. आप् 'acquire'. Active. Indicative. Middle. 1. आप्नोमि आप्नुवस् आप्नुमस् आप्नुवे 2. आप्नोषि आप्नुथस् आप्नुथ आशुषे 3. आप्नोति आप्तस् आप्नुवन्ति आप्नुते * आप्नुवहे आप्नु महे आप्नुवाथे आप्नुध्वे आप्नुवाते आप्नुवते The augment, without any exception in verbal conjugation, is the accented element in the verbal form of which it makes a part. ** The rare imv in तात् (cf. § 196) would be formed thus : सुनुतात्. 150 Lesson XXXV. Imperative. 1. आप्नवानि आप्तवाव आप्नवाम आप्नवे 2. आप्नुहि आप्नुतम् आप्नुत आनुष्व आनवावहै 'वामहे आनुवाथाम् 'ध्वम् 3. आप्नोतु आप्नुताम् आप्नुवन्तु आप्नुताम् आप्नुवाताम् श्वताम् Participle. आप्नुवन्त् f. आप्नुवती आप्नुवान, f. oञ्जा The other forms of this tense follow the model of सु. 391. 1. The root श्रु, 'hear', contracts to शृ before the class- sign, forming crnó and crnu as strong and weak stem; 2nd sing. imv. act. शृणु; 2nd du. ind. act. शृणुवस् or शृण्वस्, etc. - 2. The root & shortens its vowel in the present-system. Verbs : Vocabulary XXXV. अय् (aænute) acquire, obtain. + समुप obtain. आप् (āpnoti, rarely āpnute ) ac- quire, reach. + अव, प्र, or सम्, reach. fa (cinóti, cinuté) gather. + प्र or सम्, gather. (dhunóti, dhunuté) shake. lą (vrnóti, vrnuté) cover,surround. + ना cover, etc.. + अपा open. + वि explain, manifest. + सम् shut. शक् (çaknóti) be able. श्रु (erndti, srņute) hear. + निस् or विनिस्, decide, con- स्तृ (stradti, strņute) scatter, strew. clude. चुद् + प्र ( pracodäyati) urge on. दु (dunôti), intr., burn, feel pain or distress; tr., pain or distress (acc.) + उप scatter. हि (hindti) send. हृ + प्रत्या (pratyāhärati) bring back. Subst.: आहार m., food. दिवस m., day. द्वाःस्थ m., doorkeeper. ufâ m. pl., n. pr., certain demons. प्रभाव m., might, power. Lesson XXXV. 151 पुण्य, f. o meritorious, holy, भोग m., enjoyment. मूल n., root. रस m., taste, feeling. auspicious. , •भाज् sharing. वानप्रस्थ m., a Brahman in the मनोहर, f. ०, entrancing, agree- third period of his life. विप्र m., Brāhman. able. रसवन्त्, f. वती, tasteful. शब्द m., sound; noise; word. Adj.: नव, f. o, new. सदृश, f. ०ई, similar; worthy. Exercise XXXV. आचाराद्विच्युतो विप्रो न वेदफलमश्रुते । आचारेण तु संयुक्तः संपूर्णफलभाग्भवेत् ॥ २० ॥ बलहीना अपि बुद्धिप्रभावेन महान्तं दुःखोदधिं तरीतुं शक्नुव- न्ति । १ । वानप्रस्थः शय्यार्थ भूमिं नवपत्त्रैर्हरिणचर्मभिश्चोपास्तृणोत् । २ । स्वपितरावुद्यानादाहातुं बालं प्रहिणु । ३ । हे मघवन् पणिभिरपहृता अस्मद्गाः प्रत्याहर्तुं मरुतः सहायानादाय गुहाया द्वारमपवृणुया इत्यृषि- भिरिन्द्रः प्रार्थ्यत । ४ । वनवृक्षान्धुन्वानस्य वायोः शब्दं पथा** गच्छन्ताव- शृण्व | ५ | पुण्यकर्मभिर्धर्म संचित्य मृताः स्वर्ग जन्मान्तरे च विद्यारूपा- दीन्गुणानाप्नवाम । ६ । यज्ञेषु होतृप्रचोदिता अध्वर्यवः सोमं सुन्वताम् ॥ ७॥ महावने त्रिरात्रं परिभ्रम्य चतुर्थदिवसस्य मध्याह्ने गिरिशिखरमवाप्नु- वत । ८ । मूलफलादि वन आहारार्थ प्रचिन्वीरंस्तपस्विनः । ९ । पण्डितः शिष्येभ्यः शब्दशास्त्रं व्यवृणोत् ॥ १० ॥ 11. Having entered the temple of the worshipful (भगवत्)- Visņu we heard the ear-entrancing (श्रुतिमनोहर) song-of-the-young- women (use जन at end of cpd). 12. Listen to this word of a de- voted (स्निह्, pass. part.) friend. 13. The greedy (लुभ्, pass. part.), who are always gathering riches, never attain the enjoyment of * ** Infin. of तृ. The instr. is sometimes used to express the medium, or space or distance or road, traversed. 152 Lesson XXXV. XXXVI. them. 14. By tasteful, well-composed poems ye may attain glory in the ten regions of the world (दिम् ). 15. Çakuntala, mayest thou get (imv.) a husband worthy-of-thee. 16. My-two-brothers deter- mined to travel to Benares. 17. May the king's-sword bring grief to (दु, imv. or opt.) the hearts-of-the-wives-of-his-enemies. 18. Clouds cover the sky. 19. Let the doorkeeper close the door. Lesson XXXVI. 392. Verbs. Class IV. B. u-class. The few roots (only six) of this sub-class end already in erable irregularity and so add only except one, कृ, of consid- flection is quite that of the nu-class, the as class-sign. The in- being gunated in the strong forms, and dropped (optionally, but in fact nearly always ) before and of 1st dual and plural. व् 393. Thus तन्, 'stretch', makes तनोमि, तनोषि, etc. ; 1st du. तन्वस् (or तनुवस), 1st pl. तन्मस् (or तनुमस् ); mid. तन्वे तन्वहे, तन्महे, etc. all like a vowel-root of the nu-class. 394. The root 1कृ, ‘make', makes the strong stem करो, weak ; the class-sign is always dropped before and Я in 1st du. and 1st pl., and also before of the opt. active. Thus: Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. करोमि कुर्वस् कुर्मस् कुर्वे कुर्वहे कुर्महे 2. करोषि कुरुथस् कुरुथ कुरुषे कुर्वीथे कुरुध्वे 3. करोति कुरुतस् कुर्वन्ति कुरुते कुर्वते कुर्वते Imperfect. 1. अकरवम् अकुर्व अकुर्म अकुर्वि अकुर्वहि अकुर्महि 2. अकरोस् अकुरुतम् अकुरुत अकुरुथास् अकुर्वीथाम् अकुरुध्वम् 3. अकरोत् अकुरुताम् अकुर्वन् अकुरुत अकुर्वीताम् अकुर्वत Lesson XXXVI. 153 Imperative. 1. करवाणि करवाव करवाम करवै करवावहै करवामहै 2. कुरु 3. करोतु कुरुतम् कुरुत कुरुष्व कुर्वीथाम् कुरुध्वम् कुरुताम् कुर्वन्तु कुरुताम् कुर्वीताम् कुर्वताम् Optative. 1. कुर्याम् कुर्यीव कुर्याम कुर्वीय कुर्वीवहि कुर्वीमहि etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. कुर्वन्त् f. कुर्वती Participle. कुर्वाण, f. ०. 395. This root sometimes assumes (or retains from a more original condition) an initial स् after the prefix सम् * ; thus, संस्क- रोति, संस्कुरुते, समस्कुर्वन्. 396. The adverbial prefixes आविस् and प्रादुस्, 'forth to sight', ' in view' ; तिरस् ' through', 'out of sight'; पुरस् in front, forward'; and the purely adverbial अलम् ' enough, sufficient', are often used with, and with one or two other verbs, oftenest 'become'. अस् ‘be’ and भू 397. Any noun or adjective-stem is liable to be compounded with verbal forms or derivatives of the roots कृ and भू, in the manner of a verbal prefix. If the final of the stem be an a-vowel or an i-vowel, it is changed to ई; if an u-vowel, to ऊ. Conso- nantal stems take the form which they have before consonant- endings - of course with observance of the usual euphonic rules; but stems in अन् change those letters to ई. Thus, स्वीकरोति ' he makes his own’, 'appropriates '; भस्मीकरोति (भस्मन्) 'he changes to ashes', i. e. ' burns' : स्तम्भीभवति 'becomes a post' (स्तम्भ); शुचीभवति ' becomes pure' (शुचि); साधूकरोति ' makes holy'. 398. The suffixes ता (f.) and त्व (n) are very extensively used to form abstract nouns, denoting the quality of being so- * Also sometimes after परि and उप. 154 Lesson XXXVI. and-so', from both adjectives and nouns. afya n., 'the rank of a Kṣatriya'. Thus, far f., + make known, or visi- Vocabulary XXXVI. Verbs: ☎ (karóti, kuruté) do, make. ble. + + + do evil to, harm (gen.,+ (§ 395) prepare, adorn; loc., or acc.). prepare, adorn. fan (āviṣkaróti) make known, exhibit. consecrate. (kṣaṇóti, kṣaṇuté) wound. (tanóti, tanuté) stretch, ex- tend (tr.); perform (a sacrifice). + do good to, benefit (gen., cause, bring about. loc.). + + fara hide; blame, find fault (düşyati) be defiled. with (acc.). + पुरस् put at the head. + Яfa pay, recompense; punish (acc. rei, gen., dat. or loc. pers.). + spread abroad (tr.). (manute) think, consider. Subst.: दोष 1 m., fault. afaifa m., priest of a cer-fa f., conduct of life; ethics; tain kind. u m., progeny, descendant. politics. m., king. m., plan; view; opinion. n., kitchen. ЯiH n., flesh. n., breast. afas m., name of a tribe. कलिङ्ग aff., charm, grace. qun., salt. 7 n., spice. FAIT m., astonishment. aiguda n., a certain sacrifice. चं m., name of a tribe. fateft f., veil. व्यवहार m., trade. m., doubt. Hm., cook. Lesson XXXVI. 155 Adj.: अन्ध, f. oआ, blind . अवश्य, f. ० आ, necessary. ०ज्ञ, f. oआ, knowing. वल्लभ, f. o, dear. व्यलीक, f. o, wrong, false. शुभ, f. oआ, good, proper. सज्ञ, f. ०आ, ready. •भुज् enjoying. Exercise XXXVI. यो ऽनधीत्य द्विजो वेदमन्यत्र कुरुते श्रमम् । स जीवन्नेव शूद्रत्वमाशु गच्छति सान्वयः * ॥ २१ ॥ यत्करोत्यशुभं कर्म शुभं वा यदि सत्तम । अवश्यं तत्समाप्नोति पुरुषो ऽत्र न संशयः ॥ २२ ॥ कुर्वन्नपि व्यलीकानि यः प्रियः प्रिय एव सः । अनेकदोषदुष्टोऽपि कायः कस्य न वल्लभः ॥ २३ ॥ यो ब्रह्मणा कर्णावावृणोति तं पितरं मातरं च मन्वानो न द्रुह्येत्तस्मै कदाचन । १ । इदं ते लोभान्धस्य वृत्तं मनसि चमत्कारमातनोति । २ । भो राजन् नीतिज्ञानां मन्त्रिणामभिप्रायं श्रुत्वा यद्धितं तत्स्वीकुरुष्व | ३ | अस्मद्यशांसि दिनु प्रतनुयुरिति मत्वा भूयसीं श्रियं भूभुजः कविभ्यो विभजन्ति । ४ । मांसमूलफलादि प्रभूतव्यञ्जनैः सूदा महानसे संस्कुर्युः । ५ । शत्रुषूपागतेषु शूरा युद्धाय सज्जीभूय स्वगुणानाविष्कुर्वन्तु । ६ । अप्सरस- स्तिरस्करिण्या वपुस्तिरस्कुर्वते ऽविज्ञाताश्च मनुष्यानुपागच्छन्ति ॥ ७ ॥ 8. Every-year an Agnihotrin must perform the Caturmasya (pl.). 9. Mayest thou, O Great-King, protect thy kingdom, benefitting thy friends and harming thy enemies. 10. Brahmans find fault with the trade-in-salt. 11. What thou didst (mid.), that distresses thy friends even now. 12. May I recompense him (dat.) who has done me a service. 13. By the command of the great-king consecrate the four princes according to the law (fafa, instr.). 14. The Cäulukyas held sway (राज्यं कृ) in Anabilapātaka 247 years. 15. By-the-charm-of-her-face the lotus-eyed eclipses (तिरस्कृ) the moon. 16. If one consecrates a scholar, teaches him, makes Poss. cpd, cf. § 374, 5. even 156 Lesson XXXVI. XXXVII. him holy, then this one becomes his child (प्रजा) 17. The king- of-the-Kalingas wounded his enemy in the breast with an arrow. Lesson XXXVII. 399. Verbs. nā-class. The class-sign is in the strong forms the syllable ना nå [IT nā], accented, which is added to the root; in the weak forms it is नी ” [णी ]; but before an initial vowel of an ending the ई of नी nī [णी ] disappears altogether. 400. Thus, क्री ' buy' : strong stem क्रीणा leriná, weak क्रीणी krīnī (before a vowel, क्रीण kerin ). Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. क्रीणामि क्रीणीवस् क्रीणीमस् क्रीणे क्रीणीवहे क्रीणीमहे 2. क्रीणासि क्रीणीथस् क्रीणीथ क्रीणीषे क्रीणा थे क्रीणीध्वे 3. क्रीणाति क्रीणीतस् क्रीणन्ति क्रीणीते क्रीणाते क्रीणते Imperfect. 1. अक्रीणाम् अक्रीणीव अक्रीणीम णि 2. अक्रीणास अक्रीणीतम् अक्रीणीत 3. अक्रीणात् अक्रीणीताम् अक्रीणन् णीत 1. क्रीणानि क्रीणाव क्रीणाम क्रीण 2. क्रीणीहि क्रीणीतम् क्रीणीत क्रीणीष्व क्रीणाथाम् क्रीणीध्वम् 3. क्रीणातु क्रीणीताम् क्रीणन्तु क्रीणीताम् क्रीणाताम् क्रीणताम् Optative. 1. क्रीणीयाम क्रीणीयाव क्रीणीयाम क्रीणीय क्रीणीवहि क्रीणीमहि •णीवहि •णीमहि •णीथास 'णाथाम् ●णीध्वम् •णाताम् •णत Imperative. क्रीणावहै क्रीणाम है etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Participle. क्रीणान, f. क्रीणन्त f. क्रीणती 401. The ending of the 2nd sing. imv. act. is fe, never fa; and there are no examples of its omission. But roots of this class Lesson XXXVII. 157 ending in a consonant substitute for both class-sign and ending in this person the peculiar ending आन ānd; thus, बधान, अशान, स्त- भान, गृहाण (see S$ 402, 403). 402. The roots ending in shorten that vowel before the class-sign; thus, पू, पुनाति, पुनीते. The root ग्रह is weakened to गृह; thus, गृह्णाति. 403. A few roots which have a nasal in some forms outside the present-system, lose it in the present; thus, ग्रथ् or ग्रन्थ्, याति; बन्ध्, बध्नातिः स्तभ् or स्तम्भ, स्तभाति. Similarly, ज्ञा makes जानाति. 404. Root-class. In this class there is no class-sign; the root itself is also present-stem, and to it are added directly the per- sonal-endings; in the opt. (and subj.: § 60, end) of course combined with the mode-sign. The root-vowel takes guna, if capable of it, in the strong forms. 405. Roots ending in vowels. Roots in T of this class are inflected only in the active. In the 3rd pl. impf. act. they may optionally take as ending उस् instead of अन्, the आा being lost before it. * 406. Thus, या 'go' : Indicative. Imperfect. 1. यामि यावस् यामस् अयाम् अयाव अयाम 2. यासि याथस् याथ अयास् अयातम् अयात 3. याति यातस् यान्ति अयात् अयाताम् अयान् or अयुस् The same ending is also allowed and met with in a few roots ending in consonants; viz. 1विद् 'know', चच्, द्विष्, दुह्, मृज. 158 Lesson XXXVII. Imperative. Optative. 1. यानि याव याम यायाम् यायाव यायाम 2. याहि यातम् यात यायास यायातम् यायात 3. यातु याताम् यान्तु यायात् यायाताम् यायुस् Part. यान्त्, f. यान्ती or याती (260). Verbs: 2 अय् (aændti) eat. क्री (keranáti, kerīnītē buy. Vocabulary XXXVII. ग्रन्थ् (grathnàti) string together; compose. ग्रह (grhnäti, grhnite) take, seize. + नि hold, restrain, check. + प्रति take, receive. ज्ञा (jānāti, jānīte) know. + अनु allow, permit. 2पा (páti) protect. ल + आ (āplivate) drench. बन्ध् (badhnäti, badhnīte) bind; catch ; join; compose. भा (bhāt) gleam, glance. HT (máti) measure. मा + निस् work, create. मुष् (musņäti) steal, rob. 2 लुट् (लुण्ठ्) + निस् steal. 29 (ornté: also vardyati, -te) choose. शिष् + उद् remain over. पुष् (pusņätr) make increase or स्तु (strndti, strņité ; see also in grow. पू (pundti, punite clean. प्री (prinati, prznite), act., delight mid., rejoice. Vocab. XXXV) strew. स्ना (snāti) bathe. ; हन् + अप remove. Subst.: कला f., crescent. अञ्जलि m., a gesture of respect - कृति f., work ( literary). ful greeting. इच्छा f., wish. कोष m. treasure; treasury. क्षण m., n., moment; time. चामीकर n., gold. उदय m., rise. The two hands hollowed and opened, and raised to the forehead. Lesson XXXVII. 159 दानव m., demon. नाग m., snake. नेत्र n., leading-rope, cord. मन्थन् (§ 278) m., stirring-stick. मन्दर m., n. pr., a mountain. यूप m. sacrificial post. ललाट n., forehead. समुन्नति f. height, eleration; high position. Adj.: अद्यतन * of to-day. धार्मिक right, just . प्रसन्न (part of प्र सद्) kindly dis- posed. 1वर (vari) m., suitor, bride- ०विद् knowing. groom. 2वर (vira) m., choice, privilege, favor. शेष m., n. pr., a snake-demon who supports the earth. विवेकिन् shrewd. Adv.: समक्षम् before, in the presence of (w. gen.). Exercise XXXVII. परकाव्येन कवयः परद्रव्येण चेश्वराः । निर्लुण्ठितेन स्वकृतिं पुष्णन्त्यद्यतने क्षणे ॥ २४ ॥ विवेकिनमनुप्राप्य गुणा यान्ति समुन्नतिम् । सुतरां रत्नमाभाति चामीकरनियोजितम् ॥ २५ ॥ यज्ञं विधातुमिच्छन्यजमानः प्रथमं वेदविद ऋत्विजो वृणीताम् | १ | यज्ञेषु पशून्स्वलंकृतेषु यूपेषु रज्जुभिर्बघ्नन्ति ॥ २ ॥ देवानां कोपानिं शान्तिं नेतुं तान्स्तुतिभिर्नलराजो प्रीणात् । ३ । प्रसन्ना वयं वरं वृणी- ष्वेति तैरुक्तो राजा धार्मिकत्वमवृणीत ॥ ४ ॥ सोमं दृषद्भ्यां सुत्वाध्वर्य- वस्तं पुनन्तु ॥ ५ ॥ मन्दरपर्वतं मन्थानं शेषनागं च नेत्रं कृत्वा देवदा- नवा अमृतार्थं क्षीरोदधिममवन् ॥ ६ ॥ यथा सूर्य उदये भाति तथा पापान्यपहत्य गङ्गाजलालुता नरा विभान्ति ॥ ७ ॥ लुब्धमर्थेन गृह्णीया- त्क्रुडमञ्जलिकर्मणा ॥ ८॥ 9. Allow me to go now. 10. Take these jewels which I have * With the suffix (sometimes) are made adjectives from adverbs, especially of time ; thus, प्रत्न ' ancient', प्रातस्तन ' early', श्वस्तन ' of the morrow'. 160 Lesson XXXVII. XXXVIII. given you (pass. constr.). 11. Let the great poet weave (, a) a verse-wreath of word-pearls (instr.). 12. Every-day two thieves robbed the king's treasury. 13. He who receives (part.) gifts from every one is polluted (). 34. The Creator formed the world by his will (7) alone. 15. Betake thyself (T) for salvation to the gods' protection. 16. Let kings restrain the wicked by punishments. 17. We saw 17. We saw Rama's daughter coming out (pres. part.) of the house. 18. Let the bridegroom grasp the maid- en's hand before the fire. 19. An Aryan must not eat an- other's leavings (7-faq, pass. part., neut. sing.). 20. One must bathe daily in unconfined (part. from fa-) water. 21. May the three-eyed god, the great-lord () whose-forehead-is-adorned- with-the-crescent, protect you. Lesson XXXVIII. 407. Verbs. Root-class, cont'd.* Roots ending in an i-vowel or an u-vowel (except 'go") change these into and इय् उब् before vowel-endings in weak forms, when not gunated. 408. Root 'go' (act., but used in mid. with the prep. f: 'go over for oneself', i. e. 'repeat, learn, read'; the then be- comes, as above). Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. एमि इवस् इमस् अधीये अधीवहे अधीमहे 2. ufq 3. ufa इथस् इथ इतस् यन्ति अधीषे अधीयाथे अधीध्वे अधीते अधीयाते अधीयते A number of roots belonging to this class accent the root- syllable throughout, in weak as well as in strong forms-except of course in the imperfect. Lesson XXXVIII. 161 Imperfect. (for augment cf. § 179.) 1. आयम् ऐव ऐम अध्यैयि अध्यैवहि अध्यैमहि 2. ऐस ऐतम् ऐत अध्यैथास् अध्यैयाथाम् अध्यैध्वम् 3. ऐत ऐताम् आयन अध्येत अध्यैयाताम् अध्यैयत Imperative. 1. अयानि अयाव अयाम अध्ययै अध्ययावहै अध्ययाम है 2. इहि इतम् इत अधीष्व अधीयाथाम् अधीध्वम् 3. एतु इताम् यन्तु अधीताम् अधीयाताम् अधीयताम् Optative. इयाम् etc., 3rd pl. इयुस् अधीयीय etc. Participle. यन्त्, f. यती अधीयान, f. 409. The root शी (mid.), ' lie', has guna throughout; thus, शये, शेषे, शेते, शेवहे etc. ; impf. अशयि, अशेथास etc. ; opt. शयीय etc., part. शयान. Other irregularities are the 3rd persons pl: indic. शेरते, imv. शेरताम्, impf. अशेरत. 410. The roots of this class ending in have in their strong forms the vṛddhi instead of the guṇa-strengthening before an ending beginning with a consonant. 4ll. Thus, स्तु 'praise': Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. स्तौमि स्तुवस् स्तुमस् स्तुवे स्तुवहे स्तुमहे 2. स्तौषि स्तुथस् स्तुथ स्तुषे स्तुवाथे स्तुध्वे स्तुवाते स्तुवते 3. स्तौति स्तुतस् स्तुवन्ति स्तुते Imperfect. Act.: 1. अस्तवम्, 2. अस्तौस्, 3. अस्तीत्, 3rd pl. अस्तुवन् Mid: 1 अस्तुवि, 3rd pl. अस्तुवत. Imperative. Act. : स्तवानि तुहि, स्तोतु, स्तवाव etc., 3rd pl. स्तुवन्तु. Mid: स्तवै, स्तुष्व, स्तताम्, स्तवावहै etc., 3rd pl. स्तुवताम्. Optative. स्तुयाम् etc. स्तुवीय etc. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 11 162 Lesson XXXVIII. Participle. Act. : स्तुवन्त् f. 。वती. Mid.: स्तुवान. 4l2. The root ब्रू, ‘say', takes the union-vowel ई after the root when strengthened, before the initial consonant of an ending. * Thus: Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. ब्रवीमि ब्रूवस् ब्रूवस् ब्रूमस् ब्रुवे ब्रूवहे ब्रूमहे 2. ब्रवीषि ब्रूथस् ब्रूथ ब्रूषे ब्रुवाथे ब्रूध्वे 3. ब्रवीति ब्रूतस् ब्रुवन्ति ब्रूते ब्रुवाते ब्रुवाते ब्रुवते Imperfect. Act.: अब्रवम्, अब्रवीस्, अब्रवीत् ; अब्रूव etc.; 3rd pl. अब्रुवन्. Mid. : अब्रुवि, अब्रूथास् etc.; 3rd pl. अब्रुवत. Imperative. Act.: ब्रवाणि, ब्रूहि, ब्रवीतु; ब्रवाव etc.; 3rd pl. ब्रुवन्तु. Mid.: ब्रवै, ब्रूष्व etc. Optative. Act. : ब्रूयाम् etc. Mid.: ब्रुवीय etc. Participle. Act.: ब्रुवन्त्. Mid.: ब्रुवान. 413. Emphatic Pronoun. The uninflected pronominal word स्वयम् signifies 'self', 'own self. It is oftenest used as a nomin- ative, along with words of all persons and numbers; but not seldom it represents other cases also. Vocabulary XXXVIII. Verbs: दू (éti) go. + अधि (adhīte) repeat, read. + अप (apāiti) go away, depart. + अभि approach. + अस्तम् set (of heavenly bodies). + उद् rise (of heavenly bodies). + उप approach. + प्र explain, teach ; announce. +fa explain, etc. रु (rāúti) ery, scream. + fa scream. शी ( cete) lie, sleep. + अधि lie asleep on (acc.). सू (sute) bring forth, bear. + प्र bring forth. ब्र (braviti, brūté) speak, say, state. स्तु (stāiti) praise. Special irregularities in this verb are occasionally met with, such as ब्रूमि, ब्रवीहि. Some of the verbs in उ are allowed to be inflected like, but forms so made are rare. Lesson XXXVIII. 163 Subst.: साक्षिन् m., witness. जिन m., n. pr., a name of Buddha | सारस m., crane. faz f., tongue. नीलकण्ठ m., n. pr. न्याय m. logic. पुष्प n., flower. प्रश्न m., question. मानस n., sense, understanding. वध m., killing, murder. शुनःशेप m., n. pr. सहचर m., companion; of., Adj.: उद्यत, f. ०आ, ready. उद्योगिन् diligent, energetic. करुण, f. o, lamentable. •कारिन् making, doing. Adv.: अधस् below, down, on ground. wife. the Exercise XXXVIII. पुष्पाणीव विचिन्वन्तमन्यत्र गतमानसम् । अनवाप्तेषु कामेषु मृत्युरभ्येति मानवम् ॥ २६ ॥ भो दुष्कृतकारिणः । अस्माद्वनादपेतेति क्रोधादृषिराश्रमहरिण- वधोद्यतान्व्याधानब्रवीत् ॥ १ ॥ गुरुमभिवाद्य शिष्यस्तं ब्रूयादधीष्व भो (§ 264) दूति ॥ २ ॥ कानि शास्त्राणि काश्यां त्वमध्यैथाः । ३ । न्यायादीनि षड् दर्शनानि श्रीनीलकण्ठपण्डितस्य गृहे ऽहमध्यैयि ॥ ४ ॥ अमीषोमा- वष्टाभिर्ऋग्भिर्ऋषिरस्तौदिन्द्रावरुणौ च तिसृभिः ॥ ५ ॥ उद्योगिनं पुरुषसिंहं स्वयमुपैति लक्ष्मीः ॥ ६ ॥ सा जिह्वा या जिनं स्तौति तच्चित्तं यज्जिने रतम् ॥ ७ ॥ आचार्यः शिष्यान्धर्म प्रब्रुवते ॥ ८ ॥ हतसहचराः सारसाः करुणं विरुवन्ति ॥ ९ ॥ श्रीमती राजभिराहूताः पण्डिताः सभां यन्ति धर्मप्रश्नांश्च विब्रुवते ॥ १० ॥ 11. The three wives of Daçaratha bore four sons. 12. Rāma and Lakṣmaṇa, followed-by-Sītā, went () into the forest. 13. Women whose-husbands-are-dead must sleep six months on the ground. 14. A witness stating anything other-than-what-was- seen-or-heard is to be punished ( fut. pass. part. ). 15. All guilt departs from one-who-has-done-penance. 16. One must not look 11* 164 Lesson XXXVIII. XXXIX. at (प्र- ईक्ष्) the rising or the setting sun. 17. Why hast thou come (अभि- इ) to-my-house with wife and with-children ? 18. “Praise Varuņa": thus the gods addressed Çunaḥçepa who was bound to the sacrificial post. 19. Always speak the truth. 20. In a kingless land the rich do not sleep in peace (सुखेन). Lesson XXXIX. 414. Verbs. Root-class, cont'd. Roots ending in consonants. The endings of the 2nd and 3rd sing. impf. act. are generally dropped, and the resulting root-final treated according to the usual rules for finals. Cf. §§ 239, 242. But a root ending in a dental mute some- times drops this final mute instead of the added in the second person; and, on the other hand, a root or stem ending in some- times drops this instead of the added in the third person: in either case establishing the ordinary relation of ♬ and a in the second and third persons. ब्); 415. Roots in and substitute for those letters before त्, थ् and स् (which then becomes ष ); and ग् before ध्. Thus, वच् ' speak' : वच्मि, वचि, वक्ति (only these three forms used). 416. Root 1विद् ' know, (act. only): Indicative. 1. वेद्मि विद्वस् विद्मस् अवेदम् 2. वेत्सि वित्यस् वित्य 3. वेत्ति वित्तस विदन्ति अवेत् Imperfect. अविद्व अविझ अवेस् or अवेत् अवित्तम् अवित्त अवित्ताम् अविदुस् Imv. : वेदानि, विधि, वेत्तु; वेदाव, वित्तम्, वित्ताम् ; वेदाम, वित्त, विदन्तु. Opt. : विद्याम्, etc. * In the inflection of roots with final consonant, of this class and the reduplicating and nasal classes, euphonic rules find very fre- quent application. The student is therefore advised at this point to read carefully the chief rules of euphonic change in Whitney's Grammar, §§ 139 - 232 ( the two larger sizes of print ). Leeson XXXIX. 165 417. This root also makes a perfect without reduplication (but otherwise regular) which has always the value of a present. The forms of the indic. are : Sing. 1. वेद, 2. वेत्थ, 3. वेद ; du. 1. विद्व, 2. विदथुस्, 3. विदतुस; pl. 1. विद्म, 2. विद, 3. विदुस्. The participle is विद्वांस, 1. विदुषी (cf. § 268). 4l8. The root अद्, 'eat' (act.), inserts अ before the endings of the 2nd and 3rd sing. impf. ; thus, आदस्, आदत्. 49. The root हन्, 'kill' (act.), is treated somewhat as are noun-stems in in declension (§ 283). Thus: Indicative. Imperfect. 1. हन्मि हन्वस् हन्मस् अहनम् अहन्व अहन्म 2. हंसि हथस् हथ अहन् अहतम् अहत 3. हन्ति हतस् घ्नन्ति अहन् अहताम् अघ्नन् घ्नन्तु. Imv.: हनानि, जहि *, हन्तु; हनाव, हतम्, हताम्; हनाम, हत, Opt. : हन्याम् etc. Part. : घ्नन्त्, f. घती. - 420. Roots in , घ् च् substitute क् before स् (which then श्, becomes ष्), घ् before त् and थ् (which become ट् and ठ्), and ड् before घ् (which becomes द्). mid.): Indicative Act. 1. द्वेष्मि द्विष्वस् द्विष्मस् 2. द्वेति द्विष्ठस् द्विष्ठ 3. द्वेष्टि द्विष्टस् द्विष्टस् द्विषन्ति Thus, द्विष् ‘hate' (act. and Imperfect Act. अद्वेषम् अद्विष्व अद्विष्म अद्वेट् अद्विष्टम् अद्विष्ट अद्वेट् अद्विष्टाम् अद्विषन् Imv. Act. : द्वेषाणि, द्विदि, द्वेष्ट; द्वेषाव etc. 421. चक्षु, ‘see' (mid.): Pres. Ind.: चने, चक्षे, चष्टे; चवहे, चचाथे, चक्षाते; चक्ष्महे, चड्ढे, चक्षते. – Imp. : अचचि, अचष्ठास्, अचष्ट; अचवहि, अचचाथाम्, अचक्षाताम्; अचक्ष्महि, अचड्ढुम, अचचत. * Anomalous dissimilation. 166 Lesson XXXIX. 422. 1., 'rule' (mid.), inserts before endings beginning with and ; thus, 2nd sing. . स् ईशिषे. -2., 'wish' (act.), is in weak forms contracted to; thus, 3rd. pl. f. 423., 'rub', 'clean' (act.), has vṛddhi in the strong forms, and optionally also in weak forms when the endings begin with a vowel. In the treatment of the root-final this verb follows the roots in श्. Thus, ind. 3rd sing. मार्ष्टि, du. मृष्टस्, pl. मृजन्ति or मार्जन्ति. Verbs: Vocabulary XXXIX. (iṣṭe) rule, own (w. gen.). (caste)+relate; call, name. + व्या explain. faq (dvéști, dvișté) hate. + hate extremely. H³ (márṣṭi) rub, wipe. + अप् wipe away, off. +Я wipe off. राध् + अप (aparādhndti) do wrong. (váști) wish. ifaz (vétti; véda) know, consider. हन् + अभि smite. +fa kill. Subst.: श्रोष्ठ m., lip. m., decay, destruction. चक्षुस् n., eye. n., grammar. ATA m., n. pr., a Rishi. TT f., hesitation. शङ्का शर्व ■ề m., n. pr., a name of Çiva. m., conqueror. श्रुत n., learning. f., compassion, pity. सर्ग m., creation. m., destruction. HT m., n. pr., a name of Çiva. Hm., sacred text; spell, charm., f., blameworthy, cul- fafa f., condition, existence. Adj.: A m., watch (of the night). वृत्त n., conduct. pable. Lesson XXXIX. 167 Exercise XXXIX. करोति पापं यो ऽज्ञानान्नात्मनो वेत्ति च चयम् । प्रद्वेष्टि साधुवृत्तांश्च स लोकस्यैति वाच्यताम् ॥ २७ ॥ पञ्च पश्वनृते हन्ति दश हन्ति गवानृते । शतमश्वानृते हन्ति सहस्रं पुरुषानृते * ॥ २८ ॥ सर्व वृत्तान्तं यथावृत्तमाचम् ॥ १ ॥ शर्व इति प्राञ्चः शिवमा- चक्षते भव इत्युदञ्चः ॥ २ ॥ प्रद्विषतीं भार्या किं मां द्वेचीत्यब्रवीत्प- तिः ॥ ३ ॥ पुराणेषु त्रिभुवनसर्गस्थितिप्रलयान्व्यासो व्याचष्टे । ४ । यो । ऽस्मान्द्वेष्टि यं च वयं द्विष्मस्तमेभिर्मन्त्रैर्हनाम ॥ ५ ॥ यो ब्रह्मचर्यं चरित्वा गुरुणानुज्ञाती यथाविधि स्नाति तं सर्वलोकपूज्यं स्नातकं विदुः ॥ ६ ॥ अनपराद्धं तवोपकुर्वाणं कथं भोः पापात्मंस्त्वं मां हंसि ॥ ७ ॥ अशुचि- लिप्तमङ्गं मृदा प्रमृष्टमद्भिः परिमृढि ॥ ८ ॥ भवो दिवो भव ईष्टे पृ- थिव्याः ॥ ९ ॥ गां धयन्तीं परस्मै नाचचीत ॥ १० ॥ बद्धमपि पृथ्वीराजं निर्दया (8374, 6) यवना असिनाघ्नन् ॥ ११ ॥ 12. Hear the words of the learned man who explains (pres. part.) the-science-of-grammar. 13. Know that Rāma (acc.) is the son, famous in the-three-worlds, of Daçaratha, and the conqueror of Rāvana, lord of Lanka. 14. Having sipped ( आ-चम् ) water thrice, one wipes the lips twice; according to others, once. ** 15. Two warriors smote (अभि- हन्) with arrows the king-of-the-Angas, who had murdered their companions. 16. Kill without-hesitation even (अपि) a teacher who approaches (past. pass. part.) in order to kill you. 17. Why dost thou consider (faz) me a Çudra, though know- (विद्) ing (ज्ञा ger.) my learning-and-conduct ? 18. Do not hate the sons- of-Pāṇḍu. 19. The women whose-sons-were-dead, having lamented greatly, wiped the tears from their eyes. 20. Thou, O Lord, rulest over bipeds and quadrupeds (gen.). * Refers to false witness before a court. An untruth where small beasts (sheep, etc.) are concerned, involves the destruction of five ancestors; where cattle are concerned, of ten, etc. ** सकृदित्यन्ये. 168 Lesson XL. Lesson XL. 424. Verbs. Root-class, contd. आस 'sit' (mid.): Indic. आसे, आस्से, आस्ते; आस्वहे etc.; आस्महे, आङ्के*, आसते. Impf. आसि, आस्थास्, आस्त etc. Imr. आसै आस्ख, आस्ताम् etc. Part. आसीन ( unique). 425. The root शास्, 'command ' (act.), substitutes in the weak forms with consonant-endings the weakened stem f; thus, indic. sing. शास्मि etc.; du. शिष्वस् etc.; but 3rd pl. शासति. Impf: अशासम्, अशास्, अशात् **; अशिष्व etc. ; but 3rd pl. अशासुस् Imv. 2nd sing. शाधि; 3rd pl. शासतु. 426. The extremely common root 1अस्, 'be' (act.), loses its vowel in weak forms, except when protected by the augment. The 2nd sing. imv is एधि; in the 2nd sing. indic. one स is omitted ; in the 2nd and 3rd sing. impf. ई is inserted before the ending. Thus : Indicative. Imperfect. 1. अस्मि स्वस् स्मस् 2. असि स्थस् स्थ आसम् आस्ख आसोस् आस्तम् आस्म आस्त 3. अस्ति स्तस् सन्ति आसीत् आस्ताम् आसन् असाम स्त Opt. : स्याम् etc. ; 3rd pl. स्युस्. Part. : सन्त्, f . सती. सन्तु Imperative. 1. असानि असाव 2. एधि स्तम् 3. अस्तु स्वाम् 427. Roots in ह् (except दिह and दुह्) combine ह् with त्, थ् and ध् into द्, and then lengthen preceding अ, इ, उ; before स्, हु becomes क्; in 2nd and 3rd sing. impf. act. (where the endings are dropped) the ह् becomes ट्. Thus, लिहू 'lick' (act. and mid.): Impl. act. : अलेहम्, अलेट्, अलेट्; अलिहू, अलीढम्, * Or आध्वे. So आडूम् or आध्वम् ( imv, impf.) . ** See § 414. अशात् is said to be used in 2nd pers. also. Lesson XL. 169 अलीढाम्; अलिह्न, अलीढ, अलिहन्. Imv. mid. : लेहै, लिव, लीढाम्; लेहाव है, लिहाथाम्, लिहाताम्; लेहामहै, लीगम, लिहताम्. 428. In the two roots दुह्, 'milk' (act. and mid.), and दिह, represents an earlier guttural which 'smear' (act.), the final reappears in the inflection. Thus, from दुह: Indicative. Imperfect. 1. दोह्नि दुहस् दुह्मस् अदोहम् अदुह अदुह्म * 2. धोति दुग्धस् दुग्ध अधीक् अदुग्धम् अदुग्ध 3. दोग्धि ** दुग्धस दुहन्ति अधोक् अदुग्धाम् अदुहन् दुइहे etc. Impf. mid.: अदुहि, Ind. mid : दुहे, धुने, दुग्धे; अदुग्धास्, अदुग्ध; अदुहूहि etc. ; अदुह्महि, अधुरध्वम्, अदुहत. Imv. mid. : दोहे, धुव, दुग्धाम्; दोहाव है etc. ; दोहामहैं, धुग्ध्वम्, दुहताम्. 429. The roots रुद्, 'weep', स्वप्, ‘sleep', अन्, ‘breathe', श्वस्, ‘breathe' ( all act. ), insert र् before all endings beginning with a consonant, except and where they insert either अ or ई. दिमि, रोदिषि etc., 3rd pl. रुदन्ति. 'दोस्, 'दत् or दीत्; अरुदिव etc.; of 2nd and 3rd sing. impf., Thus, रुदुः Pres. indic. : रो- Impf. : अरोदम, अरोदस् or 3rd pl. अरुदन्. Imv. : रो- दानि, रुदिहि, रोदितु etc. Opt. : रुद्याम् etc. (या being mode-sign). Vocabulary XL. Verbs: अन् (äniti) breathe. आस् (äste) sit. + प्र (prāniti) live. अस् (ásti) be. or ** थ् cf. §§ 244, 249. + उप sit by ; wait upon ; at- tend; reverence. When the final sonant aspirate of a root is followed by a of an ending, the whole group is made sonant, and the aspir- ation of the root-final is not lost, but is transferred to the initial of the ending. 170 Lesson XL. चल् + प्र-वि (pravicalati) move, | विश् + समा approach. stir (tr.). दिह (dégdhi) smear. दुह् (dbgdhi, dugdhé) milk. मील् + नि (nimilati) shut (the eyes). रुद् (róditi) weep. fag (léḍhi, līḍhé) lick. + अव lick. शास् (çáste) command, govern. वस (coásiti) breathe. + आ or समा breathe gently, revive. + वि be confident, trust (w. gen. or loc. of pers.) स्था + उद्* (uttisthati) arise. Subst.: उपभोग m., enjoyment. केश m., hair. दान n., gift, generosity. बाला f., girl, maiden. मुसल m., n., club, pestle. रुधिर n., blood. सत्त्र n., sacrifice. afaą m., n. pr., the sun-god n. pr., the sun-god Savitar; the sun. स्कन्ध m., shoulder. Adj.: धीर, f. o, firm, resolute. निपुण f. o, shrewd, skilled. न्याय्य, f. o, right, proper. प्रमत्त f. o, careless. Indecl. : प्रातर् early, in the morning. भृशम् greatly, much. Exercise XL. निन्दन्तु नीतिनिपुणा यदि वा स्तुवन्तु लक्ष्मीः समाविशतु गच्छतु वा यथेष्टम् । अद्यैव वा मरणमस्तु युगान्तरे वा न्याय्यात्पथः प्रविचलन्ति पदं न धीराः ॥ २९ ॥ स्तेनो मुसलं स्कन्धे कृत्वा मुक्तकेशो राजानमुपेत्य शाधि मामि- तिब्रूयात् ॥ १ ॥ मित्रध्रुक्षु पापेषु न विश्वसिति बुद्धिमान् ॥ २ ॥ महो- दधिमध्ये शेषनागमधिशयानो विष्णुः सुखं स्वपिति ॥ ३ ॥ प्रमत्तैर्ऋ- * After उद्, the initial स् of स्था and स्तम्भ is dropped; thus, उत्थातुम् for उत्स्थातुम्. Lesson XL. XLI. 171 विग्भिर्भूमी निहितानि हवींषि श्वानाववालीढाम् ॥ ४ ॥ सुखमास्तां भवानिति गन्तुमनुज्ञातो ऽपयन्सखा सखायं ब्रूयात् ॥ ५ ॥ सुन्दरि समाश्वसिहि समाश्वसिहीति भयनिमीलिताक्षीमुर्वशीं पुरूरवा अन- वीत् ॥ ६ ॥ गुरुक्रोधभीताः शिष्या रात्रिं वेदानध्यैयत ॥ ७ ॥ अस्तु यशः श्रुतवृत्ते स्तां श्रियः सन्तु न तु भक्तिं विना स्वर्ग प्राप्नुयाः ॥ ८॥ दानोपभोगहीनः पुमाञ्वसन्नपि न जीवति ॥ ९ ॥ दीर्घसचमुपासते ये ब्रह्मचर्यं चरन्ति ॥ १० ॥ 11. Long may the great-king govern the earth according to law. 12. There was a mighty king, Nala by name (ATA), son of Vīrasena. 13. The lion, satiated-with-the-blood-of-the-slain-gazelle, licked his mouth with his tongue. 14. Let the householder say to the guest: "where didst thou sleep during the night"? 15. The cowherd milked the cows twice daily. 16. The boy, beaten by his father, wept bitterly (). 17. Whose daughter art thou, girl? 18. Know that that by which thou livest, and the whole world lives, is the world-spirit. 19. Having arisen in the morning, reverence the sun (fa). 20. If you do not praise Rāma, there will be no salvation for you (use, in pres. opt.). Lesson XLI. 430. Verbs. Reduplicating Class. This class forms the present- stem by prefixing a reduplication to the root.* 431. The rules governing the reduplication are as follows: 1. The consonant of the reduplicating syllable is in general the first consonant of the root; thus, 7, 27. But, (a) a non-as- pirate is substituted for an aspirate; and (b) a palatal for a guttural * Only a small proportion of the roots of this class retain the accent on the root-syllable in the strong forms. In the great ma- jority, the accent is on the reduplication, both in the strong forms and in those weak forms whose endings begin with vowels. 172 Lesson XLI. or हु; thus, धा, दधाः खिद्, चिखिदः ही, जिद्री; (c) if the root begin with a sibilant followed by a non-nasal mute, the latter is repeated (with observance of a), not the sibilant; thus, स्था, तस्था. 2. A long vowel is shortened in the reduplicating syllable; and ॠ is replaced by इ; thus, ददा and दधा above; भी, बिभी; भृ, बिभृ. 432. The present-stem gunates the root-vowel in the strong forms; thus, fan, strong fa; fay, strong faнJ. 433. The verbs of this class lose the न् from the endings of the 3rd pl. in the active as well as in the middle; and in the 3d pl. impf. act. always take, before which a final radical vowel has guna; thus, अबिभरुस. 434. Root भृ, bear, carry'. For 2nd and 3rd sing. impf. act., cf. §§ 122, 414. Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. बिभर्मि बिभृवस् बिभृवस् बिभृमस् बिभ्रे बिभृवहे बिभृमहे 2. बिभर्षि बिभृथस् बिभृथस् बिभृथ बिभृषे बिभ्राथे बिभृध्वे 3. बिभर्ति बिभृतस् बिभृतस् बिभ्रति बिभृते बिभ्राते बिभ्रते Imperfect. अबिभृवहि भृमहि 1. अबिभरम् अबिभृव अबिभृम अबिभ्रि 2. अबिभर् अबिभृतम् अबिभृत अबिभृथास् अबिभ्राथाम् भृध्वम् 3. अबिभर् अबिभृताम् अबिभरुस् अबिभृत Imperative. अबिभ्राताम् भ्रत 3. बिभर्तु 1. बिभराणि बिभराव 2. बिभृहि बिभृतम् बिभृत बिभृताम् बिभ्रतु बिभराम बिभरे बिभराव है बिभराम है बिभृष्व बिभ्राथाम् बिभृध्वम् बिभृताम् बिभ्राताम् बिभ्रताम् Opt. act. : बिभृयाम् etc.; mid.: बिभ्रीय etc. Part. act. : बिभ्रत् (8 259), f. बिभ्रती; mid.: बिभ्राण. 435. The roots 1दा, 'give', and 1धा, 'put', lose their radi - cal vowel in the weak forms, leaving the weak stems दद् and दध्. Lesson XLI. 173 In the 2nd sing. imv. act. they form देहि and धेहि . The inflection of ч is as follows:* Indicative. Active. Middle. 1. दधामि दध्वस् दध्मस् दधे दध्वहे दध्महे 2. दधासि धत्यस् धत्थ धत्से दधाथे धडे 3. दधाति धत्तस् दधति धत्ते दधाते दधते Imperfect. 1. अदधाम् अदध्व अदध्म अदधि अदध्वहि अदध्महि 2. अदधास् अधत्तम् अधत्त अधत्थास् अदधाथाम् अधद्धम् 3. अदधात् अधत्ताम् अदधुस् अधत्त अदधाताम् अदधत Imperative. 1. दधानि दधाव दधाम दधै दधावहै दधाम है 2. धेहि धत्तम् धत्त धत्स्व दधाथाम् धद्धम् 3. दधातु धत्ताम् दधतु धत्ताम् दधाताम् दधताम् Opt. act. : दध्याम् etc. ; mid.: दधीय etc. Part. act.: दधत्, f. दधती; mid: दधान. 436. The root 1T is inflected in precisely the same way, but with change everywhere of to, except where belongs to the ending. 437. The root 1हा, 'quit, abandon ' ( act.), drops the अ in weak forms where the ending begins with a vowel, and in the opt.; thus, indic. 3rd sing. जहाति, pl. जहति ; impf. 3rd sing. अजहात्, pl. अजहुस् ; opt. जह्यात्. The 2nd sing. imv is जहीहि or जहिहि. In the other weak forms before consonant-endings the stem is either जही or जहि ; thus, जहीमस् or जहिमस्. 438. 1मा, ' measure' (mid.), and 2हा, ' move, go' (mid.), form * In combination with त् or थ् of an ending, the ध् of दध् does not give, but follows the general rule of aspirate and of surd and sonant combination; and the lost aspiration is thrown back upon the initial of the root. 174 Lesson XLI. मिमी and जिही before consonant-endings, मिम् and जिह before vowel-endings; thus, 3rd persons indic. fata, faxià, faxà. 439. 'pour, sacrifice' (act. and mid.), makes the 2nd sing. imv. जुहुधि; 3rd persons impf. अजुहोत्, अजुहुताम्, अजुहवुस्. 440. 1. ì, 'fear' (act.), may shorten its vowel in weak forms; thus, fañaЯ or fafuæx, famuna or faftuna. - 2. ही, 'be ashamed' (act.), changes its weak stem जिही to जिह्निय् before vowel-endings; thus, indic. 3rd persons faifa, fistau, fa- feufa. Vocabulary XLI. Verbs: 12T (dádāti, datté) give. +put on; (mid.) take, receive. +fa arrange, ordain. + entrust. +Яunite, put together; lay on. lЯT (dádhāti, dhatte) put, place. 1T(jáhāti) quit, abandon, neglect. +f close, shut. (jihréti) be ashamed. Subst.: formed the ablution customary n., safety; feeling of safety. TET m., demon. fa f., oblation. महिष m., n. pr. m., gazelle. fan., possessions, wealth. T m., n., rest, remainder. at the end of religious pupilage. Adj.: 2a, f. o, divine. fafire, f. •, excellent, remark- able. Adv.: सायम् at evening. alaam., one who has per- Exercise XLI. यद्ददासि विशिष्टेभ्यो यच्चानासि दिने दिने । तत्ते वित्तमहं मन्ये शेषं कस्यापि रचसि ॥ ३० ॥ Lesson XLI. XLII. 175 यश्च काष्ठमयो* हस्ती यश्चचर्ममयो मृगः । 1 यञ्च विप्रो ऽनधीयानस्त्रयस्ते नाम बिभ्रति ॥ ३१ ॥ यः सर्वभूतेभ्यो ऽभयं दत्त्वा प्रव्रजति तस्माद्यतेर्भूतानि न बिभ्यति स च तेभ्यो न बिभेति ॥ १ ॥ सायं प्रातर्ब्रह्मचारी प्रत्यहं समिधमग्नावाद- ध्यात् ॥ २ ॥ ये द्वे कालं विधत्तस्ते महती ज्योतिषी स्तवीमि ॥ ३ ॥ नैकं पुत्रमन्यस्मै दद्यादन्यस्मात्प्रतिगृह्णीयाद्वा ॥ ४ ॥ यस्मान्महिषासुरात्सर्वे ऽपि देवा अभियुस्तं शिवस्य पत्नी पार्वती न्यहन् ॥ ५ ॥ भिक्षां भव- ति (voc. sing. f.) देहीति क्षत्रियो भिक्षां चरन्ब्रूयात् ॥ ६॥ रुजा जरसा वाक्रान्तं पतिं पत्नी कदापि न जह्यात् ॥ ७ ॥ यत्र भूषणालंकृतां कन्यां पिता यज्ञभूम्या मृत्विजे ददाति स देवो विवाह उच्यते ॥ ८ ॥ शत्रूना- यातो (part., acc. pl.) दृष्ट्वा क्षत्रियाविषू धनुषोः समधत्ताम् ॥ ९ ॥ प्रायश्चित्तार्थे ऽष्टशतं घृताहुतीनां जुहुधि ॥ १० ॥ 11. Let the Adhvaryus pour the sacrificial offerings into the fire. 12. The seers ordain forty sacraments in the law-books (स्मृति). 13. Daçaratha entrusted his sons to Vasistha as scholars. 14. Meeting a woman in the forest, one should say to her : “Sister, be not afraid ”. 15. Let a Snātaka carry (wear) a garland, and an umbrella-and-shoes. 16. One who takes (part.) roots-fruits-or-grain from a strange - field, is to be punished. 17. Let the two doorkeepers close the door. 18. Do not neglect the teacher's command. 19. The royal-sage, who wore much jewelry, shone (fa-HT) with great- brilliancy, like the sun. 20. The scholars who-have-not-learned- their-lessons are ashamed before their teacher (acc. or gen.). Lesson XLII. 441. Verbs. Nasal class. All roots of this class end in con- sonants. As class-sign they insert a nasal before the final con- * With the suffix मय, f. oर्दू, are formed adjectives signifying 'made or composed or consisting of'. In the second line, 'bear the name' merely, i. e. are not in reality such. - 176 Lesson XLII. sonant, unless one be there already (as in ); this nasal is adapted to the consonant, except in the strong forms, where it is expanded to the syllable न [], which bears the accent. 442. The combination of the final radical consonants with those of the personal endings is in accordance with the rules al- ready given for the root and reduplicating classes. 443. Thus, युज् 'join'; strong stem युनज्, weak युञ्ज्. Indicative. Active. Middle. युनज्मि युज्ज्वस् युज्मस् युञ्जे युज्वहे युज्महे युनक्षि युङ्क्थस् * युङ्क्थ युङ्खे युञ्जाथे युङ्ग्ध्वे युनक्ति युतस् युञ्जन्ति युङ्क्ते युञ्जते युञ्जते Imperfect. अयुनजम् अयुञ्ज्व अयुञ्ज्म अयुञ्जि अयुज्वहि अयुज्महि अयुनक् अयुङ्कम् अयुत अयुङ्कथास् अयुञ्जाथाम् अयुङ्ग्ध्वम् अयुनक् अयुताम् अयुञ्जन् अयुत अयुञ्जताम् अयुञ्जत Imperative. युनजानि युनजाव युनजाम युनजै युनजावहै युनजामहै युधि युतम् युत युङ्ख युञ्जाथाम् युङ्ग्ध्वम् युनक्तु युङ्क्राम् युञ्जन्तु युङ्क्राम युञ्जाताम् युञ्जताम् Opt. act. : युञ्ज्याम् etc. ; mid.: युञ्जीय etc. Part. act. : युञ्जन्त्, f युञ्जती; mid. : युञ्जान. 444. Root रुध् ‘obstruct'; strong stem रुणध्, weak रुन्ध्. Indicative. Active. Middle. रुणध्मि रुन्ध्वस् रुन्ध्मस् रुन्धे रुन्ध्वहे रुन्ध्महे रुणत्सि रुन्धस् रुन्ध रुन्त्से रुन्धाथे रुद्रे रुणद्धि रुन्धस् रुन्धन्ति रुदे रुन्धाते रुन्धते * Instead of युङ्क्थस्, युङ्ग्ध्वे, and the like, it is allowed (and more usual) to write युथस्, युङ्क्ष्वे etc. ; also रुन्धस्, रुन्धे etc., instead of etc.; in each case omitting the consonant im- mediately following the nasal. Lesson XLII. 177 Imperative. रुणधानि रुणधाव रुणधाम रुणधै रुणधावहै रुणधामहै रुधि रुन्द्रम् रुणडु रुन्धाम् रुन्द्र रुन्धन्तु रुन्धाम् रुन्त्स्व रुन्धाथाम् रुन्द्वम् रुन्धाताम् रुन्धताम् Imperf. act.: अरुणधम्, अरुणत्, अरुणत्; अरुन्ध्व etc. ; mid. : अरुन्धि etc. – 0pt. act. : रुन्ध्याम् etc. ; mid.; रुन्धीय etc. - Part. act. : रुन्धन्त्, f . रुन्धती; mid.: रुन्धान. 445. Roots पिष्, 'grind, crush' (act.); and हिंस्, 'injure, destroy' (act.): Imperfect. अपिनषम् अपिंष्व अपिंष्म अहिनसम् अपिनट् अपिष्टम् अपिंष्ट अहिनस् अहिंस्व अहिंस्म अहिंस्तम् अहिंस्त अपिनट् अपिंष्टाम् अपिंषन् अहिनस् or oनत् अहिंस्ताम् अहिंसन् हिनस्सि, हिंस्थस्, Ind. 2nd persons: पिनचि, पिंष्ठस्, पिंष्ठ; हिंस्थ. Imv. 2nd persons : पिण्डढि, पिंष्टम्, पिंष्ट; - हिन्धि, हिंस्तम्, हिंस्त. 446. तृह, ‘crush' (act.), combines तृणह with ति and तु into तृणेढि and तृणेदु. Verbs: दूध (inddhe) kindle, light. Vocabulary XLII. fa? (chinátti, chinddhé) cut, cut off. + आ take away, remove. + उद् exterminate. जागरय (caus. stem) awaken. पिष् (pinästi) grind, crush. भज् (bhandkti) break, destroy भिदु (bhinatti, bhinddhe) split . भुज् (bhundlcti, bhunkte) eat, enjoy. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. युज् ( yunakti, yunkte) join ; yoke, harness. + नि appoint, establish. रुध् (runàddhi, runddhé) obstruct, check; besiege. शिष् (cinásti ) leave, leave re- maining. + वि set apart, distinguish. हन् + सम् unite. हिंस (hindsti) injure, destroy. 12 178 Lesson XLII. Subst.: अवस्था f. condition, state. उषस् f., dawn; also personified, Uşas, the Dawn. कण्टक m., thorn; enemy. ग्रास m., bite, mouthful. तण्डुल m., rice. पातक n., crime. पौत्र m. grandson. बन्धु m., relative. लेखन n., writing, copying. हिमवन्त् m., the Himalaya Mts. Adj.: उच्छ्रित high. क्षात्र suitable for Kşatriyas. गृह्य domestic. प्रतिकूल f. , unfavorable. शुभ, f. आ, splendid, beautiful, excellent. Exercise XLII. यद्ध्यायति यत्कुरुते धृतिं बध्नाति यत्र च । तदवाप्नोत्ययत्नेन यो* हिनस्ति न किंचन ॥ ३२ ॥ यस्यां यस्यामवस्यायां यत्करोति शुभाशुभम् । तस्यां तस्यामवस्थायां तत्फलं समुपाद्भुते ॥ ३३ ॥ दूत एव हि संधत्ते भिनत्येव च संहतान् । दूतस्तत्कुरुते कर्म येन भिद्यन्ते वा न वा ॥ ३४ ॥ ये गा हिंसन्ति तेषां ** गरीयः प्रायश्चित्तं विदधति तस्माद्नां मा हिन्धि ॥ १ ॥ जीवत्पुत्रपौत्रो वर्षशतं निष्कण्टकं राज्यं भुङ्खेति कवयो महाराजमस्तुवन् ॥ २ ॥ यथा वातो बलेन वृक्षान्भनक्त्येवं त्वं मे द्विषो भधि || ३ || रणे शत्रुभिर्युध्यमानः शूरः कांश्चिदिषुभिरभिनत्केषां चिन्मूर्धहस्तपादादिकमसिनाच्छिनत् ॥ ४ ॥ प्रातरश्विनावुषसा स्वस्रा सह भूतानि जागरयितुं त्रिचक्रे रथे ऽश्वौ युङ्क्त इत्यृक्षु श्रूयते ॥ ५ ॥ यो भूमिदानमाच्छिन्द्याद् अच्छिद्यमानं वानुमोदते स पञ्चभिर्महापा- तकैः संयुक्तः स्यात् ॥ ६ ॥ अहो प्रतिकूलो विधिर्विशिनष्टि मनोरुजं मे ॥ ७ ॥ यत्र पित्रादीनां बन्धूनां शिरांसि भिन्दन्तो रुदतीं कन्यां बलाद्धरन्ति तं चात्रं विवाहमृषयो विदुः ॥ १० ॥ 11. After Jayasinha had long besieged Girinagara, he destroyed The antecedent of this relative is the subject of अवाप्नोति. ** Translate as though dative. Lesson XLIII. 179 (भज्) (H) it at last. 12. An ascetic shall eat only 240 mouthfuls in a month (loc.). 13. "Kindle the fire; cut branches for firewood (AfAY&A); milk the cows; grind grain": thus said one priest to another early in the morning. 14. The teacher entrusted (fa-) the scholars with the copying of the books (cpd., dat.). 15. The mountain-range Himavant checks the course of the clouds with its exceedingly-high peaks. 16. The doers-of-right (°) are happy in Heaven, enjoying the fruits-of-their-works. 17. A king who has conquered a foreign realm must not exterminate the royal-family. 18. Aryans must kindle the domestic-fire at the time-of-the-wedding. 19. Women pounded the rice with pestles. Lesson XLIII. 447. Verbs. Perfect-System. In the later language the perfect- system comprises only an indicative mode and a participle, each both active and middle. Its formation is essentially alike in all verbs; its characteristics are: 1. reduplication; 2. distinction of strong and weak forms; 3. endings in some respects peculiar; 4. the fre- quent use of the union-vowel i. 448. Reduplication. 1. Initial consonants are reduplicated ac- cording to the rules given in Less. XLI for the reduplicated pre- sent-stem. 2. Medial and final vowels, short and long, are represented by the corresponding short vowel, diphthongs by their second element; but (or) is represented always by, never by as in the reduplicated present-stem. Thus, क्रम, चक्रम; स्था, तस्था; सिच्, सिषिच्; सेव्, सिषेव ; गा, जगा; कृ, चकृ. 3. Initial, followed by a single consonant, becomes T (through अ-अ); thus, अद्, आद्· 4. Initial and follow the same analogy; but in the strong 180 Lesson XLIII. forms, where the root-vowel is gunated, the reduplicating vowel is protected from combination by the insertion of or a; thus, इष्, strong perfect-stem इयेष् (i-y-es) weak ईष् (i. e. i-is); उच्, strong उवोच् (u-v-0c), weak ऊच् (u-uc). 5. Roots beginning with vowels long by nature or position do not in general make the ordinary perfect-system, but use instead a periphrastic formation (see below). But is an exception, making the constant perfect-stem ; and a few roots with initial or show the anomalous reduplication in the perfect.* 449. Strong and weak forms. In the three persons sing. act. the root-syllable is accented, and exhibits usually a stronger form. As regards the strengthening: 1. In roots with medial vowels long by nature or position, and in those with initial, the difference of strong and weak forms does not appear, except in accented texts. 2. Medial and initial vowels are gunated, if possible, in the strong forms; thus, भिद्, w. बिभदि, 8. बिभेद्; इष्, w. ईष्, 8. इयेष् ; उच्, w. ऊच्, . उवोच् ($ 448, 4). s. 3. Medial before a single final consonant is vriddhied in the 3rd pers., and optionally in the 1st; thus, from , in 1st sing. either पपच् or पपाच्, in 2nd पपच्, in 3rd पपाच्. 4. A final vowel takes either guṇa or vṛddhi in the 1st person, guņa in the 2nd, vṛddhi in the 3rd; thus, from, in 1st fa or faâ, 2nd faâ, 3rd faâ. 450. The root ✈ makes, irregularly, the perfect-stem बभू, and adds before a vowel-ending. 451. Some roots, instead of strengthening the vowel in the * The grammarians prescribe (doubtless falsely) this redupli- cation for all verbs beginning with or followed by more than one consonant. Lesson XLIII. 181 strong forms, weaken it in the weak forms; some few even do both. See below. 452. Personal Endings. The perfect-endings are these: Active. Middle. - 1. a vá má é váhe máhe 2. tha áthus ά sé áthe dhvé 3. a átus ús é áte ré But roots ending in ā take au in 1st and 3rd sing. act.; thus, स्था, तस्थौ. 453. Union-vowel. The endings beginning with consonants are in classical Sanskrit usually joined to the base by the union- vowel. The most important rules for the use of are as follows: 1. The of 3rd pl. mid. always has before it. 2. The other endings beginning with consonants, except, take it in nearly all verbs. But it is rejected throughout (except from by eight verbs: viz. 1 'make', 'bear', 'go', મ 2 वृ ' choose', द्रु 'run', श्रु 'hear', स्तु ' praise', स्रु ' flow ' सृ 3. For its use or omission in 2nd sing. act. the rules are too complicated to be given here. 454. With the union-vowel combined into, but becomes a final radical or is not or (if more than one consonant precede) इय् ; thus, from नी, निन्यिव ni-ny-i-va. Examples of inflection. A. Roots in final vowels. 455. I. Roots in or. The and of gunated and vrid- dhied vowels become an ending. See also § 454. and before the vowel beginning Thus, 1. नो: Act : Sing. 1. निनय or निनाय, 2. निनयिथ or faâu, 3. faara; du. 1. fafa, 2. fazyn, 3. faaga; pl. 1. निनेथ, निनाय निन्यिव निन्यथुस्, निन्यतुस् fafum, 2. fa, 3. faч.—Mid.: Sing. 1. faâ, 2. fafaq, 3. faâ; 182 Lesson XLIII.. ope du. 1. निन्यिहै, 2. निन्याथे, 3. निन्याते; pl. 1. निन्यिमहे, 2. निन्यिध्ये, 3. निन्यिरे. 2. क्री : Act : Sing. 1. चिक्रय or चिक्राय, 2. चिक्रयिथ or चिक्रेथ, 3. चिक्राय; du. 1. चिक्रियिव, 2. चिक्रियथुस्, 3. °यतुस् ; pl. 1. चि- क्रियिम, 2. चिक्रिय, 3. चिक्रियस्. 456. II. Roots in उ or ऊ follow the model of the last-mentioned. Thus, स्तु: Act : Sing. 1. तुष्टव or तुष्टाव, 2. तुष्टोथ (not तुष्टविथ see § 453, 2), 3. तुष्टाव; du. 1. तुष्टुव, 2. तुष्टुवथुस्, 3. तुष्टुवतुस् Act. : du. लुलुविव etc. 457. भू is irregular in the perfect. (Cf. § 450 ) : : - लूः Active. Middle. 1. बभूव बभूविव बभूविम बभूवे बभूविवहे बभूविमहे 2. बभूविथ बभूवथुस् बभूव 3. बभूव बभूविषे बभूवाथे बभूविध्वे बभूवतुस् बभूवुस् बभवे बभूवाते 458. III. Roots in ऋ. 1. 1क ( see § 453, 2 ) : बभूविरे चक्रे चकृवहे चकृमहे चक्रथुस् चक्र चकृषे चक्राथे चक्राथे चकृध्वे चक्रतुस् चक्रुस् चक्रे चक्राते चक्रिरे 1. चकर, चकार चकृव चकृम 2. चकर्थ 3. चकार So also भृ, सृ, 'वृ ' choose'. 2. The other roots in ॠ make the first persons thus : from धृ, दधर or दधार, दधिव, दधिम; दध्रे, दधिवहे, दध्रिमहे. 459. If the final be preceded by more than one consonant, the formation is as follows: स्मृ, 1. सस्मर or सस्मार, 2. सस्मर्थ, 3. सस्मार; du. सस्मरिक, सस्मरथुस्, etc. – the ॠ being gunated. 460. IV. Roots in श्रा (including those written by the natives with ए or ऐ or ओ). These take औ in 1st and 3rd sing. act.; and the अT is lost before vowel endings and दू. 1. 1धाः 1. दधौ दधे दधिवहे दधिमहे दधिषे दधाथे दधिध्वे दधाते दधिरे दधिव दधिम दधे 2. दधाथ, दधिथ दधथुस् दध 3. दधौ दधतुम् दधुस् 2. प्या, हा, and similar roots, make their weak forms from the Lesson XLIII. 183 simpler root-forms, etc.; and makes its strong forms also from हू; thus, जुहव or जहाव etc. B. Roots in final consonants. 46l. I. With medial rowel capable of guna. 1. भिद्: Act : Sing. 1. बिभेद, 2. बिभेदिथ, 3. बिभेद; du. बिभि- दिव etc. ; pl. बिभिदिम etc. Mid. : बिभिदे etc. 2. So from तुद्: तुतोद etc. ; 3. from दृश्: 1. ददर्श, 2. ददर्शिथ or दद्रष्ठ, 3. ददर्श; du. ददृशिव etc. 462. II. With initial vowel capable of guna. 1. दूष्: Sing. 1. इयेष, 2. इयेषिथ, 3. इयेष; du. 1. ईषिव, 2. ईषथुस्, 3. ईषतुस; pl. 1. ईषिम, 2. ईष, 3. ईषुस्. 2. उच्ः उवोच etc. 3. The root दू, 'go', also follows this rule, forming इयाय etc., 3rd. pl. ईयुस्. 4. ऋच् makes (see § 448, 5) आनर्च, आनर्चिथ etc. 463. III. With initial अ. अस्, आस etc.; अद्, आद etc. But अश् (originally अं) makes आनंश etc. (§ 448, 5). 464. IV. With medial अ. 1. क्रम्: Act : sing. 1. चक्रम or चक्राम, 2. चक्रमिथ, 3. चक्राम du. चक्रमिव etc. Mid: चक्रमे etc. Thus all such roots beginning with more than one consonant, or with an aspirate, a guttural mute, or ह्. 465. 2. Roots in general having medial before a single final consonant, and beginning also with a single consonant which is repeated unchanged in the reduplication — i. e. not an aspirate, a guttural, or ह् – contract with the reduplication into one syllable, with as its vowel, in the weak forms; and this is allowed also in 2nd sing. act. when the union-vowel द् is taken. * Thus, पच्, s. पपच् and पपाच्, w. पेच् : * Several roots not having the form here defined are said to undergo the same contraction, most of them optionally. 184 Lesson XLIII. पपच, पपाच पपक्थ, पेचिथ पेचथुस् पेच पपाच पेचिव पेचिम पेचे पेचिवहे पेचिमहे पेचिषे पेचाथे पेचिध्वे पेचतुस् पेचुस पेचे पेचाते पेचिरे 466. 3. Certain roots beginning with व ra (also one with य ya) and ending in one consonant, reduplicate with the syllable (the one root just mentioned, with दू), and abbreviate the व (य) of the root to उ (इ) in weak forms. They are treated like roots with initial उ (इ: § 463) but retain the full root form in the strong persons. These roots are वच्, वद्, वप् वस् वस् ' dwell', and वह ; also यज्. Thus, वच् : Thus, वच् : Act. sing. 1. उवच or उवाच, 2. उव- कथ or उवचिथ, 3. उवाच ; du. ऊचिव (u-uc-i-va) etc. Mid. ऊचे etc. यज्: Act. sing. 1. दूयज or इयाज, 2. दूयष्ठ or इयजिथ, 3. दूयाज; du. ईजिव etc. Mid. ईजे etc. Mid.etc. 467. 4. Several roots which have medial between single consonants, but cannot follow the rule of § 465, drop out the अ from the weak forms. These roots are, in the classical language, खन्, गम्, घस्, हन्; and also जन्, which might be expected to follow § 465. They form the weak stems चखु, जग्म्, जन्, जघ्न् ; and जज्ञ्. Thus, चखन or चखान etc., चखिव etc. हन् makes its strong stem जघन् and जघान. 468. 5. The roots व्यघ्, स्वप्, and one or two others, redupli- cate from the semivowel, and contract and to and in weak forms. Thus, strong सुष्वप् or सुष्वाप्, weak सुषुप्. 469. 1. The root अह्, 'speak', is found only in this tense, and only in the following forms : sing. 2. आत्थ, 3. आह; du. 2. आ- हथुस्, 3. आहतुस्; pl. 3. आजस्. These forms have only the value of the present.—2. The root 1विदु, 'know ', makes a perfect without reduplication, but otherwise regular, which has only present-value; see § 417. 2विद्, 'find', forms the regular विवेद. 470. The roots fa, fad, f, and fe, form as perfect-stems चिकि, चिकित्, जिगि, and जिघि. Lesson XLIII. 185 471. Perfect participle. 1. Active. The ending of the pf. part. active is वांस् (mid. वत्, w. उष् ), which is added to the weak per- fect-stem.* When this is monosyllabic the union-vowel is inserted (but not in the weakest cases, before उष्). Thus, a from दूष्, strong stem of part. ईषिवांस, mid. ईर्षिवत्, w. ईषुष्; from पच्, पेचिवांस, पेचिवत्, पेचुष्; from वच्, ऊचिवांस्, ऊचिवत्, ऊचुष्; from दा, ददिवांस, ददिवत्, ददुष्. But, from नी, निनीवांस, नि- नीवत्, निन्युष् ; from स्तु, तुष्टुवांस, तुष्टुवत्, तुष्टुवुष्; from भिद्, बि- भिद्वांस, बिभिद्वत्, बिभिदुष्. b. The root π makes as its strong stem of pf. part. जग्मिवांस् or जगन्वांस, mid. जग्मिवत् or जगन्वत्, weakest only जग्मुष्. Similarly, from हन्, जघ्निवांस् or जघन्वांस्, जघ्निवत् or जघन्वत्, जघ्नुष्. विद्वांस् etc.; 2विद्, 'find', विविद्वांस etc. C. 1 विदु, 'know', makes 2. Middle. The pf. part. middle is made with the suffix आन, which is added to the weak stem as this appears in the middle voice; thus, बुध्, बुबुधान; धा, दधान; कृ, चक्राण; नी, निन्यान; तन्, तेनान. Periphrastic Perfect. 472. Most roots beginning with a vowel long by nature or po- sition adopt a periphrastic formation in the perfect tense; the same is also taken by the secondary conjugations, and optionally by a few primary roots not falling in the above category. It is made as follows: 473. To the accusative of a derivative noun-stem in आा, made from the present-stem which is the general basis of each conjugation, are added, for the active, the perfect active forms of कृ or अस् (or, very rarely, of भू); for the middle, only the perfect middle forms Mechanically, the weakest participle-stem is identical with the 3rd pl. act. (of course, घ् instead of स् ). 186 Lesson XLIII. XLIV. of कृ. Thus, from चोरायति, pf. चोरयामास or चोरयांचकार; from ईन्, ईक्षांचक्रे. 474. Force of the Perfect. In classical Sanskrit the perfect coincides in meaning with the imperfect, as a tense of narration, but is less often met with. Lesson XLIV. 475. Verbs. Future-System (and Conditional). The verb has two futures: I. The simple, or s-future, which is by far the older, and much more common, than the other; and II. the periphrastic future. 476. I. Simple Future. This tense contains an indicative mode and a participle, active and middle. It may be made from all verbs. The tense-sign is the syllable, added to the root either directly, or by the union-vowel (in the latter case becoming ). The root has the guṇa-strengthening when possible; and some roots with medial gunate with instead of. The inflection is precisely like that of the present indicative of a verb of the a-conjugation; thus, from , faufa, •à. भू, भविष्यति, ०ते. 477. When is not taken, final radical consonants suffer the same changes before as before in the inflection of the root- class or reduplicating or nasal class. Thus, from, ħafa; धोच्यति; ya, mafa; fuz, Hefa; zy, defa; an, defa; fax, लेक्ष्यति; द्विष्, द्वेक्ष्यति ; दृश्, द्रक्ष्यति. The root वस् ‘dwell', makes areifa. 478. 1. Most roots ending in vowels reject ; thus, T, T- स्यति ; गा, गास्यति; जि, जेष्यति; श्रु, श्रोष्यति. 2. But all roots in ऋ take दू; thus, कृ करिष्यति; तृ, तरिष्यति ; and also the roots शी (शयिष्यति) and भू (भविष्यति) 3. ग्रह makes ग्रहीष्यति. Lesson XLIV. 187 479. In general, the verbs which take in the infinitive and periphrastic future (see below), take it also in this tense. But the accordance is far from complete; and these parts should be learned, as a matter of usage, for any given verb. 480. Stems of causative inflection, and denominatives in Y, make their future-stems in अयिष्य; thus, चुर्, चोरयिष्यति. 481. Participle. The participles, act. and mid., are made from the future-stem precisely as from the present-stem; thus, T, ZT- स्यन्त् (f. ॰स्यती), दास्यमान; कृ, करिष्यन्त्, करिष्यमान. Cf. §§ 260, 262. 482. Conditional. A tense called the conditional (indic. only) is made from the stem of the simple future precisely as the im- perfect is made from the present-stem, and similarly inflected. Thus, अदास्यम्, अकरिष्यम्; अदास्ये, अकरिष्ये. It is of extremely rare occurrence. 483. II. Periphrastic Future. This tense, which is allowed to be made from all verbs, contains a single indicative tense, active,* It is formed by the nomen agentis in a, having the value of a future active participle, to the nom. sing. of which (AT) are added, in the 1st and 2nd persons of all numbers, the corresponding inflected forms of the pres. of 1 'be'. In the 3rd persons the nomen agentis is used alone, in the proper number, without the auxiliary. 484. The root has in most cases the same form before the suffix तृ which it takes before the of the infinitive. Thus, गातृ; जि, जेतृ; स्तु, स्तोतृ; भू, भवितृ; कृ, कर्तृ; कथय, कथयितृ. 485. The inflection is then as follows: The Hindus also prescribe a middle formation; it has, how- ever, practically no existence. 188 Lesson XLIV. 1. कर्तास्मि कर्तीस्वस कर्तीस्मस 2. कर्तीसि कर्तीस्थस् कर्तीस्थ 3. कती कर्तारौ कर्तीरस् Aorist- System. 486. The aorist comprises three quite distinct formations, each with certain sub-varieties; but all are bound together into one complex system by certain correspondences of form and meaning. In classical Sanskrit aorists are comparatively rare. Their value is quite that of impf. or pf. as tenses of narration. But they are used also (though not nearly so often as the prohibitive opt.) with the particle T, in prohibitions, the augment being then omitted; thus, मा दा: ‘do not give' ; मा भैषी: 'do not fear'. With this ex- ception the aorist always has the augment in classical Sanskrit. The tense comprises, in the later language, only an indicative mode." The main varieties of aorist are three : I. Simple Aorist ; II. Redu- plicated Aorist ; III. Sibilant Aorist. * 487. I. Simple aorist. (1) Root aorist. This aorist is precisely like an imperfect of the root-class. It is limited to the active voice of a few roots in T, and of 1दा भू. Eg. भू अभूवम् अभूव अभूम 1. अदाम् अदाव अदाम 2. अदास अदातम् अदात अभूस् अभूतम् अभूत 3. अदात् अदाताम् अदुस् अभूत् अभूताम् अभूवन् Like दाः धा, अधात्: स्था, अस्थात्; पा, अपात्; गा 'go', अ- गात्. 488. (2) The a-aorist. This is like an imperfect of the a-class, active and middle. Thus, from सिच्, 1st persons असिचम्, असिचाव, असिचाम; असिचे, असिचावहि, असिचामहि. In general the root * The precative is strictly a peculiar aor. optative; but it is so rare that its formation need not be explained here. Lesson XLIV. 189 assumes a weak form; but three or four roots in final take guņa. Thus, आप्, आपत्; गम्, अगमत्; भ्रंश्, अभ्रशत्; मुच्, अमुचत् ; सद्, असदत्; शक्, अशकत्; स्रंस्, अस्रसत्. Irregular : ख्या, अ- ख्यत्; ह्वा, अहूत्; श्वा, अश्वत्; शास्, अशिषत् ; 2 अस् ' throw', आ- स्थत् (anomalous ). वच् makes अवोचत्, and पत्, अपप्तत्, which, with one or two others, were doubtless originally reduplicated aorists. 489. II. Reduplicated Aorist (3). This aorist differs from all others in that it has come to be attached nearly always to the deriv- ative (caus., etc.) conjugation in y, as its aorist. The connection is not formal, as the aorist is not made from the stem in अय, but from the root. Its characteristic is a reduplication, of quite pe- culiar character. 490. The reduplicated aorist is very unusual in classical San- skrit, and it will be sufficient for the present to give an example or two of its formation. Thus, जन् makes अजीजनत् ; स्पृश्, अपि- स्पृशत् ; स्था, अतिष्ठिपत्. The infection is the usual one of imper- fects of the a-conjugation. 491. III. Sibilant Aorist, of four varieties. (4) The s-aorist. The tense-stem is made by adding to the augmented root, which usually has its vowel strengthened. Eg. नी: Act: sing. 1. अने- षम्, 2. अनैषीस्, 3. अनैषीत् ; du. 1. अनेष्व, 2. अष्टम्, 3. अष्टाम् ; pl. 1. अनैष्म, 2. अनैष्ट, 3. अनैषुस्. Mid: sing. 1. अनेषि, 2. अनेष्ठास्, 3. अनेष्ट; du. 1. अनेष्वहि, 2. अनेषाथाम्, 3. अनेषाताम् ; pl. 1. अने- ष्महि, 2. अनेदूम, 3. अनेषत. लभ् (mid.only): sing. 1. अलप्सि, 2. अलब्धास्, 3. अलब्ध etc. - 492 (5) The is-aorist. The tense-stem is made by adding स् by means of an inserted. The root is generally strengthened. Eg. पू ' purify ': Act: sing. 1. अपाविषम्, 2. अपावीस्, 3. अपा- वीत् ; du. 1. अपाविष्व, 2. अपाविष्टम्, 3. °ष्टाम् ; pl. 1. •विष्म, 2. • विष्ट, 3. विषुस् – Mid, sing. 1. अपाविषि, 2. अपाविष्ठास्, 3. अ- - 190 Lesson XLIV. XLV. 2. ofaza, 3. ofqua. unfag; du. 1. ofa afg, 2. ofaqıYTA, 3. °MTA; pl. 1. •faĦfe, This is the only aorist of which forms are made in the secondary and denominative conjugations (but for causatives and denominatives in, cf. § 489). 493. (6) The siș-aorist is active only, the corresponding middle being of the s-form. An example will suffix here. : sing. 1. F- faq etc., quite like the inflection of the iș-aorist. 3. 494. (7) The sc-aorist दिए : Act. sing. 1. अदितम्, 2. ०क्षस्, ; and so on, like an impf. of the a-conjugation. But in the mid. the grammarians prescribe the 1st. sing. ff, and 2nd and 3rd du. अदिक्षाथाम् and •ताम्. 495. Aorist Passive. Generally the middle forms of aorists 4, 5, or 7, are used also for the passive. Roots which do not ordin- arily take aorists of these forms, may make them like 4 or 5 espe- cially for the passive. 496. But a 3rd pers. sing., of peculiar formation, has become a recognized part of the passive conjugation. It is formed by add- ing to the root, which takes also the augment, and is usually strengthened, in some cases by guna, in others by vṛddhi. final आ is added य्. Thus, नी, अनायि; श्रु, अश्रावि; कृ, अकारि; वच्, अवाचि; but दम्, अदमि; दृश्, अदर्शि; दा, अदायि Lesson XLV. Derivative or Secondary Conjugations. After 497. Secondary conjugations are those in which a whole system of forms, more or less complete, is made from a derivative conjugation-stem, this whole system being usually connected with a certain definite modification of the original radical sense. These III. Desiderative. conjugations are: I. Passive. II. Intensive. IV. Causative. V. Denominative. Lesson XLV. 191 498. I. Passive. The present-system of the passive has been described; as also the peculiar 3rd pers. sing. used as aor. pass., the past pass. participle in or, and the fut. pass. participles or gerundives. In all other parts of the verb middle forms are used, if necessary, with passive meaning. 499. II. Intensive. The intensive conjugation signifies the intensification or the repetition of the action expressed by the primary conjugation of a root. Forms outside the present-system are too rare to need notice here; indeed, even within that system they are by no means common in the later language. Intensives fall into two classes. 500. 1. The verbs of the first class (only act.) form their in- tensive-stem by reduplication, and the reduplicating syllable is strengthened. a. Radical and are reduplicated with, इ and ई with ए, उ and ऊ with ओ; thus, वावद, दाघृ, नेनी, शोशुच्. b. Sometimes the reduplicating syllable has a final consonant, taken from the end of the root; thus, चर्चर्, मर्मृज्. c. Sometimes the reduplication is dissyllabic, an i-vowel being inserted after the final consonant of the reduplicating syllable; thus, . The model of inflection is the present-system of the reduplicating- class, but deviations are not rare; in particular, an is sometimes inserted between stem and ending. 501. 2. From the intensive-stem as just described may be formed another, formally identical with a passive-stem, by the suffix . It takes middle inflection, but has no passive value, being used precisely as is the intensive just mentioned. Thus, a, . 502. A few intensives, having lost their value as such, come to be used as presents, and are treated by the native grammarians as simple roots. Thus, really intensive of 'wake', is गृ assigned to the root-class: pres. जागर्मि etc., du. जागृवस् etc. ; impf. 1. अजागरम्, 2. अजागर, 3. अजागर्; du. अजागृव etc. So 192 Lesson XLV. also दरिद्रा, intens. of द्रा 'run', used as a present with the sense 'be poor'. f 'wash', and some others, use the intensive present-system in the same way, and are assigned to the re- duplicating class; thus, 3rd sing. aafa, 3rd pl. afaafa. Intensive forms outside the present-system are very rare. 503. III. Desiderative. By this conjugation is denoted a desire for the action or condition denoted by the simple root; thus, पिबामि 'I drink, desid. पिपासामि 'I wish to drink '. 504. To form the desiderative-stem the root is reduplicated, and adds Ħ, sometimes . The consonant of the reduplication is determined by the usual rules; the vowel of reduplication is if the root has an a-vowel, an i-vowel, or, and if the root has an u-vowel. Thus, या, यियासति; नी, निनीषति; भू, बुभूषति; a, fantifa; fuz, fafumfa; faq, fafada. 505. A number of roots form an abbreviated desiderative- stem; thus, आप्, ईप्सति; दा, दित्सति. 506. The conjugation in the present-system is like that of other a-stems. Outside of that desiderative forms are quite in- frequent. The perfect is the periphrastic. The aorist is of the is-form; thus, w, tfwya; ufafafag. The futures are made with the auxiliary vowel दू; thus, ईप्सिष्यति, ईप्सितास्मि The verbal nouns are made within all forms where that vowel is ever taken. A passive may be made; thus, it is desired to be obtained'; part.Ifwa. за 507. IV. Causative. 1. The present-system of the causative has been treated of already. 2. The perfect is the periphrastic, the derivative noun in T being formed from the causative-stem; thus, Yui 3. The aorist is the reduplicated, made in general directly from the root, and formally unconnected with the causative-stem; thus, धृ, अदीधरम, अबूभुवम्. In a few instances, where the root has assumed a peculiar form before the causative- sign, the reduplicated aorist is made from this form, not from the Lesson LXV. 193 simple root; thus, स्था, स्थापयति, अतिष्ठिपत्. 4 Both futures are made from the causative-stem, the auxiliary replacing the final अ; thus, धारयिष्यति, धारयितास्मि 5. The verbal nouns and adjectives are in part formed from the causative-stem in the same manner as the futures, in part from the causatively strengthened root-form; thus, pass. part. fa; fut. pass. part. (gerundive) तर्पयितव्य, स्थाप्य; inf. जोषयितुम् ; gerund सादयित्वा, स्थाप्य, ग- मय्य ( 8310). 508. Causative passive and desiderative. These may be made from the causative-stem as follows. 1. The passive-stem is formed by adding the usual passive sign to the causatively strengthened root, the syllables being omitted; thus, . 2. The desider- ative-stem is made by reduplication and addition of the syllables , of which the replaces the final of the causative-stem; thus, feuifaqfa, fauıafqqfa. This is a rare formation. 509. V. Denominative. A denominative conjugation is one that has as basis a noun-stem. In general, the base is made from the noun-stem by means of the conjugation-sign, which has the accent. Intermediate between the denominative and causative con- jugations stands a class of verbs plainly denominative in origin but having the causative accent. Thus, from H, mantrayate; from कीर्ति, कीर्तयति kīrtayati. See § 76. 510. The denominative meaning is of the greatest variety; e. g. 'be like', 'act as', 'regard or treat as', 'make into', 'desire, crave' that which is signified by the noun-stem. Examples: from 'penance, asceticism', efa 'practise ascetism'; from नमस्, नमस्यति ' honor' ; कृष्णायते ' blacken'; अश्वायति 'seek horses'; गोपायति ' play the herdsman, protect'; वसूयति ' desire wealth'; भिषज्यति 'play the physician, cure' ; पुत्रका- म्यति ‘desire a son', from the poss. epd पुत्रकाम 'desiring a son Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 13 194 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. Glossary to the Exercises. For the alphabetic order of Sanskrit words see p. xii. 1. Sanskrit-English. Adjectives in a form their feminine in -a, unless otherwise stated. akṣa m., die, dice. akṣan (akṣi: 275) n., eye. agni m., fire; as n. pr., Agni, the god of fire. agnihotrin m., a kind of priest. agra n., front; tip, end. añga n., limb; body. adhas adv., below, down. adhastāt adv., below; prep., w. gen., underneath. adhi adv., over, above, on. adhika a., additional; superior. adhita part. of adhi-i. adhună adv., now. añgiras (253) m., certain mythical adhvaryu m., priest who recites characters. añjali m., a gesture (Voc. 37). aņu a., small; as n., atom. atas adv., hence. the Yajurveda. Van (ániti: 429) breathe;+ pra breathe; live. an, before cons. a, negative prefix. ati adv., across, past; in cpds, anaḍuh (278) m., ox. to excess. atithi m., guest. atra adv., here, hither. atha adv., then; thereupon. atharvaveda m., the fourth Veda. adas (asău: 287) pron., that one; so-and-so. adya adv., to-day. adyatana adj., of to-day. adroha m., faithfulness. adharma m., injustice, wrong. anantaram adv., after, immediately afterward; as prep., w. abl., right after. anartha m., misfortune. anavadya a., faultless. anahilapāṭaka n., n. pr., a city. anu adv., after, along, toward. anukūla a., favorable; as n., favor. anujñā f., permission. anurūpa a., suitable. aneka a., several. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 195 anṛta n., untruth. anta m., end; in loc., at last. antara a., inner; as n., interior, middle; interval, difference; oc- casion, juncture. Cf. 376, 4. andha a., blind. andhra m., n. pr., a people. anna n., food, fodder. anya (231) pron. adj., other. anyatra adv., elsewhere. anvañc (272) a., following. anvaya m., descendant, progeny. ap (277) f. pl., water. avaçya a., necessary. avastha f., condition, state. avāñc (272) a., downward. laç (açnuté) acquire, obtain; + sam-upa idem. √ 2aç (açnáti) eat; caus. (āçáya- ti) make eat, give to eat. açīti (332) num., eighty. açru n., tear. açva m., horse. açvin m. du., n. pr., the Açvins (the Indian Aids xoʊpoi). Διός aṣṭa (332) num., eight. apara (233) pron. adj., hinder; aṣṭādaça (332) num., eighteen. other. api (190) adv., unto; further; as conj., also, even. apsaras f., heavenly nymph. abhaya n., feeling of safety; safe- ty. abhi adv., to, unto. abhiprāya m., plan, design; view. abhyāsa m., study, recitation. amṛta a., immortal; as n., nectar. ambă (273) f., mother. ayam same as idam. ari m., enemy. aṣṭāviñçati (329,332) num., twenty- eight. Vlas (ásti: 426) be, exist. V2as (ásyati) throw, hurl; + abhi repeat, study, learn; + ni entrust; + pra throw forward or into. asi m., sword. asura m., demon. asău same as adas. asthan (asthi: 275) n., bone. asmad same as vayam; as stem in cpds, cf. 352, 4. m., purpose; meaning; ahan (ahar, ahas: 271) n., day. artha m., wealth. Varthaya (den.: arthayate) ask for (w. two acc.); +pra idem. aryaman (284) m., n. pr. V arh (árhati) deserve; have a right to; w. inf. (320), be able. alam adv., enough; very; w. instr., enough of, away with; w. dat., suitable for. ali m., bee. ava adv., down, off. aham (223) pron., I. ahita a., disagreeable. aho excl., oh! ah! ahorātra n., a day and a night. a (130) adv., hither, unto; as prep., w. abl., hither from; until. ākāra m., form, figure. ākāça m., air, sky. akṛṣṭa part. of a-krs. ākrānta part. of ā-kram. 13* 196 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. āgamana n., arrival. ăcăra m., itara (231) pron. adj., other. conversa-itas adv., hence. 66 walk and tion"; conduct; observance. ācārya m., teacher. ājñā f., command. iti adv., thus, so. ittham adv., in this way, so. idam (285-286) pron., this, this atman m., soul, self; often simple here. reflexive pronoun. Vidh, indh (inddhé: 444) kindle, ādi m., beginning; in cpds, cf. light. 375, 1. aditya m., sun. indu m., moon. indra m., n. pr., the god Indra. ādeça m., command, prescription. indraprastha n., n. pr., Delhi. √āp (āpnóti,āpnuté) acquire, reach; | indrāṇī f., n. pr., a goddess. +ava, pra, or anu-pra, idem; + sam idem; finish. apad f., calamity. apta part. of ap, trustworthy; fit. ãyuşmant (263) a., long-lived. aviṣṭa, part. of viç+a, entered (by), i. e. filled (with). āçă f., hope. āçu a., swift. açrama m., hermitage. Vās (áste: 424) sit; caus. (a- sáyati) place; — +upa sit by; wait upon; reverence. āsana n., seat, chair. āharaṇa n., bringing. āhāra m., food. ahuti f., oblation, offering. +adhi Vi (éti [-ité: 408]) go: mid., go over, repeat, read; caus. (adhyapayati) teach; +anu follow; +apa go away; -+abhi approach; +astam (lit'ly go home) set (of the sun, etc.); proach; iyant (263) a., so great; so much. iyam fem. of idam. iva adv., postpos., as; like. Vlis (iccháti: 109) wish, desire. işu m., arrow. iha adv., here, hither. Viks (ikṣate) see, behold; +upa neglect; +prati expect. idrç, f. -i, a., such. Viç (iṣṭe: 422) rule, own (gen.). içvara m., master; lord; rich man. ucchrita part. of ud-çri, high. ud adv., up, up forth or out. udañc (272) a., northward. udadhi m., ocean. udaya m., rise. udara n., belly. udyata part. of ud-yam, ready. udyāna n., garden. udyoga m., diligence. udyogin a., diligent, energetic. upa adv., to, toward. + ud rise; +upa ap-upanayana n., initiation. +pra go forth; die. iccha f., wish. upanisad f., certain Vedic works. upabhoga m., enjoyment. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 197 upavīta n., sacred cord of the three higher castes. upānah (249) f., sandal, shoe. ubha a., du., both. uras n., breast. uru, f. urvi, a., wide. urvaçī f., n. pr., an Apsaras. usas f., dawn; as n. pr., Usas, goddess of the dawn. Vr (rccháti: 109) move; go to; fall to one's lot, fall upon; caus. (arpáyati) send; put; give. ṛkṣa m., bear. rgveda m., the Rigveda. cles ca, cana, cid, api, some one or other; so also w. relatives; oftenest in neg. clauses: no one whatever (236). kaṭa m., mat. kaṇṭaka m., thorn, enemy. kantha m., neck. kanva m., n. pr. katham adv., how? Vkathaya (den.: katháyati) relate, tell. kadā adv., when? — + cana, cid, api, at some time, ever; often W. neg. kaniṣṭha a., youngest. rc f., verse of the Rigveda; in kaniyas a., younger. pl., the Rigveda. rņa n., debt. ṛtvij m., priest. rşi m., seer. eka (231, 232) num., one; pl., some; eke··eke, some others. ekadā adv., once upon a time. ekādaça (332) num., eleven. ekādaça (334) a. eleventh. etad (231) pron., this, this here. eva adv., just, exactly. evam adv., so, thus. eşa same as etad. oṣṭha m., lip. āuṣadha n., medicine. ka (232) pron. 1. interrogative, who, what; kim w. instr., cf. note on p. 89. 2. indefinite, kanyā f., daughter, maiden. kapi m., monkey. kapota m., dove. V/kamp (kámpate) tremble. kara m., hand; trunk (of elephant); ray; toll, tax. karin m., elephant. karuna a., lamentable. karna m., ear. kartṛ m., doer, maker (204); author. karman n., deed; ceremony; fate. Vkal + sam (saṁkaláyati) put together, add. kalaha m.. quarrel. kalā f., crescent. kaliñga m., n. pr., a people. kaliyuga n., the "Iron Age" of the world. kalyāņa n., advantage; salvation. kavi m., poet. kāṇa a., one-eyed. adj. and subst., chiefly w. parti- kanti f., charm; grace. 198 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. kāma m., desire, love; as n. pr., the god of love. kāmadugha a., granting wishes; as f. subst., sc. dhenu, the fab- ulous Wonder-cow. kāmaduh a., idem. kāya m., body. kāraṇa n., reason, cause. -kārin a., causing, making. kārya n., business, concern. kāla m., time. kālidāsa m., n. pr., a poet. kāvya n., poem. kāçī f., n. pr., a city, Benares. kāṣṭha n., fagot; wood. kāṣṭhamaya a., made of wood. kim neut. of ka; w. tu, however. kiyant (263) pron. adj., how great? kirti f., glory. kutas adv., whence? why? kutra adv., where? whither? kunta m., spear. gen., dat., or loc. pers.); +prādus make known or visible; + sam (395) prepare, adorn. √2kṛ (kiráti) strew, scatter; + vi, idem. V krt (kṛntáti: 110) cut, cut off; + ava idem. krti f., work (literary). kṛtrima a., adopted. kṛtsna a., whole, entire. kṛpaṇa a., poor; niggardly. kṛpā f., graciousness, pity. V krs (kárṣati) draw; on or up; kṛşi f., agriculture. kṛṣīvala m., husbandman, peasant. kṛṣṇa a., black; as m., n. pr., the god Kṛṣṇa. + a draw (krsáti) plough. V klp (kálpate) be in order; tend or conduce to (dat.); caus. (kal- páyati, -te) ordain, appoint. ketu m., banner. keça m., hair. V kup (kúpyati) be angry (gen. kāilāsa m., n. pr., a mountain. or dat.). kumāra m., boy, prince. kuçala a., able; clever; learned. koți f., peak; point, tip. kopa m., anger. koşa n., treasure; treasury. Vikṛ(karóti, kuruté: § 394-5) make, | kāunteya m., n. pr. do, perform; - +adhi put at | kāusalyā f., n. pr. the head, make ruler over (loc.); Vkram (krámati, krámate: 134) + apa do evil to, harm (gen., loc., acc.); — + apa-ā pay; + alam prepare, adorn; —+āvis (āviṣkaroti) make known, ex- hibit; +upa do good to, be- nefit (gen., loc.); +tiras (ti- step; -ati pass beyond; transgress; pass (of time); +ā stride up to, attack; + nis go out. V krī (krīṇáti, krīnīte) buy. krīḍā f., game, sport. rask.) hide; blame; +puras V krudh (krúdhyati) be angry (gen. put at the head; - + prati pay, recompense, punish (acc. rei, or dat.). krodha m., anger. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 199 kva adv., where? whither? + cit sometimes, ever. kṣaṇa m. n., moment; time. kṣatriya m., warrior, man of the second caste. kṣaya m., decay, destruction. V kṣan (kṣanóti, kṣaṇuté) hurt, wound. + sam (mid.) come together, meet (instr.). garīyas comp., very honorable. V2gā (gayati) sing. gāndharva, f. -ī, a., in the manner of Gandharvas. Vgah (gåhate) plunge; ava dive or plunge under (acc.). Vkṣal (kṣālȧyati) wash; +pra gir f., voice, song. idem. kṣātra a., suitable for Ksatriyas. √ 2kşi (kṣinóti) destroy. kṣitipa m., king. V kṣip (kṣipáti) hurl, throw. kṣīņa part. of 2ksi, reduced, de- cayed, ruined. kṣīra n., milk. kṣudra a., little, small. kṣudh f., hunger. kṣetra n., field. Vkhan (khánati) dig. khara m., ass. gañgā f., n. pr., the Ganges. gaja m., elephant. V ganaya (den.: gaṇáyati) number, giri m., mountain. gīta n., song; singing. + guna m., quality, excellence. guru m., teacher. V guh (gúhati: 101) hide, conceal; caus. (gūháyati) idem. guhā f., cave. gṛha n., house. grhastha m., householder, head of family. grhya a., domestic. go (209) m., f., bull, steer, cow; as f., fig., speech. gotva n., ox-nature, stupidity. gopa m., cowherd, shepherd; guardian. Vgopāya (den.: gopăyati) be keep- er; guard. count; +ava despise. gati f., gait; course. gandha m., odor, perfume. gandharva m., a Gandharva, one of a band of celestial singers. V gam (gácchati: 100) go; +anu follow; +abhi visit, attend; +ava understand; -+astam grāma m., village. gāurava n., weight; dignity. V granth (grathnáti) string to- gether; compose. go down, set (cf. i + astam); + ā come; + ud rise; grantha m., literary work, book. V grah (grhnáti, grhnité) receive, seize; +ni hold, restrain, check; +prati take. grāsa m., bite, mouthful. +nis come forth; proceed from; ghata m., pot, vessel. 200 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. ghasa m., fodder, hay. ghṛta n., clarified butter; ghee. V ghrā (jíghrati: 102) smell. nis or vi-nis decide, conclude; +pra gather; — + vi idem; +sam collect. citta n., notice; thought; mind. ca encl. conj., and, also, TE, -que; V cint (cintáyati) consider. sometimes if. = cakra n., wheel. Vcaks (cáṣṭe: 421) see, behold; + ā relate; call, name; + vi-ă explain. cakṣus n., eye. catur (332) num., four. caturtha, f. -ī, a., fourth. caturdaça (332) num., fourteen. catuşpad (282) a., quadruped. catvärinçat (332) num., forty. candra m., moon. candramas m., moon. ciram adv., long, a long time. Vcud+pra in caus. (pracodáyati), impel. Vcur (coráyati) steal. cūḍā f., top-knot, scalp. ced adv., postpos., if. V cest (céstati, -te) stir, be alive. căulukya m., n. pr., a people. V/cyu (cyávate) totter, fall; + vi fall away. chattra n., umbrella. chāyā f., shade. l'cam, used only with ā (ăcămati), | √ chid (chinátti, chinddhé) cut, cut sip; rinse the mouth. camatkāra m., astonishment. Vcar (cárati) go, wander; graze (of cattle); tr., perform, commit; +ā perform, complete, do; + sam-ā idem; - + ud caus. (uccaráyati) pronounce, say. -cara a., moving, going. caraṇa m., n., foot, leg. carita n., behavior, life. carman n., hide, skin; leather. carmamaya a., leathern. Vcal (cálati) stir; + pra move on, march; —+pra-vi, tr., move, stir. off; + ava idem; +ā take + ud exter- away, remove; minate. jagat n., that which moves; men and beasts; the world. V jan (jáyate : 155; janáyati) trans. (janayati and active forms) beget, produce; intrans. (jayate and middle forms) be born (mother in loc.), arise, spring up; +ud (ujjayate) be born, arise (abl.); +pra or sam idem. jana m., man; pl., and coll. in sing., people, folks. cāturmāsya n., a certain sacrifice. janaka m., father. cāmīkara n., gold. căra m., spy. V ci (cinóti, cinute) gather; cāru a., beautiful. janani f., mother. janman n., birth, existence. jaya m., victory. +jaras (280) f., old age. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 201 jarā (280) f., old age. jala n., water. Vjalp (jálpati) speak; chat. Vjāgaraya (caus.) awaken. jāti f., birth; caste; kind. jāmātṛ m., son-in-law. jāyā f., woman, wife. jāla n., net. Vji (jáyati) trans. and intrans., conquer, win; +parā, mid., be conquered (cf. in Voc. 9). jina m., n. pr., a name of Buddha. jihvā f., tongue. Vjīv (jivati) live. jivita n., life. tatas adv., thence, therefore; there- upon. tatra adv., there, thither. tatha adv., in that way, so. tad nom. and acc. s. n. to ta; as adv., therefore. tadā adv., then. tadyathā adv., namely, to wit. y tan (tanóti, tanuté), tr., stretch, extend; perform (a sacrifice); + a cause, bring about; + pra extend. Vtap (tápati, -te), tr. and intr., burn; pain; in pass., suffer, do penance. juhū f., spoon, esp. sacrificial tapas n., heat; self-torture. spoon. jetr m., conqueror, victor. -jña a., knowing. Vjñā (jānáti, jānīté: 403) know; + anu permit; — + ā caus. (ajñāpayati) command; · recognize. jñāna n., knowledge; insight. jyā f., bowstring. + vi jyestha (340) a., best; oldest. jyotișa n., astronomy; astronomi- cal text-book. tapasvin a., practising ascetism; as m., ascetic. √ tam (támyati: 131) be sad. taru m., tree. taruņa, f. -î, a., young, delicate. tasthivāns pf. part. of stha; as n., the immovable. tādṛç a., such. tālu n., palate. tāvant adj., so great, so much; tāvat as adv., so long, so much; often concessive, like donc, doch. jyotis n., light; star; heavenly tiraskariņi f., veil. body. ta (228-230) pron., he, etc.; that, both subst. and adj.; also as def. article. takṣaçilā f., n. pr., Taxila, a city. V taḍ (tāḍáyati) strike, beat. taḍāga m., pond. taḍit f., lightning. tandula m., rice. tiryañc (272) a., going horizontally; as subst., animal. tilaka m., ornament (often fig.). tīra n., bank, shore. tīrtha n., bathing-place; place of pilgrimage. tīvra a., great, strong, violent. tu conj., but, however. Vtud (tudáti) push; strike. √tul (toláyati) weigh. of tirthayatri, & pulg.mag. ނ 202 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. √tuş (túşyati) rejoice, take pleasure daça (332) num., teu. - daçaratha m., n. pr. − + ava daṣṭa part. of danç. +pravdah (dáhati) burn. in (w. instr.). √ tr (tárati) cross over; descend; +ud emerge; in caus. (pratārάáyati), deceive. tṛtīya, f. -ă (335), a., third. V tṛp (tŕpyati) satisfy oneself. tṛṣṇā f., thirst, desire. tejasvin a., courageous. Vtyaj (tyájati) leave, abandon; +pari leave off, give up. trayodaça (332) num., thirteen. tri (332) num., three. trinçat (332) num., thirty. triloka n., -ki f., the threefold world. trivṛt a., triple, threefold. triçīrṣan a., three-headed. triṣṭubh f., name of a metre. tryaçīti num., eighty-three. tva stem of pron. of 2d pers. (226; cf. 352, 4). tvad so-called stem of pron. tva. tvastṛ m., n. pr., a god, Tvastar. V danç (dáçati) bite. danṣṭrā f., tooth. dakṣa m., n. pr. dakṣiņa a., right-hand; southern. daṇḍa m., stick; punishment. V daṇḍaya (den.: daṇḍáyati) pun- ish. dadhan (dadhi: 275) n., curds. dadhyañc (weakest -dhic) m., n. pr. √ dam (dámyati : 131) control; caus. (damáyati) tame; compel. dayā f., compassion, pity. daridra a., poor. V1dā (dádāti, datté: 436) give; in caus. (dāpάyati) make give or pay; + ǎ take (312); ·+pra entrust; give in marriage. √2dā (dyáti: 132) cut. dātṛ m., giver; as adj. (204), gen- erous. dāna n., gift, present; generosity. dānava m., demon. dāsa m., slave, groom. dāsī f., female slave, servant. dina n., day. div (277) f. (rarely m.), sky. divasa m., day. divya a., heavenly, divine. V diç (diçáti) show, point out; + ā command; — + upa teach, instruct. diç f., point, cardinal point; quarter, region; direction. V dih (dégdhi: 428) smear. dirgha a., long; am adv., afar. dirghayus a., long-lived. V dīv (divyati) play. v'du (dunóti), intr., burn, feel dis- tressed; tr., distress (acc.). duḥkha n., misery; misfortune. dugdha n., milk. durjana m., scamp, rogue. durdaçā f., misfortune. durlabha a., hard to find or reach; dificult. V duş (dúşyati) be defiled. dusprayukta a., badly arranged. darçana n., philosophical system. duşşanta m., n. pr. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 203 dus insep. prefix, bad; hard. V'duh (dógdhi, dugdhé: 428) milk. duhitṛ f., daughter. dūta m., messenger, envoy. V dṛ in caus. (dārάyati) + vi tear open. V drç (127) see; caus. (darçáyati) show; pass. (drçyáte) seem, look. drç f., look, glance; eye. deva m., god; f. -, goddess; queen. devaki f., n. pr. devakula n., temple. devată f., divinity, deity. deça m., region, land. daiva, f. -i, divine. dosam., doṣa m., fault. dyuti f., brilliancy. dravya n., property; object. draștṛ m., seer; author (of Vedic hymns, etc.). Vdru (drávati) run. dhanus n., bow. dharma m., right; law; virtue. √1dhā (dádhāti, dhatté: 435) put, place; +api close, cover, keep shut; — + ā put on; mid., receive; +sam-ā lay or place on; + ni lay down; - + pari in caus. (-dhāpάyati), make put on, clothe in (two acc.); +vi arrange, ordain; sam put together, unite; lay on. V2dhā (dháyati: 126) suck. dhātṛ m., creator. dhanya n., grain. dharmika a., right, just. + Vdhav (dhávati) run;+ anu run after. dhāvana n., running; course. dhi f., understanding, insight. dhimant a., wise, prudent. dhira a., steadfast, firm, brave. V dhu (dhunóti, dhunuté: 391), shake. V druh (drúhyati) be hostile, offend. V dhr in caus. (dhārάyati) bear. dva (332) num., two. dvāḥstha m., doorkeeper. dvār f., door, gate. dvija m., Aryan. dvijāti m., Aryan. dvitiya (335) a., second. dvipad (282) a., biped. dhṛti f., firmness; courage. dhenu f., cow. dhairya n., steadfastness. √ dhyā (dhyάyati) think, ponder. na adv., not; with opt., cf. 207. nakṣatra n., lunar mansion. V dviş (dvésti, dvişte) hate;+nagara n., -i f., city. pra hate extremely. dviş m., enemy. dvis adv., twice. dvipin m., panther. dhana n., money, riches. dhanin a., wealthy. nadī f., river. Vnand (nándati, -te) + abhi re- joice in, greet joyfully (acc.). 1'nam (námati), intr., bow, bend; tr., honor, reverence (acc:). namas n., honor, glory. nara m., man (vir and homo). # 204 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. f naraka m., hell. narmadā f., n.pr., a river in India. nala m., n. pr. nava a., new. nava (332) num., nine. navati (332) num., ninety. navadaça (332) num., nineteen. navīna a., new. nīti f., conduct of life; ethics, pol- itics. nīruj a., healthy, well. nilakaṇṭha m., n. pr. Vnṛt (nṛtyati) dance. nṛtta n., dance, dancing. nṛpa m., king. nṛpati m., king. Vnaç (náçyati) perish; - + vi netr m., leader. perish; disappear. V năh (nahyati) bind; gird, equip oneself. nāga m., snake. nāṭaka n., drama, play. netra n., leading-rope, cord; eye. + sam nău f., ship. nāman n., name; nāma adv., by name. nārī f., woman, wife. nātā f., pipe, conduit. nāça m., destruction. nyañc (272) a., low. nyāya m., logic. nyāyya a., right, proper. pakṣa m., wing, side; party. pakşin m., bird. pañka n., mud, bog. Vpac (pácati) cook. ni adv., down; in, into. pañca (332) num., five. nitya a., constant; daily; -am as pañcadaça (332) num., fifteen. adv., always, daily. nideça m., command. V'nind (nindati) blame. nipuņa a., shrewd, skilled. niyata, part. of ni-yam, ed, fixed, permanent. nirdaya a., pitiless. pañcapañcăça (334) a., fifty-fifth. pañcāçat (332) num., fifty. √pat (pāṭayati) split open. patu a., skilled. ordain-path (páṭhati) recite, read. paṇi m. pl., n. pr., certain demons. pandita m., learned man; pandit. nirvṛti f., contentment, happiness. Vpat (pátati) fall, fly; nis adv., out, forth. niçcaya m., decision, certainty. √nî (nάyati; caus. nāyāyati) lead, guide; — + apa lead away; + ā bring; — + upa introduce, consecrate, initiate; +nis bring to an end,, determine, settle; + pari lead about; marry. nīca a., low. fly up. +ud pati (274) m., lord, master; hus- band. pattra n., leaf, letter. patni f., wife, consort. pathi same as panthan. pathya a., wholesome. pad (282) m., foot. Vpad (pádyate) go; — + vi-ā in caus. (vyāpādāyati) kill; —+ I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 205 nis (nispádyate) grow, arise from pāçupalya n., cattle-raising. (abl.); — + pra flee for refuge to (acc.). pada n., step; place. padma m. n., lotus. panthan (278) m., road, path. payas n., milk. para (233) a., chief, highest; other. paramātman m., the world-spirit. paraçu m., axe. parā adv., to a distance, away. pari adv., round about, around. parivrāj (247, 2) m., wandering ascetic. parisad f., assembly. parvata m., mountain. pitṛ m., father; du., parents; pl., Manes. Vpis (pináști) grind, crush. V pi same as pyā. pīna part. of pī, fat. Vpiḍ (pīḍáyati) torment, vex. pums same as pumāñs. punya a., meritorious, holy, aus- picious; as n., merit. putra m., son; -trī f., daughter. punar adv., again, but. pumāns (279) m., man, male. pur f, city. purā adv., earlier, formerly. purāṇa, f. -ā and -7, a., former, √ palãy (pálāyate: cf. p. 116, note) ancient; as n., one of a class of flee. Vpaç (páçyati: 127) see. paçu m., beast. paçcāt adv., behind (w. gen.). √1pā (píbati: 102) drink; caus. (pāyayati) give to drink, water. √2pā (páti) protect; caus. pālá- yati) idem. works on the creation, etc. purușa m., man (homo). purūravas m., n. pr., Purūravas. purohita m., domestic priest. pulinda m., n. pr., a tribe in India. Vpus (pusnáti) make increase or grow. pusta part. of puș, stout, fat. pățaliputra n., n. pr., the city puspa n., flower. Patna. pāṭha m., lecture, lesson. pāṇi m., hand. pāṇini m., n. pr. pustaka n., book (manuscript). √ pū (punáti, punīté) clean. √ pūj (pūjáyati) honor. pūra m., flood, high-water. pāṇḍava m., descendant of Paṇḍu. pūru m., n. pr. pātaka n., crime, sin. pātra n., pot, vessel. pada m., foot; quarter; ray, beam. pāpa a., bad; as n. subst., sin. pārthiva m., prince. pārvatī f., n. pr. palana n., protection. pāça m., noose, cord, snare. pūṣaṇ (284) m., n. pr., Puşan, the Sun-god. prthivi f., earth, ground. prthu a., broad, wide. pṛthvi f., earth. pṛthvīrāja m., n. pr. V1pr (piparti) fill. posaka m., supporter, maintainer. 206 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. pāutra m., grandson. paura m., citizen. Vpyā (pyáyate) swell, get stout. pra adv., forward, forth. prakāçin a., bright, glistening; act., illuminating. Vprach (prccháti) ask, ask about. prajā f., creature, subject. prati adv. and prep., back, back, again; towards (postpos., w. acc.). pratikula a., unfavorable. pratyañc (272) a., backward, west- ward. pratyaham adv., daily. Vprath in caus. (pratháyati), spread; proclaim. prathama (335) a., first. prabhāva m., might, power. prabhuta a., much; many. pramatta a., careless. prayāga m., n. pr., Allahābād. prayukta part. of pra-yuj. prayoktṛ m., arranger, user. pralaya m., destruction. praçna m., question. prasanna, part. of pra-sad, disposed. sociable. priyavadin a., idem. Vprī (prīņāti, prīņītē), act., de- light; mid., rejoice; caus. (prī- nayati), make glad, please. Vplu (plávate) + a drench. phala n., fruit, reward. phalavant a., fruitful. √bandh (badhnáti, badhnīté) bind; entangle, catch; join; com- pose. bandhu m., relative. bala n., strength, might. balavant a., strong, mighty. baliṣṭha a., strongest. bahu a., much, many. bāla a., young; as m., child, boy; f. -a, girl. bāṣpa m., tear, tears. bāhu m., arm. bindu m., drop. buddha part. of budh, awakened; enlightened. buddhi f., prudence, intelligence. well-buddhimant a., prudent. prahāra m., stroke, shot; wound. prañc (272) forward, eastward. prāņa m., often pl., breath, life. prāṇin m., living creature. √ budh (bódhati, -te; búdhyati,-te), wake; know. budha m., wise man, sage. | brahmacarya n., life of holiness, esp. religious studentship. prātar adv., early, in the morning. | brahmacārin a., studying sacred prāyaçcitta n., penance, expiation. prayeņa adv., commonly. prāsāda m., palace. priya a., dear. priyakarman a., kind. knowledge; as m., Brahman student. bráhman n., devotion; sacred word (of God); sacred knowledge; world-spirit. priyavāc a., saying pleasant things, | brahmán (a personification of brá- I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 207 hman) m., the supreme All-Soul; | bhāṣā f., speech, language. Brahma, the Creator. bhāṣvant a., shining, brilliant. brahmahan (283) m., killing a bhiks (bhikṣate) beg, get by beg- Brahman. brāhmaṇa m., priest, Brahman. Vbrú (braviti, bruté), speak, say; -+pra explain, teach, announce; +vi explain, announce. bhakta a., devoted, true. bhakti f., devotion; honor. V/bhaks (bhakşáyati) eat. bhakṣana n., eating. bhagavant a., honorable, blessed. V bhaj (bhájati, -te) divide;+vi distribute. Vbhanj (bhanákti) break, destroy. bhadra a., good, pleasant; as n., fortune. bhaya n., fear. bharatakhaṇḍa m., n. pr., India. bhartṛ m., supporter; preserver; lord, master; husband. ging. bhikṣā f., alms. bhiksu m., beggar; ascetic. Vbhid (bhinátti, bhinddhé) split. √bhĩ (bibhéti) fear; in caus. (bhi- ṣáyate, bhāyáyate) terrify. V2bhuj (bhunákti, bhunkte) eat, enjoy; caus. (bhojáyati) feed; +upa enjoy. -bhuj a., enjoying. bhujyu m., n. pr., a Vedic person. bhuvana n., world. √bhú (bhávati, -te) become; be, exist; + abhi overpower; + pari despise; − + pra arise; be mighty, rule; valere. bhū f., earth, ground. - bhūta part, of bhū; as n. subst., being, creature. bhūti f., prosperity, blessing. bhava m., n. pr., a name of Çiva. | bhūbhuj m., king. bhavant, f. bhavatī; in voc. bhos, f. bhavati; used in respectful address instead of pronoun of 2nd person. Cf. § 264. bhasman n., ashes. Vbhā (bháti) gleam, glance; +ā or vi idem. bhūbhṛt m., king; mountain. bhūmi f., earth, ground, land. bhūyas (340) comp. adj., more; -yas adv., mostly. bhūṣaṇa n., ornament. bhāga m., part, piece, share. -bhāj a., sharing. bhānu m., sun. bhāra m., burden. bhāryā f., wife, woman. V bhr (bharati, -te) support (lit. and fig.). bhṛgukaccha n., n. pr., Baroch, a holy place in India. bhṛtaka m., servant. bhṛtya m., servant. bhṛçam adv., greatly, much. V bhāṣ (bháṣate) speak; —+prati | bheka m., frog. answer (acc. of pers.); +sam bhoga m., enjoyment. converse. bhojana n., meal. 208 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. bhos see bhavant. Vbhram (bhrámyati: 131) wander about, flit; +pari idem. bhrātṛ m., brother. bhrú f., eyebrow. makṣikā f., fly, gnat. maghavan (270) m., Indra. Vmajj (májjati) sink; —+ ni idem. maņi m., jewel. mati f., mind. matimant a., shrewd, prudent. matsya m., fish. mathi same as manthan. mad called stem of aham; 352, 4. √mad (mádyati) get drunk; +pra be careless. madhu n., honey. mastaka n., head. mahant (261) a., great. mahānasa n., kitchen. mahārāja m., great king. mahişa m., n. pr. mahiṣī f., queen. V/1mă (máti; mimité: 438) mea- sure; +nis work, create. mã adv. and conj., not; used in prohibitions, etc., like Lat. ne, greek μ; cf. 195. mānsa n., flesh. mātṛ f., mother. mãdhurya n., sweetness. cf. mănava mn., man (homo). mānasa n., sense; understanding. mănușa, f. -î, human. mārga m., road, way, street. mālā f., garland. madhuparka m., sweet drink. māsa m., month. madhulih m., bee. mitra n., friend. madhya a., middle; as n., middle; mitradruh (249) a., friend-be- waist. Vman (mányate; manuté) think, suppose; manas n., mind. + sam honor. manuṣya m., man (homo). manoratha m., wish. traying. mina m., fish. I'mīl (milati) wink; +ni close the eyes. muktā f., pearl. manohara a., agreeable; entranc- mukha n., mouth, face. ing. mukti f., salvation, deliverance. mukhya a., principal, first. mantra m., sacred text; spell, muc (muñcáti: 110) free, release; charm. mantrin m., minister; councillor. √ manth (mathnáti) stir. manthan (278) m., stirring-stick. mandara m., n. pr., a mountain. maraṇa n., death. muktvā, without (312). V mud (módate) rejoice; — + anu allow. muni m., sage; ascetic. vmuş (muṣnáti) steal, rob. musala m. n., club, pestle. marut m., wind; pl., n. pr., the muh (múhyati) be confused or Storm-gods. dazed or stupid. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 209 murdhan m., head. mūrdhaga a., on the head. -+ud undertake; + ni or- dain, fix, appoint. yamunā f., n. pr., the river Jumna. ráyati) kill. yaças n., glory, fame. yaşți f., stick, staff. mūla n., root. Vmr (mriyáte: 155) die; caus. (ma-yavana m., Greek, barbarian. mrga m., wild animal; gazelle. √mṛgaya (den.: mṛgáyate) hunt| Vya (yati) go; with abstracts, for, seek. mṛgayā f., chase, hunting. Vmrj (márṣṭi: 423) rub, wipe; caus. (mārjáyati) rub off, polish; + apa, pari or pra, wipe off. mṛta, part. of mṛ, dead, fallen. mṛtyu m., death. mrd f., earth, dirt. mekhalā f., girdle. megha m., cloud. mokşa m., deliverance; salvation. moha m., infatuation. ya (231) rel. pron., used as subst. and adj., who, which, what; cf. 234 ff. Vyaj (yájati, -te) sacrifice (acc. come into such and such a state; + ā approach. yātrā f., march, journey; support. yāma m., watch of the night. yavant a., how much or many; yāvat as adv., as long as, while; as soon as. yuga n., age of the world. yugma n., pair. Vyuj (yunákti, yuñkté) join, yoke, harness; caus. (yojáyati) idem; -+ni place, appoint, establish; + pra arrange; use. yuddha n., battle. Vyudh (yudhyate) fight (instr.). yuvati f. to yuvan. yuvan (269) a., young; f. yuvati. pers., instr. rei); caus. (yājá-yuşmad called stem of yūyam; as yati) make to sacrifice, offer sa- crifice for (acc.). stem in cpds (352, 4.), you. yūpa m., sacrificial post. yajus n., sacrificial formula, text. yūyam (226) pron., you. yajña m., sacrifice. yajñiya a., suitable for sacrificing. Vyat (yátate) strive after (dat.). yatas adv., whence; wherefore. yati m., ascetic. yatna m., exertion. yatra adv., where, whither. yatha adv., in which way; as. yadā adv., when, if. yadi adv., if. Vrakṣ (rákṣati) protect. rakṣaṇa n., protection. rakṣity m., protector. Vrac (racáyati) arrange, compose (a literary work). rajju f., cord. Vrañj + anu (anurájyati, -te) be inclined or devoted to (loc.). raṇa m. n., battle. Vyam (yácchati: 100) furnish, give; ratna n., jewel. Perry, Sanskrit Primer. 14 210 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. ratha m., wagon. rathya f., street. Vrabh (rábhate) grasp;+a take hold on, begin. Vram (rámate) amuse oneself; — +vi (virámati) cease (abl.). raçmi m., ray; rein. rasa m., taste, feeling. rasavant a., tasteful. rākṣasa m., demon. rūpa n., form, beauty. rupaka n., gold-piece. rai (277) m., rarely f., possessions, wealth. rohini f., n. pr. lakṣa n., a hundred thousand. lakṣmi (276) f., goddess of for- tune. 'lag (lágati) attach, hang, cling. Vraj (rájati, -te) direct, rule; laghu, f. -ghu or -ghvi, a., light; shine; be illustrious. rājan m., king. rājya n., kingdom. rātri f., night. small, little. lañkā f., n. pr., Ceylon. Vlap (lápati) prate; · + vi com- plain. V rādh (rādhnóti) succeed; +apa Vlabh (lábhate) receive, take; do wrong. rāma m., n. pr., a hero. rāmāyaṇa n., a noted poem. rāvaņa m., n. pr., a demon. rāçi m., heap. Vru (rāúti: 410) cry, scream; + vi idem. caus. (lambháyati) make receive, give. lalāṭa n., forehead. lavana n., salt. lāñgala n., plough. labha m., acquisition, gain. V likh (likhátí) scratch, write. Vruc (rócate) please (dat., gen.). V lip (limpáti) smear. ruj f., sickness, disease. Vrud (róditi: 429) weep. ruddha, part. of rudh, besieged, surrounded; suffused. Vrudh (runáddhi, runddhé) ob- struct, check, besiege; +upa besiege. rudhira n., blood. Vruh (róhati) rise, spring up, grow; caus. (roháyati, ropáyati) make rise or grow, plant; +ava descend; +a climb, mount, ascend; + pra grow up. rūkṣa a., harsh, rough. | Vlih (léḍhi, lidhé: 427) lick; — + ava idem. Vlunth (lunṭháyati) + nis rob. √lup (lumpáti) break to pieces; devastate; plunder. Vlubh (lúbhyati) covet (dat., loc.). lekhana n., writing, copying. loka m., world; sing. and pl., people. lobha m., desire, avarice. loman n., hair. loha n., metal; iron. vança m., race, family. vakra a., crooked, bent. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 211 1 vaksas n., chest, breast. Vvac (vákti: 415) speak, say; name; caus. (vācáyati) make (a written leaf) speak, i. e. read. vanij m., merchant. vatsa m., calf. Vvad (vádati) speak, say; +abhi in caus. (abhivadayati) greet;vi (mid.) dispute, argue. vadha m., killing, murder. vadhū f., woman; wife. vana n., woods, forest. vanavāsin a., forest-dwelling. Vvand (vándate) greet, honor. vvap (vápati) scatter; sow. vapus n., body; figure. vayam (223) pron., we. vayas n., age. lvará m., suitor, bridegroom. 2vára m., choice, privilege; favor. 3vara a., best; better (w. abl.: than). varāha m., boar. varuņa m., n. pr., a god. varṇa m., color; caste. V varṇaya (varṇáyati) describe, portray. vartin a., abiding, being. varṣa n., year. vallabha a., dear. Vvaç (váşti) wish. Vvas (vásati) dwell; habit, dwell; +ni in- +pra go away on a journey; + prati in- habit. vasati f., dwelling. vasu n., wealth, money. vasudeva m., n. pr. vastra n., garment. Vvah (váhati) tr., carry, bear; intr., proceed; flow; blow. vă encl., or. vāc f., voice; word. vācya a., blameworthy, culp- able. vāņijya n., trade. vāta m., wind. vānaprastha m., a Brāhman in the third stage of his life. vāpī f., cistern. vāyasa m., crow. vāyu m., wind. vāri n., water. vi adv., apart, away, out. vinça (334) a., twentieth. viñçati (332) num., twenty. vinçatitama (334) a., twentieth. vikramāditya a., n. pr., a king. Vvij (vijáti) tremble; +ud in caus. (udvejáyati) terrify. vitta n., possessions; wealth. Vvid (vétti; véda: 416-417) know, consider; caus. (vedáyati) inform (dat.); + ni caus., idem. V √ 2vid (vindáti, -te) find, acquire. -vid a., knowing. vidyā f., knowledge, learning. vidvāns a., knowing, wise. vidviṣṭa pass. part. of vi-dviş, detested. vidhi m., rule, fate; Brahma. vidheya a., obedient. vinaya m., obedience. vină prep., without (with instr. or acc., often postpos). vipāka m., ripening; recompense. vipra m., Brāhman. 14* 212 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. vibhu, f. -bhvī, a. pervading, far-vrs (várṣati) rain, give rain; reaching; omnipresent, mighty. vivāha m., wedding, marriage. vivekin a., shrewd. Vviç (viçáti) enter; approach; fig., shower down; overwhelm. veda m., science, knowledge; esp. sacred knowledge, holy writ. + sam-a|vedanā f., pain. + upa seat one-vedānta m., a system of philo- self; + pra enter, penetrate. sophy. · viç m. pl., people; the Vaiçya-vedi f., altar. caste. vai assev. particle, to be sure, in viçişṭa part. of vi-çis, excellent, sooth; often untranslated. remarkable. viçruta part. of vi- çru, famous. viçva (231) a., all (Vedic). viçvāsa m., trust, confidence. visa n., poison. viṣṇu m., n. pr., a god. vihaga m., bird. vihita part. of vi-dha, ordained. vāiçya m., man of the third caste. vyañjana n., spice. vyath in caus. (vyatháyati) tor- ment. Vvyadh (vidhyati) hit, pierce. vyalika a., false, wrong. vyavahāra m., trial, law-suit; trade. vyākarana n., grammar. √1vṛ (vṛṇóti, vṛṇuté) cover, sur-vyāghra m., tiger. round; — + a cover; +apa-a vyadha m., hunter. open; vi explain; manifest; + sam shut. vyadhi m., disease, illness. vyādhita a., sick, ill. V/2vr (vṛṇīté; varáyati, -te) choose, vyāsa m., n. pr. select. vṛka m., wolf. vṛkṣa m., tree. V vrt (vártate) turn; exist, subsist, be, become;+ni return home; -+pra get a-going, break out, arise; continue; caus. (act.) con- tinue (trans.). vṛtta n., conduct. vṛttānta m., state of affairs; news. vṛtra m., n. pr., a demon. vṛddha part. of vṛdh, old. V vṛdh (várdhate) grow; caus. (vardháyati, -te) make grow; bring up. Vvraj (vrájati, -te) proceed; + wander forth; become an as- cetic. vrana m., wound. vrata n., vow, obligation; duty. Vçans (çáñsati) praise; proclaim; -+pra proclaim. Vçak (çaknóti) be able; sometimes pass., cf. 322. çaka m., Scythian. çakaṭa m., car. çakuntala f., n. pr. çañkā f., hesitation. çata (332-333) n., a hundred. çatatama a., hundredth. ! I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 213 çatru m., enemy. çabda m., sound, noise, word. √ çam (çámyati) become quiet, be extinguished, go out. çayyā f., bed, couch. çara m., arrow. çarana n., protection. çarad f., autumn; year. çarīra n., body. çarva m., n. pr., a name of Çiva. çākhā f., branch; edition, red- action. çanti f., repose. Vçãs (çãste) command; rule; pun- ish. çasty m., governor, punisher. çăstra n., science; text-book. V çiks (çikṣate) learn. çikhara m., summit. çiras n., head. çiva a., beneficent, gracious; ed; as m., n. pr., a god. çiçu m., child. fūra m., hero. çrgāla m., jackal. çeşa m. n., rest, remainder. çeșa m., a fabulous snake sup- porting the earth. Vçram (cramyati: 131) become weary. çrama m., pains, trouble. çrāddha n., oblation to the Manes (cf. in Voc. 16). Vçri +ā (āçrayate) go for pro- tection, take refuge with (acc.). çrī f., luck, fortune, riches; as n. pr., goddess of fortune; as prefix to proper names, famous, honorable, etc. çrīmant a., rich; famous. Veru (crnóti, çrnuté: 391) hear; in caus. (çraváyati) make hear, i. e. recite, proclaim (acc. pers.). bless-cruta part. of çru; as n., learning. çruti f., hearing; holy writ. çreyas a., better; best; çreyas as n., salvation. Vçiş (çináşti) leave, leave remain- ing; + ava remain over, sur- vive; +ud idem; apart, distinguish. çiṣya m., pupil, scholar. +vi set √ çi (çéte: 409) lie; sleep; +adhi lie asleep on (acc.). çīta a., cold. Vçuc (çócati) grieve, sorrow. çuci a., pure, clean. çunaḥçepa m., n. pr. V çubh (çóbhate) be brilliant, shine. çubha a., good; splendid. √ çuş (çúsyati) dry up. çvan (269) m., dog. çvaçura m., father-in-law. çvaçrú f., mother-in-law. çvas adv., to-morrow. Vçvas (çvásiti: 429) breathe; +sam-ã breathe gently: revive; +vi be confident; trust (gen. or loc.). çveta a., white. şaṭtriñçat (329) num., thirty-six. şaḍaçiti (329) num., eighty-six. şaş (332) num., six. çūdra m., man of the fourth caste. sașți (332) num., sixty. çūdratva n., condition of a Çūdra. | șastha, f. -i (335), a., sixth. 214 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. şoḍaça (332) num., sixteen. samāgama m., meeting, encounter. samāja m., convention, company. samyukta part. of sam-yuj, pro- samidh f., fagot. vided with. samīpa a., near; as n., vicinity, samvatsara m., year. samçaya m., doubt. nearness, presence. samudra m., ocean. sakṛt adv., once. samunnati f., height, elevation; sakthan (sakthi: 275) n., thigh. high position. sakhi (274) m., friend. sameta a., provided with. sakhi f., female companion, friend. sampurna part. of 1pr + sam, sajja a., ready. √ sañj (sájati; sajjáte: cf. in Voc. 22) hang on, be fastened on (loc.). satkāra m., hospitality. sattra n., sacrifice. satya n., truth, righteousness. Vsad (sidati) sit; settle down; be overcome or exhausted; — + à approach; +sam-ã seat one- full. samyak adv., well, properly. samraj m., great king; emperor. sarit f., river. sarga m., creation. sarpa m., snake. sarva (231) a., all. sarvatra a., everywhere. savitṛ m., n. pr., the Sun-god Sa- vitar; sun. self; caus. (-sādάyati) meet, en-√sah (sáhate) endure. counter;+ni sit down; + pra be favorable. sadā adv., always. sadrça, f. -i, a., similar; worthy. saṁdigdha a., doubtful; unsteady. saṁdhyā f., twilight. sant, part. of las, being, existing; good; as m., good man; as f. sati, good woman, especially a widow who immolates herself. sapta (332) num., seven. saptati (332) num., seventy. saptadaça (332) num., seventeen. sabhā f., council, meeting, court. sam adv., along with; completely. samakṣam adv., before, in the presence of (gen ). samartha a., capable, able. saha adv., together; prep., often postpos., with, along with, (instr.). sahacara m., companion; - f., wife. sahasă adv., suddenly, quickly. sahasra n., a., thousand. sahāya m., companion, helper. sākṣin m., witness. sadhana n., means, device. sādhu m., holy man, saint. sāman n., Vedic melody, song; pl., the Samaveda. sămanta m., vassal. sampratam adv., at present. sayam adv., at evening. sărasa m., crane. sinha m., lion. I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. 215 +abhi anoint as king. +prati Vsic (siñcáti) drip, drop, moisten; soma m., the intoxicating ferment- ed juice of the Soma-plant. skandha m., shoulder. √ stu (stāúti: 411) praise. stuti f., song of praise; praise. Vstr (strnóti, strnuté; strnáti, stṛṇīté) scatter, strew; — + upa scatter, bestrew. stena m., thief. Visidh (sédhati) repel; hold back; forbid. V/2sidh (sídhyati) succeed; in caus. (sadháyati) perform; acquire. sindhu m., n. pr., the Indus. sīman f., border, boundary; out- skirts. su adv., well; easy; very. V su (sunóti, sunuté) press. sukha n., fortune, luck, happiness. sundara, f. -i, a., beautiful. sumanas a., favorably-minded; as f., flower. surāpa m., drunkard. suvarņa n., gold. suhrd m., friend. stotra n., song of praise. strī (276) f., woman. Vstha (tiṣṭhati) stand, intr.; be in or on, etc., be situated; caus. (sthāpάyati) put, place; appoint; stop; — + adhi mount, stand over; rule, govern; + anu follow out, accomplish; (cf. also p. 96, last note); +ud arise, rise (cf. Voc. 40); —+ upa ap- proach, reach; — + pra mid., start off; in caus. (act.), send; + sam in caus., cause to remain sthāna n., place, locality; stead. sthita part. of sthă; cf. 290, end. +anu followsthiti f., condition. √snā (snāti) bathe. V sú (sūté) generate, bring forth; +pra generate. sūkta n., Vedic hymn. sūta m., driver, charioteer. sūda m., cook. surya m., sun. √ sṛ (sárati) flow; up; +apa go away; in caus. (-sārάyati) drive away. Vsrj (srjáti) let go, create; +ud let loose or out; raise (the voice). snātaka m., one who has perform- ed the ablutions customary at the end of religious pupilage. snāna n., bathing, bath. V sṛp (sárpati) move;-+pra idem. snāyu m., tendon, bowstring. srsti f., creation. setu m., bridge, dike. senā f., army. √ sev (sévate) serve, honor; + ni dwell; devote oneself to; attend. sāinika m., soldier. sainya n., army. snigdha part. of snih, affectionate. V snih (snihyati) feel inclined to, love (gen., loc.). snușă f., daughter-in-law. V sprç (sprçáti) touch. V spṛh (sprháyati) desire (dat.). sma encl., slightly assev.; often accompanies a present tense, 216 I. Sanskrit-English Glossary. giving it the force of an histor- harina m., gazelle. ical tense. V smr (smáratí) remember; think on; call to mind; teach; esp. in pass. smaryate ‘it is taught, i. e. traditional'. smrti f., tradition; law-book. sraj f., garland. sraştṛ m., creator. svɑ a., own; one's own. hala m. n., plough. havis n., oblation. hasta m., hand. hastin m., elephant. V1hā (jáhāti) abandon, give up; neglect. √2hā (jíhīte: 438) move. Vhi (hinóti) send; +pra idem. hi assev. particle, surely; causal, √ svañj (svájate) embrace; — + for, because. pari (Cf. Voc. 21) idem. svadrę a., similar. √ svap (svápiti: 429) sleep. svapna m., sleep, dream. svayam pron., own self, self. svayambhu a., self-existent; as m., epithet of Brahma. svarga m., heaven. svasr f., sister. svadu a., sweet. V'hins (hinásti) injure, destroy. hita part. of 1dha; as adj., ad- vantageous; as n., advantage. himavant a., snowy; as m., the Himalaya Mts. hīna part. of 1ha, abandoned; wanting in; w. instr., without. Vhu (juhóti, juhuté) sacrifice. hutabhuj (nom. -bhuk) m., fire. V hū see hvā. svādhyāya m., private recitation y hṛ (hárati) take away; steal; of sacred texts. svāmin m., possessor, lord. svāiram adv., at pleasure. hata part. of han. V han (hánti: 419) kill; caus. (ghã-| táyati), have killed; — + apa remove; +abhi smite; + sam-a wound; + ni kill; +prati hinder; injure, offend; + sam write. -han (283) a., killing. hanu f., jaw. plunder; apa idem; + + ā act. and mid., fetch, bring; +ud-a cite, mention; + praty-a bring back; + ud save, rescue. hṛd (281) n., heart. hṛdaya n., heart. - Vhrs (hárṣati, hrṣyati) rejoice, be delighted; + pra idem. he interj., O, ho. hemanta m., winter. hrasvam adv., near by. Vhri (jihréti) be ashamed. hanumant m., n. pr., a monkey-hri f., modesty, bashfulness. king. hantṛ m., killer, slayer. hari m., n. pr., a god. √hvā (hváyati) call; in caus. (hvā- yáyati) have called; summon. +a call, II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. 217 II. English-Sanskrit. abandon, to: tyaj; lhā. able: samartha; çakya. able, to be: çak. according to: anu, postpos. acquire, to: labh; ãp. Açvins: açvinău, du. address, to: brū. adore, to: nam +pra. adorn, to: 1kṛ + alam. advantage: hita n.; kalyāņa n. adversity; duḥkha n. afraid, to be: bhi. afterward: tatas. again: punar. against: prati. age: vayas n. all: sarva; (entire) viçva. all-protecting: viçvapā. allow, to: jñā+anu. alms: bhikṣā f. alone (adv.): eva. also: api. altar: vedi f. although: api. always: sada, nityam. amuse oneself, to: ram. ancient: purāṇa. and: ca, postpos.; tathā. anger: kopa m.; krodha m. animal: tiryañc m. announce, to: 1vid+ni, caus. answer, to: bhāṣ+prati. appoint, to: klp, caus.; yuj+ni. approach, to: gam+ā; yā+ā. argument (reason): vāc f. arise, to: bhū; (get up) sthā + ud. arm: bāhu m. army: senā f. arrive, to: gam+ā. arrow: çara m.; iṣu m. Aryan: dvija m.; dvijāti m. ascetic: muni m.; yati m.; pari- vrāj m.; tapasvin m.; come an a., vraj+pra. ashamed, to be: hrī. ashes: bhasman n. ask, to (inquire): prach. ask for, to: arthaya. to be- assembly sabha f.; parisad f. astronomy: jyotiṣa n. attain, to: labh; 2vid; laç; āp; ap +ava or pra. attainment: lābha m. author: kartṛ m.; (of Vedic hymnns, etc.) drastṛ m. axe; paraçu m. bad: pāpa. bank: tīra n. banner: ketu m. barbarian: yavana m. bathe, to: snā. 218 II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. battle: raṇa m. n.; yuddha n. be, to: bhū; vṛt; (be situated) sthā. bear, to bhr; (bring forth) su; boy: bāla m.; kumāra m. Brahman: brāhmaṇa m.; dvija m.; born, to be: jan; jan+ud. both: ubha du. bow, to: nam. sú +pra. bear: ṛkṣa m. beat, to: taḍ. dvijati m.; vipra m. branch: çākhā f. beautiful: sundara; rūpavant. beauty: rūpa n. become, to: bhú; vṛt. bee: ali m.; madhulih m. beg, to: bhiks. begin, to: rabh+ã. behind: paçcāt (w. gen.). behold, to: iks. Benares: kāçi f. bend, to: nam. benefit, to; 1kṛ+upa. beseech, to: pad+pra. besiege, to: rudh; rudh+upa. best creṣṭha; jyeṣṭha. betake oneself, to: yā; çri+ā. better: çreyas; jyāyas. bind, to: bandh. biped: dvipad. bird: vihaga m.; pakṣin m. birth: jāti f.; janman n. black: kṛṣṇa. blame, to: nind; 1kr+tiras. blessed: bhagavant; (as prefix) çrī. blood: rudhira n. blow, to (intr.): vah. boat: nău f. body: çarira n.; vapus n.; kaya m.; (heavenly: sun, etc.): jyotis n. bone: asthan n. brave: dhīra. breast: uras n.; vakṣas n. bridegroom: vará m. bring, to: ni+ā; hṛ+ā. broad: pṛthu; uru. brother: bhrātṛ m. burn, to: dah. business: kārya n. but: tu; kimtu; punar. call, to: hvā; (name) vac; vad. capable: samartha. caste: jāti ƒ. cattle: go m. pl. cease, to: çam; ram+vi. celebrated: viçruta; çrimant. chain: hära m. charioteer; sūta m. charm: kānti f.. check, to: dam, caus.; rudh. chest: vakṣas n.; uras n. child: bāla m.; çiçu m. choose, to: 2vṛ. cistern: vāpī f. citizen: pāura m. city: nagara n.; -ī f.; pur f. cleverness: buddhi f. climb, to: ruh + ā. close, to: lvr + sam; 1dhā + api. cloud: megha m. book: (manuscript) pustaka n.; coachman: sūta m. (work) grantha m. come, to: gam + ā; yā + ã; i + II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. 219 hitr f. abhi or ā; come out: gam + nis; | daughter: kanyā f.; putrī f.; du- yā + nis. command, to: diç+ā; jñā +ā caus. | day: divasa m.; dina n.; ahan n.; d. by d. dine dine; pratyaham; command: ajñā f.; nideça m. commit, to: car + ā; 1kṛ. companion: sahāya m.; sahaca- ra m. company: samāja m. compose, to: rac. conduct: vṛtta n. confine, to: rudh + ni. conquer, to: ji. consecrate, to: nī + upa. consider, to: cint; 1vid. consort: patnī f. cook, to: pac. copying: lekhana n. cord, sacred: upavīta ■. count, to: gaṇaya. courageous: tejasvin. course: gati f. a day and a night: ahorātra n. dead: mṛta; vipanna. decide, to (settle): nī + nis. deed: karman n. deity: devată f. delicate: taruņa. delight, to (tr.): tus, caus. deliverance: mukti f. demon: rākṣasa m. depart, to: i+ apa. describe, to: varṇaya. desire, to: lubh. destroy, to: bhanj. despise, to: man + ava ; bhũ + pari. determine, to: ci + nis or vi-nis. devoted: bhakta; snigdha. devotion: bhakti f. cover, to: 1vṛ (mid.); lvṛ + sam die: akṣa m. (mid.). cow: dhenu f.; go f. cowherd: gopa m. create, to: sṛj. creator: dhātṛ m.; sraṣṭṛ m. creature: prāṇin m.; jagat n. crescent: kalā f. cross, to: tr. crow: vayasa m. curds: dadhan n. cut, to: krt; chid. die, to: mṛ; i + pra; pad + vi. difficult: durlabha; duşkara. dig, to: khan. diligence: udyoga m. diligently: bhṛçam. disappear, to: naç+ vi. disease: ruj f.; vyādhi m. dismount, to: ruh + ava. disown, to: khyā + prati-ā. dispute, to: vad + vi. distress, to du. cut off, to: kṛt + ava; chid + ava. distribute, to: bhaj + vi. divine: divya. do, to: 1kṛ; car + sam-ā. daily: nitya; (adv.) nityam; pra- domestic: grhya. tyaham. dancing: nytta n. dog: çvan m.; çunī f. door: dvar f. 220 II. English-Sanskrit-Glossary. doorkeeper: dvāḥstha m. dove: kapota m. draw, to: vah. drink, to: 1pā. driver: sūta m. drop, to: sic. drop: bindu m. even (adv.): api. every: sarva. evil (adj.): pāpa; (subst.) pāpa n. exceedingly: ati. explain, to: brū + vi; 1vṛ + vi; cakṣ + vi-ā. exterminate, to: chid + ud. dwell, to: 3vas; vas + ni; dwell eye: netra n.; cakṣus n.; akşan n.; on (fig.): sañj. ear: karņa m. locana n. face: mukha n. earth: pṛthivi f.; bhū f.; bhūmi f. fagot: samidh f. east, eastern: prāñc; the E.: prācī| f., sc. diç. eat, to; ad; 2aç; bhakṣ; bhuj. eating: bhakṣaṇa n. eclipse, to: 1kṛ + tiras. eight: aṣṭa. eighth: aṣṭama. eighty: açīti f. eightieth: açītitama. eldest: jyeṣṭha. elephant: gaja m.; hastin m. eleventh: ekādaça. emerge, to: tṛ + ud. fair: sundara. fall, to: pat; pat + ni; fall to one's lot: r; fallen (killed): patita; mrta. fame; kīrti f.; yaças n. family: vança m. famous: viçruta. fast (firm): drdha. fasten, to: bandh. fat: pina; puṣṭa. father: janaka m.; pitṛ m. fault, to find: 1kr + tiras. faultless: anavadya. fear: bhaya n. eminent, to be: çubh. emperor: samrāj m. field: kṣetra n. encompass, to: lvṛ; chid + ava. fifth: pañcama. end: anta m. fight, to: yudh. endure, to: sah. filled: pūrņa; sampūrņa. enemy: ari m.; çatru m.; dviş m. finally: ante. find, to: 2vid. enjoy, to: bhuj. enjoyment: bhoga m. enter, to: viç + pra. entrancing: manohara. envoy: dūta m. entrust, to: 1dā + pra. equip, to: nah + sam. eulogy: stotra n. finish, to: ap + sam. fire: agni m.; hutabhuj m. firewood: samidh f. first: prathama; at first: pra- thamam. fish: matsya m.; mīna m. fit, to: yuj. five: pañca. flee, to: palay. flit, to: bhram. flock: paçu m. pl. II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. flower: puspa n.; sumanas f. fly, to: pat; fly up: pat + ud. fodder: ghasa m. foe: ari m.; çatru m. follow, to: gam + anu; i + anu. fond, to be: tuș. food: anna n. foot: pāda m.; pad m. force: bala n. foreign: para. forehead: lalaṭa n. forest: vana n. forest-dwelling: vanavāsin. form, to: 1mā + nis. formula (sacrificial): yajus n. fortune: çri f., often pl.; goddess of f.: çrī f. forty: catvariñçat f. four: catur. generous: dātṛ. get, to: labh; laç; āp. gift: dāna n. gird, to: nah + sam. girdle: mekhală f. girl: kanya f.; bālā f. give, to: yam; 1dā. giver: dātṛ m. glance: dre f. glory: kirti f.; yaças n. 221 go, to: car: yā; gam; i; go on (continue): vrt + pra. god: deva m.; goddess: devi f. gold: suvarṇa n. govern, to: çās; rājyaṁ kṛ. good: sadhu; sant.— gracious: çiva. graciousness: kṛpā f. grain: dhānya n. grammar: vyākaraṇa n. grasp, to: grah. free, to: muc. friend: mitra n.; sakhi m.; su- greater: mahiyas; adhika. hṛd m. friend-betrayer: mitradruh. front: agra n.; in f. of: agre, samakşam (gen.). fruit: phala n. fruitful: phalavant. full: pūrṇa; sampūrṇa. gain, to: labh. garden: udyana n. garland: mālā f.; sraj f. gate: dvar f. gather, to: ci + sam. gazelle: hariņa m.; mṛga m. graze, to: car. great: mahant. great king: mahārāja m. greatly: bahu; bhṛçam. greedy: lubdha. Greek: yavana m. greet, to: vand; vad + abhi, caus. grieve, to: du. ground: bhūmi f.; on the g. : adhas. grind, to: piş. guard, to: rakṣ; gopāya. guest: athiti m. guilt: pāpa n.; enas n. hand: kara m.; pāṇi m.; hasta m. hang, to: sañj; lag. happiness: sukha n. 222 II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. happy, to be: mud. hard to find: durlabha. harm, to: 1kṛ + apa. hate, to: dviș; dviş + pra. hear, to: cru. heart: hṛdaya n.; hṛd n. heaven: svarga m. heavy: guru. hell: naraka m. here: atra; iha. hero: çūra m.; vīra m. hesitation: çañkā f. high: ucchrita. high water: pūra m. hold shut, to: 1dhā + api. holy: sādhu. holy writ: çruti f. home (adv.); gṛham. honey: madhu n. honor, to: pūj; nam; sev. hope: āçă f. horse: açva m. injustice: adharma m. intelligence: buddhi f. iron: loha n. jaw: hanu f. jewel: maṇi m.; ratna n.; bhũ- ṣaṇa n. kill, to: mr, caus.; han; han, caus. kindle, to: idh. king: nṛpa m.; nṛpati m.; pā- rthiva m.; rajan m.; bhūbhuj m.; bhubhṛt m. kingdom: rājya n. know, to: lvid; jñā. knowledge: vidyā f.; jñāna n. lament, to: lap + vi. land: deça m. language: bhāṣā f. last, at: ante. law: dharma m.; vidhi m. house: gṛha n.: master of the h., law-book: smṛti f.; dharmaçã- gṛhastha m. householder: gṛhastha m. house-priest: purohita m. how?: katham. human: mănușa. hunter: vyadha m. hurl, to: 2as; kṣip. husband: pati m.; bhartṛ m. hymn: sukta n. I: aham. impart, to: 1vid + ni, caus. inclined, to be: snih. increase, to: vṛdh. India: bharatakhanda m. initiate, to: nī + upa. stra n. law-suit: vyavahāra m. lead, to: nī. leader: netṛ. learn, to: gam + ava; 1vid; i + adhi. learned: vidvāns; paṇḍita; kuçala. learning: vidya f. leather: carman n. leavings: ucchiṣṭa n. lesson: adhyāya m. lick, to: lih; lih + ava. life: jīvita n.; āyus n.; carita n. light: jyotis n. light (not heavy): laghu. like: iva. II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. 223 limb: añga n. lion: sinha m. lip: oṣṭha m. listen, to: cru. live, to: jiv; vṛt; an + pra. long: dirgha; (adv.) ciram. look at, to: ikṣ + pra. lord: içvara m.; pati m. lotus: padma m. n. love, to: snih. love, god of 1.: kāma m. lunar mansion: nakṣatra n. maiden: kanyā f.; bālā f. maidservant: dāsī f. make, to: 1kṛ. man (vir): nara m.; pumāns m.; puruşa m.; (homo): jana m.; mānava m.; manuṣya m.; nara m. mankind: jana m. pl. many: bahu; prabhūta. march, to: cal +pra. marriage: vivaha m. marry, to: në + pari. master: bhartṛ m.; pati m. mat: kața m. means: sadhana n. medicine: auṣadha n. meet, to (intr.): gam + sam (mid.). meeting: samāgama m. melted butter: ghṛta n. mention, to: hr + ud-a. merchant: vaṇij m. merit: punya n. mighty: balin; balavant; vibhu. milk, to: duh. milk: kṣīra n.; payas n. mind: manas n.; mati f. minister: mantrin m. misfortune: duḥkha n.; āpad f. modesty: hri f. moisten, to: sic. monarch; samrāj m. money: dhana n.; vasu n. month: māsa m. moon: candramas m.; candra m.; indu m. mostly: bhūyas. morning, in the: prātar. mother: mātṛ f.; ambă f. mother-in-law: çvaçru f. mountain: giri m.; parvata m. mouth: mukha n. much: prabhūta; bahu. mouthful: grāsa m. murder, to: mr, caus.; han; han, caus. must: arh; cf. § 320 and Exer- cise 30. name: năman n.; by n.: nama. name, to: vac; vad; (reckon) ganaya. neck: kaṇṭha m. neglect, to: 1hã. net: jāla n. never: na kadă + api, cid, or cana. news: vṛttānta m. night: rātri f. no one: na ka+api, cid, or cana. north, northern: udañc; the N.: udīcī f., sc. diç. not: na; mā. nothing: na kim + api, cid, or cana. now: adhunā; sāmpratam. L 224 II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. O: he. obedient: vidheya. oblation: havis n. occur, to: drę, pass.; 2vid, pass. ocean: udadhi m.; samudra m. offend, to: han+prati; 1ha. offering (sacrificial): havis n. old: vṛddha; older: jyāyas. omnipresent: vibhu. once: sakṛt. one: eka. only: eva. opinion; mati f.; mata n. or; vā, postpos.; athavā. ordain, to: klp, caus.; 1dhā+vi; ordained: vihita. order, to: jña +ă, caus. other; anya; itara, apara. outskirts: siman f. overcome, to: 2pr. overwhelm, to: vṛs. own, one's own: svɑ. ox: anaḍuh m. pair: yugma n. palace: prāsāda m. parents: pity, m. du. part: bhāga m. path: mārga m.; panthan m. pearl: muktā f. peasant: kṛṣivala m. penance: tapas n.; prāyaçcitta n. people: jana, pl.; loka, s. and pl. perform, to: sidh, caus.; car; car+sam-a; (a sacrifice) tan. perfume: gandha m. perish, to: naç+vi. pestle: musala m. n. pierce, to: vyadh. pilgrimage: tirthayātrā f. pious: sadhu. place, to: 1dhā; dhā+sam-ā. place: pada n.; deça m. plan: abhiprāya m. plant, to: ruh, caus. play, to: div. please, to: ruc. pleasure: sukhan.; with p., pleas- antly: sukhena; (wish, choice) iccha f.; kama m.; at p.: sve- cchay. plough: lāñgala n.; hala m. n. plough, to: kṛṣ. plunder, to: lunțh; hṛ; lup. poem: kāvya n. poet: kavi m. point out: to; diç. polluted, to be: duş. poor: daridra. possessions: dhana n. post, sacrificial: yūpa m. pot: ghața m. pound, to: piş. pour, to: hu. power: bala n. powerful: balin; balavant. praise, song of p.: stuti f.; stotra n. praise, to: çañs; stu. pray for, to: arth. prescription: adeça m. presence: samīpa n. previous; pūrva. priest: ṛtvij m. prince: kumara m. property: vasu n.; dhana n. prosperity: bhūti f. protect, to: rakṣ; 2pā; pā, caus. protection; çaraṇa n. II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. 225 protector: rakṣitṛ m. punish, to: daṇḍaya; çās. punishment: danḍa m. riches: dhana n.; vasu n.; çrī f.; răi m. righteousness: satya n. put, to: sthā, caus.; 1dha; yuj right (subst.): dharma m. + ni. Rigveda: rgveda m.; rcas f. pl. rise, to (of sun, etc.): gam + ud; i + ud. quadruped: catuspad. river: nadi f.; sarit f. quarter: pāda m.; (of the sky) road: marga m.; panthan m. diç f. rob, to mus, lunth. rub, to: mrj; mrj, caus. queen: devi f.; rājñī f.; mahiṣī f. root: mūla n. rain: vṛṣți f. rain, to (give rain): vṛş. raise, to (the voice): sṛj + ud. ray: pāda m.; raçmi m. reach, to: labh; ap +pra. read, to: i + adhi; (aloud) path; vac, caus. realm: rājya n. royal: rāja-, in cpd. rule, to: stha + adhi; îç. run, to: dhāv; dru. running: dhāvana n. sacrament: saṁskāra m. sacrifice, to: yaj; (for some one) yaj, caus. receive, to: labh; grah; grah sacrifice: yajña m. + prati; 1dā + ã. sacrificial formula: yajus n. sake of, for the: artha in cpd recitation (private): svādhyāya m. sage: ṛṣi m. recite, to: path; (tell) kath. reckon, to: gaṇaya. recompense, to: 1kṛ + prati. reduced (in fortune): kṣiņa. region: diç f.; deça m. rein: raçmi m. rejoice, to: tus; mud. remember, to: smṛ. restrain, to: grah + ni. return, to: vṛt + ni. rice: taṇḍula m. (cf. 375, 3). salt: lavaṇa n. salvation: muktif.; bhuti f.; hita n. satiated: tṛpta. satisfy, to: tṛp, caus.; (oneself) trp. save, to: hr + ud. Savitar: savitṛ m. say: vad; vac; brū. scatter, to: 2kṛ. reverence, to: nam; pūj; ās+upa. scholar: çişya: (learned man) reward: phala n. rich: dhanin; çrīmant; vasumant (comp. and sup. sometimes va- sīyas, vasiṣṭha). Perry, Sanskrit Primer. paṇḍita m. science: çăstra n. sea: udadhi m.; samudra m. seat oneself, to: sad+ni. 15 226 II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. second: dvitiya. son: putra m.; sūta m. see, to: paç; drç; ikṣ; ikṣ + pra. son-in-law: jāmātṛ m. seer: rşi m. send, to: sthā+pra, caus. servant: bhṛtya m.; bhṛtaka m. serve: sev. set, to: (place) 1dha; (intr., of sun, etc.) i + astam; gam+ astam. shade: chāyā f. she, etc.: sā, f. of ta. shine, to: çubh; rāj; bhā + vi. ship: nãu f. shoe: upānah f. show, to: dre, caus. shrewd: patu. shut, to: 1dhā + api; 1vṛ + sam. sick: vyadhita; rugņa. side: pakṣa m. sin: pāpa n.; enas n. sing, to: 2gā. singing: gīta n. sip, to: cam + ã. sister: svasṛ f. sit, to: sad; sad + ni. situated, to be: vṛt. six: şaş. sixth: sastha. skilled: patu. sky: div f.; diç f. pl.; ākāça n. slave: dāsa m.; dāsī f. slay, to: mr, caus.; han. sleep, to: svap; çī. smell, to; ghrã. song: gir f.; gita n.; (of praise) stotra n.; stuti f. soul: ātman m. sow, to: vap. speak, to: vad; vac; bhāṣ. spear: kunta m. speech: vāc f.; bhāṣā f. spoon: juhū f. stand, to (intr.): sthā. state, to: brū. steal, to: cur; mus; lunth. steer: go m. stick: danda m. stone: drşad f.; (precious) mani m. stop, to (tr.): rudh. strange (another's): para. street: rathya f.; mārga m. strike, to: taḍ. strive, to: yat. strongest: balistha. study, to: i+adhi (mid.); 2as + abhi. subject: prajā f. such: idrç. suffering: duḥkha n. suffused: ruddha. suitable: anurūpa. summit: çikhara m. sun: bhānu m.; aditya m. survive, to: çiş + ud. sweet: svādu. smite, to: hr + pra; han + abhi. swift: āçu. so: iti; evam: tathā. soldier: sainika m. some (pl.): eka pl.; some • • ers: ke cit ke cit. sometimes: kra cit. sword: asi m. oth-take, to: dā +ā; grah; grah + prati. take place, to: jan; bhu II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. 227 take refuge, to: pad+pra. tasteful: rasavant. tax: kara m. treasury: koşa m. tree: vṛkṣa m.; taru m. tremble, to: kamp. teach, to: i + adhi, caus.; diç + true: satya; (faithful) bhakta. upa. truth: satya n. teacher: guru m.; ācārya m. twelfth: dvadaça. tear: açru n.; bāṣpa m. twelve: dvădaça. twenty-eight: astāviñçati. tell, to: kathaya; vad. temple: devakula n. ten; daça. tend to, to: klp. twenty-seven: saptavinçati. twice: dvis. twilight: sandhyā f. terrify, to: bhī, caus.; vij + ud, twine: bandh. caus. text-book: çästra n. that: ta; ayam; asāu. then: tadă. there: tatra. thereupon: tatas. thief: stena m.; caura m. two: dva. umbrella: chattra n. understand, to: gam + ava. unite, to (intr.): gam + sam (mid.). untruth: anṛta n.; asatya n. upaniṣad: upaniṣad f. think, to: cint; man; think on: useful, to be: sev. smṛ; dhyā. third: tṛtiya. thirty: trinçat. thirty-three: trayastriñçat. this: ta; ayam. thou: tvam. three: tri. threefold: trivṛt. thrice: tris. thus: iti; evam; tathā. time: kāla m. to-day: adya. to-morrow: çvas. tongue: jihvä f. torment, to: pīḍ; vyath, caus. touch, to: spṛç. trade: vyavahāra m.; vāṇijya. travel, to: vas + pra; sthā + pra n. (mid.). vassal: sāmanta m. Veda: veda m. verse: çloka m.; (of Rigveda) rc f. vessel: pātra n. victorious, to be: ji. victory: jaya m. view (opinion): mati f.; mata n. village: grāma m. virtue: dharma m.; punya n. visit, to: gam + abhi. voice: vāc f.; gir f. wagon: ratha m. warrior: kṣatriya m. wash, to: kṣal; sprç. water: jala n.; väri n.; ap f. pl. wave: vīci m. we: vayam. 15* 228 II. English-Sanskrit Glossary. wear, to: dhr, caus.; bhṛ. weary, to become: çram. weave, to: granth; bandh. wedding: vivaha m. weep, to: rud. west, western: pratyañc; West: pratici f., sc. diç. what (rel.): ya. wheel: cakra n. when (rel.): yadā. when?: kadā. whence?: kutas. where (rel.): yatra. where?: kva; kutra. which (rel.): ya. which (of two)?: katara. white: creta. whither?: kva; kutra. who (rel.): ya. who?: ka. whoever: ya ka + api, cid cana; often by rel. alone. winter: hemanta m. wipe, to: mrj; mṛj + apa or pari. wish, to iş. with: saha, w. inst.; or by instr. alone. the withered: mlāna. without: vină (instr., acc.). witness: sākṣin m. wolf: vṛka m. woman: nārī f.; vadhū f.; strī f.; jāyā f. woman-servant: dāsī f. wood: kāṣṭha n.; (forest) vana n. word: vāc f.; çabda m. work: karman n.; (literary) gra- ntha m. world: loka m.; jagat n.; bhu- vana n. world-spirit: bráhman n. worship, to: pūj. or worthy: sadṛça. wound, to: kṣan. wreath: mālā f.; sraj f. whole: kṛtsna. why?: kutas; kasmāt. wicked: papa. year: samvatsara m.; varșa m. n. wife: bhāryā f.; nārī f.; patnī f. | yoke, to: yuj, caus. win, to: ji. wind: vayu m.; vāta m. yonder: tatra. young: yuvan. } Appendix. Hindu Names of Letters. The Hindus call the different sounds, and the characters re- presenting them, by the word kära ('maker') added to the sound of the letter, if a vowel, or to the letter followed by a, if a con- sonant. Thus, a (both sound and character) is called akāra; ū, ūkāra; k, kakāra; and so on. But sometimes kāra is omitted, and a, ū, ka, etc., are used alone. The r, however, is never called ra- kāra, but only ra or repha (snarl'). The anusvāra and visarga are called by these names alone. Modern Hindu Accentuation of Sanskrit. In the pronunciation of Sanskrit almost all Brahmans employ, with insignificant variations, an ictus-accent, which is quite different from the older musical accent (svara) described in Indian and European grammars, and employed nowadays exclusively in the rec- itation of the Veda. The older system, moreover, as marked in the Vedic texts, has been subjected to very considerable modi- fications by the Hindus in the traditional recitations of the Vedic schools. The modern ictus-accent is weaker than that of English. The more important rules governing its use are as follows: 1. a. In primitive verbs and derivatives from them the root- syllable is usually accented. b. But the accent never goes further back than the fourth place, and seldom back of the third. It may rest on the third syllable only if the penult be short; on the fourth, only if both antepenult and penult be short; thus, káranam, káranāt, but karanéna; bódhati, kṣipasi, náçyatha, but bodhávaḥ, kṣipámaḥ, naçyánti; dühitā, dúhitaram, but duhitṛṇām. 2. Derivatives from nouns generally retain the accent of the 230 Appendix. primitive, with the limitations given in 1. b.; thus, ráñku, rāñkava; gárga, gárgyaḥ, but gārgyāyaṇī. A naturally short vowel in the penult, if followed by a group of consonants containing y or v, does not generally become long by position; thus, prábala, prába- lyam; úkta, úktatvāt. 3. In verbs and verbal derivatives joined with prepositions, in augmented and reduplicated forms, and sometimes in declensional forms, the accent is recessive, if the root or stem-syllable be short; thus, ágamat, ánatam, anúṣṭhitam, but utkṛṣṭam, nirúktam; ágamat, ákṣipat, but bibhárti, tuṣṭáva, jagáu. Polysyllabic prepositions, when prefixed to other words, retain their own accent as secondary accent; thus, úpagucchati, úpagămatām. 4. In compounds, unless the first member be a monosyllabic word, each part generally retains its own accent, but that of the principal member is the strongest; thus, rajapuruşam, párvataçi- kharākăram; but únmukham, diggajam, praçiṣyam. The division of syllables is much more apparent in Sanskrit than in English. In reading Sanskrit prose the Hindus generally drop into a sort of sing-song recitativo. Verses are always chanted. Corrections and Additions. P. 10. At end of § 38 add: The four semivowels are always sonant. P. 27. Add to § 102: The final of the root is shortened in the reduplicated stem, except in the first persons. Add to § 103: In the dual and plural of all declensions the vocative is like the nominative. P. 31. Add to § 112.5: It is also used as terminus ad quem. P. 39, 1. 7. For: makes some forms with short a read: makes also forms according to the unaccented a-class: thus, Hafa bhrámati etc. P. 40, I. 7. At beginning of line insert: the. P. 43, Vocab., s. v. ų pr. After: overcome insert: (evils). P. 49, Vocab., s. V. JA + HA. After: meet insert: (w. instr.). P. 53, 1. 9 from below. After P. 56, l. 10. For: besought read: read: are. insert: 19. beseech. - L. 11. For: were P. 59. At end of § 188 add: The impf. pass. is similarly inflected. P. 60, 1. 19. For: pratiṣédati read: pratiṣédhati. P. 65. Dele the first word (the) of the page. P. 70, 1. 10 from below. Read: accompanied. P. 72, 1. 12. After: are insert: so. P. 73, 1. 9 from below. For: AT: read: P. 74, 1. 7. P. 87, l. 12. cti. After: saved insert: (ud-hr: cf. § 267). Read: Final and of a stem regularly become. P. 90, last line. Read: possessive. P. 117, 1. 6. For: ч read: fat. P. 119, Vocab. Insert in last line: +- come together, join. P. 126. Add to § 329 the following: Note also: T 12, etc., but for 82 only ifa; zufänfa 23, zuftra 33, for 83 only व्यशीतिः षोडश 16, षड़विंशति 26, etc. ; अष्टा- fänfa 28, Herfiga 38, gerútfa 88. 1 1 Corrections and Additions. P. 135, 1. 5. For : वरसेन read: वीरसेन. P. 137, 1. 2. Read: taryfaat. P. 138, 1. 12. Dele afuf 'firm in battle'. P. 180, 1. 17. For: fauf read: fafuz. P. 182, 1. 1. For: fafas read: fafade. P. 186, 1. 1. Read: Tufa. P. 190, 1. 6. For: suffix read: suffice. P. 192, 1. 13 from below. For: f read: . P. 196, col. 1. S. v. Vi, insert: + sam-ā come together, join. P. 197, col. 1. Insert: ṛṣabhadatta m., n. pr. P. 199, col. 1. S. v. 1/gam, insert: + upa-ã come near. P. 205, col. 2, 1. 2 from below. Read: V1pr (píparti; caus. pūráyati) fill. Also insert in Vocab.: V2 pṛ (pārάyati) overcome (evils); prevail. P. 207, col. 2, 1. 5. Read: bhikṣā f., begging, alms. P. 208, col. 1, 1. 2. Read: Vbhram (bhrámati, -te; bhrámyati: 131). — Col. 2, 1. 11. Read: Greek µý; cf. 195, 486. - L. 9 from below. After: release insert: let fly, shoot. P. 209, col. 2, 1. 2. Insert: + pra give, give in marriage. S. v. Vyuj+ni, add: caus. set (as jewels). P. 212, col. 1, 1. 5. Insert: +pra idem. Read: +pra wander forth. +pra idem. Col. 2, 1.15 from below. L. 9 from below. Read: P. 214, col. 2, 1. 9. Read: sameta (Vi+sam-ā) a., followed by, pro- vided with. BOUND UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01073 3122 LIBRA KT Reviewed by Preservation 1988-1999