GRAD CS 410 H28 C THERS QU SWIM "TRG JYV THE CLOSE 214 » hê? FIDE WXXOTIHO ALKAST. VERORGANI 19 aman utama dipanganan te bere gelan Cons * FILIS Buy FRAUS P TUTA LATEBRIS ren Henry Thomas Ellacombe. PART I. PART II. NOW READY. APRIL, 1909. COUNTY PEDIGREES. EDITED BY JULY, 1909. W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., B.C.L. NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. 4 B&C O London: ISSUED TO THE SUBSCRIBERS BY PHILLImore and Co., 124, CHANCERY LANE. Subscription. Five Shillings net, each Part. PART III for Nottinghamshire is in the press. A Prospectus and blank form will be sent upon application to the EDITOR of COUNTY PEDIGREES. 124, Chancery Lane, London. COUNTY PEDIGREES. The following are the distinctive features of this new Genealogical Series :— Arrangement. A county arrangement has been adopted so that the Pedigrees of particular districts will be collected together in volumes of moderate size. Style. The Pedigrees included are printed either in narrative form [Style A] or in tabular form [Style B] as may be preferred by con- tributors. To many of the Pedigrees are added supplementary notes giving evidence in support, such as Tombstone Inscriptions and Parish Register extracts, etc. Lists of general interest such as Lord Lieutenants, Sheriffs, Mayors, etc., are also given. Time of Issue and Price. The series is issued in quarterly parts for each county included. Price Five Shillings each part net. Size. The size is demy quarto, thus allowing portraits and other illustrations to be properly displayed, and giving ample margin for the text. Paper. It is printed on the same class of paper throughout, both for plates and text. The paper, which is made of pure rag at the Croxley Paper Mills, has been specially selected on account of its durable and permanent nature; an important feature in a work of this character. No "art" paper is used. Illustrations. The parts already issued for Nottinghamshire afford a general indication of the nature of the illustrations included. These are, portraits, facsimile signatures, book-plates, coats-of-arms, seals, views of churches, houses, tombs, facsimiles of documents, etc. Qualification for admission of Pedigrees. "" The pedigree of any family, without distinction of rank, is eligible for admission to the pages of "COUNTY PEDIGREES, provided it is not less than three generations in length, is set out to the Editor's satisfaction in adequate detail, and in itself affords means by which its accuracy can be readily verified. No fee is charged for the admission of pedigrees printed in narrative form [Style A]. A small charge to cover the increased expense of printing is made in the case of those who wish their pedigrees to appear in tabular form [Style BJ. This and the cost of any illustrations or special notes contributed is wholely optional. "COUNTY Pedigrees will give the history of each family with sufficient detail to make it of practical value as a permanent record. The pedigrees will appeal not merely to the genealogist, but also to the general reader, who will realise from them that the history of a family properly treated possesses an abiding interest. >> "COUNTY Pedigrees will afford a convenient medium for those who desire to record the history of their family in a full and sufficient manner, but for whom the separate family monograph is too elaborate. The Editor will be glad to receive for insertion the pedigree of any family either in narrative or tabular form. "" Those whose pedigrees are already printed will remember that the existing accounts of their families are usually little more than dry lists of names and dates. In this Series they may present their pedigrees with adequate detail, and properly illustrated. The Series will especially appeal to that large class of cultured and wealthy people which has arisen in the last hundred years, but for whose records the existing books of reference are unavailable since many of them do not belong to either the titled, the landed or official classes. SPECIAL NOTICE. As only a very limited edition is printed the volumes must increase in value and become very scarce. The Publishers have decided in justice to original subscribers that these books shall not be sold below their published price and that surplus copies shall be destroyed and not "remaindered. "" Those desiring to secure sets are advised to send their names to the Publishers at an early date. It may interest subscribers to know that Fletcher's "Leicester- shire Pedigrees and Royal Descents" issued a few years ago at half a guinea now appears in second-hand catalogues priced from 2 to 3 guineas, and for second-hand sets of 15 volumes of “The Visitation of England and Wales," issued at a guinea a volume, the Publisher now charges 20 guineas. CONTENTS of PART 1. BENTINCK, Duke of PORTLand. GREGORY of Nottingham, Dean of St. Paul's. WADSWORTH of Nottingham (tabular pedigree). PAGET of Sutton Bonington, Baronet. SANDAY of Cotgrave and Holme Pierrepont (tabular pedigree). BRADSHAW Of Nottingham. FELLOWS Of Beeston Fields. DIMOCK of East Retford. ASHWELL of Shelford and Nottingham (tabular pedigree). The LORD LIEUTENANTS of Nottinghamshire 1694 to 1909. The SHERIFFS of Nottinghamshire, 1701 to 1757- Part I contains 17 portraits, 5 coats of arms, 3 facsimiles, 1 view, 24 facsimile signatures, in all 50 illustrations. CONTENTS of PART II The SHERIFFS of Nottinghamshire, 1758 to 1909. NESBITT of Sutton in Ashfield. WILCOCKSON of Nottingham. THOMPSON of Colston Bassett and Nottingham (tabular pedigree) ENFIELD of Nottingham. BONSER of Sutton in Ashfield. BOOKER of Nottingham (tabular pedigree). HANCOCK of Nottingham (tabular pedigree). BEECROFT Of Wilford (tabular pedigree). The MAYORS of Nottingham, 1701 to 1909. BLAGG of Car-Colston (tabular pedigree) Part II contains 19 portraits, 2 coats of arms, 4 views, 1 bookplate, 8 tombstones and tablets, and 44 facsimile signatures, in all 78 illustrations. Why Print Pedigrees? To those who may be inclined to ask-what use is it to trouble about printing our pedigrees ?-it will be sufficient to say that a regard for ancestors and reverence for the past is one of the marks of a civilised community. And in the future it must be that those will be considered the best families which can soonest show a clear and honourable record of men of sterling value. Such a record set out in a book, which all may read, must be a surer proof of a family's worth than titles or decorations. Copies of "COUNTY PEDIGREES " will be preserved for reference in the principal libraries of the world. TO 00 Only 250 copies printed. 3 VOLS. IMPERIAL 8vo, CLOTH. 42/- each net. The three Volumes contain 2,572 pages, and about 24,000 entries. MODERN ENGLISH BIOGRAPHY, BY FREDERIC BOASE, Librarian, Incorporated Law Society. I' N the pages of MODERN English BIOGRAPHY, the result of more than twenty years' labour, will be found concise memoirs of upwards of twenty- four thousand persons, a large number of whom are not to be found elsewhere. The author's aim has been to include anyone who has been well known, and about whom a question may arise in general conversation. In addition, many foreigners who have spent a large portion of their lives in this country and many natives of the British Colonies are also in- cluded. The memoirs will be found to con- tain many exact facts not given in other and larger works. Special care has been taken about the dates of Birth and Death. Church Registers, the books of the Registrar General at Somerset House, printed sources, and private individuals have contributed to secure the utmost accuracy on these points. Indication of portraits has been made a speciality, and mention will be found of thousands of likenesses in books, newspapers, and periodicals. To each volume is added a careful subject Index: for example, under the heading of Actors will be found a unique list of Stage Names. To Initials, Fancy Names, Pseudonyms, Changes of Name, much attention has been given, and the entries are very extensive. Only 250 copies were printed. Early application should be made on the annexed form, as very few copies remain unsubscribed. For Reference Libraries the Book is invaluable. SPECIMEN ENTRY. ZETLAND, THOMAS DUNDAS, 2 Earl of (eld. child of Lawrence Dundas, 1 earl of Zetland 1766-1839). b. Wigmore st. London 5 Feb. 1795; educ. Harrow and Trin. coll. Camb.; M.A. 1815; M.P. for Richmond 1818-30 and 1835-9; M.P. for York 1830-5; suc- ceeded his father as 2 earl 19 Feb. 1839; lord lieut. of North riding of Yorkshire 28 July 1838 to March 1873; K.T. 1 July 1861; K.G. 26 Dec. 1872, when he ceased to be a K.T. having exchanged; provincial grand master of North and East Yorkshire 1835 to death, deputy grand master of England 1839, pro grand master 1840, grand master 1843- 69; purchased the famous racehorse Volti- geur for 350 guineas, won the Derby and St. Leger with him 1850, also the Doncaster cup 1850, beating the famous Flying Dutch- man, they contested again at York spring meeting 13 May 1851 for 1,000 guineas a side, when Flying Dutchman won by a short length in a race of two miles, this was the race of the century, Voltigeur d. 21 Feb. 1874 aged 27. d. Aske hall, Richmond, Yorkshire 6 May 1873, his personalty was sworn under £250,000, 23 Aug. 1873. Rice's British turf i 242-8 (1879); Famous racing men. By Thormanby (1882) 88-91 portrait; Baily's Mag. i 377-82 (1860) portrait; Vanity Fair 4 Dec. 1869 portrait; I.L.N. iv 332 (1844) portrait xxx 409, 414 (1857) por- trait, lxii 469, 473 (1873) portrait. PRESS NOTICES. The Times. "The idea of the book is a good one, and, so far as we have tested it, its execution is as accurate as it certainly is laborious. The articles are necessarily short, but they give the essential facts." The Academy. "It is difficult to describe briefly the cha- racter of this remarkable work. • Special pains have been devoted to such obscure matters as pseudonyms, initials, changes of name, &c. Enough has been said to prove that this book will be simply in- valuable to all those who are curious to obtain accurate details about the minor celebrities of the past generation. It remains to add that it has been printed with extreme accuracy, and that the edition is limited to 250 copies." The Athenæum. "The Book shows on every page diligence and accuracy." Notes and Queries. (4 'It is difficult to over estimate the utility of an encyclopædia of modern biography, such as this may claim to be. To the genea- logist the book will save endless labour. It is the biographies of the less celebrated people that give the work its great value. The book is indispensable to all occupied in genealogical pursuits, and is specially useful for all engaged in editorial labours." TO PHILLIMORE & Co., Publishers, ORDER FORM. Date... 124, CHANCERY LANE, Please forward me a Copy of Modern English Biography, 3 volumes, for which I enclose cheque value £6 6s. Name..... ……… LONDON. Address...... HANDBOOKS. By W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M. A., B. C. L. Beralds' College & Coats-of-Arms regarded from a Legal Aspect. THIRD EDITION. Price, One Shilling Net, By Post, Is. Id. This pamphlet deals fully with the attempts of recent writers to justify, under the guise of prescription", the use of bogus coats-of- (6 arms. "The fact that Mr. Phillimore's scholarly and accurate pamphlet, first issued in 1903, has already appeared in a third and revised edition speaks loudly for the interest that is felt in the subject. From the unreasonable attacks to which the College of Arms is subject, Mr. Phillimore defends its members, and he exposes the delusions that prevail concerning it. His explanation of the legal aspect is lucid. He has an appended chapter upon the subject of prescription, and he supplies an appendix of 'Statutes and Cases.' " Notes and Queries, 4 March, 1905. The Law and Practice of Grants of Arms, and Registration of Pedi- grees, in England, Scotland, and Ireland. Price One Shilling net. By Post, Is. Id. This pamphlet sets out for the first time the steps which have to be taken by those who desire to obtain grants of arms, or who wish to record their pedigrees. Precedents of the forms are given, with tables of the various fees and stamp duties payable, as well as extracts from various Acts of Parliament. It is somewhat remarkable that up to the present time books on Heraldry have been chiefly confined to what may be termed the grammar of the subject. Hitherto there has been no adequate guide to the legal and practical aspect of heraldry, and to this, doubtless, is largely due the existence of so many "bogus" coats-of-arms. The Law and Practice of Change of Name. Price, One Shilling net. By Post, Is. Id. In this manual the legal aspect and pro- cedure of change of name is fully dealt with, and precedents and cases are given. Partic- ulars of the fees and stamp duties payable are likewise added. PHILLIMORE & Co., 124, Chancery Lane, London. The Parish Historian. Price, One Shilling net. By Post, 1s. Id. This is an elementary manual intended for the use of those who for the first time are attempting to write a parish history. Besides briefly pointing out the leading sources of in- formation, various suggestions are given as to the arrangement of the chapters, and hints on such questions as the printing and illustrating of the history. The preceding four manuals are printed upon antique paper in 8vo form. An Index to Changes of Name, from 1760 to 1901. By Act of Parliament and Royal License, in- cluding irregular changes. By W. P. W. PHILLIMORE and E. A. FRY. This Index is a key to the history of upwards of 10,000 families. It includes cross references to the names discarded. A neces- sity for every genealogist. 8vo, cloth gilt, pp. 390. By Post, £1 Price, £1 Is net, 1s. 6d. The Family Charter Chest. Long 8vo. Price, Sixpence net. By Post, 7d. The pamphlet contains suggestions for the care and preservation of ancient records, whether of parchment or paper, and for their arrangement and calendaring. It should be read by all who are possessed of old family documents which, though of value and interest are too frequently cast aside as useless. Parish Registers: Suggestions for their Transcription. Long 8vo. Price, Sixpence net. By Post, 7d. Full particulars are given as to the history of Parish Registers; also a table of ancient alphabets. It is a pamphlet which will be found indispensable to the parish clergy and those who propose to transcribe ancient Registers. Phillimore's Parish Register Series. These volumes are printed on Demy 8vo, cloth gilt, and are issued to subscribers only at the uniform price of 10s. 6d. net each volume. Fourteen counties are already included and nearly 100 volumes have been issued or are in progress. For genealogists these volumes are an absolute necessity. Prospectuses sent on application. These pamphlets are printed in long 8vo, matching in size PEDIGREE WORK. PHILLIMORE & Co., 124, Chancery Lane, London. OD nla gets THE PUBLICATIONS The Harleian Society. HERS OF ESTABLISHED A.D. MDCCCLXIX. Cal Jujuy THE THI VIRGVTE THE BUY TH ET FIDER GLORY Volume I. FOR THE YEAR MDCCCLXX. # TAYLOR AND CO., PRINTERS, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. A Hemples The Visitation of the County of Leicester In the Year 1619. TAKEN BY WILLIAM CAMDEN Clarenceux King of Arms. EDITED BY JOHN FETHERSTON, F.S.A. ale ale LONDON: 1870. At a Meeting of the Council of the HARLEIAN SOCIETY, held at 8, Danes Inn, London, W.C., on the 22nd day of November, 1869, JOHN MACLEAN, Esq., F.S.A., in the Chair, it was resolved that— "The Second Publication of the Society be THE HERALDIC VISITATION OF LEICESTERSHIRE IN 1619, by William Camden, Clarenceux King of Arms; to be edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A." Preface. THE Visitation comprised in the ensuing pages was taken by William Camden, Clarenceux King of Arms, in 1619, Sampson Lennard and Augus- tine Vincent being his deputies, by the former of whom it was in great part written, and whose arms are stamped upon the cover. The pedigrees regis- tered in it are nearly all marked with crosses of red chalk or blacklead pencil, signifying that they were copied from hence for the use of the heralds. Since the book was written, several entrances and insertions have been made by other persons. At fo. 4 is an erroneous pedigree of Cater, put down by Henry Parker. At fo. 42 are the arms of Sir Arthur Hasel- rigg as they were marshalled A.D. 1644, tricked also by the same Henry Parker. At fo. 56 will be found the following "Account of the Fees and Rewards given to the Officers of Arms, 24th March, A.D. 1619, by Prince Charles and several Lords at their first Entrance into the Tilt Yard":- "Prince Charles for his first entring into the Tilt gaue to the Kings of Armes Heralds and Pursuivants of Armes twelue scarffes of his colers being those colers, nine yards a peece, of rich taffata, fringed wth deepe golde fringe, and to euerie one a white beuer hat wth siluer bands and feathers of his coulers. and twentie pounds in monie the 24 of March 1619. and all brought him into the tilt yeard from Somerset house the 24. of March affore- said 1619. "The Marquesse Buckingham gaue the same time 1619 for his entrance into the tilte twentye markes in monie to the officers of Armes but no coulors by cause all the companie did attend the Prince. "The Marquesse Hamilton for his first entrance into the tilt gaue to the officers of Armes twentye marks at the same time but no coulors, bycause none did attend him into the tilt. "The Earle of Oxford gaue for his first entrance into the tilt the same tyme ten pounds in monie but no coulors. 1 "The Earle of Salisberie gaue for his first entrance into the tilt the same time 1619 the sume of ten pounds in monie to the officers of Armes and six 260341 vi PREFACE. yards of taffata sarcenet for two officers of Armes although he had nono to attend him. "The yeare following 1620 the Earle of Lincolne gaue for his first entrance into the tilt to 4. officers of Armes 6 yards of taffata sarcenet a peece and ten pounds in monie who brought him from the muse into the tilt & gaue them also fethers of his colour. "The Lord Compton sonne to the Earle of Northampton gaue to 4 officers of Armes 3¹i a peece in monie to buy them scarffs of his colours & 20s to buy them feathers of his coulers and vjli xiijs iiijd as a fee to the whole com- panie wch foure did attend him from the muse into the tilt the 24 of March 1620. "The yeare following 1621 the Viscount Mansfeild gaue to 3 officers of Armes 3 pounds a peece to buy them scarffes of his colours and viijli in monie as a fee to the whole companie But through the fowle wether the daye being twice putt of. In the end the King would haue no tilting that yeare. "The lord Stanhop the same time 1621 gaue to 3. officers of Armes 3. pounds a peece to buy them scarffes of his colours & vili xiijs iiija in monie to ye whole companie, But ther was no tilting that yeare by reason of the fowle weather as is aforesayd. "The Lord Montioye of Ireland gaue for his first entrance into the tilt the same time 1621 scarffes of taffata sercenet for 3. officers to bring him into the tilt and vii xiije iiija in monie to the whole companie but nothing was done that yeare by reason of the fowle weather as afforesaid, yet they all had the monie before hand, and the scarffes." At (fo. 77, pencil,) will be found inserted an escocheon of Sir Beaumont Dixic, second Baronet of Market Bosworth, impaling the arms and quarter- ings of his wife Mary, the sister and sole heiress of Sir William Willoughby, Baronet, of Selston, co. Notts. Only one original subscription is to be found, that of "Wylliam Noell," at fo. 5 b; but in Harl. MSS. 1195 (from fo. 72) is a number of the original loose sheets, signed by those who gave the information for the Visitations of Leicestershire and Warwickshire, and facsimiles of forty-four signatures of the county of Leicester are appended to this work. Several pedigrees have been continued, chiefly by the hands of Henry Parker and Robert Fisher, arms painter, whose autograph is to be seen on the first page. One Richard Mundy, who perhaps accompanied the heralds at this Visitation, seems to have tricked the arms and seals used by the Corporation of Leicester, and to have entered the descent of Welles- borough; that of Beaumont at fo. 34 is in the hand of Augustine Vincent. All these additions, and words written in pencil, are distinguished from tho original entries by being in Brevior type. The headings of pedigrees within PREFACE. vii brackets are so written in the original manuscript; those without have been supplied. The first Visitation of the County of Leicester was that of Harvey in 1563, by Robert Cooke, Chester Herald. A copy of this, written narratively, is in the national collection (Add. MS. 17,065, fo. 125) and contains the following pedigrees: "The dessent of Robert Brokesby of Sholesby in the... of Leycester. And in the hondreth of Goscott." Of "Henry Kebyll of Homerston." "John Danvers of Swythland." "" George Sherard of Stapullford." "John Ashbye of Lowesbye." "Will❜m Peche of Kingthorpe." "Edmond Wynter of Wordington." "Thomas Graye of Langlaye.' "Thomas Rosse of Ingmanthorpe. “Thomas Ffarnham of "" "Will'm Lacye of Melton Mowbraye." "Ffrauncys Cave of Baggrave." "Bryan Cave of Ingusbye." (( (6 Morrys Barklaye lord of Womandham.” George Pochen of Barkbye." "Nicholas Sevyll of Blabye.” "Richard Turvyll of Normanton Turvoyle." John Nowell of Wellesborow." "" "" (( "Sr Thomas Nevyll Knight lord of Hoult & Roliston." "Will'm Skevington of Skevington." "George Vincent of Pekleton." "Robert Belgrave.' "" George Pureffey of Dreyton." Two others are in the College of Arms, also narratively written, the one marked G. 11, the other by Turpin H. 12. There is likewise a book of pedigrees from Cooke's Visitations of Somerset, Warwick, and Leicester, marked F. 7. A small volume in the possession of the Honorary Treasurer of the Harleian. Society is worthy of note, since it gives some information relative to the quarterings of Leicestershire families at this period, and calls attention to a collection of genealogical manuscripts, collected by Henry Ferrers, not one of which unfortunately now remains in the possession of his lineal male heir at Baddesley Clinton. "The Armes and the names of Knigtes Esquyres and viii PREFACE. Gentilmen within the Coun- tie of leicester liuing in ye yeere of our lord God 1564 Sett oute as it was performed by Robarte Cooke then Chester herauld of armes, the originall (that this was Copied forth of) was doun on vellam in Coullers being in the hands of Henrie fferrers of baddisley Clin ton in Warwik shire 1593. In the British Museum, in addition to the manuscript printed here, are others of the second Visitation (1619):- Harl. MSS. 6125. 6183. 1431. 1187, bound up with the Visitation of Northamptonshire in 1618, beginning at fo. 97, (pencil,) and extending with alphabetical index to the end of the book, and 1189, which commences with a list of names and trickings Manners (Earls of Rutland). Crewe. Hudson of Melton Mowbray. of arms of justices of the county of Leicester in 1601. The Library of the College of Arms has two copies :-C. 8, containing about one hundred and twenty-eight pedigrees; and Vincent's Leicester, No. 127. Leicester Visitations are also preserved in both Universities :- Caius College, Cambridge, MSS. 519; New College, Oxford, MSS. CCCXXX.; Queen's College, Oxford, MSS. LXXXIX. The third and last Visitation of Leicestershire was taken "by Sir Henry St. George, Knt., Clarenceux King at Arms; begun by Thomas May Chester and Gregory King, Rougedragon, in Trinity Vacation, 168, and finished by Henry Dethick Richmond and the said Rouge Dragon in Trinity Vacation following, 1683." It forms one of the series of later Visitations, marked K, in the College of Arms, and consists of about one hundred and forty genea- logics. In addition to families already recorded, it introduces many others who had become possessed of property in the county since the year 1619, or whose descents had not been registered in the carlier Visitations. The following list, in the order in which they occur, may prove useful :- Pate of Sisonby. Fullwood of Hemington. Powell of Belvoir. Curl of Melton. Palmos of Melton. Bowdon of Melton. PREFACE. ix Herick of Beaumanor. Gery of Stony Stanton. Toone of Belton. Shenton of Barwell. Harpur of Bilston. Paget of Barwell and Croft. Oneby of Barwell. Rooe of Normanton Turvile. Capper of Burbage. Sacheverell of Rearsby. Welles of Thrussington. Verney of Allexton. Andrewes of Great Bowdon. Allington of Burbage. Hewet of Dunton Basset. Palmer of Onlip. Dixwell of Coton. Edwards of Kibworth. Packe of Prestwold. Wileman of Burton. Lister of Thorpe Arnold. Calcott, alias Caldecott, of Catthorp. Greene of Rylston (Rolleston). Cole of Lutterworth. Street of Halloughton. Billers of Leicester. Palmer of Osgathorp. Alefounder. Burrough of Burrough. Wilson of Knighthorp. Maior of Leicester. Barwell of Garradon. Roby of Castle Donnington. Rayson of Barrow upon Soar. Wright of Barwell. Bradgate of Ullesthorp. Byerley of Belgrave. Henslie of Lutterworth. Briggs of Hinckley. Hill of Netherseale. Bate of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Woodcock of Cayham. Smart of Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Staunton. Stephens of Leicester. Estwick. Mordaunt of Medborn. Boothby of Marston. Levinge of Shepey. Firebrace. Stanley. Street of Orton-sup'-Monte' (Orton-on-the-Hill). Thickbrome. Bodle of Markfield. Hayes of Burton-Lazers. Pratt of Cotesback. Holland of Waltham-on-ye- Wolds. Saunders of Foxton. Bradgate of Peatlin. Harley of Osgathorp. Wodland of Medborn. Sergeant of Melton-Mowbray. Hacket of Abkettleby. Bennet of Welby. Goodall. Hilton of Billinghurst. Leek of Wymeswold. Cox. Clerk of Hoby. Whatton. The Editor begs to acknowledge his great obligation to John Davidson. Esq., for the very elaborate and useful Index attached to this Volume. ¿ BERKLEY OF WYMONDHAM (page 2). Quartering 1.-To Gules, a chevron between ten cinquefoils argent, add six in chief and four in base. NOELL OF DALBY (page 3). Quartering 4.-For trumpets, road organ-pipes. X ERRATA. SKEUINGTON (page 7). Quartering 11.—For at the top, read in dexter chief. SHERARD OF STAPLEFORD (page 10). Quartering 2.—In the MSS. the drawing resembles trefoils, but the Arms of Hawberk are on a bend nine annulets, three, three, and three, interlaced in triangle. EUERARD OF SHENTON (page 12). "Sup Cathedra' in Domo Rici' Euerard de Shenton," read impuling argent, on a fess between three bears' heads erased sable, muzzles (untinctured), as many bezants. HASELRIG OF NOSELEY (pages 15 and 16). Quartering 5.--For Bendy of six gules and argent, read Gules, three bendlets argent. Omit mark of descent to "Dorothy, sister to the Lord Brooke." DIGBY (page 40). Quartering 6.—Read Argent, on a fess between three martlets sable as many mullets of the field. BROKESBY (page 49). Quartering 4.-Read Or, a bend gobonée argent and azure between three torteaux. HUMPHREY (page 62). Omit mark of descent from Sir Tho. Humphrie of Shipson in Com' Leyc. and Mary Da. of Wm Meringe of Meringes in com' Northam. Quartering 4.-For Barry of six, read eight. Quartering 5.-For fess, read chevron. POULTNEY (page 70). SHERRARD (page 88). Quartering 2.—For three trefoils, read nine annulets, three, three, and three interlaced in triangle (as at page 10). NOBLE (page 114). Quartering 2.—After barry, rcad nebulée. Quartering 4.-For a . CAVE (page 120). Omit mark of descent to "Phillippa fil. unica hæres Rob'ti Braham de Barrow sup' Sore. • CAVE (page 125). Mark of descent should be to Maria fil. et hæres Alexandri Cauc militis, instead of to her husband, Sir Alexander Lounde, Kt., ctc. CARRINGTON, alias SMITH (page 145). ?, read a lymphad., CHIPPINGDALE (page 157). Arms. After erased, omit paleways. After broken spears, read erect. Crest. After rere-mouse, omit in pale affrontée displayed. GILBERT (page 189). BABINGTON (page 205). xi NAMES OF QUARTERINGS AND IMPALEMENTS TRICKED IN THE VISITATION OF LEICESTER, 1619. BERKLEY OF WYMONDHAM (p. 2). 1. Berkley. 2. Hamelyn. 3. De la Laund. 4. Welles. 5. Engaine. 6. Waterton. NOELL OF DALBY (p. 3). 1. Noell. 2. Hopton. 3. Heavon. 4. Downton. 5. St. Ouen. 6. Tirrell. STARESMORE OF FROLESWORTH (p. 5). 1. Staresmore. 2. Partridge. 3. Willoughby (Burton's Leic. N. window of chancel of Frolles- worth church, ed. 1767, fo. 102). 4. Wolfe. 5. Comberford. 6. Staresmore. SKEFFINGTON (p. 7). 1. Skeffington. 2. Oldbeef. 3. English. 4. Stanhope. 5. Maulovell. 6. Rochford. 7. Lisley. 8. Jenney. 9. Doiley. 10. Cambridge. 11. Downe. 12. Childe. 13. Colsell. SHERRARD OF STAPLEFORD (p. 10). 1. Sherrard. 2. Hawberk. 3. Woodford. SHERRARD-continued. 4. Brabazon. 5. Foluile. 6. Helwell. 7. Brow. 8. Woodvile. EVERARD OF SHENTON (p. 12). 1. Everard. 2. Waterton. 3. Grimsby. 4. Moton. 5. Basset. 6. Colvile. 7. Malory. 8. Bugg. 9. Champaine. ASHBY OF QUENBY (p. 13). 1. Ashby. 2. Mallet? ASHBY OF LOSEBY (p. 14). 1. Ashby. 2. Zouch of Lubbesthorpe (Nicholls Leic. vol. iii. fo. 298). 3. Burdet. 4. Houghton. 5. Stapleford. HASELRIGG OF NOSELEY (p. 15). 1. Haselrigg. 2. Stanton. 3. Southill. 4. Boiville. 5. LEGARD (p. 19). 1. Legard. 2. Moyne. 3. Whitworth. 4. Wodham. NEVILL OF HOLT (p. 21). 1. Smith. NEVILL-continued. 2. Laneham. 3. Hinde. 4. Raby. 5. Nevill. 6. Bulmer. 7. Blanchminster. 8. Rolleston. 9. Palmer. 10. Inglebeard. 11. Bishopston. 12. Fencotes. 13. Croftes. BURDET (p. 23). 1. Burdet. 2. Camvile. 3. Bruin? 4. FAUNT (p. 28). 1. Faunt. 2. Moyne Harl. MSS. 3. Clairvaulx} 3. Clairvaulx 1113, fo. 7. VILLIERS (p. 29). 1. Villiers (modern). 2. Villiers (ancient) (Harl. MSS. 1113, fo. 7). 3. Pakeman (Notitia An- glicana, p. 89). 4. Bellers. 5. Howby (Not. Angl.) (Harl. MS. 1113 calls it Sellingham). 6. Kirkby. PURIFOY (p. 32). 1. 2. Waver. 3. Shireford. 4. 5. Whellesborow. 6. 7. Waver. 8. Shireford. 9. 10. Ayott. 11. Bingham. xii NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. PURIFOY-Continued. 12. Charnells. 13. Charnells. 14. Strelley. 15. PALMER AND HARECOURT (p. 39). 1. Pochin. 2. Palmer. 3. Willoughby. 1. Digby. 2. Waleys. 3. Danvers. 4. DIGBY (p. 40). 5. 6. Digby. WINTER (p. 42). 1. Winter. 2. Hardwick. REPINGTON (p. 42). 1. Repington. 2. Goldsmith. 3. WHETHILL (p. 44). 1. Whethill. 2. Flanders. 3. Shepey. NEELE (p. 45). 1. Neele. 2. Sutton. BROKESBY (p. 49). 1. Brokesby. 2. Sapcot. 3. Denham. 4. Courtenay. 5. Moels. ảo t 6. Newmarch. 7. Arches. 8. Francis. 9. Plesington. VINCENT (p. 50). 1. Vincent. 2. Grimsby. 3. Vullis. 4. Moton. 5. Basset. 6. Colville. 7. Champaine. 8. Bugg. CHAMBERS (p. 51). 1. Chambers. 2. Dannet. DRAPER (p. 52). 1. Draper. 2. Draper. DRAPER-continued. 3. Aucher. 4. Urswick. TURVILE (p. 53). 1. Turvile. 2. Flamvile. 3. Bugg. 4. Foucher. 5. Champaine. 6. Stanton. KEBELL (p. 56). 1. Kebell. 2. Etton of Warwicksh. (Harl. MSS. 1189, f. 3). BURTON (p. 56). 1. Curteys. 2. 3. Cotton (Harl. MSS. 1113, fo. 2). 4. Ridware. 5. Hardwick. 6. Lindley (Harl. MSS. 6128, fo. 61 b). 7. Funden. 8. Flanders. 9. Limsey. 10. Ashbrooke. 11. Champaine. 12. Stevens. HUMPHREY (p. 62). 1. Humphrey. 2. Humphrey. DANNET (p. 64). 1. Dannet. 2. De la Hay. 3. Belknap. 4. Sudley. 5. Reade. 6. Montfort. 7. Butler. 8. Shareshull. BROOKE (p. 65). 1. Brooke. 2. Parker of Coppenhall. SMITH alias HARRIS (p. 66). 1. Smith. 2. Coe. BELGRAVE (p. 67). 1. Belgrave. 2. Shipton. 3. Shelton. 4. Glene or Glenfield. 5. Savyke. 6. Chauntrell. TURPIN (p. 69). 1. Turpin. 2. Kinsman. 3. Tilley. TURPIN-continued. 4. Pawcoe. 5. Gobion. POULTNEY (p. 70). 1. Poultney. 2. Whymall MSS. (Lu- cells?). 3. Daniel MSS. (Massy?). 4. Thorpe. 5. Derby. 6. Morley. 7. 8. Davall (Ferrers MSS. penes J. J. Howard). 9. Walshe. 10. Byron. ત્ HASELRIGG (p. 70). 1. Haselrig. 2. 3. Heron. 4. Sadington. 5. Martivall. 6. Staunton. 7. Eccleshall. 8. Meynell. 9. Warde 10. Everden 11. Entwisell. 12. Gorges (ancient). 13. Gorges (moderu). 14. Russell (Falkiners Chel- Nicholls Leic. vol. ii. pt. 2, p. 753. sea, p. 235). 15. Oldhall. 16. Inglowese. HASTINGS (p. 72). 1. Hastings. 2. Pole. 3. France and England (Clarence). 4. Nevill. 5. Montacute. 6. Monthermer. 7. Holland. 8. Edmund, Earl of Kent. 9. Beauchamp. 10. Newburgh. 11. Spencer. 12. Clare. 13. Wake. 14. Hungerford. 15. 16. Moels. GREY (p. 74). 1. Grey. 2. Hastings. 3. Valence. 4. Astley. 5. Ferrers. 6. Wydvile. 7. Bonvile. 8. Harington. NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. xiii DANVERS (p. 86). 1. Danvers. 2. Walcote. 3. Wallis. 4. SHERRARD (p. 88). 1. Sherrard. 2. Hawberk. 3. Isley. 4. Burgh. 5. Woodford. 6. Preston. 7. Brabazon. 8. Folvile. YARDE (p. 91). 1. Yarde. 2. Ferrers (Harl. MSS. 889, fo. 73.) SAVILL (p. 93). 1. Savill. 2. Blaby. TURNER (p. 95). 1. Turner impaling 2. Masterson Breton. BELGRAVE (p. 95). 1. Belgrave. 2. Shipton. 3. Shelton. 4. Glene or Glenfield. PEPER (p. 103). 1. Peper. 2. Bugg. 3. Sheffield. RUDING (p. 104). 1. Ruding. 2. Clerke. 3. Watercroftes. POCHIN (p. 106). 1. Pochin. 2. Willoughby. 3. Lincoln. 4. 5. Palmer. 6. Brett. SKEFFINGTON (p. 111). 1. Skeffington. 2. Oldbeef. 3. Cambridge. 4. Donne. 5. Childe. 6. Colsell. 7. English. 8. Lisley (?). NOBLE (p. 114). 1. Noble. 2. Kebell. 3. Palmer. 4. Eaton. DIXIE (p. 115). 1. Dixie. 2. Beridge. 3. Crathorne. 4. Thoresby) Harl. MSS. 5. Esterby 1550, fo's. 190, 53, 174. 6. Moigne 7. Beaumont. 8. Comyn. 9. Quincy. 10. Bellamont. 11. De Grentesmainil. 12. Alan, Earl of Gallo- way. 13. Scotland (ancient). 14. Nevill. 15. Hugh Lupus. 16. Everingham. 17. Maureward. 18. Hastings. IMPALING. 1. Willoughby. 2. Green or Rotherham ? 3. Pusey, 4. Clay of Crich co. Derby. 5. Calton. 6. 7. Strelley. 8. Ashton. 9. Wardell. DIXIE (p. 116). 1. Dixie. 2. Beridge. STURTON (p. 119). 1. Sturton. 2. Cowley. 3. Smith. BURTON (p. 121). 1. Burton. 2. Curteys. 3. Cotton. 4. Ridware. 5. Hardwick. 6. Rodvile. 7. Funden. 8. Flanders. 9. Limesey. 10. Ashbrook. 11. Champaine. 12. Stevens. PLUMBE, IMPALING FORTESCUE (p. 121). CAVE (p. 122). 1. Cave. 2. Gilliott. 3. Cliffe. CHARNELLS (p. 122). 1. Charnells. 2. Bereford. CHARNELLS-continued. 3. Shevesby. 4. Francis (?). DUPORT (p. 123). 1. Duport. 2. Montague. CARRINGTON alias SMITH (p. 130). 1. Smith. 2. Laneham. 3. Harewell. 4. Morton. 5. Woodford. 6. Preston. 7. Brabazon. 8. Rolleston. 9. Folvile. 10. 11. 12. ASHBY (p. 132). 1. Ashby. 2. Mallet?. CROFT (p. 140). 1. Croft. 2. Harvey. 3. Burdet. 4. Willoughby. BALE (p. 141). 1. Bale. 2. EVERARD (p. 142). 1. Everard. 2. Everard of Shenton. 3. Langham. BRUDNELL (p. 143). 1. Brudnell. 2. Atte Grove. 3. Raan (Harl. MSS. 1095, fo. 35). 4. Blaket of Castleton, co. Oxon. 5. Bulstrode. 6. Knife. 7. Thorne (Harl. MSS. 1095, fo. 35). 8. Entwisell. CARRINGTON alias SMITH (p. 145). 1. Smith. 2. Laneliam. 3. Raby. 4. Nevill. 5. Bulmer. 6. Blanchminster. 7. Rolleston. S. Palmer. 9. Inglebeard. xiv NAMES OF QUARTERINGS. CARRINGTON—continued. 10. Bishopston. 11. Fencotes. 12. Croftes. PECK (p. 146). 1. Peck. 2. Haselden alias Carter. BAGHOT, IMPALING FINEUX (p. 150). LASCELLES (p. 155). 1. Lascelles. 2. Burdet? 3. Abbot? BANISTER (p. 164). 1. Banister. 2. Jakes. 3. Fitzherbert. 4. Clinton. 5. Meignell. 6. Savage. 7. De la Warde. 8. Warden. TEMPLE (p. 167). 1. Temple. 2. Spencer. BEAUMONT (p. 169). 1. Beaumont. 2. Comyn. 3. Quincy. 4. Bellamont. 5. Galloway. BEAUMONT-Continued. 6. Scotland (ancient). 7. Blondevill. 8. Everingham. 9. Maureward. 10. Hastings. 11. Herle. LEIGH (p. 173). 1. Leigh. 2. Bagguley. 3. De Corona? 4. Levenshulme. BERESFORD (p. 178). 1. Bereford, 2. Shevesby. 3. Francis? EYTON (p. 183). 1. Eyton. 2. Hussey. 3. Derby. LACY (p. 186). 1. Lacy. 2. Roskin (Harl. MSS. 1189, fo. 3). 3. Beler. GREGORY (p. 187). 1. Gregory. 2. Asfordby. 3. Segrave. 4. Malyn. 5. Dymock. 6. Marmion? COTTON. 1. Cotton. 2. Ridware. 3. Falconer. 4. Folville. CALDWALL (p. 192). On an escocheon of pretence. 1. Caldwall. 2. Fishwick? LANY (p. 196). 1. Lany. 2. Coke. 3. Bohun (Harl. MSS. 1560, fo. 85). ROBERTS (p. 203). 1. Roberts. 2. Welles, co. Herts (Ly- sons Environs, Wils- don). 3. Pattinson (Harl. MSS. 1551, fo. 124). Another, impaling Burnaby. BABINGTON (p. 205). 1. Babington. 2. Ward. 3. Dethick. 4. Stafford. 5. Beaumont. 6. Everingham. 7. Leventhorp. 8. Heronville. XV ABNEY. ABNEY. ALLEN. ALLEN. ALSOP APLEBY of Apleby . ARMESTON ASHBY of Quenby ASHBY of Loseby ASHBY. ASHTON BABINGTON BAGHOT BAINBRIG. BALE BANISTER. BANKES BARRET • • · · • • BROKESBY BROOKESBY BROOKE • List of Pedigrees. • · • • BAYNBRIGE 181, 182 60, 61 BEAUMONT 169, 170, 171, 172 BEAMONT BELGRAVE 67, 68, 69 BELGRAVE 95, 96 BENT 158, 159 • · • • 198, 199 CATER. 205, 206 CAVE 150, 151 CAVE 190, 191 CAVE 141, 142 CAVE 164, 165 • CHIPPINGDALE COOKE . COOPER BERESFORD 178 CORBET BERKLEY. 2 CORBET BERY 207 CORBET 173 COTES BICKERTON BOTHOM BRABAZON alias Woodford 47 COWPER 165 COTTON BRADSHAW 44 CRADOCK BRADSHAW BRASBRIDGE BRETON BRETT. • • PAGE 153 154 BURDET 109 BURDET 195 BURTON 105 BURTON 11 CALDWALL 176 CARRINGTON alias Smith 13 14 CARRINGTON alias Smith 132 BRUDNELL • 150 CHAMBERS 107 CHARNELLS CHESELDON CHESELTON CHESTER 161, 162 CHAMBERLAINE • CROFT . 43 CUTLER 161 DANNET 206 DANVERS 49 DAWES. 201 DERBY. 65 DETHICK • • PAGE . 87 . 199 40, 41 116 195 52 123, 124 € 153 12, 13 142 . 175 193 . 183 179 77 202 28 149 180, 181 71 189 190 84 85 74, 75 187, 188, 189 17 139 GRIFFITH. 205 152 HALFORD 144 149 144, 145 140, 141 HALFORD HALL HARCOURT 138 204 166 64 HARTOP of Burton Lazers 9 86, 87 HARTOP 196, 197 98 HASELRIG of Noseley. 15, 16 18 HASTINGS. 88 HODGES 72, 73 154 • 23, 24 56, 57 160 192 130, 131, 132 120 122 125, 126, 127, 128 145, 146 1 EYRE EYTON . FARMER 133 FARNHAM 137 FARRENT FAUnt . 51, 52 122, 123 Fox 107 GEE 20 GERVEIS 138 GILBERT 157 GODDARD . 108 GOODMAN GORE 90 17 GRAY GREGORY 48 177 94 • • • PAGE 143 DIGBY. 18 DIGBY. DIGBYE DIXIE . DIXON DRAPER DUPORT ELKINGTON EUERARD of Shenton EVERARD EVERARD • · • • 191, 192 • • • • • • · • • GREY of Barwell GREY • · · · · • • xvi LIST OF PEDIGREES. 1+ H H HOLLINGWORTII . HUBERT HUMPHREY KEBELL KENDALL LACY LACY LACY LANY LASCELLES LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LEGARD LEIGH. MARSHALL MARSTONE MARTIVALL MAY MEADE MORTON MOTON MOUNTNEY MULSHO NEALE. NEEDHAM • • • • 90, 91 ▸ NEELE. NEUILL of Holt NICOLLS NOBLE. NOEL of Dalby . NOEL NOONE. OVERTON PACE PALMER et Harecourt. 19, 20 173, 174 103 101, 102 129 180 151 183, 184 • • · PAGE 184 PATE 38 PECHE. 62 PECK 56 PEPER PERIN • • • • • • 75 PILKINGTON 166 PLUMBE 186 POCHIN 196 PORTE . 155 27 102 Roos RUDIARD 58, 59 RUDING • POULTNEY PRESTWICH PURIFOY PURIFOY PURIFOY 179 SALISBURY 155 | SAVILL. 163, 164 SEGRAVE 100 SHARPE • • • REPINGTON ROBERTES ROBERTS ROBINSON. • 45, 46 21, 22 187 114, 115 3,4 113, 114 SKEFFINGTON • • • 146, 147, 148 103 • SHERARD of Stapleford SHERMAN . SHERRARD SHIPWARD SHIRLEY · • 174 SKEUINGTON 193 SMALLEY 63 SMITH alias Harris STANFORD. 39 • • PAGK 89 STARESMORE of Froles- 65 worth STARESMORE STARKIE 198 STAVELEY . 78 STRELLEY. · 121 STURTON 106 SWYNFEN 48 TEMPLE 70 THAME 63 TRIMNELL 32, 33, 34 | TURNER 35, 36 TURVILE 37 VILLERS 42 VINCENT 117, 118 VINCENT 203 VINCENT 182 VINCENT 92 VOWE. 202 WALKER 104 WARD. 185, 186 WARDE 93 WARDE alias Farmour 177,178 18 WASE 89 WHALLEY. 10 WHETHILL WHITAPH . 88 WHITING 82 WIGLEY WILCOCKES WINCOLL WINTER 203, 204 • • • • • • • · • 25, 26, 27 110, 111, 112 7,8 76, 77 WOODFORD et Turuill 66, 67 | WRIGHT 160 YARDE. • • · 5, 6 99 175 136 194 119 134 167, 168 130 176 95 53, 54, 55 29, 30, 31 50, 51 79 80, 81 82 194 137 83 87 · • • • • PAGE • 200 148 44, 45 98 92 97 135, 136 156 · 42 38 152 91 The Visitation of the County of Leicester, TAKEN A.D. 1619 BY SAMPSON LENNARD BLUE MANTLE AND AUGUSTINE VINCENT VINCENT ROUGE ROSE POURSUIVANTS, BEING MARSHALLS AND DEPUTIES TO WILLIAM CAMDEN, CLARENCEUX. (HARL. MSS., 1180.) Richard Cater of Kerbie in forrest in Com. Lei. 1 sonne.= (Cater.)* ARMS. Ermine, on a pile gules a lion passant guardant or. Cater of Leicestersh. 1° Hen. 3.= | had a walke in Leicester forrest. Richard Cater-Mary da. of Wm. Dent of Hallough- ton in Com. Leicest. 1 Thomas Cater 1 sonne ob. s. p. Edward Cater 3 sonne. William Cater of London 2 sonne was heire after his brother. George Cater Thomas Cater 2 sonne. Georg Cater. William Cater. Alice da. of Gertrude da. of Oliuer Haruy in Com. Cambr. of Thurld Esq. of Popworth John Cater. John Cater of London 2 sonne. Francis da. & heire of Baynes de Comitat Salop. ARMS. Per bend or and azure, three roundles in pale counterchanged. 1 Suzan. George Cater. William Cater 1 sonne. Cornelius Cater of London. George Cater 2 sonne. Cornelius Cater of London 1635. Thomas Henry Cater Keeper Cater 2 of Nottingh' Parke liueing 1635. sonne. * This erroneous descent of Cater of Leicestershire was put down by Henry Parker. B 2 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Berkley of Wymondha' Lepe. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, a chevron between ten cinquefoils argent. (BERKLEY.) 2. Gules, a lion rampant ermine, crowned or. (HAMELYN.) 3. Argent, a fess dancettée between three billets gules. (DE LA LAUND.) 4. Or, a lion rampant, double queuée sable. (WELLES.) 5. Gules, a fess dancettée between six cross crosslets or. (ENGAINE.) 6. Barry of six, ermine and gules, over all three crescents sable. (WATERTON.) ANOTHER COAT. Quarterly, a chevron between ten cinquefoils (untinctured); and gules a lion rampant ermine, crowned or. CREST. A bear's head couped argent, muzzled gules. Thomas Lord Berkley-Jone Da. of Rob't Erle ob. 24 July 1321. Ferrers & Darby. Mauricius Lo. Barkeley mar. Eua Da. of the Lo. Zouch ob. 3 May 1326. Tho. De la Laund. Jone ux. Tho. Denton. Argent, 2 barres gu., 3 cinqfoils in cheif sa. T St John Berkley. Elizab. Da. of—. St Thomas Berkley ob. 1488.-Emma: Da. of Wm Brokesby. St John Berkley of Leicest'sh.- A S' Laurence Berkley died 1458.- Katherin Da. & coh. of Lionell Lo. Wells Baron of Heltons. Sr Maurice- Berkley died 1522. St Thomas Berkley= de com. Leyc. Thomas Mawrice Marg' Da. of Denton. Berkley. Sr John. Harrington. of S John Biron. I T Thomas De la Thomas Berkeley-Margt Da. & laund ob. ob. viuo patre. sine p'. hey. to Sr Tho. De la lauud. wil Will'm Berkeley of Wiuedon in Com. Leicester. Eliz. uxor St John Bussey. B Eliz. ux. Sr Wm Lawrence Barkeley. Hussey Lo. Cheif Justice of England. John Lo. Hussey. Mary Da. of Rob't Band of Hornby Som'by in com. Lincoln renupta Euerard Ashby of Loseby. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 3 John Berkley ob. sine prole. A | Elizab. ux. Rob'ti Pagenham, Clerke of Greene Cloath and after to Rob't Leuesey & had issue by both. Rob't Pagenham of Loding- ton in com. Sussex. Henry Pagenham mar. the Da. of - Docura. Da. of Clemt Chicheley. Clement Pagenha'. Joh'nes Noell-Anna fil. et primogenitus supstes 1563. her. John Fowler de Welles- brough. B | Mawrice Mary Da. of Berkley John Hall of superstes Grantham in 1563. Lincol. Sr Henry Berkley of Wymonham in Com. Leyc. Baronett 1611. Katherin Da. of Nich. Beaumont of Colorton. We Jacobus Noell.= Noell of Dalby Leic. ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Or, fretty gules, a canton ermine. 2. Gules, semée of cross crosslets fitchée, a lion rampant or, charged on the shoulder with a crescent for difference. 3. Azure, three boars' heads argent, between nine cross crosslets or. 4. Azure, two trumpets in pile between nine cross crosslets or. 5. Barry of six, or and gules. 6. Azure, a lion rampant argent within a bordure engrailed or. CREST. A buck statant argent, attired or. Sr Andrew Noell of Sr Andrew Noell of Dalby on ye Wold in Com. Leic. died at his house of Brooke in Rutland 19. Octob. 1607. and was buried at Dalb. 8. of Decemb'. 1 2 Dorothy fil. Ric'i Coniers=Andreas 3 fil. De-Elizab. fil. & her. Joh'is Hopton de relicta Flower. de com. Glouc. relict Joh'is Penint militis. Dalby in com. Leic. B Edward Berkley. | | | 2 John. 3 Nich. 1 Ursula. 2 Eliano". Mabell Da. Henric. Noell of Sr 2 fil. pen- tioner to Quene Elizab. ob. 26 feb. 1596. Jeames Harrington of Exton Knight. 4 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER, John Noell. Edward Noell ob. s. p. A | Fielding da. of Wm Earle of Denbigh 1 wife. wab Will'mus Noell de Wellesborough in com. Leic. vicecom'. 1604. | | | | Anne etat 14. Francis. 12. Ellinor. 9. Katherin 4. Francisca fil. prima et coh. Joh'is Fulwood de Forde-hall in com. Warrw. | 11 Andrwe 5 son. 1. Charles, Charles and Edward all ob. young. Henry 4 son ætat. 8. -3 Edward Noell, 11. 1659 marr. Hester da. & coheire to Edw. Lord Wotton 3 wife. Wytham Noell Ann heire now Viscount The lady Baptist Noell-Ann da. of sonn and Sr Robert Louett of Liscombe in com. Buck. relict of Ed. Earle of Bath Camden 2 wife. Lucia ux. Sr Wm Eure now Lord Eure. Will', Will'mus Noell fil. & her. ætat. 16. one sonne. }, Verney Noell 2 fil. 15. Theodosia ux. Sr Edw. Cicell 3 sonne to Tho. Erle of Exeter. Edward and Mary, 1. Henry, both liuing 1659. Julian, 2. B│ Hester, ob. Elizabeth. Raphe Eure son & hey. Charles 16 y. miarr. to Arthur 9 y. Alexander 5 y. | │ Will'm Eure. Palmer. Elizab. ux. S John Harper sonne & hey. of Sr John Harp' wife of George Lo. Audley Earle of Castlehauen. 11 1. Mary. 2. Elizab. & hey. Baronett 1611. created Baron of Rid- lington 1617. 11 1 3. Margt. 4. frauncis. 5. Anne. 6. Katherin. Susanna, da. and heire of Sr John Houland of Strettam Knight. Sr Edward Noell sonne-Julian eldist Da. of Sr Baptist Hix of London Kt. Elizabeth eldest Henry Noell. Elizabethi Noell Elizab. daur. of Mountacue Earle of Lind- sey lord high Chamberlaine of England to K. Charles 4 wife. Married to Jolin Chaworth, son and hoire of George Viscount Chaworth. Dorothy. Albania. Mary Noell, Married to, Erasmus De la Fountaine Knight. Penelopie Noell. one sonne ob. young. 11 Lindsey ob. Baptist. young. Katherine. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 5 Staresmore of Frolesworth in Com. Leic. ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Argent, a chevron vert between three torteaux. (STARESMORE.) 2. Argent, three partridges gules. (PATRICII.) 3. Gules, a cross moline argent. 4. Argent, a wolf saliant sable. (WOLFE.) 5. Gules, on a cross engrailed or five roses. (COM- BERFORD.) 6. A fess between three roundles (untinctured). CREST. A stare or starling proper. Walshall.= Ár., 6 tortuaux, 3 Sr Will'm Walshall & 3 in pale. sine p❜le. Katherin ux. Edmon' Ringley de Tilton com. Staff. Captaine Calesij. fil. ux. Lawley de Com. Staff. Nicholas 2 sonno. Staresmore.—— Staresmore.: Da. of Thomas Staresmore of Staresmore in com. Stafford.= Rob't Walshall of=— Da. of Geo. Peir- Walshall & point of Holm p' frolesworth. point. Malory. Da. of Eiton. ہے ሊ Maria fil. & coh. ux. Wilkes Elizab. Da. &=John Staresmore ma. to his 2 wife= de Wikenhall. cohey. Foulke of Cassandra Da. of Brewood. Francis Staresmore of Frolesworth-Mary Da. of Geo. Vincent in com. Leic. ob. 1582. of Pekelton supstes 1601. M wilr: Will'm Staresmore obijt=— Da. of Sr Robert 1509. Cresses de Comitat Salop. p Da. of Partrich of Norfolk. Na Ma Da. of 3. wife. Mary ux. Berwell de com. Leyc. K Perefoy Edmond. Elizab. si. p. B 6 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. | 1 i l 6. Jaco- Ursula uxor bus sine Nic. Martin. p❜le. sine prole. Maria sine p'le. Thomas. Willm. Margt ux Pock- Anna uxor lington de Mogg. deinde Pickwill. Winter. Thomas Stares- more fil. 1 Duxit filia' et her. Parr. de Hoton com' Leic. Duxit fil. Wolbeck. Margeria ux. Wright de Wigornia. Elizab. Margart. | | 2 Will'm Stares- more fil. et here' Mog. sonne. Alice. Franciscus Ismaell Amfillis Staresmore 2 Al Annam fil. Acworth. 5 Ric'us Duxit 3 Georgius 4 Edwardus Francis filia Duxit Ka- Duxit Jones. therinam fil. Fran. Jones. Ursula. Franciscus. Ricardus cæsus in Franciscus Stares- Nathaniell. Belgia 1605 more ætat. sine p❜le. 27 1605. 3 Edmond 4 Walterus Duxit fil. Duxit fil. Ric. Ding- Worshipp de ley. Leicester. | | | 2 Edward. Sabinus Stares- 5 Michaell Duxit fil. Meidwell com' North- amp'. more ætatis 70 Annoru 1605. Francis Staresmore first sonne. I 6 Edwardus Staresmore de Somersby in com' Leic. 1 Marge- ||| ux. Kirk Maria. Johes Staresmore Thomas. Duxit Margeria' de Burton 3 Thomas fil. Bolton de Frolesworth nuptus 1605. sup les Woldes. Mary. Goditha ux. Sr Susanna. Gawen Carew. Cristian fil. John Maria 1 Johes. Stephens vel Chippingdale Doctor. ria ux. Johis Grey. Cristian fil. Fran- cisci Stanley de West Brom- wich in com. Staff. Elizab. sine p❜le. Jane ux. Hen. Gil- man de St. Albons. | Jana ux. Edw Savage 2 Sabinus. de Froles- worth. Jocosa ux. Wm Ro- bertes de Sutton. George duxit Kathe- rina fil. Purifoy. Will'm 2 fil. rector ecclie Frolesworth Duxit Martha fil. Cox de Shalbrook. 11 B TI Lucia ux. Blount de com. Staff. Christian ux' Mar- shall de Tunbridg in com' Cantij. Nicholas. Edwardus Staresmore. Johanna. │ TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 7 Skeuington. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, three bulls' heads erased sable. (SKEUINGTON). 2. Azure, a bend cotised between six mullets or. (OLDBEIFFE.) 3. Ermine, a bend azure. (ENGLISII.) 4. Quarterly, ermine and gules. (STANHOP.) 5. Vert, three greyhounds courant in pale or. (MALOUELL.) 6. Quarterly, or and gules within a bordure sable bezantée. (ROCHFORD.) 7. Gules, an eagle displayed or. (LISLEY.) 8. Argent, three Cornish choughs sable. (JENNEY.) 9. Argent, a fess dancettée between three crescents gules. (DOILEY.) 10. Sable, three garbs argent. (CAM- BRIDG.) 11. Azure, a bend or, at the top an annulet gules. (DoWNE.) 12. Ermine, on a chief indented gules three escallops or. (CHILDE.) 13. Or, a pale azure, a chief vert. (COLsell.) CREST. A mermaid proper, crined or, holding in the dexter hand a looking-glass of the last, and in the sinister a comb (untinctured). Galfridus Skefington de Skefington in com. Leic. mil. Sr Symond Skeuington Knight.= . Sr John Skeuington Knight temp. H. 3. Petronella. Sr Galfrid Skeu---Mabill ington Knight. Will'm Skeuington.= Sr Rob't Skeuington Kt. E. 1.- Sr Rob't Skeuington.= Richard Skeuing--Isabell. ton. Thomas Skeuing-= ton. A John Skeuington. Margt. Da. & hey. to Wm Oldebeffe. Will'ra Cambridg=Jone Da. & hey.=Thomas Roos of Brice Donne. 2 Husb. als. Clarke. Ī Will'm Olde--Maude Da. & beffe. hey, to Will'm Cam- bridge. Ī Sr Rob't Roose Kt. Will'm Olde-Margt Da. & hey. to Ric. beffe. English. B John Stanhop.= Henry Stan-Jane Da. & hey. of Thomas 2 Sr Michall hop 3 Hen. Rochford of Stanhop. son. sonne. Stoke Leic. 8 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Leonard 2. Anthony 3 son a prist. vili Anna Da. of=Sr Will'm Skeuington Kt. Sr Everard Mr of the Ordinance & Digby of Lo. Deputy of Ireland Tilton. temp. H. 8. Mary ux. Ouerey of Forston in Leicestsh. Thomas mar. ye Da. of p'le. Haselrig. John sine | | | | filia uxor Anthonie Burgh. B│ 11 Joice ux. Mary ob. sine Tho. p❜le. Thomas sonne & hey. ob. 1600. George Kings- ton brother to Sr John Kings- ton 2 Husb. 5. Francis. Dorothy. ux. Tho. Hunt of Asheton. Richard 3. Edward. Katherin Burgh ux. Geo. Will'm ob. 1563. 4. George. Powchen. Muncke. Katherin ux. Anth. Colley of Galsam. Isabella fil. Joh'is Biron de New- sted in com. Not. mil. Anne Da. of Sr John Digby of Ketelby Kt. Joyce ux. Ingolsby ob. sine p❜le. Ed- ward. Edward Stan- hop. Elizab Luna Will'm ux. Tho. ux. nupta Skeuing- ux. Bendish. Munck. Ric. ton of Rob't Ingle- Bell. Skeuing- Bel- by. graue. ton. Henry 2 sonne. 2 Isabell. 3 Anne. Thomas Skeu-Margaret ington of Skeuington. Da. & hey. of Edw. Stanhop. Mary Da. of Sr Tho. Caue of Stamford Kt. Alice Da. of S-renupta Sr Edw. Darrell. Margaret. Elizab. Anne. Alice. | Isabell Anne Will'm Skefington de Skefing. Katherina fil. Ric'i Chetwood will: mil. ob. s. p. de Woodhull in com. Bedf. mil. ux. Thomas Ludford of War- wicksh. 〒 Mi- chaell. W 1 Will❜m. 2 Christop. 1 Mary. 2 Margt. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 9 Hartop of Burton Lazers in Com' Leyc. Raphe Hartop temp. R. 2. Da. of Alexander Moyne. Precilla ux. Philippa ux. Oliuer Cooke. Geo. Holleys. John Hartop 2 sonne mar. Cristian Da. of John Williams. 11 Judith. Susan. Elizab. Anne. John Hartop. Margaret Da. of Thomas Brideamaine. Joane mar. to Octauian Fisher of Threkingham in Com. Lincoln. Richard Hartop.= Henry Hartop. Sr Will❜m Hartop of Burton Lazers in Com. Leic. Kt. Rob't Hartop 2 son mar. Anne John Hartop. Jane Da. of Da. of John Porter of Betton. 4 Richard. 5 Georg. Ag Alexander-Ellin Da. Hartope. of 10 Will'm-Ellianor Da. Ellianor Da. Hartop. & hey. of - Barbara Da. of Marg' eldist Da. Raphe fitz mar, to Thomas Randall. Broxby. Da. of Raph Chamberlayne. Adcot postea ux. Odingselles. Thomas Hartop.=—Da. of John Allen. 1 Valentine Hartop 2 son. Valentine Har- top 2 sonne mar. the Da. of Pratt of Lutterworth in Com. Leic. Edward Hartop of Frith- by in Com. Leic. Mary mar. to Hen. Leibourne Esq. Mary Da. of Samuell Hartop John Rolt 2 son: mar. of Milton Briget Da. of Herneis in Wm Mason of Com. Bedford. Egmondton in com. Nott. Mariona Da. Isabell mar. to Wm Inglebeard. Thomas Blasbye. John Hartop mar. Grace Da. of Will'm Blewet. Mary Da. of Eras- mus Dry- den de Ashby in Com. Northam'. Thomas son & hey. Anne Da. & hey, of Will'm Goodman Com. Leyc. Ursula mar. to John Ashley. Mary mar. to Nic. Stringer of Eaton in Elizab. mar. to Geo. Bale of Carlton Curlew in Com. Nott. Com. Leic. Thomas— Hartop first son. Autheria 4 Da. Richard student of the middle Temple ob. sine prole. M Da. of Tho. Caue of Stan- ford in Com. Northam. Jone mar. to Wm Stret of De Com. Leic. C 10 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Sherard of Stapleford in Com. Leyc. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a chevron between three torteaux. (SHERARD.) 2. On a bend three trefoils slipped (untinctured). (AUBERK.) 3. Argent, three leopards' heads jessant-de-lis sable. (WODFORD.) 4. Ermine, a talbot passant sable. (PRESTON.) 5. On a bend three martlets (untinctured). (BRABSON.) 6. Per fess argent and or, a cross moline gules. (FOLUILE.) 7. Argent, on a chevron sable three bezants within a bordure engrailed gules. (HELWELL.) 8. Gules, on a chevron argent three roses of the field. (BROW.) 9. Argent, a fess and canton conjoined gules within a bordure bezantée. (WOODUILE.) CREST. On a wreath azure a peacock's tail erect proper, banded checquy argent and gules. On the dexter side is written “pecocks tayle"; on the sinister, "pecocks plum." Tho. Sherard de Com' Lancash. miles.= filia Foluile ux. 1. Lawrence Sherard.- Mag Rob't Sherard of Stapleford in Anna Da. & hey. of com. Leyc. 2 filij. Dni de Stapleford. Thomas Sherard. Susan 6 filia. 2 Anna ux. Anth. Ellis de Panton in Com' Leic. Galfred Sherard.=Joice Da. of Tho. Ashbye of Losebye. Margt ux. Ricardus Black de 2 filius. Granth'. Margerit Da. & hey. of 3 Laurence. Rob't Sherard 2 sonne mar. Da. of Digby of Welby. John Helwell Knight. M 4 William. Willm's Sher-Abigall filia Cicell rard miles pentioner to King James supstes Caue gen relicta Hen. Tresham fil. et hey. Tho. Tres- ham de Nenton in Com. Northton. 1622. magdating Georg Sherard sup'stes 1563. Benet Sherrard fil. et heres æt. unius anni et dimidij 1622. Da. & hey. of - Woodford. Thomas 1 Ellin. 4. Elizab. But Margt ux. Wm Durant de 2 sonne. 3. Joyce. 5. Dorothie. Coltesmor in Com. Leic. Francis Da. of John Harrinton Witham on ye Hill. -Roisia Da. of Sr Tho. Poultney of Misterton in Com. Leic. Hubarke Sr Phillip Sherard of Stapleford Knighted by King James 1602 ætat. 34. 1604. sup'stes 1622. ob. s. p. • Rowland Sherard mar. the Da. of Austin Porter of Beeton in Lin- colnsh. Ī Francis Sher- ard. Anne Da. of Grigory More de Com. Lin- coln. Isabell 4 Da. of Sr John Harpur of Swarston in Darbish. ob. s.p. 11 2 George et heres. 3. Willm. Rose. | 3 S Willm. Sherard-Bridget Da. of of Loyingthorpe Kenolm Digby in Lincolnsh. of Stok. 1 John Sherard. Will'm Sherard. Rowland. Katherin. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 11 Apleby of Apleby. ARMS. Azure, six martlets or, three, two, one. Henricus Aplebye of Apleby in Com. Leicest. Sr Edmond Apleby 53 H. 3.= Sr Will'm Apleby. Alice ux. John Hardwick of Lindley. St John Apleby 4. & 27. Ed. 3.: St Edmond Apleby.= St John Apleby 1. R. 2. et 6. H. 4.— Edmond Apleby 21. H. 6.= Thomas Apleby 5. H. 5.= Da. & hey, of W™ Pechet. John Aplebye.= Richard Apleby.= Rich. Apleby 21. H. 7. ob. 1528.-Elizab. Da. of Rob't Langham of Gopshill. Manceter Com' George Apleby Slayne at Jocosa Da. of Tho. Curson de=Tho. Lewes de Muskleborowe Croxhall combusta propter religione' 1557. War. feild. Francis Apleby 1605. Neuill. Barbara. ARMS. A fleur-de-lis (untinctured). 12 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Euerard of Shenton in Com' Leic. ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Gules, on a fess three mullets between as many étoiles argent. (EUERARD.) 2. Barry of six ermine and gules, over all three crescents sable. (WATERTON). 3. Barry nebulée of six sable and or, on a chief argent three birds of the first. (GRIMSBY.) 4. Argent, a cinquefoil azure. (MOTON.) Or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton vair. (BASSET.) 6. Or, a fess gules. (COLUILE). 7. Or, a lion rampant double queuée gules. (MALORY.) 8. Or, on a fess three water bougets. (Bugg.) 9. Or, fretty (untinctured). (CHAM- PANIE.) ARMS OF LANGHAM. Argent, three bears' heads couped sable, muzzled or. Sup Cathedra' in Domo Rici' Euerard de Shenton. Gules, a fess nebulée between three étoiles argent, impaling argent, on a fess sable three bezants between as many bears' heads erased, muzzled. Robert Langham Rob't Langha' 19. R. 2.= Reignold sup'stes 19. R. 2.- Rob't Langham of Gopeshall 22. H. 6.= Robert Langham.= Thomas Langha'.- Reignold Langham Thomas Grimsby= of Draketon. T Will'm W: Anne Da. & coh. Grims- of Reignold by. Moton of Pekle- ton. Ric. Vincent of--Anne Messingha' Com. Linc. I Vincent Peckleton atis 80 An. 7 Eliz. Anne ux. John Hardwick. Elizab. ux. Ric. Apleby.= George Langha' sold= Gopeshall 1560. Elizab. uxor Jo. Mont- gomery of Cutley. Ric. Water- fil. et ton 2 Hus- heres. band. Georg Apleby. Ric. Waterton of Messingham in Com. Linc. A Da. of Babington. Mag Edward- Lang- ham. Rob't Euerard of Shenton. - Ric. Eucrard of Shen- ton in Com. Leyc. ob. 1556. B Edward 2 sonne. Rob't Langham slaine at New- hauen 1563. A Daughter. I Anne ux. Mark- am. Da. & hey. of Edw. Langha'. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Margaret Da. of Tho. Wolueston of Werford in Com. Staff. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 13 1 Jane Da. & hey. of Ric. Water- to'. Rich. Euerard of Shenton son & heyre. A 1 2 Henry. 3. Will'm. 4. Thomas. Humphrie 2 sonne mar. ye Da. of Whitington Com' Staff. Christopher son & heyre. John 3 son mar. ye Da. of - Madox. George Ashby first=— Da. of Curson of Croxhall. sonne. uxor Skeffington de Robert Ashby Skeffington sine son & heyre. prole. Ric. Euerard of Elizab. Da. of Geo. Butler of Aston Shenton. heyr nupta 1622. B Com' Northamp' nupta 27 January 1594. Dorothy ux. Parrlane et George Ashby Rob't Bradshaw of son & heyre 1605. Morebarne. George Ashby filia sonne & Ashby of Quenhy in Com' Leyc. ARMS. Quarterly:-Azure, a chevron ermine between three leopards' faces or; and Gules, three mallets argent. "The first coat should be p'te p' pale b. g. the lybards' heads ar." CREST. Out of a mural coronet argent, a leopard's face or. Will'm Ashby of Quenby in Com' Leic.- ux. Brud- nell of Dene. Joice ux. Bere- ford. | | Add Robert Ashby= 2 sonne. Elianor Da. of Gedney. Barbara Da. of George Charles Ashby Ashby of Loseby. 2 sonne. Bennet de London. 2. Briget. 1 Dorothy. ux. Wood- lake of Glen- feld. Joyce ux. Pell de Ketelby in Com' Leycest'. I Anne uxor Geruacij Teuerey de Staple- ford in Com' Nott. 14 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Ashby of Loseby in Leic. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a lion rampant sable, a chief gules. 2. Azure, five bezants. 3. Azure, on two bars or six martlets gules. 4. Ermine, a cross en- grailed sable. 5. Argent, a chevron gules between three door-staples sable. CREST. A ram's head couped argent, attired or. "In the Parish Church of Loseby in Com' Leic. 1. Argent, a lion rampant sable, a chief gules (ASHвY), impaling argent, a chevron gules between three door-staples sable. 2. A lion rampant (untinctured), a chief gules; impaling ermine a cross engrailed gules. 3. The same; impaling ermine on a bend azure three quatrefoils or. 4. Quarterly-A lion rampant (untinc- tured), a chief gules; and azure, two bars or; impaling a chevron engrailed sable between three cross crosslets fitchée. Thomas Ashby of Loseby in Com' Leic. ob. 1422.—Elizab. Thomas Ashby ob. 1433. Katherin Da. of Rob't Brett of Addington. 2 Agnes Da. of S Ric. Illingworth Jocosa uxor Cheif Boron of the Exchequer ob. 1492. Galfredi Sherard. 1 Agnes Da. of S¹=Will'm Ashby Tho. Poultney. ob. viuo patre 1427. tre Kt. 1. ux. 1 2 Thomas. Euerard Ashby 3. Robert of obiere s. p. Loseby. Francis Ashby Duxit relict Browne de Walcott in Com. Northam' et obijt sine prole. John Eliz. Da. of Wm Tan- Asby. | feild of Euerto' in Com. Hunt. Thomas Ashby sold Loseby et ob. 1604. QA M Bridget ux. Fox. 2 Mary Da. of George= Robt. Baud Ashby of Somerby relicta Will'm Berkley of Wymondham. sonne. Elizab. 21 Thomas bis nupta filia Witterantes. 1 George 2 sonne. Anne Da. of John Beau- mont of Gracedieu Mr of ye Rolles. F Will'm: Ashby sonne & hey. Parnel Da. of Sr John Digby of Kettleby in Com' Leic. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Wi Will'm sans issue. Mary Da. of Minors of Staffordsheir. Eaton. uxor S M uxor Sercole. Elizab. ux Penbery de Com' Northton. 1 | Barbara ux. Rob't Ashby of Quenby. Ciceley uxor Heirik de North. will Will'm Ashby sonne & hey. 1605. John et Ursula 1 John. both sans issue. Eliza ux. Hen. Naunton of Suff. Agnes ux. Brokesby of Godeby. Elizab. 2 Thomas. Anne. 1 Annc. Francis ux. Rob't Throckmorton filij Junioris Nicholai militis. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 15 Haselrig of Noseley Com. Leyc. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent a chevron sable between three hazel leaves vert. (HESELRIG.) 2. Vair sable and argent, a canton gules. (STANTON.) 3. Gules, an eagle displayed argent. (SUTHELL.) 4. Gules, a fess or between three sal- tires couped argent. (BOIVILE.) 5. Bendy of six gules and argent. CREST. A maiden's head couped at the shoulders proper, with hair dishevelled or. Simon de Hasilirgg D'ns de Wotteslade et West Brunton in Com. Northumb' cui Ed. 1. dedit maneria de Yetham Corbet et Yetha' maner Aº 1280.— Gulielmus — fil. et Haselrig. her. Rob'ti Esseling- ton militis. Willm. Hasel- rigge of Nose- ley in Com. Leic. Katherina ux. Thoma Ashby de Quenby. 1 Symon Haselrig D'ns de Haselreg.= Tho. Hasilrig sonne Mabilia fil. & her. Johis & hey. Broket. Elizab. ux. Robert rigg Coling- 1563. wood. Tho. Haselreg Isab. filia et coh. Rog. Johes Broket. Margareta fil. et heres son & hey. Heron militis. Robti Hastings. Radus Hastings= miles. Bartram Hesel- Radus Hastings-Isabella fil. et her. Robti miles 4 fil. de Sodington. Elizab. Da. & hey. of Tho. Stanton de Stanton Harold in Com' Leic. A John Robert Hasillridge Hasel- mar. Eliz. sist. rigge. to Sr Raph Shirley. Robtus de Soding-=filia et her. Mortinall. ton. Ent- wisell. = uxor Thomas-Edith sister Margeria Elizab. to Ric. Bracebrige of Kinsburie. Willi Turuill militis. - uxor to Richard Neale. Tho. Stanton= ux. Villers. Thomas Hasel-Lucia rigg Armiger p' corpore H. 8. 1535. Anne da. & col. 1 Herald 2 Anne ux. Edw. of Sr Hen. Catesby Com' Rutland. Southill of Stoberston in Com. Leic. ux. David Williams of Aber- gauenie. 3 Editha ux. John Thorney. Ent- wisell. Milicent uxor Walter Kebell de Humerston Com. Leic. 16 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Miles Haselrigg=Briget Da. of Tho. Griffin=Willm. Lane de Cottesbrookc de Nowesley. of Braybroke de Com' in Com' Northampton 2 Northamp. maritus. Maria ux. Edw. Rouse de Com. Wygorne. Brigetta ux. Tho. filij Johis Alicock de Siber- toft in Com. Northam'. Elizab. ux. Forster de Com. Northam'. ux. Thomas-Ursula Da. to Sr Tho. Andrewes of Winwike in Com. Northampto'. Francis A Daught'. Hasel- rigg 1605. Maria ux. Hen. Edward slayne in fleet street 1604. Thomas Heselrigg of Noseley supst' 1620. Goodeth ob. Katherine. 1. Arthur. 2 Anthonius. 3 Francis. Donaldus 3. Johannes. 2. Maria. Hasilrig fil. & her. ætatis ob. sine prole. 4. Thomas. 1 Anna. 5. Robtus ob. 4. Jana Willms. ob. in Com' Leic. Thomas Hesel--Rebeck' da' of rig of London Mercer. Thomas Shefe prebent of Winsor. Bertinus Haselrig de Thedingworth in Com' Leyc. 1614. Robert. Donald. Thomas sonne & heire. Franc. Da. 2. Francis. to Will'm 3. Thomas. Brocas of Theding- worth 4. Austrius. Susana ux. Edward Hasel--Anne Da. of Tho. rigg liuing 1605. Nicolls of Hard- Dorothy. 11 Thomas Hasolrig sonne & heire. Mary 1 wife of Francis ux. Plum. 2 to Edward Flint 3 to Wood of Blith 1 da. 2. da'. Dorothy. S Halston in Sr Arthur Haselrig-Dorothy sister John 2 of Kt of Nosley in to the Lord Com. Leicester Brooke. mar. to his 1 wife Francis da. of Elmes of Com. Norhton. Com. Northton. Elizabeth. wick in Com. Northamp. [ L Franc. Da. & hey. of Will'm Gorges of Alderton in Com. Northamp. Ar. Maria ux. Anna Hen. nupta Nudigate. Tho. Hunt de Linton. Francis. Thomas 1. Arthur 3. Anne ux. Thomas Waite of London. Francis 2. Jane ux. John Wedgwood in Com' Stafford. Rebecka ob. 8. p. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 17 Grey of Barwell in Com. Leyc. Margaret Da. of Will'm-Reignold Lo. Grey=Jone Da. & hey. to William Lord. Lo. Rosse. of Ruthin. Astley. John father to Edmond Erle of Kent. Reignold Grey of Barwell in Com' Leic. Esq. 18. E. 4. et 1. R. 3. Lancelott Grey 22. H. 8= ob. 1532. John Grey Robert Grey of Whitting- ton and Envill in Com' Staff. 4 son. 3 sonne. Thomas Grey ob. ante 22. H. 7.—Benedicta vidua 22 H. 7. et 17. H. 8. ux. Hare- bottle. 2 Robert. 3. John. Rowland Corbet. 1 Thomas Grey de Barwell plenæ ætatis Margery Da. of John Stares--John Cruse 36. H. 8. ob. 2. Elizabeth. more of Frolesworth. 2 Maritus. Humphrey Grey sonn & heyre de Basset house. Christopher Anne Da. of Corbet 1. Wimark of Lufnam in Com' Rut. Leonard Grey 2 son. 1 John Grey of Barwell 1604 now of Basset-Mary Da. of house in Com' Leic. John Cruse. Arthur Corbet 2 sonne. Edw. Grey Lo. Ferrers of Groby iure uxoris 2. sonne. Doroth' Da. of W™ Caue of Pelewell in Com' Leic. Corbet. ARMS. Three crows (untinctured). Corbet of Ponsburie in Com' Salop.= Arthur Corbet. Regnold 3 sonne. Corbet. first son. John Corbet Arthur Corbet of Wanley Mary Da. of Hugh Bradshaw Edward in Com' Leic. of Morebarne in Com' Leyc. Roger Mary Da. of Corbet Tho. Clerke 2 son. de Com' Leic. Dorothy ux. Andrew Pochet of Barwell in Com' Leic. T Humphrey Corbet merchiant taylor of London mar. Anne Da. of George Iue of Hadham in Com' Hartf. Arthur 2 Humphrie 3 sonne. son. D 18 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Derby. ARMS. Argent, a fess between three sinister wings sable. Derby.= Edward Derby de Walton in Com' Leyc.= Hugh Burdet- 1 sonne. Derby 1606. Will'm Segraue Duxit will, fil. Gedney de Com' . Lincol. Segraue de Grentborow casus p' Christop. Bradsey. Richard Burdet 1 so. Will'm Gerard cæsus in 2 son. Scotland. Segrave. ARMS. Aryent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or. Segraue.= Will'm John Burdet ob. sine 2 son sine p❜le. p❜le. Sr Rich. Burdet of Losby ob. 10 H. 3. ī Lilias Derby of Goddesley. Elizab. uxor Edw. Eaton. Carolus Segraue de Sealford in Com' Leic. 1606 1 sonne. James Burdet 1 son s. p'l. Burdet. Wm Burdet founder of the house of Aucott.= Rob't 3 son ob. 31 E. 1. sine p'le. Will'm Burdet 3 son. wil wil Will'm Burdet 4 sonne. Hugh Burdet 2 sonne. ㅜ ​S Robt Burdet Kt had the mannor of Huncote by y° gift of Rob't. Radulph Segraue.= Edwardus Segraue 3 fil. ux. Tho. vic. Bindon. Hawise wife to John Harecourt. S Rich. Michaell Burdet 3 sonne Burdet. sine p'. Eliz. Da. & hey. of Sr Geffrie Camvile. willy Will'm Burdet Will'm 4 son. Burdet. 〒 Nicholas Burdet qui habuit here- dit' de Shepey. THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 19 Legard. ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Argent, on a bend between six mullets gules a cross pattée or. 2. Argent, on a bend gules three crescents of the field. 3. Gules, a bend or. 4. Argent, three water bougets sable. CREST. A greyhound statant collared or, studded gules. John Legard.= Beatrix ux. Peter Rep- lingham. Rob't Legard.= Rob't Legard. John Legard. Elizab. ux. Tho. Portington. Willi'm Legard.- Da. of one Tho. Legards. I 2 Peter. 3 Thomas. A A Thomas Margt Da. of Tho. Legard. Constable of Holm. Da. & hey. of Copendall of Beuerley. Da. of Hotham. Da. of Risom. P Will'm Legard. Margt. Da. & hey. of John Moyne will of Hassell. John Legard.: Da. of Blacket. — Roger Legard.= — Rob't Elizab. Da. & hey. of John Whitworth Legard. by ye Da. & hey. of - Wodham. Raphe Legard 2 son. John Ellin Da. of Legard. Nich. Cliffe. Raphe Legard. Isabell Da. of Piers Hilliard of Wested. Constance Da. of St John Routhe Kt. Peter 2 son. Peter 2 son. Joane ux. Tho. Cartwright. Thomas a priest. Margt. ux. John Frost. Rob't Legard son & Joane Da. of — Haldenby hey. of Rafe. of Haldenby. Constanca ux. John. Thomas 3 sonne. Will'm 3 Ellen. sonne. Agnes ux. Willes of Valaby. Ellin ux. Tho. Pilate of Wilton. Ellin ux. Uffett. Eliz. uz. Roger Goodknape. 20 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A 3. John. 5. Robert. 4. Raphe. Richard 2 son. Richard 3 son. Christopher Legard. John Cheseldon= Da. of Will'm son & hey. Marbury de Com' Northampt. Madag Thomas 2 son. Isabell Da. of John Byrond of Knares- burgh. 1 Frances. Cheselton. ARMS. A chevron between three crosses moline (untinctured). CREST. A dog couchant, with collar and line reflexed, nowed at the end (untinctured). Cheselton of Alexton Leicestersh. John obijt sine prolc. 2 Elizab. Francis ux. Gabriell Kimo of Fristncy. I John Cheselden= sonne & hey. Will'm Cheselden-Ema Da. of renupta of Groby. Humphrie Colbron 2 maritus. Elizab. Jane uxor Ric. Skipper after to Rob't Tounley. Edward Cheselden of Uppingham. Briget Da. of Montgomerye of Eketon. Northamp. S h Will'm Cheseldon son of Wm. Anne Da. of Tho. Skeuington-Edward Cheselden-Alice Da. of Roger Wilston of Groby brother to Wm. of Uppingham. of Uppingha'. Skeuington. Kellam Cheseldon. James 2 son. Edw. 3 son. Thomas 4 son. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 21 Robt. Lo. Neuill. Neuill of Holte, Leic. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Sable, a cross gules between four peacocks argent. (SMITH.) 2. Quarterly argent and sable, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis of the last, and in the fourth an ermine spot. (LANEHAM.) 3. Argent, on a chevron azure three escallops of the field, on a chief of the second a lion passant of the first. (HINDE.) 4. Gules, a saltire ermine. (RABY.) 5. Or, fretty gules on a canton_per pale (untinctured) a lymphad. (NEUILL.) 6. Gules, a lion rampant or. (BULMER.) 7. Bendy of six gules and vert, over all a ehevron ermine. (BLANCHMINSter.) 8. Or, two bars nebulée sable, a canton ermine. (ROLLESTON.) 9. Azure, a fleur-de-lis or. (PALMER.) 10. Bendy of six (untinctured), over all a chevron ermine. (INGLEBERD.) 11. Bendy of six or and azure, a canton ermine. (BISHOPSTON.) 12. Or, a chevron gules, a chief indented vert. (FENCOTES.) 13. Lozengy argent and sable. (CROFTES.) Robt. Lo. of Raby. Isabell Da. & hey. of Galfred Neuill. Galfred surnamed Neuill Lo' of Raby. Margt. fil. Jo. Longuillers. Robt. Lo. Neuill. Lo. Neuill. Isabella fil. Rogeri Bartra' Jolanus Neuill Senior D'ni de Mitford. Lo. of Holt & Pichall. Ranulphus-Eufemia fil. et her. Johis D'ni de Clauering. Mary D'na de Midleham fil. & her. Radulphus Neuill D'ns de Raby et Mid. Johes Neuill-Matilda fil. D'ns de Dni Hen. Raby. de Percy. Raphe Neuill first Erle of Westmerland. A | | | Katherin ux. Raffe Marshall of Carlton. ux. Stukeley. Eliz. ux. W. Mering. · Alicia fil. Hugo Sr Will'm Neuill D'ni de Audley. of Holt &c. Sr Alexander Neuill of Thornton- brige. St Andrew Neuill Lo.-Cicilia Da. & coh. to Raphe of Holt, Pichall & Blanchminster Lo. of Silly Rolleston. & St Mary Wike. 'Jolanus Neuill=Amphelicia Lady of iunior. Rolleston. Alice ux. St Geruice Clifton & after to Thurland. ì S' Raphe Neuill=St Rob't Neuill= of Condall. of Holt in Com' Leic. • Sr Thos. Neuill-Elizab. Da. of of Rolleston in Com' Nott. W™ Babing- ton Justice. ux. Knight. Mary ux. Disney. Maud Da. & coh. to La. Eua Gray. John mar. Anne Da. & hey of Mablethorp. n \ Da. & coh. to Sr Tho. Fencotts. Da. of Sr Raphe Lang- ford Kt. Neuill of Rol- ston & Holt. Will'm-Katherin Da. & hey. to Tho. Palmer of B Tho. Palm' ob. 3 Sept. 15. E. 4. Holt in Com' Leie. 22 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. | A Sr Wm Neuill of Thorntonbrige, made Jone. Knight 22 E. 4. Raphe Neuill of Thorntonbrige Esq'.- Raphe Neuill of Thor- tonbrige Esq. Jone 2 Da. & coh. ux. St John Constable. Sr John Con- stable of Halsham bis nuptus. w'out issue. William 2. Thomas 3. Clement Hen. Smith Shreif mar. and of Essex 1602. ob. 1612. died Da. & coh. Ward of Newby. S Sr Thos. Neuill. Da. of Greene of Essex. Neuill 4. Clara Da. & coh. to Rafe Neuill of Thorntonbrig. S Tho. Smith- als Neuill of Holt in Com' Leic. Henry Smith al's Neuill of Crissing temple in Com. Essex sonn and hr. B | Tho. Neuill of Holt in Com' Leic. will Will'm Neuill of Holt- in Com' Leic. 1 2 sans Tho. Smith 2=Mary =Francis Haruy Pen--Camilla A Da. son to St sole tioner 2 son of John Smith Da. Baron of thexchequer. John Haruy of Ike- worth in Suff. Da. of Vincent issue. Guierdin. and heyre. ton. Da. of Sr Nicholas Griffin of Braybroke. Da. of Tho. Lucy. g Sr Tho. Neuill-Katherin Da. of Holt to Sr Godfrey Liuing 1564. Foliamb. Da. of Willm. Smith. Elizab. Hough- Alice daur to Sr John Duc- combe Kt. Chancelor of ye Dutchy of Lancaster. Clara ux. Rob't Benloes, sonne of Sergt Benloes. Clement 5. Jane. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 23 Burdet Leic. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, on two bars or six martlets gules. 2. Azure, three lions passant in pale argent. 3. Gules, a lion rampant 4. Gules, a fess or between six martlets argent. CREST. A lion's head erased sable. ermine. Will'm Burdet fundato= Monast de Aucot in Com' Warw. temp. H. 2. Ric. Burdet de Loseby in Com'- Leic. ob. 10. H. 3. Ric. Burdet de Loseby ob. 16 E. 1. Will'm Burdet de Shepey in Com' Leyc. Joh'es Burdet de Loseby 20 E. 3 a quo Ashby de losby. Willmus. cæsus apud Nicholaus- Dundre in Scotia. 32 E. 1. Willm. Burdet de Loseby:: A 1 Joh'es Burdet de Shepey in Com' Leic. vide Plus in fol. 12. Ric. Burdet 12 E. 3. Will'm de Camvile 16 H. 3. Albreda fil. et her. Galfredi Marmion 4 H. 3. Will'mus de Camvile D'ns de Sekendon=Isend ux. eius. et Arow in Com' Warw. Willm's de Camvile sans date: Rob'tus D'ns manerij de Huncot com' Leic. ex dono patris dedit p'de'm maneriu' Rob'to nepoti suo et obijt s. p'le. 31 E. 1. Thom. Camvile de Sekendon 6 E. 1.- Rob'tus Burdet de-Elizab. fil. et her. Huncote in Com' Robti Garshull Leyc. 20 E. 3. de Ibstoke in Com. Leic. Huncote Rob'tus Burdet de Huncote= in Com' Ley. Robertus Burdet miles D'ns de Huncote ex dono patrui sui ob. 7 E. 3 1333. B Hugo Burdet 2 son. I Galfredus: Camvile 16 E. 1. Gerardus Burdet D'ns maner. de Sakendon et Arow ex dono parentu' sup'stos 20 E. 3. Felicia. Johannes Burdet Miles= 4-1 E. 3. Galfrid's Camvile de Clifton= Camvile in Com' Staff. Elizab. fil. et hæres Galfridi Camvil. с Will'mus Camville. Galfredus Camvile 6 E. 1. Matilda fil. et her. Guy de Brian ætatis 33. 2 E. 1. Will'ms Camvile de- Clifton. Elinora fil. Rob'ti soror et her. Joh'is Veal de Lodin in Com' Warw. Matild. fil. et hær.nupta Ric. Stafford de Pipe militis. ī Matilda fil. et her. ux. Tho. Ardern militis 15 R. 2. 24 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Agnes fil. et her. ux. Will'mi Shepey de Shepey 15 R. 2. John Burdet de Huncote= miles. 2. H. 4. Elizab. fil. et hær. ux. Humphr. Stafford de Graffon in Com' Wigorn militis. 2. John. Geo. 2 son. I Elizab. Blanch ux. Samborn. George. Thomas. cl Rob'tus Burdet natus apud Sekendon= Elizab. nata 21 E. 3. 1345 20. E. 3. Nicholas Burdet miles, magna Pincerna Normaniæ=Johanna consang. et her. Hen. Bruin p præfectus de Eureux cæsus apud Pontoise 18 H. 6 quam habuit ma. de Brancote in Com' Warw. vidu. 22 H. 6. 1139. 3. Will'm. 4. Osborn. Briget. Mary ux. Rici Frampton of ye middle temple. B John Burdet made Knight 4. H. S ob. 20. H. 8: Elianor ux. Katherin ux. Willerscotts. Tedley. 2 Agnes fil. Johis Waldif repu--Tho. Burdet de Sekin-Margr fil. - Rodney 2. Johes. diata p sententia' quia consan- don et Arow 23 H. G renupta Thos. guinia intra gradus nubilis. Decollatus 19. E. 4. Wodhull. 3 Rob'tus. Tho. Burdet of Bramcot. Briget Da. of Tho. Curson of Croxall in Darbish. Anne ux. John Bowes of Elford in Staff. Da. of Thomas Burdet miles 5 R. 2. 10— H. 6. Briget ma. to Tho Greisley son & heire of Sr George of Drakeley in Com. Derbie. M Thomas Burdet=Mary da. of Rob't Trockmorton Kt. 1 Elizab. 2 Anne. Rob't 2 sonne. Francis. Harewell. Elizab. I 2 Tho. presbiter. 3 Humphrie. Rob't Burdet Elizab. Da. of Sr Tho. son & hey. Cokaine Kt. of Darbish. 11 Anne. John. Rob't Burdet ob. 1601.—Mary Da. of Tho. Wilson Secritary to Q. Elizab. 2 to S Chr. Lowther of Comb'land. Į Thom. Burdet of Bramcott in Warwicksh. 1617. Jane Da. of Wm Francis Niece & hey to John Francis in Darbish. ux. Camois. Tho. Wilson=Agnes Da. of John Winter relict Wm Brook. Will❜m 4 sonne. | Francis Burdett son & hey. 2 Dorothy. 3. Jane. ætatis 7. A° 1617. Elizab. ux. Antho. Hutton son & hey. of Sr Will'm Hutton of Perull. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 25 Sewall son of Fulcher originall auncest" of this family of Shirley.= Fulcher 2 son rule of Sewall. Henry son of Sewall held 5 knights fees in Darbish. of Rob't Ferrers Lord of Titburye. Shirley. Sewall son of Henry held 9 knights fees of Wm. Erle Ferrers= in the dayes of K. H. 2. 1 Henry son of Sewall surnamed of Etingdon wher he first founded a Chauntrye in K. Johns tyme. Sewall son of Henry of Etingdo' confirmed the_Donation= of his father made to the Chauntry of Etingdon' 27 H. 3. Jeames sonne of Sewall surnamed Shirley,=Agnes Da. of Symon of Walton liued Aº. 15. E. 1. after Bishop of Norwich. Sr Raphe Shirley Kt. Lo. of the=Margt. Da. & coh. of Will'm Waldeshef manner of Shirley. of Boyleston. Sr Tho. Shirley Kt. son of Isabell sister to Rafe Lo. Basset Sir Raphe. of Drayton. Sr Hugh Shirley of Shirley Kt. he was Mr of the Falcons to K. H. 4 & was slayne in his parte at ye battell of Shrewsberie Aº 4 H. 4. Isabella ux. Sr 2. Elizab. John Cockaine of Ashbourn in com. Darby. Beatrix ux. John Brome of Bedesley Clinton in Com. Warw. 3. Nicholas. 2. Henry 2 sonnc of Henry. uxor Alice Sr Raphe Shirley kt. high-Johanna first Shreife of the County of Nott' & Derby Aº 9 II. 5 ob. ultra mare. wife Da. & sole hey. of Tho. Basset of Brailesford. Margt. first wife & hey. to Tho. Staunton of Stanton Harald in Lesto'sh. sist-Raphe Shirley Esq. whose 3 wife was Lucy Da. of John Ashton & wydow of Sir Ric. Birom. 1. Beatrix sister & sole hey. to Sir John Brewes Kt. R Elizab. 2 wife Da. of Sir Tho. Blount and sister to Walter Lord Montioy. E 26 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. John Shirley of Shirley & Staunto' in Com. Leycest'. 시 ​Elinor, Da. of Sr Hugh Wil- loughby of Woollerton in Com. Nott. Fran. Da. of Hen. Lord Berkley. Raphe Shirley Jane Da. of of Wistenston | Tho. Bell- in Sussex engham of Lemister in Sussex. Esq. for ye body to K. H. 7. Sr Raphe Shirley of Sherley & Stanton Jane Da. of Sr Rob't Sheffeild Kt. 4 in Leicest' had 4 wiues. wife after maried to Wm Hastings. Francis Shirley of Shirley & Stan--Dorothy Da. of John Gifford of Chillingto' ton Harold Com' Leicest'. in Staffordsh. wydow of John Congraue. Will'm Shirley of Wistenes- ton in Com' Sussex. с John Shirley of Shirley Jane Da. & sole hey. of Tho. Louet of Astwell Leyc. in Com. Northamp. Henricus Shirley-Dorothia filia 2 mil. Baronettus fil. et hær. sup'stes 1622. Rob'ti Dcue- reux Comitis Essexiæ. | Isabell ux. Anne Da. John of John Dawney of Shelley of Hampton. Michel- groue in Beatrix ux. Sussex Edw. Eld- first wife. rington of Hogsto'. George Shirley of Shirley & Stan--Dorothie Da. of Wroughton ton in Com' Ley. Liuing 1585 relict' Sr Hen. Umpton ob. 27 April 1622. s. p. Sr Richard Shirley was Lo. of ye mannor of Wist- neston in Sussex ob. 34. H. 8. Leticia filia unica ætatis circa quinq' annor' 1622. | | B | Mary Da. of Tho. Isley of Sundridg in Kt Esq. p'le. 1 Elizab. 2. Alice. 3 Sanche. Elizab. 2 wife Da. of Sr Ric. Guilford Kt. of the Garter. ob. s. p. Tho. Shirley 2 fil. miles Georgius. Maria duxit Maria' filiam Tho. Johannes ob. s. p. Harper de Rushall in Com. Staff. Ar. John 2 son. 4. Anne. 5. Margt. Edward 3 sonne s. Tho. Shirley of West Grinsted in Sussex 2 son mar. Eliz. Da. & coh. of Marmaduke of Glouces- tersh. Anne ux. Ric. Fernwold. Jane ux. John Dauney of Pet- worth in Sussex. Eliz. ux. John Lee of Fitle- worthie in Sussex. Cicely ux. John Elizab. ux. John Ledes. Michell of Stamer- ham. Alice ux. Tho. Chan- celer of Lindford. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 27 c ! Sr Thomas of Wiston in Sussex & Thresuro¹-Anne Da. of Sr Tho. Kempe by of the Warres in the lowe Countries was Catherine Cheny his first wife hey. Liuing Aº 1609. of Frowick. Sr Tho. Shirley 1 sonne Liuinge 1618. 1 Mary. St Anthoine 2 sonne now Lyuing in Italy but hath traualed most parts of Asia & Europe 1619. 2. Elizab. 3. Margt. Will'm 2 son ob. sine p❜le. Lawrence. ARMS. Three lozenges, each charged with a saltire (untinctured). John Lawrence of Katherin Da. & hey. of Dalton of the Lancash. Bishoprick of Durha'. Constance ux. Will'm Da. of Lampton of Bolses. Sr Rob't Shirley now Lyuing in Persia & hath maried the Sophi Neece he cam Emb. fro' ye great Sophi into England Anno 1608 & noblie entertayned. John Lawrence al's Dalton. Elizab. Da. of Tho. Killingham. Strang- wayes 1 wife. 4. Jane. 5. Anne. 6. Cicely. 2 Gang Elizab. Da. & hey. mar. to John Hutton of Hunwyke. Rafe Dalton-Jane Da. of of Westoke- John Red- land son & man of Twiselton. hey. Anne ux. Tho. Wrenne of Gil- lirow. Jane ux. Hen. Todd. 6 sonnes all ob. sine p❜le. 28 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Faunt. ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, a lion rampant between five cross crosslets filchéc gules. 2. Argent, two bars, and in chief three mullets sable. Or, a saltire sable, in chief a mullet for difference. CREST. A naked boy crined or, in the dexter hand a toy (paper windmill ?) of the last. Da. & hey. to Will'm Faunt Linially descended from ye Barons= Hardy in Ireland 18. R. 2. Moyne. Will'm Faunt buried at Ramsey Abbey of Wistow Da. to Sr Tho. wil in Huntingdo'sh. Moulton. John Faunt a Counceller of the= Da. & hey of Lawe ob. at Wistowe. Tho. Claruaux. John Faunt mar. the sister to Geo. Hide. ī Alice uxor Draper of Essex. 11 Mary ux. Geo. Kerkin of Hallend in Vincent ob. sine p❜le 1571. Barbara a Daught'. Sr Wm Feilding of Newna' in Com. Warw. sine p❜le. Anne Da. of Will'm Faunt-Jane of a man of Law of fosson in Com. Leic. ob. 1. Elizab. 1559 ætat. 63. Geo. Vin- cent of Peclcton ob. 7. Elizab. 2. Henry. 3. Anthonie. Will'm Faunt scruant to the— Lo. Poyninges buried at Winstow. ― ux. Dorothy Alice ux. Griswold ux. Humphrie John Hales Rodolph Purifoy of of Couentrie. Burton of Barwell. Linley. Mabill ux. to Henry son & hey. of Sr Edw. Has- tinges of Leicest' Abbey. Scot. Alice ux. John Clarvaux of Senton buried at Ramsey. Anthonie Faunt-Elizab. Da. of John of fossion ob. Andrew Noell Faunt. 1588. of Dalby. Sr Will'm Faunt of Fossion in Com' Leic' Kt. Lucy da. of Sr James Harrington of Ridling- ton in Rutl. Da. of Anthonie Faunt 3 sonne ob. at Wis- towes. Tho. Faunt ob. sine p❜le. John first sonne disinherited by his father & became a Monke at Ramsey. Will'm Faunt Wil ob. 1574 in Flanders in ye wares ætat. 27. Arthur 3 son ob. in Po- lonia 1591. 1 Thomas Faunt mar. Jane Da. of Tho. 3 sonne of George Vincent. Francis. Will'm ob. sine Faunt. p'le. | | Alice. Judith. Jane. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 29 Villers. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, on a cross gules five escallops or. 2. Sable, a fess between three cinquefoils argent. 3. Gules, a chevron between three cross crosslets fitchée argent. 4. Per pale gules and sable, a lion rampant argent. 5. Azure, a bend (untinctured) between six stars argent. 6. Argent, a cross vert, in the first and fourth quarters an annulet of the last. CREST. A lion rampant crowned (untinctured). Alexander= Villers. K Sr Hamon Bellers D'ns de Mowbray. Sr George Villers of Brokesby 17 E. 3. John Villers of Brokesby 6. E. 1. } Margt fil. & Alexander her. ux. Villers of Fuliambe de Brokesby. Darbish. Francis Villers miles. John Kirkby bishop of Ely & Lo. Mawde ux. Gil- Channcelor of England. nupta Robert Plumpton. Villers. Brokesby 15 R. 2. John Villers of Brokesby=Joane Da. & hey. 2 son 2. E. 3. of — Symon. John Villers Will'm of of Brokesby. Brokesby. Kirkby.- Sr Samson de Bellers-Emma Da. of Sr Walter de Sr Walter Howby K.= miles. Foleuile Kt. Rich. Villers called of Elizab. A Sr Will'm Kirkby 2 Ciceley. 3. Anne. bert de Howby. ob. sine p'le. Will'm Bellers. Mabell Da. of Rob't Sr Anthoine Howby= Aungeuile. Kt. Will'm Bellers de Kirkby. Hamon Bellers. Sr Anthoine Howby Kt. Richard Agatha Da. of Bellers. Sr Richard Vichan Kt. B Sr Richard Bellers Kt. James Bellers. Margt Da. of - Barnack. Sr Tho. Sutton. | | Alice Da. & 1 Antho. C hey. of Howby. 2. John sine p'l. Anthonie Sutton Page to H. 5 & bore his Armor in the Warres of France.- с 30 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Leonard Anthonie ob. sine p❜le. | | John Villers 12 ætatis post morte' patris. I John Villers of Brokesby ob. 4 H. 4.- 1 Frauncis. 2 Anne. | | G John Villers of Elizab. Da. of · Southwell Brokesby. of Eueringham. 1 Blase. A Will'm Villers de Brokesby ob. 20. E. 4. Elizab. ux. Sr John Butler of Higham in Com. Bed- ford Kt. Da. of Sr Edw. Griffin of Dingley 1 ux. 1 | Joane Da. & coh. of John Bellers. Audry Da. of—Sr Georg Villers-Mary Wm Saunders of Brokesby in 2. Wynifrid. of Harington 1 wife. Com. Leyc. Kt. ob. 1605. Add to My John Bellers.--Elizab. Da. of Antho. Sutton als Howbey. 31 21 4 | Margaret Priores Mary ux. Sr Ellin ux. W" Ruskin of Langley. de Melton Mowbray Leic. Thos. Billne. Sr John Villers of Brokesby ob. 22 H. 7. Agnes Da. of John Digby. Christopher Villers. 11 Will'm 5 sonne sine p❜le. Sr Will'm Villers of Brokesby. Anne Da. of Rich. Fines Lo. Say. Anne ux. Tho. Pinch- beck Kt. B Sr Edward Villers 2 Da. of Antho. Beamont 2 to Wm Reyner 3 to Sr Tho. Compton creat' Countess of Bucking by King James 1618. son mar. Barbara Da. of Sr John St John of Lidiard Wilts. Elizab. ux. of Sanford. 3 | Sr John Villers created Baron of Stoke & Vicount Paurbeck by King James 1619. Da. of Sr Edw. Cooke. GAD M Joan ux. Sr W Pickering. Thomas 4 sonne sine p❜le. 41 Sr Georg Villers Marquis of Buck & after Duke of Buck hee marr. Katherine sole da. & heire of Francis Mannors Earle of Rutl❜nd shee after marr. the Lord Donluer of Ireland. DI I Susan wife to Sr Will' Feilding of Newnam in Com. Warr. Earle of Den- bigh. Ε c | John ob. sine prole. Bartholmew Villers als Brokesby. Sr Christo. Villers 5 son. F THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 31 1 2 | George Villera Francis duke of Buck liueing 1640. I Mary wife of James Lord Stuard Duke of Villers. Lenox. Georg Villers of Brokesby Kt. Jane Da. of John Harington. 2. Will❜m. 3. Rob't. 4. Blast'. 2. George. sine p❜le. Basil Fielding 1 sonne-Ann da' of the James ob. lord Feilding of Newn- Earle of Port- ham Padox. land. sonne. Elizab. Da. of Edw. Villers 6=Joan Da. & hey. of Tho. Wake 1 Roos of Dowseby m. 2 to Dauid Cicell. ux. 1 Richard ob. sine p’le. 3. Richard sine p❜le. D| I George 2 sonn now Earle of Desmond in Ireland. George Villers Richard sine p'le. Elizab. ux. Edward 1 Dorothy. 2. Elizab. Clement Villers-Janne Da. of Tho. Saunders & sine p❜le. Waterhouse. son & hey. sist' to Sr Edw. Saunders. Anthoine ux. eius Elizab. John Lane of Kettering. Anna ux. Tho. Rigden of Chartham.: E Will'm Rigden of Dowseby. Mary wife of James Mar- quesse Hamilton Earle of Cambridge. Ann & Eliza- beth. Edw. Villers of Northampton-Sibell Da. of Turpin sister to Sr son & hey. George Turpin Kt. John Villers Esq. of Elizab. Da. of the Body. John Winger of London. F ux. francis Browne. Edward Villers ob. sine p'le. 32 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Purifoy. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Blank. 2. Argent, on a fess sable three escallops of the field. 3. Azure, three stirrups or. 4. Gules, a chevron ermine between three leopards' faces or. 5. Gules, three piles meeting in base or, on a canton sable a mullet argent. 6. Blank. 7. As second. 8. As third. 9. As fourth. 10. Quarterly, gules and or. 11. Or, on a fess gules three water bougets of the field. 12. Azure, a cross engrailed or. 13. Gules, a fess ermine between two chevrons or. 14. Paly of six or and azure. CREST. A dexter gauntlet erect, grasping a broken tilting spear in sinister bend (untinctured). 15. Blank. Will'm Purefoy de Minsterton in Com. Leycest. 20 H. 3 1275. Adam Wollesborow Kt. de Wellesbrough in Com' Leic.- Adam Wellesbrough.= Thomas.: Thomas 1 filius.- Johannes.- John Wellesbrough Esq¹ lo' of Wellesbrough and of Phennie Draiton did giue to Tho. Purifoy all his lands of Welles- brough and Phennie Draiton wt his Armes and a warrant to them both Aº 21 Ri. 2. Will'ms ob. s.p. Katherine ux. Tho. Purifoy. Will'm Purifoy de Minsterton. Mary Da. & coh. to Sr Henry Wenle of Warwicksh. Kt. Rob't 2 fil. 3 Ric'us. 4 Rad'us. Symon Purefoy de Minsterton 1277. Will'm Purifoy de Minsterto' 1283. Amis. Will'm Purifoy son & hey. 4 H. 4. A Phillip Purifoy of Newnam in Com. Warw. 1322.— Phillip Purifoy of Shelford in comitat'-Margaret Da. & sole hey. of Symon de Shelford Warw. E. 3. in Com' Warw. Will'm Purifoy of Newnham.: Thomas Purifoy son & Katherin Da. & hey. of Will'm Purifoy-Marian Da. & sole hey. of Allen hey. 6 Ri. 2. John Wellesborough of 2 sonne. Ayott of Shalston. Phillip Purifoy ob.-Elizab. Da. of sine p❜le. Brome. John Purifoy 2= sonne. B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 33 설 ​* This Will'm was slaine by Sr Hen. Willoughby at Bassets cros besides Tamworth in Com' War. the one being of the partie of K. H. 6 the other of Edw. 4. John Purifoy-Joane Da. of Sr John son & hey. Poultney of Minster- ton. Anne Da. of Tho. Wind- sor of Stokpoges in Com. Buck. Margery ux. Sr Will❜m Feilding Kt. of Sr John John Purifoy-Elizab. Da. of Shadeston in Com. Buck. Brome of Halton in Oxfordsh. 2 Will❜m. 3. Edward. Elizab. ux. Ric'i Knightley of Folleslay. Elizab. ux. Will'm Palmer of Stans- ton. A | * Will'm Purifoy son & Margaret Da. of hey. cæsus. Knightley. Da. of Tho. Chiben- hurst. + + Edward Purifoy of Kent son & hey. Joyce Da. & sole hey. of Georg Purifoy borne 13 Sep. 1555 ob. 1594. of Drayton ob. 1596. Margt ux. Catesby of Weshton. 111 Beatrix-Will'm Purifoy-Ciceley Da. of Thomas. John Good- | 4. John. Isabell ux. Sutton. of Holling- borne in Kent 3 wife Mary Da. of Wm Boys of Freduill. Nicholas Purifoy. Edward Purifoy-Anne Da. of Tho. of Shalston. Phetiplace. wyn of Winch- Edward. ington in Com. Buck. 1 George Purifoy son & hey. borne 1583. Will'm Purifoy 2 son of Brattes- hall 3 H. 8. ст Anne borne 10 July 1582. John Purifoy ob. 7 H. 8. Joane Da. of Wistowe in Staffordsh. 2 John. Nicholas. Charles sine p❜le. 111 Henrey. Thomas. Alice Da. of Tho. Denton of Cauersfeild. | 3 Thomas. Jane. Ꭰ B Isabell & Alice ob. sine prole. | | | Francis. Mary mar. to Tho. Thorne of Henry. Yardley in Com. Northamp. Richard. Elizab. natus 31 May 1581. Anne ob. si. p'. m. Puri. Nicholaus vallets Thomas Purifoy-Margerie Da. of Anth. Fitz- de Corona Regis 31 H. 8. Harbert of Norbury in Com. H. 7 ob. s.p. Darby. John. Michaell. Joyce wife of John Ruddings of Ard- bury. John ob. sine p❜le Jocosa. Katherin wife Katherin wife of George Staresmore. Joan 3 wife to John Staresmore of Froles- worth. Anne mar. to Wm Jaruis of Peteling. c 1 Dorothy monialis in Follesworth. Joyce filia & coh. ux. Edw.= Purifoy ob. 1594. 11 Isabell monialis in non Eato'. Raphe Purifoy son & hey, ob. 4 E. 6. 1 Will'm Purifoy-Elizab. Da. of — Sanders of Bed- 2 fil. worth. Anna Da. & hey. of Rich. Bingham of Whatnall in Com' Nott. Tho. Whetell George Purifoy 1563-Elizab. Da. of ob. 30 August 1593. of Shepey. Francis fil. George ob. sine 2. p’le. D | Michaell. Nicholas Purifoy of Cal- cot in Com. Warw. George Purifoy. Joice Da. & hey. of John Hardwick of Hardwick in Leicest'sh'. Vide plus. Nicholas Purifoy of Joan Da. of Geo.-Will'm Faunt of Drayton fil. et hær. Vincent of Pecleton. folston 2 Husban. Rafe Purifoy 2 sonne mar. Elizab. Da. of Bradshaw. Hugh Purifoy 3 son. Anne Da. of Perrin. Michaell Purifoy 3 sonne mar. Margery Da. of Nicholas Pichley of Nottingsh. 1 Elizab. 2. Frideswed. 3. Anne. Nicholas Anne wife to Hugh Purifoy. Kerchewall. 34 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 35 Purifoy. Will'm Purifoy. Marian. T John Purifoy 2 Phillip Purifoy buried in Badesley ob. sine p'le. sonne. Clemence Da. of Lidiard-Nicholas Purifoy of Shalston & Wydow of Eyre maried Katherin Da. of Ric. Broyesfeild. 2 wife. Isabell Da. & hey. of John Brome John Denton 2 husband. of Badesley in Warw. 3d-Alice Da. of John Denton 1 wife. Martyn Purefoy. Anne Da. of Rooke de Kent. A Simond Purefoy.=Barbara Da. of Will'm Dixwell of Churchouer. Susan mar. to Edw. Jenney of Suff. Thomas Denton. Anna wife to Sr Edward Greuill.: Isabell wife to Tho. Martyn Purifoy. Elizab. Da. of Reinold Goodwin Bishop of Bathe & Welles. Willm's brother to the Lo. Willm's of Tame. Sr John Greuill. Sr Foulk Greuill. | 2 Thomas. 3. Will'm. 4. Martin. 5. Simon. 1 Anne. 2. Elizab. 3. Jane. James Purifoy son & 4 Joyce. 5. Ciceley. hey. Aº 1601. Elizab. wife to Will'm Ackworth of Hernhill in Kent. Francis rector Eccl'ie de Ruckings in Kent. place borne in p'ua Shelford 16 July 1496 et ob. 3 Aug. 1568. Edw. Purifoy borne-Anne Da. of Ric. Pheti- at Effeild 13 Januar. 1494. et ob. 1558. B 36 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Al Richard ob. at Breast in Britanie. 1 Elizab. 2. Lucas. Anne. Diolata. Mary wife to Tho. Thorne of Yardley Hastings. 1 Susan a Nunne at Syon. Edw. Purifoy borne 13. Sep. 1555. et ob. 1594. Janill. Tho. Purifoy mar. the sister of Rich. Wayn- man ob. sine p'le son ob. sine prole. Brome of Halton. Anne Da. of Tho.=John Purifoy 1= Da. of John Windsor 2 wife. Rich. Purifoy= Da. of Pell 5 sonne sine wydow of Nich. Foxston. p❜le. George ob. sine p❜le. Joice Da. & sole hey. of Geo. Purifoy of Dray- to' ob. 1596. Elizab. nata 31 May. Elizab. Beatrix Da. & hey. of Tho. Cheselhurst wydow of Strelley 1 ux. sine p'le. B | Furtho of Furtho in Com' Northa'. Francis Purifoy-Anne Da. of Anthonie 4 sonne ob. 1564. Will'm Purifoy 2-Ciceley Da. of John sonne borne 10 of March 1519 ob. 1595. Goodwin of Winching- ton in Com' Buck. son 1601. John Purifoy 2 son Canonicus Thomas Purifoy 3-Blendina Da. of Tho. ædis Christiani Oxoniæ ob. Goodwin Bishop of sine p'le 1601. Bath & Wells. Anne Borne 10 2 Will'm. 3. Edward. 4. John. July 1582 1 Georg Purifoy son & hey. Borne 1583. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 37 Purifoy. Michaell Purifoy of Caldecot 2. son of Tho. Purifoy of Drayton. Joice Da. & Coh. of John Hardwick of Lindley in Com' Leic. 1 | 3 Margerie wife Rad'i Salis- bury of Ullesthorp. 21 Jane ux. Christ' Wright of Hop- pesford in Com. Warw. Katherin ux. Tho. Wightman of Bur- Bach in Com' Leicest'. 1601. 5. Francis ux. John Smalley of Carleton Curlow. Arthur 6 son Chancelor of Worcest' ob. sine prole. 4 | Dorothy ux. Michaell Bradshaw of Moorbarne. Tho. Purifoy 4 son mar. Elizab. Da. of Rob't Bradshaw of Moorborne. Robert 2 sonne. ux. Rob't Goodall. 11 Joyce ux. Tho. Susanna Michaell Holt. Purifoy. Janne. 1. Henry. 2. Humfrie. Will'm Purifoy-Katherin Da. of Caldecot of Sr Wm first son Aº Wigston in 1601. Com' Warr. Will'm Purifoy 1 son. Thomas slayne at Ostend 1601. 3. John. 4. Georg. Nicholas Purifoy. I 2 Rafe. 5. Will❜m. 6. Thomas. | | Mary ux. Mary ux. 1 Elizab. Bellers of Hen- ley. 3. Georg. 1 1 Katherin. John Purifoy 2 son mar. Isabell Da. of Rob't Brad- shaw of Moreborne. Katherina. || 3 Will'm Mary ux. Hen. Pollard of Tre- land Cornwall. 4. Francis. John Purifoy 2 son mar. Isabell Da. of Rob't Bradshaw of Moreborne. 2. Joyce. Mawdelin wife to Anth. Grey 2 Dorothy. 4 Edward. of Burbach. Alice. Elizab. 3. Anne. Humphrie Purifoy of Barwell 3 sonne ob. 1598 mar. Alice Da. Wm Faunt of Foston in Leicest'. 5. Nathaniell. Margt ux. Ric. Dall of Coli- neston. Francis Purifoy of Cal- decot. 1. Joyce. 1. Judith. Francis Purifoy 7 son mar' ye Da. of Langham of Coggeshall. 2. Susan. Geo. Purifoy of Woluershill 5 son mar. Jane Da. of John Dauenport. Elianor Da. of John Baskeruile of Curd- worthe in Warwsh. 2 Marg. Gamaliel son & hey. 38 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Mathew Wood- ford mar. Lucy Da. of Will'm Brokesby. Woodford et Turuill. Sr Hugh. Radulphus Woodford.= John 3 filius Duxit Mili. Fil. Thomæ Markham. wilr Will'm-Anna filia Simonis Rob't 4 fil. Wood- Norwich de ford. Brampton in Com' Thomas ob. sine p'. Northamp. Johanna. Johannes Turuill fil. et her. Johannis Turuill de Newhall ob. ætat. 22. - Margareta fil. & her. postea uxor Will'mi Turuill frater Johannis. Hubert. Sr Hugh Hubert Kt. Da. of St Thomas Corbet Kt. Sr Hugh Hubert of Stapleford Anne Da. of Thomas in Com. Leic. Kt. Brestofte. Robt. Sherard=Anne Da. & coh. of Stapleford. to Sr Hen. Hubert Kt. Walter Bar- nack. St John Hubert Kt.=Mary Da. of Tho. Walter Barnack.-Elianor Da. & hey. Ailesbury. of Borough. Sr Henry Hubert Kt.-Jone Da. & hey. of Walter Barnack. Mawde ux. S' Hughe Calueley Kt. Da. of Woodford. Mary uxor S Norman Swinford Kt. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 39 Palmer et Harecourt. ARMS. Azure, three fleurs-de-lis argent within a bordure engrailed or. John Palmer of Stonie Stanton in Com. Leyc.= Will'm Elizab. wife Palmer to Will'm ob. sans Purifoy of issu Bretts Hall by his wife. male. Christian ob. sans issu. Robert Palmer 30. H. 6. & 3. H. 7.—=Joan Da. & Cohei. of Will'm Brett of Bretts Hall in Com. Warw. Nicholas Palmer 35. E. 3. et 7. H. 4.: Michaell Purifoy 1601. mar. the John Palmer Lyued 17. H. 6.- Da. of Butler of... in Com. Warr. John Purifoy in Com. Warw. mar. the Da. of Perkins of Burton. ㅜ ​Will'm Palmer.= will Jane Da. & coh. of Will'm Palmer. Will'm Har- court of Bosworth in Com. Leic. mar. to Will'm Pochin. Mary 3. Da. ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, a chevron gules between three horseshoes sable. 2. Azure, three fleurs-de-lis argent within a bordure engrailed or. 3. Or, on two bars gules three water- bougets of the field, in chief an annulet of the second for difference. Anthoine Har-Dorothy Da. and court 28. H. 8. Nicholas George Harecourt Purifoy of Dodington in com. Leic. 2. son. George. Anthonie. Will'm Harcourt- Ao 1601. George Pochin coh. of John Hard- of Berkeby in wick of Lindley Leic❜tersh. in Leict'. Elizab. Da. of Hen. Leigh of Cater. Rushall in Stafordsh. Edward Harecourt. ux. Thomas 2. son Pres- biter. Da. of Shugborowe Anne. Dorothy. of Naseby in Northamp. 40 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Digbye. ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Azure, a fleur-de-lis argent, in dexter chief a crescent for difference. 2. Gules, a fess ermine. 3. Argent, on a bend gules three martlets or. 4. Argent, on a fess sable three mullets of the field between as many martlets of the second. 5. Ermine, on a bend (untinctured) three chevrons (untinctured). 6. As first. CREST. An ostrich argent, holding in its beak a horse-shoe (untinctured). Rob'tt Digby. Jane Da. of St James Bellers renupta Tho. Seyton. S' Will'm Dauers of Chamb' ho.=Anne Da. & hey. in Com. Oxon. of John Pury. T│ John Dauers Symond Digby=Alice Da. Euerard of Warrestock. Lieutenant of Digby. Marg Da. of Wm Hamton of Harwell. Elizab. ux. Tho. Caue of Stanford. the Towre temp. H. 7. Dorothy ux. Nich. Hubert of Ipsley in Com. Warr. of John Weles or Walleys. Anne Da. & hey. of John Dauers of Warre- stock. Λ ux. Euerard Digby-Agnes Da. of John Clerk Drayton. of Welby. relict Rob't Seddall. 1 Reignold Digbye of Cols- hull. S Libbes Digby mar. ye Da. of Hunt. St John-Katherin Digbye Da. of Kt. Nicholas Griffin. | | Thomas Digby. Will'm Digb. │1 Alice ux. Agnes uxor Clifton. Wm Tracy. ux. Mich. Strelley. I T Euerard Jaquet Da. Digbye & hey. of of Ketle- John Ellis bye. of Deuonsh. Elizab. ux. Humphrie. 1 T Jilian ux. S' Euerard feilding. K. │││ ux. Bowles. John Elis.- 1 Anne. || Rowland Digby mar. Agnes Da. & hey. of John Shilton. St Tho. Digby mar. Dorothy Da. & hey. of Tho. Oxenbridg. | | | | Symond 2 Libbes. Digby 3. Will❜m. 4. Thomas. 5. Perciuall. 2. Dorothy. 1 son. 3. Alice B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 41 G Ambrose Digby ætat. 54. 1582. Ꭺ. John Symon Euerard Margery Da. of John Digby. Heyton Knight. 2 son. 3. son. | John Digby-Anne Da. of S of Colshull. George Throck- morton Kt. St Rob't Digby ætat 8. 1582. Ellin ux. Wheler. Alice ux. Browne of Woodlands. 1 Elizab. ux. St Leger of Bokworth. St George Digby of Colshull Kt. ob. 1587. Abrigall Da. of Anthonie Heningham Kt. George Digby first sonne. Anne ux. St Will'm Skeuington Kt. Margt. Keleme-Anne Da. of Anthonie Digby. Anthonie Nicholson. Digby. Gregory 2 son. St John Digby ætat 6. 1582 Lord Digby-Beatrix Da. of Charles Walcot baron of Sherborne by K. James 1618. relicta St John Diue of Barksh. John 2 sonne. 1 Mary. Katherin ux. Fisher mother to St Clement Fisher. Keleme Digby 1 son. Abigall. Euerard Digby. Katherin ux. Anth. Meeres. I Euerard 3. sonne. B Phillip Digby. 1 Anne. 42 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Winter.) ARMS. Quarterly :—Sable, on a chevron argent between three tuns (untinctured) a chessrook azure; and gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four mullets or. ANOTHER COAT. Checquy or and sable, a fess azure. This erased, and at the top is written "Nihill.” CREST. A hawk close argent, holding in its dexter claw a fish erect or. Henry Winter of Worthington in Com' Leic.= Rob't Winter de Worthington.=filia English. George Winter of Northington=Anne Da. & coh. of John Hardwick of Lindesley in Com. Leicest. in Com. Leic. by the Da. of Laughton. Anne wife to Elizabeth wife to John Bowles John Crewker of Lincolnsh. postea to Tho. Bradbrig. Georg Winter son & hey. Edward Basker--Mary 1 Da. & uile of Carey- worthy. coh. of Edw. Winter. Ursela. Edward Baskeruile first son. Mary wife to Anne wife Swinfen to Tho. of Swinfen. Cockin of Holland. Edward Winter of Northing- ton. pington Richard. 1601. Humphrie Edward 2 sonne. 3 soune. (Repington.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, a fess dancetty crmine between six billets or. 2. Gules, a saltire or. 3. Gules, a crescent or. Will'm Repington of Armington.= John Re- pington 1 sonne. Katherine sist' to Sr Wm. Grisley Kt. Anna 2 Da. wife to Winter of Worcestersh. Francis Re-Maudes Da. of pington Ric. Cotton of of Arming- Ridware in ton. Com. Staff. I │ Letice. Joyce wife to Willing- ton of Hur- ley. John 2 son. Margaret. Will'm. Thomas Re-Francis Da. of Margaret wife to==S Clemt Fisher of Wm Stanford Justice of the Common pleas. Kendall of Smitheses in Darbsh. Packington in Com' Warw. 2 Husband. Ciceley uxor Rolandi Stockey de Leycest. C Katherin ux. Rob't Bur- ton of Lindley. Sr Rob't Fisher Dilkes. ton Kt. K. Edith a nun at Peles- worth. Anne Mary ux Sr Edward ux. Littleton of Pilling- THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 43 Symon Brasbridg of Kinesburie in Com' Warr. Richard Brasbridge.= Jane Da. of Tho. Mill 3 wiff. Joan Da. of Lucy 1 wife. (Brasbridge.) ARMS. Vair argent and sable, a fess gules. CREST. A staff raguly argent. Hellen wife to Hudson. Symon Brasbridg obijt ante Patrem.- John Brasbridge ob. 8 H. 8 mar. to his 2 wife Mary Da. to Sr John Browne Kt. Prudence Tho. Brasbridg ux. Golde. 5 son mar. Alice Da. of John Rugeley of Duton in Warwsh. Thomas Brasbridg ob. 11 of Elizab. mar. to his 3 wife Elizab. Da. of Georg Winter of Worthington. Hellen. Elizab. Da. of Sr Rob't Harecort K. 1 wife. I Edward. Richard. Anthonie Bras- bridg 3 son mar. Anne Da. of Tho. Corbyn of Holland in Warwsh. 〒 Joice Da. of Tho. Wilson 2 wife. Barbara. Dorothy. 1 Humphrie. 3. Henry. Anne. 2 Will❜m. 4. Edward. Will'm Crewker of Twiford in Darbish. Da. wife of Skipwith of Salthorp. John Crewker 1 sonne. John 2 son mar. Isabell Da. of Lawrence Whatley. 1 4 children. Elizab. Da. of Georg Winter of Worthingto' after to Tho. Brasbridg. Thomas 2 Richard. 1 Francis. 3. Elizab. 5. Florence. 5. Florence. Bras- bridg. 3. Henry. 2. Anne. 4. Jane. John Bras- bridg. Da. of Esse-William Bras- of Hayhell in bridg 1 son. Worcestsh. Anne Da. & hey. mar. to... Teuerey in Com. Nottingham. Mudwynam Da. of Rafe Burton of Tutbury. Anthoinc= Crewker 2 son. Simon-Hellen Da. & hey. to Antho. Crew- ker. Bras- brich 4 son. Susan Da. of Tho. Cotton of Cotton Bridg in Com' War. Margery wife to Willington of Harley. Elizab. Da. & hey. wife to Francis Beamont of Barrow in Darbish. Da. of Nethermill Cittizen of Couentrye. 44 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Bradshaw.) ARMS. Argent, two bends between two martlets sable. Hugh Bradshaw of Moorebarne in Comitat... Da. of Orme. Leicest. descended out of Lancash. John Bradshaw=... Da. of of Orton in Forster. Leic. wife to Wattes. Will'm 2 son. a Da. wife to Printoft. | Rob't Bradshaw of Moreborne 2 sonne. Michaell Bradsaw 1 son mar. Dorothy Da. of Michaell Purifoy & ob. sine p❜le. Richard Bradshaw.—. . . Da. of Colledg of Sted. Anne Da. of Glouer of Baxterley in Com. War. Da. ux. Cosby. Robert Bradshaw 1 sonne. George Brad-- shaw. • 1 1 Florence ux. Reines. Mary wife to Arthur Corbet of Da. ux. Halilford. 11 Rob't Bradshaw of Moreborne 2 son mar. ye Da. of Gibon of Sutton in Isabell ux. Colford Warwsh. John Purifoy. Purifoy. Thomas Wheathill sonne & hey.= Anna uxor Symon Whethill. George Bradshaw of Anne Da. of Rafe Burton Margaret mar. to Moreborne. of Lindesey. Jennings. Elizab. ux. Rafe | Dorothy. 2 Margaret. 2 Jane. (Whethill.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, on a fess or three mullets gules. (WHETHILL.) 2. Argent, a fess gules, in chief three mullets sable. (FLAUNDERS.) 3. Azure, a cross gules fretty argent. (SHEPEY.) John Whethill of Shepey in Com' Leic.- Richard Whethill 4 H. 4 & 13=Margt. Da. & Coh. of John Flandus of H. 6. Flandus in Com' Warw. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 45 John Whethill of— Shepey. Dorothy ux. Norwood of Woodstock. ! John Wheathill son & hey.= Thomas Whethill 2... Da. of Norton of sonne. Warr. Symon Wheatley son & hey. 1601. Richard Neele Justice of the Co'mon Bench 1 H. 7 buried at Prestwood in Leicest'sh. AT A Elizab. wife to George Purefoy of Drayton. Anne Da. of Rob't Bradshaw of Moore- borne. Richard Whethill son & hey. Da. & hey. of Billing of Donington in co' Oxford. Richard Whethill son & hey.—. Da. of Wriothesley of Staffordsh. A Da. wife to Goslinge. Anne 1 wife to Bostock 2 to Mountney 3 to Couper. (Neele.) ARMS. Quarterly:-Gules, three greyhounds' heads erased argent, collared or; and or, a lion rampant double queuée vert. Patrick Sacheuerell of Hopwell in Com' Derby temp. E. 1.= Sr Rob't Sacheuerell sonne & heyre.= William Sacheuerell son & heyre.= willi Rob't Sacheuerell sonne & hey.: B Will'm ob. sine p'le. Christia'. John Sacheuerell. Anne Da. of Roger Leeche. Will'm Slorrey of Slorrey in Com. Leic. T Raphe Sacheuerell. Jone Da. of John Curson of Keulso'. 46 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | B | Rich. Neele Christopher Neele Da. & heyre of Rafe-Will'm Tho. Slorrey. first sonne. 2 sonne. Sacheuerell. Slorrey. Robert Neele. of Prest- Alice Da. & hey. to John Sutton of Osbaston in wood. Com. Leic. Alice wife to ...of Marg. Ashby in Leic. Elizab. wife to Elliott. Georg Neele of Len magna 1602. Richard Neele A Da. wife to Hall of Gratford in Lincolnsh. A Da. wife to Mack- worth. Elizab. Da. of Will'm Slorrey. Anne wife to Geo. Vincent of Pikelton. 2 Will❜m. 4. Edward. 2 wife. Francis Neele. Jone Da. of Hall of Grantham. 3. Anthonie. Margt Da. of Bate- man of Busholk 1 wife. Winifrede sister to Sr Edward Cooke Lo Cheif Justice relict p. Mingay. Sr Euerard Digby of Tilton attainted. Richard Slorrey of Brampto’. Da. & hey. of Mulso of Gotehurst. Da. of Tho. Beamont of Thrinkston. Euerard Digby of=Mary Da. & hey. Tilton 1 Hus- of Fran. Neele. band. | 1 John Neele of Lyn magna in Leicest. Richard Slorrey ob. sine prole 1592. c | с A Da. wife to Wood of Tauley in Notting- ha'sh. Alice Da. of 2 wife. Edward. Francis. Will❜m Slorrey ob. sine p❜le. Samson Erdeswike of Sandon in Com. Staff. 2 Husb. 2 Francis. 1 Christian. Richard Erdiswike. Mathew. 3. John. 2. Mary. 4. George. 3. Elizab. Jane. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 47 (Brabazon and Woodford.) ARMS. Gules, on a bend argent three martlets of the field. Roger Brabozon of Spropton in Com. Leicester. Roger Brabozon sonne & heyre.= William Brabason.: John Brabason sonne & heyre.= Johannes Foleuille. Mabilla ux. ARMS. Barry nebulée of eight argent and sable, a canton William Wood--Jane Da. & hey. of gules; impaling per fess ermine and or, a cross moline gules. ford. John Brabason. John Woodford 9 E. 3.-Mabill Da. of John Foluile. Sr Rob't Woodford Kt. ob. 36 H. 6. Thomas Woodford died before his father. Raphe Woodford ætatis 26 Aº 34 H. 6.— Will'm Woodford obijt in=Anne Da. of Symon Norwich of Brampto' vita patris. in Com. Northampto'. Tho. Morton Nephew to John Morton Archbishop of Canterburye ob. 8. H. 8. ARMS. Quarterly ermine and gules, in the second and third quarters a goat's head erased argent, attired or. Cicilye. John Morton ætatis 18 9 H. 8. Margt Da. & hey. to Wm Woodford. Agnes. Hellen. Will'm 2 wh sonne. eius. Margery wife of John Turuill. 48 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. John Corbet Arthur Corbet of Wanlip first sonne. in Com' Leicestr. 3 son. Christopher Corbet of Leicest' & Rutland first sonne. Anne Da. of Wymark of Luffnam in Com. Rutland. 1 Rowland Corbet of Rutlandsh. James de Porte. (Corbet.) ARMS. Three crows (untinctured). Corbett of Ponsbury in Com. Salop.= sans issue. Arthur Corbet of Rutlandsh. Emmala Da. & coh. Mary Da. of Hugh Brad- shaw of Morebarne. Thomas 2 Roger Corbet 3 Humfrie Corbet of Londo' Merchant taylo' ob. sine p❜le. sonne sonne. Agnes Da. of Geo. Iuy of Haddam in Com' Hart- ford. Mary Da. of Tho. Cleark of Leicest'. Arther Corbet eldist sonne. (Porte.) ARMS. Argent, two bars azure, over all a saltire gules. Will'm Montacute.. Elizab. Da. Will'm & coh. Molins. Thomas de Port. Da. of Norton of Kent. Humphrie 2 sonne. Thomas Porte. Edward Cor- bet 2 sonne. Henry Porte of Shepshed in Com. Leicest. Da. of Higatt. Roger 3 sonne. ARMS. Or, a cross moline sable, on a chief of the last, three leopard's faces of the first. John Molins.: Henry Molins. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 49 7 (Brokesby.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, two bars nebulée gules, on a canton of the last a mullet or, pierced. 2. Sable, three dovecotes argent, in chief a mullet for difference. 3. Gules, a fess lozengy argent. 4. Or, on a bend argent between three torteaux as many bars azure. 5. Argent, two bars gules, in chief three torteaux. 6. Gules, a fess lozengy or. 7. Gules, three arches argent, their pedestals or. 8. Argent, a chevron between three eagles displayed gules. 9. Azure, a cross flory between four martlets argent. CREST. A boar's head couped at the neck gules, bristled or. John Brokesby of Sywolesby al's Sholey E. 3.= Will'm Brokesbye of= Sywoldesby. Henry Brokes--Editha Da. of by sonne & hey. Brasebridge of Kines- brough in Com. War. Alice Da. of Sherley of Staunton. (p-173) 1. wife. Emma Da. of Miles of Darbish. Emma ux. Tho. Robert Brokesby. Thomas Sapcott of Burley in Com. Rutland. Ric'us. Rob't Brokesby (p. 201) 2 sonne. Sr Rob't Plesington Treasuro" of= thexchequer. Barkeley of Wymondham. zillm SAPCOTT wife cosin & Da. & hey. to=Will'm Brokesby. Anne Sr Morice John Francis. Isabell = (2) SIR RICH- Staunton 2 wife in Com. Leic. hey. to Wm Ple- sington. will Will'm Brookesby fil. & hær. to Wal- cott. Sr Humphrie Plesington Kt. William ob. sine p'le Willie 36 H. 6. Barkley Knight. JOAN Isabell Da. & hey. to Will'm Plesington potius John Francis. Jane ux. Rog Flower of Rutlandsh. Humphrie Bartholomew Brokes- Robert Brokesby of Brokesby. by 2 fili's. Shollesley Aº 1563. Edward Brokesby Ellin fil. Will'i D'ni Vaux sonne & hey. de Haroden. Winifrid filia et Cohær nupta Francisco Inglefeild Filio et her. Francisci Englefeild Baronetti. Anthonie Brokesby-Anne Da. & Cohey. to Tho. of Shollesley. Sapcotts de Berley of Leicestsh. John Plesing- ton 2 sonne. Margt ux. to Strelley of Notting- hamsh. Francis Brokesby. Dorothy Da. of John Congreu' de Com' Staff. Dorothea fil. Will'i Wiseman de Broadok de Com' Essex militis. Maria filia et alter Cohær. H 50 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Vincent.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, three quatrefoils argent. (VINCENT.) 2. Barry nebulée of six sable and or, on a chief argent three birds of the first. (GRIMS- BY.) 3. Argent, a chevron between three boars' heads erased sable, within a bordure engrailed gules. (VULLIS.) 4. Argent, a cinquefoil azure. (MOTON.) 5. Or, three piles meeting in base gules, a canton vair. (BASSET.) 6. Or, a fess gules. (COLUILE). 7. Or, fretty sable each of the joints charged with a cross crosslet fitcheé argent. (CHAMPAINE.) 8. Or, on a fess sable three waler bougets argent. (Bugge.) CREST. A demi-ram rampant couped sable, attired and collared or. Thomas Grimsby of Dracklowe.= Will'm Grimsby of Anne Da. & coh. of Reinold Dracklow 38. Moton of Pickleton in Com' Leicest. H. 6. | Anne Da. George Vincent of of Pickleton in Com' Leic. ob. 7 Eliz. ætat 80. mar. to his 2 wife ye Da. of Barnard s. p❜le. Will'm Slorey 1 wife. Rich. Vincent of Messingham-Anne Da. & hey. to Will'm-Rich. Waterton in Com. Lincoln 20. E. 4. Grimsby of Dracklowe. 2 husband. Peter 1 son ob. sine p'le. Phillip Vincent 2 sonne. Da. of Eyre of Yorksh. relic Hatfeild. • sonne mar. the Da. of Will'm Salisburie. Ī Da. of Harecourt. Da. of Coles Richard Waterton.= in Com' Northamp' 3 wife. George Vincent. Rob't Vincent 6 Anthonie 5 Tho. Vincen 2 sonne. son mar. Alice Da. of Faunt & ob. sine p❜le. Jane wife to Francis Caue of Kelby in Com. Leic. Elizab. wife to John Montgomory of Cubley. Joane Da. & hey. Richard Euerard of Shen- ton in Com' Leic. ARMS. Argent, on a chief gules three mullets of the field, within a bordure sable bezantée. Rich. Euerard of Shenton 1601. Da. of Butler of Aston in Com. Northamp. Da. of Forman of Marston in Darbish. Jane first mar. to Nicholas Purifoy after to Faunt of Foston. Richard Vincent. Rob't Vincent. Nicholas Vincent. Jane ux. Tho. Faunt. A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 51 Clemen Vincent 3 son mar. ye Da. of Tanfeild of Gaiton in Brian Vincent. Gilbert Vincent 4 son mar. ye Da. of Abney of Willey in Com. Darby. Ī 2 George. 3 Francis. a Da. wife to Lane. Al Mary wife to Edward Vincent of Pickleton Francis Stares- in Com' Leic. more of Margt Da. of Tho. Babington Frolesworth in of Rotheley in Leicest'sh. Leicest'sh. T Will'm Vin--Da. & hey. to Vin- Nicholas. Thomas cent A° Vincent. cent of Smeton in Yorksh. 1601. Marmaduke Vincent son & hey. Henry Elizab. John Wheatley of Brom- Castell Bromwich Aº 29 E. 3. wich. George & Anne. Isabell Da. of Hen. de Bromwich did release Elizab. & John Wheatley of all her right in Castle Bromwich Aº 34. E. 4. Richard Chambers of Gadesby. Chambers. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Ermine, a fess chequy or and gules. 2. Sable, guttée d'eau, on a canton argent a mullet of the first. 3. Gules, a fess between three birds or, within a bordure engrailed of the last. 4. Gules, a chevron between three towers or. CREST. Out of a coronet or, three holly leaves vert. “WHEATLEY. Ar. on cheif gu. 3 garbs Ar.” Thomas Dannet de Com. Leycest. Will'm Wheat- Will ley Aº 5 H. 4. Sabeian Staresmore. Jane wife to Rob't Wright of Sutton. Elizab. Da. of Barthol--Will'm Chambers mar. to mew Villers sine 2 wife ye Da. of Mallowe of Walton s'ne p'le. p'le 1. wife. Thomazin Da. & hey. to--John Dannat of Leicestersh. proued by Euidence Wm Wheatley. Dat. ye 4 of Octob. Aº 1. E. 4. A Margaret Da. of Will'm Skeirshall Kt. Lo. Cheife Justice of Engl. Sr Will'm Agnes Da. & Dannet wh coh. of Allen Kt. of Deuon. Ellinor Da. & Coh. of John Dannat Elizab. wife to Jobn of Gatesby Leic. Bedford al's Sandey. his... Da. of Lathberye of Darbish. 3 wife. ARMS. Barry of 6 A. b. on canton or, a v. sa. 52 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Rich. Chambers eldist=... Da. of Ashbie Will'm Chambers Da. of Ashbie Will'm Chambers —Barbara Da. of son ob. sine p❜le of Leicest'sh. of Gatesby ob. Will'm Pochin 1558. 1558. of Leicest'. Will'm Chambers eldist son ob. sine p'le 1564. (Draper.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, on a fess between three annulets gules a mullet of the field between two covered cups or. 2. Argent, on two chevrons sable between three escallops vert, six martlets or. 3. Ermine, on a chief azure three lions rampant or. 4. Ermine, a fess chequy sable and argent. CREST. A dexter arm couped at the elbow erect, vested vert, slashed argent, holding a covered cup or. John Draper of Flintham in Com' Nottingh. Tho. Draper of=. . . Da. & hey. of John Agar by the Da. & Flintham. hey. of Urswick. John Chambers son & Mary wife to John Elizab. hey. ætat. 26. 1575. Barnes. Tho. Draper of... Da. of Kettlebye. Flinthamp. ARMS. B. X ragule betweene 4 (martlets) Ar. John Draper of Mel-=. . . Da. of Robert Draper 2=Elizab. Da. & Coh. to John ton Mowbray in Gunston. Fifeild al's Lowe of Com. Leicest. Camerwell. sonne of Camerwell. Mathew Draper of Sence Da. of Black- Benet ux. John Elizab. uxor John Camerwell. well of London. Fromond. Boweyr. Tho. Draper of Melton Mow- bray. ד: Will'm Draper. John Draper of Rob't Melton Mow- bray 1591. Drap'. Sr Christopher Draper-Margaret Da. of maior of London Hen. Greene of 1567. ob. 1580. Essex. Bennet wife to Sr Will'm Webbe maior of London 1591. Briget wife to Stephen Woodroffe. Anne wife to Sr Wolstan Dixie maior of London 1586 ob. 1593. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 53 (Turvile.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, three chevrons vair. (TURUILL.) 2. Argent, a maunch azure. (FLAMUILL.) 3. Or, on a fess sable three water bougets argent. (BOUGGE.) 4. Gules, three lozenges between six cross crosslets fitchée argent. (FOUCHER.) 5. Vair argent and sable, a canton gules. (CHAMPAINE.) 6. Blank. (STANTON.) CREST. A dove close proper, holding in its beak a branch of olive slipped vert, fructed with three olives or. Turuill. Flamvill. Nicholas Turuill. Hugo Turuill= 28 H. 3. Adamus Turuill de Thurlaston 44. H. 3. ARMS. Gules, three chevrons vair. Ricardus Turvill= miles 20. E. 3. A Rogerus Turuill. Henricus Johannes Flamvill. Flamville. Rad'us Turuill de Normanton 43. H. 3. Hugo Turuill 20. E. 3. Thomas Flamvill & Wms Flamvill de Aston Testes Chartis sans date. Rad'us Turuill Rob'tus Flamvill miles- Benefactor 8 E. 3. Abbatiæ ARMS. Argent, a Leicestriæ. maunch azure. Will'm Flamvill: miles 37. E. 3. I B Hugo de Champaine. | Nicholas de Champaine de Thurlaston. 1 Sr Rob't Champion Kt. 8 E. 3.= Sr Rob't Champion de Champion Kt. 34 E. 3.= ARMS. Or, fretty sable each of the joints charged with a cross cross- let fitchée argent. CREST. A demi-mermaid erased proper, crined argent, holding in the dexter hand a looking-glass (untinctured), and in the sinister a comb or. | | Rob't Fowcher mar. Cicelye sister to John Francis of fowark. 1 3 Auis. 1. Jane. 2. Marion. 4. Alice. 11 Rob'tus =Margareta fil. Rogeri St Champion. Loo D'ns de Thurlaston et Wigingston. Edmond Fow- cher of Cotton. John Foucher of Egging- ton. Rob't=Margt sist. & hey, to Will'm Champ- Fou- cher of Cham-ton. pion. C | | Will'm ob. sine p❜le. Elizab. wife to Edw. Hardwick. 54 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A Rad'us Turuill= de Norman- ton Aº 16. R. 2. Ric'us Turuill de. Normanton. Ric'us Turuill Wm. Flamvill= de Aston miles. de Norman- ton 19 R. 2. Francis Turuill. Hugo de Turuill de Normanton.= Nicholas Turville de Normanton.= bd B Ellin Da. to Sr John Ferrers of Tam- worth first wife. Rad'us Bouge d'ns De Bengham in Com' Nott. Clipson,= Coderam, Kenelton & Oldthorp. ARMS. Or, on a fess sable three water bougets argent. CREST. A bat displayed argent. Da. & hey. of Wm. Wm. Bouge. Richard Bouge. Thomas ob. s. p. Edm. Bougge of Felix Da. of Hen. Brokesby. Flamvill. Champion. D Matild. Richard ob. s. p. Rob't ob. s. p'le. Ric'us Alice Da. of Bouge. Bertram. Ric'us Turville de Normanton Turuills in Margaret fil. et her. Baldwini Bouge-Reignold Molton Com' Leicest' Ar. ob. 2. H. 5. relict Tho. Eueringham. 1 Husband. Will'm. Will'm Turuill ob. 33. H. 6. Elizab. sister to Sr Rob't Foulehurst Kt. Galfridus Bougge=Margt Da. & hey. to Rob't Foucher. 2 sonne. E c Baldwinus Bouge de Elizab. Da. of Sr Edw. Mulso Kt. postea Thurcaston. nupta Sr Rob't Motton Kt. John Turuill son & hey.=Katherin Da. & Coh. to Tho. Stanton of Sutton Bonington in Com' Nott. Sr Will'm Turuill of Joan Da. of Sr John Thurlaston Kt. Warberton Kt. of 26. H. 8. Artley 2 wif. Agnes wife to Tho. Rowleston. Baldwin Bouge ob. 14. H. 6. s. p❜l. Mary wife of Nicholas Bradborne. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 55 John Turuill of=Mary_Da. of Thurlaston eldist sonne. Tho. Fendern of Fendren in Darbish. Galfridus= Turuill. Elizab. ux. D Frances. Katherin. 11 lington. Will❜m Turuill ob. Mary wife to Waldron. Anne wife sine p❜le. = to Swil- Elizab. Da. of Sr Humphrie Brad- borne Kt. | 1 Rob'tus 4 son. Richard Turuill of Thur--Jane Da. of Tho. laston et Normanto' Babington of Rod- Jasper 5 son. Turvile sup'stes 1563. ley in Leict'sh. Georg Turuill mar. Elizab. Da. of Tho. Bridges. E Ambrose 2 Katherin. Soward Turuill of Turuill. Thurlaston in Com. Leyc. 1601. 3. Dorothe. Elizab. wife to Sr Hump. Bradborne of Darbish. Kt. Mary ux. Gill. Henry Turuill 1 sonne. John Turuill. Henry Turuill sonne & hey. ARMS. Gules, a chevron vair between three mullets argent. Ellin Da. of Hugh Armestrong of Nottinghamsh. Thomas ob. sine p❜l. Da. of Hinde of Cam- bridgsh. 2 wife. Georg Turuill of Aston Flamuill. Anne Da. & Coh. of John Martin of Poole house. John Turuill of Woluey 2 son. - Henry Turuill=Anne Da. of 1601. Cooke of London. | │ 3. Georg. 6. Raph. 2. Thomas. 7. Francis. | 1 Dorothy. Georg Turuill-Anne Da. of Aston Flamuill in Com' Leic. Ellin ux. Bicker- ton. | Hugh Turuill. Jane ux. Bate. Wright of Noneaton. Tho. Turuill=. . . Da. of 2 son. Margerie ux. Malory postea Cleyton. l Francis. 1 Martha ux. Georg Jane ux. Charles Blunt of Osbas- Gunter of ton. Berksh. of John Sheldon of Shel- don. Margt. Elizab. uxor Alcock of Oxfordshere. 56 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Kebell.) ARMS. Quarterly:-Barry nebulée of six argent and sable, on a canton gules a crescent (untinctured); and gules, a chevron argent between three eagles dis- played (untinctured). CREST. A demi-eagle with wings displayed argent, gorged with a bar gemel gules. Walter Kebell de Humerston in Com'-Milicent filia Thomæ Hasilrigge de Leic. in hund' de Goscot. Noseley in Com. Leic. Francis Kebell filius et hæres.= Henry Kebell of Homerston in Com'―Jane Da. of Edw. Griffin of Dingley Leic. ob. 9. May 1571. in Com' Northampto'. Elizabeth ætat 11 1571. filia... Sacheuerell de Com' Darb. Margarett ætat 10 1571. (Burton.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Azure, a fess between three talbots' heads erased or. 2. Or, three mullets gules pierced. 3. Argent, a bend sable between three pellets. 4. Azure, an eagle displayed or. 5. Gules, a saltire engrailed between four mullets or. 6. Or, on a chief sable three griffins' heads erased argent. 7. Or, two bends gemelles sable. 8. Argent, a fess gules, in chief three mullets sable. 9. Gules, three eagles displayed or. 10. Vair argent and sable, a chevron gules. 11. (Field untinctured) fretty, each joint charged with a cross crosslet (untinctured). 12. Gules, on a bend or, three garlands vert. CREST. On a mount vert, a beacon argent, cresset sable, ladder or, inflamed proper. Sr James Burton of Titbury in Com. Staff. Kt. Scutifer to K. R. 1. ㅜ ​John de Burton.= Oliuer de Burton.= Adam de Buton 2. E. 1. & 14. E. 2.: A Nicholas de Burton de Titbury 14-Joan Da. of Creucure of Titbury. E. 2 & 12 E. 3. ARMS. "Or + unde g." THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 57 A | Will'm Burton of Titberie=Mawde sister & hey. to Tho. Curtois of Titbery. 23. E. 3 & 7. R. 2. ARMS. G. 3. (stars) or. will Richard Burton of Titbery=Matild sister to Rob't 7. R. 2. Gibon of Titbury. Will'm Burton vexillarius Regis=Elizab. Da. & Coh. to Tho. Cotton 39. H. 6. of Cotton. E. 4. Dorothy ux. Willnes of Milborne. Raphe Burton maried 18. E. 4=Elizab. Da. of Phillip Ockouer buried at Titbery 3. H. 8. of Ockouer 16. H. 8. Mudwynne ux. Fawde William Creueker of 1. wife. Twiford. Thomas Burton 2 sonne. Will'm Burton Anne Da. of Bols- ton of James died Will'm. Edward at Louayn sine Thomas. p'le. sine p❜le. Oliuer Burton Seneshall of the honor of Titbury. James Burton of Elizab. Da. Lindesey in & coh. of Com. Leic't. John Hard- mar. 36. H. 8. wick of buried at Higham. 1 son ob. sine p'le. Raphe 4. son. Raphe Burton of Lindesey mar. 14. Elizab. Rob't Burton of Lindesey maried 35=Kattherin Da. of Will'm H. 8 ob. 5. May buried at Higham. Ripington of Armington. Mary wife Lindsey 24. to John H. 8. Wakefeile. Katherin wife to Milles. George Burton Rob't Burton Anne wife to 3. sonne. Geo. Brad- of Fawde in Com. Staff. shaw of Morebarne. Dorothy Da. of Will'm Faunt of Foston. Mary & Frances ob. sine p❜le. 1 Katherin. 3. Elizab. 2. Mary. 4. Jane. I 58 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. | Symon Motton. Henry Motton Archdeacon of Stowe 8. E. 3. Alaine Motton 6. H. 5. Moton. ARMS. Argent, a cinquefoil azure. Alexander Moton of Picketon in Com' Leicest'. William Motton: Rob't Motton Sara ux. filia & heres. Will'm Mottou of Congerston, Stapleto 6. E. 1. & 10. E. 2. A Raphe Motton 37. H. 3. 13. Sr Rob't Motton Knight=Alice Da. & coh. to Raphe 40. E. 3. Basset of Sapcotts Sr Will'm Agnes ob. Motton Kt | 17. R. 2. 14. R. 2. Henry Motton 37. H. 3. Will'm Molton of Pickleton & Stapleton 4. E. 3. Ju Julian ux. eius. Sir Will❜m Mallorye Kt.= ARMS. Or, a lion rampant gules. I Roger Malory 2 sonne. John Malory Sr Antikell Malory of Kirkby Malory in Com' Leic' Kt ob." ante patrem 17. Ri. 2. B Tho. Malory 1 son. 10. E. 2. Elizab. Da. & hey. uxor John Fenton. Alice Da. & hey. of John Driby relict Rafe Basset 17. R. 2. ARMS. Canton, 2 cinqfoiles gu. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 59 John Motton 17. R. 2 A | Elizab. widowe of Edm. Bugge=Sr Rob't of Thurlaston & Da. of Edm. Mulso of Thingdon in Com' Northamp. Anne a Nunne at Grace diew in Leicest❜sh. Hauise wife to Thomas Beaumont. Thomazin ux. George Bea- mont of Thruston. John Beamont= Edward Motton ob. sine p'le 1 H. 8. Motton Kt ob. 34. H. 6. Katherin. Sr Rob't Motton-Phillip Da. & hey. to of Pickleton Kt. ob. 13. H. 7. Willoughby of Kenes in Leicest'sh. renupta Tho. Haruy. Margery Da. & Coh. to Sr Ansitill Malory. 1. wife. ob. 22. E. 4. Will'm Mutton=Daught' of Hare- court of Bosuorth in Leicest❜sh. John Lo. Harington of Exton ob. sine p'le. Anne wife to Tho. Ashbye of Losbie. B | | Beatrix ux. Sr John Bagot of Blifeild in Com' Staff. Kt. Reignold Motton ob. 23. H. 6. Sir John Harington-Elizab. Da. & hey. to Sr Rob't of Exton Knight. Motton of Pickleton Kt. Lucy wife to Edw. Erle of Bedford sine p'le. | Elizab. Anne Da. & hey. wife to Will'm Grimsby of Dracklow. 38. H.6.= Margaret sister and hey. to Bald- wyn Bugge. Will'm Malory 2 son. sine p❜le. Sr James Harington of Lucy da. of Sr Will'm Exton Kt. Sidney Kt. John Lo. Harington of Exton ob. 1613. Anne Da. to Rob't Keloway of Cornwall. Elizab. wife to Rafe Poole of Radbourne ob. 7. H. 7. Sr Thomas Malory 1 sonne. Alice wife to Rich. Vincent of Misingham. Margery wife to William Purifoy of Sherford. Francis wife to Sr Rob't Chichester of Rayley in Com' Deuon Kt. of the Bath ob. 1615. 60 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Beamont.) ARMS. Azure, a lion rampant between five fleurs-de-lis or. CREST. An elephant (untinctured) trapped or, surmounted with a tower (untinctured). Thomas Beamond Lo. of Brackwell 2 sonne to John Lo. Beamont. Da. & Coh. to Will'm Marrow. Thomas Beamont 2 son. ARMS. Or, a lion rampant sable, a chief gules. Thomazin Da. of Wm Motton.=George Beamont son & heyre. Joane Da. & hey. of Pancefoote. John Beamont 2 sonne. Isabell Da. of=John Beamond Lawrence Mr of ye Dutton of Rolles. Dutton. Elizab. Da. to Wm Hastinges, son to the Lo. Hastings. Will'm Beamond of Colhorton 1 son. Mary Da. of Sr W'm Bassett Kt. Dorothy wife to Rigmeden. Anne wife to Tho. Ashbye of Losby. Will'm Ashby of Georg Ashby. Losby mar. Dorithy Da. of Tho. Minors. | John Beamont of Brokwell. Joane Da. to Wm. Henry Beamont 3 son. 11 Elizab. to Will'm Lo. Vaux of Haronden. Elizab. ætat. 9. Jane wife to Robert Brookesbie. Francis ætat. 13. Francis Beamond Justice of the Com'on pleas. Anne Da. of Sr Geo. Peirpoint Kt. John Bea- mond ætat. 14 1598. Henry Bea- mond son & hey. ætat. 17. 1598. Edw. Beaumond 2 son. I A Will'm Beamond ob. sine p'le. & hey. of Rich. Clarke. Rich. Bea-Collet Da. mond of Colhor- ton. Nicholas Bea-Anne Da. of mont of Colhorton in Leicest' ob. 1585. Wm. Saunders of Welford in Com' North- hamp. Anthonie Beamond 2 sonne. Mary 1 wife to Sr Geo. Villers 2 to Reinger 3 to Sr Tho. Compton. George Beamond of Kent. | || Thomas. Henry. Marg❜t. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 61 A | Huntindon Francis Beamont Sr Henry Beamont of Colher--Da. & hey. of Lewis Sr Tho. Beamont of Staug--Katherin Da. & hey. of ton in Com' Ley. ob. 1607. Farnham of Staugham. Beamont. 2 sonne. of London. ton Kt. 3 sonne. } 2 sonne. Will'm Beamont Thomas Beamont sonne & bey. Knight of Cole Orton in the countie of Leicester A° 1619 maried Elizabeth dau'r and heire to Hen. Sapcote of Elton in co. Hunt. | Henry ætatis. 4. Sapcote Beaumont son & heire æt. 6. Anne uxor John Dillon of fard- ringhay. Isabell uxor Hugh Snowse of Belton in Yorksh. Thomas ætatis. 2. Thomas 3 sonne. Tho. Beaumt fil. et hær. æt. 11 1619. Robert ætatis. 1. John Ashborn- Mary maried to Richard Francis ux. Sr Elizab. uxo' Sr Paramour de Loseby in Com. Leic. Wolstan Dixie Kt. ham Kt. 11 Thomas. Anne. Jane s. p. Hen. Beamont sonne & heyre mil. duxit Elizab. fil. Willi' Turpen de Knoptoft in Com' Leic. militis. | 1 Elizabeth. Katherine. Farnham Beaut- mond 2 sonne. 2 Willm's æt. 9. 3. Henricus. 7. 1 Elizab. 6. | 1 Frances. Maria. | Elinor. Elianor. Jane uxor Wm Tempell of London Merchant. 2. Fran. 4. 62 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Humphrey. ARMS. Quarterly :-Gules, a cross bottonée argent quarter pierced of the field and charged in each end with three escallops sable; and azure, a bend between four leopards' faces or, a crescent for difference. CREST. A harpy, argent, crined or, with wings displayed of the last. Peter Humphrey Elizab. widow of Gastangs of Barton gaue Barton to her son John. of Cirencester. who John Humphrey of Barton in Eliano" Da. to Sr Will'm Vaulx. Com' Northamp. of Harendon. Sr Peter Humphrey of Cirencester= in Com' Gloucest'. Wi Will'm Humphrie-Mawde Da. of Sr Ric. of Barton. Knightley of Fawsley. Elinor 1 wife to Wm Stafford of Totton in Com' Buck. 2d to Sr Edm. Ashfield K. Elinor mar. to Tho. Babington of Temple Rotherley in Com' Leyc. Audrye mar. to Ric. Har- uey of Shen- ton in Com' Salop. Isabell Da. of Stanley; widow to Will'm Tan- feild of Britton. Rich. Hum--Mary Da. phrey of Barton 1 sonne. of Sir Will'm Lane of Norton Kt. - П 1. Anne 2. Theodosia. Edward 2 sonne. Richard 3 sonne. will: Will'm Hum-Jane Da. of Tho. phrie of Linne of Bassing- Barton. boure in Com' Cantabrigiæ. Richard Humphrie of Barton. -Jane Da. of Rob't Par- sell of Bed- ford. Sir Tho. =Mary Da. Humphrie of Shipson in Com' Leyc. of Wm Meringe of Meringes in com' Northam. Nathaniell Humphrie son & hey. John Humphrie 2 son mar. Margaret Da. of Rous of Worces- tersh. Anna uxor Tho. Pagi de Wol- graue. John 1 son. Edw. Humphrie. Mary wife of Malorye of. Zacharias 2 sonne. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 63 Pace. Hugh Houghton de Houghton in Com' Leyc.— Will'm Cobley.=Alice Da. & hey. to heugh Houghton. John Pace. Margaret Da. & hey. Tho. Pace Bishop of Bangor. Thomas Pace. Elizab. Da. of Touchbourne of Hampshire. John Pace of ... in Com'-Alice Da. of Ric. Leyc. E. 4. Reade. Prestwich. Sir Roger Prestwith (Perwich) of Lubenham in com' Leic.- Will'm Prest-Da. of Sr Tho. with eldist Poultney. sonne. Alice Pace. John Prestwith of Lubenham in com' Leicest. Elizab. Da. of Woode. John Digby. Tho. Prest- wich 2 sonne. Will'm Digby Rose Da. & hey. Symon Digbie. Edm. Prest- wich 5 sonne. Mary Da. of Clinton. Richard Prest- wich 4 sonne. Alice Da. of Gifford of Twi- ford. Will'm Perwich. Maude Da. of Caue. Edm. Perwich only sonne. 64 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Dannet.) ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Sable, guttée d'eau a canton ermine. (DANNAT.) 2. (Field untinctured) on two bars, six lions rampant (untinctured). (DELAHAY.) 3. Azure, on a bend cotised (untinctured) three eagles displayed argent. (BELKNAP.) 4. (Field untinctured) two bends gules. 5. Azure, three birds rising argent. (SUDLEY.) 6. Bendy of six or and azure. (MONTFORT.) 7. Gules, a fess chequy argent and sable, between six cross crosslets fitchée or. (BUTLER.) 8. Argent, barry of six nebulée gules, within a bordure engrailed sable, bezantée. CREST. A greyhound's head erased argent, collared and ringed gules. Dannat.- Sr Will'm Dannat Knight. Richard Dannat 2 sonne. .. Dannat.: wall Will'm Dannat gaue all his Landes at South Croxton to his uncle Sr Will'm A° 33. E. 3. Will'm Dannat. Juliana fil. naturalis Henrici Ducis Lan- castriæ. Mawde Da. of John Rich. Dannat of=Mawde Da. of=Tho. De la Hey Pickwell. West hope. Knightley. 2 husb. Will'm Dannat.-Anne Da. of Norwood. Rob't Dannet Agnes Da. & son of Rich. hey. of John Peake. Elizab. wife to John Arundell of Lanhern Cornw. Leonard Dannet. Thomas Anne Da. & hey.=Gerrard=Mary Da. & coh. to Sr Edw. Tho. Dannet Dannet. of... Higford Dannat. Belknap of Warwicksh. 2 sonne. 1. wife. Knight. Alice mar. to Edw. Brunha'. Thomas Dannat 2 sonne. Sr John Dannet Knight. Agnes Da. of John Belmeg 2 wife. Rob't 3 John Dannet sonne. 4 sonne. Anne Da. & Anne Da. & sole hey. of Thomas Elling- bridge. Joane Da. & sole hey. to De la hay. Tho. Dannet 2 sonne. = Anne Da. of Sr Mathew Browne of Surrey Kt. John Dannet=-Elizab. Da. of son of Sr John. John Lenton ob. s. p. Mary wife of Georg Med- ley of Whitnes in Com' Warw. Thomas Dannet. Audley Dannatt. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 65 (Brooke.) ARMS. Quarterly :-Or, a cross engrailed per pale gules and sable; and argent, a chevron sable between three bucks' heads caboshed gules, a crescent for dif- ference. CREST. A badger (untinctured), charged on the flank with a crescent for difference. Thomas Brooke of Leighton in Com. Cestriæ. Anne Da. of ... Venables. Rob't Alice wife Hen. Brooke Tho. Brooke of Leighton. Margaret wife to Brooke. to Raph Cheif Cleark Rog Maneringe. of the Greencloth. Leech of Nantwich. John Raphe mar. Brooke. the Da. of Fetherston. Tho. Brooke of Leighton in Com. Cest. Jane Da. of ... Meuerell of Throwley in Com' Staff. - 3. Reginold. John Brook 4. Edward. of Margerie Andrewe Da. of Brooke of Charles Kirby in Leigh- Manwaring Com. of Crow- ton. ton. Warr. т Tho. Brooke=Alice Da. of Wm. of Leigh- Croxton of Rauenscroft. ton. Elizab. Da. Alice wif of Anne wife to of Hugh Starkie of Georg Delues. Tho. Whitney of Cowcaus. Culto. Sr Bassell Brooke Sr Bassell Brooke of Lubnam in Com' Leic. Elizab. wife to Richard Walker of Leigh greene. Sr Rich. Brooke of Norton Kt. Willm's Peche de Kingesthorp sup'stes 1563. Willn Henricus Peche fil. et hæres. Raph Boolke Lo. of Calleis. Anne wife to Shel- ton. Rich. Brooke of Norton Tho. Brooke-Anne Da. of of Norton. Henry Lo. Audeley. (Peche.) ARMS. Azure, a lion rampant double queuée ermine, on a canton or, a mullet gules. John Peche of Kingsthorp & Sherowhall in Com. Leic. & Derby. ī John Peche de Kingesthorp in Comitatu Leic. mar. Chris- tian Da. of John Carew of Hacomb. Ī Franciscus 2 filius. filia Will'mi Whitchestell. K 66 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Smith al's Harris. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, on a chevron or, between three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sable; and argent, three piles meeting in base gules between twelve martlets sable, three and three in chief, and three and three in base palewise. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, an Indian goat's head argent, eared sable, bearded and attired of the first. ARMS. Gules, on a chevron or, between three bezants as many crosses pattée fitchée sable. Į Roger Smith of Withcooks ob. 1603. Briget wife to Nor- wich 2d to Sands. Francis wife to Tho. Sturton of Stur- ton in Com❜ Nott. Margaret wife to Gilbert Bery of Lin- colnsh. Isabell 1 wife to Lowes 2 to Maynard of Hartford'sh. Frances Da. of Sr Tho. Griffin of Dingley Kt. Jane wife to John Melley of Lon- don Grocer. John Smith al's Harris of Withcottes in Com' Leic. ob. 1546. Elizab. wife to Martin Calthrop of Antingham Norff. Roger Smith Da. of Wood- coook. Francis Smith 2 sonne. = 11 Francis 2 sonne. Margaret mar to Iues. 1 Anthonie= Smith 3 son. of London 4 Ambrose Smith-Joane Da. of John Cooe of Coxall in Essex. son. Margar. wife to Sr Thom. Wilkes Kt. Clerk of the Counsell to Queene Eliz. Dorothie Da. of Ric. Cave of Stamford in Com' Northamp. Edward Dorothy Smith 3 Da. of Anthonie Smith. sonne. = Erasmus Smith of Bosworth 3 sonne. 1 Clement Smith 5 son. Will'm Smith 6 son. Dorothy wife to Benedict Barnham Alderma' of Lon- don after to Sr John Pagington. = Margaret sister to Wm Cicell Lo Burley & wydow of Roger Caue. 1 Henry Smith Rector Eccl'iæ de St. Clements ob. s. p. Henry Poole Kt of ye Roodes 2 Husb. | | Robert Smith of Groby 8 sonne. Henry Smith of Withcocks in com' Leic'. James Smith 2 sonne. Henry Smith 9 son. Da. of Hen. & Sister to Will'm Skipwith of Cottes. Roger Smith Jane Da. of Sr 3 son ob. Bosworth. Edw. Heron Knight ser- giant at Lawe. Da. of Baiard 1 wife relict Wye. Edward Smith. Georg Smith of With- cottes 10 sonne. Francis Smith 2 son. Da. of Taylor of London. M Mary Da. of Will'm Allen of Marfield in Com' Leic. Sir Will'm=Elizab. Da. of Tho. Sin- Smith of London Kt. 1601. ner Alder- man of London. A B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 67 Joyce mar. John Ingell of Essex. Elizab. Joane. Elizab. wife to John Hall of Northamp'sh. Will'm. Rob❜tus Belgraue. 1. Margaret. | Anne wife to George. Sherington Montgomerie Dorothy wife to Tho. Arwaker of of Sherington. Essex. George Smith eldist sonne. Thomas. ¡ Erasmus 4 filius obiit s. P. 2. Humphrie. 11 2. Dorothy. 3. Elizabeth. John. || 4. Francis. 5. Margerie. Joh'es Smith 3 fil. ob. in Barb (uic?) sine prole. 3. John. 6. Anna. 7. Maria. I Ambrose Smith sonne and hey. Rob't Smith 2 son mar. ye Da. of Peper. Georgius Belgraue filius et her. Dorothea filia Lawrencij Sanders. (Belgrave.) ARMS. Quarterly-1. Gules, a chevron ermine between three mascles argent. 2. Argent, three pairs of bellows sable. 3. Sable, three escallops argent. 4. Ermine, three mascles conjoined in fess sable. 5. Or, on a fess gules three fleurs-de-lis of the field, in chief as many fleurs-de-lis of the second. 6. Gules, a pelican in its piety argent. CREST. A ram's head couped at the neck (untinctured). Johannes Belgraue fil. et hær. Ric'i=Johanna filia et unica hær. Thomæ Swyke burges of leicest'. Johanna filia Rob'ti Farnham de=George Belgrave filius Maria filia Rob'ti Querne in Com' Leic' ux. 2. et hæres. Chantrell ux. 1. 4. Thomas Smith. Humphrie-Anne Da. of Georg Bowles Alderma' of London. Smith of London Grocer. A Rob'tus Belgraue filius et hæres sup'- stes 1563. Ambrose 2 filius. B 68 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Lawrence Belgraue Rector Est Haddon. (Belgrave.) Hugh Belgraue of Belgraue in Com' Leic.— graue of Pe Roger Belgraue of Belgraue in Com' Leic. Roger Belgraue A° 4 E. 3. Susan Da. & hey. of Roger Shipton. Lawrence Belgraue of Belgraue.= Peter Belgraue rector East Haddon. John Belgraue of Belgraue in Elizab. Da. & hey. of Tho. Shelton esq. Com. Leic. (Sa. 3 (escallops) a.) Will'm Belgraue 22 H. 6. I Clemt Sanders of East Had- don in Com' Northamp- ton. Will'm Belgraue. Isabell Da. to W'm Sandon. John de Belgraue 12 E. 4. Will'm Dorothy 2 Bel- wife to Wm Saunders of Wilford in Com' North- ampton. Roger Belgraue of Belgraue in Com' Leic. Richard Belgraue=Margaret Da. of John Cotton son of John. of Hanstall Redware in Com' Staff. Margaret Da. & hey. to Rich. de Belgraue. (G. cheu' wauy ent' 3 (stags' heads) couped ar.) Margaret Da. of Hugh Willoughby of Woluerton sister to Ric. Willoughby. Anne wife to John Mar- shall of Mustham in Com' Nott. Katherin Da. & Coh. of Hugh Glene of Glene parua in Com' Leic. ARMS. Ermine, three mascles in fess sable. Henry John Lo. Caue of of Bel- Caldes- graue & ley 1 Husb. Blaby 1495. John rector de Belgraue. Joane Da. & hey. to Tho. Swyke & Elizab. da. to Chaweband of Wigston. A Will'm Belgraue of whom is descended Belgraue of North Kileeworth 2 son. B Katherin wife to Rich. Andrewes of Harleston in Com' North- amp. Mary Da. &=George Bel--Joan Da. of Rob't Coh. to Farnham maried graue of Rob't Belgraue Chantrell of and Blabye. Foxton Aº 1532. Anne uxor Cor- bett. 1545. Clement Saunders of East Haddon in Com. North. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 69 시 ​Ambrose Belgraue of Belgraue 1561.-Jane Da. of . . . Stoughton. 2. Edw ad. 4. John. 3. Francis. | | | Georg Belgraue son & hey. 5. Huntingto'. Miles sup'stes 1622. 4 Anna. Francis 5. Elizab. wife to Wm An- drewe of 6. Margerie. Harles- ton. 7. Maria. Dorothy wife to John Rauens 2 to John Goistock. Georgius Belgraue filius et hær. ætat. circa 28. annorum 1622. Secre- tary Wilson. Margaret wife to George Eyre of Nor- manton in Com' Nottingh. Beniamin Belgraue 1616. B I I filia 1 Mary. 3. Lucretia. 2. Jane. 4. Ruth. Francis Belgraue 1579. Katherin Da. of Ric. Knolles of Coldashby. Mary. Rob't Bel- graue 2 son. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, on a bend argent three lions' heads erased sable. (TURPEN.) 2. (Field untinctured) a fess chequy or and sable between six cross crosslets (untinctured). (KINSMAN.) 3. Argent, a cross flory between four crescents gules. (TILLEY.) 4. Gules, a cross flory argent. (PAWCOE) 5. Quar- terly or and barry of six argent and gules, within a bordure sable, charged with ten fishes naiant of the second. (GOBEON.) CRESTS. 1. A griffin passant with wings endorsed or, guttée de sang, unguled azure. 2. A lion's head erased sable, ducally gorged or. 3. On a wreath or and gules, a cockatrice's head couped argent, beaked, combed, and wattled of the second. 4. A shoveller's head couped (untinctured). 70 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Poultney.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a fess dancetlée gules, in chief three leopards' faces sable. (POULTNEY.) 2. Argent, a pale lozengy gules. (WHYMALL.) 3. Quar- terly gules and or, in the first quarter a lion passant argent. (DANIELL.) 4. Barry of six argent and gules, over all a bend (untinctured). 5. Per fess crenellée azure and or, three eagles displayed counterchanged. 6. Argent, a lion rampant sable, crowned or, in dexter chief a crescent for difference. 7. Ermine, a fess between three lozenges gules. 8. Argent, a chevron between three martlets sable. 9. Field (untinctured), three bars (untinctured), on a canton (untinctured) a bend lozengy or. 10. Argent, three bends gules. CREST. A lion's head erased guardant sable. Adam Neale de Weston in Com' Sussex al's Adam Neale de Poultney. Matildis. Joh Joh'es Poultney-Margareta uxor miles maior London obijt eius renuptą Nich'i Louell militis. 1349. Wille Willm's de Poult- ney Chr. ob. sine prole. Rob'tus de Poultney fil. et her. Ellena nupta Will'o Owen de Poultney. 2 fil. Sara 2 fil. Willm's et Henricus ob. sine p❜le. 4 filiæ. Joh'es Poultney Ch'ro modo petens terras. These Coates were thus Marshalled for Sr Arthur Haselrigg Kt. & Barronett 1644. Johanna 3 di- sponsata Johanni Spigurnell. 2. * ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a chevron between three hazel leaves vert. Argent, three squirrels sejant gules. 3. Gules, three herons argent. 4. Gules, a chevron between three martlets or. 5. Argent, a cinquefoil sable. 6. Vair, argent and sable, a canton gules. 7. Or, a bend between six martlets gules. 8. Paly of six or and gules, on a bend sable three horse-shoes argent. 9. Vair, argent and sable. 10. Sable, a lion rampant argent. 11. Argent, on a bend engrailed sable three mullets of the field. 12. Argent, a whirlpool azure. Lozengy or and azure, over all a chevron gules. 14. Argent, on a chief gules three "bezants. 15. Gules, a lion rampant ermine. 16. Argent, a chevron ermines between three dice azure, charged with three spots of the field. CREST. On a cap of maintenance gules, turned up ermine, a man's head couped in dexter profile proper, crined and bearded or. 13. *These arms tricked by IIenry Parker. Thomas et Hugo ob. sine p❜le. 2 filiæ. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 71 (Gerveis.) Willm's Jerueis de Thorpe Langton in Com. Leic. A°. 37. E. 3. Robertus Gerueis- Aº. 2. E. 4. Radulphus Gerueis Aº. 9. R. 2.— Thomas Gerueis. Editha 10. E. 4. Radulphus Gerueis Aº. 3. H. 5.: Robertus Gerueis Aº. 23. H. 6.— Will'us Gerueis Vicecom. Com' Leic, ob. Januaru 1618 ob. s. p. Robertus Gerueis Aº. 3. R. 3. Willm's Edmundus Gerueis de Bowden parua in Gerueis. Com' Northto' A°. 14. E. 4. Willm's Gerueis Aº. 14. H. 7.: Johannes Gerueis de Thorp langto' Aº. 20. H. 8. Thomas Alicia fil. Willm's Gerueis de Gerueis. Holyoke. Peatling magna in Com' Leic. 1. Johannes. Katherina 1 filia uxor Ric'i Burdet. 2. Thomas. Johanna 2 fil. ux. Tho. Payne. Margareta filia Tho. Goodman de Luffingham in Com' Rutland. Francisca filia Ric'i Marson ux. 2. Elizab. filia Shepard de Hockley in Com' Bedf. renupta Roberto de Sutton Chenell in Com' Leic. militi. Katherina fil. Will'i Ward de Shankton. " filius et hæres. Willm's = Anna filia Gerueis Nic'i Purefoy de Dray- ton Ar. ux. 1. Georgius Gerueis de Peat- ling in Com' Leic. 2 filius. Elizabetha ux. Ric'i Bradgate de Peatling p'ua. Gracea 3 filia ux. Noe Ducket. Anna 4 fil. ux. Ed'ri Ward. Thomas Gerueis 2 filius. Gerueis. Elizab. fil. et Willm's hær. Michell Henshaw de Malden in Com' Sussex. 72 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Hastings.) ARMS. (The whole untinctured). 1. A maunch. 2. Per pale a saltire engrailed countercharged. 3. Quarterly, France ancient and England. 4. A saltire, in chief a label of three points. 5. Three lozenges in fess. 6. An eagle displayed. 7. A lion rampant between ten fleurs-de-lis, three, two, two, and three. 8. England within a bordure. 9. Afess between six cross crosslets. 10. Chequy, a chevron ermine. 11. Quarterly untinctured and a fret, over all a bend. 12. Three chevrons. 13. Two bars, in chief three roundles. 14. Per pale indented, over all a chevron. 15. Paly of six wavy. 16. Two bars, in chief three roundles. CREST. A bull's head erased, ducally gorged (untinctured). Anna uxor Geo. Comitis Salop. Willm's D'ns Hastinges p' Edw. 4 factus Cubi- cularis eiusdem regis. Willm's Has- tings 3 filius. Anna ux. Thomæ Stanley Comitis Derbiæ. Dorothea uxor Rici Deuereux militis. fil. et hær. Walteri Vice-Comitis Heref. Katherina fil. Ric'i Neuill Com' Sarum Relicta Willi D'ni Bonvile et Harington. I Ricardus Edwardus D'ns Hastings 2 fil. Hastinges de Asby in Com' Lestriæ. D'ns Botreux-fil. Bellamont. Georgius D'ns Hastinges Hungerford, Botreux, Moelis et Molins &c Comes Huntington p. R. H. 8. aº 1530. D'ns Hungerford=fil. et hær. D'ns Molis-fil. et hær. Maria neptis et hæres Rob'ti D'ni Hunger- ford Botreux Moelis et Molins. Anna filia Hen. Ducis Bucking- ham. Thomas Edwardus Hastinges mil. D'ns Hastinges Hastinges. de Loughborough in Com' Leic. Cubicularius Mariæ Reginæ ob. s. p. Ric'us Poole miles Gar- terii. Hen. Poole D'ns Montegue. Margareta Comitissa Saru' fil. et hær. Geo. Ducis Clarentiæ fra- tris E. 4. Jana fil. Geo. Newell D'mini Bergaueni. Franciscus Hastinges=Katherina filia Hen. Comes Huntington 2. Poole D'ni Monti- facuti. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 73 L Walterus Hastinges. Jocosa filia Will'i Roper. Edwardus duxit Barbara fil. Wm. Deuereux. Henry. || Elizab. ux. Edw. Som'set Comitis Wigorniæ. Francisca ux. Hen. D'ni Compton. | Henry Hastings. Edward. K Franciscus Duxit Matild' fil. Ri. Long- ford. Francis. Katherina uxor Hen. Comitis Lincoln. 1 1 Dorothea. Walter. Katherina uxor Ed. Umpton de- inde Walteri Chet- win militis. Henricus Comes Hunt- ington 3 ob. sine prole 1596. Dorothe. Katherina fil. Joh'is Ducis Northumbriæ. | ! Henricus Hastings Duxit fil. et Coh. fran. Willoughby militis. Edwardus Hastinges sine prole. Georgius Georgius Dn's Ferdinando D'ns Henricus 2 fil. Hastings. Hastinges 2 filius et 4 Comes Hunting- ton. Dorothea filia et Coh. Johis Port de Etwall militis in Com' Darbiæ. Franciscus Dn's Hastinges obijt 1596 sepultus cum patruo. 1 Alicia. Elizab. Henricus Hastinges Com'-Elizab. 3 fil. et Coh. Ferdi- Huntington sup'stes 1619. nandi Comitis Darbiæ. А Edwardus duxit Bar- bara' Will'mi Deuereux militis et relicta Caue. Franciscus Hast. duxit Matilda' fil. Ric. Long- ford mil. Relict Geo. Vernon mi- litis. Sara fil. Jacobi Harington militis renupta Geo Kings millti postea Edw. D'no Zouch. | | | | | Henry. Edward. Francis. Walter. Dorothea. Katherina uxor Phillippi D'ni Stanhop de Shelford. 74 TILE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Gray.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Barry of six argent and azure, in chief three torteaux, over them a label of three points gules. 2. Or, a maunch gules. 3. Barry of ten (untinctured), an orle of eight martlets. 4. Azure, a cinquefoil ermine. 5. Vair or and gules. 6. Argent, a fess and canton conjoined gules. 7. Sable, six mullets argent, three, two, one. 8. Sable, a fret argent. Matilda filia Rad'i D'ni Joh'es Gray de Wilton filius Basset de Blore ur. 2. Reginaldi ob. 16. E. 3. Rogerus Du's Gray de Ruthin. Elizab. filia et hær. Joh'is Dni Hastinges de Bergauenie. Reginald Dn's Gray de Ruthin. Johannes Dn's Gray de Ruthin Eques Garterij. Margaret fil. Wm. D'ni Roos de Hamlack ux. 1. Elinor. fil. D'ni Strange de Black- more. Reginald D'ns Gray de Ruthin. Constantia filia Johis Holland Comitis Hunt- ington & Elizab. fil. Ducis Lan- castriæ. Edm. Dn's Gray de Ruthin primus Comes Cancij p. E. 4. Catherina filia Hen. Percy Comitis Northumb'. A Henricus Dn's-Anna fil. et her. Rad'i Gray de Rockley by Isabell Da. of Wilto'. Will'm Clare younger son of Rob't Com' Glouc.. Jone fil. et hæres Will'i D'ni Astley ux. 2. Reginaldus Dn's Gray de Wilton. Joh'es Gray miles ob. in vita patris matris occi- sus apud St. Albini1455. Edwardus Gray=Elizab. fil. Miles Dn's de Groby in Com' Leic. iure uxoris. et hæres D'ni Ferrers de Groby. Elizab. fil. Rici Wood- uile Comitis Riparijs renupta Ed. 4. Regi. Tho. Gray Merchio Dorset--Cicilia filia et D'ns de Groby et p' uxo- rem D'ns de Bonvile et her. Will'i Dni Bonvile et Harington. Harington. Anna fil. D'ni Ferrers de Groby ux. 1. Thomas 2 Merohio=Margareta fil. Robti Wotton Dorset D'ns de de Com' Cantij militis relicta Groby Wm. Medley Ar. 1 Matilda fil. et hær. Joh'is Boutort Lo. of Weley. Henricus Dn's Gray de Wil- ton ob. 19. R. 2. Joh'es Gray Vice- comes Lisley duxit Muriell fil. Tho. Ducis Norff.: Rob'tus Gray de Whittington et En- vill in Comitat. Staff. cuius posteritas in eo loco adhuc continua- tur. Edwardus Gray Vicecomes Insulæ Jure uxoris. Elizab. fil. Tho. Talbot. Elizab. uxor Hen. Court- ney Comitis Deuoniæ s. p. Eliz. soror et hær. Tho. Talbot Vici- comitis Insulæ. Elizab. Nupta Edm. Dudley postea Arthur Plantagenet.= Joh❜es Dudley Dux Northumb'. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 75 Henricus Gray Marchio Dorset Dux Suffolciæ p. E. 6. aº 1551 p. Maria' Regina' decollatus 1553. Juna nupta Guilfordo Dudly sed sine sobole ob. 1553. A | Catherina ux Edw. Seimer Com' Hertf. Francisca filia natu maxima Caroli Brandon ducis Suff. et Mariæ uxoris suæ sororis H. 8. Maria sine prole mortua aº 1578. Thomas 1 Eliza- Lacy 2 betha. filius. Leonardus Lacy 2 filius duxit Johanna' filia Muston. 2. Maria. 3. Gracia. Maria uxor Walteri De- uereux Vice- com' Heref. Henricus Gray-Anna filia de Pergo Baro de Groby in Com' Leic. p' Jacob. Regem 1603. Elizabetha. 2. Phillippus. Henricus Dn's Gray de Groby ætat. 20 annor. ad festu' natiui- 3. Johannes. tatis D'ni 1619. I Joh'es Gray miles ob. ante-Elizab. fil. Ed'ri Neuill D'ni Bergaueni renupta patrem. Joh'i Bingley militi. Seth Elizab. uxor Tho. fil. et hæres. Freareh et Johes Gray de Pergo in Com' Essex. Will'i D'ni Windsor. (Lacy.) Jasperus Roskin de Melton Mowbray.=filia et Cohæres . . . Bellers. postea Joh'is Elwood. Ricardus Lacy de Hallifax=Margareta filia et Coheres Jasperi Roskin in comitat Eb. de Melton Mowbray in Com' Leic. Willm's Fillm Lacy de Melton Mow- bray. Maria soror Anthonij Browne Vicecomitis Montague. Seth Lacy fil. Isabella filia Hen. Johannes Lacy 3 et hæres Fawer de filius duxit Elizab. Ricardi. Halefax. filiam Lissay. Francisca ux. Wm. Cooke filij 2 Anthonij Cooke militis. Johannes Lacy filius et hæres. John Bingley ætat. unius anni 1619. Anna filia Matheus Faith. Joh'is Digby Lacy fil. de Welby in primo- Com' Leic. liued in Aº Isabell. genit. Modwen. 1563. 76 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Smalley.) Joh'es Smalley de Bolton dedit t'ram Rob'to Smalley de Alwaston t'ram ib'm per Cart. dat. 8. H. 4. T * Iste Rob'tus feoffauit Hen. Dominu' Grey Joh'em Sacheucrell et alios in t'ris suis de Elweston, Bolton, Am- baston, Thurleston Barow sup' Trent, Chaddesdon, Spendon Derby p'ua, Eyton, Breydsale, Smalley et Kirkhallome in Com' Derb. 10 H. 6. • Rob'tus filius et bæres Joh'is Smalley de Alwaston Ar. 2. R. 3. Joh'es Smalley Ar. cui Ric's Sowre de Ambaston relaxauit= ius suum in tris suis de Bolton 36. H. 6. Georgius Smalley de Stonesby in Com' Leic. SEAL. On a bend three roses, in sinister chief a chess-rook (untinctured). filia et. hæres Croke de Ringsted in Com' North'ton. • Anthonius Smalley fil. et hæres de Alionora uxor eius 25. H. 8 superuixit Thorpe Arnold in Com' Leic. et Condidit testam't 20 Nouemb' A° 29. H. 8. 10. Eliz. * Rob'tus Smalley de Alwalton-Margeria. in Com. Derby cui Abbas de la vale dedit manerium de Alwalton et Margeriæ ux. eius Aº 1. H. 4 10 Octob', et cui Rob't de Hampton dedit t'ras ib'm 10. H. 5. condidit testamt 1 Septemb' 1444. 22. H. 6. in quo legauit Collerum suum qd habuit de liber'one H. 4. xccl'iæ de Alwisto' ad sustentationem suam. 1 Rob'tus Smalley fil. iunior cui frater confirmauit ius suum in t'ris suis de Alwalston Bulton, Thurlaston, Baro-Chaddesdon, Spondon, Derby parua, Eyton, Breydsale Smalley et Kirkhallom, 1. R. 3 et cui pater Joh'is dedit eiusdem t'ras 20. E. 4. ī Maria uxor Sligh. Modwina ux. Venables renupta Catesby. Anthonius Smalley de Alwes-= ton in Com' Leic. et Ringhed in Northamp. John Smalley de Thorpe Arnold in Com' Leic. et de Villa Leicest. vendidit Thorpe Arnold Tho. Hartop de Bur- ton Lazors Yeo- man. 11. Eliz. Johanna 22 H. 6. Nicholaus filius 2. Francisca filia Mich'is Purefoy de Caldecot in Com' War. Ar. uxor Atkins de Pickwell in Com' Leic. uxor Gulson de Wymondham in Com' Leic. 3 Edwardus. 5. Mauritius. 4. Henricus. Anthonius 2 filius. Georgius Smalley de Alweston 1619. Thomas filius Nich'i. A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 77 Francisca ux. lionelli Bradshawe de Broughto' grange in Com' Leic. Hester ux. Joh'is Farington de Ffen. drayton in Coin' Cantab. Samuell Smalley de Newbold in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. superstes 1619. Johannes Smalley fils. et hær. æt. 3. annoru' 1619. Jocosa filia Adam Ric'i 2 fil. Walker de Fillingley in Com❜ War. 8. p. Johannes Farnham miles de Querne.= in Robertus Farnham filius et hæres.- Thomas Farnham filius et hæres. Margeria filia Tho. Caue de Stanford militis. Robertus Farnham filius et hæres.- Robertus Farnham filius et hæres. (Farnham.) ARM. Quarterly, or and azure, in the first and second quarters a crescent counter- changed. Margareta filia Rad'i Kingston de Dalby in Com' Leic. Francis Farnham fil. 1. Joanna nupta ob. sine p'. Geo. Bel- graue de Com' Leic. • Rob'tus Farnham filius Margareta filia et hæres Rob'ti Whatton Thomas Farn- Primogenitus. de Monsorrell in Com' Leic. ham 2 filius. Maria filia Rob'ti Lawghton de Gopsell Thomas in Com' Leic. Farnham. Thomas Farnham 2 fil. et hæres fratris vixit in aº 1563. John Farnham sup'stes in aº 1563 of ye neither hall of Querne in Com' Leic. Elizab. uxor Will'i Sainte Johannes Farnham. Ī Anna fil. & hæres Hen. Harrold de Boughton in Com' Norff. de Wood- hurst in Com' Hunt. Jana. A Willm's Farn- ham. Thomas 2 filius. 78 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Pilkington.) ... Filia Hugonis Willoughby-Edmundus Pilkington de Risley in Com' Derb. de Stanton. ux. 2. Edmondus Pilkington de Katheri'a soror Will'mi Stanton in Comitat' Basset de Blore in Com' Staff. Derbiæ. Katherina ob. in- nupta. Dorothea soror=Georgius Pil-=Maria filia Ric'i Tho. Powtrell kington de Stanton. in Com' Derbie s. p. Gibson de Comit' Cancij Seruientis H. 8. ux. 2. Francisca filia ... Miles de Ciuitate Couentriæ. Georgius fil. et hæres 1619. 11 Georgius Pilking- Edwardus Pilking--Mildreda filia Thomas 3 filius. ton de Barston. ton de Stanton in Comit' Derbiæ et Worthington in Com' Leic. 1619. Lekus Pilking-=Barbarea filia ton filius Pri- Edm. Mathew mogenitus ob. ante patrem. de Raddor in Com' Cardife. et hær. Walteri Mor- gan de Lowe Leighton in Com' Essex. Margeria filia Joh'is Babington de Dethick in Com' Derbi. ux. 1. Thomas Pilking- ton oc- cisus. Robertus Pilking- ton 2 fil. Jeronimus Pilking- ton de Sussuton gemellus cum Geo. fratre natu maximo. Ī Susanna uxor Tho. Humfrey de Maria uxor Swepston in Com' Leic. militis. Gertruda ux. Gawini Phillips de Swanington in Com' Leic. 3 Edwardus. 4. Samuell. 5. Georgius. Arme- stronge de Gernetby Lincolne. Elizab. Edwardus Pilkington fil. et bær. æt. 7. annoru' 1619. Remember to search who was father to Tho. Pilkington that maried wt ye Da. & hey. of Marmion, whose sister was mar. to Haselwood, whether it was Sr Thomas or not. Hugo Pilking- ton de Stanton ob. s. p. • Maria uxor Will'i de Sto. Andrea de Gotham in Com' Nott. Ar. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 79 (Vincent.) Sturgis. Johannes Vincent de Shepey=Johanna filia et hæres in Com' Leic. 4. H. 7. ... Sturgis. Joh'es Vincent de―Alicia filia Abell vidua Shepey magna. de Lichfeild. Rob'tus Vincent gen'==Margareta filia... Huet Johannes Vincent a 3$. H. 8. de Calton. clericus. Maria filia Joh'is-Richardus-Francisca Vincent Bury famuli Ducis Suffolciæ, relicta Joh'is de Shepey Bent de Cosby. magna 1619. 1 Dorothea. Willm's Vin- Film cent filius 2 2. Emma. a't 21. annor' 1619. 3. Susanna. filia Joh'is Baker de Hering- worth uxor 1. la Johannes Vincent de Shepey ætat. 30 annor' 1619. altera filia et hær. nupta Joh'i Meringe. Anna uxor Ric'i Clerke de Wigston in Com. Leic. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Midleton de Asherston in Com. War. Ricardus Vincent fil. et hær. 1 Anna. Robertus Vincent 2 filius. Elizab. filia Haruey. 2. Dorothea. Jocosa uxor Ric'i Kisse de Wither- ley in Com. Leic. Margareta uxor Will'mi Mow- lesley de Ansley in Com. War. 08 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Vincent.) Rob'tus Mutton Miles Dn's de Peckleton in Com' Leic. Alicia filia et coh. Thomas Grimsby de Drakelow et. Grimsby in Com' Leic. filia. Harebert. A ux. 1. Rob'tus Mutton Ar.=ux. 2. Reginaldus Mutton. Anna filia et hær. Tho. Bugges. Phillip Vincent duxit filia et heredem Yorksheir relicta Hatfeild. Ric'us Vincent de Walton-fil. et hær. Willm's Grimsbie de=Anna filia & coh. Reginaldi Moton Elizab. 2 filia et coh. nupta Rad'o Drakelow 38. H. 6. de Pickleton in Com' Leic. Poole de Radbourne in Com' Darby. in co' Lincoln. Wallis. Ricardus Vincent de Messingham in Com' Lincoln 20. E. 4. Anna filia et heres Will'mi Grimsby Ricardus Waterton 2 maritus. Jane filia Ric'i Soltey vel Slorey-Georgius Vincent de Pickleton ob. 7 Eliz. ætat' uxor 1. de Sleford in Com' Linc. 80. uxor 2. Ann filia R'i. Ratcliff de Com' Lanc. Amy filia Petri Coles de Ricardus Waterton. Presto' de Northampto' ux. 1. uxor 3. Basset de Sapcott. l | Peter Jane uxor Fran. Caue de Kilby in ob. sp. Com' Leic. Will'm Mutton a quo Jacobu' Harrington de Exton in Rutl. Ricardus Euerard Duxit filiam Jana Waterton fil. et her. nupta Ric❜o Euerard de Shenton in Com' Leic.= Butler de Aston in Com' Northamp. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 81 M | A Gilbert Vincent Francis 6 son duxit Maria' filiam Geo. Abney de Wil- lesley in Com' Darb.= Georgius=Alicia Vincent de Thrin- keston in Com❜ Leic. fil. 1. 1619. 11 Rob'tus Vin- cent fil. 7 Duxit Alicia' filiam Antho- nij Faunt et ob. s. p. filia Withe de Kilby in Com' Leic. Katherina ux. Will'i Barker de Keyworth in Com' Nott. Cle- ricus. Willm's Vincent fil. et hæres aº 1610 duxit fil. et hær. Vincent de Smiton in Com' Ebor'u. Jana nupta Nicho' Puri- foy de Drai- ton et postea Will'mo Faunt de Foston in Com' Leic. 1 1 Anthonius Maria uxor Vincent filius Francisci 5 duxit Mary fil. Hen. Salisberie de Ulesthorp. Starismore de Frolsworth in Com' Leic. || Elizab. ux. Xrofri Mason. Elinora ux. Joh'is Sewell de Key- worth in Com' Nott. | Sara filia primogenita æt. 18. 1619. Thomas 4 filius. 2. Nicholas. Ricardus Vincent. 3. Michaell. Franciscus s. p. Marmaducus Vincent de Smiton=filia. Snowsdale 1619 in Com' Ebor'u. de Belton. Sabine Stares- more filius et hæres. 2. Ursula. Clemt 3 filius duxit Mary filiam Ro. Tanfeild de Gayton in Com' North'ton. de Marston. || L Thomas Vincent 2 fil. duxit Mariam filiam Ri. Forman de Darby. fuit ille 3. Katherina. 4. Maria. ||| Brian Vincent fil. 1. Rob'tus Vincent fil. 1. Filia uxor Lane. 1. Georgius. 2. Franciscus. Thomas filius et hæres æt. 9 1619. Edw. Vincent filius et hær. Margerett fil. Hum. Babington de Rothay in Com' Staff. Nicholas 2 Maria filia Jana uxor fil. de Brokesby. Rob't Wright uxor Leic. 1619. de Broughto' Hall. in Com' Leic. 2. Will'm. 3. Thoma. Jana uxor Tho. Faunt. ! 2 Elinor Anna 1 filia. Jane 3 fili'. | | Jana æt. 11 annor' 1619. 82 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Edwardus Vincent de=Margeria filia Tho. Babington de Rodeley in Peckleton. Com' Leic. ton et Mars- ton in Com' Leic. Willm's Vin-—. . . filia et cent qui Ven- hær. . . didit Pickle- Vincent de Smeton de Com. Ebor. (Vincent.) Georgius Vincent de Peckleton in Com' Leic. ㅜ ​ Alij filij et filiæ. Marmaducus Vincent . . . filia . . . de Smeton in Com' Ebor' 1619. Snowsdale de Belton. Anna uxor Joh'is Hutchin de Wy- uelby in Com' Leic. Mauritius Shipward de Alles- ton Com' Glou'. Nicholas Vin- cent de Leister 2 filius 1619. Maria filia Brokesby. Margaretta fil. . . . Raglin ux. 2. Isabella ux. Rob'ti Leigh de Claxton in Com' Leic. (Shipward.) George Shipward de foresta de Dene in Com' Glouc. Ī Maria fil. et hær. ux. Ric'i Houghton de East Harting in Com' Sussex. Elinora uxor Jana uxor Rob'ti Wright de Hall. Broughton in Com' Leic. Walterus Ship-=Ursula filia ward de Melton Laurentij Sa- Mowbray in uage fratris Com' Leic. Joh'is Sauage in Com' Cestriæ militis. fil. 2. Henricus Shipward de Melton fil. et hær. 1619. Francis- cus ob. s. p. Maria filia Anthoni Do- cura de Rudfin in Com' War. Thomas Vin- cent ætat. 9. Tho. Shipward fil. et Mauritius 2. Katherina. hæres æt. 34. 1619. Johannes 3. 2. Christo- pherus. 4. Matheus. | | | Anna. Michaell. Thomas. Jana æt. 11 1619. Willm's Shipward de Man- gotesfeild in Com' Glouc. fil. 3.= Mauritius. Georgius ætat. 19 1619. Geo. Shipward de Cold Ouerton in Comit' Leic. 3 fil. Barbara fil. Rob'ti Hutchin de Comit' Rut- land. 1 Ursula. Anna. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 83 Theobaldus Ward de Carlton Curlew Anna filia in Com' Leic. ob. 25. H. 6. Margareta uxor Joh'is Dansey. Willm's Ward de Burton Ouerey in Com' Leic. fil. 3. filia Weston de Carlton. Isabella uxor Bartho- lomei Woodward de Burton. Curlew et de Marston Trussell 1619. (Ward.) ARMS. Azure, a cross flory between four annulets or. Warde de Carlton Curlew.= Johannes Warde de Carlton Curlew in Com' Leic. Elizab. filia Rob'ti Ashby de Quenby in Com' Leic. Ar. Anna uxor Fran- cisci Hodges de Burton. 1 Georgius Ward=Jana filia et hæres de Carlton Joh'is White de Marston Trussell in Com' North'- ton. Johannes Ward famulus Abba- tis Leic. 1619. filius 5. - Cheselden vide Pat. 20. H. 6. pl. 2. m. 30. Johannes Warde de Carlton Curlew.: filia Cham- berlaine de Newton in Com' Leic. Johanna uxor Petri Aston de Burton. Thomas Warde de Carlton Curley. 2 Johannes Ward de London 1619. Maria soror Rogeri Halton de Carlton in Com' Lincoln milit. Georgius Ward de Frisby in Com' Leic. filius 2. Elizab. fil. et her. uxor Tho. Allen de Whes- ton in Com' Leic. Felicia filia Joh'is Frisby de Carlton. filia Allen de Markfeild in Com' Leic. Barton de Thomas Ward=Alicia filia Will'i de Carlton Curlew fil. et hæres. 31 Tho. Warde de-Martha filia Abington in Lan- Com' Cantab. caster in famulus Com' Norff. Comitis North'ton. Bramston in Com' Rutland. Amicia fil. et Coh. uxor Alexandri Coles de Kingston in Com' Leic. 4\ Willm s Warde de Hospitio Graisen fil. 4. 1619. Robertus Ward de Frisby in Com' Leic. filius 4. Christiana filia et heres uxor Joh'is de Walcot in Com' Leic. Johanna uxor Joh'is Capet de Gretford in Com' Lincolne. L Johannes fil. et hæres 1 Francisca. 2. Elizabetha. 3. Maria. Alexander Ward ætat. 16 Thomas Ward ætatis 3 Alicia. æt. 20. annoru' 1619. annoru' 1619. annor' 1619. | 1 Johannes Jacobus. 84 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Willm's Good- man de Easton sine prole. Willm's Hartop miles. Will'mus Goodman de Easton filius primo- genitus. (Goodman.) Willm's Goodman de Easton iuxta Welham descended e familia Goodmannoru' de Com' Cestriæ. Anna filia et hær. uxor Valentini Hartop de Burton Lazers in Com' Leic. Joh'es Good--Jana filia. man de Blaston fil. Hales de Newhouse iuxta Co- uentry. 3. Elizabetha. Laurencius Goodman de= Blaston in Com' Leic. fil. 2. 1. Elizabetha. 2. Maria. Elizab. filia Octa-Euerardus Good--Elizab. fil. Rad'i uiani Fisher de Threking- ham in Com' Lincoln. man de Blaston fil. et hæres sup'stes 1619. | | 5 Valentine. Georgius de Collegio Magdalena in Francisca. Cantabrigia fil. 4. | | 3. Ricardus. 4. Johannes. Whalley de Norto' iuxta Galby in Com' Leic. ux. 1. man fil. et hær. de Blasby 1619. 11 Willm's Good-Margareta fil. Joh'is Pratt de Kethorp in Com' Leic. 5. Thomas. Margareta ux. Ambrosij Bent de Cosby in Com' Leic. Lawrencius=Elizab. filia Will'i Whalley de Norton Goodman de Med- borne in Com' Leic. fil. 2. Anna uxor Edm. Sawier de Kettering in Com' North'on. Euerardus Goodman fil. 2. Johannes æt. 5. Lawrencius filius et hær. ætat. 2. et hær. ætat. 7. annorum 1619. 3. Willm's æt. 2. Galby in Com' Leic. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 85 Johannes Gore de= Kimbalton in Com' Hunt. Dorothea. Tho. Hugh Aston. Eliz. da' of Tookey of Galby in Com' Leicest. Ann. Thomas. Thomas Gore fil. et= hæres æt. 7. annoru'. ob. 1645. 11 Mathias. . filia de Irtlingburgh. Lathum 2 to Aston of 2 wife. Grissell da. of Thomas Gore de=Margareta filia Bletsho de Rushden in Com' North't. Sabin Thomas Pratt ob. s. p'le. Henry ob. s. p. Beniame. da' of. Bailes in Com' Leic. Anthony Gore of Lutterworth in Com' Leic. Lutterworth in Com' Leic. filius et hæres 1619. Edwardus Elkington= 4 filius. Edwardus 2 filius æt. 6 ob. sine p❜le. Johanna uxor Joh'is Pratt de Welling- burgh. John liuing 1645 mar. Ellen da' of Aston. Sarah & Sarah ob. 8. p. (Gore.) • man. Thomas. John. Jonathan. Hugh. Joseph. Joh'es Elkington mercator London. John. Tho. Marshall de Sheresby. Thomas Gore de Ullesthorpe in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres 1619. ob. 1625. marr. dau'r of Johannes 3. fil. Maria 1. ob. Gracia 3. ob. Chap- 3. Hebdoma- doru'. Francisca 2. Gracea filia et hæres Ed'ri Elkington de Cathorp in Com' Leic. Eliz. wife Obediah Brooksby of Stow Goulden in Com' Leicester. Patience. Eliz. Ruth. Thomas. | | 1 Thomas. 3. Henricus. Francisca filia et hæres Thoma' Marshall de Sheresby in Com' Leic. Ann wife of Jo. Dison. Hanna. 11 Henry. Eliz. I Esther. I Charles 4 marr. Eliz. da' of Cardwell of Stony Stratford. 86 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Danvers.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, on a bend gules three martlets or, in sinister chief a trefoil slipped (untinctured). 2. Argent, on a cross formée azure five fleurs-de-lis 3. Argent, a lion rampant gules. 4. Gules, two bars argent, in chief two stags' heads caboshed of the last. CREST. A parrot vert, holding in its beak a slip of oak proper, fructed with three or. acorns or. Rob'tus Walleis de Switheland miles aº 1270 cui Rogerus Quincy Comes Winton et Constab. Scotia concessit di- uersas libertates et præuilegia.= Johannes Walleis Miles de Swith- land in Com' Leic. 23 E. 3. Ī This Alice after the death of Ric. Huband mar. one John Barber, who leased ye half man- nor of Swithland to John Danuers aº H. 6 for terme of life. This Alice also after Barber's death was maried to Shepey. Willm's Bisphaine=Elizabetha filia=Will'mus Walcott a 7. H. 4. et hæres. miles 2 maritus. Ricardus Huband = ux. Bertramus. filia et hær. Stanton Danuers. de Com' Staff. Bartramus Agneta. Thomas Danvers=Alicia filia. Danuers anno 1498. Alicia filia Thomas Margareta et cohæres Ashton renupta 5. H. 6. Johanni filia et Coh. Barber. • Joh'es Danvers de Swithland in Com' Leicester sup'stes 1563 Johannes Danuers= I finde not yt Danuers maried Margaret but by coniecture, and I finde that after the death of Margaret the half mannor of Swithland was giucn by certaine feoffes to Tho. Aston during his life without impeachment of wast, and after his death to John Danuers in Taile. A • Venables Baronis de Kinderton. Thomas Danuers. Willm's Danuers. Ī Johannes Danuers de Shakerston frater Roberti Danuers militis Justiciarij. Jocosa uxor Joh'is Barfoote renupta Will'o Kendall. Joh'es Danuers de Swithland in Com' Leic. Franciscus Danuers de Margareta filia Georgij Kingston de Swithland. Rothley in Com' Leic. Margareta filia Rad'i Shirley Militis. Isabella filia Will'mi Coke de Trusley in Com' Derbia'. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 87 Dorothea uxor Arthur Bar- ford de Shakerston in com' Leic. Johannes Danuers 2 filius. Brigetta filia Werley relicta Arthuri Barford de Shakerston. · A | --Franciscus Dan--Elizab. filia uers de Swith- land in Com' Leic. superstes 1619. Joh'is Skef- fington de... Fisherwick in Com' Staff. ux. 1. Will'mus Danvers de Roth--Elizab. filia Tho. Babing- ley in Com' Leic. filius et hær. ætatis 28 annoru' 1619. ton de Rothley in Com' Leic. Thomas Joh'es Digby fil. et=Ursula Halfehead de Digby. hær. London. (Digby.) ARMS. A fleur-de-lis, in dexter chief a mullet for diſſerence (untinctured). Henry Digby-Margareta uxor eius. Henry Digbie. John Digbie. Elizab. Digbie. Anna uxor Francisci Mulsho de Turwell Thomas filius et hær. et. 3. in Com' Northamp. Henricus Digbie. Thomas Digbie de Rauenston in Com'-Maria filia Rad'i Gegge de Bradley in Leic. Com' Chest'. Dorothea. Elizabetha filia unica. (Warde.) ARMS. Azure, a cross flory between four annulets or. Warde of Carlton Curlew in Com' Leic. ent' in the Visitac'on of Cambridgsh. 1619. · Thomas Warde of Abbington=Martha filia Hugonis Lancastre de Wetherfeild in in Com' Cantabrig. 1619. 3 fil. Corn' Norff. Ar. 2 barres Gu. on canton G. lion pass't or. 88 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Sherrard.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a chevron gules between three torteaux. 2. Argent, on a bend sable three trefoils or. 3. Ermine, a fess gules. 4. Argent, on a saltire sable five swans of the field. 5. Argent, three leopards' faces jessant-de- lis sable. 6. Ermine, a talbot passant sable. 7. Gules, on a bend or, three martlets sable. 8. Per fess ermine and or, a cross moline gules. Lawrentius Sherrard.= Galfridus Sherrard filius et hæres. Hugo Sherrard de Tonge in Com' Leic. filius 2. Johannes Sherrard de Tonge in Comit' Leic. . filia. . . Parre. Radulphus Sherrard de Tonge in Johanna filia Thomæ Tirrell de Loughborowe Com' Leic. in Com' Leicestria. Hugo Sherrard filius quartus. Georgius Sherrard Prenticius London. 11 Georgius filius Junior de Bush Lane, London. Radulphus 2 filius. Johannes Sherrard-Elizab. filia | | | │ de Tonge in Co- mitat' Leic. ætat. 67. 1 Ciceley. Edw. Sher- rard de London Wine Coop' Elizabeth. 4 filius. Mary. Joanne. || Thomas Sher- rard de Lon- don 3 filius. Georgius 2 filius ætat. 36. Johannes Sherrard filius et hær. ætat. 2 annor.' (Dethick.) Rob'tus Sterkey= Ric'i Persall de Ranton in Com' Staff. Johannes Sher- rard filius et hæres ætat. 42 1619. Elizab. filia Joh'is Cotton de Whit- wick in Com' Leic. 1 Elizab. Willm's Dethick.- Kapit Tho. Starkie gent. 14 May-Alicia filia Will'mi Dethick de 14. H. 7 de Tonge in Con' Newhall in Com' Derbie Con- Leic. 15. H. 7. de Bredon 18. H. 7. ucntio matrimoniæ dat. 10. H. 7. vidua aº 26. H. 8. | Rowland fil. iunior 26. H. 8=Ciculia 26. H. 8. Ricardus 3 filius de London. Samuell Sher- rard Prenti- cius London. Maria. Thomas Dethick 10. H. 7. TIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 89 (Pate.) ARMS. Argent, three text R's sable, in chief a crescent gules for difference. Pate. Edwardus Pate de Kettleby in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres. de Brin in Com' Edwardus Pate-Anna filia Will'mi Blount de Osbaston in Com' Leic. Leic. Henricus Pate fil. et hæres Mr. Artium in Academia Oxoniæ ætat. 27 1619. | | | 1 Joh'es Pate de Brin in-Hellena filia Thoma' Salt- Comit' Leic. filius 2. marsh de Eppin in Com' Essex. 1. Ellena. 2. Rebecca. 3. Anna. 4. Elizab. Ricardus 5 filius Prenti- cius apud Breminsham æt. 18. 1619. Jana filia. . Hidson de Com' Warr. Timotheus 4. filius æt. 20. Tho. Pate 2 filius duxit Mariam filiam... Neuill de Groe in Com' Nott. Willm's Sharpe de Winge.. Edmondus Pate filius et hæres. Edwardus 3 fil. de London ætat. 22. Ric. St. George Norroy Kinge of Armes. Joh'es Sharpe de Baydon in Cumb'land.= I Hugo Sharpe de Baydon in Cumb'.- Eustachius Sharpe de Winge in Com' Rut- land fil. et hær. (Sharpe.) ARMS. Azure, a pheon argent within a bordure of the last, charged with eight torteaux, in dexter chief a crescent for difference. CREST. On a ducal coronet or a peacock sitting proper, in the beak an ear of wheat of the first, charged on the breast with a crescent for difference. This is the Armes and Creast of Will'm Sharpe of Rolston in Com' Leic. descended of a younger brother of the Sharpes of Baydon in the county of Cumberland. Alter filius. Thomas 2 filius de Londo' ætat. 23. filia Burton de Braunston. Margeria filia Ric'i Dixon de Rolleston in Com' Leic. Willm's Sharpe de Rolleston in Comit' Leic. iam cælebs et ætatis 37 annoru' 1619. N 90 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cooper.) Willm's Cooper de Sapcott in Com' Leic. whose auncestor cam out of Chesheire or Lankesheir. ㅜ ​Willm's Cooper de Stonie Stanton-Margeria filia Will'i Denston de West Sutton in Com' Leic. in Com' Leicest. Johannes Cooper fil. et hær. duxit Êlizab. fil. Will'mi Gilbert de Stonie Stanton ætat. 57. Willm's Cooper Willm filius et hæres ætat. 24. Gilbertus Cooper 2 filius. 11 2 Johannes æt. 18. Edmundus Coper de Sapcott in Com' Leic. 3. fil. ætat. 42. 3. Georgius æt. 8. 4. Franciscus æt. 7. 5. Samuell æt. 7. Elizab. filia Rob'ti Frier de Wigston cum duobus Pe- naculis in Com' Leic. Willm's Cooper fil. et hæres ætat. 19. 1619. Jana filia Will'mi Staresmore de Frolesworth in Com' Leic. 1 Daniell Cooper Willm's 2 3. Edmundus æt. 10. fil. et hæres filius ætat. ætat. 24. 16. 4. Galfridus æt. 4. wil Willm's Kendall fil. et hær. de= Smithson in Com' Darbiæ. al A Bartholmeus Kendall de Twicresse in Comit' Leic. Willm's Cooper 2 Willm fil. ætat. 49 duxit 1 Elizabeth. 17. 2. Christian. 13. 3. Kathein. 10. Joanna' filiam Ric'i Dawson de Walton in Com' Northamp. ㅜ ​ 1 Alicia. 3 Johannes 20. 2. Gracia. 4. Edmondus 14. 5. Matheus 9. (Kendall.) ARMS. Gules, a fess chequy or and azure between three eagles displayed of the second. • 4. Maria. 9. 5. Lidia. 6. 1 Emmot. 19. 3. Grace. 5. 2. Jone. 12. filia et hær. . Shepee de Christopherus Kendall de Smithsby= in Comit' Darbiæ. nicheby B TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 91 A | Georgius Kendall=... filia filius et hæres. Jenninges. Henricus Kendall fil. et hæres. Henricus . . . filia Gabrieli Kendall Armestronge de Thorp in Comit' Notting. filius et hæres. Gilbert Yarde of Bradley=filia... Wadham de Merifeild in Com' Deuon. in Com' Som'. Henricus filius et Henricus Kendall filius 1. Catherina 20. 2. Margareta 17. hæres ætat. 9 1619. et hæres æt. 18. 1619. Johannes Kendall de Smithsby ob. 1615. (Varde.) ARMS. Quarterly:-Argent, a chevron_gules between three water bougets sable; and or, on a bend sable three horse-shoes argent. Edwardus Yarde fil. et hær. duxit Aguis filiam Will'm Stroude de Comit' Deuon. Susanna filia. . .-Humphridus-Margta fil. Leeson de Com' Kendall de Northam' relicta Willmi Sauill de Blaby ux. 2. Blaby_in Com' Leic. Elizab. nupta Thobia Herick filio Rob'ti Herick de Leicest'. 〒 • Rogerus Yarde de Bradley in=... filia . . . Halse de Kenedon Com' Deuon. in Com' Deuon. Ric'us Yarde de Bradley in Margareta filia Walteri Bamfeild de Com' Deuon. Poultmore in Com' Deuon. Willm's Hill filius et hæres ætat. 10. B | Margeria filia . . Sadler de Com' War. Elizab. filia John Luson-Thomas Yarde=Johanna filia Will'mi Hurst ciuis et uxor. 1. de Com' War. de Bradley. Marcator Exeter uxor 2. Will'mus Herick fil. et hæres æt. 10. 1619. Will'mus Yarde de Cosby in Com' Leic. 3 filius. Margeria 2 filia uxor Ed'ri Hill filij Joh'is Hill de parua pipe in Com' Staff. August' Sway- feild de Branson in Com' Rutland ux. 1. Maria unica filia ætat. 11. Maria unica 2 Johannes. æt. 8. 4. Edward's filia æt. æt. 2. 5. 3. Thomas æt. 6. quere if Yarde matched wt Wadham. Elizab. fil. Tho. Walton de Bushby in Com' Leicest. relicta Joh'is Bent. 2 Johannes æt. 8. Elinora 3. filia nupta Johi Cotes filio Alexandri Cotes de Knighton in Com' Leic. Alexander Cotes fils. et hær. æt. 1. 3. Franciscus æt. 2. 92 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Whiting.) ARMS. Per saltire azure and ermine, a leopard's face or, in chief three bezants. Giles Whiting de Etton in Comitat'=Maria filia Carew de Comit' Northamp. Abigall uxor Rous Burton de... in Com' Leic. Clericus. 2 Timotheus æt. 6. 3. Nathaniell xt. 4. Joh'es Whiting Do¹=filia Theologiæ et rector Eccl'iæ Sti Martini in le Vintrie London fil. primogenit's. I 1. Elizab. 2. Dorcas. Timotheus Whiting 2 fil. de Desford duxit filiam Bunning de Desford. Rob'tus Roos de Ingman- thorp. Robertus Roos sup' 1563. Jacobus Roos filius 1.- Ship- ham. 3. Da. Essex. Rob'tus Whiting 4 filius duxit filiam... Thur- good de East Ham in Com' Essex prope London. Johannes Whiting filius et hæres ætat. 9. Thomas Roos sup' 1563. Maria. Goditha. Rosa. | 3 Nathaniell Whiting de-Elizab. filia Desford in Com' Leic. Ric'i Heath duxit Franciscam de Dunham filiam Ricardi Bunning parua in de Whittington in Com' Norff. Com' Staff. uxor 2. uxor 1. || (Roos.) Tho. Roos. de Ingmanthorp. h'uit 12 filios. 〒 1 Elizab. 2. Martha. Nathaniell Whiting filius et hæres ætat. 7. annoru'. 1619. Margareta filia Will'i Peke. 1. Thomas. 2. Wilfredus. 3. Milo. Milo Roos 2 filius-Elizab. filia Ed'ri Osberne de Kelmarch. Sara nupta Rob'ti Lambe de Peter- borowe. Thomas Roos 2 filius. 3. Maria. Martha uxor Joh'is Nethercot de Ungle in Com' Northamp. Anna ætat. 10. annor'. Margareta fil. Will'i Warde de Shenton in Com' Leic. 4. Jeaira. 1. Elizab. 5. Ricardus. 2. Friswold. 3. Johanna. THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 93 (ahill.) ARMS. Quarterly:-Argent, on a bend sable three owls of the field, in sinister chief a trefoil; and per pale or and azure, two piles meeting in base counter- changed, on a canton argent, a mullet gules. CREST. An owl argent, membered or, charged on the breast with a trefoil for difference. Thomas Sauill, fitz Juniee de la Maison de Howlow in la Conte de Yorke, venue et Demoure a Blaby en la Conte de Leic't. temps. H. 6. Jana Kathe- rina. . . Will'mus Sauill de Blaby in Com' Leic.=Martha filia . . . Villers. filia... Corbet de Misterton in Com' Leicest' 2. uxor. Rob'tus Sauill Elinora de Blaby 2 fil. filia. Ricardus Sauill filius et hæres. de Blaby in Com' Leic. Elizab. ætat. 13. Anna uxor Va- lentini Allen de Com' Northamp. Johannes Sauill de Blaby in Com' Leic. Willm's Sauill=Susanna filia Tho Leeson de Soulgraue in Com' Northamp. 1 Jana nupta Ric❜o Bridges de Com' Ebor'um. Nicholaus Sauill de Blaby fil.=Anna filia Simonis et hæres sup'st 1563. Pigeon de Com' Warr. Katherina filia & hæres Hugonis de Blaby in Com' Leic. 11 Ell'no' filia ... Astell de Comit' War. ux. 1. Edwardus Sauill de Blaby-Elizab. fil. 2. fil. This Edw. Sauill Simonis had the com'aund of 200 Rogers filij footemen in the warres of Ric'i Rogers Sweden under Charles 9 mil'is. kinge of Sweden in aº 1609. Wil 2. Will'mus æt. 20. Nicholaus Sauill filius primogenitus ætat. 18. 3. Humphrids æt. 19. hæres ætat. 30. 1619. 4. Anthonius æt. 17. 5. Georgius æt. 10. Tho. Sauill-Auna filia fil. et Georgius Sauill filius et hæres ætat dimidij anni. 1619. Ed'ri Heron militis Baronis Scaccarij. Lauinia ætat. 12. 94 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Franciscus Cotes de Withington filius et hæres. Fran- ciscus Cotes filius et hæres æt. 34. Rob'tus 3. fil. ætat. 4. Elizab. uxor Thomæ Linfeild de Houghton in Com' Leic. postea ux. Fa- biani Andrewes de Stretton in Com' Leic. (Cotes.) ARMS. Argent, a fret azure, on a canton or, a lion rampant sable. CREST. A cock or, wattled gules. Alexander Cotes de Withington in Com' Staff.= Joh'es Cotes fil. et hæres ætat. 10. Annor'. 1619. Katherina nupta Rogero Roe de Auport in Com' Derbiæ. postea Nic'i Foxley de Bas- set house in Com' Leicest. Joh❜es Cotes de Elson in Comit' Leic. 3. filius ætat. 46. 1619. Alexander Anna unica Cotes 2. fil. filia etat. 5. ætat. 8. Johannes Cotes de Elson in Com' Leic. 2. filius. Anna Anna fil. uxor Ric'i Swinfen de Sutton Cheyney. Rob'tus Cotes fil. et hær. æt. 10. Agneta filia Rob'ti Sterkie de Sutton supra le monte in Com' Derbiæ. I Rogerus Cotes 4 filius Duxit Hellenam filiam Rob'ti Gillett de Leicest.= Alexander Cotes de Knighton in Com' Alexander fil. et hæres ætat. dimidiu' anni 1619. Leic. ætat. 52. Anna fil. Johannis Warde de Knighton in Com' Leic. Johannes Cotes-Ellena filia Will'mi fil. et hæres æt. 26. 1619. Yarde de Cosbie in Com' Leic. who cam out of Deuonsh. Tho. Cotes de Bel- grang in Com' Der- biæ fil. 2. ætat. 48. Thomas Cotes 2 fil. ætat. 13. Anna fil. Ricardus Cotes fil. et hær. ætat. 23. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 95 (Turner.) ARMS. Quarterly:—Argent, a fer de moline sable; and ermine, a chevron azure be- tween three garbs or; impaling or, a fess indented gules, in chief three boars' hcads sable. Ricardus Turner de Sutton Colfeid in Com' Warr Barrest' de medio Templo London. wab Will'mus Turner de Sutton-Margereta filia Christopheri Breton de Coldfield in Com' War. Tecon in Com' Northampton. Jocosa uxor Ed'ri Edwardus Turner-Jocosa filia Libei Hunne de Marson de Leicester filius Chamberlaine de Trussell in Comitat' et hæres. Leicester. Northamp. Willm's Turner filius primogenitus ætat. 8. Maria filia . . . Masterson de Com' Cestriæ et soror et coh. Joh'is Masterson. Rogerus Belgraue de Belgraue in Com' Leic. A Ric'us Turner 2. filius. Laurencius Belgraue de Belgraue in Com' Leic.= Rogerus Belgraue de Bel- Susanna fil. et hær. graue aº 4. E. 3. Rogeri Shipton. Edwardus 2 fil. 1. Elizabetha. 2. Francisca. ætat. 2. (Belgrave.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, a chevron ermine between three mascles argent. 2. Argent, three pairs of bellows sable. 3. Sable, three escallops argent. 4. Ermine, three mascles conjoined in fess sable. Hugonis Belgraue de Belgraue in Com' Leic.= Rogerus Belgraue de Belgraue in Com' Leic.- Margaret fil. et hær. Ric'i de Belgraue. Johannes 3. filius. Peter de Belgraue rector eccl'iæ est Haddon. Johannes rector de Belgraue. 96 TIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. ļ A | Joh'es Belgraue de Belgraue in Com' Leic.=Elizab. fil. et hær. Tho. Shelton. Willm's Belgraue de Belgraue-Isabell fil. Will'mi Sandon. Willm Willm's Belgraue de Bel--Margareta fil. Hugonis Willoughby graue 22. H. 6. de Wollerton. John de Belgraue-Katherin fil. et Coh. Hugonis Glene de Gleene temp. 12. E. 4. parua in Com' Leic. Will'mus Bel-—. . . filia graue 2. filius. Poultney. Maria uxor .. Sturgis yeoman. Will'mus Belgraue de North Kilworth Sedwina filia . . wie in Com' Leicest. Turpen. Rob'tus Belgraue de North Kilworth Isabella filia Thomæ Skeffington soror in Com' Leicest. Will'mi Skeffington. Ric'us Belgraue=Marg't. fil. Joh'is Cotton de fil. et heres de Hanstall redware. vide plus Belgraue. in pag. 39. Elizab. nupta Joh'i Allen in Com' Lincoln. Anna nupta Nic. Strough- ton Clericus Cancellarij. Christopherus Willm's Belgraue-Margareta Belgraue 2 de North-Kil- fil. Tho. filius. worth. Maria uxor Will'mi Palmer de Bosworth in Com' Leic. Oliuer de est Norton. Thomas Bel--Prudencia fil. graue de North-Kil- worth in Com' Leic. Margareta uxor Will'mi Horne- blow de London Goldsmith. Joh'is Norton de Coterstock in Com' Northamp. Georgius Bel- graue 2. filius ætat. 40. 11 2. Ellianor. Will'mus Belgraue 5. Elizab. 2. Johannes æt. 18. fil. et hær. ætat. 19. 3. Francisca. Scolasticus in Aca- demia Oxon'. 6. Maria. 3. Jacobus æt. 12. 4. Prudentia. 4. Rob'tus æt. 2. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 97 Henricus 4 filius duxit Goditham fil... Gill de Hopton in Com' Der- biæ. (Wigley.) ARMS. Paly of six embattled argent and sable. CREST. Out of flames proper a tiger's head argent, maned sable, gorged with a collar embattled gules. Henricus Wigley de Workesworth in Com' Derbiæ. ī 11 Jane ux. Anthonij Allen de Scraptoft in Com' Leic. Alicia nupta Jacobo Deane de Workes- worth in Com' Derby. Ellena ux. Ric'i Shorte de Mar- ton in Com' Darby. Hen. Wigley fil. et hæres ætat. 16. 1619. I Edwardus Wigley de Scraptoft in Com Leic. Henricus Wigley fil. et hæres ætat. 18. 1619. Edwardus 2 fil. ætat. 16. filia Gell-Joh'os Wigley-Filia. . de Hopton de Workes- worth in Com' Derbiæ fil. et hær. in Com' Derby ux. 2. Henricus Wigley fil. 2. Franciscus-Elizab. filia . . . Black- duxit... filiam .. Wigley fil. wall de Blackwall in Bunting ux. prima. et hæres. Com' Derbiæ. Henricus Wigley-Anna fil. Ric'i fil. et hær. de Scraptoft ob. 1607. Spell de Lo- dington in Com' Leic. Thom. Wigley fil. et Katherina fil. Joh'is Colborne de hæres ætat. 34. Morton Merell in Com' War. Emma fil. . . . Plant de Workesworthe in Com' Derby. Georgius 2. fil. ætat. 55 nun- qua' maritus. Joh'es Wigley fil. et hæres ætat. 26. Anna fil. Tho. Russell de Tossiter in Com' Northamp. Curson de Kedelston in Com' Derby ux. 1. Georgius fil. 3. duxit filiam. Emma nupta Fran. Carick de Willing- ton in Com' War. Tho. Wigley de Scrap- toft duxit Ellenam filiam Dennis Orme de London.= Thomas 2. fil. ætat. 24 duxit Margeretam filiam Steuen- son. O 98 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Dawes.) ARMS. Argent, on a bend azure cotised gules between six battle-axes sable, three swans or. CREST. A demi-battle-axe erect, staff or, and blade argent, on the point a dragon volant with tail nowed sable, bezantée. Johannes Dawes de Stapleton in Com' Leicest. Ric'us Dawes de Staple-=Ellena filia ton fil. et hær. duxit Margaretam filiam Vernam de Quarn in Com' Leicest. uxor 1. sans issue. ... Seller de Com' Staff. uxor 2. sine prole. Joseph Dawes 2 fil. ætat. 32. duxit Mariam fil. . . . Saunders rector Eccl'iæ de Ausley in Com' War. Johannes 3 filius ætat. 4. Isack Dawes de Staple- ton 2. fil. et hær. fratris. Gerueis Dawes fil. et hæres ætat. 6 annor' 1619. } Maria nupta Anna uxor Tho. Steuens W'mi Mussen de Glen parua de Ratherby in Com' Leic. in Com' Leic. Charitie fil. Jacobi Lightfoote de Ashford in Com' Kent. Joh'es Dawes fil. et hæres ætat. 35 1619. Daniell et Eliza- beth ob. sans issue. Beatrix ux. Tho. Woode. Elizab. fil. Geo. Gerueis de Peteling magna in Com' Leic. Willm's 2 filius ætat. 3. annoru'. (Whitaph.) Willm's Whitaph de Reresby in Com' Leic. Bacalarius=Margareta filia Ric'i Theologiæ et rector Eccl'ia de Rcresby obijt 1617. Catiell de Rerisby. Willm's Whi-Anna filia Fran- Wilm taph fil. et hær. cisci Sacheuerell ætat. 25. 1619. de Reresby in Com' Leic. Thomas Alicia 2. fil. filia ætat. 13. Juni- ora. Maria fil. 1. ætat. 3. Rachell ætat. 6. menses. 15 Septemb' 1619. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 99 Tho. Starismore de Starismore in Com' Staff—... filia . . . Partrich of Norff. Edmond. Elizabeth 8. p. Willm's Starismore de Starismore... filia Rob'ti Cresses militis de ob. 1509. Com' Salop. I Ric'us 5 fil. duxit Fran. fil. Jones. Elizab. fil. et Coheres Rob'ti Walshall de Walshall et Frolesworth ux. 1. Maria uxor Berwell de Com' Leic. (Staresmore.) Starismore.... fil. Eiton. Edwardus 4 fil. duxit Annam fil. Acworth. ī Willm's Stares- more 3 filius ætat. 8 annor'. Franciscus Staresmore de Frolesworth in Com' Leic. ob. 1582. Joh'es Staresmore mar. to his 2: wife Cassandra Da. of Fulk of Brewood. Maria filia Geo. Vincent de Pekelton sup'stes. 1604. Ursula. 1 Francis. 2. Nathaniell. Georgius 3 filius duxit Katherina' fil. Fran. Jones. Georgius 4. filius ætat. 4 annor'. Staris- more. Francesca filia 3 et Coh. Franciscus-Christiana fil. Will'i Brokas de Theddingworth in Com' Leic. uxor 2. 1 Dorothea æt. 2. Sabinus Starismore ætat. 70. 1605. Joh'is Chip- pingdale Doc- toris Legis Ciuilis uxor 1. 2. Hanna. 4. menses. Nicholas 2 filius. Cristiana fil. Fran- cisci Stanley de West Bromwich in Com' Staff. filia.. Purifoy 3. uxor. Franciscus Starismore fil. et hæres ætat. 21. an. Henricus Henricus 2 fil. ætat. 18. Thomas Staris- more duxit fil. et her. Parre de Hutton in Com' Leic. 1 Job'es. Jana uxor Ed'ri 2. Sabinus. Savage de Froles- worth. Willm's 2 fil. rector Eccl'iæ de Froles- worth duxit Martham fil. Cox. de Shalbrooke. Elizab. uxor Fran. White de Drough- ton in Com' Leic. Dor M 100 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER : (Needham.) ARMS. Argent, on a bend engrailed azure between two bucks' heads caboshed sable, a crescent for difference. CREST. On a mount vert a buck lodged sable, attired or, charged with a crescent for difference. uxor Prima.Thos. Needham de Alexton in Comit' filia Parker uxor 2. Leic. • Thomas Need-... filia... ham de Bolton in Com' Rut- land fil. et hæres. Clemt. Needham de Gatesby in Com' Leic. fil. 2. Wilcock de Nossington in Com' Leic. Phill. fil. Will'i King de Selby in Com' Leic. Nathaniell fil. et hæres ætat. 15. Ilston ob. 1617. | | | Wilm Willm's Needham Francis- fil. et hær. de cus pri- Bolton in Com' mogeni- Rutland. tus ob. s. p. hain de Ilston al's Ilueston de Com' Leic. 3 fil. Franciscus Need--Anna fil. Ric'i Gamble de Burton Ouery al's Nouery in Com' Leic. Edw. Need--Anna filia Tho. ham de Shawe de Repingall in Com' Lincoln. 2. Mellicent. 18. Johannes Needham 4 fil. duxit Annem filiam et hæredem Howett de Gatesby in Com' Leic. ob. s. p. 3. Briget. 14. 4. Katherina. 12. 5. Maria. 9. Anna fil. Lambe de Peterborow. 2 Willm's 9. 3. Anna. 19. I Joh'es Need- ham fil. et hæres ætat. 15. 1619. Edwardus 2. filius ob. sine prole. Grace ux. Clemt Decon de Ilston in Com' Leic. Rob'tus Need- Authonius ham 7. fil. Needham duxit in uxorem fil. et hæres Constantiam p. 2. uxorem. filiam. Etheldreda uxor Phil. Guest de Ilueston. Ī Ismaell 2 fil. Caleb Dorothea et hær. Need- ux. ham filiam 3 fil. Hobson de ætat. Com' Lincol. 24. • Franciscus fil. 2 Willm's æt. 22. et hær. ætat. 26. 3. Anthonius. 18. Ricardus 6 filius ætat. 68 nunqua' maritus. Ezichiæ Watson de Ashby de la Zouch in Com' Leic. Ambrosius Needham 5. fil. duxit Mar- geriam filiam . . Ashby de Quenby in Com' Leic. Joh'es Needham-Isabella fil. Tho de Burton Query in Com' Leic. 2. fil. Franciscus Needham fil. et hær. ætat. 12. Caue de Bagraue in Com' Leic. militis. | 11 1 Auna. 2. Francisca 11. 3. Gracia. 10. 4. Isabella. 9. 5. Susauna. 8. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 101 ARMS. Sable, a fess indented ermine between three fleurs-de-lis argent. filius 3 Will'mi duxit Catherina filia unica. Beniamin Marston=... filiam Will'mi Payne de Metborne in Com' Leic. Will'mus Marston de Slawston in Com' Leister.= Willm's Marston fil. et hær. duxit Margareta' filia' Will'i Hawes. ㅜ ​11 Tobias 3 Euerard Marston ætat. 18. duxit Aliciam 2. Thomas fil. æt. 23. Will'mi Payne 4. Edwardus de Mot- 14. bourne. T Marstone. Willi Willm's Marston fil. et hæres ætat. 6 mensis. • Elizab. ætat. 2 ann'. 2 Jane. Willm's Marston fil. et hær. ætat. 30 6. Elizab. annoru'. 5 Anna. 1 Katberina uxor W'mi Dilling- ham rectoris Eccl'ia de Cran- feild in Com' Northamp. Ellina nupta Will'o Collins de Eston in Com' Leic. Elizab. ux. Pratt. Anna ux. Leuins de London. Willm's Marston-Maria filia Gilb'ti de Slawston fil. 2. | Pickering de Tich Marsh in Com' Northamp. Henricus ob. 8. P. Maria filia Joh'es Marston=. . . filia Barret Turuile de Tul- de Slawston fil. de Mitbourne son in Com' et hær. in Com' Leic. ux. 1. Leic. ux. 2. Anna filia Ed'ri Mar- ston de Loding- ton in Com' Leic. Willm's Marston de Slawston in Com' Leicest. Gilbertus Marston de Slawson. Tho. Marston de Mit- borne in Com' Leic' duxit Ali- ciam filia' Tho. Payne de Metborne. ат B Anna fil. prima. Elizab. fil. 2 et coh. Gracia uxor Tho. Moore al's Smith de Turlington in Com' Leic. -Anna filia Will'i Hawes de Stoke Parke in Com' Northa'. M'geria uxor Hen' Col- man de Turlington. Maria uxor Joh'is Jacomb de Burton Lazars in Com' Leic. Morell Marston 4 fil. duxit filiam Goderich de Crane in Com' Leic. Ī -Elizab. filia Joh'is Sauill de Oxam in Com. Nott. Lawrentius Marston 5. filius ob. sine prole. Edwardus Willm's. fil. primo- genitus. Thomas ob. s. p. 102 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 1 Will'mus. Johanna. 2. Johannes. Katherina ætat. 26. 11 11 Johannes Marston filius et Tobias 2. fil. ætat. 1 anni. hæres ætat. 4. 1619. Thomas Law- rence 4. filius. Sileby in Sara uxor Joh'is Barnby de Com' Nott. 4 Anna. 5. Rebecca. • Johannes Tho. Lawrence Jana filia Elizab. nupta Lawrence de Longe fil. et hær. Whatton in Com' Leic. Rob'ti Parsons de Longe Whatton. Crispe de Belton in Com' Leic. ob. s. p. A | Willm's Mars-- Willm's Mars-Johanna filia et hær. Zacheriæ ton fil. et hær. Bowman de Marston Trussell in Com' Northamp. Isabella filia Launcelott Baroden de Com' Leicest. Lawrence de longe Whatton in Com' Leic.— 1 Anna nupta Joh'i Chet- wood de Asby in Com' Leic. B (Lawrence.) 1 Elizabetha. 2. Maria. 3. Sara. Edwardus Rob'tus Will'mus Lawrence 2. filius Lawrence 3. filius. ob. s. p. Willm's Law- rence fil. et hæres. ætatis 20. 1619. Will'mus Lawrence fil. & hær. ætat. 4. de Longe Whatton. Thomas 2 fil. ætat. 6. mensis. Elizab. uxor Tho. Law Joh'is Cran- rence fil. well de et hæres Loughborow æt. 28. in Com' Leic. 1619. Willm's ob. infantulu'. 11m Johannes Marston 2 filius ætat. 24. ob. s. p. Willm's Rob'tus 3. fil. duxit Elizab. filia'... Wright de Shepsted in Com' Leic. Ī Elizab. fil. Thomas Law- Joh'is rence duxit Litherland Isabellam de Belton filiam . in Com' Hayes. Leic. Tho. Lawrence fil. et hæres ætat. 24. nunc in Hib’nia et ibi nuptus. Ellina filia Maria uxor Denham de Com' Geo. Sar- Nott. qui duxit son de filiam Joh'is Hersie Militis. • Loughbroug in Com' Leic. Elizabetha siue Ellinora. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 103 Jacobus Marshall Willm's Marshall de Whitwick in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres.: filius et hæres. Johannes Marshall fil. et hær. ; Marshall. Thomas Marshall de Worthington in Com' Leic... . filia whose auucesters cam out of ye north. Smith de } Geo. Marshall-Margareta de Diceworth in Com' Leic. 2. filius. filia Rolandi Milborne de Diceworth. Sibilla fil. Rad'i Clax- ston de Lon- don uxor 2. Georgius Marshall-Katherina filia de Diceworth in Com' Leic. ætat. 41. 1619. Wil 3 Willm's æt. 7. 4. Francis æt. 4. 5. Rowland æt. 2. 11 1 Sara æt. 6. Franciscus Isabella filia Marshall 3. filius. Willm's filius primogenitus ob. s. p. wal Jana uxor Worthing- • • ton de Kaham in Com' Leic. Joh'is Champion de Castle Dunington in Com' Leic. ux. 1. 2. Sibilla æt. 5. 1619. Rolandi Milborne soror Margaretæ prædictæ. Georgius Marshall fil. et hær. ætat. 12. Rob'tus Peper fil. et hær. Thomas 2. fil. æt. 13. 1619. ætat. 11. Tho. Marshall fil. et hær. ætat. 40. annoru' 1619. (Peper.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Gules, on a chevron argent, between three demi-lions rampant, couped or, as many sickles sable, in chief an annulet for difference. 2. Or, on a fess sable three water bougets argent. 3. Argent, a chevron between three garbs gules, in chief a martlet for difference. Johannes Peper.= Rob'tus Peper-Katherina fil. de Thurmas- Ric'i Mans- ton in Com' feild de Leake Leic. ætat. 52. parua in Com' 1619. Nott. Thomas Peper de Thurmaston Isabella fil. et Coh. Galfridi Bugg de Leake in Com' Leic. in Com' Nottingham. Thomas Peper de Thurmaston-Maria fil. et hær. Ric'i Shefeild de Turmaston fil. et hæres. et Leeke in Com' Nott. Johannes 2. filius ætat. 10. Ricardus 3. filius ætat. 8. Joh'es 2. fil. ætat. 32. Emma uxor Will'i Paget de Siston in Com' Leic. 104 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Ruding.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, on a bend between two lions rampant sable, a dragon extended of the field, a crescent for difference. 2. Argent, on two bars sable three plates. 3. Sable, three fleurs-de-lis between seven cross crosslets fitchée argent, three, three, one, a canton ermine. CREST. A dragon's head couped, collared, and chained, in the mouth a lion's gamb, erased (untinctured). Jol'es Ruding de Westcott Joane Da. of Geo Purefoy of filius et hæres. Drayton in Com' War. Gray Ruding ma. Dorothey fil. et hær. Michael 2 fil. ob. sine prole. of John Wakefeild. Dorothea ux. Symerell Scotus.= John Ruding= Jane 2 filia ma. Clem't Gage of Womonden in Com' Leic. Lodowick. John 3 son. Franciscus Ruding fil. et hær. ætat. 27. Marie 3. da. Walter Ruding 5. Martha. fil. et hær. ætat. 5. 1619. 6. Francis. Ricardus Ruding de Westcotts Anna fil. Joh'is Driuer de Lime iuxta Leicest. house prope London. Willm's et Walter Ruding=Elizab. fil. Fran. Pres- Thomas ob. fil. et hær. ætat. graue de Wescott, who sine p❜le. descended from the Netherlands. 41. Anne 2. da. Georgius 2 filius æt. 21. ma. Suzan da. of Watson of Bucklande in Com' Hertf. 1 1 1 1. Christian. 2. Dorothea. Ricardus 2 filius 3. Elizabetha. ætat. 3. 1 Jana ux. Jacobi Beau- champ.= 4. Elizabeth ob. s. p. - Catherina. francisca ob. sine p'le. Anna. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 105 ARMS. Sable, on a chevron between three doves or, a mullet for difference. Willm's Alsop de Alsop in Com' Derbiæ. Carolus Alsop de Markefeild in Com' Leic. 3. fil. Jana 2. filia. Maria nupta Ric❜o Spencer de Onlippe in Com' Leic. Humphredus Alsop de Alsop in Com' Derbiæ Steward to Edward last Duke of Buck. Dorothea fil. Moleneux de Carlton in Com❜ Nott. ux. 2. (Alsop.) Isabella filia Joh'is Warner de Marke- feild in Com' Leic. Maria fil. Will’i Cooper de Thur- maston in Com' Leic. fil. p' uxore' 2. Humphredus Katherina 2. Willm's ætat. 28. Alsop fil. et hær. ætat. 30. 3. Georgius æt. 25. 4. Johannes æt. 21. Willm's Alsop fil. et hæres. ætat. 3. 1619. Humphredus Alsop fil. et hæres de Putterley Hall in Com' Darbiæ. Joh'es Alsop rector Eccl'iæ de Beeby in Com' Leic. 2. fil. fil.... Allen de Com' Rut- land. Maria 2. septimano' 15. Septemb' 1619. Elizaab. fil. Welsh who maried the Da. of Judg South- cott uxor. 1. Willm's Alsop 4. filius ob. s. P. Humphredus Alsop fil. et hær. ætat. 15. 1619. Nicholas 5 filius ætat. 17. Georgius Alsop 5 filius de Leicester duxit Anna' fil. Geo. Agar de Newborow in Com' Staff. Maria ætat. 19. P 106 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Pochin.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, a chevron gules between three horse-shoes sable. 2. Or, on two bars gules three water bougets argent, in chief an annulet for difference. 3. Argent, on a cross azure five mullets or. 4. Blank. 5. Azure, three fleurs- de-lis argent within a bordure engrailed or. 6. Gules, a fess indented between six billets or. CREST. A harpy (untinctured). Will'mus Willoughby de Barkby in Com' Leic. Anna fil. et hæres Petri Lincolne. Peter Lincolne de Barkby in Comitat'=Auna fil. et hæres Leic. temp. E. 3. Walteri Power. Ricardus Pochin de Barkby in Com' Leic.=Alicia fil. et hæres Will'i Willoughby. Mary. Elizab. Walter Power de Barkby in Com' Leic.= | 1 Johannes Pochin de Barkby in Com' Leic.= Barbara uxor Ric'i Chambers de Gatisby in Com' Leic. Thomas Pochin de Barkby. Elizab. filia . . . Sherley. Willm's Pochin de Maria fil. et Coh. Will'mi Palmer de Stonie Barkby. Stanton in Com' Leic. Will'm. Dorothea John. ux. Will'i Cogan de Insula A xome in Com' Lincoln. Georgius Pochin de Barkby sup'stes 1563. Ellina uxor Ric'i Harrington de Bagworth in Com' Leic. Willm's filius 1. | ││ 1 Alicia æt. 18. 4. Gracia. 2. Dorothea. 17. 5. Pasca. 3. Katherina. 16. 6. Maria. Katherina fil. Thomas Ske- vington de Skevington. Willm's 2 filius==Alicia filia cuius proles Edw. ob. sine sobole. Brokesby. Matheus Pochin de Barkby in Com' Leic. Katherina fil. Blewett. 2 Johannes æt. 21. 3. Franciscus æt. 19. 4. Rob'tus æt. 16. 7. Margaret. 5. Matheus æt. 12. Maria nupta Rob'to Moore de Knighton in Com' Nott. 11 Edward. Georg. Valen- tine. Georgius Pochin fil. et hær. ætat. 24. Tho. Pochin fil. et hæres ætat. 6 menses 1619. filia Doctoris Doue Episcopi Peterborowe. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 107 (Barret.) ARMS. Per pale argent and gules, a fess counterchanged. Ric'us Barret de Wimsole in Com' Leic. qui vienne del Contie d'Essex. Willm's Barret de Wimsole in Com' Leic.-Anna filia Leake. Willm's Barret de Wimsole in Com' Leic.== Thomas Barret de Wimsole in Margareta fil. Hen. Laser de Com' Leic. Winsole in Com' Leic. will Willm's Barret de Winsole in Juditha fil. et Coher. Edwardi Bowier de Com' Leic. Shepshed in Com' Leic. Dorothea nupta Rob'to Reynes filio Nic'i Reynes. Rob'tus 2 filius ætat. 4. Margareta Will'mus Barret-Jocosa fil. Nicho- Elizabetha ux. Hugonis fil. et hæres nupta Rob'to Bothum de ætat. 28. 1619. Fox de Leicest'. Wimsole. laij Reynes de Stanford in Com' Nott. Willm Willm's Barret fil. et hæres ætat. 6. 1619. (Cheseldon.) Johannes Cheseldon de Weldon in Com' Northam. 1 Elizab. 2. Anna. 3. Francisca. Ric'us Cheselden de Weldon in Com' Northamp.= Judith ætat. 3. Joh'es Cheseldon de Weldon in Comit' Northamp. Johanna fil. Jocosa filia... Barsby Ric'us Cheseldon de Weldon de Thorp ux. 2. in Com' Northamp. 3 Ricardus. 4. Thomas. 10. 5. Georgius 6. Willm's Ilm 2 fil. ætat. 20. Dorothea ætat. 2. Johannes Cheseldon fil. et hæres ætat. 30. 1619. Anna fil. Will'mi Stacy de Thorpe in Com' Leic. ux. 1. 11 1 Jocosa. 2. Johanna. 108 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cooke.) Anthonius Harecourt.—... fil. et Cohæres Tho. Hardwick militis. Willm's Cooke al's Brodfeild de BurBage in Com' Leie. Abraham Cooke al's Brodfeild de-Margareta fil. et Cohæres Tho. a Burbage in Com' Leic. Greene de Manseter in Com' Warr. Elizab. nupta Antho. Bromfeild de Eaton in Com' Warr. Katherina nupta Joh'i Watkin de Burbage in Com' Leic. Thomas a Greene. Barbara fil. et Coh. Anthonij Harecourt. Margaret ux. Har- man Shepard clericus nunc in Hib'nia. Abraham Cooke fil. 3. nunc Scolasticus in Academia Oxon' xtat. 23. 1 Elizabetha æt. 4. 2. Susanna æt. 1. Alicia nupta Tho. Bullock de Spratton in Com' Northam. Isack Cooke al's Brodfeild filius et hær. ætat. 35.1619. Agneta uxor Joh'is Lichfeild de Ulsteroff in Com' Leic. Elizab. fil. Joh'is Twigden de Husbandes Bos- worth in Coin' Leic. Joh'es Cooke al's Bromfeild fil. et hær. ætat. 11. 1619. Wil Willm's 2 fil. ætat. 34. 2. Jacobus xt 9. 3. Will'mus æt 6. (Arms and Seals of Leicester.) ARMS. 1. A cinquefoil pierced ermine. CREST. A dragon with wings displayed and tail nowed ermine. 2. England, in chief a label of three points, the shield surmounted by a ducal coronet. SEALS.-1. A cinquefoil pierced ermine. Legend. SIGILLUM COMMUNITATIS: LEYRCESTRIE. 2. Issuant from clouds a sheaf of three arrows, points downwards, one in pale and two in saltire, on the dexter side a scroll, inscribed thereon << IN ANTITRINITARIOS," on the sinister a cinquefoil pierced ermine. Legend.SIGILL: HOSPITALIS : S'CTÆ : TRINITATIS: IN: NOVO: OPERE. 3. A cinquefoil pierced ermine. Legend. SIGILLUM STATUT: BURGI : LLICESTRIE. 4. A cinquefoil pierced ermine. Legend. VILLA. LEIC. TARLAT. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 109 1 5. The Virgin crowned, holding a sceptre in the dexter hand and nude child in sinister arm, seated under a canopy with finials, below them on a small shield, a cinquefoil pierced ermine. Legend.-SIGILL: MAIORATUS. VISTE : LEICESTRIE. These are the Armes and towne Seales used by the Maior & Burgesses of the Borough of Leicester, wch now is incorporated by the name of Maior Bailiffes and Burgesses of the sayd Borough of Leicester, and inabled with many great priui- leges and large immunities by many the auncient Kinges of England, and sithens confirmed & enlarged by Kinge James that now is. Of which sayd Borough at the tyme of this present Visitac'on. videl't 23. Septemb. 1619. Nicholas Gillott was Maior, Will'm Morton Will'm Iue, Tho. Erick & Rowland Pusey Justices of the Peace wthin the sayd Borough, John Wilne & Will'm Hunt Bailiffes, John Freman Steward John Tatam & John Norrice Chamberlaines and Fran Haruy Esq. Sergeant at Lawe Recorder of the sayd Borough. (Allen.) ARMS. Per pale argent and sable, a chevron between three talbots passant, all counter- changed, the talbots collared or. Ellinora filia Joh'is Garret de Somershall in Com' Derbiæ ux. 2. Allen 1 sonne & heyre.... filia. Radulphus Allen Vicecomes London 2. filius. Christopherus Allen 2. filius duxit. . filiam... Botfish in Comitat' Leicest.= Jacobus Allen filius et hæres ætat. 20. Allen. Tho. Allen de Whetston in Com' Leic. filius et hæres. Francisca Elizab. uxor. Geo. uxor Ric'i Bodington Burdet de Bur- de Shesby Will'mus 2. fil. bage in in Com' ætat. 18. Com' Leic. Leic. Jacobus Allen de Whet--Maria filia... Reuen in ston in Com' Leic. Com' Derbiæ uxor. 1. Elizab. filia Joh'is Warde de Knighton in Com' Leic. Thomas Allen fil. 2 ætat. 29. duxit Marga- retam filiam .. Moore de Com' Leic. Radulphus Allen. 3. filius. Alexander Allen filius et hæres ætat. 30. 1619. Anna filia Wale de Wacott in Com' Leic. Will'mus Allen filius primoge- nitus ætat. 21. John Allen Girdler at Lud- Jana filia. gate in London. 110 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Willm's Skeffington de Skeffington. Rob'tus Skeffington de Skeffington miles. (Skeffington.) Galfridus Skeffington de Skeffington in Com' Leic. Simon Skeffington miles= Tho. Skeffington de Skeffington in Com' Leic.= A Joh'es Skeffington Miles temp. H. 3. Petronilla. Sr. Rob't Skeffington Miles temp. E. 1. Galfridus Skeffington Miles. Mabilla. Ri'cus Skeffington de Skeffington in Com' Leic.=Isabella ux. eius. Will's Cambridg al's Clark.=Jone fil. et hær. Brian Deane.=Thomas Roose 2 Maritus. Willm's Oldbeefe. Matilda fil. et hær. Will'miCambridg. Sr Rob't Roose Kt. ob. s. p. Joh'es Skeffington de Skeffington. Margareta fil. et hær. Will'mi Oldbeffe. ! Willm's Oldbeefe Margareta fil. et hær. Will'mi English. B Hen Stanhop 2 fil. Johanna filia et hær. Hen. Rochford D'ns de Stoke in Com' Lincoln. Stanhop.= Johannes Stanhop. 1. Thomas. 2. Michaell. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 111 A A | B | Anna filia Euerard Digby de Dristoke militis-Willm's Skeffington Miles Prorex=Anna filia John Digby et D'ns de Tilton in Com' Leic. ux. 1. Hib'niæ temp. H. 8. de Kettleby. Thomas Skeffing-=Margareta filia ton de Skeffing- et hæres Edm. ton. Stanhop Miles. Elizab. uxor Geo. Griffith de Wichmore in Com' Staff. militis. 1 Katherina uxor Anthonij Colley de Glason or Glowson. |.| 2. Anna. 3. Isabella. Willm's Skeffing-=Johanna filia Jacobi Leueson ton de Com' Ar. renupta Will'o Foulke et Salop. postea uxor Edwardi Gifford Ar. illa ob. 1572. Joh'es Skeffington de Fisher--Alicia filia Thomæ Caue de Stan- wick in Com' Staff. ford in Com' Northamp. - ton de London Miles 2 filius ob. s. P. Joh'es Skeffing-=filia et hæres Peck. Or, 3. eagles Elizab. filia Dan-Jacobus Skef--... filia Bradley de London re- uers relicta Tho. fington 2. licta Will'i Cockeram de Hamp- Cane. filius. sted in Com' Midd. B | Thomas Skeffington Legum Doctor 3. fil. Will'mus Skeffington de Fisher--Elizab. filia Ric'i Deering de wick in Com' Staff. 1619. Pluckley in Com' Cantij. I Joh'es Skeffington filius et hæres Ursula soror et cohær. Joh'is ætat. 30. 1619. Skeffington de Skeffington. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, three bulls' heads erased sable, armed or. 2. Azure, a bend cotised between six mullets or. 3. Sable, three garbs argent. 4. Azure, on a bend or, in dexter chief point an annulet gules for difference. 5. Ermine, on a chief indented gules three escallops or. 6. Or, a pale azure, a chief vert. 7. Er- mine, a bend azure. 8. Or, three eagles displayed gules. • 1. Elizabetha. Edmondus Stanhop. Georgius Skeffington fil. 3. duxit Goditham filiam Tho. Ros de Lutterworth in Com' Leicest. Tho. Skeffington 3. filius duxit filiam rigge.= Hasil- Elizab. uxor Francisci Danuers de Swithland in Com' Leic. Alicia Flie. Elizab. nupta Will'i Jetter de Skeffington in Com' Leic. 2. Ursula. Ric'us Skeffington de Lon- don Justiciar' ad pacem 4. filius. 112 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A B filia monialis apud Sempringha'. 7. Jocosa uxor Tho. Bendage de Burrington in Com' Cantab. 8. Maria uxor Rob. Monke de Kirkby in. | 4 Alicia uxor Bandon de Kibworth in Com' Leic. 11 Elizab. soror et Coh. uxor Will'i Jettour de Warwick. Ursula soror et Coh. uxor Joh'is Skeffing- to' de Fisherwick in Com' Staff. Joh❜es de St Andrew. 5. Elizab. ux. Ri. Egleby de Estcot in Com' War. Jocosa ux. . In- garsby de Kibworth in Com' Leic. 6. Lucia uxor Bell. Agneta 3. filia. Guliellmus de St Andrew 2 filius. 11 3. Katherina uxor Georgij Pochin de Barkby in Com' Leic. 4. Dorothea uxor Tho. Hunt de Aston sup' Trent in Com' Nott. 11 Margaret 1 filia. Maria soror et Coher uxor Will'mi St Andrew de Gotham in Com' Nott.- 2. Elizab. uxor Browne de Com' War. Katherina soror et hær. uxor Will'mi Brome de Woodlow in Com. Warr. ar. Jana. • • Maria uxor Ouerey de Iueston in Com' leic. renupta Kingston. Barbara. || 2. Anthonius s. p. 1. Isabella uxor Rob'ti Belgraue de Kilworth in Com' Northamp. 3. Edwardus. 4. Georgius s. p. 5. Franciscus sup'stes 1563. | | | Henricus 2. filius. | Joh'es Skeffington frater et hæres Will'i occisus in Hospitio Graies Inne London p' Mich'em Bray sine prole. 2. Leonardus. 4. Matheus. | | 2. Anna uxor Tho. Ludford de Anseley in Com' War. 3. Anthonius Presbiter. Will'mus Skeffing-Maria filia ton de Skeffing- ton sup'stes 1563. Tho. Caue de Stan- ford in Com' Northamp. mils. Thomas Skeffington de--Isabella filia Joh'is Biron Skeffington in Čom' de Newsted in Com' Nott Leic. Ar. ob. 1600. militis. Willm's Skeffington-Katherina de Skeffington miles ætat. 20. Aº. 1600 ob. s. p. Ric'us Bray 1 filius. filia Ric'i Chetwood de Wood- hull in Com' Bedf. mil. Egidius 2 filius. Michaell Bray 2 maritus occisus in hospitio Grayes Inne London per Joh'em Skeffing- ton. | Anna ob. 16. July 1618. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 113 گر (Noel.) ARMS. Or, fretty gules, a chief azure. Noelus Lo. of Elenhall in Com' Staff. of whome= this posterity tooke their surname. Rob't Noell Lo. of Elenhall first founder of the Monastrie of Ranton in Com' Staff. according to ye Rule of Haghmon Abbey. Phillippus Ric'us Harcourt Noell 2. de Stanton in filius. Com' Oxon. ㅜ ​Joan filia ... Acton miles. Rob'tus Noell fil. Phillippi. (Ar. B. quarterly p.fes endented.) Phillippus Noell de Cest- forde superstes 52. H. 3. Jana filia.. Sonde uxor prima. Alicia Ricardus 2 ux. eius. filius Noeli. Thomas fil. Rob'ti fil. Noeli 1. fil.-Margareta soror Dn's de Elenhall et Kanton et Guidonis le Strang patronus eiusdem prioratus. de Com' Salop. ill Willm's Har--Alicia filia Court de Stanton miles. Isabella uxor Tho. Chet- wood sup'stes. 6. E. 4. et Coh. vixit 11. Regis Joh'is. Ric'us Harcourt miles D'ns de Stanton. Phillippus Noell de Cestford et Newbold.= Phillippus Noell obijt ante patrem. Cicilia, ouer liued her husband and was a widow. 12. E. 2. Thomas Noell fil. et hæres. Alicia fil. et hær. Henrici de Wiuerston. Willm's Noell de Newbold.- Willm Willm's Duston. ("G. 3 bucks' heades ca- bosed or.") Roisia fil. et hær. fuit D'na de Ranton et nupta Joh'i Doiley et habuit exitum. Ricardus Noell de Newbold.= Thomas Noell Jana filia Rogeri Dracott de Newbold. de Painsley in Com' Staff. ux. 2. Johanna fil. et coh. vixit 11. Joh'is fuit D'na de Ranton. A Rob'tus Noell 2. filius superstes 28. H. 6. Rob'tus Noell de Hilcott in Matilda filia Breerton. Comit' Staff. 6. E. 4. 114 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. James Noell... filia Poole de Langley in de Hilcott. Com' Darby. (“Ar. cheuern ent 3. (crescents) Gu.") Rob'tus Noell de • Hilcott fil. & hær. Duxit filiam Asplane de Com' Essex. Joha'nes Anna filia et hær. Joh'is Ric'i Coniers de . . . relicta Flower 1. uxor. Noell Primo- Fowler de genitus. Welles- borow. Dorothea filia-Andreas Noell-Elizab. fil. et hær. Joh'is Hopton de Com' Glouc. vel Com' Salop relicta Joh'is Perient militis. 3. filius de Dalby in Com' Leic. | A Ꭺ Andreas Noell de Dalby miles ob. 1607. Johannes Noell Willm's Noell-Francisca fil. 3. filius. Vicecomes Leic. Sup'stes Edwardus Noell 1619. 2. filius. prima et Coh. Joh'is Fulwood de Ferehall in Com' War. 1 Anna æt. 14. 3. Elianor 7. 2. Francis 12. 4. Katherin 4. Georgius Noble de Reresby in Com' Leic. Mabilla filia Jacobi Har- rington de Ex- ton in Com' Rutland militis. A | Joh'is Rector de Swinerton. 3. Henry æt. 8. Eliz. uxor Faunt de Foston in Com' Leic. Katherina filia Hen. Hoode de Boston in Com' Lincoln. | 2. Verney æt. 11. 4. Edward. miles Baro de Ridlington per R. Ja. 1617. Edwardus Noell-Elizab. filia 1 et coh. Bap- tisti Hix de London Militis. Ricardus ob. sans issue. 2 Henry. Judith. 3. Georg. 4. Will❜m. (Noble.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, on a chief gules a lion passant or. 2. Barry of six argent and sable, on a canton gules a crescent or. 3. Argent, on a bend sable five bezants. 4. Gules, a chevron ermine between three eagles displayed or. CREST. An eagle displayed or. Film Willm's Noell fil. et hær. æt. 5. Andrew æt. 1. 16. 1619. Arthurus fil. 2. sine prole. Will'mus Noble de Rushington Elizab. soror et Coh. Joh'is Kebell in Com' Leic. de Reresby in Com' Leic. Tho. Noble de Thrussington in Com' Leic. 2. fil. B filia Will'i Webster de Thrussington. • THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 115 Willm's Noble ob. sans issu. Maria nupta Ric'o Wattes de Cason in Com' Bedf. Margareta ux. Will'i Wattes de Ratcliff in Com' Leic. | B Geo. Noble duxit Eliz. fil. . . . Kenning de Com' Nott. et habuit prolem. Agneta uxor Tho. Wattes de Grimston in Com' Leic. Geo. Noble filius et hæres ætat. 14. 1619. Elizab. nupta Tho. Sa- cheuerell de Leis- ter. | | | | | Thomas Noble de Reresby ætat. 45. 1619. 2 Thomas æt. 11. Francisca fil. Rob'ti Georgius 2. filius Herick de ob. s. p. Leicester. | | 1 Catherina. 12. 3. Will'mus æt. 8. 2. Margareta. 1. 4. Franciscus. 7. 5. Robertus 6. 6. Joseph æt. 3. Sr Beamount Dixsey. 11. + ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, a lion rampant and chief or. 2. Argent, a saltire engrailed between four escallops sable. 3. Argent, on a saltire gules five cross crosslets or. 4. Sable, a chevron between three mullets argent. 5. Sable, a bend between six étoiles or. 6. Argent, on a saltire engrailed gules a mullet or. 7. Azure, a lion rampant between five fleurs-de-lis or. 8. Azure, three garbs or. 9. Gules, seven mascles conjoined or. 10. Gules, a cinquefoil ermine. Gules, a pale or. 12. Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 13. Argent, an inescutcheon within a tressure flory counterflory gules. 14. Gules, a saltire argent. 15. Azure, a wolf's head erased argent, langued gules. 16. Gules, a lion rampant vair. 17. Azure, a fess argent between three cinquefoils or. Argent, a maunch sable, in chief a crescent for difference. (The Ulster badge.) Impaling quarterly:-1. Or, on two bars gules three water bougets of the field. 2. Vert, three stags trippant proper. 3. Gules, three bars argent. 4. Argent, a chevron engrailed between three trefoils slipped sable. 5. Sable, a saltire en- grailed between four cross crosslets or. 6. Ermine, on a fess gules three annu- lets or. 7. Paly of six, argent and azure. 8. Argent, a mullet sable. 9. Argent, on a bend (untinctured) between six martlets gules three bezants. CREST. An ounce séjant proper, ducally gorged or. 18. "Two Atcheivmts to be by monday morning Early into the Country. Ell square." This does not form part of the Visitation, but has been inserted. 116 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 4 (Dirie.) ARMS. Quarterly :-Azure, a lion rampant and a chief or; and argent, a saltire engrailed between four escallops sable. CREST. An ounce séjant proper, ducally gorged or. MOTTO. Quod dixi, dixi. Franciscus Dixy.: . . filia et hær. Beridge. Thomas Dixy de Catworth. Anna filia... Jephson de Com' Southamp. 2 | Johannis Dixy de Roiston. Wolstanus Dixie de Catworth in Com' Huntingdon. Ī Will'mus Dixie.... filia Bassingham. 4 | Wolstanus Dixy miles et maior Ciuitatis Londo' 1586. ob. 8. Januarij 1593 sine p'le duxit Joanuam fil. . . . Walkden. ||| Elizabetha. Thomas Dixy-Brigetta Johannes Dixy Catworth fili's 2. fil. & hæres filia. Rolt de de Barnwell in Com' Com' Northa'. Hunt. Maria. Jana. 4. Jo- hannes. Anna filia 3 et coh. Xp'ofri Draper mili- tis maioris Londo'. 11 Ricardus 4. fil. ætat. 10. Thomas fil. 3. æt. 12. Charitas filia Tho. Henson. Barker de in Com' Rut- land. Dorothea filia 3 Thomas. Wolstanus Francisca filia et hær. uxor Dixy de Tho. Beaumont Bosworth de Stoughton in Com' in Com' Leic. Leic. miles mil. fil. Nic'i iam super- Beamont de Cole-Ouerton. stes 1619. = 11 Johannes fil. 2. ætat. 14. Ricardus Dixy filius et hæres. Wolstanus Dixy filius et hæres ætat. 16. 1619. Jana filia et Coh. Joh'is Crathorne de Com' Lincoln. Wolstanus Dixy=Francisca Walterus fil.. rector Eccl'iæ de Brampton in Com' Northamp. 1619. Francisca uxor Wal- teri Rolt de Clifton in Com' Bed- ford. Walterus Dixie 3 fil. sine Throck- prole. merton de Brampton. • Ricardus Dixy de Bosworth fil. 2. Brigetta fil. Will'i Bedell de Catworth in Com' Hunt. Wolstanus Dixy. Yougus Dixy fil. et her. 1619. | | Francisca 1. Brigetta 2. Charitas 3. Jana. 4. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 117 (Robertes.) ARMS. Per pale argent and gules, a lion rampant sable. CREST. An heraldic antelope's head erased per fess argent and gules. Will'mus Robertes.= Will'mus Robertes de Stanton Lacy in Comitatu Salop.= Joh❜es Roberts, Will'mus Robertes de Stanton Lacy=Jana fil.... 2. fil. sine p'le. postea de Burway in Com' Salop. Gomond. Joh'es Robertes de=Margareta fil. Ric'i Johnson Ashford in Com' seruientis ad Arma Arthuri principis. Salop. 2. Jana. 3. Alicia. Katherina uxor Henricus Robertes Tho. Robertes-Alicia filia Cooke. fil. et hæres Creekland Collector de Bristoll. fil. 6. Ricardus Robertes filius 4. 1 Johannes. . . filia Roberti Bainham de Com' Glouc. J Joh² Joh'es Roberts de-Maria filia Westerley in Com' Glouc. fil. 2. 2. Walterus. Thomas Roberts.: Will'mi Chester de Bristoll. Katherina filia Ric'i de Temple in Com' Leic. uxor 1. 3. Thomas. filia & hær. uxor . . Acton de la monte in Com' Salop. Will'mus Rob'ts fil. 3. duxit Eliz. relicta Will'i fil. Whitton Dauies. de Whitton. Rob'tes fil. 5. Maria. Thomas Robertes filius et hæres.: Edmundus-Jana fil. Phil. Dakins relicta Thomæ ap Rice. → Tho. Rob'tes fil. 3.- Will'mus Robertes de Sutton=. . . filia . . . Worship Chenell in Com' Leicest. de Basset. filia et hær.... Hickson de Sutton in Com' Leicest'. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Sacheuill. Thomas Rob'tes 2. filius. Temple-Thomas Roberts de Jocosa filia Joh'is Stares- more de Frolesworth Sutton Chenell in Com' Leic. in Com' Leyc. 118 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 3 | Ricardus Roberts de Sutton Chenell in Com' Leyc. — Dorothea filia Will'i Gerueis de Petling in Com' Leict'. Ar. Will! Will'mus Roberts-Francisca filia filius et hæres ætat. 24. 1619. Elianor fil. Gilberti Diglin de Couentry. Win! Will'mus Rob'ts filius et hæres. 4 Georgius Robertes 4 filius. Georgij Bale de Carlton Curlew in Com' Leyc. 1 | Will'mus Robertes de Sutton Chenell de Sutton Chenell in Com' Leic. miles. Vicecomes Comitatus Leicestriæ Aº 1619. 5 Johannes Robertes 5 filius. Dorothea filia .. Lawn de London. Thomas Rob'ts 2 Rob'ts 2 fil. ætat. 22. 2 Johannes. 4. Ricardus. 6 Thomas Robertes de Brigstock in Com' North'm. relicta Dudley. 1 A | Katherina fil. Ric'i Elkington de Sha- well in Com' Leic. relicta Rob'ti Gerueis de Thorpe Langton in Com Leic. Katja mega primer, Geruasius 3. fil. ob. s. prole. 3. Georgius. 5. Thomas. 11 Jana uxor Nic'i Geary de Barles- ton. Elizab. uxor Will'i Wright de Sutton. 1 Will'mus. 1 Katherina. 4. Elinora. 2 Ricardus. 2. Jocosa. 5. Dorothea. 2. Petrus. 3. Anna. 3. Willmus. Jocosa uxor Edm. Bale de Sading- ton in Com' Leic. 1 Elizabetha. 2. Katherina. Anna uxor Tho. Perkins de Marston Jabbets in Com' War. ¡ 1 Johannes. 1 Jocosa. 2 Michaell Rob'ts 2 filius ob. sine prole. 2. Dorothea. MA Lucia uxor Tho. Acres, renupta Tho. Chancy al's Giles de Bosworth. Will'mus Robertes. TILE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 119 (Sturton.) ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Sable, on a bend or between six fountains, in dexter chief a mullet for difference (STURTON). 2. Gules, three bends engrailed or (CowLEY, STAFFORDSII.). 3. Gules, on a chevron between three bezants as many cros;es pattée fitchée sable (SMITH, LEICEST'SH). CREST. A demi friar, vested russett, skirted gules, cowled proper, in the dexter hand a discipline of three thongs, and in the sinister a church or. ANOTHER CREST. An arm, couped at the elbow, erect, vested per pale or and gules, in the hand proper a griffin's head erased azure. Certified under the hand & seale of Sr. W. Segar Garter & confirmed to John and Edward Sturton Brothers Aº 1616. Thomas Sturton de Sturton in Comitat' Nottingham. Thomas Sturton de Sturton-Dorothea filia... Colteclough in Com' Nottingh. de Com. Staff. Georgius Stur-=... filia Floker tou de Sturton sine prole. Elizab. uxor Will'i Ap John de Col- lingham Longa in Com' Nott. Sara. de Whitwell in Com' Rutl. Elizabetha fil. & heres in custodia' Regis Aº 1619. Johannes Stur- ton de London Haberdasher 3 fil. 1619. Rogerus Stur-Ellena filia ton de Sturton notha Will'i in Com' Nott. | Knyueton fil. et hæres. de Bradley in Com' Derb. ar. Tho. Stur- ton de Stur- ton in Com' Nott. Humphridus Sturton fil. et hær. Francisca. =Francisca filia et una hæredum Ro- geri Smith de With- cock in Com' Leic. Gartruda uxor Fran- cisci Knyue- ton de Wood- thorp in Com' Derby. Erasmus Sturton filius et hæres 16. annoru' 1619. Margareta Edw. Sturton-Maria filia et hær. fil. Joh'is de Narborowe Tho. Sanderson de Climpeston in Com' Leic. Wheston in Com' de London fil. 4. iam Leic. 1 maritus Hosier. sup'stes 1619. Willm's Beck de Narborowe. Edwardus Sturton. Tho. Stur-Anna fil. ton de Hi-Ed'ri bernia Aº 1619 fil. 2. Johannes Sturton. Francisca nupta Francisco Arme- stronge de Corbie in Com' Lincoln Arm. Thomas fil. 2. North de Walker- ingham in Com' Nott. Franciscus Stur- ton 5. filius. Georgius ob. sine prole. Katherina sine prole. Elizab. ætat. 13. annoru'. 秦 ​120 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cave.) Franciscus Caue de Bagraue in Com' Leic. iuris ciuilis Doctor 4. fil. Ric'i Caue de Stamford. | | | 1. Thomas. 2. Anthonie. 3. Brian. Margareta uxor Adriani Babington rectoris de Cossington. S de Barrow 4. filius. Margareta filia Tho. Lisle de Com' Surrey. Henricus Caue=Phillippa fil. unica hæres Rob'ti Bra- ham de Bar- row sup' Sore. Lisley Caue 5. fil. 1. Margaret. 2. Dorothy. 2. Will'mus æt. 24. Theophilus-Isabella filia Caue filius 3. Edwardus æt. 23. et hæres ætat. 34. Joh'is Allen de Sileby in Com' Leic. 4. Thomas æt. 20. 5. Henricus æt. 17. AnnanuptaWill'o King de Edmon- thorp in Com' Leic. Katherin Virgo. Tutbury in Com' Staff. opidum antiqui nominis floruit sub regno Saxonu' posi- tum sub ripam fluminis Doue quod Willm's Conquestor rex Angliæ dedit Hen- rico de Ferrarijs qui Castrum elegans et monasterium ibidem fundauit. Hoc oppidum præbuit sedes multis familijs, inter alias familia de Burton cuius ædes ibidem dictæ Burton hall, et terræ vicinæ Burton Bache, Burton More Burton Holme, Burton hill, et Burton scheild. Ex hac familia Jacobus de Burton miles officio Scutiferi functus est regi Ric'o primo in bello Sacro et alibi, hunc Joh'es Rex fecit magistrum fofestarum quam donac'onem Henricus rex tertius confirmauit. Adhæsit hæc familia Lancastrensi et filius eius Oliuerus factus est Seneschallus honoris de Tutbury sub Johanne Gandauo D. Lancast' contra quem Ducem Ric'us Burton frater dicti Oliueri arrauiavit assisam Nonce desseisinæ filius tamen eius Willmus Burton partes Lancast'r sequutus est, atq' creatus fuit ab Henrico 6. rege Vexillarius eius. Diu habitauerunt illi apud Tutbury et Falde vicinum ubi multa priuilegia et tenuras habuere, inter quas tenura de Morton nunc Alcock de Coton Com' Stafford qui tenuit terram suam in Coton de Burton, per fidelitatem et vis viiid annui redditus et reddendo ad obitum cuiuslibet hæredis optimum talum inuasorium, quod nuper præstitum fuit. Locus sepulturæ fuit in Capella Sc'i Stephani in monasteria beatæ Mariæ de Tutbury; Willm's Burton Vexillarius Hen. 6 regis struxit ædes apud Falde, ibidemq' habitauit Rad'us filius eius trans- tulit sedem ad Mafeild iuxta Okeouer in Com' Staff.; Jacobus fili's Radi ducens in uxorem Elizabetham filiam natu maximam et cohæredem Joh'is Hardwick de Lindley in Com' Leic. aº 3. H. 8. tunc mutauit sedem suam ad Lindley ubi iam aº 1619. Radulphus eius ex filio Roberto nepos movatur, et Will'mus Burton filius dicti Rad'i nunc aº 1619. inhabitat apud Falde prædictum. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 121 2. Or, ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, a fess between three talbots' heads erased or. three stars gules pierced of the field. 3. Azure, on a chevron argent three calha- rine wheels gules. 4. Azure, an eagle displayed argent, armed or. 5. Gules, a saltire engrailed argent between four mullets or. 6. Azure, semée of cinquefoils (untinctured). 7. Or, two bends cotised azure. 8. Argent, a fess gules, in chief three mullets sable. 9. Gules, three eagles displayed or. Vair (untinctured), a chevron (untinctured). 11. Or, fretty sable, each joint charged with a cross crosslet fitchée argent. 12. Gules, on a bend or, three gar- lands vert. 10. CRESTS. First, a beacon argent, ladder or, inflamed proper. Second, out of a ducal coronet a cypress-tree vert, semée of cinquefoils or. (Plumbe.) ARMS. Ermine, a bend vair, cotised sable; impaling a bend engrailed, cotised (un- tinctured). CREST. On a mount vert a greyhound séjant argent, collared gules. Walterus Plumbe de Aldeburgh in Com' Norff. Ī Johannes Plumbe filius Walteri. T Johannes Plumbe=Margareta filia . . . Lindsey filius Johannis. de Horham in Suff. Alicia fil. Will'mi Fawnt de Foston in Com' Leic. relicta Humfri Purifoy de Barwell in Com' Leic. uxor 2. wil Will'mus 3 filius. Johannes Plumbe. 2 filius. Anna. =Johannes Plumbe, qui quisiuit manerium de Marston in Com' Leic. obijt 6. Aug. aº 1616. { . uxor Redham de Red- ham in Com' Norff. per--Maria fil. Tho. Duport de Shepeshed in Com' Leic. ux. 1. Thomas Plumbe de Marston-Elizabetha filia in Com' Leic. fil. & hær. superstes 1619. T│ 2. Will'mus. 4. Radulphus. Johannes Plumbe fil. Maria. et hæres ætat. 22 annoru' 1619. 3. Thomas. 5. Walterus. I Katherina uxor Margareta ux. Maria uxor Joh'is Stafford Johannis Lloyd Rogeri Pugh de Huncote in de Oswaldestrie. renupta Ed'ri Com' Leic. Thornes. Joh'is Fortescue de Fabians in Essex. Elizab. Judith. Alicia. Cornelia ux. Tho. Smith de Crofts in Com' Leyc. R 122 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cave.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, fretty argent. 2. Ermine, on a bend sable three fishes' heads erased argent. 3 Argent, a chevron between three birds vert. CREST. A greyhound courant sable, collar (untinctured). ARMS OF SAMPSON. Suble, a cross flory between four escallops sable. Franciscus Caue fil. 4. de Bagraue=Margareta filia Thomæ in Com' Leic. iuris Ciuilis Docto' Lisle de Com' Surrey. Maria filia Rob'ti-Lisley Cauc de Horspoole Grange-Juditha filia 2 et coh. Sampson de in parochia de Thornton in Com' Carsey in Com' Leic. fil. 5. iam superstes. 1619. Suff. uxor. 1. Will'mi Porter de Escote in Com' Warr. uxor 2. 1 Francisca uxor Arthuri Shuger de London gent. Ricardus Caue de Stamford in Com' Northamp. T Ursula uxor Will'i Dauenport de Com' Nott. ARMS. A cross en- grailed (unlinc- tured). Maria. Elizabetha. gemellæ. Johannes Caue fil. et hær. æt. 7. annoru' 1619. Nicholas Charnelles de Elmesthorp, Boulton, Swopston et Merwe in Com' Leic. Warr, et Surrey miles fil. et hæres. Lisley Caue 2. filius. (Charnells.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Azure, a cross engrailed or. 2. Argent, three fleurs-de-lis between six cross crosslets filchée sable, three, one and two. 3. Argent, three garbs azure. 4. Argent, three eagles displayed gules within a bordure engrailed sable. Cicilia. l Will'mus Charnelles. CREST. Out of a coronet (untinctured) a demi plover or, with wings displayed argent ; against it is writlen “ a puct." Will'mus Charnells.: | | | 1. Rutha. 2. Martha. 3. Juditha. 4. Susanna. Will'mus Charnells-Petronilla Radulphus Char- de Snarkeston in nelles filius 3. Com' Leic. miles. ARMS. A cross en- ARMS. A cross en- grailed (untinc- grailed (untinc- tured), in first tured), in chief a and second label of five points quarters a mul- gules. Tet (untinc- tured). fil. et hær. Simonis Bereford de Snar- keston. Will'mus Charnelles de Snarkeston. wnl Ат A TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 123 Francisca uxor. Allen clerici in Com' Lincoln. Johannes Charnelles de Snarkeston.— Johannes Charnelles de Snarkeston.= A Johannes Charnelles de Snarkeston in Com' Leic.= Will'mus Charnelles de= Snarkeston. Walterus Charnelles de Snarkeston. Willm's Charnelles de Snar--Muriella filia . . . Arden de Parkhall in Com' Warr. keston in Com' Leyc. fil. et hær. Aº 1619. Katherina uxor Augustini Wirley de= Netherseale in Con' Leic. uxor Gabrielis Heyward de Anna. Tickenhall in Com' Derb. Muriella. Godierus Char- nelles fil. 3. Will'mus Wirley Rouge Crosse prosecutor Armoru' sine prole. Edwardus Charnelles de Bedworth in Com' Warr. nuptus 1608. Robertus Charnelles de Ashby de la Elizab. filia. . . Zouch Francis de Tickenhall fil. 2. in Com' Derb. Thomas Charnelles filius et hæres. (Duport.) ARMS. Quarterly : Per chevron embattled a crescent in dexter and a mullet in sinister chief, in base a lion rampant, within a bordure (all untinctured); and argent, three fusils in fess gules between three pellets. CREST. On a rock argent guttée de sang, a falcon* proper, beaked gules; against the wings is written "blowish.' "" MOTTO. Invitis ventis. "Guillaume Segar, Jartiere Roy principall d'Armes.” ANOTHER. Per chevron embattled azure and sable, in dexter chief a crescent argent, and in sinister a mullet or, in base a lion rampant of the last, within a bordure gules. CREST. On a rock vert a falcon proper. SUPPORTERS. On mounts two savages wreathed about the middle with leaves all each brandishing in the dexter hand a spiked club argent. proper, ' >> * Arms tricked by Nicholas Charles, Lancaster Herald (Harl. MSS. 1113, fo. 10). "Henricus Du Porte de Shepeshed" gives the crest thus: upon a rock " a halcion proper, in its beak a scroll inscribed "Invitis ventis," and beneath the shield a second motto, " Portum Teneo." 124 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. La Genealogie Armories et Supporteurs fort anciens de Monsieur Duport iadys demourant aupres La Riuicre au port de Cacn en Normandie de la quelle ilz pvint leur nom et astheure sont resiant en le Comté de Lecestre en Angleterre. Ces deux Sauuages defendant leur testes aucc leur Bastons furent donnez a l'Ancestre du dict Guillaume a son retour en Normandie auec Guillaume le Con- querant apres la conquest d'Angleterre come ill appert par ung viel Genealogic. Duporte de la Ville de Caen en Normande. CREST. On a wreath or and azurc a rock vert, thereon a falcon proper, wings" blewish," beaked gules. 1 Guillaume Duport veine en Angleterre en la temps H. 4. Guillaum Duport fitz de= Guillaume. . . . fille de Clare mont de Lisle de Gernesey. Jaques Duport fitz=... fille de . . . de Guillaume. Cartier. Jaques Duport fitz-Emma fille et de Jaques. Coheretiere. Katherina femme de Guillaum Higate. Henry Duport de Shepeshed en le Comte de Leic. fille de ... Galliard. Rob't de Montague viuant 8. R. 2.— CREST. On a wreath argent and Frances fe'me de Anto Caue de Queniborow in Com' Leic. Anne fille Thomas Higate. gules, a demi-griffin argent, with wings displayed sable, beaked gules, charged on the neck with "three pellets. 1 Thomas Duport Anna femme de filz. 1. Alexandre Polson. Jean de Montague Agnes fille de fitz de Rob't. Atmore viuant morut aº 10. H. 5. 10. H. 5. Alexander Duport morut Thomas Duport fitz-Cornelia fille de . . . Norton sans issue. de Jaques. en le comte de Kent. Guillaume de Monta-: gue fitz de Guill'm. Guillaume de Montague= viuant 20. H. 7. Elianore 1. Coheretiere et fe'me de Jean Beuin. Ricardus Duport. Maria femme de Jean Plumbe. Peuerell en le comte de Dors'he. Jean Duport presi--Rachell fille de Ric. dent de Collegie Cox Euesque de de Jesu en Cam- Eliense. bridg. Jean feme de Jean Mollins 3. fille. Cornelia fe'me de Raphe Segraue. Eudochia. Jaques Duport=... fille Will'm en la Comte de Oxon. Vincent de Peckleton in Com' Leic. Margaret. Thomas Duport. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 125 (Cave.) Sr Alexander Caue Lo. of South Caue. Matilda fil. Petri Maldacu' Lo. of Lockington in Com' Leic. Piers Caue Esq. fil. et hær. Anna filia Sr Simon Warde Knight. Sr Alexander Caue Knight. Amfilicia filia Galfridi Hotham militis. Johannes Caue miles. Maria filia et hæres Petri Genill al's Gilliott. I 2 Thomas. Sr Alexander Caue Knight. Catherina filia Rogeri Someruile de Grindall militis. Sr Alexander Caue Constance filia fil. et hær. Rogeri Leedes. Anna uxor Gilb'ti Stapleton militis Domini de Baiton. Sr Alexander Lounde Kt. Lord Maria fil. et hæres Alex- of Lownd hall & Caue. andri Caue militis. Rob'tus Sheffeld de Butterwick in Com': Lincoln a quo Dn's Shefeild. Piers Caue 2. filius Alexandri Caue. 3. John. filia et unica hæres Alexandri Lownd mil. Anna filia Radi Ingolby. 3 Peirs. Pierce Caue filius Maria filia Burdet et hær. de Bowell. Johannes 3. filius. A Maria uxor Piers de See. Catherina uxor Joh'is More de Kingfeild mil. Rob'tus Caue fil.-Elizab. filia. Johannis et hæres. Constable de Flam- brough militis. Johannes 2. filius Abbas de Selby. Grace monialis. Alexander 3. filius. Johannes 2. fil. Beatrix. Vicarius de Stamford. 126 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Radulphus Caue 2. filius. Elizab. filia Maruin de Church-Ric'us Caue de Stam- Lawford in Com' Staff. ford in Com' Northamp. Thomas Caue de Stamford filius et hæres.= Margareta uxor Edwardi Saunders de Harrington. Tho. Caue de Stanford in Com' Northamp. miles filius 2. ob. 1558. Katherina ux. Tho. Andrewes militis. Elizab. filia 2. et coh. Jo- hannis Danuers militis. K Anthonius Caue de Chicheley in Com' Buck. fil. 3 mer- cator. Edwardus Caue a quo Andrewe et Boughton. Juditha fil. 1 et una heredu', uxor Will'mi filij et hæredis Will'i Chester militis maioris ciuitatis London. Elizab. filia Tho. Louet de Astwell. Franciscus Caue de Bagraue in Com' Leic. iuris Ciuilis Doctor. fil. 4. Anna uxor Griffith Hampden. A filia Margeria fil. et coh. uxor Tho. Boughton de Com' War. 1 Clement Caue fil. 6. Duxit filia' Malorie sine prole. Margareta filia Tho. Saxby de Com' Northamp. ux. 2. Passemer de Com' Essex. Dorothea fil. et hær. Nic'i Malorie de Com' Staff. Margareta fil. Thomæ Lisle de Com' Surr'. Martha ux. Joh'is Newdigate. Henricus Caue= 2. filius. Ambrosius Caue mil. Cancellarius Ducatus Lancastriæ fil. 5. Anna filia et hæres uxor shall de Com' Nottingham. Maria uxor Jero- nimi Weston. Anna monialis. B filia Belgraue. Margareta fil. et coh. Will'i Wil- lington. Mar- | Elizab. uxor Will'i Wir- ley de Hondes- worth in Com' Staff. Margareta filia et hæres uxor Hen. filij et her. Fran. Knolles militis. с TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 127 Katherina fil. et co- hær. Tho. Colt. uxor 1. Alexander Caue de Bagraue et Rotherby in Com' Leic. 1619. Anna fil. et Coheres Jo- his Broket Militis de Com' Hartf. Tho. Caue de Bagraue in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. duxit Isa- bella' filia' Wake. Thomas Caue fil. et hæres. Anna filia. Lany uxor. 3. | | Anna soror et coh. Gregorij Durant de Barrowden in Com' Rutl. Margareta filia 1. uxor. Hum- fredi Babington. Lisleus Caue filius 5. a quo Dorothea 2. filia vide nupta Joh’i Barnard. Isabella Franciscus Caue filius ux. Tobiæ Tho. Caue fil. 3. de 2. de Barra- Chipping- Thorpe don in Com' dall. Ruti. Sacheuill in Com' Leyc. 1619. Agnes filia Tobiæ Houghton de Kilthorp in Rutland. Smith Anna fil. & coh. ux. de Bowdon in Com' Leic. antea. + Anthonius-Francisca Brianus filia Tho. Caue 3. Duport. filius. Caue 2. fil. de Queni- borow in Com' Leic. | | | | Brigetta uxor Jacobi Bury de Easton in Com' Linc. Anna ux. Tho Hunsto' de Walpoole in Norff. Katherina uxor xro- feri Cheyney de Grantham. Dorothea uxor Arthuri Euans. Francisca fil. et coh. uxor. Jenkenson. | 1 Thomas Caue fil. et hæres. Margareta ux. Gilb'ti Bury de Easton in Com' Lin- coln. | │ filia Cliffe de Com' Essex. + Theophilus Caue de Barrow in Com' Leic. fil. & hæres iam sup'stes 1619. Duxit Isabellam filiam Joh'is Allen de Sileby in Com' Leicest'. 3. Elizab. et 4 Temperans. B Henricus Phillippa Will'mus Caue fil. unica filius sextus. Caue 4. fil. de Barrow. et hær. Rob'ti Braham de Bar- row sup Sore. Margareta uxor Adriani Babing- ton rectoris Eccl'iæ de Cos- sington. Anna uxor Will'i Kinge de Edmondesthorp in Com' Lincoln. Will'mus Caue fil. et hæres ætat. 10. an. 1619. Margareta fil. et her. Georgij Clermont de Frampton in Com' Lincoln. с | | | │ Willm's 2. ætat. 24. Edwardus 3. ætat. 23. Thomas 4. ætat. 20. Henricus 5. ætat. 17. 2 Tobias. 3. Johannes. с 128 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Ricardus Caue de Pickwell in Com' Leic. filius 7. Barbara filia Will'i Feilding de Newenham militis. Willm's Caue de Pick--Elianora filia Tho. Gray de Enuill in Com' Staff. uxor 1. well in Com' Leyc. Duxit Elizab. fil. Burnell de Wingburn in Com' Nott. Franciscus Margareta filia Caue fil. 3. de Cle- brooke in Com' Leic. a 1619. Joh'is Trussell de Billesley in Com' Warr. relicta Georgij Cope. Will'mus Caue fil. et hæres. Augustin's fil. 9. Elizabetha. Marcia. Rosa uxor Harecourt renupta Edwardus Caue fil. 4. · Dorothea ux. Will'i Smith al's Harris de Withcock in Com' Leic. nings. Prudencia uxor Joh'is Crooke al's Blount unus sex Clericorum Cancellariæ. London fil. 4. Ambro- Hun- 2. Duxit sius sine filiam. p'l. Elizab. filia =Johannes et coh. Pauli | Caue de Ewart de Pickwell Geddington in Com' Northamp. in Com' Leic. sup'stes a 1619 fil. 2. Will'mus Caue fil. et hæres aº 1619. 11 I Anthonius 3. Mathew. Edw. Caue fil. et hær. 1 Francisca. Caue de ob. sine p❜le. 2. Maria. Will'mus Caue æt. 1. anni. Brianus Caue de Ingarsby in Com' Leic. fil. 8. Barbara fil. et coh. Will'i Deuereux militis. Magdalena Ricardus Ricardus Bartholomei Caue fil. Armine de et hær. Osgoodby in non Com- Com' Lin- col uxor 1. Maria filia et coh. Joh'is White de Southwick in Com' South. Maria. Margareta filia Geo. Throck- morto' militis. pos men- Elizab. fil. tis aº1619. Catlin. l Tho. Caue fil. 5. Clericus. Anna 1. s. p. 2 Johannes. Henricus Caue de Ingarsby in Com' Brigetta uxor Francisci Tanfeild de Gaiton in Com' Northamp. с Leic. 2. fil. Northamp. et hæres. Elizab. filia Geo. Isham de Pitchley in Com' | | Anna uxor Joh'is Sherman de Leicester. |__! Maria uxor Steph'i Peck de Knossington in Com' Leic. Dorothea uxor Humfr'i Gray de Basset house in Com' Leic. 3. Thomas. 4. Franciscus. Johannes Caue fil. et hæres. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 129 Ex Chartis Thomæ Hasilrigge de Nowesley in Com' Leicestriæ militis. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Herbertus de Karleton rector Eccl'ia de parua Boughton dedi D'no Anketino de Martiuall et Agneti uxori suæ et hæredibus &c. totum clameum &c. in situ unius molendini quem emi de Roberto de Tokeby in campo de Ilueston una cum molendino ibidem constructo. Hijs testibus Rad'o de Martiuall Rad'o de Medbourne, Rob'to de Tokeby, Roberto de Karleton Waltero de Billesdon et alijs. valde antiqua. Uniuersis hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Rob'tus de Martiuall de Haluton et Rad'us de Martiuall salutem, Noueritis nos pro D'no Joh'e Engærie teneri D’no Anketino de Martiuall in 40 marcis soluendis eidem aut suo atturnato apud Nouesley &c. ad terminos subscriptos &c.; ita quod uterq' n'rum tenetur in solidum. Et ad istam soluc'oem loco et terminis præd'cis fideliter et plenariè faciendam obligamus nos et hæredes, et omnia bona nostra mobilia et immobilia ubicunq' existentia districtioni Vicecomitis Leicestriæ vel Balliuorum Comitatis Leicestria qui pro tempore fuerint siue districtioni eiusdem D'ni Anketini vel cuiuscunq' voluerit balliui, In cuius rei testimonium &c. sanz Date. (Martiball.) ARMS. Argent, a cinquefoil sable. D'ns Anketinus de Martiuall de Nowesley in Com' Leic. Agneta. Rad'us de Martiuall D'ns de Nowesley et in- terris de Halloughton in Com' Leic. Willm Willm's dictus de Martiuallis Martiuall, Martiuaux, Martiwast, et Martiwall D'ns de Nowesley. Rob'tus de Martiuall. Fulco de Martiuaus testis Chartæ Will'i fratris sui. Thomas de Martiuall filius Will'i de Martiuallis de Nowesley. Nicholaus de Martiuallis de Nowesley-Isabella. Joh'es Seyton in Com' Leic. aº 17. E. 1. 2 maritus. S 130 TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Thame.) ARMS. Gules, on a chevron between three martlets or as many mullets sable, on a chief of the second three mascles of the field. Johannes Thame de Chinor Johanna filia Augustin in Com' Oxon Ar. Bellson de Com' Oxon. 1 | Johanna nupta Rob'to Randall de Missenden in Com' Buck. Ī 1. Francis- cus. Faith filia 11 Joh'es 2 filius. 3. Robertus. unica. Elizab. 2. fil. Baptizata 9. Junij 1600 nupta Ric'o Jones rectori Eccl'iæ de Melborne in Com' Derbiæ. Ī Rob'tus Thame=Margeria filia Thomæ Whit- ton de Comi- tatu Oxoniæ. 1. Willms. de Chinor in Com' Oxon filius et hæres. Joh'es Thame de Com' Leicest filius et hæres. Johanna 1. filia bapt. 3. Aprilis 1598 nupta Edw. Brocket de Hit- chin in Com' Hartf. 2. Robtus. Cisley filia Joh'is Hamon de Burton in Com' Hart- ford. Elizab. Jones Bapt. 25. Junij. 1620. Henricus 4. fil. Willm's 3. filius Baptizatus 10. Bapt. 27. febru- Junii 1604. arij. 1597. Margareta 3 fil. Bapt. 27. Marcij 1602. 2 Maria nupta Rob'to Steuens de Urchinor in Com' Oxon. Ī Johannes 2 filius Bapt. 22 februar. 1595. Christopherus 2 fil. duxit Aliciam filia Joh'is Kettle de London. Maria 4. filia Bapt. 20. July 1603. Jana 5 filia Bapt. 29. Septemb. 1607. Johanna filia Rob'ti Steuens. 1 Christopherus Thame fil. et hæres Baptisatus 29. September 1593. (Carrington alias Smith.) 2. ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Argent, a cross gules between four peacocks azure. Quarterly, argent and sable, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis gules, and in the fourth, an ermine spot. 3. Argent, on a fess wavy sable three hares' heads erased or. 4. Quarterly gules and ermine, in the first and fourth quarters a goat's head erased argent. 5. Sable, three leopards' faces reversed gulēs, jessant- de-lis argent. 6. Ermine, a talbot passant sable. 7. Gules, on a bend or, three TIIE VISITATION OF TILE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 131 martlets sable. 8. Barry nebulée of six argent and sable, a canton gules. 9. Per fess ermine and or, a cross moline gules. 10. Or, a fess azure between two bars gemelles (untinctured). 11. Sable, ten bezants four, three, two, one, on a chief ermine three lozenges gules. 12. Gules, a fess nebulée or. CREST. A peacock's head, erased azure, ducally gorged or. Sr Will'm Car-Anna fil. et hær Edmundi rington. Farnell militis. Sr Will'm Car--Katherin soror Will'i Montague rington. Comitis Sarum. Sr Thomas Carrington made Knight by the black prince ob. 4. R. 2. Tho. Smith de Riuenhall in Com' Essex. Isabell fil. et hær. Will'i Toft de parua Baden in Essex. Joh'es Carrington who named Millicent filia et hæres himself Smith. 1446. Rob'ti Laynham. Hugo Smith 3 filius Joh'is Smith al's Carring- ton. filia et Johannes Smith Cohær. miles Baro Woode. Scaccarij. Agneta sola fil et hær. Joh'is Harewell de Wotton in Com' Warr. Tho. Smith de Cres--Maria filia et hær. sing Temple in Com' Essex. Thomæ Neuill de Holt in Com' Leict™ mil. Rob'tus 2 fil. Georgius Smith=Maria filia fil. 2 de Quene- Ed'ri Holt borow in Com' de Dud- Leyc. 1619. deston in Com' War. Margaret Da. of Sr Rob't Rosse. Anna. Georgius fil. Edmund's æt. 4. et hæres ætat. 5. Robertus æt. 3. Tho. Smith=. . . filia fil. 3. de Samso- .. in Com' Staff. 1619. Tho. Morton-Margareta filia unica et hæres Will'i Wood- ford de Wood- forby et Bran- tingby. nepos Joh'is Morton Archiep'i Eboru' ob. 25. Decemb. 8. H. 8. Georgius Smith de Ashby=Anna filia Thomæ Gifford de Foluile in Com' Leic. Chillington in Com' Staff. Franciscus Smith Ar. filius et hæres de Wotton sup'stes 1602. Joh'es Mor-Hellena filia ton Ar. fil. et hær. Roper de Eltham Kent. nis Er- deswicke de San- don Ar. Maria uxor Ed'ri Man- feild de White place militis. Johannes fil. & hæres. Jana filia et hæres Joh'is Morton. Dorothia ux. Cuthb'ti Clifton de Lithernhall in Com' Lauc.militis. Franciscus 2 filius. A 132 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Franciscus Smith Anna filia Tho. Mark- ham de Allerton in Com' Nott. · miles do Ashby Foluill in Com' Leic. et Wotton in Com' Warr. aº 1619. 1. Maria. 2. Lucia. 3. Alathca. 4. Anna. Carolus Smith miles fil. & hær. ætat. 21. annoru' 1619. • Willm's: Ashby. in Com' Derby. (Ashby.) and ARMS. Quarterly :-Azure, a chevron ermine between three leopard's faces or ; gules, three mallets argent. CREST. Out of a mural coronet argent, a leopard's face or. · uxor Skeffington • de Skeffington in Com' Leicest'. Thomas Ashby de Quenby in Com'=Katherina fil. Will'i IIasilrigge de Leic. aº 20. H. 6. Nowesley in Com' Leic. Ar. T Nicholaus. 4. Johannes. 5. Robertus. 6. Edward's. Dorothea ux. Parri Lane renupta Rob'to Bradshaw de Morebarne in Com' Leic. obijt aº 1612. s. p. Anna ux. Geruasji Teuerey de Stapleford in Com' Nott. filia... Curson de Croxhall 2. Thomas. 5. Elizabeth. 8. Dorothea. 3. Francis. 6. Francisca. 9. Martha. 4. John. 7. Ursula. Willm's Ashby de Quenby. Will Elizab. uxor Tho. Haw- kins Militis de Nash in Com' Kent. de Quenby in Com' Leic. aº Rob'tus Ashby=Barbara filia Geo. Ashby de Loseby in Com Leic. obijt 1598. Anna. Ursula. Georgius Ashby de Quenby ct Louseby fil. & hær. ætat. 30. A 1619. Rob'tus Ashby- de Quenby. Georgius Ashby=Maria filia Andrea de Quenby in Gedney de En- Com' Leic. aº derby in Com' 1607. Lincoln. 2 Henricus. 3. Willmus. 4. Thomas. A Carolus Ashby 2. filius. Jocosa uxor Will'i Pell de Rolleston in Com' Leic. s. pr. Brigetta. Dorothea. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 133 (Cave.) Henry Caue de Ingarsby son of Brian Cauc de Insgarsby. 8. son of Rich. Caue of Stanford. 1 Elizab. uxor Tho. Mar- bery de Wardon in Com' Bedf. 1 2. Euse- bius. 3. Fran- ciscus. Brian Caue de Ingarsby in Com' Leic. miles fil. & heres super- stes 1619. 2. Johannes æxt. 7. 3. Erasmus. 4. George. Francisca fil. Erasmi Dredon de Cannons Ashby in Com' Northamp. Baronetti. Brianus Caue filius et hæres ætat. 9. 1619. Elizab. fil. Gregorij Isham de Pitchley in Com' Northamp. Elizab. fil. 1. ætat. 16. Margareta ux. Edw. Marberie Clericus. 4 filia. 11 2 Anna. 3. Barbara. 5. Mary. 2 Maria ætat. 14. 3. Anna ætat. unius anni. Ex Chartis Ric'i Swinfin de Swinfen in Com' Stafford gen' 14. September. 1619. Henricus dei gra' Rex Angliæ, Franciæ et D'ns Hib'niæ omnibus &c. H. 5. Sciatis quod de gra' n'ra sp'iali de assensu D'nor spiritualium et tempo- ralium ac ad requisic'onem com'unitatu' regni n'ri Angliæ in parliamento n'ro apud Westm' aº regni n'ri 2º tento existentium pardonauimus et relaxauimus Thomæ Swinfeen alias dicto Thomæ Lichfeld quocunq' nomine censeatur omni- modas transgressiones, offensas, misprisiones, Contemptus et impetic'ones &c. Teste meipso apud Westm' 10 die Aprilis anno regni n'ri quarto. sub magno sigillo Angliæ. Irrotulatur in memorand' S'ccarij aº 5. H. 5. inter recorda de termino Pascha ex parte rememoratoris Thesaurarij. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Joh'es de Swynfen d'ns de Swynfen dedi &c D'nis Joh'i Jones et Thomæ de Freford Capellanis, hæredibus et assignatis suis omnia t'ras et ten'ta, prata &c in villis et ham'elettis de Swynfen, Freford, et Whitinton &c Hijs testibus Rad'o de Thikbrom, Henrico Gardiner de Weford, Will'o de Bromley de Whitinton, Thomæ Menell de Hyntes et alijs. Dat. in vigilia natiuitatis S'ci Joh'is Baptistæ aº 43. E. 3. Charta Joh'is de Swynfen in Swynfen data. aº 49. E. 3. Ric'us 2. Ricardus dei gra' Rex Angliæ et Franciæ et D'ns Hiberniæ omnibus balliuis &c Sciatis quod pordonauimus Rogero Lichfeld de Wigorn alias dicto Rogero Swynfen omnimoda escapia felonum catalla felonum et fugitiuor' fines amerciamenta &c. Ac insuper cum ad parliamentum n'rum apud Westm' primo die octobris aº regni n'ri decimo tentum Thomas nuper Dux Glouc' et Ric'us nuper Com' Arundell attrahentes sibi regiam potestatem fieri fecerint quandam Commissionem sub magno sigillo n'ro sibi ipsis et alijs ad eorum denominac’oem directum ad gubernac'ocm n'ri et regni n'ri habendam et d'ca commissione usi fuerint iurisdictionem regiam indo super eos capientes quæ quidem Commissio præiudicialis fuit et derogatio nobis et Coronæ n'ræ ac usurpatio n'ræ regaliæ et regiæ potestatis, et super hoc præd'ci Dux et Comes eorum iniquum propsitum et regiam potestatem Colore, d'ca com'issionis continuantes attraxeriut eis Thomam Comitem Warr et ipsi tres insimul manu fortè modo Gucrrino cum magna potes- 134 THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. tate et multitudine lig'or n'ror, insurrexerint, et apud IIaringsey et alibi se con- gregauerint, et sic cum tali vi ad n'ram præsentiam in palacio n'ro Westm' venc- rint &c. Nos Volentes ex regia n'ra benignitate gr'am facere in hac parte pardona- uimus eidem Rogero fectam pacis n'ræ &c occasione d'ex Com'issionis ac con- gregac'onis insurrectionis &c Teste incipso apud Westm' 26. octob. aº regni n'ri 22. Sub magno sigillo Angliæ. Nouerint uniu'si per præsentes me Will'um do Lichefeld alias d'cum Will'um Tauerner Armigeru' relaxasse Thomæ de Swinfen de Swynfen totum ius in quodam curtilagio iacente in Frogge Lane &c. Hijs testibus Will'o Newport c'hr Rob'to de Swynfen et Will'o Forster de Strethay et alijs Dat. aº 12. H. 4. SEAL. Per chevron, in chief three leopard's faces. Legend. SIGILLUM WILLIMI LICHFELD. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod nos Will'm Swynfen et Alianora uxor mea dedi- mus Edmundo Crowcest de Ashby de la Zouch omnia t'ras ct ten'ta n'ra quæ habemus in villis de Sutton et Cateby et alibi nobis spectantibus in Com' Leic. &c Data aº 16. E. 4. (Swynfen.) ARMS. Per chevron sable and argent, in chief three leopard's faces counterchanged. CREST. A boar's head erased azure, charged with a crescent for difference. Will'mus Swynfen de Sutton temp. E. 4. aº 16. Elianora fil. . . . Leech de Will'mus Swynfen de Sutton Chenell... filia . . . Leeson de in Com' Leic. Packington. Tho. Swyufen de Sutton Chenell... . filia . . . Geerie. Will'mus Swyufen de-Elizab. filia. . . Cox de Sutton Chenell Sutton Chenell. in Com' Leic. Elizab. ux. . . . Farrian. 3. Jone ux. Joh'is Fresby de Coton in Com' Leic. | 2 Anna uxor Will'mi Cox de Darlington in Com' Leic. Richardus Swynfen-Anna filia Joh'is de Sutton Chenell in Com' Leic. Cotes de Elson in Com' Leic. Katherina uxor Geo. Morris de Burbage in Com' Leic. Johannes Swynfen fil. & hæres ætat. 24. 1619. | 1 Alicia nupta Joh’i Shepee de Whittington in Com' Warr. Thomas 2. fil. Duxit Anna' filiam Goodall de Pickleton in Com' Leic. Anna uxor Tho. Ormeston de Thornton in Com' Leicest'. Will'mus Swynfen 3. filius. Elizab. nupta Joh'i Elkington de Shawell in Com' Leic. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 135 (Wilcockes.) Rob'tus Nowers de Knossinton in Comitatu Leicestriæ miles. Rob'tus Nowers, fil. Roberti. Rad'us Nowers filius Rob'ti filij Rob'ti Nowers militis fuit seisitus de diuersis terris et ten'tis cum pertinent in Knossington al's Cnossing in Com' Leic. in Dm'co suo ut de feodo, et sic inde seisitus per Cartam suam que Dat est die mercurij in vigillia assentionis aº regni Regis filij regis Ed'ri dedit feoffauit et concessit om'ia præd'ca messuag' terr' et ten't et cetera præmiss' cum pertine'n cuidam Will'o Buckland rectori Eccl'ia de Bletherwicke habend' et tenend' &c. Et sic inde seisitus postea per Cartam suam que dat est pridie Idus feb anno regni Regis Edw. filij regis Ed'ri 12. dedit et conces- sit om'ia prædicta m'es terras et ten'tes et cætera præmissor' cum pert'nen' præfato Rad'o Nowers et cuidam Margeriæ filiæ prædicti Will'i Buckland ad tunc ux'i eiusdam Rad'i habend' et tenend' om'ia prædicta, m'es terras et ten'ta et cetera præmissoru' cum pertin' præfato Rad'o et Margeriæ &c. Et sic inde sasitus idem Rad'us ob. sine exitu masculo, et habuer' exit' inter eos quendam Margeriam Nowers, Margeria ips'm superuixit et se tenuit intus p' ius hered' et inde sola fuit seisit in Dm'co suo ut de feodo, et sic inde sesit circa annu' 2. regni Regis Ric'i 2. cepit in virum quenda' Will'm Wilcockes al's dict' Hopkins virtute cuius eidem Will's Wilcocks et Margeria inde seisit' fuerunt in Dominico suo ut de feodo, et in iure ipsius Margeriæ, et sic seisitus de p'dicis terris et ten'tis habuerunt exitus inter eos quendam Will'm Willcockes &c. et postea idem Willm's vir ipsius Margeriæ obijt, post cuius mortem idem Willm's Willcockes filius prædic' Will'i et Margerio ut fil. et hæres propinquior ip'ius Margerie intrauit in omnia præde'a præmiss' &c. et sic inde seisitus obijt post cuius mortem Willm's Willcockes filius et hæres p'dici Willi in prædc'is terris ten'tis cum pertin' intrauit, et inde fuit seisit &c. et postea sic seisit', obijt post cuius mortem Rob'tus Wilcockes fil's et hær. prædicti Willi in om'ia prædc'a messuag' terris et ten'tis cum pertinent' intrauit &c. Et sic inde seisit obijt post mor'tem cuius Thomas Wilcockes fil. et hær. prædicti Rob'ti in om'ibus præd'cis terris et ten❜tis cum pertinent' post mortem ip'ius Rob'ti intrauit et inde fuit seis' &c. Et sic Inde seisit' obijt, post cuius mortem Rob'tus Wilcockes fil. et hær. prædicti Thomae modo tenens de om'ibus præd'cis &c. Et sil't Comptum est p' easdem euidenc' qd prædict' ten' et tent' cum pert'ent tenent' de manerio de Knossington prædicto. &c. Et prædict' Rob'tus sic inde seisit obijt post cuius mortem Rogerus Wilcockes fil. et hær. prædicti Rob'ti in om'ibus prædict' terris et ten'tis intrauit et seisitus in D'mco suo obijt post cuius mortem Willm's Wilcockes fil. et her. prædicti Rogeri in om'ibus prædictis terris et ten'tis intrauit, et inde seisitus in prædictis terris et ten'tis pro quadam pecuniæ sum'a Galfrido Wilcockes fratri Juniori præfati Rogeri Auunculo suo per Cartam vendidit qui Galfridus sic inde seisitus in D'mco suo ut de feodo obijt post cuius mortem Thomas Wilcockes fil. et hæres prædc'i Galfridi intrauit et est modo tenens. Radulphus de Nowers de Knossington in Com' Leic. 11. E. 2. ARMS. Per fess chequy or and gules, and ermine. Will'mus Wilcockes de Knossington in Com' Leic. Margeria filia Will'mi de Buckland filia et hæres. Will'mus Wilcockes de Knossington. T Margeria fil. & hæres Radulphi de Nowers Aº 2. R. 2. Will'mus Wilcockes fil. et hæres Will'mi. 1 A Rob'tus Wilcockes fil. & hæres Will'mi. Thomas Wilcockes fil. et hæres Rob'ti. Rogerus Wilcockes fil. & hæres. Willm's fil. et hæres. Ric'us 4. fil. ætat. 26. 1619. 3. Elizabetha. 1. Temperance. Anna uxor Christop. Malson de Eagleton in Com' Rutland. Edw. 3. filius ætat. 32. Į Katherina ux. Tho. Rolt de Moulton ernest in Com' Bedf. Rob'tus Wilcockes de Knossington fil. & hær. Tho. Wilcockes 2. filius Principall of Barnards Inne in London ob. sine prole. Sense nupta Joh'i Bell de Com' Bedf. Thomas Wilcockes de Knossington fil. & her. Anna nupta Tho. Stan- ford de Barkby in Com' Leic. Burton de Branson in Com' Rutl. Galfridus Wilcockes de=Susanna 1 filia Will'mi Knossington 3. fil. et postea hæres. Alicia uxor Rad'i Welles de Thrumesto in Com' Leic. (Staveley.) Thomas Staueley de Bignell Margeria filia Arthuri in Com' Oxon. Brooke de Okeley. Maria nupta Thomæ Rudkin de Whitsen- dine in Com' Rutl. Arthurus Staue--Lucia fil. et ley fil. et hæres ætat. 30. 1619. A Maria fil. Rob'ti Woode Rob'tus Wilcockes=Maria fil. Edw. Rosse de de Warw. 2 fil. ætat. 35. Ashwell in Com' Rutl. hæres Ric'i Estwick de Wotton Born- end in Com' Bedf. Margeria ætat. 1. mensis 14. Septemb'. 1619. | Dorothea youngest Daughter unmaried ætat. 22. 1619. 2. Thomas ætat. 28. 4. Willmus æt. 23 in Oxon'. 3. Eusebius æt. 26 in hib❜nia. 5. Carolus æt. 17. 136 THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 137 (Walker.) Willm's Walker de Harborow in Comit' Leic. ī Richard Walker de Harbrough in Com' Leic.=Elizab. filia. . . Henson. || Georgius Walker de Bosworth Albania filia Georgij Walker de East in Comit' Leicest. Fardon in Com' Northamp. Rowlandus Walker filius=Maria filia Will'mi Buckby de Welford et hæres ætat. 24. 1619. in Com' Northamp. (Chamberlaine.) ARMS. (Gules), on a chevron between three escallops (or) a mullet for difference. Henricus Chamberlaine de Newton Harcourt. Will'mus Chamberlaine de Newton Harcourt in Comitatu Leic. Margareta fil. Poole-Franciscus Chamb'laine=Anna fil. Johannis Stan- de Com' Derbiæ de Newton Harcourt ford de Elmesthorp in uxor 2. in Com' Leic. Com' Leic. uxor. 1. Anna uxor Tho. Binning- ton de Leic. Elizab. 2 fil. Ī 11 Henricus 4. filius ætat. 21. Johannes Chamb'laine fil. et hæres ætat. 30. 1619. Franciscus-Francisca fil. . . . Jeruis in Com' Leic. Chamber- laine fil. 2. ætat. 28. .. filia unica infantula. 1619. Will'mus 3. fil. ætat. 25. T 138 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cutler.) ARMS. Argent, three dragons' heads erased gules. Arthurus Cutler de Bloherby in Com' Leic. Margareta filia Henrici Herne. Elizabetha ob. s. p. Georgius Cutler primogenitus ob. sine prole. James Johannes Georgius Cutler 3. filius. 2. filius. filius et hæres. Rob'tus Chester first son. Georgius 4 filius. (Chester.) ARMS. Ermine, on a chief sable a griffin passant with wings endorsed argent. filia. uxor prima. • Willm's Chester de London et Barnett in Com' Hartf. 〒 • filia & hær. • • 1 Henricus Cutler 2. filius et hæres. Heath filia Georgij Fish. Carolus Chest' filius et hæres ætat. 20. John Chester de Blaby in Com' Leyc. Dorothea fil. Tho. Hooker de Com' Leic. | Leonardus Chester filius et hæres ætat. 10. 1619. Timotheus 1. Maria. 2. Elizab. 3. Anna. 4. filius. Margareta nupta Joh'i Dracott de Loscoe in Comitat' Derbiæ. Leonard Chester de Blaby in=Brigetta fil. & Coh. Com' Leic. uxor. 3. Jana fil. Joh'is Sharpe de Nic. Sauill de Blaby in Com' | Frisbie super le reake Leic. sine p❜le. in Com' Leic. ux. 2. 1 Clement fil. 2 ætat. 17. Augusten Chester de Blaby. Duxit Febe fil. Joh'is Michell. = Will'mus 2 fil. nunc viuens in partibus transmari- nis. Johannes 3 fil. ætat. 11. Maria. Leonard 4. fil. ætat. 4. Samson Chester 3 fil. Duxit Fran. fil. Radi Tuffe de Burrowe in Com' Leic. | │ Anna uxor Rob'ti Sharpe de fresby sup' le Rcak. Alicia uxor Ric'i Sharpe fratris Rob'ti. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 139 (Grey.) Edmundus D'ns Grey de Ruthin primus Comes=Katherina filia Hen. de Percy Cantij creatus aº 5. É. 4. ob. 4. H. 7. Comitis Northumb'. Anna filia Ric'i Wooduill-Georgius Grey Comes-Katherina filia Will'i Her- Comitis Riuers relicta Cantij et D'ns Ruthyn bert Com' Pembro' ob. 20. Wm. Bourchier. ob. 20. H. 7. H. 7. ux. 2. Ric'us Grey Com'―filia Will'i D'ni Hussi. Cantij et miles Garterij ob. 15 H. 8. sine exitu. Reginaldus Grey restituitur ad dignitatem Comitis Cantij p'. Reg. Elizab. 1571. et ob. 1572. sine prole. Henricus Grey in Com' Bedford=Margeria fil. Oliueri D'ni de Wrest miles. St. John. de Bletzo. Henricus Grey fil. et hær. Henricus Grey de Wrest miles frater et hæres Ric'i Comitis Cantij ob. 1562. natus 24. Nouemb. 1594. Henricus Comes Cantij post fratrem ob. 1612 sine prole. Henricus Grey D'ns Ruthin fil. & heres. Anthonius Gray de Branspath. . . filia Holland. Georgius Grey fil. & heres=... filia Saluaine. 1 11 2. Johannes. 3. Job. 4. Theophilus. 5. Nathaniell. Anna filia Joh'is Bla- nerhasset. Anthonius Grey rector Eccl'iæ de Burbach-Magdalena filia Will'i Purifoy de in Com' Leic. modo sup'stes aº 1619. Caldecot in Com' Warr. Carolus Gray fil. 3. nunc Comes Cantij 1619.- ||| Gracia uxor Jacobi 2. Magdalena. Ward alias Farmer de Hucklescot grang in Com' Leic. 3. Christiana. 4. Patientia. 5. Priscilla. 140 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Croft.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Lozengy argent and azure. 2. Or, a chevron between three' leopards' faces gules. 3. Azure, on two bars or three martlets gules. 4. Or, on two bars gules three water bougets argent, in chief an annulet for difference. CREST. A wyvern's head couped (untinctured). Joh'cs Burdet Aº 30. E. 1. Thomas Burdet Aº 19. E. 2.= Croft vixit 28. H. S. Joh'es Burdet A° 11. E. 2.Juliana. Nicholaus Burdet Aº. 21. E. 3.= M S A Hugo Burdet. Amabilla. Phillippa fil. & hær. . . . Willoughby de Randes in Com' Lincoln relicta Rob'ti Moton. Will'mus-Dorothea fil. et hær. Thomæ Haruy. Tho. Haruy de Elmesthorp in Johanna fil. et hær. Com' Leyc. Aº 39. H. 6. ob. 2. E. 4. Thomas Croft=Anna filia Joh'is de Barwell. Ducket. John Croft fil. uxor 2. Rector Ec- cl'iæ de Picle- ton. Joh'is Barn- Anna filia Joh'is well. Tilson. · Barbara fil. et Col. Nupta Joh'i Fowler. Rob'tus Burdet miles 21. E. 2. Elizab. Will'mus Crofte de Pickleton in Com' Leic. I 1 Tho. Haruy de Elmesthorp-Elizab. filia in Com' Leic. aº 10. H. 8. ... ob. 8. ob. 1543. E. 4. Maria filia Geo. Chaworth militis. | B John Croft-Maria fil. de Mersom Rosse in Com' de Laxston 3. Willmus. Leic. rector in Com' Ecclesiæ Nott. ib'm 1619. 4. Anthonius. 5. Jacobus. 6. Barnabas. Ric'us Burdet Aº 5. E. 3. 2. Thomas. Johanna fil. et Coh. uxor Hugonis Heselrig. Anna filia et hær. nupta Joh'i Noell de Wellesburgh. + Esaias Croft de Thornton in Com' Leic. 3. fil. Lucia fil. et coh. nupta Tho. Cotton de Conington. Katherina fil. Will'i Stone de Lindridge in Com' Leic. | | | | | c C Elizabetha uxor Hugonis Goodall de Earles Shilton in Com' Leic. 1. Maria. 2. Dorothea. 3. Katherina. Wh Will'mus Croft ætat. 9 annoru' 1619. Maria. Katherina. Elizabetha. B THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 141 wimb Will'mus Croft fil. Thomas Croft de primogenitus Pickleton in obijt ante patrem Com' Leic. iam 14 Nouemb' 1612 sup'stes 1619. sine prole. Anna uxor. Hen. Meade de Narborow in Com' Leic. Maria uxor Ric'i Burdet de Mousley in Com' Leic. Edwardus Bale filius primo- genit's s. p. Joh'es Bale de Carlton Curlew in Com' Leic. s. P. Susanna filia Tho. Wright de Snelson in Com' Darb. Elizab. uxor Hugo- nis Goodall de Erle Shilton in Com' Leic. Joh'es Bale de Carlton Curlew in Com' Leic. 〒 Johanna filia Pettic. Edmundus Bale=Jocosa filia Ric'i de Sadington Robertes de in Com' Leic. Sutton Chenell fil. 5. 1619. in Com' Leic. Dorothea ux. Tho. Wight- man de Ilink- ley in Com' Leic. (Bale.) ARMS. Quarterly :--Per pale vert and gules, an eagle displayed argent, armed or ; and azure, three spears in bend argent, staffs or. CREST. A demi-lion rampant, couped gules, grasping the handle of a broken spear erect or. Signed by Wm Segar Garter to St John Bale of Curlew. A Georgius. Georgius. Rob'tus Bale de Carleton Cur- lew filius 2. Joh'es Bale de Carleton-Francisca filia Curlew et Sadington in Com' Leic. miles iam sup'stes. 1619. Georgius Bale de Carl-Elizab. filia Valen- ton in Com' Leic. fil. primogenitus. tini Hartop de Burton Lazers in Com' Leic. Barnardi Brocas de Com' South. Joanna fil. . . . Gamble de Burton Ouercy in Com' Leic. Franciscus Bale=Margareta fil. de London Marcator. fil. 4. a 1619. B Gracia uxor Tho. Auerey de Fleckney in Com' Leic. clerici. Henricus. Katherina sine prole. Katherina ux. Tho. Sanderson de Wheston in Com' Leic. I Johannes Joh'is Man- Bale de ning de Lon- Sadington don mercatoris. fil. 3. 1 Elizabetha. 3. Dorothea. Will'mus Bale 2 Johannes. Anthonius Filia. filius 1. ætat. 9. annorum. 2. Francisca. 4. Jocosa. Rob'tus Bale de Carlton in Com' Leic. 2 filius s. P. Bale filius et 3. Ricardus. hæres. Alicia filia . . . Couper de Thro- maston in Com' Leic. 142 TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Francisca Johannes Bale-Emma filia... Valentinus Bale-Elizab. filia et hæres uxor Will'i de Carleton Will'i Hal- Roberts de Curlew filius et ford de Barwell in hær. iam super- Wellam in Com' Leic. stes 1619. Com' Leic. Tobia Chipindale filij et hæredis Jo- hannis Chipindale Doct. iuris Ciuilis. Johannes Bale ætat. 2. anno- ru' 1619. Will'mus will 2. fil. æt. 1. anni. Rob'tus Euerard de Shenton in Com' Leic. Georgius 3. fil. ætat. 2. annoru' 1622. (Everard.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Gules, on a fess between three étoiles argent as many mullets sable. 2. Argent, on a chief sable three mullets of the field within a bordure of the second bezantée. 3. Argent, on a fess between three bears' heads erased sable, muzzled or, as many bezants. CREST. A man's head couped at the shoulders proper, crined sable, having on his head a cap or, charged with three bars wavy of the second. Johannes Euer--Elizab. ard de Barleston in parochia de Bosworth fil. & hær. 1619. Jana uxor Nichi Gorston de Thur- kaston in Com' Leic. renupta Gabrieli Rarwick in Com' Nott. Anna uxor Tho. Mercy de Glapthorn in Com' Northamp. Will'mus Euerard-Elianora filia Samsonus de Newbold Euerard filius tertius. Verdon in Com' Leic. fil. 2. Will'i Latham de Noneaton in Com' Warr. de Humbers- ton in Com' Leic. fil. 2. 1619. 11 ¡ Franciscus 4. Johannes 1. 2 Emina filius æt. 3. meu- dimidij anni. sis. Elizab. 2. 2 Jacobus. 3. Petrus. Margareta filia Tho. Woluerston de Wood in Com' Staff. I Christopherus Euer- Marmaducus Stephanus Euer- soror ard de Deane in Tho. Com' Northamp. 2 Cockaine filius. de Lon- don mi- litis. Elizab. filia . . . Palladay. Hester fil. unica ætat. 3. annoru' et dimid' 1619. John Euerard de Jana filia ... Pickleton in Madock de Noneaton in Com' War. Com' Leic. fil. 4. modo superstes 1619. Euerard de Barleston in Com' Leic. Duxit Margt Maruin. Johanne Euerard Doctor Theologiæ. Maria ux. Joh'es Euer-Anna filia Joh'is ard de Snelling de Pickleton London. fil. et hær. 1619. | 1 Walteri Aston de Longdon in Com❜ Staff. ard. Anna uxor Ric'i Webster de Stanton subter Barden in Com' Leic. 1 Johannes. 2. Ricardus. Thomas Euer--Maria ard de filia Pickleton in Com' Leic. filius 2. Maria unica filia ætat. 4 annoru'. Rocke de Lon- don. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 143 (Brudnell.) 2. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a chevron gules between three murions azure. Ermine, on a chevron gules three escallops argent. 3. Gyronny of eight or and sable. 4. Azure, a bend cotised between six cross crosslets fitchée or. 5. Sable, a stag's head caboshed argent, attired or, between the attires a cross pattée fitchée of the last, in its mouth an arrow barwise azure, barbed of the second. 6. Paly of six argent and azure, on a chief sable two swords in sallire of the first, hilted and pomelled or. 7. Sable, three fusils in fess argent. 8. Argent, on a bend engrailed sable three mullets of the field. CRESTS. First. A sea-horse with tail nowed, charged on the breast with a crescent for difference (untinctured). Second. A talbot stalant, ducally gorged (untinctured). Third. An arm couped at the shoulder, embowed vert, the hand proper, holding a spiked club with sling attached or. Rob'tus Brudnell de Deene in Com'-Margareta filia et hær. Northamp. miles. Tho. Entwisell. Tho. Brudnell miles- D'ns de Deene. Ric'us Brud-= nell de Deene. : Tho. Brudnell de Deene Miles et Baronettus. 1619. Margareta ux. Anna ux. Palmer de Lodouici Southwell in ap Rese. Com' Nott. Rob'tus Thomas Brudnell filius 1. de Stanton Wiuell in Com' Leic. fil. 2. et hær. supe'stes 1619. ob. s. p❜le. Anna. 2. Jana. 3. Elizab. 2 Rob'tus. 3. Will'mus. in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. Anthonius Brudnell de Gapthorne in Jana filia Com' Northampton filius 2. Elrington. Edmund's Brudnell fil. et hær. Edmundus 2 filius. Dorothea filia Hen. Smith de Withcoke in Com' Leic. Edmundus Brudnell-Elizab. fil... Geo Brudnell-filia.. de Stanton Wiuell fil. 3. Burnell de Winkburne in Com' Nott. Rob'tus 3. fil. Filia...Tho. Brud-=... Filia Warner nell filius ux. 1. 4. Ellena ux. Clementis Felder. · Elizab. Agnes uxor Johannis Flacket de Hanson grange in Com' Derb. Wy- mark. Tho. Brudnell fil. & hær. ætatis 6. annoru' 1619. Anthonius Brudnell. • Free- man. Francisca. Paulus: Brud- nell. I 1 Anthonius. 2. Willmus. 3. Georgius. 144 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Andreas Halford de Wistow in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. duxit Johannam filiam... Barret de Medburne in Com' Leic. s. p. Ricardu' Halford de Chepston in Com' North'ton.= Ric'us Halford de Wistow in Com' Leic. filius et hæres 1619. Isabella filia Geo. Bowman de Med- burne in Com' Leic. (Halford.) Halford.- Andreas fil. et hæres æt. 16. annoru'. Emma uxor Joh'is Bale de Carleton Curlew in Com' Leic. Edwardus Halford filius 2. Johanna filia.. Coleman de Tur- langton in Com' Leic. M Georgius 2 fil. æt. 12. Emma. Dionisia uxor · • Johannes Halford de Kebworth in Sprigge de Lang- Com' Leic. fil. 2. 4. Willmus. ton in Com' Leic. 1619. Elizab. Agnes uxor Tho. Fauson de little Bowden in Comit' North'ton. Dionisia fil. Bury de Com' Rutland. | | 3. Andrea. Johanna. (Halford.) Edwardus Anthonius Hal- Halford 2. filius. ford de Lil- bourne in Com' Northamp' fil. 3. 1619.= Willm's Halford.: Willm's Halford de Wellam=Jana filia Nichi Foxley Wilm in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres de Blakesley in Comitatu superstes 1619. Northa'. Rogerus Halford filius Will'mi.=Gracia filia Brodgate. Will'mus Halford. = Rogerus Halford de London Mercator fil. 6. filia uxor • Rogerus Rob'ti Henson Halford. de Slapton in Com' North'ton. Edwardus fil. et hær. Johannes fil. primogenitus. · Willm's Halford de Nicholaus. Wellam super- stes 1619. Ricardus ætat. 2. Ricardus Halford de Edithweston a quo vide Rutland. A Gracia uxor Milonis Bussic de de London Hether in Mercator Com' Lincoln. fil. 4. Henricus Halford A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 145 Jana. · Elizab. fil. Edm. Bussy de Hether in Com' Lincoln mil. quæ ob. sine p❜le. Willm's Halford-Elizab. fil. Tho. de Wellam filius Elmes de et hær. superstes Greenes-norton 1619. in Comitat' Northamp. ux. 2. Willm's Halford filius et hær. ætat. 4. annoru' 1619. (Carrington alias Smith.) 2. ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a cross gules between four peacocks azure. Quarterly argent and sable, in the first quarter a fleur-de-lis gules, and in the fourth an ermine spot. 3. Gules, a saltire ermine. 4. Lozengy or and gules, on a canton per pałe (untinctured) a...? 5. Gules, billetée a lion rampant or. 6. Bendy of six, over all a chevron (untinctured). 7. Or, two bars nebulée sable, a canton ermine. 8. Azure, a fleur-de-lis ermine. 9. Bendy of six gules and vert, a chevron ermine. 10. Bendy of six or and azure, a canton ermine. 11. Or, a chevron gules, a chief indented vert. 12. Lozengy or and sable. Sr Michaell Carrington Standard bearer= to King R. the first obijt in terra sancta. • Edm. Carington was at the Battell of Striuelin in Scotl. 1333. Carrington sonne of St Michaell. Sr Will❜m Carrington Knight by E. 1.—Anna filia et hæres Edmundi Farnell militis. Katherin fil. et coh. Tho. Heriell mil. A | Joh'es Hal--Jana filia . . . ford de Mathei Saun- Shankton in ders de Com' Leic. Shankton fil. 5. militis. Sir Tho. Carrington made Kt. by the black prince ob. 4. R. 2. sepultus black friers London. Edm. Carington-Jana filia 1. son. ob. 21. R. 2. 1397. Joh'is Ferrus militis. Tho. Smith of Riuenhall in Com' Essex 1. fil. ob. 1504 sepultus apud Riuenhall. Margaret fil. Rob'ti Rosse militis. Thomas fil. 2. Sr Will'm Carrington=Katherina soror fil. et hær. 1340. at the Will'mi Montague Battell of Sluce. Comitis Sarum. Michaell. 2. fil. taken prisoner in a fight at sea before Rochell & caried into Spaine where he died. Isabella fil. et hær. Will'mi Toft de Little Badew in Com' Essex. John Carrington who named Millicent filia himself Smith 1446. Sepult. | et hær. Robti apud Riuenhall. Laynham. Hugo Smith 3. filius. AT Robertus Joh'es Smith Smith 2. filius. 4. filius. U 146 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Da. et coh. of Wood. S John Smith de Cressing Temple in Com' Essex Baro Scacarij. Thomas Smith de Crissing temple in Com' Essex. Clement Smith de Crissing temple ob. 1600. sine prole. Henricus Smith de Crossing temple in Com' Essex sine prole. Dorothea ux. Arthuri Brooke filij et hæredis Tho. Brooke mil. Maria filia unica et hæres Thomæ Neuill de Holt in Com' Leic. Margareta ux. Morton. Agnes filia et coher. Johis Hare- well de Wotton in Com' War. Franciscus Franciscus A | Α Haruy 2. maritus. Jana filia Tho. Smith-Elizab. fil. Thobia Houghton | de Kinges- cliffe in Com' Northam' uxor 1. dictus Neuill de Holt in Com' Leic. miles sup'- stes 1619. Jana ux. Ric'i Iorton. Henricus Smith-Alicia filia Joh'is al's Neuill filius Dackomb militis et hær. aº 1619. | Cancellarij Du- catus Lancastriæ. A Francis Smith Francis Smith de Wotton in Com' War. • • Needham de Wimley in Com' Hartf. Relicta Joh'is Ferne Militis. Dorcas filia ætatis duas menses 1619. • Ric'us Peck-Johanna filia filius et hæres. Joh'is Har- rington Ar. (Peck.) ARMS. Quarterly :-Argent, on a chevron engrailed gules three crosses patiée of the field; and gules, a cross flory or, on a chief azure three round buckles of the second, in dexter chief a mullet for difference. Ric'us Peck de Wakefield. Margareta filia et hær. . . . Haselden. Maria fil. et hær. Joh'is Morton. 11 Willm's Smith de Cressing Temple fil. 4. Duxit relic- tam Bigge. Ric'us Peck obijt Joh'es Peck iurisperitus Isabella filia Joh'is Tho. Peck in teneris. filius 2. Lacy. 3. filius. Clara uxor Bendlowes filij et hæredis . . . Bend- lowes seruientis ad Legem. 2 Will'mus. 5. Clement. 3. Thomas. 1. Jana. 4. Neuillus. • Rob'tus 2 filius. Katherina ux. Scar- gill. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 147 3. Johanna. 4. Margareta. 1 Isabella. 2. Margareta. 1 1 Johannes. 2. Thomas 8 p. Ric'us Peck filius et hæres de Anna filia Joh'is 4 Will'mus. Wakefeild in Com' Ebor'. Hotham militis. Joh'es Willm's Peck de 3. fil. Ridling- ton. Eustacius Peck. A | Ric'us Peck fil. Alicia fil. . . . Middleton 1 Elizabetha. et hæres. de Stokeld. 2. Isabella. Joh'es Peck de Aston. in Com' Rutland fil. 2. Johanne Peck de Wakefeild in Com' Ebor'. Johannes Peck de Bourne in Com' Lincolne fil. et hæres. Ricardus Peck=Katherina fil. Will'i 3. fil. et hæres. Vauasour militis. filia Kirke. • Stephanus Peck de Knossington in Com' Leic. fil. 2. superstes 1619. Maria filia Will'i Caue de Pickwell in Com' Leic. B | • Ric'us Peck de=.. Ridlington in filia Com' Rut- land fil. 2. Jana fil. Joh'is Anne de Freckley in Com' Ebor'. Reginaldus. Johannes filius et hæres. Nicholaus Peck de Topcliff in Com' Eboru'. Prudencia ux. Will'i Nedham de Hickling in Com' Nott. Juditha ux. Joh'is Lowth de Twiford in Com' Leic. fil. et Seuens. her. Richard filius 2. ob. sine p. Alicia filia Briani Bradford. Rebecca uxor Rob't Smith de Barlithorp in Com' Leic. 1 Johannes Peck de Ridlington in Margeria filia. . . Passon de Com' Rutland fil. 2. Stanford. || 3 Anna. 4. Elizab. Elizab. uxor Rad'i Vauasor filius 2. Will'mi Vauasour. Jasperus 2 Ricardus. 4. Johannes. 3. Thomas. Hugo Peck filius et hær. æt. 8 annor'. Margeria ux. Will'i Musson de Scal- ford in Com' Leic. Franciscus filius 6. 3. Nicho- 1. Dorothea. laus. Will'mus Peck de Elizab. fil. villa Leic. fil. 3 superstes 1619. Hugonis Hunter de Leic. Elizabeth ætatis 12. 1 Alicia uxor Tho. Turuey de Collis- weston in Com' Anne ux. Will' Wigbett de Stan- ford in Com' Northamp. Lincon. 148 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. B Willms Peck de Nottingham fil. primogenitus. filia Will'i Peck de Spickcs- ford in Com' Norff. Thomas fil. et hær. æt. 2 ob. sino pr. Will'mus xt. 2 filius hæres. Elizab. uxor 2 Johannes. 3. Stephanus. Hen. Dix- son de Barston in le Vale in Com' Leic. 4. Simon Pecck a minister. Rad'us Whalley de Norton iuxta Galby in Com' Leic. 2 fil. Francisca fil. 3. et hær. Rad'i Whaley de Nor- ton iuxta Galby in Com' Leic. Galfridus Whaley de Bradmore in Com' Nott. || 1 Joane Pope of Deping in Com' lincon. 3 1 John. Thomas. Elizab. fil. et hær. Joh'is Welsh de Earles Shilton in Com' Leic. Will'mus Radulphus Whaley filius 2. de Norton filius et hær. 1619. (Whalley.) ARMS. Argent, three whales' heads erased sable. CREST. A whale's head erased sable. Rob'tus Whalley de Bunney in Com' Nott.= Willm's Whaly de Norton iuxta Galby in Con' Leic. fil. & hær. sup'stes 1619. Margareta fil. Will'i Coke de Trusley in Com' Derby. Milicenta fil. Ed'ri Saunders de Brickes- worth in Com' Northa'. 5 Francis- cus. 6. Thomas. Simon æta. 5. 1635. 1 Anna Maria. Stephen æta. 2. 1635. Phillippa. Blanchea. Tho. Whaley de Bradmore in Com' Nottingh. uxor Maria Elizab. uxor Will'i Fisher Joh'is de Threking- Norris ha' in Com' de Lei- Lincoln. cester. ux. Wil'i Harri- son of Kogworth in com' leicest'. Marie. Elizabeth. Elizab. ux. Dorothea uxor Rob'ti Rob'ti Abbot Garton de de Bradmore Willoughby in Com' Nott. in Com' Nott. Elizab. fil. et hær. Will'i Glossop de Workesworth in Com' Derby. Tho. Whaley de Norton iuxta Dalby in Com' Leic. fil. 2. superstes 1619. Joane. Margareta uxor Rob'ti Bromley de Cotgraue in Com' Nott. Francisca ux. Ric'i Bushby de Barbis- thorp in Com' Rutl. | | Margaret. Rachell. Jana. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 149 (Fox.) ARMS. Argent, on a chevron between three foxes' head erased gules, a mullet for dif- ference. Willms Merihurst.- Georgius Fox de Market Bosworth-- in Com' Leic. Elizabetha re-= licta... Puri- foy. ux. 1. Johannes Fox filius et hæres. Agneta filia et heres Johis Hill. Barbara uxor Geo. Beard- more de Beech in Com' Staff. 4. Samuell. 5. Thomas. Nicholaus Fox filius=Elizab. fil. Edw. Sprott-Tho. Stamford de et hæres de Ratcliff de Ashmorebrooke in in Com' Leic. Com' Staff. Johannes Hill. 6. Will'mus. Willm's Fox de-Elizab. filia Joh'is 2. Nicholaus. Ratcliff Cuily in Com' Leic. filius et hæres. Edwardus Cradock de North'ton Vicecomes et Coronator eiusdem Comitatus. Sara. Johannes Cradock of Northampton ob. Elizab. in teneris annis. Josephus 2. filius. Audria filia et hæres. Stamford de Barkeby in Com' 3. Ricardus. Leic. Georgius Fox fil. et hæres ætat. 11. annoru' 1619. (Cradock.) John Cradock de Kilmarsh in Com' Northamp. т Packington in Com' Staff. 2. maritus. I Josephus Cradock=Hanna fil. de Boresworth in Com' Leic. fil. 2. et hæres sup'stes 1619. Elizab. fil. Joh'is Longe maioris Villæ Northamp. Willm's Cradock filius et hæres illm ætat. 4. annoru'. 1619. 2 Johannes. 3. Nicholaus. Will'i Cotton de Laughton in Com' Leic. 4. Georgius. ¡ Mauritius. Robertus. Hanna. | | | 2. Edwardus. 3. Thomas. 4. Beniamin. 150 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Bankes.) Henricus Octauus dei gra'. Angliæ, Franciæ et Hib'niæ Rex &c. Omnibus &c. Sciatis quod dedimus et concessimus dilecto seruiento n'ro Will'mo Bankes locum siue officium unius vibrellatoru' n'ror' infra Turrim n'ram London, et ulterius de- dimus præfato Will'o pro exercitio officij præd'ci vad' et feodum sex denariorum sterlingoru' per diem &c. Habend' pro vita &c. Teste meipso apud Westm' nono die Februarij anno regui n'ri tricesimo quarto. Willms Bankes unus vibrellatoru' Regis=Alicia filia Joh'is Scott de in Turri London 34. H. 8. Carlton in Com' Eboru'. Willm's. 1 5. Ricardus. 2. Christop. 6. Lucas. 3. Thomas. 7. Willmus. Amicia uxor Danielis Pert. | Edwardus Bankes de Finchley in Com' Midd' et Peckleton in Com' Leic. fil. 4. 1619. Thomas Bankes de Mackley in Com' Derb. Elizabetha filia Ricardi ætat. 52 annorum 1619. Forster de London. Edwardus Bankes de London-Maria filia... Hall de Ashby de la Zouch in Com' Leic. in parochia Sti Augusti in le olde Change Draper 1619. Margareta fil. Joh'is Starkey de Sutton in Com' Darby. Edwardus Bankes fil. & hær. ætat. 1. ann. 1619. Willm's Baghot de Hall place in Presberie in Com' Glouc. Ricardus Bag- hot 2 fil. (Baghot.) ARMS. Ermine, on a bend gules three eagles displayed or, in chief a martlet for difference; impaling vert, a chevron between three eagles displayed crowned or. CREST. A stag's head caboshed sable, between the attires a greyhound courant argent, collared gules. Thomas Baghot al's Badger=Alicia. Maria filia Ricardi Barow. A Marga- Elizab. reta uxor · · . Harris Capitanei. Willmus Bankes 2. fil. de London. Rosa filia . . . Per- son de London. B | Alicia filia Joh'is Martin de Chalkeley in Com' Glouc. I 11 Georgius Baghot de 4. Egidius. Prestberie in Com' Glouc. fil. 3. 5. Edwardus. 6. Carolus. Alianora ux. Joh'is Stauer. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 151 Willmus wiln Baghot. Anna. A | 3. Anna. 4. Francis. Willm's Baghot de Prestberie fil. 3. Duxit Winifrid fil. Rayman. Jocosa ux. Hugonis Weston de Carlton Curlew in Com' Leic. Cle- ricus. B | Edmundus Baghot de Prest- berie fil. et hær. Katherina filia Ric'i Hide de Bagraue in Com' Berks Militis. Carolus Baghot-Susanna filia... de villa Leicest. fil. 4. sup'stes 1619. Fineux de Co- uentria relicta Tho. Cauc de Ba- graue in Com' Leic. milit. Franciscus Baghot 1 fil. Willms Meade de Gretton in paro- chia de Horton in Com' Staff. Ricardus. Maria uxor Adriani Bent de Enderby in Com' Leic. Agneta ux. Thom. Gilbert de Narborow in Com' Leic. · (Meade.) ARMS. Sable, a chevron between three pelicans with wings endorsed vulning themselves or. Tho. Baghot Ric'us de la Court Badger fil. 5. miles filius 2 sup'stes 1619. Margareta ux. Francisci Willmus Meade filius et hær. ætat. 9 annoru' 1619. White de Fifeild in Com' Berks. Thomas. Willm's Meade de Gretton hall filius et hæres. Ī filia... Wedgwood Jacobus Meade de Narborowe al's Maria fil. . . . Rodes Northborowe in Com' Leic. de villa Leicestriæ. de Com' Staff. Henricus Meade de Nar- borowe filius et hær. superstes 1619. Henricus fil. 2. ob. in pueritia. 111 11 Margt. 3. Jacobus. Jacob. Johannes. Elizab. uxor Ric'i White de Com' South mil. Anna filia Will'i Croftes 4. Willm's. Elizab. de Peckleton in Com' Leic. Hugo. Maria. 152 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Cowper.) ARMS. Argent, on a bend engrailed between two lions rampant sable three plates. CREST. A cockatrice's head erased argent pelletée, beaked combed and wattled gules. ob. s. p'le. Thomas Cowper de Arthingworth-Susanna soror Pinchpooli in Com' Northamp. Clericus in Louet de Weston iuxta artibus magist'. Weedon in Com' Northamp. Georgius Henricus Cowper de 1 filius Neither Shukbrough in Com' War. Elizab. filia Tho. Phil- lipps de Wormhull in Com' Oxon. Susanna. Agnes. Robertus Cowper-Elizab. filia de Lubbenham in Com' Leic. fil. 5. superstes 1619. 1. Will'mus. 2. Thomas. Fran. Gramer de Kenelworth in Com' War. Alicia uxor Rob'ti Breton de Barwell in Com Leic. Willms Couper de Arthingworth in Com' Northamp. 1619. Agneta filia . Luffe de Lidington in Rutland. 3. Johannes. 4. Edmundus. 5. Jonathan. Susanna uxor Will'i Becke de Fresley in Com' Ward. • 11 Ricardus Wright=Katherina filia . . . Gucst de Sutton in Com' Leic. relicta Ric'i Breton de London in red cros streat. Samuell Wright fil. et hær. ætatis 4. annoru' 1619. Tho. Cowper de Norton in Com' Warr. Bacca- larius in artibus. (Wright.) Rogerus Wright de Sutton in Com' Leic. ㅜ ​Margeria fil. Tho. Caue de Ketteringe in Com' Northa'. Willm Willm's Wright de Sutton in Com' Leic. ī 1. Winifride. Agnes uxor Ric'i Glover de Hellidon in Com' Nor'. Tho. Wright de Sutton=... filia Broadgate de Peatling in Com' Leic. parua in Com' Leic. 1. Anthonius. 2. Franciscus. Katherina uxor Joh'is Pollard de Wicken in Com' Buck. Edwardus Wright de Sutton-Maria filia Rob'ti Thomas in Com' Leicest. filius et hær. Berrey de Ludlow Wright. superstes 1619. in Com' Salop. Ro'btus Wright=Jana filia . . de Sutton 2 fil. Vincent de Marston in Com' Leic. 2. Maria. 3. Katherin. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 153 Jacobus Abney de Wil- lesley in Com' Derby. (Abney.) ARMS. Or, on a chief gules a lion passant argent. George Abney de Willesley in Com' Derby. Georgius Isabella. Abney de Willesley. 1 Henricus. 2. Thomas. Ellina ætat. 4. annoru'. Rob'tus Abney de Newton Bur--Audria fil. Rob'ti Howe guland in Com' Leic. fil. 2. de Com' Hertford. Tho. Abney de Newton Bur- guland in Com' Leic. sup'stes 1619. Tho. Elkington de London, mercator fil. et hær. ob. sine prole. Anna filia Rob'ti Smith de Locking- ton in Com' Leic. 3. Edward's. 1 Joh'es Abney de Lough- brough in Com' Leic. fil. 2. 1619. Anna ætat. 2. annoru'. (Elkington.) ARMS. Gules, six cross crosslets or, three in chief and three in base, between two flaunches argent. CREST. Out of a mural coronet chequy or and sable, embattled of the first, a demi- griffin ségreant argent, winged gules, holding in the dexter foot a gold ring, gem of the second. Richardus Elkington de Shawell in Comitat' Leic.- John Elkington de Shawell in Comitat' Leic. To Tho. Elkington of London Gent son of Humphrie Elkington son of Richard Elkington, son of Richard Elkington of Shawell in Com' Leic. Gent. Descended from ye family of Elkington of Elkington in Com' Northt. & confirmed to the said Thom. & his Uncles Hen. Thomas & Edw. Elkington & their issues 22. Octob’ 1608. 6. Jacobi p' Wm Camden Clarenceux. Ric'us Elkington de Shawell in Com' Leic.- Ricardus ætat. 8 annoru' 1619. Ellina uxor Joh'is Glen de Bilston in Com' Leicest. Humfridus Elkington-Magdalena filia de Malmesbury in Com' Leic. filius 4. Elizab. fil. Ric'i 3 Ricardus. Swynfen de Sutton Chenell 4. Egidius. in Com' Leic. Anna uxor Edw. Beale de Swepston Clerici. Anna. 5. Humfredus. Parslow de Horsley in Com' Glouc. • I I 1 Maria. 2. Johanna. 154 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Abney.) ARMS. Or, on a chief gules a lion passant argent, a mullet for difference. Georgius Abney de Willesley in Comitat' Derby.= Jacobus Abney de Willesley. Edmundus Abney de Villa Leicestria filius 3. Georgius Kathe- Abney de rina. Willesley. 1619. Georgius fil. & hær. ætat. 5. 1619. Katherina filia Willi Ludlow Burgensis Villa Leicestriæ. Paulus Abney de Leicest. fil. et hær. 1619. Maria filia Geo. Brookesby de Stapleford in Com' Leic. I Franciscus. Elizabetha. Johanne. Rob'tus a quo vide antea filius 2. Danettus Abney de Leicest. fil. 2. 1619. Franciscus Hodgis de Burton, Nouery alias Ouery in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres aº 1619. Anna. Johannes Franciscus Hodgis-Martha filia Tho. Hodgis de Sison in Com' Toakey de Car- 2. filius. Leic. fil. et hær. ætat. lile in Com' 31 annoru' 1619. Cumbria. Edmundus ætat. 3. IT Johannes 4. Thomas 5. Walterus 6. Maria uxor Joh'is Colley de Villa Nottingham. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Joh'es filius Ric'i filij Nigelli de Abkettleby dedi et concessi Hugoni Bernard de Abkettleby &c. Hijs testibus Will'o de Londam, Johe Cl'ico, Henrico de Crucem Ric'o Repin & alijs. | | (Hodges.) ARMS. Gules, a chevron ermine between three talbots' heads or, each issuing out of a mural coronet azure, in chief a mullet for difference. CREST. A talbot's head couped or, guttée-de-sang, collared and ringed gules. MOTTO. Fundamentum Gloriæ humilitas. Johannes 2. Jacobus. Thomas Hodgis Dorothea filia Michaelis Poultney de Misterton in de Com' Dorset. Com' Leic. Ar. amita Joh'is Poultney militis. Tho. Hodgis filius et hæres 1. anni et dimid. 1619. Anna filia Will'i Warde de Knighton in Com' Leic. Phoebe uxor Anth'i Anna uxor Thornton de New- Steph'i ton Harcourt in Com' Leic. May de Coucntry. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 155 (Lascelles.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, three garlands gules. 2. Azure, on two bars or, six martlets gules. 3. Argent, a chevron between three talbots' heads erased gules. CREST. Out of a ducal coronet or, a griffin's head vert, beaked of the first. 1 Brianus Isabella fil. Edʼri Mon- Lascelles tague Capitalis Just' Angliæ. s. p. 1. Georgius Maria uxor Will'i Sher- man de Leicestriæ. Elizab. 3. Henricus S. P. Hercules ob. s. p. Franciscus-Anna filia Mulsho de Johis Dan- Twiwell uers de in Com❜ Swithland Northamp. in Com' fil. et hær. Leic. Ar. 1619. Franciscus Mulsho iam Commorans apud Dublin in Hib'nia aº 1619. Samuell Las-=Anna filia cells de Woodhouse in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. sup'stes 1619. Margerie ux. . . . Grigge de Com' Glouc. Henricus Lascells de Normanton in Com' Notting. fil. 2. (Mulsho.) Edwardus Mulsho de-Maria filia Hen. Borowe Borow in Com' Leic. in Com' Leic. Benedic- Johanna tus filia. Mulsho Abra- de Lon- ham ux. don fil. 1. 2.= Edwardus Mulsho a 1619. Johannes fil & hær. ætat. 1. q'rter. • Joh'is Lane de Bentley in Com' Staff. Pregnans 1619. Elizab. fil. Marbury. Richardus Mulsho de Borow in Com' Leic. fil.4. sup'stes 1619. Anna uxor Will'i Bailey de Houghton in Com' Leic. Anna filia. . . Thorne- hill de Egmanton in Com' Nott. Georgius Mulsho de Stilton in Com' Hunt. fil. 3. Ī Brianus Lascelles de Houghton in Com' Nott. fil. 4. 1619. Elizab. fillia... Miller de Carington in Com' Bedf. ux. 2. relicta Tho. Keere de Thornehaught in Com' Northamp. Eliza- Franciscus Mulsho fil. et hær. ætat. 16 betha. an. 1619. Maria ux. Joh'is Coning- ham de London. Maria uxor Jones de Northwales. Anna. 156 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 1 (Wincoll.) ARMS. Ermine, a chevron quarterly per chevron or and sable, between three crescents gules. CREST. An arm couped at the shoulder, embowed and erect from the elbow in armour, holding a spear (untinctured). John Wincoll de Walding-=. feild in Com' Suff. Wi Willm's Wincoll... filia de Lanham in Com Suff. fil. 4. Rob'tus Vaughan. Wincoll s. p. Rogerus Wincoll Anna filia Joh'is de Waldingfield Gourdon de Waldingfeild. in Com' Suff. fil. 2. Jol'es Wincoll de Villa-Anna fil. Leicest' fil. 8. et de medio Templo London Consi- liarius ad Legem 1619. Maria. Anna filia & Coh. uxor Leonardi Holliday militis Maioris London, renupta Hen. Montague militi Capitali Justiciarij Angliæ. Rogerus Wincoll fil. et hæres æt. 15. annoru' 1619. Rob'tus Wincoll de London fil. 3. duxit Annam fil. Crouch de London. Joh'is Bower de villa Gloucest'. filia... Syday de Burts in Com' Suff. • Joh'es Wincoll 2. fil. uxor Cage de Berrcy in Com' Suff. Alicia uxor. . . Spencer Mater Joh'is Spencer mil. Aldermanni Londo'. Margareta fil. & Coh. uxor Joh'is Spencer de Boxford in Com' Suff. John Wincoll de=. . . Filia . . Waldingfeild in Com' Suff. filius et hær. s. p. Groome de Ratlesden in Com' Suff. Willm's 5. Rogerus Win-. . . filia . . . coll de Wal- Bantock de Ric'us 6. dingfeild fil. Hitcham in et hæres. Com' Suff. Elizab. Johannes Wincoll de=. . . filia ... Chaplin Waldingfeild in Com' de Lindsey in Com' Suff. fil. et hær. 1619. Suff. Thom's Wincoll de Caxston in Comitat' Cantab' fil. 4. Duxit Susanna' filiam . . . Madock de Ipswich in Com' Suff. Ī Thomas Wincoll 1619. Maria uxor Tho Hudeson de London. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 157 (Chippingdale.) ARMS. Azure, semée of fleur-de-lis or, two lions' gambs erect and erased paleways argent. CREST. A lion's gamb erect argent, erased gules, grasping a fleur-de-lis or. Giuen by Sr Will'm Dethick Garter 16. May. 36. Eliz. 1594. Maria Georgius Chippingdale==Johanna uxor 2. natus apud Crauen in Com' Eboru'. Edmundus Elizab. fil.=Johannes Chippingdale de Chipping- Garbrand dale ob. in- Harkes de nuptus. Oxford Humberston et de Villa Leicestriæ iuris Ciuilis Doctor et unus Cancel- lariæ Magistroru' sup'stes 1619. ux. 1. Christiana uxor Fran- cisci Staresmore de Frollesworth in Com' Leic. ㅜ ​Tobias Chipping-=Isabella. fil. dale fil. primo- genitus de medio Templo London ob. ante patrem. Tho. Caue de Bagraue in Com' Leicest. Mil. Elizab. uxor Ric'i Mere- Katherina uxor Joh'is Walker de Barton dith Decanus subter Needwood in Wellensis. Com' Staff. Elizab. fil. et hær. ux. Valentini Bale de Humberston in Com' Leic. uxor Henrici Sapcot de Elton in Com' Hunt a quo Beamont. Francisca filia Oliuer de Houghton in Com' Nott. Will'mus fil. et hær. ætat. 9. 1619. Edwardus Chipping- dale. Johannes Chipping-Maria fil. et hær. Will'i dale de Blackenhall in Com' Staff. fil. 2. 1619. Garret de Highamton in p'ochia de Washingburgh in Com' Lin- coln. Willm's Chipping- dale Mercator oc- cisus ab Hispanis. Henricus. Henricus. Elizab. Maria. Elizabetha. Katherina. Johannes. 158 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Willmus Bent de Enderby in Com' Leic. fil. primus. | | Anna ux. Rob'ti Sauage de Newton in le Thistles. Thomas Bent fil. 5. Johanna fil. Tho. Bennet de Quineybarow. Johannes Bent de En- derby in Com' Leic. Agneta filia Joh'is Marsh de Enderby in Com' Leic. Willms Bent de Enderby fil. & hær. sup'stes 1619. Elizab. fil. Tho. Bingley de Croft in Com' Leic. A | | | | Thomas Bent de Enderby in Com' Leic. Alicia filia Ric'us Bent filius 2. Nicholaus Bent fil. 3. s. p. Tho. Bent de Enderby fil. 4. Ric'us Johannes Willm's Johannes Bent. fil. 2. Bent. fil. 2. Alicia fil. Rogeri Read de Enderby. Johannes Bent de Stony Stanton in Com' Leic. fil. 4. Ric'us Bent de Stony Stan- ton in Com' Leicest. 2. fil. Margeria ux. Nich'i Grunday de Thornton in Com' Leic. (Bent.) Alicia fil. et hær. Will'mi Tackhell de Sapcot in Com' Leyc. Alicia uxor Tho. Kendall de Houghton in Com' Leic. Ric'us Bent de Enderby in Com' Leic. 1619. Filia Joh'is Petronilla ux. Will'i Ward de Goddard de Exton in Com' Rutl. Cleybrooke in Com' Leic. Elizab. filia Rob'tus Bent de Tho. Blakesley Gumley in Com' de Couentry. Leicest. Duxit filiam Jurdan. .. Willmer de Enderby. • | | | | | | Nicholaus. Audianus. Stephanus. Thomas. Nicholas Bent de Sapcot in Com' Leic. fil. 3. 1619. Thomas=. filia Ricardus. Valentinus Johannes. Thomas. Bent fil. 1. ent Johannis Cater. fil's 1. Lucia. Robertus. Gracia fil. et coh. Will'mi Tackhell de Sapcott. Edm. Bent de Villa Leicest. Camerarius de eiusdem villæ. Willm's Bent fil. 1. Duxit Aliciam fil. Tho. Samson de Hinckley. 2 Robertus. 3. Richardus. 4. Johannes. Stephanus Bent de Narborow in Com' Leic. Gracia filia Tho. Otefeild de Nar- borow. Will'mus Bent fil. et hæres. filia Blower de Loughborow in Com' Leic. Thomas Bent aº 1619. 1 | | Adrianus Bent de Narborow 1619. Maria fil. Jacobi Meade de Narborow. 1 Willm's Bent fil. et hæres ætat. 13.1619. Jocosa. Maria. B TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 159 A 1 Į 1 Johannes. 4. Johannes ob. s. p. Josephus ætat. 8. 1619. Willm's 3. fil. ætat. 6. Maria. Anna. Ellena. Brigetta. Elizab. s. p. Margareta ux. Ric'i Perkins de Copston in Com' War. Elizab. ux. Nich'i Smith de Barwell in Com' Leic. 葡 ​| | Rogerus Bent de Frollesworth in Com' Leic. filius ætate minimus Agneta filia et hær. Will'mi Clarke de Frolesworth. Joh'is Bent de Cosby filius 1. ob. s. p. ux. Thomas Parker. Agnes uxor Willi Estwell. 11 1. Ricardus. 2. Johannes sine p'le. " Ursula ux. Tho. Hewett de Strettaston in Com' Wor. Alicia uxor John Champion Alicia uxor John Champion de Kirkeby Monachous in Com' Leic. || Elizab. filia Ric'us Bent de Walton. Cosby. fil. 2. Elizab. uxor Willi Ward. Alicia uxor Ric'i Miles. | Ricardus Bent fil. 3. de Cosby in Com' Leic. 11 Will❜m Bent de Cosby in Com' Leic. Ambrosius Bent de Cosby fil. et hær. Goditha uxor Hugonis Lowe de Billesdon in Com' Leic. Thomas Bent de Cosby in Com' Leic. Margeria ux. Tho. Fletcher de Georgius. Willm's Bent de Billesdon in Leicester. Com' Leic. fil. et hær. sup'stes 1619. Amicia fil. Jay. Tho. Bent de Cosby in Com' Leic. fil. 3. Margareta fil. Lawrencij Good- man de Blaston in Com' Leic. Anna fil. Will'i Morton Archidia. Noui Castri super Tynam. | | | Richard. Thomas. Will'm. | 1 11 Thomas 4. Willm's 5. Willm's ætat. 1. anni et dimid. 1619. Ambro- sius ob. s. p. Willm's Bent de Cosby duxit Rob'tus Bent de fil. Gunston filius 4. Cosby fil. 5. Joh'es Bent de Cosby Duxit Maria' filia' Berrey. Anna fil. Rob'ti Parkenall de Glaston in Com' Rutl. B 1 1 1. Ricardus. 2. Johannes. Alicia ux. Joh'is Freeman de Cosby in Com' Leic. Elizab. 3. Thomas. 4. Willms 1619. || Elizab. Maria. 160 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Stanford.) ARMS. Argent, three bars azure, on a canton or a fess, and in chief three mascles sable, in chief a mullet charged with a mullet for difference. CREST. A dexter gauntlet in bend or, grasping a broken sword erect argent, hilled and pomelled sable. Thomas Stanford de Villa Leicestriæ fil. 3 Thomæ Stanford.- Henricus Stan- ford de Slawston in Com' Leic. fil. 2. 1619. Joh'es Stanford de Barkby in Com' Leic.= 1 Joh'es Stanford de Barkby=Elizab. fil. Will'i in Com' Leyc. filius et Bainbrige de hæres, iurisperitus et Re- Lockington in cordator villa Leicestriæ. Com' Leic. Katherina ux. Thomæ Ballard de Wimeswold in Com' Leic. renupta Ric❜o Hacker de Sawley in Com' Nott. Jone ætat. dimidij Anni. Bartin Burton filius 2. duxit Abigall filiam . . . Chomley. Eliza- betha filia 2. Margeria ætat. 2. Hebdomadoru' aº 1619. Anna filia Rob'ti Reinolds de Londo' mercatoris ux. 2. (Burton.) ARMS. Sable, a chevron between three owls argent, crowned or. Willm's Burton de Branson in Com' Rutland. Alicia filia Ric'i Peck. Thomas Stanford de ==Anna fil. Tho. Barkby in Com' Leic. fil. et hæres super- stes 1619. Elizab. ux. Will'i Fox de Ratcliffe Cuilly in Com' Leyc. Joh'es Burton fil. & hæres ætat. 2. annoru'. Staueley de West Langton in Com' Leic. Joh'es Burton-Anna filia et hær. Thoma filius et hæres. Digby de Cotes in St Thomas Burton de Stockerston Phillippa fil. Henrici in Com' Leic. miles et baronettus | Cobham al's Brooke sup'stes 1619. de Com' Cantij uxor 1. Anna. 11. ætat. Elizab. 8. Francis. 6. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 161 (Breton.) ARMS. Azure, on a bend between six stars pierced or, in dexter chief a mullet for difference. CREST. A lion's gamb erased crect azure, charged with a chevron or, between six billets argent. Willm's Breton de London. Elizab. filia Dacon. Ric'us Breton de Katherina fil. Edwardi Guest London. de Com' Worc'. Maria uxor Edw. Newton de Com' Leict'. 5. Rob'tus æt. 8. 6. John æt. 6. 7 Thom. æt. 5. Rob'tus Breton=Alicia fil. Ric'i Wright de Barwell in de Sutton iuxta Brough- ton in Com' Leic. Com' Leic. Katherina æt. 14. Georgius= Brad- shaw. Maria æt. 4. Joh'es Bradshaw... filia de Orton in Forster. Com' Leic. fil. 1. Ric'us Breton fil. et hær. æt. 20. 1619. Rob'tus Bradshaw de Morebarne in Com' Leic. 2. fil. 2 Daniell etat. 19. (Bradshaw.) ARMS. Argent, two bends between two martlets sable. CREST. On a mount a stag statant, under a vine-tree, all proper. Ric'us Rob'tus Bradshaw fil. Brad- shaw. & hær. duxit filia' Purifoy et ob. sine prole. Nic'us Breton de London 2. fil. 4. Francis etat. 12. Hugo Bradshaw de Moore Barne in Com' Leic.=. . . filia . . . descended out of Lankesheir. Orme. Dorothea filia Rob'ti-Rob'tus Bradshaw Ashby de Quenby Moorebarne in Com' Leic. Ar. 2. uxor. Georgius Bradshaw de Moorebarne in Com' Leic. A Elizab. ux. Francisci Ducket de Brough- ton in Com' Leic. Will'm fil. 3. ætat. 16. nunc Schollas- ticus in Academia Cantab'. Anna filia Maria uxor Glouer de Arthuri Corbet Baxterley. de Com' Rut- land. de=Margareta filia . . . Gibbons de Sutton Colfeeld in Com' War. uxor. 1. Anna filia Rad'i Margareta Burton de Lindeley in Com' Leic. uxor Jen- ninges. Y 162 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Anna ob. s. p. A I Margaret. 1 Dorothea. 4 Maria. 2. Jana. 5. Martha 3. Anna. Elizab. fil. Ricardi Cham- 6. Barbara. berlayne de Temple house in Com' War. | 11 Rob'tus Bradshaw fil. et 2 Georgius æt. hær. ætat. 21. 1619. 14. Jana ætat. 3. menses 1619. 3. Edwardus xt. 13. 4. Johannes æt. 6. Sciant præsentes et futuri quod ego Joh'es, filius Ric'i filij Nigelli de Abkettleby dedi et concessi Hugoni Bernard de Abkettleby et Elenæ filiæ eius et hæredibus d'ei Hugonis de corpore suo Legitime procreatis quatuor acras t'ræ cum pertinentijs in Campis de Abkettleby, quarum una roda iacet &c. Hijs testibus Will'o de Loudham, Joh'e Cl'ico Henrico ad Crucem, Ric'o Repin, Will'o de Lenton et alijs. Dat' apud Abbekettlebye die omniu' Scantorum aº regni regis Edw. 1. trices- simo primo. Alia Charta eiusdem Joh'is filij Ric'i, filij Nigelli de Abkettleby Data aº 32. E. primi. Sciant præsent' et futuri qª ego Joh'es filius Henrici Atte Crosse de Abkettle- by dedi concessi et hac præsenti Carta mea Confirmaui Ric'o Neale de Abkettleby tres acras et dimid' terræ arrab' cum pertinentijs in Abkettleby &c. dedi etiam eidem Ric❜o om'ia bona mea mobilia et immobilia in prædictis tribus acris terræ et dimid' existent'. In cuius rei testimonium præsentibus sigillu' meum apposui. Hijs testibus &c. Dat' apud Abkettleby die Sabbathi prox' post festu' S'ci Mich'is Ap'li Aº regni regis Ed. tertij post conquestu' 2. Sciant præsentes et futuri qª ego Willm's Neele de Abkettleby dedi Concessi et hac præsenti Carta mea Confirmaui Joh'i Neele de Melton Mowbray et Robto Kirketon de Thornton super Wale Capellano omnia terras, ten'ta et rditus mea cum edificiis, pratis, et pasturis cum om'ibus suis pertinent' &c. In cuius rei testi- monium sigillu' meum apposui. Hijs testibus Will'o Latham Ric'o Rinell, Joh’i de Ripon, Will'o Spencer, Ric'o de Holwell, et alijs. Dat' apud Abkettleby die dominica prox' post festu' S'cæ Lucia virginis Anno regni regis Ed'ri tercij post conquestum Angliæ quadrigesimo sc'do. Ściant præsent' et futuri q'd ego Willm's de Latton Capellanus didi Concessi et hac præsenti Carta mea confirmaui Joh'i filio Willm'i Neele de Abkettleby &c. In cuius rei testimonium huic præsenti Cartæ sigillum meum apposui. Hijs testibus Will'o Neele, Will'o Lawrence Joh'i de Thorpe et alijs. Dat' apud Abkettleby die martis in festo Sti Lawrencij martiris anno regni Regis Ric'i secundi post Conquestu' tertio decimo. Sciant præsent' et futuri q'd nos Will'mus Bollers Capellanus et Thomas Michelson de Guipton dedimus, concessimus et hac præsenti Carta n'ra confirmaui- mus Will'o Neele filio Joh'is Neele de Abkettleby illud Capitale mesuagium in Abkettleby cum tribus bouatis terræ, q'd quidem messuagium cum præd'cis tribus bouatis terræ ha'mus ex dono et concessione prædic' Joh'is Neele quondam patris præd'ci Will'mi Necle habend' et tenend' prædictu' messuagium cum præd'cis tribus bouatis terræ præfato Will'o Neele et hæredibus de se legittime procreatis &c. In cuius rei testimonium &c. Hijs testibus &c. Dat' apud Abkettleby in festo Seancti Jeronimi A° regni regis Henrici quarti a conquesto quinto. IIac Indentura testatur q ego Joh'es Neele de Abkettleby feoflauit Guill'm Bellers Capellanu' et Tho. Michelson hæredes et assignatos suos in fcodo simplici, in om'ibus t'ris et ten'tis suis in Abkettleby et Holwell cum om'bus pertinent' suis &c. Conditio istius feoffamenti talis est q'd præd'cus Tho. et Willm's refeoffa- ucrunt prædictu' Joh'em Neell, et heredes et exccutores suos si superstes sit &c. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 163 Et si contingit q'd prædc'm Joh'em Neale obierc, refeoffament' dearu' terraru' q'd p'd'cs Willm's et Tho. feoffauerunt Will'm filium præd'ci Joh'is Ncell sibi et hæredibus de se legittime procreatis. Et si contingat præd'cum Will'm sinc hærcde de se legittime proc'reat obire q'd prædicta terra et ten'ta Johanna Sorori suæ uxori Ric'i Prate &c. In cuius rei testimoniu' &c. Dat' apud Abkettle in festo Apostoloru' Phillippi et Jacobi anno regni regis. H. 4. post Conquestu' 4. Nouerint uniu'si per p'ntes me Thomam Spicer de Hesell in Com' Eboru' remisisse, relaxasse et omnino pro me hæred' et executores meos imperpetuu' quietu' clamasse Will'o Ncele de Abkettleby in Com' Leic. & Sigillo meo Sigillat. dat. 2. die Junij anno regni Regis Hen. sexti post conq. vicesimo secundo. Nouerint uniu'si p' p'ntes me Joh'em Derby filiu' et hæredem Will'i Derby Junioris remisisse relaxasse et omnino pro me et hæredibus meis imperpetuu' quetu' clamasse Will'o Neele totu' ius et clameam &c. In cuius rei testimoniu' &c. Dat. apud Abkettleby in festo translationis Sti Thomæ martiris Aº Regni Edw. 4 post conq' Angliæ tertio. (Neale.) Nigellus de Abbekettleby in Com' Leic. Ric'us filius Nigelli. ㅜ ​Johannes filius Ricardi Aº 31. E. 1. Ī Ric'us Neele de Abbekettleby in Com' Leic. 2. E. 3. et 22. Willm's Neale de Abkettleby 42. E. 3. F Johannes Neale de Abkettleby= 13. R. 2. et 4. H. 4. 1 Joanna nupta Ric'o Prate. Willm's Neale de Abkettleby in Com' Leic. aº 5. H. 4. ī Willm's Neale de Abkettleby agricola aº 22. H. 6. Ī Will'm Neale de Abkettleby aº 3. E. 4. ī Rich. Neale de Abkettleby aº 16. H. 7. et 24. ат 164 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Tho. Neale fil. 2. nupsit Mariam filiam Edwardi Moore de Abkettleby. Anna ux. Rob'ti Stokes de Bingham in Com. Nott. Ric'us Neale de Abkettleby=Elizab. fil. Joh'is Brabason de aº 5. E. 6. Eastwell in Com' Leic. Ellina fil. 2 nupta Hogoni Fowler de Com' Glouc. A | Tho. Neale de Abkettleby 14. H. 8. Joh'es Neale de Abkettleby in Com' Leic. fil. et heres. Willm's Neale de Abkettleby in Com' Leic. Ellin nupta Rob'to Hunnet de London Merchant Taylor by new Inne. | || Elizab. Da. of Alexander Smith of Sutton sup' Trent in Com' Nott. 2. Elizab. Agneta fil. Will'mi Sauag de Abkettleby. John Neale-Isabella fil. fil. et hær. 5. Francis. ætat. 21. Joh'is Sprig de Thorou- ton in Com' Nott. 6. Judith. Willm's Banister 10. E. 3. Ric'us Neale 3. fil. Duxit Elizabetha' fil. Will'i Rouse de Hose in Com' Leic. (Banister.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a cross flory sable within a bordure gules bezantée. 2. Argent, on a fess gules three escallops or. 3. Argent, a chief vair gules and or, over all a bend engrailed sable. 4. Argent, on a chief azure two mullets or, over them a label of three points ermine. 5. Paly of six or and gules, on a bend azure, three horseshoes of the first. 6. Argent, six lions rampant sable, three, two, and one. 7. Vair, argent and sable. 8. Sable, a lion rampant argent. CREST. A peacock sitting (untinctured), gorged with a collar gules charged with three bezants. Tho. Banister de Goushall 28. E. 3. Phillippus Banister de Guonshall. 4 mille passus a Staffordia. Ī Phillippus Banister 8. E. 1. 11° Jana nupta Ric❜o Steuens de Claxton in Com' Leic. A Theodoria 1. fil. nupta Will'o Stokes de Ab- kettleby in Com' Leic. Tho. Banister de Goanshall Margareta fil. Will'i Hichinson. 6. H. 4. et 12. H. 6. 6. H. 4. / TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 165 A | Willm's Banister de Guon-Hellen 6.Tho. Cotes de Cotes in Com' shall 7. E. 4. H. 7. Staff. 2 marit's. Joh'es Banister de Bosworth in Com' Leic. 6. H. 7. Dorothea fil. Joh'is Hardwick de Linley in Com' Leic. et vidua Anthonij Har- court de Bosworth ob. 1593. Nicholas Banister obijt sine prole. Tho. Banister de Upton modo superstes 1619. Thomas Anna ux. 2. filius W'mi Geary ætat. 16. de Barleston in Com' Leic. Elizab. fil. et Coh. Rob'ti Jaques 16. H. 7. Tho. Banister de Upton iure uxoris. Elizab. uxor Rob'ti Stretford de Non Eaton in Com' Warr. Daniell Banister de Upton obijt 1608. Grace filia Jackson uxor prima. Elizab. fil. Edmondi=Henricus Banister Temple de Temple filius et hæres Hall in parochia de ætat. 30. annoru' Wallesbrooke in 1619. Com' Leic. ux. 2. Tho. Banister fil. et. hær. ætat. 1. anni. Anna filia Rob'ti Hall de Ratcliff super Trent iu Com' Nott. Anna filia et Coh. Nic. Fitz Harbert uxor 1. Anna filia Tho. Cox de Nelson in Com' Leic. Anna filia Radi Barton de Lindley in Com' Leic. uxor 1. Elizab. ætat. 3. annoru'. 1 Jana uxor Roberti Corbett. (Bothom.) Johannes Bothom de Losipdale-Alicia fil. Rogeri Wolowe de Wolowe in Com' Darbiæ. in Com' Derbiæ. Hugo Bothom de=Margareta fil. Willmi Barret Leicestriæ. modo de Wemsall in Com' Leic. superstes 1619. uxor 2. 166 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Lacy.) IIugh Lacye who cam out of Yorksh. & liucd-Elizab. fil. . . . Nocll de at Melton Mowbray in Com' Leic. Ilcott in Com' Staff. Andrew Lacy de Melton Mowbray Elizab. fil. Ric'i Wilcockes de in Com' Leic. Barswell in Com' Leic. Jan 2. Jana. 3. Maria. Willm's Lacy fil. Willm's Lacy fil. Hen. Lacye Elizab. uxor Joh'is Stanbridg de Com' Mid. et hæres ætat. 16. 1619. fil. 2. ætat. 7. 3. Agnes. (Harcourt.) ARMS. Gules, two bars or, in chief a mullet for difference. CREST. On a ducal coronet or, a peacock sitting proper. Willm's Harcourt de Cadby in Com' Leic. Janna filia & heire Palmer. Anthonius Harcourt de Cadby=Dorothia fil. & Coh. Joh'is Hardwick in Com' Leic. de Linlick in Com' Leic. Georgius Harecourt de Dadlington in Com' Leic. Willm's Harecourt de lington in Com' Leic. Jone nupta Joh'i Tew de Com' Warr. Elizab. fil. Henrici Leigh de Russel in Com' Staff. Franciscus Harcourt occisus apud Hauer de grace. Dad--Margareta filia Joh'is Shukbrough de Naseby in Com' Northamp. 1 Maria æt. 18. Elizab. æt. 17. Georgius Hare- court fil. 2. Hanna æt. 14. Edwardus Hare- Georgius Harecourt Margt æt. 8. court filius et hæres ætat. 22. annoru' 1619. filius 2. ætat 20. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 167 (Temple.) Anмs. Quarterly:-Sable, a chevron ermine between three martlets argent; and azure, a fess ermine between six sea mews' heads erased argent. CREST. A talbot sejant sable, collared and ringed or, charged on the shoulder with a mullet argent for difference. Rob'tus Temple de Temple IIall temp. II. 3. Ī Willm's Temple fil. Rob'ti 4. H. 3. 〒 Henricus Temple anno. 3. E. 1. Matilda filia Joh'is Ribbesford. Ric'us Temple temp. E. 1. Katherina filia Tho. Langley. Nich'us Temple 24. E. 1. Isabella filia Will'i Barwell. Nich'us Temple 4. R. 2. Maria fil. Rob'ti Dabernon. Tho. Temple 1. H. 6.=Joanna filia Joh'es Brasbridg. Rob'tus Temple de Temple Hall in Maria filia Will'mi parochia de Sibsden 8. H. 6. Ringescott. Rob'tus Temple de Temple-Gracia filia Will'i hall in Com' Leicest. Turuile. Nicholaus Temple ob. s. P. Ric'us Temple de Temple hall. Elizab. filia Ric'i Vincent. Rogerus Temple de Temple hall temp. H. 8. Agneta filia Joh'is Beufow. Ric'us Temple de Temple=Jocosa fil. & Coh. . . . Louet de Wilford Hall. in Com' Northamp. 1 Ric'us Temple de Temple Hall Elizab. fil. Joh'is George de Baudington in Com' Leie. in Com' Glouc. Ric'us Temple fil. & hær. Edmundus Temple-Elizab. fil. Rob'ti Burgaine ob. sine prole. hæres fratris sui. de Roxsall in Com' War. 1 B 168 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Maria uxor Rob'ti Shil- ton de Bre- mingham in Com' War. Anna. Elizabetha nupta Hen. Banister de Martha. 3. Peter æt. 19. Upton in Com' Leic. Rogerus Temple filius et hæres. Ī Cutbert Temple de Stanlake. Petrus Temple de Coton in Com' Warw. Dorothea nupta Paulo Risley de Chetwood in Com' Buck. A | Tho. Temple de Whitney in Com' Oxon 2. filius. Maria filia Tho. Gedney. ││││ Anthonie Temple 2. fil. 2. Jonathan 21. Willm's Temple de Whitney in Com' Oxon. Isabella filia Hen. Euerton. Tho. Temple de Whitney in Alicia filia Joh'is Heritage de Com' Oxon. Burton Basset in Com' War. 4. Joseph 15. 5. Beniamin 9. Maria uxor Joh'is Farmer de Marlow in Com' Buck. Joh'es Temple de Stow in Com' Buck. Petrus Temple de Stow-Milicent fil. Joh'is Jykett in in Com' Buck. Com' Midd de Newington. I George 2 John. 2 fil. obijt 3. Alexand'. S. P. Susanna uxor Tho. Denton de Hillesdon in Com' Buck. Paulus Temple fil. et hæres ætatis 29. 1619. ――――― Alicia filia... Wydowes. 4. Will'm. Wille 5. Peter. Susanna fil. of one of the heyrs of Tho. Spencer of Euerton in Com' Northamp. Katherina uxor Nich'i Parker de Ratton in Com' Sussex. Tho. Temple filius et hær. B | Anna filia unica ætatis 4 annor' 1622. Millicent ux. Ed'ri Saun- ders de Brickswort in Com❜Northa'. Petrus Temple de Stow miles in Anna filia et cohæres Arthuri Throck- Com' Buck æt. circa 30 annoru' 1622. morton de Pauesbury in Com' North'ton mil. Hester filia Michaelis Sandes de Eaton in Com' Buck. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 169 (Beaumont.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Azure, semée of fleurs-de-lis, a lion rampant or. 2. Azure, three garbs or, banded gules. 3. Gules, seven mascles conjoined or, three, three, and one. 4. Gules, a cinquefoil ermine pierced. 5. Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. 6. Argent, an inescocheon within a double tressure flory counterflory gules. 7. Azure, three garbs or. 8. Gules, a lion rampant vair. 9. Azure, a fess argent between three cinquefoils or. 10. Argent, a maunch sable, in chief a crescent of the last for difference. 11. Argent, a fess sable between three birds (untinctured). On an escocheon of pretence or, three rere-mice displayed gules. CREST. On a cap of maintenance azure, semée of fleurs-de-lis or, turned up ermine, a lion passant of the second. Z Ricardus ~ Beaumont 2 filius. comitis Beaum'. Ludouicus fil. Caroli R. Cecilia filij Ludouici 8. Regis Alicia fil. et hær Vice- Francoru' et frater Caroli Regis Cecilia. Henricus de Bellomonte Baro vocatus Comes Boghan ob. 14. E, 3. Johannes de Bellomonte obijt 16. E. 3. Cicilia uxor D'ni Bo- treaux. - Alianora filia Henrici Comitis Lancast' ob. 47. E. 3. Ludouicus de Bellomonte Ep'us Dunelm’. Joh'es de Beaumont ob. 20. R. 2. fuit miles Garterij.=Katherina fil. et her. Tho. Eueringham de Laxton militis ob. 5. H. 6. Elinora monialis apud Amsburie. Ric'us Comes Arundell. 2. maritus. Henricus D'ns de Bellomonte. Margareta filia Joh'is Vere Comitis Oxon'. A Isabella nupta Henrico Duci Lancastriæ. Henricus de Beau-Elizab. filia Willmi mont miles ob. 1. D'ni Willoughby H. 5. ob. 6. H. 6. D'ns de Baqueville in francia 5. H. 6. fil. 3. Tho. Beaumont miles -Phillippa fil. et hær. Tho. Marward de Quarter- mersh in Com' Leic. B 170 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Henricus Beaumont de Wed- desberie Com' Staff. miles fil. 2. in fil. et hær. Will'i Leuen- thorp. Henricus Beau- mont de Wed- desberie miles. Elinora filia Joh'is Borenis Dudley. Joh❜es Beau- mont hær. masculus avunculi sui Joh'is. uxor Galfrido Louell de Tich- marsh in hir right Vicecomit Louell Lo. Holland Dein- court, Burnell & Lo. Grey of Rother- field. • Jacobus Beaumont fil. 2. Dorothea fil. et Coh. uxor. 11 1. Katherina. 4. Elizabetha. Johannes factus-Elizab. 2. Margeria. 5. Elinora. 3. Margareta. Cumberford de Cumber- ford in Com' Staff. Henricus Beaumont ob. sine p'l. Joh'es Beaumont- de Weddesberie in Com' Staff. 11 I Elinora fil. & Cohæres nupta Humphredi Babington de Weddethberd filij 1. Tho. prodicti. A Vicecomes Beaumont p. H. 6. cæsus apud Northampton 38. H. 6. Willm's Vicecomes Beau- mont et D'ns Bardolfe attinct. temp. E. 4. resulat's 1. H. 7. Duxit Joannam fil. Humf'ri Ducis Buck renupta Will'o Kneuit militi ob. s. p. filia Mitton de Weston in Com' Staff. fil. et hær. Phillippi D'ni Bardolf. Johanna uxor W'mi Babing- ton de Tinnow 7. fil. Thomæ Babington de Dutlack. Johes Beau- mont de Colorton re- sulatus uno cum Will'o Vicecomite Beaumont 1. H. 7. I Edwardus Beaumont filius 2. Anthonius Beaumont tertius filius Will'i Beaumont. Joh'es Beaumont de Ouerton al's dictus Solorton occisus apud Caxton. Johanna filia D'ni Dercy de Menell in le North. filia Tho. Arme- strong de Corby in Com' Lincoln. A | Georgius Georgius Beaumont frater et hæres Joh'is 12. H. 8. B Thomas Beaumont 2 filius de Thrinkson. B Anna filia Hare- court de Stanton Harecourt in Com' Oxon. Johanna fil. & hær. Tho. Pauncefoote de Yorthill. G. 3 lyons rampt Ar. Ric'us Beau-Colletta filia mont de et hæres Gaudby filius Ric'i Clerk. et hæres. A. on bend g. 3 Swans or. • Tho. Beaumont de Thrinkson in Com' Leic. Willm's Beaumont-Maria filia Will'mi Basset militis. de Colouerton in Com' Leic. filia Rob'ti Motton de Pickleton in Com' Leic. 2 Georgius Beau- mont de Com' Sussex duxit filiam Leigh de Addington. с D THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 171 5 Francis- cus Beau- mont filius et hæres miles Leic. miles 1. maritus. Georgius Maria nupta =Tho. Compton Anna Villers de Will'i Reyner Brokesby 2. maritus. in Com' illa fuit Creata Comitissa Buck. p' Jacobu' Regem. 1618. Filia ux. Comitis et Baronis Max- well. Jana uxor Will'i Temple de London Mercator. | | 2. Henricus æt. 4. 3. Thomas æt. 2. 4. Rob'tus. Isabell uxor Hugonis Snousell de Belton in Com' Eboru'. ux. Will'i miles frater Brett de Rotherby Will'i Comitis in Com' Leic. Northampton maritus 3. sup'stes 1619. Huntington Franciscus Sr. Henry Beaumont Beaumont. Beaumont de Colorton in Com' 3. fil. Leic. miles ob. 1607. • | | | | | Sapcott Beaumont fil. et hær. ætat. 6. 1619. Anna uxor Joh's Dillon de Ford- inghoe. A Elizab. ux. Joh'is Ashbornham militis. Dorothea ux. Hill de Com' Warr. Tho. Beaumont de Colouerton in Com' Leic. Elizab. fil. & hær. Hen. Sapcott miles et Baronettus sup'stes 1619. de Elton in Com' Hunt. filia ux. Ashby Henricus Beau- mont Prebenda- rius de Winsor. | 1 Aueria uxor Tho. Findern de Fin- derne s. p. Elizab. fil. & hær. Leois Ciuis London. | || 1. Elizab. 2. Katherin, 3. Francis. B !! 4. Maria. 5. Elianor. Francisca ux. Wolstani Dixi de Bosworth in Com' Leic. Maria uxor kic'i Paramour de Loseby in Com’Leic. Elinor. Nicholas Beaumont of Colouerton in Com' Leister. ob. 1585. Anna filia Will'mi Saunders de Mel- ford in Com' North. Sr. Tho. Beaumt de Stoughton in Com' Leic. || Thomas. Anna. Jana ob. s. p. c | Henricus Beaumont fil. et hær. Miles duxit Elizab. fil. Will'i Turpen de Knoptoft in Com' Leic. militis. || Tho. Beaumont de Sussex ha- buit uxores. Hen. Preben- darius de Windsor. Katherina fil. et hær. Thomæ Farnham de Stoughton. D TT Farnam Beaumont 2 fil. Thomas Beaumont 3 fil. D 172 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. perquisiuit manerium | Coh. Will'mi de Grace dieu in Com' Leic. Isabella filia Law-Joh'es Mr Rotulorum=Elizab. 2. fil. et rentij Dutton de Dutton in Com' Cest'. Anna uxor Tho. Ashby de Loseby in Com' Leic. l Elizab. ux. Suliard. Elina fil. 1. ætat. 8. Franciscus Beau-Anna fil. Georgij Peirpoint de Holme in Com' Nott. mont Justicia- rius de Com'uni Banco. ob. 12. Aprilis 1598. Johannes Beau--Elizab. mont de Grace dieu fil. et hæres superstes 1619. 11 filia Joh'is Fortes- cue de London. Hastinges militis 2. uxor. 2. Katherina æt. 4. 3. Maria æt. 3. Elizab. ux. W’mi D'ni Vaulx de Harroden. Henricus Beaumont Miles ob. 1605. Johannes Beau- mont fil. et hær. ætat. 12. 1619. Maria uxor Ric'i Storey de Broms- ton in Com' Leic. Jana uxor Rob'ti Brokesby de Sholby. Barbara fil. Anthoni Faunt de Foston in Com' Leic. Franciscus Beau- mont fil. 2. ætat. 11. Dorothea uxor Rigmaden. Willm's Beau-= mont filius et hæres. Franciscus Beaumont de Barrow in Com' Derby aº 1607. Elizab. fil. et her. Simonis Brasbruge. . filia Yore de Derby. Edwardus Beaumont 2. filius. | | 1 Edward Baumont 2 fil. Christopherus Beaumont 2 filius. Willm's Beau- mont 3. fil. 1 Henricus 4. Geruais æt. 5. fil. 3. ætat. 9. 5. George æt. 1. D | Barbara. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 173 Francis 2. filius. ㅜ ​Thomas 3. fil. (Bickerton.) ARMS. Argent, on a chevron sable three pheons of the field. Tho. Bickerton de Wicksford in Com' War. 1 Margaret. 2. Jocosa. Thomas Bickerton de Beby in Comitat' Leic. Martin Bickerton de Beeby in Com' Leic. Anna soror Judge Catlin Capitalis Justiciarius Angliæ. Thomas Bickerton de Beeby in Com' Leic. fil. 2. Anna filia Tho. Goddard de Beeby. Dorothea uxor 2 Anna. Fulke Hancock de Preston Bagot in Com' War.: Robtus fil. et hæres de Sholdby. (p. 49) Da. of Bradock de Osbaston in Com' Suff. Thomas Hancock ætat. 5. Franciscus Bickerton fil. et hær. de Gayns Parke in Com' Essex. Katherina filia . . . Waldron et soror John Waldron. Alexander Bicker- ton fil. et hær. 3. Elizab. ætat. 18. 1619. Edmond 2 fil. æt. 11 annor'. 2 filij. ob. s. p. Lawrencius 3. fil. ob. s. p. Bartholmæus Brokesby fil. 4. ī Willm's Brokesby fil. et hæres. Willm AT Nicholaus 3. filius Duxit filiam .. Williams de Preston Bagot in Com' Worc. Joh'es fil. et hær. ætat. 16. 1619. Elizab. æt. 1. et demi. Thomas fil. 2. etat. 14. (Leigh.) • ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Azure, two bars argent, over all on a bend gules in dexter chief a mullet or for difference. 2. Or, three lozenges azure. 3. Ermine, on a chief indented gules three ducal coronets or. 4. Argent, a fleur-de-lis sable. A mullet for difference. Em. fil. Miles.=Willm's Brokesby de Sholby. Eliz. fil. Stanton. 1 2 Thomas. 3. Richard. 174 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Gilbert Leigh descended of the Leighes of Chesh. beinge a younger brother & dwelt at Asfordby in Com' Leict. Ī Bartholmew Leigh fil. 2. Gilbertus Leigh de Asfordby fil. et hæres. Rob'tus Leigh fil. et hæres æt. 20. 1619. Rob'tus Leigh de Asfordby in comit' Leiet. Georgius 3. fil. Elizabetha fil. Will'i Gregorie de Asfordby. Margeria fil. Tho. Bishop de Frisby in Com' Leict. James Leigh de Asfordby in Com' Leic. 2. filius. 2 Willm's. 4. James. 1 Margeria. 3. Phillip. 2. Anna. Thomas Noone filius 2. 1 3 John. 4. Will'm. 5. Martin. Rob'tus Noone de Walton in Com' Leic. C (Noone.) ARMS. Or, on a cross engrailed vert a crescent of the field for difference. CREST. A double-headed cayle or, with wings displayed vert. This Coat & crest confirmed by W. Camden Clarenceux. 1611. John Noone de Walton in Comitatu Lecestriæ. Franciscus Noone de-Katherina fil. Hen. Walton in Com' Leic. ætat. 32. 1619. Goodier de Powles- worth in Com' Warr. -Bersheba fil. et Coh. Rob'ti Brokesby de Kiluington in Com' Nott. LI Johannes Noone de Walton. Ī Georgius Noone de Walton in Com' Leic.-Jana, filia. . . Wymark de Com' Rutl. Francis Brokesby filius Will'mi. Margareta fil. Francisci Cudden de Malbarton in Com' Norf. vel Suff. Rob'tus Brokesby Duxit Brigetta' fil. . . . Berwick de Com' Nott. 3. Maria. 4. Elizab. 2. Will'm æt. 20. Robertus fil. & hæres ætat. 3. 1619. Maria nupta Libio Derby de Walton in Com' Leict. 3. Robtus æt. 14. THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 175 (Everard.) filia La-Ricardus Euerard de Shenton-Anna filia et hær. tham ux. 2. in Com' Leic. Langham. Stephanus Euerard de Hether in Com' Leic. • Willm's 1. filius ob. sans issue. Thomas Euerard-Francisca filia Tho. Reeue de Holt Hall in Com' War. de Hether in Com' Leic. Thomas Euerard 2. filius ætat. 4. 1. Elizab. æt. 15. Jana fil. Tho. Babington de Rothly Temple in Com' Leic. Stephanus Euerard fil. et hær. æt. 14. 1619. Thomas Starkie de Tonge in Com' Leic. aº 10. H. 7. Rowland Starkie de Tonge in Comit' Leic. 1 Ric'us fil. 2. æt. 45. Rowlandus 3. fil. Chandeler in London æt. 10. Elizab. uxor.. Jackson de Newbold in Com' Leic. (Starkie.) ARMS. (Field untinctured,) a stork (untinctured). CREST. A stork, holding in its beak a snake (untinctured). Robertus Starkie de Stretton in Com' Cestriæ Ar. 2. Anna æt. 6. Elizab. uxor Stafford Watts de Barleston in Com' Leic. Wil 4 Will's. 5. Edward. 6. George ob. sine p❜lc. Georgius 3. filius rtat. 2. Rob'tus Eucrard de Shen- ton filius et hæres. Maria uxor Tho. Samson de Leic. postea renupta Edw. Gifford. Henricus 4 filius ætat. 1. Joh'es Starkie de Tonge in Comit' Leic. ætat. 48. Alicia filia Will'mi Dethick de Newhall in Com' Darb. Georgius Starkie=Elizab. filia de Tonge in Com' Leic. Georgius fil. et hær. ætat. 13. Cicilia fil. Thomæ Winter de Com' Leic. temp. 26. H. 8. Joh'is Pate de Breeden in Com' Leic. 1 Elizab. æt. 13. 2. Jana xt. 6. Katherina filia Joh'is Dartnoll in Com' Rutland. Joh'es 2 fil. ætat. 11. Maria nupta Ric'o Marsh de Segraue in Com' Leic. Elizab. uxor Edwardi Tilcott de Packington in Com' Leic. Anna ob. s. p. Edwardus 3. fil. æt. 9. 176 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Armeston.) ARMS. Sable, a chevron between three spear-heads argent, in chief a crescent for difference. CREST. A dragon's head erased proper, charged with a crescent for difference. Armeston who cam out of Lankesh. Thomas Armeston de Thorneton in Com' Leic. Tho. Armeston de Thornton=Anna filia Petri Beck de in Com' Leic. Upton in Com' Leic. Petrus Armston fil. et hær. duxit Ellin fil. Thomæ Alsop de Comit' Darbiæ. Willm Willm's Armeston filius et hæres æt. 27. nunc Academicus in Oxonia. Tho. Armeston de Anna filia Edw. Rep- Burbage in lingham in Com' Warr. Com' Leic. Tho. Trimnell 3. filius. (Trimnell.) ARMS. Or, a cross engrailed gules, over all a bendlet azure. Rogerus Trimnell al's Trinnell de Com' Staff. 〒 Johannes Trimnell de Com' Staff. Thomas 2 filius Jacobus 3 filius ætat. 14. ætat. 13. 1 Dorothea æt. 16. 2. Maria æt. 15. 3. Jana æt. 13. Anna fil. . . . Fawknor. Fardinando Basill Trimnell de=Lucia filia Abelis Makepeace de Chipping Warden in Com' Northamp. Trimnell 1 fil. ob. s. p. Stoke Golding in Com' Leic. Willm's Trinnell filius et hæres ætat. 14. Rogerus Trimnell 2. filius. Georgius 2 filius ætat. 10. Goditha nupta Waltero Britaine de Wincote in Com' Warr. 4. Lucia æt. 9. 5. Briget æt. 8. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 177 1 (Corbet.) ARMS. Or, a raven sable, in chief a mullet gules for difference. CREST. An elephant argent, trapped sable, surmounted with a tower, triple towered or (tinctured). Rob'tus Corbet de Morton in Com' Salopia. Anna filia D'ui Windsor. Andreas Corbet de Morton in Com' Salop fil. et hær. Sr Rob'tus Corbet Duxit fil. D'ni St. John de Bletzo. 1 fil. ī Elizab. fil. et hær nupta Hen. Wallop militi. Walterus Corbet 2 filius ob. s. p. Ric'us Corbet 2 fil. miles ob. s. P. Anna fil. et Coher. ux. Carey. Hierome Corbet one of ye=Dorothea fil. Tho. Counsell in the marches Poyner de Bostow in Com' Salop. of Wales 4 sonne. Thomas Corbet fil. et hær. æt. 1 anni. 1619. Jacobus 2. filius Duxit uxorem et habuit exitum. Rob'tus Corbet de Stanardine in the wood in Com' Salop 3. filius. Vincentius Corbet miles 3. fil. Duxit filiam Humberston. ㅜ ​Andreas Corbet de... filia Boothby Morton in Com' de Com' Derbie. Salop mil. Rogerus Corbet de Barton in Jana filia. . . Banester de Upton in Com' Leic. in Com' Leic. Elizab. ux. Vincent Curson. A (Warde, alias Farmour.) ARMS. Vair, argent and sable. Thomas Warde who came out of Chesheire & had issue. Ī Margareta ux. Francisci Palmes militis. 1 Anna æt. 9. 2. Jana æt. 5. Laurence Warde al's Farmour de Hucklescot... filia. . . Smith. Grange in Com' Leic. Tho. Warde al's Far--Katherina fil. Jacobi mour de Hucklescot Grange in Com' Leic. Abney de Willesley in Com' Derbiæ Armig. Willm's 3. filius habuit exitum filiam unicam. 2 A 178 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Maria uxor Tho. Dilke de Godeby in Com' Leic. Jacobus Warde al's-Gracia filia An- Farmer de Huckle- thonij Gray de scot grange in Burbedg in Comit' Leic. ætat. Com' Leic. 27. 1619. Thomas Dilke æt. 1. anni. Conventio matrimonij inter Joh'em Bar- ford de Barkeby in Com' Leic. et Mar- geriam filiam Joli'is Fowler Junioris cum dotalicio in terris in Barford, Thorpe Malford, Ardingworth et Sunde- londes in Com' Northa' et Lubbenham in Com' Leic. Dat. 2º Nouemb' aº 21 E. 4. Katherin Thomas Farmer fil. et ætat. 1. hæres ætat. 6. 1619. Dorothe uxor Michaelis Ashley de Wollaton in Com' Staff. A (Beresford.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, three fleurs-de-lis between seven cross crosslets fitchée sable, three, two, and two. 2. Argent, three garbs azure, banded or. 3. Argent, three eagles displayed gules within a bordure engrailed sable. CRESTS. First, A badger passant sable. Second, A dragon's head erased or, gorged with a collar gules, charged with a fess indented azure. 1 1 Elizabetha. 2. Jocosa. Rob'tus Beresford filius Johannis. Adrian 2 fil. æt. 35. Thomas 2. fil. Linnen Drap' in London ætat. 25. 1619. Henricus 2 filius Jacobus 3. ætat. 4. fil. ætat. 2. I 3 Isabella. 4 Margeria. John Beresford de Darby. ㅜ ​Joh'es Beresford de=Margareta filia Joh’is Barkeby in Com' Fowler nupta 21. Leic. 21. E. 4. E. 4. 1 Willm's Beresford de Robottle et Shakerston. Willm ī Arthurus Berford de Shakerston-Dorothea fil. Joh'is Danuers de in Com' Leic. Swithland in Com' Leic. de Shakerston et Nelston in Comit' Leic. ætat. 40. Joseph 3. filius Scholler in Cambridg ætat. 21. filia et hær. Lole. I Robertus Berford-Elizab. filia Thomæ Ashley de Patteshall in Com' Staff. Joh'cs Berford fil. et hær. ætat. 10. Annoru' 1619. Arthur 3. filius æt. 35. 1 Franciscus filius 2 æt. 8. | | Georgius. Thomas. Edward ob. s. p. Brianus fil. 3. æt. 6. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 179 (Farmer.) ARMS. Sable, on a chevron between three lamps argent, flammant proper, a leopard's face between two mullets gules. CREST. A dexter arm crect, couped at the elbow (untinctured), gauntleted, and holding a lamp argent, flammant proper. Barthomeus Farmer de Ratcliff in Com' Leic. Margeria. 1 Johannes. Lawrentius 3. fil. nupsit Humphr'us Farmer 3 fil. Joh'es Farmer de Rat-Elizab. fil.... Borde Rad'us nupsit filia'... Wikeman. cliff in comit' Leic. de Comit' Buck. fil. 2. ㅜ ​2. Will'mus. filiam 2. Johan- nes. · Steines de Huncot in Com' Leic. Ī 1 Barthol- 2. Edwardus Will'mus meus. æt. 22. 15. 3. Thomas æt. 21. 4. Georgius æt. 19. Letticia æt. 4. Bartholmeus farmer de Ratcliff in Comit' Leic. ætat. 72. 1619. Rad'us 13. Tho. Mountney de Mount- neys Plaine in Com' Norff. filius et hæres. Ursula filia Rob'ti Mottes de Whit- church iuxta Alisberie in Com' Buck. Johannes Farmer Filius et hæres ætat. 30. annor' 1619. Franciscus Farmer filius et hæres ætat. 3. temp' visitac'onis. : Maria filia Fran. Purifoy de Cacott in Com' War'. Will'mus Mountney Marcator de la Staple 2. filius. Rad'us fil. 2 duxit Elizab. fil. . . . Hill de Shinton in Comitat' Staff. (Mountney.) ARMS. (Field untinctured.) A bend between six martlets (untinctured). CREST. A wolf séjant, collared and lined (untinctured). Thomas Mountney de Mountneys Playne in Com' Norff. ㅜ ​Dorothea uxor Will'i 2 Katherina. Georgius Mount- Hemsley de Burton sup' la Would in Com' Leic. 11 1 Dorothea 1 Mar- 1 16. geria. 2. Kathe- rin 9. ney filius et 3. Francisca. hæres ætat. 23. 4. Margaret. Radulphus fil. 2. ætat. 1. Willm's Mountney de Neobald-Margareta filia . . . Taylor de Verdon in Com' Leic. Delahey in Com' Derby. 2. Eli- zabeth. Jocosa filia Tho. Stephanus Whithill de Shepey Mountney in Com' Leic. 3. filus. wi 3. filius. Thomas 2 fil. Willm's Scholler in Cambridg æt. 22. 180 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (May.) ARMS. Gules, on a fess between eight billets or, a crescent for difference. CREST. Out of a coronet or, a leopard's head gules, charged on the neck with a crescent for difference. Thomas Maye de Faunt in Com' Sussex. Thomas Maye de Faunt filius et hæres. ī Thomas Maye de Com' Sussex miles. Dorothea uxor Edw. Twine. Ric'us Maye de Faunt, iuxta Mayfeild in Com' Sussex 2. fil. Jeffrey Maye de Sutton-Joanna filia Will'i Cheney who cam out of Denston de Stonye Sussex ætat. 70. 1619. Stanton in Com' Leic. Alicia nupta Tho. Wright de Sutton in parochia de Brough- ton Astley in Com' Leic. Ricardus Maye de Sutton Cheyney in Com' Leic. ætat. 33. 1619. I Roger Gee. Presilla filia Tho. Stiles de Walton in Com' Northamp. Edmundus Gee de Rothley Grace fil. Tho. in Com' Leic. Baskeruile. Rob'tus Gee fil. et hær. duxit filiam . . . Digbie et ob. sine p❜le. Margareta filia . . . Dalley prope Tunbridg in Com' Cantij. (Gee.) ARMS. Gules, a sword in bend argent, hilted and pomelled or, in chief a crescent for difference. CREST. A dexter gauntlet erect proper, grasping a sword argent. Alexander Gee of Rothley in Com' Leic. ī ་ Johannes Gee filius Joh'is. 3 Marya. 4. Katheria. Willm's Maye fil. 2 nupsit Graciam filiam Luke Mortimer de Stonie Stanton in Com' Leic. ætat. 22. Johannes fil. 2 ob. in Hibernia sine prole. Joh'es Gee filius et hæres. Ursula filia Tho. Neuill de Holt in Com' Leic. Henricus Gee fil. et hær. of whom is descended Will'm Gee of Hull. ат 5. Margareta. Elizab. filia Joh'is Hawbark de Stobleford ar. Ric'us Gee 2. filius Duxit filiam Joh'is Villiers. filia nupta Thomæ Wood- ford Ar. • Thomas Gee duxit filiam Poole de Withcocke. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 181 Briget Jone uxor . . . ob. s. p. Iues ciuis London. * Eustace Gee de Rothley in Com' Leic.... filia et coh.... Ellis de Com' Cestriæ. A Eustace Gee de Rothley in Com' Leic. ætat. 30. 1619. Anna nupta Pudsey de Com' Eboru' Johannes Gee fil. et hæres ætat. 6. annor' temp. huius visitationis. Fil. ux. prima. Anna nupta Rob'to Legard de Kingston sup' Hull. Willm's Gee de Eliz. fil.... Hart de Rothley in Ashbourne greene in Com' Leic. Com' Darby. Anna fil. Joh'is Sauage rector Ecclesiæ de Sutton Rodington in Com' Nott. * This descent in the original is on the side, opposite to Eustace Gee of Rothley and fil. et coh. Ellis de com. Cestriæ. Willm's 2. fil. ætat. 3. menses 8. die' Septemb' 1619. Willm's Gee 3. fil. Maior=Eliz. fil. Walteri Jobson de Kingston of Kingston upon Hull. upon Hull alderman. Willm Willm's Gee fil. et hær. duxit Thomazin filia' Doctoris Hutton. Will'mus Bayubrig de Lockington in Com' Leic. 2. Walter. 3. Samuell A Johannes Baynbrig del North. Alicia fil. Francisca filia ætat. 3. annoru' (Baynbrige.) ARMS. Argent, a chevron embattled between three battle-axes sable. CREST. On a mount vert a goat statant (untinctured), attired and collared argent. | | To Will'm Bainbriges of Lockington in Com' Leic. by Will'm Flowre Norrey 14. feb. 1585. aº 26. Elizab. Rob'tus Baynbrigge de Lockington Isabella filia Will'mi Milgate de in Com' Leicest. Manchester in Com' Lancast'. Elizab. filia Edwardi Charde one of ye Ex- chequer in Westm'. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Stephens Elianor filia 2. Thomas 2. fil. Alicia uxor Tho. Hunt de Com' Derby. 182 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Sara nupta Henrico Ducket Baccalarius Theologiæ de Colgraue in Com' Notting. Will'mus Robinson de Longe Whatton in Com' Leicest. 2. maritus Doctor Theologiæ et rector ciusdem villæ. Thomas fil. 3. ætat. 33. Duxit Annam filiam Jackson de Ashbourne in Com' Derbiæ. Ī Johannes fil. & hær. ætat. 3. • Elizab. 9. Mary. 7. A | Will'mus Bainbrig 4. filius æt. 31. Henricus Robinson filius et hær. ætat. 9. annoru' tempore huius visitationis. Barnaby 2. filius sans issue. Joh'es Bainbrig=Anna fil. Will'mi de Lockington Lawe do Wigston ætat. 45. 1619. Magna in Com' Leic. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Stanford de Barkby in Com' Leic. Con- siliarius ad Legem. Fillm Will'mus Bainbrige filius et hæres æt. 14. 1619. Robertus Tirringham de Weston in Com' Northamp' 2 maritus. Willm Willm's Robinson Doctor Theologiæ et rector Eccl'iæ de Longo Whatton in Com' Leicest. et Prebendarius Eccl'iæ Cathedralis Westmonasteria. TH Maria uxor Joh'is Lawe de Magna Wigston in Com' Leic. John Robinson-Lucia filia Joh'is Webb de Reading de Readinge in soror prima Will'mi Webb militis Com' Berk. et aldermanni Londini. Willm's Robinson 2. filius ætat. 6. 1619. (Robinson.) ARMS. Vert, on a chevron between three stags statant or as many trefoils slipped gules, in chief a crescent for difference. Willmus Robinson descended out of ye North. Anna Ester nupta Philippo unmaried Bainbrig de Wheatley ætat. 30. in Com' Eborum. Sara filia Will'mi Bainbrig de Lock- ington in Com' Leic. Elizabetha ætat. 7. Susan unmaried ætatis 34. Willm's Lawde de Reading in Comit' Bark. 2. maritus. 3. Johannes æt. 5. 4. Thomas æt. 3. Willm's Lawde Doctor Theologiæ et Decanus Eccl'iæ Cathedralis Gloucestriæ. 1 Elizabetha 13. 2. Sara. 7. 3. Lucy 2. THIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 183 (Eyton.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Or, a fret azure. (EYTON.) 2. Barry of six ermine and gules. (HUSSEY.) 3. Argent, a fess between three sinister wings sable. (DERBY.) CREST. A lion's head argent, holding in his mouth a tun or. Ricardus Eyton de Perie in Com' Staff. Maria filia Will'mi Brasbridge. Edwardus Eyton de Gadsby in Com' Leic.-Elizab. filia Libiis Derby de Gatesby. Symon Eyton duxit Mariam 1 filiam Tho. Ashbye de Loseby. Henricus Pilkington de=Anna filia Borow in Com' Leic. et hæres filius Rob'ti Pilkington. Simonis Eyton. Henricus Pilkington filius et hæres ætat. 12. Rob'tus Morton de= Sutton in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. obijt apud Gils- brough in Com' Northamp. John Mor-- ton fil. et hæres. Anthonius Eyton-Maria filia . . . Gray de de Gatesby. Newton in Com' Leicest. Isaack Eyton filius et hæres ætat. 14. Tho. Mor-- ton 2 fil. de Potters Cotten in Com' War. Joh'es Morton 2. filius. 2 Will'mus 8. 3. Rob'tus 6. Rob (Morton.) ARMS. Argent, on a chevron gules between three demi-buckles, tongues pendant, sable, a mullet or for difference. Willm's Morton de Bosworth in Com' Leic. descended of Morton of Morton in Com' Staff. Ī Joh'es Morton 3. filius Rector Ecc❜liæ de North Kil- worth ob. sine prole. 1 Damoris. 3 Presilla. 2. Apula. 4. Debora. Rob'tus Morton 1. filius de Northkil- worth in Com' Leic. habuit exitu'. Thomas Morton filius Johannis. 4. Thomas 4. Thomas Morton 2 filius. Willm's Morton de Leicester 5. fil. Alicia filia Will'mi Borage de Leicest. Will'ms Mor- tou de New- castell supra Tine. A 184 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Nicholas Morton-Francisca filia Ric'i Yate de de Bosworth in Roughton in perochia de Com' Leic. Woruell in Com' Salop. Joh'es Morton de Quarenden in Com' Leic. 2. filius. -Elizab. fil. W'mi King de Seleby m Com' Leic. Jana 2 Francis uxor Rob'ti Slimun de Tickell filia bibit in Com' Yorke solu'- modo Aquam. Nicholaus Morton 3. filius æt. 23. A | Edw. Bowyer-Elizab. fil. et de Bosworth. Coh. Joh'is Ma- lorie militis. filius et hæres de Bosworth. Edwardus Morton-Anna filia et heres Edwardi Bowyer de Bosworth. Rob'tus Morton= Anna filia... Chettle filius et hæres de Longe Whatton in Com' Leic. Johannes Morton 2. filius 82. ætat. annorum 1619. Radulphus Hollingworth filius et hæres ætat. 24. modo Aca- demicus Oxoniæ. Maria filia Joh'is Allen de Mountsorrell in Com' Leic. Radulphus Hollinworth de Bushingthorp in Com' L'ncolne whose father came fro' Mottra' in Chesheire. tako po a Win Willm's Morton fil. et hær. ætat. 30 Anno- rum 1619. (Hollingworth.) ARMS. Azure, on a bend argent three holly leaves slipped vert. Hollingworth filia Duncalf. Hollingworth-filia Leuerseege. Juditha filia... Ched- low de Ciuitate Co- uentriæ. Anna uxor Geo. Gladwyn de Darl in Com' Darby. Francisca filia Tho. Saunder--Radulphus Hollingworth de son de Weston in Com' Leic. relicta Will'mi Ashby 3. uxor. Wheston in Com' Leic. duxit Emmot filia Will'mi Carre de Com' Lincolne 2. uxor. Isabella filia.. Shaw de Com' Lincoln. • Susanna filia Joh'is Whitby de Comitat Ebor' uxor prima. George Holland filius et hæres ætat unius anni 1620. Patience uxor Tris- 2. Ellina 20. 4. Elizab. 17. tam Holland Ciuis Londini. Ī 3. Susan 18. TIIE. VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 185 (Salisbury.) ARMS. Gules, a lion rampant argent, charged on the shoulder with a crescent for difference, between three crescents or. CREST. On a mount (untinctured) a lion rampant argent, and charged on the shoulder with a crescent for difference, in dexter paw a crescent or. Salisberie. Joh'es Salisberie de Rauenston in Com' Leic. Rob'tus Salisberie de Rauenston in Comit' Leic. Sara uxor. Willm's. Johannes ob. s. p. · A 3. Anna. 4. Lidia. Tho. Salis- 5. Maria. berie fil. et hæres æt. 24. Ambrose 3. fil. ætat. 11. Ambrose Salisburie de Rauenston in Com' Leic. Richardus Salisberie de Newton Burgeland in Com' Leic. Hester ux. Joh'is Barwell de Pack- wood in Com' Warr. | Elizab. ux. Fran. Muckeslow de Destford in Com' Leicest'. Ricardus Salisbery de Newton Burgeland in Com' Leic. 2 filius. • Willm's Salisberie de=... filia Wright de Newton Burgeland in Com' Leic. Tho. Salisberie de Ra--Anna filia Joh'is Creswell uenston in Com' Leic. de Com' Cest'. Ric'us Salisberie rector-Francisca fil. Eccliæ de Rauenston in .. Wight- Com' Leic. duxit Ka- man de Bur- therinam fil. Tho. Salis- bage in Com' berie uxor 1. Leic. uxor 2. ī Joseph 2 fil. prentise w Mr Hawkes a Salter in friday Street ætat. 18. Elizab. uxor Joh'is Bent de Stony Stanton in Com Leic. Jone filia et hær. . . . Gillett. Ric'us Salisberie fil. et hæres ætat. 34. 1619. Elizab. filia Georgij Hop- kins de Wednesberie in Com' Staff. B Loughborough in Com' Leic. Margareta Elizab. uxor uxor Tho. Will'mi Lauender Michell de Grocer in Thrinkston Wood street in Com' Leic. in London. Elizab. fil. et hær. Edw. Kirke de Whitton in parochia de capella de Frith in Com' Darbiæ. berie de New- ton Burge- laine filius et hær. Tho. Salisberie Drap' in Lon- don 2. fil. Willm's Salis-Cornelia filia et hæres 6. Martha 7. Jana. Edwardus Salisberie Joh'is Berie 2 filius de Bocherston ob. s. p. in Com' Leic. | Sara. Nathaniell Samuell fil. et hæres fil. 2. æt. Abigall. ætat. 18. 15. ob.s. p. Elizab. fil. Rob'ti Bur- 3. Abigall. Maria galaine de Newton Burgolaine in Com' Leic. 4. Maria. 5. Sara. 2 B 186 THE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A Willm's Salisberie fil. et hæres ætat. 7. annoru' 1619. | Jana nupta 6. Willm's. Nathaniell 5. filius etat. 15 annor'. Arthuro Brooke de Longoston in Com' Leic. 7. Paulus ob. s. p. Joh'es fil. 2 unius mensis 8° die Septemb. 1619. John Lacy 3. filius Duxit Elizabetham filiam... Lissay. 1. Faith. 2. Isabell. 3. Modwen. B | Ric'us 2 filius ætat. 2. an- noru'. Thomas Salis- berie fil. 4. ætat. 24. Mathew Lacy. 1 Seth. 1. Maria. 2. Elizab. Edwardus Salisberie fil. 3. ætat. 30. Draper in red Crosse Street at ye signe of Salisberie playne. (Lacy.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, six pellets, three, two, and one, a crescent surmounted by a mullet gules for difference. 2. Gules, six billets or, three, two, and one, on a chief indented three roundles (untinctured). 3. Per pale gules and sable, a lion rampant argent, crowned or. Jasperus Roskin.... filia et coh. Bellers. Ric'us Lacy de Hallifax=Margaret Da. et coh. Jasperi Roskin in Com' Eboru'. de Melton Mowbray in Com' Leic. 2. Thomas. Jul Willm's Lacy de Melton Mowbray in Com' Leic. sup'stes 1563. Willm's Salisberie 1. Cornelia. filius. ætat. 2 ann' 3. Alicia. Joh'es Salisberie filius 2. ætat. 32. Seth Lacy fil. Isabella filia Leonard Lacy 2. filius Duxit et hæres. Henrici Farrar Joannam filiam Muston. de Hallifax. Anna filia Joh'is Digby de Welby in Com' Leic. sup'stes 1563. Johes Lacy filius ct hæres. Elizab. fil. Joh'is Ward de Bo- cherston in Com' Leic. 1 Elizab. 2. Mary. Elizab. Elizab. nupta Tho. Frearch postea Johanni Elwood. 3. Grace. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 187 (Nicolls.) ARMS. Sable, three pheons argent. Nicolls del North tempore E. 4. et de Ecton in Comit' Northamp. Thomas Nicolls de Picbley in Com' Northamp. et-Anna filia Joh'is Pell de Elting- ib'm sepultus. ob. 29. Junij 1563 ætatis. 38. ton in Com' Northamp. Maria ob. virginem. Franciscus Nicolls Anna filia Edwardus Maria filia=Augustinus Nicolls de de Hardwick in Dauidis Bagshaw Heminges Faxston miles unus Justi- Com' Northamp. Seamour. de London de London. ciarius de Comuni Banco fil. et hæres. 1. maritus. obijt 1617. sine prole. Franciscus Nicolls de Hardwick et Maria filia Edw. Faxston Ar. fil. et hæres Francisci | Bagshaw de consanguinius et hæres Augustini superstes aº 1619. London. Willm's Nicolls de Tilton Willm in Com' Leic. superstes 1619. Jocosa fília Geo. Gifford de Botlebridg in Com' Hunt. Augustinus Nicolls filius et hæres ætat. 11. 1619. __ Maria ætatis 2. annorum. Ric'us iste dedit partem terrarum de Fresley Ab- batia de Lilleshull in perpetuam Elimozinam. Susanna uxor Rob'ti Manley de Com' Warr. Anna uxor Ed'ri Hasilrig de Theding- worth in Com' Leic. 2 Will'mus æt. 2. 3. Francis æt. 1. Ric'us Gregorie Dn's de Freseley et Asfordby ob. 20. E. 1. A | 1 Nicholas 2 filius Johannes D'ns de Grigorie=Matilda de Pekulton filia de Freseley et de Asforby. D'ni de Pekulton. Margeria ux. Michaclis Purifoy de Mussin in Com' Leic. 1 Maria 12. 2 Anna 11. Lodouicus Nicolls mercator London 3. fil. ob. s. p. (Gregory.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Or, two bars and in chief a lion passant azure. a saltire engrailed sable. 3. Azure, a lion rampant argent, crowned or, by a bend gules. 4. Ermine, a fess paly of six or and gules. 5. Sable, two lions passant in pale argent, crowned or. 6. Vair, a fess gules, fretty or. CREST. A demi-boar couped rampant sable, gorged with a collar or. pater Ada Gregory. Johannes Bagshaw filius et hær. Walterus Gregorie 3 fil. pater Ric'i Gregorie. 3. Elizab. 6. 4. Jane. 3. 2. Argent, debruised Alicia nupta Hugoni, filio Stephani de Erdwick. 188 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Al Franciscus iste relaxauit Will'o de Percy ius suum in aduocatione Prioratus do Sclibred ac terras in Soundon et Hasscta in Sussex p' finem aº H. filij regis Johannis. 4° 46. H. 3. quidem Rad'us Gregorie leuauit finem de terris in Iabsmith Gregorie in Com' Essex. Iste Thomas educatus in Cantabrigia doctus Clericus habuit manc- rium de Asfordby. Fines de Anno p'mo R. 2. Margareta Gregorie de terris in Rotherwick in Com' Suth'. Thomas Gregorie de Asfordby sup'stes 21. Ed. fil. regis Edw. Isabella de Segraue hæres manerij de Cateby. filia et hær. Ric'i Segraue. Johannes 2. filius. Dn's Franciscus Gregorie despensator Simonis de Montiforti Thomas 3. filius. Comitis Leicest. Ī Johannes Franciscus Gregorie Canonicus 2. filius de beatæ Mariæ Asfordby. in pratis Leicest❜. Margareta Doctor uxor. Theoligiæ. | Joh'es Gregorie Armig' Escaetor D'ni Regis in Com' Dorcest. Thomas Gregorie fil. et hæres Consanguineus et hæres Will'mi Dimmock de Eiton in Com' Nott. Robertus Gregoric=... filia D'ni de Bosworth de Asfordby. relicta Hen. Harecourt. 3. Christopherus. Henricus 2. filius. 4. Edmondus. Radulphus Gregorie filius et hæres. Willm's Gregorie 2. filius duxit Aliciam filiam et hæredem Roberti de Cawley D'ni de Cawley in Com' Warw. Willm's 3. filius habuit hæredita- menta in Thornton et Desford. Tho. Gregorie primogenitus ob. s. p. . . . filia Petri de Asfordebye. Joh❜es 4 filius fuit Elizabetha filia Christ'. Wade mercatoris Couen- triæ maioris eiusdem ciuitatis. Ricardus 4. filius. Thomas Gregorio Armiger. Alionora filia Ric'i Billesby de Com' Lincoln. vi Willm's Gregorie de Asfordby. Hellena soror et heres Joh'is Malin. Henricus 3. filius cæsus fuit in bello in Scotia. Elizabetha monialis escaetor de Polles- D'ni Regis. worth. Willm's Gregorie 1 fil. obijt sine sobule masculo. Johanna filia . . . Billesby soror D'ni Will'mi Billesby. Johannes Gregorie. Arthurus Gregoric fil. et Jana filia Joh'is Ferrers hær. Thomæ Dn's de filij Humphredi Ferrers Stiuechall in Com' Warr. de Tamworth. Willm's Gregorie wil de Asfordby 2. filius. Rob'tus 3. filius. A THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 189 Anthonius Gregorie de London. Lawrencius Jana filia... Clarke Gregorie. de Kennie in Com' Leic. ux. 2. Johannes 2. filius ætat. 9. Thomas Gregorie 2. fil. ætat. 22. 1619. 3 Leonardus æt. 6. 4. Thomas æt. 4. 5. Edmondus æt. 2. Will'mus Gregorie-Filia . . de Asfordby. Franklin. Sara uxor Geo. Wellock de Frisby in Com' Leic. Leonardus Gregorie de Asfordby in Com' Leic. ob. 1615. duxi. Thomas Gilbert 1. filius. Willm's Gregorie filius et hæres de Asfordby in Com' Leic. ætat. 40. 1619. | | | - 1 Alicia. 2. Francisca. Maria ob. infantula. Willm's Gilbert de Thrusington in Com' Leic. 3. filius. Will'mus Gilbert de Elizab. filia Will'mi Cooke de Trusley Selby. in Com' Darbiæ. I Thomas Gilbert filius et hæres æt. 3. 1619. (Gilbert.) ARMS. Field (untinctured) a leg couped at the thigh in armour proper, spur oï, between two broken spears in fess argent, in chief a mullet for difference. CREST. An arm couped at the shoulder, embowed in armour proper, grasping a broken spear argent, the point downwards, staff or. Hugo Gilbert de Selby in Com' Leic. Margareta filia Will'i Alsop de Markefeild in Com' Leic. 1. uxor. Francisca filia Joh'is Baker de Eaton in Com' Leic. A Fillne Willm's Gregorie filius et hæres ætatis 10. 1619. Maria filia Thomæ Hoode de Bardon Parke in Com' Leic. 1. Francis æt 9. Matheus Gilbert 2. filius. Maria æt. 6. 12 190 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Goddard.) ARMS. Azure, on a fess between three hawks' heads erased or, five lozenges conjoined in fess vert. Willm's Goddard de Beeby in Com' Leic. descended out of Barksheir. ㅜ ​Joh'es Goddard de Beeby 4. filius. wil Willm's filius Joh'is ætat. 24. A willm Willm's God- Tho. Goddard dard 2. filius de Beeby ob. sans issue. fil. et hæres. Joh'es 2 fil. ætat. 16. Joh'es Goddard de Beeby in Com' Leic. Ī Joseph filius primus ob. sans issue. 1 Alicia. 2. Katherina. annoru' 1619. Rob'tus Bainbrig filius Primo- genitus. Willm's God--Maria filia Joh'is dard de Beeby ætat. Blewett de Harleston in Com' Lincoln. 36. 1619. Thomas Goddard fil. et hæres ætat. 3. D Willm's Bain--Elizab. filia brig de Chare. Lockington. Margeria filia Joh'is Gregson de Thur- ueston in Com' Darby. (Bainbrig.) ARMS. Argent, a chevron embattled between three battle-axes sable, in chief a crescent gules for difference. Joh'es Bainbrig de Wheatley in Com' Leic. Alicia filia. Thomas Bainbrig 2. filius. Mathew 2. filius ætat. 14. Anna. Maria. * Joh'es Goddard by St. Antlins Church in London 2. filius ætat. 28. Elizab. filia Pembleberie de Londo'. Alicia fil. Rob'ti Palmer de West Broughton. brig de Asby de la Zouch. Martha. Rachell uxor Tho. Corbison de Polesworth Margareta. in Com' Warr. Abigall. Henricus Goddard de London 3. filius. Anna. Anna fil. Ric'i-Rob'tus Bain-Lucia fil. Willm' Stacy de Borrow Euerard de Shenton uxor 1. in Com' Leic. 2. ux. || 1 Joh'es Bainbrige 3. filius. Hester. Berseba. Susanna. 11 Sara. Sara 2. fil. ob. s. p. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 191 | A Anna uxor Elizab. nupta Humphredi Francisco Westwood de London Goldsmith. Grocer. Smith de London | | Abraham 7. filius. Nathaniell 6. filius. ih Willm's tertius filius. Tho. Cotton fil. et hæres ob. s. p. Ka Joh'es Bain--Maria filia brig filius Rob'ti Willmet de Derby Pannari's. 5. Doctor medicinæ Londo'. Johannes fil. et hæres Henricus fil. et 2 Edward. 3. Samuell ob. s. p. æt 9. hær. ætat. 10. Tho. Cotton cleri- cus 2. filius duxit filiam... Young in Com' Warr. Edwardus Bainbrige fil. 2. Edwardus Cotton de Laughton 2. filius et hæres fratris ob. 1617. Nathaniell Jonathan Cotton pri- 2. filius mogenitus ætat. 15. ætat. 25. . . filia Cliueroe. (Cotton.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, a bend sable between three pellets. 2. Azure, an eagle displayed argent. 3. Gules, three birds or. 4. Barry nebulée of six argent and gules, a canton of the last. CREST. An eagle displayed argent. Thomas Cotton who came out of Staffordsh. & lyued in Chesh. temp. H. 7. ㅜ ​Willm's Cotton wille de Loughton in Com' Leic. ætat. 66. 1619. Thomas Bain- brige filius primogenitus. I Rob'tus Cotton de villa Leicest' et nuper Maior eadem villæ. ī | 1 Elizab. nupta Lawrentij Horton de Monsley in Com' Leic. Samuell Bain- brig 4. filius. Filia. ││ 3 Maria. Anna filia Clemtis Smith de Ha'mel- ton in Com' Rutland. | 2 Martha uxor Ambrosio Saunders de Sibertoft in Com' North- amp. Maria filia Joh'is Watts de Instock in Com' Leic. 4. Ellina. p'le. Margareta filia . . . Villers de Hothorp in Com' Northamp. 5. Rebecca ob. sine Willm's Cotton de London 3 fil. ob. sine prole. | 3 Goditha uxor Will'i Parker de Lubnam in Com' Leic. Edm. Cotton de Lubinam in Com' Leic. 3 fil. duxit Annam fil. Will'mi Tarlton in Com' Leic. | 4 Anna nupta Joseph Leadoch de Bosworth in Com' Leic. A 192 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 5. Ruth. Jana uxor Hen. Sutton de 6. Sara. Galway in Conaugh in Ire- 7. Dorothia. land Clericus. Ann 1. Elizabeth 2. Mary Thomas Cotton son & hr liuing 1649. 3. de Burton super Trent. 2. filius. Willm's Caldwall-Johanna filia willn Will'mi Fish- wick. Rob'tus Cald-=Anna filia . . Helmsted de Ingerston in Com' Essex. Talbott Caldwall wall de Whit- ford in Com' Wigorne. filius et hæres. 1 | Maria uxor Joh'is Wes- ton de Com' Cantij. Edwardus Caldwall filius et hæres ætat. 6. Samuell 3. fil. ætat. 16. 2 | Anna nupta Edwardi Purshull de Purshull hall in Com' Wigorn. Edwardus Cotton filius et hæres ætat. 2. annoru' 1619. ob. s. p. • Tho. Cotton de Loughton in Com' Leic' fil. et hær. ætat. 24. (Caldwall.) ARMS. Quarterly:-Azure, a cross patée fitchée within an orle of étoiles or; and argent, on a fess indented sable three fishes' heads erased and erected or. CREST. A cock's head or, beaked and combed gules, between two wings displayed sable, holding in his mouth a cross patée fitchee of the first. Thomas Caldwall.=Alicia filia . . . More de Douebridg in Com' Darbiæ. Rob'tus filia Smith Caldwall de Stoke in Com' Worc. fil. et hæres. William Cotton 2. Rob'tus Caldwall 4. filius. Sara ux. Gerrard Dannet fil. et hær. Joh'is Dan- net de Com' Worc. militis. Edwardus Cald--Maria filia wall de Upton Skinner Warren in Com' de Com' Wigorne 3. filius. Kent. • Georgius Caldwall filius et hæres ætat. 5. 1619. wall 2. filius de Com' Leic. Samuell Cotton 3 sonn. Elizab. fil. Joh'es Edw. Shuke- Cotton brough de Naseby in 2. filius ætatis Com' North- 21. amp. Jane uxor Joh'is Acton de Com' Hereff. 1 Robert 4. Eusiby 5. Ricardus Caldwall 3. filius. D Johannes 2 filius ætat. 2. • A | Samuell Cald--Dorothy filia W’mi Morton Alder- manni Leicestriæ relicta Baker. Henry 6. Presilla uxor Nicolls de Com' Heref. John 7. | | | Johanne 4. filius. Thomas Caldwall 1. filius. Joseph 5. filius. Willm's Caldwall 2. filius. Anna æt. 1. Rebecca ob. sans issue. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 193 (Eyre.) ARMS. Argent, on a bend sable three quatrefoils of the field. Robtus 2. filius. Ricardus Eyre 3. filius. Rob'tus Eyre fil. et hæres ætat. 20. Christopherus Eyre fil. et hær. Rowland Eyre. т 2 Henricus. 3. Will'mus. Dorothea filia... Harper de Comitat' Derbiæ 2. uxor. relicta Perkins. Roger Eyre. Ī ... filia Georgij Whatton de Long Whatton in Com' Leic. uxor 1. 1 4. Johannes. 1 Dorothea. 4 Brigetta. Johannes 3. filius ætat. 17. 2. Ellena. 5. Lucia. 3. Agneta. 6. Alicia. (Overton.) Ricardus Orton al's Ouerton de Lea in Com' Leicest. Ric'us Ouerton Elianor filia et coh.... Mascall de Com' Wigorn. 2. filius Ric'i. Willm's Ouerton 2. fil. æt. 22. Ric'us Orten al's Ouerton-Margeria de Lea in Com' Leic. 2. filius. uxor. 1. Uxor 2. Willm's Eyre. . filia . . . Segraue 2. uxor. de Belton in Com' Leic. 4 filius. 5. Thomas. Jeruais Eyre. Ric'us Ouerton al's Orton fil. et hær. ætat. 23. 1619. 4 Edwardus æt. 11. Willm's Ouerton filius primogenitus. 1. 1 Ruth. 2. Elizab. Diuers Children. =Uxor Dorothea Ricardus. uxor Joh'is Grigge de Thomas Ilkingston ob. sans in Com' issue. Derbiæ. 2c 194 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Strelley.) ARMS. Paly of six argent and azure, in chief a mullet for difference. Nicholas Strellcy a third sonne of the house of Strelley in Com' Derby. Ī Elizabetha uxor Edw. Chapman de Foxston in Com' Leic. Jane ætat. 14. Rob'tus Strelley de West Langton in Com' Leicest. Sara nupta Elias Strelley Joh'i Gottes fil. et hæres de Estlangton ætatis 40. an- noru' 1619. in Com' Lei- cestriæ. Willm's Vough de Halloughton in Com' Leic. Nicholaus Strefley de West Langton in Com' Leic. I Franciscus Vowe fil. et hær. obijt sans issue. Leonardus Vough 2. filius et hæres fratris. Gracia filia Joh'is Leife de Stamford in Com' Northamp. I Henricus Stralley fil. et hæres ætat. 16. temp' huius visitationis 1619. Joanna filia Nicholai Rowell de Com' Oxon. Katherina filia Tho. Fransum de Com' Glouc. Francisca nupta Edmundo Clarke de Church Lang- ton in Com' Leic. (Cowe.) Margareta filia et hær. Joh'is Mitton whose auncester maried ye Da. & hey. of Dester & Dester maried the Da; & hey; of Hackluit. ││ Lycia filia. . . Antwisell de Stanton Wyuell in Com' Leic. Thomas Vough Agnitia filia. . . de Halloughton | Dickingson de in Com' Leic. Peterborowe. 1. Agneta æt. 17. 4. Joanna. 6. 2. Elizab. æt. 12. 3. Francisca at. 10. Leonardus Vough 5. Margaret. 2. filius et hæres æt. 17. 1619. Margareta nupta Hen. Stone de Thornton in Com' Leicestriæ. Nicholas 2. filius ætat. 9. Katherina uxor Mawritij Brod- gate de West Langton in Com' Leic. Thomas Vough de Halloughton=Thomazin filia Octauiani Fisher de in Com' Leic. Threkingham in Com' Lincolne. Thomas 2. filius ætat. 10. His office to be found in the Rolles for Halloughto'. Thomas filius et hæres ob. sine p❜le. Agneta uxor 1. Blocksome et postea Mariott. Margeria ætat. 18. Willmus 3. filius xtat. 4. Jocosa 2. filia. Johannes 4. filius æt. 1. anni. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 195 (Diron.) Joanna filia Cannon Ricardus Dixson de Rolston in=... Relicta ... Brough de de Com' Essex. Com' Leic. temp. H. 8. Brough in Com' Leic. Friswold ob. sans issue. Audria uxor Astwell · • de Com' Northamp. T 1 Maria. 2. Ruth. Dorothea nupta Will'o Euerard de Barleston in Com' Leic. | 1 Margeria nupta Willm's Dix-Margareta filia Ricardus Dixson Sharpe de son de Rols- 2. fil. ob. s. p. Comit' Rutland. ton in Com' Leic. Margareta uxor Dent de Hallaton in Com' Leic. 2. Georgius. 3. Edwardus. 4. Henricus. Oliuerus Dixson de Kethrop in Com' Leic. 2. fil. Anna filia Nic'i Armestrong de Desford in Comit' Leic. 3 Agneta. 4. Joanna. Wilm Willm's Dixon de Rolston in Comit' Leic. Ric'us Dixson fil. et hæres ætat. 18. Howe relicta . . . Bedell de Com' North- amp. Anna filia Edw. Dudley de Clap- ton in Com' Northamp. Oliuerus Dixson 2. fil. ætat. 3. Thomas fil. et hæres æt. 3 annoru' 1622. (Allen.) Anthonius Allen de Marfeild in Com' Leic. Joh'es Dixson fil. et hæres ætat. 15. 1619. Dorothea uxor Bedell de Com' Northamp. Johannes Dixson de Skrosbie in Com' Lincolne 3. filius. Hen. Dilling- ham de Deane in Com' Leic. Anthonius Allen de Marfeild=Anna filia Edwardi Deepcup de in Com' Leic. Rockingham in Com' Leic. Briget ætat. 2. 1619. Maria filia Joh'is Brian de Bulling- brooke in Comitat' Lincoln. 11 Willm's Allen de Katherina fil. 5. Anthonius. 6. Ricardus. Burrow in Comit' Leic. fil. et hæres ætat. 26. 1619. 7. Thomas. 11 Jone uxor Rob'ti Busby. Margeria 2. fil. ætat. 9. 11 1 Maria. 2. Anna. 3. Jocosa. Anna 2. filia æt. unius anni 1622. 196 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Lany.) sant or. ARMS. Quarterly :-1. Argent, on a bend between two fleurs-de-lis gules a lion pas- 2. Argent, a chevron engrailed between three cinquefoils gules, on a chief of the last a lion passant or. 3. Gules, a crescent ermine within an orle of martlets or. CREST. A mermaid (untinctured), wreathed argent and azure, holding in dexter hand a hawk's bell of the first attached to a string vert, at the end a tassel silver. Filia Aslake de=Joh'es Lany de Cratfeild=Katherina filia ... Yaxley de Norfolk 2. uxor. in Com' Suff. Melleis in Com' Suff. ux. 1. T oh Aslack Joh'es Lany-Maria filia Tho. Lany of ye Newark James Lany Beniamin Lany Recorder Pooley in Leist' 3. filius. de Barwick 4. filius maried & had issue. mar & had de Badley hall in Com' Suff. issue. of Ipswich in Com' Suff. fil. et hæres. Joh'es Lany fil. et Bassebon Lany et alij filij. hær. habuit 2. uxores. Gartrude fil. Joh'is Hunt de Lindon in Com' Rutland. Johannes Hartop 2. filius. Johannes Hartop. Margareta filia Tho. Bridemaine. Thomas Lany fil. et hæres ætat. 33. Cristiana Henricus filia Joh'is Hartop. Williams. Rob'tus Hartop 2. filius. (Hartop.) ARMS. Sable, a chevron between three otters passant argent. CREST. Out of a coronet or, a demi-pelican with wings endorsed argent, vulning herself gules. Rad'us Hartop temp. R. 2.... filia Alexandri Moyne. I Prisilla uxor Oliueri Alexander-Ellina Phillippa uxor 3 Marion. 4. Audria. Cooke. Hartop. fil. Geo. Holleis. filius. Barbara filia Radulphi FitzRandolph. by. ▲ Maria uxor Hen. Leibourn. ob. sine p'le. Anna nupta. Anna filia Johannes Jana filia Will'mi Joh'is Porter Hartop. de Bretton. Inglebeard. Margareta uxor Ursula nupta Thomæ Brokes- Joh'i Ashley. Isabella nupta Thomæ Blesby. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 197 Ricardus Hartop. Thomas Hartop.= 1 Joanna nupta Octauiano Fisher de Elianora fil. et hær. ... Threckingham Threckingham Adcott postea ux. in Com' Lin- Odingsell. coln. Anna 4 fil. Willm's Hartop filius et hæres. Willm's Hartop=Maria fil. de Burton Lazers in Com' Leic. miles ob. 20. 1622. Joh'is Rolt de Molton Herneis in Com' Bed. | 3 Elizab. uxor Michaelis Clerkson de Kirton in Com' Nott. et postea Joh'i Digby de Mansfeild Woodhouse in Com' Nott. A Edwardus Hartop fil. et hæres æt. 11. filia Rad'i Chamberlaine. - .. filia Joh'is Allen. Ric'us Hartop socius medij Templi Lon- dini ob. sine prole. Samuell Hartop 2 Jone filius. 11 Elizab. uxor Geo. lew in Com' Leic. uxor. Bale de Calton Cur- Brigetta filia Stret de Will'mi Mason de Com' Egmonton in Com' Nott. Leic. Thomas Hartop fil. et hær. Dorothea filia Tho. Bendish de Steple Bomsted in Com' Essex. ætat. 19. 2 Susan uxor Joh'is Oding- sells de Eperston in Com' Nott. • 4. Ric'us. Edwardus Hartop-Maria filia de Frithby in 5. Georgius. Com' Leic. Erasmi Dre- den de Ashby in Com' Northampton. Baronettus. Valentine Hartop 2 filius. Anna fil. et hær. Will'mi Goodman de Com' Leic. | 2 Georgius æt. 6. 3. Ricardus æt. 4. 1 Judith nupta Will'mi Jack de Esenden in Com' Hertf. 1 Elianor. 3. Elizab. 2. Edwardus æt. 17. 4. Will'mus æt. 14. 2. Maria. 3. Ricardus æt. 13. Maria uxor Nic'i Stringer de Eaton in Com' Nott. 1 Francisca. 2. Anna. Valentine Hartop 2. filius. . . filia.. Pratt de Lutter- worth in Com' Leic. 1 Thomas Hartop fil. et hæres æt. 19. 1619. Thomas Hartop. . . fil. Tho. fil. et hær. ob. s. p. Caue de Stan- ford in Com' Northamp. 3. Elizab. 198 TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Perin.) ARMS. Argent, on a chevron sable between three pine-apples slipped, reversed vert, as many leopards' faces of the field. Gilbertus Perin de Com' Salop. Elizab. filia . . . Scrimshaw de Com' Salopiæ. Thomas Perin de Ashby Katherina filia Tho. Parret de Ashby de la Zouch. de la Zouch. Thomas Perin de Ashby de la Anna filia Radulphi Potter de Zouch ætat. 34. Lichfeild in Com' Staff. Thomas Perin filius et hæres ætat. 9. annoru' 1619. Thomas Peter Ashton Doctor Ashton filius et hæres. (Ashton.) ARMS (Field untinctured) a mullet sable charged with an annulet or, in dexter chief a crescent gules for difference. CREST. A boar's head argent, charged with a crescent for difference. Peter Ashton de olde Weston in Com' Hunt. Theologiæ et rector Eccl'iæ de Houghton et Witton in Comit' Hunt. et unus Magis- troru? Cancellariæ temp. H. 8. 2 filius. Edwardus Ashton fil. et hæres. Peter Ashton fil. et hæres D'ns de olde Weston & Patron of 3. Churches. 2 Elizabetha 6. 3. Sara ætat. 3. A Gilbertus Ashton de olde Weston in Com' Hunt. 4 fil. Lettice filia Tho. Spilware de Leighton Broms- wold in Com' Hunt. ― Robtus 2. filius. 1 Katherina 8. 4. Maria 3 menses. John Ashton Doctor Theologiæ et rector Eccl'iæ de Shitling- ton in Com' Bedford 3. filius. Gilbertus 3 filius duxit Filiam ... Croper de Buck- worth in Comitat Hunting. в т B Ric'us Ash- ton de Shit- lington in Com' Bedf. 5. filius. Johannes 3. filius. | Thomas Ashton 2. filius duxit Agnetam filiam . . Laddes de Leighton Bromswold in Com' Hunt. ст THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 199 A | Nicholas Ashton de Magna Gleane in Com' Leic. Joanna filia et Coh. Will'i Ward de Burton Ouerie in Comitat' Leic. I Petrus Ashton filius et hæres ætat. 30. Mr. of Arte in Cambridg. Tho. Ashton de olde Weston in Com' Hunt. 3 fil. Alicia filia et altra coh. Ric'i Tindall. Carolus Ash- ton fil. et hæres ætat 21. B | Arthurus Ashton fil. et hæres habuit exitu'. Elizab. uxor Humphredi Vernam de Quarenden in Com❜ Leic. Willm's 2. fil. de Kembolton in Com' Hunt. Leticia uxor Rob't Hodges de magna Glen in Com' Leic. 1 | | | | | 1. Lettice. 2. Francisca. Thomas Digby fil. et hæres qui ven- didit Welby. 1. Katherina. 6. Rosa. 2. Francisca. 1. Johannes. 3. Margareta. 2. Humphrie. Anna Maria ob. s. p. 4. Elizabetha. 3. Gilbertus. 5. Agneta. 4. Peter. filia Peto de Com' Warr. Petrus 3. fil. de Bramton in Com❜ Hunt. 11 1. Elizabeth. 2. Sara. Willm's Digby 3. Penelope. filius et hæres ætat. 21. Thomas 2 filius ætat. 21. Johannes 2. fil. ætat. 18. с cl 5. Johannes ob. sinc prole. Clifton Ashton filius et hæres ætat. 28. Peter Ashton de olde Weston duxit fil. Tho. Ekins de Cat- worth in Com' Hunt.= (Digby.) .. filia Carl-Willm's Digbie de filia... Dixwell ton 2. uxor. Welby in Com' Leic. de Com' Warwick. Tho. Ashton fil. et hæres ætatis dimiduu' anni. Rob'tus Ashton de Olde Weston fil. et hæres. Katherina filia et Coh. Ric'i Tiu- dall de Stinch- comb. Pawle Ashton 2. filius duxit fil. et hær. Edwardus Digby de Hol- Anna uxor well in Com' Leic. Ellina filia Rad'i Seche- uerell de Hopwell in Com' Derby. Johannes 2 filius 3. Anna. ætat. 10. Sammuell Creach de Wartenby in Com' Leic. | Edwardus Digby 1. Emma. 4. Tabitha. primogenitus ætat. 14. 2. Jana. 5. Maria. Nathaniell ætat. 9. 200 TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Wase.) ARMS. Argent, on a chevron sable between three garbs vert, banded or, as many étoiles of the field. CREST. Out of clouds proper issuing rays or, thereon a dexter arm embowed in armour argent, garnished of the first, holding by the point a demi battle-axe erect of the second. Johannes Wase de Leicest' Merchant of the Staple. | 1 John Wasc de London Merchant temp. H. 6. Thomas Wase de Rotherby in Com' Leic. temp. M. R. Margareta uxor Henrici Fox de Magna Wigston in Com' Leic. Thomas Olife. 3. Alicia. 4. Jana. 5. Dorothea ob. s. p. T Ric'us Wase de Leic. Elizab. filia Georgij Meuerell de temp. H. 8. Throwley in Com' Staff. Armig'. Alicia filia et hær. Joh'is Bailey de Rotherby in Com' Leic. relicta Will'mi Hill de Leicest' mercator Calitiæ. Anna nupta Georgio Allen de South Croxston in Comitatu Leicestriæ. Willm's. Valentine. Anna. Georgius. Ellianor. Anna filia Thomæ Cole- clough de Com' Staff. Elizabetha uxor Augustini Olife. postea Tho. Armeson de Loughborow in Com' Leic'.: } Elizabetha. Anna Olife. Margareta. Susan nata 22. July Aº 1602. Anna nata 1595. Thomas. Dorothea ob. s. p. Anna nupt. Will'o Widder de Com' Staff. 4. Johannes ob. sine Tho. Wase de 3. Edwardus. Samson Wase fil, et Hickling in hær. nuptus 13. De- Com' Nott. cemb'. 1586. duxit Janam filiam Henrici prole. Darker de Dalby in le Wouldes. Ric'us Wase 2. filius Duxit Margeriam filia Will'mi Brokesby de Gadsby.= Katherina filia unica. Margareta filia Erasmi Wildman de Beby in Com' Leicest'. | Johannes natus in Octob'. 1599. Thomas Wase fil. et hæres natus 20. De- cemb'. 1589. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 201 (Brookesby.) ARMS. Barry of six nebulée argent and sable, a canton gules. CREST. A boar's head couped at the neck, bristled and tusked or. Hump. Robtus Brokesby. Alicia filia Shirley de Stanton. 2 | Ric'us Brokesby 2. filius. Anthonius fil. et hær. (p. 49) Ric'us Brookesby de Shoby. Tho. Brookesby-Margareta filia Joh'is Wake de Eperson in Com' Nott. relicta Watts. de Broughton in Com' Leic. Thomas Brookesby de Broughton in Com' Leic. Johanna filia Tho. Frank de Brough- ton. 1. Francisca. 2. Elizabetha. 3. Maria. Bartholmeus Brookesby de Melton Mowbray filius Junior de Brokesby de Shoby in Com' Leic. ī Phillippus Brookesby de Stapleford ætat. 25. 1619. Georgius Brookesby=Elizab. filia Edm. Goodwin de Stapleford. de Stapleford in Com' Leic. Willms Brokesby fil. et hær ætat. 16. 1619. 2. Johannes æt. 14. Ric'us Brokesby de Melton Mowbray in Com' Leic. ī Georgius Brookesby filius et hæres ætat 3. annoru'. 3. Ricardus æt. 12. Alicia filia Tho. Michell de Coston in Com' Leic. 4. Robertus æt 4. Maria uxor Pawli Ebney de Leicest’. Phillippus 2. filius ætat. 2. annoru'. 2 ր 202 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. (Farrent.) Lawrentius Farrent de Moulton in Com' Hunt.=Elizab. filia Adæ D'ni Lumley. Thomas Farrent Georgius Farrent de Filgraue=Alicia filia . . . Coonye de fil. et hær. in Com' Buck. 2. filius. Comitat' Lincoln, Maria fil. Ric'i Cooper de Warmington in Com' Warr. ux. 2. fil. æt. 21. Will Willm's Rudiard 3. filius. 111 Maria 3. Ricardus æt. 18. Thomas Anthonius Farrent=Martha filia Anthonij unica Farrent de Lutterworth 4. Franciscus 10. 2. filius ætat. in Com' Leic. fil. et hær. æt. 27. Mariott de Aston et Ardingworth in Comitat' Northamp. 5 Jacobus æt. 6. 20. Ric'us Rud- iard. Rad'us Rudiard Thomas Rudiard fil. et hær. obijt 2. filius. sine prole. Tho. Farrent de Lut-―Johanna fil. terworth in Com' Thorley Leic. ob. 1613. uxor 1. (Rudiard.) ARMS. Argent, treillé sable, on a canton gules a rose or. Rad'us Rudiard de Rudiard in Com' Staff. ī Thomas Rudiard filius et hær. ob. s. p. Lawrence Rudiard mar. & had issu. Anna filia An- thonij Luther 1. ux. Anthonius fil. et hær. æt. 10. Rob'tus ob. s. p. Thomas Rudiard filius et hæres æt. 40. 1619. Thomas 2 fil. æt. 9. Johannes Rudiard 2 fil. Duxit Elizab. fil. Bidell de Com' Cæst' ī "T 4. Johannes. Carolus Rudiard 6. fil. ob. sine 5. Edmundus prole. ob. s. p. Will'mus Rudiard 3. filius Rector eccl'iæ Leices- triæ. filia nupta.. Winter de Comit' Glouc. • Nicholaus xtat. 2. Rebecca filia Nic'i Steward de Patishull in Com' Northamp. Margareta filia Joh'is Shilton de Newbold in Com' Leic. Beniamin Rudiard miles suruaior of the Court of Wardes. Jacobus Rudiard 3. filius. Joseph 2 filius æt. 34. 1 Johannes 2. filius. Willm's et Willm's ob. sine p'le. Richard ætat. 6. septimana 24. septemb' 1619. TIIE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 203 (Roberts.) ARMS. Quarterly:-1. Argent, three pheons sable, on a chief of the last a grey- hound courant of the field, collared gules. 2. Per fess argent and gules, a pale counterchanged, on the first, three demi-lions rampant couped sable, crowned or. 3. Argent, on a fess sable three fleurs-de-lis or. ANOTHER. The same, with a crescent for difference; impaling argent, two bars, and in chief a lion passant gules. Faith filia & h. . . . Pattinson de Colman Street London ux. 2. Anna obijt Edmondus 3. infantulam. fil. unmaried. Elionora unica filia ætat. 18. Franciscus Robertes de Wilesdon in Com' Midd. fil. & hæres. Elizab. uxor Saunders. • Edmondus Rob'tes... Soror Rob'ti de Wilesdon in Chester militis Com' Midd. ux. prima. Thom. Rob'tes 2. fil.-Anna filia Tho. Burnaby de de Com' Leic. Watford in Com' Northamp. Will'mus 2 filius ætat. 13. Maria filia Barnes de Wilesdon in Com' Midd. filia. . . Yax- ley in Com' Suff. Barnes Ro-Maria filia Alder- berts filius et hæres. Barnes Rob'ts et Willm's Rob'ts Gemelli fratres ætat. 14. 1619. Katherina ux. ... Ciampanti Italiano de Com' South Italian. manni Glouer de London et soror Tho. Glouer milit'. Thomas Rob'tes filius et hæres ætat. 16. Elizab. nupta Wyndouer pro- curator iuris Ciuilis. Francisca ux. Franklin de Wilesdon in Com' Midd. Faith fil. Joh'is Lany de Cratfeild in Com' Suff. B | • Thomas Sherman de Yaxley... fil. Waller de Wortham in Com' Suff. in Com' Suff. Wilm's | | | | Tho. Sherman fil. Willm's Sherman Grocer 6. Francis. et hæres. & Merchant of London 5. filius. 7. Jeames. 4. Hen- S. Bartholmew. ricus. 9. Anthony. • Sherman.) ARMS. Or, a lion rampant sable, charged on the shoulder with an annulet for differ- ence between three oak-leaves vert. CREST. A sea-lion séjant argent, guttée de poix, finned or. Maria ob. Jana nupta Tho. Glouer de London militi. Johannes Franklin de Willesdon in Com' Midd. miles ætat. 21. sans issue. 3 Johan- Ricardus ob. s. p. nes. filia uxor Lock- wood. 204 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. A | Thomas Sher-= man fil. et hær. Faith nupta.. Ballard de Com' Ebor' obijt apud Ipswich in Suff. man filius et hær. ætat. 34. 1619. B | filia Thwaites de Harding in Com' Norff. Willm's Sher--Maria fil. Las- sells de Com' Nott. Thomas Hall fil. et hæres ætat. 40. ī Thomas Sherman filius et hæres ætat. 30. annoru'. Johannes Sherman of the Newwark iuxta Leicester. Anthonius Hall de Mathon in Com' Wi- gorniæ fil. et hæres. ㅜ ​Johannes Sherman fil. et hær. ætat. 1. Anna nupta . . Browne fratri Altri Browne. Thomas 2 fil. prentize in Suff. æt. 18. Fil. et hær. Ellianor uxor Geo. Jermin de Com' Nott. Anna filia Will'i Caue de Pick- well in Com' Leic. 2 Willm's. 3. Henricus. Jacobus Hall 2 fil. ætat. 20. annoru' duxit Mariam filia' Jacobi Collins de Hallaton in p'ochia de Kinsberie in Com' Leic. Margeria ux. Duck de Com' Kent. • (Hall.) ARMS. Argent, three talbots' heads erased sable between nine cross crosslets azure. CREST. A dragon's head couped azure, collared argent, charged with a crescent for difference. Anthonius Hall de Henwick in Comitat' Wigor. 〒 Elizab. filia-Willm's Hall de Rederiff Dale iuxta London et de de Rederiff. Comitat' Leic. 2. filius. Willm's Hall fil. ct hæres ætat. 22. Faith nupta Hen. 3. Elizabetha. 4. Anna. Hemming de la Newark iuxta Leic. merchant de London. 5. Jana. 6. Millicent. Anna ætat. 2. Annoru'. Elizab. uxor Tho. Parker de London Milliner. Ric'us Sher- Owen et man cleri- Will'mus cus 2. filius. ob. s. p. Elizab. ux. Browne yeoman. • • Martha filia unica ætat. 6. mensis 1619. 11 Martha filia. Lumley Draper of London ux. 2. 2 Sara æt. 23. 3. Maria æt. 18. Susanna filia Jacobi Freeman de Neither Whitacre in Comit' War. • 3. Weblin Hall æt. 16. 4. Ricardus ætat. 12. THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 205 (Griffith.) ARMS. Per chevron argent and gules, three stags' heads caboshed counterchanged. Filia Francis Griffith de Woodhouse & somtymes Filia Page to Hen. Gray Duke of Suff. uxor 2. .. ux. 1. Walter Griffith de Woodhouse fil. et hæres. Elizab. nupta.. Middleton de Quarenden in Com' Leic. 2. Alicia. 3. Rebecca. Geo. Griffith de London 4. filius. Will' mus Will'mus Griffith 2. filius Vintner in London. Franciscus Griffith fil. et hær. ætat. 26. 1619. Franciscus Griffith fil. et hær. ætat. 4. Anthonius Babing- ton de Dethick. Francis ob. s. p. Rob'tus Griffith de-Alicia fil. Will'i Bar- Barrow super Soer nard de Sileby in in Com' Leic. 3. fil. Com' Leic. Maria Filia 2 Rob'tus ætat. Joh'is Bent 22. de Crosby in Com' Leic. 3. Theophilus æt. 18. Will'mus 13. Rob'tus 2 fil. ætat. 3. | Alicia uxor Ric'i Preston de Barton in Com' Leic. 2 Margt 19. 3. Phillip 18. 4. Maria 17. Georgius 3. fil. ætat. 6. septim'æ. (Babington.) ARMS. Quarterly :—1. Argent, ten torteaux, four, three, two, and one, in chief a label of five points azure. 2. Azure, a cross flory or. 3. Argent, a fess vair azure and or, between three water bougets sable. 4. Or, a chevron gules, a canton ermine. 5. Azure semée of fleur-de-lis, a lion rampant or. 6. Gules, a lion rampant vair. 7. Argent, a bend componé gules and sable, cotised of the first. 8. Sable, two lions passant in pale regardant argent. CREST. A demi-rere-mouse in pale affrontée, displayed gules. On the dexter side is written "The Creast is a demi Dragon gu." On the sinister against the wings, "false." Thomas Babington de Editha filia Rad'i Fitz Harbert Dethick ob. 13. Martij de Norberie in Com' Darby. Humphr'us Babington de Elinora filia 3. et coh. Joh'is Temple Rodeley 5. filius. Beaumont de Weddisberie. A 206 THE VISITATION OF THE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. Jana uxor Geo. Lang- ham. Maria. | | Tho. Babington de=Elianora fil. Rodely condidit Humfr'i de testament 27. Barton. Septemb' 1567. Edmundus 4. filius. Margareta 1. filia Jana uxor Stephani Euerard de Hether in Com' Leic. Will'mus Babington. Maria uxor Joh'is Borough militis. Zacharius Babing- ton iuris Ciuilis Dor et Cancel- larius Lichfeild et Archidiaconus Nott. . filia Louth. Thomas Babington de Temple Rodeley. | | 1 Henricus Brett filius et hæres. 5. Katherina 5. 2. Anna æt. 19. 6. Lucia. 1. Katherina filia Geo. Kendall de Smithesby in Com' Derby. A | Margeria ux. Ed'ri Vincent de Pickleton. Humphredus Babing- ton de Temple Rodeley. Margareta fil. Francisci Caue de Bagrauc. Elizab. nupta Will'o Danvers 3. Margaret 12. de Swithland in Com' Leic. 4. Elianora 10. ætat. 16. Margareta filia Tho. Seames de Ciuitate Gloucst. Edwardus Ciuis Londo' 2. filius. Joh'es Babington de Newton 2. fil. T Thomas Babingto'. Matheus Babing- ton de Cossington in Com' Leic. duxit... fil. Lee de Edington. Fil. Stapleton de Rempson in Com' Nott. ux. 2. 3. Adrian Clericus. 4. Will'mus. de interiori Templo. Matheus Babington fil. et hær. ætat. 7. 1619. Thomas fil. 2. ætat. 4. (Brett.) ARMS. Gules, a fess indented between six billels or. Willm's Brett de Rotherby=Anna filia Anthonij Beaumont 3. filij Will'i in Com' Leic. Beaumont de Colhorton in Com' Leic. Humphridus 3. filius ætat. 2. ob. s. p. Humphridus Walterus ob. sans issue. Georgius Brett filius et hæres ætat. unius anni 1622. 11 Alexander æt. 32. Anna nupta Lionello Cranfeild Comiti Midd. et Thesaurario Angl. Arthurus xt. 27. TIIE VISITATION OF TIIE COUNTY OF LEICESTER. 207 (Bery.) ARMS. Ermine, on a bend engrailed azure three fleurs-de-lis or, in chief a crescent gules for difference. filia-Willm's Berie de Ashwell in Com' Rutland who... filia Pickering uxor 2. Cam out of the house of Bery of Collaton in de Com' Northamp. Com' Deuon. uxor. 1. Willm's Berie duxit filiam... Dreden de Asby in Comitat' Northamp. Willm's Burie. Will 1 Elizab. uxor Ed'ri Holling- worth de Lin- colne. Maria uxor Fran- cisci Goodwin de Com' Leic. Emma. filia... Sherrard de Sta- pleford uxor. 2. Henricus 3. filius Duxit Eliz. filiam ... Higate de Hayes. Georgius 2. filius. -Gilbertus Berie de- Jana fil. Eston in Com' Lin- coln duxit Alicia' filiam Hugonis Dennis de Puckle- church in Com' Glouc. uxor 3.= Gilbertus Berie filius et hær. ætat. 10 annoru'. Jacobus Bery fil. et hæres. filia Tho. Caue de Ba- graue militis. • Caue Berie 2. filius ætat. 6. annoru'. ... Smith de Wilcott in Com' Leic. ux. 1. Francisca ætat. 9. 2 | Rob'tus Berie de Grant- ham. Gilbertus Margareta Berie filia An- thonij fil. 4. de Quini- borow in Com' Leic. Caue de Quini- borow. N°1 Facsimile Signatures of Leicestershire Gentry, from the original loose papers of the Visitation of 1619_ Hori, Miss 1195 kennd Coop r withi Lammfer Land # Villen Marsto weiluim yard illtmasiton Math. Do bytings william Lawrens George Marshall е 2 १ Ed: Svoile & L Fa abile Thomas Belgrano Aid Creitaphe ཅ་ད་ལ་ཡོད་་ до J Ltd Fuenez. Courys Appo turner Walker Endm fo Са Chorlet Alfay пори Ocles John Danes そ ​ہوں 200 тан проходит Bythard Chifordm aoad Niger xgemis Horan Cooke No 2. DE Sarilhan Plin Thomas Noble within ten The torne W Thru: Jam пис Ժ B mi The. Pauley I Tho: you: g & 2 Thoi Deryn's Nicholas Treffer G m Y"? Damberlayn / Ahstery Ritt Brehm Thomas Kinokopy you withm Veate & Willip Brookoftor).' B200 Endoon licy Om Ranks Batton Fotton Fron thon : Sherman ? 카 ​Z &illiam Halle си Francis Qcfla Thr: Penting, William Dixson Tho: Babe, 209 www.go mour, 177. Katherina, 154. Abbot, Robert, 148. Dorothea (Whaley), 148. Abell, Alicia Vincent, 79. Lichfeild, 79. Abney, 153, 154. ABNEY, 153, 154. Anna (?), 154. Anna, 153. Anna = Beale, 153. Anna (Smith), 153. Audria (Howe), 153. Danettus, 154. Edmund, 154. Ellina = Glen, 153. Ellina, 153. Elizabetha, 154. Francis, 154. George, 81, 153, 154. James, 153, 154, 177. Johanne, 154. John, 153, 154. Robert, 153, 154. Thomas, 153, 154. Walter, 154. = Vincent, 51. INDEX OF NAMES. Mary Vincent, 81. Paul, 154. Names in Italics have their arms blazoned. Katherina (Ludlow), 154. Katherina Warde al's Far- w "" "" Maria (Brookesby), 154. Maria Colly, 154. John, 192. (Robertes), 117. Acworth, Ann Adcot, Elianora 197. >> Jane (Caldwall), 192. Joan = Noell, 113. "" Mulsho, Abraham, Johanna 155. Ackworth, Elizab. (Purifoy), 35. William, 35. Acres, Lucia (Robertes), 118. Thomas, 118. Acton, 113. "" "" signifies “married to a. Staresmore, 6. Hartop, 9, Odingsells, 9. CAPITALS are the headings of pedigrees. Brackets () are maiden names. are titles or surnames to titlos. Agar, Anna Alsop, 105. George, 105. John, 52. Draper, 52. Urswick, 52. = Ailesbury, Mary = IIubert, 38. Thomas, 38. Alcock, Elizab. (Turvile), 55. Brigetta (Haselrigg), 16. John, 16. Allen, 109. ALLEN, 109, 195. Agnes Dannet, 51. Alexander, 109. Anna (Deepcup), 195. Anna (Wale), 109. Anna (Savill), 93. Anna (Wase), 200. Anna, 195. Anthony, 97, 195. Briget, 195. Christopher, 109. Edward, 195. Ellinora (Garret), 109. Elizabeth Burdet, 109. Elizabeth (Warde), 83, 109. Elizabeth (Belgrave), 96. Francisca Bodington, 109. Francisca (Charnells), 123. George, 195, 200. Henry, 195. Isabella Cavo, 120. James, 109. ======*** Jana (---), 109. Jane (Wigley), 97. Jocosa, 195. _________ _____ - w | John, 9, 96, 109, 120, 184, 197. Katherina (Dillingham), 195. Katherina Alsop, 185. Margareta (Moore), 109. Maria (Reven), 109. Maria, 195. Maria Mary Raph, 109. Richard, 195. = Thomas, 83, 109, 195. Valentine, 93. Villiam, 66, 109, 195. Morton, 184. Smith, 66. ALLEN-continued. (Warde), 83. Alsop, 105. ALSOP, 105. Anna (Agar), 105. Charles, 105. Dorothea (Molencux), 105. Elizaab. (Welsh), 105. Ellin Armeston, 176. George, 105. Humphrey, 105. Isabella (Warner), 105. Jana, 105. John, 105. _decom Katherina (Allen), 105. Margareta Gregorie, 189. Maria (Cooper), 105. Maria (Spencer), 105. Maria, 105. Nicholas, 105. Thomas, 176. William, 105, 189. Andrea, William de Sto., 78. Maria (Pilkington), 78. Andrewe, Francis (Belgrave), 69. Andrewes, Fabian, 94. Elizabeth (Cotes), 94. Katherina (Cave), 126. Katherin (Belgrave), 68. Richard, 68. ― Sir Thomas, 16. Thomas, 126. Ursula Haselrigg, 16. Anjou, Charles d' [King of Si- cily], 169. Anne Jana Peck, 147. John, 147. Antwisell, Lycia Vough, 194. Ap John, William, 119. Eliz. (Sturton), 119. - Ap Rese, Anna (Brudnell), 143. Lodovicus, 143. Ap Rice, Jana (Dakins), 117. Thomas, 117. Apleby, 11. APLEBY, 11. = Alice Hardwick, 11. Barbara, 11. Edmond, 11. 2 E 210 INDEX OF NAMES. 24 APLEBY-continued. Elizabeth (Langham), 11, 12. Francis, 11. George, 11. Henricus, 11. Jocosa (Curson), 11. John, 11. Nevill, 11. Richard, 11. Sir Edmond, 11. Sir John, 11. Sir William, 11. Thomas, 11. (Pechet), 11. Arden, Muriella Charnells, 123. Ardern, Matilda (Stafford), 23. Thomas, 23. Armeson, Eliz. (Wase), 200. Thomas, 200. Armeston, 176. ARMESTON, 176. Anna (Beck), 176. Anna (Replingham), 176. Ellin (Alsop), 176. James, 176. Peter, 176. - Thomas, 176. William, 176. Armestronge, Anna Dixson, 195. Ellin Turvile, 55. Francis, 119. Francisca (Sturton), 119. Gabriel, 91. Hugh, 55. Maria (Pilkington), 78. Nicholas, 195. Thomas, 170. = Beaumont, 170. Arundell, E. of [Fitz-Alan], 132. Agnes (Illingworth), 14. Agnes (Poultney), 14. Agnes Brokesby, 14. Anna Toveroy, 13, 132. Anne (Beaumont), 14, 59, 60, 172. ________ Anne, 14. ____ Barbara Ashby, 14. Barbara (Ashby), 13, 132. Bridget Fox, 14. Briget, 13, 132. Charles, 13, 132. Ciccley Heirik, 14. Dorothy Parrlane, 13, 132. Dorothy Bradshaw, 13, 132, 161. Dorothea, 132. Dorothea (Minors), 60. Elianor (Gedney), 13. Elizabeth (---), 14. ASHBY and ASUBIE-continued. Elizabeth l'enbory, 14. Elizabeth Naunton, 14. Elizabeth (Tanfeild), 14. Elizabeth Warde, 83. Elizabeth, 14. Everard, 2, 14. Francis, 14. Frances Throckmorton, 14. George, 13, 14, 60, 132. Henry, 13, 132. Joice Sherard, 10. Joyce Pell, 13. Jocosa Sherard, 14. Jocosa Pell, 132. John, 14. Katherine (Brett), 14. Katherine (Hasclrigg), 15, www.cance 132. Margery Needham, 100. Maria Gedney, 132. Mary (Band), 214. Mary Eaton, 14. Mary Eyton, 183. Robert, 13, 14, 83, 132, 161. Thomas, 10, 13, 14, 59, 60, 132, 172, 183. Ursula, 14. William, 13, 14, 60, 132. (Beaumont), 171. Chambers, 52. (Curzon), 13, 132. Skeffington, 13, 132. (Bennet), 13. (Digby), 14. Sercole, 14. (Browne), 14. (Witterantes), 14. (Minors), 14. - ________ 169. Elizab. (Dannet), 64. John, 64. 178. Arwaker, Dorothy (Smith), 67. Thomas, 67. Ashbornham, John, 171. Elizab. Berford, 178. John, 9. Micheal, 178. Thomas, 178. Elizab. (Beaumont), 61, 171. Sir John, 61. Ursula (Hartop), 9. Ashton, 198. Ashby, 13, 14, 60, 132. ASIIBY and ASHBIE, 13, 14, ASIITON, 198, 199. Agnes (Ladder), 198. Agneta, 199. →→ Ashfeild, Elianor (Humphroy), 62. Sir Edmond, 62. Ashley, Dorothy, (Berford), = "" Alicia (Tindall), 199. Arthur, 199. Charles, 199. Clifton, 199. Edward, 198. Elizabeth, 199. Francisca, 199. Gilbert, 198, 199. Humphric, 199. Joanna (Ward), 199. John, 25, 198, 199. Katherina (Tindall), 198. Katherina, 199. Lettice (Spilware), 198. Letice, 199. Leticia Lucy Hodges, 199. Birom, 25. Shirley, 25. Margareta, 199. = ASHTON-continued. Nicholas, 199. Paul, 199. Peter, 198, 199. Richard, 198. Robert, 198, 199. Rosa, 199. Thomas, 198, 199. William, 199. (Croper), 198. (Ekins), 199. Larry, 196. Noell, 114. Aslake Asplane Astell, Ellinor Savill, 93. Lord Grey, Astley, Jone 17, 74. William, Lord 17, 74. Aston, Ann, 85. Anna .. Everard, 114. Elizab. (Tookey), 85. Ellen (Pratt), 85. Grissell (Latham), 85. Hugh, 85. Joanna (Ward), 83. Peter, 83. M = Thomas, 85. Astwell, Audria (Dixson), 195. Atmore, Agnes Montague, 124. ** Audley, Henry, Lord 65. Lord 4. Anne Brooke, 65. Hugo, 21. Alicia Nevill, 21. Aungevile, Robert, 29. Mabell (Bellers), 29. Avery Gracia (Croft), 141. Thomas, 141. Ayott, Allen, 32. Maria Purifoy, 32. Babington, 205. BABINGTON, 205, 206. Adrian, 120, 127, 206. Anna, 206. Anthony, 206. Elianor, 206. Elinor (IIumphry), 62. Elinora (Beaumont), 170, 205. ܝ. Elinora (Barton), 206. Editha (Fitz Harbert), 205. Edmond, 206. Edward, 206. Elizabeth Nevill, 21. Elizabeth Danvers, 87, 206. — - = - Humphrey, 81, 127, 170, 205, 206. Jane Jane Jana Turvilo, 55. Joanna (Beaumont), 170. Everard, 206, 175. Langham, 206. John, 206, 78. Katherina (Kendall), 206. Katherine, 206. Lucia, 206. Margareta (Cavo), 120, 127, 206. Margaret Margeria Margeria -d ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Vincent, 81. Vincent, 206. Pilkington, 78. INDEX OF NAMES. 211 Babington-continud. Mary Vincent, 51. Margareta, 206. Maria Borough, 206. Mathow, 206. Thomas, 51, 55, 62, 87, 170, 175, 205, 206. Walter, 206. = William, 21, 170, 206. Zacharias, 206. 12. S (Langham), (Lee), 206. (Louth), 206. (Stapleton), 206. Badger, Baghot al's, 150. Baghot, 150. www BAGHOT, 150, 151. Alianora Staver, 150. Mak Alicia (Martin), 150. Amicia Pert, 150. Anna, 151. = Beatric (Malory), 59. Charles, 150, 151. Edmond, 151. Edward, 150. Egidius, 150. Elizab. White, 151. Francis, 151. George, 150. Katherina (Hide), 151. Margareta White, 151. Maria (Barow), 150. Richard, 150, 151. Rosa (Person), 150. Susanna (Fincux), 151. Thomas, 150, 151. William, 150, 151. Winifred (Rayman), 151. Bagshaw, Edward, 187. Maria (Heminges), 187. Maria Nicolls, 187. Baiard Smith, 66. Wye, 66. Bailes Gore, 85. Bailey Alicia Wase, 200. Alicia Hill, 200. Anna (Mulsho), 155. John, 200. William, 155. == Bainbrig or Baynbrige, 181, S "" = www.comm - 190. BAINBRIG and BAYN- BRIGE, 181, 190. Abigall, 190. Abraham, 191. Alicia Hunt, 181. Alicia (-?), 190. Alicia (Palmer), 190. Anna (Lawe), 182. Anna (Jackson), 182. Anna (Everard), 190. Anna Westwood, 191. Anna, 182. Barnaby, 182. Berseba, 190. Edward, 191. Elizabeth (Charde), 181. Elizabeth 181. Elizabeth Torringham, 181. Elizabeth (Chare), 190. Stanford, 160, BAINBRIG and BAYNBRIGE-cont. Elizabeth (Smith), 191. Elizabeth, 182. Ellina, 191. Ester Bainbrig, 182. Henry, 191. Hester, 190. Isabella (Milgate), 181. John, 181, 182, 190, 191. Joseph, 190. Lucia (Stacy), 191. Maria Lawe, 182. Maria (Watts), 191. Maria (Willnacl), 191. Margareta, 190. Martha, 190. Mary, 182. Mathew, 190. Nathaniell, 191. Philipp, 182. Rachell Rebecca, 191. Robert, 181, 190. Samuell, 191. Sara, 190. Sara Sara Susan, 182. Susanna, 190. Thomas, 181, 182, 191. William, 160, 181, 182, 190. Bainham, Robert, 117. Robertes, 117. Baker, John, 79, 189. Francisca Vincent, 79. Francisca Gregorie, 189. Bale, 111. BALE, 141, 142. pag = whic ______________ = - Corbison, 190. Ducket, 182. Robinson, 182. = = Alicia (Couper), 111. Anthony, 111. Dorothia, 141. Edmund, 118, 141. Edward, 141. Elizab. (Hartop), 9, 111, 142, 197. Elizabeth (Chippindale), 142. Elizabetha, 141. Emma (Halford), 142, 144. Emma, 142. Francis, 141, 142. Francisca (Brocas), 141, Francisca Roberts, 118,142. Francisca, 141. George, 9, 118, 141, 142, 197. Johanna (Pettie), 141. Joanna (Gamble), 111. John, 141, 142, 114. Jocosa Robertes, 118, 141. Jocosa, 141. Katherina Saunderson, 141. Margareta (Manning), 141. Richard, 141. Robert, 141. Sir John, 141, Valentine, 142. William, 141, 142. Ballard, Thomas, 160. Katherine (Stanford), 160. Faith (Sherman), 204. Band, Mary Ashby, 2, 14. Mary Berkley, 2, 14. = _______ = Band, Robert, 2, 14. Bandon, Alicia (Skeffington), 112. Banister, 164. BANISTER, 164. Anna (Fitz Harbert), 165. Anna (Cox), 165. Anna (Barton), 165. Anna, Geary, 165. Anna (Hall), 165. Daniell, 165. Dorothea (Hardwick), 165. Elizabeth (Jaques), 165. Elizabeth (Temple), 165, 168. Elizabeth Stretford, 165. Elizabeth, 165. Hellen (--), 165. Henry, 165. Jane John, 165. * Corbett, 165, 177. Margareta (Hichinson), 161. Nicholas, 165. Phillip, 164. Thomas, 164, 165. William, 164, 165. BANKES, 150. Alicia (Sco t), 150. Christopher, 150. Edward, 150. Elizabetha (Forster), 150. Elizabeth, 150. Lucas, 150. Margareta (Starkey), 150. Margareta Harris, 150. Maria (Hall), 150. Richard, 150. Thomas, 150. William, 150. Bantock Wincoll, 156. Barber, Alicia (Walcott), 86. John, 86. Bardolph, Phillip, 170. Elizab. Beaumont, 170. Barfoote, John, 86. Jocosa (Danvers), 86. Barford, Arthur, 87. == = = Dorothea (Danvers), 87. Barkeley, Emma (Brokesby), 19. Laurence, 2. Thomas, 49. Barker, Dorothea (Dixie), 116. Katherina (Vincent), 81. William, 81, 205. Barkley, Sir Morice, 49. Barnack, Elianor (Borough), 38. Jone Hubert, 38. Margt. Bellers, 29. Walter, 38. - (Woodford), 38. Barnard, Alicia― Griffith, 205. Dorothea (Cave), 127. John, 127. William, 205. Barnby, John, 102. Sara (Lawrence), 102. Barnes, John, 52. Maria Robertes, 203. Mary (Chambers), 52. Barnfeild, Walter, 91. Margaret Yarde, 91. 212 INDEX OF NAMES. Barnham, Benedict, 66. Barnham, Dorothy (Smith), 66. Barodon, Launcelott, 102. Isabella Laurence, 102. Barow, Maria Baghot, 150. ― Richard, 150. Barret, 107. BARRET, 107. Anna (Leake), 107. Dorothea Reynes, 107. Dorothea, 107. Elizab. Fox, 107. Jocosa (Reynes), 107. Johanna Halford, 144. Juditha (Bowier), 107. Judith, 107. Margareta Bothum, 107. Margareta (Laser), 107. Richard, 107. Thomas, 107. William, 107. Marston, 101. Barsby, Jocosa 107. ― * = - Choselen, ********* Barton, Alicia Ward, 83. Anna Banister, 165. Elianora Babington, 206. Humphrey, 206. Raph, 165. William, 83. Bartram, Lord of Mitford, 21. Barwell, Elizab. (Croft), 140. Grey, dc, 17. = Hester (Salisberie), 185. Isabella Temple, 167. John, 140, 185. William, 167. Baskervile, Edward, 42. Elianora = Purifoy, 37. Grace Gec, 180. John, 37, 42. Margaret, 42. * Mary (Winter), 42. Thomas, 180. Ursula, 42. → Basset, 12, 50. Basset, Alicia 80. Isabella Shirley, 25. Johanna Shirley, 25. _________________ d M Katherina Pilkington, 78. Matilda Grey, 74, Margaret Bothom, 165. Mary Beaumont, 60, 170. Ralph, 25, 58. Ralph, Lord 74. Sir William, 60. Thomas, 25. = William, 78, 165, 170. Bassingham Dixic, 116. Bate, Jane (Turvile), 55. Bateman, Margaret Necle, 46. Baynes, 1. Baynos, Francis Beale, Edward, 153. Anna (Abney), 153. Beardman, George, 149. Barbara (Fox), 149. Beauchamp, Anna, 104. James, 104. Jana (Ruding), 104. = = Mutton, 58, ________ Cater, 1. Beaumont, 60, 169. BEAUMONT and BEAU- MOND, 60, 61, 169, 170, 171, 172. Anthony, 30, 60, 170, 206. Anna Ashbye, 14, 59, 60, 172. Anna (Peirpoint), 60, 172. Anna (Saunders), 60, 171. Anne Dillon, 61, 171. Anne, 61, 171. Anna (Harecourt), 170. Anna Brett, 171, 206. Averia Findern, 171. Barbara (Faunt), 172. Barbara, 172. Christopher, 172. ― Colletta (Clerke), 60, 170. Cicilia Lord Botreux, 169. Dorothy Rigmoden, 60, 172. Dorothea Cumberford, 170. Dorothea Hill, 171. Edward, 60, 172. Elianor, 61, 169, 170, 171, 172. Elinora (Boronis), 170. Elinora Babington, 170, 205. Elizabeth (Hastinges), 60, Will. La Vaux, 60, 172. Elizab. 172. Elizab., 60, 61, 170, 171. Elizabeth (Bardolph), 170. Elizab. Ashboruham, 61, ==> ܢ - = 171. Elizabetha (Turpen), 61, 171. | Elizabeth (Willoughby), 169. Elizab. (Brasbrig), 43, 172. Elizab. (Leois), 171. Elizabeth (Sabcott), 171. Elizabeth (Suliard), 172. Elizab. (Fortescue), 172. Francis, 43, 60, 61, 171, 172. Francisca Dixie, 61, 116, 171. ______________ Frances, 61. Farnham, 61, 171. George, 59, 60, 170, 172. Gervaise, 172. Havise (Mutton), 59. Henry, 60, 61, 169, 170, 171, 172. Huntingdon, 61, 171. Isabell Snowsc, 61. Isabell Snowsell, 171. Isabella (Dutton), 60, 172. James, 170. Jane Brookesbie, 60, 172. Jane, 61, 171. Jane Temple, 61, 171. Joane (Pauncefootc), 60, 170. Johanna (Dercy), 170. Johanna (Stafford), 170. Joanna Babington, 170. Joanna (Paunccfoote), 170. John, 14, 59, 60, 61, 169, 172, 205. John de, 169. Katherin (Farnham), 61, 171. Katherina (Everingham), 169. | ========== BEAUMONT and BEAUMOND-cont. Kathorina Berkley, 3. Katherin, 61, 170, 171, 172. Margaret, 60, 170. Margeria, 170. Maria, 61, 171, 172. Maria Storey, 172. Mary (Bassott), 60, 170. Mary Paramour, 61, 171. Mary Compton, 30, 60, ******* 171. Mary Reyner, 30, 60, 171. Mary Villers, 30, 60, 171. Nicholas, 3, 60, 171. Phillippa (Marward), 169. Richard, 60. Robert, 61, 169, 170, 171. Sapcott, 61, 171. ― Sir Henry, 61, 171. Sir Thomas, 61, 171. Thomas, 46, 59, 60, 116, 169, 170. Thomazin (Mutton), 59, 60. Viscount, 169, 170. William, 60, 61, 172, 206. (Armestrong), 170. (Leventhorp), 170. (Lovell), 170. (Motton), 170. (Leigh), 170. == Maxwell, 171. (Yore), 172. Beck, Anna Armeston, 176. Maria (Sanderson), 119. Susanna (Cowper), 152. Peter, 176. William, 119, 152. Bedell, Dorothea (Dixon), 195. Brigetta Dixy, 116. (Howe), 195. William, 116. Bedford, John, 51. Elizab. (Dannet), 51. al's Sandy, 51. Belgrave, 67, 95. BELGRAVE, 67, 68, 69, 95, 96. Ambrose, 67, 69. Anna, 67, 69. Anne Corbett, 68. Anna Stroughton, 96. Benjamin, 69. Christopher, 96. Dorothea (Saunders), 67. Dorothy Saunders, 68. Dorothy Cave, 68. Dorothy Ravens, 68. Dorothy Goistock, 68. Edward, 69. Elizabeth, 67, 69. Elizabeth (Shelton), 68, 96. Elizabeth Allen, 96. Elizabeth, 96. Ellianor, 96. Francis, 67, 69. Francis Andrewe, 69. Francisca, 96. George, 67, 68, 69, 77, 96. Hugh, 68, Hugo, 95. Huntington, 69. Isabell (Sandon), 68, 96. === www.mmmmm p... INDEX OF NAMES. 213 BELGRAVE continued. Isabella (Skeffington), 8, 96, 112. James, 96. Jano (Stoughton), 69. Jane, 69. Joane (Swyke), 67, 68, 69. Johanna (F'a nhain), 67, 77. John, 67, 68, 69, 95, 96. Katherine (Glene), 68, 96. Katherin Andrewes, 68. Katherin (Knolles), 69. Laurence, 68, 95. Lucretia, 69. Margaret (Belgrave), 68, 95. Margaret (Willoughby), 68, 96. Margaret (Cotton), 68, 96. Margaret Eyre, 69. Margareta (Oliver), 96. Margareta Horneblow, 96. Margaret, 67. = Margerie, 67, 69. Maria (Chauntrell), 67, 68. Maria Sturgis, 96. Maria Palmer, 96. Maria, 67, 69, 96. Peter, 68, 95. Ma Prudentia (Norton), 96. Prudentia, 96. Richard, 68, 96. Robert, 67, 69, 96. Roger, 68, 95. Ruth, 69. Sedwina (Turpen), 96. Susan (Shipton), 68, 95. Thomas, 96. William, 68, 96. (Poultney), 96. (Wilson), 69. Belknap, 64. = Belknap, Sir Edward, 64. Mary Dannat, 64. Bell, Luna (Skevington), 8. Lucia (Skevington), 112. John, 136. Sense (Wilcockes), 136. Bellamont Lord Botreux, 72. Bellengham, Thomas, 26. Jane Shirley, 26. Bellers, Agatha (Vichan), 29. Elizabeth (Sutton), 30. Emma (Folevile), 29. Ruskin, 30. Ellin James, 29. Joane Villers, 30. Janc Digby, 40. John, 30. Mabell (Aungevile), 29. Margaret (Barnack), 29. Margaret, 30. Mary (Purifoy), 37. Mary Billne, 30. Richard, 29. Sir Hamon, 29. Sir James, 40. Sir Richard, 29. Sir Samson de, 29. William, 29, 162. - ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ==== Roskin, 75, 186. Bellomonte, Alianora (Planta- genet), 169. John de, 169. Henry de [Bp. of Durham], 169. ____________ apac Ludovicus de, 169. Bellson, Augustine, 130. Joanne Thame, 130. Belineg, John, 64. Agnes Dannet, 64. Bendish or Bondage. Thomas, 8, 112, 197. Dorothea (Hartop), 197. Joyce (Skevington), 8, 112. Bendlowes, Clara (Smith), 146. Bennet Ashby, 13. BENT, 158, 159. Adrian, 151, 158. Agneta (Marsh), 158. Agneta (Clarke), 159. Agnes Eastwell, 159. Alicia (Willmer), 158. Alicia (Read), 158. Alicia (Thackell), 158. Alicia Kendall, 158. Alicia (Samson), 158. Alicia Champion, 159. Alicia Miles, 159. Alicia Freman, 159. Ambrose, 84, 159. Amicia (Jay), 159. Anna = Savage, 158. Anna (Parkenhall), 159. Anna (Morton), 159. Audian, 158. Brigetta, 159. Edmond, 158. Elizabeth (Blakesby), 158. Elizabeth (Bingley), 158. Elizab. (Salisberie), 185. Elizabeth = Smith, 159. Elizabeth (Walton), 91, 159. Elizabeth Ward, 159. Ellena, 159. George, 159. Goditha = == * . Lowe, 159. Gracia (Thackhell), 158. Gracia (Otefeild), 158. Jocosa, 158. John, 79, 91, 158, 159, 185, 205. Joseph, 159. ― Lucia, 158. Margaret Perkin, 159. Margaret (Goodman), 84. Margaret Goodman, 159. Margeria Grunday, 158. Margeria Fletcher, 159. Maria (Meade), 151, 158. Maria Griffith, 205. Maria (Bury), 79, 159. Maria, 158, 159. Nicholas, 158. Petronilla Ward, 158. Richard, 158, 159. Robert, 158, 159. Roger, 159. Stephen, 158. —— Thomas, 158, 159. Ursula Hewett, 159. Valentine, 158. William, 158, 159. - ****** - = BENT-continued. William (Cater), 158. (Blower), 158. (Goddan), 158. (Gunston), 159. (Parker), 159. K Bereford, Joyce (Everard), 13. Petronilla (Charnells), 122. Simon, 122. Beresford, 178. BERESFORD, 178. John, 178. Margareta (Fowler), 178. Robert, 178. — (Lole), 178. Berford or Beresford, 178. Adrian, 178. Arthur, 178. Brian, 178. Dorothea Ashley, 178. Dorothea (Danvers), 178. Edward, 178. Elizabeth (Ashley), 178. Elizabeth, 178. Francis, 178. George, 178. Isabella, 178. Jocosa, 178. = = Margeria, 178. Thomas, 178. Beridge Dixy, 116. Berkeley, see Berkley. Berkley, 2. BERKLEY, 2, 3. Edward, 3. Elianor, 3. Elizabeth (-?—), 2. Elizabeth Bursey, 2. Elizabeth Hussey, 2. Elizabeth Levesey, 3. Elizabeth Pagenham, 3. Emma (Brokesby), 2. Eva (le Zouche), 2. Frances Shirley, 26. Henry, Lord, 26. Jone (Ferrers), 2. John, 3. ________ detai Katherin (Beaumont), 3. Margaret (de la Laund), 2. Margaret (Harrington), 2. Mary (Band), 2. Mary (Hall), 3. Mauricius, Lord 2. Maurice, 2. Nicholas, 3. Sir Henry, 3. Sir John, 2. Sir Laurence, 2. Sir Maurice, 2. Sir Thomas, 2. Thomas, Lord 2. Ursula, 3. William, 2, 14. (Biron), 2. Beric and Berrey, see Bery. Bernard, Hugo, 162. Ellena, 162. Bertram, Alice Bouge, 54. Berwell, Maria (Staresmore), 5, 99. Berwick, Briget = Brokesby, 174. 214 INDEX OF NAMES. Bery, 207. BERY, 207. Alicia (Dennis), 207. Cave, 207. Cornelia Salisberie, 185. Elizabeth (Higate), 207. Elizabeth (Hollingworth), 207. Francisca, 207. George, 207. Gilbert, 207. Henry, 207. James, 207. Jana (Smith), 207. John, 185. - Margaret (Cave), 207. Margaret (Smith), 66. Maria Bent, 158. Maria Goodwin, 207. Maria Wright, 152. Robert, 152, 207. William, 207. (Cave), 207. (Dreden), 207. (Pickering), 207. (Sherrard), 207. Bevin, Jean, 124. Elianor (Montague), 124. Beufoy, John, 167. Agneta Temple, 167. Bickerton, 173. BICKERTON, 173. Alexander, 173. Anna (Catlin), 173. Anna (Goddard), 173. Anna, 173. Dorothea Edmond, 173, Ellin (Turvile), 55. Elizabeth, 173. Francis, 173. Jocosa, 173. John, 173. - = = Katherin (Waldron), 173. Laurence, 173. Margaret, 173. Martin, 173. Nicholas, 173. Thomas, 173. (Bradock), 173. Williams), 173. * Hancock, 173. -Bidell, Elizab. Bigge - 146. Billesby, Alianora Gregoric, 188. Johanna Gregorie, 188. Richard, 188. ... Billesdon, Walter de, 129. Billing Whothill, 45. Billne, Anne Pinchbeck, 30. Sandford, 30. Pickering, 20. Mary (Bellers), 30. Sir Thomas, 30. Bingham, Richard, 34. Elizab. Joan Anna Purifoy, 31. Bingley, Elizab. Bent, 158. Elizab. (Nevile), 75. John, 75. ==== Rudiard, 202. Wakat . Thomas, 158. Bindon, Viscount [Howard], 18. -(Segrave), 18. Binington, Thomas, 137. Anna (Chamberlaine), 137. Biron, Isabella (Skeffington), 8, 112. John, 8, 112. Lucy (Ashton), 25. Sir John, 2. Sir Richard, 25. Berkley, 2. Bishop, Thomas, 174. Margeria Leigh, 174. Bishopston, 21. Bisphane, Eliz. (Walleis), 86. William, 86. Blaby, Hugo de, 93. Katherin de (Savill), 93. Black, Margt (Sherrard), 10. Blacket Legard, 19. Blackwall, Eliz. Wigley, 97. Blackwell, Sense Draper, 52. = Bent, 158. Blakesby, Eliz. Thomas, 158. Blanchminster, 21. Blanchminster, Ralphe, 21. Cicilia . Nevill, 21. Blannerhasset, Anna 139. John, 139. Blasbye, Isabell (Harlop), 9, 196. Thomas, 9, 196. Bletsho, Marg. Gorc, 85. Blewett, Grace (Hartop), 9. John, 190. Blewett, Katherin Pochin, wwwwwcome = __________________ . === P w 106. Maria Goddard, 190. William, 9. Blith, Mary (Hascbrigg), 16. Blocksome, Agneta (Vough), 194. = . Blount, Crooke al's, 128. Anne === Pate, 89. Elizab. = Shirley, 25. Lucia (Staresmore), 6. [Lord Mountjoy], 25. Sir Thomas, 25. William, 89. Blower Bent, 158. Blunt, George, 55. Martha (Turvile), 55. Bodington, George, 109. Francisca Allen, 109. Bogham, Earl, 169. Bollers, William, 162. Bolston, Anna Burton, 57. Bolton, Margeria (Staresmcrc), 6. Bonvile, Cicilia ==.; - ___________ =======>>> Gray, 74. Harrington, Lord, 72, 74. William, Lord, 74. Boothby Corbett, 177. Borago, William, 183. Alice Morton, 183. Bordo, Elizab. Borenis, Elianora Farner, 179. Beaumont, w Grey, › Apaka 170. John, 170. Borough, Elina = Barnack, 38. John, 206. Maria (Babington), 206. Borowe, Henry, 155. Maria Mulsho, 155. Bostock, Anne (Whethill), 15. Bosworth Gregoric, 188. Botfish Allen, 109. BOTHOM, 165. Alicia (Wolowe), 165. Grace (Jackson), 165. Hugo, 107, 165. John, 165. Margareta (Basset), 165, 107. Botreux, Lord, 72, 169. Cicilia (Beaumont), 169. Boughton, Thomas, 126. Margeria (Cave), 126. Bouge, 54. Bougo or Bougge, Alice (Ber- tram), 54. Baldwin, 54. Edmond, 54. Elizabeth (Mulsho), 54. Felix (Brokesby), 54. Galfridus, 54. Margaret Everingham, 54. Margaret Motton, 54. Margaret Turvile, 54. Margaret (Foucher), 54. Matilda, 54. Ralph, 54. Richard, 54. Thomas, 54. William 54. - Bourchier, Anna (Woodvile), 139. William, 139. Boutort, John, 74. Matilda =Gray, 74. Bowes, John, 24. Bower, John, 156. Anna = Wincoll, 156. Bowier, Edward, 107. Judith Barret, 107. Bowles, Anna Smith, 67. Anna (Winter), 42. George, 67. John, 42. = (Digby), 40. Bowman, Isabell Halford, 144. Johanna Marston, 102. Zacharias, 102. Bowyer, Eliz. (Draper), 52. John, 52. Boyer, Anna = Morton, 184. Eliz. (Maloric), 184. Edward, 184. dag Boys, Mary Purifoy, 33. William, 33. Brabazon, 47. BRABAZON and WOOD- FORD, 47. Jane John, 47. Roger, 47. William, 47. Brabson, 10. Brabson, Elizabeth = Neale, 164. John, 164. Bracebridge, Edith Entwis- sell, 15. Richard, 15. Woodford, 47. INDEX OF NAMES. 215 or Bradborne, Eliz. (Turvile), 55. | BRASBRIDGE OF BRASERIG- Elizab. Turvile, 55. continued. Mary (Turvile), 55. Nicholas, 55. Sir Humphrey, 55. Bradbrig, Elizab. (Winter), 42. Peck, 147. w Thomas, 42. Bradford, Alicia Brian, 147. Bradgate, Eliz. (Gerveis), 71. Richard, 71. Bradley Skeffington, 112. Cockeran, 112. Bradock Bickerton, 173. Braham, Phillippa Cave, 120, 127. Robert, 120, 127. Brandon [E. of Lincoln], 73. Charles [D. of Suffolk], 75. Katherine (Hastings), 73. Francisca (Grey), 75. Maria (Tudor), 75. Bradsey, Christopher, 18. Bradshawe, 44, 161. BRADSHAWE, 44, 161, 162. Anna (Glover), 44, 161. Anna (Whethill), 44. Anna (Burton), 44, 57, 161. Anna, 162. Barbara, 162. Dorothy (Purifoy), 37, 44. Dorothy (Ashby), 13, 161, 132. Dorothea, 44, 162. Edward, 162. Elizab. ܚ Purifoy, 34, 37, 44. Elizab. (Chamberlainc), 162. Florence Reines, 44. Francisca (Smalley), 77. George, 44, 57, 161, 162. Hugh, 17, 44, 161. Isabell Purifoy, 37, 44. Jane, 44, 162. John, 44, 161, 162. Lionell, 77. Margaret 161. www.coming G G p - Margaret (Gibbons), 161. Margaret, 44, 161, 162. Mary Corbett, 17, 44, 48, 161. Maria, 162. Thomas, 37. William, 44. Martha, 162. Micheall, 37, 44. Richard, 44, 161. Robert, 13, 37, 44, 132, 161, 162. ___ Jennings, 44, (Forster), 44, 161. (Orme), 44, 161. l'rintoft, 44. Cosby, 44. (Colledg), 44. Haliford, 44. Watts, 44. (Gibon), 44. (Purifoy), 161. Brasbridge, 43. BRASBRIDGE or BRAS- BRIG, 43, Alice (Rugeley), 43. Anna (Corbyn), 43. Anne, 43. Anthonic, 43. Barbara, 43. Dorothy, 43. Edward, 43. Elizabeth (Winter), 42. Elizabeth (Harecount), 43. Elizabeth (Beaumont), 43, 172. Elizabeth, 43. Florence, 43. Francis, 43. Hellen Hudson, 43. Hellen (Creuker), 43. Henry, 43. Humphrey, 43. Hellen, 43. Isabell (Whatley), 43. Jane (Mill), 43. Jane, 43. ===== Joan (Lucy), 43. Johanna Temple, 167. Joyce (Wilson), 43. John, 43. Margery Richard, 43. Maria . Eyton, 183. Mary (Browne), 43. Prudence Golde, 43. Susan (Cotton), 43. Symon, 43, 172. Thomas, 43. William, 43, 183. (Esse), 43. (Nethermill), 43, Skipwith, 43. Brascbridge, Editha by, 49. Bray, Anna, 112. Egidius, 112. Katherina (Chetwood), 112. Micheall, 112. Richard, 112. Breerton, Matilda 113. Brestofte, Anna Thomas, 38. Breton, 161. BRETON, 161. Alicia (Wright), 152, 161. Christopher, 95. Daniell, 161. Elizab. (Dacon), 161. Elizab. Ducket, 161. Francis, 161. John, 161. * ܝ܂ Willington, 43. Brett, 206. BRETT, 206. = Brokes- Noell, Hubert, 38. Katherina (Guest), 152, 161. Katherina, 161. Margaret Turner, 95. Maria Newton, 161. Maria, 161. Nicholas, 161. Richard, 152, 161. Robert, 152, 161. William, 161. Alexander, 206. Anna (Beaumont), 171, 206. BRETT continued. Anna Arthur, 206. George, 206. Henry, 206. Joan (Palmer), 39. Katherin Ashby, 14. Margareta (Seames), 206. Robert, 14. _____ William, 39, 171, 206. Brian, Guy de, 23. = == John, 195. Maria Dixon, 195. Matilda de Camvile, 23. Bridemaine, Thos., 9, 196. Mary Hartop, 9, 196. Bridges, Eliz. Turvile, 55. Jana (Savill), 93. Richard, 93. Thomas, 55. Britaine, Goditha 176. Walter, 176. Broadgate Wright, 152. Brocas, Barnard, 141. Frances Hasebrigge, 16. Francisca Bale, 111. William, 16. Brocket, Anne (Cave), 127. Edward, 130. John, 15, 127. = Johanna (Thame), 130. Mabilia Haselrigge, 15. Margaret (Hastinges), 15. Brodgate, Grace = Halford, - Cranfeild, 206. - - .. 144. Katherin (Strelley), 194. Maurice, 194. Brokas, Francis 99. William, 99. Brokesby, 49. BROKESBY. = = Agnes (Ashby), 14. Alice (Sherley), 49. Alicia Anna - Pochin, 106. Walcott, 49. Anne (Sapcotts), 49. Anthony, 49. Bartholomew, 49, 173. Bersheba = Leigh, 174. Brigetta (Berwick), 174. Dorothy (Congreve), 49. Dorothea (Wiseman), 49. Editha (Brasebridge), 49. Edward, 49, 106. Elizab. (Stanton), 173. Ellin (Vaux), 49. Emma Barkley, 49. Emma (Miles), 49. Felix Bouge, 54. Francis, 49, 174. Henry, 49, 54. Humphrey, 49. ― Trunnell, Starismore, Jana (Beaumont), 60, 172. John, 49. Lucy Woodford, 38. Maria = Vincent, 81, 82. Maria, 49. Richard, 49, 173. Robert, 49, 60, 172, 173, 174. Thomas, 173. 216 INDEX OF NAMES. BROKESBY-continued. William, 49, 173. Winifred Inglefeild, 49. Bromfeild, Anthony, 108. Elizab. (Cooke), 108. Bromley, Margt (Whaley), 148. Robert, 148. William de, 133. Bromwick, Eliz. (—?—), 51. Henry, 51. Isabell, 51. Brooke, 65. BROOKE, 65. Agnes (Winter), 24. Alice Lecche, 65. Alice= Delves, 65. Alice (Croxton), 65. Anne (Venables), 65. Anne (Whitney), 65. Anne Sheldon, 65. Anne (Audeley), 65. Andrewe, 65. Arthur, 136, 146, 186. Christian (Carcw), 65. Dorothy (Smith), 146. Edward, 65. Elizabeth (Starkie), 65. Elizabeth Walker, 65. Henry, 65. Jane (Meverell), 65. Jana (Salisberie), 186. John, 65. Margaret Maneringe, 65. Margerie (Manwaring), 65. Margery (Staveley), 136. Ralphe, 65. Reignold, 65. Richard, 65. Robert, 65. Sir Bassett, 65. Sir Richard, 65. Thomas, 65, 146. William, 25. (Fetherston), 65. Brooke, Lord, 16. Brookesby, 201. BROOKESBY, 201. Alicia (Shirley), 201. Alicia (Michell), 201. Anthony, 201. Bartholomew, 201. Elizabeth (Goodwin), 201. Elizabetha, 201. Francisca, 201. George, 201. Humphrey, 201. Johanna (Frank), 201. John, 201. G Margaret (Wake), 201. Wase, 200. Margareta Mary Ebney, 114, 201. Maria, 201. l'hillip, 201. Richard, 201. Robert, 201. www. Thomas, 196, 200, 201. William, 38, 201. Brough (—?—), 195. Browne, Anna (Sherman), 204. Beatrix (Shirley), 25. Elizab. Purifoy, 32, 33. Elizab. (Sherman), 204. A Browne-continued. Isabella Purifoy, 35. John, 25, 35, 36. Katherin (Skellington), 112. William, 112. Browne, Sir John, 43. Mary Brasbridge, 43. Browne, Alice (Digby), 41. Anthony [V. Montague], 75. Anne Dannet, 64. J = Elizabeth (Skeffington), 112. Frances Ashby, 64. Sir Mathew, 64. Brow, 10. * Broxley, Margt (Hartop), 9. Thomas, 9. Broyesfeild, Katherine Pu- rifoy, 35. Richard, 35. Brudnell, 143. BRUDENELL, 143. = Agnes Flacket, 143. Ap Rese, 143. Anna Anna, 143. Anthony, 143. Dorothea (Smith), 143. Edmund, 143. Elizabeth (Burnell), 143. Elizabeth, 143. Ellena Felder, 143. Francisca, 143. George, 143. Jana (Elrington), 143. Jana, 143. Margaret (Entwisell), 143. Margareta Palmer, 143. Paul, 143. Richard, 143. Robert, 143. Thomas, 143. William, 143. (Everard), 13. Freeman), 143. (Warner), 143. (Wymark), 143. Bruin, Henry, 24. .. ________ Johanna Burdet, 24. Buckby, William, 137. Maria Walker, 137. Buckingham, Cless of [Beau- mont], 171. Ctess of Villers], 30. Mqs of [Villers], 30. Ed. D. of [Stafford], 195. Buckland, William, 135. Nowers, 135. Margery Bugg, 12, 50. Baldwin, 59. Bugg, Galfridus, 103. Isabella Peper, 103. Mary (Motton), 59. Bugges, Anna Thomas, 80. Bullock, Alicia (Cooke), 108. Thomas, 108. Bulmer, 21. Bunning, Richard, 92. Francisca Whiting, 92. Whiting, 92. Bunting Wigley, 97. Burdet, 23. BURDET, 23, 24. - Magg _________ . Mutton, 80. BURDET―continued. Agnes Shepoy, 24. Agnes (Waldif), 24. Amabilia (--), 140. Anne Bowes, 24. Anne, 24. = Samborn, 24 Blanch Briget (Curson), 24. Briget (Greisley), 24. Briget, 24. Dorothy, 24. Elinora (Vcale), 23. Elianor Willerscotts, 24. Elizabeth (Camvil), 18, 23. Elizab. (Garshull), 23. Elizabeth (Allen), 109. Elizabeth Stafford, 24. Elizabeth (Cokaine), 24. Elizabeth Hutton, 24. Elizabeth, 24. Felicia, 23. Francis, 24. Geraldus, 23. Gerard, 18. George, 24. === Hawise IIarecourt, 18. S Hugo, 23, 140. Hugh, 18. Humphrie, 24. James, 18. Jane (Francis), 24. Jane, 24. Johanna (Bruin), 24. Johanna (Harvy), 140. John, 18, 23, 24, 140. Juliana (--?-), 140. Katherine Tedley, 24. Katherine (Gerveis), 71. Margaret (Rodney), 24. Mary (Throckmorton), 24. Mary (Wilson), 24. Mary (Frampton), 24. Maria (Croft), 140. Maria (Cave), 125. Michaell, 18. Nicholas, 18, 23, 24, 140. Osborn, 24. Richard, 18, 23, 71, 109, 140. Robert, 18, 23, 24, 140. Sir Richard, 18. Sir Robert, 18. Thomas, 24, 140. William, 18, 23, 24. Camois, 24. (Harewell), 24. Burgaine, Eliz. Temple, 167. Robert, 167. Burgalaine, Robert, 185. Eliz. Salisberie, 185. Burgh, Richard, 8. Burnaby, Anna Robertes, 203. Thomas, 203. Burnell, Eliz. - Brudnell, 143. Eliz. = Cave, 128. Burton, 56, 121, 160. BURTON, 56, 57, 160. Abigall (Whiting), 92. Adam de, 56. Abigall (Chomley), 160. Alicia (Peck), 160. Anne (Bolston), 57. INDEX OF NAMES. 217 BURTON-continued. Anne Bradshawe, 57, 161. Anna (Digby), 160. Anna (Reinolds), 160. Anna, 161. Barton, 160. Dorothy Willnes, 57. Dorothy (Faunt), 28, 57. Edward, 57. Elizabeth (Cotton), 57. Elizabeth (Ockover), 57. Elizabeth (Hardwick), 57, 140. Elizabeth, 57, 160. Frances, 57. Francis, 160. George, 57. James, 57. Jane, 57. Joan (Creucure), 56. John, 160. Jone, 160. John de, 56. Katherin = Milles, 57. Katherin (Ripington), 42, 57. Katherine, 57. Mary Wakefeilde, 57. Matilda (Gibon), 57. Mawde (Curtois), 57. Mudwynne Creueker, 43, ܒ.܂ 57. Nicholas de, 56. Oliver, 56, 57. Phillippa (Cobham), 160. Raphe, 43, 44, 57, 140. p Richard, 57, 120. Robert, 42, 57, 140. Rous, 92. Rudolph, 28. Sir James, 56, 120. Sir Thomas, 160. Susanna (Wilcockes), 136. Thomas, 57. William, 57, 136, 140, 160. Sharpe, 89. *********** Bury, Briget (Cave), 127. Dionisia Halford, 144. Gilbert, 127. James, 127. John, 79. Mary (Cave), 127. Maria Bent, 79. Maria Vincent, 79. Bushby, Francisca (Whaley), 148. Jone (Dixon), 195. Richard, 148. Robert, 195. - Bussie, Gracia (Halford), 144. Milo, 144. Bussy, Edward, 145. Elizabeth (Berkley), 2. Elizabeth Halford, 145. → Sir John, 2. Butler, 64. Butler, Elizabeth 13. == Everard, Everard, 50, 80. Purifoy, 39. Elizabeth (Villers), 30. Sir John, 30. Byrond, John, 20. Byrond-continued. Isabell Lyard, 20. Cage (Wincoll), 156. Caldwell, 192. CALDWELL, 192. Alicia (More), 192. Anna (Helmsted), 192. Anna (Purshull), 192. Anna, 192. Dorothy (Morton), 192. Edward, 192. George, 192. Jane Acton, 192. Johanna (Fishwick), 192. Johanne, 192. John, 192. Joseph, 192. Maria (Skinner), 192. Maria Weston, 192. = Presilla Nicolls, 192. Rebecca, 192. Richard, 192. Robert, 192. Samuel, 192. Sara Dannet. = *** Talbot, 192. Thomas, 192. William, 192. (Smith), 192. Calthrop, Eliz. (Smith), 66. Martin, 66. Calverley, Maude (Hubert), 38. Sir Hugh, 38. Camden, Viscount, 4. Cambridg, 7. Cambridge, Jone (Donne), 7. Matilda Oldbeefe, 110. Maude Oldbeefe, 7. William, 7, 110. Cambridge, E. of [Hamilton], 31. C = Camois, 24. Camvile, Albreda (Marmion), 23. Elizab. Burdet, 18, 23. Galfrid, 23. = Isend (-?), 23. Matilda (de Brian), 23. Matilda Stafford, 23. Sir Geffrey, 18. William, 23. Cannon, Joanna Dixson, 195. Capet, John, 83. Johanna (Warde), 83. Cardwell, Eliz. Gore, 85. Carew, Christian Brooke, 65. Gawen, 6. Goditha Staresmore, 6. = Whiting, 92. Carey, Anna (Corbet), 177. Carick, Emma (Wigley), 97. Francis, 97. Carlton Carre, Emmot 184. William, 184. Carrington, 130, 131, 145. CARRINGTON al's SMITH, = John, 65. Maria = Digbie, 199. Hollingworth, === 131, 145, 146. Anna (Farnell), 131, 145. Edmond, 145. CARRINGTON al's SMITH-cont. John, 131, 145. Katherin (Montague),131,145. Katherin (Heriell), 145. Margaret (Rosse), 131, 145. Michael, 145. Millicent (Laynham), 131, 145. Sir Michael, 145. Sir William, 131, 145. Cartier Duport, 124. Cartwright, Joane (Legard), 19. Thomas, 19. Castlehaven, Earl of, 4. Cater, 1. CATER, 1. Alice (--), 1. Cornelius, 1. Edward, 1. Francis (Baynes), 1. George, 1. Gertrude (Harvy), 1. Henry, 1. John, 1. Mary (Dent), 1. Richard, 1. Suzan, 1. William, 1. Catesby, Anne (Haselrigge), 15. Edward, 15. Margaret (Purifoy), 33. Modwina (Smalley), 75. Catiell, Richard, 98. Margareta (Whitalph), 98. Catlin, Judge, 173. Anna Bickerton, 173. Cave, 122. CAVE, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 133. Abigall Sherrard, 10. Agnes (Houghton), 127. Alexander, 125, 127. Alicia Skeffington, 111. Ambrose, 126, 128. Anna King, 120, 127. Anna Sherman, 128, 204. Anna (Warde), 125. Anna Stapleton, 125. Anna = Ingoldby, 125. Anna (Marshall), 68, 126. Anna Marshall, 126. Anna Hampden, 126. Anna (Lany), 127. Anna (Brocket), 127. Anna (Durant), 127. Anna (Hunston), 127. Anna Smith, 127. Anna, 128, 133. Anthony, 120, 124, 126, 127, 128, 207. Augustin, 128. Barbara, 133. Barbara (Feilding), 128. Brian, 120, 127, 128, 133. Brigetta Bury, 127. Brisetta Tanfeild, 128. Barbara (Devereux), 73, 128. Catherina (Somerville), 125. Catherina More, 125. Cicell, 10. Clement, 126. === => = - ― == = 2 F 218 INDEX OF NAMES. CAVE-continued. Beatrix, 125. Constance (Leedes), 125. Dorothy, 120. Dorothy (Smith), 66, 128. Dorothea (Malory), 126. Dorothea Barnard, 127. Dorothea Evans, 127. Dorothea Gray, 128. Edward, 120, 126, 127, 128. Elianora (Gray), 128. Elizabeth, 122, 127, 128, 133. Elizabeth (Constable), 125. Elizabeth (Marvin), 126. Elizab. (Danvers), 40, 111, 126. Elizabeth (Lovet), 126. Elizabeth Wirley, 126. Elizabeth (Burnell), 128. Elizabeth (Isham), 128, 133. Elizabeth (Ewart), 128. Elizabeth (Marbery), 133. Erasmus, 133. Eusebius, 133. = Francis, 40, 80, 120, 122, 126, 128, 133, 206. Francisca Shuger, 122. Francisca (Duport), 124, 127. Francisca Jenkenson, 127. Francisca (Dreden), 133. Francisca, 128. George, 133. Grace, 125. Henry, 68, 120, 126, 127, 128, 133. Isabella (Allen), 120, 127. Isabella (Needham), 100. Isabella (Wake), 127. Isabella Chippingdale, ― __________ 127, 157. Jane (Vincent), 50, 80. John, 122, 125, 127, 128, 133. Juditha, 122. Juditha (Porter), 122. Juditha Chester, 126. Katherina, 120. Katherina Andrewes, 126. Katherina (Colt), 127. Katherina Cheyney, 127. Lisley, 120, 122, 127. Marcia, 128. = Margareta, 120. Margareta (Lisle), 120, 122, 126. Margaret (Cecill), 66. Margareta (Saxby), 126. Margareta (Wellington), 126. Margareta (Knolles), 126. Margareta (Babington), 127. Margaret (Skeffington), 8. Margareta (Clermont), 127. Margareta Babington, 127, 206. Margareta Bury, 207. Margareta (Throckmorton), 128. _______ Margareta (Trussell), 128. Margareta (Marbery), 133. Margeria (Cowper), 151. Margeria Boughton, 126. Margeria (Farnham), 77. = CAVE-continued. Maria, 122, 128, 133. Maria Peck, 128, 147. Maria (Samson), 122. Maria (Genill), 125. Maria Sec, 125. Maria Weston, 126. Maria Lounde, 125. Maria (Burdet), 125. Maria (Whito), 128. Mary, 133. Mary Skeffington, 112. Martha, 122. Martha Newdigate, 126. Matilda (Maldacum), 125. Mathew, 128. Maude Perwich, 63. Phillippa (Braham), 120, 127. Pierce, 125. Piers, 125. ______ = Prudentia (Crooke), 128. Ralph, 126. Richard, 66, 122, 126, 128, 133. Robert, 125. Roger, 66. Rosa Harecourt, 128. Rosa Hunnings, 128. Ruth, 122. Sir Alexander, 125. Sir Thomas, 8. Susanna (Fincux), 151. Susanna, 122. Temperans, 127. Theophilus, 120, 127. Thomas, 9, 40, 77, 100, 111, 125, 126, 128, 151, 152, 157, 192, 207. Tobias, 127. Ursula Davenport, 122. William, 17, 120, 127, 128, 147, 206. Gregorie, 188. (Belgrave), 68, 126. (Malorie), 126. Passemer), 126. (Cliffe), 127. Cawley, Alice Robert, 188. Chamberlaine, 137. CHAMBERLAINE, 137. Anna (Stanford), 137. Anna Binnington, 137. Elizab. Bradshawe, 162. Elizabeth, 137. Francis, 137. Francisca (Jervis), 137. Henry, 137. Jocosa Turner, 95. John, 137. Libeus, 95. → ― Margareta (Poole), 137. Ralph, 9, 197. Richard, 162. Hartop, 197. Ward, 83. Chambers, 51. CHAMBERS, 51, 52. Barbara (l'ochin), 52, 106. Ellinor (Dannet), 51. Elizabeth, 52. Elizabeth (Villers), 51. John, 52. CHAMBERS-continued. Mary Barnes, 52. Richard, 51, 52, 106. William, 51, 52. (Ashbic), 52. (Lathberyc), 51. (Mallowe), 51. Champaine, 12, 50, 53. Champaine, Hugo de, 53. Nicholas de, 53. == Champion, Alicia (Bent), 159. Elizab. Hardwick, 53. John, 103, 159. Katherin Marshall, 103. Margt Foucher, 53. Margt (St Loo), 53. Robert, 53. — S Sir Robert, 53. Chanceler, Thos, 26. Alice (Shirley), 26. Chancy al's Giles, 118. Chantrell, Robert, 67, 68. Maria = Belgrave, 67. Mary Belgrave, 68. Chaplin Wincoll, 156. Chapman, Edward, 194. Elizab. (Strellcy), 194. Gorc, 85. Charde, Edward, 181. Elizab. Baynbrig, 181. Charc, Elizab. Bainbrig, - 190. Charles, Nicholas [Lanc. Her.], 123. Charnells, 122. CHARNELLS, 122, 123. Anna, 123. = Cicilia (?), 122. Edward, 123. Elizab. (Francis), 123. Francisca Allen, 123. Godierus, 123. John, 123. Katherina Muriella, 123. ―― Muriella (Arden), 123. Nicholas, 122. Petronilla (Bereford), 122. Wirley, 123. Ralph, 122. Robert, 123. Thomas, 123. Walter, 123. William, 122, 123. Hayward, 123. Chaweband, Eliz. 68. Swyke, Chaworth, Elizab. (Noell), 4. John, 4. Maria Crofte, 140. George, 140. [Viscount], 4. Chedlow, Juditha = Morton, 184. Cheney, Christian, 129. Katherin (Cave), 129. Chony, Catherin Kempe, 27. Cheselden, Alice (Wilston), 20. Anna (Skovington), 20. Briget (Montgomerie), 20. Edward, 20. Elizabeth, 20. Ema (-?), 20. —), INDEX OF NAMES. 219 Cheselden-continued. Richard, 20. Thomas, 20. William, 20. CHIESELDON, 107. Anna, 107. Anna (Stacy), 107. Anna (Warde), 83. Elizabeth, 107. Francisca, 107. George, 107. James, 20. Johanna (-?), 107. Jocosa, 107. 107. Jocosa (Barsby), John, 20, 107. Kellam, 20. Richard, 107. Thomas, 107. William, 107. (Marbury), 20. Cheselhurst, Thomas, 36. Beatrix Purifoy, 36. Strelley, 36. ************ "" Chesellon, 20. CHESELTON, 20. Chester, 138. CHESTER, 138. Alicia Sharpc, 138. Anna Sharpe, 138. Augusten, 138. Brigetta (Sharpe), 138. Charles, 138. → Clement, 138. Dorothea (Hooker), 138. Febe (Michell), 138. Frances (Tuffe), 138. George, 138. Jana (Savill), 138. John, 136. Juditha (Cave), 126. Leonard, 136. Maria, 136. Maria Roberts, 117. Robert, 136, 203. Samson, 136. William, 117, 126, 136. Robertos, 203. Chettle, Anna Morton, 184. Chetwin, Walter, 73. Chetwood, Anne (Laurence), = ―――― 102. Isabella (Noell), 113. John, 102. Katherin 112. Skevington, S, Bray, 112. Richard, 8, 112. Thomas, 113. Chibenhurst, Thomas, 33. Beatrix Purifoy, 33. Chicholey, Clement, 3. Pagenham, 3. Chichester, Francis (Harring- ton), 59. Sir Robert, 59. Childe, 7. Chippingdale, 157. CHIPPINGDALE, 157. Christiana Staresmoro, 99, 157. Edmund, 157. CHIPPINGDALE —continued. Edward, 157. Elizabeth, 157. Elizabeth Bale, 142, 157. Elizabeth (Harkes), 157. Elizabeth Meredith, 157. Francisca (Oliver), 157. George, 157. Henry, 157. Isabella (Cave), 157. Johanna (---), 157. John, 99, 142, 157. Katherin Walker, 157. Katherin, 157. Maria, 157. Maria (Garret), 157. Stevens vel, 6. Tobias, 127, 142, 157. William, 157. Burton, Chomley, Abigall 160. Ciampanti, Kath. (Robertes), 203. Cicell, Albania, 4. Dorothea, 4. Margaret ܢ www.g P Cave, 66. Smith, 66. [Lord Burley]. Sir Edward, 4. Clare, Isabell Rockley, 74. William, 74. Clarence, D. of [Plantagenet], 72. Claremont, Duport, 124. Clarke, Agneta Bent, 159. Collet Beaumont, 60. Edmond, 194. Francisca (Strelley), 194. Jana Gregorie, 189. Richard, 60. William, 159. Clarvaux, Alice (Faunt), 23. John, 28. Thomas, 28. ― Faunt, 28. Clavering, John, 21. Euphemia Nevill, 21. Claxston, Ralph, 103. Sibilla Marshall, 103. Cleark, Mary Corbet, 18. Thomas, 48. Clerk, 40. Clerk, Agnes "" Ma Colletta John, 40. Richard, 170. == = — Digby, 40. Seddell, 40. Beaumont, 170. Clerke, Anna (Vincent), 79. Mary Corbet, 17. Richard, 79. Thomas, 17. Clerkson, Elizab. (IIartop), * 197. Michaell, 197. Clermont, George, 127. Margaret Cave, 127. Cleyton, Margeria (Turvile), ====== Legard, 19. 55. Cliffe, Ellin Nicholas, 19. Cave, 127. Clifton, Alice (Digby), 40. Prestwich, Clifton-continued. Alice (Nevill), 21. Cuthbert, 131. Dorothea (Smith), 131. Gervice, 21. Climpeston, John, 119. Margt Sturton, 119. Clinton, Mary 63. Cliveroe, Cotton, 191. Cobham al's Brooks, Henry, 160. Phillippa Burton, 160. Cobley, William, 63. Alicia (Houghton), 63. Mary Pace, 63. Cockaine, Elizab. ==== Everard, 142. ... = Sir John, 25. Thomas, 142. M = == Cockeran, (Bradley), 112. Cockin, Anne (Repington), 42. Thomas, 42. Cogan, Dorothy (Pochin), 106. William, 106. Cokaine, Elizab. Burdet, 24. Sir Thomas, 24. Coke, William, 86, 148. Isabella Danvers, 86. Margaret Whalley, 148. Colborne, John, 97. Katherina Wigley, 97. Colbron, Humphrie, 20. Coleclough, Anne = Wase, 200. Thomas, 200. Coleman, Johanna 111. → = = == = Coles, Amicia (Ward), 83. Amy Vincent, 80. Alexander, 83. Peter, 80. Halford, Vincent, 50. Colledg, Bradshaw, 44. Colley, Anthony, 8, 111. John, 154. Katherin (Skeffington), 8, 111. Maria (Abney), 154. Collingwood, Robert, 15. Elizabeth (Hasclrigg), 15. Collins, Ellina (Marston), 101. James, 204. Maria = Hall, 204. William, 101. Colman, Henry, 101. Margaret (Marston), 101. Colsell, 7. Cave, 127. Colt, Katherin Thomas, 127. Colteclough, Dorothy Stur- ton, 119. Colvile, 12, 6O. Comberford, 5. Compton, Francisca (Hastings), 73. Henry, Lord, 73. Mary (Beaumont), 60, 171. Sir Thomas, 60. Thomas, 30, 171. [E. of Northampton], 171. --. 220 INDEX OF NAMES. Congrave, Dorothea Brokes- by, 49. Dorothea (Gifford), 26. John, 26, 49. Coniers, Dorothy 114. "" Richard, 3, 114. Coningham, Maria 155. John, 155. Constable, Elizab. 125. در = Jone (Nevill), 22. John, 125. Margaret Sir John, 22. Thomas, 19. Cove, Joane John, 66. Cook, Oliver, 9, 196. Precilla (Hartop), 9, 196. COOKE, 108. = *** Badalona.comm -Baccomm Noell, 3, Flower, 3, 114. Mulsho, = Lichfeild, 108. Bullock, 108. Turvile, 55. Abraham, 108. Agneta Alicia Anno Anthony, 75. Eliz. Bromfeild, 108. Eliz. (Twigden), 108. Eliz. Gilbert, 189. Francisca Gray, 75. Isack, 108. James, 108. John, 108. Katherin (Robertes), 117. Katherina Watkin, 108. Margareta (Greene), 108. Margareta Shepard, 108. Sir Edward, 46. Susanna, 108. William, 75, 108, 189. Winifred Mungay, 46. Neele, 46. * John, 90. Jone, 90. - = ====== Cave, Legard, 19. Smith, 66. Cooney, Alicia COOPER, 90. Alicia, 90. Christian, 90. Daniell, 90. Edmund, 90. Elizabeth (Gilbert), 90. Elizabeth (Frier), 90. Emmot, 90. Francis, 90. Galfred, 90. George, 90. Gilbert, 90. Grace, 90. Jana (Staresmore), 90. Joanna (Dawson), 90. Farrent, 202. Katherin, 90. Lidia, 90. Margeria (Denston), 90. Maria Farrent, 202. Maria Alsop, 105. Maria, 90. Mathew, 90. Richard, 202. Samuell, 90. William, 90, 105. Copendall, Corbet, 17, 48, 177. CORBET, 17, 48, 177. Agnes (Fay), 48. Andreas, 177. Anna (Windsor), 177. Anna Carcy, 177. Anna, 177. Anne Belgrave, 68. Anne (Wimark), 17, 48. Annc (Ive), 17. Arthur, 17, 44, 48, 101. Christopher, 17, 48. Dorothea (Poyner), 177. Edward, 17, 48. Elizabeth Curson, 177. Elizabeth Wallop, 177. Hicrome, 177. Humphrey, 17, 48. Jana (Banister), 165, 177. Jana, 177. John, 17, 48. Margaret Palmer, 177. Mary (Bradshawe), 17, 44, 48, 161. Mary (Clerke), 17, 48. Richard, 177. Robert, 165, 177. Roger, 17, 48, 177. Rowland, 17, 48. Sir Robert, 177. Sir Thomas, 28. Thomas, 48, 177. Vincent, 177. Walter, 177. (Boothby), 177. (Hubert), 38. (Humberston), 177. (St. John), 177. Corbison, Rachell (Bainbrig), 190. Thomas, 190. Corbyn, Anne 43. Thomas, 43. Cosby, Cotes, 94. COTES, 94. (Bradshawe), 44. - Logard, 19. Agneta (Sterkic), 94. Alexander, 91, 94. Anna Swinfen, 94. Anna (Warde), 94. Anna (-?), 94. Ellena (Yarde), 94. Elinora (Yarde), 91, 94. Elizabeth Andrewes, 94. Linfeild, 94. ― ___ - "" Francis, 94. Hellena (Gillett), 94. John, 91, 94. Katherina "" Robert, 94. Roger, 94. Thomas, 94. Cotton, 191. Brasbridge, Foxley, 94. Roc, 94. COTTON, 191, 192. Ann, 192. Anna (Smith), 191. Anna (Tarlton), 191. Anna Leadoch, 191. Dorothia, 192. COTTON-continued. Edinond, 191. Edward, 191, 192. Elizabeth, 192. Elizabeth Horton, 191. Elizab. Shukobrough, 192. Elizabeth Shorrard, 88. Elizabeth Burton, 51. S * Eusiby, 192. Goditha Parkor, 191. Hanna Cradock, 149. Henry, 192. Jana Sutton, 192. John, 68, 88, 96, 192. Jonathan, 191. Lucia (Harvy), 140. Margareta (Villers), 191. Margareta Belgravo, 68, 96. Martha Mary, 192. Nathaniell, 191. Richard, 42. Robert, 191, 192. Ruth, 192. Sam Samuell, 192. Sara, 192. Susan = = Basbridge, 43. Thomas, 43, 57, 140, 149, 191, 192. S Saunders, 191. William, 191, 192. (Cliveroe), 191. Couper, Alicia Ball, 141. Amy (Whithill), 45. Courteney [E. of Devon], 74. Elizab. (Grey), 74. Cowley, 119. Cowper, 152. COWPER, 152. Agnes, 152. Agnes Glover, 152. Agneta (Luffe), 152. Anthony, 152. Elizabeth (Gramer), 152. Elizabeth (Phillipps), 152. Francis, 152. George, 152. Henry, 152. Katherin Pollard, 152. Margeria (Cave), 152. Robert, 152. Susanna Becke, 152. Susanna (Lovet), 152. Susanna, 152. Thomas, 152. William, 152. Cox, Anna Banister, 165. Anna (Swynfen), 13. Elizab. Swynfen, 134. Martha Staresmore, 6, 99. Richard [Bp. of Eli], 124. Thomas, 165. William, 134. CRADOCK, 149. Benjamin, 149. Edward, 149. Elizabeth, 149. Elizabeth (Longe), 149. ܫ ... ― Hanna, 149. Hanna (Cotton), 149. John, 149. Joseph, 149. INDEX OF NAMES. 221 CRADOCK-continued. Maurice, 149. Robert, 149. Sara, 149. Thomas, 149. William, 149. Cranfeild, Anna (Brett), 206. Lionell, 206. Cranwell, John, 102. Elizab. (Laurence), 102. Crathorn, John, 116. Jana Dixcy, 116. Creach, Anna (Digby), 199. Sammucll, 199. Crockland, Alicia Davics, 117. "" Robertes, 117. Cresses, Robert, 99. Staresmore, 99. Creswell, John, 185. Anna Salisberie, 185. Creueker, William, 57. Mudwynne (Burton), 57. Creuker, 56. Creuker, Joan Burton, 56. Crewker, Anne Teverey, 43. Anthony, 43. Elizabeth (Winter), 43. Hellen Brasbridg, 43. John, 43. = Mudwynam (Burton), 43. William, 43. Crispe, Elizab. (Lawrence), 102. Croft, 140. CROFT, 140, 141. Anna (Ducket), 140. Anna Meade, 141. Anna (Tilson), 140. Anthony, 140. Barnabas, 140. Dorothea (Harvey), 140. Dorothea, 140. Dorothea Wightman, 141. Elizabeth Barwell, 140. Elizabeth Goodall, 140, ***** = 141. Esaias, 140. Georgo, 141. Gracia Avercy, 141. Henry, 141. James, 140. John, 140. Katherina, 140, 141. Katherina (Stone), 140. Maria, 140. Maria Burdet, 141. Maria (Chawworth), 140. Maria (Rose), 140. Susanna (Wright), 141. Thomas, 140, 141. William, 140, 141. Croftes, 21. Croftes, Anna William, 151. Crooke al's Blount, 128. John, 128. Prudontia (Cave), 128. Croper Ashton, 198. Crowcest, Edward, 134. Croxton, Alice William, 65. ނ Meado, 151. Brooke, 65. Crusc, John, 17. Margery (Staresmorc), 17. Mary Grey, 17. Cudden, Francis, 174. Margareta Noonc, 174. Cumberford, Dorothea (Beau- mont), 170. Curson, Briget Burdet, 24. Elizabeth (Corbet), 177. Jocosa Apleby, 11. Lewes, 11. = "" John, 45. Jone Sacheverell, 45. Thomas, 11, 24. Vincent, 177. Ashby, 13, 132. Wigley, 97. Culler, 138. CUTLER, 138. Anna, 138. Arthur, 138. Elizabeth, 138. George, 138. Heath (Fish), 138. Henry, 138. James, 138. John, 138. Margaret Dracott, 138. Margaret (Herne), 138. Maria, 138. Timothy, 138. Dabernon, Rob., 167. Maria Temple, 167. Dacomb, John, 146. Alicia Smith, 146. Dacon, Elizab. Breton, 161. Dakins, Jana Ap Rice, 117. Jana Roberts, 117. Philip, 117. === ་ Dale, Elizab. Hall, 204. Dall, Richard, 37. Margaret (Purifoy), 37. Dalley, Margt Maye, 180. Dalton, Lawrence, alias, 27. Anne Wrenne, 27. Constance Lampton, 27. Elizab. Hutton, 27. Jane (Redman), 27. Jane Todd, 27. John, 27. Rafe, 27. = William, 27. (Strangwayes), 27. Daniell, 70. DANNAT or DANNET, 64. Agnes (Allen), 51. Agnes (Belmcg), 64. Agnes (Peake), 64. Alice Burnham, 64. Anne (Browne), 64. Anne (Ellingbridge), 64. Anne (Higford), 64. Audley, 64. Ellinor Chambers, 51. Elizabeth Arundell, 64. Elizab. Bedford al's Sandy, 51. Elizabeth (Lenton), 64. Gerrard, 64, 192. ****** Joane (de la Haye), 61. John, 51, 64, 192. DANNAT-continued. Juliana (Plantagenet), 64. Leonard, 64. Margt. (Skeirshall), 51. Mary (Belknap), 64. Mary Medley, 64. Mawde (Knightley), 64. Mawde (Pickwell), 64. Richard, 64. Robert, 61. Sara (Caldwall), 192. Sir John, 64. Sir William, 51, 64. Thomas, 51, 64. Thomasin (Wheatley), 51. William, 64. Dannet, 64. Dansey, John, 83. Margareta (Warde), 63. Danvers, 86. DANVERS, 86. Agneta (-?), 86, 87. Annc Digbye, 40. Anne Mulsho, 87, 155. Anne (Pury), 40. Alicia (Venables), 86. Bertram, 86. Brigetta (Werley), 87. Dorothea = Barford, 87, 178. Dorothy Hubert, 40, Elizabeth Cave, 40, 111, 126. Elizabeth Skeffington, 111. Elizabeth (Skeffington), 87. Elizabeth (Babington), 87, 206. Elizabeth, 87. Francis, 86, 87. Isabella (Coke), 86. Jocosa Barfoote, 86. Jocosa Kendall, 86. John, 10, 86, 87, 126, 155, - - 178. Margaret (Kingston), 86. Margaret (Hamton), 40. Margaret (Shirley), 86. Margaret (Walcott), 86. Sir Thomas, 40. Thomas, 86. William, 86, 87, 206. Darell, Sir Edward, S. Alice (S), S. Darker, Henry, 200. Jane = Wase, 200. Dartnoll, John, 175. Katherin Sterkie, 175. Davenport, John, 37. Jane Purifoy, 37. Ursula (Cave), 122. William, 122. Davies, Alicia (Creekland), 117. William, 117. Dawes, 98. DAWES, 98. Beatrix Woode, 98. Charitie (Lightfootc), 98. Daniell, 98. Ellena (Seller), 98. Elizabeth, 98. Elizabeth (Gerveis), 98. Gorveis, 98. 222 INDEX OF NAMES. DAWES-Continued. Isack, 98. John, 98. Joseph, 98. Margaret (Vernam), 98. Maria (Saunders), 98. Richard, 98. William, 98. Dawncy, John, 26. Isabell (Shirley), 26. Dawncy, John, 26. Cooper, Isabell (Shirley), 26. Dawson, Johanna 90. Deane, Alicia (Wigloy), 97. Brian, 110. James, 97. Joane Cambridg, 110. Joane Roosc, 110. Decon, Clement, 100. Grace (Needharn), 100. Deepcup, Anna Allen, 195. Edward, 195. Deering, Richard, 111. (Skeffington), 111. De la Fountaine, Erasmus, 4. Mary (Nocll), 4. De la Haye, 64. De la Haye, Joannc Dan- net, 64. Mawde (Knightly), 64. Thomas, 64. De la Laund, 2. De la Laund, Jone ton, 2. Katherina (Wells), 2. Margaret Berkley, 2. Thomas, 2. Delves, Alice (Brooke), 65. George, 65. Denbigh, E. of [Fielding], 4, 30. Denham Elina = Lawrence, 102. (Hersic), 102. Dennis, Alicia Hugo, 207. Denston, Johanna P *********** = **** Denton, 2. Denton, Alice Berie, 207. Maye, 180. Margaret Cooper, 90. William, 90, 180. Dent, Alice Cater, 1. = Margaret (Dixson), 195. William, 1. = www.ccm Den- - 35. Annc = Greville, 35. Isabell (Browne), 35. Jone (de la Laund), 2. Susanna (Temple), 168. Thomas, 2, 32, 35, 168. Derby, 18, 183. DERBY, 18. Purifoy, 32, Edward, 18. Elizabeth Eyton, 183. John, 163. Libius, 174, 183. Lilias ?, 18. Mary (Noone), 174. William, 163. Dercy, La D'Arcy], 170. Dercy-continued. Johanna Beaumont, 170. Desmond, E. of [Fielding], 31. Dester Hackluit, 194. Mitton, 194. DETHICK, 88. = Cave, Alicia Sterkie, 88, 175. Ciculia (-?), 88. Rowland, 88. Thomas, 88. William, 88, 175. Devereux, Barbara 73, 128. Barbara Hastings 73. Barbara Roper), 73. Dorothea (Hastings), 72. Dorothy Shirley, 26. Maria (Gray), 75. Robert [E. of Essex], 26. Walter [Vis' Hereford], 72, 75. William, 73, 128. Dickingson, Agnitia = Vough, 194. Digby, 40, 87. DIGBIE or DIGBY, 40, 41, 87, 199. Abrigall (Honningham), 41. Abigall, 41. Agnes (Clerk), 40. Agnes (Shilton), 40. Agnes Tracy, 40. Agnes Villers, 30. Alice, 40. Alice (Weles or Walleys), 40. Alice Clifton, 40. Alice Browne, 41. Ambrose, 41. Anne Burton, 163. Anne (Danvers), 40. Anne Skeffington, 8, 41, 111. Anne (Throckmorton), 41. Anne (Nicholson), 41. Anna Lacy, 75, 180. Anna Creach, 199. Anna, 40, 199. Anthony, 41. Beatrix (Walcott), 41. Briget Sherard, 10. Dorothy (Oxenbridge), 40. Dorothy, 40. Edward, 199. Ellin (Wheeler), 41. Ellina (Secheverell), 199. Elizabeth Humphrie, 40. Eliz. (Hartop), 197. Elizab. St. Leger, 41. Elizab. Vernam, 199. Elizabeth, 46, 87, 199. Emma, 199. Everard, 8, 41, 46, 111. Francis, 46. George, 41, 46. Henry, 87. Jana, 199. Jane (Bellers), 40. Jaquet (Ellis), 40. John, 30, 41, 16, 63, 75, 87, 111, 186, 197, 199. Katherin (Griffin), 40. . . === = DIGBIE and DIGBY-continued. Katherin Fisher, 41. Katherin Mecres, 41. Keleme, 41. Konolm, 80. Libbes, 40. Margaret (-?—), 87. Margaret, 41. Margory (Heyton), 41. Maria (Geggo), 87. Maria, 199. Mary, 41, 46. Mary (Nocle), 46. Nathaniell, 199. Penelope, 199. Percivall, 40. Phillip, 41. Reignold, 40. Robert, 40. Rose (Prestwich), 63. Rowland, 40. Sara, 199. Sir Everard, 8, 46. Sir Georgo, 41. Sir John, 8, 14, 40, 41. Sir Libbes, 40. Sir Robert, 41. Sir Thomas, 40. Symon, 41, 63. Symond, 40. Tabitha, 199. Thomas, 40, 87, 199. Ursula (Halfchoad), 87. William, 40, 63, 199. Ashby, 14. (Carlton), 199. (Dixwell), 199. Drayton, 40. Bowles, 40. (Hunt), 40. Strelley, 40. Gee, 180. (Poto), 199. Diglin, Elina Roberts, 118. Gilbert, 118. Dilkes, Anne (Fisher), 42. Dillingham, Henry, 195. Katherin Allen, 195. Katherin (Marston), 101. William, 101. Dillon, Anna (Beaumont), 61, 171. John, 61, 171. Dingley, Richard, 6. Staresmore, 6. Disney, Mary (Nevill), 22. Dison, John, 85. Elizabeth (Pratt), 85. Dixie, 116. DIXIE or DIXY, 116. Anna (Jephson), 116. Anna (Draper), 52, 116. Brigetta, 116. Brigetta (Rolt), 116. Brigetta (Bedoll), 116. Charity, 116. = Charity (Henson), 116. Dorothea Barker, 116. Elizabeth, 116. Francis, 116. Francisca (Beaumont), 61, 116, 171. P 1 INDEX OF NAMES. 223 DIXIE OF DIXY-continued. Francisca (Throckmorton), 116. Francisca Jana, 116. Rolt, 116. Jana (Crathorne), 116. Joanna (Walkden), 116. John, 116. Maria, 116. Richard, 116. Sir Wolstan, 52, 61. Thomas, 116. Walter, 116. William, 116. Wolstan, 116, 171. Yougus, 116. (Bassingham), 116. (Beridge), 116. DIXON or DIXSON, 195. Agneta, 195. Anna (Armestronge), 195. Anna (Dudley), 195. Audria Astwell, 195. Dorothea (Bedell), 195. Dorothea (Everard), 195. Elizabeth (Peck), 148. Elizabeth (Pratt), 85. Friswold, 195. Henry, 148. Joanna (Cannon), 195. Joanna, 195. John, 85, 195. = Jone Bushby, 195. Margeria Sharpe, 89, 195. Margareta Dent, 195. Margareta (Howe), 195. Margeria, 195. Maria, 195. Maria (Brian), 195. Oliver, 195. Richard, 89, 195. Ruth, 195. William, 195. = Dixsey, 115. Dixsey, Sir Beaumont, 115. Dixwell, Digbie, 199. Purifoy, 35. ************** = = = Barbara William, 35. Docura, Anthony, 82. Maria Shipward, 82. Doiley, 7. Doiley, John, 113. = Roisia (Duston), 113. Donluer, Lord [Madonell], 30. Donne, Brice, 7. Jone Cambridg, 7. Roose, 7. "} Dorset, Marquis of [Grey], 74, 75. Dove, Dr., 106. Pochin, 106. Downe, 7. Dracott, Jane John, 138. Noell, 113. Margaret (Cutler), 138. Roger, 113. Draper, 52. DRAPER, 52. **** = --- Alice (Faunt), 28. Anne (Dixie), 52, 116. Benet Fromond, 52. Bennet Webbe, 52. = DRAPER-Continued. Briget Woodroffe, 52. Christopher, 116. Elizabeth Bowyer, 116. Elizabeth (Fifcild), 116. John, 116. Margaret (Greene), 116. Mathew, 116. Robert, 116. Sara (Blackwell), 116. Sir Christopher, 116. Thomas, 116. = (Agar), 116. (Gunston), 116. (Kettlebye), 116. Drayton, - (Digby), 40. Dreden, Erasmus, 133, 197. Francisca (Cave), 133. Maria = Hartop, 197. Berie, 207. Dribly, 58. Dribly, Alice Malory, 58. Basset, 58. "1 Ruding, 104. John, 58. Driver, Anna John, 104. Dryden, Erasmus, 9. Mary Hartop, 9. Duccombe, Sir John, 22. Alice Smith, 22. Duck, Margeria (Sherman), 204. Duckett, Anna Croft, 140. Elizabeth (Breton), 161. Francis, 161. Grace (Gerveis), 71. Henry, 182. John, 140. Noe, 71. = Sara (Bainbrig), 182. Dudley, Anna Edmond, 74. Edward, 195. Elizabeth ******** C B = = = - = "" Gifford, 75. John [D. of Northumber- land, 74. Jana (Gray), 75. Duncalph, 184. Duport, 123. (Crest, 124.) DUPORT, 124. Alexander, 124. Anna Polson, 124. Anne (Higate), 124. Cornelia (Norton), 124. Cornelia Segrave, 124. Emma (Montague), 124. Eudochia, 124. Dixon, 195. = Grey, 74. Plantagenet, 74. Hollingsworth, Frances Cave, 124, 127. Guillaume, 124. Henry, 124. Jaques, 121. Jean, 124. Katherina = Margaret, 124. Higate, 124. Maria Plumbe, 121, 124. Thomas, 121. (Cartier), 124. Claremont), 124. Galliard), 124. Cave, 127. DUPORT-continued. (Vincent), 124. Durant, Anne Gregory, 127. Margaret (Sherard), 10. William, 10. Dutton, Laurence, 60, 172. Isabella Beaumond, 60, 172. = ― Earle, Ann (Lovett), 4. Edward, 4. Eastwell, Agnes (Bent), 159. William, 159. Eastwick, Richard, 136. Lucia Staveley, 136. Eaton, Edward, 18. Elizabeth (-?—), 18. Mary (Ashby), 14. Ebney, Paul, 201. ********* = Maria (Brookesby), 201. Edward IV. [of England], 74. Eiton, Staresmore, 5, 99. Ekins, Thomas, 199. Ashton, 199. Eldrington, Edward, 26. Beatrix (Shirley), 26. Eli, Bishop of [Kirkby], 29. Elkington, 153. ELKİNGTON, 153. - Anna, 153. Edward, 153. Egidius, 153. Marshall, 85. Elizabeth (Swynfen), 134, 153. Gracia Henry, 153. Humphrie, 153. Johanna, 153. John, 85, 134, 153. Katherin Gerveis, 118. "" Robertes, 118. Magdalena (Parslow), 153. Maria, 153. Richard, 118, 153. Thomas, 85, 153. Ellingbridge, Ann=Dannet, 61. Elliot, Eliz. (Neele), 46. Ellis, Anna (Sherrard), 10. Anthony, 10. Jacquet Digby, 40. Jilian Feilding, 40. John, 40. Gee, 181. Elmes, Elizab. Halford, 145. Francis Haselrigg, 16. Thomas, 145. Elrington, Jana Brudnell, Elwood, Elizabeth (Lacy), 75, 143. 186. John, 75, 186. Engaine, 2. Engleby, Ric., see Ingleby, ________ 112. Englefeild, see Inglefeild, 49. Sir Francis, 49. English, 7. English, Margareta Oldbeefe, 7, 110. Richard, 7. William, 110. - 224 INDEX OF NAMES. English-continued. Winter, 42. Entwisell, Editha (Bracebridge), = 15. Elizabeth (Stanton), 15. Lucia Haselrigg, 15. Margareta = Brudenell, 143. Thomas, 15, 143. Erdeswicke, Mary (Nocle), 46. Samson, 46, 131. Smith, 131. = = Erdiswicke, Jane, 46. Mathew, 46. Richard, 46. Erdwick, Alicia (Gregory), 187. Hugo, 187. Stephen, 187. Erse, Brasbridge, 43. Erselington, Robert, 15. Haselrigg, 15. = Esick, Thomas [J. P.], 109. Esle, Edward, 59. C ܒ Lucy (Harington), 59. Essex, Earl of [Devereux], 26. Etingdon, Henry of, 25. Eure, Lord [Eure], 4. Anno, 4. Elizabeth, 4. Francis, 4. Katherine, 4. Lucia (Nocll), 4. Mary, 4. Margaret, 4. Ralphe, 4. Sir William, 4. William, 4. Evans, Arthur, 127. = Dorothea (Cave), 127. Everard, 12, 50, 142. EVERARD, 12, 142, 175. Anna (Aston), 142. Anna Bainbrig, 190. Anna = Mercy, 142. Anna = Webster, 142. Christopher, 13, 142. Dorothea (Dixson), 195. Elianora (Latham), 142. Elizabeth, 175. Elizabeth (Butler), 13. Elizabeth (Cockaine), 142. Elizabeth (Palladay), 142. Elizabeth = - Watts, 175. Francisca (Reeve), 175. George, 175. Henry, 175. Hester, 142. Humphrie, 13. James, 142. Jana, 175. Jana (Babington), 175, 206. Jana = Gorston, 142. Rarwick, 142. "" Jana Madock, 142. Janc (Waterton), 80. John, 13, 142. Joice Bereford, 13. Margareta (Marvin), 142. Margareta (Wolverston), 12, 142. Marmaduke, 142. Maria, 142. Maria (Rocke), 142. = EVERARD-continued. Maria Maria Peter, 142. Richard, 12, 13, 50, 80, 142, 175, 190. Robert, 12, 142, 175. Samson, 142. * *** Samson, 175. Snelling, 142. Stephen, 142, 175, 206. Thomas, 142, 175. William, 142, 195. = Brudnell, 13. (Langham), 12, 175. (Latham), 175. (Madox), 13. (Whitington), 13. Woodlake, 13. Everingham, Katherin Beaumont, 169. Margaret (Bouge), 54. Thomas, 54, 169. Everton, Henry, 168. Isabella = Temple, 168. Ewart, Elizabeth Cave, 128. Paul, 128. Exeter, E. of [Cicell], 4. Eyre, 193. EYRE, 193. = Christopher, 193. Elizabeth, 193. George, 69. Henry, 193. Jervais, 193. John, 193. Margaret (Belgrave), 69. Richard, 193. Robert, 193. Roger, 193. Rowland, 193. Ruth, 193. Eyton, 183. EYTON, 183. Anna = Anthony, 183. Apulia, 183. Damoris, 183. Debora, 183. Edward, 183. Elizabeth (Derby), 183. Isaack, 183. Maria (Brasbridge), 183. Maria (Gray), 183. Mary (Ashby), 183. Presilla, 183. Richard, 183. Symon, 183. Pilkington, 183. Farington, Hester (Smalley), 77. John, 77. Farmer, 179. FARMER, 179. Bartholmeus, 179. Barthomeus, 179. Dorothea, 179. Edward, 179. Elizabeth, 179. Elizabeth (Borde), 179. Elizabeth (Hill), 179. Francis, 179. George, 179. Humphrey, 179. FARMER-continued. John, 168, 179. Katherine, 179. Lawrence, 179. Letticia, 179. Margoria (?—), 179. Margoria, 179. Maria (Purifoy), 179. Maria (Temple), 168. Ralph, 179. Thomas, 179. Ursula (Mottes), 179. William, 179. (Steines), 179. (Wikeman), 179. Farnell, Anna 131, 145. Edmond, 131, 145. Farnham, 77. FARNHAM, 77. Anna (Harrold), 77. Francis, 77. Johanna John, 77. Katherin 171. = Belgrave, 67, 77. Beaumont, 61, Margareta (Kingston), 77. Margareta (Whatton), 77. Margeria (Cave), 77. Maria (Laughton), 77. Robert, 67, 77. Thomas, 77, 171. William, 77. Farrar, Henry, 186. Isabella - Lacey, 186. FARRENT, 202. Alicia (Cooney), 202. Anthony, 202. Elizabeth (Lumley), 202. - Francis, 202. George, 202. James, 202. Johanna (Thorley), 202. Laurence, 202. Maria, 202. Maria (Cooper), 202. Martha (Marriot), 202. Richard, 202. Thomas, 202. = Carrington, Winter, 202. Farriant, Eliz. (Swynfen), 134. Faunt, 28. FAUNT, 28. Alice, 28. Alice == Alice Alice Alice Clarvaux, 28. Draper, 28. Purifoy, 28, 37, 121. Plumbe, 121. Purifoy, 121. Vincent, 50, 81. Anne (Feilding), 28. Anthony, 28, 81, 172. Arthur, 28. Alice Barbara, 28. Barbara Beaumont, 172. Dorothy Burton, 28, 57. Elizabeth (Nocll), 28, 114. Francis, 28. Griswold Halcs, 28. Henry, 28. Janc, 28. Jane (Vincent), 28, 50, 81. INDEX OF NAMES. 225 FAUNT-continued. John, 28. Judith, 28. Lucy (Harrington), 28. Mabill Hastinges, 28. Mary Kerkin, 28. Sir William, 28. Thomas, 28, 81. Vincent, 28. William, 28, 37, 57, 121. (Clarvaux), 28. (Hide), 28. (Moulton), 28. (Moyne), 28. (Scot), 28. (Vincent), 28. Fauson, Agnes (Halford), p 144. Thomas, 144. Fawer, Henry, 75. Isabella Lacy, 75. Fawknor, Anna Trinnell, 176. Feilding, Anna — Faunt, 28. Ann (Weston), 31. Ann, 31. Barbara = Cave, 128. Basil [Ld F., of Newnham Padox], 31. Elizabeth, 31. ***** George [E. of Desmond], 31. James, 31. Mary Hamilton, 31. Margery (Purifoy), 33. Sir Everard, 40. == Sir William, 28, 33. Sir William [E. of Denbigh], 30. Susan (Villers), 30. William, 128. Felder, Clement, 143. Fencotts, 21. Fencotts, Sir Thomas, 21. Ellena (Brudnell), 143. Fendern, Mary Turvill, 55. Thomas, 55. Fenton, Elizab. (Malory), 58. John, 58. Ferne, Elizab. (Needham), *********** 146. John, 146. Fornwold, Anne (Shirley), 26. Richard, 26. Ferrers, Anna Gray, 74. Ellin Turvill, 54. Elizabeth Gray, 74. Humphry, 188. Jana = John, 188. Lady Jone Gregorie, 188. * Berkley, 2. Lord of Groby, 17. Robert [Ld of Titbury], 25. Robert [E. Ferrers and Darby], 2. Sir John, 54. William, Earl of, 25. Fetherston Fielding, Lady Ann [E. of Denbigh], 4. Fifeild, al's Lowe, John, 52. * ** Brooke, 56. Noell, 4. Fifcild-continued. Elizab. Draper, 52. Findern, Averia" (Beaumont), 171. perche Thomas, 171. Fines, Ann Villers, 30. Richard [Lord Say], 30. Fish, George, 138. Heath Cutler, 138. Fisher, Anna Dilkes, 42. Elizabeth Goodman, 84. Elizabeth (Whaley), 148. Joane Hartop, 9, 197. Katherine (Digby), 41. Letice, 42. Margaret (Repington), 42. Mary Littleton, 42. Octavian, 9, 84, 194, 197. Sir Clement, 41, 42. Sir Robert, 42. Thomazin Vough, 194. William, 148. Fishwick, William, 192. = == Johanna Caldwall, 192. Fitz-Alan [E. of Arundel], = 165. Fitz-Harbert, Anthony, 33. Anne Banister, 163. Editha = Babington, 205. Mary Purifoy, 33. Nicholas, 165. Ralph, 205. Fitz-Randall, Ralph, 9, 196. Barbara Hartop, 9, 196. Flacket, John, 143. = Agnes (Brudnell), 143. Flamvill, 53. Flamvill, Henry, 53. John, 53. ______ ܕ = Robert, 53. Thomas, 53. William, 53, 54. Turvile. Flanders, John, 44. Margaret Whethill, 44. Flaunders, 44. Fletcher, Margeria (Bent), 159. Thomas, 159. = Flint, Mary (Haselrigg), 16. Floker = Sturton, 119. Flower, Dorothy (Coniers), 3, ===== c 114. Jane (Plesington), 49. Roger, 49. Foljamb, Sir Godfrey, 22. Katherin Nevill, 22. Folvile, 47. Folvile, Emma Bellers, 29. John, 47. Mabilla (-?), 17. Mabill Woodford, 47. Sir Walter, 29. Sherard, 10. Forman, Maria 81. Richard, 81. Vincent, 50. Forster, Elizabeth 150. Bankes, Elizabeth (Haselrigg), 16. Richard, 150. * - Vincent, Forster-continued. William, 134. ----- Bradshawe, 44, 161. Foucher, John, 53. Margaret (Champion), 53. Bouge, 54. Foulehurst, Sir Robert, 54. Elizabeth Turvile, 54. Foulke, Cassandra - Stares- inore, 5. Johanna (Leveson), 111. William, 111. Fowcher, Alice, 53. Avis, 53. Edinond, 53. Jane, 53. Marian, 53. Robert, 53. Fowler, Anne 114, 140. Barbara (Harvy), 140. Elizabeth (Neele), 164. Hogo, 164. John, 3, 114, 140. Margaret, Fox, 149. FOX, 149. = = George, 149. Henry, 200. John, 149. Agneta (Hill), 149. Barbara Beardmore, 149. Briget (Ashby), 14. Elizabeth (—), 149. Elizabeth (Barret), 107. Elizabeth (Sprott), 149. Elizabeth (Stamford), 149, 160. Margaret (Wase), 200. Nicholas, 149. Richard, 149. Noell, 3, Beresford, 179. M Robert, 107. Samuel, 119. Thomas, 149. William, 149, 160. Foxley, Jana (Halford), 144. Katherine (Cotes), 94. Nicholas, 94, 144. Foxston, Nicholas, 36. (Pell), 36. = Frampton, Richard, 24. Mary (Burdet), 24. Francis, Cicilye Fowcher, 53. Elizabeth Charnells, 123. Janc Burdet, 24. John, 24, 49, 53. Vel Plesington, 49. William, 24. Frank, Joanna Brookesby, = 201. Thomas, 201. Franklin, Francisca (Roberts), 203. John, 203. Gregorie, 189. Fransum, Katherin (Strelley), 194. Thomas, 194. Frearch, Elizab. (Lacy), 186. Thomas, 186. Freeman, Alicia (Bent), 159. 2 G 226 INDEX OF NAMES. Freeman-continued. James, 204. John, 159. Susanna = Hall, 204. Brudnell, 143. Freford, Thomas do, 133. Fresby, Jane (Swynfen), 134. Cooper, 90. John, 134. Frier, Elizab. Robert, 90. Frisby, Felicia John, 83. Fromond, Benet (Draper), 52. John, 52. Warde, 83. Frost, John, 19. Margarot (Legard), 19. Fulcher Son of Sewall, 25. Fulcher, Sewall son of, 25. Fuliambe, Mary (Villers), 29. Plumpton, 29. Fulk, Cassandra Stares- M == morc, 99. Fulwood, John, 4, 114. Francisca Noell, 4, 114. Furtho, Anne Purifoy, 36. Anthony, 136. Gage, Clement, 104. Jane (Ruding), 104. >> Galliard Duport, 124. Gamble, Anna Needham, M 100. Joanna Bale, 141. Richard, 100. Gardiner, Henry, 133. Garret, Ellinore Allen, 109. John, 109. Maria Chippingdale, 157. William, 157. Garshull, Elizab. Burdet, - 23. Robert, 23. Garstangs Garton, Elizab. (Whaley), 148. Robert, 148. 62. Gaunt, John of, 120. Geary, Anna (Banister), 165. Jane (Robertes), 118. Nicholas, 118. William, 165. Gedney, Andrew, 123. Anna (Bickerton), 168. Elianor Ashby, 13. Maria Ashby, 123. Thomas, 168. Segrave, 18. == = A g **** Gree, 180. GEE, 180, 181. Alexander, 180. Anna Legard, 181. Anna Pudsey, 181. Anna (Savage), 181. Briget, 181. Edmund, 180. Elianor, 181. Elizabeth (Hart), 181. Elizabeth (Hawbark), 180. Elizabeth (Jobson), 181. Elizab. (Stephens), 181. Eustace, 181. Francisca, 181. == GEE-continued. Grace (Baskervile), 180. Henry, 180. John, 180, 181. Jone Ivos, 181. Richard, 180. Robert, 180. Roger, 180. Samuel, 181. Thomas, 180. === Thomazim (Hutton), 81. Ursula (Nevill), 180. Walter, 181. William, 181. (Digbie), 180. (Ellis), 181. (Poole), 180. (Villiers), 180. ======= Geerie Gegge, Maria Raphe, 87. Gell Wigley, 97. Genill al's Gilliott, 125. Maria Cave, 125. Peter, 125. George, Elizab. Templo, Swynfen, 134. Digby, 87. = ___ 167. John, 167. GERVEIS. 71. = Alicia (Holyoke), 71. Anna (Purefoy), 71. Anna Ward, 71. Dorothea Robertes, 118. Edmund, 71. Elizab. Bradgate, 71. Elizabeth = - Dawes, 98. Elizab. (Henshaw), 71. Elizab. (Shepard), 71. Francisca (Marson), 71. Gcorge, 71, 98. Grace = Ducket, 71. Johanna Payne, 71. John, 71. Katherin Burdet, 71. Katherin (Elkington), 118. Katherina (Ward), 71. Marg (Goodman), 71. Ralph, 71. Robert, 71. Thomas, 71. William, 71, 118. Gibbons, Margt - Bradshawe, Burton, 57. 161. Gibon, Matilda Robert, 57. Bradshawe, 44. Gibson, Mary Pilkington, 78. Richard, 78. Gifford, Anna Smith, 131. Dorothea Congrave, 26. Dorothea Shirley, 26. Edward, 111, 175. George, 187. Johanna (Leveson), 111. Jocosa (Nicolls), 187. Maria (Everard), 175. Gilbert, 189. GILBERT, 189. Agneta (Meade), 151. Elizabeth Cooke, 189. Elizabeth Cooper, 90. == maddiem * - _______ GILBERT-continued. Francis, 189. Hugo, 189. Maria, 189. Maria (Hoodo), 189. Mathew, 189. Sara Wellock, 189. Thomas, 151, 189. William, 90, 189. Giles, Chancy al's, 118. Gill, Goditha : Wigley, 97. Mary (Turvile), 55. Gillott, Hellena : Cotes, 94. Jone Salisberie, 185. Robert, 94. Gilliot, Genill al's, 125. Gillott, Nicholas [Mayor of Leicester], 109. Gilman, Henry, 6. Jane (Staresmore), 6. Gladwyn, Ann (Morton), 184. George, 184. Glen, Ellina (Abney), 153. John, 153. Glene, 68. Hugh, 68, 96. Katherina, 68. Katherin Glossop, Elizab. = 148. William, 148. Gloucester, Robert, E. of [Clare], 74. Glover, Agnes (Cowper), 152. Anna Bradshaw, 44, 161. Jana (Robertcs), 203. Maria Robertes, 203. Thomas, 203. Gobeon, 69. Goddard, 190. GODDARD, 190. Alicia, 190. Anna (Bickerton), 173. Anna, 190. = *** Elizab. (Pembleberie), 190. Henry, 190. John, 158, 190. Katherina, 190. Margeria (Gregson), 190. Maria, 190. Maria (Blewett), 190. Thomas, 190. William, 190. Bent, 158. Goderich Marston, 101. Goistock, Dorothy (Belgrave), 69. John, 69. ― Golde, Prudence (Brasbridge), 43. Gomond, Jana Roberts, 117. Goodall, Anno Swynfen, ▬▬▬ Belgrave, 96. Whaley, = * - 134. Elizabeth (Croft), 140, 141. IIugo, 140, 141. Richard, 37. Susanna (Purifoy), 37. Goodier, Henry, 174. Katherina Noonc, 174. GOODMAN, 84. Anna 197. Hartop, 9, 84, INDEX OF NAMES. 227 GOODMAN-continued. Anna Sawier, 84. Elizabetha, 84. Elizabeth (Fisher), 84. Elizabeth (Whaley), 84. Everard, 84. Francis, 207. Francisca, 84. George, 84. Jana (Hales), 84. John, 84. _____ Laurence, 84, 159. Margareta Bent, 84, 159. Margaretta (Pratt), 84. Margaret Gerveis, 71. Maria (Berye), 207. Maria, 84. Richard, 84. Thomas, 71, 84. Valentine, 84. William, 9, 84, 197. Goodwin, Blendina 36. Brookesby, Edmond, 201. Elizabeth 201. Isabell (Purifoy), 35. Thomas [Bp. of Bath and Wells], 36. Goodwyn, Cicely 33, 36. Purifoy, = == John, 33, 36. GORE, 85. Anthony, 85. Charles, 85. Dorothea, 85. Edward, 85. * Maria, 85. Thomas, 85. Elizabetha, 85. Elizabeth (Cardwell), 85. Francisca (Marshall), 85. Gracia, 85. Grissell (Latham), 85. Henry, 85. Johanna Pratt, 85. John, 85. Jonathan, 85. Margareta (Bletsho), 85. - (Bailes), 85. Chapman), 85. (Sabin), 85. Gorges, Francis accomm Purifoy, = Heselrigg, 16. William, 16. Gorston, Jano (Everard), 142. Nicholas, 142. Goslinge (Whethill), 45. Gottes, John, 194. Jana (Strelley), 194. Gourdon, Anna Wincoll, 156. John, 156. Gramer, Francis, 152. Elizab. Cowper, 152. Gray, 74. GRAY, 74, 75. Anna (Ferrers), 74. Anna (Windsor), 75. Anna (Rockley), 71. Anthony, 177. GRAY-continued. Catherin (Percy), 74. Catherina Seimer, 75. Cicilia (Bonvile), 74. Constantia (Holland), 74. Dorothea (Cave), 128. Edmond, 74. Edward, 74. Elianore Cave, 128. Elinor (Strange), 74. Elizabeth (Hastinges), 74. Elizabeth (Talbot), 74. Elizabeth (Ferrers), 74. Elizabeth (Woodvile), 74. Elizabeth (Dudley), 74. Elizabeth Courtney, 74. Elizabeth (Nevill), 75. Elizabetha, 75. = Francisca (Brandon), 75. Francisca Cooke, 75. Gracia Ward, 177. Henry, 74, 75. Humphrey, 128. Jone (Ashley), 74. John, 74, 75. Juna = Dudley, 75. Lady, Eva, 21. Margaret (Roos), 74. Margareta (Wotton), 74. Maria Browne, 75. Maria Devereux, 75. Maria, 75. Matilda (Basset), 74. Matilda (Boutort), 74. Maude Nevill, 21. Munell (Howard), 74. Phillipa, 75. Reginald, 74. Robert, 74. Roger, 74. ******* L M = = Thomas, 74, 128. Greene, Barbara (Harecourt), 108. Henry, 52. Margaret Cooke, 108. Margaret Draper, 52. Thomas, 108. . Smith, al's Nevill, 22. Gregory, 187. GREGORY, 187, 188, 189. Ada, 187. Alicia (Cawley), 188. Alicia, 189. Alicia Erdswick, 187. Alionora (Billesby), 188. Anthony, 189. Arthur, 188. Christopher, 188. Edmond, 188, 189. Elizabeth, 188. Elizabeth * Leigh, 174. Elizabeth (Wade), 188. Francis, 188. Francisca, 189. Francisca (Baker), 189. Hollena (Malin), 188. Henry, 188. Isabella (Segrave), 188. Jana (Clarke), 189. Jana (Ferrers), 188. Johanna (Billesby), 188. John, 187, 188, 189. GREGORY-Continued. Laurence, 189. Leonard, 189. Margareta (-?—), 188. Margareta (Alsop), 189. Maria, 189. Matilda (l'ekulton), 187. Nicholas, 187. Ralph, 188. Richard, 187, 188. Robert, 188. Thomas, 188, 189. Walter, 187. William, 174, 188, 189. (Bosworth), 188. (Franklin), 189. Gregson, John, 190. Margeria Goddard, 190. Greisley, Briget (Burdet), 24. Sir George, 24. Thomas, 24. Grevill, Anna (Denton), 35. Sir Edward, 35. Sir Foulk, 35. Sir John, 35. Greville, Lady Dorothy Haselrig, 16. [Lord Brooke], 16. GREY, 17, 139. Anna (Blannerhasset), 139. Anna (Woodvile), 139. Anthony, 37, 139. Benedicta (-?—), 17. Charles, 139. Christiana, 139. de Ruthlin, Lord, 74. Dorothy (Cave), 17. Dorothea Pochet, 17. Edmond [E. of Kent], 17, 139. Edward [Ld Ferrers of Goby], 17. George, 139. Gracia mer, 139. Warde, al's Far- Henry, Lord, 76. Henry, 139. Humphrey, 17. Job, 139. .. John, Lord, 17. John, 17, 139. Jone (Astley), 17. Katherin (Herbert), 139. Katherin (Percy), 139. Lancelott, 17. Leonard, 17. Magdalena (Purifoy), 139. Magdalena, 139. Margaret (de Roos), 17. Margeria (St. John), 139. Margeria (Staresmore), 6. Mary (Cruse), 17. Mary Exton, 133. Mary Staresmore, 17. Mawdelain (Purifoy), 37. Nathanioll, 139. Patientia, 139. Priscilla, 139. Regnold, 17. Reignold, Lord, 17. Reignold, 17 Reginald, 139. 228 INDEX OF NAMES. GREY-continued. Richard, 139. Robert, 17. Theophilus, 139. Thomas, 17. Harebottle, 17. (Holland), 139. Hussi), 139. (Salvaine), 139. Griffin, Bridget 16. www.comm Lane, 16. "" Edward, 56. Frances Smith, 66. Jane Kebell, 56. Katherin Digby, 40. Nicholas, 40. Sir Edward, 30. ***** Sir Nicholas, 22. Sir Thomas, 66. Thomas, 16. Nevill, 22. Villers, 30. Griffith, 205. GRIFFITH, 205. — Alicia (Barnard), 205. Alicia (Preston), 205. Alicia, 205. Elizabeth 205. - * Elizabeth (Skeffington), 111. George, 111, 205. Francis, 205. Margaret, 205. Maria, 205. Maria (Bent), 205. Phillip, 205. Rebecca, 205. Robert, 205. Hasclrigg, Theophilus, 205. Walter, 205. William, 205. Grigge, Dorothea (Overton), 193. John, 193. Margery (Mulsho), 155. Grimsby, 12, 50. Grimsby, Alice Vincent, 59. Anne (Moton), 12, 50, 59, 80. Anne 80. Vincent, 12, 50, Waterton, 12, 50, "" 80. Elizab. = Montgomery, 50. Thomas, 12, 50, 80. William, 12, 50, 59, 80. (Harcbert), 80. (1arecourt), 50. Grisley, Katherin 42. Sir William, 42. Groome 158. Nicholas, 158. "" Middleton, Wincoll, 156. Grunday, Margeria (Bent), = www.comm Guest, Edward, 161. Etheldreda (Newham), 100. Elizabeth Breton, 161. Katherin Winter, Breton, 152. Wright, 152. Guest-continued. Phillip, 100. Guicrdin, Camilla 22. Vincent, 22. Guilford, Elizabeth 26. Sir Richard, 26. Gunston M S ―――――― Bent, 159. Draper, 52. Gunter, Charles, 55. Jane (Turvile), 55. *** - .. Hacker, Katherine (Stanford), 160. Richard, 160. Hackluit Dester, 194. Haldonby, Joane Legard, 19. Harvy, Hales, Griswold (Faunt), 28. Jana = Goodman, 84. John, 28. Halfcheade, Ursula 82. HALFORD, 144, 145. Agnes Fauson, 144. Andrew, 144. Anthony, 144. Dionisia (Bury), 144. Dionisia Sprigge, 144. Edward, 144. Elizabeth, 144. Elizabeth (Bussy), 145. Elizabeth (Elmes), 145. Emma Bale, 142, 144. Emma, 144. George, 144. Gracia (Brodgate), 144. Gracia Bussie, 144. Henry, 144. Isabella (Bowman), 144. Jana, 145. Jana (Foxley), 144. Jana (Saunders), 145. Johanna (Barret), 144. Johanna (Coleman), 144. Johanna, 144. John, 144, 145. Nicholas, 144. Richard, 144. Roger, 144. Thomas, 145. Shirley, = William, 142, 144, 145. Henson, 144. Haliford (Bradshaw), 44. Hall, 204. HALL, 204. Anna Banister, 165. Anthony, 204. Elinor (Vincent), 81. Elizabeth (Dale), 204. Elizabeth Parker, 204. Elizabeth (Smith), 67. Henry, 204. James, 204. John, 67. Jone Neelc, 46. Maria, 204. Maria Bankes, 150. Maria (Collins), 204. Martha, 201. Martha (Lumley), 204. HALL-continued. Mary Berkley, 3. Richard, 204. Robert, 165. Sara, 204. Susanna (Freeman), 204. Thomas, 204. Weblin, 204. William, 204. Mackworth, 46. (Neele), 46. Halton, Maria Roger, 83. Hamelyn, 2. Hamilton, James, 31. Mqss of, 31. Hamon, Cisley 130. John, 130. Hampden, Anna (Cave), 126. Griffith, 126. P *.com * Warde, 83. = Hampton, Robert de, 76. Digby, Hamton, Margaret 40. William, 40. Hancock, Fulke, 173. Thame, ← Davers, Dorothea (Bickerton), 173. Harebert Grimsby, 80. Harebottle (Grey), 17. Harcourt, 166. HARCOURT or HARE- COURT, 39, 166. Alicia (Noel), 113. Anne, 39. Anna Beaumont, 170. Anthony, 39, 198, 165, 166. Barbara = Greene, 108. Dorothy, 39. Dorothy (Hardwick), 39, 165, 166. 165, 166. Edward, 53. Elizabeth Edward, 39, 166. Elizabeth, 166. Elizabeth (Leigh), 39, 166. Elizabeth = Brasbridge, 43. Francis, 166. George, 39, 166. Hanna, 166. 1 Jane (Palmer), 39, 166. John, 18. Jone Tew, 166. Margaret, 166. Margareta (Shukbrough), 166. Maria, 166. Richard, 113. Sir Robert, 43. William, 39, 113, 166. Cater, 39. Grimsby, 50. Motton, 59. (Shugborowo), 39. Hardwick, Anna (Appleby), 11. Anne (Langham), 12, 42. Anne Winter, 42. Dorothea Banister, 165. Dorothea IIarcourt, 39, Burton, 57, 120. Elizabeth (Champion), 53. INDEX OF NAMES. 229 Hardwick-continued. John, 11, 12, 34, 37, 39, 42, 57, 120, 165. Joyce Purifoy, 34, 87. Thomas, 108. Harecourt, 108. Harewell, Agneta Smith, 131, 146. John, 131, 146. Burdet, 24. Harkes, Garbrand, 157. Elizab. Chippingdale, 157. Harper, Dorothea Overton, 193. Elizab. (Nocl), 4. Maria Shirley, 26. Sir John, 4. Thomas, 26. Harpur, Isabell 10. Sir John, 10. Harrington or Harington. Anne (Keloway), 59. Ellina (Pochin), 106. Elizabeth (Motton), 59. Francis Chichester, 59. James, 73, 80, 114. Jane Villers, 31. John, Lord, 59. John, 31, 146. = = M << = Johanna Peck, 146. = Lord Bonvile and, 72. Lucy Erle, 59. www. * = _________ Lucy Faunt, 28. Lucy (Sidney), 59. = Mabell Noell, 3, 114. Margaret Barkley, 2. Richard, 106. Sara Hastinges, 73. Sara Kings, 73. Sara Ld Zouch, 73. = Sir James, 3, 59, 28. Sir John, 2, 59. Harris, Margareta (Bankes), ... Sherard, 150. IIarrison, Anna Maria (Peck), 148. William, 148. Harrold, Ann = Farnham, 77. Henry, 77. Hart, Elizaboth Hartop, 196. Gee, 181. HARTOP, 9, 196, 197. Alexander, 9, 196. Anna (Porter), 9, 196. Anne (Goodman), 9, 81, 197. Anne, 9, 197. Audria, 196. Autheria, 9. Barbara (Fitz Randall), 9. Barbara (Fitz Randolph), 196. Briget (Mason), 9, 197. Christian (Williams), 9, 196. Dorothea (Bendish), 197. Edward, 9, 197. Ellen (-?), 9, 196. Elianor (Adcot), 9, 197. Elianor, 197. Elizabeth, 9, 197. HARTOP-continued. Elizabeth Bale, 9, 141, 197. Elizabeth ― Clerkson, 197. Elizabeth Digby, 197. Francisca, 197. George, 9, 197. Grace (Blewet), 9. Henry, 9, 196. Isabell Blesby, 9, 196. Jane (Inglebeard), 9, 196. Joane Fisher, 9, 197. John, 9, 196. Jone Stret, 9, 197. Judith, 9. Juditha Jack, 197. Margareta (Bridemaine), 9, = 196. ****** = Margaret Brokesby, 196. Margaret Broxby, 9. Maria, 197. Maria (Dreden), 197. Mary (Dryden), 9. Mary Leibourne, 9, 196. Mary (Rolt), 9, 197. Mary Stringer, 9, 197. Marion, 9, 196. Phillippa Holleys, 9, Cooke, 9, 196. 196. Precilla Ralph, 9, 196. Richard, 9, 197. Robert, 9, 196. Samuell, 9, 197. Sir William, 9. Susan, 9. Susan Odingsells, 197. Thomas, 9, 76, 197. Ursula Ashley, 9. Valentine, 9, 84, 141, 196. William, 9, 84, 197. (Allen), 9, 197. (Cave), 9, 197. Chamberlayne), 9, 197. (Moyne), 9, 196. (Pratt), 9, 197. Harvy, Audrye (Humphrey), = * = = = = - = 62. Barbara = Fowler, 140. Camilla (Guierdin), 22. Dorothea Croft, 140. Elizabeth, 22. Elizabeth Vincent, 79. Francis, 22, 109, 146. Gertrude Cater, 1. Johanna Heselrig, 140. Johanna (Burdet), 140. John, 22. Lucia = · Cotton, 140. Maria (Nevill), 146. Phillipa (Willoughby), 140. Richard, 62. Thomas, 140. Haselden, Margareta 146. Haselrig, 15, 70. HASELRIG [or Hasilirigg, or Haselrigge, or Hasill- ridge, or Heselrigg, etc.], 15, 16. Anno Catesby, 15. Annc (Southill), 15. = ______ Peck, HASELRIG-continued. Anne (Nicolls), 16, 187. Anna Hunt, 16. Anne Waite, 16. Anthony, 16. Arthur, 16. Austrius, 16. Bartram, 15. Bertinus, 16. Briget (Griffin), 16. Brigetta Alicock, 16. Donaldus, 16. Dorothy (Greville), 16. Editha Thorney, 15. Edward, 16. Elizabeth 15. Colingwood, Elizabeth (Shirley), 15. Elizabeth (Stanton), 15. Elizabeth Forster, 16. Frances (Brocas), 16. Frances (Gorges), 16. Francis, 16. Francis (Elmes), 16. Francis Wood, 16. Gulielmus, 15. Herald Hugo, 140. Isabell (Heron), 15. Jana, 16. = Williams, 15. Jane Wedgwood, 16. Johanna (Harvy), 140. John, 15, 16. Katherina - >> * = ====== = — ________ = 132. Katherine, 16. Lucia (Entwisell), 15. Mabilia (Broket), 15. Maria, 16. Maria Maria Mary Nudigate, 16. Rouse, 16. Blith, 16. Flint, 16. Plum, 16. Ashley, 15, = Miles, 16. Milicent Kebell, 15, 56. Rebecka, 16. Rebecka (Shefe), 16. Robert, 15. Sir Arthur, 16, 70. Susanna, 16. Symon, 15. Thomas, 15, 16, 56, 129. Ursula (Andrewes), 16. William, 15, 132. (Esselington), 15. (Neale), 15. Haselwood [in a note]. Hastings, 72. Skeffington, 111. (Marmion), 78 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ HASTINGS, 72, 73. Alicia, 73. Anna = ?, 72. Anna (Stafford), 72. Anna = Stanley, 72. Barbara (Devereux), 73. Dorothea Devereux, 72. Dorothea (Post), 73. Edward, Lord, 72. Edward, 73. Elizab. Beaumont, 6, 172. 230 INDEX OF NAMES. HASTINGS continued. Elizabeth Gray, 74. Elizabeth Somerset, 73. Elizabeth (Stanley), 73. Ferdinando, 73. Francis, 72, 73. Francisca Georgo, 72, 73. Henry, 28, 73. Compton, 73. ***** Isabell (Sodington), 15. Jane (Sheffield), 26. Jocosa Roper, 73. John, 74. Katherin Brandon, 73. Katherina Chetwin, 73. Umpton, 73. Katherin (Nevill), 72. Kathorin Percy, 73. Katherin (Poole), 72. Katherin Stanhope, 73. Lord, 60. "" Mabill (Faunt), 28. Margaret Broket, 15. Maria (Hungerford), 72. Matilda (Longford), 73. Ralph, 15. * www. ___________ - ― Richard, 72. Sara (Harington), 73. Sir Edward, 28. Thomas, 72. Walter, 73. William, Lord, 72. William, 26, 60, 72, 172. (Willoughby), 73. Hatfeild (Yorksheir), 80. Hauberk, 10. Hawbark, Elizab. Gee, 180. John, 180. Hawes, Anna Marston, 101. Margareta Marston, 101. William, 101. - Hawkins, Elizab. (Smith), 132. Thomas, 132. Haycs, Isabella **** Lawrence, Whiting, 92. 102. Heath, Elizab. Richard, 92. Heirik, Cicely (Ashby), 14. Helmsted, Anna Caldwall, 192. = = = Heltons, Baron of, [Wells], 2. Ielwell, 10. Helwell, Margarit Sherard, 10. Sir John, 10. Heminges, Maria 187. "" Bagsham, Nicolls, 187. Hemingham, Abigall, 41. Sir Anthony, 41. Hemming, Faith (Sherman), 104. Henry, 204. Hemsley, Dorothea (Mount- ney), 179. William, 179. Henshaw, Elizab. 71. Michell, 71. Henson, Charity Dixy, 116. Elizab. Walker, 137. = == Gerveis, Henson-continued. Robert, 144. Thomas, 116. (Halford), 144. Herbert, William [E. of Pem- broke], 139. Heroford, V [Devereux], 72, 75. K Herick, Elizabeth (Yarde), 91. Francis, 91. Francisca John, 91. Maria, 91. Noble, 115. Robert, 91, 115. Thobias, 91. William, 91. Heriell, Katherin ton, 145. Thomas, 145. Heritage, Alicia Temple, 168. John, 168. Herne, Henry, 138. Margareta Cutler, 138. Heron, Anna Savill, 93. Edward, 93. Isabell Jana = Roger, 15 Sir Edward, 66. Hersie, John, 102. Denham, 102. Hertford, Earl of [Seymour], 75. M = Haselrig, 15. Sinith, 66. Hewett, Thos., 159. Ursula (Bent), 159. Heyton, Sir John, 41. Margery Digby, 41. Heyward, Gabriell, 123. (Charnells), 123. Hichinson, Ellin (Neale), 164. William, 164. Hickson Robertes, 117. Hide, George, 28. Katherin Baghot, 151. Richard, 151. Faunt, 28. Hidson, Jana Pate, 89. Higate, Ann Duport, 121. Elizabeth = Berie, 207. Guillaum, 124. Katherin (Duport), 124. Thomas, 124. Higatt Porte, 48. Higford, Ann Dannat, 64. Hill, Agneta Fox, 149. Alice (Bailey), 200. Audria (Merihurst), 149. Dorothea (Beaumont), 171. Edward, 91. **** Elizabeth - Farmer, 179. John, 91, 149. Margeria (Yardo), 91. Maria, 91. P 19. Piers, 19. Hinde, 21. Hinde _________ - = = Thomas, 91. William, 91, 200. Hilliard, Isabella ________ S Carring- Holland, Constancia 74. S Turvilo, 55. Hix, Baptist, 114. Elizabeth Noel, 111. Hix-continued. Julian Noel, 4. Sir Baptist, 4. Hobson Needham, 100. Hodges, 154. HODGES or HODGIS, 154. Anna May, 154. Anna (Warde), 83, 154. Dorothea (Poultney), 154. Francis, 83, 154. John, 154. Leticia (Ashton), 199. Martha (Toakey), 154. Phoebe Thornton, 154. Robert, 199. Thomas, 154. ... _____ Gray, Elizabeth (Plantagenet), 74. George, 181. John, 74. Patience (Hollingworth), 184. Tristam, 184. - Gray, 139. Holleis (or Holleys), George, 9, 196. Phillipa (Hartop), 9, 196. Holliday, Anna (Wincole), 156. Holland, 184. Leonard, 156. Hollingworth, 184. HOLLINGWORTII, 184. Edward, 207. Ellina, 184. Elizabeth, 184. Elizabeth (Beric), 207. Emmot (Carre), 184. Francisca (Saunderson), 184. Isabella (Shawe), 184. Patience Ralph, 184. Susan, 184. Susanna (Whitby), 184. (Duncalf), 184. (Leversege), 184. Holt, Edward, 131. Joyco (Purifoy), 37. Maria Smith, 131. Thomas, 37. Holwell, Richard de, 162. Holyoke, Alicia Gerveis, 71. Hoode, Henry, 114. Katherin Noble, 114. Maria Gilbert, 189. Thomas, 189. Hooker, Dorothea == Chester, = * 138. Thomas, 138. Hopkins, George, 185. == Elizabeth Salisberie, 185. Hopton, Elizabeth Nocll, 3, 114. Elizabeth John, 3, 114. ______ Pericnt, 3, 114. Legard, Horncblow, Margt (Belgrave), 96. William, 96. Horton, Elizabeth (Cotton), 191. Laurence, 191. IIotham, Anna ********** ― Peck, 147. INDEX OF NAMES. 231 Hotham-continued. John, 147. Legard, 19. Houghton, Agnes 127. Alice Cobley, 63. Hugh, 63. Jana Smith, 146. Maria (Shipward), 82. Richard, 82. Thobias, 127, 146. Smith, al's Nevill, 22. Howard, Muriell Gray, 74. Thos. [D. of Norfolk], 74. Howby, Alice Sutton, 29. Anthony, 29. John, 29. Mawde (Kirkby), 29. Sir Anthonie, 29. Sir Walter, 29. Sutton al's, 30. Howe, Audria Abney, 152. Margareta Bedell, 195. Dixson, 195. = - ― "" Robert, 152. Howett, Ann Needham, p = 100. Howland, Sir John, 4. Susanna Noell, 4. _______ Huband, Alicia (Walcott), 86. Richard, 86. Hubarke, Anna = Sherard, → ******** 10. HUBERT, 38. Anne (Brestofte), 38. Anne = Sherard, 38. Dorothy (Davers), 40. Jone (Barnack), 38. Mary (Ailesbury), 38. Mary Swinford, 38. Mawde Calveley, 38. Nicholas, 40. Sir Henry, 38. Sir Hugh, 38. Sir John, 38. - Cave, (Corbet), 38. Hudeson, Maria (Wincoll), — 156. Thomas, 156. Hudson, Hellen (Brasbridge), 43. Corbett, Huct, Margeria Vincent, 79, Humberston 177. Humphrey, 62. HUMPHREY, 62. Gh P Anne, 62. 19 Anne Page, 62. Audrey Harvy, 62. Edward, 62. Ellina Ashfeild, 62. Stafford, 62. Elianor (Vaux), 62. Elinor Babington, 62. Elizabeth (-?--), 62. Elizabeth (Digby), 40. Isabell (Stanley), 62. Jane (Linne), 62. Jane (Parsells), 62. John, 62. Margaret (Rous), 62. HUMPHREY-continued. Mary (Lane), 62. Mary (Meringe), 62. Mary Malorye, 62. Mawde (Knightley), 62. Nathaniell, 62. Peter, 62. Richard, 62. Sir Peter, 62. Sir Thomas, 62. Susanna (Pilkington), 78. Theodosia, 62. Thomas, 78. William, 62. Zacharias, 62. Hungerford, Robert Lord, 72. Ld Moclis, "" 72. ____ Maria Hastings, 72. Hunings, Rosa (Cave), 128. Hunne, Edward, 95. Jocosa (Turner), 95. Hunnet, Ellin (Neale), 164. Richard, 164. Hunston, Anna (Cave), 127. Thomas, 127. Hunt, Alicia (Bainbrig), 181. Dorothea (Skeffington), 8, 112. Gartrude John, 196. Lany, 196. Thomas, 8, 112, 181. William, 109. Digby, 40. Hunter, Elizab. Hugo, 147. Huntington, E. of [Hastings], 73, 74. Peck, 147. E. of [Holland], 72, 74. Hurst, Johanna Yarde, 91. William, 91. Hursey, 183. Hursey, Elizab. (Berkley), 2. John, Lord, 2. — = ― Hutton, Anthony, 24. Doctor, 181. Elizab. (Burdet), 24, Elizab. (Dalton), 27. John, 27. Sir William, 24. Thomazin Gee, 181. = Illingworth, Agnes 14. Sir Richard, 14. Ingarsby, Jocosa (Skeffington), 112. Ashley, Ingell, John, 67. Joyce (Smith), 67. Inglebeard, Jana 9, 196. William, 9, 196. Ingleberd, 21. Ingleby, Elizab. (Skeffington), 8, 112. Hartop, Richard, 8, 112. Inglefeild or Englefeild, Fran- cis, 49. Inglefeild-continued. Winifred (Brokesby), 49. Ingoldby, Anna Cave, 125. Ralph, 125. Ingoldsby, Joyce (Skeffing- ton), 8. Isham, Elizabeth Cave, 128, 133. George, 128. Gregory, 133. = Isle, Vist de l' [Gray], 74 Vis' de l' [Talbot], 74. Isley, Mary Mary Shirley, 26. Thomas, 26. Ive, Anna George, 17. William, 109. = Corbett, 17. Ives, Jone (Gee), 181. Margaret (Smith), 66. = 201. Sir William, 2. Hussi, William, 139. George, 204. Hutchin, Anna (Shipward), 82. Jerveis, Francisca = Chamber- John, 82. lain, 137. Jetter [or Jettour], William, 111, 112. Elizab. (Skeffington), 111, Gee, 112. Jobson, Elizabeth 181. Walter, 181. Johnson, Margareta bertes, 117. Richard, 117. Jones, Elizabeth, 130. Elizabeth (Thame), 130. Staresmore, 99. Francis, 6, 99. Francisca John, 133. Katherin Staresmore, 6, 99. Maria (Mulsho), 155. Richard, 130. Staresmore, 6. Jorton, Jana (Peck), 146. Richard, 146. Juy, Agnes Corbett, 48. George, 48. Jack, Juditha (Hartop), 197. William, 197. Jackson, Anna Bainbrig, 182. Elizabeth (Starkie), 175. Gracia = Bothom, 165. Jacomb, John, 101. Maria (Marston), 101. Jacques, Elizab. Banister, adaptec = 165. Robert, 165. Jarvis, Ann (Purifoy), 34. William, 34. Jay, Amicia Bent, 159. Jenkenson, Francisca (Cave), 127. Jenney, 7. Jenney, Edward, 35. Susan (Purifoy), 35. Jennings Kendall, 91. Jennings, Margt (Bradshaw), 44, 161. ********* Jephson, Anna Dixy, 116. Jermin, Ellianor (Sherman), = = Ro- 232 INDEX OF NAMES. Jykett, John, 168. Milicent *** Karleton, Herbert de, 129. Robert de, 129. Kebell, 56. KEBELL, 56. Temple, 168. = Elizabeth, 56. Elizabeth Francis, 56. Henry, 56. Jane (Griffin), 56. John, 114. Margaret, 56. Milicent (Hasilrigge), 15, 56. Walter, 15, 56. Noble, 114. (Sacheverell, 56. Ld Harring- Keere, Elizab. (Miller), 155. Thomas, 155. Keloway, Ann ton, 59. Robert, 59. Kempe, Ann Sir Thomas, 27. Kendall, 90. KENDALL, 90, 91. Alicia (Bent), 158. Bartholmeus, 90. Catherina, 91. Christopher, 90. George, 91, 206. Henry, 91. Humphrey, 91. Jocosa (Danvers), 86. John, 91. Katherina 206. Margeria (Sadler), 91. Margareta, 91. Margarota (Repington), 42. Margareta (Swayfeild), 91. Susanna (Leeson), 91. Thomas, 158. = **** ――― Shirley, 27. William, 86, 90. (Armestronge), 91. Jenninges), 91. (Shepee), 90. Kenning, Elizabeth Babington, Noblo, 115. Kent, E. of [Gray], 17, 74, 139. Kerchewall, Anne (Purifoy), 34. = Kerkin, George, 28. Mary (Faunt), 28. Kettle, Alice John, 130. Kettleby, 52. Kettleby Draper, 52. Killingham, Thomas, 27. Elizab. Laurence, al's Dalton, 27. Kimc, Francis (Legard), 20. Gabriell, 20. King, Anna (Cave), 120, 127. Elizab. Morton, 184. Phillipa Needham, 100. William, 100, 120, 127, 184. Kings, George, 73. Sara (Harington), 73. Kingston, George, 8, 86. ===== Thame, 130. Kingston-continued. Margaret Danvers, 86. Margaret Farnham, 77. Mary (Staresmore), 8. Mary (Skeffington), 112. Kinsman, 69. Kirk, Amfillis (Staresmore), 6. Kirkby, Anne, 29. Ciceley, 29, John, 29. Mawde Howby, 29. Sir William, 29. Kirke, Edward, 185. Elizabeth = Salisberie, 185. Peck, 147. Kirketon, Robert, 162. Kisse, Jocosa (Vincent), 79. Richard, 79. Knevitt, Johanna (Stafford), 170. William, 170. Knight (Nevill), 21. Knightley, Elizab. (Purifoy), 33. Margaret Purifoy, 33. Mawde Humphrey, 62. Mawde Dannat, 64. Mawde de la Hay, 64. Sir Richard, 62. Knolles, Francis, 126. Henry, 126. = Katherin Belgrave, 69. Margareta (Cave), 126. Richard, 69. Knyveton, Ellena Sturton, = * - 119. Francis, 119. Gartruda (Sturton), 119. William, 119. Lacy, 186. LACY or LACYE, 75, 166, 186. Agnes, 166. Andrew, 166. Anna (Digby), 75, 186. Elizabeth, 75, 186. Elizabeth Elwood, 75, 186. Frearch, 75, "" 186. Elizabeth (Lissay), 75, 186. Elizabeth (Noell), 166. Elizabeth (Stanbridg), 166. Elizabeth (Wilcockcs), 166. Faith, 75, 186. Gracia, 75, 186. Henry, 166. Hugh, 166. Isabell, 75, 186. Isabella (Fower or Farrar), 75, 186. Isabella = Jana, 166. Peck, 146. Johanna (Muster), 75, 186. Johannes, 78, 146, 186. Leonard, 75, 186. Margaret (Roskin), 75, 186. Maria, 75, 166, 186. Mathew, 75, 186. Modwen, 75, 186. Richard, 75, 186. LACY-continued. Seth, 75, 186. Thomas, 75, 186. William, 75, 166. Laddes, Agnos Lambe, Anna 100. Robert, 92. Sara (Whiting), 92. Lampton, Constance (Dalton), 27. Lancaster, F. of [Plantagonot], 169. Hugo, 87. Martha Warde, 83, 87. Lane, Anna Lascelles, 155. Bridget (Griffin), 16. Dorothea (Ashby), 132. Elizabeth Villers, 31. - - = John, 31, 155. Mary Parr, 132. Sir William, 62. William, 16. *** Laneham, 21. ******** Lany, 196. LANY, 196. = Humphrey, 62. (Vincent), 51, 81. ― Ashton, 198. Needham, Langford, Sir Raphe, 21. Langham, 12. Langham, Anna 175. Anne = Hardwick, 12. Anne Markham, 12. Edward, 12. Elizabeth Apleby, 11, 12. George, 12, 206. Jana (Babington), 206. Reignold, 12. Robert, 11, 12. Thomas, 12. (Purifoy), 37. Langley, Thomas, 167. Katherin Temple, 167. - = Everard, - Anna Cave, 127. Anna = ?, 196. Aslake, 196. Bassebon, 196. Benjamin, 196. Faith Sherman, 203. Gartrude (Hunt), 196. James, 196. John, 196, 203. Katherina (Yaxley), 196. Maria (Pooly), 196. Thomas, 196. — - (Aslake), 196. Lascelles, 155. LASCELLES, 155. Anna (Lane), 155. Anna (Thornchill), 155. Brian, 155. Elizabeth, 155. Elizabeth (Marbury), 155. George, 155. Henry, 155. Hercules, 155. Isabella (Montaguc), 155. John, 155. Maria Samuell, 155. Laser, Henry, 107. Sherman, 155, 204. INDEX OF NAMES. 233 Laser-continued. Margaret Basset, 107. Lathberye, 51. ===== Lathberye Latham, Elianora M 142. William, 142, 162. Everard, 175. Lathum, Grisell Aston, 85. Grisell Gore, 85. Latton, William de, 162. Laughton, Robert, 77. Maria Farnham, 77. Hardwick, 42. Lavender, Margt (Salisberie), M **** Lawley (Bingley), 5. Lawn, Dorothea 118. Lawrence, 27. Christopher, 20. 184. Thomas, 184. Lawde, Lucia (Webbe), 182. William, 182. Lawe, Anna Constance (Routhe), 19. Constance = ?, 19. Elizabeth, 20. Elizabeth Goodknape, 19. Elizabeth Portington, 19. Elizabeth (Whetworth), 19. Ellin, 19. Ellen Pilate, 19. Ellin (Cliffe), 19. Ellin Bainbrig, 182. Ufllett, 19. Maria (Bainbrig), 182. Frances, 20. John, 182. Francis Kime, 20. Isabell (Hilliard), 19. Isabell (Byrond), 20. Jane Skepper, 20. Jane Tounley, 20. Joane = Cartwright, 19. Joane (Haldenby), 19. John, 19, 20. = William, 182. Chamber, 51. Everard, LAWRENCE, 27, 102. Al's Dalton [see DALTON], 27. Anna, 102. Anna = Edward, 102. Ellina (Denham), 102. Elizabeth, 102. Elizabeth (Cranwell), 102. Elizabeth Crispe, 102. Elizabeth (Litherland), 102. Elizabeth (Wright), 102. Isabella (Baroden), 102. Isabella (Hayes), 102. Jana (Parsons), 102. John, 27, 102. - Rebecca, 102. Robert, 102. = Chetwood, 102. - Katherin (Dalton), 27. Maria, 102. Maria Sarson, 102. 91. Susanna = Sara, 102. Sara Barnby, 102. Thomas, 102. William, 102, 162 Laynham, Robert, 131, 145. Carrington, 131, Millicent 145. Leadock, Anna (Cotton), 191. Joseph, 191. ܫ Robertes, Leake, Anna Bassett, 107. Ledes, Cicely (Shirley), 26. John, 26. = 45. Roger, 45. Leodes, Susanna Lec, Elizabeth (Shirley), 26. John, 26. Babington, 206. Lecch, Alice (Brooke), 65. Elianora Swynfen, 134. Raph, 65. Leeche, Anne Sacheverell, ====== Kendall, Savill, 91, 93. Leedes-continued. Thomas, 93. Swinfen, 134. Legard, 19. LEGARD, 19. Agnes Willes, 19. Anne (Gee), 181. Beatrix Replingham, 19. = Com M K = _________ Margaret (Constable), 19. Margaret Frost, 19. Margaret (Moyne), 19. Peter, 19. Ralphe, 19, 20. Robert, 19, 20. Richard, 19, 20. Roger, 19. Thomas, 19. William, 19. (Blacket), 19. Copendall), 19. (Hotham), 19. (Legards), 19. (Rison), 19. Legards, Thomas, 19. = Legard, 19. Leicester, 108. Leicester, E. of [Montford], 188. Leife, Gracia John, 194. Leigh, 173. LEIGH, 173, 174. Anna, 174. Bartholomew, 174. Bersheba (Brookesby), 174. Elizabeth, 174. Elizabeth Strelley, 194. Harecourt, 39, = 166. Elizabeth (Gregoric), 174. Gilbert, 171. Henry, 39, 166. Isabella (Shipward), 82. James, 174. John, 174. Margeria, 174, Margeria (Bishop), 174. Maria, 171. Martin, 174. Phillip, 174. Robert, 82, 174. William, 174. LEIGH continued. Beaumont, 170. Lenton, John, 64. Elizab. Dannet, 64. Leois, Elizab. Beaumont, - == 171. Le Strang, Guido, 113. Margaret Noel, 113. Leventhorp, William, 170. Beaumont, 170. Levesey, Elizab. (Berkley), 3. Robert, 3. Leveson, James, 111. Johanna Foulke, 111. Johanna Gifford, 111. Johanna = Skellington, 111. Levins, Anna (Marston), 101. Lewes, Jocosa (Curson), 11. Thomas, 11. Lewis Beaumont, 61. Lichfeild, Agneta (Cooke), = → = M 108. John, 108. Roger, 133. Thomas, 133. William de, 134. Lidiard, Clemence Eyre, 35. Clemence Purifoy, 35. Lightfoote, Charitie Dawes, 98. James, 98. Lincoln, E. of [Brandon], 73. Lincolne, Anna (Power), 106. Anna Willoughby, 106. Peter, 106. Lindsey, Earl of, 4. Margareta Plumbe, 121. Linfeild, Elizab. (Cotes), 94. Thomas, 94. Linne, Jane Thomas, 62. L'Isle, Talbot, Viscount de, = Humphrey, 62. = = → 74. Gray, Viscount de, 74. Lisle, Margaret Cave, 120, Ma 126. Thomas, 120, 126. Lisley, 7. Lissey, Elizab. Lacy, 75, * 186. Litherland, Elizab. Law- rence, 102. John, 102. Littleton, Sir Edward, 42. Mary (Fisher), 42. Liverscege 184. Lloyd, John, 121. Margareta (Plumbe), 121. Lockwood Lole (Sherman), 203. Beresford, 178. Longe, Elizab. Cradock, = = = = = = Hollingworth, 149. Longford, Richard, 73. Matilda Hastings, 73. Matilda Vernon, 73. Matilda Roper, 73. Longuillers, John, 21. Margareta Nevill, 21. Loudham, Will. de, 162. Lounde, Sir Alexamler, 125. 2 IL 234 INDEX OF NAMES. Lounde-continued. Maria (Cave), 125. Sheffeld, 125. Louth, John, 147. Juditha (Peck), 147. Babington, 206. = Lovell, Galfridus, 170. Margaret (——), 70. Nicholas, 70. Viscount, 170. C = Earle, 4. Nocll, 4. = (Beaumont), 170. Lovett, Anna Anna Elizab. Cave, 126. Jane Shirley, 26. Jocosa Temple, 167. Pinchpool, 152. Sir Robert, 4. Susanna Cowper, 152. Thomas, 26, 126. Lowe, Fifeild al's, 52. Goditha (Bent), 159. Hugo, 159. Lowes, Isabell (Smith), 66. Lowther, Sir Christopher, 24. Lucy, Joane Brasbridge, = www.ccm 43. Thomas, 43. Ludford, Anne (Skeffington), 8, 112. Thomas, 8, 112. Ludlow, Katherin 154. William, 154. Luffe, Agneta Lumley, Elizab. 202. Martha = Hall, 204. Luson, Elizabeth Yarde, 91. John, 91. Luther, Anna Rudiard, 202. Anthony, 202. Song === ܝ. ________* wa *** Cowper, 154. Farrent, == Mablethorpe, Ann 21. Nevill, Mackworth (Hall), 46. Madock, Jana Everard, 142. Susanna Wincoll, 156. Madox Everard, 13. Makepeace, Abell, 176. Lucia Trimnell, 176. Cave, Maldacum, Matilda 125. Peter, 125. Malin, Hellena (Gregoric), 188. John, 188. ******* Abney, Mallorye, 12, 58. Mallorye, Mallory or Malory. Alico (Driby), 58. Beatrix Baghot, 59. Dorothea = Cave, 126. Elizabeth, 59. Elizabeth Bowier, 134. Elizabeth = = Fenton, 58. John, 58, 134. Margery Motton, 59. Margory (Turvill), 55. Mary (Humphrey), 62. Nicholas, 126. Roger, 58. Sir Antikell, 58. = Mallorye, Mallory or Ma- lory—continued. Sir Thomas, 58, 59. Thomas, 58. William, 59. Mallowe Malovell, 7. Malson, Anna (Wilcockes), 136. Christopher, 136. Maneringo, Margt. (Brooke), 65. Roger, 65. Manfeild, Edward, 131. Maria (Smith), 131. Manley, Robert, 187. Susanna (Nicolls), 187. Manning, John, 141. Margaret Bale, 141. Mannors, Francis [E. of Rut- land], 30. ***** CatherinLd Donlower, 30. Villers, 30. Mansfeild, Katherin = Peper, 103. Richard, 103. Manwaring, Charles, 65. Margery Brooke, 65. Marbery, Edward, 133. Elizabeth (Cave), 133. Margareta (Cave), 133. Thomas, 133. Marbury, Elizab. Staresmore, 5. - _ ― Chambers, 51. 155. William, 20. Cheselton, 20. Markham, Anne (Langham), 12. Anne = Smith, 132. Thomas, 38, 132. Woodford, 38. Marmaduke, Eliz. Shirley, _____ Camvile, 26. Marmion, Albreda 23. Galfridus, 23. Pilkington, 78 [note]. Haselwood, 78 [note]. Marriott, Anthony, 202. Martha Farrent, 202. Marrow, William, 60. Ashby, 60. Marsh, Agneta Bent, 158. John, 158. Maria (Starkie), 175. Richard, 175. MARSHALL, 103. - *** P Lascelles, = Anna (Cave), 68, 126. Christian (Starcsmore), 6. Francis, 103. Francisca Gore, 85. George, 103. Gracia (Elkington), 85. Isabella (Milborne), 103. James, 103. John, 68, 103. Katherina (Champion), 103. Katherin (Nevill), 21. Margareta (Milborne), 103. Ralph, 21. Roland, 103. Sara, 103. MARSHALL-continued. Sibilla, 103. Sibilla (Claxton), 103. Thomas, 85, 103. William, 103. (Smith), 103. Marson, Francisca 71. Richard, 71. Marstone, 101. MARSTON or MARSTONE, S Gerveis, 101, 102. Alicia (l'ayne), 101. Anna, 101. Anna (Hawes), 101. Anna (Marston), 101. Anna Levins, 101. Benjamin, 101. Catherina, 101. Edward, 101. Elizabeth, 101. Elizabeth Pratt, 101. Elizabeth (Savill), 101. Ellina Collins, 101. Everard, 101. = Gilbert, 100. Gracia Henry, 101. Jane, 101. Johanna, 102. Johanna (Bowman), 102. John, 101, 102. Katherina, 102. Katherina ** Moorc, 101. Dillingham, 101. Lawrence, 101. Margareta (Hawes), 101. Margeria Colman, 101. Maria Jacomb, 101. Maria (Pickering), 101. Maria (Turvill), 101. Morell, 101. Thomas, 101. Tobias, 101, 102. William, 101, 102. (Barret), 101. (Goderich), 101. (Payne), 101. Martin, Alicia = Baghot, 150. Anne Turvill, 55. John, 55, 150. Nicholas, 6. Ursula (Staresmore), 6. Martival, 129. MARTIVAL, 129. Agneta (-?), 129. Anketinus do, 129. Fulco de, 129. Isabella (——), 129. Nicholaus do, 129. Ralphe de, 129. Robert de, 129. Thomas de, 129. William de, 129. Martivaux, William de, 129. Martiwall, William do, 129. Martiwast, William de, 129. Marvin, Eliz. Cave, 126. Margaret Everard, 142. Marward, Thomas, 169. Phillipa 169. Beaumont, INDEX OF NAMES. 235 Mascall, Ellen = Overton, 193. Mason, Christopher, 81. Briget Hartop, 9, 197. Elizabeth (Vincent), 81. William, 9, 197. Masterson, Maria Turner, 95. Mathew, Barbara Pilking- ton, 78. Edward, 78. Maxwell, Lord, 171. ****** Beaumont, 171. = May, 180. MAYE or MAY, 180. Alicia Wright, 180. Anna (Hodgis), 154. Dorothea Twine, 180. Gracia (Mortimer), 180. Jeffery, 180. Joanna (Denston), 180. John, 180. * = Katheria, 180. Margareta, 180. Margareta (Dalley), 180. Marya, 180. Presilla (Stiles), 180. Richard, 180. Steven, 154. Thomas, 180. William, 180. Maynard, 66. Meade, 151. MEADE, 151. = Agneta Gilbert, 151. Anna (Croftes), 141, 151. Elizabeth, 151. Henry, 141, 151. Hugo, 151. Jacob, 151. James, 151, 158. Jocosa Weston, 151. John, 151. - Margaret, 151. Maria, 151. Maria Bent, 151, 158. Maria (Rodes), 151. William, 151. Isabell (Smith), K (Wedgwood), 151. Medbourne, Raphe de, 129. Medley, George, 64. Margaret (Wotton), 74. Mary (Dannet), 64. William, 74. Meeres, Anthony, 41. Katherin (Digby), 41. Meidwell Staresmore, 6. Mencll, Thomas, 133. Mercy, Anna (Everard), 142. Thomas, 142. Meredith, Elizab. (Chipping- dale), 157. Richard, 157. Merihurst, Audry 149. William, 149. Mering, Elizab. (Nevill), 21. Hill, Meringe-continued. Mary Humphrie, 62. William, 62. Meverell, Elizabeth 200. George, 200. Jane Brooke, 65. Michell, Elizab. 201. Elizab. (Salisberic), 185. Elizabeth (Shirley), 26. Febe Chester, 138. John, 26, 138. Thomas, 201. William, 185. Michelson, Thos., 162. Middleton, Alicia 147. Peck, Elizabeth (Griffith), 205. Midleham, Lady of, 21. Mary Nevill, 21. Midleton, Elizabeth (Vincent), 79. John, 79. Milbourne, Isabella Mar- shall, 103. Margaret Marshall, 103. Rowland, 103. - ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Brookesby, Miles, Alicia (Bent), 159. Emma Brokesby, 49, 173. Francisca = Pilkington, 78. Bayn- Richard, 159. Milgate, Isabella -- brigge, 181. William, 181. Mill, Jane Brasbridge, 43. Thomas, 43. = Miller, Elizab. Keere, 155. Elizab. Mulsho, 155. Milles, Katherin (Burton), Wase, ܢ 57. Mingay, Winifred (Cooke), Ashby, 46. Minors, Dorithy 60. Thomas, 60. Mitford, Bartram Lord of, 21. * Mitton, John, 194. == Margaret Vough, 194. Beaumont, 170. (Dester), 194. = Moclis, Lord [Hungerford], 72. 112. Robert, 112. Mogg, Anna (Staresmore), 6. Moleneux, Dorothea Alsop, 105. Molins, 48. Molins, Elizabeth (Montacute), 18. Jean (Montague), 124. Henry, 48. John, 18. Lord [Hungerford], 72. William, 48. _______ Mollins, Jean, 124. William, 21. Jean (Montague), 121. Mcringe, Elizabeth (Vincent), | Monke, Maria (Skeffington), 79. John, 79. Montacute, Elizabeth lins, 48. Elizabeth Molins, 48. Emmala de Porte, 48. William, 48. Montague [crest of], 121. Agnes (Atmore), 124. Anna (Wincoll), 156. Edward, 155. Elianora Bevin, 124. Emma Duport, 124. Guillaune, 124. Henry, 156. Isabella Lascelles, 155. Jean = Mollins, 124. Jean, 124. Katherin Carrington, 131, 145. Lord [Poole], 72. Robert, 124. Viscount Browne], 72. William, 131, 145. (Peverell), 124. Montford, Simon de [E. of Lei- cester], 188. Montfort, 64. Montgomery, Anne (Smith), 66. - = ******* == = Bridget Cheselton, 20. Elizabeth (Grimsby), 50. John, 50. == = Sherrington, 66. Moore al's Smith, Thos., 101. Anna Sherard, 10. Edward, 164. Gracia (Marston), 101. Gregory, 10. Margaret Allen, 109. Maria (Pochin), 106. Mary Neale, 164. Robert, 106. More, Alice Caldwall, 192. Catherine (Cane), 125. John, 125. Morgan, Mildred Pilking- Mo- = ton, 78. Walter, 78. Morris, George, 134. Katherin (Swynfen), 134. Mortimer, Gracia Maye, 180. Luke, 180. Morton, 47, 183. MORTON, 183, 184. Agnes, 47. Alicia (Borage), 183. Anna Bent, 159. Anna (Bowyer), 181. Anna (Chettle), 184. Anna Gladwyn, 184. Cecilye, 47. Dorothy Caldwall, 192. Edward, 184. Elizabeth (King), 184. Francis = Slimun, 181. Francisca (Yate), 184. Hellen, 47. Hellena (Roper), 131. Jana Smith, 146. John, 47, 131, 146, 183, 1841. John [Archbp. of Cant.], 47. 236 INDEX OF NAMES. MORTON-Continued. John [Archbp. of York], 131. Juditha (Chedlow), 184. Margareta (Peck), 116. Margareta (Woodford), 146. Maria (Allen), 184. Maria Smith, 146. Nicholas, 184. Robert, 183, 184. Thomas, 47, 131, 183. William, 47, 109, 159, 183, 184, 192. Mottes, Robert, 179. = Ursula Farmer, 179. Motton, 12, 50, 58. MOTON or MOTTON, 58, 59. Agnes, 58. Alaine, 58. Alexander, 58. Alice (Basset), 58. Anne, 59. Anne 59, 80. Edward, 59. == Elizabeth (Mulso), 54, 59. Elizabeth = Harington, 59. Elizabeth Poole, 59. Havise Henry, 58. John, 59. Beaumont, 59. = Julian (—?—), 58. Katherin, 59. Margaret (Bugge), 59. Margory (Malory), 59. Margery Purifoy, 59. Phillipa (Willoughby), 59. Raphe, 58. Reignold, 50, 59, 80. Robert, 58, 170. Sara (—?—), 58. Sir Robert, 54, 58, 59. Sir William, 58. Symon, 58. Thomazin William, 58. = Beaumont, 170. (Harecourt), 59. Moulton, Sir Thomas, 28. Mountacute [E. of Lindsey], 4. Elizabeth Noell, 4. Mountney, 179. MOUNTNEY, 179. Anne (Whithill), 45. Dorothea Hemsley, 179. Francisca, 179. George, 179, Jocosa (Whithill), 179. Katherina, 179. Margareta, 179. Margareta (Taylor), 179. Stephen, 179. Thomas, 179. William, 179. Grimsby, 12, 50, = ______ Beaumont, 59. Mowlesley, Margt. (Vincent), 79. William, 79. Moyne, Alexander, 9, 196. John, 19. Margaret Legard, 19. Moync-continued. Faunt, 28. Hartop, 9, 196. Muckeslow, Francis, 185. Elizabeth (Salisberic), 185. MULSHO, 155. Anna, 155. Anna (Danvers), 87, 155. Anna Bailey, 155. Bonedict, 155. Edward, 155. "" Elizabeth Bouge, 54, 59. Motton, 54, 59. Elizabeth (Miller), 155. Elizabetha, 155. Francis, 87, 155. George, 155. Johanna (Abraham), 155. Margerie Grigge, 155. Maria (Borowe), 155, Maria Coningham, 155. Maria Jones, 158. Richard, 155. Sir Edward, 55. Digby, 49. Muncke, Mary (Skeffington), 8. Thomas, 8. William, 8. = Mussen, Anna (Whitaph), 98. Margeria (Peck), 147. William, 98, 147. Muster, Joanna Lacy, 75, 186. ***** Mutton, Alicia (Basset), 80. Anna (Buggcs), 80. Elizabeth Poole, 80. Reginald, 80. Robert, 80. William, 59, 80. NEALE, 163, 164. Agneta (Savag), 164. Anna Stokes, 164. Elizabeth (Brabason), 164. Elizabeth (Rouse), 164. Elizabeth (Smith), 164. Ellin Hunnet, 164. Ellina Fowler, 164. Francis, 164. Isabella (Sprig), 164. Jana Stevens, 164. Joanna Prate, 163. John, 163, 164. Judith, 164. Maria (Moore), 164. Richard, 15, 163, 164. Theodoria Stokes, 164. == Thomas, 164. William, 163. De Poultney, Adam, 70. Nedham, Prudencia (Peck), 147. William, 147. Needham, 100. NEEDHAM, 100. Ambrose, 100. Anne (Howett), 100. Anne (Lambe), 100. Anne (Gamble), 100. Anna (Shawe), 100. Anna, 100. Anthony, 100. NEEDIIAM-continued. Briget, 100. Caleb, 100. Clement, 100. Constancia (-?—), 100. Dorothea Watson, 100. Edward, 100. Elizabeth P "" Etheldrida Francis, 100. Grace Decon, 100. Gracia, 100. Isabella, 100. Isabella (Cave), 100. Ismaell, 100. John, 100. Ferne, 146. Smith, 146. -= Katherina, 100. Margery (Ashby), 100. Maria, 100. "" Melliccnt, 100. Phillipa (King), 100. Richard, 100. Robert, 100. Susanna, 100. Thomas, 100. William, 100. Guest, 100. (Hobson), 100. Parker), 100. (Wilcock), 100. Neel, John, 162. Neele, 45. NEELE, 46, 46. Alice (Sutton), 46. Alice (-?), 46. Alice?, 46. Anthony, 46. Christopher, 46. Edward, 46. Elizabeth Elliott, 46. Elizabeth (Slorrey), 46. Francis, 46. George, 16. John, 46, 162. Jonc = Hall, 46. Margaret, 46. "" Margaret (Bateman), 46. Mary Digby, 46. Erdeswicke, 46. Richard, 45, 46, 163. Robert, 46. William, 46, 162, 163. Winifrede (Cooke), 46. Hall, 46. Nethercote, John, 92. Martha (Whiting), 92. Nethermill 43. Nevill, 21. NEVİL, NEVILE, or NE- = Katalogla VILL, 21, 22. Alice (Audley), 21. Alico Clifton, 21. Thurland, 21. Amphelicia (Rolleston), 21. Anne (Maplethorp), 21. Cicilia (Blanchminster), 21. Clare Nevill, 22. Edward, 75. Elizabeth Gray, 75. Bingley, 75. Elizabeth (Babington), 21. "} Brasbridg, INDEX OF NAMES. 237 NEVIL, NEVILE, or NEVILL.- continued. Elizabeth Mering, 21. Euphemia (Clavering), 21. Galfred, 21. Georgo [Ld Abergavenny], 72. Isabella (Bartram), 21. Jana = Poole, 72. John, 21. Jone (-?), 22. Jone Constable, 22. Katherin Ld La Boavile and Harrington, 72. "" La Hastings, 72. | Katherin Marshall, 21. Katherine (Palmer), 21. Katherine (Foliamb), 22. Margaret (Longuillers), 21. Mary (Middleham), 21. Mary Pate, 19. Mary Disney, 21. Mary Harvy, 22, 146. Smith, 22, 131, 146. Matilda (Percy), 21. Maud (Gray), 21. Radulphus, 21. Ralphe, 22. Ranulphus, 21. "" Richard [E. of Salisbury], 72. == - Robert, 21. Sir Alexander, 21. Sir Andrew, 21. Sir Ralphe, 21. Sir Robert, 21. Sir Thomas, 21, 22. Sir William, 21, 22. Thomas, 22, 131, 146, 180. Ursula Gee, 180. William, 21, 22. (Fencotts), 21. (Griffin), 22. Knight), 21. Langford), 21. (Lucy), 22. Stukeley, 21. (Ward), 22. Nevill, Smith alias, 22. = Alice (Duccombe), 22. Clement, 22. Henry, 22. Nevill, 22. Sir Thomas, 22. Thomas, 22. William, 22. Newdigate, John, 126. Martha (Cave), 126. Newport, William, 134. Newton, Edward, 161. Maria (Breton), 161. Nicholson, Anne (Digby), 41. Anthony, 41. Nicolls, 187. NICOLLS, 187. Anna, 187. Anna (Haselrig), 16, 187. Anna (Pell), 187. Anna (Seamour), 187. Augustine, 187. Elizabetha, 187. Francis, 187. = NICOLLS-Continued. Jane, 187. Jocosa (Gifford), 187. Lodovicus, 187. Margeria Purefoy, 187. Maria (Bagshaw), 187. Maria (Heminges), 187. Maria, 187. Presilla (Caldwall), 192. Susanna = Manley, 192. Thomas, 16, 187. William, 187. Nigell, John, 162, 163. Richard, 162, 162. Noble, 114. NOBLE, 114, 115. = Agneta Wattes, 115. Catherina, 115. Elizabeth (Kebell), 114. Elizabeth (Kenning), 115. Elizabeth Sacheverell, 115. Francis, 115. Francisca (Herick), 115. George, 114, 115. Joseph, 115. Katherina (Hoode), 114. Margareta, 115. Margareta Wattes, 115. Maria Wattes, 115. Robert, 115. Thomas, 114, 115. William, 114, 115. (Webster), 114. Noel, 3, 113. NOEL or NOELL, 3, 4, 113, 114. Alexander, 4. Alicia (-?), 113. Alicia Harcourt, 113. Alicia (Wiverston), 113. Andreas, 3, 114. Andrew, 4, 28, 114. - = Anna (Fowler), 3, 114, 140. Anne (Feilding), 4. Ann (Lovett), 4. Anne, 4, 114. Arthur, 4, 114. Baptist, 4. Cicilia (-?), 113. Charles, 4. Dorothea (Coniers), 3, 114. Edward, 4, 114. Elianor, 114. Elizabeth (Hopton), 3, 114. Elizabeth Harper, 4. Elizabeth Chaworth, 4. Elizabeth (Mountacute), 4. Elizabeth Faunt, 28, 114. Elizabeth (Hix), 114. Elizabeth Lacy, 166. Ellinor, 4. Francis, 4, 114. Francisca (Fulwood), 4, 114. George, 114. Henry, 3, 4, 114. Hester, 4. Hester (Wotton), 4. Isabell < ... Chetwood, 113. Jacobus, 3. James, 114. Jana (Dracott), 113. NOEL or NOELL-continued. Jana (Sonde), 113. Joan (Acton). 113. Johanna Duston, 113. John, 3, 4, 114, 140. Julian, 4. Julian (Hix), 4. Judith, 114. Katherin, 4, 114. Lindsey, 4. Lucia Ld Eure, 4. Mabell (Harrington), 3, 114. Margareta (Le Strang), 113. Mary De la Fountaine, 4. Mary, 4. Matilda (Breerton), 113. Penelopie, 4. Phillip, 113. Richard, 113, 114. Robert, 113, 114. Sir Andrew, 3. Sir Edward, 4. = ***** - Susanna (Howland), 4. Theodosia Cecil, 4. Thomas, 113. Verney, 4, 114. William, 4, 113, 114. - (Asplane), 114. (Palmer), 4. (Poole), 114. Noone, 174. NOONE, 174. Francis, 174. George, 174. Jana (Wymark), 174. John, 174. Katherin (Goodier), 174. Margareta (Cudden), 174. Maria Derby, 174. Robert, 174. Thomas, 174. William, 174, Norrice, John, 109. Norris, John, 148. Maria (Whaley), 149. North, Anne Sturton, 119. Edward, 119. Northampton, E. of [Compton], 171. 124. John, 96. Northumberland, D. of [Dud- ley], 74. Norton, Cornelia Duport, Prudencia Belgrave, 96. = de Port, 48. Whethill, 45. Norwich, Anna = Woodford, 38, 47. Briget (Smith), 66. Simon, 38, 47. Norwood, Dorothy (Whethill), 45. Nowers, 135. Wilcockes, Nowers, Margeria (Buckland), 135. Margeria 135. Ralph, 135. Robert, 135. Nudigate, Henry, 16. 238 INDEX OF NAMES. Nudigate-continued. Maria (Haselrigg), 16. Ockover, Phillip, 57. Odingselles, Ellianor (Adcot), 9. Odingsells, John, 197. Susan (Hartop), 197. Oldbeiffe, 7. Oldebeffo, Margaret (Skefling- ton), 7, 110. Margaret (English), 7, 110. Maude (Cambridg), 7, 110. Matilda (Cambridg), 110. William, 7, 110. Olife, Anna, 200. Augustin, 200. Elizabetha, 200. Elizabetha (Wase), 200. Thomas, 200. Oliver, Francisca dale, 157. Margareta Thomas, 96. Orme, Dennis, 97. Ellina Wigley, 97. Bradshaw, 44, 161. Ormeston, Anna (Swynfen), = Chipping- Belgrave, 96. 134. Thomas, 134. Osberne, Edward, 92. Elizabeth Roos, 92. Otefeild, Gracia Thomas, 158. Overey, Mary (Skeffington), 8, 112. John, 193. Lucia, 193. www = Burgh, 8. OVERTON, 193. Agneta, 193. Alicia, 193. Brigetta, 193. Dorothea, 193. Dorothea Bent, 158. Grigge, 193. Dorothea (Harper), 193. Edward, 193. Elianor (Mascall), 193. Ellena, 193. PACE, 63. Alice, 63. Alice (Reade), 63. Elizabeth (Touchbourne), 63. John, 63. Margaret (Cobley), 63. Thomas, 63. Page, Thomas, 62. Pagenham, Elizab. (Berkley), 3. Henry, 3. Robert, 3. (Chicheley), 3. Paget, Emma (Peper), 103. William, 103. Paginton, Dorothy (Smith), 66. Sir John, 66. Palladay, Elizab, 142. Palmer, 21, 39. PALMER ET IIARECOURT], 39. Alicia Bainbrig, 190. Christian, 39. Elizabeth (Purifoy), 33. Elizabeth Purifoy, 39. Janc Harecourt, 39, 166. Joan (Brett), 39. John, 39. . Katherin Novill, 21. Margareta (Bruduell), 143. Maria (Belgrave), 96. Maria Pochin, 39, 106. Nicholas, 39. Robert, 39, 190. Thomas, 21. William, 33, 39, 96, 106. Noell, 4. Palmes, Francis, 177. Margareta (Corbet), 177. Paramour, Maria (Beaumont), - 61, 171. Richard, 61, 171. Parkenhall, Robert, 159. Bent, 159. Ja Richard, 193. Thomas, 193. William, 193. Oxenbridge, Dorothy = Digby, Parsons, Jana 40. Thomas, 40. = Parker, Elizabeth (Hall), 204. Goditha (Cotton), 191. Henry [note], 1, 70. Katherin (Temple), 168. Nicholas, 168. Thomas, 159, 204. William, 191. Parro Everard, Bent, 159. Needham, 100. Sherard, 88. Staresmore, 6, 99. Parret, Katherin Perin, 198. Thomas, 198. Parrlane, Dorothy (Ashby), Humphrey, 13. Parsells, Jane 62. Robert, 62. Parsemer Cave, 126. Parslow, Magdalena=Elking- ton, 153. = S Laurence, 102. Robert, 102. Partrich, 5. Partrich 99. Passon, Margeria 147. Pate, 89. PATE, 89. Anna, 89. Anna (Blount), 89, Edmond, 89. Edward, 89. Elizabeth, 89. Elizabeth Ellena, 89. Starkic, 175. Hellena (Saltmarsh), 89. Henry, 89. Juna (Hidson), 89. Staresmore, 5, Peck, PATE-continued. John, 89, 175. Maria (Novill), 89. Rebecca, 89. Richard, 89. Timothy, 89. Thomas, 89. Pattinson, Faith 203. Pauncefoote, 170. Johanna Beaumont, 60, 170. Thomas, 170. Paurbeck, Viscount [Villers], 30. Pawcoe, 69. Payne, Alicia 101. Johanna (Gerveis), 71. Thomas, 71, 101. William, 101. William, 65. P Marston, 101. Peake, Agnes: Peche, 65. PECHE, 65. Francis, 65. Henry, 65. John, 65. == Robertes, - _____ Marston, (Whitchestell), 65. Pechet, 11. Pechet, William, 11. l'eck, 146. PECK, 146, 147, 148. Alicia Barton, 160. Alicia (Middleton), 117. Alicia (Bradford), 147. Alicia Turvey, 147. Anna, 147. Anna (Hotham), 147. Anne Wigbett, 147. Anna Maria Harrison, 148. Blanche, 148. Dorothea, 147. Elizabeth, 147, 148. _____ "" Elizabeth (Hunter), 147. Elizabeth Vavasor, 147. Dixon, 148. Eustace, 147. Francis, 147, 148. Hugo, 147. Isabella (Lacy), 116. Isabella, 147. Jana Jorton, 146. Jana (Anne), 147. Jasper, 147. Joanc, 148. comm Pa ― = Dannet, 61. Johanna (IIarrington), 146. Johanna, 147. John, 146, 147, 148. Juditha Lowth, 147. Katherin Scargill, 146. Katherin (Vavasour), 147. Margareta, 147. Margareta (Haselden), 146. Margareta Marton, 146. Margeria (Passon), 147. Margoria Musson, 147. Maria (Cave), 128, 147. Maric, 148. Nicholas, 147. INDEX OF NAMES. 239 PECK-continued. Prudencia Nedham, 147. Phillippa, 148. Rebecca . Smith, 147. Reginald, 147. Richard, 146, 147, 160. Simon, 148. Stephen, 128, 147, 148. Thomas, 146, 147, 148. William, 147, 148. (Kirke), 147. = Peck, 148. (Sevens), 147. Peirpoint, Anne 60, 172. George, 5, 172. Sir George, 60. = — Walshall, 5. Peke, Margaret William, 92. Pekulton, Matilda rie, 187. Pell, Anne William, 132. Beaumont, - Roos, 92. Nicolls, 187. Jocosa (Ashby), 13, 132. John, 187. Grigo- Foxston, 36. Purifoy, 36. Pembleberie, Elizab. dard, 190. Pembroke, E. of [Herbert], 139. Perin, 198. PERIN, 198. m God- Penbery, Elizabeth (Ashby), 14. Penint, Elizabeth (Hopton), 3. John, 3. Peper, 103. PEPER, 103. Emma Paget, 103. Isabella (Bugg), 103. Jana Worthington, 103. John, 103. == Katherina (Mansfeild), 103. Maria (Shefcild), 103. Richard, 103. Robert, 103. Thomas, 103. William, 103. Smith, 67. Percy, John [D. of Northum- berland], 73. Henry [E. of Northumber- land, 139. = Henry, Lord, 21. Katherin Grey, 139. Katherin (Hastings), 73. Matilda Nevill, 21. Perefoy Staresmore, 5. Perient, Eliz. (Hopton), 114. John, 111. Anna (Potter), 198. Elizabeth, 198. Elizabeth (Scrimshaw), 198. Gilbert, 198. Katherin, 198. Katherin (Parret), 198. Maria, 198. Sara, 198. Thomas, 198, Perkins, Anna (Roberts), 118. Margareta (Bent), 159. Richard, 159. Thomas, 118. Purifoy, 39. Pernich, Edmond, 63. Maude (Cave), 63. Sir Roger, 63. William, 63. Perrin, Anna Purifoy, 34. Persall, Richard, 88. = Elizab. Sherrard, 88. L'erson, Rosa = Baghot, 150. P'ert, Amicia (Baghot), 150. Daniel, 150. Peter Gregorie, 88. Peterborough, Bp. of [Dove], 106. → = Peto Digby, 199. Pettie, Johanna Peverell Phetiplace, Anne 33, 35. Richard, 35. Thomas, 33. Phillipps, Elizabeth-Cowper, page ______*__* ܡ * 152. Gawinus, 78. Gertrude (Pilkington), 78. Thomas, 152. Pichley, Margery — Purifoy, 34. Nicholas, 34. Pickering, Gilbert, 101. Joan (Billne), 30. Maria = Marston, 101. Sir William, 30. Berie, 207. Pickwell, John, 64. Mawde Pigeon, Anna Simon, 93. Pilate, Ellin (Legard), 19. Thomas, 19. PILKINGTON, 78. Dannet, 61. Savill, 93. Anna (Eyton), 183. Barbarea (Mathews), 78. Dorothea (Powtrell), 78. Edmond, 78. = = Bale, 141. Montague, 124. Purifoy, Edmund, 78. Edward, 78. Elizabeth, 78. ============ Francisca (Miles), 78. George, 78. Gertruda Henry, 183. Hugo, 78. Jeronimus, 78. Katherina, 78. Katherina (Basset), 78. Lekus, 78. Margeri (Babington), 78. Maria Armestronge, 78. Maria (Andrea), 78. Maria (Gibson), 78. Mildreda (Morgan), 78. Robert, 78, 183. Samuell, 78. Susanna Humphrey, 78. Thomas, 78, 183. William, 183. (Marmion) [note], 78. — = Phillips, 78. } PILKINGTON—continued. (Willoughby), 78. Pinchbeck, Anne (Billne), 30. Sir Thomas, 30. Plant, Emma Wigley, 97. Plantagenet, Alianora Bello- monte, 169. Arthur, 74. Elizabeth (Dudley), 74. Elizabeth Holland, 74. George [D. of Clarence}, 72. Henry [E. of Lancaster], 169. Add = = Juliana [illegitimate], 64. Plesington, Isabell Fran- cis, 49. Isabell Sapcott, 49. Jane Flower, 49. John, 49. Margaret Strelley, 49. Sir Humphrey, 49. Sir Robert, 19. __ William [potius John Fran- cis] 49. Plum, Mary (Haselrigg), 16. Plumbe, 121. PLUMBE, 121. Alicia, 121. Alicia (Faunt), 121. Anna, 121. Cornelia Smith, 121. Elizabeth, 121. Elizabeth (Fortescue), 121. John, 121, 124. Judith, 121. Ralph, 121. Thomas, 121. Walter, 121. William, 121. = Katherina Stafford, 121. Margareta (Lindsey), 121. Margareta Lloyd, 121. Maria, 121. Maria (Duport), 121, 124. Maria Pugh, 121. Thornes, 121. Redham, 121. Pochet, Andrew, 17. w Dorothy (Gray), 17. Pochin, 39, 106. POCHIN, 106. Alicia, 106. Alicia (Willoughby), 106. Alicia (Brookesby), 106. Barbara : Chambers, 52, 106. Dorothea, 106. Dorothea Edward, 106. Elizabeth, 106. Elizabeth (Shirley), 106. Ellina Harrington, 106. Francis, 106. George, 39, 106. Gracia, 106. John, 106. Katherina, 106. Katherin Skeffington, 106. Katherin (Blewett), 106. Margaret, 106. = Cogam, 106. 240 INDEX OF NAMES. POCHIN-continued. Maria, 106. Maria (Moore), 106. Maria (l'almer), 39, 106. Mathew, 106. Pasca, 106. Richard, 106. Robert, 106. Valentine, 106. William, 39, 52, 106. (Dove), 106. Pocklington, Margaret (Stares. more), 6. Pollard, Henry, 37. John, 152. Katherina (Cowper), 152. Mary (Purifoy), 37. Polson, Alexandre, 124. Anna (Duport), 124. Poole, Dorothea (Cave), 66. Elizab. (Mutton), 59, 80. Henry, 66, 72. Henry [Ld Montague], 72. Jana (Nevill), 72. Katherin Margaret 137. Hastings, 72. Chamberlaine, Margaret (Plantagenet), 72. Rafe, 59, 80. Richard, 72. Gee, 180. Noell, 114. Pooley, Maria Porte, 48. PORTE, 48 [or PORT]. Dorothea Hastings, 73. Emmala (Montacute), 48. Henry, 48. Lany, 196. James de, 48. John, 73. = *** Thomas, 48. Thomas de, 48. (Higatt), 48. Porter, Anne = Hartop, 9, * 196. Austin, 10. John, 9, 196. Juditha Cave, 122. William, 122. Portlington, Elizab. (Legard), 19. Thomas, 19. Potter, Anna Raph, 198. Pouchin, George, 112. Katherin (Skeffington), 112. Poultney, 70. POULTNEY, 70. Adam Neale de, 70. Agnes Ashby, 14. Dorothea Hodgis, 154. Ellena Owen de l'oultncy, 70. John, 7, 154. Johanna Spigurnell, 70. Jonc Purifoy, 33. Margareta (-?—), 70. Matilda (—?—), 70. Micheal, 154. Owen de, 70. - ܝܕ = Perin, 198. Robert, 70. Roisia Sherard, 10. POULTNEY-continued. ?, 70. Sara Sir John, 33. * Sir Thomas, 10, 14, 63. Belgrave, 96. Prestwich, 63. Powchen, George, 8. Katherine (Skeffington), 8. Power, Anna Lincoln, == 106. Walter, 106. Powtrell, Dorothca― Pilking- ton, 78. Thomas, 78. Poyner, Dorothea 177. Thomas, 177. Prate, Johanna (Neale), 163. Richard, 163. Pratt, Ann Dison, 85. Elizabeth Brookesby, 85. Elizabeth (Marston), 101. Ellen (Aston), 85. Henry, 85. Hugh, 85. Johanna (Gore), 85. John, 84, 85. Margareta Thomas, 85. _______________ Hartop, 9, 197. Prestgrave, Francis, 104. Elizab. = Preston, 10. Ruding, 101. Preston, Alicia (Griffith), 205. Richard, 205. PRESTWICH, 63 [also Prest- with]. - _______ - Corbet, ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Alice (Gifford), 63. Edmond, 63. Elizabeth (Woode), 63. John, 63. Mary (Clinton), 63. Richard, 63. Rose Digby, 63. Sir Roger, 63. Thomas, 63. William, 63. Goodman, 84. (Poultney), 63. Printoft (Bradshaw), 44. Pudsey, Anna (Gee), 181. Pugh, Maria (Plumbe), 121. Roger, 121. Purifoy, 32. PURIFOY, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. Alice, 33, 37. Alice (Denton), 33, 35. Alice (Faunt), 28, 37, 121. Annis (?), 32. Anne, 33, 35 36, 37. Anno (Phetiplace), 33, 35. Anne (Windsor), 33, 36. Anne Jarvis, 34, (71). Annc Kirchewall, 31. Anne (Bingham), 34. Anne (Perrin), 34. Anne (Rooke), 35. Anne (Furtho), 36. Anne Gerveis, 71. Arthur, 37. Barbara (Dixwell), 35. Beatrix (Chibenhurst), 33. PURIFOY-Continued. Beatrix (Chiselhurst), 36. Blendina (Goodwyn), 36. Charles, 33. Ciceley, 35. Ciceloy (Goodwyn), 33, 36. Clemence (Lidiard), 35. Diolata, 36. Dorothea, 34, 37. Dorothea = 44. Edward, 33, 34, 35, 36. Elianor (Baskervile), 37. Elizabeth, 33, 34, 35, 30, 37. Elizabeth (Brome), 32, 33. Elizabeth Knightly, 33. Elizabeth Palmer, 33. Elizabeth (Sanders), 34. Elizabeth (Whetell), 34, 45. Elizabeth (Bradshaw), 34, 44. .. Bradshaw, 37, >>> Elizabeth (Palmer), 39. Elizabeth Ackworth, 35. Elizabeth (Williams), 35. Francis, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 179. ܝ Francisca Smalley, 37, 76. Frideswed, 34. Gamaliel, 37. George, 33, 34, 36, 37, 104. ====== Henry, 33, 37. Humphrey, 28, 37, 121. Isabell, 33, 34. Isabell Sutton, 33. Isabell (Brome), 35. Isabell Goodwyn, 35. Isabell (Bradshaw), 37, 44. James, 35. = Jane, 33, 35, 37. Jane Wright, 37. Jane (Davenport), 37. Jana (Vincent), 50, 81. Janill, 36. Joane (Poultney), 33. Joane (Wistowe), 33. Staresmore, 34. Joane = Joan (Vincent), 34. Joane Ruding, 104. Jocosa, 34. Joyce, 35, 37. Joyce (Purifoy), 33, 36. Joyce Ruddings, 34. Joyce (Hardwick), 34, 37. Joyce Purifoy, 33, 34. Joyce Holt, 37. John, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39. Judith, 37. Katherin, 37. Katherin (Wellesborough), 32. Katherin Staresmore, 33. Katherin (Broyesfeild), 35. Katherin Wightman, 37. Katherin (Wigston), 37. Katherine (Staresmore), 6. Lucas, 36. Magdalena Margaret, 37. Grey, 139. .. INDEX OF NAMES. 241 PURIFOY continued. Margaret (Shelford), 32. Margaret Dall, 37. Margaret (Knightley), 33. Margaret Catesby, 33. Margery Feilding, 33. Margery (Fitz-Harbert), 33. Margery (Pichley), 34. Margery Salisbury, 37. Margery (Nicolls), 187. Margery (Motton), 59. Marian (Ayott), 32. Mary (Wenle), 32. Mary Thorne, 33, 36. Mary Bellers, 37. Mary (Boys), 33. Mary Farmer, 179. Mary Pollard, 37. Martyn, 35. Mawdelin Grey, 37. Michael, 34, 37, 39, 76, 187. Nathaniel, 37. = = === Nicholas, 33, 34, 35, 37, 39, 50, 71, 81. Phillip, 32, 35. Ralph, 34, 37. Richard, 33, 36. Robert, 37. Simon, 32, 35. Susan, 36, 37. Susan Jenney, 35. Susanna Goodall, 37. Thomas, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37. William, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 59. (Butler), 39. = = Bradshaw, 161. (Bradshaw), 37. (Perkins, 39. (Langham), 37. (Staresmore), 99. Purshull, Anna´ (Caldwell), 192. = Edward, 192. Pury, Anne John, 40. Pusey, Rowland, 109. Quincy, Roger [E. of Win- chester], 86. Raby, 21. Raglin, Margt Davers, 40. 82. Randall, Faith, 130. Francis, 130. Johanna (Thame), 130. John, 130. Robert, 130. Shipward, Rarwick, Gabriell, 142. Jana (Everard), 142. Ravens, Dorothey (Belgrave), 69. John, 69. Rayman, Winifred 151. = Baghot, Reade, Alice Pace, 63. Alicia Bent, 158. Richard, 63. Roger, 158. Redham (Plumbe), 121. Redman, Jana = Dalton, 27. Redman-continued. John, 27. Reeve, Thomas, 175. Francisca Everard, 175. Reines, Florence (Bradshaw), 44. Reinger, Mary (Beaumont), 60. Reinolds, Ann Burton, 160. Robert, 160. Repin, Richard, 162. Repington, 42. REPINGTON, 42. Anne Cocking, 42. Edith, 42. Edward, 42. Francis, 42. Francis (Stanford), 42. Humfrie, 42. John, 42. Katherin Burton, 42. Margaret Fisher, 42. Kendall, 42. Mary Swinfen, 42. Maude (Cotton), 42. Richard, 42. Thomas, 42. William, 42. Replingham, Anna ton, 176. Beatrix (Legard), 19. Edward, 176. Peter, 19. Reven, Maria Allen, 109. Reyner, Mary (Beaumont), 30, "" — ܝ. —— = = 171. William, 30, 171. Reynes, Dorothy (Barret), 107. Jocosa Barret, 107. Nicholas, 107. Robert, 107. Ribbesford, John, 167. Matilda Temple, 167. Ridlington, Baron of, 4. Rigden, Anne (Villers), 31. Thomas, 31. William, 31. Rigmeden, Dorothy (Beau- mont), 60, 172. Rinell, Richard, 162. Ringescott, Maria 167. William, 157. Ringley, Edmond, 5. added .. = Armes- = Katherin (Walshall), 5. Lawley, 5. Temple, Ripariis vel Rivers, E., 74. Ripington, Katherin Bur- ton, 57. William, 57. Ripon, John de, 162. Risley, Dorothea (Temple), 168. Paul, 168. Rison Legard, 19. Rivers, E. [Grey], 139. E. [Woodvile], 74. Robertes, 117. Roberts, 203. ROBERTES and ROBERTS, 117, 118, 203. Alicia, 117. Alicia (Creckland), 117. ROBERTES and ROBERTS-cont. Anna, 118, 203. Anna Perkins, 118. Anna (Burnaby), 203. Barnes, 203. Dorothea, 118. Dorothea (Gerveis), 118. Dorothea (Lawn), 118. Edmond, 203. Edmund, 117. Elianor (Diglin), 118. Elionora, 203. Elinora, 118. Elizabeth, 118. Elizabeth (Whitton), 117. Elizabeth Sucheverill, 117. Elizabeth Elizabeth 203. Elizabeth = — "" K * Saunders, 203. Faith (Pattinson), 203. Francisca (Bale), 118, 142. Francisca Franklin, 203. Francis, 203. George, 118. ====== Gervase, 118. Henry, 117. Jana, 117. Jana (Gomond), 117. Jana (Dakins), 117. Jana Geary, 118. Jana Glover, 203. Jocosa (Staresmore), 6, 117. Jocosa Bale, 118, 141. Jocosa, 118. John, 117, 118. Katherina, 118. Katherin Cooke, 118. Katherin (Temple), 117. Katherin (Elkinton), 118. Katherin Ciampanti, 203. Lucia Acres, 118. Chancy, 118. Margareta (Johnson), 117. Maria, 117, 203. Maria (Chester), 117. Maria (Glover), 203. Michaell, 118. Peter, 118. Wright, 118. Wyndover, ― Richard, 117, 118, 141. Thomas, 117, 118, 203. Walter, 117. = William, 6, 117, 118, 142, 203. Acton, 117. (Bainham), 117. (Hickson), 117. (Worship), 117. Robinson, 182. ROBINSON, 182. Elizabetha, 182. Henry, 182. John, 182. Lucia (Webb), 182. Lucy, 182. Sara, 182. Sara (Bainbrig), 182. Thomas, 182. William, 182. Rochford, Henry, 7, 110. Johanna Stanhop, 7, 110. Rochford, 7. 2 I 242 INDEX OF NAMES. Rocke, Maria Rockley, Anna Isabell (Clare), 74. Raphe, 74. Rodes, Maria Meade, 151. Rodney, Margt Burdet, 24. Margt Wodhull, 21. Roe, Katherin (Cotes), 94. Roger, 94. Rogers, Elizab. Simon, 93. Rolleston, 21. Savile, 93. Rolleston, Amphelicia = Nc- vill, 21. Lady of, 21. Lord of, 21. Rolt, Brigetta Dixy, 116. Francisca (Dixy), 116. John, 9, 197. Katherin (Staveley), 136. Maria Hartop, 9, 197. Thomas, 136. Walter, 116. * Rooke, Ann ROOS, 92. Elizabeth, 92. Elizabeth (Osborne), 92. Friswold, 92. Goditha, 92. Jacobus, 92. Jeaira, 92. Joan = Edward, 31. Johanna, 92. Jone (Donne), 7. Margaret Gray, 17, 74. Richard, 92. Robert, 92. Rosa, 92. == Margaret (Peke), 92. Margaret (Warde), 92. Maria, 92. Milo, 92. * G Thomas, 7, 31, 92. Wilfredus, 92. William, Lord, 74. Everard, 112. Gray, 74. Roose, Jonc (Deane), 7, 110. Sir Robert, 7, 110. Thomas, 110. Roper, Barbara (Devorcux), 73. Dorothe, 73. Edward, 73. Francis, 73. Hellena Henry, 73. = Morton, 131. IIenry IIastings, 73. Jocosa (IIastings), 73. Matilda (Longford), 73. Walter, 73. William, 73. Ros, Goditha Skeffington, - Purifoy, 35. - 111. Thomas, 111. Roskin, Jasper, 75, 186. Margaret = Lacy, 75, 186. (Bellers), 75, 186. Rosse, Edward, 133. Lord [de Ros], 17. Margt 145. = Maria Croft, 146. Maria Wilcocks, 136. Carrington, 131, Rossc-continued. Robert, 145. Sir Robert, 131. Rous Humphric, 62. Rouse, Edward, 16. Elizabeth Neale, 164. Maria Haselrigg, 16. William, 162. Routhe, Constanco 19. Sir John, 19. Rowell, Johanna = Legard, Strelley, 194. Nicholas, 194. Rowleston, Agnes (Turvile), 54. Thomas, 54. Ruddings, John, 34. Joyce (Purifoy), 34. Rudiard, 202. RUDIARD, 202. Anna (Luther), 202. Anthony, 202. Benjamin, 202. Charles, 202. Edmund, 202. Elizabeth (Bidell), 202. James, 202. John, 202. Joseph, 202. Laurence, 202. Margareta (Shilton), 202. Nicholas, 202. Ralph, 202. Rebecca (Steward), 202. Richard, 202. Robert, 202. Thomas, 202. William, 202. Ruding, 104. RUDING, 104. Anna (Driver), 104. Catherina, 104. Christian, 104. Dorothea Symercll, 104. Dorothy (Wakefeild), 104. Elizabeth, 104. Elizabeth (Presgrave), 104. Francisca, 104. Franciscus, 101. Georgo, 104. Gray, 101. Janc Gage, 104. Jana Beauchamp, 104. Joane (Purefoy), 101. John, 104. Martha, 104. Michael, 104. Richard, 104. Suzan (Watson), 101. Walter, 104. William, 104. Rudkin, Maria (Wilcockes), 136, Thomas, 136. Rugeley, Alice 13. John, 43. Ruskin, Elizab. (Bellers), 30. William, 30. Russell, Anna Thomas, 97. Wigley, 97. Brasbridgo, Rutland, E. of [Manners], 30. Sabin Gore, 85. Sacheverell, Anno (Leecho), 45. Anna Whitalph, 98. Eliz. (Noble), 115. Ellina Digby, 199. Francis, 98. John, 45, 76. Jono (Curson), 45. Patrick, 45. Rapho, 45, 199. Robert, 45. Sir Robert, 45. Thomas, 115. William, 45. Q, Ja Kebell, 56. Slorrey, 46. Sachevill, Elizab. (Robertos), 117. John, 117. Sadler, Margeria 91. St Andrew, Barbara, 112. Jane, 112. John, 112. Villers, Maria (Skeffington), 112. William, 112. St John, Barbara 30. Margeria Oliver, 139. Grey, 139. of Bletsho, Lord, 139. Sir John, 30. Corbet, 177. Kendall, ― St Leger, Elizabeth (Digby), 41. == Smalley, 77. St Loo, Roger, 51. Sainte, Jocosa William, 77. Salisbury, 185. SALISBURY and SALIS- BERIE, 185, 186. Abigall, 185. Alicia, 186. Ambroso, 185. Anna, 185. Anna (Creswell), 185. Cornelia, 186. Cornelia (Berie), 185. Edward, 185, 186. Elizabeth, 186. Elizabeth (Hopkins), 185. Llizabeth Michel, 185. Elizabeth (Kirke), 185. Elizabeth Bent, 185. Elizabeth Muckleslow, 185. Elizabeth (Burgalainc), 185. Elizabeth (Warde), 186. Francisca (Wightman), 185. Henry, 81. Hester Barwell, 185. JA S — S Jana, 185. Jana Brooke, 186. John, 185, 186. Jone (Gillett), 185. Joseph, 185. Katherin (Salisberic), 185. Lidia, 185. Margaret Lavender, 185. INDEX OF NAMES. 243 SALISBURY and SALISBERIE-cont. | Saunderson, Frances Ashby,, SEGRAVE-continued. Margery (Purifoy), 37. Maria Vincent, 81. Maria, 185, 186. Martha, 185. Ralph, 18, 124. William, 18. Hollingsworth, Nathaniell, 185, 186. Paul, 186. Raph, 37. 184. Frances 184. Katherina (Bale), 141. Maria Beck, 119. Sturton, 119. Thomas, 119, 141, 184. Savage, Agnes Neale, 164. Anna (Bent), 158. Anna Gee, 181. Edward, 9, 99. "} = ara, 185. Sara Samuell, 185. ?, 185. Richard, 185, 186. Robert, 185. Jane (Staresmore), 9, 99. John, 82, 181. Lawrence, 82. Robert, 158. Ursula Shipward, 82. William, 164. Savill. 93, SAVILL, 93. Anna = Allen, 93. Anna (Heron), 93. Anna (Pigeon), 93. Anthony, 93. Edward, 93. Elinora, 93. Elizabeth, 93. = Elizabeth (Rogers), 93. Elizabeth Marston, 101. Ellinor (Astell), 93. George, 93. Humphrie, 93. Jana, 93. Jana Bridges, 93. Jana Chester, 138. John, 93, 101. Katherina, 93. Katherina (Blaby), 93. Lavinia, 93. Martha (Villers), 93. Nicholas, 93, 133. Richard, 93. Robert, 93. Susanna (Leeson), 93. ======= Thomas, 185, 186. William, 50, 185, 186. Vincent, 50. (Wright), 185. Salisbury, Ctess of (Planta- genet), 72. George, Duke of, 72. Saltmarsh, Hellena 89. Thomas, 89. Salvaine Grey, 139. Samborne, Blanch (Burdet), 24. Sampson, 122. Sampson, Maria Cave, 122. Robert, 122. Samson, Alice (Bent), 158. Maria (Everard), 175. Thomas, 175, 158. Sanders, Dorothy Belgrave, 67. Elizabeth Purifoy, 34. Laurence, 67. Sandes, Hester = Temple, ** = K ****** = Pate, 168. Michaell, 168. Sandey, Bedford al's, 51. Sandford, Eliz. (Billnc), 30. Sandon, 68. Sandon, Isabell Belgrave, 68, 96. William, 68, 96. Sands, Briget (Smith), 66. Sapcotts, Anne Brookesby, 49. Elizabeth Beaumont, 171. Henry, 171, 175. Isabell (Plesington), 49. Thomas, 49. Sarson, George, 102. Maria (Laurence), 102. Saunders, Ambrose, 191. Anna = Villers, 31. Anna Beaumont, 60, 171. Audry Villers, 30. Clement, 68. Dorothy (Belgrave), 68. Edward, 126, 148, 168. Elizabeth (Roberts), 203. Jana - Halford, 145. Joane (Farnham), 68. Margaret (Cave), 126. Maria Dawes, 98. Martha = Cotton, 191. Mathew, 145. Millicent (Tomple), 168. Millicent Whalley, 148. Sir Edward, 31. William, 30, 60, 68, 171. ➡➡ == = ――――― Thomas, 93. William, 93. Sawier, Anna (Goodman), 84. Edmond, 84. Saxby, Margaret 126. Thomas, 126. Cave, = . Say, Richard Fines, Lord, 30. Scargill, Katherin (Peck), 146. Scot Faunt, 28. Scott, Alicia Bankes, 150. John, 150. Scrimshaw, Eliz. Perin, = 198. Scames, Thomas, 206. Margareta Seamour, Anna 187. David, 187. Sec, Maria de (Cave), 125. Piers do, 125. * —— Brett, 206. Nicolls, Segar, William [Garter], 123. Segrave, 18. SEGRAVE, 18. Carolus, 18. Cornelia (Duport), 124. Edward, 18. Isabella Gregorie, 188. A Vt Bindon, 18. Eyre, 193. (Gedney), 18. ܚܢ Seimer, Catherine (Gray), 75. Edward [E. of Hertford', 75. Seller, Ellena Dawes, 98. Scrcole (Ashby), 11. Peck, 147. Sewall, origin of Shirley, 25. Fulcher son of, 25. Sevens Henry son of, 25. son of Henry, 25. Sewell, Elinor (Vincent), 81. John, 81. Seyton, John, 129. Isabella (-?), 129. Sharpe, 89. SHARPE, 89. Alicia (Chester), 138. Anna (Chester), 138. Brigetta Chester, 138. Eustachius, 89. Hugo, 89. John, 89, 138. Margeria (Dixson), 89, 195. Richard, 138. Robert, 138. William, 89. (Burton), 89. Shaw, Isabella worth, 84. Shawe, Anna 100. Thomas, 100. Shefe, Rebecca 16. Thomas, 16. Shefeild, Maria Richard, 103. Robert, 125. John, 55. Shelford, Margt 32. Symon de, 32. Shelley, Anne John, 26. Shelton, 68. Shelton, Elizab. 68, 95. Thomas, 68, 95. Shepard, Elizab. ______ (Lounde), 125. Sheffeild, Jane Shirley, 26. Janc Hastings, 26. Sir Robert, 26. Sheldon, Anne (Brooke), 65. Anne = Turvile, 55. Purifoy, S ___ Sherard, 10. Hollings- Needham, IIeselrig, Peper, 103. Shirley, 26. = Belgrave, 71. Elizab. Sutton, 71. Harman, 108. Margaret (Cooke), 108. Shepec, Alice (Swynfen), 134. John, 134. Kendall, 90. Shepey, 44. Shepoy, Agnes (Burdet), 21. Alicia (Walcott), 86. William, 24. Gerveis, 244 INDEX OF NAMES. SHERARD and SIIERRARD, SHERMAN-continued. 10, 88. Owen, 204. Abigall (Cave), 10. Anne (Hubarko), 10. Anne (Hubert), 38. Anno Ellis, 10. Anne (Grigorio), 10. Benet, 10. == Bridget (Digby), 10. Ciceley, 88. Dorothie, 10. Edward, 88. Elizabeth, 10, 88. Elizabeth (Persall), 88. Elizabeth (Cotton), 88. Ellen, 10. Francis, 10. Francis (Harrington), 10. Galfrod, 10. Galfridus, 88. George, 10, 88. Hugo, 88. Isabell (Harpur), 10. Joanno, 10. John, 10, 88. Johanna (Tirrell), 88. Joyco, 10. 10, 14. Joyce (Ashby), Katherin, 10. Laurence, 10, 88. Margaret (Helwell), 10. Margaret Black, 10. Durrant, 10. ܝ = ") Mary, 88. Ralph, 88. Richard, 10, 88. Robert, 10, 38. Roisia (Poultncy), 10. Rosc, 10. Rowland, 10. Samuell, 88. Sir Phillip, 10. Sir William, 10. Susan, 10. Thomas, 10. William, 10. Berie, 207. (Digby), 10. (Folvile), 10. (Parre), 88. (Porter), 10. (Woodford), 10. SHERMAN, 203, 204. Anna, 204. Anna == Browne, 201. Anna (Cave), 128, 204. Anthony, 203. Bartholmew, 203. Elianor Jermin, 204. Elizabeth, 204. Elizabeth Browno, 204. Faith (Lany), 203. Faith == Ballard, 204. Faith= Hemming, 204. Francis, 203. Henry, 203. Jana, 204. Jcames, 203. John, 128, 203, 204. Margeria Duck, 204. Maria (Lascolles), 155, 204. Millicent, 204. == Richard, 203, 204. Thomas, 203, 204. William, 155, 203, 204. Lockwood, 203. (Thwaites), 201. Sherman, 203. Sherrard, 88. Shilton, Agnes John, 40, 202. Margareta Maria = Robert, 168. Shipham Whiting, 92. Shipton, Roger, 68, 95. Susanna Belgrave, 68, 95. SHIPWARD, 82. A Digby, 40. Rudiard, 202. Temple, 168. = Leigh, 82. Anna, 82. Anna = Hutchin, 82. Barbara (Hutchin), 82. Christopher, 82. George, 82. Henry, 82. Isabella John, 82. Katherin, 82. Margaretta (Raglin), 82. Maria Houghton, 82. Maria (Docura), 82. Mathew, 82. Maurico, 82. Ursula, 82. Ursula (Savage), 82. Walter, 82. William, 82. ==== = SHIRLEY, 25, 26, 27. Agnes (Walton), 25. Alicia Brookesby, 49, 201. Alice Chanceler, 26. Alice (-?), 25. Alice, 26. Anne, 26, 27. Anne (Sholley), 26. Anne Fernwold, 26. Anne (Kempe), 27. Beatrix (Brewes), 25. Beatrix Brome, 25. Beatrix Eldrington, 26. Cicely, 27. Ciccley Ledes, 26. Dorothy (Gifford), 26. Dorothy (Wroughton), 26. Dorothy (Devereux), 26. Edward, 26. - Elinor (Willoughby), 26. Elizabeth, 25, 26, 27. Elizabeth Hasillridgo, 15. Elizabeth (Blount), 25. Elizabeth (Guilford), 26. Elizabeth (Marmaduke), 26. Lec, 26. Elizabeth Michell, 26. Francis, 26. Elizabeth = Frances (Berkley), 26. George, 26. Henry, 26. Isab II (Basset), 25. Isabella Cockaine, 25. Isabella Dawney, 26. . SHIRLEY-continued. Jane, 27. Jano (Bollongham), 26. Jane (Sheffoild), 26. Jane Dawncy, 26. Jano (Lovet), 26. Jeames, 25. Johanna (Basset), 25. John, 26. Leticia, 26. Lucy (Ashton), 25. Margaret, 26, 27. Margaret (Waldeshef), 25. Margaret Danvers, 86. Margaret (Staunton), 25. Maria, 26, 27. Maria (Harper), 26. Mary (Isley), 26. Nicholas, 25. Ralph, 25, 26, 86. Sanche, 26. ― Sir Anthony, 27. Sir Hugh, 25. Sir Ralphe, 15, 25, 26. Sir Richard, 26. Sir Thomas, 25. Thomas, 26. William, 26. Shortc, Ellena (Wigley), 97. Richard, 97. Shugborow Harcourt, 39. Shuger, Arthur, 122. Francisca (Cave), 122. Shukbrough, John, 166. Margaret Harcourt, 166. Shukebrough, Edward, 192. Elizab. (Cotton), 192. Sidney, Lucy Harington, 59. Sir William, 59. Sinner, Elizab. Smith, 66. Thomas, 66. Skeffington, 111. SKEFFINGTON, or SKE- FINGTON, or SKEU- INGTON, 7, 8, 110, 111, 112. Agneta, 112. Alice, 8. Alicia (Cave), 111. Alice Bandon, 112. Anna, 8, 111. Anna (Digby), 8, 41, 111. Anne Ludford, 8, 112. Anne Cheselden, 20. Anthony, 8, 112. Christopher, 8. Dorothy Hunt, 8, 112. Edward, 8, 112. * - = ***ad ސ - Elizabeth, 8, 111. Elizabeth Ingleby, 8, 112. Elizabeth Griffith, 111. Elizabeth (Dering), 111. Elizabeth Danvers, 86, 111. Elizabeth = 112. Jetter, 111, Elizabeth (Danvers), 111. Elizabeth Brome, 112. Francis, 8, 112. INDEX OF NAMES. 245 SKEFFINGTON, or SKEFINGTON, or SKEUINGTON—cont. Galfridus, 7. George, 8, 111, 112. Goditha (Ros), 111. Henry, 112. Isabell (-?), 7, 110. Isabell, 8, 111. Isabell 112. Isabella (Biron), 8, 112. James, 8, 111. John, 7, 8, 86, 111, 112. Johanna (Leveson), 8, 111. Jocosa Bendage, 112. Jocosa Ingarsby, 112. Joice Bendish, 8. Joyce Ingarsby, 8. Katherin Colley, 8, 111. Katherin Powchen, 8, 106, 112. Katherin (Chetwood), 8, 112. = Belgrave, 8, 96, Katherin Brome, 112. Leonard, 8, 112. Luna Bell, 8, 112. Margaret, 8, 112. Margaret (Oldebeffe), 7, 110. Margaret (Stanhop), 8. Mabill (—?—), 7, 110. Mary, 8. Mary (Cave), 8, 112. Mary Overey, 8, 112. Mary Kingston, 8, 112. Munck, 8, 112. Mary Mary St Andrew, 112. Mathew, 112. = Petronilla (-?—), 7, 110. Richard, 7, 110, 111. Sir Galfrid, 7. Sir John, 7. Sir Robert, 7, 110. Sir Symond, 7, 110. Sir William, 41. Thomas, 7, 8, 20, 96, 106, 110, 111, 112. Ursula, 111. Ursula (Skeffington), 111. Ursula Skeffington, 112. William, 7, 20, 96, 110, 111, 112. >>> (Ashby), 13, 132. (Bradley), 111. (Haselrig), 111. Skeirshall, Margt net, 51. William, 51. Shewington, 7. SKEUINGTON, 7. [See under SKEFFINGTON.] Skinner, Maria = Caldwall, 192. Skipper, Jane (Legard), 20. Richard, 20. = Dan- Skipwith (Brasbridge), 43. Skipwith, Henry, 66. William, 66. 184. Robert, 184. Smith, 66. Sligh, Maria (Smalley), 76. Slimun, Francesca (Morton), SMITH-continued.. Slorey, Soltey vel, 80. Will, 50. _________ * Dorothia Clifton, 131. Anne = Vincent, 50. Dorothca Brooke, 146. Slorrey, Anno Dorothea Vincent, 46. Brudnell, 143. Elizabeth Neele, 46. Dorothy, 132. Richard, 46. Edmund, 131. Thomas, 46. Edward, 66, 132. William, 45, 46. Elizabeth, 67, 132. (Beaumont), 46. Elizabeth Calthrop, 66. (Sacheverell), 46. Elizabeth (Sinner), 66. Wood, 46. Elizabeth Hall, 67. Elizabeth Hawkins, 132. Elizabeth (Needham), 146. Elizabeth (Bent), 159. Elizabeth Neele, 154. Elizabeth (Bainbrig), 191. Erasmus, 66. Smalley, 76. SMALLEY, 76, 77. Adam, 77. Alionora (-?), 76. Anthonius, 76. Edward, 76. Elizabeth Sainte, 77. Francisca (Purefoy), 37, 76. Francisca Bradshaw, 77. George, 76. Henry, 76. Francis, 66, 131, 132, 146, 191. Hester Farington, 77. Jana, 77. Frances (Griffin), 66. Francis Sturton, 66, 119. Francisca, 132. George, 66, 67, 131. Henry, 22, 66, 143, 146. Hugo, 131, 145. Humphrey, 67. Isabell John, 37, 76, 77. Johanna, 76. "" Lowe, 66. Maynard, 66. Isabell (Toft), 131, 145. James, 66. Jana, 116. Jana Melley, 66. Jane (Heron), 66. Jane (Morton), 131. Jana (Houghton), 146. Jane Berie, 207. Joane, 67. Joane Cooe, 66. John Carrington al's, 131, 145. John, 66, 67, 131, 132, 145. Joyce Ingell, 67. Lucia, 132. Margaret (Cicell), 66. Margaret (Ives), 66. Margaret Bery, 66. Martha, 132. Jocosa (Walker), 77. Margeria (-?), 76. Maria Sligh, 76. Maurice, 76. Modwina = Nicholas, 76. Robert, 76. Samuell, 77. Atkins, 76. (Croke), 76. _______** Gulson, 76. Smith, 21, 66, 119, 130, 131, 145. SMITH, 22, 66, 67, 131, 132, 146. [This includes Smith al's Nevill, Smith al's Har- ris, and Carrington al's Smith.] = **** = Agneta (Harewell), 131, 146. Alathea, 132. Alexander, 164. Alicia (Duccombe), 22, 146. Ambrose, 66, 67. Anna, 131, 132. Anna Montgomerie, 67. Anna (Bowles), 67. Anna (Gifford), 131. Anna (Markham), 132. Anna Abney, 152. Anna (Cave), 127. Anna Cotton, 191. Anthony, 66. Briget www.c ܝ... Catesby, 76. Venables, 76. * Norwich, 66. Sands, 66. Charles, 132. "" Clara Bendloes, 22, 146. Clement, 22, 66, 146, 191. Cornelia (Plumbe), 121. Dorcas, 146. Dorothea (Cave), 66, 128. Dorothea (Smith), 66. Dorothy Barnham, 66. Pagington, 66. Dorothy Arwaken, 67. >> P = = = = = = ____ = Mary (Nevill), 22, 131, 146. Mary (Allen), 66. Mary Wilkes, 66. Mary (Holt), 131. Mary Manfeild, 131. Maria (Morton), 146. Millicent Carrington al's (Laynham), 131, 145. Nevill, 146. Nicholas, 132, 159. Rebecca (Peck), 147. Robert, 66, 67, 131, 132, 145, 147, 153. Roger, 66, 119. Sir John, 146. Sir Thomas, 22. Sir William, 66. Thomas, 22, 67, 121, 131, 145, 146. Ursula, 132. William, 22, 66, 67, 128, 146. (Baiard), 66. (Houghton), 22. (Erdeswicke), 131. 246 INDEX OF NAMES. SMITII—continued. (Greene), 66. (Peper), 67. (Woodcook), 66. (Woode), 131, 146. (Skipwith), 66. (Taylor), 66. *** Caldwall, 192. Marshall, 103. Warde al's Farmour, 177. Snelling, John, 142. Maria (Everard), 142. Snousell, Hugo, 171. p g Isabella (Beaumont), 171. Snowsdalo Vincent, 81, 82. Snowse, Hugh, 61. = Hast- Isabella (Beaumont), 61. Sodington, Isabella ings, 15. Robert, 15. (Mortinall), 15. Soltey vel Slorey, Richard, 80. Jane Vincent, 80. Somerset, Ed. [E. of Worces- ter], 73. Elizab. Hastings, 73. Somerville, Roger, 125. Catherine Cave, 125. Sonde, Jana Noell, 113. Southhill, Annc * 15. Sir Henry, 15. Southwell, Elizab. 30. Villers, Wigley, 97. Spell, Anna Richard, 97. Spencer, Alicia (Wincoll), 156. John, 156. Margt (Wincoll), 156. Maria (Alsop), 105. Richard, 105. Heselrigg, William, 162. Spicer, Thomas, 163. Spigurnoll, Hugo, 70. John, 70. Johanna (Poultncy), 70. Thomas, 70. Spilware, Lettice - = = 198. Thomas, 198. Sprig, John, 164. Isabella Neale, 164. Sprigge, Dionisia (Halford), 144. = ****** Ashton, = Sprott, Edward, 149. Elizab. Fox, 149. Stacy, Anna Cheselden, 107. Lucia Bainbrig, 190. William, 107, 190. Stafford, Anna-Hastings, 72. Elianor (Humphrey), 62. Elizabeth (Burdet), 24. Humphric, 24. Johanna Vist Beaumont, 170. Knevit, 170. "" John, 121. Katherin (Plumbe), 121. Matilda Ardern, 23. Matilda (Camvile), 23. Stafford-continued. William, 62. [D. of Buckingham], 72, 105, 170. Stamford, Elizab. (Sprott), 149. Thomas, 149. Stanbridge, Elizab. (Lacy), 166. John, 166. Stanford, 160. STANFORD, 160. Anna (Staveley), 136, 160. Annc Chamberlain, 137. Elizabeth (Bainbrig), 160, 182. ܝ = Elizabeth Fox, 160. Elizabeth, 160. Francis Repington, 42. Henry, 160. John, 137, 160, 182. Margeria, 160. Thomas, 136, 160. William, 42. Stanhop, 7. Stanhop, Edmond, 111. Edward, 8. Henry, 110. Johanna (Rochford), 110. Jane (Rochford), 7. Katherin (Hastings), 73. Margt Skeffington, 8, 111. Philip, Lord, 73. Sir Michall, 7. Thomas, 7, 110. Stanley, Anne (Hastings), 72. Cristian Staresmore, 6. Elizabeth Hastings, 73. Ferdinando [E. of Derby], = = 73. Francis, 6. Isabell = "" Humphrey, 62. Tanfeild, 62. Thomas [E. of Derby], 73. Stantow, Elizab. Haselrig, Entwisell, Elizabeth = Brookesby, 15. 173. Elizabeth Turvile, 15. Katherin Turvilo, 54. Margeria Villers, 15. Thomas, 15, 54. Danvers, 86. "" = ... Stanton, 15. Stapleton, Anne (Cavc), 125. Gilbert, 125. ― = Babington, 206. Staresmore, 5. STARESMORE [or Staris- more], 5, 6, 99. Alice, 6. "" Amfillis Kirk, 6. Anna Mogg, 6. Winter, 6. Anna (Acworth), 6. Cassandra (Fulk), 5, 99. Christian Marshall, 6. Christiana (Chippingdale), 99, 157. Cristian (Stanley), 6, 99. Cristian (Stephens), 6. == STARESMORE [or Starismoro] -continued. Dorothea, 99. Edmond, 5, 6, 99. Edward, 6, 99. Elizabeth, 5, 6, 99. Elizabth White, 99. Elizabeth (Walshall), 5, 99. Francis, 5, 51, 81, 99, 157. Francis (Jones), 6, 99. Francesca (Brokas), 99. George, 6, 34, 99. Goditha Carew, 6. Hanna, 99. Henry, 99. Ismaell, 6. Jacobus, 6. = Jana Savage, 6, 99. Jane Gilman, 6. Joan (Purifoy), 34. Jane Cooper, 90. Jocosa Roberts, 6, 117. Johanna, 6. John, 5, 6, 17, 34, 99, 117. Katherin (Jones), 6, 99. Katherin (Purifoy), 6, 34. Lucia Blount, 6. Margaret, 6. Margaret Margery ____________ = ― → * = Pocklington, 6. Grey, 17. = "" Cruse, 17. Margeria = Wright, 6. Margeria Grey, 6. Mary, 6. Mary (Pekelton), 5. Mary Berwell, 5, 99. Maria (Vincent), 51, 81, 99. Martha (Cox), 6, 99. Michael, 6. Nathaniell, 6, 99. Nicholas, 5, 99. Richard, 6, 99. Sabinus, 6, 99. Thomas, 5, 6, 99. Ursula, 6, 99. Ursula Martin, 6. Walter, 6. _____ William, 5, 6, 90, 99. (Malory), 5. (Eiton), 5, 99. (Partrich), 5, 99. (Crusses), 5, 99. (Parr), 6, 99. (Dingley), 6. (Worshipp), 6. Mcidwell), 6. Wolbeck), 6. Bolton), 6. (Purifoy), 99. Starkey, John, 150. Margaret Bankes, 150. Starkie, 175. STARKIE, 175. Alicia (Dethick), 175. Anna, 175. Cicilia (Winter), 175. Edward, 175. Elizabeth (Patc), 175. Elizabeth Brook, 65. Elizabeth Elizabeth George, 175. . = Jackson, 175. Tilcott, 175. INDEX OF NAMES. 247 STARKIE-continued. John, 175. Katherin (Dartnoll), 175. Maria Marsh, 175. Richard, 175. Robert, 175. Rowland, 175. Thomas, 175. William, 175. Staunton, Marg' 25. Thomas, 25. Brookesby, 49. Staver Alianora (Baghot), 150. John, 150. _________ - STAVERLEY, 136. Anna Arthur, 136. Charles, 136. Elizabeth, 136. Eusebius, 136. Katherina . Rolt, 136. Lucia (Estwick), 136. Margeria, 136. Margeria (Brooke), 136. Temperance, 136. Thomas, 136, 160. Steines Farmer, 179. Stephens, Cristian (Stares- more), 6. Elizab. (Gee), 181. John, 6, 181. Sterkie, Agneta Cotes, 94. Alicia (Dethick), 88. Robert, 88, 94. Thomas, 88. Stevens, Jane (Neale), 164. **** Stanford, 136, 160. ← Thomas, 98. William, 130. Johanna, 130. Maria (Thame), 130. Maria (Whitaph), 98. Richard, 164. Robert, 130. ======= - Shirley, Stevenson, Margt = Wigley, 97. Steward, Nicholas, 202. Rebecca Rudiard, 202. Stiles, Thomas, 180. Prosilla (Maye), 180. Stockey, Cicely (Winter), 42. Rowland, 42. Stoke, Anne (Neale), 164. Robert, 164. Theodosia, 164. William, 164. Stone, Katherin Henry, 194. Marg (Strelley), 194. William, 140. Story, Richard, 172. _____ Maria (Beaumont), 172. Stoughton, Jane 69. Strange, Ellina Strangways, Strelley, 194. STRELLEY, 194. Elias, 194. Elizabeth Francisca Croft, 140. == == Belgraue, Gray, 74. Dalton, 27. Chapman, 194. Clark, 194. STRELLEY-Continued. Gracia (Leife), 194. Henry, 194. Jane, 194. Joanna (Rowell), 194. Katherin (Fransum), 194. Margeria, 194. = Margaret Stone, 194. Nicholas, 194. Robert, 194. Sara Gottes, 194. Stret, Jone (Hartop), 9, 197. William, 9, 197. Stretford, Elizabeth (Banis- ter), 165. Robert, 165. Stringer, Maria (Hartop), 9, 197. Nicholas, 9, 197. Stroude, Agnis Yarde, 91. William, 91. Stroughton, Anna (Belgraue), 96. Nicholas, 96. Stukeley, (Nevill), 21. Sturgis, Johanna = 96. Maria (Belgraue), 96. Meringe, 79. Sturton, 119. STURTON, 119. Anna (North), 119. Dorothea (Colteclough), 119. Edward, 119. Elizabeth, 119. Elizabeth = Ap John, 119. Ellena (Knyveton), 119. Erasmus, 119. Francis, 119. Francis (Smith), 66, 119. Francisca, 119. Francísca Armestrong, = Knyveton, 119. 119. Gartruda George, 119. Humphrey, 119. John, 119. Katherin, 119. Margareta (Climpston), 119. Maria (Sanderson), 119. Roger, 119. Sara, 119. Thomas, 119. Sudley, 64. Suffolk, D. of [Gray], 75. Suliard, Eliz. (Beaumont), 172. Suthell, 15. Sutton, Alice (Howby), 29. Alice Neele, 46. Anthony, 29. Elizabeth Bellers, 29. Elizabeth (Shepard), 71. Henry, 192. Isabella (Purifoy), 33. Jana (Cotton), 192. John, 46. = == Vincent, Sir Thomas, 29. Swayfeild, Augustus, 91. Margaret Kendall, 91. Swillington, Anne (Turvile), 55. Swinfeen, Thomas, 133. Swinfen, Anna (Cotes), 94. Elizab. Elkington, 153. Mary (Repington), 42. Richard, 94, 153. Thomas de, 134. Swinfin, Richard, 133. Swinford, Sir Norman, 38. Mary (Hubert), 38. Swyke, Elizab. (Chaweband), 68. Johanna Belgraue, 67. Jone Belgraue, 68. Thomas, 67, 68. Swynfen, 134. SWYNFEN, 134. Alianora (-?), 134. Alicia Shepee, 134. Anna Cox, 134. Anna Cotes, 134. Anna (Goodall), 134. Anna (Ormeston), 134. Elianora (Leech), 134. Elizabeth (Cox), 134. Elizabeth Farrian, 134. Elizabeth Elkington, Freshby, 134. == = __________ 134. Jone John, 134. John de, 133. Katherin Morris, 134. Richard, 134. Roger, al's Lichfeild, 133. Thomas, 134. William, 134. (Geerie), 134. (Leeson), 134. Syday, Wincoll, 156. Symerelle, Anne, 104. Dorothea (Ruding), 104. Lodowick, 104. Maria, 104. Symon [Bp. of Norwich], 25. Jone Villers, 29. Talbot, Eliz. Thomas, 74. [Vis' de l'Isle], 74. Tanfeild, Elizabeth = — Grey, 74. = = 114. Francis, 128. Isabell (Stanley), 62. Margaret Cave, 128. Mary Vincent, 81. Robert, 81. William, 14, 62. Vincent, 51. Tarlton, Anna William, 191. Tatam, John, 109. Tavener, William, 134. Taylor, Margt = Mountney, 197. Cotton, 191. Ashby, Smith, 66. Tedley, Katherin (Burdet), 24. Temple, 167. TEMPLE, 167, 168. Agneta (Benfow), 167. Alexander, 168. Alicia (Wydowes), 168. Alicia (Heritage), 168. 248 INDEX OF NAMES. 2 TEMPLE-Continued. Anna (Brasbridge), 167. Anna (Throckmorton), 168. Anna, 168. Anthony, 168. Benjamin, 168. Cuthbert, 168. Dorothea Risley, 168. Elizabeth (Vincent), 167. Elizabeth (George), 167. Elizabeth (Burgaine), 167. Elizabeth Banister, 165, 168. Edmond, 165, 167. George, 168. Gracia (Turvile), 167. Henry, 167. Hester (Sandes), 168. Isabella (Barwell), 167. Isabella (Everton), 168. Jane (Beaumont), 61, 171. Jocosa (Lovet), 167. John, 168. Jonathan, 168. Joseph, 168. Katherin (Langley), 167. Katherin Roberts, 117. Katherin Parker, 168. Maria (Dabernon), 167. Maria (Ringescott), 167. Maria Shilton, 168. Maria (Gedney), 168. Maria Farmer, 168. Martha, 168. Matilda (Ribbesford), 167. Millicent (Jykett), 168. Milicent Saunders, 168. Nicholas, 167. >> = == Paul, 168. Peter, 168. Richard, 117, 167. Robert, 167. Roger, 168. Susanna Denton, 168. Susanna (Spencer), 168. Thomas, 167, 168. William, 61, 167, 168, 171. Teverey, Anne (Ashby), 13, ... 132. Anne (Crewker), 43. Gervaise, 13, 132. Thackhell, Alice Bent, 158. Gracia Bent, 158. William, 158. Thame, 130. THAME, 130. Alicia (Kettle), 130. Christopher, 130. Cisley (Harmon), 130. Elizabeth Jones, 130. Henry, 130. Jana, 130. = Johanna (Bellson), 130. Johanna Randall, 130. Johanna Brocket, 130. John, 130. Margareta, 130. Margeria (Whitton), 130. Maria, 130. Maria Stevens, 130. = Robert, 130. William, 130. M Thikbrom, Ralph de, 133. Thorley, Johanna Farrent, 202. Thorne, Mary (Purifoy), 33, 36. Thomas, 33, 36. Thornes, Edward, 121. Mary (Plumbe), 121. Thornton, Anthony, 154. Phoebe (IIodgis), 154. Throckmorton, Anna ple, 168. ====== = Anna Digby, 41. Arthur, 168. Francis (Ashby), 14. Francisca Dixy, 116. George, 128. Margaret Cave, 128. Mary Burdet, 24. Robert, 24. Sir George, 41. Sir Robert, 24. Thurgood, Whiting, 92. Thurland, Alice (Nevile), 21. Thwaites, Sherman, ――― 204. Tilcott, Edward, 175. Elizabeth (Starkic), 175. Tilley, 69. Tilson, Anne John, 140. Tindall, Alicia Ashton, Croft, 140. Ashton, 199. Sherrard, . _____________ 199. Katherina Richard, 199. Tirrell, Johanna **_________ 88. Thomas, 88. Tirringham, Eliz. (Bainbrig), 182. Robert, 182. Toakey, Martha *** 154. Thomas, 154. Todd, Henry, 27. Jane (Dalton), 27. Toft, Isabella ... - Tem- Jana, 176. John, 176. Lucia, 176. Hodgis, Smith, 131, 145. William, 131, 145. Tokeby, Robert de, 129. Tookey, Elizab. Aston, 85. Touchbourne, Alice Price, 63. ====== Tounley, Jane (Legard), 20. Robert, 20. Tracy, Agnes (Digby), 40. William, 40. Tresham, Abigal (Cauc), 10. Henry, 10. Thomas, 10. Trimnell, 176. TRIMNELL, 176. Ann (Fauknor), 176. Basill, 176. Briget, 176. Dorothea, 176. Fardinando, 176. Goditha (Britaine), 176. George, 176. TRIMNELL Continued. Lucia (Makepeace), 176. Maria, 176. Roger, 176. Thomas, 176. William, 176. Trinnel, Trinnell al's, 176. Trussel, John, 128. Margarot Cauo, 128. Copo, 128. Tuffe, Francos Chester, "" 138. Ralphe, 138. Turner, 95. TURNER, 95. Edward, 95. Elizabeth, 95. Francisca, 95. Jocosa Hunne, 95. Jocosa (Chamberlaine), 95. John, 95. M Margereta (Breton), 95. Maria (Masterson), 95. Richard, 95. Turpen, 69. Turpen, Elizabeth Beau- mont, 61, 171. Sedwina Belgraue, 96. Williams, 61, 171. Turpin, Sir George, 31. Sibell = Villers, 31. Turvey, Alicia (Peck), 147. Thomas, 147. Turvile, 53, 55. TURVILE, 53, 54, 55. Adam, 53. Agnes Rowleston, 54. Ambrose, 55. Anne Swillington, 55. Anne (Sheldon), 55. Anne (Cooke), 55. Anne (Martin), 55. Dorothy, 55. Elizabeth (Foulehurst), 54. Elizabeth Bradbourne, - = .. = - 55. Elizabeth (Bradbourne), 55. Elizabeth ?, 55. Elizabeth (Bridges), 55. Elizabeth Alcock, 55. Elizabeth (Stanton), 15. Ellin (Ferrers), 54. Ellin Bickerton, 55. Ellin (Armestrongo), 55. Francis, 54, 55. Frances, 55. Galfridus, 55. George, 55. Henry, 55. Hugh, 53, 54, 55. Jane (Babington), 55. Jane Gunter, 55. Jane Bate, 55. Jasper, 55. Joan (Warberton), 54. John, 38, 47, 54, 55. Katherin (Stanton), 54. Katherin, 55. - Margaret, 55. Margaret (Bouge), 54. Margaret (Woodford), 38. Margeria Malory, 55. INDEX OF NAMES. 249 TURVILE-Continued. Margeria Cleyton, 55. Margery (Woodfort), 47. Martha Blunt, 55. Mary Bradbourne, 54. Mary (Fendern), 54. Mary Waldron, 55. Mary Gill, 55. Mary Nicholas, 53, 54. Ralph, 53, 54, 55. Richard, 53, 54, 55. Robert, 55. Soward, 55. Marston, 101. William, 15, 54, 55. (Hinde), 55. (Wright), 55. Twigden, John, 108. = Elizab. Cooke, 108. Twine, Dorothea (Maye), 180. Edward, 180. === P = Ufflett, Ellin (Legard), 19. Umpton, Edward, 73. Dorothy (Wroughton), 26. Katherin (Hastinges), 73. Urswick Agar, 52. C Vaughan Vaulx, Elianor J 62. Elizabeth (Beaumont), 60, 172. Wincoll, 156. Humphrey, Sir William, 62. William, Lord, 172. Vaux, Ellin Brookesby, 49. William, Lord, 49, 60. = Vavasour, Elizabeth (Peck), 147. = Katherin Peck, 147. Ralph, 147. William, 147. Veal, Elianora John, 23. Robert, 23. Venables, Alicia 86. Anne Brooke, 65. Modevina (Smalley), 76. Vernam, Elizab. (Digby), 199. Humphrey, 199. Margt Dawes, 98. Vernon, George, 73. Matilda (Longford), 73. Vichan, Agatha Bellers, 29. == Sir Richard, 29. Villers, 29. = Burdet, 23. ________** Danvers, VILLERS, 29, 30, 31. Agnes (Digby), 30. Alexander, 29. Anne Rigden, 31. Anne (Finnes), 30. Anthonie, 31. Audry (Saunders), 30. Barbara (St John), 30. Bartholmew, 30, 51. Blase, 30. Blast', 31. Christopher, 30. Clement, 31. Dorothy, 31. VILLERS-continued. Edward, 31. Elizabeth (-?—), 29. Elizabeth (Southwell), 30. Elizabeth = Butler, 30. Elizabeth (Wake), 31. Elizabeth (Winger), 31. Waterhouse, Elizabeth 31. Elizabeth (Lane), 31. Elizabeth Francis, 29, 30. Francis [La Villers], 31. George, 31, 171. George [D. of Buckingham], 31. Jane (Harington), 31. Janne (Saunders), 31. Joane (Symon), 29. Joane (Bellers), 30. Joan (Roos), 31. John, 29, 30, 31, 180. Katherin (Manners), 30. Leonard Anthonie, 30. Margaret Fuljambe, 29. Margaret Cotton, 191. Margeria (Stanton), 15. Martha Savill, 93. Mary (Beaumont), 30, 60, = = * === == 171. Mary Stuard [D. of Le- nox], 31. Richard, 29, 31. Robert, 29, 31. Sibell (Turpin), 31. Sir Edward, 30. Sir George, 29, 60. Sir George [Mqs of Bucking- ham], 30. Sir John, 30. Sir William, 30. Susan Chambers, 51. Feilding, 30. Thomas, 30. William, 29, 30, 31. Winifred, 30. (Cooke), 30. (Griffin), 30. Gee, 180. Browne, 31. Vincent, 50. VINCENT, 50, 51, 79, 80, 81, 82. - Alicia (Grimsby), 59. Alicia (Abell), 79. Alicia (Faunt), 81. Alicia (Withe), 81. Amy (Coles), SO. Anne, 79, 81, 82. Anne (Slorrey), 46, 50. Anne (Grimsby), 50, SO. Anna Clerke, 79. Anthony, 50, 81. Brian, 51, 81. Clement, 51, 81. Dorothea, 79. Edward, 51, 81, 82, 206. Elizabeth Middleton, 79. Elizabeth (Harvy), 79. Elizabeth Mason, 81. Elizabeth Temple, 167. Elinora Elinor = Sewell, 81. Hall, 81, 82. VINCENT-Continued. Emma, 79. Francis, 51, 81, 82. Francisca (Baker), 79. George, 28, 34, 46, 50, 51, 80, 81, 82, 99. Gilbert, 51, 81. Jane Jane Jane ― "" Jane 152. Jane (Soltey vel Slorey), 80. Joan Faunt, 28. Cave, 50, 80. Purifoy, 50, 81. Faunt, 50, 81. Wright, 51, 81, 82, = Purifoy, 34. Faunt, 34. Jocosa Kisse, 79. "" Johanna (Sturgis), 79. John, 79. Katherina - Barker, 81. Katherin, 81. Margaret (Babington), 51, 81. Margaret (Huet), 79. Margaret Mowslesley, 79. Margeria (Babington), 82, 206. Maria 99. Staresmore, 51, 81, Maria (Bury), 79. Maria (Abney), 81. Maria (Salisberie), 81. Marmaduke, 51, 81, 82. Mary (Tanfeild), 81. Mary (Forman), 81. Mary (Brokesby), 81. Maria, 81. Michael, 81, 82. Nicholas, 50, 51, 81, 82. Peter, 50, 80. Phillip, 50, 80. Richard, 12, 50, 59, 79, 80, 81, 167. Robert, 50, 79, 81. Sabine, 81. Sara, 81. P Susanna, 79. Thomas, 28, 50, 51, 81, 82. Ursula, 81. William, 79. 81, 82, 124. (Barnard), 50. (Eyre), 50. (Salisburie), 50. (Forman), 50. (Coles), 50. (Tanfeild), 51. (Abney), 51. (Vincent), 51, 81, 82. (Snowsdale), 81, 82. (Brokesby), 82. (Yorksheir), 80. (Wallis), 80. Lane, 51. Duport, 124. Vough (or Vowe) Agneta, 194. Agneta Blocksome, 194. Agnitia (Dickingson), 194. Elizabeth, 194. Francis, 194. Francisca, 194. 2 K 250 INDEX OF NAMES. Vough-continued. Johanna, 194. Jocoza, 194. John, 194. Leonard, 194. Lycia (Autwisell), 194. Margaret, 194. Margareta (Mitton), 194. Thomas, 194. Thomazin (Fisher), 194. William, 194. VOWE (or Vough), 194. Vullis, 50. Wade, Christopher, 188. Elizabetha Gregorie, 188. Wadham Yarde, 91. Waitt, Thomas, 16. Anne (Heselrigg), 16. Wake, Elizabeth Villers, Cave, 127. 31. Isabella John, 200. Margareta 200. Brookesby, Wakefeild, Dorothy = Ru- ding, 104. Jolin, 57, 104. Mary (Burton), 57. Walcot, Beatrix Digby, 41. Beatrix Dive, 41. Christiana (Ward), 83. John de, 83. Walcott, Alicia 86. Huband, "" "" Barber, 86. Shepey, 86. Anne (Brookesby), 49. Elizabeth (Walleis), 86. Margaret Danvers, 86. William, 86. Waldeshof, Mary Shirley, 25. William, 25. Waldif, Agnes John, 24. Waldron, Katherin ton, 173. Mary (Turvile), 55. Walkden, Johanna ― * ***** p M = = * = = ============= Wallcis, John, 86. Elizabeth = 116. WALKER, 137. Albania (Walker), 137. Elizabeth (Brooke), 65. Elizabeth (Henson), 137. George, 137. Jocosa Smalley, 77: John, 157. Katherin (Chippingdale), 157. Maria (Buckby), 137. Richard, 55, 77, 137. Rowland, 137. William, 137. Burdet, 24. = Bicker- *** Dixy, "" Robert, 86. Waller Sherman, 203. Walleys, Weles vel, 40. Wallis Vincent, 89. Wallop, Henry, 177. ========= Walcott, 86. Bisphano, 86. Wallop continued. Eliz. (Corbet), 177. Walshall, 5. Walshall, Eliz. 5, 99. Katherin = Ringley, 5. Maria Wilkes, 5. Robert, 5, 99. Sir William, 5. (Peirpoint), 5. Walton, Agnes do Shirley, 25. Elizabeth Bent, 91, 159. Yarde, 91. *** "" Simon de, 25. Thomas, 91. Warberton, Joan 54. . comm - Sir John, 54. Ward or Warde, 83, 87. WARD or WARDE, 83, 87. Alicia (Barton), 83. Alexander, 83. Alicia, 83. Amicia Coles, 83. Anna (Cheselden), 83. Anna Cotes, 94. Anna Hodgis, 83, 154. Anna Cave, 125. Anne (Gerveis), 71. Christiana Walcot, 83. Dorothea, 87. Edward, 71. Elizabeth, 83. _______ Elizabeth (Ashby), 83. Elizabeth Salisberic, 186. Elizabeth Allen, 83. Elizabeth (Bent), 159. Felicia (Frisby), 83. Francisca, 83. George, 83. Isabella Woodward, 83. Jacobus, 83. Jane (White), 83. Johanna Aston, 83, 199. Johanna Capot, 83. John, 83, 94, 186. Katherin = Gerveis, 71. Margaret Roos, 92. Margaret Dansy, 83. Martha (Lancaster), 83, 87. Maria, 83. Maria (Halton), 83. Petronilla (Bent), 158. Robert, 83. Staresmore, = ― Turvile, Sir Simon, 125. Theobaldus, 83. Thomas, 83, 87. William, 83, 92, 154, 158, 159, 199. (Allen), 83. (Chamberlaine), 83. Nevill, 22. (Weston), 83. Warde alias Farmour, 177. WARDE alias FARMOUR, 177, 178. Gracia (Grey), 139, 178. Henry, 178. James, 139, 177, 178. Joseph, 178. Katherin, 178. WARDE alias FARMOUR.--cont. Katherina (Abney), 177. Laurence, 177. Maria Dilko, 178. Thomas, 177, 178. William, 177. (Smith), 177. Warner, John, 105. Isabella = Alsop, 105. Brudnell, 143. Ma Wase, 200. WASE, 200. Alicia, 200. Alicia (Bailey), 200. Anna, 200. Anna (Coleclough), 200. Anna (Widder), 200. Anna Allen, 200. Dorothea, 200. Edward, 200. Elizabeth (Meverell), 200. Elizabeth Olife, 200. Armcstronge, "" 200. Ellianor, 200. Georgo, 200. Janc, 200. Jane (Darker), 200. John, 200. Katherine, 200. Margareta, 200. Margareta (Wildman), 200. Margaret Fox, 200. Margeria (Brokesby), 200. Richard, 200. Samson, 200. Susan, 200. Thomas, 200. Valentine, 200. William, 200. Waterhouse, Edward, 31. Elizabeth (Villers), 31. Waterton, 2, 12. Waterton, Anne (Grimsby), 12, 50, 80. Jano Everard, 12, 50, 80. Richard, 12, 50, 80. Watkin, John, 108. Katherin, Cooke, 108. Watson, Dorothea (Needham), ―― 100. Ezichia, 100. Susan Ruding, 104. Wattes, Agneta (Noblo), 115. Margareta (Noble), 115. Maria (Noble), 115. Richard, 115. Thomas, 115. William, 115. Magdadal (Bradshawe), 44. = Watts, Elizab. (Everard), 175. John, 191. Maria Bainbrig, 191. Stafford, 175. Waynman, Richard, 36. Purifoy, 36. Webb, John, 182. Lucia Lawdo, 182. Robinson, 182. Webbe, Bennet (Draper), 52. Sir William, 52. Webster, Anna (Everard), 142. = INDEX OF NAMES. 251 11 Webster-continued. Richard, 142. William, 114. M Noble, 114. Wedgwood, Jane (IIeschrigg), 16. John, 16. Meade, 151. Weles [or Walleys], Alicia Digby, 40. John, 40. Welles, 2. Welles, Alicia (Wilcockes), 136. Ralph, 136. Wellesborough, Adam, 32. John, 32. Katherin Purifoy, 32. Ralph, 32. Richard, 32. Robert, 32. S Thomas, 32. William, 32. Wellock, George, 189. Sara (Gilbert), 189. Wells, Lionel Lord, 2. Welsh, John, 148. Elizabeth Alsop, 105. Elizabeth = Whalley, 148. Purifoy, 32. Wenle, Mary Sir Henry, 32. Westmoreland, E. of [Nevill}, 21. Feilding, 31. Weston, Ann Hugo, 151. Jeronimus, 126. Jocosa (Meade), 151. John, 192. Maria (Caldwall), 192. Maria (Cave), 126. Ward, 83. [E. of Portland], 31. Westwood, Ann (Bainbrig), 191. Humphrey, 191. Whalley, 148. WHALLEY [or WHALY or WHALEY], 148. Dorothea Abbot, 148. Elizabeth (Welsh), 148. Elizabeth (Glossop), 148. Elizabeth Fisher, 148. Garton, 148. Elizabeth Goodman, 84. Francisca Whaley, 148. Francisca Bushby, 148. Galfridus, 148. Elizabeth Jana, 148. Margareta (Coke), 184. Margareta Bromley, 148. Maria Norris, 148. Milicent (Saunders), 148. Rachel, 148. Ralph, 84, 148. Robert, 148. Thomas, 118. William, 84, 148. Whatley, Isabell bridge, 43. Laurence, 43. Whatton, Gcorgo, 193. Margaret Farnham, 77. - === ... . = Bras- Whatton-continued. Robert, 77. = Eyre, 193. Wheathill, John, 45. Wheatley, 51. Wheatley, Elizabeth (-?), 51. John, 51. Symon, 45. Thomazin William, 51. Dannet, 51. Wheler, Ellen (Digby), 41. Whetell, Elizab. Purifoy, 34. Thomas, 34. Whethill, 44. WHETHILL, 44, 45. Anna (Bradshaw), 44, 45. Anna Bostock, 45. Cowper, 45. Mountney, 45. "" = - "" Norwood, 45. = Purifoy, 45. Christian, 45. Dorothy Elizabeth = John, 44, 45. Margaret (Flandus), 44. Richard, 44, 45. Simon, 44, 45. Thomas, 44, 45. William, 45. (Billing), 45. Goslinge, 45. (Norton), 45. (Wriothesley) 45. WHITAPH, 98. Alicia, 98. Anna Mussen, 98. Anna (Sacheverell), 98. Margareta (Catiell), 98. Maria, 98. Maria Rachell, 98. Thomas, 98. William, 98. Whitby, John, 184. Susanna . 184. Whitchestell Whithill, Jocosa ney, 179. Thomas, 179. Whiting, 92. WHITING, 92. Abigall Anna, 92. Dorcas, 92. Elizabeth, 92. Elizabeth (Heath), 92. Francisca (Bunning), 92. Giles, 92. John, 92. = - === Stevens, 98. Hollingsworth, Peche, 65. Mount- Magg = Burton, 92. Maria, 92. Maria (Carew), 92. Martha, 92. Martha Nethercote, 92. Nathanioll, 92. Robert, 92. Sara Lambe, 92. Timotheus, 92. (Bunning), 92. (Shipham), 92. (Thurgood), 92. Everard, Whitington 13. White, Elizabeth (Baghot), 155. Elizabeth (Starismore), 99. Francis, 99, 151. Jane Warde, 83. John, 83, 128. Margaret (Baghot), 151. Maria Cave, 128. Richard, 151. Whitney, Anne (Brooke), 65. Thomas, 65. Whitton, Elizabeth Ro- bertes, 117. Margeria Thame, 130. Thomas, 130. Whitworth, Elizabeth = gard, 19. John, 19. Whynall, 70. Widder, Ann (Wase), 200. William, 200. Wigbett, Anne (Pcck), 147. William, 147. Wightman, Dorothea (Croft), 141. Francisca Salisberic, 185. Katherin (Purifoy), 37. Thomas, 37, 141. Wigley, 97. WIGLEY, 97. Alicia Deane, 97. Anna (Russell), 97. Anna (Spell), 97. Edward, 97. Elizabeth (Blackwall), 97. Ellena Shorte, 97. Ellena (Orme), 97. Emma Carick, 97. Emma (Plant), 97. Francis, 97. George, 97. Goditha (Gill), 97. Henry, 97. - == Jane Allen, 97. John, 97. ______________ * --- = Katherina (Colborne), 97. Margaret (Stevenson), 97. Thomas, 97. ___________ _____ (Bunting), 97. (Curson), 97. (Gell), 97. Wigston, Katherin 37. Sir William, 37. Wikeman Farmer, 179. WILCOCKES, 135, 136. Alicia Welles, 136. Anna = Malson, 136. Dorothea, 136. Edward, 136. Elizabeth Lacy, 166. Galfridus, 135, 136. Margeria (Nowers), 136. Maria (Rosse), 136. Maria Rudkin, 136. Maria (Woode), 135. Richard, 136, 166. Robert, 135, 136. Roger, 135, 136. Sense Bell, 136. www Lc- Purifoy, 252 INDEX OF NAMES. WILCOCKES-continued. Susanna (Burton), 136. Thomas, 135, 136. William, 135, 136. Wilcock Needham, 100. Wildman, Erasmus, 200. Margaret = Wase, 200. Wilkes, Margaret (Smith), 66. Willes, Agnes (Logard), 19. Maria (Walshall), 5. Sir Thomas, 66. Williams, Christian Har- top, 9, 196. David, 15. Elizabeth Purifoy, 35. Herald (Haselrigg), 15. John, 9, 196. Reinold, 35. Bickerton, 173. Willington, Joyce (Winter), 42. Margareta Cave, 126. Margery (Brasbridge), 43. William, 126. Willmer, Alicia Willmet, Maria 191. Robert, 191. Willnes, Dorothy (Burton), 57. Willoughby, Alicia Pochin, 106. "" Anna (Lincolnc), 106. Elinor Shirley, 26. Elizabeth Beaumont, 169. Francis, 73. Hugo, 68, 78, 96. Margaret Belgrave, 68, 96. Phillippa = Sir Hugh, 26. William, 106. = ་་ = .. William, Lord, 169. Hastings, 73. Wilne, John, 109. Wilson, Agnes (Winter), 24. Joice Brasbridge, 43. Mary Burdet, 24. Thomas, 24, 43. Belgrave, 69. Wilston, Alice 20. Roger, 20. Wimark, Ann = - Bent, 158. Bainbrig, - Harvy, 59, 140. Motton, 59. — Corbet, 17. Winchester, E. of [Quincey] 86. Wincoll, 156. WINCOLL, 156. _______ Alicia Spencer, 156. Anna Holliday, 156. Montague, 156. Cheselden, "" Anna (Gourdon), 156. Anna (Bower), 156. Anna (Crouch), 156. Elizabeth, 156. John, 156. Margaret Maria, 156. Maria Hudcson, 156. Richard, 156. Spencer, 156. WINCOLI Continued. Robert, 156. Roger, 156. Susanna (Madock), 156. Thomas, 156. William, 156. (Bantock), 156. (Chaplin), 156. (Syday), 156. (Vaughan), 156. Cage, 156. Windsor, Anna 177. Anna Gray, 75. Anna Purifoy, 33, 36. Thomas, 33, 36. William, Lord, 75. Winger, Elizabeth - K 31. John, 31. Winter, 42. WINTER, 42. "" Agnes Brooke, 24. Wilson, 24. Anne (Hardwick), 42, Anne Bowles, 42. Anna Winter, 42. Anna (Staresmore), 6. Ciceley Stockey, 42. Cicilia Starkie, 175. Edward, 42. Elizabeth = 43. = ** → "" 43. George, 42, 43. Henry, 42. Joyce Willington, 42. Katherine (Grisley), 42. Mary Baskervile, 42. Robert, 42. Thomas, 175. (English), 175. (Farrent), 202. Corbet, Bradbridge, 42, Crewker, 42, ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Villers, Wirley, Augustine, 123. Elizabeth (Cave), 126. Katherin (Charnells), 123. William, 123, 126. Wiseman, Dorothea M Brookesbey, 49. William, 49. Wistowe, Joane 33. Withe, Alice Wilterantes Wiveston, Alicia Henry de, 113. Wodford, 10. Wodham Whetworth, 19. Wodhul, Mary (Rodney), 24. Thomas, 24. Wolbeck Wolfe, 5. Wollesborow, Adam, 32. Wolowe, Alicia = Bothom, 165. Staresmore, 6. Roger, 165. Wolverston, Margt ――――― rard, 142. Thomas, 142. Wolveston, Margt rard, 12. Purifoy, Vincent, 81. Ashby, 14. Noel, 113. Evc- Eve- Wolveston-continued. Thomas, 12. Wood, Edward, 16. Francos (Heselrigg), 16. Woodcoook Smith, 66. Woode, Beatrix (Danvers), 98. Elizabeth Prostwich, 63. Maria (Wilcockes), 136. Robert, 136. Thomas, 98. Smith, 131, 136. WOODFORD et TURVILL, 38. WOODFORD, BRABASON et, 47. Anna (Norwich), 38, 47. Jane (Brabson), 47. Johanna, 38. John, 38, 47. Lucy (Brokesby), 38. Mabill (Folvile), 47. Margareta 131. = Margaret [bis]. Margery Turvill, 47. Mathew, 38. Radulphus, 38. Ralph, 47. Robert, 38. Sir Robert, 47. Thomas, 38, 47, 181. William, 38, 47, 131. Barnack, 38. (Markham), 38. Sherard, 10. Woodlake (Everard), 13. Woodroffe, Briget (Draper), 52. Stephen, 52. Woodvile, 10. Woodvile, Anna Grey, 139. Anna Bourchier, 139. Elizabeth Grey, 74. King Edward .. Morton, 47, Turvill, 38 "" IV., 74. Richard [E. Rivers], 74, 139. Woodward, Bartholemew, 83. Isabella (Ward), 83. Worcester, E. of [Somerset], 73. Worship Robertes, 117. Worshipp Staresmore, 6. Worthington, Jana (Peper), 103. Wotton, Hester Noell, 4. Lord Edward, 4. Margaret Grey, 74. Medley, 74. = - = "" Robert, 74. Wrenne, Anne (Dalton), 27. Thomas, 27. WRIGHT, 152. Alicia Breton, 152, 161. Alicia (Mayc), 180. Christopher, 37. Edward, 152. Elizabeth Laurence, 102. Elizabeth (Roberts), 118. Jana (Vincent), 51, 81, 82, = 152. INDEX OF NAMES. 253 WRIGIIT-Continued. Jane (Purifoy), 37. Katherina, 152. Katherina (Guest), 152. Margaret (Staresmore), 6. Maria, 152. Maria (Berrey), 152. Richard, 152, 161. Robert, 51, 81, 82, 152. Roger, 152. Samuell, 152. Susanna (Croft), 141. Thomas, 141, 152, 180. William, 118, 152. Winifride, 152. (Broadgate), 152. Salisburie, 185. Turvile, 55. Wriothesley - Whethill, 45. Wroughton, Dorothy Shirley, 26. = 168. Wroughton-continued. Dorothy Umpton, 26. Wydowes, Alicia Temple, Wye (Baiard), 66. Wymark, Anne Corbet, 48. Jane Noone, 174. Brudnell, 143. - = Wyndover, Elizabeth (Ro- bertes), 203. Yarde, 91. YARDE, 91. = Agnis (Stroude), 91. Edward, 91. Elizabeth (Luson), 91. Elizabeth (Walton), 91. Elizabeth Herick, 91. Elinora Cotes, 91, 94. Gilbert, 91. Johanna (Hurst), 91. = auf UNIV. OF MICHIGAN, DEC 151918 YARDE-continued. Hill, 91. Margareta (Bamfeild), 91. Margeria Roger, 91. Thomas, 91. William, 91, 94. Yate, Francisca 184. Richard, 184. Yaxley, Katherin Lany, 196. Yore Yorksheir = TAYLOR AND CO., PRINTERS, LITTLE QUEEN STREET, LINCOLN'S INN FIELDS. ***** Sherman, 203. - Morton, Beaumont, 172. Vincent, 80. Hatfeild, 80. Cotton, 191. Young = Zouch, Edward, Lª, 73. Lady Eva le Lord le, 2. Sara (Harington), 73. Berkley, 2. The Harleian Society, INSTITUted for THE PUBLICATION OF INEDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATING TO GENEALOGY, FAMILY HISTORY, AND HERALDRY. President. HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER. Vice-Presidents. THE RIGHT HON. LORD MONSON. THE HON. WILLIAM BRODRICK, M.P. THE HON. HENRY ROPER-CURZON. SIR GEORGE F. DUCKETT, BART., F.S.A. SIR HENRY VAVASOUR, BART. SIR JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, BART. RALPH ASSHETON, Esq., M.P. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, Esq., F.S.A. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON, Esq. Council. W. AMHURST TYSSEN AMHURST, Esq. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, Esq. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, Esq., F.S.A. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, Esq., LL.D., F.S.A., Hon. Treasurer. THE REV. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A., Hon. Secretary. COLONEL JOSEPH LEMUEL CHESTER. JOHN DAVIDSON, Esq. JOHN MACLEAN, Esq., F.S.A. WENTWORTH STURGEON, Esq. JOHN FETHERSTON, Esq., F.S.A. FAIRLESS BARBER, Esq., F.S.A. Bankers. LONDON AND COUNTY, 21, Lombard Street. Auditors. LIONEL G. ROBINSON, Esq., Junior Athenæum Club, and Audit and Exchequer Office. DUDLEY CARY ELWES, Esq., F.S.A., South Bersted, Bognor. 2 Rules. 1. This Society shall be called the HARLEIAN SOCIETY. 2. It shall have for its chief object the publication of the Heraldic Visi- tations of Counties, and any manuscripts relating to genealogy, family history, and heraldry, selected by the Council. 3. The Council shall consist of a President, nine Vice-Presidents, and twelve Members of Council, two of whom shall hold the posts of Secretary and Treasurer; and any four, including the Treasurer or Secretary, shall form a quorum. In case of equality of votes, the Chairman to have a casting vote. Any Candidate may be elected with the consent in writing of one Member of the Council, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. 4. Three Members of the Council shall retire in rotation annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. 5. The Annual Subscription shall be One Guinea, paid in advance, and due on the 1st day of January in each year; and Members elected after two hundred and fifty shall have joined, shall pay an Entrance Fee of 10s. 6d. in addition to their first Annual Subscription. 6. The funds raised by the Society shall be expended in publishing such works as are selected by the Council. 7. One volume at least shall be supplied to the Members every year. 8. An Annual Meeting shall be held in the month of June every year, at such time and place as the Council may direct; and due notice shall be sent to the Members of the Society at least a fortnight previously. 9. No work shall be supplied to any Member unless his Subscription for the year be paid; and any member not having paid his subscription. for two years, having received notice thereof, shall cease to belong to the Society. 10. The Council may, at their discretion, pay the expense of transcribing from manuscripts whenever two hundred Members, at least, shall have joined the Society; but no payment in money shall be made to any person for editing any work for the Society. 11. No copies of the Publications of the Society shall be supplied to persons not actually Members, and each Member shall be restricted to a single Subscription. 12. An account of the receipts and expenses of the Society to be made up to the 1st of June in each year, and published with a list of the Mem- bers and the Rules of the Society in the following volume. 13. These Rules shall not be altered except at the Annual Meeting, and three clear weeks' notice must be given to the Secretary of any such intended alteration. The Council have selected the Visitation of Rutland in 1618 to follow that of Leicestershire. 3 Report for the Year 1869–70. On the 27th of March, 1869, two Members of the Society's Council invited several of their friends and correspondents to assist in the formation of a Society, having for its special object the publication of the Heralds' Visitations of Counties and other important Ge- nealogical Manuscripts. By the 28th of May, fifty-eight persons signified their willingness to co-operate in the establishment of such a Society, and at a Special Meeting held on that day at 8, Danes Inn, the Honourable HENRY ROPER-CURZON in the Chair, the Offi- cers of the Society were appointed and the Rules drawn out. The success that the Society met with was so great, that by the 28th of July no fewer than one hundred Members had joined, and from that time to the present this number has been gradually increasing, so that now it exceeds one hundred and seventy Members. This great success may be attributed to the exertions of the several Members of the Council, and to the literary status of many of the original Members. The Society has already published and distributed 'The Heraldic Visitation of London, taken by Robert Cooke, Clarenceux, in 1568,' edited by JOSEPHI JACKSON HOWARD, F.S.A., and GEORGE J. ARMY- TAGE, F.S.A. Camden's Visitation of Leicestershire in 1619,' edited by JOHN FETHERSTON, F.S.A., will be ready for circulation in about a fort- night. This is a large work, and contains 207 pages of pedigree. matter only. It will also include facsimiles of several of the signa- tures of the heads of families who entered their pedigrees at that Visitation, together with a very elaborate armorial and general index. Sir GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart., F.S.A., has offered to edit a Visita- tion for the Society; and the 'Visitation of Nottingham,' to be edited by G. W. MARSHALL, Esq., LL.M., is ready for the press; and the three Oxfordshire Visitations are now being prepared by Mr. WILLIAM HENRY TURNER, of Oxford. The Society is now in a position to print Two Volumes a year, and it is hoped that the addition of another hundred Members will enable a third volume to be published; and it is believed that the issue of Three Volumes in return for the Guinea Subscription will place the Society in the foremost ranks of such Associations of this country. The especial thanks of the Members are due to the Council of the Surrey Archæological Society for so courteously placing their Meeting-room at the disposal of the IIarleian Council. Arrange- ments are now being made for the payment of a few pounds per annum to the Surrey Society, as it is considered desirable that this Society shall have a recognized place of meeting. Dr. 1869. 141 Subscriptions at 21s. 2 3 1870. 37 1 >> "} "" Harleian Society. BALANCE SHEET FOR THE YEAR ENDING 31ST MAY, 1870. "" 21s. 6d. 20s. 21s. 20s. d. £. s. d. S. £. 148 1 0 2 3 0 3 0 0 38 17 0 1 0 0 DUDLEY G. CARY-ELWES, LIONEL G. ROBINSON, 153 4 0 } 39 17 0 We have carefully examined the foregoing accounts, and find them correct in every particular and the payments supported by the necessary vouchers. £193 1 0 Auditors. Cr. Receipt Stamps Commission on Cheque Advertisements- 'Athenæum 'Notes and Queries' Incidental Expenses- Honorary Secretary Honorary Treasurer Circulars, etc. Printing and Binding London Visitation • £1 8 0 216 Balance in hand on 31st May, 1870 £. s. d. 0 8 4 006 3 9 6 5 14 1 1 6 6 6 12 0 87 0 0 104 10 11 88 10 1 £193 1 0 13 List of Members, CORRECTED TO JUNE 22ND, 1870. G. BRINDLEY ACWORTH, F.S.A., Star Hill, Rochester. EDWARD AKROYD, M.P., F.S.A., Bank Field, Halifax. REGINALD AMES, Cote House, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. W. AMHURST T. AMHURST (Council), Didlington Hall, Brandon. FRANK ANDREW, Ashton-under-Lyne. ELY ANDREW, Merc Bank, Ashton-under-Lync. J. E. ANDREWES, War Office. CHARLES FREDERICK ANGELL, F.S.A., Grove Lane, Camberwell, S.E. FRANCIS R. ARMYTAGE, Balliol College, Oxford. GEORGE J. ARMYTAGE, F.S.A. (Hon. Secretary), Kirklees Park, Brighouse. The EARL of ARRAN, The Pavilion, Hans Place, S.W. RALPH ASSHETON, M.P. (Vice-President), Downham Hall, Clitheroe. Rev. CHARLES S. ATKINSON, Harswell, York. W. J. ST. AUBYN, 68th Light Infantry, Fort Camden, Cork. CHARLES BAKER, F.S.A., 11, Sackville Street, Piccadilly, W. Mrs. BAKER, Ulster Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W. FAIRLESS BARBER, F.S.A. (Council), Castle Hill, Rastrick, near Brighouse. JOSEPH GURNEY BARCLAY, 54, Lombard Street, E.C. THOMAS H. BATES, Mayfield, Wolsingham. GEORGE FREDERICK BEAUMONT, Knowle, Fixby, Huddersfield. Rev. CHARLES W. BOASE, 33, Surrey Street, Strand, W.C. W. CONSITT BOULTER, F.S.A., 6, Park Row, Park Street, Hull. EDMUND M. BOYLE, Rockwood, Torquay. Lieut.-Col. BRADBURY, Huddersfield, The Rev. WILLIAM BREE, the Rectory, Allesley, Coventry. The Hon. and Rev. R. O. BRIDGEMAN, Weston-under-Lyziard, Shifnal. The Hon. WILLIAM BRODRICK, M.P. (Vice-President), 20, Beaufort Gardens, S.W. THOMAS BROOKE, Armitage Bridge, Huddersfield. FRANCIS CAPPER BROOKE, Ufford Place, Woodbridge. PERCY C. S. BRUERE, Middleham, Bedale, Yorkshire. The Rev. JOSEPH BUCKLEY, M.A., Sopworth Rectory, Chippenham. W. E. G. LYTTON BULWER, Quebec House, East Dereham. CHARLES JOIN BURGESS, Naval and Military Club, London, W. SIR BERNARD BURKE, C.B., LL.D., Ulster King-of-Arms, Dublin. The Dowager Countess of CARNARVON, Pixton Park, Dulverton. GEORGE ALFRED CARTHEW, F.S.A., East Dereham, Norfolk. COLONEL J. L. CHESTER (Council), 16, Linden Villas, Blue Anchor Road, Ber- mondsey, S.E. Rev. FREDERIC T. COLBY, B.D., F.S.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. JAMES EDWIN COLE, Easthorpe Court, Wigtoft, Spalding. F. S. BERMINGHAM PEN COLE, Freemantle, Southampton. SYDNEY COLE, Norwood Court, Southall, Middlesex. JAMES COLEMAN, 22, High Street, Bloomsbury, W.C. W. H. COTTELL, 1, Manor Rise, Brixton, S.W. J. GREGORY COTTINGHAM, Edensor, Chesterfield. W. PRIDEAUX COURTNEY, Ecclesiastical Commission. Mrs. JOHN WOODHEAD CROSSLAND, Thornton Lodge, Huddersfield. EDWIN PURVES ROPER-CURZON, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W. The Hon. HENRY ROPER-CURZON (Vice-President), 47, Argyle Road, Kensington. The Hon. SIDNEY C. ROPER-CURZON, Upper Sheen House, Mortlake, S.W. R. S. LONGWORTH DAMES, M.A., 32, Upper Mount Street, Dublin. JOHN DAVIDSON (Council), 14, St. George's Place, Hyde Park Corner, S. W. ROBERT DAVIES, F.S.A., The Mount, York. GORDON DAYMAN, St. Giles's, Oxford. 6 Mrs. FETHERSTON DILKE, Maxstoke Castle, Coleshill, Warwickshire. ROBERT DOWMAN, Manchester Guardian' Office, Manchester. HENRY HOLMAN DRAKE, LL.D., St. Austell, Cornwall. The Rev. The COUNT DAWSON-DUFFIELD, LL.D., Sephton Rectory, Liverpool. SIR GEORGE F. DUCKETT, Bart., F.S.A. (Vice-President), Fangfoss Hall, York. GEORGE F. DUNCOMBE, 17, St. Stephen's Road, Bayswater, W. ALBERT EDWARDS, Philadelphia. The Rev. HENRY T. ELLACOMB, M.A., F.S.A., Clyst St. George Rectory, Topsham, Devon. WM. SMITH ELLIS, Hydecroft, Charlwood, Surrey. DUDLEY CARY ELWES, F.S.A., South Bersted, Bognor. V. CARY ELWES, Brigg, Lincolnshire. THOMAS FALCONER, one of the Judges of the County Courts, Usk, Monmouthshire. J. G. FANSHAWE, Board of Trade, Whitehall, S.W. WILLIAM FENNELL, Wakefield. JOHN FETHERSTON, jun., F.S.A. (Council), High Street, Warwick. GEORGE FITZWILLIAMS, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD FITZWILLIAMS, Philadelphia, U.S.A. JOHN RIBTON GARSTIN, F.S.A., 21, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin. ARTHUR EDWARD GAYER, Q.C., LL.D., Dublin. JOSEPH GILLOw, jun., Winckley Square, Preston. GRANVILLE LEVESON GOWER, F.S.A. (Council), Titsey Park, Godstone. HENRY SYDNEY GRAZEBROOK, Stourbridge, Worcestershire. The Rev. HENRY THOMAS GRIFFITII, B.A., North Walsham, Norfolk. GORDON GYLL, Remenham House, Wraysbury, Staines. EDWARD HAILSTONE, F.S.A., Horton Hall, Bradford, Yorkshire. The Rev. H. F. HALL, M.A., High Legh, Knutsford, Cheshire. LADY FRANCES VERNON-II ARCOURT, The Homme, Weobly. WILLIAM HENRY HART, F.S.A., The White House, St. Peter's Lane, Canterbury. WILLIAM IIARVEY, Harrold Hall, Bedford. The Rev. SAMUEL HAYMAN, M.A. (Council), The Rectory, Doneraile, Ireland. LADY HEATHCOTE, Hursley Park, Winchester. THOMAS IIELSBY, 41, Princess Street, Manchester. ROBERT HENDERSON, Bell House, Pitminster, Taunton. SPENCER HEREPATII, 15, Upper Phillimore Gardens, W. Miss FRANCIS MARGERY HEXT, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. JOHN HIRST, jun., Dobcross, Saddleworth. The Rev. C. W. HOLBECII, Farnborough, Banbury. DANIEL DEAN HOPKYNS, F.S.A., Weycliffe, St. Catherine's, near Guildford. JOSEPH JACKSON HOWARD, LL D., F.S.A. (Hon. Treas.), 3, Dartmouth Row, Blackheath, S.E. Rev. EDMUND JERMYN, B.A., Nettlecombe Rectory, Taunton. JOSEPH JONES, Abberley Hall, Stourport. W. STAVENHAGEN JONES, 2, Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, W.C. EDWARD B. JUPP, F.S.A., Carpenters' Hall, London Wall, E.C. The Rev. F. W. KITTERMASTER, All Saints, Coventry. ARTHUR JOHN KNAPP, Llanforsh House, Clifton, Bristol. C. T. LANE, 3, Lombard Court, Lombard Street, London. ARTHUR LARKEN, 53, Manchester Street, Manchester Square, W. The Rev. F. G. LEE, D.C.L., F.S.A., 6, Lambeth Terrace, London, S.W. MRS. LITTLEDALE, 19, Queen's Gate Gardens, South Kensington. BEN. LOCKWOOD, Huddersfield. WILLIAM H. DYER LONGSTAFFE, F.S.A., Gateshead. JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A. (Council), Pallingswick Lodge, Hammersmith, W. SILVANUS J. MACY, 21, West 47th Street, New York, U.S.A. THE DUKE OF MANCHESTER (President), 1, Great Stanhope Street, W. GEORGE W. MARSHALL, L.L.M. (Council), Weacombe House, Bicknoller, Taunton. BERNULF DE CLEGG MATTINSON, Oldham. WALTER C. METCALFE, Epping, Essex. Captain R. MOLESWORTH, High Legh, Knutsford. The Right Hon. LORD MONSON (Vice-President), Gatton Park, Reigate. THOMAS II. MONTGOMERY, 400, Walnut Street, Philadelphia, U.S.Ä. 7 Licut.-Col. CHARLES THOMAS JOHN MOORE, F.S.A., Frampton Hall, near Boston. FREDERICK J. MORRELL, St. Giles, Oxford. EDWARD MORTON, The Villa, Malton, Yorkshire. GEORGE MURRAY, IIartford House, Werneth, Oldham. Miss NEWMAN, 6, Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. Miss CHARLOTTE Newman, 6, Patshull Road, Kentish Town, N.W. JAMES NEWMAN, 235, High Holborn, W.C. CAPTAIN W. NEWSOME, R.E., Gravesend. JOHN GOUGH NICHOLS, F.S.A., 25, Parliament Street, S.W. WILLIAM JOHN O'DONNAVAN, LL.D., M.R.I.A., Foxcroft House, Portarlington. EVAN ORTNER, 3, St. James's Street, S.W. FREDERIC OUVRY, F.S.A., 12, Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square. The Rev. FIELDING PALMER, Eastcliff, Chepstow. The Rev. J. T. PARKINSON, D.C.L., F.S.A., Ravendale, Grimsby. DANIEL PARSONS, Stuarts Lodge, Malvern. D. WILLIAMS PATERSON, Newark Valley, New York, U.S.A. EDWARD PEACOCK, F.S.A., Bottesford Manor, Brigg, Lincolnshire. Rev. A. J. PEARMAN, Rainham Vicarage, Sittingbourne. CHARLES GEORGE PERCEVAL, Passenham Manor, Stony Stratford. THOMAS A. PERRY, Bitham House, Leamington. LEMUEL POPE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. SIR JOSEPH RADCLIFFE, Bart. (Vice-President), Rudding Park, Wetherby. The Rev. CANON RAINE, York. ALEXANDER RIVINGTON, 27, Cleveland Gardens, Hyde Park, W. The Rev. C. J. ROBINSON, M.A., Norton Canon Vicarage, Weobly. The Rev. EDWARD ROGERS, M.A., Blachford, Ivy Bridge, Devon. R. COXWELL-ROGERS, F.S.A., Dowdeswell Court, Andoversford, Gloucester. The Rev. ROBERT ROE ROGERS, 104, Exmouth Street, Parkfield Terrace, Birken- head. The ROYAL LIBRARY, Windsor Castle. Rev. DAVID ROYCE, The Vicarage, Lower Swell, Stow-on-the-Wold. JAMES RUSBY, 34, Manor Road, Wickham Park, Lewisham, S.E. The DUKE OF RUTLAND, K.G., Belvoir Castle, Grantham. EVELYN PHILIP SHIRLEY, F.S.A. (Vice-President), Lower Eatington Park, Strat- ford-on-Avon. Rev. E. H. MAINWARING SLADEN, M.A., F.R.G.S., Alton Berners, Marlborough. J. S. SMALLFIELD, 32, University Street, W.C. Charles SOTHERAN, 81, Derby Street, Hulme, Manchester. CHARLES STEWART, Royal Artillery, Government House, Jersey. WENTWORTH STURGEON (Council), 25, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. JOHN SYKES, M.D., F.S.A., Doncaster. Miss CAROLINE C. THAYER, Boston, U.S.A. T. G. TOMKINS, Great Ouseburn, York. GEORGE D. TOMLINSON, Huddersfield. HENRY TREHERNE, Latymer House, Brook Green, W. GEORGE TUCK, New Road, Windsor. WM. HENRY TURNER, S, Turl Street, Oxford. J. R. DANIEL TYSSEN, F.S.A., 9, Lower Rock Gardens, Brighton. PHILIP TWELLS, M.A., Chase Side House, Enfield. SIR HENRY VAVASOUR, Bart. (Fice-President), Holton Hall, Halesworth. EDWARD WALTHAM, Stockwell, London, S.W. R. E. EGERTON-WARBURTON (Vice-President), Arley Hall, Northwich. EDMOND CHESTER WATERS, Upton Park, Poole. FRANK G. WATNEY, 17, Pembridge Crescent, Bayswater, W. Rev. JAMES WEBB, M.A., Clifton, Brighouse. Lieut.-Colonel WESTON, Hunterstone House, West Kilbride, Ayrshire. WILLIAM H. WHITMORE, Boston, U.S.A. Miss WILLIAMS, Orchard Wyndham, Taunton. Rev. EDWARD WILTON, West Lavington, Devizes. R. H. Woon, F.S.A., Crumpsall, Manchester. CHARLES H. L. Woonn, F.G.S., Roslyn, Hampstead. W. H. WRIGHT, Philadelphia. PUBLICATIONS. PUBLISHED. No. I. The Visitation of London, in 1568, by Cooke. EDITED BY J. J. HOWARD, ESQ., F.S.A., AND G. J. ARMYTAGE, Esq., F.S.A. No. II. The Visitation of Leicestershire, in 1619, by Lennard and Vincent. EDITED BY JOHN FETHERSTON, JUN., ESQ., F.S.A. IN PROSPECT. No. III. The Visitation of Rutland in 1618. The Visitation of Nottingham in 1614. EDITED BY G. W. MARSHALL, ESQ., L.L.M. The Visitation of Oxford in 1574 and 1634. TO BE EDITED BY W. H. Turner, Esq. The Visitation of Devonshire in 1620. TO BE EDITED BY THE REV. F. COLBY, B.D., FELLOW OF EXETER COLLEGE, OXFORD. The Visitation of Lincoln. TO BE EDITED BY COLONEL CHESTER AND EDWARD PEACOCK, Esq., F.S.A. The Visitation of Cornwall in 1620. The Visitation of London in 1633-4. TO BE EDITED BY J. J. HOWARD, ESQ., F.S.A. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01074 0762 A · Library of the University of Michigan The Coyl Collection Miss Jean L. Coyl of Detroit 1 in memory of her brother Col. William Henry Coyl 1894. EKFABER .. W な ​