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OF PH || 6 - O AT H S (C I 69 ** g HIGAN ºl AI C 4 E. S S OR E UNIVERSITY OF A \\\\\\\\\\\\ =\ a\. 5 * {e\ \} 3 & ERT MARK W fºow THE F C.. I O THE U. P HO §§§§§ §§-º-º-º?,Tae, eſ*** • № ~~ T º |Rob ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON, ABRIDGET). },ON:) ON - PRINTED BY $POTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE ANI) PARLIAMENT STREET AN ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON ABRIDGED FROM THE LARGER WORK. BY tº O'Dº yoMGE, M.A. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND ENGLISH LITERATURE, QUEEN's CoILEGE, BELFAST: AUTHOR OF “A LATIN GRADUS,” “A LATIN DICTIONARY,” ‘VIIRGIL, WITH ENGLISH NOTES, ETC. NEW EDITION. LoNDON: gy L O N G M A N S, G R E E N, A N D C O. 1880. PRE FA C.E. THE present volume differs from the larger work, of which it is an Abridgment, in the circumstance that, while that aims at giving every Greek word which is found in the authors of the classical age, this, being meant for less advanced scholars, confines itself solely to those used by the Attic writers. This contraction of plan, as those writers are all of equal authority, renders it unnecessary to cite the names of those who have used each word; but those words which are found only in the poets are distinguished by an obelisk. The phrases have been re-examined on the same principle, those only being retained which were selected from the Attic writers; and to these several additions have been made, especially from the Tragedians. The declension, conjuga- tion, or construction of each word are given, as in the larger work, only when they are at variance with the ordinary rules; and the quantity of each syllable is marked, that the book may serve for a Gradus as well as for a Dictionary. It only remains for the Author to add that he will be greatly obliged by the communication of any defects or errors which may be found in the present volume, that he may make a future, edition more complete. 3. abandon (a place), trpoxetira, ÉKAeſtrø; (a person, s betraying him, etc.) Tpoötöwſt; (a claim, a hope, te.) éčío Tapat, pass. c. aor. 2. perf, act, and fut. . mid. he must abandon (an attempt), &rootáréov, c. gen. we who abandons (i.e. betrays), Tpočárms. at which you cannot abandon, is obô icotival Éti pºv čotiv. andoned (i. e. wicked, q.v.), Tpóðotos, ov. bandonment, (of a place) éðeliſts; (of a person) poãogía; (of a purpose, etc.) '&Tód tâqis. º abase, Táretvöw. See To humble. Abasement, Táretuárms, Tárefroots. To be abashed before, aidéopal, mid. c. aor. 1. h5é- See Ashamel. To abate, intrans. Awqaw; (one’s eagerness, care, etc.) S.'e To diminish. id:0mv, ÜTaio Xüvopal. látroAeſtrº (Ti Tpo00pias). Abatement, pºetworls. To abbreviate, avvtéuvø. To abdicate, éé"o Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. act. c. gen. ; 'âtre firov, only in aor. 2. c. acc. Aberration (of mind), Tāpākotī, poºros ºppévôv, Asch.; TAévos (ppevöv, Eur, To abet, TwºpeAéo. See To assist. An abettor, Bombás. See Assistant. To abhor, puſo w. See IIate. Abhorrence, pigos, Tó; *.x60s, Tó. Abhorrent to, &AAóTptos, c. gen. - To abide, pºéva, and t (ttuva, ; (an attack) "Ütropévo; in or by (a purpose, etc.), £94évo, c. dat. Oile show.ld abido (an enemy, etc.), ūtropievetéov. AN ENGLISH – GREEK LIEXICON. Greek words with no distinctive mark are found in the purest Attic prose writers Words marked f are found in the Tragedians, but not in Attic prose. An abiding in, êupovh, c. gen. Abject, TäTelvás; (in spirit) pilgójūxos, ov - Abjectness (of condition or of mind), Táirewórns, mtos, h; (of spirit) Wikpo,0xia. Abjectly, Tâtreuvós. Ability, Śivāuis; natural ability, Tó, úrápxovra, Plat. According to the ability of each individual, kārā Tºv 'iótav člcáotov uotpav, Lycurg. Abjuration, êoplogia. To abjure, ééºvvut, oftenest in mid., c. acc. or c. tº où and infin, or, apud Trag., c. to ſº, and infin. Able, otos Té, usu, c. eid, but eipi is sometimes under. stood; 3üvâtés; irávös, c. infin. or c. §ste and infin. or c. 7pos, étrº, or eis, and acc.; (i.e. having good abilities) eighvís. To be able, 5ivágal, aor, 1. pass. É6vvíðmu and #3vvá. 0my; (to do a thing) oióa, ćirío Tapai. - Ablebodied, a 6pati xpíoſiuos, ov, and m, ov. Ablution, 'éiróAovais. Ably, eú, goſpós, éirig Thuôvals. Aboard, év unt, etc., Xen. To run aboard of (another ship), TposéâAAw, c. dat. To pul aboard, 'üvášišáſa, Čirićišá(w. Abode, #60s, Tó; oticna is, kāToikmats, Féðpa, + £6po. vov, f oikmtāptov, T &vao Tpopá; +790s, tá. To abolish, Aëw (5 in Trag., iſ more usually in other poets), kataAtw; (of laws) 6taXVa. Abolition, Año is, ŠtáAüois. Abominable, utépás; kātāpātos, ov; Seopiahs; kárá. Trvatos, ov; +’áAao Tos, ov; +’āireſyeros, ov. To abominate, pig'dºttouai. See Iſale. l sº 5 - i Abomination—Abundantly An abomination,’āyos, té; thirayua, Té; thigos, Tá. What is an abomination to speak of, & #710 Ta, Soph. Aboriginal, airóx009, “’ī0āyevils, t aidiyevſis. An abortion, &péAoga, Té. Abortive, uáTalos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Vain. To abound, 8púw, only pres, c, dat., Tc, gen,; ” TAm- 0öw, Abounding, ºf &pſpiðaxºs, + pKéwy. See Rich. About (in all seases), &pſpl. c. gen, + c, dat, c. acc.: Trepl (in all senses), c. gen, c. dat, c. acc.; but prose writers rarely, if ever, use it of place with a genitive. About (in number), 500v, eis, és, Ösel, karð c, acc.; in about fifty years, évéreo. Teytâlcovta påAtata, Thuc. I think these were about all who were present, oxeóów Ti oluai Toitovs Tapayévé00&t, Plat. To be about (to do, etc.), p.éWAw (prop. with fut, inf.; sometimes with pres,; poet, even with aor.), only pres, and imp. (i.e. to be occupied with, q. V.); &VT- éxopat, med. c. gen. Above, ‘ûrèp (+ širelp), c. gen, and c. acc.; iſ repòe, c. gen.; kaffärepòe, c. gen.; &vo, adv. and c, gen. (some- times of a passage in a book); Tāva. From above, ’t &vékúðey. Above all, Teptagorépas. Above, adj. (superior to, motives, etc.), ºpetogov. To be (stationed, situated) above, ÚTépkelſtal, c. gen. To abridge, orvytéuva, ovatéAAw. To abridge one's statement, orvytepēv ppáço, Eur,; avy- Téuvø A6)ovs év 8paxeſ, Eur. An abridgement, avvtopata, Abroad, éo, #60ev, Fèipā0ev. Abroad (of a person), adj., &üpatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; êicömpos, ov. To go or be abroad, 'üToànjuéw. To be abroad with, oiſvároënuéo, ºf £evöopal. To live abroad, étišev6opal. A being abroad, &Toâmpia. To abrogate, 6ta\to ; beforehand, TpokataAſo. Abrogated, ‘ākūpos, ov. Abrupt (of a place), 'üTop5&ć, 6)0s; +'étáTopos, ov. Abruptly (i.e. suddenly, q.v.), ščaíqvms. An abscess, táyym. To abscond, pettyw; they absconded, où påvepoi jaav, Thuc. Absence, 'üTovata. Absent, Écômuos, ov, sometimes c, gem.; +’āöm,0s; (in mind) 'égivvoos, ovs. What is absent, to u% éutośćy, Thuc. To be absent,’āTetſu (–eiva.), 'étroyſyvouai. To absolve, dToxêw. See Acquit, Absolute (of a king, etc.), airokpárap, opos; U unmodified, as freedom, etc.) "Čirpätos, ov. Ruled with absolute power, àeo Tootós. An absolute ruler, aireTitáictms. Absolute power, Túpavvis, fö0s, i. Belonging to absolute power, aiteTitakticós. Absolutely, 'évéömv, ’ātexvás, ’āTotówas. Absolutely (i.e. with absolute power), āeº Trotikós. Absolution, 'êtróAvais. See Acquittal, To absorb, 'üvgotáo; to be absorbed in (an occ tion), ovykatapſyvvua (pass.), aor. 2, -eſſfyny To abstain (from), &téxo, and oftener –opal, mit wh and infin, c. to u) and infin, c. Toi and in more rarely and only poet, c, gen. Abstain (from speaking), + &repükov. One must abstain, & pelcréov, Éirtaxetéov. Abstemious (in drink), viiq wu, ovtos (dat. pl. Theogn.); &oivos, ov. An abstemious man, werplotórns, ov. To be abstemious, vågø. - . Abstinence, éyépéreta, sometimes c. gen, or c. rpás To abstract, 'étroAapéâva, ’āToxopi(w, ’āirotéuvo The abstract good, man, etc., attośyā00v, aitoövőd T0s, etc. - Abstractedly (in the abstract), ÖAws, és to trav. To consider in the abstract, &ToMáščºv alcottéo, Plat. Abstraction, Öudicpiaſis. º Abstruse, 'étókpipos, ov; 'āropos, ov. - Absurd, 'éAoyos, ov; ’āroros, ov. Rather absur ‘ūtūrotos, ov. Evcessively absurd, ‘ûrepárotos, ov; Absurdity, 'üAoyia, ’āTotia; kátáyeAws, wros, 6. Absurdly, 'éAóyos, ’ātóTws. Abundance, &pôovia ; TAñ00s, Tá; Treptovoſia, TAm- opová; TAñpopa, T6; (of eatables) toxvoyſa. To have abundance, eitropéa, c. gen. I have alundant. to say, eitopó, ú,ti Aéyo, Plat.; eWiropó, A6) ww repl . . ., Plat.; eWTopó Aéyov, Plat. You will have abundance of statutes, ſmºptoptaff’ iſſu Tepteotal, Dem. - Abundant, Toxts, fem. ToxAh, neut. troAv, oblique cases, except acc. sing, masc. and neut, from Toxxás. (Soph, has ToMAöv also, both as acc. masc. and neut. adv.); &pôovos, ov; 8a00s; (of water) + šo taktos, oy. Eaceedingly abundant, Teplogós; itéppleTpos, ov, To be abundant, Tepfeipt ; Tepura eſco. Such abundant reason had I’ericles, Togovtov ćtreptor- orévore Tó IIepucket, Thuc. Abundantly, ‘āAis, often c. gen. ; toxi, &p06, ws, Šajixás, >aicti', 2 0 abuse (misuse), &troXpáoſal, mid. c. perf. pass. in act, sense, c, dat.; Kataxpſiopal. o abuse (i. e. to revile), Öveiðigo, c. dat, and c, acc.; Aotöopéo, and mid. Staxoièopéopal, c. aor. 1. pass, in act. sense; káicigo, kākūyopéo, Tpoirmääki'a', 'fövsøm- téa, ; kálcois àveſösau ’āpāraw, Soph.; káic& Káicós Méya, Soph.; Kälcós Aéya, c. acc. pers. Isoc. To buse in a way that must not be repeated, TAövo tº #Tóñānta, Dem. To abuse in turn, &v6.jépíša. To ºwchange abuse, ótášattiſopal (mid.). buse (i.e. misuse), kātā"Ypmats. |buse (i.e. reviling), Śvetó0s, Tó; Aotöopia; Aotööpmºa, Tó. busive (of persons), pixoMotöopos, ov; calcóatop,0s, ov; (of language) kākös, gio Xpós; Aotöopos, ov, )ne who is abusive, Awémtºp, fipos. Abusively, aioxpós, Räicós. 'o abut upon, oiváirta. See To border. butting on, Öſtopos, ov; Tpósovpos, ov; 6/10tépplww. m abyss, Bápaſſpov. Łcademy, &caämpfa (not actually used in the modern sense). To accede (to a proposal, etc.), ovyxopéa'; (to a con- spiracy, etc.) avvia Tapat, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf. act.; Trposxopéo ; (to the throne) éköéxoplat, mid. c. perf. pass. in act. sense; Täpääéxopal. See To agree, To succeed. To accelerate, a retºo, + Tóxiva. See To hasten. Accent (in Gramm.), Tóvos, i.e. voice, q.v.; povă. To accept, 6éxopat, dep. c. perf. pass. Yetc. in act. sense; Écôéxoſal, Aapéâva. See To receive. One should accept, Träpääect ov, ‘ūTroöektéov, Amtréov. What ought to be accepted, irposöekté0s, TāpāAmirtés. Acceptable, jöös, F & Jumāfīs. See Pleasant. Acceptably, 'êpeakóvros, jöéas. Acceptance, Afilis, kataðox}}, +Aééâ. Acceptation (of words), āślogis. Access, Tpóséâqis, eas, ii; Tpósoãos, h; eisobos, j; (leave to approach) + Tpáspnoſis, eas, i. . Accessible (of person or place), eitpásoö0s, ov; bo- ôos ; (of place) eiséâTös, Öy; eiéârbs, Tposéâtés; (of a person) ºf Tpóstäätos, ov; (by sea) Tpos- TA&Tós. Accession (i. e. addition, q.v.), Tposóñkm. The accession to a throne, etc., áicöe£is, eas, i. Accessory, Túpaſtios, a, ov, and 0s, ov, rarely in a good sense. An accident, oup popè, not always in a bad sense ; Abuse—Accomplish dents of lime) tº ſcaipua, to Tüxöv ; Tô airóuátov, accident, opp. to oi Seoſ, Lys. See Event. Accidental, à Tüxöv, 6 vtwyxdvav, 6 evtuxāv. Accidentally, &Tö or éic Toi) airopºdºrov ; Tüxövtos, Acclamation, Šápü60s, To shout in acclamation, êtrièopüééo ; ’āvā00püééo. An acclivity, fºuéov, ovos, 6. To accommodate (i. e. make to correspond), āppióſa ; (one's disposition to that of another) étruſpépa (Öpyás Tivu), Thuc. To accommodate one's self to, Jupitrepiq'épopal, mid. Accommodating (of persons), šáðtos, a, ov, and os, ov; ; eixepſis. Accompaniment, to the accompaniment of (as music), §Irö (; Ötral, poet.), c. gen. To accompany, Étopal, only pres., imperf, eiträumv, and aor. 2. čatrópºmu; ouvétropal, ovpatapétropai ; ’āico?\ov6éa, giváicoAov0éa, ovutrāpālcoxov6éa'; 6pap- Téa, Guptdpopaptéo, c. dat.; (a military expedition) a votpateño, act, and mid. To accompany such an expedition into foreign countries, givešćpxopal, fut. —exeflooſal, aor. 2. —fix0ov. To make to accompany, +öTá(w. To accompany songs with the lyre, &vti/d\Aw (pāppiyya Aéyous, Ar. Accompanying, 'ülcóAov60s, subst., or adj. 0s, ov; givakóAov00s; ātrāābs, subst., or adj. 3s, 6v. Accom- panying quickly, tróximoſiros, ov. Accomplice, icolvøvös, Öv; Metaſtios, subst, and adj.; Túpairios, usu, as adj. a, ov, and 0s, ov, sometimes in a good sense; ovurpätrap, opos, 6; ºvepyos, ov; Héroxos, ov, c. gem.; in fem, t givepyāris, thos, i. See Assistant. To be an accomplice in, icouavéw; ovykowoxoyéopal, mid. ; ; ovvöpáo. See To co-operate. And that we were not accomplices with any who had either planned or execuled this deed, ºftte T4 $vvetőé- val. To Tpáyga BovXeño auti uſt’ eipyaquévº, Soph. To accuse as a chief accomplice, TAeto Tmpſoka. TO accomplish, Toléo, TeXéa, 8tateñéw, éictexéo, teNevtåa, Čictexevráo; +&viſo, Éavča, catavia, in pres, and imperf.; 6tárpád'oro, repairo, Jupitrépaívo; (a journey) repáo; successfully, Öpffów, kátop960, #pye āśikvéopal, Thuc.; first or quickly, Tpoãviro; besides, Tposełepyágopal ; at the same time, Givāvū0. To help to accomplish, givektrovéw. To accomplish (i.e. render (a pupil) accomplished), €icrovéa. To be accomplished, esp. as prophecies, f *ěříka (ºf a person) + pova'éopal. See To do p A - e e at HTTwka, Tö, usu, bad sense; (the ordinary acci- One must accomplish, TomTéov, f Spaq Téov - B 2 3 Accomplishment—Accusation What can be accomplished, troumté0s, trpakté0s; +'âAć- oriuos, ov. What has been accomplished (prayer, curse, etc.), ºfteåelos, a, ov, and os, ov; (or bring- ing with it its accomplishment) + TeXéo popos, ov; +aitókpāvos, ov. Accomplishing an oracle, TeXéopopov čičovs Xpm- opów, Eur. Able to accomplish, ēšepyaatikás. Who accomplishes all things, T travtexís; tº Tpaktípios, ov; # TéAetos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Not accomplished, +’âtexís. Accomplished (of a man), uovoirbs, xãptets, étiteAfts. Eacessively accomplished, Šimićpišapiévos. Accomplishment (i.e. end, consummation), TéAos, Tó; küpworts, eas, i ; Śiśirpaës, eos, i ; (i. e. elegant learning) sipovoſa ; traíðevais, eas, i. To accord. See To agree, To grant. Accord, of one's own accord, ékáv; Écotorios, a, ov, and os, ov; airós; +&i,6aíperos, ov. - (Coming), aireTáyyeAtos, ov; faitókAmtos, ov. Of one's own accord, adv. čkovo tos, hºppev60ev ; &@” éavrot yuáums, Thuc.; &# ékovarias. To do of one's own accord, airtoaxe6id ſo With one accord, éic puffs àppis, uſq yvápm. Accordance (inacc. with), adj. Orºpºſpovos, ov; &lcóAov- 60s, ov; adv. čkoWoßas, ovuſpa voivta's ; (in acc. with the laws) orby Tois vópots. According to, Éic (Töv vópov, etc.), kātā, c. acc, Accordingly, oùv, never the first word in a sentence; oùicotiv; + Toiyêp, usu, at beginning of a speech, but not always; totyápotºv. To accost, Tposefirov, only in aor. 2; +Tposavóów, Tposäyopetºw. See Address. An account (i.e. relation), A6)0s ; (as when one is called to account) Aeyxos. To make a person give an account (of his actions), eis éAeyxov ka9tatnut Tiva; An account of what one has done, etc., before judges, eijöövm, usu, in pl. An account of expenses, Ypoupé- Tetov; Ypduſta, usu. in pl.; Aoytoplás. To account, trouéopal, mid. See To think. To give an account, Aoyiſouai, mid. &toãoytſopal; (before magistrates, etc.) evöðvas Štréxa, eú0, Ötöðpu, Dem. Lys. To put down in an account, 'üTobeikvvut, &topatva', 'Ypápa. To be bound to give an account, eú0āvas 64'xtokávo, aor. 2. &#xov. The giving of an account, &Toàoytopós. To be called to account, eú00wouai, c. gen, causae. To call a person's accounts in question, êirl Täs ej6üvas épxopal. To pass a person's account, &moxiew ti e505uns. To balance accounts with, 6táAoyigopal Tpós. A balancing of accounts, 6táAoytowós. To take into account, ÖTóAoyov trouéopaſ (Tuvos), £v T. Ti, Uttoxoyigouai, mid. Of no account, Év oëöev, A6).9 (eiuſ), Plat. They made no account of, trap' oëöèv éðevro (c. act AEsch. They are of no account, oùk éxovolv’āpið, Eur. On account of, Évéka,” elveka, c. gem.; † oëveh évékev, c. gen,; bič, c, acc., more rarely c, gen. She perishes on account of, or as a result of, a mo glorious action, &t' épywv editàeeatátov p^{vel, Sop On which account, 66ev. Accountable, ‘ūtsū0üvos, ov; ‘ūtraſtios, ov. To accoutre, a keväço. To be well accoutred, +eño i.evé Accoutrement, kóquos, okevil, a toxii. To accredit (as ambassador), ka9tatnut, in pre imperf., 1, fut, and 1. aor. act. See Ambassador. To accrue, Teptiotapal, pass. c. pf and aor. 2. act. dat, or és; in addition, Tposſytyvouai. To accumulate, ’ā6poſal, véa, etc. See To collect. Accumulated (of woe), ‘f Távorvptos, ov, Accumulation,”&6potopia, T6; (the act) &6potats. Accuracy, 'alpišeta, ākptéoãoyia, gºſpíveia. Accurate, ’āicpuéhs, fººtpeichs. To be accurate, consider accurately, 3rºpišoAoyéopal. Accurately, 'ükpiéðs, foice0pós. One should speak accurately, '&ºp160Xoymtéov. To know, understand, investigate, arrange, or make, ac- curately, 'đićpiéów. Accursed, kātāpāros, ov; +’āpārbs, dy; trebly ac- cursed, Tpiskatápatos, ov. Accusation, airía; airiápa, Tó; áykAmua, Tó; Érican- pa, Tá; Kätmyopia; (in legal form) Ypápſ. A previous accusation, TpolcáTºyopia. An accusation when a man was caught in the fact, &taya'yń. False accusation, ôtaéoAff, To lay an accusation when a man is caught in the fact, &Táyw thy &rayayyāv. To admit it (as judge), or decide it, Tapabéxopal Tºv 'êträyayyńv. An accusation is made against him by the city, ſtraſtiáv Ti Tpbs Tis TóAeós of yºyveral, Xen. évelca is often left out, and still the noun is put in the genitive case, “O man, miserable on account of your disposition and likewise of your distress.” Befºals toū voi Tàs Te avpubopæs to ov, Soph. + 4 Lilable to accusations, ſtraírios, ov. To accuse (generally, without any notion of law), ai- tºopal, usu, c. gen. rei; also c. acc. rei, where a nºuter pron., as Tatta, stands for the substantive ; sometimes c. 6, ti, &s, etc.; kataitudopal; YkáAéo, fult. —eorw, perf. —lcéramka, etc., sometimes c. infin. éAéyxo; + &váTTw, c. acc. rei dat. pers.-(generally or legally) kātmyopéa, ; before a court of law, 6tókw, ‘pkiva, 6tašáAAw, gükoºpavréal (usu., but not always, with a notion of falsehood). To accuse beforehand, Tpokåtmyopéa, TpoötášáAAa: ; be- sides, Tposićatmyopéa ; together, at the same time, avykātmyopéo ; in retaliation, &vteykāAéa'; &vtlypd- (popual ; to join in false accusations, ovsgölco paytéw. Phrases for to accuse: éirãyo airíav, Sicily, Ypāqºv, c. dat. pers. ; &váttúmut airíay; &Toypápop at Sicily; &Iroq,épw Ypaphu, katē c. gen.; altíav éirupépa, c, dat.; + aitíav véuw, c. dat. pers.; + £v airiq BáAAw, c. acc. To be accused, petryw; also p. Ypéphy, Öicnv; and c. gen. crim. (6tlemv subaudito); ºf ‘āyoví(opal, c. acc. rei; airíav čxo, öTéxø, c. gen, rei; airíav (pépopual ; airíav ŠTopévo ; ŚTéxø, c. acc. rei (póvov), Eur. Persons accused, oi Tàu ſcatºmyopiav čxovires, Thuc. He was accused of great injustice, &öucía ToxAh Katm- 'yopetro airtow, Thuc. One must accuse, kātmyopmtéov, airläTéov. Fond of accusing, yºmpáTulcós. Accused, üTaituos, ov; #ylcâmtos, ov. Easily accused, liable to accusation, eúkātmydpmtos, ov. Not accused, &véylcàntos, ov; ’āorijkoºpdvtmTos, ov. Not accused, adv. 'éveyićAñtals. An accuser, Icáthyopos. Accusingly, in an accusing spirit, ÖtaéóAws (épavāröm airo5), Thuc. To accustom, 61%, augmented tenses eið.; avvé9íſo; 'Yvºlvågø. To accustom a person not to do what he has been used to, 'éteffigo, c. u% and inf. One must accustom, É010 Téov, c. acc. and inf. To be accustomed, Édo, only in eloffa in pres. sense and pluperf; pixeo, vogíſo, + šáuíſo. Accustomed (of a person), givnºis, c. dat.; £6&s, d606, c. gem.; +%0&s, dö0s; (of person or thing) eia,66s. In an accustomed manner, eia,66tws. Ache, 365um; &Aymöðv, 6vos, j. See Pain, See Pain. See To accomplish; (glory, etc.) To ache, or feel an ache, &A'yéw, trovéa. To achieve, TeXéo. ‘pépa'. See To gain. An achievement, pyov; 'āyāvuorua, Tó. Acid, abat mp3s; a Tpüpvös, Öv; áčás. Accuse—Acquisition To be acid, Öğüvouai, pass. Acidity, orpvpuárms, m10s, h; abatmpórms, mtos, ii. To acknowledge (i.e. recognise, q.v.), (as Gods) vo- piſo; (as kindred, etc.) &vaylyvágica. To acknow- ledge (i.e. confess, q.v.), Öſioxoyéw. To acknowledge besides, trposop,0Xoyéa. To acknowledge an obligation to, Xóptu oióa, c. dat. pers. One must acknowledge, Špoxo'ymtéov. Acknowledgement (recognition), &vayvépio is; (con- fession) 600Xoyia. Acme, ’āquñ. To be at its acme, ’āqūſw. Aconite, 'ülcóvitov. Acorn, 8áAävos, j. Made of acorns, BăAávivos. Like acorns,8äAäumpès,8axavčns. Eatingacorns, f SãAá- vmſpáyos, ov. Producing acorns, BáAávnºpópos, ov. To acquaint, €ayyéAAw, c, dat. pers. See To inform. To be acquainted with, yiyvágico, TAmoiášo, Xpéopal, &T0xpdopal év Treip; yíyvouaí rivos; yuapſuws éxa, Tivi. See To know. All who were acquainted with him, Trávres of airtoſ éu- Treipos éxovtes, Xen. - Acquaintance (i.e. knowledge of), Yvápions, eos, i ; Xpeia, Givhöela. Acquainted with, an acquaintance of Yugºpiſtos, oriumflás; oiceios, a, ov, and os, ov; + yua'atós. Like an acquaintance, oiketos, Yvopluws. To acquiesce, àyáTáa, sometimes c. conj. 6, ti, ei, etc., or c. part.; a Tépyo, only fut, and aor. 1.; † aivéo. See To consent. One must acquiesce, a Tepictóov, Acquiescence, avyxépmoſis, eos, i. To acquire, Ictdouai, mid. perf. pass. in act. Sens. Icé- ictºuai, though icekt mºvévos is occasionally used in pass. sense, both in simple and comp, verbs; &vakTáoſal, ’āvāAap,6áva'; (esp. of acquiring friends) TposTouéopal; for another, Tepuirotéo ; besides, étructáopal, 'üTepictá- ouai. To aid in acquiring, ovyRTáowal, avykätact&- ouai. Se To gel. - Acquired (what is or may be), Kriſtós; (i.e. not natu- ral) étrictmros, ov; traictos, ov. One must acquire, Krºtéoù. One who enables men to acquire, fºreirelpa, i. Acquiring, or skilful in acquiring, Xpmuáriotikºs, KTºmTilcós. The art of acquiring, fi ictmruch. Acquisition (i.e. the acquiring), Affilis, Ictia is, étrº- ktúo is; of allies, trposáywyí; of anything additional, TrposTotmots. An acquisition (i. e. a thing acquired), KTāoris, ktāua, 5 Acquit—Addict To make fresh acquisitions, TAéov čxw, Thuc. To acquit, &tox{a, c. gen, crim. or c. Wh and infin,; éicXúa, ; &@tmut, c..acc. pers. gen. rei, or c. dat. pers. acc. rei, or c. acc. pers.; (in a court of law) āroxel- porovéa,’āiroyuyvágico, c, gen, pers, or c. acc. or gen. pers, and u?, c. inf. crim.; ’āToºmſpíčopal, c. gen. pers. Tô be inclined to acquit, 'üToxiſticós exo, c. gen, pers. To be acquitted, 'Topsøya; &m. airíav, Thuc.; +wików, He is acquitted of criminality, ‘āToxteta, wháðuceiv, Thuc. Acquittal, &TOXiqis; (legal)'étoi/hºtoſis. Deserving acquittal, 'étoxiciuos, ov. Means of acquittal, Tě 'âtroſpevictică. Acquitted, ‘ā940s, ov. An acre, TAéðpov.” Acrimonious, tripös; (in language) + trilºpáyxwo 0.0s, OV. Acrimoniously, tricp6s. Acrimony, Tikpta ; Triºpôtms, mtos, i. Across (to go), Ötö, c, gen. Or (more rarely) c, acc.; Trépa, c. gem. See Beyond. Across (i.e. crosswise, q, V.), adj. Ylcápºtos. To act, Öpáo), Tpárow. On the stage, 'üTokpivouai, mid. c. aor, l, pass. To be the first to act, Tpoirotéa. Not knowing how he ought to act winder existing circum- stances, &Topów Tu Xpóto toſs TpáYugou, Xen. To be acted upon, Tāq Xo, c. 5Tö or Tpós, and gen, Acting on the stage, 'üróleptoſis, eos, h; piumqis, eos, i. An act or action, êp'yov, Tpáyga, Tpāśts; + šp'Yua, Tá; # Tpåyos, Tó; Totmºa, Tó. She was taken in the act, Éiriamtos ºpéºn, Soph. The state of action (opposed to rest), €vépyela, He is a man of action, Xelp Öpá tê špdoripov, AEsch. An action at law, 'éyòv, Övos, 6; Śikm, Štúðikāoria. To bring an action, &lroypāqouat (mid.) Stöðilcão'íav Tpos, c. acc.; TpositäAéopaí (mid, fut. —égopal) tiva eis Staë., Öffens eigáyw. To obtain leave to bring an action, Tvyxávo bhens, Aayxãvo Siºnv, *ylcâmpa, Dem. Æschin. To lose an action, 8tºmy 34xtakāvo, ; ’āTorvyxávo kpioel, Dinarch.; Stºms vikdopal, Antipho. The loss of an action, fiorgia. Šików, AEschin. To gain an action, vicdo too kAñpov, Dem. The subject of an action, 6táðicagua, T6. * I have given this word, because it is very com- monly translated ‘acre;’ it was, however, hardly equal to a quarter of an English acre. Action (i. e. gesture in speaking), ūTörpio is, eos, h. Actionable, Štróðicos, ov. Active (i. e. energetic), śokvos, ov; Épyärms, ov eikivmtos, ov; (of a fast walker) eißwVos, ov; limbs) éA&ppos, &, by, and os, Öy; † Aalympás. Active (of a man, or of a feat), Kotºpos. Active and willing, £6exóirovos, ov; £6exoup'yös, Öv. Eacessively active, ÚTepéA&qipos, ov. To be active (i. e. to bestir oneself), féykovéo, ; (in body) + šAãºppíſo. To be active in a matter, éylcelaal. Actively, Évépyós, òókva's ; (in body) exampás, ºf icoidos. Activity, eúicoxia, | Restless activity (not of body), pixotpaypoortvm. An actor (or doer), Tpáktop, opos, 6 ſcal h; + £pyärms; (on the stage) ‘ūTokpiths, 6 ; uſuos. The chief actor (on the stage), Tpatá-yavtoths. Actual, *āAm0}s, yuhartos; ºf étáTijuos, ov. Actually, Švros, ’āAm0ós, Tó Švri, i Titãuws. To actuate, Teféa. See To induce, To excite. Acute (in every sense), Öğüs; (of a man) vomtilºés; +öğüppov, ovos ; (of perception) dévík00s. See Clever. Acutely, Öğü, öééas. Acuteness, &Yxivota; dāitms, mros, m; (great) trepivota. An adage, Trópouſa, Aóyos. See Proverb, Adamant, 'üääuas, autos, 6. Adamantime, ’āöäuávtivos, ov; +’āöäuaytööeros, ov. To adapt, &ppé@ ; évappāſo, fut, -óo w, also –óšo ovvappāſa. To be adapted, &pplóſo, intrans. Tposapuáço, c. dat, or prep. See To fit. Adapted, étitièelos. See Suitable, Adaptness, étritmöelórns, mTös, # (Tpós tu). To add, éiritſõnut, Tpostômul, Tpoorpépo, Štreisãyo, ºf éqappéſa’, ‘Féâtta. To add to what one's self has, to take in addition, Tposłauéðvø. To add to a writing, Tposypápo, trposeyypápo ; to a speech, ētriXéya, Éir- efirov ; in counting, trpos?\0'yſgouai. To be added, Tposytyvopal, Tpósepal. One must add, trposéetéov; (in counting) trposota Téov Added, TpósóeTos, ov. What must be added, trposol- O’Te05. An adder, éxiàva; #xis, eas, Ö; Éxiēvlov. To addict one's self to, Tpétropal, mid, and pass, c. prep ; Tpóskepal, c. dat.; Tposéxo, Tposvěual épau- tov, Tiëtówu èuavtóv. 6 Addicted—Admitted Adäicted, &veluevos (eis). An adding (the act), Tpósóegis. Addition, Tpóstºmua, Tá; Tposółkm; Tpostpápmua, Tó. Additional, Tpósteros, ov; Teſsaktos, ov. In addition to, Tpós, c, dat, or c. acc.; also adverbially. Addled (eggs), küvárovoo &&. (T4). To address, trposefirov, Tposa'yopeta, i &iºdø, ºf Trpos- avčáo), fitikaffolkw, tºpovéo, Tpostpovéo ; Firposmyo- péo, The law addresses itself to such a one, oi váuol StaXé- 'youtai Toârg, Dem, Addressed by, Tposq,0éyktos, ov; Tposſiyopos. One who is addressed, the object of one’s address, + Tposmyápmºa, Té, An address, or an addressing, Tpósphoris, ii; : Tpos- ºpdºwmpa, Tó ; # Tpósq6eypa, Tó. Address (i.e. dexterity), Šeštátns, mtos, # Téxym. Addressing, Tposſiyápos, c. gem. To adduce, Tpośyw; Éiráyopal, mid.; Tápéxopal, mid.; An adept, to Tap, opos, Ö; goſptoths, étiqtārms; + Tpi- 8wy, wVos, 6. Adequate, ščios; +&vräräAos, ov. See Sufficient. To be adequate, àpuégo, See To suffice. Adequately, Číos, &utiträAws. Adequatemess, &#ta. To adhere, éxopal, mid.; Trposéxopal ; (to a party or a friend) trposkaptepéo. See To stick, To cling. An adherent (of a party), otéguótms ; juoyváuav, c. dat. To be an adherent, ovvečetáçopal. Adhesive, YAtaxpos, YAotóöms. Adhesively, yMuo Xpós, and superl. —órata. Adjacent, yeſtov, &otiſ)eſtay; trpósovpos, ov; buo- pos or Šuovpos, ov. - To be adjacent to, exopal, mid.; ovvátto, only pres. and fut. To occupy a country adjacent to, x66va &otijºyetto- wéopal, c. Tapò and dat. AEsch. To adjourn, 'êvãéáAAw; ’āvío Tºmul, in pres, or aor. 1. To be adjourned, &vío Topal, pass., c. aor. 2. act. To adjudge, étići cáço; (property to a claimant) iſ nºt. Çopal. To adjudicate, Kpivo, ötööicăço. See To decide. Adjudication, lepiots, eas, ii. See Decision, An adjunct, Tápépyov. See Addition. Adjuration, êópicoots, eas, i. To adjure (i. e. make another to swear), Öpic{{a, ść- opicíſo, öpiców, Ščopków. To adjust, kā0íotnut ; carefully, ’ākpiéów. Adjustment, givtašts. Admeasurement, pºétpmots. See Measurement. To administer affairs, Tpdaroo; a state, ToxiTetw; an oath, &lroëtówpu (&plcov); to a person's necessities, etc., Tapkéal, fut, -éoo, c. dat, pers. See To assist, To help. Administration, 6totic mois, eas, h; oikovouſa. To have a share in political administration, troAiTeto- ual, mid. Matters of administration, T& TroXītikā. The science of administration, i. Toxttlich. Admirable, §avpartós; daúuaotos, op; ’āyaa Tés; + širío Tpettos, ov. Admirably, Šavgaotos, Šavgaatós, ’āyaa Tós. Admiral, vačapxos, otpātmyos, + atpātmäärms. To be admiral, a Tpātmyéo. The rank of admiral, vavapxéa, or vavapxia ; the period of command. The admiralty, 'üTogtoNeſs, oi, The judges of the admirally court, vavroötical, o' Admiration, &c.0pa, Tá; Šáušos, Tá; �s. An object of admiration, foréas, to, only in nom, acc. and voc. sing.; +’āyagua, Soph. To admire, ’āyāual, fut. &Yároſial, and ro, aor. 1. hyāoréamu, and go, and hydrönv, in act. sens. imperf. #Yêumv, &avudſo, (nAéo, To admire eaceedingly, âtépéyawat. To be filled with admiration, êicTroéoua, pass. An admirer, Savudaths, épaaths. Admission, eisoãos, or és—, #. See Entrance (i. e. confession), ÖpioWoyſa. To admit, eisãéxopal, or és—, c. perf. pass, etc. in act, sense ; Tposóéxopal (i.e. confess), Öpoxoyéo ; as genuine, éykpivo ; beforehand, Tpoötop,0Aoyéopal, Tpo opoxoyéa. To be admitted into (a class), €ykpivouat c. els; eistex40- pal c. eis, mid. As well as the case admits of, Čk Töv čváexopévoy, Xen, The punishment the circumstances admitted of, ai évôs- Xokéval Tºwptai, Lycurg. As well as the case admits of évôexouévos, Decret, ap Dem. Falsehoods admit of refutation, Tô jetén áAeyxov čxel, Thuc. As far as nature admits of, ka0 &gov påg is évôéxetal, Plat. To be admitted among, eisépxopal. One must admit (i.e. confess, q.v.), 690A0) mté0; ; be- forehand, Tpoôtop:0}\0').mtéov, Arist, Admitted (i.e. approved), yºpiros, ov. 7 Admittedly—Advantageous Admittedly, Śwox0)ovuévos. Admixture, a tºykpāoris, eas, i. To admonish, vov6etéo, only act. Who must be admonished, vov6ermté0s, Eur. Admonition, vov6érºua, T6; vov6étmots, eos, i. Admonitory, vov6eturbs, vov6etmtikos. To adopt (a son, etc.), trouéopal, mid.; Tpostoléopal : (opinions, habits, etc.), xpdopal, mid.; (a new custom instead of an old one), fueflappégouai, mid. To give to be adopted by another, ékirotéa, eistotéw. And this plan was adopted, 60ée Śē Taota, Xen. Adopted, Serbs, Tomtés ; with reference to the child's real father, éictoimtos, ov; to his adopted father, eis- Toímtos, ov. Adoption, Totmots, eas, i. Adorable, §avpaatös. Adoration, Tpositivnats, eas, j; foré8as, pl. oré8m, TC. To adore, orééa, and more anciently orééopal, mid. only pres, and imperf.; Tposküvéa, fut. -how, aor, 1. —mora and + trposékúga; ºf orešíſo. See To worship. An adorer, &epāTrevT)s, où, 6. To adorn, koguéo, kata coopéa, ºf &G'Kéo, + ščaokéw, ºrovéa, Eur; +&YáAAw, no perf; besides, ovy- Koguéo ; together, ovykaAAśva ; one's self, kaº- Awarígopal, mid. and pass. To help to adorn, ovueTri- Koopéa. Adorned, feiſkoop,0s, ov. Adornment, + &yAáiopia, Té. See Ornament. An adorning of one's self, kaAAwTio Más. An adorner, koopmths, où ; of himself, KaNAwTigrás. Of or belonging to adorning, koopmtikás ; the art of, # Koopmºttſch. Adriatic, ºf 'A6ptäväs. Adroit, 6é$10s. See Skilful. Adroitness, Öeštátns, mºros, ii. See Skill. To advance (i.e. bring forward), act. Tpoſpépo, -ofo'o, —fiveyko, ; (i. e. promote the prosperity of), ačávo, tenses from aiééa, trpoãyo, Hdt. Xen. See Eaali ; (an argument, etc.), Aéyw; money, Tpoãvaxtoica, fut. —Aégo, trpoötöwl.t, Xen. See Lend. To advance, intrans. lit. or metaph. Tpośaiva, fut –Šà- gowal, perf. –ééénka, aor. 2. —éémy, often contr. Tpot- émy ; fut. act. and aor. 1. act. never used in intrans. sense ; in phrases often c. acc. quasi cognate; trpoé, Tóða, kóAov, &psiAav, etc.; Tpoxopéo; Tpoépxopal, aor. 2.-fiX60V; (as troops, esp. as cavalry) TpoeAaúva; as a soldier out of his ranks, as a champion, êeXaiva'; slowly, ‘ūtrépxopal ; so as to cross a river, etc., trpo- ālāśaiva ; after others, éirekxopéo; before, in An of, Tpoéčeipt (–1éval). See To come, Togo. > * To advance (i. e. improve), ºrporcóirro, Širtóíðapt. He is advanced in life, Tpóoro plºv #öm 8íotos, Eur, In advance of Tpb, c, gen. An advance, trpá050s, i ; Tposx6pmots, eas, h; (in order to attack) trposéAão is, eas, i. * The advanced party (of soldiers), oi Tpéoãol, Xen. Advancement (i. e. improvement, increase), alºngis, eas, ii, Thuc. Advantage, képôos, Tá; Šumats, eas, h; āqexos, T8, only nom, and acc. sing. & péAéia. Our present advantages, tá úrápxovta juïv Kpeteorova, Thuc. What advantage is life to me? tº pot (fiv Köölov; Eur.; Tí uot TAéov; Xen. Plat. What advantage should I get 3 ti irposøeſumu TAéov ; Soph. To be an advantage to one, ovgºpépelv rivi éirl to 8éA Tuov, Xen.; v. infră, Advantageous. It is no advantage, où6év és TAéov Totò, Soph,; so oùöèv &v TAéov Aššois, Eur.; oióēv TAéov éotl, or 'yūyveral, Plat. Dem. We have this advantage (over our enemies), replyiyve- Tal juiv Tb, etc., Thuc. If they gain advantage in the war, et Ti replyfyveral Too Toxéuov, Thuc. - (To fight) at an advantage, éic too reptóvtos, etc., Thuc. There is no advantage in being silent in misfortunes, oria Tijs oièèv ép'yov čv Kalcots, Eur. Advantage derived from you, iſ oil Tpostpopá, Soph. To or for the advantage of Tpós, c, gen. For I will speak for your advantage, not for my own, Tpès goû yap, oiâ’ u05, ppågø, Soph. To gain advantages from, & Toxaño, no pass.; TAeovelt. Téa, ; (of opportunities, etc.) 54 alpéopal. One who gains advantages over, TAeovéictms, ov, 5, c. gen. A way of gaining advantages over, TXeovečía. To advantage. See To profit, To assist. Not advantaged by, deriving no advantage from, "åvá vmtos, ov. Advantageous, &péaigos, ov, and m, ov; cºupopos, ov, etc.; AüoſiteXàs. - More advantageous, Šid popos pāAAov, Thuc. To be advantageous, orvpupépw, impers. Affet, usu. c. neg.; AVoireAeſ, sometimes with a nom. as Öticaloa tºwn AvoriteXeſ, Plat. - 8 iſ not advantageous, oi, Adel TéAm, Soph. Advantageously, orvuſpepávta's, & peaſuals. Adventitious, eigäydºylpos, ov; ; ÉTaktós, ov. An adventure, TóApampa, T6. See Enterprise, To adventure, toxpºda. See To dare. Adventurous, qixokivöövos, ov; † toxpañets, superl. Toxuffoºtatos. Adventurously, pixokw8üvos. An adversary, Čurčíkos, &vrīrāAos, 6 kg, i, Fèvotá. Tms, Soph.; F traXalaths. See Enemy, etc. A third adversary to take up the conqueror, Épéepos. Adverse, évávttos; (of events, etc.) &vtårötros, ov; , Tóxi) rotos, ov, See Hostile, Unfortunate, Un- friendly. To be adversely disposed, to be adverse, évautiéopal, pass.; &AAotpíos éxa, Šidicepal, Isoc. Adversity, Icăköv, esp. in pl.; 6vstixia, Övstpačía, ‘ātūxta. Causing adversity, ºf BápióóTelpa, fem. (potpa). To advert to, Tăpăuțivía icopal. See To remark. Advice, 80UAft; a vuòočAm; ovg|300Aevpa, Tó; träpal- vegis, eas, # ; # 800Aevpua, atos. To take advice, reiðouai, mid. and pass.; 'âcoão. If you will take my advice, époi Xpºpevos StöaokáAq., AEsch. To advise, Tàpatvéa, fut. —éora, sometimes –moſo (but not in Trag.); BovXeča, a vu}ovAeëw. To join in ad- vising, Givetraivéa. To give the same advice, Giºvá- 'yopeto. Who or what must be advised, oupéov- Aeuté0s. One must advise, ovušovXevtéov, eism’ymtéov. Ill-advised (or giving bad advice), kālcóšovX0s, ov. Well-advised, eúšovXos, ov. Giving bad advice, kákóšovXos, ov. Advisable, a pºpopos, ov. It is advisable, Xpſ. Advantageous. An adviser, orépéovX0s, BovXevths, orvpuéovXevtås. Adulation, Šotretc. See Flattery. Adulatory, Koāākevrikós. See Flattering. Adult, TéAetos, a, ov, and os, ov (&våp). To adulterate, lit. and metaph., kuéðmAeëw. Adulterated, kíšēmâ0s, ov; ’āöðicipaos, ov. Adulteration, kiéðmxeta. An adulterer, wouxos, trópwos. An adulteress, piouxettpia, Tépum. Adulterous, ºf Aitró)ópos, ov. Adultery, wouxeta. To commit adultery, uoixetw; (of a woman) Topveto- Plat, pass. See Advantageously—Affiance Born in adultery, uoixà,0s. Advocacy, oriivnyopia; ovvöic'a. An advocate (esp. for the defendant), giveiros; (esp. for the prosecutor) ovuñyopos, subst, and adj. 0s, ov; (of either side) 'üyaviaths, où. To advocate (a line of conduct), träpatvéaſ, fut. —éow. See To recommend. To advocate (i.e. be the advocate of a person or cause), aijváyopeta, ; (esp. of a defendant) ovvöikéw ; (esp of the accuser) oriivnyopéa. Advocate this man's cause, so that he shall be acquitled, To pečyetv Toijö’ Štrepôticó, AEsch. The advocate’s fee, to givnyopticóv. Fg2ean, ºf Aiyaíos. Aerial, föéptos, ov, and a, ov; faitéptos, ov, and a, ov Afar, élcás. See Far. Affability, eitpostlyopia, pixotpostlyopia; Kou ärms, mTOs, i. - Affable, Špixmtikós ; eitposſiyopos, ov; eitſpósoãos, ov; colvós. Affably, pixoqpóvals, ſcouvøs. An affair, Trpayua, Tó. To affect (the mind), šictXfiorow, aor. 2, pass, usu, —TAdymy; āttopat, mid. no perf. To affect (i.e. pretend, q.v.) to be, to do, etc., iToºpi. vopat, mid. To be affected (with emotions of the mind, etc.), Táo Xa, fut. Trefoopal, aor. 2. čírâ00v, perf. Tétrov0a. To be affected (i.e. conceited), SpüTTopal, pass, c, fut, mid.; £icTetà myſtévos. To be (well or ill) affected towards a person, ºppovéa e8, pſwa, calcá Tivi, eſs Tiva. See Disposed. Affected alike by pain and pleasure, 610Túðis Aörms kal jöovis, Plat. Affectation, axmpištiouás. Affection (i.e. love, q.v.), Épos, otos; pi\6tms, mtos, # ; pixogropyia, + Tpostpfaela, + atopyń; (of mind or body) Tâ00s, T6. Which sways the affections of men, à èmuāywyeº Tots &vöpas, Xen. Affectionate, pixóotopyos, ov. Affectionate (to the respective relations), + piāorátwº opos, 6 kal h; + (pixáðexpos, ov; + ptAátekvos, ov, Without affection, &otopyos, ov. Affectionately, piaws, pixta's. Affiance, Trío ris, eos, ii. See Trust. To affiance, éyyváw. To have affianced to one, YYváouai, mid. betroth. See To 9 •- Affinity—Age Affinity, ovyyāysia. See Relationship. To affirm, pnul, no perf.; 6ttaxiſpigopal, ŠišŠećatéo- plat. See To say. - An affirmation, pāois, eos, i. † § 3 º º V J. An affirmalive proposition, kārābāots, eos, i. Affirmative, kātmyopicós, kārāqāticós. Affirmatively, Katnyopticós. To affix, Tpoo SáAAw, perf. –éééAmica; # Tposthyvuſu; See Tofia. + Tposárta. º º ** * tºº A. J. - To afflict, kāków, 'üvića, (i, Ar.), Triéſa', d'A'yūva, éðiðváa, Éiritpiša, ºf Avréa, ºf xelpºd ſo ; in addi- tion, TāpāAütréal. - To be afflicted, dAyéo. See Grieve, Afflicted, + TâAaſtropos, ov. See Miserable. Affliction, Trévôos, Tó ; Śēivā; &Ayos, T6; divio. (I Hom., Trag., elsewhere i); &Aymua, Tó ; &A- 'ymööv, &vos, j; + Tóvos, + Affirm ; Aitmua, T6; an affliction, Tá60s, Tó; Túðmua. Previous affliction, Tpo- Ağırmats, eos, ii. See Misery, Grief. Affluence, TAoûtos. See Riches. Affluent, ºf TAoûotos. See Rich. To afford, i.e. supply, Tápéxa, ; # Tposapicéo, fut. —érw, no perf. See To give, To be able, One must afford, Túpektéov. An affray, &6pü60s. To affright, poééo. Affright, pó60s. To affront, ‘ūspíſo, &tiuáço; aikiſoual, mid See To insult. An affront, “ijépus, eos, h; "ijéptopa, Tó; aiketa, al- ktop.6s. See Insult. See To frighten Affronting, ‘i &eikhs, contr. f airchs, Afraid, treptºpo60s, ov; treptăsăs. Eaceedingly afraid, ūtréppoéos, ov. See Fearful. To be afraid, betào, fut. Sefo'opal, perf. 6460iico, and beſò, and 3éöta and Öetó. See To fear. Africa, Aišūm. African, Aféükos, + Aiévotikós; Aisis, Úos. Aft (the wind blows aft), relyet karð "piºuvau, Soph. - After, &Tb (not after persons, but events, as, the third day after the battle, Tpitſ, juépg &rö täs vavua- xias, Xen.), c. gen.; 5tà, c. gen, as, 31& xpóvov, ât üAiyot, etc., Thuc.; però, in all senses, c. acc. and often as adv.; (to be named) after, éirl, c. gen., c. dat, i. e. for ; adv. iſotepov, i ötrio 6e or ~6ev, + šário 6s. See Hereafter, Afterwards. After, adj., iſotepos. * Things happening after, tà épvo Tepiſovra, Thuc. . After, qfter that, Étreſ. S Being named after a person, êtríkAmy Tuvès Aé al., Plat. - \ To be after, to repéo, Úo Tepiſo. | The afternoon, Seſam ; the early part, Seſam rºi. ; the late part, betan Öſta, An afterthought, ºf éirívoto. Afterwards, iſotepov, sometimes c. prep., as, és $ote- pov, f. peóüo repov, Širetta, Öttow, ºf Štrugøe and –0ev, f. perário 6e, ºf petal,0is. See Hereafter. For not long afterwards, oil troXA00 yöp Xpóvov Šteå- 0óvtos, Isoc. Again, TáAtv, 'āvārāAlv, ač, ač0ts, ºf aire. Again and again I say, Ical bettepov Kal rptrov pmui, Antipho. Against, &url, c. gen.; Éirl, c, dat., c. acc.; karū, c. gen.; Tapč, c, acc.; Tpos, c, gen, c. acc. Against, adv., áváutiou, adv. and c. gem.; Évávtta. They determined to make an eapedition against Argos, ëôočev airo's otpatetely €s’Apºyos, Thuc. (He said that they were preparing an expedition), but against what country he said he did not know at all, ôtrol Śē oë6év čºpm eiðéval, Xen. Against, adj., ávttos, sine cas, or c. gen, more rare c. dat.; Évávttos, *. To answer truly makes against us, Tô &Amófi &toicpſra- 0.6al évávtta yiyveral, Thuc. Age (in all senses), gi&v, Övos, 6. A man's age, #Airía (of all periods, but especially of the prime of life). The age for doing any thing, ‘ālqū), c. gen.; Aicſa. The present age, fi viv (30 & #Nicſa, Dem. Old age, yūpas, atos, sync. —gos, cras. -as, Tá. Full age, TéAos, Tó. Middle age, ſcaffeatmicvia Aircía, Thuc. Of age, 6 €v Airíg, Thuc.; TpoeAnAv0&s Tā Āxicº, Xen. - * To be of age, Aicſay śxø (etxou, Éw, oxov, etc.), gy #Aircíg eigl, Aicſas uetéxa. - Of the same age, fixté, icos, usu. in pl.; F Öpfixiº, güp. ouffixić, F ovvāAić; + orévtpopos, ov; 'io fixt;. One of the same age, ºf Aiciótms. Of what age 2 = qualis aetate P #Atkos. Of such an age (as to do, etc.), Tnxicotros, -ottºm, –00to, and —00Tos in fem.; + Tnxicos, Tºm Alicósóe. To be middle-aged, Táñña, Tâs #Aiktas eiul, Plat.; ſpo. #ica, eis Ba6.) Tâs #Aicias, Ar. To be of marriageable age, tpbs Yéuwu fiſco &iquès, Soph. Of what age (is he)? Tiva &kuhu #éns éxwy; Soph. 10 am of the same age as you, Gol Tavrov #éns uérpov ëxaſ; Eur. When she had arrived at the age to be sought in marriage, Tpös) to uvno Teſſed 6at Aašotions attàs i Alicíav, Isoc. ley &re nearly of an age to be instructed, ÖAfyov fixi- kfav #xoval Tatóeſegdai, Plat. hey slew the men without regard to age, Tobs &vöpé- Tovs 'épévévov petőöuevo otte Tpegévrépas otte vewrépas àAirías, Thuc. should have a pleasant life, if I were banished at my age, kaśās &v wou á Bíos etm ééex0ávri rºticóēe āv- (pārge, Plat. - ged, yépºv, ovtos, 6 Ical il, neut. ov. See Old. m agent (for a foreign state), etc., Tpáčevos, o be an agent for, trpoševéw ; (in buying) Tpotoxéw. !o aggrandise, aiºvo, or gifto, tenses from aišéo : + &éča, only praes, and imperf. See To ea'alt. ggrandisement, aiºmols, eas, i. 'o aggravate, ueyāAüvo ; Éritideſat, mid, c, dat.; ‘ûrepšáAAw, perf. –éééAmica. ggravation, ‘ūtrepšoxh. ggregate, *ā0000s. In the aggregate, 0 pºtas, aga, av, Omn. Aggression, êttbeats, eos, ii, only c, dat. See Attack. ggressive, éiríðetikós. ggressor, 6 &öucóv, 6 &öulcão'as. !o be aggrieved, 'üğircéopal. Sce Injured. gile, éAâqipës, &, by, and bs, Öv. See Active.’ Agility, ŚAäqpótms, mTos, i. To agitate, Icivéa, ºf IcAovéo ; in mind, Tápégora. See To trouble. Inwardly, ºf jaroo Tpoééo, o be agitated, cráAsúw, Troéopal ; + Icívčagopal, only in pres.; FXelpidéopal. reparation had been in agitation before, Tápégićevº) Tpoetráveaſeforón (from Tpoetrāvāoreiopat), Thuc. Agitation, *āvālciumats, eos, i. istraction and agitation of mind, livXàs TAdvmua, ic' &valciuma is ‘ppevöv, Soph. Ago (long ago), Tēxai, FirpátrúAal. Although it was a long time ago, kaltrepékpakpot, Xpóvov, Soph. \gonising, Öelvós ; † 6tstantos, ov. gony, 'üyovía. See Pain, grarian (of a law), yeouopicós. See Land. 0 agree (together, with, etc.), orvpupovéal, Öuovoéa, ovyyi'yvágico, ögo?\oyéo, avyxopéa, ovv6éAo, a úp- ºpmuu, föpioß500éo, I givavöáo ; as an event agrees with a prediction, ºf &ppóſo ; in a vote or decision (see To vote), ovvopuiça, orivevöokéw; as events agree, Aged—Ague avutpéxo, avutritto ; i. e. to make an agreement, orvpgaivo, oupgåAAw, ovykatatíðepal ; to the terms of a treaty, Tpostepal, mid.; with an arguer, &toãé- Xopal, mid. c. gen. To agree with, live in harmony with, ovvappāſa. To speak so as to agree with, oiväyopeta, c. dat. To agree in a bargain, ovutdooropal, mid. Will the king also agree to this 2 # kal Túpavvos ratta avyxophoretat ; Eur. To agree in age, catašaiva, eis Xpévows, Arist. To agree together, ovykóAAws Xo, AEsch.; 6povomtucós ëxa, Plat. They all agree, avvöoiceſ, impers. aor. 1. –éôoče. You all agree in this, juiv ovvöoice? Taota, Xen. If you agree with me, éðv Špa kal go ovvöokfi à Ical éuol, Plat. It is agreed upon, ovyxoſpel, Jüykeltai. Agreed upon, Émtös, eipmuévos, Taictós, avvrefleis. One must agree, 61000A0) mtéov, avyxapmtéow. To be agreed to, ovyxopmté0s. Agreeable, jöös, ’āpearbs, kphyvos; Tixãpts, itos; étrixápitos, ov; # Tixapros; if eiðjuos, ov. You, making yourself agreeable to others, ori paatport GovToi, Xen. Agreeable manners, to Éirixápt, Xen. Agreeably, '3peakóvros, icexãptogévos, étrixãphros. Agreeing (with, together, etc.), Öployvámov, ovos; origſbøvos, ov; ; a ſuppov; forêvãyopos, ov; (of things) + orivºbs, 6v. - Agreeing (with, together, etc.), adv. ovupovoëvras, ôployvouðvøs, ovºſpávos, + avylcóAAws. Agreement, Šuoxo'yta, ovvopoxoyia,ópóvoto, öuoãočía; an agreement, avv8.hicm; otpſ%als, eas, j; forêvémaa, T6. A written agreement, ovyypābh; avváAAayua, ătos, Tó. And for the suitors to make a solemn agreement with one another, šešićs te ovušaxeſv MunaTipas &AAnxolor, Eur. Belonging to an agreement, tending to, ovuéâticós; ovgéâtſipuos, ov. A not making an agreement, a case in which no agree. ment is made, to 'égºuéârov, Thuc. Agriculture, yeap'yta, i, yeap yuch. Agricultural, yeapylicós. An agriculturist, yeap yós. See Farmer. Aground, to run a ship aground, ÖlcéAAw, only in pres. and aor. 1, ; also, intrans, of the ship, ŠokéAAal, étro. kéAAw. Ague, an, hºrſåAos. Tep 11 To have an ague, #TiãAéw. Ahead, épurpoo'0ev. See Front, Before. To be ahead (of a person, etc., going the same road as another), trpoxaučávo, fut.-Affilouai, aor. 2. —éAášov. To aid, éticoupéo, Bombéo, 'üToupyéo. See To help. To come to the aid of, trāpāyīyvopal, mid, fut. —yevå- 9 oual, aor. 2. —eyevöumv, Tapaéondéo. ..To join in aiding, aid all together, aiva peača, c, dat. or acc.; ovušom6éo ; against an enemy, t giv- See To assist, To help. Aid, Tucowpmºa, Tó; ’āpayh, sometimes c. gen, of the danger against which ; +&Alcá; + &rapéamua, Tó. A coming to the aid of éiríð0%0ela.; a joint aid, oup- 80%0ela. See Assistance, Help. We must aid, Bombmtéov. An aider, Bombós; Śrmpétms, ov, 6. See Assistant. An aid-de-camp, or mTToixos, ovgºpopets; it mpétms, 0U. To ail (i.e. be sick), vooréa. An aim, orkotós. . To aim at (lit. and metaph.), ápéyvipal, mid.; oto- xáſ ouat (most often metaph.); with an arrow, etc., Tošešo, c. gen, or c. prep.; Tetua, BéAm, etc., áirl, c. dat. To aim a blow at, Šuteſva TAmyńv. See To attack. To aim at (i.e. seek to get), Stéico; a retºo, c. eis, also c. Ös, and opt. c. 8Tws uí; plexetdo. One should aim at, Širelictóov, GT0X20 Téov. A gool aim, i são toxia. An aiming at supreme power, trepiéoAh Tås &pxis, Xen. Taking a good aim, eiotoxos, ov; O'Toxgatucös, ov : <pos GkoTov, AEsch. ; metaph. éirígico- tros, ov. Taking good aim, adv. effotoxas, otoxaatticós. Well aimed, eiſotoxos, ov. An aiming at, TepišoA), c. gen. Air, "&hp, Épos, 6; aidhp, 6: when there is a difference &hp is the lower air, aiºlp the pure upper air ; aipa. The open air, aiépi'a, Airy, belonging to, of the air, in the air, ºf aidéptos, a ov, and 0s, ov; 'déptos, a, ov, and os, ov, Airy, of a country (i. e. exposed to the air), eúirvoos, ovs, ov, ovv. An airy situation, eitvola. * In the open air, 'üTaíðptos, a, ov, and os, ov; £v Štat6pq, Xen. To live or be in the open air, Šipovăéw. To tread the air, 'āspoéâtéo, Peteoporopée. To measure the air, 'depopuerpéo. v I. dºwvway. See Sick. } Ahead-Aliment Moving, flying, etc. in air, i äepápotos, or; t giffsp6. 6pop,0s, ov. Jike air, 'depoetës, ’āépivos. To air, Štajúxa. - To give one's self airs, āśpivouai, in pass. Gilly in pres, and imperf.; Sputtopat, pass. Akin, ovyyevås; 'éðexpos, h, Öv, and Ös, 6v. Alabaster, 'éAššagtpos, pl. oi and tâ &Aä6. Alacrity, Tpoſipia. See Eagerness. With alacrity, Tpo6üuws, &óicva's. Alarm, kātā‘TAmèts, ews, ii. See Fear ; (i. e. a cry of alarm) 80ſ. - A previous alarns, TpoekpóSmols, ews, #, To alarm, kārātañago, in pass, aor. 2, both -TAffym; and —TAáymy; pofféa. See To frighten. I am alarmed at, Četvös éxel plot Tepi, c. gen. Antipho. Subject to alarms, ſcătăTA}\}, fiyos. | Alarming, ğicTA)icticós. See Terrible. Alas, pet, fai, usually repeated, as ai, aſ; fié. Alt me / 'oïuot. - To cry alas, ‘f petſo, no perf. Albeit, kaitep. See Although. Alert, pöAacticós. Alertness, tápmoſis, eos, i. \ Alien, äAAótpuos. See Foreign. An alien, pºétoucos. The rights of aliens, peroíkia, Tá. A tax on aliens, petoticlov. The alien act (a Lacedemonian institution), ševmAägtg To be indicted as an alien, Ševias (petºya (sc. ºpaqºv) Ar. - - - To prosecute as an alien, Čevías Ypdºpougi (mid. in aor 1.) tiva, Dem. To be eonvicted as an alien, Ševías &Atakouai (aor. 2 act. #Aww, and more usu. Att. ŠáAwv in pass. Sens.) Dem. Alienable, xoplatés. To alienate, &AAotpiów, &TaxA0tpuów. To be alienated from one another, 6tavío Tagal, pass. C aor. 2. act. in pass. Sens. To alienate a friend from another to one's self, trapal péopal, aor 2. —éixówmv, - Alienation, &AAorptools, eas, #; ’āTax\otplagi &AAotpforms, mtos, i. To alight, £icéaíva, kataSalva. dismount. Alike, Špotos, a, oi, and often os, ov. Alike, adv. Öpotas. See Like. Aliment, Tpopf. See Nourishment. See Lament. See To descend, T See Like. 12 ntary, tpéqiuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov. See Nu- t!.S. (wos; Éuiyūxos, ov; utvoos, ov; ovs, ovy; t|3Aé- jvora, etc.; (of a wounded man) uppov, ovos, Ö, ee Living. et, Éyxovora, &yxovoa. ãs, rāga, Tāv; ‘ātras, giuras, + trpátras, rexſis. See Whole. in they all on all sides heaped reproaches on him, effegu “Hpago'ov čv6ev käv6ey of ris #00° às ph. tră, in question, or with negatives, or conjunc- or demonst. pronouns; Tāvū,c, neg,ápx?iv, c.neg. , uðvov oi) ; 30 ovoi. events, yoºv, frequently divided with &v insert- ed, as Tāvv y’ by ov. n all, Tävv. {ll day, all night, etc., 6t' juépas, Ště, vvictós. nd all (in such phrases as, allies and all), airbs, the preposition obv being usu. omitted, but sometimes inserted ; airtofori ovupdxotal, AEsch.; but airtó giv &y yet, Eur. - o allay, Taiw, Kovºſo, + kouáa, eúváa. llaying pain, vööövos, ov. m allegation, párts, eas, i. n alleging, especially as excuse, 'üTopopá. o allege, trpopépa, trpośćAAw, Tpotetva (esp. as an inducement); Tpotaxopal, mid. and (by way of xcuse) in act. Trpotoxo; as a pretence, alcãTTw. 'o allege besides, träpätíðmut. legiance, ‘i teiðapxia. See Obedience. llegorical, p5666ms. m allegory, pºtºos. - o alleviate, Kovºſſo, + šćevuápígo. See To allay. o alleviate by holding out hope, ééevpaptgopal éAtríða, Fur. See Relieve. - t m alleviation, i kočqiqis; "àvákočqiqis, eas, h; + kotºplopia, Té. See Relief. m alley, a Tevoſtrbs, i. lliance, ovppäxia, Čualxuía ; a defensive alliance, #Tripušxía. n avoiding of alliance, to &otovãov, Thuc. alliance with, ēvotrov60s, ov, c. gen, or dat. See Ally. longing to an alliance, orvpuiāxicós. join in an alliance, givápºwüput, fut. -opioiuat, aor. 1. «uoga, perf -opićuoka. See Ally. make an offensive and defensive alliance, šuppaxtav othoao 9at $ote Tows attoos éx6pot's kai ºptAov: ouſºu, Thuc. Alimentary—Almighty Allied, gippº X0s, ov, fem. Sometimes ovſpºxis, ió0s, # ; Éricoupikés; + divorxos, ov. An alligator, Kpokööexos, To allot, véua, Čirivéua, katavéua, KAmpów, Šid. KAmpów. See To distribute, To assign. One must allot, €triveſtmtéov. An allotment, k\ſipos. An allottee, k\mpoo)(0s. A body of allottees, KAmpouxla. Belonging to, KAmpovXicós. To allow, Éda. See To permit. To allow in arguing, Öpoãoyéw. See To confess. To allow a person to do (i. e. give him an opportunity of doing), Tápéxw, in aor, 2. —eqxov. I am allowed to have done, ’āvapoxóympat, c. part. or c. infin. or c. ph and infin. It is allowed (i.e. permitted), áčeoti ; Śicy{yveral, aor. 2. čeyéveto, usu. c. meg.; + škiréAel, only in pres. An allowance, T Rérpmud, &tos, T6. I make great allowance for them, troXA}v airtois Éxaſ ovyyvápmv, Isoc. See To pardon. Alloy, ºf kiéâmaſa ; metal full of alloy, kíčömä0s. See Adulterate. All-powerful, f Traykpátís. See Almighly. All-seeing, ‘i Tavártms, ov, Ö. See To see. All-wise, travo'opos, ov. To allude to, & Too muaíva, c. És and acc. To allure, 6exed ſo, #Uxã) a yéal (only to allure men). See To tempt. An allurement, 6éAeap, atos, to, c. gen. pers.; + 3e. Aéagua, Štos, Tó. An alluring, the act, #5xâywyía. Alluring, poxicos, ov; Éiráywyos, ov. Easily allured, eú0ípáros, ov. An allusion to, 'ürépumais, eos, c. gen. Alluvial, Katajitos, ov. To ally (one’s self), to be an ally, etc., ovuuäxéa ovſkáxoga, fut. ovipaxoſual ; as members of a formal alliance, ovvápavvut. They were members of the alliance, év taú7m tº ovu. pāxīq &ved Tpépouto, Xen. An ally, Éticovpos, a ſuſtáxos ; + divaririaths, où ; + oróvoirAos. A body of allies, orvppºxſa, Čiricovpta. The son of Ægeus and his allies, Aiyéa's Tóicos . . . oire orvppleTao Xávtes àopos, Eur. Like an ally, ovuuäxicós. Almighty, ºf traykpáths, F Tráva Akīs; + travai- | v J. Twos, ov; ; Tāvepyétºis, 6 ſcal i, ov; ; Tāvapxos, or, 13 Almond—Amaze º An almond, 'éguyöäAn ; ’āuvyöäAls, thos, i. An almond-tree, ’āavyöäAéa, contract. —Aff. Of almonds, ’ājavyöäAivos. Almost, oxe66v. See Nearly. Alone, uévos and uoivos; T MováotoAos, ov; + olos : going alone, oióšovos, ov. + This alone of all things, Totto uávov Tów &AAwy &Táv- Tav, Plat. Alone, adv., povov, Käräſiovas ; thus alone, uévos oùrws, Xen. See Only. To be alone, ºf oiotroXéa, ; Śpmutav Šyo or éxo, Eur, Along, Tápé, c. acc., or + c, dat. Alongside of, Túpé, c, dat. See Side. Aloof, &T6. See Apart. To stand aloof, &ptotáual, pass. c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf act. and fut, mid.; 6tto Tăſtat ; ’āTouréréa. Aloud, pèrpov and uákpá. See Loudly. Alphabet, the, T& Ypáup’īta, Already, #87), 6%. Also, ſcat. See And. Altar, 80p6s, éaxápa, i éotia. An altar common to many gods, or a common partici- pation in an altar, i koivočopia, Of the, at the, on the allar, etc., + 8410s, a, ov, and os, ov; ; 8wpudios ; on the, tº Éirićpuos, ov; † pé- attos, ov. Round the altar, t &pſpišápºtos, oy. Having one common altar, Šuočágios, ov. In front of the altar, ºf Tpośćpuos, ov. Defending the altar, f Évoiéopos, ov. To stand at the altar, ºf éiríšoutoutāréa. To alter, act. webio Tnut, in pres, fut. and aor. 1, aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act, always in pass, or intrans. sense ; Teputatnut, pºetášáAAw, getatiºnal, a Tpé- ‘pa', 'I &AAáo go, 'i usta AAdoro w. To alter one's manners, ué0appógopal. See To change. To alter a writing or a law, petaypápa. To aller for the beller, Aetoloviſopigi. To assist in altering, oup- pe 6iotºut. To alter at same time with, ovppetééâA- Aw. To alter a little, esp. for the worse, ºf Túpax- Aá002, both act, and intrans. To be altered, in any manner, in mind or circum- stances, for better or for worse, pleTatríTtw. To be altered so as to become so and so, pediatapat (véos éic 'yāpovtos), Eur. To be altered into, ÉictíTrø, c. eis. You have been altered so as to be mad, pieté0ov Affor- oap, Eur. To be altered slightly, Tăpălcăival. Now what was done then cannot be altered, Tô plºv 67, Tété Tpax0évta oil &v &AAws Śx01, Dem. To alter one's mind, petàytyvágico; aerašovXeſa and | —ouai, mid.; Éiotăual ; kapātas Éto Tâual, Tpérouat (mid.) ºppovăuáros, Soph. They all minds, impers. HeTaşoiceſ, esp. in aor. J. M. Apt to aller one's mind, t wetāéovaos, ov; pexºticós. One must aller, Pietà0etéov, atátéov. Alterable, petalciumtés; or altered, fºſteta}\Aal Alteration, werágrão is, eos, h; peráčoxh, us but also to, Of mind, we'rdyvooris, eos, i. Altercation, &vtiãoyia, Alternate, "åpotéatos, a, ov, and os, ov. To alternate, ’āuetéopal, mid.; pleTapiétéopal, To make to alternate, ºf étraßAdaga. Alternately, ÉvaMAää, F Tapa)\Adš. In alternating rows, étraXAdé. Alternation, 'üpı016#. (Töv Aó)wV), Plat. An alternative, 50Tij; I see two alt., 8Aétro 500 fi Tås, Eur, * Although, ei Kai, c. ind, or opt.; Kafirep, usu. c. par + rep usu, after the word qualified by it. Even q though, ſcal ei Šua's, c. ind, Ital fiv Špos, c. suij, pa's usually ending the sentence. Although is often rendered by the participle: The fore, said he, although I have seen her, and althou she appeared to me to be very beautiful, I do s! attend upon you, Éyoy' oiv, p7, Taitºv Šapakö. kal Tävu pºol caññs Šošá0 ms eival, épôs trapó, a eiut, Xen. Not although, où6’ ei. Altitude, iſ pos, Tó. See IIeight. Altogether, adv., Távta's, Tavráxi, Tavtexós, Távt Těvv, TáuTav, Tavrátágu, to Tău, to a ſtrov, ŠAſ &Aws. Altogether, adj., a úvoãos. Alum, GTwitt mpia. See Change. Of speeches, etc., pleTaxmik Like or containing alum, at UTTmpić87s. Always, 'del, eisael and ésast; † 6tatavrés. To be always doing, Ölaytyvouai (aor. 2, -eyevöum trotów, 8tateåéa (fut. —ega) Totów, etc. I am, eiul, fut. Gouai, etc. To amalgamate, Icepdvvvut. See To mia, An amanuensis, Ypaguátio tºs, où. To amass, ovſišćAAw ; a vpupépa', fut. -owra, aor. —nveyico, ; # 'é'yeſpo. See To collect. Amatorily, Épotikós. Amatory, paſticós. To amaze, ékTAñaga, kātāTAffaga, ārīrājargo, 14 To le amazed, + šapéew; +'ât üçopal, only pres. pasi. Amazed, 'étrón Amicros, ov; ſcărăTAïč, fiyos, 6 Ical j. Amazement, Sápéos, Tô (6, Sim.); ſcatáranés, eas, i. See Wonder. - - Amazing, Savuagtös, Savuágios. Amazingly, Savučotos, Savuadrós. An Amazon, “Apid ſov, ovos, i, usu, in pl. An ambassador, Tpearéevtås; arpeg'ébs, eas, common in pl., but the sing, is used in this sense only by poets, One sent to allend the games, or to consult an oracle, &eopós. A company of ambassadors, t Tpégéevka, Tó ; sent on a sacred mission, 6 sapia. The chief of such a body, dipxibéopos. A fellow ambassador, origtſpeasus, sometimes c. dat, of colleagues; ovutpegéevrºls, ov. To be an ambassador, trpegéeto, and mid. To be a fellow ambassador, avpitpea Šetw. To be an ambassador to an oracle, etc., &eopéo. the chief ambassador, &pxibewpéo. To send as ambassador, Trpeg Sewortat, mid. To give an account of one's proceedings as ambassador, Giroirpegéetw. mber, #Aect pov, and #Aelºtpos, Ö, Ü Like amber, i hAeſcrpoq afts. hbidextrous, duqióéčios, ov. biguity, dupi\oyſa. mbiguous (with reference to the speaker, or thing spoken), āpupiaoyos, ov; āuſpišoxos, ov; faioxóato- pos, ov; (with reference to the hearer, i.e. hard to be understood) 80slºpitos, ov; ’āTéiquaptos, ov; +övsga- 0}s, + Storgös; + šupiðočos, ov; +’āo muos, ov. mbiguously, 5usicpitos, dupiš6Aws, 6ixoßóiras, always with où. o make ambiguous (put ambiguously), Čakſpotspíša. To speak ambiguously, aivia oropat, mid. fut. -íčopal. ſo be ambiguous, étraſºpotepf9o. Ambition, pixotiata. mbitious, pixótinos, ov; ueyāAottpáypay; piñapxos, OV. - mbitiously, pixotiuws. So be ambitious, pixotſpuéopal, mid. c. aor. 1. pass, in mid. sens. mbrosia, ºf &piépoqta (food in IIomer, but drink in Sappho). e brosial, i duépôotos, a, ov, and os, ov. Ambulatory, Tregevricós, tropeuticós. See To walk. mbuscade, ambush, Aóxos, évéâpa, §§pa. To be Amazed—Amorousness A pretended or sham ambuscade, bevöevéðpa. To lie in ambush, ēveðpeão, abs. and c. els; sometimes c. acc. of the person for whom, yică0ypal, Široká- 0mual, Širokaðigopal. To place in ambush, Aox{{a. ôpetopai. To sel an ambush, ēve- An ambush that had been set, Tpoxex0xtapéval eveSpai. To occupy (a place) by ambush, or to beset (TóAlv) with, Tpoxoxigo. - To catch by ambush, Aox{go, in pass.; eveópeča, in pass. Amenable, WToxos, ov. - To ameliorate, to amend, ééop6ów, 610p66a, Čirávop- 0ów. See To correct. To be amended, étravopówté0s. Amelioration, amendment, Távdp0ajoris, eas, j. Amends (i. e. gifts to make amends for), +'ātrolva, Tá. A making amends, dvdAmbus, eas, j; 6icaiopia, Té. To make amends for, éâlcéopal, éétéopal. Amenity, xãpts, itos, acc. —iv, -ita also. To amerce, Çmutów. See To fine. An amethyst, 'üuéðvotov. Amiable, Xapfels; détépaotos, ov; détopiantos, ov, otépktos ; t péopuos, a, ov, and os, ov. Amiably, Xópuev. Amicable, pixios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; etyoos, ovs, ool, ovy. See Friendly. - |Amicably, piatos, piaoqipóvos. Amidst, €v, c. dat.; Pietà, c. gen, c. acc. usually with words of motion. See Among. -- Amiss, to be amiss, kákós exa, etc. See Bad, Wrong, Unfortunate. Amity, piata; pixórms, mºtos, i. Ammunition, Träpa.oricevil. Amnesty, 'éðela. * To declaré an amnesty, où or prº pºwmailcáicéa. IIe promised them on the part of the king an amnesty in respect of their having joined in Cyrus's eaſpedition against him, Ötréoxeto . . . [tº] plumaucalcão'eiv 8a0Wéa airo’s Tās a by Küpp triotpatetas, Xen. Among, ev, c. dat.; ‘āvā, after verb of motion, c. acc.; caté, c. acc. with verbs of motion and otherwise ; pietà, c. gem. c. dat. c. acc. usu. with words of motion, though not always, trāpā, c. dat. not with verbs of See Friendship. motion. Amorous, poticós; pixepos, otos, 6 kai i. An amorous man, pixepaaths, ov, 6. See Loving. Amorously, Épatticós, c. gen, of the object. Amorousness, pīAepaatía. 15 Amount—Anger ... . \ To amount to, Yiyvouai, mid. aor. 2. čyevéumv, c. gem. of the larger coin ; 3360 drachmae amount to 120 staters, Tóv ćicătov eticoot otătăpav yiyvoviral Tpus- xfatal Tptákórial ééâlcovra (Āpaxual), Dem.; Śiśvāual, etc.; a stater amounts to 28 drachmae, 6 cwſucmvös 6üvatai etkooi kal Óict& 6paxuds. Amounting to (of the weight of, or length of), "årö, C. gen. Amount, Śāvāuis, eas, #; 'épiðuás. The Amphictyons, 'Apiquctiowes, oi. The council of the Amphictyons, 'Aſtibuct vovia, ii. Amphictyonic, 'Appuctuovicós. An amphisbaena, + dipºptoſéauva. Ample, piéyas, all cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut. from piéyaxos, comp. uéſgow, superl. Héyl- otos; "itºvás. See Large, Sufficient. To amplify, ueyāwāva. Amplification, in speaking, betwoots, eas, i. Amplitude, §ykos ; if \itärms, mtos, j. Amply, &Aus, &p6óva's. To amputate, Téuva, ćic réuva, ’āTotépava. Amputation, topº), 'ütrotopil. An amulet, Treptattov. To amuse, Tépiro, no perf, act, or pass., though there is aor. 1. pass.; eiºpatva', no perf, though there is aor. 1. pass. Amusement, téphis, eos, j; jöová, Tiraşta, Ölatpišá. Amusing, jöös, ſcoºpés. w Analogical, or analogous, 'āvāńoyos, ov. Analogy, 'üváAoyſa. Analysis, ’āvāAüois, ews, i. To analyse, 'üváAño, 6.arpotéa. Analytical, 'üváAüticós. Analytically, divaAvtucós. An amapaest, 'éváiratotos. Amarchy, 'üvapxſa. Anarchical, Fåvapxos, ov. r An ancestor, trpóyovos, etc.; Tpotárwp, op's, 6 ; + trpo'yevvitap, opos, 6; in pl., Tatépes, oi ; of Tpo- yeyováres, of Tpoyeyevnuévol, f of Tápotòev. An ancestress, + Tpopitap, opos, j; + träAaiúñtop, opos, i. Ancestral, TåTp(30s, a, ov, and os, ov; Tātpuos, a, ov, and os, ov; ratpukós. An anchor, &ykūpa; unds iox&s, d60s, i, Soph. To archor (a ship), Öppºiſo; intrans., (as a ship anchors, a crew anchor, etc.) 6paigopal, mid.; 6puéo, épeppéo; épopuigouai, mid. c. eis ; ká0opºſokai, pass, c, aor. 1, mid, often c. sis. l6 To anchor near to, + vavXoxéa ; Tposopuſſopiat. To anchor opposite to, div6oppéa, c. dat, or Tpós. To change one's anchorage, ple60ppuſgopal, mid. To anchor in front of Trpooppíſo. To anchor together, orivopºutgo. To anchor round a place, treptoppuſgouai, mid. an pass. To ride at anchor, ét’ dyköpas &mogáAeëo, Dem. We anchor on slight hope, ét' do 6evois Édºum's 3xotiple6a Eur.; Aettii Tis éAtris éat' ép' is 3xotp.e6a, Ar. IIe does not anchor in the same hope as the rest of th city, oil, éti Tàs attis Špple? Tois troXAois, Dem. To cast anchor, dyicipav 8áAAw, &yic. Ica.0ímput, dyk dºpt mºtt. To weigh anchor, alpa. An anchorage, Špuos, tdykūpovXía, + vača Täfluov ºf vačAoxa, td. w . An anchoring, coming to anchor, trposéppio is, ews, i. Lying at anchor, épéppamoris, eas. Having good anchorage, f vačAoxos, ov; eiſoppos, ov. IIaving bad anchorage, Föüo oppos, ov. - Winds which detain ships at anchor, ‘f Tvoal 500 oppoi. At anchor, Époppºos, ov. Anchovy, 'ébùm; Tpixis, (60s, j; Tpixſas, ov, 6; we épás, #60s, j. - Spopulºua, pfiss, Ancient, TäAalbs, compar. and superi. heth TāAafrepo -Tătos, and tâAguárepos —Tätos; &pxºtos, + rāAg 'yevils ; tāAatóyovos, ov; + Täxaíqātos, ov; 'yevis; + &Yüyios, a, ov, and os, ov; † 6 tróAa See Oll. Ancient (i. e. of ancient family), + 83.05×aſos, ov t àpxatóyovos, ov. - Anciently, Téaal, &pxaíos; tº 3pxaſov, and by cont Töpx. And, ſcal, t #3°, + ióé; te, not implying the sam connection between the expressions which it join together, which ſcal does ; usu. standing after th word to be joined, or in joining clauses after the firs word of the clause to be joined (vide Liddell an Scott in voc.); 6é. An anemome, ’āvepºdºvn. Anew, ač0is. See Again. An angel, &yºyexos, used for a messenger of the god Iris or Mercury. Anger, Öpyh, & Upads; ºffivus, gen. tos, also ió0s, ang of the gods; +x6Aos; +&iuapa, Tó; to Süpoğuevo Thuc. Cause for anger, whvºta, Tó; 'üyāvāict mois, sws, #. t Anger—Anniversary Inclination to anger, Öğü0üuta. TO | anger, Túpočva, opyiſo, Éopy[w, tx0Aów, tº avo, + 6pivo. To twoite to anger, éAačva (fut. Aéra) eis joyás Tiva, Elir.; wrotéo 3pyńv Twi, Plat. An angle, yovía, bycos, A right angle, épôň. Having regular angles, eity&vios, ov. To angle. See To fish. tº- Angling, &yictorpeia. Belonging to angling, &ykiqtpevticós, ‘āAtevtucós. An angler, 'üAtets. Angrily, xàAerós, òpyixas, usumuiuévos. angrily, Tepitãos, +'trepôňuos, + "iſtrepkóTws Not angrily, &pmvirws, AEsch. Angry, +éricotos, ov; 3%pčicotos, ov; +83púumvis, tos; +&WuotAmóñs; † Bāpā0üuos, ov; ; Kotaſvay. Very angry, reptopyās; + trepiðūgos, ov; +'trépkotos, ov. See To be angry. Being angry, Öpyń Teómyſtèvos ppévas, Eur, Not uncaused by the anger of the gods, xenºv oëk ’âuñviros &eois, AEsch. Caused by sudden anger, i öğüuńvitos, ov. Apt to be angry, veged mtikós. Very See Passionale. Calculated to make angry, vegeantós and vepiegontós, Tápočvvticós. To be angry, Öpyigogal; pass. c. fut, mid, tropop yigo- wat; BüAdouai, pass. c. fut, mid., &x50wal, fut. mid, &XJégoual, aor. 1. pass. in mid. sense, #3:0é00my; + Amvio; + XoAéouai, mid, and pass.; + 3:50 juéo; ºf éykoTéo ; F Öpyatva. To be eaceedingly angry, ‘ūtrepāyāvaktéa, ºf Štrep- XoAda. To be angry together, givopyiſoual, pass. To be treated with anger, XàXetafvouai, pass. Phrases: to be angry with, 6t’ 3p'yūs ūxa, Tuva, Thuc.; XaAerós éxaſ; XaAetrós (pépa, (fut, otoa, aor. 1. #vey- ca, aor. 2, #veykov), Xen. Plat. Dem.; 8voicóAws ëxw; 8voic. 6tákepal, c. Tpés, Isoc. Plat.; Śv ćpyń trouéopal, c. acc. pers. Dem.; eis Špyhy Tritta, aor. 2. êtregov, Eur.; dpyfi xàpiſopal (mid.), Eur.; 3pyń xpéouai, Soph.; dpyfi xáplv böopu, Eur.; 3pyń XoAéopal (pass.), Eur.; &upéopiat àt' épyńs, Soph.; Tpós épyhvékºpépopal, Soph.; Éxa, Öpyhu, Soph.; 3pyńs ëxa, Soph.; paſva and ’āvāqaiva èpºs, AEsch. Eur. The goddess was angry with you, 3p'yal eſs o' & Téa kºav §eós, Eur. And you being angry at my not expecting it, Tpaxéa's tº 9 8’ (pºv ćirl tº pumöè Tposöoków axóvtav, Dem. To be angrily received, Öpyäs twyxdva, aor, 2. Érixov, Dem. In anger, Öpyń; Örö, ä, ötà épyńs; 6pyńs Xápiv; irpès, katē dpyńv, etc. etc. - Anguish, 66ium, most common in pl.; ’āxos, tá. Pain. Angular, yović6ms; Éyyávios, ov. Anights, völcTap. See Night. Animadversion, uéuyts, eas, ii; Tuotpopſ. Blame. - To animadvert upon, aitudouai, mid.; Véyw. To blame. An animal, (60y; Épretóv; Spéuſſo, Tá; 860 kmua, ătos, Tó, usu, in pl.; ºf 6%iptov. Animal, adj. (i.e. of animals), (wikós, ſwoyevis. To produce animals, ſworotéo, Çooyovéo. The producing of animals, ſwo’yövmois, (wo yovía. Keeping animals, ſootpoſtta, Belonging to the keeping of animals, ſootoodicós, Fond of animals, pixó(wos, ov. Catching animals, ſooëmpta. Belonging to the catching of animals, goodnpikás. To live on animal food, (woqāyāw. Living on animal food, ſooqāyia. One who lives on animal food, ſooqāyos, ov. - To animate (i. e. make to live), Épayúxów; i. e. to encourage, &aporivo and Spågåva, no perf; + šputo, imper. Öpwięt, fut. Špow, etc. ea cite. Animating, SaporáAé0s, trāpākāntikós. An animating, subst. TápékAmois, eos, i. Animosity, Éx0pa, Övspuéveto, káicóvolo, Föösvola. To bear animosity against, &möös Xa, or öudicepal, c. Tpos, Lys. Anise, ‘āvū0ov. Of anise, 'êvãffivos. The ankle, a pipov, &otpāyāAos, xvoal Troöðu, Aºsch.; &pôpov and &pópa (tò) Troöoiv, Soph. With pretty ankles, eiſa pipos, ov, Eur. Annals, Aéryot. See History. An annalist, Aoyototôs, Aoyá'ypāq,0s. A compiling of annals, Aoyoypāq,ta. To annex, Käraſetºviſui. See To join. To annea to one's self, to one's own dominions, toos. trouéopal, mid. Annexation, trpostrotmots, eas, #. - - * To annihilate, ééâAetºw, Ščápaviga. See To destroy. Annihilation, +’āqāvela. See Destruction. " . Anniversary. See Annual. See See See To encourage, To C 17 Annotation—Answer Annotation, Tāpāypāq'ſ. To announce, &yºyéAAw, 6tayyéAAw, 'ütrayyáAAw; épô ÖIon. and Ep. Špéa), used as fut. of eitrov, perf, eſpnka, pass. -ual, aor. 1. pass. Épíðmu, fut, pass. eipſigopal; t éépô, knpūgow, tºpovvvétro. See To say. To announce beforehand, Tpoxéyw, tſpoë'yopeta, trpo- ečayyéAAw. To announce besides, Tposäväyopeto, trposayyéAAw, TposáTayyéAAw. To announce to all the cities round about, TreplayyéAAw. To announce the arrival of any one, eig'ayyéAAw, c. acc. pers, or sine cas., or öti trčpeari, etc. To pass on an announcement, TräpayyáàAw. Announcement, A670s; fºrépáyyeAga, Štos, tá; of an oracle, tºdéis, eas, # ; of news, etc., & Tayyekta, Thuc. To annoy, Śā'icva, fut. Śāšopal, etc.; Ajiréo; 8%pāva); évoxAéa, usu, c, gem. augm. in augmented tenses, e.g. nvéXAovv, Isoc.; 610xAéa, ; in turn, in retaliation, &vtiträpäAütréal. To annoy a person while engaged in any business, Tāpā- Autréal. To be annoyed at, Övsxepaíva, Bâpéa's pépa, Bápéa's ëxo; 5usXepós éxw, c. Tpés, and acc. One must be annoyed, 8vszepavtéov, only c. oi, prec. Annoyance, àxömööv, 690s, h; i övszépeia; + Bápos, T 0, To be an annoyance, 6' x\ov yiyvopal, Thuc. cause annoyance, àx\ov trapéxw, Xen. Eur. Annoying, 83pts, Avrmpós, òx0elvös, &möls, f Aviſpás. Annoyingly, &möðs. Annual, étiquos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; +&Tétetos, a, ov, and os, ov. Annually, kārā Śros, Thuc.; Tovs ékáotov, Plat.; 6a-c, čTm, Xen. To annul, Ata, kātāAów, kā6alpéal, 'ütroöokiud.go, ää- Aeſºpw,’ātroxelpotovéa, ºfficipov troiéa, ’ākūpov tíðepal (mid.). Such conduct annuls all former merit, Tó . . . Tºv tápos avyxe? xãptu, Soph. Amodyne, ºf v06öövos, ov. To anoint, 'éAeſpo, ČirãAeſpa, xpio; + trpoxpia, Soph. To anoint one's self, opéouai, mid.; +'iquaivoſal, mid. Only pres, and imperf. (c. acc. e. g. ôéuas). To anoint with oil, féAatów, To anoint one's self with unmixed oil (as wrestlers did), &mpåAoupéw. Anointed, Airãpós, ºf ŠumMi(pſis ; all over, ºf Tâyxpi- otos, ov. To Anointed, adv. FAirãpós. Anointing, ‘āveliſts, eos, i ; ‘ūrāAerºus. Used in anointing, ºf xpiatós, ºf yxptotos. One who anoints, *āAettºrms, fem. ‘āAetirrpía. Anomalous, 'évépáA0s, ov. Anomalously, 'âvapāAws. Anomaly, 'évouáAta; ’āvouáAórms, mros, #. Anon, eiðūs. See Immediately, Quickly. Anonymous, 'üöéo Toros, ov. Another, &AA0s, m, 0, sometimes c. gen, as #AAos &rºpóv=#AA0s ºvip, Another when answering one, is commonly rendered by á 3& answering 6 ºv, and in prose also by §s 5*, Plat. Dem. One another, &AAmAóv. They were enslaved because they gave no assistance to one another, éðovX60mg avoik & wivovres a pſoriv attois, Thuc. Qfor belonging to another, &AAórpios; +&AAóðpoos, ovs, 00V, ovv. Not by the hand of another, où6évôs trpès écrétrov, Soph. At another time, &AAote. In another place, &AAm, &AA001, &AAäx00, &AAáXà, &AAax60i. From another place, &AA00ev. To another place, &AAooſe, &AAmv. To answer, &rokpivouai, mid.; ŚiroMouéâvo; ‘āuetéo- pal, mid. c. aor. 1. pass, in act. Sens.; 'ârâuetéouai, avteirov, i &vtipavéa, F &vravöda. To answer as an oracle does, xpdo, etc.; 'évaupéa, aor. 2. —éïaov. To answer besides, Tposárokpívouai, mid. To answer besides (as an Oracle does), Tposávaipéaſ, -éisov. To answer after deliberation (as ministers do), Xpmuártºo. To answer on behalf of, in defence of, 'üſrepárokpivopal, mid. To answer as a porter does to the door, ‘ūtrākota. To give the same answer, givävaipéa, -ečkov. To answer cun- ningly, &vričićiračka. To answer by letter, &vriypāq,w; &vretitiënui étriotoxiv. To answer by proclamation, + &vricºptoſaw. To answer by singing, + &vriºd ſo, fut, -icxdyśa. To be answered, as a person is answered by an oracle, Xpdopal, pass., e. g. being warned in answer to be temperate, orwſppovéiv Rexpmuévot, Æsch. One must answer, 'ütrokpitéov; (besides) irposétroºpi- Téov. An answer, 'êtrökptoris, eas, # ; "itróAmºts, eos, h; of an oracle, xpmopºbs, to xprſa 66w. Your answer would have been sufficient, kakós &v got &trekékpito, Plat. * 18 - Answerable—Aphorism Anſºverable, ‘ūtreč0üvos, ov. Answerably, 'ékoWołóws, c. dat. Answering to, + &vtipovos, ov. An ant, utpumč, mkos, 6. A very large ant, itto- Hippºmč. An ant-hill, puppimkia. An antagonist, &vrāyaviaths, &utiºikos, + &vrärä- Aqs, ºf träxalaths, F &vrmpérms, t &vriotărms, f ev- orrërms. To be an antagonist, &vtåyoutſouai. Antarctic, &vrapicticós. Antecedent, trpoyeyovës, trpoye)evºluévos (of actions); Tpoeipyaguévos See Previous, Former. Antecedently, trpótepov. See Before, Formerly, Antediluvian, t &Yūytos, a, ov, and os, ov. Ancient. An antelope, Sopkös, Ö0s, h; BovéâAls, tos or (60s, h; + Sopč, kös, i. Anterior, TpóTepos. See Before, Former, Fore, To anticipate, pöðvø (à Hom., á Eur., & elsewhere), fut. (p6%gopal, aor. 2. čpômu, aor. 1. p9ága, part, aor. mid, pööuevos ; Tpopóðvø, Tpotepéa. To anticipate so as to prevent (a revolt, an attack, etc.), TpokäräAquéâva. To anticipate (i. e. to enjoy by anticipation), Tpoãop- Śāva, ; # Tpoxáſ.jwal, only pres. Anticipation (esp. of an adversary's argument), Tpo- käräxmipts, eas, i. Antics, oxhuāta, td. An antidote, dAečiqdpučkov. Acting as an antidote, ’āAečiq,4ppäkos, ov. Antipathy. See Dislike. Antiquarianism, dpxaloxoyia. Antique, dipxalos. See Ancient, Old. Antiquity, TâAa16tms, mTos, h; 3pxatóTms, mTos, i. Antithesis, durfbeats, eas, i. Antithetical, duríðetos. Antre, &vtpov. See Cave. An anvil,”&rpov, ovos, 6. Anxiety, ºppovtls, thos, h; pºpuya, 'âAm, FueMeth, + orêvvota; + cjöos, T6. An object of anariety, ‘F pié- Xmua, atos, T6. See Care. Anxious (about), givv00s, ovs ; + troXi'q povtus, ió0s, 5 kal j : + 6tſppovtus, AEsch.; + Icmöögüvos, ov; (so as to avoid) + Tpopum0%s. Making anaious, évéâulos, ov; toxiºuépipuos, ov, Arist. To be anxious, peppuāo; a trovšáſo, c. Éirl and dat. (esp. of the attainment of an object); &öiva, géWel év ppovtföl eiuſ, Xen. See To care. See #404 ; To make anarious, ‘I Šć'kva. - Amy, Tis, neut. Ti, gen, tubs, Tul, etc.; often tow, Tø, in Att. poets. Any one, 6 Tpostvyxãvov and 6 Tpostüx&v, Eur Thuc. Plat. Xen.; 6 ovvrvyxávov and 6 orvytûxöv, Eur, Hdt. Xen. Plat. Isoc.; 6 rux&v, Plat. Xen Dem.; 6 tritixòv, and without the art., Eur. Plat.; 6 évrix&v, Thuc. Isae.; 6 trāpārūx&v, Thuc.; + 6 étridºv, Any whatever, Štrotostisotºv, gen. ÖTotoutivosotiv ; 6s- risóſtrote, oùtivoséñTote. For any one to use, Tó Bovāopévº xp?00&l. Bringing forward any (however insignificant) accusa- tion, êtríkAmp' éxoãoats (yvvaišt) 6, ti Tūxot, Eur. Any thing, Ötiotiv ; of any one, Ötovodv, Plat. Any how, Tws, enclit, very usu, after ei, uh, etc.; Tºm, ÖTwsoßv, ÖTwsö, Öirmoov; 6Tws étányxave, Eur, - At any time, trote, enclit., very usu, after ei, etc.; TćTote, only c. neg., except as interrog.; (as interrog.) Tr(0. Has any city at any time attempted this 2 tróxis Tís tra. Tottº ètrexeipnoſe ; Thuc. Any where, Tn, c. ei ; trou, enclit.; Śirovoſºv. From any where, Toffey, enclit, usu, c, ei, etc. Apace, Táxa. See Swiftly. Apart (apart from), dTb, c, gen.; Sixa, sine cas. and sometimes c. gem.; xopls, sine cas, and c. gen, +’árep, + 'étépée, Some distance apart, 6tà troAAoû, Xen. Apart, adjº, oios, sine cas, or c. gen, or c. prep. Girº and gen. To keep apart, and intrans. to be apart, 6téxa. To take apart (any one, in order to speak to, etc.; or a subject, in order to consider it separately), 'üro- Aapéâva. To set apart, xopſø. Apartment, puéyāpuy Apathetic, 'ütrá0ís, Apathy, ‘āráðela. An ape, triºmkos. To ape, uſuéopal, mid. See To imitate. Apish, like an ape, triómicoetēſis. Apish tricks, ºf triðmiciouðs. An aperture, x&gpa, Té. Apex, copiºpſi. See Top. An aphorism, Yudºum. 'yvaploxoyſa. To play, triðmkića, A speaking of aphorising, To utter aphorisms, yyaploxo')éo, C 2 * 19 Apiece—Apply - f Apiece, kaotos. See Each. Apocryphal, ‘āTókpiºpos, ov. Apollo, 'ĀiróAAwy, wwos ; t poléos; † Aočías, ov, Pind. Eur. Håt. To apologise, ’āTONoyéopal, mid. One must apologise, "àToAoymTéov. An apologue, diróAoyos. Apology, ‘ātoāoyia ; 'étroAéºnwa, T6. An apophthegm, 'üTóq6eyga, Štos. Apostasy, ‘āiróatúa is, eos, i. Apostate, àpegrès, 60'a, 6s ; ‘āToa Tès, etc. N. B. These words, of course, are only used in a political sense in classic Greek. To apostatise, ’āq to rapat, pass, c. aor. 2. perf and pluperf act. To cause to apostatise, ’āq to Tmut, esp. in aor. l. To appal, ékirAſiago, aor. 2. pass, usu, -etxàymv. See To frighten. Apparatus, kåtagićevº, trāpaakevil. Apparel, éo-0).s, fitos, ii. See Garment. To apparel, duptévvvut, no perf. See To dress, To clothe. Apparent, 6780s, n, ov, and os, ov; itätäänä0s, ov; qāvepos, &, bu, and bs, Öy. See Evident, Manifest. Apparently, às Soiceſ, ās éotice. See To Seem. An apparition, pdapa, Tó; + šthis, eas, # ; ºf pāv- Tagua, atos, Tó. An appeal, épéois, eas, i ; for aid to allies, etc., Tāpākāngis, eos, i. Having an appeal, or right of appeal (as a lawsuit), or from which there is an appeal (as a decision), €460i- M0s, ov. To appeal (in law), Éq.fmui bikºv eis, Dem. To appeal to the gods, etc., or to matters in proof of anything, ‘āvākāAéo, poet. &yk. 4. To appear, paivopal, with perf. mid. Trépmva [ther is a difference between paívouai c. infin. and p. c. part., the former denoting what is likely, the latter what is evident : as the law appears likely to harm us, paivetal 6 vágos 8Adiketv ; the law evidently harms us, £aivetal . . . BA&TTwv]; trpoq’aivopat, 8tāq alvouai, Kºpaivopal, katapaſvogai ; pavráſo- Pat, pass. To appear (i. e. to seem likely), civööveča, ; # Tpétro; (to the mind) boiceo. See To seem. To appear on the surface of étrav0éa, c. dat. Above, 'üTeppaívouai, pass, c. gen. Besides, trp00 epiſpalvopal. To appear before a magistrate, ééetágopal, c. Tpos and BCC, t Appearance (the outward appearance), elbos, (3 : ëſis, eas, i ; uoppi; t ºppoſia, Tá; axiº, Tá; Tpáozmua, f Tpósokis. - An appearance, or thing seen, or supposed to be seen, qāquo, Tá; pávragua, Tó i pavráota; pivºrãºls, eos, i. A good appearance, eitpéreta; + šáknºa, Té. Having a fair appearance, I evoxhuwu, ovos. Assuming many appearances, Tolkixos ; + Tollcºdrºp- (pos, ov; ; Tautópoppos. Appearing, Tpopäväs. An appearing together, Giuqāqis, eas, i. An appearing in a lawsuit or cause, esp. an appearing a second time in the same cause, Tāpākārāśāois, eas, i. To appease, kāraīrpäävo, kārūpeſtiga, 6&Yo, twº- 0ágga, ºf Tápmyopéo, fuelAto'o w; (a quarrel) 6top660. - To be appeased, uáAákſgopal, pass.; See To relent. Appeasing, calculated to appease, t &éAktípios, ov. . Sacrifices to appease, t wetaiyua, to, in plur. Appeased, Trétepa, fem. (sc. Öpyń). Easily appeased, eiträpäuä0mtos, ov. Difficult to be appeased, + 6vstråpaſtmtos, ov. An appellation, Švoua, T6. See Name. To append to, Tpostíðmut; + šárra, no perf. An appendage, Tposófilºm. To appertain, ‘ūrāpya, no perf, and in 3rd sing, as impers. See To belong. Appetite, étiffjuta; Špečis, eas, i. Appetitive, Špelcticós. To applaud, kpotéa, Sopišéa, ’āvā00püééo. To be applauded (of a person), ovykpotéopal. See To praise. Applause, kpótos, Šápüé0s. An apple, uſiXov; umāoq6pos Kapiros, Eur, To bear apples, unwoºpopéo. Planted with apple-trees, + p.mx60 Topos, ov. Appliance, Anxóvã; ’āpopuh, c. gen, or sis. Means. Applicable, Xpſoigos, m, ov, and 0s, ov. See Useful. Applicability, Xpſigis, eas, ii. See Usefulness. Application (of a thing to a purpose), Tpósóegis, eos, à. The application (i. e. the using of), Tpospopé. Application (i. e. diligence), otroubfi. To apply (act.), irpospépo, irposëyo, äppółw, Tpos- appégo, Tpostíðmut; Tposéxo, usu. to apply one's self to (voiv, Yudºmu, äuuq, etc., being often under- + wax0ákſgopal See stood); # TposóTTw. 20 Appoint—Arbitrary pply (for an office, etc.), TayyéAAopal, c. acc. applied themselves to naval affairs, tis Šaxá00 ms etxouto, Thuc. The agreement does not apply to those who . . . . . . Švyðikm éotiv, Thuc.; for the same statement does not apply to you and me, oi, Yêp airbs Tpos orè käu' àice, A6)0s, Eur. One must apply, &TTéov, TposairTéov, Štribetéov; one must apply one's mind to, trposer:Téov, c. vojv, or abs. c. dat, rei. To appoint, Tiffmui, Tportómul, Tágow, Štátágow, &totágga, ka9lotmut, ovykáðiotnut, t \pi(o, öto- pígo. To appoint a person to an office, to be an officer, king, judge, etc., piatºſu, ätročeſkvvut. To appoint beforehand, Tpotdogw. To be appointed to an office, Texéopal, perf. TetéAeopat, etc., c. nom., as T. orpät myós ; + kmpüorgopal, c. acc. of office. . Appointed, Émtös, talcrbs; (by lot) KAmpotós. One must appoint, kåtao rātéov. An appointment, kátáotáois, eos, i. To apportion, véua, KAmpów. See To allot. One must apportion, 6távelºmréov. An apportionment, peplopºds. Apposite, eúðpplogros, ov. Appositely, eúappadata's. An appraiser, étrºyvápov Tijs Tipăs, Dem. To appreciate (i.e. judge of), kpivo ; (i. e. esteem, q. v.) tipido. Appreciation (i. e. esteem, q.v.), Tuft. To apprehend (as a constable), áyo, 'étáyo. To apprehend in the mind, ‘ūroxapéâva. See To un- derstand. Apprehension, "åTâyayā; of mind, vámoſis, eas, h; i. e. fear, pó60s. See Understanding, Fear. Liable to be apprehended, "åyóniuos, ov. Apprehensive, Tepiðeſis. See Fearful. To apprize, 'üváðið40 kw. See To inform. To approach, irposépxouai, Tpéselli (-léval), Tâpelºu, êtreipt ; TeX&@, aor. 1. act. not used intransitively, but aor. 1. ČTAá0my; Tpostrexéſoual, pass.; t irvéo- ual, fut. (fouai ; # Tposikvéopal, t Tposotetxo : + Tposéuoxov, only adr. 2.; +xptuTToual, c. dat, and more rarely + xptutta, + yxptuttopai. See To CO7]26, To approach (i. e. be nearly equal to), Tposétro &yxot, c. dat. Soph. To make to approach, t read ſo, in aor, l, act. ., où Toſs You have approached your friends, tréAas piñotal goſs ēśćpugal (orów) tróða, Eur. One must approach, Tpositéov. An approach, råpoãos, h; Époãos, h; irpóséâqis, ews, #; trposxºpmats, eas, h; # Tposéušaorus. * Approachable, eiséâtés; eiéâTös, Öv; t 8átēs, Accessible. Approaching (i. e. future), pºéAAww. Dangerous to approach, ºf ÖvstréAaotos, ov. He who approaches, t textirms, ov, 6. Approbation, aivos, Štralvos, See Praise. To appropriate, a petepiſopal, mid, more rarely in act. -ſa'; iótáopal; tóopat; (by taking from some one else) v00 pigopal, mid. Appropriating (the act of), ji oilcetatich. Appropriation, oiketools, eas, i. One who appropriates, orqetepia-tſis. Approval. See Approbation. To approve, aivéa, fut. —éaw and -how, more usu. in the compound traiyéa : ‘āToöéxopal, mid. c. perf. pass., etc.; 6okiuáço, Tatvéa, orivalvéa. See To join in approving, orive. See To praise. Approvingly, 'üyüuévos. To approximate, avvépxopal. be like. An approximation (i.e. likeness), ápotooris, eos, ii. April, Movvi'kiöv, &vos, 6. N.B. This month began about the middle of April. To put on an apron, + Tposſóvviſual, mid. Apt (i. e. inclined), Tpovotrºls, c. eis ; (i.e. clever) ôéčuos, Aptitude (i.e. cleverness), Sešićrms, mºros, ii. Aptly, orvpuérpos. Aquatic (of animals), ūypotpoſpicós. Aqueduct, Öxetós. A conducting of water by aqueducts, 8xeteia, Öxetá- 'yoyia. To conduct water by aqueducts, 6xetäywyéw. Aqueous, i ööpmAós, See Watery, - Arabia, Ápášía. An Arabian, "Apay, 280s; +”Apášos. Arable, a trópiuos; +'épégiuos, ov. Arable land, f'époupa, tróxos, +’ápotos; +’ápagº, ró. An arbiter, kpiths, # 8púéets. Arbitrament, BovX%. See Will. Arbitrarily, Öeatrotikós. .* Arbitrary, airokpárap, opos; Seo Toticós. See To approach, To See Judge. * J. Arbitrary power, aitokpáTela. 2] Arbitrate—Arm To arbitrate, 6tatt.dw. To arbitrate in favour of a person, & Tošigitaw, with or without 3icnv or ötaitav, c. gen, or c. dat. To arbi- trate against a person, kåtååtaitāa śikmu or ötaurav (the noun sometimes being understood), c. gen. To cause arbitration to be given against, kātāötaitáouai, mid. c. gen. Arbitration, 8tauta, Éiritpoth. To have recourse to arbitration, "å"Tavrāa śirl thy Stat- Tav, Dem.; "ātavrda Tpbs Tov Slattmthu, Dem., and simply &ravrdw, Dem.; Silcáçopal ſpös 6taitºrºv, Dem. To have the decision of the arbitration given against one, êqxtortivo (fut. Öſpxhaw, perf &pamka, aor. 2. &#xov) Thy 6íaitav, Dem. To give the decision as arbitrator, 'étropaívouai Šiautav, Lys. An arbitrator, Šiaurmths. A joint arbitrator, ovy- Stavrºtás, Dem. Arbutus, + Kēpēpos, i. An arch, påAls, £80s, j. Tº arch (as a bull arches his back), kvptów, 1% arch one's eyebrows, # točoirotéa, c. acc. (rùs 'ppūs), Ar. . Arch, ēuplexís. Archly, Šuplexós. Arched, + kvptós. An archer, točátms, ‘i réapxos. A captain of archers, Táčapxos. A horse archer, itToročárms. Belonging to an archer, famous or skilful as an archer, Tofikós : + Tošopôpos, ov; + toścöäuas, avros, 6 kal j; + točovXkös, ov; † toč66aplvos, ov; # Točnoms ; + kepovXkös, ov. Archery, Tóšov, i rośikh, + točovium. Archetype, ióéa. An architect, &pxitéktov, oikočáuos. Architectural (i.e. belonging to an architect or archi. tecture, or skilful as an architect), Téktovikos, 3pxi- Teicrovicós. Architecture, oikočopia. Arctic, Špicricós. See Northern. Ardent, 6táripos, ov; ; piùAépás (i. e. eager, q.v.); Trpá0üplos, ov. Ardently, trpoôüuws, irpoppóvas. Ardour, trpoffipia; pièvos, tá; 6ppi. Arduous, xãAetrós. See Difficult. Arduousness, 8vszépéta. See Difficulty. Area (i.e. space before a building), ºrpovtågia. See Eagerness. See Space. Arena, ’āy&v, ſovos, 6. An Areopagite, 'Āpeotáyirns. The Areopagus, "Apelos révos; "Åpeos réyos, Soſ *Ápetos bx60s. Argillace0us, Tmkóðms. Argive, ’āpyelos. Argos, "Apyos, T6. To argue, 6táAéyouai, mid.; 6táAoyigogal; &pſpissm- Téa ; Śywvigouai, mid.; (strongly) 8táçouai, mid.; subtlely, 6taxettoxo-yéopal ; probably (i. e. to use probable arguments), tričávox.oyéw; afresh, to renew an argument, 'üväuäxopal, fut. -Háxodual; against, &vtiaéyw, c. &s. I argued with myself, Šuavtſi 61& Aó)ov čquicówmv, Eur.; so Ště, A6)av eius, Eur. Arguing with his father, 81& Sticns Soph, He argued in opposition, that they ought not to kill, etc., ăvtéAeye pºl & roleteſval, K. T. A., Thuc. Well argued, eigvXAóytotos, ov. - Fond of arguing, AeykTikös, Öv; pixóAoyos, ov. The law about which we are now arguing, 6 &ywviſópe. vos vôpos, Dem. Fondness for arguing, pix0x0)ía. Skilful in arguing, 6táAektikos, Aoyiotikós. An argument, Év6üumua, Tó; Aoytopós (i.e. a ground for believing), tekpañploy; triotis, eas, ii. Argument (i.e. the faculty of arguing), ātāAeëts, eas, ii. An additional argument, ÉtrečéAeyxos. A using of any probable argument, tričávoxo'yta. Argumentative, évôvumpàtikás. Arid, &mpós. See Dry. Aridity, Śmpôtms, mºros, ii. See Dryness. Aright, Öpflós. See Rightly. To arise, ’āvío Túpal, pass. c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act.; (as tears, laughter, etc.) + 'Śītavráo; (as a re- port) éutrittw; (as a question) träpätritta. See To rise. Aristocracy, 'éptorrokpārta. Aristocratic, 'épio Tokpātīkós. - To have an aristocratic form of government, 'éptorto- kpâtéopal, pass. c. fut. l. mid. Arithmetic, 'üpiðués; Aoytoplés, usu, in pl.; # &pt0- plm rich; ji Aoyuaticſ. Skilful in arithmetic, 'êpièumricos, Aoytorrukós. An arithmetician, 'êpièumrås. An arm, Bpáxiau, ovos, 6; Trixus, eos, 6; +&iców, &vos, 6, esp. the bent arm ; + &Aéum; + &ykäAm. Wilh while arms, 3: Aévicórmxvs, eas. - 3 M iðv tratpl, 22 Arm—Array With beautiful arms, i. eidºNevos, ov; ; eiſtrmyvs, Eur.; + Ka8Nirmzvs, Eur. In the arms, F &ykä6ev. To arm, act. Śrāţ(w, ééoträtſa, kā00TAigo, Sapāic{{a, kārā0opäictſ w, ºf otox{{w. To arm one's self, f icopto.gopal, mid, and pass.; étribapākšouai, mid. and pass, To arm one's self against, &v60TAígopal, mid. and pass., Xen. To wear armour, Štraoq'opéa, oričmpopopéa. To fight in armour, Ötràopičxéa. One must arm, Öttàto Téov. Arms, armour, Širãa, Tā; Śrāioris, eas, ii; + 0 &ym; 8TAta'ua, T6; trpóéAmuz, Tá, esp. in pl.; ºf tetxea, Tá; 6TAirms (gen. ov) kéopos, Xen. Entire armour, TávotAta, + travtevXía. Body armour, ‘ūtrāatriótos kóopos, Soph. Armour for the arms, Tepiépáxtáviov, usu, in pl. Good armour, being well armed, eiotăţa. An arming, &txious, eas, h; ca.0óTAioris, i öTAuguós. A getting under arms, éðTAiois. A being under arms, é0TAigia. Having filled the plain of Priam with arms or armed men, IIpiduov tréâtov ćutxhoras Sopós, Eur. Armed (wearing brazen armour, etc.), €vóTAtos, ov; 6TAoq6pos, ov; £vt.e6apākuapévos ; + švoTAos, ov; + XaAkeoteux?is, éos; ºf XaAkéotraos, ov; ; rev- Xeo pópos, ov, AEsch. Eur, ; + reuxmoºthp, fipos; ºf reuxmoths, où; # Teuxopópos; + 6trairms, ov; + XaAlcottºm0}s, éos ; ; XaAko66pač, ćicos ; ; ſcătă'. XaArcos, ov. With golden armour, ºf Xpvootetxms, Well-armed, effortà0s, ov. Wholly armed, Tāv- oTA0s. Wearing the same, i.e. similar armour, ôp.60 kevos, ov. Lightly armed, eiotăAfts. Light- armed, ſixás. Not armed, ºvoirãos, Yvºvás. An armed man, 6tairms, ov; Śrāov Čiriotărms, AEsch. A light-armed soldier, Yvºlvils, fitos; yupuitms, ov; Aió06óAos. The light-armed force, yupuritſa. Belonging to a light-armed soldier, yupuum ticós. The parts of the body unprotected by armour, tº &otAa. Heavy armed, §TAirns, ov. A heavy-armed soldier, 6TAouáxos; TAouáxms, ov; + 6TAïroiráAms, ov. The heavy-armed force, T& 3TAa, Tô &rAïrików. Commanding the heavy-armed force, 6traitāywyðs. To be a heavy-armed soldier, ÖTAïreča. A battle fought by the heavy-armed troops, ättàireta. Belonging to the heavy-armed soldiers, ātāſtikós. €OS. Throwing away one's arms, t 5thotraos, ov. The art of making arms, i öTAototică. An armour-bearer, ‘ūtraortrioths, ow. To be an armour-bearer, t ‘iſtraortigo, c. dat. pers, An armistice, atovë), pl.; 'âvåkoxh, ētākwxh, 6ta\- Aäyh, ēicexeipia; ’āvoxal, ai. To make an armistice, grovö&s réuva, a trovöös trouéopal. An armistice for a fived period (renewable), €rtotovë, in pl. Under the conditions of an armistice, 'üréotrovãos, ov. Without an armistice, &otrovãos, ov. An arm of the sea, kóAtros. An armlet, reptépaxtáviov. An armoury, aſkevo9ſicm. Armpit, ugo XàAm; påAm, only in phrase, Štrb udams. An army, a Tpâtés; arpárevua, té; otpättd, otóAos, orpätóirečov; +&TAugua, Tó. With the whole army, travaiśāel, travatpāríg. Collecting their whole army, travatpatías 'yevouévns, Thuc. With a large army, t troXixeſp. Aromatic, 0uočís. Around, &upi, c. gen, c, dat. c. acc.; Trepl. c. dat. c. acc.; replé, adv. also as prep. c. acc. and rar. c. gem. See About. To arouse, éyeſpa, Šporo, 'üveyeſpo, Šicklvéo, öppukui. See To rouse, To eacite. Aroynt, + fifte, t’ārāye. To arraign, airidopal, mid. See To accuse. Arraignment, airía. See Accusation. To arrange, koguéo, ölä'coa'uéo; tidegal, mid.; Tao- ow, Suárágga, ovvrágow, Štúriðmut, ſcaffloºrmut, ovyka9ío Tºmput; + kāraa TéAAw, Eur. To arrange or agree (to do anything, etc.), orvutíðepal, mid. See To agree. To arrange carefully, ‘ākpiéów. To arrange at the same time, ovvölä'coopéow. One must arrange, Taktéov. Arranged or agreed upon beforehand, Tpoetpmuévos. Arrangement, arranging, Séats, ews, h; 5tá6ers; Tášis, eos, h; used also legally of an arrangement with a man's creditors, ātāračis, givtašis; kóoumois, eas, # ; Suákógumoris; 6tépôoals, eos, ii. Good arrangement, eiðmuogium, eiapuoatia. An arranger, kogumthp, fipos; koopmths, où; 6tá0e- Th9, fipos. Arrant, Śxos, e. g. an arrant imposture, TAdopia 8Aov, etc., Xen. To array (an army, etc.), kookéw, Šiškoo'Méo, Táo go, Siârâgora, ćictórow, kátátágow. To array against, 23 Array évritárow, c. dat.; &vrikā0íotnut, &vriträpätágga; T ev'réJaw, c. dat. To array together with, alongside of, ovurégow, ovykátátáago. To array behind as a reserve, éiritão-ow, and in mid. c. dat, e.g. ēTitão-Go- Hai A6xovs tº pääayyi. To array a fleet against, ãvtåvāya simply, or àur. Tais vavot. To be arrayed by the side of, Tápétégoropal, in mid. esp. in aor. 1.; ovutrāpātāorgopal, mid. I array myself on his side, Táo go èuavtów Tpos, c. acc. Dinarch. To array oneself in, ºf otéAAouai. See To put on. An array, Táčus, eas, h; givtaſis, h; Tāpāračis, h; ovytayſia, āros, Tó; travtevXia Toxéulos, Eur. See Army. The array of both parties prepared for battle, &vtérafts, *i; To avTiträpätax6év, Thuc. In battle array, Träpätetayuéva's. Arrears, éAAelppa, Tó. A being in arrear, Šköela. To arrest, ovXXaſışāva, ’āya, ’ārāya. Arrest, Gºmbus, eas, j; ‘ārāya'yń. Arrival, 'épičis, eas, j; + reisoãos, i. To arrive, &picuéopal, mid.; Élicvéopal, trposukvéo- Mal; t icuéopal, épxopal, Tápépxopal, étépxogai, eisépxogai, Tápélpi (–éival), trāpāyīyvouai, kārāvūw, + &včw, f iſcávo, + kixávo; + ktyxávo, only pres, and imperf. See To come. To arrive at (i.e. obtain), ărețu (-téval), part, -têv, c. Ti and acc. To be arrived, hiccº, only pres, imperf. and fut.; t irposílca. To arrive first, trpoãºpikvéopal. They having arrived at the time of life to do so and so, Åkov 8tov attois, c. infin. Eur. Arrogance, aidáðela, in Trag. also aidāöta; + ai6&- 6tapa, Štos, Tó; ‘ūtrépmºpävia; ‘ūtrepopta; ’āAagóvela. Arrogant, ‘ūtrepſipávos, ov; ‘ūTrépavX0s, ov; ’āAéſov, ovos; +’āyāvap, opos; ºf ‘ūtrepſivap, opos; F ‘ūtrépico- tros, ov; ; Śtrepôttms, ov. See Proud. To be arrogant, ‘ūrepauxéo; ’āvāpāgāopal, pass. Arrogantly, 'ütepmºpävos, MeyãAoſppóvas, f 'intépicó. tra's, ºf ‘itéporta. To speak arrogantly, genuouß0éw. To arrogate, oikeiôopal. See To claim. An arrow, BéAos, Tó; oia Tós: Tóševua; *ātpaktos, ô kal j; +’íos, pl. Tà iá; + y^iſpides, ai (lit. the notch in the arm); irtmubs &pyńortms āqis, AEsch.; Éyxos Trepatov, Eur. - To have one's arrow on the string ready to shoot, €triéé- 6Ampal and étiéééAmpal étrl Tä veupé, Xen. Holding arrows, ºf Öto roëéºpov, ovos, 6 kal il. An arsenal, émivetov, večotov. See Dock, AS Art, Téxvm, Téxviov, f TáAäum. According to rules of art, texvikós. To be done by rules of art, #vtexvos, ov. Mother of all arts, # Movgoujitap, opos. Useful in all arts, ºf Távtexvos, ov. Making gain of art, Texvoirwāilcós. Practising the same art, ÖpióTexvos, ov. Fond of art, piñóTexvos, ov. Fondness for art, pixotexvia. Writing on art, Texuāypápos, ov. To practise an art, pixotexvéa. Artful, 36A10s a, ov, and os, ov; 30Aépás, troud'Aos; + 30Aéets; + aluixos, m, ov, and os, ov; † 60A16 ppav; + 60Aówü00s, ov; † 60Aoirotös, Öv; # Toxi/TAokos, OV, An artful man, F Téxumua, Štos, Tó. Artfully, 30Atos, + Tolkiaws. Artichoke, küvápa. An article (of any sort), a keños, Tó; gićevåptov. To articulate, àpºpów, Šiapôpów. The tongue produces articulate sounds, fi YAógora, &pſpot Thy peºvny, Xen. Articulately speaking, ºf pépoi!, otros, usu. in pl. Articulation, povă. $ Artifice, 66Aos; + Toticiata. An artifice (i. e. an artful trick), unxãví; Jóbigua, āT0s, té; t Téxvmwa, Tó. An artificer, Téktov, ovos, h; 6mutovpyós; Épyärms, ou; £pyaathp, pos, 6. See Workman. Artificial, xelpotrointos, ov. An artisan, Ömalovpyós; xelpotéxums, ov; Bāvavoros, Subst. A fellow-artisan, givtexvos, Ögötexvos. Belonging to artisans, 8ávavaos, ov; 3mºuoupyicos, xelpotexvicos, Xelpwvaleticós. To be an artisan, Ömpuoup'yéo. The being an artisan, Önuoup'yia, xelpoupyia. A taa on artisans, xelpováštov. An artist, Téxvitms, ov. A great artist, we'YáAóTex- !/OS, Artistic, texvicós; Évtexvos, ov. Artistically, Texvilcós. Artless, eúmòās; 'éð0A0s, ov; ’ākāicos, ov; +’āicopyos, Ol/. - Artlessly, ‘āööAws, 'ükäkos, eúmò6s. Artlessness, eúñ0ela; ‘āTAórns, mºros, i. As, in every sense, ós (not very common in the sense of since). As (i.e. since, q, V.), £ret. As, in such manner as, etc., in such phrases as, Do as - gou like, Receive me as I am, Štras, ºf Štrastrep. 24 As—ASS - - As (i.e. like as, in such manner as), 3step, sometimes divided, as ås at tep, Östep oiv, otov and oia, ºf oiâtep, &rep, káðatep, + 6Toſa, +"åte, àoeſ. To do as an insult, Čv táčet étrºpetas Toteſv, Dem.; to come as an enemy, Év táčel éx6pot, €20eºv, Dem. As if, Ösel, Östrepel, kā6áTepel, kā0ätepávei. As to, Ércătu, c. gen, e. g. as to numbers, TAftdows &# * ty - ékått, etc., HEsch.; Everg, c. gen. So far as, according as, kā66. As to this damsel, Toitri Tävöe Thy kópmv, Soph. As well as, uév, answered by 6é. The look-out man is angry as well as the pilot, XaAéraivet uèv Tpºpews, / * f XaAetratvel 6° ſcvéepvitms, Xen. As well as possible, 6, Ti, c. superl.; &s, c. superl.; ôorov, c. superl.; ºf fi, c, superl.; + štros, c. superl. Go as fast as you can, 0.0000e Štra's Troööv (sc, čxete), Æsch. s, adj. after such, etc., like the Latin qualis, oios, often answering Totos; 80'0s, when answering tôoros; 6Totos, | answering Tolos, oiáotep. ssafoetida (the tree that produces), orixſplov. To ascend, 'évāśaiva, &vépxopal, 'üTrepčkpigo, Távép- Xopal, trposéatva. See To mount. To make to ascend, 'üvášišćſo, Tāvāšišāſa. make to ascend in turn, &vtåváčišća. scendancy, kūpos, T6. See Influence. scent, 'üvá To ăvášágis, eos, ii, and poet. &pé. o ascertain, eúptoko, käräuavóóvo; + šictuv6ávouai, mid. c. perf. pass.; Éctrétroopal. Difficult to ascertain, Övskäräuä0ntos, ov; ‘āvečetpetos, ov; † 6ügeſſperos, ov. o ascribe, ’āvátíðmul, éirigépa, Fävätta. 'o ascribe honour to a person, potpav, Tipºv, etc., véute Tivu, Trag. et no one ascribe this to any virtue of yours, kátá. Aoyiſérôw uměels toū6 juáv čv &péry, AEschin. See To impute. One must ascribe, ’āvā6eréov. Ash (the tree), ue^{a. Ashen, pietàivos, plexeſvos. Ashes, otó60s (often of the dead), j; Téppa (often of the dead). - The ashes of the slain (ashes instead of men, which had once been men), a Tööos &vtåvap, AEsch. See Dust. To reduce to ashes, +'éuá0āva, a Troötgo. o be ashamed, aioxivopal, pass. c. fut, mid. c. part. when one does the thing of which one is ashamed, c. infin. when one does not do it; £iratoxivopal, kåtal- oxêvokal; aibéopal, mid, fut. -évouai, aor. I. pass, c. mid. sens.; jôérômy; + kāratēéopal; + £iratēéoual; + only pres. imperf. otöopat. To be ashamed of a thing before a person, 'üTataxi voſſal, c. gem, acc. To be eaceedingly ashamed, ‘ûrepatoxivoſal. I am ashamed of these things, Taira öi' aloxtºwns éxø, év aiazúvais Xo, Eur. One must be ashamed, aioxvutéov. Ashore (to run a ship ashore), ÖkéAAw, both trans. and intrans, only pres, and aor. 1. &rceixa; ÉoiréâAw, both trans. and intrans.; ’āvāšišće, only act.; FréA- Aw, aor. 1. IceAga, both trans, and intrans. Asia, ‘Aata ; + Aals, tºos, i. Asiatic, 'Ágútoyevås, éos, fem, ‘Ariès, #60s, i. ;’âgi- 7tus, iè0s, i. Asinine, Śvetos. See Foolish. To ask, Épatów, Étrépatów, &vepotda, ; épágopal, aor. 2. hpówny ; &veſpouai, t Teijóouai, + ioTopéa, ºf ºvua Topéa. To ask in return (in reply), &vreſpouai, &vrepotáo. To ask besides, irposépopal, Tposspotáa, trposávepotów. To ask covertly, 'üTrépo- túa. To ask (i.e. request, beg), airéa, Éaitéw. To ask besides, Taitéo ; Tposairéa, and simply to ask; to ask in return, &vTaitéa. One must ask (see supra), Épotmtéov, Tevotéov, airm- Téov. An asking, Épétmals, eos, fi : épérmud, Tó. Askance, adv. Aošöv, Aošē, "itroëAñómv. To look askance at, ºf TápépéAéTw, no perf. c. eis ; §troëAéro. Aslant, TAëytos, a, ov, and os, ov. Asleep, vixios, o, ov, and os, ov. See Sleeping. An asp, &otis, tºos, i. Asparagus, >&päyos. Aspect, Šipts, eas, # ; Tpósolºis. To have such and such an aspect (of a house, etc.), Tpétropal, c. &vti and gen, c. rpós and gen, c. Tpos and acc. ; 'évätetávvvual (perf. —Téttawat), c troºs and acc ; Śpów, c. Tpbs and acc. The aspen-tree, kepicts, ió0s, i. Asperity, tpāxīrms, mTos, ; Triºpôrms, mTos, h; tricpſa ; xãAeTótms, mTos, i. To asperse, ótášáAAw. See To blame, To slander. Aspersion, uéuyts, ews, ii. See Blaute, Slander. To aspire, pixotiuéopal, mid. c. aor. 1. pass, ; &étéo, See To desire. Aspiration, ÇüA0s. See Ambition. An ass, àvos, 6 kal il. Of or belonging to an ass, àvelos. To drive asses, Övijääréal, épéa, fut. Assail—Assistance An ass driver, Övnxãrms, ov. To assail, trposéâAAø. See To attack. Assailable, étriuáxos, ov. An assailant, à éirigepāuevos. See To attack. An assassin, fºråAguvaſos. See Murderer. To assassinate, kretva, ; ; Kaiva, no perf act. See To murder. Assassination, póvos. See Murder. Assault, "İğpts, eas, # ; a slighter sort, aikia; aikiguás. An action for an assault, yo㺠Vêpéws ; Śiºn airtas. To assault, a person, aircíčw, 'üépíšo ; £rücopégo, c. prep. To assault a city, tetxopäxéa. - To carry by assault, t'évapiréoual, mid. By assault (as taking a town by assault), abrošoel, Kårö, äuä kpótos. To assay, Solciuá(w; by means of fire, tripów, See To prove, To try. Assay, Treſpa, ii. See Trial, Proof. To assemble (trans. of people, etc.; of inanimate things, see To collect), 'üyeſpo, güvāyeſpo, giv- #yo, ovXAéyo and —oga, avykäAéw, ‘ā6poiſo, oiv- &6poiſo. To assemble, intrans, givépxopal, rêveur (-léval); oùvío Túpal, pass. c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf, act. To assemble besides or with others, TāpāovXAéYowal, mid. and pass. To assemble by night, +vvkTryopéo and –ouai, mid. Assembled, &0p60s; +éickamtos, ou ; tāox^ſis. One who assembles, act. givāyayets. An assembly, &yopá; Tāvīyāpts, eos, h; givobos, #: gàAoyos ; Śickamata, esp. in legal or political sense : Păyipts, eas, # ; + 6phyüpis ; tāºpotoka, Té. A small assembly or knot of men meeting, göztávis, eos, i. An assembly by night, + vulettiyopia. The place of meeting in assembly, t’āYopé. To speak in the assembly, trávnyüpíšw. To hold an assembly (sit in assembly, or even act, to summon to assembly), Čkkamgidgw, imperf both éickamataſov and ÉekAmataſov. Belonging to an assembly, Tāvmyüpikös, Éckxmolaoticós. A member of the assembly, Čkickmolaaths. Assent, avyxópmoſis, eos, i ; oivºta. To assent, riveño, sometimes c. acc. rei; kátáveiſa ; giveiraiyéa, fut. –érw and -how ; oiſväyopeto, c. dat.; +käräſbmul, f origipmui. To join in assenting, orive- triveño. To nod assent, ovvvetw. To assert, plul, no perſ. ; iox"píšouai, mid. ; Śitaxi- ^. plgouai, mid. ; Beéalów ; Śiśéeéatéouai, mid, To- gether, givätroſpatvopal, mid. See To try. Assertion, Aóyos, p500s; pào is, eos, # ; + Bášis, eas, fi : + pfféyua, Štos, Tó. To assess, Tárow, c. acc. of payment, dat, of person to pay; ovvtågora ; ovvtipidopal, c. acc. of pay- mont. To assess a property at such and such a value, Tijudo, c. gen. pret. & Assessment, Tášis, eos, # ; trpóstašis, titlá; Tiamug, T6; Tianqis, eas, i. Belonging fo assessment, Tumtikós. A prosecution or action where the penalty is assessed (not being fixed by law), ('êy&v, Sicil, etc.) riſintós' A government according to assessment, Tuapxia, Tuo- kpátía. Belonging to such a government, tigokpáticós, An assessor, répeºpos. An assessor of punishments, tipmTris. The office of assessor, Túpeãpía. To be assessor, räpeåpeño. To make assessor, Tāpākā0íſo. To asseverate, 6ttoryüpfgouai, mid. See Assert. Assiduity, otrovël, étriuéAeta. Assiduous, piñáirovos, ov; a trovögotikós : éiriuexºſs. To be assiduous, a Trovãd ſo, pixotrovéa. Assiduously, pixotróvas, otovãaíos. To assign, véuw, 'êtrovéua, kārāvéuw, 8távéuw, Tpostdoorw, uepiſo, käräueptgo. Improperly, &A- To assign by lot, €trikNmpów. See To appoint, To distribute, etc. An assignation (i. e. meeting by night), f vvictm 7opia, To assimilate, àuoudw, Éogotów, trposelkäſa, Čel vágo. Assimilation, Šuotagus, eas, i ; trópopotooris. To assist, & peača, Éroſpexéo ; traptotapal, pass, c aor. 2. and pf act. ; tāpāyīyvoual ; Tiuapéo, esp. in war; Éricoupéa, ovuuäxopal, ovuuäxéo, Bondéa éirigom6éa, ’āpāya, Éraphyw, tº avºirápgotátéa, See To help. To assist first, Tpotiuapéa, c, dat To assist in return, ävrišom9éa, ; &vtstrikoupéa. T march out to assist, trposéomééa, Who ought to be assisted, & pewmté0s. One ought to assist, & peamtéov; Trposopexmtéov. Assistance, &péAeta and &qe^ta ; &@éAmua, to 'étwſpé\mua, Štos; Tposéſpxmua; TposopéAmots eas, h; Śiricoupta, 80%6eta, t'épayń; +&pmáis eas, h; ºf &piceous, ‘i étápkeoris. See Help. Aotpuovopéº. 26 coming to assistance, étričohôeta. n unreal assistance, levö060%6ela. ſuſual assistance, à trop’ &AAmA&v eitropia. n assistant, ovXAftwp, opos; fem., a vAAmirtpfa ; ºvutpāktop, orivāyaviaths, Bombós; + ovvepyārms, v, 6, fem, ovvepyātus, i50s; +’āpayos, + &rapoyos, geipäſbooos. - take as an assistant, ovXAquéâva. }sisting (many of the following words are also ised as substantives), throvpos, ov, c. gen. rei, gainst which ; 'épwyðs, ov; Bombó0s, ov; givepyos, v; + štífið000s. asy to be assisted, eiéoñ0mtos, ov. associate, ovugiyvvut. See To join. associate with one's self, Tposalpéopal, and with an- ther, c. acc. and dat. See To unite, To connect. ; associate with, intrans., Öpi}\{a, c. dat.; TposouíAéa, 'Amoud w; Tposerapiſopal, pass.; ovyytyvouai. 1 associate, Étaipos, ovvtexís. See Companion. l association, Étapeta and étalpía ; oivoãos, #, 'huc.; ovvréAeto, tº avvedpía. 'assort, 8tätiönui. See To arrange. assortment, ovXAoyń. See Collection. assuage, Taiw, icov'pigo, feivāa, kolpudo. 'o allay. ficult to be assuaged, + 6vatāpā0eXktos, ov. assume, Aquéâva'; (an appearance) ºroğüopal, id.; Viro tº oxfina, Arist. To assume (in logic), Totiºnal, Plat,; ‘tºtoxopéâvo. To assume together ith, ovvi Toi i8epal, mid. To assume besides, Tpos- píša. To assume beforehand, trpoinroxapuśāva. is assumed, impers, ‘iſtóiceirai, See e must assume, Amirréov, Štrobetéov. must assume besides, trposâmtrTéov. assumption, 'üT66egis, eas, ii; Tpósixmills, eas, #. alse assumption (an assumption of one thing instead another which is required), uetáAmiſts. assurance, triotis ; 8eSalórms, –mºros, j; + ri- opia, Té. See Promise, Confidence. :ertain assurance, 87Wools, eas, i. assure, ioxioiſopal. See To assert. ng assured, 815agicóptevos. uredly, orépa. See Certainly. hma, àp6órvoua. ihmatic, Öp6óirvoos, ovs. ern, ºf trpūlvī0ev. astonish, ēkTAñorga, aor. 2. pass. čeračymv; ká. TAhoga, ČiritAhora a ; to be astonished, Savpd.(a ; ăual, mid, fut. &yároſial, aor. 1, both iryá00mu and Athwart, adv., áyirapatos. Atlantic, "ATAavrikós. Atmosphere, ’āhp, 6, # (à Soph.). An atom, 'éropos, ii, pl. t.d. To atone, Tivo (I Ep., i Trag.), fut. Tirw, etc., c, acc. Assistant—Atrocious #yågåumv; +&auééo, exceedingly; ‘ūrepekt Migoro- pal, pass. See To wonder. Astonished, kātātrāść, 7)0s; +&Tóttàmicros, ov. Astonishment, Saiga, Té; Šáušos, to and 6; Kärä- TAméis, eas, i. A power of astonishing, t kpotoris, eas, i. Astray (to go), TAóvãopal, pass. See To stray, To wander. Astringency, ‘ūtróatviºus, eas, i. Astringent (to the taste), atpupubs, 6v. An astronomer, &otpoxó70s, &arpovápos. Astronomical, &orrpovopticos, >poxo'yikós. Astronomy, &otpovopata, &otpoxoyia. To study astronomy, &otpovopéa. Astute, &YXīvo0s, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. See Crafty, wise. Astuteness, &yxivota. Asunder, Sixa. An asylum (affording an asylum), yāv 'āq Āov trapa- ox&v, Eur. See Refuge. At, €rl, c, dat.; Tpós, c. dat. c. acc.; Tapč, c, acc. or c. dat.; at the very moment of danger, trap' airów Töv kívöövov, Dem.; karð, c. gen, as to shoot at, etc.; ‘ātrö, c. gen, as at first sight, at evening, etc. Atheistical, 'éðeos, ov. Athenian, 'A0mvaſos, "Articós; +’ATöls, fö0s, i. Fond of the Athenians, piñá0mvaſos. In the Athenian fashion, "Attikós. To take the part of the Athenians, "Atticiſo. Athens, ‘Āffival. To Athens, ‘Ā0āvaſe. From Athens, ‘Ā0%vm.9ev. An athlete, &6Amtºs, &o knºtſis Athletic (i.e. belonging to an athlete), 39Amtikos, 'yvplvagtikos (i.e. strong, q.v.), ioxipós. See Across. of crime, dat. of penalty, sometimes c. gen. of crime, sometimes c. acc. of penalty only; ’āTotivw, éktívo, Ağa, ’āq,00:16a. To make an offering of atonement (to the god), "špo- ortéopal, mid. Atonement, &rova, tá; Airpov; + ueixtypia, to, in plur. Eracting alonement, + 'êtrolvööikos, ov. To caract atonement, 'üTotivviſual, mid, fut. —Tiaopai. Atrocious, Ševčs, 'évaiśās; of persons, kākovpybs, 27 Atrociously—Attention & ; t navroupyös, Öv; + Távroxuos, ov; ; trav- Tótoxpos, ov. Atrociously, t Taylcákos, kākovpyós. Atrocity, Távoup'yia. Atrophy, "Čt popta. To attach, (etyviru; Tpostoléo, to another, and—ouai, mid., to one’s self. - To attach one's self to (a party), Tposvěual éuavrov, c. dat, or perf. pass.; Tposveuéumual, c. Ös, for Tpós c. acc.; 'évaptda éuautov eis, c. acc. To attach, intrans. (as blame attaches), TišáAAw, c. dat. To attach a person to one's self, Tpoor pix? tiva tíðepal (mid.), Soph. To be attached to (as a friend, ally, etc.), oikeia's 6tá. retual, c. Tpbs and acc.; oilcetos éxo, c. dat. Attachment, pixia. See Friendship, Love. To attack, ÉpéâAAw, TposéáAAw; Éripépoua, mid.; Tpostſtro, Titín To, Telut (–1éval); Tititepal, mid.; + épopºda ; lit. or metaph. (i. e. with words, etc.), êykepal; (with abuse, etc.) &rtouai, mid. c. gen.; kä6&TTouai; &Tooſkitto, c. eis and acc.; +’āpāorga; (with an army) étruatpāTetw. To attack, as a dis- ease does, éylcaraokfitto. To attack, as ships do, éiritàéa, fut. —TAetorouai, c, dat, or c, čirl and acc.; épéâAAø. To join in attacking, a úvetitiëepal, mid., c, dat.; a vuételgi (-levat), c. dat. of the persons at- tacked, c. pietà and gen. of one's allies; giveTiatpā- Teša. To be the first to attack, Tpoetrixelpéa. To attack one another (of opposite factions), áutitroAépéa, c. dat. Why does he thus attack the sheep? tº bira Toſuvas Tāvö’ éirepºrtirrel Báriv; Soph. Shall I attack them at supper ? &pſpl beſtvov oſſºgl TpogéaXá Sápu ; Fur. To attack gates with a troop, Túñator Tposéaxeſv Aóxov, AEsch, - Come and attack the dinner (of hare), ÉpéâAAé00é Tów Naydov, Ar. An attack (in war), Čuéoxh, by sea or land; Tpos- éox?), áirtópopºft; pobos, h; āq oppºſi. An attack by sea, Éiri"TA00s, ovs; áiri"TAévois, eas, i. An advance to attack, trpoéââorts, eas, i. A periodical attack (of some disease), kārāšoxfi. An attacking party, Tposéoxã. Ready to attack, Tibetikos, c. dat. Easy to be attacked, eietriðetos, ov; eiépoë0s, ov. Hard to be attacked, 8vstrpósoãos, ov. To attain, tvYXávo, fut, reiſſoual, aor. 1. Črüxmoſa, aor. 2. črixov, c. gen.; Titvyxãvo; £ikvéopal, mid fut. —(£opal, aor. 2. —licópinv, c. gen.; bikvéowa ättopai. Likely to attain, Tevicturbs, c. gen. Attainable, h ’āAarós, òv; † eitſpósolatos, ov. Attainment, Étirevěts, ews, i. To attempt, Teipów, aor, 1. pass, both in act. an pass. Sens, c, inf. or c. acc., or c. &s, or öTws an subj, more commonly –opal, mid.; &vatrelpdo, &Toire, páo; Érixeſpéco, c. dat, or c. acc. or c. infin.; Éyxel péo, c. dat. - To make an attempt on a place, relpdo, &roteipów kátárelpdºw, c. acc. - To attempt first, Tpoey Yelpéa. try. One must attempt, Érixelpmtéov, trepôtéov, &yxelp f TeOV. To be attempted, Amirtéos. One who attempts, étixelpmths, ot; Éyxelpmtās, An attempt, Teipa ; Śyxeipmua, Tó; étrixeipmua, t éyxeipmats, eas, ii; Tixeſpnoſis, &TóIrelpa. To attend to, i. e. take care of, etc., áiriusXéou &epāTeto, ºf icoptgo; + &upétro, only pres. To tend to advice, advisers, etc., ‘ūtrākota, c. gen. sometimes c. dat.; # TposéâAAw, c. acc. To atte to business, employment, etc., Tposéxo, and Tp. T Voiv; biotapal, pass. c. aor. 2. act., c. etl and ac or c, dat. To attend as an escort, etc., TéuTw, T TéuTw, see To accompany; as a servant, 'ümpet See To endeavour, + TpostroAéa, see To serve; as a tutor, giveipt, To teach ; as a physician, ue^etáo; to attend scho Tpose?peta, c. Tºbs and daf. I attend to all the rest of my business, TáAAC, to é Tposíkovta &ToteWó, Xen. We attending to our business, àvtov Čiri Tois Tpdypa. Dem. I attend upon you, trapë got eiut, Xen. See To ser He had paid much attention to horsemanship, tr MáAirta éuegexíket airtó irticis, Xen. One must attend to, ŠtipleAmtéov; trposertéov and Töv votiv. Attendance, #'êtroup'yta ; (of a pupil on his master of the master on his pupil) givovoría. An Attendant, 'ücoAov60s, Örööös, Sepāirov. Escort, Servant. Attention, êtriºxeto, c gen. or c. trpós; ue^{ girovöh, étiqtpoſph, &epâtela; SepāTevua, T6. Attention to a person in sickness, vogoroopia. Care. 28 He paid attention to his son, Tov viðv Öi' éiriue}\etas eixe, Isae. - He paid attention to the Barbarians, éireplexeiro Tây Bapéâpov, Xen. hey paid the greatest possible attention to Callibius, Tov uèv KaNAtélou èdepāTrevov Tá0 m &epaireſq, Xen. 'hat the enemy might fia: their attention on that road, ſtra's Tatty Tà 666 oi troAépuot trposéxotev Töv votiv, t €I]. ttentive, trposektikös, avvretäuévos ; to advise, piñíkoos, ov; as a servant, &epatrevtukös (of a ttentively, girovöaías. See Carefully. o be very attentive to, Toâvapéo, used also in pass. of eceiving such attention. o attenuate, Aertivo. See Thin. 0 attest, paptiſpéo. See To witness. ttestation, paptipta. o attire, &pſpuévviſui. See To dress. ttire, éoºls, fitos, ii. See Dress. ttica, 'Attich ; + 'Atóls, fö0s, i. m attitude, oxfiga, àtos, Tó. striking, trpo60Añ. 0 attract, Éxico, imperf eixkov, fut. Akigo, etc.; poséAko, Tlotów, &urlotów ; Tposáyouai, mid. Attraction, ÉAëts, eas, # ; *q e^{ts, ÖAlcà. ttractive, Tposdºya'yos, ov; 6Alcos, éArcticós. 0 attribute, 'üvátíðmul, Tpostiffnut, petáðiðapt, āvāq)épa, ’āTovéuw. tributing great unfairness to the gods, ueyāAmu Seois #yva'uoqiumv eiðótes, Soph. See To impute. 'or any one may justly attribute the having lost many hings in the war to our inattention, 78 pºv yap ToàA& &roXaAekéval cató Töv TóAegov Tâs justépas àpié. elas &v Tus &eim Šukaſa's, Dem. me must attribute, ’āvā0étéov. n attribute, to évêrapxov, ttrition, trpóstplxts, eas, i. 0 attune, &pſióſa, usu. -ótta. See To tune. avail, &pexéo, Éroſpeñéo, luxio t&pkéw, fut. To avail one's self of, 'êtroXpéopal, mid, perf. pass. in act. Sens. vail, épeads, té. See Advantage. vailable, xpioiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; Éricaipos, ov. ee Useful. varice, piñoicepôeta, aioxpokepāeto, piñapyüpta, Aeovešía, piñoxpmuátía. See Athens. Of defence or of f -č O'Cº. varicious, pixápyüpos, ov; pixoicepôhs, aioxpokep- is ; pix0xpſuitos, ov; TAeovertikós. See Covetous. Attentive—Aver An avaricious man, TAeovéictms, ov; qiaoxpmuáriotis. To be avaricious, TAeovercréal, pixoképêéw, piao- xpmuatéa. , Avariciously, pi\oxpmuáros, TAeovertucós. Avaunt, i öffe, Fátáye. Auburn (i. e. with auburn air), śavóós; also, epith. of hair, ibid. Hair dyed auburn, Šáv010 p.a. Köums, Eur. . Auction, Tpá0ts. To put up to auction, &vakmpúago. An auction room, ToxmTiptov. Audacious, Spāorts, toxpºmpos, +Toxuffets, ºf TAjuov; +Tavroup'yos, ov; # Távtoxuos, ov; ; TavróToxuos, ov. See. Bold. Audaciously, Śpégéas, ºf TAmwóvas. Audacity, TóApia and tâAgn. Audible, eúñicoos, ov; 5táo muos, ov; +’ákváriuos, +’âlcova Tós. (pāvīs. An auditor, "&cpoãths, of ; +'ákova-Töls, où (i.e. one who audits accounts); eiðūvos; eiðvytºp, fipos ; At a distance, ºf Tmka,Tös, ov; ; Tºxe- Aoyia Tís, ééetc.orrás. An auditor's salary, Tô &etao Tilcóv. An audit (of accounts), eú6üum. An audit room, Aoytotipuov. To avenge, Tiſzapéo, c. dat. of the person avenged, c. acc. of the criminal, also c. dat. of the person injured, and acc. of the injury done, -opioi, mid. c. acc. rei and dat. pers.; FTpdora'a, + šicTpdoorw, Fölðka, +éköikáço. To avenge one's self, 'épěvouai, Širéept (—téval). See To punish. - To aid in avenging, ovvriuapéa. To avenge your friends, Tois pàous āpīvā0éïv, Eur. Avenged (of a crime), + TâAvritos, ov. Quickly avenged, + &riſtolvos, ov. An avenger, Tiwapos, and in Trag. Tipăopos, c. gen. or dat. of the person avenged; TpostpóTalos, +’āAá- otwp, *vepétap, + ptáatap, + Towärap, + Tpdic- Top, föirmſpêpos, + £köicaqtās; FTäAduvaſos, esp. of blood. Avenging, + Totvinos, ov; +&icmpôpos, ov; +tiuwpos, ov; † Tpóðiſcos, ov. Avenging late, f 50 repôtowos, ov : + 50 Tepopflápos, ov. Inclined to avenge, tigopm- Ticós. The average, to uéorov. Taking the average between the greatest and the least, Tpos Tês geyſotas Kal éAáxia Tas (vais) to uégow oricotröv, Thuc. To aver, plul, no perf. See To assert, To say. 29 Averment—AWait An averment, A6)0s. See Assertion. Averse, 'ékov, ovtos. See Unwilling. Aversion, êx60s, T6; Éx0pa ; uſoſos, té. See Hatred. An object of aversion, + gºtá yos, Tó; + orifymua, Štos, To turn with aversion from, &nortú'w, -ãow, only act. To avert, 'üAéč0, fut. —#Tw, aor. l. mid. Nešćumv; t’āTäxéo; Épîico, c. dat. pers, or c. &tá; &tepšico, éepūka’, ‘āuivo, + špkéw, &rotpétro, + širektpéra; *’āToiréutropal, mid. By prayers, ’āTroötotropitéopai. By labour, ºf ékpox6éa, ºf éictovéo. eyes, Tāpāq'épa (äihiv, etc.). I see that we endeavour to avert their influence, àpó . . . ’āTotropatrès airóv juás towavºčvows, Isoc. Averting, ‘ātrātpotros, ov, c. gen, or c. 93) and infin. ; ūTorpétatos, ov; ; Tpotatos, a, ov; träpätpotos, ov; t’āAeśntſipios. Averting death, t'éAečiuopos, ov. An averting, 'étotpath, tº trāpātpoſtſ. Prayers to avert, 'étroëtotrópirmats, eas, ii. Averted (eyes, etc.), iſ träAivtpotros, ov; +’âtróatpo- q,0s, ov. An auger, Tpúrávov. To augment, aiśāva or atºo, fut, aičflow ; to aug- To avert the ment & fortune by saving, Tepitrotéa, oikov, Xen. See To increase. Augmentation, ačmals, eas, i. An augur, i viavoiróA0s, toiovágavris, Folayo- oricóTos. An augury, oiwvás; T oiávio Ma, T6. See Omen. Belonging to augury, oiwutoricós. The art of taking auguries, oioviarikā. A seat from whence to take auguries, Šákos éputéo- oricórros, Soph. To take auguries, f oiwuogicotéo. August, Metáyettviðv, &vos, Ö, begun about the mid. of Aug. August, oreºvés; oreguóTipos, ov; yepāoutos, ov, in fem. tróTuva; ; Trotva. Avidity, trpo6.jputa. Aunt, Tmóls, ióos. vitm. Avocation, 6tatpiéfi. See Employment. To avoid, 'pet'ya, ; &@to Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. act. ; §Tešto rapai; &roötöpdaka, aor. 2. —éöpmy; +’āAüorica, fut. -ëa, and –éopal, c. acc. or c. gen. ; &motpétropal, mid. Strektpétropºat ; + ščáAetopat, mid. To endeavour to avoid, 'éqoquéopat. See To escape. One must avoid, ‘pevictéov. Able to avoid, ‘t púčiuos, ov, c. acc. What can be avoided, i ſpevictós. See Eagerness. A maternal aunt, h Amtpokäoly- An avoiding, piryh, &lróðpāois, +’āAvěts. To avouch, pºſit. See To assert. To avow, Śwoxoyéa, Tpoſpatva. See To confess. Avowal, Öpioxo'yta. See Confession. One must avow, Śwoxo'ymtéov. Avowedly, ÖpioMo'youpévos. Aurora, ‘E&s, + H6s. Auspice, the auspices, tà ispá. See Augury. Auspicious, eúðatuwu, Xpmatos; atolos, a, ov, and ov; Śečiós; eiðviſuos, ov; + £vatorios, ow; + sía muſ ov. See Favorable. Auspiciously, eúðaip.6vals. Austere, otpºpwos, ańatmpós. Austerity, gö0tmpótms, mtos, i. Authentic, ‘āAmóñs. Authenticity, 'üAffleta. Author (of a deed, etc.); (many of the following wo are used also as adjectives), altios, &px|yos, Tp towpyós; +&px||yétms, ov; Faitóxelp. Of a book, etc.; Tolmtºis, où; térrow, ovos, 6. Authoritative, beatrotikós; +6eatródivos, m, ov, a 0S, 0V. Authoritatively, 3e0 troticós. Authority, Čšovata, āpxft; Kūpos, Tb, etc.; āśſap T6; jºyeptovía. In authority, having authority, kāpios, a, ov, and os, 0 +TéAetos, a, ov, and os, ov, also TéAeos ; texea páp. ov; āpxicós; in pl. oi épeoTôtes, of épeatmlcáté oi év táAel, Thuc.; of T& Téam éxovres, Thuc.; of TéAet Beéâtes, Soph. ; of év toſs trpdywadi, Thl The authorities, tà kùpia, Dein. : T& TéAm, Thuc. The Theban authorities here have determined, §60&e r ôe Kačaetov TéAet, Æsch. Of equal authority, 'io 6pm pos, ov. To authorise, ééovoſtav 6tówpil, éovoſtav Träpéxa. Autumn, Ötrápa, + 'Apictoºpos. The latter end autumn, pöiváirapov. Autumnal, Örapivos (; Hom-, i. Hes., i Trag.). the end of autumn, wetóTwpos, ov. Auxiliary, adj., éticouplicös, Örücoupos; Bombös, us in pl. - A body of aua'iliaries, guppičxia, 80%9sia, to ovupiš) ków. See Ally. To await (i. e. wait for), 6éxopal, c. perf pass. beyºal ; Tpogöéxopal; wéva, and poet, in pres, a imperf uſuva; &vaſtévo; Érigéva, c. ivo, öste, et Tepiuévo, ötropévo, Tpospéva, + kāpāśokéw. await (i. e. impend over, q.v.), Čirikpéuauai. To await death, ēykapTepéa, 34patov, Eur, 30 o await an attack (so as to come to close quarters), eis Xeipas 6éxogai, Xen. 0 awake, or awaken, act. Yetpa', 'üveyeipaſ, Ée- 'yeipw, &viotnut, t'épürviſo; ueółotnut "jirvov, Eur. o awake, or wake, neut. intrans, the pass. of the pre- ceding words, but in éyéipopual the tenses oftenest used in that sense are perf and pluperf. mid. Čypff- 'yopa, -éiv. o remain awake, ſtvoſtěxéo, 'üypürvéo, öläypijitvéw. Awake, "dypińrvos, ov. being awake, or keeping awake (neut.), ºpjirvía. n awakening, 'âváo Táois, eas, h; yeports, eas, #. wake, adv., Ütrap, + yeptſ. Wakening, calculated to awaken, êyeptucós. 0 award, éirićicéo. See To adjudge. n award, kpi'ois, i. o be aware of, aiotăvouai, mid, fut. air&#goua, no or. J., aor. 2, #006Amv, c. gen, sometimes c. aCC., ften c. part, agreeing with the nom. to the verb. e became aware of the marriage, &ptſppov ćyévero duov. --- way, Éktročáv. way from, "årö, c. gen.; + ’ārep, c. gen, very usu. fter its case. way with you, it, etc., + šše; #35° às kópäkas, Ar.; Vic eis képákas āśāorete, Ar.; £effe yatas, Eur.; babble, to twºxAw, only pres, act, and mid. See o chatter. bble, ºf atopiºia. See Chattering. baboon, Tiºmkos. See Monkey. ke a baboon, triðmkoetős, ºriómicaëns. baby, 8péqos, Tó. longing to a baby, vitrios, a, ov, and os, ov. wing a baby, fºiſtrapvos, ov. byhood, vitrićrms, mºros, j. Bacchamalian, Bakxtótºms, ov, 6; + 8&icxos, em. diºxm; + 8akxls, fö0s, h; Sviès, #80s, #; + Malvös, A fellow Bacchanalian with, origéakxos, 6 Leader of Bacchanalians, trpošákxelos. cchanalian, or belonging to Bacchus, adj., 84Kxelos, ăicxuos; Ettos, ov; "Iakxos, ov. Awake—Bacchanalian ‘ārāye; BáAA’ eis uákáplay, Plat.; away with him, où Yùs Tāsā’ &top6&pígetat, Eur. AWay, adj, going, being, ºf Éctoros, ov; + šktórios. Ye have put away the flame, violat’ &ctoríav påøya, Soph. Awe, aibës, h; + oréas, only nom. acc. and voc. sing.; Šáuéos, Tô and 6; an object of, ºf a ééas. To stand in awe of, orééopal, only pres, imperf. and aor. 1. pass, in act. Sense; aidéopal; † abouai, only pres, and imperf; +&ſouai. Awful, to be regarded with awe, aiboſos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Terrible. Awhile, Téas. Awkward, a katós; #555890s, ov; ’āyúgvagros, ov; GóAoukos, ov. Awkwardly, oricaiws, 8vstpáiréaws, ’āyúuvaortals. Awkwardness, orkatótms, mTOs, h; Tāpāqopótºms. Awry, adj. OrkóAtos; adv. O'K0Ata's. An axe, TéNekus, eas, 6; āśīvn, + akétapvos, + kórá. vov; + xàAkevpa, Tá; + yévvs, vos, i. To cut with an awe, TexeKáw. To cut with an awe at the side, trăpâtreWelcáa. An axiom, Šuoxóymuſ, Tó. An axle, ššov, ovos, 6; + xvón. Whirling on the axle, + ščováAát0s, ov. Ay, vaſ. See Yes. be a Bacchanalian, Bakxéða, + Bakxtáço', ; Śiś- Azure, YAavkos, kvěveos. See Blue. B. oreña, ; ; kátášakxtóouai, pass. To be a fellow Bue- chanalian, orvpusakxetw. To make a Bacchanalian, to excite with Bacchamalian phrenzy, ‘f Bakxtów. He is made a Bacchanalian in his heart, &ićaeteta, Wvxöv, Eur. One eacited with Bacchanalian phrenzy, ºf 8akxeñori- Au0s, Op. Bacchanalian revelry, + 8ákxévois, eas, ii; Xevua, Tó. A Bacchic shout,”Iakx0s; + etagua, Tó. A Bacchic shout, adv., eiot, Xà60ſ. To raise a Bacchic shout, ºf evićſo, + síðgo. To raise a Bacchic shout in honour of, ºf eidgopal, mid. c. acc. One averse to, or uninitiated in, Bacchic shouts or fes. ticals, f 'ééðicxevtos, ov. + 8dit- 31 Bacchus—Balance Bacchus, Auðvøgos, Atóvãoros, Báicxos, ºf Bakxébs, + Báicxuos, +*Iakxos, Aï0üpapéos, Eötos. The festivals of Bacchus, tº Atovãoia, Tú Amvaſa. The temple of Bacchus, Atovão lov. A bachelor, ‘āyāuos, ov; +’āyāuntos, ov; +’āyúvaiš. The back, vötos and vôtov (vátov most usual); val- Tuata äpôpa, Tě, Eur. Of the back, votiatos. With variegated back, f ToucíAóvatos, ov. With tawny back, F Twporávotos, ov. Scourged on the back, f watotahá, 770s, 6 Ical #. Carrying on the back, votoſpápos, ov. To turn one's back (in flight), f votia. On one's back (falling, lying, etc.), iſtrtios. Back, backwards, back again, adv. (with verbs of motion, etc.), Täälv, *āvārāAlv, ŠutrāAlv, also sis Toiſutraxiu, ätfora, + ščottaw, f Šipoğāov, aß0ts (as to give back); eis Toiſtria-0ev, Eur.; Tri ºróðc., after a verb of motion, Xen.; so êirl GréWos, Eur. Backwards and forwards, Tââºu te kal Tpóra, Eur. Back, backwards, going back, etc., adj., + špoffos, ov; + TráAtagüT0s, ov. To back (i. e. make to go back, as to back a horse, etc.), āvakpoiſo. To backbite, 6tášáAAa. See To slander. A backbiter, 840 ſcăvos. See Slanderer. The backbone, Éxis, eas, i. A back-room, Ötrio 666090s. Backward (i. e. slow, unwilling), Ökvmpós ; &lrpó- 0Upºos, ov. Bad, kākös, comp. Käktov (i Att., i elsewhere), also xeipov, superl. Káictatos and xeipiatos (only in Att. prose); ‘pkaëpos; paſſX0s, m, ov, and 0s, ov; Tovmpos, pox.6mpás. Bad (of money), 'ü8óiciuos, ov. See Adulterated. Eaceedingly, utterly bad, Táykäicos, ov; Top Tövmpos, ov; ; Tpókakos, ov. Baddish, rather bad, ºf juicăicos, ov. káicopvís. A friend of bad men, Tovmpóqixos. Deeds too bad to be expiated by hanging, pya ºpetogov’ &yxoviis, Soph. See Wicked. Badly, kākós, compar. xéºpov, superl. Kākurta; pai- Aws, pxaúpos. - Rather badly, tº juicăkos. In bad condition, with bad fortune, prox6mpás, Tovmpós. To be in a bad way, to be badly off, p}\avpós Éxw, Thuc.; xãAetrós éxaſ, Plat.; u0x6mpós Suákeupal, Plat. To be worse off, 40x9mporépas éxa, Plat. Of bad nature, A badge, a muetov. See Token. A badger, Tpóx0s. - Badness, kākórns, ºtos, h; kákſa, kākm; pavkótm 'mTos, h; wox6mpia, Tovmpia. See Wickedness. To baffle, a pāAAw. See To disappoint, To defeat. He is baffled in his plans, a páAAetal Bowire AEsch. A bag, 8āAávrtov, ŠišAäkos, uápolitos, ordickto + ordickos. A game bag, küvoixos. To carry a bag, ğüAäicoſpopéo. Baggage, alcedos, to, usu, in pl.; oºn. o carry baggage, alcevo popéo. A baggage carrier, a kevoºpópos, used also as adj. 0s, 0 Belonging to the carrying of baggage, gićevoºpopicós. Carrying one's own baggage, ºf airtó poptos, ov. Watching the baggage, to kevopos, 6v. A baggage master, gićevåyoyós. A bagpiper, i. 80p.éaúAlos. Bail, éyyúm, Käteyyúm. A bail (i. e. a person who gives bail), áyywos; yºy ths, où, 6. A giving bail, 8teyyúmo is, eos, fi; £eyyúm ; Śēeyy ois, eas, i. - To bail, to give bail, éyyváa, more usu. -opioi, wh augmented usu. Yºy., but sometimes évé'y.; Öleyyv ěčeyyváo. To require bail from, käreyyváo, c. acc. To take bail for, 8teyyváopal, mid. c. gen. of amol of bail. A bailiff of a farm, ai,xitms. Bait, ÖéAeap, Štos, Tö, also dat, contr. 6éAmti, a nom. pl. 6éAmta; + 6eXéagua, Tó; + 6exfittov. To catch or entice by a bait, beAeáço. * To bake, 3TTáo), ‘Féottda. Baked, Öttös. Not baked, + špMektos, ov. be baked, Öttövés. A baker, girotroubs, 6 kai #, usu, fem.; &ptólcotto ſcal #; àprotrotés; +&ptotróAus, ió0s, i. The task of baking, gitotroubs 'évéyòl, Eur. A bakehouse, FăptotóAlou, ºf Öttövtov. A baking, &ptotrotta. A balance, Táñavrov. Holding the balance, t tëAavtotºxos, ov. Equally balanced, ioróñotos, ov (I Hom, At ‘io'okäiväs. - In an equally balanced manner, 'iaoğ5órws. To be equally balanced, 'io oftotréa, ; forces fiétro AEsch. . º To balance (one thing against another), ávtică F: 32 Bald—Bankrupt Aágoro, and oftoner -opal, mid. ' To balance in one's + štriaráðudopal, mid. See To consider. Bald, påAäkpós. A bald man, t \iaał. To be bald, ºf uáöda, påAäkpóopigi. To make bald, yixów, &topiaća. Baldness, pâAäkpótºms, mºtos, i. A becoming bald, uáðmals, eos, i. A baldrick, (ºwn. See Belt. To bale (out water), ávt.Aéa. Baleful, AU’ypös, ’ātmpós. See Pernicious. balefully, Ajºypas. See Perniciously. To balk, a pſiAAw, often c, gen. rei; petºw. For we were balked in our eagectations by the gods, 6áčms yap fuev Tpbs Seóv éo paxpévot, Eur. A ball, a palpa; (of wool) + toxim. At ball (to play, etc.), patvivöa. Like a ball, adj., a palpoetőfis. To play at ball, or palpíša, &vtia palpíša. Ballast, Épua, āros, Tó. Without ballast, 'üvepušttatos. To ballast, Éppištíſo. To take in as ballast, Éppa- Tiſogal, mid. A ballot-box, Kä80s, kāātakos, ºpia, kampotăptov. The top of the ballot-boa, where the hole is, i kmuðs. See Vote. To ballot, iſ mºbigopal, mid.; ſmºptgouai eis $5piau. Xen. The ball used in balloting, liq,0s, ii. See Vote. Balsam, 84Aaráuov; (the tree) BáAgüuos, i. Balustrade, kiwu, ä, ä, most usu. 6. Ban, &pā (à Hom., á Trag.). See Curse. To ban, &páouai, mid. (à Hom., & Trag.), c. dat. See To curse, Band, ºvn, + gapyāvm. A band worn by women round the head or breast, + ortpopls, thos, #; otpéquov. See Bell. A band of persons (as of warriors), pöAov; Téxos, Tó; atºpos, Tó; otóAos; givračis, ii. See Army. A band of furies, hunters, maidens, etc., iſ kópros. 4 band of dancers, nymphs, etc., xópos. To band together, avviatáual, pass. c. aor. 2. et perf. act. See To unite, To be associated. A bandage, étideggos, + Aguiráðtov, Bandy (bandy-legged), 8Aaloos, Šalčás. A being bandy, 8Aatorótms. - To make bandy, 8Aata 3a. But it is disgraceful to me to bandy words with women, aioxpov 6é pºol yuvaiśl orvuéâAAely A6-yous, Eur. | And reproachful words were bandied between them A&yoi 3’ &v &AA)xoſa w ś600uv Kakol, Soph. Bane, kākāv; + triua, Tá. See Injury. - Baneful, kākös, comp. —iov; 'ātmpbs, ’āva peafs. See Pernicious. Bamefully, ſcákós. To bang, kpoffo. See Knock. A bang, TAmyń. See Blow. To banish, ēAgüvo, fut. Aéro, etc.; ÉeAačva : ék- SáAAw, perf. –éééAmka ; 3.66w, fut. &ra ; 'étroëéa, éºopſ(w, H &vöpmAéréo"; by proclamation, êkirmpiogw; by ostracism, Öotpāk{{w, éootpaciº; as a pollution, + ‘āymAáréal; besides, trposekšāAAw. - To be banished, peſºya, ; Éktritto, fut, -treaſoºlai ; qūyāöeča, ué0ío Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf. act.; + &vártirto ; + ševöopal, pass. c. fut, mid.; + &ročev6opal. To be banished for another, t &vti- ©eūyw. To be banished with, oup petryw. To be banished for a year, 'üſreviavtéw, ’āTreviavtſa. Being miserably banished by you, Šk got taſiuovas pu- ºy&s éxov, Eur. Were you banished from your country? buyès &ripas tratpíð0s; Banished, 'éroxis, gen.—ews, and also -i60s, acc. only —iv; +’āragros, ov; + &ráčevos ; +’áráttoxts; ÉÉ- 6ptatos, ov. Banished by the people, t 3muñXáros, OV, A banished person, ºpiºs, #60s, 6, #. See Erile. One who banishes, + &vöpmAärms. Banishment (the act), šké0Aff ; #Aáois, eas, h; éé- Aão is ; träpdatāorts, eas, h; uetáotáoris, ºf 6mum- Aãoria ; (the condition) piº)?), Rómuía ; Śicömpos qvy?), Eur. Banishment for life (either action or condition), āet- ©iryta. Banishment for a year, 'üteviatºrmoſis, ews, i. A bank, fièv, -óvos, i ; Śx6m ; xe?Aos, Tá; 8x60s. An artificial bank, x&pia, T6. See Mound. A bank (of money), Tpátreſa. To bank up, *āTox&vviſui, trposxºvviſput. Where the wall had a bank raised against it, fi (To teſ- xos) trposexotiro, Thuc. A banker, Tpāregirms, ov, 6.’ To be a banker, Tpäteſireia. Bankrupt, "åvegicevaquévos. He is bankrupt, &va- a keväſov-at ai tpdºreſai. They were bankrupt, &t- éatmorav TóvápxaíwV, i. e. they refused to pay the principal. He was bankrupt, Čšetort firet rôv Šavroſſ Dem.; &T&Aero kal Tóv Švtav čáatm, Dem. ID 33 Bankruptcy—Barter I knew that I must become bankrupt, Tås oio (as #8eiv ékotmo.6pev0s, Antipho. To make bankrupt, &värpétro rivi Thy Tpdateſov, Andoc. Bankruptcy, 'üTokoth Xpeãv. A banner, ormuelov. A banquet, baſs, tos, #; &#Alal, ai, eiaxia. To banquet, Öatvvaal, mid. only pres, and imperf. and aor. 1. Čáaloºumv; eiwxéouai. To give a banquet, Éotida, augmented tenses eiot, often c. acc. pers.; eioxéw. See To feast, Belonging to a banquet, Souáticós. A day of banqueting, ‘f Rpeovpyöv finap. The day after a banquet, juefléoptos, Antipho. To banter, 'étroorkóTTw, Tpostraíſo. See To jest. Banter, okópºua, T6. Elegant bantering, Xàpievtt- oplós. See Jest. - A banterer, ‘ForkwºrtóAms, ov, 6. A bar (or stake), poxAós; (of a door, etc.) kāfiópov. See Bolt. The bar in a court of law or council- chamber, Spüpaktos, or ov, usu, in pl.; Riykals, ió0s, i. The bar of a river, ºf Tpószowa, 76. To bar, ICAetw; ºf HoxAów, i. e. to object to, to forbid, KwKöw. Barbarian, 8ápéâpos, ov; Bapéâpikós. See Foreign. Barbarism (in language), Bapéâptowds. To use barbarisms, Bapéâpt{w. To make barbarian, êkéapéâpów. In barbarian fashion, Bapéâptoti, Semi-barbarian, pugośćpéâpos, ov. Barbarity, &piórms, mtos, i ; tripörms, f 'ºyptótºms. See Cruelty. Barbarous, &pubs, ºf &pió0üuos, + &pidºpwy. Cruel. In a barbarous state (of a nation), Špiktos kal éém- ºptopičvos, Isoc. Barbarously, &piós, F&poppóvas. See Cruelly. Barbed, &ykurrpatós; + &rtaoyxos, ov, A barber, coupets. A barber's shop, ſcovpetov. A barber's bill, koupetov. A bard, &otöðs. See Poet. Bare, yupubs, often c. gen, rei; }IXós. To bare, yupwów. - Barely, i.e. scarcely, q.v. uðyis, "åyáirmtós. Barefaced impudence, &vatertapévm traßmorta, Plat. Barefooted, "åvitróðntos, ov; + 3TéöIAos, ov; + vºxi- trovs, neut, -ovy, gen. —060s; f AevicóTovs. The being barefoot, 'üvitroëmoria. To go barefoot,’īvitroëntéo. See See Naked. A bargain, f wiróAmua, Štos, Tó; &vá. To b ºrgain (for), &véopal, usu, only in pres, and imperſ.; empiãunu, only in aor. 1. To make a bar. gain, puto 660pal, mid. - A barge, 6Akös, Öos, ii. See Ship. Bark (of a tree), pxotós. The bark (of a dog), ‘ūAayuás; ‘ūAayua, Té; KAayyā. A bark (ship), ºráros, h; ’ākārtov. With rough bark, Tpāxīq Āotos, ov. With smooth bark, Aetó'q'Aouds, ov. With thin bark, Aet ro'qXotos, ov. With similar bark, Šuotö'p}\otos, ov. To bark (i.e. strip a tree of its bark), áiríAétro, Aetíſº, pXoſſo, trepiphoſſo. To bark gradually, 'ütroAoiráo. To bark as a dog, ‘ūAaktéo, kadºw; KXayyatva', only pres, and imperf.; +'ixágico, only pres. and imperf. Barking (i.e. stripping the bark off), p}\otopos, Tepi- ºpxofoués. Barley, kpiðh, usu, in pl.; barley meal, &Apitov, usu. in pl. Barley bread, pd{a. Of barley, ºpiºivos. To eat barley, ºf kpiðda. To eat barley meal, &Apitoaitéa. Producing barley, kpboºpópos, ov; in abundance, eúſpi- 60s, ov. A barn, "åtroflákm. A barrel, Tiêos. See Cask. Barren (of land), āpyās; ’āvadéAmtos, ov; + xéporos, ov; ‘ākapiros, ov; +’ācāpiratos, ov; + dāsyoptos, 05/. Barren (of women, animals, etc.), árolcos, ov; # ortéſ- pos, o, ov, and os, ov; ’ākāuov, ovos. - Causing barrenness, + špopos, ov. Barrenly, 'ükópros. Barrenness (of land), "špopfa, ’ākapiría. Barrenness (of animals), ÖAiyo-yovía. To be barren (of land), "škaprée, ; (of animals) ’āyovéw. - A barricade, ppayués; a taipoua, T6. See Barrier, To barricade, ppágow, ovuſppárow, a tauptw. To , barricade round, Tepiotaupéw. See To fence. Well barricaded, eúspiciis. A barrier, ppaypós; uppaypa, āros, Tó. A barrow, ºf Xàpia, Tó; Túpéos, + ſcox&vn, F &x60s. Heaped up as a barrow, ºf Tupé6x00 tos, ov. To barter, 8taxAdororo, to give in exchange, tº Tivi, to take in exchange, ti &uri Tivos; &uticăraxxâorgopal, mid.; + 'épétéo. See To earchange. Barter, &AAá'yh, petaxXá'yh. See Exchange. 34 Base—Be Belonging to barler, &AAactices, petäéAmtikós. Base, kākös, compar. —tov (i Att., i elsewhere), also xeipov; aloxpos, compar, aioxiou, -toros; 'üyevils, ’āyevvis. Base by birth, + 'éºyévvmtos, ov; i övsyevås; (of an action) + 3vstrpetrás; (of money, and then metaphori- cally of men or things) kiéönxos, ov; trāpāo muos, ov. Base-minded, taio Xpópmris, gen, tos ékal #. Doing base deeds, + aiazpotrotös, Öv. To base, 6epeAida. See To found. The base (of anything), Bā'Épov; #6&pos, té; Báois, eas. ii. The base of military operations, "å"poppiſi. See Founda- tion. - Basely, kākós, aioxpós. Baseness, aloxos, Tó; kálcótms, mºtos, h; kálcía; ai. axpétms, mTos, ii. A base action, aioxpoup'yta. Bashful, aioxvvtmAbs, aioxvvTºpós; aiãňuov, ovos. See Modest. Bashfully, aiāmuāvas, aio Xvvtnxós. To be bashful, aioxivouai, pass. A basin, Aelcávn; (for the hands) xépwišov, f xeipóvit- Tpov. A basin in the sea, Texicº. Basis, 830pov; Báois, eas, i. To bask, ºf XXiaivopal, pass. Basking, + 'éAeſs. A basket, tapgos, képivos; káveov, contr. in Att. Kavoiv, TáAäpos; t girüpıs, ió0s, h; † atüpfºtov, + käää00s, iſºffixos. ---. 3. 6 Yes º Basket-work, TAéicos, Tó; º, T6. Made of basket-work, oiativos, TAektós. To work in basket-work, TAéka. Ea'ecuted in bas-relief, trpástitos, ov. Bast (made of bast, or of something very like it), qXóivos. The art of platting last, % ſpxototicſ. Bastard, v660s, often also as subst; + oricótios, + vo- 6āyevås. To bastinado, 5&Tiga. See To beat. A bastion, Túparis, eas, i. A bat, vvicteps, ió0s, i. To bate, éAago. 60. See To lessen. A bath, AoûTpov, Aovtåptov, 8āAávetov, Spottm; a bathing tub, Théâ0s, h; a swimming-bath, koxvgéâ0pa. A bath-room, Aoutpov, Övos. To attend people in a bath, ºf BáAáveto. A bathman (one who attends people in a bath), Aov- Tpéxoos, + BáAáveis. To bathe, Aoûouat, mid.; +'épúðpaívoual; having bathed for the last time, Aoûtpa. Trāvūgºraſ' ‘āpāvā- pevos Xpoi, Eur.; to bathe in a warm bath, &epuo- Aoutpéo; to b the in a cold bath, yūxpoxovtéa. A bather, Aovatiis; those who bathe together, Tăpă. Aoûtal, oi. Fond of bathing, pixóAovtpos, ov. To be fond of bathing, piña)\ovtpéo. Water that has been used in a bath, t Aoûtpuov. Bathing in cold water, pixpoxovata. Bathing in hot water, &epuoxovaſa. A baton, a kåttpov; 54660s, i. Bearing a baton, Okmirtoux0s. A battalion, A6x0s; tdºts, eas, i. To batter, 'épágow. To batter down, #yvvu, Épeſtra. See To beat. A battering-ram, kpiós. Battle, uáxm; Tpóspués, eos, ii; ovuéoxh; + påAoiris, -iö0s, acc. -iña and —iv, h; † 67pts, tos, j; + šals, ii, only in dat. §at; F &Aich; tróAm Öopos, Eur. A battle by night, vvictopäxia. A naval battle, vavuáxia. A land battle, Teſopºxia. A battle of cavalry, it tro- pºxia. The line, order of battle, 6tákoapos; to &vtirăpătax0&y, Thuc. See Array. Without a battle (not having been engaged in a battle), adj. §uáxos, ov; 'éuáxntos, ov; adv. čuáxnt, àuá- Xet. - Without a battle (i.e. without being forced to fight one), ’āvāytóviotos, ov. The signal for battle, to troAegicóv. The battlefield, Häxj. To come to battle, orvppi'yvvut Tă uáxn, orvpu, Tuvl és AdX.nu, ovu. Šuáae Tivi, ovg. Xeipós tul, Thuc. Xen.; eis Xeipas pXopal, Thuc.; 6tá pláxms Épxopal, elut, c. dat., Thuc. See To fight. Fond of battle (renowned in battle), iſ piñápióxos, ov; ºf '3pet påtos, ov. See Warlike. A battlement, traXèts, eos, h; + kpāşeplvov, f. trup. 'yos, + šopäketov; ; Túpyapua, Tb, in pl.; Taxšéov éputval, Eur. - To bawl, kpáço, Paulo–p. fut. (the only fut. in use), kekpáčopal, perf. Kékpāya. See To shout. A bay-tree, 63 pum. See Laurel. A bay (in the sea), cóAtros; + &yköy, àvos, 6. To put into a bay (intrans.), ſcătălcoxiriço (eis Atºylvav), Thuc. A bazaar, Seiyua, td; TaurotréAtov. To be, eiul, tvyxãva','irápxw; + TéAa, only in 1st and By 2 - 35 Beach—Beast 3rd sing, pres, ind, and 3rd sing, opt, act.; +Texéºw; - + kūpéw and kūpa, imperf. Küpovy and Éripov; esp. to be by nature, piouai, pass. c. aor. 2. act.; pov, perf. Trépüka. To be in such and such a condition, dis- position, etc., 6tóketpal, usu. c. adv., so êxw with an adv. is equivalent to eiul with an adj. Things being in such a state, oùtws éxóvrwv, Xen. He says that I am the murderer, povéa we pnal ſcaffed tâval, Soph. To be (i. e. to be fixed, laid down as a law, etc.), kéſual. To be among, wételgi. To be at hand, to be under, etc., ‘ūreipt. To be besides, to be in, to be near, rpósept, trpos'ytyvouai, Tposińrápxw. To be on, to be after, to be over as governor, to be an assistant to any one, to be besides, ārelui. To be on or in, Évelul, éy- yiyvouai. To be with, giveipu, ovyytyvouai; oiſvi. gräual, c. aor. 2. ſº - If we are to do so, by piévrol tatto. §§n Toléºv, Xen. And hearing also that they (the ships) were to be three hundred, trposakoča as 6* Ital rooro, Šti kal Tpiakootas 6éot air&s 'yevéo flat, Xen. Nor should I have been (lit. been called by men) the husband of my mother, où8& viſuplos Spotoºs ékåå0my 3v čpuy &ro, Soph. To be angry, to be ignorant, to be a slave, to be pros- * 3 wº * perous, etc., xpdoga, àpyń,’āftāflig, àovaeſq, eiuápeſº, R. T. W. It will be belier for you, ‘āuelvoy juſy Staketoeral, Being in flourishing circumstances, et éotés. Things which now are, tà vily €otáta. A beach, &lrth; + ºut.00s, ii. See Shore. S. A beacon, bpwictós, f Aapartàp. The watching of the beacons, ºf NapºrtmpovXta. A bead, a palpuy, Beak, Yap.p.mxal, ai; fºxos, to (of a ship), šuéoxos, ’ākpwtiplov, f ortóA0s. - The shock of brazen beaks, éuéoAai XaAkóa Touot, Æsch. With sharp beak, túšūgrouos, ov. With broad beak, TAáripuyxos, ov, With brazen beak (of ships), fxg3kéuéoxos,fem, às, #60s. Beam (of a house), 3óicos, ii. A projecting beam, kepaſa. A beam of the sun, &ictis, ivos, # ; airy), oftenest in pl. and usually joined to fixtov; Aapºr- Tāpes àAtov, Eur, ; fixtov 80Aal, Eur. ; Táča àAtov, Eur. ; Tošeňuára fixtov, Eur. scales, Çüyov; påwayº, ayyos, i. Beaming (as a beaming eye, etc), f baiãpós; + pal- ôpatrös, Öv. To beam, Adutra, act, and mid. &otpártw. shine. ,” See To The beam of a pair of A bean, kāuos. A kidneybean, pārijāos. A bean-eater, t kvågorpè9, 6)0s. To bear, in all senses, ºpépa, fut. l. ofa w, aor. 1. #veyka, Att. fut. l. mid. ofa'opal (used also in pass. sens.); popéa. To bear, Štropépa, + koviptów, See To carry, To endure. To bear (grief, blame, etc.), 'üvá3éxoſal, mid. c. perf. pass. in act. 3ens. ; (calamity) orépyw, c. acc. or c. dat. To bear evils, and also to bear or endure to do a thing, TAáw (pres, never used), aor. 2. &rAmy, rare in prose. To bear to do, Toñpida. To bear children, TikTw. To bear into, eisſbéow. To bear out of €ic pépw (and sometimes simply to bear, as to bear fruit). To bear along with others, to help to bear (griefs, etc.), ovuſpépo, act, and mid, c, dat. pers.; if givekpépay; (labours) + givektrovéa; t orivek- kouigo. To bear besides, trpose tripépw. He cannot bear to be helped, oùx Štropével & peacăuevos, Plat. To be unable or unwilling to bear, Śāsāvaaxetéo,'étam- Téa, in part. Soph. I will bear with your anger, Öpy&s oivotorw got, Æsch. To be borne, foiatéos; (as an evil) &yáirmtés. One must bear, oloréov; (as an evil) wrepkréoy. Easy to bear or to be borne; (grief, etc.) feiçãpy- T0s, ov. Bearing children, +Tatēotroibs, dy. A bear, πtos, 6 kal il. The Great Bear (the constellation), "Apktos, h; ”Apk- Towpos. A beard, Táyov, wVos, 6; + yeweiès, #60s, j; +‘ūtrāvm. A goat's beard, #pvy'yos, i. The beard or ears of corn, 'ü0%ip, Épos, 6. To beard, 'üviotăţual, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf, act. See To oppose. Bearded, ‘ūrmvitms, traryováðms; (of a star) warya. wias. Having a thick beard, eiyévetos, ov; +&iwi- tró'ywv. To have a beard, Yeveláw; to begin to have, yewelágkw, no fut. Just beginning to have a beard, triº)wVos #8s 'i'irotiu- TAduevos, Plat. ** When my children begin to have beards, étrel & rénvoy 'yévos épôv okićetal, Eur, ; beginning to have beards, ovakićgovtes yévvv, Eur. Beardless, àyévetos, ov. A bearer, popets, poptoſyós. A beast, Shp, mpos, Ö, prop. a wild beast, but used of 36 Beastly—Become any animal except man; &#ptov, *kvööäAov; sheep or owen, Krivos, to, rare in sing. ; 860kmua, āros, tá; 86tov; (opposed to birds) éptretów. A savage beast, + 3ákos, tá; Śākeróv. A beast of burden, intoğytov, Full of wild beasts, +évômpos, ov; + rvaíðmpos, ov; &mpotpéqos, ov. To be changed into a beast, €icónpuéopal, pass. Beastly (i.e. of or belonging to beasts), &#peios; like a beast, &mpiáðms. Like a beast of burden, 'üroſi- ‘Yić8qs. Beastly, adv. &mpidºws. Killing wild beasts, +&mpopóvos, ov; +&mportóvos, gy. To kill wild beasts, ‘i &mpoéoxéa. To beat (anything), TúTro (besides the reg. tenses Ar. hastvirtàga), kón'tw, ovykóirra, Târda aw, t’āpāorow. To beat (a person), šáiríſo, ; flaščića, esp. with a stick. To beat out (metal), šAačva, ÉeAzúva. To beat back, &váicórtw. To beat in, êykpotſw. To beat to death, "à trotupſtrăvigo. To beat with the fist, kātā- Kovääxigo. To beat (the ground in dancing), iſ kpotſw Töv tróða, Eur. See To dance. To beat the head or breast (in sign of lamentation), köttopal, mid, sometimes c. acc. causae; +étrikötto- gal; ŚuéâAAw trixvy atépuous, Eur. To beat for game, étiſmtéo. - - To beat in a race, vicdo, trpoéxa, or trpošxa, fut. Tpoéa (not ºrpooxha w). See To conquer. To beat (as a heart beats), 3pxéopal. To beat with many blows on the back, £aíva rātā vētov troAA&s (se, TAmy&s), Dem. He beat him out of his boasting, airby Śērāmāe táv icoptraokátov, AEsch, also c. gen, pers, acc. rei, as éic 3’ tºměé prov Thy aidó, AEsch. Beaten, Kpormtés; eiºpôtmros, ov; as metal, éAâtés. Beaten (as the shore by a storm), t &vrittàº, ii)0s, 6 ical il. To be beaten (for game), (mthaigos, ov. Beating around (as the sea), † &pſpi'iramicros, ov. A beating, flaga. See Defeat. A beating (of a person), bátigua, āros, tá. See Blow. A beating (of the breast), etc. in lamentation, +'āpay- plós. The beating, or the noise made by such beating, + krš. tros; Krütros kpáros, or kt. atépuav, or Kt. xepôv, Eur, ; ktürmua xepos, Eur, ; thrixos xepbs, xspów, Æsch. Eur, the noise of any beating, 600Tos. A beating of the ground with the feet in dancing, + kpótos. - Beatitude, eúðaipovia. See Happiness. A beaver, Kárrap, opos, 3. Of or belonging to a beaver, karrépios. Beautiful, kaAbs (à Trag., & elsewhere), Airápos, eietês, sürpeths, &patós; +’āyaabs, h, ov, and bs, 6v ; +xãptets; + etuoppos, ov; + kaAAiuoppos, ov. Beautiful (of things), +&pépôotos, a, ov, rarely os, ov. Beautiful, esp. of carved or embroidered work, t daí. ŚāAos, + SatóēAeos. - - Of sounds, kaxxt p007'yos, ov; kaºxipovos, ov. Beautiful and young, t Kawaiirals, gen. —Tatēvs. With beautiful eyes, hair, etc. See Eye, Hair, etc. Eaceedingly beautiful, tróykaA0s, m, ov, and os, ov; ‘ūtrepka AA#s; ‘ūtrépicáAos, ov; ; Treptoro’okańAñs. Was her person more beautiful than that of all other women? trótepa Tö tägöe gāp kaAAtateiſeto traorév ºyvvaikóv; Eur. Beautifully, KaNæs (for quantity see above), eúrpetrós TraykāAós. To beautify, KaNAüva, KaNAwitigo ; +’āyāAAw, no perf. See To adorn. Beauty, KáAAos, té; xãpts, itos, h; kaºxovii, +xAiöh, + kaRAoqium; + kaRAto revua, āros, tá. + eipopºpta; the beauty of youth, &pg. Imagined beauty, 6080icăAta. Beautiful things, garments, carpets, furniture, etc., káA Am, Tć. The prize of beauty, ‘i’ icańAto Tetov. To be the most beautiful, f kaxxtoreſco To becalm, ‘i yáAmvíſo. See To calm. Because, 6, ti, c. ind, or c. opt. Stori, i ötth, toiſverca: ºf 600'ſveica, c. ind. Soph. Because of, 5& (6tal, AEsch.), c. gen, or c. acc.; #velca; ºf elveka, c. gen. either before or after its case ; tāve- kev, c. gen.; Śrèp, c. gen.; + škärt, with verbs ol nouns of grieving, caring, etc, trepi, c. gen, or c, dat. A becca fico, + orijka NA's or orjkáAls, toos, fi To beckon, veča, karao'eta. - A beckoning, veijua, T6. To become, Yiyvopal, mid.; perf. pass., áyytyvouai. To become a man, a citizen, texéo (fut.—éow) eis &vöpas, eis &groës, He will become happy, eúðatuov’āvāoei (from 'êvãra), Soph. See what has become of the holy oracles of the gods, orkétrel tº oréuv' iv #ket Töv Šeſov pavretuata, Soph. He is become young from having been old, uébéotnics véos éic yepovros, Eur. (Men by being cowards) became women, yūvaikes pre- reqtovto, Plat. - 37 Becoming—Before To become (i.e. be becoming to), Tpéra, only in 3rd pers, sing, pres, and imperſ, and aor. 1, though not always impersonal ; and in part. It becomes, behoves, impers. Xph, imperf. Éxpñ; 6eſ, c. acc., rarely c. dat., also c. 8tros and ind, &pſióget, fut. āppéget; Tposſiket, only pres, and rarely imperf, usu. c. dat. and sometimes c, acc.; káðhkel. It does not become you, it is not becoming in you, où Trphs juáv čo Tív, Isoc. Becoming, sitpeiths, ovutpetrºls, trpetróðms. Becoming to, Tpbs, c. gen. Becomingly, trpetrövtws; trposmicóvros, c. dat.; Seávros. A bed, eivil, k\ſum, otpopuh, t dòuvtov, f kottm; +Aéxos, ró; † Aéict pov, f evaatipuov. The marriage- bed, 6&Ağuos. A low bed (on the ground), xàueðvn, Xàueūvtov. A bed of leaves, or straw, or rushes, a tišēs, #50s, h; + puxA&s, £50s, i. A horse's bed, tº ‘ûrootpépáta Tirtov, Xen. An uncomfortable bed, vvictitàayktos súvh, AEsch. Bed clothes, otp%ua, Té. A bed-room, 6&Aquos; + koir&v, &vos, 6. Being without a bed, Šarpotos, ov. The being without a bed, &otpaata. Making one keep one's bed (as sickness, grief, etc.), + 6epivotſipms, ‘i et valos. Bedridden (or confined to one's bed by sickness), kAIvoireths, i Aexhpms. To put to bed, kopów, f yicărătăţvo. To put to led with, Tăpăcărătăiva, c. acc. and dat. Æschin. To make a bed, f atopévvipu, and by sync. atópviſui, and a Tpévvöpi; ‘ûroo topévviſit. See To spread, To Strew. A bed-fellow, foºvevvos, 6 kal #, usu. #; + kolvóAek- Tpos, 6, #; i kolvoxexfts; + škevvérms, 6; juevvétis, i80s, #, acc. —Iv; + ovykoſumua, rb, in pl.; ºf Těpev- wos, ov, adj. To bedev, 8péxw, ifypaſva; t Téyya, no perf.; + vot!go. Bedewed (with blood), + šauthpios. To bedim, t'éuavpów. See To dim, To obscure. Albee, pºéAlgora; + &v6epovpybs, i. Like a bee, pleatorgööms. A bee-hive, pealogovºyetov. Made by bees, + p.exuagórevictos, ov. A keeper of bees, plexiao'otróxos, Rextoro oupybs, plexi- towpyós. Supporting bees (of a place), t uéAlgootpápos, ov. Bees'-wax, ºftus, vos, i. A beech-tree, 6&a. Beechen, Öğüivos. Beef, 800s, 806s. See Oa. Beef-eating, † Taupoqāyos, ov. Beer, f 8pútov, f 8pütos; Éic ºpióðy ué0v, AEsch. Of beer, f 8pürivos. Beet, teſtAov, teſt Atoy; revTAls, thos, #. To dress with beet, ÉvrevTAävów. A beetle, káv0ápos, or pov6üAm, xàpášos. To befall, Tepitritta, trepitvyxáva'; réuoAe, aor. 2, 3rd sing from a disused pres. See To happen. To befit, trpétro, only in 3rd pers, sing, pres, and imperf, not always impersonal. See To become. Befitting, trpetróðms. See Becoming. Before (in point of time), irply (i Hom, i elsewhere), usu, c. indic.; when following a negation c. subj.; properly with &v, which however is often 6mitted in poets and even by the Trag, but rarely in prose, often joined with ye, as Tplv ću Ye, or trpſv Y.tv, or c. opt.; very often c. infin.; usually when the mood is indic. the tense is pres, or imperf; when the mood is subj. or opt, the tense is aor.; when the mood is infin. the tense is oftenest aor, though sometimes perf. or pres.; Tpórepov, c. h and infin, or c. 3) and indic, or c. * and subj.; Tpóstew or -0e, adv., or as prep. c. gen.; Tpégée à, c. indic. of a past tense, Soph. Xen.; êutſpoo Bev or -0e, adv, or as prep. c. gen.; Trépos, adv. and c. gen.: + trópotòe or -0ev, adv. or c. gem.; it has been said before, év tols éirávo, eſpnrai, Xen., jorefathers and fathers, and those before them, irpáyovot Ical Tatépes kal Tofftov širāva, Dem. Before (of place), trpo, c. gen.; Tpó00ey or —9e, adv, or as prep. c. gem.; #17.poaffew or -6e, adv, or as prep. c. gen. Before (of people), i. e. in front of, face to face, etc., + évávttov, c. gen. ; before, as prosecuted before judges, etc., Štrb, c, acc.; Tāpā; if death had been before his eyes, ei iv trap &ppa šávatos, Eur.; to speak be- fore the people, Aóryovs roleto-0at eis 67901, Xen.; we do nothing unjust before the Gods, Öpóplew oi6&v &öukov Tpbs &éóv, Thuc.; as the things before one's feet, tà Tpbs tootv, Soph, Before (i.e. rather than), &vt), c. gen.; utpoorée, c. gen.; long speeches are before (i.e. better than short speeches), t& uai pā, Tóv opticpáv Aóryav Štúrpoo'0év éoti, Eur.; do not put your arguments before mine (i. e. do not prefer, etc.), pººl éirírposée Töv ćuðv Tots o'oùs Aóyovs 87s, Eur. | They were more powerful than they had been before, êvvotóTepot attol airóv Čyiyvouro, Thuc. 38 Before—Behind They ought to be beforehand with events, bet witows ëutpogéev čival Tów Trpayſidtov, Dem. Before, adj. (in point of time), Tpótepos, Tpotepatos; (of place) évévrios, c. gen, or c, dat. Before the house, trpóöopos (or Tpóðpop,0s) wead.6pov, AEsch. Before (i.e. superior to), TpóTepos. To be before (i. e. to be born before, live before, etc.), Tpoyllyvoltai, only in part. perf. Tpoyeyovës, and perf. pass. Trpo'yeyev'muévos. To be before one, as a choice, a danger, a reward, etc., trāpākeipial, by sync. Tápicetºat; “itóketpat. To be before (i. e. in front of or as a proposition), Tpó. ſcetwal, c. gen. To be beforehand (in doing anything), Tpotepéal, p6&vo (à Hom., & Trag., & elsewhere), fut. p9ñorouai, and ‘pôāga, aor. 2. čpômv; Tpotrouéo. See To anticipate. To befoul, woxivo. See To pollute. To befriend, trapto tauai, pass, c. aor. 2. act. See Tokeep. To beg (in any sense), airéo, Éraitéo, Tposautéw; 5éopal, mid, fut. Seño'opal; as a mendicant, TTøxetw. To beg off, Čattéo, and oftener -opal, mid. To beg a criminal off from an accusation (so that the accusation may be dropped), áčaitéoùat tës yoëpès, AEschin. To join in begging, ovvöéopat. A beggar, TToxos, subst, and adj. h, ov, and bs, ov; +’āyúptms, ov, 6, fem.; ’āyúptpia, #. Begging, ‘i: Süpokótos, ov. Fond of begging, airmtikós. Beggarly, Trøxicós; more beggarly, F Traxtortepos. Begged, + airmtés. Begging, Ttoxeta. Fond of drawing beggarly characters, TTaxotrotés. To beget, TikToº, fut. Tééa, Téopal, and Tekoúual, aor. 2.Érekov,etc.; pitsto, Yevvéo, pīrāo; ºpio, only in pres, fut. and aor. 1. act.; expúa, Fortreipw, # kåta. oteipw; to beget children, Tatēotrotéo, and –ouai (sine cas.) mid.; Tatēootropéo, televoirotéopal, ºf Tatēoup. 'yéa. To beget before, trp0)evváa. A begetting, Yévvmoſis, eas, ii; Tékua'qis, eas, #; otropé; + yévvmua, Tó; a begetting of children, Tatēotrotto, traičovpyía. Begetting, adj. F Tatēototbs, ov; # Tató00 Tópos, ov. Begotten, yeuvnTós. To begin, &pxo, and more commonly –ouai, mid, no perf act, but pass. ipyuat; Katópxo, and –ouai, c. gen. or c. acc.; Ééxo, and –oual; evépxopat, mid, esp. of sacrifices; káðnyéopal, mid. c. gem.; + &pxmyeTéa. | You behave wm the same way to your allies, és T. Let us begin to speak of something else, épéâAwkey els &AAov Adºyov, Eur. To begin an action at law, eſsetſu (-téval), act, or neut, as, the action began, i öhen eisſet, Isae. I was about to begin this action against them, Tós Sticas Tattas êusAAov eistéval kāt’ attøv, Dem., as agreeing to pay him the money at the beginning of the month, ovv6epé- vows of to &pyüptov eis Tov eistóvra uſiva Śāqeiv, Andoc. To begin (of anything to be done by two parties; a battle, a conversation, etc.), giváirtw. One must begin, &pictóov, ‘ūTapictóov. A beginner (i.e. one who does a thing as the prim- cipal). &pxnyès, ‘i àpxmyétms. Beginning, adj. Tpaſtoup'yos, ov; Tp(6tapxos, ov; : &pxmyevils. A beginning, àpx?l, 'üTapxft; Tpoofulov, contract. ©potulov ; ’āq oppºſi; ; eiséox3), usu. in pl.; # Tpo- TéAeta, Tá. Without a beginninj, ’āicépáAos, ov. From the beginning, 'éva,0év, f &px?0ev. Begone, f fifte, é55éro; #effe, c. gen. ; +’âtreppe, +’ātrā-ye ; +és p0ópov, AEsch. See Away. To beguile, ’ānārāw. See To deceive. To beguile (as to beguile grief, etc.), F Bovicoxéa. Behalf (in behalf of), ūtrèp, c. gen. See For. To behave, Tposſpépopal, mid. and pass, aor. 1. pass. Tposmvéx0mv, fut. Tposotoropat, aor. 1. mid. Tposmvey- ſcápany; to behave with humanity, Tposºpépopual piñav- 6patríg Tpos, etc. Dem., they behave with great liber- ality to you, Tâq au juiv Tpostpépoutal pixotipitav, Phil. ap. Dem.; 6p1New, träpéxo èuavtov, trapéxels gavtov, etc. (imperf. Tápéïxov, fut. –éčov, no aor. I., aor. 2. Tápéaxov, part. Tapaoxèv, perf. Tápéoxmica); to behave piously to one's parents, Tovs Tekövtas Šola, 6páv, Eur. £vuuäxovs to airb éxete, Thuc. Having, as I at least think, behaved myself with moder- ation in all these particulars, ās éywye wouí(w uérptov épavrov trpos éicaqta toûtwu Tápéaxmicós (perf. part. act. of trâpéxo), HEschin. Behaviour, Tpótos. See Manners. Of similar behaviour, Öpotórporos, ov. With similar behaviour, adv. Öplototpátras. To Behead, kāpāroſtéa. Beheaded, i kāpātouos, ov; ; Küpávio.thp, fipos, used as adj. 6 ſcal j; + kāpāvaths, used as adj. Behind, Štrigdev and –de, and poet. Śrī0ev, adv, 39 Behold—Bend and c. gen, ; Éório 6ey and –0s; +éâtriv, Štrfora, Kárátriv. - To stay behind, to be behind, to be behindhand in import- ance or in zeal, Aeſtropal, pass. An eanedition behind those of the present time in import- ance, orpárië Aetiropévm rôv vöv, Thuc. (He said that) it behoved the Athenians ... to be behind no one in zeal, toſs 6* A6mvatois caxov sival ... Amösvös Aetired 9al, Thuc. See Inferior. Behind (i. e. inferior to), #ororav. And we will not be behindhand in doing him good to the best of our power, ical toſſrov eis ye āūvaulv oix #TTmorðueffa et Totočvres, Xen. To behold, eiðov, aor. 2, from unused etëa, opt. 'föopal, subj, fºw and 'föwal, also in mid.; eiseibov, Čečov, étrelčov, Kätetőov, trposeiðov, Špéal, eisopda, ka00pdw, Tposopéo, BAérw, irposëAéra, āroğAéro, Gedoga, ék8edopal ; ; Aetorga, only pres. and imperf act. ; eisketo-ow, irpos?\eta'aw, ºf étoirTeša, Fötorreča ; éirívoudw 71 &ppatos airyats, Eur. To behold besides, trposłcaffopda. To behold before one, ºf Trpoxetoo w. To behold from a distance, ‘i ééâtreiðov, See To see. Behold, adv. 'ide, pl. there; i300, pl. (Seròs. Painful to behold, i övsöéâtos, ov; ; Sustſpósotros, ov. A beholder, ‘h ſcátórtms, ov, 6; 3rthp, ſipos, 6. Beholding, esp. as a God does, ‘i étréºlos, ov. To behove (it behoves), impers. 66, fut. Señorel, c. acc. rarely c. dat, also c. 6tra's and indic, also c. infim, Trposhkel, only pres, and very rarely imperf, usu, c. dat. and sometimes c. ace. See To become. Being (or essence of a thing), oùoſa; a being, Øov. See Animal. To belabour, 6épa. See To beat. To belch, ēpvyyávº, no fut. A belching, pvyug, àros, té; £pevypés. Causing to belch, Épwypºtóðms. eleaguer, troAtopicéw. See To besiege. belie, Weißopal, mid. c. pluperf. pass, in act. Sens. ºr. 1. pass, in pass, sens. See To falsify. **ief, riotis, eos, i. àelieve, Tetêougt, pass. c. dat. pers, sometimes c. acc. rei; trio reta'. To believe beforehand, trportateſo, 6tário Teijouai. To believe in, think there are (Gods, etc.), jiyéoual, mid.; vowiço, c. acc. To be more inclined to believe, tria Tótepov Štáceipal trpès, c. acc. Lys. Believing, einreiðhs, c. trpès and acc.; + triotos, c. dat. Believed (of the person), trigrós. Believingly, triotós (ākočely). A bell, kóðav, wVos, 6. Hung with bells, it aixotós. Sounding with bells, ºf kočovákpotos, ov. With bells on his horses’ harness, +kwówvopäAâpéra Nos, ov. To carry a bell, kwów- vopopéo. To bell the cat, Aéovta čupéw, Plat. Bellona, ’Evö6. - To bellow, Hükáopiat, mid., aor. 2. čuljkov, perf pièzúka To bellow in answer, ‘F'êtropiſh dopal. See To roar. A bellows, piga; Širls, ió0s, ii. The spout of the ballows, ’ākpopüotov. Belly, yaothp, Épos, by sync, yartphs, ii; ºrpov, koixta. Pot-bellied, yāorpov, wVos, 6. With a hollow belly (of a shield), i kotAoydorrap, opos, With hungry belly, ‘f ydarpus, tos, 6 kg, h, compar. 'yaotpío repos; (Com.) + yagtpoxãpvéðis, tos, 6 kal #. To hit a man in the belly, ‘f yao Tp(ſo. To belong to (as a possession, etc.), trposhko; Trpós- retual, fut, Tposicetoſopal ; ‘ūtrāpya, no fut. ; Tposap- Táopal, pass. To belong to (i.e. be of the class of), c. dat. h. texéa, fut. —éow, c. els; avvrexéo, c. eis or c, dat. - t All who belong to the Amphictyonic league, travtes of tfis 'Auſpictuovías pietéxovres, Isoc. To belong to (i. e. to be usually found in, as qualities, conditions, etc.), eiul, c. gen, etc.; ºrpäselki, c. dat. It belonged to me to lament, àké pºol rev6eiv, Soph. See Ought, Duty. Belonging, ‘āvākav, c. eis; Tposíkov, sine cas. or c. dat. Beloved, piaos. See Dear. Below, kāta, compar. katarépo, -rátw; + vépôe, and –6ev, adv. or c. gen. ; ; #vep6e, or -0ev; it'ité- vep6e or -6ev. From below, kāra,0e or -0ev; ‘ūrokärw£ev, as prep. ‘ūTö (also Štal, poet.), c. gen. See Under, Beneath. Below, adj. ‘i’ véprepos, a, ov, and os, ov, esp. of the Gods below, or the dead; † £véptepos; evepot, only of the Gods below or of the dead. To be below, intelui. A belt, ºv, f (worthp, + orpāq,0s. With brazen belt, i XaAkeouirap, opos, 6. To bemoan, trev6éo. See To bewail, To lament. A bench, Spåvos, + (ifyov, f £66Atov; # oréNua, ro. With good benches, + etoexpos, ov. To bend, kāpirra, actually and metaph. ; £ykdurr- Tø, kátákáurro, ovycéuirta, kvprów, Święuprów ; 40 Bent—Besieging kukNów, in pass.; yväutta, ; (as horses bend their legs) &kxéſa. To bend (as one bends a bow or a sail), Akw, augm. elak, fut. Akira, etc.; telva, ëvretva. To bend lack, 'êvãkAiva’, ‘ātrootpépa. To bend down or forward, act. Škkaiva'. To bend down or forward, intrans. Köttw, ovyköttw; veðw, some- times c. acc. cognat. v. kepāAhv, etc. To bend on one side, neut. Jüvätrovetw. He was bent on pleasing, Tétmyev (from Thywupu) &péakeiv, Plat. Bent, cautrāAos; torpertos, h, by, and bs, ov; orūykaputrtos, m, ov. A bend, &yköy, avos, 6; (in any thing, in a wall, in a river, in a limb, etc.) capitá. A bending, kópºus, ews, i. A being bent, capitã6tms, mtos, i. Beneath, kärw, compar. Károtépo, -têro ; adv. and prep. c. gen. See Below. 'rom beneath, kāra,0e, or -0ev. See Below, Under. Benediction, eixoyia, eúſpluía. Benefaction, eúspyeo'ía ; sūepyérmua, Tó. benefactor, eúspyérms, ov, 6, c. gen, or dat.; fem. ečepyétis, i50s, acc. iv. Beneficence, eúspyeo'ía. Reneficent, eúspyeticós. eneficial, &péAiuos, m, ov, and os, ov, c. dat, or c. prep.; a`āpupopos, ov; Aüoiteaſis. See Advantageous. A benefit, Šumaus, eas, i ; ŚpeAos, to, only nom. and acc. sing. See Advantage. To benefit, eúep’) etéo, c. acc., sometimes c, gem, acc.; &@exéo, c. acc., sometimes c, dat.; ei, Totéa, c, acc. To benefit in return, &vroſpexéo, &vrevirotéa. To be benefitted in return, &vrevráoxw. o derive benefit from the calamities of the state, kap- toū00at tës Tās tróAews oup popès, Lys. Dne ought to benefit, eúspyetmréov. Benevolence, etivota, used in pl. = to the old use of the term “benevolence” for a tax, Xpmotörms, mtos, # ; +trpevuévetc. enevolent, eúvo0s, ov, and Att. —vovs, ovy; evoicós. łemevolently, eúvoikós, ſo be benevolent, evoéw ; in return, &vrevvoéa. o be benighted, Öyiſoual, pass. enign, +Tp6q pov, ovos, 6 kai ji. See Kind. Senignly, t Tpoppóvos. See Kindly. }enignity, Xpmotórms, mºros, ii. See Kindness. Kent, ÖAkh, c. gen. of object. See Inclination. 'o benumb, avutrečāw. To be benumbed, vapków, ‘Févêvãorka, + paſſiciów. enumbing, vapictóðms. A bemumbing, vapkworts, eas, ii. To bequeath (by will), Štátíðepal, mid, aor. l. -ebi- kówmv. See To leave. A bequeathing, Tāpāāoris, eas, h; Śiś0soris. A bequest, 660 is, eas, i. The bequests of good men, Aeſthava Töv &ya.0&y &vöpów. To bereave, a tepéa, pass. otépopal, perf. §ortépmuai, etc.; ’āTootépéa, o Teptorica, only pres. and imperf. + &roateptorica. To be bereaved, ékirſtrø, fut. —Treoroijuat, etc.; Titão- pal, pass. c. gen. tuov6opal. See To deprive. Bereaved (or bereſt), Öppävös, h, dy; in Att. always bs, 6v ; fewis, usu. ió0s, but also stºvtos, c, gen. Xīpos, a, ov, and 0s, ov, Eur. A lioness bereſt (of her cubs), kevil Aéalva, Soph. A berry, ‘ākpóðpva, Tá. To beseech, Atagouai, mid. (and Airouai, Ar.), very rare in pr.; aitéo, träpattéopal, mid., esp. to obtain by beseeching; Aitáveiſw, ‘ikeTetw, c. acc., sometimes c. gen, pers.; 6éopal, mid, fut. §ehoopal, etc.; +Airaſ- va, no fut.; +&vtićſo, &vriéoxéw. To beseech ear- nestly, Airápéw. I beseech you, suffer me not to die, trpostritvö ore wh 6aveſv, Eur.; so trpostſtrta ore, i. e. I fall down be- fore you in attitude of entreaty, One must beseech, Airãpmtéov. To beseem, Tpétw, only in 3rd pers. sing, pres, and imperf, though not always impers. See To become. To beset, trepito Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. perf, and plu- perf act. See To surround. - Beside (by the side of), trapë, c. dat, or acc.; +Trápagºtá6áv. Besides, prep. Trl, c. dat.; Tpos, c. dat, also as adv.; Tápé, c. acc.; Tápé, c. gen.; xopls, adv. and c, gen. Besides, adv., átt, trpóseti, Étretta. To besiege, Toxtopicéo, öläroxiopkéw ; triotpāto- Tebetºw, c. dat. ; tºrpósmual, no other tense, c. dat.; Tposkáðmual ; Tpositä0éopal, mid, fut. Tposkä9e300- Plat, c. acc. To besiege in company, orvutroAtopkéw. To besiege in turn, &vritroxtopkéw. To take by be- sieging, ŠictroAtopicéw. To be besieged, + trup'ympéopal. Being besieged by the Carthaginians, karaortés eus mo- Atopiciav Štrb Kapxmöovíov, Isoc. What must be besieged, or taken by siege, troAtopicntéos. Difficult to besiege, 8vstroAtópicºmtos, ov. Besieged, Teixãp?s. A besieging, trposełpeia, Troxlopkia. See Siege. Skilful in besieging, t Teixouáxms. 41 *- Besiegers, † of Šipč0sv, *ēpſpirety’s Aeës. To besmear, 'üAeſq'aw. See To Smear, To bespangle, ToircińAø. To bespeak (kindness, etc.), Tapaiºaxéo eis pixtav. To bespeak, i.e. betoken, q.v. čeſkvulu, To besprinkle, eiséáAAw, perf. –éééAmica, etc. To sprinkle. Best, 'éptatos, pépio tos, + péptätos, ºpériotos, Aógros, BéAtiatos, +8éAtatos. The second best after this, Tà éirl točtous, Thuc. Best, adv. &ptoſta. To be the best, 'üpurteño, kpātua Tetw. It was thought much best, Čiritroxt 5uſivelykey, Thuc. The reward for being the best, àptoteta, Tâ (very rarely in sing). According to who is best (chosen), āptativömy (êtretAey- pévot). Bestial, &#pelos. See Beast. To bestir (one's self), † ykovéo; #ykepal, fut, -ket- gopal, c. dat, of the matter in which. To bestow, Ötöðput. See To give. To bet, + Tepiðföopal, c. gen, of the stake, or c. repl and gen. To beake (one's self to), Tpérouai, pass. and mid, c. prep.; ’āTavráa. Éirl, & Toxopéo eis. See To go. To bethink (one’s self), 'üvăulpwho ſcopal, mid. c. aor. 1. pass. &vepºvía 6mv. See To recollect. To betide, Tepitvyxāva. See To happen. Betimes, trpá. See Early. To betoken, Seikviſt. See To show. To betray, Tpoötöopal, ékötöwſui, Tūpāötöwſu, kātārp0- ôíðapt, FölepatroAgo, + šćepatroAda. To belray (i. e. to disclose a plan, etc.), unvöw, kārayyáàAø, t'évar- See Tūgaw. To be betrayed, + titpāakopal, pass, perf. Témpā- £40 l. Betrayed, irpóðotos, ov; c30tos, ov; (of a plan, etc.) lcáráyyeXTos, ov. One must betray, Täpääotéa (only c. oi), Tpoôotéov. A betrayal, irpoãoota; Tpóðoots, eas, i. A betrayer, Tpoöötns ; fem. Tpóðotus, ió0s; acc. —ly, #. A betrayer (of an accomplice, or of a plot), Kath- 'yopos, unvörås. - To betroth, ēyyváa, kāreyyváw; čičíðoul, c, dat, or c. eis; +éðváopal, mid.; + Mumo Teto. To have betrothed to one, éyyväoſal, pass. c. acc. or c. dat. A betrothal, éyyuñ; éyyimals, eas, #. Betrothed, éyyvntos, uvno Tás ; tuvigºrevua, to ; 42 Besiegers—Bewail Between, adj. Péros or uérgos, c. gen.: +Herăcăulos +peaWöyüu0s, 6 kal j; fueWAóvvuſpos, 6 kg] Not betrothed, 'évérôoros, 6 kal j. - Better,’āpletvov, Bextſov, kpeta'orov, Agwu, +q'éprepos. It seemed to him better than the other, tig óē 5uápopół Ti éööket eival étépov påAAov, Thuc. Better off, &vaAymtötepos. - Better, adv, 'éuetvov; Stāqepóvros, sometimes aff better than, c. gem. To be better than, 6tápépa, often c. gen, sometime: c. 3). | It is better, Ipăteſ, impers. c. infin. Long speeches are better than short speeches, tà Harpå Töv opticp6v Aó)wy Śiri"trpoo'0év éoti, Eur. d Wisdom is better than prosperity, to ppovčíveiðagovial Tpótov ŠTápxel, Soph. It is better than our forefathers thought it, Ötapépel 3) of Tpóyovoi évéuto av, K. T. A. Xen. - To be belier for a person, AjaireAéſ, impers. c. dat. +Aöel, usu, c. neg, or Atel réAn, usu, c. neg. c. dat. To get the better of, Teptempt, c. gen.; Treptytyvoua, c. gen. See To conquer. You are better off as to the number of ships, trepiyi-yvet üuiv TA700s veðv, Thuc. To be better off than, TAeovertéo, c. gen. Between, petašū, c. gen.; ueT&, c. dat, as between the hands, pietà Xeportv, but in this sense oftener c acc.; Év ué04, c. gen. ov, c. gen.; +Heraížulos, ov, c. gen. - The space between light and darkness, to pretaixuto, oricóTov, AEsch. He stood in the space between two armies, #0tm pāorougu év petalXuíois Sopos, Eur. Keeping a space between one's self and another, &ToAet Toutes &AAmAóv, Xen. - Being compelled to judge between the gifts, Tów Śwpe㺠&vayicagóels yeué00al ſºpiths, Isoc. Seeing the war eaſisting between you and our city, Öpá Töv TóAspiov čvo Távra gol kal Tà TóAel, Isoc. That there should be war between them and the Pelopon nesians, Štra's tróAegos yévitat airtois Tpos IIexotro wmotovs, Thuc. To be between one and a point to which one wishes to go âtépyw, sine cas. Beverage, Tótos ; trópa, T6. See Drink. To bewail, ÖAoqūpopal, mid.; &ToAoqºpopal, ſcatoxd (pipogal, 6pmvéa ; oiué@, fut. —Éouat (rare i prose); 36üpopal, &roößpoſal, katošūpopal, rev6é + otéva’, ‘f &vaotévo, kåtaotévº ; orévága, no perf. $vaa’reváça, ; + köttopal, mid. and pass. See To lament. To bewail in concert with, givočpoua, ovº- Trev6éo ; ovykärouctſ&Opal, mid, fut. 1. ovykäTolk- Ttoupal, o bewail afterwards, + get agréva, and opal, mid. hall I not bewail 3 oi o Tápéopal icópav; i, it éiri- #gopal épé Kâpç ktürmuz xepos &Aočv; Eur. 'ewailing with piteous voice, thu (póvny oilet p0x000/- Tes, Ar. 'o be bewailed, + at evakrós. See Lamentable. ewailing bitterly, f Śāiyoos, ov. 'ond of bewailing, inclined to bewail, &pmvºtikós. ewailing one's own calamilies, i attostóvos, ov ſºyoos); ºf aitotrºpov, ovos. ne must bewail, a Teval:Téov. beware of, piñáorgopal, mid. c. acc. or c. prep., . g. Tpos, and acc. or &To and gen, or c. Wh and subj,; eWAášéopal, mid. c. acc., c. Wh and subj, c. ph und infin., c. infin.; StevX&ééopal; Tºmpéopal, mid.; icotréo; Öpáa, esp. in imper.; † eisopów. ne must beware, piñactéov, eúAášmtéov, ŠuevXášm- TéO1/. bewilder, ékirAſia ga. 2ing bewildered by the sight of the Goddesses, ſittà- ets Tfis Táv Şeôv Čihews, Isoc. . e yourself, and do not allow yourself to be bewildered ith joy, Śvēov yewoi), Xapá Šē whº'kirA&Yps ºppévas, sch. be bewildered, 6opiðéopal, pass.; 'IAiyyido; + '&Tú- ;opal, only pres, and aor. 1, pass, fut.; &Tux6ets. bewitch, pappadoga, no perf; Kätetrá'60, 'yomteſſa, cáTápapparcetw. See To enchant. yond, 'üTěp, c. gen. or c. acc.; Tápé, c. acc.; Trépáv esp. as beyond the sea), c. gen, (in Eur, c. acc.), some- imes as adv.; Trépá, c. gen, or as adv.; Tepattépa, c. en, or as adv.; Tékelva and Toitréiceira, c, gen. om beyond, Tépá0ev. eyond description, lepetorgav Aéryov, Thuc. height beyond what a man can leap, iſ/os kpeſororov ircIrmöhuáros, AEsch. ils beyond bearing, ºpetogov’?) pépelv kākā, Eur. yond the power of human nature to support, XaAetra- épas à car& Thu &v0pa,Teiau pågu, Thuc. here is no distress beyond these, p.6x0av offic &AAos ſtrepòev, Eur. ow can a man acquire wealth beyond his father's riches? &s kthoralt’ &v čAéov eis ŠtrepôoAhv trarpós; Eur. ias, Šotri. Beware—Binding To bid, keNeča, ºppago; to bid one hail, tr. xaſpety Saph. See To order, To command. * * To bid for (at an auction), &véopal, mid, imperf, Čovoč. p.mv, rare in other tenses. To bid against a person, &vtovéopal, c, dat. A bidding, + šperpºiſ. See Command. To bide, uévo, See To remain. Biennial, Öuet'ſs. Bier, ICAium, tº pépetpov. Big, pºéyas, all cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut. from MéyòAos (AEsch. has also voc. Piéyaxe), compar. Hetſov, superl. Méyiotos; +&pſpiñápiis. Big (i.e. pregnant), eykūpov, oros. Very big, Táppeyas; ‘ūTrépoykos, ov. As big as, ‘io opeyā0ms. To be big, i. e. pregnant, otrapyáo. To talk big, O'Topſpá%. One who talks big, t atóupač, Škos; a big word, Méya ical A&pivöv štros Ti, Ar. A bigamist, Öiyāuos, 6 kal ii. Bigly, Héya, in compar. pelgäva's Bigness, pºéyé60s, Tó. Bile, XoAſí. Bilious, XoAéðms; Tikpóx0A0s, ov. To be bilious, Peñay}{0}\dow. A bill, Adytopla, Tô (i.e. axe, q.v.); tréAercus, 6; a bird’s bill or beak, q.v., fityxos, Tó. To billet (one man on another), Tpostdaga. A billow, folöga, Tó; † KAüwu, wVos, 6; + dāAos. See Wave, Surge. To billow, kūpāTáopal, pass. Billowy, ºf oiógãróels. A bin, &m. To bind, 6éo, fut. Show, perf, 5éðelta; kárà5éo, avy. ôéw, évôéo, 'üváðéw, Tešāo, öegueta, + a piyya. To bind (by oaths, etc.), Aap Sávo, IcătăAap.6&va. To bind to, Tposeriöéa, ’āváTTw, oiváirta’, ‘f ovykátá- Getyvilai. To bind round, Tepióéa, and -opal, mid. round one's self. To be bound, if xm?\óopal. Binding the hands of captives with chains, Tós aiyuá- Aotidus xépas àeguo's 'Śīrev6üvov, Soph. Will not some one at once bind his hands behind him 3 oix és Táxos Tis Tow8’ &roatpépet xépas; Soph. A binding, béals eas, i, esp. by magic knots, karáðe. O'LS. Binding (esp. as with a spell), 6égulos, a, ov and os, ov. Binding the hair (of a fillet), + ãváðeros, ov, See To swell. bicker, t keptopéo. See To quarrel. Fit for binding, Öequevrikás, 43 Bound— Blacksmith $ound, Forêvãeros, ov. Fast bound, † ºuavrööeros, OV, Biped, Širovs, 6 ſcal j, neut. ovy; + šišāuos, ov. A being a biped, Öitroëta. Birch (the tree), anpaşa. A bird, Špwis, 6 kał j (i Hom., i Trag, I Ar., Ellendt considers—vis common everywhere, saying, as Homer used it so, it is no wonder the Tragedians did); Trag. sometimes use pl. Öpwels or öpuis, Špyeov; Tetelvöv, in pl.; ºf irtmubv, in pl.; ºf oiovós. A young bird, veoggos, + vogoros, + veda'otov, f Öpräxixos. Of or belonging to birds, puffleios, a, ov, and 0s, ov, Like a bird, épvið6öms. Born of a bird, föpviflá)ovos, ov. To catch birds, Öpwiðetw. A bird catcher, Öpwiffevrīs; āpuíð00;ipas, ov. The art of catching birds, jöpviðeuticſ. Eating birds, Öpwiðopäyos, ov. Killing birds, toiovo- ictóvos, ov. Haunted by birds, + pi\dpvis, 100s, 6 kai j; f toxvép- við0s, ov. Without birds, + &ópvos, ov. King of birds, Öpwięapxos. Of (proceeding from) the voice of birds, f oiwvóópoos, 03/. Birdlime, iſſés. A birdlimed twig to catch birds, Édéö0s, i. Birth, yewea, yéveris, ºf yévvmtrus, f atopé; i. e. descent, yovº, tº yévé0Aov. The younger by birth, ēv påret veðrepos, Soph. I see your sister, by birth of the same father, épé, thu ahv Šuguov čk ratphs tavroſ pūow, Soph. Birth in due season, teNeo'yovía. Belonging to birth, yewé0Atos, ov. A birthday, a birthday feast, Tú yevé0Atz. From one's birth, t pitáAgios. To bisect, 6ixotouéa. Bisected, Öixátopos, ov. Bisection, 6ixotopia. - A bit (i.e. small piece of any thing), Japós; yºutopia, Tá; + iyākās. The least bit, 'éxviv; Ypt, usu, c. neg. The bit of a Öridle, xàAIvös, otówlov, VáMov. The trade of making bits, i XaAIvotroticſ. Bitch, ºctav, gen. Küvés; a bitch puppy, küviolcm. Dog. * To bite, 33'rva!, Évêdicva', &Tošákva, ovvödicva. To bite off, 'éirea 6ía, only pres, and imperf. Buling the dust, Yaiau 36% Aévres, Eur, See Bite your lips, äöövti Tpts to otówa, Soph. I bite my lips (to avoid laughing), 8diva èuavrov, A To feel pain from a bite, 664;ew, c. perf. pass. &6ayud A bite, 3i)pa, Tá; Śiśis; + xàpayua, tá. T biting severity of a disease, or the biting fury offir fyvä00s, i. d Biting, adv. F. 384;; (so angry as) to bite, faitoöä Biting, + 8mittàptos, ov, c. gen.; Smittikás. Bitter (lit. and metaph.), Tikpós; 3plubs, usu. metap (of battles, anger, weapons, etc.). Bitter (of ange threats, etc.), + trikpáyAwaroos, ov; very bitter, 'üTé trixpos. Rather bitter, ‘ūtróttuq,0s, ov, Theoph. To be bitter (lit. and metaph.), trikpaſvopal, pass. Bitterly, Tikpós. Bitterness, trikpótºms, mºros, ii; of temper, triºpia. The bitterness of suffering, 6 xóA0s uáx0av, AEsch. Bitumen, &a paxtos, i. Bituminous, &alpaxtºms. To bivouac, aixt{ouai, mid. To blab, k\}Aéw. Black, pºéAäs, f kexalvös, fueMaušāq'ſs; of man, t Aay)(p&s, 3ros; + IceAgiváirms; of swords, etc., ºf M Aávöetos, ov; of a storm, t Hexaºxil,0s, ov; of nig # weagupañs; + uéâavóttepos, ov; of a shady fou. tain, etc., + peAśvvöpos, ov. With black hair, t uéAa. Xairms, ov. See Hair, Eyes, etc. With black stripe pexãvárypaupos, ov. With black spots, Hexavágructo Ol/, Clad in black, fuexãveluor, ovos; t weadyxira wvos; + p.exdutretà0s, ov. With black sails, ºf preadykpokos, ov. Black spots, pleadyxiua, td. To grow black, or be black, uéxałva, and dual, pas + ceXaiv6opal. To blacken (shoes), F Trepticovéa. Blackened (with smoke, soot, of things burnt), aid Aóöms. - To beat black and blue, to give a black eye, 'ürwirić, Blackness, plexăvia. A becoming black, HéNavg eas, i. The Black Sea, Etßelvos. A blackbird, kóoroſiºpos. A blackcap (a bird), plexayköpiqos, A blackamoor; of, or belonging to, blackamoors, pe duéporos, and os, ov. A blacksmith, XaAkets, x2Akotēros, oiónpe + orišmpotóktov, ovos. o be a blacksmith, XaAketa. Belonging to a blacksmith (skilful as), XaAkévrikás, i 44 Bladder—Blind he trade of a blacksmith, XaAketa, Giòmpeia, i XaA- tevtić), j XaAkotürich. blacksmith's shop, XaAlcetov, Giòmpetov, bladder, küatus, ews, i. blade (of a sword, q.v.), oráðn; (of an oar) tapads. lame, $6,0s, airia, Hoppí; Héuºis, ews, # ; kátá- zeºis. 0 blame, airidopal, mid. c. perf, and aor. 1. pass, in ass, sens.; Taitudopal, kāraitudopal ; uéu popual, mid. c. aor. 1. pass, in act. Sense, c. acc. pers, or c. em. acc., or c. acc, pers. and prep., or c. acc. pers. nd gen. rei, or c. acc. rei, gem. pers, or c, dat. pers.; ut €triuéupouai, c, dat. pers. acc. rei (either often nderstood), or c, acc. pers, gen, rei; káràuéu popual, , acc, pers. dat. rei; héyw, no perf. and no pass. oice; 8tapéya, ; Éritiudo, c. dat. pers., c. acc. rei; popdogal; £v airiq BáAAw, c. acc., Soph.; 6t' airías xw, Thuc.; #x2 uéuyiv, c. dat. pers, or c. eis, AEsch. oph.; weptrös elul, c. dat, Soph. ives no pretence for blaming, oilk #xei Käräusſºlv, dat., Thuc. - st of them blamed Gylippus, év airíg of troAAol Tov ūAttrirov eixov, Thuc. whom he will transfer the blame, ois Tās & Toxo'ytas otoel, Lys. meable, ałrios, a, ov, sometimes in Att. os, ov, c. in. rei or c. 8,ti and indic.; Traftios, ov; pepatrios, u. c. neg, ; }ektós; itſ joyos, ov; + käräueuirtos, ; † Awpmrós; + širtuoupos, ov. Wholly blameable, tråvattuos, ov. who shares the blame, Metaſtios, a, ov, and os, ov. be blameable, év airíg elval, c. gen, causae, Xen. meably, + käräueutra. ld of blaming, inclined to blame, piñaittos, ov, sine ., or c, gen, or c. catá; piñółoyos, ov. meless, àvaittos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; epittos, ov; ăuáptntos, ov; ’āvéykamtos, ov; 'âvečéAektos, ov; ăuoppos, ov; +&ikelyſis; + &@ftp.los, ov. melessly, 'égéuttws, ’āvāpaptitos, &veykämtel, eykäätws. melessness, + 'égep pia. See Innocence, lamer, ºperths, étritiumtās. fond of blaming, piñetritiumtās. ought to blame, airtatéov. lanch, Aevicaiva'. See To whiten. d, ºf ’āyāvós. See Gentle. dishment, &epāreſa. k (i. e. empty, q.v.), kevés; a blank day (in A blank tablet, Nečkopa, td. A blanket, x\aſva, givipa. To blaspheme, Aotöopéo; 8AaQg7,60, c. eis and acc., or c. karū and gen. Blasphemy, 8Aao pnpuſa, c. Érl or kard. Blasphemous (hardly in our sense), 8Adorºmuos, ov. Blast, Tvoſī; +&mpa, rö; † &mois; (of fire) ºf Trépºpuš, Pyos, ii. To blast (prospects, hopes, etc.), Avuaívopal, mid, See To spoil, To destroy. A blaze, oréAas, a0s, Tó; airyā. See Fire. To blaze, AéuTw; † 6aſopal, pass. perf mid. Séâma; + pKeyé00; † atów, and pass, -opal, no fut.; +@Aéyw, no perf.; + pXoyiſopal, pass. To blaze up, 'üváAáutra; Škºpxo) dopal, pass. See To burn, To shine. Blazing, Tiptºpxeyhs, # påo'yepós; + pKoywirbs, 6v ; + p^07&#, 6tros; + tripi'pMektos, ov; ; ºripipMéywy ovga, ov, gen. —ovtos, etc. To blazon, F KAelw, no fut. See To celebrate. To bleach, Aevicaíva. See To whiten. Bleak, 'üTāveſtos, ov; Tposſivepos, ov; ; Śiśvepos, oy. See Cold. Blear (blear-eyed), + y^{uwu, ovos. To be blear-eyed, Amuda. Blear-eyes, Añaat, ai. To bleat, Pºmiedowal, mid, aor. 2. act, part. Piłków, perf. péunica; 8Amxãopal. Bleating, + unk&s, #60s, only fem. A bleat, 8Amxft. To bleed, pxe60Topča. Bleeding, act, pxeêotopia. A blemish, kmals, 760s, i. To blemish, xpatvw, aor. 1. Éxpāva; # knxióów. To blench, + &Ypuda. To blend, utyviſui ; kepāvvöul, perf, always sync. ké. kpāka, and kékpāpal. See To mia!. One must blend, ovykpátéov. To bless, Hākāpiśa, eigºmuéo, + eiXoyéw. Blessing, eighmuia, though this word, as well as the verb, and also eixoyéa, have more of the sense of “praise” than exactly what we mean by “blessing.” Blessed, uáicap, 6, #, to, gen. Häkäpos. See Happy. Blessedness, eú5alpovía. See Happiness. Blight, pioièm; t Aeix}v, fivos, 6. Blighted, épiqué6öms. To be blighted, épio'ſéâw; Épîaiéâouai, pass.; Aei- xmvićw. - iting), 'éðmpos juépa, AEsch, Blind, TüºpAbs, f’āAaðs; + dāsāppºros, ov; +’āvów- 45 Blind—Blow Håtos, ov; +’ádépktos, ov; + šupºtorrephs, + ako- Telvés; 'éöépictaw öppºdrov Tritópevos, Soph. Making blind, 'êAabs, 6v. To blind, Twſp?Aów, Écriſp?Aów, to kotów, ºf éoppätów. A blinding wound, tv p^20év čAkos, Soph. To be blind, alcárov 8Aétro, Soph. To look only to the pain, and to be blind to the advan- tages of it, Tô &A'yelvöv airtov Icaffopów, Tpos 6& Tö &péApov tuq Nás éxeiv, Plat. A blinding, Tü'pxwais, eas, i. Blindly, Túpxás. Blindness, Tüqxórns, mºtos, ii; Tü'p?\ooris, eas, #. To blink, uía, aor. l. Éuiga, perf uéujica. See To wink. Bliss, eúðaipovía. See Happiness. Blissful, Häicap, 6, #, to, gen, uákápos. See Happy. A blister (on the skin), pºs (contr. from pois), pºp- 68s, only in pl.; påükraiva ; paviºralvis, tºos, i ; ‘patoſi'yi, ty)0s, i. Like a blister, p}\victatuoetöäs. To bloat, oióéw. See To swell. Bloated, + šutreiſpropévos. A block, a chopping block or the execulioner's block, + štíčmvov. To block up, pp.d.o.o.w, Šuppégora, ’āiroqpárow, &ro- To block up roads, etc. (by building across them), ‘āToukočopéa, ’āiroo Taupéa. A blocking up, 'üToteixious, eos, ii; 'âtróppašts, eas, #; %irókWeiqis, eas, ii. To blockade (military), 'êtroTeixt{w, trepitetxt{w, dureixt{w; kátákåetw, c. eis; Tepippoupéo; (by sea) épopuéo, c. dat. or c, čirl and dat. See To besiege. A blockade, &roteixia is; (by sea) épépplmoſis; (lines of blockade) &Toteixiopia, Tó. Easily to be blockaded, eúToteixiotos, ov. A blockhead, ‘f Tüpečāvös, ºf jºgga. Blood, aiua, āros, Tó; aiuátmpå Öpógos, Eut.; polvía 6pógos, AEsch.; aluatos opayh, AEsch.; aiuáToo Tú. 'y?)s tréAávos, épijôpos treW., aiuátmpos Tex., AEsch. Eur. A gush of blood, t aiués, #60s, ii. Clotted blood, f Tá'xwm. A want of blood (having little), ÖAiyaígía, ’āvaipia; ’āvaluđtms, mtos, i. Fulness of blood, Toxicipſa. Having no blood at all, 'évaluos, ov; +’ävaluáros, ov. To blood (i. e. make bloody, stain with blood), F ai- gårow, ºf Käflapdoorw, Éapdoorw, faiuátígo, 'i al- uárów, Ł kä9alpätów, t potutorow, Fékºpoulogo. To be changed into blood, ééalgáróopal, pass. Blood-guiltiness, utúpta, ulatºpovía. Imputing to this RAetw. man blood guiltiness, Töö& Tpostporatov aiua Tposé. A&v, Eur. t - Bloodless, +’āvaſuaktos, ov. Bloodshed, póvos. See Slaughter. Polluted by bloodshed, ‘f Tpostpótatos, ov (of a man). Blood-stained, ‘f Puaſpovos, ov; † 6&polyös, Öy; † a Máššavros, ov. Lately stained with blood, ºf veðjavros, ov. The altar of the goddess has never yet been stained wil Grecian blood, oi6éro Bapbs Øeås ‘EAAmvikaſov ć eqolvíx0m floats, Eur. Bloodshot, ‘ūpaigos, ov. Bloodthirsty, ‘f poivuos, a, ov, and os, ov; + (póvios, ov, and 0s, ov; ; piñatuáros, ov; † aiuárojópos, 0 A bloodthirsty man, aiuáTotórms, ov, 5. To be blood-thirsty, ºf pováa. Bloody, aiuáróðms; iſ palaos, ov; + aiuštáels; + po vios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; + (póvios, a, ov, and os, o + aiuároatãyhs, F aiuármpös; + aiuáráfjöros, o t aiwātmºpôpos, ov; + aiuéâşūros ; + aiuojšāy) faiuáñautos; † aiuoqtāyīs, F aiuaktós; + Icáða u0s, ov; † Icáðatuaktos, ov; + pováššūrps, ov. Bloody-looking, + aiušta,Tös, Öv; † aiuštěi), áros. To revel in blood, aiuočaitéw. Bloom, &v60s (lit. and metaph.); (of youth, etc. ’ārquh. Bloom (as the bloom on a peach, etc.), xv60s, oùs. In bloom (flit, and metaph.); eWavóñs; (metaph +’ākplaios. - To bloom (lit. and metaph.), āv6éw, 8Agotávo, fut. —how, aor. 2. čğAao Tov. To bloom together wi To have a succession of bloom, Túpav6é To be in full bloom (metaph.), 'diquéo, no perf. S To flourish. A blot, kmåls, i50s, ii. See Stain. To blot, plaíva. See To stain. | A blow, TAmyſ; +Túppa, Tá; # TA’īypia, T6; + köté (of a weapon) ºf éušox#. A blow with the han fiário wo, Tá. The act of giving a blow, Xepos ūpe'Yºg, Æsch. In which all sorts of blows are given, i Tàpitºmictos, (epith. of battles). To blow, Tvéo, fut. Tvetow, no perf., trans, and intran étritvéa (so as to fill by blowing, a wind instrume a sail, one's cheeks by puffing them out), pvod (trans. and intrans, to blow hard, intrans.) Fºrpnuati To blow a fire, #ffitiga, Škpiada. To blow aw ‘ātropija day, 6tābüorda. To blow outward, éicity To blow gently, i ötalyalpo. º a orivav6éa. 46 'o blow one's nose, ‘ūAſſouai Tàs Éivas, Cratin. ne must blow (a fire), pigmtéov. łlown on from all sides, firepipúantos, ov. blowing, pigmois, ‘i pºora. A blowing or ruffing, pſoaqués. A blowing of a fire, etc., Éiri- noise made by blowing, t pigmua, Té. lubber, triuexí. o blubber, Šákpāw. See To weep. bludgeon, 56träAov, f copium. See Club. lue, YAavkás. Dark blue, käveos, + kāvoetēſis. Blueish (of eyes), ‘ūtóyAavkos, ov. lue-eyed, YAavkós; YWavképuštos, ov, fem. t yńav- ôTis, ió0s, acc. ióa and ty, i. uèness, y\avicórms, mºtos, i. uff, &Ypoucos. blunder, 'üpıdptmua, āros, Tó; ‘āuaptſa, i éâgap- ta; TAmupéAmuz, T6. See Error. blunder, 'éuaprávo, fut. 'éuaprágopal, aor. 2. juaptov ; TAmºueXéa. unt, &psAts; (of a man)'éqe^{\s. blunt, iroušAśva (used also metaph, to blunt a urpose), kätaus Müvo. be blunted, &péAüvouai, pass. (not used by good uthors in act.). re their swords blunted by her beauty 2 &p' eis to ‘dāAos éickelcóqatal épm ; Eur. untness (usu. metaph. as of perception, etc.), &pſ- Aürms, mºros, i. blush, ēpē6ptów, 'üvepúðpido; Épijôpaívouai, pass.; outgow Täpääa, Eur. To blush for, ‘FºrepTuff- To blush a little, ºf ‘ātrepü0pudo. To give up lushing (i. e. to be wholly shameless), ‘t’ātrepi- piáº. blush, + på0mua, āros, Tá. bluster, ºf paia, no perf. ; # Tâqâ4%, no perf. ustering, ºf Trá'pxagua, āros, Tó. boar, kā'irpos; aws, avés; is, Šbs, etc.; +&oxéðapos, oridºypos. board, Thać, Škos, ard (i. e. maintenance), Šipov; he charged five obols day for the board of two children and their sister, s Šipov ačv Švolv traičíolv kal’āöexpſis Tévre 366Aovs ñs àuépas &Aoyigeto, Lys. board (ship), (with verb of motion), āvā unds; with verb expressing continuance), širl vºmbs . . . Tom, : also €v vill, trap& vnt ; to go on board, éti- tva, c. gen. or c, dat. or c, čirl and acc.; to put on ard, 'évášišáçopal éiri vačv, Thuc.; Tišišáço (no f lC.09. e v ost 6; ’āśākuov. Blowing——Boiled perf.); €irl vauv, Thuc. to embark. See To embark, To make They attempted to board one another, étrepôvTo twº &AA)\ów wavolv čTiéaívely, Thuc. To boast, eúxopal, éiretyopal, éčeixopal, ééetreſ youai, icoptréa, ; ſcopatráſa, aor. 1. pass, in act, sens. ; 'éiri- icoptréa, Faep'uokoputréal, f €kicoptrégo, 'i'āToleopardºſo, † éiricoptráço, ai,xéo, ČšavXéw, étravXéo, ; pleyāAav. xéa, and mid. -opal, éticauxáouai, forepºwogi/06a, oguvox.oyéa'; 'éAáçovetopal, mid., often with the idea of the boast being false; kátáAágovetouai, MeyāAm- 'yopéo, ö/mAOXoyéopal ; Aóyovs 'êvao Táa, Soph. A boast, kóptos; aixmua, Tá; aixmous, eas, # ; kóp- Tagga, Tó; ’āAáſávevua, Té. Emply boasting, kou- q,0Xoyia. Noisy boasting, + boxokopitia. A habit of boasting, a boastful disposition, 'éAä(oveta, preyāAavXía. A cause for boasting, a thing to boast of, fºotpapa, âtos, Tó; the gift of the great deity, the greatest boast of the land, 66pov toº pſeyāAov 6atuovos, X60wös ačxmua péytotov, Soph. A hoaster, f icóptros, + KoutoAácā0ms. Boastful, koutróðms; aeuvöAoyos, ov; 'âAáçov, &Aa- (ovicós ; peyúaavX0s, ov; ſteyāAftyopos, ov; fift- "yôpos, ov; +'êtrépitouTos, ov. Not boastful, F &coptros, ov; +'äkóutaotos, ov. Boastfully, + šim? &, ºf Šiplicãpitals. A boat, oxe5ta; 'ékútos, h; TAotéptov, Éiraktply, fö0s, ii; Aépéos, t’âlcátm, 'ékútiow; + 86pts, gen. iðos, acc. ióa, and oftener tw; + ktſuém ; # Topópils, i80s, h; + akāpm. To bode, arpošetkvvut. See To forebode. Bodiless, ’āorðuát0s, ov. Bodily, oropºroetës, owpīticós. Body, gºpia, Tó; † 6&pas, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing., properly of a living body, xpos, otés; gouártov. The body of a carriage, ‘ūTeptepia. A body of men, soldiers, etc., A6x0s; GºvTayua, Tó. With three bodies of revellers, trópos; ºftpio πtos, ov. To eaercise the body, goplagicéa. Bodily eaercise, Jawagicia. A bog, ÉAos, Tó; Atuum. Boggy, Apºwdºms, éA667s, To boggle, Škvéo. See To hesitate. To boil, intrans. {{w, fut. §ow, no perf; Ériſée, and act. intrans. 'évaſão, kºča, Čávagáo; act. Épo, fut. éphora ; ºpéya, ÉÉé!o ; around, trepišAüço; over, ‘üſtepſáa. Boiled, épôos, éºntós ; +’āva'épaotos, ov. 47 Boiling—Bordering Hurd to boil, àvépávos, ov. Anything boiled, Éilmua, Tó. A boiling, eymous, eos, h; çěoris, ews, iſ ; a boiling over, neut. Útrépéeois, eas, i. A boiler (i. e. vessel in which a thing is boiled), trüeños. A boil, 800thv, ºvos, 6; pāua, Té. One who has boils, pipuštías, 6. Full of boils, pipérôms. Causing boils, éutrumricós. Boisterous; + AáSpös, Öv. Boisterously, ‘f Aššpás. Bold, Spårös, toxumphs, eúðapahs; +Spågårtaayxvos, ov; &aporãAéos, +kpātatás; TAhuav, ovos; † towpañets, superl. by sync. toxuffortútos; eiſtoxpos, oy; Aáuipbs (of a speech), Xen. ; pixokivöövos. Bold in speech, +&pāori grouos, ov. Bold in opposing, +ávritoxuos, ov. Eaceedingly bold, ‘ūtréptoxuos, ov; +trövtoxpos, ov. A bold man, toxpmtiis. Bold in speech, traßmalaaths. Boldly, eitóAua's, eiðapaés, SaporãAéas, Toàpumpás, ‘pixokivaāvas, Sapo'oùvros. To be bold, toxuéo, Sapoléo, Spāoivouai, mid, and pass., no perf. but aor. 1. pass. 36päotiv6my; &roºpa- orivouai, #6apoºjvo. To be bold against, &vritowudw. To make bold, Sopojvo, no perf. : Spagüvo, no perf. Boldness, Spåros, and 9&pgos, T6; Spågårms, mros, # ; TóApá and tâApam, eúroxpta. The boldness of a stranger, Spāorvčevia. A bold action, TóAumpa, Tó. Boldness of speech, traff- Åmoria, To use boldness of speech, traßmoridgouai, mid., used also pass. in pass. Sens. A bolster, httposkedéAatov. See Pillow. A bolt, k\els, k\etóbs, j; KAeſºpov, poxAbs, HoxAl- orkos, + šuéoAov, A bolt or nail used in ship-building, TüAos. To bolt, k\eta, + 10xAów. See To shut. Bombast, 810#pau60s; ’āAivāmāpal étrév, Ar. Bombastic, 316ipau66öms. A bomassus, 86vagos. A bond, Segubs, pl. beguo! and beaud; otvöeopos, pl. t& g., metaph, + triyua, to (of an oath). Brazen bonds, + x2Aketplata, td. That I may loosen your bonds (lit. the twisted bands of thongs), Ös éyò TAektās iudvtov orpoºpiðas Éavà- orouai, Eur, A bond, i. e. a written contract, ovyypāºl, ovué6Aatov, usu. in pl. An action on a bond, avuéoMatov Štiºn. See Noisy. To bring an action on a bond against a person, Aayyāra toū oupé0Xatov tív (sc. Sicily), Lys. To violate a bond, fail in making the payments stipu lated in it, "å"rootepéo ; ’āToo Tepá tê ovuš6Aala Isoc. Dem. ; &tiata tº ovuéóAata totá, Isoc. Concerning bonds, ovué6Aatos, Bondage, SovXeta, ÖovAoqium;’īvayicaſa tüxn, Soph. 'āvāykms (ºyov, Eur. See Slavery. A bondman, 600A0s. See Slave. A bone, Öatéov, Šotočv, pl. Öatéa, 30.13. Of bone, 30téivos, + ša rivos - Like bones, Öatoetóñs. Having their bones broken by the rocks, Tétpals cata §av0évres 60téav Šapas (lit. the sutures of th bones), Eur. Bony, Öatóóms; troAióate0s, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. Consisting of one bone, pováateos, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. A bonfire, trip, tripos, T6. See Fire. A booby, + Bepéaxe60s, fugupékú90s. A book, Bi'éA0s, h; 8téAtov; airy/paupa, to, esp. i prose. A writer of books, + BišAlāypápos. A boom (thrown across the harbour), (süypa to Atpºvos, Thuc. | A boon, xàpis, iros, acc. ira and iv, #. See Favour A boor, "&ypoucos; xaſpirms, ov. Boorish, *ā-ypotkos, ov; *āyptos, a, ov, and os, o ’āirelpólcáAos, ov. - Boorishness, 'aypoikia, ’ātreſpokäAta. A boot, ºpnirls, 760s, # (only a man's boot); +&péâA A booth, akāvm; yéâşov (made of wattle). Bootless, ’āva'qeXís. See Useless. Booty, Aeta ; ori Aov, usu. in pl.; orićAevua, Té; Ad ‘pipa, Tá; Śpirāyā; +”gypevka, té. A making booty, AemA&ota. - To make booty, take as booty, Amigoua, mid. To drive booty away (therefore to take it), AenXàré See To plunder, To spoil. . . . . To sell as booty, A&püpotraxéa. A seller of booty, AšqūpotóAms. A border (of anything, esp. of a district), Śpos, 6; Tá; tā ué0épta; + šptopa, to, usu, in pl. A bord (esp. of a garment, but also of a district), kpáotrečo To border on (as a nation does on another), oriváirt Bordering on, Suopos, ov; ue^{pios, ov; ſpósovpd. ov, for trpósopos (which also is found in Xen.); F & xfreputov; Fortyxoptos, ov, c. gen, or c. dat.; fort vouds, ov, c. gem. ; ; a tºykämpos, ov; (of a peopl &otifyettov, ovos; trpósolkos, ov. See Neighbourin * 48 Bore—Boundless The Libyans who border on Egypt, Atélies of Trpès Ai- 'yūTTg, Thuc. To bore, TpüTáo; Tetpaiva, fut. —tp:#02, aor. 1. Čré- Tpmva; ovyterpaiva (esp. as miners); Kätäretpaíva. Bored through (often as ears for ear-rings), Tpmtós. A boring, Tpāoris, eas, i. Anything bored (a hole, etc.), tpārijua, T6. A. borer, TpüTnTís. An instrument to bore with, Tpürávov. Boreas, Bopéas. See North-wind. Born, to be, piñopal, c. aor. 2. čpvy (as if from pºpu), perf. Tépüka ; yíyvouai, fut. Yevågopal, aor. 2. čye- vögmu, etc., perf mid, part. yeyós, òora; + 3\gatávo, fut. l. 8Aao Tàga, perf. act. §§Aáotnica, aor. 2. čSAa- grow; + Televóouai, pass.; † Aoxetſoual, pass. To be born of, t ergiopal, &rošAao Távo. To be born aſter, éiriyyvouai, To be born before, tpoptouai. Of whom I was born, Év6ev jipó0my, Soph. Justice did not look upon him when he was born, &AA’ oire viv påyovta pºntpóðey alcárov Ahen Tposeºe, Æsch. Being born of a mother unhappily married, umtpès éxoites '&vöppevtov yov ju, Soph. Newly born, veá'yevils, veo'yevis; veðyovos, ov, oftener by sync., veoyvös, Öv. Highborn, eiyévis. Born in due time, rexelöyovos, ov; Texedumvos, ov. Born after, étèyovos, ov. Thrice born, Tpiyevås. Not one of the most lowly born of that nation, yévvmpa 7 &v éice?0év ošic ēv šantáTois, Soph. A borough, 3790s. One of the same borough, Ömſtätºls, ſem. Ömuátus, ibos. To borrow, xpdogal, mid.; 6&veſgouai, mid. To bor- row besides, Tposöáveiſopal, mid. To borrow further (i.e. on property already encumbered), Tiščvetſopal. Borrowed money, Śāvelopia, āros, Tá; 6övetov, A bosom, kóAtros. With large bosom, # 830; coxtros, ov. Both, conj, Ical, Tě, ºf &pſpóTepa ; often it is made by pºv in the early part of the sentence, and 3° in the latter, sometimes with another conjunction added, as: They being alarmed, both at the suddenness of the at- tack, and also at the gates being opened to the Athen- iams, Šua pāv pºdżn diſputöíº, äua 6é toſs 'A67paiots Tów Tuxów &vol’youévov, poém6évtov, Thuc. Both, adj., áupw, both dual and plural, and of all genders; &pſpóTepos, rare in sing. ; GiºvaſºpóTepos, güváuſpto. See Each. Ye both suffer pitiable evils, circrpå träg zetov Šč' otoat, Eur. On both sides, &pſpotépoſe or -Éey, From both sides, ékátépoffe, Six66ev, Both ways, Čupotepäkis, étátépos. To both ways, ékátépage. Affecting both men, + biöüuávap, opos. - To bear both senses, to be inclined to both sides, or to be belween both, belong to both species, étraplºpoteptºco, c. éirl and acc., or c. dat. A bottle, Aſhkū00s, h, esp. of oil; Ankö0tov, Bikos : (made of earthenware) + otépuos, 6, #; † a Tógvlov. To bottle, kāraatpaguíſo, in pass. Bottom, Trúðuhu, ävos, 6; #6&pos, Tá; (of a vessel) ºf Tövöač, ćicos, 6. We have not yet got to the bottom of our misery, où6éro, Icalcöv kpmſtris Štreativ, AEsch. From the bottom, ºf Bvora j9ev. Bottomless, ‘āśvogos, ov; ’āšū00s, ov. I borrowed eight hundred drachmae of Nicippus on loſ- tomry, Öktakogias Špaxºs Topč, Nikittov vav Ticop &vel»dumv, Dem. A bough, &ańAbs, Trépôos ; + k\{50s (besides its usual cases it has a poet, dat. KAššl, and pl. KAéðegi) A small bough, śāxos, ii. See Branch. Bought, ºf éºtróAmtos. See infră, To buy. A bound, &Apia, Tó; Thönwa, Tó; áict#3mua, & Tos, T6 See Leap, Boundary. The misery passes all bounds, éoptºstal icăköv, Eur. Bound (as a ship for a place); embarking on board the first vessel bound for Greece, étié&s és To TpóToy &va. 'yóuevov TAotov ćs rºv ‘EAA&öa, Xen. To bound (as horses moving rapidly, or dancers), Tm- Šáo, okuptáo; (as a fish in the sea) + ºrd AAw, nu perf. See To leap. To bound (i. e. mark out by boundaries, be the bound. ary of), Öpiſo, 'époptºe. I am bound to do, öticaiós eiut, c. infin.; tığıós eiut. A boundary, Śpos; Śpia, Tâ, usu. in pl.; Heffépta, Tá; Téppa, Tó; † Tépuav, ovos, 6; + šptoga, Tó. Oſ, or belonging to, boundaries, 8p10s, ple66ptos, On the boundaries, épépios. Beyond the boundaries, 'üTépéptos, a, ov, and os, ov. Defined by boundaries, ’ājapuapévos. We live having the boundaries of right and wrong clearly marked out, ºſtev 'éðica ſcal Stical’ &ptapévol, Eur. See To define. Not marked out by boundaries, &6puatos, ov. Boundless, *čwerpos, ov; &TAºtos, ov; +’āºšTpmtos, ov; + &rretos, ov; +’ābāros, ov; +'érxāros, ov, See Immense. $3 49 Boundlessly—BräSS Boundlessly, 'éuétpøs. Bounteous, bountiful, piñóðapos, ov. See Liberal. Bounty, bounteousness, TOXijöapſa, ’āpetóta. See Liberality. Tobourgeon, ŠáAAw, perf.mid. Té0mAa. A bow, Tóšov; xepès eigtoxia, Eur. A bowshot, Táčevua, Tó. Within bowshot (after verb of motion), eis T., Xen.; ëvros točejuatos, Xen.; Éc Tóēov ščuatos, Xen. A bowman, Tošátms, Omn. See Archer. Using or carrying a bow, I točopópos, ov; +Toš06ä- ſtas, avtos, 6 kal h; † TošovXkös, Öv; + Točáðauvos, ov; † Tošo revºs, + Tošipms ; ºf icepovXicós, òv. With beautiful bow, ºf Ica?Aïroë0s, ov. A bow-string, &yköAm. The bow (of a ship), Tptºpa, Tàpečelpeofa. Beams to strengthen the bows of a ship, erotíðes, ai. From the bows, Tp(6p30s or —6ev. To bow down, trans. Katakāpitta. See To bend. To bow down, intrans. KüTTw, esp. by fear or shame, KöTTw, veto, 'i juča. Bowed down, ºf kūpās. Bow-legged, ºffioticós. Bowels, a TAáyxva, Tá; ºvtepo, Tá; + vºws, Wos, j. See Entrails. Of the bowels, évtepicós. A bowl, kpótºlp, fipos, 6 ; 6étas, T6. An earthenware bowl (used by soldiers and sailors), kóðav, wVos, 6. See Cup. A stand for a bowl, 'üTokpmtmpiölov. Box (the tree), Túč0s, j. Made of boa, Túčivos. A box, (†yao Tpov; ãvrättlé, -irºyos, 6; (made of cedar) + Icéðpos, ii. To box, Tvictetºw, a paipopºxéa. To bow with, Šiširvic- Teča, c. dat. A boxer, Tūktms, ov, 6. Boxing, Tvryph. Skilful in boaring, Trvicticós. A bowing glove, ‘iſtès, dutos, 5, in plur.; a palpa. A boy, Taſs, Tatēos, 6; Taíðuov, Tatótokos, Tatóáptov, kópos and + coſpos; ſlepšictov, of a more advanced age than Taſs. A great fat boy, ºf Boötais, ató0s, 6. Qf or belonging to boys, Taíðstos. Boyish, Totòicös, See To bloom. pleipäicióðms. Boyhood, Tatóeta. To brace, brace up, avvteiva. A bracelet, ipêAAtov, or /ćAlov ; ŚAuctºp, fipos, 5. Brackish, &Auipós. - To brag, 'üAá(ovečopal, mid. See To boast. A braggart, &påsåstå0s. Of a braggart disposition, 'éAáſov, ovos ; ‘āAáçovicës, See Boastful. To braid, TAéica, and in mid.; orvpità éica. Braided, +TAekrós : + ettàektos, ov. Brain, êyképáA0s. Brainless, ‘āvoos, ov; contr. Švows, ovy; compar. ’āvočo Tepos ; 'évôntos, ov. To brain, GXíſo kåpa, Soph. A brake, ºf A6xpm. See Thicket. A bramble, ’ācav0a, TâNíoupos, fiáxos, + šáuvos. Bran,’áxipov, usu. in pl.; ciphéia, Tá; Thripov, in pl. To strew or mia, with bran, &xipów. A bin for bran, 'éxiſpoëóicm. A branch, ēgos ; KAjua, Tó; KX&v, Övos, 6 ; 9&AAbs, esp. borne by suppliants; +épwos, Tó; † TTopóbs, + I(Xà30s. See Bough. A branch of a river, répas, Tó. A branch of a subject, Tuñois, eas, i. With many branches, Toxi/KAovos, ov; TOXàoſos, ov. With few branches, ÖAiyākāśā0s, ov. Branching (in spurs), 6%6ms ; (as roads) + oxiotös, | + 8to Touos. Branching many ways, ºf toxio xiaºros, ov. A brand (i. e. firebrand, torch), FöäAbs, FöäAlov ; + Aap. Tthp, fipos, 6; (i. e. mark of disgrace) at{ypa, Tá; #yico.upa, āros, T6. To brand, otíſo. A branding iron, cavtåptov. A branded person, atlyſióttas, ov, 6; + othyov, wVos, 6 To brandish, TáAAw, no perf; oreto, Tpogeta, i Tiv- doorw; ºf kpáðaiva, no fut., ºf a pevöováo), Fövéa. To brandish before, TpośćAAopal, mid, c. carë and acc. Brandished, TaxTós. A brandishing, TºrtAos; the brandishing of their arms in the air, i ötö icevils étravágelo is Tów ŚTAov, Thuc. A brasier, XaAlcets, x2Akotáros. - A brasier (i. e. a pan to hold coals), śayápa ; º fö0s, #. Brass, XaAlcós. Any thing made of brass, + x&Acevpa, Tó; X&Alcoud, Tó. Made of brass, XóAceos, a, ov, or os, ov, also con- tracted oils, fi, oùv; ; XaAkelos ; i. trāyxa Nkos, ov; + XaAlcàpms; + XaAlcâAátos, ov; of a weapon, ºf XaAlcóTAmictos, ov; +xaXicóa Touos, ov (of a ship's beak, or of a trumpet). - Clothed in (armed with) brass, +xaAlcáo iris, ió0s, 6, à, gen. 60s; + XaAkéotAos, ov; + x2AkeorevXīs, 'i XaAkoTA)0%s. With beak of brass (epith. of a ship), + x&Akep,60Aès, #50s. 50 - Brave—breast With ornaments of brass, + XaAkopäAápos (of a house). Without brass, +'éxaxkos, ov. Not made of brass, +'äxáAlcevtos, ov. To work in brass, or to make of brass, XaAlceta, ’āT0- XaAketa. Brave, ’āyúðbs, compar. Öpeſvov; +&petov,”āpigros; Rpárepos and + kaprepòs, comp. Kpeta gay, icpáriotos and f captspotépás; eiſhūxos, ov; &Alciuos, m, ov, and os, ov; + kpótatos, ºf €0.0%bs, i'āyāvap, + &Akaios, tºyevvaſos; Feikāpātos, ov. See Bold. Bravely, Yevvaiws, einſixas, ºf eikopótos, +eiróApas, To be brave, eúðaporéa. To be the bravest, 'épurreño. To behave bravely in company with, + givāpurreña. Bravery, 'épeti; Späolos, Tb, when in good sense usu. Šápoos, Tó; TóApá and tâApin, eúſixta, eito)\pſa; pévos, Tó; † &Alcà. 4 contest of bravery, 'üptotóxelp 'éyòv, Soph. Brawl. See Quarrel. Brawny, Táxis. See Strong. To bray, 8papidopal, Öykáopal. Brazen, x&Akeos. See Brass. A breach (in a wall), to Sumpmuévoy toº retxovs, Thuc. To breach (a wall), 6tagicætta. - Breaking down the walls, and making with the spear a wide breach, so as to enter within the gates, Teixºn ka- Tagicóyavta, ſcal TüAów éo & A6-yxm TAárelay eisãpo- pºlu Towtp.evov, Eur, Bread, &ptos, + &ctſ. To make bread, GiroTouéo, and –ouai, mid. A making of bread, &ptotrotta, Giroirotta. A maker of bread, gitotrotos,6,7; oitoup'yos, Šprototás, Fit for making bread, orºtotrotikos (of instruments). A bread-cutter, &ptákotos, 6, #. To eat bread, &ptooiréa. Breadth, eúpos, Tá; Tpáros, tá. To break, trans. Kátáyväut, fifyvvut, 'évañftyvvut, KAáa, Kātācāda, 6pačw, cataſpaúa, avv8paña, ovy- Tpißw; off, Čkpāyuuſu, *āTofiftyvvut ; down, Icataff- fifyvuſu; through, 6taffäffºuvpu ; to break in, down (a door), šickétta, Féâpégora. To break (a bank), āvaa Icevåſa, and in pass., of the banker, to be broken, to be bankrupt. To break a horse, Tww.06apwéa, Taxeta. See To fame. To break (a person's or nation's power), F or ceòávviſu, fut. l. grebäco. To break (an enemy's line), Túpań. #yviſu, äuäkórto. To break off (i. e. terminate a truce, etc.), ÖtöAúa. To breakup (earth, etc.), 'évañññyvijut; 'érotpāopal, mid. To break off, trans, ’āToôpoſſe, ’āTokavXíſo. To breakfast, 'âptatáo; ’āpiatoirotéopal, mid. To break off, intrans. (i.e. be broken short off in a thing, as a spear in a shield), ÉváTok?dopal, pass, To be broken against, Tpoolcââouai, pass. To break round, or about, Tepicătăyvöput, as, one ought to break a stick about their backs, Tepukátakal Xpāv to {{Aoy TúTTovta aútás, Ar.; Treptăşăyvöpu. To break out, intrans, (as pain, grief, war, etc.), Čšav- 0éa, ºf éoppida, or, as a body does with sores, kāraftyviſual; £icphyviſual, ovášáryvipal. To break (oaths), theißopal, mid.; † Ovyxéo, -eſſora. To break (a treaty, laws, etc.), Aſia, Icarañúw; (laws) àiao Táo). To break (obligations), 814ſopal, mid. See To violate. To break rudely in upon, capića, êirl, c. acc. To break into a house, Toixapixáo. To break up (a camp, etc.), ałpa (with or without otpatóTeóov). And when after this the assembly broke up, Tetê 5t &véartm pietà Taü0° à écicæmoria, Dem. To be broken (in spirit), fioſo dopal, pass.; Trucâdopal. In case they should be so broken in spirit as to give up their arms, elitos étrucNao fleſey (for étucA&00eſma'av) Tà &txa Topačotival, Thuc. A breaker (of friendship, etc.), štáAörms, ov, 6. A breaker (i.e. large wave), É60iov. r A breaking, Éls, eos, ii; Kääris, eas, ii; (of a bridge, or a treaty, or a breaking up of a meeting, or the time of breaking up) Stéxiào is, eos, i. What can be broken, kêractos; eißAzotos, ov; (of oaths, etc.) et Aitos, ov. Broken, + 6ixoşşâyńs. Broken in the middle, f peoaktos, ov. Broken down (in one's property), ČKveveuptquévos, What cannot be broken, §5mittos, ov. So as not to be broken, adv, 335fictas. A breaker of horses, ToxoSáuums, ov. The breaking of horses, tróAévois, eas, i. Ill-broken (of a horse), 'évêyoyos, ov. Breakneck (i. e. precipitous), itTókpmuwos, ov, metaph, of a hard word. Breakfast, &pigtow (ä Hom., á Att.), 'dispárioga, Té. Tö breakfast beforehand, Tpoãplotów. To breakfast with, oivāptotdo. To give a person breakfast, "åkpátígo. Without breakfast, 'évéptotos, ov; ‘āvāpío Tºtos, op. A being without one's breakfast, *āvāpiatta. To be without one's breakfast, &váplotów, A breast, oth90s, Tó; otépwov, Maatös; F oš0ap, ătos, T6. See Chest. E 2 5] . His being out of breath shows, etc., Tvetua hpeffiguévov Breast-plate—Bridle Fond of the breast, t piñáuao Tos, ov, Beating the breast, tº a tepvotiths. A breast-plate, &cºpač, ćicos, 3 ; (made of felt) TriAos. Without a breast-plate, 'üflapálciotos, ov, To arm with a breast-plate, Śwpäkiſw. A breastwork, ºf &alpäketov. Breath, Tveijua, Štos, tá; pianua, rá; (of wind or of animals) + TVoff; (of wind only) + &mua, āros, Tó. A breathing, drawing breath, &vatvo), &váTvevols. Holding their breath, ēykáyautes aidépa Yváðois, Eur. 6eticwijou, Eur. Breathing well, eútwoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. Difficulty of breathing, Scanliness of breath, esp. after running, etc., ÖwsTVoig, Without taking breath, &Twevati. To breathe, Tvéw, fut. Tveigo, no perf, in all senses, also to breathe forth threats, anger, favour, etc.; âvatvéa, by sync. &ſtručw; ékTVéo, also esp. to breathe forth; káTatvéo. To breathe again, &vatvéa, poet, &pt., i. e. to recover from fright, grief, etc. &vākūtra, ’āvāAapéâva ègavrov, Isoc. To breathe forth, pilotów, Écºpioido. To breathe on, êuTvéo, c. dat, or c. acc.; Titvéa (and —Tveto, Ep. Ion.). Breeches, ’āvačípióes, ai. The big breeches worn by Asiatics, F &üAáſcow oi. To breed, TílcTw; ovvrekvoTotéo (only of the woman). See To beget, To bring forth. To breed (i. e. to nourish, as, to breed horses, etc.), Tpépa. See To rear. Highbred, ei'yevis. High breeding, eityévéla. A breed, yévos, Tó. See Race. A breeder, ºrpopsys, 6 ſcal j. Breeding men, Koupotpópos, ov. A thing bred, §péppa, Tó; † Tpoſpſ, Bred up by my hand, épás Xepès 860 km/a, Eur, Bred up together, ÖgöTpoºpos, ov. A breeze, aipa, Tuoh; Tveija, Tó. breeze, Tveijua. Aetov Ical ſcaffeatmºs, Ar. Brevity, avvtopia, 8páxiſNo'yta. To brew, 8piſſa. A bribe, 66 pov, pug 66s. To bribe, 6tapòeipo, öelcáço; &véopal, mid, except in pres. and imperf; ºf icăTapyüpów; Teflo Xpfiuggi, Dem.; km2.Éo 6%pots, Plat. To bribe beforehand, A gentle steady Tpoötapòeſpo. To bribe altogether, avvöelcáçº, To take a bribe, Śwpoãokéw; ſcătă6apoãokéw, and -opixi, mid.; Stapffelpopal éirl Xpſiuag, Dem. To punish those who for bribes betray the most important matters, Tobs étri Toſs Tpdykagi Öapoãokoúvras Icoxá- Çelv, Dem. He took bribes to suppress an information, eisayycatav âtréöoto, Dem. He said all this for a bribe, Xpmudrav Širavt’ eitrey êicelva, Dem. Bribery (i. e. giving a bribe), Ölaſp00pá, a bribe, Śwpoãókm/wa. A taking of bribes, or a disposition inclined to take them, ôapoöorcía. A prosecution for bribery, 86pov Ypábí, AEsch. To be tried for bribery, 6%pov ºptóñval, Lys. To convict a person of bribery, 66pov čAéïv (aor. 2, of aipéo), c. acc. Ar. To be convicted of bribery, 5%pol ôp?\ely (aor. 2. of 69Xtorictival, fut, dºño w), Andoc. To accuse a person of bribery, 6apoëokías ſcattiyopó AEschin. Like a bribe, ‘I Šapoãokia’tí. Taking a bribe, accessible to bribery, 6&počákos, ov. A brick, TAtv60s, j; TAtvölov. A row of bricks, étiéoWh TAtv6ov, Thuc. To make bricks, TAlv0eiſopal, mid.; TAlv6oirotéa, TAuv. The taking 0ovpyéo. To build of brick, TAuðeča. To carry bricke, TAlv6oſpopéo. A brickmaker, TAlv6ovpyós. A brick-kiln, TAlvøeſov. Made of brick, TAtvöivos, + TAlv0üqºſis. Bridal, yāpīā10s, ov; yágicos, vvºſpeſos, vvuſpicós; +vvuſpidios, a, ov, and os, ov; + vuppétitios, ov; + ovuſpeitàpios; + driviſabelos, ov. The trial chamber, ºf vugſbelov. e A bride, hºm ; : viſuſpevga, Tó; i vuppetov, in pl.: + Aéxosſ Tö, in pl.; ºf Aéict pov, in pl. One about to be a bride, fueMAévvºpos, ii; † uéAXo- 'yū0s, ii. - To adorn or dress a bride, ºf vuuqokowéo. A bridesmaid, i &AäuntóAos, j; + vup peſtpa. Leading the bride, ºf vugſpäywyös, ov. A bridegroom, Yapépès, vigºptos, vvupevtås. wnhappy bridegroom, ºf Kákóvvuq,0s. A bridge, yépüpa; Štěščots, eas, j. A bridge of boats, * Gyeota. A bridge of a lyre, Šávač, Škos, 6; képgs, Té. To bridge over, ye pºpów, c. acc. of the water; ſetſyvºul, With beautiful bridges, + 1cańAiyépúpos, ov. A bridle, XàAIvös, pl. oi and Té; jvic, j; f &pirvict?ip, Ain 52 Bridle—Bringing ipos, 6; āpirvict#pta påAápa, tà, Soph. A curb bridle, JáAtov. A snaffle bridle, Široxaxivièia. The noseband of a bridle, pluós. Belonging to a bridle, t àpitvict#ptos. To bridle, xãAIvá0, €kxãAlvów. A bridling, xàAivaaſis, eas, i. Brief, gºvt.opos, ov; 8páxiſs. See Short. Briefly, ovvräuals, 8päxéos; Év 8päxel, Soph.; Év 8paxvtårº, Xen.; áv kepāAaſte, Thuc.; 6' 3Aiyêv. To speak briefly, ovytepºv ºppéa, Eur.; ev 8päxeſ ovv0els Aéya, Soph.; ovvexöv Aéyò (aor. 2. of ovvaipéa), Thuc.; ās ovvexövt. eitely, Xen. To make a brief answer, ovvrépyo &Tokptoets, Plat. To be brief but full of meaning, Év 8päxe? ToMAoi's Aó'yovs avvréuva, kāAós, Eur. A brier, Éáxos, j; f TáAtowpos. A brigade, Tášis, eas, h; Tāypa, Tó. A brigadier, Tačićpxms, taštapx0s. To be a brigadier, taštopxéa, Bright, Aapirpos, Airãpos, potetvös; +’āyNabs, m, ov, and os, ov; paeivös, aiy\ffels, t kaRAiºpe'YY}s, + ejbeyy}s, ºf Taupañs. Exceedingly bright, T'i'Tép- Aapatrpos, ov. Brightly, AquTpós, in superl. –óTata. To brighten, patópivo, and in pass. to brighten up with joy, Aaſutſpíva. And the serpents licked the blood off her cheeks, so as to make them look bright again ; grayóva 6' éic trapmíðav y\60 on 8pdicovtes ééeſpaſ- ôpvvov Xpoés, Eur. To be bright, Aéutra, no perf. See To Shine, Brightness, Güyü; Aapirpárms, mtos, h; JéAas, Tá; + afty\m. Brilliancy, Aoſitrpátms, mTOs, ii. V. Suprā. Brilliant, F &yAabs, 3), ov, and bs, 6v. See Bright. Brilliantly, Aguirpás, and superl, -óTota. To be brilliant, AduTw. See To Shine, Brim, xe?Aos, Tó. Brimstone, &etov. Brindled, 8%Niós. Brime (lit. and metaph.), the sea, #Aſm. Briny, &Agipos, + šAuñets. To bring, pépa (chiefly of bringing inanimate things); ’āya (chiefly of bringing animate things), aor. 2. red, #yāyov ; Śrāya, popéo, ötapopé2; Topetſo (esp. of animate things); top6Meiſo (esp. across water). To bring money (as a tax, a thing sold, etc.), eúpioico, fut. l. eiphora. To bring (a criminal) before a judge, eisãyo, &Tâya, Širdyw. To bring back, 'étroºpépa, &vakoutſw; (esp. from the dead) 'évêyo; (esp. from exile) kopſgºw, kārāya. To bring in, on, to, etc., eisºpo, eispopéo,éirigépw, respépw,eis#yo, rāya, Tposáyw, ovvelsåyo, eiskopiſo, trposicouíſo. To bring on one's self, givártopal, mid. ; ŚTáyouzi, trepirpéra, eis éuavTöv, Lys.; ÉAko Širl éuavrov, Dem. To bring on one's self besides, + štrepictdopal mid. To bring forward, out, etc., Škºpépa, Tpopépa, irpospepw, Tăpățâpo, expopée, Éckoutſo, Tpoăyw. To bring forward (witnesses), Tápéxopal, mid.; (wit- nesses or quotations) trpošáAAopal, mid. To bring forward (a play), Siôágico, eigõyo. To bring (news, or a message), širāvāq)épo, and -opal, mid. To bring round, repipépa, Tepláyo. To bring into (a worse condition, etc.), Tepiſotnut, in fut. i. or aor. 1. To bring away, 'étáyw. To bring down, kārāq,épw, karakopiſa. To bring down (aman's courage), kaffaipéa, aor. 2. —élàov; + ioxvaſva, no perf. To bring down, k\ivo. To bring near to, FireAéo. To bring together, avvāya, ovuéáAAw, ovuſpopéo, ovyco- pí(w. To bring in turn, &uritpostpépa. To bring in be- sides, étrelsåyw. To bring (a ship) into port, Katáyo, + kä0oppíſo, kātā couíſo, To bring up, Tpépa, ćittpé- qa, Totòeča,’āvāTatóeūw, ékiratēetw. To bring up in, évrpépa. To bring up from below, &vapépo, Éaväyo. To bring over (i. e. persuade), Tposáyoual, mid., Tpos- élé@. To aid in bringing out, givekštěšo. To bring forth offspring, tícto, fut. Téopal ; étriºta, &Trotſkta, śvrtkta, āyetváumv, only used in this aor. 1. mid.; ºf Aoxetopal, mid., ºf éickoxeta and mid. + škipúa, in pres. and aor. 1.; ºf Tekvéopal, mid, often used metaph. To bring forth subsequently, pietàríkTw. To bring safely to a place (followed by some word signifying motion to a place, as eis, &eipo, olivače, etc.), gégo, &Too &. To be brought to (a condition, etc.), Tepilotăual, pass. c. aor. 2, and perf, act. c. sis. He brought fite on himself, Éyetvato pópov airó, AEsch. One ought to bring, oiotéov, Tposaictéov, koſuotéov, ěšototéov. One must bring down, kä6alpetéov. One must bring round, treptactéov; up, Špertéov, Tai- 6evréov. A bringing, ‘āyayyil, éirãyo'yh, eigáyoyà. A bring- ing over (allies), Tposâyoyń. A bringing before a magistrate, ’ātrāyayyfi. A bringing up, Tpoph, ēk- Tpoſph; traföevois, eos, j. A bringing forth, Tókos. A reward for bringing, ‘i’ icóptotpov, usu. in pl. Brought on oneself, fairopéygov, ovos; Taktös, Öv. 53 Bringer—Bug Brought up with, + šutpoſpos, ov, c, dat, or in c. gen, loci; GºvTpoſpos, ov. A bringer, popets. See A bearer. Brink, Xeiños, Tó. - To bristle, ºf pptorow. Brittle, eú0Aao Tos, ov; Kpaſſpos. Brittleness, itpavpótºms, mtos, i. A broach, 36exós. See Spit, Broad, eipts, TAérès, eitãaths. Túð500s, ov, contr. ovs, ovy. Broad (of the sea), Feipätropos, ov. Broad-backed, broad-shouldered, +eipävotos, ov. See Chest, Back, etc. etc. Broadly, eúpéas, compar, eúputépaſs. To broider, ºf ToucíAAw, See To embroider, To broil, 'üiravöpäicíſo. A broil, veikos, T6. See Quarrel. Bronze, XaAlcós. See Brass, Copper. To brood. See To hatch. We brooded over our recent sufferings, ééovicoxoduév (ppovtſov véov rá90s, AEsch. A brood, Tpoſph, veoggia. A brook, Éeiðpov; väua, Tá; xeduo, Tá; + kpoovos, See River, Stream. To brook, ſpépa, TAda, never used in pres, aor. 2. ëTAmv. See To endure. A broom, ºf icópmua, Tó. Broom, the plant, itóyxoggov. Broth, (op.6s; + (6pºevga, àtos, Tó. A brother (many of the following words are used also as adjectives), ščeApos, + kāori)wntos; + kärls, eas, 6; + šuapos; + špaiuwu, ovos; + šuéotropos; + dāv- atuos, ov; ; Śuðstão/Xvos, + aiðatuov, f witáčeň- q,0s, 'i' atyyovos; 6 Šuóðew Teſpiſic&s, Eur.; 6 Šuóðey 'yevówevos, Xen. A brother by the mother's side, ºf &pſpiufftop, opos; Śuoufftpuos, usu, as adj. - A brother by the father's side, juotă'tpuos, usu, adj.; ðuotárwp, opos. - A brother-in-law, R75e0ths, où, d; ovykmöeaths, + yap,6pós. Of a brother, brotherly, etc., 'übeapós, h, ov, and bs, 69; ‘āöeApicós; + airáðexpos, ov. A pair of brothers, ātāvm épôttepos, Eur, Like a brother, tºiráðexpos. Brotherless, ’āvū Of a river, FTAé- ăvăöexpos, 6 kal ii. To treat as or call a brother, ‘āöéAſpigo, Of brotherly love, ºf pixáàexpös, Öv. Brow (lit, and metaph.), Öºpºs, Šos, acc. iv, h; tàppúm. To knit the brows, givāya Tès à ppès, Soph.; 'âvarráz T&s āq'pës, Dem. Brown, patós. To brown by frying or toasting, §avößw, étišavºiſo. To browse, ºf 860 copal, usu, only pres, and imperf. See To graze. To bruise, to discolour by bruises, &Aáa, otića. We say that we alone bore at Marathon the brunt of the barbarian, pduev Mapabóvi Mévot Tpoklyövveto at T6 Bapéâpç, Thuc. To brush, gaipa, only in preg fut. 1, and aor, I, A brush, kópmua, atos, Tó. Brushwood, ‘ūAm. Brushy, Aérios, a, ov, and os, ov. Brutal, &mpuéðms. Brutally, &mpuéða's. To become brutal, F &Ypióoual, pass.; &mptôopal, pass, Brutality, &mptótºms, mºros, i. - To brutalise, éâyptaſva. A brute, &hp, fipos, 6. Brutes, tà &Aoya, Sea Beast. - Brutish (i. e. irrational), &Aoyos, ov. Brutish (i. e. ignorant, applied to men), ūetos, Šmuás. To be brutish (i.e. brutishly ignorant), Ömvéw. A bubble, TopſpóAvč, tºyos, i. \ To bubble up, + kmicia, only pres, and imperf.; &valenkia. See To gush. A buck, Ašq,0s; (i. e. a smart person) ka?,Aattorths, où, 6. See Stag, Deer. - A bucket, ‘īāpia, ’āpāSaxAos. A buckle, trepôvi); ºf Tepowls, toos, ii; : Tápirm. To buckle, éºtroptrøw. A garment buckled on, i Tôpirmaa, Tó. A buckler, &otis, ió0s, j. See Shield. A bud, 8Aaotos, + 3\dotſ); ºf 8Adortmua, T6. Any goung green bud, XAón. The bursting of a bud, KāAvicos, Aoxetwata. To bud, BAaqtāva, fut. 1. BAao Thoro. A budding, 8Adotnois, eos, i. A budget, Śāākos. See Bag. A buffet, Éátigua, Tó, See Blow. To buffet, + Icótta (see To beat); buffeted by the storm, kepotitroëueval (sc. viies) Big Xelpióvi, AEsch. A buffoon, BaptóA0x0s. - To play the buffoon, ſcoughoXoixéa'; 8wpoxoxetopat, mid.; yeawtotrotéa. - Buffoonery, + Bapºoxáxevua, Tb, usu, in pl.; Yeawto- trotta, A bug, kópis, eos, 6. 54 Bulky, pºéyas; sū0)icos, ov. Bugbear—Burnish A bugbear, Hopp &v, 6vos, jj; + popuoxiKeſov. A bugle, oréâtriyê, vy'yos, ii. See Trumpet, To build, Ictiº; Tektaivopal, mid.; Teixiſo, also in mid. (prop. to build a wall, but also to build anything else); Tâyvvut, used of ships and carriages, as well as of houses; ovſtråyvöpu, oilcoãopéo, Katoticoãopéo. To build ships, vavTrºyéa. To build for one’s self. orkmvéopal, mid. To build across, àuoucoãopéa. To build up (i. e. to block up by building in front of), Katotkočopéa. To build near, Trópolicoöopéa, Tposol- To build (a wall) round (a city, etc.), Treptoikočopéo; TepišćAAouai, C. acc, and dat, or c. gem, acc. To build in, Évoucočouéa. To build high (like a tower), Tupyów. To build again, 'évouc030- pléa. To finish building, Éoukočopéa. One must build, oikoãopmtéov. A builder, Tékºrov, ovos, A builder's shop, Tektovetov, oilcóðouos. Skilful in building, teletovicós; + Tektóvapxos, ov. Fond of building, pixoticóðopos, 6 Ical #. The science of building, joicoöopikh, + Tektorium. A building (i. e. a thing built), oikočáumua, Tó. Building (i. e. the act), oilcoöopata, oiko66pma'is. Well built, eiträyńs; + eiſtülcos, ov. Newly built, veðictio’tos, m, ov, and os, ov. A bulb, 36A60s. Bulk, péyé00s, T6; bykos; TAáTürms, mtos, i. See Large. Kočopéa. A bull, 800s, 806s; Taipos. Of bulls, Taipeios, a, ov, and os, ov; 8áelos. Having a bull's head, ºf 80%irpopos, ov; ; Boüicepas, otos; ºf Taupéuoppos, ov. To slay or sacrifice bulls, F Bov6üréa, ºf Taupoktovéo. Belonging to the slaying or sacrificing bulls, ºf Boöðūtos, ov; ; Taupoo payos, ov. Like a bull, Tavpmööv. Like the bellowing of a bull, ºf Taupéq60) yos, ov. Eating bulls, t tavpopäyos, ov. A bullet (for a sling), woxvéöls, toos, i. Bullion, Xpooros. See Gold, Silver, A bulwark, Špijua, Té; † 60pa, Tó; Taxšus. A bump, otömua, T6. See Swelling. A bunch (of grapes), 80tpis, Ú0s, 6. In beautiful bunches (of flowers), + 1caäAiéotpvs. A bung, Būqua, Tó; 800 tpa. . To bung, Büa. To bungle at the risk of the lives of the Greeks, airtoaxe- Šid ſelveis Tà Tây ‘EAAñvoy adºplata, AEschin, A bungler, pâavpovpyös, pavXoupy&s, Bunglingly, alcaías. To buoy up (with hope, etc.), pereoptºw, no perf. Buoyed up (with hope, etc.), petéopos, ov. Buoyant (of a man's spirits), eúðūpos, ov. ful. Burden, &x60s, Tá; póptos, póptuoy; pópmua, Té; Bápos, Tó. A burden sufficient for one beast's load, Bãpos gićevo. ‘popików, Xen. Bearing burdens, olcevoſpópos, oys of a ship, poptnyi Icós. To burden, yepiſo, . See To load, Burdensome, étax0hs, éuêpièms. See Heavy. A burgess, or burgher, Ömpiétm s; in fem. Ömuótts ið0s, j. See Citizen. To be a burgess, 6mp,0Tétouai, pass. I asked him of what borough he was a burgher . . ăpăumv Štóðey &muotetouro . . . Lys. A burglar, toxopäxos, Burglary, toxopüxia. To commit burglary, Touxwpixáo. Burial, Těpos, Túph, ēkpopá. A burial-place, Tábos, Tápſ. A burier, ºf icopuſ. Ths, 00, 6. Of or belonging to burial, ‘I kíðetos, ov. Burlesque, yeaolos. See Ridiculous. Burly, TA&Tús. See Big. To burn, trans. Kato, fut. Katow, aor. 1. pt. itéas : kärälcaía, ćickaſa, Tposkato, ºf Túpéo, + šktüpów, Tſutſpiluſ, Šutriumpmut; trans, and intrans., pXéyo, no perf; Tipxéyo; + p^eyé0a, only pres.; ał9a, only pres, and imperf; + käTaíða. To be burnt, FlcáIrvé- opal, pass.; + tipopal, pass., only pres. To burn from below, ‘ūqātra’, ‘F'iſtaí00, ‘ūtrekkata. To burn before (in front of), Tpolcaío, Tpokátáicato. To burn with, ovpupXéyo, ovpatriutprut, avykaio, ovykátá. Kozía, ovykätaíða. To burn off, *āTokaia. She is burning with love, évte0éppavtat Tó04, Soph. A burning, caño is, éutpmois, Túpools. Burning, in act. Sens, e.g. as epith. of fire, etc., ºf trupiróAos, ov; (of things on fire) tripipkeyhs, ºf giffäAóets; + šutripos, ov, esp. of sacrifices and of divination from them ; + kavoºrbs, ºf Tupěahs; + tripi"- (pNektos, ov; † TápºpNektos, ov; ; påo'ytotés. Houses burning (in a sheet of flame), pëAepò PiéA30pa Tūp) kåtååpopa, Eur. Fit for burning, kaffaiuos. To offer a burnt offering, ÖAokavtéo, öAokavtów. To burnish, Aguirpúva. See Cheer- 55 Burr–But A burr, Tpté0x0s. A burrow, feivä. To burst, trans. #yvöpu, 5taffäffyviſui, &vaßftyvöut, lcatafiftyviſui, karaoxigo. • To burst forth, intrans. Fävelut (–1éval), imperf &view; (as anger, etc.) ºf éktoéxw, fut, -ãošuotual; (as a storm) + štúñāorga, To burst in or on (lit. and metaph.), as sensation, anger, fear, etc., áutfirro, eistritta, eistmöða', Bursting into tears, Šákpāov Āſīšaga väuara, Soph, The thunder burst forth, 8powth fiftyn, Soph. A bursting forth, &váñools. To bury, 0&TTa, kārā6árra, treptoréAAw (and T. Tápov, c. gen, pers.), käropägga, Škºpépo ; 'évalpéo, aor. 2. &vel»ov, and more usu, &vaipéopal, mid.; + ktspíſo, fut, usu. Krepió; + kmöetºw, ºf Tupºetw; karaokićo Kövel, Soph.; kºto xépaº, K. Tápé, Soph. Eur. To aid in burying, + avykoutſo. To bury in, Čv6áTTw. To bury with, to bury near, ovy- 6árra, ovykāvā0árto, t guykä0appéo. See To lay out. To be buried, §ycéopal Tápº ; tāpg ovuárta KóAov; ºfty éirlévviſual (mid., in aor, l. infin. Širléoagbai), Xen. To be buried with, Turátopúagopal. They are buried in the glens of Cilhaeron, Tápº 8660VTal Tpos Ki6alpóvos TTuxats, Eur, One must bury, &am Téov, A burying, 'évaípeois, eos, i. Buried, +Tupéñpm. Buried with, givtåg,0s, ov. Buried together, i ögåtåg,0s, ov. A tyranny is a splendid tomb to be buried in, kaków éotiv čvrāquov i Tupavvis, Isoc. A bush, Ságvos ; Báros, i. A bushel, uéðuvos (not exactly, however, for an Attic péð. was nearly half as large again as our bushel, and the Sicilian péð. about one-fifth larger). Bushy (of a place), Šárús; Aśotos, o, ov, and os, ov; ‘ūAóöms; (of a plant) &aplvööms. Business (i. e. affair), trpäyſia, Té; (i. e. trade) Tpay- pâteia; £utrépévua, Tó. The whole business, tras Aéryos, Plat. Nothing to do with the business, oibéu Tpès Aóyov, Pind. It is your business, orov šp'yov čotiv, AEsch. This is my business, épºol tooto Tpógicettai, Eur, They who have no business here, otow oëk ériorpodai, Eur, $ What business have shepherds with the sea? Tſs &axão- oms BovkóAous kowovío, Eur. $ºvº. I attend to the rest of my business, räAAa tº Čuol rpos- fikovta ätroTeX6, Xen. In a business-like way, 6tárcovicës, To be a person’s business, AéAet, fut. MéAmaret, perf pépmAs ; p.éreat. See To be a care. Others whose business it was to understand those matters, &AAot ois étriplexes fiv Tatra eiðéval, Xen. 3. He has no business to keep me from my friends, obºv airtó Tów épôv på eſpyetv piéra, Soph. To transact business, Xpmuátíð. To be busy, &0%0Åéopal, mid.; (about anything) girovöd (o; étitmösöo, ; káAlvöéopal, pass. c. prep. Év and dat., or trepi and acc.; 601Aée, c. dat.; Tpaypé- Tetouat, mid., c. perf. and aor. 1, pass., perf. pass., also in pass. sens.; +&pſpétro, only pres, and imperf. As we busy ourselves actively about our affairs, āvrov ćirl Tois Tpdyplagiu, Dem. To be over busy, to be a busy body, Toximpa’yuovéo ; Teptepyáçopal; teptorož öpó, Soph.; Trepta J& Tpdogw, Soph. | To be too busy to do a thing, &oxoàtav čxo, eis to ºth Tpágoſely, etc., Xen.; &0\oxiav čxø Tepl; c. gen., Plat. Busy, ŚoyoAos, ov, c. infin. or prep.; very busy, rept- epyos, ov; Toxvirpáygov, ovos, esp. in bad sense, as a busybody; pixotpāypov. Being not busy, '&Tpdyſlav, ovos. A being busy, &oxoxia ; in bad sense (i.e. being a busybody), Toximpaypodium, pºorpaypogévn. Freedom from business, &Tpayuoqium. The minding one's own business, 'fölotpāyſa. Business-like, Tpaypatetóöms. A buskin, itó00pu0s. A bust, '#yaxua, āros, té; eiköv, 6vos, often contr., esp. in acc. eiicó. - * A bustard, &tts, tºos, i. A bustle, Tápéxft. But, &AA&, usu. (and always among the earlier and purer writers) the first word in the sentence, often followed by ſcal to strengthen it; Śē, properly always the second word in the sentence, though sometimes it is found later; often preceded by ºv, as oi uèv ... oi Śē; when in the tragedians the person speak- ing, after saying something else, turns to address some one, the name of the person is put first, then the pronoun, and then 5*, as, “but this I say to you, O Menelaus,” MevéNae, crol & Táðe Aéyo, Eur.; t’âtép. Not but what, où why &AA&, Xen. All but, e 3. c y âgov oil, or ögov wh: - 56 For the purposes of the war impending, and all but actually existing, is tou péAAovra kal 60 ovoi Tápowta tróAepov, Thuc. Ulysses will be here all but in a moment, #el 3' 'Obvaget's ãoroy oilk #8m, Eur, A butcher, uáyelpos, Šptăuos. To be a butcher, cut up like a butcher, ºf icpeoicotréa. A butt, or mark to shoot at, alcotós. See Mark. o butt, kūptorow, fut. –$o, no perf; I kepotitréal, buttock, yNovtós; foxtov, usu. in pl. A button (having a bulton at the end, like a foil), a palpatos, éo tapapévos. A buttress, Špijua Tó. See Bulwark. uxom, ‘ixãpós, - 0 buy, Tpſáual, only in aor. 1. Črpińumv ; &véouai, mid., rare except in pres. and imperf. §ovočplmv, perf, and pluperf, and aor, 1. pass., in pass. Sens. ; Aapéâva, Śwwéopal ; 'üyopágouai, mid.; t £utroAéo. To buy up, orivovéopal, Tüváyopášw. To buy besides, Tposovéopal. To buy in return, or with the money got by selling something else, &vtåyopéo, äutovéopal. To buy off (accusers, etc.), &véoual, ééovéopal, éé- eTrpudumv. To buy for another, Tpotaſkéw. To buy at the same time with, avvetpidumv, To be bought, dºwntos, ), ov, and bs, 6v ; ávios, ºf éutróAmtos. Newly bought, ºf veðvnTos, ov. A buying, &ví; &ungus, eas, fi : épatroAff. abbage, fièqāvos, i. A cabin, kāAüém. See Hut. cabinet, Adpvač, Škos, # ; kiéotos, h; kišćtiov. cable, Tetorua, Tó; F Öeauðs, pl. oi and Tá; + vač6e- tov, f Tpátovos. Jadence (of verse, etc.), 559A6s. A cage (for animals, also for malefactors), oilcíaicos. See Prison. to cajole, &éAya, no perf. To be cajoled, +&óArouai, in aor. 1. pass. See To deceive, To persuade. A caitiff, t icóšāAos. See Knave. A cake, TéAávos (esp. a cake of meal, honey, and oil offered to the Gods); itpuov, usu. in pl.; Thraotov ; 'éans, mros, 6; 'éuixos, 6 kg, h; Tótrávov; tripá- Plots, obvros, made of roasted wheat and barley; A&Yávov, prop. a broad thin cake. A cake of fresh flour, vehââra, Té. - Jaked, + &Mºſép:Tras, ov. Butcher—Calculate A buyer, &vmtās. To buzz, Bopééa. A buzz, Bépé0s. The buzz of wings, Éirã. By (i.e. by means of), Ötö, c. acc., c. gen. , Virb, c, gen., t intal, c. gen.; Tpos, c, gen, esp. of entreaty, usually with the pronoun of the entreated person between the prep. and its case, as, I entreat you by your right hand, trpós are bećtãs invojua, Eur, ; (the verb being sometimes left out, as) I entreat you by your knees (which I am embracing), do not destroy me, 3, Tpás ore yovátov, uměauós p’éčepyāorm ; I entreat you by her, taſtns icvotiuqi ore, Eur.; c. acc. by moonlight, Tpès Thy rexhumy, Xen.; by force, tpbs 8tav, Soph.; &Tb, c, gen. ; wetà, c. gen., c, acc. of time, as, by day, Héð juépav, Xen. ; by, esp. of the agent, Éic, c. gen. ; also, by themselves, ép' éavtów, Xen. ; by force, ék 8ías, Soph.; Tapó, c. gen, i. e. near, c. dat, c. acc., by, i. e. near, Štěp, c. gen. ; karð, in all senses, c. acc, ; Śiri, esp. c. gen. of numbers, as, ar- ranging their ships by fours (i. e. four deep), Čiri tegorépov tašáuevoi Tàs vaús, Thuc.; by, of time, is often not expressed by any prep., the noun being put in gen, or dat, as—by night, vvictos, or vuktí; by Jove, whata; holy Jove, où piè, Ata. By (i.e. standing by the side of), +Tápagºtá6ów. The bystanders, oi trapóvtes. A by-Word, trópoupia. See Proverb. C. Galamitous, kākās;”ā0A10s, a, ov, and os, ov; Avrmpos; oicTpbs, superl, offettatos;60symvos, Švstixis,’ātmpos, 'aft\wros, + AUYpos, + géAeos, +3voróðAtos, + travö'. Kpitos, + štouctos, + erotictatos, + 66stroTuos, +Trà. vöAms, F &@Aos. Calamitously, kākās; oiktpós, in superl, ofttigra ; Švstixós, ’ārūxós, ºf '30Atws. Calamity, avuſpopá; Tā00s, Tó; iráðmua, Tá; 8vstixia; bustixmua, Tó; ’ātūxía, kāków ; + Tiipa, Tá; "ātm. . See Misfortune. To calculate, Aoytſoual, mid, perf. pass, and aor. 1 pass, in pass. Sens. KátáAoyigogal; ovXAoyſoga, Perpéa, ’āpiðuéo, eväpiðuéo, öläpiðuéw; ovauerpéo. wal, mid, and pass. To include in a calculation, givö. piðuéa. To calculate ea'actly, Év ſhºp's Aéya, AEsch.; AoyſQuai Wibois, Ar.; Év ſhºpov Aáyº tigeug, (mid.), Eur.; thiºpovs Tíðmut, Dem. Calculating on arriving at the villages by sunset, 37 Calculation—Camp Aoyiſãuevo #ely āua ñAfq àiſvovti eis kópas, Xen. - - Not calculated to divert the hearer from asking his question, oix otov &Koča'avta & Totpéreo 6ai Toi) āpay- Thuatos, Xen. Calculable, eúðpi'0ſºmtos, ov. One must calculate, Aoytotéov. Skilful in calculating, Aoyiotikos, ’āpiðunricós. Calculation, Aoytopads; /īq,0s, i. A calculator, 'êpièunths, où, 6; Aoyioths, ot, 6. A caldron, Aééns, mTOs, 6. A calender, kvāqets. Belonging to a calender, Kväſpevticós To be a calender, icváqeča. The calends (i. e. the first day of the month), vov- pívia, rd. See Month. A calf, Tóptus, tos, 6 Ical i, usu, j; Tôpis, tos, jj; p.60 ×os, 6 Ical #. Of a calf, uéoxios; Péoxelos, ov. A calf-skin, p.60xelov. To call (in every sense), kāAéo; ’āvākāAéo, and poet. &ylcáNéo, eiokūAéo, TposicäAéo, Ficifºxho kw; +’ārūw, no perf. To call out, Bodø, ‘āvā80&w. To call (i. e. to name, to speak of as), Övouáço, Aéya, RAffga, i &iºdw, trposovčáo. See To name. To call to aid, to call to arms, etc., TúpayyáAAw (eis ŠTAa, etc.). To call forth, out from, etc., áickáAéa. To call out to, to call on, êtrikáAéo, ºf €Tiffaijo-ow ; 'dºvá- Šoća, and poet, &pé. To call together, ovycéAéo. To call in (allies, witnesses, etc.), širāyouai. To call in (a sum owing to one, etc.), áykäAéa. He called to him to help him, #66c. 8076eiv, Xen. To be called (i.e. said to be), *čkoúw, only in pres. and imperf act. and fut. l. mid. 'ékoúgopal, c, adj. in nom. case, c. adv, sometimes c. infin.; + k\to, only pres. and imperf. c. adj. in nom. case, or c. adv.; of what father are you called (i.e. said to be, i. e. are you) the son 2 too kekſpuéal Tarpás; Eur. One must call, KAmtéov; Tāpākamtéov, i. e. name, Tpospntéov. To be called, what ought to be called, etc., KAmté0s, i. e. named, trposáyopewréos, TpospnTé0s. Called in (as allies, etc.), áiri'kxmtos, ov. A calling of, kafioris; + k}\möðv, 6V0s, i. Calling (i. e. naming), trpóspnoſis, eas, i. Calling (i. e. employment, etc.), Stätpiéfi. See Em- ployment. - Gallosity, a callous swelling, etc., TüAos. To make callous, TüAów. Gallow, & Trepos, ov. A calm, yūAfivn, unvepta, eiðta, + y&Aveta. Calm (of weather), eiðtos, ov; compar, eúðtairepos, and –éo Tepos; wiveſtos, ov; (used also metaph. of people) feifiveſtos, ov; (of the sea) ºf ’ākāuov, ovos; +’ākā- ugutos, ov; +&icügos, ov (metaph. of life); (of men) &Tpepſis; +ékmå0s, ov; 'yūAmvös ov. See Tranquil. To calm, icoptgo; + Icopida, only in act.; a topévvöpi, by sync, OTópviſu, sometimes otpávvijut; + y&Amviſo; (anger, etc.) géévviſui, Plat, has fut. I. mid, réfi. oropal ; Tpäävo. - To be, to become, calm, hPepića'; 'feißudw; (of an angry man) + šićTvéal; &vímput tvo&s, Eur. A calming, Tpávvoſis, ews, i. Calmly, eúicóAws. Calmness, eúðia, + y&A#vm. A Calmer, ºf travothp, fipos, 6. To calumniate, 6tášáAAw, gükopoutéo, ; Baakaſva, seldom used except in pres.; kataipeijóopal, mid., c. gen. To add by way of calumny, TposótašáAAw. To calumniate beforehand, TpoötašáAAø. Calumnious, Štúš6A0s, ov; kákos, + ſíðipös; + Icékó. 6poos, ov, contr. ovs, ovy; oiſkopavticós. Living by calumniating others, Güicopavtucós Be616. Icótes, Isoc. Calumniously, ŠiššóAws. A calumniator, Bāqlcávos. Calumny, 6tášoA), 8Aaqºmuía, a Ukoºpavtta, Bagicăvia. His laziness gave rise to calumnies against him, à ox0. AatóTºms Sté6&Aey airby, Thuc. Exposed to calumny, eútášoAos ; to be —, eiðtášáAw; ëxo, Dem. To be attacked by calumny, 6tä60Añu èxa, Xen. To calve, TikTw. See To bring forth. Cambric, orívöwy, ovos, i. A camel, kāumaos, 6 kal i. A camel driver, kāpmāīrms. Camelopard, in Tăpătov. A camp (see Tent), otpátóirebov; cºnvh, usu. in pl.: KAiría, ºf otpātāytov, - To pitch a camp, otpātoirečeňw, more usu, -ouai. See To encamp. To strike a camp, alpo otóAov, AEsch.; ałpa Tó otpá. Tó, Thuc., and simply aſpo, mid. aipopºat ; ’āTaipa ; ’āvío Tnut, in fut. 1. and aor. 1. act., Thuc.; 'évaſeſ 'yviſui, with or without a Tpátov or a TpätóTeóov; ‘āvaakevéopal, mid. - To shift a camp, uetaatpātorečeňouai, mid. 58 § 3 º' mp followers, of ’ākóAov60t. campaign, otpâtela; otpátevua, Tó. can, ºf Jicú'qos, 6 and Tó; gić'popia, T6. See Cup. m, I can, Sivāual, fut. Švuñooſal, aor. 1. pass. #6v. #6my, and sometimes hôvvíðmy; could is often rend- red by &v c. opt., esp. in interrogative sentences; ho could give, rſs &v Öoín, Soph. See Able. ow can one do so and so 2 Tós Xpí; c. infin., Dem. 7iere can I find Theseus 2 Toº yūs . . . Øma & . . . ūpou’āv; Eur. cannot, oùk éo 6' 3"ros, c. opt., AEsch.; oi Taptoſta- at Hou, Dem. cannot retract this assertion, oùic ēotiv attá, Totto ’ uéaxeſv TóAlv, Soph, Yuld I have looked these people in the face 3 àp60's uéâAov Šppaqiy Toitous āpāv; Soph. such circumstances, therefore, my friends, one cannot e modest or pious, év oëv Totoitous otte owppovéiv, tagſ, oùt’ eigešeiv Tópeativ, Soph.; Tāpa is also sed for traoeoti, Trag, ; so êeoti. Canal, Öxetós; 6tópvä, äxos, ii; 6tópvyua, Tó. conducting of water by a canal, Öxetáyayyia. making a canal through the Chersonesus, 6tapix} epolovăgov, Dem. Imake a canal through, Ötopúo go. cancel, kā6alpéo, aor. 2. Icéðeſāov; ’ārāAeſqa. To ancel an action when commenced, to strike it out of the ist, Štěpápo, and -opal, mid. cancel in turn, &vtåvaipéa. 2r a person, having obeyed me in great matters, to 'isobey me in small, cancels the previous obligation, To Váp to pièyaxa trioteto avt’ éuo) guitpoſs & Tiately hu Tôpos ovyxei Xàpiv, Soph. cancelling of debts, &Tokoth Xpeãºv. ncer, pāyéðaiva, capkivos ; the sign of the zodiac, mdid, ‘āTA60s, 6m, 60y, and contr. 90s, fi, oùv; ei- vápov. Indidly, ‘ātāós. 2 be candid, ‘āTAoiſopal, mid. ndour, & TAóTms, mºtos, h; ei-yvapoorºvn. candidate, "å"yovua Tís. be a candidate, 'üyavigouai, mid. candle, Aixvos, pl. oi, but oftener Tá. candlestick, Aixvoixos. came, väpômé, micos, 6. ) came, ºf 5&66í(w. nine, kävelos. canister, käveov, contr. Kävoúv. See Lamp. ...” Camp — Capitulate Canker, Aelyºv, fivos, 6. Sce Blight. Cankery, cankerlike, Aetxmváčms. Cannibal, ºf &vöpoépês, 6tos, A canoe, oxe6to. See Boat. A canon, rule, etc., kävov, ovos, 6. A Canton, 67,0s. A man of a canton, Ömpiótms. To canton an army, 6tagkmvéo, or ötagic muða. It seemed to be right to canton the men among the vil. lages, in houses, éðáket Staaknvmtéow elva, kata Tès See Rule. Icdºpas, eis otéyas, Xen. Cantonments, gi&mvépata, Tá. To canvass, (for votes) ºvno Teów, no perf; (for of fice) treptépxopal. To canvass and collect one’s friends to a trial, TúpayyáAAw. Canvassing, Túpayyekta. A canvasser (for offices), GTovööpxms, ov, 6. A cap, küvém, contr. Kövå; + štíkpāvov. Capability, Śāvāpus, eos, i. Capable, 6üváros, ‘icăvös, aitaplefts. See Able. Capacious, wéyas. See Large. Capaciousness, pºéyé00s, Tó. Capacity, Śāvāpus, eas, i. Caparison, to építtuov. A cape, or headland, Tpèv, Tpévos, 6; "Gºpa, ’āirpo Tſiptov. See Headland. To caper, GicipTāw. A caper, icóTirapus, eos, ii, both plant and fruit. Capital (i. e. excellent, q.v.), €1.7petàs. A capital trial (i. e. a trial for a capital offence), Ša yótov Šílcm, Thuc. To be prosecuted on a capital charge, §avátov icpívopal, pass., Thuc. We prosecute these men who have slain Euphron, on the capital charge, Tovtoval Tows Eiſppova &Tokteſwavtas Štókouey Tepl &avátov, Xen. To be capitally punished, &avárð ‘nºtéopal, Lys. A merchant's capital, tà èpxaía, and sometimes in sing; '3popº, to kepääatov. Capital 1 interj., + etye, t eiyotiv. The capital, (of a pillar) ciókpāvov, ri'kpāvov; (of a country) untpétroAs, h; & TV, gen, ão Teos, and in trag. āq Teas. See City. To capitulate, évôtºwpt, in aor. 2, intrans. See To See Ability. surrender. They capitulate to Paches on the terms that the Athenians * / f r/ may ... etc., Tolovytal ôpoxo'ytav Tpos IIóxnta &ste "A0mvatois uév čeival . . . k. T. W., Thuc. They capitulated, trposex&pmday Öpoãoyiq, Thuc. 59 Capitulation—Careless They capitulated to the Athenians, on the terms that the Athenians might, etc., ovvéSmoav Tols "A0mvaiots Toys *A9Qwatovs xp?o 6at, K. T. A., Thuc. Capitulation, Öpox0)ia; Giušāoris, eos, ii. A refusal to capitulate, to ’āoriušátov. Caprice, uetáyvoots, eas, i. -- Capricious, 'éééégios, ov; TāAtuğoxos, ov; + kovº- woos, ov, contr, ovs, ovy; + Metáčovaos, ov. Capricorn, Alyoképws, wros and w, A captain, &pxov, ovtos, 6; AoxãYös, f \oxãyétms, tašíapxos; (of a ship) vačkampos, Tpiñpapxos. A captaincy, Aox3-yſa, Tpinpapx{a, To be a captain, &pxa, no perf.; A0x6)éo, Tačapxéo; (of a ship) Tpimpapxéa. Captious, éptotikos; (about trifles) outlºpoxóyos. Captiously, Éptoricós. Captiousness (about trifles), outspoxoyſa. To captivate, &éAya, no perf, act, or pass., though there is aor. 1. pass. To be captivaled, ‘āAtokopal, aor. 2, act. in pass. sens. (as if from ‘Aapu) #Awu, but more usu, äAov. Captive, adj., aixòxotos, ov, also in fem, aixuāAø. Tls, #60s, i ; ãoptáAotos and Öovptd.X.; + 8miáAotos and ânăA.; † 60pſittmros, ov; + aixuéðetos, ov. A band of captives, + Amis, tºos, i. - To take captive, aipéo, &yw. See To take. Bafilting a captive, F aixuāAotos, ov; + aixuāAoticós. Captivity, ÖovAeto. See Slavery. Capture, ‘āAwqis, h; wipegis, h; Affilis, i. Bringing news of the capture (of Troy), ºpépov &A>- pov Bačiv, AEsch. To capture, Aapéâvo; (alive) @ypéw. See To take. Easily captured, ‘āAotos, h, bu, and later bs, 69; &A&- oriuos, ov. A car, Šppa, T6. See Chariot. To caracole, uereoptſo Tô gréân, Xen. See Toprance. A caravansary, kāTâydºylov. See Ann. A carcass, orówa, Tó; if peſtria, Tá. To card (wool), śaiva, no perf, act,; kvárta (though scarcely, if ever, used, except metaphorically); icvá- ºpeče. - A carder (of wool), šáutms, ov, 6. Carded wool, ºf Čáopa, Tó. Belonging to carding wool, Šavrikás. Care (i. e. attention to), €TipáAeta; ueñérm, c, gen, or c. Tepl and gen, or c. Tpbs and acc.; Tô Tiuexes, Thuc. Care (i. e. anxiety), ºppovts, idos, ii (attention to); wéptuva, + Hepiſºvnua; t Héamua, āros, Tó; # Tpowm- 6ia, + špa. §() Care (i. e. diligence, forethought), Tpévola, growth. An object of care, tuéAmuz, Tá Committing these things to the care of God, éirit péla Teph Toàrov Tó Osó, Plat. To care or care for (i.e. regard as important), ſtéâa and pé\opal, mid, perf mid. Méum Na, aor. 1. pass. i act. sens. SueMiðmu, c. gen, or c. acc. or c. infin ‘ppovtſo; + trporiuda'; véuo &pav, c. gen. Soph. véuo wolpav, c. dat. Æsch. Soph. To care for (i. e. attend to, have the care of), áiriuſ Aéopal, mid.; TipéAouai, only pres, and imperf Mexétéo, c. gen, or c. acc.; Tºmplexéo, c. gen, or c. ač + kopiº, no perf; if knöeiſa, + treptotéAAw; (of pe sons) 0epâtreiſa. W. To take care (i.e. be cautious, provide that, bewar lest, etc.), ápé, augmented tens. Éap., usu. fo lowed by wh, or sometimes by Širo's ui, and subj Tpogkoréaſ, fut. l. and aor. 1. Tpookékouai and irpo or Tpoioice/dumv; piñáorgopal, mid. c. acc., c. gen., infin, or c. prep., c. Wh and subj, or c. 3ros wh an subj, or c. Wh and infin.; also more rarely in ae $üAágo w; TāpāTmpéa, c. §Tws uh; Tpovoča, an more usu. Tºowoéopal, mid., c. aor. I. pass, in act, sens eixaséowal, mid. c. aor, 1. pass., in act. sens.; 8te Aššéopal, f ºpoupéa. To join in taking care a oivetriuéAéopal, mid. To take care beforehand, tp. éovXeiſo, TpoevXaééopal. To take care besides, Tpo To take care of in return, &vretripleA opal, ºf &vtic mêetw. To take great care, Toâvopéa. (Brasidas) seeing the pilots taking caré of the ships n to run them aground, Öpów Tobs icvéepvitas puxagg pévous Tów veðv u} {vutpſ://worly, Thuc. To take care of the affairs of their allies, tº Tów avy p.dxav Ště, xelpos éxety, Thuc. It is a care, uéAet. - One must care, weamtéov, ºriuexºtéov, Tpovomreo StevXāśntéov, ppovtto Téov, reptortéov, piñaktéov. To be taken care of, ºf pixakteos. One who takes care, knösſièv, Övos, 6 Ical h; † uéxéral opos, c. &pſpl and acc.; ºf peppunths, où 6. Career, 6póuos. - - Careful, étriplexhs, often c. gen. rei; Ériorpedºff Those who were careful to injure me, ois fiv ćriplex Icalcós éuè troueiv, Dem. Carefully, a Trovãala's, étriueñés, ºppovtigricós, usu Am/zéva's. - Carefulness, + šTitíðevorts, j. Careless, 'éAó)iatos, ov; &Aoyos, ov; v f eTripleAéopal. ’âueXàs ‘ābpávttaros, ov; 3Akyopos, ov. 'areless of everything in comparison of gaining the victory, Tów &Tövtov & reptortot tapå to viſcău, Thuc. arelessly, 'éppovtta Tws, ’āueAós, òAiyêpos, 'éAoyſ. OTG) S. - 'o be careless, "åueAéo. See To neglect. arelessness, ’ājuéAeto, "åpüAašta. See Neglect. caress, ºf >raopºds; ºf Šotragua, Tá. 0 caress, táo Tá(opal, mid. way, ‘ûroicoptgopal. thing to be caressed, pleixtypia, Tó. cargo, ºpéptov, oftenest in pl.; ºf péptos. oad. arious, 0.30pos. See Rotten. armine, i poſvić, Ikos, 6 Ical j, also in fem, potvigora. |arnage, póvos. See Slaughter. armal, ordpicivos. armivorous, iſ ºped&otos, ov; gapicoſpáyos. o be carnivorous, agpicopéyeo, sometimes c. acc. carol, ºf u0XTà. See Song. o Carol, &eiða, and contr. §§a. Carousal, ovatróJuov, eúoxic. See Feast. o carouse, eia!zéopal. See To feast. . Carpenter, Téktov, ovos; Tektovicós. The trade of a carpenter, ii tektovich, + Tekrogium. carpenter's shop, Téktovetov. To be a carpenter, Tektaivopiat, mid. carpet, t Tétoopa, Tó; 6&rls, ió0s, h; jiroiréſagua, Tó; itó6&6pov, f Tétc.aſpia, ºf Točáil moſtpov; made of felt, TriAos. platform or path strewed with carpets (to receive a great person), Top pipóa Tpatos Tôpos, AEsch. 'o carpet, Tetéopagu a Tpévviſui, Asch. Strew. carriage, ‘āuačg; āpua, T6; ’ārāvm; ſeños, 16. A carriage made of wickerwork, kävatpov. arriage (i. e. charge for carrying, esp. by Sea), yawā0s, or vaijàov. - Želonging to a carriage, ºf ‘āgaśńpms. Zarge enough to load a carriage with (of a load), +‘āpačotAm{}}|s, ‘ājaguaſos, To say in a caressing See See To carriage-road, f'éjaïitós; ‘āgagãpms Tpišos, Eur. i road wide enough for two carriages, Öi'kpotos épidéï- Tès, Eur. "o be passable for carriages, or marked by the track of carriages, étápačetopai. - - carriage builder, ‘āuašovpyás. arriage building, ‘āuašovpyía, ‘āacāoup'yia, A carrier, popets. Carelessly—Carried A carrot, a TäpäAſvos, 6 kal #. To carry, pépw, popéo; Kouiça, fut, usu. Kou.6; tº g J. ºf 820tdºo, esp. of carrying in the hands; 'éya, usu. of carrying persons; ºf Topflueto, esp. across water. To carry (a wall, trench, etc., in any direction), Aativo, 5 - J. 3 x e^ 5 - J. fut. Ašo w, Aó; āśāya). To carry about (to different places), 6taſpépo. To carry across, 6tāya, Štúpépo, ötátopeča, 6tá- icoptſo; ‘ūtreppépa, c. gem, acc.; 6tašišáſo; Tepatów, esp. across water. To carry across with, or at the same time, avviðváčišća. - To carry away, off (booty, etc.), šicºpépa, and -opiat, mid, (of carrying off prizes); &Topépa, Čkºpopée, Ékko- píša, àpTá%, éčaprágo, ötapiráſa, & Taipo; Amí(opal, mid; giXéo; (animate things, per te.) &Tâyo: • 9 2 \cul II III c gs, persons, etc. Tya); by sea, i éicTopóweta, ºf vavsoxéa, ºf vava'6A60. To * 2-1. g is carry away with, ovvečāya. To carry away privily, ‘ūtrekkouigo, örectiºnal. To carry away beforehand, To carry back, &vakopiſa. To carry down (as a river does), kātāq'opéow. To carry off to- gether with, Jüvapiráſo. To carry over or along with one, Tàpéicoptſov. To carry out (a course of action), Tpočvapt&o. To carry a corpse out for burial, *āvapéo- To carry on the back, voto- 3. f étréeipt. pal, aor. 2. ‘āvelkégmu. q'opéa. To carry orders (as an aide-de-camp), Stay- 7éAAw. To carry round, Trepticoptſov, Tepiºpo, J. f Tepláyo. To carry to, eisbépa, c. prep.; Tposkoſtiga', To carry up (to heaven, etc.), 'évapráſa, ’āvālcopſø. To carry with (i. e. to help to carry), avpubépa. To carry with one, or with another thing, ovycopºſa, avareptăyw. c. prep.; eisétééſa’, ‘f éiríčagºtágo. It is lawful to carry him off to prison, &Tâyetv čeotiv eis to Öeapothptov, Dem. See To arrest, etc. You carry on a brawl among the gods, ép 6é &éofori icoxçöv éAgüvetov, Hom. I neither remember the matter, nor does my memory carry me back-so as to recollect any thing, otte péºvil- pai Tô Tpāyaa, oùte Me Tepupépel oióēy eiðéval, IIdt. But what measures these Weing the majority, carried, & 6' oirot TAetovs $vres évíkov, Dem. To be carried (away by anger), €icºpépopugi Tpès épyhu, Soph.; Skºpépopºat &ratēevoig ópyńs, Thuc.; and simply, I was carried away (by eloquence, or by the impulse of the moment, etc. etc.), śānvéx0mv. To be carried away with, givätroºpépoptal, ovykátá% p0kkal. - men, To be carried off and sold, i ööäopal, pass. arrion, t kevéépetov, and in pl. And you all saw one carried off to effecution by them 61. Carrying—Catch from the assembly last year, kal Tov čk tās ékºngtas 4 cast of a neſ, 36A0s. A cast of a die, f 8Aiud, " répuri Tävres éopâte inſ' ékelvoy &Táx0evta, Dem. One ought to carry, kouiatéov; before, Tpoolotéov; near, trposaktéov. A carrying, popū (also a being carried); ’āywyn, Kopi- ôň; Öxmous, eas, ii, esp. a being carried on horseback, in a carriage, ship, etc. A carrying away, 'üvaípeois, eas, ii, esp. for burial ; 'ārāyayyil, esp. before a magistrate, or to prison, etc. A carrying across, Stålcopiðl, Těpáſcopiº, Táoãºyoyā. A carrying round, Tepipopá. A carrying trade, poptmyia, Carried, adv, popäämy. Carried off or away, ‘āvaptaotos, h, ov, and bs, ºv; easily carried, 'üyóyiuos, ov. A cart, ‘āuała. A carter, ſevynxãrms. To carve (meat), ºpeãvouéw; (as a sculptor) éktüT69. A carver (of meat), + ºpeãvógos, YAvTTís. See Sculptor. Carved work, Šktüropa, Tó. A case, &#km; (for arms) adºyga, Tó. The case (i.e. condition of affairs), Tpāyſia, T6. Case (in the declension of nouns), TTóg is, i. It is the case, it is not the case, etc., eat, oùk éotl, etc. In the case of éirl, c. gen. In that case, éketvas. A casement, Süpls, fö0s, i. Cash, ēpyiptov. See Money. A cashier, i XpwoodpåAač, ćicos, 6. To cashier, ékéâAAw; Thy &otiča A&éeiv, Lys. A cask, Tí00s, kää0s. - A casque, Répus, i90s, acc. —ü9a and -yu, ä. See Helmet. A cassock, Xirov, &vos, Ö. To cast, 833Aw, § {TTw, imput. To cast (lots), ºf TáAAw. To cast (anchor), weſtnut &yküpaw; (metal) xoëvevo. To cast out, off, away, Tpołmul, éicéâAAa, ’āTošáAAw, ékpitta. To cast about (one’s eyes), Ötöðépa, F &ylcü ICA60. To cast down, kátášáAAw; (a person's spirits) túTelvów. To be cast down (in spirit), Kätä- 0Juéa, ’āömpovéa, i kātmºpéo. See Dejected, To throw. To cast up (i. e. to calculate), Aoyiſopal, mid. For the eyes of chaste maidens are cast down, Kára, 7&p &yva's Trap6évois . . . . BAepp.dºrov šátel 80Aff, AFSch. One must cast round (one’s eye), šuototéov. One must cast out, €kéAmtéov. Cast up (by the sea), ºf ŠicéAmtos, ov. 62 To stand the hazard of the cast, fift to civāūvov, Ful ’āvaññítto itſvövvov, Thucyd. See Risk. Casting forward and backward, and on either side ( hounds who have lost the scent), Tà éis to Tpóo be Kal &Tigdev, ſcal eis To TAáytov Štaffippata, Xen." A casting-nel, Stictvov, See Net. Castanet, ‘F kpóvãAov. A rattling of caslanets, kpsuéâAlaotis, Úos, ii, h. A castaway, kādapua, tá. A castellan, f Tupyopiña;, &cds, 6. Castigation, Tuapta; kóAão is, eas, ii. To infli castigation, Aquéâvo Toivºv. To suffer castigatio Totvmv tíva, 6tówpi. See Punishments. Castle, Túpyos, Tupyiólov. See Tower. Like a castle, tº Túpyivos, + Tupyáöms; F &vtårupyo Opſ, To allack a castle, Tup'yogāxéo. To build high like a castle, Tupyów. Destroying castles, Tupyočáktos, ov. With beautiful castles, feiſtupyos, ov; + 1c3XAhrvpyo ov; køAirſpyotos, ov. With no castle, 4 &tupyd 01/. Castrametation, otpātotéðevois, eas, i. To castrate, éictéuva. Castration, êictopuſ. Casual, à Tüxöv, 6 ºutvyx&voy, 6 €vrvXöv. Casually, &Trô Toi) airtoudºrov, or ék Tod air.; Tüx6 T(*) S. Casualty, O'vpºpopë, usu. in bad sense. See Accide, A casuist, oroptoths, où, d. - Casuistry, goſptoticſ. A cat, aft\ovpos; aiéAoupos, 6 kal #. Catalogue, kátáAoyos; 'étépágis, eas, j. To catalogue, kátáAéya. Catastrophe, kāTag Tpopf. To catch, Agºséva, fut. Aftyopal, aor. 2. čAššo Tepi\op.6évo, yſtätäAapéâva; ºf pºdpºrta, no pe To catch, as one catches game, etc., aipéal; &mpá -āda'; Kömpöopal, mid.; ºf ºpeſo. To catch (i.e. overtake), ‘Frixávo, and + Kiyxávo, Tiyi-yvouai. T catch (i.e. detect), ºf aipéo, To catch and hold, évéx kpatea', l 'o be caught (as game), or to be detected, ‘āAtakop, Being caught in their own snare, etc., attol év a pí Tepitégovtes, Thuc. - A catch (or thing caught), 'đ') peupta, Tá; + &#peup, Tó; (of fish) + 36Aos. See Prey. A means of catching, F&#pāja, Štos, tá. See Snar Catching animals alive, Ça,00mpia. Catching all things, ºf TäväAwtos, ov. Easily caught, eúñAøros, ov; ‘āAágiuos, ov. Newly caught, + vealpetos, ov. Difficult to be caught, bus&#pevros, One who catches, ºf pºdpittis, tos, 6. Cattle, Tpóšāta, Tá; Ictivea, Tá; O.c. - A cattle-stealer, ºf 606icAeſ, contr. 800kWei, -ettos, 6. A cavalier, iTtróTris, ov, Š and Ep. iTTótá. See Horseman. A cavalcade, 6téAãats, eas, i. Cavalry, irrgs, j; it reta, oi ittreſs, Tô itTilcóy; + itTótms Aeës, Trag.; F in Tošāuav oſtpárðs (of the Centaurs), Soph. A troop of cavalry, pu)\ft. Belonging to cavalry, fighting as cavalry, etc., iir- Tikós. O}/. Amis, toos, j. See Fit for cavalry (of ground), ittériuos, eúñAätos, ov; not suited to cavalry, 'Épittos, ov. To serve in the cavalry, itTetºw, To command cavalry, itTopxéo, sine cas, also c. gen. e.g. Táv in Téov. * commander of cavalry, itTopxos ; itTapp,00ths, où, 6. command of cavalry, irrapyta. - skirmish or battle of cavalry, it touáxia ; irrio- Xäppºns KAóvos, AEsch. The cavalry of each side engaged, oi ittreſs itTopdxm- orav, Thuc. Victory of cavalry, itTolcpátía. To be inferior in cavalry, itTokpá7éopal, pass. A cave, cavern, Švtpov; ; oté0s, Tó ; GT mAotov ; ºf atºlov ; ; Kätópvč, ixos, # ; (in a rock) Térpas 'yūāAov, Soph. A cave hollowed out by the Sea, a 7- payá, a yºyos, i. Full of caves, &vrpáöms. Living in caves, ‘i &vtpatos ; + švavX0s, ov. 0 cavil, Aettoxo-yéa. Javil, Aettoxo-yſa. Javity, t'yūāAoy; † keū60s, Tá; # kevöuðv, Övos. To cause, Totéo, Tpdoorw; Épyáſoual, mid., c. perf. pass, eſpyaquat; Éepyágoſial; p.mxãváopal, mid. See To make, To produce. To cause (to men trouble, etc.), Tápéxo, TposéâAAø, évtticta, ćuirotéa. To cause at the same time, guptapéxø. * cause, aitia ; (i. e. a lawsuit, q.v.) Sikm. he parties in a cause, of &Yoviſówevol. n the cause of (i. e. in behalf of), ūrèp, c. gen. See For. Cattle—Celebrity |A cause, adj. aštios, &, ov, more rarely 0s, ov, usu, of what is bad. - Causing all things, ºf Tāvattuos, ov. : A joint cause, ºf Metaſtios, q, ov, and 0s, ov; otivatios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. An original cause, +Tpétapxos, ov. Causeless, pâtatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Wain. Causelessly, uárqv, wäTaiws. To cauterize, ſcaío, fut. Raúoro, etc. A cautery, Icavats, eas, i. tº 2 - J. * * * Caution, eúñáčela, Tpóvoia, replath, piñākñ. e J. º: Care. A reason for caution, ºf piña#1s, eas, #. Caution money (a sort of, deposited in courts of law as security for the costs of an action), Tpútáveia, Tá; Tápéo Tágus, eas, i. º Cautious, sixã6hs, eiXášnticos, piñattikos, Tpovom- ticós ; # Tpóvoos, ov; –ous, ovv. - Cautiously, eúAášāºš, Steakeppévals, To be cautious, eúAášéopal, mid., c. aor. J. pass. nüAaśń0mv in act. or intrans. sens.; ěčevXášéopal, ôtevXášéopal, ºf Tpopumóéopal. See One must be cautious, eúAášmtéov, ŠtevX&Smtéov. To caw, I kpóſo, fut, -ëa, no perf.; Éirikpóſº. To cease, Taiw, rare and only poet. in act.; more usu. p & f ** *-g f Taſoſal, mid.; catatačopal, ‘āvārgūopal, Afyo, ** f f 3. g ’āToAñºya, cataAftya, ćicxftyo; peóto Tapai, pass., C. perf, and aor. 2. act.; Awſpáa, c. gen, or c. prep. or sine cas.; Étréxo; + gettepal, mid. Ceasing to flee, éAev6epovytes éic Spaapāv Tóða, Eur, To make to cease, Tata, c. acc, and gen, or c, acc. rei; ‘āvāTaíſo. See To terminate, To stop. One must cease, Amittéov, - One must make to cease, Tavo Téov. One who makes to cease, f Tavoºthp, fipos, 6. Ceaseless, a úvexhs, évôexexís ; &m ava Tos, ov; ’āvī- * *f * * A vitos, ov; F &AAmetos, ov; ; 'étépplov, ovos, easelessly, giveXós, évôexexós, ºf ºvnvitas. Cedar, any thing made of cedar, kêpos, i. Of cedar, inlaid with cedar, ſcèöpivos, icebporós. .* º To cede, &Točíðapu, & pimpu. See Yield. Ceiling, Öpopſ. To celebrate (i.e. sing in praise of), juvéo, &etēa, f e fuextra, i lºſſo. See To praise. To celebrate (a & *** ** J. & festival, etc.), º&yo, 'üväyo, I couáço. To celebrate with offerings (a sacrificial feast, etc.), &to, Sãow. One must celebrate, juvmtéov. Celebrated, Övopºgotás ; Tepišántos, ov. See Famous. Celebrity, KAéos, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing.; eiſkAsia, 66%, eiðošía ; ºf kū60s, T6. See Fame, Glory. 63 Celestial—Challenge Celestial, oipävlos, o, ou, and os, ov; roupěvios, ov. Celibacy, uovavăța. A cell (of a honeycomb), Kättäpos. A cellar, oivöv, &vos, 6. To cement, foivapráa. See To join, To unite, A cemetery, Tápos. See To bury. A cenotaph, kevotéptov. To raise a cenotaph in honour of, ficevotápéa, c. acc. pers. A censer, &üpuātīptov, Censorious, piaattuos, ov, sometimes c. gen, or c. Katë. and gen.; pixójoyos, ov. -- A censorious person, pińetitiºnths. Censurable, usuttös (usu, c. neg.); +käräueſtros, See Blameable. To censure, peptºpopau, mid., c. aor. 1, pass, in act. sens; käräuéupouai, hēya. See To blame, A censurer, i éiritiumths, où, 6. See Blamer. A centenary, Károgrès, jos, i. Centesimal, ékát00Tós. Central, FuegópºpäA0s, ov. See Middle. The centre, föppäA0s, ſcévrpov. The centre of an army (opposed to the wings), çãAayi, ayyos, ii. See Middle. Centuple, ékátovrättäägtaº, ovos. A centurion, êkátóvtåpxms, ékátávtapkos. A century, Škátovtzermple, ió0s, i. Of a century, lasting a century, ékátóvitaetils. Ceremonies (religious), Texetà. Ceres, Amunthp, I Amé. Certain (of intelligence, etc.), o&ſphs, foºpmvīs; 8é- . Satos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Tuotos, &J pàAfts. I shall be certain, I shall arrive at certain knowledge, eis T.& Trío T' & pičopal, Eur. See To know. A certain person (answering to Latin quidam), tís. Certainly (i.e. indeed, verily), chiefly in answers, pèv, wóytot, pèv oſſu (not without some other word), pºv, usu., if not always, with some other particles, as, ºpºv, ſcal pºv, &AA&phy; 5%ta (to strengthen an assertion). Certainly (i.e. with certainty, to a certainty, to know, to speak, etc.), gºpa, oºpós, Beéaíos, ’ākpiéós. Yes, certainly (in answer to something previously said), révvye, Távv pièv oſſu, *ā-exel, a péâpa Ye, travtå- Trägt or –gly, travtexøs, Tós oil, Tós Yêp oi. Sopho- cles uses trós yöp for certainly:-Ifear lest some aſ: -fliction from a god be come upon him, for certainly it must be so, if..., 6éôouca wh'ic &eoû TAmyń Tis firm, Trós y&p, ei...; but usually certainly not is expressed by trós yap, the construction being elliptical (I cer- tainly do not, for how should I?):—Phil. Do you not Ol/. know me whom you see 3–Neopt. Certainly not, fo. how should I know you?—ptA. Où yöp oio-0a, p. 3 Tuv' eisopós –Neott. IIós yöp ſcdºtotôa, etc., Sop See Yes, No, Not. He will most certainly at:ack us, oùk Šotiv Štros of ër.0%geral juïv, Xen. For certainly one ought to give you a turn, où yöp &AA 6e? §otival puépos, Eur. - Certainty, gāpīvela; Beéalárms, mtos, j; ‘ākpíšeto. Receive this that I say as a certainty, Tô Tug Töv Tóð Aóryov Čučv 6éxov, Eur. A certificate, Ypdupa, Tó. To certify, BeSatów. To speak with certainty, Śākpišća A6 yov, Sopn. Cessation, 'êvãTavois, eas, # ; ŚvētravXa; + Aff; eas, h; (of evils) SiâAüots, #: Siècoxii. See Relie Cession, 'ütróðoots, eas, i. Gestus, Šávn. The cestus for boaring, ‘inās, dutos, 6, in pl. To chaſe, (i. e. to make angry) ºf ééopivo ; (i. e. to b angry) x0x60ſlat. See Angry. Chaff, 'éxipov, most usu. in pl. A chaff-bin, 'üxiſpoëókm. To chaffer, &véouai, mid. Chagrin, &x0möðv, 6vos, ii. See Wexation. To be chagrined, 3v3%epaíva, aor. 1. Čávszépava. | 8ápéas pépa, Xen.; Bâpéos éxo, Isoc.; Svoxspá ëxa. See To vea. A chain, Téon; 5equbs, pl. usu, Scopº, but also beguo + 6éguoga, Tó; + iyāAtov; ‘āAügis, eas, ii (sometime used of ornamental chains), usu. in pl. An orn, mental chain, Šppos, at pettós; Śppä0ós (also metaph : of a chain of circumstances, etc.). To chain, Šáo, Tešáw, Segueño; &Tevfliva beguo! Soph. Chained, i öéapitos, a, ov, and os, ov; i öeop.6tms, fem. Öeopætus, ió0s, i. A chair, Öi'qipos, 6, later i ; Éöpa, Spóvos, Šáicos + šákmua, Tá; † 68pagua, Tb, in pl. A chairman (i. e. president of an assembly), Čiriot Tºls, ºrpóe?pos. | To be chairman, êtruatátéo, c. gen, or c, dat.; Tpei ôpeño. See To preside. Chaise, Šppa, T6. See Chariot. Chalice, I&At£, icos, 6. See Cup. Chalk, 'yū!ov. To challenge, TpokáAéopal, mid. To make a counter-challenge (in legal proceedingfi &ptirpoicaxéopal. 64 Challenge—Changeable A challenge, trpákâmous, i. The challenge of a sentinel, épétmua toû $vv6ipatos (lit. the asking of the watchword), Xen. A chamber, esp. a woman’s chamber, or the bridal chamber, SáAăuos; SãAäueuga, té; traorès, 360s, i. A chamois, Sopkås, #60s, ii. See Antelope. To champ, 6&Kva, fut. 6%éopal. Champaign, 'été60s, ov; 695Aós; Teólēs, #50s, only fem. See Level. A champion, trpápióxos. See Defender. To champion (fight for as a champion), Tpouáxopal, fut. TpoplaxoSpal. Chance, Tüxm, to airógãTov. By chance, as it chanced, Ös'étuxe, Tà Tuxfi, Štrb or ék Túxms, caté, Túxmv, f otiv Tüxm Tuvl, &rb or ék Tow airopºdrov, karū Saipova; by a fortunate chance, Katë Túxmv Tuva ſcal Saipova, Dem. Consider the chance, okéhagóe Töv Satuova kal Thu Tú- xmu &s Trepleyéveto, AEschin. An uneapeeted chance, TápéAoyos. To have a chance of Kiväävetw; there is a chance, kiv. 6üveūet. There was a chance that they might even have taken the camp, Šicuðūvevo av Šv kal to otpatóteåov čAeſv, Xen. You will have a chance of showing that you are good, Kuvèvvetgeis étribeñal Xpmotos éival, Xen. Eaposing my life to the chances of fate, jux?iv TpočáA- Awv év köSouat Satuovos, Eur. A chance, adj. (person or thing), 6 Tix&v, ovga, ov, gen. ovtos, etc.; 6 €tritixòv. See Any. A chandelier, Aixvoúxos. To change (i. e. exchange). Most of the following verbs govern an acc. of the thing given, and a gen, of the thing taken in exchange, the latter being some- times preceded by ävti or örép : ’āuetéo, ötapletéa ; &AAárow, sometimes c. dat, or acc. of the thing taken, sometimes c.gen. of the thing given; &#axNágoal, évaM- Adorow, 5taxAágow, weta\Adorow, &vta\Adoro w; Túp- ańAdoorw, sometimes also intrans. (esp. to change for the worse, or a little); to give in exchange, &vričíðapu; to take in exchange, &vTaxAdoro'opal, pºetáAapéâva. To change (i. e. to alter), ué6ía Tºmput, aor. 2. perf. and pluperſ. act, in pass, sens. ; Treptfortmut, otpépo, + 6taatpéqo; + 'évagtpépa, esp. to change for the better; getatiºnut, Kivéo, Tūpālcivéo ; &AAotów, esp. for the worse; perášćAAw. To be constantly changing or altering, kiykaiſo, no fut. To change, intrans. (i. e. to alter one's conduct, alter one's disposition, or be changed in any way), Hera. SáAAw, pietàritta; ŠkTitta (into), c. eis and acc. To change one's nature, pigeos'épio Tagal, Ar. To become by being changed, petapúopal, pass. C. pelſ. trépiſka, and aor. 2, act. -épuy. J. To change one's route, pietàyw. To change money, Stäkeppätigo, no perf; xpúa'evéa, no perf. To change one's mind, uétášovXeñopal, mid.; uétašáA- Aopat, mid.; Petäylyvágico, fut. —yvágopal, perf. –éyvaica, aor. 2. —éyvav (sometimes meaning to change one's mind so as to think, etc., c. Ös and indic.); petá- voéw, abs. (and meaning to think such and such is V > º not, etc., c. Wh, où, and subj.). To change one's mind, impers, petašoke? (uot, etc.), no fut., aor. 1, pietéðoše, no perf. Have I then changed my cruel purpose 2 I have acted naturally, from affection for my brother I have changed, 'AWA’ eis uétašoA&s A609 &To belvåv X&Yav ; eikos a e p a f - Tétrov6a, Tov čuéðew treqvicóta >Tépyav uerétegov, Eur. - And I am of the same opinion as ever, and have not changed my mind, Kai éyò Mév 6 airbs eiul, kal oik éčío Tapai, Thuc. You, who were lately in your senses, have changed and become mad, uétéflow Ato gav, &ptías ºppováv, Eur. Cºnging yºur existence. and becoming a bird, TTmvös āva, pºetášás Biotov, Eur. You, being changed, shall become a dragon, and your wife, becoming a beast, shall be changed into (or shall receive in eachange for her present form) the form of a serpent, Apacöv Yevhael petašax&v, Šáuap re 0.) éic- 6mpia,0elo' àqeos &AAdéet Táirov, Eur. Now, therefore, since your fortune has changed for the worse, viv obv, reiðh reputereſs éxets Túxas, Eur, One must change, PetašAmtéov, pleTao Tâtéov, wetā- 6etéov. º * . . A :- - w w Change, &AAäyh, ēśaxAäyh, ueTaxAäyh; uetáAAggis, º: 3 x. f w # ; ’āvao Tpoºpil ; uetašoAh, usu. a change from, but sometimes also a change to ; (of fortune) kivmug, Tá; (usu, from good to bad, though not always) reputéreta. A change (of wind), pºetdāşoia. Change of mind, uetáyvoo is, ii; perávota, werä- puéAeta. - - J. ~ The changes of time, Tà TâAlv xpóvov, Eur, Change (i.e. small money), képpāta, Tá. Changeable, &Yxſotpoſpos, ov; toxvirpórantos, ov; J. º -> - e 'êtriotos, ov (not only in mind, of animate things); v \e f º J. *-* 'âlcáráotátos, ov; eigetáčoAos, ov; +T&Aſvaporos, ov, F 65 N." Changeable in mind, peráſteamtikös, Öv; + uétášovX0s, 09. Changeable in form, appearance, colour, Tolkixóxpoos, O}/. Changed, Sidotpoſpos, ov; MetaAAaktös, Öv, A changer, peta\Aaktip, A changeling, ‘ūtroë0Apatos, ov. A channel, aixòv, Övos, 6; (artificial) 5u%pvá, iyos, i. To chant. See To sing. Chaos, x40s, tá, A chap, yévus, vos, ii. See Jaw. A chaplet, a répávos ; otéppa, to, usu, in pl.: + oré- (pos, Tó. * To crown with a chaplet, ºf éicatépo. See To crown. Wearing a chaplet, Fortépāvmſpápos, ov; ; KaNAGTé- qāvos. A chapman, &wnths. See Buyer. A chapter, 570 is, eas, i. Character, any sort of impression, Xàpaktºp, fipos, 5; (i. e. disposition) pyº), Tpétros; #60s, Tó; (i. e. reputation) pſium; &#two is, i. Each (disease is treated) according to its character, kará rày airis Süvault ékártm, Plat. A good character, eiðočía. A bad character, kāko- ãočía. An assumed character, 0xffua, T6. We have a bad character, Sôpiéot catéxovo’ iſºs étrº èvs- 1&eſq, Soph. Having a high character among the citizens, &y év čićpati into táv &otów, Thuc. To lose one's characier, Tās eikxetas &Toßpačopal, pass, Arist. - He seems to me to deserve the character of an illiberal man,’āvexev6splay polye Soké Teplártely, Xen. A characteristic (i. e. distinguishing feature), Xàpak- Thg, fipos, 6. Charcoal, F &věpáicta; +&vôpač, Škos, 6. To charge (a price for a thing), "štreptoxão, c. gen, of the price. To charge (in mil. tactics), Aativo, Tpos- 0éo, Telul (–1éval); (as cavalry) Tpositrireto, ; (as ships) éuéâAAa. To charge in opposition, &vrek- tpéxw. To charge first, TpoeuéâAAw. To charge through, 5texaffvo. To charge (i. e. to accuse), Kätn- 'yopéo, He charged the enemy with his chariots, giv toſs Šppa- giv &pg&ro ès toys évavtſovs, Xen. He charged five obols a-day for the board of two children and their sister, eis Šipov pºvěvolv traičíoivical &öeApf Tévte āśćAovs Tās juépas àAoytſeto, Lys. At all events you charge no money for your altendance Changed— Chase on them, où3éva "y' of v tís ovvovoias āpyūptov Troat- Tel, Xen. - A charge (i. e. price for a thing sold), Tuft. See Price. A charge (mil.), Spóſtos, épéoxh; (strictly of ships, but also of anything, even of a bull) füum. A charge (i. e. accusation, q. V.), YKMua, T6. A charge (i.e. commission to overlook, etc.), Trío Tágis, eos, j. A charge (i. e. a thing committed to one's care), ºf £poßpmwa, Té. To sound the charge, Taláviº. To have charge of, ČtriotăTéo, no perf. One who has charge of, Čirio Kotos, étriotărms. Chargeable (i.e. blameable, q.v.), ałrios, a, ov, and 0s, OV, A chariot, Śpua, Tó; Öi'q pos, 6, and later h; i öxos, ô; áxmua, to (prop. a mule-chariot, opp. to a war- chariot, but used for any sort); +'ātrāvm. A covered chariot, ºf Aapthvil. A pair-horse chariot, orivapls. iãos, j; +6l35üuía. A chariot on Springs, gićpa, Of a chariot, &ppištetos. Of the noise of a chariot, ºf &pgåröktüros. Having a beautiful chariot, tº eiðppatos, ov; +k&A Aidiºpos, ov. - Fond of chariots, ºf pixáppätos, ov. To drive a chariot, i öippewa, Föippmååtéa, ºf āpuà. Tetºw, &pgårmAátéo. See To drive. Chariot driving, Sippeta, āvuoxeta. A charioteer, àvioxos, + ivootpópos, + šppātºātūs, + dippſAirms, ºf Šippevtås; āpp.4twy étriotárms, Soph. Gharitable, siryvágov, ovos, Charity, eúyvap,00'ſſum. Charles's wain,”Apictos, ii; Boétis,”Apktowpos. |A charm (incantation), Tººh, ºf fleakthplov, SéAym. Tpov, f kmanthpiov ; + champa, Tá; wiłyevua, Tó. A love charm, piñtpov; ; otépymua, T6. t To charm, &éAya, no perf.; knkéw, esp. by music; to use charms or incantations (q.v.), širaetów, and contr. Évráða. To charm away, Četriča. A charmer, one who charms, uses charms, t &otöös ; +&éAktop, opos, 6 Charming, using charms, calculated to charm, appease, etc., §rwöbs, ov; +&exictípios, ov; &éAği'ppov, ovos; + iemäntäptos, a, ov, and os, ov. To chase, 61%ico; (game) &mpeão. See To pursue. To chase (i. e. to carve, or engrave metals), YAſ po. The chase, of an enemy, 8twćts, ii; i, e, hunting (q.v.), Šípa. 66 Chasm—Chest A chasm, xàopa, Tá. - Chaste, ‘āyväs; +trépéevos, ov; ; trap64yelos, ov. See Virgin. - To be chaste, ºf trap6evečopal, mid.; +'dºyveſa. To chasten, orwppovićw. See Punish. To chastise, KoMáſo, Çmutów, c. fut, mid, in pass, sens. See To punish. w Chastisement, kóAãois, ii; Tigapia. See Punishment. Chastity, +ºğyveſa; +"&yvevua, T6; ºf Tapffevia, trap- 0éveta. Not having preserved her chastily well, thu Auktav oil kaxós StapvXáčaga, AEschin. To chatter, AšAéa, ČKAáAéw, 'ü80Aeoxéa, ; foolishly, + p^vâpéa, &toxmpéa ; to weary by chattering, ‘i co- TſAAw, no fut. Chattering, adj, ’āöðAeoxos, ov; +Adépès, ºf kotta os; AáAos, ov; AğAto repos; + atopičAos, ov. A chatterer, t påéðoy, ovos, 6 kci i ; +AäAmud, Tá; + '360Xéoyms. A silly chatterer, påtåpos. Chattering, subst, pāvāpío, Aeo Xmveta, ’ā60Xeoxia. Cheap, eúTeXfis; eiſavos, ov. Cheaply,’īāārāvas, eúTeXàs, wikpot (subaud. puréoù). To sell cheaply, Éirevovićw, only in pres. To cheat, pewäcíſo, 'êtrootepéa, ºf kärmäeta, Träpä- kpoto, + p^\ów. To help to cheat, also to get by cheating, orijvároatepéa. To be cheated of, ‘ūtrokAértopal, c. acc. ceive. A cheat or cheater, yāms, mºtos, 6; + p.mxnths, + kärnxos. A cheat (i. e. cheating trick), pewäktopſos, yomteia; 'yoſitevpa, T6; ºf pſiAwua, T6. See Deceit. Easilycheated, also act. fond of cheating, etárárntos, ov. To check, eſpyw, no perf act., fut. l. mid. in pass. sens., aor. 2, act, infin, eipyä0eiv; Éxaſ; taxo, only pres, and imperf.; + traúa', 'F £pmtöw. To check an invading army, 'évagréAAw. See To restrain, To hinder. To unite or assist in checking, + givioxávo, One must check, eipictóov. Calculated to check, käräAmirtikos, orvo Taxticós. A check, kóAUga, Tb, c, infin. or c. u%) and infin.; rwāţum ; Éutóðiopia, Tó; (in military affairs) forgia. See Defeat. A cheek, Tàpetá; firápmis, ió0s, and contr. trāpīs, fiè0s, i. With beautiful cheeks, i ka?\Aſiſpapos, ov; sūtrpoºpos. A cheek-piece (of a helmet, or of a horse's harness), ‘påååpa, rā (and + påAápov). See To de- To cheer (i.e. make cheerful), baiãpúva. See Toplease. To cheer by the voice, or also as any fact encourages a person, Sopdivo and Spårövo, Träpä0apoëvo,'éváðap- oivo, Föpvčo ; tāpākeaetouai, mid.; TāpākāAéw. To cheer (a dog), Tapaſióéopal. To be cheered (to be of good cheer), Šaporéaſ, no perf.; 'éváðaporéo ; trpo6üpéa, no perf. A cheer, éykéAévaud, &ros, Tó; träpäkéAevoluo, &ros, Tó ; (i. e. good cheer) Sais, battós. See Feast. What cheers one, Saxtrøpm. - Cheering, feiſºpov, gen, ovos; (by voice) träpäiceXev- oricós. - A cheering (i.e. uttering a cheer), TāpāréAévois, ii; träpäiceNevapiés. Cheerful, ‘īāgās, ov, and Att, Aews; iWäpós; eiðūuos, ov; patāpās; +qalāpóvous, neut. ovv. Cheerful looking, + pºporos, ôv. To be cheerful, eiðūwéo, no perf.; piñoſppovéopal, mid.; patāpāouai, pass. One should be cheerful, eúðūpºntéov. Cheerfully, eißwas, patºpós, iMápós, ’āyāuévos. To make cheerful, patópiva, no perf.; Fei'0üuéw. Cheerfulness, eúðūpia ; patāpārms, mTos, # ; piño- ‘ppodium. Cheerless, +80s)(iuos, ov. See Sad, Miserable, etc. Cheese, tipós; +Tüpeupa, Tá. To make cheese, Tüpeño. A cheesemonger, TúporóAms. The making of cheese, tipevolts, ews, i. A cheesecake, txàkovs, obvros, 6. To cherish, Tpépo, fut. Spéla ; ºf troplaſva, rare, ex- cept in pres, and imperf.; +’áráAAw, only pres.; + 1cmtrečw. To cherish (a feeling or habit, anger, love, etc.), pëAáo ro, + véuw. To cherish secretly, ‘ūtro- Tpépa. One must cherish, Spettéov. A cherry (the tree), képágos. A chesnut (the fruit), kāpwov, A chesnut (the tree), kapúa. Chesnut (the colour), adj., §av06s. Chess, Treorgeſa. A chessboard, *Teorodv. Chessmen, Teorgot. A chessplayer, Treorgeviths, où, 6. Skilful at chess, Tregorevrikás, To play at, Teorgetia. Chest (of a man), at 700s, T6; a répyov. A chest (i. e. a box), Adpvač, Škos, # ; kišarbs, m; ičičártov, # 0%km, kſarm. Tº 2 67. Chew—Chirp To chew, uágdopal, mid. See To eat. Chicanery, kākotexvia, usu. in pl. See Trick. A chicken (i.e. a young wild bird rather than poultry), veogrès, veógglov. See Cock, Hen. To rear chickens, i'veOoootpopéo, To chide, pºéu poua, mid.; Tikéuſpoſal, c, dat, pers, acc. rei. See To blame. Chiding, uéults, eas, ii. See Blame. A chief, # 3pxos, +’āpurrets, tºpxãuos; Tpoatãrms, ov, 6; +&ictap, opos, 6; +&pxéAãos, and contr, &p- XéAas ; + špxétms; in pl. of Yvápiuoi, oi kopi paſot; + tº Tpóta. The chief man in a city, i öyńroAts, eas, 6. A native chief, &ptotets ièayevils, AEsch. See Commander, Prince. Chief, adj. Tpatos, uéyiotos. But you know the chief details of this story, &AA& Tottwu Pèv kepāAata A6)ov fore, Plat. See Best, Greatest. The chief men of the allies, of éirikalpiot tºw avuluáxov, Xen. To be chief, Tpoix, ; Tpoto Tagal, mid. and pass., c. aor. 2. act., and perf, and pluperf, in intrans. Sens, esp. in contr. part. Tpoeotòs, 60a, &s, gen, -óros, etc. The chief rank, the chief honour, Tpa Tetov. Chiefly, uáAlata ; to uéytotov, Thuc. A chilblain, XiueTAov. A child, Télcyov ; Tats, 60s, 6, ii; Tatówov ; Śicyevétms, ov, 6; + Tékos, Tó; + 8pépos, Tó; + škyovos; + špuos, Tá; + yévynua, Tó; + šictatoevga, Tó; i veOgods; Aóxevua, T6. An only child, ºf Mov6trals. A beauti- ful child, i kaAAirats. Of or belonging to children, Taíðelos, ov; Tatēicós. Having children, Tekuotoios, ov; † Tekvoyévos, ov; + Tekvots, fem. -ovoroa. Happy in children, having good or beautiful children, efºreicyos, ov; +ettas, :-Tatēos, 6 Ical h; t caäAitals; eūtekvos, ov. Unhappy in children, Öistervos, ov. Having but one child, ‘I wováTelevos, ov. Having many children, + troXùTelevos, ov. Fond of children, piñóTais, 6 Ical ji; pixóTélévos, ov. Hating children, uio & televos, ov. Avenging children, i TelevóTow0s, ov. Murdering children, ºf Tatēoſpóvos, ov; + Tatēoxiums, ô kal j : + Tatēoktóvos, ov; ; TatēoxéTwp, opos, 6, fem. Tatēoxételpa. The having, or begetting, or bearing children, Tekuotoita, Tató0)ovía, Tatēotrotta, Happiness in children, or having good children, sütratēta, eūtekuta, Abundance of children, si'yovía, Toximalöta. To be happy in one's children, eitekvéw. To murder children, Tatēoicrovéa. - To have, bear, beget children, + Tekvów, in act. only of the father, -opal, mid., of father or mother; Televo- Toléo, act, of the mother, -0||al, mid, of the father; Tatóoirotéa, of either father or mother, -oſſal, mid, only of the father. To rear children, + Tatēorpoq’éo, Tekworpoºpéo. Who people the city of Cadmus with their children's children, oi Káðuov TóAlv Televodal trafówy Talaiv, Eur. See To beget, To bear. The rearing of children, Tatēotpopia, Tekvotpopto. Childbed (childbirth), &öls, ivos, # ; Tókos, Aoxeta, +Aóxos ; +Aóxevua, āros, T6; fºyovii. See Labour. Belonging to childbirth, ºf Aóxios, +\oxeſos. Aiding in childbirth, feiſã0x0s. To be in childbed, &öiva, rare except in pres. To have a difficult childbirth, Övstokéw, no perf. See To labour, They called on Diana, who makes childbirth easy, T&v etſNoxov’Aptepitv &ürovv, Eur. A woman in childbed, +\ex4. Childhood, Tatēeta; vntriótms, mtos, # ; vitritſa. From their earliest childhood they do, eúðūs éic Tatóww Trouvioli, Xen. Childish, vitrios, a, ov, and os, ov; +&vtirals, —Tatēos, ô kal # ; +’id’états, trauðūpidºms. Childless, 'itals, —Tatºos, 6, #; +'árekvos, ov, some. times c. gen. (as &reicvos &porévoy Tatówu, Eur); ‘āyovos, ov; (never having had children) *āTokos, ov. Childlessness, ’ātat6ta. Chill, ºptos, T6. See Cold. To chill, ſixa, no perf, Teptiliza; (as fear, etc., chills) ºf träxvów. * Chilling, esp. of fear or things producing fear, as war, death, etc., i kpwépás. To chime in with (metaph.), trposéða, contr. for Tposaetów, both forms used in fut. and aor. 1. Chimaera, Xiualpa; a mental chimaera, Sökmois, eos, # ; +80ich. - A chimney, +03Aššn or gēAáušm, Föth (i. e. a hole in the roof serving for a chimney); tºg"Tvm. A chim, yévetov; yévvs, vos, i. To touch the chin (by way of entreaty), Öroyevélé@, c. acc. of the person entreated. A chink, xào.ua, Tó. A chip, + kāppos, Tá; +'âtróiculapa, Tó. To chip, *ātrotépya. See To cut. To chirp (as birds), tºtrittíſo, only in pres,; AéAew; 68 Chisel—Circumspection as grooms or riders do to a horse, F Trottéſa, and —opal, mid., no perf. A chisel, YAëpls, ió0s, j. A turner's chisel, Tépyos. A sculptor's, opian. To chisel, YAipw. See To cut. Chivalrous, yeyvalos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Noble. Chivalry, it trefa, oi ittreſs. See Knights. Choice, aſpeats, eas, h; Tpoaipeg is; by lot, KAffpa.gis, eas, i. A choice between two things, 6taxelpotovía. While prudent counsel is still within the reach of choice to either of us, Éas āti čupotépous at 6aſpetos i eūéovXía, Thuc. Choice, ééaípetos, ov; ; Kpirós ; Śickpitos, ov. Earcellent. Choir, Xópos. To choke, Tviya, fut. Tvíčopal and oftener Tvić00pal; &troTuíyw. A choking, Tvlyuás. Choler, ºf XóAos. See Anger. Choleric, Špyiños ; +áčíðūgos, ov. See Passionale. To choose (i. e. select), aipéopal, mid.; ££aſpéo, for others, -opal for oneself; Kpivo and -opal, mid.; £ic- Kpivo, Féictſpokpivo, Škxéya. To choose instead of, &v6alpéopat. To choose in addition, trposalpéopat. To choose first, Tpoxelpotovéa. To choose by lot, 'ütro- Kâmpéo. To choose one of two things, Štúxelpotovéa. To choose (i. e. determine, think right to do), áčića, + šikatów. I am puzzled how to choose, 8vskpitos éxo, Ar. One must choose, aipetéov, Éapetéov; by lot, &Torºm- See potéov. To be chosen, kātāAekTé0s. Self-chosen, giffaipetos, ov. A choosing or deciding, 6tákpions, eas, i. Choosing them, or picking them out, adv., Aoyáðmu. Chosen, aiperbs, ééaíperos, + Aektós; &tróAéktos, ov. See Choice. To chop, kóttw. cut. A chop or steak, Fºxey's, tºos, i. A chopper, kotis, idos, i. A chopping block, ‘i éiríčmvov. Choral, xopicós. A choral song, Xopobia. A choral dance, Xópevpua, Tó. A chorus, Xópos. Of a chorus, xopticós. To belong to, form one in, a chorus, Xopetºw. To chop off, &Trotégwa. See To To lead a chorus, xopmyéa, no perf. Chrism, xptopa, Tø. CHRIST, xPIXTO'>. Christening: an Attic festival at the naming of the child was called Čupiāpāua, Tâ, also Šekárn. A chronicle, Aóyos, usu. in. pl. See History. To chronicle, ºväypápa, Šiauvnuoveſ w. See To record. Chronicler, Aoyoypápos, Aoyotrolós. See Historian. A chrysalis, xpúa'axxis, ió0s, i. A churl, Fºypdºrms. Churlish, "àtrepôkáAos, ov; (i. e. miserly) y\to Xpe. Churlishly, 'éteipokáAws. Churlishness, ’āTelpolcáAta. A cicatrice, oùAff. Cicatrized, ‘ûrovX0s, ov. A cincture, Ǻwn, See Girdle. A cinder, Téppa. See Ashes. To burn to a cinder, F &vöpäków, 'i äväpäk{{a. A cipher, piq,0s, i. To cipher, 'éptôméo. See To count, Arithmetic. A circle, kū'KX0s, pl. T& kūkāa ; Iriſ'KAmoris, eos, i. In a circle, kükNikós. Circling (of a dance, etc.), iſ eiſkükä0s, ov. volving. A circuit, Tepišox}, + Teptéoxos, + trepipopá; repto- ôos, j. See Circumference. Circular, KvićAotepſis ; Iciſ'kāios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ºf kūichotos, + kökNóels. To circulate, treptă5éa. 3. Circulated everywhere (sc. money), both among the Greeks and barbarians, kelcoboviouévov (sc. vápºtoua) ëv Te To?s “EXAmat kal Tois Bapéâpots ‘āTavtåxof, Ar. Circulation (i. e. flowing round), Tepláñoff. Circumference, Tepišoxfi. Circumfluent, ºf Tepiññitos, ov, c. Circumjacent, Treptoticos, ov. Circumlocution, Tepitãokai Aó)ov. To use circumlocution, Tepitãéxo. To circumnavigate, Tepitão. See To sail. Circumnavigation, Tepitã00s, contr. —TA0vs. To circumscribe, Špiga. See To limit. Circumscribed, trepiºpatrrös, Öv. A circumscribed space, otévoxopia; 8páxi kai Tepi- ºpatrºtov, Thuc. Circumspect, Tpóvoos, ov, contr. —vous, -vovy; eWAé- 6}s, trpovomtikós. See Cautious. Circumspection, eúAššeta, piñākñ. Care. See Re- gen, loci. See Caution, 69 | Circumspectly—Clamour Circumspectly, trepteoksupévos. Circumstance, trpayua, to, in pl.; tā ‘ūrāpyovra. Under the circumstances, Čk Töv čvávrov, Dem. I see a strange circumstance, 6épicopal pátiv šppagtov, Soph. According to circumstances, trpès to Tapatíºyxavov, Thuc.; Tpbs to oripiritrov, Xen. Present circumstances, Tõ vöv trg"ttokóta, Eur, ; Tà Topóvra. From which circumstance, 36ev. Čircumvallation, Tspirelyiots, Tepiteixiguós; ‘āTo- tetxtapa, Tó. - To make lines of circumvallation, repºrexiga, sine cas. or c, acc.; ’āiroteixt{w. To circumvent, ‘ūttooiceAigo; + reputpéxaſ, fut. Spå- uoiuai. - Üircumvolution, Tepipop&, treptăywyh, reptoſtpopſ, See Revolution. Circus, orååtov; ’āyöv, &vos, 6. A cistern, Adicicos. A citadel, 'GºpóToxis, eas, ii, and ’ākpótt0As; + ºppoiptov, Škpa. A citation, KAfforts, eas, h; Tpóskàmats. To cite, tposkáAéowal, mid.; ºvákáAéo, TūpākāAéo; kåntetºw, only in pres. A citizen, troAirms, ov, 6; in fem. Toxºrus, ió0s, jj; ãotos, f, gath; F &otirms, ov, 6; ºf Koujitns, ov, 6. A private citizen, as opposed to those who hold office, ërms, ov, 6. A citizen of a little state, Hikpotoxirms. The whole body of citizens, T6As, eas, #. A fellow-citizen, 6muðtms, ov, 6; in fem. Ömuátus, ió0s; ovutroXirms. The body of (her) fellow-citizens, Šuáttoxis Aéos, Soph. The citizens of the cily, ovvéortov TóAeos, AEsch. You being as it were a citizen of the world, at 6' &step ãºperbs yeyevnuévos, Isoc. - To be a citizen, Toñiteta, and oftener -opal, mid.; Śu- ToAftetouai, mid.; &mptotetſopal, mid, sometimes c. eis and acc. To be a fellow citizen, ovutoAireſa, and -opal, mid. ' To admit as a citizen, eisouriço, Xen. To establish as citizens, to bring together to live in a city, aivolicíſo. See To settle. The rights of citizenship, troXīreſa. Of, or belonging to, a citizen, troAttikós. An army composed of citizens (as opposed to one levied from among the allies), otpérevua ToxiTurov, Xen. As becomes a citizen, troAſtikós. turn or as an equivalent, àvtačićw, &vrätraitéa. Injurious to the citizens, Toxtroſp06pos, ov. A city, tróAts, eas, ii; &atv, eas; + tróAus; TóAtapa, ătos, Tó ; troAtxvtov. The mother city, untpétroAts, ii; one's father's city, TātpétroAis. A fortified city, Túpyoga, Tó; Teixos, Tó. - Of, or belonging to, a city, &otikás. A new city, veðttoxis tróAis, AEsch. A ruined city, or a city having no constitution, 'étoxis TróAts, Plat. A victorious city, &otivikos Tóxis, AEsch. Of the same city, Ögöttoxts, 6 kal #, no neut, Soph. To be joined to a city, taken into a city (as a suburb), Tpostetxigouai, pass. Protecting, defending, upholding cities, troAtotºxos, Ö, ii; + šūgūroAts ; t &otivouas, ov; + troAggoixos, ov; fem. Toxiàs, &ö0s, i. Loving the eity, piñátroAs, and + piñóTToAts. Prince of the city, ºf troAtapxos. Civil, (i.e. relating to the state) troAiricós; (i. e. po- lite) &oteios, a, ov, and os, ov; xöpfels; etxàpis, —itos. Civil war, atáois, i. Civilly, xàptévra's. Civility, to eixàpi. To be civil to, Štrixãpígopal, mid. c. dat, To civilise, huepôa. - Civilised, juepos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. To claim, airéa, ; &#tów, c. gen, or c. infin.; Tpos. Toléopal, mid. c. acc. or c, gen.; Sicaiów, &vréxopal. To claim as one's own, a perepiſopal. To claim at law, Tióikä(ouai, mid. c. gen, also c. acc. when it has the force of obtaining in consequence of such a claim. To claim beforehand, before it is due, trpoã- Peſéopal, mid. To claim in opposition to another, &VTitoléopal, mid, c, gen, of thing claimed, c. dat. of the rival claimant; +&v6alpéouai. To claim in re- To claim as damages (and set them down in the indict- ment), áriypāq,w. They claim not to have been beaten, āśtotalvoix ào orovs 'yevéa-6at, Thuc. We do not claim the kingdom in opposition to the king, oùk &vtitotoºge6a Tó Bagińe? Tſis àpxis, Xen. See Demand. A claim, aſtmous, ii; &étools, #; Śicatoats, #. Clammy, ÖttöyAloxpos, ov. To be clammy (as a corpse), ºf wiſãdo, - Glamour, 80%, itpavyh, &ópüéos ; &p60s, contr. Spots; + ièxft. See Noise. - 70 Clamorous—Cleave Clamorous, trepiéóntos, ov; Sopišnticos, Šopü66öms; ºf Toxi'0p00s, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. To raise a clamour, &opü6éo. To have a clamour raised against one, fºopiééopal, pass. Clamoured against, Étriéómtos, ov. A clan, ppárpa. A clansman, ppâtrip, epos, 6. Clansmen, † of Šuo- 7&Aaktes. - To be a clansman, ºppätpudga, only pres, and imperf. Presiding over, protecting a clan (as a tutelar deity, etc.), ppúrpios. The chief of a clan, ºppäTpíapxos (not however at all answering to a Scottish chieftain, for the ‘ppatpíapxos was elected to his office). Clandestine, Kputtös, kpipaſos ; Kpipios, a, ov, and os, ov; A&6patos, a, ov, and os, ov. Clandestinely, ºptºmy, kpúpa, ſpüçã, A&6pā; Aá- 6paías, and superl. A&6patóTata; ºf ICAOTff. The challenge was not made clandestinely, où6’ into udams # Tpólcâmous yelyovev, Dem. i Clang, + k\ayy}, + kóvã60s, i kópros To clang, ºf KA&@. To clap, kpotéw, with or without xeſpas; ’āvāºpotéo, avykpotéo, Itpota, Xeipas. A clapping, kpótos and K-xelpêv. A clap of thunder, 8povtſ. See Thunder. Claptrap (in speaking), tepēpeia. To use claptrap, Tepôpetopal, mid. To clarify. See To make clear. A clarion, oráAttiyê, ty'yos, ii. See Trumpel. To clash, Soutréa. The bridles clash murderously, xà- Aïvol civipovtat póvov, AEsch. To clash two things one against another, katakpotſw. To clash (i.e. be opposed, q.v.), €vautiéopal, pass. A clash, crêtros, + kópros, +’āpayuás; +’āpayua, Tó; + kpotmapabs, ºf kpótos. A clasp, repôum; + repovls, tºos, j. See Buckle. To clasp (in the hands), ºf pºptºtw, no perf.; 6táAap- Šávo; (i. e. to fasten with a clasp) tropirão. A class, Tášis, eas, h; TéAos, Tó; pièpos, Tó. To class, Táorga, kārūtdoorw. Classification, Tášts, eas, j. To clatter, ÖovTéa. See To clash. A clatter, 500ros, kpótos. See Noise. The clavicle, k\els, ICAelóðs, i. A clause, otºyºypopua, Tó; icóAov. A claw, §vvč, Šxos, 6; xn}\}) (prop. of birds, but also beasts). With crooked claws, yapºlévvč, ixos, 6 kal il, no neut. See Clash. To claw (i. e. to seize in one's claws), 84tta, no perf. See To tear. To crook one's fingers so as to make them look like claws, icopkivów Tows ŚaktüAovs, Antipho. Clay, Tnxás. Potter's clay, &p'yū0s. Made of clay, Thàivos; + TrixóTAao Tos, ov. Clayey, Tnxóöms. Clean, kā0ápos, Kaſāpuos. Cleanly, adv., Kä0ápíos. To clean, To cleanse, kāffaipw, no perf, act, though there are perf. pass. and aor. 1. pass, in pass, sens.; ēkka9aſpo, &Tokaffaipo, ; patópüvo. To clean (cloth), śaiva, To clean one thing from off another, so as to make it look bright, Čkpatópúva, no perf. To wipe clean, 'êvãrpiéa. To sweep clean, êk- icopéo, fut. -how. To be clean, ºf Kä0ápeño. A cleaning, Štúlcáðapaus, i. Cleanliness, lcá0ápótºms, mTOs, h; ká0āpuðtms, mºros, i. A cleansing, Étºis, eos, i. Clear (i. e. evident, q.v.), 37A0s, m, ov, and os, ov; TpóðmA0s, ov; påvepos, &, by, and bs, 6v ; a`āqºis, évapyhs, ºf Tópos, + Tpāvīs (see Evident); (i.e. bright or transparent) + pastvös, and more usu, paeuvés; Aapatpos, Štěpávās; (as a voice) Aap.Tpós, Aiyús; Ai- 'yūpos, &, 6v; (i. e. innocent of, etc., q.v.) kä0ápos, c. gen.; clear-voiced, Aap.Tpéºpovos, ov. From which he received a revenue of thirty minde clear each year, &p’ &v Tpudicovta pºwds &Texel’s éAdušâve Toà éviavtot, Tpósočov, Dem, - Clear of, adv. (i. e. free from danger of, out of reach of), ššo, c. gen.: + šč06ev, c. gen. Clearly, (i. e. distinctly) gépa, göpós ; (i.e. visibly, evidently) évapyós, povepôs, trpoãňAws, gapós. To sound clearly, ‘f AduTw, no perf. To clear, ică6alpa; Šická0aipw, c. gen. of the thing re- moved. To clear another of a charge, &traxxdoorw. To clear oneself of a charge, &TaxAdoo'ouai, mid., c. perf, and aor. 2. pass. - To clear away earth, 6täuća. *śvao touća, thv táppov, Xen. To be clear (whether bright, evident, or notorious), +Agutpāvopal. To make clear, orāqºmułów, 6táoºpmviço, + ščoſpatów. Clearness, oráq'fiveta, śvāpyetc. To cleave, axiſw, 8taoxtºw, kåtaoxtºw, 5.3+éuvo, + Staffſi)wipt. To cleave to, &vréxokai, mid. See To cling to. To clear out a trench, 71 Cleft—Close Üleft, i ötaffè, bºyos, 6, 7. Easily cleft, eiſo Xiaºros, ov. A cleaver, cotls, ió0s, i. A cleft, trixá; xão Ma, Tó; † &yphs, ºf oxtapés. Clemency, Aeos, oil-Tos. Clement, Aefluov, ovos; ſpińolktippov, ovos; + aiść- • ‘ppay, ovos. Clemently, pixav0p&Tws. A clerk, ypaupérets, &vriypāqets. An under-clerk, ‘ūtroypappièTets. A fellow-clerk, giveTiypāqets. To be a clerk, Ypappièteño. Clever, goſpós; &yxhoos, ov, contr. Att. ovs, ovv; 6éčios, a, ov; míàéčios, ov; oiſverbs, beivös, eúſpvhs, ôčás; i öö'ppov, ovos; (in art) #vtexvos, ov. Clever at evil, kāicočveros, ov. Clever in his own conceit, ºf Šokmotoropos, ov; + Solemaičéčios, ov. Clever at all things, Távöelvos, ov. Cleverly, goſpós, giverós, Sešíos, eigüvéros, Kouyás, eūqvás. - A man clever in anything, † oroptotás, Cleverness, gopia; riverts, eas, j, Sešićrms, mros, #; 6elvörms, mtos, j; āyxivota. Cleverness in one's own opinion, 60kmaioroqta. A client, treWärms, ov, 6. A cliff, kpmuvös, térpa, + Térpos; + Selpês, #60s, h; ‘f Épitví; ºf Aétras, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing.; ºf Öqpúm. See Rock. Of a cliff, adj, Aetratos, Tétpuos. With lofty cliffs, 8605'kpmuyos, ov; 8a0voicóireA0s, ov. See High. Climate, oùpávös, ai épal. A climax, Širotkośćumats, #. To climb, *āvāśaiva, in perf act. –éémica, part, usu. contr. –Šešēs, aor. 2. —éémy; ’āvépxopal. To climb over, ‘ūtrepéatvw; (esp. hills) ‘ûtepäkpíſo. To make to climb, *āvāéiédſo. To clinch (as an argument), Beéatów. To cling to, &vtéxoſal, mid. c. gen.; &vrixopsávouai, mid.; trposºtopal, c. dat.; Śrīpūopal, 'i čupéopal, ºf Tposttügorouai, mid. A clinging to, &v0sćts, h; irpásqi'ois, i. Clinging to, trpospvils, c, čk and gen. or c, dat. One must cling to, Šictéov, c. dat.; &vöektéov and āv- 6ectéa, c. gen. To clip, trepticóttra. Clipping the wings of the Athenians as much as possible, &Torepiduevos és ué yuota ätrö Töv 'A9hvatov, Thuc. A cloak, x\atva; XAävis, ibos, h; på pos, rö; XAävl- gºtov; XAäuès, #60s, (esp. that worn by horsemen); Tpičov, wVos, 6; Tpišáviov, &ptrexévn. A long coarse cloak, Bairm. A cloak made of skins, otovpua, givipa, A thick cloak, xeipäuúva. A scarlet cloak, polviids, £60s, i. A cloak (i. e. a pretext to conceal intentions, etc.), Tpokäävupa, Tó; Tpéoxmua, Tó; Túpattéraoka, Té. Like a cloak, ºf Tpišovicós. A want of a cloak, ‘H’āXAalvia. The making cloaks, XAávišotrotta. To put a cloak on oneself, ‘āvāśćAAopal, mid, To cloak (intentions, etc.), trepišáAAw, perf. –éééAmica; TrāpākāAútta. I need not cloak my meaning, oëöèv Set Tapapºréxeiv Aóyous, Eur, - * Clock: the instruments the Greeks used for measuring time were, tróAos; yuápov, ovos, 6; a touxetov (all some sort of sun-dial), and kāeiºpa (an hour-glass filled with water), often called.'íðap, iſbäros, tá. Clock; what o'clock is it? Tmvika Häxtota; Plat.; Tnvík' éotlv špa Tãs inepās; Ar. A clod of earth, 86xos, ii; 86Atov. To clog, Šutroötgo. See To hinder. A clog, Šutróðuapa, Tó. To close, k\eſw, Éylcãetw, ovykheta ; (to close a house) + tractáo; (a door) + avvtíðmut; (one’s eyes) pºiſo, no pass.; Icătăuţa, aor. 1. sometimes cappivora; (as a dying person) orvpéâAAw, givyārta.; (either one's own eyes or those of another) iſ avvapuáço; (esp. the eyes of the dead) ovXAquéâvo. To close one's mouth, (orápa) ºf éiréx0, xa, Ödkva. To close up (as troops), ovykketo; or. Tês &otríðas, Xen. To be closed (of eyes or wounds), ovupuiſa, only in perf. ovpuéuūka. g She closes her eyes, darkened (in death), Adel kéâawa 8Aépapa, Soph. Close, adj. (i.e. close together, in dense order), Trvicvás; † Tappis, eſa, b, more usu. vs, v; oiſykoń0s, ov. Close, of battle, oſtdötos, &yxéuáxos. Close to, Tpos- ‘puhs, c, čk. * Close (as a man, i. e. not indiscreet), greyāvās; of style, careotpaupévos; of an argument, Täytos; of a house, trulympás. Close, adv. (in close order), c. gen. See Near. In close combat, judge, Špoffev, a votöööv, bat. To come to close quarters with, Šuot trpósetſu, c, dat, Xen. Following close, ónó0ev Štókovtes, Xen. iſºmy; close to, ºf ictep, See Com- Closely—Coagulated Fºl for close fighting (weapons), † otáðatos, + oxéðios, Wielding weapons suited for close combat, oxéðić tº aßTókatra vapāv BéAm, AEsch. To keep close to, trans. xptutta, no perf, c. acc. or dat. To keep close to, intrans. Exouai, mid, c, gen.: +xpturrouai, mid, and pass. To pass close by (sailing), €v Xp? (trapatraea, etc.). See Closely. Keeping as close as possible to the general sense, exówe. vos 3,71 &yºyºtata rās $vutréams Yvéums, Thuc. To form in close order, intrans, a votpépoua, pass. Ajaw ... and if any one brings his barbarian ships into close action with him, Atas ... & Tis ei Tposapudget Bapéâpovs Bápióas, Eur. * Closely, greyāvās; (as, to investigate closely) &Kpišás. To track a person closely, ixvos ovvöpéuws Éivmääréïv, AEsch. Closeness, Tūkvárms, mtos, i. Close array, otºykāeioſis, eas, i. A closet, &#icm. A clot, ºf Spóp.60s, F TréAávos. Clotted, ºf Spoué6öms; i &pſpi"0petros, ov; black and clotted, + ptexaſitäyńs. Cloth, any large piece (whether sail, sheet, shroud, ... robe, etc.), † pdpos, T6; a linen cloth, Afwov. Clothes, clothing, 60.0%)s, fitos, h; ág 6mua, Tb, only in pl.; kóguos, a Toxh, O'Kevil, ‘iuártov; &pſpleopata, Tá; Feiwa, Tó; + švööTov. See Garment, Dress. Scantiness of clothing, ºf '33. Aalvia. Badness of clothing, ºf Övs):Aalvía. To clothe, émévvöpu, äuptévvvut ; Śvööw, only in aor. J. in trans. sens.; F otéAAw, treptortéAAw, ºf &piqi- £333Aa’, ‘f &piréxo, and &patrioxo; + ščáTTw, c, dat. or c. &pſpl; and dat. pers., or c, gen, pers. c. acc. of the garment. To clothe oneself in, mid, of the pre- ceding words, and évô00, c. fut. and 1. aor, mid. ; trepidºrropal, mid.; ká0&TTopal. See To put on. To be clothed in black, plexavoeupovéa. To clothe (metaph.) a state or individual with honour, power, shame, etc., trepiditta TóAel Tíºmv, ÖAéov, aioxivnu, etc.; trepitiffmui Tivi 66%av, Ščvaſily, etc. Clothed, + švööros, ov, c. dat.; + širmuſpieguévos ; + éo-0mpiévos, c. acc. or c. dat.; ; Káðattos, ov. Not clothed, badly clothed, 'éxirov, wVos, 6, h; +’áre- TAos, ov, sometimes c. gen, of the garment wanting. Clothed in black, fueXàveipov, ovos, 6 kal h; † Headu- Tretraos, ov; ’āireTAos papéov Aeviðv, Eur. See Garment. A cloud (literal and metaph.), veſpéAm; vépos, Tó. black cloud, uéAävía. To cloud, iſ avvveſpéa, ; also intrans, to be under a cloud. Metaph, to cloud the glory of Athens with impious actions, kāAğırrely pyots’A9hvos ūvorious, Soph. What (fate), O unhappy woman, clouds your eaſistence 3 Tís āpa orév táAalv’āpavpot (ody; Eur. . . Cloudy, rivépéAos, ov; avvvépeños, ov; vegóðms. To be cloudy, ºf ovvvévoſpa. Cloven-footed, + 6ixmAos, ov; axiotós; 3i'kpoos, ov. A clown,”&ypotkos. Clownish, *āypotkos, ov; ‘ūrā‘ypotkos, ov; ’āypeſos; *āyptos, a, ov, and 0s ov; ’āirelpókáA0s, ov. - Clownishly, 'aypoikos, compar, &ypoikotépas;’âtelpo käAws. Clownishness, ’āreſpokäAta, ’āypoucia. To cloy, icopévvöpit. See To satiale. A club, fiótáAov, f icoptſvn (i, Hom., 5 Eur.), ºf 56- Trpov. - A club of people, givapooſa, ÉTaipeia, and poet. Taipia; ovvtéAeto. A member of a club, Épéviotăs. Made members of the same club, as adj. Tposetaipurtos, 6, 7, ; avvtexís. To club together, unite in a club, ovatpépopual, pass. A clue, vipa, T6. Unless I had some clue, ph oùk ëxav ti gºſp;80Aov, Soph. Clumsy, a ſcalós; ājñātuos, ov; ’āyúuvaoros, ov; ºf ‘āuffixávos, ov. Clumsily, ÖvstpāTéAws, orkatós. Clumsiness, oricalórms, mtos, h; Tāpāqopótºms, mºros, i. A cluster, Öppºi6ós; of grapes, Bórpus, vos, 6. Clustering, in beautiful clusters, f caxAiéâtpus, vos, 6, ii, no neut. To cluster (of people), ovXAéyouai, pass. collect, To crowd. To clutch, i.pdpirta. See To grasp. Clutch, feigõpagua, Tó. A coach, biºppos, 6, and later j; āpuāuača. Carriage, Chariot. A coachman, #vioxos ; +&pgårmXärns, ov, 6; +&i. qpmAärms. See Charioteer. Coadjutor, ovXAftirtop, opos, 6; fem. ovXAmirtpfa ; givepypos ; t ovvepyārms, ov, 6; fem. —is, ió0s; ovutpáktop, f €irápa)ós. See Assistant. To be a coadjutor, ovutpdoorw, orvppičxéw, + orvpt TápagºrčTéa ; ovuuäxopal, mid. See To assist. Coagulated, i ögqićpertos, ov. A See To See 73 Coal—Cold Coal, F &v0pač, Škos, 6; t &vöpäkia. Like coal, &v0pákóðms. A coal-basket, Adipicos. To coalesce, àuoyvouovéw; oiſviotapal, mid., c. aor. 2, and perf, act. See To unite. A coalition, ovſöyia; a`āſevěts, eas, i. Coarse, träxts; (of people, manners, etc.) 'épeXfis. See Rude. Coarsely, träxéws. Coarseness of manners, āuovoſa. See Rudeness. Coast, &kth, iſ träpääſa, and iſ träpäAta yi, ii täpäAos. On, or of, or belonging to, the coast, TăpăAos, ou ; tāpā- Alos, d, ov, and 0s, ov; Tāpā0äAágotos, a, ov, and os, ov; Tāpā0áAaggidios, ov; &ictatos; + širākrios, o, ov, and os, ov; ; ÉqāAos, ov; † &YXuâAos, ov. The islands on the coast, ai étrikefueval vio'ot, Thuc. The dwellers on the coast, oi Káro, Thuc. The part of Syria near the coast, i kāra, Supta, Xen. To go towards the coast, kātāśaiva, only in pres, and imperf, and aor. 2. Icatéémv. Io coast along, Tāpākoutgowal, pass., c. acc.; TāpāTAéa, c. acc. or c, trapū and acc. - A coasting voyage, trāpārāoos, contr. —ovs; tāpāſcopióñ. A coat, xitóv, &vos, 6. To coat with tin, Kaorairépg, trepithica, Plat. To coax, Šotrečo ; # orgſvo, rare, except, in pres. Coaxing, subst., &oteſa, &epātretc.; ‘h &óTrevua, Tó. A cobbler, veupoğääbos, ov. - To be a cobbler, veupośāſpéo. A cobweb,’āpā'xviov, rufros; āpāxyms iſ pagpa, AEsch, A cock, 'üAektpüov, ovos, 6; 'éAéktop, opos, 6; évoikios àpuis, AEsch.; 6 kokkośćas puts, Soph. A cockchafer, unxoxóv0m. A cockle, köyxm. A cockroach, pīāākpls, tºos, i. - A cockswain, küéepvítms. See Pilot. A code of laws, vogofferia. A codicil, träpä"ypappa, āros, té. To add a codicil, Täpäypäbø. Coefficient, ovutreptăywyös, Öv. Coequal,”ioros. See Equal. To coerce, ’āvayká(w, elsåvaykáçw. See To compel. Coercion, 'êváykm, 8ta. - Coercive, ’āvayicagtikos, 8taatikós. One must coerce, trposévaykaatéov. Co-essential, époquís. Coetaneous, Até, ficos, 6 kal il, no neut.; 'io àAt; ; ºf Špijaté; + dippetpos, ov. Coeval, 'io pºptos, ov. A coffer, Adpvač, Škos, i ; Kičotös, ii; &#km; t &vti. trºë, triyos, 6. See Chest. To coffer, &mgavpigo, and –opal, mid. To be coffered up, kátákepal, 'üTékkepal. A coffin, Jópos, i ; # verpoºfilen, + kéðpos; , in pl. Eur. Gogency (of argument), āeºpääeta; thinking that these were the most cogent arguments, vouíſov tattmy Thy &rpäAelav čival Aſſywy, Xen. } Cogent (i.e. convincing), &o påAfts; ’āvaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov. Cogently, &a pāAós. To cogitate, ſppovéo. See To think. Cogitation, vömua, Tá; ppovts, ió0s, # , ºpóvnua, Tá. See Thought. * Cognisable (by law), eisūyāyīuos, ov. Cognisance, ºpiois, eas, ii. See Jurisdiction, To cohabit, givolkéw, giveipu (–éival), ovyytyvopal, + avvvaiw, only in pres. ; t 6pſAéa. Cohabitation, oivovata; givotkmats, eas, i. Concubinage. To cohere, avuſpíopal, pass., c. perf, act, ovutrépuka, aor. 2. Givépuy, Coherent, eigöväetos, ov. Coherently, ºf avykóAws. A cohort, A6x0s. See Troop. A coif, t kphēepivov, Fui'Tpa. A coil, FTAekth, +TAektövm, + atreſpa; Foteipäua, Tá; ÉAlyuás. - To coil, intrans, ÉAtooropal, and poet, (even Trag.) eixto- gouai, pass.; (to coil round, trans.) + ’Atooſa. Coiled, + šupeaucrbs, 6v ; (with many coils) ºf Toxi'- TAoicos, ov. A coin, väugua, Tá; (of silver) &pyiptov ; (of gold) xpūolov. A small coin, t kówWü60s. To coin, kóTTw, Coined, étrio muos, ov. To coincide, ovuéatva', not in fut, or aor. 1, act, ; avy- Tpéxa, fut. -ăpăuoãual, aor. 2. —éöpåpov; + diváirtw. only act. * Speaking so as to coincide with your wishes, guvayopet- ovres taſs étriðupitats àpióv, Isoc. Coincident with, ºf dºpperpos, ov; ; Tposteðbs, 6v. A colander, kógicivov. See Sieve. Cold, subst., flºyos, Tó; yíxos, Tó; itpūos, Tá; + kpiliº3s. A becoming cold, yūčis, i. See A being cold, a coldness, Wüxpórms, iros, i. A cold (i.e. sickness, esp. cold in the head), Koptºſa. Cold, adj, ºpvepos, yūxpós. 74 To be cold, Éiyów, &toffffiyów ; Wixoſal, pass.; kata- Wixouai. old, adv., coldly, Wüxpós. oldhearted, pixpós. 9 collapse, orvpatríTTw. Jollapse, oriattools, i. collar, kAotös, Öépatov. See Necklace. he collar-bone, ICAels, KAélèbs, i. !o collate, träpäväylyvágkw. colleague, givepyos ; (in command) givápxov, ovtos, 6; ovatpārūyos. Modesty is a colleague of Jupiter in his kingdom, att Zmv) a v0ákos Spóvov Aièës, Soph. he general of the Corinthians was Xenoclides, the son of Euthycles, with four colleagues, otpātmyos v Ko- pubíov EevokAetőms 6 EöðvicAéous, Tepittös airbs, Thuc. o be a colleague in command, a votpātmyeo; Jüvápxa, only in pres, and imperf. 'o collect, trans., 'éyeipw, no perf act.; givayeſpo, oiſväyo, ovXAéyw; ékxéyw, esp. money, often c. acc. of the person from whom it is collected ; 'â€potſw, orivatpotſo; + £30poiſopal, mid.; ovykoutſo, To col- lect (taxes, etc.), eistpdoorw, c. acc., often also c. acc. of the person from whom they are collected. To col- /ect (troops, allies, etc), oriviaTmpt, only in pres, im- perf, fut. 1., and aor. 1. To collect oneself (as a frightened man, beaten troops, etc.), ovo Tpépa šuov- Töv, avvayeſpouai épavtów. To collect beforehand, before it is due, trpoekxéyò, Dem. ollect yourself, a 5AAoyov yixis Aéée, Eur; Évêov 'yevod, AEsch. o collect (as a crowd does, etc.), intrans., Gvutpéxw, fut. —8päuoßpal, etc.; 'đAigouai, Güvépxopal ; ovy- #ica, only pres, and imperf. To be collected (in mind), Šavrot yiyvouai, Soph, ; *w- Šov yiyvouai, AEsch.; Évêov ppevöv eiul, Eur, One must collect, ‘ā6poto Téov, orival:Téov. Collected, (of a crowd) 'â€p60s; giväyvptós, ov; people only) + &0ÅAfts. You not being collected in your senses, Gºv ºppévôv oëic êvãov &v, Eur. A collection or collecting, a vAAoyh, avºykopióñ; "3- 6potais, eas, ii; oiſväyvppós, Of taales, Tpāśis, eas, j; eistſpaśts. A collector (esp. of taxes, revenues, etc.), &troöektºp, ipos, 6; &modéictms, ékAoyets; Tpdictap, opos, 6. Collision, orvuéoAñ. To bring into collision, ovuéáNAw, avykpotſw. of Cold—Column To collocate, ovutíðmui. See To place. Collocation, Séris, i. A colloquy, A6)0s, usu. in pl.; Statpiéfi. Colloquial, ŠuíAntikos, Aekticós. Collusion, trpoo Tāoria, givepyſa, Collusive, ’ārātmticós. See Deceitful. A colonnade, otod; Túpactès, #60s, ii, rare, except in pl.; Tag Tās, £50s, h; $votós. See Portico. Surrounded with a colonnade, ºf treptatüAos, ov. To colonise (a country, or to plant inhabitants as co- lonists), oikſſo, kåtoucíšw, 'üToucíđo, Évolkſgo; Toà- {{w, no perf. To join in colonising, oivoukigo, ovykäToucíſo, avy- kTi(w, To plant as colonists, ºf ‘iópio), ‘I kä01öpúw. See To settle. To inhabit as a colonist, oikigouai, pass. and mid.; cis- olkſgopal, Katoucí; opal. See To inhabit. A colonising, or planting a colony, oticials, eas, ii; oilclouds; Katoticials, ews, ii; káToukiapós. A colonist, ‘āToucos. A colony, 'étoucía; ‘āToucos, i. A leader of a colony, oilcloths. Forming a new colony, newly settled in a colony, veokä- Tágrätos, ov. w Colour, Xpold; Xpápa, Tó; + xpós, òtos, 6. Similarity of colour, Öuoxpoſa, Öpotoxpoſa. Variety of colour, troXijxpoſa. Coloured, or of beautiful colour, Bairtós. same colour, Öpióxpoos, ov, contr. —ovs, -ovv. various colours, troutiaos. - Changing colour, i &AAóxpoos, ov, contr. —ovs, -ovº. To colour, Bátto, xpia. See To dye. Colourable, eitſpeths, Colourably, eitpetrós. See Plausibly. Colourless, *āxpoos, ov, contr. —ovs, -ovy, but better —ws, -ov. See Pale. A colt, tróA0s, 6, #; TóAtov. A coll that has not shed its first teeth, T&Aos 'ééoAos, Soph. Belonging to colts, Toxikós. To breed colts, introTpopéo, kā0ittotpoſpéa, The breeding of colts, Toxeta. To break colls, twāoãapºvéo, Toxetw. A breaker of colts, ToxoSáplums. The breaking of colls, T&Aévois, eas, i. A column, kiwu, ovos, 6 kal h; otham, f at £80s; (of troops) ortſpos, Tá; icépas, Tó. Supported by columns, ‘i &pſpiciov, ovos, 6, h; † Tepi- kiww. Of the Of 75 Comb—Coming With high or upright columns, i öp6óttepos, ov. With beautiful columns, t eikiwu, ovos, Ö, h; eigtú- Åos, ov. In column (troops), āp610s, a, ov, and os, ov. Arrayed in column, Icar& Miſav (sc. vativ) Tetayuévot (sc. 'Affmvalot), Thuc. Sailing on in column, katē wigv éri képas trapatačov- Tes, Thuc. A comb, otAey'yls, ió0s, h; yíktpa. The comb of a cock, Aópos. The comb of honey, kā- piou, oftenest in pl. To comb, + kteviſa. A combing, + kteviapós. To combat, uáxonal, fut, -oſſual ; ovupépoua, pass. c, fut. 1, mid. Ovvoſo opal ; fudpváual, only pres. and imperf; ovuluío’ya’, sometimes or. Tivl eis pºdzºv, o, öuðge Tuvi. See To fight. A combat, uáxm, ovušoxfi. See Fight. In close combat, Öpéore, év Xeport. To fight in close combat, ovatāāby uáxals xpáouai, Thuc.; eis xeſpas épxopat, aor. 2. sync. fiX00v, Thuc.; eis xeipas elui (-lèval), Thuc.; eis Xeipas giveipu, Xen. To defend oneself in close combat, €ic Xelpóv'âuive- 0.66:1, Xen. Belonging to close combat, &YXéuáxos, ov. Fighting in single combat, or fit for, etc., ºf uováuáxos, 01/. - To fight in single combat, provopºxéa. A combatant, à paxówevos. See Warrior. A combination, orévôeats, # ; orvpat?oich, guvréAeta ; (of tones in music) orčo Tºua, Tó. To combine, trans., ſet Yviſu; giváirta, no perf act.; ovuTAéica, ; ovviotnut, only in pres, imperf, fut., and aor. 1.; (of associations or clubs) avatpépoua, pass. See To join, To unite. Combustible, kaiſgiuos, Icavatós. * A combustible (combustible matter), 'üréickavua, To come, come to, &pxopal, fut. Aetologal, aor. 2. #Aidov, sync. Abov, etc.; Tposépxopal, étépxopal: ticuéopal, aor. 2. ‘ikdumu, etc., simple verb, only found in poet, the compounds in poet. and prose; ‘ābutwäoſal, eisapucuéopal, éticvéouai, Tpostºveouai, Tpósetſu (-léval),éreul, Túpeut; #ico, no aor. perf, the pres, properly meaning I have come, I am here; Tpos- #ko, &hico, elsåko, pottào; + o-tetxo, no aor. or perf. ; (by sea) córéxø (see To sail); (after, in search of) werepxopal, Fueóñico ; (in point of time) ërtytyvowal, éiretsépxvaal. To come forward, Tpot- "Tºtal, pass., c. perſ, act, and aor. 2. act.; tāpāSatva. To come from one place to another, petašaſva, only in pres., imperf.; ge6to tauai. To come into properly éuéâteño, c. acc. or c. prep.; Bábíſo, no perf, C. els To come in (as revenue, income, etc.), Tpóselſ, (—ieval), eisépxoggi. To come in besides, étreſselſ: To come into office, kaðio Tapat, pass. To come one's head, trâptatapal, in aor. 2. act. trapéotmv, perf, infin. sync. traped Tával, c. dat.; eisetſu, c. acc To come into such and such circumstances, ééokéAAw. only in aor. 1. ČšćketAa (eis . . . Tpdygata, etc.). To come out, Éeipt, Čšépxopal. To come off" (from a contest, etc.), 'étraNAdoorw, and -ópat, pass. and mid . c. adj. or adv., e.g. triumphantly, Xaipov; badly, Kaicós; so Xeºpov, 8éAtlov, etc. To come over a person (as a sensation, anger, love, etc., does), 'üToâûopal, mid., c. aor. 2. and perf act.; eisbüopat; Éutritta, fut. —Tegotº plat ; ‘ūTépxopal, eſselpu, poet. Śsept. To come round, trepińica, ; trepiotpéqopal, pass. intſ and To come round (to another's opinion), kā0ío Tapat, c. eis and acc. To come suddenly, also to come to a person's ears, Tpostritto, c. dat, or c. acc. To come together, givépxopal ; (esp. so as to aid) ovutrāpāyīyvouai. To come up (as a reinforcement), Tāpāytyvouai. ! Come, ºpépe, ºf eia, Come hither, 6.e0p0. Phrases for to come, Baivo Táča, Eur.; Tpośaiva èp. éâAmy, Eur.; Trépáo tróða, Eur.; Topóweiſo Tóða- Eur.; Topflueto, “ixvos, Eur.; Éoppíšw Tóða, Eur.; ăuixX&opal Troöt, Eur.; 'üTogetyviſual (in aor. 2. pass. &Teššymv) tróðas, AEsch.; kátápépa Tvåbs &iquñv, AEsch. How are we coming off? trós 'éyòvos firouev; Eur, Things are come to this pass, beſpo €oicéWAétat, Æsch, ; Tpāyuo. §eop' étréolcmiyev, AEsch. Who could come up to such eacellence (so as to praise it adequately)? Tís &v épicotto rotatºrms pūoews; Isoe. Coming to myself, 'üváAášöv ćuavtov, Isoc. See To 7°CCO2501". Clearchus came to himself, 6 KAéopxos évéav Tó éyévé. To, Xen. Here comes your son himself seasonably, 86° airbs Tais orbs eis kapov tápa, Eur. The amount (of money) they came to, to icvotſtevon ‘āvāAwua, Thuc. Coming (the coming day), h iodora juépa ; # Trioſo a huépa, Plat. Dem. (Porson—Phoen. 1651—says that the Trag. never use juépa with étriovo a, but always some circumlocutory phrase, as, ii ºrtoto a Naţūrās Seoiſ, Toirriby oréAas Šeod, etc.); &rtis h a tetxovira #Atov, Eur. - 76 Coming—Commendation coming, tºis, eas, i ; ‘āpiśls. 1 coming forward to speak, Trépoãos, i ; (to the spectators on the stage) Tāpāśāois, eas, i. A coming in, eſsoãos, ii. See Entrance. A coming out, ºf éicitépāua, Tó ; É060s, | Comedian, kapıçãás. | Comic poet, capagºs, KoppāočišćakáAos, icoptebo- Totòs, ſcopagöotroinths. - iomedy, kapºta, +Tpüygöta. ſo write comedies, Kapıçöéw; (about anything) étrica- A48éw, c. acc. The writing of comedies, kapıçãočičarkäAta. Belonging to a comedy, comic, Kwuºikos, copicós, ºf Tpüyºtikós. - 4 saying in a comedy, or a comic saying, kokºnua, T6. }omely, KaNos (à Trag., & elsewhere), eitſperſis. See Fair. }omeliness, káAA0s, tá; eitpéreta. }omely, adv., káAós, eitpetrós. A comet, kopfitns and Kopfitns &othp. Jomfits, Tpäyhuata, td. See Sweetmeats. º comfort, Tăpău.50éopal, mid, no pass.; t Túpmyopéo and -opal, mid, no pass.; † Tposmyopéo. To be comforted, ºf Tāpā0áXTopal, only in pres. nd be ye comforted by their glory, ſcal Tà TottwV ev- kNeſq kovºpiſed fle, Thuc. omfort (i.e. consolation), ºf trapmyópmaa, " . ; # Tapm- 'yopia, Tăpăujölov, f rapayúxh; (i. e. ease of position º circumstances) eipäpeia, eiträdela. This one son was left to me, the comfort of my life, eis Taſs 36 ºu uol Aouros, ŠipºaXpos 8tov, Eur. comforter, Tăpâyopos, 6 kai i. 2ne must comfort, Träpäuū0mtéov. omforting, +Travo faitos, ov; † Tavoirovos, ov; trāpāui)0m ticós. Romfortable, eiſkoxos, ov, only of persons; Feijuāphs, usu. of things. To be comfortable, live comfortably, eúrá0éo. łomfortless (hard to be comforted), Övstråpäuä0ntos, ov. See Miserable. !omical, yeXolos. Homically, yeXotos. o command, IceAeëw, éyceXeča, tdaga, ćiritágga, ovutáo go, TúpayyéAAw; épiegal, mid.; ÉvréAAw, āśtów ; eitrov, only in aor, 2.; Aéyw, aiāāa (esp. as an oracle); +’ávoya, perf, with pres, sens, pl. perf. #vo- 7ely; (i.e. be the commander of an army, etc.) &pxo, c. gen, sometimes c, dat.; #yegovetw; ‘āya, c. acc.; iyéopal, mid, c, dat. or c. gen,; otpātmyśw, icoagéo, Tāyeſia, + kpâtéa, f otpātmääréal; to take, succeed to, the command of, 'üváAapflávo; to command besides, érevréAAw; TposevréNAopal, mid. (esp. by letter) TposerioréAAa, ; (by letter) étriotéAAw; (with, to be joined in command, etc.) aivápxw, avatparnyéa ; ovvetrueNéopal, mid.; (previously) + "poetebtekai, (loudly) Bodø. - When the enemy sounded the paan, immediately they also ordered all to prepare for battle, émel étraudvigøv, eúðūs &vtitaphy)etAav Štravtas 6tagicsváçeoffat &s és pid- Xmv, Xen. To command a position (so as to be able to see every thing in it), Örepkáðmual, c. gen. A Command (i.e. order), ÉvroAft; triotox), usu. pl.; kévévoga, T6; † ke^evapiés ; tāpayyeaía, also the word of command; träpäyyeAgus, eas, h; TāpāyyeApia, Tá; Éirirayua, T6; Fépetuñ. A command (i.e. office or power of commanding), kpáros, tá; 3pxh, inſeptovía; (military) atpārūyīa. Skilful in command, &pxicos, jyegovikós. The art of commanding, j čiritaictică. Not in command, not having a command, &otpáthymtos, OV, - A commander, hyepºv, Övos, 6; Tâyós ; Śpxøv, ovros, 6 ; otpātmyos, f &pxós ; + Touhu, Évos, 6; + touavrºp, fipos, 6; + otpārūAárms. . A fellow-commander, joint commander, ovoſtpātmyds. Commanding under others, 'ürapxos. See General, Captain. Not having a commander, àvapxos, ov. Commanded, éykéAevotos, ov. Belonging to commanding, Éritaicticós. To commemorate, Útopuſ,whoko', 'üváutºvía ico; plum- poveča, in pass. See To celebrale. Commemoration, 'üváuumqis, ews, i. - To commence, àpxø and -opal, mid., mid. most common, no perf; Icátápxo and -opal, ſcaffmyéopal. See To begin. One must commence, àpictéov, 'üTapktéov. Commencement, àpxii; Tpooiatov, contr. doofulov. To commend, aivéo, fut. –éow and -īga, -éga, most usu.; étatuéo, ÉvKoyéal, éycopºldºw. To commend too much, ‘ūtrepetalvéa. To join in commending, givalvéa, ovvetraivéo. To commend beforehand, trpo- eTatvéo. - One must commend, étraivetéov. See To praise. Commendable, étatuetés; &ététraivos, ov. Commendation, ºf aivos, Štravos, éylcápºtov, stºpmºſa, eūAoyta. See Praise. 77 Commended—Compactness One who commends, étrauvérºs. Fond of commending, traiveticós. Commended, Toxvaſvetos. Not commended, &veykopfactos, ov. Commensurate with, ºf orippetpos, ov, c, gen, or c. dat.; +’io duopos, ov, c. gen. To comment, trāpāormuaíva and –opal, mid, esp. on a passage in a book. A commentary (i. e. a note on a book), trapāypaſpſ. Commerce, éutropia ; orijváAAašis, ii; # 3-yopaotic?) (sc. Téxvii). Commercial, éutopicós, éutopeuticos, &AAaktikos, ’āyopagtikós. To commingle, trans. Pſyvägi, fut, mid, used in pass. sens.; a vupſ:/vöpel, kepdvvijul, ovykepdvvºpºl. See To mingle, To mia!. A commingling, otºykpāoris, i. To commiserate, oikteipaſ, käroucteipo, ; oiktíſo, no perf, act, and no pass. voice; + käTouctſ@. See To pity. Commiseration, oiktos, Aeos. See Pity. To commission, êvréAAw, c, dat, pers. A commission, or charge, or office, éirío Táois, eas, i. They gave Demosthenes a commission to employ the ships, etc., Amploadével eitrov xpfaffat Tafs vaval Taütals, ic. T. A. Thuc. To whom the commission has been given, ois étréo Taxtat TéAos, AEsch, The commission of a deed, Šid:"Tpaśis, j; (esp. of a crime) ſcălcotſpympia, Tó. A commissioner, Öikaatſis. To commit (i. e. entrust to be done), Éiritpétro, Tapa- 8töwpu. See To entrust. To commit (i. e. execute any action), 8pdo, Tpdoga, + škºrpdoorw. See To do, To perform. - A committee-man, TpóšovX0s. Commixture, a tºykpāorts, eas, ii. See Miature. Commodious, oſtpºpopos, ov. See Convenient, Commodiously, orvppétpos. Commodity, Xpipa. See Thing. Common (i.e. shared by many), cowos, ), ov, and bs, du ; # Tāykolvos, ov; + Toxikowos, ov; Távönüos, ov; ; Śivās; (of calamities suffered by the whole people) + A&otráðſis. Common (i.e. usual), vöuiuos, givnºſis; eia,0&s, vio, ös, gen. 6tos, etc. Common (i.e. low) ā Tüxćv; 6 Titãx&v. See Any. Common education, tº karašešAmuéva Tatēetuata, Arist. See Usual. I speak what is for the common good, Švy& Aéya, AEsch. Loving in common, ºf coluoqiāfīs. - Commonly (in common), kouji, kolvös, Tºvuff, fivvc Commonly (i.e. usually), eia,66tws. To execute in common, + koivovéo. The commonalty (the common people), 8700s, Tuxávres &v0patrol. See People. Not one of the common kind of men, oùk'àpiðubs, Eul By means of the common people, 6' àpiðaðv, Eur, A commoner, Ömuárms, fem. Šmſtétis, ió0s, ii. The commonwealth, to ſcouvöv ; † to 6%ulov ; T 6muðquov. Common-places (common-place topics), Tótrol ; Toriká. Commotion, Tāpāxīl, Täpäxos ; ; tāpayſia, tá; +t payphs, kivmals, +’āvakivmaſis ; (i. e. disturbance &ópü60s. See Agitation, Tumuli. To commune, 6táAéyopal, mid., with also aor. 1, an fut. l. pass. See Converse. To communicate, kolvöw, fut, mid., and aor. 1. mid sometimes used as act. (but usually the middle voic has a different sense); ’āvākotwów, and -opal; ovyko v6opal, mid.; Éirávălcoiváo, Érikowovéo. To ha communication with, ovyytyvopal. The AEgean Sea communicates with the Propontis, Aiyaíou ovvaved tâuotal tă IIpotovttöl, Arist. Se To connect. A communication (i. e. information communicated), p500s; Tô eisayye7MWópeva, Thuc. That they had been in communication (treasonably with him, à, Tu Tpos airtov čicelcouvoxá'ymuto, Thuc. Communicative, Sun'ymticós. Communion (i. e. intercourse, q.v.), Jüvovoría ; Śpińſ C. gen, or c. dat., or c. Tpbs and acc.; Éiriušia, trapó, and acc., or c. Tpos and acc., or c, dat.; cowout Community (i. e. the body of the people), Öipios. A community, ovvoucía. Community (i.e. common possession), Kouwuta; koi vötn)s, mºtos, fi ; Kolvøvnois, i. Commutation, &AAäyh, PetaAAäyh, ēśańAäyh; uetá Aačis, ii, MetášoAff. See Change. To commute, webío Tmut, not in perf, or aor. 2., whic are always used in pass. or intrans, sens.; Tpér pºetúšáAAw. See To change. A compact, ovuſhkm; giftſgåris, h; ovváAAayua, Té. A written compact, ovyypáſpá. A verbal contract, Öſtpa See Agreement. Compact, tvkvös, eitãº, fis. Compactly, 'épápóTws. Compactness, Tvicvárms, mtos, i. T See Close. 78 Companion, êtaipos ; Giºvvop,0s, 6, #, used also as adj.; Tápagºtárms, ov, 6, esp. in arms; fem. Tápéatátis, iö0s, j; fºuðirrepos, and adj. 0s, ov: + träpeópos, + givöäicos, + Tāpāqelpos; (in living together) givov- quao Tºls; (in travelling) + givéutropos. Your most intimate companions, oi gavroſ étalpótato, * Plat, Most companionable, most eligible or trustworthy as a companion, Étapótatos. terrible companion, + 6isópſiA0s, ov. Joined with one as a companion, +Tposetaptatos, 6v. 'itted for a companion, oivovortaorticós. elonging to companions, presiding over companions or over companionship, Étalpicós. ttached to one's companions (faithful to them), piñé- Taipos, ov. tlached to one's companions, adv., pixet.aſpas. Attachment or fidelity to one's companions, piñetaipeta. o give as a companion, + štáſo, foivoxadaga, o be a companion of, ČuíAéa, c, dat.; TposopſiAéw, c. dat, or c. Tpós and acc.; TAmoridgo, no perf, c, dat.; cºvyytyvopal, mid. Ompany (i.e. companionship), ÖſtiAta, c. gen, or, c. dat, or c. Tpos and acc.; orivovoria, + avvoucía. Wishing for the companionship of others, and to have my own company also desired in return, êtrièUpāv avveſval kal &vtetriflvaeſo 0ai Tàs ovvovortas, Xen. ompany (i.e. collection of people), 6tégos, Xelp, gen. xelpos or Xepás; T âAftyüpts, ews, ii; + 6pſiAia, + orivovaria, +’ian ; # otáois, eas, j; (of Furies, hunters, maidens, etc.), ºf kópros; (of dancers or nymphs, etc.) + Xópos. A company (for the purpose of bearing any expense conjointly), avvtéAetc., ovu- popta. A company, mil. (of soldiers, but also generally of maidens or citizens) A6x0s; Tášis, eas, #. o be a member of a company formed for bearing any bapense conjointly, ovvtexéa, fut. —éora, c. acc. of the expense incurred, or c. eis and acc. of the object for which the company is formed, or the expense under. aken. - member of such a company, ovvtexís. eing one of a company of sixteen to fit out one ship, tàs #RT.os kal 6ékatos &v orvyteAhs, Dem. mparable, orvpéAmtös, c. dat. or c. Tpos and acc.; eikaatós, to be compared to, i.e. like (q.v.), ápotos, 3. dat, or c. trpos and acc. 7at a man cannot comparé to anything else (so as to nderstand what it is), āśćuéAmtov &v0póTº u20eiv, Soph. Companion—Compendiously Comparatively to, trpos, c. acc. with, infră. To compare, elkáço, no perf, act, perf. pass. Kagital; Tposellcáço, 'êtrelkága, Tâpellcáço, övtitièmul, Túpt- otmut, only in pres., imperf, fut, aor. 1. (perf, and aor. 2. are used passively); &vaNoy{{opal, mid, only c. Tpos and acc.; oupéáAAw, trāpāśćAAw, and –ouai, mid.; 'āqopotów; to compare together, ovg6išća. To put side by side so as to compare, Tàpáðeticviſui; Träpä0edopal, mid.; Träpäffewpéa. To compare on the other hand, or in opposition, &vTeikdºw. One must compare, ’āºreticao Téov, ovykpitéov. Comparison, Tāpāšoxii; oticpiots, eos, i. In comparison with, prep. &vt. often used with com- paratives, c. gen.; Tpos, c, acc.; Tápé, c. acc, A compartment, uépos, to (see Part). To compass, Štátrpágora; Trepaívo, no perf, act. ; ěšicvéopal, fut. -íčopal, aor. 2, -lkówmv. See To ac- complish. A compass (a pair of compasses), Tópvos, Štúšfirms. A leg of a pair of compasses, Öéexfoicos. Compassion, oilcrippabs, ÉNeos, kāToíktioris, ii. See Pily. To compassionate, oikteſpo, no See To pity. Compassionate, éAeñuov, ovos, 6; Aéewbs, Att. éAelvés; pixolktippov, ovos, 6 ſcal ii; ÉAemilcós: + aijóðpov, ovos. Moving compassion, + pixolktos, ov. Compassionately, tº éAelvós. Compatible, a ſupwvos, ov, c. dat, or c. Tpès and acc. A compatriot, Torpiórns, ov, 6; troAfrns, ov, 6. See See In comparison perf.; ſcătourteſpa. Countryman. A compeer, àAič, icos, 6 Ical j; fiXuciótms, See Equal. To compel, Bugſa', and –opat, mid, pass, only pres., imperf, and aor. 1, ; 5tašićſopal, Tposétéopal, ſcătă- étéopal, 'évaykāſo, often c. gem, acc.; eisavaykáſa, étávaykáſa, Čšavayicăſa. To compel at the same time, givávaylcáço. To be compelled, ééeſpyopat, only pres, and imperf.; &vaykaios éxet wou, Antipho. What men are compelled to do, to catepyépévov, Thuc. One must compel, *āvaykagréov, Tposávayicagºrčov, Compelled, 'évaylcao Tós. To be compelled, ‘āvayico.oté0s. Compendious, givtop,0s, ov. See Short. commºnly orvytówas. See Shortly. 79 Compendium—compose A compendium, avutopia. To compensate, F &vrianków, no perf; +&vrifféro. Some god is ruining you, compensating you for your former prosperily (sc. by present adversity), ávrian- kógas 6é ore pſetpel &eów Tis tis trapotē’ eitſpašías, Eur. See To requite. Compensation, t’āuoté), T rowii. Compensation for wasted property, àvriuolpía. Compensatory, &vt{fi}otos, ov; 'to 6550ttos; otáðuos, ov. Compensatorily, &vtuffótras. Competency (i.e. ability to do a thing), Sivāuis, eos, ii. Competency (i.e. sufficient means to live on, etc.), aïtépkela. Competent (i. e. able, having authority or power, to do a thing), Süváros, kāpios. See Able. Competent (i. e. adequate), ‘ikavés, sine cas, or c. Tpos, or étrl, or eis and acc., or c. infin., or c. &ote and infin.; attapkhs, sine cas, or c. prep. Competition, 'üyóvious, eas, ii; ’āyavtopads. A competitor, 'êyovaths, &vrayavtotás. Your competitor, d orbs évo Tárms, Soph. To be a competitor, 'üywviçoſal, mid., Att, fut, usu. ’āywvioßpal, c, dat, or c. prep.; &vtåywvigopal. Not being a competitor in the public games, ’āvāyāvuotos, Op’. A compilation, ovyypābā. To compile, ovyypápa. A compiler, orvy'ypāqets. Complacency, jöová. With complacency, #5éws. To view with complacency, Šv #8ovì èxw. To complain, complain of, pºéupouai; 'éyévalºréa, c. dat, or c. acc., or c. prep., Tºp, repl; and gen, or c. Tpös and acc., or c. ei or éðv; 6elvoirá0éa, in + &vtſ- pres.; Selvöv trouéopal, Thuc.; 6éivöv trouéo, Dem. To complain angrily, oxetàidgw, only in pres, c. Éirl, and dat of the cause, or c. Ös and indic. See To lament, To blame. To be complained of, adj., altios, a, ov, sometimes Att. os, ov, c. gen, rei, or c. 6, Ti and indic.; Repºrtos, usu. c. meg. See Blameable. Complaint, Hoppí. Angry complaint, oxetMagpiās. Cause of complaint, airía. It gives no cause of complaint, oùk exei käräueuilly, Thuc.; otic &yavdictmaty Éxel, c. dat of the person to whom it is given, Thuc. Complaisance, '3peaketa. Complaisant, ºperkos. Complement, TAfipwpa, āros, tá. * Complete, TéAetos and réNeos, a, ov, and Att. os, or (Téaeos most usu. in prose); €vTexhs, travtex}s, éictex?)s, TAmphs, 3Aos; (of a year) Texeówmvos (i. e. complete in its full number of months). Complete in itself, ańtoteAfts. \, To complete, tpdraw, blampdoow, knpárow, Texia, éictexéal, &roteWew; trepaiva, and poet., including Trag.. Telpaiva'; Éepydgopal, mid., perf. pass, &eipyagual, both in act, and pass. Sens, aor. 1. Čelpyárðmy, only in pass.; &mépyá{ouai, kitſutamut, gvia or āvāra, ěšavča, TeXeów or Texelów; TAmpów, esp. numbers, or a complement of troops; KTAlpów, Tpost\mpów, ’āvāTAmpów. One must complete, étriteWeotéov, Completely, Távros, Távrm; travtåtåg, or w; Tāvv, Táuirav, Titãv; Tāpātav, and to trapárav; Tav täxj, travráxás, -i trčyxv, f. trapºtríðmy, ŚAws. One who completes, TAmpdºrms, ov, d. - Completion, TAñpwo is, h; ’āTepyāoria; texeſwats, i. +TAfipapa, Tó. Completeness, Texelötms, mtos, i. Complex, troAAá'TA00s, ov, contr. —ovs, -ovy; ouptre TAeyuévôs. Complexity, a tºt}\ečis, ea's il. - * Complexion, xpès, gen. xpatos, etc., 6; Xpoiá; Xpópla Tö. º Of a good complexion, eúxpos, 6, ii, neut.-wv; eixpoos ov, contr. —ovs, -ovv. To have a good complexion, eúxpoéw. Compliance, reiðapxia, ‘ūTovpyía; ‘ûretéus, eas, i. To complicate, étraXAágga. Complication, IcătăTAokſ. Compliment, xàpievtuguós; + šárevua, Tó. To compliment, Xaptevtigopal, sine cas.; +&wiretºw. The welfare of the city has been complimented away f the sake of present popularity, Tpoirétotal Tàs Tapa Tíka xàpitos té. Tis TóAews trpáygata, Dem. A complot, €TiéoùAm. See Plot. To comply, irákoto; Teſtouai, mid. and pass.; fr ‘ūTeiko, no perf.; ŚTelkä0a, only in aor. 2. ‘ûretic 0ov; ‘ûrmpetéo, c. dat.; + xàpiſowat, mid.; #Topal One must comply, ‘ūTeucréov, relatéov, ‘ūtrākovo Téov Comportment, Tpótros. See Manners. To compose (i.e. put together), ovvrièmpl; giviotn only in pres. imperf. fut, and aor. 1. act, aor. 2. ac and perf, act. used passively; (a book, speech, etc trouéa, ovyypápa. To compose or pacify a perso ‘āvārgūw. To compose a quarrel, F 8top9ów. 80' Composed—Conceive To compose one's countenanee, ’āvaa tráo (tàs pºpus, Dem.); (ró Tpégoirov, Xen.); iotnut (to Tpégoirov), Xen. Having composed his countenance so as not to show he knew anything of what had happened, &öñA*s Tā ālel TAao duevos Tpos thu orvpaqopäv, Thuc. Composed (i.e. calm), '&Tpepſis. Composedly, eúicóAws. Composedness, &rpepſia, eúñía. A composer, esp. in prose, ovv0érms. Composition (i. e. the act of composing), giv6eoris, h; (of poems) trotmots, ii; (i.e. the thing composed) pyov. See Work. Composure, &tpeputa. See Composedness. Compotation, orvpatógiov. See Drinking. To compound, utyvöput, ovupiyvöpu. See To mia. One must compound, utictéov, ovv6eréov, ovyi pâtéov. A compounding, Otºykpions, i. Compounding, adj. ovykpiticós. Compound, ulictós ; qūv0etos, ), ov, and 0s, ov. Compound interest, Táko Čiritokol, Plat. Well compounded, eigüv6etos, ov. To comprehend (i. e. to understand, q.v.), givinut; 'yūyvágico, wav6ávo, evuoéo, kātāAapéâvo; a vuéâAðv ëxa, Eur. To comprehend (i.e. comprise, q.v.), avptrepińapéðvø. In saying no one at all, it comprehends all the rest, €v pºv Tó uměéva trávtas Tepixapéâvel Toys &AAovs, Dem. One must comprehend, páffmtéov; (i. e. comprise) orvurepi\mirtéov. Comprehensible, eiuá931s, Amtrós. See Intelligible. Comprehension, v60s, contr. vows; yuápm. See Under- standing. Comprehensively, orvXX#66mv. To compress, orivo,0éo, fut. -600 and –off.joro ; ovy- 0Aiša'; guptlé@, no perf act.; orvpatrixéa, f orivepeiða. See To press. Compressible, truegºtás. Compression, ovutried us, ii. S e Pressure. To comprise, ovXAapsávo, Tepixapéâva, ovutrépixau- éâva', trepuéxa. For those things are in my case comprised in that, Év- Taü0a yáp plot kelva avykoutſetal, Soph. What can be comprised, treptanTros. To compromise, avyxopéo, c. dat. Compulsion, 'üváylcm, 8ta. I slew him from compulsion, &Aoûs éq6vevora, Soph. Compulsorily, Białos, ’āvaykaotºs, ’āvaykaias, éträ- vayices. See To agree. Compulsory, 'évaykaios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; 8ízios, ’āvaykaoticós. Compunction, wetāpéAeta. See Repentance. Compunctious, wetäuexmticós. Computation, Aoylapºos, étriNoytoplós. Computable, süapíðumtos. To compute, "àpiðuéw; Aoytſoual, mid. To include in a computation, givápióuéw. See To calculate. A comrade, trāpāśātms, ov, 6, poet. Tăpatéârms, råpo- otárms, ov, 6; and in fen. Tápagºtátis, i50s, h; # oup- trāpaatárms; + Tápagittaths, où, 6; a votpattºrns, ov, 6. See Companion. A comrade on board ship, ovy- vaúrms ; a ſpità00s, 6, #, contr. —ovs; + avvvavšárms To be a comrade, Tápétáogopal, mid.; orivāyavío. pal, mid.; tràpiotăual, mid, and pass.; # Tāpaatigo, + Tápagºtátéo, to vuTapaotátéw, + avutroptotapat. A concatenation, orivöeris, eas, i. Concave, coià0s. Concavity, kotAótºms, mTOs, i. To conceal, kpótta, kātākpútto (also kakkpārrow, poet.); &mokpárto, Çykpúirta, + käAöttw, Tiré- Aſtra, ovycaMºtta, ’āqāviſo; otéya, rare, except in pres, and imperf.; + Iceißw, perf. Kékev6a, often in pass. sense; Tiketºa. See To hide. Do not conceal the truth from me, pºl . . . Éickxéilms Aóryov, Soph. - One must conceal, ºpvirtéov. Concealed, kātāo xetos, ov. Easily concealed, eúicpw- See Secret. 4. To be concealed, Aov6ávo, fut. Aftoo, aor. 2., Aáðov, perſ. AéAm0a. > - f ttos, ov; eikpāq, hs. What must be concealed, &pävia Téos, + k\etté0s, + ovylcáAvirtéos. Concealing (all things), Taylcevöhs. Concealing (so as to conceal), adv. kpāqī. See Secretly. Concealment, kpúipts, # ; ; Kätakpāq)ſ. To concede, étrutpétro ; tāpimpal, aor. 1. –?ica, etc. épímpt ; (in arguing) ovyytyvágico, Tposop,0x0)éa, See To yield, To grant. One must concede, avyxopmTéov and —Téa. Conceit, 69kmoria'oſpía. See Vanity. Conceited, + petépatos, a, ov, and os, oy; † 60km- ofo'opos, OV, Conceivable, vom Tós. To conceive (become pregnant), icvéo, no perf.; ſcúa, aor. l. mid. (aor, 1. act. is to make to conceive) éküordumv (also metaph. to conceive in the mind, Xem.); icvtokopal, pass., only pres. and imperf.; (in the mind) voéw; ‘ūTotvtóopal, mid.; 820tdºo Év yºup, 81. Concentrate—Condemn B. ppewl, AEsch. Ar. To conceive (or entertain) a particular idea or feeling, triflegal, mid, esp. in aor. 2. One must conceive, vomtéov. To concentrate, oivāyeſpa, oriváðpoiſo. They areconcentrating all Lesbos in Miylene, ovvolkſgow- ori Thy Aéréov és Thy MutvXfivny, Thuc. See To collect. Concentration, *č9poigis, eos, i. Conception, kūmaris, eas, ii; (i. e. idea, q.v.) vómua, Tá; (i. e. the power of forming ideas) ppóvnua, Té; vámous, ii. See Thought. To concern, trposhka, only pres, and imperf, usu. as impers.; it concerns, #ket, only pres. and imperf. c. eis and acc., or c, dat. See To become, Ought, etc. To concern one's self about, tripleAéopal, mid.; &vti- Aquéâvouai, mid. See To be busy. To be concerned (i.e. sorry, etc.), #x00aal; AUTéopal, pass.; 5vspópws ‘āya, c. acc. Soph. See To grieve. Concerned in, tetriotpoſpos, ov, c. gen. See Busy. Concern, trpäypia, T6. See Affair, Matter. Concern (i.e. sorrow), Aëtm; #x00s, tá. See Grief. Concerning, trepl, c. gen, or c. dat, or c, acc., but c. gen, most usual; ), c. gen, c. dat., c. acc.; kárà, c. gen.; Tpbs, c. acc. See About. To concert, koiyoAoyéopat, mid, To act in concert (do any thing in concert), kolví, ópyá. {opal, Thuc.; they did nothing in concert, oùöév &6poo. ërpašav, Thuc. Concert, Čučvola; of music, orivavXta. A concession, orvyx&pmoris, i. A conch (used as a trumpet), ºf kóxAos. To conciliate, ‘iaéopal and iNeóouat mid.; trpostrouéo- ual, trposáyouai, kārépyáſoual, inspów, Fäpérkw, esp. in fut, mid. &péoſopal (aor. 1, pass, used in act. sens. Soph.).-[The middle tenses usu. govern acc., as also the active in Trag.; but in prose the act. usu. has dat, sometimes (poet.) dat, pers, acc. rei, to make conciliatory gifts or sacrifices to.] One must conciliate, &mpâtéov. To be conciliated, &mpâté0s. Easy to conciliate, eiträpäkamros, ov; eiðepèrevros, ov. Conciliation, conciliatory behaviour, etc., trposáywyh, getAiyua, Té. Conciliatory, calculated to conciliate, &mpătuitos, +&mpārīptos. Concise, rövtopos, ov; of a person, 8pāxīAoyos, ov. See Brief. º * º J. To be concise, 8päxiſNoyéa'; orvytepºv ºppäça, Eur.; Év Apaxeſ ovv6eis Aéya, Soph,; ovvexöv Aéya, Thuc.; &s avvexévri eitreºu, Xen. To make a concise answer, ovvrépuo &tokptoeis, Plat. He is wise who is able to be concise with much meaning in few words, orogoi, trpos &vöpös àotus év 8paxeſ: troXX00s Aó)ovs olos Te avvréuvely kaxós, Eur. One must be concise, 8päxvAoymtéov. Concisely, orvytópºws, 8päxéas, kepāAalw80s; Év 8päxel, Soph.; Év 8pāxīrāre, Xen.; Év kepāAatº, év kepañaiots, 8paxvtåtº kepañ&ſº, Thuc. Xen.; 6t' àAłyov. Conciseness, 8pāxīAoyſa, ovutopia. A conclave, orivéðptov, orivečpío. To meet in conclave, givečpeta. See To counsel. To conclude (i.e. infer), tekuaipouai, mid.; Aoytſoual, mid. c. perf. pass, in act, sens.; ovXAoytſouai, re- patva. To conclude (a treaty, an agreement, etc.), trotéopat, mid. To conclude (i. e. to end), 5uelctrepaiva'. See To finish. One must conclude, orvXAoytotéov. Concluded (as a treaty), kateixmugévos. To be concluded, orvXAoytoté0s, Plat. - When seen it inust be concluded to be the cause, etc., ôq6eſora avXA0%iatéa patveral elva ès airía, k. T. A. Plat, A conclusion, ovXAoyiguós; orvpatrépagpa, Tó. Conclusion (i. e. end, q.v.), TéAos, Tó. Conclusive, trepavrikos, orvAAoyuaticós. Conclusively, orvptrepavtukós, ovutrépaopatikós. To concoct, orvparadorow. See To contrive. Concoction (i.e. contrivance, q.v.), ščeňpmua, Tó. Concomitant, givákóAov60s, ov. Concord, Šuévola, Šuoãočía, +&p6Mós. In concord, épºovom Tukós, ògoyvouðvøs. Concourse, givoãos, i ; qūAAoyos ; a jatāris, i. A concubine, taxxâlds, tºos, h; Taxxãº, raſpa; érapis, toos, i. Concubinage, Étapmots, ews, ii; firáNAayua, Tó. Concupiscence, étibiºuia. To concur (as circumstances do), orvuéaíva, not in fut, or in aor. 1. act.; ovvtpéxo, fut. Späuojuat, aor. 2. –éöpäuov; + špuéſo, no perf act. To concur (i. e. to agree), ovyxapéo, ögoãoyéa, orvuſpovéa, föuoß- É00éa. See To agree. - Concurrence (i.e. consent, q.v.), Öpióvota. Concurrent, oùvöpopuos, ov. Concurrently, Šuás. See Together. Concussion, oretop.6s ; + švooris, eas, #. To condemn, karakpivo, more rarely ºptva, ; káráði. ká(w, käräylyváakw, kaffaipéo, kataxelpotovéo, ka. Taipmbíſopigi. 82 Condemned—Confederacy Io condemn to death, śāvārów. To condemn beforehand, Tpokátáyiyvárka, Tpokata- 3ică(w. To condemn besides, trposkotayi-yvárka. They have condemned this girl, eis Távös traióa liqov &pidav påvov, Eur. For if I am now condemned, hy yöp viv katakptóſ plot, Xen. To procure to be condemned, kataðiká(ouai. - To be condemned, ‘āAtakouai, pass. fut, mid, in pass. sens.’īAógoual, aor. 2. act, also in pass. sens. #Aww, usu, äAww. One must condemn, kåta) mºbiotéov. Condemned, + yua,00els, ºf icărăkūpa,0ets. Deserving to be condemned, kātāAffiliuos. Condemnation, kātāyvoorus, eas, i ; káTālāqīorts, eas, i ; Käräxelpotovía ; the vote of condemnation, thiºpos retpürmuévy), HEschin.; bikm icate/mºptopévm, Thuc, By abusing the generals he procured their condemnation, Töv otpatmyav Katmyopæv &tréictelvey airtois, Xen. To condense, trijkvów, orvpatrvicváa. Condensed, givnápotopévos, To condescend, ovykä0ímut (aor. 1, -ſika), and a. éuavrov, c, dat, or c. eis and acc. Condescending, fiólos, a, ov, and os, ov; compar. §§'wv, Šá'ortos. Condign, s. Condignly, &#ſws. t Condiment, uéaupa, Tb, in pl. See Sauce. Condition (of life, etc.), uoſpa ; otágis, eas, # ; tróTuos ; orávračis, eos, h; āśtopia, Té; Biórow uépos, Eur.; See Fate; (of mind or body) Tâ0mua, Tó; trá00s, Tá; £is, ii. The condition of anything (of affairs), kārdarāoris, ii. The conditions of an agreement, Aéryos, usu. in pl. Settled conditions, Émté, Tó. On condition that, €q’ $, or ép' & 'te, c.indic, or c. infin. Having invited him to a conference on condition of allowing him to return to the fort, Tpokaxed duevos és Aóyovs $orte . . . . trāAw airröv karao Thorew és to Teixos, Thuc. Good condition, eiešía. In good condition, fit for service (of arms, ships, etc.), évrexhs, In good condition, adv. e5. In bad condition, adv. kakós. To be in any condition, Štěkepal, c. adv. e8, kākós, etc.; *Xo, c. adv. To be in good condition, 'ékpºéſo, no perf. See To flourish. See Deserved. Condoling, giv6pmvos, ov. To be in bad condition, trovéa. In what a condition, Foias. º To condole, ovutev6éa, ; # orivaAyea, c. dat, pers, sometimes c. acc. of troubles; + orivao XaAáa, only in pres.; oiſváx60pal, mid.; ovutrāoxw; + ouptrovéa, c. dat, pers., acc. of troubles, or c. dat. of troubles; + ovykówww, fut. -kāuotpat. See To lament. A condottiero, Ševčyós. To be a condottiero, Ševčyéa. Condonation, ovyyváum. See Pardon. To conduce, pépo, rare in this sense beyond the pres. and imperf; tetva ; orvyteſva, c. prep. and c. infin. See To contribute, To lead. These things will not conduce to your glory, O Lacedae- monians, où Tpostis Šuetépas 56&ms, 3 Aalce&alpóviol, Táöe, Thuc. Conducive, Xphoiuos, m, ov, and os, ov, c. prep.; 'âyoyös, ov, c, trpos or étl and acc. See Useful. To conduct,’āya; jºyéouai, mid.; trouteño; réuto (of persons only), Tāpāréutra, ; Koptºw and –ouai, mid.; Těpákopſgo; 5ttmut, aor. 1. –mka, etc., as a river con- ducts those who sail on it to some point. To aid in conducting, conduct at the same time, etc., orvutréatra, givektéutra. - To conduct across, Stāya, Ståétéáço. To conduct away, ‘ārāya, śāya. To conduct round, reptăyo, ovure- piáyo. To conduct to, into, etc., eisūya, eism)éopal, + eistopeča. To conduct safely, oráſa, followed by some word signi- fying motion to a place, as eis, Seipo, officaäe, etc.; âtroodºo. - Conduct, or the conducting (of anything), +Trout#. A safe conduct, ČopäAsia. Conduct (i.e. behaviour, q. v.), Tpótos. A conductor, jºyeuðv, Övos ; + iynths; + #ynthp, 7pos, 6; + kopuatás ; + kopuarhp, fipos, 6; + Tópatros. Conducting, + tropºratos, a, ov, and os, ov, of a person, or of wind, of an oar; +trówtriuos, m, ov, and os, ov; + troutrös, Öv. Conducted, + trópatriuos, m, ov, and os, ov, c. dat. A conduit, xelſió500s, contr. ovs ; xãpá'öpa. A cone, kóvos. Comebearing, icovopópos, ov. Confections, tréuſſièra, td. A confectioner, i öipotroués, A confederacy, oivºporta; Tô givápotov, orvujiāx{a, to ovuuäxicóv. - To join in a confederacy, givéuvvut, on upišxéa. See Sweetmeats. G 2 83 Confederate—Confute A confederate, éticoupos, gºugèxos, givouárms. To confer, 6íðapu ; (as, to confer honour, disgrace, etc., on a person) replárto, trepitiénui. - To confer (i. e. discuss, q.v.), ovyytyvouai, also ovy- 'ytyv. čs Aéryovs ; oupéâAAouai, mid., also oupéâAAw Aðyovs. To confer beforehand, trpoovyytyvouai. Conference, Aóryos, givovoria. He said that he wished to have a conference with him, eirev Šti és Aó)ovs BoöAotto atté à pucéo flat. To confess, 640xoyéo ; Katowoxoyéo, esp. wrongly; oivouoxoyéw, ovyytyvágico. To confess beforehand, ºrpool,0Aoyéa. Confessing that he has done wrong, inroatãs airbs hål- kmkéval, Eur. When they confessed they had not, they led them away and killed them, Širote pººl patev, &trayayóvres &té- kTelvov, Thuc. One must confess, ÖpioAoymtéov; (beforehand) trpoowo- Aoymtéov. - Confessedly, Öpioxo'youpévos. Confession, Šuoãoyia, Tposogońoyſa. To confide in (i. e. to trust), Tet00ual, trioteña, ; to confide (i. e. to entrust, q.v.), áritpéra, Tāpāšîăwul; Tpotepal, mid.; t eiszelpíšw. One must confide in, Tigrévréov, You will appear inclined to confide more in them than in yourselves, Öpets 3° aitoi pavāorea 6e Tuatótepov orphs ékeſvows Tpos ūuás aitovs 5takeſpevol, Lys. Confidence (in some one, etc.), triotis, situotta ; - (i. e. boldness) 0ápotos; + 9pāoos, td; eiðapata. Arising from well-grounded confidence, ék Toi îtrépºppo- vos, Thuc. Because they had no confidence in themselves, 31& To Thy 'yuápmy &vexéyyvov yeyevå06al, Thuc. To gain the confidence of (the people), Tigrós yewéotal, Thuc. Confident (i.e. bold), Spårös, SaporéAéos, eúðapahs, 'éðefts; +’āöetuavros, ov; (i.e. relying on) + trioivos, +trigrés. Confidently, eú0aporós, ’āöeós, &aporãAéas, Sapo'oùv- TøS. - - To be confident, 6aporéaſ, eúðaporéal, 'ütroðaporéo. Confiding, triotevticós. Confidingly, trio Tevrikós. To confine, eſpyw, fut, mid, sometimes in pass. sens., no perf. act.; káðelpyväut, k\etw, Éticărăicxetw. Confined, + ykātā'KAelotos, ov; Kärä'ºpakros, ov; (i. e. narrow) or revós. Confines, §pos ; Śpia, Tá; peóópicº, Tá. See Border. | Confinement (i. e. prison), eipyuás. To confirm, kūpów, 866&idw. Confirmation, Bešafoots, h; trforworts, h; t kūpos, to, To confiscate, àmueño, ömuogiów, Ömu00 tetw. Confiscated, Smuágios. Confiscated property, tº 8m- pitóTpāra. Confiscation, 8’huevots, ews, i. Conflagration, êutpmots, eas, i. - Conflict, uáxm, avuéox#; (of mind) a totáois, ii. See Battle. - To conflict (i.e. be opposed), &v6to Tapai, pass., c. perf and aor. 2. act.; Évavričouai, &vtåywvigouai. Conflicting (of opinions or statements), śvávttos. See Contrary. Confluence, a £350ia, oráññevois, i. To conform to, öplotóouai, mid. and pass.; apºpo- uotéopal. Conformable, oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; orčuperpos, ov; oup.Tpetàs. See Like. Conformably, oikeiws, éupérpaſs. Conformation, Moppi; + uáppapua, Tó. Conformity, àuotörms, mitos, i. To confound, ovyküków, Štákūkāa, Štátāpāoa w. Confounding the time (i. e. making a false statement of the time when a thing was done), get eveyicöv (aor. 2. of ueTapépa) Tots xpóvows, Dem. Confounding . the place (i. e. doing a thing at a wrong place), Tov Tótrov wereveyköy, AEschin. See To confuse. To confuse (things), k\ovéo, ovyxéo, Tápérow, ovy- těpáo ow, küków, ovykökáo, pipw. To confuse (facts by an artful statement), uétépépa ; of persons, see To perplea. Confused, in confusion, Täpäxoöhs, ’āraktos, "àgúv- Takros ; +’āicoguos, ov; + dipºpuptos, ov; Tavré- quptos, ov. In a confused mob, otºykavs, ió0s, 6, i. Not in confusion, 'étépaktos, ov; ’ārāpāxos, ov. . Confusedly, 'étártos, Teräpayúévos, xúðnv, pēpēmv, 'éväulē, "f Šupiya. Without confusion, 'ütāpāktas. See Orderly. Confusion, räpäxh, Túpäxos, + Tāpayuás; + tipayua, Tó; ’āicoagta, ’ātašía; otºyxioſis, i. Confusion of mind, kåtapôop& ppevöv, HEsch. Tumult. Confutation, ÉNeyxos; Aiois, i. - To confute, éAéyxo, ötexéyxo; ‘āuivouai, mid.; Sto- 0éopal, mid. ; &rotpiéopal, mid. (esp. accusations brought against oneself). One must confute, éAeyktéov, Ščexeyktéov. e See '84 Congeal—Conscientious Calculated to confute, &valpeticbs, éAeyxoeiðfis. . Easily confuted, eiéAeyktos, ov; evešéAeyktos, ov. What cannot be confuted, 'üvešéAeyctos; 6üséAeykros, OW. So that it cannot be confuted, adv. 'êvečexéyktas. To congeal, act. Thyviſui. Congealed, + špop,666ms, ºf trnkrós. A congealing, or making to congeal, Tååts, ii. Congenial, épouáTpotros, ov. To congratulate, ºfficöpiſo, ovyxaípa. Congratulation, uākāpiouds. To congregate, givetſu (-téval), givépxopal. To assemble, Congregation, êkkamata. See Assembly, Congress, Tāvāyīpus, eas, #; oivoãos, i. See As- Sembly. Congruity, Titmöetótms, mºros, j. Congruous, ovºirpetrás ; Śuperpos, ov. Congruously, Épºpétpas. Conical, piao Toeiðhs. Conjecturable, ºf eigüuéoxos, ov; + eia ºuéAmtos, ov. A conjecture, otox&ouás ; a Tóxia is, # ; Śiróvola, ºf otóxos. To conjecture, eikáſa, no perf, act.; ’ātrelká(o, örel- Icé@, Tposelkáço; a toxéopal, mid., c. perf. pass.; TekWaſpoſal, mid-; ovvtekuaipopal, i atáðudopal. o conjecture beforehand, trpoelká(w. A conjecturer, eikaaths, où, 6. rightly, ºf Advtus, eos, 6. To conjoin, Çeşºviſui, ovſeſ yuipu. See To join. Conjointly, buoi, ºud. See Together. Conjugal, yāpīAtos, ov. Conjugal love (on the part of the wife), tró00s (pixávop, opos, 6, AEsch. See Marriage. Conjunction, a £evěts, #; givajis, i. Conjunctively, Šuoi). See Together. Conjuncture, ’ākpıſı. See Crisis, Conjuration, juáyevtikft. To conjure, (with magic) pixãyaryéo; (i. e. to en- treat, q.v.) airéa, ; 8éopal, mid., fut. Señorouai, a r. 1. pass. 66efiðmu, in act. sens., etc. A conjurer, uáyos, pixãywyðs. Conjuring (calculated to conjure), Wüxãywyös, Öv. To connect, oivárra, no perf act.; ovſeſ yujul. See To join. To connect oneself form a connection by marriage, giv- apráo Yévos, Eur.; givárta Aéktpa (&AAmAois), giv- 3rra Yévvar, avvárta Yáuov, ovvárra, kā30s, all in Eur. See One who conjectures To be connected by openings, channels, etc., orvytetpaſv- opal, pass. What connection has this with independence? Tí toàro trposhkei tā airtovoutg; Xen. It is likely that Pandion formed the connection for his . daughter, eicos 3& kal to kiöos IIavôtova èvváilao 6al tàs Siyyātpos, Thuc. - Connected, f otºykońAos, ov. A connected slyle, eipo- plévm Aéâts, Arist. - A connection, (i.e. junction) orđevºis, h; ovutaokh; (by marriage) kjö0s, Tá; khöevua, Tá; kmöeoría, kmöeia, - A connection (i. e. a person connected by marriage), ºyapuépás; kmöeaths, où, 6; + kmöepºv, Övos, 6; + kā- 6eupa, Tá; † Trev6epós. To form a connection by marriage, knösöw, c. dat. To commive at, ovyxwpéa, c. dat. Connubial, yūgīAlos, ov; yāpikás. To conquer, viudw, c. acc.; ºpâtéa, c. gen, or c, acc. Xelpów, 5èuá%, ’f 5&ndo; + 840&ual, only in pres. kāraatpépouai, mid. ; Kätepyágopal, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sens.; (of fortified places, cities, etc.) ai. péo, see To take; (in a trial of skill) 5trepšáAAopal, mid.; (in a naval fight) kārāvavuáxéo; (beforehand) Tpoviców; (in turn) &vtivikda. e y de 3. To conquer with, to aid in conquering, ovykä6alpéa ; orvykarao Tpéqouai, mid. To be conquered, horodouai, pass, no perf.; ÉAaagø0- wat, pass., no perf. To be conquered at the same time, avvmorogopal. To be conquered in turn, ºf &v6äAígico- AlO4. One must conquer, vikritéov. One must not be conquered by, oùbáuás jo'antéa, c. gen. Easy to conquer, eixeipotos, ov; firãpášáros, and poet. trāpéâtos, ov; sūkā0aíperos, ov. An enemy difficult to be conquered, i övszeipapa, Tó. Conquering, Érikpātās; + vikm$6pos, ov; +'intéprepos. Conquering all things, ºf travöäuäTap, opos, only masc.; + trópºuáxos, ov; † Traykpátás. See Victorious. A conqueror, ‘f Tpiakthp, fipos, 6; + vikouáxas, ov, 6. Belonging to a conqueror, viicnthptos, Conquest, vikm; Éirukpármolis, #. See Victory. The prize of conquest, to vikritſipuov. Consanguinity, avyyáveta; oikeiôrms, mºros, j; āyxi- oteia. . See Relationship. Conscience, or consciousness, givvoi..., Jüveals, #, Conscientious, Šicatos, a, ov, and sometimes os, ov. To be conscious, oivotóa [the construction is avoiša éuavré, oivotóws geavré, etc., usu, with part, either 85 Conscript—Considerably in nom, or dat. agreeing with the pronoun; e.g. when a man is conscious that he is good, #vík' &v Tis éq988s &v alſTó ovvetón, Soph.; I am conscious that I know nothing, orêvotòa £uavré, odóēv étriotauévº, Plat.; also c. acc. rei, as, being conscious of my own ignorance, ovvetóð’s épatrº 'ºuï0íav, Plat.; or without anything after the verb, as—even if you escape the notice of others, you will at least be conscious of (wrong) your- self, ... àv toos &AAovs A&6ps geavré ye ovvetőfi- gets, Isoc.]; they were conscious of having done wrong, avvéyvagav org/forty aïrois às höilcmicóres, Lys. Conscript (i. e. a man forced to enlist as a soldier), âvaykaatós. To consecrate, ispów, kafliepôw, kā6āytºw, f 'dyviço; (ground) televigo. Consecrated ground, Téuevos, Tó. Consecutive, f Ötöðoxos, ov. Consecutively, ºf ééſis. Consent, avyx&pmois, eas, i. To take silence for consent, thv ovyºv ovyx&pmoiv Tíðmul, Plat. º I govern them with their own consent, Élcóvtwv Špxopiat. Dem. If this were done without their consent, ei rotºro &vev Tās a perépas yuápms arolto, Xen. To consent, veiſw, in prose more usu. in compounds; étrivetſw, kataveča, aivéo, orivalvéo, Éraivéa, ovve- traivéw. Consenting, ovyyváuwu, ovos, 6, i. Consequence (i. e. thing resulting), to &roë&v, to &troëaivov, to ovvetrówevov; (in argument)'\koAoû0m- ois, eas, ii. The consequences, esp. of an assertion or argument, Tă ătrâueva; Tô dpºm6évra, c. &trö and gen. Consequence (i. e. importance), Öykos, 50th. She dies most miserably in consequence of a most glorious action, kākio T' &m' épywy ejk}\eed tâtwv , pēivet, Soph. Of consequence, trpoßpyov, and compar. Tpovpylaitepov. And it is of no consequence to me, kāpºol uły oãèv Tpdyſia, Eur. It is of little consequence, eis Hikpov #ket, Eur, To think it of little consequence, trapū airpov iryeto 6al, Isoc. You consider them of no consequence, 5t’ občevös troteſ, Soph. It would have been of no consequence, trap' otºv v šv, Eur. Thinking cuerything else of less conscquence than pro- viding ships, vouſo as Távra iſotepa elva rā āWAa Tpos to waús . . . ovutrapakoptoal, Thuc. Consequent, 'ükóAov60s, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. Consequently, t?, Šviteň6ev, Štropévos. See Therefore. Consequential, 'üAá{wy, ovos, 6 kal il. See Arrogant. Consequentially ueyańoppóvas. Conservation, Tſipmats, eas, i. Conservative, piñakticos, by, c. gen. To conserve (eatables), Tàpixeia. To consider, ºppovéa, ºppovtſºv, akotéw, Jkéttopal (akotréa is used only as pres. and imperf act, and mid.; orétrouai, only in fut. I. aor. 1. mid, and perf. pass. in trans. sense, so that they are used as making together one word); Staakotréal, Ölagicértouai, Čart- o'coméo, Érigicértopal; Aoytſoual, mid.; RAoyſ(opal, ‘āvāAoyi{opal, 6taxoyiſogal; Év65uéopal, mid.; '30péw, trepia.0péw, flewpéa (‘as Šećopal, &ewpéw refer to uni- versal contemplation, so do akotréa, okoréouai to par- ticular,’ LIDD, and Sc.); Baardºw ppewl, 3. Év Yvápm, AEsch.; ppovtåg ríðepal, AEsch.; £v ºppovrät eiul, Xen. To consider a thing to be so and so, vouíſo, tiffnut, ºpivo; inéopal, mid.; totéopal, mid,; +véuw. To consider beforehand, Tpovoéo, and –ouai, mid., c. aor. 1, pass. in act. sens.; Tpoorkotréa, and Tpookétr- Topal; TpošovXeña (also in another person's cause). To consider besides, trposâlâvoéopat; trposev6üuéouai, mid. To consider on the other hand, &vti/\oy{{ouai. But consider the news which were brought to me lately, as I was coming hither, A6)0s 6', 's éputéirtwicev &ptíos éuol artetxovti čeſpo, orvuéaxoi, Yvápmv, Soph. Socrates was engaged in considering what had been said, Tpbs tº eipmuévº A6'yº ºv 6 ×wkpárms, Plat. Do I consider his disposition inimical to me, when he is not so? &p' ékAoyigouat ye trpès to Övogeves pāAAov qpévas roß’ &vros oix. 8voruevoús; Eur. - Considering, 'étričov (used in no other part of the verb), c. Tpos and acc. w Consider that they were sent by the common eaertions of all Greece, às &rb trams Tās ‘EAAdãos icolvå treputré- pºevol, Thuc. One must consider, orkeTréov, Širvoicetrtéov, Aoyla réov, ‘ūtroAoyia Téov, f womtéov, f &6pm révv, Év6vpumtéov; besides, trposëtavomtéov. - To be considered, éirigicetrté0s. A subject for consideration, Šećpmua, Tó. One who considers, ºppovtuaths, où, 6, sometimes c. acc. rei. * Considerable, grověatos;   kertos, ov. Considerably, Toxi, T6AAp, TrépároAv. See Much, 86 Consideration—Consume Consideration, A6)0s; o'céjus, ii; Aoytoplbs, 8ta\oyl- opós; 9eópmors, ā; Évêiumqis, eas, h; ppovttöwy émiairão is, Soph. That he might appear to you a friend deserving of con- sideration, Štra's got pixos s Aéryov pavein, Xen. To take into consideration, êv Široxöya, Toléopal, Lys. To put out of consideralion, xatpelv Aéyo, xaſpew elirov, xaipeiv čáa, c. acc. Plat. To consign, 6tašíðapu. To consist of, aivia tapal, pass. c. perf, and aor. 2. act. Consistency, a teped tºms, mºros, i. To have consistency, ovutpépopal, c. perf mid. avvré Tpoſpa; orivio Tagal, pass., c. aor. 2, and perf act, in pass. Sens. Consistent, uðviuos; "àvápióptmtos, ov; ‘ākóAov60s, ov, c. gen, or c, dat.; givrovos, ov. Consistently, Étropévals; +’áčexpos, ov, c. gem. Consolation, Tăpăuș010v, Tăpău.50ia, + Tūpājūxh, + Túpmyopia; + träpmyópmua, Tó. Consolatory, Träpäu.50m ticós; + Tápiiryopos, ov. To console, Tàpäuä0éopal, mid. c. dat, or c, acc.; Tápmyopéo, and -opal, mid.; Tposſiyopéa. To be consoled, + Täpä0áAtropat, only in pres. One must console, Träpäuä0mtéov. A consoler, ºf träpäyopos, 5, #. To consolidate, trürvów, a Tepeda. Consonance, àpprovia, ovuſpovia. Consonant, a ſppovos, ov, c. dat, or c, gen.; toivºbs, OW. Consonantly, avpubóvas, orvuſpovoúvros. Consort, i. offſvä, öyos, 6, #. See Husband, Wife. To consort with, Öpixáo; trposopiaéa, c, dat, or c. Tpös and acc.; TAmoridgw; ovyytyvopal, mid.; +&ut- Çouai, mid. Conspicuous, trept SAettos, ov; trepiqºvhs, étiqāvīs; + širóipios, a, ov, and os, ov; i övärpetrºs, + šutpetris; + stºrpettos, ov. To be conspicuous, Aéutra; 6tapaſvouai, mid.; trpétro, only pres, and imperf.; + šutpétro, + štáttpétw. Conspicuous from afar, i tTMégkoros, ov; † tº avyńs; + rjãwirbs, 6v. Conspicuously, Suárpetrós. Conspiracy, givapogía. A conspirator, orivapiétms; the conspirators, of ovve- otóTes, oi orvyteTayuévol, to ovveat micós. To conspire, givöpivūu; orivia tapat, pass, c. perf. and aor. 2. act.; avpirvéa. Constable, 50,6600x0s, 6mpió010s, Constancy, uplovh, to 'éuerò" (Aaotov. Constant (i. e. firm), 8ééatos, a, ov, and os, ov; ur uovos, ov; ‘ākīvntos, ov; Hóvigos, ov; (i.e. continual, q. v.) évôexéxhs. Constantly, ŚvēeAexas. To be constantly doing anything, 6tarexéal; the nightin- gale is constantly singing, givipetal Săuţgovga &mööv, Soph. A constellation, + gnua, Tö. See Star. Consternation, 5è0s, Tó, no pl.; ºpó60s. See Fear. To constitute, ká0ía Triput; giviaTmput, esp. in pass. A constitution, (of body or mind, etc.) karaokevil; §§ts, #; (of a state) troAireſa; (of either men or states) katáo rāorts, ii; orio téoris. A bad constitution, (of a man) käxetta; (of a state) kakovouía. A good constitution, (of men) ei.ešta; (of a state) evokia. Having a good constitution, (a man) evertikás ; (a state) effwopas, ov. To have a constitution (as a state), troAireto, -ouat, mid. Constitutional, troAſtikós. Constitutionally, troAiricós. To constrain, 'évaykáço. See To compel. Constraint, 'üváykm, 8ta. To construct, ovvtíðmul, 'üpaiva, f ovutrāyvvut. See To build, To make. Construction, a ſuffegis; (i.e. meaning) 6teppiiveworts, i. To construe, éppumpeda'. See To interpret. Consul, Tpáčevos, applied to Nicias the Cretan residing at Athens, and looking after the interests of Crete. A Roman consul, ‘ūrāros. To be consul, 'üträtetw. ship, ovvvirateúw. Consular, 'üráticós. The consulship, ‘ūtrāºreia. To consult, Étretpop.at, mid. (the Attic writers only use fut. &repſigopal, and aor. 2. čTºpówmv, esp. of consulting a God or an oracle, etc.); €repatów; koivá- opal, c. dat. pers., sometimes c. acc. rei; 'évákováo- pal ; avpéovXetouai, mid. To consult an oracle, xpéopal, mid.; xpmarmpiégouai, mid. To offer a sacrifice by which to consult the gods, Trevotn- otav (sc. Süotav) Soudopal, Eur, A consulting, trepôtmoſis, eos, m. Consultation, BoöAevorus, i. To consume, ’āvāAów; ’āvāAfrica, all tenses except imperf. borrowed from 'êvãAów ; (beforehand) Tpo- ăvăAſokaw; (besides) irposévāAtoka. To consume (only of consuming time), häratpiša, To be colleague in the consul- 87 Consumption—Contest To be consumed, pôſva (; Hom., i Att.); Karaq,0íva, Consuming, (to the mind, as care, calamity, love) + 8m- £60,0s, ov; 5éké0üuos, ov; (as disease) + 6tášápos, 01/. Consumption, (i.e. consuming of, etc.) 'êvãAwqis, ii; “’āvāAwpa, Tó; (disease) pôoh, ºptivās, vögos. A consummate blunder, 3Åov’āwāprºmua. Consummation, act. teNetwois, h; (i. e. end, q.v.) TéAos, Tó. Contact, 'üqí. To come in contact with, ovyytyvouai; ārtouai, mid. To contain, käréxw; otéyw, no perf; xopéo; t ret- 6a, esp. in perf mid. Kékévôa. Containing, kā0ektikos, c. gen. Containing all things, travöexís. - To contaminate, Malvo, käräulatwo, xpatva', woxivo; Aüuaivopal, mid. c. perf. pass, in act. Sens. Contaminated (of a person), F Tpostpétratos, ov. Contamination, 'êyos, tá; uáqua, tá; fučoos, té. To contemn, Icătăppovéo. See To despise. To contemplate, okotréo and orcérrouai. See To consider. To contemplate from above, kátá6eopéa. One must contemplate, étugicettéov. Contemplation, a képis, i ; Śidokeipts; &ed.pnois, i ; &ewpta. Contemplative, &eopmtikás. Contemporary (i.e. born at the same time), fixić, icos, 6, #; † 69ffixté; t gippet pos, ov, c. dat. A body of contemporaries, iiNikia. Our contemporaries, oi koff' huás, Xen. Contempt, ÖAiyapta; ſcătăţpóvnois, h; kātāq'póvmua, Tó. 1 * - But the Athenians perceiving that they were making these preparations from contempt of their weakness, aio 66 uévol 6& airtows of 'A6mvatoi Örö, cardyvoortv ão 6evetas a páv traparkevaſopévows, Thuc. An action for contempt of court, €500Ans biºm. Contemptible, &tigos, or; eitcátāq'pěvntos, ov. Contemptibly, kātāšešAmpéva's. Contemptuous, ÖAiyapos, ov; Śireporticós. Contemptuously, ÖAiyêpws, kārābpovnTukós, ‘ūtrep- orticós, ºf ‘ûréporta. To contend, (i. e. fight, q.v.) Máxoſal; (for prizes, etc.) épt{o; 'éulxxâouai, mid.; 6tapuśāouai; 'üyov- {{ouai, mid.; (in argument) biáušxogai, karateivo. To contend with another for a thing, &ptiroléopal, mid., c. dat, pers, gen. rei, or Trépi and gen. To con- One must contend, 'üywvio Téov. Content, contentment, airdpkeia. To content, 'épéorica, c. dat. or (more rarely) c. acc. See To please, To satisfy. - Contented, aitaphºſis, Contentedly, airTapicós, 'üyüTºtòs. To be contented, "åyárád, c. ei or örl and indic, or c. é&v, hu and subj., or c. dat. rei, or c. part.; otépyw, no perf, act, c. acc. or c, dat.; + aivéo; ’āyātūtās éxo, imperf eixov, fut. §§o and oxhow, aor. 2. čoxov no aor. J., and perf very rare. To rejoice in splendour, and to be contented with little, peyáAouat x&ipelv opulpá 6’ 3éa's éxelv, Eur, I was contented with having, #xovaz čfipkovº €uol, Eur. -- They were not contented with having that, Taita éxov- oriv oil, épiceaev attois, Dem. One must be content, a tepictéov, c. dat. rei; 'üyürmtév éart, c. ei and indic, or éâw and subj. Each was contented to receive ... &Yamtöv #v ékáotº Aap,6ávelv, Dem. Contention, êpts, i50s, acc. ida and iv, j; veſicos, Tó. Contentious, pixóveikos, ov; piaérexºpov, ovos, 6, i; qiaepus, + troAiveikhs. Contentiously, pixáTex0muóvos, pińoveſicos. Contentiousness, pixoveikſa, piñárex0muogium. To be contentious, pińovelkéw. Conterminous, Špopos, ov. See Bordering. Contest, esp. in public games, a contest of skill, etc., 30A0s; &é0Aov, and contr. 30Åov, usu. pl.; 'üyðr', . &vos, 6; ‘āuixAa; +'éuíAA'mua, Tó; ’āyāvioua, Tó. A place for a contest, 'éyòv, 6vos, 6. To contest (have or enter into a contest), '30Néo; ‘ā- Mixxáopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass.; 'āywvigouai, mid., fut. —forouai, Att. -100pat, also to contest a law-suit. To have a previous contest, irpoãywvigouai, in perf. pass. To join in a contest, givāyoutſouai, Such a contest is the god-like Orestes, being the only combatant, going to enter on with the two, totavöe Tá. Amy, uévos &v épéðpos, Što gois MéAAet &eios 'Opé0 Tms & pelv, AEsch. One should not engage in a contest of pride, Xph . . . 'é- puxAav oſſic ēxely ºppovăuatos, Eur. See To-contend. One must have a contest, 'üyovio Téov, One must have a previous contest, Tpoăyovuotéov. Belonging to a contest, 'üydºvios, ov; &é0Atos, ov. Ready for every sort of contest, t tróugèxos, ov. tend eaceedingly, ‘iſtrepôtát éivoſal. To contend against One who enters on a contest, 'évoviaris, où, 6; + špe- an accusation of murder, 'üYovigoſat póvov, Eur. | 3pos. 88 Contexture—contravallation One who enters on a contest against others, āvtåywvi- oths; with others, oiväywviotăs. - Gained in every sort of contest, t traykóvitos, ov. One who presides over contests, f’āywvápxms, ov, Ö. See Umpire. To preside over contests, *ā-yovo0etéa. Contexture, raoxi. Contiguity, yeltovía; yeltvíáois, eas, i. Contiguous, trpószapos, ov; Tpósovpos, ov; TAmerić- xapos, ov; buopos : Tpósouros, ov; + qiykampos, ov; (of a house) + 6p16tolxos, ov. Continence, yºpåreta, goſpporávn. Continent, a 64 pov, ovos, 6, #; éykpātās. Continently, orwſppóvas, éykpárós. To be continent, yiepāreſouai, mid. The continent (i. e. the mainland), #trepos, i. Continental (belonging to the continent), hire potikos, fem. htrepôtus, ió0s, i. Born in, living on, the continent, + hirepoyévms. A dweller on the continent, hirelpétms, ov. 6. To become a part of the continent, hirelpéopas, in perf. pass. (of what has formerly been an island). Contingency, ovuſpopá; Tô Tixby, gen. Övtos; Tô Júp.éauvov, to ovušešmicós. See Accident, Event. Contingent, à évrvyxãvov; 6 vtix&v, oùga, àv; 6 Tüx6v. Continual, givexºs, Štátex}s, évôexexís. Continually, ‘āel, f giveXès (5 sometimes poet.), GiveXós, évôexexós, òić, TéAovs, Eur. To continue, 5tárexéo, fut. –éra, etc., c. part. (which is the usual construction of all verbs in this sense), 'évéxw, Éupéva, c. dat, or c. Év and dat. To con- tinue, act. (something already begun), ovvetpa', only pres. and imperf. - ,” To contort (esp. one’s countenance), 6taatpépa. Contortion, Aiyiguès, 6tao Tpopf. To contract, ovatéAAw, ovoiráo; (marriage, friend- ship, etc.), givāya (also used generally), ovušáA- Aopal, mid.; + oriváirta, no perf. To contract to do anything, ÉpyoAáééw, c. acc. of the thing to be done; Pug 660Mat, mid, c. infin. or c. 5Trép and gen. To have done for one by contract, &topuo 660, c. infin. 1/e contracted a habit of lalking much, if troXiXoyia ovveXéyero citó, Xen. A contract, ovuéðatov, usu, in pl.; ovyyāqā; for work to be done, pyoAášía, To give a tradesman a job to do by contract, Köfðapa; also êkölöwul cara avyypadhu, Dem. The price contracted for, puto flapa, Tó. What may be contracted for, or done or let out to ve. done by contract, ulo 660 ipos. - Contracted (of an animal's flanks, etc.), trposerta\- pévos. - Contraction, oiväywyſ. A contractor, épyoxášos; 6 utoffwačuevos. To contradict (a person), ávteirov, only in aor. 2.; so &vTépá, évavtwoxoyéa, c, dat.; + švavrudouai, pass. c. fut, mid., c. infin. or c. Aft) oë and infin.; vavttas Aéyw, c, dat, Æsch. To contradict on oath, &věi- Tóſºutput. To be disposed to contradict, Évavita: ; Sidreipal, c. dat., Plat. See To deny Contradiction, êvavrioxoyia, Čvavtſoots, # ; évav- Tiwpa', tà. Contradictory (as a report), €vávttos, c. gen, or c. dat. To contradistinguish, &vriöia.péw. Contradistinction, Ötopiouás. Se Distinction. Contrariety, ŚwavtićTºms, mTOs, # ; évavríagus, ; évautíapa, Tó. Contrarily, Švavttas. See Contrary, infra. Contrary, &vttos, c. gen, or c. dat. (also c. h, as, words contrary to what I heard, A6)0; &vtuou ?) offs #kov- ov, Xen.), £vávttos; t to iráAlv, c. gen.; F to and Tà èuTáxiv.; (of wind) bāsirvoos, ov, contr. —ovs, —001/e - Caused by contrary winds, + &vti"Tvoos, ov, AEsch. If the Thebans have done anything contrary to our interests, et Ti 30skoxov réirpakta. On Saious ſpès huás, Dem. And let no one think the contrary, uměč tº 86&n Tóxiv. AEsch. He now says the contrary, Świraxiu Aéyet, Soph. Contrary to, prep. Tápé, c, acc.; &rö, c. gen. Contrary to (the nature of), ša, c. gen. They retreated by the contrary road to that leading to Balylon, &ravex&pnoſav eis ToiſutāAlv irpos Bašv- Aóva, Xen. To embrace the contrary opinion, Tošutraxiw Tregely ºppevöv, Eur. Contrary to my eaſpectation, 60kmudrav čkrós, Eur. On the contrary, ań, Toivávttov, f atte, räxiv. To be contrary, Épavričokat, pass. c. fut. mid ; evapr:ws ëxaſ; (of the wind), F &utiod târéa. To maintain the contraly, &utioxipigopal, mid. To endeavour to prove the contrary, &vretrixelpéo. Contrast, ‘āvouotogus, h; ’āvogotórns, #. To contrast. &v retriðeticviſui. 'l A contravallation, ăvtiretzigua, tó. 39 Contravene—Conversation To contravene, &v6iotauai, mid. and pass., c. perf. pluperf, and aor. 2. act. See To oppose. To contribute, ovušáAAouai, mid., c. acc. (once c. gen.—but many things contribute to this fear, ovačáA- Aeral à troAA& Totº's Setuatos, Eur.), often c. eis or Tpös and acc. of the purpose; eispépa, ovuſpépw, ovvrexéo, fut. -éow; ovveuropéo, c. gen, purp. And the Peloponnesian ships contributed no little to this violent resolution, kal TposévveX&Sovro oilk AdXuarov Tās àppºſis ai IIexotrovvmotov vies, Thuc. To collect contributions from, śpäviço, c. acc. pers, or c. trapö and dat. Contributing, ovvrexhs. Not contributing one's share (to a feast), 'üoºp.60A0s, 0.1/. * Gontribution, eisqop& (to a feast), āpāvos. A volun- tary contribution, êtrôools, eas, ii. A contribution (euphemism for a tax), orávtašts, ii. A joint contri- bution, ovvréAeta. A collecting of contributions, Épé. wious, i. A contributor (esp. to a feast), + špävlaris. Contrite, pºetäue?\mtikás. Contrition, uetávota. See Repentance. Contrivance, unxãvh, fumxávnua, Té; a 6¢tapa, Té; trópos, téxun, Téxynua, Tá; Tiréxynois, h; eipmua, Tá; + ščeňpmua, Tivota. A contrivance in opposition, &vtiréxvnTus, i. To contrive, eúptoſko, fut. eipſiga, aor. 2. eipov, ěčevptoica, anxóvãopal, mid.; texváouai, mid.; Tektaſvouai, mid.; ‘ūqatvw, étrivoéa), áicºppoviriço, texvága, ºf 54tta. To contrive beforehand, trpovoéa, and -opiat mid. c. aor. 1, pass, in act, sens. To con- trive besides, étrium»ºváopal, trposum)&váopal, Tpos- ečevpſaka. To contrive cleverly, oropiſopal, mid, and pass, in pass. sens. To contrive cunningly, by intrigue, etc., orkevopéopal, mid, c. perf. pass, in act, and pass. sens.; ovokevopéopal. To contrive successfully, Károp- 8ów. To contrive in opposition, &vium»ºváouai, c. Trpos and acc. To contrive with others, ovvtektaſvo- pal, foup púTetw. To contrive off hand, airoo Ye- àidºw, no perf. To contrive (i.e. hit upon a contrivance), Téuvo Távov, AEsch. One must contrive, ééevpetéov, p.mxãvmtéov ; before- hand, trpovomtéov. A contriver, eúpérms, ov, 6; fem. et pétis, ió0s, h; éºnynths, où, 6; to optoths, funxavoññāpos, 5āqets. Clever at contriving, unxãvmtikös, umxávikós. Control (i.e. government of right to control), ºpáros, tá, Self-control, Éykpåreta. To control, kātéxw, kpátéo, c. gen, sometimes c. acc.; étricpáréal. See To govern, To restrain. Easy to control, kāffektos, eiſkäffektos, ov. Difficult to control, ovskáðektos, ov. Controversial,&piquo'émtmtikos, &vtiãoyicós. Controversially, àvtiãoyikós. Controversy, Čupid'éâtmoſis, eas, # ; áutiaoyia. Forming a subject for controversy, àupta Smthoriuos, Oly. To be the subject of controversy, &pſplorémtéopal, pass., and often in 3rd sing, pres, as impers. To controvert, &vriàoyéw, c. oijk; &vrixéyw (often with &vrepô as the future), usu. c. &s ov, or without où, or c. acc. of the statement made by the speaker. See To deny. Contumacious, 8vstretøſis. See Obstinate. Contumaciously, Övstretorws. Contumacy, pińovetkia. Contumelious, ‘ūéptaths, où, adj. and subst. 6, i. "jéptortos, ov; ‘ūépiotikós. Y. Contumeliously, ‘ūéptotikós, ’āoreAyós. To behave contumeliously, ‘ūSpigo. To be treated contumeliously, Śpigouai, pass. Contumely, "jépts, eos, i. A contumelious action, véptopa, Té. Convalescent, *āvooros. To convene, ’āyeſpo, ovvāyeipw, oriykäAéa. See T. assemble. Having convened an assembly, {{AAoyov wrotmorduevos, Thuc. 4 Convenience (of a thing for a purpose), Émitmöetótms, mtos, h. Convenient, oriuqopos, ov. To be convenient, àppégo, c. dat, or c. prep., also in 3rd sing, as impers.; irposapuáço, ovuºpépa, and esp. 3rd sing as impers. w Conveniently, ovgºpópos, étit.75etws. A convention, avv0%km ; a ſuéâorts, eas, # ; otv9mpa, Tó. To converge, ovutpéxw, fut.—8päuotiual, aor. 2. —éöpá. pov; ouppityviſual, pass., c. fut. mid. –Piłopal in pass Sen S. Converging, + avykäiväs, c. strl and dat. Conversant with, to tap, opos, 6. See To understand Conversation, Adyos, esp. in pl.; Sláàoyos ; +/1000s usu, in pl; duixia, + Aéaxm. Idle conversation, Ae oxmveia. 90 * nversational (belonging to conversation), ÖſtiAnti- 6s. - e subject of conversation, Šutamua, Tó. converse, 5taxéyouai, mid., c. fut. 1. and ao". 1. ass.; orvuuſyvögt öt& Aérywy, c. dat. pers, Plat.; iſvárra, ut,00v, A&yovs, or Aðºyotori, c. dat. pers., and ometimes c. gen, pers., Soph. Eur.; giváTrø sis 6-yovs, c. dat. pers., Eur. To converse in private ith, 'iótokoyéopat, mid. e converse, évévrios. nversely, &vreatpappévos. nversion, uetao Tpoſph. convert, wetātreiða. nvex, kvptós. nvexity, kvptórms, mtos, i. convey, pépa, popéa, ; kopf9o, fut. Routó ; 3xéa, ut. 1, mid, in pass, sens.; ’āya, seldom used of con- eying inanimate things; Topeia, no perf, esp. across water; +Topóweūw, no perf. To convey, Siakoutºw, iátopeča, ; (away) ékkoutſo; (away by stealth or eceit) ékkxértw. veying swiftly, #&kiroutos, ov. conveyance or conveying, popē, 'üywyh, ētākouibh, aparcopiðh, träpäywyſ. convict, Čačyxa, (not of legal conviction); €8- Aéyxo. convict, as a speaker convicts a person by argument i. e. proves him to be so and so), Tišeikvögt. 2 convict, of legal conviction (as a prosecutor convicts), tipéw, kātāAapgåva. To convict (as a judge or jury onvicts) kataxelpotovéa, c. gen, pers. and infin. em.; kåta), mºpišouai, c, gen, pers, acc. of crime, lat. Lys. be convicted, ‘āAtakouai, fut. ‘āAógopal, aor. 2. &Aww, perf. ŠáAwka, all in pass. sens, c. part, or c. en. of the crime. To be convicted beforehand, Tpoà- storicopal. To be convicted of a capital crime, 39Al- káva Öſicmy Savārov, Plat, rosecuting him on many counts he convicted him on one, troAAès ypaſpès Suáčas oiâéutav eixev. Antipho. nvicted murderers, éa Nakótes kal beó0)uévol &vöpó- ovoi, Dem. any one be convicted of theft, Čáv Tus pavepos yév m- at KAérrov, Xen. the dared to say that I was convicted out of my own zouth, ēróApamae 5’ eitreſvás éyò Tols ēuavrot, A6)ous ‘epitritta, AEschin. nviction, Sirators, eas, h; ‘āAworis, eas, # ; kára- figious, eas, ii, Conviction (i.e. a convicting deci- Conversational—Cookery sion), kataxelpotovia. Conviction (i.e. certain be. lief), triotis, eas, i. To convince, treſów ; trposétéo, no perf. To convince a person and bring him over to one's own opinion, Öpoyvápova trouéowal, Xen. In which if we were to convince you (or to succeed in our arguments) we should benefit all parties, but if we failed to convince you, Év oſs Katop960'avtes pièv ātavras &v & peafloatpaev, Šiauaptóvtes 5& Tàs ipe- Tépas yuápms, Isoc. * He who is convinced, 6 trio Irópºevos. Who can be con- vinced (is open to conviction), wetáreiotos, ov. Who cannot be convinced, 'üváNotos, ov. Difficult to be convinced, Sügºväreigros, ov. Convincing, ào påAfts; ’āvaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov. Convincingly, &g påAás. In order to convince you, triotátntos ūpāv čvelca, Andoc. Thinking that this was the most convincing kind of argu- ment, vouíſov Tairmw thv 30 páñetav elva, A6)ov, Xen. Convivial (i.e. belonging to feasts), Şowätikás ; (i. e. fond of feasts), ºf piñáoptos, ov. Conviviality, eúwxía. See Feast. Convocation, êKKXmoria. See Assembly, To convoke, ovykäAéa, fut. often Att. -kaxó, mid. —kaAoûpal ; ovXAéyw. Convoked, a tºykAmtos, ov. To convoy, Téutra, no perf; trporéutra, träpätrépito, ’āvāréutra, trāpākopſgow. A convoy (i.e. body of men sent to convoy), Tpó- tropºros, usu. in pl.; Trpétropºros Aéxos, Xen. See Escort. A convoying, Touth, Tpotropath. To be convulsed, orºž64% ; otdouai, pass. Convulsion, a páðaguós ; atráopia, Tó ; ºf a traguès, + orträpayuás. The earth seemed to be shaken by a convulsion, x00ubs 5& vár' éðoës oreto.6%ivat a tra66, Eur. Free from convulsion, +&o pääzotos, ov. Convulsive, ºf divtſo traoros, ov. A cook, Häyelpos, &ptăuos, Škorotos (esp. a good cook). To cook, Trégora, fut. Tréja : éptów, fut, -tow ; Śiko- trotéopat, mid. Of or belonging to a cook, uáyelpikás. A cook-shop, plá'yelpetov. Like a good cook, iſ uéyélptkós, Föeltrumtikós. Cookery, cooking, a keväoria. Skilful cookery, Öipo. trotta. 9] The art of cooking, i. Hèyelpikh, i öjoirotică. Cooked, tre+rtés. Anything cooked, Šipov. Cool, *ā6epuos, ov; juxelvés; alºptos, ov. See Cold. To cool, Wixo, aor. 2. pass, àiºny; Káraſºxw. It is cool, &rotºxet, impers. Cooling, ‘i ſºvktſipios, kāTapwicticós. A cooling, + iyūšts, eas, ; Teplywypós. A cool place, i kuktïptov. A cooler, ºvkthp, fipos, 6 (esp. a wine-cooler). Coolly (in temper), eiopyńTws. Coolness, juxpótºms, mºros, # ; /ēśts, i ; +/0xos, Tó. To coop, a micée, usu. in pass. See To confine. To co-operate, ovºitovéa, ovutpdorow; give påttopat, mid.; ovycarépyágouai, perf. pass, in act. sens.; aijvepyéo; + ovycéuvø, fut. -kāuoijaat; orivnpetuéo, + givepyéopal ; T ovvektrovéa, c, dat. pers. acc. rei. Co-operation, ovvepyta ; +’ápmås, ii. See Assistance. A co-operator, givepyos, 6, #; Faivepyārms, fem. avvepyāris, ió0s, # 5 ovXAffTTwp, opos, 6, fem, ovX- Añttpia ; ovuſpártop, opos, 6. Co-ordinate, 'iaoTexís, A coot, pāAãpls, fºos, i. A co-partner, uéroxos. See Partner. To cope with, "àywviçoſal, mid. See To contend. A copier (i.e. imitator), uſuntiis; (of writings), áuti- 'ypāqets, 'üväypāqets. Coping, &pſykos ; +&pſykoua, T6. With handsome coping, feißplykos, ov. Copious, troAs, Bá0üs; āq,00vos, ov; 6&ºixàs. See Abundant. - Copiously, ‘āAls, often c. gen.; 'àny, Toxi, ToMAë, TAetortov, TAeſota, 6alpiñós. Copiousness, &póovía ; tra?00s, Tó ; eitopia. See Plenty. Copper, XaAlcás. See Brass. A copper vessel, X&A- Kopa, T6; XaAkéſov, x&Aktov, \ Copper ore, Aidos XaAkirms, ov. Made of copper, XáAké0s; txáAkelos, a, ov, and 0s, ov (sometimes also contracted in Att, oùs, fi, oùv); + x2AlcáAáros, ov; +iſtróxańkos, ov. A copper coin, XaXicots. A sheathing to cover the bottoms of ships, as we use copper, xéAvoua, Tó. To work in copper, or to make of copper, XaAlceſa. Belonging to working in copper, XaAkoriſticós. A coppersmith, XaAke's, XaAkotöros. - A coppice, 8700 a ; # 8püubs, pl. Spüuol and Špijuá; in pl. #8pia Té. See Wood. The hero Lamachus, copying whom my mind describ Cooked—Correct To copy (a writing), Rypipw, 'üvāypépa, ; (i. imitate) ékºupéopal, mid.; (esp. as painters do) 'ép wouáw. - t etc., Aduaxos paſs 66ev ji 'uji pphy &roſačupévm . étroimaev, etc., Ar. To get copied out, Tápaypépoſal, mid. A copy, (of a writing) &vri”ypāqov; (of any thi else, of a picture, etc.) 'épouoiopia, ré ; (for chil ren, i. e. a line for them to copy) "ÜTórypauplos. To coquet, àkkigopal, only pres. mid. Coral, icopéAAtov. - Cord, oriráptov, Távos ; † XīNevua, Tó ; # TAEK" See Rope. - A cord seller, a TütreiotróAms. To cord, Öéa. See To tie. Cordial, Tpó0üuos, ov; eiðuplos, ov. Cordiality, Tpo6üuta. Cordially, trpoffipas. ! Cork, peaxbs (both the substance and the tree). A cormorant, Aápos. Corn, afros, pl. tº gºra; girlov, usu, in pl. An ear of corn, + atáxus, vos, 6. See Ear. Plenty of corn, girapicia. Producing much corn (of land), f toxifipos, ov. Importation of corn, a ſtºryta. Carrying corn (ships), oritāyaryos, Öv; airmºyos, Šv. To carry corn, or import it, oit myéw. A corn dealer, a ſtoir&Ams. A corner, &yköv, &vos, 6; yovia; (i. e. a reti place) uixos. In a corner, in an underhand manner, év tápé6üo. Dem. A cornice, Šptycos; + šptykapa, Tó; yetorov. A coronal, otéupa, Tó; usu, in pl. See G land. { A coronet, Ötöðmua, tá. See Crown. Corporal, corporeal, orapuãToetohs, orwpºſiticós. A corps, A6x0s; 'éymua, tá. See Band, Compani Esprit de corps, pixetaipeta. Arising from esprit corps, piñáTaipos, ov. - A corpse, vérºpos : + véicvs, vos, 6, j; trópa, épetitiou, Corpulent, Täxus, a tippós. See Fat, To correct (i.e. rectify), eiðiva, only pres. imp étrávop0ów, and -opal, mid. (also of correcting am ºf ééop660Mat, ºf pedappadſø. To correct a writ weråypépw. To correct (i. e. to chastise, q.v., by corporal punishment), vovøetéa covčíaois, 92 rais, Ar. Plat. To correct oneself (in speaking), 'posétop06ouai, mid., AEschin. ºrrect, Öp66s. See Right. be corrected, Távopffaté0s. {rrection, eúðīvn, usu, in pl.; Éirãvépôopa, Tá; Éirä- ºpóworls, j; (i.e. chastisement) orwſppovio.tvs, iſos, i; vov6érmats, j. A house of correction, oraq povt- rtíptov. ºrrective, étrávo00aticós, òiopôotikós. }rrectly, àp6ós, òp64. See Rightly. }rrectness, àp6órms, mtos, i. corrector, ppovio.ths; orw?povua Tºp, fipos, 6; i sã- jūvos. p correspond to, orvpéatva', only in pres., imperf., lor. 2. ovvéénv, c. dat, or c. És and acc.; givišča, fut. Féoopa; orvpupépo. brresponding to, a ſuperpos, ov; ovyyevis; &vtirä- \os, ov; + gºvtovos, ov; † ovvºpäbs, 6 v. ſe shall be requited with actions corresponding to his wn actions, pyotori à épya. Štáðox' &vti/Affibetal, £ur. See Like. a manner corresponding to, ovuuéTows, étropévos.” 5 corroborate, BeSatów. }rroboration, 6é6atagus, i. corrode, 6&icva, fut. Shēopat, lit. and metaph. of are, etc. To be corroded, Icaragſtropiat. rrosive, a mirticós. corrupt, pºsipo, ötap6eſpo. rrupt (i.e. bribed, or accessible to bribery), Sopo- ôkos, ov. Accusing statesmen of making a display Yom corrupt motives, éirl Xpſiuggi Tposićatmyopovytes Tríðelév Tuva, Thuc. rruptible (easy to corrupt), pëaptós ; eißld pffap- os, ov. . corrupter, Suaq,00pets. orruption, &topdopä, ötapôopá. f a charge of corruption be brought, 'āşiktas Étripepo- wévms, Thuc. orruption prevailed, to 6apoãokéïv ékpármore, Dem. , corsair, Amo Tís. See Pirate. , corslet, 9.6%pač, ćicos, 6. See Breastplate. orruscation, tº >pārī. See Flash, Brightness. ost, Šárávn; ’āvāAwaa, Tá; āvāAwois, ii; Sārāvmua, Tö, usu. in pl. shall be condemned in costs, thv eročextav 39Ajigo, Dem. To run a risk of being condemned in costs, tºs étroëe- Atas kivāüvečeiv, Dem. As it seems to me you will drive out the pollution to Covetousness, TAeovečío, piñocépôeta. Correct—Covetousness gour cost, KAaſav Šokeſs plot . . . . &ymAaTmorely, Soph. To cost, cabio Tapai, in aor. 2. act. katégºrmv, c. dat. of buyer, gen. of price. Costliness, troAiréAeto, troAixpmuárta. Costly, ToxiteA}s, Šárávnpös; troAióárávos, ov. Costly, in a costly manner, adv., troAvréAós. A cottage, kāAüğm. Cotton, êpta (tā) &trö £5Mov. To couch (i.e. lie down), ketual. eis trpoéox}}v ko.6tmut, Xen. A couch, KAium, koirm; orkſutovs, obos, 6; + k\taubs, * Aéktpov, f Aéxos. See Bed. A covenant, avy'ypāqf, JupéóAatov, usu. in pl. To Covenant, 690Moyéa. To cover, kpútra, orvykpitta, kāa śirTw, ovycaMºtto, Tpokaxõtta, āuplicaxâtrTw, aſketráço; otéya, only To couch a spear, pres, and imperf.; greyáſa, Široo Téyo, ; Kataote- 'yāço, esp. with clothes, a veil, etc.; + kätauría Xo, étraputrfaxa, ; (in darkness, used of burying) käta- orkić(w. To cover by heaping up, ovyx&vuipu. To cover one’s face (from shame), or to have one's face covered (as a dead man), áyica?ttſtopal, mid. To put on as a covering, &pſpitiºnal, &ptioxo; Tpo- käAöTTw, and –opal, mid. One must cover, a telyao Téov. A cover, okétagua, Tó; + kāavpua, Tó; trepicáAvuua; + kātāq Khvoua, Tó ; trepittvyua, T6; trepi'éAmua, Tá; a réyagua, Tá; káTag Téyagua. Covered, kātmpeq}}s, atelyávás ;. Kátágreyos, ov; + avylcáAvTrös, Öv. A covert, 870 ora. See Coppice. Covert, kputtés; flºpvirtéâtos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Secret. | Covertly, kpāśömv, kpiqi, ºpúpa, ºf Irpiq ta's. See Secretly. To covet, ČirićUpéo; &utéxopal, mid.; tro8éw; ‘ipeipw, only pres.; Topéyouai, mid. See To desire. Covetous, pixokepāſīs; piñápyüpos, ov; Épāorixpäuäros, ov; TAeovéictms, ov, superl. TXeovertiotăros. Basely covetous, tº aid Xpokepāfīs. A covetous man, TAeovéictms, pix0xpmuário Tàs. Covetously, TAeoverticós, pixoxpmuáros. To be covetous, TAeovertéa, often c. gen. rei; pixocep- 5éo, pixoxpmuâtéa. To be basely covetous, aioxpo. kepāéa. One must (not) be covetous, (oi) TAeovertm'téov. Base cove?. ousness, + aiazpoképôeia. 93 Cough—Courageous A cough, Bhê, Bmxös, Ö, i. To cough, Bāorow. A council, BovX}, givéðptov, 8ovNevtåptov. To hold a council, to meet in council, orvuſovXetw; oriveópeño, no perf. -- Sitting in council, f givečpos, ov. A council chamber, 80UAévtåptov, Counsel (i.e. intention), Bovāh; +80UAeupta, Tó; fuji- ris, tos (also ió0s, AEsch.), h; † Whºea, tà (esp. of wise counsel); + švāśamua, Té; BoöAévois, h; (i.e. advice) träpaíveats, ii; augēovAh, ovušovXía, ovuéoùAévua. Good counsel, eúšovXta, Bad counsel, ÖvséovXía. To counsel, Túpatvéo, BovXečw. See To advise. take the lead in counselling, TpošovXetw. One must counsel, ovušovXevréov, Isoc. Acounsellor,8ovAevths, où, 6; oriušovX0s; TpóšovX0s (generally, and also used in prose particularly of men appointed to consult on special business, or of deputies sent to a general meeting). - Crafty counsellors, 66Ata BovXevtåpta, Eur, Prevailing in counsel, fricóšovX0s, ov. Taking good counsel for the common weal, teiicolvéum- tis, eos, 6, i. The office of counsellor, BovXeſa. To be a counsellor, Bovāsū0, Following one's own counsel obstinately, faitóéovX0s, ov. To count, 'üpiðuéo, kātāpiðuéw, 'üTapifluéo; Aoyiço- pal, mid.; † Treptăgo. To count up one by one, ºf Štúpiduéa. To count up altogether, ovXAoyigopal, mid. To count along with, to include in the reckoning, orivápióuéa. One must count among, Éykpitéow eis, c. acc. Plat. One who counts, ’āpiðunths, tº treputragths. Skilled in counting, 'épidumticós, Easily counted, eúpi'09"tos, ov. Countenance, trpóoratov ; see Face ; (i. e. favour) eifvoia, Omn. Att. To countenance, eúvoéo, c. dat. To be inclined to coun- tenance, eúvoikós exa, c, dat., or c. Tpbs and acc., Xen. A counter (in a shop), tpāréſtov. Counter to, adj. Švávttos. See Contrary. To counteract, &vriumyśvāopal, mid.; &vritpdaga. To counterbalance, ‘f &vrifféra, only pr.; &vrio miców. Counterbalancing, &vriñéotros, ov; &vttorröðuos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat.; adv. &vrić56tros. To counterchange, &vraxxãororo. See To change. To counterfeit, träpätrouéopal, mid. See To imitate. A counterfeit, uſumua, Tó. ©ounterfeit, Tăpărmuos, ov; kíšānxos, ov. To Counter-manoeuvring, àvtitéxvi)oris, eas, h. A counterpane, ortpapiáreſs. To counterplot, &vretriéouxetw. To countersign, Tāpāormugivo. A countereign (i. e. watchword), gºnus, Tó. Countless, 'üvápifluos, ov; +’āvīpiðuos, ov; ’āvāpī untos, ov; it’ātépuav, ovos, neut.; +*āqipaotos, A countless period of time, pºptérms xpóvos, AEsch. Country (i. e. not the town), answering to the La ºrus, *āypos, X&pg, Xópos; (i. e. a region) xàp X&pa, yata, Yii, X&ptov, f ala; (i.e. one’s own cou try) answering to the Latin patria, Târple, toos, ºf trä'tpa, i, tatpukň; éortiodzos yata, AEsch. On mother country, untpis, fö0s, i. { Of or belonging to the country (i. e. rural, rustſ ºf ’āypóvouos, ov; +”&ypotkos, ov; +’āypeſos. I longiny to the country (i. e. to the district), €yx&pt a, ov, and os, ov; Éirixóptos, a, ov, and os, ov. one's own country, Tātpø0s, a, ov, and os, ov; T Tptos, a, ov, and os, ov; ; Tātpicós; +oiceſos, a, and os, ov; fem. Tărpls, ió0s, j (epith, of Yū, tróA etc.); # Tarpióris, i50s, i. The custom of my country, 6 of coffew véu0s, Eur, A countryman (i. e. a rustic), Fäypótºms, ov, +’&ypoéórns, ov, 6; +’īypá0tms, ov, 6; +’āypot. àpos, 6; fem.’āypôtelpa; + &ypotkos, 3. [N.B.-M of the above words are used as adj, with words sig fying man, people, etc.] A countryman (i.e. fellow-countryman), Toxirms, ov, Tărpiórms, ov, 6; ovutroAirms. The people living and working in the country, 6 yeap' kos Aéas, Plat. Fond of his country, piñótroAis, and poet, piñóTTON eos and ió0s, acc. only tv, Ö, ºi, no neut. From what country? Točátós. From one's country (to be driven, etc.), oikoffev. A couple, 600. See Two, A pair. In couples, orévô To couple, ovvövåſa, esp. in pass. of married peop See To join. Coupled (esp. of married people), f ovvövås, #60s, 3 Courage,’āpeth, &Aich, Šip.6s; uévos, Tó; &ápotos, 1 + 6págos, TóApia and rôAum ; eiyūxia, &vöpe eitoxata; ppóvmpia, Tó, To take courage, Saporéaſ, eiðaporéal, 'üvá6apoléo, tº pda. Courageous, ’āyā60s, &vöpelos, kpārepos, ºf kaptep ŠaporãAéos; &Alciuos, m, ov, and os, ov; ethixos, + eikāpātos, + kpārauðs, r'āyāvap, + £o 6A6s; equal courage, 'id'élixos, ov. See Brave. 94 Courageously, SaporãAéws, eiyūzas, Yevpatos, Šap- oroúvros, + silkapótas. A courier, &yyápos, used also as adj. 0s, ov; juepo- ëpóuos, course, ópáuos; Späumua, Tá; (of a river, also of action, etc.) 660s, ii; (of fortune, etc.) + šium; (of the stars, etc., and also of affairs) popá; (of an arrow) Topeta; (of dishes at dinner) trepiodos, j. Out of the course, Šo 6pópov, Šktós Spópov, AEsch. Plat. To let these things take their course, év taúrð ‘pépeo:6al, Dem. } course (in answers), Távv pºv oſſy; trós yöp ot; trösö’ ot. See Certainly. wnning the same course, óp.68popuos, ov, o change the course (intrans), pretafféa. o course, 616kw. See To follow, To hunt. courser, firmos. See Horse. court (of justice), 'üyopä, öttcaatſipuov; or yard be- ..fore a house, aiºh. The king's court, ai 8&qixéos Süpal, Xen. court-house, &pxeſov. Belonging to a court, atNetos, &, ov, and os, ov; to a court of law, esp. of the gods, "åyopatos, ov. To court (a woman), plumo Tetw. See To woo. To court (i. e. to seek to please), šepâtreiſa'; 'foatva, no. perf., c. acc. or c. trpos and acc.; Év &epāreig &xaſ, Thuc.; Trposéxw toy votiv, trposéxa, thu Yvéumv, c. dat. Xen.; exceedingly, 'ürepeköepâtreča. courting (of a woman), fuvio.tevuo, Tá; of favour, etc., &epätreia. Jourteous, xàptets; eitſposſiyopos, ov. Jourteously, xàptévtws, courtesan, trópum. ourtesy, xàpis, itos, i. cousin, 'êvéptos, fem. 'éveilſa, faitávéptos. A amily of cousins by the father's side, Târpääexpia. }ousinship, *āvehióTºms, mTos, i. o cow, poééo. See To frighten. cow, Bobs, gen. Bobs (also 800, AEsch.). A cow-herd, Bomâârms, ov, 6; +80thp, fipos, 6; +8ovkóAos, Boöpoppos; + Boötms, ov, Ö. See Herds- 7??&72. Howard, cowardly, adj. Betabs, kākās; 'Évavópos, ov; ‘āvaxkis, ibos, 6, #, no neut, acc. -iö, and w; ’ārox- pos, ov; + š/Uxos, ov; + kákóortraaykvos, ov; (böya(xums, o be a coward, pixotºxéa, ’ātoāpéo; + kākiſouai, pass. To be rather cowardly, Štrobelxida, in perf, act. part. §roösöeixiākós. See To fear. Courageously—Craziness One must (not) be a coward, (oi) pixotºxmrévv. To make one a coward, ºf Käktºw. Cowardice, belxia, kākia; kákárms, mros, i ; +kärn, ’āvavöpfa, ’āvavópeſa, + kākavöpia, +&iſixta, f to- vmpía. - In a cowardly manner, 'üvávöpws. To cower, TThoroſa’, ‘ûtoirthgow. Did she not cower and flee to the altar of the God 3 of Bapabv čTTméev 0600 ; Eur. A coxcomb, +Ta&s, gen. Ta&; also taðv, raóvos. Coy, aiāhuov, ovos, neut. ov. See Modest. To cozen, träpäkóTra. See To cheat. A crab, kaprivos, 6, pl. Kapkiva, kāpāšos. Crabbed, 650 coxos, ov; a Tüyvós. See Morose. Crabbedly, ÖvskóAws. To crack, &yvijat, fifyvupu. See To break. A crack, KAğais, eos, ii; &Yuás. See Breaking. Craft (i.e. cunning), 66A0s; 36Aworis, eas, #; touciata; (i.e. a trade, etc.) Téxvm. A crafty trick, p.mxãvá, oróquorua, Tó; ºf Téxvnua, Tó. Crafty, 36A10s, a, ov, and os, ov; 60Aepós; † 60Atóðpov, ovos, 3 kal iſ ; troutiaos; + aiuixos, m, ov, and os, OV. A crafty fellow, ktvá80s, té. Craftily, toucíñas. A craftsman, Téktov, ovos, 5; Smutovpyós. Artificer. A crag, kpmuvös, ‘i &ypiós. Craggy, ‘ātrókpmuvos, ov. To cram, ‘ûreptAmpów. See To fill. A crane, (i. e. a bird) yépévos, h; (an engine) &vos. To crane up (raise by cranes), Övečw. The feeding of cranes, yepāvošotta. A cranny, tºxágua, Tó. To crash, Soviréw, Tătăyéo, Ictiaréa. A crash, + trătăyos, 500tos. Crassitude, träxjörns, mºtos, ii. A crate, Tpāorld. To crave, 5éopal, mid. See To entreat. To crawl, ºptro, imperf eipirov, no perf.; sixõ'oſal, pass., only pres. and imperf.; ’ixwo Téopal, mid., esp. like a worm. Crawling, eixnticos, ixwortraatikás. Crazy, *āqipov, ovos, 6, #. See Mad. y To be crazy, trāpārata, only pres.; ‘ābpovriora's Éxa, Soph.; Śictetrótmuai. - Craziness. ’āAm, Farāpākoth; poºros (ppevöv, HEsch.; ró Stap6&pèv (ppevöv, Eur.; TAévos ºppévôv, Eur. See Madness. See See To 8ound. 95 # Crazily—Crookedly Crazily, & ppévos. To creak, titää(w, tailpíſo, fut. Tiptional. A creaking, ciplyuás; + diplºyua, Té. A crease, tº trºtix:#. See Fold. To create, trouéo. See To make, Creation, yéveris, h; yévvmous, ii. The creation of the world, ſcoopioirotta. Creative, troumrikás, Creator, Tointiis; yeuvâtop, opos, 6. A creature, pirov; +&péppa, to (esp. when used con- temptuously). Male creatures (i. e. mankind), përis (ews, j) &vnth, Soph. Female creatures (i. e. womankind), &#Aeta piois, Xen. The greatures of the sea, Távrov pious, Soph., which it is the nature of all creatures to pursue, 6 traga pions Suákely trépiſke, Plat. See Animal. Credence, triotis, eas, i. Credibility, Trigèvötns, mros, i. Credible, tr.gths, triðūvós; eiſtrelatos, ov. Credibly, triotós. Credit (i. e. reputation, q, V.), 3652; in any sense, triotis, eos, i. To be-in great credit, eißokiuéa. 3. They have the credit of being, etc., 56&v éxovou &s sial, k.T.A. Dem.; 56&au ºxova'u eival, Plat. Credit is the greatest of all foundations of money-making, Trío Tus apopuh tragóv éatl peyiotn Tpos Xpmuatl- orubv, Dem, Silence is a credit to women, Yuvaiśl icóa'uov ji olyh q'épel, Soph. You will give me the credit of this, épºol toit’ &vaðī- gere, Thuc. See To attribute, To impute. Creditable, &étéraivos, ov. See Praiseworthy. A creditor, Xphotºs. Credulity, eitriotta. Credulous, triðäväs; eittortos, ov; triotevtucós. Credulously, eitrío Tws. 4 ºr A creek, uvyös ‘āAbs, uvXbs Távttos, AEsch. To creep, prw. To creep away, 'épépTw. To creep down, kä9éptw. To creep into, Štrelsööw. To creep out, or out of, Čšéptrø, 6téépTw. To creep to, or on, épépiro. To creep up, or upwards, ’āvépTw, Túp- -'éprw. A creeping, pipis, eas, ii. Creeping, Épirvaticós; (of plants) + treptore phs. . A creeping thing, Éptretóv. See Reptile. A crescent, F aftun, pumvío icos. | Crescent-shaped, Amvoetőfis, |Crisp, ºpaupés. . Crooked-backed, + kūpās; kāqāvaſtos, ov. A crest, Aépos; +Aépoqus, eas, i. - The crest where the plume is inserted, to pikaka, ré. With handsome crest, tº effºotpos, ov. A crevice, ºf X&opia, Štos, Tó. A crew, TAſpapa, 'ütrºpeaſa. The crew of a ship, väbs colvóTAovs pixta, Soph. A crier, Ichpwč, Škos, 6. * To be a crier, Kmpüiceſ w. Belonging to a crier, knpüketos, knpükikás. The office of crier, knpūkeia. A crime, kākovpyta, oftenest in pl.; kákoúpympia, T6 + Icălcóv. Criminal, kākotīpyos, ov, and as subst. A great criminal, ‘āAáotop, -opos, 6. Criminally, kakós, kākoúpya's. Crimson, potvić, Ticos, 6, #. See Red. To cringe, ºf orgſvo, no perf. To cringe to a person, 'üTépxopal, c. acc. Cringing, Satricos, Šotrevticós. Crippled, XoAós. To cripple, trºpów. A being crippled, Túports, eas, i. A crisis, &iquh, Kolpós. i Thinking that we are come to a crisis, vouſa'avtes é. äväylcmy & pix0at, Thuc. See Guilty Crispness, kpaupérms, mtos, i. Critical, at a critical time, "årpatos. To be the critical time, ’ākudget, impers. To be in a critical condition, êirl £iſpot Téxas Teoret gºal, AEsch.; &rl upoº Bival, Eur. Being in a cri tical condition, Bešēs éirl $vpot tºxms, Soph. You being weak and in a most critical condition, Öueſ &oróeve?s re kal éirl puās Éotis Šutes, Thuc. A critic, čiritiumths, kpitikós. Criticism, Titiumats, #; éiritiumua, té. A criterion, kpitãptov, To croak, ºpéſo ; kpóſo, fut. Kekpáčoual ; (at) kárà Icp6%. A crocodile, Kpokööeixos. A crocus, kpókos. Crocus-coloured, kpocóels. -- A crone, ypaſs, gem. Ypābs, #. See Old woman. To crook, &yköAów. See To bend. Crooked, oricoxibs, lit. and metaph. bad, perverse; (, the mind or counsels) + æAukrós. Crookedly, orkoxſas. 96 Crop–Cuckoo Crop, popa, t'époros; + gráxvs, vos, 6; in pl. Káp- Tot, oi. The crop of a bird, Tpmyopetºv, &vos, 6. To crop, i. e. get crops off from (land), kapıróopal, mid. A cross (at least a plank to which criminals were nailed, used as a cross), gāvīs, ió0s, i. Cross, éykápotos, ov; † 66xutos, + Aočbs, ºf Aéxplos, TAáytos; Érikápotos, ov; (i. e. morose) Siskoxos, ov. Crosswise, éykapatos, étráXAač. To cross-question, êlépatów; (i.e. cross-examine) 'êvã- Toàiga. To cross, (i. e. pass across) Tepaléopal, pass., esp. in aor. 1.; Statepatóouai; Štúšaiva, only aor. 2. and perf. intrans., fut. l. and aor. 1. trans.; (i. e. Send across, etc.) StaëáAAw, no adr. 1.; Stårepáo; Siâéâötów, no perf.; Stăicoptſouai, mid.; Štátropetopal, c. fut, mid. and aor. 1. pass. To cross after or in addition, êtrièić- Satva. To cross together, ovvöläSaiva, ovvöläéáAAw. To make to cross, Tepatów, 8tášišágo. What must be crossed, Štášáté0s. To crouch, Tràgaw, kärättàgow; ‘ūtrottàgaw, some. times c. dat. of the thing before which ; Śicădºw. Crouching (as a bird over its young), f iſſpelpiévos. A crow, kópač, Škos, 6; Kopåkivos, kopówn. [N. B.- The kopóvn is not exactly the same bird as the Kópač.] To crow, f'évoprāAſſo. A crowd, TAj90s, T6; ÖzAos, Šuixos, + 'éyéAm, + kAóvos ; # TAftpwpa, T6. A noisy crowd, Šuš60s, A crowd in motion, + šeňpa (sc. GTPátov, etc.). In crowds, adj., TÜkvés; '30p60s, in pl.; F &0AAéïs. To crowd (i.e. be crowded together), intrans., oivép- xopal ; ’āvel»éopal, pass.; oiſvel»éopal ; Tspixéopal, pass. See To assemble. A crown, otépávos ; + greqāvaſa, Tá; atépos, Tá; (of the head) Kopåſpí. The crown or crowning act (i. e. the completion or mak- ing complete), &pſyros; coxoſpov, &vos, 6; kepāAff. To crown; otépa, ’āvaa Tépa, Kataotépa, a repāvów, &vaôéo, otépáviša, ºf trükáça, ºf épépa. with a taivta or fillet, Talviów. To crown (i. e. to complete, put the finishing stroke to), t &pi'yków. To win a crown, wear a crown, etc., otépavéopat, mid.; ore pāvmſpopéa. Crowned, + treptoteq\s, ºf karao teq\ſis ; Oſteºpäum- ‘pópos, ov. Crowned with beautiful towers or lofty walls (as cities), éüotéqāvos, ov. To crucify, 'évaaravpów. To crown Crude, &piós. Cruel, &pés; ‘āyptos, a, ov, and os, ov; oxétàios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Triºpós; &pidºppov, ovos, 6, h; + &pidºu- pos, ov; +'épetàiktos, ov; +’âueixixos, ov; Bā- pös; i övsåA'ymtos, ov; (as Fate, etc.) uéAas. Cruel- looking, +'é'yptotrös, Öv. Cruelly, &pſºs, &poppévos, Triºpôs. Cruelty, &piórms, mTOs, iſ ; ’āypiórms, mtos, iſ ; + Tri- kpótºms, mtos, i. To be or to become cruel, 'üypiéopal, pass.; £ayptéopal. A cruise (i.e. voyage, q.v.), Topeia; Štátā00s, contr. —TAovs; + vavotoxia ; (along the coast) trāpākopičí. See Voyage. To cruise, ŠiatAéa, ; vavrix}\opal, only pres, and im- perf.; vavotoAéa, 31&rAéw. See To sail. A crumb, Japós. To crumble, ºf iºda'; + kátálfixopal, pass. Crumbling, Wü0ápos, pâ0üpós. Not putting in a lump of wet earth, as a lot which should crumble away, où Spårétmv Töv kååpov čs ué- orov kaffeis ‘ūypas àpoſſpas 36Aov, Soph. A cruse, Añkü60s, i. - To crush, ovvtpiša, kātāA0áw, Spùita, ’ātroºpūtra. A crust, ºf uvattam. To cry, (i.e. shout, q.v.) Bodw; &vaéodo (often contr. âpéodo); kpóſo', 'üvárpáço, + k\dºw, &vakXáço ; + 8püX&opal, mid.; (as an animal) pôéy'youai, mid.; (i.e. to weep) 6&Kpúa. To cry loudly, i Aiyaíva, only pres, and imperf. ; T âpôtéo, only pres, and imperf; I tropôlé@. To cry out to, Tiéodw. To cry out against, to cry down so as to silence, kātā- éodw, c. gen. To cry with (in harmony with), to cry out together, givāvāšoão, tº givāAáAdºw. To be cried out against, ºf ’āvāéodouai, pass. A cry (i.e. shout), Boh, Kpavyń; # 86áua, té; + &u- 66aua, i kéAä60s, ºf ièxii. A loud cry, Öp6íagua, T6. The cry of children, BAmxã. Eaciting cries, uttering cries, Tepiéómtos, ov. Cried out against, cried down (so as to prevent a per- son’s speaking), širléâmtos, ov; ſcărăşom6ets. A cub, Bpépos, té; véodoros; + 8pógos, ii, in pl. A cube, also a cubic number, kêos. Cubical, a Tepebs, Květicós. A cubit, trfixvs, eas, 6; Tüyöv, 6vos, i. A cubit long or broad, etc., Tm)(vaſos. Cubeless, keväs. A cuckoo, kökkvä, öyos, 6. To cry cuckoo, kokküço, fut, -ëaw. H } 97 Cudgel—Curse A cudgel, 56träAov, f Kopåwn (i, Hom, 5 Eur). To cudgel, Égéötgo. To cuff, påTíſo. See To beat. A cuff (i.e. blow), šátriapia, T6. See Blow. A cuirass, &cºpač, ćkos, 6. See Breast-plate. A cuirassier, Śwpákoſpópos. Culinary, uáyelpicós. A cul-de-sac (i e. a place with no exit at the further end), Tótros 'Śīrékéâros, Thuc. A ravine which formed a cul-de-sac, Xapá'öpo ’āvékšā- tos, Thuc. To culminate (of the sun, etc.), uegovpávéa. Gulpability, aitía. See Blame. Culpable, altios, g, ov, sometimes os, ov; peptès, usu. c. meg. See Blameable. To cultivate, épyá{opal, mid., perf. pass, eſpyaqual, in either act, or pass. sens.; ÉÉepyáçopal, éirepºyágo- Aldºl. an To cullivate (i. e. to practise, to pay attention to), &alcéo, &epätetia, ; (land) yeap yéa, ºf Yntrovéo; pre- viously, Tpoepyāſouai. He said that if they cultivated their navy they would get the better, Tô vautukov &epaireñovtas Špm replégea3al, Thuc. One must cultivate (in any sense), &epátrevTéov. Cultivated (i. e. not wild) of trees, etc., juepos, a, ov, and os, ov. Belonging to cultivating, yeap yikós. Cultivated land, ye&pympia, Tó. Cultivation, yeap yia. Fit for cultivation, êpyāoriuos. A cultivator of land, yeap yós; (of arts, etc.) &gicnths, où, 6; &epārevths, où, 6. See Farmer. Cumbersome, Băpts, étax9ſs. See Heavy. Cunning, 66Alos, a, ov, and os, ov; +80Xáels; tri'- IcAotos, ov; troAj'tporos; 30Åtóðpov, ovos, 6 kal i: 60Aoirotös, Öy; touchaos; TolkixášovX0s, ov. See Crafty. Cunning, 66Aos; trepitéxvnals, eas, j; † Touciata, See Craft. - A cunning trick, 0.6ptopa, Tó; p.mxāvī; TitéXymoſis, i. A cunning fellow, 'H'éAmuz, Tá; + Téxunua, Tó; civá- ãos, + p.mxãvoññāpos; + TäAaloths, où, 6. To be cunning, try cunning tricks, etc., Texvá%; 'i panzăvojščpéa, only pres. and imperf.; Toucía Aokal, pass. Cunningly, troudiaws, geologiopévos, A cup, akö’ſpos, 6 and tâ; 3étras, a0s, to, pl. 3été; kpārīp, fipos, 6; pláňm; KüAlè, icos, h; Totſpiov; êictwua, T6; (of horn) képas, atos, té. An earthen ware cup (used by soldiers and sailors), kóðay, wºos, 6. The cup of an acorn, or of any plant or flower, icöttàpos. zº A cupbearer, oivox60s. To be cupbearer, oivox0éw, no perf, sometimes C. ace, , of the wine. A cupboard, oitrim, &#km. Cupidity, TAeovešta. A cur, küvölov. See Dog. Gurable, 'lúrós; 'Tágiuos, ov. Easily curable, Fetia- T0s, ov. - Curative, ºf traid vios; +&iceo (pópos, ov. A curb (lit. and metaph.), pëAtov. To curb, triotopuſſa ; (i. e. to check, q.v.) Roxoi w See To check, … To curdle (trans.), ovvío Tmut, in pres., imperf., fut., and aor. 1.; (intrans.), Tpépopal; Tâyviºuai, esp. in perf. mid. Trétnya. Curdled, +Trictós. A cure, tºua, Tá; ’āois, #; 9spåreta; 'écos, té; + šiceoga, Štos, T6; Fäkeo Tpov. See Remedy, The art of curing, 'ióTopſa. To cure, ’īāouai, mid.; ’āicéopal, mid.; Ékéopal, &epâtreča, ’īātpeta. - - It will cure you of your melancholy, prefloppuéſ (Att. fut. from weſopuſſo for pefloppíoet) ge roß orkv0patrot, Eur. One must cure, &epâtrevTéov. - A curer, Fićthp, fipos, 6; "látpós; 'ékeaths, 00; +Trai&v, avos, 6; +’âlcea thp, fipos, 6; +'ékéo Top, opos, Ö. See Physician. Curious (i.e. rare, q.v.), &móñs; (i. e. inquisitive) (mTºticós. Over curious, Teptepyos, ov. Curiously (i. e. accurately), 'drpið6s. A curl, FTAókäuos, + 860 tpixos, +TAóicos. To curl, trans, (hair) + 800 tpixićo ; (as the wind curls the waves) cup.Tów. With curling hair, Boatpixóðms. See Hair. Currency, to gain (as a report), 6taðpuxAéopal, pass. The current, 560s, contr. 500s. See Stream. Full of currents, 50.66ms; of air, Twevuâtéâ500s, contr. flovs, neut. Ov, ovu. You must not permit such a report as that to become current about you, . . . gé Xph uh tefiopáv Totaúrmy qhumv gavtó Tepipvouéumv, Isoc. To curry, Växa’, ‘I ktevíſo. A currying, ſièts, eas, ii. A currycomb, ºfficTpa. To curse, &pgopal ('6p. Hom, "àp. Att.), mid.; Icára. 93 Curse—Cypress pdokal, étrapdoſial; Kätetxopal, mid, c, dat, or c, gem, also c. acc. pers, and infin. Curse you, Féiritpiéeſms, ºf Staffāystms, ºf pºeţpov; is köpäkas, or 84AAé és köpéicas; &tópepe eis kāpāicas; oiuéſelv Aéyw; ’ārāye eis uékúptav, Plat. Curse you—will you not be silent and cease these lamenta- tions 2 oil, és q,66pov Gºyāq' &vaoxia et Táðe; Æsch. A curse, &på ("åp. Hom, 'ép. Trag.), kátápa; kárevy- ua, Té. - Gursing (uttering a curse, or bringing a curse upon), ’āpatos, a, ov, and os, ov. Cursed, évānīs; kātāpātos, ov; Tāpātos; +&pgios, a, ov, and 0s, ov, The Pelasgicum, which they were charged under a curse not to inhabit, to IIeXao'yuköv, 5 ka) éirápatów Te fiv ph oikeiv, Thucydides. Cursorily, Tápépyws. Cursory, Táxis. To curtail, avvtéuva, a votéAAw. A curtain, Tpokšavppa, Tó; tāpārēragua; (often of leather) drawn along the sides of ships to protect the men, Träpääftiga, Tá; Tāpā'éAega, Tó; trâpéââûgis (ews, ii) véos. * A curvature, &yköy, ºvos, 6; Kapitä; KapitvNörms, mtos, ii. See A bend. - To curve (act.), cówºrtw, ruptów; (intrans.) Kükxé- Opal, pass. Curved, kapitãos, Kuprès, kāuiriuos, Curule (the sella curulis of the Romans), Öi'q pos &yküAótrovs, gen. Toàos. A cushion, TüAm; (for the head) + TposkepāAatov. A Tower's cushion, 'ürmpégiov. Cushioned, féirièéuvios, ov. Custody, piñākñ. Custom, #60s, Tó; Tpáros, vöuos; vöuiuov, usu. in pl.; vöpuapa, Tó; a`āvī6etc.; Titíðeupa, Tó. The established customs, tà kùpia, Soph. This was the custom of the city, Taita èv éðel fiv Tà TóAel, Thuc. Up to this time many parts of Greece keep up the ancient custom, Wexpl tow8e troXX& Tàs ‘EAAá60s Tó traXaíq, Tpétrº véuetal, Thuc. Keeping up these customs, oita, vegöpieva (sc. x&pta), Thuc. According to custom, eia,06tas. According to your national custom (you did so and so), ka0° à Târptov ºv, Dem. Customary, véuipos, gºvrpoſpos, ov; voſuſáuevos, eia!- 6&s, via, 6s. See Acoustomed. To be the custom, to be customary, vowſogal, pass. We will say that it is not the custom in Greece, or We will say that men do not adopt the custom in Greece, où vogtſely piloſopaev ka0’ ‘EAAdôa, Eur. Customs, TéAos, T6. See Taa. Custom-house, éutróptov, Öelcárevtåptov. To cut, kótta, Téuva, ovvtéuvø, evtépua; Reipaſ, esp. to cut hair; kátátéuvø, esp. to cut canals, ditches, etc.; +&epſø. To cut down (men, trees, etc.), €4 lcóTrø. To cut through, Šištéuva, 6táicöttw, #6tăuáa. To cut short (i. e. leave unfinished), ºf kokota. Tº cut short (i. e. to end), Éricórto. To cut off, &roké- TTa, ’āirotéuva, ’ātrokeſpo. To cut off (i. e. to in- tercept), as troops, or to cut off their path to intercept their retreat, 'étroXapéâvo, ‘āTokWeta, ’āirotéuvo, ‘ūtrotéuva, and oftener –opal, mid. To cut off (i. e. kill, q.v.), &troitteſva, To cut up, esp. as a cook does, füxſw; +&präuéa, no perf.; +6laptăuéa. To cut up beforehand, Tpoka- Takóirtw. To cut in pieces, katakótta (esp., in military sense, of cutting enemies to pieces). To cut info small pieces, keppätigo. To cut asunder, 6tá-. popád. To help to cut away, Givekköttw. To cut in two, öixotopéa. To cut a throat, Faixeuiço. Cutting the white throat of the miserable maiden with a sword, pao'ydvº Aevichu povetov Tâs to Aatrópov ôépmv, Eur. - One must cut, Tumtéov. A cut, or a cutting, toºl (also a place where anything is cut or cut off), áirírouñ; Tuñous, ii; Tuñua, Tó. A culting off, 'étoicoth, ‘āTorouſ. A cutting off (i. e. an intercepting), 'üTóAmbis, eos, ii. A culting in two, ötáTopºff. A cutting of a plant or tree (in order to propagate it), ICA’īua, Tó. Cut, ºf topiatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ftp.mtös; ºf Końpip,0s, m, ov, and 0s, oy (of hair). Cutting (able to cut), Tumtiſcès, Tóſtos ; ; Koſºpikos, m, ov, and os, ov. A cutler, uéxalpototós; orišmporéictou, ovos, 6. A cutler's shop, waxapotroteſov. A cut-purse, 8&NavTuotógos, +8āAaytimºrópos. To be a cut-purse, 8&AaytimToweo. A cuttle-fish, Tevöls, ió0s, j; a mºrta. A cycle, kū'ickos, pl. T& Icölcão. A cygnet, kū'kvos. See Swan. A cymbal, kūpéâAov, f kotićAm. A cypress-tree, kūtrāptoroos, i. Of cypress, iciſmápigorivos. H 2 99 Dagger—Danger D. A dagger, uáxalpa, uáxaſpiov, Yxeipidlov, Šipštov. Daily, (i.e. by day, not by night) épmuépios, a, ov, and os, ov; (in every sense, the whole day, for every day, only lasting a day) + piebmuépios, ov; ue^mue- piv6s. See Day. Daily (i. e. every day), träväuepos, ov; ſcă0muéptos, a, ov, and os, ov. - Daily (every-day) occurrences, tº €ykö’kata, Isoc. In want of daily sustenance, Tāv ka0° àuépaw &ropów, Isoc. - Daily, adv., kā6’ huépav, 60 muépat. Daintily, ºf Koplițăs, ºf Tpúqepós. Daintiness, Tpūqº), kopubeſú; kopiyārms, mºtos, m. Dainties (to eat), Šipov, in pl. To live on dainties, Öpopäyéa, only pres. To buy dainties, Šipovéo, only pres. Dainty, icopºpos, Tpüqepós. Dainty (easily satiated), esp. in one's food, & picopos, ov. To be dainty, Kouipeño, no perf. A dale, värm; város, tá. See Valley. To dally, Ampéa. See To trifle. Dam, ufftºp, Épos, sync. p.mtpos, i. Damage, kāköv, (muſa, Ajum, 8Aééh, trnuová; Föä- Amud, Tá; +Tràua, Tá; firmuogium; kákwo is, i. Damages in a law-suit, Tiampa, Té; bºxmua, āros, Tó. An action for damage done, 8Adéms 6ticm, Dem. To damage, 8A&ntal, &roſłAdarto, calców, ſmutów, råkovpyéw, éAago do, Tmuaíva ; + aivopal, mid.; + 3n- Aéopat, mid. See To hurt, To injure. Easily damaged, eú6Aatrros, ov. Doing no damage, f'êtrāpaav, ovos, 6, # ; + &éAáčás. See Harmless. Dame, Séotrowa. - To damn, icătărpiva, kārāyuyvágico. See To con- demn. - Dammation, Icătăyvagus, ii. See Condemnation. Damp, Jºypés. See Moist, To damp, ‘ūypaſva, +Téyya'. This damps their courage, toiro trapatpetrat thv Spågårnta Thu toč- Twy, Dem. Nor is it reasonable for you to allow your courage to be damped by the result of what has hap- 'oened, où6é àticatov ràs $vuqop&s rô &Tošávtt &pſ- £3Aöveabat, Thuc. 100 See Day. Dampness, ‘ūypórms, mros, h; votls, tºos, #. See Moisture. A damsel, trap6évos, ii; kóprl, and poet. Kočpm; veavis ió0s, ii. See Girl. A dance, or dancing, x6pos; 8pxmorts, j; + 3px|- otös, Öos, h; xopeia; xópevka, Tó; pxmua, Té. A place for dancing in, f xópos, + ordölov. To dance, 3pxéopal, mid.; T &vopxéopat; xopeča, and —ouai, mid., no perf.; ’āvāxopeča, Čirixopeča); tºpova, Töv Tóða, Eur.; kpoto ºxvos év Yi, Eur. To dance away from, Čšopxéopat. To dance around, trepixopeča. To dance with or together, avyxopeča. To dance in tune to, ‘ūtropxéopat. To lead a dance, trpoxopeča. To dance in slow measured steps, i Alcº képôaica, Éakw oxfilia, etc., Ar. A dancer, xopewths, Öpxmoths; fem. Öpxmoºrpl.s, fö0s. A fellow-dancer, avyxopeuths. "One must dance, fxopewréov. - Belonging to dancing, Xopicbs, 3pxmorticós. Fond of dancing, ‘f pixóxopos, ov; + xopouávis. One who is fond of dancing, + pixoxopeuths, où, 6. Leading the dance, or exciting the dance (as music does), ºf &pxéxopos, ov; + xoporoubs, 6v. A dancing-school, xopſi)tov, Dem. A dancing-master, ÖpxmotočíðdakāAos, 6. To dandle, f irdAAa, no perf. A dandy, KońAwTriotis, où, 6. Danger, civöövos; "àyöv, &vos, 6. For there is danger that no one will rejoice, šupe? y&p év xpá, Tooro, Mº Xaipeiu Tuva, Soph. To be in danger, év civöövº aiwpéopal, AEsch.; Ériciu- 6üvos éxo, Eur.; Érichpa's Ötörcelºtai, Isocrat. To be in more danger, év Selvotépous eiul, Xen. Her life seems now to be in imminent danger, éotice vov airis étrº Çüpoğ tréWas AEsch. All things are terrible and full of danger to mortals, Trávra öelvå kärikwóðvøs 8poto's icefrai, Soph. aix}v treaſeſ00at, To incur danger, civöüveča, ’āvākivövveča, ’āiroku. 8vveča, träpäktvöuveča, Šírta, Icívövvov. To be in- volved in danger with, to share a person's danger, ovy- iclvööveča, ovvöläiclyövveto, oivāyavtſopat, mid. To encounter the first or the chief danger, trportvööveūw. Dangerous—Dawn To incur the very greatest danger, 31& Tipos eiut, Ötö. trupos épxopal, Šiš Tvpbs époxov, Eur, Xen. No one ever yet encountered danger, oièets tra ... fix- 6ey €s to Öelvöv, Thuc. Most of these dangers were previously incurred, T& ToàA& airów Tpoetoxph9m, Thuc. Equal to a danger, able to surmount it, 'io'okivojvos, ov. Dangerous, xãAetos, orqāAepos, beivás; Tiktvöövos, ov. Rather dangerous, ‘ūtokivöövos, ov. Very dan- gerous, 'ürépôelvos, ov. Fond of danger, piñorívöū- vos, ov. Without danger, 'ürcívöövos, ov. Without danger, adv, 'ükivöövos. One must incur danger, civöövévréov, Štúkivöövevtéov. Dangerously, Ériciubüvos. As if a person were fond of danger, pi\oklvöövos. Dank, Štú'époxos, ov. Dappled, + Totkixos ; # Tolkixóvatos, ov; +83Aibs, + a Tuctos; kátág'tuctos, ov. To dare, Toxpºda, aor. 1. pass, in act, sens.; Titox- || pºda, ’ātrotoxpºda; ’āvéxopal, mid.; Rivöövetw, Tāpā- Icivövveča, ; # TAdo, tenses from TAjul (esp. of evil daring). To dare in opposition, &vtitoxgåw, I do not dare, štoxpºds eiut, AEsch. One must dare, ºf ToàpmTéov. One who dares, Toxpºnths, où, 6; To be dared, ºf Toxpmtós. Daring, subst, TóApá and T6Agn; eitoxſuta, TóAum- O'LS, A daring action, TóAſmua, Tó. Daring, adj., Toxwmpds; eiſtoxpos, ov. Daring every- thing, ‘i Tavrátoxpos, ov; ; Trávtoxpos, ov. Daring against (in opposition), ávtiroMºtos, ov. Daringly, toxumpás, ºf eitóAp,0s. A thing to be dared, + Icivööveupa. Dark, (causing darkness, etc.) a kotetvös, okotočás; + o-kārios, a, ov, and os, oy; † Kve paios, + peºvos, + šppvalos, + 8vopepés; (of night) + 'üpeyyńs; +’ā- oréAmvos, ov; (i. e. dark-coloured, of dark complexion, etc.) pièAas, used poet. in the preceding sense also: kvā'veos (ú, but in the simple adj. usu, ü by poet. li- cense); # kexalvös, i kvåváxpoos ; ; Kvåvoxpès, &ros, 6, #; † weadyxiuos, ov; † Hexaykpós. In the dark (doing things in the dark, etc.), Olcotiatos. It grows dark, avoicotéget. To darken, 'épavpów, Širiakotéw, to icotów. Men who are being darkened as to their chins, ovokićovtes 'yávvv, Eur.; so yévvs a kić'etat, Eur. Darkly, orkotetvös, Darkness, akóros, 6, and, more rarely, Tó ; kvépas, iclvövveuths, oil, 6. gen. Kvépaos, to, rare, except in nom, and accº, no pl.; + (640s; pešos, Tá; + šppyn, ºf alcotia; a kotet- vötns, mTos, 5. l A dart, 'ékov, ovros, Š; ’ākövtuov; 8éA0s, Tá; + 8é- Åepivov. See Javelin, Spear. Darting, 'écourtotºs, 80s, h; ’āicóvriots. To dart (to dart at), trans., 'ékovrića, eisūkovtića, kārācovtíſo, impli, Ščapimut, 84AAw. To dart, intrans. (of rapid motion), ºf &forgo, usu. in Trag. āq'aw, though not always, no perf. See To Spring. The distance to which one can throw a dart, ‘ākávttapa, A TO, A darter,’ākov.aths; +’ākovturthp, fipos, 6. Skilful with the dart, 'êicovtuaticós. To dash, BáAAw, filtro. To dash to pieces, + givá. * . 0; páraw. To dash out of (a person's hand), šickpotſw. To dash against, ÉpéâAAw. To dash together, ovy- ſcóTTw. To be dashed against anything, avpirittw; † ovutri’tva', no fut. Dashing around, ºf &piq, TAmktos, ov. + Tavr&Aw6eſs. A dash, (as of any thing thrown) + 80xff ; (i. e. the dashing sound of oars) ºf £600s. Dashing (of the sea, etc.), h fió010s, a, ov, and 0s, ov. A dastard, dastardly, kāicós. See Cowardly. A date (the fruit), 8%Névos, i. To date—ancestors, who date from Hercules, Tpoyóvãºv *śvāqepávrov eis ‘Hpakača, Plat. To daub, 'üAeſq w$ee To smear. A daughter, &üyütºlp, Svyatépos, sync, &vyatpos (the only prose form; the Trag use both); kópm; Tats, watóbs, ii; fivus, only nom. and acc. iv.iv. The daugh. ter of Priam, ji IIpiduov. To daunt, poééo. See To frighten. Dauntless, &öeñs; ’āpošos, ov; āvékTAnkros, ov; +’ātapéſis; +’âtépêntos, ov; +”&rpeoTos, ov. See Brave. - Dauntlessly, 'épééas, ‘F'ātpéo tws. Dauntlessness, ’āq,0éta. To dawdle, ºf €Alvāa, no perf. A dawdling way, dawdling conduct, oxoxauðrms, mtos, h; ué\Amots, eas, i. To dawn, ‘ūtreppatvouai; 5tropatvw, sometimes 3rd sing. ‘ūtroºpaível, impers, lit., and sometimes metaph. of hope, etc.; ºf Adjutro, no perf.; + škååputra. Dawn, ‘H&s, more usu. E&s (as always in prose), Špópos, treptop6pov; &kpā vēś, AEsch, Dashed down, 10] Day—Death At dawn, Sp0ptos, a, ov, and os, ov; Św' juépg, or āua ti jºiépg, Xen. - - To rise at dawn, wake at dawn, tºp6peta. Day, juépa;+ ºuap, Štos, Tó, Lucky days (answering to the dies fasti of the Romans), kā6ápal juépal, Plat. An unlucky day (dies nefastus), &toppès huépa. The neat day, iſ 50 repaſa; ii ériotica Aapitãs, Eur. The day before, j ºrpotepata, Know that you will not after this be many days before you are, etc., katío.6, whº troAAoûs &ti Tpóxovs àpuń- Antipas jatov reñów 'Eu oio. . . . Šoret, k, T. A. Soph. Spending three days in sight-seeing, Tpets ºpaeuvès ſixtov 6tsłóðovs Ség Stöovres, Eur. On the third day after his arrival, tpbrmy juépav airoi, #kovros, Thuc. On alternate days, + trap' inap, Every day, 60 muépai; &vå trào'av juépav, Xem.; kað’ ékáormv ju., Xen. For if he took a city a day, ei Y&p éu juépg td.Xiv ſpel, Xen. He received a drachma a day, Spaxºv čAdußave Tās épépas, Thuc. As for one's daily food it is of little consequence, Tàs ép” inépay 8opäs eis purpov #kel, Eur. All day, kat' fugp, and &el cat’ ºuap, Soph. Eur. A journey lasting many days, or requiring many days to perform, 81& troAA&v juépôv 66ós (j), Thuc. By day, adj., Meðmuépivés; + pºeffmuépios, ov. Every way, + trăvăuepos, ov. Lasting all day, jusphotos, +trávnuépios. Lasting only a day, Čq'fuepos, ov; +tiaéptos, a, ov, and os, ov; ; briuépios, ov. Lasting five, ten days, etc., trevöffluepos, ov; Sexiplepos, '01/. For the day (i. e. to last one day as food, etc.), juspiv6s. On the third day, on the fourth day, etc. (to come, to do anything, etc.), Tpitatos, tetaptaios, etc. On which day? in how many days 3 interr., Too Taſos. - To-day, orhuepow; thv trapova'av juépav, Soph. On the same day, the very day, ai,0}\lepov. Visible by day, juepopäväs; T juspáqavros, ov. Bright as day, juspivés; juéphotos, a, ov, and os, ov. To spend the day, pass the day, juspeño, öimuspeña, ; with, orivnuepeña. Daybreak. See Dawn. But the neat day at day. break, Tā ā’ 50tepaſº Čua Tă ăuépg, Dem. He ad- vanced at daybreak, Św’ºtº &vioxávtt Tpoſix0e, Xen. Daylight, + airyal, ai. Dead, velºpos, + vécus, + pôiuevos, + pºirés. The dead, oi évepol, of oixduévot, oi kekumkótes, oi &ro- yevåkevoi, f oi kāra. Nearly dead, Sāvāoriuos, ov. Half dead, jºióv}s, fitos, Ö, j. Lately dead, veo6/hs, firos, 6, #; +&ptiðāvās; answering to our “late,” 6 pºképios; uéicăpirms, ov, 6. - But now he for the future shall be to me as one dead kāpºol uèv às 6aváv Te k'où Aetorgav (pdos éotal to Aoitrov, Eur.; so simply, he who is dead, 6 pºi Aetorowv, Soph. - And Priam and his children are dead, ºppot,50s 6& IIptamos kal rékva, Eur. Receiving the dead, ºf verpobéypov, ovos, 6, ii, neut, ov. Conducting the dead, ºf velºporoutrbs, ov. Robbery of the dead, verpoo`Ata. - Deadly, ÖAé0ptos, a, ov, and os, ov; Savāriuos, ov; Sãvärmſbópos, ov; + 6Noðs, F&ävätóels. In a deadly manner, Śāvāriuws. Deaf, koºpós. Rather deaf, ‘ūtróica pos, ov. Deaf and dumb, Čveós. To deafen, Čičica, péal, écicopów. Deafness, kaºtºms, mtos, i. Deal, subst., §§s, 66.60s, j. A great deal. See Much. Deal, adj. (i. e. made of deal), +Trećkivos, + revities. See Fir. º - To deal (i. e. distribute, q.v.), vénø. To deal (i. e. to have dealings with in the way of trade), xpdouai, mid.; vañAdoroopal, pass. - + Easy to deal with, eúa tºuéoAos, ov; evicolvøvntos, ov. Difficult to deal with, Övsorópléoxos, ov. - Dealings, orivaAAáyi; koivovipaśta, Tá. - Dear (i. e. beloved), dixos, trpospiańs, + eighiafts; ºf eiºfamtos, ov. Dear (in price), Tiatos, a, ov, and os, ov; wriuos, ov. Too dear, Štreptilios, ov. My dear fellow, 3 y\ükş- täre, Ar.; 3 YAülcov, Ar. Dearer than one's children, ºf icpetorgötekvos, ov. At however dear a price, 6trógov Tivos ojv, Lys. Ea'pensive, Costly. - Fighting for all they held dear, vavuáxhoravres 5tto Tàs pixórmºros, Lys. Dearly, irpospia&s; (i. e. in price) troAAoû. Price, Cost. Dearness, troAiréAeta, toxixpmuátía. Dearth, ai,xpubs, 'épopta. Death, 6áváros, Texevrh, Fuoſpa, Fuápos, + ëAeópos, +Trotuos; toº 8tov kāraatpoph, Soph.; 'étaxxây) too Bíov, Xen. A violent death, 'évaykala têxm, Soph. That you may hear the prophecy about my death, &s texevtaſav čuoi pāumv ráðmorðe Serpárov, Soph. See See 102 Deathless—Decide The day of death, reputa juépa, Soph, The place of death (where one is destined to die), tspuſ, x&pa, Soph. Causing a painful death, +8vsööváros, ov. Causing death to many, FToMuktóvos, ov. To put to death, Šávátów. See To kill. A pulling to death, śāvāraqis, eas, h. Fearing lest they should be put to death, befoavres wh &roflávoiev, Xen. See To die. And I should like to ask them for what objects they think that we ought to fight to the death, jöéa's 5’ &v airtów Tv00ſumv Štěp Tívov otoutal Xpival Maxopévous juás &troëvío kelv, ISOc. And she is starving herself to death, &oiteſ 3’ eis &Té- otgoiv 8tov, Eur. Deathless, ’ā0ävätos, os, ov, See Immortal. To debar, eſpyw, no perf act.; Éeipya’, ‘āTokweſa. To debark, 'üTošava, not in fut. Or aor, 1. (which have the active sense, to make to debark), €icéatva', See To disembark. Debarkation, 'üróéâous. To debase, káków, §1240eſpo; (money) kišāmāetw. Debatable, Čupi\oyos, ov; taşärntos, ov; t- orêmthoriuos, ov. See Doubtful. - A debate, ávtiãoyia; āſaſpia'éfitnois, ii. See Dispute. To debate, &pſpixõyo. To be debated (to be the subject of debate), 'éyaviſopal, pass.; áupta'émtéopal. See To dispute. They de- bated among themselves, Yvápas a pſoriv attois Tpovtſ- 6eorav, Thuc. To debauch, Suaq,0eſpo, plotzeta. A debauchee, ’āorotos, ’ākóA&otos. - To be debauched, live in a debauched manner, Škoxa- orralvo, pres.; ‘āowtetſoual, mid, Debauchery, *āorotia, &coxãota. To debilitate, kārūyvöut, &00evów, Debility, &00éveia. See Weakness. A debt, xpéos, Tó; Ögetamug, Tó. 'āropa, Dem. A cancelling of debts, &roicoth Xpéov, Plat. In debt, ‘ūtroXpéws, 6, #, neut. ov, gen, w, Ecceed- ingly in debt, ‘ûrepzpéws. A debtor, Öqelāétms; fem. ‘f Öqeſaetus, ió0s, ii; xpmoths. A decade, Šekös, Öos, i. To decamp, aipo (more usually with a substantive in dat, or acc., as aipa, otóAov, alpa, Tó otpató, aſpa Tais vava?, Thuc. AEsch.); &vaſsøyvijul, with or with- Out gtpárov OT orpárðrešov. Bad debts, tº To decapitate, ‘I kāpātopiča. See To behead. Decapitated, + kāpāropos, ov. See Beheaded. Decapitation, Käpävloths uépos, Eur, To decay, póivo (I Ep., i Att.), only pres, in this sense; Suaq,0eſpouai, pass. See To waste. Decay, półais, eas, h; pôopá. To decease, Švío ico, fut. Śāvotpat. Decease, Ščváros. See Death. Deceit, '&Târm, śātārm, 66Aos; † 66Aoua, Tó. Deceitful, '&Târnăós; 36Atos, 2, ov, and 0s, ov; 30Åepos, + 30Åéets; +60x16ppov, ovos; ’ārātmricós; this is deceitful, év KlébâA@ Tööe, Eur, See False. - Deceitfully, 60Atos, + touciaws. To deceive, ’ārāTáo), śātārāa, heißw, Ölayedāo, Štátrútáo), käräyomteſſo; träpäkpotſw, but oftener See To die. –0||al, mid. - To take, to persuade, etc., by deceit, 80Aów. To deceive before, Tpoečatarów. To deceive besides, To deceive by fallacies, TräpäAoyſ- Çouai, mid. To deceive by words, ékkNéirta Aóyov, Soph. - One must deceive, éâträrmtéov. Easily deceived, eieśātārmtos, ov. deceived, Övsešáràrntos, ov. A deceiver, { ||evaths, où, 6; of one's host, of one's guest, or of a stranger, f £evărărms, ov, 6. December, IIogetöe&v, Övos, 6 (begun about the middle of December). Decemvirate, Šekapyta, Öelcáðapxia. A decemvir, Ösicääoixos. Decency, kóguos, eúicoopta; Koopuétms, mtos, ii; eitpéreux. - Decennial, Šekétms; fem. Sekétis, i50s, h; belcaeths, ãekaétmpos. - Decent, eúkoop,0s, ov; eio Yiuwu, ovos, 6, #; ei- Tpetfis. - - Decently, eúkóagos, story muávas, Feijoxhuws. Deception, '&Tărn. See Deceit. Deceptive, ’ātrātmtikós. See Deceitful. To decide (a dispute, as judge, etc.), Silcáço, kpiva, ătăicpivo; 5taipéo, no aor. 1, Ötöytyvágico, fut. —yvá. orouai. To decide against, to decide the victory against any one, ’āTokpivo (Tivö täs víkms). deciding, ovvölgyi'yvágico. Tpoötayi-yvágico. To be decided (as a dispute, a law suit), icărăylyvá- alcopal, 'üywvigouai, pass. To be decided against Trposeła"Tatēo. Difficult to be To join in To decide previously, (esp. unfairly) karaépáčevouai, pass. - 103 Decipher—Deep They both lie dead, and have not decided the victory, Decorously, ejkóagos, koguías. Tittovolv šupw, ic' od 31%ploav kpótos, Eur. To whomsoever it should be decided that the colony be- longed, Širotépověv Čikagóñeival thy &Toucíav, Thuc. You have come before the matter is decided, oùk eis ākpiščs 7A9es, Eur. One must decide, Kpiréov, Siakpitéa. Deciding for oneself, t uováiºnqos, ov. A matter to be decided, ºpiuſ, Tó. To decipher, &vayuyvágico, fut. —yvágopal. 'read. - Decision, kpions, h; 5téyvooris, h; 6tayvápm; judicial, 'étréºpâgus, ii. The previous decision, T& Tpoöeboy- puéva, Thuc. Till the Athenians came to some decision, péxpt of A0myaíous ti 66&m, Thuc. To deck, koguéo, käråkoopéa. See To adorn. The deck (of a ship), ſcáráatpopa, Tó ; ; JéApa, Tó; gavls, ió0s, i. Decked (i. e. adorned, q.v.), ºf ethcoop,0s, ov; (of a ship) kātā' ppaktos, ov; £oteyaopévos. Not decked, &aréyagros, ov. “To declaim, Tpáygöéa, 3G/46éw. Declamation, 'éyòviapa, Tá; (i. e. the practice of speaking) plexétm. A writer of declamations, Aoyo- 'ypāqos, Aoyotroiás. Declaration, pāois, eas, ii. See Assertion. To declare, pluí; éeſtov, only in aor. 2.; Aéya, Tpo- Aéya, uapriſpéa, ’āTopatva; (as an oracle does) xpſia, i éicxpáo; (as an oracle or as a law does) âtéſirov, aor. 2., with perf. 8tepmka; (war) kåtay- 'yéAAw; trpoetrov, fut. Tpoepā. To declare before- hand, trpošto paívouai, mid. See To say. Your generals declaring him an enemy of Athenians, Töv Šuerépay atpatmydºv &Topalvövtwv attöv 'A6m- watov čx0pdv, Dem. Declination, Túpdańačis, eas, ii. To decline, intrans, as the day, etc., KAivo; (as the affairs of men do, etc.) + veto. The city declined, tróAus ét} to Xeºpov čićAlvey, Xen. To decline, trans, (an invitation) étraiyéw; (an office, making oath of inability to perform the duties) éðu- vöut. See To refuse. A declivity, KAirbs, iſos, ii. See Hill. To decoct, Épa, fut. §how, no perf. To decorate, coopéa. See To adorn. Decoration, kóouos; yica?,A&Tiowa, T6. ament. Decorous, efficoopos, ov; kóoptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Decent. See To See Orna- Decorum, eúroopia; koguióTms, mtos, h; eitpéreta. With decorum, ſcéopº, karð kóo uov, Šv icóa'aq, etc. To decoy, 60Aów, ºf träAeča. See To deceive. A decoy bird, Taxeiſtpia. To decrease, Meléopal, pass.; Aggadoſial, pass.; pivā00. f A decrease, wetapa, Tó. To decree, kexeſw; (by formal vote) iſ mºſſo, oftener —ouai, mid, perf. pass, in either act. or pass. Sens. ; xelpotovéw. See To ordain, To decide. It is decreed, impers. 50ket, aor. 1. É60še, perf. pass. ôéôocrat. See To vote. - A decree, ºftºpos, #; ºffſplaga, T6. The former de- crees, tà trpošešoyuéva, Thuc. Divine decrees, + 0éo- pāra, Tá. Decrepit, oriu yīpg Baptis, Soph. Decrepitude, TâAatótms, mtos, i. To decry, Stågåpa, ; Baolcaiva, only in pres, act. To dedicate, 'üvārūmul, iepāw, kafliepāw, t'éyíſo, kä0&yiço; (of consecrated ground) teprevigo. To be dedicated, 'évêicelſat, poet, also #ykepal. A thing dedicated, 'éváðmua, T6. See Offering. What ought to be dedicated, kā0tepwréos. A dedication, or dedicating of anything, eas, #; Käfliépoqis, eas, i. - To deduce, ovXAoyigouai, mid. See To conclude. Deduction (i. e. inference, q.v.), ovXAoytoplás; (i. e. diminution, q.v.) uetworts, ii. To deduct, 'épaupéo, aor. 2. —eſaov; ‘ūq aſpéa'; 'êtro- Aquéâvo, fut. Aftyopal. To deduct besides, Tposa- ‘palpéopal, mid. One must deduct, *āqalpetéov. A deed, pyov; Tpášis, eas, ii; Tpāypa, Tó; # Tpayos, Tć. A deed (i.e. a written paper), YpapuãTetov. A bad deed, kākoëpympia, Tó. - The doing bad deeds, kākovpyía. Deed, opp. to word, épyov, opp. to A6'yos; in deed or word, xepoly % A6)º, Soph. To deem, vouíſa'. See To think. Deep, Bá0ts (in every sense of the English word), ºf Wexagéâ0is. Deep flowing, t 8a0%00s, ov, contr. —ovs, ovy; + 820Valicãºpſis. Deep (of soil), ºf 82000 tropos, ov, Deep-rooted, 836%. 51ſos, ov. See Root. But the Thebans arrayed their men twenty-five deep, étrº &otríðas 3& Trévre uèv kal elicooty oi Omégio étášavro, Thuc. & See Old. 9 sº . J. ävä9egis, 104 Deepen—Deficiently In very deep order, oùk étr' àAfyov &otríðav, Thuc. Those who do not look deep into the matter, oi uměév Tpö tot, Tpáypatos évôupoiſºevol, Isoc. To deepen, Bā0üva. Deer, éââq,0s, 6, #, as a generic term always i. Of or belonging to deer, éAápetos, ov. The hunting of deer, f Ašqºméoxia, ÉAšq,000 offm. A hunter of deer, ‘FéAãºméóA0s, 6 #; éAaqokTávos, often as adj. To deface, trepiköttw, aikígw. A defacing, Tepikorff. To defame, 8Aao pnuéw. See To abuse. Defamation, 8Aao pnula, kākmyopia. Demosthenes brought an action for defamation against him, airtó Amu000évns éâaxe thv toº kaknyoptov 6íkmv, Test, ap. Dem. - - Defamatory, 8Ado pmuos, ov; 8&oicăvos, ov. A defamer, Bāq Kävos. See Slanderer. They condemned him and all his accomplices to death by default, Špijun ötiºn &ávarov katéyvagav airtoſ, Te kai Tôv wer' ékelyov, Thuc. A defeat, igoſa, Tpoth, and in poet. Tpoth uáxms, Tpoir), Sopós. Causing defeat, ‘f Tpotatos. To defeat, vicda. To be defeated, éAgorodouai, #gado- pal. See To conquer. One must defeat, ºf vikmtéov. A defect, AAelga, Tá; ‘āudptmua, Tá. Defection, 'êtróa Tão is, eas, ii. See Revolt, Defective, éAAiths, XaXás. To leave defective, biXéa. Defence, 'üpayyā; piºua, Tó; † TpóšAmua, Tó; Tpo- 60Xī; + širdpkeoris, i. A defence (verbal) in courts of law, etc., 'ütroAoyta ; &Tókpions, ews, fi: Öicatoxoyia; or ground of defence, ãvti/\oyia. Having as a defence to secure our safely, Tp66Amua, Tâs owtºpias Šxovtes, Demad. The naval defences, vačAoxol reputtixat, Eur. You have made a sufficient defence against the charge, àpicoborav eitas airías & rootpopfiv, Eur. A means of defence, 'üpıvvtſipuov. In defence of, Širép. See For. Defenceless, Épmuos, m, ov, sometimes, though rarely, os, ov; +’āq'paktos, ov. See Unarmed. To defend, 'üuivo, no perf, Éiraußva, Tapkéw, no perf.,’āAéčov, trpofo Tapai, mid. c. aor. 2. and perf. act. c, gen., &v6tarakat, c. Štěp and gen, ºf fºopal, mid., + &pſpéra, only pres, t irpoo Tâtéo, c. gen. To de- fend lyspeaking for judicially, etc.,&Toxoyéopal, mid, c. 5tép and gen, c. Tpbs and acc. of the charge, ‘ûrepātoāoyéouai. To defend oneself, Šutapčvouai, mid, "åträAéopal, mid. To defend oneself judicially, etc., & Toxiſopal, mid., &roöicéa, only pres. To join or help in defending, ovvöläpäAáoga. To join in defending judicially, givároXoyéopal, mid. To de- fend oneself prematurely, before one is attacked, trpoã- pivouai, mid. To allow a criminal to defend himself, to speak in his own defence, ’ātroAoyiav Štroëtówpu, Andoc. One must defend, 'üpıvvréov and ’āpavvréa, c. dat.; (judicially or with argument) 'étroAoymtéov, c. prep. The defendant (in a lawsuit), 6 petryov; 6'étrokplvá- uévos; 6 kekpipévos. To be a defendant, petryw, 'üywvigopal, mid. A defender, 'üAe£nthp, fipos, 6; +’āpayós; + 65thp, àpos, 6; # Tpoatãrms; (from death) t’āAešuopos. See Protector. Defending, +’āpayos, ov; +’āAečnthpuns; + šūgios, ov; ; Tpoortătăpios. Defensive, ’āpavytſipuos, ov, A general equally skilful both in defensive and offensive operations, otpātmyds &o påA}s kal éiríðeticós, Xen. A defensive alliance, émiuaxia. To make an alliance with the Argives so as to defend one another's territories (when either should be at- tacked), Tpos “Apyetovs ovupaxiav troueto 6al, àote Tii &AAñAwv éiripaxeſv, Thuc. Defensible, éxipós. To defer, 'üvášáNAw. See To postpone. pay respect to, etc., 'ükoúa, ‘ūtreſka. And you defer to the mob too much, Tó tº 8xA4, TAéov véuels, Eur. See To respect, To yield. One must deſer, (i. e. postpone) 'üvá6etéov; (i. e. yield to) 5trelictóov. Deference, ºf évtpotri. A deferring, "åvášoxii. See Delay. Defiance (i.e. challenge, q.v.), trpók}\mats, eas, i. It is not my character to act in defiance of the citizens, Big Toxttàv 8páv špuy &Affixavos, Soph. Deficiency, 'üttöAethis, eas, ii; vöela; #AAéippa, Tó. Deficient, Évöeºis, étriðehs, éAAirfis. Deficiently, Śvēeós, étriðeós. To be deficient, €axeſtra, sometimes 3rd sing. as impers., ’ātroAeſtra', Aeſtropal, pass. impers. Set, imperf. §§el, etc.; if the chorus were deficient in any thing, et ri 8éot tº Xópº, Antipho. For you are not at all de- ficient in zeal, trpo6vpitas y&p oëbèv éAAeſtreis, AEsch. See To be wanting. To defer to, 105 Defile —Delegate To defile, plaſvo, katautalvo, xpaiva, airživo!, u0Aü- To what a degree of digrace you are bringing me, of vo, pipw, Ajuatvouai, mid. See To pollute. To defile (intrans, as troops), škumpàouai, mid. A defile, pixbs, otévétropov; TúAm, in pl.; (between mountains) # keväuðv, &v0s, 6. Defiled, + Tpostpotatos, ov. See Polluted. Defiling the hand, F xepopiois, Defilement, pºtagua, āros, Tá; kmåls, 760s, i. Pollution. To define, Špiſo, also -opal, mid., also perf. pass, in act. sens.; Stopſºw. To define besides, Tposopigopal, Tposëtopſgouai, One must define, Šplatéov, Stoplotéov. Easy to define, eiºtóplatos, ov. Not to be defined in a speech, où Aóyº 8taipetos, Thuc. Definite, 'épopuguévos. - We live having definite notions of what is unjust and what is just, @aev &ölka kal Stical' éptopévot, Eur. A definition, Špos, Šptopſos, Štopiapós. Belonging to a definition, Öpikós. Definitive, &eticós. To deflower, pºeipo, top6éa. To deform, kātaikiſo, fut. Karaikiá. Deformed, utmpos, ov. Deformity, aloxos, Tó; ’āuoppia. To defraud, 'êtrooſtepéa. See To cheat. To be defrauded, TAeovekréopal, pass, c. Örö et gen. pers.; besides, trposé"too repéopal. A defrauding, +%TatóAm; +’āTatóAmua, Tá. A defrauder, &too repnths, où, 6, fem, ‘ārootepmtls, or —Tpls, tºos, j. See A cheal. To defray, TeXéa, Aña, See To pay, Deftly, ei. See Well, Skilfully. Defunct, velºpós. See Dead. To defy, trpokáñéopal, mid. See To challenge. Degeneracy, 760s 8voyevès, Eur. To degenerate, xeipwy yºyvouai, Xen. Degenerate, ’āyevſis. In a degenerate spirit, 'üyevvæs. Degradation, dioxos, Tá; ’ātiuſa (esp. legal); ai. oxivn. See Disgrace. To degrade, aioxiva, kārataxivo; 'étiuáo (esp. of legal degradation). Degraded (in legal sense), ‘ātū0s. Degree (i.e. rank, q.v.), āśtopia, T6. To what a de- gree, Šorov. To such a degree, adv., Tógov. To what a degree of humiliation it had come, és olav See tätreivörnta & picto, Thuc. p’’ātuptas &yels, Soph. To have arrived at such a degree of simplicity, eis Tooroútov simõeſas Tpoéeêmicéval, Dem. See Such, So great, How great, etc. By degrees, kat' Aiyov, Thuc. See Gradually. Dejected (esp. of the countenance), ºf Kātmºphs, farāv- mpeqís. See Sad. To be dejected, kātā0üpéa, ’āömpovéa, f icătmºpéa. Dejectedly, &x0elvás. Dejection, kārāqela; Tātelvétms, mtos, i. To deify, '&Toffeów. To be deified, ºf Saipovigopal, pass. & To deign, <. Deity, Öeós; Saipov, ovos, 6. See God. If it were not some interposition of the Deity, ei ºff Ti ôaluóviov eth, Xen. See Divine. To delay, act, Éiréxw, it 8páðvø, Kate:pyw, Škkpoffo. To delay, intrans., áiréxo, ökvée, Starpišw ; 8páðūvo, no perf.; HéAAw, only pres. and imperf.; StaſzéAAw, Xpovićw, Éyxpovićw, ex0Aá(w, i karaoxoMágo. They delayed the greater part of the day, Širl Toài ètfi- 'you Tàs huépas, Thuc. That I may not delay coming to the point, iva pil . . . toū Tapávtos éuavTöv čkkpoiſow, Dem. To be delayed till winter, éé000ival Tii śpg €s xel- pºva, Thuc. * One must delay, Öicvmtéov, f weaWºmtéov. Delay, Škvos ; ’āvāšoxh, poet. &péoxh ; Tpiš), Ötö. Tpišā; uéAAmals, eas, ii; † Hé\Amua, Tb, usu. in pl. This is no time for delay, oùic ēēpas &yðv, Eur.; oix éöpas 'ßkph, Soph. After a short delay, 5tex0&v és 8páxiv xpóvov goväs, Eur. I will benefit you without delay, oùk és àpéoA&s evep. yerhaw o', Eur. * For there will be wailings of men and women in your house without delay, pave? Yêp, où ualſpot, Xpóvou Tpié?, &vöpóv, Yvvailcóv gots 36Mous kokūpata, Soph. While these delays are going on, êv 60% Tatta weaxe. Tal, Dem. After delay, causing delay, etc., + Xpóvios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Delaying, Örcvmpós. See Slow. A delayer, plexxi)ths, ot, 6. Delectable, xãpfels, jöös. See Pleasant. Delectation, Téphis, eas, ii. See Pleasure. To delegate, (an office or a charge) étritpétro, Éiri 106 orréAAw; see To entrust; (ambassadors) Téutra, perf, act. See To send. A delegate (sent to a council on behalf of others), TpóšovX0s. Deleterious, Ajypbs, 8Aššepös; &Aéðptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Injurious. o deliberate, BovXeūw ; 6tášovXetouai, mid.; Tpo- ŠovXeča. To deliberate together, avpéovXetſopal ; icolvox.oyéopal, mid. To sit in deliberation together, ovykähluai; ovykä0éopal, fut. ovykä0eboigai. Deliberate, eiX6') to Tos, ov; (of an action or intention) TpoapsTós, Deliberate purpose (opp. to impulse), Yvápm (opp. to ôpyń). Deliberately, Čakeppévos, 8eéovXevpuévos, &lrb yuá- ums; ÉÉ àpp.4twv Šp6ów Te It” at Öpff's ppevös, Soph.; ék Tpoffiºſos, Eur. - Not deliberately (of what some one has done), où Yvá- plm Tuvi, Soph. One must deliberate, BovXeutéov and 80UAevtéa. Deliberation, BovX3), Aoytogos, A6)0s; (i.e. habits of deliberation) eiàoyiotla. See Consideration. Deliberative, BovXevticós. Delicacy, ‘āépôtns, mºtos, j; XAiöh, Tpūq; ; ‘ārāAó- Tns, mºtos, i. A delicacy, or delicate orºtinent, Tápoly&vnua, Tó. Delicate, ‘ātāAbs, ºf Tépmv, Tpüpepos, + dāpās; (of any thing woven, any garment, but also of voice, sound of a pipe, and even of appearance of man, also of the sense of smell) Aetrós. Living delicately, ‘ā- époötattos, ov, Delicate in health, "àrpoo påAfts. Delicate (unable to bear cold), busXeiuepos, ov. Delicately, ‘āépás, ‘ā8pöv, Tpupépôs. To live delicately (luxuriously), Tpüºpów, ºf XAiödw; ’āSpüvouai, pass. To make delicate, to treat delicately, +’āSpiva, no perf. Delicious, yMüküs. Deliciously, #6éas. Delight, eiºpodium; xàpis, iros, acc. xápiv and xá- pita, ā; téphis, eas, # ; xàpè, fièovh, Xappovă ; ºf Xàppa, Té. To delight, trans., Tépirw, no perf. ; sūq paiva, no & v An -- &TâAüva, no perf.; See Sweet. intrans., TépTopal, Xalpo, ; 'éyòAouai, mid., only pres. imperf.; ym6éo, perf. yéymba. See To rejoice. Delighted, &apºevos, patópós. Eaceedingly delighted, trepixaphs. See Glad. Delightedly, &ouévos, + &orträgta's. See Gladly. perf. (but aor. 1. pass, in pass, sense); see To please; Delegate—Dermand Delightful, Tepitvös; +/Aükü0üuos, ov. See Pleasant, Delightfully, ºf Tepitvös, jöéos. To delineate, Tepiypápa. See To sketch. Delinquency, a páApa, Tá; TAmupéWeta, ºf TAëvi). See Error. ^ To deliver, éKAffa', oréaſ, ékoréſa’, ‘āraāAdorow; † 68- ouai, mid. See To free, To save. To deliver (a speech or an opinion), &troſpaívopal, mid. To deliver (a letter, etc.), Ötöötöopat, 'étroëtöwpºl. To deliver (as a midwife), paletopat, mid.; ºf Aoxetw. To deliver Corinth and make it free, Kóplyffov čAévôépay &Troöeſ- §at, Xen. To help to deliver, ovgordºğa. To wish to be delivered, 'êtraXAałetw, only in pres. Able to deliver, Año tos, o, ov, and os, ov; + Aüthplos, a, ov, and os, ov, c, gen, of the evil, once c. acc.; t éicaäthplos, ov; gathpuds, ov. A deliverer, gothp, fipos, 6, fem. Crétepa ; ; Aiſtºp, àpos, 6; ºf fligios. Deliverance, Añoſis, eas, h; + šićAüois, *āTaxxâyń. Delivery (of a woman in childbirth), Tókos; patevo is, eas, i. t The delivery (or mode of speaking) of an orator, Štá- Aektos, ii; of an actor, Štókpions, eos, i. Having a good delivery (as an actor), or suited for de- livery (as a speech), ÖTokpiticós. A dell, &ykos, Té; Bigga, värm. Of a dell, ºf vätratos. To delude, ’āT&Táo). A deluge, éiri"Ichijo's, eas, # ; 50%. To deluge, kātākāūgo. Delusion, 'Śīrātm. See Deceit. Delusive, ’ātātmtikös, Öv. See Deceitful. Delusively, ºf Touctaws. A demagogue, Šmuáywyðs (not always in a bad sense), - - The conduct of a demagogue, 879&yoyia. Fit for, belonging to, suited to a demagogue, 8muayw- 'yūcós. To be a demagogue, 6mpièywyéa. A demand, or a demanding, making a demand, cºrm- ots, eos, h; airmpa, Tó; 6íkatoons, eas, j; &#two is, eos, j. A demanding (of criminals for punishment), éčaítnots, eos, j. A demanding back, "åtrattmaſts. Fond of making demands, airmtucós. katakāvapºos, + Triff- To demand, airéal, ééaitéo, &étéo, öicatów. To de- mand (money due from a debtor), yicăAéa. To de- mand besides, Tposautéa. To demand back, 'étrauteo, 107 Demanded—D epart To demand in return, to make a counter demand, to demand as an equivalent, àvrikeAeëw, &vraitéo, ävr- d.TCZLT 6:00, One must demand, airmtéov. Demanded, ºf airnrós. To demean (oneself), ovykä6ímpu èuavtów, Plat, Demeanour, Tpótos. See Behaviour, Manners. Demented, ‘h éuptiviſis. See Mad. A demigod, juſéeos. Demise, Šáváros. See Death. I}emocracy, Ömuokpāría. The democracy, 6 bipos ; Tö täij60s. A favourer of democracy, Ömuotikós. A hater of democracy, pilodēmu0s. The greatest hater of democracy of all men, ulo'o6muótatos Távtav, Xen. Hatred of democracy, prioroëmºto. To live under a democracy, Ömuokpáréopal, pass. To whom are they subject 3 is their government demo- cratic 2 Tívos KAVovtes; 3) be?huevtat itpdros; Eur. A democrat, 'loſovopicós 'dvip. Democratic, Ömuokpáticós. Democratical lawlessness, Šmuáðpovs 'êvapxia, AEsch. To demolish, + répôw, no perf.; Ékirépôw, top6éw ; lcáðapéa, aor. 2. Kaffe?Aov; ŚāAetba', 6taipéa, i &i- ortów. To aid in demolishing, ºf ovpatop6éa, ºf ovutrépôa. demolish besides, étricóðapéo. See To destroy. One must demolish, kā6alpetéov. To be, what ought to be, or must be, demolished, käflat- peréos. Demolition, kā0aipegis, eas, ii. Demolished, 'évda Tãtos, ov. A demon, Öaiuwu, ovos, 6, not used by classical au- thors in a bad sense, except sometimes as “ill fortune;” Saipóviov, used for an inferior race of divine beings. Demonstrable, ’ātoāeiktös, Öv. To demonstrate, beſkvåut, 'ütrobeikvvut, 5"x6a, ; 6tá- gåpéa, no perf. ; ’āropaívo; besides, trposétropatva', Tposároöeſkvupt ; on the other hand, or in answer, &vrätroſpatva', &vtåtročeſkviſut ; beforehand, irpoštro- beticvijul. See To prove, To show. One must demonstrate, belittéov, *ātročetrtéov. One must demonstrate besides, trposóelictéov. Demonstration, belºwa, T6; ’āTööetêts, eas, # ; (in war) 5tautºmats, eas, i. To make a demonstration (in war), trpoèeticvijul, Demonstrative, betktikbs, ’ātroöeuktikós. Demonstratively, belxticós. To To demur, Škvéa, ; see To hesitate; (in law proceed- ings) Tāpāypājouai, mid; &vriypápoua, mid. Demur, Škvos. - A demurrer, àvriypaſph, Túpaypápſ. Demurely, oreplvós. To look demure, deplvoirpoo atéo, pres. A den, Švrpov, poxebs, eiaiſos, + gnkás. Denial, &pumoſis, ews, ii, c. gen, or c. to ph and infin., ěčápvmots. A joint denial, givárðqāoris. A denizen, troAirms, ov, Ö. Sée Citizen, Inhabitant. To denominate, àvopºd ſo, kāAéa. See To call. Denomination, Švopia. To denote, a muatva', trio muaivo. To denounce, Tpoăyopetºw, kåtayopetºw; (i. e. to in- form against) 'étroypābø; Ypäſpouai, mid. Dense, trijkvós. Densely, 8% my. Density, TÜKvětms, mºros, i. To denude, yupwów, &troyupwów. See To strip. Denunciation (i. e. information, q.v.), përis, ews, i. To deny, "åvaivopal, mid., fut, not used, but aor. 1. humváumv ; āpwéopal, mid, no pass, in pass. Sens, but aor. 1. pass, in act, sens., c. acc, or c, infin, or c. infin, preceded by neg, oi, or pºl, or c, čti oi, Ös of and indic, or c, to and infin., c. dat, of the person to whom the denial is uttered; Éapvéopal ; 'étropvéo- pat, also c. to uh and infin., also c. uh oùxī and infin. ; kátapvéopal, &vtiaéya, ’āiróſpnut ; &vrépéo, only in fut. &vrépô, perf. &vreipmica, paulo post fut. (in pass, sens.) &vteipſigopal ; on oath, &lréſuiſſu, É& 6avûul; beforehand, trpoštrópmui. There is no denying it, oùk évi atáois, AEsch. I cannot deny these things, táv 3’’āpumoſis oik Švecti plot, Soph. That God, who is good, is to any one the cause of evils, one must deny by all the means in our power, raków Śē attlov påval Seów Tui yiyved flat &yaffèv Švra, Távri TpóTºp 6tapaxmtéov, Plat. Denying, inclined to deny, &rapvos, ov, c. gén. And she denied none of these things, & Tapuos 6' oićevès kaðtotato, Soph. For I never denied that I had learnt something, où Yàp Trønote ééapvos éyévôumv patów Tu Plat. | One must deny, &vti/\ertéov, Eur, What can be denied, &puffoliuos. To depart, 'éteipt (-téval); &lrépxopal, mid, fut. –exegoropat, etc.; &lrošava, ’āiraipa, &moxapéo, ‘āq to rāgal, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf, act.; Éaſpío Ta- pal; otzopat, mid., rare, except in pres, and imperf. See Close. 108 pres., often in a past sense, I am departed ; plebiotmut Iróða, Eur.; Réaiva tróða, in aor. 2. part. Škéâs tróða, Eur.; Stopfgo tróða, Eur.; ŚicéáAAw Toël, Eur, ; êictoiros ék0p60 ka’, esp. in aor. 2. čéflopov, Soph.; éctorós eiut, Eur, To depart stealthily, 'übépira, ‘ūtrāreipl, 'üreğépxopal; ‘ūtrečāyw, ‘ûrečáyo Tóða, Eur. To depart with, giváirelpi, giváirépxouai. To depart before, trpoãrépxopal, TpoãToxopéa. To de- part (as a general does with his army or fleet), &vage' yuijul, with or without otpatov or vats; alpa, no perf, sine cas. To depart from one's original intention, 'ütroyiyuágico. Who have departed from this land, at Tisbe Yās KöAov émicóvttaſav, Eur. To depart this life, pleTag Tàval Stov, Eur, If my eye and mind, being perverled, had not departed from my intention, ei º Töö' àupa ſcal ºppévés àić- orpoqol Tvápms &Irāśav Tàs épiñs, Soph. e had departed from the established customs, ééðe- 8tfirm to Töv ka0sotárww voutpov, Thuc. - f therefore he at all departs from the account he gave before, ei 3’ ośv ti kākrpétroito Toº Tpó00ev Aó)ov, Soph. Having departed, ºppotºos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; + šktó- trios; + šktotros, ov. ne must depart, 'üTiréov; stealthily, ‘ūtrokivmtéov. he departed (i. e. the dead), oi &Toyevópevol. See Dead. department (of government), Tpoaipeg is, eos, i. eparture, šč060s, h; ’ātrox&pmots, eas, jj; ’āraā- Aäyń. A former departure, trpoãváxćpmoſis, eos, i. 0 depend on, &ptéopal, pass, c, čk and gen, Éaprá0- pal; Kpepºduvvual, pass.; Éickpepºduvvual ; ºf ketual, c. Év and Lat. To make to depend on, 'üvaptdo, c. eis and acc. or c, dat. Že depends on whoever speaks last, €otl too Aéyovtos, Soph. - ſt depends on you to erect the statue of Jupiter, év arol Zmvös àp000 at 80étas, Eur. hen war is protracted, it is wont to depend mainly on chance, p.mkövénevos (sc. TóAepios) pixeſ és Túxas T& troAA& Tepito Taotai, Thuc. Vot to depend on others, uh ét étepots yºyveg (al, Thuc, Eacept as far as it depends on you, TX3)w 30-ov to gov puépos, Soph. ach will feel that the victory depends chiefly on himself, £icaatós Tis éavté, évveloetai Tàs víkms airićtatos &v, Xen. Departed—Depravity And it depends on you whether we live or die, év got 6' éopºv kal (my kal pºl, Eur. As far as depends on, êvékg, c. gen. Dependence (i. e. trust), triotis, eas, i. On which we place our dependence for the attaining our right (ovyypaſp?iv), €v fi thv Štěp rôv Šukaſaw Boff- 6elav čxoptev, Dem. Dependent on, ‘ūtreč0üvos, ov, c, dat. He makes himself dependent on chance, on opportunity, etc., intet,0vvov šavtov Štówaiv tº Tüx), toſs Kapoºs, ic. T. A. Dem. A dependent, TeXàrms, ov, 6, Plat. To depict, 'ypépa. See To paint, To describe. Deplorable, oiktpos, irreg. superl. officriotos; Toxtorto vos, ov; ; travöö'kpitos, ov; +©pmvos, ov; + träy. KXavtos, ov. See Lamentable, Grievous. Deplorably, oilcrpès, &A'yelvås. To deplore, 36üpopal, mid; A0p;popal, mid.; Sprivéo, 33rpio, KAalw; afterwards, + get agréva. See To lament. To deploy (as a general does his troops), ščeXtoga', 'āvattiſga'a (both words used in pass. of the troops themselves). A deponent, udptus, ipos, 6, #. To depopulate, épmuów, ºf kevöw. Depopulated, pnuos, m, ov, and os, ov; f icóvavöpos, on. A depopulated condition, ºf épmuía, + Kevavöpia. They depopulated Lemnos, Añuvov épômv šporévoy ěšictºray, Eur. Deportment, Tpétros. See Manners. To depose (a ruler, etc.), šicéáAAw, kataAffa; (as a witness) paptiſpéa. A deposing (of a ruler, etc.), kārāAigis, eos, i. To deposit (i. e. place down, put down), Tithºu, äto. tiºnal; (as a pledge, or as a treasure for future use) kátátíðmpu; at the same time, ovykátátíðmut; (as a river does alluvial soil) trposx(a. A deposit (as a pledge, or security, or treasure), trapo, kátá0iikm, kātā0%icm. A deposit (as a sort of caution-money for the expenses of a lawsuit), Tpirãveia, Tá. A deposit (of alluvial soil), Tpószwois, eas, h; † Tpés- Xopa, Tó. A deposition, êkpaptipta. Depositor, &étms. To deprave, pöeſpo; Awééopal, mid. Depraved, kāicós. Utterly depraved, trautrovnpös, Öw See Wicked. See Witness. See Witness, Testimony. Depravity, u0x0mpia. See Wickedness. 109 Deprecate—Designing To deprecate, "åretſkopal, c. acc. or c. Wh and infin, or even c. infin. sine wh; Túpattéopal, mid, To be deprecated, 'Éirevktos, ov; +’āreixeros, ov. Deprecation, Tāpairmats, eos, i. To depreciate, pavatſo, ötågåpo. Depreciation, pīkpox0)ia. Depredation, k\oth, Amateta. See Robbery. A depredator, KAértms, ov, 6. See Robber, Thief. To depress, kārāépíða', avoréAAa, Bāpāva). To aid in depressing, avy caréxa. To be depressed (of a person or family in adversity, or of their fortunes, etc.), ºf vooréa. Depression, kātārāris, eos, h; of spirits, &#worſo. Deprivation, otépmots, eas, j; ’āTootépnoſis. To deprive, otépéa, pass, pres, usu, a répopal, aor. 2. part, pass. o Tepels, fut, mid, a repſia opal, sometimes in pass. Sens, &Tootépéo; oreptorica, only in pres.; épmuda, sometimes c. gem, acc.; † v00 pigo. To be deprived of, Tútáopal, pass., only pres, and imperf.; ÉkTitta, fut, -trea otiual; a WAdopal, pass., c. acc. rei. See To take away. Deprived of, pngos, m, ov, and os, ov; ; Yvavós. Depth, Bá00s, Tá; +8ü60s; ºf Bévôos, to (esp. of the sea). The depths (or secret places) of hell, FKev09&v, &vos. 6, usu, in pl.; F ket,00s, Tb, usu, in pl. From the depth, or deep, + 8vo.g66ey. To depute, Šptotmut, aor. 2. and perf in pass, sense. A deputy (i.e. counsellor sent to a convened assembly), TpóšovXos. A deputy governor, ‘ūrapxos. To derange, Tá040 ora. See To disorder. Deranged, Tápépopos avvéreos, Plat. See Mad. To deride, éyyeXćw, KatayeAáw. See To laugh. A derider, Fºyexagths, 00, 6; + šy yeXaaths. Derision, kārūyeaws, otos, 6; xXevaagøs. To derive, Aquéâva; tropiſoſtal, mid., perſ, pass, in both act, and pass. sens. See To get. He has his name (of Phoebus) derived from Phoebe, to botéms Švop’ xel Tapávupov, AEsch. To derogate from, Agga-60. See To lessen. To descant upon, Häkpmyopéa, To descend, Katağüopal, Kårelpi (-léval), kātāśaiva, ſut. –ého opal (fut, and aor. 1, act, never used intrans.); lcatépxopal, fut. –exeffo'opiat; to, Ticătăşaiva, Éiri- kâtelpi; by degrees, ‘ūTokārāśaiva'; with or together, ovykátá6&two. To make to descend, Katašišáço. One must descend, kātāśāTéor. A descendant, Écºyovos, esp in pl.; yévos, to, always in v. g., either of one or many; + yévé0A01, sing. Or pl. + écyevétms. See Son. To be a descendant of éicyfyvopal, mid. Descending (as the thunderbolt), Ficăraiéârms. A descent, kārāśāois, ews, m; on an enemy's country ‘ātāśāqis. To make a descent on, 'üirošaíva (not iſ fut, or aor. l. act.), c. eis and acc. To describe, ovyypápa, Ötöypápa. Description, 6täypāq'ſ ; (i.e. sort, kind, q.v.) etőos T6. See Account. To descry, Öpda. See To see. To desecrate, utaíva. See To pollute, Desert (i. e. merit, q.v.), āśta. A desert, Épípua. Desert, adj., ápmu0s, m, ov, and 0s, ov; +’átáv0patros ov; +&otišás; +’ášáros, ov. To make desert, Čpmplów, f Revöw. late. To desert, Aetto, & Toàeſtra, ÉlcNeitra); (esp. as soldier) airoudNéo ; ‘āTošiūpāorica, fut. —8págoual aor. 2. &méöpmy; Aeſtra, Tāštv, Plat.; as an ally, ‘ātro otpépopau, pass.; 'étrootörée. To desert first, irpo ătroWeſtra. A deserter, airówoxos; piñºs, Š60s, 6, #. A pre tended deserter, ſhevëavrégoń0s. A deserter of one' ship, Aitóvavs; and Autóveals, 6. Desertion, 'étéAelbis, eas, #; kátáAeºlis; (of soldier) '&Tootpateto, Aitootpártov, aitowoxta, Aito. Tašío. A desertion of one's party in the state, 'ütrotpotſ. To deserve, &étéopal, mid.; Śicatós eiul, c. infin, &štós eigl, c, infin. or c, gen. See Worthy, I think I deserve,  €wavrov, c. infin. (or withou the pron.); in my eyes he deserves the greatest punish. ment, €uol . . . TXeſarmy (muſay ÖſpAlgicăvel, Eur, Deserved (reward or punishment), s, étréºlos. Deservedly (as a person deserves), áčías, étračíos kat’ &#iav. Fortune treating him as he deserved, etc., ii täxm Ica. Aós Totovola, ic. T. A., Dem. Deserving, s, étréºlos. A design, 800Aevpa, Tó; v0üunua, T6. See Plan Counsel. - - One who nourishes great designs, Heya Nottpáyway, ovo 6, #. - To designate, ávoud ſo. See To call. Designation, Švoga. See Name. Designedly, Étitmöes, éic Tpovotas. Designing, ÉtieovX0s, ov. sing See To depopu 110 Desirable—Destroy Desirable, Toºelves, h, by, and bs, 6v ; aiperbs, #, no neut.; ‘āveXtris, &rovevonwévos, &rovomºeſs aiperéos, eikratos; Toâvāpātos, ov; ; pinepos, ov. Desire, émigiuſa, tróA0s, ‘iuepos. An olject of desire, éiríðūmua, Tó. To desire, éiríðūuéo, Točáo; xpſo, only pres, and in perf. act.; Tposxpſ: o, öpéyviºuai, or = Youai, mid.; 'YAixopal, mid.; iuelpw, and mid. Only pres, and imperf.; &vréxopal, mid.; troßeivös Yaº, Xen.; eagerly, intepetitiºuéo; besides, étropéyopal; in turn, or in rivalry, &vretriflüuéa. To desire the same thing or at the same time as another, ovv6éAw, fut.-6exflow, no perf, in prose avveſ,éAw, giveTióüpéa. He would desire beyond anything, repl travtos &v Toufi- oratto, Xen. - Desirous, trpó0üuos, ov; AeAppévos, + pºpevos. Ea'- ceedingly desirous of, Šišsépos, otos, Ö, i. To desist, travogal, mid.; &moratopat; Aſiya, no perf; étréxa, esp. in aor. 2. čtreoxov; &torpétropal, pass.; ºf éâw; + pºeffiegal, mid.; previously, TpoãTorpétropal, Trpoapfortapat. See To cease. A desk, Tpátreſa. See Table. Desolate, Épmuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; kevés; (as a marriage bed when the husband is away) +’āvāv- ôpatos, ov. To desolate, 6mów (AEsch, and Eur, have isometimes), épmaôa, ÉÉepmuáw, Féickewów, ºf X.npów. See To Tavage. A country made desolate, x&pg Desolation, Épmuía, Despair, to ’āvéAtriotov; To despair, 300péo, no perf.; ’ātroyiyvágico, fut. *śvao Tä6eſora, Dem. &Töyvola, 'é6üpıſa. —yvágouai; &ömuovéo, no perf; ‘āvext{otos éxo, Plat. To leave off in despair, '&Toššā0üpéa. Being immediately inclined to despair, Tpos to &véA. Turtov eiðūs Tpatrópºevoi Tà yvápm, Thuc. It is not wise . . . to drive those who have revolted to despair, où Xph . . . &véAtlatov cataqtāqai Tois & rootágiv, Thuc. One mast (not) despair, (oik) '305p.mtéov. Despaired of +&éAttos, ov. Despairing, 'étrovevompiévos. See Desperate, To despatch (a messenger, etc.), '&rootéAAw. See To send. To despatch (business), štátpáo ow. See To do, To transact. To despatch (i.e. to kill, q.v.), ſcretva. Despatch (of business), Ötö'Tpaśts, eos, i. A despatch, okūtāAm (properly a Lacedæmonian one), étrio toWſ. Desperate (of persons), &0\ſuos, ov; Śāsextus, ió0s, 6, A despot, degrárms, ov, 6. (of persons or affairs) 'évéAttaros, ov. Y. Affairs being desperate, ém' éðelpyaogévois, AEsch. Desperately, 'â0üuos,'êtrovevoluévos, ’āveArturos. Despicable, eúkārābpóvntos, ov. . See Contemptible. To despise, kātābpovéa, ÖAiyapéo, örepopáo; Wirepel. 60V, only in aor. 2.; (esp. when the contempt is shown in action) 'étiſidºw, f'&Tipida; oi6aplot Aéya', oièa- pot wouíſo, AEsch. Soph.; Éy ciyepeſ. Tíðmul, Soph.; trap' oièëv tíðepal, AEsch,; paña's dépa, Eur.; ev ôAiyapíg. Totočual, Thuc.; eis 3Aiyapſav Tpétropal, Thuc.; Tap' àAbyov Totoſſual, mid., Xen.; ŚAlyópws ëxaſ, AEschin. To be despised, ‘āāošéal; in prose usu. ’āôošéopal, pass. He who despises these things, Tañó’ Štip IIap' oë8év éatt, Soph. One must despise, óAiyapmtéov, "åtiugatéov. Despised, 'étiuos. See Contemptible. Not to be despised, Övskátáppóvntos, ov. A despiser, ‘ūtrepôttms, ov, 6., In despite, Big. See Spite. To despoil, güAdw; Amigouai, mid. See To plunder. To despond, 'éðupéa, i övsøjuéa. One must not despond, 'ü0üpımtéov. Despondency, '30Juía, 8vsööpita. Desponding, 'ü0üpı0s, ov; Śāsējuos, ov. Despotic, begtroticós; i ösa réorivos, m, ov, and os, 01/, - Despotically, Öeototicós. Despotism, plovapxta, Öeotroteia. To have despotic authority over, beatégo, and in pass. to be ruled with despotic authority, Öeotrotéo. Dessert, Tpayáxtov, oftenest in pl.; Tpaktā, td. To destine, Tágora, Tpotdoorw; Öpf9o, no perf. Destimation, itéppa, Tó. - Destiny, potpa. See Fate. Destitute of, Évöehs, trposóshs; 'épétoxos, ov; Épºquos, m, ov, and os, ov; Revös, lºyvºlvös, f’éuotpos; Šuopos or Šukopps, ov. To be destitute of, a Tráviſa and -opal, pass. want. * - Destitution, a trävis, eas, ii; Want. To destroy, Trépôa, no perf.; Śicitépôa, ’āiróAAtul, 6tóAAvut, ºf ŠAAvpu, pöeſpa, 6tap6eſpa, Škºpffeſpa, Topóéa, ćictrop0éa'; Kaffaipéa, aor. 2. —e?Aov; +&ia Tów, and airtów; besides, Tiraffaipéo; beforehand, irpo. 8taq,0eſpa; gradually, 'üirséglpéa. To destroy along See To ‘āTopia, Évêeig. See 111 Destroyed—Detestable with (i. e. to involve in a common destruction, or also to aid in destroying), oivátóAAüul, ovutropôéw, ovu- wépôw, ovvaipéa, orivečaipéa. To destroy a part of, trápapéa. To destroy utterly, oriveritpiéo. To de- stroy in turn, in retaliation, t &vtåröAAju. That they might destroy from off the earth the insolence of mortals, &s &tavt.Aoſev x00vbs "Téptopa Śwntów, Eur. To be destroyed, + pºivo (; Ep., i Att.), only pres, and imperf, act. (in pass. 40iumv, part, pºiuevos, and fut, mid. p9íoopat, only of men dead), kāraſpbiva, tołxoplat. Being destroyed as to the stock of his whole family, Yévovs ātavros 5tgau ÉÉmumuévos, Soph. If a city knows that it will be utterly destroyed, #v tis tróAts yuá, uh trepteorouévn, Thuc. One must destroy, kāffaipétéov. Destroyed, 'üvágrätos, ov; Ams, ºf Šiotos. Pre- maturely destroyed, ſpotóAms. Utterly destroyed, + träváAms; + travéxe6pos, ov. A destroyer, kā6alpeths, ot, 6; t TopóñTwp, opos, 6; + tropómrås; +&vartårms, ov, 6; +&vaotătălp, fipos, 6. Destroying, destruction, ÖAéðplos, a, ov, and 0s, ov, sometimes c. gen.; $6Ams; 'éAitàptos, ov; + 3\obs, + &Aéets, ‘i otſ\tos, + šíos. Destroying all things, + réuſp0aptos, ov; +tráváAeëpos, ov; +trăvăAms. Destroying men, +8potoxolyos, Öv; + 8potop6ópos, ov; +'âvapiráčavôpos, FéAavöpos, ov. Destroying a race, t p0epo’iyevås. Destroying cities, t toxiroptos, ov; ; TroAirépôms, ov, 6, only masc.; i éAértoxis, eas, 6, j, no neut.; + reporétroAts and reporéttoxis. Destroying ships, éAévavs, eas, 6, i, no neut. De- stroying the house, F &Aeototicos, ov. Destroying long after, Fiorepopópos, ov. Destructible, 6táAüros, ov. Destruction, 'ârm, p8ópos (these two words have no reference to anything destroyed); Aeſºpos, pdopó, Stapôopá; ’āvāorrāoris, ews, h; ’āvaípeats, eas, i. Exposed to destruction, troXúpôopos, ov. Desuetude, eta. To fall into desuelude, Taxatóopal, pass. Desultory, + 6ić'êpopuos, ov. To detach (troops, etc.), Tapatréutra. See To send. To detach (from another, so as to attract to oneself), trapatpéoua:, Por. 2. trapeuxópmv. A small detachment both of the heavy-armed infantry and of the cavalry having advanced, étrečex0ávros wépous Tuvès oi troAAoû kal rôv 6TAltöv kal Tów intréav, Thuc. See Obsolete. To detail, 6téčeipt (-1éval); Stefépxoplaſ, fut. —east- Gopal. To detail besides, 700söuséépxopal. See To Telate. A detailing, 6té080s, j. The details of, Tú, c. gen. To detain, Éxa, Kátéxw; taxw, only pres, and imperf. act.; fépükw, Fépmrūw. - To detect, popów, fut, -ãow; kārābapāw, Yvapí(w, ‘Fépevpſoka. To be detected, ‘āAfricopal, pass., fut. &Aégoual, aor. 2. #Aww, more usu. ŠáAov. Bringing this damsel who was detected in adorning the tomb, kópmv &yov távº' # kafleupé0m Tápov koguojaa, Soph. * Detected, éiriamirtos, ov; TômAos, ov; Yva,00els; in the very fact, airópopos, ov. To detect, to be detected in the fact, Šir' airtoq &pg, Aap.- éâva, Čir' airoſpapg &Aioicopal, Eur, Dem. Because of his crimes detected by himself (OEdipus), Tpbs attopdºpov &rAakmudraw, Soph. So as not to be detected, 'évečexéykras. To deter, &Torpétro. See To frighten. That the rest of the Greeks also might be deterred, iva kal toſs &AAous “EAAmal pó60s 7, c. infin., Xen. To deteriorate, 8Adirtw. To be deteriorated, éAao- oréouai, pass. Determinate, Taktós. Determination (i.e. fixed purpose), Bovāh; BoöAevua, Tá; áčíoga, Tá; 6idyvooris, eas, i. To determine, i.e. resolve, q.v., BovXeūw; yuyvágical (tenses from Yvöw); Stayi-yvágico, ; BoöAopal, mid., fut. 3ovXàgopal; + karaśtów; i. e. to decide, q.v. (a quarrel, etc.), kpiva, 6icăſaſ; i.e. to appoint (bound- aries, etc.), Öpiſo, ötopſ&; i.e. to end, q.v., repaiva'. To determine not to do, ätroyi'yvágico. ºr It is determined, I am determined, Öoiceſ, sine cas, or c. dat. of pronoun, aor. 1. ‘āoše, perf. 8éôoktal, also aor. 1. part. 66kmorav and 66%av. I am determined not, &toãokeſ, only in aor. 1. They all determine, ovvöoiceſ. It has been determined by vote, ºpos Kékpavrai, Since this is determined, Ös taút’’āpāpe (perf. of ’āpo), Eur. - - It is not in our power to determine to what eatent we choose to eatend our dominion, oil, éotiv juſy Tauteſ. ea 6al és àorov Bouxópe6a &pxeiv, Thuc. One must determine, BovXevréov and BovXevréa ; Śpi- oréov. - To detest, pia'éa, + x6alpa. See To hate. Detestable, éx0pès, giantéos, + atüyepos, + atüyvös, 112 3. Detestably—Die arvyntos, + &rex9ſis ; +'âtróttvotos, ov. See Hateful. Detestably, ex0pós. Detestation, pſoros, Tó; 'âtréx6ela. To dethrone, ékfláAAw, kātāAúa. Dethronement, kātāAüois, eos, i. To detract from, Agogów, Stāgīpa. See Injurious. Detraction, pikpoxoyia. Detriment, (muía, Aium, BAğéfi. See Injury. Detrimental, BAöSepós : éirigăutos, ov. See In- jurious. To devastate, 8mów, no perf, either act, or pass., though there is aor. 1. pass, ; Téuva. See To ravage, To destroy. Devastation, Tuñorts, eas, j; + kāicouxta. To develope, ’āvāösticvijut. See To shew. To deviate, ’āToTAšvāopal, mid. and pass.; Tāpā0éo, ..fut. -6eſoopal, no other tenses, c. acc.; Trépekkäiva. See To wander. Deviation, trâpéréâa is, eas, #. A device, ºf évôtumua, Té. See Plan. A device, i.e. an emblem on a shield or seal, etc., a mueſov, Étion- Mov; ; oriuq, T6. To wear a device on one's arms or shield, ériypépouai, mid. Devious, ºf TAávoo Tiëſis. See To wander, Wandering. To devise, p.mxãváø, more usu. -opal, mid., with perf. pass., sometimes in act. sense, but oftener in pass.; eūptorca, fut. eiphow, aor. 2. eipov; ; ovváirtw, + TAéka’, ‘i éicºpoviriço. To devise off hand, aito. oxe5udſo. See To contrive. One must devise, ééevpetéov, f ºppovtto Téov. must devise beforehand, Tpovomtéov. Devoid, évôeñs. See Destitute. To devolve, treptforapat, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf. act.; + šétro. To devote, ’āvátíðmul, kā9tepéo. See To dedicate, To devote oneself to (a pursuit, etc.), Tposéxo, fut. —éča, aor. 2. —éoxov, and mid. Trposéxopla, c. dat.; Tpóskepal, c, dat.; Tiěfēopu ègavrov, c. dat.; Tpot- mut Épavtov, c. etland acc.; Tposváual éuavTöv, c. dat. To devote one's self with purifying rites (to the infernal gods), t'épáyvtſoual, mid, To devote a person to death for a whole cily, ºf ‘ūTep- ãföopal. For we are devoted to you, gol yèp ’āvakeipeg 6a 37), Eur. Devoted, +'éveuévos, c. eis an i acc.; ºf träpä666Am- Prévos, c, dat. See Hatred. See To depose. One Devotion (i. e. application of a thing to a purpose), érióogis; see Employment; (i.e. piety, q.v.) eigééeta. Devotional, &eoge6?)s, eige&#s. To devour, Biépéaka, no fut. nor aor. 1., perf. 8éépa- ka, part. Beépaicós, sync. Beépês, 6tos, aor. 2. č6pov (as if from 8pópu), perf. pass, and p. post fut. Beépé- Gopal, in pass. sens.; káreo 6tw, only pres, and imperf.; käréðw, fut, kateboigai ; kitābāya, only in aor. 2.; lit. and metaph, as remorse, etc., f 64TTw. See To eat. - Devouring, 6tášápos, ov; Toñi,6ópos, ov. Devouring all things, I trappäyos, ov. Devouring the spirit of a man, + Şüuośćpos, ov; † 6m- #0üuos, ov; + dāké0üuos, ov. Devoured, + 6idéopos, ov. Devout, eige6ffs. See Pious. Devoutly, eige66s. See Piously. Dew, Spógos, i. The dew from heaven, oùpāvía”áxvi), Soph. Dewy, ºf Öpoorepás, ºf Spooráels; + švāpooros, ov; ; et. 8pogos, oy; † 6pooroetuwy, ovos, Ö, i. Dexterity, Sešićrms, mºtos, j. See Skill. Dexterous, 6éčios. Very dexterous, ºf Tepióéčios, ov. See Skilful. Dexterously, bettos, superl. Sečićtata. A diadem, a repāvm. See Crown. A diagram, Öić”ypaſpia, Tó. A dialect, y?\@oroa. Dialectic, čićAektikós. A dialogue, ŠišAoyos. To hold a dialogue with, 6táAéyougi, mid, c. aor. 1. pass. Stexéx6mv, in act. sens. See To converse. Diameter, Štěuetpos, #. Diana, "Aprepus, ió0s, acc. ióa, oftener ty, j; f Aſ- ictvvva, i Ağtoyevſis. A diary, Épmuepis, ió0s, i. A dice-box, pluós. To dictate, émyéopal, mid.; ‘ūtrāyopeta, ; (i. e. to command, q.v.) éritéo-ow. And do you dictate to me the form of oath, at 6' éapx' ëpicov, Eur. Dictation, jºyepaovío. See Command. Diction, Aéis, eas, i. To die, &vío ico, fut. &ávotpat, aor. 2. č0avov, etc.; &Toffvilgico, cataflvågica: ; ŚAAvgat, pass.; ātróAAv- pal, KatóAAugal; pôiva, only pres, imperf act, and perf. pass, part, półuevos, dead; texevráa. To die away (as fire), Käräuäpaivopal, pass. To die for, Tpoºvía ko, Śtrepôvíokw, §trepát00uñokw. To die in, 113 TXie—Difficulty ev0vhaka, ČvréAévráa. To die immediately after, ératoffwhoka. To die before, trp00whokw, Tpoatro- 6vágico, Tpoáiréaxiºuai. To die with, ovvövågica, givároðvágico. To die in return, in retaliation, &vti- kāra.0who ico, &vrättöAAüpal. To die by any violence, per euphem. Tráozw, fut. Tetooſal. To die painfully, + 5vsövágico, övsöäväréa. To die (i.e. lie dying), ºf ºxoffayéa, only pres. ; &topdxa 8tov, Soph.; &Taxxdoroopal 8tov, Plat.; &raxxdoga, 8tov, Eur.; yńv ćirlévvvual, Xen.; ſix}v ‘āptiſpi, Eur.; ple6ímpu jux?iv, ue^impal Twet pia, &Toššíyvöpt Tveijua. 8tov, or &t. Tveijua, or &t. Bíov, AEsch. Eur.; Écytyvoual toū ſiv, Xen. To be dead, ketual; ºf otyopat, usu, in pres,; ºf Tápotzo- Hal; ºf Koudouai, pass. How long is it now since Laius died ? Tórow twº #3m 376' 6 Aáios Xpóvov’Apavros éðel 6avagiuq, xeipó- pati ; Soph. Prepared to die, to uh 6Aétely Étoºwos, Soph. And do not compel me to die, tº 5’ into Yūs ºf p' ióetv &vayicóa'ms, Eur. Dying (i. e. at the point of death), áiríðävätos, + Tpo- voths, trporeths, /öxofföyńs. Dying early, ‘f &küuopos, ov; ; tāxīuopos, ov. So that I may die without a struggle, my blood flowing jorth in an easy death, ēs ào páðaotos, ailiérov ei- 0vnoſuoy &roßvévrov, Šupg ovuéâAw Tóðe, Æsch. To die, stain with colours. See To dye. A die, >pāyāA0s; Icí60s, in pl. also the pips on the dice. Playing with dice, küéeta; &otpāyāAions, eas, #. To play with dice, küéetºw, >pāyāAt{o. A player with dice, küéevths, où, 6. To eapose one's life to the hazard of the die, ºxmu Tpo- ŠáAAelv čv Köéotoi Satuovos, Eur. Diet, 6taita; Štaſtmua, T6. See Food. To differ (be different in circumstances, in opinion, etc.), 6tapépo, fut, -ofaa, etc.; 'ātrootátéo, no pass.; Slax- Aágow (from a person in a thing); Śitoragal, pass.; Troutiao's éxo, Évavtſos éxw. To differ (in opinion only), ávttoxipíſouai, mid.; &vtlyvapovéa, Öix0- 'yvouovéo; &vtotopal, mid, c. aor. 1. pass. &vr my. See Difference. Difference, to Štěpopov; Stāqopd; ’āvouotörms, mTOs, j; (in kind) &repotórms, mºtos, h; (of opinion) 6ixo- grão (a to SuáAAgogov Tijs yuápms, Thuc. See Dispute. These differences arose between the Athenians and Pelo- ponnesians, so as to produce war, táàe avvéém Yevéadai toſs'A9mvalous kal IIexorovvmatois àidºpopa is tº To Meueiv, Thuc. To make some difference to him in his private affairs, ióíg Ti airó 6tabépel, Thuc. It makes a great difference to these men whether the cºy is prosperous or not, uéyòAa tº biaſpépovra Toºroº értly eſſ Te Tpártely thy TéAlv Kai čveritmāetws, Lys. Different, Érepos, c. 3) or c. gen.; Stépopos, ov; ; Śia'- Tpotos, ov; ; Érepôtpotros, ov; bum?Aayſiévos. Wisdom is, I suppose, a different thing from courage, xopls öfftrov oropta éotiv &vöpías, Plat. To say much, and to say what is seasonable, are dif. ferent things, xopls to T' siteſv troAA& Kal Kaſpia, Soph. - For to guess is different from knowing to a certainly, Tb 'yöp toiráſelv Tot, adºp' eiðéval 8tya, AEsch. - But what was there said was very different from this, &AA’?v troXī toãrov & pearmicóta. Tà tête Aeyóueva, Dem. Different calamities oppress different people, ovºſbopi, étépovs étépa triégel, Eur. - Differently, Śrépaſs, àixa, &AAota's ; 8tapepávtws, generally implying in a superior manner. How differently do I receive you from the way in which I hoped I should when I sent you forth, &s o’ &t' éA- tríðov, oùx &virep &étreptów, eisebešáumv, Soph. We have done nothing wonderful, nor different from the general custom of men, jue's Savuagtöv oãév Tetouff- icoptev, où6 &trö Tod &vôpairetov Tpóirov, Thuc. Misfortune, wandering about, attaches itself at different times to different people, TAavapiévin Tpos &AAot’ &A- Aov Truovº Tpostſ&vel, AEsch. Appearing at different times in different ways, &AAot’ ev &AAm Šibel ſpalvöuevov (ÉvêTvlov), Plat. And different persons of them were slain in different parts of the city, being dispersed, &AAot 8& &AAm Täs TóAeos oropäänu &rd'AAvvro, Thuc. Difficult, XàAetrös, ÖusXephs, trposavtås ; Śāskoxos, ov; † 6vsTeths, ºf 50spáxos. Difficult (as a road, i. e. difficult to pass, to travel by, etc.), 6&stropos, ov; 60séâtos, ov, lit. and metaph. Difficult (as an oracle or a book, i. e. difficult to un- derstand, to learn, etc.), Övskäräuääntos, + 5usué0ás. Very difficult, TayzáAeros. - With difficulty, xúAeTós, pó) is, p.6Ats, 8vstretøs, ta- Aaltrápas; (of anything to be understood) 8vspá0ós, 6vskåtågå0%tws. With great difficully, trayza Aétras. Difficulty, ÖusXepeſa, Övskoxſa, A difficulty (i.e. a 114 Diffidence—Dirty point about which doubts may be raised), &tropodge- vov, Šumtropnuévov. See Doubt. Difficulties (i. e. dis- tresses), 'üváykm; ’āropa, 74. The greatest difficulties, tà 'āvaykotótara. - And aid thou us, who are in difficulties (lit. who are dragging our fortunes up-hill), Akovo. 5’ huſy Tpos Aéras Tês ovuſpopäs Xtovëff givaiyat, Eur. To be in difficulties, ’āpmxãvéw; &Topéal (of an army hard pressed by the enemy). You will get into difficulties, eis &vTAov ćuéâget tróða, Eur. Unless we find some way out of these difficulties, eigh ti toūtav čapmxavioroptev, Eur. There is a difficulty (in a discussion, etc.), &topeſrai. I am in terrible difficulties about the matter, belvås kal &Tápas àxel plot trepl rot Tpdyuatos, Antipho. Diffidence, àtoxuſa. See Modesiy. To diffuse, &pſpixéo. See To pour. Diffuse, uſikpós ; waitpoxóyos, ov; troXiaoyos, ov; + piùiclothp, fipos, 5, subst, used as epith. of Aðºyos. To be diffuse, uakpriyopéo, Pakpoxoyéo ; unkövo, no perf; 'étropºmkövo A6'yov, &lroteivo A6'yov, Plat. Diffuseness, uaiſpºſyopia, pakpox.0%a. - Diffusion, êtáxioſis, eos, i. To dig, Öpiſoga, alcártw; (round) repuapāorow; (along- side) Túpoptorow; (up, or out) éopºaga, ’āvopúgow; (through) 8topúago, öläſtäa. I am going to dig a grave for this man, eiu' àpuktöv Töö’ &vaššíčov rápov, Eur. A digger, takäpets. Dug, Öpuktós. A place or hole dug, etc., pvyga, Tá. To digest, ovutrégora; Épyáſoual, mid. Digestible, sikārépygoros, ov. Digestion, Télus, eas, ii; Épyāoria. Good digestion, eitrebla. - Dignified, o'epués; t yepáoulos, ov. In a dignified manner, orépyós. To dignify, FºyáAAw, no fut. See To honour. Dignity, Tiwá; aeuvörms, mtos, h; āśia; &#ſwua, Tó. A dignity, Yépas, Tá. To digress, ékéatvw, not in fut, or aor. 1.; Túpek- Satva; trāpātpétropal, mid. A digression, ČKéoA3, A6)ov, TAávn Aóyov, With many digressions, Aóyov ćic Aéryov Aéyov, Dem. To dilate, act, eúpivo. To dilate (i. e. to speak at length), uéºpmyopéo, unkiva, palpoxoyéo. See Diffuse. . A Dilatory, Bpéöös, Öicvmpós. See Slow. Dilatorily, 8páöéas, Škvnoás. Diligence, TiméAsia, otovë, pi\epyta. Diligent, piñótrovos, ov; Airãphs, &cknrikös, Öpyä. tikás; piaspyos, ov; āvūriepyos. Diligently, oſtrovöatas, pixotróvos. To be diligent, pińotovéa. Dim, ‘i &uaupos, ŠušAús; &uijôpos, esp. of writing scarcely legible through age. To make dim, "Čuavpów. See To bedim. Dimsighted, i ögéAøtrös, Öv. Dimsightedness, àpiéAvoiría. To be dimsighted, &péAvairéal, &péAv6orow. Dimension, pºétpov. See Measure, Size. To diminish, ēAago do, wetów, 'üroAeTrêva. See To lessen. To be diminished, +uivšºw, only pres, and imperf. One must diminish, "à papetéov. Diminution, Meſopa, Tó; Aetools, eas, i. Diminutive, Mikpès (often Att. apicpos), compar, éAdorowy and weſov, superl. Aëxtortos. See Little. A dimple, the countless dimple of the waves, Tovtſov kvpdraw &väpt0gov yéâagua, AEsch. A dimpling wave, kūpa Śrºyexów, Plat. A din, KAayyh, Krštros, tràrayos, Šoštros. See Noise. To dine, beltvéo, östitvorotéopal, mid.; with, avy. Settvéa. Dinner, Öeſirvov. To entertain at dinner, beltvíſo, no perf, no pass. A dint, ºf epiéoAff. See Blow. To dip, Bárta. To dip in, Čučáttw. A dipping, ºf 83 pſi; 84this, eas, i. Dire, belvås. See Terrible, Direct, Öp60s, eú0üs. See Straight. To direct, eúðvø, ióüvo, only pres, and imperſ. direct (i. e. to order, q.v.), kexeta. One must direct, küéepvnTéov. Direction, $60s, h; (i.e. order) &#Awois, eas, ii. See Command. Directly, (in any sense) eiðis and eiºſ; (i. e. imme- diately, q.v.) aiſtica, eú0éas. Directness, eiðūrms, mtos, i. A dirge, Spivos, + dāivos, + šAeyos. A dirk, uáxalpa. See Dagger. Dirt, Aſpia, Tó; Éiros, 6, pl. of Étºirot and tº fitta. To dirt, uſalvo, pipw, u0Aüvo, I pipáo. Dirtiness, ’āAovoſta, ai,xpubs, ’ākā0apata. Dirty, aixumpös; ’ākā0aptos, ov; +&ixuéðms, +8ws- trivºs, + triváöms. To be dirty, Śātrāa, Éiſtraívowal, pass. Only pres, and imperf. To I 2 115 Disable—Discharge To disable, 8Aárra, Ölaq6elpa, ; (esp. of disabling ships) kātātpavuátíða. Disabled (as a soldier), 'êtrónáxos, ov. Disadvantage, Çmuía, 8Ağéñ. See Injury. Disadvantageous, ’āveTitíðelos, ov; (mºudºms. See Injurious. • Disadvantageously, kakós. See Injuriously, Badly, Disaffected, §§sv00s, ov, contr. -vovs, -vovy; kákó- v00s, ov. Disaffection, Śāsvola, kākóvota, To be disaffected, kākovoča. To disagree, 6tforâual, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act.; 6ix00 taréal, 6tapépoſal, pass, a0r. 1. 6tmvéx6mv ; Śixoyvapovéa. Those in the cities disagreeing on these two points, 6te- ormitérov eis São Taira Töv čv Taft's tróAeol, Dem. Disagreeable, ’āxīplotos, ov; ’ārepths; 'éxãpis, 6, #, neut. §xapt, gen. —itos, acc. -ita and —iv, the latter most usual; AUrmpos, &mbās. See Grievous. To be disagreeable, 6i öxAov eiul, c, dat. Thuc. Disagreeably, AUTmpás, Aviſpás, &mbós. See Un- pleasantly. Disagreeing, Ötöropos, ov; 'ào'àupwVos, ov. Disagreeing, adv., 'éovuſpávols. Disagreement, 6tépopæ, 6ixoatão ſo. That there should be disagreement between those among whom there least ought to be, ois àkuota éxpāv čv 6ta- ºpopſ; Kataotival, Antipho. With the least possible disagreement, àictata Štěpápos, Thuc. To disappear, 'épáviçoſal, pass.; ’āpavros of Yoga, &p. Yiyuoual, &p, eiul, &p. 8aiva, Śp. §§a, Trag.; ºppow80s, like špavros, sometimes without any verb. To disappear gradually, Ötréeiſtt. To make to dis- appear, 'épáviſo. See To depart. Having disappeared, +’āpavros, ov; #potºos (rarely found except in nom.), So as to disappear, Stafföönv. Disappearance,’átovolta. To disappoint, a pañAø, &lroorºd AAw, thełów. To be disappointed, ‘āTotvyxávo, fut, -tetőoual, aor. 2. –étixov ; theiðopat (esp. by not obtaining one's wishes); Stăuaprávo, fut. -ăuaptăgopal, aor. 2. —ſpaptov, no other senses, c, gen. Disappointed (in one's purpose), *d irpaktos, ov. My hopes and eaſpectations have been much disappointed, ? Toxt us 56&ms éétraugav čATíðes, Eur. Disappointment, orgdapua, Tó; &rotüxia, art atopic. Grieving eaceedingly for his disappointment in the matter of his marriage, dirátas Aéxéav Štěpaxyöv, Soph. This was their first disappointment, airo’s Toñto Tpótop &vrekekpoticel, Thuc. Disapprobation, käräuegºs, eas, j. See Blame. To disapprove, uéuſpouai, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in act. sens. See To blame. Disarranged, &ovakstagros, ov. Disaster, ovuſpopä, kākotpāyta; traſoua, Té, See Misfortune. Disastrous, 8votixis. . See Unfortunate. To disavow, 'évaivopal, mid.; ’ātašića, &tokmpúo go. See To deny. Disavowal, &pumoſis, eas, ii. See Denial. To disband, ÖtöAö'a, kātāAúa, ’āq'impu (i Ep, i Att.), imperf &pimp and hºpíovv. See To dismiss. A disbanding, Ötöxägis, eas, h; káràigis. Disbanded, 'épetos. See Discharged. Disbelief, '&migría. To disbelieve, ’ātua Téa, c. dat. of the relater, acc. of the thing related, or c. dat. pers, and Tepl c, gen, or c. infin, or c. ph and infin.; bugtrio Téa. To disburden, kovpíſo. See To relieve. To disburse, ’āvāAtoica, fut. &vaA60 a. Spend. A disc, kökAos, neut, kākāo. and kūkāg. To discard, ‘āq impºt (i Ep., i Att.), imperf & piny and ãºptovy (both in Att.). See To reject. One must discard, '&qetéov. To discern, käretów, only in aor. 2. Katetőov; voéw; airóðvoſal, fut. airóñaouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. floºdſºnv; jrom a distance, trpoopów. See To perceive, To see. One must discern, Fötto Téov. Discernible, épátós. See Visible. Discernibly, Štipčvás. See Visibly. Discerning, yyapovicós; i öğü"ppov, ovos, 6, #. See |Wise. Discernment, giveals, eas, i. To have discernment, yuápmy foxo, Soph.; destitute of discernment, 'ywópºns Aelitóuevos ooſphs, Soph. To discharge, &rotréutra. See To dismiss ; soldiers out of a regiment, ÉRTéutro; a debt, &roðiðapu. To discharge itself (as a river does into the sea), intrans. 'êvépetlyopal. See To fall. A discharge, ŠišAigis, eos, h; káràio is; 'épeois, eos, ii. - To give any one a discharge from a debt, & Taxeſpo tivö, ättö 3p}\ſigatos, Dem.; &Taxeſqa, pxmpa, AEschin, See To 116 Discharged—Discussion Discharged (as a soldier), "štrópºla 60s, ov. A disciple, º ‘pout mºths. A fellow-disciple, ovup:0mtās. See Pupil. To be a disciple, pottáw, c. eis or Tpos and acc. Discipline, uéAeth; uáðmals, eas, ii. Good discipline, eitačía. Want of discipline, ’ātašía. Disciplined (i. e. well disciplined), eúraktos, ov. In a disciplined manner, eitártos, To be disciplined (i. e. well disciplined), eital:Téo, lit. and metaph. To discipline, koopéo, Táorow, ovykpotéa. To disclaim, &pvéopal, mid, no pass, in pass. Sens. but aor. 1. pass, in act. Sens., c. acc. or, c. infin, or c. infin. c. neg, oi, or uh, or c. 76 and infin, or c, čTi où or és of c. indic. See To deny. To disclose, ékpatva', p.mvča (Ö, but U before a long syll.); €kićAffirro, öläkäAötto', 'évattºo go. A disclosure, uſiviſua, T6. Discoloured, ºf ałoń0s. Discomfort, ŚxAos, + 8vszépéta. To discompose, Tàpdoorw. To disconcert, org/d\Aø. Disconsolate, àvstråpāpiś0mtos, ov. Discontent, Övskoxia. - It gives an enemy no reason for discontent, troXegiº &yavdictmorly oëic ēxel, Thuc. Discontented, Ötscoxos, ov. To be discontented, &x00pal, mid, fut. &x0égoual ; 8vskowaſwo, only pres, and imperf.; ’āyāvakTéa. Discontentedly, ÖvskóAws. Discontinuance, ’āvāravats, eas, ii. See Cessation, To discontinue, Taffa, more usu. Taüouai, mid, c. perf. pass, and paulo post fut. in act. Sens. See To C6(LS6; Discord, épus, i50s, acc. iśa and iv, ; atáois, eos, # (see Quarrel); (in music)'éovupovía, ’āvap- Wootta. Discordant, ºppovos, ov; ’āvápportos, ov; #uov- oros, ov. Discordantly, Śwoãows, 'üwappió0Tws. To discover (i. e. find, find out, q.v.), eúptorica, fut. eūpāga, aor. 2. čípov, etc.; peuptorico, Éeuptako, étriyuyvágico; (i. e. to detect, q.v.) papáo), Kata- ‘popáo; (i. e. to reveal, q.v.) paiva'. One must discover, 'éveupétéov, Ščevpetéov. Discoverable, eúpetos, eúpetéos. A discoverer, eúpérms, ov, 6, fem. eipétis, ió0s, i. A discovery, eúpmua, Tó i eſpeats, eas, # ; +’áveiſ- peois. To discourage, katatañorow. ‘ā9öpéa. Discouraged, 'é0üpı0s, ov; Śāsūjuos, ov. - One must (not) be discouraged, (otic) &0upºntéov. Discouragement, kātā'TAmés, eas, i. Discourse, Aéryos, Štúrpiéfi. To discourse, ’āyopdouai, mid.; Aéyw; ātāAéyouai, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in act, sens. See To speak. One must discourse (esp. scientifically, logically), Ötö- Aektéov. Discourteous, 8vstpérexos, ov. Discourteously, 8vskóAws, 8vstpatréAws. Discourtesy, Jicatótºms, mºtos, i. Discredit, aloxos, Tó ; Śvetâ0s, Tó ; ’āö0čía. To discredit, 'üTuotéw, or c. Tepl and gen, or c. infin, or c. pºl and infin. See To disbelieve, Discreditable, airypos, &, by, compar, aioxtov, superl, ałoxtortos. See Disgraceful. Discreet, adºppov, ovos, 6, #; ppóviu0s, eúAášís, See Prudent. Discreetly, ºppoviuws, eúAššás. See Prudently. To be discreet, orwſppovéa. - To be discouraged Discrepancy, Štúpopá ; Štěpopótºms, mtos, ii. See Difference. Discretion, goſpporávn ; ppóvnois, h. See Pru- dence. The chiefs surrender the Miyleneans to Paches and the Athenians at discretion, oi év toſs trpáypical Touqāvtal ôu0A0) ſay Tpès ... IIdxnto.... àote "A0mvatois pièv ěčeival BovXeūgal trepl Mitvåmvaiwu äTotov Šv Tu BoöAøvrai, Thuc. The people at Nisa’a capitulated with the Athenians on the terms that . . . and that the Lacedæmonians should be at the discretion of the Athenians, oi év Tà Nugaig ... ovvééma'av Tots "A0mvatois . . . toſs Te A&Icebal- povious ... xpiròat 'Affmvaíovs 3, ti &v 800Awytal, Thuc. - t He thought that it would be at his own discretion to make the attack when he pleased, thv étrixeſpn.gºv ćp' éav Tó évéuſſey eival Strotav BoöAmtal, Thuc. To discriminate, Suárptva', Ötöytyvágico. distinguish. Discrimination, giveats, eas, i. To discuss, étrečépxopal, mid., fut, -exeſcopal; 6íeſpºt (-téval), Öiéčelºw; 6taAéyougi, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in act, sens. One must discuss, Stańektéov. Discussion, AóYos, Štátpiéfi. Discuss me now this very point accurately, Taijt’ obv airò dieA6é pol &iqiéós Tó Aó)4, Plat. See To 117 Disdain—Lislike I think you ought to finish the discussion, êuol pºv Šoke? Xpfival Stefteå6eiv ore Tov Aóyov, Plat. A haired of discussion, priorowoyſa. A hater of discussion, HiróAoyos, To disdain, kārāqipovéa, ’āraātów. See To despise. Disdain, ‘ûrepoſia. See Contempt. Disdainful, ÖAiyapos, ov; ‘ūšptoticós. See Con- temptuous. Disdainfully, ÖAiyêpws, ‘ūéptoricós. See Con- temptuously, Disease, vöoros, # ; v6o mua, Tá; &00éveia, §§§wotta; ājñóortmua, Tó. To be diseased, kāuva, fut, kāpoºpal, perf. Kékumka, etc.; vooréaſ, &orðevéa, āśwortéo. See To be sick. Diseased, voodºoms, ºf voorepôs. To disembark, intrans., 'étośaiva, fut, -éâgopal, perf. –ééémka, aor. 2. —éény; £icéaiva, Štreicéaíva ; trans. (i. e. to make to disembark), škéatva', in fut. –6flow, and aor. 1. –éémoa; Škšišáço, no pass. Disembarkation, 'üT66āoris, eas, j. To disencumber, ºf kov piſa. See To relieve. To disengage, Xapiſa. See To separate. To be dis- engaged (i. e. to have leisure), 0x0x4%. To disentangle, Aña, ºf ééeAío'ow. A disentangling, Šetamoris, eas, i. To disenthral, éAev6epów. See To free. Disesteem, 'übošía. To disfigure, airzāva, + kåtaticſſo. Disfigurement, alozos, T6. To disfranchise, ’ātiuów ; Éritiuſay & paipéopal, mid. Disfranchisement, &tiuta. To disgorge, ºf ééepda. Disgrace, dioxos, Tó ; aioxivn; Śvetàos, Tá; aikia, ºf A&B). To disgrace, aioxiva, kāraiozúva. self, woxivouai, pass. Do not you disgrace happy Athens by being subservient to wnholy deeds, at pºl KáAvirre Tås eşöatuovas pyots 'A9hvas &voortois àirmperóv, Soph. To fall into dis- grace with you, Tâ trap' juáv Špyń Tepitreoſely, Dem. One who disgraces, + kåtatoxvythp, fipos, 6. Alive to disgrace, aioxivögevos, Disgraceful, aioxpos, &, 6v ; āoxhuwy, ovos, 6, étrovetâtatos, ov. To disgrace one- t 7) ; Giving or entertaining disgraceful counsels, Faioxpó- untis, tos, 6 kal il, no neut. Doing disgraceful things, ºf aioxpotroubs, 6v. Disgracefully, aioxpós, òoxmuáva's. To behave disgracefully, &oxmuovéw. To disguise, k\étta. See To conceal. For they still disguised themselves under the name of the Five Thousand, éirekpºtſtovto yūp àwas ºri rāv Trev- Talcio X1Xtwv Tó Övöpati, Thuc. Disguise, kpiºns, eas, ii. See Concealment. Disgust, &mbia. - To be disgusted, busXepaiva, ; (from satiety)'éönv čxa, With disgust, ŠusXepaivávtws. Disgusting, +86exipós. Disgusting conduct, Böexipía. - - To behave in a disgusting manner, 86exipeñopal, mid. A dish, + Aekāvm, i Askävlov ; +Aoirós, òos, i ; tā- poºls, ió0s, # (both a dish on which meat is served, and also what is served, as we say “a dainty dish”). A dainty dish, Tápolyávnua, T6. To dish (you will dish him, i.e. ruin him), áyyūTpteis, Ar. - To dishearten, kārātrāfiorow. To be disheartened, 'é0üpéo. See To discourage. Disheartened, ‘āflügos, ov; bis00uos, ov. A being disheartened, Övsööpita ; kárà'TAméus, eas, i. Dishevelled (with dishevelled hair), F &eXA60puš, gen. &eXA6tpixos, 6, i. Dishonest, 'éðikos, ov; +érôikos, ov; träAtvöikos ov; gox6mpás. - To be dishonest, 'übicéa. Dishonestly, 'éâticos, ékółica's, u0x0mpás. Dishonesty, 'üğircía, wox6mpia. A dishonest action, &öhenua, T6. See Fraud. t Dishonour, 'étiuſa (wſ often poet.), 'ü80èia. Disgrace. To dishonour, 'ütiwáa, ’ātiuá(w, F&tiuów. Venus is dishonoured by this saying, Körpus 5” &rtuos Tó 3’ &réññitat A6).4, AEsch. Sorrowing for dishonour, Pătigotrev6#s. Dishonourable, dishonoured (without honour), "šri. pos, ov; +’âtrótiuos, ov (see Unhonoured); (i. e. causing dishonour) aioxpos, &, 6v. See Disgraceful. In a dishonoured manner, &tiuws. A dishonourer, aioxvythp, *ātiugathp. A dishonouring, 'ütiwalais, eos, i. Disinclined, 'ürpó05pos, ov. See Unwilling. Disingenuous, Öità60s, m, ov, contr. —TA00s, etc. A disinheriting, 'ütróññmats, eos, i. Disinterested, 'ü6ércastos, ov. - To disjoin, "å"reſp70, no perf act.; Steip'yw, 'ütroſet. yvägi, biaſetyviut, See To separate. See Disk, ‘āAws, i. : Dislike, itéx6eta. See Haired. } Dislike—Displease To dislike, & Tootpépouai, pass, c, fut, mid.; &mdös éxo, c. dat, Dem.; &möös Sūreiſal, c. Tpbs and acc., Lys. To dislocate, 5taatpéqa. Dislocation, Tăpăp{pmats, eas, i. To dislodge, ’āvío Tmut, only in pres, imperf, fut, and aor. 1.5 perf pluperſ, and aor. 2. have always a pass, sense, fut, sometimes sync. &vatſioſa, Čavi- ortmut, Čšexačva, ’āTexaſivo, 'üTax Adago. Disloyal, *āvūThkoos, ov. Dismal, a TÜyvös, AUypós. Looking dismal, a kijôpa- Tös, bu, and h, śv; ovvveháv čupata, Eur, Dismally looking, orkvěpatrós. To dismantle, ’āvao keväſw. To dismay, poééal, ékTAffo'oro. See To strip. See To frighten. Dismay, 6é0s, Tb, no pl.; pg80s. See Fear. Dismayed, Tepipoğos, ov. See Frightened. To dismember, Föugo Túpdoorw. See To tear. Dismembered, + 8tagirápactès, 6v. To dismiss, ékTéutra, ’āToréatro; ’āq'ſ mut, imperf. & piny, also hºptovy and hºpímy; uébſºlut; an assembly, etc., 6táAúa, kataxša'; (esp. of dismissing officers from their command or troops from service) 'étraXXáo ow. To dismiss first, trpoãºrotréutw. I dismiss all other considerations, to prºv &AAa Xaipeiv éó, Plat. - One must dismiss, 'übetéov, uefleTéov. Dismissal, 'étátrepſis, eas, #; ’āpeois, eas, i. To dismount, 'étroëatva', only in pres, imperf, perf. -Séémica and aor. 2. —éény; kátáéaíva. When the horse is easily dismounted from (i. e. allows his rider to dismount easily), 3rav (Tirtos) Taxi, katašaivnTal, Xen. I)isobedience, ’āTreffletc., 'évnkovo ría. Disobedient, 'Śīrel{}}|s, ’āvūTákoos; +’ártaros, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. To be disobedient, 'ütreifféa, no perf.; ’ātio téo, + 'évy- icovo Téa. - One must disobey, 'ütriotéov. To disoblige, trposkpotſw. Disobliging, XàAetrós. Disorder, Tăpâxh, ’ākoopata, ’āraāta; + ort)xiigis, eos, h; +Tāpayubs; +Tápayua, Tá; see Confusion; (i.e. disease, q.v.) v6oros, ji; also metaph. (in a state), vóa mua, Tó. To disorder, Tāpāorato, ovyxéo, To be in a state of disorder, (of a state) vooréal; (of things in general) &Taktéo, no perf., no mid. voice. To be thrown into disorder, (of troops) àigotreipopot, pass, Disorderly, tàpäx65ms; 'étaktos, ov; 'égèvraktos, ov; ’ākoop,0s, ov; ’āicóopmtos, ov. Disorderly, adv., 'étáktas, 'âlcârgotáros. See Con- jusedly. To disown, &pvéopal, mid.; ’āvaivopal, mid, no fut.; 'êtrašićaj, ’āTokmpúo ow. Disowned (ofillegitimate children), 'évéyyvos, ov. To disparage, ºtokopſgopal, mid.; pavXíſo, no mid or pass., no perf.; Städipo; Baokatva', no perf act. though there is aor. 1. pass. Saakāv6mu. Disparagement, pikpox0)ia. Disparity, 'üviorátims, mros, #; ºvopotórms, mºros, i. Dispassionate, ’ātrā0%s. Dispassionately, 'üträ66s. To dispel, aſkebävvijul, &rookečávvöpu. away. Dispensation (a divine dispensation), Salſvövlov; 6al. povía Tis Túxm, Plat. An obstacle caused by divine dispensation, 6alpóvióv ti évavttapa, Plat. To dispense, véuw, Šiščíðapu. To dispense with. Xaipev ééo, Plat. See To drive A dispenser, Túptas, ov, Š; voweds. To disperse, act, aſkebävvvut, 'üTookešávvijul, Stø. orkeşāvvijul, Staatreſpo; by frightening, + 5tattoéo. To disperse, intrans., 6taxãopal. To be dispersed (as a broken army is), &trootáopal, pass. * Or does he live among the people dispersed in the islands? %) vºnoidſtmu otropóða kéktmtat 8tov; Eur. Dispersed, otropäämv. Dispersion, a céðágis, h; (of people) TAšumais, i. To dispirit, €ictXhoſa'a. To be dispirited, &65uéo. See To discourage. Dispirited, ‘ā05uos, ov. See Discouraged. Dispiritedly, ÖtöTeópvppévals. To displace, &vío Tripu, ÉÉoliciša. See To remove. To display, paiva, Tpoſpaíva, Écºpatva', &Topaſva, betkviſui, Éirióeticviju. To make a display of, Širo- 6eticvijul. For in them any one may make a display of his eloquence to a large audience, ékéſ yöp (sc. v Taft's travnyüpeal) āv Tus év TAetortois Thu aitoi, Šávapuv Stagºretpetey, Isoc. See To show. A display, Étričeiðts, évôeišts. Room or opportunity for display, &lróðelčis. Calculated for display, Čirićeiktikós. To displease, 'ütrapéaka, fut. —érw; +’ājavčáva, . only pres, and imperf. To be displeased at, Šuspopéo. 119 ^ Displeasure—Dissension c dat, or c, acc., or c. &m and dat, or c. repl and acc., To disqualify-nor is any one, though in poverly, yet if etc., no perf, no pass.; SusXepaiva, c.gen, or c, dat, orc. acc. or c. prep. To be rather displeased, ‘ūtroövsqopéo. One must (not) be displeased, (oil) busyepavtéov. Displeasure, &téxfleia. - Displeasing, àpyäAéos, &möffs. See Unpleasant. To disport, traigo. See To play. At the disposal of, Örö, c. dat.; Śiri, c. dat.; Tapa, c. dat. To dispose (i.e. arrange, q.v.), 6táicoagéo, ölätdoorw, biáriëmul. To dispose of Štátíðepal, mid. esp. by will. To be disposed, bpovéo, c. adv. or neut, adj, e.g. ptAG. ‘pp., kākās (pp., etc.; #xa, c, adv. followed by Tpos and acc. pers, so Suákelſtat, and träg zo, fut. Teto'opiat, aor. 2. čtraffov. To be disposed by nature, pöopal, pass. c. aor. 2, act. §pvv, and perf. Trépiſka. Wall disposed (of men), eúſpvis. Disposition (in every sense), Štá9eoris; (of mind) āpy?, Tpóiros; 760s, Tó; + Afipla, Tó; Añua ºppévôv, Eur. In such a disposition, êv Tó Tolóðe dvti, Thuc. Follow the dictates of your own disposition (be yourself), év gavtoo yevº, Soph. A good disposition, eúſpvia. Of the same disposition as, ÖgöTporos, ov; juotórporos, ov; uoñóns. - To dispossess, orepéo, pres, pass. usu. Otépouai. To deprive. To dispraise, Héºpoſal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in act. sens. See To blame. Dispraise, póyos. See Blame. Disproof, Éaeyxos; Aüots, eas, i. Disproportion, 'üuetpia, ’āorvppleTpta. Disproportionate, ’āuerpos, ov; ‘āoriuperpos, ov. To disprove, éAéyxw, &texéyxw, ŠtáAśw. See To refute. Disputable, &vttaektos, ov. A stubborn disputant, Éeptoths tav A6)ov, Eur, Disputation, êvrtkoyia; &pſpio'éâtmois, eas, j. Disputatious, &vtiãoyirós, &pſpio'émtmTicós. A dispute, Épis, ió0s, acc. 15a and iv, #; veikos, Tó. Without dispute, ávapºptoſémtitas. See Indisputably. To dispute, &pſpio'émtéal, &pſpińéya, &vrixéyo. To dispute against, &vtåywvigouai. Who will dispute it? ls &vrepe?; Eur. Disputed, tápºptoſipiros, ov; āupiaoyos, ov; āupi- orétaitos, ov. A disqualification, kóAüua, T6. See Hindrance. See he be able to do any good to the state, disqualified by obscurity of rank, où6' aſſ kata treviav, Šxov 6é ti &yağby Spårat Thy tróAlv ščićpatos & paveſq keká- Aötal, Thuc. And of these men not one is disqualified for honours by law, Totºrwy 6' oibels &texíAatal vöuq, Tuftºv Ical āpx6v, Xen. To disquiet, Tăpăgo w. See To trouble. Disquiet, Täpäxj. See Trouble. To disregard, 'ütiwáa, ’āripuda, Čáa, Tâpépxopal, fut. –exeiloſopal, etc.; 'épéAéa, c. gen, (once c. Éirl and dat. Soph.); träpäplexéaſ, Treptopda, fut. Treptățpal, aor. 2. Trepleiðov. See To despise. One ought to disregard, ÖAvywpmtéov, Šireportréov. And your Venus I wholly disregard, Thy gºv 5è Körptv tróAA’ ey& Xaipeiv Aéyw, Eur. - But disregard me, &AA’ v Tapépyg 600 pie, Soph. You have disregarded all these things, tróvta Taüt’ ev sixépét éflou, Soph. - But disregard those things, &AA’ &plexíg 88s attà ſcal q&txos pépe, Eur. Disregard, 'üuéAeta and poet, àpeXto, öAiyopia, Contempt. Disregarded, +’ātiros. Disrepute, 'éöočía, i övsqmuío. Disreputable, ’āāoš0s, ov; +’áščičiuos, ov. Disreputably, aioxpós, See Disgracefully. Not from any disrespect to you, oùk &tipidºwv Šuðs, Plat, Disrespectful, ÖAiyapos, or. Disrespectfully, ÖAiyêpws. To disrobe, act. &roöö'w, éicöúa. To disrobe oneself, &tročopal, mid. c. aor. 2. act. &ré- Švv, Škööopal. See To strip. Dissatisfaction, &möia. | To be dissatisfied, Övsqopéa. See Displeased. To dissect, ÖtöTéuva. See To cut. To dissemble, 'ütrogréâAopal, mid.; eipwVečouai, mid. ... " But it is wise, even if they have injured us, to dissemble our feeling of it, Öe? §e, ſcal ei hâticmorav, ah trpos- Toteio 6al, Thuc. A dissembler, eſpov, wVos, 6. Dissembling, eipovicós. W. Dissemblingly, eipwvikós. To disseminate (a report, etc), a teipw, 8tao relpw, Staffpoéo, ötáðföwpu. See To spread. Dissension, êpus, ibos, acc. 15a, and iv, i. Quarrel. See See 120 Dissent—Distract IIe sowed dissensions between him and his nearest rela- tions, airby Toſs oikelotárous eis biaſpopäv Katéo Tri- oſey, Isae. To dissent, 6tto Túpal, pass. c. aor. 2., perf, and pluperf act, Öix00 taréo, öixoyvapovéa. Dissenting from, &vtiXoytkós. A dissertation, A6)0s, Tpaypºreſa, Júyypappa, T6. Disservice, BAášá. See Injury. To dissever, Ölatépiva, Śtaſetºyvöpu. Dissimilar,’āváuotos, ov; Étépôtporos, ov. See Unlike. Dissimilarity, *āvouotátns, mTOs, ii. See Differently. Dissimulation, eipwVeía. To dissipate, orice?dvviſui, 6taakečávvöput; (i. e. to squander) 'éváAirkw, and sometimes 'évāAów, fut. –60 w, etc. Dissipated, "årwtos, ov; ‘ākpárás. To be dissipated (lead a dissipated life), 'éowTétouai, mid. In a dissipated manner, "ågøTws. Dissipation, &gatía. Dissoluble, orkečaotos, ŠtúAüTós, To dissolve, trans. Affa, IcătăNüw, intrans. Tíkopal, pass. Katatíkopal, ékthicopal. Easy to be dissolved (as friendship, etc.), eúñitos, ov. A dissolver, SuáAüths, où, 6. Dissolute, ’āoratos, ov. See Dissipated. Dissolution, Añoſis, eas, h; kátáAüJus. Dissonance, 'üovuſpovía. Dissonant, ào'àupovos, ov; +’äuovo'os, ov; ; tāpā- provoos, ov; i öösq.mpos, ov; ; ŚvskéAá60s, ov. To dissuade, 'ütrootpépa, ’ātrotpéra, ČKTpéra; oil, éâw, Thuc. Earnestly, &too treč8w. Dissuasion, 'ütrotpotrí. A distaff, Aškärm. Distance, 6tdatáorts, eas, h; 6,40tmua, Tó. At a great distance, 6.3 troAA00, Thuc. And it is no great distance from the city of the Syra- cusans either by sea or by land, Tâs 6* Evpaicovoltav tróAeos ošte TA00v oùre 38ov troAAjiv trapéxel, Thuc. They marched at some distance from one another, Öté- Xovtes troAt fiegau, Thuc. At an equal distance, 6t’ torov. At a little distance, 6t'êAfyov. He is within distance, so as to be able to hear what I say, orčuperpos às RAñeiv, Soph. Distant, Mākpós; +éktotros, ov; +éktórios; FTm2Mopos, 6v; ºf Tmkovpbs, 6v; † tº Aéropos, ov. More distant friends (i.e. less nearly connected), oi âtrøTépw pixol, Soph. To be distant from, 'étréxw. And Oropus is distant by sea from the city of the Ere- trians about sixty furlongs, 6téxel 68 pagatata č ‘ºpatros Tſis Tóv 'Eperptéav TóAsa's Saxdoro ms pié- Tpov číkovta o Tačíovs, Thuc. And he placed the ships of burden about two plethra distant from one another, Ölaxitroßgas 6* Tás ÓAkáðas ãorov Şū0 TAéºpa &T' &AA#Awy catégºrmorev, Thuc. Distaste, ’ātréx6eta. Distasteful, &mbás. See Unpleasant. Distemper, v6oros, ii. See Disease. Distemperature, kåta pôop& ppevöv, AEsc'. To distend, tetva, 6tateiva. See To stretch. Distention, Šištáois, eas, ii. See Stretching. * Distinct, €vapyńs; påvepos, &, by, and Ös, 6v; Tpóöm- A0s, ov; Jaſpfis; (as a voice) Aiyús. To keep distinct; eikpivéo. Distinction (i. e. difference made), Ölaipeats, eos, h; (i.e. honour, q.v.) evö0šía. - No distinction was any longer made, Stekéiqiro oièv étu. Thuc. Distinctly (to say, etc.), orépás, Fékpáros, + šuſpá. vös, ºf Topós; (to appear or to see, etc.) évapy& See Clearly, * Distinctness, eúkpiveia. To distinguish (between two things, to know one from another),8täytyvágico, öläkpivo, ötopigo; Sueñov, aor. 2, and perf mid. 6totôa; Štaipéa, aor. 2. Öleixov. To be distinguished, distinguish oneself (i. e. to be eminent), eúðokiuéa, no perf.; eWö0šéa, I can distinguish the better from the worse, ºptva, Tâ Seatta, kal Tà Xeſpa, Xen. Wishing that you should distinguish, or make a dis- tinction in my favour, 80UAóHevös plot 6ićpto-flat Tap' iſſu, Dem. g - One must distinguish, make a distinction, 6tforéov, Šuo- purtéov. Distinguished (for valour, etc. etc.), 6tairpetrºis, ép- Tpetrºis, étiqāvīs, pâvepás ; eiðočos, ov; eWöökinos, ov. See Illustrious. In a distinguished manner, Ötörpetrós, Dem. A distinguishing, 6táyvooris, eas, i. Distinguishable, Šišānxos, ov; eWaſperos, ov. To distort, Ölaatpépa. Distorted, + šića Tpoſpos, ov. To distract, Tápégow; £fortmut (only pres. and im- perf, fut. and aor. J. used in act, sens, perf, and plu- perf, and aor. 2, used in pass, sens.) ppevöv, Ščío Tmus toū ‘ppovetv. 121 Distracted—Divine To be distracted, ºf Tāpāq povéo. Distracted, TAayirths, h, ov, and bs, 6v ; + Tāpāvo0s, ov, contr. ovs, ouv. See Mad. Distraction, Tápépopē, luxās TAövmua. Distress, Trévos; &vi’a (i most usu. in Trag.); ’āTopſa, 'àunxãvia, TâAaltopia, foiſts. A distress, Tá60s, Tó; Túðmpa, Tó. To distress, Aïtéo; &A'yūva, no perf. To be distres- sed, kágva, fut. Icău.00pal ; Tovéa, ; (i. e. perplexed) &Topéo, 'üumxãvéo ; in one's circumstances, éAaggó- opal, pass. See To grieve. To be exceedingly distressed, 'üTepāyavida. To add to a person's distress, trāpāAUTéa. Distressful, àvſåpos. See Grievous. To distribute, véuw, Ölavéuw, katavéuw, Ötaipéo, ölä- ââout, Stägerpéo, I Śrīvapºda ; (i. e. put in various places) + 6tapp.6%, To be distributed (as soldiers are in winter quarters), ðtao Táopal. - One must distribute, 6távepºmtéov. Distribution, vouh, 6tävou%; Śiśāools, eos, i. A distributor, voweſs; # 5&rnths, où, 6. A district, Tótros, Xópos. To distrust, "åtrio Téo. See To disbelieve, Distrust, '&Tiatía. Distrustful, &riorros, ov, Distrustfully, 'ürtotos. To disturb, Tápégo'o, ovvrāpāoroa, kākāa, kivéa, ’āvākīvéo, öläkivéa, ovykükáo. To be disturbed, gºeia, only pres, and imperf, act. and perf. pass. - A disturbance, Tàpéxh, + tipayuás; + répayua, Té. A disturber, ºf Täpäictop, opos, 6. Disuse, TráAatórms, mºros, ii, lit. the antiquity which produces disuse. To fall into disuse, träAaléopal, pass. This custom has zot long fallen into disuse, où troAA& ërm éireiðh trétavrai, Thuc. A ditch, Tâ'qipos, h; Śpvyua, tá. A digging of a ditch, Tâq peta. To make a ditch, Tâ. ºpetºw. A ditty, pºéA0s, T6. See Song. To dive, koxvpéâw, käråkoxvuéáo. - A diver, kokupšnths, où, 6; + koxvuénrhp, pos, 6; (a bird) icóAupéos. To diverge, Šiforâual, pass. c. perf, and aor. 2, act, Diverse, Šišpopos, ov. See Different. To diversify, ToucíAAw, kärätrouctXAw. Diversion (i.e. sport), Tatóta. Diversity, àiaſpopæ, toxveiðia. See Variety. . To divert, (i. e. amuse) répirw, no perf, act, or pass.; eidpatvw; see To amuse; (i. e. turn from its course) Tápagºrpépa, Túpektpéra, ; (the attention, etc.) 'ārāya, uétákáAéw, t biatpéra. To divest, Yvuvów, ſixów. See To strip. To divide, 6tfortmut, only pres, and imperf, fut. and aor. I. in act, sense, perf, pluperf, and aor. 2, act, in pass. sense; 8taipéa, aor. 2. —éſàov; uspíšw, Šiške. píſo, öixágo, 'üváðaatöv trouéa. To divide, take a share of anything divided, véuouai, mid.; ovykátávéuouai ; 6táAøyxávo, fut. —Aftouai ; 8täAquéâvae, fut. —Afthougi. To divide again, 'üva- Satopat, mid. To be divided (as a river is which makes branches, e.g. the Nile at the beginning of the Delta), repúñyviºuai, pass.; Teployſ(opal, pass.; (as a broken army) &rootdopal, pass.; (as soldiers into winter quarters) Staatráopal ; (as roads) 6taox{{opal, And rising up they divided (i.e. voted by going some to the right and some to the left), 'üvootávres à 5té. ormaav, Thuc. The rest of Greece was divided in alliance on one side or the other, to &AAo ‘EXAmvikov ćs orvppaxiav čka- Tépov Šléatm, Thuc. They will easily subdue us if we are divided among our- selves, Ötza 'ye āvras juás &Tóvo's Xelpágovtat (Opp. to Fué yuápp), Thuc. What must be divided, 6taipété0s. Divided, Ölaíperos, ov; † 6ixipms; 6ixóTopos, ov; (in opinion) ºf Öto got ; (as branching roads) + 8to Togos, ov; + oxia Tós; ºf troAboxiotos, ov. Dividedly (in a divided form or manner), Sixa, + štávöixa, i öixii; Stapápas (opp. to &rb pºtas Šp. pºis), Thuc. A divider, i öärnths, où, 6. Divination, Fudvtevua, Tó; uaiteia, +Selagſtós; (the art of) # pavrich (subaud. Téxym); Śutripos Téxvil (esp. of that divination practised by means of burnt offerings), Eur. See Augury, Prophecy, Oracle. Belonging to divination, Mavricós; uðurelos, a, ov, and os, ov; oiwViotikós; proceeding from, dictated by (as a command, etc.), ºf paytórivos. See Prophetic To divine, pavrečopal, mid.; Staplavºretoftal. As many as then filled them with hope by divination, 8togoi Tôte airobs &eido'avtes étáAttorav, Thuc. Divine, Seſos; iepòs and ºf ‘ipós; † 6ſos (in Trag. sometimes os, ov); + (#9eos, a, ov, and os, ov; Seo- eiðhs (only of living things); &eatréavos, a, ov, and os, ov; Satuávios, q, ov, and os, ov. 122 ivinely, &etas, compar. &etotépos; † 6alpovíos. §eig popg. diviner, udurus, eas, 6, #; +xpmogoń6)0s, ºf oia- voiróA0s. See Soothsayer. ivisible, 5taipéticos, Štalpetos. ivision (i.e. a dividing), diroöaguós; 6taípeois, eos, #; Śāopevois, eas, ii; vopºl, Štávoph. A division (i. e. portion of a thing divided), woºpa; Hépos, Tó; an army, pöAh (esp. of cavalry), wolpa; '#ymuo, Tá; of a subject under discussion, Tuño is, eos, i. a division they were nearly equal, éyévovro èv Tà xelpotovíg dyx6pſiAoi, Thuc. divorce, 'üraxxâyń; ÖtöAüris, eos, ii; (of the wife) ‘ātrótreſults, eos, i. o divorce, ’āq'impu (imperf. dipímy, irreg, also iſpiovv and #piny), 34. Yūvaſco, Aértpa; Yêuous, ék- Trépatra. o be divorced, 'ütraXAágoſopal Aéxovs, Eur,; (of a woman) &r. diro toº divāpös, Plat. 0 divulge, pumvia, ÉlcââAéa, 3muetw. See To publish. izziness, “IAvyyos, 6; orkotočivia, See Giddiness. o be dizzy, 'IAlºyyida. See To be giddy. [o do, Trotéo, trpágoro, öpdo, pyágopal, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sens.; áčepyágouai, Icarépyáçoſal, éic- Tpdoorw; *pśaw, chiefly in pres, and 2nd perf. §opy.; Ééo, no perf, or aor. 2.; besides, Tposepydgopal, étrečepyáçopal; previously, ºf Tpottpdoorw; with, aid in doing, etc., ovykätepyášopal, ouptrpádow, foup- Tovéa, ºf givektrovéw, ovvöpáw. To wish to do, to be about to do, to contemplate doing, àpāoreto, only in pres, act.; £pyāoreto. What can I do? i. e. what will become of me? Tí Tárxw; Ti trč0a; Ti refoogal; Eur. Plat., etc. What can I do with you ? Tí ore Tetêo; Soph. ot knowing what to do, oùk éxovires 6,71 yévoviral, Thuc. ſo ask him what he intends to do with us, épotáv čkéivov Tí BoöAeral juiv xpforagóat; Xen. He doubted what to do under the circumstances, htrópel à,ti Xphoralto Tó trpdypati, Xen. Tell us, and have done with it, eitröv dra NAáym0l, Plat. o be done (esp. as services), ‘ūtrépydgopal, in perf. pass., Eur. * * What have you to do with this business 3 ti Toijöé orol Aéreori trpäypatos; Æsch. me must do, Tomtéov, f. 6paotéov. What must be done, Trpakté0s, troumté0s. e tº g J. By Divine Providence, &eig Tüxm, Éic &etas räxms, e tº J. f * * see Part; of opinion, atáois, eos, h; Jüo Tào is; of Divinely—Lomestication The care of what must be done belongs to many, th étiplexes toū āpoºpévov toAAoſs trporâlcel, Thuc. A deed which ought not to be done, ’āvepyov ćpyov, Eur. To be done (i. e. what can be done), Trpaktós. Having done it himself with his own hand, airbs ad- Točpyg Xepl (Sc. dpáčas āqels), Soph. Doing all things, Tavepyétms, ov, 6. Doing ill, kālcoºpyos. Docile, eúſið0ís; eſſ&yoyos, 6v. Docilely, eúſið66s, eúmvíos. Docility, eduáðeta, eúñyayía. A dock, večptov; veðsourcou, only in pl. , To dock, frcoxoto. See To cut. A doctor, ióTpós. See Physician. Doctrine, Ötögypa, Tó; Stöäxj. See Teaching, A document, Ypdupa, Tó; )papuáretov. A doer, épyärms, ov, 6; Tpdktop, opos, 3. To doff, *āTroööopal, mid.; ÉKööopat, mid. See To take off. A dog, küov, ſtivös, Ö, ii, most usu. 6; aſkúñač, Škos, ö, ä, most usu. ii. A shepherd's dog, Bothp icówy, Soph. - - A most thorough dog in the manger, Kuwów &Távray &vöpa uovopäyto Tatov, Ar. Of or belonging to a dog, + këvetos, a, ov, and os, ov. Like a dog, küvicës, kvuoetóñs. Like a dog, adv., küumööv. A dogma, 66')pa, Tó. The dog-star, Xeiptos; >eipios Küov, AEsch. To dole, véua. See To distribute. Doleful (either of persons or things), F troxtortovos. See Sad. Dolefully, dAyelvás. See Sadly. A doll, Sãºyös, Öayü60s, j. A dolphin, Sexºple, ivos, 6. Domestic, oiketos, 2, ov, and os, ov; +&pérrios, ov; (i.e. bred in the house, of a slave, etc.) oikoyevſis; (of animals) tibáorés, 6v; a jutpoqos, ov. (of war), upiños, ov; +éupüAtos, ov. For the whole army not being troubled with domestic affairs, otpatos yöp dépôos dpyös &v táv of coffey, Eur. Our domestic misfortunes, ai kat' oikov Kalcorpáytal, Thuc. Every one fearing about his domestic affairs also, äka. otós ris poéoùuevos kal trepi Tôv oftcot, Xen. To domesticate, Ti9&orefa, juspów. Easy to be domesticated, tibáorevrikós. Domestication, Titãoeta. Domestic See Domestic, 123 Dominant—Down Dominant, jyepovikós. Domination, kpáros, té; jYegovia. See Rule. To domineer over, beatrógo. See To rule. - The domineering spirit of wealth, ēšovoia TAoûrov. Dominion, kpáros, Tó. w Dominions, 8&oixeta, āpxft. See Kingdom. Under the dominion of (passions, etc.), jog ww. To don, êvööopat, mid., c. perf act. -6éðūica, aor. 2. —éövv. See To put on. A donation, Šápov. See Gift. A donor, bothp, fipos, 6; fem, 66telpa. Doom, uoſpa. See Fate. To doom, (i. e. to destine) túa'aw; (i. e. to condemn to death) käråkpivo. See To condemn. A door, Süpa; Sãpopa, Tó; +6üperpov, usu. pl. Fold- ing doors, gövls, ió0s, i. Indoors, évôov. See Within. Out of doors (to go out of or to the door, etc.), +&ipaſe. Being out of doors, #&#pā0ev. The space before a door, trpóðipov. At the door, outside the door, ‘f Sipaios, a, ov, and os, OV. And do not pour forth lamentations out of doors, p.mö’ éiriglövows yáous ādiq'We, Soph. Having two doors, dupidipos, ov; Śwſpiri'Aos, ov. To furnish with doors, Šipów. A doorkeeper, trüAwpos, Šipwpós. A dormitory, Feivaatipuov; cott &v, &vos, 6. To dose, pappašiceway. See Medicine. Dotage, TâAatótºms, mtos, i. In one's dotage from old age, 31& Tö yńpas Éeatml&s Too ppovetv, Isoc. A dotard, BelckeréAmvou, only in pl. Dotation, Tpoić, kös, ii. See Dowry, To dote, Ampéw, Träpäxmpéa, trapaympáw. To dote upon, ‘ûteppińéal, 'ürepāyātrāa. See To love. Doting upon, Öiſsépa’s, otos, 6, #. Double, 5ità60s, m, ov, contr. 90s, 7, oùv; Śióüuos, m, ov, and os, ov; 5urabs, butxàotos; +8ttAač, ćicos, ô, h; i ötttix0s, ov. Double the quantity, Sirââotov h, śità, toº, öltà. 80 ov, 6traoüy h, 6tta. Šalov. See Two, Twice. Double-minded, double-dealing, Öità60s, m, ov, contr. oùs, 7, 00V. Double-edged, + špºphicns. See Edge. To double, ŠirAów, *āvāöärå6a, 6ttàotów, ºf Śrīrāāſa. To double (a promontory, etc.), TepiéâAAw, ‘ūTep- éâAAw, reputaëa. To double (i. e. to turn short, as a hare, etc.), 'üvartpépoſal, pass., c. fut, mid.; (i. e. to fold) + Trúgow. See To fold. See Giver, To play a double-faced part, Tappotepiſo. Doubleness, àióüuðrms, mTos, i. A doubling, bitxào.uagpös; 'êvãöi"TAworis, eas, i. The doubling of a huntsman after a lare, ’āvao Tpoſpí. Doubly, ŠirAários, Doubt, 'üumxávia, ’āTopta; (of anything said, i. e. disbelief) ‘ātriaría. Room for doubt, to &pſpiðočeiv, Arist. To doubt, 'émopéa, ’āumxávéw, sometimes c. acc. of the subject; &pſpiyvoéw, Évêoiáſw; ŠtáAoytſouai, mid.; + aiopéopal, pass. To doubt first (raise as a preliminary doubt), Tpoa. tropéo. ſº I am in doubt, Čs &topov filco, Eur.; Év &Tápots eiul, Xen.; 'âtrópos éxel uot, Antipho; 6vskpitos éxa, Ar. To make to doubt, 'étépa's Ötöttömut (aor. 1. –é0mka, perf. —Téðelica, etc.), Lys. It is doubted (a doubt is raised), &topeſTal, impers. It is much doubted by men, 'ütriotſav troXAhv trapéxet &v0p6trols (of the truth of arguments, etc.), Plat. Doubtful, (of persons) 'épìxãvos, ov; Föi'q pouris, iö0s, 6 ſcal h; +&pſpiéovXos, ov; (of things)/Gaſpiao- yos, ov; biskpitos, ov; duºpiséñtmtos, ov; dupišoxos, ov; dupiðoios, ov; see Ambiguous; (both of persons and things)'éropos, ov. Doubtfully, evöotagrós, Fävskpitos, + dupi\éictws, ºf duºpišóAws. No doubt you recollect, uvnuovečels uév Tov, Plat. Doubtless, adv., "åvapºpixó)ws; duéNet, often ironi- cally. About which there is no doubt, divappuséâtritos, ov; ’āvappiaoyos, ov. A dove, reptorspá; Texeiès, #60s, i. Tpüyöv, Övos, ii. A dovecote, Tepua Tepe&v, &vos, 6. Doughty, ºpâtépôs, poet, also kaptepés. See Brave, Dowry, (given by the suitor to the maiden) #6vov, more often pl. Éva; (that brought to the husband by the wife) pepví; Tpoić, Tpotkös, i. º With a golden dowry, Évov obv Toàuxpúag XAtófi, Eur. As a dowry, adj, duripepvos, ov, To endow with a dowry, + æðváouat, mid. Without a dowry, *ārpoucos, ov. Down (i. e. tender hair), ºf fou?\os, ºf Adºxvm; xv60s, contr. Xvows (also used for the down on a peach). Down (downwards, etc.), kāra. Down from, down on, down into, down along, kātā, c. gen. The turtle-dove, 124 Zooking down, kāra pepſis. 9 let down, throw down, etc., Kä0ímui, To throw, etc. ownfall, a páAſia, té; tāua, āros, Tá; (i.e. ruin, q. v.) 6tap6opſ. ownhill, trpäväs. ownhill, adv., áirl or eis to kåt divres. ownright, ‘āTAó0s, m, ov, contr. Štaoûs, fi, oùv. ownright, adv., dutikpt, dutikpts, ‘āTAós. ownwards, adj, kátávtms. dozen, Šošekës, #30s, i. 0 draft (hounds, etc.), dirotréutra. 0 drag, Ako, fut. Akio w, etc., no perf. act, but 'perf. pass. and aor. 1.; away, out, ŚēAkw, 'épéAkw, 'âToo Táo; about, treptéâkw; down, kåtagirday; down together, ovykä0éAkw; on or in, Éq,éAka, Čiria Tów, érigipo; in unnecessarily (words, etc.), Tāpārūpa, See To draw. One must drag out, ÉeAktéov. dragging, ÖAkī; Aëts, eas, i. dragon, êpákov, ovtos, 6. See Serpent. lſ a dragon, Öpákówtelos. Sms. drain, 'üuápa. 0 drain, £mpaiva, ’ātroxetetºw; (as a disease drains a man's blood or strength) ékTivo, fut. --Tiogal, perf. —Tétraka, perf. pass. -Tétropiat. To drain by degrees, ‘ūTešapéo, aor. 2. —éſàov. drake, TmyéAoi, otos, 6. See Duck. drama, Spåpa, āros, T6. See Comedy, Tragedy. ramatic, Späuätikós. o write dramatically, to dramatise, Špapatoirotéa. See Tragedian, Comedian. - A draught (i. e. a drink), Tóta, āros, tá. A large draught, +’āuvotts, tos, and ió0s, i. Drink. A draught (of fishes, etc.) 36A0s. Draughts (the game), Trégoreta. See Chess. To draw (applied to anything which is literally drawn —a ship on shore, a bow, a sword, etc. etc.), épúa'; otáo (when of drawing a sword, oftener used in mid.); €Akw, fut. –éAkörw; (water) 'épúa, and oftener in Att. 'épêtw; dutxéo, diravtåéw; (wine) +’āpāogo, fut, -ëa, and -īga, aor. 1. only iga, no perf.; (a bowstring so as to make it twang) + iyāAAw; (as an artist draws) Ypépo'; see To paint. Across, over, or through, 6téAlco, övetpo. To draw aside (i.e. to one side), or to draw being along side (as one leads a led horse, or as a horse tows a boat, etc.), Tápa. See To drop, Like a dragon, êpâlcovté- See Downfall—Dream otáo; away, off, out, from, etc., Škotráw, 'üºpéAkw; 'êtrootáo (used by Xen. for drawing off troops from an unsuccessful attack, etc.); away from under ‘ūrāyw, ‘ūroatſáo; back, intrans., ‘ūreira, ; down, kåtag trów, kā0éxico; in, on, towards, etc., Tposéakw, eiséAka, Čiriotăw; forward into light or into court, +āvéAlco; round (as a trench, etc.), replexaúvo; to- gether, along with, etc., givāya, ovéAkw, ovoiráo, 'āvagrão, 'āvéAka', 'üviuda'; up (writings, laws, con- tracts, etc), ovyypāq,w; over to one's own views, orive- tria tráouai, mid.; intrans., off (as an unsuccessful general), draxxdagopal, pass. See To conciliate. They came to such a height that even their swords were drawn in their hands out of their sheaths, és Tooroúrov #A00v čare kal Xepoiv koxeſºv ćpvoºr& 6tétrépató0, {{pm, Soph. One must draw, ÉAktéov. Drawn, ÉNKrós; (as water) Bartós. Drawn (as a sword or other weapon), t'yvſtvös, Yvuvø0els, t épv- otos; +Tpókwiros, ov, i. e. with the handle in the hand. Drawn tight, oùortraoros, ov. Drawn to- gether, oivoxicos, ov. Newly drawn (of a sword), +veó35ūros, ov; + veográöffs. Drawn back on the string (as an arrow ready to be shot), veupoo Tráðīs. Drawn (of a contest in which both parties are equal) ioréââotos (i Att., i elsewhere), &tºpióñpitos. A drawer (of bows, etc.), fºrwp, opos, 6. Drawers (a garment), Šid (opia. A drawing (of a bow, etc.), 50pa, āros, T6. A draw. ing up, 'üvoxicſ. A drawing down, kátáo iráois, eas, i. A drawing of a bow-string so as to make it twang, ºf pañpués. - A drawing (i. e. a picture, q.v.), Ypāºff. Dread, 6éos, Tó, no pl.; betua, Tó; pášos. See Fear. To dread, betów, fut. Seto opal, etc., perf, often 5éðia . + Tpéa. See To fear. Dreadful, Selvás, poéepós, + aivés. Dreadfully, Öelvös, poéepós. A dream, Övap, to, only nom. and acc. sing.; Śvelpos, i čvepov, with imparisyll. neut. forms gen. sing. ôvei. patos, dat. -Ti, nom.pl. -ta, -ta/v, —0.1; Śvētrutov. A waking dream, i. ‘ūrap, indecl. In a dream, adv., ávap. - To dream, ÖvelpotoAéa, only pres, and imperf, and only act. ; Śvetpºorow, only pres, and imperf, act.; évvirvić(a. I am continually dreaming at night, troXAoſs pièv &e) vvictépois àveipzoº oliveipu, AEsch, ^, ** 125 Dreaming—Drive A dreaming, Övelpotoxia; Šveipwéis, eas, #. Jike a dream, f iodvelpos, oy (i Att, i elsewhere); + eiceAóvelpos, ov. - An interpreter of dreams, Öveipäuautis, eas, 6. Appearing in a dream, f Övepéqavros, ov, Deriving one's knowledge from dreams, ºf Öveipóppay, ovos, 6 kal #. Dreary, otvywbs, Faißvhs, aidvás. See Sad, Gloomy. Dregs, esp. of wine, ‘i tpbé, Tpüyös, ii. The dregs all mited together, éoxokpāoría. To be drenched (see Wet through), 8péxopal, pass. To dress [many, most indeed of the following words in act. mean to dress another, in mid., to dress one- self, usu, c. acc. of the garment], &pſpuévviſa ; Tiév- vöput, more common even in Att. than épévvipu ; ev- 30a, only in aor, l. Évéðūola ; (elegantly) koruéw. See To clothe, To dress (hair), F ſcătag teNAw; + oxmuátíſoual, mid. To change dress, uétoptréxopal, mid. To dress up (i. e. disguise, villainy, fallacious argu- ments, etc. etc.), trepio TéAAw; trepitégora, fut. —Té. |w; káTao XmpiãT{{w, ºf kiéömäeča. To dress (meat), alcevča. See To cook. He dresses her up with fine clothes, Trét}\ougly €ktroveſ, Eur. Dress, icóapos; É003)s, fitos, h; Écômua, Tb, only in pl.; oicevil, a toxh; † eiua, Tó. Badness of dress, i övs)(Aalvía. A way of dressing, oxmuatioſuès. Well dressed, i kaAAñreirãos, ov; ; eistuov, ovos, 6, #. Badly dressed, i. 6üseipzáros, ov. - A dresser, éAeóv. A dressing-room, 'ütroëütiipuov. Drift (i. e. intention, q.v.), alcáros, yuápm. The wind causing the snow to drift effaces them (the tracks of the hare), Tveijua orvppopotiv thv xióva ‘ā- ºpäviſel, Xen. A drill, Tpătăvoy. To drill, Tpitão ; see To bore; (soldiers, etc.) yupuu- &@. Drink or drinking, Tótov, trótos; Tôois, eas, ii; Tô- pa, T6. A mixed drink, kükeov, &vos, 6. Strong drink, Mé0m. Drinking hard, Toàvolvía. Fondness for drinking, qixotrogio. A drinking of water, ‘ījöpotogía. To drink, Tivo, fut. Tíopal, perf act, Tétoica, pass. trétropal, etc., imper., in Att. Com., tribu; ŚicTivo, kärättva, ; + £Akw, fut. Akiga ; (in long draughts) + orträw ; +'éuvottº, no pass.; (greedily) flopéa ; (entirely) &motive; (besides) éirektíva ; (water) 'w 8potrotéa. To drink hard or a great deal, 'üTeptiva, ; kpótºmpſo, lit. to drink out of the bottle ; ºf Šaphora oual, in fut mid. and aor. 1. pass., lit. to be armed, or made bold, with drink. To drink together (of people or liquors), orvp. Tivo, givektívo. To drink a person's health, trpo Tſvo, c. dat. pers., acc. of the liquor or of the good wishes. There the spear drank the Scythian blood, Évê' aiuáT). pos réAävos és yatav >icö0ms hutxe?ro A6'yxm (lit. was drunk by the spear), Eur. - To give to drink (see Draught), Tottºo, no pass. Drinkable, Totós; trótiuos, ov; ; Tigrés. Pleasant to drink, ºf eitrotos, ov. A drinker, ºf Tótms, ov, 6, fem. Tétis, ió0s, j, with superl. Trotto Tárm. - A fellow-drinker, ovºtrötns, ov, Ö. A drinking party, ovutóatov. A drink offering, Aotéfi. To drip, atáço, fut, otášo, aor. 1. &rrača (but thes two tenses are always used trans., to make to drip i. e. to pour, only pres, and imperf are used intrans.); + piñáo; † atáAágga, only pres, and imperf. Se To drop. - Dripping, (of anything wet) + piñáAéos ; (of the li quid) orakrós, - A dripping, † atáAayuás. A streamlet of water dripping from the rock, Terpiv Tiěčkóega'a Aléâs (—#50s, j), Eur. See Drop. To drive (or compel to go in a certain direction), éA&övo, fut. Ağao, fut. Att, also êAá, éAás, éAğ perf pass. Aft\épat ; &yo, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass, sense (in every sense of the English word, but esp. in driving off living booty); (horses, chariots) it Téopal, mid.; † Aaqtpéa, only pres, and imperf. #vioxéo, no perf, only act.; f juvootpopéo, only pres, and imperf.; # Tpoxmååtéo, no pass.; +&iqpeña, no pass.; +&iºpmAäréa, only act.; (ships, as storms do) kātābépo, fut, -ofo'opal ; (as the crew) céAAa. aor. 1. ČiceAga, no perf. - To drive away, out of back (as enemies, etc.), 61%ica, Tpétro ; &0éa, fut. 30% ow, and, more usu, &ga (the Attics never use the augmented tenses without th Att, addition éa); ’āTø0éo, ÉeAaúva. , śa,0éa, º (in prose) of the wind driving ships out of their course, or enemies driving them out of their line. To driv forward, Tpotepal, mid, ; into, to, towards, etc., eiseAgüva', 'TeXaiva, eiséâAAw; out together, at the 126 , same time, givečexaúva; round, trans, or intrans, trepieMačva, ; a team or a plough, ſevymäätéa. Pelops driving caused the death of Myrtilus, IIéAoi, ālebíqpevole MvptíAov pávov, Eur. To be driven off (i. e. delayed, so as to be unable to act) till winter, ééa,00āvai Tà &pg és Xelpløva, Thuc. A driver (esp. of horses or carriages), āvioxos (see Charioteer); (of anything) +éAăthp, fipos, 6; +éAärms; of a team or plough, Kevynäärms; of owen, 80mAárms. See Oa, Horse, Chariot, etc. Driving (of a chariot, etc.), it reta, Öippeia, fivuoxeta; (in general, esp. away) Aágis, eos, h; ééAaois, ék- 60Aff. Because of the wind driving them into the open sea, 61& Thy Tot, &véuov štajaiv airów is to tréAayos, Thuc. Droll, yexotos. See Laughable. A droll, yeXototroués. See Buffoon. Drollery, yeXototrotta. A dromedary, kāumaos, 6 kal ii. See Camel. A drone, knºw, fivos, 6; Knºpflviov. Like a drone, knºmváöms. To droop, intrans, ‘āTokpeſićvviſual, Tito, oxágo. See To fall. Drooping, t tºpovaThis, Tpotretàs. To drop, act, katačáAAw, uéðinſul, Túpimut; (liquids) xéo; otéo, no perf, no pass., kāraatáçw; (proceed- ings, etc.) Ká0üſpímut, To drop, intrans, t karaxeisopal, mid, only pres, and imperf.; ºf ſcărașicóſa, only pres, and imperf.; (i. e. to fall, q, v.) Tírta, fut. Tregoiual, aor. 2. číregov. A drop, + iyākās, #50s, h; † atāyāv, Övos, h; † atá- Aayuás; +otáAayua, Tó; +Aiéâs, #60s, i. Oozing out in drops, oraktós. Dropsical, ‘ûâpatrikös, Öpatrióðms. Dropsy, “tºpol, gen, wros and otros, 6. To have the dropsy, Śēpotláw. Dross, olcapta. A drove (of any animals), 'üyéAm. See Herd. A drover, 80mAärms. See Herdsman. 'Drought, ai,xpos, 'üvijöpia. To send a drought, €TavXuéw. To drown, Tovtića, kātātrovtſa, kātāTovtów; with wine, etc., Battigo'; a noise (by making another noise), ávriirātāyāo. To be drowned, ‘ātroTuíyopat, pass. - Drowning, kátáTovtiopôs. Drowsiness, X&op.m. Drowsy, ‘ūtváöms, ‘ūtvoticós. To be drowsy, ‘ūtvágo'o, only pres, and imperf. | - ~ Driver—Dudgeon To drub, Tüttw. See To beat. Drug, pºpuékov. The using of drugs, papuāiceta; pappākevois, twº, #. To drug, pappudorow, t pappäketw. A druggist, pappākets, # pappākotroiás. Druids, XeMAol” (“Widetur esse nomen sacerdotii ad Dodonam,” Damm. in voc.). A drum, Tūprāvov, f titävov, #8ipsa; Buprérovoy kū'ickapia, Eur. Playing on the drum, TvuTávio ºbs, Ar. A drummer, fem, Tuptravío Tpta; masc. would be Twpºráviatſis. Drunk, oivošāpās; Túpolvos, ov; + Kētouos, ov; fue. 0v10els, eſca, ºv, etc.; foivotAävntos, ov; +éčovo. pºvos; ºf Túpoſvios, ov; Héðm 8pex.6els, Eur, A drunkard, oiv6 pivé, tºyos, Ö, j; f 'pixotótºms, pe 6vorths. Fond of getting drunk, apt to get drunk, pleóvotikás. To make drunk, pºeffigico, fut, pºeffiga, käräge6%rica. To be drunk, ué0üw, only pres. and imperf.; pleóðgico pal, pass., aor. 1. Meðaðmu, no perf; oivéopal, pass. Drunkenness, pºé0m, trópolvía; (i.e. the habit) oivo p}\tºyia, pixotrogía. Dry, aſſos, Šmpós; +’ā'époxos, ov; +'ékúaavros, ov Dry land, i ömpö, Xen.; (i. e. thirsty) 8thios, a, ov and os, ov. To dry, &mpaiva, ’āiročmpaiva, aiaíva ; (clothes) + šáATw, no perf.; (ships by drawing them up on shore) 8to ſixw. To be dried up, to become dry, katašmpaívoual; (of a river, or of blood on a person's hand) uápaivopal, pass. To be dry (i. e. thirsty), Šipča. See Thirsty. Dryness, Émpôtms, mºtos, ii; † atová. Dubious, Šišskpitos, ov. See Doubtful. Dubiously, 8vorkpāra's. Dubiousness, Tô &pſpiðočeiv. See Doubt, Dubitation, &pſpugéâtmaris, eas, i. A duck, Barkäs, #60s, h; vigora. A little duck, who. gāptov (also often used as a term of endearment). A duct, Öxetós. Ductile, eitãaotos, ov. Dudgeon, êyxelpiºtov. See Dagger. * I have ventured to give the name XexAol for Druids, not as being identical with the Saxon Druids, but as so very nearly corresponding to them (being priests of the oaks at Dodona) as to seem to warrant such a translation where none more accurate and faith- ful can be had. 127 Due—Dwelling To take a thing in dudgeon, xaxerós pépa. See Angry. Due, kā0ñkwu, ovoia, ov; (of money) 6 &tiyevöuevos. To whom it is due that we should pity them, oùs &étáv éotiv čAeeiv, Isoc, See Deserved. A man's due, due respect, etc., Holpa, usu. in the oblique cases, as Holpaw véuw Twl (to give a person due honour, etc.), Soph.; Tô Tpoorfikov. Justice ea acting its due (i. e. due punishment), toğgel- Aðuevov trpád'orovoa Atkm, HEsch. To be due, Špet\opal, pass., only pres, and imperf. See To owe. To be due besides, or to be still due, trposopeiaopai. Duel, povopuiāxīa. Dull, àuéAès, lit, and metaph. ; metaph. I kwºbés, See Stupid. To dull, 'étrapéAúva. To be dull, &péAövouai, pass. Dullness, kwºbótms, mTOs, i. Dumb, kaºs; "àyAwaroos, ov; eveós; + °3A&Aos, ov. See Silent, Speechless. Dumbness, kwºbótms, mtos, ii; † 'dyMoorgia. Silence, Speechlessness. Dun (in colour), patós. Dunce, 8vsgå0}s, adj. To be a dunce, 8vsuá0éw. Dung, icóirpos, h; orcóp, a kåtos, Tó. Of dung, ſcorpióðms. Keeping to his own dunghill, févoſktos, ov (sc. §puis). A dungeon, yopyūpm. See Prison. - To dupe, ’ātrātāw. See To deceive. A dupe, adj. eiàràrntos, ov. Duplicate, adj. (of writings or engraved pillars), &vri"ypāqos, ov. Duplicity, ÖitAóm. Inclºned to duplicity, 6ixápió0s, ov. See Deceitful. Durable, Bé8atos a, ov, and os, ov; £ute80s, ov; uðviuos; träpäſtöviuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; xpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov; ToàvXpóvios, ov. . Durability, BeSalórms, mros, i. Durably, Beéaíos, éputéða's, Durance, piñáich. Duration, Xpóvov uſikos. During, biº, c. gen, c. acc, poet. ; g, acc. ; tāpā, c. acc. Dusk, rvépas, gen, ſcuépaos, and Att. Kvéºpovs, dat. kvépáſ, Att. Kvépg, no pl.; Seſam diſta, and without ôpia. See Evening. Dusky (i. e. dark coloured), Threpkos, os. See Dark, See 㺺l, c, acc.; Katë, Dust, kóvis, tws, i ; Kovía (i usu, but sometimes in all poets); Kovoprés; Wiyua, āros, tº, esp. that which arises from scraping anything (e. g. Wiyua Xpwrot, “gold dust”). Mars sends to the friends (of warriors) melancholy dust jrom Troy, filling the funeral urns with easily packed dust instead of men, "Apns . . . ÉÉ 'IAtov ºptAotori Téuire piyua 5vsöákpvrov, &vrávopos oriro500 yepiſov Aééntas eißérov, AEsch. Having bitten the dust (i.e. being slain), kateo Iro- 6muévos. To dust, cover with dust, + kovſw. Duteous, dutiful, aidotos, a, ov, and os, ov; ei- Telóñs. Dutifully, aičotos. Dutifulness, aiśās. Duty, pºépos, T6. It is the duty of éatl, c. gen. pers. ; #ket, c. dat. pers. She again, using words of ill omen, is invoking a God whose duty it is not by any means to assist in lamenta- tions, #3' aire Švspnuojaa, Tov Oeby kaAe? viºv Tposíkovt’ v yôois Tapao Tateiv, AEsch. t It is your duty, obv špyov čotív, AEsch. | This is my duly, Čuol roñto Tpóskeital, Eur. See Ought. A dwarf, vävvos. Dwarf, dwarfish, adj., vavvopuis, vauvéðms. To dwell, to dwell in, oikéw, käroticéo, Évoucéo; oic{{ouai, mid.; Katouctſoual; i vaſw, rare except in pres. and imperf. ; ; Katavaſa', with aor. 1. pass.; katevão'0", in trans. sense ; ºf valetdo, only pres. and imperf. ; (near or around) treptoticéo, Tposoticéa'i c. dat, or c, acc.; Túpotkéw, c. dat. ; Tposëtätpišw, + Tapavaterów; (with or together) givotkéw, ovuvaío. Whalever argument I have considered most conducive to peace, on that I have dwell, 8v Štrexéu.8avov Tów A6)ov eipmuukóratov sival, Trepl toºtov Šlérpiðov. Isoc. On which account I have dwelt at length on the circum; stances of the city, Sib ðī kal ºfficvva tº Tepi Tà: tróAews, Thuc. - Nor do I advise you to let your eyes dwell on beautiful things, où6é yé ool ovuéovXeūw . . . v Toſs Raxoſ éây Thy đijiv čvötarpišeiv, Xen. See To inhabit. A dweller, oilchrap, opos, 6; oikmths, où, 6. sº Inhabitant. A dwelling, oikos; othmoſis, eas, i (both the act 0 inhabiting and the place inhabited, used even of country); ankos, + otéym; aixh, esp. of natural dwell 128 Dwindle—Earth Ings, caves, &c., ávavX0s. A dwelling in, êvotiºnals, +eisotºmats. A dwelling near, träpoikmats. O hall which hast been my dwelling ! 3 p.éAaôpov atuppoupov ćuoi, Soph. The caves which are your dwelling, tà aiſàew, gö, ävtpa, Eur. Dwelling near or with, + aivavaos, ov. To dwindle, ‘i pôiva (I Ep., i Att.), no act, tenses except pres. See To decay. A dye, 83 p? (used also for the art or trade of dyeing and for the robe, etc. which is dyed); pāpuákov. To dye, utaíva, Bárto. Dyed, Battrös. Well-dyed, Ševarotrotos, by, Plat. - Deeply dyed, doubly, dyed (of villains or villany), + powicicos, treptăXovpyös roºs kakoſs, Ar. Dynasty, Śāvao reta. To found a dynasty, Śāvaa Tetw. E. Each, ēkaotos, Omn. [N. B.-the sing, adj. has some- times a pl. verb or pl. part.]. “Elcao tos is often joined with other words, with tras, Tls, eſs, etc. Each of two, Škärepos. Each other, &AAñAwu, only gen, dat. and acc. dual and pl. ; Éavtów (contr. aštáv, in dual and pl.) Encouraging each other, trapakeXévôpevol év Šavroſs, Thuc. - - Each time, élcão Tote, ékárepškis, Xen. On or from each side, ékárépa,0s or —6ev. Each way, Škárépas; after a verb of motion, êicărépoore. Fager, tºrpóppov, ovos, 6, #; Tpóðjuos, ov; + ævrovos, ov; ; AeAuſwävos, +ékireragóels, c. Éirl and acc. To be eager, Tpo6.jpéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. and fut. 1. pass.; grewºo, grov64%; pixotiueouai, mid, c. aor. 1. pass.; tāppadouai, mid., c. aor. 1. pass.; twalkóa, no fut. To be equally eager, to share in another's eagerness, ovutſpot upéopal. To be done eagerly, otrovöágopal, pass. One must be eager, TpoôUpºntéov and —Téa. Eagerly, Tpoſiuws, Évrévos, pixotiwas, trpoppóvos. Eagerness, Tpoôupta, oſtrovöl, épuff. An eagle, 'éerbs. An ear, oùs, &tbs, th; irnyj, ’ākotovora, Soph. An ear of corn, oréxvs, vos, 6. Early (in the day), adj, pöpios, a, ov, and os, ov; ºf €60s, a, ov, and os, ov; Tpétos, contr. irpá0s; trpá. Pos, ov; (i.e. ancient, q.v.) &pxaíos. Earlier, ſpórepos. In the time of Cecrops and the early kings, étrº Kékporos ſcal Töv Tptºtav Bagińéov, Thuc. Early, adv., "pot, also Tpó, sometimes c. gen. (rijs #1épas, etc.), £wbev. Earlier, ſpérepov, c. 3) and indic, or c. h and subj, or c. 3) and infin, or c. gen. or c. 7plv h and subj, (in the day), ſpotafrepov and Trpanattata (Att, trpgattepov, etc.). To wake or rise early, Fépôpsáa. - To earn, Épydgoua, c. perf. pass, sometimes in act. sens, sometimes in pass.; £epyágouai, fewtroAda, eipioicouai, mid.; Ticoſtigopal, mid. ; (in addition) Tposépyágouai, mid. To earn money, a livelihood, etc., xpmuatigopal, mid. Earnest, a trovčaios, Airãphs, a poëpös; (of feelings, or requests, not of people) + 'étevils, ‘Féictewäs. - Earnest, i.e. money paid to secure a bargain, ſpóools, eas, 71. To receive as earnest, Tpoxaušávo, fut. —Añjouai, etc. Earnestly, AIIrāpās, otrovčatws, étriotpegås, avvre- täuévos, a péðpa. See Eagerly. To be very earnest, otovčága, perf pass, sometimes (not always) in act. sens.; (with) a votovöd (w. Earnestness, otovël. - An ear-ring, Atki hp, fipos, 6; f €vártov; + švotal, ai, only in pl. Ear-shot, -within ear-shot, oùperpos és kaffety, Soph. - Earth, Yii, f yata, f ala; + x6&v, ovos, h; + réSov; (a lump of earth) 80A0s, h; (earth suited for potters) kepāpils, ió0s, ii. From, in, or from beneath the earth, if yū6ev. Out of the earth, Xàuóðev. To the earth, Téâovös, #xäuäſe, i, xàuáàs. Ground. On the earth, xàpiat. See Ground. In or under the earth, adj., f x0óvios, a, ov, and os, ov. Of or belonging to the earth, yńivos, yempos, + x9óvios. On the earth, Xàºbs, 69; + y&tos. Living on the earth, ēy'yelos, ov. Growing out of the earth, + x0ovorpedºffs. Walking on the earth (opposed to winged, etc.), F webo- utiéhs, f Irešoéâway, ovos, 6, #. See K 123 Earth-born—Edict Falling to the earth, Xàuattretfis. To till the earth, yewpyéo. See To till. Earth-born, yn'yevils, ºf yn'yevérms, ov, d, only masc.; + yāyas, avros; i trn NóTAaorros, ov. Earthenware (or any earthenware vessel), kepāºtov, ãortpákov. Made of earthenware, kepāueos, ov; kepāutos, Thàivos. See Pottery. Earthly, opp. to heavenly, x66wios, a, ov, and os, ov; #y'yelos, ov; ºf x60woo Tišás. An earthquaké, Gétoubs, sometimes or. yſis. To be affected by an earthquake, oretopat, pass. To earth up, Xóvviºuſ, trposxºvviſui, &vtirposéuáoual (mid.) Thy yiv. Ease, (in both senses—quiet, or facility), eiušpeta, Égotówm (facility only), eitréteia, eitropia. Easily, Ögötws, compar. ; figov, pāota, eiuápás, eitretós, eitrópos, ’āiróvas, i'āţiox6i. Easily (i. e. with ease of mind, without getting angry), paña's (pépw tu, etc.). Easiness (of temper), 'üypárms, mtos, i. The East, “Ews (Eur, once has 'H&s), Atov Tryal, AEsch; #Atov intográreis, Eur. The east wind, Eöpos, ‘āºrmat&rms, ov, 6. Eastern, €60s, a, ov, and os, ov; † &vtåAlos, OW. Easy, figãios, a, ov, and 0s, ov, compar. §§ov, §§otos , (often of people or dispositions); eiteths, eúropos, ov; eixephs (sometimes of a person's disposition); ’āirovos, ov; + etxàuatos, ov; etirpaktos, ov; ſpéxelpos, ov; (easy to bear, i.e. light q. v.) Kotºpos; (of a disposi- tion), stroAos, ov; ’āirpáygwu, ä, ä. - And when I have lamented to you most of what has been done, I shall, as it were, be easier, ſcal éyò Tów 'yeyevnuévoy &roövpduevos tº TAeſota Tpos ūuás, ãotep figov čorouai, Dem. Not by strength, but the God made it easy to us, oùx §trö a 6évous, &AA’ 6 &ebs studpetav Štrečíčov Xepoiv (lit. gave ease to our hands, or, gave us facility of hand), Eur. To eat, Čorbia, only pres. and imperf., fut. §§opal, perf. §§höoica (as from éðw); Käterbia; pāya, only in aor. 2. čqāyov; airéopal, mid.; 818pdºorica, perf. pt. BeBp&s, aor. 2. č8pov; Tpdºya, aor. 2. črpäyov; + trâtéopal, mid., aor. l. Éirão apmv.; (immoderately) ‘ûrepeatio; (secretly) "Ütrotpºyo (also to eat away its banks, as a river). To eat with, together, orvorairéa, oriveróſa, Arist. To eat greedily, hastily, icótta, no perf, no pass. Eatable, 3pwrös, Öertös; 545iuos, ov; +8pégiuos, ov; + £6évös, Öv. Eaten, + £6egrós; + šiš8opos, ov. Half-eaten, jºi'- 6potos, ov. Not to be eaten (the victim Iphigenia), t”35altos, ov. An eater, éðeaths, où, 6; + šaltipºv, Övos, 6. Eating, subst. 8pógis, ews, ii. Eating together, orvorgiría. Eating (adj.) together or with, adj. alſo attos, ov. Ebb,”várotis, also &ptotis, eas, ii. The ebb and flow, TräAuß50ía, 6tavXot kvudrov, Eur. The ebbing offortune, Éeipia Tüxms, Menand. Eaposed to the ebb and flow of the tide, tiráAffobos, ov Ebony, Śēevos, i. Ebriety, ué6m. See Drunkenness. Eccentric (of a person), &AAákoros, ov. Echo, 'HX6. To echo, act., + &vtmxéw. Echoing, + &vròovros, ov; + &vtiriſtos, ov. An eclipse, KAerºis, sws, h; KWités ti, Thuc.; Aſov perdorrào is. To be eclipsed, ékWeſtw, usu, in aor. 2. act. An eclogue. See Pastoral. Economical (i. e. frugal, q.v.), petºwAós; (i.e. prac- tised in the management of a house) oikovouikás. Economically, 'éââtrévos. To economise, to be economical, petőouai, mid. Economy, (i. e. frugality) petà3, petów?\ta; (i. e. the managementofahousehold or even of a state) oikovouía. Ecstasy, Ško Táorts, ews, ii. To be wrapt in ecstasy, ev6ovoid (w. Ecstatic (of a person), ákotáticós. An eddy, Śivn. Eddying motion, 8ivos. To eddy, ºf éAtooropat, pass. With beautiful eddies, t kaxAičiums, ov. An edge (of a weapon), Yvá00s, h; + kváčov, ouros, 6; + yévvs, vos, h; of a cliff, or of any thing not a weapon, xe?Aos, Tó; kpáorreóov, prop. of any sort of cloth or garment, but also of other things. Your tongue having a keen edge, . . . to abv otéua troAA#v éxov oróuwaiv, Soph. With brazón edge, ºf XaAkóatopos, ov. Double-edged, + &pſpíkms; +&pſpirógos, ov; +&ppi- TA}}, fiyos; +&pſpiónktos, ov; +&pſpiñéčios, ov. To give an edge to, otopiča. To surround with an edge, trepixelAów. Edible éðeorrós. See Eatable. An edict, Čºperpºl, usu. in pl.; £vroAñ; irpóstayſia, Tó; of an assembly, #790s, i. 130 | Edit—Either To edit, ČicStöðut. To educate, Tpépa, fut. 8pé!o, traičeňw, éktratēeto, 6i540ka, Tatēśyayéw, fºrwaobauvéa, +ékirovéo; along with, cruputatāsūw. To have educated, procure (one’s children, etc.) to be educated, traičeňouai, mid.; Tpoăyoual, mid. c. perf. • pass, in act, sens. One must educate, trauðevréov. Education, traibeta; traßevois, ews, h; Śiśagkååſa, Tpoph, "àywyſ. The system of public education, i koworpoºpicſ. A superintendent of education, Tatēovágos, usu. in pl. An eel, éyxeAvs, vos, ii, sometimes 6; áYxévetov. Of or belonging to eels, éyxéAetos. An eel-pot, kmuás; yxexedºv, &vos, 6. To efface, ééâAeſqa); €kvigo, fut. —vílo (scarcely found in other tenses); €kráka, &Totpišw; (a reproach) 'étroAij'a. The wind effaces the tracks, 'éveuos Stapiráſet tº ºvn, Xen. The disgrace is not effaced among the dead, Šveið0s év q6ttotow oil, ékAetiretat, Æsch. Effaceable, eúsàAeltros, ov; &#rmAos, ov; + škTai- Tos, ov. Effect, Śēvapus, eos, i. The cause is a different thing from the effect, &AAo Rév Ti éat) to attlov tá čvri, Plat. - And what was the effect of this 2 ti à root’ #35uato; Dem. To give effect to, pyg repaiva, Xen. To effect, 'üviſo, oftener'āvūta, āvepyáçopal, mid., c. perf. pass. Sometimes in act. sens. See To do. Effective Spaatiptos, ov; Spaatukós; trpaktipuos, ov; Tpaktikós; evepyös, by (esp. of ships or troops fit for service). Effectively, 'éviaiuos, évepyws. Effectual, 'üvāoriuos, ov. See Effective. Effectually, Texetas, travtexós. To effectuate, TeXéo. See To effect. Effeminacy, 'évavöpia, ’āvavöpeta, uéAäkia, uax- 6ālcía. Effeminate, uáAäkös, wax0aicós; 'Évavöpos, ov; ‘āépôs, &, bu, and 8s, 6v; +&mAüvo0s, ov, contr. vows, vovv; t&māśāoppos, ov; +yśvavôpos, ov; in gait, Făspo- Šárms, ov, only masc. Effeminate-looking, Aevicós. Effeminately, yuvaiketos, Štátegpuppévos. To be effeminate, to behave effeminately, pºéicigouai, pass.; Pax6ákíšouai, pass.; käräuäAákſſouai; + 97X5'- Vokal, pass. t To effervesce, ’āvaſãw. Efficacious, Spaatipios, ov. See Effectual. Efficacy, Śāvāuis, eas, #; ’āpetà. Efficiency, Titmöetótºms, mºros, i. Efficient, Tirhöelos. Efficiently, Čiritmöeſos. An effigy, ‘āyaapa, T6. See Image. Effluvia, àopſ. Effort, Éyxeipmua, Té; Éirixelpºpa, T6. See Aitempt. With effort, Čiritróvas. t Effrontery, 'üvátóela, ’āvatoxvutta. See Impudence. Effulgence, airyā; \apirpátms, mºros, ii; ałyAm. See Brilliancy. Effulgent, Aguirpós. See Bright. Effusion, fießua, ré. See Flow. An egg, 30w. To lay eggs, &otokéw. A laying of eggs, &otokta. She lays an egg, Teixos veogorów Aevitov čkāoxeteral (sc. Yvvh, of the birth of Helen, etc.), Eur. Egotistical, piaavros. Egregious, éiriamuos, ov; + šoxos, ov; + šicrpetrás, See Earcellent. Egregiously, ÉKirpetrós. Egress, É060s, i. Egypt, Afyvirtos, h; "Aepta yi, AEsch.; NetA&rts x6&v, AEsch. To ejaculate, 'évākpá(o, öväSoão. See To cry. Ejaculation, t Böäua, Tá; &vaš, poet. &pgóapa. See Cry. To eject, ŠkéáAAw, perf. —6ééAmka; Ščavío Tnut. Ejection, êicſ}oAft; ejectment, Čšāya'yń. Eight, Öictæ, indecl. The number of eight, Ökrös, Öos, i. The eighth, Öyö00s. Eightfold, Öict&rAágios. Eighteen, Öktokaíðeka. Eighty, Öyöofficovira, poet. Öyāékovta. Eightieth, Öyöomkoortés. Eight hundred Škráicóatou, Eight thousand, ÖktākusXíAlou. Either, (one of two) ékárepos; (i.e. both) &upérepos; also in dependent sentences étárepos, as—“if I wish them to destroy either of you,” eitrep of v &troXà ÖTotépous Šuáv, Xén. After if (ei), ris. I can produce no argument to prove that it is impossible that either should be the case, or that both should, toy- Twy Śē Tórepa yevéa 6a 3 &uq6Tepa &s Špa šov, &öövatov čy& uèv oiâéva pmul #xety A6-yov, Plat. That they may encounter either power separately, but not E 2 - 13] Eke—Embalm both together, tva èv pépel ºpºs ékarépaw axxà Mh Tpos àpporépas āūa Tès àvváuets Kivövvetſowgiv, Lys., so Dem. Either (with a negative), où8érepos, whöétépos. He answered that he did not wish to fight either, &rekpº. varo &rt oë6erépots 800Aoto uáxégèat, Xen. Either, adv, *, usu. followed by a second h. See Or. Eke, irposéri. See Moreover. To eke out, &vārānpów. To elaborate, ŠiaTovéowat, mid. Elaborate, áiriusXàs; Titovos, ov; tāaíðáA0s, Elaborately, Štátretrovnuévos, étruirévos. To elapse, éépxopal, fut. –exei'aouai, Šlépxoſal, biá- 'yfyvouai. t To suffer to elapse, trapaſpépa, in aor. 1. trāpāveyka; ŠláAeſtra, in aor. 2. - To elate, àyków, Éoyków, faſpo, Taipw, pilgáo), esp. in pass. To be elaled, yaupéopal, pass.; Tryavpd. opal, yauptáo, TAeovágo. Elated, yaipos, a, ov, and os, ov; Tepixãpñs. Elated with political pride, troXītikov pågmºa pugöv, Plat. Being elated at this, uéya ºppovăgas €irl tourº, Xen. Elation, Öykos; pigmug, tá. See Pride, Joy. An elbow, &yków, &vos, 6; Trixvs, eas, 6. The elders, trpégéets; oi 'yepattepot. The body or council of elders, fi Yepovo ta. Elder, eldest, itpopéptepos, Tpopéptatos. Old. To be an elder, also to be the eldest, trpegéeiſa. I being the elder brother, yová repükös Yepairépg, Soph. - An elder (tree), ākrä. The dwarfelder, Xàpatóktºn. To elect, xelpotovéw, 8táxelpotovéo, aipéouai, mid., aor. 2, eixówmv, Tpokpiva. Elected, aiperbs, xelpotovnrós. Self-elected, abbaſpe- Tos, ov. Election, dipeg is, eos, h; xelpotovía; (to a magistracy) āpxalpegia. - To lose one's election, ÖvskAmpéa, only act. Elective, aipetos, xelporovnTós. Eleemosynary, Aemſticós. Elegance, xàpus, iros, acc. ira and iv.; eWicookia; of manner, xàpievtuguês. Fond of elegance, q^i\okäAos, ov. To be fond of elegance, pixóráAéo, only pres. Elegant, xàpiels, kopiyās; in manners, āoreios, a, ov, and os, ov. Elegantly, kopiyās, Xaptévra's. See To behave (esp. to speak) elegantly, Koubetw, also in pass, of the thing spoken; xaplevrigopal, mid, fut. —to opal, Att. often –toºkal, no pass. Elegy, ŚAeyos, éAeyeſov, An elegiac poet, Aeyeloroids. An element, grouxetov, A miature of the elements, travarepſiſa. An elephant, Aépas, avtos, 6, only masc. To elevate, alpw, Ödöw. To elevate the mind (with hope, by praise, etc.), áricov'piſo, 'üvákov piſw, &varpépa ; éträväyw, no aor. 1. or perf act. . Elevation, iſ pos, tá. See Height. Eleven, Évöeka, oi, ai, Tà, indecl. Hom, etc. To elicit (the truth, etc.), eúptokw, fut, eúphow; + ščáyw, c, dat. pers. Eligible, aipetós. Elision, &rokotri. An elk. See Stag. An elm, irreàéa, ÖpsitteMéa. Elocution, ŠtúAektos, j. See Panegyric. To elongate, pinkövo, 'étropºmküvo, + teivo. See To lengthen. - Elongation, êtréictäats, eas, ii. See Stretching. To elope, éickwpdºw. See To flee. Elopement, 'étropiſ/h. Eloquence, eúryAworota, evétréta. Eloquent, stºy'Nagaos, ov; Aiyúpès, eúetrºs, + kgMAle- trils. (They are) more eloquent to the mob, trap &^% uovoſt- lcórepot Aéyely, Eur. Else, &AAws, étépos. See Otherwise, Elsewhere, &AAp, &NA001, &AAäx00, &AAáxii, &AAá- X601, Štěpoôt;—after verb of motion from a place, &AA00e or -6ev; Śtépa,0s or -6ev;-after verb of motion to a place, &AAooſe, étépoore, To elucidate, 6tagaſpéo, &Togópéw. Elucidation, Öixworts, eas, i. To elude, Tepipewya, Stärpoiſowat, mid, c. aor. 1. pass, in act. sens. See To escape. To emaciate, Aertúva. Emaciated, Aertós. See Thin. Emaciation, Aettàtms, mºros, i. To emanate, áiroßéw, fut. —Éeūoopal, oftener —Éuffoo- pat. See To proceed. - An emanation, 'étrofiñoſ. To emancipate, Aev6epów, 'êtrexévêepów, free. *- Emancipation, 'étréAsv6épalais, ews, h; ‘ātrexévêepſø. To embalm, Tàpixeſ w. * See To eaglain. See To | 3? Embalmer—Emotion An embalmer, rapixeuths. Embalming, Tàpixevais, eas, i. Embankment, x&pia, rö; ’āvāšoxh, 5x60s; āpéoA&s 'yi, Xen. See Mound. To embark, intrans. Šuéatva', fut. Bhoopal, aor. 2. —éénv, c. dat. or c, eis and acc.; Triśaiva, c. gen. or c. dat., or c. Éirl and acc.; eiséaíva, c. acc. or c. prep.; with, orivetséaivo, c. dat. pers., acc. of ship. Being embarked in the same dangerous and fearful circumstances, év attois Toſs Šelvois ſcal pošepots éuésémicós, Dem. To embark, trans. (i.e. to make to embark), "åvāśaiva', in fut. and aor. 1. act., ávašflow and &véémoa; Šuši- Sáſa, Čirićišá(w, 'üvášišá(w. Embarkation, eſséâqis, i. To embarrass, és àiroptav Ka8tortmut, pres, imperf, fut. and aor 1. in act. Sens., perf, aor. 2, act, aor. l. mid. and pres. pass, in pass. Sens. See To perplea. Embarrassment, 'üpmxãvía, ’ātropia. See Difficulty, Perplerity. Embassy (both the business on which the ambassador goes, and the “embassy,” i.e. body of ambassadors), Tpegéeta. A solemn embassy to games or temples, &pxiðeopío. A going on an embassy, trpégéevois, eas, i. To go on an embassy, trpegéeto, -opal, mid, both to go on an embassy and to send (c. acc.) on an embassy, pass. to be negotiated in an embassy. To go on an em- bassy together with, ovptſpeošetw. To send embassies in different directions, 6tárped'éetouai, mid. To send an embassy in opposition, duritpeošetřopal, mid. To be faithless in an embassy, Tūpāmpeo Setºw, more common in mid. To embattle, Tào ora. See To array. To embellish, ſcoopéo. See To adorn. Embellishment, '#yaapa, Té; ºpórznua, T6. See Ornament. - To embezzle, TàpekAéya. An emblem, a fina, Tó; onwetov. Emblematical, a muetáðms. Embossed, i &ickpovo ros, ov. To embowel, a träayxveča. To embrace, datá(ouai, mid.; trepińapéâvo, fut. —Afthoual, aor. 2.-éAašov; oup.TAéicopal, pass.; ºf Gu- ‘pitritto, fut. Tregoûual, aor. 2. —éreorov; ; Tpostritta, ºf trepittàgaw; duºpišáAAw Xepalu, Eur.; &pſp. &Aé- vals, Eur.; TreptéâAAo Xeipas, c, dat. pers., Eur.; Tepi}ax&v 8paxtovi, Eur.; (i.e. comprehend, include under one general head) duTéxo, oftener Att. du- wiazó; irpostrepixaped vo; a party or an opinion, See Sign. aipéopal, mid, aor. 2, sixdumv; Śāva. Embracing your knees, yévu orby dutiox&v xepl, Eur. Suffer me to embrace my children, and fold them in my arms, A60° às reputtuxator. 83, Xépas, trposappógao” éuois év dykóort Tékva Śānal, Eur. An embrace, I &ortraorua, Té; + trepittixh, duºpºrtiº- . xh; Tpóstr.tvyua, Tó; + trposéox#; trepiéoxh Xelpöv or Xepôv, Eur. The olject embraced, +'trayköAigua, Tó; + Tāpaytā- Atopia, Tá; + trpósittvyna, Tó. To embroider, TolkixAw, only pres. and imperf. Embroidered, touchaos, ŠalčáAos; ŚatěšAeos, a, ov; + troAijiroticiaos, ov; ; troAtlé5ápos, ov; with flowers, div6ókpokos, ov. e An embroiderer, troticińths, où, 3. An embroidered garment, troficiaga, Té. Embroidery, Troticiaía, + ypäſph. To embroil,-they wished to embroil them with one another, ééoùAouto avykpoiſely airtois dAAñAois, Thuc. To emend, Öp6ów, Étavop0ów. Emendation, êtrávépôopa, Tó. An emerald, guápay60s, 6, #. To emerge, ’āvāööopal, mid.; ’āvāicöttw. Emergency, 'üváylcm; + orévos, T6. See Difficulty. In our present emergency, iv' &otapev xpeias, Soph. To provide for an emergency, to act in an emergency, airtoaxe6táço, c. acc. of what is done. An emigrant, pºétoucos. - To emigrate, Hefliotauai, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf. act.; 'étáviotăual, uetaviorâual, petoticéa, ’ātrol- kéw, ééolkéw; ’āvoukigouai, mid. and pass. To make to emigrate, pºeffiotnut, only pres, fut. and aor, 1. See To remove. Emigration, uetoucía; uetoikºlais, ews, i. Eminence, Iriſpáveia; (i.e. hill, q.v.) Tâyos. Eminent, 6tärpetàs ; Éittanºos, ov; riqāvās; + š- oxos, ov. See Eacellent. Eminently, Štěpepávras, Šiširpetrós, ºf €6xas. To be eminent (abs. and) among, Ötöttpétro ; trpoſika, only pres. and imperf. An emissary, tropºrós. See Messenger. Emission, Tpóeoris, eos, h; éicitéuipts, #. To emit, imput (i Att.), imperf. imv and fouv; ’āvímut, ‘ābinul, éâtmut, An emmet, kvil, é, í, gen. Kvitrós, Emolument, képôos, Tá; Añua, Tá; Xpmuuärta wds. See Gain. Emotion, Tá60s, té; Spu%; (violent) TTánais, eas, i. in turn, &vritrepi\ap- See To correct. 133 Emperor—Encounter Emperor, Hövapxos. Emphatically, Ölafiftöny, 'ürås. Empire, &pxfi. See Dominion. Empiricism, Éatreupta (opp. to Aó)0s, rule founded on principle, and to éiriatiºn, scientific knowledge of principles). To employ, xpdouat (perf. pass. Sometimes in act. sens.); Tposéya, Tāpārijepal. To be employed (of a person), eiul, c. Év and dat,; biárpiša, ; Śiśrpišºv ... trouéopat, c. Tepl or Tpos and acc. of the object, or c. érl and dat.; ’āvao Tpépopal, pass, c, čv and dat. See To use, To be occupied. - One must employ, Xpmotéov. - gº Employed (of men and of things), €vepyös, Öv. An employer, ép),066tms, ov, 6. Employment, Šištpié, épyāoria; (i.e. want of leisure) &axoxia. An emporium, Épitéptov. To empower, éovo ſaw ötöwgi, Čovatav tápéxw. Empress, + 8égiaeta. See Queen. Emprise, TóAumua, Té. See Enterprise. Emptiness, kevärms, mTos, i. Empty, kevos (poet. Kelvás); + Metápotos, a, ov, and os, ov (of a boat). Utterly empty, Sidrewos, ov. Empty-headed, ‘I keväppov (of counsels). S An empty space, àidicevov. To empty, keväw, ékkevów. Emptying, kévooris, eas, i. To emulate, 'üuxAáopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in mid. sense, c. dat., or c, trpos and acc, pers, c, dat, or repl and gen, or éirl or trpos and acc. rei; &v6opſiAAéopal, @Aów. One ought to emulate, 'uiwāntéov. Emulation, ‘āuiàAa, ÇüA0s ; (#Awua, Té; piaotiuſa. See Rivalry. An emulator, Gºxwths, ot, 6. * Emulous, piñátipos, ov, c. trpos and acc. of the per- son, c. repl and gen, or étri and dat. of the object; êvãuińAos, ov; pixóveikos, ov. Therefore our ancestors and the Lacedæmonians were everlastingly emulous of one another, and indeed at that time emulated one another in the pursuit of the most glorious objects, &el uév obv of 6’ huérepot Tpé- 'yovot kal Aaicebalpêviol pixotiuws irpès &AAñAovs eixov, où pºv &AA& repl KaxAtatov čv éketvous roºs Xpóvous #ptAovíkmaav, Isoc. Emulously, pixotiuws, pixovetičas. To enable, träpättönut, c. dat, pers. and infin.; Trâpéxw. To enact, vouc0etéo, + šeoporotéa. See To decree. Enactment, Segubs, pl. oi and Tá; see Law; i. e. the act of enacting, Séois. To be enamoured of, piñéa. See To love. To encage, eſpyw. See To imprison. To encamp, otpātorečeňa, oftener -opal, mid. ; orn- véw ; a knvéopal, pass.; gºvów ; kåtagºnvéo, and —opal, mid. ; kataotpatoirefießw, and -opal, mid. ; kä0éopal, mid, fut. Kaffeóotual ; (apart from) &ro- orkmyéal, 'üſrootpārorečeňouat ; (around) trepio Tpa- toirečeňouat ; (in, or at) évotpatoirečeňouat ; (with) avatpatoirečejouat ; (near) trapaakºváo; (outside) ékotpatoirečeňouai. To shift one's camp and encamp in another place, petadtpatoirečetouai. To make to encamp, encamp soldiers, kafligw, no perf, no pass. Seuthes shifted his camp and encamped at a greater distance, Xeščns &reatpatoirečeigato Tpogwrépa, Xen. An encamping, atpátoréðevois, ews, h. An encampment, otpárotrebeta. See Camp. One encamped at a distance, & Téo knvos, ov. To enchain, trečāw, 66w. See To chain. To enchant, &éAya, no perf, though there is aor. 1. pass.; kátákmåéw, also to relieve (pain) by enchant- , \ ment. See To charm. Enchantment, Éirgöl, it kmäntäptov ; + k \mua, tá. To use enchantments (as a magician), f uāyetw. An enchanter, uáyos, usu, in bad sense; +&éAktwp, opos, 6. See Magician. To encircle, kükääw ; kirAéw and –ouai, mid, no pass.; † otépa. See To surround. Encircling anything, ºf treptoteq fts. To enclose, eſpyw, icărețpyw, trepietpyw, ‘f trepittögow + ovykāetw; (by building) treptoticoãopéa. Enclosed, trepielpygopévos (of a place). An enclosure, épicos, td; † 6plcávil, f Tepiéoxos; āſt- qi'éAmuz, Tá. - The lofty enclosure of walls, &pſpíšAnotpa roixov in m- A&, Eur. Encomiastic, čykwutaq'rikás. See Praising. Encomium, Éykópºtov. See Praise, Panegyric. To encompass, trºpiéâAAw; trepixéouai, pass.; Tepi RAetw; + &pſpiéaiva, fut. -6foopal, perf. —ééémica. See To surround. Encompassing, F &pſpiðpóuos, ov. Encompassing a city, ‘f &pſpítr toxis, eas, 6, #; i &pſpitetxàs. An encounter (fight, q.v.), ovuéoxh; orivobos, i. To encounter (to meet, or to fight, q.v.), avušćAAw; ovvavtåa, and –tdopal, mid.; ovuuſyutput, esp. in fight, sometimes ovg. xeſpás Tivi, sometimes o. Tivi 134 Lincourage —Endure sis uéxny. To encounter (dangers), yxeipiſopal, mid.; iºtarapai, c, aor. 2. act; iroušva. How great and terrible a danger was encountered by this city for the freedom of the Greeks, &s péyas Kal Selvos tíðe Tà tróAel Icívövvos ūrép ris Tów ‘EAA#- vov éAévôspías #7 wyíoſón, Lys. I am willing to encounter this danger for my country, ‘Ey& Tpo yaías Tóvãe ktvövvov ŠēAw ‘Pſyal, Eur. To encourage, &apoſva, often also Spågåva'; 'êvã0ap- Güva'; träpäuä0éopal, mid., c. dat, or c. acc.; reaeto; étriceNet/w, c. dat. or c. acc.; TāpākāAéw; + kéAopat, aor. 2. čkekAéumv; + &rpúva. One must encourage, träpäuä0mtéov. Encouragement (an encouraging of), träpäkéAevo,s, eas, # ; tāpāiceNevo ués ; tāpāicéAevoua, Tá; Tāpā- pºvěia. Encouraging (i.e. calculated to encourage, as hope, fortunate circumstances, etc.), eúðapoºs, träpäiceAev. oticós, ºf Sapoaxéos. To encroach, trapašū"ouai, mid. Encroachment, träpääjois, eas, i. - To encumber, Bāpāva, yewigo. See To load. Encumbrance, àx60s, Tó; áutróðiopia, Té. See Load, Hindrance. - End, the, TéAos, Tó; reaevtſi ; répua, T6; trépas, ătos, Tá; #960s, h; ŚiśAüois, h; kátáAúa is; + rék- pap, indecl.; ºf Tépôpov; (of any thing cut) toufi. The end of, adj., áozáros (usu, the further, or the ex- treme end). At the end, ºf tépulos (of death, or the place where a person is fated to die); # Teppävlos. My hair stood on end, cpatl 6° àp0ſovs éðeipas &ve- Trépoka, Eur. To end, finish, trans., TeXevráo, c, acc., sometimes c. gen.; Texéw, repaiva, kārāxöw, Éictepatva, Értexev- Táo; (i.e. to cease from, q.v.) raiſopal, mid. To end, intrans., "åtroTeXevtåw, c. is and acc. You end your speech, kāraatpépets Aóyov teNeutfiv, AEsch. Bring your calamity to a fortunate end, eú trós Tºv vögov kataqtpépov, Eur. All things ended in this (i.e. became this at last), is Totto travra direkptôm, Thuc. Where will the force of calamity end, where will it ter. animate, being lulled asleep 2 tro? 67ta kpaveſ, trol KataAñéet petalcotulo 6év weuos &rms; Æsch. - See what is the end of the holy prophecies of the God, okótret tº oréuv' ºv' #ket roß Seow uavretuata, Soph. There is an end of faith, hope, threats, etc., ppoßm trfortus, ºppoióat éâtrióes, ºppotºs éotu 'Apyetww otpatós, R. T. A. Soph. Eur, (ºppoiâ0s is sometimes decl. 0s, ov, more usually os, m, ov). Having come to the end of labours, āreptéAms’ā0Awv, Soph. * The end of the month, uhy (p6iváv, Thuc. One who ends, puts an end to, + Airhp, fipos, 6; + trav- othp, fipos, 6. To endanger, Kuvööveča, c. dat. kivövvetſopal, mid. and pass. Endearing, +&exict#ptos, ov. Endearment, Šotraaga, Tó. An endeavour, reſpa; 'yxeipmua, Tó; áyxelpmats, eas, h; éirixeipmua, tá. See Attempt, Trial. To endeavour, repāa, more usu. -opal, mid., aor. J. pass, both in act, and pass. sens.; Trixelpéa, c, dat., or c, acc., or c. infin.; Yxeſpée, c, dat. See To attempt. - Why do you make this endeavour 3 ti Tàvö' dºpoppºs treſpou; Soph. - One must endeavour, relpâtéov, Štrixelpmréow. Endive, kóvvça. - Endless, ’āirépavros, ov; 'êtrepos, ov; ’āvāvūros, ov; +’éréppov, 6 kai ji, neut. ov, gen, -ovos; +”ákpavros, ov; +’âtelpégios. - Endlessly, deſ. See Always. To endorse, étriypápa, 'ütroypápa. Endorsement, tri"ypauſa, Tó. To endow, TAourtſw; +éðváopat, mid. See Dowry. She being endowed with such virtue and modesty, kpatm- oraga totaútms &petàs ical goſppoo dums, Isoc. Endurable, "åvaoxetos, also poet. duo'Xerbs, by, usu. with a negative; +tAmtés, ‘i popntos, oia rés. Easily endurable, ºf eighópmtos, ov. Endurance, kaprepta, kaptépmois, h; caprépmua, Tó. To endure (i.e. bear, q.v.), ‘āvéxopal, mid.; TAda, (not used in pres.), aor. 2. čTAmy (Trag. only use fut., aor. 2, and once perf, indic.); Toxuda', 'ütrouéva; q,épo, fut. ofaro, oftener otoropal, aor. l. #veyka; ūTopépo, ötavt.Aéw; kaptepéa, c. rpès and acc., etri or év and dat.; (labours or dangers) +’ā0Aéo; yet more, étritàAaltopéo. See To last. They endured to the end for the sake of their country, âtelcaptépovv eis thv tra"píða, Lycurg. He endures slavery, Öovățº Xpital ºyº, AEsch. They would no longer endure it, oùxéri dvaoxerov étrouotivto, Thuc. - One must endure, ‘ūtrogevetéov, 'übertéov. What must be endured, 'üverté0s. To be endangered. 135 ...” Enduring—Enlarge Enduring, tafuov, ovos, 6, #; TāAaſtapos, ov; ; tā. Aalbpov, ovos, 6, #; ºf rangiuox60s, ov. Enduring nuch, ºf troAi’tàas, only in nom. sing. masc.; troXij- TAfikov; + troXàuox60s, ov. See Patient. With endurance, Taxattrépas, TAmuávols. An enemy, ex0pès, Toàéutos; evdutios, usu, in pl.: 'iſtevãutios, +8%ios. See Antagonist. Belonging to an enemy, troAéulos, a, and os, ov. Beacons giving notice of the approach of an enemy, qpuktol troAéutoi, Thuc. To become an enemy, troAépéopal, pass. To make an additional enemy of, trpooſtroAegóouai, mid. Had any one become his enemy 2 öl’ x8pas uáv Tis ºv &qiyuévos; Eur. Energetic, Spaatſipios, ov; &okvos, ov; evepyös, Öv; £6eX6trovos, ov. Energetically, dörvos, évepyós. Energy, &Akh, Öppañ; Öğütms, mTos, #. To enervate, ŠpirTw, esp. in pass.; 6.30pūtra, kārd- "viſut; + kātakāda, esp. in pass. To be enervated, piñAărcígouai, pass.; uax6ic{{ouai. See Effeminate. To enfeeble, do 6evów. To be enfeebled, 300evéa. See To weaken. To enfold, Tepittào'ow, ÉykäAörta. See To wrap. To enforce (i.e. compel, q.v.), 'évaykáša. To be enfranchised, eisoutſoual. Newlyenfranchised, veočáſtóóms (a Lacedæmonian term), To engage (i. e. to promise, q.v.), 'ütrioxvéopal, mid. (also i öttoxopal), fut. Útrooxhorougt, aor. 2. ‘ūToex6. Amy, also perf. pass. Útréoxnual and aor. 1. ‘ûtegyé0mv in act. sens., properly c. infin. fut, sometimes c. infin. pres, or even c. infin, aor.; (i. e. to occupy, as an employment engages one) étréxo; (in battle) ovu- AdAAw; see To fight ; in business, war, public affairs, etc., & Tropat, mid., c. gen.; duffāttopal; juïAéw, c. dat.; TposogiXéo, c. dat; (i. e. to persuade, q.v., a person to do so and so) refów. In sach a contest is the divine Orestes about to engage with the two, rotavös TáAmu Atooroºs péAAst 6eſos 'Opérrms"Ayew, AEsch. And when we are engaged with the enemy, jvſko. 3’ &v tipleſs éyxelpºpaev toſs troAeptois, Xen. Socrates was engaged in considering what had been said, Tpos Téº eipmuévô Aóyº ºv ć Sakpárms, Plat. Whatever he was engaged in, & per& xeipas àxot, Thuc. See To cecupy. They engaged in the war, és Tov TóAepov Katéortmaav, Isoc. Engaged in, Tpostixis, c, dat. See Involved. Engagement (i. e. promise, q. v.), bréoxeoris, n; (i.e. battle, q.v.) ovuéoah, givočos. - Engaging, xàpfels; etxàpts, itos, 6, #. - To engender, Tſicro, fut. Téa, oftener réouat (the only fut. in Trag.) piºreto, Yevváw, diroyevváw. See To cause. - An engine, unxãvá. An engine-maker, p.mxãvotrotés. To engrave, YAñpw, yyMüpa, xàpágow. An engraver, yMöttmy. A tool for engraving, YAüpävov. To engross ; fear wholly engrosses me, tpduos pe Tāorav dypeſ, Sapph. To be engrossed by, ºf évéxopal, only in pres, and imperf. To enhance, aiśāva, fut. ašthoro. See To increase. Enhancement, ačnoſis, eas, ii. See Increase. Enigma, aivityua, rö; aiviºuás. See Riddle. Enigmatical, aiviyuárwöhs, givuktés; + aioAóatopos (of persons or oracles). Enigmatically, aiviktmpias. To speak enigmatically, aivio gouai, mid, pass. to be spoken enig. I know the God to be always to the wisé an enigmatical deliverer of oracles, toy &eov... §§erſ. orapat aroqois pºv aivuctiipa šeogdºtov del, Soph. To enjoin, Éptepial, mid. (i Att.); ÉvréAAø, oftenel -opiat, mid., pass. rare, except in perf.; tāoroa, c. dat. or acc. pers.; Śiritáalow; trio Rätta, c, dat. pers., acc. rei, or c, dat. pers, and infin., or c. acc. pers. and infin., or c, gem. acc.; ºf trpoſpovéal; in addition, trposev'réA- Aouai, mid; "poserioréAAw, esp. by letter. See To command. To enjoin not to do, 'üTâyopeta, c. dat. pers, pººl and infin. rei. See To command. To enjoy, dToMata, c, gen, more rarely c. acc.; 'āyāAAouat, mid., only pres, and imperf., c. dat, or c. éri and dat.; Tauptakoua, mid., fut. Tauphoonal, no aor. 1, aor. 2.Éirmūpov and -ópmy, mid, usu. c. gen, more rarely c. acc.; Śvēvapai, mid., only in fut, ðvágouai, and aor. 2. &vhunu, opt. Švalumu (2nd sing. aor. 2, opt. §vato, often used as imper. “may you en- joy”), aor. 1., pass, in trans, sens. &víðmy; Xpáopal, c. dat.; kapréoual, mid, no pass. To enjoy besides, Tposatoxaúw, c. acc. To enjoy together, givāroxaúw. See To rejoice. * Enjoyment, àvnoſis, h; ’āiróxavois, h; Étraßpeats, i. To enkindle, ’āvākata. See To kindle. To enlarge, aiºva, fut, oftflow; (i. e. to speak at length) uékpmyopéo, unkövo, or sometimes ºnkün & A6)ov, uči poxoyéw: } 36 Enlargement—Entertain Fnlargement, atºmoris, eos, h; (i.e. liberation, q.v.) éAévôépworts, ews, ii. See Increase, Ea'ension. To enlighten, lit. (see To shine); metaph. Tatēetw. See To teach. Enlightenment, traßevots, ii. See Learning. To enlist, trans, ’āyeipw, kátáAéyw, ovXAéyw; in- trans., &roypáqouai, mid. To enliven, patópāva, and -opal, mid. Enmity, Éx60s, Tó; Éxflpa (sometimes c. dat. of per- son against whom); Śwspuéveta, ’ātréx6ela. Being at enmity with him, à éx0pas Tóðe . . . woxöv, Eur. Any one being at enmity with her, ovuéax&v éxºpav Tis airfi, Eur. - Being at enmity with many and powerful men, eis éx0pay troXAois kal Suvatois karao Tavres, Plat. See Hatred. - §. Wise men should pray to be at enmity with the wise (not with fools), toſs goſpots 3' eiictov orópºp”Ex0pav oiváirteuſ, Eur. To ennoble, aiśāva, fut. aščhow; āpóów, Öyków. See To ea'alt. Ennui, kakoréðela. Enormity (of conduct), ‘ûrepêox#. Enormous, ‘ûrepueyé6ms; 'ütrépoykos, ov; ‘ūtrépuerpos, ov. See Great, Large. Enormously, ‘ūtrepuérpaſs. Enough, "àAts, often c. gen. ; '#6my, àpkoëvros, étrapkočvtws, "åroxptºvtos. * Enough of night remained for them to cross the plain before daylight, Aetireto Tās vuktös àorov orkotatous âteaflety to trebtov, Xen. See Sufficiently. Enough, adj., ‘icăvös, Öğapkhs, Ölapkås, cient. To be enough, ēpicéo, no perf.; £apkéw. It is enough, impers. 'étréxpm. See To suffice. To enquire, Çntéo, airéal. See To ask. Enquiry, Çfit morus, i. To enrage, àpyatva', no perf, no pass.; āpyſſa, Čop- yiſo, + ščva, Tàpośćvo, + x0xów, Łópivo. I have enraged my husband more than I should have oone, uáAAov 3 xpjv, #Aar’ eis àpyhv Tóriv, Eur. To enrage those who were chastised, Öpyhv ćuiroueiv Tots koWaoréeſort, Plat. You are enraged, not with those in fault, but with . . . où Tobs airſovs &AA& Tobs . . Dem. See Anger. Enraptured, trepixãphs. See Glad. To enrich, TAovtića, kātāTAovrić w. See Suffi- > > *A * . Šv épyń Troteſo 0e, Enriching, TAovtmpos, ov; + šA6036tns, and fem. àA6036Telpa; + 8305'TAovros, ov; + šAéióðwpos, ov; + šAéopópos, ov. To enrol (a person among), Ypāq,w two táv, etc. . To enrol oneself, Čiriypábouai, mid. To ensanguine, ºf aiuda'aw. See Blood. To enshrine, ispáo. An ensign, + a hueſov. See Standard. To enslave, SovXów, katašovXów, c. perf. pass, in act. sens.; &věpárošíſo, Éavöpātoātgo. See Slave To join in en- slaving, avykataðovXów. Enslaved, + 6ovXócrüvos. An enslaving, 605Awo-is, ews, h; kotaboðAworis &vöpätroötagós. There is no greater misfortune for men than being en- slaved, ris &vayicatas Tūxms oil, éotiv oiâèv weſov &v6pátrous kaköv, Soph. See Slavery. To ensnare, 60x60; + qiāymvečw, no pass. ; + trepi- ěčAAw. To be ensnared, eis BóAov cabiotăual, Eur. To ensue, ‘ālcoxov6éo, c. dat. See To follow. To ensure, Beéaláw. To entangle, utyväul, éutrāAdorow; ovutroëtſa, lit. or metaph. To be entangled, éuTAékopal, pass. ; orvu- TAéropat; Évéxopal, pass, only pres. and imperf. : orivaptdopal, étraXAdoraopai. Entanglement, TAoicſ. To enter, sisépxopal, fut. –exeſcopal, aor. 2. —7A00v; eſselpu (—téval); €uśaiva, fut. Šuéño'ouai, aor. 2. évéémv, perf. égéénro, part. Šušeš&s, &ora, etc.; eisgatva; ; Śēouai, mid., perf. 6éðūica, aor. 2, #6vy; kataðūw; + trapao tetxo, no fut. ; (as a ship) eistæðo; (before) trpoetsépxoplat; (privily, surreptitiously) ‘ūtreisépxopal; trópeptſtrto, fut. — reoroijuat, aor, 2. —éreoſov; (by force, or to force an entrance into) sisétá- (opal, mid.; (together with) givetsépxoual, oivets- Titro. To enter, trans. (in a book), tíðmut; (chariots for a race, etc.) ka9tnut, imperf -ſmv and -íovv. Entering a chariot, Özotoriv Šušeš&s tróða, Soph. What may be entered, eiséâtös, Öv. See Accessible. Enterprise, (the disposition) TóAuá and 76Aum, eitoxpta ; (an enterprise) treſpa ; TôAumua, T6. A hazardous enterprise, i kivāńvevua, Té. Enterprising, roMumpás; Toxuffets, superl. contr. Toxaharatos ; eiſroxpos, ov; yxelpmticós. See Bold. Enterprisingly, roAumpós, "f eitóApios. An enterprising person, êtrixelpmths. To entertain (i, e, receive in one's house), 3exopo's, 137 Entertainment—-Envoy mid., with perf pass. 6éðeyuai, in act. sens.; ‘ūtroëé. xoMat, Ševčw, and poet, (including Trag.) Selvigo; eisãéxogai (also metaph., as, to entertain an excuse, etc.); #évéouai, mid, pass.; + kåtaševów; (with a feast) ei.axéw. To entertain all, Tavčokešw, c. acc. To entertain (i. e. to amuse, q.v.), Téptw. To be entertained as a guest, Érićev6ouai, To entertain an expeciation, 365ms éirigalva, Soph. Entertainment, Entertaining (of guests), ‘ūtoãox#; £évious, eas, h; Śeviglios, Ševoãoxfa; (i.e. amusement, q. v.) Téppus, ii. See Host. Enthusiasm, śv6ovoſtaguós; Év6ovatāris, eas, h; (i. e. eagerness, q.v.) irpoffvuía. Enthusiastic, čv6ovoſiao Tucós; (i. e. eager, q. v.) trpóðipos, ov. To be enthusiastic, čudovoida, Évêovoiáço; (i. e. to be eager, q.v.) Tpo6üuéopal, mid. To entice, beAeá(w; ſixá'yoyéw (only to entice men); (away) ÖroMagáávo. - Enticement, 6éAeap, &ros, T6. See Allurement. Enticing, Tâywyös, Öv; Éq,0Akos, ov. An enticing (the action), Wüxãyaºyia. Entire, 3Åos, Tås, ‘āras, irpátras, go...as; + wité- Tpepºvos, ov; † 6A00 xepſis; 6Aók?\mpos, ov. Entirely, Táyxv, ŠAws, ’ātexvós. See Wholly. To entitle (i. e. to call), icăAéo. See To call. I am entitled to be released from these evils, 6tcaiós eiut Tövö’ &tm?\Aáx0at caków, Soph. To entomb, &&TTw, kātā0áTTw. See To bury. Entrails, Šutepov, usu. in pl.; orträdyxvov, usu. in pl. An entrance, or passage to enter, eſsočos or ésoë0s, #; atáua, Tá; otówtov; eissão is, h; eisé0Aft; of a harbour, eistãoos, contr. estàovs; (i. e. space by or before gates) irpárğāov, usu, in pl.: Tporâatov, usu, in pl. A narrow entrance, ortevatrös, i. Entry, the act of entering, eisobos, h; Évöüois, eas, h; efsöüoris; (esp. of soldiers as a reinforcement to a be- sieged garrison) elsöpouń. Breaking down the walls, and making by force of arms a wide entrance within the gates, tetxº Karaokójavra, Kal truñóv čaw Aó)xptAarétaveisèpou?ivtrototpaevov, Eur. Having a narrow entrance, orévôtropos, ov. Having a double entrance, föppidipos, ov; +’āuſpiri- Aos, ov, ºf 8to Topos, ov. Entranced, vvuſpáAmirtos, ov. To entrap, firepišáAAw; ‘ūtrépxopal, mid., fut. –exeſ- gouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fiXbov; also 36A4. Örépxo- gaſ two, Eur.; + aipéa, aor. 2. čiaov. See To en- Sºare, To deceive. - To entreat, “icetedw, rafficereñaſ; sixouai, mid. c. dat, sometimes c. acc.; reixoia, possixoga; 3éopol, mid-, fut. Señorougt, aor. 1. pass. Ösh9my, in act. sens, ; &vriðoxéa, Aïtéveto; Atagouai, mid., only pres, and imperf; £irtuaptiſpoſal, mid.; firvéouai, mid, only pres, and imperf.; +&vtić ſw, only act.; + &vrouai, mid., only pres, and imperf.; +tpostſtra, fut. I treactual, aor. 2. —érégov; + mpositºrvo, only pres. and imperf.; with great perseverance, Aſtrépéo, in pass. of the person so entreated; by touching the chin, ‘ūtroyevelá(w; in return, &vttöéopat; earnestly, Airápéw. To obtain by entreaty, trópattéopal, “Do not, I entreat you by your knees,” Wh trpás ore yovátwv, Eur. See To ask, To beg. One must entreat (earnestly), Altrápmtéov. Entreaty, Öémois, ews, ii; &vtišoxta; ávrišáAmoris, eos, ii; Tapairmous, h; ‘iketeia, ºf iceata; † 6émaa, tó. See Supplication. Abstaining from entreaty, t'évicérevros, ov. To entrust, Čiritpéra, träpääföwpu, ärtorréAAw; Tpots. wal, mid.; Éptepal, 'évätiönut, turreño. Entry. See Entrance. To entwine, TAérca, avutračica. See To twine. To envelop, kāAúirta, ovykäAöTTw, icătălcăAöTTw, Tepicañútro, YicăAöttw, trpokáAöTTw, reputtigaw, See To cover. An envelope, tràuppa, Tó; trepicáAvppa. Cover. Enviable, étiq flovos, ov; ſmãwtós; Ériſmãos, ov; troAſſºos, ov; ’āpiśńAwtos, ov; uaicaptorós, òv. In a way to excite envy, Étup86vøs (8tairpáčgada; tı). Not to be envied, &@Awtos, ov. Not provoking envy, &pbovos, ov. Envious, pēovepós; +éiríq6ovos, ov; 8áakāvos, ov. Enviously, pôovepôs, étiq6óvas. Enviousness, pôovepia. To environ, Tepito Túpal, mid, only pres, imperf, fut, and aor. l. mid. c. aor. 2., perf, act. Seá. To surround. The environs (of a city), iſ treptoticis, fö0s. To enumerate, 6tépxoſal, fut. —exeijo opal, aor. 2. —fiX60y; kátáAéya, ’ātrāpiðuéo, 'évêpiègéopat, mid.; âtéčeipi, -lévat; in opposition, on the other hand, &vri- ăteşépxopal, &vribuéetut, Enumeration, 'ütrāpi"99 mois, eos, i. To enunciate, pºéy'yopat, mid.; † Tpoſpovéa. To utter. ... " Enumciation, p80 yyos, + pôoyyń. See Voice. An envoy, irperébs, eas, 6. See Ambassador. See See }38 Bövos); pôāvmous, eas, h; {n^otüria. Freedom vom envy, <wia. o envy, ºptovéa, inroſpôovéa, ºnAów; 8aakaſva, c. acc. r c, dat.; + širićAéra. o we deserve to be so envied by the Greeks for the . . . nd the dominion which we have 2 °Ap” &étoi éagèv ... àpxis re évéka is #xopiev toſs "EAAmal ph oùrws &yav Čiriq6va's 6takeſota; Thuc. pic, čirotrotikós. w 'pic poems, Epic poetry, Śirm, td; Toirotia. Epic composition, Éaſºta (opp. to kiöäppäta, lyric com- position). n epic poet, Širotroubs, flappābs (applied to Hom. esp. as reciting his own poems). n epicure ºf Tévôms, ov, 6; Tpotévôms. Åke an epicure, Aixvos, n, ov, and os, ov; āyogāyos, ov, superl. Öhoſpayiotatos. ºpicurism, Tevffeta, Aixveta. o be an epicure, trporévôsiſa. epigram, Čiri'yappa, Té. he epigram which some say was written on Midas the Phrygian, to éiríypappa 6 Míðg tº ºpvy! pag: Twes étrºyeypdq6al, Plat. An epilogue, étiaoyos. episode, étrelsöölov. n epistle, étriotoxii; 8téAos, i. m epitaph, ētriºpappa, Té. An epoch, xpóvos. See Time. Squable, égaW4s. quability, ÖuáAótms, mºtos, i. 2dual, 'iaos (AEsch. once has toos, later poets, e.g. Theoc., have i), compar, iorairepos, often c. conj. (toos &otrep, Soph., loos kal, Soph, Eur.; toos &s, toos &re, Eur.); 6poſos, a, ov, Att. often os, ov; 'io 6350Tos, ov, c. dat, or c, gen.; &yxépáAos, ov; &vtirãxos, ov; pāuixxos, ov; Évêulxxos, ov, c. dat. or c. trpos and acc. See Like, qual (i. e. fighting or able to fight on equal terms), &štěpáxos, ov. qual in age, fixté, iros, 5, #, rather of young than of old men; † 607Aić, ºf avyātā, iorăAtć. ne equal in age, Niklótms, ov 6; the body of those equal in age, fixiºta. Equally balanced, iorokäiväs. Of equal courage, ºf iodºvXos, ov. qual to a danger (i.e. able to overcome it), iorokiv- 6üvos, ov. aving equal laws, iodvouos, ov; iototexís. Equal in length, io9ſ firms. See Letter, * nvy, ºdóvos, (fixos (often in a better sense thani Envy—Equestrian Equal in width, ioroTAáths. Equal in number, icottambás; iotipiduos, oy. Of equal power, influence, or authority, iodºmpos, oy; igokpātās; &vtićfiotros, ov. Having an equal share, igówolpos, ov. To have an equal share, be on terms of perfect equality with, ioropoupéa, c. Tpos and acc.; iodouai, pass. To have equal rights, ioſovoweouai, pass. We know that the affairs of those at war with one another sometimes proceed on more equal terms than might be expected from the different numbers of each, ériotáwe6a tê Töv troAegiov čotiv Šte koivorépas Tès rêxas Aapiéâvoura à katē to 61&qepov čicatépot TA790s, Thuc. Of equal size or eatent, tio duopos, ov; idopeyebís. Equal in value to, äutéâtos Coming equally to all, tigotéWeatos, ov. Equal to, prep , &vrl, c. gen. To be equal to, iodºw, Éto 60; to set oneself up as equal to, Épí(w. See To emulate. To be equal to (a labour etc.), 5tapicéo. An equal number of times, 'igūicts. The battle by sea having been equal, ioroššátov Tiji vavuaxias ſcaffe0 Tmkvias, Thuc. Having regard to the battle by sea having been nearly equal, trpos &vriiraaév tº Tijs vavuaxias &tičávres, Thuc. Equalisation, 'üvioraqis, eas, h; Tāpio wais, eos, i. To equalise, ópotów ; iodw (i Att, i elsewhere); €1. orów, 'üviorów; iodºw, no fut. One must equalise, ééto otéov. Equality, iorótms, mTos, ji (i Att., i elsewhere); Św8. Aórms, ºtos, h; (of rights) io oréAeta; (of laws) iro- vouía. Equal freedom of speech, ignyopia. An equal participation in, io'opiopia. Equally, Šuws; idov and loa (irov, 'loa Att, i else. where); €3 to ov; it’ to ov; &tö täs to ms; ÉÉ forms; tows; 6potas, sometimes àpioios kal, or öuota's Te kal; ôuotov and Šuota, sometimes c. dat, or c. &ote, or c. On equal terms (of a drawn battle, etc.), &yx&- paña; &mb too to ov; &vtuššátras. And those of them who were of the greatest reputation never lived with their fellow-citizens on equal terms, nor affably, nor as became citizens, oi 6’ v Tafs wey:- a rats 66&ais Švres airóv ŠušA&s pºp oë icolvös où3& Toxirikás oičetróirot' éétoo av, Isoc. Equanimity, eúkoxia, + y&Añv). With equanimity, Ögöios. Equestrian, in Tucós. See Horse, Horseman. p HCCºl. 139 Equestrian—Escape An equestrian, intreſs. See Horseman. Fuuilateral, iorótrºevpos, ov. - Equilibrium, ÖgöAóTºms, mºros, h; to offiotría. Equinoctial, iormuepivés; iofuepos, ov. The equinox, io muspto. To equip, otéAAw, a keväſa, Čvokévéſa, Čiriakeväço; éčaptio, fut. -ão w. To be equipped, to equip oneself, ěšaptăouai, pass. ; Stagićevéopal, mid. and pass.; totoxt{opal, pass. To be well equipped, ºf eigh evéw. Well equipped, eiotăAhs (in prose also lightly equip- ped); + etotoxos, ov. Not equipped, + šakevos, ov, c. gen. of the equipment. Equipment, a kevil, kóopos, otoAh. Equipoise, io offorta. To be in a state of equipoise, ioroşşoiréal. See Ba- lance. - Equitable, étuelkfis. See Just. Equitably, Étieticós, compar. Éirieuréatepov, Equity, Śtteticeia. Equitation, ittreia. Equivalent to, &vráčíos. It will consider your words as equivalent to actions, ai- Th (sc. # TóAts) tobs Aó)ovs &p' juáv ć's pya Övva- pévous kplveſ, Thuc. To claim as equivalent, &vtašića, Era, xpóvos. See Time. To eradicate, ’āqalpéo, aor. 2. & petMov, etc.; Éic. Tpeplvígo. To erase, 'épěvíſo, Čkkoxárro; (a person's name from a list) ééaxeſpo, c. acc. pers. Easy to be erased, eieśāAettos, ov. Ere. See Before. To erect, latnut (not in aor. 2, or perf or pluperf act, which are always used in intrans, or pass. sense), ăuţotnut, ‘iºpia, àp0ów; (in) éykáðiðpúw. See To raise, To build. Erect, Öpflós ; + špólos, a, ov, and os, ov; + šp600Tá- Tºms, ov, only masc. Standing erect, + šp600 réâmy. An erection, oikołów mug, Štos, T6. See Building. Erectness, àp66tms, mºros, i. To err, ‘āuaprávo, fut. Šuapthorouai, aor. 2, #paptov; ēśaſuaptdvo, ötapaptdvo; + '3"TAákéw, pres. not used, only fut. '&TXàichara, aor. 2. #TAakov; TAmuſzeńéo ; a púAAopat, pass.; TreTAavnuévos éxo'; (in opinion) trapayuyváq-Ko ; (first) trpoeëāuaptavo ; (still more) wposełapoptºva, ; (with, in common with) giveča- paptdºva; (through ignorance) &yvoéa, also in pass. of the error committed. See To mistake, To sin. 140 To make to err, TA4%, fut. TAdyśw; traparadº TAüváa. See To mislead. One must err more, commit additional errors, ºreč uaptmtéov. Erring (very much), h troA'TAaykros, ov. Erroneous, TAmuplexhs. See Wrong. Erroneously, TAmup.exas. See Wrongly. Error, ‘āuapria; ‘āuáptnua, Tá; + šáuapria; opáA ua, Tó; TAévn, F &TAékta; +&TAéknua, āros, Tó. To correct errors, Stop660 acréat t” &yvootpaeva, Dem. Erst, Tote, enclit. See Formerly. Erudition, eiuovoſa. See Learning. Eruption, 'üvāqāornua, Tá; £évômua, Té. To break out with eruptions, éðavöéo. Escalade. See To scale. To escape, petryo, fut. act, rare, fut, mid. –$ouai, often —É05ual ; 6taqetºya, Érpetſyo, &roºpetºyo, trpo ‘petſya, Öreºpe'ſ yo; &roötöpdakw, fut. º: etc., aor. 2. —éöpmy [&troötöpdaka is properly to es cape, so that those from whom one has fled know not where one is, &roqetſya, to escape so that they can- not pursue; e. g.:— Xenias and Pasion have left us ; but let them be well assured that they have not escaped my intelligence (for I know whither they are gone), nor my power, for I have triremes, so that I can take their vessel, "AiroNeXoſtagiu juás Eevtas kal IIaotov, &AA’ eñye puévrol éirigºrdo'600'av Šti oë8& &Troösöpd- kaolv, oióa yöp &lrm oixovtat, oùre &Toreqetſyaoiv, ëxa yöp tpiñpets, $ote éAelu to ékeſvov TAotov, Xen.]; Écôtépáorica; Éicööopal, mid., c. perf. act. -6é- 6üka, aor. 2. —éövy; trekööopal, Štúðūouat ; ºf ’āAú- orica, fut, -ëa, no perf, no pass.; &#axiſorica, ; buy- yávo, only pres, and imperf. act.; eicºpuyyávo ; (se- cretly) 8takxéttopat, in aor. 2. pass.; (by swimming) ékvéw. To escape (so as to survive) a danger, etc., Treptytyvouai, fut. —yevågopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2, -e- yevéumv. To escape in safely, 08%pal, pass., often c. eis and acc. of the place to which; treptodºgopal. To escape previously, Tpokátāqelīyw. To escape notice, Aavöävo, fut. Aftow, no aor. 1, pert. AéAméa, aor. 2. čAáðov, mid. and pass, not used in this sense; 8táAavóðvø. I see, my friends, nor does the watchfulness of my eyes escape me (i.e. nor does it escape the watchfulness of my eyes), so as to omit seeing, etc., Öpó, ºptAal Yuval- kes, où6é u' àupatos ºppoupé trapſiA6s Pah Aeto'oeuv, . K.T.A., Soph. One must escape, ſpevictéov. Escape (the act or the means), pöy?), kārāqlūyīl, &ro- iyā; peºis, eos, h; 6tépevils, ’āvāpevås ; (esp. rom evils) 'êtraNAáyń; ’āiroo Tpopff. ble to escape from, t piſſiuos, ov, c. acc. usy to escape from, F ºpewictós; + eié060s, ov. rom which one cannot escape, t’épuktos, ov. ikely to escape notice, Aš0mtikás. o suffer to escape, ‘āq'ímput, imperf. & piny, hºpinv, and hºpiouv; Staqimut. eschew, petſya. See To avoid. scort, tropatrºl, trpotoutā. An escort, i. e. a person r body of persons escorting, TouTós; ſpotropºros, usu in pl.; &yoyot. o escort, Téutra, perf. trétropaqa ; Tpotépatra', Trápa- éutro, Kouſſo, träpäicoptgo. See To conduct. scorting, ºf trópatriuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; +tropitratos, , ov, and os, ov, esp. epith. of Mercury. sculent, #666ipos, ov. See Eatable. special, égipetos, ov. specially, uáAtata, + škkpitov. Especially if, &AAws sical ei, Thuc. spousals, éyyuñ; éyyúmo is, eas, ii; f Hvío Tevua, ré, o espouse, (i. e. to give in marriage) éYyváa, + vul- pedal; (i. e. to marry, q.v.) yúéa. o espy, Špáa, imperf usu. #6pov. See To see. n esquire, &epātav, ovros, 6; ‘ûrmpérms, ov, 6. See rmour-bearer. o essay, Tépéo, aor. 1. pass, both in act. and pass. ense. See To try. issence, oùoría. ssential, &vaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov. sary. See Neces- Wot admitting actions ... or anything which is invisible to be essential, Tpdéets . . . kal Tāv Tö &óparov oilk &roëexðuevot evoigtas wépel, Plat. o establish, Totmat (perf. and pluperf. and aor. 2. act. only used in pass. sens.), kā0ío Tmut, tíðmut, ‘iópúa'; káðiðpiſopal, mid.; Beéatów; (laws, etc.) kūpów; (in) êykä0ío Túput sometimes also in pres. Čyka9la réval; (in a place) eisoúcéa, c. gem, acc.; (by, near, among) trapalcabiotnut ; (together with, to aid to establish, etc.) ovykaroticiſo (esp. of colonists, etc.); ovykäta- a keväço; avykä6tatnut (also in pres, ovyka9latāva). ſo be established (as laws, etc.), ketual, Träpäkepal. me must establish, kāTaa Tatēov. 'stablished, esp. laws, etc., lcúptos, a, ov, and os, ov. ne who establishes, + kāraatörms, ov, 5. The establishment or establishing of anything, kärä- orāoris, eas, ii; "iópions, eas, ii; Beéaíoots, eas, i ; - Eschew—Flvanescent (of laws, etc., the act) &éris, h; (the state) + kūpos To, An establishment (i.e. house and servants), oilcía. Estate, Rafipos, oùota; (landed) x&ptov, Xópa. Esteem, tigh; &#topia, Tó; āśiod is, ii. See Honour. To esteem, ‘āyāual, mid, fut. ‘āyāorouai, aor. 1. pass. #730.0mv in act. sens.; Tiuda, fut. mid. To esteem highly, more highly, etc., repl troAAoû trouéopal, Tepl TAetovos T., etc., Isoc. See To honour. Estimable, Tiatos, a, ov, and os, ov; troAiriuntos, ov. See Honourable. To estimate, Kpiva, c. Tpos and acc. of any standard by which ; Tinda, fut, mid, both in act, and pass. sens.; otöðudopal, mid, no pass., but fut. mid, some- times in pass, sens. To make a counter estinate, &vtitudouai, mid. See To value. An estimate, Tiamua, Tá. Estimation, &éſa'ots, eas, ii. See Esteem. (They say) that such an one is held in no estimation, êv où6évos eival pièpei Tôv Towtºrov (pagi), Dem. To estrange, &AAotpuéw, ’āTaxAotpiów. To be estranged from, blóviotăual, pass., c. perf., pluperſ, and aor. 2. act. Estrangement, &AAotpuðtms, mºros, ii. An estuary, kóAtros. Eternal, '60ävätos, m, ov, more usu. 0s, ov; aid vios, - --f . a, ov, and os, ov; ’āévaos, ov; "diólos; T &réAevros, ov; +’āravotos, ov. Eternally, 'del, eis &el, Šiš TéAovs, eis aidova. For ever. Eternity, aidov, ovos, 6. Ether, aibhp, Épos, 6, i. Etherial, aidéptos, a, ov, and os, ov. Ethical, hôicós. * Etiquette, Deioces is the first person who establish this etiquette, káguov Tóvãe Antólcms tºpótás éott 6 kataatmoſquevos, Hdt. Etymologically, Étiſuals. To evacuate, kevéo. See To leave. Evacuation, êkAelius, eos, ii. See Abandonment. To evade, 6täööw, oftener -ouat, mid. He ought to have been silent, and, evading the question for the present, not to submit to any further discussion concerning what he had done, glyºv čípicel, kal bia- kpova apévº Töv tápovta xpóvov umicer' eis A6-yov See trepi Tây tre+payuévov Šavrov Icadio 64val, Dem. See To avoid. Evanescent, Alyoxpávios, a, ov, and os, ov; # ºpi- Lepos, OV. $ - l41 Evaporate—Evil To evaporate, 6tattvéopal, pass.; Süpudopal, pass.; (gradually) itektvéw. ^ Evaporation, 6tápúa morts, eos, i. Easily evaporating, evčípavtos, ov. Evasion, 6téâûoris, eas, #. Even, ÖgöAós ; Aetos, a, ov, and os, ov; Śpiahs; (of numbers) &ptios. See Equal, Level. To play at odd and even, + &ptiáço. Playing at odd and even, f &ptiacuás. Even, adv., kat; +ye, encl. Even if, käv, for kal &v or kal éâu, with the same moods as āv or éâv, i.e. opt. or subj. according to what has preceded. Not even, oë6é. Evenly (in an even line, etc.), 695Aós. Even-handed, 'i étepoššetřis. Even-tempered, uérptos. Evening, Šotrépa; Seixm, also ŠetAm éilía. Oſ, or belonging to, evening, Šotrepivés; + &rrepos, ov; ºf écriréptos, 2, ov, and os, ov, Before evening, trply §eoß Süval oréAas, Eur. Towards evening, 6% (often c. gen, as Šipč ris jué- pas, Šipč tis Špas, sometimes also with a conjunction or a verb, as it was evening, à l'è yéveto or ºv, or till evening, eis Šipč, ća's Öibé). Late in the evening, Tāvv āşş, Plat Evenness, àuáAótºms, mºros, i. An event, Tpāyua, Tá; ovvrüxſa; oup popæ, most frequently unfortunate, but not always; to rifyxã- vov, to Tixby, usu, if not always in pl.; oiſºttapa, Tá; (i. e. the result of anything) to ékéáv. Every event, kaota Tóv yiyvouévov, Thuc. At all events, ye, Trávra's. Eventful, étrictvöövos, ov. See Important. Eventually, Xpávº, äu Xpávº, obv xpóvg. See At last. Ever, troté, enclit.; traitote, always with negative, except when a question is asked, as is often the case in prose; tra, enclit, like Tétote. - If this were ever so much the case, ei tā kāAiota tävä" oiſtws eixev, Dem. If you had given them ever so little hope, si utkpāv Štre- q'ſ var’ &Airíða jurivotiv airtois, Dem. For ever, 'del, eisãel, Ötö TéAovs, 81& Tavrös, Öi' aid- vos, row aiſºva. Evergreen, &et0áAñs. Everlasting, '30&város, ov; aid,vios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Eternal. Every, tras, ‘ārzs, a ſurgs, f irpáras, travroöätés. See Each. Every one, où6els 80tus oë, Thuc. That every one should chastise his own allies, tois trpo #kovtas ovuuáxous airów two koxáſelv, Thuc. Every (expressing regularity, succession, or º alternation), trapa, c. acc., as every other day, huép trap' huépav, Dem.; every third month, trapó, wiv Tpítov, Arist.; 61&, c. gen., as every tenth battlemen 61& 6éka ÉiráAšewv, Thuc.; every fifth year, 5t’ tot Téuttov, Xen. - On, or from, every side, ékaotix60ev, travtåx60sy. To every side (in every direction), škaoTaxóore. In every way, travroëárós, travräxás, travtåxot. Considering all the arguments in every way, Trávro Tots A6-yous &vo ſcal kāta, uergotpéqov, Plat. Their infantry, and ships, and everything perished, r Teſos kal vijes kal oëbèv 3,1t oëk &TrøAeto, Thuc. Everywhere, travráx00, ‘ātavräx00, Távrm, Tavré xij, &ravräxj, Škaatöx00. Everywhere (i.e. every whither, in motion to a place), Távtore, Tavraxo travraxáore, Everywhere, in motion from a placº Trávroës or -6ev, travtåx00e or -6ev. In every respect, travtaxoi. By every means, travtax? Evidence, uopriptov. The certain evidence of the advantage is not yet visibl to all, Tås & peweſas &meotiv črt # 8%wo is #Tag Thuc. See Testimony. To evidence, uaprupéa, 8tapaptupéo. See To prove An evidence (i.e. a witness, q.v.), Héprus, ipos, 6, 7 A king's evidence, pumviths, où, 6. To turn king's evidence, unviſa. Evident, 37A0s, m, ov, and os, ov; påvepos, &, by, an bs, 6v; áiríðmAos, ov; rpgömãos, ov; eißmAos, ov; ſcă TöömAos, ov; Éuſpävis, Štápāvīs, trepipävis, trpoºpó vhs, kārāqāvīs, évapyńs. To be evident, paivopal, pass, often with fut. mid pavogual, and perf. mid. Trépmva, c. part. (with infil it only means to seem to be, to be likely to be), th part, sometimes understood ; Śiśaivopal, ºnxów + trpétro, fut. very rare, no perf. To make evident, paiva, 6m Mów. See To show. Evidently, ſpävepôs, évapyós, trepiq àvös, éupāvās kārāqāvós, òmääö, ÖmAovóti. The man will evidently die, trepipautos &vhp &avefrat Soph. - Evil, subst, kākāv; + triua, Tó; +éAkos, té. Se Misfortune, Grief. Cause of evil, f irpatoträuov, ovos, 6, #. The beginning of evil, irpárapxos 'étm, AEsch, Evil, adj, kärbs, compar. kaktov, superl. Káictatos also xeſpov, superl. xeipta ros; troumpás; babaos, m 142 Evilly—Exceed ov, and os, ov; pKaūpos; (of fortune, etc.) ºf péAas. Eaceedingly evil, Täykäkos, ov; Taputrówmpos, ov; Tºrpókakos, ov. See Bad, Wicked, Unfortunate. Evilly, kákós, pačAws. See Badly. To evince, paiva, only act. voice in this sens.; ’āvā- ‘patva', Škºpaivaſ, Évêeticviſual, mid. See To display. To eulogise, aivéa, fut. —égw and -īga, perf. pass. only fivnual, aor. 1. jvé0mv, etc.; Tratvéa, sixoyéa. See To praise. Eulogistical, éykwutaoticós, Eulogy, Śtratuos. See Praise. An eunuch, süvoixos; +xAoûvms, ov. Euphemism, süqºmuta; to use euphemism, v eiºn. gotárols övéuaori katovouáço, Plat. Euphony, eiotopuſa. Europe, Eüpáirm, ‘i Eipwiría. European, Eüpdºrios. Ewe, Šís, úños, ii. See Sheep. An ewer, ſp6x00s, ii, contr. rpéxovs; +’āpurris, iðos, i. Exacerbation, trikpótms, mºros, i. Exact, 'Gºpišhs, '3"peichs. To be ea act (consider or speak with exactness), "škpi- 60A0)éopal, mid. To exact, Tpdora w, usu. c. gem. acc., also, c. acc. rei, trapó, and gen. pers.; ŚicTpáago, eistſpágow; (pun- ishment, etc.) Aapéâvo, fut. Affilowal, aor. 2. čAášov; money (without any idea of punishment), Xpmuátíšo- Hat, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sens.; besides, Tpostpāo- o'opal, mid. To join in ea'acting, orivăvărpágow. I entreat you, therefore, to aid me in ea'acting from his debtors the money which my father left me, 6éopal oiv àuðv ovvetstrpáčaí wou Tois à peixoviras & Pºot 6 rathp katéAttev, Dem. To eagct punishment from, uéretut (–1éval) 8ſicas Tuvè, ôíkm Tuva, AEsch. Exactly, &kpišás. You could not ea'actly enumerate the multitude of the army, otpatov Šē TAñ00s oilk &v év ºffſpov Aóyº &é00at Šišval’ &v, Eur. To contrive ea actly, ea'amine or understand ea'actly, etc., ‘ākpiéów, Ščakpuéów. Exactness, 'ükpišeta. An exactor, trpſiictap, opos, 6 (but used also as adj. with Xelp fem.). See Avenger. To exaggerate, dipw, MeyāAövo; beivow ér to weſov, Thuc.; koopé, ér to uéſſov, Thuc.; +tupyów. Wishing to exaggerate which, trepl of Štrep50Aès trpo- 6vumbels eitreſſ, Isoc. See Bitterness. He has exaggerated some things, tà uły uetºa toû rpo. of ſcovtos eſomice, Isoc. To be ea'aggerated TAeovágoſlat, pass. The report of our power, I am well assured, will be likely to be ea'aggerated, &YYeXotueffa 3’ &v, eú oió', étrº Tô TAeſov, Thuc. Exaggeration, êtrepéoxh; 6eſvogts, eas, i. To exalt, aiāva and affa, fut, aijëſia w, etc.; +&ée, only pres, and imperf, act.; p560, uéyāAšva, föyków, † Tupyów. Exaltation, ačmous, eas, i. Examination, ÉNeyxos; 'évā'kpions, eas, ii, poet. &ykpious; kāraakotī; &#étáois, eas, ii; Éetaqués; 'âvaſhtmoſis, eas, i. Without eaſamination, 'üéāorávio Tws. Skilful in examination, êeTaotikós. With skilful eagmination, êeragtikós. To examine, éetáço, Aéyxa, ćeMéyxa, Épévváw, épévvá, ötépévváa; a cotréa, only pres. and imperf. fut. and aor. 1. (borrowed from Grétroplaw) orité/o- pal, éoke|dumv, and perf. pass. Éorkeppai in act. Sens.; 6tagicotéo, öokiuáço, 3%răviço, ävaçntée, ’āvā‘pivo; carefully, minutely, "dºpišćal, Šišićpišów; along with, in conjunction with, or at the same time, giveTigkoréaſ, ovvöokiuáço, ovv6edopal; besides, trposełetáço; by a standard, &vteketéo. One must examine, éetao Téov, Štepevvmtéov. Easy to examine, eiſokeTTos, ov. What cannot be examined, 'üvečéAsyctos, ov. In a way so as not to be examined into, &večexéyictos. An examiner, ſcatáokoros; 60kipaaths, où, 6; (mtm- ths, où, 6. Example, Tāpāöelyua, Té; +&iſióeºis, eos, i. Like an ea ample, Träpääetypióróðms. To set an ea'ample of, Špxoſal, mid., c. infin.; Trápxa, c, gen. Or C. part. To exasperate, Tàpoğüvo, öpyſſa, Čopyiſw; Föpyatva', no perf, and no pass. or mid., but act, sometimes used in pass. sens.; +xoAów. She who has ea asperated you against your mother, i ră Tekočom a hypíoore, Eur. A motive or suggestion tending to ea'asperate, #&myśwn. Exasperating, trâpośvvrikós. Exasperation, Túpoèvowós. See Anger. To excavate, àpiſo ow, Čopúarow. An excavation, êpvyua, Tó. To exceed, ürépéxw, repleipu (–eival), replyfyvouai, mid., fut. —yevågouai, aor. 2. -eyevéumv. I eaceed the truth, trapečépxopal Täs àAmºetas, Plat. 143 Exceeding—Excite And ºf the son exceeds the father in wickedness, ei . . . à 5' 50tepos toū ſp600ev eis Wirepšox}v travodpyos ëarat, Eur. Exceeding, kpetoroov, c. gen. See Great. Eaceedingly good, eaceedingly wise, etc., Tepiggós. What can be eaceeded, +'êtreptočedolpos, c. neg, Exceedingly, pâgo ſpoëpa, itépéaNAávras; kaº' ‘ūTrepéoxhu, or eis ‘ūtrepé0A#v. To excel (others), trans, 'üTrepéâAAw; trepiyºyvo- pal, mid., fut. —yevåo'ou.at, aor. 2. –eyevöumv; trepielpºt (eiul), vikda), ‘ūtrepéxa, Tpoéxw; Tpopépa, fut. Trpooforw, aor. l. Tpoſivelyka; Šta pépa’, ‘ūtreppépa, kpártotetºw, no perf, no mid, or pass, voice; (i.e. to be excellent) 'éptotetſa. Excellence, ’āpeth, "àploreſa, ‘ûrepoxh. Excellent, ‘āyā60s, compar. 'üueivov, Kpelagov ; ‘āpiatos, kpáriotos, etc.; 66iciuos, ov; *ākpos, c. gen, or c. prep. of the art in which ; +&Tpe- wis; +é0x0s, ov; most eacellent, káAAtatos. See Good. - Excellently, eú, 'éptata, Škirpetrós, TaylcáAws, 6ta- qepávr&s, ‘i éðxas, ‘f treptoroºs. Except, TA}v, adv. and c, gen.; Tápé, prep. c. acc.; éktös, c. gen.; 5tt ph, when preceded by a negative; àixa, c, gen. If we have no connection with the body, eacept as far as is absolutely necessary, &v . . . [Imāèv ćpix@pºev Tó orépart ... àti pah Tao’ &väylcm, Plat. Except that you did nºt kill him with your own hand, ãorov u% xeport Kaivov, Soph. To except, Čapéo, aor. 2.-eixov; 3 papéa. To make an eaception, &tokxeia. They slew them, and they excepted no one, & réirteivov, kai ééaſpetov čTotmorav oſſóéva, Thuc. Exception (in law, or a bill of exceptions), trāpāypätºff. To take eaceptions (in law, to a prosecution, etc.), Tāpāypāqouai. To take eaceptions (to a judgment or sentence), &vti- Aayzăvo. Excess, ‘ūtrepéoxh; reptogórms, mtos, ii; ’āueTpta; To Alav. To affect excess in one's way of life, to carry things to excess, intepä kpas (6. Excessive, trepidogs; ‘tºrepšáAAww, ovora, ov; a poëpös, a, ov, and bs, Öy; iirépperpos, ov; Śirépoicºyos, ov; *śwetpos, ov; ‘ūtrépueyas, ‘ūtreppeyé0ms. Excessively, a poºpós, a páðpa, Atav, Omn.; uńa, compar. HåAAov, superl. Māºtata; Toxi, and superl. trastorov; &yāv; Tepuagós, compar. Treptorožtepov and trepidoutépas; ſcopiófi, Štaqepávtws, baluovías +éčáxas. ~. A man above all and most excessively hostile to the democracy, &vhp év roſs Adalata kal éic TAetotov évávttos tº Öſiuq, Thuc. To exchange (give in exchange), "špetéo, c. acc. of the thing given, gen, of the thing taken in exchange, or c. &vtl and gen. of the latter, c. Tpbs and acc. of the person with whom the exchange is made ; 6tä- pietéo, Pietàpietéal, &AAdoorw, &vrañAdaga, oftener in mid, ; 6taXAdo'ow, ueta\Adaga, pietàédx}\opal, mid., no aor. 1.; &vrätroötöwpºl. To take in eachange, àpietéopal, mid. (and most verbs in mid, voice whose actives are given above), ávrikataAAdagopal, uétá- Aapéâva, fut. —Afthoual, aor. 2. —éAššov. To be exchanged for, tueračáAAw, intrans., c. gen, of the thing for which. Who (i. e. the prisoners) were earchanged (lit. released man for man), oi (aixuáAarol sc.) &vhp &vr' àvöpbs éAúðmorav, Thuc. And your wife shall receive in eachange for her present form, the form of a serpent, becoming a wild beast, 6áuap re gh écºmplaffeſo" Špeos &AAáčei TüTov, Eur. Exchange, ’ānoté), almost always subsequent, in the sense of requital; &AAäyh, 8ta\Aäyh; ŚićAAayua, Té; étréAAa£is, eas, ii; peta\Aäyń. A giving in eachange, &vratróðogis, eas, ii. It was written down what was the rate of exchange, éyéypairto . . . 6trégov i ſcatalº- Aayh fiv Tó &pyvpiq, Dem. In eachange for, t'éuotébs, ov, c. gen. Mars who gives gold in eachange for bodies (i.e. hires men to expose their lives for pay), xploſéuotěbs"Apns owpdrov, AEsch. Of, or belonging to, eachanges, &AAartikás. Exchequer (the chancellor of), 6 &ti täs bioticăgeos, Decr. ap. Dem. - - Excision, êictopuſ. * - To excite, Špviſu; (to do so and so) épinul, 'évímut, ăviotnut (aor. 2. and perf. and pluperf, act. Only used in pass, sens.), āpuáw, Époppida, Čopuéo, Yeſpº, éreyeſpo, 'éveyeſpo, ääveyeſpo, túrpúva, Torpāva, alpa, Čiraipa, + švaſotripéo; (esp. of exciting feel- ings, etc.) kivé, ékkivé, épéðito; (against) + &rép- viſui, ºf émigeta; (gradually) Örokvića, ; (at the same time) orvyteſva, guptăpośva, ovutrāpākewetokai, mid.; orivetratpa. See To induce. To be excited (sc. to anger), pyda, Tepikaſonal, perf. —kécavgat, * * - 144 Excited—Exhale One must ercile, éyéptéov, kivmtéov. .*. Excited, ºf treqüovyywptévos (lit. having eatCn garlic, like a fighting-cock). What must be etcited, kivmtéos. Eacitable, easily excited, Öğüs; eiträpäpplmtos, ov; ºf Öğü'qpov, ovos, 5, i. Excitement (or the exciting of), šyeparis, j; trâpép- Amots, #; Éckavua, Té. Eveiting them, adv., teyepri. Exciting (calculated to excite), Klum turbs, éyépticos, + kivmthpios. To exc , l, kpáço, Bodø, 'âvěšoda, poet. <áw, ôtášoda. Exclamation, +Tpósq.fleyſa, ré ; + 86&pa, Tó; +&p. Šćaua, for ’āvā66āua. To exclude, eſpyw, §§etpyw, &Teip'yal, ékkWefa, träpä- ICAeto, 'êtrexatva. To be eacluded from, "åtro- Plovéouai, pass. Evoluded from, t'épépktos, ov. Exclusion, &tókWeiqis, eas, i. Exclusively, uávov, poet. Hoºvov. Excommunicated, "åAitſipios, ov. Excrement, treptorowſia, to, ii. Excrescence, écºpvās, #60s, i. To excruciate, a TpeśAów. See To torture. Excruciating, trepid,5üvos, ov. See Painful. To exculpate, & Toxia. See To acquit. Exculpation, 'êtroAoyia. An excursion, É0ö0s, i. Excusable, ºf ovyyvoortós. See Pardonable. To excuse (to allege in excuse, etc.), Tpopägtgopal, mid., no pass.; a kåttopal, mid, no pass.; &roAoyéo- Hal, c. acc. of the fault, or c. Tpos and acc., or c. Tepl or ‘ūTěp and gen. ; (i. e. to pardon, q.v.) ovy- 'ytyvágica, fut. ovyyvágopal. Do you then allege these arguments as your eacuse, ori Mév táð’ &v Tpoixoto, Soph. Having made sufficient eacuse for his former errors (so as to obtain their pardon), T& Tpó00e opáAuat’ éčaitoöpevos, Eur. They requested him to eacuse them from joining in the eapedition against Croesus, to pièv éirl Kpotorov ovatpa- Tetely & peaeiv.org/tolv ščeň0mgav, Xen. One must eacuse, ovyywootéov. Excuse, 'êtroAoyia; Tpépágus, eas, ii; a.kfiſhis, eas, #; "átroX6'ympia, Tó. It admits of eacuse, ovyyváumv čxet, Soph. Execrable, kārāpātos, ov; Tpickaräparos, ov; ultipos, +’âtróTrvoiros. Execrably, puapās. See Only. To execrate, #3péopal (ºp. Hom, ºp. Att.), mid, no pass., c. dat.; &lrottöw (ä, but also iſ Hes.), no perf, no pass. See To hate, Execration, āpā ('ép. Ep., ºp. Att.), kārapā; + kä. Tevypia, T6. See Curse. & To execute (i. e. perform, fulfil), Tpágoſa, TeXéc, épyágouai, mid., perf. pass, eſpygouai, both in act. and pass, sens.; catepyášoual; (see To do); (i. e. put to death as a punishment) &too pd(o, öTokteiva. To be eaecuted, &Tobviolco, fut. -6avoipal, aor. 2. —é6évov. Execution, kāpools, eos, ii. See Performance. For the confidence a person feels while planning an ea- ploit, no one carries out in the execution, êvöupleſ rai 'Y&p oë6eis Šuota Tă triotel ſcal épyº €ire;épxetal, Thuc. Erecution (i. e. putting to death by judicial sentence), Šáváros. An executioner, Ömpuékouos, Šípios Exemplary. See Eacellent. To exemplify, ŚTroöeikvijuu. To exempt, ÉKAöw. See To deliver. Exempt, (esp. from taxes, etc.) 'étexís; ’āori vraktos, ov; (from public burdens) 'üAettotpymºros, ov; (from military service) &otpārevros, ov. Evenpi, adv., áirtos, sine cas, or c. gen. Exemption, 'étéNeia; (from military service) &otpā- T£10. Exercise, Šoknots, eas, ii; &akmua, T6; yuuvāorſa . (bodily exercise) owplagicia. Want of eaercise, ‘āyvplvágia. To take bodily ea'ercise, orapaakéw. To exercise, &oicéa, Yvºvágo, 'étroyvuvá(o, ötátováo; (beforehand) + Tpoyupué@; (a person at) Tpos- 'Yvuvéo; (oneself with another person) ovyyvuvá- Çouai, pass. Not exercised, 'üyüpıvaotos, ov. Not well exercised together (of the crew of a ship), 'üovykpótºmtos, ov, To exert, teiva, avuretva; (see To employ); (oneself) ătărețuouai, tévretuw, intrans. ; (oneself excessively) ūtrepôtateſvouai. One must exert, xpmotéov. Exertion, givrčous, eas, i. But rather not to avoid it by ea’ertion is discreditable, &AA& ph Stagedyeiv špyº afoxtov, Thuc. To make every evertion, êtragav’āyaviau èictetva, Dem. Exhalation, Tvoji. To exhale, éðicuá(a. To rise as ºn eahalation, êtravaſpépouai, pass. I, 145 Exhaust—Expediency - To exhaust (as troubles exhaust people, etc. etc.), Telpa, only pres, and imperf, act. and pass.; +Tpixw, rātārpäxw, kārātpiša, ; (as a person exhausts his invention, exhausts, i. e. goes through every variety of fate, or exhausts his property, etc.) i &vt.Aéa, + ščavt.Aéo. To be eahausted (by fatigue, etc.), i &irefirov, no other tense ; tāpāAüouai, pass. See To wear out, To Jatigue. For the sake of eahausting and hindering the resources of the Greeks by delay, Tpt&ſis #veka kal &valcoxºs rów ‘EAAmvuków, Thuc. Fxhausted (by fatigue or pain), 'ürelpmicës, via, 6s. See Weary. Exhaustless, + 'ééðgaros, ov. To exhibit, paiva, Tpoſpatva', Seikviſui, Čvöeikviſui, &rošetřviſui, trâpéxw; (a play, as a dramatic author) Siôāorica. See To show. And we eahibit a richness of action rather than boast- fulness of speech, TAoûtº te épyov påAAov # Aéryov kóutrº Xpéueffa, Thuc. Exhibition (i. e. a showing), 'ürööetêts, eas, ii; (i.e. a spectacle) &éâua, Tó. To exhilarate, eighpaíva. Exhilaration, eú0üpia. To exhort, kexetw, riceNetw, 'i étreykekeda ; tāpā- IceAeſopal, mid.; TāpākāNéw, trporpéra, +Trápmyopéa, +örpüvo; + KéMogal, only pres, imperf, and aor. 2.; ékekAéumv; +’āvaya, perf. in pres. sens, no other tense in Att. except pluperf.; (at the same time) ovutrāpākāAéw; (in opposition) &vrittāpākeasiopal. See To encourage. One must eahort, träpäu.50mtéov. Exhortation, kéAévoua, T6; träpäkéAevoluo, Tá; trä- pākeaevapiés ; tāpākéAevois, ii; Túpaſvegis, ii; trä- pā'KAmots, # ; tāpāpādiov. Eahorting, trporpettikos, träpäiceXevorticós. Exigency, 'éváykm. See Necessity. Exile, pvyh; ékönuſa; Šicômuos puyºl, Eur.; (for a year) 'üſreviavois, eos, ii; (for life) &eipiryta. An exile, piyās, #60s, 6, iſ ; petryou, ovoa, gen, ovros, etc.; +&T&TToAus. The band of exiles, # ºpiºi. A fellow-eaile, ovuſpiyās, #60s, 6, #. Exiled from, &twortós, òv. See Banished. To be an eaſile, petryw, only act. voice in this sense ; ‘pij)áðsſo; + ševéopat, pass., c.fut. mid.; &Točevéopal. Of; or belonging to, eaſile, piryáðikós. To exile, ééAaúva’, ‘Aatva', tàvöpmAátéw, ékölðka. See To banish. See To delight. To exist, eiul, ‘ūreiſu ; ‘ūrāpxw, only pres, and im- perf act.; J.ivio Túpal, pass., c. aor. 2., perf, and pluperf, act. See To be. Existence, 8tos, to Çfiv, to eival. See Life. Existing (as the existing state of things, etc.), trópºv, ūtrāpyav, Šveatml&s and évéatós, kāffect&s (esp. of laws, forms of government, etc.). Existimation, &#two is, eas, #. See Esteem. Exit, #oãos, j. To exonerate, 'ütroAj'a. Exorable, ºf éiríkoos, ov. Exorbitant, treptogós ; 'éuetpos, ov. Exorbitantly, &piétpas. Exordium, ºppoſutov. To make an eacralium, ºppould ſoual, mid., pass. of what is said as an exordium. See Prelude. Exoteric, čotepicós. To expand, trans. ‘āvāretávviſut ; intrans. ÉiritMārā- Vokal, pass. Expanse, Xàopia, Tó ; (of sky) &AttvXal attépos, Eur.; the starry eaſpanse of heaven, àatepoetőéa vára aidépos, Eur.; (of plains) ‘ūTótáo is teātav, Eur.; (of sea) trexéºyia TA&é, Ar.; vöta 6&Adoro’ms, Eur. Expansion, êictāqis, eas, #. To expatiate (i. e. to speak at length), warpmyopéo, Marpošoyéa, unküvo and unkiva A&yov, 'étopmkiva Aóyov, &lroteiva A6 yov. To expatriate, See To banish. To expect, €Atriſu, c. infin., properly infin. fut, but also pres, and aor., when with infin. aor. &v is often added; Tposóéxonal, mid., c. perf. pass, trposëéðeyual, in act sens.; Tposëokša, i öočáço. To eapeet (as a master expects a servant to do what he is ordered, or as one expects that to which one thinks one is entitled), āśtów, often c. infin. See To hope, To think. All men will eapect to obtain this, Távres àvěpoTo toūtwv čićgovoi Tuxely, Dem. Nicias eaſpected tie behaviour of the Egestaºans, Nucíq Tposóexopévg fiv tº Tów ‘Eyearafov, Thuc. Expectation, êAtris, fö0s, ii; 56%a ; 5ókmous, ii; 56- kmua, Tó; Tposëokia, trposëókmu.g. Full of eapectation, on the tiptoe of eaſpectation, Petéo- pos, ov; 6p60s, i öp6óppov, ovos, 6, #. Expected, trpusbókinos, ov; ºf trposéókîtos, ov Coming upon them when they were not expecting hºm, âtrposookſitois étritreočv, Thuc. Expediency, to gipºpepov, ovtos; hexos, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing.; &ºpéAeta. See Use, Advantage, See To acquit. 146 Expedient——Explain Expedient, a tupopos, ov; Tpós popos, ov; Xphoinos, m, ov, and os, ov. It is eagedient, ovgºpépet, xpſi; beſ, fut. Señoet ; ºrpé- trel, àppiógei. See It becomes. Expediently, orvpapepávtws. An expedient, Tápos. See Contrivance. To expedite, túxiāva. See To hasten. . Expedition (i.e. quickness, q.v.), Táxirms, mros, i. An expedition, atóA0s, Touth; (esp. military) otpā- Tevua, tá; otpáteia, Éirio Tpâtefa; (by sea) éiríTAovs, ºf vavotoxia; i vavotóAmua, to, in pl. A joint expedition, avatpäteta. tion, otpåretſa ; (against) éirigºrpätetia. To join in an eaſpedition, a votpätetia, act. and mid.; (against) To join in a naval eagedition To lead an eaſpedition, I GTpå- See Voyage. To make an eaſpedi- orivetriotpāTetw. against, givetritàéa. Tºm A&Téa. One must make an eapedition, otpâtévréov. To expel, éAačva, ćexačva, ’āireAačva, kšáAAw; éčavío Tmut, aor. 2., perf, and pluperf, act. in pass. sens.; (from their homes) ééouci w ; (from a club, from an employment, a school, etc.) ékkpiva, ’ātro- Xelpotovéa, ; (as a pollution) ééâyigo. To aid in eapelling, givekšāAAw. Expelled, 'évágºtáros, ov. They expelled the inhabitants from the places in that district, &váo Tara étoimaav Tó, Taºrm x&pia, Thuc. See To drive out. Those who were eaſpelled, oi (petſ- 'yovres, Thuc.; oi &Trex0óvres, Thuc. To be eaſpelled, what ought to be eaſpelled, égalpetéos. To expend, 'üvāAtoka, and sometimes 'évāAów, all tenses from —ów ; ’āīrāvāAtaka, kārāvāAtoka, Öğträ- váa, kārābārāvāa, ; karäxpáouai, mid. See To spend. Expenditure, Stoſkmoris, eas, #. Expense, ’āvāAwua, Tá; Śārāvm; Śātāvmoris, eas, # ; 8árávnua, to, only in pl. Travelling expenses, épé- 6tov. Eapense (i. e. an expensive way of living), tro- AütéAeta. At the public eanense, 6mu00 ſq. Expensive, troAireafts; SãTávos, ov; 3&Tāvmpos (both of things and of men addicted to expense), so Toxiāārāvos, ov (of things and of men). See Dear. Expensively, troAireAós, 6&tāvmpás. See Dearly. Expensiveness, troAitéAeta, troAjxpmuátía. Experience, treſpa, Šutreupta, śirto Tăum. Great ex- perience, troAitreupta. To experience, Teipáopal, mid., c. perf. pass. and aor. 1. pass, in act. Sens.; eicºrelpáopal, 6tairepôopal, +&vt.Aéal (of experiencing good or bad fortunes, usu., however, bad), f €avTAéw ; ’āvāuerpéopal, mid.; ºvetſoual, mid.; Trepç Tposopuxéa, Soph. But you shall know in time, having eaſperienced it, 'yway. oréis 5& xpóvg 6tairev6ópºevos, AEsch. Experienced, or experienced in, Šutrelpos, ov; £irl- othuay, ovos, 6, fi : évrpišſis ; +Trá6&v, oùora, etc. Of great, extended eagerience, troAirepos, ov. Never having eaſperienced, ‘ātrābās. To be eaſperienced in, to have eaperience of, Teipav Aap- 6ávo, reſpav čxa, eis Teipau Épxopal, év reip; yíyvo- pal, éputéipa's éxw. In an eaperienced manner, éutreſpas. An experiment, teſpa, Štárepa, Tpôtelpa. To make eaſperiments, relpáa, h., -okat, mid. Experimental, Teipaoticós. Expert, wirelpos, ov; ropós; *ićpis, gen. —eas, 6, ii, c. gen. or c. infin.; Seátēs; "Gºpos, c, gen, or c. repl or eis, and acc. of the act, in which ; eixeip, 6, ii. See Skilful. – Expertly, Čiſtotăuévos, éptreipas, étriotmušvas. An expert person, totap, opos, 6; 0.0%taths, texvirns. To be expert, goſpigouai, mid, and pass., c. gen. of the object, or c, čv and dat., or c. acc. of the thing done. See To understand. Expertness, oropſa, Téxvil, éptrepta, śtriotăum. See Skill. To expiate, ‘i tíva (I Hom., i elsewhere), fut. Tiow, etc., usu, c. acc. of the crime, dat. of the penalty, sometimes c. gen, of the crime, or c. &vt. and gen, sometimes c. acc. of the crime only ; 'étrottva', + éktívo, #Aſſo. See Atonement, To atone. Expiation, Aü'tpov, *āTokáðapots, i. Eapiatory offerings, ºf pºetxtypiata, Tá. Offences which can be eaniated by a pecuniary fine, &ölichuata, eis &pyuptov Aóryov &víkovta, Dinarch. Expiration,--at the expiration of the truce, a trovöðv ôléâ6ovoºv, Thuc. See Death. To expire, buffalca, fut. 63voijual, etc.; Śpuaíva Šupubv, AEsch.; £kirvéo 8tov, Šict, pix.hu, Trag. ; ’āq,ímºw Tveijua ; ple6ímut Tv., Eur.; see To die; (i. e. to elapse, as time, etc.) Stépxopal, fut. -EAetolopat, aor. 2. –fiX60y; &#épxoplat; (as a truce) 8ta\touai, pass. To have eagired (of time), ÉÉſika, only pres, and imperf. And it happened also that their thirty years' truce with the Argives was on the point of eaſpiring, $vvé8alve 6& kal Trpos Tobs ‘Apºystows airtois T&s Tpiakoutoffrets orirovöös ém' éé664, eival, Thuc. To explain, 'évalrtúorga, àtartöoroa, 8m Nów, orépnvigo; 1, 2 | 47 Explanation—Extirpate 8tépxopal, fut.-east,00|al, aor. 2, fix809; Émyéopal, mid., no pass.; Éppmvetw, 'épépſumvečw, ‘āTogºpéo, + £exíoga, ; in addition, êtrekötöáakw, Šireényéopal ; beforehand, Tpoôtéépxogai, One must explain, Öqxwréov, Šubávio Téov. One who eaplains, ‘ppa.0thp, fipos, Ö. See Interpreter. Explanation, 6%Na'ois, eas, h; &tööeišis, eas, ii; épumveta; + špplivevua, Tó; ééâymais, eas, i. Explicit, gaſp?ls, ºf Tpāvīs, T Topós. Explicitly, gāpa, göpós, Topós, Frpäväs. ‘To explode (an old belief, etc.), &toãokipºdºo. To repudiate. Exploit, Épyov; 'đ'ydºvio Ma, T6. See Deed. To explore, &vaſmtéw; (esp. plans, secrets, etc.) épév- váw. See To search. One must eaſplore, épévvmtéov. Difficult to eaplore, Švsötépetlymtos, ov. An exploring, ğpevvo. See Search. To export, #yw; &rotégrouai, mid, no perf. pass., though there is aor. 1.; in return, &vteååyw. Exports, T& Šāyāyīpa. Exportation, kātākouióñ. A right of éâyoyń. To expose, TpoéâAAw, ÉcéáAAw, Éctiºnal, Tpotíðmui. To be eaſposed, écicepal. Do not abandon us, who eaſpose our lives to individual risk, uh Tpámaðe juás, 76tov učv toy civöuvov táv owpidºtov trapaéaNAokévous, Thuc. It is foolish, by flying, to eaſpose the unarmed parts of the body to the enemy, pºpov Tó, ú0TAa toû a dºpatus See évávtta rāttely toſs Toxegious petryovras, Xen. Exposed, + £60A0s, ov; (i.e. liable to attack) etetri. 6eros, ov. A child eaposed on the mounlains, peta éké0Añ, Eur, For to be eaſposed to blame from every one, kal yèp év Koivá páyetv "Atraoru Ketotal ..., Eur. An exposing, icóegus, eos, i. An exposition, êhymals, eas, ii. See Eaplanation. Expostulation, airía, for eagostulation is to be used in the case of friends who do wrong, but accusation in the case of enemies who have injured us, airía Méu Yàp píAwy &vöpóu éotiv &paptavóvrov, karmyopia. §§ éx9póv &öukmorávrov, Thuc. To expostulate, airiáopal, mid., c. §ti or òs. To blame. To expound, éényéouai, mid. See To eaplain. An expounder, éénymt?)s. ot, 6. See Interpreter. To express, Trpoſpovéa'; 'p6éy'youai, mid, no pass. See To say. An express (messenger), áyyápos. See Expression, Aéryos; See Speech. Erpression of countenance, Šibis, h; 0xffua, Té. Expressly, &vrilepts, 6taššíðmu, ‘ātrāās, &Totte‘pagué- !/(A)S. Expulsion,éé\ágis; �ſkioſis, ii. To expunge, Ståypāja, ’āToypápa, śāAeſpo. Two now are eaſpunged, tà Pºv 33 800 év &Toypaſpfi Tetroimtal, Dem. Exquisite, ‘i čğaípetos. Exquisitely, eſſ. Extant, to be eatant, trepielpºt. Extemporaneous, attoo Xéðtos, a, ov, and os, ov. To say or do anything eatempore, oxečićgo, attooxe- övågø. 4 saying or doing anything eatempore, oxeótaquos, aúToo Xečíagua. - Extempore, éic too trapaxpāua. To extend, trans., Tetuo, Érteiva, 6taretva', diroteiva, Tpóo a vénø, AEsch.; (as a king extends his king- dom) TAárivo, in pass.; or carry (a wall) further, éâyw; one's line (as a general), āvartågaw. (i. e. style) Aéis, i. See Eacellent. To extend, intrans, teiva, act., and -opal, pass.; Stå- Teiva'; (as a country does) épfiko. See To stretch. One must eatend (the front of a line of troops), TAáTuv- Téov. Extension (of a line of battle), Tešāyoyń. Extensive, uéyas, compar. weigwu, superl, wéytotos; eipts; +távabs, h, ov, and bs, 6v; (of a kingdom, etc.) + troAirAeópos, ov. See Wide, Broad. Extensively, sipéas. Extent, uéyé00s, Tó; tufikos, T6. A wide extent of evils, Tmudraw öpeyua, AEsch. See Size. To the ealent of knowing, wéxpt too yiyvágicely, Xen. To extenuate, pºetów. See Eacuse, To exterminate, ’ābāvíſo, Çortów; KTépôa, aor. 2. égétpá0ov; £6AAüput, ºf ékóapºvića). See To destroy. Extermination, êóAeia. See Destruction. An exterminator, ÖAethp, fipos, 6. See Destroyer. Exterior, external, é, í, to Éa'; 6 <ev, 6 któs. See Outward. Extinct, Čítmāos, ov; ‘āpavros, ov; +&iotos, ov. Extinction, orééoris, eas, h; ’āiróa'éeats. To extinguish, oréévvöpu, fut, mid. O'éâgopal, aor. 2. To be eatin- 2- êorény; ’āiroo’éevviſui, kāraoréévvögt. guished (of fire), yāxopal, pass. Extinguished (of fire), ºf Tetmiceºs. Calculated to eatinguish, oréeo Tiptos. To extirpate, éicTpepu (ſo, tércóapºvíſo. See To destroy. t 148 Extirpation—Eyewitness Extirpation, kāpāveig, See Destruction. To extol, aivéal, étatuéa. See To praise. To extort, & papéopal, mid., aor. 2. d4etwóumv; by .ſorce, givávayictiſe, oupétáço; by false accusation, orikoqavréa. To eaſtort (money), trpáo ow. To extract, Škotów. To aid in eatracting, oliveicéišášo. An extract, Tºñua, Tó. Extraction, yewed. See Race. Extraneous, dAAóTptos. Extraordinarily, intepºpuðs. Extraordinary, repugabs, ‘ūirepºpuffs; + dāAóicotos, ov; Savučotos. Extravagance, (i. e. excess of anything) ‘ūTrepéoxh; (in expense) bāīrāvm. Extravagant, (of a person) toxióštávos, ov; bata- vapós; (of a price) worötexís. Extravagantly, Šicirettäuévos. Extreme, šaxát0s. The eatreme of hunger, tº Tpáta toû Aiuot, Ar. The furthest extreme, Tà &kpa Tów égxátov, Plat. I will put an eatreme case, Širepéoxhu Touffo'opal, Dem. To choose the middle, and to avoid the extremes on either side, to puéoſov aipeſo 0&t kai petryetv Tó, útrepšáAAouta écatépage, Plat. Extremely, ‘ūTépéańAávros, eis intepé0Xàv. See Very. 4. Extremity, (of the body) dispothplov, only pl; +’ākuh, only pl.; (of a country or mountain) éoxá- ría; see Border; (of anything) to èqxatov, T& êo Xata. - Proceeding to the eatremity of audacity, Tpoéâg’ ‘T.’ êoxatov Spårovs, Soph. - The utmost extremity of evil, éaxat’ £oxátov calcà, Soph. The king was in the wintost extremity, eis Tāv dºpticeto Bagińeūs, Xen. To extricate, Ašw, ékWüo, ºraAA&goto. See To de- diver. Extrication, Añows, eas, h; ákWüois. See Deliverance. One who eatricates, + Aüthp, fipos, 6. See Deliverer. Exuberance, TA760s, Tá; TAmopovil, reptovo'ía. Exuberant, inſeptſ�ms, Éctàeos. See Abundant. To exude, act, givečićpów, givešicuća. Exudation, 'ikuàs, #60s, i. To exult, xaſpo, fut. Xalphow, aor. 2. čxäpnv; ‘Yauptáo, + yaupoéual, pass.; t XAióów, c. dat.; +xAio only in pres. act.; # 8pváſo, only pres.; ‘f KätzvXéo. To eault over, épôoſa, only pres; +épvépiſo, c.dat, c. acc., or C. els and acc. That he may learn not to eaſult over my misfortunes, ivº etöm pººl ’Ti Tois éuois calco's 5/mNös eival, Eur. Exultation, xàpá; (over anything) éirixappa, Tó. An object of or subject of or for easultation, t'yaúpapa, tó. See Joy. Liable to be exulted over, étèxoptos, ov. Exulting, ‘i Yat pos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Proud. An eye, Šppa, āros, Tó; āq,0axpabs, tºo ge, only dual. nom. and acc., gen, pl. 50 orwu, dat. pl. Öorgois; 8Aé- qāpov; frópm, usu, in pl.; ºf pås, Tó; &pópa Töv kū- KXav, Soph. In the eye of the world, és uév robs troAAobs, Thuc. The apple of the eye, i kavóós. The eyeball, y\fivn. An eyelid, 8Aépápov. An eyebrow, Öqpus, iſos, #. An eyelash, BAeqāpis, ió0s, i. With beautiful eyes, eióð0axplos, ov; eiðrts, ió0s, ii; eið!, gen. —&Tos, 6 Ical #; eiotrös, Öv; kaAAišAé- ºpäpos, ov; ºf pappañpotrös, Öv. With dark eyes, ueñávöppätos, ov. With Savage eyes, + kövåttis, ió0s, h; +/opy&ſ, &ros, 6, h; ºf yopyatrös, Öv. With one eye, étepéq6ańuos, ov; ; pověn), and uovvöll, &T0s, 6, #; +povčupiñtos, ov; uovoãépictms, only Iſlä.S.C. With hollow, sunken eyes, Kotkóð0axuos, ov. With prominent eyes, ééâq6ańptos, ov. Bereft of eyes, i öppičToo Tephs. Seated in the eyes, ‘Féppāretos, ov (of love). The space between the eyes, Štá'kpious, eas, ii, only in pl. Being deprived of your eyes, which are now turned away from seeing (i. e. are blind), Tóvoav &öépictov Šupug- Toy Tritópevos, Soph. Bedewing the eyes, 64.0a NuáTeyletos, (ov of tears). Tearing out the eyes, 34.0a Nuépixos, ov. To have bad eyes, a disease of the eyes, Öpflaxpatów, A disease of the eyes, axuía. A black eye (from a blow), 'intértov. To have black or swollen eyes, küAotötów, ‘ūtroTud ſoprat, To have one's eyes opened (metaph.), i öppäTöopal. In my eyes he deserves the greatest punishment, €koi . . . TAeſortmu (muſav Špxtaxável, Eur. Blear eyes, Añum. Blear-eyed, YAéuwu, ovos, 6 kal fi. To be blear-eyed, Ampudo. With while eyebrows, Aevicóppus, vos, 6 'cal il. Eyesight, Šipts, ii. See Sight, An eye-witness, airópaptus, ipos, 6, #; airtóTtms. - } 49 Fable—Fail F. A fable, ut,00s, A6)0s; uß00Xóymua, Té; a telling of Jables, pºiſ00Aoyſa. To fable (or make fables), Aoyotrouéa. To fabricate, Trotéo, ; Tekraívouai, mid. See To make ; (a false tale, etc.) TAdororo. See To invent. A fabric, pyov. See House, Building. A fabulist, pā00troubs, uv60Xóyos. Belonging to fables, Aoyotroticós; skilful in, uv60A0)ticós. Tabulous, witóöms, wi&ikós. Fabulously, uijfficós. Face, Tpóorotov, uétarov, f irpápa; fié90s, tá. Face to face, katē atówa; ſcat’ &uuq. To one's face (to say, etc.), cat’ dupa, kat' àupata, Eur.; cat’ êq6&Nºobs, Xen. In the face (to slap, strike, etc.), étrl kóporms, Plat. Before one's face, to one's face (to upbraid, etc.), fêvãurtow. Before one's face, (so as to be visible) +ávri"irpalpos, ov; (so as to be opposed) &vtitpéowtros, ov; &vri- Métwiros, ov. Looking in one's face, fövtotos, ov. With what face (can any one do so and so)? trós SAétrov; Soph.; trotots 8Aérav; Soph. Could I have looked these people in the face? §p60's êueAAov čupiaqiu Toitovs 6pāv; Soph. To face (a hostile army), āuffia Topal, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf act.; Téxw. See To oppose. To make faces at (mockingly), Éyxaivopal, mid. To make wry faces, Supépoqāyou 8Aéro, Ar. Facetious, kopiyās; &otetos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; eitpā- Texos, ov; Éppexís. * Facetiously, Šuplexós, kout!/6s. Facetiousness, &otetox0)ia. See Wit. Facile, §§'ötos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Good-tempered. Facility, eitropia, §§§uoup'yta. See Ease. Fact, Épyov; facts, T& Tetpaypéva. In fact, Tă ăAm- 6eſq; it’ &Am0sías. Caught in the fact, airó bapos, ov. That he may catch the old man in the fact, €T’ai top6pg Trpégévv às . . . Aot, Eur. Faction, atáris, h; Tpoatãota. &vt to Tāorts, eas, i. A member of a faction, atágud Tms; of the opposite faction, &vttoragićtms. Those of the opposite faction, oi &vtåroAirévôuevot; of 6tätroAirevögevoi. The opposite faction, A raising of faction, otăortaoruás, To be torn by factions (as the state is), or to join in them (as the citizens do), a Tagića, no mid. To join in factions, ovatagić w. To be of the opposits faction, &vriotăoiáſw. To be overpowered by the opposite faction, kāTaotádióſopal, pass. Free from faction, &otáotaotos, ov. Factious, otégiotikos, otăorić6ms, a rāoria0 ticós. Factiously, otăa-taatikás, oraquaticós. Factiousness (or a state of faction), a ragiarett, Factitious, troumrós. Factory, Épyao Tàptov. Faculty, Śivāuis, eas, #. See Sense. To fade, &Toweito, intrans., only in act.; ’āiroušpal- vowal, pass.; ’ātavāéo, Éav0éw, träpäxpºſo; + kärä- kápºpoua, only pres, pass. Together with, giváro- Häpaivouai, pass. Fading (likely to fade), ššírmãos, ov. Faggot, párexos and pâlceXA0s; ppūyāvov, usu, in pl., RAmuârls, ió0s, #, in pl.: + škkavſta, T6. The gather- ing of faggots, ºppūyāviouás. One who gathers faggots, ºppūyāvío Tpia. - To fail, (i.e. miss one's aim, etc.) ‘āuaptăvo, fut. ‘āuap- thorouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2, #paptov;’āqāſaptăvo, ölä. Maprávo; a páNAouai, pass, esp. in perf. and aor. 2.; . &lroa páAAouai, Traia, Tposttaiw; ‘āTotvyxávo, fut. —Tétéopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-Étixov; ’ārūxéal; (in an enterprise) ſcălcottpāyéa, ’ātpactéo; (as a plan fails) ’āvāirſt tw, fut. —Tegoûual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étreaſov; 6tárittw; (as a play fails) tritta; (i. e. to omit to do anything) Aeſtro; (i. e. be deficient, be exhausted, come short, etc.) Aeſtra, ÉirixeſTw; intoxetiro, and —opal, mid.; Tpoxetta, ćAAeſtrø, c. part., c. gen, c, čv and dat., c. u% and infin., c. to ph où and infin. And as for the things of which he had no eaſperience, he did not fail to judge with sufficient accuracy, &v Šē âtrelpos elm, kpival ‘icăvös obic &tſixAaicto, Thuc. We do not think that we either shall fail in earning the favour of the deity, Tâs uèv Toivvy Tpos to &eſov eipieveias oiâ’ jue's oiópe66. AeAetpea 0ai, Thuc. My eye failed in eaecuting my purpose, Töö' àppo. . . . ºyváums &tfiče Tâs éuñs, Soph. See To miss, To omit. Failing, (i. e. deficient in) i Aeiträuevos, c. gem.; (i. e. exhausted, etc.) &relpmic&s, via, 6s, I 50 Failure—Fall Not failing my friends, oùk & relpmic&s pixois, Eur. His sight failing him, à pôa Mubs trpočičovs airtöv, Dem. Failure, a páAua, Té; bustixia ; Svstixmua, Té; Tratapa, Tá; kákorpāyīz; ’ātūxmua, Té; ‘ātpačía, +övsiſpašía; (i. e. deficiency) ériaenºis, eas, i. Having failed, "Girpaktos, ov. To faint, Airolâxéw (of a wounded man); 3Aiyoku- xéw, tº Tpoxetto. Fainting (or a fainting fit), Aitolizia. Fainting (of a dying man), t'ºypós. Faint, (of light or sound) +’āpeyyās; (of half-erased characters) 'éuijöpös, Öv. Faint-hearted, ‘ā0ūgos, ov; HäAäkös, Pax6ákós; 'ároM- pos, ov. See Timid, Faint-heartedly, ‘ā0äuws. To be faint-hearted, ‘ā0üuéw, ’ātoāgéa, +\itrobúxéa. One must (not) be faint-hearted, (oik) 'é0üumtéov. Faint-heartedness, '30Upſa, ’ātoāpaia. Fair, (i.e. not dark-complexioned) Aevicós; (i.e. beau- tiful, q.v.) Raxós; see Beautiful; (of wind for sailors) ečqopos, ov; ; eiðīs; if the wind is continually fair, }v čel katē "piºuvavia tºtal to Tvetpia, Thuc.; (i.e. just, q.v.) Sicaios, a, ov, and os, ov; (i.e. reasonable, of a pretence, an excuse, etc.) eff&oyos, ow. Having made many and fair offers, trpokawea duevot ToAA& kal eitcóra, Thuc. As is fair, Ös eiicós éoti, or às eikös, Soph. By fair means, trpès xàpiv, Soph, ; Treið07, Xen. To use fair means (opp. to foul), Tretë (opp. to 8téo- wat), Xen. Fairly, (i.e. on reasonable pretence) sixóyws; (i. e. equitably) forws; (i.e. naturally) eikótws. See Justly. Fairness (i. e. equity), áirtetketc. Fair-spoken, êtrieticăs. Faith, triotis, eos, ii, also esp. good faith. I praise the good faith of Cyrus, for he has falsified none of the promises which he made, étrauá thu Kū- pov Šešíay, où6év yöp heißeral &v Štréaxero, Xen. Faithful, triotós ; 8éSatos, a, ov, and os, ov; eiſtri- otos, ov; triotos, ov. Faithful old men, ynpañéa triotégata, AEsch. See Trusty. Yaithfully, triotós. Faithfulness, triotörms, mºros, i. Faithless, &tiotos, ov; 'éoùv6eros, ov. Faithlessness, &triotta, ºf ’āºria Tootival, chery. A falcon, Špirm. See Trea- See Hawk. To fall, tritta', fut. Tregoûual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čtre. orov, perf. Tréttaka ; karatrírtw; ’āvātūtra, poet. &uir.; Tpotritto; + šAtaffāva, esp. in aor. 2. &Atotov; + Ti"Tvø, only pres, and aor. 2.; (as a thunderbolt, or a calamity, etc.) a kåtta, ; Kataokjirta, śiriakā- TTw; (as a scale, etc.) fiétw, no perf, or aor.; (in battle) &AAüual, pass., c. aor. 2. mid. &Aówmv, and 2nd perf. §AwA&; see To die; (as a river falls into the sea) eiséâAAw, c. acc. iſoap, etc., or by itself; ékéâAAw, 8teåtmut ; (as price, as the wind, etc.) 'êvt- mut, imperf. -ímv and –tovy; (as a thing which has been on the person, e.g. the shield of a wounded sol- dier) Teplášéo, in aor. 2. trepieśāmv; (as chains off a prisoner) Tepláňňyvitat ; (away, from illness) orvp- Tritta; (back, i.e. retreat) 'évátrúrta. To fall on, or fall into, Šutritto, + šutri'Tvø, trpos- Trittw, ºf trpostitva, ; eistrittwº (as old age or cala- mity, etc.); €titrittaſ; (into misfortune) + ščokéAAw, no fut, aor. 1. -óketAa; (as a river falls into) sis- péa, fut. -peño opat; (down, as ripe fruit) + ortága, rare, except in pres, and imperf, act.; (down before, as a suppliant, etc.) trpostitta, c, dat., or c. acc., or c. prep., or sine cas.; i Tpostri"Two; + Tpotítvw, c. dat.; ‘ūtrotrírtw, sometimes also, with the same idea of respect, to fall behind a person; "pokáAlvöéopal, only pres. and imperf. pass. To fall off, or off from, &totritta, ćictitra, + šk- tri"Tvø; (as friends, or fruit, or leaves, etc.) &roßéo; (to pieces) kataññéa'; (in with, i. e. meet, q.v., etc.) ëykūpa, esp. in aor. 1. Čvécupola ; tıritvyxávo, fut. —Tétéopal, no aor. I., aor. 2. —étixov; ovyytyvouai, fut. —yevågopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –eyevöumv. To fall out (i. e. happen, q.v.), Ömotrítta. out (i. e. to quarrel, q. v.), Tposiºpota', quarrel. To fall to (so as to fight), orvutrittw. To fall to the lot of, ovuéalvo, only in pres, imperf, aor. 2. rivé- émy, perf. ovuééémica. Do not afterwards fall into your own snare (or by your act), wh. . . Šá úatépms at éovtó Tepitréans, Hdt.; so toſs éuavrot Aé'yous reputritto, AEschin. The prices of corn were falling, ai Tipai toº oftov ér” Aartov čáðiſov, Dem. Corn has fallen, êtrávnicev 6 o'ros, Dem. This business now falls on me, totr Čotiv #öm toãpyov eis éuê šétrov, Soph. * Do not fall upon (i.e. attack, be angry with) all these, but upon one, uh of veis &6péovs &AA’ eis Éva &ro- orkīyaté, HEschin. To fall See To 151 Fall—Eamous How are you fallen from your high estate, uoſpas àorov Tapoixel, Eur, Some . . . falling violently on the ground on their heads, Töv ... eis kpóta Trpos yiv ćickvélo Tévrov 8ig, Eur. To let fall, kā6ímput, Trópimut, KátášáAAw; (esp. tears, etc.) kåtagráſa, rare, except in pres, and imperf, no pass. See To drop. A fall, Trôoris, h; Trópia, rö; + réormuz, Tá; +tréoros, Tó; + šTríaaga, T6. A falling at a person's feet, TpoköAiois, eos, ii. One who falls headlong, + küétat mTh9, fipos, 6. Falling, fallen, ºf trepitretfis; (to the ground) + xà- patte‘ths, 'i Ymiretás. Falling away, + katağäväs. IIaving fallen on his sword, pagºyávº repittixhs, Soph. This sword on which he has fallen, to 6’ Tès, Soph. And that which fell from heaven, the image of the daughter of Jove, to t'oùpavoi trčampa, tis Atos kö- pms ”A'yaxpa, Eur. - Fallacious, oroquoticos, ’ātrātmtikós. See Deceitful. Fallaciously, oroptotikós. A fallacy, oróqugua, Tó ; tāpāAoytowós ; trópečéAey- x0s (esp. one used in refutation of arguments pre- viously advanced). To use fallacies, oroq (Qopal, mid, c. perf. pass.; Tāpā- Aoytſouat (also to deceive by fallacies). To refute by fallacies, Túpečexéyxw. Fallible, eúširātmros, ov. Fallow, &pyös, Öu, later bs, h, 6v. A fallow, vé0s, 6, ii. To turn into fallow, vetotrouéa. The breaking up a fallow, véâtos, Xen, A lying fallow, &epyi'a. False, ſevöhs, ‘F pi&#s; + div6eros, ov (not of persons, only of what is said); Tāpāompos, ov (properly of money, but also of other things), so too kiéâmâ0s, ov; (of a prediction) + iyevóóbmuos, ov; (of an oracle, as being not fulfilled) +’ákóprotos, ov. I will not be found false to myself, Čuavriv of Tpo- 6000” &X&oroua, Eur, A false report, pewäayyeafa. A false prophet, filev- 6öuautis, eos, 6 ſcal fi. A false witness, ſevööpaptus, ipos, 6. False witness, ſevåouaptiptov. Taking a false oath, Fleißopicos, ov. To take a false oath, ºf levöopicéo. False hair, kópm Tpósbetos, in pl., Xen. Falsehood, theobos, té; theogga, Té; jevö0Aoyto; + yū60s, Tó. – êyxos treptre- Falsely, levóós, élevapiévos, + pårmy. To speak falsely, bevöouai, mid. (not used in this sense in pass.); ſcatatºetºogat. But if they utter false insinuations, ei 5’ inrosa NAóuevot KAétroval uß00vs, Soph. See To lie. Falsely named, + ſevöávipos, ov; adv, f ſevöovšuws. To falsify, theißouai, mid, and pass, in pass, sens. ; + 'éAtów ; (i. e. to make false, weights or measures) ălăAüuaívouai, mid. To falter, Trafa. Fame, k\é0s, Tb, only nom. and acc.; $6%a ; ºftum, personified as “Dea Famae;” + k\mööv, Övos, ii (also in bad sense, Eur.). See Glory. .. Familiar (esp. as a friend, etc.), givnºſis ; oiketos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Intimate. Familiarity, giviðela. See Intimacy. Familiarly, oiketos, yuopiuws. To familiarise, they compel their rhythms and har- monies to be familiarised to the minds of the children, Tobs Évéuois Te kal Tès àppovías &vaykášovoivoi. ketoga &al taſs livXaºs Táv traíðav, Plat. Family (i. e. the race from which one is descended), 'yévos, tá; yewed, yévva ; yéveats, fi : + yévé0Aov, + yov), f fliga ; ºf Étſopa, tá; + diug, Tó ; (i.e. the household) 56pos; oikos (used also in sense 1.); 36 ua, Tb (also in sense 1.); oikta (also in sense 1.). A family (i. e. all one's kindred), † ovyyáveta. Those of the family (the inmates of the house), oikétat; for &vôov. Those of the same family, oi 'yevvmtat. Thé royal family, &pxikos Tröðuhu, Soph.; &pxicóv yévos, Thuc. Belonging to a family, oticelos, a, ov, and os, ov; + ye- vé0Atos, o, ov, and os, ov (esp. of gods protecting the family, etc.); so i ögåyvios, ov. Family affairs, Tà évôov, Soph, Of the same family, i öployevſis. tions. Of good family, eú'yeviſis. s Famine, Alabs, 6, sometimes à ; via Tus vógos, who ris aircía, etc., AEsch. See Hunger. To famish (so as to kill), Aluoktovéa. See Hungry. Famished (so as to die of famine), A400wis, é, ii. See Hungry. - A killing by famine, Aiwoctovía. Causing famine, ºf kevayyás ; ºf viotis, tos, 6, #. Famous, k\eivös ; eißočos, ov; jvouaa Tös, ov; trepi. 8óntos, ov; ; cAörbs, h, ov, and bs, 6v ; + paíðiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; froxêvºvos, ov; froxvalveros, See Kindred, Rela- J. ov. Most famous, t küöuotos. I 52 And once, conversing with Pericles, the son of the famous Pericles, IIepticae? §é trote, Tó too. Távv IIepuckéovs vić, ŠiaNeyóuevos, Xen. - To be famous, eiðokiuéo, eúðošéa, ; ; Adutra, no perf. fan (for winnowing), tiſov ; &0mpóépotov Špyävov, Soph. o fan, lit. and metaph. i Åſtrigo, Škpitrić w ; (a feel- ing) t (wripéa. anciful (i. e. imaginary), f măgatós ; (i. e. forming fancies) 60éao Tukós. - ancy, 66;a; +6ókmua, Tó; i öökmous, ii; † 66éaapa, Tó. 0 fancy, 60ket pot. See To seem. fame, väbs, also Att. veðs. See Temple. ang, Öows, Övtos, Ö. See Tusk. antasm, pdvtagua, āTos, Tó; pdapa, Tó. Vision. antastical, uetášovãos, ov. See Capricious. antasy, pavtåo'ía. ar, far off, Škös, compar. Élcaotépw, superl. ÉkgotáTw; See råAe, tºxoi, ; palpêv, superl. Maſſporátnu ; uakpá, paigotépg, etc.; Pakpá; Tpóra, and Tów (also +Tpóago), compar. Tpoorwtépa, superi. Tpoorwtátw; +&Tb, c, gen.: + 6ixa, c, gen. 7ar off, (after verb or word of motion to a place) éic- Troööv ; (after verb of motion from a place)'âtoffev, ’āra,0s or -0ev, trpóga,0e or -9ev, and trówfle or –0ey; tıA60e or -0ev, f Ékáðey. To see from afar, etc., áic troAAoi, Xen. ar, by far, with a comparative adj, Toxi, ToàA®, paſſicp6. See Much. As far as possible, uſiktatou ; Śirot irporarăto, Plat. As far as it was possible, Méxpt Övvatov fiv, Xen. As far as, Šorov ; uéxpt, sometimes, before a vowel, péxpts, sometimes with a preposition, as Aéxpt trpós; ép” &gov; ate étrl, c. acc.; Éas, c. gen, Bow far off? tróa'ov; Some of those who do not look far into the business have reproached him, Töv pumöèv Tpb rot, trpáypatos évôv- Plovpuévoy... #5m Tives éAotöápmoſav airtóv, Isoc. He is so far from having defined, troXAoû ye be? 61%pt- iceu, Dem. That ye may know that he is so far from being worthy, iv” eiðire troAAoû 6eiv ššuov čvta, Dem. I am far from pleading for myself, troXA00 6éw éyò âtrép éuavToo &troXoyela flat, Plat. So You are so far from, etc., too oftov Šćels, Dem. I am very far, aye, utterly removed (from such conduct), troAA00 ye kal toº travtos éAAeſtra, AEsch. Earl-Farming We are as far off as ever (from our object), foov 3’ &reaſuev Tó Tplv, Eur, Which he was very far from doing, &v (sc. Tpayuárov) &reixe TAeſortov, Xen. For the poorer were so far from envying those who had money, that ..., of Te yöp Trevéo Tepot ... Toorootov &Teixov toº pôovely toſs TAéa's icektmºevois, Čate, Isoc. As far as concerns me, to éir' épě, Eur. - As far as decrees go, Évéká ye ºn purpátov, Dem. The latter will be fur worse than the former, “O 3’ iſote- pos toū Tpó00ey eis Štrepš0X}v Tavoopyos éotal, Eur. But I will go so far as to admit, yā Śē too gåtñº âtrepôoAhv trototpat şote . . . ÖpioWoyá, Dem. Far. off, adj. pilºpás ; # Tºxoupôs, 6v ; +tmÅopös, Öv; +'étrovpos, ov; † 6 &tratépa. - Seen from afar, ºf Tm2\éoricotros, ov; ; TriAavyńs ; J. ºf Tºxotrös, Öv ; +’āirottos, ov. Heard from far, + tºxenévis. Travelling far, ‘f tºxétäävos, ov. ºf tºxétropatros, ov. See Distant. To be far off, &Tootáréa. To live far off, &Toucéa. Tpóo w, Xem.; &toucéa, Wakpáv, Thuc. To be für from (folly, wisdom, misfortune, etc.), &traNAdagopal, pass. O women, how I fear lest I have gone too far (i. e. done wrong) in all the things I have lately done, * f f w / a º Tuvaikes, &s 6éôouca pil Tepattépw Terpayuév' fi pºol A -- a ºf -5 2 / 3/ Táv6' 30° àptíos éðpov, Soph, When you go too far in anger, štav Švuot, Trepéans, Soph. To fare, Táoxw, fut. Tetoropal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. čarš. 909, perf. Trétrov0a; Tpdoorw, perf. Témpāya, esp. with adv. et, ka?\6s, rakós. To ſure ill, &veTitmöetws Tpdoorw, opp. to e8 tp., Lys. Fare, (i. e. passage money) vačAov or vaúA0s; (i. e. food, etc.) 6taita; 6taſtmua, Tó. Farewell, Xalpe ; £5000, infin. Ö560-621. I do not know how you fare, oùk oióa Thy gºv Tpāśiv, Soph. - A farm, Xoptov, x&pa, Yitrečov ; yeapyta, in pl. A little farm, , hēlov. To farm, yewpyéa, t'ymtrovéa. To farm (i. e. to hire), véuokal, mid.; &véopal, mid, imperf. §ovoúpºv, pass. perf. Šávmual. A farmer, yeopyós ; ymíróvos &vhp, Eur. Skilful as a farmer, yeap'yikós. Farming, yeapyta ; (i.e. contracting for, etc.) &th. Fond of farming, pixoyéop'yos, ov. Fondness for farming, puko'yeapyta. Farm-yard—Father A farm-yard, fatalov ; (belonging to) + TposačAelos, 09. A farthing, x2Alcots, où, 6 (in reality rather less). The fasces (of the Roman consuls), šáéâ01, ai. To fascinate, 'yomteſſa. Fashion (i. e. form of anything), 0xérus, i ; oxfiug, Tó ; Tpáros, a kevä. The fashion of the country, to étrix&ptov. To be the fashion of a country, Ét(Xoptáço. It is the fashion, êtrixopudgetat ; #60s éott, impers. According to the fashion of the country, Étrixapta's. To fashion (i. e. to make, q.v.), TAdorow. To be fashionable (lead a fashionable, luxurious life), + Icotaipéopal, pass. To fast, *āoritéo, vno Tetov. Fasting, subst. 'éaitia, who teſa. Fasting, adj. 'éairos, ov; viſatis, ews, 6, #; +’āyev- ortos, ov. Fast (i. e. well fastened), a telyavés. See Firm. Fast (i.e. swift, q.v.), tàxis, comp. Šárgov, Táxiotos; (see Swift); (as blows, rapidly recurring) ºf étrao- avrepotpiéſis. Fast, adv. (as to hold fast), &trpić, fºãmplyög. To fasten, ärtw, no perf, mid, and pass. not used in this sense; &várto, lit. and metaph., as “to fasten blame on ;” éârto, ică0&TTa, ; Tºyvöput, perf mid. trétmya, in pass. Sens.; coxxão, properly with glue ; ºf tragoºeffo, properly with pegs; + yopºpów, prop. with nails. To fasten to (see above), also trposétto, c. dat.; trpostraoro &Aeëw, trpostrepováo; &ptdow, c. Éirl and dat.; Tposapráo. See To fia. Fastened, fºrmicrós. Well fastened, eiträyńs; + etyop- ºpos, ov. A fastening, orivöeguos, pl. Tà oðvöeoga; ; Śppós : éveports, eas, i ; (the act) trfišis, eas, i. A faster, kāicógiros. Fastidious, Šireporticós. Fastidiously, Örspottikós. To treat fastidiously, 'ürepopów. Fat, subst. Smuès, Kvira; oréap, Tó; otéâtos; + Airos, ró; TimeAff. Fat, adj. trial, ovos, 6; (of men) träxis, triuéAáöns. To be fat, firáxiſvogal, pass. See Tofatten. Fatal, bXéðptos, a, ov, and os, ov; Śāvādiuos, ov; Šávármºpópos, ov; +&vátáels, 4 &A.06s; (of a wound) Kaipios, a, ov, and os, ov. Fatality. See Fate. Fatally, kalptos. The Fates, Kāpes, gi [they were daughters of Niš, See Proud. I meet with this fate, totaš’ &pyvual, Soph. but had no father; their names were AdXeoris, ews #; KAw86; "A Tpotros, i]. Fate, Motpa, also in pl. (as the Fates); Satuwu, ovos 6; afoa, not in pl.: fuápos, chiefly bad; # Tempo uéum, to Tetpwpévov, f to uápoſiuov, iſ eiuoppévm (only evil) Kºlp, knpös, ii, often in pl. (as the Fates) + oltos, no pl.: + tróTuos, no pl. It is the fate, it is fated, eſpaptat, pluperf. eluapto, in imperſ, sens, also part, eiuapuévos, m, ov; trétpwrat pluperf. Širéirpoto in imperf. sens., part. Trettpogévos, txpſ ; xpedºv čoti (éott being also often under. stood), Soph. Thuc. Death is the fate of all mortals, trägt &vmtois Épu (aor. 2. of 'pěa) w8pos, Soph. Fated, fuápoſipos, ov; uépinos, ov; Huoupiðios, a, ov, and os, ov; fºotpákpavtos, ov; T &éa pătos, ov; (i. e. doomed to a sad fate) aivéuopos, ov. As it is fated, +évaloriuws. Father, Tăthp, Tatepos, sync, Târpès, etc. (as always in Att.), acc. TaTépa, never contracted in dual or plural except in gen, pl., dat, pl. tatpāori; +yovets, 7evvmths, Yevvitop; +yevérms, ov; +/evérop, opos; t’ápotºlp, fipos ; ; pirogirópos; pitáAutos Tarhp, Soph. ; ; piroup'yos and put. Tarijp, AEsch. Soph. ; 6 pāras, c. acc. of the children, Soph. ; 6 Tek&v, c. acc. or c. gem. AEsch. Eur. A father-in-law, trev6epös, 'Vaſaspös, Icmöeaths. A common father, ovyyevvátop; An unhappy father, F aivo"rathp. Aged fathers, putéAutot yepovres, Æsch. Making the wish father to the thought, pleºgov puépos véuoutes Tó BoöNegbai, Thuc. From a father, of a father, etc., Tarpá6ev. Each writing on a tablet his name and the name of his father and his tribe, etc., áicao Toseis trudiciou ypg}as Toivoua Tatpó0ev kal puxās, k. T. A. Plat. Of, or belonging to, one's father, inherited from, etc., tärpä0s, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Tā'Tptos, 2, ov, and 0s, ov; trărpikós. Born of a noble father, eiträrpäms, ov, only masc.; J. - *u. ºf eiträTap, opos, Š; fem, eitratépeta; in fem, eiträrpts, iö0s. * v P Loving one's father, piń0T&Twp, opos, 6. Love for one's father, pixotrörpía. Having the same father, Öporá'Tptos; Śworátop, opos e ô, i. A father's care or rule, fi Tatpovowitch. Falherless, +&T&Twp, opos, 6, #; + Tātpoatepſis. Bisowned by me your father, &mdrap Škov, Soph, 154 A fathom, opyvić. Three fathoms long, or high, or wide, etc., Tptépyvios, 0}/. Fatigue, kóros, + Kēuáros. o fatigue, Băpăvo, AUTéa, TâAaltopéo, &Tokugio, kārātpíša. To fatigue to death, Fātrokteſvæ. To be fittigued, icópavo, fut. Icăuotpat, no aor. 1., aor. 2. čicăuov, perf. Kékpumica; 'üreftov, aor. 2., perf. 'âtreipmica; trovéo; ’ātrā-yopetºw, usu, c. part.; Ticotićw. To be fatigued before or very soon, Tpokáuva, Tpoátro- káuva, trpoàràyopeto, Tpoatreipmica. Not to be fatigued, 5tapkéw, fut. –éow. Fatiguing, kāpātā5ms. Fatigued (very), Ötrépicotros, ov; (rather) #Tókotros, 01/. To fatten, act. Tiaiva, kārātiaiva, Täxjvo. Fatted, girevtós. - Fatuity, #Aiðiðrms, mºros, ii. See Folly. Fault, aitta ; airiáua, Tá; kákovpyia, oftenest in pl. See Crime. Not by my own fault, où 6t' épé, Andoc. To be at fault, t'éAáopal. See To be perplexed. To find fault, ÉTitiudo. See To blame. A finding faull, étritiumqis, eas, i. We shall have much more reason to find fault with you, troAt év TAéovi airíg juás ééopaev, Thuc. Faultily, Icáicós. See Badly. Faultless, àväuáptntos, ov; +'àuopos, ov. See In- 700ent. Faultlessly, 'üväuapTſitas. Faulty, Tovmpós. See Bad. To favor, evoča, ovykaraivéo. See Friendly. Favoring me very much, icópt’ uol rvéou xàpu, AEsch. Thinking that the Grecian cities ... would rather favor the Athenians, vouíſov Tós . . . tróAets ‘EAAmvíðas . . . uáAAov trposéxelv &u Tois A0pyaíous Töv votiv, Xen. And men for the most part rather favored the Lace- daemonians, # be eiſuota tapå troAt érote: Tów &v- 6póTov påAAov és toys Aakešaipovious, Thuc. Favor, evačveta, eúvota. A favor (i. e. a kindness done), eúspyegia; xãpus, iros, i. Thinking that you will be in favor with Cleon if he becomes king, Öokóv Špóvous trapaarathoſely toſs Kpeovrefois Tréxas, Soph. In favor of (i. e. for the advantage of), trpos, c. gen. ()' C. a CC, To do a favor to, xàpiſopal, mid, fut. xapfrogat and Xºptoſugi, perf. pass, in act, and pass, sens. ; A Fathom—Fear icarat{0epal silepyeo'íav, Kat. xápiv, Trpostíðspa, Xápiv, c. dat. pers, or c. rpós and acc., Soph. Thuc.; véuw xépiv, Stºwpi xàpiv, ‘ūroupyéo xápu, c. dat. Trag. For we gain friends, not by receiving, but by doing favors, où yöp tróaxovtes să ăAA& 6póvres któpºeffa Tobs (pixovs, Thuc. To cultivate the favor of, &epátreſſw. To do or say anything so as to curry favor with, Tpdoorw or Aéya Tpos Xápu, c. gen. pers. or c, dat. A cultivating the favor of, &epätreſa. Favorable (esp. of omens), Sešić’s ; + švatorios, ov; #Tios, a, ov, and os, ov; (of persons) eigevis; effºpov, ovos, 6, #; effvoos, ov, contr.-vows, vovy; eitpégoiros, ov; (of wind) oipios, a, ov, and 0s, ov (also of a voyage made with favorable winds); TAévoſtikos, + staffs; + štroupos, ov; + vavgºroutros, ov; (of a voyage) ºf eiotăAfts. For night is favorable to robbers, KAertów Yêp # vić, Eur. To be favorable (as wind), +oğptgo. Favorably, eú, eigevas, eighpóvas. A favorite. See Dear. A fawn, veðpós. A fawn-skin, večpls, ió0s, i. To fawn, Jaiva, no perf, no mid., though pres, pass. To fawn on, Tpoorgaíva. * - Fealty, ºf Tetêapxta, póBos. Fear, Ščos, Tb, no pl.: Seºua, Tó; ākvos, 33505ta, (bpikā; Kará''TAmés, eos, h; +tépé0s, tá; Tô Seblos, Thuc. An object of fear, ‘f péémpa, Tó. To fear, Öeiða, fut. Seto opal, perf. 6éSoulca and 3é6.a, 1st pl. 3éðiuev (Thuc.), c. prep. Trepl or &ap) and dat. of the subject for the sake of which, c. acc. of the thing feared, or c. infin. very often with con- junction (I fear it is, Seibo wh), followed either by subj, or sometimes (not so often) by indic, SetSo &Tws ..., 8, 8tra's wº..., 3 Ös, oftenest with indic.; I fear it is not, Öetöw ph où, c. subj, Östów &s où, c. indic., no pass, nor mid. except fut.; poééouai, pass., c. fut, mid.; Tpéa, no perf, no mid. or pass.; ökvéo, Tpéuo, only pres, and imperf act. ; āśw8éo, t Tap3éa, ºf Tpopéal; + škºpoééopal, pass : écrx'ís. aouai, pass., aor. 2. četàdymu. To crouch in fear, Tràgaw, Fätortágow. To feel a respectful fear of, aidéouai, mid., c. aor, 1. pass. #6éoºmy. To fear beforehand, Tpoöetöw; Tpoſpoééopal, pass. To fear jor, Trépiq,06éokal, ºf Tpotapééo, + ‘ūrepoffo.6éo, lö5 Fearful—Feei +'âtrepôetöw, c. gen. To fear very much, "iTeppo- ééoual, 'üTepektāfioſo oual, pass. To fear a little, 'üToöeiða'; 'TootéAAopal, mid. To be distressed with fear, 5üsoíſo (p654, AEsch.; pášp ăvăTétouat (in aor. 2. čvértmv), Soph. One must fear, poémtéov. To be feared, poémté0s. Fearful (i. e. causing fear), beivös, ppikéðms; see Terrible ; (both causing and feeling fear) poéepos, ākwnpós. Very fearful, Tepifieńs; tepēpošos, ov; ‘ūtréppoš0s, ov. Fearing man, + 6eto fivop, opos, Ö. See Timid. Apt to fear beforehand, tºrpoºpoemricós. Fearfully, Öelvös, Teptóeós. Fearless, ’āöeñs; ’āq,060s, ov; *ātpea ros, ov; 'évéic- wAnktos, ov; +’āq6éntos, ov; +’ātapéſis; +’âtépém- tos, ov. Fearlessly, 'éq660s, ’āöeós, '3tpéo Tws, Eearlessness, ‘āq,0éia. Feasible, "åvva Tös, épuktós. A feast, Öals, battos, ii, very rare in pl.; Śoptſ; ŚāAtzl, ai, no sing.; &otum, ouptróatov; Éatião is, ii; eiwxta; + ša riča, Tó; Teixativm, t 90ivăţa. A funeral feast, repôetwov. A feast in a tent, glºvá. A joint feast, givöeltwov. A day of feasting, ºpéoup'yov fuap, AEsch. The day after a feast, il géfléoptos, Antipho. Belonging to a feast, Šolvätikás. Fond of feasts, pixeoptos, ov. To feast, intrans. (though most of the following words may govern acc. or gen. of the food), Šotvágo; eiw- xéopal, pass., c. fut, mid.; &áAlūša'; 'föatviaat, rare, except in pres. and imperf.; +éotiéoua, pass. c. fut. mid.; +&oiváopat, mid. c. aor. 1. pass.; with, Give- a Tudoplat. To feast, trans. (i. e. entertain, give a feast to), śa tuéo, eúoxéo, + 6aívvut, f &oivio. You joining me in celebrating this her marriage with a feast, toys yá'uovs Tovs Tisbe avvöaío as éuot, Eur, We feasted our eyes, āupiat' éčetrtuTAaſiev, Eur. To celebrate with a feast, 5téoptègo. A feaster, ovutórns, ov, 6; t Saltijuov, ovos, 6; i Saltaxets; (i.e. one who gives a feast) éotiárop, opos, 6; Souáràp, fipos, 6; t Souárop, opos, 6; a fellow-feaster, göväetirvos; to vuòaíTop, opos, 6; ºf ovv- 60tváTop, opos, 6. Having sumptuous feasts, effettvos, ov. A feat, pyov. See Deed. A feather, wrepov, wrixov. Anything feathered, irté- papa, Tb (of an arrow). t Feathered, Trepaths, h, bu, and bs, 6v; irrepopuhs, Rouffrns (of an arrow). With variegated feathers See Winged. Adimantus with the white feather, 'A6etuavros & Aevicó. Å000s, Ar. Feathery, f(i. e. made of feathers) Trépivos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; (i.e. like feathers) Trepvyóðms. To put forth feathers, become feathered, Trépoq’véw, no mid. A becoming feathered, Trépapa, āros, T6. To feather, to furnish with feathers, Trepča. To shed one's feathers, irrepoß50éa, or Trepoßvéw. Featherless, &rthu, fivos; +&irrepos, ov. A feature, titos. Febrile, Túperóns. February, 'Avôeatmpt&v, &vos, 6 (began about the middle of February). Fecundity, troXiyovſz. Federal, ovupºxicós. A fee, uta:66s. To fee, utor0060téa. Feeble, #ffffootos, ov; ’āvapôpos, ov; t’âgévnvos, ov. Very feeble,’iſtreparðevås. See Weak, Feebly, &crðevós. -- To be feeble, &0.6evéo. Feebleness, &0.6% weig. See Weakness. To feed, act. Bórico, fut. 800 kilow, no perf. (either as the herdsman feeds his cattle, or as the pasture feeds them), in pass., only in pres, and imperf., of the animal who is fed ; véuw (as the herdsman feeds the cattle), mid, of the cattle who feed ; voweto (of the herdsman, and intrans, of the cattle); Touggivo, no perf act, though there is pass, act. of the shepherd, pass. of the flock and also of the ground which is fed upon ; Tpépa'; 'pépéo, only pres, and imperf, act. of the shepherd or the land, in pass. c. pluperf mid.; érépépéetv, of the cattle; girlſø; besides, together, avutpépo. To feed upon, oritéopal, pass. c. fut. mid.; See To eat; with, intrans., ºf gºvvvéuopat, ºf Jupitol. waivopal. One must feed, 800-km réov, Spettéov. What must be fed, Spetté0s. Anything which is fed (any cattle), 860 cmga, Tó. Animals fed upon the herbage of Parnassus, puxA460s IIapymoroſtas trauðetplata, Eur. Well fed, eitpeºpñs; six}Aos, ov. Feeding many, act. (of land, etc.), + troAiéotos, ov. A feeding or maintenance, airmous, eos, i. To feel (in the heart, etc.), aiotăvouai, mid, fut, Treporotkixos, 01/. &06evīs; 156 - aio 6%aouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. fiabópmv, no pass., often with a participle in nom. case agreeing with the nom. to the verb.; Tráoza, fut. Teto opal, no aor. l, aor. 2. čtrá00v, perf. Trétrov6a, esp. of cherishing feelings towards, c. Tpos and acc. pers. To feel in such and such a disposition towards a person, êxa, c. adv. of the disposition, and Tpos c. acc. To feel (by the hand, etc.), áirtouai, mid., pass. not used in this sense. To feel for (as a blind man, or a man in the dark), /mNáqda, Tuymāapdºw. To feel at the same time, givaig Óðvouai. -> eeling his way with a stick (of CEdipus when blind), orkíttpg Tpoãelkvås, Soph. Because the distress at once makes itself felt by each in- dividual, Ötöti to pºv Avroßv čxel #37) Thy ato 6 motu ékáo Tºp, Thuc. mainly on himself, Ékaatós tus éauté švvetoetai Tàs víkms airićtatos &v, Xen. A feeler (of an insect, etc.), Tiéookls, fö0s, i. feeling (of body or mind), Tá00s, té. Having such feelings with respect to the war, thv Štěp Toà troAéuov yuápmy totaútmu èxovtes, Dem. Capable of feeling, aio 6mtikos, trúðnticós. Having the same feelings as, Šuotoiráðhs, juoiráðhs. To have the same feelings as, Ögototrá0éa, c. dat. To feign, TposToteopat, mid, no pass. in this sense; TAdoro w, orvpat?dorow. See To pretend. Feigned, TAao Tós; trpostromtös, ), ov, and bs, 6v; + troumtés. Feignedly, trāagrós, Tpostountós. A feint, Tpostroſnua. See Pretence. To felicitate, uákápíſo. See To congratulate. Felicitation, wäicăptop.6s. Felicitous, eißaiuov, ovos, 6, #. See Happy. What shall I call her, so as to speak felicitously 3 ti viv Tposeſtra, kal Tüxo wax' eig Touáv; Æsch. Felicity, eúðaipovic. See Happiness. Fell, 'ügetàixos, ov. See Cruel. To fell, Téuva; kóttaſ, no perf, act. A felloe (of a wheel), ājls, 750s, i. See To cut. A fellow, Étaipos; givixić, icos, 6, #. See Com- panion. A fellow-citizen, avutoAfrns. A fellow- soldier, orvo Tpättötms, ov, 6; oiſvaatrioths, où, 6. See Citizen, Soldier, etc. Fellowship, Öpixta. See Companionship. A felon, trávot pyos. See Wicked. Felt, or anything made of it, mixes; Tiamua, āros, ºró. ach individual will feel that the victory depends. Feeler—Eestival Made of felt, triXmtés. Female, SãAvs, eia, v, and ŠâAvs, 6, ii, neut. Śāv; &mAüyevils, T &mAüotropos. The tread of female feet, &mAüTovs 830 is, Eur, A female, yūvil, gen, Yvvaikös, etc., voc. Yūval (used in Arist. of animals as mate of the male). Female nature, &mAürms, mtos, h. Feminine, (i. e. womanish) &mAvôpióðms; (in dis- position) +&mAüvoos, ov, contr. vows, vovy; +&mAü'- ‘ppov, 6, #, neut. ov, gen, ovos. Femoral, pumpiaios. A fen, Éaos, Tó; Aiuvm; TéApia, T6. See Marsh. Fenny, Apºwdºms. A fence, Épkos, Tó; ppáyga, Tá; ppayúðs. To fence, ºppégaw, Jupppdogo ; (with palisades) atavpów; round, Treptotavpów, and mid. Fennel, uápäßpov. To ferment, (Juéopal, pass. Fermentation, Çüuogus, eas, i. Anything formented, Çüuwpa, Té. Fern, Ttépus, iè0s, ii, acc. Trépu. Ferocious,”&yptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Cruel. Ferociously, &pés. See Cruelly, Ferocity, ‘āypiórms, mros, j. See Cruelty. A ferret, iictls, £50s, h; yāAñ. To ferry, tropºuéâw; (across) 5uatropºuetw. A ferry, tropºuás. A being ferried across, + Top5uás. A ferryman, Topópºets. Fertile, Toxikoptos, ov; eiſicapiros, ov; Bā60s, eia, b, compar. 8a0ürepos and Ba0ſov ; Airãpós; + 8a05. x0av, 6, i ; † Bá0üo tropos, ov; + Ka8Aféoxos, ov; + kāpirinos; (in corn) troAſſoiros, ov; (in all things) trauq6pos, ov. To fertilise, t triatva', 'i Kapirſſo. Making fertile, fertilising, + (6büros, ov; ; troAş. TeKvos, ov. A fertiliser, Tizapa, Tó. Fertility, toxvicaptria, troAigitta. Fervency, fervour, Tpo6.jputa. Fervent, &epubs, h, ov, and bs, 6v. Earnest. A ferule (at the bottom of a scabbard), wäkms, mtos, 6. To fester, ſpxeyuaíva. A festival, éopth, kópos; Tāvīyūpus, ii; # Teaeth. A triennial festival, Tptermply, tºos, j. A festival cele. brated by night, travuvX's, ibos, i. Festive, belonging to a festival, éoptootikós. See Warm, 157 Testivity—Fight To celebrate festivals, to go in festal procession, etc., kwud:w, also mid. (rare), but not in pass.; £optáço. Having no share in the sacred festival, &véoptos iepāv, Eur. Festivity, eigpogium. See Feast. To fetch, (persons) #yo, aor. 1. and perf rare, aor. 2. #yāyov; † atéAAw; (things) pépw, fut, otola, oftener —oual, aor. 1. #veyica, no pf.; (persons or things) co- putſo; (for oneself) + popéopal, mid.; (as a thing which is sold fetches a price) eipio Ko, fut, eúphow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. eipov, only act. used in this sense. See To bring. When any one sells a bad servant, and sells him for what he will fetch, 8tav Tis oikétmv Tovmpov troxfi kal &roë&ral toº eipóvros, Xen. Fetid, Sūsáðms; + kåkoogos, ov. The fetlocks, küvétroães, oi. A fetter, Tréðm ; Segubs, pl. usu. Seouë, but also §eguo; + 360 uoua, Tó; troëoſv oivopls, AEsch. Fettered, +5égulos, a, ov, and os, ov; t beguárns, in fem. Öeopætus, ió0s. To fetter, trečáa, 6éa. Feud, pus, ió0s, acc. 15a and iv., ii. See Quarrel. Fever, tripetós. - To have a fever, tripéa'a w, fut. —Éo, but rare, except in pres. and imperf. Feverish, tripettºms. Few, ÖAfyos, superl. ÖAkyigros; atrávios, uávés; eiº- pi"99 mtos, ov; † Traùpot, only pl. In a few words, 81& 8paxéwV, Plat. To be few, fortrăviço, fut, -forw. A few times, ÖAiyêicts. In a few places, ÖAiyêx00. Fewness, àAiyörms, mºros, ii; uávórns, mTos, ii. A fibre, vetpov, usu, in pl. Fibrous, veupdºms. Fickle, uetáčovXos, ov; &otáðumtos, ov; TāAiuéoxos, ov; ’āšéSatos, ov; + kovſbóvoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. Ficklely, &Sečata's. Fickleness, petašovXía. Fiction, TAdapa, Tó. Fictitious, ºf Toumrbs, ‘i TAao Tós. Fictitiously, TAao Tôs. Fidelity, triotis, sws, ii; triotótºms, mTOs, i. A field, ‘āypós; 'époupa (properly an arable field); + o-tropntós; yöm, ms, ii, usu. in pl. A grass-field, Aeluðv, Övos, 6; t Aeſuač, Škos, 6 ; Tóa, See Meadow. The beasts of the field, Šipes &ypôtal, Eur, Feeding in the fields, + &Ypóvowos, ov. See False. Eur.; (by night) vuktouáxia ; (a naval) vavuáxia ; To pass the night in the fields, étravàigouai, mid. A fieldfare, tpixás, $80s, i. Fierce, *āyptos, a, ov, and os, ov; 8plubs, orépebs, Tpäxts, ‘i BA00 ipós. Fierce-looking, + yopyós; + yopybºy, atros, 6, ii, no neut.; + yopywrös, Öv, fem. Yopyótrus, i50s. To be fierce, t'aypuéopal, pass. To look fierce, ºf Taupéopal, pass. She looks fierce at her servants with the look of a lioness with young cubs, Tokáðos bápyga Aeatums &moravpot- tat 6/100 lu, Eur. Fiercely, &piós, òpoppóvas, 6óv. See Cruelly. Fierceness, &piórms, mtos, ii; Tikpótºms, mºros, ii; &ypi- 6tms, mºtos, i. Fiery, tripáðms, Tupoetóñs; Śiśiripos, ov; + ſítripos, ov; + šupiiripos, ov; + triptſpXéywy, ovoia, ov. | Fiery-looking (as the sun, lightning, etc.), firipa,Tös, ov. Fife, See Flute. Fifteen, Teytekaićeka. The fifteenth, Tevrekatēéicătos. Fifth, Téuttos. See Five. A fifth part, Tepittmuáptov. On the fifth day, Tepittatos. Fiftieth, Teytnicootós. Fifty, TrevThkovira. Looking fiercely, Tavpm- Fifty years old, TrevTºkovtaeths, contr. —Icovtovt.ns, fem. Tevrmkovitaetls, fö0s. Fifty thousand, Tevractsuiptol. A fig, gükov. A dried fig, irzès, #80s, h; ioxãölov. A fig for his courage, uoppið, too &pāorovs, Ar. A fig-leaf, &ptov. A fig-tree, quice), usu. contr. Gükä. Fight, uáxm, ovuéoxh; Tpésuičis, h; + pāoris, gen. iãos, acc. ióa and ty, à ; + pts, ió0s; + 67pts, 10s, ii; + Sols, i, only in dat. 8at; TāAm, also tróAm Sopos, (of infantry) reſouáxia; (of cavalry) in Topčxia. To fight, wäxopal, mid-, fut. Att, usu. Maxoi waſ ; 6tauáxopal, &vapdxopal, Toxeſ,éo ; ‘āYovigouai, pal, mid, also pass, in pass. sens.; Tposſiyyū, c. dat, or c. Tpbs and acc.; ovušáAAw, no aor. 1, perf ovuéééAmica, c, dat, or c, Tpos and acc.; ovuſpé- popat, pass., c. fut, mid. Ovvoto opal, aor. 1. pass. ovumvetx0mv ; + pºdpvápal, only pres. and imperf.; with fists, twictetſo; (see To bow); in, êvãºyovigopal ; for, Tpouáxéo, c. gen.; Tporoñépéo, túrepudzouai, + širepuaxéo ; from (a tower or wall, etc.), 'étouá- Xopal ; around, trepiuáxopal ; to the end, ovvöläuä- 158 Fighter—Find Xopal ; together with (as allies), ovppäxéw, c, dat.; ovupixouai, c, dat.; givaatſſo, ovvayoutſoual ; (by sea) ovvvavuáxéw ; in single combat or unaided by allies, provoſtěxéw ; as a cavalry soldier, intropäxéa ; as an infantry soldier, or in a land battle (opposed to a naval one), treſouáxéa, ; in the first ranks, Tpopſi- xéa, ; by sea, vavuáxéw, 6tavavuáxéo ; from walls, tetxopičxéa, ; with ill success, 8vouáxéo, Phrases for To fight, utyvvut "Apn, Soph,; ovušáAAw ãotíðas, Ar.; avg64AAw uáxmy, Eur,; givárto tróAepov, o.pdxmv, c. dat. of the enemy, or sine cas., Eur.; ovvárta påxn, Eur.; avvárta påo'yāva, Eur.; eis xeipas pXopal, esp. in aor. 2. Sync. Abov, Thuc. To fight by sea, givappāſa, Bāpiśa, c, dat., Fur. To slay in the heat of the fight, Év xepoly &Tottetva, Thuc. The fight was such . . . and having been fought by most important cities, # uèv AdXm touaútm . . . yéveto . . . kal intro A0) atdºtaly tróAeov ovveX0000-a, Thuc. One must fight, pāxetéov. One must fight against Jruitlessly, 8vskáxmtéov, c. neg. $ To cause to fight, bring together to fight, + JupišćAAw, ‘i giváTrø. A fighter; (see Soldier); in the front rank, ºf Tpéuá- x0s; in a chariot (not the charioteer), áiríšárms, ov, 6. One who fights with as an ally, Gºppéxos. See Ally, etc. In good condition for fighting, &átówáxos, ov. Unfit for fighling (of a wounded man), "štěpáxos, ov. Fighting for, ‘f Tpépáxos, ov, c. gen. Fought for, or worth fighting for, trepipéxntos, ov. Figurative speaking, eikovox.oyia. Figure (of a person), pvil, usu. in praise; pop ph; twóppopa, Tó; any sort of figure, oxfiga, Té; a figure in drawing or carving, tiros; (i. e. not a reality) elówkov; TAdopa, T6. To figure, or express figuratively, aivio gouai, mid. See To imagine. To filch, F Täpärpäyw, fut. —rpáčopal, aor. 2. —érpä- yov. See To steal. A file, fivn; (of men) oroixos, See Rank. And let each company march in single file, # 3& Tášis écdot m éq’ £vös tra, Xen. To file off, to make men file off (military term), Tēpē. 'ya, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —#7áyov. Filial (i.e. loving one’s father), pixotárap, opos, 6, #. Filings, Éiviuato, Tá. To fill, Tiptºnſu, *āvāirtutxmul, éputſpºtAmul, 6táriu- TAmul, ékirtutxmul, TAmpów, 'üvätämpów, KTAmpów, Peotów, Šväuertów, yepiſo, ppdoora, (of filling a cup) êyxéa. To fill up (e.g. a square of men, etc.),ávektriu- TAmpu. To fill up (a number), Tpostampów. To fill in opposition (as one army occupies a road in opposition to another army), ávtåvátíuTAmul ; (in turn) &vtep- triuTAmput. To fill up (the ranks of an army), &vri- TAmpów ; (a harbour, or any excavation, by casting earth in), Xóvvuſal ; (so as to make equal) &vrávd. TAmpów. To fill over full, 'ütreptămpów. To be filled, ordttopal, pass.; Tükv6opal, pass.; (too full) iTepTriputrāāpaal, pass. For your reputalion, O old man, greatly fills all mouths, troAt yep, 3 yepov, to gáv čvopa štíket Távtas, Soph. What must be filled, éptAmatéos. A filling, 'üvár&#pools, eas, ii; (of a channel, or anything else to be filled by casting in earth, etc.), X&ois, eas, i. - To one's fill, t'éðmy. A fillet, &pirvé, gen. iiicos, 6, #, rarely 6; +’īvāöéopºl, + givöetov ;-(esp. as a sign of victory) Talvia. To bind with a fillet, Talviów. To filter, h9éa, Öum0éw. A filter, ‘ūAlothp, fipos, 6. Filth, Aüua, Té; Éiros, 6, pl. of Éirot and tâ fºra; + Tivos. Filthy, aixumpós; ’ākā0aptos, ov; + Bugiriyhs, Fºrt. väpós. See Dirty. To be fillhy, Éiſtraivopal, pass., only pres, and imperf: füTáa, ºf aixpiéo. See Dirty. A fin, Trepčytov. Final, iſotáros, TeXevtatos. See Last. Finally, TeXeta's and TeXéas, TeXevtaſov. Finance, oikovouía. Financial, oikovouirós. A financier, oikovágos. A finch, otríða. To find, eſpíoko, fut, eúpñow, aor. 1. eſpov; bev. ptorica, ćevptorica (Trag. have also pres. indic. Kry- xávo); KäräAqušávo, fut.-Affikouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –éAášov. To find out too late, ueTaylyváorica, fut. —yvágopal, etc.; (besides) irposeuptako. To join in finding, ovvegeuptako. For why should I find you so disposed (towards me)? ătă tº Y&p &v Ical Túxopt juáv Totograp; Lys. These things are immediately found out to be all £mitation, Putumous #5m taota givv0mpeãetal, Ar. Seg To discover. 1.59 Finder—Eirmly We should find the enemy few and weak, ÖAfyous te Kal &affevéal Xpmaatuet” &v troAepſous, Xen. But still I will not be found false to myself, Šua's 5’ éuavtºv oſſ trpoãojo” &Adigopal, Eur. One must find out, Čševpetéov. A finder, eúpeths, où, 6, in fem. eſpétis, iè0s. A finding, eſpeals, eas, ii. See Discovery. A lucky find, épuatov. A thing found out, eſpnua, tá. See Discovery. - What must be found, eúpetéos. What can be found out, eúpetós. Hard to find out, Övsešeňpetos, ov. Fine (of texture), Aettós ; + Aet Táuitos, ov; +Ae- Trogiráðntos, ov; in appearance (of men), eietóñs ; i. e. gay (of clothes), ‘ā8périgos, ov; o'epués ; (of weather) eißuelvös, i Aevicós. Taking the finest-looking of the cavalry which he had with him, Aašöv Tobs icpatío Tovs tº eiðm Töv repl airby itTéov, Xen. Fine weather, eúðía, + ałępm. Fineness, Aertörns, mtos, ii, Finely, eſſ. See Well. To be a fine-looking man, eigoplátéa. A fine (i. e. a penalty), Tiamua, tá Tpostiumua, kátáðicm, ºmuſa. To fine, (mutóa, fut, mid. in pass, sens.; Tipºda, fut. mid. Sometimes in pass. Sens. Two, Pythodorus and Sophocles, they punished with banishment, and the third, Eurymedon, they fined, tows uév puyfi émuſogau, IIv666apov kal Xoſpokxéa, tov Šē Tpitov Eipupéðovta xpfiuata éirpášavro, Thuc. A finger, Ödictixos. The fingers, AEsch. A fingerstall, ŚaktüAñ0pa. The fingering (in playing a musical instrument), xeipo- 6eoría. - To finish, Texéo, Értexéo, &Totexéo, avvrexéo, re- Aevráo, repaiva, 6tatepaívo, ölectrepaiva, ’āvūa, * , , y -u Xepôv’āicpot créves, (more usu.) &viTw, éðavöw, karavča, Slattpárgo; ěčepyáçopal, mid. perf. pass, in act. sense; &repyā- (ouai; with, at the same time, to help to finish, givār- epyágoual, oivároteAéa. To be highly, carefully finished, ‘ākpišéopal, pass.; ‘ātrā-pišéopal, One must finish, 6tairepautéov, TireAegréov. Finished, téNeos, and Téaetos, o, ov, and os, ov. IIighly finished, '&T)icpišapevos; half finished, jui- TeXís. Finite, repāToeiðhs. The finite, to Tépas (gen. Štos), opp. to to &melpox, Plat, Fir, Teikm, Aörn (not the same tree). Made of fir, f Treticivos, + revichels, ºf éAárivos and eiñárivos. Fire (the element), trip, Tripos, to, and in every sense, rare in pl. except for the watch-fires of a camp, etc. Æsch. and Xen. have also an irreg, dat, tripois; (flame) pābā, påo'ybs, ii; + pKoyuás. A fire (in a room, etc., to warm one, or to sacrifice on), áozápa; (i. e. a conflagration), šumpmans, i. Drinking by the fire, trivovires Tpos (pós, Xen. A fire-place, éoxápa. To make a fire, Tuproxéo, Túpaíða, only pres. and im- perf. Light a fire, and let it burn well, 'üpatte kal kāraaffe, Ar. To set fire to, ätta, kata, ovykata, i ölätripów. To burn. Laying the country waste with fire and sword, icórtov Ical kafov thv x&pav, Xen. It set fire to the wall, file too tetxous, Thuc. To take fire, &rtoſal, pass.; ’āvāAáutra, no perf, no mid. or pass. To lay waste by fire, h Tuppopéo, + škTipów. Like fire, F ºpNoy&l, 6tros, 6, #, Tó; ſpxo'yatrös, Öv. Fire-wrought, + tripiyevétms, ov, 5; f Túpiyev's, 6, #. Devoured by fire, ºf Túpièattos, ov. Blazing with fire, TúpipAeyńs; + triſpi’ſpAektos, ov; + TuptºpNéyov, ovoia, ov, gen, ovtos. - Without fire, t'étripos, in every sense, not put on the fire, not purified by fire, not hurt by fire, withou! a fire (as a house), -not wrought by fire, mol offered on fire (as sacrifices which are not burnt-offer- ings). A setting fire to, Tipools, eos, i. See Burning. Being between two fires (metaph.), &pſpíšoxos, ov. To be more eanosed to a crossfire, év špºpuð6Aq, uſixAov 'yfyveoffat, Thuc. A firkin, &pſpopečs. Firm, Čatešos, ov; 30 påAfts; Bééatos, a, ov, and os, ov; ioxipós, a tippós; otépépºulos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ºf a tepeds. Firmly, &o påAós, ‘i čutréða's, Beéaíos, +’āpāpóra’s (of anything well made); (of holding anything) ’āirpíč. To make firm, Beéauða', a Tepedal. To be firm (as the flesh of a person in good health), giviotăual, pass., c. aor, 2., perf, and pluperf, act. See 160 Firmness—Flagging Firmness, 8éSalórns, mTOs, ii; otépéâtils, mtos, i. The firmament, kóogos, + tróA0s. First, adj., trpáros; +Tpétuoros, m, ov, and 0s, ov. The prey of the first comer, toº pöäggvtos épirayå, AEsch. First, adv., Tpátov, trpóra, +Tpºrtata, +Tp(6ttorov. In the first place, or at first, thu Tpérmy; toita ºv, followed by Tooto 68, to pºv, by to 6*, t& uèv, by Tà Sé; rotto uév, followed by Étretta Śā, Soph. To be the first, (i. e. the best) trpatetºw; (i. e. to be beforehand in doing anything, etc.) ptávo, fut, pöh- arouai, aor. 2. čpðmu. To be the first to do anything (before an opposite party), the first to confer a benefit (before receiving one), etc., trpoiſtópxw. First-born, ºf trpeg'éâyevis; ; Trpatóyovos, ov. Having her first-born child, tº Tpa totókos, i. Firstfruits, ‘ākpoffivtov; 'ātapx?), usu. in pl.; T‘ārapy- ga, Tó ; (i. e. the first part of a victim which was burnt or sacrificed) + šumaſi. * To offer firstfruits, &Tāpxopal, mid. To select the first- Jºruits, or the best of any thing, for oneself, '&iq,00ivid- Çouai, mid. The first thing that occurs to one (to do or to say), to Tpóxeipov, to Tpoxeipótatov, Fish, ix60s, tºos, 6. A little fish, ix35'6tov. Salt fish, Túpixos, 6, and tâ; Téuáxos, té; tepäxtov. To fish, "àAieta, and mid., no pass. Of or belonging to fish, ix6vmpós. Like fish, ixówóðms. A fish-bone, ’ākav0a. A fisherman, 'üAtets, &a traXievths, évôypoffmpevrás. Belonging to fishing or to a fisherman, ‘āAlevrikos, évôypo6mpicós. ar Fishing, ‘āAieta; by torchlight, i tripevtucí. A fishing-rod, Šáé60s, h; káAăuos. A fishing-line, Aïvov; uſipiv60s, i. A fishmonger, ix8woróAms; ixóvoiróAus, ió0s. The fish-market, Šipov. Fish-sauce, Çapçás. Fissile, feikéâtos, ov. See Cleft. Fissure (in the ground, etc.), Śwypiós. A fist, kóvööA0s. With the fist (to strike, etc.), Trúč. To strike with the fist, kovööAiga, t trukteia. A fit, (recurring regularly) treptoãos, ii; (irregular, spasmodic) + TAévos. - Fit, trpás?opos, ov; s, éirítáčeios; trposákav, ovoia, ov; eigpuootos, ov; + trposeukös, via, etc.; (as a horse, etc., is fit for his work) 8icaios. See Suitable. See Cleft. It is fit, Éotke, impers.; Tposſiket, trpéties; 6et, fut. Señorel, See It becomes. To fit, trans. (i. e. to make to fit), špuégo, papuáça; Tposapuáça, c, dat., or c. eis or "repl and acc., etc.; évappéo, Káðappéa. To fit out (as an expedition), ēśaptivo. To fit eagctly, 'ükpišów, replappāśw. To fit together, avvappāśw. See To fasten. To fit, intrans, (as clothes do, etc.), &pſió&; into each other, étraXAda ow. To think fit, ښ. Well fitted (fitting close), eitãºyās; +&pticoxxos, ov; +&upípms; † eißeros, ov. Fitting well (as a gar- ment, shoe, etc.), a ſuperpos, ov, c. dat. A fitting (work neatly fitted), t àpuogua, Té. Fitly, trpetrövtws, &#tws; Tô Tpósqopa, Eur. In a well-fitting manner, evappāotas. See Suitably, Well. Fitness, étrutmöetótms, mºros. Five, trévre. After five days, on the fifth day, trepitratos. A space of five years, revtaetmpls, fö0s, i. Lasting five years, five years old, TrevTaetiis. Five times, TrevTáicts. Fivefold, trevtairAéotos. Five hundred, trevrákógiot. TrevTákoo tootós. Five thousand, revrákusXixtol. To fix, Tâyvvut, perſ. 2. Trétrya, pass. sense; fépetëa; to Tºpſø, fut. -íčw; fortmut ; (firmly) + 51% w; (in) + éutrīyvipu; (near or by the side) trāpākātāTâyvöput. To fia on, T âq mAów, Firpositiyvöpu; (esp. of fixing honour or disgrace, joy or sorrow, an accusation, etc. on any one) trposótta, only act. voice in this sens. ; trepudartw, trposéáAAw. To fia' (a price, etc.), Téa orw. See To appoint. To be fired (as a law, a name, a punishment, etc.), Reſuat, trpáketplai. To be fived (i. e. determined on), Örökelpai. Fixed, + trilictós; (i. e. agreed upon, as time, price, etc.) fintos, Taictós; (as stars) évôeóegévos. For war does not at all proceed on fired rules, #kuota ºyāp tróAegos étrl Émtois X&pel, Thuc. Fixedly, BeBaías. The fixtures (on a farm), tà éyyeta. Flabby, pavos, pláðápés. A flag, a muetov (see Standard); (of truce) kmpüktov. . The flag-ship, otpármyls, fö0s, ii (sc. vaís). To flag, xàAáo; ’āvūtriartw, fut. —Tegotiual, aor. 2. –érea ov; evölöwgi Tu Max0ákov, Eur. See To relar, The five hundredth, To be weary. A flagging, xáAágis, eas, i. Ni 16] Flagitious—Flexible Flagitious, távořpyos, ov. See Wicked. Flagitiously, Tâvoúpyos. Flagitiousness, Tovmpía. See Wickedness. A flake (of snow), vipas, #60s, i, usu. in pl.: + Boxh. Flame, ‘pabá, -070s, ii; foréAas, a0s, Tó, no pl.; q^0- ºyuás. To flame, foreAäyéopal, pass.; if pâéya, only act, no perf. See To burn. Flaming, fºoyeos, + p^0)epos, + p^0)wirós. Fiery. A flamingo, polvicóirrepos. Flank (of a man or any animal), keveóv, ºvos, 6; Aäyöv, 6vos, 6, #; (of an army) képas, gen, ätos, sync. aos, cras, wº, Tá; TAewpov, ti, TAëyta, otpa; kpáo reba (tā) atparotéSov, Eur. - See The light-armed troops stood on the flank, . . . kaffe- othkealav ćic TAaytov of pixof, Thuc. With his cavalry taking the enemy on the flank, uen & Töv it"réov Azéðv TAaytovs, Tobs troAspulovs, Xen. A flap, Trepiºtov. To flap (with the wings), ápéo-ow or épéra ouat (mid.) ºrtépois, AEsch. Eur. A flash, esp. of lightning, but also of any light or flame, F oréAas, a0s, Tó; +qtepot), ºf āorpäth ; +&ictls, ivos, #. To flash, Tuapuaipa, only pres, and imperf. ; āotpá- TTa, pl.-perf. pass., in intrans, sense. See To shine. Flashing (as a sword), + aibov, wVos, 6. A flask, Afikü60s, ii; Amköðiov. Flat, ŠºšAbs, Aewpós, Flat insult, TAérès kārūyeaws (wros, 6), Ar. See Level. To be made flat, or flattened, TAátóouai, pass. To flatter, Świreča, only act. ; koxêiceño; + aircáAAw, only pres, and imperf.; + Xàpitoykoora'éo; ſcătăxã- piſopal, mid. To flatter in rivalry with another flatterer, 5takoxãketouai, mid, ; (beforehand) Tpoko- Aákeffa ; (a little) ‘ūtroflaredo; (excessively) "Ütep- icoxêiceña. A flatterer, kóMač, Škos, 6. A parasitical flatterer, Baploxóxos. - Flattering, Śē!, Świrós, ò, #; Świrevrikös, kokākikos, lcoxalcevricós; +jēśNoyos, ov. Flattery, Świreta; Štórevua, Tó; koxãketa; coxáicevſta, T6. Low parasitical flattery, Bapºoxoxia. Fond of flattery, pixokóAaä, äkos, 6. --- Not flattered, &0&revtos, ov (by my tongue, tºs éuñs 7A&oorms), Eur. Not to be flattered, not to be subdued by flattery, 'üko- Aäcevros, 61/. Flavour, xiptós. Delicacy of flavour, eúa topia. Flax, Aïvov; 'âgopyls, ió0s, ii. Flaxen (made of flax), Alveos, contr. Alvous ; +Aiv6- Seguos, ov; ; Aivööeros, ov; † Aivákpokos, ov. See- Linen. Working in flaw, Aïvoup'yos, 6v. To flay, Öépw, éköépa, also êkö. 6tporav, Eur.; 'ātoāépa. Newly flayed, veóðaptos, ov. A flea, piańa. - Fledged, +ékretäoriuos, ov, lit. and metaph. To be fledged again (i.e. to become young again), t'\varre- póoſal, pass. To flee, petryw, fut, mid. often pew;00aal, perf. pass. trépuyuat in act. sens. ; trpopeſ)w, ékºpečyw, 'ürek- petryw; + puyyávo, only pres, and imperf, act. ; +éköföpágico, fut. -āpāoroual, aor. 2. —éöpmy; itätä- pvyyávo, Taxtogºrov Späumua voriço, Soph.; (to) eiskopitſoual, pass., c. eis and acc.; (with) ovuſpeūya, They turned their backs and fled, irpès puyºv čvát to av, Eur. - - Ijid she not cower down, and flee to the altar of the God? oë Bagby àrtmäev 6eoû; Eur, One must flee, peuktéov. Able to flee from, ‘i’ púšiuos, ov. A fleece, ºrákos, icóðtov. The golden fleece, to Tâyxpüorov čápas (ätos to), Eur. See Wool. Fleecy (with thick fleece), feiſtrokos, ov; ; etelpos, ov, or eißepos, ov. * With golden fleece, i XpworóuaxAos, ov; +xpvoreducNA0s, Ol/. A fleet, otóA0s, ’āirógroños, orpárbs vavrikós, Eur Thuc. Fleet, kpattvös, See Swift. Fleeting, Trnväs; Érmxos, ov. To be fleeting, 5éo, fut. §eigouai, but often Att, fivmoro- pal, aor. 2. čáñúmy, perf. §§50mka. Flesh, kpéas, Štos, tá (not of the living); orápé, gapkös, h; oropicbs Évêira, Tě, Eur. A flesh-hook, Éavothp, fipos, 6. Flesh-colour, &vöpetke?\ov. Eating flesh, kpeoépôtos, ov. See Meat, Carnivorous, Fleshiness, troAiſo apicta. Fleshly, a dpkivos, Fleshy, eúropicos, ov; troAiropkos, ov; capkoebås. Flexible, F Atkräs; † Aić, 6, #, Té; kawirrás. See To bend. See To escape. 162 Flickering—Fluency Rlickering, + aiāxos. - Flight (i. e., the act of fleeing), piº)h, kātābūyh, &Topvyh, Spaguás; kátápevils, eas, i. A total flight (of the whole army), travtpotros putyń, AEsch. - Flight (i. e. the act of flying), Tràgis, eas, h; † to- Tmua, tá, To flight, adv., + ptyèa. To put to flight, tpétro, KAtva', 'ykAiva, + &rovottſw, Tpothy (or Tporås) trouéa, or trouéopal (mid.) or Tí0mut, or karaśńyviºt, c. gen. of those put to flight, Soph. Xen. etc.; &movatiº ºpwyfi, Eur. I alone could put Eurystheus to flight, oios &v Tpothu Eüpua:0éas Šešºv, Eur. Flighty, ‘ūtróttepos, ov. Flimsy, Aertós. A fling, Širá. To fling, Étirra; 33AAw, no aer, 1., perf. 8éSAnka, Żmut (i Att, i elsewhere), imperf. inv and lovv. See To throw. To float, rivée, fut. —veto opal. Floating, TAotás; TAoës, £50s, i, only fem. A flock, trotuum, trotuviov; Tpášára, Tā; +80T&, T&; "áyéAm; # 860 kmua, T6; (of birds) + Icópios. Of, or belonging to, flocks, troupevicës, trpoéâteuticós. To flock together, givāyeſpouſa; givetſu, -téval. See To assemble. To flog, waoti)ów, 8tapaatiyów. To drive away by flogging, tº ékpoéðigo. One who deserves to be flogged, has been flogged, plagti- ^{as, ov, 6; Kévtpov, ovos, 6; vototº, fiyos, 6. A flogger, tº gaotictap, opos, 6. A flogging, Tāmyal, ai. A flood, éiri"KAüorts, eas, h; Éeijua, T6; (of tears, of blood, etc.) étruffoil, kātācāvapºds. The food tide, tramultipls, toos, i. (Hom. uses the pen. ii; Trag. use it metaph. of any flood, tears, etc.). To flood, karðiðūgo. A floor, Sãrešov, no pl.; $6&pos, to, no pl. Floral, eiavóñs. See Flowery. Florid (in complexion), Čiriq Aeyſis. To have a florid compleaſion, êtripovía orw, fut. -íča. Flour, &Apitov, oftenest in pl. esp. of barley flour (while ’āAeupov is wheaten flour); ’āAeupov. A flourish, the flourishes of a musician, + popufficial, ai. To flourish, ŠáAAw, fut, rare, no aor. 1., perfºré0mAa; &v6éal, éðavöéa, ’ākpid ſo, eiðevéa, also -opal, pass. To flourish again, 'üvāśAaqtāva, fut. -6Aag Tàga. Flourishing, + šáNepès, eiðūX}s, + škudios, + step- vás, Newly flourishing, veoffmails, ve)0äAfts. To flow, fiéa, fut. §eūgopal, Att, oftener fivāgopal, aor. 2. čáñúmy. To flow different ways, i ötaññaſvo- plot, pass. - ... * To flow down, kåtafféa'; (as tears, &c.) câT&Tráſa, rare, beyond pres, and imperf.; forth or forth from, ’āiroßéw, Štreitpéw; into, towards,etc., áttúñéo, eispéa; (as a river flows or falls into the sea, etc.) éušáAAw, c. eis and acc.; TrepéâAAw; by, träpaññéal; round, trepúñéa'; through, Stafféa, c, acc, or c, čič and gen.; together, ovššéo. To make to flow, impu (in Hom., in Att.). See Ta pour. A flow or flowing, fluff; 560s, contr. poſs; Śāoris, i. See Stream. A good flow, room to flow, eúpota. Flowing, t fürós. Flowing for ever, 'üévaos, ov; tàeſpiros, ov. Flowing abundantly, ºf troAftöros, ov. Flowing well, beautifully, etc., + šišffettys, gen, ov, only masc.; + et p00s, ov, contr. —povs, -povv; + caxNipéeópos, ov; + Ka8Aivá0s, ov. Gently flowing, +eiváels (of air). Flowing backwards and forwards, + tróAfféodos, ov (of a place where the sea flows backwards and forwards); # TäAtăş00s, ov, contr. —Éovs, -ãovv. Flowing rapidly, i &icupóns, gen. ov, only masc.; &kúropos, ov. Flowing round, reptăşū- tos, n, ov, and os, ov; tāupipitos and &ſupíðföros, m, ov, and 0s, ov. See Sea-girl. A flower, &v60s, Tó; + &v6epov. The flower (i. e. the best of anything), śwtos, rarely in pl.; 'ékpıh; + A&- tigua, to, in pl. The whole flower of the army, 8,ti Trep & q'exos jv roſ, grpatetwatos, Xen. The flower of the Trojan spoils, Aetas Tpaikīs ééaíperov, Eur. To flower, &v6éal, éðavöéa. To strew with flowers, T &v6íſa, To feed on flowers, &v6ovopláw. Feeding on flowers, ºf &v6óvogos, ov. Flowery, abounding in flowers, etc., &v6epióöms; &v- 6mpos (sometimes also metaph. of style). Bringing flowers, t &v0m pópos, ov; +&v6eorq6pos, ov; qepavčís. Fond of flowers, † pixavbås. Proceeding from flowers, F &v6epióðitos, ov. Nourish- ing flowers, t &v60soakös, Öv. To fluctuate, lit.and metaph, gāAeto, and—ouai, pass.; (in mind) uerášáAAw éuavTöv čva ital kāra, Plat. Fluency (of speech), eityAwggia, eſpota. M 2 163 Fluent—Follow Fluent (in speech), etyNørgos, ov; etpoos, ov, and contr. —povs, -pouv; ; eitpoxos, ov. See Eloquent, Talkative. To be fluent, Ééw, fut. §eūgouai, oftener fivhoroual, aor. 1. rare, aor. 2. čášūmv, perf. §§§mka. Fluid, ‘ūypós. See Liquid. To be in a fluid state, 'üypoffoéw. Flushed (with success), trepixãpſis. See To eault. A flute, at Nós; † 66vač, ćicos, 6; + Awtos; +86p.évé, Ökos, 6; played by itself, t uðvøvXos, käääuos. The music of the flute, aiſàmpa, T6. A playing on the flute, ačAmoris, eas, ii. A duet on the flute, orivavata. A prelude on the flute, trpoaſatov. A song accompanied by the flute, ai,xg5ta. To play the flute, ai,xéo, no mid., though there is aixòo- pal, pass. of the music, of the person played to, or of the place where; ſcaravXéw, and pass.; as an accom- paniment, Tpostºvãéw. A melody is played on the flute, uéAos étravMeſrat, Eur. A flute-player, aixnths, fem.; ai)\ntple, tºos, i. Belonging to the flute or to playing the flute, atºmtikás. Fond of the flute, piñavaos, ov. A flute-maker, aixotroiás. A fluting (of pillars), šáéðworis, eas, i. Fluted, Égéðwtós. To flutter, intrans. Trérouai, fut. Trāorouai, etc., aor. 2. čirtmu, lit. and metaph. with hope, fear, etc.; + švārérouai; Troéopal, pass.; (as a garment, etc., in the wind) &tagopal, more usu. Att. 30.0, ; (i. e. to try to fly) + Trepvyićw. Flux, 50%; 560s, contr. 500s. A fly, uvia. To fly, trétopal, fut. Trío'opiat, etc., also aor. 2.Éirtmu; + trotéopal, pass.; (as an arrow flies from the bow) éoppéouai, pass.; away, +’árotrétougi, t errétoual; +’āvarérouai, poet. Šur.; beyond, Öreprétoua, c. acc.; down, kataréropai. To fly to, eistérouat (used also metaph. of reports “flying” about), Čiritrétouai, rposirérouai; over, Féritéropot, c. acc.; ‘ūtreptréto- pal, 'üreptotáouai; along, through, etc., 5tarétoual; àvaréronal, often poet. &ut.; up, 'éváirétoual; to- gether over (in a flock), ovvötatrétouai, To fly to pieces, 6tao pewóováopal, pass. Flying, retelvös, trºvos, + trotăvás; Trepéqottos, ov, Flying high, + šipitrétms, 6, #. Flying low, x6apaxotrºfitms, ov, only masc. Flying badly, kākotrerás. See Winged. A foal, tróxos, 6, #. A breeding of foals, Twiveſa. Foaling, 'épeois, eos, i. Foam, ‘āppós; (from the mouth) oríðAov. A cake of foam, '3?pdºms tréAävos, Eur. To foam, # ºppíſo, råppſgow; (of the sea, or of an angry man) + träqXá(w. To foam away, ethaust (one’s strength) by foaming, T âq pigouai, mid. Foaming, or covered with, or belonging to foam, 'éppé- Sms. White with foam, t aevkokúlov, ovos, 6, #. Fodder, xóptos, XīAos, vouff, t 860 km. See Food, To fodder, xoptéo, XIAetw. A foe, éx6pós. See Enemy. A fog, Öpix\m. Foggy, ŚuixAoetēſis. To foil, orpáAAw, no perf, act, though there is perf. pass.; &too pdxAw. To foist in (to a document), ràpeyypápa. Foisted in, trapéyypartos, ov. A fold (for sheep, etc.), ÉtravX0s, 6, pl. oi and tá; at- Atov, raûAtov; foráðubs, pl. oi and tâ; + dāAts, ió0s, h; SãAäuos àpvāv, Eur.; + uévôpa; (of any- thing folded, a garment, etc.) kóAtros; + Triº, Tri- xos, ii; ; Trix}, i ötatrixh; (of a serpent, etc.) + ortreſpa. See Coil. To fold, Trúgora, trepitrúo ow; (up) avattigo w; (over, so as to cover) éturrúaga, ; (round) + šupe- Atoora. Folded (in folds), orêutruktos, ov; a toxiàotbs, Tri- x65ms; (round) + &pſpéAiktos, ov; + trepittixis. With many folds (of a serpent), + troAi’tàokos, ov. The star which bids the shepherd fold his sheep, aiſàtos ãorthp, Ap. Rh. Folded garments, otoxuol tréttawv, AEsch.; otoAföes trérāov, Eur. Folding-doors, Sikatºes trüxai, Stic. Süpal. See Door. Foliage, tº puxA&s, #60s, h; + XAón. See Leaf. To change foliage, getášAgotávo, fut. —éAgathaw, aor. 2. —ééA>ov, To follow, Émouai, imperf, eiträumv, aor. 2. čo Trópmv, no aor. 1, c. dat., sometimes (but rarely) c. acc., often c. prep., e. g. ‘āua, and dat., pietà and dat., orby and dat, sometimes c. uetà and acc., or c, čiri and gen, also c. uetà and gen, no pass, voice ; pé- trouai, mid. [N. B.-in the compounds of étropiat the aor. 2. loses the aspirate, so that it is éireatóumv, etc., not peatrópmv]; orivétropal, orive pétropiat, trâpétro- pat; uetépxopal, esp. as punishment, etc., also ge- nerally, fut. —eaetoroual, aor. 2.-7A00v, pérepu, usu. in fut. sens.; 'âlcoxov6éo (also as a consequence), no mid, or pass, c, dat, or c. prep., rarely c. acc.; Túro- - 164 Follower-—Foot 2006éw, orivákoxov6éa, trāpākoãov6éa, ; (esp. as pur- suing, hunting, etc.) Sidºw, we'račička; Stoká00, only in aor. 2.; (as hunting) + šuaptéa. To follow up (an accusation, enmity, etc.), uétépxo- pal ; uétáropetouai, mid. To follow (a teacher), ‘ātroëéxopal, mid., c. pelf pass. -8éðeyual in act. SéI].S. Old age follows, yipas àrixéAoyxe, Soph. It follows (i. e. is the consequence of an argument), oupéaível, Jupitrepaivetal. - It seems that this must follow from the argument, àoke? taúta tráoxetv 6 A6)0s, Plat. One must follow, 'élcoxov0mtéov, Širákoxov6mtéov, 6tw- KT E01/. To be followed, 6twktós. Easy to be followed (of an argument), eieråkoń000m- Tos, ov; sūtrāpākoWoë0mtos, ov. - A follower, ‘ākóAov60s, F Öráðos, + &r,066iros; (of a god) Xopevtås. Following, 'ékóNov60s, ov, c. gen. or c, dat.; ātrāābs, bv, c. dat, or c. gen.; + &rio 66trovs, 6, #, neut. ovy, gen. —Troö0s. - Fond of following, piñákóNov60s, ov. Disposed to be a follower of, 'ékoxov6m ticós. A following, 6twćts, eas, # ; ’ākoAoû0moris, eos, i. See Pursuit. Folly, 'a ppodium, "åvoia, Tāpāvota, upta, ’āšovXía, 'âgiveata, āpºovata, + 5uséovXia ; + gratótºms, mtos, # ; + akatooijun. Folly in talking, foolish talking, coupoxoyia. To foment (medic.), travtåéa, metaph. ill feeling, etc.; + (oriſpéa. Fomentation, 'ürérkavua, ré. Fond, † signiaſis. See Loving. To fondle, koptſoual, mid.; ‘ūrokopſgouai ; (exceed- ingly) "Ütrepaorträgouai. Anything to be fondled, + petal'yua, ré. Food, oriros, pl. T&oira, esp. corn or bread ; oririov, usu. in pl.; Tpoq’h, ē8wóñ; eiðap, Štos, Tó; 8pôpia, Tá; 8póois, eas, #; + popéh, esp. of pasture; + 80pd; + špertàpia, Tá; 8tov Tpopeia, rà, Soph. Want of food, h ’āoritſa. Providing food, fairovéuos, ov (epith. of hope). Without food, 'éoiros, ov. To be without food, ‘āoiréo, no mid. or pass. Money to buy food (given to soldiers), oitmpéortov. To procure food for oneself, Čirioritigopal, mid.; orito- trouéopal, mid.; for others, oritorotéa. A fool, Auðpos, + Bepéoxe60s. Foolhardy, flºokſvöövos, ov. Foolish, "gºpov, ovos, 6, #; &vómros, ov; *āšovXos, ov; Hôpos; "ävo0s, ov, contr. ovs, ovy; uáratos, a, ov and os, ov; 'ào'àveros, ov; &Aóytotos, ov: Aidios, orkatēs, "f kāicóppwv, + 50sq pov; ; kákóšovX0s, ov; +’āqpáguay, ovos, 6, #; + träpä'ppwv, + kevös, tvá, trios; ppevöv kekoppºévos, AEsch. To be foolish, råpävoéw, no mid, or pass.; trăpățpovéa- no mid, or pass.; + Papaſva, no mid. or pass.; yuá- uns'éuapráva. To be foolish together with, f givá- oropéo. To make foolish, + #Aiðiða. Did the unhappy man make this foolish attempt? reſpaw Tāvö' épápavev táAas; Æsch. I became foolish, was made vain as the wind by folly, émvepidºmy uwpiq, Eur. You would never, of your own accord, have done so foolish a thing, oùrote yāp ppev60evy' éir’ &pio tepē. ... §§as tégorov, Soph. Foolishly, àvoñrws, &ppévos, &A670s, utopós, Mármv, &Toyvápms. - To act foolishly, i pāréſw, only pres. ; t h\iffiégo, only pres. In my opinion it will be evident that he acts foolishly, a katooivnv puxſiggwy Św éuoi karáðmA0s #atal, Soph. To speak foolishly, Ampéa. Foolishness, papta. See Folly. A foot, Trots, 6, gen. Troöös ; (the following words are used only of the limb) kóAov; + šuéãois, eas, #; + révov, ovtos, 6; +’ixwos, tá; (of a mountain) ºf trpäuva, + šíga. The feet, Tobolu ‘àqual, Soph.; &pôpa robotv, Soph.; ūpāpa by itself, Eur, and once-in sing, my foot, €uoi, Troöös &pºpov, Soph.; Tô Troöäpm, AEsch. May I never set foot in Argos, uſitrote kar’ ”Apyos @o’ixvos Setmy Troöbs, Eur. I fall at your feet, trpostritvá, ore yövaori, Soph. And I throw myself at your feet in supplication, icermptav Šē yóvaoriv čárta oréðey to orópa toūpov, Eur, so irtàpi ŠáAAq Trpostrutvojo” ubv 7óvv, Eur, …' Falling at your feet, yóvar, goſo, gºpa Soto’ ºgbº, Eur, And falling at my father's feet, yovárov re voi Telčáv- tos ééaprapiévm, Eur. 2. The flat of the foot, Taporós. A foot and a half (measure), rpimplimóðiov, 2’ --> | On foot, adv, reſ. 2. i05, Foot-cloth—-Force On foot, adj, tregos, esp. of fighting on foot, also of travelling on foot, etc.; travelling on foot, ºf treč0- orrišás. To go on foot, reſeto, reſoropéa. Nor walking on foot on the land, oft' {Tl yatgs tróða treſsiov, Eur, Strong in the feel, àptirovs, 6, #, neut.-row, gen. —Troö0s, etc. With two feet, or two feet long, Širovs, 6, #, neut. —trovv; Öitrööms, neut. —es. Having no feet, 'érous. With three feet, or three feet long, Tphrows, 6, #, neut. —trovv; Tpitróðms, ov, Ö, i. On the foot, Fétitróðios, ov. A foot long or high, troëtatos. A foot rule, Troötaia. Reaching to the feet, troöſipms ; +Troöévôitos, ov. Under foot, A&E, FAáyömy. A foot-cloth, +Troööhmatpov. Footing, to place on a sure footing, Bećatów ; to obtain a firm footing, 3e3al60gal, pass.; + atmpſ(ouai, mid. and pass., also ot. Toorſv ; on a friendly footing, etc., etc., oikeias, etc. (see Friendly, etc., etc.); having a bad footing (of rocky ground), āūsopuos, ov; to place on a good footing, eitpetriſa. A foot-pad, Aotočárms, ov, 6. A foot-path, 66bs, ii. See Path. A foot-step, “ixvos, T6; a tišos. - a muetov. The sound of foot-steps, kvěm. A foot-stool, Spåvvs, vos, 6. For, conj. Yêp (never the first word in a sentence, usu. the second); prep. (i. e. in behalf of, in defence of), TPb, c, gen.; ‘iſtrip, c. gen.; Trepi, c. gen, c. dat.; ºrphs, c. gen.; (i. e. for the sake of) éveka, c. gen.; toivéka, c, gen.; + škāti ; &mpl, c. gen, c, dat.; (as grief for, etc.) Tepi, c. gen.; (after a verb of motion, as “to send for,” “to go for ”) were, c, acc.; karū ; (i. e. instead of, in return for) trpb, c, gen.; &vrl, c. gen.; Tapó, c. acc., as —blow for blow, tranyh trap& TATyhy, Ar. For (i.e. urged by a motive, as for fear, etc.), t repl. c. gen, or c, dat.; +&pſpi, c, dat. For (for the time, etc.), eis, c. acc. - She dies most miserably for a most glorious action, kā- kiot’ &T' p'you eikåeed tâTov (p6tvel, Soph. These things are not for your glory (i. e. do not tend to your glory), O Lacedæmonians, où Tpbs Tās Šuetépas 66&ms, & Aakeóatuáviol, Táðe, Thuc. Who is fººd to die for her brothers (lit. rather than l6 The track of one, that her brothers should die), 36expāv h trôpos SéAe Saveſv, Eur.; so túpoiſe, c, gen. For (i.e. considering that he was, etc.)—for he was worthy for a slave, ščios yöp of' (for oia) āvīp AoûAos ... ºv, Soph. Forage, XiXbs, trpovopºff. To forage, étiqutlºopal, c. dat, or c. acc. of the troops for whom, c. Éic and gen. of the district. Foraging, ğırioſitiouás. Foraging ea'peditions, trpovopal, ai. To forbear, 'üréxopal, mid., c. gen, or c. &mb and gen., or c. toſ, and infin., or c. pºl and infin., or c. rô Wh and infin.; petàopal, mid., c. gen, or c, infin, or c. whand infin. But one thing I will not forbear to mention, Év 6' oik &Torpé pouai, Dem. See To abstain. - Forbearing, TAñuwu, ovos, 6, #. See Patient. To forbid, Kwańw, c. gem. rei, or c. &rö and gen, or c. whand infin, or c. to and infin, or c. infin. by it. self; eſpyw (sometimes in pres. eipyvöw); &Tétrov, only in aor. 2., c. dat. pers., c. u%) and infin, rei, etc.; &Tayopetºw; + širevvéra, only pres, act.; +’āiravöáo; (besides) irposáretrov; (by proclamation) &rokn- pūgow, c. whand infin. Even if everyone forbid, kāv umöels ēš, Soph. Whether gou forbid it or the other general, eite uži at pſis, eið’ &repos otpatryos, Soph. One must forbid, kaºjtěov. Forbidden, +&iróññmros, ov. Force, orðévos, Tb (usu. of human force, but also of inanimate things, as the force of a stream, etc.); 8ía, Öpuff; ioxirs, āos, h; Édºum. A force (i. e. a numerous body of men), Sivāuis, eos, ; ioxis, Wos, i. Because he used force to them, Šti Tès xeipas airo’s Tposépepe, Xen. We find the cattle slain by force, eúptakouey Aetas . . . Karmvapuapévas €k xetpás, Soph. But are not you using force? at 6' oilk &váykºv trpos- ©épets; Eur. Setting out with these forces, Taürm, Thuc. By force, 81%; + trpès to 8tatov; + mpbs 8tav; ex 8tas; kat' ioxiv.; +xeportv; trpos ioxios kpáros, Soph.; Tpès ioxios xúpiv, Eur.; Trpès to kaprepôv, AEsch.; kat' ioxipóv, Hdt. To force (i.e. to compel, q.v.), 'évaykdºw ; (i. e. to use force to) Biéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, éétégémp To force (a passage), 'étrofluggouai. To To force back &pavtes Tfi Tapao kevi. in act. Sens. jorce one's way in, eisétéopal. * . Forceps—Foretold (enemies, or a door, etc.), 30éa, fut. 30%ga, and &ow, aor. 1. Éwora, perf, and pass, tenses from &ow (augmented tenses always éa in Att.). To force Jorward, irpoštágopal. To force out of the way, ékéišáço. Forced into the Athenian alliance, katºvayicagºvos és Thu 'A6mvaſov ovppºxiav, Thuc. O dear bow, forced out of my loving hands, & Téčov ‘pixon, 3 ptAov xeipóv čkésétao Révov, Soph. But this reproach was perhaps forced from him by anger, &AA’ ºx9e uév Šh totro T' oëvetēos Táx' &v Offyfi Biagóév, Soph. Without force being applied to it, 'üšíao Tos, ov. A forceps, kāpitivos. A forceps (for extracting splintered bones), ÖorreovXKös. Forcible, 8tatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; (of an argument) ãºykaios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Convincing. Forcibly (of arguing), āg påxós. See Byforce. A ford, Trépos; Śiśéâgis, eas, i. To ford, Ölaéaiva, fut. 6tašígopal, -ééémica, aor. 2 —éémv. Fordable, SuáéâTös, h, by, and bs, 6v. Fore (of limbs,-fore-feet, etc.), Tpégéios ; Śutpé- 0.610s, ov. To forebode (i. e. fear beforehand), pavrećopal, mid., perf. pass., sometimes in act. sense — my mind forebodes something, trpopuzărgi ti wo yyápia; (i. e. to betoken, q.v.), trpoo mucíva. See To foresee, To foretell. Forefathers, trâtépes, oi ; trpóyovoi. To forego, tootepal, mid. The forehead, pºétarov. Foreign, $évos, poet. (also in Att.) Seſvos, m, ov, and os, ov; £evikos, &Axórptos; 36Veios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; 8&péâpos, ov; 81&trövtuos, ov; &XAópüxos, ov; ºf &AA66poos, ow; ovs, ovy; † eisãºyáyiwos, ov; + £Taktös, Öv ; Éireisaktos, ov; 6, #, Tö, ää06e or –6ev, Trag. Plat. Of or belonging to what is foreign, êkönuos, ov, as—an eapedition into foreign countries, Škömpos atpāreta, ékö. §oôos, Thuc. Banishment to foreign countries, ëkönuos piryń, Eur. Foreign affairs, Tê ščo Tpdyuata, Thuc. Speaking a foreign language, f €repéqovos, ov; +’ā- 'yNºvgoros, ov. Foreign (to the subject), āśa, c, gen. A foreign land, #évm, Ševia. A foreigner, šévos, poet. Śeſvos ; #rnavs, -ãos, 6, #; ërmäärms, ov, 6; TāAüros. See Ancestors. A foreland, *ākpa, ’ākpothpion. Not a citizen, but one introduced from a foreign land, oùk &otos &AW' étractos é &AAms, X60wós, Eur. To become like a foreigner (in manners or ideas), Bap- éâpéopal, pass. To speak like a foreigner, 8apéāpiśa, Čevića, tºxexi- Sovićw. To take the part of foreigners, Ševigo. Hating foreigners, uloočápéâpos, ov. A banishment of foreigners, ééumāśata. To banish foreigners, £evmäätéo. Love for a foreigner. pos érômpos, Eur, A going, travelling ºnto foreign countries, écömuia. To go to or be in foreign countries, ékömſtéa. To support foreigners, Ševotpopéa. The introduction of foreign matter (i. e. matter foreign to the subject) into a discussion, Tāpāyayy) too Tpdy- piñros, Dem. To foreknow, tirpovčetrtarapal for tºpoet. See To Foresee. See Promontory. A forelock, Tpoköpuov. Foremost, trpátos. See First. Forensic, Šikšvicós. Forensic speaking, i. 6icăvicii. To practise forensic speaking, 5ukágouai, mid. A forerunner, ºrpóðpop.os. To foresee, Tpoetów, only in aor. 2. Tpoeţāoy, and in perf. mid. Tpoolòa, infin, trpoetőéval, part. Tpoetóðs, etc., sometimes c. gen. of the thing, when it is so foreseen as to be provided against; Tpovoéo; Tpoopów, fut. Trpoćkouai, borrowed from unus. -óirtouai, perf. pass, tºpoeëpăpat in act. Sens., mid. Only in pres, and imperf.; # Tpoöépicouai. See To foretell. What may be foreseen, Tpoéparos. A foreseeing, trpóoſis, i. To foreshow, trpoſpatva', trpoo muctiva. tell. Foresight, trpóvota. See To fore- |A forest, ‘ūAm. See Wood. Of a forest, full of trees, etc., ºftels, sorora, ev, but used also as of two terminations; ‘UA&öms. See Woody, To foretaste (have a foretaste of), trpoyedogal, mid. To foretell, trpoxéyw, trpoãºyopetºw, xpdo (esp. “to give an oracular answer”), fºeotrigo, + trpo6eatríð; +Tpoevvérw, contr. trpovvv, only pres. See To prophesy. -- A foretelling, trpośyópevois, i. One must foretell, trpoßmtéov, Foretold, Fºrpópavros, ov; fuavrevtós. - 167 - Forethought—Forsake Forethought, Tpovola, Tpoſiń9eia and Tpop.mºſa. See Prudence. To forewarm, irpoary-yéAAw. See To foretell. A forewarning, trpody)e^0 is, i. Forfeit, (muſa. See Penalty, To forfeit, 'ütroëáAAw, no aor. l., perf. -éééAnka, etc. See To lose. A forge, XaAlcetov, oričmpelov. To forge, XaAketa, ćitixax ceila', irpoxaxiceto, Fuj. SpokTütréa, ; (i. e. devise falsely) TAdoora, kata- orkevdgw. w Forged, (of smiths' work) + trportſtreſs; (of docu- ments, etc.) TAao Tós. Forgery, TAdorag, àtos, Tó. Forging hot iron, tuijôpokrátros, ov, To forget, i A&v6ávopal, mid, fut. Aftaropal, no abr. l., aor. 2. čAafféºnv, perf. pass. AéAmapal in act. sense, but fut. AeAñorouat in pass. sense, c. gen.; TriAav04. vopal, éðavöávouai ; &Avmuovéo, only act. voice, c. gen, sometimes c. acc.; ājwmotéo, act, and pass, but no mid.; Éiotăual, pass., c. perf, pluperf, and aor. 2. act, c. gen.; † 616XAöpi, in aor. 1. ČučAega, I have not forgotten the vision, où petrápéén (pdorua, Eur. I have forgotten many things, troAAd pe Stätrépévyev, Isoc. . He forgot what he had set down to say, 6teo pdam Tów ºveypappuévov, AEschin. To be forgotten, ättooſéévviſual, pass. c. aor. 2. act. &ré- génv;tèrticouai, pass.;+éoxiotăva, fut.-0Airóñow. Forgetful, &plvågøv, ovos, 6, #; éiríAñopav, 6, #, also superl. ÉiriXmapátáros; Svsplvmºvevros, ov; (of sor- row) + A38%rovos, ov, abs. or c. gen. of the grief. Forgetfulness, Añón, F Anguorium ; + Aflotis, eos, #; áuvmportum. Forgotten, + šuväuwu, ä, ä; + šuvmuávevros, ov. To forgive, ovyyiyvºorka, fut. —'yváorouai, aor. 2. —éyvov, etc., c. dat. pers., acc. of the fault (also c. gem, dat., Eur); Reflhut, 8tówki. And now they entreat you to forgive the men at their re- quest, viv 3é ore airobvrai ... àotival optoti tā Śvēpe, Yen. One must forgive, ovyyvaoréov. It may be forgiven, ovyyvápmv čxel, Soph. What may be forgiven, ovyyvápºwv, 6, # ; # ovy- 'yvoorós. Forgiveness, ovyyvépin, + otºyºyvoia, + avyyyapuo- givn. Forgiving, ovyyvápov, ovos, 6, #, c, dat., sometimes c. gen.: ovyyvapovicós. A fork (pitchfork, etc.), ŠikeAAa; Spivač, Škos, 6. A forked stick, oxãAls, tºos, i. - A flash of forked lightning, Éuč a reporis, AEsch. Forked, Šišoos, ov; (as lightning) † &Aq'firms. Forlorn, êpmuos, ov. See Desolate, Form, uoppi; sió0s, tá; 'ióéa ; axiua, Tó; tāmos; + puh (rare, except of human form and good form); † ſiópºpopa, Té. The form (of a hare, etc.), eivil, kā0éðpa, tº otéym. A form (of government, etc.), Tpoaípeois. For form’s sake, Šotos ékáts, Eur. To have a form, Hoppéopal, pass. Having many forms, Fravréuoppos, ov, toxiuoppos, ov. Having various forms, f toticiaćpropºpos, ov. Belonging to a form, in a form (as a hare), eúvatos. To do a thing for form's sake (and therefore to do it carelessly), 'époqiáopal, mid., no pass, in this sense. To form, TAágow, ovu.txdogw; ovvtíðmul, often, esp. in mid., of forming alliances; (an alliance, etc.) ovy- formut, pres, imperf., fut, and aor. l. used in act, sens., perf, pluperf, and aor. 2. used in pass, sens. See To make. To be formed (of troops in line of battle), tdooropat, mid, and pass.; ovvtdooropal ; ovotrelpéopal, pass. See To array. * - Formal (i. e. according to due form), vöuiuos, Formation (of an army), Tášis. See Array. Formed, TAao Tós. A former (one who forms), TAdortms, ov, 6. Former, TpóTepos : + 6 rplu, Tplv, etc.; + 6 träpos, # trópos, etc.; + 6 rpó00ev; + 6 'évo0s or -0ev, etc.; ºf 6 €trékelva (i. e. done before, gained before, etc.); Tpoeipyaquévos. - Our fathers and former generations, tratépes kal Toš. Twy Śrāva, Dem. The former, 6 pºv, as opposed to the latter, 6 6é. See Before. - Formerly, Träxal; rpi'v, often also to rply (and most of the following adverbs are found frequently with the neut. article); Trote, enclit. (not found with the article); Túpos; Tpó00e or -0ev, sometimes also rā Tpó00s; Tpôtepov; # Tápotēe or -0ev; Tpotoº. Formidable, Selvös, pošepós. See Terrible. Formidable looking, + 6elvöſ, Ötros, 6, h, tá. Formidably, belvås. Fornication, Topveta. To forsake, Aeſtra, ÉykataAeſtra. See To leave. Forsaking these habits, rottwytów £6&w & TaxAwyévres, Dem. | 68 Forsooth—Foully One must forsake, Aelttéov. Forsooth, 'épa and + šē, never beginning a sentence; 670ev, 67ta. See Indeed. - To forswear (i. e. deny upon oath), árðuviſpii (also âtropºvčw, pres. and imperf.), fut. -opioijuat, perf. —oudºpioica, c. acc. or c. Wh and infin, or c. &s oë and indic. - To forswear oneself (i.e. to perjure oneself), áriopkéw, often c. acc. of the thing by which one swears. Men should forswear nothing (i.e. deny the possibility of nothing), 8potola w oióév éat’ & réuotov, Soph. Although having forsworn (i.e. having denied on Oath), kaltrep &v &rduotos, Soph. A fort, retxos, Tá; ppouptov. See Fortification. Forth, trpó00s or -6ev. Forth from, Éa. See For- ward, Henceforth. Forthwith, eú0ús. See Immediately. Fortieth, reorgāpākootós. A fortification, Teixos, tá ; Teixiopia, Tó ; 6tateſzt- opia; Štireixioua, esp. one commanding the enemy's country; ºppoiptov ; pipia, Tó ; ; picos, Tá; + trip- 'yapa, T6: (the fortified walls) &upiéAmo Tpa totywy, Eur.; (all round) reputeixioua ; (against) &vriteſ- X10/10. A building a fortification, êtritetxious, eas, h; Titel- xtouás. Belonging to making fortifications, trpošAmpëToup'yikás, Fortified, épipºvăs. A fortified place, Xaptov. The strongholds and fortified places, T& Kaptepi, kal T& Teixm, Thuc. A being fortified, épupivötns, mtos, i. To fortify, Teixiſco, &lroteixt{w, ékteixt{w, reputer- xi(o, öxipów, ºppérow, &roppégow, trepippáo ow. To include in a fortification, Tpostetxigo. To make a Jortification, esp. in an enemy's country, or so as to command or overawe an enemy's country, Éritely tºw; in a place, Évreux{{w. To build a fortification against (so as to oppose), ávtetriteuxt{opal, mid. c. perf. pass. in act. sense. You carefully fortify yourself against the charge, eſſ ... &Iroqpdyvögat kūkāq, to trpayua, Soph. Fortitude, eúspixia; &vöpia or àvöpeia. See Courage. Fortress, ppovptov. See Fortification. Fortuitous, aitápºtos, m, ov, and os, ov. dental. - Fortuitously, Ös étuxe. See Chance. Fortunate, eitüxhs; eiſuotpos, ov; eiſſuepos, ov; + eff- workos, ov; + &rígnaos, ov; Tüxmpös; + Tpitéo-trov- See Acci- 60s, ov (of life); (as an omen, etc.) atolos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Favorable. To be fortunate, eitüxéa, eſſ träg za, ’āyā0& Téaxw. May I be fortunate, i övatumv, so Švato, etc. Fortunately, eitixás, Tixmpás, kātā Satuova. Most fortunately, Öatuovićtata. Fortune, Tüxm, baludviov (both usually of good for- tune, but not always); Satuov, usu, good, sometimes bad. See Condition. Good fortune, eitixia, t eitäxela; eitäxmua, T6; tºy- kos Tüxis, Soph. The splendid fortune of your fat ſer, Tarpos (mA&pata, Eur. One's present fortune, Öat- pióvov kātāo Táois, Eur. Ill fortune, 8vstixia; 3vstixmua, T6; ’ātūxia; ’ātā- xmua, T6. See Misfortune. A fortune-teller, 'üyüptus, ov, 6, fem, t ‘āyúptpia. See Soothsayer. - Forty, regarðpäkovra. Forty thousand, tetpākisºplot. The forum, 'üyopä. Forward, trpá00s or -6ev, after verbs of motion often eis to trpó00s; trpóow, Att, often tróñña, compar. Tpo. owtépa, superl. Trpoolwtára. Backwards and forwards, Táxiu te kal Tpéow, Eur. Forward, (i. e. eager, q.v.) Tpó0ūgos, ov; (in speech) + TpóAeoxos, ov. To forward, (a person on his journey) 660totéw; see Escort; (a message) träpayyáAAw. Forwardness, trpo6üuía. See Eagerness. A fosse, Tāq pos, ii. See Ditch. To foster, Tpéqw, &epāºreto. See To cherish. A foster child, Tpáqiuos, 6, i. Foul, utúpos, Miaºpós ; # 5ustrivhs; (i.e. disgraceful, q. v.) gioxpós. A foul wind, tvoj čásopuos (provided ships have not sailed, lit. keeping them still at anchor), AEsch.; Tveijua tº oilk Tpdºpas (when ships have sailed), Soph. By foul means, avy trive xepôv, AEsch. If you will not speak by fair means, you shall by foul, at trpos x&piv učv oëk epets, kāaíav 5’ pets, Soph. To compel by foul means, Biéopal, mid. (opp. to Tetta, to use fair, means, or to persuade). To foul (i. e. to dirt, q.v.), utgiva. That the ships would run foul of one another, Šuputreat- orðal trpos &AA#Aas Tās vais, Thuc. Ship ran foul of ship, pads vml Tposétritte, Thuc. Foully, aioxpós. See Shamefully. To be foul-mouthed (use foul language), aioxpo- Aoyéw. l69 Found—Fray Foul language (foul-mouthedness), aioxpokoyia, al- axpoffmu.orávn. To found, ktígo, oikiſo, Károiktów; ‘ièpto (5 properly, but if Hom.); Septextów; (i.e. lay the foundation of) kārāśāAAw, lit., also metaph. of a report, no aor. 1. To join in founding, ovyktiſa. A foundation, ſºpmirls, tá0s, # ; SepéAtov, Séué0Aa; tröðuńv, évos, 3; 33/6pov; #6&ſpos, Tó. To lay a foundation, ºpniriba karaśāAAw, Eur, Of or belonging to a foundation, &epiéatos. From the foundation, adj., +Tpáššuſos, ov; faité- trpepºvos, ov. - From the foundation, adv. (to destroy, etc.), ftpéuv06e or -6ev; † Tpóñjuſa and trpáššuſov. Well founded, &rtós, ò, ii, to (of an argument). See Firm. Self founded, faitáññigos, ov. A founder, àpxnyétms, ov; &pxmyós; (of a colony, etc.) oilcloths, où, 6; + ktío top, opos, 6. A founding, oilclouds; ktfaus, ii; “ièpvris, h; oficious, ii. To founder käráðūw, kārāśāva, aor. 2. Katëvv, as if from -óvul. See To sink, A foundling, teipmua, Té. A fountain, Kpfivn, tryi, frequently metaph. of other things besides water; +kpmvls, £50s, ii; + tričaš, ãicos, ii. See Spring. Of or belonging to a fountain, or proceeding from a Jountain, ºf kpmwatos; fºrmlyatos, a, ov, and os, ov; + ºričákóets. * Four, tégorapes, oi, ai, T& Téa orapa. The four seasons, terpäuoppol &pal, Eur, The abstract number four, or anything in number four, Terpès, Šāos, i. Four times, terpåkis and terpäki. In four pieces, térpäxa, terpaxi. Four years old, or lasting four years, tetpāeths, 6, h; divided into four, fretpäuotpos, or; terpaës, in- creased in fourfold ratio; retpātāāorios. A fourfold portion, Tetpápoupia. Four-footed, ºf tetpāšāuov, ovos, 6, h; +térpopos, ov. 'ith four horses, ‘i rérpwpos. Fourth, Tétparos, térapros. On the fourth day, Tetaptaios. Fourteen, reorgāpeskatēeka, neut. Teorolapakaíčeka. Four hundred, Terpákógiot. Four thousand, TetpäiciszłAtol. Fowl, àpuis, -við0s, 6, # (Trag, have also nom. and acc. pl. Špwels or öpuis). See Bird. A fowler, àpviðevris, 00, 6; āpyió00#pas, ov, 6. Of or belonging to fowling, àpulêevrikás, & The act of fowling, i öpviðevtić. To be a fowler, Öpwiðeūw, c. acc. of the birds. A fox, *āAóirmé, -ireicos, h; &AwTréktov; &Aotrekls, tºos, #; Kivääos, Tá; + Aapiroupis, fö0s, ii. A young for, a foa's cub, 'üAwtekiöets. Like a foa (i. e. as cunning as a fox) + &Awrös, Öv A fracture, kāāoris, eas, h; Āſīyua, Tó. Fragile, eúðAaotos, ov; kāraktos. See To break. Fragment, kadaga, Tá; +’āyī; + kārayua, T6; Fépeiirla, tá, no sing. The whole Crissaean plain was filled with fragments of the horse (chariots), Tây 3’ trip.TAaro vavaylov Kpig- gaſov intrutów Téâou (vováylov used metaph. of any fragments, though properly only of wrecked ships), Soph. Fragrance, eiºta, theiroguía. Fragrant, eúðöms; sūoëuos, ow. Frail, à06evils. See Weak. Frailty, à0.66weia. See Weakness. To frame, ovvtíðmul, giviſqatvw. See To form. Franchise, Šišxelpotovía. Titiuſa. Frank, Štrà00s, fi, oùv. Frankly, ‘ātāós. Frankincense, Aiéâvos, ii; Niéâvotös, Ö, m. Frankness, ‘āTAótms, ºtos, i. - Frantic, čicq pov, ovos, 6, #; Mävlicós; träpäTAhè, fiyeº, 6, h; pouräAéos, + ppev6Ams; + ‘āuaptivoos, ov contr. ovs, ovy; + träpävoos, + oiotpotAft; + šk0ügos, ov; uávias Štroxos, Eur. A frantic man, i Bákyos. A frantic woman, tuquès. #30s, h; + poutós, òos, i. Making frantic, i poltáAé0s; +fem. only pourds. To be frantic, waivopal; aor. 2. éuāvmv, perf, in pres. sens. Réumva; t Bakxéva, +’āvāéaltzeta, Kopi. Šavrida. To make frantic, Tuaſvouai, only in aor. l. Éamva. See To madden. Frantically, pièvikós. Fraternal, ºf ’āöeApbs, h, ov, and bs, 6v. Brotherly. A fratricide, ’āöexportóvos. To be a fratricide, ’āöexportovéa. Fraud, Tāpā'ºpovais, h. See Cheating. - Fraudulent, 36A10s, a, ov, and os, ov; ; KAértms, ov, only masc.; kárnxos, ov. See False. - To obtain fraudulently, to do or effect so, KAértw. See To cheat. Fray; Épts, i50s, h, acc. -iö, and —tw. Sea See Quarrel. . } 70 freak, traiyvlov. Tos, ov; (as a person's will or choice) airflatpetos, ov; (of states) iodvopos, ov; airóvogos, ov (also of animals, i. e. grazing where they will). Fee (from pain, sin, insult, etc. etc.), 'éuétoxos, ov; ’ākāpātos, ov, c. gen. or c. dat.; &660s, ov. 'ree from, adv. or prep., áictos, c. gen.; + ščw, c. gen, ; + £6,0s or –9ev, c. gen. * 0 free, Año (§ prop., but sometimes à in arsi, i. e. in the first syll. of a dactyl or spondee, or the last syll. of an iambic, in compounds tº); €KAöw, c. gen, but sometimes c. dat.; träpäAtw, Aev6epów, ‘ātrexévôspów; (to assert the freedom of) & papéouai eis éAev6eptav, ěčaipéopal eis éAévôeplay, Plat. Dem. See To deliver, To release. o set free or leave free in will, of free to do so and so (as a master his slave, etc. etc.), & pimpal, 'üvímui. To join in freeing, ovveXev6epáo. ne who sets free, ºf éAev6éptos, ov. uited to a free man, free-spirited, etc., Asv0épios, ov; éAévôspotſperiis. setting free, éAévôéparts, ews, #. See Delivery. freed man, ‘ātrexeißepos; fem, &TeXev0épa, reedom, Aévôspia; from any evil, etc., Fépmuía, c. gen.; of speech, traßmata. reely, Aévôépws, "åvéönv; (to speak, etc.) effxépôs. o speak freely, Aev6epooropéo, no mid. or pass.; traßmotágoua, mid., also in pass. eaking freely, f €Aev6epôotogos, ov. isposed to speak freely, traßmoriaa’ricós. he who speaks freely, traßmoriaaths, où, 6. 0 freeze, act, Tâyviſui, no perf; ’āºrothyviſui, Čiri. trflyviºt. ſo freeze, neut., Thywiſſal, pass. c. perf mid. Trétnya, aor. 2. pass. Tâymy; so &rothyviſual, kārārāyvöual. To freeze on or round (as a person's clothes freeze on him), trepitriyviſual, pass. freezing, trääts, eas, #. rozen, f itpuota\Aothè, gen. —Tâyos, 6, #, Tó; + ºpvarawNórnicros, ov; +&gräyhs (only of liquids). ºreight, (i. e. the load in a ship) yóuos, poptiow; (i. e. the charge for conveying it) vaſºov, popá. *renzied, +Tāpā'TAnktos, ov. See Mad. "renzy, wävía, + poºros, Fofo Tpos. See Madness. "o be in a frenzy, Évêovoida. To share a frenzy, ovycopišavriča. * "o excite to frenzy, Škéakxeča. "requency, trijkvárms, mtos, i. See To madden. J. º ree, éAéð9epos, a, ov, and os, ov; 'épetos, ov; 'éðe- Freak—Friendly Frequent, riſkivos (in prose only). To frequent, Säuſſo, pottéo, only act. c. prep.; Tpos- ‘poutów, trepiſºdNAw, kāAlvöéopal, c. Tepl and acc.; † éuéâteta, c. acc., sometimes c. gen, or c. prep., or c. adv. loci, no perf, no mid. or pass.; † troAéw and mid. but no pass., only pres. and imperf., c. acc. or c. dat, or, c. prep. e. g. &Wºl and acc. or eis and acc.; + šuiXéo, c. dat, or c. Tapi, and dat. A frequenting, pottmaus, ii, c, čirl and acc. Much frequented, +Toxvävap, opos, 6. Frequently, troAAärts, and poet, often toxxâct; Šáuč, Šâuiva, troAAá. The nightingale is frequently lamenting, Puvipetal &apit- govoa &mdāv, Soph. From their frequent occurrence, 61& to Sauſſelv, Plat. Fresh, (i. e. new, q. v.) Tpósqāros, ov; XAwpos, f veðpös; (of a wound, i. e. newly inflicted) + veðto- wos, ov; † veðicottos, ov; † veóTumºros, ov; (of a footstep) +veoxãpaktos, ov; (i. e. not fatigued) veåAhs (also in general sense); (of ships which have not been concerned in a battle) &Kpalºviis (see New); (as a high wind) Aaſairpás. He is tried -hile his crime is fresh, trpósqatos ºptvetal, Dem. It was fresh in the memory of all, évavXov ºv Trägiv, AEschin. Freshness, veðrms, mºtos, j. To fret (i.e. be impatient, as a horse, etc.), Föppaíva, only pres, and imperf act. and sometimes aor. 1. Friable, Jºãºpäpós, See To crumble. Friction, Tptibis, h; +Tpigos, 6, #. A friend piaos, Yvépuos (not so intimate as piaos), ôaptaths, où, 6; &vaykaios, usu, in pl., sometimes àv. ºptè0s, éiritáčelos. An old family friend, Éévos, čeſvos. A particular friend, &róðetos (ptaos, Lys. I was an intimate friend of his, Tottº, túvv ºptAav. 0p6tra's éicexpipmv čy&, Dem. Many other words are used only in voc.—my friend, & 'rèv or à Tây (sometimes used as pl. “my friends,” Cratin.); 3 p.6Ae, Ar. Plat. ; 3 Aóate, Xen. ; á quxótºls, Plat. Abundance of friends, troAiq i\ta. Having many friends, troAirpiaos, ov. False friendship, Aiſkopiata. To make one's friend, oiketów and mid. Friendless, àpi\os, ov. Friendliness, eúvotº, eiuéveta, pixoppogium. Friendly [most of the following words have a dat, 171 Friendly—Frown after them, or a prep., e.g. rpos and acc. etc.], bºos; piatos, a, ov, and os, ov; piadºppov, ovos, 6, # (some- times c. gen., as p. &AAñAov, friendly to one another, Eur.); sūprevis; eiſwoos, ov, and contr. —vows; -vovv; Tposſpiańs; oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; Titíðelos : + eiºpov, ovos, 6, #. Friendly-looking, eitſpágotos, ov, sometimes applied even to speeches, etc.; + síði, &mos. 6, #, T6; ºf eiotrös, Öv. Friendly, adv. (i. e. in a friendly manner), piatos, eūqpóvas, eigevas, Tposſpi\6s, piñoppóvas. To be friendly to, eúvoéo, c. dat, or c. prep.; jiēéa's ëxw, c. dat. or c, trpos and acc.; oikeiôopal, pass. Friendship, pixta; pixórns, mros, h; + Tposipixela, + Étaipeia; ºf oikeiôtms, mtos, i. - For mortals ought to form moderate friendships with one another, Xpiv Yap uetpias eis &AAñAous pixias §vmtoys &vakipwä00al, Eur. A pledge of friendship, i öečíopa, to, Soph. Fright, £ictXměts, ews, h. See Fear. To frighten, pogéo, Érºpo6éw, kataq,08éa; ŠkirAſiaga, aor. 2. pass. -etrahymv and -eratiyny (*he latter in Trag.); 6etötorgopal, mid.; 3élpaíva, no mild, or pass.; beipiſtów, no mid. though there is pass. To frighten away, 6tattoéal, ékirtàgaw. To be frightened, thorow, in pres, and perf. Ttmxa; karatrrhooſa, also aor. 2. part. Katattákóv. See ..To fear. To be frightened without cause, without knowing why, ãoraq6s ékirAſiyvipal, Thuc. Frightened, trepipoéos, ov; poéepós ; ºrpošos, ov; (out of one’s wits) trºpov, 6, #. Speeches prompted by fright, betplatočnevoi A6 you, AEsch. See Timid. In a frightened manner, éxtretram'ypéva's. Frightful, beivós. See Terrible. Frightfully, belvås. Frigid, yūxpós. See Cold. Frigidly, juxpós. Fringe, Šiša Čvos. Fringed, Šikrävaſtés. To frisk, orkupréa. Frisky, yaupos, a, ov, and os, ov; (to be) kpiðda. A frith, tropówós. See Strait. Frivolity, Añpos; Añpmua, ré. See Trifting. Frivolous, uáratos, a, ov, and os, ov; keväppov, ovos, ô, h; Amptôms. See Trifting, Vain. To behave or talk frivolously, Ampéa. Fro, to and fro, Šva kal icóra. See To trifle. A frock, xvr&v, avos, 6; otoxii. A frog, Bá'tpäxos; (of a horse's foot) xexiæv, gen évos, i. - Of a frog, Bärpäxelos, ov. A frolic, ºf ’ā0upua, T6. See Play, - To frolic, Tai(w, fut. Taíčopal, but aor. l. Émauga See To play. Frolicsome, traiyvić6ms. See Playful. From, 'üiro, c. gen.; Trápé, c. gen. ; Tpbs, c. gen. ; G. gen.; ‘ūtrö, c. gen.; T âtral, c. gen. [From is som times understood in poetry as—he is gone leading he from the land, 8éémk’ &you viv x60 vós, Eur.] I am driven from land to land, yāv irpo yńs éAaivopal AEsch. Front, pºétotrov (prop. of the face, but also gen. of a army or anything). The front rank or line of a army, otóua, Štos, tá. A front-rank man, trpoto otárms, ov, 6; Tportärms, f irpáušxos. In front, adj., + &vratos (of a wound). In front or in front of, trpáo 6e or Tpórðev, c. gen, o sine cas.; Świrpoo'6e or -6ev (in prose often to èutſpo o:6ev, T& #wtr., also êic too urpoo'6ev), c. gen, or sin cas.; karð "péowtrov; +Tpotawi, c, gen. Eur, Attacking the chiefs of the Thracians in front, 9pmkó àptatous éutregàv karð atáua, Eur. See Before. And the Athenians pressed them in front, oi Śē A6m valot katē Tpóa arou eipyov, Thuc. To place in front, or in front of, Tpotdorow. One must place in front, trporaictóow. To front, àvôtotalia, pres, pass, or mid. c. fut, mid. perf, pluperf, and aor. 2. act. - A frontier, épos, Špia Tè, never in sing, ; uefláptov, usu. in pl. Of or belonging to the frontier, àptos, ué0áptos. On the frontier, épéptos. Beyond the frontier, 'ütrepôptos, a, ov, and os, ov. A frontlet, &pitvö, ükos, 6, #, oftenest i in Trag.; +&vá6éopm; +’āvāāmua, Tó. Frost, Tâyerbs, Tâyos. Severe frost, to ‘ūtreptăyés. To be frost-bitten, 'ütrokatopal, pass. Frosty, Tâyeróðms. Froth, "àxum. See Foam Frothy, ‘āq)p(6öms. Froward, ai,635ms; willed. Frowardly, ai,6áða's. Frowardness, ai,636eta, poet. ai 638ta; +&iðáðiopia, Tá To be froward, ai,666tgopal, mid. To frown, toivoq'pwóouai, pass. Hº + airóšovXos, ov. Set Self. 172 'o fructify, kapropopéo. See To bear fruit. rugal, petàwabs, eiteXàs. rugality, eúréAeta, petSwata, + petőé. ugally, eiteXós. - ruit, kaprás ; trópiroua, Té. Fruit growing on a tree, uńNov. Ripe fruit, Öræpa. The fruits of the earth, ēkyova x6006s, Soph. The fruits of the season, &pata, td. All sorts of fruit, + raykapiría, + ray- Abundance of fruit, troAikapiría. his is the fruit you reap of your philanthropic disposi- ‘tion, totatºr’ &rmūpa toû pixav6pórow rpómov, AFsch. º fruit-tree, 8évôpov and 5&6pos, rb (the latter rare in nom. sing.), dat. pl. nearly always 6évôpeat ; 'drpóðpvov, only in pl. To bear fruit, capiropopéa, kapirów, Éickapriſouai, mid. (metaph., the field of calamity bears death as its fruit, &rms &poupa Śāvatov čkkapriſerai), AEsch. Fruitful, bearing fruit, etkapiros, ov (also of land, and of women); Kapiroqāpos, ov; #ykapiros, ov; troAiyévos, ov; Tpóqiuos, m, ov, or os, ov (metaph. of women); + puptókapiros, ov; + 1captroTeXīs; (of land) 8a05)ews; (see Fertile); (of women) +etrekvos, ov; troAirekvos. Bearing beautiful fruit, + kaxxhcapiros, ov. all sorls of fruit, trgykapiros, ov. Fruitfulness, eúicaptria and sikapreſa, kapiroyovía, troXiqopſa. To gather fruit, Kapiróopiat, mid., c. acc. of that from which it is gathered; + škkapréouai, c. acc. of the fruit, gen. of that from which (metaph. of children from a wife); 3raptºw, in act. c. acc. of the fruit, in mid. c. acc. of the trees, no pass. See To gather. Gathering fresh fruit, i &uoëpétros, ov. Giver of fruit, + kaprotroubs, 6v. Planted with fruit trees, fpm).éotropos, ov. Fruitless (i.e. vain, q.v.), uáratos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Barren. - Fruitlessly (i. e. in vain), uármy. Fruitlessly (i.e. bearing no fruit), +’ākāpiros. In vain. To be fruitless, + ptáráa. See Vain. - To frustrate, a pāAAw, f'&Atów, Ł Ščávepºda. To be frustrated (of a person who attempts anything), a pdxAouai, pass.; &moa pāAAouat ; (of an attempt) ’āvārſīrta', fut. -trea oup.at, aor. 2. —éirearov. See To fail, To disappoint. - | Frustration (of an attempt), a páApia, Tó. Failure. Kápreta. Bearing See See Fructify—Funereal Fry (i.e. small fish to be fried), śiravöpäktºes, ai. A frying-pan, Tâyávov. Fuel, tripeſa, Tá. - A fugitive, Spätrérns, ov, 3, often used as adj. with masc. subst.; + trºë, Trakös, Ö; from one's native city, FâtróTToxts. To fulfil, Texéal, ékrexéa, ÉiriteXéa, +kpatva', F &ri. Kpatva', '+ Texeów and teNetów. To be fulfilled, + éktrepaivopiat, pass.; (as prophecies, etc.) TeXevräw See To accomplish, To perform. - Fulfilled (oracles, etc.), +TéAeos and TéAetos, a, ov, and os, ov; + Texeo (pópos, ov. - - Fulfilling (causing to be fulfilled), itéAeos and réaetos, a, ov, and os, ov; † Texeorg 6pos, ov; fem. ‘f TeXeoroi. 6&telpa. Fulfilling its will, ºf TeXeori'q pov, ovos 6, 7 (of divine anger). Fulfilment, Texefazolis, h; + Texeuth, +’āvm. Full, TAéas, TAéa, traéov; ºutraea's (6, #, neut. ww); êictaea's, ww; &váràews, wu; uegrós; ’āväuertos, ov; upiegtos, ov; TAfipms, avutrāţipms; + &piq ibáAhs, c. dat.; + 8piſov, ovoia, ov, gen, ovtos, etc., c. gen. or c. dat. Full (of soldier's pay), Čurexhs (u0.06s). Half full, juióefts. Very full, reptirãews, ww; trepf. Aleoſtos, ov. - * Malt making the vessels full to the brim, kpiðal kpatiport io'oxetAets, Xen. To be full, trafiða', only pres, and imperf act., c. gen. or c, dat.; Yéua, only pres. and imperf, act, c. gen.; Heatéopal, pass.; £upreotéouai; + TAmóðw, only pres. and imperf. act. To be very full, too full, 'ütrepiritutxàgal, pass.; 'ütrepsp- Triputrāapat, trepitriutxagal. See To fill. A fuller, kvāqets. Fully (to hope, etc.), travros. See Wholly. Fulness, TXīpa.orus, ii; +TAñpapa, Tó. Fume (i.e. savoury smell), kviora and kvíon. See Smell, Vapour. - To fume, Špyigouai, pass., To fumigate, & Juda. Fun, trauðta. See Play. In fun, trauðikós. A funeral, Tábos, råph, ēkpopá; kā80s, ré. Funera rites or funeral offerings, Évrāqua, Tá; tā vēuiua; Tà vogtſ dueva; + Icteptopiata, Tá. A funeral pile, tripā, i rupicalá. Funereal (i.e. belonging to a funeral), + kíðelos, ov; étrichöeios, ov; witéptos, ov. • To perform funereal rites, krepiſo, only act., sometimes ict. Tăqq), sometimes c. acc. cogn. Ict. Ict pea; + på- 173 c. fut, mid. See Angry. IFunnel—Gain 'yvíſo, fut. —forw. See To bury. A funnel, x0āvm. Fur, Föopd. See Skin. A fur garment, + atoupua, foiokpa. I.ike fur, ºf aid upwdºms. - Furious, pºdpyos, m, ov, and os, ov; uávikós. furious by grief, Föğü0mktos, ov. - To be furious, Avogów. My mind is furious, éppléuove ºpp?iv, Soph. See To rage. - Furiously, wavlicós. - To furl, tº otéAAw, and mid, but not pass. in this sense; avoréAAw, jºbſmut. With furled sails (of the person), + špeiuévos, often metaph. A furlong, oráðtov. A furnace, kāuivos. One who works in a furnace, itvorāś00s. To furnish, kata.orkeváça, orvykaraokeväſay; (i. e. to provide, q. v.) trapéxa, ; besides, trpostrápéxw, and mid-; in turn, &vttakevägouai, mid. To be furnished with, + kaíviſual, only in perf, pass.; kécaouai. One must furnish (i. e. provide), träpektéov. Furnished with, råtñpms, c. dat. Furniture, orkedos, to, usu. in pl.; ºritAa, Tâ; Käta- orkevä; o'cevåpta, td. A furrow, ačAač, Škos, h; 6Akös, often metaph. of any track; ’āAoč, olcos, i. Furrowed, +Tumrós. * To furrow, f'&Aok{ſo, + käräAokſ.go. Further, trpóa'o', also trógão, compar. Trpooſa,tépa, —Tétw; trépa, and compar. repairépa, sometimes c.gen. The further side of Sicily, tº émérceiva täs Xukexías, Thuc. - To assist at a funeral, givekq Épa. Made G. A gabion, Taporós. A gable, 'üerós; &éropa, Té. To gad-fond of gadding about, + piaéoôos, ov. A gadfly, olotpos; i pºvěth, 6tros, 6. The sting of a gadfly, ototpnga, Tó. Driven by a gadfly, toiotpottà38, fivos, 3, #, T6; + oiotp:#Aáros, ov; + oio Tpočiumros, ov; + oiorpo- 6ówntos, ov; oiotpóðovos, ov. A gag, ird.orgâAos. 174 It can go no further, Aelre unºsutaw örspéoxhv, Isoc. oùic ēxei ŠtrépéoAñv, Dem. Further, adj., ‘ūtréotepos. Furthest, Šoxaros. To further, ério treča. See To aid. Furtive, ºpvirtós; A30patos, a, ov, and os, ov; (o love, etc.) + oricórios. See Secret. Furtively, A&6pá. See Secretly. Fury, Aëa ora, pièvia. See Rage. - A fury, the Furies, ’Epivös, gen. Öos, ii, oftener in pl. (gen. pl. ’Epivov, Eur.); in pl. ºf Malváðes, ai; + Xe uva!; Xenval Geal, Soph. Thuc.; Eigevides, ai; +’Apal, ai (the name by which they are called in the regions below according to their own account), AEsch. To fuse (metals, etc.), ovyxovetw. Fusion, oróvtmäts, i. Fuss, to make a fuss, + šáAaoro'okotréal. Futile, pavXos, m, ov, and os, ov. See Vain. Futility, pavXórms, mºros, i. Future, wéAAov, ovara, ov, etc.; the future, 6 €triXottros xpóvos, ai étrixotirot juépat, Plat., etc.; 6 &tiššéov xpóvos, AEsch ; to Tpégeptov, AEsch.; to éirtov, Eur.; 6 €irtów (contr. ointièv) xpóvos, Plat.; 6 reita 8íos, Plat. The immediate and the remote future, to tº èretta kal to puéNAov, Soph. Not understanding either the present or the future, otºr’ évôaô’ 6póv oër’ àtrforw, Soph. Future generations, oi étriyrywówevot, Thuc. For the future, in future, ač0s; +to Aourov; +&irfra. See Hereafter. To be future, uéAAw, augment often doubled, e. g. #ueAxov, imperf. fut. usaxhow, rare except in pres. and imperf. See About. - Your strongest pleas are hopes in futurity, Tó, ioxupétata . éAtrigăueva uéAAétat, Thuc. To gag, a topiča. A gage, trforts, eas, ii. See Pledge. To gage, éyyváouai. See To pledge. Gaily, eighpévos, + #5éa's. - Gain, képôos, Tó; Añupia, āros, té; + to kepôāAéov. . The acquiring gain, xpmuártogós; xpmuáriots, eas, #; eipyāoría. Discreditable gain, aioxpoképôéta. Love of gain, pixoképôeta. An uneapected gain, eúpmua, #owatov. .* - vercome by desire of gain, itépôeolv victºgevos, AEsch. me who seeks gain, t &Apnoths, où, Ö, often also as adj. 'ond of gain, pixorcepāfīs. eeking discreditable gain, aioxpokepāfīs. ith a view to gain, from desire of gain, kepbāAéas. 0 gain, kepāaiva, no perf., no mid, or pass.; &tokep- ôaiva, ºpépa; Šicºpépouai, mid., esp. of victory, etc.; &pviſual, only pres, and imperf.; letdouai, mid., with perf, pass. #ictmual and kéictmual in act, sens.; Aap- éâva, fut. Affilouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAäéov; t u- troAda, ÉspatroAdo; 5tairpáorgopal, mid.; Épyáçopal, mid, perf. pass, sometimes in act. sens.; Évépyášouai; (glory, etc.) eiptorkw, fut, eúphow, aor. 2, eipov; (a victory, etc.) vikáo; see To conquer; (an action at law) aipéa, aor. 2. eiàov; (money) xpmuárigouai, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sens, no pass. in pass. sens.; (discreditably) aioxpokepòéw; (besides) trpos- kepôalvo. To gain over (friends), Tâyouai, mid.; Tapao iráopal, mid.; trapaakevágouai, mid.; intoroté. ouai, mid. (esp. by underhand tricks). See To con- ciliate. You will gain nothing by it, où6&v trpotepſo'ere, Phil. ap. Dem. Having gained the prize at the Olympic games, ’6Aüpıtria vevukmic&s, Thuc. Gaining his point (of an arguer), tuxāv YváAms, Soph. To be fond of gain, ºptAoképôéa, Xen. One must gain money, Xpmuário Téov. Having gained one's olject, + ští60A0s, ov, c. gen.; + éykpaths, c. gen. w Easy to be gained, eúðhpātos, ov. Gainful, kepôaÅéos, éppudios. To gainsay, &pwéopal, mid., no pass. in pass. sens., but aor. 1. pass, in act. sens. See To deny. Gait, Bööugués ; 336tgua, ré. A gaiter, Tepukvåulov. A gale, txeipºv, &vos, 6. A favorable gale, oùpos. See Wind. Gall, XoAff. Steeped in gall, fueadyxoAos, ov. To gall, &Aiša, ; metaph. Šá'Kvo, fut. Śāšouai, no aor. l, aor. 2. čákov, etc. See To anger, To annoy, Ço be galled, + širitpiéopal. - allant, 'üyü06s. See Brave. &allantry, +&Akh. See Bravery. |A gallery, treptăpopuos ; Śifipes uéA&6pov, Eur. To writé (plays), “for the galleries,” + 8 poxoxeſoual, mid. Plays written “for the galleries,” 8wpºxoxa. ërm, Ar. Gain—Gardener A galley, &cătos, ii. See Boat. A gall-nut, Kmicis, 760s, i. A gallon, x60s, contr. x00s, gen. x0ós. To gallop, + trøAAw, in imperf. - To gamble, küéeūw, only act. To gamble away (i. e. lose in gambling), kārākūBetw. Fond of gambling, ºf pixókö60s, ov. To gambol, traigw. See To play. - Game, (i. e. beasts to be hunted) &hp, &mpbs, 6; kövmyéolov ; (i. e. play, sport) traibia ; traiyvía, ii, and traiyvio, Tá. See Play. A game or contest at any great festival, 'éyòv, &vos, 6; 30Åov, and poet. (includ. Trag.) &e?Aov, usu. in pl.; ‘āuixxa. See Contest. Of or belonging to the games, or presiding over them, +’āyāvuos, ov; + £vaydºvios, ov, also contending in the games. To contend in the games, ‘ā0Aéo ; ‘āyavigopal, mid. Abounding in game, I troAièmpos, ov. A gamester, i küéeuths, où, 6. A fellow-gamester, ovyküéevtås. - A gaming-house, kiéeſov, akipäbelov and gitipáplov. A gaming-table, Tmata. A gang, ‘iam. See Company, Band. Gangway, 'ütoéâ'0pa. A gaol, eipict”), eipyaos, beaua'thplov. A gaoler, eipyuopińač, Škos, 6. A gap, ŠišAeluga, tá; to 6táAettov, Xen. To leave a gap, 6taxeltra. They marched, leaving a great gap between each man, ôtéxovires troXi jeo av, Thuc. Full of gaps, troAérevos, ov. To gape, Xaiva, rare except in aor. 2. čxãvov, perf. kéxmva in pres, sens.; Xáakw, only pres, and imperf. act. (which are used for the pres. and imperf. of pres.); ’āvāxaſva, and ’āvāxáo ico', 'ütroxágico ; xaguáo, also -ouai, mid. To gape at, txagréga. To gape about or around, t &pſpixágical and &ſiºt- xaſva, i kouictºo. To gape (of things breaking to pieces), štáxáoko. A gaping, xào.ua, T6; xào.umua, Tá; xágun. Garb, 30.6%s, firos, # ; grevil. See Dress. Garbage, tpāxīAta, Té. . A garden, kitos, khtriov, Špxos, + špxaros. The attending to a garden, being a gardener, kn"reta, piroupyta. - A gardener, kntropós; +@Irütrotumv, evos, 6. Of or belonging to a gardener, kntrovpicós. See Dze. See Prison. Garden-stuff'(anything grown in a garden), käretua, Tá | 75 Gargle—General To gargle, 'évåkoyxiàidºw. A garland, oréuſta, āros, to, usu. in pl.; otépévos ; + ore påvoua, Tá; + arépos, Tó. - Having a garland for the prize (epith. of the games), orreſpäumſpópos, ov; otépävirns, ov, 6, only masc. Wearing a garland, ore pāvmſpópos, ov, To deck with garlands, ortépa, a tepavów, i kāraatépo, + škorépa, Forreguárów. See To crown. - Garlic, a kópočov ; # 3-yxis, I80s, i, only in pl. To feed on garlic, trans. ‘i arcopo6f(w. A garment, ‘iuártov : é00hs, firos, h; tréſà0s ;. êa.0mua, Tó; o'roAff; elua, T6; + på pos, Tá; + orté- Ata'ua, Tá; trepikšavuga, àtos, tá; &pitrexévn, &utréxovov; £utrepôvmua, āros, ré. Garments, kpó- Kov Bapat, Æsch. Linen garments, Aïva, tá. A leathern garment, atroAës, #60s, h; † atavpua, origipa. A thin, light garment, ortreiptov. See Robe, Gown, Cloak, etc. With dark or black garments (as in mourning), ºf ueMay- kev6%is ; ; pleAávefuov, ovos, 6, 7, ; + Meadºttetraos, ov. See Black, Mourning. A garner, 'üToffſikm. See Barn. To garner, ovykoutſoual, mid, c. perf. pass, in act. sens. See To store, Garmish, garniture, f'ºyNářopia, tá. See Ornament. To garnish, coopéow. See To adorn. A garret, trip'yos. A garrison, ºppoupíov, ºppoupé, piñākī; (i. e. the soldiers in the garrison) pāAákes, oi; ppoupol, oi; êuppoupol, oi. A captain of a garrison, ºppoipapxos. To garrison, ºppoupéa, ; piñáorga, fut, -ëa, ; (i. e. to be in a place as a garrison) éuq poupéw. He garrisons the cities, tróAets uppoëpovs trouet, Dem. Garrisoned, Éuppoupos, ov. Garrulity, troAi}\oyſa. See Talkativeness. Garrulous, toxiàoyos. See Talkative, A garter, reptakeals, fö0s, i. A gash, t touñ; +&Aoč, okos, ii. See Wound. To gash, Téuvo, no aor. 1. See To cut, To wound. To gasp, &otraipa, no perf, no mid, voice. A gate, röAm; TúAaga, Té. With two gates, 6ttrüAos, ov. To furnish with gates, tru)\ów. A gate-keeper, trüAwpós. To gather, àpétro (rarely if ever found in pass.); Kä- Tââpéra ; ovXAéya, perf. pass. in this sense also ovvetàeyuat; kouigw, esp. of corn, crops, etc.; ovy- Koutºw ; (fruit) &rapiſo; c. acc. of the fruit, or of the tree from which, See To collect, | Gaunt, ForceXerós. Gathered,—newly gathered, ºf veóðpettos, ov; + ve Sporos, ov; + veðatras, &60s, 6, #, T6. To be gathered, ſcopao Téos. A gathering, (of crops, etc.) copiðh, ovykopióñ; (o people) +”39poiopia, tá. See Assembly. Gaudy, Aapírpás, See Bright, Splendid. To gauge, pletpéo. See To measure. A gauge, pºétpov. See Measure. Gaiety (of spirits), eúðjuta, piñopporávn. Gaily, patópós, ºf patópá. Gay, potēpēs, "f patópóvows, To gaze, '30péa, ; (round) trepišAérw. A gazelle, Čopkös, Öos, # ; +80pkft. Gear, orkeiſm, rd. - To geld, éictéuva. A gelding, XAoûvms, ov, 6; Toulas, ov, 6. Eunuch. A gem, Aí60s, 6 kal ii. Gender, yévos, Tó. A genealogy, or the tracing a genealogy, yewed Aoyſa. To trace a genealogy, YevéâAoyéa, sometimes c. acc. General, eiw8&s, via, bs; orijvá0ms. See Usual. General report, 6muó6povs pāum, AEsch. Adhering as closely as possible to the general meaning of what was really said, éxówevos 8,ti éyyúrata rās ovulidoms yuáums Tāv &Am0ós Aéx6évrov, Thuc. Generally, in general, és to trav, ŠAws, ka0° àAov. a general rule, Śws. Orators in general who have spoken before now in this place, oi Hāv troAAol tăv évôāöe #öm sipmkóray, Thuc. A general, otpātmyos, &pxás; + Aox3-yérms, ov, 6; + otpatópxms, ov, 6; + orpärmäärms, ov, 6; of the enemy, &vttarpármyos. - A fellow-general, 'i ovoſtpármyos. An under-general (one of inferior rank), štorſpármyos The most fit to be a general of all the generals, d tpa. tnyóratos Táv otpatmydºv, Xen. - Of or belonging to a general, or suited to a general, or skilful as a general, otpātmyirbs, orpätm'ymtikós; atparnyls, fö0s, i, only fem. (of the tent, or standard, or flag of the commander-in-chief). The office, behaviour, of general, generalship, etc., otpá, tnyía. It seemed rather an imitation of an absolute monarch than the behaviour of a general, Tvpavvíðos Pax Aov épaiveto putumoris h otpatmyia, Thuc. Like a good general, orpät myticós. The general's quarters, atpātmyelov, a Tpātī)iov. J See To look. " See As 176 Generality— Giddy He was at the gates of the quarters of the two generals, ical 8% "ri Sugga's fiv otpatmytow triº als, Soph. Lessons in generalship, otpatnyſiuata, td. To be general, otpātmyew, sine cas., or c, gen, or c. dat. of the troops, sometimes c. acc. of what is done by the general; tarpärmäaréa. To be a fellow- general, ovatpātmyeo. The wish to be a general, otpātmytów. The generality, oi troAAol, etc., more rarely to troXi. To generate, tirto, piſteða'; 'púa, chiefly in aor. 1. Generation, yews&, + yovň; yévégis (opp. to £60pá). Generic, yewitcós. A generic name, 8voua Tepiéxov, Arist. Generosity (i.e. liberality, q.v.), £Aévôeptórms, mtos, #; troAiówpta; (in the treatment of others) 'épeth, piñavópatria. * Generous, pleyāAóðwpos, ov; botikós ; see Liberal; (in one's treatment of others) pixávôpatros, ov. Generously, piñav0p6tros. Genial, #8&Aepós. Genius (i.e. high mental qualities), pp?iv, ppevös, Ö, though it hardly answers to our use of the word with- out an epithet ; (i. e. disposition) &pyā; 760s, tá. A Genius (i. e. presiding angel), Aaiuov, ovos, 6; 6alpövtov. An evil genius, kākočaiuov. To be under the power of a genius (usu. of an evil genius), Satuováo), only in act, voice. Grief brought on by one's evil genius, Saipovºv &xn, AEsch. º Gentility, eiyéveta. Gentle, trpäos, fem. Tpaeia (as if form Trpaës), pl. neut. Tpaéa, dat. Tpaéal; fuepos, a, ov, and os, ov, compar, —éatepos; +’āyavās; + etx.mxos, ov; juepos, a, ov; +Trpevgevils, hpeggios; (i. e. well born) stºyevſis. See Noble. A gentle steady breeze, rvetpia Aetov Kal Ar. To make gentle, trpääva. Gentleness, trpäärms, mros, ii; fipepôrms, mºtos, j; trpeupéveta; (of disposition) + síopymato. Gentle or gentleman-like conduct, kāAokgyā0ía. A gentleman, kāAokºyá60s. A Persian gentleman, IIépons &v?ip rév retratēeupévov, Xen. Gently, hovyā; joixos, comp. jouxaſ repov, superl. #orūzgirara; hpéuá, and hpépás before a vowel; hpe- patos, hpeudio, trpáds, TpsvPlevós, juépos. Genuine, haü6íyevils, # kä0&pós. kaffeo'rmicös, Geography, yeo'ypābla. Geometry, yewſletpia, iſ yeapletplkh. Geometrical, yewpierpilcós. A geometrician, yew!,érpms, ov, 6. To be a geometrician, yeapºetpéw. The germ (of anything), ortrépua, āros, Tó. To germinate, 8Aaqtāva, fut. 8Agathaw, etc. To gesticulate, oxmuſſttºw; uoppd/o, only act.; (with the hands) xelpovouéa, only act. Gesticulation (gesture), oxiua, Tb, usu. in pl. To get, któouai, mid., c. perf. pass, kékTijuai, sometimes also êictmual; ‘āvakráopal, kataktúouai, feiskráopat; Aapéávo, fut. Affilouai, no aor. I., aor. 2. čAáčov, etc.; Tvyxāva, fut. Teißouai, aor. 2. črüxov; Kätepyā- Çoual, perf. pass. sometimes in act. sens, sometimes in pass.; Tropiº, and mid.; Tepitoléo, and mid. (in act. voice often to get for some one else). To get possession of, kpâtéo, c. gen.; Érikpâtéw. To get oneself what belongs to another, trepińapéâva!; (besides, in addition) Tposłapéðvø; trpositäopal, mid. What should you get by it 2 ºri by TpokóTrous; Eur. What should I get by it? Tí by ſporteluny TAéov; Soph. - You would get nothing by it, oùù av radov Adéots, Eur. How do we get on 2 trós #koptev ; Eur. If you think you will get on better with me, ei ti olea 9e uáAAov pet' époi eitrophorely, Plat. See To acquire. One must get, ictmtéov. A getting, Añills, eas, h; kºrfioris, eas, #; Ériktmoſus, eas, ii; (anything additional) trpostrotmats, eas, #. See Acquisition. - Clever in getting, KT7ticbs, c. gen. What may, must, be got, ictmrós; trücrººros, ov. Ghastly, i XAwpós. See Pale. - Ghastliness, dºxpótºms, mtos, i. A ghost, + pdoruo, Tá; + (pdvtozapa, Té; + orkid. A Ghoul, Ašuta. A Giant, Tºyas, autos, 6; +Titãv, &vos, 6, usu, in pl., the giants, ºf I'myevels. Slaying giants, ºf Tiyavroſpóvos, ov. A gibbet, a Taüpos. To gibbet, &vaaravpów. + To gibe, orkdîrta. See To jeer. A gibe, orköppa, Tó; Kapıçönua, T6. Giddiness, 'ixty-yos, or coročivia. To be giddy, 'ixty yida, no mid.; orkotočºviće, no mid, alcoróougi, pass. Genus, yévos, Tó. Giddy, pºtatos, &, ov, and os, ov; + Kevéppov, N 177 Gift—Giving To be giddy, fuáráſa. A gift, Sápov; 860 is, eas, h; 8wped; 6&prika, tá. A gift of honour, yépas, ro; trpeg'éetov. A hospitable gift (to cement the bond of Ševia), šévtov and Četvlov. To bring gifts, Sapopopéo; 8aporeAéa, esp. of votive gifts; (to show one's gratitude) ºvmatāwpéo. See To give. Covetous of gifts, bopo66kos, esp. by way of bribe. See Bribe. To receive gifts, 8wpoëokéw, esp, as a bribe, in pass. ... either of the gift received, or of the person corrupted by it. . See To bribe. Gigantic, (of the Giants) Tiyavtatos; (i.e. of great size) trexépios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Great. To giggle, kixAſw. See To laugh. To gild, xpiſodw. Gilded, éirixpügos, ov; +&upi'xpüoros, ov. A gimlet, Tpūrāvov. He works a gimlet backwards and forwards with two thongs (or a double thong), bitxotv XaAlvotv Tpūtravov kayırmAare. Fur. Ginger, Cºyºffsepis, eos, i. To gird, Øvviſut and (to gird oneself) &vvikal, mid.; kāraçávvipu, 5taſövviſui, Ériſóvviſui, foréAAw; (to gird oneself) otéAAoſtal, mid.; +ávarréAAopal, mid. A girdle, (&vn; + (àua, ré; + (worhp, fipos, Š; +%- viov; +oriſſoua, Té; + orpópos, +ériſóo Tpa ; (a maiden's girdle) + kópeuſia, Tó. With beautiful girdle, etºwvos; +Airápéſovos, ov. A girl, kópm, and poet. Kočpm; trapdévos, ii; Taſs, tratóbs, h; +veóvls, i50s, ii; i viſuqºm; +4.60x0s, ii; +&iſyárhp, j; Kopåglov, traičiakm. To bring up a girl, ºf trapöeveča. To grow up as a girl, trap6evelopal, pass.; + kopečopal, pass. Girlhood, ºf trapòevía and trapòeveia ; +trapſ'évévua, T6; trapſ'évios aičºv, AEsch. Girlish (of or belonging to a girl), ºf trap6évios, a, ov, and os, ov; girlish amusements, trapdevelſkara, Tá. A girl's room, ‘i trap6evöv, &vos, 6; traxicov. č8&Atov, AEsch. A girth, Aéračvov; (for dogs) areAgovíaſ, ai; girth (i.e. width, etc.), eúpos, Tó ; (of a man, etc.) trä- xirms, mºros, i. To give, Siôaul, *āvāötöwſu; 8wpéopal, mid. perf. pass. in act. or pass. sense ; träpéxo, perf. Tapeqxhica; véua; xàpiſopal, mid, perf. pass., in act, and pass. sense; traptormul, in pres, fut, and aor. 1.; +&Táço, +éropov, only in this aor. 2.; tiffnut (esp. of giving a name to any one, or giving honour, in mid of giving a vote), kátáriënſu, esp. as any one gives a. prize to be contended for ; ‘ūréxw, in prose esp. of giving in an account of a trust confided to one, or one's behaviour in an office ; (a vote) pépa, ; (away as worthless) ºrportivo, rare except in pres, imperf, or aor. 2. Tpoétriov, and perf. pass, trporétropal. To give back, 'ütočíðau ; (besides, in addition) #Tić. 8wul, trposóſówpu, ºf éirevötöwpt ; (additional blows) Tposevretva, ; (freely) éirièapixeſopiat, mid. ; (from one to another, to give in succession) 8tačíðafa ; (one’s hand in pledge, or a vote) éušáAAw, no aor. 1, perf. §uéééAmka, etc.; (in return) &vriótówgi, &vri- ãapéopal; (a share of) uétašíðapu;-up (i.e. abandon, q. v., surrender, etc.), šicötöwpil, träpääiówſu; (a pur- suit, an office, etc.) étotapal, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf, act. &pío Tapai; (i.e. cease from on any account) &q’tmut ; (oneself up to any pursuit or feeling, etc.) &vínut, c. eis and acc., or c, dat.; ſposxopéo, c. 7pós and acc.; (to a person, i.e. surrender to him) éyxel- píſo, trpostrouéo ; (i. e. despair of, q.v.) vºtöapu; (bad habits, etc.) &rotíðeual, mid.; (one for the sake of some other) ‘ūtrepôtbout; (out of courtesy) kata- xãpiſogal, mid. To give place to, trapaxopéo. See To yield. To give way to, TAéov véua (olicro, öxA4, etc.). To give in marriage, ékötöwui. See To betroth. Giving up the command,’āretrövtåv otpármytau, Xen. That the supreme power should be given up to Creon, Kpéovti Spóvous éâ00al, Soph. - Whom they would have given a great deal to have for their allies, offs irpo troAAów &v ćrtuño avro Šupudzovs orqpton yeyé00al, Thuc. I think that you would have given a good deal to . . . &vr) troXXów by xpmuárov Šuffs éAéotal voutgo, c. ei and opt. Dem. - They gave themselves up (to despair), trpotevro aqās airobs, Thuc. - Giving the rein to the horses, tróxois usaxóvres àvías, Eur. One must give, botéov, trapektéov; (up) trapadoréov and trapaboréa; (in marriage) éköoréow; (a share of) peračotéov. To wish to give up, or be willing to give tºp, trapa- 8woetw. - Given, esp. without being asked for, freely given. +30pmtés. A giver, 60thp, fipos, 3. A giving, 360 is, ews, h; (up) träpääoots (esp. as a betrayal or surrender). 178 Glad—Glow-worm Fond of giving, Śwpmtikós; pixóðwpos, ov. Disposed to give a share of, ustaðotikos, c, gen. With inclination to give, adv., piñoºpws. Glad, &ouevos, patépás ; +eiºpov, ovos, 6, 7 : Fei- 'ymtās; + eiyń0mtos, ov. Very glad, trepixãphs, Tpisdapevos. To be glad, #60pal, c. aor. 1. pass. #00mu, etc.; xaſpa, fut. Xalpflow, perf. pass. Fréxappal. See To rejoice. I should be glad, époi jiàopévº &v et m, Plat. And I should be glad to ask them, #3éa's 5’ &v airów Tv6otumv, Isoc. Making glad, etiqpov, ovos, Ö, i. To gladden, eigpaiva'; tépiro, no perf. act. nor pass. though there is aor. 1. pass. See To please. A glade, 870 ora. Gladly, &apºva's, #8éas, §§6tws. Gladness, téphis, eas, ii. See Joy. A glance, ‘i BAéupia, Tó ; Box3, Öq6axpay, 80Aff ôupårov, Hösch. ; trposé0A3) updrov, Plat. ; 8éAos öpped tww. A pileous glance, BéA0s pixotºrov, AEsch, For Jupiter is warmed by your glances of love, Zets Yêp inépov BéAet Tpbs goi, Té0axttal, Hºsch. See Look. To glance (i.e. look, q.v.), Öpda'; (i. e. to shine in rapid motion) + 'éta'aw, sometimes contr. Čao'w, as a dart from any thing struck; Tapatpétropal, pass. To glance at in speaking (i. e. slightly mention), trāpākūtta, c. Širl and acc. Glare, airyā; t Aapitãs, #60s, ii. See Light. Glaring, + y^avktówy, wora, for YAavkidov, ovoia, as if it were part. pres. act. of yNavictów, traittatva v. Glass, ŠáAos, ii. A burning-glass, Aí60s Kax? 5tapavils &q' is to trip &rtovoi, Arist. köö60s. Glassy (i. e. of glass), tºxivos ; (i.e. like glass) ūāAoeiðfts. A gleam, f aſyM). See Light. To gleam, &otpátra, no perf act, though pluperf. pass. in intrans. sens. See To shine. Glee, xàpd. See Joy. A glen, &ykos, té; Bigga, värm; város, ré. Of a glen, + vätratos. To glide, Atg8ávo, fut, ÖAto 0figa, aor. 2. &Atg8ov; (into or towards) "itroëiopiat, mid, c, aor. 2. act. ‘ūtréðvv, perf. —öéðūka; trópañóéa, fut. —Éeūgopal, aor. 2. —effºnu, etc.; (away) i ötrekööouai, Štrofiñéa, (as time does). 5 wº f t g + &orträgtas, #60 ºvals, A cupping-glass, To glimmer, što paíva. Seeing this glimmering of hope, Toa attas āpāv čAtriðas ūTopawotoras, Dinarch. To glisten, + pappalpw, only pres. and imperf act, See To shine. Glistening, + p.appºpósis. See Bright. A glistening, † Happépüyń. See Brightness. A glitter, oréAas, gos, Tó. To glitter, &otpārta, no perf act., though Xen. has pluperf. pass.; + otíA8w, only pres, and imperf. See To shine. A globe, a palpa. Globular, a palpurós. Gloom, kvépas, to, rare except in nom, and acc.; of countenance) + grüyos, Tá; (of mind) + 5usbüuía. See Melancholy. Gloomy, i öppuaſos, + eipóels, i. 6104 epòs (see Dark); (i. e. melancholy or melancholy-looking) artwyvös ; Śēsqpov, ovos, 6, #; F 'éuavpos, + avv- veºſis ; (of the mind) + uéAayx}rov, wVos, 6, i ; + ke^alváirms, ov, 6. To look gloomy, ovvvetéo Šultata, Eur. To glorify, + aipa, + geyāAúva. See To praise. Glorious, eúðočos, ov; #vöočos, ov; eißóripos, ov; eūkXe?)s, k\elvös, eitrpetrºs, étricióhs, ºf paſāipos, m, ov, and os, ov; (of actions) Aaſutpos, kāAbs (& in poets not Trag.). Making glorious, iſ ué'yáAóvuplos, ov. To be glorious, eúðokiuéa, only act.; sū80èéa, no mid.; (in, to gain glory in) évévôoſcipléa. Gloriously, eikAeós, ei,86éas, évôáčas. Glory, KAéos, to, only nom. and acc.; efficMeta, śća, eijóočía; KAmöðv, Övos, h; † kū80s, Tá; (i. e. that in which one glories) + Yávos, Tá; + atxmua, tá. Your glory (that in which you glory), to obv &v60s, AEsch. The son of Telamon, the glory of Salamis, TeXauww.os 'yövou (kareiðoy) Tâs XaAap.ſvos orépavov, Eur. To glory, etxopal, mid.; ºf éiretyopat; ’āyáAAouai, only pres, and imperf., c. dat, or c. prep., e.g. ēirl and dat, etc., or c. part. See To eault. Gloss, + airyh. To gloss over, 'ürokop(ſouai, mid.; + kaxxâva, no perf., no pass. Glossy, Aevicós. See Bright. t A glove, Xelple, 760s, i. Glow, F aió0s, 6 kal T6. See Heat. To glow, Adutro; h pxéya, no perf. Glowing, + p^\epós. A glow-worm, trüyoAguirós, òos, i. tº 2 Gloze—Go To gloze, txàpiroyAward'éa, only pres, act. See To flatter. Glue, kóAAa. Like glue, KoMAáðms. To glue, howAdw; (to) irposicoxxâw; (together) ovy. kaaXáa. Glued, końAmrós; (together) oránykoWAos, ov. As if they were glued together, ovykóAAws. A glut, TAmoplová. To glut, copévvijut. Glutinous, yxotóðms. - A glutton, + kātāqāyās, où, and —&s, #80s, 6. To be a glutton, "ååmſbāyéa. To consume in gluttony, caropoſpáyéow. Gluttonous, ’āömpöyos, ov; Atxvos, m, ov, and os, ov; Yaorpiuapyos, ov; Aaſuapyos, ov. See Greedy. Gluttony, Auxveta, yaotpiuapyta. Gnarled, oriveotpappuévos. To gnash, tºrpio, fut. Tptotiual, no aor, act, nor perf. A gnat, kóvoy, wros, 6; Éutls, fö0s, i. To gnaw, ºftpøya, fut. Tp(6éopal, no acr. 1, aor. 2. črpäyov; (through) + 6tatpøya. A gnomon (of a sun-dial), orotxetov. To go, Batva', fut. Bhoopal, perf. 8éémica, fut, often contr. Besòs, 60a, etc., aor. 2. —éémy; pyouai, mid., fut. Astoroual, aor. 2. Abov, perf. Aft\ü0a; elui (—téval) pres, often in fut. Sense; Topetouai, pass, c. fut. mid.; xwpéw, 836tQ, sometimes esp. of land journeys opp. to TAéo; Kouiçoſa, pass.; to retxw, only pres, imperf aor. 2.; poiráo (esp. of going to a tutor); €Aaúva (of any mode of going except walking, and in mil. of marching; káTaipo (prop. of going by sea, but also used generally); Tetvo (esp. with speed); + oixvéa, only pres. imperf.; + šuoxov, only in aor. 2.; (to be gone) oixopal, fut. oixàorouai, perf. &xoka, and wºxmuai; 31%ka, tróða, AEsch.; Baíva tróða, Eur.; &vealogo róa, Eur.; ue^{nul tróða, Eur.; Rouſſo êuavrov, Soph.; Téuvo 660V, T. KéMévôov, Eur.; after (seeking or pursuing), uéretut, uétépxogai ; after or for (i. e. to get), Fuetoixoſal ; against, &mépxouai, c. dat, sometimes c. acc., often sine cas.; ërešépxopal, c, dat. ; &vretrešépxopal, àuréetul, c. dat. or c. prep.; &vrérelpi, c, dat.; &vreuéčeljit [Of the above words, those compounded with čvrl usu. imply resisting an attack, defending oneself from invaders, those without &vrl making the attack]; away, out of, from, etc., &céalvo, c. gen, sometimes c. prep. and gen, and this is the construction of all words in this sense; 'érépxogai, 'éneuſ, tºeul, 2:épxoplat; &to AAdooropat, pass c. fut. and aor. 1. 180 See To satiate. mid.; ºctopečouai; &@to Tauai, pass, in aor. 2. &mé- ormv; t éaxAágow, t #0501tropéo, + škirspáo, +&irotxouai, i &iroo Teixa; (of troops) &vaſstºyvius; before (i. e. precede, q.v.), trpoéxw, contr. Tpoëzo; Tpooixouai, trpoëtašaivaſ; (i.e. before judges, etc., to try a cause) 'ütravráa, c. rpès and acc.; beside, near to, Tūpāropetouai; besides, trposáveiſu; down, kärép- xopal, karaśaiva, Kárelut; kátáöövo, in mid. –300- Mat, only in pres., imperf., perf. —öéövica, aor. 2. —éövy; down to, Tikārāśaiva, Čirikâtelpu (see To descend); forth, trpáelpa; forward, on, etc., irpošaíva, also t trpoéalvo Táča, trpoë, kóAov, trpoé. &péüAay, etc.; trpoxwpéo, TpoeXaiva (see To advance); in or on to, etc., áušalvo, Érišava, c. gen, sometimes c. dat, or c. acc.; straight on, oričov &Yueto, Soph. To go on (as affairs, etc.), xopéo, trpoxopéa (esp. favourably); (as time) irpoéaívo; (of time, a course of action, etc.) Tpóeipt; over (i.e. pass, cross, q.v.), Trepča, Staßatva; (i. e. discuss) éirépxopal; over again (i.e. reconsider, repeat), 'évätroAéo; over to (of allies who leave one party for another) uetátáo oro- Hal, mid., c. trapò and acc.; out first, Tpoeāāyouai, pass.; Tpoečépxopal, Tpoéčeipu ; rapidly, Öppada, and –0||al, pass, esp. in aor. 1., also aor. 1. mid.; 8pópºw 8tégoua, c, čs and acc.; round, treptépxopal, trepielui; trepitoxée, only act.; trepipépoua, pass.; Tepláyw; (esp. in sense of protecting) 'i épºquSaiva (see To surround); by sea, TāpāśćNAw (see To sail); through, over, etc., Trepča'; in every sense, going through a place, dangers, a speech, life, etc., c. acc., sometimes c. 813 and gen.; 8tetſu, 6téčelpi, Stépxogai, Štefépxoplat; Šiška, only pres, and imperf, esp. as fame, etc.; 8tektrepaiva, no perf, esp. of labours, etc.; to, into, enter, etc., trposépxopal, étrépxopal, eisépxo- ual ; eiséalvo, c. acc., sometimes c. dat, some- times c. prep.; Trpásetu: ; Śretut, eſselpu, in prose esp. of going to or before the court (of law); trpos- Salvo, trposułyvägi,eistopetouai, eispoiráo; Siva, aor. 2. čov, mid, usu. Sioual; eisbüva, kārāööva (often with a notion of secrecy implied); (to go into an argument, a part of a discussion) &ravráo, c. prep.; as a stranger to, eisetriðmuéo; under, Štrobúouai, mid.; + štrépxoplat; up, 'üvāśaiva'; up over, 'ütrepéatva, c. acc., sometimes c. gen.: up to, Étrévépxoplat; with, together, aivépxopiat, avutropetouai, orvpatrópeiut, avu- pottda, esp. to school; up together with, a úväväéalva); out or forth with, ovvetépxopal, ovvéeui. To turn and go, trpétropiat, mid. and pass. To change and go to (i. e. from one place to another), _2^ Goad—Gold peraśaiva'; +’àpieſ Sw, c. acc. of the place gone to, Čk and gen. of the place left. - Will you not go away? oùk éktós ; oilk &ſoftov čkve- pºet Tööa ; Soph, Do you also go in, elow coutſov kal ori, AEsch. The female sea goes on rapidly to too great credulity, Titávos ūyav ć ŠâAvs àpos éirivéueTai täxiſtropos, AEsch. # When you go too far in anger, 3rav Süuoi repāons, Soph. To go a middle course, réuva, uéorov, T. 61& Pégav, Plat. Cleon went back from what he had said, KAéov . . . Šć- avexºpel tº eipmuéva, Thuc. I shall see how everything goes on for us, étriokéhoual ëicagta Trás juiv čxel, Xen. To make to go, 'üvášišáço; also Bhaw, fut, and éémoa, aor. 1. of Batva; and so the poets use the fut. and aor. 1. of the compounds of Batva. To let go, pedimut. See Release, etc. One must go, 'itéov; 8éðtotéov and Böötgréa ; tropsv- Téov; to, Tápitmréa ; round, Tepitéov; out, away, out of, etc., áčirmtéov. I must not go, Čuol ſºv oix 66wtà, Soph. One must let go, ué6eréov. A going, or means of going, ſcopióñ. A going forth, ēobos, h; Śopuń. Gone away, ºppow80s, rare, except in nom. Your footsteps going round, or about, the land, trepiq'e- phs an isos x0ovos, Eur. A goad, kévrpov; yicevrpls, idos, i. To goad, kev'réal, kevrptºo. A mark left by a goad, t kévrmuz, Tó. A goal, Téppa, Tb, lit. and metaph.; Baxéls, toos, h; + ypapuí. A goat, afé, alybs, 6, #; rpáyos; tākuap, indecl. she-goat, xiualpa. A he-goat, xiuápos. A barren she-goat, tpāyatva. Of, or belonging to, goats, f aſyelos, Tpāyirós. A herd of goals, airóAtov. A goat-herd, airóAos. A goblet, 8étras, a0s, té; kpāthp, ºpos, 6; KüAić, icos, i. G0I), ©EO'X; Aaſutov, ovos, 6. ****, r. A The Gods, + uākāpes, oi; + uākpaioves, oi. O ye Gods, 3 ovvréAeta, AEsch. Of, or belonging to, God, Seſos. By the aid, with the favour, of the Gods, + šeó0sv. Abandoned by, hated by the Gods, Seopaiahs; +’áðeos,. ov; + exºpoćaſuay, ovos, 6, h; +80s6eos, ov; + Seá- Ttvo Tos, ov; ; Seoplighs, ºf Šeogröyńs ; + Seogrä- 'ymtos, ov. Abandoned by the Gods, adv., &0éows. Godless, + 6üsteos, ov. Godlike, iróðeos, Séoetöhs; +’iaoğaluwu, ovos, 6, #; + £iffeos, ov. § Born of God, if Seoyevvis 5 # Seá)ovos, ov; +&eó- otropos, ov. Caused by God, Sauðvios, a, ov, and os, ov; Seoroin- Tos, ov. Built by God, ; Seáðunros (used also of virtue as im- planted in men by God). Given by God, Seásöotos, ov. Accomplished by God, F &eókpavros, ov. Sent by God, F &eóairos and Šećaoitos, ov. Inspired by God, i &eóqopos, ov; Seo®ópmros, on. Driven about, harassed by God, ‘i Señāāros, ov. Honoured, favoured by God, Seoſpiańs; Seotiuntos, ow. In a manner pleasing to God, &eoſpi\ós. Godly, fearing God, worshipping God, &eoreéſis. A worshipper of God, ºf Šeogérrap, opos, 6. In a God-fearing manner, &eoge6ós. Fear of God, &eogééeta. Hatred of God, &eoo ex0pío. To invoke God, étrifleidºw, or -6edgw; + SeokWüréal, An invocation of, or appeal to, God, ériðelagºds. To fight against God, ºf Seopláxéo. The inflictions of God, tº 6alpóvia. A Goddess, Oed; ©ebs, i. Gold, xpija'és. Coined gold (anything made of gold, as plate, trinkets, etc., also, generally, gold), xpiſotov A small gold coin, xpúrtátov. A golden vessel, fxpials, tºos, i. Wrought gold, txpüoapa, Tó. A gold mine, xpiſoetov. Containing gold (of soil, etc.), fxpüoróéaxos, ov. - Of or belonging to gold, golden, xpägeos, m, ov, and contr. xpvorous, 6, oùv (also used for golden-coloured). Like gold, xpúa'oeiðhs. Taking the form of gold, i Xpüorðuoppos, ov. Made of gold, ornamented with gold, Táyxpüoros, ov; xpüo fixáros, ov; + xpvarðrútros; + xpvorečTevittos, ov; + xpvorórevktos, ov; + xpvahpms ; + xpvoobaſ- 6&Atos, ov; +xpvorókoAAos, ov; i Xpworóðetos, m, ov, and os; ov; xpua 6traorros, ov. Embroidered with gold, xpija'eoTfivnros, ov; 313'xpvoos, ov. Shining with gold, looking bright as gold, t Xpvoojahs, txpv- Goſpey-yńs, + xpvaavyās; (of the sun) xpüoreókörðos, 181 Goldfinch—Government ov. Rich in gold, 4 troA'xpügos, ov; + etxpvoos, With good-will, good intention towards any one, Xapiéº- ov; + £3%pvgos, ov. With golden hair, it śavdos TC0S. (applied both to the person and to the hair). See Bearing good-will to any one, eihoos, ov, contr. -vous, Hair, etc. Flowing with gold, t xpigóññitos, and Xpwoºpitos, ov; +xpvoopóms, ov, only masc." With a miature of gold in it, 'ütróxpüoros, ov, Mars, who gives gold for men's lives, 6 xpüorâuotébs "Apns orwud Twy, AEsch. A goldfinch, "àkäAavöls, ió0s, h; &Kavõls, tºos, i. A goldsmith, Xploréx00s, Xpwoovpyós. Belonging to a goldsmith or to his trade, Xploro- xoikás. To be a goldsmith, Xpüo-oxoéa, no mid. A goldsmith's shop, Xploroxoetov. Good, 'üyü6bs, éq 0\ós ; caxos (à Att., & elsewhere), comp. Kaxxfov, sup. KáAAtotos; Xpmotós ; (esp. in moral qualities) étrieikhs, orirovöatos, + kečvás ; (of roads) juepos ; (for all purposes) ird yxpmatos, ov. Thoroughly good, rāvāyā00s. Eaceedingly good, + reptororós. Seeming good, 'üyü00etöſis. Loving what is good, pi\ókäNos, ov; pixóxpmotos, ov. Good (abstract good), to airtodyatov, Arist. But they did no good, &AA’ oilk #vvtov, Eur. I (Jocasta) do no good by my advice, trapalvoto’ owöèv és TAéov Toló, Soph. But what good, lady, would it be to you to know this 2 ºrſ 3’ &v piaffoão a rööe TAéov Adéots, yöval ; Eur. Thinking it would be a good thing for the people, vout- govres képôos Tó 6fluq, ei ..., Xen. * Haling what is good, uloſéxpmotos, ov. For the good of, Tpbs, c. gen. Good for nothing, uměevos ūčios, Lys. Good conduct, eitpaśīa, ’āyā00Tpačía. Doing good, eúspyeo'ía. See Benefit, Kindness. To do good to any one, eúepystèa. See To benefit. One who does good to, eúspyérms, ov, 6. Good-nature, Feijopymaſo, + eth9eta and eimbia. Good-natured, eúñ0ms, eúmòicós. Good-naturedly, simólkôs, eúñ00s. Goodness, ’āpeth ; +xpmotórms, mtos, i. Good-temper, eúkoxia, eúapportia, eúapploatia Tpó- trov, Dem. Good-tempered, eúicoxos, ov. Good-temperedly, eúopy firws, eúkóAas. Good-will, (i. e. friendliness, q, v.) effvola ; (i. e. willingness, q.v.) ºrpoflipia, Unnièred good-will, 'évavrāyāvurros etºvola, Thuc. Out of pure good-will, kat' effvotov ºppévôv, Esch, —vouv, compar. ejvodatepos, etc.; trp600|os, ov, c. dat, or c. eis and acc. Goods, Tā ‘ūtrāpyovra, Tà éviºrápxovira, rà èvra. See Property. - A goose, x'\v, xmvös, Ö, i. Oſ, or belonging to, or like a goose, xàvetos. Gore, 8páros. See Blood. To gore, röiaññāyviſui. See To pierce. A gorge, 6tagº, öyos, ii. See Defile. To gorge, intrans. 'üvákárta. See To swallow. Gorgeous, weyāAotſperiis. See Splendid. Gorgeously, ueyāAoirpetrós. Gorgeousness, preyāAotſpéreta. See Splendour. A Gorgon, Topyöv, 6vos, ii; + Topy&, rare in pl. Gorgon-like, ‘i: yopºyotrös, Öv ; ºf yopyan, 6tros, 6, ii; fem. also yopyatris, ió0s. Oſ, or belonging to, the Gorgons, ‘i Tópyelos ; t Topy6. vetos, ov. - Gory, + aiuáññavros, ov. Gossip, *č0A0s. A gossip, a trepuoxóyos. To gossip, kevox.oyéa, only act. See To chatter. To govern, Špxw, fut. mid. in pass. sense, no perf; étrépxa: ; #7éopal, mid., no pass. in this sense ; iſpá- téw, c. gen, or c, dat, or (if a place, kingdom, etc.) c. év and dat, or c. acc.; Tukpatéo, eú0övo, vavitàmpéa, #yeuoveča, ; Trpofortapat, mid., c. perf, and aor. 2. act. ; küBepváo; + kpātūva, c. gen, or c. acc.; toiâlcoatpo- q'éa, F vavotoxéo ; (as a sovereign) túpavvéa, and Töpavveta, ; (a state or a house) oiréal, 8totkéw ; (a state) troAireia, ; (jointly) ovvötākūšepváø. To be well governed, eúvouéopal, pass., c. fut. mid. in pass. sens, See To rule. To be a governor, év &pxats eiut, Eur, One must govern, Öpicréov, c. gen. Government, 3pxh, bivarreia, #yepova; kpáros, ro; (i.e. form of government) troAireia ; troAirevua, ºró. The government (i. e. those governing), oi év réAel, Soph.; oi év réAet Beéðres, Soph.; oi Tà réâm éx- ovres, Thuc.; of udatorra év táWel, Thuc.; tº Téam, Thuc. Good government, eúvouía. The government of many, troAvapxta. See Oligarchy, Aristocracy, Democracy. The science of government, à troAirich, Plat.; # Tigrárikh, Plat. This government, 763. réAos, AEsch, See Bloody. | 32 - Governing—Grateful Those concerned in the government, oi év tº troAireſ- ea flat kal Tpdºttetv, Dem. Governing, Feijövvtſipios; t teNeo-pôpos, ov. Skilful in governing, küéepuntikás. Of, or in any way be- longing to, governing or government, troAiricós. A governor, &pxwv, ovtos, 6; +&pxmyós; +&pxnyérms, ov; oiákoorpāq,0s; +eijôvvtºp, pos, Š; küéepunths. A governor (not of his own authority, but appointed by a superior—a viceroy, etc.), “iſtrapxos ; applooths, où, 6 (the title of the Lacedaemonian governors of the islands and towns in Asia Minor). See Ruler. A gourd, oikvös, aircóa. Gout, troöä”ypa. To have, troë3 ypdal, only act. A gown, Trétraos. See Robe. Grace, xãpts, iros, acc. ira and ty, h; eiſo Xmuogium, ‘i eiſkoopata. The Grace, or The Graces, Xàpis, ii, more usu. Xàputes, ai. Graceful, xàpfels, eúðvhs (esp. of persons); sūaxm- pov, ovos, 6, #; eipiºuos, ov. Gracefully, eúoxmpévos, xàpiévtws, ºf eipij'990s; pietà Xapfrow, Thuc. To behave gracefully, eúoxmuovéa, only act. Graceless, 'éxãpurtos, ov. Gracious, ‘àaos, ov, more usu. ‘iaews ; etxàpis, itos, 6, ; +’āyāvös, tº trpevuevås. See Kind. Graciously, ºf Tpsvgevös, ‘i’āyāvās. Graciousness, + trpevuévéla. Gradually, kar’ 6Afyov. To graft, Éupüreğw. Grafted, épée ŚAmuévos. Grand, o'epivös, we'YáAeſos. See Magnificent, Great. Grandeur, oreguórms, mros, h; ueyāAotpéreta. See Magnificence. Grandly, oreplvös, we'YāAetas. A grand-daughter, Siſyárpið7. A grandfather (on the father's side), trgartos ; (on the mother's side) pºrporátop, opos, 6. A great- grandfather, Tpératriros. Without a grandfather, i &irattos. Inherited from, belonging to one's grandfather, trarráos. A grandmother, Th9m. - A grandmother (on the mother's side), Amtpopitap, opos, 6. A grandson, við00s, où ; viðeſs; by the daughter's side (a daughter's son), Şüy&Tpiöéos, contr. —600s. To grant, Sidapu, Épinal (in Ep., in Att.), Tápéxw, + 3rd& ; (esp. of granting liberty of speech) Tpott- 9mki ; (i.e. consent to) käTáveiſw. To grant a re- quest, totépyw, sine cas, only act. To grant (i. e. admit in argument), Öſw807éo ; ovyytyváakw, fut, —'yvágopal, perf. -éyvoka, aor. 2. —éyvov. To grant besides, iſ trposvěuouai, mid.; (in arguing) trposop,0- Aoyéa, ; beforehand, as a preliminary (in arguing), Tpoopoxo-yéw. To take for granted, tíðepal, mid., aor. 1. &mkówmv. To be taken for granted, ‘ūtrāpya', in this sense only pres. and imperf act. But (for argument's sake) I will grant that he was guilty, 6 ſaw ö’ &ölkowvra, Dem. I grant you, oriu. qmut orot, Plat. Granting this, if this be granted (in argument), ūtróvros Toße, Eur. Let it be granted, tretroiſ000. See To give, To admit One must grant, Öp,080) mtéov, orvyxopmréov. One must grant beforehand, trpoop.oxo'ymtéov. A grape, fièé, Égyös, ii. A bunch of grapes, Bórpus, v0s, 6; otăţūAñ. An unripe grape, Făupač, Škos, ii. A dried grape, >ápls, ibos, i. Fertile in grapes, + troAvo TápióAos, ov; ; Toxiēotpus, vos, 6, # ; † eißorpus ; # 80tpwóöwpos, ov. A grape-stone, Yêyoptov. To grapple, udºpt tw. See To seize. Wishing to grapple with his argument, Xapeſv čudore Toſs Aſſyots &éAww, Eur. But they both manfully grappled with the questions, T& 8è &vöpelótara Śudge #tmy (from eiuſ, iéval) toſs épathwaal, Plat. To grasp, aipéo, aor. 2. etàov; Aapéâva, fut. Aftipo- gal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAášov, c. acc. or sometimes c. gen.; trepixaſ, Sóvo, #xa, i wipittw. See To seize A grasp, + eisépagua, Tá. Grass, 80táin, tróa; xópros (only when spoken of as used, or capable of being used, for food); Botávn troumpà, Eur. A grasshopper, Tétrič, Pyos, 6; + hyétms, ov, 6. Grassy, + Troiſiels, ºf troumpás. Without grass, + 65s- xopros, ov; +”&XAoos, ov, contr. —XAovs, -XAovv. Eating grass, Tompéyos, ov; + Totovákos, ov. A grate, éaxápa. To grate, rpiša. See To rub. Grateful, eixáplatos, ov; āvrevepºyeticós, To be grateful, eixàpio Téo; eiða, Xàpiv, only in perf. mid, oiâa and fut, eforopal ; X&piv ºpépo ; Xàpiv čxa, c. dat, or + c, gen.; xáply &ropºváopal, mid.; 'éuet-, Souai xépu; xápiv Štěopu; x &točiówºu; x. 34 eſaw. To whom I have made no grateful return, ois ... àiré. Świc' &gotéðs oi kaśās, Eur, 183 Gratify—Great-grandfather And if he would be guided by him, he would be ade- quately grateful, (épm) . . . treiðopévº 6’ airtó xàpiv &mouvigeo:6al &éſay, Thuc. - To gratify, Xàpigopal, mid., perf. pass, in act. or pass. sense; xàptu pépw, xàpiv tidepal, xáply véuw; (in turn) &vrixápigouai ; (besides) irposxapíšouai, Tpos- etrixapíšopal. See To please. Having gratified her, (ge) bpdaavta Tääe Tpos xàpiv, Eur, But now again the Atridae have gratified a wicked man, Növ 6’ affr’’Atpetóal poºrl travtotºpyº (ppévas Štrpa- §av, Soph. One must gratify, Xaplotéov. Gratitude, xàpis, itos, acc, ira and tv, h; eixãplotta. To earn the gratitude of any one, kārāríðepal xàpiv, c. dat. pers. See To gratify. To meet with gratitude, xápu Aquéâva, Thuc.; xáply Rowiçoſal, Thuc.; xàpiv Kráopal, c, čk and gen. pers, Soph.; xàpitos Tvyxávo, Lycurg. I feel gratitude to you for these things, but I do not think that I have as yet sufficient power to display it, Xàpu Toitov ćy& Šuiv šxa uév, &točičával 3& ottro āšíav Ščvapuw Xelv plot àoicó, Xen. Gratuitous, +’âulo 60s, ov. Gratuitously, gratis, Tpoika, 6ape&v, ’āulo 6), šć &- Texeias. A gratuity (beyond the regular pay), Tripopá. Reward. Gratulation, pakaptopičs. A grave, túpos, + tºuéos; # Tüuševuo, Tá; + kåta- alcãºph, in pl.: Katagicaphs oticna is, Soph.; reptéoxal X60Vös,”Eur. See Tomb. Like a grave, f Tupéñpms. Belonging to, at, or over, a grave, i éirituuéâtos; + &ritiušios, ov. Poured on a grave, tvuš6x00s, ov. A gravestone, at #xm. To break open a grave, rvuéapixáa, only act. One who breaks open a grave, Twp.6%püxos. Grave, aſtovãatos, gelavés. Grave-looking, a köðpatrös, 3, ov, and bs, 6v. See Serious. Gravely, deplvös, otovëaíos. manner, a kü0p6tros. To look grave, a kvěpatráſa, +-deplvoirpooſa,tréal. Gravel, xãAić, icos, 6, #; ká'xAmè, mkos, 6; (the dis- ease) veðpºrts, i50s, i. Gravity, (i. e. grave demeanour) oepivárms, mros, h; otrovöh; (i. e. weight, importance) Bápos, té; bºykos. Gray, y\avkos (esp. of leaves of some trees, as the olive, the willow, also of morning); (hair or old age, See In a grave-looking etc.) Toxiós, ò, ov, and bs, by, often of the person; t Aevicós ; Aevicóatictos, ov. Dapple gray, Japós. Iron gray, Śpºpwivos. Gray-headed, + iv6tapévos. headed, éiritróAtos, ov. Beginning to be gray- To be gray-headed, Toxtóouai, pass. |* Gray colour, YAavicótms, mtos, # ; (of head or hair) troAtórms, mºtos, i. To graze (as cattle do), f Totpatvouai, pass.; véuo- Pal, mid. To put to graze, vouetw, véua. To graze (i. e. touch lightly, as an arrow, etc.), ári. 'ypāq,w. A grazier, voweds ; # 80thp, ºnan, Shepherd. The business of a grazier, il tregovouki. Grazing, adj., (of cattle) popéðs, #60s, 6, #; + wouis, #60s, 6, #; + Boövouos, ov. Grazing, adv., (as an arrow, etc.) éiriypdéömv. Grease, i Airos, T6. See Fat. Great, wéyas (AEsch. has voc. Pºyaxe), compar. Weſgow, wéytotos; yewv&ios, a, ov, and os, ov; feignichs; TeXcº- pubs, a, ov, and os, ov (esp. of size in men, but used also of things); (in quantity) troAbs, comp. TXéwu, TAetortos; (i.e. violent) + Adépás ; veåvucös (esp. of feelings, anger, etc.). Very great, 'üſrepšáAAov, ovoia, ov; ‘ūtrepueyé0ms, trapueyé0ms, ‘ūTrépueyas, Táupeyas; (in quantity) uipios. Too great, trepig- orós. So great, Táoos, poet. Tóoroos (only in chor, ap. Trag.); Toorotros, neut. too.otto (oftener Togoûtov, Att., Plat. often also too ov'rooſt); tıxicottos, Tºmàt- Kaūrm, also tºxicottos as fem.; Tºxikósóe. As great as, or how great, indef, Šoos, and poet. Śogos (only in chor, ap. Trag.). How great soever, ÓTogosody, ðirmaticos. At however great a price, Širogovtivosov, How great 3 interrog, trógos; Though you are not great people to recollect those who injure you, kafirep Švres oi àeivol rows &ölkowytas 7ipos, ô, See Herds- pepºvijo 6al, Dem. Greater, 'üréprepos, + irpersärepos, treptorgötepos. But no other affliction is greater than that of being de- prived of one's native land, pláx0av 6’ Oilk &AA0s âtrepòev *H yás ratpias orépegºal, Eur. Too great for, etc., Pleſov h karð ..., c. acc., Soph. Thuc. But envying whatever in them is too great for themselves (to achieve), rig & TrepéâAAovrt airóv pôovoivres, Thuc. A great-grandfather, trpáramos. 184 Greatly—Grieve And Pelops was my great-grandfather, IIéAoirós Te tratól iratēēs ékºrépuk’ &y&, Eur. Greatly, uéya, HeyāAws, compar. Heiðvøs, superl. ué- 'ytotov, p.éytota; troXè, compar. TXéov, superl. TAéº- ora and TAeſortov; orpóðpa. Very greatly, TúpatroAv, trapuéyeffes. So greatly, Tórov, and poet. Tógo ov (only in chor. ap. Trag.); Toorooro and Toorootov. How greatly? §orov, and poet. 30 gov (only in chor. ap. Trag.), also Šola and āq oſa. For the greatest part, Tà troXAó. Suited to a great man, prey&Aotpetrás. In a manner suited to a great man, peºaXOTrpetrós. Conduct, or appearance, etc., suited to a great man, ple- 'yaxotrpéteia. To become great, aiśāvouai, fut, aifavoiual and atºm. 0#gouai, perf miſèmual, aor. 1. mièhèmv. To be the greatest, f Tpeošeňopal, mid. Greatness, uéyé90s, T6; + pſfikos, only of size. An attempting great actions, uéyé00upyia. A greave, kumuls, 760s, i. Greece, ‘EAA&s, #80s, h; if IIexagya; ‘EAAmyls x86v. Grecian, ‘EAAhv, fivos, 6, #, no neut, fem, also ‘Ex- Amyls, tºos; ‘EAAmvirós; + ‘EAAës, #30s, h; ‘Āxabs (only used of men), fem. Åxatts, tºos; +’áxairbs, + IIeRao'yos, +IIeXao'yilcos, + 'Apyelos (in prose only of Argos). The Grecians, the Greeks, ‘EAAñves, oi; +Aávaot; +'Iāoves, oi, contr. f*Iáves; +’Apyeſot, # IIävéAAm- ves, + 'Āxaloi. In the Grecian fashion, ‘EXAmvikós. In the Grecian, or Greek, language, ‘EXAmviati. But he himself also understood most things which were ! said in Greek, ovviet 58 kai attös ‘EAAmvuot. Tà. TAeſota, Xen. To speak Greek, ‘EAAmviga. And they were then first brought to use the Greek language as they now do by the Ambraciots who dwelt among them, kal ‘EAAmvío.6ma'av thu viv YAógoav Tóte trpátov &rb Tāv 'Autpaktotów avvoukmorávrov, Thuc. ! Greedily, A3'Spas, YAtoxpos. Greediness, Aaluapyſa; papyörms, mros, #. ! Greedy, uápyos, m, ov, and os, ov; Adépás; Ydatpis, | eos, 6, #, compar. Yaotpforepos. A greedy person, YAfoxpov, ovos, 6; Aépükrms, ov, 6. To be greedy, fpapyáo; Aalpidoga, sine cas. Ar. To devour greedily, Aapúa'aw and -opal, mid. Green, yńavkös (of anything); XAapbs (only of grass, herbs, leaves, etc., or of woods or meadows, etc.); + XAoñpms; woãotos, ov (prop, the colour of a leek). With green leaves, + XAwpókouos, ov. Bearing green shoots, t XAomºrpóqos, ov. Making green, sixA00s, ov, contr. sixAovs, ovv. - To be green, XAod (a (like young shoots of a tree). What is green (any green herb, bud, plant, etc.), XAón. Greens, Aëxāva, tá. - A greengrocer, Aéxãvoirwāfitpia, ii; AğxãváTaxis, iö0s, i. * To greet, &ortrá(ouai, mid.; begióouai,mid.; +irpositrúa- oropat, mid, c, acc. or c, dat.; (in a friendly manner) qiaoqpovéopal, mid. Greeting one another, piño- ºpov'môévres, Xen. Greeting (i. e. address), trpósphorus, eas, h; trpóspn- pa, āros, Tó; + trpásq6eyua, Tó. Cordial or loving greeting, &c traopés; + šo traopia, Tb, usu. in pl. Of or belonging to greeling, tºrpáspºoyºos, ov (se. p500s). Gregarious, givvopos, ov; vouáöukós. To be gregarious, &yeadgopal, pass. A gridiron, Ašqavov. Grief, Aitm; Trév60s, Tá; &A'yos, Tó; &Aymööv, 6vos, #; +&Aymua, Tá; Śēivm, 'üvia; *āxos, Tó; +Tóvos. Free from grief, PäAütos, ov; +&Aürmtos, ov; +’ârâuwu, ovos, 6, #; +’árevös, ov. Afflicted with recent grief, t veotrö0%is. * Causing grief to, ömktípios, ov, c. gen. To grieve, trans., &A'yūvo, Atréa'; 'évića, and pass., no mid. except fut. mid. in pass, sens,; 33"Kva, fut. ëhéouai, aor. 2. čákov; Băpăvo, and pass, but no mid. To grieve in addition, träpäAutréa. To grieve, intrans. The passives of the preceding words, also &Ayéo, c. prep., e. g. repl. c. acc. or c. gen, in Trag.; also c. gen, c. acc., or c. part.; &x00. pal, mid., fut. &x6éolouat and &x6eo 6 hoopal, aor. 1. pass. hyöé00my; no other tenses, usu, c. prep., some- times c. dat, or c. acc., often c. part, or c. conj. ei and fut. after the pres, tense, or opt, after the past tense; ‘āömuovéw; Évööpéouai, mid. c. aor. 1. pass.; daxóAAw, only pres, and imperf; +doxãAáo; Bâpéos pépo; 8. ëxaſ, Xen. Isoc.; 8vsqópos &yw, Soph. I grieve deeply, yoeóvá ov6euígopal, AEsch.; (at) + étraxyéo, c. gen.; Trepoxyéo; + širāzôopal, c. dat.; évôupéopal, mid., c. perf. pass. and aor. 1. pass., e. acc.; (beforehand) + trpoxviréopal; + trpoo Téva, only in pres, and imperf act.; + trpoo Tevåſa, only pres, and imperf, act.; (exceedingly) iſ repaxyéa, c. gen, or c. dat.; Treptaxyéo, c. dat.; +'êtrepäx60pal, firep- Trá6éo, | 85 Grieved—Groundlessly To cease to grieve, ’āraāyéw; (with) ovva Myéo, avváx- 6opiat. - But the Greeks were grieved at hearing it, oi 6&“EAAmves Bapéws Pºv #kovo av, Xen. One must grieve (feel grief), AUTnTéov. Grieved, grieving, + dwiępós, Färvſöuevos; (bitterly) Teplaxyhs; reptainros, ov; ; TáykAavros, ov; +&i. Paxyńs. Partners in grief, Čuvaaymääves, oi, ai. Grieving bitterly, adv., ºf Bapwortóvas. z Grievous, Ajirmpás; &Ayetvös, compar. &A'ytov, &Ayl- otos (also dAyeivôtepos); dipyäAéos, xàAeros, ’āvī- apºs, Bāpīs, Aiypºs, Šivmpos, + Airpos, +5ustepths, ºf 60s TAmros; + Baptistovos, ov. Very grievous, +'êtrepoxyſis. See Sad. Not grievous, ‘āAüiros, ov. e This is grievous, ſcal tdö’ dyxövms tréNas, Eur. Grievously, AUTºpós, dA'yetvös, Övspópos, + AUTpós. Causing grief to, making to grieve, F & Up,066pos, ov; + kapātoāſiktos, ov. A griffin, f \pi}}, ypińrbs, 6. To grimace, xetxeat pivX6tſo, Theoc. Grimly, ºf tavpmåóv. To grin, Gaſpa, perf. part. area mp3s. To grind, "åAéa', Aeaíva. Ground, jata Tós. One who grinds, ’āAétms, ov, 6 (only used however of a millstone), gitotoios (of one who grinds corn to make bread), 6, #. A gripe, eisūqiaopia, T6. See Grasp. To gripe udpirta. See To grasp. Grisly, ‘pplica,6ms, See Horrible. Gristle, xévôpos. Gristly, xověpáöms; xověpátiſtros, ov. Grizzled, (of hair) + Aevicóatuktos, ov; (of an old man) + ivöuguévos. See Gray. To groan, orévéſo; otévo, only pres. and imperf. act.; orévéxo, only pres, and imperſ, act.; (in con- cert with) a votevãºw, ºf éirigºrevd ſo ; (beneath) +5Togréva, + štroatevãºw. One must groan, a tevaktéov. A groan, groaning, orévayphs, to róvos, + grováxii; + otévayua, Tó. Groaning, adj., + grovées; (very much) '#ydorovos, ov. . Without groaning, or free from groaning, +daté- waicºros, ov. Without groans, adv., datevakrſ. A groat, or groats, xévôpos. To groom, iTTokopéa. A groom, iTTokówos. A groove, ai,xós, To grope, he groped about my door (for the handle), êicvijé wou thv Šipov, Ar. See To feel. A groping, Kvipa, āros, Tó. Gross, Táxis. It is a gross imposture, irratapa ŚAov ćatly, Dem. See Utter. Grossly,–he was grossly deceived, TAeſotov Šp' º é!evouévos, Dem. See Altogether. A grot, &vrpov. See Cave. A grove, 8%aga; &Agos, tá; āpyās, #50s, h; +pvXXès, ã60s, i. Like a grove, dAgdºms. Ground, the earth, etc., + x0&v, Čvos, j; +oğas, eos, tó; † Téðov, Šárešov (in pl. only in the sense of lands, “grounds”); (for mil, operations) +xépa; (to dance on) + grâlov. Grounds for an opinion, Tétºuapais, #; airéa. Rough ground, Övsxopia. To gain ground. See To prevail. To lose ground, jagáopal. See Ta defeat. On the ground, Xàgal, firebol. From the ground, Xap.60ev; +tre560e, or -6ev. To the ground, xàwal, +xäuääis, +xăpăſe, freðóge, fºrečávöe, Fépate. On the ground, adj., xàpmābs, firebootiëls (of walk- ing or sleeping). Sleeping on the ground, FXàpaticoſ, Tns, ov, 6. Falling to the ground, xàpaltreths, also sleeping on, or simply being on the ground; + ymTetàs. Under ground, Ötöyelos, ov; kátáyelos, ov; +ürox6dvios, ov; + kátópvä, öxos, 6, h, esp. of caves or people who live in them, or of a tomb. Above ground, Ötrépyelos, ov. But you earcile a much greater fear in their minds, and one for which they have more ground, toxi, 3% §ueſs éketvous TAéo póšov trapéxete kai Tio Tótepov, Thuc. Because this ground was unbroken by all previous writers (lit. by all before me), šti Tois Tpb éuoi, &Taoiv čkAttrès toūro fiv to Xoptov, Thuc. On what ground should we choose 3 etc., karū tiva Xöyov aipofue6' &v; K. T. A. Plat. To pardon me on the ground that I am compelled to do this, #yyvolav taxely &s Biéopal tdöe, Soph. To ground, † kátášáNAw, no aor. 1, aor. 2. Káté- éâAov. See To found. Well-grounded, do påAhs, triotás; BéSatos, a, ov, and os, ov; + einrpupuis. See Firm, Certain. \. Groundless, 'ürioros, ov. See Wain. Groundlessly, pºtiv. } 86 } Group—Guess A group, 'üyéAm. See Crowd, Assembly. To group together, giväyw. See To assemble. A grouse, retpādav, ovos, 6; terpač, Škos, 6. To grow, piouot, pass., c. aor. 2. čpvv, and perf. trépwka ; ŚāAAw, fut. rarely if ever used, no aor. J., perf. Té0mAa ; 8Aaqtāva, fut. BAaathaw, etc., perf. ééAáortmka, aor. 2. č6Aao Tov. To grow up (i. e. increase in size), ačávokat, mid. aor. 2. miłówmv, perſ, pass, miſèmual, etc.; 'āvāśaiva', fut. and aor. 1. act. never used in intrans, sense, aor. 2. –éémy, perf. —Béémka, fut, mid. —Băgoſial ; (up under) into pöopal ; (beside or near to) trāpābūowal, trāpāśAagrávo ; (in or on) Tpostpāouai, Šuptowai ; (up together with) ovutpépouai ; ovvertpépoſal, pass.; ovyavčávouai, pass. To begin to grow (as a young man’s beard), +’āvátéAAw, sync. &vréAAw, no aor. 2. To be grown up, teNeóouai or Texelöopal, pass. To make to grow, t &Aöatva', rare except in pres, and aor. 2. To let grow (a beard), kāśinui. *Growing again, +TráAiuéAgaths. Grown (fullgrown), Téaetos and Téºé0s, a, ov, and 0s, ov (TéNeos the most usual prose form). Grown up, + &vtirals, atā0s, 6, #, only of young people. Well grown, eúrpāqºs, + etiquís. Scabs growing on the flesh, Aelyńvas . . . gapków Trap- €atāpas, AEsch. Growth or growing, ačmoris, eos, fi : étraúčmals, + 8Adorm. The first growth (of a beard), ovXAoyń. Promoting growth, aftiuos, ačnticós. A grub, orix pm. To grub (round roots), ºf Tuvt.Aáſa, only act. A grudge, póóvos. To grudge, pôovéa, c, dat. pers., often c. gen. of the thing, or c, acc. or c. ei or ört ; † Heyaſpo, fut, rare. To owe a grudge to, plumoirákéw, c. dat. pers., only act.; 'étropivnuoveča, c. dat, pers, acc. of cause. See To envy. Gruel, irrigévn, xávöpos. To grumble, 'ypúſo, fut. Ypſſo, and Ypúčopal. Do ye grumble 2 &pg ypvktöv čotiv Šuiv ; Ar. To grunt, + YpvXAigo, only act. A guarantee (i. e. one who promises), áyyumrhs, Tpoatãrms ; (i. e. pledge given) éyyim. To guarantee, éyyváa. A guard (i. e. person guardinganything), pëAač, Škos, 6 (also h, Eur.); qºpoupès, oftenest in pl.; (i.e. a body of men appointed to guard) ºppoupíov, f ºppoupé ; + ppoipmua, Tá; piñákī; (esp. the body-guard of a king) dopiºpôpos. The advanced guard, Tpóðpowo, Tpop'Aakes. A fellow-guard, avºpüAač, Škos, 6. Guard (i. e. the guarding of anything), piñáich. The guard of a sword. Xen. uses icv660Vtes for a cross-bar of iron at the bottom of the iron of a hunting-spear to serve as a guard. A guard-ship, ºppoupis, fö0s, h; vais Tpoſpiñákls, Thuc. On guard, 31& Tpopukaichs, Thuc. But he is on his guard, év etiquxáictºp 5' éotl, Eur, See To be careful. Off one's guard, ’āqāAaicros, ov. To be off one's guard, 'übüAaictów. To guard, piñáo a w, fut. —Éw ; Trpopiºdorow, 8tábi- Aágga, tºpéo. See To defend. To keep guard, ºppoupéw ; (in a place) éuºpovpéw. To be a guard, esp. of the body-guard, ÖopvQ'opéa. To guard at the same time or in company with, ovuſpiñágora. To guard against (so as to avoid), piñágorouai, mid., c. acc., or c. rpès and acc., or c. &tó and gem.; eißá- 8éopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass.; + ščevaa8éopal, c. uh and infin.; Túpéopal, mid.; ºf ºppoupéopal, mid. and c. acc.; + qipovpéa, c. infin. See To defend. One must guard against, piñaktéov and puxaktéa, c. acc. or c. ph, or c. §Tws ºft. To be guarded, to be guarded against, + pińakté0s; (against) treptotité0s. - Calculated to guard, fit for guarding, piñákikos, pi- Aacticós. Difficult to guard, and also to guard against, +8wspä. Aactos, ov. Easy to guard, eiqiāaktos, ov. A thing guarded, + ppoipmua, Tó. A guard, a guardian, piñač, Škos, 6 (also #, Eur.); + Éiriotărms, ov, 6; (of children) éirírporos, kāpios, ôppävloths ; (of a city, etc.) + ša riotixos. guardian, givetri"Tpotos. A joint To be under guardians, étritpotrečopal, pass. Belonging to a guardian or to guardianship, trutpotrikás. Guardianship, Čiritpori; IrurpóTrevous, eas, j : étri- Tpotretc. A gudgeon, kačićs. Guerdon, purðós. See Reward. To guess, sixáſw; ātrelkáço, + troseukáča ; a toxá- Çopal, mid., c. perf pass. in act. sens, sometimes c. gen. of what is guessed at ; toiráſa ; ovuéáAAw, no aor. 1., perf. —éééAmka ; † atáðudopal, mid.; ºf a m- uaivopal, mid. See To conjecture. Guess, guessing, oróxcorts, eas, h; aroxaguès, Öré vota, h at 6x0s. - 187 . Guest— Gyves By guess, táč9. See Conjecture, One who guesses right, uévris, eas, 6. - Making a good guess, effotoxos, ov; adv. edgróxws. Easy to be guessed, feija ſuéoxos, ov; fedoºgéAmtos, OW, Able to guess, otoxaotikos, c. gen. A guest, Čávos, and poet. Śeſvos (also in Trag.); orivé- ortios ; (of a city) trpáčevos ; +&otáčevos. Coming as a guest, A6&v épéatios, Soph. To receive as a guest, Ševiço, and poet. Śelví(w ; $évé- opal, mid., more common in pass. c. pass. Sens.; + še- voboxéw and Četvočoxéa, only act. A reception of guests, éévious, eos, ii. See Hospitality. Of or belonging to guests, protecting guests, éévios, a, ov, also (only in Att.) os, ov, poet. §elvios ; + ševicós. See Hospitable, Hospitality. A guest chamber, ševöv, &vos, 6. Guidance, tropatrºl, *āya, yā; ‘ūq hymoſis, eas, i. Coming under the propitious guidance of Jupiter, Atos etiqpov, HöAovta Bàpati (sc. 'Opégrav Ščeral), Soph. A guide, hyepºv, Övos, 6 ; ’āyayyás ; + iynthp, fipos, 6; +'êq.mynthp; ##ynths, où, 6; +Troööyos ; ppa- orthp 6600, Xen. To guide, #7éopal, mid, no pass, tenses in this sense, c. dat. pers, or c. gen, when no road or object is mentioned, but when the road or the place to which one guides a person is mentioned, dat. pers., acc. of the road or the object; jºyeuoveſa ; (on the road) Troömyéa’, ‘h 66myéa, ºf 666w ; (horses, chariots, etc.) eč0üvo; vouda (properly of guiding reins, or rudder, or anything moved by the hand), also of guiding people; Tāvūw; (as one guides a child) traičāyayéo, only act.; Stätratèaywyéa. To guide back, f'êqºmyé- opal, fürootpépa, ; (rightly) + šp660, F &rop060 ; (an old man) + yepovräywyéo, only act. To be guided by, 'ükoúw. See To obey. Those who would conduct war rightly ought not to be guided by circumstances, but should guide the circum- stances themselves, oùk & coxov6eiv Šeſ toſs trpáygaat robs àp06s tº toxéuq, xpmo'opévows, &AA’ airobs êutpoorđev eivat Töv trpayuárwy, Dem. That they may not be forced to be guided by circum- stances, iva . . . u% tº ovuéávra &vaylcáçovrai Öud. kelv, Dem. See To lead. Guiding, + trópatriuos, m, ov, and os, ov; + tropºroſſos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Guile, 36A0s. See Cunning. Guileless, ’āö0A0s, ov; ’ārāicos, ov; eşā0ms. Guilelessly, Łódaws, 'ékéxws. Guilelessness, eúſiðela, ’ākākia. Guilt, kákótms, mºros, ii; kakovpyta. 726SS, See Wicked- Guiltless, 'āvaſtlos, a, ov, and os, ov, sometimes c. dat. of the judges; '36Aáéïs. See Innoceni. Guilty, alrtos, a, ov, rarely os, ov; evāyīs. One to whom the whole guilt belongs, + Tāvairlos, ov. Guilly in part (i. e. with accomplices), uetaſtios, ov. And considering him guilly of murder, kal Tööe apos. Tpóratov aſſua trposéaM&v, Eur. - To find guilly, kåta) mºbišoual, mid. and pass., perf. pass, both in act, and pass. Sens, aor. 1. pass, only in pass, sense, c. gen, pers., acc. of the crime. To be found guilty, ŚAtokouai, fut. &Aégouai, aor. 2. čáAww. See To convict. Guise, axfiga, tá. See Appearance. - A gulf (in the sea), kóAT0s; (in the earth) xágua Tó. w - The great gulf of hell, pºéya atápºtov, AEsch. A gull, ałóvia; (i. e. a foolish fellow) + xavvoroxirms, ov, Ö. The gullet, oigoſpáyos. A gully, pāpayá, ayyos, ii. See Ravine. To gulp down, 50%a, no pass.; káirtw, no pass. See To swallow. Gum, YAotós. The gums of the mouth, oùAa, tá. Gummy, yxotóðms. The gunwale, ’ākpoatóAtov. To gurgle (wave or a brook), AáAéw. To gush out, knkiw, only pres, and imperſ. ; ’āvā. knkiw, A gushing forth, "àvā'éAüous, eas, i. Anything gushing forth, knkls, ºbos, i. A gust, Tveijua, T6. See Wind, Gut, Évrepov; a TAáyxvov, usu, in pl. A gutter, ow)\}v, fivos, Š; 'jöpoßóa. A gymnasium, Yuuvãotov. Gymnastic exercises, Yvuvária, tá; Yvºlvarta, i. Gyration, Sivewua, Tó; † 6ivm. I will move my foot in the gyrations of the dance, éAuktöv kpotoro tróð’ éubv, Eur. To move in gyrations, Sivéopal, pass. Gyves, tréðm. See Chains. See Entrails. See Channel. 188 Habit—Halt H. A habit, #60s, rö; rpátros; tirhôsvors, ews, ii; &mi- Tjöevua, rö; (of mind) #1s, ews, ii. See Custom. Of similar habits, oivá0ms, Šuoñ0ms. Habitable, oikmTós. Habitation, oikos; oticmois, # ; É60s, to, rarely if ever in pl.; +éðpa, + £6pävov, f oikiltàptov; + £66Atov, usu. in pl.; (for many) givolkia. See House, etc. Having the same habitation with another, oivotkos, ov, c. dat, or c, gen. Habitual, orivſjøms. See Customary, Usual. To habituate, é0íſo, trposebíſo, act, c. gem, accº, pass. c. dat. rei. See To accustom. To hack, katakótta. See To cut. A haft, ºf icóirm. See Handle. A hag, + péivvXAa. Haggard, £mpós. Hail, xàAaſa. Hail! xaſpe; often with adv. p.éya xaſpe, etc. To bid one hail, say hail to (i.e. salute, q.v.), trpovy- véra, (riva) xaſpeiv, Soph.; Xaipeiveirov, Xen. Hair, 6pl£, Tpixòs, ii; kópm, tº TAékút,0s, t Xaftm, i lovX0s (esp. that on the cheeks—the whiskers or beard), Féðelpo, fkóporm (prop. that on the temples); (a lock or curl) + Béatpixos; udaxos TAolcáuov, Eur. A tuft of hair on the top of the head, kpóéüAos (also the hair in a helmet, Xen.). Within a hair's breadth, tap’’ākāpā, Plat. Of hair, Tpixivos. See Lock, Curl. Like hair, tpix65ms. With beautiful hair, f eiträäkäuos, ov; + Ka8AirAé- Kapºos, ov; tıcaxAikdums, ov, 6, ii. With black hair, + weadyxaſtms. With little hair, WWös (either naturally or from having it cut). ºf Tpixoffäväs. With golden or auburn hair, ºf Čav60s, f {av660pté, + xpúgokóums; ºf xpdoreo6óa Tpixos, ov. With long hair, eúðpić, #8áðūxaltheus; + ettpixos. ov; + kärä660 tpixos, ov. With red hair, ‘f Tvø566piš. With while hair, Toxtos, &, ov, and Ös, ov; +\evicóðpič, AevkóTpixos, 6, #. - Just beginning to have while hair, xvodøv špri Aev- cav6&s kåpa, Soph. See Gray. Losing one's hair. 9. One who wears long hair, kouſtms, ov, 8. To have long hair, kopida, only act. To pick hair out, ČktíAAw, &toríAAw. To cut hair, keipw, &Tokeipw. Hairy, Aérios, a, ov, and os, ov; 330's. With hairy chest, 630 to repvos, ov. With hairy limbs, Aëxvöyvios, ov. Very hairy, Ötrépôāorus. A being hairy, tpixools, eas, ii; Sãoºrms, mtos, i. To become hairy, tpixéouai, pass.; + Aáxvéouai, pass.; + 6&oivouai, pass. A halcyon, &Akvěv, 6vos, i. And you would always pass halcyon days, &Akvovíðas T' &v #ye6' juépas àel, Ar. Hale, ‘ūyths. Half, juio vs, etc., v [sometimes agreeing with the subst, as julovs Aóyos, AEsch.; jutov Teixos, Thuc.; sometimes with a gen, after it, as āufa'etal Tów veów, Thuc.; also the neut. is very common in nom. and acc., whatever may be the gender of the subst., c. gen, also in pl. T& jularéa. Täs Xopetas, Plat. ; and even fem. sing, i ijtígela toû tighwatos (agreeing with poſpa, “part,” understood), Plat.]. More than half, §trepſiuíovs. And Cyrus promises them, on their asking additional pay, to give them all half as much again as they received before, IIposautotal 3& uta:69w ‘ā Kūpos ūtrioxveiral jutdatov Trägt öðgely of Tpótepov čqepov, Xen. Two talents and a half, Tpitov juitäAavrov, etc., etc. It is not fit to be good by halves, où 6eſ éq' juto eig Xpmotöv eival, Dem. A hall, aixh; Tāpaatös, Ö30s, h; Śēpēv, &vos, 6; + &vrtóüpov. A banquet-hall, ovsgirlov. To hallow, ‘āyſſa. See To consecrate. Hallowed, + Távºros, ov. See Holy. Hallucination, 'éAm. See Mistake. Halt, XoAós. See Lame. A halt, €irtatáots, eas, i. To halt, trans. and intrans., 'évätraúw ; intrans, —ouai, mid.; £4tatmut, pres., imperf., fut, and aor. 1. in trans. Sens., aor. 2., perf, and pluperf as well as pres, and imperf, pass, in intrans, sense; (i. e. to be lame) xw?\etw. Some of the ships resting their oars halted, ai uév rives 189 Halter—Hand Töv vsöv kaffeſoral Täs Kátras, Širéatmoſav toº, TAoû, Thuc. A halter, 8póxos; begubs, pl. §eopol and beguá; +&yxávn, F&právn. The rope of a horse's halter, Éitäywysis. - To halve, uegorouéw. See To divide. To reach the half, be half-over, uegów, only act, some- times c. gem. or c. part. A ham, Kwań; i kwx?iv, fivos, i. A hammer, ºf a púpa; + šalathp, fipos, 6, #; + titãs, #60s, j. A mason's hammer, f Tüicos. Hammered (wrought by the hammer), orgüpſiAéros, ov. To hammer, Féirikpotſw, perf. pass, -kélºpovopal; (to- gether, in concert with one another) iſ ovyi potéa. To keep hammering at (harping on a subject), árixax- keta. A hammock, eivſ. See Bed. A hand, Xelp, gen. Xelpös and Xepos, dat. Xelp! and Xepl, etc. etc. (except in gen, and dat, dual, Xepoiv, the prose writers never use the shorter form); ‘f trä- Aäum; the hands, xeipów ‘ālcual, Eur, The right hand, 6eště, with and without Xeip; Sešić- vipos Xelp, AEsch. The left hand, 'éptotepd. The hollow of the hand, Öttia Xelp, Ar. With both hands, &pſpiðečíois &iquats, Soph. To deny his own hand (i.e. handwriting), thv Šavrot, xeſpa &pueſo flat, Hyperid. A hand (in measurement), i. e. four inches or fingers, träNaioth (the Greek measure was, however, rather less than ours). Five hands high, or long, or broad, etc., Tevrättäxat- otos, ov. At hand, Tpóxelpos, ov; Éroſuos, n, ov, and (in Att. prose) os, ov. See Ready. At hand, adv., tapå tróða, śv tool, trpès trool, Tpo troëóv. To be at hand, ‘ūtrāpya, rare in this sense except in pres, and imperf act. In the hands of +éyxelpfºtos, ov; (i. e. in the power of) ‘ūToxeiptos, ov, c. dat.; +xeſpios. To put into a person's hands (prisoners, etc.), £yxelpíſo. To come into my hands, eis xeſpas A6eiv tás éuès, Eur. To take in hand (i.e. manage, undertake), uétáxelpíſo. By the hand, shake hands with, etc., beótáouai, mid. See Handle. Anything taken in the hand, handled, + 6ečíapa, Tó. They shook hands with them, &vrečeňoivto airobs, Xen. * T To lay one's hand on (as on an altar in adjuration, etc.), févôsétéopal, mid. - To raise the hands to (in prayer), Föshidouai, mid. Filling the hand (of anything taken in the hand), xelpotAméſis. : Hand to hand, ék xelpos (to wound, etc.), Xen.; Év xepal (yi) werflat), Thuc.; 6p.60sy, or -6e; Šuéore, See To fight. Offhand, trpoxeipas, é; ‘ūtroyvíov or útroytov, & Tot- pov, Šć étoiporãrov. To do, say, etc., anything offhand, oxeótágo; abroaxe- ôtćgo, only act. I A doing anything offhand, oxe6taguás. One who does, says, etc., anything offhand, airoake- 6tao Tſis. Anything done, or said, or written offhand, ºf airtoaxe- ôtagua, Tó. + Used with both hands (as a sword, or lightning hurled by both the hands of Jupiter), Föhraxtos, ov. Using both hands alike, &pſpiðéčios, ov. And as it soon became full by reason of the many lands employed on it, taxi & TAſipovs 'yevouévov Ště thvi troAvXelpfav, Thuc. | With one's own hand, aitoxeipl, attoxetpſg. Doing anything with one's own hand (esp. in the sense of slaying any one), ačTóxelp, epos, 6, h; airoup'yos, by (esp. as a farmer). You did not dare to commit this murder with your own hand, Apägal Tóð’ épyov oilk &rAms aitoktóvas, AEsch. Made by the hand, xelpotroſmtos, ov; Xelpökpıntos, ov. Slain by the hand, xelpočáiktos, ov. . Struck by the hand, fºxépérxmicros, ov (of the noise of beating the breast in lamentation); + ščixelp, -xelpos, ô, i. With outstretched hands, + xelpotóvos, ov (of prayers). Living by the labour of one's hands, ’ātroxelpoétaros, O1/. • An offering made or poured out with one's own hand. + xelpopa, Tó. To rule with a high hand, Śpxelv čykpátós, Thuc. Clever with the hands, &ptixelp, xelpos, 6, i. Quick with the hand, &küxeip (i.e. ready to fight). To hand, simply, and also to hand down to posterity (traditions, etc.), Träpääföopu; (to posterity) Stay- ºyéAAw; round (wine, etc.), trepipépw, fut. Treptoforo, aor. 1. —fiveyka. { A handing down (to posterity), Täpääoris, ews, h; (round) treptºpopd, - d j90 Handful—Happy A handful, Spdyga, Té. Being a handful, &pſpíðoxuos, ov. Handicraft, xelpoupyia, Băvavoto, xelpotexvia. Belonging to handicraft, Băvavaos, ov; 8āvavaikos, xelpotexvikós. A handicraftsman, xelporéxyms, ov, 6; Bāvavaos. Handiwork, xelpotpymua, Tó. To handle, Hirtouai, mid., no pass, in this sense ; + štiljača, +getaxeiptſw, Baotá(w. To seize in the hand, seize a handful of, ºpdogouai, mid, c. perf. pass. 6éðpaypal in act. sense. A handle, Aššm (lit., also metaph. a handle for saying so-and-so, for blaming, etc.); so &vriñāśh (only metaph.); (of a sword, an oar, etc.) Kárm. A handling, Öpaypºds. A handmaid, Sepārava; separavis, i80s; Suwh; +6gwts, ió0s, h; +&uphroños, ii; +&epā'Twn; toiré- ris, i50s, ii. See Servant. To handsel, ºf calvíſo. Handsome, kaxos (à Trag., & elsewhere), compar. raxxfoy, káAAtotos; eitſpóo wros, ov. See Beautiful. Handsomely, kāAós. To hang, trans., ºpepºduvijut, pres, pass, often sync. kpéuāpaal, and in Trag. Kpfiuvățiat, perf pass, not found, aor. 1. pass. Kpelſdorffiiv, etc.; Éickpeſićvviſat; (up) 'évárra, no perf, act.; + tragorčAeto (esp. of hanging up votive offerings); (up to, upon) &préo. To hang (so as to put to death), t &yxo, no perf, no mid. or pass.; i &ird yxa, and in mid. to hang one- self. To hang oneself, &ptáopal, pass.; &ptéa, 3épmv, Eur.; ’āiraptăw öépmv, Eur. To hang, intrans., ºf katakphuvauai; (beside) trapata- péopal, pass.; (on or to anything) ééoptèopal, pass., c. gen, c, čić and gen, or c. repl and acc., etc.; Tposiºpepºdvviſual; (over) +'êtreptéWAw, c. gen.; (upon a retreating army, etc.) étricelſial. You be hanged, pöeipov, is képákas, 84AAé és köpacas; oiuágely Aéyw, Ar.; offlooſe; 84AA’ eis uákáptov, Plat.; ’ārāye eis uákáptav, Plat. Hang you, will you not endure these things in silence? Oök eis p0ópov oriyāo’ &vaoxhorel Téðe ; HEsch. They may go and be hanged, kadev Švaya, Eur. Hanging, (i.e. of a person) +&yxövm; (of anything suspended on high) + aid.pnuo, T6. Fit for hanging any one with, i &yxóvios (of a halter). Hanging (i.e. hung up), ºf Kpepaaths, c. gen. of the part by which a person is hung, e.g. the neck, or c. gen, of that from or to which a person is hung, e. g. a beam, also used as epith. of the halter. Hanging by the side (as the hands of a dying or dead person), +Trépátovos, ov; (on his mother's neck, as a child) kärſiopos, ov. Anything hung up, aid.pnua, Tó. A hank, ºf kAwarhp, fipos, 6. See Thread. To hanker after, YNixopal, rare except in pres, and imperf. See To desire. Hapless, bustixis. See Unfortunate. Haply, 'laws, often c. &v and opt. See Perhaps To happen, Tvyxávo, fut. Tetêouai, aor. 2. čtixov, Tpostvyxãvo; a vušaiva, only pres., imperf, and aor. 2. act. ovvéémy, perf, ovuééémica; ’āiroëatva; t kūpa, only pres, and imperf.; + küpéw, fut. Küpflow, more usu, kāpora, aor. 1. Čküpmaa, more usu, Écupaa (both forms however in Trag.), no perf., often c. part.; t{tto, fut. —Tegoûual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étréolov, c. adv. of the way in which ; träpätrittw; the 3rd sing. of Tvyxávo, tritto, their compounds, and ovušaíva are often used impers.; to any one, Tposttirto, c. dat.; kátáNguéâvo, fut. —Aftyopal, aor. 2. –éAášov, c. acc.; ºf Trposkvpéw, c. dat.; at the same time, ovvrvyxávo, ovutritto, ovyküpéo; besides, éiriyyvouai, Štiavusalvo; previously, trpoijmāpxw, no perf, no mid. or pass. What happens, ovuqopá; to ovušāv; Tô Tüxóv. What happens to any one, Tráðmua, T6. See Accident. Happening of itself (i. e. without any external agency or pains taken to make it happen), airógãtos, m, ov, and os, ov. Happily, e3, eiðaiwóvos, pèicăptos, eúðaiuovicós, + 3Aéías. Most happily, Saipovićtara. Happiness, eúðatuovía, ÖAéos, aioiuía; påkápiórms, mTos, h; i ei muepia. That which is thought happiness, eúðaipadviorua, T6. Happy, eúðatuov, 6, #; (mAarós; 5Aétos (rare in prose); + (of persons or life only) 'éââ'kputos, ov; +&Trevöhs; +’ārévôntos, ov; +eiatov, wVos, 6, #; +'âtrepôkákos, ov; of time (as a happy day), +Aevicós. Very happy, wholly happy, + trèvoxéos, ov: +TpisóAéios, ov. As happy as, ioroögluov (i except in Att., i Att.). Making happy, eúðaipovikós; +*A- Štóðapos, ov. One who makes happy, gives happiness, + 6AéoööTms. ov, 6. To be happy, eiðalſtovéa, only act.; sūmùepéo, only act. To be happy in, Évévôaiplovéa. To be very happy, ‘ûrepevöalpovéo. To be happy together with, to shars a person’s happiness, ovvevöglptovéa. 191 Harangue -—Harp For it is not right that you should lament, and that I (of frozen water, etc.), rövſgrauai, pass., c. perf. and should be happy, où yöp völkov orè uèv atevãſelv, tăud. 3 #8éws éxeiv, Eur. To think happy, to call happy, uákáplgo, only act.; eißdipoviſa, (nà6w; † 6Aéigo, no mid, but also pass. One must call or think happy, eúðatuovuotéov. Called happy, pèicóptotós. Deserving to be called happy, Ščiouākāptoros, ov. A calling or thinking happy, uákáptop.6s. To make happy, föAšíſo, no mid, but also pass. A harangue, Šmanyopta. See Speech, Oration. To harangue, 87Wmyopéa, sometimes c. acc. of the speech. See To speak. Skilful in harangues, 8mum yopicós. To harass, tápégow, 8%püvo, Ajréal; Aačva, fut. éAãow, etc.; (in retaliation) &vtirápéxa Tpáygara, Dem. To be harassed, TáAaltrapéa, and -opal, pass.; ákóAf. §ouai; +xe44 ougl, pass. See To annoy. Harassing, xàAetés; +tpücüvap, opos, 6, #. See Veratious, A harbour, Aiuhu, Évos, 6; Śppos, vačotáðuov. Forming a harbour, vačx0x0s, ov, as v. Alphy, v. čápa, v. trepitſtüxaſ. Having a good harbour, eúAiuevos, ov. To come into harbour, Öppigopal, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass.; eisopuſ; opal; kafloppígopal, c. És and acc. To be in harbour, Öppéw and -opal, mid., no pass, To bring into harbour, i kéAAw, fut. KéMoro, aor. 1. *IceAga, no other tenses except imperf., c. prep. sis or ém or Tpbs and acc., or c. acc.; ºf Öppſſo. See To anchor. Harbour dues, Tá čAAiueviká; AAiuévtov. Without a harbour, with a bad harbour, 'üAiuevos, ov; +&isoppos, ov. Keeping ships in harbour (epith. of a foul wind), +55s- oppºos, ov. To harbour, 8éxopat, mid, c. perf. pass. 3éSeyuai. See To entertain. A harbouring (of runaways), ‘ûtroöox#. Hard, a kNmpös; qiāfipeos, and contr. —poſs; a repeds; +grºos, &, by, and bs, by (esp. of fate, etc.); (of ground) atépiq,0s; 'étókooros, ov; Éti"kporos, ov; (of a horse's mouth) 'éðikos; (as fate, etc.) 83pts, XàAerós; (i. e. difficult, q.v.) 5vszépás. Very hard, weptokampos, ov. Living hard, kākāśws, ov. See Grievous. To harden, trans, or repedo, treptoricanpävo; intrans. aor. 2. act, Hard-hearted, +’âtépapwos, ov; +’áreykros, ov; ‘Faičmpáqpov, ovos, 6, ii. See Cruel. He is hard-hearted, oričmpóppav Te k&k Trétpas eipya- opévos, AEsch, Hardly, (i. e. with hardness) + o-kampás; (i. e. scarcely, q.v.) uáyis, uáAts, oxoxfi, XàAetrós, Hard-mouthed, + ša rouos, ov. Hardness, olcNmpórms, mºros, h; XaAerórms, mºtos, h; (i. e. difficulty) Övszépeta. Hardihood, TáAua and tâAum. See Daring. Hardship, kákóv; + triua, Té. See Calamity. Hardy, kpátepós (see Bold); (i. e. able to endure cold) edzeluepos, ov. Hare, Ašy&s, 6; Ašywos, + Ağyós; +Trēš, Tràràs, i. Of or belonging to a hare, f Ağyivos, +Aäy60s. One who eats hares, Aë)06aſtms, ov, 6. To hunt hares, t Ağyo0mpéo, fut. -áro. To hark, 'ékowo, fut, 'ükočoſopal. See To hear A harlot, trópum, Topvi'6tov. Harm (whether done or suffered), kākov, BAéén; + triuo, Tá. See Injury. - To harm, 8Admira. See To injure. Harmless, "àoivās; 'é960s, ov; +'éthuov, ovos, 6, #; +’āvāros, ov. Harmonious (i.e. sweet-sounding), Aiyipos, Aiyvs; ºf eiſuovo'os, ov; evappāvios, ov; (i. e. in harmony together, or with some other sound or feeling), oriu- qovos, ov, sometimes c. gen. of that with which the sound harmonises; eddppoo tos, ov; irpáskopóos, ov; + gºvg60s, ov; ; a ſupwoxtros, ov; Föuavaos, ov; + gºvavXos, ov. Very harmonious, Távapuávios, ov. See Tuneful. To harmonise, trans., &pſiógo; intrans., or to be in harmony with, avupovéa, oivºw. Harmony, àpuovía, avyxopóta, ov/lºbovía. Melody. In harmony together, orvuſpovoúVrws. Harness, + ‘iudvtes, oi. Of or belonging to harness, éptirrios, ov. In single harness, tuováutvö, ükos, 6, #, rd; + Hováu- triſkos, ov. To harness, Čečyvöut, Öroſeſ yuāui, avºstºyvöpit. Harness the yoke-bearing horses to the chariot, €vruve5' itrirovs &ppiaat (vympópous, Eur. A harp, póppuyê, ryyos, h; kitāpa; Tºktºs, toos, i. See Lyre, Without the harp, unsuited to the harp, +’ākāpus, ews, See 192 - Harper—Hate 6, # ; +&pópulºtos, ov; + 5uspápºlyé, “YY0s, 3, #. Accompanied by the harp, + populictós. To play the harp, kitāpiśw, ſcióðpºéa, VäAAw. To harp upon anything to any one (so as to inculcate it), ëTáða, c. acc. rei, dat. pers. The art of or skill in playing on the harp, kitāpials, eas, ii; kiöäpºpäta. Music played on the harp, kiöäptgua. Harp music unaccompanied by singing, thix?) któóptoſis. Belonging to the harp, or to playing on the harp, kibäpºp- ôicós. One must play on the harp, kiðaplotéov. A harper, kiöäptaths, où, 6; kibäppääs; iºdatpua, h; ‘popºtkths, ov, 6. Skilful with the harp, kiöäpurricós. Iond of the harp, piaoſpóppliyê, ty)0s, 6, tá. A harpoon, Tptóðovs, ovtos, 6; ix6i56A0s unXavi (of the trident of Neptune), AEsch. A harpy, "Apiruta, usu. pl. Harsh, XàAetros, a KAmpès, Tikpbs, Tpāxī's, ’ātrāvms; ‘F'âueixixos, ov. Harshly, XaAetrós, Tpäxéas, Tikpós. Harshness, Tirpótms, mºros, h; Triºpia; xãAetóTms, mtos, ii; O'KAmpórns, mºtos, i. Ofather, your anger and the harshness of your mind is terrible, Tatēp, pºévos uév, oto-rao is te orów (ppevów Aelvh, Eur,; so to ovved Tös (ppevöv, Eur. Harshness of voice, Tpāxīqavía. A hart, #Aáq,0s. See Deer. Harvest, &épos, td; icoptiół Kapiro5; avy copiði kap- Troö, oftov, Thuc. Xen. The wheat harvest, tripäumtös, Öos, i. To get in the harvest, 6epiſo. They were occupied with the harvest, €v Kapirot avyko- utúñ foray, Thuc. The harvest feast, àAóa, td. Haste, otovëſ. In haste, Štrb a trov87s, 81& a Trovãňs, etc. With all haste, Travaiśāei, i travaiśāíg. i To haste, grew8w, and mid.; exoreſöw; tāxīva, no perf., no mid- or pass.; £ykovéa, ; £iretya, more often —opal, mid. ; kareiretya, Öppada ; # oretopal, esp. in perf. pass. #oroiual (AEsch. has aor. 1. pass. in chor. —aijónv, also imper, pl. -goûode); + špoão, revo, otrovëv šxaſ, a tr. trouotpat, orir. Tí9epal ; (away) +’āirgo'o w; (to, or against, or onwards) + štriate 56a). To do in haste (eatin haste, etc.), F&odºo, only pres, act. He comás in haste, Épxetal grovöff Troöbs, Eur. Hastening, tax#Tovu ixvos éðavöwy, Eur.; &köv tróða tiffels, Eur.; grovºff 31&cov tropºrtuous xvéas trołów (lit. moving in haste the conducting axles of his feet), AEsch. ; so—hastening hither, otovëff Tibévra 3eipo 'ympatov tróða (of an old man), Eur, ; 6üstvows icăva, koopov čápas tróða, Soph. And he also is hastening, otovë, 88 kal tow8’ oë katap'yūſei tróða (lit. and haste does not allow his foot to tarry), AEsch. One must haste, a trevoréov. To hasten, act. attetºw, katagºretºw; treſ)w, only pres. and imperf, act. and mid. ; ôtpúva, no mid. ; † &tro- Tpivo ; Tigrépxw, only pres, and imperſ, act, ; # Täxjva. Hastening their horses (lit. giving their horses the rein), ird Aous éuéaxóvtes àvías, Eur. Hastening his horse eagerly, Tpodiuws &teivov toy introv, Xen. Hastiness, 'itäuätms, mºtos, ii; Tô &ki (ppevöv, Eur. Hasty, (i. e. impetuous, inconsiderate), tàxis, comp. Šárgov, táxiaºros; veåvikös, 'itäuäs; +tàxiēovkos, ov. Very hasty, t reptotrepzhs (of an action). Hastily (i. e. inconsiderately), Tpotretøs, veðvikós, 'itäwós. See In haste. 4 hasty action, veðvíevga, tá. ; attooxeótáço, only act.; + ortrépyopat, mid., only pres. and imperf. A hat, + küvém, contr. Küvå, iriXiàtov. To hatch, + veoargetºw, only act. ; ; KAétw, rare ex- cept in pres. Hatching, ÉkicóAayus, eas, i. A hatchet, &#ivn; + xãAkevua, Tá; + Kētāvoy. See Aale. Hate, áx60s, T6. See Hatred. To hate, pigéw, Štápºto'éo; exflpaíva, no perf. ; ’ātro- otpépopal, pass., esp. in aor. 2.; +éx0aipo; Fortyéa, fut, mid, at vyāorouai, in pass. sens. ; + šx6a, only pres. act. and pass. ; + 'étroTrúa'; 'êtrex0ós éxw, c. dat., Dem. To sympathise in hatred, + givéx0a, only pres. act. To hate very much, ‘ūtrepex0aipw, ‘ūtreppio'éa; (besides) trposuio'éa. tion, &vriula Éa. To be hated, &Tex0ávouai, pass., perf. &rhy:0mual, also fut, mid. in pass, sens. 'étex6igopal, and aor. 2. 'âtrmx36mmu, c. dat, of him who hates, or c. ºrphs and acc.; ºf p60Véopal, pass. ; (previously) rpoatre- x6ávouai. Do we deserve . . . to be so eacessively hated by the Greeks? 3p' étot guêu ... toſs “EAAmal pil oita's &yav čTid,06va's Suáicefarðat, Thuc. To be hasly, veåvietopal, mid. To hate in retalia:- O 193 One should hate, priormtéov. Who must be hated, planté0s, éx0aptéos. Hateful, éx6pös, compar. Éx9ſov, Šx6iotos, ulamtés ; éiríq6ovos, ov; + °3trex0hs, F ori Yepos, + ortúyvös; + gröymtos, h, by, and bs, 6v; +’âtróttvatos, c, dat.; (to men) + 8potogrüyńs; (to all) + travrouloſis. Hatefully, Éx0pós, compar. Éx0porépas and éx6ióvos, étrip66ww.s. Hating, ‘i étríq,00vos, ov, c. dat. They hated one another, oùrol éiriq6óva's Tpos &AA#vous eixov, Xen. Hatred, x60s, Tó; #x0pa; pºoros, Tó; &lréx0ela. Behold me . . . who have incurred the hatred of all the Gods, Öpfire ... we ... Tov Trägi Seois 6' &me. X0éſas A66ura, AEsch. An object of hatred, + atüyos, Tó; fortiºnua, T6; + ºréx0mua, Tá; + wirmua, to, c. gen, or dat. of the hater; + pſforos, Tó. Hated by the Gods, + šx?poèatuwv, ovos, 6, #. A hauber, Štěpač, ćicos, 6. See Breastplate. To have, Éxw, kāTéxaſ; KTáouai, not in pres. but in perf. pass. in act, sense, kécºnºgt and éktmual, and in aor. 1. mid, aor. 1. pass, in pass. Sens. Omn. ; éat'ſ pºol, éatt got, etc., fut. *aretai (or éatal) uoi, etc.; so uéreatl, c. dat. pers, gen, of the thing had; and +péra for péregri; ‘ūregri; also irápxelpo, etc. Have, as a sign of the past tense in English, is often rendered in the Greek tragedians by Éxa, c. part. aor. 1. (rarely with any other tense, though Soph. twice uses it with the perf.), giving a signification of the perf to the aor. 1., as, “He has honorared the one and dishonoured the other,” toº uèv Tpotío as Töv 6’ &Tipáoras #xel, Soph. To have besides, trpos- éxaſ; (in preference to another) trpoéxo, often contr. in Att. Tpoixo. One must have, écréov. What one has, Tā ātrāpyovra. Flaving a share of (and therefore often simply “having”), pºétoxos, ov, c. gen.: + k\mpoixos, ov. Haven, Aſºu, Évos, 6. See Harbour. Haughtily, we’ya’Netws, ºf oroğüpós. Haughtiness, &yicos, + pteyāAmvopia. See Pride. Haughty, ‘ūtrepſi-pavos, ov; ueyāAeſos, orošāpós; ºf yaßpos, g, ov, and 0s, ov. To be haughty, yaupiða. To haul up, Öveča (sc. by a crane). See To draw. A haunt, 700s, tá; ’āvaarpoph; + štioTpopff ; + Tópeuga, Tá; + švavXos. To haunt, Säuſſo; + troXéo, only pres, act, and mid, Hateful—Head c. acc. or c, dat., or c. prep. is or àup! and acc. See To frequent. Havoc, kākovXía. A hawk, Icípicos; iépač, ćkos, 6. Chased by a hawk, f Kipkåååtos, ov. To hawk (i.e. clear one's throat), fxpéartopal, mid, Hay, Xóptos; xóptos kotºpos, Xen. Made of hay, + kappmpás, Hazard, civöüvos. See Danger. To hazard, civööveča, ’āTokivāvvetºw, träpäkivövveta); kü8eto, c. acc., or c. repl and gen, or dat. w I will hazard it and bury them, śyd, a pe Säyw kāvā. Icívövvov Baxó, AEsch. To those who hazard all they have, toſs és àraw to ūrāpyov &vaššuttoijal, Thuc. See To risk. One must hazard, kivöüvevtéov. A hazarding, 'étrokiyāśvevois, eas, i ; tāpākiv- Śāvevois. - Hazardous, étrikivöüvos, ov; Tāpākivöövos, ov. See Dangerous. A hazardous deed, + Kivääveuga, tá. Hazardously, Čirikivöävas. Inclined to hazard, civööveuticós. He, éceivos, h, ś (also keſvos, more usu, in the poets, but rare in prose), 6, #, T6. He who is here, šče, #öe, Tööe; airbs, 3), b, only in the oblique cases sing, but all dual and pl. cases; in genitive, oi (properly “of himself,” but also simply “ of him " or “of her,” not used as neut.), not very common in Att, (though sometimes found), except in puty, and the dual and plural forms orºt, a pè, etc. A head, kepäxh; kāpā, to, nom, and acc. sing, dat. H Kápg, kāpnvov, kopi ph; (of a ship) Tpépa, See Prow. The crown of the head, aſkåptov. What have you in your head that you show . . . etc.? Tim uaffèv paíveis . . . ; Ar.; so 8,ti waffèv . . . ; Plat. r Head first, on one's head, etc., + kåtwkåpa, + kū85a, With three heads, +Tpicápmvos, ov; +tpi'kpāvos, ov. With many heads, troAirépákos, ov; fuiptókpāvos, ov; +Toxikpāvos, ov. To tumble (throw oneself) head over heels, ékküétatáw, only act. To act of one's own head, aitouštíſo, only act, in bad sense as acting unadvisedly, etc. Eaying their heads together, ovykūhaptes, Ar. To head, trpotatapat, pass. c. perf., pluperf., ánd aor. 2, act. See To lead. 194 Head-borough—Hearken A head-borough, Shuapx0s. A head-dress, f &pitvä, äkos, 6, + pi"Tpa. A headland, trpóšoxos; +TpośAhs, fitos, 6; TpóéAmuo. Távtov, Soph. The mighty noise of the sea breaking over the headland, ktúiros &po mu Tövtov TpośA}s, Soph. See Pro- t #; † Kpfbeguov, 'montory. Headlong, trpmväs. Headlong, adv., irporporáðmy (of a person flying in headlong haste). - A head-piece, copiºpata. Headstrong, ai,6āôňs; + airáčovXos, ov; +&itóyva- tos, ov; + dāsapktos, ov; ’āvov6étntos, ov, A being headstrong, aitáðela, poet, ai,6āöta. Obstinacy In a headstrong manner, ai,6āöðs, veðvicós. To heal, 'ükéopal, mid. See To cure. What can be healed, °iaros, + ‘ūyloo Tós. See Curable, A healer, 'âlceaths, où, 6; +’âlcea tºp, fipos, 6; t 'éké- orrop, opos, 6. See Physician. Healing (calculated to heal), fºratóvios; +’āiceo pá- pos, ov. - A healing, ‘ūytavo is, eas, h; ‘ākegua, Tó; inſtårts, ecos, i. The art of healing, +’īāTopſø. See Health, ‘ūyſeta, eiešía. Vigorous health, 56pm Ill health, &06éveta. See Disease. To drink a person's health, pixotmatav Tpotiva. To have one's health drunk, pixotmortav Aapéâva. Healthy, ‘āvogos, ov; ‘ūyths, Öyielvos, eieicticós. To be healthy, ‘ūylatva', no mid. or pass. Healthily, 'üyteuvâs, Öyvios. A heap, oropós; a dºpevka, Tó; ’ā6potoga, àtos, Tó; + éðyxopla, T6; (of earth) Xópa, Tó. A heaping up, X60 is, eas, i. To heap up, véa, not used in pres, or imperf... but most usu. in aor. 1. act. Šuma'a, or perf pass. vévmouai in pass, sense; ovvvéa, oopetºw, Škowpeño; (of heaping up earth) xów, Xóvviſit, ovyxévviſut; (up near) étri- Träpävéal; (in opposition, so as to form a counter- mound) &vriirposéudouai. Placing it on their own wall where a heap (or mound) had been raised against it, triotăgavtes Tó Éavtów Teixei ſã irposex00ro, Thuc. When I heaped up a tomb over my wretched mother, êu fi (sc. juépg) TáAaivav (mtép'éčáykovv tápºp, Eur. Heaped up (as treasure, etc.), orapevtós; (as earth) +xwortós, Heaped high, i toxixoatos, ov. To hear, 'ékoúa, fut, mid. 'ékoto'opal, no pass, and no other mid, tense in good authors, usu. c. gen. of the person speaking, c. acc. of the thing spoken or sound uttered (the gen. pers. often preceded by éic, &tro, trapó, or Tpos, and often omitted), sometimes also c. gen. rei (in which case the gen. pers. is not expressed); ‘ūrākočw, eisãkoča, ćirákoúa'; 'ékpoéo- pal, mid.; + k\{a, only pres, and imperf, act, poet. imper. KA561, pl. KAire; +’āiw, & Trag., but à in chor. and even in anapaests; imperf. 'élov, only pres, and imperſ.; Fétraſo. To hear by inquiry, or to hear news, Tvv6ävouai, with all tenses except imperf, borrowed from treč00pat, fut. Teto'ouai, and Att. sometimes (rarely) treva obual, aor. 2. čirü0ówmv, perf. pass. in act. sens. Tétrugual; ékirvyöävouai, favºrvuffāvoual; +Teijóouai, only pres, and imperf.; Tāpāöéxopal; (accidentally or by any underhand means) Túpacoia'; (to the end, thoroughly) 6takoúw ; (besides) Tpos- akota, ; (at the same time with) ovvåkoúa, Givečā- koúa, ovvakpoéopal; (before) ſpoaſcotia, +Tpokxia); (of news) ſpoirvydävouai ; (in a place) éváicotia; (in return, in reply, in opposition to what one has said) + &vrakoúa. To be plainly heard, F Tpopaivopal, pass. One must hear, 'ékovo Téov. - Inclined to hear, ºf tetpürmſtévos (ears). Heard, or to be heard, f'ākovorós. What can be heard, éiríkoos, ov; +&icotolp,0s; (at a distance) + TimAeqāvās; ºf Tºxotrös, Öv. He came before any news was heard of him, Trpiv čićTrv- otos yewé00al Tpos?A6e, Thuc. Anything heard, 'ékova'ua, Té; ákpóðua, Té. Having heard (words, etc.) oneself, airfikoos. What ought not to be heard (i.e. horrible), *āvíkovotos, 0.1/. A hearer, &kpoãths, ot, 6. A fellow-hearer, avviſ- HC00S. Hearing, subst, 'ékoff; ‘ākpóāqis, eas, ii. A hearing (of news), triotis, eos, i. Hearing, adj., + širākoos, ov (of the Gods as hearing prayer); (quickly) Öğuñkoos, ov; eiºhicoos, ov. IIavily no opportunity of hearing, not hearing, &våkoos, ov. Fond of hearing, piańkoos, ov. And when they were within hearing, Tel 6° àormgay eis éiríkoov, Xen.; also Év Štúróg, Xen.; also irpos- épxopal eis étríkoov, Xen. - For he is within hearing, oriºuetpos yöp Ös ſcățelu, Soph. •: To hearken. See To hear. O 2 - | 95 Hearsay—Heinously Hearsay, tripäkoh. To know by hearsay, &koff of 5a, &Kofi éirío Tapai; oióa ãkočov, Xen. Plat. - To give hearsay evidence, àkohv uapriſpéa (c. gen. of the person from whom it has been heard), &Kohv trposéyo, Dem. The heart, kapāta, + kpā6ta; + kéap, to, only nom. and acc. sing.; +?top, Th, only mom. and acc. sing. (esp. as the seat of feeling, etc.); qºphy, Évos (rare in prose); + trpäirls, tºos, #, usu. in pl.; + orträäyxvov, usu. in pl. Alas this goes to my heart, at al, Tpbs fitap Sakpāov r" ëyyös rööe, Eur. You say well, for these sentiments, my son, you ought to cherish in your heart, oùree yap, & Trai, Xph Ště atép- vov čxeiv, Soph. With all one's heart, Čic ppevös, AEsch.; rô vá, opp. to &ro ya&gans, Soph.; ºr rās ºvzis, Xen. Of one’s own heart (from the bidding of), t ppev66ev; + of coffe, or -6ev; + švö06ev. Hard-hearted, 'i' oričmpéqpov, ovos, 6 kal #. See Cruel, Pitiless. Strong-hearted, +TAmaicăpăuos, ov. Black- hearted, +IceAalv6ºppov, ovos, 6, #. To take to heart, €v6vpuéopat, mid., c. perſ, pass. and aor. 1. pass, in act. sense. Heart-breaking, +&iſpoëópos, ov (c. acc., AEsch.); Kapòtóömicros, ov. See Grievous. A hearth, ēotta, śokápa. w At, by the hearth (as a person at home, or a suppliant sitting, etc.), to the hearth (as a suppliant coming), over the hearth (as a God presiding), etc., péortios, ov. At or by the hearth, +trâpéatios, ov. Protecting the hearth, tº orijvéorrios, ov. - Heartily, irpoºjaws, Tpoppévos. Heartless, '&mé6%is. See Cruel. Hearty, (i.e. cordial) ſp665uos, ov; + mpéºpov; (i.e. || in good health) "tºyths. See Healthy. Heat, Kaipa, T6; &datros, té; kadais, eas, h; Sepué- Tms, mtos, h; + aibos, to and 6; (of a fever) Séppºn; (of weather) &épos, to (opp. to jūxos); #Atol, oi. A stifting heat, Tvºyos, Tó. - To heat, Seppiaſva'; +&datro, no mid., though there is pass.; + £ortdo, esp. with love ; (eaceedingly) Stå- 6eppaiya); (inwardly) "ÜTroöd Airw, . See To burn. Heath (the plant), peticm. To heave, trans, aſpo, and poet. (including Trag.) ãeſpa; see To lift; intrans., oibéa); see To swell. Heaven, oùpävos, + tróAos; # ‘ūtrepòe trepipopó, Eur. The vault of heaven, à kùrrãpos rot, oùpavoº, Ar. 196 From heaven, + 3166ev. - Heavenly, oùpávios, a, ov, and os, ov; coupévios, ov; + oëpävoixos, ov. - Inhabiting heaven, + oëpaviºns, ov, 6, in pl. The heavenly bodies, Tâ pietéopa. Above the heavens, Štrep- oupävlos, ov. Reaching to heaven, + oëpävouñkms. Heaven-born, t 5uoyevils (i, but usu. I metri gratiâ). Heaven-sent, + 61608otos, ov. Falling from heaven, + 6toretis. Conquering heaven, + oipávóvikos (i. e. immense). To reach heaven, f oipävigopal, pass. Heavily, Bâpéos. Heaviness, Bápos, Tá; Băpărms, T6. See Weight. Heavy, Băpts, éuépiós, étrax6is ; + Bāpāortã010s, ov; ‘f 8piðūs ; (of a calamity) [most of the preceding words are used metaph. in this sense], 6&sqopos, ov. Very heavy, + ‘ūtrépéâphs, +'trepépið#s. To be heavy, Bpido, no mid, but also pres, pass.; Tri- épíða. - A hecatomb, Škärópiém. A hedge, aiuáota, ppayuás. - To hedge round, ppgoo'o, often metaph.; Treptºppdora'o. A hedgehog, Šxivos. Like a hedgehog, Šxivá6ms. Heed, ue^{rn, c. gen, or c. repl and gen, or c. rpos and acc. See Care. To heed, ppovtigo. See To regard, To care. To take heed, pixágow; eWAéééopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. Take heed, §pa. See To beware. - One must take heed, pvXakt éov, eúAášmtéov, ŠuevXàém- Téov. See To care. - Heedful, sixᚺs, étrio Tpeqís. Heedfully, a trovčaios, éiriusXós. See Carefully. Heedless, F &q povtus, ió0s, 6, #. See Careless. Heedlessly, 'aſppovttortos, 'üveſpuévos. See Care- lessly. The heel, Trépua. A heifer, F Trépris, tos, h; t uéozos, ii. See Calf Of a heifer, uðaxelos, + p.60xios. Height, tºos, tá; uéye60s, tá; + Bá60s, tá. A height, ’ā'kpa, Fâ’irpov; + airos, rö; the heights, ’āvdārāta, td. The height (i. e. the highest pitch, of excellence, efc.), 'ā'kpov, *ākpıſı. To be at the height, 'dicućgo, rare, except in pres. To heighten, aſpo, and poet. (including Trag.)&eſpo; peyāAúva. See To raise. Heinous, iráykäkos, ov, superl, Taykáciotos ; routré. vmpos, ov. See Wicked. Heinously, Taylcárcos. mtos, j; + 8p100s, See Careful. agº Heinousness—BIerbaceous Heinousness, Tovmpto. See Wickedness. An heir, KAmpováuos. An heiress, éti'KAmpos, i. Marrying an heiress, tykampov siviu Tpos?&éðv, Eur. To be an heir, KAmpovopéa. See To inherit. Hell, “Aöms, ov, sometimes Trag. ‘Āšāns (in other poets Ā); Tápropos, in sing. 6, #, in pl. t.d.; $690s Ráta, AEsch. Hellish (of, or belonging to, hell), XTöytos, a, ov, and os, ov; "Axepoćaios, fem. Åxepovatās, #60s; Taptă- pelos. See Infernal. Hellebore, šAAééopos. The Hellespont, ‘EAA#strovros. Of the Hellespont, situated on the Hellespont, ‘EAAms- trávttas, ‘EAAmstroyticós. A helm (of a ship), TjöäAtow; ota;, &Kos, 6. See Rudder. A helm, or helmet, küvém, sometimes in Att. con- tracted into Kövå; kpávos, Tó; if képus, #60s, i. With golden helmet, ºf Xpwootfixmå, micos, 6. Waving his helmet, ºf 60xplóAopos. A helmet-maker, kpāvoirotós. To make helmets, kpāvotrouéa. Help, &pwyí; & péAeta and āqexta; &péAmuz, Tá; + &roq'éAmpa, Tá; † TrposopéAmua; # TposopéAmots, eos, ii; + &Akh, "àpmčis ; t &piceoſis, ews, i ; (in war or in danger) 80%6eta, f 80%; (of an ally) étrucoupta. To help, & peaea, ÉToq exéco; Tàpio Túpal, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf act.; imperée, Évrmpetéo, iroup. 7éo, Tuopéo, fºrêpeiut (–eiva), +Túpac Tâtéo, f e 5.x: - / t + orvpatrapacTatéa, ; (in war, danger, etc.) 'üpfyo, &raphyw, Bom6éo, ovuuäxéa, Čirčušva", ºf ºuijvá00; (as an ally) étrucoupéo ; (besides) Tposa’ſpeAéa, c. acc. or c, dat.; (first) trpotiuwpéw ; (in return) &vtiéon- 6éa, &vretricoupéa. To come to the help of, Túpééon- 6éa, c. dat.; Tposéom6éº. * You know that you would have no means of helping yourself, of r6° àrt oik &v éxois àrt Xpfgato gavtó, Plat. One cannot help . . . oi6èv &vektöv ph où, c. infin., Plat. - How can I help? how could I help ? Tí 5’ oi, pºéWAw; c. infin. or abs., Xen.; Trôs oë weaWo; Plat.; Ti 6’ oùk ŠueANov. ...; R.T.A., Soph. (Of course it pleases me,) how can it help it? tra's yúp of Pºwel ; Plat. See To assist, To aid. - - One must help, 'üuvvtéov and &pluvréa, & peamtéov, Trposoqe^mtéov, 80mómtéov. To be helped, who ought to be helped, & peamté0s, A coming to help, Tiêofibeta, Tāpāšoh9eia. See As- sistance. A helper, Tapaotárms, ov, 6, fem. –ötis, ió0s; ovX- Afttop. opos, 6, fem. ovXAnttpia ; ovutpdictap, opos, 6; tigaphs, and poet. Tiuáopos; avvspyärns, ov, 6, fem. -āris, i50s; + ovutrāpaatátns, to eipä- qopos ; (in war, danger, etc.) 80m39s, ºf ’āpayos, ºf éirápaſybs, ºf 80%pop.os. Helpful, helping, Tikovpos, ov, c. gen. of the enemy against whom, etc.; ’āpayos, dy; t iríð5000s, ov; ºf Jüvepºyös, Öy. |Helpiess, "åuñxãvos, ov. Helplessly, #5ustãAäuws. Helplessness, ’āumxávia, ’ātopia. A hem, 'ānpoxiviov, f Tö täpipés. To hem in, eſpyw, Tepitºxeta ; YkátáAguéâva, fut. —Aftyopal, no aor. J., aor. 2, -éaúšov, perf. -etamºa. To be hemmed in, Tepixãpákóouai. See To sur- wound. - The armed men hemming them in, Tà Tâpúðaguéva §TA3, Xen. Hemmed in, + &upiéoxos, ov. A hemming in, or a being hemmed in, Éykārśamilis, eas, i. Hemlock, ictºvetov (both the plant and the juice). take hemlock, covetéopal, pass. Hemp, icóvváéis, eas, i. A hen, 'éAektpúatva; *āAektopis, #60s, h; puts &m- Aeta, Soph. Henbane, Šosköäuos. Hence, Šv6ev, Śvēévôe, évreſ,8ev. Henceforward, To Aotirov, rö, Aoitré; hiſtório 6e, or –0ev; + &riora, + štíðev, fuérotiv; Tôv Aottröv xpé- vov, Tov Aottröv 8torov, Soph,; Śic Töv Aoutrów, Plat, See The future, Hereafter. A henchman, 0epātav. A herald, Icípvé, -Vicos, 5; + k\mthp, fipos, 6. Belonging to a herald, knpükikos, + kmpüketos. To be a herald, to proclaim, etc., Kmpt,000, cºmpukeiw. To To negotiate with by a herald, 6taicmpUkeiſopigi, mid., c. ºpos and acc.; Triſcºpviceñopal, c. dat. or c. prep.; Tpositºmpvicetopat, sine cas. A herald's office, eapedition, herald, etc., Kmpviceto. A herald's wand, knpäketov. A demand made or message sent by a herald, Kāpwyka, tó; if ſºmpilcevuo, Tá; + &ricmpèreuſa. The sending a herald, éticºmpèreſa. A herb, tróa; piſa Nov. Herbaceous, i. Tothets; + troumpás. 197 Herd—High A herd, &yéAm, vouh, ºf Tâ Botá; † 80wſpépéta, Tá; ’āyekata 800icipata, Eur. Herds grazing, vupai 800 kmpidºtov, Xen. Of or belonging to a herd, ‘āyeagºos. The keeping of herds, 'üyeMaiotpoſpía. A herdsman, 80UkóA0s; +80thp, fipos, Š; +80%tms, ov, 6; +80%popé0s; 80mAärms, ov, 6. Here, évôáðe, óðe, airroń, airóði, Tāās; Évraúða, taſtn, +Tööe. I am here, I am come hither, — who comes here 2 öö' eiuſ, 36' fix00v, ris 86' jicel; Trag. Hereafter, ač9ts, eisai)0ts; + ša repov, Firpágo; + eis- orida, fueóðatepov; eisótiv xpóvov, AEsch.; airica (opp. to viv and TáAal). See Henceforward, Future. Hereditary, trätpó0s, a, ov, and os, ov; Ta'Tptos, a, ov, and os, ov; Tātpicós. They must endeavour not to disgrace their hereditary virtues, Xph Teipäoffat phaioxoval Tês trposmicotia as &perds, Thuc. Hereditarily, Târpicós. To be a hermit (i. e. to live alone), ‘FoiotroAéa, only pres. act.; Pindar too has oiotróA0s for one living alone. A hero, #paſs, àºwos, 6. The shrine of a hero, pigov. Heroic, fipó0s, paircós. A heroine, ºf ipújvm. A heron, êpwôtés. Herring-gutted, Aertó)aqtpos, ov. Herself. See Himself. To hesitate, ákvéa, kāTokvéal, &rokvéa. One must hesitate, ákumtéov, usu. c. neg. For I often hesitated, ToMA&s yöp eixov ºppovtåwy étriotdorets, Soph. Nor has their present prosperity made them hesitate at running into danger, otre à trapovaa eiðalſtovía Tépe- axev Škvov u% éA6eiv čs Tà delvö, Thuc. Hesitating, Ökumpés. Hesitatingly, Öicvmpós. Hesitation, Škvos, ’āumxãvia. Heterogeneous, étepoyevſis. To hew, f Texelcáa, only act.; 'ütroTeXeków. cwt. A hiatus, X&op1a, T6. See Chasm. Hiccough, Ayyā, Āvyyös, Ö. Hidden, kputtés; Kpipios, a, ov, and as, ov; kpipatos; +kpvirtáðtos, a, ov, and os, ov; +&Tókpipos, ov. See below. In a hidden manner, kpúéðmu, kpāqā. See Secretly. To hide, act, pārta, &Tokpúirta, Čykp'ºrra, kārā. See To kpúirta, kāAğırta, ČirikāAütta, ovykäAüttw; oté). only pres, and imperf.; + keiða, no aor, perf, Kékévôa. (in all tenses used sometimes in pass. Sense, to be hidden) [kaAürro is simply to cover over, ketºw to cover up so that no trace of it can be seen, Irpińſtw to keep covered, especially for the purpose of conceal- ment, LIDD. and Sc.]; t i-putteiſo, only pres, act. ; "àTokweta, perf. pass. -kéicxetopai. To hide oneself, to lie hid, ‘I ket,000 (see above), Kärä- 65'opal, pass., c. perſ, act. -5665 ca, and aor. 2. —éðvv; 'ātoālāpāorica, esp. in aor. 2. &tóðpmv. To hide one's face for shame, or as the face of the dead is hidden, ČykäAüttopat, mid. One must hide, Kpvirtéov. To be hidden (what must or should be hidden), avyka- AvTré0s, ICAetTé0s, ’āqāvurté0s. ſ Easily hidden, eúkpvirtos, ov; eikpābſis. Hiding all things, t traykévôňs. A means or power of hiding, kārāºpüpft, cealment. A hiding-place, I kevºuſſºv, ºvos, 6; I ket,00s, tá ; + pixbs, Spätrétis otéym (lit. a house difficult to find, of a hare's form), Soph. A hide, orkūtos, T6; 3éppa, Tó; Büpora; 6éðfits, eos, j, a dressed hide (often used for a leathern gar- ment, opp. to Ölpffépa, an undressed hide); fivos, 5, j; +80p6; +6épas, Štos, Tó. Made of hides, Öepuštivos. Hideous, if São’etós, òv. High, *ākpos, ŠilmAós; uetéopos, ov; + Metápotos, a, ov, and os, ov; +>poyeſtov, ovos, 6, h; (of trees) + šilicopos, ov; (of a rock or city on a rock) +jºi'kpnuvos, ov; (of cities, also of hopes) + iyirup- 'yos, ov; (of price) troXès, all cases except nom, and acc. sing masc. and neut. borrowed from toNAós; (as a musical note) āśćs. Very high, 'ütrepſilºn\0s, ov. Higher, FüTéptepos. The barbarians occupy higher ground, cataAapéâvovort xwptov Štrepôé£uov of 83péapot, Xen. The higher classes, oi BéAttoves, opp. to § 3%iuos, Xen. Highest, iſ platos, ’āvátáros, “iſtråtos, +'itéptătos, ‘Féaxáros. Highest in the city or state, Füpfroxis, eas, 6, #. Highest of all, travviréptáTos. High, adv. (on high), 'évo, compar. &vatépa, superl. âvaršta, Šilot. From on high, Šipóðe or -6ey (and simply on high); ‘āva,0e or -0ev. Too highly, + štéppev (of thinking), etc. To speak more highly of, ueiðyws Aéyw, Plat. See Con- 198 ! Highness—Hit Ife reached the highest point in deeds of blood, aiuátww éiríkptore (from étrakpigo, no mid. or pass.), AEsch. To be placed on high, ēśaptdowgi, pass. With high action (of a horse, high trotting), kü5pós. High-born, eiyyevås. See Noble. High-minded, ueyá0üuos, ov; Yevvaſos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; jºymAóqipov; jºmAóvows, 6, #; faitrüpfitns, ov, ô, only masc. See Magnanimous. To be high-minded, fueyappovéa, only act. Highness (of voice), §§§rms, mros, i. A highway, 66bs, ii. See Road. A highwayman, fööoipos. See Robber. Hilarious, palēpós. See Merry. Hilarity. See Mirth, Joy. A hill, Aépos, ’ākpa, Kpmuvös, yāAopos, Tâyos; trai- Tös, Ö0s, h; +b×60s, F Bovvós. The sides of, or dells in, a hill, fºrtúx?), only in pl. Hilly, kpiluvéöms; + 80vvis, ió0s, ii, only fem. Dwelling on the hills, frequenting the hills, t'Gºpalos. A hilt, kám, Aášm. Held by the hilt, fairákotos, ov; F Trpákotos, ov. Holding one's sword by the kilt, TpókwTos, ov, Up to the hilt, Éiricotros, ov. Himself, götös, aāth, attá. Of himself, oš, masc. and fem., not neut.; attoo —Tàs, —Tov, etc., no nom. (He did it) of himself (i. e. without having received orders), & p’ Šavrot, yugºums, Thuc. By himself (i. e. without assistance), &@' éautoi, Dem. A hind, ÉWäpos, h; (i.e. countryman, q.v.) tºpó- Tns, ov, 6; (i.e. bailiff or steward, q.v.) &ypováuos. Hinder, Ötrio 610s, a, ov, and os, ov. To hinder, éutrošík w, c. acc, or dat, pers, c. rpès and acc. rei, or c. p.3, and infin., or Tov and infin, coxſw, c. infin, or c. to and infin., or c. Tov and infin., or ph and infin.; &Toko-Köw, icărăkøAúa, ; eſpyo (Trag., aor. 2. eipyä0ov), c. gen, or c. uh and infin., or to ph, or toº u}, and infim, or c. &ote pººl and infim.; ěčeip'ya, kāTeip'yo, &Totpétro; £vio Túpal, pass, c. aor. 2. and perf act, c. dat, pers, or c, dat. rei; Taíſo, Every one hinders, oiâeis éé, Soph. But what, said he, hinders them from joining us? Tº 3’ év uéoºp, pn, éati too ovuptéal; Xen. There is nothing to hinder me from saying, p8620s oiöels Aéyetv, Plat. He knew that it would hinder him from providing for the safety of the whole, jöel Štt &ax0xtav Tapée, Tàs Töv ŠAwu orotnpígs étrip.exe?o flat, Xen. See To pre- icătătraşw. vent, One must hinder, Koxvtéov, Šualcoxvtéov, f eipiſtéov; oùk éâtéov, Eur, - A hindrance, or hindering, ÉuTöötapa, Tó ; kóAüua, T6; 5tákóAüua, c. toº and infin. rei; kaºjum; kóA5- ois, eos, i. A means of hindering, &Totpotſ. In a hindered manner, with hindrance, iorxopévos, éutroötſouévos. A hinderer, kaºliths, ot, 6; 5taka Mörås. Calculated to hinder, KoMutikos, c. gen. Hindering, Šutróðios, ov, c. dat. pers. c. gen. rei. Hindering, adv., Šutroë&v, c. dat. Hindmost, oxêtos. A hinge, oſtpopsis (prop. a socket in which the door turned). To hint at (give a hint of), ‘iſtognuatva', 'üTatvigoro. Plat, mid, no pass. - To implicate by hints, träpäämXów. To drop as a hint (foreign to the subject spoken of), Tapeſ, SáAAw, perf –éééAmica, aor. 2. —ééâAov. A hint (dropped casually in a conversation on another subject), Trópep,60Aff. The hip, foxtov, ŠirokóAtov. | Hire, uto 60s, uta:00popá. Without hire, 'éutatos, ov. Without hire, adv., "åutorði. To hire, uto 660pal, mid., also in pass.; puto 66 Teſta, Thuc. To employ as hired (to pay wages to), ato 6060téa. To spend in hiring, ſcatapuo-00popéa. To be hired, to serve for hire, to receive as hire, pug 60- ºpopéo. One must hire, puto flopop.mtéov. Hired, uto 60tós; up to 60s, ov. A hireling, plug 6atós. A hirer, uto 0&ths, oo, ö. A hiring, uto floats, eas, i. His, hers, its, theirs, etc., 0.46tspos; +?s (not used for their). A hiss, or hissing, tºayyil, f ičxmua, avywbs. To hiss, ičxo; Gipſº, oftener –ouai, used gen, and also esp. of hissing at an actor. To hiss off, Škoripigo. To be hissed off exiſtra, fut. —Tegotgal, aor. 2. —ére- orov, perfºréttoica; Štrpittopat, pass. A historian, Aoyotrotos, Aoyo’ypápos, arrºw, The historian's art, ji Aoyotroticſ. \ History, Aóyos, ovyypaſpſ. - To hit, Túrto, fut, Túpa (also in Ar. TvTThora); (with. } 99 Hither—Holy anything thrown) 84AAw, no aor. 1., perf. 8ééAnka; Tvyxávo, fut. Tefféoual, aor. 2. čtixov, c, gen. To hit the mark (metaph. i. e. be right in one's conjec- ture, etc.), Tvyxávo; + 1cipéa, only act. Hitting the mark, ‘i éirío Kotos, ov, c. gen. Hither, v0aôé, évraú6a, beſpo, Sevp, + 36e; uéxpt betpo, Plat.; tıéxpts £vtaúða, Xen. The eanedition hither, à èeñpo otpateto. Come hither, föéðpo, used both as sing, and pl., some- times also pl. Öeore. Hitherto, ösipo; uéxpt beſpo, uéxpt roß Señpo, Thuc. Plat.; Méxpt toûtov, Xen. - A hive, guìvos, T6. To strip a hive of its honey, 8Aitta, fut. BAfro, only act. Aoar, Aevicós. See Hoary, Gray. Hoar frost, träxum. To hoard, 'étrottºmuſ, &mdavpigo. See To lay up. To be hoarded, ketuat, pass., fut. -ketoropal, no other tenses. A hoard, Sãoravpos. See Store. Hoariness, Toxtórms, mºtos, j. See Grayness. Hoarse, 8payxãAéos, 8payx6öms. Hoary, troAtós, ò, ov, and bs, 6v. See Gray. To hobble, "postrato. See To be lame. To hobble (i. e. to tie or clog the legs), Šutroößw. A hobgoblin, uoppiè, gen. 60s, oùs, h; popuév, &vos, #; + wopaoxilcetov. A hod, &yºyetov. To hoe, a káAAw, only pres, act.; orcăAeva. One who hoes, oričáAeës. Hog, orås. See Pig. A hogged mane, 6tatetiXpévm póém, Soph. To hoist, alpa, and poet. (including Trag. in chor.), ãeipw. See To raise. To hold, karéxaſ; Évéxw, esp. in pass.; taxa, only pres. and imperf.; (in the hand) Baqtdºw; i öxpºgo; ãvrixášouai, and —ipal, only pres. and imperf. c. gen.: + &vrixopéâvo, fut. -Afipoua, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –éAáčov, perf. —etxmºpa; (a meeting) trouéa. To day hold of, &ttopat, only mid, in this sense, c. gen, sometimes, but rarely, c. acc. To hold in, or lay hold of with, one's right hand, ºf év- Šeštěopal, mid. To hold back, Štréxaſ, and in pres. étrioxw; Käréxo and kåttoxw, sometimes c. uh and infin. . See To restrain. To hold before, Trpoéxa, often contr. trpoëxw, also pres, Tpotaxa, in mid. “be- fore oneself” (as a mirror to look in, a shield for de- fonce, etc.); ſpošćAAogal, maid, “before oneself,” no aor. 1. nor perf. To hold before as a veil, ºf trpokö. AöTTw. To hold out (so as to offer, etc.), trporetva, (lit. and metaph., one's hand, hopes, promises, pre- texts, etc.); Śroteſvo, öpéyvvut, Tpotiºmut; ‘iſtopépa, fut, -otow, aor. 1. -àveyka ; (threats) Tpogeia. To hold out in return, &vriporeſvo. To hold out against (i.e. resist, q.v.) &vréxw and &vttaxw, dat. or c. Tpos and acc. To hold over (esp. as a defence), +‘ūtreptetva, c, gen, of the thing over which; fürépé- Xa), c. gen, or dat. To hold up, 'évéxo, and –opal, e * 3. Sº - . Sº f mid.; ’āvāTetva. To hold up near, Tăpăvioxa. To hold under, ‘F'öréxw. To hold together, givéxø. And when it held up (of the weather), Irel 6" &veake. It holds good through the whole, 6t' àAov Träpäkoxov6el, Xen. To hold out hopes, éAttföas intoxvéopal, Dem. A hold (anything to take hold of), Aššm, lit. and metaph. (i. e. a hold or cause for saying, a hold over, etc.); # ovXAšši), āvrixášá; &vtianipus, eas, i. That the hand might slip off, and not have any hold, §Tws &v & Toxto 64you kal pºl Éxoi &vrixafºv ji Xeip, Thuc. A holding out or forth, t peºpa, Tó. The hold of a ship, i &vt.A0s, t &vTAta; kotAm vais, Xem. - A hole, tpāua, Té; † Th; + TPärnua, T6; (of animals) Tp(6')\m. A small hole in a shield to see through, + kéyxpopa, Tó. With many holes, if &pſputphs, fitos, 5, T6. To live in holes, TpoyAoğüréa, only act. Living in holes, TpayAöööTos, ov; TpoyAoöörikás. Holily, Öotos. Holiness, Ög 16tms, mºros, i. Holloa, &#. w To holloo (so as to be heard), yelyavtorca, only pres. act. See To shout. & Hollow, icolaos; yicotA0s, ov; ; Kolkwirbs, ov; † icouxo- 'yāo tap, opos. - A hollow, f icóAros, + yūāAov, f ket,00s, Tá; # kitos, T6; (among mountains) + Kev69&v, &vos, 6. To hollow out, koixatva, t'yaipo (esp. of hollowing out a ship). | Hollowness, koixótºms, mºros, i. A holm, or holm-oak, trpivos, j; + "plviðtov. Holy, iépôs, often contr, ipês, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Śorios; (chiefly in sentences of opposition, as opp. to human profane, etc.)"#ytos, &yvös i + šuš06T0s, n, ov, and 200 liomage—Honourable os, ov; + gettós; + efforettos, ov; (of things) + 'éðuc- ros, ov; +&icipáros, ov; (of places) tº 8&tos, ov; +&Q'Tišás. To be holy (to live holily), H &ytoſteño, only act. Holy ground, a holy place, Téuevos, Tó; &Agos, Tó. Homage, foréas, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing. ; Tpositivnois, ii. See Honour. To do homage to, Tpositivéo, fut. Tposicvvia ouat (and sometimes —how), aor. 1. –mora, also trposékúa'a, no pass.; + Tpostriartw, fut. —Tegotpat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –étréolov, perf. —Téttoka, no pass., c. dat. or c. Tpos and acc., or (when entreaty is implied) c. acc.; + Trpos- tri"Tvø, only pres, and imperſ, act. ; ; Jégo, only pres, and imperf, act. To receive homage, t gééopal, pass. only in pres. Home, oikos, éo ría. Clf, or belonging to, home, oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Domestic, The home district, i treptotids, fö0s, j, Home, to home, oilcá5e. At home, adv., oikot, Évêov; katē otéyas, Eur, ; kat’ oiciav, Plat. 4t home, being or living at home, adj., + švömuos, ov; ºf oikógitos, ov. At or coming to one's home, t eq’éatios, ov. One who stays at home, oikovpds. Those who stay at home, Tà évôov oikoupſiuata, Eur. A staying at home, étribhumous, eos, i ; Éiriðmuia, + oikovpia. Rewards for staying at home, t oilcotſpua, Tá. - To live at home, éirić mºséal; oilcoupéo, only act.; † oiko- voplea. To come home, étriðmuéa. From home, adv., oikoffe or -0ev. From home, adj., áicômuos, ov; +’áðmuos, ov. To be from home, ékömuéo. See To be absent. A being from home, éicömſuta, ātroëmuía. Fond of home, pixoticos, ov. Home-bred, oilco'yevils (of a slave, i. e. not purchased). Homeless, +’āvéatios, ov. Homely, Aïtés. See Simple. Homicidal, T &vöpopóvos, ov; + &vöpokrávos, ov; +&vöpočáktos, ov; +&vöpwrokTávos ; fem. F &vôpo- Aéretpa. See Murderous. Homicide, ‘i &vöportágia. See Murder, Slaughter. Homogeneous, potousphs, juoyevås. Homologous, GuðAoyos, ov. A home, ’ālcóvm, + &nyāvm. See Whetstone. Homest, Shcalos, a, ov, and sometimes os, ov; āTA60s, m, ov, contr. &TA00s, fi, oùv, compar. -000 Tepos, –0%rratos; Tieikhs, &levóñs ; eiðūtropos, ov. Very honest, ‘f ‘ūtrépôikos, ov. See Just. Honestly, Öicaſas, évôtéas, ‘āTAós. Honesty, '&Aftóela ; xpmotórms, mtos, ii; &#Aórns, mtos, i. Homied, ºf plexi"yAwo oros, ov (of words, etc.). Honey, wéAt, uéAitos, to, no pl. or dual.; ºf uéAloroa; véictap plexioſorów, Eur: ; pleAigorms &v0epājñúrov 'ydivos, Eur.; $ov6&v Tóvmpa pleatorgöv, Eur. Of, or belonging to, honey, sweet as honey, Mexitfipios. plexitmpós. To make honey, WeWirovpyéo, only act., Arist. To take honey (from a hive), BAitto, fut. BAirw. Flowing with honey, Mexíðjūros, ov. Honeycomb, kāpiov; + oxià6&v, Övos, i. Honour, Tiwh, 66%; &#iopia, āTos, Tó ; áčíoots, eas, à ; pińotiuſa ; Tiamua, Té; foré8as, to, only nom. and acc. sing. (AEsch. has gé8m pl.). . Honour (as due to persons), gifts of honour, marks of honour, etc., Yépas, a0s, to, nom. pl. Yépa;+ ætitiuía, p TO. An honour to (credit to) a person or country, coopºos, +’āyaaſa, Tó; otépávos; + &YAgiopa, Té. Fond of honour, pixóðočos, ov. To be fond of honour, ºptAoãočéw, only act. To honour, Tiwáa, sometimes c. gen, cogn. (Tipºs); Gééa, and gééopal, mid, only pres, and imperf in this sense; Yepaipa, no perf., no mid, pass., only once in Plat.; t Tiw, fut, and aor. l. not used in this sense; to ešiša, aor. 1, pass, in act, sense; # Tposa'éSø, +&étéo, ; (esp. of honouring the dead with funeral honours) + 'āyāTáça, only pres. act. ; kátápxopal, mid., no pass.; Évrtuos éxw, Évrtuos 'êyo, Plat. ; Koguéa. To honour because of, t Tpotía, ; (exceed- ingly) trporludo, ötáriuda, Ötreptiuda, ćictiuda, écTporiuda, ; (together with) ovutluga. To do honour to in return, &vtitiºda, Restraining the wings of shrill lamentation, so as to show no honour to her parents, yovéav čktipovs toxova'a Trépwyas āśvTóvov yówv, Soph. One must honour, Tumréov. To be an honour to, koopiéa. To be honoured, tip.mtéos. Honourable, honoured, Tiatos, a, ov, and os, ov; ëvriuos, ov; kawbs (à Hom, à Att, & elsewhere; of things, never of persons except in the phrase kaAös kal &Ya36s). Very honourable, widely honoured, + Meylotóriuos, ov; + 8épětipos, ov; + Trávriuos, ov; 201 Honourably --— Horse +Toxtºrtunros, ov. Publicly honoured, +’āyāvios, A horde, t'éyéºn. See Crowd. ov (of the Gods worshipped on a common altar). Honoured from ancient time, &pxalotſperſis. Held in equal honour, ÖpióTuos, ov. Loving honour, pi\óttuos, ov. Honourably, cakós (à Hom., á Att., & compar. Kaxxtóvas, superl. sixmpióvos. Without honour, 'étuos, ov. See Dishonoured. A honouring, Tiamats, eos, i. A hoof, Öttöl, xmºſ ; Śvvč, Šxos, d. With solid hoof, pºvvé, iixos, 3 kal fi; pováxmAos, ov. With broad hoof, TA&Tváviºxos, ov. A hook, &yictorſpov, Hooked, éiri”ypijiros, ov. Hook-nosed, 'ypijirós; Śiri")pviros, ov. elsewhere), y icſ;NAuota, Évtiuas, A being hook-nosed, 'ypüTóttis, mºros, i. A hoop, a pevöövm (of a ring). A hoopoe, Étoiſ, -ottos, 6. To hoot, kåtašodø, fut. —Soño'opal, no pass., c. gen. or c, acc.; + käråkpášw, fut.-kel-páčopal, See To cry. Hooting, kataSoh. To hop, &G'Kwātāſo, no mid, or pass. Hope, éAirls, £80s, i. - Having a firm hope, éArtãos debpayúévos, Soph. I have great hopes that I shall arrive beloved by my father, Käpt' v šattiolv Tpépa, pian ſºv #ely tatpi, Soph. To hope, éAirtºw, c. infin, pres, fut, or aor. (bvis often added to infin. aor.), also c. &s or öttws and fut., also c. acc., sometimes c. dat. of that in which the hope is founded, no mid., but sometimes in pass.; ÉireWiriço, käTeXtrigo; +éAtropiat, mid., c, perf. Éoxtra ; † TéA- Topal. To hope for instead, &vtext{w. To cause to hope, feed with hopes, étréâtrigo. What hope have you? Tív' éATíð' ééevuépiſet (i. e. what hope have you so as to lighten our present anxiety)? Eur. To cast away, to loot, hope, ’āTorpio Aríða (lit. to wear it out), Soph. Having made you dependent on hope, &vairpepºda as ūuás &Trô Töv ćAtríðav, HEschin. Hopeful, effektris, iè0s, 6, #, neut. —Tu, sometimes c. infin, fut, sometimes c. prep, e.g. trpos, and acc. Hopeless, (of persons, things, circumstances, etc.) &v- éArtotos, ov; 6üséAtriotos, ov; + šexttos, ov; (of persons only) bisextus, ió0s, neut. -ti, T &vexitis. To be hopeless (of affairs), 'diveAtrio Tws Éxaſ. See Desperate. The horizon, Öpiſov, ovtos, 6. Moving horizontally (of an earthquake), štricxturns, ov, 6. A horn, képas, Gros, contr. ws, Tá; kepârlov. Hormed, i Icepasſpópos, ov; † kepósis, fem. contract. kepodgora; # kepagths, où, 6, fem. cepaotis, ió0s; (like an ox) iſ Tavporcépa's, wros, neut. ov; ; Bovké- pos, gen. —w. With crumpled horns, t \ić, icos, 6, #. With black horns, preadykepws, 6, j. With fine horns, f efficpalpos, ov; ; sūkepws, wu. With one horn, Wovoképátos, ov. To have horns, kepāto popéa. Hormless, 'ékepas, 6, #, neut.-Gev, gen. —w; 'éképá Tos, ov. Made of horn, kepātivos; + kepáöetos, ov. Like horn, kepättööms. A hornet, &vôſivm. Horrible, horrid, Selvös, poéepos, + aivés; + škirā- 'yAos, ov; + &péyaptos, ov. See Terrible. Horribly, Öelvås. See Terribly. Horror, póēos; + 6etua, Štos, T6. See Fear. A horse, ittos, 6, #; TôA0s, Ö, ii. A little horse, it- Tàptov. A race-horse, kéAms, mºtos, 6, and kéans fir- Tos. A led horse (attached to a carriage to aid the regular pair), geipäbopos, often metaph.; getpaios lir- tros. A riding-horse, plávitritos. A horse harnessed by himself, wováutvä, öſcos, 6, h; pováuTrvé TóA0s, Eur. A troop, or multitude, of horses, itToq6pétov. Of, or belonging to, a horse, litticos, it retos; it trios, a, ov, and os, ov; † twäiſcos (prop. of young horses). A stream of horses, KAğav čpittos, Soph. Like a horse, itTéðms. In the shape of a horse, intrópoppos, ov, Like a horse, adv., iirirmööv. ! Fond of horses, pixittros, ov. To breed horses, introTpopéa, only act.; káðuttotpo- ‘péa. . The breeding of horses, itrirotpoſpía, Twaeta, it troºpopéia. Breeding, or producing, horses, (of places) + itTošátos, ov; (of places or of men) introtpépos; itTopépéos, ov. A breeder of horses, irrošóTils, ov, 6. To tend horses, itTocopéo, only act. . A tender of horses, it tošovicóA0s. Managing horses, ‘i’ introvápas, ov, only masc. Having good horses, beautiful horses, eúittros. Skilful in horses, + itTroyvámov, 6, #, gen. -ovos ; in riding them, 'êvãéâticós. Belonging to the riding of horses, éptiſtrios, ov. 202. Horseman—Hound Fighting on horseback, t itroëégºw, ovos, 6, #. With one horse, povátra Mos, ov. With two horses (of a chariot), 6tášvgos, ov. With three horses, Tphraxos, ov. A two-horse chariot, 6tfiftipita. With four horses, terpéopos, ov, and sometimes contr. téðpittros, ov; Tétpapos, ov; ; Tetpášáuou, ovos, 6, #: + Tetpāſūyos, ov. With sia horses (of a chariot), tº Tpiššup.os, ov (i. e. with three poles); so tetpáññúpos, ov, etc. Sounding with the tramp of horses, f itTókpotos, ov. To break horses, Toxoëauvéa, only act.; Taxet'a, only act. A breaker of horses, troWoëduvms, ov, 6. A breaking of horses, TóAévois, eas, i. To buy horses, itTwwéw, only act. A buying of horses, itſtroveto. Pasture for horses, it troºpépélov, in pl. Unsuited to horses, Öisitiros, ov, Not possessed of a horse, ’āvittos, ov. A commander of horse, it trapxos, See Cavalry. Made of horsehair, with a crest of horsehair, i ittróico- pos, ov; ; it tróAoqos, ov. A horseman (rider or driver of horses), itte‘īs; irró- Tms, ov, 6 (often as adj. with subst. &vhp, Aabs, etc.); + itTrevThs, où, d, sometimes as adj.; + introšárms, ov, 6. A fellow-horseman, oivittreſs. horsemen, +ittlávač. All the horsemen, Tào a lirtray &Méaois, Soph. To be a horseman, itrard ſoual, mid.; it reta, fittmââtéa. Horsemanship, it teta, itTāoría. A feat of horsemanship, a journey by means of horses, etc., fittrevua, Tó. Suited to horsemen, or to horsemanship, intrãoiuos; it- traaths, où, only masc. (of the horse). A horse-race, irroëpopºta. See Race, Hortatory, Tpot petricós. Horticulture, knireta. Hospitable, (of persons) pixóševos, and poet. pixáčet- vos, m, ov, and os, ov; (of persons or houses, etc.) ºf Toxiàevos; + ševôtinos, ov; + eißevos and ečelvos; (of house, treatment, etc., not of persons) £évios, a, ov, and os, ov; (of a house) + travöokos, ov; ºf Ševče is ; + eitpátegos, ov. A hospitable house, eisãoxal 56play, Eur. Hospitably, pixošévals. Hospitality, Śevta, Tpočevia, piaoševia, Éeviaprès, Čevoãoxia. To receive with hospitality, Tavčoketºw, no pass, in this King of sense nor mid.; + kátáčevów; + Tpočevéa, fut. —éga To form ties of hospitality with, Ševčouai, pass., c. fut. mid. To be connected by ties of hospitality with, ētri- £evéopal. Not connected by the ties of hospitality, ‘diſpáčevos, ov. A host, (i.e. entertainer) $évos and Četvos; Éattérap. opos, 6; travöokets; 6 ‘ūTočeššuevos; + Tpáčevos. 6, #: (i.e. body of men) orgâtés. See Army, Multilude. A hostage, Šp.mpos. To be a hostage, 6pmpeão, only act. Not carried off as a hostage, t &£500 taotos, ov, To give as a hostage, Šumpetia, only act. To take hostages from, Ščoumpstºw, c. acc. Hostile, éx6pos, compar. usu. —6tav, -6tatos; 5vspie- vis; 6ts@pov, ovos, 6, #; 5tsvous, ovy; Évávttos, + šutios; (in wars) troAéutos, a, ov, and os, ov; troAe- picós; † 6&ios, and contr. 630s; &vtåröAos, ov; +&v- Tºmpſis. - Hostilely, with a hostile disposition, êx0pós, òvspie- vös, Toàepikós. To be hostile to, &AAorpio's 6tákepal; &AAotpíos éxo, c. Tpès and acc., Isoc.; ÉvavTía's 6táicelſat, Dem, To make hostile, Toñépéopal, mid. (to oneself), in pass. to be made hostile, troAepotrotés. Hostility, Éx0pa. A hostile disposition, 'épušía. To engage in hostilities with, or be hostile to, #x00ay avušáAAw; Éx6pov giváTTw, c. dat., Eur,; Éx0pay Making hostile, causing hostility, alpopal, c, dat., Dem. - Engaging in hostilily with, or being hostile to, öt'éx6pas AoA&v, 6t’ x0pas à plywévos, c. dat., Eur. Enmily. Hot, &epubs (often metaph.); 61&Tipos (often metaph. also of men’s dispositions). . : To make hot, &epſiatva', and in pass, to be hot. See To heat. Hotly, (i.e. eagerly) évrévos; (i.e. angrily) Öpyławs. Hotness, &eppétms, mTos, ii. See Heat. A hovel, kāAüém. To hover, t Totòopal, mid., c. perf. pass. Tetrótmuai; (over) éiriſtotdowa; (round or about) Tepitrotáouai. See To fly. - He hovered round Epidaurus, trepi Tàu "Eiríðavpov &v- ea Tpépero, Thuc. Hovering around, † Tpooratºptos, c. gen. Hound, küov, küvös, Ö, ii. See Dog. To follow hounds, küum'yetéw, only act. See To hung. A follower of the hounds, küvnyérms, ov, 6; kvvāyós See Huntsman, See - 203 Hour—Humanly Hour (lit. and personified), "opa. See Time. Of the hour, suited to the hour, etc., &patos. An hour-glass, casiº'3pa. A house, oikos (in every sense ; family, q.v., house. hold, etc.); oikia; officmpa, Tó; otºmous, ii; 5600s (also as family); 36pa, Tá; oréym; t atéyos, Tá; +pétráðpov. * O you, my father's house, & tratpóov čotías Bā0póv, Soph. In the house, at the house, oilcot, ołko6e or —9ev. From the house, To the house, oticaäe. See Family, Of, or belonging to, a house, oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; + 6apatiris, ió0s, ii, only fem.; F oikototös, Öv (of furniture). At, coming to, protecting, or in any way affecting the louse, f Épéatios, ov. In or at the house, 'intégreyos; + šird poqos, ov; 5&pag- twv Štóateyos, Soph. The friends of the house, oi of coffew pixot, Eur, O that there would be some breezy gale arising here which would bear me from this house, et?' '&veſtásgod Tis yévour’ troupos é a riºt is aipo, Soph. Guarding, protecting the house, éottotºxos, ov; (as a dog) ºf oikovpbs, 6v. Born, bred in the house (of slaves or tame animals), oikoyevſs; # oikóTprº, isos, Ö, i. Living in the same house with, fºuéottos, ov; +Tâpé. OTuos, ov. Shaking a house, fºop:00 påAfts. I am well housed, Öeówudrakai oi, opukpá Xept, AEsch. A housebreaker, toxopäxos. To be a housebreaker, totywpüxéw, only ºct. Housebreaking, Touxwpüxſa. A household, oikia. See Family. With the whole household, travoºkmorſº, travouket. A housekeeper, Túpita; oikováuos, 6, #; oikoupěs, 6, #. A joint housekeeper, toivoicoupos, 6, #. To be a housekeeper (to keep, take care of the house), oikovpéo, sometimes c. acc. only act.; oikovouéo, Tapueta, and mid., c, acc. or c. gen, in pass. of the house, etc., which is managed. Housekeeping, oikovouía, Tâuleia; # oikovpmua, Tá; toikoupia; Tāufevpa, āros, Tb, in. pl. Xen. The apparatus of housekeeping, oikoirotos Tpop), Soph. Belonging to, practised in housekeeping, oilcovokicós. Houseless, &oticos, ov; &oikmros, ov. Housings, étroxov, editºriov. See Harness. How * trós ; f Tó6ew; Totte ſpétrº ; Tivi Tpétrº ; TpóToto'ſ Totois ; Trag.; (i. e. in which of two ways)? Totépas; How, indef, at the beginning of a sentence, as “how good it is,” or after a verb, as, “see how,” “you know how,” etc., ás; otov, oia; after a verb, or some similar word, Širos; fi &m; fömrep; folws, m; (i.e. in which of two manners) &rotépas; (with a re- ference to quantity or magnitude) égov, Šoa; (i. e. in whatever manner) 6Two'oùv, Štrastioëv; Śirm &v, c. subj.; Śirm'rep &v, c. subj. For there is no way how you can kill me, oi, Yáp éo 9' Štrov u’óAeſs, Soph. How, adj. (agreeing with the person spoken of), otos. How great 2 interr., Trógos; indef, 30'0s. At how great a price 3 for how much 3 tróorov ; In how inany days (could I arrive)? Tootatos (&p &plicoiumv); Xen. f How, small, indef, after verbs of considering, etc., Tootós. How many times? Togicus and Toréki; How far 3 tróarov; Howbeit, Šua's, See Nevertheless. However (connecting, and passing on to another son- tence), TA}v, uévrol; oil ſhu &AA& . . . ye, or ot pºv &AA& Kal . . . ye, Plat.; however brave you may be, 'yevvaiós trep &v, Soph.; so Xen. See But. A howl, ÖA0Avywós. To howl, ÖAoA'ſ (w, fut. —iſão and opal, no pass.; ºf ‘ūAáø, only pres, and imperf.; +'Warcrécº, only act. See To cry. A hoy, axe6ta. See Boºt, Ship. A huckster, "å"yopatos. To huddle up, ovvrāpāororo. And we, huddled together, ready to die with fear, sat in silence, jue's 5è ovataxévres às 6avoiaevol Xtyń kaffilwe0a, Eur. Hue, Xpoiá. See Colour. A huff, XóAos. A hug, ºf treputrixá. See Embrºſe. To hug, ºf trepitaékouai, pass. c. dat. See To em- brace. Huge, TeXóptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Wast. Hugeness, géyé00s, T6. See Greatness. The hull (of a ship), a kāpos, tá. To hum, 80p.6éo, only act. Human, &vöpáreios, &v0párivos, &vöpwrikós; + 8pé. Teos and tºpótewos, o, ov, and os, ov. - Half human, futéépépotos, ov. Humanly, &vÉpotivws, &vôpwTetws. Humane–Hurl Humane, pixávěpatros, ov, See Merciful. Humanely, piaav0p6tra's. To behave humanely, piaavöpwTetouai, mid. To humanise, juepów. See To civilise. Humanity, pixavěpatria; (i. e. human nature) to ãvěpáTivov, Tă ăv6.; † tº &v6páTela. Humble, rättelvás ; xàuaignxos, ov; +xãpaltretfis; (in condition) + Baiós. To be humble, opikpov ºppovéa, Eur, ; Pierpio's ºppovéo, Xen. To be more humble, uéſov pp., áA&trov (pp. Xen. To humble, Tâtreivów, a topévvvut, sometimes contr.; atópvvut, ovatéAAw, t RAïva. But now in calamities I must humble myself, vov 3’ ev kakoſs plot TAéïv Úpelgévm 50ket (lit. Sail with furled sails), Soph. A humble-bee, Bouéiſatos, A humbling, rätteſvogts, eas, i. Humbly, Tâtretvös. To humbug, FékkośāAikeiſopal, mid, Humid, ‘ūypós. See Moist. Humidity, ‘ūypótms, mtos, i. Fiumiliation, humility, Tâtreuvárms, to Xàpaignxov. A humming, Bépé0s. Humorous, yeXolos. Humour, Tpétros. etſkoxos, ov. See Witty. See Disposition. Good humoured, To humour, ‘ûirmpetéw, only act.; xàpiſopal, perf. pass. in act. Sense, but also with pluperf, in pass. sense, c, dat. Humouring Tissaphernes, étiq’épav Špy&s Tiogaſpépvel, Thuc. A hump, kūptapa, Té; köpos, té; (of a camel) £60s. Hump-backed, kūpévoros, ov; Köprwy, ovos, 6, #. To be hump-backed, kūpāopal, pass. A being hump-backed, küpárms, nros, j, kāpools, ews, j. A hundred, ékåröv, indecl. Omn. A hundred Nereids, Ératóutroöes Nūpmíðes, Soph. The number of a hundred, ékáTootiºs, -ijos, j. A hundred-fold, ékatovtåTAágiov, ovos, 6 kal j. The hundredth, ēkärootós. A period of a hundred years, ékátovraermpls, tºos, i. Two hundred, three hundred, etc., 6tákógiou, Tpiáicóa lot. See Two, Three, etc. Hunger, Alubs, 6, j; treiva; viorris (los), ū; aikia, vijotis Šča, viſatis tróvos, viſatis vógos, AEsch, ; + Iceway yia. Causing hunger, kevayyās; viotis, 10s, 6, #. To weaken by hunger, Aſuayzéa, only act. hunger, Apolºtovéa, only act. To kill by A killing by hunger, Apoktovía. Hungry, + via Tis, tos, 6, j; Aluđms. Very hungry, öğüttelvos, ov. Dying of hunger, FAigoffvils, fitos, 6, j. To be hungry, Telvão, sometimes c. gen, of the food for which, only act. To begin to be hungry, to be rather hungry, T'itoiretváa. To be very hungry, Bovaipudaº, only act. A hunt, hunting, &#pa; küvnyéotov; &#pevua, āros, Tó; &#pevois, eas, j; fººdypa, i küvmyia. To hunt, &mpeia, &mpáo; KüumyeTéa, only act.; (esp. successfully) '&ypeſo, and mid. –opal, no pass. (i. e. to trace out, q.v.); 'ixvečw; (down) + ækküvnyétéo; (in company or with) ovv0mpeão, avvömpöw. Hunting a boy round a pillar, ééAto'owy Taíða kíovos kö’KAq., Eur, One must hunt for, &mpâtéov. Hunting for oneself, ‘iótoffmpevrikā. Hunting by night, vvictepeta. Hunting on land (as opp. to fishing), to Trešoffmpików. Love of hunting, piaoffmpia. Not a time for hunting, 'üvaypta. A hunting establishment, küvnyéotov. A hunting-ground, küvnyéotov. A hunter, &mpsvths, où, 6; Küvnyétms, ov, 6; Küvá- 70,70s, i kvväyos, +’āypews; ºf 'dºypewths, où, 6; +0mpaypétms, où, 6; (by night) vuktodhpas, ov, 6; vvictepevrºls, où, 6. A fellow hunter or huntress, ovykvvmyérms, ov, only masc.; ovyküvºyös, Ö, h; ovv0mpaths, où, 6; ovv0mpeuths, où, 6. - Oſ, or belonging to, hunting, &mpevtikös, Kövmyerikás. Fond of hunting, ºptA00āpas, ov, 6; pixokvvmyétma, ov, 6. Skilful in hunting, "åypewrikás. Successful in hunting, ºf eißypos, ov; ; eißmpos, ov. Fit to be hunted, &mpāoriuos, &mpeutós. Not hunted, '30%pevtos, ov. Hunting with, giv0mpos, ov, c. dat, of the companion, sometimes c. dat. of the animal pursued. Hating hunting, prio 60mpos, ov. To hurl, Éitta; 8áAAw, no aor. 1., perf. BééAmka, etc.; ’ā‘pimput (i usu. Ep., i Att.), imperf &pimp, hºpínv and hºptovy, not used in mid- or pass. in this sense ; ºf architto; + ščikov, aor. 2., no other tense ; (at) ºf évasta, ; (down at) + ykaragºjirtw. See To throw. 205 Hurled—Tambic Hurled, traXTás; TavráAwóels, eſora, Év. A hurling, 80Añ. See Throw. A hurricane, Adºxall, Širos, ii. See Storm. Hurriedly, trporporáðmu, + qiāmy. Hurry, a Tovöff. See Haste. To hurry, act, Tlotépxw, only pres, and imperf, act,; êiretya, only pres, and imperf act, and mid.; Tāxīva, éritéxival, éirtoirečāo. To assist in hurrying, give- Turretſäa. To hurry, intrans., a reča, and mid.; tāxīvo. To be hurried along, ºf popéopal, pass. See To haste, To hasten. One must hurry, intrams., a Tevatéov. Hurt, a hurt, 8AéSm; 8AéSos, Tó; Aſſum; 3Adºis, eas, #; trnuoví; ºf Tāua, Tó, See Injury, Damage. To hurt, BA&tto, icătă8AáTTw; orivopal, only pres. and imperf. mid. ; # Thuatva', ºf 3m Méouai, mid. c. perf. pass, in pass. sens.; (in return) &uticăițoup'yéa ; (together, at the same time, etc.) ovuéAdirtw. See To injure, Easily hurt, eúšAattos, ov. Hurtful, 8Aašepós, étiſſutos, ov, c. dat. ; (muldºms, ºf AvWavtſipuos, c. gem. See Injurious. Husband, 'évhp, avöpós; + tróa is, eas, 6 ; +’ākottºms, ov, 6; yápérns, ov, 6; evmtºp, fipos, 6 ; feivätms, ov, 6; +eivätop, opos, 6; +eivérms, ov, 6; +vöpubtos, + šuevvérms, ºf giveuvérms, ‘Foºvevvos, + givāopos, + ortſNAektpos ; Aéxos, Tb, in pl. of one husband; épôAektpov Icápa, Eur, Loving her husband, † piñávop. JDeserting her husband, f Aitró)öpios, i. Having a bad husband, Föüsävap, opos, 6, # (Epith, of 'yduos). Having many husbands, + troXvävap, opos, i. A husbandman, yeapyós; Épyärns, ov, 6; airoup'y’s (esp. one who tills his land with his own hands); ’āpotpets (used also of oxen employed in husbandry); I. 1, €y&, before vowels ēyöv poet. (rare in Att. and only in chor.); #ywye, only in nom. gen, and dat. sing.; 6 'évhp 66e, not in nom. but in all the oblique cases sing. Trag. ; #5e Xelp, Soph. ; áušv kåpa, Eur.; toūpubv 6éuas, Soph. It depends on me, évtañ0’ evi, Soph: For you are the fellow-slave of me who was once your queen, orévôovXos yöp ei Tà ſp600' &várom Tääe, Eur, f e 3. u \! - v + yjitns, ov, 6; ºf épyātīvns, ov, 6; yírovos ºvip, Eur. A fellow-husbandman, Fovyyeap yds. See Farmer. To be a husbandman, yeapyéo, no mid. To be a fellow-husbandman, ovyyeapºyéa. - Husbandry, yeapyta, +’ápotos. Hush, otºya. See Be silent. Husk, Aéupa, Tó; céAüpos, T6. See Rind. Husky, kepxvóóms. See Hoarse. To hustle, avvodéa, fut. —60%ga, and —60 a. A hut, kāAüém, KAtolov. See Cottage, A hyacinth, śākutos, 6 kal #. Hyacinthine (esp. in colour), šátívčivos, Šáiclvöivo. Śāq'ſs. A hyāna, iſalva. A hydra. “ijöpa. Hymen, "fuévalos, “Fuhu, indecl. A hymeneal song, 'üuévalos. See Marriage. A hymn, iſuvos, Trpoofulov. See Song. - A composer of hymns, juvârms, où, 6; + šuvoTouás. See Poet. Singing hymns, juvø80s, 6v. To sing a hymn, Šuvéa, often c. acc. of him in whose honour it is sung; Šplugèëa. A singing of hymns, ‘ûvgöta. Hyperbole, ‘ûrep60Añ. Hyperborean, Ütrepšópeos. Hypocrisy, eipwveta. A hypocrite, eſpaw, wVos, 6. Hypocritical, eipwVikás. Hypocritically, eipovikós. To be a hypocrite, 'üTrootéAAouai, mid. See To dis- See Northern, Semble. Hypothesis, Širóðeoris, eas, ii, Plat. To lay down an hypothesis, ŠTottòepal, mid., in pass. esp. in aor, 1. Ötteré6mv, of the hypothesis laid down. One must lay down an hypothesis, Široffetéov, c. acc. J. Jack (a Jack of all trades), trévraðxos, sometimes in a good sense. A jackal, Śēs, Swbs, 6, sometimes à. A jackamapes, képical, -wros, 6. A jackdaw, coxotós, ſcopdºwn. Jaded, ‘ūTrépkotos, ov. See Tired. An iambic, tapéos. An iambie verse, iopéeſov. Iambic, adj., icºpéeſos, ov. 2f}{} January——Jest An iambic poet, iauéotroué. To write iambies, iauéotrouéa. To attack in iambics, iopéiſo, only act. January, Tâumåløy, Övos, 6 (began about the middle of our January). To jar, Tapaveuptgopal, pass, (as a string out of tune). Ajar, tidos; kitos, T6; āſapopets, kepäutov. A jar of water, t TAmpwoxón. A jar of oil, f ºppéap, &ros, T6. A jar of wine, Fatāuvos, 6, # ; † atáuviov, ºf grapºvăptov. Jasper, factus, ió0s, i. Ajavelin, 'écov, ovtos, 6, in prose more usu.; 'alcóv. Tuov; 8éAos, Tó; traXTöv, #8éAeplyov, to Tóxagua, Tó; + &ykšAm. - A javelin with two points, # &uſpá60A0s. A javelin with a strap by which to throw it, Fueggy- lcüAov. See Spear. To throw a javelin, 'écoutſſo, fut. —low, no mid, but pass. of the person hit, sometimes c. acc. or c, dat. of the javelin, sometimes c. gen. of the object aimed at, or c, čirl and dat., or és or karð and acc., c. acc. of the object hit. To contend in throwing the javelin, or to practise it, 8tákovtſouai, Throwing the javelin, 'écovtuguós; ’āicóvtiots, eas, i. Skilful in throwing the javelin, 'ülcovtuaticós. One who throws a javelin, 'ükovtiatºs, oo, ö; +’ākov- Tuathp, fipos, 6. See Dart. The distance to which one can throw a javelin, 'éicóv- ' Tioga, Tó. The jaundice, fictepos. To have the jaundice, ictepôopal, pass. Having the jaundice, ictepääms. A jaw, Yêvus, vos, h; Yvá00s, h; otăy&v, 6vos, # ; ºf yuaguás. - Ajay, ktoroa, An ibis, iéis, i50s, acc. iv. Ice, ºpúataAAos. Icy (congealed to ice), + kpua Taxxotº, Tiyos, 6, # ; + xpvoºraMAóirmittos, ov. An ichneumon, ixveijuay, ovos, 5. An idea, Štávola; vömua, T6. He seemed to have given up all idea of fighting, àoče . . . &Teyvokéval tot, waxeſoróat, Xen. I swear that I neither wished it, nor ever conceived such an idea, Čuvvut . . . Amö’ &v 6eXàgal, Amö’ &v évvotav A&éeiv, Eur, Idiotic, 'évoos, ov, contr. *āvous, vow, compar. -o'- grepos, etc. See Foolish. Idle, &pyós. To be idle, &pyéa, only act. ; Karapyéal, éAlvöw, only act.; &vatraſopal, mid. and pass. Idleness, àpyła, axoxii. An idler, 'üyopatos. Causing ruinous idleness, kākāo x0xos, ov. Idly, oxoxalas, compar., usu. 0x0Xaitepov, axoWaſ. Táta. To talk idly, kevox.oyéo, only act. See Foolishly. An idol, etàwãov; eit&v, Övos, i, oblique cases also from eikö, eikoús. See Image. To idolise, orééouai, mid. See To reverence. Jealous, piñáriuos, ov; ‘ûrontos, ov; + (nAérüros, Op. To be jealous, piñovetkéw, c. aor. 1. pass, in the same sense, no mid, nor other pass, tense. Jealously, ‘ūtróttas. Jealousy, (fixos, pixotipſa, (mAoti tria, to ‘ūtroitrov, Thuc. See Suspicioło, To be regarded by any one with jealousy, Étiq6óva's 6täketpal, c. dat, pers., Thuc.; inróttas Šlákepal, or ūT. §xaſ, Thuc. Xen. An olject of jealousy to, ‘ûrottos, ov, c, dat. A jeer, jeering, XAevāoria; XAeëagua, Tó; O'Köppa, &ros, Tó; + akoupétiew; keptóumous, i. To jeer, a któTTw, fut. -opal, no other mid. tense, no perf., no pass., c. acc. or c. eis and acc.; TuolcóTTw: ta,0áço, fut. -ãow and –ágouai, no other mid. tense, but also in pass. voice; coupěča ; x^evéo, no mid. or pass.; StaxAévé@ ; t kept ouéo, only pres, and imperf. act. and perf. pass, in pass. sense. Jeering, ºf keptóulos, ov (of words, or anger prompting words). A jee'er, XAevadths, ot, 6. One fond of jeering, piñook&ntms, ov, 6. Jejune, ioxvés. Jejuneness, ioxvótms, mtos, i. To jeopardise, civövveta, c. dat, also in pass., no mid. See To endanger. Jeopardy, civöövos. See Danger. A jest, orköppa, Tó; + akopºutitiow; kwu66mua, Tó. Eleyant jesting, Xapleuriguás. A thing done jestingly, a jest carried into eaecution, xãpitía. - To jest, okóttee, fut. oºkálhouai, no other mid, tense, no perf, act, no pass, voice; TigkøTTo ; X^evåga, no mid. or pass.; (neatly) xapleurigouai, mid.; Épe- axmxéw (opp. to speaking seriously), only pres, and imperſ, act.; (with) rposraíſo, fut. —Taíčouai, but aor. 1. –ércuqa. 2()? --- - Jester—IIl-tempered A jester, yeawtoroids; forwirtóAms, ov, 6; +yeaolos. A jewel, Aidos, 6, #. Jewelled (set with jewels), Stäx100s, ov. If, ei, with indic. asserting a possibility without ex- pressing any uncertainty; with opt. giving no opinion as to the likelihood of the thing supposed ; with subj. expressing a greater degree of probability in the sup: position than éðv does; + etke or -iceu, c. subj.; ei. ãv, c. subj.; éâu, sometimes contr. hw, and in Plat. &v, c. subj. (of a future contingency), expressing a slighter degree of probability than ei. If is often rendered by a participle, as:—But they are the most able of all the nations of the present time, if they are willing, Svyatol 5é eio. Háalota Tów vºv, BovXq19évres, Thuc. They would be blockaded if they remained, pºévovires troxtopicoivt’ &v, Thuc. If I had not feared Jupiter, Ziva pah poéoupévn, Eur. Making as great haste as if (i. e. as they would have done if) their own country were being laid waste, to- oraúrmy troumorduevot a trovöv 80 my trep &v Tàs airów xápas Tropfloupévms, Isoc. Even if, kal ei (crasis k'el) , .. 6116s, with indic. of the verb between the particles; kāv (for kal éâv) . . . épôs, with subj. - If not, ei pºh, when the negative applies to the whole sentence; ei oil, when it belongs only to a part of it; ph, c, part., e. g.:-And if he did not obtain this, he gave (i. e. would give) leave to any one who chose to cut off his head, kal Tottwu kápa Téuvetv čq'eſto Tó SéAovrt uh rixöv, Soph., so Thuc. Dem. To ignite, áirto, act. and pass. in this sense, but not mid., c. acc. of the thing set fire to, or c. gen., some- times also &nta trupt. See Fire, To burn. Ignition, tripworts, eas, i. Ignoble, aioxpos, &, by, compar. aioxiou, ataxiotos; 'âyevvºs, + 'đ')evīs, busyevis; ’āa muos, ov; + &yvös, ãºtos, 6, i. Ignobly, 'üyevvös. - gº Ignominious, aloxpos (see above); ‘āriuos, ov; #axm- - See Base. Ignominiously, aioxpós, ‘āriuws. Ignominy, aloxos, Tó; ávetö0s, T6; (as attached to a person, not to an action) &ripſa. See Disgrace. Ignorance, &yvotá (but sometimes à Trag.); 6vsyvoia, 'êuá6ta, ’āplovoia, ’ātrepia, ’ātrauðevoria, + &yvajoria, +'éteipoaivm. - In the first place your ignorance releases your error from the guilt of wickedness, orºv špaptſav ro pººl eiðéval aëv trpárov čkaffei Kakīs, Eur. play, ovos, 6, ii; troveſblotos. Ignorant, 'üraíðevros, ov'; 'éuáðhs, c. gen. or c. repl and gen.; 'âvetriotăuov, ovos, 6, #; ’āirepos, ov; âyvös, Öros, 6, #: ’āuovo'os, ov; + ščafts. The ignorant multitude, oi paſſXol, oi pavXórepol, opp. to go bol, orivetérepot, etc., Eur. Thuc.; so pavXóre- pos, more ignorant (without any opp.), Xen. Those who are skilful in arts are more unfortunate than the ignorant, oi tās réxvas exovres à0At&repoi tās qavXótmºros, Eur. - To be ignorant, &yvoéa'; 'üuáðatva', only in pres. act.; + 'āpanzăvéo; + 6vsplmxãvéw; + Aeſtropiat, pass. (i.e. to fail to understand), sine cas.; $6vos éxw, c. gen, Plat. Ignorantly, "Čuč0ós, "åtraičeňrws. An ignorant person, "i316tms, ov, d. Jinglingly, adj., + kočovákpotos, ov. The ilex, trpivos, j. See Oak. • III, kākós, compar. xeipov, superl. Káictora; pavāws. See Badly. To speak ill of 8Aasq muéo, c. repl or car& c. gen., or c. eis and acc.; Susq muéo; phaëpov elirov, px. Aéyw, c. acc. or c. repl and gen, Ar. Dem. Ill (i.e. sick, q.v.), #3500 ros, ov. To be ill, vooréal. See Sick. For I was so ill, éyò ačv yöp oita, kakós Sueté0mv, Isoc. Illness, véros. See Sickness. Illative, ovXAoyiotikós. Illegal, Švouos, ov; träpävouos, ov. See Unlawful. Illegal conduct, an illegal action, Träpävouía ; tāpāv6- pumpia, āros, Tá; + &vouſa. To act illegally, do illegally, träpävouéo, mid., but pass. of the action done. Illegally, "åvópos, trāpāvöpios. Illegible, or nearly so (through time), Illegitimate, v600s. See Bastard. Ill-favored, ill-looking, 8vseiðfis. See Ugly. Ill-fortune, 8vstixia. See Misſortune. Illiberal, 'üvexei,6epos. ov. Illiberality, 'üveXev6epta. Illiberally, 'êveXev6épaſs. Illicit, 'évouos, ov. See Unlawful. Illimitable, ’āuerpos, ov. See Boundless. . Illiterate, 'éuovgos, ov; ‘āypäuuä70s, ov; + 'âtrópov- IRather illiterate, 'üroãuovoos, ov. See ’āpījöpós. oros, Ignorant. Ill-judged, + '3'kpitos, ov. See Foolish. Ill-temper, 8vskoxia; xãMetrótms, mºros, i. Ill-tempered, SüskoAos, ov; xàAerós; + 35sopyos, ov, To be ill-tempered, 8vskoxalvo, no mid, or pass., some. times c. dat, of the cause; XáXetalwouai. OV. 208 IIl-temperedly—Immediately Ill-temperedly, 8vskáAws. Illogical, 'üovAAóyotos, ov. Ill-omened, + oricaiós; + §§sopvis, ibos, 6, ii, no neut.; (of words) + träAſupmuos, ov; + Icákofifthuov, ovos, 6, *i; (of a situation) + šešpos, ov. See Omen. A speech, or words, of ill omen, + 5usºmuła. To speak words of ill omen, + šuspnuéa, only act. Ill-success, 'arpaëta. See Misfortune. To ill-treat, aikigo, more usu. -opal, mid. (in prose always in mid.); ‘ūépiſo; Aw8ãouai, mid. and pass.; káków; Ajuaivopal, mid, and pass.; SiâAUMatvoual. To be ill-treated, 'âtéopal, pass.; Kakás Tāoxo, some- times irdoxa (by itself); Setvöv (or 6eivà) Táoxw, Eur. Xen.; first, trpordaxa. See To insult. Ill-treated, ºf Aw&mtós. Ill-treatment,"jšpts, eas, j; aiketa, Aium, A&ém; kā- kogis, eos, j. An action for ill-treatment, 5hºm al- ketas; for more serious ill-treatment, 'ypäth iſépeos. To illuminate, to illumine, ŠtáAdutra. Illumination, Aixvolcata. Illusion, 'ürărm. See Deceit. Illusory, "åtårmtikós. See Deceitful. To illustrate, orāqºmvíº. See To eaglain. Illustration, Tāpā50Xà. Illustrious, eúkkehs, poet.; KAelvös, Öriqívis ; etào- §os, ov; #vôočos, ov; + 'éyākWeltbs, 6v ; † &otöip,0s, ov; t reptºpavros, ov. See Famous, Glorious. To be illustrious, irpétro, rare, except in pres, and im- perf, act. (AEsch. Plat. have also fut. and aor. 1.); 61á- Tpétro, Škirpétro, Šutpéro; Aaſairpivouai, pass. Illustriously, eúkXeós, eúðółos, écrpetrós. Illustriousness, eúicketa, eúðočía ; Aapatpárms, mºros, j. See Glory. Ill-will, q63vos, 88suota, kākóvota, &möta. To bear ill-will, p5ovéa, c, dat., in pass, to have ill-will borne one, to incur ill-will, kākovoéa, only act.; + kā- koppovéa, only act.; &möös Xa, ; &möös 6tókepal, c. mpos and acc., Lys.; Trºp6óva's #xa, Xen. Bearing ill-will, 60svoos, ov, contr. —vous, -vovv, c, čs and acc. or c, dat.; ſcákóvoos, ov, contr. vows, vovy; + émiq,00vos, ov. To have ill-will borne to me, émiq66was 5tácepal, c, dat. of him who bears it, Thuc. An image, etowāov; eiköv, 6vos, j, also gen, elicots, and in all oblique cases as if from sixá; ’āyaapa, &ros, tá; + elkaopia, Té; sixãota, (carved) Łóávov; (as opp. to a reality) pāvragua, td. An ea act image, + abrékuayua, T6. To make images, ciówWorotéa, c. acc. cogn. The making of images, eiðaxoirotta, An image-maker, eiðwãoroiás. Belonging to the making, or to a maker, of images etºa- Aotolikos, eiðoxoupyicós. Imagination, pavtågia. To imagine, ‘itrotötróopal, mid. For just imagine such a fellow, vömorov yū0 totov.Towl, Plat, One must imagine, vomtéov. Imbecile, # keväppov. See Silly. Imbecility, Aertótms, mtos, i. To imbibe, éptríva, fut. Šutríopal. See To drink. But imbibe my words through your ears in the tranquil progress of your mind, 6t’ &rav Šē avvrérpalue ut,00w jouxá (ppevöv Bāqel, AEsch. To imbrue, putaíva. See To alain. To imbue, xpd ſo. Slightly imbued with opinions, étruceXpwopévot 36%als, etc., Plat. To imitate, pluéopal, mid, and pass.; £iculuéopal, "áropulpiäopal, 'üTetkäſo, ÇmAów. ovuuiuéa. He imitated . . . in every point, Śląbe uſuotaevos, Xen. One must imitate, ulum Téov, "åtrelkaotéov. What must be imitated, pigmté0s. To be imitated (i. e. what can be imitated), plumrbs, eipiumros. Worthy of imitation, (mAwtás, Imitating, àvriuinos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. Imitation (i. e. the act of imitating), uiumats, eas, #; &utiufumous; ſhAworis, eas, h; (i. e. thing made or done in order to imitate) pigmua, tá; 'êtreikagua, T6. Imitative, pupamticós. - An imitator, ulunths, (mAwths, futuos. Immaculate, "åkāpātos, often c. gen, etc. Immaculateness, ‘āyveſa. See Purity. Immaterial, kotºbos; see Trifting ; (i.e. having no materiality) &eišās; +’âgevmvös, Öv. Immature, &piós. See Unripe. Immeasurable, ºuerpos ov. See Immense. Immeasurably, 'épérpaſs. See Immensely. Immediate (i.e. happening immediately, etc.), t &0- Kvos, ov. See Quick. And in the immediate consequence not disgraceful, És re Tô airika u?) aiazpöv, Thuc. The immediate splendour, trapavrika Aapitºpórms, Thuc. Immediately, airica, trapatrika, eiºs, si6%. e5%as, träpäxpña , it alya, t'épap, + trāpavra, + win rout, To join in imitating, See Pure. P 2i)} Immedicable—Impending + avvráuals; 30-ov gift #6m, Eur.; Év Tišče, Eur.; Éić See Quickly. See Incurable, tov eiffeos, Thuc. Immedicable, ’āvākeorros, ov. Immemorial. See Ancient. Immense, ’āuetpos, ov; ‘āTeipavros, ov; &txeros, ‘ūTeppvils, inteppeyé6ms ; t'épétpmtos, ov; +’âtrepégios, ov; + ša Tetos, ov; '3' TAatos, ov. Immensely, 'âuérpos, ‘iºrepºpués, Saupéotov Šalov, ’āufixávov Šgov. Immenseness, *āustpfa. To immerse, 84tta, ćušártw. dip. Immersion, ºf 8&ºff. Imminent, Féirtóv, oùora, ov. Immobility, 'ékivmata. Immoderate, ºf ‘ūtrepéâAAwu, ovoia, ov, and ÖrepéâAöv, oùoa, ov. čvtos, etc.; &uetpos, ov; treptagós;”&lºpátos, ov; Ȧwos, ov. Immoderately, Ai’av, *āyav, 'épérpos, ‘itepéaxAów- ros, + treptorož. * Immoderateness, *āuetpſo. Immodest, 'évatóñs; &vatoxvvros, ov; Spågås. Impºldent. Immodestly, "åvatāās. To behave immodestly, to be immodest, 'üvatoxvvtéa, only act.; +’āvatāetopal, mid. Immodesty, *āvaíðela, ‘āvatoxvutta. dence, To immolate, Söw (Ö, but iſ usu. in pres, part, act, esp. in the oblique cases, also Šiew, Eur.). See To 8acrifice. One must immolate, &üréov. Immolation, Şüoría. See Sacrifice. Immoral, 'éoratos, ov. See Wicked. Immorality, 'üoratía. Immortal, 'ü0ävätos, m, ov, and os, ov; &póiros, ov; "dietyevis; +&uéootos, ov. See Everlasting. Immortality, "affāvāoria. To immortalise (i. e. to make immortal, also to con- sider oneself immortal), 'ü0ävätigo. Immovable, ào påAfts; ’ākivmtos, ov; 8vokiuntos, ov; ºperúkivmros, ov; ’āgerāortéros, ov; + ºutre50s, ov, no compar.; (by tears, prayers, etc.) + 'āreykros, ov. See Firm. Immovably, 'ürpéuás and &rpéua; Šutréðws, &crºpañós, ôvskivira's, ’āuetákiviſitas. To he immovable, 'Grpeptſo; &Tpéuas &o, Ar. Xen,; 'duetákivitas Šxw. Immunity, 'üréAeto (esp. from public burdens). uv ; See To sink, To See To impend. See See Impu- To immure, éyſcárotroëogeo, c. eis and acc. Immutable, ’ākīvntos, m, ov, and os, ov; 'àueráirre- Tos, ov; +&o påAfts. Immutably, Šutré60s. To impair, uápaiva'; Aüpaívopal, mid. c. perf. pass. AeAüuaggal, in act. sense, c. acc. or c, dat.; Météo, trapā0pačw. See To injure. To impale, "åvaakoxotriša, firiyvvut. Impalpable, 'üvãºfs. To impart, kolvöw; ’āvālcolvów and mid. c. pluperf. pass. in act. sense; ovycolvéopal, mid. See To communicate. - One must impart, KolvøvnTéov. Impartial, couës, “io'os, + štěpoffstäs. Impartially, eis to peo ov. Impassable, ’āśātos, ov; 60séâtos, ov; ’ātropos, ov; ‘āvočos, ov; 6ügobos, ov; busirépevtos, ov; (for horses) 6úsitiros, ov. Impassability, 'étropia. Impassioned (style, language, etc.), Trúðntikás, In an impassioned manner, Tráðmtikós. Impatient, Öğüs. For proud men are impatient at (cannot bear with patience) good arguments from their inferiors, of Yêſ. tvéovres péyaxa toûs ºpefa.govs A6-yovs IIIkpós (pé- poval Tów éAaqo juwv Štro, Eur. Impatiently, i övsqópos, + träAtºykóra's, 'i oritàmpós. To be impatient, t'aitamréa, only pres, act.; fortrép- X0||al, pass. To impeach, Ypépoua, mid, c. acc. pers, gen. of the cause, sometimes c. gem, acc. of the person and the accusation, or c. infin. of the crime. See To accuse, They voted that they should be impeached, éºmpío avto trpoSox&s airóv eival, Xen. Impeachment, 'ypâq)?, trpošox#. To impede, épitoöiſw, c. acc. pers, or c, dat.; c. gen. rei, or c. too and infin., or u%) and infin., or c. rpès and acc. See To hinder. Impediment, Šutróðugua, T6. See Hindrance. To impel, éAačva, fut. Ağaw (Att. also êAá, éAas, etc.); Tpotpétro. Calculated to impel, trporperticós. To impend, épio rapat, pass. c. Bor. 2. perf, and plupert. act. ; via Tapai ; Śirikpepiávviſual, and -kpéuáual, pass.; Tricelpai; tapréouai, pass.; Telut (–elva); + Tiffjétro, only pres, and imperf. act. Impending, Tripºpówevos; &rtów, oboa, bu, etc. (usu. in crasis with the article, Óðriðv, f 'triotſoa, etc.); Čirikpegåuevos; uéAAww, ovaa, ov, etc; +étrépxékévos, See Accusation. 210 Impenetr able—Important Impenetrable, ’āólášáros, ov; + discúpetos. See Impassable. Imperceptible, ’āvator0mros, ov; ’āoivortos, ov. Imperceptibly, A&6paſos. To do a thing imperceptibly, Affa, and Aavôāva (tenses from Añ00), c, part. agreeing with nom. to the verb. Imperfect, 'üTeX}|s, évôehs, juiteAñs. Imperfection, êvãeta. See Deficiency. Imperfectly, Čirićeós. Imperial, Bāqīxelos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Royal. Imperious, Túpavvikös, Öeotrotikós. Imperiously, Túpavvicós, òsoiroticós. To be imperious, Túpavvéa. Imperishable, ’ā6áváros, ov; '#yńpaos, ov, contr. &Yūpas, wV (as always in Att. prose); ’āyāpātos; 'ātavotos, ov; + šptiros, ov; 'Śītāq,00pos, ov; (of glory, etc.) &eiuvmatos, ov. . Impertinent, uáratos, m, ov, or os, ov. Imperturbable (of persons), "åtåpaktos, ov; 'âtépå- X0s, ov; see Calm ; (of conditions, happiness, etc.) 6éSatos. See Lasting. Impervious, ’āātāśāros, ov. Impetuosity, Öpuń; (of disposition) veðrms, mºros, #; (of anything falling) füum; (of anything thrown) + šitſ. See Violence. Impetuous, trporetäs; Évrovos, ov; + Acépès, Év; +&oºpos, ov; +&oëptos; +/16pyos, m, ov, and os, ov; ºf ałówy, wVos, Ö, ii. See Violent. Impetuously, Tpoſterås, + Adépôs, popômy, ºp- 67) w Impiety,'éoééeta; ’āvoatárms, mºros, h; ’āvogtowpyta; 'ä0éârms, mtos, h; +’âgesia, + 3vsgééeta, +8wsoresta. A deed of impiety, 'üoréémpa, Tó. Impious, ‘āorešās; ’āvágios, ov; 'â9eos, ov; '#Airãpios, ov; +’âgertos, ov; + 6vsoreéâs; +&vi’spos, ov; +’âtó960s, ov, See Wicked. Impiously, 'üvoríos, + 'é9ées, +5usgegås. To act impiously, to be impious, ’āorešéq', no mid., but AEschin, has pass. of the impious deeds done, and Plat. of the house affected with the consequ'rces of impiety; 'évogtowpyéa, only act.; + 3vsge6éo, only act.; +'éoreirréa, only act. piety, givāorefléa. Implacable, ’āirapaltmros, ov; + špetAtxos, ov; t’äueixtieros, ov; + 6vstråpatrºros, ov; +&reykros; t’ārépauvos, ov; +’áðsakros, ov; (of a war) &rarov- 30s, ov; ’ākñpvioros, ov; +'ä5uáAAacros, ov. Implacably, 'étéparthraſs, + &rrepzés. To implant, Čupiſa (i before a vowel, iſ before a con- To join in an act of im- sonant), aor. 2. čvépuy, as if from -ºpiºi, and perf. éutrépiſka, in pass, sense; Éuſpvreća"; + kärdikºw (of implanting feelings, hopes, etc., in man). Implanted by nature, šupitos, cv. An implement, a ketos, tá. See Instrument. To implicate (in an accusation), TAetotripíšouai, only pres. mid., c. gen, of the crime. To be implicated in, Tposéxopal, pass., only in pres, and imperf, c. dat.; éuTAékopal, pass. See To involve. Implicitly (to believe), āvaſtºpta 6 mTito's. To implore, ‘itceteſ w; 6éopal, mid., fut. Señoropical, aor. 1. pass. £6éâ0mv in act. sense, c. gen, pers., acc. rei, sometimes c. gem. gen, sometimes (but rarely) c. acc. pers.; &utiéoAéa, often c. gem. augment, e. g. hute- ŠáAovu, etc.; Tuaptiſpoſal, mid.; +&vtićſo; + &vro- pal, mid, only pres. and imperf. (see To pray, To entreat); # Tpostritta, fut. -trea otiual, no aor. l., aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. —Téttoka; (by touching the chin) troyeveláço; (in return) &vtićéopal. - To imply (to contain an assertion by implication) ēva muaiva'. Impolicy, + 5uséovXtc. Impolitic, '&Tpósokottos, ov. See Imprudent. To import, eio &yw, icoptſo; eisicopuſw, oftener in mid.; eisq’épa', fut. -oia w, oftener -oto opal, aor. 1. —fiveyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov; (instead) &vtipoptigopal, mid., also in pass, t To be imported, pottáa, only act.; Teſsépxopal, fut. —exeñoſopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —7A00w. See To bring. One must import, eisaktéov, kopuatáov. What may be imported, eisãy&Yiwos, ov; Éiretsäytäyi. MOS, ov. Importance, Éoth, Öyicos. Are are parents or our education of most importance # *Ap' of Tekóvres Stapépovolv Tpoſpat; Eur. And what is this word of eacessive importance which gou heard from me 2 trotov 6é wou treptorgöv #kovgas A6)ov ; Soph. Think order and silence of the greatest importance, kóopov Ical guyhu repl TAetatov ineforóe, Thuc. Important, uéyas, uéyéAm, uéya, all cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut. from PéyāAos, compar. peſſov, superl. ué yurtos; OTrovãatos; xpews, 6 ital #, neut. ww; ’ākārāq'póvntos, ov; easotös, süpeyebās; vriuos, ov; Érikaípios, ov. More im- portant, irpovpytat repos, trpegéürepos, and superl. —ratos. 3. Malters of importance, tà Stāqopa, }* 2 2] l Importation—Improve Matters of the greatest importance, Tà Méyiota Šiaſpé. povra, Thuc. To think important (esp. to oneself), ºf évapifluéopal, mid. - For they thought it a matter of great importance to get back the men, Tovs 'yap 57 &vöpas Tepl TAetovos étrototyTo copitoao 6al, Thuc. To think athletic exercises more important than music, Tpeočvtépa's yupuaatikhu povatºis tetipºicéval, Plat. Importation, copið), siskopič), eisãyayh, Tāpā- Touth; (of corn) oirotropºrta; (in return) &utiami! is, eas, i. Imported, étraktös, Öy; Éireſsaicros, ov; eistračov, ovg'a, ov. Importunate, ºf Altráphs, ºf y^{axpos. Importunately, Airãpós, YAioxpos. To importune, be importunate, Aſtrépéo, in pass. also to be entreated with importunity; yNixopal, mid, rare except in pres, and imperf. One must be importunate, Altrápmtéov. Importunity, 'üicalpía. To impose, éiríTithºut, Tpostíðmul, Tepitiffnut; āpupi- ÉáAAw, no aer, 1., perf. –éééAnka, etc. (esp. as a yoke on any one), c. dat. of that on which; ÉtričáAAw; êtrexativo, fut. —exãow, Att. —exé, és, 3 (esp. of imposing an oath); Éiritágga'; TiteXéo, fut. —éow; étritiuda (esp. of a fine); ’ārātāw; (in addition) trposetričáAAw; (upon, i. e. deceive, q.v.) ‘ūtrépxopal, fut. –exeño opal, no adr. 1., aor. 2. —fiX60V. See To deceive, To cheat. y To be imposed (as a penalty, etc. is imposed by law on an offence), Éricetual. One must impose, étrifletéov. Imposed, étaletós; + špearðs, &ga, bs, gen. Ötos, etc. - Imposing (i. e. grand-looking), preyāAotpetàs. An imposition, k\éupa, T6. See Deceit. Impossible, ’āropos, ov; 'übüváros, ov; 'éuñxãvos, - OP, “But can any one impart what he has not got 3’— “Impossible f * >0. Advaito 6 &v ris petaðiðóval 6 u% ºxo ;-AA. Kal trós : Plat. Impost, réAos, 76. See Tax. An impostor, yöms, mros, 6; + dévač, ćitos, 6. An imposture, tradio ua, Tó; Tāpā'kpovo is, eas, i. Impotent, àbüváros, ov. See Weak, Unable. To"impoverish, Aertúva. See Poor. -Impracticable, ’āpīkāvos, ov; 'āropos, ov (see Im- 212 4-1 + º- possil'e); (of a man, i.e. obstinate, q. Y.) + &rexed. Tºmtos, ov. To imprecate, kātāpāopal, éirãpdoga; Tetºxopal, c. dat, pers.; Kätetxopal, T âq vpavéo, +’āpāouai. Imprecated, caused or invoked by imprecations (of a calamity), f'épátós. Imprecation, 'épô, ºf eixh. Uttering imprecations, 'épatos, a, cy, and os, ov, c. dat, of him against whom. Impregnable, ’āvāAwtos ov; ‘āAmirros, ov. To impregnate, éuirin Amul. See To fill. To impress, évo muatva (a thing on another); €kudo. orw, Túrów. Newly impressed, + veoxãpaktos, ov. To make an impression (on one's hearers), KTAfforta, aor. 2. pass. -ettàfiyny, but more usu. in Att. —eTAáymv. I know that they (sc. the speeches) make the greatest £mpression on the minds of their hearers, yivágka' . . . &ri . . . oitou uáAtata évôtoutai Taïs Juxois tº &lcovávrov, Xen. To take an impression of (so as to copy), 'üTouágoſa, and mid., no pass. An impression, titos; xàpakthp, fipos, 6; +ékuá. 'yetov, ºf Škuaict pov; ; kóppa, Tô (of a coin). The taking of an impression, êóuopčis, eas, i. To imprint upon, êtrièáAAw, perf, -śćéAmica, no aor. 1. Newly imprinted, veoxãpaktos, ov. To imprison, 6éo, Icáráðéo; eſpºyo, and in pres. and imperſ, act, eipyvöw; ‘āTotòmut eis beguwthptov, Lycurg. And at first he is imprisoned by the Ephori, kal és uën Thy eipktºv čotſtret to Tpótov Ště Tów ‘Eq6pov Thuc. Imprisonment, eip'yū6s. Improbable, ’āAoyos, ov. Improbably, 'üAó'ya's. Improper, '&Tpetrºs, +5ustpetrás. See Wrong Improperly, kākās, &oxmuðvøs, ſcaicoaxmudva's. To behave improperly, àoxmuovéw, only act. Impropriety, 'ürpéreta, āoxmuorávn. To improve, intrans, éiríðiðwpt, eiut (iéval), Čirl to BéAtiou, Xen.; ueratūrta, Beatiova (sc. rpáygara), Eur. - It is natural that, after going on ill, the cities should improve (should have a change for the better) . . . for as while a man is alive, there is hope that he may improve, after having fared ill, . . . etc., áic pºw roß See Prison. Improvement—Inactively kaicós Trpättely ràs tróAels ustaš0A;is tuxetv Čiri to BéArlov sixás éotiv ... àorep yap &věpá, w (ºvt. uèv éAtls éic roº Icarcós Tpāśat uétaired elv, A 'curg. To improve, act, aſſivo, fut. awā'īow, etc. Improvement, atºmoris, eas, h; éiribogus. Improvidence, imprudence, &ppodium, 'üšovata, &Aoyia. See Folly. - Improvident, imprudent, 'éAoyos, ov; 'āAöytotos, ov; &rpovámºros, ov; ’āirpágicettos, ov; + ššovX0s, ov; + kākāºpov, -ovos, 6, #. See Foolish. Imprudently ’āAoyiotos, ’āirpoéovXeūtws, &Aóyws, +’āirpoéoùxas. Impudence, ’āvatóela; Spåros and &dporos, Tó; &på- airms, mtos, h; ’āvatoxvutta. Not with eacessive impudence, whº Atav čva BAépapa Tpós T' &vatóēs &yayêv, Eur. Impudent, 'évatoryvutos, ov; 'évalºs, Spågås; +&på- oiſotoplos, ov; ; Küv6 ppav, ovos, 6 kal j; (of speech, etc.) Aápipós. An impudent fellow, ºf Mé0av, wVos, 6. To be impudent, behave impudently, 'üvaičevopal, mid.; ‘āvatoxvutéa, only act. To speak unpudently, tºpčovo Topčw, only act. Impudently, '&vatóðs. To impugn, kó0áttopal, mid., no pass. in this sense, c. acc. or c. gen. See To attack. Impulse, óppi. Allempts are made on the impulse of the moment, 6t' āpyūs ai étrixelpígets yiyvouTai, Thuc. Impunity, 'éðela. With impunity, adj. &ſhºulos, ov; x&ipov, ovoia, ov, ovtos, etc.; +’ākāavotos, ov. With impunity, adv., vitrouva, vntrolvl, 'êvãtel, &@m- All to S. Not with impuniº, tradov, ovoo, ov, ovros, etc. Do you think that you will always say these things with impunity? fi kal yeym6&s Tajt’ &el Aéew Soiceºs; Soph. If these deeds of violence are to be done by her with impunity, ei tatt” &vatel Tjös ketoetal icpátm. Soph. You shall not lecture me with impunity, k\dov ºppéva- orets, Soph. To escape with impunity (only in fut.), FlcáT&Tpoičouai. Impure, t’āvayvos, ov. Imputation, airta. See Blame, Accusation. Lying under this imputation, ºpépaw Tävöe Báštv, Soph. - f incur the imputation of folly, paptav čºpxtakāva, Eur, For I shall incur the imputation of cowardice and baseness, kal &etAtav Yêp kal kakjiv Kektſioſoſtal, Eur, To impute, 'üváriënui, Tpostíðmul, 'üvāqāpa, fut. ăvotorw, aor. 1. &víveyka, aor. 2. čvíveykov, c, dat. or c. prep. eis or éirl and acc., etc.; Éripépo, kaTai- Tudopal, c. acc. of the imputation, sine cas, pers.; +’āvdārta. See To altribute. And let no one impute this as a virtue to you, p.m3’ & àpetà Totò juáv uměels kataAoyiſé000, Æschin. Imputing to the Gods the great iniquity of the deeds which are being done, pleyóAmv Šč 0eois &yvapoortvmy eièótes épywy Töv Tpagoſopévov, Soph. To be imputed to, 'üuñico, no mid, or pass., rare except in pres, and imperf. c. eis and acc. One must impute, ’āvā9eréov. In, Év, poet. Pl, c, dat.; ſtető, c, dat, or c. ace, as- in the hands, wetā xepal and wetā xeipas, also c, gen, as—in any manner, ple6' àtovotiv trpátrov; ’āvā c. acc., as—in one's mouth, etc., &vö orówa; Karā, as—in the mind, Icar& Supbv, or (to be wounded) in the breast, Kará otă60s, etc.; Éirl, c. gen, or c. dat, as–in peace (in the time of peace), štº eipſiums, is the time of the Mcdes, étri Míðav ćpxóvitov, in the night, eir vukti, —in the mind, éirl (ppeal,—in all things, étrl Tägi, also c. acc., as—in columns twenty-five deep, it’ &G Tiêas Tévre ſcal eſtcoalv, in this sense also c. gen., -in threes—in fours, éirl Tptóv—éirl Tego dpov; 51& c. gen, —to take in one's hand, 61& Xepôv Aášeiv,--to cherish in one's heart, 31& otépwov čxeiv, Soph., if I had been in anger, ei uèv 61° àpyńs àkov, in pity, 6t’ ot- ictov (eiul),—also in of time;-in the eleventh year, 6t’ &vöekátov čtous. To be in, Švelut (–eival), in 3rd sing, pres. Švi often for évéort; in (circumstances of feelings, as in perplexity, in fear, etc.), £véxopal, pass., chiefly in pres, and imperf. Inability, 'üpım Yávia, ’āööväuío. Inaccessible, &éâtes, m, ov, and os, ov; 60séâtos, ov; ôustrpóséâtos, ov; 6vsetséoxos, ov; bustſpósoãos, ov (of places or people). " Inaction, inactivity, fig6.jpta, Ágætdºwn. time for inactivity, oùx éöpas &kph, dolence. This is na See In- oph. The advantages which have been lost through in t& Kateñāgôuumuéva, Dem. Inactive, àpyös, fig6.jpos, pláAákós. See Indolent. To be inactive (as we say, “to sit with one's hands before one; to go to sleep,” etc.), káðmual, only pres, and imperf.; ká9e336, Inactively, fig6üuos, tivity, 2 | 3 Inactivity Inactivity, Śā6üuta. See Idleness. Inadequacy, Švösta. Inadequate, évôeſis; 'évaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Deficient. Inadequately, Évêeós, compar. Övösearépaſs and —spov. Inadvertence, ’āqlūAašta. See Carelessness. Inadvertently, 'épüAáictas. t Inanimate, #yūxos, ov. Inanity, kevärms, mºtos, i. Inapplicable, ’āxpeſos, a, ov (more usu, os, ov); ’īva'peaſis; 'évadéAmtos, ov. See Useless. Inarticulate, ‘āormuos, ov. Inasmuch as, Ös 6), ‘āte 6), ola 8%), flora. To pardon me, inasmuch as I am compelled to act thus, §§yyvouav foxetv ć's 8tágouai réðe, Soph. Imattention, 'éuéAeto, f'éueAta. See Carelessness. Imattentive, ’āqipóvitiatos, ov. I desire you to be silent, and not to be inattentive, qiyāv IceAéðw, ſimó' & peatával ºppévôv, Soph. Inaudible, ’āvākovo Tos, ov. (One must) inaugurate (a statue), ‘iópüTéov. Unauspicious, i Tàpopuis, i90s, 6, #; +65sopvis; (of words) + 60sq.muos, ov; + kákópétis, eas, only fem.; ºf Kákoğluov, ovos, 6, #; # TäAiuq) muos, ov; (of sacrifices) 'éditos, ov. See Ill-omened. Incalculable, &vešešperos, ov; &rkoros, ov; +’āvīpī9. Pos, ov; +’āvāpiðuos, ov; +’āvāpi'09"tos, ov. See Innumerable. Incantation, êtrø8%. One who uses incantations, F &otöbs, ºf Éirgöös. Used as an incantation (of words), áirgöös, Öv. To utter incantations, kāraetów, contr. (as more usu, in Att.) Kátáða'; traeiða. One must use incantations, éirgoréov. Incapable, 'üğüváros, ov. See Unable. I am incapable of doing, Spáv čpvu äuäxavos, Soph. To incapacitate, trºpów. Incapacity, 'éunxãvia, To incarcerate, 5éw. See To imprison. Incarceration, Öeoplbs, plur. Seguo! and beguá. Imprisonment. See Incautious, ’āpāAaktos, ov; 'étépio'kertos, ov. Incautiously, ‘ātreptokéttas, 'übüAáktas. Incautiousness, &pixa;ta. To be incautious, ‘āqlūAactéo, only act. Incense, F &60s, Tó; +&iſutāua, Tó. An incense offering, ‘Féiríðjuíàua, Tó, To burn, incense, or to burn as incense, F &dutów, only act.; exfluutów, A y “{ ºf 4 Inclined An incense burner, vessel to burn incense in, Şüuiātāptov. Consuming incºnse, tsunſpáyos, ov (of fire). Smelling of incense, fºváels, t \vdāms; i &vašákos, OP. To incense, ščvo, Túpoğüvo; āpyatva, no perf., no pass., no mid., but the active voice is sometimes used in pass. sense ; + XoAów. I have incensed my husband more than I ought to have done, p.6MAov h Xpiv #Aao' eis àp'yºu trógiv, Eur. See To ea asperate. Incensed, firepióüuos, ov. See Angry. An incentive, kévrpov, Öppntſipuov, 'üTékkavua, Tó, Incessant, 'étravotos, ov; giveXàs, évôsAexhs ; +’āAmktos and &AA micros, ov; +’ákópegros, ov. See Ceaseless. Incessantly, "Čel, oriveXós, òvöexexós. See Always, et C. An inch, ÖdktüAos (not above seven-tenths of our inch). An incident, quuſpopá. See Event. Incidental, Tüx&v, oùora, Öv. Incidentally, Tüxövtos; v Träpääpopuff (of any ob- servation made incidentally, obiter). Incision, êtritouſ. To incite, pudo, popudo, Éopudo, yeſpo, örpüvo, éºotpāva, ćirotpüvo, &#yo, tºivo, trapošūvo, tºp- See To eacite, To urge. One must incite, kivmtéov, f €yeptéov. Incitement, 6éAeap, Tó. Inclemency, xàAetróttis, mtos, i. Inclement, XàAetrós. See Severe. Inclination, ÖAich, c. gen. of that to which one in- clines ; (of the mind) ºf Ahua, T6; (of a scale) 50Tſ. To incline, trans. (i.e. to bend in any direction), k\ivo (esp. down); + fiétro, only pres, and imperf.; (a per- son to such and such conduct) éâyo, Tpošišáço; trāpāya (usu. of inclining to evil); (down) kärä- kNiva, + Icaraññétw. To incline, intrans, or to be inclined, 5étra (lit., and metaph. of the mind), sine cas, or c. prep. Örl or eis ; veða, Étiveča'; 'pépa, fut, otow, more usu. ofa oual, vupwt. See Severity. aor. 1. #veyka, aor. 2, #veyirov (as an opinion inclines); käivouai, Čykaivopal. To incline by nature, pvouai, pass., c. aor. 2, act, pvv, and perf. Trépºica, in pass. sense; riveča. To incline (intrans.) towards, Čirić5éro; 3rik\ivo, c. Trpos and acc. Inclined, + ovykäiväs, c. &m) and dat.; + kārāvrºs (of affairs), c. rpos and acc.; (in mind) irpova rhs, c. sis and acc.; roomerhs, c, čirl or ºpis and acc. Include—Incredulously If you are inclined, ei BovXouévº got &otiv, Plat. Basily inclined to anger, Öğüßotos Tpos tés àpyås, Plat. * Inclined, with a disposition inclined towards, adv., trpo- TreT&s, Xen. To include, ovutepiadušāva, fut. —Aff!ouai, no aor. l, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf –eſamºa; avykātāpiðuéw, ovutt0mut; (as one term includes another) ovvett- ºpépa. One mºst include, ovutrepi\mirréov. Incoherent, 'üoivöeros, ov; 'ào'àvarros, ov. Incombustible, ’āravaros, ov. Income, ºrpósoë0s, h; Añupia, Té; Tô irportávra. See Revenue. Incommensurable, Incommensurate, ’āoripperpos, ov, c. dat. of that with which. Incommensurateness, 'üo uppetpfa. To incommode, évoxAéa, usu. c. gem. augment #vá- XAovy, hugzAmica, etc. See To harass. Incommodious, ’āveritàöelos, ov. See Inconvenient. Incompatible, ‘āuikros, ov, c. dat.; &AAórpios, c. gen, or c. dat. Incompetent, #Atôios. See Unfit. Incomplete, ’āTeXhs, juireAfts; &ötépyaorros, ov. Incompleteness, ’āréAeta. Incomprehensible, &Téicuoptos, ov; ’āorāqās; +80s- kpitos, ov; +8üsetpetos, ov; +’āormuos, ov; +’āictXm- tos, ov; 3vstóirgatos eiðéval (of Jupiter), Eur. Incomprehensibly, 8vskáràuáðhtas, 'êtekuāptos. Incomeeivable, šakotos, ov. See Incomprehensible. Inconceivably, 'üumxávols. Inconclusive, ’āorvXAó'ytotos, ov. Inconclusively, 'đavXAoytoſtas. Incongruous, ’āicatáAAmAos, ov. Inconsiderable, pavXós; 8päxös, compar. Bpäxvrepos and 8páxtov; 6 tixòv; ’āāoš0s, ov. Inconsiderableness, q'avXórms, mºros, h; ’āāošía. Inconsiderate, ágicettos, ov; 'ātpéokertos, ov; &Tpovámtos, ov; ‘āAoyos, ov; +’ášovXos, ov. See Imprudent. Inconsiderately, &rpoéoùAws, ’āéoùAws, &aſkémtos, ‘āTéptakétr+ws, eúxepôs. See Imprudently, Rashly. Inconsiderateness, &TpošovXía. See Rashness, Im- prw/ence. Inconsistent, &otſpuerpos, ov; &AAotos; 6tépépav, ovoia, ov, c. gen.; ’āoriºubovos, ov, c. dat. Thinking that what was said was inconsistent, jºymad- pºevos of ovv$6elu rô Aeyópeva, Xen, Inconsistently, Śarvºdºva's. Inconstancy, to &éééatov. Inconstant, ºria ros, ov; ’āéééatos, ov; ràxiusoxos, ov. See Fickle. Incontestable, ’ākārā'éAmros, ov. It is incontestable, oilk vi atáois, AEsch. See To deny. Irrefutable. Incontinence, 'ékpåreta,’ākpāoria. Incontinent, ‘ākpáths, often c. gen, either of the passion which is not restrained (e.g. ēkp. Öpyńs, Thuc.), or of the object desired (e.g. ākp, répôovs, Arist.). Incontinently, 'dispátós, c, trpos and acc. of the object. To be incontinent, ‘ākpāreſouai, mid., no pass. Incontrovertible, 'üvéAeyktos, ov; 6üséAeyktos, ov; &večéAeykros, ov; bise;éAeyktos, ov. Incontrovertibly, &večexéykTas. Inconvenience (for any particular purpose), *āxpmotſa. Inconvenient, "Gxpmotos, ov, c. dat. or c. eis or mpos and acc.; 'āqūupopos, ov; ’āveTitíðetos, ov. See Unpleasant, Useless. Inconveniently, &veTitmöetws, compar. -ótepov; '3xphotos, ’āicaſpas. Incorporating you in a connection of kindred, és riv ovyyávetav oikeuotivtes, Thuc. Incorporeal, 'ü0 πtos, ov. Incorrect, TAmup exhs. See False, Wrong. Incorrectly, kākós. Incorrigible, àvi'ātos, ov. Incorrigibly, àviára's. Incorruptible, ’āötáq6opos, ov; &p6aptos, ov; (with gifts) ‘āöopos, ov, c. gen, of the bribe; 38wpoöökmros, ov; ‘āöékgatos, ov. |Incorruptibly, 'ü6apoãokhtws, Increase, atºmats, eos, h; Śrāoris, ews, h; atºm, † Trposqopd. - To increase, trans. aščávo, fut. ašāga, etc.; ºr- avčávo, givavčávo; +&éčw, only pres. and imperf; + aiſſa, only pres. and imperf; in size, éiriteſva, + Tāxīvo; in number, avpiramóðvø. To increase, intrans, the pass. of most of the preceding words; TAmööw, relul (–1éval), Tiěfoul. Incredible, "åriotos, ov; ’āričávos, ov. The incredible nature of the charge, rās airfax &mić- várms. Æschin. Incredibly, 'ürtara's, 'éumxávols. Incredulity, ‘ārtoria (ia, but it, also, Theogº.). Incredulous, Štriaros, ov. Incredulously, Öustrfor tws. 215 Inculcate—Indigenous To inculcate, áirgöw, contr. for étaetów. Incumbent, but it is incumbent on you, O Vulcan, “Hºpatore, orol Śē Xph, c. inf, Æsch. See Ought, Duty, To incur, (blame, etc.) 36Atakāvo, fut. §ºxhow, aor. 2. čq^ov, perf. & phºmka, no mid. Or pass., c, dat., or c. Topó, and date, or c. Tpbs and gen, or c. rpès and acc. of the person in whose eyes one incurs the blame; āqeixo; &vrixalušávo, fut. —Ahilopat, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —eixmpa, c, acc. of the fault for which; étréºyouai, mid.; (danger, etc.) fitto ; trapaśćAA0- gal, mid.; (besides) trposoſpxtakāva. Self-incurred, it éraktös, Öv. Incurable, ’āvākeatos, ov; 6üsi'āros, ov; 'évi'āros, ov; ; 'igūgráros, ov; ; ŚāsāTáAAactos, ov; i övs- 6epārevros, ov; † 6üskºxos, ov; 'àuffixávos, ov. Incurably, ‘āvīārws. An incursion, êtrièpouh, Káráðpopºl, épéoÅff. Invasion. See To make an incursion, kärä0éo, fut. -6eſigouai, no perf, or aor, no mid. or pass. See To invade. Indebted, ‘ūtróxpeals, 6, #. See Debt, To owe. Indecency, 'ékoguía, ātpéreta, āqzmuorium. Indecent, indecorous, &rpetrºls, 8vstrpetrás ; &oyi- Hov, ovos, 6, #. Indecently, indecorously, &axmudvos. To be indecent, to behave indecently, indecorously, 'üko- ouéa, only act.; &03 mpovéa. Indeed, uèv; why (usu. with some other particle); 5% (uhu is properly of a future intention, 8% of a past action, though these niceties are not always strictly observed); Tot, enclit., in prose usu, joined with some other particle; + ša, f 'épa. Indeed (i. e. truly, really), Teóv. Indeed 3 interj, ’āAmbés; Who indeed (answering to the Latin quippe qui), Šs ye. Aye indeed (in answer), Hèv obv, after some other word. - In deed (opp. to in word). See Deed. Indefatigable, 'ékoros, ov; ākuhs, firos, 3, #, rö; '3- Käuáros, m, ov, and 0s, ow; tºdiºuwu, ovos, 6, #, c. gen. of the weapon with which. Indefensible (of a place), "špúAakros, ov. Indefinite, &6puatos, ov. Indefinitely, &optoſtas. Indefiniteness, àoptotia. Indelible, ’āvečāAetirtos, ov; +’āvūrros, vitrºtos, ov; + 6üsékvitrºtos, ov. Indelicacy, 'aypotkia. See Rude, Coarse. See Truly. ov; + 65s- J. state); ai Tokpátop, d, i. Indemnity, 'āöela. Independence, airtovouſa. Independent, airóvouos, ov; ’āvapktos, ov; airáp- kms ; airótroAts, é, í, neut. -1, gen. —eas, etc. (of a See I’ree. Independently, ŚAev6épaſs. To be independent, airtovouéopal, mid. Indescribable, 35ifyntos, ov; ‘āufixávos, ov; +’ā. páros, ov; ; ’ā0éa pătos, ov. Indescribably, 'éunxãvas, Indestructible, ’āöld pôopos, ov; 'āváAeópos, ov; 'üſſe- Táotáros, ov; ‘āöläAitos, ov; +’āAüros, ov. Indestructibly, 'éAüTws. Indeterminate, &óptotos, ov. See Indefinite. To indicate, gnuaívo; unvöw (i before a short syll., ū before a long one); ‘ūToo muatva. See To show. Indication, Tekufiptov. See Sign. To indict, eisayyéAAw, c. dat, or c, eis and acc. of the tribunal before which; Ypāqouai, mid., in pass, usu. of the person indicted, but sometimes of the indict- ment brought; Aayxéva; *ykamua, or Aayxávo Sk kmv, c. dat, pers, against whom. See To accuse. Indicted, yºmtos, ov. See Accused. An indictment, eisayyexta, Ypāgh; Añés, eos, fi (as respects the prosecution, not as respects the defendant indicted); #ykAmua, T6. See Accusation. One must indict, kärmyopmréov, c. gen. Indifference, pg5upta, śālovpyia; Wüxpórms, mTOs, i. See Carelessness. -- Indifferent, (i.e. careless) pāAäkös, ÖpéAbs, luxpós; + šakoros, ov, c. gem.; (i.e. unimportant) 'éâtépupos, 0]/. So indifferent to most people is the search after truth (i. e. such an object of indifference is . . .), oùTws ‘ārāAaï- tropos rols toNAoſs i ſãrma is tis &Améetas, Thuc. Being indifferent about dying, rod Saveſv *āºppovris &v (ãºppovtus, -i60s), Eur. It is indifferent, &pſpišešíos éxel, AEsch. An indifferent workman in making devices for shields, ormuároup'yos siteXhs, /Esch. With indifference, uáAákós. To be indifferent, indifferent to, uáAäkigopal, mid, sine cas.; ‘āq povtuatea, c. gen, no mid, or pass.; Tepi- opda, no aor. 1. or perf, aor. 2. Trépietàov, c. acc. Indifferently, (i. e. equally, q.v.) duotos; (i. e. not well) paixas. Indigence, revia, +'àxpmuodiv). See Poverly. Indigenous, airóx0av, ovos, d, j; +’ī0āyevås; tºrā- A&tx0av, ovos, d, j; + &ü6iyevis. 2] 6 Indigent—Indulgence Indigent, trtaxbs, h, by, and bs, év; Trévils, 6, ti, gen. -vmtos, compar. —véatepos; + trevixpós. See Poor. Indigestible, Băpăs. Indigestibility, 'êtrepta. To be indignant, 'üyāvacréo; 6vszepaíva, c. gen, or c. dat., or c. repl and gen, or c, čirl and dat.; &02(3. Ado and &ox&AAw, only pres. and imperf.; Susqopéo, c. acc. or c, čirl and dat.; p5ovéo, c. ei or éðv, or c. 8,71; XaAetrós (pépw, Thuc.; Triºpôs pépa, Eur, so belvås (pépo, öeivôs éxaſ, Xen.; beivöv trouéa, oftener Touéopal, Thuc. Xen.; XaAetrós éxw, sometimes c. dat., Xen. To share another's indignation, ºf Grüva- oxãAdw. It was natural that they should be more indignant, Xa. Aetétepov eircóra’s épceXAov oigely, Thuc. "Indignation, + vépeois. Calculated to cause indignation, vegeantás. Apt to feel indignation, vegeantikós. Indignity, "ijópus, eas, j. See Insult. Indirect, alcoxtés; TAáytos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Crooked. Indirectly, orke?\tós; Indiscreet, ‘āéovXos, ov; kákóppov, ovos, 6, i. Indiscretion, 'ééovXía, i övséovXía. Indiscriminate, to ſupvptos, ov. See Confused. Indiscriminately, ovykexiſtévos. See Confusedly. Indispensable, ’āvaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Necessary. Indispensably, 'üvaykaſa's Indisposed, (in health) &00eums ; see Sick; (i.e. un- willing, q.v.) ‘ākov. More indisposed (to do any- thing), ášša,0tótepos, c. eis and acc., Thuc. To be indisposed, (in health) vogéo; (i.e. to be unwill- ing) &éovaéa. Indisposition, vögos, j. The rest of the allies laboured under an indisposition to serve, oi &AAoi orippaxoi év čáñoottº; foray too otpateiſelv, Thuc. Indisputable, 'évauqugéârntos, ov; ‘āvapºptAoyos, ov; ebouox60mtos, ov. Indisputably, 'üvapºptoſémtitas. Indissoluble, 'éAvros, ov; ‘āöläAiros, ov; +80s?vros, ov; F Övsešávvoros, ov; (of friendship) 'üviſitépéAm- Tos, ov. Indissolubly, 'éAürws, # 5usekAirws. Indistinct, 'üráphs; + ša fluwu, ovos, d, j; +'éo muos, ov; (of sounds, statements) + ſexNós; (of half-effaced characters) 'égiºpós. • But night, because it is dark, is more indistinct (i. e. makes us see more indistinctly), i. 68 vić, Ště to 01:0- Telvi, eival, &gapeotépa šotiv, Xen. Indistinctly, 'édépás. Indistinctness, ’āgāpeta. Individual, 'fölos. An individual, iólátms, ov, 6. Each individual wishing to be able to speak, attös eitreºv §kao Tos BovXópºevos Sávagáal, Thuc. But I cannot state the number accurately, either of indi- vidual states, or of all together, àpiðubv 6& Ypápal, # ka0° àkáo Tovs éicatépov, h £iputravtas, oùk &v éöövd. p.mu &kpišós, Thuc. Individually, ióſg. Indivisible, ’āuephs; "Čuéptortos, ov; &Tumtos, ov. Indolence, àpyia, §300 pia, Égotówn; va,0pótºms, mTos, #. - To lose through indolence, kāraß5300jwéw, no mid., in pass, also of the things so lost. * Indolent, dpyös (sometimes c. gen. of the occupation neglected); #65,0s, ov; uáAákós; 8A&ä, äkos, 6, ii, superl, -ſatatos; votpos, ’āuox60s; 8pääus, compar, —ürepos and —lov, superl. —Étatos and to Tos. Indolently, #39;aws, &pyós, 3A&ticós. To be indolent, pāAäkiſopal, pass.; 5300juéa, flagtw- veſſe, figölovpyéw, pigotovéo ; HaAbūicigogal, pass.; BAäket w. Indubitable, ’āvaupto Sãrntos, ov; ‘āvaupiaoyos, ov, Indubitably, 'évauqua Smtfitws, ‘āvepºpi\öya's. To induce, ’āya, ÉÉyw; Tāpāya, usu. in bad sense, inducing to evil courses, but not always; Tio iráo; with some motion of treachery, 'üTáyw. To duce a person contrary to his previous intention, Tepi- To be induced, épéAkopal. See To per- 2n- Tpéra. suade. Inducement, 5èNeap, Štos, Tb, dat. Sometimes 6éAmti, pl. -mta. See Bait, Cause. Induction, êtrāyayyā. To make an induction, êtráyopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in pass. Sense, Inductive, étraktikós. Inductively, ÉtrakTikós. To indulge, xàpiſowat, mid., perf. pass, both in act and pass. sense; pixoſppovéopal, mid., c. dat. Not foolishly to indulge your vain anger, šup'ſ Paraíº ph Xapt{e10al kevä, Soph. One must indulge, Xaplotéov. Indulgence (in the way of making allowance for errors), aßegis, eas, i. Indulgence of one's passions, firga, c, gen, 217 Indulgences—Infernal Indulgences (i.e. luxuries), tà HóAáká. To indurate, okxmośva. See To harden, Induration, orkXnpótºms, mtos, ii. See Hardness. Industrious, qixóTrovos, ov; Airãphs, épyaricós : qixepyös, Öv, fem. ‘f €pyātus, ió0s, i. Industriously, pixotóvos. To be industrious, pixotovéa, only act. Industry, pixepyia, pixotovía. To inebriate, ueóðaka, fut. —#go. Inebriety, ué6m. See Drunkenness. Ineffable, t'épáros, ov. See Indescribable. Inefficeable, 'üvečáAelittos, ov. See Indelible. Ineffectual, páratos, a, ov, and 0s, ov;’ākpavros, ov; ’āTeXhs, kevös, i."ČAuos. See Vain. Ineffectually, &AAws, uármy, t uáTaiws, F&Atos. See In vain. Inelegance. 'ékoopaſa. Inelegant, 'ülcóa'untos, ov. Ineloquent,”gyAwgoos, ov; +’āicoulos, ov. Inequality, 'üviorótms, mtos, ii; ’āvopolótms, mtos, i. Imestimable, ºf travtiuos, ov. Inevitable, 'épuktos, ov; ’āufixávos, ov; bisãTáA. Aaktos, ov; (as a consequence) évaykaios, &, ov, sometimes os, ov. It is inevitable that . . . . such should be, &váykm . . . . 'ytyve.oréal, Plat. Inexhaustible, t’āśvogos, ov. Inexorable, ’ātrāpairmtos, ov; + 8vstråpattmTos, ov; + 'étápäuä60s, ov; † 6vstråpiyopus, ov; +’áreykros, OV. Inexorably, 'üírâpathtas. Inexpedient, 'éatuſpopos, ov; &AAoios, opp. to ovº- ºpépov. See Useless, Inexperience, ’ātrepta, ārepodium, ela, ’āveri- a muogiivn. Inexperienced, 'éirepos, ov; &forwp, opos, 6, # ; ’āveTigtäuwy, ovos, 6, ; ’āyúpuaa Tos, ov. See See Drunk. Nynorant. Inexperienced, adv., "å"reſpos. Inexpiable, 6vskáðaotos, ov. Inexplicable, 65.34 pagros, ov; 'äätsärntos, ov. Inexpressible, t'épáros, ov; āśiñyntos, ov; Fäq'pa- orros, ov. Inextinguishable, &c'éeatos, ov. Inextricable,’éufixãvos, ov; +&iskitos, ov; +’āAútos, ov; +’âtépplwv, 0, 0s, *, h; i öüsektrépáros, ov. Inextricăbly, Švsåårws. Infallible, ’āvehārārmtos, ov. Infallibly, àorpäAós. Infamous,’āriuos, ov; airyphs, &, by, comp, aloxſwy, ataxiotos; kákóðočos, ov; utépès, 8vskAeñs. Infamously, aioxpós, òvskàeós. To be infamous, kāicoöočéa, only act. Infamy, &Tipſa, ÖiskAsia, kākočošía. To punish with infamy (śruta), áriuéo, 'ātiuéa. Infancy, vntriótims, mtos, ii. See Childhood. Memorials of infancy, f atrápyāva, Tá. An infant, 8péqos, T6. See Child. Infantine (of or belonging to, or being an infant), vítrios, a, ov, and os, ov (often also as subst.). See New-born. Having an infant, f ‘ārapvos, ov. Infantry, reſol, often also sing. of a single infantry soldier, also 6 reſos (sc, arpatos), or to reſov (for “the infantry”), to regirov, 6TAºral, oi (opp. to irrels). A light-infantry soldier, Yvuvhs, firos, 6, oftener in pl. of the whole body ; Yvuvâtms, ov, 6. The body of light infantry, yupuumtia, of WIAot. Infantry mined with cavalry, ‘āultirot, oi. A commander of infantry, Tréſapxos. Belonging to or fit for infantry, Tegucos, Šträttikós. Belonging to light infantry, Yuuunrikás. To serve in the infantry, reſetw. Infatuated, &ppwu, ovos, 6, #; # Tápévows, F Tāpā- qpov. See Foolish. Infatuation, Träpävota. See Folly. To infect,’āvāīriuTAmput—and you shall not infect me with gour folly, umā' égouépéet uwptav thu ohv šuol, Eur. Infected, 'üvätutxàuevos. Infelicity, 8vsöaipovia. See Unhappiness. To imfer, eiicăſaſ. See To conclude. Inference, ‘ūtroö0xff. Inferior, bettepos, c. gen, or c. uérè and acc.; to repos, sine cas. or c. gen, ; figo wu, ovos, 6, #, c. gem. ; éAdaraſaw, ovos, 6, # ; Štrobeóa Tepus; 6 &trio 6ev, Soph. See Less, Worse. Inferior, adv, Širočeertépa's, 'üiročeča repov, kata- Seeo-Tépos. To be inferior to, eſca, only pres. and imperf., c. dat. pers., c. dat. or c. acc. of the matter in which; Aeſtro- pal, pass., c. gen, or c. acc. rei; &AAeſtropal, jatépéa, ãorepigo; hoodopal, pass. And being inferior to his brother Meleager in wisdom, 'yvápmy 6' &öéAq00 Mexedypov Aeaeuſ,évos, Eur. Infernal, f véptepos, a, ov, and os, ov; + x6óvios, a, ov, and os, ov; t Taprápelos. In the infernal regions, vépée or -6ev, also vépôe yńs | Trag, - - 218 Infidelity—Ingenuity Infidelity, 'üriarſa. Infinite,’âtelpos, ov; +’âtreipov, ovos, 6, #;'étrépavros, ov; uípios, + pipiotamóñs; (of time) pluptérms. Infinitely, ulptºp, with a comparative adj. See Very. Infinity, 'üpetpía. Infirm, à00evhs, t’āq'avpos, + 8&pús. See Weak. Infirmity, à0.66weta. To inflame, pxéya, pxeypaſva, ; (with love, etc.) + šáAirw, i ééotréal, so i (wripéo ; together, at the same time, ovvertrüpów. To be inflamed (with any passion), waivopal, perf. kéumva in pass. sense, c. dat. of the cause, or c. Širl and dat., or c. jirô and gen. ; pièya, intrans., also ‘pxéyouai, pass.; Katoual; pdattopal, pass, ; Śā- Tropal. Inflammable, katoriuos. Inflammation. (pNáyaois, h; påéypavoris, i. Inflammatory, (of diseases) tripúcavatos, ov; (of speeches) ortúataatlicós. To inflate, pögåa, lit. and metaph ; ÉÉvépôw. be inflated (with pride), 'êvãpūgāopal. Inflexibility, 'écapºpia. Inflexible, ’ākivmtos, ov; ‘āuetárrpoſpos, ov; 'àuetá. orrát0s, ov; ’āwetā'KAaotos, ov; ’āTapairmtos, ov; + "3Rautros, ov; dyvauTTos, ov; +’âtevås. To inflict, TišáAAa, perf. act. —éSAmica, etc.; étéáAAw, Émiti0mul, Tpostíðmui, i étudiciitto, Féykā- tagkårtw; Tpostpiša, oftener in mid. and pass.; (punishment) Aapſ3ávo (6ticmv). An infliction, + Tpóstpippa, ré. Newly inflicted, tweóTopos, ov (of a wound). Influence, &#two is, eas, h; 50th. To influence, Teiða. To be influenced by (esp. by feelings, etc.), kpāréouai, pass, 'Under the influence of corruption, xpfiugai vulcówevos, Thuc. Being mainly influenced by a wish that they (the accusa- tions) might not be true, pºetſov prépos véuoutes tº pº BoöAea flat &Am07, eival, Thuc. Influential (having influence with), tričávös, c.dat, ; ëvväuevos, c. rapi, and dat. To have influence, Śāvauai, mid., fut. Švuſhorouai, also c. aor. 1. pass. Sivā9mu (often in Att. #3vvíðnv), sine cas, or c. trapū and dat. To lose one’s influence, étrixãopal, mid. Influx, riftoff. To infold, ºf treptirröorga, -ëa, To inform, ČayyéAAw, c, dat. ; eisayyáAAw, c. rpès and acc.; ’āvāötöð riča. See To tell. To To inform against, give information of, wmvio, -ãow, in pass, also of the matter revealed, sometimes c. Katë and gen, pers.; káràunvöw, c. gen, pers, some- times c. acc. rei (not with both at once); Käteſtov, c. gem. pers.; kátáyopeto, c. acc. rei; paiva, in pass. of the person or thing informed against; a Ukopautéa, (esp. falsely or frivolously), sometimes c. gem. acc.; &roypaſp?iv trouéopal, Dem. To give information beforehand, Tpopumvöw. He extorted from the captives thirty mina by his informa- tions, trap& Tów aixuakórow . éovicopdu Trige, Lys. To be informed against, pavrášopal, pass. tell, To report, To accuse. Information, uáðmois, eas, ii. See Knowledge, News. Information against (legal), švāstāls, eas, h; étray- 'yeXta, &toypaſpſ. A false information, a Ukoºpavria; ovkopóvtmua, T6. Secret information in war, ééay- 'yeaia. You did not avail yourselves of the information which we each time gave you, oi repl &v éðiðdoicouev ékáorrore Thy pad.6morly €troleſo 0e, Thuc. In order that no information might get abroad of their proceedings, toi, ui, ŠáyyeXtoi Yevégéal, Thuc. A laying of an information, uſivögus, eas, h. A reward for information, piñvöTpov, usu, in pl. Conveying information, Éayyektikós. An informer (bringing news), ppgothp, fipos, 6; &#- dyyeaos; tumuirhp, fipos, 6; (i.e. one who lays an information) p.mviths, ov, Š (also in good sense, like AmvöThp, Eur.); qūkopóvrms, ov, 6, fem. Orūkopávrpia, esp. with a notion of the information being false or frivolous. Like an informer, diſcopavrikos, aikopavráðms. Like an informer, adv, a Ukopavticós. Infraction, a tyxia is, ews, i. Infrequency, a trävis, eas, i. See Rarity, Infrequent, atrávios. See Rare. To infringe, trăpâ€atva', fut. –émorouai, perf. –éeémka, aor. 2. –éény; tāpāºpačw ; (at once, etc.) ovyxéo. See To transgress. To infuse, éyxéa, eiszéo. Infused, yxitos, ov. An infusing, #yxious. Ingenious, eipixávos, ov; ebtropos, ov; texvikös, eūpeticbs, uſixavicós ; +&Apngths, où, 6 (only of men); † Travrátropos, ov; + p.mxãvoets. Ingeniously, Texuirós. Ingénuity, TUAirexvic, . . Tpićicovta plvás See To 219 Ingenuous—Injure Ingenuous, yewvaſos, a, ov, and Att, os, ov; (i. e. candid, q.v.) ‘ātrā00s, 7, oùv. Ingenuously, ‘ātāós. See Candidly. Ingenuousness, yeuvatórms, "tos, iſ ; (i.e. candour, q. v.) 'atragtms, mºros, i. Inglorious, *āriuos, ov; 350:0s, ov; ’ākñpvictos, ov; ’āvāvūuos, ov; ºf 'dicMefis; i vdºviſuos, ov. Ingloriously, 'dicăsăs, To ingrain into, tpišopal, mid.; yxptºvvi'ut. If you wish then that deeply-dyed wickedness should be ingrained in the city, ei pièv of v čyyevideo flat BoüAe- offe àevoototöv čv tíſ tróAet trovnpíav, Dinarch. Ingrained, Sevaſotroubs, Öy. Ingrate, ’āxãptotos, ov. See Ungrateful. To ingratiate (oneself with), &epátreſſw. Court. Ingratitude, ’āyāpiatta. A favour that meets with ingratitude, xàpts &xapus, AEsch. - Ingress, eisočos and ésoãos, ii. See Entrance. To inhabit, oikéw, évoukéw, kāTouréal, véuo, Éxaſ, + oilcereña, ; # oikſſoual, mid. and pass.; F vaio, pres. and imperf act., aor. 1. pass. Švda 6mv; ; Śvvata ; ºf évéouai, fut. -eč00pa. To inhabit this land, év Yi, Tāā’āvartpépelv Tóða, Eur. To be inhabited, + vaío, only pres, and imperf.; ££olké. opal ; + Tepivaſopal, pass. To place as an inhabitant in, to bring as an inhabitant to, oikſa, sometimes c. acc. loci ; eisouriço, Évouriço. See To settle. An inhabitant, voukos, sometimes c. dat, of the habitation ; oilcloths, où, 6; oikmths, où, 6; oikºtop, opos, 6; Károticos ; † oilclothp, fipos, 6; Févvopos, + šveðpos. An ancient inhabitant, f Täxaſzów.v, x00Vos, 6, #. Inhabited, ‘f oilcmtös, ºf ééouchoinos. Inhabiting, adj. F &YX&ptos, a, ov, and os, ov, some- times as subst.; + æyxopos, ov; + švěčuixos. An inhabiting, Évoicmals, eas, j. A previous inhabil- ing, Tpoevoirmats. To inhale, Trvéa, Čurvéal. See To breathe. Inharmonious, ’āvāppoortos, ov; † 6vskéAá60s, ov. Inherent, to be inherent in, Šuqºopal, c. perf act. éuTépüka, aor. 2. čvépvu, as if from, -pipu ; Śyyiy- vowal, fut. —yevågopal, no acr. l., aor. 2. čveyevöpinu. To inherit, kNmpovouéa, c. gen, or c. acc.; Aayzáva, fut. Améopat, no aer. 1, aor. 2. čašxov ; trāpāAapéd- vo, fut. Afyopal, no aor. I., aor. 2. —éAáčov. Inheritance, RAñpos, KAmpovokita. The cntirc inherit- See To ance, f TraykAmpſa ; ºráykAmpo 86 wou, Eur, Half the inheritance, juickiiptov. Right of inheritancé as neart of kin, &yxiateſa. * To claim the right of inheritance as being meat ºf kin, &yxia reča, only act, c, dat. of the deceased to whom the claimant is heir. Having a rich inheritance, Éyk}\mpos, ov. Possessed or acquired by inheritance, Šykämpos, ov. An inheritor, KAmpovápos. See Heir. To inhibit, kwxta. See To forbid. Inhospitable, F &evos, and poet. §§elvos, ov; f éx- 0páčevos, ov; ; 'étáčevos, ov; (of people only) + šuuctos, ov. Inhuman, axératos, o, ov, and os, ov; &nds. See Cruel, Inhumanity, Öpiórms, mtos, ii. See Cruelty. Inhumanly, &pſºs. See Cruelly, To inject, ŠušáAAw, no aor. 1, perf. —éé8Amica. See To throw. Wr Inimical, 6&svoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovu, c. dat, or c, čs and acc. See Hostile. Inimitable, ‘āuiumros, ov. Iniquitous, kākoúpyos, ov (of persons); tdykäicos, ov, superl. Taylcárciotos. See Wicked. Iniquitously, kalcotºpyws, Taykákos. See Wick- edly. Iniquity, kākótºms, mºros, # ; Tovmpía. See Wicked- 726SS. To practise iniquity, kärovpyéa, only act. See To sin, To initiate, plvéa, often, esp. in pass., c. acc. of the mysteries into which, mid. voice not used. To be initiated, étrotteto, only act.; TeXéopal, c. acc, of the mysteries, or c. dat. of the God presiding over the mysteries. One who is initiated, uto Tºls, ov, 6. Newly initiated, veotexís. Initiation, TeXeth. Injudicious, *āppay, ovos, 6, #; ’āšovXos, ov. See Poolish. Injudiciously, 'üppóvas. Injudiciousness, ’āq'podium, 'ŚēovXta. See Folly. To be injudicious, yuápms ‘āuaprávo, Thuc. Injunction, trpóstayua, T6. See Command. To injure, Tnuatva', fut, mid, in pass, sense ; 3A&tto, icălców ; AUpaivopal, mid, perf. pass. AeAtſiaqua, both in act, and pass. sense ; kákovpyéa, only act.; Øſuów ; (by injustice, etc.) 'éðikéw, fut. mid. Some times in pass. sense ; (esp. of personal injuries) ti- Tpworkw, fut, -ſpdºorw, etc. To join in doing injury, 220 Injurer—Inroad orčváčikéw, giveTiêAárta. To injure first, Firpoà- To be injured, + &roXavédopal. An injurer, Ajue&v, &vos, 6 ; Aiſuauthp, ſipos, 5; 3. Öukéw. + 'éAda top, opos, 6; + Aplauths, où, 6. Injurious, étruſhſtios, ov; (muttºns, 8Aééepös, Öva- pexhs; +’āva (péAntos, ov; 'éAüoriteXàs ; &otºpopos, ov : +Aüuavrápios; (i.e. unjust) 'éðikos, ov. See Pernicious. Injuriously, 'üšicas. Injury, (i. e. damage) 8Ašší ; Tāua, Tó ; Truov), Aüum, (muſa ; BAéé0s, 76; (i. e. injurious treat- ment) iſépts, fi : aikeia, aikiguós ; failclopa, Tó. A doing injury, kakotrotta; t kākovXía, c. gen. Doing no injury to, '36Aášís ; 'éthuay, ovos, 6, #, sometimes c. gen. Receiving no injury from, &Thuwu, ovos, 6, #, c, gen. To one's own injury, 'üAüoſiteXós. Eaposed to injury or to injustice, eúðicitos, ov. They were less eaſposed to injury from their neighbours, &Amirtó repot foray toſs téAas, Thuc. See Unhurt. Injustice, 'äöffenua, Tó. Ink, pºéA&v, Čvos, Tó. Inland, p.606)etos, a, ov, and os, ov, also pregóyeas, ww; Xeparatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. The inland parts, ji peo oveia, Built inland, "åughºuguévos. From the inland parts of the country, 'éva,0s or -6ev. To go inland, 'üváéatva', fut. —6%gopal, perf. –ééémica, aor. 2. —éému ; Śrāvāśaiva'. Inlaid, i ögtöäAé0s, a, ov; + SaíðāAos. To inlay, ÖatóáAów. . An inlet, otówa, T6. See Entrance. Inly, Švöov. See Within. An inmate, Évotkos, sometimes c. dat.; £vvaérms, ov, 6. See Inhabitant. Inmost, fuñxáros, Érxāros. The inmost place, uixás. An inn, travöokstov, käräydºytov, kārāyayyā. Innate, oriuqiros, ov; upúros, ov; + y^yevås, * avyyevås. To be inmate, épºqāouai, pass, c. aor. 2. act, Évépvv, as if from —'püpu, and perf. act. Šutrépiſka ; Śyytyvouai, mid., fut. —yevåo'ouai, no acr. 1, aor. 2. —eyevóplmv, perf. part. Att. —yety&s, yelyôora, etc. An inn-keeper, travöokets, fem. Travöoice ºrpia, #. The trade of an innkeeper, travöoketa ; travöákevois, ea's, m. * * * > / ‘āóiría ; To receive as an innkeeper does, travöokeúa. Innocence, ’ākākſa. Innocent, 'évaſtios, a, ov, and 0s, ov, sometinies c. dat. of those in whose opinion one is innocent, often c. gen, of the crime; ’āśAášís ; 'ü960s, ov (esp. in legal sense, unaccused or unconvicted); ’āvāudprºtos, ov; "dicóicos, ov. To be innocent of, &Toyfyvouai, fut. —yevſo opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-eyevópmv, perf. pass. –yeyévmuai. Innocently, 'êvãuaptitas. To innovate, vewTepiſo, katváw, kavoupyéa, kalvoto- pléo, + Trikatvöw, veóTepóv Tu Trotéa, Xen. Innovation, vealTepotrotta, vealTepioptos, calvorouſa, Kalvoup'yta. I desire innovations, vewrépov Čirićvpuéa trpayuárov, Xen. An innovator, veatspotolás. Innumerable, ’āvāpiðuos, ov; +’āvīpī990s, ov; 'āvā- pi'947tos, ov; uípios (but rare in Att. prose), +’āA6. 7tatos, ov; +’āqaotos, ov; +'étéppov, ovos, 6, #; ºf ’āIrelpégios, ov. Innumerable years, uvpiétms Xpóvos, AEsch. - - J. In , umerable times, pupiškis. Inoffensive, ’āvāuáptntos, ov. Inoffensively, &vauaptitas, &vetrax965. J. Inopportune, 'écapos, ov. See Unseasonable. Inopportunely, 'éicaipas. See Unseasonably. Inordinate, šuetpos, ov; ‘ūtréppet pos, ov; a poãpós. See Ea'cessive. & Inordinately, 'ürepuerpa's, éoxãTws. sively. Inordinateness, 'ütepé0Xī. See Eacess. To inquire, épatáa, Čepotáo; popual, mid, fut. Öpfi- See Eaces- 3 y-, * * J. f Gopal, no adr.; + ščépouai; Tvv8ávopal, fut. Tetoſopal, sometimes also in Att. Trevootpat, aor. 2. čirü0ówmv, perf. pass. in act. sense Tétwo pal, c. acc. or c, gen. of the subject of the inquiry; Stăiruvéâvouai, Çntée, + ioTopéa, ºf élo topéa. See To ask. Inquiring oneself, and procuring inquiries to be made by others, oricotrów ical grotrotuevos ūr’ &AAww, Plat. One must inquire, épotmtéov; besides, étruſmtm Téov. Not inquired into, ‘āśāoráviatos, ov. - An inquirer, ºntmths, où, 6. Inquiry, Çfit mals, eas, #; (fitnug, Tó; ášétágis, eas, h; Túatus, eas, i. A judicial inquiry, Yváo is eas, i. A scientific inquiry, a képis, eas, ii. A continual ºn- quiry, &etAo yía. Fond of inquiring into, inquisitive, Çntmricós. An inquisitor, plaq revths, où, 6; (esp. by torture) Bao'aviaths, où, 6. Inroad, kåtååpopºl, épéoxft. See Incursion. 221 * &# Insane Insane, Tápé'ppwy, ovos, 6, #; † ppevouiſvás. See Iłżad. When his mother hears that he is insane, udºrmp viv âtav vooroovta ppevopºćpos &icotſon, Soph. Insa ity, pavía, Aigga; TAévos ºpewóv, Eur, See Madness, Insatiability, &TAmotſa. Insatiable, 'étamatos, ov; ‘āravotos, ov; karacophs; +’ákóPetos, ov, c. gen.; +’ákópeotos, ov. Insatiably, '&TAffortals, katakopós. To inscribe, Ypápa, Éiriypāq,w, 'évôypāq,w. An inscription, Ypdupa, Tá; Ypâq)}|, tri"ypaſſia, étriypāq)ii. Inscrutable, ’āötspeºviltos, ov; 'āqāvīs. Insects, Évropa, Tá. Insecure, étrikiöövos, ov. Insecurity, kivöövos. See Danger. Insensate, "Čºpov, ovos, 6 kal h; &vovs, ovv, compar. ’āvoúatepos. See Foolish. Insensibility, "åvator0mgia, 'üvaAymata. Insensible, ’āvdA'ymtos, ov; &vator0mtos, ov; &péAús. To be insensible, "åvalo'0mtéa, only act. Insensibly ’āvaxyńtos, ’āvaig ÓñTws; (i. e. without being perceived) A&6pā, Āaôpaías. Inseparable, ’āšić'kpitos, ov. To insert, Tâyougi, mid.; reuéáAAw, no aor. 1, perf. –ŠešAmka; instead (in a document), ávteyypépa, ăuteriypāq,0; before, trposušáAAw. One must inserl, étrépéAmtéov. Insertion, êušoxh; Śvēeoris, eas, i. Inside, §v6ov. See Within. Insidious, étišovXos, ov; 30Aspös; +668tos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of a person) 8ttraoûs, fi, oùv. Insidiously, Šć éméovXàs, or pºet’ &rté. Thuc. Insignificance, optikpótms, ºtos, i. Insignificant, paixos. m, ov, and os, ov; eiteXàs. Though they are insignificant people, évres ow8éves, Eur. You considered all these things as insignificant (or easily to be borne), Távra tatt” v etxepe? "E0ov, Soph. See Trifting, Trivial. With insignificant preparation, + paſſaws. Insincere, &migros, ov; +k(65mAos, ov; (of friendship) + Wöäpäs. You are insincere, and do not yourself believe what you say, &riorrós ye. ... el oravità, Plat, insincerity, *ātrigºría. To insinuate, ‘ūtralvío.orougt, mid., pass. rare except in perf, and aor. 1. To insinuate oneself into the Instalment | ſavour of ‘iſtrépxopal, fut. --east gopal, aor. 2 perf. —exíAü8a, c. acc. pers. Insinuating, &epārevticós. To insist, ioxipigouai, mid. Insolence, "üépts, eas, j; 'âgéAyeta, 'ütrépmºãvia, tpi (pſ. Insolent, ‘jšpurticós, ’āAáçov, Gośāpès, 'égéAyºffs. See Arrogant. An insolent person, ‘usptoºths, ot, 6. Insolently, 'éo exyós, ‘ūéptoticós; tpbs kópov, AEsch. To be insolent, ‘ūšpí(w, in pass, usu. of the person treated with insolence; Tpipów, sine cas.; Érmpeáço; ’āqexyatva', only pres, and imperf act. See To insult, An insolent action, “à6pts, #; "jéptoga, Tá; + špua Mös; Tà hoſexymuéva, Dem. Insoluble, 'étmicros, ov. Insolvency, 'étrokoth Xpeãv. Insolvent, '&veakevaquévos, ‘itépxpews, ww. Bankrupt. Insomuch as, Šote. To inspect, Tuoricotréal, all tenses except pres, and imperf. form oricéirtouai, perf. pass. in both acc. and pass, sense; Tottetºw, rare except in pres, and ini- perf act.; qopda, fut. (borrowed from Štropia) étójoual, aor. 2. čírečov; ; Éqopsûo. Inspection, kāraakotī; £ríoice! is, eas, i. An inspector, Icárágicoros, popos; of works, &pxi- Téktav, ovos 6. Inspiration, êirſtvota, Karokaxiſ. • ‘ - Aflow, cy ºr U Seg |To inspire, šurvéo, karatvéw, étitvéa, ćutièmut; éušáAAw, no aor. 1., perf. –éééAmica, ſcăTairvéa, + évinuſ. He inspired them with great hopes for the future, és éAtíðas ye airobs oil pukpās repl tav weakóvtov kafliotn, Thuc. And he inspired all the host of the Greeks with confidence, Šćparos 8 eväpa.e ird vri Aavaíð6v otpató, Eur. To be inspired (as a person is), £v6ovoida, no mid.; évôovatdºw. Inspired (of persons), #v6eos, ov, c. dat, of the inspirer, or c. prep. Šk, Örö, etc. c. gem.; +&epuévows, vovv; +&sépopos, ov; +&eopópmros, ov; (as a prophet) pavriiroA0s, 6, #. Inspired with a love of virtue, Év6eos "pös &periiv, Plat. Installation, 6póvoats, sos, ii. An instalment, kātā60A3, Dem. - To pay by instalments, karð xpóvovs 'étroëtöwut, Thuc. That they might be allowed to pay it by instalments, âtros ražáuevo &močágiv, Thuc. 222 Instance—Intellectual An instance, räpääeiyua, té. S. & Example. The other instances are so many, too air' ori rāAAa, Dem. For instance, otov, yoëv (never the first word in the sentence); airica. Instant, àokvos, ov. An instant, 'ükäphs xpévos, '3kápés xpóvov, Ar. See Moment. Instantly, airthca, eú0ts, sü0éws, f sióð; träpäxpjua, sometimes trap. eißws, ºf aipa, f’āq,4p. See Imme- diately. Instead of, &vt) begen.; ‘ūTép. To instigate, Špućw, épopudo, Čoppido, yeſpo, Šče- 'yeſpa, i ötpúva, Širotpāva, Éotpúva'; 'Aajvo, fut. éAãora; trapaceAeëw, 'évía trut, Tetêa, i öpyvpu. Instigated, éykéAevotos, ov. Instigation, trapakéAévois, eas, i. Calculated to instigate, trapakeXevotios, c, čirl and acc, To instil, Févo Tá(w. Instil.ctive, Éupitos, ov; +éyyevis. To institute, to Tmut, only in pres., imperf., fut, and aor. 1. act. (aor, 2., perf. and pluperf act, used in pass, sense, perf. part. Šarmicës, via, bs, and Éot&s. &ga. 8s); ‘iopia; (laws, etc.) tººl; in any place, êykä9tatnut (sometimes also in pres. Yică910táva). One must institute, kāraatötéov. Institution, kátág Taois, eas, # ; (i. e. custom in- stituted) vöpuorua, Tó. To instruct, Siôágical, ékölöágical, traičeňa. See To teach. One must instruct, 6.8&ictéov, traičevtéov. Instruction, traičevo is, eas, h; tratēeta. Instructions given to an air-hassador, ypgapºta, td. See Teaching. An instructor, ŠišćakäA0s ; trauðevris, où, Ö. See Teacher. - What can be acquired by instruction, Siôaktos, 3, by, and Ös, 6v ; trauðeutós. Instrument, ào)évov (also of musical instruments); + švros, to, usu. pl. (used also of musical instru- ments); + träAšum. Instrumental, ałrtos, c. gem.; plerairtos, a, ov, and OS, ov. Instrumental music (without singing), pIA3, prova'itch, Arist.; ſixh Ribépions (on the harp), pia? at'Amoris (on the flute), Plat. Insufferable, ’āq6pmros, ov; +’āramros, ov; +80s- Tºmtos, ov; +'êpepros, ov; + dāsotoros, ov. See Intolerable. Insufficiency, Švöeia. Insufficient, vösjis, éiríðeſis ; 'évaykaios, g, ov, and 0s, ov. Insufficiently, tribeſºs, évêeós. - To be insufficient, Évöel, impers, fut, -8efiorel, aor. 1. éöémore. See Wanting. Insular, unatoticós; T ungudºrms, ov, masc., fem. —rts, fö0s ; trepiffitos, m, ov, and os, ov; &pſpíáAos, ov; ºf trepi"KAvgros, m, ov, and os, ov; ; &upi'kAvo ros, ov; + Tepictuay, ovos; 6, i. To insulate (by letting water in all round), trepi- Aluvé@. Insult, “ij9pts, ews, # ; #8purpa, Tó ; c.ilceta. A68m, + š8puapās; (esp. of verbal insult) Tpoir)}\éktopbs, éirmpeta; # keptówmoris, h. Free from insult, i &Aot- 6opos, ov (i. e. from the insult of reproach). - To insult, ‘ū8píſo, Épw8píſo, xúðvøpigo, aikiga', 'ürt- p.d.ſo, +’átiuáw ; Aw8áopal, mid, ; esp. with words, Tpoir)}\ākiſo, Aotöopée, Émpeáço; + keptopéa, rare : except in pres. imperf, and perf, pass.; besides, Tpos. vépí(w, trposeſtmped ſo. To be insulted, TAmuſexéopal, pass.; a copäkigoua, + évāoreAyaívouai, only pres. and imperf. pass. Insulting me, TAüváv He trotów, Ar. Seizing the opportunity to insult, Tepéaivav Tó ſcalpº, Dem. Insulted, Aajëmros, + aiictatás. An insulter, ‘jšptaths, oil. 6; + Awénths, où, 6. Insulting, ‘ūšptoticbs, 3A&ſov ; (in words) trporm. Aáictorticós ; # Iceptóutos, ov; + képtop,0s, ov. See Insolent. An insulting, +'ātiuorus, eas, i. Insultingly, ‘ūéptoticós, trpot')\akurticós. See In- solently. Insuperable, "tiropos, ov; 'âuñxãvos, ov. possible, Difficult. Insupportable, (of life) +&étatos, ov. See Intolerable. Insurmountable, "åpºſixávos, ov. - Insurrection, êtrávdo táo is, ews, ii, c. dat, or c. Étil and dat. See Rebellion. Integral, Tås, traora, trav, See Entire. Integrity, (entireness) 6Aórms, mtos, h; (i.e. honesty, q. v.) xpmotórms, mros, i. Integument, okémaqua, Té. See Covering. Intellect, v60s, contr, vows (the more usual form in Trag., though not invariable), ºppºv, ppevös, ; Śiś. voua. See Mind. - Intellectual, voepbs, vomitikos (esp. of a person), 315- vom Tirós. See Im- 223 Intelligence—Interest Intelligence, (i.e. understanding, q.v.) yväum; (i. e. news) kånööv, Övos, i ; fºrev6%; # Túatis, eas, # ; ‘f éayyeapata, Tá. See News. Intelligent, oriveTös, Öğüs; + ščj'qipov, ovos, #. Intelligible, eigáðhs, Yvootós ; eišūušAmtos, ov (of a prophecy); Amirtàs ; Yvdºpiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; to Uverós : + eigüvetos, ov. Intelligibly, + giverós. Intemperance, 'ükoxãota, ’ākpáreio, 'Ākpāota. In- temperance of passion, Öpyńs "ätratēevoſa, Thuc. Intemper ite, "åkóAao Tos, ov; ’āicpáths, often c. gen. either of the passion not restrained or of the object pursued, ‘āuerpos, ov. To be intemperate, ’ākoWaotaiva, only pres, and imperf: act.; ’ākpatetoual, mid. Intemperately, "ålcox>as, 'Cºpátós. To intend, BoüAopal, mid., Att. fut. Bovāńgopal, and perf. pass. BeéoùAmual, aor. 1. ČšovXíðmu and #éov- Aff0mv in act. sense ; Évvoéa, c, aor. 1, pass, in act. sense ; Érivoéw ; Slavoéopal, mid., aor. 1. pass, in both act. and pass, sense ; ÉrišovXeta, c. infin. or c. &ra's ; ppové, ; elva èv Štávoig, exeiv Štěvotav, c. infin., or c. toſ, and infin., or c. etl and dat., Thuc. Isoc. To intend beforehand, Tpovoéo. An intendant, katádkotos. See Inspector, Intense, ºf gºvtovos, ov. Intensely, orvytóvals. Intensity, orvutovía. Intent upon, Tposerticós; looking intently, F &akapāā. plvictos, ov. See Atlention. To be intent, otovčáſa, perf. pass. in both act, and pass. Sense ; Évteivopal, pass., also (more seldom) ëvretva, act, c. eis and acc.; Titelvopal, Intently, ovvretäuévos, Statetápévals, ortovãata's ; (of a person looking) &gicapčágvictet. Intent, intention, Bovāń; BoöAevua, Tá; v60s, contr. vows (the most usual but not invariable form in Trag.); evuota, Šišvota, ćitivota ; Tpogípeals, h; + ºppévmots, eas, # ; + vómua, Tó ; lux}s éirfračis. eas, ii, Plat. To depart from the intention of doing, or to intend not to do, &moylypégical, fut. —yvágopal, no aor, 1., aor. 2. –éyvov, c. too and infin., or c. p.3, and infin. Intentional, éköv, -ovoia, –öv (only of the agent); ëkočotos, &, ov, and os, ov (both of the agent and of the deed). {ntentionally, ºf Écovotos; £: €kovoſtas, Soph.; ca.0" {kouatav, Thuc.; Écovgig ; eis trapaoriceviv, Eur.; d º âtrö Tropagkévis, Thuc.; ºr trapao Kevis, Lys. : Intercourse, kolvøvia ; Śuixia, c. gen, or c. dat, or c. To inter, Šárto, Kūrā0ártw. Intercalary, ÉuflöAirwos, ov. To intercalate, étrépéâAAw, no aor. 1., perf. Éireašé- 6Amico. Intercalation, êuéoxh (used generally of any inser- tion). To intercede, & Toxeyéopal, mid., c. Štěp and gen.; for, Éaitéopal, mid, c, acc.; Tapattéopal, mid., c. acc. or c. repi and gen. To intercept, "åtrokWeta, sometimes c. gen. of the road from which ; avykāetw, &toppdorow; ’ātroAap- Šávo, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor, J., aor. 2, -éââšov, perf. —eixmpa. An intercepting, 'üróAmyls, eas, i. Intercession, Éairmous, eas, i. An intercessor, Staxxakths, où, 6. See Mediator. Interchange, petaAAäyh, 6ta\Aäyń; ŠtáAAayua, T6; ovvaMAäyń. See Enchange. To interchange, &AAágow, c. acc. of the thing given in exchange, c, gen, or c. &vtl and gen, or c. dat, o the thing taken in exchange, c, dat, pers. or c. Tpos and acc.; &vtaxAdora'a, oftener in mid.; StańAdorow, petaAAágoro, Štěpletºw, pietàpieſbø, f'éueiða. See To eachange. See To bury. Tpös and acc.; oivovoria, Étipušía, + orivaAAäyń. Want of intercourse, 'épušía, c. gen. To have intercourse with, orvppiyyupu ; truſyväual. mid.; giveipu (eival); ÉvaaXárgopal, pass. c. dat.; + givoxNágow; Évrvyxávo, fut. —retºopal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. čvétixov. To interdict, kaºxia. See To forbid. One must interdict, icoxiitéov. Interdicted, "årößmtos, ov. An interdicting, 'étáñānais, ews, j; ’ārāfānua, Tó. Interest (i. e. advantage, q.v.), āqe^0s, T6. Interes of money, Tókos. & Compound interest, Tókot tdkov, Ar. At interest (of money), oráriuos, n, ov, oftener os, ov évépyös, Ö Producing no interest, &pyös, h, by, better bs, by "árokos, ov. To lend at interest, 5èvetº èirl Täkg, Plat.; evepyöv (&pyūptov, etc.) rotéa, Évépyöv ka9tarmui (not in aor 2., perf, or pluperf act, which are only used in in- trans, or pass. Sense), Isoc. Dem. To produce interest, torcoq'opéa. To have an interest in, or else he has some private in- terest in the matter, 3) ièg Ti airó Stapépet, Thuc. 224 Interfere—Interweave | Regarding only their own individual interest, to ép' éautóv pióvov trpoopópºevot, Thuc. For he said that it was not words that cemented con- nections, but a community of interests, oi, Yêp Tö, Ää- para Tès oikeiôtmtas Épm 8ešalotiv, &AA& To Taiºtă ovuqépelv, Dem. To be in the interest of (any one), Tpdoga, c, dat, or c. pietà and gen,; otovčáço, c. TPbs and acc.; ‘ūtrāpya, only pres, and imperf, act. in this sense, c. dat.; &é- pâtreto, c. acc. For I will speak for your interest, and not for my own, Tpös goû yöp oë6° àu.00 ppéow, Soph. To be interested in, to take an interest in, êtripáAoual and éirtueMéouai, c. gen. To interfere, koivovéw, c. repl and acc. rei. To in- terfere unduly in, troAvTPayuovéa, c. repl and gen. Interim, in the interim, Év ué04, Eur. See Mean- while. Interior, 6, j, to Évêov. See Within. Interlaced,—foot interlaced with foot (of warriors in close combat), trous évaMAax6els troël, Eur. An interlude, étrelsöölov. Intermarriage, émiyāpia. To intermeddle with, trposáTTouai, mid., c. gen. rei. Intermediate, 'üväuegos, ov. Interment, Tápos, tápſ; ºvaípeois, eas, i. Burial. Interminable,’âtépautos, ov; 'árepos, ov; +’âtreſpov, ovos, 6, #; +&irelpéquos ; +’āvāpiðuos, ov. See Endless. To intermingle, pſyvöpa, often also pres, and imperf. pºſa'yal, Šuto yov. See To min. One must intermingle, avykpátéov. Intermingled, ºf Tráupurctos, ov; ; Taupiyńs. Intermission, 'üväravats, eas, h; +Aſſis, eas, i. See Cessalion. ~ See - Without intermission, giveXós. See Continually. To intermit, traúouai, mid. and pass. fut. Traúgopal and Tetraſa ouai, perf. Tétavual, but aor. l. more usu. étrato 67) wi ntermixture, kpāorts, eas, h. See Miature, 11ternal, oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; # 6, j, to èvöov. nternecine (war), 'ükäpvictos, ov. 0 interpolate, råpey-ypápo; TápépéâAAw, no aor. 1., perf. –ŠééAmica, etc. nterpolated, épé6Xiaos, ov. nterpolation, TápépéoAff. o interpose, trans., áušćNAw, no aor. I., perf. –éé- 6Amka; (intrans.) Perépxouai, mid., fut. -EAeſoropat, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fiX00v, perf. -eWiiWü0a, sine cas, or c, dat, or c. gerð and acc. of those among whom. To interpret, punveiſw; (dreams, omens, etc.) kpiva, + repāſa'; (language, etc., in such and such a sense) ‘ūtroXapéâva, fut. —Affiloual, perf. –éſamºpa, aor. 2. –éAššov; (laws, etc.) bla\guéâvo; (i. e. translate, q. v.) Staropôueñaſ; (clearly) orápmvigo. See To eaplain. Interpretation, êpumveta; Steppiveyoris, eas, ii; ºf épumvevua, Tó. Ofor belonging to interpreting, skilful in interpreting, épumveutikós. An interpreter, éppmveſs; Éppmveuths, où, 6; Śēryn- ths, où, 6; (of riddles, etc.) #Tokpiths, où, 6; (of the will of the Gods, etc.) Tpopfitms, ov, 6. To be an interpreter, TpopmTeijo, c. gen, (sc, 0é00). To interrogate, époráo, c. gem. acc.; popal, mid., not found in pres, ind, fut, phoopal, aor. 2. hpëtim”; + £;poua, c. acc. pers, sometimes c. gen.: #etéº, c. acc. rei, gen, pers. See To ask. One must interrogate, ééetaatéov, épartmréov. An interrogation, an interrogatory, Épétmua, Tó; épôtmoſis, h. See Question. To interrupt (a speaker, etc.), ‘ūtrośćAAw, sine cas, or c. dat. pers., sometimes c, acc. of what is said by way of interruption; ‘ūToxapéávo, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAššov, perf –eianſpa; ÉiriNapéâvokat, mid.; (what one is doing) 6táAeſtrø. To intersect, Öixotouéo, ötaox{{w. Intersection, 6ixotouta. To intersperse, 6tao Teipo, ovykepāvviſui. An interstice, 6tártmua, té. Intertwined, +&uſpi"TAektos, or (of wrestlers strug- gling with one another). An interval, Štáatmua, Tó. At intervals (or after an interval), Ötö. Xpóvov. At intervals of ten battlements, 61& 6éico, Érd Ašeov, Thuc. - At equal intervals, or after an equal interval, 6' to ov (sc. xpóvov), Xen. After an interval, Xpóvov čyyevokévov, Thuc. After the interval of a day, 6ta\itroë0 ms juépas, Thuc. After an interval of three years, 5taxitóvtov Štów tpuðv, Thuc. After a long interval, 81& troAAoû, Plat.; troAvv xpóvov âtaxlt&v, Isoc.; so êtriox6v. To intervene, 6taxeſtra, esp. in aor. 2. act. and in aor 1. pass.; yºyiyvouai, fut. —'yevia oual; 6táyfyvouai. To interweave, éykārām Aékw; Toosiºpatva', c, dat, See To divide. ($ 225 To intimate, évo muatva. Intestate—Invective Intestate, "ååtå6eros, ov. & Intestine, FéupüAos, ov; +éupixios, ov;tèvönwos, ov. Intestimes, oradºxvov, usu, in pl; Évrepov, usu, in pl. See Entrails. Intimacy, oikeiôtms, mºros, #; giviðsta, Šuixia. Intimate, giviðms; oikelos, a, ov, and 0s, ov, c. dat. To be intimate with, TAmoridºw, no mid. (but Eur, has aor. 1. pass, though not quite in this sense), c, dat.; Xpáopal, c. perf pass, kéxpmual, in act, sense c. dat.; eisourcelóouai, pass.; a vſetſyviºuai, pass. For he was still intimate with Theramenes, ātl yèp oikeia’s éxpāto Tô Ompauévet, Xen. He was intimate with me, 'yvaptua's piév plot eixe, Dem. These intimate asso- ciations with tyrants, ai trpos Tupévvows aßtal Atav ôpitatai, Dem. See To tell, To inform. Intimately, oikeias. Intimation, êvöeláis, i. g To intimidate, ékirAſiago (and in pres. act. KTAff- 'Yvºut), aor. 2. pass, -etafiyny, and -etxàymu (only the latter in Trag.); KatáTAfforoſa. See To frighten. Intimidated, trepiposos, ov. See Frightened. Intimidation, êictXmèts, ii. See Fear. Into, eis or és, c. acc. See To. Intolerable, 'übópmtos, ov; Śāsāvektos, ov; +’ā‘TAm- tos, ov; +&isqopos, ov; +&isototos, ov; ; Śvsképu- otos, ov; oik, oibapiós &vaoxetos, Trag. You would be intolerable if you were prosperous, eús q6pmtos oilk &vei Tpdoorous cañós, Esch. Intonation, Távos. See Tone. To intoxicate, uébùakw, fut, ué0āoro, etc., c, dat, or c. gen. of the liquor, no perf. act. or pass., aor. 1. pass. éueðū00mv. To be intowicated, ué9üw, only pres, and imperf. act. Intoxicated, Tápolyos, ov; kátovos, ov; tué0ügos, ºf éqvapuévos. See Drunk. Intoxication, ué6m, oivoq Airyta. See Drunkenness. Intractable, orkampós; +’āpañxavos, ov; kepdo 60Aos See Obstinate. To intrench, trepitãºppedo. Intrenchment, rāqipos, ii. See Trench. Intrepid, ‘āšeňs; ’āqošos, ov; '3'tpertos, ov; +’ārap- Shs, sometimes c. gen. of danger ; +&Tápémros, ov. -See Brave. Intrepidity, "Čºpoéta. See Bravery. Intrepidly, 'éðeós, ’āq,66aos, +’ātpéo Taos. See Bravely. Intricacy, ºf trepitãokſ. Intricate, troAVTAokos, ov; Tepitetxeyuévos; ºro- pos, OV. O 1/. Intrigue, trapag iceuſ. f |To intrigue (i.e. in state affairs), toxvirpayuovéo; olcevapéopal, mid., c, perf. pass. in act, sense of “ef. fecting by intrigue.” *. An intriguer, éiríčovXevrºs, où, 6, c. gen. of the per- son or thing against whom or which. *. Intriguing, t toxi"TAokos, ov. Intrinsic, čyyevſis, To introduce, eisūyw, Éirets&yo, Tposøyw; +&ires- ºpépa, only act., c. dat. of the person to whom, or the place into which ; (rites and ceremonies, etc.) cótá- 5 eticvijul, To introduce (a statement) improperly into an argument about other matters, TápépéáAAw. Introduced, étractés. - Corn is introduced to those w the island, gºtos éo TAet tois év tá vägg, Thuc. Introduction, Tposáyayh, eisãywyń. A means of introducing the enemy, Éirelsayayi Tôv toxeulov, Thuc. The introduction into a statement of matter foreign to the subject, trâpépé0Aff. To intrude on, intrams., eistotéo €uavtov, c. dat., Plat. Intuition, intuitive perception, atºpotos vómous. See Innate. To invade, Teipt (–1éval), c. acc. or c, dat. or c, čirl and acc.; Ériorſpätetºw; eiséáAAw, c. eis and acc., sometimes eiséâAAw otpatſav eis; Épédxxo; Trépxo- pal, fut. –exeijo opal, no aor. I., aor. 2. —7A009, perf. —exíAöða. To join in an invasion, givetséâAAw; ovy- kata.0éa, fut. —6eto'opal, no aor. or perf., no pass, voice. To invade in retaliation, êvrépéâAAw. Difficult to invade, 6üséuéoxos, ov. An invader, ‘FéiriuoAos, ov. But I beholding the army of the Greeks, the invader of the land, 'Eyð, 5è yńs #peêpov 'Apyetwv otpatów Asúo gav, Eur. Invalid (of laws, etc.), 'ékúpos, ov, Invaluable, Fºrduripios, ov. Invariable, ’ākivmros, ov; ‘āuetáotpoſpos, ov. Usual. Invariably, 'đićIváros. Invasion, eiseoxh, ēuéoxh, ēríðpoph; (with reference to the invaders) étrā-ywy?) [all these words are used, not with a gen, of the country invaded, but e. eis and acc. or some similar construction]. Eaposed to invasion, eúépéoxos, ov, | Invective, busiàos, T6. See Reproach. See Sick. See 226 Inveigh—Involve To inveigh against, #ylcelſugi, fut, -keto ouai, no aer. See To attack, To reproach. To inveigle, Wuxāyayéo, öexedºw. Inveigling, subst, juxāywyía. Calculated to inveigle, bºxáyoyicós. To invent, eúptako, fut, siphow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. eipov, perf, eúpmica, fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense; épévpioica, ćevpioico; (tales, etc.) TAdoo-w, piv60A0- 'yea', Aoyotrouéa. - See To allure. An invention, eúpmua, Tó; eipeg is, eas, i. What can be invented, eúperós. Inventive, eipſixávos, ov; eitropos, ov; eſſperikös, ºf panxauðels. See Ingenious. An inventor, eúpétms, ov, 6, fem. eſpétis, ió0s, i ; ô. An inventory, 'étroypāq'ſ, ’ātāqāoris, eas, i. To take an inventory, 'ütroypāq,w, ºrápióſzéa. Kalvotroumths, ov, To cause an inventory to be taken, âToypápoſal, mid. c. acc. of the things inserted, Lys. To be put down in an inventory, 'étroºpaívouai, pass. To invert, petao Tpéq,w. Inverted, ‘ūtrepôāTós. In inverted order, 'ütrepšátós. To invest (a person with power, with the sovereignty, etc.), TeptéâAAw, no aor. 1. perf. –éééAmica ; c. dat. pers. acc. of the power, trepitiºnwi. To invest (a place), Tepiſcúðnual, Tposicä0égopal, fut, -ečovua. See To besiege. To investigate, ééetá(o, öpevváw, éépévváo, öleáe- pevváa, Solciuáſa, ’āvaſmtéw; &váðpéo, no mid. or pass.; minutely, carefully, 'dicpišów, Ötäkptéów; pikpo- Aoyéopal, mid., no pass.; along with, givetruoſicotréal, avvöléčeut (–téval); besides, trposełetáço; the nature of things, piquoxoyéa. To investigate previously, ‘f Trposéepevváa, contr. irpovč. See To consider. One must investigate, ééetaatéov. An investigation, 'üvā'icpiots, eas, ii, poet, &ykpious; ſhtmoris, h; {fitnua, Tá; áčétáo is, eas, j; Šćetc.0 p.6s. A judicial investigation, eiðīvn, oftenest in pl. A philosophical investigation, ºptAooſopia, Tpaypºteta. A subject for philosophical investigation, pixoa 6¢mua. Tó. An investigator, {ntmTàs. One who investigates previously, t Tposéepevvmths, où, 6, contr. Trpovč. (of weconnoitring parties, etc.). Difficult to investigate, Siſsetepevvmtös, Öv. Inveterate (of disease), €yxpova fleis, éykátáye- Tºpäx&s. To become inveſerate, évolcifláčouai, pass.; Éyxpovićouai, pass.; eykataympágico, fut. —ympágouai. Invidious, éiríq,00vos, ov. Invidiously, Tuq,6éva's. To invigorate, étruññóvviſui, Črtoxſw, icpátival. See To strengthen. Invigorating, +&pkeaſyvios, op. Invincible, ’āvicmros, ov;’āuáxos, ov; 6ūsuáxos, or: ôvstroAéuntos, ov; + &öäuáros, ov ('é6, poet.); + £60mtos, ov; +’āhpūros, ov; (of a city)”áAmirros. ov; ’āvāAøros, ov. Inviolable, inviolate, ‘āképatos, ov; ‘āéAášās; (of an oath, friendship, etc.) 3ééatos, o, ov, and 0s, ov; 'âlcium ros, ov; (of a suppliant, etc.) "Čo UAos, ov; ºf &G ſºmtos. Inviolability, 'üorūAig. Inviolably, '36Aásws. Invisible, &épôtos, ov; 3 påvhs; "35mA0s, ov; dippa- O'Tos, ov. Invitation, k\hoſts, eas, ii, trpók}\mous. Without invitation, atteTéy'yextos, ov (i. e. invited). To invite, kāAéa, trăpăcăNéa, Tpokanea ; (allies) ētāyoga, mid. self- To join in inviting, ovverāya, , at the same time, guptăpăcăAéa ; on the other hand (in opposition), &vtitāpākāAéa, ; in turn or in return, Čvºri!coxéa. To invite to come from a place, ééâyo, c. ŠK and gem. Invited, kAmTós. To inundate, IrātāicAff ſo, Štrikāāſa. Inundation, # ; + štúñoſ. Invocation. &včićAmots, eos, ii; Éirāya) h; + k\mööv, évos, h; of the Gods, éiríðetaguás. To invoke, kāAéal, éiríkäAéw; áiríéodopal, mid-; +&iºãa'; + étravödopal, mid.; + Kirkfloºka, only pres, and imperf. ; the Gods, étribed ſo and étribed ſo; + šeo- KXitéa, sometimes c. acc. ; as a witness, uopripoua, étripaptiſpoſal. - étri"KAüots, eas, kātākāvoluos Archidamus proceeded to invoke as witnesses the Gods and native heroes, és étuaptuptav Kal Osóv Kal #pdov táv ćyxoptov 'Apxtöaſtos katéotn, Thuc. To begin by invoking, + (ppould ſoual, mid., c. acc. Invoking, invocatory, + SeákAütos, ov. One must invoke, träpäicxmtéov. To involve (in danger, distress, etc.), trepiéâAAw, no ãor. 1., perf. —SééAmica, c. acc, pers., dat. of the situation; trpospíºyvöpit, c. dat. pers., acc. of the situa tion; + šuſeſ) viſa; † giváttro, c, acc, pers, eis an Q 2 227 Involuntary—Joyful acc. of the situation, or c, acc. of the situation, dat. pers.; (as accomplices, etc.) ovvetiatráopal, mid. To be involved in, Šutraékouai, pass.; orivioraſat, pass. c. perf, pluperf. (part. ovveotnicës, vio, bs, also ovveotós, òga, bs, gen. Ötos, etc.), and aor. 2. act.; toivolkéw; t Tpóskelpal, fut. -keto opal, no other tenses. To be involved in the ruin of others, f ovykä0éAkopal, pass., aor, l. -etxictor0mv. Involved in, Tepittetºis, c, dat.; £uéeśmicës, via, bs, etc., c. Év and dat. & The fate in which I am involved, Öaſuav ć avveſú)mv, Eur. - The grief in which one is involved, &A'ym ovykekpapéva, AEsch. Involuntary (of actions), 'ékočgios, ov; (of persons, rarely of actions) ‘ākwu, ovoa, ov, ovtos, etc. See Unwilling. To inure, é0íšw, c. acc, pers, and infin. or c. gem, acc. See To accustom. - Inutility, '&xpmotía. See Uselessness. Invulnerable,”fitpatos, ov; #35mktos, ov. Inwards, Éga, and elow. Jocose, yeaolos, fºyexototroiás. Jocoseness, yeXototrotta. Jocund, patépés. See Cheerful. To join, act, Qeſſyväut, ovſévyvvut, ovvapuáço, ori- váirta, ouvâyw; ovufláAAw, perf. -8é8Amica. To join, intrans. (as a person joins another, or joins a party), Tpostitepal, mid, also Tpostíðmui éuavrov, c. dat.; Tposxopéa, c, dat, or c. Tpos and acc.; ovviotapal, pass. c. perf, pluperf, perf, and aor. 2. act. Sine cas.; ovuòáAAw (often of joining in battle, etc., sometimes c. acc., as uáxmu, xeipas, etc.); (in an undertaking) ovXAquéâvouai, mid, fut.-Affilouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —ex3éðumv, c. gen. of the undertaking, c. dat. of the companion. See To co-operate. To be joined, avvépxopal, fut. –exeñorouai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. — A60w, perf. —exhAü0a; † a tºykelpai, to vſö- 'yéa. He has not joined the army, où avvíðpouotal otpató, Eur. Come now join us, and join your hand to mine, i500 givalrte, kai ovvæpiſov xépa, Eur. We joined Prowenus, ovvepičagev IIpočévº, Dem. They sailed towards them, and joined them, àràevorov trap' aitoi's kai évveſtix640 av, Thuc. About to join in a feast with his young son, kotuń ovvákov 6aſta Tatól tº véq., Eur, Joining in the attack, which these men are making 9th. me, ovvetišávres tí toàtwv étifférel, Antipho. One inust join, guvappoo Téov. Joined, toºykpáros, ov; at both sides, + šupićevićros, 0)/. Joining, + ſevktípios, c, gen. A joining, güçevés. A place where anything is joined, a vué0Aff. A joint (of the body), špºpov; (in carpenter's work, etc.) + špués; + špuoqua, té. I am related as to my joints, AéAuuau plexéov ordv- 6eopa, Eur. - Joint, adj., + ovſöytos; + origi)os, ov. See United. Jointly, Öplot. See Together. A joist, Šárcos, h. See Beam. To joke, Tai(w, sometimes c. Tpos and acc.; Tita- 0áço; 5taokáirtouai, mid. See To jest. A joke, Okópºua, Tó; ſcopagömpa, tá. To make a joke of any one, yāAwta trouéa, c. Éic and gen, pers, Xen. Fond of jokes, piñoyéxotos, ov. Jollily, ‘īāāpās. Jollity, eigpogium. Jolly, ixãpós. See Merry. To jostle, 30éa, fut. 30%go and &ga (the remaining tenses generally derived from the latter); aside, TápérôAiša. See To push. A journal, épmuepis, fö0s, i. A journey, 660s, h; Topeia; kéAev60s, #, pl. some. times Tá; atóAos; t #Aigis, ii. A journey up, Švo. 60s, i. - A prosperous journey, ºf eioöta. A day's journey for a horse, tirtov Špáuos juépas, Dem. Either he is gone out on a journey to procure food, 'ri ‘popéâs v6otov čeňňAvēev, Soph. Of or belonging to a journey (esp. of omens), Föölos, ov. d/oney for a journey, or food, or anything required for a journey, eq6ölov, oftenest in pl. A journeyman, xelporéxums, ov, 6. Joy, eiºpodium; téphis, eas, h; xàpó, Xappévm, #60wh; txàpua, T6. Eaceeding joy, trepixãpeia. Joy before. hand, trpoffo'0mous, eas, i. Oh, the joy to get ... etc., pet Agéeiv... K.T.A., Soph. See Pleasure. Joyful, àouevos; eighpov, ovos, 6, #; potèphs, feiryū- 0%is; t eiyyā0mtos, ov. Very joyful, trepixãpás. To be joyful, Xalpa, fut. Xalphow, perf. pass, kéxapuai, aor. 2. čxãpmv, sometimes c. acc. of the cause, or C. prep, e.g. ēri and dat. See To rejoice. 228 r Joyfully—Issue Joyfully, &opévos, piaos, + &otáotas. Joyless, ’ātepths; +’ākī0ãpts, eas, 6, #, neut. -t; ºf '38&icxeuros, ov. Sounding joyously, ‘f etiq60)00s, ov. See Joyful. Irascible, ššūs; + ščíðūgos, ov; + ššūkāpātos, ov. See Passionate. Irascibility, to Öğü0üuov; āść0vuov ppóvnua, Eur. Ire, Šipos, Öpy?), fx6Aos. See Anger. - Ireful, tº éiricorns, ov. See Angry. Irksome, Ajitmpès, i Ajitpós. Iron, oºmpos (in pl. of pieces of iron), 6. A lump of iron, uijópbs, sometimes used as an ordeal. Iron, adj., giöſipeos, Att, contr. sometimes Guðfipous, 3, ovy; + airtoo fompos, ov; † 'üğüpıdvtivos. Made of iron, bound with iron, + plead vôetos, ov; fori- 6mpóvatos, ov; ’āöäuavrööetos, ov; oričmpoépióñs. Any instrument made of iron, oióñptov. To cover with iron, qiāmpóo. Not of iron, + 'éofompos, ov. Producing iron, + qiānpopfftop, opos, 6, i. Sharpening iron, giðmpoépês, -épôtos, 6, #, T6. Working in iron, oričmpeta. A worker in iron, qiāmpets, # oričmpotéictov. Ironical, eſpov, wVos, only masc. (of persons); eipovi- kós. Ironically, eipovicós. To speak ironically, eipovetopal, mid. Irony, eipoveta. To irradiate, étriNáutro. See To shine. Irrational, (of persons) 'évows, ovy, compar. &voúate- pos, etc.; “dºppov, ovgs, 6, ii, neut. ov; + Tāpā'ºpov; (of actions or persons) 'éAoyos, ov; ’āAöytotos, ov. Irrationally, &ppóvas, ’āAóyos, "åAoyiotos. Irreclaimable, "åvi'āros, ov. Irreconcilable, &otovãos, ov; &ötáXAaktos, ov; &- ortreuo Tos, ov. Irreconcilably, 'éicătax}\dictas. Irrefragable, ’āvečéAeyctos, ov; ‘āvéAeykros, ov; 6üséAeyktos, ov. Irregular, 'êvépáAos, ov; bistaktos, ov. Irregularity, 'üvapāAta; "àvapiéAótms, mºtos, i. Irregularly, 'üvouáAws. Irreligion, 'égééeta (also &oesía, Eur); # 8vso'ééeta and + 8vsge6ía. See Impiety. Irreligious, 'üorečás; 'évéatos, ov; † 6vsoreéſis. Impious. Irreligiously, 'évoortos. To be irreligious, behave irreligiously, 'üoreééw, no mid., but pass. (of actions done irreligiously). - See Irremediable, irreparable, ºvåkerros, ov; bisi äros ov; +’āufixãvos, ov; t bisekitépáros, ov. Irremediably, ‘āviáTws. Irreproachable, ’āuepittos, ov; &verſamirtos, ov; ’āv- éykAmtos, ov; ’āveTitiumtos, ov; ; &#eyſis. See Blameless. Irreproachably, 'éuéuttws, ’āvāuaptăTws, 'évérixh- TT&S. - Irresistible, 5vstråAatoros, ov; ovstroAéuntos, ov; ’ā- qvictos, ov, See Invincible. Irresistibly, &02.Étos. - Irresolute, ’ātropos, ov; +TAayºtos, h, ov, and bs, by (with ref. to a particular action); † aiwpoiuevos, ov See Doubtful. To be irresolute, év Štěpg, or év &tópots eiul, Thuc. Xen. See To doubt. Irresolution, 'ütropia. - Irrespective, ’ātrepiottos, ov, c. gen. Irresponsible, 'üveč0üvos, ov; ºviſireſ,8üvos, ov; + š- Hºpitos, ov. tº Irretrievable, ’āoria Tätos, ov. See Incurable. Irreverence, àAlyopia; (in divine things) &gééeta. Irreverent, ÖAiyapos, ov; (in divine things) &rešís. Irreversible, ’āvegåAettos, ov. Irrevocable, "åuetáo Tătos, ov. To irrigate, F &pbetw. See To waler. Irrigation, ‘jópeta. Irritability, àpyixárms, mtos, i. Irritable, Svgoeiðhs, i öğü60p.os; + s, ov. See Passionate. To irritate, kivéo, öğüvo, Tápošūva, Épé0ſo, Shya, + ovv8.hya', tº Öpyiga, ºf ’āyptów. See To provoke, To ea asperate. • One must irritate, épéðtortéov. Irritation, trópośuguós. Irruption, kärååpopºl, étriëpopff. An island, vigos, #; vnals, 750s, h; vnotötov, who'. " 8ptov; + &yxiàAos, ii; Yū evaxto, Eur, An islander, um'rt&tms, ov, 6 (used sometimes as adj.), fem. vºmoſudºtus, ió0s. An island prince, tº vng (apxos. Isolation (i. e. want of allies), €pmuía. épmuów. Isolated, Épmuos, ov. Issue, (i. e. event, q.v.) To €icé&v, -ávros ; (i.e. off. spring, q.v.) + y&vos; traibbs &Adotal, Soph. But Archippus joined issue on the ground that the Her- mes was sound and whole (joined issue and said that ..., etc.), á Šē’Apxittos huttöticel, 7 why Tov ‘Ep- To isolate, why tryió Te Kal &Aov eival, Lys. - 229 ſ' Issue ºo issue, ékéalvo, fut. —Shaouai, aor. 2. —éšmu, as if from –émºt, perf. -Séémica, part. contr, often –Šešós, ðva, bs, gem. &tos, etc., fut, and aor. 1. act, never used in intrans. sense; &lrośaiva'. See To come forth. An isthmus, io998s, 6, but of the Isthmus of Corinth, #. Like an isthmus, io996öms. It. See He. The itch, lººpa, An ilching, Kviouás; kvåg is, eos, i. To itch, kungudw, only act.; kátákviçoſal, pass. To have the itch, popów, only act. Itinerant, TAaykros, ), ov, and bs, 6v ; TAavmtés. See Wandering. ' - Itself. See Himself. A judge, kpiths, où, 6; 6ilcao'ths, où, 6; + 8páéebs, 6; + veuérop, opos, 6; (of what is to be done, not a ju- dicial judge) yuápov, ovos, Š. A fellow-judge, ovy- 6th-aaths, To judge, (legally) bikáço, kpivo, trpokpiva, ; (i. e. to form an opinion) vouſſo. See To think. To have a share in judging (generally, and esp. as assessor to a judge), ovvöikāſa. To be one's own judge, aitoyva- povéa, only act. To judge of a person by his face, or of anything by its outward appearance, ‘piſotoyvapo- véa, c. acc.; beforehand (not judicially), Tpokäräyl- 7vágico, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éyvov; unfavourably of (in any sense, in respect of character, success, etc.), katayuyvágico. No one ever yet voluntarily incurred danger, judging that he should not succeed in his design, où6ets to ka- Tayvobs Éavrot, whareptéoreo 6ai Tô BovXetuati 7x9ev és to Setvöv, Thuc. One must judge, kpitéov. Of cr helonging to a judge or to judging, Öicaatikós; + 6ircáatroños, ov. See Judicial. The faculty of judging, spiriptov. Easy to be judged, eúkpitos, ov. A matter to be judged, + kplug, tá. Judgment, kptoſis, eas, h; (not judicial) Yváum; +ötá. 'Yvogus, eos, j. Right judgment, eißošía. Corruption of judgment, kākočicia. Error of judgment, 56&ms ‘āuaptſa, Thuc. A judgment (i.e. anger of the Gods shown by some misfortune), véuegis, eas, ii, no pl. To the best of one's judgment, àtrö 'yváp.ms, AEsch.; 'yváup tº 5ucatoráth, Dem. The judgment seat, kpitfiptov. The judicature, Šikao Tiptov. Judicial, Šircăvikós. See Tribunal. Jury Judicious, (ppóviuos, yywpovicós. See Wise, Prudent Judiciously, ppoviuas. A jug, Tpóxous ; Tpoxots, fö0s, j. To juggle, Savuárovpyéw, only act.; Yomreča, only act.; uayyáveiſw, only act, ; + wiłyeſia, only act. A juggle, juggling, ‘yomteſa ; Yoſiteupa, Tó; Savº- totrotta, Savºitovpyta, uayyáveta. A juggler, Yáms, mros, j; Héyos, SavučTorotos, lev- ôoup'yás. Jugular, the jugular vein, pâși, o báyºtis, Arist. Juice, xijubs, xúAós; + &rbs (prop. of the fig-tree, but also of any tree, when it is cut); # yávos, té; tºmkls, 760s, j; + 50%. Juicy, yxijuos, ov. July. ‘Elcarouéauðv, &vos (began about the middle of July). To jump, Tmöáø, See To leap. A jump, &Aua, T6. S e Leap. Junction, a Úſevěts, h; givabis, h; + divāpā. Juncture, ſcalpös, 'dicuñ. See Crisis. - June, Xkipopopºv, ºvos, 6, also Xicº. (began about the middle of June). Junior. See Young. Juniper (the tree), kéðpos, #. The juniper-berry, kebpls, ió0s, i. Ivory, ÉAépas. avtos, 6. Ivory, adj., éAeqāvtivos. Tööetos, ov. Juno, "Hpa. Jupiter, Zeis, gen. Zmubs, etc., also gen. Atos, dat. Aïl, acc. Ata, the latter the more usu. prose form. Jurisdiction,--an action within the jurisdiction of the court, Öiºn eisaydºyiuos (ov), Dem. To have jurisdiction, kūpuetw;-let the presidents have jurisdiction to the eatent of a fine of fifty drachmab (i. e. to impose a fine not exceeding fifty drachmae), kvptevétwo avoi épéðpo. Héxpt Tevríkovra öpaxpór, Lex ap. AEschin. Jurisprudence, vöpios. A juror, Šikaaths, oo, ö. The juror's ſee, Tpitá60Aov. Jury, Grand. The ’āvā'kpions (pdet. also &ykpions) was an investigation preparatory to trial, in order to determine whether the action would lie, -something like our examination before the Grand Jury (the parties before the Grand Jury &vakpivovral,—the Grand jurors &vakpivova. Thu Sikmu, or rows &vrièſ- kovs, the cause &vakpivetal trpós tuvi–before any one). Inlaid with ivory, Aeqay- See Law. 230 Just—Keep Just, Sikatos, a, ov (also in Trag, sometimes os, ov); érieuchs; Évêikos, ov; eiðiðicos, ov; (according to law) āvvopos, ov; vöpiuos; (of persons only) "igos. Exceedingly just, Förépôicos, ov; Trévôikos, ov. See Justice. Justly, Silcaſas, évôicos, év Štiºn, obv Štiºn; karð. 6icnv, Trag.; wet & 6ttoms, Plat. Very justly, t'ºtrepôticas. To think just, Öicatów. To act justly, t àp660pal, pass.; Sicaiorpäyéo. They act most justly if they are distrustful of their sue- cesses, Sikatot eiai ital &riotótato, eival tais eitpā- 'yials, Thuc. It is just that I should be delivered from these evils, 6ticaiós eiu” Távö’ &rmXA&x0al kaków, Soph. A just action, Šikaiwpa, T6; Śikaloiſpäympa, Tb, Arist. Just, (i. e. nearly) adv., oxeóów Ti; (of time) + špuot. See Lately. Only just, 30 ov. . . p.6vov, divided by the verb, Thuc.; §orov Šalov, Ar. - Just so (in answers), Kopſiół, wºv oſſu, Plat. Nearly, Ealactly. Justice, Šikm; 5ikatooivn; Étieſkeia; Śikatórms, 'mtos, i. The Goddess Justice, Oéuts, iè0s (often used in nom. simply for what is just, and as if indecl, sometimes See in Att. even with neut. article, to Śānis, to in &éuis, etc.). A court of justice, Sucao Thptov; to Seiyug Tóvãutów, Ar. To hold a court of justice, kā0íſa, Čikaathpion, Ar. See Court, - Fond of justice, pixoëticalos, ov. Justifiable, 6icatos, a, ov, sometimes Trag. 0s, ov. S e Just. Justifiably, Öicatas. See Justly. Justification, Šikatopia, āros, Tó; Śikatoats, ii. See Defence. To justify, bikáſw, in prose more usu. -opal, mid., c. perf. and pluperf. pass.; Staffikatów. To jut out, trpoéxw, often contr. Tpoixw; Tpoe. never contracted in the augmented tenses; &véxo, Tpékel- pal, fut. —Icefarouai. See To project. Any thing jutting out, TpóéAmºa, Tb, c, gen, of that into which. See Projection. Juvenile veðvíkòs, and fem. veåvis, tºos; veorpetrás. See Youthful. Ivy, kiao’és. Of ivy, Icíarolvos. Crowned with ivy, i kiao’ets, only masc.; oteq fts. f Planted with ivy, + ktoroºpms; + kugoroqāpos, ov. To crown with ivy, ictoo 60. + Kuroro- K. * Keel, rpátis, ió0s, h; Tpotribeſov, f ŠAktov. To lay the keel, KatzSáNAopal Tpottòetov, Plat.; Tiºmpu ôpváxovs, Ar. *. Keen, (in any sense) ºpiuis, Čís; (of a weapon) +&micrós; (of words, reproof, etc.) + keptóulos, ov. See Sharp. Keenly, Öpiuū. Keenness, àéârms, mros, h; 8piušrms, mros, i. To keep, (in any sense) pixágow; (safely to preserve) véa, 31ao dºw, Éxa, fut. *ča or oxhow, no aor. 1., perf oxmka; (i.e. rear, etc., as to keep horses, etc.) Tpépa, fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense; as a treaty, etc., tmpéa'; (an oath, promise, etc.) éuirečáo (with and without Špicov), Čeptrečáo. To keep back, f €pmtöw (ä, but iſ before a, or before a long syll.) (see To restrain); from, (as to keep a man from work) étaxw, only pres. act. *. To keep off, to keep away, eſpyo, fut. mid., sometimes in pass. Sense ; aor. 2, eſpyä00v; &Teip'ya, ’āiréxa. To keep off (water, etc., but also weapons), oréyo. + &rootéya, in general use. See To ward off. To keep out, kátákwAt a $o, Xen.; together, act, givéxa, Käréxw. º To keep secret, oté)w, rare except in pres, and imperf, act. To aid in keeping down, oritylcáréxw. To keep, intrans. (i.e. continue) doing, etc., 8tateNéal; only act, in this sense, c. participle in nom. or c, adj, the part. &v being understood; 6tayiyvoual, fut. —yevſgopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. -eyevópmv, perf. —yeyévmpal and yé yova; you keep trifling, pxvåpets . éxww. To keep one's mouth quiet, etc., ºppoupéo etºpmuoy orrówa, Eur. - Which they crossed, with difficulty keeping their heads above waler, à uðAus jiépéxovtes étrépatóðma'av, Thuc. He kept a Persian table, tpdate{av IIeporuchy trapetſ- 9eto, Thuc. 231 FCeeper—Killed Keeping Sicily on the right, Év Šešíg Adéovres thy Xukeaſav, Thuc. - To be well kept (of horses, etc.), eiwxéouai, pass., c. fut, mid. in pass. Sense. One must keep, piñaktéov; together, givektéov. To be kept, ºf pińakté0s. Calculated to keep together, givektikós. Taking care to keep, piñáicikos, c. gen. A place or means for keeping secure, Tàpmals, i. The keeping (or maintaining) of any animals, Tpopf. What will not keep (of fruit), Övsómoraßptortos, ov. A keeper, piñaſ, Škos, 6, #. See Guard. A kernel, Kókkov, wVos, 6 (esp. of a pomegranate); Tüp?iv, fivos, 6. To pick out the kernel, kokkiſa. A kestrel, f icepxviſts, ió0s, and contr. —vis, -uń- 60s, i. A kettle, Aééns, mtos, 6; XaAkelov; with three legs, Tpirovs, -iro50s, 6. A key, k\els, KXetőös, ºf k\etötov. Seeing that the place (Messene) was the key of Sicily, épôvres trposé0Xīv čxov to Xaptov tís XuceAtas, Thuc. A keeper of the keys, ºf KAelbotixos. To be keeper of the keys, ICAetàouxéw. A kibe, #xīueTAov. To kick, Aartigo, -ſaw; ÉcAactíſo, okéAos, Ar. kick against, &vtiãaictſ (w, c. dat. Kicking, adj. (i.e. apt to kick), Aaktioths, où, only IſláSC. f A kick, or kicking, ºf Adictiopia, ré. A kid, piq,0s, 6 kal il. Of kid, épipelos, ov. - To kidnap, &vöpatroëtſoual, mid. also in pass, fut. mid, in both act, and pass. sense. A kidnapper, &věpáTroötorths, ot, 6. Kidnapping, &věpáróðigis, h; &věpároötguás. . A kidney, vegpös, usu. in pl. To kill, kretva, also aor. 2, 3rd. sing, and pl. Éicta and éctav, part. Krès (Trag., chiefly found in the com- pound words), no perf or very rare in the simple verb; but, in the compounds, & réictova and katéktova are found in the best prose writers; kataktetva, ātro- irreſpo; katva', no aor. 1., no mid. or pass.; kárà- Icaſual ; &Toktívviſat, also &Toktuvvča, only pres.; Ståxpáopal, mid., c. acc. in this sense; 6&vátów, (poveto ; + švaípw, no perf.; + kotuſſo, + catevváço, + évāpiśa, ; i öäuáſo, perf. pass. 3éðumual, aor. 2. éöäumv ; +&TOX&tigo, ; +&vaipéa, aor. 2. —éſàov; To + kaffaipéo ; voorptºw 8tov, AEsch.; (with a wea, pon) a paºo, &Too bdºw, katadºpdºw; , an animal, kówto (not with a knife, but when the animal is knocked down); + Bovbüréa, only act.; men, + &r- àpokrovéa, only act.; + 8potoktovéo, only act.; + &v. 6potoo påyéw ; again (the dead), Férečepyāſoual, + étructetva, ; besides, trposé TóAAüul, trposatokretvo. To kill (a person) over (any thing), ário pd{a, c. acc. pers, dat. rei; in retaliation, êvrätorteiva', tàytā- tróAAüut ; with, together, etc., ovykátaktetvw ; ºf ovy- kärepyā;ouai, ºf ovuſpoveto, + ovvöaiſo, ; secretly (make away with), 'épěvíſo, ; by treachery, + 80x0- qovéo ; oneself, &too pd{opal, mid. To be killed, pass, of the preceding words, also Titta, fut."reoroúual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čtegov, perf. Téttoka; koudouai, pass.; Fötöttpáo go, intrans. To be killed beforehand, trpoãvāAígicopal, in aor. 1. pass. Tpoava- Aóðmy. - He killed Iphigenia, 5thumo’’Iſpiyövms trapmièa, Eur, And to kill myself, Štát éivágal Tov ćubv 8totov, Eur. You, O dear Pallas, who killed the dragon with stones, q}{Aa IIáAAas, & (for 7.) Spécovros alwa Ató6éoãov kâtelpºydora, Eur. They killed one another, pópov kolvöv cate:pyáo avt’ éir' &AAñAois Xepoiv, Soph. Whom bloody Mars did not kill, Öv . . . poſvuos “Apºls oùk ééviolev (lit. did not receive as his guest), Soph. Who . . . killed their enemies, & (dual nom.) Toto iv éxôpoſs ... trpovatfitny (póvov, Soph. But iron slaughter killed him, póvos 6é viv a 16mpéºpov £vvºys yº (i.e. caused him to be buried), Eur. See To slay, To destroy, To perish. Or must I be killed by the sword 2 # 6tá atóñpov truedu’ &Top5%at pie àe?; Eur, And a few of their own men were killed, kal &vöpes te tives & réflavov airów ŚAfyot, Thuc. A killer, povets, é, í, ; a pāyebs (also of the weapon which kills); +5airthp, fipos, 6; + airóxelp, eipos, 3, #; of men, + &vöpopóvrns, ov, 6; +Aá03äuas, avtos, 6. Killed, + Trégiuos, ov; + orpaktós. Newly killed, + veorqāyīs; +veóicumros, ov; by the hand, ºf Xelpočáčktos, ov; in battle, f'3peiºpáros, ov; by one's own kinsmen, airtoo payås. Mulually killed, killed by one another, faitoödiktos, ov, in pl. Killed by one's own hand (suicidally), faitóx.p (epith. of death or slaughter so caused, and once cf the person so killed). 232 PCilling—Rneading-trough Spoils of those who are killed, 8potóp00pa alcüAa (tā), Ar. Blood of one who is killed, &věpápôopov aiua (&tos, Tö), Soph. A killing, subst. # 8tapôopá. See Slaughter. Killing, or killing men, adj. F &vöpopóvos, ov; +800- tóAovyos, ov; +&vöpoktóvos, ov; +&vöp0kphs, fitos, 6, ; +&vöp06&iktos, ov; +&v0patroktóvos, ov; + 8potokróvos, ov; two, or one another, t bikpātās; in requital, T &vructóvos, ov; by treachery, t 60A0póvos, ov; many, ‘f troAvictóvos, ov. Kin, kindred, subst. (both the relationship and the persons related), ovyyáveto. Nearness of kindred, &yxtorteſa. See Relationship. Newt of kin, &yxiatos ; &yxiatos yével, Eur. To be neat of kin, &yxiatetºw, c, dat. of him to whom, only act. Kind, #trios, a, ov, and in Att. 0s, ov; piñáv0patros, ov; Tposmvils, I trpevuevils; (of persons only) pixó- ºppov, ovos, 6, ii; Tpóppwy, ovos, 6, #. See Friendly. Kind, subst. ièéa. See Sort. Land where the rent is paid in kind, étuoptos Yi, Sol. To kindle, trans. &tto, and in pass., esp. in perf. pass.; mid, not used in this sense, except fut, mid. once in pass, sense (and in comp. Lys. has €válag 6al); éváirta, ; Évača, only pres, and imperſ, act., lit. and metaph.; ałºw, only pres, and imperf act, and pass.; +&vaíða, ; +’āvatóðgarw, only pres. act.; F ºvāq)\éya, only pres. and imperf act.; t Safa', only pres, and imperf. act. and pass, To be kindled, ºf épáTTopal, pass. Easily kindled, effºxeicros, ov. A kindler, tripeſa, Tá; ſóttipov. Kindliness, pixoſppodium. Kindly, pixoppóvos, hitſos, + trpevuevæs. Kindness, trpevuéveta ; Xpmotórms, mtos, i. A kindness, xàpus, itos, acc. iv, f ; evepºyeo'ía ; kind. nesses, rà eſſ tretrov0óta, AEschin. A previous kind- ness, trpoiſtrapy.h. See Service. To be kind, behave kindly, do a kindness to, receive kindly, xàpiſopal, mid, perf pass. Rexãptorua, in act. sense, and also in pass. of the kindness done, c. dat. pers. towards whom, sometimes c. acc. of the kind- ness done ; quxoſppovéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in act. sense, c. dat, or c. acc. To treat kindly in return, &vrixápíſougi. To do a previous kindness, Tpointépxo tüepyeglöv, Isoc. See To burn. Kindred, adj. avyyevis; oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; ăvaykaios, + airroyevils, éyyeviſis ; # oriry')ovos, ov; t àuatuos, ov; Föuaiuwu, ovos, 6, ; ºf yewé9Alos, ov; ºf Öpió0 tropos, ov. Jupiter who presides over kindred, otºauos Zebs, Soph. In a kindred manner or spirit, f Éyyevós. Kine, RTāvos, Tb, more usu. pl. See Cattle. A king, BāqīAeës ; Túpavvos, esp. of an absolute monarch, and esp. in Att. of those who obtained the kingdom in some irregular way, not by inheritance ; puévapxos ; *āvač, Kros (very rare in prose); + 'évák- Twp, opos ; +&pxmyétms, ov; +&pxnyós ; # ºpéev, 01/TOS. O king, & 83 (said to be for Bagińet), AEsch. To be a king, Báoixetw, often c. gen. or c, dat.; Túpap véo, and Tupavveto, 'êvão ra. See To reign, To rule. A kingdom, Bāoriaeta, uovapxia ; Túpavvis, tºos, # (esp. of a power not constitutional, used only of the power, not of the country where the power is exer- cised); +’âvašía. Kingly (of or belonging to, or suitable to a king), Bāqīāelos, a, ov, in Att. Sometimes os, ov; fem. + Barixſts, toos, and + BāqīAls, föus ; 8&qiāikós ; Tipavvos, ov; Túpavvikós. A kingfisher, kāpiśA0s; &Akvěv, 6vos, i. A kinsman, in pl. oi &vaykaiot. See Relation. To kiss, piñéo, fut. mid. sometimes in pass. sense; kārāpīAéo ; + kövéo, fut. Körø and Kvigouai. Kissing him, àuſpiiriirtov atóušov, Soph. And kissing your father, kal Tarpl tº 0.6 Stå (pixm- p.d. Tov ièv, Eur. I did not kiss my sister, oi kaa'iyyātm otówa ovvika, Eur. A kiss, pianua, Tó. Fond of kissing, pianticós. A kitchen, itvös, Öttövlov. A kite, inctivos, acc. also inctiva (Ar.); # Tptopxos. A knapsack, Sixákos, Tápa, + Tºpfºtov. A knave, waortiºtas, ov, 6 ; + kó8āAos ; + picio 6Ams, mtºs. 6. See Rogue. To be a knave, Tovmpeãopal, mid.; + kāicotrotéo. Enavery, Tovmpta; kálcotſpympia, Štos, tá; + kóšā\a, Tá; + kośāAñcevuo, Tá. A knavish trick, Trovãpevka, See Roguery. Knavish, wox0mpós; + kärnxos, ov. See Dishonest. Knavishly, kāirmXikós. To knead, udoow, pipáa, pipw. A kneading-trough, Kāpāotros, h; † wartpø. Tó. 233 - Knee —Knowledge A knee, Yévv, gen. Yöváros, yočvaros, and yovvös, etc., to (only yéváros in prose). Knock-kneed, yovčkpotos, ov. The knee-pan, pian. * To kneel, tºdutta; káutto yóvv; R. kóAa, Trag. Kneeling on the ground (of Polyxena), kaffeſora trpos 'Yalau Yávv, Eur.; yévv yaig Tíðmul, Eur. Kneeling, yovitretís. A knife, uáxalpa;+ cotls, tºos, h; for sacrifice, foºpá. 'yews; to päyls, ió0s, j. A shoemaker's knife, touets. A knight, itſtreſs; itTótºms, ov, 6, often as adj. with āvīp; Aabs, etc. The body of knights, to irrikóv; intrós, òos, i. All the knights, traora tirtov Šušagis (poet, for ’āvāśā- als, eas, ii), Soph. See Horseman. Belonging to a knight, it trikós. Like a most accomplished knight, itTukóTata. To be a knight, irreño; eis it"rdöa TeXéa (with re- ference to the Athenian rank of itſtreis), Isae. To knit, tºpéka, only pres, and imperf act. See To weave. To knit the brows, Tås āq pus’āvao Táa, Dem.; tês 3dpås givāya, Soph. A knob, TüAos. To knock (at doors), kóttaſ; Kpotaſ, perf. pass. Ké- tºpovo pai; “f ’āpāorga, fut. —Éa'; (esp. in a drunken or riotous manner) &vporcorréal, only act. To knock out (a person's eye, etc.), €kkóttro; + ščapdorow (the ob- stillacy out of a person, etc.); down, Édogw. To be knocked about (as a man in a storm, an army, etc.), i a Troöéopat. A knocker, 56TTpov. We gladly put our hands to the knocker, fióTTpav xépas jöéos ékkpmuuäpeo:3a, Eur, Knock-kneed, BAala ós. See Knee. A knot, Šuga, àtos, tá; (lit. and metaph.) kä0auga; (in a piece of wood, etc.) or reſpa. A knot (of men, etc.), oiſotágus, ecos, i. To knot, i &irta, only act. in this sense ; oriváirtw. See To tie. Knotty (of roots of trees), orivertpappévos; with thirty knots, Tpiárcov6äppätos (of a rope, etc.). With- out knots, ’āváppañtos, ov. To know, Éttatapal, 2nd sing. ērtatégal and étriotç, aor. 1. pass. htriotă0mv, in act, sense c. acc., some- times c. Tepl and gen, often c. part.; Śetriotauai; 'ylyvooka, fut. Yvágouai, no adr. 1, aor. 2. čyvov, perf. §yvolca, etc.; oióa, perf., pluperf. §§elv, Att. #67, 2nd sing. oio-0a, pl., often foruev, tote, imper, to 64, fut. efa Opal, no other tenses, c. acc., sometimes c, gen, esp. in perf. part, when it means skilful in; károša, é9.3a, formul; tvuffivouai, mid., fut. Tešo'ouai, some- times also in Att. Trevootpat, no aor. 1., perf. pass. Tétrugual, in act. sense, also in poet. pres, often ret- 00pal (esp. of knowing by asking, by hearing news, etc.); yuapſo (chiefly in the sense of recognising persons); beforehand, Tpoyllyvágica, Tpoetría Tapai; besides, Tpósolòa, trposetto Tapai; eactly, 6täkpišów ; eaactly beforehand, † Tpoeëetria Tapai, contr. trpovč.; too late, ºf petayuyvágica. To know as well as another, ovvetrio Tapai. To be publicly known, Ömuoguéopal, pass. learn. I know your disposition, &vegetpmo dumy Täs oras (ppe- vas, Eur. You scarcely know me, 8vspaffei’s éué, AEsch. Ye surpassing the people in knowledge, Šplets trepiq po- vowutes ioTopig Tov 37901, Æschin. See To Your name is widely known among all men, troAt Tb abu ôvoua. Šišice. Tövtas, Soph. I know the arguments are conceited, Tois Aóryois givolòa. oão w &AaQāoriv, Plat. To make known, umvöw (i. except when before a long syll.), ÖmAów, Yvapíſo. Not to know, to do anything without knowing it, Añ00 and Aavbåva (the most usu, form of pres, in prose, though Åfjöw also is found in Xen.), esp. in aor. 2. ëAá00v, and perf. AéAmba, c. part. (sometimes, but not so frequently, Aavóóva is put in the part. and the other verb in the tense intended). One must know, ioréov, Yvootéov. I do not know how to (do some sinful thing), špvy āpīxavos, c. infin., Soph. Knowing (understanding, etc.), to Tøp, opos, 6, #, sine cas. or c. gen.; +’iºpis, eas, 6, #, sine cas, or c. gen. or c. infin. Knowing rightly, i öp006ails, c. infin. Knowing too well, ºf Ötrepia top. Capable of knowing, yyaatikás. Knowingly, eið6tws. Knowledge, étriotium, Goſpto.; páðmals, eas, #; yuá- ois, eos, ji; ioTopta (esp. of the knowledge gained by inquiry). Means of knowledge, or of knowing, ătăyvors. A knowledge of any unfavourable circumstances, kåtå- 'yvoorts, eas, h, as—By reason of his knowledge of their weakness, Sid Karáyvorºv &rdevelas, Thuc. - Without the knowledge of, t &) vös, Ötos, 6, j, c, dat. pers. without whose knowledge one acts. Without the knowledge of, adv., Adépa. See To reveal. 23.4 ECnown—Ladder (nown, yywrbs or yvoortés; påvepos (esp. of a person being known to have dome so and so). Well known, yº, m, ov, more usu. 0s, ov. Easy to be known, eśyvoortos, ov; yua'atós. *. Åat may be made known or divulged, Étºpopos, ov, sometimes c. tºpos and acc. pers, to whom. aborious, (of persons) pixórovos, ov; piaspyos, ov; Froxiuox60s, ov; (of work) + 3\sirovos, ov; (of per- ons, or of work) éirirovos, ov; (of anything acquired y labour, or of the fate or deity which inflicts labour) 5vströvmtos, ov. See Industrious, difficult. aboriously, Čiritóva's. t o labour, Truvéw, also -ouai, mid., c. perf. pass. and luperf. pass, in act. Sense, pass. also sometimes in or. 1. “to be gained by labour;” épyáçopal, mid., erf pass, eſpyaouai, both in act, and pass. sense, luperf. pass. and fut. 1. pass. in pass. Sense; káuvoº, erf kéiqunica, act. and mid, no pass.; u0x0éa, â0Aéa. To labour anariously, 6taotrovöd (opal, mid., erf. pass. in either act. or pass. sense; Tripixo- ovéopat, mid., c. dat.; much, ‘ūtreptrovéa. To labour point excessively (in debate, in arguing), ūtrepôtateſ. ouai. To labour in behalf of for, trpotovéo; + štrep- wäxopal, c. acc. of what is done ; tārepkáuva, c. em. pers.; +Tpokduva, c. gen. To labour before, pokáuva, Tpop,0x0éw, Tpotovéa. To labour-with, ovuprox0éo; + ovpatrovéo, c. acc. rei, or sometimes c. at.; orvueritrovéo. See To co-operate. o gain by labour, also to avert by labour, and some- imes simply to labour, ºf éiquox6éa’, ‘Féicrovéw. o waste one's labour, to labour in vain, Teptepyáçopal, id. See To strive. ne must labour, Tovmtéov, pox.0mréov, a trověaotéov. me must go through needless labour, treptépyao Téov. bour, Tévos, uáx60s; + uéx0mpa, Tb, always in pl.; käuätos, + p.670s. Much labour, Toñitovía. Without labour, 'ārovos, ov (of persons doing or things rocured); ’āuox60s, ov. 'ithout labour, adv., "åtróvas, ºf &piox6i. using labour, t 5ustrówntos, ov. abour (i. e. travail), 36ts, ivos, ii; Aoxefa, ºf Tákos, Aóxos. be in labour, &öiva, only act, sometimes c. acc. of he child. Not easily known (of a person), very difficult to be Known by any one but by his parent, TAhv Tó Tekávtt kápta Övspáðhs ièeiv, Eur. Means of making known, Öſixwpa, To. A knuckle, icóvööA0s. With dirty knuckles, i ÅitrokóvövXos, ov. L. Having an easy labour, strokos, ov. Having a bad labour, i ööstokos, ov. A labourer, épyärms, ov, 6; Épyaathp, fipos, 6; + xepunths, ot, 6; (i.e. one of the labouring class) See Servant. Of or belonging to a labourer, &mtikás; +&iqa'a, only fem. To be a labourer, ºf Šm reta, only act. The being a labourer, or the condition of a labourer, &mteta. A labyrinth, Ašššpuð0s. Like a labyrinth, Aašvpu%öms. Laced (tight), ātea pºlicopévos (i. e. looking like a wasp about the waist). Lacedæmonian, Aakeóaluóvios, Ašicovicós; fem. Xtrap- Tiótis, ió0s, h. A Lacedæmonian, Aškov, ovos, 5, etc.; fem. Aškaiva (sometimes as adj. A. X6&v, etc.). To lacerate, a trāpāorga'; icváTTw, only pres, and imperf. act. and pass.; 6púTTopal, mid., no pass. (esp. of tearing one’s own cheeks or those of others); +6árra'. + 'üpºğga..w, ºf éirigáñyvöpi. See To tear. Lacerated, kateññāicopévos. Laceration, + 'üpıvypiós. * To lack, 6éal, fut. Señora, no perf, much more usu. ôéopal, mid. c. aor. 1. pass. 66eff0mv in act. sense, c. gen.; atrávićw, also pass, voice in act, sense; iotepiga. See To want. Lack, 'üiropta; a trävis, eas, i ; Évöeta. See Want, Need. Laconic, a úvtouos, ov. Laconically, orvurópaſs. A lad, ueipäktov, ueipäköAAtov, weipäktoros. A ladder, KAiuač, Škos, # ; ’āirošā’ôpa ; + k\luakthp, àpos, 6; + k\ſuáictov. The steps or shafts of a ladder, éváAáta, Tá. And an armed man is bringing a ladder against the tower of the enemy, &vhp 6' 6"ratt ms KAtua- Trévins, mºtos, 6. See Short. 235 Ladle—Land y y 3. * tº º - os Tposakêégets 2Teixei trpos éx0póv tripyov, Lamentation jor one's own distress, ydos airrorhua, AEsch. A ladle, oivoxöm, Kūč60s. A lady, Séatrolva, ’āvaa.o.o. See Woman. To lag, ‘ūTaxeſtropiat, pass. See To loiter. A laggard, ‘f époxicós. A lair, eúvſ. A lake, Aipium, Atuvuov. Like a lake, Alpiváðms. Of' or belonging to a lake, Alpuaſos. A lamb, &pubs, Tās, and sometimes too (no nom. sing.), dat. &pyl, etc.; +&pvtov, f &plvás. Of or belonying to a lamb, &pwetos. A lamb's skin, &puākls, ió0s, i. Having a lamb at its foot, +’īrapvos, ov. Lame, xoVAbs, oil, éxov 8āoriv, Soph. To lame, ’āToxw?\ów, 'êtroxw8etw. To be lame, XoAeto, and pass.; XaAaiva', only act. Lameness, xoWeta ; X&Aevpa, Tó. To lament, ÖAopipogal, only pres. imperf. and aor. 1. mid. (and once in Thuc. aor. 1. pass. in act. sens.), c. dat. : ávoxopºp-pai; dāiſpoſal, only pres, and im- perf mid. ; kátoãňpopal, oiud ſo, kāTouáſa, Črot- Hé@, 6pmvéa, a Tevåſa, āvagtevãºw; # otéva, only pres, and imperf act., c. acc. or c. gen, sometimes c. dat., often c. perf, e.g. ētl and dat, Útěp and gen. ; +’āvaa Téva, i kāraa Tévo; + atevãx{(a, only pres. and imperf act.; (to beat the head or breast in lamentation, i. e. to lament) köttopat, mid.; +&TO- icóTToual, ºf katakóirtouat ; (to cut the hair in lamentation) ceipopºat, mid.; with or at the same time, ovutrev6éa. To lament afterwards, ºf petaatévo. See To weep. Shall I not tear my hair, shall I not beat my head in token of lamentation (lit. shall I not put on my head the lamentable noise of beating of my hand)? oi orirapáčouat Kópav; oëk étuºſigopal éué Kâpç Kriſtmua Xepos ÓA0óv; Eur. One must lament, fatevactéov. Lamentable, oiktpos, compar. –órepos, etc., but also superl. offictionos ; + troAičákpus, vos, 6, # ; + Toxt. 63'icpjros, ov; + 8vsöäkpuros, ov; + troXàortovos, ov; ºf troAi'kMavros, m, ov, and os, ov; ;  pmvos, ov; ºf weya Aóatovos, ov. See Grievous. To be lamented, ºf troffeivös, c, dat. of the manner. Lamentably, oiktpós, superl. oilctuara; + ščupta. Lamentation, oiuwyh, Spivos ; Trévôos, Tá; 65upplbs, ôAoſpuppos, orévayubs, tº otéväypo, Tó ; † yóos; + 9phvilua, to; + dāvppa, Tó; t atováxii. also ydos airóa rovos, AEsch. A ſamentation made by only one person, AuováicAavro Spivos, AEsch. Full of the sound of lamentation, + &vrī’āovros, ov. Lamenting, + arováels; +8wsúpivºtos, ov; +’īya atóvos, ov; +öğüyoos, ov; +Trévôuptos, ov; +Travá Suptos, ov; fem. (of a voice) + Boötis, ió0s. Se Sad. - Fond of lamenting, + piaataktos, ov; ; pixóðvptos, oi Fond of lamenting, uttering lamentations, adv., tºpi\ otóvals. A lamenter, i &pmunths, où, 6; + trevömthp, fipos, fem. Trev0 ftpua. & A lamp, A'Xvos, pl. oi and tâ; Aguirós, ò60s, i. + Aapºrrhp, fipos, 6; + Atxvtov. g A lamp-stand, Aixvoixos. See Torch. A maker of lamps, Aüxvoirotós; (a seller) Aixvoiréâm: ov, 6. Without a lamp, &Aüxvos, ov. A lampoon, tapéol. To lampoon, iauéſſo, only act. A lamprey, pipalva, guipava. To lance (i.e. cut), axéſo, -ãow; (i. e. throw, q.v. BáAAw, perf. 8ééAmica. A lance, 6ópv, gen. 66patos, also Ion. 600patos (onc in Trag.), and 6opós (the usu. Attic form), dat. 56pat ãotpati, and Öopl, also Šćpel (Soph.), pl. 56part 80%pata, 300pa, also 86pm (Eur.); Aó%m; áyxos, t See Spear. A lancer, aixunths, où, 6. Land (in every sense), yata, yì, ºf ala (all thes forms rare in pl.); x6&v, 6vos, ii; (a land) x&pa ( opp. to sea); + xéporos, i ; # of 6as, eos, Tá; (land landed estate, etc.) Xópos; + yūms, ov, Ö, usu. in pl + 80A0s, ii (when broken into lumps, by ploug etc.). Dry land, to §mpov, Thuc.; # &mpē, Xen. piece of enclosed land (esp. as sacred to Gods), Téu Arable land, #poupa, T6Aos, +’ápoto: See Pasture. vos, Tó. +’āpapa, Tó. Grass land, vouſ. From land, ºf xépo'o6ev. By land (to go, etc., not by sea), Treſfi. Land, adj. (belonging to, living on land, opp. aquatic), Xeporatos, a, ov, and os, ov; érèyelos, ov £mpoéâtikos, Šmpotpoſpirós. Coming by land, fighlin on land, etc., treſös, reſikás. Belonging to the land (i. e. native population, etc. + šyyatos. | Off land (of wind, etc.), "åröyelos, ov. 236 i eeping near land, trpós'yelos. anded (of property), áyyelos, ov. borrow on landed security, Čyyetwv Tókwvöaveiſoual, €IIl, land battle, treſouáxia. fight by land, tregopaxéa, only act. nd forces, 6 tregàs; to treſöv; to treſſicóv. communder of land forces, Tréſapxos, + Tegovéu0s. go by land (opp. to sailing), Tegeta, only act. ; Ts- ofopéa, only act. 5 measure land, Yewuetpéa, only act. he measuring of land, yeapletpia. measurer of land, 'yewpérpms, ov, 6. ich in land, rich in the treasures of the land, T TAov- 6x6cov, ovos, 6, #. land, act., áiréiéáſa, ’āirošišć w; + šk8atva', only n fut. -8ſia w, and aor. 1. –é8moa. bring (a ship) to land, kārāya; tréWAw, fut.-ga', lor. 1. §rceXga, no other tenses. land, intrans. Kéalvo, in pres, imperf, fut, mid. ějoropal, perf. –ééémica, aor. 2. —éémy, as if from Smu; &rośaiva, sometimes in prose &T. is thu Yūv, te, sometimes c. gen, of the ship ; + käräyouai, ass.; Tposéxa and Tposioxw, esp. in aor. 2. Tſūse: xov, fut. Tposaxtºv. To come to land (as a ship oes), caréxw; Tucătăyouai, pass. See To land intrans.), above ; see also To put in. To draw vessels) to land, 'üvášišágo. - anding at Malea, Maxég Tposioxov Tpópav, Eur, o leave on dry land, txepoetw, only act. landing, &Tóéâa is, ii; kátáywyí; + šicéâous, ii; Tápmåls, #. landing-place, &céâgis, h; ‘ārāśāous; kátapo is, h; êtrièpopuh, Eur. 'asy to land on, eútášáros ov. ifficult to land on, övséuéâtos, ov, andowner, ynwópos, yew!.6pos, + atá940%x0s. land-mark, Špos, 6; otham. lane, a Tevatros, ii; t Agüpa. anguage, YAógga, póvn; 6táAektos, h; pâtis, i. rrectness of language, 3p30Aoyia. To use a language, Aógoſav impu, Thuc. eaking the same language, ôpió'yAwororos, ov, some- imes c. dat. of the nation resembled; 69.6% ovos, ov. o speak the same language, 61.0% wwéo. eaking two languages, Öi'YAwagos ov. eaking a foreign language, Bépéâpos, ov; it’īyawg. os, ov. anguid,"ärovos, ov; +'Vºypós. Land—Tuast To be languid, 'ürovéa, only act. - To show languor and indifference in action, Škaboua, pass. To languish, xàAdo, fut, -ãow. Languor, Šicxious, eas, i. Causing languor, ‘f Tavroyipos, -pav (of sleep). Lank, t’āpatos, 3, ov, and bs, 6v. See Thin. A lanterm, iTwós. To lap, f Adirt w, only act. Lap, the lap of victory, Nilºms yotivata, Tá, Pind. Lapis lazuli, Kūčvos. Lapse (of time), ºf 50%. See Time. After a great lapse of time, TpoeA96vros troAAov Xpóvov, Thuc. Large, wéyas, MeyāAm, uéya, all cases except nom., acc. and voc, masc. and neut, from PeyāAos (AEsch, once has voc. sing, masc. wéyaxe), compar. Metſov, superl. Méytotos; &pſpiñāpīs; uárºpos, compar. –étépos, -ótáros, also piddawy, uſikiatos; (esp. in breadth, extent, etc.) TA&Tüs; (esp. in number) Toxis, ToxAh, Toxt, all cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut. from troAAós. Very large, ‘ūtrépoy- icos, ov. As large as, io'opérpmtos, ov, c. dat.; io'o- Meyā0ms; +'io 6Hotpos, ov, c. gen. Many times larger, ToxxâTAäolos, a, ov, and os, ov, c. #, firep, or c, gen. See Great. To be large (as a woman with child), a trapyáw, only act. - At large, See Free. Largely, weyáxas. More largely, weigóvas. Largeness, uéyebos, Tó; TAëtirms, mTos, j; fuñkos, tó. See Size. A lark, kópü60s, 6, #. Larva (the larva of a bee or wasp), axéâ&v, 6vos, i. The larynx, Aöpvyč, vyyos, more rarely tºyos, 6. Lascivious, ’āqexyńs; ’āicóAao Tos, ov; piñavöpos, ov (only of women). See Wanlon. Lasciviousness, "åo'éAyeta; papyóTºls, mtos, h; pap- 'yogium. Lash, udotuł, Pyos, ii. See Whip. To lash, piao Tiºgów. See To flog. A lass, kópm. See Girl. A lasso, oreſpa. Last, iſotáros, Šoxatos, TeXevtaios; + Aoto:80s, ov; + Aoto 010s, a, ov, and os, ov; firüuáros. The last of all, trävögtätos, ov. The last day of the month, whvóv pôlvás (gen. ã30s) huépa, Eur. Last, adv, iſotatov and iſotata, + Aoto 6tow. 237 Lastly—favishly At last, réAos, or to réAos, or eis réA0s, Texeutaſov, xpóvº, or év xpóvº, trépas, t teNetws. For the last time, éaxatov; Tāvūgºtátov and travögſtäta. And at last they become ridiculous, teNevtſºvres 68 KatayéAao to yiyvoviral, Plat. Lastly (in the last place), teNevtaſov, to teNevtalov, T& TeXevtaſa. A last (for shoes), kāAárovs, -iro50s, 6. To last, €upéva, no mid. or pass.; orvpuévo, öläuéva, + ºva; Xpovićw, also in aor. 1. pass. To last out, stand ºne's ground, &vréxo, fut. &v6éo, no adr. 1, aor. 2. čvteq Xov (see To continue). To last (of anything which is being, gradually consumed, as food, etc.), 6tapicéo, fut. —éow. See To suffice. And they say that this alone lasts a man his life, Móvov 8è roîté pag” &ulxxâ00a: 6íº, Eur. Lasting, xpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov; Toñixpóvios, ov; BéSatos, a, ov, and os, ov; uéviuos; + šutrečos, ov; ºf 3.5xxios (i. e. which shall become ancient). Lasting only a short time, 3Aiyoxpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov. Lastingly, Bećatos, + eutréðws. Late, Šišiuos, Šipios, compar. Öſtaitepos, -attaros; xpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov; 8pääts, compar. Bpağü. Tepos, and 8púðíov. Avenging late, füotepôtrovos, ov; + ša repop6ópos, ov. - The late king, uákāpirms BāqīAeës, AEsch.; so ualcá. plos, Plat. Later, iſotspos. Born late or later, Öiftyovos, ov. Sitting up late, going to bed late, Špicotros, ov. Coming late, at v Xpóvº 8paôe? Hox&v, Soph. Lale, and too late, à l'è, often c. gen. (e. g.—late in the day, Ö/ö täs juépas), ()mn. Too late, tweóðate- pov. Later, iſotepov, latest, Šstatou, üotata. See Last. To be late, to be too late, to be later than, Üotepéa, only act., often c. gen, of those before, sometimes c. gen. or c, dat. of the object cr person whom one has failed to serve (e. g.—those who came too late to join Demosthenes, Tobs ró Amu000évet Üotepſia autas, Thuc.,-since he had come too late to save Mitylene, éreiðh Tijs Mutuxāvms jotepſiket, Thuc., etc.); 50te- pí(w, only act, c. gen. or sine cas. Though marching till very late in the day, ſcattrep M4AG. ôpiſov, Xen. It ought to have been done long ago, but even now it is vot too late, ird Aa wév čöel, Šigqetyet 6' oi6é vov, |Dem. Lately, &pri, &ptíos, Švayxos, Tp(6m, twéov, f wealoti. W Very lately, ſtroyvićtara; ſpoilv Kal x0s, Plat.; Ti TeXevtaſov Tpdºmy, Dem. Things done very lately, tà x0&s kal trpámv (lit. Only yesterday or the day before). Lateness, à:kiörns, "tos, m. Latent, kpiqatos, kpvirtós. See Secret. Lateral, TAšytos, a, ov, and os, ov. Laterally, Éic TAayiov, eis TA&ytov, karū tradyta. See Side. - A lathe, Tópuos. | Latitude, eúpos, to (not in our sense though). See Breadth. Latter, the latter, 6.8% answering to 6 pºv, sometimes answering to oitos pév. This latter, oitos 68, answering to 6 uév. To laud, aivéa, fut. –éow and -īga, perf. pass. onl jumpal, but aor. 1. jvéðmu, rare in prose; Taivéal See To praise. Laudable, étatuetés ; &étéraivos, ov. worthy. Laudably, e3. See Well. . Laudatory, traveticós. To lave, Aoûw. See To wash. To laugh, and to laugh at, yeX&o, fut. —yeačow. more usu. yeałoopal, c. dat, of the cause, or c. Éir and dat, sometimes c. gen, sometimes c. acc. of any: thing laughed at; Śic'yeXào, trposºyexda'; 'Y'Yeado, c. dat. or c. acc. or c. katū and gen, ; Teyyekāa, käxáſw, only act.; (to burst out laughing) ékka YXá. Qa’, ‘āvākayxdºw. To laugh with, f ovyyeXów, c. dat. See To smile, To wish to laugh, ye&āoetw, only pres. act. To be laughed at, yéAwta Öqxtolcávo, Eur. Laughing, fond of laughing, piñóYeAws, 6, #, to, gen. (*)T()S. - Laughing out of season, t’axpetóyeAws, 6, #, neut. (t)}/. Laughable, yeMotos; + yeawtotroubs, 69. culous. A laugher, i yexag Ths, tº éyyeX&oths. Laughter, tyéAws, 6, gen. YéAwros, also Att. YéAø, dat. YéAcott, also yéAq'; + käxacaös. To cause laughter, ye&ototrouéa. See Praise- See Ridt- One who causes laughter, yeawtotroués. Lavish, Tpoeticos, +’āqelāfīs. Lavishly, 'üpetöðs. To be lavish, "àqetöéw, only act., c. gen. To contribute lavishly, pixotipleopat, mid, c. aor. 1. pass, in act, sense, c. Tpbs and acc, of the object. 238 Lavishness, 'üpetàía. See Liberality. To launch, kā0éAkw, imperf. Kaffeixkov, fut. —eakša w, etc. - To launch with a view of trying, metaph., 'üváirelpdo- pal, mid. Laurel, 6&qvm. Producing laurel, tºaqvoſpópos, ov; Föäqváöms. Wearing crowns of laurel, t 63%umſpópos, ov. Law, vápos, &eopós; &éuis, h, gen. ió0s, acc. iv, usu, however, and in prose always, confined to nom.; Ségulov, most usu, in pl.; vöuiltov, most usu. in pl.; kāpia, td. A good system of law, eúvouſa. Bad laws, 3vsvouía, Kákovouía. Contrary to the laws, Šipaſe Tāv véuov, Eur, Of or concerning law, Šikaotikós. The profession of the law, i öicautică. Skilled in law, Silcávicós. Having the same laws, duðvouos, ov. To have good laws, eúvouéo, more usu. in pass. c. fut. mid. ' To make laws, Tiëmul, c. acc. (véuov, Seoubv, etc.); so Štátíðepal, mid.; vouc0etéo, also in pass. of the state which has the laws given, or of the laws which are made; kátávouofferew, ‘i Seguotrotéa. To make ad- ditional laws, étivouafletéa. One must make laws, vouc0etmtéov. The making of laws, vouc0eoria; vowofférmats, ii; i. vopo6eticſ. A law-giver, vouc0érms, ov, 6; voucypäſbos. Jºit for or belonging to a law-giver, vopo6eticós, + &eorpoq’ôpos. To declare the law, tº &eptorteño, only pres. act. To go to law, or to be at law, Sirágopal, c. perf, pass, in act, or intrans. sense, sometimes c. acc. cogn. (6ttºmu), c. dat. pers., or c. trpos and acc., sometimes also c. gen. of the ground of action; 6táðicăſoual; 5ucatoxo- 'yāouai, mid, sine cas.; &pſpurémtéo, c. dat. pers. or c. Tpos and acc., etc.; 3136ikāortav trouéa, Dem. Disputed or liable to be disputed at law, Éirãicos, ov. Lawful, Šticatos, a, ov, sometimes os, ov; #vvopos, ov; vöpiuos, &epitos, + &éulotos; + &éopºlos, a, ov, and os, ov; Śarios, according to divine law (used by Thuc. and Plat. as opp. to 6tratos, according to human law). A lawful wife, yumoria yuvh, Xen. It is lawful, éoti, c. infin.; Éeoti, part. Ščov used oftener in nom. abs. than in gen. Lawfully, vouinas, + šeptotals. law, 60 (ws. According to divine other tenses). Lavishness—Lazy Unprovided for by eagress law, 'évouofféritos, ov. Obedience to the law, t eiwouta. Lawless, 'évoſtos, ov; ’āicos, ov; + šköicos, ov. Lawlessly, 'üváua's, ’āöikos, + škółka's. To act lawlessly, transgress the law, etc., trāpāvduéw, Lawlessness, *āvouía, träpävopata. Law-business, Tpdypióta, Tá; Tpaypareía. A law-suit, Öicm. Štúðicãota. To engage in a law-suit, biºmy eisūya, Dem. The parties in a law-suit, oi &vtíðicol; oi &vričikoúy. Tes, Plat. Lax, &ffa'atos, ov. Laxity, laxness (of disposition, conduct, etc.), £kAi- orus, eas, i. - To lay (i. e. place, q.v.), Titmut; (eggs) &otokéw. To lay by, down, up, kärätiönut, and mid. (the latter most usu, in prose); ’āTottºmu; Tepitrotéo, and –ouai, mid.; £aſpetov Trotéouai (esp. for a particular emer- gency); €aíperov impiſopal. To lay before (a per- son, so as to explain to him), träpätiönui, c. dat.; Tapiarmui, not in act, sense in perf, pluperf, or aor. 2. act. To lay down (as a position in arguing, etc.), tíðmui, Širotíðmul; Steirov, perf. 8teipnica. To lay out (for burial), treptortéAAw; trporíðmul, and mid. To lay on or upon, êtripépa', fut, -otorw, aor. 1. —#- veyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov, c. dat. or c. prep.; Tpos- éâAAw, perf–6ééAmica; ŠirtéâAAw (used also for laying a fine on). To be laid down (as a law), reſuat, fut. Keto-opal (no To be laid down (as a principle), Öpio- Aoyéopal, pass.; itóketplat, 3rd sing, often as imper- sonal, it is laid down. See To admit. To be laid by or laid up (as a treasure, etc.), retual; 'ârâceuai, sync. also #ykelpat (esp. as sacred); ’āTókétual. One must lay down, &etéov. What must be laid down, beté0s. A laying out (for burial), Tpó6eois, ews, i. Laying aside your bitter anger, Öpyńs éčavels cakfis, Eur. I have heard of one woman of those of former time having laid hands upon her dear children, uſaw 53, IcAöw, piav Tóv trapos Tuvaik' év (pixots xépc. 8axeſv Tékvous, Eur. A layer, étriëoxft. Aotos, ov, Theoph. Lazily, 530ipws, ’āavvrévos, ’āvīāport. Composed of only one layer, uovo- Laziness, 5300paia, Égotóvm, 536towpyío, 3A&iceia; voc 6pótºms, mºros, ii. See Indolence. Lazy, &pyös, vo0%ls, 8páöös ; 5:05pos, ov; voxe?Afts; 239 Lead—Tuean 3A&#, 8, ii, gen. 8Aákbs, superl. 8Aáictoratos. See Indolent. To be lazy, 5300péw, only act.; 638towpyéa, only act.; figoroveſo, only act.; Tpipáo, only act.; 8Aékeſw; HäAákſſoual, pass. One must be lazy, Pax6%ictoréov, preceded by negative, and piań0akuotég. Lead, uéAvé60s. A piece of lead, esp. used to sink a fishing line or net, poxêéðatva; Moxvéöls, toos, i. Leaden, woxiéðivos ; Roxvéöéos, éa, Éov, contr. —500s, 7, oùv. *- - - To lead, ‘āyw; jºyéopal, mid, no pass. in pass. sense, but perf. pass, in act. sense, c. gen. pers. or c, dat., often c. dat, pers. and acc. of the road on which, some- times even c. acc. pers, and gen. of the road on which, or occupation in which; dat. pers, sometimes under- stood; &myéopal ; five/loveča, c. gen, pers, some- times (but very rarely) c. dat. ; often c. acc. of the road; ‘ūqmyéopal, Tponyéouai ; káðnyéouat (esp. of leading a colony); (as a guide) ºf Óðmyéal; (i.e. to be the leader among) &pxo, c. gen, or c. prep.; see To conduct ; (as a road leads) (pépa, fut. olora, aor. 1. #. veyka, aor. 2, #veykov; Ércq,épa, ’āvaq’épa. To lead (a life), Šišyw. To lead (an army) across, Štěyw; Štášišáço, sometimes c. gem. acc. To lead away, 'ürüyo (in Att, prose esp. of leading away to prison or to punishment); ‘ūrāya: ; ’āraīpa. (only of leading away troops, an army, a fleet, etc.); away from a subject, ‘āToTAáváo; away by deceit, Ék- KAéttw; away from the right way, Tāpāya (see To mislead); away with, giväräyo; back, käräyo,’īvāya, étavéyw; by or past, trāpāyo; down, kārāya; forth, out, Éya, rešāyw; forth in advance of, trpoé- $áyw. To join in leading, givečápxa, c. dat of what is led. To lead on, Tpoéléáço, Tpoëyw; (i.e. induce) évêyo, étrio Táo; on against, €4.7 yeouai, c, dat. pers, éirl and acc. rei; Tāya, c, dat, rei or c. prep.; Tposáyo, c. dat.; out against, àwritāpāyw; round, Tepláyo, ovº- treptăyo; to, into, eisãyo, or ésàyw, c. acc. pers, eis and acc. of the place, or c. dat. of the place, some- times c. gem. acc.; #15téégo; c. eis and acc.; £uéáAAw (as a guide leads enemies into . . .), c. eis and acc. of the place or danger; eistopečw, c, adv. loci, etc.; to- gether, orivaya ; like a child, Ftratēśyayyéo ; an old man, yepovtåywyéa, only act. To be led on or led away, Éakopal, pass. - He encamped against the city by the upper gates, which lead to Potidaea, kará tês &va,tröAas, fier IIotičaías épxoviral, irposerá0m to T; tróAet, Thuc. One must lead, #yntéov, c. gen, Xen. Easy to lead, or to be led any way, eitāpāyayos, ov. The lead, jºyspaovío. A leader, jºyeu&v, 6vos, 6; Tpoatãrms, ov, 6; + iyn- thp, fipos, 6; + iynths, où, 6; + špmynths, f irpom- ºynths, tº Tponymråp; +&ict wg, opos, 6; (i.e. a guide, q. v.) + tośāyós; xopmyös (prop. a leader of a chorus, and thence generally a leader). See Chief. Leading (belonging to the lead, or to a leader, like a leader, etc.), jºyeuovukós. Like a leader, etc., adv. Yepovicós. Hearing that he . . . was one of the most leading men of those in the mainland, Tuvêavópevos . . . Öivao 6al éu Toſs trpátous Töv hirelpatów, Thuc. A leading, 'üywy?), ‘ātrāya'yń ; out or forth, ēśayaºyi. The leadership, trpoo Tāoria. Led (a horse, camel, etc.), iſ a eupâqâpos, ov; foreipo q6pos, ov; forelpatos. A leaf, pöAAov, trétáAov, f ſpóém, ºf trépov. To shed its leaves, buxxopoéa. With many leaves, leafy, feiſbvXA0s, ov. With green leaves, + XAwpólcopos, ov. With dark leaves, fueñáp- qvAAos, ov, f. p.exdvöpvos, ov; fueMaputréráAos, ov. Covered with leaves, tº puxAóatpatos, ov, also dat. qvXAóotpati. A bed of leaves, + puxA&s, #60s, i. The many leaves of a book, 6éAtov troAvôvoot 6tattv- Xai, Eur. Leafless, +’ābvXAos, ov; +’āqūAAotos, ov. A league, orivapooría ; (in time of war) ovuuäxia : (i.e. the parties composing the league) to ovvápotov; To avºuáxicóv. See Alliance, To league together, giváuviuſ, sometimes in pres. and imperf. —via, –vvov. A leak, H &vt.A0s. To leak, ºf träpäxãAda, only act.; &vt.Aov 6éxopal, AEschin. * Emptying the leak, Šutxov eſpyou väbs, Eur. Lean, ioxvös, + akeNetós ; +’âgapicos, ov. See Thin. To make lean, ioxvaiva, only act. Leanness, ioxvárms, mtos, i. To lean, or lean against, act. £petów, c. prep. Tpos and acc., áirl and dat., and of that against which ; āvre- petów ; kAiva, c. dat. of that against which it is placed, or (esp. in pass.) c. És and acc.; TpositAtva; ; trpokAſva, c. És and acc.; Tricatva, c, dat. To lean, intrans., or to lean on, 'ütrépétèouai, c, dat.; 240 Leap—Ileave &repetSouai, c. dat.; + kāraatmpſogai : Yºivouai, mid. and pass., c. dat. To lean back (as rowers do), 'üváirírta, fut, -treaſotºpiat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étréoſov, perf. -tréirtwka ; +&utt- Batva', only in aor. 2. —é8mv. Leaning on your elbow, trixvy €petoſas, Eur. To leap, Tmöáa, #AAoual ; oriptów, no mid.; £pógico, aor. 2. č6opov, rare in other tenses; down, to leap jrom, to leap out of, kātārmöda, ćictmöów, Éd NAouai, ’āq,4AAopal, kā6áAAouat ; on or into, eiottmöäw, éti- Táčaw; eiséNAouai, c, acc., or c. eis and acc., or c. éirl and dat.; + švāAAouat ; + širev6pógico, c. dat, or c. Érl and acc.; (as to leap on a horse) 'évá0p6qIca ; wp, *āvāºrmöda ; over, 5uatmöda ; +’ütrepôpógico, c. acc., sometimes c. gen.; up at, trpostfaxopal. To leap lightly, actively, kovſpíšo &Aga, kov pigo Thºma, Soph. Eur. A leap, &Aug, àtos, Tó ; # Thºmua, Tó ; +ékirhönuo. Leaping, Tââmoris, h; Éictíðngis. Skilful as a leaper, &Atikós. T9, learn, uøvåvo, fut, uá0ágoua, no aor. 1, aor. 2. gºop, perf usuiºmka, no mid. except. fut, etc.; -čkuav0áva, ; káràuav6ávo ; Śióágicouai, pass., c. aor. 1. mid.; £köiöägicouat ; (i. e. to hear intelligence, etc.) Tvvēśvouai, and poet. Teiflouai, mid. (from which form come all the tenses), perf. pass. Trétv- opat, in trans. sense, often c. gen. of the subject of the news, e. g. to learn about the battle, truv0. p.dxms; also c. gen. of the informant, or c. prep. Éic, Tpos, etc., c. gen.; ’āvāruv6ávoual ; (of learning by one's own perception, not being taught by others) aiotăvouai, fut. airóño'ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. foróðumv ; afterwards, étriuavóóvo ; beforehand, Tpo- Pavóóvo, trpošíðdakopual ; besides, trpospav6ávo, Tri- Pavóóvo ; better (i.e. become wiser), ueTapav6ávo ; instead, uétáuav6ávo, äutiuav6áva ; with, ovuuqv- 6&va. To learn more, be more learned than, trepuppovéo (or itrepºppovéo, for the reading is doubtful), c. gen, or c. acc. of the rival (the reading is again doubtful), c. dat. of the branch of learning. For by his natural abilities, and without having im- proved them either by early learning or by subsequent study ..., oikeig Y&p ovvéael, kal otte Tpop.a6&v és aúThy oit" trip.a6&v . . ., Thuc. See To teach. One must learn, poºntéov and u20mtéa ; besides, irpos- praffmtéov. - Learned, troxipă6%is ; troXuâkoos, ov, c. gen. or c. Šv and dat. Having just learnt, + šptiuš6}s, c. gen, t Having learnt late, à jiuáðs (i. e. too old to learn, slow in learning), c. gen. Quick in learning, eúſið0ſis, Learning quickly, adv. eduá06s, compar. -0értepov. What can be learnt, uá0mtés. Easy to be learnt, eipiaºſis. - Learning, uáðmats, eas, h. Great learning, toxi. Má0ía. Branches of learning (anything which may be learnt), uáðmua, Tó ; traßevua, Tó. Quickness in learning, eiuáðela and eigá6ta. Fond of learning, piñoſióðhs, sometimes c. gem.; uá0m- Tikös, uá0muáticós. z To be fond of learning, pińopé0éw, only act. Fondness for learning, piñouáñeta, A learner, pá0mths, ot, 6. A fellow-learner, ovu- paômrås. A leash (to hold dogs in), &yköAm ; ‘iuès, duros, 6. Least, Aëxiotos, ÖAftytotos. See Little. In the least, fiſciota, Aëxtortov, and éAáxiota. Not in the least, où6° àrl opikpóv A6)ov, Soph.; oiâ’ &v atpišiaikiyê, Ar.; oi6év 'âtexvös, Plat.; oë6% ÖTwstuotiv. If one dozes the least, kāv *čxynu kātāpāon, Ar. The least bit, 80 ov; 30 ov... uévov (with the principal word between), Thuc. Plat. At least, ye enclitic; trep (enclitic, in Att, usu, with an adv. or conj. §tav rep, 36ev rep, etc., or with an adj. oiás Tep, etc.). Leather, orkūtos, Tó ; † 6épua, dros, T6. Sée Skin. A leather garment, or anything made of leather, 61406po. (sometimes also leather itself); otroA&s, #50s, #. Leathern, Öepuštivos, gićtivos. To leave, Aeſtra, aor. 1. act. not used ; kataAeſtra, &Toàeſtro, trpoxetto ; Ékaeſtra, sometimes c. eis and acc. of the place to which one goes, having left an- other ; +ékAlpitävo, only pres, and imperf act.; + voo pigo, ; (only of leaving a place) keväa, ; 'étaA- Aáogouai, pass, and mid.; Épmuda ; (of leaving per- sons, esp. in such and such a condition, or of leaving alone, etc.) & pimul, imperf. -ímv and —ſovy; ple6tmut ; (a teacher, or a school, etc.) 'étropoutdo, c. tapë and gen., sometimes also c. Tpos and acc. of a new teacher to whom one goes, having left the old one ; with a person, trăpăcătăAeſtra, c, dat, pers.; besides, to leave behind one as a legacy, TposkátáAstro ; in company, all to leave, ovykataAetto; instead, &vrikātāAeſtra : out of the question, &lrotéuva, no aor. 1. act., perf. R 24] Leave—Leisure -Tétumka ; undone, trpoteual, mid.; for another to do, ºf Tàpimut, c, dat. pers.; alone (i. e. desert), uovéo, in pass. often c. gen, of him by whom one is left ; alone (i. e. disregard, not trouble, etc.), Čáo; by will (i. e. bequeath, q.v.), štátföepal, mid.; off (i. e. cease, etc.), Afyo, only act, sine cas, or c, gem., often c. part.; &ma\Aáo gouai, pass. c. fut, and aor. 1. mid, c. gen, or c. part.; &@ſºul ; +&ipſotauai, pass., c. perf. pluperf, and aor. 2. act., c. gen. or c. infin.; Tréxo, aor. 2. čtreoxov, imper. Éirfaxes, etc., also in aor. 2. mid., c. gen, or c. infin. or c. part. And at last out of weariness even the relatives left off their lamentations for the dead, ſcal r&s àAoqi poets Töv &Toylyvouévay reasuróvres kal oi oilcelot £36- kapıvov, Thuc. To make to leave off, träpäAöw, only act. To take leave of, &otd (ouai, mid. Leave her alone, ye servants, pºeţpeoffe Tåsåe Öuðes, Eur, Leave me alone, a ple, Soph. The disease seems not likely to leave me at peace, oik &yüp wagtóv u’éâv čoucey i vágos, Soph. If the king would leave the Greek cities independent, ei airováuovs éðm 820'1News Tês ‘EAAmvíðas TóAels, Xen. What fate do I leave myself? riv’āiroNettopal tüxmv; Eur, One must leave, Aeltréov. Leave (permission), śvyyvápm. Having obtained leave from the magistrates, trapéuevos pºv toos &pxovras, Plat. Leaving, +’āpoppos, ov, c. gen. A leaving, 'étéAetyls, katēAelipis. A leaving as an inheritance, Täpääoris, eos, i. Leaven, Çüum. Leavened, Çüpirms, ov, 6; ºud.6ns. Without leaven, &@pos, ov. A lecture, &cp6āorts, eas, #. To lecture, ’āroa topiariſa, only act. A leech, 86éAAa; (metaph. of a man, a parasite) + BöexAoNāpuyś, vyyos, 6. A leek, yhtelov, yń6vov, trpágov. Lees (wine lees), Tpiº, Tpüyès, j; ‘ûroatã'9pm, # Tri- Xós. Leeward, 5thvepos. We sat under the lee, kaBhueð . . . Štávepot, Soph. Left, okatos, "àpio tepēs; eiðvípios, ov; +Aatós. On the left, Aguas xelpos, AEsch.; Trpos A&tá xepi, Eur.; é àptotepäs, Soph. To the left of us, Év &ptorspá juáv, Xen., etc. (In military movements) on the left, Ém’ &atríða. Xen., to the left, Tap' àortrôa, Xen. A leg, okéAos, Tó; trows, robbs, 6 (also of the leg of a table); icuñum, kóAov. The legs, ºf yuſa, Tá. The small bone of the leg, trepôum. With two legs (i. e. walking, not crawling), Fötéapos, ov. With small thin legs, kākookeaſis. With stout legs, ‘ūtreporceXàs. With long legs, ºf pièkpookeNís. A legacy, 360 is, eos, h; (i. e. anything left behind) ‘f Aeſthävov; #vvopos, ov. Legal, vouicós. See Lawful. Legally, voutuals. A legate, Tpeočbs, only pl. in prose. See Ambassador. A legatee, KAmpovágos. See Heir. A legend, pºw80s; w500A3) muz, Tá. Legendary, p.50%öms, wi&icós. Legendary, adv. p.59tcós. Learned in legends, pºiſ00Aoyicós; uvéotroubs, 6v. A teller of legends or legendary stories, uj90A6)0s. To relate legendary stories, uß00Aoyéa, also in pass. of the stories so related. One must tell legendary stories, pºiſ00A0) mºréov. Legendary lore, più00A0)ía. Legible, eúavóyvoortos, ov. A legion, Táčus, i. * , Legislation, vowoffegia; vouc0étmois, eas, ii. See Law. Legislative, vouc0eticós. A legislator, vouc0érms, ov, 6; voucypápos. To be a legislator, vouc0étéo. See Law. Legitimacy, yunqiátns, mºtos, i. Legitimate, yuhotos. Legitimately, yumoto's. See Lawfully. Leisure, o XoAh, joixía, āpyia. A love of leisure, ’āirpayuoqium. Want of leisure, &oxoAta. And do not let us decide in a hurry in one brief dwy, but at leisure, umā’éreux6évres év 8paxeſ uopiº jiuépas . . . 80UAetowpev, &AA& kaff” havXíav, Thuc. To leave a person no leisure to do ... àoxoxtav Tivi Tápéxo, c. toº and infin., sometimes c. Tø and infin., or eis to u%) and infin., Xen, Plat. To have leisure, axoxdºw, only act, sometimes c. dat. or c, trpos and acc. of any purpose or occupation. To spend one’s leisure in, 'ütroaxoxdigo, c. Év and dat, One having leisure, ’āirpáygwy, ovos, 6, #; 0x0Aaati. kós. 242 Leisurely—Letter Having no leisure, šo'XoAos, ov. Leisurely (i. e. doing anything in a leisurely manner, or, of the thing done, done in a leisurely manner), oxoMatos; joixos, ov. Leisurely, in a leisurely manner, adv., oxoMaías, compar. oxoMatóTepov and axoMaitepov, superl. 0x0Aalótato. and axoMattata; 0x0Aff. To lend, 6&vetſo (mid. not used in this sense), c. eis and acc. of the security on which, c. Éirl and dat. of the interest for which; eisãavetſo; ki"Ypmat, aor. 1. ëxpmoa, no other tenses in this sense; Éköíðapu; at interest, Toki ſo; on bond, ovſišáAAw, no aor. J., perf. –6ééAmica; on mortgage, ‘ūTotitepal, mid.; 'āroti- pićopal, mid., also in pass. of the property mortgaged; besides (at interest), Tposſuto 660; on property already encumbered or mortgaged, éirićveiço, For I will not lend myself to your husband so as to plan treachery, où yöp Šutrâ€ketv TAokås éyò Tapéa, oº tróa's toūpov 6éuas, Eur, A lending, Šávelopós. Lent, 6tákexpmuévos. Length, påkos, Tó; (of time) TAñ60s, Tó. To come or to stand within a spear's length, eis Sopos Táštv pioWeiv, or otival, Eur. To go great lengths in, Tpóga, Aatºva, c, gen., Xen. At length (to speak, etc.), # 5unveicós; (of time) Tâ- Aos, to TéAos, or eis TéA0s, xpóvº, öv xpóvº, obv See At last. To speak at length, Māºpmyopéa, only act.; uákpoxoyéa, pres. opt. pºrpoxo-yoimv; to relate or eaglain at some length, p.mküvo, c. acc. or c. Tepi and gen, Tell me, not at length but briefly, eité uot, ſº uſikos &AA& gºvtopa, Soph. To lengthen, pinköva, ’ātropnictva, +teſva. - Lengthiness (of speech or phrase, etc.), ‘ūtrepoxh. Lenient, ovyyvápov, ovos, 6, #, often c. gen,; ovy- 'yvapovikás. Lenity, ovyyvápm. Lentil, ſpäkós. A leopard, TápääAis, ii. A leopard's skin, trapöäAñ. Borne by leopards, trapöäAmºpépos, ov. Leprosy, Aeëlcm. To have leprosy, Aetpdo, only act. Less, éAáo gov, figo ov, wetov; 8päxãrepos (as opp. to TAéov). See Little. Less than ten years, éA&gorov 6éka štal, Plat. Less, adv. figorov, Aao'gov, fueiðvøs. Much less, whári, Xen.; ui tí 'ye āfī, Dem. Xpóvº, Xpóvº Troté. To lessen, trapalpéo, act, c, gen, mid. –ouai, c, acc. éAggadw. See To diminish. -** One must lessen, 'üpapetéov, c. gen. A lesson, Piłęmua, té; traßevua, Té; Siôayua, T6: érôelyua, Tá; (i.e. a warning not to repeat such and such conduct) forwſppóvioua, Té. It will be a lesson to us, ŠtěaakāAtav trapéðel, Thuc. Lest, wh, usu. followed by aor 1. or 2, subj, after a verb in pres. or fut.; by opt, when the word preceding is in the past tense, but sometimes by pres, subj. [in Trag, “a subjunctive follows ph even when preceded by a past tense, contrary to Dawes' rule, either when the matter is still in existence at the time when we are speaking and likely to continue to exist, or when we wish to speak with greater force and energy,” ELLENDT, following PoRSON, who thus speaks of Dawes' canon, “but the Tragedians do not seem to have observed this rule in all cases”]; also with past tense in indic, to express a past action ; uh is often also joined with other particles with the same con- struction, Mitra's, whitov, u) oë; Šta's u% [DAWEs denied that Širos uh was ever used with any tense except aor. 2. or indic, fut.; but this is doubted now, or rather denied]. Lest at all, whiti. Lest at any time, uſin ore. To let, Édº, also, to let alone, not trouble, disregard; to let down, kä6tnut, sometimes c. gen. of the place whence; avykä9ímul; firãpăcă9tepal, mid.; by a rope, i käfliuda, chiefly in pres. To let on hire, Plotów, Kulo 66w, 'üroutgºw. To let out (sail, rope, etc.), féčímut; (i.e. release, q.v.) ékºppéa. To let out (i. e. farm, as the revenue, etc., to a contractor), ‘āTočíðopal, mid.; Röfðapu (esp. of any job which is given to a tradesman to do by contract). See To permit. To let oneself down (i. e. condescend), ovykä9tnut éuavtov, Plat. Lethargy, Añ6ap'yos. Lethargic,+rather lethargie, Širokápéöms. A letter (of the alphabet), Ypéupa, T6; (when writtel to ſubmua, T6; (i. e. an epistle) étriotoxil, ypaq, 'ypáupa, Tó; † 6éAtos, j; + 3i'éAos, j. - Writing in a folded letter, év 6éAtov Truxats ypáſ Eur. In this letter which you saw me opening and seali the darkness of the night, eis Tāvöe 6éArow %y eiºpôums oktav Adovra kal évvö00vra w’ ei Eur. Letters (i.e. literature), uovo lich. R 2 243 Lettuce—Lid Lettuce, Spiðač, Škos, h; Spióšicium. Level, ŠušAbs, ŠuáAfts; + Aévpôs (of ground); ’āreó0s, ov; Thre30s, ov. See Even. To level, Aeatuw, ŠuáAſſo. See Plain. A lever, u0xAós. The fulcrum of a lever, 'ütropióxAtov. To move by means of a lever, twoxAsúw; +’äväu.0- XAeëw (so as to open gates). A moving by means of a lever, MéxAévois, sw8, i. A leveret, Ašytov. Levity, p}\vāpía. To be full of levily, p}\vápéa. To levy (troops), '30poiſo, ovXAéyw. See To collect. To levy (money), trpáo go, fut. —#w, usu. c. gem. acc., also c. acc. rei, tapå and gen, pers, in pass, more usu. of the people from whom the money is levied than of the money itself. See To ea'act. Levying on the allies their proportion of troops, a Tpa- Tiāv ćirayyáAAwy Śs Tobs ovupdxovs, Thuc. They levied on them forty ships, according to the ability of the cities, katē tróAeus étriyye)Aov Tea gap&covta yeav TA760s, Thuc. A levying, (of troops) *āópolois, eas, i ; ovXAoyń; (of money) trpášis, eas, ii; see Exaction; (of war) oivāyayy) too troXéuov, Thuc. Lewd, Aayvös, See Wanton, Lascivious. Lewdness, Aayveſa. Liable (to be called to account, to action, prosecution, etc.), 'ütróðikos, ov, c. gen of the cause, also of the penalty incurred, c. dat. of the person to whom, either of the agent or of the deed ; Śvoxos, ov; ‘ūtreč0övos, ov, c. gen, or c. dat, ; +'êtréyyvos, ov (used also in a more extended sense, as generally responsible). To be liable, évéxopal, mid. (to misfortune, to the law, etc.), c, dat. But our power is less liable to this, i. 6 just épa Śēvapus ãorgov &v totro Tráðol, Thuc. For they know that they live liable to every variety of fortune, év troAvtpétrous yap ºvuſpopa's étrio Tavral Tpapévres, Thuc. liar, jevaths, où; #evös, é0s, 6, #; ſevööv 'évaš, 'ur. ibation, a trovöh, Aotéh, TéAävos; + Aoûtpov, in pl. y; (to the dead) X0%. Jur a libation, offer a libation, otévôw, fut. atrefora, ; perf pass. atreiopal, used both in act, and ... sense; &tootévôw, + ško Trévôo; +Aeſéa, no perf. aor.; over, Fériotévôw, c. dat, or c. prep. etl and gen, katē and gen., etc.; Éirtatépa xoës, c, dat Soph. To join in a libalion, ovatrévôa. To pour libations over the burnt sacrifices, or éutrúpay a trovöös kaffeival, Eur. I pour over you a libation of my tears, Aškpºols kata- arévôw ore, Eur. Full of libations (a vessel), tºxoſipms. Fond of libations, employed in libations, I pix60 trov60s, OW. h To whom no libation is offered, +&ortrov60s, ov, Sharing in a libation, Ögögtovãos, ov; a`āorovãos, ov. Liberal, &pſovos, compar. &pbovéo repos (of the giver, or of the gift), €Aévôéptos, ov; ; ÉAeë6epos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Generous. Liberally, &póóvas, éAev6eptas. l Liberality, troAièapia, piñavôpatría, sometimes 6. gen. of the person towards whom ; ŚAev6epiórms, # ; ’āqelāta. To liberate, Atw (ú properly, but sometimes 5 arsi, i. e. in the first syll. of a dactyl or spondee, or the last syll. of an iambic; in compounds j), often c. gem. of the thing from which; RAtw, Aevdepów. See To free, To deliver. A libertime, ’āowtos. See Profligate. Libertinism, 'üorwtía. Liberty, ÉNev6epta. One's personal liberty, orðua, Tó. To take liberties with (a woman), Aka, fut. Akira, etc. A library, + 816A100%km. Licence, ééovata; of speech, traßmaría. To licence, éâw. See To permit. To indulge in licence, éAévêepôouai, pass. Licentious, ’ākpātās; 'ékóAaotos, ov; ‘āraktos, ov; eixepſis. See Profligate. A licentious man, ‘ūéptoºths, ot, 6, sometimes used adjectively. Licentiously, 'ükoxdatas, ’ākpátós, eixepôs. Licentiousness, "iſépus, eas, # ; ’ākoAãoria, eixépeta, ’ākpágia; fuapyórns, mtos, i. To lick, Aixuāw, but much oftener -opiat mid., no pass. ; Aetxw, only act. ; off, & Toxixºda ; round, trepińetxo, replAixuāopal; up, ÖiáAéxw. A lictor, Éaé60¢6pos, figé600x0s. The lictor's office, ÉaščovXía. To be a lictor, ÉaščovXéa. A lid, éiríðmua, T6. See Cover. To furnish or cover with a lid, Tepitwºld ſw, Tăpă. Twud (a. 244 Lie–Light A lie, Več0s, té; jew80×oyia; #etops, té; tıbü60s, Tó. Fond of lies, apt to tell lies, pixolyevöſis. Fondness of lies, piñoſevöía. To lie (i. e. to speak falsely), beißopal, mid., pass. Sometimes of what is falsely said, esp. in perf. pass.; kátakečāopal, sometimes c. gen. of the person against whom or to whose injury the lies are told; ſevö0Åoyéo, + $evömyopéa, only act. ; t bevö00 topéa, only act. ; éKKAétro A6'yov, Soph.; oièëv Aéya, Plat. To tell a lie in addition, êtrikeiôouai, Štúštajeúðouai. To join in a lie against a person, ovykaraºkeſbouai. To lie (lie down), reſuat, fut, ketookal (ketual being in reality an old perf. pass, like final); Kärältetual; trátārāivouai, pass.; if €kteivopal, pass. ; on or ºn, êykeiugi, Śrīceipal, c, dat, or c, čirl and dat, or c. éri and gen. ; Śykäråk\ivopal ; on, or in front of Tpórceipal; near, close to, träpäketpot, c. dat, ; Tpós- treiſal, c. dat.; with, by the side of, otºykelºt, c. dat.; ovykātākeigai, Tāpārātākeiſa, fouyk\ivoſal, pass.; trāpākāivouat (sometimes also of places lying near one another); in wait for, épéðpeča, only act, c. dat.; see Ambush; under, 'ürókelpat, c. dat, ; in swaddling clothes (like an infant), šu girapyávotal traibbs 6ppija at 6ttemv, AEsch. Lying under this impulation, ºpépov Tſvöe Bᚺv, Soph. Lie down in . . . xú'TAaorov geavTöv ću . . . Ar. To make to lie down, f KAïvo, See To lay. A lying down, KAigis, eas, i. A lieutenant, ‘ūrapxos, "iTootpárryos. A lord-lieutenant, vépapxos. To be a lieutenant to a superior officer, 'üTouTpātmyeo, only act. Life, 8tos, no pl. (in every sense), SióTm, no pl. ; +8totos, no pl.: + šwh; (i.e. lifetime, and poet. lot in life, etc.) aiºv, &vos, 6 ; (i. e. means of living). 8tuita; Štaſtmua, Tó; Tpopñ; tpoſph 8tov, Soph.; (i.e. way of life) Suarpišī; Śiśyayyh, in pl. ; (i. e. the principle of life) pix}, +&iſuás; + TVoºl, in pl. Life is no longer granted to me, oùkétt uot pås, où6? &eXíov Tóðe péry'yos, Eur. See To live. Preferring your life to my own, &vrl Täs égfis jux?s Katao Thoraga p3s réð’ eisopäu (ge), Eur. (Ha said) that he had opposed him in some trifles only, and not in any matter concerning the safely of his life, kal &ua, airbs uév éketvig xpeias Tivos, Ical oil, és rö orápa ord ſea-flat évavritoffwal, Thuc. To lead a life, 8tov vowiço, AEsch. See To live. Giving life, Biočárms, ov, Š ; # ºpepégévos, ov; + 816- öwpos, ov. Nourishing life, t Buo&péupov, ovos, 6, 7. Fond of life, piñógoos, ov; ; piñóköxos, ov. Fondness for life, pixotºxic. To be fond of life, pixoiſixéa, only act. One must be or ought to be fond of life, piñoſºxmtéov, c. neg. (for all these words refer to behaving with cowardice from an undue love of life). Deprived of the means of life, i. 6100tepſis. Lifeless (i. e. nearly dead), juióvils, -óvitos, 6, 7. See Dead. To lift, aſpa, Taipw, Ščaipa, Tāvaipa, Kovºptſo 'āvákov piſo; füvéxw, fut. —éo, and –oxhaw, aor. 2. in Trag., sometimes –éoxe60v, aor. 2. mid. ; #veox6. kmv, and sync. (Trag.) #vaxówmv, no pass. ; # 8a- otégo, Féirişaatášw ; on high, pleteoptºw ; (a hand) against, &VTaipa, c. dat, or c. Tpos and acc. of the adversary; over, Örepaipa. To lift up the voice, tºpôléa, only act, c. dat. of what is uttered ; +&Topóića, c, dat, or c, acc. of what is uttered, sometimes also c. dat. of any one or anything spoken against; +&op01&0. Lifting up, adv. &épômy and āpāmv. A lifting up (of hands in prayer), t inrttagka. A ligament, ligature, oivöéopos, 6, pl. ré. Seg #Band. Light, pāos, Tb, contr. (pós, potès (Trag. use pdos and ºpós, pós only in Att. prose, except that Xen. once has pious), no pl. in this sense ; péy'yos, to (esp. daylight; according to Hesych. pås is properly daylight and ºpéy'yos moonlight, but it is never so used in Trag., though it is by Xen. Plat.); (from any particular source) wiryā; oréNas, gos, to (very rare in prose); (of the sun, or lightning) t Aguirós, ò60s, i. A quivering, twinkling light (as of the stars), + širā. Giving light, + patvoxls, ii, only fem. and only nom. (of morning); + paesqópos, ov; ; pasſpópos, ov; + påvalos ; ; Aguiráð00xos, ov (of day). Giving a fearful light, + aivoxapaths. Having two lights (as a lamp), + Siripos, ov. In order that it (the sun) may as far as possible give light to the whole heaven, iva. Śri Md.Atoto, eis &tauta qaivot Töv oëpavów, Plat. See. To shine. Having no light, +'éAapths. See Dark. The shores lit up with torches, Aguiráðes &ctal, Soph. To light (i.e. kindle, q.v.), ał00; up (i. e. give light to), paiva, &vagaivo, # Adutra, 6taxdura ; a person to a place, trāpājaiva, c, čs and acc. of the place; in turn, i &vrixápatra. To light upon (a time or a place), €ritritta, fut, -tre- 245 Tight—Like votpat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. —Téttoka, c. eis and acc. See To meet, To find. Light, adj., Aaſairpos, paeives or paeuvés; if paé0ov, owtos, only in masc. sing. See Bright. Light, adj. (in weight), coºpos : éAâqipës, &, by, and bs, bu (also of food); eithopos, ov, lit. (also metaph, of labour); +’āśpiðhs; + síðykäAos, ov (i. e. easily borne in the arms); (of soil) Aettós; (i.e. unimport- ant) fig'610s, a, ov, and os, ov; see Trifting; (as the bit of a bridle) Aeros, a, ov, and os, ov. Inspiring him with light-headed madness, évels éAappèv Affo'o av, Eur. To make light of, fightws pépa, fiáota (pépa, Ös Égata ‘pépw, Trag. Thuc. Plat,; £365uws pépa, Plat.; Ég- 8tos 'évéxopal, paixos pépa', 'patºws kpivo, Eur.; bi'où6evös toléouai, Soph.; trap' oëbèv tíðepal, Esch.; trap' oiâèv &yo, Soph.; £v eixepe? Tíðmul, Soph. Not to make light of, oùx ‘ātāós (pépa, Eur. Because he made light of what had happened to him, àti Tpgos Aéyol to airtot, Tá00s, Xen. For the injury to me of this accusation tends not to a light evil, où yöp eis &TAoûv ji (muſa uot too Aó)ov toūtov ºpépel, Soph. It would be a light matter for them to kill their hus- bands, trap' oëbèv airtaſs ºv &v ŠAAvvai Tógeis, Eur, To speak lightly, Tpéws Aéyw, Xen. t Light-armed, ſixás; eigtäAhs tº 6TAirei, Thuc. A light-armed soldier, Yvuvils, fitos, 6, usu. in pl.; Yv- plvåtms, ov, 6; text&oths, où, 6. The body of light-armed troops, i. Yvºvmtia, to trexto. otiköv, Tô pixóv. To overrun with light-armed troops, tº kåtåTeXT&@. To lighten, to make light, act., coupíſo (very often also intrans, to be light), also pass, but no mid.; †'étro- kovipºw; t ºvákovſpí(w, esp. in pass. To hold out hope to a person so as to make his evils light, ěčeupapígopal éAtriča, Eur. To lighten, (i. e. flash as lightning) + &otpárta ; + atpāTTw, only act.; (i. e. to hurl lightning, as God does) + kāraatpātra. Light-hearted, §§65uos, ov. To be light-hearted, §§05puéa. - Lightly, Kotºpas (also with a light heart). Light-minded, kotºpos; kovſpóvoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. Lightness, kovgårms, mtos, h; éA&qpótms, mºros, i. Lightning, &otpáth, ºf otépotá; also oréxas Aubs, oréAas €k Too oipovo0, Soph.; trip Atos, Soph.; Agu- tráðes kepavvial, Eur, Hurling lightning, i. &rreporàrns, ov, 6. Of lightning, loaded with lightning, + &rrpätmbópos, ov (of fire). To destroy by lightning, ğicépovtåw. lightning, Šušpoutdopal, pass. Struck by lightning, Šušpávtºtos, ov, esp. in the sense of astonished (thunder-struck). Not struck by lightning, +’āicépavvos, ov. Like, Čuoſos, a, ov, and os, ov, c. dat, sometimes c. gen, often with Ös, Šotrep, fire, or kai; Tposéuotos, ov; 'toos (AEsch, once has 'iros), comp. ioaitepos, etc., c. dat, or (rarely) c. gen., constr. like Öuoſos; Tpostpéphs, éupephs, trposeſ, pephs, t'éAſyklos; in dis- position, 69.0%6ms. Nearly like, trâpéuotos, ov. Like- minded, + Icolváqipov, ovos, 6, #. - For there is nothing like hearing the law itself, où'ěčv yap ofov &kočev aitot toº vöuov, Dem. Like Iaion, êu Tpótrous 'Ištovos, AEsch. Like brass, XaArcot, tpétrov, AEsch. For it was not like Cyrus (to do so and so), où yöp ºv Tpbs toū Kūpov rpátov, Xen. Being honoured by the people like his father Agnon, Ti- Mºuevos ūtrö tot Shuow katē Töv tratépa’Ayvova, Xen. Like, prep., Katë, c, acc. Like, adv., ápotos, Šuoſov and Šuoia (see adj. above); ‘io'ou and to a ; Éyyès, c. gem.; Sticnv, c. gen. (for katē 8th mu, like the Latin instar for ad instar); so, + 6éuas; so Like a prison, Öeoparmptov eiicóva, Plat. Nearly like, Tapouotas. Like as, Šote, i öget. See As. In like manner, ào attas, sometimes c. Kal, sometimes c. dat. It is not like a wise man, oùk éoti ord, ppovos, Bem. He who has understanding, but cannot clearly eaplain himself, is like as if he had not devised anything, 8 te 'y&p yyobs kal pºl gapós 6töääas év to q, kal eigh év- e6vuñ0m, Thuc. Like as ivy clings to the oak, so will I cling to her, 6- Troia ictorabs pubs, Štros Tāsā’ &ougi, Eur. To be like, éotka, perf in pres. sense, part. £otk&s, also eiicós (the more usu. form in Att., though éoticós is used by Trag.), lst pl. perf sync. Éolypleu, Soph., 3rd pl. perf sync. etäägi, Eur, also 3rd sing, firceu or eikev, Ar., and infin. eitcéval, Ar., and in compounds Eur. (Eur, has 2nd sing, perf. pass, of the compound trpos- #al), c. dat. pers., c. acc. of the point in which; Tposéolica; + trpéra, rare except in pres, and imperf. act. (though both Æsch. and Plat. have fut, and To be struck by 246 Like—Liquor aor. 1.), c. dat. or c. &s ; # Tposeſboſſal, only pass, pres. To make like, Špioidw, §§ouotów ; (as a representation, also to liken, i. e. to compare, q.v.) sirée, Éelicáço, Tposelkäſa. See To compare. A making like, or being like, 6,40two is, eas, ii; Trépo- potools. Any thing made like, Šuoiopia, Té. To like, artépyw, only act. See To love. I should like to ask them, #3éas &v airów Tv6oiumv, Isoc. Likely (what is likely), eikös, Ötos, Tb, also compar. eikörepov; Tiêvãos, ov (of men or things). Likely, adv., eikátws. To be likely, Śouca, very often 3rd sing, as impers, in pres, sense ; as it is likely, Ös éotice, Trag, sometimes with infin. after it, as if &s were not expressed, e. g. "àvhp 38', &s éolkev, où véuelv (for véuet), Soph. As is likely, in all likelihood, Katë to eicos, ék too ei- kótos, tº eikött, trøvti Tô eikótt, Thuc. And some were likely to be wrong, kal épéAAov of uév Tuvés àuapthorea bat, Thuc. Very likely it is, civövvetet elvat, Xen. Likeness, (i.e. resemblance) égouétms, mTOs, ii; (i. e. representation) etówWow; eiköv, ovos, ii. See Image. Likewise, ówotos, kat. See Also. A lily, t kpivov, also irreg, pl. ºptvea, dat. Kplveol. A limb, pèA0s, té; Yvov, usu. in pl.; kóAov, &pſpov. To cut limb from limb, + &ptăuéw, only act.; i ötaptă- pléo; + 6tapTá(w, only act. A limit, & os; +Téppa, T6. See Boundary. To limit, dpiſo, in pass.; kátáicxetw. To be limited, trepôtéopal, pass. It is not in our power to limit our sway to what we choose to rule over, oùic ēortiv jºiv Taueðeo-0at és à- orov BovXóue6a &pxeiv, Thuc. Limitation,-the statute of limitations, Tis Tpo6eopatas váuos, Dem. - A limner, Ypépets. See Painter. To limp, f alciušáço. See Lame. A limpet, Aerós, ò60s, i. - Limpid, ‘i àpyüpoetēſis ; +&pyüpoğrms, ov, d. See Clear. ... < ºf Linch-pins, vov čváAära, Tě, Eur. The linden-tree, piñípa. Like or of the linden-tree, piñāpivos. A line, Ypopuń; (i. e. a verse) o Tixos; (i.e. a string) Alvov; wipwºos, # ; gaſplutos, ; (of horse-hair) f Öpuiā; of troops, tášis, ews, ii. The lines (of an encamped army, etc.), &totetxtoua, Té; tā omuéſa, Xen. In lines, ypgup,0et%3s. In line, mil., pºetwTrºöv ; Śirl páAayyos, opp. to képos, in column (of ships), Xen. Arrayed in line (ships), karð ſtav vaúv Terayuévot, Thuc. Sailing by in line, katē Pitav trapattàéovtes, Thuc. To break the line (in naval tactics), Ötektråéw, fut. —TAetorouai. - The breaking the line, 6téktrå00s, contr. —TAove. Lineage, yāvos, Tá; alua, T6. See Family. A lineal descendant, Éryovos. See Descendant. Linen, Aïvov; givööv, 6vos, i. Linen garments, f Aiva, Tá. See above. Linen, adj, Aïvows, fi, oùv; ; Aivööeguos, ov; +Aivoff- fiáºffs; † Aivákpokos, ov; + 350 oivos. Destroying linen, ºf Alvop6ópos, ov. To linger, Štúrpiša, ćvölatpiéa. - Nor do I counsel you to let your eyes linger on beautiful things, où8é yé orot oupéovXeča. . . . Šv roſs kaRoſs éâv thv Šiljiv čvöuarpíšeiv, Xen. See To delay. A link, Öeoplbs, pl. beguol and Öeopºd. See Chain. To link, Śēw, fut. Show, perf. 6éönka, etc. See To bind. Lint, + 306via, rd. Lintel, 'ütrepôiptov, ‘ūtrépôipov. e A lion, Aéov, Aéovtos, d; Als, only nom. and acc. Alv. Qfor belonging to a lion, i AeóvTetos, a, ov, and os, ov. Like a lion, Aeovtååms. Of a lion's nature, ºf Aeov- Topvils. - A lion's skin, Aeovrä. Eaten by lions, ºf Aeovtóxoptos. Wearing a lion's skin, AeovtóXAalvos, ov. A lioness, Aéalva. To lionise (strangers), ševāyāopal, in pass. of the visitor. A lip, xetxos, tá. The joining of the lips, ovyxelAſal, ai. With thin lips, AettoxetMás. With thick lips, TáxixelAos, ov. - To bite the lips at (as a sign of displeasure), uvao, only act. Liquefaction, orêvrmèts, ews, i. Liquid, ‘ūypós. To be liquid, ‘ūypaſvouai, pass.; ‘vºypoffoéa, only act. Liquid, subst. xijua, Tó ; t XVués, To liquidate. See To pay. Liquor, tºpóros, iii, fyávos, tº, with some epithet étrl See Melting. 247 Lisp-Live Ar quasi-epithet to explain it (e.g. water, ſºpmvalov yávos, AEsch.; wine, Yávos &Atrévov, AEsch., etc.). The liquor of the vine, a trovöh &patréaou, Soph. To lisp, tpavaíſo, only act.; hexxiº, act, and mid. Lisping, adj. TpavXbs, hexxás. Lisping a little, 'üTótpavaos, ov. Lisping, a lisp, TpavXórms, mTos, h; the NAórms, mtos, i. A list, käräAoyos ; Śiśypauſa, Tá; givis, tºos, fi (esp. of lists suspended on tablets in public places) (oravis properly meaning a board). - The lists in which combatants fought, etc., áY&v, &vos, 6. To enter in a list, and give in, Ériypépoſal, mid, To listen, 'âkočw, fut. &koto'opal, no pass, tense, no mid. except fut, and imperf. (this latter very rare), usu, c. gen, of the person speaking, c. acc. of the thing spoken or sound uttered (the gem. person often preceded by ék, &tb, Topó, Tpbs, and often under- stood), sometimes c. gen, rei (in which case the gen. pers, is never expressed), rarely c. dat, pers.; ita- koúw ; eisakoúw, sometimes (as indeed most words under this head) in the sense of listening to, i. e. obeying ; to, and approve (as a God hears prayers, etc.), 6éxopal, mid, c. perf. pass. 3éðeyPal, in act. sense; evöéxopal, Štrobéxopal ; furtively, &titov- otéo, only act. See To hear. Ye listen to (i.e. adopt the advice of) demagogues, trpo- Xelpigeo fle &muaywyoës, Isoc. Listening to (taking the advice of) Demosthenes, Amplo- offével ovuéoùA@ xpmoduévos, AEschin. An underhand listener, &tékovoths, où, 6. Listening to (lit., also as being guided by), Kathkoos, ov, c. gen. Listless, àplexhs. See Careless. Listlessness, &piéAéla. See Carelessness. Literal (of the meaning of words, etc.), kāpios, o, ov, and 0s, ov. Literature, govoirá. A love of literature, piń0Xoyia. Fond of literature, pixóAoyos, ov. As many therefore as are versed in the writings of the ancients, and are devoted to literature, Šool uèv ov 'ypaqds Te Tów TraMaitépav čxovoriv, aitot tº eiolv čv wotoats &et, Eur. To litigate, 6táðiðgopal. See Law. Litigation, Trpayuáreta, Štúðilcão'ía. Litigious, pixóðiſcos, ov. To be litigious, piñodicéa, only act.; troAióikéw, only act. - * A litter (to carry people in), pope.or. Litter, (i.e. straw laid down, etc.) intôotpoua, Té; (i.e. refuse) + qipuara, Tá; + rippaš, alcos, 6. A bearer of a litter, ºf Šippopópos. { To be carried in a litter, t biºppopopéopal, pass. Little, Hikpbs and guikpbs, compar, utºpórepos, etc., more usu, jogwu, Adorowu, wetov, superl. Aáxia tos (see Less, Least) ; 8páxts, comp. —#repos and -íov, etc.; +tutóðs (esp. of children); (in number) Xīyos, superl. ÖAkyigros ; traipos. So little, itvvvoiros, ov, also Tvuvovroat. How little 2 interrog. trootós ; Very little, troWA00 Tós. Little, adv. autºpów ; apakpós; superl, #ictata ; ŚAfyov, in Att. prose more usu. ÖAiyq, ; † Batov, t”&xviv. See Less, Least. For a little while, étrº àAfyov, By little and little, kat’ &Afyov, Plat. In little pieces (to break a thing), karū kupou, Xen To think little of, Év opticp6 Toléopal, mid, Soph., trap& utºpov trouéo, trap& P. jºyéouai, Isoc. See To disregard. To have too little of anything, wetovertéo, c. gen. A having too little, uelovečía. Littleness, Mikpótms, or optiºpôtns, mºros, ii; 3Aiyörms, mtos, i. Littleness of mind, Pukpot!ºxia, uſicpoxoyia. To live, Ço, also @w (Soph. in chor.) (fut. §gopal, the only mid. tense), aor. 1. and perf, rare; 8tów, fut. -60'opal, aor. 2. čáſwv, as if from v. in pit, other tenses rare ; 8totetºw ; 5ualtáouai, pass. Statpiša, only act.; vaío, with esp. reference to the place where, only pres. and imperf act, also pass. £váo 6mv, c. dat. or c. acc. of the place, or c. prep. To live (i. e. to be alive), ºppovéa, only act. in this sense ; t 8Aétro, no perf., only act, in this sense. [Verbs of seeing are constantly used by the poets for living, often with the addition of pdos, etc. If then any ray of the sun knows of him as alive, ei 6’ ošv ris &ictls #Atov viv ioTopei Kai ſãvra ka? SAétrovta, AEsch. If they did not love him while alive, they would lament him dead, ei 8Aérovta wh ’tó00uv Savóvt’ &w oiuáčelav, Soph. Every man, even a slave, is pleased to live, Trás &vhp, Köv 60VAos # Tis, #3etal to pós épôv, Eur. She who was alive not long ago, h pdos Tööe oëta xpóvov tra- Aarov eige6épiceto, Eur. And if I were arguing while she still lived, kal (ei) tisã' épôorms (péy'yos #ywviçãumv, Eur. But if I lºve through meeting with some other preserver, ei 3’ &AAov tuxāv Āw- 248 Liveable—Long Tipos airyos éiropó, Eur. Whom I wish to live no less than myself, by oi6èv fioſoſov h \º pós épáv &éAw, Eur.; so also pás Aetorgeu, #Atov 8Aétrely, 8Aéirely pá0s, Eur. See Life.] To live (esp. as a free citizen, or in a free state), Toàſ. retouai, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass. To live all one's life, Stação, ötašićw; Suáyw, more usu, with acc. 3. 8tov, 6, aidºva, etc.; again, 'üváétów ; āvaštágico, only pres. and imperf. [N.B.-both words are used also in act. sense in mid. voice, “to bring to life again,” Plat.]; far off, 'üToucéa, ; in different places (scattered about in villages, etc.), 6ioticéo ; upon, 31&tpépouai, pass., c. dat, or c. &Tö and gen. ; with, or to live together, ovſåw, givetſu, avuotkéw, ÖMiNéo: ºf ovvvaiw, only pres, and imperf. It is not well for you to live away from your friends in the crowd of the army, oi kaRöv év čxA4, o' éopºl- Aeloréal otpátov, Eur. Enough to live upon, 60 ov’āroſſiv, Thuc. One must live, 8totéov, Štúétatáov. Liveable (worth living for, to be endured by living men), BwTós ; jtoros, ov; + 81%aiuos, Not liveable, ’ā6íotos, ov. Disgrace under which no one can live, &étos aioxium, Plat. The living, oi évôače (opp, to oi kāta, the dead, lit. those below), Soph.; oi ävo0s or úva.0ev, AEsch. Living a hard life, kákóšios, ov. Living with, givvopos, ov; oivotkos, ov, c. gen, or c. dat.; † Gºvtpopos, ov. One who lives with, givolicitap, opos, 6. A living with, orivolicia ; orivoicnois, eas, i. To make to live with or together, orivoliciga. Terrible to live with, ÖisópſiAos, ov. See Life. Livelihood, Bios. See Life. Lively, Adºpós. The liver, firap, Štos, Tb, no pl.; Fiträttov. . Livid, treatóvös, Textás. A lizard, oraúpo, ; +&orkäää66tms, ov, 6. A water- lizard, kāpāüAos. Lol F ió00 ; +}v, often ºv iè00. See Behold. A load, &x60s, tá; Bápos, T6. See Burden. To load, yepiša, ; # 8pido, esp. in aor. 1. Šēpioa. To be loaded, 8pida, pres, act. and pass. and perf. PéSpiða ; yéuw, only pres, act, c. gem.; (as dice are) Hoàvéööopat, pass. Loamy, Meadyyews, ww. A loan, 6&velopa, Tó; 5ávetov ; Écôogis, i. To procure a loan, Šávelopa Toléopal. See To lend. To loathe, wig &ttopal, rare except in pres. See To hate. Loathsome, i wigópós. See Odious. A lobe (of the ear, or of the liver, etc.), ºf Aó60s. A lobster, kāpi's, gen. 760s, i. A lock, k\els, k\etöðs, i. A lock of hair, t coupé ; Maxxbs TAokéuov, Eur, See PHair. To lock, k\eia, ; (as soldiers lock their shields to- gether when close) ovykäeta tºs &otríðas, etc., Xen. See To shut. A locking together (of men in close ranks), otºyk\el- ois, i. Locomotion, kivmoſis, eas, i. A locust, fººpis, ió0s, h; uártaš, Škos, h. To lodge, kataAü'w, only act, c. Tapi, and acc. or dat.; tºº.” arºº ~~~ > kátáyopal, pass., c. eis and acc, or c, trapā and dat.; (with) orvolcmvéo; Tapagitéa, only act. A fellow-lodger, Güvéottos, c. gen, or c. dat. Bad lodging, ÖvsavXia. Making bad lodging, 6tsavaos, ov. Loftiness, iſ hos, Tô (see Height); of style, Šºkos. Lofty, 'éºpos, + airewós; airbs, no compar. Built in a lofty situation, Fairüvotos, ov. See High. A log, ğüAov; ; otéAexos, Tó. Logic, Aoyikh &Tööelčis, eas, iſ ; Aoyikos ovXA0- 'yuqués, Arist. Logical, Aoyticós. Logically, Aoyikós. Loin, Ög pès, jos, i. To loiter, wéAAw, in poet, only pres, and imperf, in prose also aor. 1. ČučNA mora and huéâAmara, in this sense followed by infin, pres., not by infin, fut.; + oxoxéo, only act.; i karao XoA4 w; + ºrda. See To delay. - One must loiter, weaxmtéov. A loiterer, pleaxnths, où, 6. A loitering, pºéAAmals, eas, ii. See Delay. This is no time for loitering, oùx éðpas &iquh, Soph.; oùx éðpas &yöv, Eur, Lonely, Śpmuos, m, ov, and os, ov; +oiáºpov, ovos, 6, # (of places). See Alone. Long, uſiºpos, comp. —0tepos and udorowu, superl.-óra- tos and uſiktatos; 60Atxos, +8mpès (of time only); + wakio Tip, fipos, 6 (of a speech); + p.3kpótvows, —Tvouv (of life); so fugitpatov, wVos, 6, #. Rather long, ºf ‘iſtröučkpos, ov. Very long, ºf ‘iſtrepuškºs; + TáMºuñkms, ºf Tappañkms. As long as, 'io opiºns; c, dat. As long as (in point of time), 600s, ov. So 249 Longevity—Thordly long, i Tôoros. After a long time, for a long time, Xpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov. You have become a foreigner from being long among foreigners, Bečapšápagal Xpóvlos &v év Bapéâpots, Eur. Dong-lived, of long duration, fömvatós; +pºrtpatov, wvos, 6, #. Long-legged, taking long steps, ºf Tāvūtrovs; Troö0s, 6, i. Long, adv. (of time, lasting long), ºf Ömpov, very often implying “too long,” + paſſicpáv. Long ago, TáAal, f TpārāAal. Not long ago, ää of xpdvos oil troxts, Dem. Long after, 6t& Mákpot. How long ago did Laius die 2 tróorov riv' #öm 676’ 6 Aáios xpóvov "Apavros fiftet; Soph. Who was alive not long ago, h pdos Tööe Oiſtra, Xpóvov traXatov čeóépicero, Eur. As long as (in point of time), Éws; Föppa, sometimes ãºpa Té, usu, c. indic, sometimes c. subj, sometimes c. &v, Ice, or key and subj.; ās &v, c. subj, Soph.; 60 ov and 80'ov xpóvov, Xen.; uéxpt rep &v, c. subj., Plat. As long as (provided that), ei. See If. Reveal it, as long as you do not speak with a view to gain, Icível, uávov 8% whºrl képôégiv Aéyov, Soph. As long as they were victualled for, xpóvos égov Gºros fiv, Xen, No longer, oikéti, pumicéri, In a long time, ºf oripönv. Longevity, uákpoétárms, mºros, i. To look, Öpáa, fut. §§ouat ; etów, only in aor. 2. elöov; 8Aérw, no mid, or pass.; 5épkopal, aor. 2. éðpâlcov, and perf. 8éöopica, in act. sense; +eisãépko- Wal; t Aetorow, only pres. and imperf. act.; (esp. as considering) or coméo, fut, etc. form okéttopat; perf. pass. “oicegual, in act. sense. To look at, Štreiðov, eisopéo, Tposopáo, trposéAéro; ÉuéAéro, c. dat. or c. eis and acc.; round, to look round at or for, ºf trait- Tatva', no mid, or pass.; TepiéAéro; treptoricotréal, tenses except imperf. from -okémtouat (see To see, To behold); straight at, 6taéAéro; &utiéAétro, c. dat.; * &vtićépicopal; at besides, ºf trposMečgo w; askance at (esp. with anger or fear, etc.), 'üTošAétro; Túpep- SAétro, c. eis and acc.; down at, käflopów, and in mid.; kátáðedopal; over (i. e. watch, preside over, etc.), étrottetºw, only act.; sideways at, trópopów, f Tāpā- ŚAéro; up at, 'üvāśAérw; +’āva.0péw, only act.; +’āvākūirtw, only act, c. ºrphs and acc.; up to (esp. with respect, etc.), "åtroëAétw; on (as a spectator), To look on (i. e. to be unconcerned at), trepiopów; away, 'épopáo. To look forward, Tpoo- páo; to (i. e. depend upon), Öpáa, c. 1rpos and acc.: &T06Aétro. To look in a particular direction (as a house looks south, etc.), Tpétropal, pass.; BAétra trpos, Špáw trpos, "åvá- Tretëvviſual trpós. And look to yourself, that you re- ceive no hurt on the way, traittaive 8' airbs wh tº Tmuavóñs 666, AEsch. For some had gone towards Caria to look out for the Phoenician ships, ärvXov Yap ai Mév étri Kapías €s Tpogkorºv táv powwoodºv vsöv oixópeval, Thuc. How do I look 2 ºrt paívouai ; Eur. Looking all round, buſi’ &vaqtpépav icóicagº, Eur. Menicles looked out a wife for me, éokátrel Mevikaſis ºvvailcá uot Isae. Look! i i800, ióé. See Behold. One must look, BAettéov, ŠirišAeTréov. One must look round, dupa šuota Téov, Eur. A look, tipis, h; ávri'BAeyis, h; +8épyua, Tó. A look out, one who looks out, t birthp, fipos, 8; (on board ship) Tpapātūs, ov, 6; so Tpapets (see To reconnoitre, A scout); (i. e. a place from whence to look out) or cottà, forcotſ. - To be a look-out man (on board ship), t ſpapāreſo, only act. A looking-glass, kärottpov, f wortpov. A loom, iatós. To work at the loom, ºf iotovpyéa, only act. Working at the loom, iotovpyta. To loose, or loosen, Año (i, but sometimes iſ in arsi, i. e. in the first syll. of a dactyl or spondee, or last syll. of an iambic), &toAöw, trailw; ’āvinul, raffinut; xãAów, and in pass., rarely if ever in mid. See To release. º To let loose upon, trposéáAAw, no aor. 1., perf–éééAnka; + akhtra, c. eis and acc., also in mid, but not in pass. See To set on. Easy to loose (of dogs in the slips), effairos, ov. One must loose, Aïtéov. Loose, XàAápós. Loose (of limbs, i. e. not closely knit) sińitos, ov. Loosely (to argue, etc.), pëAákós. Looseness, xãAápótols, mºros, i. To lop, Téuva, perf. Tétumka. See To cut, Lord, Öeatrótms, ov, 6; † weóéov, ovtos (of the Gods as lords of any place or art, etc.); +’ávoč, acros; + kotpávos. -- Lordly, weyāAompetàs. treptoricotréal. 250 Lore—I lover Lore, goſpía. See Learning. To lose, ékºrſtrto, fut. -treatoduct, no adr. J., aor. 2. –étréolov, perf. -tréirtwka, no mid. or pass., c. gen.; éréâAAw, no aor. 1., perf.-6ééAmica; ’ātroëáAAw; ’āro- Tvyxávo, fut. —Tétéopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étixov, perf. —Teräxmka; &mdańvut, aor. 2. mid, and perf. mid. –óAwAa, in pass, sense; otépouai, mid, fut. oTephorougi, perf. pass. &otépmual in act. Sense; +äuaprávo, fut. —Thoroual, aor. 2. finaptov. (In the attempt) they lost their lives, tow Bíov &pſpé- 0mgav, Plat. To lose besides, trposóTošćAAw, TposkátáAeſtra. To be lost, Stafféo, fut. -puigopal, perf. -sſóðnka, aor. 2. pass. -effirmv, no other tenses; + &roixouai, only pres, in this sense; 6tap0eſpouai, pass, (as ships are lost); beforehand, TpoãTóAAügal, pass., c. perf. mid. –óAwaa. Opportunities of many great actions have been lost to (or thrown away by) the city, ToxAöv kal ueyá\wy Tpay- Adtwu Ralpol trpoetvtal tº TóAet, Dem. He lost none of his army, &lreyiyveto uév oiâèv too otpatow, Thuc. He loses the thread of his argument, €kTrittel ék toº Aóyov, AEschin. - For it would be a fine thing if... I were to lose my daughter her son, x&ptev Yêp ei . . . tº Svyatpi Tov Twiba 'êtroëovicoxiigatpu, Xen. Callicratidas falling into the sea was lost, KaxAtkpatíðas &rotregàv čs thv ŞāAattav hºpaviorðm, Xen. Loss, (muſa, ’āirošoxh, ékéoxii; xitos, Tó, no pl. Without loss, & ſhutos, ov. To be at a loss, "åpmxávéa, only act.; 'étropéa. To be perpleaſed. They were at a loss what do do under the eaſisting cir- cumstances, év &tópºp eixoviro Séorèal to Tapov, Thuc. A lot, RAffpos; t Aáxos, tá; (in casting lots) TâAos; so Kääpos. A portion obtained by lot, Añéus, sws, i. To fall to the lot of, trapayiyvougi. To cast lots, to choose by lot, campáa, and mid.; in pass. only of what is chosen or obtained by lot; &Tokam- pów, Šiškampéa. To embrace in one lot, ovycampéa. To distribute by lot, 6ták}\mpów, . To obtain by lot, Aayxávo, fut. Aftopat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAäxov, perf. AéAoyxa and eſſanza; ’āiroXay- xáva. To be chosen by lot, kvågetopal, pass. They arranged them by lot, KAftpots àrmAgu airobs, Soph, See He made them cast lots, 6tekAfipooſev aitots, Chosen by lot, KAmpotós, Kväuevtós; kvåu660A0s, ov. A choosing by lot, KAftports, eas, i. Without casting lots, ’ākāmport. To be unlucky in drawing lots, 8vskàmpéw, only act. Lottery, it is a perfect lottery how it will turn out, ôtrotépas àotal év &öſix@ Kuvövvečeral, Thuc. A lotion,--a cooling lotion, joypa, Tó. The lotus, Aótos. Of lotus, A&Tivos. Bearing lotus, overgrown with lotus, ‘i Awrotpāq,0s, ov. Loud, Öpffios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Aapatpos, Aiyês, Aiyū- pos, yelyovás ; t eifixmtos, ov; + troxváxmros, ov; ºf intéptovos, ov; +8ápū’épouos, ov; (of persons) w. q,wvos, ov; so preyāAópwvos. Loud laughter, Toxis yeaws, Soph. Falling loudly, ‘f icăvăxis. Loudly, tºp6tov, fuākpá. To speak loudly, shriek loudly, etc., f Öpflićſo, only act.; ºf étropóláſw; umkövo 80%iv, Soph. Loudness, Băpărms, mºros, i. To love, piñéw; ’āyārāw, only act. (properly “rather of regard than of affection,” LID.D. and Sc.); pāual, aor. 1. pass. #pdorffmy, fut. Špagółoopal, in act. sense, c. gen.; £pda, only in pres, and imperf. act. and pass., c. gen.; otépyw, perf mid. Éotopya, in act, sense, in pass. voice rare except in pres.; &otréouai, mid.; eaceedingly, 'ütreppiñéa, Ötrepāyātrāo. To share love (to love the same object as another), tº ovuſpi\éw; ºf &vtepúa, c. gen. of the object loved, c. dat. of him who shares the feeling ; orivspáa. To love in return, &vrepaw, &vtiqixéa. One must love, piñmtéov. Love, “Epws, wros, 6; t”Epos [the preceding are the only names personified as the God of Love]; biñórms, mtos, h; "inepos, + tró60s, t atépymópov. Reciprocal love, &vrépaſs, otos, 6. Violent love, ºptAepao Tía. A love charm, qíAtpov; ; otépymua, Tó. Of or belonging to or subject to love, épotikós. Of love, etc., adv., paſticós. To persuade (a man to do a thing) for wages or for love, treiðely 3, 6&pous à X6ptoſiv, Plat. Lovely, loved, 'iyāmrés; Épérutos, a, ov, and os, ov; épaatós; + špätbs, sometimes c. dat. of those by whom one is loved ; 'i éirípätos, ov. Much loved, troXvépgatos, ov; † toxvſåAotos, ov; + troXàſm?\os, ov. To be loved, pixmros, + ortepictós. A lover, éparths, oi, 6; piańrop, opos, 6. One who 251 Loving—Lungs loves ºn return, &ureparths. A joint lover of ..., oëvepaaths. Suited for lovers, + pixotágios, g, ov, or 0s, ov. Loving, + síqiāhs, c, gem.; violently, 6üsépws, wros, 6, #, c. gen. Averse to love (only of women), Öisépa’s, wros, 3, #; +>epyāvap, opos, i. Love-songs, épwrāa, Tá. Lovingly, pixws, pixios. To lounge, 'üyopá(w, only act, in this sense. A lounger, '&yopatos. A louse, póelp, pöelpös, 6 kal ii. Lousy, pöelpóöms. Low, Tărelvés; 8páxis, compar. 8pāxīrepos and Bpáxiov; (of a wall, i.e. on the ground) x0épáAós; (of musical notes) 8ápús; (i. e. mean, vulgar) popti- kás; (of price) Aſſyos. The river being low, koixos &v 6 Tótáuos, Thuc. Not one of the lowest of that nation in point of birth, yévvmua Töv ćreiffew oil, év čo Tárous, Soph. Lower, i véptepos. - Lowest, véâtos, fem, tvetalpa; kátárát0s, Éaxåtos. The lowest people, oi Xépio tol. Low born, kākös, compar. Käktov, Róktoros, also xel- pov, xeiptotos; 3vs'yevils, ’āyevils and &yevvás. Low, adv. (only of situation), kāra, compar. kararépo, superl. Katotáro; tāmelvös, in any sense; (i. e. in a mean, vulgar way) popticós. In a way suited to a low-born man, 'āyevvæs. Speaking low, with a low voice, ‘ārvata pavów, Soph. To use low (i. e. Vulgar) language, éð ‘āuašovpyot Aéyw, Ar. Lowness, Tátelvörns, mtos, ii; (of voice) Bāpārms, mtos, i. Low birth, 8vstyéveta, ’āyéveta, To be low, (i. e. ignoble, etc.), 'ü60;éw, and mid. To lower, 'übimul (in Att., in elsewhere), (esp. of lowering masts, sails, etc.). " A must now lower my sails (i.e. be more humble), vov got traeiv Šqelºvº 30ket, Soph. Lowly, Baiós. See Humble. To low, Mikdopal, mid, perf, uéuūka, also aor. 2, act. êuikov, no pass. Lowing, tuikós, òos, i, only fem. A lowing, wikmówós; učkmwa, té. Loyal, trio Tós. Loyalty, triotótºms, mºros, i. Lucid, Aguttpás; (of arrangement of arguments, etc.) ’ākpiðſis. See Clear. Lucidly, "Čičplē&s. See Clearly. Lucifer, poorq6pos &othp, Ar. Luck, túxm (most usu. of good luck). Oh my ill-luck, Tås Túxms, Xen. t- If you wish to claim it at law, do so, and good luck to gou, ei uév ov BoöAét éiričikáçeotal, éxe Tüxi, &Yaff, Andoc., so Ar. A piece of good luck, Éppalov. Lucky, alouds, a, ov, and os, ov (of persons or of things bringing luck, not of persons enjoying it); eitüxhs (of persons enjoying it and things). See Fortunate. Luckily, eitüxós, faiorios. * To be lucky, eitüxéa. See Fortunate, You may think yourself very lucky in being only punished with exile, Tāv képôos #705 (nulovkévi ºvyi, Eur, Luckless, àvstixás. See Unlucky. Lucrative, kepāāAéos. See Gain. Lucratively, kepāāAéos. Lucre, képô0s, Tó. Lucubration, ŠišTpišá. See Study. Ludicrous, yeñoios. Very ludicrous, 'üTépyéAotos, ov. See Ridiculous. Fond of the ludicrous, piń0)éAotos, ov. To lug, ÉAko, fut. Akigw, etc. See To drag. Luggage, Oketos, Tb, usu. in pl. Lugubrious, Špmvéöms. See Sad, Mournful. Lukewarm, lit. and metaph., pixpós. To lull, couáa, only act, in a general sense, in pass. c. fut, and aor. 1. mid. only in the particular sense of being lulled to sleep; coluí(w; +eiváa, like Kolpido; + kåtevváw; eiváço, fut. -āow. See To calm. A lull, yāAftvm. See Calin. - A lump, Xóvãpos, Špóušos. But he charged for the whole time in the lump, ovXAñé- Ömv 5& Trávros xpóvov čAoyigeto, Lys. A luminary, páos, to, contr. (pós, paros (both forms Att.). See Light. Luminous, Aaſairpos (lit. and metaph.), t paeivös, + eighey'yńs. See Bright. Lunacy, träpävota. See Madness. Lunar (belonging to the moon), orexmvaſos. Lunatic, trāpā'qpov, ovos, 6, ii. See Aſad. Luncheon, &plotov (à Hom., á Att.). To eat luncheon, 'apuatáa, only act.; ’āptatorotéokat, mid. Without luncheon, *āvāptortos, ov. To lunge (with a weapon), Öpéyokai, mid, often c gen. of the object at which. Lungs, truetſuwu, ovos, 6, usu, in pl. With good lungs, eúſàevpus, ov, 252 Ture—Mad To have a disease of the lungs, TAévºdo, only act. A lure, 5éAeap, Štos, Tó. To lure, beAeó(w, no pass. To lurk, käräööopal, pass., c. perf act. Karaöéðūka, and aor. 2 Káréövy, as if from -30pu. See Ambus- cade. Lurking, 54 epiévos, . A lurking-place, évéðpa, eixõ6s. Luscious, #80s. See Sweet. Lust, Aëyveſa. Lustful, Aayvás. Lustily, icpátépôs. Lustre, airyā; Aapatpétms, mtos, h; t alyxm. Brightness. Lustrous, if &yAabs, ºl, ov, and bs, 6v. See Bright. Lusty, kpâtepos, flopſiAé0s. See Stout, Strong. A lute, Aëpa. See Lyre. Luxuriance (of growth in plants), eiéAao Tía. Luxuriant, + síavôs, feiffäAñs. See Flourishing. To be luauriant, ‘ūTrepéAao Távo, fut. —8Aaathaw, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —ééAao Tov, perf. —ééAdotmka and –ée- €Adortmka. See To flourish. To luxuriate, #xAiööw, only act. See To revel, Luxurious, Tpúbepos, + XAiöävés; t eiðouvos, ou (esp. in eating); so t eitpátegos, ov. A luwurious disposition, YAikü0üpıſa. Luxuriously, Tpüqepòs. To live luwuriously, tpi (pów, only act.; 6tatpupda', évtovºpáo; #3üträ0éa, only act.; XAtôaívouai, pass.; See Lewd, Wanton. See + xAtôáo; 6.30púirtouai, pass., aor. 2. Stetpāqºmy, etc. Luxury, xAić), Tpiph, jøviráðela, eiträffeta; XAiómuo, Tó. Lymph, 'ix&p, &pos, 5, acc. by apocope ixó, no pl. A lynx, Ayyā, gen. Avykös, and Avyyös, Ö. Lynx-like, Atºykelos, A lyre, kitāpa, Aëpa ; + péputy;, ty)0s, h; + 8ápéi- tos, ii, sometimes 6; + xéâvs, vos, i ; # Tºktis, fö0s, ii. See Harp. The frame of the lyre, &vtvé, tºyos, i. The bridge of a lyre, ºf képas, képáros, Tó. The music of the lyre, ºpektos vôpos, AEsch. Soph.; in pl. #pot mtā Tºktíðav LéAm, Soph. A player on the lyre, kitāpurths, où, 6; Kičápºeëós; + populkris, où, 6. - To play on the lyre, kiöäpigo, no mid.; kiöäppäéw ; + poppí(w. The playing, art of playing, skill in playing, etc., on the lyre, kiöäpious, i ; kiööppóía. That which is played on the lyre, kiöäptopič, Tó. Accompanied by the lyre, F boppictós. With beautiful lyre, ‘i sãAüpos, ov. Skilful with the lyre, f Ki6&ptoticós. Unsuited to the lyre, t’ākīdāpis, é, í, neut. , gen, ews; +’āqāppuktos, ov. Lyric, Aipikós, Lyric poetry, jö, Ääpa. A lyric poet, we’Aotrolós. See Poet. M. A mace, i kopj'vn, 56träAov. To macerate, tº kåtårpūxw, rare except in pres. Machination, Téxvm, unxãvā; éritéxvnois, eas, h; + Téxvmua, T6. To employ machinations, texvá(w. One ºemploy machinations, Texuao Téov. A machine, p.mxãvm. A machinist, p.mxãvoirotós. Mad, ugpyos, m, ov, and os, ov; Tāpā'qpov, ovos, 6, # ; piùvicës, Pavić6ms ; áušpóvtmtos, in fem. ‘f ual- vös, Öos; + šupévās; + ppevöTAnktos, ov; uévías ëtroxos, Eur.; £eópos (ppevöv, Eur. To be mad, ugivouai, perf. pass. Lepèvnual, aor. 2. pass. ašumv, fut, mid, uávoúual, perf, mid, uéunva (this latter in pres, sense); ‘i étriplaivopal ; Tāpā- ºppovéa, only act.; träpävoéo, only act.; Avgada ; ºf ékuapyöopal, pass.; t Avgoraiva, only act, only ’ pres, and imperf.; Stépôappa, ppévas, Eur. You are mad, and you were beside yourself before, uéumvas, #8m kal Tplv ščéotns ppevöv, Eur, To madden, to drive mad, oigtpéo, usu, in aor. 1. act. or pass., no augment ; ºf ’āvolutpéa, ºf TräpäicóTºw; + waivo, only in aor. 1, Éamua; t erugivo; £iornº ºppevöv, Ščío Tmut too ppovetv, Eur. Xen. These things make men mad, Taita éto trigly &věpátrovs éavtów (like our “drives men beside themselves *), Dem. - I have driven mad, and earcited to rush out of the house, all the women of the Cadmeans, táv to ŚāAv orépua Kašpetov, Šoral Yuvaikes figau, Ééumva Öapidtwu, Eur, 253 Maddening—Majority Maddening, + ppevotAmºs, Avogóms. Madly, pëvicós, t (ppevouápos, + 8Aaiyippóvas. Madness, uávia, Ağaoa, Tāpāvola, Tāpāppodium,' ãAm; ºf Añoſo mua, Tó ; + oiotpos ; poſtos (ppevöv, AEsch.; to Ölapôāpèv ppevöv, Eur.; v6oos ppevöv, HEsch.; vágos Seſa, Soph.; Avgorçëms vógos, Soph.; vö00s uávías, Soph.; TAévos ppevöv, Eur, - Madrepore, Aidos ko'yxvAtărms, ov. A magazine, orkevo0%km, 'üToôňkm, Túpuéſov. Magic, i ačyevtitch. To practise magic, ºf Māyetw, only act. Magic rites, magic spells, tuāyetwata, td. A magician, uáyos. Magistracy, TéAos, Tó ; āpxft. The assembled magistracy, ai orivapxial. A magistrate,”Apxwy, ovros, 6 ; foºtpātmyás. The magistrates, tá réAm ; of év TéAel, oi uáAuota év TéAel, oi év táAel Švres, oi Tà têAm éxovtes, Omn. Att.; of év réNet Beéðtes, Soph. Such is the decision of these magistrates of the Thebans, Towatt” ºoče Tööe Kašpetav TéAet, Æsch. They determined that the magistrates going down to the camp should decide with reference to the business, ëôočev airroſs ... rà réAm käTášávtas És to otpató- Trešov BovXečelv ºrphs to xpiua, Thuc. The magis- trates promised, tà réAm Širéoxovro, Thuc. (in the one passage a masc. part. agreeing with tò téAm, in the other a pl. verb). The house for the magistrates, &pxetov. Magnanimity, geyāAoyixia, peyúAoyvouorium, ue- 'yūAóvoto. Magnanimous, ueyā0üuos, ov; ueyāNólvXos, ov; ue- 'yāAoyváuwu, ovos, 6 kali; ueyāAóðpov, ovos, 5 kal il. A magnet, Ajöia Atºos, Soph.; Mayvätus Aí60s, Eur.; Atºos Hoàràeta, Plat. ... Magnificence, ueyāAotpéreta; to 6tärpetrés ; Aqu- Tpótms, mºros, ii. Magnificent, ueyāAorpetrºls, Aapatpbs, pleyáAetos. To be magnificent, Aajitpivouai, pass. Magnificently, Acquirpás, peºya Aetos, Meya?\otrpetrós. To magnify, ueyāAüvo, geuvövo, aišávo, and more usu. in pres, aiſſa, fut. aščhow, etc., only act. in this sense. Magnitude, uéyeóos, Tó; 5 yicos. A maiden, trap6évos, # ; kóprl, and poet. (including Trag.) kočpm; traſs, Tatóðs, h; † TôAos, h; † icoptokm. See Girl. A lady's maid, koupićtpuſ. A bridesmaid, ºf SaxapamiróAos. See Bride. A happy maiden, + eiträp6evos, The blood of the neck of the beautiful maiden, alua lcañAttrap6évov 6épms, Eur. - Maiden, adj., + &öuhs, firos, 6, #; + ššuntos; +&Ae- KTpos, ov; +’āvavöpos, ov; +’āvávöpwros, ov; +&gui, iyos, 6, #. See Virgin. Maidenhood, trap6evta, trap6eveta;+ trap66wevua, Tó. Maidenly, ‘f trap6évios, a, ov, and os, ov; +trapòeveſos, ov. Belonging to, appropriated to, maidens, ºf tro- Aikós. Not a maiden, 'étrépôevos, A maid servant, Suwh; + Suwts, toos, h; + šupfroxos, #. See Servant. Majestic, oreplvés; +yepāorulos, ov; ; aeuvétiuos, ov. Majesty, orepavórms, mitos, i. - Mail. See Armour. To maim, trºpów, 'üvármpéa. To be maimed, XoAeto- M.O.t. Maimed, koWoébs, ov, sometimes c. gen, of the maimed part; XaAós; 'êvãrmpos, ov. A maiming or a being maimed, thowris, eas, i ; tā papa, Tó. Main, uéytotos. See Important. The main part, TA700s, Tó. The mainland, #Telpos, ii. See Continent. Mainly, to ué yuatov. See Chiefly. To maintain, 'évéxw, pres. also &víaxw, fut. &véča, and -oxhow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čvéaxou, also poet. (even in Trag.) &véoxe60v, perf. &véoxmka, in all senses—to maintain people,_to maintain war,justice, —to maintain a thing in such and such a condition, etc.—(laws, a constitution, etc.) treptortéâAw; (people, feeding them, etc.) 860 ko, no perf. or aor. ; (an establishment of servants, etc.) bioticéo. See To sup- port. To maintain (i. e. assert strenuously), Öugée- Saléouai, mid, no pass. ; 'érouapriſpoſal, mid, no pass. See To affirm, To insist. Maintenance, Tpoſph, ēpöölov. A public maintenance, oirmous, i. A majority, oi TAeſortoi. The majority of the citizens, to TAéov táv troAin ºv, Thuc. * The majority of the people (i.e. of the assembly of the people), šiuov (patoto a Xelp, AEsch. There was a great majority who thought the truce had been broken, troAA@ TAeſovs éyévovto ois éðokoúv at atrovöal AeAü00al, Thuc. And what these men being the majority carried, & 3" - oirot, TAetovs $vres, évíkov, Dem. - 254 Make—Man Comparing us with the majority who had already sub- mitted, trpès to traetov #öm sikov, Thuc. To attain one's majority, Śpméos Yiyuopal, Lycurg. ; eisépxopal. Until I should attain my majority, Éws éyò &vhp eival Šokua.00etmv, Dem. See A man. To make, Totéa (perf. pass. Sometimes in act. sense); Tekraſvouai, mid, and pass.; anxãvéouai, only mid.; épyáçopat, mid, perf. pass. eſpygopal, in act, and pass. sense; &lrepyāſopot; +Teixa, perf. act, Tétévya in both act, and pass. sense, perf. pass. Térvyuat; ºf ékirpádow; i. e. to appoint (an officer, etc.), Tiëmui, lotmut, ka0ío tºut ; (a bed) atopévvipu, also a Tp(ºv- vvpu, fut. otpáorw, and otopó, and Éotpoga, etc.; (a law, etc.) T(0mut; to make laws, vopo6etéa'; (a treaty, etc.) + Téuva' (lit. to kill the victim slain on the occasion); (a road) Téuva. To make with the hands, xelpoup'yéa. To make or render a person such and such, in such a condition, etc., Tíðmut; trâpéxø and mid, no pass. ; &to paiva'. To make (of dress), by putting things together, ov- otox{{o, only act. To make quickly, tàxivo. To make up (medicines), Tpiéo. He makes two evils out of one, 60° à évös calcó ovvá- Trel, Eur. To make a person weep, kā0íſo, Tivā kāatovta, or KXafety, Xen. Piat. At makes a man, from having been great, of no import. ance (i. e. makes him to live as a poor man), Tov pºv & p’ 5/m2\óv 8paxi v škuge, Eur. ...And the months as they passed made me both little and great, oióē ovyyevéis wivés we pukpov Ical uéyav 6tóptorav, Soph. The Sphina, with ambiguous song made us turn our attention to what was before us, disregarding what was out of sight, ‘H troucińgöös Xqly; Tô irpès tool orkoirety uebévtas juás T' & pavi, trposſiyeto, Soph. *To be made, put together, etc., ovvſo Tagal, pass, c. perf. pluperf, and aor. 2, act. Made, ‘f trouſtós ; # oriutnictos, ov; (as a bed, etc.) + otpatós. Well made, eiträyhs. Made by hand, xelpotrotºtos, ov. Newly made, veovpyös, Öv. To be made, troumtéos. A thing made, §pyävov, c. gen, of the maker; yévvmua, Tó. maker, Ömutovpyós; troumths, où, 6; t télétov, ovos, 6. A joir; maker, ovvömptovpyos. A makeweight (addition), trposóficº). Making things, Föpyävos (epith of the hand). Making all things, f Tavtex is; + nāvtexvos, ov. Capable of making, Tomtikös, c. gen. A making, Toimois, ii; Épyaata; Yéveris, j; 6muloup- 7ta. A malady, vóoros, ii. See Sickness. Male, špo mu, evos, 6, ii, to Šporev ; āşşevotös, Öv ; + šporevoyevſis. Malcontent, 65skoxos, ov. See Discontented. Malediction, āpā (àp Trag., áp elsewhere), 4 kā- Tevypia, Tó. See Curse. Malefaction, kākovpyta. See Crime. Malefactor, kakoúpyos. See Criminal. Malformation, airypárms, mºros, j : éâmpôpouévos. See Deformity. Malice, malevolence, malignity, (general) kakoff0sia, étrixalpeicākia; (particular, to an individual) 8vs- péveto. See Ill-will. To bear malice, plumaſikákéw, only act, sometimes c. dat. of the person against whom. By malice prepense, ék Tpošovääs, Antipho; Éic Tpoalpéorea's, katē Tpoaipegu, Dem. Free from malice, ’ārākos, ov. Malicious, malevolent, malignant, (generally) käkoměřis ; + kākāq pov, ovos, 6, # ; (particularly) kåkoúpyos, ov; 6vspieviñs. See Hostile. To be malicious, ‘i cároſppovéa, only act. Malleable, ºf orpüpſiAğtos, ov. A mallet, a pipa. See Hammer. A mallow, uáAäxm. Malversation (to be found guilty of malversation), eiðūwas 39Atokávo (fut. 39Ajaw, perf &panka, aor. 2. 34pāov, no other tenses), Lys. To be acquitted of malversation, eú65uas &troºpetryw; eū6. 6tapetryw, Plat. To acquit a person of malversation, & Toxtºw two, třis eū65ums, Ar. To impute malversation to any one, étrl Täs eiðūvas épxopal (lit. to demand a person’s accounts with the intention of founding a charge of malversation ong them), Dem. See Account. Mamma, ºf Mappia, + wippia. Mammiform, pagtoetoſs. Man (i. e. not woman), āvhp (ä in most poets.; Trag. who always have 'évhp in sing., have '&vépes, ’āvépaw in chor.); +&pany, evos ; (i.e. not brute) & 6patros, + 8pótos; (in either sense) + (p&s, potós. A little man, &v0patrioicos, &v6pártov, f &v6poráptov, 255 Man—Manly Men, + uépottes, ot; + atraptoi. A man (at chess, draughts, etc.), ºpos, ii. Abstract man, airtodvěpa- TroS. Of or belonging to man, &v0p6trelos, &v6pátrivos; (like a man) &vôpatrostěřís. See Human, Manly. As men do, &vöpwith ws (to err, etc.), āvūpa,Tetws. Men and all, attaväpos, ov (of a ship). Composed of men (as a crowd, etc.), &vöpicós. Abounding in brave men, fetſavöpos, ov. Consisting of many men, + troXixelp, xelpos, 6, #. Abundance of good men, eiavºpia, toxixepta. Empty of men, + kévavópos, ov; +’āvavópos, ov. Want of men, kevavöpia. Instead of a man, &vtåvap, opos, 5, # (of the ashes of the dead which are all that remain of a man). Loving men, (the sex) pińavópos, ov; (the race) pixáv- 6potros, ov. Love of men, piñavöpfa. Hating men, + griſyávop, opos, 6, #; +@včávop, opos, é, ii; +&otepyāvap, opos, 6, #. A multitude of men, àporévotAmºs éoplbs, HEsch. As high as a man, &vöpopufficus. A man's apartment, &vöpöv, &vos, 6; āvāpavirus, i80s, i. - To become a man, jiéâw, only act. ; #8ágico, only pres.; pméów, Fätravöpéopal, f Ščavěpáouai ; £k tratówy &raßAágoropat, Æschin. To act like a man, &vöpíšopal, pass.; āv6pwireiopal, mid. One must be a man, act like a man, &vöptorréov. To man (a ship, etc.), TAmpów, trpositAmpów. To man completely, avutampów. To man one's own ships, éiritAmpéopal, mid. To man in opposition (to another state), &vritAmpów. To manage (of managing affairs, a house, a state, etc.), oikéw, used also in intrans, or pass. sense; buoucéo ; (affairs, etc.) Tpáorow, 8tárpáorga, Štátfömu; ueta- xelpſ& ; (i. e. to be manager) Tpotataſal, pass., c. perf, and aor. 2. act. : étuotátéo, c. gen. To manage (an oar, a weapon, etc.), + kpātāva, only act. c. gem. ; +’āvāogo, c. gen, also in pass. of the instru- ment; (a horse) bāgāw. - To manage along with, to assist in managing, etc., avotrov64%, ovvötouréa. To manage, Tpoètoiréouai, mid, and pass. To manage properly, kátop960. To be managed, f 5tatovéopal, pass.; Tpostpépouai, pass. One must manage, étuo Tatmréov, c. gen. They ordered him to take the management of affairs, Siekeketovto &věčitreoča, Tây Tpayuárov, Thuc. I could not manage to subdue Venus by these means, Tourſ?' oil, ééâvvtov Körply kpatio al, Eur. Manageable (of persons, etc.), ščios, a, ov, and 05, ov, comp. pāov ; eiustaxeſpiotos, ov; ; eiſapktos, ov. See Docile. Management, Štúxeſpions, ews, ii; Stotic mois, eas, ii; oicovopia. A manager, räuías, ov, 6; triuexºths, où, 6; oiko- wóp,0s. Managing, ºf teNeorg/dp0s, ov, c. gen. Able to manage, skilful in managing, triuéAnticos, oikovouikós. A mandate, évtoKh; trpóstayua, T6. See Command, Mandrake, wavöpåyópas, ov, 6. A mane, Xait", ºf péém. Having a thick name, t Aagiaixmu, evos, Č, i. tawny mane, t Twporókopolos, ov. The Manes, Aaiuoves, oi; ºf véptepot. i Manfully, &vöpikós; &vöpwöós, superl. &vöpw8é. O’TC.T.C. Mange, hºpa. To have the mange, yapāw, only act. Mangy, popäAéos, Aetrpós. A manger, pá'Tvm. At the manger, étiqatviatos, ov. Y To mangle, ºf kváirtw, only pres. and imp. act, and pass. See To tear. Manhood, #Aikía. To arrive at manhood, 'yeveláw, only act.; yeweidaica, only pres, and imperf act. - A maniac, ugivas, &ö0s, ii, only fem. See Mad. Manifest, 6780s, m, ov, and os, ov; Évapyſis ; påvepos, &, ov, and bs, by ; ŚvēmAos, ov; Tootºrtos, ov; Éw- qāvās. Wery manifest, eúðmAos, ov. Manifest at the same time, ovuſpávis. See Evident. Being manifest, €u. Troööv &v, Andoc. He will manifestly die, trepipavros &avefrai, Soph, Manifestly, evapyós, éuſpávös, Övöhaws, pavepos. To be manifest, paivouai, pass. c. fut. mid. To make manifest, 5mAów. See To show. w Manifold, travtotos, travtočátrós ; troAV'Tpotros, ov In manifold ways, travtočárós. A manikin, &vöpétuov, &v0patrio Kos. See Man. Manliness, àvöpia, eúavöpia; &vöpetótºms, mtos, &vöpāyā9ta, Feimvopia. Manly, &vöpeſos, &vöpicós ; ; &vöpóéovX0s, ov; ºf 3. âpéqpwy, ovos, 6, # ; &vöpóöms. Of manly beauly āşşevotös, Öv. | Wºlf. : 256 Manner—Miark In a manly manner, àvöpeios, superl, -óTata; t &v- 8ptort. See Manfully. To make manly, &vöpíſo. Manner, (i. e. way of doing anything) Tpótos ; oxiua, Tó; fuoppi; (of a person) 760s, té; (of life) axéois, eas, ii. See Habit. Bad manners, kālcofibeta. Of like manners, āuóTpotros, ov, sometimes c. dat, also c. gen.; 6potórpotos, ov; Śwojóms. Of bad manners, kākofióms. In like manner, Šuototpétras. Mannerly, >eios, o, ov, and 0s, ov. Manoeuvre, Téxvm ; Téxvagua, Tó. manoeuvre (mil.), &vtiréxvnois, eas, i. A mansion, oikos, See House. A mantle, XAaïva ; XAévis, ió0s, h (made of finer materials); på'pos, Té ; Trétraos, pl. oi and td. See Cloak. To manufacture, kárepyāopal, mid, perf. pass, both in act. and pass. sense ; xeipovpyéw, only act. See To make. Manufacture, épyāoría. Many, troAvs, troXAh, troXi, all cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut, sing, from trońAbs [troAAöv, used also by Soph.; gen, pl. troAéov, dat. Toxégi, by Eur. in chor. ; AEsch. has dat. troxeſ and pl. neut. troAéo. in chor.; compar. TXéov and TAetov, both in Att., but in the contracted cases et is the more common, e.g. TAetovs, TAetw; superl. TAerotos ; orixvös, no compar.: many compounds of troAvs are used merely as =to the simple word, e.g. + troAtavöp0s, ov (of men); so tº trvicváirtepos, in pl. (of birds). Many together, gºutoAAot, avutaëoves. Very many, Štrépitoxvs, no compar.; TúpatroAvs, usu, in pl.; TapuTA'môňs. As many as, how many, indef. §gos, and poet. 8000s (sometimes, but rarely, in Att.), usu, in pl.: 6trogos, usu. in pl. As many as (i. e. equal in number to), 'iaotAmós, sometimes c. dat.; 'igūpiðuos, ov, c. dat. As many times as, however many, ÖgöTAáo ſav. He relates how many generations after Hercules he was, ătropºv muoveſet at Ötrootös & p’ ‘HpakAéovs éyéveto, Xen. How many ? interrog. Tógos ; How many times 3 how many-fold 2 trooºm!Nágios ; So many, Tógos, Too 603e (the most common form in prose), too obtos, Tooratºrm, too obto (and more usu. in Att. Tooroútov) [stronger than régos]. In many ways, troAAáxii, ToàAäxós, TAeoväxós. A counter- | ; In as many ways as, Šoćxã and 60%xãrep, drà. Xós. - In how many ways 3 trooaxós ; In many places, troXAáxoiſ, troXAäx60i, To many places, Toññaxóge, sometimes c. gen. From many places, ToMAáx60s or flew. Many times, troXAáicts and + troXAäki. See Often. The government of many, Toâvapxia. A map, ºf treptobos, i. Maple (the tree), a pévôapºvos, #. To mar, icoxoto, + pºpaíva. See To injure. Marble, Aï00s, i. Marble, of marble, adj. Ağivos. To march, Topetouai, pass, c. fut, mid.; Agüva, fut. éAãow, aor. 1. and other tenses from this fut.; to tetxo, only act, no perf; with an army, a Tpätetºw and mid, no pass, in this sense ; in battle array, ototyév; in close order, ovgºrelpéopal, pass.; against, Čiriotpā- Tetw, c. dat., sometimes c. acc. or c, čiri or eis and acc.; Texaſva, c, dat, or c. prep.; &vritpāseţu (—téval), áutitopečopal ; into, eiseAgüva, c. eis and acc.; out, #ya, ÉeAačva, kotpâtéâw (also in perf. pass. to have marched,—to be in the field), šept ; out against, Éirečāya: ; on, trposeNaiva ; through, Stép- Xopal, fut. –exeſoopal, aor. 2. —fix00v, sine cas, or c acc.; 8teåépxopal. One must march, otpāTevréov; out, Éactéov. A march, 660s, i ; tropeia. A march out against, €r- eč060s, h, sine cas. A day's march, OT301.6s. In marching order, eißwuos, ov. A mare, ittos, h. Margin, kpóatrešov ; (of a river, etc.) xe?Aos, Tó. See Edge. Marine, maritime, šáNárotos, a, ov, and os, ov; +'éatos, a, ov, and os, ov; +Távttos, a, ov, and os, ov : (of places near the sea) ºf &YXíčAos, ov. See Sea. - A marine, étiéâtris, ov, 6. The complement of marines on board a ship, to éiríčá. Tikóv. A mariner, vaútms, ov, 6. See Sailor. Marjoram, 'épěpákos. A mark, a mueſov, titos ; xúpact?ip, fipos, 6 ; +xć- payſa, Tó ; (by which anything may be known) telepiptov ; + yuága, Té; Yvápiqua, to (see Token); (to aim at) orkotrós. See To hit. To mark, onwaivopal, mid. and pass.; Tio muaíva ; (out by boundaries, etc., also in mid. to mark out for oneself) pſo; SiâAapéâva, fut. —Affhopal, no aor. 1, S 257 Marked—Marry aor. 2. —éAä80v, perf. —etamſpa (of the boundaries themselves). Marked (with wounds), ºf €orqpāylopaevos. A marking, Čirio’ſ pavoris, ews, i. A marker (of game), okotós. A market, '&yopá; 6éºyua, tº (i. e. a place where things are exposed for sale). A clerk of the market, 'éyopävágos. Belonging to the market, 'üyopatos, oy (esp. of people who frequent the market as loungers, etc.). To frequent the market, to market, 'üyopſiſo (either of buying or selling there—the latter most usu, in act., the former in mid.—or of lounging about in it). Marque (letters of marque), a ÚAal, at Aa, Tá; v. LIDD. & Sc. in voc. Marriage, yāuos, + vuuſpeſov ; + viſupevua, Tó ; + stumua, Tó; + (ºvn (only with reference to the woman); † Aéxos, Tô (with esp. ref. to the woman); +Aékrpov; Aécrpov vuupévripta, tá, Eur,; givepčis 'yāuov, Plat. A lately-contracted marriage, tº Šptigiºſa. The marriage ceremony, Aoutpoſpápos XAiöh, Eur. A sham marriage, ſevöovúpºpevtos yduos, Eur. To contract a marriage for one's daughler, kāāos évvá- pagflat Tâs 6vyatpos, Thuc. You have contracted an unhappy marriage, juévalov &voppov eisétràevo as (lit, you have sailed into a mar- riage which is but a bad harbour), Soph. Belonging to marriage, yāuffixios, ov; yáſikás ; (of a consort, etc.) + eivalos. The marriage bed, pērāAuto, Aértpa, Tě, Eur, Marriage gifts, ºf éðvo. A marriage feast, Yêuos. To seek in marriage, uvmotetºw. See To woo. He chose the marriage with Helen, eiàero Tºv oikeiôtmta Tºv ‘EAévms, Isoc. To feast as at a marriage, yāuikós éotića, Arist. The sacrifice before marriage, TpotéAsia, Tâ, also Tp. 'yduov, Plat. A negotiator of a marriage, vvuqevtås. Presiding over marriage, itéAetos, or eos, a, ov. Bringing happiness in marriage, ºf eißektpos, ov. Desirous of marriage, tº piñá'yāpºos, ov. Arising from an unhappy marriage, (offspring) +’āvūp- qevros, ov; (of the marriage itself; husband, etc.) Kákóvvuſpos, ov. Marriageable, éthyágos, ov. To be marriageable (of a girl), kvåuíſoual, pass. Marriageable age, Nikia; ’āiqual yáuov, Soph. Married, + gifty yāuos, ov; cºvč, tºyos, 6, #; tow- ôv&s, dö0s, only fem.; +&vöp0Tüxhs (of life, only with ref. to the wife who has obtained a husband). Lately married, veðyāpºos, ov; +veggi)os, ov; + veo- ôuhs, firos, 6, #; † veóēumTos, ov. Unhappily married, +6üsvvuºpos, ov; ; Śiſsºuos, ov; +5ustēpevvos, ov (of the marriage, or marriage. bed). About to be married, ºf pexNóryāuos, ov; +/weXAdvvu- ‘pos, ou (of the bride); # WeXAétroots, eas (of the husband). Connected by marriage, foºyyákos, ov. tion. To marry (i. e. wed), yāuéa, act. of the man who marries a wife, mid. of the wife, aor. 1. §ympia; ‘āyougi, mid., and sometimes '#yo, act. (of the husband, like the Latin duco); Śirvío, only pres, and imperf, act. of the husband, pass. of the wife; + 1cm- betw; vuuſpevo, act, mid, and pass.; Yêuou Aguéâva, See Connec- Eur.; oriváirta, yduov, Eur.; ovvárto Aéict pa, Eur.; ovvátta, kā50s, Eur.; Aértpøv čs ovva NAay&s ép- Xopal, Eur. - To marry (one husband) after (another), áiriyāpiéo, c. acc. of the new husband, dat. of the former. To be married to, ovvoticéa. To abstain from marriage, yāuoy &Toſei Yväual (pass., in aor. 2. &me{#ymv), Eur, To marry (i.e. to give in marriage), škółówºu, oivot. rigo, ötátíðmul, f vvuſpeſo, fuvnoteſ w. See To betroth. We were princes, and I married into a royal house, fuev Túpavvot, k' eis Túpavy' éymuáumv, Eur. But do you, my son, marry her yourself, ‘AAA’ airbs, & Tai, Totto Khöevorov Aéxos, Soph. And do not, by a new marriage, bring in a step-mother over these my children, kal pº 'Twympſfis roto-be An- Tpvièv Téicuous, Eur, He bade him marry his children to a goat and a lion, *Expmore . . . kāTp(9 Aéovtt &’ &puéoal taſöwy yd- povs, Eur. It was natural for Pandion to give his daughter in narriage (lit. to arrange his daughter's marriage), eikos to chºos IIavôtova èvvápagflat Tſis Svyatpós, Thuc. - - - Having been long married, xpóvi' exov givhuata, Eur. - Orontes, who had married the king's daughter, 'Opévtms, ô Thu Baoruñéas Svyatépa šxay, Xen. One must give in marriage, élcãotéov. 258 Mars—Matter A giving in marriage, Écôools, ews, ii. See Betrothal. Mars, "Apns, gen. “Apeos, never contracted; "EvváAtos. Of Mars (martial, etc.), "Apelos, a, ov, and os, ov. A marsh, Atuvm; ÉAos, Tó; Téºpo, Tá. Marshy, Alpayáðms. Living in marshes, Éaetos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. To marshal, Tåo'oro, ötatágoro, koopéo, ölä'coopéal; Žatmut, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act. not used in act. sense; +ölétw, rare except in aor. 2. —eirov. See To array. To be marshalled, Stevkpivéopal, pass. A mart, Šutrópiov. A marten, ictis, (60s, i. A marvel, §adua, T6. See A wonder. To marvel, &avuáçw. See To wonder. One must marvel, Soupagatéov. Marvellous, Savuagitos, Savuágios ; ‘ūtreppuis ; +*āqipaotos, ov. See Wonderful. Marvellously, Savuagités, Saupiðaſtas. A marvellous story, träpääoš0Xoyto. Masculine, Špormv, evos, 6, h, Tê šporev. Of masculine disposition or manners (of a woman), f biºavāpos, ov. A mask, Tpágotov. A mask-maker, a kevoirotós. A mason, A&Túros. See Stone-mason. Masonry (i. e. the trade), Aidotopia. A mass (of people, etc.), Öykos; "39potoua, Tó. Crowd. In large masses, '30p60s. To massacre, ’ātróAAüut, fut, mid. Att. -0x00pal, usu. in pass. sense, perf mid, -óAwxa, in pass. sense, also aor. 2. mid. in pass. sense –oxéumv, no pass, except pres, and imperf.; + poveto. See To kill. A massacre, ºpévos, See Slaughter. Massive, &pſpiñáſpás. See Great. A mast, iaTós. The mast-head, i kapy figuov. A master, küptos; Sea Tórns, ov, 6; +6eotrottokos; (of oneself, of what depends on oneself, i.e. one's own opinion, etc.) aitokpátop, opos, 6, #; (of a family) TéAeos, or TéAetos 'êvhp, AEsch. A master (i.e. a person skilful in anything), '30Anths, où, 6. Master, i.e. able to restrain, or able to manage (for- tune, his passions, etc.), kpeſo owy, ovos, 6, h; Tāſifas, ov, 6. Master (i. e. teacher), SiôāorkäAos. Of, or belonging to, a master, Öeo Toticós; +6éotrögüvos, ‘m, ov, and os, ov, Like a master, adv. kõptws, Seo Toticós, To be master of, kpāréw, c. gen.; kūpueño; (i. e. to understand) + 6eatrógo, only act.; F icpáTúva. See Masterly, '&yaviorikós. Mastery, kpáros, T6. See Power, Victory. A mastiff, Moxogorukos köwy, gen. Kövés. A mat, Tapobs, popués; of rushes or reeds, + kāvya, + /ü90s, i. Matted, Taporéðms, To be matted, Taporéopal, pass. A match for, Öpioios, a, ov, sometimes os, ov, c. dat. sometimes c, gen.: áštěpáxos, ov, c. dat.; evăuiàA0s, ov, c. dat, or c, trpès and acc. See Equal. We are a match for the enemy, àpkoúpley Tpbs toūs ToMeptovs, Thuc. - As a match for, évôpix\os. To match (one thing with another), ovuéâAAw, no aor. 1, perf –éééAnka; t giváyo; ovuſpépo, fut. oivotaw, aor. 1. —five-yica, aor. 2. —fiveykov, etc. To match oneself with, or to be a match for (in any respect), ioréopal, pass. (i Att, i elsewhere). Ill-matched (of horses), "šāucos, ov. A match-maker, trpopufio Tpta; Tpopumo Tpls, iños, i. To be a match-maker, Tpouvéopal, mid. Of, or belonging to, match-making, Tpopumatikós. A mate. See Companion. Ship-mates, väbs coluóTAous āpīAía, Soph. Material, (i.e. consisting of matter) viſãos, ov; 5Ai- icós; (i. e. important, q.v.) Héyas, wéyaxm, uéya; comp, weſov, uéytotos, otovãotos. Most material, Tpótos. Material, subst., o'cetos, to, usu, in pl. ; Śoyávov, ‘ūAm. Materially, troXù. See Much. Maternal, untpø0s. See Mother. A mathematician, piñ0muáticós. Mathematics, uáðmua, to, usu, in pl.: # uá0muārikā, A matricide, untpáAotas, ov, 6; ºf Amtpopóvos; fum- Tpoktóvos; + p.mtpopóvtºms, ov, 6. To be a matricide, ºf puntportovéa, only act. Matricidal, i.p.mtpoktóvos, ov; i. p.mtpopóvos, m, ov, and 0s, ov, Matrimonial, yāpīālos, ov. See Marriage. Matrimony, yāuos, T6. See Marriage. Matron, unthp, untépos, contr. Wm.Tpès (the only form in strict Attic, but Soph. has untépes, in chor.), acc. sing, and pl. not contracted, usu, in, pl. See Woman. - Matter, 'üAm; (i. e. an affair, q.v.) discharge from a sore) Tüov. For a small matter, štrovs opukpot X&piv, Soph. In this matter, ‘f évraúða. trpáyga, Tó; (i. e. 2 259 Mattock—Measurer > -That is another matter, &AAos A&yos, Plat. My child, what is the matter? Tékvov títráoxels; Eur, A mattock, ÖiceAAa, a pivöm; t yewits, contr. Yevſis, fió0s, i. A mattress, otišās, dö0s, i. Mature, 'ükualos. See Ripe. Maturity, àpatótºms, mtos, i. A maxim, Yvápm. See Saying. A laying down of maaims, Yvapokoyia. To lay down maaims, YvouoAoyéo. May, OapymAidºv, &vos, 6, begun about the middle of May. May (I may, you may, etc.), ščearl, imperf. §§v, part. Ščov when used absolutely, oftener in nom. than gen., c. dat. pers. A maze, Aš6üpuð0s. Mazy, Aššūpuðóðms. A mead, or meadow, Aeluòv, &vos, 6; tróa; + véu0s, T6; ºf Aeſuaš, Šicos, 6. Of, or belonging to, a meadow, i Aeipid vios; fem. FAel- Moviès, dö0s, i. With rich meadows, ‘i eiſaelp,0s, ov. Meagre, ioxvós. In a meagre way, ioxvós. Meal, #’āAmua, Tó, only metaph.; +’ā0ápa. Wheat Barley meal, &Aſpirov, meal, ‘āAeupov, usu. pl. usu. pl. Very fine meal, tºtal rāAm. A meal, Öeirvov, tpāreſa. A sham meal, thew86- 6eutryov. Being at meals, év oftºp &v, Xen. Mean, rättelvös; paijaos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; MikpóA0- yos, ov; bovXotpeträs; (of persons only) *ēvexeiße- pos, ov; 'éöölciuos, ov; uſicpáil/ixos, ov. To be too mean, uetóva's #xw, Soph. Meanly, Tarelvás, ſpaños, ’āvexev6épaſs. Meanness, pavàótms, h; Tātelvötns, fitos, h; (of spirit) uticpopuzia, ’āueMev6epia, The mean, subst., p.érpov, to Héroy; uerétns, ºtos, i. Means (to do anything), fºxévil, Tépos; ’āqopuh, c. gen. or c. eis and acc. Easy means, eúTopſa, c. gen, > or c. eis and acc. By all means, távros, travtexós, travrättägi, or ov; Trávri ºpórg, Æsch.; £ic travtos Tpótrov, Xen.; Tav- Toíg téxum, Soph.; Tāon Téxvn, Ar. in one’s power, travtåxã, travitošātrós. p.m3éva Tpótov, Xen.; plmö' é; Śvēs Tpôtrov, Isoc. By no means (i. e. not at all), oùùp.6s, wºuðs, See Not, By every means By no means, There are no means by which, oik to 6’ 3rov, Soph. By fair means, trpos Xápty, Soph. To try every means, Távra Kivä Térpov, Eur, To mean (i. e. intend, etc.), BoüAouai, fut. Sovkhoo- pal, perf. BeéoùAmual, aor. 1. ČšovMiðmy, Att, also #SovXíðmy; (in speech) Aéyw, taiºdo; (as words. etc., do) bāvauai, fut. Övvigouai, aor. 1. mid. Évum- a dumy (the more common aor, in Att. is éðvvíðmy or hövvíðmu); voéo, äuwoéo, o muatvo. What do you mean by this 3 trós Totto Aéyels; Plat. What evil do you mean in saying this 3 Tóðev toºr' ěčeo humvas caków ; Soph. This is what your bringing us before a few means, Toºre qpove? §uów i és toos &Abyovs &yoyºl, Thuc. He answered ... meaning that ..., &Terpiuato . . . 6% Awarly Tototpaevos, Štu, Thuc. - A jest means the same, Taitov Špiceſ alcóupa, Plat. Meaning (of a word, a speech, etc.), ºvéum; (of a word) Sévauis, h; (i. e. intention, q.v.) 800Amots, fi; 6távoia. A secret meaning, 'üTávoia. Deliberate meaning (opp. to anger), Yvéºn (opp. to ðpy?), Soph. - The established meaning of words with reference to deeds, # &#ſworts róv àvouárov ćs Tà épya, Thuc. Meantime, Téas, often as monosyll.; Herači, often c. part.; tā ustašū totrov, Soph. - Measure, uérpov (often used to imply full measure). Legal measure, t véuguo, Tá. A measure, trpayua, T6. See Action. Measures (i.e. conduct of a person, a minister, etc.), #p'yov. See Conduct. A. measure decided on or discussed by a council, 808- Aévºla, Tó. An inspector of measures, weTpovčkos. Beyond all measure, adv. ‘ūréppetpos, ov; +écuerpos, ov, Soph. - Beyond measure, adv. f. 'iſtrepuérpas; wetſov kalpov, Eur.; capoi, Tépo, AEsch. See Excessively. A measured distance, uéTpmºa, T6. To measure, perpéal, Ötapletpéo, Škpetpéo, To mea- sure by, or by the standard of, another thing, trapa- Petpéopal, mid. To be measured out with or together so as to be ea'actly equal, avuperpéopal, pass. One must measure, pºetpºtéov. Measured or capable of being measured, uerpmtés, atóðuntos (esp. by some standard). Having a common measure, a ſuperpos, ov. A measuring, pºétpmois, h; ovupérpmots. A measurer, wetpmºths, où, 6. 260 Meat—Meet Skilful ºn measuring, wetpnticós. The art of measuring, il pietpitiki. Meat, Gºros (either generally as opp. to drink, or of bread as opp. to animal food, only of human food); ëöeapa, to, usu, in pl.; (i. e. animal food) ºpéas, âtos, Tb, pl. contr. Kpéâ, etc. A small piece of meat, kpeã3tov, Boiled meat, Šipov (also generally “meat”). Fating meat (i. e. animal food), F ºpeośćpos, ov. An eating of meat, (woºpayſa. To eat meat, ſwoºpäyéa, only act. To distribute meat, ºpeãvouéw. One who distributes the meat, ºpéâváuos. A mechanic, Bāvavoros. See Artisan. Mechanical, 8&vovoros, ov (of trade, etc.); Bāvavoikós. The life or trade of a mechanic, 8&vavoría. The science of mechanics, i. p.mxãvich. To meddle with, trposé"rTopal, mid., no pass, in this sense; + širlikača, c. gen. To meddle in, 'ütrava dºw, c. dat. p To allow Philip to meddle with these matters, to Tov ‘piattirov čtriotăoral toſs trpdyſagi Toârous. Meddlesome, troWürpáygwu, ovos, 6, #. Meddlesomeness, troAirpayuoqivm. Not meddlesome, ’āirpäypov, ovos, 6 kal ii. A being not meddlesome, ’āirpayuogºv"). To mediate (between others), áirtöläkpiva, kāraptíša. Mediation, i ötaita. See Arbitration. Mediator, Staxx&iſtma, ov, 6; +6taxAakthp, fipos, 6; pégos 6icao Tºs, Thuc. - We being mediators and mediating between you, Stairn- tów juáv orvpiétéaçövtov eis to uégov, Plat. See Arbitrator. Medical, puppºrceuticos, ióTpikós. To medicate, popuāogo, fut. -ášw. Medicinal, popuāicóöms. Medicine, póppičkov, pappadictov; +%ua, Tó. The using medicine, papuākevois, h; pappakoroala. To administer medicine, papuāiceſ w, c. acc. pers. in pass. of the person to whom it is administered; pop- p.d.o.o.w. To sell medicine, popuāicotraxéa. A seller, etc., of medicines, pappakorpiºns, ov, 6; pop- wākotróAms, ov, 6. To be under medical care, iórpetopat, pass. A mediciner, iótpos (i, but usu. I); + papuākets (usu. however in bad sense as poisoner, etc.). See Phy- S2020,72, The art or practice of medicine, ióTpeta, i, iëtpitch, + ióropia. Skilful in medicine, ióTpirós. Neglect of medicine, ’āffspâtreia. Mediocre, paſſàos, m, ov, and 0s, ov. Mediocrity, werárms, mºros, ii, Tá; uégou, to Mérptov; (i. e. poorness of ability, etc.) pavXórms, Tros, i. Men of mediocrity compared with men of genius, of qavXóTepot tav čv6pátov Tpos rows Śvvetotépous (ós éirl to TAelgrov &pielvov oikoúat Tøs Tóxels), Thuc. To meditate, ppovéa, only act; ſppovrićw. See To consider. One must meditate, ‘ppovrio Téov. Meditation, ppovirls, (50s, h; gºvvota. See Thought, Consideration. A place in which to meditate, t ºppoutiqtāptov. Meditative, otyvoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovv. A meditator, ºppovttaths, où, 6, sometimes even c. acc. of the subject on which. Mediterranean, uegóyelos, a, ov, and os, ov; also AeróYeos, ww. A medlar (the tree), weatiºn; (the fruit) + peoTriNov. Meek, tpās, eia, b, also masc, and neut. TPāos, Tpāov, pl. nom. masc. Tpaol and trpaeſs, but neut. only ſpäéa (except in Arist.), gen. Tpaéov, dat, masc, and neut. Tpdots and Tpačai, acc. Tpdows and Tpaets, compar. Tpañrepos and Tpadrepos; pax0ákós; +TpsvPevås. See Gentle. Meekly, trpáds, comp. —otépos. Meekness, trpaërms, mtos, ii; Tpeupéveig. -*. Meet, Tpásqopos, ov, c. dat, sometimes c. gen. See Fit To meet (encounter in the way), oivouráo; Wirau. Tiãº, c. dat, or c, acc.; rvyxávo, fut. Teikoua, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čTüXov, perf. Tetúxmica, c. gen,; (the compounds more common in prose in this sense) Tpos- Tvyxávo, c. gem.; Tepitvyxávo, c. dat.; Évrvyxávo, l, aor. 2. —éreo ov, c. dat, or sine c.; (to encounter in battle; see To fight) ovuéáAAQ, perf. –éééAmka, c. dat. or c. trpès and acc.; ovugſyvvut, same constr., often ovué. or ovuſ. Máxmu, or udzn; (i. e. to as- semble, q.v.) givépxopal, fut.-exedo oual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fix0ov, perf. —exhâû6a, used also in both the preceding meanings; ovváTTo Tööa, G. 'i'Xvos Tivl, Eur.; eiut Špačge, Séa, Öpióge, c. dat., Thuc. Xen. To meet (in society), ºf ovva MAdoroſa, sine cas, or c. dat. To meet with (such and such a fortune, etc.), ºf Tpos- küpéw, aor. 1. -éicupola, c, acc. time, ovuatravtåw. To meet early or before, to go forward to meet, Tpog- To meet at the same travtåw, c. gen, or c. dat.; avºritto, fut. -Iregoûual, no aor. 26] Meeting—Merchandise To sail to meet (as an enemy), ávtaváyouai. And no one dared to go to meet the man, k'oùbels étóAua Tº avöpös &vtſov poxeiv, Soph. One must meet, giveo Téov, c. dat. Meeting, &vTios, c. gen, sometimes (more rarely) c. dat.; TrposTixhs, c, dat. A meeting (as of rivers, roads, people, etc.), orvp,60Xī; (of persons) ovyyávmats, h; +’átávrmaa, Tó; + qi- Vávrmats, ii. A meeting (i.e. the body who meet), orivovorío, güvoôos, h; a ſaxoyos. Melancholy, subst. Švsööpio. See Sadness. "Melancholy, adj. §§sbüuos, ov; † Băpățâxos, ov; (of circumstances) +"iſtrepoxyńs. See Sad. To be melancholy, Fövsöüpıéa, only act. Mellifluous (of sounds), fueMi'yxwo gos. See Sweet. Mellow, Tétrov, 6, #. See Ripe. Melodious, Feifixms; feifixntos, ov; ; eWitéAáð0s, OV. * Melodiously, #5, #3éws. See Sweetly. Melody, uéAos, Tó. To raise a melody, plexotitéo. - To melt, act. Tăko, perf mid. Tétºnica in pass. or intrans, sense, also pass. but no mid. ; Kätäthico, éktíkw, ovvtåka; (of metals) avyxoveča, so käräxa- vsöw. - To melt, intrans, or pass. Xéopal, pass, 6taxéopal ; + šéo, fut. §etoropal (more usu. in Att. fivhoopal), aor. ÉÉÉÉmv, perf. §§ümka ; träpaññéa. To melt around, Tepitfiſco. They melted tin, and covered (anything) with a coat of ât, Kaoraritépq, Treptérmiców (Tl), Plat. Melted, ºf Tºktós ; easily, eitmktos, ov. Not melted, *śrmicros, ov. Amelting, gºvtmáis, i. A member (i.e. limb, etc.), pºéaos, Tá; of any society, etc., áTaipos. See Limb A membrane, giviyê, ty'yos, i. A memoir, A6)0s. See Account, History. Memorable, &eipiumatos, ov. See Famous. Memorably, &eplvia Tws. A memorandum, ‘ūtrópavnpa, Tó. A memorandum book, 6éAtos, i. To make memoranda of + 6ext 60pal, mid. A memorial (i. e. a thing to cause recollection), pumpeſov, pumpégivov; + ºvăuo, Tá; ‘ūréaumua, Té. A memorial (i. e. a paper containing statements), 'ypāq)), Ypoppºſteſov, Memory, pºvăum, uveia; +Aviatis, i. Which write thou in thy memory (lit. in the mindful tablets of your mind), v ćyypápov at uvâuovu. 6éAtols (ppevöv, AEsch. From memory (to speak, etc.), Mumuovicós; 31& oté- pºtos, Xen. Plat. Having a good memory, uvâuov, ovos, Č, i. Of, or belonging to, memory, uvmpovicós. To menace, ’āTelAéal, in pass. of the person menaced, c. dat. pers., c. acc. of the evil, or c. infin, or c. con- junct. Śrt, ... às, etc. See To threaten. Menace, ’ātreuxh. See Threat, To mend, 'ékéopal, mid.; Éitéowai. A mender, 'éké0ths, où, 6. Mendacious, ſevöhs. See False Mendaciously, ſevöós. A mendicant priest, Amtpāyúptms (prop. of Cybele). See Beggar. To be a mendicant priest, p.mtpāyvptéa, only act. See To beg. + - Menial, SovXikos, &nticós ; in fem. only, ‘f Sãaga. See Servile. A menial, Šišicovos. See Servant. Mention, whan; ‘ūtréaumats, #; ‘ūtrówumua, Tó. To mention, ſupwho kopal, fut. Muñorouai, more usu Weſtwigoual, perf, and plup, pass, in act. sense, uéuvm. Pal, épéºviſumu; but aor. l. mid. Čuvno dumu, and pass. éuvigºmu, are more usu. in this sense, c. gem. (sometimes in Thuc. c. 7 epl and gen.), also c. eis and acc. of the person to whom ; Śtropipºvijako, fut. into- Aviio w, c. gen, also c. acc. ; tāpāq,épo, fut. Tápotow, aor. 1. trapſiveyka, aor. 2. pumpovetw, c, acc. or c. gen. Öſelſu (-léval). To mention beforehand, † irpo. ºnvöw. One must mention, Štropºvna Téov. Worth mentioning, &étóAoyos, ov; āśtopumudvévros, ov: + (pātos. Mercantile, éutropicos, éutropevticós. Mercenary, puto 60tós; (soldiers, etc.) wig.00%pos, ov. | The mercenaries, to £evicöv (since the mercenaries were in all cases foreign soldiers). To be a mercenary, Śeviteňopal, mid. To maintain mercenaries, Ševotpopéo. The maintaining of mercenaries, £evotpopto. To enlist mercenaries, Ševoãoyéw. To command mercenaries, Ševčyéo, sometimes c. gen, of the troops. A commander of mercenaries, £evåyós. A mercenary trade, puto 60tich, uto-flapumtikºf, Merchandise, Épiropta, i, and éuirópio, Tá; Świrópeuſia, Tó; ’āyápagua, Té; + šutoxſ; + šutóAmua, ré. . . 262 Merchant—Midnight A merchant, ºutropos, + poptnyós, To be a merchant, Šutropetopal, mid. A merchant-ship, ÖAlcás, 460s, h; orpoy'yūAm vaús, Thuc.; TAotov poptºmyiicöv, Thuc. The cargo of a merchant-ship, Tú yav)\ic& Xpſiuata, Xen. Sailing in a merchant-ship, + atpoy'yūxovatºrms, ov, 6. Merciful, pixotktippuwy, ovos, 6, #. Merciless, àvn2.Émtos, ov; + vºls, tº viſãeſis; +’ávot- ictipuov, ovos, 6, j; fºuáA'ymtos, ov. See Pitiless. Mercilessly, 'üvmäeós, i vºmäeas. Mercury, “Eppis, où, 6. Mercy, oiktos, See Pity. It is like a mercy of God, &eig tul éoucey evepyeoig, Dem. At the merey of éirl c. dat. He is at the merey of the last speaker, égºr) tot Aéyovros, Soph. Mere, keväs. . * These are not mere words, my father, but terrible deeds, Taijt’ oilic àpiðuás éotiv, & Tárep, Aéryov, 'AAA' épya belvå, Soph. Merely, uávov, &AAws (used in a depreciatory sense), See Only. & Meridian,—to be in the meridian (of heavenly bodies), pleo'oupåvéo, only act. Merit,’âperſ. See Goodness. . I say that it would not unjustly be considered a merit of theirs, oùic &ötica's Toitous pmuł &v elva. ŚróAoyov, Lys. To claim the merit of what has been done, étriypápa éuavrov ćirl to yºyvápºevov, AEschin. According to merit, 'éptativömv. To merit, Sicaiós eiut, c. infin. See To deserve. Meritorious, Štos. See Good. Merrily, ‘ixãpós, eú6äues. Merry, eúðjuos, ov; ‘ixãpós. See Joyous. To be merry, eúðūuéopal, pass., and ºf eiðupéo. A mesh, 8póxos. A mess (i.e. company who eat together), ovsaitío., ii, also ovso-tria, Tá; ovakivuov, usu. in pl. To mess with, or to mess together, ovsorºréa, only act, ; ovaknvéa, only act., c. dat. - A mess-room, Gusairlov. A messmate, of soiros, oilvösityos, ovvrpátreſos, origicnvos (all these words occasionally used as adjec- tives); ºf ovvöaírap, opos, 6. A beang messmates, avoicnvío, ögoo knvía. Messing apart, &tógicºmvos. A message, &yºyexia; &yºyexpa, Té; + pfum. A messenger, &y yeaos, 6, #; Štátovos ; + troutrös, 6, #. One's own inessenger, airdº) yeXos, + airóotoxos. €alled by a messenger, i öTáyyeXos. To go on a message, to announce as a message, etc., &yºyéAAa, in pass. of the message given or announced; 6tākovéa. *... To send a message or messenger, to give notice by a message, etc., 6tayyáAAw. & - p . A going on a message, 6tákovía. Metal (a lump of metal), pë'öpos. Metallic, petaxwevticós. To metamorphose, wetairAdorow. See To transform. A metaphor, wetā popá; ueTapop& Övouárov, AEschin. ;- Émua Meteoxmułtuguévov, Plat. To employ metaphor, Metapépa', fut. Metoforo, aor. l. pietàveyka, aor. 2. —five-yeov. Clever at metaphor, petapopicós. To mete, petpéo. See To measure. Meteorology, pleteopoxo'yta. Meteorological (skilful in meteorology), werewoo. Aoyikós. Method, 660s, ji; p.40080s, h; trapag icevil. Metre, pºétpov. Metrical, épperpos, ov. Metropolis, untpétroAs, eas, # (but the Greeks did not use the word exactly in our sense). Mid-day, plea muşpta. Evaet mid-day, oto.6ep& ue- ormuépia, Plat. See Noon. - Mid-day, adj. Peo maepivos, contr. in Trag. Meanu- 6pivás. Middle, in the middle, uégos, poet. (including Trag.) also pºoroos, often c. gen. of that which a thing is in the middle of ; ºf Megàtropos, ov; fuegºñpms and peo'o ſipms. The altar in the middle of the house, éotta wearáupaxos, AEsch. From the middle, uégoroffew or -0e. Held by the middle (a whip, a spear, etc.), fuego. Aššás. To reach the middle, Meado, sometimes c. gen, or c, acc. Middle-aged, ºf Éméos, ov. A middle condition, uegórms, mTos, h; werpiórms, 'mtos, i. ! Middling (i. e. not very good), patx0s, m, ov, and OS, Ov. ... -- - Midnight, 'égéAttiykros &pa, Soph. ; wéo'ai värtes, Plat. - 263 Midriff—Mind Of, or belonging to, midnight, wegovišktios, ov. The midriff, ºphy, ppevös, h; ātā'bpayua, Tó. Midway, between two shores, t péoaktos, ov. To stand midway, peo’etw. A midwife, uaia, +\alettpia. To be a midwife, paleãouai, mid, also in pass of the child brought into the world. Midwifery, ugleta. Belonging to midwifery, wateurikás. A child brought into the world by a midwife, Hatevkº, ºró, Mien, oxiua, Té. Might, &v, with opt. either by itself, as-this might be, roºro yévoir’ &v, or with 3Tws, &s, tºppa, etc., as —they covered the prows ... with hides, that the hand ... might slip, tàs trpápas . . . kaTeššpowgaº, §tros &v &toxto 64you... à xelp, etc., Thuc.; sometimes c. part, as-though I might have much to say, TóAA' &v éxov eitely, Dem. Might, 8ta; kpáros, Tá; &Akh. See Strength. With all one's might, + špony; Katë to Suvatov, Thuc.; katē kpótos, Xen. Mightily, a póðpa, §§wpévos, ioxipós. Mighty, uéyas, ueyāºn, uéya; compar. Heigov, ué- ºurtos, kaptephs and (very rare in Att.) + kpárepos; + ueyarðev}s, +Taykpātās ; (in personal prowess) +88piuos, +3élégepos (applied to Mars); (of storm, sea, an army, etc.) + ispos, and contr, ‘ipós. See Strong, Brave. To migrate, uetáxopéo; ’āvotktºonal, mid, and pass.; +’átávio Tawat, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act.; weta AAdoora Tótrov, Plat. See To emigrate. Migration, uetáváotáois, eos, i. Little subject to migration, &arāqiaotos, ov. Migratory, Čktotrioticós. Mild, #tios, &, ov, and os, ov; uéAákós ; trpátis, eia, *, also masc. and neut. Tpé0s, trpäov, pl. nom, masc. Tpaeis and irpäol, but neut. only Tpača, dat. Tpdois and Tpaéal, acc. Tpdovs and Tpaeis ; uérpios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Of mild disposition, +’āyāvāºpov, ovos, 6, #. Mildly, trpäos, compar. ftpáðvøs ; #Tiws, süopyńtws, petpíos. Mildness, (of persons) étrieſkela, Feijopymaſa ; (of person or thing) trpáðrms. Mildew, Špijoſëm. Mildewed, épio ié6öms. A mile. The Greeks had no corresponding measure ; a gráštov was about an eighth of a mile ; in his “Anabasis,” Xenophon often measures by parasangs, Tapacáyyms, ov, 6, which contained thirty stadia. Military, (age, etc.) atpätetainos ; otpāTwticös, fem. Forpätiötis, i50s, i. The age of military service, tà otpateigua rºl, Xen. * Milk, yāAa, rb, gen, yáAaktos, and (Pherecr.) YáAá tos ; Trºyal of petov čk uéoxwy, Eur. Fed on milk, t'yakaktotróttis, ov, 6, only masc. A milk-pail, tréAAa, ’āuóAyuov. i To milk, 'ŚgéAyw, no perf in any voice; 854AAw, in mid. also of the animal as yielding milk. A mill, ui/A&v, &vos, 6. A hand-mill, xelpouiſan. A miller, &Apirebs, ‘i &Aqitäuotéós. A mill-stone, wińm. The upper mill-stone, ëvos, Xen. A millepede, okoWorévôpa. Millet, kéyxpos, 6 kal i ; uexium. Like millet, keyxpéöms. A mimic, uſunths, où, 6. See Imitator. To mimic, ºf plaéopal, mid., no pass. See To imitate. Mimicry, ulumoſis, eas, ii. See Imitation. Minatory, 'üTeixmtikós. See Threatening. - To mince, ºf xopheta (metaph.); (as we say “to make mince-meat’ of a person) + ºvttasteſſa, i kātāput- Toteffa. To mince (i. e. walk with mincing gait), ºf oravà éopal. I will make mince-meat of you, trepticóppiat' ék to? orkevdow, Ar. Mince-meat, puttaTós ; trepicoppa, Tb, in pl. The mind, vóós, (very rare in Att, and only in Trag, more usu.) contr. vows ; pp?iv, ppevös, ii (not common however in prose); Süubs [Supbs strictly refers more to the mind as displayed in its feelings, v60s, ºpphy, etc., as displayed in its intellectual faculties] ; ºppé- vmua, T6; (the disposition or inclination of mind) 6távola ; ºf Añua, Tó. º - Weighing on one's mind (so as to cause anxiety, repent ance, etc.), £v6üulos, ov. - Agitaling the mind, † ppevotAmyńs. To mind, évtpétropal, mid., c. gen. 'äAérns See To regard. Do you mind your own business, at uév tá Gavrìs Tpāorge, Soph. * Those who talk nonsense, and those who mind them, oi ºp}\vapoëvres kal of Telóðuevot Tottois, Isoc. Never mind, 'üuéAel ; Śaorov at to Xaipeiv, Plat. Do not mind me, év trapépyq, 600 ué, Soph. To change one's mind, ueTaylyváakw, ueravoéa &ro- 'ylyvárka, fut. —yvágopal, no aor, 1., aor. 2, -éyvov, 264 1Mindful—Miscarry perf act. —éyvoka; &toyiyvágico, c. too and infin, of what one had intended to do. A change of mind, uétápéAsia, Metávola. Injuring the mind, † ppevočáAfts. Mindful, plvåuav, ovos, 6, ii, often c. gen.; Fetuvº- otos, ov; ; troXiuymatos, ov. Mine, éubs, often used objectively, as-respect for me, éu?) aidós (AEsch.), calumnies uttered against me, or by ºne, ÖlašoAh éu?), or ötaéoAal épal ; +’āuós. A mine, uétax\ov, weta AAetov. A mine (mil.), Ötróvopos. Of or belonging to a mine, or to mining, ueta}\Aircós. To mine, ueTaxNetw. To open a new mine, Kaivoro- uéw. To mine into one's neighbour's shaft, ticărăté. wval, perf. —Tétumka. Places where mines have been worked, T& Katate Tºm- uéva. A miner, petaAAéðs. Mining, petaAAéta. To be got by mining, MetaAAévtós. To dig a mine, Öpigoro, c. acc. To countermine, àutopio'ow, sine cas. Minerva, ’A6%ivm, ‘F'A0mvaſa ; +IIaMA&s, dö0s, i. (often IIGNA&s 'A0ſvn, II. A0mvaſa). To mingle, act, utyvöpit, and in pres, and imperf. often playo (not in Att, prose), fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense, c. acc. of one thing mingled, c. dat. of the other; ’āvāputyvvut ; kepdvvvut, perf. Kékpāica, kékpā- ual, etc. (see To mia); with, or together, ovuuiyvvul; ovykepāvvvut, to mingle with, intrans. The passives of pairyvvut and its compounds given above ; also orvppityvupu (esp. in the sense of mingling in battle, etc., sometimes c. udºxy or udºxmu). To be mingled in a crowd, 'êvãpºlyviºuai, pass. See Intermingle. Mingled, oriupurctos, ov; orvuuiyńs ; tāppuktos, ov; + Tappiyās; (esp. in confusion) + šutte‘pupplévos ; + oriuqvptos, ov. Mingled, adv. (in a mingled manner), 'üväulé, pēpēmv, +’äväuiyêa, + šupiya. See Mia!ed. A mingling, orippuśls, eos, ii. See Mixing. A minister (in a temple, etc.), ºf Tpósitoxos, 6, #; +&oſos. To be a minister (in a temple), H &oſéa. To minister (i.e. supply, q.v.), štapkéw, fut. -éow, no pass, in this sense, c. acc. rei, sometimes c. gem. (which latter construction rather implies the giving a share of). To minister to, &epaireto. See To supply, To serve. Ministration, 6tákovía. A minor, "åvm{80s. A minstrel, T &otöös (sometimes &01öös &vhp), Fuov- oróToxos. l Minstrelsy, &otöh. See Song. Mint, kāAáuiv0m, origipépiov. Of mint, originépivos. Minute, pikpós, also in Att, often agilºphs, compar. éAáo gov, Aéxiotos, etc. etc. (see Little); (i. e. exact) &Kpišás. One who is too minute about particulars, witpoxó70s, or Optic. To be too minute about particulars, pīkpoxoyéopal, or outc., mid. A being too minute about particulars, pilºpoxoyia, or O'Altic. - Minutely, 'ükpiéós. See Exactly. Minuteness, *ākpišeta. A miracle, Sailua, T6. See Wonder. Miraculous, Savuaotos, ‘iſtepſpuffs. See Wonderful. Miraculously, Savučoria's, 'üTeppwés. See Wonder. fully. Mire, #86péopos. See Mud. Mirror, károttpov, Fèvottpov. Mirth, eighpooivn, Xäpä, trepixãpeta. See Joy. Mirthful, Tepixãpſis ; eiðūgos, ov; ; etiqpov, ovos, 6. # ; sūymbºls, Feijyń0mtos. Miry, Bopéopóöms. See Muddy. Misadventure, ’ārēxmua, Tó. To be a misanthrope, pia’avôpatréa. Misanthropical, purévôpatros, ov. Misanthropy, ſugavópwiría. To misapply, wetāq,épo, fut. Heroíow, aor. 1. peth- veyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov, etc., c. eis or éirl and acc.: ºf trāpalpéo, aor. 2. —eiàov. Misapprehension. See Mistake. To misbehave, ’āicooruéa, only act.; fightovpyéw, only act.; (esp. as soldiers mutinying, etc.) kākāvouai, pass. Misbehaviour, ‘E’āicoagta. See Error. For if I nourish those akin to me in misbehaviour, ei 'y&p 3), Tē y' éyyev'ſ pào'ei &icoaga. Špéya, Soph. Misbelief, &triotta. Miscarriage (of an undertaking, etc.), 'ürüxmua, Té; ‘āTotixta. See Failure. To miscarry, &péAtoka, only pres, and imperf. act.; (metaph. of an enterprise) 8táritta, fut. —Tegotual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. -tréttoka; (of those engaged in an enterprise) ‘āpaptávo, fut. Šuaptă- oropat, no aor. 1, aor. 2, #poptov, perf, huáptnica ; 265 Miscellaneous—Mistake &Torvyxávo, fut.-Teščouai, no aor. I., aor. 2. —éri- Xov, sometimes c. gen. of the enterprise. See To fail. To make to miscarry, ČšapéAów. Miscellaneous, ‘f trappiyās; Fºrdupuktos, ov. Mischief, kāköv, kāicotpayuoqium. See Injury. Mischievous, Károtpdypºwu, ovos, 6, #; (of an action) ºf &G Troöðaotos. See Pernicious. Misconduct, kākta, kākouxia. See Fault. Misconstruction, misunderstanding, &yvouogºv"). A misdeed, kākoëpymua, Tó. A miser, küuivorpio Tns, ov, 6; Fišás. Miserly, piñápyüpos, ov. Miserable, éAeetvös, and more usu. in Att. (esp. in Trag.) éAelvés; tāAäs (voc. TáAäv, in Att. also rāAas, —Ar. has téAas fem.); ’ā0Atos, a, ov, and os, ov; tā- Aaſtropos, ov; oilcTpos, superl. oiktpótatos, and offic- Turtos; oićpös (in poet, not Att, who make ot, the v is long); Fövsöatuwu, ovos, 6, #; tāAatºpov, ovos, ô, #; +6/stroTuos, ov; +5ustáñas; +&TA0s, ov; (of life, etc.) + šupox60s, ov; +&isatov, wVos, 6, # (of men or life). Very miserable, thoroughly miserable, +tpitäAas; +Tpisã0Atos, ov; +TāváAms; + travöö'- kpitos, ov; ; Tavt.Añuwu (only of persons). See Un- happy. | A miserable house, šolicos eisotºngus, Soph. New to misery, ºf calvoirhuov, ovos, 6, #. A cry of misery, kāicóyNooroos 80%, Eur. Miserably, kakós, kāktov, -tota; oikºpós, superl. oùctuata; i övstråtp.os, + &6Atos. Misery, '30Atótºms, mtos, j; Susãaiuovía; ºf oiºs, vos, j; ; kákótºms, mºtos, i. (see next word). Causing misery to the sons of Priam, Öiseópos IIpăuț- Šatoriv, AEsch, Misfortune (i.e. a state of ill fortune), Övstixta, Övs- Tpačía, ’ātūxia, +3üsmuepia. A misfortune, kākāv; Tā00s, Tá; ’ātūxmpa, Tó; 5vsti- X71/10, Tá; Tàpia, Tá. Misfortunes, Tà èutrāAtv, AEsch. Causing misfortune, ‘i Bápióðtelpa (Moºpa), only fem. Remembering misfortune, ºf plumgitipov, ovos, 6, #. A train of misfortunes lasting through many years, éviavtów toxAów &icaipia, Plat. Misgiving, àfiftwäfa. To feel misgiving, àftwöéo; (at anything) év čáñočíg éxa (Tl), Thuc. Misguided, i övs?\6) to Tos, ov. Misinformation, ſevöayyekta. Misletoe, ºf 'ić6s. Bearing misletoe, tišoºpópos, ov. To mislead, trópdyw, träpätpéra, f Tröpāradīga, f TAáváa. To mislead (by driving out of their track, as storms drive ships), &troopdºw. Easy to mislead, eiträpäyoyos, ov; eiträpäiretortos, ov. To be mismanaged, éâuaprávouai, pass., perf-mudp- Tmuat. Mismanagement, ‘āpāptmua, Tó. To mis-spend, TūpāvāAtoka, fut. TăpăvăAéow. Misplaced (i. e. ill-timed, groundless, etc.), "åkalpos, OW. A misreckoning, 6tápaptía. To misrepresent, 6tášáAAw, no aor. 1, perf. –ééSAmica; ötao Tpépa. To be liable to be misrepresented, eiºtă66Aws Xo, Plat. Easily misrepresented, eiðið60A0s, ov. - Misrepresentation, 6tašoAh (esp. to the prejudice of some one). See Calumny. To miss, ‘āuaprávo, fut. Šuapthorouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2, #paptov, perf judptmica, only act. in this sense, c. gen.; ‘āqāpaptăvo, ötapaptăvo; +’āTAäkéw, only in aor. 2. #TAäkov in this sense; 'étroTuyxávo, fut. —reſoual, aor. 2. —érixov, pass. -retixnka, c. gen. or sine cas. To miss, as one misses what has been lost, tofféa, fut. —how, and —égo. - - Missing, pass. (soldiers after a battle), "špāvīs; (act.) &otoxos, ov, c. gen, of the object. Not missing (his object), +’āvātāākūtos, ov. Misshapem, ‘āoréppetpos, ov; &gºvtaktos, ov. Deformed. * Missile, adj., +éicxitos, ov. A missile, BéAos, Tó. A mission, Téuijts, eas, h; Éctrepriſis, +’āroa tox#. A mist, Šui"XAm; +&xAös, Öos, i. To mistake, ‘āuaptăvo, fut. &uopthorouai, no aor. }., perf judptmka, aor. 2, #aaptov; no mid., but perf, and aor. 1. pass. of the mistake committed, often c. gen. ; 6tapaptdva!; tramppeaéa, only act. in this sense. To be mistaken, Weißouai, pass., often c. gen, or c. repl and gen, or c. Šv and dat., or c. acc, of the matter in which, also c. gen, of the opinion or hope entertained, sometimes (very rarely) c. dat.; 6talysiſboual; +’áro- orpáAAouai, pass., c. gen. (yvágns, ºppévôv, Attºos, etc.). i They who think this are quite mistaken, of oitos ūtroXapabávoures, Plat. He is greatly mistaken, oil, épôós okotéſ, Thuc. A mistake, irrafouz, Tá; TAmuuéAeta; to &Yvootſuévov Dem. # * g See où6év Aéyovoriy 266 Mis-state—Moderate To mis-state, biaotpépa. To misrepresent. Mistress, 6éotrowa; āeo trótts, ió0s, h; i öea Tótelpa; (of an art) + peóéova'a. My mistress, à éu?) kei:Tnuévn, Ar. Mistrust, 'Śīrtatía. To mistrust, 'ütriotéo, c. acc., more usu. c. dat, some- times also c. acc. of the matter concerning which, also . c. infin, or c, whº and infin, or c. whor ph où and subj. See To doubt, To disbelieve. Mistrustful, 'êtriotos, ov. Mistrustfully, ‘ātriotas. Misty, *āxAváöms; +6vsaíðptos, ov. To misunderstand, träpävoéw, trāpākota; +träpa.orko- tréal, only pres, and imperf. Misunderstandings, &yvaplogiſual, ai, Xen. To misuse, Träpäxpáouai, c. gen. Of which you have misused one, &v thv uíav trapeſāes, Eur. - - To mitigate, ‘i étikovſpića, c. gen. See To relieve. Mitigation, +’āvākotīqioris, eas, ii. See Relief. A mitre, pi'Tpa (of course, however, the dress men- tioned under this name bore no resemblance to what we understand by it). To wear a mitre, pirpoſpopéa. To mix, trans., kepāvviſui, and frepavviſo, perf. Kékpāica, icéicpopal, etc.; ovycepāvviſui, aor. 1. pass. also avveice- pá00my; utyviut, fut, mid, sometimes in pass, sense, etc. etc., also pres, and imperf, often + uío'yo; ovº- putyviſui, 'êvãpuyvūſu; (esp. with some idea of con- fusion) küków; (do., and also especially of things wet) ‘pipw To mia in with, ēykepāvvöul, éireykepāvviſui. To mia, intrans. (as liquids mix), fouvrpéxw, fut. —8pap,00pal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éöpäuov, perf. —öé- ëpopa and -6eópäumka. To mix with (in society, in friendship, etc.), guppaiyuupu, c. dat. or c. Tpos and acc.; pipouai, pass. See To mingle. One must mia!, ulictóov, ovykpâtéov. Hard to mia, 6&splittos, ov. Mixed, utictós. See Mingled. Newly mired, + veo- kpās, ºtos, 6, i. In a mixed manner, mia!ed with, etc., &ppliya. Mingled. A mixing, reparis, eos, h; a ſykpāorts; utils, eas, #. A thick miature, *āvā6óAwarus, eas, i. A moan, moaning, a Teva.yubs, ‘Fortóvos, + grováxii; to Tévayua, T6. See Groan. To moan, orévéo, only act.; a révo, only pres, and imperf act.; to revéxw, only pres. and imperf act. See To Groan. See f A moat, Špuyua, Tó. A mob, TAñ00s, Tó; āXA0s, orvpºetós. I bore illustrious children, not to be classed among the mob, but the chiefs of the Phrygians, &ptotetſovt’ &yet- váumv Tékua, oùk &ptôubv &AAws, &AA’ 5treptăTovs $pvyóv, Eur.; &piðubs is used too in this sense of a single person, knowing that your son is not one of the common mob, sióðs pièv oilk &piðaðv ... Tov obv traiča, Eur. Mobility, eúitivnaria. To mock, käräysX&o, c. gen. or c, dat. or c. acc.; +éyyeXáw, c, dat. or c. acc. or c. Katë and gen.; orkótta, c. acc. or c. prep. eis or Tpbs and acc., or sine cas. ; XAevd ſo, Tpostraigo'; 't keptokéw, no mid., though there is -opal, pass. Speaking falsely and mocking, ſevö7 AéYou Te Kal Hºtmv éykeptopºv, Eur. A mocker, XAévagths, où, 6; fºyexaaths, où, 6; ‘f €y yeagatís; (i. e. an imitator), fem. ‘f étricokká- GTpia. Mockery, yéAws, 6, gen. —wtos and –a, etc., no pl.; kátáyeaws, XAevãota, XAevaqués; + Iceptópmois, i. Mocking, + Iceptóptos, ov (never of persons), (Soph. has it however of the disposition), so f képropos, ov. Mode, Tpótros. See Manner. The mode of a pro- position, Tpósóegis, eos, ii. There are two modes of doing everything, Tāoriv eiqi Tpdygagi Tposóñical 650, Dem. A model, Täpääeiyua, Tó; Túros. To model, éictitrów. That the master ought to be able . . . concerning all other matters himself to be so perfect a model (lit. to afforé himself such a model) that those formed on his model, and able to imitate him ..., Öeiv . . . top 616&oricańov ... oiów tº eival ... trepi Tàu Aoutrów Totojtov affroy trapdéelyua Tapaoxeiv, Šote toils éictvirw8évtas kal pupiña ao flat Övvapiévous ..., Isoc. A modeller (in wax), cmporado Tms, ov, 6. To moderate, goſppovíſo (esp. pride, etc.), a votéAAw, petpidºw. Moderate (of persons only), o&qipov, ovos, 6, h; aw?po- vicós; Śicatos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of persons and things) perptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; Éirleikhs, uéoos; (of a man's disposition or desires) oriveataApévos. Moderate (of things only), šupet pos, ov; oiſºperpos, ov. Moderate people (i.e. neither very good nor very bad), of Retašū, Plat. - To be moderate, ow?povéw, only act.; ſetpićgo, only act. To be a partner in moderation, foruso wºppovéo. 26 Moderately—Monkey Moderately (with moderation, in a moderate degree, etc., of people or their conduct), owppóvas, ow?povi- kôs, werpios, Médros. - Speaking moderately, pºetptoxévos. Moderation (of persons or their conduct), ow?podium, érteſiceta; werptótols, mºros, ii; uérpov. An act of moderation, orw?póvmua, Štos, Tó. Without moderation, contrary to moderation, inrēp rapov, Xen.; Tpoorwtépa toû kapot, Xen.; kapoº Trépa, AEsch. A moderator, owppovio.ths, ot, 6; a wºpovia thp, ipos, 6. Modern, katvás. See New. Modest, aiboios, a, ov, also os, ov, compar. -órepos, superl. —éotatos; aibhuwu, ovos, 3, #; aioxvurnxós; (i. e. not conceited, not boastful) &rüpos, ov; Fäcou- tros, ov; +&icópatraortos, ov. Of modest countenance, ºf pºetwiroo & pov, ovos, 6, i. Modestly, Georwqipovia pučvas, aioxuvrmAós. Modesty, aiāās, j; owpporávn; to aioxvvrºbv, Plat, Modesty (i. e. absence of conceit), t'étiſ- ºpia. To modify, pietàSáAAw, no aor. J., perf. –éééAmka. See To alier, To moderate. To modulate, àppégo, in prose usu. §ppóttw. Modulation, Šppovia. See Tune, Harmony. Moiety, àutov, ró. See Half. Moist, ‘ūypos, votepés. Rather moist, 'übüypos. See Wei. - To moisten, 8péxaſ, also in pass. but not in mid., ‘ūypaiva'; votíſo, no mid, though there is pass.; +Téyyw, no perf.; + kāraatáçw, fut. -áčw, only act. To be moist, + Jºyptºgoro, only pres. act. Moistening, + iypogóAos, ov. Moisture, ‘ūypárms, mºros, h; votls, ió0s, h; +'ikuàs #60s, i. A mole, (the animal) orkóMoil, otros, 6; (or pier) X6- wa, Té. To molest, råpágow, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass. sense; +6xxéw. See To trouble, Molestation, Täpäxh. To mollify, irpääva, + uáAdorow, fu&A630.ow. See To appease, To soften. A moment, having waited a moment, ÖtöAitrèv’ākāpā (sc. Xpóvov), Ar. In a moment, Śvēlcape? xpóvov, Ar. The vision passes away in a moment, 8ééakev čhis ow pe6ügrepov, AEsch, in chor. Just for a moment, 80 ov 80 ov attamu, Ar. 2 At the moment when we were born, äua yuyvduevot (we did so-and-so), Plat. The moment summer began, too &épous eiðbs &pxopé- vov, Thuc. It is of great moment (i. e. importance, q. v.), šármy éxel, Dem. Momentary, 6, #, Tô Túpavrika. Momentous, otovëaios, compar. -órepos and –éortepos. See Important. - A monarch, påvapxos. An absolute monarch, trap- SãoiMeäs. See King. Monarchical (of or belonging to a monarch), plovap- xicós. Monarchy, povapxia. An absolute monarchy, trap- 6āoixeta. An hereditary monarchy, Bāoriaeía (opp. to Tupavvís). Money, xpſuota, tá; +&pyüpos, &pyüpfotov (speak- ing contemptuously). Money spent, 6&Tăun. Coined money, váutgua, T6. Coined gold, xpúatov. Coined silver, épyiptov. The public money, to kolvöv. Small money (change), képuara, td. I had not the ready money, Čuol uły oilk tuxe trapov &pyūptov, Dem. Without money, 'üvápyüpos, ov; *āxpügos, ov. Not consisting of money (punishment or reward), ‘i’ātro- Xphuáros, ov. Bought for money, àpyūpāvmtos, ov. To collect money, &pyüpoxoyéa, only act, sometimes c. acc. of those from whom, or c. &c and gen.; &pyüpſ- Çopal, mid, no pass. To make money, xpmuátigopal, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sense, c. &rb or éic and gen. of the means; TAé0- wektéa. - - To work for money, do anything for money, ŚpyoAéééa, only act. One must make money, Xpmºtto Téov. Money-making, TAeovečía. To turn into money, sell for money, Čopyüpigo (no pass). Money-making, adj., xpmuáriotikás ; Xpmuatoirotos, 6v. The collecting of money, &pyüpoxoyſa. A collector of money, &pyvpoxóyos, also as adj., os, ov. A money-changer, àp'yūpāuotébs, i Airpaakāros. The trade of a money-changer, à vouloparotaxiich. A monitor, eism’ynths, où, 6. A monkey, Tiºmkos. Like a monkey, triðmicoetóñs; triómicſőöms. To behave like a monkey, play monkey tricks, firiómiciga. 268 Monody—Morning A playing of monkey tricks, tribnktopés. A monody, uovgöta. To sing a monody, twovgöéa. Monopoly, uovotroAta. A right of monopoly, uovoT&Atov. Monotonous, wováqavos, ov. A monster, répas, Štos, Tó; (rare except in nom. and acc. sing.) + 6eſua, T6; (of an animal) + KvæðūAov; &mpeta 8ta, Soph. A sea monster, t kiitos, Tó. Monstrous, &AAókotos, ov. See Wonderful. Monstrously, &AAokóTws. Month, why, umvös, Ö. The names of the months were, at Athens, ‘Ekátopišaidºv, &vos, 6 [this began the Attic year about the middle of July, lasting of course to the middle of August, and consisted of 30 days]— Meråyettvièv (of 29 days),-Bombpopuðv (30 days),-IIváveiptów (29 days),-Malpaktmptôv (30 days),--IIogetösöv (29 days) [this was also repeated as an intercalary month every second year], —TāunAièv (30 days),-'Avdeatmpiðv (29 days),- 'EAšqméoxièv (30 days),-Movvi'xt&v (29 days),-- ©apynxièv (30 days),-->kipopoptèv, or >icuffoºpo- piðv (29 days). The beginning of the month, voup.mvía. Among the Athenians the month was divided into three parts, the first why iotăuevos, or why &pxéuevos, or why eistöv, the second uhu uegóv, the third pºïv pôivov; —the second day of the month was 6evrépa (sc. #1épa) ioTapiévov, etc.; the twentieth day of the month was eikës (dàos, fi); and the twenty-first sometimes was called trpátm étl eikööt, or was reckoned backward from the last day of the month, and called évárm or öekärm (p6tvovros, according as the month had 29 or 30 days; so Thuc. has—On the twenty-seventh day of Artemisium (a Spartan month answering to 'EX&ºpméoxièv), "Aprepugiov pum- vös retäpt'n pôſvovtos;–the last day of the month was called ěvn ical véa. Monthly, humviatos; (also lasting a month) up.mvos, ,0}/. Of three months, lasting three months, etc., Tpiumvos, ov; so tetpāunvos, Ékunvos, etc. etc. A monument, upfiug, Tó; plumperov; Śirío tºua, Tó. A monument of the marriage of the Nereid (Thetis), #pplivevua, Nnpñöos yduov, Eur. Mood (i. e. disposition, q.v.), Öpyń. Moody, + Sisopyos, ov. The moon, orexhum, foreAmvaſa (only once in chor. in Trag.), t pºſium; vuktös àp6&Apubs, AEsch,; vvktös àuga, AEsch.; vuktös 'āqeyyás BAépápov, Eur. The full moon, iſ trava'éAmvos. The new moon, or the time of new moon, vowſºmvia. Of, or belonging to, the full moon, or at the full moon (of time), travoréâmvos, ov. Moonless, ’āgéâmvos, ov. A moor, Éaos, Tó. To moor, Öppſſo, often used in mid. c. eis or Tpbs and acc. of the place where. To be moored, Öppéa, and in mid. See To anchor. . . Mooring-stones, + Aoyyāoria, tá. See Anchor. A mop, + kópmua, Tó. Moral, Šicatos, a, ov, and os, ov. Morality (moral character), 760s, Tó. Belonging to, concerning morals, h0licós, Morbid, voorepôs. See Diseased. More, adj., TAéav and TAeſov ; ; Śtréprepos. See Many. More, (in every sense) adv., TAéov or TAetov (Ar.); (in degree) p.6MAov, Helſövas; (in degree, extent, quantity, etc.) Tépa, sine cas, or c. gem.; also compar. Tepattépo; eis ‘ūtrepšoxãv, c. gen.; ‘ūtrêp, c. acc. Xen. See Many, Much. Much more, it is difficult (to do so and so) in peace, much more in an enemy's country, etc., XaAerov Kal év eipſium ... ?, trou 87 Čv troAepfg, ic. T. A. Thuc. And because of the storm it was impossible to sail at all, much moře to take up the men, Ötö. Töv Xelpløva ow8& TAeiv, p.3, § Ti &vaipeio 6at Tobs &vöpas àvvatov ºv, Xen. If they be in summer, the leader ought to be seen to be eaposed to more of the heat, and if they be in winter, of cold, fiv učv év Šēpel 301, Töv Špxovira öe? Toº #Atov TAeovertoivta pavepov sival, fiv Šē év Tó xelpºvi, toū jūxous, Xen. No more (no longer), oùkéti, unicéri, Many times more, Toxxârââotos, a, ov, and os, ov, c. # or #Tep, sometimes c. gen. To grasp at more, to have more, txeovertéo, fut. —how and -īgouai, sine cas, or c. gen, rei, or c. gen. pers. dat. rei. One must (not) grasp at more, (oi) TAeovertmtéov. One who grasps at more, TAeovéictus, ov, 6, sometimes as adj. with superl. TAeoverettatatos. Moreover, éti, trpósett, Trpos, aß, never the first word in a sentence; Toiviv, never the first word in a sentence. - Morning, "Eos, gem. "Ew, etc. Morning, in the morning, etc., adj., Éa,0ivos, +égos. 269 Morose—Motion In the morning, adv., Éa,6ev; ; Śwóivot. Good morning, Jon, Tov’Iava xaſpeiv, Plat. Morose, tpāxī's, or üyvös; Süsüpearos, ov; 60skoxos, ov; xãNetés; +&iſposſi'yopos, ov; +&irposópſiAos, ov. Morosely, ÖvskóAws. Moroseness, Övskoxia; XàAeTórns, mTOs, i. The morrow, aiptov, to, often also # (sc. juépa), no other case except nom. and acc.; ºf ésaiptov or eisaiptov. A morsel, louds; 4aigua, Tá; ’ākāpes, and ’ākāpā, neut., no other case, being the acc. of ’ākāpīs, “too small to be cut.” A mortal, # 8potès, 6 (but once # in Hom.). Mor- tals, ºf épfuepot. Mortal, adj., &vnTös, h, by, and bs, 6y; +&vmtoyevils; +juéptos, 2, ov, and os, ov; +épmuéptos, o, ov, and os, ov. Mortal (of a wound), Kaipios, +&ivādiuos. Mortal, of, or belonging to, mortals, #8póTeos; + 8pó- Tetos, 2, ov, and 0s, ov. See Human. Mortality, and this caused the greatest mortality, kal töv TAeſoſtov (p66pov Totto èTotel, Thuc. Mortally, Śāvāoriuws, t captas. Mortar, TéApia, Tó. A mortar, i &veto. Mortgage, ’āirotiumpa, Tó. To mortgage, ’āTotiuáw, act. “to borrow on mort- gage,” mid, “to lend on mortgage,” pass. of the property mortgaged, sometimes c. gen. of the price, sometimes c. Tpos and acc.; ‘ūTotíðmul; in mid, “to lend on mortgage,” “have mortgaged to one ; ” fur- ther, Tposopigopal, mid, no pass. To borrow on mortgage of landed property, Śy yeſov Tókwy Śāveiçopal (mid.), Dem. A mortgagee, 6 &éuevos. A mortgager, 6 Sels, gen. &évtos. Mortgaged, ‘ūtré60A0s, ov. Not mortgaged, &rructos, 9P. A mortgaging, 'étotlungus, eas, i. Mortification, (of a wound, wounded limb, etc.) ontre5&v, Övos ; (i. e. vexation, q. v.) &x0mööv, évos, ii. To mortify, intrans. (of a wound, etc.), oftopſal, pass., esp. in aor. 2. čvárnv, and perf, oréamtg; &T00 ſtropal. To mortify, trans. (i. e. to vex, to annoy, q.v.), AWTéo. Moss, uvi"ov; growing on trees, "iTuov. Most, TAetortos. Most, adv. TXeſatov and TAeſorta, often in Att. To TAéſarov, t& TAeſota; uáAtara (often added to superl, by poet, as Éxºlotos uáAtara, etc.); ta. Tpóta, Eur. - Mostly, for the most part, Tà troAAd ; ās éirl rô Toxt, Xen. ; &s éirl to traj90s, Plat. Iprove that the Mitylenaºans have injured you the most that ever one city did, &To paíva Mitvamvatous uáAtota ôh uíav TóAlv höucmicótas juás, Thuc. Hercules has married the most women that ever one man did, TAeſotas āvīp eis ‘HpaI(Xàs éymue Öh, Soph. Fifty at most, TrevThkovta pidºuata, Thuc., etc. . - As well affected to your democracy as the most friendly to it, eúvous tº TAftóel Té àuetépp Toſs uáAto 6’ ðuotas, Dem. - A mote (in a sunbeam), ščouata, tá; +érnals, toos, i. A moth, f gºs, 6, gen. Gebs, and ontós; t Túpačo Tris, ov, 6; # Tpixóépos, wros, 6. A mother, uſitnp, épos, contr. (as always in Att. prose) p.mtpos, acc. sing, and pl. never contracted; 'yevuhtelpa; +yevéreſpa, + televoyévos, + Tatēoupylo.; untpéov 6éuas, Eur.; unrpga 'époupa, Soph, Mother of all things, f Tauphrop, opos. A common mother (of two children), ºf ovyyevérelpa, An aged or ancient mother, F TráAatopiitap, opos; tº Tpopufftop, opos. A cruel mother, i övspañtop, opos ; tımthp ’ājaſtop, Soph. A step-mother, untputa. A mother-in-law, Trev6epá. Having lately become a mother, ºf veotólcos, ov. The mother state, the mother city, p.mtpétroAts. Never having been a mother, ºf ’āvel»efóvia. - On the mother's side, from one's nother, etc., i. p.mtpó0e or —6ev. Ofor belonging to a mother, untpé0s. Born of the same molher, Öpiouſ Tptos. Born of a mean mother, t'éuñTop, opos, 6, #. Slaying one's mother, fumtpopóvos, m, ov, and os, ov; + p.mtpokTávos, ov. - One who slays his mother, untpāAotas, ov, 6; + p.mtpo- q'évrms, ov, 6. To slay one's mother, ºf Amtpoktovéa. Motherless, + povopuiſtop, opos, 6, #. Given to Hector to be his wife and the mother of his children, Öguap 500eforo. Tatēotrotos "Ektopu Eur. To be full of mother (of old wine), t Aetpáa, Motion, civnois, eos, fi : Kiunua, T6. Quick motion,- + filth (usu. of things thrown, or of winds, waves, wings, etc., but sometimes also of men, etc.), Făutaxa. A motion (made in any assembly), eistjympa, T6. A sliding noiseless motion (of oars, e.g.), rāpāywyſ. A constant motion, gºevgis, eos, i. 270°- Motionless Motionless, +’âlcium ros, ov. * In a motionless manner, 'ükiviſta's. See Immoveably. A being motionless, àiciumata. - Mottled, i troutiños; + Icátágtiktos, ov. See Dappled. A motive, Tpoatpeois, eos, i. To move, act, civéo, + vapºday; (with circular or rotatory motion) + IcijcXéa, ; by entreaty, kātārāāa, káutto; see To bend; (to pity, laughter, etc.) Tpoãyw; (great weights) + poxAeta ; (a bill, etc., in the senate) 'Ypdq,w; forward, irporcivéo; quickly, f €Aio'ow, ºf épéo-ow; gently, ‘ūtrokivéo; together, ovykivéo. To be moved (by a consideration), ‘ūtrākoto, c. gen.; étrafpouai, pass, c, dat. To be moved to tears, Téy youai, pass, only pres, and imperf. See To weep. To move, intrans, eiut (iéval); Kivéopal, pass. ; 316ica tróða, AEsch. See To go. To move rapidly, t &to go, contr. §ogo; +ératogo; + otépxo, and pass. (see To rush); together, or along with, 600ToAéo; ovyclvé. oual, pass. One must move, ſcium Téov. What must be moved, iciumtéos. Calculated to move, kivmtikös, c. gen. Moveable, ’āyāyīuos, kivmtés; eiiciuntos, ov. Moving quickly, iſ aidAos, Easily moved (as troops), śāyāyīuos, ov. Difficult to be moved, Övskivmtos, ov. So as to be difficult to be moved, Övskivitals. A difficulty of moving, or of being moved, Övskivmoria. What ought not to be moved,’ākīvnros, ov. Moveables, a ketos, Tb, usu. in pl. Anything which is moved about, t kivvyua, Tó. Movement, kivmals, # ; kivmua, T6. A violent move- ment (of persons), f Tvøffixá. A mover, tº kivmths, oo, ö ; (i.e. one who makes a motion in an assembly) eism) mºths, où, 6. To mould, WA&Q'aw, 'üvåtååo'ow, Túrów ; (clay) föpyá%; (a man) to one's will, étrix&Alceto. A moulder, TAaaths, où, 6. A moulding, tirwais, eos, i. Moulded (made in mould), šyxitos, ov, Easy to be moulded (lit. or metaph.), eiträgaros, ov. Well moulded, TAao Tikós. Skilful in moulding, TAaoticós. Mould, or mouldiness, eipós, òros, 6; ºf Ağırm. To motilder, ºf piāda, only act. Mouldering (mouldy-looking), ºf eipóels. A moulding (a wavy moulding), ºf kūpa, Tó. To moult, TTepoppoéo and Trépopffvéo, only act. ; of Mourning the feathers which are shed in moulting, + &rgéo, - fut. -peño opal, perf. -efftſmica. A mound, coxa vös, Öx60s ; (artificial) x00s; X&pia, Tó; + æppa, Tó; ’āvā60Aft; y? &p.60A&s (360s), Xen. To raise a mound, Xóvvipal, avyxºvuvut ; against, Tposx(ºvvipu, and in imperf. pass. Tposexotºmy (of the wall against which the mound was raised). The raising of a mound, X60 is, eas, i. To mount, ‘āvasaivo, fut, mid. 'évášágoual, aor. 2. act. &véémy, as if from ēvašmu, perf. &vašéémica, part, contr. Beflös, -óga, fut. 1. and aor. 1. act. never used in intrans. sense; £uéatva, c, dat. or c. acc., or c. Šv and dat, or c. eis and acc.; Triśaiva, oftenest c. gen., also c. dat. (the usage of Thuc.) and c. acc. ; ‘ûrepaipa (esp. of scaling walls), Štreipu (étiéval) (esp. of mounting the rostrum to speak, or the stage). To make or cause to mount, Čučišća, êravaélé4%; + &vaśaiva, in fut, act. 'évāśāga, and aor. 1. &véémora (and generally the fut, and aor. 1. act. of Baíva and those compounds which are given above). One who mounts, tápéârms, poet, for ’āvāśātūs, ov, 6; + Trepéâtms. - Mounted on, êtroxos, ov, c. gen, or c. dat. A mounting, 'üvášáois, poet. &ots, i. A mountain, Špos, and poet. oºpos, to (the latter in Trag, only in chor.). See Hill. The foot of a mountain, ‘ūTópeia. Of or belonging to mountains, fond of mountains, etc., âpelos, and poet, oùpelos (also in Trag.), a, ov, and os, ov. To drive to the mountains, f iteśākpiša, only act, c. Tpos and acc. Ranging the mountains, dwelling in the mountains, + špéo repos; +épetéâtms, ov, 6, #; Föpergišárms, + oãpiéâtns; +oğpetépettos, ov; + oipedié6tms, ov, 6, #. Dashing among the mountains (of water), + bpátiſtros, ov. Mountainous, Špelos and + oipelos, a, ov; pelvás. A mountebank, 'üyüptms, ov, 6; fem. ‘f'&yūptpia. To mourn, trev6éo, yoda (only mid. and pass. in Trag.), &Ayéo. See To lament. To mourn with or together, ovutrev6éo, sine cas, or c, dat. A mourner, i yóms, mtos, 5 ; +trev67thp, fipos, 6; fem. ‘f Trev6%tpuz. Mournful (esp. of lamentations, etc.), 6pmv6öms, 'yodºns, #70épôs, tºyosóvös, + revöntſipuos; +&oto- vos, ov; +ºğyáotoros, ov; + groñoets. See Sad. Mourning, kā30s, Tó; +icotſpa (i.e. cutting of hair); + coppos (i.e. beating of the breast). See Lamentation. ~~~~ 271 Mouse—Munition To wear mourning, Hexavetpovéo. Being in mourning for her brother who was dead, (é- anywyðv) trevölkôs éxovo av Toº &öexpoſſ Teóvnkótos, Xen. Wearing mourning, tweXàvetuov, ovos, 6, # ; &tem Aos (pâpéov Aevicóv, Eur, The knife with which to cut the hair in token of mourn- ing, otömpos Kočpiuos, Eur. A mouse, pits, plvös, 6; + optiv60s. A mouser, uvo0hpas, ov, 6. A mouth, a réua, Tó ; yévvs, vos, # ; (of any place) otóulov ; † atópopa, Tó ; (of a river) éké0xff ; ‘Fºrpoxoh, most usu.in pl. An open mouth, Txáqua, Tó. Shutting your mouths, ovuffévres àpópa atóuaros, Eur. By word of mouth, &tb YAógans, Thuc. g To have (a phrase, etc.) continually in one's mouth, &vö. otów’ &el kal 61& yA600 ms exeiv, Eur. With small mouth, Hikpóoroſios, ov; oiſotoplos, ov, With large mouth, PeyāAóorouos, ov. With a hard mouth, 5uskáčektos, ov; +&otouds, ov, With seven mouths (of a river), árrëpoos, ov, cont. pous, povv. Furnished with mouths of terrible vipers against me, Selva's éxióvals eis éu' éotopogévm, Eur. To mouth (i.e. use big words, etc.), to topºpd{a, only act. One who mouths, Grópºpač, ćicos, 6. To make mouths, tº 6tapºvXAaíva, only act. To open the mouth, xàoica, all tenses except pres. and imperſ from Xaivo, perf. Kéxnva, See To gape. A mouthful, ºf évêeoris, ews, i. A mouth-piece (to blow a pipe with), YAóoroſa, + popéeld. - To mow, &epſø, aor. 1. act. contr. ÉÉpiac for é9épica; f'àudw. See To reap. To mow off, Škóepiſo, & aſuda. A mower, &eptorris. See Reaper. Much, adj. TóAvs, ToxA5), troAv, properly all cases (except nom. and acc. sing, masc. and neut.) from troXAbs [acc. Toxxbv is found also in Soph.; AEsch. has also dat. Toxeſ in chor.; AEsch. has neut. Troxéa. (in chor, used adverbially), gen, troAéov (also in Eur, in chor), dat. Toxéal (in chor.)] Very much, ùrép- troXvs. See Many. Much, adv. Toxt, troXA*, + troXAbv, troXX6; uáAa, compar. P.38Aov, superl. uáAtoto. ; (in comparison) tuākpó, Very much, TáutoAv. Too much, Alav, *śyav. As * adj Śoos, and poet, (including Trag.)öroros. 272 | As much as, adv, Šgov, and poet. 300 ov; +80 ovtep, So much, adj. Tógos, and poet, ré000s (including Trag. in chor.) ; Tôorosöe ; Toorootos, -ašta, -ooto, and —oorov. See So great. So much, adv. Tóorov, and poet, régorov ; tāorº, +Téows, Togotto, Togoûtº, - How much 3 interr. Trôoros ; How much 3 (i. e. at what price?), trógov; How much, indef. §aos, and poet. (including Trag.) OOTO’OS, t Mucilaginous, pºvč6öms, Mucus, icópuſa. Mud, Tmaos, + 36péopos. To fill with mud, cartºiſ'o, only act. Muddy, 80péopéöms, trixáðms, f'é0.65ms. To be muddy, 8opéopóouai, pass. To make muddy, Śoxów, 'üvá00x60. A making muddy, &óAwows, eas, i. The mulberry tree, oikāuivos, ii, sometimes 6; uopéa. The mulberry (the fruit), uápov, Koikāuivov. A mulct, Tpostiumpa, T6. See Fine. To mulct, Tipáa, c, dat, pers, gen, poem. See To fine. A mule, jutovos, ii, sometimes à. Of or belonging to mules, āulovicës, Öpikás. A mule breed (i.e. one engendered between two different species), kolvoyev’s pào is, Plat. A breeding of mules, icolvo'yovía. A muleteer, épéolcógos, ºf Ópeakóp.os. A mullet, Tpty}\a or Tptyam. Red mullet, Špijôpivos. Multifarious, travroſos, tautoğātrós. See Various. Multifariously, travtotals, travtočairós. Multiform, ºf travtópoppos, ov. Multiplication, ToxXatrââoríooris, eas, i. Multiplicity, TAï60s, tá. - To multiply, act. ToMAGTAáguáto ; +&Aöatva', only act.; intrans. TA'môňw, only pres. and imperf, act. Multitude, TA760s, Tó; áuixos, ŠxAos. Multitude of men, troXixeipta, +&vöpotań6ela, The multitude, oi troAAof ; oi tràéoves, and TAetoves; to troAğ. The whole multitude, tº raptAmbía. With the whole multitude, adj. trautamóñs. With the whole multitude, adv. traputrāméeſ. Multitudinous, &0p60s, a, ov, sometimes os, ov. Numerous. To mumble, tpaatāpāſo, only pres, act. Mummery, 'yomºreto. Munificence, troAiſãapta. See Liberality. Munificent, ueyāAóðapos. ov. See Liberal. Munition, êpupa, Tó, See Fortification, y - See Murder—Mustachioes Murder, póvos ; aiwa, Tó ; a pāyīl, aitoxetpia ; of kindred, taitovpyta. The guilt of murder, ulat- (bovia, An unnatural murderer, 'ütrópovos pévos, ’ātrópovov aiwa, Eur. To murder, ktetva, ; pilatºovéa, only act, c. acc. or sine cas. See To kill. He was murdered, & pavtos éðel &avao tuq xetpdºuatt, Soph. He would never have said that I had murdered Laius, T&s éuès oëk &v tor’ eitre Aatov Šta pôopäs, Soph. A murderer, povets ; airtóxelp, —xelpos, Ö, h; at- 6évrms, ov, 6; + airtoévrms, ‘i TâAapºvaſos. The first murderer, i Tpa Toktóvos. A murderess, ‘i &vöpoxérélpa, - Murdering one's guest, ºf £evoktóvos, ov; subst. ‘f £evo- Saïkrºs, où, 6. The murder of guests, Ševoktovía. Murderous, povicós ; # potulos, and t póvios, a, ov, and os, ov; + aiuātmpös; +&vöpoãdiktos, ov; +&v- Öpoktóvos, ov; +&vöpópovos, ov; towards one's own kindred, + airToktóvos, ov; + airtoqêvos, ov. Murderously treating one's own kindred, adv, f atto- - pāvas. Laws relating to ... urder, povicol vówou, Dem. A prose- cution for murder, povich Šicn, AEschin. Murky, fövoq'epás ; +’āAdairetos, ov. A murmur, Šápü60s, 6pó0s, contr. §pots. To murmur, Sopüééa, often c. dat. of him against whom, or c, trpos and acc.; ’āvā00püééa, ; against, +500éw, only act. c. dat. A murrain, Aotués. See Plague. A muscle, ?s, #, usu. in pl. ives. A muscle (fish), cóyxm ; ; kó'yxos. Muscular. See Strong. A muse, Mojoa. The Muses, Iliepłóes, ai. The names of the Muses:—KAet&, esp. the Muse of Epic poetry; Mextrouévn, esp. the Muse of tragedy Eötéptm ; OáAeta, esp. the Muse of comedy; 'Epárá ; Tepiſi. Xópm, esp. the Muse of dancing and feasting ; IIoxv- vuvia, esp. the Muse of Lyric poetry; Oipávia, Kax Alótſ). Of, or belonging to, the Muses, + Movoſelos. Devoted to the Muses, pixduovaos, ov; t Movorouăvăs. Unfavoured by the Muses, + &rópovoos, ov. The muse of a hare, trópos, trāpā’ôpoſtov. A mushroom, Fučkms, ov and mtos, 6; also applied to the snuff of a candle, as we too speak. Music, uéxos, Tó ; uobao, ; uoiſaikh (esp. lyric poetry set to music); (of stringed instruments) ºpe'Yuás. A See Dark. sound of music, tipaxºs. A piece of music, ºpoſua, Tö (esp. for the lyre). Of, or belonging to, music, skilful in music, uovoicós. A musician, uovaticós. To set to music, Évretva, and évr. eis kiöäptopa, etc., Plat. The science of music, uexotrotia. Venting itself in music, i uova otroubs, 6v. Most musical of birds, &otö07&rm Špuis, Eur. Musically, 66th.6s. A place for music or song, provoſelov. Muslim, givööv, Övos, i. Of muslin, +’âuápyivos. Must is often rendered by the verbal adj.-act in –éov, sometimes in-Éa, c, dat. pers, (which however is often understood), one must not conquer women by force, où a 0ével vikmtéov Yuvaikas, Eur.—pass. -éos, éa, Éov,-to learn what must be done, ékuately tº Tpaktéov, Soph. etc.; also Šet, impers., opt. 5éo, infin. 6eiv, part. 6éov, imperf. §§el, c. acc. pers. and infin., or c. dat. pers.; also (more rarely and only in Trag.) c. acc. pers., sometimes c. 3Tws and fut. indic. of the verb.; Xph, opt. Xpelm, subj. xpff, infin. xpival, and in Trag. xpiv, imperf. §xpāv and Xpiv (the latter more common in Att.), c. acc. pers. and infin, very rarely c. dat. pers.; Xpedºv, oftenest as a verb, eart! being understood, or sometimes expressed, sometimes as a participle, by being understood, cum, accus. pers. (often understood) and infin. NEOP. “I never saw him, but I heard he was still alive.”—PHIL. “He must be, for ...”—NEOII. Oük eiðov attöv, ja:06pmy 3’ &r’ &vra viv.–biA. êueAA’, étrel ..., Soph. These things must be so, où yévout' &v rai,6’ 3ra's otix à6’ xeiv, Soph. He must be ..., oùk écré' 8tra's odk &otiv ..., Soph. It must be so, trós oix) yiyveral ; AEsch.; so trós y&p; lit, “for how ’’ (can it help being so) P−I fear lest some affliction be come from God, for that must be the case if, now that he is relieved, he is no more cheerful than when he was sick, 6éôouca ºl 'k &éoù tramyſ rus #km, trós yap, ei tretravpiévos pºév tº piańAov 3 vo. orów etiqpaiveral, Soph. - I altogether must ; I absolutely must, troAAñp''āvāykº or roxAh 'or' avdykm, or roMA'ſ y’ &váykm ; you must, troAA# a” &váykm, etc., c. infin.; so rào'àváykm, Soph.; &váykm ueydam, Dem.; $v čváykm éart, Lys. For I must obey, où yèg &AA& retaréov, Ar. Mustachioes, +'itävm ; ; Müotaš, Škos, 6. T 273 1Mustard—Name o Mustard, a tumºr, värv. To muster, éétéſw, 'êpièubv trotéo, and trouéouai, mid. Xen. To pass muster, Šokiuágouai, pass. The muster, éérãorts, eas, #; Solciuáoría. The muster-roll, kārāAoyos. Mutability, àAAoſworts, eas, i. Mutable, ’ākārāotáros, ov. See Changeable. Mutation, &AAäyh. See Change. Mute, t &vavãos, ov; +'évačöntos, ov; +’āqovos, ov; +’ākpāyńs. See Silent. Mutely, +’ápova; +&pévos. See Silently. A being mute, ’āqavío. See Silence. To mutilate, trepicótta’, ‘ākpornpiáço; Awéáouai, mid. and pass.; (a dead body) + pagxãAíſo. Mutilation, trepicoth. -- Mutineer, orāorićrms, ov, 6. Mutinous, orácións. Mutiny, a rāqis, eas, i. To mutter, Ypūºw, -św, only act.; 'āvāypſº; ; +Aſſo, -ča, only act. Muttered, + ypvicrós. A muttering, + uvywós. Mutual,—mutual fear, &vräräAov 6éos, Thuc. Mu- tual slaughter, &AAmA0p60pía. Prepared for (engaged in) mutual slaughter, &AAmAo- ºpóvos, ov. They mutually slew each other, uápov kolvöv katepyā- oravrº Šir’ &AAñAoiv xepoiv, Soph. A muzzle (for the mouth), knºbs, f kapāoretov, trav- orikárm. To muzzle, knºw, Fotogów. My, £uás. See Mine. A myriad, pipiès, dö0s, ii; (of men) piplogrès, bos, i. Myrrh, a pºpua. Myrtle, uvpaivn; fučptos, i. A myrtle berry, pºptov. A myrtle grove, ‘I uvšštvöv, &vos, 6. Of myrtle, Fußptivos. e - Myself, airós ; toigbv Ščuas, Eur. ; orápa Tobuoy, Eur.; Éubv Kápa, Eur. See Self, Person. - Of myself, Šuavrot, fem, Šuavtås, only gen, dat, and acc. sing. * Mysterious, Šáñmros, ov. Mystery, uvotipuov. Sacred mysteries, āpyta, Tá; uvorticó, Tá. sacred mysteries, étroTrikā, Tá. Of, or belonging to, mysteries, uvoºrmpuāris, ióos, # (atovël M., a truce during the mysteries at Eleusis). Used in the mysteries, Öpytag ticós. To celebrate mysteries, Öpyićgo, only act., sometimes c. acc. of the mysteries, also c. dat. of the God in whose' honour they are celebrated. To initiate into mysteries, uvéal, more usu. in pass., c. acc. of the mysteries. To be initiated into mysteries, TeXéouai, pass., c. dat. or c. acc.; Tottetºw. One who is initiated into mysteries, uðurns, ov, ô, ii. Mystic, uvorticós; re?\egºrikós. Mythology, ui,60A0)ia. Mythological, mythic, piºns, Hüfficós, witowo- 'yikás. Mythologically, mythically, uv6ikós. A mythological story, Mü60s; pºiſ00Aóymua, Tó. A teller of mythological stories, one learned in myth- ology, pºiſ00Xóryos. To tell a mythological story, or as a mythological story, pºiſ00Aoyéa, also in pass. of the tale so told. - See Secret. The most One must tell as a mythological story, uv00Xoymtéov. N. A Naiad, Näſs; Nāīās, usu. in pl. A nail, (of a man or animal) &rvč, tºyos, 6; (of iron, etc.) fixos, + y&upos. To mail, ºf youpów, ºf éq m}\ów. + traoro &Aeëw. Fastened by nails, Froxifyoupos, ov; + etyopºpos, ov; tºyoupéðeros, ov. To nail to, trposmaðw, c, dat, or c. rpès and acc.; irpostraoro &Aetw. - “Naked, yuuvös, sometimes c, gen. of the covering To drive in like a nail, wanted (all words in this sense admit this construc- tion); ºf yup was, dö0s, 6, #; yíAós. To make naked, yuplvów, ‘ātroyuuvów. See To strip. Name, Švoua, Tá; ÉiríkAmois, eos, ji (esp. as an additional name for distinction's sake, etc.); trpás- pmua, Tá; irposmyopia; + k\möðv, 6vos; + pāris, eas, #. A coaring name, also a fair name for something bad, Široképtorua, Tó. An additional name, étww.vuſa. 274 Name——Nature Similarity of name, Grüvaviºuſa. Other stars having the name of planets, #AAa Šarpa éiríkAmv čxovta TAavnTā, Plat. By name, 8vouao-rl, &vouaguévos, éiri'i(Amy. To name, 8vouégo, Irovouáço (also esp. of giving an -additional name to); KäAéo, fut, perf. Kékamka, Tpos- dyopeto; frcirc\haka, only pres, and imperf. Again he spoke with encouragement to each individual of the trierarchs, both eahorting them by the names of their Jathers, and addressing themselves by name, ań0is Tów Tpumpàpxav čva èkaoTov &velcáAel, tatpó0ev Te étro- vopºd ſov, kal aitotºs évogaoti . . . , Thuc. To name anew, changing the name, calling by a new name, &vrovouá(w; pletovouá%. To invent new names, ÖvopºroTouéa. One must name, àvopao Téov; £irovopaqtéov (esp. with an additional name). Named (having a name), t Tóvvp,0s, ov; + 6vopa- otos, often c. neg. of things not to be named, infanda. Named, adv., pepwviſuos. Named after, étréviſuos, ov, c. gen, sometimes c. dat. or c. &ml and gen.; Féirgöös, Öv, c. gem. Calling it Argos, after the name of his own native country, àuðvvuov tíſ Éavrot Tarpiðt”Apyos. Övouágas, Thuc. Having a good name, eúðvipos, ov. Having a bad name, or an ill-omened name, föösévi- pos, ov. Rightly named, + 6p6&vipos, ov, Falsely named, + iyevöðvipos, ov. Having many names, worshipped under many names, troAvdéviſuos, ov. Having the same, or a similar, name, Öpidºviſuos, ov, sometimes c. dat.; forêvãviſuos. Falsely named, adv., yevöoviſuals. Nameless, vävipos, ov; ‘āvdāvūſtos, ov. Not to be named, + švovápagºtos, ov. A namesake, ‘i ögdºvvuos; † atteTévvuos. A namer, Övouát00érms, ov, 6; āvówatos &étms, Plat. One who invents new names, Övouátovpyös. A naming, Övopuiāoria; Švápotos & eoſis, Plat. Skilful in naming, Övopuiāo riſkás. A napkin, Xelpópakt pov, Škpāyetov. A narcissus, väpicioſoſos, 6, #. Narcotic, ‘jirvikós. To narrate, Aéyo; Émyéopal, mid, no pass. Telate. A marration, ätrööetêts, i. A narrator, éénymths, ot, 6. Narrow, orevös; at evátropos, ov (of a district, eithel narrºw in itself or having narrow passes). See To See Story. | In a narrow strait, Év čAiyq), Thuc. To pass through a narrow passage, 6tavMaríſo (of the breath), only act. To narrow, quotéWAw. See To contract. Narrowness, a revötns, mtos h; of mind, 8päxjrms ºntos, i (yvápms); of space, aſtevoxapia. Narrowly (i.e. closely; to watch, etc.), '&icpišós. Na rowly (i.e. hardly; to escape, etc.), plá) is, ox0xff; gºv troXAff atovëſ', Xen. See Hardly. He narrowly escaped being stoned, uticpov čépuye Tot ph karaterpa,0ñval, Xen. Nastiness, &kaðaporía. Nasturtium, kāpāāuov. Nasty, 8vstivās. Natal, 'yevé0Atos, ov. A nation, Adès, Att. also Aed's; #6/0s, té; yévos, T6: ºptAov. See People, Country. National, évômu0s, ov. It is your national right, trg"tpuov Úuiv čotív, Thuc. Native, Tărpºos (of country, law, etc.); so trèrpios, a, ov, and os, ov; fem. H Tâtpis, toos (of country, city, etc.); (of customs, etc.) éirixóptos, a, ov, and os. ov; (of persons and of customs) éyx&ptos, o, ov, and os, ov; + šyxopos, ov; +Tpószapos, ov; (of persons only, or born in the land) &örðx6ov, ovos, 6, #: + šºyºyevſis. See Contntry. One's native place, firãrpls, fö0s, ii. See Country. A native, #xwpirms, ov, 6. See above. . Nativity, yāveals, ews, #. See Birth. Natural, origſpitos, ov; a tutpoſpos, ov, sometimes c. gen. of that to which ; # ovyyevis; (i. e. reasonable, to do so and so) bicatos; (of any representation, i. e. like nature, like truth) tribävés; (i. e. not artificially made) airtoquís; + airākñros, ov; + airégio ros, ov; + airáuoppos, Opſ. Natural products, Tô púael Teq vkóta, Lys. Men of good natural ability, ilcavós requkóTes, Antipho. But this is neither reasonable nor natural, &AA’ otºr' ečAoyoy oit' #xov čoſt pågiv tootá ye, Dem. A natural death, at Tápióros Šáváros, Dem. Maturally, eikóra’s ; Teqükóras. Naturally (i. e. without a teacher), F Trpoika. They should naturally be most distrustful of prosperity, 6ticatof eiori kal &migrótatot eival rats eitpayſats, Thuc. Nature, pāorts, eos, ii. Nature (i. e. natural qualities of mind or body), f ºpuſ. - It is contrary to nature, oùk éxel púcriv, Plat. T 2 275 Naval—INear It is contrary to my nature to do. . , 3pév čpuy’āºft- xãvos, Soph. By nature, adj., +qirdaulos, ov. Of the same nature as, Šuo?vīs, c. dat. Of double nature, 6iquís. To be by nature, púouai, pass., c. aor. 2. act. puy, as if from pipit, and perf. Trépiſka; usu, c. infim, also c. étri and dat, or c. rpos and acc. of what one is naturally inclined to. For it is the nature of men to be influenced by these motives, treq’ſſicaat yöp Širo Toârov kpateto 6a, Xen. But (it is reasonable for us to feel) that if we submit to others, even what we have acquired will naturally be diminished, &AAwy 5’ ‘ūtrakoúa'aqu (eikös Yvával) Kal Të Tooskekrmuéva pūeiv čAgorgoto 6al, Thuc. To inquire into the nature of pigtoNoyéo, c. acc. One who inquires into the nature of things, pigloAóyos. Naval, vavrikos, väios; +vavríAos, ov; +vačkämpos, ov (of an oar, etc.); (of men, troops, etc.) Twavšárms, ov, only masc. Naval power, Tà vavricó. See Marine, Ship. The nave (of a wheel), TAfluvm. The hole in the nave, gipiyê, tºyos, i. The navel, àuqāA0s. Like a navel, épºqāA&öms. Naughtily, kākós, comp, kāktov; superl, kākuatov and kākiqta. See Wickedly. Naughtiness, kākātms, mºros, ii. See Wickedness. Naughty, kakos, compar, kāiciov; káciotos, also xeipov, xeiptortos, etc. See Bad. Navigable, vavotropos, ov; +TAégiuos, ov. To navigate, TAéo, fut. TAečgowal, more usu. TAev- ootpal, etc. [the Attic writers seldom or never use this word in a contracted form, except in cases where the contraction is into et; Xen. has perf. pass. Tré- traevotiat of what is sailed across]. See To sail. - - Navigation, vavrixia; (the science of) # vavrich, T& vavriká. As navigation advanced, TAwīuatépov čvrov, Thuc. Ignorant of navigation, +’ā9äAágorotos, ov. A navigator, vaúrms, ov, 6. See Sailor. Nautical, vavrikás; see Naval; (i.e. skilful in nau- tical matters) &áAdagios, a, ov, and os, ov. A nautilus, vauriños. A navy, oréaos; arpáros vavrikos, or orpärbs with some other epithet to show the mature of the force, Thuc. Trag. - Nay, où, before a vowel oik, before an aspirate oix, Omn. See No. Near, adv., TéAas, c. gen, or c, dat.; Yyts, co-ºpar. êyyúrápa, etc., c. gen, or c, dat.; give YYvs; at , comp. –aitepo, c. gen, or c, dat.; &YX00, c. gen, or c. dat.; #yx, superl. §yxiata, &yxia Tov, &yxotára (and in Eur. &YXotata), c. gen. (as always in Trag.) or c. dat. (which latter usu, precedes the prep.). Near, prep., trpos, c. gen. or c, dat, or (when of time) c. acc.; &pſpl, sine cas, or (of number) c. acc.; Tápé, c. gen, or c, dat, or sine cas.; TAffortov, compar. TXm- giarápa, c. gen, or c, dat.; eis xeipa, c, dat, Eur.; éti Tais Süpats, Xen. Nearer to, öt' éAdagovos, c. dat., Thuc. For he is near enough to be heard, Šippierpos yöp &s RAVelv, Soph. Near, or nearly (i.e. almost), oxeóðv, ÖAbyov; udvov où, Xen.; Tap' éAáxtorov, Dem. - I had nearly omitted, purpoß ye trapſiA6ov, Dem. So that the city was very nearly taken, Šote trap& Pukpov éA6eiv &vöpatroëlo.6%ival Thu TrôAuv, Isoc. I was near being put to death without being tried, trap& purpov čöémora &iquTös & rotaveiv, Isoc. I am nearly having, ÖAiyov 6éw éxetv When he had nearly been stoned, airtos éAfyov beforay- Tos KataAevo 67val, Xen. But these things are not so, nor nearly so, Šott 6' oix oùTo Taijt’ xovira, où6’ 3Xtyov beiv, Dem. This was very near destroying the Plataeans, Touro . . . Tovs IIAataléas . . . Aaxiotov č6éma's 6tap6eſpai, Thuc. Aéa is sometimes left out, as (the horse) nearly threw him, pukpot, €rceivov četpaxi.Ato'ev, Xen:— He nearly lost his life, trap& uticpov ºvyºv 7A9ev 6ta- icvatoral, Eur:— He was so near danger, trap& Tooroútov fixòe kivāūvov, Thuc. * For they were perpetually near either to escaping or to perishing, &el yöp trap' àAiyov # 6tépévyov. 3) &trøA- Avvto, Thuc. So near was he falling, trapò. Togoûrov čvéveto airó ph reputreasºv, Thuc.:— I was near being conquered, eis 6Afyov & pulcăumv vikm- 6?val, Thuc.:— * - With reference to the war impending, and all but present, és Tov uéAAovra kal 60 ovoi trapávra tróAepov, Thuc. Near, adj, TAffaios, c. gen, or c, dat., compar. TAT- quatrepos, -taros; &yxiréppov, ovos, 6, #4 (near the city); ágriyettwu, ovos, 6, #; (of things which come first to hand) Ströyvos, ov; + trpóxelpos, ov. Nearer, nearest, €yyūrepos, éyyúratos, &yxórepos, 276 Neat—Negotiate ăyxiatos. See Neighbouring. Near by sea, F&yxi- TAous, TAow. Arms fit for fighting near, &yxéuaxa 8taa, Xen. To be near, Túptotáual, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf act, no perf. pass., c. dat.; Túpelul, infin. —eival, c. dat.; TAmaid ſo, c. gen, c. dat.; ſpóskepal, fut. Iceta'opal, no other tenses, c. dat.; (esp. of being a near relation) &yxiateiſa, c, dat, or c. gen. To come near to, ‘f TAmaid ſoual, pass., c, dat. See To approach. To bring near, TAmoridgw, c. dat,; +tre- Aáſo, perf. pass. Tétramual, c, dat.; Féiritrexéo, c. dat. Neat, kóoptos, a, ov, and os, ov; YAápipós. Neatly, koa uíos. .” Neatness, 'épéAsia, eikoguía. Necessarily, 'üvaykaios, étravayicés. Necessaries, tà étritibeta, Tô 5éovra. In want of daily necessaries, évôeºis Tóv ka9 iſlépav, Isoc. Necessary, "åvaykaios, a, ov, and in Att. sometimes os, ov. What is necessary, Tô Kätetre?yov (ovtos). It is necessary, Xph, and in Trag. xpāv, imperf. §xpmv and xpiv (the latter the most common in Att.); xpe&v, as a verb, £ot being understood, or as a par- ticiple, by being understood. See Must. It is very necessary, troAAh 'o'T' &váykm, c. infin.; Trào' äväykm. To necessitate, ’āvaykāſa. Necessity, 'êvãykm, xpeta. There is no means of escaping from Fate and necessity, oùk éoti Potpas toū Xpedºv T' &traßAayh, Eur. Necessitous, Troxbs, 3, 6v. See Poor. The neck, ai,xhv, évos, 6 (used also metaph. of a neck of land); beſp7, and Att. more usu. 6épm; +6elpês, 460s, h; Tpåxnä0s, pl. T& TpäxmAa. The back of the neck, ºf Aóqos. Going through the neck (of the spinal marrow), 6tavXé- J/10S. See To compel. With short neck, 3pāxīrpäxmAos, ov. On the neck, adj., + &pſpi\opos, ov. To break a person's neck, ºf éktpáxmAtço, c. acc. A necklace, Šppos, arpertös, Öépatov. A necromancer, i l’ixáywyðs. To bring up (the dead) like a necromancer, pixá'yoyéa, (rows Teóveóras). Nectar, vécrap, pos, tá. Need, Xpeta; +xpéos, ré. See Necessity. But what need have you of me? &AA& ris xpeta o' égot ; Eur, In time of need, is biov, Soph. To need, xppſw, only pres, and imperf act, c. gen, rarely c. acc.; t Tposxpſi(w, c. gen.; 5éopal, fut, beft- orouai, no aor. 1. mid., abr. 1. pass. in act. sense éðeñ0mv, but seldom used beyond pres.; Tposóéopat; +xãriço, only act. See To want. * I have need, bet, opt. 3éol, subj, 5èm, infin. Setv, part. 6éov, imperf. §§el, fut. Señorel, aor. 1. Č6émare, but the pres. is the most usual tense, c. acc., sometimes, but rarely c. dat. pers. c. gen, rei, sometimes c. infin., sometimes c. 8tra's and fut. indic, sometimes the thing wanted is as it were the nom. to the verb; Śvēe. I have still need, trposéeſ, trposéefrai. * Needful, 6éov, ovtos, only neut., often used as nom. abs. See Necessary. Needy, having need of +xpeſos, ov, c. gen. See Poor. A needle, 8éAóvn; Épls, fö0s, i. Needless, treptorgös. - Nefarious (of persons), travroſ p'yos, ov; Tāvoúpyos, ov. Nefarious deeds, py” &vepya, Eur. See Wicked. Nefariously, Trávoúpya's. Negation, &pumoſus, eas, #. See Denial. Negative (of propositions), a reputicos, sine cas, or c. gen. To neglect, webinut, and mid. in Trag., no pass., c. gen. or c. infin.; Trópimpit, c. acc., sometimes c. gen.; 'äueñéo, c. gen, sometimes c. acc.; TrăpăueAéw; ôAiyapéo, c. gen, or sine cas. See To despise. To be neglected or done neglectfully, ‘f éðapyéopat, pass. One must neglect, ÖAiyapmtéov, c. gem.; trapetéov. Neglect, Negligence, ’āuéAsia, +’äuexia, ÖAiyopia. To treat with neglect, €v àplexeig kärátíðepal, Xen.; év čAiyapíg trouéopal, c, acc.; eis &Aiyapiavtpétropiat, c. gen., Thuc. Neglected, ‘ā0epārevros, ov; &uexhs; 'étnuéAmtos, ov; +’äuéptuvos, ov; (of sacred rites) &ripos, ov. Neglectful, negligent, 'éueAñs ; ŚAiyapos, ov; + šakotros, ov. Neglectfully, negligently, ÖAiyêpws, ’ātmueñitas [both words, esp. with exo or Štákeipial, to be neg- lectfully disposed.] - To negotiate, trpáorow, c. dat, or c. trpos or eis and acc. of those with whom ; Śiśirpágorougt, mid. ; xpmuártºo : (as to money matters) givaAAdoorw, c. dat. pers, acc. rei; as an ambassador (i. e. effect by negotiation), trped'éeča, c. acc. rei; through a herald, étrikmpüketopiat, mid., no pass, ; at the same time, rvvötörpágoropai, 277 Negotiation—Neutrality Negotiation, A6)0s. The negotiation which we opened byheralds with the Lace- daemonians, éticºlpukeia iiMºv trpos Aalce&alpovious, Dem. To open a negotiation, Aóyovs trpospépa, c, dat. Thuc. A negotiator, ſpeasis, in prose only pl. See Am- bassador. A negro, + weadwéporos. The land of negroes, yń weadušporos, Eur. To meigh, xpeuet {{w, only act. A neighing, + ppúayſia, āros, Tó; + xpepertop.6s. A neighbour, yeſtov, Övos, 6, #, c, gen, but oftener c. dat.; Tpósourcos, 6, # ; TAhatov, 6, # ; TréAas (both oftenest in pl.); + &roucos; + trexérms, in pl. only ; (of neighbouring peoples, etc.) treptictiowes, oi, ai; (a bad neighbour) + kåkoyeſtwv. See next word. Neighbouring, yeſtwy, ovos, 6, #, c. gen, or more usu, c, dat.; Tpósolkos, ov; Tpószwpos, ov; &Mupos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat; +trpósovpos, ov; (of houses separated only by a party-wall, or of their inhabitants) Šuðroixos, ov; (of cities, or citizens of other cities) ão Töyeſtwy, + &yxitóAts, also &yx{irtoxis, é, í; (of cities only) in fem. Treptoticls, ió0s, i, usu, in pl. ; (of lands) + trpószoptos, ov. - To be neighbouring, to be a neighbour, yeltovéw, only act; ſposourée, c, dat, or c. ace. ; tāpouréo, c. dat. yeltviáo; (of states) + &rriñeirovéopal, c. acc. of the place inhabited (e.g. x66va); (as one place is near another) +Tapavatſa, in pres. pt. A being a neighbour, Túpotknots, eos, h; yetovía. The neighbourhood, a neighbouring district, etc., # reptoticis, thos (yū understood), yeltövmua, Tó. Without any neighbours, +’āyetrov, ovos, 6, #. Neither, où6è, usu. answered by a second otöé; otte, usu. with a second otre or + by oi [“ošč . . . oióē marks a stronger opposition than oire . . . of Te; further the Šč in oilà è gives it rather a distinctive force, while the te in oire makes it simply con- nective,” LID. and SC.] ; umöè, followed by uměč; wite, followed by uſite, or by te, or by umöé.* In neither way, in neither case, où8étépa’s, Amöerépaſs. To neither side, uměetépoore. Neither, adj. (of two), où6érepos, Amöérepos. Nemesis, ‘i Néueous, eas, #; +’Aöpdateia. A nephew, 'übeaptăods, 00, * On the difference between the compounds of oi and those of ph, see Not. Neptune, f IIowroTogetöðv. - ** The Nereids, Nmpfibes, ai; (names of some) Küu006), KüuoróAsia, Kūpā, "Hióvn, 'Auqirpírm; ©étis, i50s ; TAgükm, ‘ĀAim, IIšvātū, TâAáreta; Aapis, ió0s. A nerve, vetpov, usu, in pl. - To nerve, &pſpów. See To strengthen. Nerveless, + ækAüros, ov. See Weak. Nervous (sinewy), veupd.6ms. See Strong. A nest, veogata, 6690s; forcívmuo, Tá; + Aéxos, tá; + etvá. A vulture's nest, Yūtrāptov. A bee's or wasp’s nest, i &v6píviov. A wasp’s nest, ºf oºmicia. An anaiety for its young that makes the parent bird keep the nest, Távos àpräAixwu Čepºviotăpms, AEsch. To build a nest, veoargetºw. To build a nest in, Švveoargeto, c. dat. A nestling, veoggos, veórgiov. A net, 8tervov; &pkös, Öos, i ; tāym ; TAéyua, to : těpicuo'aa, Tá; if &pſpi"BAmarpov; (for birds, etc., rather than for fish, also metaph. for any snare) + picos, T6. A fine net (for birds), veſpéAm. Nels, oteſpat Suktváickworou, Soph. The edge of a net, 'ākpoxviov. The upper part of a net, orapöövlov. The cord at the top of a net, €tri'6pop,0s, treptópouos. A line of nets, &picuotária, &picva rāortov ; of poles with nets, otoixos. Calamily caused by nets, &pictoratos Tmuovº, AEsch. Belonging to hunting with nets, éptco&mpevticós. A watcher of nets, &picvapós. A nettle, ’ākāAmpm. - Never, oùrote, sometimes separated, où . . . Toré; oëétrote, uſitore (this last meaning sometimes “sa that never,” when it governs a subjunctive mood), um- 3érote, oirátrote (only of the past); so oë8étéſtore. You shall never marry her while she still lives, toºtmu Tor' oilk a 6° às éri ſãoav youeſs, Soph. Nevertheless, àpés, wirós, òuoſos, Štreita, often ical étrelta; Mévrol, never the first word in the sen- tence ; + šutra; oil phy &AA& . . . ye, and oi, u}, &AA& Kal . . . ye, Plat. Neutral,—they who are or were neutral, of 6.3 peo’ov, Xen. To be neutral, uéoreto, only act.; $6Huaxoi eival uměe- Tépov, Thuc. - To neutralise, for disobeying in small matters new- tralises yourformer kindness, to Y&p outspots &rarely thv tápos ovyxe? xáply, Soph. Neutrality, àgúxia >e umberépous, &uffvely, Thuc. To preserve a neutrality, Ékroöðv grfiva èpºpotéputs, Thuc. * - 278 New—INight And preserve a strict neutrality, kal éoté umöè ué0° étépwv, 5éxed 6e 38 &uporépovs pixovs, éti Toñéup 8è umö' érépous, Thuc. New, vebs, calvös ; trpásqātos, ov; i véoptos, ov; + vewpīs; + Totatutos, a, ov, and os. ov; (of a report) ºf veðyyeXtos, ov. Newly made, veovpyös, Öv; ‘i Kaivotmy?)s, + 1calyotrouméets. Newly mixed (of poison), + &prixpiatos, ov. Newly suffered, kat- voiráðhs. Newly acquired riches, &pri"TAovta xpſiuato, Eur. New-born, veo'yevils, ºf veðyevils. See Born. To be new, i veóſa, only pres, act. To make new, use as new, invent new, have anything new, calvoTopLéo; + katvigo, only act. To speak new (strange) words, Kaivovpyéa, Aóyov, Eur. To speak of old things as if they were new, T& Taxală Kauwós 6tex0eiv, Isoc. Newly, kotuás. In a new fashion, Kalvotpetreatépos. An inventor of new things, Kaivoroumths, ot, 6. News, A6)0s; KAmööv, Övos, h; + &yºyexpa, Tb, in pl.; Tà éisay yeaWópeva, Thuc. See Report. The news of you, äpº orh, Soph. The news of this came to the city, Tott'ékmpix0m tróAel, Soph. Before any news of us can come, trplv čktüotovs 'yevé00al, Thuc. A messenger of bad news, &yºyexos kaków Tóv, Soph. What is the news 2 ti Kalvöv; Dem. We have already, twice after such actions, sacrificed in thanksgiving for good news, étrº Tooratºrals trpd{equ eūayyéAta pièv Öls #5m Teóðicauev, Isoc. To bring good news, eia!yyexíſopal, mid. To bring bad news, ºf icăicayyeXéa. Bringing good news, i. ebäyyeXos, ov. news, ºf icălcáyyeAos, ov. Caused by bad news, kākāyyeXtos, ov. In order that no news might be heard of their doings, toū uh éčáyyeXToi yü yueq6al, Thuc. Newness, calvörms, mºros, i. A newt, oképôāA0s. Next, adj., &yxiatos; see Near ; (of time) the next day, the meat night, etc., áirtöv, oùora, ov, 6vros, etc. (when the Trag. use this word they use a periphrasis for juépa, e. g. ii 'trioto'o. Aguirès Seoiſ, Pors.); étrºyi'yvápºevos, étrºyevópºevos. The neat day, Öotepaía. On the next day (of those who do anything then), 6evrepatos. Bringing bad To speak next, Éköéxopal eitreºu, Plat. - And it was decided to defer the business till the meat assembly, #60&e 5& àvašaxé00ai és étépav čkkAmaſaw, Xen. - Wishing to compass what was the meat best measure to this, BovXópºevos Tà étri Toitous trapag icevd (eiv, Thuc. For that is the meat best thing, Öevtépa yöp i Xàpis, Eur. Neat (in the next place, etc.), adv., bettepov, and to Šećtepov; ºretta, aß9ts, ºf &v; (next in order) éâs. Newt to, trāpā, c. gen, or c, dat, or sine c. See Near. To be newt to, exopal, mid., c. gem. To nibble, f'&Torpéya, fut. —Tpdºopal, aor. 2. —érpäyov, no other tenses; t Tăpâtpøya, c. gen, ; round, tº treputpøya. - Nice, tpi pepós; (of persons) &otetos, a, ov, and os, ov; (i. e. minute, q.v.) 'ükpi}hs. Nicety, 'éºpičela. See Eaactness. Nick (in the nick of time), eis &pticoxNov, AEsch. ; eis Séov, Soph. He comes in the nick of time, &ptärovs Spógicel, Soph. A nickname (not contemptuous), áiríkAmous, eas, i. See Name. To nickname, éticăAéa, perf. —kékamka, etc. See To name. A niece, *ā6expiði. A niggard, i ičós. See Miser. Niggardly, y\to Xpós. See Covetous. Nigh, ēy'yūs, compar. Yºyötépo, etc., c. gen, or c. dat. or sine cas. See Near. Night, viº, vvictos, i ; ºf eiºpóvn, i öppum : vulcrbs "àuoxybs, AEsch.; vuktös kärdo Târis, Eur. The dead of night, to joixáſov Tās vulcrbs, Thuc. All night, adv., ºf Távvixa, All night, adj., + Távyūxos, ov; ; travvixios. The night-watches, ºf vixeſpata, td. In the darkness of night, kat’ eighpāvms oktöv, Eur. Of, or belonging to, night, during night, nightly, etc., vvictepivés; i vöictepos, ov; + vixios, a, ov, and os, ov; +évväxos, ov; + šuvūxios, a, ov, and os, ov; (of divination from dreams appearing at night) t vvictotrös, Öv. Appearing by night, + vvictºbavtos, ov. Roaring by night, it vuktíépopuos, ov. Solemnised by night, + vuktforeguos, ov. Wandering by night, + vuktitróA0s, ov. Making to wander by night, + v.vic- Ti"TAayiºtos, ov. Coming by night, + v.victºoltos, or, Watching by night, + vuktippot.pntos, ov. By night, adv. vöktwo 279 Nightingale—Non-appearance A night-watcher, vvktopúač, Škos, 6. To pass the night, to encamp for the night, etc., aixt- {ouai, mid., c. aor. 1. pass.; vuktepeña, only act.; +viºxetw, only act. To do anything all night, to last all night, +Travviſ- x{{w. - Io assemble by night, + vuktm'yopéo, and mid. A nightly festival, travvixis, fö0s, i. An assembly by night, + victmyopia. A battle by night, vvictouáxia. To travel by night, vvictotropéo, only act. To watch by night, vvktopääkéw, only act. See To watch. Hunting by night, vvictepeta. - One who hunts or fishes by night, vuktodhpas, ov, 6; vvictepévrils, ot, 6. Fit for night hunting, vvictepevrikos (of a hound). A mightingale, &möðv, 6vos, ii, sometimes in Att. 6, gen, contr. Fämö00s; +&möowls, toos, 6. Of a nightingale, F &möóvios. A might-jar, vvicticópač, Škos, 6. Night-shade, otpüºvos, 6, #. Nimble, éAâq pós. See Active. Nimbly, ŚA&qpós. See Actively. Nimbleness, éAãºpórms, mtos, i. Nine, évvéâ. Nine years (a period), Čuvaermple, i50s, i. With nine lives, évvediyúxos, of the dog (as we say of the cat), švvediyúxos 6 kilov (a Greek proverb). On the ninth day, Éváratos, The ninth, ēváros. Nineteen, Évyečkatóéica, Ninety, Šveyńkovra. Ninetieth, ēveymkoarrós. Nine hundred, évakóciol. Nine thousand, évveš- XIAot. To nip (as cold does), &trokato, A nipple, Titótov. Nitre, Airpov. No, oi, before a consonant oik, before an aspirate of X, also in poet. (including Trag.) 00xt ; #ictata (esp. in answers ; trós ydp; (lit. “no,” for “how can it be?” etc.), Plat. See Not. No, I thank you, káAAtata. Nobility, sºyéveta. Noble, (of persons or actions) yeyvatos, &, ov, and os, ov; '3'yā98s, compar. Kpeto a wy, "Čuetvov, Bext{ov, superl. ’āpiatos, kpártotos, BéAttoros ; kaxos (à Att., & elsewhere), compar, kaaXiov, káAAtotos ; (of persons only) eityevis; yeuvââas, ov, only masc.; Böxluos, or ; + trpató-Yovos, ov. The nobles, oi So- icobvres, Eur.; of 8éAria rol, Xen. Noble-looking, éAeū6epos, a, ov, and os, ov. Carrying himself nobly (of a horse), Aevöspoupyás, Noble-minded, geyā- 6vuos, ov; aeyāAóibüxos, ov. See Illustrious. Nobleness, eityévéla ; yeyvalóTms, mtos, #. Nobly, yepwatos, kāAós, ºf eiyévôs. Nobody, où6els, où6epta, etc.; Amöels (once in pl. pum 6éves, Xen.); +ottis, é, í, etc. You being a nobody opposed me on behalf of one who is nobody, oùöèv &v toº uměv čvréatms ſtep, Soph.; so Nobodies, oëöévés, Eur. See None. Nobody will deny this, oùk’ taru 8s tdö’ &vrepet, Soph. Nocturnal, ºf Švvixos, ov. See Nightly. To mod, veðw, only act.; kátáveiſw, Érivetw. To make by a nod a sign to a person to do a thing, tékveta, c. acc. pers. and infin. A nod, vetºua, T6. Causing to nod, F vua Takths, oil, é (of sleep). Noise, 800mos, ºpos, #xn, ktüros ; + ktürmuz, té (of anything rattling, as arms, also of the sea); t të. Tâyos ; 80% (prop. of the voice, but also of musical instruments, and of the sea); (only of voices) &pó0s; ºf pKoſačos (of men, battle, or sea); Śāpiśos (only made by men, etc.). A shrill noise, k\ayyfi. Sub- terraneous noises, #80ſwijkot, Empty noise, ºf yoAo- routria. - The noise of beating the breast with the hands, xepd- TAmktol 500tol, Soph. See Sound. To make a noise, ktüréa, aor. 2. čktürov, also pass. in same sense; KX4ſo, fut. KAdyśa, etc.; Soutréa, perf. 6éôovira, only act.; Sopišéa (esp. of men). See To sound. To make a noise in opposition, &vritätäyéa. Afraid of noise, iſoq,06eñs. A noisy person, ºf icóðwy, wwos, 6. Noiseless, +&ipopos, ov; +&ipáqºmros, ov. Noiselessly, & Joºpmtí. Noisy, popóöms, #8pówtos. Noisome, Sistóóms, ºf Kákoop,0s, ov. Nominal, Övouátóms. To nominate, ávopºd ſo. See To name, Nomination, Övögåros &érus, Plat. None, oùöels, où6epta, odóēv (rare beyond sing, in the general sense, though Xen. has pl.); uměels (pl. masc, in Xen. and Plat.), often divided by fiv, etc., as umb &vels; +oğris, twos, 6, #. Non-appearance,—an action brought on account of the non-appearance of a witness, Airouapriptov Štrºm, Dem. See Quiet. 280 - Non-intercourse—Notably Non-intercourse, ’āpušía, sometimes c. gen, of those with whom. Nonsense, p}\vāpia, Afipos, "j9A0s. To talk nonsense, Ampéw, trāpāAmpéw, pāvāpéo [none of these words have any mid. or pass.] A talking nonsense, trāpāAñpmois, eas, i. One who talks nonsense, pāvāpós. Nonsensical, Ampºèms. Nonsensically, Ampaşâs. A nook, uixás. See Corner. Noon, we'rmuépia; uégorm āktis, Soph.; uéral Boxal, Eur.; uegoûora juépa, Xen. At noon, or of or belonging to noon, weamuspivos, Megm- Pepivás. To pass the noon, weamuspid ſo, only act. A noose, 8póxos ; tāupa, td ; t dºpa. ſ With many nooses, toxiff'époxos, ov. ! Nor, oùóē, answering oijöö or oùic, sometimes answering otre, sometimes following a negative compound (e.g. a coast untrodden and not inhabited, 3rth, ... àrrel- Tros oë6' oikovuévn, Soph.); otte, answering otte or oùr (the first negative is sometimes, though rarely, omitted); p.möè, answering uměč or ph, or sometimes pºſite, esp. used with imperatives (which oùöğ and oùre are not); uſite, answering pºſite or ºft. The north, Bopéas, ov, 6; Śpictos, ii, also in pl. Who were at anchor in Malea, north of the city, oi Špuovu èv Tī MāAég trpos Bopéav tís tróżews, Thuc. The north wind, Bopéas, ov, 6; 8áññas. The north-east wind, ºf Katicias, ov, 6. The north star, t πtos, i. Northerly (of or belonging to the north), Boğatos, +8ópeios; fem. # 80pets, éð0s, i. Eaposed to the north, f Tp(séogâ0s, ov. The nose, Éls, Éivös, # ; Avictºp, fipos, 6, usu. in pl. (i.e. the nostrils); also ºf &vtmpiöes, ai. With bad nose (i. e. with no, or defective, power of smell), ºpis, ivos, 6, # (of hounds); ’āpivos, ov. Hook-nosed, 'ypirós : étriºſpitros, ov. A being hook-nosed, YpuTótms, mTOs, i. Snub-nosed, aluds ; Giuotpágotos, ov. A being snub-nosed, gluótms, mtos, i. To wipe one's nose, ’āTopºgo'opal, mid. One must blow one's nose, t'étropºvićtéov, c, dat. pers. The nose-band (of a bridle), tºpipós. A nosegay, otépávos. Not, où, before a consonant odic, before an aspirate oùx, also oixi ; pºi, “used in cases where the nega- tion depends on some previous condition either ex- pressed or implied, while of denies absolutely and in- dependently, so that pºi expresses subjectively that one thinks a thing is not, où objectively that it is not, —the same is the distinction between the compounds of pººl and ot,” LIDD. Sc.; [wº comes esp. after all conditional and contingent conjunctions, ei, Šte, éðv, Štav, etc., after final conjunctions, &s, Štra's, $ote, iva, etc., followed by an opt. if the preceding verb be in the past tense, by a subj. if the preceding verb be in the pres. or fut, according to Dawes's canon, but the subj. is sometimes used where strictly the opt. would be expected ; u} is used after 30tus (od very rarely, though it is not unfrequently used after Ös); p?) is used in commanding (oč by itself never) with imper, if the verb be in the pres, tense, sometimes c. infin., with subj, if the verb be in either aorist; often used with part, when it is equal to ei uh and indic. or kaitep pºl (e.g.—I should be wicked if I were not to do ..., kaicos wh Späv &vetºv ..., Soph.); used also with # in asking questions when a negative answer is expected (in Att. 7 is sometimes omitted), while after 3 oi, an affirmative answer usually follows]. The two are often joined, où pººl strengthening the negation, usu. c. fut, indic, but also c, aor. Subj., usu. in a sort of fut. sense (when with fut. the clause is interrog.); pººl od meaning either lest not, or coming after verbs of delaying, doubting, denying, etc. c. infin., also after all words implying a negative, as words of fear, shame, etc. (e. g. aioxpov. . . whoj, Plat.); when ph où is followed by infin. To is often set before ph où. Surely not, trós yöp, Plat.; uh y&p, Eur. Plat. Not at all, by no means, in no manner, otºrws, où6èv, où6äuäs; oiââuá, uměčuń (umbap.6 has a elided as if short); uměšuðs, p.māauot, Amöév; &px?iv, with neg. où, wh, umöé, oiáels, etc. That not, after verbs of taking care, etc., wh: Not even, où6*, uměé. Is it not 2 fi Yáp . . . ; Plat. Not yet, oùrw. - Not only not, oùx Širos; pººl Štros, c. indic.; ph 8, ri. For not only if any thing of this has been done by me, but if..., u}, yūp &ti ei Témpactat uot tº towtwº &AA’ ei ..., AEschin. Certainly, oipuevotºv, sometimes divided, the ot, being contained in some other word, as deserving nothing ; oùöevös uèv oãv ščios, Plat. Notable, étrio muos, ov. See Notorious. Notably, repušojTws, - 28] Notary—Numbing A notary (a public one), 6muágios. A notch, Évrumua, Tó; Évrouñ. The notch in an arrow, YAübiöes, ai. To notch, iſ évtéuva, no aor. 1, act, perſ. —Tétºumka. A note, (in music, etc.) Tóvos; (esp. on a stringed instrument) + kpoijua, Tó. An epistolary note, étur Toxi, See Letter. ginal note or comment, träpäypâqi. A note-book, 6éAtos, i. To note, i öextéopal, mid, no pass. in going on, Tāpāo muatva. Nothing, obôév. See None. You not only would not give it to any one for nothing, où6evl by uh 3, ri tpolica 50tms, Xen. To think nothing of, eis oi6év táepal, AEsch.; oëöä- Hot Aéya, où6ápot wouí(w, AEsch. Soph. See To despise. To be good for nothing, eiul oiââºod, Xen. But cowards are in all cases good for nothing, belxo) 6’ eiolv oibév oãapoo, Eur, Nothingness, où6evta. Notice, étuo Tpoſph. A public notice, Tpolypāqº (written and put up some- where); so Tpóypaupa, Tó. To speak at only a few days' notice, é; ÖAfyov juspáv Aéyetv, Lys, also êt àxfyov, Lys. To take notice of (euphemism for to punish), ário"po- q}v troubüpal, Dem. Lest any notice be taken of it, 8tra's pil tus ériotpop? 'yāvmtal, Thuc. To notice, étuotpépopal, mid., c. aor. 2. pass. in act. sense, c, gen, or c, čirl, and dat. See To observe. To put up a public notice, Tpoypāºw, sometimes c. acc. of the matter given notice of. To give notice to, êtrayyáAAw, Dem, To notify, a mucíva. See To announce. Notification, ºf trāpāy-yeapa, Té. Notion, yuápm. See Opinion. Notoriety, ICAé0s, to, only sing. (rare in bad sense). See Fame. Notorious, Yvápiuos, m, ov, rarely os, ov; Éirformuos, ov (esp. in a good sense); trepišómros, ov (in both good and bad sense); toxiàpixmtos, ov; +&otöiuos, ov (usu, in good sense). See Famous. Notoriously, Treptéofita's. To be, or to become, notorious, Aaptpüvouai, pass. Notwithstanding, Šuals. See Nevertheless. Novel, calvös, ‘i ms. See New. Novelty, Kalvátms, mºtos, i. A mar- To make notes See Announcement. November, Malpakrºptèv, &vos, 3 (began about the middle of November). Nought (to set at nought), où'ěšuoi, Aéya, Soph. See Nothing. A noun, Švoua, Tó. To nourish, Tpépa, Tétpoſpa, in both act. and pass. sense, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass. sense; ’āvārpépo; Bógico, only pres, and imperf.; at the same time, or together with, ovutpéºw, more usu, in pass.; ovaTāpā- Tpéq,w. See To rear, To cherish. Nourishing life, I pāori oos, ov (of the earth, etc.); ovutpágos @ms, Xen. Nourishing all things, or many things, t toxiéotos, ov; froxiºpéugov, ovos, ô, h; † travtotpápos, ov; † Trap!6&tis, ió0s, ii, voc. trap.6&ti, only fem.; (of an animal rearing her young etc.) + travtpópos, ov. See Nutritious. Nourished together with, oivrpoſpos, ov, sine cas, or c. dat. Nourishment, Tpop), Šušrpopff; Tpopeſa Bíov, Soph. t& Sertãpia, Soph. Good nourishment, eitpopta. Now, vov, vvvi (not in Trag.); #5m, &pri (esp. “exactly now,” “even now,” “now first”); joined, vöv &pti, Plat.; evta.00a. Now, as come now, etc., 6%; + viv, enclit., usu. with an imper., as āye vvv, or with a word equal to an imper., as, 6eſpá vvv, also c. interr., as Tis vuv. Before now, #öm. Now then (do so and so, if you dare, after what I have said, etc.), Tpos Taita, Soph. Until now, bedp' àel, Eur, Nowhere, oùöäu08, uměčplot, ; pumöäuñ. From no. where, občapóffew or -0e; p.möapuá0ev or -6e. From nowhere else, p.möapá0ev &AA00ev, Plat. To nowhere, nowhither, où6apóge, uměauðge, p.möapoi, Nowise, où6äuós. See Not at all. Noxious, (mu&6ms, ‘i Aiypós, See Pernicious. The nozzle (of a lamp), F uvictºlp, fipos, 6. To nudge, t £aykovićw, only act. Nudity, yuplvörns, mºros, i. Null, 'ékúpos. To nullify, kátáAúa'; 'f orvyxéa. Nullity, où6éveta. See Nothing. To numb, ouptrečda'; vapków Trotéa, Plat. To be numb, + paxictów. So that my hand became numbed in your garment, "Qor' évôāvely ye gots Trétraotor Xelp' éuhu, Eur. Numbing, vapkóðms. A numbing, vápkouts, eas, ii. See To annul. 282 Numbness—Oath Numbness, vöpkm. Number, àpiðuós; +’āpi'94 mua, T6. A number (i. e. a great number), TA760s, Tó. And a body of the allies, sia, thousand in number, és éčakia Xixious Šč to givrayua Töv čuppdxou, Xen. In immense numbers, ’āuffixávot to TAñ00s, Xen, Meither first nor second, nor any number whatever, oi, trpátos, où6é Öeūrepos, où6’ 6troorosody, Dem. It is stated what number of generations after Hercules he was, &ropºvnuovečeTai Štrootös & p’ ‘Hpakaéovs éyé- vero, Xen. Of the same number as, "tootamós, sine cas, or c. dat.; 'io àpiðuos, ov. Numberless, ’āvāpi"9mm"tos; piðuos, ov; +’âtrelpégios, ov. Numerical, *āpiðumricós. Numerous, troAvs, troAAh, troxt, compar. TAéov and TAetwV, superl, TAetotos. See Many. Nuptial, vvuºpicbs, fuvppeios; + viſuquos, a, ov, and 2 y - sº v. ãvápiówos, ov; +’āvā- os, ov, (of a song) + vugſbóttuos, ov. See Bridal. Nuptials, yāuos. See Marriage. A nurse, Tpopbs, ii (also 6 when necessary), often used of a country, etc.; Tiëſivm; ºf Títóm; watc.; (as a a country is of her people, etc.) + koupótpopos, 6, #; +Tpopets, 6 (also il, AEsch.); +&péirtelpa, i. A nurse's office, titóeta. To nurse, Tiëmyéopal, mid.; Turflečw. To nurse an invalid, v00 mAetºw, only act. in this sense. - A nursing, Tiëſivmaſis, eas, h; of an invalid, '000- Tpopia. A nursling, Spéupa, Tó. Nurture, &epåreta; Sepārevua, té. A nut, kāpwov. Nutritious, ačiuos; Tpópiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; + eitpāqis. A mylghau, intréAáq,0s. A mymph, viſuſpn. Of, or belonging to, the nymphs, vvu(batos. (). 0, '0 (an expression of wishing, O that, etc.), effe, c. opt., also c, indic. of past tenses, of things which have not been or could not be; i. ei Yap. See Wish. To cry O ! # &a, only pres, and imperf act. An oak, 3pts, 3pwbs, h, acc, 8pāv, nom. and acc. pl. often contr. Spüs; + (prybs, i. Of, or belonging to, oak, 3ptivos. An oak coppice, Spvpubs, pl. oi and tò (in sing. Ü, in pl. ii when neut.) Covered with (bearing) oak, i öpvoyóvos, ov. An oar, kêtm (prop. the handle of the oar); Taporos (prop. the blade of the oar, used also for the whole line of oars on one side of a vessel); ‘Fépetpıöv, + éAärm; koppabs vauticós, Eur. Having oars, iconiipms; on both sides, &pſpnpikós; +&p- pfipms. With two oars, 8ff:poros, ov; +&icatos, ov. With twenty oars, eiicóoropos, ov. With fifty oars, Tev- Tnkövtopos, ov. With oars urging on the ship on both sides, butpótotal kórats, Eur. With white (foaming) oars, i Aevichpetuos, ov. Employed at the oar, ticatrāpms (epith. of xeip). The noise of oars, + thröAos. To furnish with oars, # &peruća (of the An oasis, Šáois, eas, m. sailors). Oats, aiyixoiſ, wros, 6 (a species of wild oats); [the food of horses amongst the Greeks was a sort of coarse barley and rye, Kpuð) and (eid] An oath, Špicos, Špicuov; ºf Špkapia, T6. An oath taken by each side, 8topogfa. A faithful oath, tº eiðpropa. To take an oath, Špicov. čuvvul, etc.; Śpicou trototpat, §pkov &roötöwal, and + špkov 6tówput; +&picoy givá- Tra. See To swear. And do thou both take an oath to us by the Gods, ſcal ort, jutu &eóv Te Tuotö. Totmºrov, Xen. See To swear. To administer an oath, ea act an oath from, àpkov ötöopat; Śpicou Aap,6&vo; &picous trepiéáAAw, c. acc. pers., Eur. To bind by an oath, Öpków; triotów Śpicots, Thuc.; trio Téopal ‘āq,’ &picov, Soph.; Év Špicots (etyviſual, Eur. To break an oath, ēttopicéa, Špictov avyxéa, Eur.; ékXeſtra àpkov, Eur.; Śpkov Tapašaiva, Eur. See Perjure. To keep an oath, eiopicéa'; £utrečów Śpicov (sometimes even €ute860 by itself); €utrečopkéw, only act.; Śpicq: éupéva, Eur. He did not break his oaths, oilk . . . ºpkov & peiae triativ, Eur. To write oaths in sand, Épkovs eis 'Śēap Ypäpº, Soph. - - An oath is kept, Śpkos pével, fur. 283 Obduracy—Obliquely * • * ~ * - •y & 6 & f 3. * 3 * * º g ey - of, or belonging to, oaths, presiding over oaths, sworn by, eapedition, où’ &AAo TpovX%pel abroſs obôºv & #wska invoked in an oath, śpicios, a, ov, more usu. 0s, Op. Secured to a person by another's oath, ēvopkos, ov. She tells the youth under the seal of an oath, 8t’ &picov tratēl amplaivet, Eur. Keeping an oath, eiſopicos, ov. It is consistent with a person's oath for him to do . . . effopicóv čott, c. dat. pers. and infin., Thuc. In accordance with an oath, adv., ºf eiópicos. Bound by an oath, ēvopkos, ov; + švápotos, ov; +6té- wotos, ov; +öpicios, a, ov, more usu, os, ov. Bound together by an oath, givopkos, ov. Not established by oath, 'évôuotos, ov. The officer who administers an oath, Špkwths, où, 6. Obduracy, a KAmpótºms, mtos, i. - Obdurate, oriºmpós. See Obstinate. Obdurately, a kNmpôs. Obedience, reiðapxia, treið6; &kpóðats, eas, i. In obedience to what law now do I say this 3 Tivos váuov 3% rajra Tpès xáptu Aéyw; Soph. Obedient, àirákoos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat.; Käråkoos, ov; sūtreiðſs; ºf treiðapxos, ov. Obedient to men, treičvap, opos, 6, #. Obediently, eúmvíos. Obeisance, Tposkivmals, eos, i. To do obeisance to, irpositivéa, fut. -how, more usu. —forouai, also aor. 1. Tposékú02. See Homage. An obelisk, 66exós. Obesity, TióTºms, mºtos, fl. See Fat. To obey, 'ülcobo, fut. "&cotoroual, most usual perf. &ichkoa, c. gen.; eisakota, c, gen, or dat, or acc.; ‘ūtrakoúw, c. gen, or c. dat.; reiðupial, mid. and pass. [HERMANN AND ELLENDT say that triflow aor. 2. imper. implies a more instant obedience than treibov, imper. pres.], fut, mid. aor. 2. and aor. 1. pass, esp. used in this sense, c. dat, rarely c. gen; reiðapxéa, no pass.; ’ākpoéopal, mid, no pass., c. gen.; + špé- troplat, c, dat. One must obey, Telo Téov, c. dat.; ‘ūreiktéov, ‘ūrākov- atéov. An object, a kotós. (Troy) an object for the fire of the enemy, rupl géAovoav 6aig, Eur, Those who live for the (sole) object of amassing money, oi éirl Tä roi, TXeoveitteſv trpoaipéael Gºvtes, Dem. Hercules starting off on another object, atrovöv ćit’ #AAmy ‘Hpgkåås épudºuevos, Eur. Nor did they succeed in any of the other objects of their êorpätevo av, Thuc. It would be a great object to the king, 68&qixei's Trépi trövtos &v trotho atto, Xen. They speak with a view to their own private objects, évéka Tów airtois ièíg Stapópov Aéyoval, Xen.; so Tô ióíg orvuſpépovra, Lys. He has some private object, ióſg tº airq àtapépel, Thuc. All these reports have this object, afrai ai &yºyeXtal toūto 65uavtat, Thuc. - To object (in the way of reproach, faults to any one, etc.), trpoq’épo, fut, -otow, aor. 1. —fiveyita, aor. 2. —fiveykov, no mid, or pass. in this sense, c. acc. rei. dat. pers.; Titiuáw, c. acc. rei, dat. pers, or c, dat, pers. and Ös. See To blame. *. To object (i, raise objections in arguing, etc.), viotă- pal, sine cas. or c, dat.; Stéfépouai, mid., c. &s; +‘ūTavráo, c. dat.; beforehand, Tpoeviotăpal; in re- ply, àvtiriſmut; &vöötroëáAAw, no aor. 1., perf. -éé- 6Amka. To object (i.e. be unwilling to do, etc.), &ptotalia, pass. c. fut, mid, aor. 2. act, and perf. and pluperf. act., C. gen. To hear what he objects to in the argument, àicoworal tº ač 36e éykaAe? Tó Aó)4, Plat. One must object beforehand, Tpoevotátéov, sine cas, or c. dat. Objection, êykAmuo, Tá; áutiami! is, h; ois, i. If there were no objections, el ti u% &roicoat ot, Thuc. If you have no objection, ei Šuiv puff Ti Ölapépet, Plat, To be liable to the same objection, t’aito &ºicxlua #xw, Plat. - Objectionable, éutobioticós, trposévrms. Objurgation, êtrixmipts, ews, h. See Reproof. Oblation, 'éváðmua, T6. See Offering. - Obligation, (i. e. kindness done) "itroëpympia, td; (i. e. necessity, q.v.) 'évayich. To lie under an obligation, ÖgetAw, no perf, c. infin, or c. acc.; &uropetàw. - To oblige, (i.e. compel, q.v.) 'évaykáço; (by kind- mess, etc.) &vaptdopal, mid, c. perf. pass. See To benefit. Obliging, figötos, 2, ov, and os, ov; ; sixepſis. Rind. Oblique, trašytos, a, ov, and os, ov; &ykápotos, + 66xptos, + Aočás. f Obliquely, Čykapatas, êvo Tá- See 284. Obliterate—Obtain To obliterate, ºpévíſo, SãAeſpo, kvinta; tººth. Kw, perf. -térmica, in pass. sens. What can be obliterated, ŠictXüros, ov. Obliteration, 'ābāvious, 7. Oblivion, Añ0m. See Forgetfulness. Oblivious, &pºvăuwy, ovos, 6, ii, sine c., or c, gen. Forgetful. Oblong, Śrepowfikºs, trpouſikms. Obloquy, Šveið0s, tá. See Reproach. 0bnoxious, étríq,00vos, ov. See Hated. Obscene, 'ürpetrás. a- - Obscenity, &tpéteia; (of language) aloxpoffmu.orium, See Indecency. - - Obscure (of things, events, etc.), "špāvās; ’ānxos, ov; ’āuavpós; (of persons) 'éðoč0s, ov; + &yvös, Ötos, 6, #. See Ignoble. Obscure (of speeches, oracles, reports, etc.), 'üoºpſis; Süskpitos, ov; 5vstércuoptos, ov; + šakotos, ov; + Sustórgatos, ov; ‘āo muos, ov. See Dark. An obscure saying, Havreta. Obscurely, 'ügāpās; 'éóñAws, superl. —6tata; † 6vs- tºpiro's. To obscure, ºf ugupów, ‘i’âuavpów. See To Cancel. Obscurity, (of any kind)’āpāveia; (of meaning)’āoš. qeta; (of rank) &yvoortz, ‘āāošía; (of birth) &yévéla. Obsequies, i kreptopata, Tâ. See Funeral. Obsequious, 'épeakos. To be obsequious to, and so to gain over, ék0epâtreča. Obsequiousness, ’āpégkeia. Observable, étripăvăs. See Remarkable. Observance, &epätretc.; (of laws, etc.) tipmoſis, ii; (i.e. respect) + šutpot?), c. gem., Soph. Observant, &epāTevrikos, c. gen.; (of men) + 8poro- oricóros, ov. Observation (i. e. watching, q.v.), pëAäkä. To observe (i. e. watch, take notice of, etc.), ºpiºdorora, (and still more commonly “to keep,” of oaths, laws, etc.), [also perf. pass. in act. or intrans. Sense, to be observant]; rmpéo (like puxgoo'a), fut, mid., some- times in pass. sense, but no pass. voice; with the eyes, évopów, fut. Šváthouot, aor. Švetºov; ; Kätorteño; with the mind, voéw, évvoéo; + ºppéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in trans. sense; (i. e. to perceive, q.v.) al- oflávouai, fut. -0%gopal, aor. 2. flatéamu; besides, Tposevivoéa'; (i. e. to keep oaths, laws, etc.) éupévo, only act, c. dat.; triuéva. The laws which they observed, vépoi ois éxpóvro, Thuc. One must observe, piñakréov, f pińaktéa, tºpmºréov, kátávomtéov. See Effaceable. See What must be observed, pińc.icté0s. Obsolete, àpxatórporos, ov; ÉwÅos, ov; fråkalās; (of laws, etc.) 'écipos, ov. To grow obsolete, TâAaléopal, pass.; &rogéévviſual, pass, A being obsolele, or nearly so, träNalórms, mTOs, i. An obstacle, évautſoua, T6. See Hindrance. Obstinacy, pixotiuta, pińovetkia, SisärgåAačía. Obstinate, 8vstreiðfis; 6tstewatos, ov; kaptepbs, c. Tpès and acc.; ‘āufixávos, ov; +’áreykros, ov; + o-refiftös, Öv; for repedºppov, ovos, h; (of a battle) ãvtåröttos, ov. An obstinate man, oiośćtns ppévos, Soph. - And not to be too obstinate, kal to Wii reſvety &yay, Soph. An obstinate disposition, 6 aitoööğ (adv.) Tpótos, Ar. Obstinately, a teññós, òvstreto Tws. To be obstinate, pixovetkéw, only act.; ’āyav teſvæ, Soph. Obstreperous, hoſpóöms. See Noisy. To obstruct, Épitroët: a, c. acc. pers., sometimes c. dat, c. ph and infin., or c. rot, and infin.; Évlotapal, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act., c. dat. See To hinder. Obstruction, êutóðuapa, Tó, Obstructive, éatrööuos, ov, c. dat, pers, or c. gen., c. toū uh and infin. of anything to be done. To obtain, któopal, mid., perf. pass. in act. sense both Icéictmual and éictmual, aor. 1. pass. in pass. sense ; éructáouai ; Aayxávo, fut. Aftogal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAäxov, perf. AéWoyxa, c. acc. or c. gem.; Tvyxávo, fut. Tetêopal, aor. 2. čTüxov, other tenses except im- perf, not used in this sense, c. gen, sometimes c. acc., also often c. gen, pers, or c. Éic and gen, pers. from whom the thing is obtained ; &Toxayxºva, ; Tpostvy- Xávo, c. gem.; Tihatſw, only act.; eiptoica, fut. eūpāow, no aor. 1, aor. 2, eipov, perf, eipnica, pass. eipmual, aor, 1. pass, eúpé0mu, fut, mid. eipſigiouai, sometimes in pass. sense ; icoptſopal, mid.; + Icipéa, no perf, c. gen.; beforehand, Tpoxapéâva, fat. —Aff- thopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. -stampa ; by entreaty, ºf Túpattéopal, mid.; + ščaitéopal, some- times c. acc. of the person from whom ; by legal claim, Čirićikágouai, mid.; by lot after, émixayxãva ; in return, &vtitvyxãva. They said that the Lacedæmonians had obtained all that they wanted from the king, Aeyov Šti Aakečaipávio. trávray &v 5éovtat retpayótes siev trapā Baatačas, Xen. One must obtain, kritéov. What may be obtained, is obtained, krm'rós. Able to obtain, retritikos, c. gen. 285 Obtaining—Offensive The art of obtaining, i krmtitch. Likely to obtain his request, Tpakticós. An obtaining, Érirevěts, eas, # ; by entreaty, trāpaſ. 7mois, eos, i. To obtrude, &0éa, fut. 30%g w, also &ga, ; also to obtrude oneself, &0&ouai, pass. See To thrust. Obtuse, kwºbbs, &péAüs. See Blunt. To obviate, 'ütrotpétro. Obvious, pâvepos, &, ov, and bs, 6v. See Evident. Obviously, pávepôs. Occasion, Kalpös; 'épopuh, c. gen, or c, dat. See Opportunity. To watch occasions, kalpoſpiñákéw, c. acc. Occasional, 6 Tpostuxāv. Occasionally, Éotlv Šte. See Sometimes. To occasion, totéo ; TposéâAAw, no aor. 1., perf. –éé. ŚAmica, etc. See To cause. Occult, Kputtós. See Secret. 0ccupation, Čoxoxia. A person's occupation or trade, etc., trpayuáreta. A previous occupation (of a country), trpoevoticmo is, eas, i. To occupy, Šxaſ, fut. §§o, no aor. I., aor. 2. čaxov, perf. §oxmica, aor. 1. pass. 60x60mv, etc.; kátéxaſ, étréxw; véuw, and mid. véuopal (as always in prose), no pass. (esp. of occupying land); (esp. of occupying countries, posts in war, houses, etc.) 'êtroAapéâva, fut. —Afthoual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamºpa, etc.; kátáAapéðvø ; áirotkéw, sometimes even c. dat. of the enemy, as a position against whom the place is occupied. To occupy oneself, or be occupied in (any business, etc.), évéxopal, pass. (also by any feeling, etc.);...&MiAéw, c. dat.; &vréxopal, mid., c. gen.: Käxlvöéoſſal, pass., c. v and dat, or c. repl and acc.; ovvölärpiša, c. dat.; #x0, 81& xelpos, wetā xeipas, év xepal, c. acc. of the business. To occupy (another person) with busi- ness, &oxoxtau pinxãváopal, mid., c. dat. pers, Xen. They were occupied with the harvest, €v Kapirot avyko- pubfi ſão av, Thuc. To be occupied (as a post in war), ‘āAtokopal, fut. &Aá- orouai, no aor. 1, aor, 2. čáAww. To occur (i. e. to happen, q.v.), Tvyxávo, aor. 2. #Tüxov, other tenses not used in this sense ; (as an idea occurs to a person) eisépxouai, fut, eisexeffo'ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. eisix009, perf, eisexhAü6a, c. dat. or c. acc.; répxopal, c. dat.; Tröpfatäuat, pass., c. aor. 2., perf. and pluperf, act, c, dat.; tırelpi (étiéval). It has just occurred to me, fixòe 3’ &pti Moi Yvéſums êow, Eur. |An occurrence, avvtüxſa. See Event. Ocean, t’Okéâvos. Ochre, &xpa. October, IIváveiſióv, &vos, 6 (began about the middle. of October), Ocular, I know by ocular demonstration, &t' àºuá- Twy treč60p.at, Æsch. See Eye. Odd, (not even) treptoroos, okäAmvés; (i. e. not usual) +’áń0ms. An odd number of times, reptoróris. An ode, §uvos, göfl. Odious, eigformtos, ov. Odoriferous, eúðöms. Odour, Öoºf. (Economy, oikovouta. See Economy. Of (i. e. about, concerning), trepi, c. gen.; Érl, c. dat. Of greater value, Tepl TAetovos, Thuc. See Hateful. See Fragrant. The friends of, the troops of, such an one, oi repl, c, acc., Xen. Of wood (i. e. made of), &tro &#xov, Xen. Of one's own accord, ép' éautoi, Plat. No one of men, où'ěels éir’ &vÉpétrov, - oijöels &v- 6póTov, Soph. Qſ, or belonging to, me, trap' éuol, - éubs, Xen. I never repented of having been silent, où6érote were- péAmoré uot alyſig'avtu, Plat. 0ff, Šictroë&v. He made a sign to us to stand off, Éévevo’ &Tootfival Tpóo w, Eur. The sea-fight off Lesbos, # vavºtaxia Tepl Aégéov, Xen. Offal, Tpäxjāta, td. Offence, uſiviua, Tó ; 8Aášá; tıpéskpovapua, T6. See Error. To offend, 8Adirta ; trposkpoto, c. dat.; trposfortäual, pass., c. aor. 2., perf. and pluperf. act, c. dat.; (i. e. to be offensive) ‘āfcoopéa, only act, sine cas, pers., sometimes c. repl and acc. of the matter in which ; against the law, 'übiréa, Tapavogéa. To be offended with, 6tašáAAopal, pass., perſ. —éééAm- pal, c, dat. or c. Tºbs and acc.; 6üsävaoxetéo, c, acc.; ŚāsāpeoTéa, c, dat. To speak at all so as to give offence, trpos épyāv 'ri &vrettreſv, Thuc. & Without giving offence, ’āAüiros, ov. Void of offence, &vagóptmtos, ov. See Innocent. Without giving offence, adv. &Ağıros. He gave no offence, &vepºéantov ºv airó, AEschin " This gave no offence, toiro àveuéantov, Plat, An offender, kākotīpyos. See Criminal. - Ofensive, AUTºpós ; (in mil. tactics) — a general skil- 286 Offer—Old ..ful in defensive and offensive operalions, otpātmyos ão påAhs kai éſiderikös, Xen. And receive us both as friends, but neither of us in an offensive alliance, 6éxed 6e 6: &pſpotépovs q’íAovs, étrl troAéup 5& Mºmč' étépous, Thuc. To offer, Ötöwpt, Tporeſva, ; 1., aor. 2. —eoxówmv, etc.; (peace, etc.) TpokaAéouai, mid., c. acc. pers. and acc. rei, or és and acc. rei; (victims, gifts, etc.) to the Gods, ’āvāTiênui, i kā03. 'yvíſa (see To sacrifice); a new sacrifice, ‘i calvotopiča, c. acc. (kalvås teNetēs). To offer, intrans. (as an opportunity offers, etc.), Träpä- Titt w, fut. —Tegoûpal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. —Tétoica ; tāpārvyxãva, aor. 2. —érüxov (other tenses rare in this sense). They immediately put Salaethus to death, though he made considerable offers (to induce them to spare him), Tov pºv XàAa10ov eiðūs & réicteuvav, Šotiv & Tapexópevov, Thuc. Seeing an opportunity offered to his sword of striking a blow, TAmy?iv Guðjpg, trapabo6eſorav sistöðv, Eur. An offering (, sp. to the Gods), Süpa, Tó; ‘āváðmua, Tá; + kańAto Tevpua, T6. An offering made or poured forth with one's own hand, + xelpopa, Tó. Off-hand, träpäxp?pa. Office, TéAos, T6; Tiah ; (of authority) &pxh, ēšovata, A public office (imposed on a citizen by the state), Xeltovpyía. Those in office, oi év táAel 866%tes, Soph. See Magis- trate. To serve a public office, Aeltovpyéo. An officer (of any public body, etc.), ‘ūtrmpétms, ov (answering to the Latin apparitor). Without having a proper officer appointed to it, 'évap- X0s, ov. Obedience to your officers, toſs &pxovoſt refóeoréal. To officiate, 6tākovéo, sometimes c. acc. of the matter in which. Officious, troxvirpáygov, ovos, 6, #. To be officious, troAirpayuovéa, only act. Officiousness, troAirpayuorišvn. Offspring, yévos, Tó ; yová ; or répua, ré ; + 3A&- ormuz, Tá; ratówv BAáotal, Soph. Unborn off. spring, + péppa, T6. See Child. Often, troXAâris, and poet, often troAAšići; Sãuškis, Śāuivě, troXAá. Very often, pipiškis, taetorráicis. Oftener, TXeovákis. As often as, 60 gris; 6troor&icis, sometimes c. 8v; £weið, Tpoéxopal, mid, no adr. So often, tooſavtdicts. How often ? too dicts; Oil, éAatov ; +&Aelpa, only nom. and acc. neut. An oil-press, éA&toup'yetov. Producing much oil, toxvéMatos, ov. A seller of oil, éAatotröAms, ov, 6. To oil (i. e. anoint with oil), ºf éAatów. To oil with oil unmia!ed with water (as wrestlers oiled their bodies), śmpañoupéa. Oiliness, Airãpótºms, mitos, i. Oily, ÉAalmpos, + šAathets. Ointment, ‘āAouph, wipov; xplorua, Té; Hiſpapa, ró. Of ointment (i.e. containing ointment), tº pipmpós. The art of preparing ointments, ii wipeibich. Old, (in every sense) TâAatos (ai sometimes in Att.); compar. –atótepos, also –aitepos, etc.; &pxaíos ; 'yāpov, ovtos, 6, #, Tô yépov, no compar, or superl. ; 'yepatós (ai often in Att.), compar. –aitepos, superl. —attatos; (i. e. aged, of persons only) Yºmpatós, ò, ov, and bs, 6v ; troAtós, ò, ov, and bs, by (used even of things, reports, etc.); Tpegºs, compar. -ótepos, superl. —tſtätos and —tºrtos (N.B. as adj. only in compar. and superl., the pos. being always used as subst.), + TâAa16dpov, ovos, 6, #; TāAaig utpoſpos juépg (of men), Soph. See Ancient. Very old, toxi- 'yńpaos, ov, contr. —pos, -pov; trautrāAatos, ºftpi)épov. He was thirty years old, fīv Tpudicovta étáv, Xen. Old age, yūpas, Tb, gen. —gos, dat. -ai, contr. (as always in Att.) Yipos, yāpg, no pl. ; tāAgić, juépa, Soph. Eatreme old age, t to 'ütepyſipov. A happy old age, eirympía. The imbecility of old age, TâAatótºms, Titos, i. An old man, Yépov, ovros, 6; Tperéirms, ov, 6, some- times as adj. (e. g. with Tatip, etc.), i trpeséös, eas, 6. Ridiculous names for an old man, oropos, ii (lit. a bier), túšos (lit. a tomb), Tpiº, Tpüyös, ii (lit. dregs or wine), all in Aristophanes. A body of old men, + Tpéoéos, ró. A council of old men, yepovata. Like an old man, or like that of an old man, Tpeg Sir"- kös, yepovticós. An old woman, Ypatis, Ypábs, sometimes as adj. (i. e. with yuv}, etc.), trpegéötis, idos, ace. also tu ; + ypcztá. And respect your old mother, aftöed at 8& pºſitépa troXAów érôv kampooxov, Soph. He is old, (as we say, advanced in years) trpóow ues #öm Bioros, Eur. c. opt. 287 Old-fashioned——On Receiving the old, ºf Tpeo’éütočákos. º To guide or to teach an old man, ºf yepovtåywyéo, only act. -- - An old mother, firãAaloºftop, opos, # (of an ances- tress). ; To be old, Tpeočeňa, only act, in this sense, To grow old, 'ympáakw, fut. Ympāoopal, aor. 1. Čyāpāva; kārāympágico, Tápméâw. To grow old together with, ovyympágical, ovykäräympáokw. To grow old before, Tpoympágico. To live to old age, Staytyvouai, fut. –Yevhoopal, no aor. 1, agr. 2. —eyevöpmv, perf. —yé yova, also –yeyévºluai. To make to grow old, tympdorka, only in aor. 1. êyāpāoro. A growing old, yńpavois, eas, ii; together, avykärä- 'yāpāoris, eas, i. Which cannot grow old, ‘āyīpas, ov, acc. sing, some- times &yńpw, ‘āyāpāros. To repeat old stories, use old arguments, épxatoxoyéo. A repetition of old stories, old arguments, 3pxaloxoyia. Old-fashioned, &pxatos; &pxatótporos, ov. To be old-fashioned, Kpovíaw ögo (lit. to smell of the time of Saturn), Ar. Old-fashionedness, àpxatóTms, mºros, i. Olfactory, 60 ppavrikós. See Snelling. An oligarchy, ÖAiyapxta, śāvaa teſa (opp. to 'io ovo- pita). The oligarchs, oi ÖAfyou, Thuc. Favouring an oligarchy, ÖAiyapxicós. To be ruled by an oligarchy, ÖAiyapxéopal, pass. Oligarchical, ÖAiyapxicos, Ščvagtevticós. Oligarchically, ÖAiyapyicós. An olive tree, éAaſa and éAda (ää Att., áà elsewhere). A sacred olive tree, uopia, usu, in pl. A wild olive tree, ÉMatos. An olive (the fruit), Aata and éAáa (35. Att., áà elsewhere). \ To cultivate olives, + šA&tſa. Bearing olive trees, + Aalápiiros, ov; + šAatopuffs. Olive boughs or garlands (borne by suppliants), SaxXós. An omen, oiovos (esp. one drawn from birds), so &puis, é, í, gen, äpuitos, acc. Špuíða and Šputy (Trag. often äpwis, ipviv); grip.60A0s, a muetov ; # oiávtopa, Tá; phum (from a dream, etc.). A good omen, + eiopulêta. Agis thinking it an omen from the jºymorduevos, Xen. Words of good omen, eiéreia, Čiriq mutapčta, Tā; rā oreuvâ, AEsch.; (of bad) + 8vsq.muta. Of good omen, Šeštás; eitóvãuos, ov; afortos, a aw Gods, 5*Ayus 9etov and os, ov, f Évaſatos, ov; (esp. of sounds) + et pn- A10S, 09. - Of good omen, adv., eighuos, + £vatoriuws. t Of bad omen, kärbs, a katós ; (of sounds) + 50sq.muos. ov; (undertaken with bad omens, of a voyage) Tápopuis, ibos, 6, #. Regardful of omens, piñopavrettºs, où, 6. An interpreter of omens, f oiavo0étms, ov, 6. See Soothsayer. - To take omens from, to look on as an omen, oiwutſouai, mid. ; toiavookotréal, only act. To shun as a bad omen, oiovigouai, mid. To obtain good omens, kax- Atépéo, and mid.; also, to give good omens, be full of good omens (of the sacrifice). To speak words of good omen, eúðmuéo, only act. ; + eig touéo, only act. To speak words of bad omen, i övsq muéa, only act. Omission, trāpāAeliſts, eos, i. To omit, Táptnut (in Ep., iii Att.), Aeſtra, TāpāAetra; (in speaking) &Mumuovéa, c. gen,; Tápépxoſal, fut. -eńetorougi, aor. 2, -7A00v. t To be omitted, + Tápévrpetigopal, pass. I did not omit, où pre trapéém, Eur. Ona must omit, TäpäAelittéov. Omnipotent, fºraykpáths, firāvaakhs; +trávrapyos, Opſ. Omniscient, Trévoropos, ov; ; travtåg ogos, ov. Wise. 0n (as clothes are on, etc.), repl, c, dat.; +&iaſp), c. dat.; prep. sometimes left out, and the noun is put in dat., as—he has on his limbs, exel kóAotov, AEsch. On (of position, as any one thing is on another), étrº, c. gen, or c, dat.; ev, and poet. Śwl, also eiu (both in Trag, but the latter very rare in iambics), c, dat.; Tpbs, c, dat. (esp. when motion is implied, e.g. when . one thing is thrown on another); Kärä, c. gen, of throwing or pouring anything on ; Śirêp, c. gen. of places built on the sea, etc. ! On (of time), Širl, c, dat.; uetà, c, acc.; £v, etc., c. dat. Katë, c. acc.; but the prep. is very usu, omitted, and the noun put in the dat. ; also, when the time men- tioned is a day, it is often rendered by adj. in -dios, Tpitatos, Tetaptaios, etc., agreeing with the doer. See Day. On (as on oath, etc.), ºr, c. gen.: Karé, - c. gen. On (as on condition, etc.), £irl, c, dat. On (with verb of motion), Katë, c. acc., as—on his track, kat’ ºvos, Soph. ~ { On, as to live on (on the produce of, etc.), &rb, c, gen. To be on (as clothes, a garland, or anything which is " attached to another, as a handle on a thing, etc.), t See | 288 Once—openly nephrelſat, fut, keto opal; reiſu, c. dat., in prose usu. c. Éirl and dat.; + špeopeta (of a vessel borne on the head). To come on (as a storm comes on people, etc.), Éiriyi- 'yvowal, fut.-yevågouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-eyevöumv, perf. —yé yova and —yeyévnual, c. dat. See To come. Once, ‘āraī, eisūtai. See Formerly. At once, eiðūs airica. See Immediately. So as to tell all at once, àote y' siteſv čv táxel, Soph. At once the brother and the father, &öexpos airtos Kal tratºp, Soph. One, eis, uſa, Čv; + pováotoxos. The one, answering to the other, 6 pºv, ans. to § 3é; étepos, answered by étepos, sometimes by &AA0s, &AAos answered by &AAos. At one time one, at one time the other, tot’ &AA0s, &AA06’ &repos ... Soph. By the advice of Gylippus and Hermocrates, and one or two more, 100 Te Tvåſtrirov too te 'Epſtokpatoos kal ei Tov &AAov Telóóvrwy, Thuc. One another, &AAmAóv. Abandoning all things one after another, Tpoiéuevos Icaffº áv Élcao Tov Tóvta, Dem. One of the two, öveiv Tö tepov, Plat. One (i. e. any one), answering to the French on, Tis, Omn., e.g.—whatever one says or does, 60 a Néyé. Tis # Tpdoorst tis, Soph. There was one Thersites, Oepairms Tis fiv, Soph. Every one, was ris. Some one, is tis. Of but one kind, wováka'aos, ov. To be occupied about one business only, povotrpayuátéa, only act. To be of one mind, Öpovoéa. Oneself, airós. See Self. To be oneself, Švöov yiyvouai, AEsch.; #vöav ćuavtod eiul, évôov Šavrot &v, etc., Antipho. Not being your- self, göv ºppévôv oil, évôov &v, Eur.; so ºvros eiul, Dem. Onerous, étrax6is. See Burdensome. An Onion, kpóppivov. Only, uévos, and twoovos, superl. Movátatos; F oios. Only begotien, fuovoyevils and provvoyevſis. Only, adv., plávov, and fuotivov; uðvøs, f oiov. In one way only, pováxft, uováxós. only, firep uováxft, Xen. Not only, uh &rt, followed by &AAä kal or &AA’ ei; ot 16vov. .Not only not, oùx &tas, followed by &AAö or &AA& kai; ºth 3Ti, followed by &AA& aud leg. See To agree. In which way I am not brotherless, only that I never see my brother, oùk éyò àváðexpós eiul, TA}v 80’ oix époq à viv, Eur. An onset, Öppañ; +TpotéAeta, td. See Attack. Onward, Tpóo w, Att, also téââw and trópa w, compar. —otépa, superl. —Tétw. See Forward. An onyx, Övöxtov. To ooze, to Táço, only act.; through, ētāTibúw. See To drop. To open, act., ávtnut (in Ep., ii. Att.); ’āvāTetávvului, Affa, ’āvotyviſui and ’āvoiya, Stotyviſui and Štoſya, + otyvvua; ’āvattiſga'a', fut. —É0 (sometimes of open- ing one’s mind, as āvart. ppéva, Eur.); 5tartúoga; ôtéAkw, imperf. -éixkov, fut. —exicioa, etc. (of open- ing one's eyes); doors, † XàAáo; + Atw; +’āvākāivo; + &vímut; one's mouth, i'āvao Topów; a letter or a seal, + šćexíoga. To burst open, t’āvajājyuupu. To open secretly, ‘ūtrāvoiyvöſa or -oiyo; a little, ajar, Tăpăvoiyvipu or -oſ)w; t Tápotyviºt, c. gen, or C, a CC. To open a case (as an orator does before judges), eis- āya Öicnv, Dem. To open (intrans.), to be open, 5tto Tapai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf, act, perf. part. Stearnkós, also âtea Tès, 60'a, 6s. * To open into (as one sea into another), orivāvaaroºo- wal, pass, c, dat. The spring opens, Éap Široſpalvet, and mid. Štroºpaíveral, Xen. He did not open his mouth, où bàpe to otóua, Dem. The Greeks opening their line, oi “EAAmves 6taotaures, Xen. One must open, 'üvourtéov. - Open (i. e. not shut), &cAelotos, ov; ’āvāTettaſtevos (prop. of doors, eyes, etc., but also of the sea, and of impudence); (i. e. not concealed) pāvepos, &, bu, and bs, 6v; (of a plain, or a place on a plain) àepictos, ov; (of a boat, i. e. undecked) &otéyao Tos, ov; (of the air) ka0ápós. - The open air, aidpía. (When it was not decided), but while the event was still open, &AA’ ri kolvås Tils Túxms oãons, Isoc. An opening (the act), ‘āvoláis, eas, h; (of pleadings, etc.) elsåywyń. An opening, or chasm (q.v.), xàopio, Tá; +’āvartiz), poet, àpitt. - Openly, pavepās, éuſpávôs; (to speak, etc.) &ntiſpiis, &rpopäg to Tws ; Śic Twi, Tpoºpavows, Thuc.; &v Tº écq'aweſ, etc. U 289 \. Openness—Oppose Openness (of speech), traffingia. To speak with openness, traßmaid ſoual, mid, also in pass. One who speaks with openness, traßmortaaths, où, 6. Disposed to speak openly, traßmataotikás, To operate, épyáſouai, mid, perf. pass, eſpyaouai, in both act, and pass. sense. See To act. Operation, êp'yov. See Action. An operative, épyärms, ov, 6. Operative, adj., épyaoticbs, sine cas, or c. gen, Ophthalmia, Öq6ańpia. To suffer under ophthalmia, Öq,0ańpudo, only act. To opine, vouíſo. See To think. Opinion, 56&a, Yvápm; 8áknots, eos, h; áčíoats, eos, i. (of a person, or that such and such a thing ought to be done); 36%agua, Tó; + yuápa, T6. A wrong opinion, êtepoãošía. A bad opinion (of any one), kátáyvooris, eas, i. It is my opinion, boret plot (pronoun sometimes under- stood), imperf. §§óret, aor. 1, #603e. As is my opinion, ês éuol Šokeſ, Omn, Att. But for the indic. the infin, is sometimes put, e. g.—EL. Persuaded by whom of her friends 3 who advised this 2 (lit. to whom did this seem good P)—CHRYS. By some nocturnal vision, in my opinion.—HA, "Ek toà ºptAov Tsioróeſora ; Tô Toijt’ #peoiv; –XPTX. "Ek Šetuatós Tov vultrépov, Šokeſv šuol, Soph. - In my opinion, êu épºol, Soph.; Śwhy yuápmy, Ar. I am of the same opinion as before, and have not changed il, éyò pºp 6 airós eiul, ical oil, étotapal, Thuc. This was my previous opinion, Taüta Tpovöéôokto, Plat. Ile will not change your opinion, off ae Tapao iráael ºvápms (lit. drag you from your opinion), Soph. See To change. If I say anything contrary to your opinion, ei kal aſſis &txa yuápºns Aéyo, Soph.; so êictos yuápms, Soph. [Tvápm is also often used with adverbs of place, e.g.—what is your opinion 3 troß yvápms trot’ ei; Soph.;-I know not to what opinion to turn, oùk ëxa, toº yuáums Trégo, Soph.; so Štrol yuápms ‘pépopal, Soph.] To have a wrong opinion, êtepoëošéa, only act. To have a bad opinion of Katayuyváorica, fut. —yv600- Rai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf –éyvoica, c. gen. 1Iaving previously formed the unfavourable opinion of us that our virtues are inferior to your own, Tpolcata. ºvávres juáv Tès àperås #ogovs siva, Tây iſſuetépov, Thuc. Acting on one's own opinion, Fuováilm pos, ov. Single in one's opinion, Fuov6 ppov, ovos, 6 ral à. One who is of the same opinion, Šuoyváuwu, ovos, 6, #, c. dat. - Of the same opinion, adv, Šuoyvouðvøs. - To be of the same opinion as another, Šuoyvauovéa, only act, c. dat.; Śwoãošéa. See To agree. To bring over to one’s own opinion, Šuoyváuova Toléo, and -opal, mid., Xen. Opposed in opinion to, &yvápav, ovos, 8, ii, c. dat. One who has (only) an opinion (no certain knowledge), ôočaaths, où, 6. Forming, proceeding on opinion, Öačaoticós. Which is matter of opinion, Šošao Tós. Teaching (mere) opinions (opp. to accurate knowledge), 60éotrauðevticós. To deliver one's opinion, Bovāetw, and mid. (esp. in council); Yvdºpºmu &roºpaívoual, mid, Eur.; Yvdºpºmy Tíðepal; Yv. Tpotíðepal, Thuc. Opium, p.mkavuov. An opponent, &vrāyaviaths. sary. Opportune, caipios; eiſkalpos, ov; +’ākpatos (of one who does a thing); † at upsetpos, ov. See Season- able. Opportunely, edicaipaſs; # kauptws. See Seasonably. Opportunity, kalpos, eúicapta, & popuft; +’ākpah, often c. gen. of what for. Any opportunity accidentally offering itself, to trāpā- Tvyx&vov, Tö täpäTüxöv, Thuc. There is an opportunity, Tâpéxel, fut, -oxhoro, aor. 2. -eq Xov, part. Tapaoxov (the latter often used in nom. abs. with adv, e.g. when there is a good opportunity, eń Tapaoxov, etc.); ’ākuá(el, used however with the nom. of the matter for which there is opportunity; trópeoTu, ‘ūtrāpyet. What is it the opportunity for which now presses you ? T{ 5' eativ of got kalpos &vtixáſutal; Eur. To be quick in seizing an opportunity, ÖğUAášéa, only act. sine cas. Having watched their opportunity during the gymnopardiae of the Lacedæmonians, Túphaavres aijtës Tàs yuplvo- tratăţas Tóv Aakečatuovíov, Thuc. See Enemy, Adver- Attacks were made whenever there was an opportunity, Tposé0Åal éyfyvov to Širm trapeticol, Thuc. To oppose, &v6ío Tapwal, pass. c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf, act. c. dat.; Évia Tauai, c, dat, pers, some- times c. 3ros u%) and verb of the thing to be done; t&vtávio Tapai ; &vtiretva, c. dat. and sine cas.; 250 Opposite—Orb évavtićopat, pass, c. fut, mid.; 'ütravtåø (esp. in battle) (see To resist); (in politics) &utuo Taguá; o; by assertion, &vti/\éya, c. dat. pers. or c. Tpos and acc., c. p.3), and infin. of the thing denied, or c. Ös oßic and indic, sometimes c. &s and the verb of what is affirmed in opposition, or c, acc. To oppose (act.) one thing to another, &vtitágora, c. acc. and dat, or c. Tpos and acc. of the latter. Opposed to, Évávttos, ov; Tposávtns, c. Tpos and acc. See next word. Opposite, &vtíos, c. gen, or c, dat.; Évávttos, c. gen. or c. dat.; &vti"Tpapos, ov; +&vtåpms, c, dat.; (of countries) &vtåropos, ov; sine cas, or c. gen. And these accounts are very opposite to what I heard, etc., kal Toxi oi A6).ot oitou &vrío eio lv. 3) ois éyò . . . #icovov, Xen. The opposite country or coast, to &vtitrépas, Xen.; T& &vtåropºua, Eur. The opposite party (in political divi- sions), oi &vtitroAiTevópevol. One of the opposite party, àvTuatagićtms, ov, 6. To be opposite to (of one row, or things in one row opposite to those in another), ávtta totyéo, only act. c. dat. To be stationed opposite (of fleets or armies), ăutică0éopal, fut. -ebojual, &vtircáðmuai; &vtică. 6totapal, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperſ, act. Opposite, in opposition, etc. adv., ÉvávTuov, c. gen. or c. dat.; + käräutuov; ; Śvavra, c. gen.; Tépav (only of places), c. gen, or sine cas., also adjectively (e. g. the opposite land, ji Trépas 'yū); so &utitrépas, éé évavtſov, Šć évavttas; karð Tāvavitta. Eaactly (ppo- site, kātavrilept, c. gen. And let no one think the opposite, uměč Tó 56&m Täälv, AEsch. From the opposite side, Trépá0ev. From the opposite side to that on which, etc., áic ToiſutraXu ?), Thuc. Opposition, oppositeness, évavtićrms, # ; (the act) évautía,0-is; in political parties, &vttatüoris, eas, i. To set up in opposition to, &vtårexvos eival, c. dat. of the rival (poet. etc.), Plat. To oppress, Bāpāua, kātereſya, Tiéo. very much, 'üTrepétéouai, mid. - To be oppressed, Blášopal, pass.; (by evils, not by op- pressors) ovuéxopal, pass., imperf. -elzówmv, other tenses rare. Oppression, 8ta. Insolent oppression, Šēpis, eas, #. Oppressive, Bāpīs, 8tatos, étax9ſis ; ; Aotöopos, ov. See Reproach. 0pprobrious, aio Xpós. Opprobrium, Öveiðos, Tó. To oppress See Reproach. Optics, 3rricë, rà. The science of optics, j čTrich. Option, aſpeats, eas, j. See Choice. Optional, éðexotiatos. Opulence, TAoûtos. See Riches. Opulent, TAoûgios; ’āqvetos, &, by, and bs, by, also ãºpuebs (the only form in Trag., though Thuc. has &@velós). See Rich. Or, #. See Either. An oracle (i. e. the place where prophetic answers were given), xpma Tiptov, fuguTeiou ; (i. e. the answer given) pavteſov, xpmothptov, xpmouðs, Xpmap.g6ta, pſium, #660 pårov, Aóytov. -- Of, or belonging to, an oracle, oracular, Xpnougöös, Öv; + uavtejos, + ſlavticós ; ; Xpmothptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ; piavtógivos. - Predicted by an oracle, ugytevtós ; +&éa pătos, ov; † IIü00Xphotos, ov. - The art of oracular divination, j pavtirch. See Divina- tion, Prophecy, To deliver an oracle, predict or command by the voice of an oracle, etc., xpdo, no perf. act, in pass. of the oracle or answer delivered ; sometimes of those who receive the answer; Havreiſopal, mid, perf. pass. both in act. and pass, sense, aor. 1. pass, only in pass. sense; Xpmap.g6éw, only act, sine cas. See To prophesy. To consult an oracle, xpdopal, mid., usu, c. dat.; Hav- Tetopal, mid.; Xpma Tripudiſopat, mid., c. dat, or sine cas.; on behalf of a person, i ötépuautetouai, mid., C. gen, pers. A messenger sent to consult an oracle, fºeóirporos, +@eapós. The interpreter or deliverer of an oracle, xpmouox6 y0s, xpmap.ſpöós. Orally, &trö otóuáros. See Mouth. An oration, Aóyos, Émtopeſa. Oratorical (of, or belonging to, an orator), Ömumn opt- kös, Émtopicós ; + 8mumyôpos, ov. Oratorically, Émtopicós. An orator, #Twp, opos, 6 ; Śmunyópes. One who writes orations for others to speak, Aoyotoios, Aoyo- ypépos. Skilful in dressing up an oration, AoyobatāāA0s. To be an orator, Émtopečw, only act. Oratory, fintopeſa ; # 5mtopicſ. Forensic oratory, # 6thºvitch. An orb, kū'KAos, pl. kūkāot and Kūkāa. With golden orb, xpúa'eórðið03, ov. U 2 291 Orbicular—Orphan Orbicular, kvkAotephs. See Round. An orbit, treptoãos, h; popá. An orchard, épxos. See Garden. An orchestra, Öpxhotpo. To ordain, 6tatdoora. See To appoint, To Order. An ordeal,—and we were ready even to go through the ordeal of taking up hot pieces of iron in our hands, Żuev 3’ Toſuot cai utºpovs aſpelv Xepoiv, Soph. Order, Tāśis, eas, # ; (i. e. good order) kóguos, eúvo- pata, eikoopia, eitašía (esp. of military discipline, also generally), #550wós. Order of battle, Šiškoguos. And what is disorderly must always cause trouble till it be reduced to order, & 5’ &v &oivrakta f, &váykm Tajra &el trpáyuata trapéxely €ws &v x&pav Adé; (lit. till they take their proper place), Xen. Follow in your appointed order, éireate év tá findeton x&pg, Xen. Want of order, 'étašía (esp. among troops). Disorder. In order, ééſis, épeśńs. In order (to do so and so, to such and such an end, etc.), Šverca, c. gen, often c. rot, and infin. The Attic writers also very commonly omit the preposition, and put Tot, and the infin. by itself. An order (i.e. command, q. v.), Tpóstayua, Tó ; + épétuh, in pl. T& étréo taxpºva (with reference to the person on whom the orders are laid). A previous order, Tpéfi mois, eas, ii. See Command. To order (i e command), IceAeto, c. acc., sometimes c. dat. pers; Śiśiceaetouai, mid.; Tpostão-ow, 8tay- 'yéAAw ; Śm otéAAw, rarely c. acc., more usu. c. dat. pers, often esp. of sending orders. See To command, To bid. To order beft rehand, trpoetrov, trpoeſire, etc., c. dat. or c, acc. pers., no other tense or voice; Tpoepéa, esp. in perf. pass. Tpoeipmual, pluperf. —#inv. To order thin 78, to order different people to provide things, trepia) yé\Aw, c. acc. of the things, c. cará and acc. of the different people to whom the orders are Sent. * See To order (i. e. et in order, arrange), koopéo (esp. of ordering soldie S, etc., but also generally); Suakoopéo; 80 Táogo (us d also in sense 1. of commanding); + ščevrpetrigo, k trapeutpetriſw. That I may put i le things in the house in order, Ös éyò ... Têvãov čap ºff Tiê6, Soph. - To be in order, evoluéopal, pass.; eitakréa, only act. (ºne must order, T, ostaktéov c. 8tws ; 5ualceXevotéov. A setting in order, 6tákóountris, h; kátákócrumous. Ordered, + Tpóñāntos, ov (of the thing), Difficult to reduce to order, Övskátáotáros, ov. Orderly, kóapitos, a, ov; eitaictos, ov; etpij940s, ov; (of a man) kei:00 umpiévos. Orderly, adv. (i. e. in an orderly manner), sükóapitos, eiſtdictas, Koopalos, eúpij'940s, tetayuévos. To be orderly, eútalcréa. An ordinance, Tpóstayua, Tó ; Tpóstašis, ii. A preliminary ordinance (of the senate, not become a law till it was formerly passed), trp0600Aévua, Tó. Ordinary, oil móñs ; a jutpoſpos, ov; TúróAatos, ov. See Usual. Ordinarily, eia,06tws. Ordure, kóTpos, i. Ore, pºétaXAov. See Metal. An organ, äpyävov (both as a musical instrument and organ of sense). \ Organisation, gºvtašts, eas, i. To organise, ovvtåo'ow. Orgies, Špyta, Tâ. To celebrate orgies, Öpyidºw. Orient, Oriental, é60s. See Eastern. Orifice, Tàm. Origin, Tmyh, fiſa ; otépua, Tó. Original, Tpaſtoyevſis ; # Tp(6tapxos, ov. Originally, Tpátov and trpára, and poet. (including Trag.) to Tpátov, Tâ Tpáta ; # 3pxis, and &T’ &px?is, Soph. Thuc. Do you not know that Pelops was originally of barbarian blood 2 oëic oia.0a . . . 'Apxalov čvro IIéAotra Bápéa- pov ; Eur. - An ornament, kóruos; kócumua, 76; tºyaxua, T6; +’āyAáiopia, Tó ; Xpóua, Tô (used also for ornaments in speaking, etc.). - To ornament, coopéo. See To adorn. Ornamental, eitpeitãs. Orphan, adj. Öppävös, h, by, and bs, by, sometimes c. gen. of the parents; Śppävikós ; ºrárwo, opos. 6, #. An orphan, subst. ppäväs, To be an orphan, + šppävetouai, pass., c. fut, mid.; ‘ī āppäviſowat, pass. • To make orphan, h ’ātropºćví(w. To take care of orphans, táppävečw. I will entreat you to take care of my orphan children, ° ore . . . airfioroua, Téku' àp pavevorai Tàpið, Eur. A guardian of orphans, Öppävoſpiña;, &Kos, 6; top ºpäviaths, ot, 6. An orphan family, Tatportepils yovos, AEsch. 292 Orphanhood—Overlook Orphanhood, ćppavia ; ºf Öppdvevua, Té. To oscillate, TâAavreća. An osier (twig), Aiyos, i. Osprey, pſym, #'éAtatetos. Ostensibly (with reference to the agent), 676ev. Ostensive, Seiicticós. Ostentation, i öykos. Ostentatious, +’āAaſovicós. Ostracism, àotpālciopºs, +T& Šo Tpäka. To ostracise, óorpäktºw. - An ostrich, otpot,00s, # ; otpot,00s peydºm, Xen. Other, &AAos, m, o. The other, étepos, often answered by Érepos or &AA0s, e.g.—Tót’ &AAos, &AA00' àrepos, Soph. The other, answering the one, 3 Öe, answering 6 pºv. See One. Of another sort, &AAotos. Belonging to another, &AAótpuos ; +&ipatos, a, ov, and OS, ov. From the other side, étépa,6e or -6ev. From any other place, &AA00ev (often with some other word, e.g.—from some other place, &AA00év Troöev,- Jºrom whatever other place, &AA00ev ÓToffevotiv, Plat., —from no other place, oùöäuóðey &AA00ev, etc., Plat.). One from one place, another from another, àAA06ev &AAos, Eur., etc. º In another place, &AA061 (also with other words, où6ā- plow, etc.—see prec. word); so êtépwôi, See Else- where. To another place, &AAoore, often with other words, e.g. —to many other places, &AAoo'e ToàAáxégé, Plat.; so &AA. oë6apºoſe, etc.; Érépoore. - At another time, &AAote, often answering another word, as–at one time . . . and at another, &AAote . . . &AAote ; so ête uèv . . . &AAote 5*, or Töre uév . . . See Willow. &AAote 6*, or Totè uèv . . . &AAote 6é; also &AAote pºv is answered by Tóre 6é; sometimes the first &AAote is omitted, e. g.—and I lie at one time on the shore, at another in the surf of the sea, ice ſual 6’ ear’ &icrofts, &AA0t' év távtov ord Aq., Eur. Sometimes one, and sometimes the other, &AAote &AA0s, AEsch., etc. etc. - Otherwise (in any other way, etc.), &AAas, étépa's (i. e. in the other of two ways), ºf étépg, i >épg. No otherwise, treptorgötepov oëöèv, c. gen, or c. 3) ei, Plat, An otter, orå0éptov. Oval, &oetöhs, &65ms. An oven, kpišāvos, kpiéâvov. *er ‘iſtrip, c, gen, or c, acc.; Tl, c, gen. (esp. of being set over any business, etc.) of position, c. dat. Ol' C. 8 CC, Over (of moving, travelling over, etc.), Ötö, c. gen.; Katë, c. gen, or (better) c. acc. To be set over, éptotăţual, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act., perf act. part. Éqeq t'micës, via, bs, and contr. ŠpeoTös, Öara, bs, gen, &Tos, 60 ms, etc., c. dat., sometimes c. gen., or c, čirl and gen,; Éteipt (-eival), c. dat.; triotátéa, only act., c. dat, or c. gen, ; étritáo gouai. To remain over (as a surplus), treptoroetw. What is over (as a surplus, q.v.), to treptorodv. To overawe, poééo. See To frighten. Overbearing, 'üéptoticós; ‘āAáçov, ovos, 6, i. Overbearingly, Šēptotikós, Overboard, to throw overboard, catakpmuviga. To Jall overboard, ékTitta, fut. —Tregowual, aor. 2. *—éreorov, perf. —Téttoka. To overburden, Ötreptămpów. See To load. To overcome, vicda; (calumnies, etc.) trâpépxogai, fut. –exeigopal, no acr. 1., aor. 2. —fix00v, perf. —exíAüffa. See To conquer, To subdue. To be over- come, i ötrepºyáçopal, pass.; (by a feeling, sleep, love, etc.) 'éAtokopal, fut. &Aégouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. éâAov, perf, ÉÉAwka, all in pass, sense. One must overcome, viicntéov. To overflow, act., áiricaúſw; (intrans.) in epalpa; âtrep):éopal, pass. An overflow, Érixioſis, eas, h; tramultipls, tºos, i. See Flood. Overgrown, ºf ‘ûreppuffs. To overhang, Štricpéjuāual, pass. Overhanging, Éirmpeºpſis. To overhear, trāpākoča, c. acc. rei, gen, pers. Overjoyed, trepixãpſis. See Glad. To overlabour, iTreptrovéa. To overlay, kāAöttw. See To cover. To overleap, +"iſtreprexéo, fut, -éow, only act. Overleaping, +5teptex}s, sine cas, or c, gen. To overload, ‘ûrepyegiço. To overlook (i.e. watch o er, etc.), £40páa, only pres. and imperf. in this sense; Étoirreào, only act.; + étriotăréa, c. dat.; (i.e. neglect, disregard), (often also through neglect to permit), treptopda, fut. Treptă- thoual, aor. 2. Tepleidov (this aor. 2. only in act.), usu. c. acc. rei, much more rarely c. infin., often c. acc. of the doer and participle; trópopów, also c. perf. pass. traped pāual; irepopáa. See To disregard. But if the one saw the eye (of the other) overlooking the 293 overlooked—Outdo edge of the shield, ei 3 bug' in epoxy ºrvos &repos Adôol, Eur. One must overlook (i. e. disregard), Trápottéov, trepto- TrTreov. Overlooked (i.e. omitted, disregarded), šićAiths. Overlooking, + širójtos, ov (epith. of the Gods). To overmatch, ÖtrepšáAAw, no adr. l., perf. –ŠéSAmka, etc. See To eacel, To conquer. The overplus, to treptorgöv. See Surplus. To overpower, vicda. See To subdue. To be over- powered by an opposite faction, Kataotaoud (opal, pass. To overrate. See Overvalue. To over-reach, ÖTooke/Aićw. To over-rule, 8tágopal, mid. To over-run, kātātpéxaſ, fut. —8päuodual, no adr, 1., aor. 2. —éöpápov, no pass.; kata.0éa, fut. -6evolouai, no aor., no perf., no pass. • An overseer, éirío'cottos, éirío Tábuos. To overset, kātā8áAAw, perf, -SééAmica, etc. To overshadow, a kićſo, Katao Kudºſa. See To shade. Overshadowed, kátáoktos, ov; ºf ovokić ov, ovala, ov, gen. Ovtos, etc. To overshoot, ºf ‘ūTepåkovtſ@. An oversight, traſopa, Tó. To overspread, katatterdivvvut. See To cover. To overstep, +'itepéalva, fut. —6%gouai, aor. 2.-éémv, perf. -Séémica, fut, and aor. 1. act. not used in this Sen Se, To overtake, Aquéâvo, fut. Afthouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAášov, perf. —stampa; ÉrikátáAagéâvo; aſpea, aor. 2, -éixov; + kryxávo, fut, mid, kixfigoua, aor. 2. čićixov (only pres. indic. fut, and aor. 2. used in Trag.), c. acc., more rarely c, gen.: + MápirTw, only pres, fut., and aor. 1. We were unable to overtake him, àotépg, troël éAeltrá- uso 6a, Eur. An overtaking, TepicărăAmiſus, eas, h. To overthrow (esp. cities, houses, etc.), kátášáAAw, no aor. 1...perf–6ééAmica; peſtro; Kätootpéqw, perf. pass. sometimes in act. sense, usu. in pass. Sense ; + ščava- otpépa'; 'évôtpéra; (a form of government) kātāAúw; (an enemy, i.e. conquer, q.v.) wilcáo. To join in overthrowing, ovyka9alpéa, aor. 2. —éïAov. And the land of Asia is overthrown, ‘Agia 5& x8&v . . . és yóvv Kék}\ttal, HEsch. Easy to overthrow, eúicătăAitos, ov (of a government, etc.). * An overthrow, 'üváotágis, eas, j : +’āvgºrporth, karaorpoºph; (i. e. a defeat, q.v.) figora. See To cheat. To overtop, Örepéxaſ, esp. in aor. 2. —eq Xov, part. –0xöv. - An overture, they made overtures to the generals, Aó'yovs trposépepov Tots otpatmyois, Thuc. To overturn (a carriage or a constitution, etc.), áva- otpépay; eis &vagtpophy 6íðapu, Eur. See To over- throw. To aid in overturning, ovykataAffa. One must overturn, 'üvao Tpettéov, Isoc. Overturned, + širtuos (of a ship, or a person in a car- riage). An overturning (of a form of government), káràigis, #. See Overthrow, To overvalue, ‘ūtreptiuda, See Overrate. But since you are afraid, and overvalue the multitude, étrel 3& tapésis, Tót’ &xA4, TAéov véuels, Eur. To overwhelm (as grief does the mind), fºrcătărcășo, c. gen, or c. dat.; +&iricaúgo, Eur.; (with questions, reproaches, etc.) kātāxóvviſui, 8attigo. Overwhelmed, ‘ūTépaytā0s, ov. I ought, ÖpetAw, esp. in aor. 2. čºpeAov, usu, express- ing a wish that such and such a thing had been done, often with ös. See Wish. - One ought, impers, āeſ, imperf. §§et, part. 8éov, no other tense in this sense, c. acc. pers, very rarely c. dat., c. infin. of what is to be done, sometimes c. 8tra's and indic.; Xph, subj. xpff, opt. Xpeim, infin. xpfival, some- times xpiv (esp. in Att.), imperf. §xpmv and Xpºv (the latter common in Trag.), [the imperf, usu. im- plies that the thing which ought to have happened or to have been done has not], c, acc, pers, and infin. glyāv; also-you ought not to be silent, où Xpā00a ovyāv, Ar. See It becomes. He who ought (not), (oiâèv) Tposſicov, c. infin, AEsch. Our, juérepos, + šp,0s. Ourselves. See Self. Let us hide ourselves, kpúbw- prev 6éuas, Eur. Out of, Čk, before a vowel éč, c, gen, ; Śittos, c. gen,; ča, c. gen, etc. See Outside. Out of, ºf éðtrios, ov, c. gen. Out of doors, F&üpaios, a, ov, and os, ov. Out of the way, ČKToºv, abs. or c. gen. or c. dat. To outbid, ŠirepšáAAw, no aor, 1., perf. —6ééAmica, An outcast, káðapua, Tó; + škéoAff. An outcry, kātāšoh, c. gen, of the person against whom. To raise an outcry against, katašodw, c. gen. To outdo, ‘ūTrepéâAAw, no aor. 1., perf. -8ééAmka, c. acc., rarely c. gen, ; 'vrepreſva, c. gen, or c. acc.; 29.4 Outermost—Ox 'êtrepaipa. To be outdone, Štepéxopal, pass. See To Outermost, Čoxatos, often c. gen. See Last. Outfit (i. e. money given for an outfit), kátáotádis, i. To outflank, ‘ūTrepéxa, aor. 2. —eqxos, sine cas, or c. gen.; Trepteiva, c. acc.; inteppäAayyéo, only act, C. gen. - Outflanking the right wing of the Athenians with their own left, karū uèv to 6eštěv táv 'A0mvatov Štep- oxóvres airtol Tó eioviſuq, Thuc. Outlandish, Štrepôptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Foreign. An outlaw, 'êtroAs, gen, i50s, dat. 'étéAt, acc. —Aw; &t ſuos, ov. An outlet, #060s, h; 6téč060s, h; otópia, To; (for ships, etc.) ékTAows. Having no outlet, 'évékéâtos, ov. An outline, Túros; replypāq, h; +Tijiroua, Tó. A sort of outline of knowledge, Tvráðms uéðmois, Arist. To draw an outline of, Tepiypápo. To give an outline of (describing), trepinyéopal, mid. To outlive, trepiyiyvouai, fut. —yevſo opal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. –eyevópmv, perf. —yé yova, usu. yety&s, 60'a, etc., also yeyévmual, c. gem.; (of men who have been attacked by a disease outliving it) trepipeſ)a. See To survive. One who has outlived (beauty, etc.), ščopos, ov, c. gem. To outnumber, Tepuéxa, aor. 2. —éoxov, sine cas, only act.; Tepurgetºw, only act., c. gen. An outpost, puxaktfiptov, trpoºpi Aéich, oi TpopüAákes. An outrage, A6ém, aiketa; aircuoua, Tó; aikiapós. See Insult. To outrage, aikigo, more commonly –opal, mid. (the act, is only found in Soph.), also in pass., often c. gem. acc. both of pers, and of the manner of the outrage; ‘ūšptºw; Ajuolvouai, mid, c. perf. pass. AeAüuagua. in act. Sense, pass, also in pass. Sense, c. acc., some- times c. dat. See To insult. Outraged, + Awémtés. Outrageous, ‘ū8ptotikós, &euchs. An outrider, 'ükóAov60s [the attendants in ancient times however were on foot]. To outrun, pôāva, fut. (p6%gouai, aor. 1. p9āga, aor. 2. čpômu, often with some addition, as tool, Täxel, etc.; Tpo6éa, fut. -6eto'opal; Śirektpo6éo; tpatpéxa, fut. —8pápotºual, aor. 2. —éöpápov; Tāpātpéxw; träpä- Reféopal, mid.; ‘ûrepšćAAw, no adr, 1., perf. –ŠéSAm- ka ; (so as to leave behind) &roXeſtra. To outsail, ékirAéo, Outside, #2, sine cas, also c, gen, with compar. Éa- tépa, and superl, -têro ; Écrbs, sine cas, or c. gen.: +&ipäße and -6ev; +&ipaſe, sometimes c. gen. From outside, Éwðe or -0ev, f Écrode or -0ev, also êicToo 6e or –6ev. - To outspread, outstretch, etc. See To spread, To stretch, etc. To outstrip, trpoxaušávo, fut. —Afthouai, no aor. 1. act., aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamºpa, c. acc. pers., often c. gen. of the road in which (tàs ºpwyſis, Tås ôö00, etc.). See To outrun. Outwards, £0. To outweigh, for (he said) that he by valiant service would outweigh the accusation (against him), šp) tº 'yöp &ya.06 fièged flat rās airias otpateva duevos Thuc. To outwit, träpäigoûw. See To deceive. An outwork, Tpotetxtapa, Tó. To owe, épetaw, fut. 3betafiora (but rare in this sense, . except in pres. and imperf, act. and pass.) ; besides, trposopeiao ; previously, trpoogetAw. To continue to owe, étroſpetàw, aor. 1. Twºpetamora. To owe as a requital (of kindness, etc.), ávtoſpelão. To be owed on security, Śwo petàopal. An owl, YAavč, yA&vkös, ii; ÉAeós, avtos, 6. A horned owl, 3ros. Own, one's own, oiketos, a, ov, and os, ov; ‘idios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. With one's own hand (doing anything, etc.), airóxelp, elpos, Ö, i. Of one's own doing, by one's own means, #vö06ev. On one's own account, 'ióíg. Himself with his own hand, airbs airoup'y& Xepl, Soph. Having it of our own, of coffey exovres, Lys. And in the case of all men, it can excite no jealousy for them to provide for their own safety, Tägt öé &verſ- p0ovov thu Tposíkovo av gotmptav čktopſ[eq:0a, Thuc. See Mine, Yours, His. To claim as one's own, to make one's own, Číðiðopal, mid.; orgetepiſo, oftener-opal, mid. To own (i.e. to have, q.v.), áxaſ, fut. Éo, no aor, I., aor. 2. čoxov ; (i. e. to confess, q.v.) 600Xoyéa. An owner, beatórms, ov, 6. See Possessor. An ox, 800s, gen. 800s, and in AFsch. Boö, acc. 805u; Taipos. See Bull, Cattle. Of, or belonging to, Owen, 86eios and 86eos ; Taupelos, a, ov, and os, ov. A slaughter of omen, póvos Boötms, Eur, Drawn by owen, Boeikós. 295 Ox-driver—Pairing .* 9 4 - Like an or, with an ow's head, F Boſºpapos, oy;| To slay owen, or sacrifice them, #8000üréa, only act. f Taupékpāvos, ov; + taupérepos, ov. To tend oaen, 8ovicoxéa, only act. in this sense. f Taupoktovéa, only act. JEating oaren, ºf Taupoq d'yos, ov. One who tends oven, 8ovicóAos, +3ovºpopé6s; +80%rms, A stealer of oaen, +800kAeſ, etos, 6. ov, Ö. See Herdsman, An ox-driver, 80mAğrms, ov, 6. To drive owen, +80mAátéo, only act. Glue made out of bulls' hides, Taupé6eros köAAs, Eur. An ox-stall, #8000Tāoris, # ; # 8080 rā0Wow Slaying owen, or causing the death of owen (sometimes |An oyster, Šotpsov. of a feast, etc.), f 8ovipóvos, ov; +Tavportóvos, ov. An oyster-shell, Šotpákov. See Shell. P. Pace, Biga, Tó. To keep pace with, + touai, aor. 2. čo Trópºnv, c. dat. Pacific, eipmuirós ; #orūxos, ov, compar. -ótepos, etc., but more usu, -airepos. See Quiet. Pacification, 6to AA&yń. See Peace. To pacify, 'üTraxxdora'a, ’āvāraāw. A pack (of hounds), küvnyéatov. To pack (baggage, etc.), āvaakevåſa ; ovokevéopal, mid, and pass.; ’āvaſsøyvåut ; (an audience, a jury, etc.) trāpaakeväſo, mid.; TúpayyáAAw. Packed (an audience, etc.), trapakeXevatós, Easily packed in small compass, + síðeros, ov. A packet, párexos ; (i. e. a ship, q.v.) vais. A packing-up, orvorkevägia. A pack-ass, KavčíAtos and kav0, Övos; + káv6ov, wvos, 6. A pad (for carrying burdens on), FrüAeſov, f TüAm. Padding (to improve the figure), gaſtártov. A pagan, trai&v, avos, 6; KéAá60s Tatóvios, AEsch,; the cry was, 'I& IIaiáv, Soph. To sing a paean, Traičvíſo, only act. A singing of the paan, Taiwutouás. A page, 6éAtos, i. A pageant, &éâua, T6. See Spectacle. A pail, kāāos, + kpoogós. Pain, Öğüum ; 'éxos, Tá; &Ayos, Tá; &Aymö&v, Övos, # ; &A'ympia, T6. Great pain, trepia,0üvía. To be in pain, &Ayé6, ; 66üváopat, pass. S2///(2?". To pain, Ajiréal, &A'yūvo; 33'icuo, fut. Śāšopal, perf. 3éômxa, etc., aor. 2. č6âlcov ; + 66iváo. See To hurt. To forbid on pain of death, Savárov (mutav Čiritſtepal, §. . Tpotíðmul; S. & Téago, c. dat, of the action or crime. Rainful, éðivmpôs, &pyäAéos, &A'yelvás ; # 6166twos, See To ov. More painful, most painful, F&Aytov, &Ayiotos. Very painful, Tepláðüvos, ov. Suffering pain, i ööüvoortrès, dö0s, 6, # ; great pain, trepidºğüvos, ov. Free from pain, #'āváöövos, ov. Not causing pain, 'évéöövos, ov. Painfully, &A'yetvös, Öiritóvos. Pains (i. e. diligence, q.v.), otrovöh. To take pains, Tovéa, often c. acc. of the thing done or made with pains; otovãdºw; otovöv čxa, orirovölv Toléopal, at tiffnut, c. gen. of the object for which, or matter in which, or c. prep. See To labour. Painstaking, piñórovos, ov. See Diligent. Paint, xpópa, Tó ; (for the face) ºpticos, Tó ; (to be applied under the eyes) + štá)pappa, Tó; (red paint, rouge) éyxovora. - To paint, 'ypápo ; (esp. living objects) (wypābéo, also in pass.; on or in, êvſøypápéo ; under the eyes, ‘ûroxpiw, c, dat. of another person, -ouai, mid. of oneself. Painted, +ypatrós ; (on the face) + ščmvôuguévos. A painting, Çoypäpnua, āros, té. See Picture. A painting (the act) of the eyelids, Štroypâq)ſ. A painter, Ypājeús; (esp. from life) (wypápos. A portrait-painter, eicovo'ypápos. Skilful in painting, Çoypäpicós. Oſ, or belonging to, painting, ‘ypaſpikós. The art of painting, Ço'ypāqſa ; # Typépuſch, Plat. A pair, ſeiyos, tá; aivopls, fö0s, # ; ovſiſyta. In pairs, givövo. - A pair of brothers, ’ātrāvm épétrtepos, Eur. To pair, act. (dogs, in order to breed from them), orici)\ölceiia. A pairing (of competitors by lot), orđàAmés, ews, i. Disposed to live in pairs, ovvövaarikás, 296 Palace—Pardonable A palace, Bagtaetov, usu, in pl.; &pxeſov, The palaestra, TâAato Tpa. A palanquin, popetov. A palanquin-bearer, t biºppoſpópos. The palate, oùpávós. A pale, alcóAoi, otos, 6 ; xãpač, Škos, 6 T6. See Palisade. Pale, XAwpos, &xpos, Aevicós. One who is pale, tàxptas, ov, only masc. To be or to become pale, txxopatvouai, pass. Paleness, &xpótºms, mºros, ii. A palfrey, &otpāśm (or rather a mule, or ass so used). See Horse. A palinode, träAivºta. See Recantation, To recant. A palisade, a Taupos, oftenest in pl. ; GTaipoua, Té; orraupwo is, h; orcóAotes, oi. To palisade, or fortify with palisades, a Taupéa, ôtao Tavpów, trpoo Taupów (esp. by drawing a palisade * v «t. ; Xopaicºſia, in front of). A place fortified by a palisade, xápéroua, T6. A pallet, ºf &gicavitms, ov, Ö. See Bed. To pailiate, pºetów. See Eacuse. A palm, poivić, icos, 6, #; (of the hand, q.v.) +’āyo- GTós. Palpable, 67Xos, m, ov, and os, ov. Palpably, Aaſarpås. See Evidently. To palpitate, &G Taipa, rare except in pres, and imperf. act.; ‘f TáAAw. Palpitation, traXP6s. Paltry, paſſXos, m, ov, and os, ov. To be pampered, tpipáa, only act.; XAiðaivopal, pass. A pan, kepāutov. See Pot. A pander, paatpotros, Tpoăywyðs, Tpopuńot pia. To pander, Maatpotreča, only act. Pandering, wagtporeſa, trpoăywyeta. Panegyric, čTalvos. See Praise. Panegyrical, Trávnyüpikós. To panegyrize, étalvéa, fut. -éow and -how, perf. pass, fivnual, aor. 1. livé0mv. See To praise. A panic, pó60s. See Fear. Panniers, i kavółixto, Tá. Carrying panniers, i kavóñAtos. Panoply, trávoirAta. Armed with a panoply, firávotAos, ov. To pant, t pugudo, Fá0.6Matva', 'f'êtraortraipoº. To pant against (as a horse against the bridle), F ſcăTa- 0.6plaiva, c. gen, Panting excessively, 'ürépao'090s, ov. A panting, 309/.4, T6. See Evident. A panther, travółip, ipos, 6. A pantile, kepāuls, toos, also toos, h. Papa, tiréiriras, ov, 6, voc. trātrā; + rattſas, ov, 6 +trairtrfölov, Ar. To call papa, i Tattáçw, only pres, and imperf, act. (in Ar. in the sense of coaxing, and so gaining one's point, implied). Paper, Bi'éAos, i. Papers, Ypápuāta, td; +xáptal, oi. Paper armies (i. e. armies only formidable on paper), étuatoximatoi Suvéueis, Dem. Papyrus, 8t'éAos, ii. Made of papyrus, 886Nivos. A parable, Aéryos. Paradoxical, Těpáðočos, ov. Paradoxically, träpääóšws. A paragraph, kóAov. With long paragraphs, uſikpókwaos, or, Parallel, Túpd'AA'māos. Parallel, adv., trapaxxâxws. To be parallel, givetriteiva, intrans. To march in parallel lines (of two armies), širitápelp. (-iéval), ávtitrépétu. To be paralysed, träpäAöopal, pass., perf. —AéAüual. Paralysis, palsy, Täpäxious, i. Paramount, the king would think it a paramount object, 6 8&qixels repl révros &v trouha'airo, Xen. A paramour, (of the man)'êvãp, gen, ävöpbs (opp. to Tóris, Soph.); (of the woman) traXAáká. See Con- cubine. A parapet, &uéox&s, #60s, i. To paraphrase, évreiva, sometimes c. eis and acc. A parasang, Tāpāoráyyms, ov, 6. A parasite, Tāpāditos ; + VoſtokóAač, Škos, 6. A parasol, f gicléðelov. A parcel. See Burden. To parch, śmpaiva. See To dry. Parched, £mpos, Omn. To pardon, ovyyiyvágico, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-éyvav, perf. -éyvoica, c, dat, pers, acc. of the fault, rarely also c, dat. pers. and dat, of the fault; ötöwyll, c. dat. pers, acc. of the fault ; tāpimut. One must pardon, avvyvao Téov, c. dat. Pardon, ovyyvápm, f ovyyvapoo tºwn; aßeoris, eas, #. We beg pardon, and own ourselves wrong, Tapiéueolóa, ical papev Kalcós (ppovetv, Eur. - - Pardonable, ovyyvápov, ovos, 6, #; # ovyyvagrós. Inclined to pardon, avy Yvºuwu, ovos, 6, j, c. gen, ; ovyyvopovicós. 297 Pare—Particularity Not pardoning, 'éovyyvápov, ovos, 6, #. To pare, Tepitéuvoº, no aor. 1. act., perf. —Tétumka. A parent, tokebs, rare in sing. ; yovets, rare in sing. ; ºf 6 telców, fi tekoto'a, in pl. of both, of Telcávres, C. gen, (of course also c. acc.); pl. oi Yelváuevo, oi 'yevvigavres, oi pāgavres, Eur. I who had no parents, 6s otte 8Adatas tra yeyeóAtovs tratpos, où puntpos eixov, Soph. See Father, Mother. My parents, &v éqvy &tro, Soph. To be a parent, or to be a parent of, lit. and metaph. Tikta, fut. Téopal, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. čTekov, perf. Tétoica; ſpiteta, f irpoſpvtejo; + pta, only in pres, fut, and aor. 1. See To beget, To bring forth. Parental, as — a parental curse, 'yevé0Atos 'épô, HEsch. Born of noble parents, ºf ºptotótokos, ov. To cherish one's parents in their old age, 'ympotpoſpéa, no. mid., but also pass. of the parents who are so cherished; so tºympoéookéw. One who cherishes his parents in their old age, 'ympo- 600 kös, Ö, h; yºpotpéqos, 6, #. A paring, ‘i’āTókviopia, Tó. A park, Täpääeta'os. To parley with, A6)ovs Tpostpépo, c. dat. Thuc. Parliament, 80UAff. A member of parliament, TpóéovXos (i. e. a deputy appointed to deliberate on state affairs), cºvyypāqets, A parody, Tapºbia. Parricidal, Tatpoq’évos, ov; + trätpoktóvos, ov. A parricide, trätpāAotas, ov, 6; ºf Tātpopóvos ; # Ta- Tpopóvtms, 6; F trätportóvos. To be a parricide, ‘i Tatportovéa, only act. A parrot, littäcm. To parry, + &rogeiopal, mid. Parsimonious, petàoxbs, eiteXàs. Parsimoniously, eiteXós. Parsimony, petów?Ata, t petà6. Parsley, oréAlvov, often in pl. Part, uépos, Tá; poipa ; uéple, toos, # ; uéptov; (i. e. duty) wépos (e. g. it is my part, for my part, etc., Toipºv wépos, etc.). I will not fail for my part (lit. my part shall not be weary), où ſcape? Toijubu pépos, Soph. Part is often left out, as—for Pylos is a part of what was formerly Messenia, Éott Yêp # IIüAos Tās Mego mułóos Totè oãons yūs, Thuc., esp. when Ti is expressed and followed by a genitive, e. g. — you ought to take care . . . lest any part of what there ought to be he wanting to you, Xph ore alcoteta 0&t . . . uſitrote étix!tſ, ti jugs &v čeſ itápxelv, Xen.; also esp. when the meaning is “it is the part of" (i.e. the duty of), which is rendered by éott and gen, e. g.—it is not a woman's part, oùTot yuvaikós éatt, AEsch. ; also by Tpbs c. gen, e.g.—it is not the part of a skil- Jul surgeon to lament . . . oil trpès ioTpoi, oropod &pmveſu, Soph. The chief part, trpeg Seſoy. To take another's part (be in another's interest), ppovéa, Tà ..., c. gen, pers, or c. rpès and acc. As many as survived of the Plataeans who had taken their (the Lacedaemonians”) part, 30 ot tº a pétépg ‘ppovoúvtes IIAaTaléov Treptăgav, Thuc. The goodwill on the part of the allies, eúvola i Tapū Tów avppićxov, Isoc. To part, act. (i. e. to separate, q. v.), 'üTokpivo : (i.e. to divide, to distribute, q.v.) 61&véua; Štaipéo, aor. 2. čueixov. To part, intrans. (i. e. separate), 6tto Tapai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act., perf. part, often —egrès, -óa'a, gen. -ótos; (i. e. to depart, q, v.) &Tépxopal, fut. Aetolopal, aor. 2. —#A0ov. To partake, Kouvovéw, only act., c. gen. rei, dat. pers., either often understood; colv6opal, mid., c. dat. pers, gen. rei, also often c. acc. rei, once in Eur. in aor. 1. pass, c, dat. rei (T46 eicolvé0my Aéxel); quuuetía Xo, only pres., more usu. Juppétéxo, fut. ovuprebeša, and ovºpleTao Xīga, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —uéreoxo~, perf wetéoxmica, no mid, or pass., c, dat. pers, gen. or acc. rei. See To share. One must partake, Meffect ov, c. gem.; ueTaxmirtéov, C. gen. A partaker of or in, Kouvovos, wéroxos, + origiTXovs. Partaking of, uéToxos, ov, c. gen. ; + šykämpos, ov; + petákovos, ov, c. gem. ; (in a deed) + getatrios, a, ov, and os, ov, c. gen. Capable of partaking of, ueTaxmittikós. Not partaking of, 'üuéroxos, ov. See Without. Partial (of a judge, etc.), 'éðicos, ov. See Friendly. Partiality, xàpis, h, gen. —iros, acc. -ita and -lu. Partially, (i. e. with partiality) 'üvia ws ; (i. e. in part) uépos Tu Thuc.; katē wépos, Plat. To participate in. See To partake. Participation, icolvøvía, pºetovoría, petoxh; ué0eÉts, i. Composed of small particles, Aettopaepſis. Particular, ºtos, a, ov, and os, ov; (i. e. precise, etc., of a person) 'dicpiéffs. In some particular way, 'ióíos. Particularity, 'élºpičela. 298 Particularly—Passage Particularly, uáAtara, + ækkpitov. A partisan (i.e. one of a political party), otádióttis, ov, 6. ~ A partition, Šiš' ppayao, Tá. Partly, uépos ru, Thuc.; to pºv and Tô pºv answered by to 68 and tā Śē respectively; Totto weu answered by Toàto 6*, or by éiretta 6&, or Tö 38, etc., and sometimes the answering words are understood ; Th pºv answered by tril 6*, Xen. A partner, Kowavos, c. gen, or c. dat. pers.; cowbºv, &vos, 6; ovXAfittwp, opos, 6; orávvouos, 6, i. Partnership, icolvovío. See Participation. A partridge, Trépôté, icos, 6 kai i ; trepôiclov. Parturition, tákos. See Travail. A party (political), trpoaipeois, h; ueply, tºos, i ; Tāpāračis, eas, i. See Faction. To form a party, Tapaokévéopal, mid., sine cas, sometimes c. acc. of those brought to join it. To win over from a party, make (a person) desert his party, &ptormut, in aor. 1. &réatmoo, c. acc, pers. gen. of the party. To be of a person's party, ºppovéa tê, c. gen, pers, or c. Tpos and acc. pers, or c. possessive adjective (e.g. —the cities are inclined to our party, Tô juétepa ºppo- votioivai tróAets, Xen.). Those of the party of Androclides and Ismenias, oi Taitā Yuyvágicoutes 'AvôpokAeiðg te łcal 'Igumvig, Xen. To act from party spirit, pińovelkéw. Parti-coloured, troutiaos. To pass, or pass by, intrans. Trépetut (–1éval); trape- Aačva, fut. —exãow, from which fut. come all the re- maining tenses; Tápépxopal, mid-, fut. –exeigouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fix0ov, perf. —exíAvôa, no pass.; Tapauetéo, more usu. –oual, mid. To pass over, across, repatóopal, pass. in act. sense, c. fut, mid, no pass in pass. sense (Thuc. has act. Tre- patów also in this sense); repáo; itépéalvo, fut. –Šágowal (no fut, act. nor aor. 1. in this sense), aor. 2. Örepéémy, perf. -éémica, part. F-SeS&s, –Šešóga, etc., c. acc., sometimes c. gen.; 6tāśaiva, ćictepdal, âtektrépáo; 5tatropetouai, pass., c. fut. mid. To pass before others, Tpočičéaíva. To pass over (i.e. omit), éâw, TăpăAett w, trapéðelut (–1éval). To pass (time, life, etc.), Šišyw, only act, in this sense ; Tpiso, +éktpíša (esp. implying a sense of passing unhappily); ôtate?\éa. See To live. - Those who pass their time in the courts of justice, oi trepi tā āticaatipia taxlvöoffſevol, Isoc.; K&Alvöéopal is also used c. Širl and gen. of the place where, Isoc.; or c. Šv and dat. of the occupation in which, as év tº treipä00at, Xen. Those who pass their time in philosophical pursuits, ot trepi Thy pukogoſpíav 6tatpſ://avtes, Isoc. You will pass a miserable life, Avirpºv &VTAffaels 8tov, Eur. - The eaſisting time always passed to me in eaſpectation of death, 6 Tpoo Tatów Xpóvos àifiyé u’aiev čs &avov- pévmv, Soph. To pass sentence. See To pronounce. A vote has been passed, liq,0s ékpáv0m, Eur. One must pass over, let pass unnoticed, éatéov. To pass, intrans., as time itself does, or as things done are past, eiut (iéval); Tpoéatva, aor. 2. Tpoéémv, also trpoiſémv, perf. —6é8mka; Šlépxopal, fut. –exeijoo. pal, aor. 2. -īā009 (esp. of a truce which has expired, etc.). To pass on, act., or make to pass, 6tatropetºw ; (of pas- sing anything on which is given from one to another in succession) 8táðiðwui. To pass on (esp. as a watchword, or word of command, etc.), trāpayéAAw, Tapey'yváo. But when the Greeks perceived that they were intending to depart, and passing the word to one another, étrel 6& êyíºyvoorkov airobs of "EAAqves Bovāopévous ériéval, kal 6tayyeaWouévows, Xen. To let pass (an observation so as to admit it, or an op- portunity so as to let it slip and lose it, or to allow a competitor in a race to pass), Tàpim[u. Let that pass, Éa toûto Xaipeiv, Plat. One must pass over (i.e. omit), trapaxelTréov. What must be passed (as a river), Stāśāréos. One must let pass, Tápétéov. Difficult to pass, 60séâros, ov. See Impassable. A pass (i. e. an entrance into a country, etc.), orteva- trös, # ; eisé0X?), oſtevã (tā). See Passage, Things are come to this pass, àeºpo €okéAAéral, AEsch. Matters will come to this pass, eis toūto Treptothaeta, t& Tpdyuata, Dem. Having narrow passes, otévôtropos, ov. Passable, 8%tós ; Śiś8áros, ), by, and bs, by (esp. of a river); 8áriuos, ov; Topeiaiuos, n, ov, and os, ov. Easily passable, eúropos, ov; eiðtášáros, ov; sūšáros (ov) trepºv, AEsch. A difficulty of passing, a Tevoxapta. A passage [nearly all the following words express either the act of passing or the way by which], Trópos; 6íoãos, i ; #050s, h; ātāśāqis, ews, iſ ; (by water) 299 Passing—Paucity + top996s; +Tépôuevua, T6; (for ships) TA60s, contr. (as always in Att.) TAoûs. A passage out, for ships, ěkTAous. A passage for waters to escape, élºpoff. A passage wide enough for two ships, Övolv veolvövåtñous, Thuc. The difficult passage across the river, i. 61& Töv Tótauov busXapta, Isoc. But if the rivers too will not allow us a passage across, ei öé uí6' oi trótaſioi Suffo'oval, Xen. A passage (in a book, etc.), Xaptov ; Ypdupa, T6. A passing over, TúpaxAäyā; Metášáois, eas, i. A passing (of life, etc.), Tpiśń. To open or force a passage for itself (of a flood, a river, etc.), 660Touéa. The army effected a passage, otpatos #vvoev repáv, AEsch. Sacrifices before effecting a passage, tà 6täéâtípia. A passenger (i.e. on board ship), replveos, w, § êtreiséâtns, ov, 6. Passion (i. e. feeling), Tē00s, tá ; (i. e. anger, q.v.) &üpı6s. Passionate, áčºs, compar. -ürepos, etc.; pylàos, ov; + ščíképôtos, ov; + ščixoAos, ov; + ščíðūuos, ov; ºf Śāsop'yos, ov. * To be passionate, "årpäxoAéa, only act.; † 6Auéa. Passionately, Öğéas, Öpytaws ; (i. e. vehemently, q. v.) orqoëpós. Passionateness, Öğü0üpıſa ; āpyixótms, mtos, i. Passive, traffnticós. A passport, ºf a ppäyls, 750s, i. Past (of time, generations, etc.), TápéA6&v. The past, To Tply, Soph.; 6 Tapex0&v Xpóvos, Soph.; to tra. pex0öv, Xen. Pastime, štårpiéh, ētāyayā; 31&Tpié xpóvov, Soph, Pastoral (of a people, etc.), wouis, éð0s, 6, i. Pasture, Botâum ; +véuos, T6. A joint pasture, ovy- vouſ. Pasture for horses, fittroºpépélov. Rich pasture, t eigopéta. A mutual right of pasture, éti- vouía. ** A coastaffording pasture for owen, Boövopos &kth, Soph. A meadow affording pasture for owen in the summer, 8ov0ephs Aeludºv, Soph. Affording pasture, tºpopéâs, #60s, h; rich pasture, ečéotos, ov; eixoptos, ov; for sheep, p.mxášotos, ov. ...At pasture (of herds), t 80èvoluos, ov, Enjoying rich pasture, eúxiàos, ov. To pasture or drive to pasture, véuw, and in mid. of the cattle or flocks which are driven to pasture, pass. rare ; trposvěwa, 5tavéºw, vouetw. e 5 To p it, kata/do, ºnAábdo, + kåta) fixo. A pat or patting, ſºmA&pnua, Tó. Paternal, ratpºos, a, ov, and os, ov; Tātplof, a, ov, and os, ov; Tātpicós. See Father, A path, 660s, h; ‘ātpátēs, ; otišos; Tpié0s, 6, i. See Road, Way. Pathetic, Trúðnticós. Pathetically, Tâ0m Tukós. Pathless, ’āropos, ov; 'ātpišás. Patience, Kaprépmots, ii; kaptépmua, Tó ; kaptepia. | Patient, TAffuſov, ovos, 6, ii; kaoTepbs, kaptepicás; # TAmaicópātos, ov. To be patient, bear patiently, 'évéxopiat, mid. imperf. sometimes àvel».ópmv, fut. &véčouai and &vaoxhorouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. in Att, usu. iiveoxówmv, also by sync. ivox., c. acc. of the calamities endured, also c. gen. or sine cas., often c. part.; captepéa, only act (except in phrase found below); otépyw, only act. c. acc. or c. dat.; Śtrouéva, only act.—But be patient, —HIPP. I have been patient long enough.-'AAA& kapº Tépel.—‘IIIII. KelcaptépmTai Tàuð, Eur. A patient, going with the physicians to some of their patients, uerò, Tów ioTpóv eisex8&v trapó, Tuva Tów kapıvövtov, Plat. . Patiently, kaptepoëvtos, +tAmpévos, + etxàºyos. One must bear patiently, a Tepictóov, c. dat. To be endured patiently, 'üyürmtés. Patriarchal,—to be under a patriarchal form of go- vernment, Tărpovopéopal, pass. Patriotic, piñátroAs, and poet, piñóirToxis, eas and ió0s, 6, #. A patrol, trepitoxos, usu. pl. An inspector of patrol, Tepitóñapxos. The patrol station or guard house, TepitróAtov. To patrol, trepitroxéw, only act. i A patron, Tpoo Tărns, ov, 6 (esp. in prose the patron of the uétoticol, etc., answering to the Roman pa- tronus); tº Tpáčevos, 6, #. - To choose a patron, irpootármv Ypápouai, mid., Ar.; Tpoatãrmy #x0. To live under a patron's protection, êrl "poatárov oikéw, Lys. { I will not have Creon called my patron, où Kpéovtos. Tpooſtdºrov yeypdikouai, Soph. To be a palron of, Tpočevéa, only act., c. gen.; Tpo- otátéo, no mid, but also pass. A pattern, Ösſyua, té; träpääeiyua, āros, Tá; Túros; ºf éköfðayua, Tó. Paucity, ÖAiyātms, mtos, ii. See Fewness. 300 To pave, a topévvvut, fut, otpdºora, etc. A paved causeway, Éotpapevn 666s, Hdt. To pave the way (metaph.), Tpooãototéo, c. dat. pers. for whom, paunch, Yaathp, ii, gem. Épos. sync. Yao Tpbs, etc. See Belly. pause, ’āvāravots, j. See Cessation. o pause, traßw (Soph. even has traßeorkov poet. im- perf.), more usu. Traùopal, mid- and pass., c. gen, of the matter in which. See To cease. paw, Trots, troëbs, 6. See Foot. A pawn (or security given), 'üirotiumpa, T6. See Security, Pledge. - To pawn, ‘ūTotòmul; ’āirotiudo, also pass. of the property pledged. mid. To receive in pawn, &Totiudopal, A pawning, "årotiumqis, eas, i. To pay, &Točićopu, TeXéo, Año, ötaxša'; tho, fut, tira, etc. (esp. of paying in return or recompense, or as a penalty); €ictiva, kārārī0mut; (esp. of taxes) &ro- ‘pépo, Tpospépa, ’āpiðuéo, ºraptºpéo, &apt0,1{w; (money, and esp. tribute) 'Śīrāya: ; (honour, etc.) véuw. To pay tribute, Texerºpopéo; (a price) for, távridióapu, c. gen, of the thing bought, c. acc. of the price ; ; so &vtitíðmut; beforehand, tpoötöopu, TpoteAéa'; besides, Tposkaratiºnal, Tposairotiva, Tpostexéo; wages, uto 6060téa. To aid in paying, orivektívo; (of a tax) ovvetsºpépa. To give (goods, a slave, etc.) in payment (not having money), švatroTipáa. To agree to pay, Tágorouai, mid. I entreat you therefore to aid me in making my debtors pay what my father left to me, 6éopal of v Šuðv ovvets. Tpáčat wou Tois à peixoviras & plot 6 trathp catéAltrey, Dem. See To eaget. To be paid (of the person receiving the money), icopt- Sokal, mid. (esp. of a debt due to one); texéopal, , pass. - One must pay, 'üroãotéov, & rotto Téov; besides, toos- atroëoréov. One must keep in pay, puto 604,0pmtéov, c. acc. To serve for pay, to receive pay, uto 604 opéa, only act. c. dat. of the employer, sometimes also c. acc. of the pay; putorðapvéw. Pay, uta'66s; uſabapua, T6; ulo 60¢op& (strictly the receipt of pay). Full pay, utorðos évrexhs, Xen. Additional pay (to make up a deficiency), Tposkātā'- ŚAmpua, T6. Double pay, 6iuoupia. Receiving pay, uto 60%pos, ov. Receiving full pay, évtexóuto'60s. Without pay, +’áutogos, ov. Tave-—Pedestal Without pay, adv., "åutrði. A working for pay, uto 6apvía. The trade of one who works for pay, i. purðapuntikás pug 6apvich épygota, Arist. - A paymaster, puto 6066Tns, ov, 6. Payment, popá; &tóðoots, #; #ctions, eas, ii; &ti- opa, Tó. A failure in paying on the proper day, intmpmuepta. The day of payment on my part being about to eaſpire, geWAoûorms #37 uot ºfficew tis Štrepnuepſas, Dem. A pea, trigos. Chickpea, Épééiv60s. Made of pease, trioivos. Peace, eipſium, joixia; (after war) givaAAäyh; so ătăAüois, ii, also 6. Toxéuov, and (between litigants), 6. 6thems. To make peace, GTévôouai, fut. O'Teto'opal, perf. pass. êo Tétouai, in both act, and pass, sense, c, dat, pers. or c. Tpbs and acc., also ot. eipſiumv, or ot. veſicos; oivaAAágoſopal, pass., c. rpès and acc. pers.; kata- Aö'o, oftener -ouai, mid., or it. tróAepov, etc. Peaceful, eipmuaſos; eipmuirbs (also as conducive to peace); ‘fulo'otrópirač, ćicos, 6 (lit. hating shields). Peacefully, eipmuicós. * To be peaceful, live peaceably, eipmueño. To be peaceably disposed, 'êtroAéua's éxw, Plat. A peach, piñAov IIepaircóv. A peacock, Ta&s, gen, Taſº, etc., also taðv, &vos, 6. A peak, copiºph, *ākpa, A640s. See Mountain. With two peaks, Făţāopos, ov; +&icópiqos, ov. A pear, byxwm. A wild pear, 'üxspö0s, i. A pearl, uopyāpirms, ov, 6. A peasant, it'aypótºms, ov, 6; ºf ’āypéatms, ov, 6. A pebble, piqos, ii. See Stone. Like a pebble, iſºmºpoeiðfs. Pebbly (full of pebbles), toxvil/mºls, '60s, 6, #. See Stony. To peck, 6&Kvo, fut. Shéopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2, #63– kov, perf. 5éömxa, etc. See To bite. Pectoral, atmöikós. Peculation, RA0th. See To embezzle. Peculiar, éalpetos, ov; ºtos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of a peculiar sort) ifivoyevſis. Peculiarity, iótárms, mºros, i. Peculiarly, ºf Éckpitov. Pecuniary, they imposed a pecuniary fine on him, émpiograv Xpfiuggiv, Thuc. See Money. A pedagogue, trauð&yoyás. See Tutor. A pedestal, Bā'6pov; Bāoris, eas, #; (of a statue) # atüAośātms, ov, 6. 301 Pedigree—People Pedigree, – the making out a pedigree, yevsåAoyſa. See Genealogy, etc. To trace a person's pedigree, 'yevsåAoyéo, only act., c. acc. either of the pedigree or of the person. To peel, Aertſo’, ‘pxofów. Peel, Aeriptov; Aéupa, ātos, Tó; Aotris, toos, h; (of fruit) Tepik.dpiruov. To peep, + träpäkütta, only act. (lit. to stoop down on one side for the purpose of peeping; also metaph, to peep out, of hope, etc.); into, or over, i. e. project over, Štrepkitto (in this sense, c. gen.); out (i. e. to be visible) trpokūTTw, only act. A peep-hole (in a shield, for the warrior to see his enemy, etc), tiréyxpopa, T6. The peers, oi Šuotiuot (the chief nobles among the Persians). - Peerless, 'üoºykpitos, ov. Teevish, Stokoxos, ov; Siſsépeotos, ov. Peevishly, 8vskóAws. Peevishness, 8vskoxia. Peevish assertions, 8vszépá- oruata, td. - A peg, Táo gºos, Špués; to fasten nets, 'érooxãAf. Sopa, T6; to fasten a door, Báñávos, h; by which the strings of the lyre are fastened or turned, kóAAok, otos, 6. To peg, F TagorčAeño, Pegged down, i TagorčAevtós. A pelican, treWekivos; treWelcãs, -ávtos, 6. To pelt, 84AAw, no aor. 1., perf. 8ééAmica. throw, A pen or pencil, Ypāq's, ióos, i. To pen (i. e. to write, q.v.), Ypápa. Penal, Çmutdºoms. Penalty, Tow), (nuſa; Titiuta, Tá; Tiamug, Tó; êictuguo, Tó. To affia (such and such) a penalty to, ſmutav Toléo, Xen.; (mutov táraw, Thuc.; g. Titíðmut or Ç. Tpos- Tíðmut. See To To be affired (as a penalty), Čricetual, Tpóketual. To be liable to, to incur, to be convicted in a penalty, Çmutav Špxtokávo, often c. gen. of the offence; ſmuſ, Tepuirítto. To pay a penally, (mutav čktivo, & pépa, (, Aapéâvo. A right of imposing penalties, (mºtopia, Tó. One who estimates, apportions penalties, tumths, ot, 6. Pendulous, F ſcăTříopos, ov. Penetrable, 6titicós. To penetrate, t repatvo: Stépxopal, fut. –exeigouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fiX3ov, perf. —exãAü0a, no pass., See Hanging. c. acc., sometimes c, gem.; f białoga (, Ep., á Att.) but more usu, in Att. -doorw, c, acc. or c, gen. Se To pierce. - Penetrating, +Stavratos (of a blow or grief, etc.) See Piercing. Penetration, Öğrms, mTos, i. A peninsula, Xeporávnoos, i. A dweller in a peninsula, xepo'ovmoirms, ov, 6. Penitence, uetávola, tuetáyvota. See Repentance. Penitent, uétáueArticós. A pennant, a muetov. Penniless, Fºx ºf pov, ovos, 6, #. See Poor. A penny, 660Xbs [it was, however, rather more than three halfpence of our money]. A three-penny piece, Tpid,60Xov. Pensive, otivvo0s, ov, cont. vous, vovv. Pemurious y\to Xpos. Penuriously, y\taxpa's. Pemuriousness, YAloxpótms, mºros, i. Penury, Tevia. A peony, Talavío. The people, A&bs, Att. also Aéas (the only form in prose), (of the whole nation, etc.); 6%iuos (of the whole people, but in Att. prose, etc., esp. of the people or commons opp. to the nobles); Tô TA760s, esp.–67p10s, the commons, but also of the whole nation opp. to 67/10s (in the sense of the mob); + otpárós. The people (in a ridiculous or coaxing expression), +8muíðtov, fömuáktölov. The whole people, Tpóttas otóAos, Soph. The common people, oi (paññou, Eur.; of Tüxóutes, Plat.; 'üyeAatou &v0patrol, Plat. People, Tus, in sing, and pl.; people say, Aéyet tus, Thuc.; those who wish to praise people, of eiào'yetv Tivas BovXówevoi, Isoc.; for people guard against those who are more powerful, Töv yöp Tpoixovtd. Tus āpiśvetal, Thuc. - One of the people, 6muðtms, ov, 6 (opp. to a noble), sometimes àmp. &v?ip, etc.; 67poticós. . The whole people, travömuía. - { Of, or belonging to, the people, 6muðotos; +8%pitos, ov; + 8mpé0povs, ovu (prop. spoken by the people, but also generally); + 3nuoffibás; +8muákpavros, ov, prop. effected by the people, but also generally); (of festivals, etc., celebrated by the people) 87pio- TeXīs. - To the whole people, or consisting of the whole people, Távömpos, ov. Good for the people, 6muopeahs, 6muotikás. 302 Conveying the people (of a bridge or a road), t Aá0Tôpos, O!/. Full of people (as a street), Aeopópos, ov. A friend of the people, 6muepaqths, où, 6. Pleasing the people, Fönuotepths. One who seeks to gratify the people, Snuoxãptoºths, où, 6. Protecting the people, fºluotºxos, ov. Suffered by the people, f Aáotráðſs. With the whole people, travönueſ; + travömuſq. leader of the people, 6muāyaºyos (usu. in a bad sense, of one who does so by evil acts, but not always). o lead the people, 87Waywyéo, almost (but not quite) always in a bad sense, only act., sometimes c. acc. o cheat the people, F &nuſſo, only act.; t kpovoiâmpéo, only act. leading of the people, or the conduct of those who seek (by bad arts) to lead the people, 87Waywyía. See Demagogue, o harangue the people, 6mum yopéo, sometimes c. acc. of the speech, sometimes c. Tpbs and acc. of the people. See To speak, Orator, etc. 0 people, ktíſo, oilciº. To be thickly peopled, ouvoucéopal, pass. See To colonise. epper, trétrépu gen. tos, or ió0s. operambulate, trepitratéo. See To walk. erceivable, aioróntos, vomtös (only by the intellec- tual faculties). 0 perceive, yiyvágico, fut. Yvágouai, no, aor. 1, aor. 2. čyvov, perf, act. Yvoka, etc., c, acc. sometimes C. gen.3 often c. part.; Triº/vywógica, voéo, Évvoéo; aiotăvouai, mid., ſut, aio.6%aouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. ho'66pmv, c. gen. or c. acc. often c. part.; Mav6ávo, fut, uáðhorouai, aor, 1., aor. 2. čuš00v, perf, usuſſtºmica; + ºppſ#(opal, mid.; + divinut (see To hear, See, Feel, etc.); beforehand, or before, Tpovoéo, act. c. acc., also mid. c. gen.; Tpoatabávouai; besides, Tposvoéa, Tpos- ato 0&vouai. me must perceive, kátávomtéov. Perception, ała 6mals, eas, ii; vómats, eas, h; kátá- vámoſis; +ator0mpa, Tó. he power of perception in the mind, pavtågſø. want of perception, a not perceiving, &yvooría. erceptive (having perception), aiorðmtikos, vomtikós. Having a quick perception, eiata 8mtos, ov. o have a quick perception of, eiata.0%tos éxo, Plat. perch (for fowls to rest on), fºréraupov. erchance. See Perhaps. ercussion, TAºyń. See Blow. People—Period Peregrination, êkömuia. See Travel. Peremptory, Öeotroticós. Peremptorily, Śeotroticós. See Positively. Perennial, 'éévaos, ov. See Everlasting. Perfect, Téº eos, a, ov, and os, ov, also TéAetos (the former the most common, esp. in Att. prose), trayte- Ahs, évre fis; in itself, aitoreAñs. To perfect, Tex40; &#epyáçopal, mid., c. perf. pass. éčeipyaopal in both act, and pass. sense; 'étroTAmpów. See To complete. To bring to perfection, êictovéa, To be brought to perfection, TeXeotovpyéouai, pass. To be perfe’t, 'dºpišéopal, pass.; 'étakpuééopal. Perfectly, ſtavtexós, TeXeſa's and TeXéals. See Com- pletely. Perfection, Texelötms, mºros, i. Perfidious, ‘ātriotos, ov; 30Åepás; TiêovXos, ov; +66Atos, a, ov, and os, ov; † 60Aióqipov, ovos, 6, #; fem. ‘f 60Aóttis, iè0s, i. Perfidiously, 'üttorals. Perfidy, 36A0s, ’ātriotta, Tpoôogía, +’ātiatooijun. To perforate, Tpútáo. See To pierce. Perforation, + Tpātmua, T6. See Hole. To perform, TeXéa, Éictexéo, Totéo, Tpdoorw; épyā- Çouai, mid, perf. pass, both in act. and pass. sense; Kätepyáſoſtal, àtrepyāſopal, ºf éctrovéo. See To do, To accomplish, etc. To aid in performing, ovutpáraw, absol. or c, dat. pers. c. acc. rei, or c. prep.; ovutovéo (same construction). See To co-operate. One must perform, troum Téov. To be performed, Tolmtéos; +’āAóaipºos, ov. Performance, tºpáčus, eas, i. A performer, Tp(#ictap, opos, 6, #; +épyärms, ov, 6; (i. e. an actor, q.v.) iTokpiths, ot, 6. Perfume, pipov. A perfume seller, pipotréAms, ov, 6. A perfume shop, pavpotroxetov. Perfumed, + pipóxptotos, ov. Perhaps, 'two's, often c. 8v and opt.; tāx' &v, c. Opt., sometimes c. indic., often alone in answers (in Plat, often joined to forws in any order, Táx' forws &v, Tóx’ &v toos, or forws Táx' &v), &v sometimes omitted, but very rarely.” Perhaps they escape the notice ..., Kuövvetovoi AeA). 6éval ..., Plat. Peril, ictvöövos. Perilous, éticivövvos, a páNepós. See Risk, Danger. See Dangerows. Perilously, Štructuğüva's. A period, reptobos, ii. See Time. - 303 Perish—Persist To perish, ùAAiſual, mid., fut. ÖAoûual, no aor. 1., aor. 2. &Aáutiv, perf. §Awaa (in prose more common in the compound); &tóAAuſual, éâtróAAvual, 6tóAAvual ; Ríow pºeffortaugl, Eur. To have perished, olxopal, perf. §xmual and #x2ca, but used esp. in pres, tense in past sense (in prose more usu. in comp.); 610tzopal. To perish besides, Tposé TóAAugal, trposötaq6eipopºat ; together or with, givātāAAvual, ovatāpāTóAAvual, favvóAAvua; avy- biaſpöeſpoua, pass. See To be killed, To be destroyed. Perishable, éticºmpos, ov. See Mortal. To perjure (oneself), Tuopicéa, only act, sine cas., sometimes c. acc. of the thing sworn by ; ſevöopap- Tüpéo; theißopiat àpicta, Xen. To perjure oneself (in a matter), Évertopkéw, sine cas. . To gain by perjuring oneself, Kätettopicéopal, mid. To commit perjury against (sometimes so as to procure conviction), cataſhevöouaprupéa, c. gen.; sometimes in pass. of the person testified against. A prosecution for perjury, Tô ſevöopaptipta. Perjured, étudpicos, ov; + heißopkos, ov. Perjury, Étiopicſa ; (before a court of justice) levö0- uoptipto. A periwinkle (shell-fish), vºmpeſtms, ou, 6. Breeding periwinkles, f wipitotpápos, ov. Permanence, povh. Permanent, uðviuos, ov; Tăpăuðviu0s, m, ov, and os, ov, also poet. Tappióviuos ; 6tätexís. See Lasting. Permanently, povíaws. Permission, êovoría. To permit, Éda, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass. sense ; épêmul, also êpſeugi, mid., aor. 2. čpetumu, etc., no pass, in this sense, c. dat, pers.; Tàpinput ; Tutpétro, c. dat. To permit a thing to be done (i. e. to over- look, not regard it), Treptopda, no aor. J. act, fut. and aor. 2. Treptólyopal, repleiðov (borrowed from other words). One must permit, ŚāTéov, Širſtpertéov. What must be permitted, + šáté0s. Pernicious, "ātmpbs, sometimes c. Tpos and acc.; + (). puðms (see Injurious); to the citizens, Toñitoſp06pos, ov. Very pernicious, FToMüoivhs. Peroration, êtriaoyos. To perpetrate, trouéo, xelpoup'yéo (usu. in bad sense). See To do. A perpetrator, faitóxelp, 6, #. See Doer. Perpetual, aid vios, a, ov, and os, ov; ’āńios, ov; ’āravotos, ov; 5unveichs. See Everlasting. Perpetually, 'đel, # 6invekôs. See Always. To perpetuate, perpetuity,+I will perpetuate the law, I will establish the law in perpetuity, Sequov Töv eis &tavt’ éyò Sfora xpóvov, AEsch. | To perplex, trăpătroëiga, ; +’ātratoxdal, only act.; *s 'âtopiav Käfliotºut, pass, sense, Plat. To be per- pleaed, 'üpmxãvéw, only act, sometimes c. acc. of the cause, or c. Tepi, etc.; ’āTopéa, no mid., but also pass. in the matter about which a person is perplexed (the pass, only in prose); TAávdouai, pass.; +’āAáopal, only pres... and imperf; ‘āunxévos éxo, HEsch.; re- TAövmuévos éxa, Isoc.; És 'étopov #ka, Eur.; ev &Tápots eiul, Xen.; &tópws éxel Mou, Antipho. See To doubt. i They were perpleaed to know how to manage present circumstances, év &mdpº sixov Sérôal to trapov, Thuc. But their father Tyndarus was perpleaed at the mailer, to trpayua 5’ &Tápas eixe Tuvööpeg, Tatpi, Eur. | Perplexed, ‘āwīxãvos, ov, often c. infin. of what is to be done (in prose only of circumstances); ’āropos, ov (both of people and circumstances). Perplexedly, &Irópos, superl. —&Tata ; ºf ’āumxávols. Perplexing (see above), also ºf ’āoriuéAntos, ov, and &ššu.; Fövsdykpitos, ov; +”&ppao ros, ov. Perplexity, 'êumxãvía, ’āTopſa ; # TAávnua, Tá; Tô êvsuá0és, Eur. See Doubt, Difficulty. To be free from perplewity, eitopéo, only act. Freedom from perpleaſily, eúTropia. - To persecute, éAačva, fut. Aéro, Att. also êAó, etc. See To oppress, etc. Persecution, Stoyua, Tó ; +6loyuás. Perseverance, givéxeta. - To persevere, Aïtépéo, no mid, often c. part. (esp. in entreating); icoptepéa, rare except in act. (once in pass.-I have persevered long enough, kercaptépmTai Tápió, Eur.); 61éicaptépéo, sometimes c. eis and acc. of the person in whose behalf; Éykaptepéo, some- times c. dat. of the business ; Śiśuéva, c. part, or c. dat, or c. Év or éirl and dat.; 6táTeXéo, c. part. To join in persevering, ovvötauéva. One must persevere, AITápmtéov. Persevering, Airãphs, c. repl and gen, or trpès and acc., etc.; oriveXàs. *. Perseveringly, Airãpós. Persia, IIepals, ibos, h, often ºf IIepols, eſta, etc. To persist, ioxipigoual, mid. (esp. in affirming), som times c. acc. of the statement, or c, čis or öri, etc.; 6tfoxvpiſopal ; ŚiśicapTepéa, c. 98) and infin. ſ i ; | €- 304 Person—Phantom I persist in my opinion, êy& 6 airós eiwi tā Yvéºn, Thuc. See To persevere. And always persisting in his opinion, &et Te Tås airot, 'yvápms éxópevos, Thuc. One must persist, ioxºplatéov. Person, (i.e. body) gºpia, Tó; (i. e. personal appear- ance) & his, # ; axiwa, Tó; † eið0s, Tó ; # ºpuſ ; + 6éuas, to, only nom. and acc. sing. Person (i. e. man or woman), 6éuas ; untpéov 6éuas =pfirmp, AEsch. Soph.; 'HAéktpas 6éugs='HAéict.pa, Eur.; also kūpa, neut., only mom. acc. and voc., Trag, e. g.—'Iguív'ms Kápa = 'Io pºſium, Soph.; so eið0s 'HAércrpas - ‘HAéictpa, Soph.; also parts of the person, êupa vöppms=vöppm, Soph.; Tows Tarpos= Táthp, Eur.; #öe Xelp=éyò, Soph.; orópa toûuöv, Eur. They are worse treated as to their persons, Tois a dºpaaſi öelvárepa tráoxoval, Isoc. Do not abandon us who are ea posing ourselves to indi- vidual danger in our own persons, uh Tpómote juás łętov učv Töv clvövvov Tóv orapadºrav trapaša MAopé- vous, Thuc. Personal, 'fötos, &, ov, and os, ov. Personal property,’āqāvīs oãota, Lys. To personate, pluéopal, mid. - Perspicacious, Öğüs. Perspicacity, Öğrms, mºros, i. Perspicuity, repuptivela. Perspicuous, Aapatpás, See Clear. Perspicuously, Aguirpás, + Topós. Perspiration, ‘īöp&s, -ótos, 6, rare in pl. Fromoting perspiration, iópa Tirós. Subject to perspiration, sinöp&s, wros, 6, #. To perspire, ‘iópów. * Persuadable, eitreiðhs (sometimes c. gen, of the per- suader); uetáreiotos, ov; stºretoros, ov; + sítighs. Not persuadable, 5ustrāpāéovaos, ov. To persuade, treſów, 2nd perf. Tétroi6a, used in pass. sense [AEsch, has imper, perf. pass. ºréreto 64, and aor. 1. pt. Tiëſia as]; &váreſóa, + šktetów; (often with a notion of deceit) ºf trapatteſ0a, ; (so as to change a person’s previous intention) perate{{a, Tpéra; (so as to bring him over to one’s own opinion) Tpossibáſa. To join in persuading, orvutreiða, giväva- Treiða. To be persuaded, triateño. See To believe. . One must persuade, trelatéov. Persuasion, ret0& (often used as the Goddess of per- suasion), trăpău.56ta, būxãyoyſa ; (the act) Tāpā- Yayyā; (i.e. belief) triotis, eas, ii. See To believe. See Sweat. Persuasive, Tiffèvös, sometimes c. infin. of what is to be done ; trposé'ya'yös, Öv; Tetorticos, + einreiðhs, + Tetotipios. Persuasively, tričávós. Persuasiveness, Tiffèvárms, mºros, # ; trigăvoupyikā. Pert, # A&Bpos. Pertly, tº A&6pas. To be pert, i A&6poo touéa, only act, pres. and imperf. Pertness, atóuapyos y\wo oaxyla, Eur. To pertain, ‘ūtrāpya, only act., no mid, or pass., in 3rd pers. Often as impers. See To belong. Pertinacious, kaptepos, c. rpos and acc, See Ob- Stinate. Pertinaciously, orteññós. Pertinacity, ŚāsāraāAakria. Pertinent, Kaipios. See Reasonable, Suitable. Pertinently, ºf kaupta's. Perturbation, 'üvălciumats, ews, ii. See Agitation. To pervade, 5téelpit (-tévat), c. 6tá and gen.; 6tép- Xoual, mid, fut. -éAetoſopal, no agr. 1, aor. 2. —fix00v, perf. -éAft\ü6a, no pass., c. acc., sometimes C. gen. Perverse, Šišskoxos, ov; bistporos, ov; +&ido Toogos 09. Perversely, Övskáxas. Perverseness, 6vskońſa. To be perverse, óvskokatva', only act. Perversion (of truth), F atpopff. To pervert, uetootpépa, 6taatpéqa’, ‘f Tâpaorráa. To peruse, ’āvāyvywógico, fut.-Yvérouai, no aor. I., aor. 2. —éyvav, etc. See To read. - Pest, pestilence, Aouás. See Plague. Pestilent, pestilential, vocráðms, voormpbs, Aoipºdºms. A pestle, tpittºp, fipos, 6 ; tāotövä, Ökos, 6. A pet, Fºtbaos. Petted by the children, teipiaérais, trató0s, 6, ii. A petal, tréráAov. See Leaf. A petition, aftmous, eos, ii. See Request. To be petrified, Aióóopal, pass. A pettifogger, tºrpayuárošipús, ov, 6. Pettiness, pikpoxoyia. Petty, oſtevós; ulkpoxöyos, ov (only of persons). Petulance, ’āoréAyeta. - Petulant, 'üoreA'yūs. Petulantly, 'üoreAyós. To behave petulantly, 'üoreAyatva. A phalanx, páAayś, ayyos, i. To fight in phalana, påAayyouáxéa, only act. A phantom, tetówkov; + pågua, Té. * X. 305 Philanthropic—Plle Philanthropic, piñáv0patros, ov. Philanthropically, piñavěpátws. Philanthropy, piñavôpatría. A philosopher, oroquaths, où, 6; ºppovttaths, où, 6; qix60.0%0s. Philosophical, piñóoroſpos, ov. Philosophically, pix006 paſs. To philosophise, piñocoq,éw, only act. To join in philosophising, or in philosophical investigation, quºqi- Aoa oſpéa. One must philosophise, piaoroºnréov. A subject for philosophical speculation, piaogópmua, Tó. Philosophy, oroqta, piaoo-opta. A philter, pixtpov. See Charm. Phlegm, p}\é yua, Tó. A phrase, Aéâts, eas, i. Phrensy, pièvía. See Madness. Physic, pápuākov, papuártov; (i. e. the art of curing) +’īātopia. See Healing. Physical, piſaicós. A physician, ºiáTpós; +’īāTºp, ºpos, 6; + iárpáuavtus, eas, 6; t trai&v, &vos, 6; +’ākéo twp, opos, Ö. A physiognomist, pigloyvápov, ovos, 6, #. To be a physiognomist, pigloyvapovéa, c. acc. of the person so judged of. Physiognomy, pigloyvouovía. A physiologist, pigloAó)0s. To pick, (i. e. gather, q.v.) Spéra (esp. flowers, etc., but also generally), also mid. but no pass.; (i. e. to Select, q.v.) AéYw, perf. pass, in this sense, etAeypal, élixéyw, ºpiva, Čkkpiva. See To choose, To select. To pick out the best, t'ékpoéivid; opal, mid., no pass. To pick up (shipwrecked men, etc.), &vaipéopal, mid., aor. 2. —etMöumv. To pick at (a hole, so as to widen it), 6taxéyo, c. acc. One must pick out, €ickpitéov, Ščaipetéov. Picked (i. e. picked out as the best), śaiperos, ov; ëckpitos, ov; Aoyès, #60s, 6, #, no neut. ; ÉcAektos, ov; ºf Aektos, + kpitós. Picking (things out as well as one can), Aoyāömv. The pickings, t A&tiopa, Tb, in pl. See The flower. To have good pickings, écicapitãopal, mid., c. perf. pass., intrans. Sense, sometimes even c. acc. of those out of whom. A pick-axe, 'éum, optiviſm. Pickle, tàpixos, Tó; +%pos, + &Aum. Of, or belonging to, pickle, tàpixmpós. To pickle, Tàpixeča. Pickled, §§orós; +&Auès, #50s, only fem. (of olives). A pickpocket, BăAavriotógos, + 8&Aavrimróuos. To be a pickpocket, 83Xavriotouéo, only act. A pic-nic, oróvöeltryov, f. påvos. Contributions to a pic-nic, ovºsoxſ. - A contributor to a pic-nic, i épáviaths, ot, 6. To join a pic-nic, ovvöeltwéa. A picture, Ypābā; Ypáupa, Tó ; triváiclov; of living animals or men, Øypāqºmua, āros, tá; on the ceiling, + éykovpas, #80s, i. 4 A piece, f Kárayua, T6. See Part, Fragment. The word piece is often left out in Greek, e. g. it is impossible, and a piece of great folly to think ..., &öövarov, kal troAA'is eimósias Šatus offetal ..., Thuc. (Such things) fall to pieces of their own accord, rà totaota . . . Tepl airò catappet, Dem. - Pied, toucíAos, ºf otiktós. See Dappled. A pier, Xmaſī; X&pia, Tó. To pierce, Tpútáo; avvretpatva', fut. —Tphora, ; (as a weapon) 6tépxopal, fut. –exeta oual, aor. 2. —fiX60v, perf. —exíAü0a; † 6taffff:ffyvvut ; (as pain, etc.) + šića ow; (with a dart, etc.) 'ékovtića, katakovtića. Pierced, ºf &pſpirphs, fitos, 6, #; (of a rock with a hole in each side) + štáropos, ov. Piercing, Śēs, "I tripos (of weapons or wounds, and also of sounds and lamentations, etc.); + Starpiotos (esp. of sounds); +6lavrafos (of wounds and grief). Piercingly, Topós. Piety, eigééeta, ºf eige6ía ; Śotórms, mros, i ; Seo- gééeta. - A pig xoſpos, 6, h; is, Úbs, 6, h; ords, ovos, 6, #; xotplow, xopióiov, A herd of pigs, ovoſpopéetov. Of, or belonging to, pigs, xoſpeos and xoſpetos, Šetos, a jetos. Like a pig, fit for a pig, orvikós. A keeper of pigs, orišćtms, ov, 6. See Swineherd. A pig-sty, Xoupoleopetov. Slaying or in any way relating to or proceeding from the slaughter of pigs, Xotpoktóvos, ov. A pigeon, repua tepē, pdoora. See Dove. Feeding pigeons, Texeloſpéupwy, ovos, 6, ii. A pigeon-house, treptotepetºv, &vos, 6. A pigmy, Tvypatos &vip, Hom. A pike, éyxos, T6. See Spear. A pile, (i. e. a stake, q.v.) oraupés ; (i. e. a heap, q. v.) owpós. To pile, véa (see To heap); (arms) rifleſial, mid.; on, 306 Pilfer—Pitch +érivnvéa, c, gen, of the thing on which ; near, éritrapavéa. To pilfer, fºrāpākxértw. See To steal. A pilferer, Awtroëürms, ov, 6. Pillage, àpirãºyń. A pillar, kiwy, ovos, 6, #; at #Am, ºf attºos; +&p00- otárms, ov, 6; (i. e. a support, metaph.) + špetoua, Tó. - With pillars around, Fäuſpikiwu, ovos, 6, h; + Tepikſov; ‘f treptatüAos, ov. With upright pillars, ºf Öp66ttepos, ov. With beautiful pillars, feiſatàos, ov; Feikiwu, ovos, Ö, i. A pillory, ŚāAov, KAoiás. To put in the pillory, 6éa (tiva) év tá čáàg, or Tots {{Aois, Andoc.; 6éa icxotº, Eur, One who has been in the pillory, kūpov, ovos, 6. A pillow, kóðtov, f kočáptov ; (for the head) + mpos- kepāAatov. A pilot, küéepvātms, ov, 6; vačk}\mpos, + oiâkog'tpéqos, + oiákováuos; + väopińač, Škos, 3. See To steer. Skilful as a pilot, küšepunticós. The art or business of a pilot, i küéepvnTukň. Pimpernel, I kópxopos. A pimpie, pâtictatua. Pimply (covered with pimples), @Auktaivostôňs. To be covered with pimples, xàAação, only act.; xàAa- Øouai, pass. A pin, trepôvm. Not a pin, oùk ’ākāpès, oiâ’ &kapi, Ar. But the villages in which they encamped belonged to Parysatis, having been given her for pin-money, Ai 6& Kópal, év ais éakāvouv, IIapvoºrtö0s foray, eis (ºvny §eóopuéval, Xen. To pin, trepovča, and in mid, to pin (a garment) on oneself. Pincers, &eppigotpís, thos, #. A pine, éAárm ; Tirus, vos, h; trečkm, trielpa Spës, Soph.; pinewood, 83s, 6360s, i. Of pine, feixárivos, + Aërivos, + trečkivos, +Treviches. To pine, thicoual, pass., no perf. pass, nor aor. 1., perf. In use Tétnica, also fut, mid. Théopal ; karathkopal, tékthrouai, ovvtåkopia, ; # Tpüxoua, pass., rare except in pres. and imperf. A pining away, oivrmãºs, i. A pinion, Trépov. See Wing. Topinion, 6éo. See To bind. Pink, Aevicëpúðpos, ov. A pinnace, IcéAms, mºros, 6, See Boat. A pinnacle, 'đerós. A pint, KotěAn (really about half a pint). A pioneer, 660trouás. To pioneer, 660Toléo. See Road. Pious, eige6%is, &eoge6%is, Šotos, ºf Šeoréttap, opus, 6, j; f eforettos, ov. - To be pious, eigešéa, sometimes c. acc. of him towards whom, also, though rarely, in pass. of the person reverenced. Piously, eige6ós, òotos, Seooreéâs. - A pipe, (sort of flute) oripiyê, ty'yos, j; + käAäuos i + 66wač, alcos, 6; (for water) #Tóvouos. By pipes (for water, etc.), Ömovopmööv. The sound of a pipe, ouplyuás; + diptypia, Tá. The gentle sound of a pipe, Útrópopos Boö, Eur. Played on the pipe, FicăAäuðels; + käAäuáq60) yos, ov. To pipe, abaéa'; qūpíº, fut. –$9, more usu. —£ouai, no other mid, tense, no. pass., no perf. A piper, aixnths, où, 6; a Uplkths, où, 6. See Flute- player. A piping, or playing on the pipe, at Amaris, eas, #; fiotéömous, i. Piracy, Amateſa; Tô Amaticóv. See Plunder. The Piræus, Helpalets, and ºf IIepaeijs. A pirate, Anoths. A band of pirates, Amatāptov. To be a pirale, Amigopal, mid., aor. 1. Att. Angéump (pass., esp. in perf. Aéºnouai, to be carried off by pirates), often c. acc. of what is carried off; Amateia, only act. A pirate (i. e. piratical vessel), Anotpls, ió0s, h. Piratical, Amaticos, Amo Tpikós. Piratically, Amatikós, compar. —&repov. Chased by pirates, Amatočíoktos, ov. A pirouette, otpóSIAos. Pish, + 807, it aié07. A pit, ipvyua, Té; pāpayt, ayyos, h; Adkkos (esp. for making wine in); 8āpā6pov (esp. for throwing criminals into); oripos (esp. to keep corn in). Pitch, Tríoga. A mixture of pitch and wax to pay ships with, AdAffa. Of pitch (arising from pitch), tºrto'o ſipms (of flame). Covered with pitch, ºf trigorivos. Smeared with pitch (in a sort of tunica molesta), +Trior- gokóvntos, ov (of the death of a person so treated). To pitch, or cover with pitch, or seal (a bottle) with pitch, kārātrigorów. To pitch (a camp), triyviput. See To place. A pitch (i.e. height, extremity), to such a pitch, ē, Togoûto, or és too.oirov, Soph, Hdt. Dem. 2 307 Pitcher—Plague They would not have arrived at such a pitch of insolence, oùx &v és rôe éð6pto av, Thuc. To what a pitch of infamy are you bringing me, of p” &riptas &yels, Soph. A pitcher, &pſpiqopets; +káAtris, ió0s, ii, acc. ióa and ly, To carry a pitcher, &pſpopeãºpopéo. A pitchfork, t biceAAa; +&pivač, Škos, 6. Piteous (i. e. pitiable), €Aelvös, oiktpós; +pleyāAó- arovos, ov; +éroutros, ov; +érotºtiatos, ov (see Miserable); (i. e. feeling pity) éAeñuwu, ovos, 6, h; ‘pińourtípºwy, ovos, 6, 7 (see Compassionate); (of a glance, etc., i. e. exciting pity) + pińoikros, ov. Piteously, oiktpós, éAelvós. A speaking piteously, Aeetwoxoyia. A pitfall, föpkāvm. Pith, ēyképáAos, uſitpa. Pithy (of expressions), ortpøy'yūAos. Pitiless,’āvmAémros, ov; +ymAhs, hymAEffs; +’āvouctſp- pov, ovos, 6, #; +’ävoiktos, ov. See Cruel. Pitilessly, 'êvmAeós, "åvouktio tws, ºf v)}\eós, #’āvaA- 'yńTws. Pity, Aeos, oilcros; ſcatotic riots, i. An object of pity, ‘FéAeos, See Compassion. To pity, oikteipw, no mid., but also pass., no fut. no. perſ, though there is aor. 1.; kátoucteipw, oikti(w, + étrouctſ@, iſ kåtouctſ@; éAeéo, and pass., but no mid.; carexéea; Šv oticta Tpotí0epal, AEsch, ; 6t’otic- tov Aapéâva, Eur. To pity in return, &vroiktígo, + &utoukreſpo; together, oivourtigo. To be moved to pity, Étrucââopal, pass., also êt. Tă 'yváum, Thuc. Piłying you so much, oré rooroútovoiktovtrepišax&p, Eur. To pity my condition, Öi' otºrov rás éuës Aašev Túxas, Eur. A pivot, orpāqiyê, iſyyos, 6. Placable, Tàpairnrós, òv; eiträpäuäßntos, ov; sūkā- rāAAakros, ov. To placard (any one as infamous), &vaypépa šv orthWats, Andoc. A person placarded, ornAirms, ov, 6. A place, xàpos, x&pa, Xoptov táiros; (i.e. an office) àpxft. A convenient place (to do anything), kalpós, In its place, karð X&pav, Xen. Out of its place, é, éðpas, Eur. If you had been in my place (to Alcmena), Tēs éu&s rüxas A&éoùora, Eur, Belonging to a place, Évrotros, ov; Évrátrios, ov, A dweller in a place, Xapirms, ov, 6. - Love of a place, piñoxwpía. To love a place, XapoºtXéa, only act. - To do a thing in an improper place, röv Tóirov (rives) pºetaſpépa, AEschin. At, or in, as many places as, Štrogăxi, Čačx00. In any place, trov (enclit, never the first word in a sentence). See Where, Anywhere, Everywhere, No- where, etc. In one place ... in another place, Év6a ºv. . . Švda 6é, Xen. From any place, tró6ev. From the place from which, 36ev. See Whence. To which place, oi, sometimes c. gen. See Whither. To place, Tiºmpu; totmut, aor. 2. perf, and pluperf act. used always in pass, sense (see To stand); cabiotnut, kä0íſo; Kataxwpigo (esp. of placing soldiers, etc.). To place among, tråpepääAAw; around, Tepitotmut, c. acc. or c. dat., or c. repl and acc.; +treptotixt{w; before (as a defence or a temptation), ftporeſvo; in front (of battle, etc.), Tpotégaw; by or near, träpätiönut, trpostatnut; Túpiotapal, mid. ; (as a guard) + tropoſed)vvu ; in, or on, êtritiºnal, c. gen, or c, dat, or c, čirl and gen, etc.; Évri- 6mul; evtat-mut, c. eis and acc., or év and dat, or c. dat.; eptormul, c, dat, or c, čirl and dat, or c, čirl and gen, etc.; over, in authority, Śpio Tmut, c, dat, or c, čirl and gen, dat, or acc.; Tpotatnut, c. gem.; near previously for one's own use, trporapašáAAoſal, mid.; under, inrotíðmut, c. dat, or c, čTb, c, dat, or acc.; in different places, 6tatíðmul (esp. things in their proper places); Siformul, tºtappégo; together, avvríðmul; on one side, trapatíðepal, mid. To place in safety, kátátíðepal, mid. To be placed, ketual, fut, keto oual; káðmual, fut. Kaſh- oropal (esp. of a statue). See To put. I place confidence in God, tº 966 triotiv pépa, Soph. To give place, trapaxopéa, c, dat, pers, sometimes c. . gen. of the place. See To yield. One must place, &etéov; in front, trporakTéov. Placed, +&erós. To be placed, &eté0s. A placing, &éois, i. A placeman, +a100apxioms, ov, 3. Placid, uax0ákos, +’āyāvās; + ue^ixos, ov. Mild. Placidity, trpäärms, mtos, i. Placidly, perpías, ‘F’āyāvās. - A plague, Aoubs (used also metaph, of persons); See 368 Plague—Play p0ópos (even of a woman, i. p9ópos); 5A60pos (esp. of persons); +Aüua, Té. To plague, Aütréal. See To annoy. Plain (i.e. level, of country, etc.), Aetos, trečivés; 'être50s, ov; only fem. Teólēs, #80s, h; ’āqe^3|s (in every sense, of a field, a man, speech, etc.); (i. e. simple, artless) Airbs, trposed taxpévos; (i.e. clear, J. V., of discourse, etc.) ºf Topós; (of garments, i. e. not embroidered) Aeſos. A plain, Teótov, f yūāAov; +TA&AE, TAékös, # (also of the sea); uðtov x00vös (also of the plains of the sea, v. Saxdoro ms), Eur. Situated on a plain, #Teólēs, #60s, # (of a wood or an army). Dwelling on a plain, ºf treblovákos, ov. Plainly (to speak, etc.), ºf Topós; (to see, etc.) épºq’ā. vós. See Clearly. Plainness, ’āq)éAsia. - The plaintiff, 6 Suákav, ovtos; 6 ypayáuevos. Plaintive, Faţăivos, ov. Very plaintive, FTávöuptos, ov; ; Tāvööuptos, ov. See Melancholy, To lament. To plait, TAéka, ovatAéka. Plaited, TAektós. Well plailed, + sítřektos, ov. Plaited work, TAáicăvoy. Plaiting, TAéus, i. Occupied in plaiting, TAéicticós. A plan, 8ovAft; BoöAevua, Tá; vööumua, Té; Tivota, unxãuh (esp. in bad sense, of cunning, artful plans); tufttus, ii, gen, tos, and i80s, acc. iv, in pl. Fußea, Tô (see Contrivance, Intention); (i. e. a drawing) bid- ypgppa, āros, T6. Plans laid down, Émtà, Tá. But on that plan, if that plan be adopted, éketvas. To plan, Bouxeto, perf. pass, in either act. or pass. sense ; Śvvoéo; évôjuéopal, mid. c. perf. and aor. l., pass. in act. sense; fuñöopat, mid., only pres, and fut.; Mºxavów, act., only in pres, and never in prose (perf. pass. however used in pass. sense, and occa- sionally in act. sense, both in prose and poetry), more usu. p.mxãváopal, mid. (esp. in bad sense, of planning mischief with cunning, etc.); (with the idea of be- ginning or attempting to carry out the plan) trpáooſa (see To contrive, To plot); together, orvpuéovXeów; in opposition, form plans to counteract, ëvretričov/\gúw. One must plan, p.mxaymtéov. Planned, ‘i BovXevrós. Forming great plans, we'YáAoirpáyuwy, ovos, 6, #; + weyāAópmris, tos or ió0s, é, í. A plane, ŠvíAm ; (in geometry) éiríreč0s. To plane, šta, only act. A plane tree, TAérévos, i. Planed, §eotós. A planet, TAğums, mºros. 6, and TA. &rthp. A plank, 36pv, Tó, gen. Öépátos, also Sopos, dat. 56part and 50p) (Öoſpáti occurs even in Soph. in chor), also 6ópel (Soph.), pl. 56para, boºpa, also once 86pm (Eur); (of a wreck) + bitxač, alcos, ii. Like planks, triváicmööv. Made of planks, 60pātrā-yńs. Of the thickness of a plank, triváictatos. A plant, piſtóv ; piſtevua, Tá; ſpirevriptov (esp. in a nursery). To plant, përeſſw (of the plants or the land), often metaph.; Suápiteňo ; Ét(6a (either of the plants themselves, or of the ground planted with them), in prose also metaph. (of planting a tyranny, etc.); metaph. (of planting a colony, a city, etc.), ºrigw ; Károticiſo (also of implanting hopes in the breast); in, êuſputeña, ; round, trepipvreto. …” Planted, pèrevtós. Planted round, trepiotouxos, ov. Not planted (of a district), 'übütevros, or Planting, pâteta, Planting in, Épºqi Teſa. A plash (plashing sound, prop. of oars, then of any thing falling, as tears, etc.), F TiriXos. g To plash, intrans. I käxAdſo', only act. A plaster, kātā‘TAaopia, T6. To plaster, éâAeſqa, perf. pass. ÉXfixtupial ; Giºvá- Aeſqo ; (with any thing white) Aeviców, Plastered (spread as a plaster), kātā‘TAao Tos. Newly plastered, venAiqhs (of a house). A plate, Tivač, ćicos, 6. See Dish. e Gold and silver plate, xpija'épata calápyüpépata, Lys. A platform, ‘iºpia, Tá; (to speak on) Bºwa, Té, Plausibility, eitſpéreta ; Tiffévôtms, mºros . Plausible, eúirpáoratos, ov; ediſpeths, étrieikhs ; ed- Tpopäolotos, ov (of a speech or excuse, not of a person). - Plausible speeches, oi kańol Atav A6-yot, Eur. Plausibly, eúrpetrós, compar. —éo tepov, -éo Tara. To play (on an instrument, or to sport), traíſo, fut. Traíčopal, aor. 1. Tatoo, sometimes c. dat. of what at, or c. tºpos and acc., sometimes c. repl and gen. of the stake for which ; 5uaraíſo ; (on an instrument) + pièAtra ; on a stringed instrument, /öAw, sometimes in pass. of the instrument, no mid.; together, or to play with, ovutziga, àvriiraíſo (of playmates). 309 T'lay—Pledge One must play, + traig Téov. Play (i.e. amusement, sport, q.v.), traſyvlov, traičia; +’áðupua, T6. Playing on an instrument, ‘f traiyua, T6; fiftaxpads. A play (i. e. drama, q, V.), Späua, T6. A player, ovutraſotop, opos, 6; ovutatoths, où, 6. A playfellow, avutraffºrwp, opos, 6. See Actor. Playful, traiyvićöms, traičikós. Playfully, trauðicós. A plaything, traiyvlov. A plea, ’āiroAoyia ; (i. e. a pretence) trpópāoris, i. See Apology, - To plead, Šilcáço, sometimes c. acc. of the crime de- fended, but more usu, in prose 3ilcáçopal, mid, c. perf. and pluperf. pass. in act. sense, sometimes c, dat. of the person against whom ; &ToMo'yéopal, c. inrēp and gen.; bicas Aéyo, Isoc.; for, givnyopéo, c. dat. or c. 5tép and gen; itépôikéw, only act, c. gen. (see To advocate); in reply, &vriypápoſal, mid.; &uri. ôicéo. Pleading their kindred, §vyyévetov trpolayáuevoi, Thuc. Pleading against your father, Ötö, Öticas ièv Tatpl. Soph. Pleading, Öicoãoyſa ; (i. e. the speech of a lawyer) +’ākpóðois, eas, i. Pleadings preparatory to trial, 'üvā'kpiois, i. Pleasant, jöös, xàpiels, repTvös, ’āpeates, trpospiańs; étrixapros, 0.1/. - Faster than was pleasant, São.gov h cab' jöovºv troëbs, Soph. To be pleasant, xàpigouai, esp. in perf. pass. part. Pleasantly, pleasingly, jöéas, ’āpeakóvtws, ºf Tept- wós. To please, 'üpéokw, fut. &péow, aor. 1. pass. hpérômv, used poet, in trans. sense, c. dat., and poet. c. acc.; givapéakw ; Śvēśva, imperf. #vöävov, no fut, no pass., c. dat.; eiºpaiva, Tépirw; # Tposoraiva, c. acc.; #öéos éotl, c. dat. pers, Plat.; (i. e. to do a person a pleasure, to gratify, q, v.) x&pigouai, mid.; Śirímpa ºpépo, c. dat, Soph. That the notion may please Xuthus, iv' i öölcma is 50000w #3éws #xm, Eur. - If the same thing pleases all, ei rāori Taitov trpäyp’ ãpeakóvtos éxel, Eur. To please a person more, be more pleasing to a person, eijäpeo rotépa's 6tdicelpat, Xen. To be pleased, #60p.at, aor. 1. pass. #00mv, fut, #0.0%- oopal, c. dat. of the cause, sometimes c. acc. or c. prep.; yávilai, only pres, and imperf.; #360s exo, Eur.; £v jöovì èxw, c. acc. of the cause, Thuc. See To rejoice. - - Pleasure, réphis, ii; #50wh; +xáppa, T6. See Joy. They altered ... at their pleasure, &vtåAAašav . . . tſ, ëticaiógel, Thuc. To do or say anything with the mere object of giving pleasure (to another, or sometimes to oneself), Spów or Aéya ka0° àSoviv, or Tpos jóovºv, sometimes c. gen, of the party to be pleased, Eur., Thuc., etc.; so Tpos Xépu, and often sine prep–for my pleasure, Jor your pleasure, éujiv xàpiv, gºiv xàpiv, also thv ć. X., etc., Soph. Eur. An object of pleasure, trpiºmua, to, Eur. Fond of pleasure, pixmöffs. Plebeian, adj. ‘āyopatos, ov. A plebeian, Ömuórns, ov, 6, sometimes 6. &vhp, etc. See People. The plectrum, FTAiktpov. A pledge (i. e. promise, q.v., etc.), triotis, eos, i ; + triatevua, Tb, in pl. triotă, Tá. A pledge (esp. of things deposited or held as security for the performance of a promise), Éyyim, Évéxipov, tfüglov ; + divºnia, té. A certain pledge (or promise), 8ééaláTms, mros, ii. A pledge of friend. ship, föeśtopia, T6; (i. e. a die cut in two, one piece being kept by each party) Atoºrm. To give and receive a pledge, Šeštěv Štówpu kal Aap.éâvo, Xen. And some bringing them pledges from the king, kal 6eštěs êviol trap& Bagińéas (pépovres, Xen. But do what you promised me (or consented to), giving me the pledge of taking my hand (lit. touching my hand), & 6’ #vegås uoi Šeštås éufis Švy&v, ... tatt” éuol rpášov, Soph, -ºr Those who keep no pledges, of riv oëre Bapabs, oùre triotis, oit’ &picos uévet, Ar.—“8wubs is the pledge of an oath taken over a sacrifice, triotis the pledge of giving the hand, Śpicos the pledge of a solemn pro- mise” (Porso N). See Promise. To pledge (i. e. pledge one's faith, promise solemnly), triotéopal, esp. in aor. 1. mid. and aor, 1. pass., but in pres. mid, and pres. act. to receive a pledge from a person, or to bind him to oneself by pledges, c. acc. pers.; Yyváopal, mid., augm. Sometimes éveyv.; (i.e. deposit as a pledge) peo’eyyváo ; ºf évexipăgopal, mid, Pledge me your hand, ÉuflaxWe xelpos triotiv, Soph. Pledging them in many a deep draught, tvkvåv Špivotiv 6eśloßplevoi, Eur. 310 Pledging—Plunder To take a pledge from, śvexipášo, c. gen. pers, also +-opal, mid., c. gen, of what the pledge is security for. To seize as a pledge, trposevexipăça. To be pledged, üTáketºat, fut, -keto opal, no other tenses, c. gen. of the sum for which. A pledging, evexupégia. A Pleiad, IIAerós, òos, i, usu. in pl.; +IIeast&s, #30s, #, usu, pl. [the names of six of the seven are—Tâi- 'yātm, Maio, 'HAécrpa, ‘AAkwávn, Xrepóirm, Mepátm]. Plenary, ŠviteAñs. See Complete. Plenipotentiary, aitokpárap, opos, 6, #; kūptos. And let those who come come with full powers as pleni- potentiaries, oi Śē ióvres TéAos éxovres iávrov, Thuc. Plenitude, Texelótms, mºtos, j. See Completeness. Plenteous, plentiful, troAts, troAAh, troAv, oblique cases except nom. and acc. masc. and neut, sing, from ToxWös [troWAbu also in Soph., and Æsch. has dat. Toxeſ, and neut. pl. ToAéa in chor.; gen. Toxéov, dat, toxéot too are used by Eur. in chor.], compar. TAéov and TAetov, superl. Thetortos; &pôovos, ov; eWiropos, vv ; ‘āöivés ; (esp. of crops, etc.) 8á90s. See Abun. dant. Plenteously, plentifully, eúrópos, &p6óva's. Plentedusness, plenty, reptovolta, eútérela, eúropſa. To have plenty of, eúTopéa, c. gen.; Trepteott, impers., c. dat. pers. I have plenly to say, eitropó 6, ti Aéya, Plat, have abundance, To be abundant. Pleurisy, TAewpītis, iè0s, j. Suffering from pleurisy, trepitàevpitikós. Pliable, pliant, ‘ūypbs, kauröAos, A&yāpos, Fyvoº- Trás ; (of a person) eitre,0ís. See To bend. Pliancy, ‘ūypótºms, ºtos, #. A plot, ŠirišovXfi; dirtéoùAéupa, Té; éiriéoùAévois, h; of a play, pºw80s. To plot, wrixáváopal; iriéouxedo, c. dat. of that against which ; sometimes c, dat. of the object to be gained by plotting (see To contrive); previously against, Tpoetričovåetw. To join in plots against, See To orivetrišovXečw. To plot your death, Édikal uápov orot, Eur. Freedom from plots or from being plotted against, to ’āverišot,\eutov, Thuc. A plotter, étišovXevrºls, où, 6, c. gen. Plotting, TišovXos, ov. A plough, "àpotpov. The plough-share, eixãºn. To plough, "àpów; + štrepydgouai, mid, perſ, pass, both in act, and pass, sense; kátao Tpepw, fro- Xetw. - To plough fallow land, večw, only pres, c, acc. of the land, or sine c. Ploughed land, 'époupa. See Field. Fit to be ploughed, +’āpāoriuos, ov. Ploughing, 'àporos, also used often for the proper season for ploughing; of fallow land, véâtos. A ploughman, or plougher, àpotpsûs. To pluck, 3pétro, rarely if ever in pass., though mid. is common; +’âuépya; out, €ktíAxa, ºf träpättaxa (esp. hair); off the outside from, f Tepit (AAw, c. acc. of the thing stripped; out besides, fiſposektíAAw. To pluck the flower of (misery), (yoeóvã) &v6eſtigopal, AEsch, To be plucked or fleeced, fºrtepoš50éø. Plumage, if triNov; + Trépooris, i. Of the same plumage, föpóirtepos, ov; juotóTTepos, ov, A plumb-line, otöðuff; ºf Kāvāov, 6vos, 6. A plume, Aépos; +xattopa, to [the plumes in the ancient helmets were usually of horsehair]. See Crest. Waving the plume in his helmet, fö0X/10Aópos, ov. With high plumes, feiſtrtepos, ov (only Ar.). To plume oneself on, +'éépěvo, only act. c. dat, See To easult, To pride oneself. Plump, efforapicos, ov. Plumpness, eúſ; apkia. To plunder, a UAdo; Amigopal, mid. [Thuc. once has act. Amiſo, and Eur, often has perf. pass. Aéamoua, of the plunder carried off]; €ktrop9éal; Aemäätéo, only act. c. acc. either of the place or the booty; &piráſa, either of the place plundered, or of the booty ob. tained ; Śioptréal; Amateča, only act.; +’āAáráčw, fut, -áčo. And he plundered the country, kal thv x&pav Aetav étroteºro, Thuc. He plundered the temples of everything, Tô iepā. . . . kevä trövtov &tréöstée, Xen. See To ravage. To carry off as plunder, &yo (esp. of living plunder, captives, cattle, etc); pépa, fut. ofa opal, aor. 1. #veyka, aor. 2, #veykov, etc. (esp. of inanimate plunder); &yo kal (pépo are very commonly used to- gether for carrying off all sorts of plunder (usu. in that order, much more rarely pépe Kal &yw), some- times even c. acc. of the country plundered,—Dercyl- lidas continued plundering Bithynia of everything in (perfect) security, 6 AépkvXAtôas &a paxós pépav Kal #yov rhy Bíðūviða . . . ŠtetéWet, Xen. Plunder (either the act, or the booty), āpirāyā; (the 3] 1 IPlundering—Politic booty) Asſa; Amls, i50s, h; (prop. cattle, but used generally) Öpirayua, T6. See Booty. Plundering, adj., + špyüpoorephs (epith, of life of robbers). A plunderer, Aporºs, où, 6; + diſaffrwp, opos, 6; fem. + orij\#Telpa. To plunge, intrans. Staffittéa, only act. To plunge (a sword) into, etc., act, theólnut, c. sis and acc. Toplunge (another) into (a line of conduct, etc.), +évoreto, c. acc. pers, dat, rei; (a city into con- fusion) trpokaflinul, c. eis and acc. Plurality, TAï60s, ré. See Multitude. To ply (an oar, etc.), Šato'ow, A poacher, vvkrepevtºs, ot, 6. Poaching, vvictepeia. Fit for poaching (of a dog), vukTepeutſcós. A poem, rotmots, h; Trotmua, Tó. An epic poem, ‘i étros, T6. A poem on sacred occasions (either in praise of Gods or heroes, or on occasion of victories at the games or marriages). A lyric poem, (38%; uéAos, T6. See Poetry, Ode, Hymn, etc. A poet, Toinths, où, 6; āotöbs, tuovgotóAos. An Epic poet, ÉiroToués. A lyric poet, uéAoirotos, weaçöbs, t invoirotés. See Tragedy, etc. The poet Orpheus, yāpus 'Oppelo, Eur, A beggarly poet, TToxówovoros. To be a poet, write poetry, + govgorotéo, only act.; a lyric poet, tº plexotrotéa. Fond of poets, pixotroinths, ot, 6. Poetical, troumricós; + ša'ſ pê0s, 6v. Poetically, troumricós. Poetry, toimois, eas, i. • Epic poetry, ſix?) Totmots (as being without music); WIAouetpia. Scraps of poetry, ºf étröAAta. A point (of a weapon, etc.), t'airpiń; +y\oxiv, Ivos, #; + y^600 mua, Tó; + yuá90s, h; +tAiktpov. The turning or balancing point (of life and death, ruin and safety, etc.), 50th. I am on the point of seeing, it’ &Kuñs eiul ióeiv, Eur. I am at the point of death, 50th 8tov Hou, Soph. And he was on the point of being trampled down by the Persian cavalry, aittico. 68 padºc, flueMWe guptatn6%- oreoréal into ths IIeportic?s it irov, AEschin. To the point, Tpès Aóyov, Plat. To keep (an adverse arguer) to the point, eiseAgüva, . . . eis robs toū Tpdyuatos Aó)ovs, also eis row roß wp:#yparos 6pópov, AEschin. Up to this point, Švraúða, c. gen. On many points, TAeováxi. To point, 'ékováo. See To sharpen. To be pointed, Aoyxéopal, pass. To point out, Čeſkviſui, Évöstryūſu,'āropaiva, +8m Nów. To point out together, ovvepºpatva. See To show. To point at (in sign of contempt, etc.), ŚaktüAodelittéa, only act. Pointed, i Aoyxotós, òv. Poison, pápuškov, papuāictov, tºiás. The garment poisoned by the blood of the Lernaean hydra, Bāqal “jöpas, Eur. To poison, kātāq appadorow. To suffer from poison, pappičkdo, only act. A poisoner, pappékets. Poisonous, a miyebākhs (of a serpent’s bite). To poise, tróAAw, no perf, act.; 6táteſvouai, mid. See To brandish. To poke (coals, etc.), oričáAetw. To poke about, go poking, pollering about, Kurtágw. A poker, a man who looks as if he had swallowed a . poker, 6 Tºv Šoköv pépov, Ar. The pole (of heaven, etc.), TóA0s. A pole, kāuač, Škos, 6, j (either of a spear, etc., or to prop vines); 36pu (of a spear or standard), Tb, gen, 6épátos and +80pès, dat. 56pāti, etc. (botpati occurs even in Soph. in chor.), also 66pel (Soph.), pl. 56pāta, also once 36pm (Eur); of a carriage, Éipós. A punt- pole, Kovros, TAñicrpov. A pole for vines, xãpač, ãicos, 6. A pole-axe, i kéatpa. A pole-Cat, yaää. The police, oi rephroAoi. The head or inspector of police, trepitroAdpxms, ov, 6; ão Tüvöpios. The being inspector of police, &otivouía. To be inspector of police, &otivouéa, only act. The police station, TepitróAtov. . . Policy (general), troAireſa. By advances of policy rather than of strength, Yvápms påAAov épéâq; 3) io'Xijos, Thuc. To polish, Aguirpüvo and –ouai, mid, (of polishing one’s own armour). Polish, grix&möðv, 6vos, 6. Polished, £eatós; (of a tongue) + Atatros. polished, ºf troXàeatos, ov. Polite, ào retos, a, ov, and os, ov; xàpſets. Politely, Xaptévros. Politic, ppóviuos. See Prudent. See Aare. Well 312 Bolitical—Port Political, troAſtikás, The science of politics, # toxirich. To meddle with politics, toxiteñopal, mid. If we change our politics (as a state), hyperaśćAwkey Thu troAireſav, Isoc. For it follows of necessity that similar events must con- tinually result from the same politics, &váykm yap ÉK Tów airtów Toxtrevudrov kal r&s trpaſſets àuotas &el kal Tapatamorias & Tošaively, Isoc. A poll-tax, ricepāAatov. To pollute, utaſva, käräutaíva, xpatva; ; Ajuatvouai, mid, c. perf. pass. AeAtuaguai in act. sense, but pres. pass. also and aor. 1. pass. in pass. sense ; i kā0ā- 'ytºw. Polluted, utäpós; Tpostpétratos, ov; &#yiotos, ov. Pollution, uſagua, Tá; ’āyos, Tb, rare except in sing; twigos, tá; +pia’ayua, Té. Things which it is pollution to speak of, & #yiota, One who is a pollution, Fulda Tap, opos, 6. To eapel as a pollution, + ššāyſ@. - Polygonal (like a polygon), toxifyovos, ov; troAiya- woetöſis. A polypus, Toximovs, -iro50s, acc. —rovv, 6, #. A pomegranate, Éotá (both of the tree and of the fruit), šod. Pomp, Tapao ceph ; oreplvörms, mºros, #. See Splendour. Pompous, orošāpös, Öykóöms. To be pompous, ‘intepo envivouai, mid. Pompously, Öykmpás, compar. Öykmpórepov ; +0.0- 6äpäs. A pond. See Pool. * To ponder, ºppovéo. See To think, To meditate. One must ponder, i. ppoviruo Téov. Ponderous, Băpts, éuêpièffs. See Heavy. A poniard, éyxeipätov. See Dagger. A pontiff, iepsis. See Priest. Pontificate, ispodium. A pony, irrãptov, TóAtov. A pool, Aiuvm ; # Téapa, Tó. Of, or belonging to, a pool, Aipyatos, TeXuātiaios. The poop, trpūºwa, +Točuvm. See Stern. Fastened to, or belonging to, the poop, Tpupivágios. Poor, Traxbs, h, ov, and bs, bu (of those so poor as to beg, etc.); (i. e. without money) révns, mºros, 6, #, to (prop. poor, so as to be forced to labour, but also generally), rare in neut., no neut. pl., sometimes c. gen, ; compar. Trevéatepo; ; Trevixpós; +'äxpmuov, ovos, 6, #; +'äxpñuáros, ov; +xpeſos, ov; (i. e. not very good) paſſXos, m, ov, and os, ov. Very poor, Öréotraxos, ov. Poor fellow, 3 belx&- Kpfwu, Ar. A poor man, Trévils, mtos; + xepuhtms, ov. The class of the poor, Tô Xepuntuków. To be poor, Trévopal, only pres, and imperf mid. (prop. to be poor as a labourer, but also generally); (as a beggar) artwzetw, only act.; karabeeatépa's #x2, Xen. See To want. To be poorer than, ueloveittéo, only act., c. gen. Poorly, (i.e. in poverty) revixpós; kataðeós, compar. katačeeatépa's ; (i. e. not well done, etc.) ſpañas. Poorness, 'ükAmpſa (see Poverty); (i. e. want of goodness, in soil, etc.) pavā'ātms, mtos, i. A poplar, ałyelpos, ii. The white poplar, Aeffic). A poppy, uſikav, wVos, i. Of, or belonging to, a poppy, Amicovicós. The populace, TA700s, Tá; 5XA0s. See People. Popular, (i.e. belonging to, among the people) évômuos, ov; Féiríðmuos, ov; (i. e. beloved by the people) 6muotepths ; etxàpts, t, gen. iTos; +%itroxts, eas, 6, fi : (i.e. uttered by the people) 8mgöðpovs, ovv. Anarchy supported by popular clamour, 6m240povs &v- apxta, AEsch. Popularity, Xópts, h, gen. —itos, acc. -ito, and —lv. And in some other respects also the Athenians did not study popularity in their rule any longer as they had done, foray 6é tra's ical &AAws of 'A6mvatoi oilkéri ôpoſa's év jöovì èpxovtes, Thuc. Popularly (i.e. kindly, as a popular man would do), ômuotikós. Populous, troAváv0patros, ov; Hupfavöpos, ov; + troAff. avöp0s, ov. To be populous, toxvavöpéa, only act. Not populous, ÖAiyêvãpatros, ov. Populousness, troAvavôpatría. A not being populous, ÖAiyavópatria. A porch, tragtas, dö0s, ii. See Portico. A porcupine, iſotpić, ixos, 6 kal i. A pore, trópos. Pork, ºpéa xoipela, Tá. Porous, oropaq,6s. Porousness, xavvárms, mtos, ii. Porridge, Fºàpa, + pākñ. Port, Aiuhu, Évos, 6; Śppiós, ºf Štriopop.h. See Har- bour. The port of a bridle-bit, exivos. To put into port, kåtaipw. To bring into port, kārāya, See Harbour. Port dues, rb éAAiuéviov, Tô AAiuevică. To collect or exact port dues, ‘FéAApaevigo, 313. Portable—Post The collector of port dues, éAApueviaths. Portable, ’āyāyīuos, ov; Metapápmtos, ov. Portal, IrúAm. See Gate. To portend, irpornuatvw, + trpoſpatva. A portent, tépas, Štos, té; Satua, té. Portentous, Savuários, tépátóðms. One who observes portents, tepätookótros. A porter (i. e. doorkeeper), triNapos, 6, sometimes also i ; Śipwpós; (i. e. a carrier of burdens) popets. A portico, otod. ; trāpaatáčes, ai ; trpóa Twov. A portion, KAfipos ; uépos, Tá; Aäxos, to (esp. one obtained by lot); so Añéus, # ; for a bride, ºf €6vov, usu. iu pl. See Dowry. To portion (i. e. to divide, q.v.), wepiga. To portion (i. e. endow a daughter, etc.), f Évéopal, mid., no pass. To aid in portioning, givekööwgi, c. acc. of the daugh- ters, c. dat. of the parent whose means are assisted. Portly, orepºvós. In a portly manner, oeuvâs. A portrait, ſoypāºmpa, T6. See Picture. A portrait painter, @ypépos. To paint portraits, ſoypaſpéo. The art of portrait painting, Çoypaſpia. To portray, eikášw ; + šuritéouai, mid. The art of portraying, h eiicautică. Position, &éorts, # ; in life, Tášis, ii. A proper posi- tion, x&pg. To change one's position (intrans, as soldiers do, etc.), getatáora oual, mid. and pass. Matlers are in this position, T& Tpdygata otta's éxel, Plat. - - Positive, airokpārap, opos, 6, #, T6; &eticós (of a law). Positive slavery, &vtutpus $ovXeſa, Thuc. Positive democracy, &TA7 6muokpatia, Plat. To be positive (of one making an assertion), ioxºpt- Çouai, mid.; Beéatóopal, mid. Positively, Šurikpus, ‘ātāās, Beéaíos (to know, etc.). To possess, àxw, fut. §§o, no aor. 1., aor. 2. čaxov, perf. §oxmica ; kátéxo ; véuo, more usu. véuouai, mid. (esp. of possessing lands); icéktmual, ékektſipimu (perf. and pluperf. of ictdopal, to acquire), also êrtmua: (in AEsch, and Plat.); +6eatróſa. See To have. To take possession of Šušâreča (by a sort of execu- tion), c. eis and acc. To get, to keep, possession of, ktúopal, mid., c. perf. pass. (see kektāual above), intrans. sense ; kpāréal (esp. of places taken in war, etc.), c. gen, or c, acc.; áriºpâtéa, + kpārāva. To be possessed (by an evil spirit, etc.), kākobauováo, only act.; kákoğaluovéw, only act. To be possessed (by any feeling, etc.), karéxopal, pass. Possessed, ictmrós. - - Possessed by, féiríšoãos, ov (by disease, etc.), c. gen.; + kátoxos, ov (by sleep, etc.), c. gen.; (by an evil spirit, etc.) Káko6&iplov, ovos, 6, #. The being possessed (by an evil spirit), kākoğaipovía. The being possessed by a spirit (not evil, e. g. by the Muses), karolcoxii, c. &mb and gen. Possession, (the condition) ktſats, # ; (i. e. the thing possessed) ktïwa, Tó ; + któðvov, usu. in pl. The whole of one's possessions, ºf trautmala. Of, or belonging to, possessions, protecting one's posses- sions, etc., ktholos, a, ov, and os, ov. One who gives possession of, t ktsätepa, i, c. gen. A possessor, Seo Tórms, ov, 6, more usu, the participle of some verb, e.g. ô ÉXav, 6 Icektíuevos. See To possess. - - Possible, 5èvátós ; oiás te, with or without Čarſ. As (much) as possible, as (well) as possible, etc., §tt, c.-superl., either adj. or adv.; &s, c. superl, either adj or adv., e.g.—as good as possible, és àptoros, - as well as possible, és köAAuota, etc.; also c. superl. and verb, e.g.—as much as I possibly can, Ös àtivaugs AdMota, Plat., or without the adj, e. g.—as well as he possibly could, Ös éðūvato, Xen.; +&Tws, c. superl.; às 'évva Töv, Xen., the most moderate possible, § &vu- atov pºetpudºratos, Xen. - As well as possible, évôexopévos. ** To be possible, usu. impers.-it is possible, éotſ ; Śve- otl, often also êvi for évéoti, part. Švov, often in nom. abs.; Éeatu, trapegºri, and ‘i trčpa for ird peate ; âtrápxel, éyytyvetal ; oióv té Éati (éarl also is often understood); €vöéxetal. It is not possible, oùic é6éAet, Xen. By every possible means, ék Töv čvöexopévov. Such punishments as it is possible to inflict, ai évôexć- weval tipaptai, Lycurg. Possibly, 'fras, often c. 8v and opt. See Perhaps. Ut; possidetis, ye being allowed to treat on the basis of uti possidetis, éxovres &v Kpatetre, Thuc. It seemed advisable to the Lacedæmonians to adhere to the uti possidelis, éð0ée Aakeóaipovious étri Tàs airów pºévetv ćicatépous, Šxovtas &rep vºv čxop.sv, Thuc. : A post, atáAm ; otöðubs, pl. atafluol and otafluê (both as a post or pillar, also a post or stage in travelling); (on a race-course, as otham is used by 814 Post—Powerful Soph.) yúoroa ; Kautthp, fipos, 6; (i. e. esp. a forti- fied post, position for soldiers, etc.) Xaptov. To post, (i. e. to put up as a public notice) träpa- ^pépa ; (i. e. to placard a man's name as being in- famous) 'éväypāq,w & othaas, Androc. To post (troops), Tâgo w. See To station. Posted (as infamous), atmairms, ov, 6. Posterior, to Tepos. See Subsequent. Posterity, oi éiriyyvówevot, oi étréuevo, Foi éirío topol, ºf oi peóðo Tepot, f oi éiretta. To leave to posterity, Śs to Étretta kataAirety, Thuc. A post-horse, irröv, &vos, 6. A postman, Öpop.okfipuš, Ukos, 6. To postpone, 'üvášáAAouat, mid. A postscript, Tiaoyos. A postulate, Špoxó)nua, Tá; aftmua, Tó. A posture, axiwa, Tó. To put oneself into a posture, oxmuşTomotéopal, mid, A putting oneself into a posture, oxmuátiguás. A pot, X5’ſpa, kepāulov. A pot to catch fish, like an eel-pot, etc., kūptm, TAékth. Potash, Ai"Tpov. Of potash, Aitpa`āms. A potation, + trópia, tá. See To drink. Pot-bellied, ydotpov, ovos, 6; yao Tpéöms. Potent, ioxipós. See Strong. A potter, kepāuets, xúrpets, itvotAá00s. The trade of a potter, kepāueta. To make like a potter, to be a potter, kepägeiſo, only act. A potter's shop, kepāuetov. Potters' earth, képáuos; yū kepäuºrus, ió0s. Poverty, Trevia; 'éumxãvía, ’dzpmuátía, Fºxxmpia, t’äxpmuogium; 8tov 30.0évéla, Dem. See Want. A pound;—the uvâ was very nearly=our pound; it was more than 15 oz. . Weighing a pound, pavalaios. To pound, 'üAodø, Tpiša. Pounded, + kötépéticºros. To pour, or to pour forth, xéa, fut. xet'aa, aor, 1. éxeva, more usu, *xea, etc.; Tpoxéa, Čkxéw; (esp. as a river pours its waters, etc.) + Tpoinul, ºf écrpoºn- Pat: (libations, tears, etc.) AetBa'; (libations, q. v.) orévôa, fut. atreforouai; in or into, &yxéo, Feiszéa, ºf éireyxéa'; in besides, tapeyxéw; over, étrixéa, c. dat.; on oneself, Tposzéopal, mid. To pour wine, oivoxoéw, no perf, no mid, or pass. To pour together, orvyxéa. To pour, intrans. (as a crowd, as darts, etc.), fiéa, fut. Éeffo'ouai, also Att, fivhoopal, aor. 2. pass, ºmy, perf. §§tºmka, A pouring (or the thing poured), txào is, eas, i. A pouring forth, ētāxīois, eos, h; Érxiois. What is poured over, Kátáxugua, Tó. Powder, kóvis, eos, ii. See Dust. To beat or dash to powder, fortroëéo. Power, kpáros, té; Śivāuis, h; (esp. of the power of rulers) &px?i, Śivao reta; kūpos, ré; (authority of licence) ééovata; (lawful power) + kāpia, tá. Ab- solute power (not necessarily of a sovereign), povapxia. And let those who come come with full powers (as plenipo tentiaries), of 8* ióvres TéAos éxovires iávrov, Thuc. Men in power, oi év TéAel Be66Tes, Soph.; oi év toſs TpáYMagu, Thuc.; tā kāpia, Dem. See Magistrates. To be in power, éxaſ Tā trpáygata, Thuc. In the power of, Örb, c, dat.; ev, c. dat.; Śirl, c, dat.; Tapó, c, dat.; + švep6e, or 6ev, c. gen. To have in his own power, 61° àautoi, Yelv, Dem. He thought that the attempt was in his own power, Thy étrixeipmauv čq' éavré, évépuſev eival, Thuc. To be in the power of, eiul, c. gen.; ’ālcoxov6éw, c, dat.; , eis Xeipas (Tiwi or Tivos) pyopal, Xen.; eis X. ‘ikvéo- pal, Xen. Those in one's power, oi Štrb xeſpa, Dem. It is in the power of, Ščeoti, part. Ščov, often nom. abs. c. dat.; so trapeoti. It being in the power of, tapeotºmicbs, c. dat.; trāpārū. xöv, c. dat.; ‘ūtrāpyov. While the adoption of a wise decision is still in the power of both parties, Éos étu at 9alpetos épiq,0tépous ji ei Sov. Aía, Thuc. To put in the power of éyxeiptów, c. dat. To put the city in the power of the enemy, thu Tóxiv ć. Tovs troAsſuſovs &vógal, Thuc. In another's power, F xeiptos. Having power over, or to do, kūptos, a, ov, sometimes os, ov, c. gen, sometimes c. infin; attorpätwo, ooos, 6, ii. Having equal power, Föirpäths (of the Atridae, etc.); so ºf Stokmirrpos, ov; ; Śiópovos, ov. Fond of power, piñapxos, ov. Belonging to the chief power, hyeſtovikás. Belonging to the chief power, adv., jºyepaovikós. To the best of one's power, Katë to 6vvatov, Thuc.; eis 6övapuv, Xen.; katē kpáros, Plat. Powerful, 5üvátēs, ioxipós; #ykpáths, sine cas. or c. gen.; +/weya.00evås. See Mighty. All powerful, + Taylºpäths, i. trāvakichs. 315 Powerfully—Prayer More powerful, Kpetorolov, ovos, 6, h; †"itréptepos. Those who are more powerful, oi ‘ūtrepoxóvres, AEsch. To be powerful, Sivāual, 2nd sing. ôāvāral (even in Soph. in anapaest, and in Dem.), more usu, Att. Śāvg, fut. Śivāorougl, aor. l. in Att, often ääävä0my; Kpáréal, often c. gen, of those among whom, sometimes c, dat.; karakparé, ioxia; t affèvo, only pres, and imperf. act.; #8piða, only act.; (as a ruler, etc.) Sivagtei w, only act. To be powerful among, Švöövao Teów, c. dat. Powerfully, Śivārós, òykpátós. Powerless, ’āöövätos, ov; +&gdevīs; +’ākikos, vos, 6, #; (of laws or tribunals) ºfficipos, ov. Practicable, 5èvátás. Practical, trpaktikós. Practice, &oicmals, ews, h; plexétm; plex6tmua, Té; Tpiéfi. Practices (i.e. habits), Titíðevua, Té. Dili. gent practice in any thing, pixotrovía, c. gen. To practise, plexet do, c. acc. or c. infin., rarely c. dat.; ētaokéw, i &rkéw; éiritmöeūw (in pass. also of the persons who are practised in such and such a pursuit, c. Tpbs and acc.); yupwéopal, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass. of the person who practises or is practised, c. Trpos or Tepl and acc, or c, čv and dat.; Śictovéo; (i. e. to do frequently, but without any idea of de- siring to obtain efficiency) wouíð; previously, trpo- weaetów; with, ovvaokéw; art, pixotexvéw, only act. Practising a life of plunder, àpyvpoo Tepi, Bíov wouíſov, AEsch. He had most especially practised horsemanship, troAt uáAtoºra airig ºuepeññket itTikis, Xen. One must practise, &ormtéov, Yvuvøgtéov, Hexermtéov. To be practised, &okmté0s. Practised, or what may be learnt by practice, &oic"Tös, plexetmtés. A practiser, &orkmths, où, 6. A diligent practiser, &0\mTºls, où, 6.’ Praise, Éraivos, eiAoyia, #ykóutov; +éraíveals, i. Subordinate or secondary praise, ºrápéraiyos. To praise, givéa, fut. —how, and –éow, more usu. Tal- véo; eWAoyéal, éykopidºw, taipo; et Aéyo, AEsch, ; àeticviſui éykówtov, c. Katë and gen, Dem. To join in praising, givalvéo, giveTalvéa. To praise besides, Tposeraivéo; too much, ‘ūrepetratvéo; in return, &v- Tetratvéa. To praise beforehand or previously, trpoé- Tatvéa. One must praise, étratuetéov, Šuvmtéov. Much praised, troAvéTaiwos, ov; + troAvaívºros, ov. Not praised, "åveykopfaq ros, ov. Praiseworthy, étraiyos, ov; waivetés. A praiser, étraiyérms, ov, 6. Fond of praising, Taiveticós. To prance, yauptáouai, pass.; Meteoptºw Tó, axéX") Xen. Prancing, wetéwpos, ov; aloéâpés. To prate, to prattle, i kottaxw, only pres. and im- perf act., sometimes even c. acc. of a person who is wearied by another's prating. See To chatter. Prating, i kotiños. Prating, subst, otopºvăța. A prawn, kāpls, ió0s, i. To pray, etxopal, mid., c. pluperf. pass. milyumv in act. Sense (3rd sing, perf. pass, however as impers. in pass. Sense, e. g.—I have prayed with moderation, éuol perptws eşktal, Plat.), c. dat. of the deity, or c. acc. or c. Tpbs and acc., c. dat. of any one on whose behalf prayer is offered, or c. 5T&p and gen. c. acc. of the thing prayed for; Tposełżopal, éiretyopat; Airä- veðw, only act.; Aſogouai [when a person prays by a thing, i. e. in the name of a thing or person, or in- voking the thing or person, the thing, by which, is put in the gen, or with inrēp and gen, or (esp. in Trag.) with irpès and gen.; Tetºxoplat; +&páoual (āp. Hom., áp. Att.), c. acc. or c, dat.; +Tpostpétro, only act, in this sense, c. gen, acc.; +Aitaſva, only pres, and imperf act.; +&vtićſo, only act. [When a person prays another in the name of, invoking, anything, the verb to pray is often understood, e.g.—do not, I pray you by the Gods, bring your- self to abandon me, uh, trpás ore &eów, TAñs ple trpoãotival, Eur.]; at the same time for, to pray in con- cert with another, aivetxopal, c, dat. of one's com- panion, or c. pietà and gen,; + avykaTeixouai, also c. dat, of him on whose behalf one prays ; again, 'ävetºxoplat. s Prayed for (or to be prayed for, i. e. desirable ; of ob- jects), eúicros, eúktaios. Much prayed for, troAſſev- Ktos, ov. Prayed to, Feiktatos; +’āpāios, a, ov, and os, ov. To recall a prayer (to pray that what one has prayed for may not be granted or may be taken away), &vetºxoplai, i &iretyopal. Prayer, six}, + Airfi : + effyua Tó; + kärevywa, + käreuxh ; (prayer with sacrifice, prayer to a God for protection, etc.) trpostporá. Prayers to the Gods, &vtato, Oeſºv, AEsch, To offer prayers, eixòs 'évéxw, Oſ, or belonging to, prayer, eúicrgios. 316 Praying—Prefer Praying, + Airãvos. See Suppliant. Not praying, t’āvevktos, ov. A preamble, Tpooſatov, contr. also poet, ºppoiulov. Precarious, ’āiq00 påAhs, éturqāAfts. Precaution, êtriuéAsia, usu, in sing.; ppovirls, ió0s, i ; wépuya. See Care. To take precautionary measures, tpokaraXap.6&va, c. Puff. To precede, trpoéxw, often contr. Tpoixw, fut, only Tpoéo, no aor. 1, aor. 2. Tpéeoxou, c. gen. ; trpo- oixosal, fut.-oixàgouai, perf–otxnual and –otxaka, sine cas, 3 ÖYueta, only act, c, dat. (of preceding a person in a straight line, metaph. from mowers who mow in a line one before the other); Tpokärä0éa, fut. -6effo'ouai, no aor. (with an idea of haste); in crossing a place, etc., trpoštúšaíva, fut. –Šàgopal (fut, act. and aor. l. not used in this sense), aor. 2. –éémy, perf. —ééémica. To precede (i.e. have pre- cedence of), Tpeo’éetw, and mid. c. gen., pass., not used in this sense. To precede (i. e. happen pre- viously, etc.), Tpoyſyvoual, fut. —yevågopal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. –eyevéumu, perf. -yé yova, and —yeyévnual (used esp. in participles). A precept, 'ékovoua, té; Si3ayua, tá ; tāpāy-yeaga, Tó. A preceptor, SiôāorkäAos; trauðeuths, où, 6. A precinct (sacred), Téuevos, tá; +&Agos, tá. Belonging to a sacred precinct, Teplávios. To consecrate as a sacred precinct, Tepeviſa. Precious, Tiatos, a, ov, and os, ov; ; Épîriuos, ov, Very precious, trpátiuos, ov. See Valuable. A precipice, Kpmuubs, ºf &ypiós. To throw or drive over a precipice, kārāºpmuuiço, ºf Kpmuuiça). Precipitate, ‘i &eppééovXos, ov (chiefly of persons), (of actions, flight, etc.) ééatorios, ov. See Rash, Hasty. To precipitate, Tàxiēva. See To hasten. Precipitately, trporetós. Precipitation, trporéteia. See Rashness. Precipitous, &trółępmuvos, ov; lºpmuudº8ms. Precise, ’āºpišhs, ºf ’āTperchs. See Evact. Precisely, 'đićpiéós. Precision, 'dispíčela. To speak with precision, ºrpiéoAoyéopal, mid.; ºffſpots or év /fiſpq, Aéyo, AEsch. To preclude, &Tokwaii'a, -śaw, c. gen, or c. infin, or c. whand infin. See To hinder. Precocious, trpoſpepſis. To precondemn, Tpokatayi-yváakw, fut. —yváorouai, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. –éyvaica; not precondemning me as having done wrong, unbév trporateyvakótes és &ölkó, AEschin. To preconsider, trpoolcotréal, all tenses except pres. and imperf. borrowed from trpookéttopal, perf. pass, –éorkeppal sometimes in act, sense; Tpovoča, aor. 1. pass. Sometimes in act. sense; trpošoväetw. A precursor, Tpóðpop.os. Predatory, Amorticós. A predecessor, in pl. of trpoye7evmuévot, precede. To predestimate, étricadé6a, and mid. (of predestinat- ing a lot to a person, in pass. of the fate predestined to him). To be predetermined, trpoãokéopal, pass., esp. in perf. Tpoöéö0)pal, and pluperf. A predicament, karmyopia; (i.e. condition, q.v.) avvrüxia. To predicate, karmyopéa, c. gen, of the subject ; besides, trposkút myopéa, c, dat. of the subject. The predicate, to kātmyopoègevov; kātmydpmua, Té. To predict, trpoxéyw; Firpoffertigo, only act.; Tpovy- véra, for trpoevétro, only pres, act. See To pro- phesy. One must predict, Hautevréov. Prediction, wavréſov; Tpóññmals, ii. See Prophecy. To predispose, trpošišáço, fut. —Éow, Att. Tpoéléð. Predominance, ‘ūtrepox?), ‘ūTrepéoAff. To predominate, ‘ūTrepéâAAw, no aor. 1., perf. –6ééAmica, etc.; ‘ūTrepéxo, c. gen, of anything over which, or c. acc. See To prevail. Pre-eminence, ‘ûrepox), 'üptoteta, tº Tpateta. See Eacellence. Pre-eminent, ÖrepéešAmuévos; + šoxos, ov; +éictſpe- ths, reptoro'6s. See Eacellent. * Pre-eminently, Škirpetrós, superl. KTpetréatata, + ščáxas. To pre-exist, trpoinrápxa, no aor. 1. nor perf, no mid. or pass.; Trpoyſºyvouai, fut. —yewfig opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —eyevéumv, perf. —yéyova and –Yeyév muat. A preface, irpooiatov, and poet. Đpoſutov. To make a preface, to say by way of preface, Tpo- outáçopal, and Trag. ppould gouai, mid, also pass. of what is said; Tpoeictidegal, mid. To be spoken as preface, Tpoépéouai, pass., only in perf. Tooelpmaat, and aor. 1. Tpoeffºnón", part. Tºo?. Émbels, etc. To prefer, trpoapéopal, ſpotluga, Tpokpivo, t "po- See To .317 Preferable—Preposterous rfønui ; trpoxauéâvo, fut. —Affilouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –éAššov, perf. —etamºpa; béxopal MāAAov, Xen.; pāAAov; ów uſixAov, Lys. Do not prefer your opinion (lit. what you say) to mine, ph 'tūrpoo 6e róv čudºv toys oroús Aéºyous & fis, Eur. He prefers her to the damsel, Taütmy uáAuota rās köpms &otrágstal, Eur, He would prefer to everything, Tepl tróvros &v trouho atto, Xen. - Inclined to prefer, trpoalpetitos, c. gen. One must prefer, trpoalperéov, Tpotumréov. Preferable, trpoalperós. To be preferable, trpeggeña, sometimes c. gen. Being preferred, trpákpitos, ov. Preference, trpotiumats, #; Tpoaſpects, #; ſpókpious, i. To prefix, trportómui. Pregnancy, kūmous, eas, i. Pregnant, Éykünwy, sometimes c. gen. ; + špiküuwu, ovos, h; † 110yepás. Being pregnant of a divine child, §pua. 8tov Aaéodora, AEsch. To be pregnant, Kvéo, no mid., sometimes c. acc. of the offspring conceived, also pass. of the offspring ; köw, aor. 1. act. not used in this sense, though aor. 1, mid. is; ‘ūtrö (6vmu pépo, AEsch. ; Śvrös (6vms Tpépa, AEsch, ; 54 tratos pépw, Eur, ; Śv yao Tp pépw, Plat. To make pregnant, firepépv6o, only act. Apt to become pregnant, ovXAntticós. To prejudge, Tpokäräytyvágical, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. –éyvoka, perf. pass. —éyvoo uat (esp. of forming a previous unfavorable judgment); TpoAquéâvo, fut. —Aff!opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAššov, perf -etamºpa. To prejudice, 8Aártw. See To injure. Prejudice (i. e. injury, q.v.), BAášá. Thinking that he will create a prejudice against me in the ninds of all who hear him, jºyotſuevos . . . p9óvov &rari Tois &lcotovolv ćutothorely, Isoc. Prejudicial, 'üAüoireAfts. See Injurious. A prelude, trpootulov, poet, ºppoſutov; Tpoăyöv, &vos, 6; + &váéoxh, contr. &péoxii. To prelude, f'évášáNAouai, mid, no aor. 1. To say by way of prelude, trpoavašáNAouzi. See Preface. One must prélude, ºppoiutaoréov, trpoãywvio Téov. To premeditate, trpovoéw, more usu. -opal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in act. sense; ſpoéovaeſo, {0ne must premeditate, trpovomtéov. Premeditation, trpóvota; BoöNevais, ii; TpoéovX} (esp. of ill deeds done by premeditation). To premise, iroriſmut; rpoolſudſonal, Lid. To be premised, Tpoeipmual (perf. pass. of trpospéa). A premise, trpátáorts, sws, i. Belonging to a premise, trporáticós. Belonging to a premise, adv., Tpotätikós. A premium, uta:06s. See Reward. To pre-Occupy, TpokäräAapéâva, fut. —Ah!opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamſpa ; Tpokäréxce, aor. 2. —káreo Xov. To ascend so as to pre-occupy, Tpoavašaivo, fut. –Šāorouai, aor. 2. —éémy, perf. -šéémica, fut, and aor. 1. act. not used in this sense. To pre-ordain, trpospéal, pres, used mostly in fut. sense, aor. 2. Tpoetrov, perf. Tpoeipmica, pass. Tpo- eſpnwal, aor. 1. trpoeffiómu ; # Tpotágow. See To Preparation, Tapaolcev”), karaokevil. Counter or mutual preparation, êvriträpa.orkevä. To prepare. (a thing, to make readv. etc.) trapa- 3 8, ready, a keväço, perf. pass., sometimes in act. sense ; karaokeváço, äroud ſo, Çaprio, troporivo, eitpe- trigo, Škºrovéa, otéAAw; (to do a thing, etc.) épudopal, pass., 6tarkeväçouai, pass., Tăpâtégorouai, To pre- pare, or eacite (q.v.) another to do so and so, öppado; for oneself, Čiriträpa.orkevä(opal, mid. ; at the same time (to aid in preparing), avoicevågø, ovutrapa- orkevä(w; before, previously, trporápagºevgº, Tpoka- tookévéſz, tºpokótro ; besides, tpostapaokéváço; in, evokevä(w. To prepare (with some alteration of what has been), ueTaokeväſo. To make counter- preparations against, àwrittapagitévéouai, mid, c. perf. pass., c. dat. To be well prepared, feiokévéo, only act. One must prepare, orkevastéov, trapaakevaoréov. Anything prepared, Túpackeſagua, td. What can be prepared, a kevantós; trapaakevantès, 01/. A preparing (the act), a keväoria. Preparing, adj., Tapaokévaotikos, c. gen. Without being prepared, without any preparation, +&oicevos, ov, c. gen. I am prepared for every thing, tróvra trposëókmté pot, AEsch. - Preponderance, 50th. &y To preponderate, vicdo; Kpâtéo, c. gen. or sine cas.; 5étro, only pres, imperf. and fut. act. See To pre- vail. - To prepossess, trpoxaſ.Sávo, fut. —Aft}ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —stanqa. See To conciliate. Preposterous, ’ārotros, ov. - 3.18 reposterously, *śrétros. reposterousness, ’ārotría. - rerogative, -but before that there were hereditary monarchies with settled prerogatives, trpátepov Šē hoav étrº finroſs yépaori ratpukai Bagińetal, Thuc. presage, i &éo-trigua, Tó. o presage, wavtejouai, mid.; &touavretouai. See To forebode. o prescribe, émyéopal, mid., no pass. ordain. prescribed time, trpoßeorgia. prescription, otºyºypappa, Tó. resence, Tàpovata. n any one's presence (to be), €v Špp6axplois, into any one's presence (to come), €s āq,0aNuois, out of any one's presence (to go or to be), ščóp0axpay, Xen., etc. - resence of mind, &yxhota; a ſaxoyos ºvXàs, Eur. aving presence of mind, &yxivous, vovv. present, 86 pov. See Gift. To present, Ötöwgi, c, acc. rei, dat, pers.; Swpéopal, mid., c. acc. of the gift, dat. pers, or c, dat. of the gift, acc. pers. (as we say “to present one with ”), pass. (esp. in perf, and aor. 1.) either of the gift or of the person presented with the gift (see To give); i. e. to hold out (one’s hand, one’s ear, to a speaker, etc.), étréxa, aor. 2. čteo Xov, etc.; ºf Trpovéuw; (a view of a subject, etc.) traptormul (aor. 2. and perfect in pass. sens.); (arms) trpošáAAopal, mid, no aor. 1.; (a person to a deity as a votary, etc.) + TporeAtço. Present (here present, of persons), 86e, also 8 . . . 86e, this person present (i. e. I myself), Trag.; (of circum- stances) kä9eatml&s, via, bs, contr. ſcaffect&s, 60 a. bs, gen. Öros, etc.; so €veotnicós. See To be present. The present time; 6 @v kal Tépôv xpóvos, Soph.; Tb Tápov, Thuc.; Tô airtfica, Thuc. Up to the present time, eis to trapſikov too xpóvov, Plat. Not understanding either the present or the future, oiſt’ évôāö’ Öpóv oft’ &Trío w, Soph. See To Present circumstances, + trapovola; Tô vöv čo Tóta, Soph.; Tā ‘ūtrāpyovra, Xen.; Tô eveatmlcóra trpdy- * * * * w z - Mata, Xen.; Tô träpäxpfiug (opp. to Tô HéAAovta), Thuc.; Tà trópétvyxávov, Thuc. She advises you what is best in your present circum- stances, Tô A@ota Tův trapeotdºtov Aéyet, AEsch. The present danger, to airtika Šetvöv, Thuc. The present glory, i, Tapavttica Aapºtſpótoms, Thuc. Preposterously—Press To be present, råpelſu (-eiva), sine cas, or c, dat.; in Trag. Tápa is often used for trapeupu, Tápeotl, trapāv; Tapayfyvouai, fut. —yevågopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –eyevöpmv, perf. —yé yova and —yeyévnual ; tāpā- Tvyxávo, fut, -tetőouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —érüxov, perf. -terixmica; trópio rapal, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf and pluperf act.; (of persons only) + tramold{a, only act.; t Túpac Tatéo, only pres. and imperf, act. (esp. as an assistant); so towpatrapaortatéo, f ovº- Tapio tauai, pass. To be present at the same time, ovuTúpetui. One who presents (people to a king, as a master of the ceremonies), say yeasts. - To have a presentiment, trpoatróðvowal, mid., fut. —ato 0fioropal, no adr. 1, aor. 2. —po'86pmv. One who has a correct presentiment, pudurus, eas, 5, i. Preservation (i.e. safety), oatmpia; (i. e. a keeping safe) trepitoínois, i. Preservative, piñaktípios; piñaktikös, c. gen, A preservative, piñaktíptov. To preserve, piñágga, ŠtěpvXdoorw; 0.6%), perf. pass. Jéo wouai and orégopal (the latter only in Att. prose), aor. 1. Čoré0mu, etc.; ’āroad ſo, sometimes c. gen. of the evil from which ; Suá0.6% w; (to preserve what one has got) Kátéxa, aor. 2. Káreoxov (see To save, To protect, To keep); (meat, etc.) Tápixeſ w; at the same time, together with, etc., ovvötagógo. To be preserved, 6táqi Aaicréos. A preserver, owthp, fipos, 6, sometimes c. gen, of the evil from which, fem. Ordºtelpa. To preside over, étiqtāréa, only act, c. gen. or c. dat.; TpoatãTéw, c. gen.; Tpoto tapal, pass., c. aor. 2. act. Tpoéatmu (often also trpoiſotºv) and perf. act. One must preside over, étuotátmtéov, c. gen, Presidency, trpoeëpta, Tpútáveia. President, riotărms, ov, 6; (esp. in public assem- blies) trpätävis, eas, 6; trpóe?pos. To be president, trpúrávetw, only act, in this sense; Tpoeëpeão, only act. To press (in every sense), Tié@, éiretya; (things together) orátro, +rpoodtta, ŠutriXéo ; (cheese) + ššāuéAyo; (soldiers or sailors into the service) ’āvāśiéâ(w. To press, or press on, intrans. (as men in a crowd or in battle), Tpóskepal, fut, -keto opal, no other tenses (also of pressing with. argument or entreaty, or as a calamity presses), c, dat. rarely c. acc.; yketplat. To be pressed hard (in battle), trposétéopal, pass. 319 Pressed—Price But he went to that part of his army which was hard pressed, &AA’ ºxer' és to káuvov oiketov otpatoſ, Eur. One must press (soldiers into the service), *čváétéo- OTE01/. A wine-press, + špés. Pressed, Tueatós; (of soldiers, etc.) '&vayicagºrós. A pressing, pressure, avutters, ā; Tiamats, #. To presume (be presuming), TAeovášo, sometimes c. dat. of what gives rise to presumption, only act.; '#Aggovetouai, mid.; (i. e. to suppose, q.v.) oiwal, only in 1st sing, pres, also otouat (rare in Trag.), fut. oiño oual, aor, 1. pass. in act. sense #0mv. Presumption, ‘ūtreprºpävia; (i. e. supposition) ‘ûró- 6eous, ii. - Presumptuous, ’āAá(ww; +'âtépkotos, ov. See Ar- rogant. Presumptuously, ‘ûrepkóttas, ueyāAoppóvas. Pretence, trpóqāorts, eas, ii; oxiwa, Tó; eipoveta. Under pretence of, Övöuatl, or éir’âvéuatl, Thuc. But since you can make no pretence to a character for justice, étrel Šč Šikatooiſvils oëbèv Šuiv trpoofiket, Xen. - - To pretend, orkſhirtouai, mid, (once in Eur, a kåtta), c. acc. or c, infin, or c. 6tu, no pass.,; Tpostrouéopal, mid, no pass.; Tpoſpáotſoual, mid, and pass.; Jalsely, (mAotitréal, c. acc., only act.; to a thing, i.e. claim it, Tpostrouéopal, mid., no pass., c. acc. or c, gen.; Metárotéopal, c. gen.; &vtitotéopal (esp. to excel- lence, glory, etc.), c. gen. or c. infin. To pretend not to be, etc., où or pºi Sokéw, fut. 66%, ëöoša, also Sokhora, É56kmora, etc. (these latter forms not in prose), no perf act. I pretend to be, tdoorw éuavTöv eival, Dem. Pretended, tpostrołmtos, ov; + širaktös, Öv. Pretendedly, trpópāoriv, Tpostovátws (opp. to “in reality,” Tó Švri). A pretender, 'üAášov, ovos, 6. Pretending to, Tpostrointikös, c. gem. Pretension, Tpostroinois, eas, ii; (i. e. a vain manner) oxmuártopºds, To pretermit, &AAetto. See To omit. Preternatural, ‘ūtrepºpuffs. Preternaturally, ‘ūtrepºpués. A pretext, trpóqāorts; trpóoxmua, T6; orchiſis, i. Prettily, kaxós (à Att., & elsewhere). Pretty, KaNos (à Att, & elsewhere), compar. IcaäAtov, superl, káAAtotos. See Beautiful. To prevail (in every sense), ºpâtéw, c, gen, or c, dat. of that over or among which, often sine cas.; Érikp Téo; viców, Érvicda; (as a report, etc.) Kátéxw, aor 2. –eoxov ; +tAmóðw, only pres. and, imperf.; (a weather) étréxw; (as a law) + &rapkéw; 'épio této only act.; evöövaareia, c. &ote; ruroA4%, only act on (by entreaty, etc.), Škºrovéo; over (i. e. to conquer q. v.), Trépiyſyvouai, fut, -yevågopal, no adr 1, aor 2. –eyevöumv, perf.-yé yova and —yeyévnual, c, gen. Teptempt (–eival). What measures those men prevailed to carry, & oito évíkov, Thuc. • And the custom prevails eatensively, kal Tê š00s éir troAt Tpośaivet, AEschin, He who does not prevail (in argument), 6 uh tuxān 'yvápms, Thuc. But tell us how the end is determined, which way th majority of the people prevail, éviorare 6’ hu?v trot ice- kūpotat téAos, Añuov kpatoto a Xelp Štrol tram0üetat, AEsch. To prevent, icoxſw, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass sense, c. gen, or c. &trö and gen, or c. infin, or c. T or Too Mºl and infin.; traúw ; eſpyw, aor. 2. Trag elpyä00v, fut, mid. Sometimes in pass. Sense, C. gen. or c. infin., or c, ph and infin, or c. toº Pºh and infin. or c. &ote whand infin.; &reſpyw; áxw, fut. *ča, and oxãow, etc., aor. 2. čoxov, no aor. 1., c. gen, c, Wil, ãoºre ah, or (in AEsch.) To pah and infin. See To hinder. To be prevented, &rootepéopal, pass., c. whand infin. To prevent their being so much injured by evildoers, el Tros forgov &ölicoivro Štrb caiçoğpywv, Thuc. One must prevent, kwāūTéov, Feipietéov. A preventer, Koxiiths, où, 6. See Hinderer. Prevention, kóAüoris, eas, ii. See Hindrance. Preventive, kwaitikos, c. gen; Ståkwaitikás. A preventive, kóAügg, Tó ; ’āAečntſipuov. Previous, trpárepos. See Before. If then he varies at all from his previous story, ei 6’ oëv Tu kāktpétroito Tot, trpó00ev Aóyov, Soph. Previously, trpótepov, Téas. Prey, *āypa, &#pa ; *āypevua, Tó ; āpīrāyā; +&#- peugo, Tá; +éAwp, to, only nom. and acc. To prey upon, #8&tto. See To devour. Price, Tiuh, + tºuds. A fair price, šta, tio ovía. At what price 3 régov; See How much 3 I would not buy . . . at any price, oùk &v trptatumu où6evös A6-yov, Soph. To raise the price, TAetortmpuſ.ſo, no pass. That on this account the Thebans had set a price upon his head, Šiš Tour” airó rows Omēafows Xphuata éirt- 320 Prick—Privative relempuxával, Dem.; so in pass., a price was set upon his head, étrikekāpyrtal Xpſiuat' airó, Dem. To prick, a Tíſo (esp. for the purpose of marking); (as any feeling pricks the mind) + Kvíſo. To prick the ears, oùs àpôov to trul, Soph.; givāya óta, Xen. A pricking, + att'yuás. A prickle, 'écavba, Prickly, 'ékav06öms. To be prickly, träpäkaufftºw Pride, ai,6āöeſa, + ai0āöta ; ºppávnua, T6; āykos ; ºf ºppévm.gis, # ; ; MeyāAmvopta; Tô yaipov, Eur, (in anything) pixotiuia, c. 3rl and dat. A cause of pride, tºyašpapa, Tó. To give way to pride, ºf aipa Śºrov, Soph. To puff up with pride, 6)Ków. To pride oneself on, êtrāyāAAopal, only pres, and im- perf., c. Éirl and dat.; yawpóouai, pass.; yawpida, only act. c. dat.; pl.Aotiuéopal, mid., c. aor, 1. pass. in act. sense; genvövouai, pass.; +&épěvouai, txAiöá2 : Pléya ºppovéo Éirl, Xen. See To eaſult. One must pride oneself on, Hérya ºppovnTéov, c. dat, or c. Širl and dat., or c. 613 and acc., Xen. A priest, ‘ispeñs; Firpósitoxos, 6, #; in pl. ºf yepāpol, oi, The priest who slew the victim, ‘i Švookó0s, 6, § ; ; pin- A00ürms, ov, 6; +&oſos, The priest (at Lacedæmon) who kept the sacrificial fire, Tuppépus. A priestess, iépeta, fiepta; + k\etö00x0s, ii; yepúpal, ai, only pl. To be a priest or priestess, to act as a priest, iepdouai, mid. and pass., sometimes c. gen, of the god, some- times c. acc. cognat. (i.e. of the office); &eotroAéa, only act.; + k\etàouxéo, c. gen. To be a priest of the Goddess, Tpostpothy 9eås &eiv, Eur. The priesthood, iepooijun, iepāreta. Belonging to the priesthood, iepāticós. Primarily, trpátov. See First, Primary, trpátos. See First. The prime, ’ākuñ; +&otov, only sing. The prime of life, Aircía, &pa. See Flower. To be in the prime, 'dicuá(w, only act. In the prime (esp. of life), ápalos, +’ākualos. Primeval, tapitãºzios, ov; +&yöytos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Ancient. - Frimitive, &pxalos. A prince, ºpéov, ovtos, 6; ’āvač, acros, 5 (used as the title of the younger son of a king); F Trpáuos. See King, Chief. Princely, ‘f &pxérms, ov, 6 (of a throne). See Royal. A princess, +8%afaela, + 8āofan ; + 8&qials, ió0s, i. See Queen. Principal, trpótos, puéytotos. See Chief. The principal (of money), to 3pxaíou ; to keptiºqtov. Principally, uáAlata ; tā ué yurtov, Thuc. A principle, Špos; (esp. of conduct, etc.) inró9eoris, i. First principles, &pxai, ai. It being an invariable principle that the weaker people should be governed by the more powerful, &el Kaffect&- tos Töv #0 orw Śto rot, 8vvaratépov Icareípyeo 6au, Thuc. - I acting on such principles as these, Toloſsà éyò vópoigt, Soph. On this principle, taſtn, Plat. karð Tí ; Plat. A print (i. e. impression, q.v.), Xàpakthp, fipos, 0 : + Vito'ypâq)ſ. Prior, Tpórepos, c. gen., sometimes c. (than). A prison, eigh, eipyubs, Sequoiſ plow ; Seoubs, pl. begaol and Seguá. The public prison, to Snudatov, A prisoner, Öeguórms, ov, 6; fem. ‘i Seopátis, ió0s, h; + 6éopios; (of war) aixuāAotos, fem. FaixuāAatis, tôos, ii. A fellow-prisoner, ovvöeopétms, ov, 5. See Captive. - * - Of concerning, etc., a prisoner, faixpiáA&tikos ; TaixuāAwtos, 6, #. To take prisoner, @ypéa (of captives in war, opp. to slaying them), only act. To keep as prisoners (without any idea of ill usage), 3éo, fut. Show, perf. §§eka, etc. Pristine, &pxalos. See Ancient. Privacy, ºf épmuía, Private, iólos, &, ov, and 0s, ov. Private life, a private condition, ‘idioteſa, ČuiAta (opp. to public life, toxiteia). For a man who is thriving in his private circumstances, kaAós pêy yöp (pepäivevos &uip to ſcaff' éavTöv, Thuc. To pass a private life, be a private person, 'iólotetºw, only act. A private person, 'íðtótºms, ov, 6 (used by Xen. even of a private soldier). Belonging to a private person, 'idiºtikos. Privately, ióíg, ‘ióías. A privateer, Amo Tpic?) rptălcovtópos, Thuc.; Anot pla wats, Dem. The sending out privateers, Amatów éictoutral, Thuc. Privation, orépmats, # ; āroa répmaus. Privative, a reputicos, sine, or c. gen.; &lroo repºtikós. On what principle 2 Brivilege—Prodigious Privilege, yépas, a0s, to, pl. yépáta and yépa ; Tpeo- Belov. An especial privilege, ééalpetov, c. dat. Though it was not an ancient privilege of the Eleans, kafirep oëk &pxaíov "HAetous évros, Xen. Privily, kpúéðmy, kpiqi, A&6pm, Adépá. See Secretly. Privy to, + to Tap, opos, 6, § ; # oivia Twp. See Conscious. To be privy to, oivotòa, perſ, no pres, in this sense, infin. Juveiðévol, etc., fut. ovveto opal, and ovvetóñow (rare), no other tenses, sometimes c. dat. of the per- son to whose plans one is privy, c. acc. of the plans, etc.; otvianu, only pres, act.; Juvetto Tapai, See To know. A privy, compèv, &vos, 6. A prize, ºf &é0Aov, in prose only ; 30Åov, *čirã0Xov ; (of victory) vikmtiptov, otépávos ; of valour, 'üpt- oteto, Tá; i kaRAtateſa, Té. Contended for, worthy of being contended for as the prize, tº Čupivetichs ; +&pºpiveticiſtos, ov. Probability, eikös, Ötos, Tó. Probable, Tiffévôs. It is probable, éotice, part, eikos (the part, often used without éoT), e.g.—as it is probable, és eikös, etc.). To make probable, Triffävów, only act. To use probable arguments, tričávoxo'yéo, only act. A using of probable arguments, triðūvoAoyia. Probably (with probability), eiicóTws. In all human probability, &v6pottetos, + šolkótas, Probity, Öicaloa jum; +xpmotótºms, ºtos, i. Justice. A problem, trpó8Amua, Tó. Belonging to a problem, TpoéAmpèticós. Problematical, 'épěvís. See Uncertain. To proceed, trpośaiva, fut, trpośńgopal, aor. 2. Tpoéémv, often trpoëémy, perf. Tpoééémica, part. –Šešmicës, via, ºbs, gen. Ötos, etc., and sync. –Šeš&s, 60'a, etc., fut. act, and aor. 1. act. not used intrans.; Tpoépxopal, fut. —éAečgouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fiX60V, perf, -éAft- Aü0a; (esp. as matters do) Xopéa, ; 8%igo, only act. in any sense (as the matter, the argument proceeds, the plaintiff proceeds [against the defendant], etc.). See To go, To advance. To proceed (with a speech), étińéyw. To proceed on the way, 650Toléopal, mid. See Well, to proceed (colloquially), eiev. One must proceed, 8ööuatéov. A proceeding, pyov. See Affair. A procession, trojúrá; trówtrevais, eas, ii; #060s, h; Tpósoãos, i. A procession of thanksgiving to the Gods, + trposóðtop. Fit for (belonging to) a procession, Top Ticós. To go in festive procession, icopºgo, only act. To lead a procession, troutreča, only act., c. acc. Topatrāv To accompany in a procession, avpitropºreča. One who marches in procession, TouTeiſs. A vessel employed in processions, tropireſov, used also of the place where such vessels are kept. -- To proclaim, &yºyéAAw, TayyéAAw, knpūgow, Éickm- püggo, Éric pigow (also of proclaiming a person as king), Icmpükeia, ; Tpoéſirov (in the case of proclaim- ing war against any one), c. dat. pers, acc. rei (in the case of proclaiming any one as guilty of murder, etc.), c. dat. pers, gen. of the crime, or c, dat. pers. and Šta , or Ös ; beforehand, Tpokmpto'o w, TpoayyáAAa, ºf Tpo. ormuaiva ; in answer, &vticipúoga, ; loudly, tºyéywv& perf. in pres. Sense, also infin. Yeywvely, and aor. 1 infin. Yeywu70 al. To forbid by proclamation, 'üTolcſ). pūgow, c. 11) and infin. To cause to be proclaimed, Tpolempuketopal, mid. Proclamation, Ichpvyua, āros, tá; ‘āvdāśmoris, eas, h; Tpóñāngis; + kmpijkevua, Tó. * To procrastinate, áva ŚāAAopal, mid., no aor. 1. Procrastination, 'évášoA), poet. Śpé0X3), 6tarpiéſ, See Delay. Procreation (of children), Tatēotrotta, traičovpyio. Procurable, ictmtés. Easily, eúropos, ov. To procure, ictdowal, mid., perf. pass. Réut mugi and êictmual in act, sense, aor. 1. pass, in pass. Sense; eipioico, fut, eúphow, no aor, 1. act, aor. 2. eipov, perf, eúpmka, eúpmual, aor. 1, eúpéðmu and Att, mùp., fut, mid, sometimes in pass. sense; Topigo; Tapa- oicevågø, more usu, in mid, and pass.; karaokevä(w (usu, by unfair means); for oneself, Čírâyouai, mid.; + Tpostpépa. To aid in procuring, orvpatropigw. To procure besides, Tposótárpáorgopal, mid. One must procure, KT7téov. Difficult to be procured, buseſperos, ov; ‘āropos, Ol/. Skilful in procuring, ictmtikös, c. gen. - A procuring, ºf éiríktmots, eas, h; Añihis, eas, ii. See Acquisition. A procurer (in a bad sense), trposéywyets. Prodigal, 'üpetēs, Tpoetikás. A prodigal, piñāvāAórms, ov, 6. Prodigality, *āorotía. Prodigally, 'üräuleitas. Prodigious, TepāTööms; + TeX&ptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. See Wonderful. 322 Prodigy—Prohibit A prodigy, répas, Tb, gen, ätos and 20s, pl. nom. Tépātā, and contr; Tépá; Satua, T6. See Wonder. To interpret prodigies, t tepéo, only pres, act. To talk prodigies, Tepātoāoyéw; frepāTetopal, mid. A telling or talking of prodigies, TepāToxoyia, Of which prodigies are told, TepátóAoyos, ov. To produce (as crops, etc. etc.), pëo, aor. 2. čbvy (as if from pºul), perf. Tépüka, and pluperfect in pass. sense; pépo, fut, otoa, oftener otoioſal, aor. 1. #veyica, aor. 2, #veykov, fut. mid. sometimes in pass. sense; Tikrø, fut. Téo, more usu. Téoual, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. Brekov, ºváðiðapi, etc.; +’āvīmut; (i. e. bring forward) Tpostpépa; (especially producing wit- nesses, proof, etc.) Tāpāya, ’āvāšišáço; together, at the same time, ovvarotticta, ovyyevváo. Produce, subst, kapirós; yévvmuz, Tá; tºpépua, Tó; + ortrópos. A producing, production, yévvma is, eas, h; Yévvmua, Tó; ‘popá. Quick production, Táxiſſyovía. Productive, iroptoticos, c. gen, ; Tointikös, c. gen.; (absolutely) évépyos, ov. Very productive, trapºpópos, ov; eiſqopos, ov; +Toxicaptos, ov. See Fruitful. To be productive, troAilcapTéa. Productiveness, troAikapiría. A proem, irpoofulov, poet, also ºppoſutov. Profanation, uſagua, Tó; ’āyos, T6. See Pollution. To profane, ‘i cá6āyīga. See Pollute. Profane, “f”é0epus, itos, Ö, j; 86.6m*0s, ov (prop. of places, but also of people); ’ā0éuitos, ov; 60 los (i. e. not consecrated), opp. to ispos (things sacred and profane, iepā kal 60 ta). See Impious. ' Profanely, "Čvogías, To profess, étrayyáAAw, and more usu. -opal, mid., c. acc. or c. infin.; KatetrayyáAAOpal; ‘ūTuo Xvéopal, also Štrioxopal, fut. Útrooxho opal, aor. 2. čTeazópmv, no aor. 1., no pass., c. acc. or c. infin.; in Plat, esp. of professing (i. e. professing to teach) a branch of knowledge. To profess (to do so and so), Tpos- Toleopat. To profess oneself an ally, & Tobeikvöval airby a ſupa- Xov, Dem. A professed enemy, & robelx0els éx?pos, Dem. . A profession, êtráyyeApia, Tó; (i. e. regular employ- ment, etc.) 6tärpiéâ. Of the same profession, ÖgöTexvos, ov. To be of no profession, 'idioteto, only act. A person of no profession, 'iè16tms, ov, 6. Making, or apt to make, rash professions, étrayyexticós. To proffer, Tporetva. Proficiency, Tuotſium. A proficient, oroquotſis. In profile, karð ‘ypāqºv, Plat. Profit, képôos, Tá; &péAeta and & beata; (arising from any business) Tpósoč0s, h; kóproots, eas, i. See Gain, Advantage. To profit, act, & peaso, c. acc., rarely c, dat.; *- (pexéo (see To advantage). To profit by, ‘āToAaúw, c. gen, sometimes c. part. Profitable, kepôāAé0s; a ſubopos, ov; &#Aiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; AüoireAfts; + kepôlov, -lotos (not always in comp. or superl. sense). See Advantageous. To be profitable, ovupépo, fut, givolow, aor. 1. diº veyka, aor. 2, ovviveykov, c. dat, often c. prep (e.g. eis or éiri) and acc. of the object. Profitably, kepôāAéos. Profligacy, 'égotia. Profiigate, árotos, ov. To be profligate, ’āowTetopal, mid. Profligately, 'égétals. * Profound, 3300s; (of man, or the mind of man} +8vorcéppov, ovos, 6, #; +836;80UAos, ov; +öägktos, ov (of a contrivance). See Deep. Profuse, Tpoetucós. Profusely, 'éqetöðs. Profusion, profuseness, ’āpeſāta. A progenitor, irpáyovos, more often in pl.: ſpotērºp, opos, 6. Progeny, yévos, tá; otéppa, Té. See Offspring. To prognosticate, ºf Tpoßeatriº, only act. See To foretel. Prognostication, + pºureuſa, T6. See Prophecy. Progress, trpó060s, h; Tposxºpnoſis, eas, fl. Successful progress (of affairs, etc.), eipola. If you think that you will make more progress with me, et ri pāAAoy of eq6e uet” uot eitrophorely, Plat. See To offer. See Skill. They made no progress in ruining you, ow8év Tpoſicotrow eis To &Toxégat juás, Xen. He made no progress in subduing them, oibéu Tpotſpyou étroínge irpos to Toârous catatroXepāoral, Xen. To progress, Tpośaiva, fut. –Šágopal, perf. -ééémica, aor. 2. Tpoéémy, and Att, often Tpovémy, as if from Tpóēmut, fut, act. and aor. l. never used intrans. See To advance. To prohibit, ka?\üo (ii, but most usu. 5), fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense, c. gen, rei, or c. &mb and gen, or c. 93) and infin., or c. to and infin, or c. infin. by itself, sometimes c. gem, acc. See To..forbid. Y 2 - 323 Brohibited—Pronounce One must prohibit, coºvtéov. Prohibited, +'étéââmtos, ov. Prohibition, &lrdáñmoris, j; &róðmua, Tó. To project, #éxo; &#to Tauau, pass. c. aor. 2, perf. and pluperf, act.; out of, 'étroyelorów, c. gen, or c. prep.; up out of, ‘ūTrepéxw, c, gem. To project over, ūtrepreſvo, c. gen.; ‘ūTepākpigo, only act. c. gen. To project (i. e. to plan, q.v.), Čuvoéa. A projection, trpášoxos; trpášAmua, Tó. A projector, éémºnths, où, 6; + unxavoffépos. Prolific, ºf troAiyovos, ov. To be prolific, troAitokéw. A being prolific, Toàvyovía. Prolix, uákpós; (of a person) + trpóAeoxos, ov; *@0A- kos év Aſſye, AEsch. See Long. To be prolia, Pºkpmyopéa, only act.: Amküvo, sometimes c. acc of the subject; uárpoxoyéw; unküvo Aóyov, Soph.; ’ātropºmkövo Aóyou; &roteiva Aéryov, Plat. Prolixity, uakpoxoyia, troAixoyia. A prologue, trpóAoyos. To prolong, Értetva, unkövo', 'ârounkövo. See To lengthen. A promenade (place to walk in), Tepitáros. Prominent, ČiritróAatos, ov. See Projecting. Promiscuous, oriupilºtos, ov; Juppaiyās; avyiºs, #30s, 6, # (of men only); fuiyās, #50s, 6, #. Promiscuously, 'Śvēuiš, pēpēmu, xijömu, + šupiya, +’āvāulyöa. Promiscuousness, a ſupišis, i. A promise, Štródźegis, h; triotis, h; Éirdy'yeapa, Tá; éyyúm, in pl. T& triotá. To perform a promise, Útěoxegiv &Točíðwut, Thuc. Your broken promise, i, jevo’0eto a Utdoxegis, Thuc. To promise, ‘ūtrioxvéopal, also poet. Útrioxopal, fut, Jirouxágouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. Wire0Ydumu, perf. pass. Útréaxmual, and pl. perf. Utreqxñumv, in act. sense, sometimes c, aor, infim, also c. # uńv and fut. infin, sometimes c, infin. pres.; ‘ūq to Tapai, mid., c. aor. 2. perf and pluperf. act.; itroëéxopal, mid., perf. and aor. 1. pass. in act. sense; 'cátáveiſw, only act.; étrayyáAAa, oftener -opiat, mid. as always in prose; + kåtalvéa, fut. —éow and —how. To promise beforehand, trpovttoxvéopal. To promise solemnly, t trio Téopal, pass., and mid.— PHIL. “Promise me solemnly” (i. e. give me your hand).-NE. “I do promise you to remain.”—£IA. êuéaMAe xelpos triotiv.–NE. uéáAAw uévely, Soph. They immediately put Salaethus to death, though he made considerable promises (or offers, to induce them to spare him), Töv Pºv XáXaiflow eiðbs &tékretvav čariz & Tapexówevov, Thuc. To bind with promises, triotéopal, mid., c. Širo and gen. of the promise or oath. A promontory,”diºpa,’ākpwTiptov; itpøv, trpovos, 6; ‘i čké0A0s. To promote, (an object, etc.) ortreſſia'; (a person, etc.) ačávo, and poet, pres. aiſſa, and &éčw, fut. aiśńow, etc., no perf act, but perf. pass., etc.; alpa. To join in promoting (an object), ovutpoffijuéopal, mid. A promoter (of a plan, etc.), kivmths, où, 6. Promotion, aiſémois, eas, # (not however quite in our sense). Prompt (of persons), štoſuos, m, ov, and os, ov; Tpó. 6üuos, ov; &rpoqāortotos, ov; (of persons or measures) &oicvos, ov. See Eager. To be prompt, Tpoôupéopal, mid. c. aor. 1. and fut. pass. One must be prompt, trp06üumtéov. To prompt (i.e. suggest what is to be said), ‘ûro- ŠáAAw. Prompted (of what is said), fºróšAntos, ov; (of the person prompted to do so and so) éykéAevoros, ov. A prompting, ‘itroëoxh. See Suggestion. Promptly, trpodiuws, &ókvas. See Eagerly. Promptness, promptitude, trpo6.juta, Öppi; tāxos, Tó; &oicvia. To promulgate, ’āvāicmpügow. See To publish. Promulgated, 8éénxos, ov, opp. to kekpuppévos. Prone, Tpotteths, c. prep.; sūkārāqopos, ov; + Tpo- waths. To be prone, &rokatva, c. eis or irpos and acc.; so pöw. in aor. 2. čpuu and perf. Trépuka, c. infin. or c. rpès and acc. or poet, c. Étri and dat. Being by nature prone to acts of virtue, treqvicës irpos ãpethu, Xen. Promeness, eúxépeta, c. gen, of the thing to which. See Inclination. To pronounce (as a sound), póéy'youai, mid., no pass.; ékšáWAw; &pimut, imperf. & piny and hºtovy; +&iro. tºdø, fut.-KAáyśa, etc. (see To utter); (i. e. to say that a thing is so and so) + &rokäAéw, perf. —kéicÅmica (see To call); (sentence as a judge) Silcáço (Šikºv). See To judge, To condemn. Sentence of death will be pronounced against them, $790s cat’ attáv čAeópía BovXeūgetat, Æsch. You now are pronouncing sentence of banishment from the city ºpon me, viiv pºv Šukášeus ék TöAea's puyhy éuol, AEsch. 32.4 Pronunciation—Proposal Pronunciation (correct), Öpfloéteia. Proof, Éaeyxos, telepſiptov, a muetov; 3élypia, Tá; (esp. legal) waptiptov. Proof (i. e. trial; as we say “to put to the proof,” etc.), reſpa. To make proof of, Bāqāviſo; eis reºpav Špxopal, Eur.; Teipav Aapéâva, Eur. Xen. See To prove. To be brought to the proof (of boasted excellence, etc.), eis Teipav ćpxopal, Thuc. Like a proof, Tekumpuéðms. To prop, &vrepetóo. See To support. A prop, Špelaga, Tó; &utmpis, (50s, h; #8&ict peupta, Tó. To propagate, otreſpo, ötgateſpa. Propagation, atrópos. A propagator, O'Topets. To propel, trpow8éa, fut. —wółow and -óga, aor. 1. Tpoéoga, etc.; Trpoštěd (w. Propensity, ºf Añpua, T6. See Inclination. Proper, Öicatos, a, ov, and os, ov; káðhkov, ovoia, ov, gen. Ovtos, etc.; Tposílcov; oilcetos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Right, Seasonable. - Properly, eú, kūptos, oilcetos; Icar& Tpótrov, Plat. Property, oùota; Tô ‘ūſápxovira, Thuc.; Tà éviſitáp- xovra, Plat.; (personal property, opp. to &Ypbs, real property,+also property in kind, stock, etc., opp. to Xphuata, money) ktipa, Tó. Foreign property, Śyictm1a. ièuov. Of one's own property (to give or to have, etc.), otico- flew (Ötöapu, äxa, etc.). g Belonging to, being one's own property, ictmtés; + ktſ- otos, a, ov, and os, ov. The right of holding property in a foreign country, êyictmois, eas, i. Properly (in logic), To possess property in a foreign country, Śyictdopal, perf. pass. in act. sense, éykéictmugi. A government on the basis of properly, Tipokpátía, Tuapxia. Of, or belonging to, a government on the basis of property, Tiwokpáticós. Prophecy, Havretov, paurela; +pidurevua, Tó; +&e- otrigua, Tó; + pâtis, h; +pavrogium (the art rather than the prediction itself). True prophecy, àpôopav- teta. The art of prophecy, juautică. To prophesy, Havretiopal, mid., c. perf. pass. and aor. 1. in pass. Sense (Xen. Once has pavreća, act.); xpda', mid. not in this sense, but pass. of the prophecy given, perf. kéxpmual, aor. 1. Čxpfia.0mu (rare however in Att. prose); &éatria,6éa, only act. ; # Sea Trigo, +xpſiº. To prophesy by interpreting an omen, ºf tepdºw. To be a prophet of God, trpoºpmTeów 6600, Eur. One must prophesy, pavtevTéov. A prophet, uávtts, eas, 6, #; Tpówavris, é, í (esp. of the priestess at Delphi); tepätookóTos; arpophrms, ov, 6; fem. Tpop?tus, ió0s, ii. See Soothsayer. An uninspired prophet, one who prophesies from his own mind or judgment, ºf Şüpıöſlautis. A false prophet, + pewööuavtus. A venerable prophet, foreplvópavris. An excellent prophet, ºf '3pwortópavtus. A prophet of ill, ºf icăicópavtus. A prophet to the army, ºf otpátá- Havtis. The first prophet, Tpotópavtus, 6, i. Prophetic, uavtikós; + pavteios, a, ov, and os, ov; + uávtus, eos, 6, h; +pavriiroXos, 6, # (esp. of per- sons); ºf Sea trigöös, Öv; + Tepaakótros, ov; +xpm- othptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Falsely prophetic, t \ev- 66 p.muos, ov. Uttering prophetic song, fuovačuautis, ô, i. - To be a prophet, Tpopmtetºw, only act, sometimes c. gen. of the God. Prophetically, uavticós. Propinquity (esp. of kin), &yxiateia. To propitiate, ‘IAágicouai, fut. ixãoopal, mid, no pass.; Éixágicopal, eigevigopal. Propitiate now these deities with purification, &ot vow ka9approv Tóvöe Saipóvav, Soph. Propitiatory, + getAixios; +getAuctiipuos, ov; + km- Anthplos, ov. A propitiatory sacrifice, ºf pºetxtypic, T6. Propitious (of things, esp. of omens, etc.), beftös, Ötti- 6éćtos; ałotos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of persons) ‘īāāos, ov, Att, also ‘īāeos, ov; (offortune, events, etc.) + eiſtop- tros, ov; ºf eifluepos, ov; ; sūavöpos, ov; ; so Aevicós. Proportion, Aóyos, ‘āvāAoyia. Good proportion, Gvp- perpía, eúpü09ta, +\,{Tpov. In proportion to, äutl, c. gen.; Katë, Thy &étav, Dem. In proportion as, 60%, answered by Téag, or Togoûte: 30g rep, Soph. Proportionate, proportional, oriuperpos, ov; uérptos, 2, ov, and os, ov, sometimes c. dat.; upwerpos, ov; ðváAoyos, ov; s, sometimes c. gen. Well-proportioned, eúpü990s, ov; Feiſustpos, ov. Proportionately, orvppérpos, &#tws, *āvāA6)a's. In good proportions, feipú'0pas. A proposal, Aóyos. g And I make the fairest possible proposal among friends, kal thv čv pixois àucator&rmy úró9eru, &y& ūtrotíðepal, Xen. 325 Propose—Prosperity To propose (a measure, etc.), eistryéopal, mid, c. ace. or infin., sometimes c. repl and gen.; (a measure, a candidate, etc.) trpoéâAAw, no aor. 1, perf. –ŠééAmica; Tpospépa, fut. -otow, aor. 1. –five Yica; Tâyw; (a prize, etc.) Tíðmul, more usu. Tpotíðmul; Tpoſpatva', ºf irporetva; (with a notion of invitation as to propose peace, etc.) TpokáAéopal, mid.; (a law, decree, etc.) eispépa, Tāpājépa', 'ypāq,w; instead, &vtirpošáAAouai, mid.; (esp. a new law in abrogation of an old one) Tapels bépo. To be proposed (as a prize or a contest, etc.), ketual, fut, keto-opal, no other tenses, more usu. Tpékelpat; ‘ūtrökelpat. You propose to me a bitter choice, Tukpāv aipegiv Mol ka9ío Tºls, Eur. One must propose, eism'ymtéov. A proposer, eismºynths, où, 6. A proposing (of a candidate for election), Tpoéoxh. A proposition, eis#ymais, h; eishymua, Tó; A670s; (in logic) Tpótáois, eos, i. A proposition instead (in opposition), ávritpoéoxh. Belonging to a (logical) proposition, Tpotáticós. Belonging to a (logical) proposition, adv, Tporáticós. To propound (as a question), ÖToteivopal, mid. See To propose. A proprietor, 6 feelctmpwévos, # keictmuéum. See Owner. Propriety, icóopos, eúſcoggia; icoaguórms, mTOs, ii; eitſpétrela, ºf Tö Käopulos. Want of propriety, &coopia. To prorogue, ’āvāśćAAw, no adr. 1. act, perf. —éé- 6Amica, etc. See To adjourn. To proscribe, &Togºugivo; otmAirmv Tuč’āvāypápa, Isoc. Prose, 'fölot Aéryot, Plat.; Aó)0s ſixbs, Plat. Writing in prose, Aoyotypipia. In prose, Teſfi, xiānu, ióſg, kātāAoyönv. Writing prose, Aoyo’ypäbos. Rules for prose composition, 'êvãykm Aoyo’ypäſbikä. To prosecute, 61%ica, c. acc. pers., c. gem. of the crime, or c. prep. (e.g. ēveka or Tepl) and gen, also c. acc. cogn, (e.g. ôtºmy budºkw); €Tešépxopal, fut, -eWei- oropal, no aor. 1, aor. 2, -7A00v, c. dat, pers, some- times c. acc. of the crime (also êtr. Öilºmu); €tréčeipt (—téval), c. dat, pers, gen, of crime, or c. Štěp and gen., also c. acc. pers, sometimes c. dat. of the crime, and no case of the person; £ºicăAéa, perf. ÉycéicAmica, c. dat. pers, acc. of the crime, or c, dat. pers, and infin, or c, dat, pers. and Ött; uétépxouat (of pro- secuting a business, prosecuting an accusation, etc., but also of prosecuting a criminal, in which sense it sometimes governs gem, acc.). See To accuse. To pro- secute again, êtrièlákw. To aid or join in prosecuting, ovvölðico. Prosecuting him on many counts, toxx&s 'ypaſpös 616&as, Antipho. Prosecution, Ypābh, c. gen, of the crime, sometimes c. Tpbs and acc. of the judges before whom ; Trpošox) (which strictly is rather a vote of the assembly directing a prosecution to be commenced), usu. in pl. To undergo a prosecution, eisépxopal Ypophy, Dem. ; 'ypaſp?iv petryw, Dem. To succeed in a prosecution, Ypaſp?iv aipéo, Dem. A prosecution will lie for ..., Ypapſ éatu, c. gen. of the crime, Dem. See Indictment, etc. The prosecutor, 6.61%kov, ovtos; + 6 ypayáuevos. Proserpine, IIepoepāvela, IIepoepôvn, IIeporépagoa, Kópm. A prospect, Öthus, ii. See View. Prospective, Tpovomºticós. To prosper, intrans. (of persons), eitüxéo, síðapovéo, eūTpāyéw, eúmuepéa, Kätop966, ; (in the end) kåtov- pigo; (of affairs) Tpoxapéo, sometimes eş Tpoxopéo; Katop96opal, pass.; (of persons or affairs) 03AAw, no fut, or aor., perf. Té0mAa ; (phrases for persons) jöéas éxa, Eur.; eſſ Tpdogo, IcáAós Tpágga, Eur. Xen, Ta continue to prosper, 6tevTuxéo. See To be fortunate. To prosper, act. (i. e. to make to prosper), &éča, only pres, and imperf.; 6pflów. See To assist. Think thou that this city, though it has been prosperous (lit. has run with a fair wind), will hereafter in time fall to the bottom, Taijtmv vouíge thv TóAlv xpóvg Totè 'Eğ oiptov Špap,000 av čs Bū00u Tegelv, Soph. Orestes, for he was prospering, 'Opéotºs, fiv Yap eū66Aa's #xou, AEsch, Making to prosper, f oiptootárms, ov, 6. How do we prosper in the contest ? trós &yóvos fircoºley; Eur. That you should have to grieve, but that I should pros- per, gegev atevögelu, Tâuð 3’ #5éws éxely, Eur. That the same good fortune will ever prosper us (guide us prosperously), Töv airby &el Saipov’oipteſv Túxms, AEsch. So you have made my country which was in distress prosper, Tāv éuðv yöv čv Tóvous &Aüovoſav čs àpóðv oùploras, Soph. Prosperity, eiðatuovía, eitüxia, feitüxela, eitſpačía, ôA60s; + eierté, h; † simpſepta. See Happiness. And they have arrived at great prosperity, Čiri tº ei- uñkets àicovot Túxas, Eur. 326 Prosperous—Proverb Prosperous, sirix}s, eiðaſuou: &Aéios, o, ov, and To protest, paptépoua, mid, no pass.; Stépaptipo- os, ov; (of events to one, etc., not of persons) eifiºepos, ov; otpios, a, ov, and os, ov; eiſpoos, ov, contr, -povs, —povv. See Happy, Fortunate, A man who is prosperous in his private circumstances, lcañós uèv pepôuevos &vhp Tö ſcaff' éavrov, Thuc. Prosperously, e3; ſcañós, comp. KáAAtov, led WAtota; eūTüxós, eúðaip.6vos, + 6Néia's ; Śi' àp67s, Soph. ; kat' àpóðv, Soph. See Fortunately. To prostitute, Tpoãºyo'yeſia. A prostitute, trópum, Éraípa. To be a prostitute, Topvetopiat, pass. ; Étaipéa, only act. Prostitution, êtaipeia; Štaípmorus, i. Prostrate, ºf trpotteths, sometimes c. gen. of the thing on which. See To fall. To prostrate oneself before, tposttirta, fut. —Tegoûual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. Tértoica, no mid. or pass., c. dat, of the person or thing before which, or c. Tpbs and acc., or even c. acc.; Tposküvéa, fut. —ffo'oual, aor. 1. Tposékúa'a, no mid, or pass., c, acc. of him before whom. To be prostrated (by disease, etc.), Träpätetvouai, pass. Prostration (as a mark of homage), Tposióvnois, €60s, 77. To protect, Tpołotópat, pass., c. aor. 2. and perf. act, augmented tenses often Tpov for Tpoe ; Śiri otátéo, c. gen,; otéyò, no perf., no pass. ; Śāopal, aor. 2., c. gen, of the danger, or c. prep. or c. infin. (e.g. á. Saveſv); +értolcottéa'; (as a tutelary deity) Aoyxãva, aor. 2. čAáxov, perf. AéWoyxa (lit. to have allotted to one for protection). See To defend. To be protected by, to have before one as a protection, TpośćAAouai, pass. (esp. in perf.) TpoééSAmual, c. a CC, Protecting, +Tpoo TâTápios, +’āAeśntſipuos Protecting cities, + šūgāroxis, eas, 6, h; † &otivágos, ov. Protecting a country, + yatīoxos, ov. A protection, êtrucoſpnoſis, h; i &payyā; ºf €picos, Tb, with gen. either of the person protected, or of the danger warded off; i 50pa, T6. See Defence. Being a good protection, eightémagºtos, ov. A protector, owthp, fipos, 6 ; éiríkovpos, sometimes c. gen. of the evil from which ; riotărms, ov, 6; + Tpoo Târns ; ºf pâAač, ćicos, 6. A protector of the people, if &muoixos. A protector of suppliants, ’āpſ. KTop, opos, 6; ºf trpostictap. A protector of a house, Tpooróðöopos. A protectress, orðrelpa, £10.1. To protest against Philip's doing this, 6tapoptºparda, $1AíTT4, Taüta pººl troteſv, AEschin. Protestation, uapriſpía. To protract, unküvo, Tăpărețvo; 5takpotºoſal, mid. To be protracted, xpovićouai, pass. ; ’āvāTitta, fut. —regoûgal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étréorov, perf. -trér- Taſića. We bear witness that that cause has been already pro- tracted eight years, uapTwpoſſuev . . . #öm Tà ºptoel éketup Ölayeyovóta èrm Öktö, Dem. To protrude, étatapal, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf. act. sº Protuberance, ’āvotömoſis, eos, i. Proud, we'yūAeſos, oreguós ; + štrepſivap, opos, 6, # ; † Tepi"ppov, ovos, 5, 7, ; ºf ‘ūTrépºppov, ºf Šipºxóppov. See Haughty. Over proud, ºf ‘itépauxos, ov. Proud men, oi Tvéovres uéya Aa, Eur. To be proud, geuvivouai, mid, sometimes c. dat. of the cause, or c, čirl and dat.; Spöttopal, pass., c. fut. mid, aor. 2, pass. Tpipmy; jºycéopal, pass. ; ue^3. Å0?povéo ; hoºpiyāo, only act. ; tāpavyéa, only act; uéya ºppovéo, Thuc. Soph. ; péya pūgāw, Eur, To be over proud, ‘ûrepavyéw ; +‘ūTepºppovéa, only act. Sometimes c. dat. of the cause. To be proud of, ’āyāANopal, pass., only pres, and imperf. c. dat. sometimes c. Éirl and dat. They are prouder than the people, ºppovoſol 5%uou peſov, Eur. To make proud, pögda. Proudly, ueyaxoppévos, + ‘ūtrépºppovo. To prove, éAéyxa, Éexéyxo, önxów, Šetkuugi, Gyöeſ. lcuvut: 'évaylcáço, c. infin, or c. &s ; (i. e. to test) ãuatreipäoual, 6takoboviſo; + relpáa, c. gen.; eis Treſpau Épxopal, Eur.; (i. e. to be accustomed to be so and so) paivoſal, pass.; 3péopal, fut. I. and aor. I, pass. borrowed from ÖTTopal, &pómu, Öq6%gopal. To prove clearly, Šiša Čºpéa €uſpávíſo ; besides, ºpos. &roſpalvo, Tposávaylcáço; on the other hand, &vrá. troºpaiva'; beforehand, TpoãTroöeircuipu. To produce evidence or arguments in order to prove, Telcºmpióa, c, acc. of the argument, etc. One must prove, Šetictéov; besides, Tposöeucréov. Capable of being proved, Bellcrés; eñéAeykros, ov. Difficult to be proved, Sisältääeikros, ov. A proverb, trāpoºpia, AóYos; t (500s; pl. T& 6muoriot. AceVa. To be a proverb, Trópolpud.gopal, pass. 327 ProVide—Public To use a proverbial expression, Túpopudéopal, mid. ; 7 wouoAoyéw. A speaking in proverbs, Yvoluoxoyia. If, as the proverb is, they neither know, etc. . . . by kal, to Aeyópevov, pºſite ... Ério Tavtat, Plat. One must speak in proverbs, yyap.ox0) mtéov. To provide, trâpéxaſ, fut. Tapéa, and Tapao Xfig w, perf. trāpéoxmica, no aor. 1., aor. 2. Tapeq Xov, no pass.; Topſø, kiroptºw, troportivo, Érapicéo. See To supply. To aid in providing, ovutrapaakevä(w; avp- unxãváouai, mid. To aid in providing means, oivettp.exeopai, mid., c. Štos; ºf avutpočevéo, c, čs, only act. To provide in addition, Tpostrápéxa, Trpos- Topſø, trposevtropéa, ; beforehand, Tpotapéxo ; in turn, &vtitrépéxa. To provide for or to provide against (events, etc.), Tpoorkotéo, fut, and other tenses from trpoolcértopat, perf. pass. Tpoéoiceºuat and pluperf, in act, or in pass. sense, sometimes c. pºl and infin, (of providing against); Tpoopów, oftene -opal, mid, fut. Tpoćko- ual, aor. 2, Tpoeidov, c. ace. or c. gen, or c. 13) or §tws pañ; Tpovoéa, oftener-opal, mid., c. aor. 1, pass. in act. Sense, c. gen, or c. prep. Tepl, Štěp, etc. c. gen, or c. Štos, etc. See To take care. To be pro- vided with, Karaokevágouai, pass., c, dat.; abundantly, Tpoevtropéouai, pass. One must provide, Tàpectáov; provide for or against, Tpovom Teov. What must be provided for or against, Tepiotté0s. Able to provide, Toptoticós, c, gen,; Tôpiuos, ov, c, dat, pers, sometimes c, acc, rei. Easily provided, eitropos, ov. Provided that, ei. See If. Reveal them, provided only that you do not speak for bribes, Icível, uávov Šē uh 'tº képôeaty Aéyov Soph. Providence, Irpávoia (of Divine Providence, &eoû Trp., §eſa Tp.). Divine Providence, &eta Hoſpa, Plat.; Seta Tüxn, Soph. Provident, trpovomºticós. See Prudent. A provider, Toptoths, où, 6; trapagićeva Gºths, où, 6. One who provides for the eafense of anything, Xopmyás. A province, vowós. - Commander of a province, vöuopxos. Provision, êtriuéAeta (see Care); for anything (in a general way), Stoticmoris, eas, ii. * Provisions, oftos, 6, pl. Tà gira (always for men); so otriov, usu, in pl. See Food. Sufficiency of provi- sions, oritapicio, c. gen, of the time they were to last. 5 Money for provisions (given to the soldiers), girlpé- Oſlo!/. Carrying provisions, a fråyaºs, 69. To provision (men, etc.), autotrotéa, c, dat, mid. to obtain provisions. To be provisioned (a garrison, etc.), Giro50téopal, pass. To cheat in buying provisions, 'ütropovéa. Provocation, trâpośvoluós. A provocative, éiridiumpa, Tá. To provoke (angrily), Épé9tſo, + špivo, + XoAów ; (any sort of feeling) civéo, öğüva. See To eacite, To anger. To be provoked, avyðflyougi, pass. One must provoke, épé010 Téov. The prow, trpdºpa, ºf otóA0s. From the prow, Tptºpaflew or -0e. With dark prow, i kvåvéušoxos, ov. With handsome prow, i. eitſpapos, ov; F kaAAi"Tpapos, ov; +Touci- AóotoAos, ov. With the prow turned towards the enemy, &vri'Tpapos, ov. A man who stands on the prow to look out, Tpapárms, ov, 6; Tpapets. To stand on the prow to look out, TpopäTsūa. Prowess, "åpetà. See Strength, Bravery. Proximate. See Near. Proximity (esp. of kin), &YXuoteia. Prudence, awqipogium, eúAššeta, eiéovaſa, Yvéum , Tpopuffbeta, and poet. Tpopumbia ; arpóvota. See Wisdom. - Prudent, (of persons, or advice) ºppóviuos ; a 6¢pwv, ovos, 6, # ; eißovXos, ov; (of persons only) + Tpó- vows, 6, #; +&priºpov; (of counsel only) Öyińs. See Wise. To be prudent, ‘ppoi éa, only act.; Joºpovéa, only act.; eūAášéopal, mid. One must be prudent, eúAššmtéov. Prudently, ppoviuos, eúAašós, a wºpóvas, eúryvagóva's + ºppovo'ſvtas. See Wisely. To prune, &rotégvw, no aor. 1., perf. —Tétwmka. To pry into, ‘ūtrepictºrTw, only act. See To peep. A psaltery, pañthplov. Ptisan, Triorávn. Puberty, àAircía. One of the age of puberty, Épméos, Tpósm$os. To arrive at the age of puberty, pepäicióowal, mid. A publican, Textºwns, ov, 6. Public, Ömpuðotos, Šmuoticós ; travömpos, ov; + štrf- a knvos, ou (i.e. before the tent); (of honours, etc.) Troxlticós. Anything belonging to the public (esp. any public build- 328 Publicity ing, as a prison, a treasury, etc.), 6mpióatov ; Tô Kot- vöv, 7& kowa (of the public treasury, the public money, in pl. even of the public officers). Any public servant, crier, clerk, executioner, etc., 3716- OTIOS. To be a public man, or to receive any salary as a public officer, etc., Ömuoqueta (only act. in this sense). To appear in public, čvao Tpéqopal év wegº, Plat. A public service or duty, Aelt oupyia. To perform public duties, discharge public offices, Ael- towpyéo, only act. To spend all one's substance in discharging public offices, kátáAetrovpyéa. They have benefiled it by their public virtues rather than injured it by their private vices, ſcouás MāAAov & péAm- gay ?) ék Töv ièíav č6Aalav, Thuc. Public life, troAtteto (opp. to Öpixia, private life). Publicity, Tepipáveia. Publicly, pövépôs, étiqāvás. See Openly, To publish (i.e. make known), 'êvãknpūgow, Ömueño, ôtgötöopal, ºf ékpaptiſpéa, ; (of publishing a book) ék- 6íðapu, Écºpépa. Published (i.e. universally known), Béénxos, ov. To be published, Ötööoréos. Puerile, Tatóðptóðms. See Childish. To puff (in any sense), piada. See To blow. To puff up (with pride), Xavvöw, "Féicxavvów. To puff off (i. e. extol), 'êvãTAágga, ºf Tupyów. To be puffèd wp, *āvāqūgāopal, pass. Puffing, pöorgopºds. - A puffing (from hard toil), ºf Totºvypa, T6. See Blowing, Panting. Puffy, Teqüo muévos. Pugnacious, uéxiſticós ; lp, —xelpos, 6, #. Pugnaciously, paymtikós. Puissant, iſ peyagóevås. See Powerful. To pull, éAlco, imperf eixlcov, fut. Akia’w, etc.; otów, étriotáo; (of pulling hair, or of pulling a bowstring) ºf pâAAw ; down, kátášáAAw, Katao tria, ; kaffaipéa, aor. 2. -éºov, lit. or metaph. (of power, etc.); (esp. houses, walls, etc.) 6taipéw, &lrookeväſo ; up, &va- otáo; ‘āvākāda, -kāāow ; against, &v0éAkw, some- times c. dat.; off (esp. hair), ºf TixAw, ºf TäpätíAAw, +’āiroAwtíſo. To pull to pieces, 6táoºpa (lit., also metaph. of pulling a person’s character to pieces, etc.), käråkviſo. To pull (a door) to, so as to shut it, dirt- giráa. To join in pulling down, ovyka9alpéa. He had been pulled down by the journey, Čkekøicato Öttö Tis ropetas, Xen. Punishment A pulley, Tpoxiaéa, i, or Tá. Pulmonary, Tveupovicós. A pulpit, Băua, T6; (on the stage) ékpigas, autos, 0. The pulse, Tà a pūgovta. Pulse, Šotſpudy. To pulverize, t’âuá6üvo (only however applied to, destroying cities or men), only act. Pumice-stone, kiompus, eas, #. A pump, KnAévetov. Punch, airrokášöäAoi, oi (a sort of buffoons who spoke extempore). - Punctual, 'ükpiéſis. See Eaact. To punctuate, 6taatſſa. A puncture, ºf Tpiñrnua, Tó. Pungency, Öpiuštns, ºtos, i. Pungent, Öpiuús. To punish, koxáço, Tiwoºpéo, ; (mutów, fut, mid, often in pass. sense; &vritiuapéopal, mid.; plátepui (-léval), pres, indic, in fut, sense; +tivopal, fut. Tiroſtal ; ôtºmy or ötkas Aqušávo, Lys. To join in punishing, ovykoxáſw. To inflict an additional punishment, Tpos- Tudo, in pass. also of that which is awarded as an additional punishment. To punish beforehand, Tpo- tiuopéouai, mid. To estimate a punishment at (as an accuser does, who charges the defendant with having incurred such and such a penalty, or as the judge does who awards it), Tudopal, mid., c. acc. of the sentence, dat. of the criminal. To be punished, suffer punishment, tho (fut. Tira, etc.) biºmy, trolvös, etc., Soph.; so & Totiva, c. acc. of the punishment, or c. acc. of the crime ; Śictiva Öſkmv, Eur.; Sticas Aapéâvo [not nearly so common a use of the phrase as to exact punishment], Eur. Dem.; 6íkas ôtôopu, (sometimes c. Örö and gen, of him who punishes). You are suffering calamily as a punishment for having slain your mother, &vtitoivovs Tivets pºſtpopóvous ôňas, AEsch. One must punish, Koxaotéov, TipwpmTéov. What must be punished, coxaatéos. Punishing, ºf Toíviuos, ov; ; TeXeo pópos, ov; severely, + 8āpāčicos, ov. Fit for punishing, Koxarticós. A punisher, ico?\gaths, où, 6; ºf éirítipmths, où, Ö. See Avenger. Punishment, àficm, tipapía, Çmºſa; riots, # ; kóñā- ots, fi : kóAagua, T6. See Penalty. Legal punishment, Tà étraſtia. e 329 Punt-pole—Pursue 4 punishment not to be paid in money, (muſa 'üToxpff- wätos, AEsch. * Sharing in the punishment, ºf ovvtexís. Liable to punishment, Čiriçãutos, ov; ; ‘ūtréyyvos, ov. A punt-pole, koutós, Pumy, uſicpós. See Little. To pup, tirto, fut. Téo, more usu. Téopal, aor. 2. érékou, etc. See To bring forth. The pupil (of the eye), ºf kópm. A pupil, utiffnths; pottmrås, 6; Taíðeuga, Tó. A fellow-pupil, ovuuo,0mths. At all events you charge none of your pupils any money for attendance, où6évo. 'y’ of v Tàs avvovorías āpyūptov Tpdºrtel, Xen. To be a pupil of, pottào, c. eis and acc.; ŚulAéw, only act., c. dat. To wish to be a pupil, ºf pâ0m Tudo. A puppet, veupéo Taota, Tá; (of a man, sneeringly) ăvöpiès, dutos, 6. A puppet showman, veupoo Táo Tris, ov, 0. A puppy, okūač, ćicos, 6, #, most usu, h; a.küAáictov. The nature of a puppy, to aſküAaicóðes. To purchase, Tptăual, only in aor. 1. Čirpišumu, c. gen. of the price, c. prep. Éic or trapö and gen. of the person from whom, or poet. c. dat.; &véopal, mid., imperf. Šovoúſimu, other mid. tenses rare, perſ and pluperf, and aor. 1. pass, in pass, sense, sometimes poet. c. dat, of the price. See To buy. ' A purchase, óvã. Purchaseable, &vmros, &vios. A purchaser, &vmths, où, 6. Pure, ‘āyvös, often c. gen. of that from which one is pure; ká0ápós; 'éichpātos, ov; "dicpáros, ov; ‘āuíav- tos, ov; ’ākpotſpufis; + trop6évos, only fem. (epith. of a soul or a fountain, etc.), Purely ſlowing, + &yvápiiros, ov. Purely, kä0épôs, ‘āyvós. To be pure, ká0ãpeña, only act. Purgation, 'étoică0apolis, eas, #. To purge, kāffaipo; + ščopópyviºuai, mid. See To purify. Purging, subst. ‘āToká0aporis. Purification, kā0appós; káðapolis, eas, h; +"&yvioſua, Tó; by means of holy water, fºxéputih, ié0s, i, usu, in pl. A purifier, kā0apths, où, 6. To purify, Icáðaipa, sometimes c, gen, of the impurity or crime from which, or poet. c. acc.; Śická0aipa, 'éváká0aipo (esp. in mid. of oneself), j ‘āyvíſo, t’āqayviſw, i kā0āyvíſo (esp. by burning); (by washing) ºf vigo, only in aor. 1. . Šviya; (criminals, etc.) 60tów, & poortów. To sprinkle purifying water, txepuittouai, only mid. I have been purified in this way, TaüT' & piepāweta, AEsch. I keep my mouth pure, 60 todaai o Téag, Eur, Purified ground, † icãflapua, Tó. Purifying, ſcáðapticós; + kä0ápotos, ov. Purity, Ká%pótºms, mTOs, ii; +‘āyveſa; +&yvevua, 16. To purl (of a brook), AšAéa. To purloin, ‘ūTešapéo, aor. 2. —e?Aov, Steal. See 7'o Purple, Toppūpa, Šo Tpeov, Šarpetov. Purple, adj. Topſpipé0s, Att, often Tpopupois; ‘āAoup'yńs; ‘āAoup'yos, ov; botvireos, sometimes Att. —kovs (the purple of the ancients being crimson); i potvić, 6, #, Tb, gen, botvikos, also fem, poet, poſvigora. All purple, ôA0Tópºpipos, ov. A purple garment, Topſpipis, fö0s, h; +ºğAovpyls, #60s, i. A wearer of purple, powücloths, où, 6. Belonging to a dyer of, or fisher for, purple, Topſpipev- Tuicós. - Spread with purple, ºf top pipóa Tporos, ov. The purport, Śivāuis, eas, i. A purpose, Tpoaípeois, eas, ii; TpošovXà. tention. Deliberate purpose, yuápm, esp. in such phrases as- with d. l., &To Yudºms' without d. i., où yvápp Tivl, Trag. On purpose, étitmöès, Éetitmöès; Éic Tpovotas, Eur, Dem.; Śic Tpoalpéorews, ſcató, trpoaipegiv, Dem. For the purpose of..., áirl T6..., c. infin. Thuc. What he says is nothing to the purpose, où6év Aéyet, Plat. - A purse, 33A&vrtov, To have a common purse, f koivoffiXéréa, only act. To pursue, 6tóko, c. acc. petačićico; Talcoxov0éa, c. dat.; uétépxopal, fut. –exeffo'ouai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fixflow; eſpéra, and -opal, mid.; (often as an enemy) uételut (–1éval); (esp. as an avenger, in Plat., also as one pursues a profession, or a topic in conversation) ºf Öttögo; (as a hunter) &mpeão, &mpdw, ºf icüvnyeTéa, ºf éickvum'yetéa'; (as a profession, etc.) uétaxeſpiſopal, mid.; as an avenger, ºf éA>péa. To pursue far, to advance to a distance in pursuit, Tpoãu%ica. To join in pursuing, ovvölðico. One must pursue, Štokréov. What must be pursued, Ölacté0s, 6twictós. - One who pursues, a pursuer, hêtraßbs, used sometimes as adj. bs, év. A troop of pursuers, fötwyuás. See In- 330 - Pursuing—Putting Pursuing, + getööpóuos, ov, c. gem.; terribly, i östvá- Tour, oëcs, 6, #. Pursuit, Öwyſºčs; 6tayyuq, Tó; 6twćts, ji; uetaðpop.h. A pursuit (i.e. occupation), ÖtöTptéâ; áiríthēeupa, Tó; + Tpiśń. To purvey, Ö/wvéa. See To provide. A purveyor, Föyövms, ov, 6. To push, &0éa, fut. &0%ga, more usu. &orw, all other tenses from this latter, all augmented tenses Att. éal.; ovva,0éo, Édoorw; away, &Tø0éo, Trepta,0éo; away by degrees, Štrotropo6éa. To push about (wine, etc.), Tepteågåvo; back, 'üvākāīvo; down, kāta,0éo; jorward, Tpow0éa, giva,0éal; off (from shore), &vá- 'Vojval, mid. A pushing, 30igués ; oivogts, eas, j; forward, Tpóworts, eas, i. Pusillamimity, piñAäicía, belxia, pilºpolytiXía. Pusillanimous, uikpólpixos, ov. A pustule, p}\tictawa. To put, to Tmut, aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act, used always in pass, or intrans. sense; Tômut. To put down, kátátíðmut; (in an account) éy'ypápo; (a form of government or a ruler) kåtåAö'w. To put away, webimul; forth, or forward, Tpotíðmul, sometimes c. gen. of that in front of which; trpoéâAAopal, mid, no aor. 1., also perf. pass. TpoéééAmual, in act. sense (esp. as a defence, as one puts forward a shield, etc.); Tpotatnut, aor. 2, act. and perf, and pluperf act, in pass. Sense (esp. of persons who are put forward as leaders, etc.), perf. part. Tpoeotnicës, via, Ös, also contr. Tpoeotós, 602, gen. —ótos, -éans, etc.; Tpo- Táorow, Tpolcá0ímut (esp. of putting forth some one to say . . . or do . . .); (as a pretext) Tpoteivo; (as an argument) Tpoéxoſal, mid.; in, Évrömul, often c. dat.; eistíðmul, sometimes c. gem. acc.; eiséïčáſo; uéðAAw, no aor, 1. perf. –ééAmica; in besides, trposeſ.éâAAw. To aid in putting in, GiveMéâAAw; forth (as a tree does leaves, etc.), pëw, only pres. fut, and aor. 1. (aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, always in pass. sense, no perf. pass.); t’āvéxw and ’āvíaxa, aor, 2. —eqxov. See To eaſert. To put in, intrans. (as ships do into port, etc.), Tpos- éxw, and pres. Tpostoya, no acr. 1, aor. 2. Tposéaxov, also T. waiv, c. acc. or c, dat., or c. És and acc.; 6ppi- Çoual, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass.; TposéâAAw, c. és and acc.; káTaipo; before a person, Tapatiºnut; on (generally), TapaéâAAw; trepitt0mul, éiritſømut, Tpostíðmpil, épéâAAa. To put on (clothes), 6üw, fut. §§ow, aor. 1. Čºvoa (of putting clothes on another; but these two tenses are only found in the compounds; of the simple verb the only tense used in Att. is aor. 2. čvv); €vööw, with fut, mid. Švöögopal (on oneself); &pſpuévviſui, in act. c. gem, acc., or c. acc. of the garment and dat. pers., more usu, mid. c. perf. pass. hupteopat; Éirlévviſu, more usu, mid. etc.; +&pſpišćAAw; (of shoes) ſtro- öéopal, mid. and pass., c. acc., sometimes sine cas. See To wear, To clothe. To put on one side, trapätiönu; off (i. e. delay, defer, q, V.), 6tärpiéo; Śiśya, sometimes c. acc. of persons who (i. e. whose requests or affairs) are put off; off anything, &Tott0epal, mid.; (a garment) &Toğüopal, mid., c, aor. 2. act. -éövv, c. acc., sometimes c. gen.; To put out (eyes, etc.), šickévTéo; (fire, i. e. extinguish, q, v.) oréévviſit, fut. Gééow and (more rarely) 0.6%gopal, aor. 2. čo'émy in pass. sense. To put over, épio Tmut, only in pres. fut, and aor. 1. act. (aor. 2, and perf, part. –é0tmk&s, contr, also –ea T&s, 60'a, bs, gen. ÖTos, etc., in pass, sense), c. dat. or c. Éirl and acc. See To set over. To put round, treputíðmul; TepišáAAw, c. dat, or c. acc. of that round which ; TpostrepušáAAø (esp. walls round a city); to (as horses to a chariot), Seiyvvut. iToſeiyvvut. To put together, to put with, ovvtidmºu, orivappāſo, güvátto (see To join); under, Öq impu, c. dat.; 54 formul, ŠiročaxAø ; up (people into a carriage, etc.), 'üvášišáço. To put up (to sale, as an auctioneer To put up with (i. e. Submit to, > y ékööopat. does), ávalºmptorow. q. v.), TAda, aor. 2. čTAmv. For putting all these things together I have hopes of my return, Štravra yöp Xvyðels tdö’ eis év v6otov čATíſo Ād.6eiv, Eur. I think it more advantageous for us to put up with being injured, £uppoptºtepov jºyotpal écoutas juás &öucm- 07 waſ, Thuc. That we may put down the arrogance of the Peloponne- sians, iva IIeXOTovumatov atopéoopew to ºppévmwa, Thuc. What necessity, my son, made you put in here 3 Tís o', & Técyov, Tposé0%e, Tís Tposſiyaye Xpeta; Soph. One must put, &etéov ; in, êušAmtéov, catašAmtéov (seeds into the ground); round, TreptéAmtéov. Put on (as anything), Tepideros, m, ov, and os, ov; Tpósóetos, ov (of false hair). - Put on (as a garment), ‘f Švöütos, ov; + švööTjipuos ; +évövtåg, fipos, 6; +&ſuſpiéoxos, ov. To be put under, ‘ūtroëAmtéos. A putting, &éois, eas, # ; on, êtrièoAft; down (of governments, etc.), kātāAüois, eas, i. 331 Putrefaction—Quarter Putrefaction, gºts, eas, i. Causing putrefaction by its bite, a mºrečākñs. To puzzle, és &Topfav Ká0ío Thuſ, Thuc. See To per- plea. To putrefy, neut., oftopat, perf. géantra, aor. 2. čoº- Pigmy, rvyudios. ºrmv. See To rot. Inclined to pulrefy, eúo mºttos, ov. Putrid, gºſpós. Like pigmies, Tvyuatos. A pyramid, Tūpāpils, ió0s, i. Pyramidal, Tüpéuoetóñs, Q. A quack, 'üyüptms, ov, Ö, fem. Fºyāptpua. Qſ, or belonging to, or like a quack, "åyvpticós. Quadrangular, tetpāyavos, ov. Quadrature, Tetpāyavtop.6s. "Quadrilateral, Tetpā‘TAewpos, ov. Quadruped, adj. Terpátovs, 6, #, neut. —tovy, gen. —Toš0s, etc.; † Tetpaakeaſis ; +Tetpāopos, ov, also contr. tétpopos, ov; + terpäéâuov, ovos, 6, i. To be a quadruped, TetpáTroötgo, only act. Quadruple, tetpäiſääotos. A quastor (at Rome), Tápºtas, ov, 6. To quaff, Tiva', fut. Tiogal, Att. also Tuoiaat, aor. ërtov (imper, in Att. Com. Tríðl), perf. Tétoica, pass. Tétopal, etc. See To drink. A quail, Öptvé, tºyos, 6; +&ptiºlov. To quail, irthgow ; kāraīrthogo, aor. 2, catértmv, and aor. 2. part. ‘F Katatºráków ; ºf ŠiroTTſiorow, some- times c. dat, of that before which, or c, acc. See To fear. To quake, tpéuo, only pres, and imperf act. And the earth seemed to quake, x00vös 5è v&T' éðoče oreto 0fival ord Aq., Eur, Qualification, Tſumu, ; (of an assertion, by saying so and so) Tápépôe)pa, Tó. Because he had not the necessary qualification to entitle him to contend in the games, ſcató, thy oik Ščovoſtov Tijs &yovígews, Thuc. To qualify, (i. e. authorise a person to act so and so) Tapatíðmut, c. dat. and inf.; (an assertion, i.e. to add as a qualification of an assertion) träpap6éy'youai, mid. Quality, irotótºms, mtos, ii. The category, Tô Tolov. Quantity, ‘āpitués ; Śivāuis, eas, j. The category of quantity, to tróarov. A quarrel, épts, ii, gen. iś0s, acc. iśa and w; veikos, T6. See Enmity. A cause of quarrel, vetkos, Tó. Ending quarrels, ºf Aioiuáxos. To quarrel, épf9o, ; 5uío Tapai, esp. in aor. 2. act, and imperf act.; 31aq)épopal, chiefly in pres, pass.; + Si- xográtéo, only act, c. apos and acc.; plot& TAáño, c. dat., Soph.; veſicos tí6epal, c. dat., Eur.; veſicos ëxa, c. Tpos and acc., Eur.; plu or éx?paw ovušáAAw, Eur.; #x0pav oiváirta, ; with a friend, Qūyouáxéo, c. dat. To join in quarrelling with, ovºſbiaovetkéw, c. dat. To cause to quarrel, ovuéáAAw; ovušáNAw #x0pav, c. dat. of the two parties, Eur. But why have you quarrelled with this man 3 at 8° ti Töö' és àply & piša, Eur. When they have quarrelled, 8tav Tot' uréawgiveis ëply, Eur. Quarrelling, à éx0pas pox&v, or öt' éx0pas à ply- wévos, c. dat., Eur. Making Agatho and me quarrel, SigéâAAwy Śwº Ital 'A'ya.0óva, Plat. Of a quarrel, in a quarrel, téptotós. Blood shed in an unholy quarrel, àusépiatov aiwa, Soph Quarrelsome, 60septs ; pixóveikos, ov; + troAveliefs. Quarrelsome speeches, Aóyot Katatelvöllevoi, Enr. To make quarrelsome speeches (of two persons), ovº- ŠáAAa, tº kakö, Soph. In a quarrelsome manner, qixáTex0muáros. To be quarrelsome, pińovelicéa, only act. Quarrelsomeness, pi\oveikſa, pixárexºnuogium. A quarry (of stone), Aiſotopia, usu, in pl. A quart, xolvić, icos, i (in dry measure). A quarter, tetaptmadpubv. A soldier's quarters, okfivoua, to, usu. in pl.; otă940s, 6. Miserable quarters, fövsavXia. To be quartered, a knvéo, no pass., once in mid. c. acc. of the habita- tion erected for quarters. To take up one's quarters, lcataqtpatoirečeňopal, mid.; ÉtravXiv Toléopal, Plat. To move one's quarters, ééav Nígopal, pass., c. eis and To dispose (troops) in quarters, feivága, fica- Tevváça. To give no quarter, où5éva (wypéa,-umbāţă, Ambaſſós @ypéo, Plat. From all quarters, adj. Tavroëárós, 3 CC. 332 Quarter-master—Quiet From all quarters, adv. Tráutoffey. See Everywhere. From many quarters, TAeto Téx60ev. A quarter-master, éirío Tâ640s. To quash, 'âvaipéal, aor. 2. &ve?Aov. A quay, itpmtls, 760s, i. A queen, 8&otatorga, +’āvagora, + 830 taela; +83. gials, #60s, h; +Tāpavvos, #; (of goddesses) uébéova'a, c. gen. The queen bee, pºſtpā. Queer, 'étoiros, ov. To quell, xeipów, more usu, mid. and pass.; kátáTo- Aepéo. See To subdue. To quench, oréévvijul, fut, orééora, more rarely géfloo- pal, aor. 2. ča'ény, and perf. Šošnica in pass. Sense, no perf. pass., no mid. except fut, as above ; Katagéév- viſu; &rocéévviſui, fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense. See To eatinguish. Querulous, 35upticós; + qiā aſaktos, ov; ; pivöpós. See To complain, To lament. Querulously, ſpiń00tóva's. Quest, Çitmorts, eas, i. A question, Épétmois, eos, h; épôtmua, Tó; Túotis, eas, h; ’āvākpions, h; (i. e. a questionable or doubt- ful point) alcéupa, Tó; áupta'éâtrug, Tó; ’āTápmag. Tó. [In questions the Greeks use &pa when the answer is doubtful but the fear of a negative preponderates ; when an affirmative answer is expected 3p' ow; when a negative answer is expected, &pa wh; 3p'oïv was originally a negative question implying an affirmative, but afterwards was used both neg, and aff; 3p3 ye makes the question more definite; f, t? §a, properly marking the first of a series of questions (not always); 7 yap, implying an affirm. answer; so fi yöp oë, fi oùv, f iroi, 7 uh, expecting a neg, answer; pºv, usu. expecting a neg, answer, but sometimes only doubt- ingly, and with an affirm. answer; pºv oi requires an affirm. answer ; ph, expecting an affirm. answer ; so oil, esp. with fut (e. g.—will you not be silent 3 oi, ofty' &véčel ; Soph.); trótepov and Tótepa, used both in direct and indirect questions; i öfftrov, implying an affirm. answer; oil 6ftov implying a meg. answer.] To question (i. e. put questions to), popual, fut. Špija'o- pal, aor. 2. İpóumv, no other tenses (pres, not in Att.), (only of questioning people); ioTopéo; éAéyxo, perf. pass. Aft\eypal (of questioning statements as well as people); €eté@ (even by torture); €patów, ěšepatów; again, êtravépopuas, Évräveporáo; closely, 8tepwtdow. To repeat a question, t éträvääitädºw. To question (i. e. to doubt, to distrust, q.v.), &tio téa. To put the question (as the president of an assembly does), €itiºn pigo, sometimes c. acc. of the question put, sometimes c. eis and acc. of the assembly, some- times c. dat. of the author of the question ; Tpotíðmut; érôyw thu ºf pov, Thuc. To put the question again, &vailmºptſo. A question is raised, &Topetrol, étruſmteſtal. One must question, êpotmtéov. Questionable, &upto SãTºmTos, ov; &pſpio'émthoriuos, See Doubtful. A questioner, ééeTaoths, où, 6. To quibble, goſpſgowal, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sense; ºf AetrToup'yéa, ºf yawogooſtpopéa. To quibble on words, Övöpata 6mpeia, Plat. A quibble, 0.6%toua, Tó; Tāpāyayń; † OklvöäAäuos usu. in pl. Quibbling, adj., + Aettoxóyos, ov. Quick, túxts, compar. Tàxitepos, also Šárowu (in late Att. also téxiwy), superl. Táxiatos; effortputpos ov; &06s; (in feelings, intellect, etc.) 5:0s. See You cannot be too quick in clothing yourself with this, ‘p0ávous 5” &v oilk &v Tolsöe ovykpúirtov Séuas, Eur.; so Plat. The quick,-for this cuts one to the quick, Šupe? y&p év Xpº Totto, Soph.; so Xen. To quicken, Tāxīva. See To hasten. Quickly, Táxéos; tāxī), compar. Šárgov, superl. Tá. xtata and Taxåtata; Tāxa, ºf aipa, 906s; &to Tá. 0.1/. Xovs, 81& Tóxovs, év táxel, a y Téxel, caté, Tóxos. As quickly as possible, és Táxiata; Šalov táxia TG, Trag.; 30 ov ráxos, Soph. As quickly as they could, &s eixov táxovs, Thuc. Equally quickly, Ögouotáxós, òporaxós. Quickness, táxos, Tó; tāxīºrms, mros, h; (of intellect, etc.) &irms, mtos, ii, Plat. (see Swiftness); in work. ing, Taxwep'yta. - Quiet, joixia, hpeuta; haixtótºms, mtos, ii; + y&Añv). A being or becoming quiet, fipéumous, eos, i. Quiet, #0 ixos, ov; havXairepos, etc., also –&Tépos; àgúxios, a, ov, more usu, os, ov; jouxgios; (of per. sons) feiſicmAos, m, ov, more usu. 0s, ov; + škm2,0s, ov; (i. e. noiseless) + š,040s, ov; ; @,710s, ov, sometimes c. gen. of any noise, etc. To be quiet, joixágo, only act.; hpelléa, only act.; #peptſ; o; jouxtav čxa, and fia. §yw, Thuc. Xen.; &Tpentau Éxa, Xen. To be quieted, to become quiet, Ica.0ío Tapai (esp. in aor. 2. and perf. act.). * \ 333 Quiet—Rain Will you not be quiet, où aly’ &véet ; Soph. To quiet, 6táTaiw, jorixáša. See To calm. Quietly (only of persons), a wirfi, &rpéua, and before a vowel &rpéuás; haüxī; joixós, compar. –aitepov, superl. –attata; #pepua, and before a vowel àpepas; év joixó, Soph. A quieter, ºf travothp, fipos, 6. A quill, FTTNov; kavXès Trepot, Plat. Quinquennial, ºf revretiis. The quintain. The R&pixos was a bag of sand to be struck by the athletes, and the game was called Kapüxopičxía, very like the English quintain. To quit, kārāAetto. See To leave, A quiver, pâpérpa, i éAütpov. With beautiful quiver, Fei pâpérpms, ov, 6, #. To quiver, firáAAo, act., only pres, and mperf in See To tremble. To sing with a quivering voice, A quoit, Ötoricos. A throwing of a quoit, i ötakmua, Tó. To throw a quoit, 6taketºw. To quote, Tpopépo, fut. Tpooiaa, aor. l. Tpoſivelyka, aor. 2. Tpoſiveykov, aor. 1. pass. Tpomvel».0mv; Tpos- ‘pépo; TpośćANopal, mid, no aor. 1. this sense. - + £AeAiſolal, mid. R. A rabble, orvpºetós, ºf Koń00 vptós. Rabid, utivucós; in fem. T Avagºs, Š60s, i. See Mad. Race, (i. e. family, body of people, etc.) pºov; #000s, ſ Tó; (i.e. stock of which one is descended) yévegus, #; +&iwa, T6; + šíſa; + šíſopa, Tó; † a tropé; (in either of the above senses) Yévos, Tó; yewea, Yévva. Race (i.e. contest of speed), 'üyðv, &vos, 6; 3pôpos, + Tpóx0s; ºf 6taryga, Tó. A horse-race, it troëpowta. They made a race to Ægina, āui)\A&v #öm uéxpt Aiyivns étrotovuto, Thuc. Of the same race, ju6q WA0s, ov. Friendship with those of the same race, piñía épéqi Aos, Eur, Protecting those of the same race, worshipped by those of the same race, ju6qūA0s, 6, 7 (of the gods). To make distinctions of race, pīA0kpivéa, only act. To race, &v6áutx^áopal, mid, c. aor. 1. pass. in the same sense; (of running in the public races) atáðto- 6popéo. To drive a race, Štúðiðpeta. A race-course, it rôpoſtos, otöölov; &uuos, h; +tpé. X0S. A race-horse, IcéAms, mºros, 6; ºf pováutvč, Škos, 6, ii, also pováutvé TóAos, Eur. To rack, OTpečAów, fut. mid, sometimes in pass. sense (lit. and metaph.). See To torture. A rack, tpoxás. Radiance, ‘f alyxm. See Brightness. Radiant, Aap. Tpos, + tropºſpahs, ºf trauſpey-yńs. shine. To radiate, AduTw, no perf. pass. See To A radish, śāqāvls, ió0s, i. A raft, axe6ta. A rafter, Foºtpathp, fipos, Ö. See Beam. Rag, Āškos, Tó; # Tpúxos, Tó; +Aäictopičta, Tá; + Aéicióes, ai. - Rage (i. e. anger, q.v.), XóAos, Šipós; (warlike rage) uévos, Tó ; (inspired frenzy) Atoga. See Anger. To rage, paivopal, perf. Léumva, aor. 2. čušºv, rare in other tenses, c. dat, or c, čirl and dat. of the ob- ject; oia Tpéa, also in aor. 1. pass., no mid.; t #630, only act.; + papyów; +\alpudo, only pres, and im, perf. To rage against, Féiriffodéa, only act. To make to rage, Tuava, only in aor. 1. &mva + oiotpéa. Raging, + olatpotA}}, TAºyos, 6, #; + palpas, #60: #. See Mad, Furious. Ragged, + šūxmpás ; ; ;&lcóðūtos, ov. A rail, Šákos, # ; (a landrail) + ºpé, ºpekös, i. A railing, veſicos, Tó. To rail, Aotöopéa, c. acc., -opal, mid, c, aor. 1. pass. in act. sense, c. dat. See To revile. Rain, Šušpos ; ‘ûâwp, gen. §§§tos ; Śetés ; likēs, #60s, # [“pakós is properly a drizzling shower, Öerós a heavy shower, Šušpos lasting rain,” LID. and SC.]; 6tósóorov yávos, AEsch. And there was heavy rain, Ical #6&p Toxt #v čić toº oùpavov, Xen. Whenever it was rainy weather, Širote Xeißwu ein v0. Tepos, Thuc. Want of rain, 'évouépia. Wanting rain, t’aépoxos, ov. Radical. See Root. Fond of rain, pixówépuds, ov. 33 IRain o rain, ºw, 'üow, no perf, though there is aor. 1. pass. Worónu of the place which is rained upon, no other pass, tense except pres., no mid.; ºf Wälcáço, only act. To rain upon, êqºw, ºf éetropépéa, ćTipá- káço. rainbow, ipts, ió0s, ii, acc. iśa and iv. aimy, Śuéptos, a, ov, and os, ov; votepós ; +6üs- opépos, ov. Bringing rain, i ögépoq’épos, ov. Sound- ing with rain, Fäuépoktüros, ov. To raise, óp6ów (also metaph. of raising a song); aipa, and poet. &eipo ; ŚTaipa, Čaipa, Yeſpa (esp. the sleeping, often metaph. of song, etc.); to Tmut, only pres, fut. and aor. 1. act, in act. Sense, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act, in pass. sense ; &vío Tmut ; (esp. the dead) + ščeyeſpo, Ščávio tmut ; # ovvai- poua, mid. (esp. of raising one's weapon); (up in the air, etc.) wetéapiſa. See To lift. To raise the head, ºváköttw. To raise (a road), 'üváxćvvöput. To raise with, at the same time, avvetraſpa. To be raised at the same time, oivaiwpéopal, pass. I raised a tomb over my mother, Amtép'é6 yicovu Tápg, Eur. One must raise, ‘i éyéptéov. A raising, &pgis, eos, i. A raisin, 'âgtádils, tºos, i. A rake, Făptăym. To rally, &vao Tpépa, both in act. sense of the general, and intrans. sense of the troops ; in act. Sense only ovAAagéâva, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –éAá- éov, perf. ovvetamſpa ; (intrans.) Givāyeipopal, pass. (even of a single person). To rally (i.e. banter, joke), &rookóTTw, only act. Time to rally, &vao Tpoſph. Having a rallying point, Éxovres Tpºs 8,ti Xphotăval, Thuc. A ram, kpiès (also of a battering ram, and of the sign of the zodiac Aries). See Sheep. A battering Tam, éuéońſ. Like a ram, kpumāév. To ram, &0éo, fut. 30%ga, and &ga (all subsequent tenses from the latter). See To push. To ramble, Tepitääväopal, pass. See To wander. A ramble, FTAövm, itäävos (esp. of rambling of the mind, in which case ‘ppevöv or ºppovtidos is sometimes added). Ramification, Tuño is, ews, i. A rampart, trpopéx&v, Övos, 6. Rancid, oråttpós. Rancour, kākovpyta. See Branch. See Battlement. See Malice. Bashiy . At random, uárnv, eità, ‘āgāpās. At random, adj. Paſiólos, ov. To act or speak at random, t eicošoxéa, only act, To range, pottàw. Range (i.e. space in which to range), voluós. range of shot, popá. Rank, adj. Odiſpós. * Rank (i.e. row, etc.), otixos ; Táčus, eos, i ; ºf att- Xes, ai, also in gen, sing, otixòs, Tīs; (esp. of rowers) (#yov. Rank (in life), āśiopia, Tó ; uépos, Tć ; tāśis ; (i.e. high rank) évtipót)s, mºros, i. The highest rank in the city, to Tpótov TóAeos ºjºyov, Eur. To rank as a slave, év &vöpátóðav x&pg eiul, Xen. Of rank (i.e. of high rank), šutiuos, ov. To rank (among), ovvtexéa, fut. —éow, c, eis and a CC. To rankle, pKeyuatva', only act. To ransack, 6tépévváa. See To search. Ransom, Ai’tpov; +’árolva, Tá. A fived ransom, Émtöv Čpyüptov, Thuc. To ransom (i.e. release for ransom), Airpéa, c. gen. of the price given ; 'étroAirpóa, ; (i. e. to redeem with ransom) Aboual, mid, sometimes also Año, act.; so & Toxêoſal, mid, and act. &roAffa ; + špeſ80. To exact ransom, 'étrolvão. One must ransom, Aitpa`Téov, Rapacious, Špirač, ćyos, 6, ii, Tb, superl, &pTâyſarát0s. See Covetous. Rapacity, àpitäyh. A rape, Špiräyh, +’āvapTây) (esp. of Helen); (in legal language) "Üépus, i. Rapid, &cbs, eia, b, superl, sometimes ºf Škugºros. See The Swift. Rapidity, Táxiſtms, ºtos, iſ ; <irºs, nros, #. See Swiftness. Rapine, Špirāyī. See Plunder. Rapture, Tepixãpeta. See Joy. Rapturous, trepixápiis. See Glad. Rare, atrávios, + grapv6s. Rarely, O'Távías. See Seldom. Rarity, oſtrávis, ews, i. Rascally, ºf Tepitróvmpos, ov. See Wicked. Rash, 'évôntos, ov; &oiceTTos, ov; Spårös, &epubs, Toàpumpás ; + 6eppióšovXos, ov; +’ášovXos, ow ; in speaking, ºf Spå0 to Touos, ov. Rashly, witnu ; Spägéas, compar. Spågårepov : ág. kéttos; &Tepigréttas, compar. -ótepov ; +’ārpo. éoùAws. 335 RaShmeSS—Reach Rashness, Spåros and Šápoos, tá; Spågårms, mros, # ; ’āvola, ’āšovXia. Rasped,—a rasped roll, Kumarbs &ptos. To rate (i. e. estimate), Tiwda ; TeXéaſ, fut. —égo, c. els and acc. of the class among which, or c, acc. of the sum at which. See To assess. To rate, Aotöopéo, c. acc., -ouat, mid., c. aor. 1. pass., c. dat. See To reproach. A rate, Téxos, T6. See Taw. Rather, p.6AAov, superl, uéAirto (#948tata used also for ua NAov, c. 3) or c. gen.); TAéov, poet. also theſov ; (rather than) trpo, c. gen.; Trpá00ev, c. gen. or c. 3); Tápos, c. gen.; Tápotºe or -0ev. Nay, rather, Fučv oſſºv. I cannot contradict you. Nay, rather, you cannot con- tradict the truth, ēydó orot oilk &v Övvaiumv &vrixéyely. P. oiluevotiv tí &Amfletc. Süvagal &vtiXéyeiv, Plat. Willing to serve you rather than wise, trpóðvuos waxAov 3) oroq wrépa, Eur. Ratification, kāpools, i. To ratify, Śtricupów, Šutreča, Beéatów ; Śxéyyvov trotéo, Eur.; (as the people in public assembly) éirt. xelpotovéa. To refuse to ratify, Kataymptſopal. Ratified, kāpios, a, ov, and os, ov. A ratio (in mathematics), Aó)0s. Rational, eiß0)0s, ov (of a device, etc., not of a person); eWAóytotos, ov (of a person). Rationally, vovvexós (of a person), vovvexóvtas. To rattle, §oviréal, perf. 6éôovira (in aor. 1. also to make a rattling noise with, c. dat. of the instrument), . only act.; KX4ſo, fut. KAáyéo, only act.; +Adorica, aor. 2. čNāirov (the only tense used in this sense); + ktüTéa, only act. (except in Ar. who has mid.), no perf, aor. 2. čictitrov. To rattle, to cause to rattle, kātākpotſw. They rattled their shields against their spears, éðočirma'av rais &otto Tpos T& Sopëria, Xen. A rattle, or rattling noise, Kriſtos,60ütros, + Tătăyos, + kpotmoubs, ºf kpótos, +’āpāyuás ; +’āpayua, Tó. A rattle (instrument to rattle), kpótáAov (used also of a noisy fellow). A rattle (i. e. a noisy fellow), f ºpótºmua, T6. Rattling, +kpotmrós. To ravage, Trépôa, aor. 2. čirpä00v, no perf., fut. mid. usu. in pass. sense ; Topóéa, 3mów, Špiráço, orivap- Trčw, pºeipo, ; Amtſo, more usu. –ouai, mid.; ká. roupyéa; (land) Téuva, no aor. 1. act, perf, Tétumka, etc. See To waste, To plunder. They ravaged that part of the country, &vágrata étoim gav Tó, Taſty X&pia, Thuc. A ravager, ºf tropóſitop, opos, 6 ; # Topónths, où, 6. A ravaging, Tuñorts, fi : + Icáicouxta. To rave, Avororów, only act.; + Avogaſva, only pres and imperf, act., c, dat. of the object. See To rage Raving, subst. Atoora ; + Affa'a muo, T6. See Mud 72éSS. Raving, adj. FugiváAms, ov, 6, fem. ‘f paivoxls ; +pal vös, Öos, # ; # Täpäicotros, ov, and T. ppevöv. Set Mad, Maddening. A raven, kópač, Škos, 3 ; ; Kopåkſvos, Like a raven, Kopacoelöfs. Ravenous, t cowoydotap, opos, 6, #. A ravine, xàp3%pa ; pāpayá, ayyos, i. Full of ravines, pápayydłóms. To ravish, kåtato Yüvo ; ‘ūSpigo, c. acc., more usu. c eis and acc.; +&piráço. To ravish (i. e. to please exceedingly), eúſppaíva, TépTw. See To please. A ravisher, ‘ūšptoths, où, 5, c. gen. or c. eis and acc Ravishment, téphis, eos, iſ ; trepixãpeia. See Joy. Raw, &pids. Eating raw flesh, &umaths, où, 6, # ; &uoſpáyos, ov ºf &piógiros, ov; + depošpès, -épôtos, 6, #. Eaten raw, &pióqāyos, ov. Torn to pieces raw, &poo Túpactos, ov. Rawness, &pórms, mtos, i. A ray, &ctls, ivos, h; ºf Aaſutthp, fipos, 6. The rays of the sun, Táča àAtov, A. Tošeňuara, Eur, See Beam. To raze, kāraa catto; Kä6alpéa, aor. 2. Kg6eixov &Togāfīyvöput, +’äuä0āva. To join in razing or to: raze at the same time, ovykatagicóTTw. Having razed the city, catagicap&s TóAet &évres. A razing, kāraa Kāpā; káðaipeois, ii. A razor, Šipóv. To carry a razor, Šipoſpopéo. To reach, ēšicvéopal, fut. -íčouai, aor. 2. —Ikówny (l being lengthened by the augm.), no other tenses, c. acc. or c. Tºbs or és and acc.; picvéopal, c. gen, or c. acc, or c, čs and acc.; + ktyxávo, pres, used only in indic., aor. 2. čictxou, fut. Kixhoropal, c. acc. rarely c. gen.; Aguéâvouai, mid, fut. —Affyouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAššáumv, c. gen.; &vti/\apédvopal, c, gen, ; (as inanimate things, feelings, sounds, etc.) &rtouai, c. gem., sometimes c. dat.; 51%ico, no aor. no perf.; (of a sound, etc.) + Tpostéropal, mid, only in aor. Toos. étrºv, and Tposertäumu, c. acc.; (as a district reaches) teiva'; (as mountains or walls, etc., reach 336 Reach—Rearing down to the sea) ka9legal, pass, perf -eſual, etc., c. prep. and acc. To reach (as a person does with his hand), Öpéyviºu and Öpéya (esp. in mid.), also aor. 1. pass, in the same sense, c. gen, of the object which one reaches at, sometimes c. infin, no pass, in pass. Sense. The javelin men were not able by darting to reach the slingers, oi &kovtuotal 8paxâtepa hºcóvtuſov. 3) &s éčikveto 6at Töv og evöovmtöv, Xen. Then they reached the wall, étrelta Tposéuišov Tó Teixel, Thuc. * It reaches a point beyond my strength, ue^{ov &våket à icar' éuāv 5&pav, Soph. Punishments (get more severe and) for the most part reach the point of becoming capital, (&muta) is row Sávarov ai troAAal &víkovoi, Thuc. Out of reach of your voice, AeAelupévos A6-yov, Soph. Within reach, RātāAmirtos, ov. To be within reach, Év KataAftipei eiul, Thuc. While a wise decision is within the reach of both, Éa's aü0aíperos &pſpotépots eiéovăţa, Thuc. Reaching, ‘i éiriakotros, ov, c. gen. To read, "åväytyvágico, fut. —yvágopal, in act. and pass. sense, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. —éYvov, perf. –éyvoica, perſ, pass. –éyvooruai, etc.; Stavaylyvágica; over or out loud, éträväylyvágico; in public (esp. an accusation or defence) träpäväylyvºorica'; side by side with another paper, so as to compare them, Täpäväyl- 'yvágico; one thing after another, 'üTäväylyvºorka. A reading, àváyvaegus, eos, i. Easy to be read, eúðváyvoo Tos, ov. Readily, Étoiuas, trpoxetpas; ÉÉ Étoiuov, Šć étoua. T&rov, Xen. Readiness, Touðrms, "tos, h; of comprehension, etc., Öğütms, mºros, i. •. Ready, Étoiuos, m, ov, -os, ov, c. dat, or c. rpès or eis and acc., or c. infin.; eitpeträs; (of things only) §tróżyvios or örðyvos, ov; (of persons) feiſtüktos, ov. It is ready, Św étoiuq, Šotl,—é, étotuov čotl, Xen. To be ready, Träpäkepal, fut. -keto opal, no other tenses; kataakevágouai. To get ready, cataakevéo. See To prepare. Real, 'éAm0hs, tyvíquos; tripos, m, ov, and os, ov; * Thripos, ov. Real property, pávepå obota, Lys.; pavepôv. Reality, ‘ūrap, indecl. (lit. a waking dream); t& Švta. In reality, Tó Švti, Plat.; , Tais trpáčeol, Plat. Really, 'éAm66s, Yumatos, Švtws, Sicaios, ërmTüuws, tº Övt1; (in ironical questions) &A70&s, étéðv. To re-animate, 'évaſatrúpéa. To be re-animated, &vaÉdºvviſual. To reap, &uáw (ä, but usu. & Hom., á Att.), £auáo), Tpiº) do; Septéo, fut. -forw, aor. 1. act, sync. ÉÉpira, very rare in pass.; (consequences) Kºpréouai, mid- To reap advantage from, śickagirdoſal, mid., c. perf. paSS. - But you seem to me to have reaped the opposite fruit from your wisdom, at 6é uot 50kets Tavávtta Tiis oroqías &roxexavkéval, Xen. Such advantage have you reaped from your benevolen! disposition, tougöt" &mäpo toº pixavépétrov Tpóirov, AEsch. A reaper, &eptoths, où, 6. The rear, vöTov, ošpa; Tô &tio fle or -0ev. Those who are in the rear, oi útrugøe or -6ev. The rear-guard, oi ÖrgöopüAáices. To be in the rear, be the rear-guard, ÖTurbopüAákéw. A commander of the rear-guard, otpāyós. The command of the rear-guard, Öm to 004 Wörcía. And he himself planned to cover the rear on the retreat with three hundred picked men, so as to resist and repel the first ranks of the enemy if they pressed upon him, kal airós Aoyáðas Éxov Tpiakooſovs teNevtaios ºváunveixev Štroxopów tois Tów évavtſov Tptºrous Tposkeloſopévois &vôto tduevos &Mºveo 6al, Thuc. To get the river in one's rear, Štrugøev trouſ gaotai Tov trótapov, Xen. One's rear-rank man, Ériotărms, ov, 5. To rear (as a horse), €4NAopat, mid.; a pášáça, only act.; +’äväxaltíſo. A rear, orpáðaguás. Rearing (of a horse), Föp60TAhé, TAiyos, 6, #. Not rearing, + &rpáðaorros, ov. To rear (i. e. to bring up), tpépa, fut. Spélia, perf. Térpoqa, used both in act, and pass. sense; Éićtpépa, Tpostpépa, Tatēeño; +&Aôatvw, only pres, and im- perf act. To rear with, ovvrpépa, esp. in pass.; ovveicrpéq,w. To rear in, êvrpépa. Calculated to rear, Spetticos, c. gen.: +Spetrºfiptos, ov. Anything reared, §péupa, Tó; Tpoſph; +860 km/wa, Tó, c. gen. of the hand which has reared it. Reared together with, Šuátpopos, ov; a ſurpoºpos, ov. Reared in, ºf Švtpopos, ov. A rearer, Tpopôs, 6, #; Tpoºpets, 6, sometimes à; +&péttelpa, only fem. Rearing, adj., Tatēotpépos, ov. A rearing, Tpop?), šict poºl, Talbot popto., f Totòeia; + špettàpia, td. A rearing singly, pºol otpoqia. 2 \ Re-argue—Receiver Rewards for rearing, Tpopeſa, Tá, Offered as a reward for rearing, +8perthptos, ov, To re-argue, 'üväuäxopal, fut, usu. -ſaxoſual. To re-arrange, pietàkoopéo. A re-arranging, uérakóopmris, i. feason (the faculty), v60s (uncont. and never in * J. prose), contr. voſs; vömua, Tó; vómo is, h; 6távota, . Reason (either the faculty or a reason al- Reason (i.e. cause), airía. 7 vºwn. leged), A6)0s, Aoytopads. For any good reason, êtrl Bext{ovi A679, Thuc. So that you may appear to pride yourself on them with Teason, iva Šokfis 5ukaſa's étrº attoºs uéya ºppovetv, Xen. Our ancestors then had many reasons to ..., troXA& uèv oùv širāpxe toſs huétépots Tpoyávols, c. inf., Lys. . See Cause. - To reason, Aoyigouai, mid., c. perf. pass. in mid. Sen Sé. Reasonable (of man, , i. e. endowed with reason), Aoyuaticos, AAoyos, ov; (of a man, i. e. who will yield to reason, or of a pretext, argument, etc.) étiet- rås; (of a word or deed, i. e. founded on, accordant with reason) eiß070s, ov, What is reasonable, to eikos, gen. Öros. Reasonably, eikótws, eixõyws, Sikaiws. They may reasonably be most distrustful of ..., 8tratof eiot &tigrótatot eival, Thuc. Reasoning, Aoytoplbs, "åváAoytoplós. To re-assure, and when on the other hand they were alarmed without reason, he re-assured them, kal 6e- 8tóras ań &Aóyws &vrika9tatn tråAtv ćirl to Saporeºv, Thuc. A rebel (against the throne), Spévov ćrāvāorrãoris, eas, ii (res pro pers.), Soph, To rebel, étrávio tapal, pass., c. perf pluperf. and aor. 2, act, c. dat.; a rāqiáºw, only act, c, dat, or c, čirl and dat.; + &vío Tapai. Rebellion, êtráváo Šaris, ews, ii, sometimes c. dat. of the power against which, or c. &ml and dat. or poet. c. gen. To rebound, 'ütrotréAAopal, pass. To rebuild, 'âvoikoãokéw, Širotkočouéal, 'üvop06a, étravíotnut. A rebuilding, "åvágräoris, eas, #. To rebuke, émitiuda'; Tim Añorga, c. dat. blame. A rebuke, émianyus, eas, h. See Blame. To recall, 'üvărcăAéo, poet. also &yk., fut. —kaAéora, Att, also kaxó, perf. Kék}\mica; ’āirolcañéa, weråkaAéw; See To (from banishment) kārāya,’ārāya; (troops that have been sent in one direction, so as to move them in another) '&mootpépa. To recall (a general), árootpārryov trotéw, Dem. To be recalled, trapakaAéopal, pass. The greater part of the captains of the triremes having taken an oath to procure their recall, Tów rpimpépxay ðuógavres of TAetortot karáčelv airtois, Xen. Easy to be recalled, eièvā'icantos, ov (of dogs). To recant, TăAivºëéa, only act. A recantation, TāAivºčía. To recapitulate, ’āvauluvioka, fut. &vauvio w, poet. also &ppºvíow, etc., only act, in this sense. See To repeat. Recapitulation, träAtNAoyſa. To recede, etco, only pres. imperf, and fut, act, in this sense, often c. gen. of the place whence, some- times c. dat. of the person before whom. See To retreat. A receipt (i. e. an acknowledgment of money paid), 'épégis, eas, i. To give a receipt (to expunge a creditor's name from one's books), 'üroypāq,w, c. acc. of the debt; Év 'âtroypāqī trouéa, Dem. To receive, 6éxopal, mid. c. perf. pass. Béðeyuat, c. gen., or c. prep. ex or trapò, etc. c. gen, of the person from whom, and poet. c. dat.; &tobéxouai, Šköéxopal, Tposäéxopal; Aquéâva, fut. Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAášov, perf. etamºpa, ćickaušáva'; 'pépw, fut. olora, more usu, vigouai, aor. 1. #veyka, aor. 2, #veykov ; icoptºw, oftener -ouai, mid. ; Aayxdva (prop. by lot or fate, then generally), fut. Ahéoſtal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAaxov, perf. AéAoyxa, c. acc. or c. gen. rei; Tvyxávo, fut. Tetêouai, aor. 2. čTüxov, c. acc., more usu. c. gen, ; back (esp. from exile), kātāöéxopal ; besides, trpos\apuśāva, ; from some one else (as a suc- cessor), trāpāAguéâva, 6táöéxogai ; in re'urn, &uri- Aapagóva, F &vriðéxogai, Fávrixá(vpai; (benefits or injuries) +&vtiráozw, fut. -Tetovka, no. aor. 1, aor. 2. —érá00v, perf. —Tétrov6a, no pass. ; in one's house, éotida ; travöokéta, only act. ; one's share, 6tauerpéopal, ŠišAaušávo; with, together, at the same time, etc., gyvároxapéâva. - And all the ships received the same pay, viés Te at trāorat Töv airby puto.66w & pepov, Thuc. - One must receive, trapačektéov, Štrobertéov. To be received, trposéectáos, trapačektéos. A thing received in the hand, Öečíapa, tá. A receiver (esp. of taxes), &točektºp, fipos, 6; &robe. ictms, ov, Ö. 338 Receiving—Peconcile wo tº A receiving, Añºs, eas, # ; kátáàoxii; back, &vti. Amiſts, eas, ii. ! Receiving all, or many people or things, it travöökos, 0.1/s Recent, Öröyvios and Öröyvos, ov; + veðpós. Recently, ‘ūtroyvías, superl. —ótata. See Lately. A receptacle, 50xh, &yyeſov, a réyartpov. Reception, +8éâts, eas, # ; + trpósóeyua, Tó ; (of something new) étrič0xff ; (of friends in hospitality or of enemies in a warlike sense) ‘itoö0xh. Our reception by Philip, tvrévêts à pixiirirov, AEschin. A recess, uixás; + kev61&v, &vos, 6; + Icew80s, Tó. The recesses of the earth, yūs trixal, Plat. The inmost recesses of the soul, 'éºpos uveabs ºxis, Eur. From a recess, + pix60ev. Reciprocal,—reciprocal fear, àvthrákov 6éos, Mctual. A recital, &rpóðua, Tó. To recite, kārāAéyw, juvéa, fiat!gbéa. A reciting, or recitation, Éaygåía. A reciter, Éail p56s. Of or belonging to, a reciter, or to recitation, Šakabicós. Reckless, trāpāšoxos, ov; 5%toupyös, Öv. Recklessly, Śāötals, eúxepôs. The landing was made recklessly, & petà?)s ſcaffeiotăket 6 katairAovs, Thuc. Recklessness, + etxepeia. To reckon, 'üpíðuéw; Aoyiſoual, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sense, and sometimes in pass., also pres, and aor. 1. pass. in pass. sense [in every meaning of the English word ; when used for “to reckon on doing,” etc., it is followed by fut. infin.], kātāAoyigopal, i ötaplbuéw. See To count, To calculate ; (i.e. consider, q. v.) + evapºuéw; among, eykpiva, c. eis and acc.; yréta- Aoytſoual; besides, Tposaoyigouai. - To be reckoned among, Éetàgopal eis róv . . . Dem. One must reckon, Aoytotéov. A reckoner, Aoytoths, où, 6. Reckoning, Aoytoplás. See Calculation. To reclaim, 'étraitéw. To reclaim (i. e. to reform, q. v.) 'évop9ów, Trávop6ów. .. One must reclaim, &rarrºtéov. To be reclaimed (i.e. corrected), širāvop6.aréos. To recline, kārāicaivopal, pass. See To lie. Recognisance, éyyöm. See Bail. To recognise, yuyváorka, fut. Yvogoropat, no aor. 1. act., aor. 2. čyvov, perf. yuoka, etc.; Triyuyvághw, "áväytyváorkw, yyapíſo, &vayvapiſa. See z 2 Through fear I did not recognise your face, but now 1 know you, Ér to beluatos busyvorſaw eixov ſporá. irov, viv 38 yuyvárko re Sh, Eur One must recognise, yuwaitéov, Yvoptotéov. Easily recognised, Yvápiuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; + eigä0%s. Not to be recognised, +’āormuos, ov. Recognition, yuáo is; &vayvépio is, eas, i. To recoil, &vaxá(w, more usu. -opal, mid. ; &va- xéouat ; + & piotauai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act., often c. gen. Recoiling (on one's head) of fate, justice, etc., + TäAğ500s, ov, contr. —ovs, ovy. To recollect, upºvijakouai, fut. Avigopal, perf. pass. in act. Sense Méuumpal, etc., no pass. tense in pass. sense, perf. pass. has usu, pres. sense (opt. Hepwºumv, –40,-4to, Soph.), usu, c. gen, sometimes c. acc. See To remember. One must recollect, uvnuovevréov. Recollection, uvium;’āvāuvm.gis, eas, h; 5Tóplvmoris. To recommend, étraiyéo, fut. —égo, and -īga, etc., c. acc. or c. infin. of what is to be done ; Túpaivéo, c. dat. pers, to whom the advice is offered; ovuéov- Aetw (see To advise); (i.e. to praise) aivéw, éiraiyéw. To join in recommending, ovväyopeta. Recommendation, (i. e. praise, q.v.) Talvos ; (i. e. advice, q.v.) Túpaived is, c. gen, either of the person or of the thing advised. Recompense, pug 6bs, if trouh, +’äuotéâ. ward. To recompense, ’āpietéopal, mid, no pass. in this sense, c. acc. pers. (very rarely, and only poet. c. dat.), c. dat. of the reward; &vriðwpéopal, mid., no pass. To reconcile, 6taXAdora'a, c. acc. of the one, dat. of the other, or c. acc. of the one, trpos and acc. of the other, or simply c. acc. (esp. in pl., e. g. ôtax. éx£pobs), sometimes c. gen of the previous enmity, fut, mid. in pass. sense ; KataAAágora, esp. in pass.; oùvaNAáo go; 5téAü'w, constr. like ÖtaxAágow; ovu- Šišáço, fut. -āda, Att. also -é, -éis, etc.; givia- tnut, only pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. in act. sense, aor. 2. act. and perf, and pluperf act. in pass. To aid in reconciling, ovvöuaxAda orw, ovy- See Re- SéI] Se, 6taxiw. Immediately there was a report reiterated in our ears that you and your husband were reconciled from your previous quarrel, 6t’ &Tov ei6ts fiv troAvs A6-yos, Xè kal tróortv orbv veſicos éatre ſo-0al to Tpſv, Eur.; so also * D -2 º “A Beconciler—Redeem Eur, uses atévöopat, c, dat. of being reconciled to calamities. - If they are not reconciled, éðv uh ... &taXX&rravrat Tpos &AA#Aovs (c. gen. of the previous quarrel), Plat. Being reconciled, jöequévos. A reconciler, ÖuańAakths, où, 6; +6taxAaicrºp, ſipos, 6. Reconciliation, 6taxAäyh, sometimes c. Tpos and acc.; orivaAAäyń; kātañAäyh, sometimes c. gen. of the previous quarrel; ºf oriušāoris, eas, i. Words of reconciliation, likely to promote reconciliation, Aóyov avvańAá'yh, Soph. Inclined to reconciliation, kātañAacticós. To reconnoitre, Kataokotréal, all tenses (except pres. and imperf.) from -gicértopal; or coreča, Stepévváo; ºf trpoeëepevváø, and contr. trpovč. A reconnoitrer, orkotrös, trpógicoros, kátáo kotos, 8tepevvmths; t irpoešepevvmths, où, 6, contr. Tpovč. See Scout. A leader of a reconnoitring party, dicotrápxms, ov, 6. A reconnoitring, or reconnaissance, kāraakoth, trpoorkoth. º To reconsider, 'üváAoyſ; opat, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sense; ’āvāroAéo; &vatrepitrágouai, mid., no pass.; étravao Kotréal, all tenses (except pres. and imperf.) borrowed from - okémtopal. To reconsider so as to change one's mind, † Yvogiuáxéw, only pres, act. Reconsideration, 'éváAoytopés. A record, 'üväypâqâ. l To record, ‘āvāypāqo, uvnuovečw, 8tagumuoveſ w; + 6extóouai, mid. See To relate. To have one's name recorded besides, Tposavaypápoua, pass. They have travelled out of the record to make a long defence, Éa Tóv trpokeluévoy ToàAjiv thy &ToMo'ytav étrotho avto, Thuc. The record office, to 67) w80'lov. . To recover (i. e. get back), koutſoual, mid. (in Att. prose esp. of recovering a debt); ’āvākoutſoual; &valctdopal, mid., c. perf. pass. -kéictmual (more rarely –éictmual) in act, sense ; 'étroAgušávo, fut. —Aftyopat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. -éiamſpa; ’āvāAapéâva. To recover (i.e. cause to recover, the sick, etc.), āvīotnut, only pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. in act. sense, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf, act. in pass, sense. To recover, intrans. (as a sick or wounded person, etc.), 'êvatvéa, only act.; ’āvaſa- Túpéouai, pass.; Śāţſo, fut, -iro, only act. To recover from a disease, ék váorov ioxtºw, Xen. ; vögov &Iroq’sſºopal, Dem. . . This first recovered the city after its disasters, ék trovmpôv Töv Tpayuárov yevouévov Totto Tpárov &víveyke Thy tróAlv, Thuc. - The city had just recovered from the plague, tróAts &pti &vel»fiſpel éavThy &Trö Tās vóorov, Thuc. To recover (in mind), come to oneself, Évrbs éuavrot, év ćuavré, etc., Év gavré, etc., yiyvouai, Soph. Xen.; and without prep., e. g.—when the mind recovers, 6 votis Štav airoi, Yévmtal, Soph., -éuavTöv čva- Aapéâva, Isoc. And not to give them time to recover themselves, kal p.mké’tt ö00val airtois &vagtpophy, Xen. A recovery of (means of recovering), etc., ‘ātoāoxh ’āvāAnyts, ews, h; kopiðh, 'évákopióñ. To recount, 6téčeipu (–1éval). See To relate. Recourse, to have recourse to, 'étavtåw, c. Éirl and acc.; 'êtroxopéw, c. eis and acc. Recreation, 6tätpiéſ. To recriminate, &vreykaAéa, fut, -éow, perf, -ké- KAmka. See To accuse. Rectangular, Öp66 yovos, ov. To rectify, kärev6üvo. See To correct. Rectilinear, eú0ü”ypauplos, ov. Rectitude, Šp66tms, mtos, i. Recumbent. See To lie. To recur (as a disease), TâAlvöpoſtéo, only act. To return. Recurrence (of a disease), TâAlvöpop.h. Recurrent, ‘ūTotpotikós. Red, épúðpós; poviceos, contr. also -kots ; trupgbs, + powicopańs ; poivič, ć, ii, to, gen, -icos ; tā- (polvos, ov; + potvos, a, ov, and os, ov; (lit. blood- red) + affay, ovos, only masc. (esp. of fire, hot metal, etc.); (painted red, etc.) + uixtáirpettos, ov; + pot- vikóšarros, ov; (of the Red Sea) + potulicötre50s, ov. With red hair, itvá566pić, gen. —Tpixos, 6, #. Reddish, Štrépijôpos, ov; Śróirváños, ov. Red, subst. potvić, icos, 6. A red dye, gavöäpäkm. A red cloth, cloak, curtain, flag, etc., powikis, tºos, i. See Purple. Clothed in red, + powicetuwu, ovos, 6 kal j. A weaver of red, polvikiaths, où, 6. To make red, potutorow, and pass. in Soph., act. Once in intrans. sense ; ºf Trupo giva (esp. with some dye), only act. To grow red, Tuffāéopal, pass. A redcap (a bird), kesAffiripts, eas, i. A redstart (a bird), polvikovpos. To redeem, Ašopal (i, but iſ also in arsi, i. e. at the See 346 Redeemer—Refrain beginning of a dactyl or spondee), mid.; (prisoners only) &vío Tripu, only pres, imperf. fut, and aor. 1. act. in act. sense, aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, in pass, sense; (a tax, etc.) Tpiauai, only in aor. 1. Tptăumv. See To ransom. One must redeem, Aitpatéov. Which may be redeemed, Aioiuos, ov. A redeemer, Aïthp, fipos, 6. See Deliverer. Redemption, Año is, eos, ii. See Deliverance. Redness, épúðnua, T6; truffötns, mtos, j. Redolent, eúoëpos, ov. To redouble, ’āvāśitAów, See To double, To repeat. Redress, +’ákos, T6. See Remedy. To redress, ’ākéopal, mid, no pass., fut. &kéo opal, and Att. &cotual. To reduce, ‘ūrāya, trposétéáço; (an enemy's power, etc.) có6alpéa, aor. 2. —éixov ; (to a lower class, etc.) âtroſetryvöpu, c. eis; (from a high condition, from high spirits, etc.) + ioxvaſva, aor. 1. toxvāva, no perf, only act. One must reduce, kaffaipetéov. Capable of being reduced, cataAmTrös, Öv. To be reduced, kaffaipeté0s. Reduction (of a city), Katao Tpopſ. See Capture. Redundancy, reptoro 6tms, mºtos, i. Redundant, Teptorgös. See Superfluous. To re-echo, Fávtnxéw, only act.; +&vtup6éyyouai, mid. Re-echoing, F&vtićoviros, ov. A reed, käAäuos ; # 360ač, ćicos, 6. See Rush. Full of reeds, + Toxvi)Wäkätos, ov. A reef (of rock), pua, Tô (see Rock); (of a sail) Spíos. To proceed, letting out every reef, "dicpouot Aatºpovs kpa- otéðous ÜTreköpaſteſv, Eur.; so &ºp010, xpd uevos Tois ion total, Ar. To let out every reef, Étmut travta kdāov, Eur. Reeking (of a bloody weapon), f veðjavros, ov. To reel, Öivéopal. - To re-establish, ēp660, 'évopóów (usu, with gem, aug —e.g. #vépôovv), f Čšávop6ów ; &vtircă9tatnut, only pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act, in act. sense, aor, 2. perf. and pluperf. in pass, sense. To unite or aid in re-establishing, giveTávop66w, ovykátop66w. . Re-establishment, 6tóp000 is, ews, j. To refer, act.'âvāq)épa, fut. &votoſa, aor. 1. ‘āvīveyka, aor. 2. čváveykov, no perf, aor. 1 pass. &umvetx0mu (no other pass. tense, except pres, and imperf, c. dat., or c. eis and acc.); €rāvāq)épa, ; Éirirpéta (esp. for de- cision, etc.), c, dat. of the referee ; so 'étročíðaput, e. Refractory, &vrīrūtros, ov. eis and acc. of the referee, c. repl and gen, of the matter ; (of referring anything to a cause, etc.) ‘āvāyw; itäväyw, c. eis and acc. To refer a matter to mutual friends, év toſs pixois àia- 6iká(ouai, Dem. See To relate. - To whom the law refers, ā vēuos trpos offs 6tapío 6m, Dem. | Reference (for decision, etc.), Tirporh, "àvāq)0pa. With reference to, trept, c. gen.; Tpbs, c. acc, To refine (i. e. to dispute too accurately), kouleța, only act.; Aettoup'yéw, only act.; † Aettoxoyéa, only act. Refined (language, arguments, etc.), koujós; (of per. sons) pixóica Aos, ov. & Refinement, eipovata ; couljótms, mºros, i. To cultivate refinement, piñokáAéa, only act. To refit, act. Turkevä(w. See To repair. A refitting, also materials for refitting, rigicevil. To reflect (i.e. consider, q.v.), Évêugéopal, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass, in mid, sense); (i.e. reflect light) +&vtavyéa, only act. r To be reflected (of light), 'êvãicxdopal, pass. Water in which objects are reflected, üğap trapeupawó. Mévov, Arist. One must reflect, Čv6üpımtéov. See To consider. Reflection, Aoytopads ; O'Kéupa, Tá; (of light) &vtat- 'yeta. Reflecting (i. e. apt to consider, etc.), ºpovonticós ; (i.e. reflecting light) éupăvăs. Reflex, ºf träAtvrpotos, ov. Reflux, 'éváššota. - To reform, śirávop6ów, ueraß0aiga, ; (in a bad sense) Me6to Tmut, only pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act, in act. sense, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. in pass. sense; &utiueðiormut; veotepſgow, only act. See To correct, To innovate, Not by means of those who abide by eaisting institutions, but of those who reform them and are ever bold to change what is not well, où 6t& Tobs éppºévout as to?s Kaffe0 Tógiv, &AA& Ště, Tobs étravop60üvtas kal Tox- pávtas &et Ti Kivetv Tów ah kaxós éxóvrav, Isoc. Reform, Reformation, êtróváp6aois à: (esp. political) yeoteptoruás. A reformer, vealTepioths, où, 6. See Obstinate. To refrain, 'étéxw, fut. & péo, no aor. 1., aor. 2. âtréaxov, part. &roox&v, etc., more often –ouai, mid, c. Wh and infin., or c. to uh and infin., or c. too and infin. See To abstain. 341 Refresh—Regular One must refrain, 'üperréov, rigzeréov. To refresh, "àva!ºxw, sometimes c. gen, of the toil after which ; ; pixw. Refuge, ’āroatpopºl, often c. gen, of the evil from which ; kátáſpiy), 'ütropiº, 'itoö0xff ; +Aiuły, évos, 6; +’āpopuń. To take refuge, petryw, perf. Trépevya, etc., fut, mid. (more usu, than act.) petéopal, Att. also pewºodwal. See To flee. To flee to as a refuge, fuefloppić, wal, mid. A refugee, pöyès, #60s, 6 kal #. A body of refugees, piyā. Of, or belonging to, or suited to a refugee, pi)&icós. Refulgence, falyam. See Brightness. Refulgent, tº paeives or paeyvás. Refusal, &rópāoris, eas, i. To refuse, ópvéouai, mid., c. infin., or c. to and infin., or c. acc.; 'évaſvouai, mid., no fut, aor. 1. humváumv, no pass., c. infin. rei or c. acc. (in which construction it is used of refusing with an idea of rejecting a gift, etc.); +’āravaivopal ; +'äväveda (to do or to grant), c. acc. or c. infin., only act.; &teºrov, no other tense in this sense (except fut. act. &repô); &trópmut, no perf, or aor. 1, only act. in this sense ; pôovéw, c. dat, pers, acc. rei, or infin., or c. part, only act, in this sense ; ot; 'pmui, AEsch. AEschin. To give a positive refusal, 'üriorxipigouai, only mid. To be refused, + &rapvéopal (of a thing). I will not refuse (to trust) my body to the ground, to orópa . . . otic &tiothorw x50wl, Eur. To whom nothing is refused, § où'ěčv &tapvov teké0el, AEsch. Refuse, káðappa, ré; it popiſtós. Refutation, êAeyxos ; Añoris, i. To refute, éAéyxw, perf. pass. Aft\eyuai, no perf. act.; 5texéyxw, Aëw ; 'évaupéw, aor. 2. čvetàov. One must refute, éAeyktéov, Šćexeyktéov. Calculated to refute, refutatory, *āvaipetitos, c, gen.; éAeyxoetóñs. Easy to be refuted, eieśéAeykros, ov; eiéMeyktos, ov. What cannot be refuted, &večéAeyktos, ov. So as not to be refuted, &ve;exéykTws. To regain, 'âváAquéâva, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor 1. act, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf –eſampa, etc.; +&va- ktúouai, mid, c. perf. pass, in act. sens. See To re- CO2)6?”, - Regal, Bāgtaetos, o, ov, and os, ov. See Royal. To regale, act. §otićw, fut, mid, in pass, sense. To feast. See Regard, étriotpoſph, atovël, tºpa. See Respect, Love. Ye have shown this regard for the dead, trpo Toº Savów- tos thv6' 0eró' étriotpopºv, Soph. To regard, évrpétropal, c. gen.; ſppov.rtºw, c. gen, or c. prep.; Tporiuda (of regarding so as to honour greatly); atáðudouai, mid, no pass.; +&iwºrw, only pres. and imperf.; + geraarpið, ; (i. e. to love, q. v.) pixáa. See To respect, To consider. And I indeed do not regard it, kāpºol prev oiáčv Tpāyúa, Eur. They slew the men without regard to age, épévévov toys ăv0pérovs petóówevoi otºre ſpeasurépas otre vewrépas #Aukſas, Thuc. One who regards, + £rom th9, fipas, 6. Regardless, ’ātreptotros, ov; ; Śakotros, ov. Regardlessly, 'êtrepióttas. To be regent, Čiritporeča, c. acc. of the country governed or of the prince in whose stead one is regent ; only act. Regimen, Ötaita. A regiment, Táyſia, Tó ; tāśts, eas, i. A region, Xópos, x&pa, Xaptov ; faidhp, -épos, 6 kal j. See Country. Belonging to the region, êyxºptos, ov; Érix&ptos, ov. A register, & roypāqºl, YpauſtãTetov, &väypāq)ſ. The register on which citizens were entered when they came of age, to Amétapxicov. 'Ypopuateſov, Dem. To register, 'étroypāq,w, trāpāypápa, ; Yºſpápa, often c. eis and acc. of the register. To register besides, ’āirposároypápw. To register unfairly, råpeyypápa, To register again, ºf Peteyypápa. - I am registered among the citizens, eis &grows reaſ, Dem. Registered, &váypartos, ov. Not registered, "Gypāq,0s, ov. Unfairly registered, trâpéyypattos, ov. A registrar, kātāAoyevs, ’āvaypaqets. A registration, êriypáph, Yypaph. Regress, kā0080s, ii. See Return. Regret, tró60s. To regret, Tofféa, fut. Tofflow and troðégouai, rare in mid. Regretted, troðelvös, h, by, and bs, 6v. Of, or proceeding from, regret (of * tears), ºf tro- 6eivôs. Regular, kāpios, a, ov, and os, ov (esp. of appointed times, assemblies, etc.); Kä0%kwu, ovara, ov, gen, ovtos, etc.; Tetayuévos; Éykö'icatos, ov, i. e. regularly 342 Regularly—Relation occurring (duties, occurrences, etc.) or happening to each in turn. The regular garrison, i tom ºppoupò, Thuc. Regularly, tetayuévos. To regulate, 6totkéw, véuw, 8tákoopéa, ovvráo ow. See To govern, To arrange. A regulating, 6takóoung is, eas, i. A regulation, vöpios. See Law. A regulator, koopmths, où, 6. A rehearsal, Ötöda kåAía. To rehearse (before another), ‘ūtretrov, only acr. 2. To reject, 'êtra,0éal, fut. —wóñora, and -óra, all other tenses from this last; trópofféal; 6ta,0éw, usu. in mid.; &mogàitta, ātrofijittéal; kéâAAw, no aor. 1. act, perf. –ééSAnka, etc.; droirröw, fut.-èvo; drootpépa, more usu. &roatpépouai, pass, in act. sense, esp. in aor. 2., c. fut, mid. (esp. of rejecting persons); âtoxaktigo, +’āirotidepal; (esp. as not genuine) &ro- kpiva; with scorn, t Aaktígo; by vote, áToxelpotovéa'; &lroºmſpigouai, mid., also pass, in pass. Sense; Kara- iſ mºbigouai. One must reject, &roôokugatéov, Ščapétéov, t &ra- otéov. Rejection, &AAorpio'ots, eas, i. To reign, Bāorixeſ w, no mid. (pass. of the dominions), c. dat., or more usu. c. gen.; Túpavvéa, and Túpavveto, fut, Túpavvágopal in pass. sense; +’āvāogw, mid. rare, pass. of the dominions, or of the power (e. g. orkättpov &váo getal, Soph.), c, dat, or c, gen, or c. prep. v and dat. or pietà and dat. See To rule. A rein, #via, #, usu. in pl.; ‘iuès, dutos, 6; thuthp, ipos, 6; + introëérms, ov, 6; t in Tööeopa, Té; it- Trikā trimôāAla, Tâ, AEsch. See Bridle. To give rein to, +xãAáo, fut, -ãow, c, dat. Giring the rein to the horses, ird'Aous épéaAóvres àvías, Eur. With loose rein (to gallop, etc.), dro 50Tipos, Soph. Obeying the rein, tºpiańvios, ov. To rein in, act. Káréxw, fut. Rá0éča, no aor. 1., perf. rare, aor. 2. Kátéoxov, aor. 2. mid, sometimes used in pass. sense. See To restrain. • To reinforce, Bombéa, c. dat. A reinforcement, Boh9eia. The troops composing a reinforcement, oi 80700ſ. He waited for the reinforcements, thv Heiga, Tapaolcevºlv treptépìevev, Thuc. As the Athenians also were sending for reinforcements, &s kal Töv 'A6mvatov čtripetairspatropévov, Thuc. To reinstate, See To reslore. To rejoice, Xaipw, fut. Xaphora, no aor. l. nor aor. 2. act, perf. rexãpmka, more usu. perf pass. Rexãpmuai, and part. trexopuévos, aor. 2. pass. exãpmu; #öouai, no fut, usu, aor. I. pass. #06mu, fut. #00 hoopat, c. dat. of the cause, sometimes c. acc., rarely c. gem.; eūq paivopal, pass.; ’āyāAAouai, pass., only pres, and imperf.; ym6éo, perf. yeymba (the only tense used by Att.); Tépirogal, mid. and pass., no perf; at, Štri- xaipa, sometimes c. acc. of the cause; givhöopal, c. dat. or c. prep.; beforehand, trpoxaipw; eacessively, ūtrepyaſpo, Útrephēopal; + £kxéouai, pass.; with, avyxaipa, c, dat.; +&vrixalpa, c, dat.; + ovyymbéw See To please. Being a subject for rejoicing, Tixaptos, ov; Feinyà0m- ov. See Pleasant. To rejoin (i. e. to answer, q. v.), 'ütroAaušāva, fut. —Aftipopual, aor. 2. —éAášov. See To return. A rejoinder, ‘itróAmºts, ews, ii. See Answer. To reiterate, "åvätroAéw. See To repeat. To rekindle, ék{otripéw. To relapse. See To return. To relate (as a narrator), áčnyéopal; "àpmyéouai, c. perf. pass. in trans. sense; &lroºpaiva, piſtoxoyéal; ºf uß9éopal, mid.; + £vvétro, only pres. act.; umvöw; (as a messenger) &yºyéAAw, "åvayyéAAw; (in either sense) Aéyò; (in full detail) 6tépxopal, fut. –exed- oropal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fiXbov, perf. —exhââ0a; ërmyéopal, Štěčeipt (-téval), tirepaiva'; previously, Tpoètnyéopal; in regular order, or without stopping, + ortoixmyopéa, only act. To relate incidentally, Träpääumſyéopiat. Tos, One must relate, brºwtéov, ui,00Aoyntéov; (as a messenger) +’āvolutéov. Easy to be related, eúpavnuéveuros, ov. To relate to (i. e. to have relation or reference to), 'āvāica, c. eis and acc. A relation, or relating, A6)0s, ééñºymoris, buſy mois; âtéodos, h; + &rAoyos. Relation to (as having rela. tion to, etc.), áva popá. A relation (kinsman), subst, and adj. ovyyāvīs; fairy- yovos, ov, c. gen. or c, dat.; +&alpos, ov; +&yxt- otropos; in pl. of Trpoo ricovres, c. dat.; of ’āvaykaiot; of éupúAlou, Plat.; oi év yévet, Soph.; oi éyyös, AEsch. A relation by marriage, knèeaths, où, 6; + knöéuov, ovos, 6; + ktſäevpa, Tó. A body of relations, ovyyáveia, To be a relation of, or to be related to, &YXto reiſa, only act, c, dat,; 1 Silco, or yewel Trposíko, c, dat. pers. 343 f rarely if ever in mid. Relationship—Remain Because Polybus was no relation to wou, 300ivek’īv got' i - 3/0%, IIóAvēos oiööv čv yével, Soph. Like relations, ovyyevicós, ºf ovyyevós. Relationship, ovyyáveia; &yxiateta, h; oikeiôtms, mtos, ii; ’āvayicalótms, mtos, #; Tô oikeſov, to avy- 7evès, trè &yxiateſa; by marriage, kā50s, Tá; Icíðevua, Tó. According to nearness of relationship, &yxiativömy. Attached to one's relations, pixokmöéuov, ovos, 6, #. Murdering one's relations, faitoktóvos, ov; + airto- ôāīktos, ov; +&iróxelp, —xelpos, 6, #, Tó; used also of the murder, airóxelp pévos, airóxelp uſagua, Trag, etc., and of the victim. Relative to, trepi, c. gen, or c, dat, or c, acc., but most usu. c. gen. See Concerning. To relax, plebimul (; Att., elsewhere i, but often also i before e), c, acc., or sometimes c. gen; &vinuſ; &#- ăuţmut, trans. and intrans.; xãAów, also in pass., but One must relaa, ’āveTéov. Relaxation, 'éveris, ews, i. By relays (of horses), &vaðexöuevoi toſs irrots, Xen. -- : To release, Año (i, but also Ep. iſ in arsi, i. e. at the beginning of a dactyl or spondee, in compounds j); 'étroAſſo; Élcâûw, fut. most usu. —gopal, mid.; &pfnui (the Orators have irreg, imperf, hiptovy, hipſets, etc., 3rd pl. also hºpteoav), c. acc., mid. in Trag. c. gen, sometimes also c. gen, of that from which ; plebímpi, éAévôepów, Ł éčímut; (for ransom) Airpów, c. gen, of the ransom; &troAvtpów. To release a person from an oath, &pſmui àpkov Tul, Andoc. - One must release, ’āpetéov. . A releasing, Aigis, ii; Ravois; ‘āpeois, ii. See Relief. - - To relent, káuttopal, pass., only pres. and imperf.; päAäkiſoual, pass.; Yváſtirtopat, pass.; Éricxdopal, pass.; + uax0ákſgouai, pass.; + ºxáo gouai, pass. Relentless, ’āovyyvápov, ovos, 6, #; +'äreyktos, ov. See Implacable. Relentlessly, 'êtrapattſtos. Reliance, triotis, eas, i. A relic, Aeſthävov, usu. in pl. Relief (from evil, pain, etc.), kočqious, j; A6q mois, ii; figotávn, 'évaiyúxii; + kotºbiopia, Tó; +Tpotata, toxetiptov. A state of relief, i kovſpótºms, ºtos, j. For this would be a relief from calamity, airm yap ju &v trºudrov &TraMAayh, AEsch. See Rest, Remedy, A relief of soldiers, 6taëoxiſ. The soldiers forming the relief, Šiščoxoi, Being divided into reliefs, kat’ &vairačAas 6ippmuévol, Thuc. The cities relieving one another in their occupation of the country, Tóv TóAewv Katë, Staëoxhu Xpóvov čtvovorów tfi x&pg, Thuc.; so êic Staëoxãs &AA#Aois, Dem. To relieve, ’āvāraúw, kov pigo, 'üvákovſpíšw; éiríAño- Pal, mid., c, acc. pers, c. to uh and infin, of suffering, etc.; +/13Adorow, ºf traúw. To relieve, or go to the relief of, allies, a besieged town, etc., trposéom6éw, éti- Śom6éw; (as a guard) 5táöéxopal, perf, pass, in act. sense, c, dat. To aid in relieving, givetricoupéo, c. dat. See To help and (of relieving pain) To allay, Relieving (calculated to relieve), ºf Airſptos, a, ov, more usu, os, ov, c. gen, sometimes even c. acc.; +Ağaiuos, ov; + travatſipuos, ov; ; trpáčevos, ov, c. gen. Relieving from pain, +Travoſhrovos, ov; or from sorrow, +Travatajiros, ov; +Travo &vías, ov, 6. One who relieves, + travathp, fipos, 6, c. gen, of the evil; +&vajvkthp, fipos, 6; (as a successor, “a relief”) ºf éköéktap, opos, 6. Religion, eigéSela. See Piety - Religious, Šotos (both of things and persons); eige6hs (only of persons). See Pious. To be religious, orééa, rare except in pres. Religiously, eise66s. To relinquish, Aeſtro, ättoxettw. See To leave. One must relinquish, Aelittéov. Relinquishment, 'êtróAelipis, eas, i. A relish (anything eaten to add a relish), Ökov, To relish, eúwzéopal, mid., c. gen, or c, acc., no pass. in this sense. Reluctance, Škvos. - Without reluctance, figötas, où XaAetrós. See Willingly. Reluctant, 'âkov; &tpó05pos, ov. See Unwilling. To be reluctant, Ökvéa. Reluctantly, 'akovoſos. To rely, or to rely on, trioteća, c. dat, also pass. of him who is relied on; ‘ātrepetöopat, mid. and pass., c. eis; ioxipigopal, mid.; evioxiptgopal; &aporéa, c. acc.; Spāoivouai, mid, and pass, c, dat, or c, čiri and dat. See To trust. One must rely, triotevtéov. What may be relied on, êxéy'Yvos, ov. Relying on, trioivos, + triotós. To remain, pºéva, and poet. in pres. and imperf. pituva, only act; Éirigéva!; träväuéva, poet, ÉTaft- 344 Remaining—Remove ſtevo; 5tapévo, ötörpiéal; (i. e. to be left after some- thing else, or out of a greater quantity) Aeſtropiat, pass. (3rd sing. in Plat, often impers.), and in a gene- ral sense; trepińeſtropat; treptoroetw, only act.; Trept- elpit (–eival); trepiyſyvouai, fut. Yevågopal, no adr. l., aor. 2. —eyevöumv, perf. —yé yova and —yetyévmual; behind, Širokévo; with, ovvötarexéo; in, Éppévo; near, Tăpăuéva, and poet. Sync. tappeva. To remain firm, stand one's ground when attacked, +&vré- Xopal, mid, aor. 2. —eoxéumv, One must remain, uevetéov. It remains for me to say, Aoitóv plot eitely, Plat. Remaining, Aortés; Tiaotiros, ov, usu, pl.; reptaol- Tos, ov. A remaining, Hovī; with, or steadfast to, upovil, c. gen. A remainder, repfaelppa, Tó. They retreat to Athens with the remainder of the army, és Tās ‘Ā0āvas &vaxwpoiſo, tú reptăvti too otpatov, Thuc. To remark, ſcatáytyväorica, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. –éyvolca. A being remarked or remarkable, étiqävela. Remarkable, Šáriuos, ov; Éripāvīs; irºnaos, ov. See Illustrious. Remarkably, Šokiuws, étiqāvās. To remeasure, ’āvāpletpéa. Remediable, 'ürbs, ’ākea Tós; +’īāoriuos, ov. A remedy, pápučkov; ’āois, h; ‘īāua, Tó; +’ākos, T6; +pixos, Tá; +’āiceo Tpov. I have found a remedy for this calamity, eúpmua of ti Tösöe ovuſpopas àxaſ, Eur. Desperate remedies, 6taiceicivoúveupéva (péppaka, Isoc. To remedy, 'ékéopal, fut. 'ékégopal (Att. &coºpal), only mid.; £aké ual; "ićouai, only mid., except aor. l., pass.; by cutting, F&uritéuva, no aor. 1. act, perf. —Tetpımica. See To cure. Remedial, i vd.6üvos, ov; i övjiaiuos, ov. One who can remedy, 'ürpós. To remember, pupivágicopal, mid-, fut. Muñoopal, perf. and aor. 1. pass. Piépumpal; pºvía 6mu, in act. sense, c. gen, and sometimes poet. c. acc.; Ériulpuigicopal, 'êvãutºvíakopal; Avnuoveto, fut, mid, sometimes c. infin., or c. conj. §ti, ei, etc.; oréaſ (esp. when op- posed to 6tóAAupu or some such word for to forget); ăvaxoyigouai, mid.; unhunu tigeſtal, c. gen., Eur.; pivflumv čxaſ, Eur.; also, at the same time, etc., Gvp- pupivfloºkouai, orivăvăuipuhokopual; a thing against a person, &mouvmuoveča, c, acc. rei, dat, pers. One must remember, plumpovevtéov. To be remembered, what can be remembered, &vºuvmotös, 6v; upmuovevtós. Long to be remembered, + troAſſuvm- Ever to be remembered, '&eiuvmatos, ov and sometimes os, m, ov. otos, ov. So as to be remembered, plumpovicós. So as to be ever remembered, 'đelp who tws. Easy to be remembered, eiuvâuov, ovos, 6, h; eipſumuá- vevros, ov. Hard to be remembered, Övsplump16vevtos, OV. - .* One who remembers, fuvio-tap, opos, 5. Remembering miseries, plumaithuov, ovos, 6, i. A. remembering, remembrance, Muñum; 'āvāpumous, €0s, 7). To remind, 'üvăuluvioka, fut. -pluma w, etc., no perf, sometimes c. gem. acc.; Staplumpoveta, c. dat. pers. acc. rei; +/uplvão Kw. A reminder (i. e. thing calculated to remind). Tró- unus, té; tumuárúvov, .’ A reminding, ‘ūTówmals, i. Reminiscence, ’āváuvmous, ii. See Recollection. Remiss, évôeºis, épéAös; ɘ tos, ov; 'dºrpó0Upo., 01/. Remission, 'épeaus, i. Remissly, "Čirpođijuas; (i. e. not at all) +’āvéðmu. Remissness, àffalo Tía; Tô &veluévov, Thuc. To remit (punishment, etc.), & pinul, Tàpimpl; ‘āpal- péo, aor. 2. —élàov, c. dat. pers, or c. gem. A remnant, Aeſthävov; Aelupa, Té. To remodel, uetafift ºutgo, wetatroléo. Remonstrance, aitía (from a friend, opp. to catm- ºyopia, from an enemy). To remonstrate, &v6ío Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf. act. See To object. Remorse, oiktos, See Pity. Remorseless, ’āvouctos, ov. See Pitiless. Remote, påkpós, compar. –étépos, -ótatos, also superl. Epificiotos; +tmãovpbs, 6v; f TâAopos, ov. See Distant. --- Remotely, more remotely, t'érotépa. Remoteness, &lróatúa is, eas, h. A remote place, éoxátía. Removable, treptapetós, òv. Removal (intrans.), uetáotáorts, ii; ºváo rāorts, m; 'êtraXAäyń; (from one house to another) Stoicious, ii; (trans.) kivmoſis, eas, h; pleTakivmats. To remove, act., 'évío Tmut, only pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. in act. sense, aor. 2. perf, and pluperf. act, fut. and aor. l. mid, in pass. Sense (esp. of removing - 345 Remunerate—Repel people); ue^{rtmut, Éavſortmut, "åraNAdoo w; áčoticſ- go, c. gen. or c. prep. of the place; rivéo, petalcivéa, +’āqiāpā'w; (esp. of removing an army or a fleet) ’āvaſsúyviſui, sometimes as if it were intrans, (otpā- Töv, etc., being understood); (esp. as a false impres- sion from another's mind) éalpéo, aor. 2. —éſàov, c. gen. pers.; ships, uetopuſſo; an officer by a vote, &Troxelpotovéal; out of the way (i. e. put an end to, kill, q.v.), Šutroööv trouéopat, Xen.; privily, 'ütrečaſ- pew, ‘ūtektúmul, 'ürekkopfgo. To remove, intrans. (i.e. to remove oneself), uétávio rā- gal, mid. and pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf. act, and the mid. or pass. of most of the verbs given above in act, sense. To remove (intrans.) from one house to another, 8toucſ- Çouai, mid. c. sis. f Ye have removed to a distance the flame of calamily, #vörat’ &ctorian px4)a Thuaros, Soph. They did not remove them from the office of protecting the temple of Olympian Jupiter, too uévrot rpoeotá. wal rod Aubs toū ‘OAvuiríov ispot, oùk &mixagav airobs, Xen. I am greatly and indeed wholly removed (from such a feeling), trońAoû ye kal toº travros éAAeſtra, AEsch. Removed to a distance, Écôetos, ov. - To remunerate, ’āuetéouai, mid. See To requite. Remuneration, ‘āuotéfi. See Reward. A rencontre, ovuéoAft; oivodos, i. To rend, Éhyviſui, repláňňyvvut; (esp. one’s clothes) + katepeiicopal, mid. Only pres, and imperf. See To tear. To be rent, ºf ſpää(w, only in aor. 2. čp}\áôov. Rent asunder, i ötaffè, &yos, 6, i. To render, Tâpéxopal, mid, aor. 2. Tapeqxáumv, trapaq Xod, etc.; + škºrpdorow. See To make. To rendezvous, ovXAéyouai, pass. c. eis and acc. of the place where. To renew, 'éváveóouai, mid.; travavečauai, 'évåkalvi. (w, + veów. To renew a battle or an argument, 'üväuä- Xopat, fut. Att, usu, -uaxoſſual. Renewal, ‘āvāvéworts, ecos, ii. Renovation, veðxuaois, eas, i. To renounce, & reſtrov, only in this aor. 2. in this sense; "àqío Tapai, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf, act.; +&iroß- Étirto, xaipeiv Aéyw, x, ceaetºw, x. Tpoetrov, x. éâw, Eur. - I}o you renounce your friends in misfortune, &ravčás év kako's pixotori gots, Eur. (where however the Schol. says, Bombeiv is understood). Renown, KAé0s, to, only nom. and acc. sing, Se Glory. Renowned, eúðočos, ov; + k\irbs, h, ov, and os, 61 See Famous. A rent, + Aškls, toos, h; + Aérigua, Té. See Tear ing. Rent, popä, ätropopd; uto:6apua, T6; utorðworts, ea's h; † A&Tpov, in pl.; for a house, évoiktov. To produce rent, uto 60 popéa, only act. To repair, étrio Kevāſa'; +’ākéopal, fut. —éaouai, Att usu. -00aas; (esp. evils or faults) 'üväAap.éávo, fut —Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perſ. —eianſpa 'âvop6ów. Repair, repairs, or materials for repairs, éirigicevil. A repairer, étrio Kevao Tºls, ot, 6. ſº * Reparable, 'íčaiuos, ov. The art of repairing, i &icea Tirch. Reparation (for a fault), 'évéampus, eas, i. To repay, 'üuetéopal, mid. (and in Trag., but very rarely, àuetéa), c. acc. pers. dat. rei, rarely and only poet. c. dat. pers, or c. acc. rei, no pass. in this sense; 'ārorivo (; Ep., i Att.), fut, -tio-w, no pass. (but mid. in a sort of pass. sense, to exact or receive repay- ment, therefore to be repaid); ’āiroötöopa, c. acc. of what is paid, dat. pers, pass, not of the person, but of the sum, etc., repaid ; &vričíðapu, +&vrauetéopal See To requite, To pay. One must repay, <ároö0téov. Repayment, &vtårööoots, eas, #. See Payment. To repeal, Aëw (ä, but also i, in arsi, i. e. at the beginning of a dactyl or spondee; in compounds iſ), kārāAöw ; ká6alpéa, aor. 2. Kaffe?Aov; &vapéa, &roôokiuáço; (by a formal vote) 'étroxelpotovéo } &kūpov trotéa, &c. Tíðepal, Plat. Repeal, subst, 'évaipegis, h. To repeat, rāvāAapéâvo, fut. —Ah!ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamºpa ; Śrāvépxopal, fut. —eaetorouai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fixbow ; Śrāvā- Toàéw ; # 'üvároxéa, poet. &ur. ; +’āvao Tpépo; (i. e. to keep on saying, urging, etc.) fiałºśćw; from beginning to end, repaiva'; old stories, old arguments, &pxaloxoyéa. Often repeated, uiptóAekros, ov; troAij9päAntos, ov. To repel, eſpyw, fut. mid. Épéopal, and eſpéopal, sometimes in pass. Sense, no perf, in Att., c. gen. or more rarely c. dat, of the person or thing defended ; \º 1. ’āAéo, fut. &Aéopal, aor. 1. –apmv, no perf; Épiko, no perf. ; &mepūka, ; &tra,0éa, fut. —wóław and -óga, (all other tenses from the latter); Św8éw, &Texaſva, 346 lit. —exãaw; +’äuävo, poet, aor. 2. huēvá0ov. To in in repelling, giveráušva. To be beforehand in |epelling, Tpoăuivouai, mid. he must repel, t’īuvvtéov, also Šuvvréa, t' ăTw- } repent, weråyiyvdokw, fut. —yvágopal, no acr. l., or. 2. —éyvov, perf. —éyvoica, etc., sometimes c. acc. to repent and do, M. c. infin. ; to repent and not do, t. c. uż) and infin.), also u. trāatu ; usrawéNopal, hid, c. aor. 1. pass. Petepiexíðmu in mid. sense, ... part.; Metavoéw; fueta^yéa, c. infin., also impers. tetapéAet, fut. -plexhorel, no perf, c, dat, pers. c. }art. c. 8tl, sometimes even c. nom. rei, part. pres. ften abs. think you will repent of this, oluai oot Tatra peta- texforeiv, Ar. ou shall repent, he shall repent, k\aúget, kāačoretal. have repented, and am disposed to act in this manner, 3. ióża Tää’ treatpd pm, Soph. is to uerauexmorðuevov ºrpoiéval, Xen. pt to repent, ueTöplexnticós. |ot to be repented of, 'éueräuéAntos, ov. epentance, uetáuéAeta, wetāvota, fuetáyvota, +ge- Färpottà. epetition, Öiaoyia, Sirââorioãoyſa; trü'kva'ua, Tó. b replace, &vrika9tartmut, is just, if we fail to convince you, that you should re- lace us in the same condition in which we were before, and permit us . . ., §ticatov, ei uh ret00uev čs rà Kötö, Karao Thoravras . . . Šágal juás ..., Thuc. b replenish, "àvătrâmpéw. eplete, pleotös, c. gen. See Satiety, Fulness. 0 reply, 'ütáuetéopal, mid. See To answer. illege in reply, &vriaéya. o you desire to speak, and having spoken to escape any eply? BoöAel Aéyetv Ti, kal Aéyov umöèv RAWeiv; Soph. reply, 'ürökpions, ews, i. reply, träxlv. 0 report, &yºyéAAw; ’ārayyáAAw, sometimes c. acc. of hat of which report is made (e. g. āt. Thu trpeg- Seſav, to make a report of an embassy); StayyéNAw; kārayyáAAw (esp. of reporting anything wrong, as accusing it). See To relate. To report (as a com- mittee reports after investigation), eisq’épa', fut. —otorw, aor. —fiveyka, etc. o be reported (or spoken of as such and such), Bià0püAéopal, pass.; + k\ſigopal, pass. See To call, To See Answer. b proceed to lengths which one is likely to repent of, Repent—Reproach One must report, f'évourtéov. A report, A6)0s, phan; kapºv, ovos, h; † pāris, m; + 84&ts, # ; +’ākovopa, Té; (of an ambassador, etc.) 'äTayyexia. A false report, ſevöayyeaia. To invent or fabricate reports, Aoyotrotéa. The fabrication of reports, Aoyotrotta. A reporter, &yºye?\os. r To repose, act, tigmul (see To place); intrans. (i. e. to rest, q.v.), 'üvătraşopal, mid, and pass. A repository, 'üToffſikm. r To repossess, &vakráopal, mid., perf. pass. -kéktmual in act. sense. See To regain. To reprehend, airiáouai, mid., c, perf. and aor. 1. pass, in pass sense. See To blame. Reprehension, käräuertºis, eas, ii. See Blame. To represent (i. e. make out to be, state to be), &ropatvw, ’āiroöeticviſui, kātaokéváço; (esp. in a set composition) trotéa, ; (by imitation or by painting, etc.) eikdºw; pluéopal, mid.; (i.e. be representative of, as an ambassador of a state, etc.) Tápéxokai, mid., no aor. 1, aor. 2. Tapeqxówmv, etc. The art of representing, h eiicautică. Representation (i. e. imitation, portraiture, etc.), uſumoſis, eas, h; ’āirelkägia. To repress, ká čxw, fut. –éo and –oxhow, aor. 2. —eq Xov; + oxdºw, only act. To reprimand, vov6etéw. A reprimand, vov6étmoſis, i ; + vov6étmaa, T6. See Blame. A reprisal, ###otov. Right of reprisal, a WAal. Reproach, Öveiðos, Tó; Aotöopta; Aotööpmois, eas, #. See Blame. I heaped all kinds of reproaches on them, #pagorov kakoſs toſs trägiv, Soph. ; so Šveſöegiv *Hpagoſov êvéev käv6ev, Soph. To reproach, Övetât, w, c. acc. pers, or c. dat., often c. acc. of the fault, dat. pers, or sometimes c. eis and acc. pers, fut mid. in pass, sense; trirâjiaow, only act, in this sense, c. acc. or c, dat. pers., also c. acc. rei, dat. pers, sometimes c. dat. rei, and no case of the person; Aéyxa, only act, in this sense; kākiſo; + éovetàiſo; ºf Švo Topčw, c. gen, acc.; + devváço. See To blame, To revile. To utter reproaches against a person (esp. in his absence), 8Aao (pmuéo, c. sis and acc, or karð or repl c. gen. To fia: a reproach on, Švelö0s &yw, c. dat., Soph. To reproach a man with his age, uvmaticalcão'ai Tºv #Aircíav, Ar. To bear a reproach, ùveið0s &vaipéopal, Soph. 3:47 Reproachful—Resentment tt is made a subject of reproach, Öveiðigetal, impers, One must reproach, Öveiðuatéov. Reproachful, ºf keptówtos, ov; ; Śvetâto Th9, fipos, 6, only masc.; ºf Aotöopos, ov. Without reproach, +’āAotöopos, ov (doubtful whether in act. or pass, sense); in pass, sense, f'éAotööpmtos, OV. Reprobate, Távořpyos. To reprobate, ’āroatpépoua, pass, in act, sense. See To blame. Reprobation, $60,0s. See Blame. Reproof, Čiriamibis, j. See Blame. To reprove, Aotöopéa (even amicably). Blame. A reptile, ##pretov. A republic, toxireſa ; (i. e. a republican form of government) 6muokpátía. Republican, Smuokpáticós. To repudiate, "åptotapal, pass., c. aor. 2, perf. and pluperf act. (perf. pl. sync, often &péataſiev, etc., and part. & peatós, òoa, etc.), and c. fut, mid., c. gen. Repugnant, Évávttos, c. gen, or c, dat. A repulse. See Defeat. To repulse, 3660, fut. 30%aw and &ow, the remain- ing tenses from the latter fut.; ’āAéča, only pres. (fut. &Aéčouai, also in pres. sense) and aor. 1. hNečáumv ; 'âtrexativo, fut. &reAáo w, etc.; &rokpobo; &mokórto, no perf act. ; +’āq to Tmut, in pres, imperf. fut, and aor. 1. To be repulsed, &Tošićgopal, pass. One must repulse, #&Two Téov. Reputable, KaNôs (ā Att., & elsewhere), comp. Kań- Aidov, káAAtotos. See Honourable. Reputation, 66%a (very seldom in a bad sense), āştwo is, h; phun; +@#ris, h; + k\mööv, ovos, i. A good reputation, eúðočía, eiðokiuſa; eibokiumats, i ; (bad) 6vskàeia. - They have the reputation of being ..., 56%av čxovoſiv eival, Plat, or ö, ä, ös eigtv... Dem. The reputation of virtue, j číoo is tis 'épetfis, Thuc. To have a good reputation, eúčoiciuéa, only act. ; eißočéo, only act. Being in high reputation among the citizens, &v év &šićuari Štrb Tāv &aróv, Thuc. To be reputed, Öokéw. See To seem. A request, Xpeta; airmous, eas, h; altmua, Tó. To request, airéa, often c. gem. acc., sometimes c. prep. trpès or trapſ, and gen, pers, or c, acc. pers, and infin. rei. See To ask. See To To require, TàpéräAéo, perf. -kékAmka (esp. as thing requires so-and-so). To require (i. e. to wal q. v.), 6éopal, fut. §efiorouai, aor. 1. pass. É6eñ6mv, act sense, c. gen.; Trposöéopal, c. gen. w It would require a long discourse to relate all th. things clearly, pakpoi A6 yov čeſ Taijt’ trečeň6 Topós, AEsch. That which one is required to do, to trapakaAoûpºevov, Requisite, ’āvayicatos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Nec Saºy. Requital, t’âuotéfi ; +55atov (esp. of an injur + &vtſtrouva, Tá. f But they expecting to receive a requital for the bene which they had previously conferred, oi 6é Koprieto 6 Tposëokövtes &v &v Tpointápéogiv, Isoc. He has requited me with this cruel requital, kaka? Toivais Taio 6e u” &mueflato, AEsch. To requite, àpietéopal, mid., no pass.; &vräuetéopºd éctivo; &vrièpáa, often c. gem. acc.; ’āuivouai, mi and poet, act. &pièvo; &vtuteſvo, c. acc. of what done in requital, c. &vti and gen. of the deed requite To requite a benefit, &vrevepyetéo, äutevirotéo, + & 6ütroup'yéw. To receive in requital, &uriNapéâv. fut. —Ajibouai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —é\ášov, per —eſampa; a benefit in requital, &vtevTáoxw, fu —retorouzi, no aor. 1, aor 2. —étá00v, perf. Trétrov6a To rescind, pietàyi-yvágico, fut. —yvágopal, no adr. act, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. –éyvaica, etc.; Kä6alpé aor. 2. kaffe?\ov; 'évaipéa. To rescue, oráſa, c, gem. (of the danger) or c. prep +'êtreka & w. To aid in rescuing, givāqalpéop, mid., aor. 2. —élàóumv. To come to the rescue, º To join in coming to the rescue, ovuéombéo. See T deliver. - Resemblance, Šuotótºms, mºtos, #. See Likeness. What resemblance has this to independence 2 Tí Tott Tposílcel Tſi airtovouſa; Xen. To resemble, feiðouai, mid, only in pres. and aor. 1 mid. –eio dumu, c. dat.; eikáçoſal, pass., c. dat, or t Tpös and acc. (see Like). To make to resemble eilcáço', 'ütrelká(w. To resent, Övsqopéo, c. acc. or c, dat. or c. prep. (e. êirl), rare in mid, no pass.; Suspápas àyo. 3 #xw Soph. To cherish resentment, uumorikékéw, only c. neg, sometimes c. dat, of the person against whom, c. gen of the cause. - - Resentful, + širicotos, ov. See Awgry. Resentfully, i ijtepicóras. Resentment, àpyń. See Anger. 348 eservation, ºptºſis, eas, i. o reserve, kataAeſtrouai, mid. reserve, étritdagopal, mid. o be kept as a reserve, &tórceipal, fut. -ketorouai. eserve (troops), Fépeãpos, ov. The reserve, oi été. Taktoi. The reserve cavalry, oi reptogol intreſs, Xen. eserved (of a person), kpupivovs, -vovy; oteyāvés. reservoir (for water), Šešáuevil. 0 reside, oikéw, act, and mid., also perf. and aor. 1. pass., usu, c. acc. of place, but also c. prep. See To dwell. esidence, officuous, ews, ii (both of the place and of the act). resident, oikātap, opos, 6; oilcmths, 09, 6; † oikm- thp, fipos, 6, See Inhabitant. esidue, trepixelpºpa, āros, té. 0 resign, Meðimpu (; Att, i elsewhere), c. acc., in mid. c. gen.; & pinput. See To give up. mpire which it is no longer in your power to resign, &px?) is oiâ’ &catfival éta Šuiv čotiv, Thuc. esin, Émtivn. esinous, Éntivā6ms, 0 resist, àv6ío Tapai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act., and fut. and aor. 1. mid., c, dat. or c. Tpos or eis and acc.; &vritetva, c. dat.; &vTéxo, and pres. &vti- oxa, fut. &v0éo, etc., c. dat. or c. Tpos and acc.; &vtiéatva', not in fut. or aor. 1. act, aor. 2. —éémv, c. dat, or c. Tpos and acc.; Stäuäxopat, fut. Att.-uaxoß- ual, c. Tpos and acc., or c. uh and infin. or c. to ph and infin.; āvráyoutſouai, mid, no pass, in this sense, c, dat.; &VTaipa, c. dat., or c. Tpos and acc., also in mid. &vraípopual Xeipas, ŠTAa, etc., no pass. To resist on terms of equality, àvtapkéw. ble to resist, attapkhs, c. Tpºs and acc. esistance, évavtićtms, mtos, i. esistible, f'itootáTös, Öv. esisting, &vtítovos, ov. 0 resolve, 5tavoéouai, mid, aor. 1. pass, both in act. and pass. sense. See To intend. me must resolve, BovXevréov and BovXevréa. esolutely, ºf kpārepôs. - esolution, BovX? (see Determination). A resolution (i.e. vote, decree passed by an assembly, etc.), 66/pa, tó. See Vote. nd the Peloponnesian ships contributed in no slight degree to this violent resolution, kal trposévvex480yto oùic éAdxtortov Tſis àppiis ai IIexotrovvmata's vijes, Thuc. To place (troops) in Reservation—Responsible To resort, poiráo, only act. (esp. to a tutor), c. prep. See To go. One must resort, ſpoutmºtéov. They who form the court of last resort, oi to repas éxovires, Dinarch. A resort, f €Tuotpopf. See Haunt. To resound, ktütréal, aor. 2. čktütrov, no perf, only act. (except in Ar., who has pass. in the same sense); éirmXéw, T âvtikååſo; + &vtup0éy'yogal, mid. See To sound. Resounding, +&vtårötos, ov. Resource, ’ārootpoſph, c. gen. of that which it is a resource against, or of that which can be provided, trāpaakevil. To respect, Kakatóéopal, 'ütrauðéopal ; and in Trag, ºf aibéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass.; jöé00mv in Bet, sense; aioxivouai, mid.; StevXàééouai, mid. c. nor. 1. pass, in act. Sense. To respect in turn, &vtatáčokai, To abstain from (doing so and so) out of respect, gééopal, only pres, mid., c. infin. or c. acc. Respect, aidès, j : évtpoth, Tpopumbia, Tpopuj6 sta, To feel respect for, show respect to, äxaſ Tpounčíav, c. gen, Éxo èv Tpop.m.0íg ..., c. acc., Eur.; uoſpaw Toléopal, c. acc.; Moºpav véuw, c, dat.; so uoſpaw Metſova véuw, AEsch, - To have proper respect shown one, Tà elicóra Śavpd o- |al, Thuc. In respect of, Tepl. c. gen, or c. acc.; Tpos, c. acc., very rarely c. gen,; Tpos Aéryov, or eis A6-yov, AEsch. Dem. In respect of number, TAff00vs ékati, AEsch. In every respect, Távtºm, Tavráxii, Tavtåxós. See Altogether. Respectable, évriuos, ov. See Honourable, Saying what any respectable man would never have ventured to say, eipmic&s & Tis oilk &v čkumo'e Táv perptov &v0p6trav (p6éyéagèal, Dem. Respectably, eú0%muóvos. Respectful, ºf aičáqipov, ovos, 6, #. speeches, aiboſot Aéryot, Æsch. Respectfully, aidofws. Respiration, "åvárvevo is, eas, i. Respite (from evils, etc.), 6tákwxft. Respite from misfortune, oxoah kakoú, Soph. Resplendent, Aapirpós. See Bright. To respond, 'êträuetéopat, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in act. sense. See To answer. Response, ’āTókpious, ii. See Answer. Responsible, 'üreğüvos, ov; ‘ūTaituos, ov; +'été). Tyvos, ov. - Respectful See Breathing. 349 Responsibility—Result ſo be responsible for fortune, trpositréxaſ Tās Túxms, Dem. Responsibility, but we who shall have the greater share of the responsibility for what happens either way, of rep 5: Ical rôv Štroëalvávrov to TAéov ćit’ &pſpó. Tepa tiis airtas Éogev ..., Thuc. Responsive, foivºs, by, c. dat.; +ávripovos, ov. Rest, 'évéravois, ews, h; traßAa, ’āvāravaa; ’āvakixh, often c. gen. of evils from which. Rest at intervals, 8tävärava is, eas, ii. See Respite. A rest (for a spear), trp060Aff. The rest, 6 &AAos (when taken by itself usu. in pl.), 6 Åoutrós; 6 Tiaotiros. - To rest, act. (i.e. cause to rest, give rest to), traúa (imperf. traßeo stov, even in Soph.), no perf. act., often c. gen, of the toil from which ; 'êvãTaiw, jorixáſw. Resting his aged feet on his bed, 'ympatov Tóða 3-plutous iaiſov, Eur. To rest, intrans. Traùouai, mid. and pass., often c. gen. of the toil from which, etc.; 'āvāraīopal, éictatouai, Awqºw, joixágo; to rest for a while, $tatraúouai. To rest on, êykAivouai, pass.; Éricaivopal. Not resting, oi, kāpittov yövv, AEsch.; so Käutta, kóAa, Soph.; and even réuttwby itself without any C&Ses - To rest a day after a journey, juépeta Keaetºov, AEsch. To rest one's oars, kaðimpu tês kötras, Thuc. A resting-place, ékºrpoth; kátáAüois, h; kārāyāytov. .4 resting-place or resting time, ’āvūtravtſiptov. A resting-place for strangers, Ševčotáois, ews, i Restive, uáxmrikós. To be restive, yopyáopat, pass. Restitution, diróðoots, ews, i. Restless, 'ükätäoréros, ov; +’ākotuntos, ov; +8ws- kārāmravaros, ov; +’ávi'êpvros, ov. Restlessly, 'ükätartúrws. To be restless (so as to rise early), tºp6pečw, and mid. - Restoration, diróðooris, eas, j; ’āvāyayyń. To restore, ’āroötöwu; 'âtroſpépa, fut. droforw, aor. 1. dirfiveyka, aor. 2. dràveykov. To restore (i.e. re- establish) what has fallen, etc., lit. or metaph.; ’āvop- 6ów; diviorrmul, only pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. in act. sense. To aid in so restoring, orijvávio tmpt. To restore (exiles, etc., to their country, etc.), kārāya, Károticſſo; (the dead to life) +’āvāyw. To join in restoring eviles, ovykaráyw. To be restored (to one's former strength, etc.), "š 'bépouai, pass.; from ea'ile, káretut (–téval). - The eaſiles who had been restored, oi katex86VT Xen. You restored my country, which was tossed in troub to prosperily, tàv Šušv Yav év távols dAſſovoay ôp6öv oëptoas, Soph. - One must restore, 'üroëotéov. Restored, ‘āváðotos ov. Not to be restored, ºf Öisaykóutotos, ov. To restrain, xa, and in pres. and imperf. taxo, f in this sense oxhow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čaxov, and po (including Trag.) oxe6.ov (this latter aor. has no part often c. gen. of the thing from which, or c. Tow and infin., sometimes c. infin. alone; ſcatéxw, a karioxo, Éréxo and éiríoxo; eſpyw, fut, mid, so times in pass. sense, c. gen. of that from which, or prep., very rarely c. dat., sometimes c. infin., mo usu, c. uh and infin, sometimes c &are u% and infil or c. to ph où and infin. ; diveſpyw, ‘i épmtüw ; restrain feelings, passion, etc., kpátéa, c. gen. The eyes cannot restrain their tears, āppar’ of orté ôā'kpwov, Eur. One must restrain, eipictóov. čvrixmTTéov. Able to restrain, êylºpäths. c. gen.; káràAmirtuzës, gen. Unable to restrain, 'dicpáths, c, gen.; i 'drºp Twp, opos. 6. Easy to be restrained, kā9ekrós; eWică0ektos o Difficult to be restrained, 8vská6ektos, ov. Restraint, kóNiigis, ews, i. Without restraint, 'êveuévos. Without restraint, adj. F 'âvelpºvos. To restrict, kātākāetw. Restriction. See Limitation. To result, 'êtroëaiva, fut. –ého opal, aor. 2. —éém perf. —6éémica, no other tenses in this sense, often adv. of motion to (e.g. oi, Štrol, etc.); avpéatva, trepiºſyvouai, fut. —yevågopal, no aor. 1., aor. –eyevéumv, perf. —yé yova and yeyévnual ; # Tp Baívo. To result uneapectedly by a change of circum stances (usually for the worse), treptiotapal, pass., aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act. This usually has a different result, pixeſ toūro u taúrm ñétrelv, Soph. - The result, trpáčus, ii (esp. a fortunate result); T âtroëaívovira, Tô &troëöv, to ékéâv. See End. The results of counsels, ai ovuqopal rôv BovXevpatov Soph. 350 - Resume—Return. To resume, ’īvāAaušávo, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor. 1 aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —eixmºpa. One must resume, ’āvāAmtréov. Resurrection, +’āvāotáois, eas, i. To retail, kām;\etw, "rāAiykairmXetw. . 3. A retailer, träAlykärmäos ; ſpotſpáthp, ipos, 6; Tpoſtpárap, opos, 6. A retail shop, travtotréAtov. To retain, piñágora. See To keep. To retake, ’āvāNapéâva, fut. —Ajipowai, no aor. l., aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —eſampa. To retaliate, ávrièpáw, often c. gem, acc.; &vtitrouéo. See To requite. To be retaliated on, &vtitdoxw, fut. —Teigouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —étrá00v, perſ. —Tétrov6a. Retaliation, +’ápotēſ. Retaliatory, &vthrouos, ov. To retard, t Bpäääva. See To delay, To hinder. Retention, käflefts, i. A retinue. f Štúðof ; (esp. on a journey) + noutoſ. To retire, xwpéw, sometimes even c. dat. of a person or enemy before whom one retires, in prose more usu. the comp.; āvaxopéo ; &tépxopal, fut. –exeñorouai, aor. 2. —fix60V ; aegiatáual, pass., c. aor. 2., perf. and pluperſ. act. (sometimes esp. for the purpose of deliberation); Śrečāya and + šir. Tööa ; (as waters after a flood) #Trovoo Téa ; slowly, ‘ūTrekzopéo, some- times c. dat. of him to whom place is given. See To depart. - Will you not retire, oùk &yoffov čkvege? Tóða, Soph. To make to retire, ’āvāxwpiga. Retirement, retiring, the act, *āvāx&pngis, eas, i. See Retreat. To retort, ‘ūtroAagéâva, fut. —Affilouai, no aor. 1 aor. 2. —éAaéov, perf -etamºpa ; Hetao Tpépa. One must retort, pueta.0 rpetréov. A retort, inróAmbis, eas, #. To retrace (one's steps), Balvo Siaſaovs, Eur.; 8. êuokov, Eur.; káurta äuai'aov Šárepov kāAov ráAlv, Eur. To retract, uerátföepal, mid. (to r. and say it is, u. eivat ; to r, and say it is not, u, uh oùk eiwal); ‘āvāri- Beſai ; ’āvāöüouai, mid., c. aor. 2. čvéövy, and perf. act. He cannot at least retract this assertion, oùk to riv airó Tattá y Éuéaxeſv tróxiv, Soph. A retreat, 'êvãxópmots, # ; ’āvākpovo is, h; ‘ūtrāyayy}, •y To retreat, 'üváxopéo, ; 'êtroxwpéw, sometimes c. gen, or c. acc.; āvattirto, esp. in aor. 2. —ereoſov, and perf. -tertwka ; ‘āvāxáçopal, pass, and more rarely âvaxáſw; (esp. of ships) 'évaotéAÅopal, mid. and pass.; ’āvākpotopai, mid. and pass.; also Tpúlvay âvak., Thuc. Ar.; so Tpúpivov ſpotſoual; (of a general, etc., otpatov, etc., being understood) 'éváyo, äva- xwpíſo, &rdyw ; back, iri oréAos &váyw, Širl ok. xwpéa, Eur. Ar.; Éirl Táča àváyw, Xen. To sound a retreat, "åvākāAéopal tă ord Atriyyi, Xen. To retrench (one’s expenses), eis eitéAelav ovatéA- Aopal, Thuc. Retribution, Tio is, eas, i ; + trouſ ; ºf véueous, i ; + träAſpatrolvov. Retributive, f'éuotéatos, a, ov, and os, ov. To retrieve, Having committed a base error, I will endeavour to retrieve it, &paptſav Aioxpóv ćuapi &v &vaNaßeiv relpdaouai, Soph., so Dem. A retrieving, ‘āvāAmyls, eas, i. Retrograde, f Šipoffos, ov; +TäXto airos, ov. Return, vögtos, sometimes c. gen. of the place to which ; ká0060s, j; ’āqoãos, j; 'éváxćpngus, eas, j; €Tráväywy?), t'évao Tpopf. A safe return, ra'- Tnpla ; v6ortiuos owtmpia, AEsch. An unhappy return, v6otos 60svoo ros, Eur. Of, or belonging to, a return, t vão Tipos, ov. A return (i.e. restoration), &tróðoots, eos, i. A return (or account, q.v.), Aeryxos. See Account. To return (i.e. come back, go back, or to return to), voortéo, käretut (–1éval); Śrootpépo, c. fut, mid.; &vao Tpéqw, Távépxoplat; träväka, only act., no aor. or perf.; 'āvāxopéa, ; (esp. from exile) Kátépxopal, fut. –exei orogal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fix00v, perf. —exíAvôa ; káretut (–1éval); ‘āvākout; oual ; from, &Tovoo Téa, c. gen. or c. prep. or c. particle of motion from ; ’ārāyouai, pass. (esp. from prison); with, or at the same time, etc., avy catépxopal, oivá- váxopéa ; safe, àvagágouai, pass., c. eis and acc. To go and return the same day, &ravômºspigo. Return 1 traxtoo vros ortéſze, Eur. I return to the subject of..., &raváyw wavrov ćirl..., c. acc., AEschin. To return (i. e. to give back), 'étobiºwul. To return (i. e. to requite), *āuetéopal, mid. To return (i. e. give in a statement, esp. of one's pro- perty), Öroriudopal, mid. To be returned, to have one's name returned as . . . Tposatroºpépouai, pass., no 'ârâywyh (toº otpateiſuatos); Kätäpevěts, # (also of perf, aor. 1. Tposairmvéx0mv. the place to which one can retreat). One must return, Érávitéov. 35l Returning—Revolt . Returning, or returned, + &/off0s, ov; + vártiuos, ov : träxtutpoſtos, ov; (of a journey) + rāAſu- TAayirtos, ov; + träAtagütos, ov. Returning on one- self (fate, punishment, etc.), Táxi}}oos, ov, contr. —ovs, ovv. The sea returning violently, Širotragévm 8tairepov # ŠáAagoa, Thuc. Deprived of return, t’āvāoriuos, ov (also of a road from which there is no return). Not returning, +’âtrepiºrpotos, ov. Apt to return (of diseases), pixiſtrôortpopos, ov. . Returning, adv. fškoff}ov. In return (i. e. giving, etc.), FéutrāAlv. In return for, prep. &utl, c. gen, To reveal, ékpatva', unvia, f'évol'ya, t'évalrtúo ow, + ékkáAütto. See To declare. To revel, kapadºw ; +&ičareto, only act. in this sense. To revel in, + xAfw, only pres, act.; + XAiöáw, only act., rare except in pres. To rush in like revellers, étrelskapadºw. A revel, kópos, + štágos ; # 84xxevois, i. A reveller, Štáo dàtms, ov, 6; Kwuao-ths, où, 6. A troop of revellers, Štáoros, + ſcópios. A fellow-reveller, to trykapºos, f ovv6tagórms. To revenge, frtuouai, mid., fut. Tiaouai, etc., no pass, in this sense, c. acc., often c. gem, acc.; oneself on, 'éuivouai, mid.; &vritiuapéopal, mid. See To punish. If you wish to revenge your friends, ei kal gots ºptAois ăuvva6civ &éAels, Eur. Revenge, Tipſapia. See Vengeance. Revengeful, uvmaticăkos, ov; +&ykotos, ov. A revenger, 'üuivrap, opos, 6. See Avenger. Revenue, Tpósoãos, i ; Aiupua, T6; trópos, T& Tpos- ióvra ; tā irpostóvta Xpfuara, Lys. To revere, orééa, and –ouai, mid. (the more usu. form in Attic prose, and the only one in Hom.), oréSoual in pass. sense rare, but found in Soph., who also with Plato has aor. 1. pass. Éorépômv in act, sense ; with this exception it is only found in pres, and imperf; ératóéouai ; tāTatēéopal and t aidéopal, and in pres. and imperſ, at?ouai, mid, c, aor. 1. pass. #3é00mu, in act. sense. See To respect, To honour. Reverence, aišćs. An object of reverence, to ééas, also pl. oréém, only nom. and acc. A reverencer, &epairevths, ot, 6. Reverend, aiāolos, a, ov, only in Plat. 0s, ov, compar. —órepos, etc., also –éo Tepos, etc.; oreºvos, iepotſperfis. Reverential, gióñpºwv, ovos, 6, i. 4 Reverentially, alomuðvøs. To reverse, treputpétro. § To reverse the previous decree, ustavvæval tă mpo Sečoyuévo, Thuc. A reverse (of fortune), treptiréréia ; (i. e. disaster q. v.) or påAuo, Tá. There was a reverse of fortune, treptértm or reptéorm key à têxm or tº Tpáygata, Thuc. Meeting or having met with no reverse, &traffäs. Reversed (fortune, etc.), fºrepitretàs; (arms, etc., i. upside down) #Trios. In reversed order, 'üväräAlv. To revert, Trávépxopal, fut. –exečo-opal, no aor. 1. aor. 2. —fix00v, perf. —eaſińv6a. See To return. To review, §§etágo; Turkotréal, fut.-gicé!ouai, othe tenses from this fut.; &ewpéw. i A review, Éérão is, eas, j. A fresh review, rešét * ois, ews, i. A reviewer (of troops), + reputraaths, où, 6, c. acc. o the troops or numbers reviewed. To revile, Aotöopéo, act. c. acc., but mid. c. dat., an so aor. I. pass, in act. sense; '6taXotöopéopal, Tpo TmAákſſo, ötãoipo; +6evváço, only act, no perf. + Susqmuéo, only act.; + širišš00éa, only act.; + 1c3 Košš00éw; kākā, Aéya, kākās Aéya, c, acc. pers., Soph They reviled him with all sorts of abuse, #pagoſov kakoſ toſs Tāoriv, Soph.; so 'épágga, àveiðegiv, Soph. Not reviled, t'éAotööpmtos, ov. Reviling, + Aotöopos, ov. See Reproachful. Reviling, subst. Aotöopia; Aotöäpnais, ‘i. See Re proach, Abuse. A revisal, étávápflaris, eas, i. To revise, étravop66w. w To revisit, Šträvä0s&opal, mid. See To return. To revive, (trans.) &vašiów, only in aor. mid. &večia. ordumv; + Qotriſpéo; (intrans.) 'êvãrvéo, fut. — rved. oropal, Att, also –Tvevoroßplat, etc.; Śavatvéo; āva. 6tów, esp. in aor. 2. -ečíov; &vašićakopal, mid. They revived the accusation, TáAlv #yeipov to Tpāyu Isoc. • To revoke, 'üvåkaxéo, also poet. &yk, perf. —kékänka. etc., more usu. in mid. See To recall. - To revolt, 'éptotapat, pass. c. fut. mid, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act.; plebio Tapai; against, triviotauai c. dat.; beforehand, Tpoapſotauai. To join in re. volting, orivāq to tapal, ovvetrávío Tapai. To cause to revolt, & pio Tnut, only pres, fut, and aor. 1. act.; Me6tormul; besides, toosaptatnut; at the same time, givāq ſatru, - 352 Revolt—Ridi Those who revolt, and those from whom they revolt, oite &pigtäuevot kal & p” &v 6takpivouto, Thuc. One must revolt, &lroatatéov. A revolt, '&Tóa Tão is, eas, h; éträváo Taois. To revolve, act, ÉNtorow, also poet. eixtoo w; pleTaqtpé- ‘pa (see To consider); intrans, (esp. of the stars, etc.), more usu. otpéqouai, mid. and pass., and + atpépa; āvakvkxéw; treptăyouai, pass.; tıkökxéa, and -opal, pass.; with, at the same time, orivävärvicAéopol, pass. Revolving (as years, etc.), eixópevos, + trepiteAAéue- vos, FiXXópevos; + kökåås, #60s, 6, #; (of the con- stellations, the earth on its axis, etc.) + Otpoſpas, ãö0s, 6, #. Revolution (of years, of the stars, etc.), kū'KAos, pl. oi and tâ; treptºpopd; treptoãos, jj; atpuph, + trept- otpoſph; (in a state) uétáo Tào is, eas, ii; Metá60Aft; veðtepa trpáyuata, Isoc. #he causing or attempting to cause a revolution, veate- porotia, weateptopós. A conspiracy to effect a revolution, ovvopoata vetotépov Trpayuátov, Thuc. To revolutionise, to aim at revolution, or at revolu- tionising ..., weatepf9o, only act.; veðtepóv Ti trotéa, Xen.; veotépov Tpaypad twwéirifluuéw, Isoc.; veóTepa Tpdygata év tái TôAet yewé00al BoöAouai, Lys. One who aims at revolution, veatepotrotés. To reward, 'épétéopal, mid., no pass. See To re- quite. Reward, puto 0ós; 30Åov, and poet. (including Trag.) #e3Nov; Tiuft; + o-repāvapa, Tó; for saving life or Jor bringing up, f icóptotpa, Té; for giving informa- tion, ºffivöTpov, in pl. A reward for a runaway slave, 600Aov oróatpa. A reward for bringing the dog, küvös käulotpa, Eur. As a reward, equivalent to a reward, #&utiuatos, ov. They offered a reward to any one who should kill them, étrave?irov &p'yūptov Tó & roleteſvauti, Thuc. Rhapsody, floºſa. Rhetoric, Émtopeta, ā Āmropich, to 5m topikóv. Rhetorical, Émropicós. Rhetorically, fintopicós. - - A rhetorician, Éhrop, opos, 6. See Orator. To be a rhetorician, Émtopeča, only act. of the person. Rheum, kārāşşovs. Rheumatic, fiewpºráðms. Rhythm, 550wós; good, sipúðuta; bad, Ȧwta. Rhythmical, eúpv6 u0s, ov; fiv6 uicós Not rhythmical, &£550wos, ov; 7'0puoros, ov. Rhythmically, eipij'690s. Not rhythmically, à ºði'990s. To be not rhythmical, Ȧwéw. Rib, TAsupó, usu. in pl.; ºf TAeſºpov, usu. in pl. A rib of beef, foxexis, iè0s, i. •. Ribald, eitpâtrexos, ov. Ribaldry, Bouoxoxia, Top Teta;+ 8wpoxoxstuata, td. To attack with ribaldry, troutreča, c. gen. Rice, àpvQa. Made of rice, àptvöms, ov, 6. Rich, (of a person) TAoûotos; ’āqvetos, a, ov, and os, ev, and +&pveós; ŚAétos; Toxixpüoros, ov; * *o- Avictſuwu, ovos, 6, #; (of life, circumstances, etc.) épôovos, ov, comp. —éatepos; (of land, etc.) riov, ovos, 6, #, also fem. I trielpa, comp. —órepos; 836ts; (in appearance, and of feasts, etc.) Airãpós; in land, ân the treasures of the earth, f TAovtóx0av, ovos, 6, #; jor many generations, &pxatóTAoutos, ov; träAatóTAov- Tos, ov. Newly rich, veóTAoutos, ov. Very rich, “itréptAouros, ov; +&TAovtos, ov; + eifox60s, ov. The richest, oi Tà Tpót’ &Aélopºevol, Eur. To be rich, TAovtéo, only act., c. gen, or c. dat. be very rich, ‘ūtreptăovréa. - Riches, TAoûtos ; Xphuāta, td.; A60s. Newly acquired riches, &pti"TAovta xpſiuára, Eur. Riches and health, +TAov6üyſeta. According to one's riches, TAoutivömv. Eager pursuit of riches, piaſtwovros ‘āuiv\a, Eur, See Covetousness. Delighting in riches, +TAovroynóñs. A government of riches, +TAovtokpátía. Giving riches, i öX6066tms, ov, 6, and fem. ÖAéoö6- Telpa; 'FöAŠtóðapos, ov; ; ŚAéoq6pos, ov. See To To enrich. Founder of the riches of a family, &pxétraoutos kal käTag Târms 56pov, Soph. A divider of riches, +xpmuárobairns, ov, 6. With the golden riches of my dowry, Övov obv troAv- Xpügg, XAtöñ, Eur. Richly, e3, TAovo'ías, &p6óvas. To rid, ékká0aipa, c. gen. of the thing removed, some- times c. acc. when it is to get rid of ; +’āvmuepów (a road of monsters, so as to make it safe), c. gen. To get rid of, 'üpäviſo; kátátföepal, mid.; Éopigo; ’āraāAdoora (esp. of a person, as an accuser, or an adverse speaker, by frightening or corrupting him, or a creditor, etc. etc.), also -opal, pass. c. fute mid.; + pe6ímpli. To wish to get rid of, 'ütraXAašetw, only pres. act. 4. A 353 Riddle—Right A getting rid of, ºpävirts, h; 8two is, i. Easy to get rid of, eúðtd.XAaktos, ov. Difficult to get rid of Śāstrepittos éo, AEsch. A riddle, Ypºpos. See Enigma. To speak in riddles, aivio.o.opal, mid, pass, only in perf. and aor. 1. of what is said. One who speaks riddles, faiviktºp, fipos, 6. To ride, in Teto, sine cas, or c, čirl and gen, sometimes c. dat., no pass., but act. used (by Xen.) in pass, sense of the horse ; irráçopal, mid., also pass.; Agüvo, fut. éAéro, Att, sometimes éA@, éAós, etc.; thu itTāoriau Toléopal, Xen, ; against one. another, &v6ttrireča ; away, & pittetºw, &TeXaiva. To ride by, Tápiirireſ w; TápéAaúva, sometimes c. acc. of the horse; down (i. e. trample on) + Icáðuttreſſw; on, êtroxéopal, pass., c. dat.; over, fºråputtreča, c. acc.; round, trepiexačva ; through, ēlexativo; towards or forward, trposeXaúvo, sine cas. or c. dat.; Tpositireto, TpoeAaúva. ; up, ‘ûireAaúva. Lesl he should ride after me, wh: ... We . . . uétéA6m Toxico’s Ötöyplagi, Eur. To make a person ride, 6x60. Jne must ride, éAâtéov. A ride, riding, itTeto, itTúata; +?irtrevua, Tó; tym- ots littrov. Something to be ridden, äxmpa (Kavčápov, a riding beetle), Ar. A rider, it rebs, 6; irrötms, ov, 6; it trečs; + it trev- ths, où, 6; fittośātms, ov, 6; Éirepéârns, irirov. Riding on, T âq eópos, ov, c. gen. Skilful in riding, irtricós. Very skilful in riding, Tāvū étroxos, Xen. Riding skilfully, adv., iirtrikós. Awkward in riding, 'épittiros, ov. Awkwardness in riding, "åputritic. Fit for riding (a horse), irraorths, 05, 6; it raatös, ôv; (ground, a district, etc.) intrãoiuos; eiſiäätos, ov. Unsuited for riding in, ‘ābitritos, ov. A ridge, Adºbos; + 6elpês, #80s, h; +53xia. See IIill. Like a ridge, Aoq6öms. Ridicule, kārūyexas, wros, 6, To ridicule, yeXów, fut, -ãow, c. gen. or c, čirl and dat, or c. acc.; kátáyeAda, ćy'yºAda); ‘f éykātū- A&Trø, only act, c. dat, ; besides, trposxAevdºw ; previously, trpoštågåpa, A ridiculer, i yeX&oths, où, 6; + £yyeXaorths. Ridiculous, ye Moſos; karayéAao ros, ov; + yeXoto- totös, Öv. Very ridiculous, TayyéAotos, ov; ‘ûtep- 'y&Aotos, ov. Ridiculously, yeXotos, kātāyeXáq-ws, A riding-school, Yvuváriov in Törpotov, Eur To rifle, 6taptá(w. See To plunder, A rift, F &ypós. See Cleft. Rifted, + štajń&ć, 6)0s, 6, #, Tó, To rig, ÖTAtçaº, kā00TAiſa. Rigging, + šTAa, Tá. - Right, subst. Silch; &éuts, ii, gen. ió0s, acc, ly; often used indecl., as, they say that it is right, ºpaqi &éuis eival, Plat., what is not righl, to pºl &éuis, AEsch.; to Šćov, Rights (a person’s rights), yépas, a0s, to, pl. yépata and yépa; Tpeg Setov, f. bicatov. See Justice. Right, adj, (i. e. proper, suitable), etc., fºotos, a, ov, and os, ov; Śptios; Tposíkov, ovga (esp. neut.), to Tposſikov, T& Trposhkovta ; so 6éov (see Becoming); (i.e. correct) āp6ós; (of a soothsayer) 3Aérov, ovara, —OEdipus fears lest the prophet be right (i. e. Tiresias, who was blind), wh9Aérov & Advtus à, Soph.; (of the hand, or any part of the body on that side) beștés; +öešićviſuos, ov. On the right, to the right, adj. 3étés; évôégios, ov; Tióéčios, ov. Lying above one on the 'right, Útrepôé$10s, ov. t To be right (guess rightly, say rightly, etc.), t Tvy- xávo, fut. Teščopal, aor. 2. čtixov, only act.; + Küpéo, imperf. Éicipovy and ékúpov, fut. Kiphow and kūpaw, so aor. 1., no perf., only act,; + šp06opal, pass. To be in the right, kpâtéo, öp6060ééo. - You are right, £icupolas a kotov, AEsch. Giving what name, O lady, to your grievous fate, shall I be right 2 tiva Tüxav orétev 8apūtrotuov, yūval Tposavööy Tüxo; Eur,; so ti viv Tposetta Ical Tixo, padā’ eiotopºv; HEsch. . w The right hand, beftā, with and without Xelp. See Hand. On the right, to the right, etc., ºf €vöéčia; Xelpös eis tº Šešić, Soph.; T or trapò or eis 66pv, Xen. I have a right to ..., Sicaiós eigl, c. infin.; c. infin.; 5ucaías &v, c. opt., Plat, I think that I also have a right to obtain the same credit as they, jºyoſual kāpºol irposákely tiis airfis 66&ns ékeſvous rvyxávelu, Isoc. . The cities think that they have a right to treat their rulers as I might treat my servants, Ϩ u ai tróAets toſs &pxovoſiv Šstrep yd toſs oikétais Xpilotal, Xen. Who has a better right 3 tis uſaxov čvöicórepos; AEsch. Having no right,’ārūpos, ov, c. infin. of doing anything, or c. gen. of anything over which. - &étés eiut, In possession of one's rights, éiritiuos, ov. 354 Right—Risk A being in possession of one's rights, étritiuia. To think right, dićtów, §icatów, ºf éiračićw. It is right, Xpſ; imperf. §xpmv and Xp?v (both Att.), c. acc. pers., rarely c. dat.; Xpedºv čott. See It becomes. To right (i. e. to set right, etc.), kátop660, €Távop0ów, and Föp0ów, eú0āva, ŚTevfliva, kārev0üvo, + petap- wóga. We have got into the right way, eis 66by Bešíkapev, Eur, - Righteous, Šicatos, o, ov, and os ov, See Good, Just. q Righteousness, Sikatooijun. Rightly (righteously, etc.), ei, Siraſas, évôicos, àp66s, Föp63, † travóficos. See Well. Rightness, àp0órms, mºtos, ii. Rigid, 'ékauirtos, ov; ; otépéós; + arefiftös (esp. of necessity, etc.); † reptoriceAfts. Rigidity, Otepećtms, mtos, i ; (of manner, etc.) tricpia. Rigidly, oregåós. Rigorous, xàAeros, trikpós, Rigorously, 'üºpiš0s, tripós. Rigour, Tikpótºms, mros, j. See Severily. A rill, FAišös, Öos, j, also irreg, acc. Ağa. A rim (of anything), xe?Aos, Tó; i trepiºpop.os. A rind, ºf Aetris, (30s, j. A ring (for a finger), ŚaktüAtos. That part of the ring which holds the stone, pºdivöpg. ring of people, FicticNos, pl. oi and Tá. To secure with rings, ºf Kipków. The art or trade of a ring engraver, SaktüAtoyAüqta. To ring (as metal, etc., rings), ºf KAáço; + icoptéa, only act. To ring, cause to ring (as a person rings a coin to try it), kpoto, ‘f kabovíſo, + 'évákočovića). A ringing sound, ºf kópatros, + käväxj. A voice ringing in one's ears, évauxos pévm, Plat. A ring-leader, éénynths, où, 6. A riot, Sópü60s. See Tumuli. Riot (i.e. licentiousness, q.v.), i. papyörms, mºros, i. Riotous (i. e. tumultuous, q. v.), Täpäx6öns; (i. e. licentious) dicóAao Tos, ov. Riotously, Te0opüğmuévos. To rip, 6tatéuva. See To Tear, To cut. To rip up old sores, träAaiú &vaôépouai, Ar. Ripe, &pgios, sometimes c. gen, of that for which a person or thing is ready, or c. infin.; Tétrav, ovos, 6, it, compar. Tetraitepos, etc.; ‘āčpós; † Tréteipos, a, ov, A A A 2 and os, ov, sometimes c. Gat. of that for which a person or thing is ripe; tākpatos. To be ripe, ‘ākućgo, only act, ; ‘dāpāopal, pass.; āpyda. To ripen (i. e. to make ripe), retratva', 'Göpāva. Ripeness, ’ākuñ; ápatórms, mºros, i. A ripening, Škireikis, eos, ii; Trétrava is, eas, i. Ripening (i.e. calculated to ripen), tetravtticos, c, gen. A ripple, hºppikm; +yéAagua, Tó. To ripple, intrans., pptorow. To rise, 'üvia tapal (very often as a mark of respect or courtesy); so êtrăvia Tauai; so êaviotauai, some- times c. gen. of the place from which, sometimes c. dat. pers. in respect to whom ; + špwiſpat, mid., fut. ôpoſſual, aor. 2. &péumv, part. Fäpplevos (generally, also esp. of rising from sleep, etc., also as noises, storms, etc., rise); (as the sun) divéxw, also pres. and imperf poet, duioxa, aor. 2. divéoxov, only act.; ’āvā- TéAAw, also sync. dur., and –opal, pass, or mid. (also as fire, or a river, or the hair on a young face, etc.); (as the wind) aiāvouai, pass., aor. 1. mià6my, etc.; (as a river at its source, or the springs of a river) dvaðiðapu (chiefly in pres. in this sense); (as prices) éiriteſvouai, pass.; (as an article rises in price) éritiuáopal, pass. ; ovvriuáouai ; against (esp. in revolt), árávio Túpal, c. dat.; up against (resisting), ºf dutăvía Tauai, c. dat. To be the first to rise up against, Tpoeëavío Tagal, c. eis and acc. To rise up in haste, 'évopota; in opposition (as a wall, etc.), durávezat. To rise above, out of, etc., Štrepéxw, sometimes c. gem.; towards, +Tposauréaxa, for trposavat.; at the same time, avvaviotapat. To make to rise, &vío Tmut, in pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act.; at the same time, givávio tmput. See To Taise. | One must rise, Širãvao Târéov. A rising, 'êvãroX3), sync. &vtox3 (esp. of the sun, etc.); €tirox#; ‘ūtrāvāo ròous, eas, ii (esp. from one's seat to show respect). Rising ground, to èpfftov, Xen. t; Rising above, firepreafts, c. gem. Risk, kivöövos. An action or enterprise full of risk, kivāśvevuo, Tó. To risk (or run a risk), kuwööveča, c. acc. or c. infin., no mid, but pass. ; trictvövveto, ötaſcivovveto, icüşeāo; #into kívöövov (metaph, from throwing dice), Fur.; also Túpaññírta (kſvöövo, being understood), 355 . s. - Risking——Boast sine cas, or c, acc. of the thing risked ; &vaßſtra, (with and without civö.). To risk first, trpotoAgów, c. infin. - To risk everything (lit. one’s life), Tov repi juxās 6pópov Tpéxa, Ar. At one's own risk, ricučivals; Stotels Tov Stov Icívövvov, Dem. Risking one's life, Wuxhv rpoSáWAov čv kūSouri Saſuo- vos, Eur. One must risk, or must run a risk, kuwövvevtéov, Šia- kivövvevtéov. There is a risk, Kivävuetel, impers. c. infin, A risking, ‘āTokivāūvevois, ; Tapakivöövévois, A rite, Seoplás. 4 sacred rite, TeXeth, usu, in pl.: + téAos, Tó; +6ata; ºf ipºla, Té. To celebrate sacred rates, Öpyićſo, sine cas, or c. acc. of the rites, only act. Belonging to, used in Sacred rites, āpyaoticós. A rival, &vrāyaviaths, où, 6; FävtåröAos; +träAal- oths, où, 6; t évo Tárms, ov, 6; in love, &vtépao Tís; in any art, &uttrexvos. The rival party, Tô &vtåráAov. To rival, &vráyovigouai, mid., c. dat.; ‘āuixAáouai, mid., c. aor. I. pass., c. dat, or c, trpos and acc.; Éi. 0.60%al, pass., c, dat.; T to &vtirãAov ćpxopal, Eur.; one another, &v6äuxAéopal, mid.; in love, H &v- tepéo, fut. -áow, c, dat. of the person rivalled, c. gen. of the object. To act as a rival, pińovelkéw, only act. To desire in rivalry, &vretriðūuéa, c. gen. rei. To serve (as choregus) in rivalry of another who is alsc serving, &vövſpiotawat (xopmyós). Rivalling (inclined to rival, etc.), piñáriuos, ov, c. Tpos and acc, pers., c. Éirl and dat. of the pursuit in which, or c, trepl and gen, ; piñóveikos, ov; evăuix- Aos, ov, c. dat, or c. Tpos and acc.; pguiñA0s, ov; ’āuiñAmricós. Rivalling, adv. čváutxàws. All rivalling one another in good-will, süvotas ŠpapíA- Aov Tāori ketplévns, Dem. That he might eacite them to rivalry in doing good to one another, iva . . . p4ataAov trouhop to trouéïv &A- Aft\ovs eş, Dem. - Rivalry, Śpis, ió0s, acc. iśa and iv, #; ’āyavigabs, qiaovelicía, pi\otiuta. An object of rivalry, adj. Épéulxxos, ov. In a spirit of rivalry, piāoveſicos, sometimes c. rpès and acc.; pińotiuws. A river, trotégés ; pésópov, contr. §eºpov (the only form in prose, and the more usual form in Trag., ex- cept in chor., though fiéeópov does occur in iambics); É60s, Att. also 500s (but the uncontracted form the most common); Éeºpa, Tó; theos, to, only nom. and 800, --- The river Simois, 6xerol Xiuočvriot, Eur. Of a river, on a river, etc., + Totăulos, a, ov, and os. O}/. Near, on a river, etc., träpäirotéulos, ov; fem. &xe- Awls, tºos, j (esp. of a city). Proceeding from a beautiful river, ºf ka?Airótápos, ov Lying between two rivers, i öitrótágos, ov. A rivet, #Aós. To rivet, ortmpſº. A rivulet, ‘ūöättov. A roach, Bátis, i50s, i. Looking for roaches, Bátíðoorkómos. A road, 660s, h; Fötoãos, oluos ; + kéAev60s, #, pl. at and Tá; † 66tgua, Tó; +Tópos. See Path. A car- *iage road, ‘āpaśirbs, ii. A road by (a place), Túpo. 30s, h. A road to, esobos, poet. also êsoãos, j. See Approach. - - A meeting of three roads, Tptoãos, ii. - Of, or belonging to, or on the road, seen on the road, etc., ávóðios, poet, eivöö., ov; +8810s, ov. To make a road, 660Totéa, only act.; &vaxávvvut Tºp ôööv, Dem. The making a road, 666troito. A road maker, 660Touás. A road surveyor, 660troués. To forward any one on his road, trp0060totéa, c, dat. A good road, juépa 666s, Plat. To roam, Ölaſpottda ; through, Steipt (–téval). See To wander. To roar, 8püxdouai, mid.; ’āvāśpixãopal, ‘i éképuxá. opal, tſogo; + otévo (esp. of the sea), only in pres. and imperf, act.; + 8pépa', only pres, and imperf, act. and mid.; Śirtépéuw ; against (i. e. demand with a roar that a punishment be inflicted on a person), + étruññougéopal, mid., c. dat. pers.; beneath, t "itro- épéuw; near, firäpäuūkāouai. A roar, uāknua, Tó ; +8péuos ; +8pixmua, to ; qüomua, to (of the wind or sea). Roaring, roaring loudly, (of the sea) + 56910s, a, ov, and os, ov; (of a sea-beaten shore) ‘āAšš000s, ov. Roaring by night, + v.victi'épopuos, ov. See Loud. To roast, Öttdal, sometimes c, gen, of what is roasted (used also by Ar. metaph, as we say, “to roast 356 Roast—Root a man”); ppäyo, ; (in ashes) atrobiſo. See To bake. Roast, roasted, Örros, + atá6evros, + ppvictós. Fit for roasting, Öttövés. Roasting, subst. &rtmots, saws, i. To rob, AaTroööréa, only act. plunder. A robber, àpirač, Šyos, 6, i, fem. ForUAñTelpo, ; on the road, 6600pos. A fellow-robber, fem. ForvåAff- otpa. See Thief. Robbery, kāoth, KAotreia, Amateſa ; verpoorūAía. A robe, Trétraos; +trét}\opa, T6; + grox# ; ºf a toxls, fö0s, ii; (a robe with a train, a robe of state) évotls, fö0s, i. See Garment. With spangled robe, f touciaetuov, ovos, 6, i, epith. of night. With black robe, HuexquirewAos, ov; + we'ayyirov, ovos, 6, j (used metaph, of the mind). See Black. Robust, kaptepbs, i kpārepós. See Strong. Robustness, a 6évos, T6. See Strength. To rock, act, kivéo. See To move. A rock, Térpa, + akóireAos; + atrix&s, #80s, j : + Aétras, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing.; + 6elpês, Š30s, ti. A sunken rock, Éppa, Té; +xopês, Šāos, j (some- times merely a rock). A hollow rock, a ſipayá, ayyos, ºi. A rock full of clefts, + pāpayº, ayyos, i. Rocky ground, ºpéAAta, Tá. Of, or belonging to, a rock, frequenting rocks, ºf Tet- patos. Rocky, Tetpøms, F ºpārataeos, + Terpſipms, F Trérpt- vos (used also of water dropping from a rock); +&v- Tiretpos, ov; (of a district) kpāvaés. Roofed with rock, ºf retpnpeqís. Thrown from a rock (a criminal), ºf terpopäipſis. Made (as a chasm) by tearing away a piece of rock, + AiBooſtrööhs. A rod, or wand, kävév, duos, 6 ; Édé60s, j (of any kind); of office, Baktmpia ; to punish with, pdatić, iyos, j; 54660s, j. To beat with a rod, Égéðiga. Bearing a rod, vapómicopópos, ov; +5&é600x0s. A roe, tpbé, trpoicós, ò, j. Roe (of a fish), icéºxpou, oi. A rogue, Haatiyas, ov, 6 (lit. one who has been whipped); # Tptupa, Tá; +Tpišov, wVos, 6. An impudent rogue, 8avköTávodpyos. Roguery, troumpia (in pl. roguish tricks), wox0mpta. A roguish trick, Trovãpevua, Tó. See To steal, To of the dead, Roguish, u0x0mpós : + štri'Tpittos, ov. Roguishly, pox6mpôs. To behave roguishly, troumpeãouai, mid. To roll, act, küAtvöw, in Ar. and Att. prose also Rö- Alvöéo, rare except in pres. and imperf, act. and pass. and aor. 1. pass. KüAtotºmy, often c. dat. of that towards which a thing is rolled ; ; Śivéo (esp. of rolling one's eyes), sometimes c. dat.; t Tpoxočivéa, +’āvākūkxéo ; towards, éiricvalvöéo, + irpositiºia ; round, replexforgo, trepulcuAivöw ; together, giveAtoga and ovvel».; ovykökAéo. To roll, intrans, caxlvöéopal ; down, kārākūtvöopal, c. perf. pass, katakeköAta'ual ; owl, tekküAtvöopat, pass.; along together, ovycińwöéopal. The Nile rolling over the land, NetAos Kuxivöwy Yatav, AEsch. A rolling, kālais, eas, i. Long rolling words, 'üAlvöðpal étrów, Ar. A roll (of bread), + kóAAić, Ikos, 6 ; + kóAAáš0s. Eating rolls, t koxAikoqāyos, ov. A roll (i. e. muster-roll), Aéryos, käräAoyos. A romance-writer, ut,00Aóyos. Weaving romances, ºf pºvěotrkókqs, ov. Romantic (i. e. Quixotic), pleyāAópüxas, ov. A roof, Téyos, Tó ; Śpoph, ēpopos ; otéyagua, ré + otéym. Fit for a roof, Épéſiuos, ou ; # oreyāvés. Roofed, a Teyvös, oreyāvás. With high roof, ºf Ölpepeq’ſs. Roofless, + &vópopos, ou. Living under the same roof, ‘ūrwpóſpios, ov, c, dat. of the companion, p Room, x&pa. Plenty of room, eipäxopia. To make room for, Tăpăxopéo, c, dat. A room, oikos ; oticmuo, Tá; +6ógos, + tépépuov ; (for living, esp. eating in) 6taitºtăptov. An upper room, intepāov. A man's room, &vöpovirus, ibos, # ; +&vöp&v, &vos, 6. A woman's room, yūwalköv, &vos; 'yvvatkoviris, ió0s, ii. A room for guests, Ševčºv, &vos, 6. From an inner room, ºf pix60ev, Roomy, sipúxopos, ov. A roost, or roosting-place, ºf evil. A root, Étga. The square root, Sivāuis, h; the cube root, Tv6ºv, evos, 6. Two is the square root of four, 6üo Śivatai régo too, Plat. By the rools, f Tpupiv66ev. 357 Root—Rousing With deep roots, ºf 830%igos, ov. | Under the roots, intóðiſos, ov. Torn up by the roots, trpóð5tſos, ov; faitárpeuvos, 07/. Torn up by the roots, adv., +Tpóññigov, Tpáššića. To root, act. (i.e. cause to take root), šišów, also —ouai, pass. (to root, or to be rooted), no mid.; icótá- pićw. To root up, Šictſpeºvigo. Gathering roots, adj., + 51(otóuos, ov. A rooting, fligooris, eas, i. A rope, káAws, 6; otáptov, Tóvos, oxotviov; +xi- Aevua, to ; # TAektí; of a ship, + trpátovot; + troës, troëbs, 6; of a draw-well, f 'luović. A twisted rope, otpopetov. Tied by a rope, ‘i’ orelpatos; forelpâqâpos, ov; forepo- qópos, ov. A rope-seller, f atüirač, Škos, 6; fortviretoiróAms, ov, 6. A rose, 5660V. Rosy (of, or belonging to, or abounding in, roses, etc.), + šočáels, #5óðeos. Full of roses, + troAſſočos, ov. A rose garden, 506avía. A rostrum, Băua, Té. To rot, act. (i. e. to make to rot), of tro, and –opal, pass. in pass. sense, no perf. pass., perf. m. oréamtra in pass, sense, no mid.; karaohiro, and more usu. -opat, pass. Rotation,-coming in rotation (offices, etc.), áykö'- fe?\tos, ov. f Rotten, a 30pbs, gāirpós; (of ships) 6tā'époxos, ov, Rottenly, orč6pós. Rottenness, omite?&v, Övos, ii; orárpátims, mºtos, i. A rotunda, §6Aos, i. To rove, TAévéopal, pass., c. fut. mid. See To 200/2007". A rover, "&Añrms, ov, 6. Rough, tpāxīs, São is ; # otöpAbs, 6v ; † atüpexos, ?), ov, and bs, 6v; (of ground) + šotpatos, ov; to the taste, otpüqvós. Roughly, tpāxéa's ; (i. e. not accurately, as we say, to guess roughly), patºws, TáxiſNós. To make a rough computalion, &To Xepos Aoyigopal, Ar. To make rough, Tpāxīva. Call me rough (if you like) but ..., Tpáxive ... 6., AEsch. Roughness, tpāxīrms, mtos, h. Round, etkülcNos, ov; IrvićAotephs, f ſciſſiºwtos, + kukxéets; + kūkaios, o, ov, and os, ov; + y&rAlos, ov; ; eiſtopvos, ov. Round about steps, ºxym Tepiſpepſi, Xen. In round numbers, uáAlata, Around, kū'kAos, pl. oi and td. See Circle. A round spot on the earth, Tpoxbs yºs, Plat. Round, prep. Tepl. c. gen, only poet, c, dat, usu, of things very near, as of clothes, etc., round the body, but also more generally, and c. acc. of things at any distance ; &upl, c. dat, more usu. c. acc. (not very common in Att. prose). Round, adv, kū'Kåg (in Xen, c. gen.), kū'ka offev. Standing round, trepuatáööv. Anything going round another, reptéoxh, as a scabbard round a sword, Eur.,-ir.orkmvoud tww-armvºl, a tent, Eur.,-T. TTátrup'yos, a wall with seven towers sur- rounding a city, Eur.; so trepittixh 66pov = 6600s, —T. Teixáov = Teixos, Eur. - In all the sun goes round, év j\tov reptirruxats, Eur. To round, Topvetw (lit., and metaph. of verses, etc.), + yoy'yūAAw, only pres. act. To be round (placed round, etc.), trepſicelſa., fut. -keto opal, no other tense, c. dat. (as a wall, a case on anything, a garland, etc.). See To surround. To go round, move round, etc., kökxéa, c. acc. of the thing surrounded (as the sea goes round the earth, 'Okeawbs kviðe: x0éva, Eur), and in pass. c. acc., also c. acc. of the limbs one moves, kvicaéa tróða, —k. Bāgiv,-ic. Éuavrov, Soph. Eur. ; or (to look round) kvkxéo Tpáowtrov, Lit. Šupua, Eur. To move or whirl round, act, + kūkaða. To be round (i.e. circular), kūkāāopal, pass. To go the rounds, épodetw, also in pass. of the posts visited in so doing. One who goes the rounds, pobos. Well-rounded (of a phrase), otpó)YüAos. A rounding, or making round, otpoyyūAwois, i. Roundness, otpoyyvXótºms, mTos, i. To rouse, éyépa, pass, in this sense only in pres. ; ’āvío Tºlui, only pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. in act. sense, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. in pass. sense; 6ppedo, &#ya, kivéo, Riclvéo, + špvvut; (to anger) + petigo; (beasts )out of (lurking places), áčaviatºmut, c. gen, of the place whence, or c. prep. To rouse before. hand, Tpoe'yeſpa. One must rouse, kivmtéov. Easily roused, eiträpäppantos, ov. A rousing, Tāpāppumais, i. 358 Rout—Ruined To rout, okéðávviſu, esp. in pass.; + k\ivo. See To scatter. A rout, piyh, tpoth, and T. uáxas, T. Sopos, Trag. See Flight. Routed (of an army), Steo Tao'ſ vos. Uſerly routed, Tetpaupévos TavrpóTº buyff, Æsch. A row, otoixos, otixos. To row, Épérow ; ÉAzúva, fut. Añoa, etc. To make to row, 'i épetp:6a. Well rowed, ºf efforeAuos, ov; ºf eijipms; + ethpetºos, OW. Fit for rowing, eúñpetuos, ov, A rower, épétms, ov, 6; Trpásicotros ; ŚTºpétms, ov, 6; kóirms ’āvač; petuáv étriotărms, ov, 6, Eur.; of éml Qūyā, Āºsch. [There were three ranks of rowers in the Greek triremes, the uppermost rank, &pävirns, ov, 6–the second, (ii)irms, ov, 6,-the lowest, &éAägirls and ŚāAáutos. Rowing oneself, aitepérms, ov, 6. Belonging to rowers, or to rowing, Épéticós. With three benches of rowers, Tpiñpms. With thirty benches of rowers, Tptălcávropos, ov. See Oar. Rowing, sipedia. A rowlock, ‘i &gicapua, Tó. Royal, BāqīAetos, a, ov, and os, ov; fem. *BāqīAmts and 8&qials, ió0s, i ; +BāgiXicós ; túpavvos, ov; Túpavviſcos, &pxicós. Royalty, rvpavvis, fö0s, h. See Monarchy. To rub, Tpiša, fut. mid, sometimes in pass, sense, some- times c. dat, of that on which ; Śict piéo; down (a horse or any animal in the same way) &Totpíšo, ºftxo ; on or in, Évrptéa, c, dat.; out (so as to efface, q.v.) éča Neſq w; together, orvurpíéo. To rub against, intrans., Tposicváopal, mid., c. dat. ; Tposävärpiéopal, mid, c. dat. (esp. so as to sharpen, metaph, one’s wits, etc.). A rubbing, Tptiſts, # ; # Tpféos. A rubbing in, Év- Tplyis, eos, ii. Rubbing down (a horse), Wiśls, eas, #. Dry rubbing, &mpoTpišia. Rubbish, XAjöos, + popiſtós. Rubble (i.e. small stone to fill up walls with, etc.), xãAić, icos, 6, i. Rubbly, xãAiróðms. A rudder, TmöäAtov; otaš, alcos, 6; † Trépuš, tºyos, i. Having a rudder, TmöäAtatás. Shaped like a rudder, Tmöaxtcºms. Buddle, piatos, ii; Miń60s, ii. Ruddy, Éirtirvâ50s, See Red. A ruddy person, êpv6pías, ov, 6. ov; ; Kpokośāqºls (epith, of blood). Rude. Ticolás; 'üraſoevtos, ov; 'âuovoos, ov;”aypoikos, ov: "Gyptos, a, ov, and os, ov. To be rude, &ypotkiſoual, mid. To do rude things, oricaloup'yéo. Rudely, '&ypoticos, compar. —0tépos; "āploëorws. Rudeness, a kaićTºms, mtos, # ; 'éuovo'ía, ’āypoikſa, 'ātratēevoría. Rudiment, traíðevua, Tó. Rue, Tàyávov. To rue, ueTaylyvágico, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1., aor 2. –éyvov, perf. –éyvoica, etc. See To repent. A ruffian, + Trávoopyos. Ruffianly, Távoopyos, ov. To be a ruffian (to do in a ruffianly way), trávovpyéo. To ruffle, Tàpdoorw, -św. Rugged, tpāxī's, xàAerós; otüpexbs, h, ov, and bs, 6v. Ruggedness, XaAetótºms, mTOs, i. - * Ruin, ÖAé0pos (often of persons), p5opä, ötapôopč, +’ātm; Agua, T6. See Destruction. Utter ruin, travoxe6pta. Ruins, ºf épeſtria, Tá. The ruin (used of a person, i. e. the ruiner), Ajue&v, ãºvos, 6; AUpouthp, fipos, 6; ºf AUpavths, où, 6; +A5. pavtſipios. The ruin, or ruiner, of his family, oikopóópos; oilcórpril, —Tpišos, 6, #. To ruin, ätröNAüſu, fut. Att. ÖAó, etc., aor. 2, mid. &Aówmv, fut. ÖAoûpal, perf. ÖAwAa, in pass. Sense, no pass.; StoAAvul; pºeipo, perf mid. Éptopa, in both act. and pass. sense; 5tap0eſpo, Škºpffeſpa; AVPaívo- gal, mid. and pass.; # 8AAuſu; + 3\epyágopal, mid., perf pass, in act, and pass, sense, aor. 1. pass, in pass. sense; + ščepyāſoual; at the same time (to involve in the ruin), ºf avv6tóAAJut, tº avykätagicóTTw, tº Tpos- 6tap0eſpo. To ruin a family, oikoºpdopéa, and pass., no mid. - To be ruined, §56), esp. in imper., expressing a wish (in Ar. also in fut. ÉÉhow, with imper, sense); + trop6éouai, pass.; +éktop6éopal; t tritta, fut. Te- goûual, no acr. 1, aor. 2. čired ov, perf. Tétroica; + 6tairpáogopal, pass.; in properly, ŚāvāAtolicopat. To plunge of one's own accord into ruin, êicTpäxj^{- (ouai, pass. To go to ruin (as houses, etc.), reputa- Tafféa, fut. —Éeūgopal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. -effinv, perf. —effäänka. To be ruined besides, trapatróAAüpal, Ruined, i öAé0ptos, a, ov, and os, ov; ; ovačuevos. - 359 Ruinous—Running Utterly ruined, Ams; + TâváAeópos, ov; + tróváAms. Ruined beforehand, trp06Ams. Falling down in ruins, épétibiuos, ov. - Ruinous (i.e. causing ruin), ÖAé6ptos, 2, ov, and os, ov, sometimes c. gen. of what to; +'armpós; # Távdº- Aé000s, ov; + tróváAms. See Pernicious. Greatly ruinous, HeyāAătos, ov. Ruinously, Aiyypôs. - Rule (i.e. government), 3pxh; kpáros, tá; Sivagºreſa, jºyepovía. A rule (i.e. law), &equés. A rule (i. e. measuring instrument), otă'997; kävöv, 6vos, 6. Płe laid it down as a rule that a judge ought ..., áiré- Aeve beiv Tóv Šukaarºv, Xen. By rule, according to certain rules of art, Texvikós. To rule, kpāréco, c. gen, sometimes c. dat. or c. prep., very rarely c. acc.; Ériºpatéo; #yewovečw, c. gen. more rarely c. dat, only act, and pass.; ineplovéo; #yéowal, mid. c. gen, or c, dat.; #pxw, in this sense only act. c. fut, mid. (used also in pass. Sense, I shall be ruled), c. gen, or c, dat.; +’āvāoga; Beatróſo, c. gen. or (rarely) c. acc.; + kpārīva'; (as king) 8āori- Aeëw, c. gen. or c. dat.; +’āváo ow; + Kopåvéo, only pres, and imperf act. To rule together with, råpá- 6övaarteño. To be ruled, Tâyeiopiat (esp. of being ruled or united under one ruler). See To govern. A ruler, &pxov, ovtos, 6; #yepºv, 6vos, 6; tāyās; +&pxmyérms, ov, 6; &pxétms, ov, 6; Fépxnyós; (i. e. king, q.v.) Bagińeūs; Śivarths, ot, 6; 5uváo Tap, opos, 6. - Rulers, of épéoróTes, Soph.; of icpároºvtes (once in Eur, without the article), Trag.; to Téaos, AEsch.; T& TéAm, Thuc. Xen.; of év TéAel, Soph. Thuc.; of ev réxel 8ešâres, Soph.; of T& Téam éxovtes, Thuc. Ruling a place, itätrapx0s. Ruler of a people, F&pxéAãos, nom. contr. also &pxe- Aäs. Ruler of many, t Toxikopävos; of all, tºtáv- Tapxos. Skilful in ruling, fit to rule, &pxicós. To rumble (in the stomach), thu Yaotépa 6iakopicopi- ºyéo, Ar. A rumbling, t Kopkopiyā. A subterraneous rumbling, 80%uiſicol, oi. To ruminate, ’āvāuño dopal, mid. (used also metaph. “to consider”); + umpiráço, only act. Rumour, Aóyos; Kämöðv, Övos, ii. See Report. Rump, YAovTbs, f Tüyń. To run, Séa, fut. Seiſoſopal, no aor, sometimes c. gen, of the ground over which ; Tpéxø, fut. Späuotpat (in compounds also 8papó), aor, 2. čāpāuov (fut. §péopal and aor. 1. &6peśa, though not found in the simple verb, occur in the compounds); Tpoxáſa, only act.; (as a sore does) + kärgotá.[w, fut. -čw; after (in order to get), t weråtpéxw, c. fut. Metaffpéčouai; (in chase) we'rafféo; after and catch, Ütrotpéxw. To run away, off, out, etc., áict péxw; &Totpéxw, fut. —öpäuoduct, also -9péčw and -opal; 'étroötöpdaka, fut. —8págouai, no aor. 1., perf. —6éöpäica, aor. 2. —éöpmv, sometimes c. acc.; &lrofféo; 6pâtreteiſo, some- times c. acc. of the person from whom (see To flee); away with, + gruvatroëtöpdorica, c. dat. To attempt to run away, Öpagicago. To run by, past, near, beside, etc., träpärpéxw, c. dat.; trapafléo; before, forward, etc., trpo6éo, Tpotpéxo, Tpokata.0éw; to, towards, etc., áiritpéxo', 'ütrotpéxo, Tifféo; irposøéo, some- times c. dat.; Trpostpéxo, c. dat, or c. acc.; sistpéxw (sometimes of a ship); down, Kätärpéxo (sometimes as ships into harbour); so catc.0éa (also of running a person or an argument down); round, Tepiðivéowai, pass.; Tepiðéw; trepitpéxw (often as things run round or seem to run round before the eyes of a drunken man); through, over, štatpéxo, c. fut, -6péopal. To run through with a sword, 6tañññyvuſu; over (in discourse), širitpéxaſ; to and fro, about, etc., Tpo- (popéopal, mid.; Stafféo; + 3iao Teſpoua, pass.; up, ’āvārpéxw. To run in (in a boat), to run on board of iTorſtrø, fut. —negoñaal, notaor. 1., aor. 2. —éreorov, perf. —Té- TTaſka, c. eis and acc.; together, run with, etc., a UV- Tpéxw (esp of things running together so as to meet, as enemies in battle), when meaning, “in company with,” c. dat; ovv6éo, orvpatrāpā9éo. To run on to the end with, givektrepāw. To run into the fabulous, éirl to pºv6óðes ékvikda, Thuc. To run a race, 5tä9éo, atáðtoëpopuéa. To run straight forward, épôoöpopéo, To whom I will run, êq’ &s éyò 8popatov Špufiqa Tóða, Ar. To keep up with a person running, advöpouátivi Topet- opal, Plat. One must run about, trepiºpei:Téov. Running, Öpopudios, o, ov, and os, ov; (of water) väuä. ridios; round, ºf trepiºpogos, ov; to and fro, ölööpo- puos, OV. Good at running, relating to running, etc., ºpoſaicós. 360 Runner—Sacrifice Running well, adv., 8popticós. Able to run far, uſikpóðpoſios, ov. A runner, 8pope's; + Tpéxis, eos, 6; (i. e. a running footman) 'ékóAov60s. A runner of races, iſ a raóio- 6pópms, ov, 6. A runaway, Spätrétms, ov, 6, often as adj. 6, ii; fem. ôpatrétis, ió0s, i. A runaway slave, 600A0s 'épeoT&s, Lys. A run, or running, opéuos, tápéumuz. A running about, Suáðpopf. A running away, Öpaguás; (of a horse with his rider) ékpopá. The distance a horse can run in a day, littov Špópos huépas, Dem. A rupture, 57&ts, eas, ii. See To break. To rupture, #yvvut, aor. 2. pass, ÉÉÉáymv. See To break. Rural, *āypeſos. See Country. A rush, 66vač, ćicos, 6; oxoivos, 6 (in later authors also j); + Boötopov or Boötouos. A bundle of rushes, oxotvia. Anything made of rushes, basket, etc., or a bundle of rushes with the help of which boys used to learn to swim, fill, filtrös, i. Made of rushes, + oxotvivos. ...Abounding with rushes, + 60Våkotpóqos, ov; +80%. kóets; +6ovákóXAoos, ov, contr. —XAovs, -xAovv. To rush, ēppida, and -opiat, pass., c. fut, mid., some- times c. gen. of that against which; pépopal, pass., no perf, aor. 1. huetx0mv, fut. mid. ofa ouat; &forgia, (à Hom., & Trag., but in Trag. nearly always Šao'a); + špot w; t getopat, pass, perf. ooriºual, aor. 1. Čač0my and éoro (6mv; Trag. also have 3rd sing. pres. Georgi, pl. goûvtat, and imper. João 6a, 00000e; Ar. has goû; forward, towards, etc., Tposopºda, Tpostpépopual ; + étrigetowai, sometimes c. gen. of the ground across which, c. acc. of that towards which, or c, dat. when the object is attacked; + £4,0ppado, more usu. -opal; + eisuppºdopal, pass.; on, êTafoorw, sometimes c. dat. ; éteistfirro, fut. —regoûual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —ére- gov, perf. -tréttoka, c, dat, only act, no perf; éváAAouai, mid.; + popuatuo; in, eistritto, c. prep., sometimes c. dat.; Telstmöáo; Śiretskapadºw (like revellers); Feistrato; in with, ovveistriartw; through, + šićgoal, rarely 6tatorow, c. acc. or c, gen.; down, + kåtalyſſo (of a storm); on with, ovuTapaºpépouai, pass.; under or from under, i öTālaga, Att. -ágga, sometimes c. gen. of that from under which. A rush, popá; +5ith, often with esp. reference to the sound. Rushing, + špuevos ; + štío oritos, ov, sometimes c. acc. of the thing against which. Rushing, adv. f. popäämv. Rust, sipós, òtos, 6; 'iós. Rusty, i.eipóels, usu. however metaph. of Hell and other damp dark places. - Free from rust, 'évioros, ov. Rustic, "åpovpatos, a, ov; *@ypotkos, ov. A rustic, xopirms, ov, 6; +’āypórns, ov, 6; +&ypo- 66tms, ov, 5; +’&ypôortms, ov, 6; +’āypothp, fipos, 6; fem. &ypôtelpo, ; +’āypôtms, ov, 6. Rustically, Xapiticós. To rustle (of the wind, or trees, etc., in a wind), + ‘ūtroo’iſpíſa, ; (of the air) ºf ſióüpíſo, only pres. and . imperf. act. To make to rustle, ºf flouébéo, only act. A rustle, or rustling motion, + kivādiago, Tá; fºni. (mua, Tó; rustling noise, Ffioſé60s. Rut. See Track. Ruthless, +’āvouctos, ov. See Pitiless. Rye, ŚAüpa, usu. in pl. S. A sabre, ’ākīvākms, ov, 6. See Sword. Sacerdotal, iepāticós. A sack, &üAákos. To sack (a city, etc.), trop0éal, 6tatrop6éa’, ‘i ékirépôa, +’āAătrăgo. See To plunder. The sack (of a town), ‘āAwaris, eas, i. Sacred, iepos, &, by, very rarely 6s, ov, also poet. ‘ipós; ‘āytos; (of things) "Čiróntos, ov; (of places) t’ā8áros, ov; (i. e. divinely inspired, excited by divine agency, etc.) + 6eotréolos. See Divine, Holy. Sacred rites, iepovpyta, ā; ‘āyiqtelal, ai. To perform sacred rites, ‘āytotetºw, only act. You send round to all the shrines to have sacred rites performed, Teptirepºrta &voo kivets, or &voo kets, AEsch. Sacredness, 60 totms, mºros, ii. See Holiness. A sacrifice, Şüoría ; Śipa, Tá; +&irfiptov; in pl. iepā, td.; (of animals) + opäyń ; # Trpád payua, to (esp. 361 Sacrifice—Saffron the action). Burnt sacrifice, ºf éuttipa, Tá, Pre- Sacrilegious, iepāori Aos, ov. paratory sacrifice, TpotéAeta, Tô (esp. before marriage, also on other occasions), sometimes c. gen. of the object on behalf of which it is offered ; # Tpó0ūga, Tó, Sacrifices for a safe journey, in epiógiva, Tá. The beginning of a sacrifice, t kārāpyaara, 14. Qſ, or belonging to, sacrifice, I Sotóütos, ov; +&varès, ääus, 6, #. Arising from sacrifice, fispóðitos, ov (of smoke). Receiving sacrifices, fiepołóicos, ou ; † 6é- £ium),0s, 6v ; troAiumAos, ov; (of an altar) + umão. 6ürms, ov, 6; tāsārūpos, ov. Abounding in sacri- fices (whether causing them or receiving them), † To- Aúðitos, ov, Consuming sacrifices, F&vmſpêyos, ov (of flame). Fond of sacrifice, piń00ürms, ov, 6; + qiāóðiſtos, ov. To sacrifice, Güo, kātā0úa, ÉKööw, Fépôa and 5é@ (different forms of the same word, rare beyond pres. and imperf. in this sense); ‘I kä000 uda', 'f'&yvík w. To sacrifice animals, opáço ; £utéuva, perf. —Tétum- ica. To offer sacrifice, iepotrotéa, only act.; † &vm- Toxéo, and pass., no mid ; (to the dead) éväytgo ; (the interests of a country, etc.) Tpotiva, fut. Tiogal, and sometimes Att. —Tuovual, aor. 2. Tpoétriov, contr. Tpoſſiruv, perf. pass. Tpotétropal ; men, † &v6pwro- opäyéo ; sheep, + p.mx00 påyéw, only act.; owen (or sometimes any other animal), F Bov6ütéa, only act.; jor, t Tpo600, c, gen, or c. Štěp and gen. of him on behalf of whom ; beforehand, Tporpäço, Tpoööw ; besides, ‘Féiríðūw. To sacrifice with, together, etc. oiviepołrotéa, ºf ovv0üa. To sacrifice or perform sacred rites over, étig påſa, c. dat.; i ögåytotetºw, only act.; + špdyví(w, only act. To begin a sacrifice, ticătăpxopal (sometimes simply to sacrifice), mid., c. perf. pass, in pass. Sense, c. acc. or c. gen. - To distribute the meat of a sacrifice, Kpeãvouéa, only act. The city is full of sacrifices, §vi)troAéïrat āq Tv, Eur. One must sacrifice, ŞüTéov. Not sacrificed, or improperly sacrificed, f'éditos, ov. Not smelling of sacrifice, t’ākvioratos, ov. Sacrifices which have not been offered, &tipa ispá, AEsch. Not sacrificing, 'éðitos, cv. A sacrificer, tºithp, fipos, 6 ; +&vmtróAos, 6, #. Sacrificial fires, orqāyal Twpos, AEsch. An attendant at sacrifices, iépokhpuš, Ukos, 6. Sacrilege, iepoo`Ata. To commit sacrilege, iepool'Aéa, sometimes c. acc, of Sad, (of persons only) Öüsqpov, ovos, 6, ; t'airpo. Tévôſis ; (of things only) + AUYpös; (of persons and things)'évićpós; &Ayeivös, compar. reg.; also &Aytov, -10 Tos (N.B.-in comp. and sup. only of things); f yoepòs, i yoeóvás ; (of sounds) arováels. See, Miserable, Grievous. Sad-looking, okū0patros, h, ov, and bs, 6v ; ºf ovvveq’ſs. To be sad, AWTréouai, pass. To look sad, aſkü0patráſw, favvvetéa, ; + aköðpd ſo, only act.; with, avoicv6poTégo. Sadly, ‘f &Ayeivôs, ºf &viàpós. Sadly looking, O'Kö- 0patrós. Sadness, &Ayos, Tá; Aürn; +’éxos, T6; to giveat &s qpevöv, Eur. See Grief. - A saddle, éptiriſtov. A packsaddle, &otpéén. A saddle-cloth, Kágas, ov, 6. A saddler's shop, jutotrouetov. w Safe, (from injury or danger) &a pāAfts; orós only in nom. sing; acc. orów, nom, and acc, pl. m. 0.6s ; with another form oró0s, only nom. sing, and pl.; (from injury) 'ātīºwy, ovos, 6, ii, sometimes c. gen.; + štépômtos, ov; +’ā8Aáéñs ; (from danger) 'ülcív. 6üvos, ov; (from enemies, of a fortified place, etc.). éxipós; ’āqūAos, ov; tāo UAntos, ov; (of a deposit, etc.) &véiräſbos, ov. Safe and sound, 0.3s ical 5-yuhs, Thuc. Safely, &cºpaxós, "àcivöövos. For it seemed that they could safely do so, kal Yêp &öéla épaiveto airtois, Thuc. To bring safe to, a 6%, c. word of motion to (e.g. eis, 3eipo, oùcaôe, etc.); ’āToo &. - To get safe to, &Togéopal, pass., c. eis and acc.; ôuagógoſtal. To make safe, thuépéa (as one makes a country or a road safe by destroying wild beasts or robbers); +’āvmuepów, c. gen. of the monsters destroyed. Befºre the ship was safe at (or could rely on) her ſnoor- ings, Tplv Špuq, vačv (paavuffival, AEsch. Safety, garmpia, &cºpäxela ; +’áo JAta, c. gen, of the dangers from which ; +’āśAáčela. A sqft return home, oratmpia oticaäe, Dem. A safe conduct, 30 pāweta. Under the protection of a safe-conduct, + “vo Tow80s, ov. Thanksgiving or thanksgivings for safety, gotăpua, Tá. See To save. * º an v J. v - In safely, Čk toº 'écivöövov; ; Śs Öpfföv and kär" ôp0óv. the plunder. Saffron, kpókos. 362 Sagacious —Sale Suffron, adj. i*ipón eos, ov; reporcóels. Dyed saffron, f icpokóBartos, ov. A saffron robe, F Kpokotos, + kpokaſtëtov. Sagacious, ppóviuos, ov; 3éðs; + ščö'q pov, ovos, 6, ii. See Wise, Clever. Sagaciously, ºppoviuos, otoxarticós. Sagacity, Öğürms, mros, i ; troAğvota. Sage, goſpós. See Wise. Sagely, oropós. See Wisely. Sage (the plant), † a pákos. A sail, iottov; ; Adºpos, Tó. Sail-cloth, Ö969ia, Tá; +Aïvov, in pl. With sails, i Aiváirtepos, ov; ; Aivoffāq'ís. With white sails, tº Aevicóirrepos, ov. With black sails, ºf plexăykpokos, ov. Filling, wafting the sails, ºf Aivorópos, ov; +TAmato- Tuos, ov. Under close-reefed sails, Škpotori Aaſhovs ºpaq Trébous, Eur. - How I might set the sail of my ship borne on a fair wind (i. e. that I might sail with a fair wind) to the âsland of Cyprus, Širm véas a tetAalp' by oiptov Trepov és yńv évaxtav Körpov, Eur. A sail-maker, oakyūq dutms, ov, 6. A sail-patcher, ioTuofiñápos. To sail, TAéo, fut. TAeto ouai, oftener TAevgoûual, nomid. except fut, no pass.; TAwiſo, only pres, and imperf act.; vauríAAouai, mid., only perf. and imperf.; ºf vavotoxéo; + vava'0Nôopal, mid. and pass. To set sail, 'évêyw; ášāvāyouai, mid.; aſpo, also aſpa tês vabs, and aipa, Taºs vavalv, Thuc.; alpo otóAov, AEsch. To sail away, 'êtroTAéo, 'êtratpa'; ue&oppígopal, mid. and pass. To sail away secretly, 'üreğäväyopal, pass., . c. aor. 2. mid.; against, &vtåvāya, more usu, -opal, sine cas., or &vt. wavorí; āvrekTAéo; back, 'üvătrâéa, (often simply to sail), áiravatAéo; before, trporàéal; TpoăvăYouai, pass.; by, near, beyond, etc., Tăpătăéo; out, out of éicTAéa'; out with, givekTAéo; along on the other side, &vriträpäTXéo; round, trepitàéa, c. acc.; to, towards, into, etc., katairAéw (esp. towards land), eistæðw, TpostNéo; through, across, etc., 6tairAéo, ôtectXéal; with, avutxéo; with (i. e. put to sea to- gether), giväväyopal, pass.; in with, ovvetstaëw; with against, ovvetritàéal; with a fair wind, ºf éirov- piſo; fast, TáxivavTéa. You shall not sail away from the country, où ph vats &popuforet x00vös, Eur. One must sail, TAevotéov; away, 'ütroTAevotéov. They made all the naval people sail across (i.e. con- 3. veyed them across in boats), 6táTAovy kafliotăoav Távta wavtucov Aéov, AEsch. A sailing, TA00s, 6, contr. from TA60s; vavriata; +vavotoAta (esp. a naval expedition); so f wavo Tá Amua, Tb, in pl. A place to sail in, or room to sail through, a fair wind for sailing, proper time for sailing, etc., TAows, Room to sail, Öić'TAovs. A sailing across, 6táTAovs ; back, kātā'TAovs ; out, also room to sail out, #k- TAovs, étrékirAovs; before, trpóTAovs; round, trepi"- TAovs; into, eistãovs ; under, ŠtóTAous;against (so as to attack), áiri'TAovs; éiritAevois, eas, ii; &vreśćp- umoris, eas, h; to land, kātā'TAovs; through, Öuéktråous (esp. in a naval battle, so as to break the enemy's line). A favourable sail, eitãoia. A difficulty in sailing,”&TAota. A setting sail, 'üvāyayń. Sailing, adj. ‘f vaúa toxos, ov (see Sailor); from, ºf ééopuos, ov, c. gen. Sailing for the first time, or in the first rank, trpatóTAovs, ovv. Skilful in sailing, TXatikós. Men now becoming more skilful in sailing, #5m TA&t- patépov čvtav, Thuc. It became easier (or safer) to sail to one another, TAwſ- pićtepa &yévero trap' &AAñAovs, Thuc. Not yet sailed to (a place),”&TAevotos, ov. Fit for sailing, TAótuos or TA&iuos, ov (of a ship). Fit for sailing on, t TA&oiuos, ov (of the sea). Not fit for sailing on or in (both of ship and sea), *&TAovs, ovv. Favourable for sailing (as a gale), TAevotikás. Favourably for sailing, TAevoticós. A sailor, vavéârms, ov, 6, sometimes used as adj. (with &vip, Aéas, etc.); i vautiños, + vačkämpos, +’āAktüiros; +Bāpiśas, avros, 6. The whole crew of Sailors, väbs icolvöTAovs 6pi\ia, Soph. A fellow sailor, avvvačtms, ov Š. Being a sailor, adj. i vavotropos, ov. Sake, for the sake of, 'üTěp, c. gem.; velca and Teiveka, c. gen.: + velcev; xúpiv, c. gen. (sometimes a pronoun poss. e. g. ēuiv x&piv, Eur.; orhu xàpiv, Xen.); Tpos Xápiv, Soph.; † Tpos, c. gen. A salamander, göAäuäväpa. Salary, pug 66s. A sale, Tpāoris, eas, ii; TôAmots, eos, ii (see To sell). A want of sale for, &Tpāota. A setling out for sale, 6tä9egis, i. To put up to sale, ‘ūtrokmptoroopal, mid. See To sell. Sale able—Satiety Saleable, tpāqiuos, ov; Tpâtéos. . A salesman, Tpäthp, fipos, 6. Sallow, XAwpós. See Pale. To sally, Šk0éo, fut. -6eūgouai, no aor.; Értpéxw, fut. &rcöpäuoduct, no acr. 1., aor. 2. —éöpäuov, perf. —ösöpäumka. - To sally out against, &vTétre put (–téval); &vretréepal, étréðelpi, Šireköéal; forth out of the line, Tpoekôéw. To Sally out with, or at the same time, etc., givektpéxa, oiſvečopudw. A Sally, Éicéoñ6ela; Šč060s, h; Éireköpouh, ēköpopulí. The men to make a sally, oi Tpóðpopot. Salt, &As, ‘āAbs, 6, in sing. usu, for a grain of salt, in pl. salt as prepared for use. Rock-salt, &ppoviákóv. Salt, adj. &Auðöms, ‘āAükös, föAuipos, + &Auñets. To salt, ‘āAſga. Salted, &Auðs, #30s, i. See Brine, A salt-cellar, ‘āAid. To be salt, &Agüpíſo. Saltness, &Agüpótms, mºros, ii. Salvage, owTipia, td. Salvation, oatmpía. A salve, ºf kmpwril. Salutary, etektikás. Salutation (esp. of words), trpósphorus, ii; &otraguás; +&otagua, rö; ºrpósq6eyſia, Tó. An object of salutation, tºrpóspngus, i. To salute, &otréopal, mid., no aor. 2., no pass.; Trpos- kövéw, fut. -how, more usu. -àgoual, aor. 1. –mora, also more usu, (esp. in poet.) Tposékúoa, and pass, no mid.; (with words, etc.) Tposeſtrov, only this aor. 2.; Tpostp6éy youai, mid., no pass.; Tposáyopeto Xaipeiv, c. acc. pers. To salute in turn, ſivtirposeſtrov. One must salute, dataotéov. Saluting, adj. (of words), ºf Tpósq60) yos, ov. The same, 6 airbs, # aith, to airb, often by crasis airbs, aith, Taito, and sometimes Taitov, c. dat., in prose sometimes c. kal or östep. It is the same as if he had not ..., Év toº ei kal ph (évéðughôm), Thuc. Thinking that it was the same thing whether they re. spected them or not, kpivovres év Škotº kai oſééetv Kal ph, Thuc. It was all the same whether they drank much or little, ev Šuota, kaffetothkel Té te TAéov Kai éAgogov Totöv, Thuc. But whether you choose to praise or to blame me, it is 364 Not salted, 'évaNuos, ov. See To save. all the same, at 5' aively eite pie théºyeiv ŠáAeis"Ouolov, AEsch. And I am still of the same opinion as before, kal vov #6' airós eiut Tă BovXetuatl, Soph. From the same place, the same origin, etc., Öuébe or –6ev. In the same way, &satºrws, c. dat. or c, kat. Sameness, Tavrátims, mºtos, i. A sample, Féköfðayua, Tó. To sanctify, Öortów. -- To Sanction, aivéw, fut. —éora, and flow, no perf act., perf. pass. #vnual, aor. 1. pass. fivé0mv, étraiyéa, ºf otivalvéa. Sanction, êtralvos, Sanctity, Öguórms, mros, ii. See Holiness. Sand, Väuä00s, i, in pl. sometimes “grains of sand,” tºld uplos, h; áup,0s, # (not sea sand); (of the sea) &ls, Šivös, j (in Hom. 6). To sand (i. e. strew with sand), kāffaupiſa. To sprinkle oneself with sand, éykoviouai, mid. A sandal, tréðiMov; +eipäpis, ió0s, acc. ióa and iv, i. See Shoe. With golden sandals, ‘FXpüoreogávööAos, ov. Without sandals, t’āiréðIAos, ov. A sand-marten, küsſexos. Sandy, 5tójajipos, ov; +Toxvilăuá90s, ov; +/dupuos. Sane, ºppéviuos, ov; ‘ūyths (esp. of the mind itself); + ºppévípms; ppevöv štášoA0s, AEsch. To be sane, ‘ūytaiva, only act. Sanguinary, tºpotulos, a, ov, and os, ov, Att.; +@6vios, 2, ov, and os, ov. See Bloody, Bloodthirsty, Sanguine, eiſeAtris, ió0s, 6, #. Sanity, ‘ūyiela ppevóv, AEsch. Sap fºrbs (esp. of the fig-tree, but also of any tree when cut). Sarcasm, i keptónºmous, i. Sarcastic, i keptópuos, ov; + képtopos, ov (in this sense only in neut. pl. of speeches, but found in other senses in sing, etc.). - A Sardine stone, ordpålov. A Sardine (fish), gapyivos. Sardonic,-to laugh with a sardonic laugh, rapöävlov wetóów, G. yeada, etc. A sash, Q&vm. See Belt. To sate, or satiate, icopévvijul, éctriutramut. To be sated, oréttopal, pass. See To satisfy. Sated, Satiated, uéotos, c. gen, sometimes c. part.; TAñpms; Stålcopos, ov; ôuatretramopévos, C. gen. Satiety, kó00s, TAmguovh; +TAñpawa, Tó. * Satire—Say To satiety, 'éðnv, c. gen, sometimes c. part. See Enough. Satire, tauðol. To satirise, kapıçöéo, ölakopſgåéa. Satisfaction, Sikm, trouh. To give and receive satisfaction, êicas 500val kal 6é. $20,0at, Thuc. w To ea'act satisfaction, 6tremu or trouhv, or (in prose more usu.) trouvas Aap.éâva, Eur, Lys. Satisfaction (i. e. the act of satisfying), TAfipools, ecoS, 77. To satisfy, trium Amul, c. gen.; áutritânul (ſt being omitted because of the preceding u, u returns when the augment changes ép. into èv. e. g. ēveTipitãagav), irreg, aor. 2. mid. opt. ŠuTAetumv in pass. sense; TAmpów, &troTAmpów. See To sate, To please. No one is satisfied with prosperity, to pºveš trpád'oeuv &lcópeg|Tov čpu traoru 8pótotaly, AEsch. Satisfying, ºf Táyxoptos, ov (of food). A satrap, gatpārms, ov. To be a satrap, garpaireto, only act., c. acc. or c. gen. of the country over which. A Satrapy, oatpātreſa. Saturn, Kpóvos. A satyr, Xàtipos. A dance of satyrs, of civus, ió0s, i. Savage, "Gyptos, a, ov, and os, ov; Tpāxīs; + oxé. TAtos, a, ov, more rarely os, ov; ’āvīpepos, ov; +'éutictos, ov; oix épìAmtös, AEsch. See Cruel. Savage-looking, tyopya Tós; + yopy&iº, &Tos, 6, i. To be savage, ééayptóoual; +’āypiéouai, pass., f €40m- puéopal, pass. To look Savage, étudiciópotégo, only act. To make savage, ééayptaíva. Savagely, &p.6s. See Cruelly. Savageness, &pidtms, mtos, ii; ’āuičía. Sauce, tºov, (op.6s; uéoppa, to, in pl. To make sauce, f icăpükotrotéa. To cook with sauce, i kāpīkeia. A saucer, i öğüéâpov. Saucily, ‘ūéptoticós. Sauciness,"vépus, eas, i. Saucy, jêptoticós. º To save, ord (w, aor. 1. pass. 30.60mv, also êoad,0mv, often c. §s and acc. of any place to which a thing is brought safe, etc.; 6tagógo; Éiopiat, mid, aor. 2. sync. 3rd sing, fiftuto (Soph.); + škpāouai. To save (money, etc., i. e. to keep safe, hoard, also generally to save), trerºtrotéo; from, Čica &, "ålroad ſo, i öTrek- ord ſo; 5trečeptopat, in aor. 2. mid, sync. §trečeſpiro, at the same time, to aid in saving, ovsor&, over- ord (w. One must save, orwoºtéov, Šuagwortéov. Saving, oratºpia. See Safety. A Saving, keeping safe, Tepitoímaris, eas, i. A reward for saving (i. e. delivering), orothpia, ta; + köptoſtpov. e Saving, adj., owthpios, ov, c. gen, sometimes c. daº., a worticos, c. gen. Saving the city, f awaitroxts, eas, ö, ä. A saviour, gothp, fipos, 6, fem, a 6Telpa, often c. gen. of the dangers from which. Savory, Śēpēpa. - Eating savory (i. e. making a bad dinner), šupépett- ôeltvos. Savour, I kviora, To fill with savour, Kviorda. Savoury, + kvurotés. A sausage, txopóñ; +xépôevua, T6; f e avtos, 0. +&AA&s, A sausage-seller, i &AAavrotröAms, ov, 6. To sell sausages, + &AAavtotroAéw, only act. A saw, Tpiov, ovos, 6. To saw, trpio, aor. 1. pass. Tplorënv; mptſw; through, ôuarpía”; out, €ictſpío. Sawdust,-As you may see sawdust when wood is cut, ãote Tptovos 'Eicépéuat’ &v 8Aé!etas Év Toufi číAov, Soph. A Sawyer, FTPíov, ovos, 6. Sawn, trpiotós. What is sawn out, cirptorua, Tó. To say, Aéyò; eitrov, an aor. 2., with no other tense, except (a rare) aor. J. eitra; Špá, a fut, with perf. act. eipmica, pass. -mual, aor. 1. Čššíðmu and épéé0mv, fut, pass. –pměřio opal and eipſigopal; pºpli, chiefly in pres. and aor. 2. (LIDDELL and SCOTT take these three almost as equivalent to one verb, pºpul supplying the pres, épô the fut. and perf., and eitrov and épmv the aorists); Kätepá, éépô; pdorica, only pres. and imperf act.; ppáſo, mid. and pass, not used in this sense; p66 yyopat, mid., no pass.; † abëdo; + uv6é- ouai, mid.; ºf évvéra, Fºympija'; besides, étrixáya (aor. 1. pass. in act. sense, Æsch.), širefirov, ‘ûretirov. To say by the way, träpap6éy'youai; by way of addition, Tpostíðmui. - To say repeatedly, 6püAéo. To be said (as a person is said to be), + k\ſigoua, pass., rare except in pres, and imperf.; Ficopatrágopal, 365 Saying—Scenic pass.; (as a prevalent report, or a common opinion) ÖtöðpūAéouai; (as a thing is said in a speech) Stå- àidouai, pass. And I said, fiv 6' ydſ. And he said, 7 6 5s, Plat. So to say, Ös étros eitreſu, Plat. * - What will you say newt? Toº ºrpoéâgetal A670s; Eur. I will report to you what he says, &tayyeká Šuiv TáAtv tº trap' dicelvov, Xen. , Having such things said to one about oneself, &koúa'avtes Tepi orbów airów Tö totavra, Plat. He said all sorts of things, Táras āpāke povás, Dem. One must say, Aektéov, Émtéov, pâtéov. What must be said, Aektéos, Émtéos. Said, what may be said, etc., + Aektós. Easy to say, etºpartos, ov. As he, as they said, adv., 676ev. A saying, uí00s, A6)0s; fing, tá; + pâtis, eos, i. See Report. A scabbard, coxebu or coxe6s; +trepiéoAff. Scabby, Aetſpós. A scaffold, iſpia, tá. To scald, catakata. - A scale (on fish, etc.), Aerts, tºos, h; (on reptiles, not on fishes) poxis, toos, i. A scale or scales (to weigh with), TAdotityé, ly)0s, h; Tpjrávn, Çüyöv, H TâAavrov; ; otéðubs, pl. oi and Tá. A butcher's scales, kpeootă'0pm. The full or turn of the scales, Éoth. To balance the scales, Bpiða (TáNavra). To incline as a scale, or anything weighed in a Scale, ñétro, no perf. (pass, only once in AEsch.), no mid. That he might not make either party stronger by throwing himself into the scale, Širo's pºměetépovs Tpostépévos iorxvpotépovs trouhon, Thuc. Holding the scales, ºf TâA&vtotºxos, ov. To scale (i.e. climb q. v.), ‘ūtrepéatva', only in pres. imperf., aor. 2. —éémv, perf. –éé8mica (part. –Šešnicæs, and contr. –éséðs, 60'a, 6T0s, etc.), and fut, mid. –6āoopal, c. acc., rarely c. gem.; ‘ûrepaipa, ‘ūtrepā- kpíſo. Wat may be scaled, üTrepéâtés. A scallop-shell, xmpāuls, tºos, i. The scalp (i.e. skin of the head), &trööeppa, Tó. To scalp, & Tooriciółgo; &lroöépa, Tºv ice pax}v, Hdt. Scaly, poxiàorbs (only of reptiles). Scammomy, a kāpovía. Scandal. See Slander. To be scandalized at, 8vsºpopéo, c. dat, or c. prep. Scandalous, airypbs, &, by, comp. aioxſwu, alaxwros. See Disgraceful. Scantily, ſpaños, + juicărcos, Scantiness, pavXórms, mtos, j. See Deficiency. Scanty, paſſàos, m, ov, and os, ov; ‘āvaykaios, a, ov, and os, ov; + ortrávio Tós. See Deficient. - A scape-goat, póppºicos, 6, #. A scar, oùAff. Scarred over, ‘ūrovãos, ov. A scarring over, orivetrotºwo is, eas, i. Scarce, a Távios. To be scarce, atráviço; 5t’’ākpišeias eiul, Plat. Scarcely, p.6)is, póAis, oxoxfi, xãAetrós, f Tvröd, trap' àAbyov, Eur.; gºv troAAff atovëſ', Xen. See Hardly. Scarcity, atávis, eas, h; atavićrms, mtos, h; (i. e. See Want. To have a scarcity of atrávíſo, also pass. in act. sense, To scare, Šešíagopal, poééw; 6etötorgopal, mid.; 6ta- Troéa, + TToéo; + gošéa (esp. to scare birds). See To frighten. A Scarecrow, póSmtpov. A scarecrow blown about by the air, aidéptov kivvyua, AEsch. A scarf, XXàuts, #60s, i. Scarlet, subst., iſo'yivov, kökkos. Scarlet, adj., 50 yivośāqºſis. See Purple. To scatter, a kečávviſui, fut. Oriceşāow, Att. aire??, —öäs, -óá, etc.; &Toolce&dvviſui,6taokebävvijul, ortreipaſ, Staatreſpo, ötáxéo, + getinui (esp. of scattering to the winds); (a population) make it live in scattered villages, 8toucíſo. To scatter with fear, 6tattoéa ; beside, Túpactreſpo. To throw down and scatter, biáššírto, also #6üpitto, also in pres, and imperf. ôtaffittéa. To scatter out of ékpaíva. To be scattered, &lrookiövapal, 6taatróoual, pass. (esp. of beaten troops). To live scattered about in villages, Öloukéw. Scattered, otropès, #60s, 6, #; a kebaatós. Or does he live in the islands scattered about? § vnoid- Tny otropääa kéictmtal 8tov; (lit. has he a scattered insular life?) Eur. Scatteredly, otropäämv. A scattering, budgātipis, eas, # ; of population, 6tol- ſcious, eas, i. A scene, okmuh (though rather used of the whole stage than of “scenes” in our sense of the word). The side scenes, väparkſvia, Tá. Scenic, Seárpikós, scarcity of food) oritoöeta, atrávoritia. 366 Scent—Screaming A scent, àoruń. See Smell. To scent, thiumAétéo, only act. See To smell. With a good scent, sipus, 6, h, gem. eipivos. Without sceni, 'épus, Špivos, 6, #; ’āpivos, ov. Carrying a bad scent (of ground), Öisoruos, ov. Sceptical, éqektukás. A sceptre, a kåttpov; Édé80s, h; + aixuſ. Swaying the sceptre, takmiſtoùxos, ov. Sitting on a sceptre (as the eagle on the sceptre of Jupiter), ºf alcºttošāuov, ovos, 6, i. The power of the sceptre, gi&mTTouxia. A schedule, 'ypéppa, Tó; YpopušTetov. A scheme, 80UAff. See Plan. SA second scheme (when the first has failed), bettepos TA00s, Plat. A schemer, étiéovXevtºs, où, 6. A scholar, pºé0mths, où, Ö. See Pupil. Scholarship, Toxipă0ía. See Learning. A school, ŠišagkúAeſov, Yvºváguov; Taíčevo is, eos, i. (as, Athens “the school ’’ of Greece). To go to school, pottàw, also p. eis Stöda kakov. To go to school with, to go to the same school as, ovº- ©oit do. To leave school, SiôaokéNov '&TaxAággopal (esp. in aor. 2. pass. & Tºxãymv), Plat. - A going to school with, ov/ºpottmaris, eas, i. A school-fellow, ovuſpottmths, où, 6; ovauð0mths, oi), 6. A schoolmaster, Ypopulättaths, où, 6. Sciatica, 30 pu&Ayía. Science, uovoa, uovoirſ ; uáðmua, Tó. étrio Tàual, ai. The sciences, Making a trade of science, plá0muárotra,Xikós. Mother of all Sciences, ºf provo'opiitap, opos, 6, i. Scientific, wovailcós. Scientifically, povo trós. That which is capable of being known scientifically, to étrio Tºm Tów. A scimitar, uáxapa ; kotis, toos, # ; +&pirm. See Sword. Wearing a scimitar, uáxampoºpópos, ov. A Scion (lit. and metaph. of a person), + šos. To scoff, XAevd (o, sometimes c. acc.; i keptopuéw, only act. See To mock. A scoffer, XXevao Ths, où, 6. Scoffing, XAevåo'ía, XAevagpös. To scold, Aotöopéo. See To reprove. Scope (i. e. aim, object), okotós. See Aim. Scorbutic, popäAéos. See Scurvy. To scorch, reputato ; Firspiºxſw, -ãow. Scorched, + grâ0evtós. Scorching, Beppós. See Hot. A scorching, otºykavois, eos, i. A score, eicoat. Scorn, kātāqipóumais, fl. See Contempt. To scorn, karappovéw, c. gen. See To despide. Scornful, ÖAiyapos, ov. Scornfully, ÖAiyêpos, + štépotta. A scorpion, a köptios. A scoundrel, Távoup'yos, 6, #. To scour, &Toká0aipa. See To wipe, To clean. A scourge, pudortić, Wyos, ii. See Whip. To scourge, partiyéo. See To whip, Tofog. To be scourged, who ought to be scourged, etc., wagti- 'yoté0s. - To deserve to be scourged, + paatiyido, only act. One who has been scourged, paatiyias, ov, 6; f voto- TA}}, TAjiyos, 6, i. A scourger, Fuaatlictop, opos, 6. A scout, okotros, Tpógicoros, Katdoºcotros ; # Tpoeče- pevvmths, où, 6, contr. Tpovč. See To reconnoitre, Spy. - To act as scout, Tpoepevváopal, mid. To scrape, éirićia, i éyééo. To scrape off, F&Tokváo. To scrape oneself clean, &rootXey'yſgopal, mid, and pass. A scraper (or comb for scraping after bathing), othely- 'yls, toos, # ; +/hºtpa. A scraping (or thing scraped off), kvåo'aa, Tó ; kviopia, Tó. He finds out he is in a scrape, Špti piùs yetetal trio'orms, Dem. (lit.—the mouse finds out that it is pitch which he is eating). To scratch, +’âutorora, ; (with one’s nails) + 'ütrovš- xt{o ; (one’s head) Tpiša. To scratch up (as fowls scratch up the ground), 8taokåpſbäopal, mid. To scratch out. See To efface. To wish to scratch, cumoido, only act. A scratch, +’êuvyua, Tó. Scratched lately, ºf veðtopios, ov. A scratching, Kvåg is, eas, i. To scream, p8éy youai, mid.; KAdºo, fut, kådyéo, perf. IcékWayya ; + RAayyávo, only pres, and imperf. act.; + Adaka', fut. Aákharopal, aor. 1. ČAá'kmora, aor. 2. čAâlcov, perf. AéAåka. To match in screaming, + Stakpáço, c. dat. A scream, KXayyń. Screaming, adj. Aáirépuga, only fem. 367 Soreech—Sea - To screech, + kukkášićw, only act, (like a screech-owl). A screen, + etàAvč, tºyos, 6, 7, ; # TpóéAmua, āros, Tö, c. gen. of that before which (metaph. of a person). To put before one as a screen, êTm2\üydgo, c. gem. acc.; + kåtagicidge, to screen, stand before as a screen ; Toofatauai, mid. (esp. metaph. of persons). To screw up (the strings of an instrument), otpééAów. . Before their courage is screwed up, Tplv ovvtax6ival Thy 6óšav, Thuc. To scribble, 'ypāq,w. See To write. A scribe, Ypaupérets, ’āvāypāqets. To be a scribe, Ypoupétéïa. Scrofula. See Scurvy. A scroll, 5èatos, i. To scruple, Škvéo. See To hesitate. To have scruples, évôāulov totéopal, Thuc. To give a person scruples about anything, evºutów tº timul, c. dat. pers., Eur. Since you have a scruple about this, éiretőfi got tdö’ éat' évôňulov, Eur. Scrupulous, Öicvmpós. To scrutinise, Šokiuáço', 'érºpiéów, 8takpiéów, ‘āvā- kpivo. See To eaſamine. A scrutiny, Šokuárſa ; ’āvā'irpio is, eas, ii, poet. also &ykpuris ; eiðjun. To submit to, to be bound to submit to, a scrutiny, eúðū- vmv Štówpu, eúðūvny 39Atgräuw. To acquit any one after a scrutiny, e36%ims ’āToàto, c. acc. pers., Ar. To be acquitted after a scrutiny, eú6üumu & Topvyetv, or 6taſp., Plat. [eiðūvm is however used most frequently in pl.]. A scuffle, Fräpäxft. A scull, icpávlov. Moved by two sculls (a boat), t bicottos, ov. A sculptor, Aiboup'yās. A sculptor's shop, ÉpployAüpetov. . Scum, Éiráv6topia, Té; +ypaſs, Ypābs, # ; (of persons) käflappa, Tó ; trepi"Tpupa, T6. Scurrility, kākoAoyſa. Scurrilous, kákóAoyos, ov. Scurvy, Aelyºv, fivos, 6; tºdºpa. To have the scurvy, yapáo, only act. Afflicted with scurvy, yapáAé0s. A scythe, opérévov. Armed with scythes, 8peträumſpópos, ov (of chariots). Sea, ŠáAagga, Tóvros ; TréAäyos, To (strictly being to ŠáAagga as a part to the whole), sometimes T. &Abs, T. Saxdorans, tr. tróvrtov, etc. (also often metaph., as tr. kaków, tr. &rms, Trag.); F &As, ‘āAbs, ii, no pl. in this sense; + olòua, also old. Saxdoro’ms, ‘āAlov old., etc.; Tovtſa votis, Eur.; ‘āAffirov &Agos, Távttov &Agos, AEsch. The eaſpanse of sea, vátov 0axáo ons, Eur.; vöta troutias &Abs, Eur. A sea of troubles, kāków KAñówv, AEsch.; Raúðav ovº- qopäs, Soph.; Raków Tuffāoh, Eur. Wishing to attack in the open sea, BovXówevos év tá eūpuxapíg éirifférôal, Thuc. To be at peace on the side of the sea, ću eipſium ék &a- Aágo ms eival, Dem. Of, or belonging to, the sea, 6&Adoratos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; TeXàytos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; t &Atos, a, ov, and os, ov; + švāAtos, a, ov, and os, ov; + “váA0s, ov; + tróvrios, a, ov, and os, ov; fem. Tourids. Beyond the sea, ºf ‘ūtreptóvtuos, a, ov, and os, ov. Brought across the sea, ºf Távttos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Under the sea, ‘ābāAos, ov, By, near the sea, on the sea coast, Tăpă0áNdoglos. 2, ov, and os, ov; Těpáxios, a, ov, and os, ov; Tāpāºos, ov : + špåAos, ov; F &yxiāA0s, ov. Sea-beat, sea-girt, sounding with the noise of the sea (of shores, islands, etc.), ºptăAos, ov; āſapiðáxaggos, ov; repúšitos, m, ov, and os, ov; +&ſubipitos, ov; trepi'kAvaros, m, ov, and os, ov; + šáAagorčTA'micros, ov : + &Aíktüiros, ov; +&pſpi"KAvatos, ov; +'āAt- grovos, ov; +&vritAhč, TAjiyos, 6, 7 ; Tepictuov, ovos, 6, i. Having the sea on both sides, t bitropos, ov (of the Isthmus). - She tossed, traversing the sea (of a ship, etc.), tº Touro- trópos, ov; +03AaggóTAayktos, ov; +vovoirópos, oy (of men); so # vavéârms, ov, 6 ; +'äAi'TAayktos, ov (of a floating island); t &Alīpms (of an oar). Used to the sea, ŠáAágorios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. Unused to the sea, +’ā0áAáorgotos, ov. At sea (a ship), ueréopos, ov; trexévios, a, or, and os, ov : + šv0äAdoratos, ov. The parts beyond the sea, to &vritrépas (also i övt. ©pgiºn, etc.), Thuc. Plundering the sea, + kupštop6ópos, ov (of an osprey, etc.). Ruling the sea, + troutopéðov, ovtos. Being master of the sea, SãAarookpārap, opos, 6, h; vavkpárop, opos, 6, #. To be masters at sea, vavkpâtéa, no mid., but pass, also to be mastered at sea ; Śaxaggokpâtéa. Living on the sea, ŠáAaro'oupybs (as a fisherman). To put to sea, ’āvāyo, also -ouat, mid. and aor. 1. pass. (the active form usually has acc. after it, e. g. 368 Sea-fight—Segession gº WJ J. - & º vaſiv); €Täväyw, and -opal, mid.; alpa, sine cas, or more usu, c. dat. (e. g. Taſs vaval), or c. acc. (e.g. tàs wats); alpw oróAov, AEsch.; ’ātaſpo, ; Śopuéa, sine cas.; Éoppíſo, thu vaēv, Dem. To cross the sea, + vava'0Aéopal, pass. To get into the open sea, ’āvotya. To be at sea, to remain at sea, pereaſpiſopal, pass.; ŚāAao'oeta (opp. to being in dock), trexéºy{{w. To be, or to anchor, in the open sea, ’āirogăAeča, only act.; &tooraMeta éir’ &yköpas uétéapos, Dem. To carry by sea, + vavotoxéa. To throw into the sea, + trovtſºv, katarovrićw. A throwing into the sea, kātātrovttapuás. One who throws into the sea, kātātrovtuatiis. That which is thrown into the sea, + tróvrugua, rá. Throw him into the sea, 6axágotov čkpithare, Soph. To make into sea (what was land), Šaxa.orgów. A putting to sea, ’āvāywyſ. A seafaring life, vavitàmpia, A sea-fight, vavuáxia. To engage in a sea-fight, vavuáxéa, only act. To main- tain a sea-fight, 6tavāvuáxéo. See To fight. To fight by sea with, ovvvavpičxéa. To wish to fight by sea, vavpaxmoreto, only pres. act. The loss of one's ship without a battle, &vavučxmtos ëAé6pos, Lys. A sea-monster, tuipatva. A sea-urchin, to iráráyym. Sea-weed, pºkos, tá; pictov, usu, in pl. Full of sea-weed, pukić6ms, 8pwéðms. Eating sea-weed, pixiopäyos, ov. To be sea-sick, vava'uda, only act. Sea-sickness, vavaria. A seal-(animal), + ptákm. - A seal (to seal with), ordpåyls, 760s, # ; (i. e. the im- pression made) orhuavrpov ; a ppāyiqua, āros, té; a muetov, f omuavriptov. The case round the seal affired to public documents, + köyxm. A counterfeit seal, F Trapa.ormuelov. Breaking the seal, ééeAičas repuéox&s orppaylopidºtov, Eur.; oriuavtp’ &vels, Eur. See To sail. See Sailor. You saw me opening and sealing (a letter), Añovta kal £vvöoëvra u’ eiseñes (6éAtov), Eur. To seal, kåtagºpayiſo ; a muaivopal, mid, and pass. in pass. sense; + oppäyiſo, + &rooºpäyíſo, ; (esp. with an idea of attestation to the sealed document) käTao muatva. To seal bottles, kátártogów. To seal up (an empty house, etc.), traparmugivolual, mid. A seam, t #4,#. To sear, Kata. To search, ēpevváa, &vaſmtéa. or for stolen goods, popáo. All the plain has been traversed and searched, trav čott- £3mtat réðov, Soph. One must search, Épévvmtéov. A search, Qātmats, eas, # ; Épévva, Şipa. A searcher, {ntmths, où, 6. Searching, adj. (as an investigation, etc.), "åkpiéhs, Difficult to search through, 8vsötepetºvntos, ov. A season, &pa ; (for doing anything) kalpós; so f'&cph. See Time. A fine season, eietmpia. Seasonable, épaios, Kaipios; effkalpos, ov; Éricalpos, ov; (of a person doing anything) +’ārpaios. See Timely. At every season, tirévapos, ov. Bringing in the seasons, i öpmºpópos, ov. To be seasonable, kalpöv čxaſ, Thuc. Having a judgment always seasonable, thv 56&v étrº- tvYii Tôv Kalpóv čxovtes, Isoc. Seasonableness, éykalpía. - Seasonably, eúkaipws, étucaipos, + kaiptws ; eis kat- pov, trpès Kaipov, Kalpé, év ſcalpé, obv Kaipó, wer& Katpot, Soph. Xen., etc.; eis 6éov or eis to 6., áv 6éovti or év tá, 6., Soph. Xen., etc.; if &ptikoWAa, eis &prilcoxAov, AEsch. To season, jööva, + šptio. The art of seasoning, à ºðvvrikā. Seasoning, jövgua, Tá; + šptuga, ré. A seat, €8pa, Šákos, Spévos ; +&#knua, ré ; +é64. Alou, usu. in pl.: + æðpävov, in pl.: + æðpagua, rb, in pl. A seat for rowers in a ship, Qūyāv; + oréApa, Tó. The front seat, or seat of honour, Trpoeëpta. The seat (of a hare), etvil, ºf a telyń. The first or front seats at the theatre, trpárov čāov, Ar. A seat in the sun, ev6áknots Atov, Soph. Having a good seal (of a horseman), Tēvu èroxos Xen. To seat, kā0íſa, often c. eis and acc. of the seat on which ; ºpia ; +1%, only pres, and imperf in the simple verb. For To be sealed, see Sit. Sealed on, êpeãpos, ov, c. gen, more rarely c. dat. To be seated on (as troops on a hill, etc.), Örepkáðmual, imperf. —Amv, fut. –0 horougi, c, gen. A sea-wolf, ºf A&épač, ćicos, 6. Sea-worthy, TA6tuos, or TAéïuos, ov. Not sea worthy, *āTA00s, ov. - - * To secede, ’ābiotapal, c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf. act.; ‘ūtrāq.fortäual, - To search for a thief i Secession, 'êtróatúa is, eas, ii. E B 369 Seclude—See To seclude, &tokAetw. See To shut out. Seclusion, p.6vogis, ews, j. Second, Östrepos. Second, adv. Sevrépas. The second place or rank, rå Sevrépéſz. In the second place (secondly), Öeffrepov and to 8.5 êtreita (answering to Tpátov). A second time, bettepa, tº 3., and (less usu, in prose) ro Seárepov. Second to, + &riate or -0ev, c. gen. See Inferior. On the second day, Öeutepaſos (used also simply as second when joined to juépa). To play the second part, t bevrépidºw, only act. To second (a speaker, etc.), oriveſtrov, only abr. 2. augment in all the moods, c. dat.; ovvepéa, as fut. of ovveirov, perf. ovveipnka; + givnyopéa, only act. To think secondary, Öeūtep’ jyotºuai Tà... Soph. To treat as secondary, trapepyov trouéouai, or éic trapép- ºvov tr., Thuc. Dem.; trapspyov vopºgo, Dem. Thinking everything else secondary to providing so many ships, voluto as tróvta iſotepa sival r& &AAa Tpos to vaºs too attas orvpatrapakoptoſai, Thuc. Thinking everything secondary to . . . Štravr’ éAáorow voluto'avtes éival toº ... Dem. That everything is secondary to (obeying) your father's will, yyápms tratpéas trèvr’ &riorðey Éotával, Soph. - Second-rate (of a person), Sevrepoup'yös, Öv. Secret, kputtés; kpāblos, a, ov, and os, ov; spüpaios; Ää0patos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of a foul deed) &röß- §ntos, ov; mtos, ov; 'évavčos, ov. To enjoin a person to keep secret, to tell under the seal of secrecy, Šv &roßfitous troumoráuevos Aéyéiv, Plat. To keep secret, oréyw, oria Tów ; ori'yfi orréyw, g. ca- Abirtw, o. #x2, or ‘āqlalpéopal, Trag. See To conceal. A secretary, Ypaſſlatioths, où, 6; ypaupérets ; (a private secretary) étriotoxets. To secrete, ºptirtw. See To conceal. To help to secrete, ovverkpivo. To be secreted together, giváro- kpivouai, pass. Secretly, A3'0pā, ºptéðmu, ºpiºi, A30patos, kpāba, +kpipios; ÉÉ 'āqāvois, AEsch.; £k roß & pavods, Thuc., & pavós ; bi' &toffff:fftov, Šv &roßfitte, Plat. To do a thing secretly, à pavis eius trouſºv' & pavis &v Troiá, Thuc. Xen. They detected me letting myself down secretly to the ground with ropes, u' épeºpov... TAektaſaw ts yiv orópa KAétrovgrav Tóðe, Eur. A section, ruñua, ré, Secure (i.e. not liable to be carried off), + ššūaia. atos, ov; ‘āöefts. See Safe. - To Secure (i. e. to make safe), oróſco. To be secured (as a debt is) on property, evoſpetxopal. Security, Łóeta, to 33ees ; (i. e. a certain assurance) £366aiótms, mTos, iſ ; (i. e. any thing given as pledge for payment) 6pmpeta, trāpākārā0%km. See Pledge, Bail. Being a security, Śumpös, Öv. -- To be a security, poet. also to give as security, Öumpeão, only act. To seize as security, Kateyyváa. Sedate, eúkmå0s, ov. See Quiet. Sedately, horixás, superl. havXaſtata. Sedentary, Śēpatos, a, ov, and os, ov. Sediment, taxšrms, mºros, j; ‘ūtrógráois, ews, 7, Full of sediment, füTótpüyos, ov, - Sedition, a rāqis, ews, j. A state, of sedition, ora- a toteta. A raising of sedition, Otaqiaopiós. To join in sedition, to be torn by sedition, etc. etc., otă. old ſo, only act.; a votádióſw. To eacite to sedition, 6taatáoiá(w. Seditious, orágiotikos, a Tagiaatikös, aragić8ms. Seditiously, otaguao Tukós, a tao wrikós. 4 seditious person, an eaciter of sedition, otagićrms, ov, 6. To seduce, (by argument, etc.) teſta, + atáo; (allies, soldiers, etc.) ‘ūq aſpée, aor. 2. čqeixov ; Śtro- Aqušávo, fut. —Aftyouai, no aor. 1, act, or mid., perf. act. -ebXmqa, aor. 2. —éAášov ; (by bribes) km2.Éo ; (a woman) wouxetw,8tap6eipw; Aw8áouai, mid. See To persuade. These men were seduced to trust him, ošto triotetely intfix9morav, Dem. A seducer, ‘f pôopets, ºf oikopóðpos. Seduction (of a woman), pôopá. Seductive, étáywy?)s, 6v. To see, eiðoy, aor. 2. from an unused pres, opt. 'igoſul, etc., no other tenses in this sense; Éréºov, kareiðov, Tposeibov : épéo, imperſ. #6pov, perf &paka (also éépáka, the more probable Attic, or āt least Comic form, LID. and Sc.), fut. (borrowed from ēttopal), ëhouai, perf. pass. Făgual, fut. i. pass. 540horouai, perf mid. Förwira in act. sense; eisopów, kaflopáo; AAérw, no perf., only act. ; &toéAétro, TrposéAéra, eiséAérw; Seáopal, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sense, aor. 1. pass. in pass. sense; i öépicopat, mid., c. aor. 2. čāpālcov, perf. §§§opka, no fut. ; † Aetoga, only pres, and imperf act.; feisaetorow, httposNewgow, 370 Seeing—Seize +’ā0péw; from above (sometimes with esp. notion of protecting), cataffedouai; f €40peta, c, acc. or gen. ; again, 'évašAéra; before one, trpoopów (esp. to any distance), ºf Tpoketºgora; besides, trposicaflopda, ; from a distance, I Ščátreſöov, f Éopów ; amiss, incorrectly, trapopda ; at the same time, ovv6edouai ; in, êveiðov. To see at a glance, ovvopda. To go to see (esp. a public spectacle), beapéo. Entreating them not to see them destroyed, Seáuevot pºl orqās reptopáv (p6elpop.évous, Thuc. Going to the king to see if they could persuade him, tropewópºevol &s 820théo eſtra's reigelav airtov, Thuc. . One must see, Seátéov. Able to see, Špitikás One who sees, Öirthp, fipos, 6; + kátáTTms, ov, 6. Having seen much, toxifleåuwu, ovos, 6, h, c. gen. Seeing all things, ºf trävöttms, ov, 6; +Travtóttms, ov, 6; + travöepicérns, ov, 6. Seeing acutely, teāpākñs. Far-seeing, f tºxeakótros, ov. ovvottikós. Seeing at a glance, Not seeing, 'ü6éâtos, ov, c. gen. A seeing (capability or possibility of seeing), ſpéoyis or Tpésopus, Thuc. See Sight. . Gifts for seeing, ºf Öttiipua, td. Seen (what can be seen, etc.), Öparös, Öv; Seátós, òu; + étrójiuos. What must or should be seen, Şeôté0s. What can be seen at a glance, givottos, ov. Easily seen, eiðed pntos, ov. Easily seen at once, eigüvortos, ov. Easily seen through, eißtottos, ov. Seen afar, iſ étrópios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Con- spicuous. Worth seeing, déâtos, ov. Terrible to see, i övstpásottos, ov. Difficult to see (of fine nets), Süsépáros, ov. . Seed, otrépua, Tó. Seed-time, oropa, atrópos, +’ápotos. To bear seed, otreppoºpopéa, only act. To seek, Çntéa, Čirićmtéo, pewváa, wagteia, only act. ; + Hatouai, mid., only pres, and imperf. ; (with J eagerness) 6mpdo, 9mpeto; (with labour) + škºrovéo ; To seek to obtain for oneself, also to go to seek (a person, etc.), uétépxopat, fut. -EAeūgouai, aor. 2. —fixbov; uéretut (–1éval); + pe&#ka, only pres, and imperf act. To seek on the other hand, &vtićntéa); e.g. to seek one who is seeking oneself, Čntá, Tov &vtićntoâvra, Xen.; before, trpoºmtéa. One must seek, Çntmtéov, &mpâtéov. One must 90 and seek, petitéov. . To be sought, ºrmtéos. To be sought anariously, atrovčarréos. Sought, + (mTritós. Difficult to seek, Öusgårntos, ov. A thing sought for, {fitmua, ré. - A seeking, {fitnois, eos, h; ’āvaçãrmats. - A seeker, Mao Tevrºls, où, 6; ºf Mao Tºp, fipos, 5 ; fem. pidotelpa. - - Good at seeking, + piao Tſipios. To seem, Öokéw, fut. 66%, aor. 1. Č60éa, also tºokhow, from which also the poets form regularly adr. 1, act. perf, perf pass, aor. 1. pass. (3rd sing, pres. and aor. 1. §§oče often impers.); baivouai, pass., c. infin. or c. part. (the latter only when what seems is really the case); €otka (perf. of elkw), esp. in 3rd sing, indic. as impers.; pavrášopal, pass. To seem also, to seem so to another, ovvöokéa, esp. in 3rd sing, as impers.; besides, trposéolcéa. For she is young as she seems by her garment and ornaments, véa yöp Ös é00%ti kal kóopº Tpéret, Eur. - It seems then that folly and madness are the same thing, āpporávn Špa kal wavia kivövveſſel tº airtov eival, Plat. As it seems, &s éolke, sometimes c. infin, as if Ös were omitted, Ös àoice. - As it seems to me, &s éuol Sokel, às éuol 60keºv, and without às, éuoi Öoiceºv, Trag.; from some nocturnal vision of ill-omen as it seems to me, ék Šetuatos toº voktépov, Šokéiv ćuol, Soph. Seeming, paivéuevos (opp. to Öv, really being). Seemingly, ČolkóTws. Seer, uávris, eas, 6, ii. See Prophet. A segment, Tuñua, Té. To seize, Špiráſa, ’āqaptráçw, givaprágo; Aapéâva, fut. Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAášov, perf. etampo, perf. pass, eſāmuſal, sometimes in Att. also AéAmuſal, sometimes c. gen, of that by which a person is seized (e. g. by the knees, 'yoivºv); ičátáAap.6dva, Tixau- Šávo (in the Orators also to seize goods by distress), ovXAapéðvø; aipéo, no aor. 1, aor. 2. eiàov; + Adºv- ual, only pres, mid. ; tāvrixágoua, c. gen. ; (with the hand) 8páogopal, mid., c. perf. pass. part. Seòpaypévos, in act. sense (sometimes metaph. as of seizing hope, etc.) c. gem.; t uépirta, only pres, and imperf act, + Juppépirta); (as pain seizes one) #TTo- ual, mid., no pass., c. gen. ; (Tropat; as one's 0207? property, as one's slave, etc., flüglé@ ; as a pledge, trposevexupé@ ; beforehand, "poaprágo ; (a town) secretly, Širokapišáva. Seizing the opportunity, Étrépéaívay tº Kaipé, Dem. B B 2 - 371 Seizing—Send But seizing your garments with my hand (Electra loquitur), xeſpa 5’ uttàéad' éuhu (oxiigw ore, K. T. A.), Eur. To have one's goods seized for debt, vexipăçopiat Tö. xpſiuara, Ar. One must seize, h Antréov. One who seizes, tépárrap, opos, 6. Quick at seizing, h &Aášás. What may be seized, käräxmirros, ov. A grief seizing me by the infliction of the Gods, itév60s Šećev karáAmtrov, Eur, A seizing (of property), Añºis, h; &mianyis. A seizure (of disease), ávttamyls, ews, i. Right of seizure, oºm and oriºxov, usu. in pl. To eaercise the right of seizure against the Boeotians, orvåa troueta 6al Tovs BowToys, Lys. Seldom, ÖAiyākis, orträvlos, + airävlov. Seldom, adj., grávios. See Rare. To select, Čaipéa, aor. 2. —éºov, perf. pass. -jpmual, aor. 1. –mpé0my; Éckpivo, Tpokpivo; Aéyw, perf. pass. in this sense effeyual, ékxéyw. See To choose. One must select, Čapetéov, Škxéktéov. Selected, fit to be selected, select, €aſpetos, ov; #ic- kpitos, ov; Tiaektos, ov; RAektos, ov; + Aektos, +kpirós. Selection, êKAečis, eas, ii. See Choice. Self, myself, yourself, by myself, etc., airbs, aith, airo, with or without €yò, ori, etc. One's very self, + airótáros. [For self the Tragedians often use 6éuas indecl., usu. with possess. pronoun, as–I, or myself, toipbv Ščuas, —you, or yourself, to obv 6éugs, etc.; sometimes without the pronoun, as–let us hide ourselves in caves, kpājapey 3éuas kar’ &vrpa, Eur, ; so also orópia roßpöv, Eur. ; orópa Tóðe, Eur. ; orów Kápa, Eur. ; “Ekropos Kápa, Eur. See Person.] - Self-incurred (calamity, etc.), F at 6aipetos, ov. Self-evident, airóðmAos, ov. Self-produced, + airtóktiros, ov; + airtóktigros, ov. Self-founded, + airóðigos, ov. Self accomplishing, + airókpāvos, ov. Self-called, self invited, faitáràntos, ov. Self.slain, or self-slaying, + aitoödiktos, ov; + airo- q6vos, ov; † abroktóvos, ov. See Suicidal, Self-taught, + airočíðakros, ov. One self-taught in philosophy, airtovpyös Tās pixooro- q'ías, Xen. To be self-possessed, éuavrot, yſyvouai, oravroſ, yºyvel, airoi Yiyveral, Hºsch.; ppevöv Évêov sial, Eur. Self-confidence,—because they had no self-confidence, 813 to thvºyvápmy &vexéyyvov yeyeviatai, Thuc. A self-tormentor, faitokákos, Selfish, piñavros, ov. Selfishness, ‘iólotſpáyia. Self-satisfied, ai,936ſs. To be self-satisfied, 'üyātāw. Self-will, ai0áðela, poet, aiðaðta; taiðáðigua, Té. 'Self-willed, aú0āöhs, sometimes c. gen. (e.g. ač0. ppe- vów); faitóšovXos, ov; ; aſſā560 rouos, ov. In a self-willed manner, at 666&s. To be self-willed, aijóáðſſoual, mid. To sell, iriſpárka, no fut, or aor, act, perſ, act. trémpāka (the only act. tense except pres., and that rare), perf. pass. Témpāua, aor. 1. Čirpá0my (the tenses most commonly used, and the only ones in Trag.), c. gen. of the price (which is the construction of all verbs in this sense); €utroAdw, huróAaov, etc., also in pass., mid, not in this sense; 8tepatroXáw, ’āirew- troA&w, traßw, sometimes c. Tpos and acc. of the person to whom; &močíðapu, more usu. &roötöopat, mid.; 'éyopáço, only act, in this sense; + šč06ów ; (for money) éčapyüpigo, and mid., no pass. To put up for sale, 8tatíðepal, mid-; &rokūpāorga. To sell real properly, 'übāvíſa, thy oigtav, Dem.; &pavī Tīv oia'tav kafliotºut, Lys. A seller trpäthp, fipos, 6; ºf troºms, ov, 6. A seller of goods of his own manufacture, aitotôAms, ov, 6, - Qſ, or belonging to, a seller of goods of his own manu Jacture, airtoirwāticós. Willing to sell, troºmſticos, c. gem. A selling, trpäoris, eas, ii; of everything, travtotraxia. Sold trpätbs, 6v. What may be sold, is to be sold, tpādīuos, ov, What must be sold, Tpäté0s. A thing sold, trgºmua, T6. A place where things are sold, Twwnthptov. Shop. Semblance, pop ph. See Likeness. A semicircle, juiki'kAtov. Senate, BovXī. See Council. To send, or send forth, Téuirw, Tporéutw, areAAw, dºpinul (Attic, imperf plovy), 'üvinul, fºul, éop- uáw; +TpooréAAouai, mid, and pass.; (missile wea- pons) ºf idºrta, no perf; oričárto (see To shoot); about, in different directions, 6taréutra, repitréutra; back, &rootéAAw, &motréutro; down, Kä0ímul, Kärä- Téutw; against, pinul, éritéutro; Éirečexative, fat. See 372 Sender—Separate -Exéro, etc.; away, from, out of, etc., kiréuro, dro. tréaro, &rogréAAw, Fäktopečw; (of sending people away, and making them live at a distance) 'éroticſ&; away privily, Örektréutw. To send into or among, ºf évímut. To send to, into, etc., eistréuirw, c. acc. of the place or person to which, or c, dat. or c. prep.; Tposiréutra; Štrotéura, in prose usu, with an idea of secrecy; on (esp. as the Gods send punishments on), *mitréuirw, c. dat, of those on whom; on before, trp0- airoa réAAw, mºpoeistréutw; besides, étruiréutra, trpos- airoa réAAw; by, through, etc., trăpâtéutro; Stimul, sometimes c. gen.; round (orders, a message, etc.), treptayyéAAw; word, éirtatéWAw; with, ovºiréutra; together, at the same time, etc., orivárootéWAw, ovuek- tréutro; in turn, duritéutro; up, 'üváiréairw, 'évāśi- édéa, +dvímut; up in turn, dutăvášišć(w. To send for, petaréutra, in prose more usually -opat, mid.; Trposuetatréutropºat; +Tréºtropiat, mid.; + ortéº- Aouai, mid. (see To summon); J’or back, to send for besides, éirigetatréutouai. To send for out of Fécréutopia. One must send, trepittéov. A sender, it togrós. A sender up, 'éváropºros. A sending, routh; tréulis, ii; threppis; out, away, etc.; ºroo'Tox3), šictoputrī; Śicrepubus, ii; round (to different cities), Statroſtrá; for, peráregiſts, i. Sent, Trepºrtos, +iaxtós; + trópatriuos, m, ov, and os, ov; for, uerétreptos, ov; round, Firepèrepºrtos, ov; from afar, f tºxétropitos, ov; secretly, Öröwepttos, ov. What must be sent for, uetatrepittéos. Senior, trperéârepos. See Old. Sensation, afoºmats, eos, h; Tā00s, té. Sense, (i. e. faculty of perception) ałothiols, h; ppá- vmoris, eas, ii; (i.e. the act of perceiving, etc.) ała 6mua, Tó; (i. e. good sense) váos, vows (uncontr. only in Trag.) (To give an account of a speech, not “totidem verbis,” but) adhering as closely as possible to the general sense of what was really said, éxópevos &ti éyyūtata rās orvpatráorms yuápms róv d'Amflós Aéx6évrav, Thuc. In one's senses, ‘i ppev66ev. In his senses, uppov, ovos, 3, # (esp. of a wounded or dying man); + diptiºpwu, ä, ä (opp. to insane). Being thoroughly in their senses, kópr’éxovres eſſ ºppévôv, Eur. I should then have been wholly out of my senses, udºratos #v Šp’ oãapoi, whvošy ppevöv, Eur. To be in one's senses (not mad, or not dead), ºppovéa, sometimes eſſ ºpovéa, only act; (not mad) + owppo- véa, only act. To come to one's senses, ’āvāppovéa, ºppov Raº otgual, Soph. Vigour of the senses, eiata 8moria, Gifted with vigour or acuteness of sense, ebaſoºmros, 61/. * Senseless, Gyváuov, ovos, 6, h; #e3pos (ppevöv (of a speech), Soph. See Foolish. To be senseless, dyvanovéw, only act. Senselessly, dyvapiévals. Senselessness, + dyvapogºv". See Folly. Sensible, évvows; oréppav, ovos, 6, i. I think that he was sensible that things are the same. ..., ofouai airby Évvovy yeyovéval #rt rà uév trpáyuata Taitá čott ..., Lys, - Sensibly, vouvexóvras; Aóvov čxövtws, Isoc. Sensitive (to external impressions), eiträ0hs, c. Štrb and gen, or c. eis and acc. Sensual, (affecting the senses, the body) owuáticós; (given to sensuality, licentious, q.v.) dºpaths. Sensuality, drpaola, &kpåreta. A sentence, Aéryos, fluo, Tá; (i. e. decision, vote) $740s, h. A sentence on a prisoner, Siem. Sentence of banishment, puyń. Sentence of death, Šávaros; to pass sentence of death, etc., see To condemn. To give sentence, 8tremv Šukáço. Sentence of death shall be pronounced against them, iftºpos kar” airów ŚAe6pía BovXeūo'etal, AEsch. To sentence, Tipºda, c. dat. pers., acc. of the punish- ment, or more usu. gen. (e.g.—tiſiów twº &avátov, —öticmy being understood). t A passing sentence, or estimating the sentence, thumous, i. One who passes or fines the sentence, Tipmths, ot, 6. Sententious, yyapotēros, ov. A sentiment, yuápm. A sentinel, ſpäAač, Škos, 6; oricotros, + (ppoupés; (of a camp) a knvopijaaš; (on board ship) + vav púña#; of a town, tetxo pöAaš. To visit the sentinels, f Kočovopopéo, only act.; Tôt kóðava trapaſpépa, Thuc. Separable, eiðiróAiros, ov. To separate, 8teipya, Siârptvo, Xapića, 6taſetyvijul, 6txàºw. As a boundary separates adjacent countries, etc., Öpiſo. To separate from, dirokptva', 'étroxapiſa, droox{{a, drapráo. To separate (intrans.), or to be separated, âtéxa, fut. 6téča, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —eo Xov. To be separated from, droſetſyviſual, pass.; 'ürográouai, pass.; at once, ovvöläkpivouai. * Separate, separated, Giroueptorðets. 373 Separately—Set My property is separate from that of Agamemnon, Xapis Tápió, ic' 'A'yapiéuvovos, Eur. Separately, Öixa, xwpls, Štúrcerpiuévos. Consider separately, 'êtroAééðv okótrel, Plat. Consider every particular by itself separately, Ékaotov &q' ékáotov okotetre, Dem. Separation, Xaptop,6s; 313'kpious, ii; budgeviºus, i. Separation from the body, Šid: evčis toū 0.6Matos, Plat. So the separation (of contending armies from one an- other) took place, oùto il datañAayh éyéveto dàAff- Aww, Thuc. - September, Bombpopudºv, &vos, 5 (began about the middle of our September). Sepulchral, ºf éiritúšios, ov; ; Twp.6%pms. See Tomb. Sepulchre, Tâq,0s. See Tomb. Sepulture, Tàpos. See Burial. Sequel, TéAos, Tó. Sequence, 6táðoxií. To serenade, kopidºw, c. acc. or c, trpos and acc, Serene, eúðuos, ov, compar. eißtairepos; feiſicmA0s, ov; + y&Amvös, ov. See Calm. Serenity, eúðta. A serf, pl. Trevértal, oi. Series, orvorouxſa. - Serious, (of men or things) ortovãatos; +’āyéAaotos, ov; (of persons) ortovëaatikos; (of things only) éu- épióñs. To be serious, otovčá(w, act, only of persons -opal, pass. both of persons who are serious or earnest, and of the object which is seriously pursued, etc. You asked me whether I was serious when I said . . . #pov pie ei o Trovãdºwv Aéyoupt ... Plat. To speak seriously, otovãaloxoyéo, also pass. of the matter seriously discussed. Seriously, a trovöaiws, ’āyeXaott. Seriousness, orirovāń; atrovöatórms, mros, ii. Serpent, Öque, eos, 6; +6pšicov, ovtos, 6; + xiāva. See Snake. A water serpent, fušpaiva. A poisonous serpent whose bite causes putrefaction, oh!, ontos, 6, i. To become a serpent, metaph. I Šköpákovtóopal, pass. Serrated, trpiovaſtos, 6v. A servant, 600A0s; &epārov, ovros, 6; Śirmpérms, ov, 6; A&rpts, eos, 5; + ºrpósitoxos; +&pſpiroxos, 6, #, usu, ä, ögos, -wos, 6, usu. in pl.: ātākovos; tāārpev- ga, rð; (a house-servant) oikérms, 6; oike's; Trevé- arms, ov, 3. A maid-servant (see above), Suwh, &epāraiva; ‘impe- ris, thos; +Sepā'Tvm; +5uals, tºos, h; oikétis, ibos, ñ. See Slave. A fellow-servant, givöovX0s, 6, #. Belonging to a servant, oiketixás. See Servile. - To serve, or to be a servant, ÖovXeūw, c. dat.; 5tripe- Téw, Šiškovéo; &épátreſſw, also, though rarely, -opal, mid, no pass.; A&rpedo, c, dat, more rarely c. acc.; &mteſſo; + trpostroAéw, only act. To serve (i.e. be of service to), & peaéw, c, acc., sometimes c. dat.; Troup- yéo xúpiv, c, dat, Æsch. See Service. To serve in the army, otpätetºw, also mid. and perf, and aor. 1. To be a fellow-servant with, + avvöovAeëw, c, dat. To serve in the army with, avatpâtéâw. To live with and serve, Tápéðiákovéa. To serve in turn, in requital, etc., ávrièspåret w, c. acc.; &v6üirmpetéw; +&vričov, Aeëw, c, dat. To be at a person's service, ‘ūTápx6, c, dat, only act. One must serve, Útrmpetmºréov, c. dat. Service (i. e. the condition of a servant, the doing a service, etc.), Sepúreta, Ümpeata, ātākovia, A&rpeta, +&mteta; (i. e. a kindness done, etc.) ei.spyeo'ía, &péAeta (in both senses); Sepārevua, Tó; &péAmuz, Tá; ‘ūtūpétmua, tá; Aá'tpevka, té. A previous service, Tpoitapxft; to Tpolitmpyuévov. Fit for service (of an army, a soldier, a ship, etc.), évépyös, Öv. Belonging to service, Ståkovicós. To do a service, eúspyetéo, c. acc. pers, sometimes c. gem, acc. See To serve. All my money is at your service, ool 6* 5trāpyet uév tá éuê Xpſiuata, Plat. Serviceable, ‘ūtroup'yos, 6v; Śirmpetucós. See Useful. Servile, SovKikós, òovAoirpetrºs, + 606Atos; +800xelos, o, ov, rarely os, ov; † TpóðovXos, ov; +&igo'o, only fem. See Slavish. A servile emistence, oikétms 8tos, Eur. Servilely, ÖovAlkôs, &veXev6épos. Servility, SovXotſpéreta, ’āvexev6epta. Serum, àpós. Sesame, a figäuov. Made of Sesame, ongºlivos. To set (i.e. make to sit), Kä0íšw, no perf. in any voice, c. eis and acc, or c, čirl and dat. of the seat on which, +lºw. See To sit. - To set (i.e. to place, q.v.), kā8tormul, only pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. in act. Sense, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. in pass, sense. To set (one) against (the other) (in the way of coun- terbalancing or comparing), ávritt0mut, c. acc. of the ome, dat, of the other; Tapatí0mMt, mid, 374, Setting—Seven To set at (as a dog at a thing, etc.), +ériššū(w, only act, c. Širl and acc. To set before (as meat before a person, etc.), Tpotiºnal, c. dat. pers, before whom (in the case of meals), but c. gen, of anything before which a thing is set as a veil or as a defence; träpä- tíðmºt; trpospépw, fut, -otow, aor. 1. —fiveyka, aor. 2. –fiveykov, aor. 1. pass. -mvéx0mv, c. dat. (in mid, to have set before one so as to eat). To set (a guard) before, Tpokaðið’tmpw, pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. in act. sense, perf pluperf, and aor. 2. act, in pass. Sel] See To set bones, ovvölop0ów. To set down (in a place), ěšíðpúw. To set against one another (so as to make to fight), avuéâAAw, no aor. 1. act, perf. –éééAºka, c. acc. of the two parties; trposéâAAw; &v6ío Tmut, in pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. c. acc. of the one party, dat. of the other. º To set on or place (one thing on another), áirítěmut, c. dat. of that on which, sometimes c. gen. To set over (esp. as a ruler, etc.), €4 fortmut, pres. im- perf. fut. and aor. 1. act, in act. Sense, perf pluperf. and aor. 2, act, in pass. Sense, perf part. —eatmlcós, viz, etc., also (more usually), —eart&s, 302, gen. Ötos, etc., c. dat, or c, čirl and acc., more rarely c. gen,; Tpołortmut, c. gen. To be set over, éirio Tatéo, c. gen. or c, dat. To set owt (to go anywhere), intrans. ěšopudokal, mid, and pass.; 'êtrapw, act, and mid, no pass. See To depart. To set out beforehand, ºrpoeëopºw. To set, intrans. (as the sun), šta (and in AEsch. pres. Śāva), aor. 2. act. §§vv, fut. Sigouai; + półva, only pres, and imperſ, also pºiuévos, perf. pass. (used of the past night). To set up (as a man sets up in business), karaokevdgo- &al, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sense. To set upon (i.e. attack, q.v.), Tiróegal, mid. c. dat. Setting speech against speech, &vrtko Tateivaptes Affyov trapā Aéryov, Plat. To set a price on any one's head, so êtrikmpúa'a w xpſ- pard Tuvi, Dem. Set to (i.e. exert yourself), špetöe, Ar. Set apart, &tóðeros, ov. Setting out, tº givápplevos. Well set on (as a person's head, etc.), ápépéðms. In set terms, orvuretayuévos. A setting (i. e. placing), &éans, eas, i. Setting, subst. (of sun, stars, etc.), Śāous, eas, h; 8voºl (only of the sun). The setting of a ring, trueafs, thus, i. To settle, act. (i.e. to place in a habitation or country), oikigo, kåtoucí(w; eisourišw, sometimes even c. acc. of the habitation in which ; ‘āpāw, sometimes c. eis and acc. of the place in which ; once (in Eur.) c. acc., káðiðpúw; + vaſw, only in aor. 1.; Évagga, and aor. 1. pass.; Śvēorðmu, + karavaſa (see To found); in, act, evoucíſo, c. dat.; near, act, trapakatotkićw. To aid in settling, oriviaTmut, pres, imperf. fut, and aor. 1, act, in act. sense, perſ, pluperf and aor. 2. act. in pass. sense; ovykä0ſortmut. To settle, act. (i.e. compose, q, w, quarrels, etc.), Öia- Tiffspal, mid. - To settle, intrans. (i. e. to fix one's own habitation in); the mid, and pass. of most of the verbs given above, also oikéw, c. acc., sometimes c, dat, or c. prep. v and dat, karū and acc., etc.; uetoucéo, c. dat. c. prep. or poet. c. gen.; Tolkéw; kátoucéw, pass, also in the same sense as the act, but sometimes also both act. and pass. in pass. sense of the place settled or in- habited ; kabiotapal, pass. c. aor. 2. and perf, and pluperf act.; + vaía, pres. imperf, and aor. 1. pass. êvão 6mv. See To dwell, To inhabit. To settle (as a disease settles on some particular part), atmpišw, fut. —Éa, c. eis and acc. For I settled far from the habitations of men, tºod 'yöp oikov 8torov šštěpwordpumv, Eul. To settle, intrans. (as undermined ground does), tºw, only pres, and imperf act, and pass.; iſłvº, only pres. and imperf. act.; (of a river which has overflowed) ūtrovoo Téa. Settling doubtful points by judicial decision, 6ttºm 6ta- Atovtes Tä, äuſpíAoya, Thuc. To settle their mutual differences by fair discussion, pietà Aóryov 6taxšoad 6&t tº trpos &AAñAovs, Isoc. Having settled your affairs to your satisfaction, Tâ. govtov Šéuevos eş, Eur. See To arrange. That his differences with Hegesander should be settled, Stańuffival Tó, trpos “Hyūgavôpov, AEschin. Settled (i. e. agreed upon), Ömtos, Taktós; (i. e. firmly established) éðpatos, a, ov, and os, ov. A settler, étroikos, 6, #; uéroticos, 6, #, sometimes c. gen. of the country in which ; campotzos, 6, ii. See Colonist, A body of settlers, RAmpouxta. A settling (in a place), Metoucía; uetoticmots, m. The rights of settlers, ā Hetoucía. A tag on settlers, uetoſktov. settledness (a being settled), &kivmata. Ševen, Črrá. 375 ~. Seven—Shame The number seven, ättäs, #60s, i. Seven times, éirtókus and étréki. Seven hundred, étr+alcóatoi. Seven thousand, ÉirtáiciszíAtol. Lasting seven years, seven years old, etc., §rtaérms, &rrérms; fem. Éirrétis, iè0s. A period of seven years, étraetía. A period of seven days, ééâouès, #60s, i. On the seventh day, Śēēouaſos. Sevenfold, étrarxārios. Seventeen, êttakatóeka. Seventeenth, ēţrtakatēékáros. Seventh, ēéðouos. Seventy, £660p.fitcovta. Seventieth, ēéöopmkoortés. Seventy thousand, Śirtäkisui plot. To sever, &roox{{w. See To separate. Several, troXàs. See Many. Severe, xakerös, Öpiuás; Tikpbs, &, by, and bs, ºv; origeabs, h, ov, and bs, ov; (of pain, etc.) bās; (of measures) ve&repos, usu, in positive sense. See Harsh. Severely, XaXetrós, triºpôs. Severity, Tukpórms, mºros, ji; turpia; xàAérôrns, mtos, h; beivötns, mºros, i. To act with severity towards him, veðtépév tº Tolely €s airby, Thuc. To decide on severe measures respecting him, 80UAeſoat rt &våkeorov trepi airtov, Thuc. To punish with severity those who revolt, &ptotapévows orpóðpa koxášeiv, Thuc. - To sew, Édºrra, ovššártw, kātaññártw; into or in, évpárto, yicărapártw; up, or up again, &rośćirTw. A sewing, Épſ. Sewn, Öarrás. A sewer, Aatipa. Sex, yévos, rö; pij}\ov. Shabbiness (i.e. meanness, q.v.), Mikpoaoyſa. Shabby (esp. of people, i. e. mean), paſſMos, m, ov, and os, ov; uikpóAoyos, ov; Mirporpetrás. To shackle, trečāw. A shackle, Tréâm. See Chain. Shade, shadow, a kid. The shades below. See Hell. From the shades below, ºf épeść9ev, f yićev. Those in the shades below, ‘ūtrox6óviou, + vépTepot. To keep in the shade, oritiatpoſpéopat, pass. But at present, I imagine, his success keeps all these practices of his in the shade, &AA', oiugi, viv učv éri- gicore? Toàrous Tö karop60üv, Dem. To shade, okidºw, kåtagicidéo ; ovgkiáço, no pass, but pres, act. used sometimes in pass. sense ; Éri- oricotéa, c. dat., only act.; + divipe péa, only pres. act. s: To shade (in painting), &toxpaiva'. * + Holding one's hands so as to shade one's eyes, ČupićTw érioticlov (sc. &vacra) Xeºp” &vréxovta tºpótos, Soph. To hold before one as a shade, ‘i caragicidgw. He shaded Ctesippus so that he could not see, éteokótel Krmafrirg Tās &éas, Plat. - To fight with a shadow, griðuáxéw, only act. Shaded, shady, oktepós ; eiſokios, ov; otokios, ov; troAiſaktos, ov; ; eioſiciaotos, ov; +’āvīAtos, ov; +&etAos, ov; ; oricitºms, f \lootepſis. With shady leaves, ºf Okiöpólcopos, ov. Shadowy, Grcioetőfis. A shaft (of a spear, of an arrow, etc.), £vorov, kavå6s; Édé60s, j. : Shaggy, São is ; Aérios, o, ov, and os, ov; +5avXós; + 640icios, ov (of a beard), To grow shaggy, ‘f Ağxváouai, pass. To shake, oreto, Tpogsto, karaoreiw, Sovéo ; riváorga, fut, -ëa, etc., poet.; Stărivárow ; +éAeAſſo, and in mid. of singers, i.e. of the nightingale; against (usu. so as to frighten), ºf éirigeto, c. dat.; off, f'étroAak- tí (w. - To shake hands with, 56.60gal, mid. (sometimes c. acc. pers, sometimes c, dat, of the hands); &vttöeštěouai, mid. w To be shaken, kapkalpa, ; cºxedouai, pass., but more usu. OréAetºw, intrans. Shaken, getatós ; Śiśoretortos, ov. A shaker (one who shakes), +Tiváictap, opos, 6; fem. Tiváictetpa. A shaking, oretowbs (esp. of the earth); Fövooris, eas, i. Shallow, ºf Astročáðīs; (of soil) Aerró)ews, ov. . Shallows (in the sea, etc.), 8päxéa, td. See Shoal. Frequenting the shallows, träpäyelos, ov. Sham, trpostrontos, ov. See Pretended. To sham, 'ütroºpivotal, mid. See To pret.:d. Shame, (in a good sense) aidiós ; (in a bad sense) airzāvm. See Disgrace. To feel shame, aidéouai, mid, fut, aidéoopal, etc., also aor. 1. pass. #6érômy, often c. acc, pers. before whom, c, infim, at doing anything, more rarely c. part.; aloxi- vopal, pass., c. ful, mid, c. acc. of the cause, or c.s dat. or c. prep. Ti and dat., áv and dat. etc., some- : times c, acc, pers, before whom, sometimes c. part, 376 Shame—Shed (at doing a thing which however one does), or, c. infin. (at doing a thing which therefore one does not do). See Ashamed. To shame, aioxiva. See To disgrace. Shameful, aiozpbs, 3, ov, compar, aiozlov, ataxioros. See Disgraceful. Is not it shameful that . . . 2 trós of Selvöv . . . ; Xen. Shamefully, aioxpós. See Disgracefully. Shameless, "åvatāńs; ’āvatoryvytos, ov. See Impudent. To be shameless, ’āvatoxvvtéo, only act.; ’ātāval- oxvvtéo. See Impudent. Shamelessly, 'üvačás. Shamelessness, 'üvaíðeta, ’āvatoryvvría. A sham-fight (of cavalry), áv6irträgia. To shape, oxmuárotrotéa. See To form. Shape, poppf ; # uépipwua, T6; + 550wós. Of the same or similar shape, juovo03.juwu, ovos, 6, #. Shapeless, ’āuoppos, ov; Sügetöſis; +6tsuoppos, ov. Shapely, eietóñs ; + eiſuoppos, ov. A share, uépos, tá; uoſpa, k\ſipos : Aëxos, Tá; uspis, ños, h. An equal share, irouotpia. A double share, àiuopio. To share (to have a share of), Aayxãva, fut. Aftopai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. čAáxov, perf. AéAoyxa, perf. pass. in pass. sense effanyuat (the only pass. tense), no mid., c. acc. or c, gen.; pietéxo, fut. Webéo, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. petéaxov, perf, uetéaxmica, c. gen., very rarely c. acc., sometimes c. dat. pers. with whom ; uetáAquéávo, fut. —Affilouai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. –é\ášov, perf. -etamºpa, etc., c. gen, or c. acc.; icolvøvéa, only act., c. gen. rei, dat. pers.; kolvéopal, mid., c. gen. rei, sometimes c. acc., c. dat. pers.; orvp- werexa, and —we'rioja, PietàNayyávo ; +&vrixá. £ipal, only pres, and imperf mid, c. gen,; Réreotl, im- pers., c. dat. pers. gen. rei, also (esp. in Trag.) Héra for uéreori. To share the fortunes of a person, oivāya- víšouai, mid. To have an equal share, ’ioropoupéa, only act. c. gen. rei, c. dat. pers, or c. rpès and acc. To share in profit or loss, orivătroAaúw, c. gen. To have an equal share with the demi-gods, toſs io'o6éois êyk}\mpa Aaxeiv, Soph. To share with, to give a share of, ustašíðwul, c. dat, pers. gen. rei; Tposicolvøvéa, c, dat. pers., c. &tö and gen. rei. To demand a share, uétaitéa, c. acc. or c, gen. One must share, ueflektéov, c. gen,; uetáAmirréov. One must give a share, uetáðotéov. Having a share, pºétoxos, ov, c. gen.: + šykämpos, oy; + širíkovos, ov. Having an equal share, iorówoupos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat, of the other sharer. What share of the murder shall he have 2 troß retéetal q6vov ; Eur, Willing to share, uetáčotikos, c, gen, rei. What can be shared, ueffektós. A giving a share, wetābogus, eas, i. Not shared with others, +’āicolvévntos, ov. .* A sharer, pºétoxos. See Partner. Having no share in, 'üuétoxos, ov; &lcâmpos, ov, c. gen.; ’āuolpos, also poet. 'éuopos and Šugopos, ov. See Without, Wanting. A sharing, pºéðečis, eas, i. A shark, Çüyalva, Ašuta, yāAeós. Like a shark, yāAeoeiðhs, yāAećöms. Sharp, (in every sense) ééðs ; (of persons, sharp- tempered, angry, etc.) 3pluts; (of weapons) £ipäkms, tôpos, +&nktós ; + ššíðmicros, ov; † 6:50 rouos, ov; + koupiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; (of reproaches, anger, etc.) + keptóutos, ov; + Te0myuévos ; +&vthrevrpos, ov; (of grief) kevºpoëſixmtos, ov; (of a bridle-bit) Tpāxīs; (of a nettle) + kpāvaés ; (newly-sharpened) ºf venkoviis, To sharpen, 'ükováo, Träpäicováa, F 9%ryw ; # 60)&va, only pres. and imperf. act.; + ščátročjvo. Sharpening steel, Foiâmpoépês, -óTos, 6, #. Sharply, Öğéas. Sharpness, Ščğrms, mTos, h; (of a bridle-bit) rpá. xirms, ºtos, i. Sharp-sighted, eiotros, 6v ; Śāvatīis; + eiſakoros, ov; + eiðpākñs. To be sharp-sighted, Öğüöspicéo, only act.; āśi BAéro, Plat. Sharp-sightedness, àévoſtria. To shatter, ovutpiša, + štáráAšva. To shave, šupéa, t kelpa, ºf ’āirookū0íſo. close, clean, &lrošūpéo. To be shaved, a kü6iſopal, pass. Shaved (of the head or hair), F kočptuos, ov; ; )ke- Kappévos. Close-shaven, + šūpākms. Shaving, koupě (also, that which is shaved off). A shawl, tréttà0s. A sheaf, Späyua, Tá; +’äuaMAa. The sheaf of a pulley, TpoxãAta. To shear, 'êtrokeſpa, F Trektéa. Newly shorn, + veótrokos, ov. A sheath, trepišoxft. See Scabbard. A sword sheathed (in a person's body), #yxos répi. Tretës, Soph. Sheathing (for a ship's bottom), F xéAvgua, Tá. To shed, (anything) Xéa, fut. xeñora, aor. 1. Att. To shave 377 Shed—Shield-bearer . *xea, no perf, act, pass. Kéxiual ; kataxéa, ; # 8áA- Aw, no aor. 1., perf. SééAmko, ; + ſedimut ; (tears, etc.) AstBa, only in pres. and imperf. of each voice; otéſa’, ‘f a TäAdoorw; + etflow, only pres. and imperf. act, and mid.; (blood, etc.) + 6etw, only act, no perf. or aor. 2.; i öpétropal, mid.; (light, etc.) atteóðvvuſa. To shed (tears) in sympathy, ‘f &vtåg imput, imperf. —mºpſouv. To shed upon (esp. metaph., as to shed beauty, grace, etc., on), iſ épéâAAw, c, dat. See To pour. It is a fearful thing for the blood of the gods to be shed by man, ©eów aiua tritvely pó80s it’ &vépov, Eur. Shedding sad tears on the ground, éA&övovo’ oikTpöv és 'yatav Šákpv, Eur. Shed (as blood), fxiſtós, Newly shed, i veokóvntos, 01/. A shedding, + šké0Añ. A sheep, ois, oibs, nom.pl. oies and contr. ois, dat. oial, etc., 6, #; trpášátov, only in pl.: + WiiWov, + 80'róv; +&pvös, toi, and Tås, all cases except nom. sing. Qſ, or belonging to, sheep, Śpwetos; fuñAetos, a, ov, and os, ov. Fit for feeding sheep (land), unxóéotos, ov. To turn the country into a sheep-walk (i. e. to lay it waste), thv x&paw &veſval pamAášotov, Isoc. Rich in sheep, toxvirpášáros, ov; + troAiumAos, ov. Rearing, breeding sheep, + p.m.Notpóð0s, ov. Receiving sacrifices of sheep, + troAüunxos, ov (of the altar). Sacrificing sheep (of an altar, etc.), tumãoffirms, ov, 6. - To sacrifice sheep, + p.mx00 påyéw, only act. A judge of sheep, +Tpošároyvápav, ovos, 6, #. A dealer in sheep, +Tpoéâtotroºms, ov, 6. A sheep-skin, &pyäkls, thos, i. Sheer, sixiºpivás. See Pure. A sheet, i pā'pos, T6. A sheet (i.e. rope in a ship), + troës, troëbs, 6, chiefly in pl. In a sheet of fire, tripl kārā'āpoſios, Eur. A shell, Föorpåkov; (of an egg) Aerts, thos, i. With a hard shell, aſkAmpóo rpákos, ov. With rough shell, Tpäxvčarpåkos, ov. With smooth shell, Aetá- otpäicos, ov. A shelter, orkétrn, c. gen of the evil from which ; orkétraorua, Tó. §heltered, (of a place) eiðuelvös, Öv ; (from the wind) +eihvepos, ov; +'trävelios; (from the waves) +’āk- Avaros, m, ov, and 9s, op. Giving shelter, (from the cold) +’āAešaíðptos, ov; (from death) + &Aešiuopos, ov. r To shelter, oré, w, and mid, no pass, in this sense, act. c. acc. pers, c, gen, of the evil, mid. c. acc. of the evil and no case of the person; oriteráčw ; (in battle) trportéAAw. See To defend. Like a bird sheltering yourself under my wings, Neoggos ãore trépuyas eistritvöv ćuás, Eur. The want of shelter, to &otéyaarov. Shelving (of a coast, etc.), kātāqepſis. A shepherd, Tophy, Évos, 6; vouets; + Bothp, fipos, 6; tunaåvouos, metaph. (of people, etc.); + p.mxoşātūs, ov; +Touávop, opos, 6, metaph. * Qf, or belonging to, a shepherd, wouevrikos, troupevikás; + tropºvirns, ov, 6; + tropévios. The shepherd's art, # vowevtirch. To be a shepherd, to tend as a shepherd, tropava, only act, in this sense, c, acc, of the flocks, or c. &ml and dat. A shield, oùicos, tá; &ots, thos, h; 'frvs, vos, # (prop. the edge of the shield), TpóšAmua adºptáros, AEsch. A small light shield, téAtm. A wicker shield, yéâşov, +’īréa. The handle of a shield, hºrópirač, Škos, 5. Armed with shield, #&atrioths, où, 6; +&otſorrap, opos, 6; +&atriómºpópos, ov; + &otiãooxos, ov; +&oriti. 80%épºwu, ovos, 6, #; + &rariathp, ºpos, 6; + oréke- a pépos, ov [many of the above words may be used as subst.]; with a light wicker shield, yeſ}}opôpos, ov. Under a shield, titraatriotos (of other armour, or of duty, etc.). A man armed with the light shield called TéArm, treata- oths, où, 6; trextoſpópos, ov. The force of treataotal, to treataotikov, ## TéArm. Skilful in the use of the tréat), TeXTaa’rikás. With golden shield, fºxptoragiris, ióos. With brazen shield, 'i YáAkaatris, ió0s. With white shields, Aet- Raotis, tºos. With black shields, ºf uéAávalºls, ióos. With small shield, uíkpaatris, ió0s. Eight thousand men bearing shields, &airls ökräkisyixtn., Xen. \ To wear a shield, Févaatifiéopal, pass.; a réArm, treatégo, only act. To keep shields close together, ovvaotríðów. Throwing away one's shield, Étilagiris, ióos; + &rrióð- troëAhs, ºtos. To throw away one's shield, pvXAoß50éo >ſäa, Ar. A shield-bearer, 'ürgartoºths, où, 6. 378 Shift—Shiver To be shield-bearer, f'iſmaatriša, only act, c. dat. of the master. A shop for shields, &otiãornyeſov, To shift (i.e. cause to move), werúšišáço; (i. e. transfer, esp. blame, etc.) &va pépa', fut.-0íaw, aor, 1. -àveyka, no perf. See To move. A shift (i. e. trick, contrivance, q, v.), unxávnºſa, T6. Shifty (of a man), troAAaTA00s. The shin, &vricvijutov. To shine, Aduro, and –ouai, mid, perf. Aéagura ; ékaduto, paiva, ; + attaša, only pres, and imperf. act.; foreAáyéw, and more usu. -opal, pass., only pres. and imperf.; (with a reflected light, things on which the sun beams, etc.) &otpdarta, no perf, no pass, or mid. except 3rd sing, pl. perf. pass, foºtpatto, in the same sense; forth (as the sun), áčéxw, imperf. -éixov, etc., but rare except in pres, act. To shine on, êtrixáutra, c, acc, ; kataAáutra, c. gen, and pass. of the place ; on at the same time, giveTri- Adutra; through, 6taxáutra. To make to shine, i. Aduro, + Aevicaíva. Shining, Aapirpos, paſtelvös, tºpaeivös, ficańAiqey- ºfts. See Bright. Shiningly, Aaſutrpós. Shingle, kā'xAmè, nicos, 6; 56xia; +&ls, Šivös, i. A ship, vaús, gen, veðs (also in Trag. vöös), dat. Unl, acc. vativ, pl. vavs, and Trag. viies or väes, gen. veóv, Trag, also väóv, dat, vaval, acc. vaús, iſ vias, dual never used; TAotov; alcápos, Tó (prop. the hull); + 6ápu, to, gen. Öopos (the only form in Trag.), dat. 6ópel (60tpáti occurs once in Soph. in chor), pl. nom. Trag. 56pm; +tpóris, tºos, h; +Tptuva, + ſpépa ; + 83pts, ió0s, j : váſz & Thum, Eur; veðs TītūAos, Eur.; Śxmua vabs, Soph.; Śxmud vářov, Eur. ; Alvá- Trepov wavttàov čxmpa, AEsch. A small swift ship, kéAms, mºros, 6. A ship of war, uſikpbv TAotov, Isoc. A guard-ship, vais trpoºpiñákls, Thuc. A merchant-ship, 6Akës, #60s, # ; otpoyyūAm vais, Thuc. I have never yet embarked on board a ship, aith uèv oiſtra vabs eiséémv okápos, Eur. And indeed my well-rowed ship is at hand, kal phy veós ye triruxos eifipms Tápa, Eur. (TírvAos being literally the splash made by the oars). Of, or belonging to, a ship, i.viiios, m, ov, later os, ov (Trag, väios, more usually); (of an expedition con- sisting of ships) vnirms, ov, 6; (epith of an oar) vačkampos, ov; + vaútropos, ov. Belonging to a merchant-ship, ÖAkáðikós. Destroyed as a ship, 'évavs, i.e. ships which are no longer ships, väes &vaes, Æsch. . Conducting a ship, +vavotropºros, ov (as a breeze), + wavoritrópos, ov (as an oar). To be approached by ships, tvaſtropos, ov. - Powerful in ships, vavkpátop, opos, 6 ; troxivatºrms, ov, 6. Guarded by ships, tº vačºpaktos, ov. - Detaining ships, tºrpuſºvoixos, ov; fem, téxévils, gen, vmtö0s, contr. Vå80s (of a gale). .’ A captain of a ship, vačkampos; t vavkpārap, opos, 6. A sentry on board ship, vav piñač, Škos, 6. Deserting one's ship, Airóveals; +Airóvavs, 6, #. To put on board ship, to carry in a ship, + vavotoxéo, also in pass. (c. fut, mid.) “to be carried,” i. e. to go. See To sail. A ship-owner, vačićAmpos. To be a ship-owner, vavkampéo, only act, sometimes c. acc. of the ship. A ship owning, vavitampſa. Belonging to the trade of ship-owning, vauk\mpicós. A ship-mate, ovvvaútms, ov, 6; otpatMovs, Ö, h; † ovv- vavšárms, ov, 6. Of, or belonging to, shipmates, ovutxoticós. A ship-builder, vavirm'yös, Tpimpotrotés. To build ships, vavirnyéa, also more usu, in mid, “for oneself,” in aor. 1. pass. of the ships built. To build ships in, Évvavirnyéa, c, dat. ; in opposition, &vtivau- trmyéo. Ship-building, vavirnyta, ā vavirnyikā. Belonging to ship-building, fit for ship-building, vav- Tºmºyńoriuos, m, ov, and os, ov. Shipwreck, vavāyta. See Wreck. Shipwrecked, vavāyös, Öv, oftenest as subst. Belonging to shipwreck, or to ship-wrecked people, ºf vaúq,00pos, ov. . . To be ship-wrecked, vavāyéa, only act. To shirk, &Totpétropal, mid. and pass., c. Šic and gen.; ôuačijo, and pres. mid., fut. –6ügouai, no aor. l, aor. 2. –éövy, perf. 665Vica, no pass.; &vaðū'opal, mid., sometimes sync. &vö.; (work) &Tokáuva, fut.-cauoiſ- pal, no acr. 1., perf. Kékumka, c. acc. or c. infin. ; (battle, etc., through cowardice) &robelxtów, only act, c. gen. or, c. infin. See To avoid. Not shirking anything, oùk &tootépôv éuavtovoiáevös, Antiph. A shirking, "åttorpor:#; itókvnors, ews, h. To shiver, intrans. (with cold), Élyów, only act. ; +évpſyów. 379 Shiver—Shorten To shiver, act. (i. e. to shatter, q. v.), tépéra; + oxe6ávviſu, fut. orkebäow, Att. arečá. To be shivered (of a spear), t 5uakvaíopal, pass. A shivering (from cold), ppikm. A shoal, Téväyos, Tó; in pl. 8päxéa, td. A shock (of battle, etc.), Öppºff. With violent shocks, Čaths, où, 6 (of an earthquake). A shoe, Širóðmua, Té; áušās, #30s, h; áušárms, ov, 6; +épéâm, Épéâris robbs, AEsch. A light thin shoe, 8Aaútm, 8' airtov. A thin (woman's) shoe, in pl. ‘ātrāaſ, ai; + tepišāpióes, ai. An Asiatic shoe, teipäpis, ibos, ii, acc. ida and Wooden shoes, ‘i ºpoiſtråAa, td. Shoes of undressed leather, capéâtival, ai. Shoeless, àvöröömtos, ov; +’âté5iXos, ov; +’āvápéü. Aos, ov. To put on shoes, 5to8éopal, mid, and pass., c. acc. or sine cas., sometimes c, dat, of the feet; + štroëtw, in aor, 2, §tréðvv. To take off shoes, &roxi'w (act. the shoes of another, mid. one's own). A shoemaker, okötebs, orkörorópos. To be a shoemaker, orcütotopéa, only act.; Jicútetºw, only act. Of, or belonging to, a shoemaker, or to shoemaking, orkūrotopicos, okuricós. Shoe-making, okūrevais, ii; # orcürich. To mend shoes, veupoğääpéa, only act. A mender of shoes, veupoğäpos. A shoe-string, + ivia. A shoemaker's shop, orkūrotoketov. A shoot (of a tree, etc.), SaxAós; 8Aaotös (often metaph.); # 8Adortm (metaph.); # 8Aáortmua, ré (often metaph); +épyos, tá; + tropóós. A young green shoot, XAón. To shoot (as branches, flowers, etc.), 8Aaqtāva, fut. AAzotho w, no aor. 1., aor. 2. č6Agorov, perf. §§Aá. otmka, but pluperf. §§eéAao threw; 8púw, only pres. and imperf, act.; out from, ÉréAgotávo, c. gen, or sine cas. To shoot up along with, orivečoppida, c, dat.; ăuoëAao Téa, only act. - To shoot (missile weapons), trans. ‘inut, imperf. (my, but more usu, ſovv, esp. in 3rd sing.; ‘ābtmut; 8áAAw, no aor. 1., perf. 6ééAmka, -ouat, pass. of the object shot at and hit; točeiſw, karatočeiſa'; (with a javelin) ’ākovtſºv, c. gen, of the object, in pass. of the object shot at or shot; Éakovrićw; away (all one's arrows) ékročevſw; in matches, Staroševouai, mid.; in return, &vričáAAw, &vroſotetſw; together, givákovrića, tv. To excel (a competitor) in shooting, fºrepitočeňa, c. ace. pers.; +'trepákovtićw. To shoot (as pain), &to ow, nearly always #00 win Trag. Shooting stars, āortépés àigorolovres, Arist.; >. Sta. 6éovres, Arist, - A shooter, točárms, ov, 6; (with a javelin) 'ékovri oths, où, 6; +’âlcovtuathp, fipos, Ö. See Archér. Shooting far, ‘FéicméóAos, ov. Skilled in shooting, "åkovtuaticós. A shooting, BoA:ft. Skill in shooting, Xepos etotoxia, Eur, Shot (of a man), Toševrós. A shop, troºmtſipuov, kātm?\etov; (where anything is made) épygotſipuov; (for all kinds of things) mavto- tréAuov. - Shore, #&u, 6vos, i, Att, most usu.: äkth, alytäAós; +&is, Šivös, ii; + 67)pils, ivos, h; kpókäAzt, ai. A steep or rough shore, šáxia. - Of or on the shore, ºf éiráictios, g, ov, and 0s, ov; + trāpākruos, To put on shore, ’āTošišča. See To land. To cast ashore, Fékpépa, fut, -oia w, aor. 1. -àveyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov, aor. 1. pass. -mvéx0mv, Short, uirpos, Att. also opikpbs, compar. Aćrown, pºetwv and #0 owy, superl. éAéxioros; 8páxis, compar. —örepos and —ſwu, superl. —vratos and –totos; (of time) 3Aiyos, no comp. in this sense; † Balós; (of time, distance, or a speech) givtopos, ov. Short ºf, évôehs, c. gen.; AAirhs, c. gen. The short cuts (in a road), rà oðvropa, Xen. Lasling a short time, 5Aiyoxpóvios, ov; 8päxjxpóvios, ov. See Short-lived. - In a short time, ovXAfteåmv, év purpá. st For a short time will exhibit lamentations, pave? Yàp oil pakpot, Xpóvov tpišh . . . kokāuata, Soph. Shortly, ovvtówws, in every sense. In short (to speak, etc.), Év 8paxeſ, év Spaxvtárqº, êuépáxv, Šu ÖAiyq, 8t’ &Atyay, ŚAws, & TAós and &TAós eitreºv. See To shorten. And I say in short, ovvexév te Aéya, Thuc. At a short distance, 6t’ &Afyov, AEsch. With a short passage, 8pāxīropos, ov. To fall short of, ÉAAeſtra, c. gen; + štrokéuſtra, no perf, only act., c. acc.; (of one's professions) éAaggó- oRat, pass. Three hundred short of ten thousand, tpiákogíov &ro- 8éovra. Hiſpua, Thuc. To shorten (sail), orvoréâAw. See To furl. To shorten one's discourse, speak shortly, towVréuva, 380 0 aor. 1. act.; also ovview&v ºppéſa, Eur.; avvréuva, ôyous év 8paxeſ, Eur, o answer shortly, ovvréuvo Tás 'étrokplosis, Plat. Ort-lived, épìuepos, ov; + šqºmuéptos, a, ov, and os, ov; fräxjuopos, ov. hortness, 8pāxīrms, mºros, h; (of time) &Aiyörns, mtos, i. hort-sighted, pivotrös, Öv; uvêth, 6tros, 6, i. hort-sightedness, uvaría. hort-winded, 8pāxī’ôpopuos, ov. shot, 80Aff. Within shot, uexpl 'irovtſov 80Aſis, Thuc.; ºr Těšov füuatos, Xen. ut of shot, Éa, BeXàv, Soph. Xen. 0 shove, &0éal, fut. &0ſo w and &ow, most of the re- maining tenses from the latter fut. See To push. shovel, 'üum. See Spade. hould. See Would. shoulder, &pios; Émauls, tºos, # (strictly the point of the shoulder); of a horse, 'ükpapata. The shoulder- blade, &uotAárm. Broad-shouldered, teipúvatos, ov. Strong-shouldered, +&Mokpārīs. ‘. To bare an arm to the shoulder, f ÉÉwpf9o, c. acc. of the arm, only act. A garment which leaves the shoulder bare, ééopis, iö0s, i. A shout, 80%; Triéómua, Tó; +&uéóapa, Tó; 3A0AUyh (esp. of women invoking a God, usu, a cheerful shout); ‘i ÖA0Avyubs, + ivyubs, ºf kéAá60s, ºf ióx?), t'éüTí. With a shout, airošoeſ. To shout, Bodø, &vaéoda, Škéoday; itàdºw, fut. KAayão; +&iréo, sometimes c. acc. pers, to whom ; fata, chiefly in fut. and aor. 1.; t ièxéa, ; (a war cry) ’āAáAá%; (in triumph) eignuéal; (loudly) 'évopôté- (w; (at or over anything) + štop61áço, c. dat. causae : (with joy, sometimes also in sorrow) + &voxoMáço. To shout in one's ears, kéA&öov 6t’ &rov čvoreto, Soph.; at (esp. in applause, etc.), ºf éirić500éo, only act.; (sometimes also in disapproval) éiríðopüééo; over (in triumph, etc.), iſ éirečiakxéo; + &raúw, c. dat.; in unison, féirmxéw, only act.; together, etc., ovuéodø, c. dat. of those who join in the shout, sometimes c. acc. of those shouted to; oiſväväSoda. To shout so as to cause fear to, Fötaffä00éa, only act., c. dat. pers. *To shout in honour of Bacchus, eidºw, only pres, and imperf, in mid. c. acc. of the God, no pass. To show, paiva, perf. m. Trépmva, in pass. sense; ékºpaíva', trpoſpaíva, kātāqatva', Épºq’atva', betrºviſui Short-lived—Shrimp (perf act. only in Dem.), &troëeticvvut, 'éváðetkvvut, êmada, Šuqāví(o, övo muatva; (by a sign or token) + Tekuaípw, only act. in this sense. - To show (the qualities one has—virtue, weakness, etc.), £vöföwui. To show oneself to be, éuavrov trapé- xw, oavrov trapéxels, etc., sometimes.c. acc. of the quality exhibited instead of the personal pronoun and epithet ; Éetágouai, pass. c. adj. or c. part. To show beforehand, trpoãetrºvíni, Tpoamuaiva, trpoèmadw; be- sides, trópeºpatva', trposo muaíva. To show off, Év- beticviſual, mid.; KaNAwTriſogal, mid, and pass. To show oneself off to, trposevöeikvvual, mid. c. dat. To show by ea'ample, 'ütroöeticwiki and, in pres, infin, and part., -viſw. To show in turn, in opposition, on the contrary, àvretri- beticviſui. To make a great show, 'ürspxaptpüvouai, mid. How can I show you by my deeds how you have attached me to you? Tós &v Úuiv čupavils "Epy? Yevoſºv &s w” #6600's trposquxii; Soph. And do not show that you are weighed down by your present distresses, uſire évômAoi èate toſs trapova, tróvous Bapvváuevo, Thuc. To be shown, Šetkté0s. Calculated to show beforehand, trpoèmawticos, c. gen. A showing off, kaRAwTiguós. A show, &éâwa, Tó; pdoua, T6. Which made a much greater show, & troXA@ TAeta t}v billy trapetxeto, Thuc. A shower, Wärås, #60s, h; + xàAaça (prop. of hail, often metaph.); + vibës, #60s (prop. of snow, often metaph. of stones, etc.). See Rain. Showy, Aapatpás. See Splendid, A shred, trepi"Tpmua, Té. Shrewd, orogos, + trivités. Shrewdly, 0.046s. Shrewdness, Tūkvárms, mºtos, i. To shriek, f itſa, only act. ; ; Aiyaíva. SC.7°60???, To shriek over, i kotoxoxtºw, -św, only act, except fut, mid. c. gen. A shriek, ºf kokötés; + kóköpia, té; t ivy), tivyuás. Shrill, Aiyês, Aiyipós, òs; +&iuoxtros, ov; föğü- tovos, ov. Lamenting shrilly, Öğyoos, ov. Shrilly, Öğéos, + Topós. To cry, or to utter shrilly, f Aiyaíva', only act, in good authors, Shrillness, 3&tims, mtos, ii; dāiſpovía. A shrimp, irápis, (60s, and tòos, h. See Wise, Clever. See To 381 Shrine—Side A shrine, väbs, Att. also sometimes veós; ’āirov, + onkós; + airwpa, Tó. To shrink (i.e. become contracted), civiço, fut, ovul- (flora, no aor. or perf., only act. To shrink, or to shrink from, Ökvéo, only act. c. infin., sometimes c. acc.; Kätorcyéa, &rokvéo; ŠtrootéNAopal, mid.; &ºptotallaſ, mid. c. aor. 2. and perf act. c. gen.; (from a blow) 'ütrokivéw, sine cas. See To fear. I do not think that I ought to shrink from eapressing my opinion as to what I think for your advantage, où pºv oiual betw... Širosteixaotai trepi &v Šuiv ovuſpépelv #yodual, Dem. One must shrink, Ökvmtéov, usu. c. neg.; &tokumtéov. A shrinking, ‘ātókvnoſis, eas, i. “Shrunk shanks,” Tiffucwo oréAm, Xen. To shrivel, intrans. Ovvºpéxw, fut, -ăpăuoiºſal, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-èöpäuov, perf. -ēeópäumka and –öé- 8popua; avotretpéopal, pass. Shrivelled, étríðurvos, ov. To be shrivelled, Éikváouai. A shroud, på pos, Tó. To be shrouded, enveloped in a shroud, ‘i ovortéAAouai, pass. To shroud oneselfin, êtrièvvvual, fut, -éoopal, etc., c. aCC. A shrub, Sápºvos. A shrubbery,’āvāöevěpás, #60s, i. Shrubby (of the class of shrubs), ‘ūAmuáticós. A shudder, ºppikm. To shudder, pptorow; + šiyéw, perf. §§vya, only act., sometimes c. acc. of that at which, sometimes c. infin. of that which one shudders to do, etc. To shun, & piotapal, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act, c, gen, but sometimes c. dat. (of a person); ěšío rapat, c. dat, or c. acc.; (danger, etc.) petàopal, mid., no pass., c. gen.; £ickaiva, only act, in this sense, c. acc.; Śictpétropal, mid., c. acc. One who must be shunned, ‘āulktos, ov. To shut (anything), k\etw, KAetow, etc., perſ, pass. kékaetgual, but sometimes in Att, kékkelpai; &ykNetw, käråkaela, ovykheta, ; (a door) étuatrów ; (one’s mouth) émixáçüual, only pres, and imperf, mid.; (close, as with doors) &ipów. To shut (the eyes), pi'a', uti'aa, c. acc. or sine cas, aor. 1. sometimes used intrans., no mid, or pass.; Kätäuäw, oiváirtw; 8Aépapa, Eur. To shut up (a house, etc.), ºf tractéo, +trükáço. To shut (people, etc.) up (in any place), étrikātākñeta, c. eis and acc. of the place where. To shut up with, ovykafletpyw. To shut out from, eſpyw, Att, pres. Sometimes sipyvöw, fut. mid, sometimes i. pass. sense; &rokMeiw, c. gen. See To exclude: T shut violently, Étrépáorga, -św. Shut, ºf k\eta-tás, Shut up (of a person, etc.), kātā'ppaktos, ov; tººk Tā'ichelotos, ov. A shutting, k\fioſis, eas, i. The shutting of the gates against me, i &irákxéigis Tó. TrvXów pov, Thuc. A shuttle, kepkls, (30s, i. Shy, +Trøkös, Ö30s, 6, #. Apt to shy (of a horse), ‘ūtröttma, ov, 6. To be shy, Süswiréouai, pass., c. acc. or c. 7pbs and acc. of the person towards whom. Sick, voorepós. To be sick, vooréaſ, often c. acc. of the disease, sometimes c. dat, only act.; káuvo, fut. Käpoſual, no aor. 1. perf. Kékumka, aor. 2. čcăuov, c. dat, or c, acc. of the sickness, c. acc. of the part afflicted, only act, excep fut. mid.; &00evéo, only act; ǴTéa, only act.; &Ayéw; vögg giveipu, Soph.; at the stomach, ēké”. See To vomit. To be sick before, tpokáuva. To be sick with, tow- vooréaſ, c, dat. To be sickened at (people's manners, etc.), Böexöttoka, only pres. and imperf., c. acc. A falling sick, v6o avois, ews. h. A nursing another when sick, vogotpoſpía. A sickle, Špérávov, i. ptrºl. Like a sickle, 8petravoetóñs. - - Sickly, vooróðms, &00evīs; $3500tos, ov; (of a coil- stitution) troumpás. Sickness, v6oos, #; véanua, T6; &00éveia, §§waría. Sickness making a man keep his bed, wolpa Sewiotăpms, AEsch. A bed of sickness, voorepå kottm, Eur, To cause sickness, voorotroléo. A side, TAevpè, most usu. in pl.; TAewpov, most usu- in pl.; +TAeſpapa, tá. The side of a ship, toixos. The side of anything (not of a man), of a racecourse, etc., kóAov. - There are two sides to every question, Tāriv eio. TP4). plagi kal Aó)ois trposéâlcai 600, Dem. From the side, on the side, itàeupéðev. On each side, &pſpotépo61. On one side and on the other, évôev kal évôev, or ēv6ey. pºv. . . Šv6ev Šē . . . On both sides of the wheels, évôev Kal évôév táv Tpp- X&v, Xen. - - 382 Sideboard–Silent On the side of (i. e. espousing the cause of, etc.), Tpös, c. gem.; Pietà, c. gen. You chose the side of the Athenians, elaegôe T& Tów "A0mvatov, Thuc. By the side (i. e. neither before nor behind), Topč, with verbs implying motion c. acc., with verbs im- plying rest c, dat. Descended from Jupiter, not only on the father's but also on the mother's side, où advov trpos tatpbs &AA& kal trpos untpos &tro Albs yeyovótes, Isoc. Standing by the side, ‘i trāpaatöööv. For they fought against them side by side, trpos uév Yêp | ékelvous puér’ &AAft\wv ćuaxégavro, Isoc. Ewamine then your life and mine side by side, ééra- orov roſvvy trap' &AAmAa Tá orol kāpºol Beétopéva, Dem. On both sides, + &pſpiaektos, ov;  foºtouds, ov (as handles on a cup). On all sides, it duºpiºpſis. Com- ing from all sides, + toxin Aſſuntos, ov (of blows). Surrounding the sides, Ftrepi'TAewpos, ov. A placing side by side, Träpä60Aff. Sideways, adj. TAáytos, a, ov, and os, ov. To move (a fleet or army) sideways, ’āirogiuéa. Armour for the side, Tápéraeupiðia, td. To smite the side, ‘i Tàevpokotréa, only act. A sideboard, küAiketov. A siege, troxtoplcia. To lay siege to, troAtopkéw, fut, mid, sometimes in pass. sense. See To besiege. To raise a siege, ’ārāviora- ual, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act. To make to raise a siege, 'üträvlotmut, in pres. imperf. fut, and aor. 1. act. * To take by siege, éktroAtopicéa. A sieve, Régitivov, triváxipa. To sift, Aikpida. To sigh, a reváço. A sigh, o Tevayuás; forévayua, té. Sight (both the power of seeing and the thing seen), à),is, eas, ii; &éa; so trpósolºis, i. ** A sight or thing seen, &éâua, Té; Śpāja, āros Té; +öjävov (see Spectacle); (i. e. the faculty of sight) ăpâqis, eas, i. In one's sight, v 390&Auois, Xen.; Śs 646&APiots, after a verb of motion, Hom. - To come in sight, A6eives àupa, Eur.; so, out of sight, éé àupdrov, Eur. At first sight, dir’âhews (pixõa), etc., Lys. Unjust in the sight of the Gods, &ölkos trpès Oedºv, Thuc. ** Pulting or leaving these things out of sight, Taira āqels, Dem. - Out of sight of +éčários, ov, c. gen. To lose sight of land, yāv droºpürro, Plat. Weakness of sight, duéAvoiría. Causing weak sight, ºf duéAwTrbs, bu (of tears). To have dim sight, dušAvatréa, only act. To go sight- seeing, show strangers sights, Ševåyéopal, mid. and pass. Sightless, + &öepictos, ov. See Blind. To sign, a muaivopal, mid., c. pass, in pass. Sense; with, together, etc., a vso muaivopal. - A sign, a muetov, oºpéoxov ; ºf a figa, Tó; ºf Tépas, a0s, to, pl. Tépáta, etc. (esp. of signs sent from heaven, whether as portents or not); (by which one may conjecture something) tekufiptov ; +técuap, indecl. A sign made by a person (by nodding, etc.), veðua, Tó. To make a sign (to a person), ºf veðw, veða. A signal, a muetov, A signal agreed upon, $600mpia, Tó. A signal-fire, ºppvictos, Top Töv trip. A giving of signals (by fire), F ºppvictopia. A signal man, i. ppuktopós. The body of signal men, ºf ºppvictopia. To give a signal, make signal, o muatvo, sometimes c. acc. of what ; inroo muaívo ; (by beacons) tuporečw, only act.; (as a trumpet) + paiva, c. acc. of the sound ; alpo ormuelov, Thuc. To make signals underhand to the enemy, Träpäbpukta. petopal, mid. only act.; Śic- The approach of ships was signalled (by fires), Čºpv- Krapf,0mgay vies trpostNéovaal, Thuc. To signalise, but above all, Brasidas signalised him. self, Távtov Šē pavepºtatos é Bpagíðas éyéveto, Thuc. - A signet, ordpå"yls, 760s, ii. See Seal. Significance, 50th. Significant, o muayticos, a muetáðms. Signification, Öiväus, ii. See Meaning. To signify, a muatva, Śario muaiva'. But what does it signify to you ? tº 5’ juiv Stapépe, 3 Dem. Silence, qiyh, gloth, + síðmuta; eiºnuos 30%, Soph, Buried in silence, not spoken of, oria Trópºevos. To silence, Icaragiotrów, &yxa (an adversary or ac- cuser, by fear, bribes, etc.). Causing silence, F &vavö0s, ov. Silent, otwirmpás; ‘āpavos, ov; &pboyyos, ov; &@9eyt- 383 Silently—Sing 70s, ov; + opymābs, h, by, and bs, dv; + o-wirmAós; +’âtépéeyktos, ov; ; #aixos, ov. A grove where every one must be silent, &p6eyktov vä- tros, Soph. To be silent, oriyda (often c. acc. of the matter passed over in silence), pass, to be passed over in silence, but perf. pass, usu. in act. sense; so a wirão, ; big- orwirdo, kārāorwirdo, kārāoriyda ; otéſa Kouda, ort. KAeto, ot. Étréxw, ort. 53 kva, Trag.; ori'yºu pi- Aágora, Eur. To be silent about, Édo, in pass. to be passed over in silence; 'épávigo. To be silent before, orrówa ‘ūtriNAw, c. dat, pers., Soph. To be silent in turn, Fävrio wiráw. Be silent, eúa top' exe, Soph.; et pmua (pévet, Soph,; kofumorov otówa, AEsch. - Will you not be silent? of oty' &véčel ; Soph. Silently, + oriyń, toºyo, +&q6vos, + effortoua. One must be silent, kārāoria'trºtéov, f ori'ymtéov. A silk-worm, 86pévé, Ukos, 6. Silliness, eih9ela, and poet, simbia ; Xavvörms, mtos, . . . See Folly. Silly, xativos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; eth0ms, eúmòukós. Very silly, ÖrepašéAtepos, ov. Sillily, simóðs, superl. —éarata ; simólkôs. To be silly, to behave sillily, Ampéa, only act.; eimbſ- Çouai, pass. To make silly, t Xavvów. Silver, &pyüpos. Silver coin, &pyüptov. Silver ore, &pyüpºrts, i50s, i. Silver plate, àpyvpéuara, Tá. A silver mine, &pyüpetov. Silver, adj. (i. e. made of silver), āpyüpeos, a, ov, contr. —00s, 6, oùv ; āpyüpeſos, ov; +&pyüpſiAáros, ov. Wholly of silver, träväpyvpos, ov. With silver sides, Fäpyūpótoixos, ov. With silver legs, &pyupé- trous, 6, ii, neut. —trovv. Containing silver, 'üTápyū- p0s, ov. Producing silver, àpyüpáöms. As valuable as silver, 'fadpyüpos. Stealing silver, Fäpyūpoortepſis. To bribe with silver, or cover with silver, kārapyüpów. Silvery (of rivers), + špyvpostôs, 6, # ; +&pyüpoğ. Đàtms, ov, 6. Similar, träpätraffortos, a, ov, and os, ov, compar. -at- Tepos, etc.; 6potetőfis. See Like. Similarity, similitude, eiköv, 6vos, ii. See Likeness. Similarly, 60 airws, sometimes c, dat.; 6potóTpotra, Tapatamortals. See Like. Simple, ‘āTA00s, fi, oùv; +’āphyāvos, ov; (of manner of life, or of the style of an author) Airós; (in a disparaging sense, as we say “simpleton”) sifióms, Xpmatós. A simpleton, + kočaepios; +&avoiców, oùvros, 6. Simplicity, ‘āTAórms, mºros, # ; eth0ela, poet. ei møta (both in good and bad sense); (i.e. in a disparaging sense) TâAalórms, "tos, ii; pavāārms, mtos, ii. Se Silliness. w Simply, ‘āTAós. Simultaneous—a simultaneous arrival, kolvétrovs tra- povoria, Soph. Sin, ‘āuapria; ‘āudprºpa, Té; + šáuopria, + šudp- tiow; 'ārāšicmua, rö; +&TAëria. A sin of impiety, ’āoréémua, td. To sin, ‘āuaprávo, fut. Šuaprágouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. juaprov, no mid, except fut, but pass. (esp. perf. and aor. 1.) of what is wrongly done ; Śāquaprávo, Siauaprèvo ; 'üşikéw, fut, mid. sometimes in pass. sense, pass. usu. of the person sinned against; F & T- Aakéw, not used in pres, fut. &rAakhow, aor, 2. #TAäkov, perf. pass. TAffirmual of the sin committed, no other tenses ; (impiously)'éoreééo, no mid., but also pass.; +’âgertéa, only act.; +&eoéAášéa, only act. To sin against God, ‘i SeošAášéa. Since, étrel (both in point of time and causally); so éreiðh; +&irefirep; (of time only) é; oiſ; so &p' ot, Soph.; Ste. Neither before nor since, oùre trpárepov off6' iſotepov, Dem. Sincere, ’āAméevrikós ; 'éótáq6opos, ov; 'âAmbev6- pºevos. Sincerely, &kiščíAws. Sincerity, &Aff0ela. A sinew, veipov, oftenest in pl. (often metaph.); €irf. Tovos ; # Tévov, -ovros, 6. See Muscle. Of sinews, vetpivos. * Sinewy, "Iváðms, veupd.6ms. Sinful, 'üAitſipios, ov, sometimes c. gen, of those against whom ; +’ātāālentos, ov, c. dat.; +’āAirpès, bv, sometimes c. dat. - To sing, &etàw, contr. §§a (the uncontracted form very rare in iambics, though common in chorus of the Tragedians); juvéw, Čuvgöéa, weatpāéo ; ºf uéATw and –ouai, no perf. no pass.; ºf €iripáAtra’, ‘Fuexiſo ; tuivipoſal, only pres, and imperf mid. (esp. of birds). To sing of, celebrate, q.v., + airbów, ºr éða. To sing over (sacrifice, etc.) in a person's honour, +érevºmpiéa, sometimes c. gem, acc. * To sing to (esp. by way of incantation), áirgetöw, 384 Singer—Sitting contr. Śrów ; kāraetów, kärgåa, ; before, irpođàw ; with, oriivaetów, Att. -áðw ; ovvetraeíða, -göw ; "iſtraetów, Att. -68w (esp. as an accompaniment), c. dat.; ovvetmxéa, ; in answer, i &vtucadºw, c. acc. of what is sung, c, dat. of the previous singer; in a plaintive manner, 6táulvipoſal ; a solo, Hovgåéa, only act. To end (one’s life) in singing (as the swan), šáöw (8tov). To learn to sing, to practise singing, povaokéw. One must sing, àotéov. A singer, &otöbs, göös ; uova oup'ybs, 6, #. Singing, göticós ; +&otöðs, esp. in superl. &otööratos. Singing together, oiváotö0s, ov. Singing, subst, uéAos, Tó ; + Mex46ta. In a singing manner, 66ikós, To singe, t’āqetw. Single, uévos, Ep. luotºvos (used also in Trag.); ‘āir- A00s, 7, 00V ; † wováotoxos, ov. See Song. I think it trifting to say a single word, patatov jºyotaat ôvtivotiv trouéïa (at Aó)ov, Dem. Singly, katauðvas, or karð ſuðvas, *Mováutruč, Škos, 6, i. Singular (unusual, q, v.), ms. Sinister, orcaiós. See Left, Unlucky. To sink, act. Bärta ; káráðū'w, only pres. fut, and aor. 1. act. in act. sense ; ºf troutigo. See To drown. To sink, intrans, (as a scale, or anything in it) fiétro, only act, no perf.; (as anything) rātāööw or -5iva, only in pres, act, and mid., imperf. act, fut. mid. —öögopal, aor. 2. —éövy (as if from —50pu), and perf. –6éðūica : (as ground, etc.) iſo, only pres. and im- perf act. and mid.; Kaffigouai ; iſãva, only pres, and imperf act.; (as a river, see To fall) &roxetta ; (under fatigue, calamity, etc.) &reirov, aor. 2, aug- ment in all the moods, perf. &reipnica, no other tenses in this sense, c, dat. or c. Örö and gen.; into (as a feeling into one's heart), + šutfiſcopal, perf. Švitérmica, etc., c. dat. pers. I faint, and my limbs sink under me, trpoxetta, Affetal 6é plot pºéAm, Eur. Sinking backwards, + träAífiftotros, ov, Sunk, adj. 'ümośpixios, a, ov, and os, ov. ..Of a sunken, hollow appearance (as a man from hun- ger, or a road), A&yāpós. To be of a sunken appearance, Ašyāptgopal, mid. A sinner, kākotīpyos. Sinuous, troAſſyvourtos, ov, A Siren, Xelp?iv, fivos, #, usu, in pl. A sister, 'éðexp?i, i kāavyvítn; + kčals, eas, h; Harnessed singly, + airtokaori'yvätm; + oritylcão is, h; † avykaoliyvärm; föualpos, h; t 6paluov, ovos, ii. A sister-in-law, ºváAóws, i. To treat as a sister, call sister, etc., 'übeadſø. Sisterly (of or belonging to a sister), "ščexpos, h, ov, and Ös, 6v; + airáðexpos, ov; † at 9alpos, ov. To sit, kā0éouai, fut. –éðoßgal, no perf or aor.; káðn- pal, only pres. and imperf; ká0íſa, and -opal, mid. and pass, no perf. Or aor. in this sense (Plat, has fut. mid. kadıçãooga). The simple forms ſouai, flua, and lºw, also are all common in poetry, but are hardly found in prose; + kä01ſéva, only pres, and imperf. act.; t &áorow, only pres, and imperf, act.; +&odſw, only pres, and imperf act.; fºrcéa, only act, some- times c. acc. of the seat; at meals, kātāketpal, fut. -keto opal, no other tenses except imperf; käråkai. vouai, pass.; beside, by, near, répákáðmua; Tposigo, c. acc. or c. repl and acc.; Tápéðpeta, c. dat.; trāpā- Kä0éopal, c, dat.; tırápmual; tirposéâkéo, c. acc.; by in a chariol, Túpoxéopal, pass. To sit in or on, êykáðmuai; vigo, c. acc. or c. dat.; +évôākéw; upon, ºf épmual, c. gen, or c, dat, or c. acc.; +épiſo, c. dat.; + épéopal, c. gen, c. dat. or c, acc.; Truká0mual, c. dat.; on (as a hen), Twów, sine cas.; +éréſo, sine cas.; down before a town, besieging it, Štrucd.6mual, c. dat.; up, 'êvãkä6tgopal; with, together, etc., avykä0m- pat, ovyka94 opal, t avv8&icéal; still (lead a sedentary life), pepiſo, only act in this sense. To make to sit, kā6íga, aor. 1. Čkáðiora, also Att. Ška- 6iora; káràràiva. To make to sit apart, Stākā61%. See To seat. - One must sit, #'ièpijréov. Whether he is standing or sitting, eſre . . . Tſ600 ty épôov kaTmpeqf tróða, AEsch. It is no time for sitting still, oùx éðpas ày&v, Eur.; oùx éöpas &iquh, Soph. + A sitter (next to), trāpākāśrms, ou, 6. Sitting, adj., + špečpos, ov, c. gen, or c. dat. of that on which ; beside, fºrêpeãpos, ov, sometimes also as subst, c, dat.; with, to ſuffākos, ov, c. dat. of one's companion, c. gen. of the seat on which ; (as a hem) étro.aoticós. Sitting fast, ºf éðpaios. Like a hen sitting on her nest, Öputs &s āqetuévn, Enr. The sitting part (of a man), tà épéðpāva. The back (of a horse) on which one sits, éðpata påxis, Eur. Easy to sit (of a horse), eiſeboos, ov. A sitting, #3pa (esp. a sitting still, i.e. loitering); so kä0éâpa (of an army); +&ikmua, té, O C - 385 Site—Slacken 4 sitting on anything, or before a place, ly way of siege, épéðpa. A stiling by, fiſpose?pia. A sitting at table, kārā'KAi- oris, eas, i. '. To hold a sitting, Épav trouéa, Andoc. A site, or situation (of a place), Séats, eas, ii; (of a house) oilcáirečov, f To be situated (of a city, etc.), ketual, fut, ketoſopal; ‘īāpāoual, pass, esp. in perf. iópüual; to Tagal, pres. pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf act.; oilcéa'; i vaio, only pres, and imperf, in this sense. Six, Šć. In sin parts or ways, ééâxi, Éaxós. Sixth, ēkros. . On the sixth day, Šktatos. Siw months old, lasting six months, etc., ášáunvos, ov, For six years, sia years old, lasting sia years, etc., éérms, fem. ÉÉétis, ió0s, acc. -iöz and —iv. Siw times, āris and -ki. Sixteen, Éricaíðelco. Sixteenth, ēkkatēékáros Sixty, ÉÉſikovra. Saty times, Émicovrätts and -ki, Sixtieth, ēśnicogrós. Sixty years old, lasting siaty years, etc., Émicouraérns, contr. Énkovtotºrms. - Six hundred, ééâlcóortoi. Six thousand, éâkiszíaiot. Sixty thousand, éâkisui plot. Size, pºéye60s, Tb, whether large or small, though some- times, when by itself, of large size. A skeleton, + olceXétés. A skeleton figure (anatomi- cal), kävä60s. - To become a skeleton, kåtagiceAereiopal, pass. Sceptical, 8vstrelëſis; 6dstrelatos, ov. A sketch, replypâqi, a kićypāºmua, tá; oxfiua, tá. To sketch, akiöypățâa, usually in pass.; Tepiypāq,w, ‘ûrotitrów; metaph. (i.e. to give a general description of), trepinyéopal, mid. One must sketch out, replypattéov. A skiff, oképos, tá. See Boat. Skilful (of men) Imost of the following words govern gen. of the art in which], goºds; ÉrigThuwu, ovos, ô, h; áutepos, ov, c. gen, sometimes c. prep., e.g. Tepl c. acc. or c, gem.; &#pos; +’iópts, eas, 6, #; +torop, opos, 6, #; (as a work) icăAós. A skilful man, 0.04.10ths, où, Ö, c, gen, of his art; ºrexvirms, ov, Š; étuatárms, ov, 6. To be skilful, goſpíšopal, mid, and pass., c. gen, or c. év and dat, of the art in which ; ruppovéw, only act.; Ériotauai, mid, esp. in pl. -- Skilfully, e3, Čiria Tăuévos, étuatmuávos, Texuicós, ºf orogºs. Skill, gopia, Ériotăum, Épitreupta, sixépéla, Téxwm. To skim (i. e. to pass lightly over or through the air, the sea, etc.), ºf votíſo, only act.; +\alpw, only act.; 6tao Kaſpa, only act. The skin (esp. of the human body), xpès, xporos, 3: no pl.; Xpotē, no pl.; Éivos (rarely the skin of a dead person); 3épua, to (rarely of men and usu, of the skin after it is stript off the dead animal); (when stripped off) Büpra, +30pá; +6épos, to, and tâépas, to, only nom. and acc.; (or hide).5éññis, eas, # (being a dressed skin, as opp. to diſp0&pa an undressed skin, though this latter is sometimes used too for dressed hides). Made of skin, depušrivos. Like skin, Öeppättööms. With dark skin, ficváváxpoos, ov; ; kvavóxpos, wros. 3, #; +peačváo repºpos, ov. With various coloured skin, ºf troticińoöépuov, ovos, 6, #; + touciaéºpič, ć, h, gen. Tpixos. See Dappled. With thick skin, räxjöeppºos, ov. A garment made of skin, girupua, + givipa, To skin, Écôépa, sometimes c, acc. of the skin stripped off; 'ātroëépa; (with a whip) + &roXétro. A skirmish, 'ükpoéoxiopôs; &kpoéóAigis, eos, ii; ăţiuáxia. To skirmish, "àkpoéoxt{ouai, mid. A skirmisher, 'ékpoéoxloths, où, 6; in pl. Écôpopot. A skirmishing party, Śköpop.h. - Skirt, ºpdatečov (of a garment, and metaph. of any- thing, of an army, a country, etc.). The sky, aiºlp, Épos (6 in Att, prose, elsewhere 6, #), (the upper sky); &mp, epos, 6 (3, but also & Soph.), (the lower sky). See Air. The evening sky, #otepa vöta, Eur. To extol to the skies, eault to the skies, trphs oipävöv 8.64%, Soph.; otpavéumkes Totéa, Isoc. - Belonging to the sky, faitéptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Air. She has flown up to the sky, aidepta ävérta, Eur. A slab, oth Nû (esp. one set up as a memorial in a public place with an inscription on it). Slack, xàAãpós. To slacken, act., XàAáa, sometimes used in pass, or intrans, sense; Aïw; +’āvīmul (vi, though vi some- times in Ar), imperſ, āvínv and &viovv (the more usu, 386 Slackness Att. form); (esp. of slackening reins, etc.) + ué6ímui. See To loosen. Slackness, XàAãpótºms, mºros, i. To slake, géévvöpu, fut. gééow, more rarely oréñaopai, aor. 2. čašmu, in pass, sense. See To quench. Slander, SiâSoxh (6. Éuń uttered by me, Eur., uttered against me, Plat.); 8Agogºmºſo, güicopavtta; avko. pdvtmua, T6. - * To slander, 6tášáAAw, no adr. 1. act., perf. –ŠééAmica; güicopautéa'; 8Aag pmuéo, c. eis and acc. or karū or repl and gen.; Bagicalvo. To be slandered, Ölašox}}v éxw, Xen. Slanderous, Šišéoxos, ov; 8Aáo pmuos, ov; 3ágicăvos, ov; + Icákóðpous, ovv. - Slanderously, Ölaš6Aws, gükopauticós. - Men living by slander, avico pavtticós Bešiakótes, Isoc. Slanting, slantwise, raûytos, a, ov, and os, ov; +66xuos, + Aéxplos. See Oblique. A slap, Étigua, Tó. . To slap, Šáirígo. A slate (to reckon on), "šéârlov. A slave, doños, fem. Soßm ; &věpárošov ; Toſs, Tatóbs, 6 kal # ; Tatēśptov; † 605Aevua, T6. A female slave, Tatótokm. A slave bred in the house, Sperros, fem. Spettà. See Servant. A willing slave, éðex6. SovX0s. A fellow-slave, -ó96öovAos, sine cas, or c. gen.; ºf Gºvāouxos, 6, #. Thrice a slave, f ſpiãovX0s. A runaway slave, tºmaetótpuk, -Tpišos, 5. A half slave, fºuíðovXos. The body of slaves, to 600Aov, Eur. As a slave, equal to a slave, instead of a slave, etc., * &vtföovXos. To be a slave, SovXeča, often c. dat. of the master to whom, only act.; A&Tpeča, c. dat. of the master, or sometimes c. acc., only act.; &epārreia (esp. of being a slave to passions, appetites, etc.), c. acc. To be a slave to one's parents in return for the benefits received from them, &vtiãovAečo Toſs reicotiatv, Eur. Slavery, ÖovAeta, and poet. SovXia; &vöpātoāugubs, + Sovaoqium ; +80%.euga, T6. - •, The yoke of slavery, &vaykaia rēx, Soph.; ‘āvāykm Çüyöv, Eur,; so Q. SovXetas, Soph. He lives in slavery, ÖovXtº xpital Guyó, AEsch. They live in slavery, 600Aov toxovalv 8tov, Soph. Willing slavery, £6ex060w) etc. A slavish spirit, Öov- Aotpéreta. Slavish, (of, or belonging to, slaves, or to slavery) §ovAircos, ŠoćAtos ; +800Aetos, a, ov, and os, ov; Slaughter +300A0s; + ºpóðovãos, ov; (in mind, etc.) Sevao- - Tpeträs; ’āvexe59epos, ov; āvāpātoā4öms. See Servi - - Having slavish dispositions (lit. having the hair of slaves in their soul, i. e. coarse hair like that of slaves), ávöpatroöðöm Tpixa £v Tſ; ºvXfi éxovires, Plat. *. .* Slavishly, Souxticós, ’āveAev6épa’s, &vöpätroëwöðs. A slave-dealer, &věpáTroöloths, ov, 6. Slaver, oríčAov. w . Slaughter, póvos, orpäyh, + pová; +&iuo, Tá; a 4& 'ytov ; "Apns, eos and eos, 6 (à, but sometimes à, though rarely in Att.; prop. of course only of slaughter in war, but used in Trag of any mode of putting to death, e. g. AſbóAevotos 'Apns, death by stoning, Soph,). - . . Mutual slaughter, &AAm?\opôopia. Death by being slaughtered, a páyiós uápos, Soph. Giving the rein to slaughter, póviov Čiel RáAwu (lit. let out the rope of slaughter), Eur. To wish for slaughter, tºováo, only act. A victim destined for slauſh-er, ºf pével pia, Tó. Polluted with much slaughter, ºf troAiq,00pos, ov; fai- MáToo Tâyńs. - In revenge for slaughter, i övtibovos, ov (of calamity, etc.). - - To slaughter, or slay, ktetva, aor. 2. čktúvov, with (in Trag.) 3rd sing. Éicta, and pl. Éictav, and part. Krås (the last chiefly in compounds); AEsch. has also a pass, part. Kräuevos; &rokretva, karacteivo; &mda- Avut, fut. mid. -oxodual, aor. 2. —wačumu, and perf. –6Awxa, in pass. sense; poveto; ſcaiva, chiefly in pres, and aor. 2.; Karakatva; ká0aloéo, aor. 2, -éixov; (in battle) + ævaipa (Soph. has abr, 2. catfivapou), êvãptºw, f Šáudſo; (with a weapon, sword, knife, etc.) orpá(w, kāraa pā%, kórto ; + 6aſſo, fut. —£a ; Tpdoora, póvov, c. dat., AEsch.; Tpoãatmy pévov, c. dat, Soph.; karspyáçopal Pºpov, c. dat., Soph. (see To kill); besides, trposétroitteſvo ; on or over, éti- a paſw, c. dat. of that on which. To slay with, together, etc., ovvaroſcretva', oiváiréâAvut, oruvóAAüpı, tº ovykāraictetva', ºf ovykäreprydgouai, + orvuſpoveto. - To slay one another, faitoktovéw, only act. What valour is there in slaying the dead over again? ºrts &Aich Tov Savóvt’étructaveſv ; Soph. To be slain, titrara, fut. Treoroúnal, no aor. I., aor. 2. êtegov, perf. Tétroica (see To die); beforehand, irpo- ăvăAioicopal, pass., perf. –aváxogal, etc. c c 2 387 Slayer—Slinging And he was slain and many of the Chións, kal airbs &roðvíoice, kal Töv Xiaow troAAol, Thuc. Slain, i tT&oiuos, ov; + or partós; in numbers, + troX- ūq,00pos, ov; by the hand, txelpočáiktos, ov; by the sword, t \opikºs, fitos, 6, i ; t giómpokuhs, àros, 6, ii; +80pitetiis. Newly slain, ºf veogqêyńs; +veóðovos, ov; + veókºntos, ov. Mutually slain, slain by a kindred hand, by one's own hand, etc., + air- Töktovos, ov (sometimes epith. of the slaughter it- self); + airrooqāyās; + attočátktos, ov. Of slaughter by kindred hands, + airóxelp, epos, 3, # (of slaughter itself, or of the pollution arising from it). A slayer, povets, oºyews (used even of a weapon sometimes); ań0évrms, ov, 6. A slayer of people, t Aá06áuas, avros, 6. Slaying men, + &vöpopóvos, ov; ; &vöpolcrévos, ov; + &vöpoãaiktos, ov; + &v0patroktóvos, ov; (of a weapon) + švāpokuhs, fitos, 6, #. Slaying many, + troAirávºls, c. gen.; + troXvictóvos, ov (of Helen, Venus, etc.). Slaying in return, ºf &vruct&vos, ov. Slaying one another, or slaying one's own kindred, + airokrévos, ov. Slaying one another, or one's own kindred, adv. i atto- Króvas. Sleek, Airãpós. To be sleek, attaew, only pres, and imperf act. Sleep,"jitvos ; kotumots, # ; + kofunua, Tó ; ; Kotros. A sleeping together, ovykotumous. In one's sleep, adj. t €vötvios, ov. In one's sleep, adv. f. Švap. A giver of sleep, + širvočárms, ov, 6, fem, Širvočárelpa. Causing all to sleep, + traykottns, ov, 6 (of the grave). Causing eternal sleep, + aiévvtvos, ov. Fit to sleep on (bed, etc.), eivādiuos, ov. To sleep, efföw, fut, eúðflow, no aor, or perf. (the com- pound more common in prose); Käflečw, imperf, usu. écáðevôov ; kotºdouai, pass.; &valcoudouai ; tārā- Sapôāva, aor. 2. —éðapôov, perf. —öeódp0mka ; káðū- Trvów ; + eivágouai, pass., more rarely + eivášo ; +iaúw, only pres, act.; + dirvágow, only pres, act.; + £vvixeia, only pres, act.; ſcouratos yíyvouai, Dem.; alone, tº uovolcottéo, only act.; away from a place (away from one's quarters), šickafletºw, &rokoutéa ; ’āirokoudopal, pass.; among, in, on, etc., áykä0et%a ; on, êtrikátáðapódvo; ill, Öistºrvéa, only act. To go to sleep over, étrikoudopal, pass., c. dat.; first, t Tpo- kaðeſ,8w. To sleep by (by the side of), trpostcout- Gopal, pass., c, dat.; with or together, avy couéopal, pass.; ovykä9eča, + aiveča, ; + avvevvá(ouai, pass. To sleep off care, &rouepumpſo, fut, -tow and -ſw, only act. One must sleep, kaffevömtéov. To cause to sleep, send to sleep, etc., Kouſſo, Karako- Aſſo, kātākouda, i kouáo; + eiváčw, and metaph. in the sleep of death ; + karevváçw. One who sleeps away from a place, 'étókottos. Sleeping by day, ºf juspákottos, ov. Sleepless, &#Tvos, ov; *āypvtwos, ov; +'ékoluntos, Ol/, To be sleepless, ’āypvirvéa, only act. ūTvouáxéa, only act. Sleeplessly, ‘f '36píč. Sleeplessness, ’āypijitvia, &üTvía. Sleepy, ‘ūtváöms, ‘ūtvarticós. Sleet. See Snow. A sleeve, xetpls, 760s, h; icópm (esp. a long sleeve). With sleeves, xepiówtos, Šv. With two sleeves, t t- uáoxãAos, ov. Slender, 535ivás; +’āpatos, &, by (sometimes in Att. ës, 6v). .* A slice, ºf Tāuos. To slide, àAlgéâva, fut. ÖA100%ga, aor. 2. &Ataffov, other tenses rare, only act. Slight, Astros, pulpös; +’āpaibs, &, by, sometimes in Att. bs, 6v ; ; Aetrtóðouos, ov; (of a wound, an affliction, etc., i. e. insignificant) sixéphs; + paſſX0s, m, ov, and os, ov. See Small. Slightly, opikpós; (of wounds, afflictions, etc.) ei- Xepôs. - In no slight degree, oil, éAáxtortov, Thuc. Slight-looking, paváðms. Slightness, wavórms, mtos, i. To slight, 3Åiyopéa, only act. c. gem.; inrepopów, ſu%. ūtrepôthougi, aor. 1. pass. Útrepôq6my, other tenses rare, c. acc., more rarely c. gen. ; Śrepetàov, only acr. 2. act. c. acc.; + trapw8éa, fut. -60 w, etc.; Év ŠAt- 'yoptº trouéopal, c. acc. Thuc.; eis &Alyoptav Tpairé- orðat, c. gen. Thuc.; trap' 3Afyov trouéopal, c. acc. Xen.; év etxepe: tíðmul, Soph.; paſſaws pépw, patºws kpíva, Trag. See To despise. One must slight, 3Aiyopmtéov, c. gen, A slight, or slighting, ÖAiyapía. Slimy, +’āoráðms. - A sling, gºevöövm, used also for the bullet thrown by a sling. A slinger, orpevöovärms, ov, 6. Slinging, a pevaðvnois, eas, #. To resist sleep, See Contempt. - 388 Slip—Smith To be a slinger, or pew8ováow, also in pass. to be thrown (as) from a sling (metaph.). Of, or belonging to, slinging, orđevöownticós. To slip, ÖAlgóša, fut. ÖAtgºfio w, aor. 2. &Ato flow, other tenses rare. To slip away, ÖToščokat, mid, with aor. 2. act.—eóvv, and perf. —6éöüka (see below); ‘ūtrekööopat; ūtrofiñéw, fut. —Évāorougt, perf -effimica, aor. 2. pass. —eff&mv, other tenses rare. To slip away one by one (as deserters), 6táirépxopal, fut. -éAetoſopal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —fiX60y, perf. —exíAü0a. To slip off (as one's hand from its hold, or as escaping, etc.), áčo- Ato:6&va, c. gen.; 'ātroAto-0ávo. To slip into, ‘ūtro- 600|al, c. acc. or c. jiro and acc., or (when to slip under) c. jirô and gen.; Tápépéo; out (lit. through a hole), ºf éktpütrów; through a person's fingers, give the slip to, öioxto 64va!; 6taqetyw. He was afraid the matter would slip through his fingers, év (p684 ºv uh . . . Škºpúyou tê Tpdypat' airtov, Dem. - To slip, act. (dogs on their prey, and metaph. men on their enemies, etc.), "åvi"mul, imperf. &vímu and &víovv, c. dat. of the prey on which ; ŚiriXi'a. To let slip (an opportunity), Tàpinºl, &pimul, Tpotewat, mid. One must slip away, Ötråtrolciumtéov. Easy to let slip, eúñitos, ov (of dogs). A slip, 3Xto 6 mug, àros, Tó. A slipping off, Tapártworts, eos, i. A slipper, i. 8XaúTuov; + IIepoſich, in pl. Slippery (of a road, etc.), a pāAepos (of things or of people); so 3A100mpós; (i. e. tricky, knavish ; of a person only) f YAutós. In a slippery manner, or påAépôs. To slit, tépyw. See To cut. To slope, éykäivopal, pass. See To incline. Sloping, irikāīvīs, kātāqepſis. Sloppy, ióátóöms. Sloth, Ögööuía. See Laziness. Slothful, 546540s, ov. See Lazy. To be slothful, pëAáicíGouai, pass. Slough (of a serpent), t^eémpls, toos, i. Slow, 8pääts, compar, -ërepos, superl. (in Ar.) Bpé- 6tatos; 3kvmpos (only of persons); 8päääirovs, 6 ſcal #, neut. —Irovv, gen. —Troö0s, etc.; t voxexís. I should have been slow to send for you to my house, oxoxfi o' &v oſcows eis éuotºs éo Teixdºwmv, Soph. Slowly, 8pääéas; 6t& Xpóvov, Soph. Going slowly, Böömv. - To make slow, Bpääävo, also mid, and pass, to be slow, and sometimes act, is used intrans. To retreat slowly, Éirl tróða &vaxáçeadal, Xen. Slowness, 8páðirms, Tros, h; 0x0Agiórns, ºtos, i. Sluggishness, 8AáIcela. See Laziness. To slumber, kaðetºw. See To sleep. Slumber, “Wirvos. See Sleep. To slur, étiqipaº, only act, in this sense. To do a thing for form's sake, and therefore to slur it, ‘āqootóopal, mid. Sly, f'&Awtrös, Öv. See Cunning. Small, pikpès, Att, often agikpós, compar, usu. #0 orwV, éAdogwu, or weſov, superl. Aéxiatos (see Less, Least); # TvTöös, 3), ov, and Ös bv, only positive ; + 8atos, only pos. See Little. Very small, Tāv- autºpos and träuuirpos. To smart (as a pain, a wound), 63/kva, fut. Shéopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čákov, perf, 5èmxa, no mid. (lit. and metaph.); €triódicva'; (as a person who has been hurt) 6&icvouai, pass. esp. in perf or aor. 1. Smart, subst. 36üvſ. See Pain. Smart, adj. Koplițăs. - To smear, xpio; ’āAelºw, perf. pass. ’āAft\ppal, éâAeſq w, kātāAeſq w, xpaiva (see To anoint); all round, or all over, trepitädoorw. - To Smell, neut. §§w, fut. §§how, perf. §§wöa in pres. sense, c. gen. of that which causes the smell; + trpos- 6%; + rvéa, in pres. pt.; at the same time, orivéſa. To smell, act. 50 ppaívouai, mid., fut. 30 ppſ.gopal, aor. 2. &cºpówmv, no pass., c. gen, sometimes c. acc. cogn. I smell meat, trpostrue? Plot ºpečov, Ar. Smell (i. e. which can be smelt, whether good or bad), ôopºl, 'fööpiñ; (i. e. sense of smell) 50 ppmois, eos, ii. - Smelling (i. e. what can be smelt), 60 ppavtós. Sweet-smelling, f eidºms. Having no smell, 'üvd.6ms. Smelling acutely, act. 60 ppavrikos, + 30 ppguripios. To smelt, #w, fut. Wiiga, no perf, no mid, but pass. also. - To Smile, uélèláw, only act. ; tripletàido; yeadw, sometimes c. acc. of the object at which, or c, dat, sometimes c. 6tl and dat., often c. ei; ‘ūtroyexda, (see To laugh); at, trposyeada, c. acc.; Tri-yeX&e, c. dat.; £upleiðiðw. A smile, fueiðmua, T6. Smiles mingled with tears, RAava byeaws (gen, wros and wy, 6. Smiling, patāpās; + patópatrös, Öv. To Smite, TAftgow (see To strike); so as to slay, trā- Tágora. A Smith, XaAkets (used even of a goldsmith), XaX- Kotěros, oiómpets; + giðmporékrav, ovos, 6. 389 Smithy – Soaring To be a smith, to make as a smith, XaAreiw, and –ouai, mid., sometimes c. acc. of the work done, or metal wrought, also in pass. of the metal worked, etc. The trade of a smith, XaAlceta; # XaArcotiariich; oričm- peta. Belonging to a smith, or to a smith's trade, or skilful as a smith, XaAkevricós. A smithy, XaAkeſov, oričmpetov. A smock-frock, FKárovácm. Smoke, kātvös, f {6Aos; “FAiyvös, Öos, # (properly 5, but also i), (esp. when mingled with flame); † at- 6&Aos. To smoke, intrans. '3Tuíſo, only act.; + kärvéopal, pass. (esp. of a thing burning, and therefore smoking); #Tipoſal, pass., perf. Téðuppat, aor. 2. Túpiv. To smoke, act. (i. e. make to smoke), kärviſo; Tripo, fut. Śāhw (of smoking bees); Févrīq,w. Smokeless, 'üica'Tuwtos, ov. Smoky, aidāAóets; +6üskärvos, ov; Kätváöms. Smooth, Aetos, a, ov, and os, ov (sometimes of words); jiàbs (esp. of anything shaved, hairless, etc.); +Aeupés; in fem. Fatgaºs, #60s, ii. Rather smooth, tjiróAtotos, ov. A smooth surface, t Aeluðv, Övos, 6. To smooth, Aeaívo, only act. ; previously, trpoopé- Aśva. - Smoothly, Aelws. Smoothness, Aetótms, mtos, ii. To smother, Tväyw, fut. Tvíčouai, aor. 1. Twiša, no perf. in any voice, aor. 2. pass, and fut. 2. pass. the only pass, tenses; &roTvíyw, kāraītviya. Smothering, Tvºyos, Tó; Tvićts, eas, i. To smoulder, tripoſal. To smuggle, i TàpeſtroAdw, metaph. A smuggler, pēp, papbs, 6. A snail, kokkáxia, atpáušos, torpāśmāos. A snail shell, otpégé0s. Like a snail, otpouš66ms. A snake, Špis, eas, 6; + šptretóv. Like a snake, àqeóðms. A snap (for a necklace, etc.), t 8áxévos, i. A smare (to catch hares), āpirečávn ; lit, and metaph. épkos, Tó; +Tâym; +’āypeuſia, Té; +&#pāua, Tá. See Ambush. To fall into a snare, eis BóAov Ká0ía Tauai, Eur. To be about to fall into a snare, eis BóAov ćpxopal, Eur. To lay snares for, épéðpeča, c, dat, pers., only act, See To lie in wait. See Serpent. | To have snares laid for one, titpurretouai, pass., no perf, etc. To snarl, thūgo, chiefly pres. and imperf. act.; aſ, metaph. "Wakréa, only act. Snarling words, t'iſºdºyuāta, Tá. - To snatch, śpiráço', 'üvapráſw; káðaptá(w, sometimes c. gen, of that from which ; away, or away from, t’āpaptáço; + šūotaſo, c. gen.; away in an under- hand manner, 'üpaptréo. See To seize. To sneeze, fºrtaípw, esp. in aor. 2., no perf., only act.; Trépyūgal, mid. A sneeze, trappiós. Going to sneeze, weaWéirtapp,0s, ov. To snore, tºéyka, and mid, no pass., no perf. A snore, Ééyès, j; # ºpüotáua, Té. To Snort, fºux6i, w, only act.; + 8piuáopal, mid.; ‘Féuépipidouai, ºf pāordø. A snort, ºppūayſia, té; pigmua, Té. A snout, #55 yxos, rö; ºf 55 yxiov. Snow, xiou, ovos, h; (a snow-storm) + vipās, #60s, i. A snow-storm, xíovos 80Ah, Eur. e To snow, vipw, also more rarely mid, no perf, pass. of places snowed on, covered with snow; kátáviga, sometimes c. acc. of the place on which ; Śrīvíqa. It snowed a little, ‘ûtrévelºpe, Thuc. Snowy (covered with snow), ºf vipóels; vigøSoxos, ov; +xtováktütros, ov (lit. resounding with the noise of the fall of snow); +xtová6ms, fem. only; † viq &s, #50s, iſ ; (as winter or a storm) viſperóns, twipo- orrišás. Snow-white, txtováxpos, wros, 6, #. See White. Snubness, oriuárms, mTos, i. Snub-nosed, oriubs (sometimes also epith, of the nose), oriuompôoratos, ov. Snuff (of a candle), tuirns, mros, 6 (esp. mushroom- shaped). So, oùrw and otºrws, 36e, &s (rare however in Att. except in such phrases as ſcal és, umě’ &s, etc.), Tavtſi. See Thus. So (i. e. in the same manner), ôorattos. So (i. e. in that case, in that manner), éketvas. So as to, ögte, c. infin., sometimes c. indic, or (when expressing a supposed consequence) c. opt. or c. &v and opt. To soak, act, 8péxw; beforehand, Tpoépéxa. Soap, thippa, Tá; a pipio, Tá; kovi’a (powder used instead of soap). To Soar, 'êvãTétouai, mid, fut. —rtfigopal, aor. 2. –&vérrmv. See To fly, To rise. Soaring, + šptireths. 390 Sob—Solitary To sob, Atºw, only act., no perf. A sob, Ayyº, Atºy'yos, ii. A sob (produced by violent exertion), Totºpvyua, Tó. With sobs, Atºyāmv. Sober, vågay, ovara, ov (used metaph. also of the mind), ‘Fémpbs (esp. of a way of life). A sober man, wetplotórms, ov, 6. To be sober, to live soberly, våga, only act, rarely beyond pres. Sobering, vng avticós. See Temperance. Sociable, épìamtikos, + šHLAntós, Social, icouavitcós. The manners of social life, &otivouot àpyal, Soph. Society, Śpilata, c. dat. or c. gen, or c. trºos and acc. of those with whom; givovaria. A sock, ºf tročelov. A socket, aixòs; (of a limb) &pópov, f otpopsis. Soda, Airpov. Of soda, Airpaëns. Sodden, +Termicſ's. Soft, uáAäicos, ‘āīrāAbs, Fuań.6%icós ; # Tétrov, ovos, ô, ii; (as ground not much trodden) "Čolaktos, ov. Soft-skinned, +’ārakóxpoos, ov, contr. —ovs, ovv. To be soft, uáAácido, only act. To become soft (as the ground in spring), xéouai, pass. To soften, usixágow, 'ŚīrāAüvo, ºf Téyya (esp. of softening persons, as warm water softens their limbs, music their heart, etc.), F Pax6400 w (esp. as prayers do); beforehand, TpopéAdaga. To be softened (by prayers), † HaA6ácſgouai, pass. What can be softened, pláAaktós. Softening (calculated to soften), wäAaktikos, c. gen. Softening, subst, wäA6ačis, h. Softly, uáAákós, ºf Max0āicós. Softness, pâAäkta ; piùAákórms, mºtos, i ; uań0äkia; ‘ārāAórms, mºros, i. To soil, alaiva, katapuatva', xpatva; + kataxpavviſui, esp. in perf. pass. The soil, yì, ºf yata, + oãas; oiſãeos, Tó ; # Téðoy (none of these words have pl. in this sense). See Earth. To sojourn, we'roticéa, only act., Év and dat. or poet. c. gen.; Triðmuéo, only act., c. v and dat. A Sojourner, pºétoucos. A Sojourning, petoucía, Čirić muta, śīrājumais, i ; in a strange place, Tàpetrièmuía. A solace, träpäuä8tov. See Comfort. To solace, trapapºiſ0éopal, mid, no pass. comfort. See To Solar. See Sun. Solder, ſcóAAa. A soldier, orpättérms, ov, 5; 6TAirms (in prose limited to the heavy-armed soldiers, in contradis- tinction to the light troops), širāopôpos, Štěčušxos : +óTAProtáAms,ov, 6. A light-armed soldier, WIAbs, usu, pl. ; yuguhs, Tos, 6 ; treataoths, où, 6 (i. e. one armed with a light shield). A fellow-soldier, ovo- Tpätiörms, ov, 6. The soldiers, rê širāa, Soph. Xen. The body of light- armed soldiers, ā yvºwntia, to treataotików. Of, or belonging to, a soldier, otpáriotikós; to a heavy- armed soldier, ÖTAiricós ; to a light-armed soldier, TeXtaatikos, yugymrucós; to a common soldier, ‘ūrmpetucós. Belonging to a soldier (adv.), in a way suited to a good soldier, etc., otpatiatikós; treataoticós, Superl. –6tata. Never having served as a soldier, &otpéreuros, ov. An avoidance of being a soldier, &otpārta. To be a soldier, otpāTetopal, mid, c. perf. and aor. 1. pass.; ŚTAopéxéa, only act. Fond of soldiers, piń00 rpätiörms, ov, 6. And consider that willingness, and modesty, and obedi- ence to your officers are the part of a good soldier, kal vouſ rare elva toû kaAós toxeneiv to £668 tº kal to aioxivea'6at kal Tois &pxoval trébegóat, Thuc. Sole, plávos, Trag. also provvos. The sole of the foot, Taporós. Solecisms (to make), goNoikſſo, only act. Solely, uávov, poet, also poovov. See Only. Solemn, orépyás; (as a speech, etc.) + orépudo Touws, ov. Very solemn, reptoreſvos, Solemnly, orépy&s. Solemness, oreplvörms, mºros, ii. . . To solemnise (a festival, etc.), 'éyw, only act. See To celebrate. To solicit, airéa, c. acc. rei, trapā or Tpbs and gen, pers., sometimes c, gem, acc. See To ask. Solicitation, altmoris, ii. See Asking. Solicitous, étripleAfts; + kmöögüvos, ov. See Anarious. Solicitude, ſppovirls, fö0s, h. See Anaiety, Care, Solid, a Tepebs, a repeoetóñs ; (of an argument) &ttös &tos, 6, #. e The measurement of solids, a Tepeopletpia. Solidity, Otepeótms, mtos, ii. Solitary, (of persons or places) pºlaos, m, ov, and os, ov; (of persons only) uévos, Trag. also wouvos ; + Mo- vôſvä, öyos, 6, #; +povórporos, ov; (of persons and 39] solitude—sooner places) +uovás, #80s, 6, h; Fäyetrov, ovos, 6, # (i. e. without neighbours); (of a meal) twovotpāregos, ov. To be solitary, live a solitary life, Fºxmpeão, only act. ; + prov6opal, pass. (both these words sometimes c. -gen. of one’s absent companions). Solitude, épmuta; Advoorus, ii. A solo, povgöta. To sing a solo, 'i uovgåéw, only act. - The solstice, àAtov Tporal, ai. To solve, Atw. See To eaplain. He who could solve the famous riddles, Ös t& KAeiv’ aiviºuar’ ºn, Soph. One must solve, Aïtéov. - Calculated to solve, Aüricós, c, gen. Soluble (what can be solved), Aitós. So as to be solved, Avròs. Solution, Añoſis, ews, ii. See Euplanation. Sombre-looking, ºf aidivos. Some, tis, enclit. 6, #, neut. Tº gen, twos, Att, often *Foºdat. tivi, Att. often Tø, often c. gen., as—some God, Oedºv tis, etc.; viol (no sing.); €otlv Šs, neut.; éotiv 8, pl. eiolv ot, but also often €ortly ot, neut. éorth &, etc. Some (answered by others), oi uèv... ai Aku, Tâ pºv . . . . answered by oi ää, ai 68, tº Šć, etc.; oi uèv answered by twks 6*, Dem. It is not some of them (i. e. of oracles) only that are accomplished (but all), ovuéaivet yūp oi Tà uév tá. 6” ot, Æsch. Somehow, tra's, enclit, only when joined with some other word, e. g.—if somehow, et Tws, somehow thus, 36é tws, some other way, &AAws tra's, etc.; 'âtws-yéros, ’āumyérm, Éotiv Štros, Plat.; Éotiv Širm, Plat. Somehow or other, Örwsoºv, Širwstioëv. They would be willing to assist secretly, or openly, or, at all events, somehow or other, éflexflorelay juivkpüºpa ºye, 3) pavepās, 3) éé Évás ye toº. TPérov &ºtival, Thuc. Sometimes, évtore, &AAote often &AAote pºv . . . . answered by &AAote 5*, sometimes by téte 6é; Tóre pºv. ... answered by téré Öé; Śre uév . . . . answered by Šte 6é; Šte uév . . . answered by évíore Śē, Plat.; early Šte, or ëo,0° àre. Some time or other, tore, enclit, after some other word, ei, etc.; traitore after ei, etc. But time reveals the wicked some time or other, kakows 3& Sumtöv šéqſnv' &raw tixm xpóvos, Eur, Somewhere, éviaxoſ, trov, enclit.; a 6' 3rov or éotiv Štrov, Soph. Somewhither, éatly oi, Čativ Štol, or ëo,0° of, etc. . From some source or other, àuðew Ye T60ev, Plat. In some particulars, éortly &. A son, vibs, oil, etc., also dat. sing. viei, dual viée, pl viets; Tais, traiābs, 6; tākos; + kópos, and in chor, koúpos; +yóvos, + yéveðAov; +yevérms, ov, 5; fivus, only nom. and acc. ivy; [besides these words each proper name has a patronymic derived from it ending in ions, táðms, twº, stov, etc., as–son of Peleus, from gen. IImaéws, IITAetöms, ov, d; also IImāetwu, ovos ; also the word son is often left out, usu. after 6, as– great glory to the son of Laertes, tº Aaeprtov orééas âtrépratov, Soph. ; sometimes even without 6, as— Phalius the son of Eratoclides, PáAtos 'EpatokWeiðov, Thuc.] See Offspring, Child. Son-in-law, youépás. Sonless, ’ārais, sometimes c. gen, (e.g. śirals &pgé- vov Tatóww). See Childless. To be the son of, eiul, c. gen. The slayer of one's son, Ftratēoktóvos, ov. A song, song, àotöh, contr. (as always in prose) $6%; péA0s, té; $opia, Tó; véuos, Motora; (esp. when accom- panied by dancing) + u0Ath; (a lyric song) weap?ia. A song sung at banquets, okoxićv. A choral song, xopºlo. A continued song (of a chorus), oráriuov; otégis uéAów, Ar. - Raising a song to keep myself from sleep (lit. cutting out this remedy for sleep consisting of song), ūrvov. Töö’ &virtuoxtrov čvréuvov &icos, AEsch. With song, + woximóðv. Loving song, fond of uttering song, etc., + pix@60s, 6v. Famous in song, +&otöipos, ov; + troAiuppos, ov. A songster, or singer, tº ſexotrotos, + peºpóós. A song-writer (in a contemptuous sense), f douăto- KduTtms, ov, 6. Soon, táxi, compar. Šárgov, superl. Taxirata and Táxiata; Túxa, Tâxéas, t tëxos, falya. See Quickly. As soon as, ‘āua, c, dat, sometimes c. gen, abs. (e. g. as soon as the news was told, &Yyeaias āua fimbetons), Thuc.; Śiretóðv ráxiota, c. opt. or subj. See When. As soon as possible, Ös Táxtota; Širos Táxigra, Šoov téxtora, Trag.; 80 ov táxos, Soph. As soon as they could, &s eixov táxovs, Thuc. You cannot too soon [do so and sol, oilk &v påvois, c. part., Eur. Plat. Sooner, adv., trpótepov. Sooner, adj, trpárepos. No sooner is he brought out than he becomes . . . ot q6ável (for tenses see the word under To anticipate) éčayóuevos kal eiðūs éoti ..., Xen. 392 Soot—Sound But they no sooner heard of the war in Attica than they put aside everything else and came to our assistance, oi 6' oik Špómgay rv0ówevoi top trepi Tàu 'Attikºv TóAsuov, kal tróvrov Tów &AAwv &plexăgavres àkov juïv &uvvotivtes, Isoc. Soot, &0&0A0s, 6, # ; ; /öAos, + ał0áA0s. To soothe, SéAyo, also pass, but no mid.; Tpávo, +Tāpā0éAyo, + piań0áo ow; (esp. to soothe anger, to propitiate, q.v.) + getAtago; + 'Aárkouai, mid, fut. iMāorouai, no aor. To be soothed (of pain), f Hü'w, ui/ow, only act. - Not to be soothed, +'êoravros, ov. A soother, i &éAktop, opos, 6. Anything given to soothe, fueixtyka, té. Soothing, trposmvis ; +%ttos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; +&exict#ptos, in neut, often as subst.; f kmäntäptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. A soothsayer, uévris, eas, 6, #; Xpmouqābs, toiovo- tróxos, + oiováuavris, Foiavookótros, +xpmouáAoyos; oiová v Bothp, AEsch.; Xpnouðv 660s, Eur, See Prophet. Sooty, aidáX4öms. To sop up and eat, fuvotixáouai, c. gen, Sopped, §v6pvtros, ov. A sophism, oróqugua, T6. A sophist, oroptoths, où, Ö, fem. Joſpío Tpia. A great sophist, +'iſtreporoptoths. Oſ, or belonging to, a sophisi, to obtaticós. Sophistical, éptotikós. To use sophistry, oopſgouai, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. SëI] Sé, Soporific, ‘ūtvikós. A sorcerer, pappakeús; pdppakos, fem. papuākls, fö0s, h; +érgöós. - A nation of sorcerers, papuákotroubv čflvos, AEsch. Sorcery, pappareía. Sordid, pikpólixos, ov, Sordidness, purpoºvXta. A sore, ÉNicos, Tó. Sore, adj., ÉAkóöms. To rip up old sores, ÉNkotrotéo. Sorrow, Ağırm; 'éxos, té. See Grief. . . To sorrow, &x0opal, mid., fut. 3x9éroast, no aor., c. dat. of the cause, or c. prep. Útěp and gen, êtrl and dat., etc., rarely c. acc. See To grieve. Not causing sorrow, adv., *āAäitätaws. Sorrowful, sorry (of persons and things), &A'yetvös, otvywós; +Trévôipos, ov;”f troAffarovos, ov. (of events See Dirty. only) trikpós; (of persons only) #Trevºluwy, ovos, 3 ii. See Grievous, Sad. Sorrowfully, àx6elvás, Firikpós. Approached sorrowfully, i ööséâros, ov. Sorrowless, &Aüiros, ov, often c. gen.; +’āAörntos, ov. In a sorrowless way, without sorrow, 'âAirws. Sort, eið0s, Tó; + pāoris, i. Of the same or similar sort, Šuoetöhs, Špoeóvãs. Of what sort 2 interrog., Totos; Of what sort, indef oios, Širotos, Totos, often Tolós T1S. Of all sorts, Tavtotos, Tavtočárós. To sort, 6tätiönui, Štátdoorw. See Arrange. A sovereign, BāqīAews, Túpavvos. See King. Sovereignty, uovapxia, jºyeuovía, Bāoriaeia (heredi- tary sov. opp. to tvpavvis, acquired by the possessor). The soul, Jüx}, + šūpós. Having a soul, épubüxos, ov. High-souled, we'YáAójūxos, ov. High-souledness, ueyańothixia. Overpowering the soul, 'ütrépipúxos, ov. Conductor of souls, pixotropatrós. He reigns over all souls, Táuffixos &várgel, Soph. Sound (of anything, even advice), 'üyths; exéyyvos, ov : éxipos (esp. of reasons); (i. e. whole, unim paired) éévrms; 6Aókämpos, ov. A sound, póſpos, 309tros, crêtros, 8pógos, Boh, hx?), KAayy}, + kéAä60s; +%xmua, Tó; + ktürmua; (of music) +'äAáAayuás; (of the human voice, q.v.) povh q60) yós. A regular sound (of oars, beating hands, etc.), + Thrö. Aos. "A Quivering sound (as of a lyre, the wind, etc.), Fäitä. Of mingled sound, Futéoéðas, ov, 6; +puš66povs, ovv. To sound, fixáa, and -opal, mid.; popéa, only act.; kxéo, fut. KAdyśw, perf. kéicãayya; +80Utréal, perf. 6éöovira; + ktüréa, aor. 2. čićtvirov ; + IceAáöéw; +iáxéa (only in chorus); (of the voice of any animal) ‘p6éy'yopat, mid.; (or of a musical instrument) povéa; clearly, loudly, tºdairw, only act.; † Tpétro, only act, pres, and imperf; + 500éo, only act.; around, † &A- quicrutréal; under, ºf ‘itrºxéo. To cause to sound, Soutréal, in aor. 1. act.; +%xéco. To cause to sound in answer, t&vtmxéa. - To sound (i. e. try a depth), káðimpu. Sounding well, Febſixms; Feijixmtos, ov; + ill, with evil omen, etc., +8üskéAáños, ov; # 35sq àtos, ov; 60sópoos, ov, contr. ovs, ovy; together or with, o- . povos, ov, sometimes c. gen, of that with which, more 393 Soundly—Speak usu c. dat, more rarely c. rpès and acc.; t oriuq,00)- 'yos, ov; loudly, #8&pü'épop,0s, ov. See Loud, Soundly, tryiós, compar. —éo Tepov, etc. A spar (to make oars of), Kwirets. To spar, xelpovouéw, Tpoeëaykwv{{w (or to square one’s arms as if sparring). Soundness, ‘ūyiela, prop, of bodily health, but also of To spare, petàopal, mid., no pass. (both of sparing the mind, etc.; (of ships) &mpórms, mtos, i. Soup, (wwós; +@pevka, Tó. A soup-ladle, I (outhpi'ois, eos, i. Sour, arpiðvös (both of eatables and of temper), ai- otmpos, Ščás. To be sour, Öğüvouai, pass. To look sour, ‘ūTóTpupa BAérw, Ar. A source, Tnºyi. Sourness, aiornpótºms, mros, h; otpüpvötns, mtos, i. The south, p.mo muspía. To look south (of a house, etc.), ‘īāpāopa Tpbs uéo as Box&s (#Atov understood), Eur.; also Tpós Atov £30Åás, Eur.; Tpbs we'rmuéptav 8Aétro, Xen. Looking south, kārāšoššos, ov, South, or southern, adj., weamuépivás, The south wind, város. - The south-west wind, Aly, Aiébs, 6. The south-east wind, Eğpos, Eipóvotos. A summer with a south wind, Śēpos votíšov, Arist. A sow, is, Šos, h. See Pig. To sow, otreſpo, Kataotreſpo. xelpoo tropéo. late, àibiotropéa. A sower, otropets. A sowing, otrópos, otropä, otropiſtós. Sowing time, atropd. See Seed-time. Sown, + a troptès (actually used however only with reference to the men born of the teeth of the dragon sowed by Cadmus); ºf a tropmtös (of land). Self-sown, Fairóotropos, ov; faitototös, Öv. Fit to be sown, otópiuos, ov (of land). Sown in winter, xelpºdotropos, ov. Well sown, eiſotro- pos, ov, Newly sown, tveóotropos, ov. Space, (i. e. plenty of space) eipix@pia; (i.e. a vacant space) biškevov; biáàelppa, té. A space belween rows, Fºetópxtov. They marched, leaving a space between each man, Sté. Xoutes jeo av, Thuc. Spacious, eúpús. See Large, Wide. A spade, Sticeaxa, ’āun, auivān; † yewfis, jöos, i. A span, otrióðuń. Of a span, a span long, a tribäuiaſos. A spangle, Troticińpa, to (in pl. of the stars), Spangled night, Toticińetuwu vēē, AEsch. The Spangling stars, ā Tºp! tºw oioavov toucAta, Plat. To sow in winter, To sow thinly, uávoo Topéa. To sow people and one's money), c. gen, sometimes c. infin. or c. Wh and infin.; ‘āTéxopal, aor. 2. &meoxéumv, c. gen.; when followed by a verb c. rot uh and infin, sometimes c. infin, or c. to pºl and infin. ; (i. e. forbear to use) &rotideuai, mid.; a little, ‘into petàopal, c, gen, Not to spare, ’āqelāéa, c. gen. - One must spare, pelotéov, c. gen. A sparing, petàwAñ. Sparing (i. e. parsimonious), petàwAös, sine cas, or c gen. of money, etc. Sparingly, petàw?&s, pºetpfws. Not sparingly, où outkpá Xepl, AEsch. To live sparingly, petőouai, mid. A spark, f attvölp, fipos, 6; + peſäAvč, tºyos, 6; + (pébâAos. - To sparkle, Fugpuapa, only pres, and imperſ, act. See To shine. Sparkling, + Happépeos. See Bright. A sparkling, Mappièpiyā. With sparkling eyes, t uappiópotös, Öv. A sparrow, otpot,00s. - A spasm, atrágua, Tá; forápa) ºbs, to párexos, + ortraopºds. Spasmodic, otraguátóðms. A spatula, forträ0s, toos, i. To speak, Aéya, ; eitrov, aor. 2., no other tense except a rare aor. 1. eitra; Épéo, used as fut, with perf. eſpnka, perf. pass, and fut, eipſigouai, in pass. Sense ; (phul, no perf, act.; pp4(w, 'üyopeta (sometimes esp. in a public assembly); ‘p6éy'youai, ‘mid.; povéo ; + évvéra, only pres. and (rare) aor. 2. čvtotrow ; + aiāāa, ; +’āyopáouai, mid. (like &yopeta); in private conversation, 6ta\éyouai, mid.; again, tºtra- Alvorouéo, only pres, act.; besides, étiq6éYYouai ; before, previously, trpoëtaxéyougi, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in act. sense ; for others, to be the spokesman, Tpo- myopéo, c. gen. of the party for whom, only act.; out plainly, loudly, etc., yeyovíakw, only pres, act.; tºyé- 'yova, perfic pres. sense, also imper. Yéyove (Eur), aor. 1. infin. Yeywyſogi (AEsch.), and fut. Yeyovága, (Eur); + ššavöáo; + Adorko, fut. Aölchow, more usu. Aaichgouai, aor. 1. Čašknoa, aor. 2. čAâlcov, perf. Aé- Aäica. ; low, §trop0éy'youal, mid.; in public, to the . people, etc., &mumyopéo, sometimes c. acc. of the speech, c. Tpos and acc. pers.; freely, without restraint, 394 Speaker fésev6epoo touéo, only act.; + šeXev6epoo topéo ; māgav yNógorav imput, Soph.; at great length, Malcpm- yopéa, only act.; uákpokoyéo, only act, sometimes c. acc. of the subject on which ; umküva (abs.), or pumic. Aóyov or Aðyovs, Soph. Plat.; much, ºf Toxv- otouéa, only act.; to, trposefirov, Tposa'yopetºw, Tpos- q,wvéa, trposavöda (see To address); ill of, Švsq muéo, êtrièvsq.muéo, ; words of good omen, eiºmºéa, only act.; † eiotopiéa, only act.; speciously, make specious speeches, kaAAueréopal, mid., also in perf. pass. of the speeches plausibly made ; t icicopºetopal, c. perf. pass. in act, sense. To speak what is pleasant to the people, not what is best, käräxãpiſopal, c. dat. expressed or understood ; Tpös #öovåv Šmumyopéo, Isoc. - To be prevented from speaking, "åvaptáçopal, pass. To be spoken, Émtopečopal (of a speech). One must speak, Aekiréov, 5mtéov. And it did not go into Peloponnesus, at least not so as to be worth speaking of ſcal és uèv IIexotóvvmorov oëk ésàA009, Šti kal &#iov eitely, Thuc. And to speak briefly, às eitreºv čtos (as telling bad news), AEsch. Speaking, as it seems to me, of the greatest and the . least, 5mAóv, &s éuol Sorceſ, Tås weyto tas ſcal éAa- Xío Tas, Thuc. He had spoken ill of him, airoß Sigé6Aws éuvågøm, Thuc. w But I am not eloquent to speak to the people, e ..., 8’ ākout!os eis àxAov 500val Aó)ov, Eur. A speaker, Öſtop. A public speaker, Ömºn yopos. See Orator. Speaking, adj. (i. e. able to speak articulately), pow- viets ; # Tposſiyopos, ov (of the prophetic oaks); + troXi'YAwaroos, ov. Speaking with human voice, &v0patró)Aogaſos, ov. Speaking hastily, forward to speak, TpóAeoxos, ov. Clever at speaking, Aekticos, Émtopicós. Speaking cleverly, adv. Émitopicós. Leave to speak, the right of speaking, Aóyos. The right of speaking first, trpotoko'yta. Speaking, Aéâts, eas, # ; Aóyos. Speaking long, uairpoxoyſa. The art of speaking, fi Aeictic), j fintopicſ. Spoken, Émtös, ºf Aekrós. What may be spoken, + švouaa Tos, + pårös. What must be spoken, Émté0s, Aekté0s. *hat may not be spoken, + &rretos, oy ; # &kivſtos, ov. See Unspeakable. Spectacle To be spoken to, to be comforted by being spoken to, + eitſposſiyopos, ov; (i. e. affable, q.v.) or actually spoken to, addressed, t Tposſiyopos, ov, c. dat. or c. gen. Not to be spoken to, &mposſiyopos, ov. A thing not to be spoken of, pāris &pportos, Soph. A spear, 66pv, Tb, gen. Öopos, etc. The Attic drama. tists also have 66patos (Ar), 60tpati (Soph. chor.), 6ópel (Soph.), nom. pl. 56pm (Eur,); Aóyxm, śvatów; + Éyxos, Tó; +&ixuñ; + kāuač, äkos, 6, #; +6%a. A little spear, Sopârlov. A hunting spear, rpoé6Atov. A fishing spear, Tptóðovs, ovtos, 6. Tº come within a spear's throw, eis 66pv or eis 66patos TAmy," "épikvéopal, Xen. A spear-head, káuákos YAégornua, AFsch. Of, or belonging to, a spear, FAéryxiuos, ov. To fight with the spear, to arm with a spear, faixuáço, only act. A spearman, Švaſtoqāpos. Armed with a spear, Öopvoodos, ov, contr. also -0.00s, oùv, and in AFsch. once 3opio 60s, ov; Aoyxoſpópos, ov : +30pvadevjis ; + šopiuapyos, ov; + Aoyxſipms, ºf aixuñets. Skilful with the spear, t 6opiujatap, opos, 6. With brazen spea’, ‘i XaAkeyxis. Taken by the spear, Öoptáàwros, ov, and in Soph. ãoupúa.; † 6optAmirtos, ov; + Sopišāpātos; + Sopſ. ktmºros, ov. See Prisoner. Destroyed by the spear, f dopi\iuavros, ov. Pierced by the spear, i öoupi"TAmktos, ov. Slain by the spear, Sopikāvīs; + 30purphs, fitos, 6, j (epith. of the death of one so slain). Spear-headed, t 8opi'kpāvos, ov; ; Aoyxwtos, Šv. A spear-maker, Sopv£60s, Fishing by means of spearing, à TAmictitch. Special, föuos, &, ov, and 0s, ov. A special meeting, one convened for a special purpose, orūykAmtos ékkâmata, Dem. Set apart for special service, éalpetos, ov. Species, eiðos, Tó; 'idéo. Specific, 'fölos, a, ov, and os, ov; eiðotroubs, 8v. To specify, Śwopíſo ; besides, trposhtopf9o. A specimen, Öelyua, Tó ; étriðelyſia, reſpa. Specious, eitſpégoiros, ov; + eio Yihuay, ovos, 6, #. Speciously, eúo Xmuávos. A speck. See Spot. - A spectacle, &éâga, Tó ; &éa ; Śipts, # ; Śpájū, ré, A public spectacle, game, etc., 6ecepta. It is a spectacle (i. e. a warning), eisoſiv čxel, Eur, 395 Spectator Fond of spectacles, pixoteåuov, ovos, 6, #. A spectator, Seáths, où, 6; tº kátártms, ov, 6; + étröttm; ; (of a public spectacle) &ewpás. The spectators (at a theatre, etc.), of Šećuevot, to §éâtpov. A fellow-spectator, avv6eáths, où, 6, fem. + ouvêeårpia. To be a spectator, &edouai, mid, c. perf. pass, in act. sense. To go as a spectator, &eopéa, only act. A spectre, pdapa, Tó. - A speculation (philosophical), a képua, T6; aſkéjus, i. To waste time in idle speculations, ’āepopuerpéa, only act.; Xplorox0éa, only act. Speech (i. e. the power of speech), pavil, épumveta ; + pffé yua, T6. See Voice. A speech, A6)0s; Éious, ii; + ut,00s; + širos, Tó ; + ptávnua, T6; (a coming forth and speaking to the people) Tpósobos, h. A speech in public, Smpm- Topta. A written speech, otºyºpappa, āros, Tó. Kind, well-omened speech, f efféteia. Liberty, freedom of speech,”ormyopia. Frankness of speech, traffmoto. The composing of speeches, Öilcoypäſbía. To end a speech (lit. to descend from the rostrum), kā- Tāśaiva, fut. –éâgopal, aor. 2. —éšmu, no acr. 1. or fut. act. in this sense. To polish up a speech, "àvākā6aipouai Adyov, Plat. Endowed with speech, poviets. See Speaking. Speechless, *āpovos, ov; +’āvavôos, ov; +’āvaúðm- Tos, ov; +&otouds, ov. See Dumb. Making speechless, +’āvavö0s, ov. Speechlessness, *āqāoria. To speed. See To hasten. Speed, taxiºrns, mtos, iſ ; &körns, mros, h; (in run- ning) 8pópos ; Śppº) Troöðs, Eur. See Swiftness. Speedily Táxa, Faiya. See Soon, Swiftly. . With all speed, travaiśāel, ºf travo'íðfg. Of equal speed with, 'io 68poſios, ov, c. dat, sometimes C. gen, The Athenians, sailing with all speed, of 'A9mvalot car& tróðas émittàeūgavtes, Thuc.; so karð kpótos, Xen. Every one of us should flee from intemperance with his utmost speed, &coxaaſai peuktéov čs Xel točáv čka- orros juáv, Plat. To have equal speed with, 'looëpopéo, only act, c. dat. or c, trapò and gen, or c. Tpos and acc. Speedy, tàxts, compar, tàxiērepos, more usu. Šárgov, superl. Táxiatos ; &kös, fºobs, + Aaliympás. See Swift, Quick. A spell, piatpov. See Charm. . To spend, 'üvāAtoka, also pres. and imperf. 'īvāAów, Spirit W act, and pass, fut. &va\dow, etc.; &tavaxtoko, öärä- váa, kārāśaravda, TéWew ; (time) tpíšw ; troléopal, mid.; (time) in or on (an occupation), €vötörptéo, c. dat, or c, čv and dat, or c. repl and acc.; evoxoxé@, only act. (in a place); besides, TposāvāAtaka, Tpos- TeAéw ; first, trpoavaMaica, ; gradually, 'ütavaxtokw; in vain, TúpavaMaico; at the same time, orivavaMaica'. He spent seven months in Babylon, Öifiyev čv Bašvāóvº éttà wivas, Xen. To be spent, 'üvāAwtéos. What is spent,’āvāAwua, T6. Aspending, ‘āvāAwois, i ; of time, štátpiéh, t Tpiéâ A spendthrift, Xpmuároſpôopicós. A sphere, or palpa. Spherical, a palpoetóñs. ſ A sphinx, Xplyś, vyyös, i. Spice, 'épapa, Té. A spider, páñayë, ayyos, # (esp. a venomous one); paxáyyiov, t’āpā'xwn, Fápaxvos; +’āpā'xwns, ov, 6. A spike, atüpač, Škos, 6; otipäktov. To spill, ékxéw, aor. 1. Att. —éxea. To spin, véa, fut, who w, etc.; whów, TâAãotovpyéo, ‘Féiriºd,000 (esp. of the Fates spinning destinies for men). To spin out (an argument), Katdyw. s To spin round, act. Tepičivéo ; ºf otpoééo, fut. mid. in pass, sense, also act, sometimes in pass. Or intrans. sense ; ºf Bepisikiſo (Šuavtov). To spin round and round, intrans. Tepúlvéopal, pass.; + 8épéikuda. A spinner, Épið0s, 5, ; tāAãotovpyós. Spinning, violis, eas, i ; tāAãota, TâAáquoupyia ; (the art) # vnoticſ. - r A spinning round (like a top), replatpop.h. Of, or belonging to, spinning, atmºovnTurbs, unorikos, Taxaq towpyticós. Spun, + k\wortés. Spinal, Šáxirms, ov, 6. A spindle,”&rpaktos, 6, #. The spine, ÉÉxis, eos, # ; +'äkavòa. A spiracle, pigmthp, fipos, 6. Spirit, Tveijua, āros, to (used also as - ~! (i.e. courage, q.v.) uévos, Tá; ppóvmwa, Tó; + ppó- vmoſis, eos, i. A noble spirit, ueyāAoppodium, Heywºoyvouorium, Since you ought not, O Athenians, to decide private: actions and public causes in the same spirit, €trel oiâ’ jugs &vöpes 'A9hvaſol, &rö täs attàs Stavoias Šet tds Te ióias Šticas ical Tês 6mu00 (as ºptvety, Dem. For they did not altend to the letter but to the spirit of | 396 U * what he wrote, où yöp ois étréateåAs Tposelyov tou votiv, &AA’ & ‘ppováv tatt” &ypaſps ovviſósgav, Dem. man of high spirit, ºppovnuštías, ov, 6. In good spirits, eúðū ū0s, ov. See Cheerful. In good spirits, adv. eiðūgos. To be in good spirits, f eiðjuéo, no mid. A being in good spirits, eúðupta. Out of spirits, &0ügos, ov; 60sóüuos. To be out of spirits, ’ā0üpıéw, Övsööpéo. A being out of spirits, ’ā0üuta, +5us6üuta. Spirited, ueyāAóppov, ovos, 6, # ; veåvicës, &vpoet- 8ſis; sū0üuos, ov (also of a horse); eiköpêtos, ov; + eiyevås. Too spirited, ‘ūtrépôjuos, ov. Spiritedly, ue')axoppóvas. With more spirit, veðpo- Tépos (to speak, etc.). To be spirited, ple')óA0ppovéa, only act.; ‘f eixmuátéo, only act. To be of such and such a spirit, Tvéo, usu. Twevo'oùual, no perf act. He behaved like one of great spirit, troAvs Tvel, Dem. Full of warlike spirit, "Apn rvéovres, Æsch. Spiritless, ’ā0üuos, ov. To be spiritless, ’ā0üuéo, only act. Spiritlessly, &6üuos. Spiritlessness, 'übüuía. One must (not) be spiritless, (oik) 'â0üpımtéov. A spit, Öéextorkos, + 36exös, forqāyets. To spit (meat), i'āvāreipaſ. To spit, spit out, Trúw, éctröw; on, kåtartúa, c. gen.; + käräxpéuttopal, mid. A spitting, Trúgis, eas, i. Spite, émixapekáicta. See Malice. In spite of, Big, c. gen.; Tpös Bíav, c. gen. In spite of the king, Bagińéws &Kovros, Xen. Spiteful, Öisvoos, ov, contr. —vovs, -vovv. Malicious. Spittle, TTöopa, āros, Tó. To splash (about in the water, as a goose does), ºf TAé- Tüyiſo, also metaph.; (as anything thrown up splashes a person) ºf eiséâAAw, no aor. 1, perf. —SééAmica. A splash, + Aérač, Šyos, j (esp. the splash made by the drops of wine at the bottom of the cup when thrown into the basin in the kóttášos). The spleen, ortrahy, ortramvos, 6. Of the spleen, a TAmvirms, ov, 6. Splendid, (to the eye) + &YAabs, 3), ov, and bs, 6v ; ºf paeivös, sometimes Trag, paeuvés ; trówtpertos, ov; (to the eye, or to the mind) Aapatpás ; pleya No- oxhuov, ovos, 6, # ; eitrpeths, pleya.Notrpetrás. See Handsome, Magnificent. To make splendid, AquTpúva, and -opal, pass., no mid. See To shine. See Spirited—Spoon Splendidly, eitpetrós, compar. —érrepov, -éo Tata; pleya?\otpetrós. Splendour, (i.e. brightness) + alyAm ; (i. e. excel- lence) eitpéteia ; (of fortune, of reputation, etc.) Aaptpórms, mºtos, i. Splenetic (to be), a TAmvuda, only act. A splint (for broken limbs), TAdottyś, vy'yos, i. A splinter, Fäyh, + akivöäAäuos. To splinter, cause to splinter, Špačw. - To split, act. oxi(w, Ölaoxt{w ; Śiatéuva, no adr. 1. act., perf. —Tétumka. See To cleave, To cut. Split, axiotós ; (all the way up) 5A60%iatos, ov. To spoil, despoil (an enemy), ori Ada, c, acc. pers, or c. acc. of the spoils, or c. gem. acc. or c. acc. of the spoils, &Tö and gen, pers.; a küAeto, only act.; 'épal- péopal, mid, no aor. 1., aor. 2. &ſpelwâumv, c. gem. acc., or sometimes c. acc. rei, dat. pers, or c. acc. rei, Tpbs and gen, pers.; + švāpíſo (see To plunder); (i.e. impair) pºeipo (3rd pl. perf. pass. Épéâpätal even in Thuc.). Spoils, gkúAov, usu. in pl.; a kūAevua, to, usu, in pl.: Aãpūpa, Tá; + švāpa, Tá; +*āypevua, td. See Booty, Plunder. ION. “Did he then marry you ?”—CRE. “Yes, taking me as the spoils of war and the reward of his spear.”—ION. Káta orov yage? Aéxos ;-KPE. pep- vás ye troXéuov, kal Sopos Aasaw yépas (pepv) being properly anything brought as dowry by the wife), Eur. A spoiler, ori Afftop, opos, 6. A spoke, kympals, 760s, i. A spokesman, kopi paios. To be spokesman, Tpomyopéo, Tponyéopal. They replied, and their spokesman was Clearchus, & re- kpívavro, KAéapxos 6’ Aeyev, Xen. Spoliation, Špirāyī. See Rapine, Plunder. A sponge, a troyyia, + atóyºyos, To sponge, otroyyiſo, treptotroyyiſo (esp. all round). Sponginess, orogºpótºms, mºros, i. Spongy, otroy yoetöſis. A sponsion, Steyyúmo is, eas, #. A sponsor, éyyumths, où, 6. Spontaneous, (of the person or the action) airdağtos, m, ov, and os, ov; Ékočotos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of persons only) airós. See Willing. Spontaneously, Škovo (ws, é, ékovoias ; Śicovaríg, ico.9. ékovo ſav (yvápm, sc. vel. Yváumv understood), Thue, Dem.; Ék or &to Tot airtoudºrov, Xen. A spoon, topium. A piece of bread shaped like a spoon, pivotiºn. See Surely. 397 Sport—Sprout Sport, +'éðuppa, Té. See Play. A sport for, object of mockery to, Yéaws, gen, wros, and Att, sometimes tº, so acc. YéAwra, Att. Sometimes 'yāAww. To sport, 'ütáAAw, only pres, and imperf, act.; traíſo, fut. Taíčouai, Att, sometimes Tatēodual, aor. 1. Taiga, perf. pass. Trétratapat, but aor. 1. Čiratzônv; + šutai- (w See To play. • Sportive, piñotaſypov, ovos, 3 kal #. . A spot, knals, 760s, i. To spot, arſo, sometimes c. eis and acc. See To ... stain. . Spotted, + aićAos, + gructos, + kārāoriktos, +3&Atós. ... With black spots, uéAávčo Tuctos, ov. . . Spotless, àutavros, ov; ká0âpés, See Pure. A spouse, Fºvevvos, 6, #; + gºvä, öyos, 6, #. See Husband, Wife. - - To spout up, "åvatorow, (more usu. and in Att. prose always) vºorga. See To gush. To sprain, otpépo, esp. in pass. A sprain, otpéupta, āros, Tó. A sprat, + palyls, ió0s, h; + waiviotov. Spray, + &Aum. - - To spread, 'éväterdvvvut, sync. also &ptret., perf. pass, -éirrápal; kátáiretávvvut, Épiretávvvpu; atopév- viſu, sync. otópvvut, also otpévvvul, otpéow, and Att. (though more in compounds than in the simple verb) atopá, etc.; Tetvo (esp. of sails, etc., often also intrans. of a district, etc.); (esp. of spreading reports, etc.) ortreſpo, ötaatreſpo, karaokešáuvvut; so Stå- ââopu; (a person's reputation) 8täſpépo, fut. —otow and –otoropat, aor. 1.-fivelyka and –fiveykov; around, trepitretøvviſut, c. dat. of that around which ; trepi- Tetuo, c. dat, or c. repl and acc.; (a report) among, évoteipo, c. dat.; before, irpotterévviſit, c. gen, of that before which ; over, éiritretøvvvul; ‘ūtreptetva', c. dat. of that over which, or c. gen., sometimes act. used intrans.; on (as a plaster, etc.), Titão-ow, c, dat. or c. Štl and acc.; ‘ūtrāAeſpo; under, ÖTootopévviſui, —atópvvut, or—otpévvvut, c, dat.; TošáAAw, no aor. 1. act., perf. –éééAmica, To spread, intrans. (as a report, as renown, etc.), xapéal; +TAévéopal, pass.; among, Stépxopal, fut. —exeñorouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fiabov, perf –exh- A:fla, c. acc.; +8thica, rare except in pres, and im- perf. act, c. acc. or sine cas.; +"iſºpépiro; (also as a feeling, fear, etc.) blaðéa, fut. -6eto opal, no aor. 1.; (as a conflagration, or infection) étrivéuoual, mid. c. àCC. Spread, otpwrbs (esp. as a bed). . . Spread on (as a plaster), áirítraortos, ov. Spreading (widely spreading), Fäuſpi\āqºſis. A sprig, páxos, i. - Sprightliness, patāpātms, mtos, i. Sprightly, ‘f palēpóvovs, 6, #. See Cheerful. To spring (i.e. leap, q.v.), &toga, more usu, and in prose always $0 orw, aor. l. mid, and aor. 1. pass, in the same sense; +&pdºorica, fut. &op00pal, aor. 2. étopov, no other tenses (see To leap); up,'évô0pógico; 'évopoſa, only act., no perf; ‘āvātmöáa, only act.; ăvatoga, Att. also &vgorow; (of plants, etc.) 8Agotávo, fut. BAag Tàow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAa- gtov, only act.; (as a startled hare) iTávio Tapai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act.; up into the air, étravaššítto; upon, êtritmöáo; + štíðpógico, c. gº or c, dat.; from (as flowers, etc.), &troëAaqtāva, Éc- 9Aao Távo; up again (as flowers, or as a town), 'üvá. 8Aaqtāva). . . . . A race is sprung up, Étgap.” &ve?ral, HEsch. A Spring (i.e. leap, q, V.), F &Aua, Tó. Collecting himself for a spring, &0p60s, Xen, - Spring, ap, gen, Épos, contr. ipos, etc. [only the contr. forms of oblique cases are found in Att. except once éapos, Xen.; the nom. İp is very rare]; &pa. Of, or belonging to, spring, Épivös, h, by, sometimes bs, ov, sometimes contr. hpivás. To pass the spring, Śāpiśa. Meadows full of flowers in spring, Aelpløves &v6eau éapiſówevot, Plat. A spring or fountain (q. v.), kpāvm; vápa, Tó, + pouvés; +Aišēs, #50s, i. º A kind gift of a salt spring, 5&pov ei6áAargov, Soph. - The springs (of a carriage), aiºpat, ai. To sprinkle, kāraa Kečāvvijul, éiritráo ow; utrégoro, i }- c. acc. of the place sprinkled, c. gen. of the thing. with which ; kátárágow; + šaiva (rare in Att. be- yond aor. 1. act.); Túñalvo; (as the liquor, etc., it- self sprinkles what it touches) + eiséáAAw, no adr. º 1. act., perf. —éééAmica; all round, treptășatva; besides, Tpospatva; with water, t'ºpatva; with holy water, { +xepvíttopat, mid. Sprinkled, kātāraatos, ov. To be sprinkled (as a place, etc.), traortéos. A sprinkling, träAayuás. - - A vessel for sprinkling (esp. holy water), ºf &roðav- Tiptov. - 3. To sprout, trav0éw. 398 spur, kévrpov (lit. and metaph.); uvēl, &Tos, 6; (of a cock) Tºñict pov. n the spur of the moment, ÉÉ Tiëpoufis, Plat, aving spurs (of male birds), TAmicrpoſpópos, ov. ull of spurs (i.e. short stumpy branches), 3%6ms. Not needing a spur, "&TA micros, ov. 0 spur, kevréa, ºvotrigo. See To goad. purious, v600s, m, ov, and os, ov; Tāpāormuos, ov; kíšömAos, ov (prop of money, then generally). o spurn, Aaktígo; away, t'étoxartíšw. o spurt out, ‘E’ātrotröT{{w. See To gush. To sputter, Fāvatti'w, fut. -īga. A spy, aſkotrös, but more usu. Kataokotós; +éirí- orkotros, c. gen, sometimes c. dat. of those against whom one is sent as a spy; &rthp, fipos, 6; t kato- Trip; káráTTms, ov, 6, See Scout. o spy, or to be a spy, kåtaokotréal, fut, aor. 1. etc. –0 ké!opal,—eake!dumv, etc.; Kätorteia, and in pass. of what is observed. See To reconnoitre. A spying, kārāakoth. squadron, TéA0s, Tó; Tášis, eas, h;”IAm; (of ships) ovugopia. See Troop. qualid, 'i ſãpâpéxpoos, ov; contr. —ovs, ovv. Dirty. Squalidity, 'üuoppia, ’āAovo'ía. squall (of wind), kåtaly's, ió0s, i. o squander, 'êvãAtarkw, also in pres. and imperf. ’āvāAów, fut. -60 w, etc.; ‘āTóAAüput, fut, -oxó, etc., fut. mid. –0Aoûual, and aor. 2. —axéumv and perf. —óAwAa, in pass. sense, no pass. voice; +6ta- a reſpa (see To spend); in lucury, káðmöüTá0éa, only act. Square, Terpäywvos, ov; eyyávios, ov; (as a number) étèrešos, ov; ’iorétraeupos, ov. Not square (of num- bers), árepopuńkms. A square, TAatortov (esp. of the battle-array of an army). A joiner's square, yovía. To square, Tetpāyaviſo. To be squared (of numbers, etc.), 6üvao Tetouai, pass. To squat, käråkaïvouai, pass. (of a hare in her form). 0 squeak, # kpſ(w, aor. 2. čkpiyov, perf. Kékpiya; (as a little pig) + kołów, fut, -śa. To squeeze, tuégo, avutriéſa (see To press); out, éotríð; out together, at the same time, givekôAiéo. To be squeezed up, poppoššapéopal. A squeezing out, ÉcôAllis, eas, h; Śictſeats, eos, i. A squill, oxivos. To squint, Aošóopal, pass. See Spur—Stalactites A squint, tºwaris, eas, i. Squinting, +ix)\ós; + orpäéðv, &vos, 6, #. To stab, Tata, kevréa. See To strike. Stability, Beéalótms, mºros, # ; i kārāorão is, ea's #. Stable, Bééalos, a, ov, and os, ov. With stability, in a stable manner, Beéaíos. A stable, oráðubs, pl. of and Tá; pā’tum; irröv, àvos, 6; aft\tov ; +ittróatúats, # ; for owen, + 86avAos. A staff, 5&660s, # (of any sort, sometimes a staff of office); Baktmpta, folkättpov; takirwu, wVos, 6, + 8&ictpov; +8&ict peupa, Tó. Bearing a staff of office, a kmºrtotºxos. A stag, àAápos. See Deer. Of stags, éAépetos, - Hunting or slaying Stags, f €AápméóA0s, ov; +éAä- ‘poktóvos, ov. . Stag-hunting, + šAépméoxta. ‘. . . - The stage (generally), okmvā; (that part from which the actors spoke) &üuéAm, Aoyetov. A stage to speak from, 37ſia, Té. One who belongs to the stage, okmvirms, ov, 6, To stagger, act. (i.e. to make to stagger), rºdaxw. To stagger, intrans. TAévéopal, pass.; tıöpābépouai, pass.; Forpošéopal, pass. Staggering, Tāpābopos, ov. Stagnant, atáriuos, ov; +otárós. To stagnate, Alpivdºw (of blood), only act. Stagnation, Alpivāoria (of water). A stain, kmåls, 760s, h; putaoua, to (esp. metaph. of sin, etc.). To stain, ulatuo, xpdºw, fººpo, txpatva; with blood, Faiudo-ow. See To pollute. A stair, FB&6pós. A flight of stairs, k\ſuač, Škos, ii. A stake, akóñoly, otos, 6; otaupés; xàpač, Škos, 3. A pointed stake, to phē, micös, Ö; forqmictorkos. A fence of stakes, a Taipapua, T6. See Palisade. The greatest interests of the city are at stake, Tà wéytoto. kivövveteral tă tróAel, Dem. Having more at stake, TAeio trapaéaxAópºevol, Thuc. To stake, (put down stakes in, etc.) 0 tavpów; (i. e. wager) Tepičíðopal, mid., trepi and gen. of the thing staked. See Wager. I will stake my eaſistence on the fact of them all receiving bribes, Távres, h éyò, Trdoxelv Štioßv Twówal, Xpá- plata Aapſ3ávovoriv, Dem. Stalactites, trópos. 399 Stale—state Stale (as an old story, etc.), Tāāabs, etc.; waos, ov. See Old. * A stalk, käAäum, fravæðs. A stalking-horse, ºf irpóéAmua, Tó. A stall, ſpä'tvm. See Stable. A stallion, êxeſos irros, Šxetov. To stammer, hexxiſo, Traſw. Stammering, yeawós; leaxórms, nros, i. To stamp (tread heavily on), otétéo, rare beyond pres. and imperſ. - To stamp (coins), *TAftgow and—ouai, pass. of the im- pression; + köttw, no perf act., perf. pass. Kékouwal, etc. a A stamp (or impression), xàpakthp, ipos, 6; + köupa, Tó. - A bad stamp of man, &vhp trovmpot kóppatos, Ar. To stanch, traúw. To stand, to tauai, pass., c. fut. and aor. 1. mid., also c. aor. 2, act. and perf. and pluperf, act., perf. part. contr. Égrós, òora, bs, gen. —ótos, etc., Att, pluperf. often eigtäkely; ká9ío Tapai; + ortúr(ſw, and pass. in the same sense; (as promises, conditions, etc.) Mévo; against, &v0ío Tauai, c. dat, sometimes c. Tºbs and acc.; Tpotatapal, c. dat.; aside from, out of the way, Étotapai; 'âq totapat, usu, c. gen, or c. prep.; at or around, i öppío Túpal, c, dat. To stand by or near to (very often with an idea of help- ing), råptorràual, c, dat.; + ovutrāptotallat; +träpa- grâtéo, only act, no perf.; + ovutapaorétéo, c. dat.; ovutrapaylyvouai, fut. —yevågouai, no aor. J., aor, 2. —eyevöumv; by (i.e. be faithful to), Šiauéva, only act, c, dat.; by (so as to cling to), ávréxouai, mid, fut. &v6éouai, aor. 2. &vteq xówmv, c. gen.; be- fore, in front of, trpotoragal, aor. 2, often trpoiſotmv, c. dat, but, when implying protection, often c. dat.; firmly, StaSalvo, fut. –éâgoual, perf. –ééémica, and part, contr, -666&s, 60'a, àtos, etc., aor. 2. —éémv, part. –éâs, aor. 1, or fut, act. not used in this sense (i. e. to stand with the legs asunder); #xa, aor. 2. ëaxov, and imper. oxês (the only tenses used in this sense); &utepetów; + petàopal, mid. and pass., perf. pass, éphpetoual; 8āow &vrepetóa, Soph. To stand firm (in battle, etc.), 'ütropévo, 54 tortàual; in, + šví- orràual, c. dat.; with the feet closed, ovuéaíva ; over, +‘ūtreptorqual (sometimes with an idea of defending); together, orivio tauai; up, 'üvia topiat ; travío Toual (esp. out of respect), c, dat. of those out of respect to whom ; upon, êptotapal, c, dat, sometimes c. 6th and acc.; Triśaiva, c, gen, sometimes c. dat, or c, čirl and acc.; + repéatva, c. gen, or c, dat, or c. acc.; * &vtiéaiva, c, dat. - To stand one's ground when attacked, tºuréxouai, mid., aor. 2. —eoxéumv. - We take our stand on this argument, Tototô' ºatauev Aóyots, Eur. * They show that they will not stand it, 37Not eiol u%) éxi- Tpéhovtes, Thuc. & To make to stand, fortmut, in pres, imperf. fut, and aor. 1. act, See To place.' Standing upright, totáðatos. Standing before, tpooráràpios. Standing by, adv, f. trāpaatáööv; round, Treptoráčár. | A standing, atáois, eas, i. r A place where a person may stand before a great person, trāpāortúa is, Xen. A standing aside, Škotáois, ews, i. A stand (any raised place to stand on), Biſſa, Té. A standard, a muetov; (i.e. criterion) 8pos. A star, &orhp, Épos, dat. pl. &otpāori, 6; &otpov. Near the stars, +&arpo'yettwu, ovos, 6, i. Guided by the stars, +'étraorpos, ov. To stare at, tº Tposxalvo, in aor. 2. c. dat. A starling, pºp, /öpös, Ö. Starry, +&arepoetóñs; +troAſſao Tpos, ov; +&otepe. trös, Öy; +&otpatrös, Öv. To start, intrans. (from fear), ºf ékpoééopal, pass. See To frighten. To start (i.e. set out), Öppadouai, pass., c. aor. 1. mid.; aſpo, only act, in this sense; & popudo, and more un. —optat, pass. Starting (on an expedition), forêvépuevos; (as a wall or building when loose and about to fall) biá'êpopus, OW, - A starting-place, iſotramă, myos, h; Śpuntiptov; 8&A- éls, 760s, i. A start, Öppi. - | Flying with a great start (of their pursuers), petryoutes | ěk roAAoû, Xen. Starvation, Alubs, 6, sometimes à; Aluoktovía. Hunger. To starve, act., Aluoktovéa, only act. They starved him into a surrender, Apé ščetroXtópicº- orav, Thuc. * - And she is starving herself to death, &orite? 3’ eis & ré- oraoruv 8tov, Eur. -- Starving, act, + Aiuoév}s, ºtos, 6, #. State. See Condition. I am in this state of suffering, v0aôe toff tróflows I'vpá, See 400 { State—Steal Soph.; so—you show me into what state of misfortune I am plunged, Ötöda kets u' àv6a Tnudtwu kvpó, Eur. We are in that state in which ..., Šutat6' iſºev, iv'..., Soph. - Seeing the state in which the old woman was, 'ypaſſy Ös 6téicetto, Dem. I showed them the state in which the woman &v6ootov ćiréðelča às eixe, Dem, A state (i.e. country, etc.), TóAls, eas, i. The state, to kolvov, tº kowa, -Belonging to the state, troAſticós. Belonging to a small state, wikpotroAïticós. An enemy to the state, fulo 6troAis, eas, 6, to the state, pixóToxts, eos, 6, #. To state, Aéyo. See To say. Stately, genvös; 5) atºmy, evos, 6, 7 (of a tree or a horse); ºf a horse, Kööpós. Statelily, q'epºw&s. A statement, Aéryos; 6tfiymous, eos, i. Statesmanlike (of or concerning states or statesmen), toxiricós. ióðv Tºv was, Thu #. Friendly In a statesmanlike manner, ToàItikós. To be a statesman, to be occupied in state affairs, troXI- Tetouai, mid. Statesmanship, troXITeta. A station, (for soldiers to watch in, etc.) bāākh; (esp. military) Tââts, eos, h; (generally) otă0abs, pl. oi and Tá; otáois, eos, j. A naval station, vaiſ- a Tafluov, ºf vavicAffptov. - To station, Tiëmut; iotnut, in pres, fut. and aor. 1, aor. 2. and perf. in pass. Sense; jºbío Tmut; (esp. troops, etc.) Táorga, Tpostdoorw, .cataotpatotrečeja'; (applied by Xen, even to ships) ºf Tâysia'; ships, ºf vavXoxéo, only act.; (troops) by the side of, ovy- kārātāo go, c. eis and acc. of the place where. To be stationed, iópúopal, pass; otpátorečejouai, mid.; opposite, ávrikáſmuai, -ăumu; &vtică0éopal, fut. —ečotipal, no aor. Stationary, 'dit}\évás. Statu quo, To leave in slatu quo, &v katē x&pav, Thuc. w A statuary, 'êyaxpúroTotòs, &vöptavroTouás; TAd- ortms, ov, 6. See Sculptor. Statuary (the art), &vöpuavtotouta. &vöptavroTouéa, only act. 'yAüqetov. A statue, ’āyawaa, Tó; eiköv, #, gen, eikóvos and six00s, acc. eiicóvo, eiicó, pl. eiicöves, eikoús; £6&vov To be a statuary, A statuary's shop, Öppno- (esp. of a god); so f 8péras, eos, Tó; + Icoxoggés. (of human beings only) &vöpias, autos, 6. Heroes who have statues erected to them, pales ièpvpé- vot, Lycurg. Solon has a statue, XóAwu &vákeltau, Dem. To erect a brazen statue of a man, XaAlcotiv to trut Tivo, Dem. f Stature, pºéyé00s, Tó; Aircía, + puſh; wop pås uérpov, Eur. A statute, Seoplbs, pl. oi, and Tá. See Law. To stay, intrans. Mévo, and poet. in pres. and imperf. pituva, only act.; Tposuéva, and -uiuvo, iTouévº and —piuva, ; catéxa, in act. very rarely, more usu. kâtéxopal, mid. esp. in aor. 2. categxówmv, Kara- oxoi, etc., and in imperf. pass. Kateixówny; &véxo; among, ovutrapauéva, c, dat.; at a person's house, kataAva, c. Topč, and acc. pers. or c, dat. See To remain, To tarry. To stay, act. Kátéxw, fut. Kafféa, and kåtaoxhow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. Kátéaxov. See To detain. One must stay, weuetéov. One must stay behind the rest, &TroxelTTéov. A stay, or staying, povă. Steadfast, 8ééatos, a, ov, and os, ow; träpäu6/iuos, sync. also trapp.; + šuTeóos, ov, no comp. See Fºrm. Steadfastly, Bečatws, ºf éputéðws. Steadfastness, étriuová. Steadily, ovytóvas, otào'àwas, ‘ātāpāktas, Steadiness, 8eśatóTms, mºros, i. Steady, 'ükivmtos, m, ov, and os, ov; uéviuos, ov; ioxipós; otádiuos, ov; 'âtépartos, ov; ’ātāpāxos, See Firm, Steadfast. To steady, 8eśatów, Épire$60. To stand steady (esp. in battle), Léva, poet. pres, and imperf. also putpua (including Trag.). A steak, i pāoyls, ió0s, i. To steal, icxétta, ćickxértw; ‘ūqapéa, aor. 2. act. ãºpeikov, perf. pass. ‘ūſpñpmºat, but aor. 1. Öºmpé0mu; KA&Tetºw, only act.; ‘ūtrečaipéa, ’āvapTáço. To steal clothes, Awtoãüréw, only act. (metaph. also of stealing anything); in retaliation, i övtekkAérto. To steal with, at the same See Firmly. Ol/. stealing, givekickétta. time, ovykäétto. To steal away, intrans. (i. e. escape), 6tal:Aéttopat, mid, c. aor. 2. pass.; inrodtſoual, mid., c. aor. 2. act. * J. * —eóvv; +’āq)épiro, fut. —eptrúo w, etc.; Tobolu KAOT&v aipouai, Soph. (see To escape); over a person (as a feeling), štroëvioual, c. acc. more rarely c. dat.; in, To aid in ID D 40] stealer—stigma ripeptirTw, fut.-Tercüual, no aor. 1, aor. 2, -éire. gov, perf. —Téttwica. A stealer, ſcășittms, ov, 6 (Ar. has also superl. KAe- Tría Tatos); of clothes, ºf Awroëürms, ov, 6. See Thief. - Stealing, KAOTh; 5 paípeois, ii. See Theft. Stolen, caeppäätos, + k\otatos. Stolen (i.e. secret), kaoTalos. Stealth, or anything done by stealth, KAoth. By stealth, Adépá, A30patos, +kAotfi, Širo uáAms, Plat. Stealthy, A&6patos, a, ov, and os, ov; + IcAatricós. One who does anything stealthily, k\otreſs. To do or say anything by Stectlth, even to suppress by stealth, icMétta, ścichéſto, övåkxétta. Steam, '&Tuós; ’āTuls, ió0s, ii. To emit steam, '&Tuíſo, only act. Steel, ExãAviſ, Ú60s, 6; + xàAü60s, F to xãAüéâicóv. Steel, adj., +’āöäuáutivos, +xãAvéðicós. Steep, trposévrms, kátávrms, ’āirávrms; 'étróTopos, ov; ëpólos, a, ov, and os, ov; &Toššēś, Öyos, 6, #: ºf &pſpi'kpmuvos, ov; (of a hill, or of a city built on a hill) + airbs, faitreuvés. A sleep, + airos, Tó. A steep bank, etc., Kpmuwós. To steep, pipa. - A steer, p.60x0s. See Calf. To steer, küşepváo; + oiâkootpopéo, only act. One must steer, küšepvnTéov. A steerage, TmääAtov. See Rudder. A steerer, küéepviſitºls, ov, 6, See Pilot. A steering, küéépumoſis, eas, i. Skilful in steering, küéepvriticós. The art of steering, küéepuntilch. Steering, ‘i sãvalos (epith. of a rudder). Having a steerage at both ends, + &pſpi'Tpupivos, ov. A stem, otéAexos, Tó. A step, ixvos, Tó; 8%pa, to (used also of a step of stone, etc., to step upon); + 8āorts, eas, ii; in dancing, ºf axiua, té. A step (of a ladder, etc.), ºf 830abs, ‘f 830pov; + 8mpa, Tó. A step towards an object, Éirtéâqis, eos, i. Moving with a slow step, 3paôttrowy ŚAvaſiv &pôpov Tpotiffeioſa (of Hecuba), Eur. A step-father, tº untpvibs, Fălcipos. A step-mother, umtputò, ºf ékúpa. A step-son, or daughter, Tpó)ovos, 6, i. Sterile, f'ékapiros, ov. See Barren. Sterility, 'üicoptía. See Barrenness. Stern, XáXetros, a k\mpás ; +’âueſ Mixos, ov; † 6vs- Tpósolatos ov. Sternly, XaAetrós. - To look sternly, tavpmööv BAétro, Ar. - - The stern, Tpúuva, also trpúpivn; ºf eißwurmpia ; ºf co- pupišos, pl. Kópupéa, Tá. - w From the stern, i Tpúuvm.0ev. | Of, or belonging to, or fastened to the Stern, or coming from the stern, tºrpvpavāorios. With a good stern, ºr siſtſpupivos, ov. - Sternness, XaAerórms, mtos, h; poéspórns, mTOs, i. To stew, Épo, fut. Šilhow. See To boil. A steward, éti"Tpotros ; Tāufas, ov, 6; of games, étriotărms, ov, 6. * To be a steward, Tauleija, Čiritpoºreča. Fit for steward, éiritporevTikos (of a man). Stewardship, Tauleta. A stick, Édé60s, h; Solcis, fö0s, j. See Staff. Dry sticks, ppūyāvov, usu, in pl. (esp. for fire-wood). The gathering of dry sticks, ºppūyāvuguás. A woman who picks up dry sticks, ºppūyāvío Tpua. Made of dry sticks (as birds' nests), tº kappmpbs, 6v. To stick (one thing on another), ovutfiyvvut. See To fir, to fasten. To stick, or stick to, intrans., §xopal, mid, fut. §§opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čaxówmv, c. gen. ; Tposéxopal, c. dat.; &vtéxopal (esp. in the sense of pursuing an occupation, etc., constantly), c. gen. ; Tpósketplat, —wmv, fut. -keto-opal, no other tenses, c. dat. ; áyicel- wat (either as a friend, or an enemy), c. dat. ; +Tposthroual, pass, esp. in aor. 2. and in perf., †—Tétnica. To stick in, intrans, t €utfiyviſual, pass., c. perf. éutréirmºya. - A Sticking close to (as of a man to a horse), trpós- püorus, i. - Sticky, y\taxpos, yMotööms. Stickily, 'YAtaxpays, superl. —óTata. To be sticky, YAloxpaivopal, pass. Stiff, a KXmpás ; † at effbs, &, by, and bs, by (esp. as limbs are stiff with age). Stiffly, a refláðs. R To stiffen (i. e. grow stiff), hthyvipal, pass., c. . perf. Téïrmya, fut. Tăyhoopal ; (in a state of torpor, etc.) vapków. Stiffness, väpkm. To stifle, Tviyo, fut. Tvíčouai, also Tvišoduct, pass. TviyńGopal, aor. 2. pass. Tvåymv. Stifling, Tviympós. A stifling heal, etc., Tvºyos, Tó. A stigma, + att).|a, Tó. fit. 402 Stigmatise—Stone-quarry To stigmatise, a tiga, -św, esp. in pass. See To brand, To still, joixáſ. See To calm. Still, joixos, ov, compar. –aitepos, -attatos; ºf eiſicm- A0s, m, ov, more usu. 0s, ov, See Quiet. Still, adv., áti. To stand still (of an individual, or any army), foixtav ëxa, Xen. Stillness, ào'àxta. See Quiet. To stimulate, àppaw. See To eacite. A stimulus, kévrpov. A sting (or wound caused by a sting), kái Tpov ; + kévtmua, Tó; + ola Tpos; "Foto Tpmua, Té; (lit. and metaph. esp. of stings to the mind) 67'ypia, Tó. - Having a sting, kevrpotós; yiceutpos, ov; in the tail, ôTwo 66icevrpos, ov. With a sharp sting, ºf Öğrtogos, Op/. - To be furnished with a sting, iceutpéopal, pass. To sting, 63rvo, fut. Shéopal, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. éöäkov, perf. 6éômxa, etc. (lit. and metaph.), oigtpéa, (CO.T.C.KeyTe(0. Stinging, Ömicticós; + 3nicTiptos, ov, c. gen. Stinginess, yMaxpótºms, mtos, fi : icipaśeta, Parsimony. Stingy, YAfoxpos, + šūTápés. See Parsimonious. To stink (as a goat), titivāépáa, only act. See To smell. The blood of my father still stinks in the house, aiuo. 3' éti Tatpos carë aré) as géantrey, Eur. A stink, Övswöta, i öösoapuſa. Stinking, Övsööms; +kåkoguos, ov. To stint, pºovéo, c, dat. pers, gen, rei. grudge. Stint, q0óvos. To stipulate, ovutt0epal, mid. See To agree. Stipulation, oriv6eous, ii. To stir, külcáa, Kivéa, ºf tupéáço ; (medicine, soup, etc.) + tipáorga, -ëa, ; † topiva, only act. ; (a fire) ºf ‘ūToolcáAetw. To stir (intrans, in a matter), F ‘ūtrocivée. A stirring up, kilomats, eos, i. A thing to stir with, kākñópov. See Spoon. To stitch, Kagaiw, only pres. and imperf. in any WOICe, A stock, Étga; of a family, Tü0uhu, Évos, 6. A stockade, xàpäcoua, T6. See Palisade. A stocking, ‘i Troöelov. Stocks, Šišāov, Troöokáicicm. See See To The stomach, Yaathp, ii, gen, sync, yaotpos, etc.; Kapòta, ātpov; i vºws, ics, i. A stomacher, iſ a Tpóptov. A stone, Aidos, 5, sometimes à (esp. when a precious stone, or stone of any particular quality, e.g. a magnet, AVöia Atºos, Soph.), Térpos, twaas, and contr. A&s, gen. A60s, acc. Aflav, and contr. Adv. 4 round smooth stone, ÖAoſtpoxos. A stone to be thrown or hurled from a sling, txepubs, #60s, ii. 4 stone (of fruit), Fºyhyaptov; + kökkov, wVos, 6. Like a stone (to stand, etc.), Núivos. - Of stone, made of stone, etc., Aiffivos, Tetpóöms, +Térpivos, +Tetpaios, + Aáivos ; (like stone) Atto- eiðfts. See Rocky, He is of stern disposition, with a heart of stone, Giòmpá- qpay re k&k Tétpas eipyaopévos, AEsch. Paved with stone, ºf Aióóa Tpatos, ov. Having stones (of fruit), Túpmváöms. A thing built of º, AidoN6)nua, Tó; † rākugua Tó. To be turned into stone, Atóóopal, pass. To carry stones, Auðoſpopéa. - To leave no stone unturned, trivta kivioral Tétpov, Eur. To stone, Aetºw, kātāAeto, katairetpów, ºf Tetpów. A stoner, i Aevothp, fipos, 6. A stoning, ‘i Aevolués; +Tétpapa, T6; trérpov 80X), Eur. - Of, or belonging to, stoning, ‘f Aetoluos, ov (either of sentence to be stoned, death by stoning, the hand that stones, the curse that wishes a person should be stoned, etc.); i ömuðAevotos, ov (of death); so + AióóAevotos, ov. Death by stoning, Aevothp ºpos, AEsch, ; Aid480Aov aſua, Eur. To be stoned, Aetolpov 500val 6ticmu, Eur. To throw stones, Aid4%. A thrower of stones, Aió06óAos, TetpoéóAos. A throwing of stones, Terpošoxia. - Hit by stones, ‘i Aió660Aos, ov. Made by tearing down stones, Aiboo Tööls (of a hole). The stone, Aiótagus, eas, i. To have the Stone, Auðudo, only act. A stone-cutter, a stone-mason, Aió036 yos Aidorówos, Aidovpyos, + AáTúros. Belonging to a stone-mason, Aiboup'Yös, Öv. The trade of a stone-mason, i Aiboup'yich. . A stone-mason's shop, Aiboup'yeſov. The art of polishing stone, i, Auðotpišić'. A stone-quarry, Aidotopia. D D 2 403 | .* Stony—Story Stony, Aióðms. See Rocky. Will ye not stop her mouth 2 oëk épéere atóua ; Eur, A stool, Öi"ppos, 6, j. A three-legged stool, alcoxii'-|Stop! Éiríoxes. 6ptov. A low stool, xàugſºnxos. See Seat. One ºnust stop, act. Travoºréov, c. gen. To stoop, intrans. Karattàgo'o, fut. —Éo, no aor. 1, One who stops, is able to stop, act. Firavathp, fipos, o. in this sense, aor. 2. Katértākov, etc. (esp. from fear |A stop (in punctuation), Tăpăypāºff. or weakness; see To cower), only act.; kūtto, perf. A stoppage, uppašts, eas, i. kékúpa, only act.; ‘ūrokörro ; &ykötto, sometimes |A store, Smgaupés ; +&mdaſpugua, tá. c. eis and acc. of any thing into which one looks by |A laying up in store, &mdavpiqués ; &T66egis, i. stooping; so I reiskürto, c. dat.; + večw ; aside, Tà-|To store (to lay up in store), &ngavpigo, 'érottºmu : päictºrTw, sometimes c. etl and acc. of any thing at avyicoptgopal, mid., c. perf. pass, in act. sense ; (esp. which one is looking; forwards, Tpositätto, Tpo- in one's memory) 'irotibhut. veto; down and creep through or peep through, 5ta-| To be stored up, ketual, éicetumv, fut. Keto-ouai, no other kürto. To sloop and lean over (so as to peep into), tenses; ’āvākeual, poet, sync. also &ykeual ; &tá. ūtrepkitta. To stoop under, ‘F'iqiſévo, only pres. kepal. To be in store for, étravākeipial, c. dat. - and imperf act. (as a warrior under his shield), c. dat. Inclined to store, &mdavpotoios, Öv ; &mdaupiaticos, c, To stoop (i.e. condescend), Épavtov ovyka9ímpil, c. eis gen. and acc., Plat. A store-house, &Toëhich, &mdavpbs, aſkevo0%icm. A Stooping, adj. ‘f Küq6s. store-room, otic mua, Tó. Stooping, adv. ºf kūéða. A stork, Texapyós. A young stork, Texapyióets. . To stop, act. Xa, and pres. and imperf. I to Xa, fut. A storm, xeipºv, &vos, 6; T &tex\a ; ºf Aalaak, éo, in this sense more usu. oxhow, no aor. 1, aor. āros, h; +xeſua, Tá; +xãAaga (prop. of hail, but 2. čaxov (opt. oxotmv, imper. oxés, in compounds also generally), Čuépos (prop, of rain); Faiyis, (30s, —oxê), and poet. (including Trag.) éaxedov, aor. 1. i ; + pigmua, Tá; + šūrī; in pl. §§gouépa BéAm, pass. égyéðmu, often c. gen. of what from ; totmut, Soph. A storm (metaph. of war), vipós, òos, ii, only pres, imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act, in act. Sense ; with or without Toxéuov. A storm (of distress), kabiotnut (to stop a person in doing anything, not in Tpiküuía, c. gen. of the evil. going); traúa, imperf. Tateo Icov (even in Soph.); ’ātro- || To raise a storm, xeludºſo, -ága (lit. and metaph.). Taiw; (in either sense) éiríAapéâva, fut. —Afthouai, To be caught in, eaſposed to a storm, driven by a storm, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. -éAššov, perf -etamºpa. To etc., xetwdſouai (lit. and metaph.). - stop (so as to put an end to slaughter, insolence, etc.), To weather a storm in company, + ovyxelpid ſoual, mid, oréévviſui, fut. O'ééow (also in Plat. Géâgopal), perf. To storm (a city), H &gröðpopéo, c. acc. act, a 6mka, and aor, 2. čašmu in pass. Sense, in prose | By storm, aitošoeſ ; kárà kpáros, ’āvā kpótos, Thuc. more usu, in the compound ’āTogéévviſu ; (as frost| But as they could not take the city by storm, Thu 8& Té- stops hunting)’āvāAü'w. - Alv ćs oil, éðūvavto èAeſv trposéaxóvtes, Thuc. To stop up (any aperture, entrance, etc., a speaker's Stormless, +’āxeſuáros, ov; +’äväveſios, ov, c. gen. mouth, etc.), &troitMeiw ; Śuppégow, -ča. See To of the storm. - shut f Stormy, xelpºptos, a, ov, and os, ov; t 5usXefuepos, To stop (i.e. stay, q.v.), intrans, uéva, and poet. pres. ov; + dāsāvepos, ov; (of the sea or the wind) + kū- and imperf (including Trag.) uſuva. uárſas, ov, 6; (metaph. of calamity) + kuuärośńs. To stop (i. e. desist, cease, q.v.), Taüouai, mid, and Wrapped in black storms, fueñāvaiyis, i50s, 6, #. pass., fut. Tataouai and Tetraigopal, perf. Tétravual, To be stormy, kūpātéopal, pass.; + kūpaiva, only pres. c. gen. of what from ; &Toraúopal ; iotapal, c. aor. and imperf, act, sometimes metaph. 2. perf, and pluperf, perf act, and aor. 1. mid. A story, A6)0s (esp. a true one), ui,00s (esp. a legen- (sometimes c. part., as, he will not stop injuring us, où dary one) [both this and prec. are also used generally]; othoetal jugs &öucóv, Dem.); 5uéAetro, esp. in é:#ymous, # ; + šićAoyos. See Relation. A long { perf. 8ta\éAoitra, and aor. 2. čléaitrov, often c. acc. of story, 'étróAoyos. A telling of stories, pi,50Aoyſa. To the time the cessation lasts, often c. part. of what | tell stories, p.W30Aoyéa, in pass. of the story told. Al one was doing. To stop at a person's house, kátáAúw, teller of stories, più00Aá'yos. £. Tăpă and acc. pers, or c, dat, ! One must tell stories, pâ00A0) mtéov. * 404 Stove—Strangle A story (in building), foréAug, Tá. An upper story, ūtrepôov ; +6lipes, tá. A stove, éoxápa. Stout (of men), origipós, TAötös; (of men or things) See Strong. Stoutly, Kaptepôs. Stoutness, Táxiſtms, mºtos, iſ ; attºppótms, mTOs, i. To straggle, &Togicióvauai, pass., only pres. and im- perf.; &lrookeóðvviſual, pass., perf –eakéðaouai, etc. a Tiéâpés. See To wander. A straggler, trpóðpop,0s (esp. for the purpose of at- tacking). Straggling (of a scattered army), 8teoTrappévos, 5te. o Taopºvos, Straight, eúðvs, Šp66s ; Śp010s, &, ov, and os, ov; ejóðapos, ov; eijövősphs, &rtpāśńs, I am come straight from the house, fiſca &revis &T’ of cav, Eur. Straightforward (i.e. honest, q.v., etc.), eú00s; eijóð. Topos, ov. Straight, adv, eú60s, eú0ū, eú0éws, sometimes c. gen, of the place towards which, more usu, c. prep.; 3p30s; (of going straight towards) &vticpus. Straightforward, cat’ eijóð, Xen.; (i. e. in an homest manner) &ueTag Tpetrteſ. To look straight at, Öpffois àupaolv Špda, Soph. To go straight forward, eúðvøpéa, only act.; † ev6ū- Topéa, only act. - A going straight forward, eú0üTopia, eú6üºpopia. A straight course, eúðvøpig. To aim straight, Öpffów. To straighten (to make straight, or to keep straight, or aim straight), eúðūvo, kärev0ávo ; +'ibivo, no perf. To be straight (as a line), or be aimed straight, etc., + šp6doſal, pass. Straightness, àp0ótºms, mºros, # ; eóðūrms, mºros, i. Straightway, eú60s, &vricpus. See Immediately. To strain (i.e. to filter), h06a, ; (i. e. exert or stretch to the utmost) Teiva!; Évretvopal, mid. and pass.; (in- trans, i. e. to exert oneself) + Teiva, intrans., also —opat, pass. A straining (i. e. filtering), #6ioris ; (i.e. stretching tight, exerting much, etc.) Tâvos ; tārāois, eas, i. A strainer (or thing to strain through), #046s. A strait, (by sea) Topówos, +Tópos; + yuá00s, i ; + Stavaos ; (by sea or land) TüAal, ai; + aixòv, &vos, 6; to Tevotos, # ; (by land only) at evétropos, and —pov. The straits, T&oſtevã, Thuc. In a strait, €v čAtyp, Thuc. 4. A strait (metaph., i. e. distress), 'êvãykms (etyma, Eur, To be in a strait, 'étropéa. On the other side of the strait, f &vtitropos, ov; +&vtt. Topfluos, ov. By a strait (built on, or situated close to), tº otévé- tropówos, ov; ; GTévôtropos, ov. The strand, &ICTſ ; +&is, é, gen. §ivös, etc. Shore. To be stranded (lit. and metaph.), ščokéAAw, and -opal, pass., chiefly in pres. See Aground. A strand (of a rope), Távos, Aïvor. Strange, (of things) calvös, vé0s; ºtotros, ov; éctotros, ov; Treptoroos, ºf Kalvoiráðhs (of anything happening to man), (see Wonderful); (of persons) £évos, and poet. (including Trag.) #éïvos; Éirmavs, 6, #, neut. *Tnxv, neut. pl. Étixvöa. See It would be strange, beivov &vein, Eur. Thuc. Something strange, veðtepáv Ti, Thuc. Strangely, 'üTepºpuðs, Kalvøs. A strange action, or way of acting, f{évalois, i. Strangeness, ’āToTíz. A stranger, éévos, and poet. (including Trag.) (elvos; vémAus, Šâ0s, 6, § ; Śarmavs, i.80s, 6, § ; ŚrīAütos, ºf étoucos. - Strangers, &vöpes &üpatoi, Eur.; of éictös, Plat. By no stranger's hand, où6évos Tpos éktóTov, Soph. A stranger to (i. e. ignorant of a circumstance, etc.), §évos, c. gen. - Which I will say, being a stranger both to (i.e. ignorant of) the meaning of what is now said, and to that which has been done, &y& £évos uév too A6'yov towā’éepó, £évos 3& Too Tpax0évros, Soph. I am a stranger to the language spoken here, šéva's ëxaſ Tās évôaôe Aéews, Plat. - Cities frequented by strungers, TóAels ētāAvöes, Dem. Full of strangers, fiev'ſels. H i ŠevčTuos, ov. - Honouring Strangers, * - w J. Deceiving Strangers, ºf ŠevčTātms, and poet. Śeiv., ov, 6. A deceiving of strangers, ŠevčTátía. Murdering strangers, ŠevokTóvos, ov; ; Śevoãaticths, où, 6, only masc. f To murder strangers, ºf £evoktovéo, and poet. Śeiv., only act. The murder of strangers, Ševo povía. A resting-place for strangers, ºf Ševčaršals, eas, i. To entertain or lodge strangers, Ševoãokéw, poet. §eiv., only act. To strangle, F &yxo; +'êtrotuływ, fut, -irvíšo, but oftener–Tvišovpal, no perf, act, or pass. See To choke. 405 Strangulation—Strike Fit for strangling with, Fāyxévios. Strangulation, + &yxövm. Marks of strangulation, 'épixal, ai. Strangury, otpay youpía. A strap, ‘inās, dvtos, 6; 55thp, fipos, 6; +xãAlvös, pl. oi and Tá; +/laoxãAlathp, fipos, 6, Spare straps, Tepiſii)a, td. A stratagem, 36Aos, Téxym, 'üråtm; KAéuga, té. Straw, kāAäum. Made of straw, ºf kappmpós. To stray, + 630itAävéw, only act. A streak (in the sky), 54660s, i. Streaked, Éašöwtós. A stream, Ééeffpov and fielópov (the latter the only form in prose); 560s, and in Att. prose 500s; 50%; wäua, Tó; + kpovvés; + 6taffoal, ai; +Aišös, Öos, #; +éoptès (of milk), ºf try? (often metaph. of fire, etc.); +Tpmothp, fipos, 6 (of blood); (esp. of fire, lava, etc.) 50ač, Škos, 6. A stream of anything poured out, + xiào is, i.’ In streams (i. e. not in drops), ºf Śataktos, ov. In streams, adv., &o Takti". To stream, Ééo, fut. Évigopal, aor. 2. čáñúmy. To flow. A street, 'Śyvić; 660s, h; +55um. A narrow street, i Aaipa. Strength, a 0évos, Tó; kpáros, tá; ioxºs, Wos, h; É6pm, 8ta. Active strength (of living things only) uévos, Tó; &Akh; ºf kicvs, i. Of undiminished strength, ēuteå000evås. See Strong. To strengthen, Tuffāvvipu, ºpătăvo; Tioxia, only act.; T &éo, only pres, and imperf act, and pass.; (of strengthening a place with fortifications) 3xipów, and mid, no pass. To be strengthened, to become strong or stronger, ioxipigopal, pass.; ‘āöpéopal, pass, To help to strengthen, to strengthen at the same time, oivetrioxº~, orivia Xupíſo. Strengthening the limbs, &pkegbyvios, ov. Strenuous, ioxipós. See Strong, Active. Strenuously, ioxipós. Stress, to lay stress upon, ioxiptgopal, mid., c. dat. See To rely on. To stretch, trans. (often also intrans, of the geogra- phical direction which a country takes, etc.) kātā- Tetva, Čictetvo, Féictäviſo; forth (a hand, a weapon, etc.), TpoTeſva; Špéya, and mid.--opol, c. aor. 1, pass. &péx6mv, often c. gen. of that which one stretches to- wards, c. acc. of the hand, etc., stretched out, some. times c. dat. of the person to whom one stretches forth See To wander. See | the hand, or c. Tpos and acc.; +éčákovtſa, c. gen. of the object towards which (xépas Yevelov), Eur.; out at, so as to try and reach, ēplyváouai, mid. c. aor. l., pass. in act. Sense ; over (as a covering, etc.), or to stretch upon, etc., áiriteſvo, c. dat.; Éireyteſvoſ, Štrava- Telva; Štrepretva, c. gen, or c, dat.; round, Tepiteſva, c. dat, or c. prep.; under, ‘iſtotetva, c. dat.; out be- gond (intrans.), reach further than (esp. in mil. So as to outflank), Örepreſvo, c. acc, or c. 5tép and gen. I am on the stretch of anariety as to my alarmed mind, éctérapal poéepāv (ppéva, Soph. Stretched, Tárás. Stretched at his length (of a slain' man, etc.), ºf Túphopos, ov. What can be stretched, éktötós. Prayers with stretched-out hands, xeipótovoi Aital, AEsch. Stretched out, adv., + éictäämv. A stretching, 6táráois, eos, h; ákTaois, eos, ii. A stretching forth, Föpeyua, Tó. - To strew, atopévviſui, sync. otépyvul, also otpévvvut, fut. GTpdºorw and Att. (though more in compounds than in the simple verb) a Topó, etc.; + xéo, fut, 3:eiſow, aor. 1. Att. Xea, no perf act, perf. pass. kéxipal, etc.; under, ‘ūToo Topévvöput, c, dat. To strew upon, êTitão-ow, c, dat, or c, čirl and acc. Strewed, atpotós. - Strict, ‘ākpiêhs, x&Aeros, a ſvtovos. - Strictly, 'ükpiéós, ovytóvas; eis &kpíšetav (to ex- amine, etc.), Plat. Strictness, ’ākpíšeia. A stride, Špeyua, Tó. - To stride,-he is striding hither, Seºp” &pſiAA&Tai Toà), Eur. You striding fiercely, oré Thu äpeyua beivöv juxAmplé- vmy, Eur. Taking long strides, uákpoéâuwu, ovos, 6, #. Strife, Épts, iè0s, ii, acc. iśa and iv. See Quarrel. To strike, TüTTw, fut. TvTThra (Ar), aor. 1. &rvila, etc.; TAha orw, perf. Tétranſya, aor. 1. pass. TAffymy (but in compounds usu. TAëymv), fut, pass. TAmyń- oropal and Teträftopal, aor. 1. pass. (lit. but still oftener metaph., as love, fear, etc., strike); Kätä- TAñorga, ; Taiw, fut. Trafa w, also Talfioro (Ar), aor, J. only traiga, etc., sometimes c. acc. of the in-, strument, as tr. Šíqos éora, Aalpióv (into the throat), Eur.; Trátáoora, -śa); Kpota (often with an idea implied of sound produced by the blow); ‘Favpiträ- tdoorw; + kāfficuéopal, in aor. 2. —Ilcóamv; (with any- thing thrown or hurled) BáAAw, no aor, 1., perf. { º 406 striker—strongly BeéAnka; a lyre, tºpéko, only act, no perf. (also metaph. of striking the web in weaving); €Aačva, fut. Ağao, etc. ; a camp, &vtotmut (esp. in aor. 1.) Tö otpatóTeóov, Thuc.; back, 'üväTata; down (esp. in battle) kātāśćAAw, TúTTw. ºf ſcatao Tobéco; in return, &vti- To strike against, intrans., Tposttata, c. dat. or c. prep. A striker (one who strikes with a stick), Foti pokóiros. A striking, ‘f kóTos; of the lyre, ºf ºpeypés. See A blow. Struck (as a lyre, or a tune on it), i kpektós. First struck, ºf Tpató80A0s, ov. A string, Xopół), veupé (esp. of a bow), vetpov; opi- pludos, h; + šáulyā, ty'yos, 6; (i. e. a set of things in a row, as a string of beads, etc.) pp.3.96s. The String of the lyre which is struck by the forefinger, or the note produced by it, Aixávös, j. The lowest string of a lyre (the ancients reckoned in the inverse way from the moderns, so that it would be the highest note according to our counting), fi vedºrm. To have two strings to one's bow, Éirl 8voiv &yicipatv öppléco, Dem. Moved by strings (as puppets), veupéo Tao Tos, ov. Drawn back on the string ºf vewpoortráðs (of an arrow). To string (a bow), Teiva!; together (beads, etc.), giveipaſ. Strung (of a lyre), fxopóóTovos, ov. To strip, Köö'w, fut. —öüora, aor. 1. –éðūga, pass. of the garment stripped off, mid. c. aor. 2. act. Ščéövv (to strip off from oneself, to strip oneself); &Toàto, some- times c. acc. rei, gen, pers, sometimes c. gen. of the garments, etc.; yupwów, also pass. of the person stripped ; &Toyupuyów, and mid. to strip oneself, pass. of the person stripped; treptotrów, fut. —otágo; (in the way of despoiling, q.v.) ovX4a, sometimes c. gem. àCC. - To strip off, or off from, Treptatpéo, aor. 2, act, —e?Aov, in pass. of the person stripped, c, acc. rei. To strip oneself (to work), fêtratroööopat, mid., c. dat. of the To strip oneself (as well as another, as two To be stripped of, work. fighters do), Túpatrobúopal, mid. Tepiorwädopal, pass. c. acc. But why, O unwise woman, do you strip yourself of these things (to give them away)? Tíð’, & parata Tóvöe gºs kevois Xépas ; Eur. Stripped, thixbs, sine cas. or c. gen.; Yvºvás. One must strip, act, &Troöütéov. To be stripped, who must be stripped, yupywréos. A strip (of anything), råpaipmuo, Tá; (of anything that can be torn, even of flesh) + šákos, Tó. They acquired a strip of land, otévív Tua. . . . orauto, Thuc. - A stripe (i.e. blow, q.v.), TAmy'ſ. A purple stripe down the front of the tunic, ºf 6x60téos. Striped, Éaéðatós. With black stripes, Mexãv6ºpapplos, O}/. To strive, 6táIrovéo; ālāteſvouai, mid. and pass.; ‘āvūAáopal, mid. c. perf, and aor. 1. pass.; + širev- To strive for, oſtreiča, c. acc. of the object, or c, infin, or c. Ös or c. els and acc.; a Tovöðgo; 3. / efcTT1- Teſva. éritévouai, mid, and pass., c. eis and acc.; against, or with, TpostráAato, only act. c. dat. One must strive, a Trovãagréov, orvytâtéov. Worth striving for, éâtoaſtroń6ao Tos, ov. A stroke, TAmyń. See Blow. The stroke of a boat (i. e. the leading rower), IceAevaths, où, 6; (in a trireme a flute-player gave the stroke) Tpumpcºms, ov, 6. One well-kept stroke, toivspéoAñ. Keeping stroke, ‘I Traykpótos; &p' évôs IceAetopičtos, Thuc.; ; Śvēs 5600v, AEsch.; v) TitãAq, AEsch. To stroke, étréºpâw, c. acc. or c. gen, ; káTajów, ſmaë. qda, tº kåtail/fixa. A stroking, lymA&pmpa, Tó. To stroll, TAóvãopal. See To wander. A stroller, TAäums, mitos, 6. Strong, (of men, etc.) Kaptepbs, and poet. Kpatepos; compar. Kapreptºtepos, -tatos, also ºpetoo ov, ſcpáti- otos, which is the more common form in prose; ioxipós, òivátós; eipoatos, ov; + IcpáTatós; ºf Šēpi- pos, m, ov, and os, ov; +&Wicipios, m ov, and os, ov (used also of weapons, as belonging to man); (of things) orepiqbs, eiträyhs, 'üğüućutivos; (of fortified places) épupivös, Éxipós; (of a door) ºf eiyopºpos, ov (i. e. well-mailed). - And you have learnt to live under a system of law, not where everything is done by the strong hand, éirío Tagal Nópous Te Xp?io 3al, pººl Tpos ioxios X^ptu, Eur. Very strong, ‘ūtreptoxvpos, ov. Strong-limbed, ºf &piokpáths (in the shoulders). Strong language, ‘ūtrepšoAff. To be strong, ioxia, only act.; 5%uviſual, pass, chiefly in perf. pass. 35opal, and pluperf. in imperf. sense; ‘f eig 0evéa (of animals only); eigapºréaſ (to be in the flower of one's strength); ’ākućſo, only act. To become strong, + IcáTuo Xüw, évtaxia. Strongly, ſparepôs, compar, repetagóvos, superl 407 Stronghold—Subject rpáriora; eipódros, yipátós, òopévos; (of places) éxupés. - A stronghold, épêua, āros, Tó; xipov. See Fort. The strongholds and fortified places, tº kaptepē Kai Tà Teixm, Thuc. A structure, oilcoèóumua, āros, tá. See Building. To struggle, ‘ā0Aéa, only act, often c. acc. cogn.; ão Taipa, only act. (esp. in a fit, pain, or in the con- vulsions of death); so otööäço, only act.; +&Ta- ortraipa, (i. e. to labour strenuously); Stăuáxopat, fut. Att. —uaxodual, c. dat. of that against which, or c. ph and infin. of what one wishes not to do or not to be, or c. §ti or Štos; ‘āuiñAdouai, mid, no pass.; + šáuixAáouai; ’āywvigouai, mid., often c. acc. of that which is struggled against (e.g., you will struggle against this charge of murder, kal oil Tévô’ &Yoviet q6vov, Eur.), pass, in aor. 1. “to be struggled against,” in perf. “to be won by struggling,” tºa- 'youtſouai. To struggle against, TáMała, c, dat. (esp. with a calamity or an enemy, etc.), no mid, in pass. “to be struggled with ;” + Icătarfluatva', only pres. act. (as a horse against the bridle), c, dat. One must struggle, &Yovio Téov. A struggle, ‘āuixAa; TāAatoſua, tá; "30Amua, T6. A close struggle (as of wrestlers), ovºitMokji, Without a struggle (i.e. unresistingly), Färbáñaotos, ov; (i. e. without meeting resistance, without a com- petitor, etc.) 'éväyávio ros, ov; &vavrayóviatos. To strut, 8pev6üopal, mid.; oošéa, only act.; inſtiášw, only act. w Stubble, if käAäum. Stubborn, a kampós. See Obstinate. Stubbornly, 'üğüuavtivals. Stubbornness, 8vsåraNAašía. Stucco, kovićua. *- To cover with stucco, kovićw. Stuccoed, kovićitós. A stud, or nail, fixos. Studious, piñopač0hs, sometimes c. gen, Studious (i. e. anxious), €triueahs, c. gem. Studiously, triueñós, superl. —éo Tata. Studiousness, study, Śruthèevois, eos, ii, c. gen. of the object, sometimes c. eis and acc.; 6tätpiéfi. Literary study, ºptA00.0%ta. An object of study, Titáčevua, Té; uáðmua, Té. A study (i.e. room to study in), ºf ºppovtio Tiptov. To study (in a literary sense), piñogoſpéo; (i. e. attend to, occupy oneself in, etc.) atteißw c. acc. or c. eis and acc.; ueMetáo; Tueñéopal, mid. c. perf. pass, aor. 1. pass, and fut. 1, pass., c. gen, or c. acci, or c. prep. Trept and acc. or gen, or c. (Tép and gen. - He had much studied horsemanship, troxt uáAtara éueuexhicet airó in Tuchs, Xen. One must study, p.exermtéov, Štrutmöevtéov. To stuff. See To fill. Stuffed, oraktós. A ball of stuffing (or forcemeat), +&ptov. - A stumble, orpáAuo, Tô (often metaph.); TTgiopia, Tó; Tpósittalopa. - To stumble, Trafa, only act., no perf, sometimes c. Tpès and dat, or c. Tpbs and acc.; orpáAAopal, pass, (both this and prec. often metaph.); against, Tpos- Trafa, c, dat.; TposkáTTw. A stump, Topff. To stun, kicopów. Stunted (esp. in horn, or tail, or ear), kokośbs, be, sometimes c. gem. - To be stunted, coxoëóouai, pass. - Stupid, ‘āvoos, ov, more usu, contr.'évows, ovv, compar. &voúatepos; uopós; ’āa śveros, sometimes also ve- Tos, ov; aſicalós; ’āvaſoºmtos, ov; , 'épvils, va,0ſis; +’āšéArepos, ov. Brutally stupid, üelos, imvás. See Foolish. To be stupid, BA&Keijo, only act.; Túpéouai, pass.; brutally, Śmuéo. Stupidity, 'évolā, śyvotá; a kaićrms, ºtos, fi: "àgúve- oria, ’āSeXtepfa, 8Aáketa. Brutal stupidity, Śmvío. Stupidly, a katós, tetúpopévos. To stupify, ºf Túpa, fut. §§ºw, etc. Sturdy, ºf Tpſvivos, +Tplvööms. A sty (for pigs), + xotpokopetov. Style (of an author), Aééis, i. Styptic, grãaiuos (toº cluğros), m, ov, and 0s, ov. To sub-divide, katakeppättºo, usu. in pass. To subdue, wików; Śāpid ſo, perf. pass. 3éðumual, etc.; (places, countries, etc.) aipéa, aor. 2. číkov See To conquer. One must subdue, viicitéov. A subduer, f Tpiaktºp, fipos, 6. See Conqueror. To subject, ‘ūToríðmul, c. dat.; ſtočáAAw, no acr. I., act. perf. —éééAmica, etc. - Subject to, ‘ūrākoos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat.; ‘intoxos, ov, c. gen. or c. dat, ; ‘ūToxeiptos, a, ov, more usu, os, ov, c. dat.; (to passions, feelings, etc.) #00 ov, c, gen. To be subjects of, Túpavvéopal, c. jirô and gen. To be subject to (law, punishment, etc.), €véxopal, pass., c. 408 Subject—Subterfuge fut, mid. in pass. sense, rare beyond pres. imperf, and fut., c. dat, or c, čv and dat.; (passions, etc.) Tráoza, chiefly in pres, in this sense. To become subject to, ÚTottirto, fut. —Tegoûuai, no aor. 1., aor. 2. –éreaſov, perf. —Téttoka, c. Utö and acc. A subject (of discussion), ÚTóðegis, h; to Tpokeſpuévov. A subject (of a prince), jitſikoos. See above, Sulject to. But wishing to lead you as far as possible away from the subject, Bouxópevos à’ ſuás às ToššotáTo &Tá- yetv táv Terpayuévov, Dem. Subjection,-We then became their allies, not with the view of effecting the subjection of the Greeks to the Athenians, ºupaxoi uévrol éyévéueba, our étrº cargº SovXócret Töv ‘EAA#vov 'A6mvatois, Thuc. To bring into subjection to oneself, karao Tpépokal, mid., perf. pass. in both act, and pass. sense, aor. 1, pass. in pass. sense. Capable of being, easy to be, reduced to subjection, kārā- Amirtós. To subjoin (in speaking), Túpap0éYYouai, mid, no pass.; Täpätiömul. A word or sentence suljoined, Tápépôeyua, Tó. To subjugate, kāraatpépouai, mid., perf. pass. Icaré: otpaupal and aor. 1. —eatpépômv, in pass. Sense, but perf. pass. also in act. Sense; Tapio Takal, mid. See To subdue. Subjugation, kåtao Tpoºpſ. Sublime, ueréopos, ov; *ākpos; +/ſettipatos, ov. See Lofty. - Sublimity, iſ pos, Tó. Submarine, ‘ūſpäAos, ov, Soph. See Sea. To submerge, ºf troutigo. See To sink. Submission, ‘ûretéus, i. Submissive, xelpomóls, c. dat.; +'āqelpévos, c, dat. of any one to whom, sometimes c. infin. of what one is submissive enough to do. Submissively, ‘ūqelpièvos. To submit, elica, Att. aor. 2. also elicã0ov (not used however in indic.), no perf., only act., c. dat.; Utetico; 5 ptotapat, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act., c. dat, sometimes c. infin. of what is to be done, etc., sometimes c, acc. of what one submits to (i. e. endures); (to misfortunes, hardships, etc.) TAda, aor. 2. čTAmv; ‘ūpiepal, esp. in perf. pass. Úpetual, some- times c. infin.; (i. e. to obey) ‘ūtrākotīw, fut. –akot- Gopal, aor. 1. -íkovoa, perf. -alcákoa, c. gen, or c. dat. See To yield. He will submit to voluntary slavery, ai,6alpetov Šov- Aetav Čirićaxeſtal, Thuc. Not inclined to submit (i. e. to wrong), f'&rAntôv. Subordinate, Tàpepyos, ov; 6 Subordinate one to another, ÖTáAAmAos, ov. To suborn, Öſpinul, only act, in this sense; kára- oicevéo. * J. ‘ûrokáta. Suborned, éykä6eros, ov; categicevaquévos. To subpoena, ČKKAmtéâw. To subscribe, Široypápopal, mid, (actually used how- ever only in the peculiar sense of subscribing or endorsing an accusation). - Subscription, ‘ūToypāqºl (esp. to an indictment). Subsequent, ào Tepos, often c. gen, of that which pre- cedes; Tºytºyvöuevos and étruyevópevos. Subsequently, iſotepov, Štreita, katótrio 6e or -0ev; +�is. See Afterwards. Subserviency, ‘ūtrovpyía. Subservient, ‘ūrmpetikos, c. dat. pers., c. eis and acc. of the purpose for which. To subside (as waters after a flood, etc.), 'üTovogréal only act, no perf. A subsidy, Öagpués. To subsist, Tpépoſal, pass. perf. Té0popual, aor. 1. é0pépômu, etc.; 6tatpéqouai, c, dat. of the means, or c. &trö and gen. See To live. Subsistence, #8toros. See Life. Substance, oùoria (either the substance of a thing, or a person's substance, i. e. property); orópa, Tá; (as opp. to mere appearance) ‘ūTóotáoris. Substantial, orapuãToeiðfis. To be substantial, owpīTôopal, pass. Substantially, Tó àvti. See Really, To substantiate, 6tägåſbéco, only act. A substitute, ‘ūTáAAayua, Tó. Song a substitute for sleep, Útvov &vriuoAirov’ākos, AEsch, To substitute, ‘ûrośćAAw, no aor. 1. act., perf. –6éšAmica, chiefly used in mid. and pass.; &vreis- #yo, c. &url and gen, of the thing for which ; &vtels- q'épa, fut. –otow, aor. 1. –fiveyka, aor. 2. —fiveyitov (esp. of substituting one law or motion for another). To substitute (in writing, one name or word for another), ávteyypápa, & Teriypápa. To substitute (i. e. choose one person in the place of another who is dead or deposed from his office, etc.), &v0aipéopal, mid., aor. 2. —etwówmv, perf. pass, in pass. sense —ſipmual, aor. 1. –mpé0my. Substitution, ‘ūTošoxſ. A subterfuge, trâpéâpeois, i. f | To use subtefuges, TeXVášov. 409 Subterranean— Such | Subterranean, ‘ūtrox0óvuos, g, ov, and os, ov; ‘iſtröyelos, ov; itäräyelos, ov; +x0óvios, a, ov, and os, ov. Subtle, Aettos, trotičAos. Over subtle, Treptorgös. Subtlely, gegoptoſuévos, Aerrós, F toucíAws. | Subtlety, Touciata; † Aertótºms, mTOs, j. See Cun- 7ing. To be subtle, act or speak with subtlety, etc., oropiſopal, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. Sense, sometimes in aor, 1. pass. in pass. sense ; Aertowpyéw, only act.; Toi- IcíAAw, not without acc. To substract, 'übalpéo, aor. 2. —eixov, more usu, in mid, than act, c, dat. of that from which, or c. gen. or c. prep. Šic or & Tö and gen.; Treptaipéo. See To take away. Šubtraction,’āq aſpeats, #. Subversion (of a government, etc.), kārāairls, eas, #; - ºf ºvao Tpopf. To subvert, kātāAúa, ’āvaatpépa. A suburb, trpoda Tetov, f irpodatiov. And afterwards the suburb without the walls being taken into the city became densely populated, üotepov 6& Xpóvº kal j ča (; tróAls i évrbs having been ex- pressed in the first member of the sentence) Tpos- Teixto 6eſora Toxváv6pwros éyéveto, Thuc. Šurburban, F Tpodotuos, ov. To succeed, (as a person in an undertaking, etc.) Tvyxávo, fut. Tetêopal, aor. 2. čTüxov, perf, not used in this sense, sometimes c. gen. of the object ; eitüxéo, pres. opt. usu, eitüxotmv, no mid., but sometimes in pass. of the undertaking ; Katop6ów, not without acc.; (as the undertaking itself) pºéopal, pass. ; kátop66opal; X&péo, esp. in pres, act. ; Tpo- xopéo. To succeed, (i.e. to come next) éiriyyvouai, mid., fut. —yevåg oual, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-eyevówmv, perf. —yé yova, also –yeyévnual; +'àueſéouai, mid. ; + šćawetéouai, and more rarely –éo, act. To succeed or succeed to (as an heir, etc.), Ötööéxopal, c. acc. of the inheritance, etc., c. acc. or c, dat. of the person to whom, or sine cas. (as—each succeeding night, vić Štašešeyuévil, Soph.); TāpāAquéâva, fut. —Aft|0- pal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf -etamºpa, c. acc. of the inheritance; ibío Tauai, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf. act., perf. part, contr, often –eatós, 600, gem. -ótos, etc. But they neither succeeded in the taking of the city, nor ... TpovXópel 3& airtois otte à aipeg is Tis TóAews, oiſte . . . Thuc. Ilikely to succeed, kåtop6aticós. See To overturn. Each succeeding ..., 6 &él ..., e.g.—receive whatever is eagedient in each succeeding thing that is said, 5éxov t& ovuqépouto. Táv &ei A6 yov, Soph., as each suc- ceeding man entered, 6 &el évrös Yuyvågevos, Thuc. etC. -- - Success, eitüxia; eitäxmud, Tá; eitpašta, eitpāyia; + eitſpaśls, ii. Bad success, 'étixia; ‘ātūxmpa, T6; "átotüxia, ‘ātpašta. See Failure, If I meet with any success, #v ti & Yaffov trpáča, Xen. Thank-offerings for success, TeXeothpig, TG, Successful, (of a person) eitüxhs, étitixás ; (in hunting) + staypos, ov; (of an action) eipoos, ov, contr. —ovs, ovy. Never having been unsuccessful, 'üráðſs. Successfully, Éritixós. Succession, Ötööoxh, ēkö0xff ; (of things coming one after another) 'éuotéñ. Successively, Śēſis. See In order, In turn. I kneel in succession after you, äuääoxöv got yöve t{0mut yaíq, Eur. A successor, Štáðoxos, c, dat. pers, gen, rei, sometimes c. gem. pers.; † 6 étrºv, 6vtos. Succinct, orávrouos, ov. See Brief. Succinctly, ovutópos, compar. &repov, etc. Succory, kix&pua, Tá. Succour, 'épay?, sometimes c. gen. of that against which; 80%0ela. See Assistance, Help. To succour, 'épìyw, only act, no perf, c. dat. To help, etc. Succulent, 6táxiàos, ov. To succumb, eſco, Att, aor. 2. also elicã9ov (not used however in indic.), no perf, in this sense, only act, c. dat, or sine cas. See To yield. - Sugh, Tolos, properly to be answered by oios, also by ës, more rarely by Širos, also very commonly with- out any corresponding relative, but itself referring to something which has gone before ; touésàe, Totòe, Totòvöe (oí, esp. in Trag.), in prose generally used when what was done or said is to be detailed at length (e. g.—he spoke thus, Aeče toudöe, and then the speech is reported, Thuc. etc.); Totooros, totaúrº), Tototro, also towütow (oi, esp. in Trag.), with stronger demonstrative signification than the two pre- ceding words, usu, with a collateral motion of so great, but sometimes so small, in prose used esp. with reference to what has gone before (e. g. after report- ing their speech, Thucydides says—thus spoke the Corcyraeans, Toto.üro pºv of Kepkvpalot eitov, etc.), Towvtool (a more pointed form), Totovtórporos, ov; See 410 Suck—Suffocation (in potnt of age, size, or power) tºxicosóe, -knös, —covöe ; Trixikoútos, -icaätm, -koúto (tmaikoútos also as fem. Soph.); (i.e. so great) túoos, Ep. Téogos (and in Trag, chor.), Togósóe, too hôs, -óvöe (the most usual form in Att. prose); Toorootos, to- oraútm, too.otto, also more usu. Togoûrov; (i.e. so little) + rvvvoiros, ov, also Tvvvoutoorſ. Such, adv., oùTws, TotočTws. See So. Fond of such things, pixototovtos, only masc. To suck, FéâuéAya, c. acc. of the milk, AEsch. ; ºf éxico, fut. Akiga, etc., no perf, act., perf. pass. cłAkvopal, etc., c. acc. of the breast, etc. To suck wp or suck down (as a whirlpool), 'üvaññotéðéa. That has not sucked, +’á0mAos, ov. Sucking, + štuartíðios, ov. A sucker (of a plant), uáozevua, Tó; Tāpāqvās, dö0s, #; + wooxidiov. To suckle, &m?\dºw. To be suckled, + eiðmAéopal, pass. One who suckles (gives suck), F&mA&otpia, i. Sudden, aiquíðtos, ov; Étivatos, ov; £alqvíðuos, ov; (of anger) 6Ştros, ov; (of calamity, etc.) + šu- tratos, ov. Suddenly, Čáriums, more usu. contr. Éaſpuns;”gºvo, aiºvičios, éâtrivatas; 6t’ &Abyov, Thuc.; É; ‘ūToyví- ov, Xen. Those (cities, i. e.) on whom prosperity comes most suddenly and uneapectedly, afts &v pºdżuota Ical 6t’ éAaxłotov &Tposóðicitos &Tpačía éA0m, Thuc. Suddenness, étriópopºff. - To Sue, eúxopal, mid., c. acc. or c. dat. See To entreat. To sue a person (i.e. bring an action against him), TposicäAéopaí Tiva eis 6táðicão ſav, Dem. See Action. Suet, ºf a teātiow. Producing much suet, a teātāöms. To suffer (any state of things, good or bad, though oftenest bad), Táoxo, fut. Tetoropal, aor. 2. čTá00v, perf. Tétrov6a, no other tenses, often c. adv. (eſſ Kakós, etc.); ‘ūTéxaſ, fut. only -eča in this sense, aor. 2. —eq Xov, and poet. esp. in the oblique moods, –éoxedov. To suffer mental grief, etc., trovéo, pox6éo, rākoträ0éo, Tāāaitropéo. To suffer pain, bodily or ºnental, &A'yew (when the pain is of the mind often c. dat. of the cause, or c. prep., e.g. ētl and dat. Trepl and gen, or acc., etc.). See To grieve. To suffer (i. e. to permit, q. v.), šáa, fut, mid. some- times in pass, sense. To suffer punishment, tho, fut. Tiow, usu, c. acc. of the punishment, sometimes c. dat, ; c. gen. of the offence, etc., sometimes the acc. of the punishment omitted, and the cause put in acc. only act. in this sense; Śictívo, &Tottva. See Punish- ment. To suffer together with, orivaAyéo, avvrä- Aaltopéo, sometimes c. acc. rei, c. wetà and gen. of one's companion ; ovvöläräAaltrapéo; + divočiva, only pres, act, c, dat. of the suffering. To suffer in return for, &vtitréaxa, both in good and bad sense, sometimes c, čvtl and gen. of the thing previously suffered. To suffer previously, Tpoſtdoxa. I shall suffer, you shall suffer, etc., for doing so and so, KAáø, fut. ICAajoropat, either in fut, with the participle of the other verb, or itself in part. with fut. of the other verb, or sometimes the other verb is omitted altogether. - If any one of them touches me he will suffer for it, k\dov Tis airtów &p' époi ye &ićetal, Eur. He will suffer for his love of wine, RAgügel (pixów top oivov, Eur. But I suffer the eatreme of misery, yoečvá 6’ &v6epſ. Çowat, Æsch. One must suffer (i. e. permit), šāTéov. What must be suffered, + šâté0s. One who has suffered, trúðntós. Suffering (pain, etc.), &A'yetvös. Without suffering, 'éráðhs, c. gen. Suffering, Tóvos ; trä00s, Tó ; Tráðmua, Tb, and träth); TāAaltopia, kākotáðela ; +oiſts, vos, ii. See Grief, Pain, etc. - A suffering, or enduring, Tā0mg is, i. Caused by, or in return for, suffering, + &uriträ0#s. To suffice, àpicéa, fut. —éow, c. dat. of the purpose for which, or of the person to whom, only act.; 6tapicéo, ěčapkéw, ’ātropicéw. It suffices, impers, āroxph, pres, infin, sometimes &ro- Xp?iv, fut. & Toxphorel, etc., sometimes with a nomina- tive expressed, as, anything is sufficient for me, Tây &roxpſ, pºol ; +&pkeſ, ‘i & rapice: ; Śpicoèvros éxel, c. dat. pers., Eur. Thuc. Sufficiency, ‘icăvótºms, mtos, # ; airdplceia. Sufficient, ‘itcávös, c. dat. of the purpose for which, or c. Tpos and acc, etc., sometimes c. infin., c, dat. pers. ; aútopichs, 6tapkhs, ºr ééapkhs; + pepéyyvos, ov. Suf- ficient for all, f Tavtapichs. Sufficiently, ‘āAis, épkoúvtws, étapkočvtws, Éapkotºv- Taos, &Toxp ºvtws, ‘icăvăs. To suffocate, Tviyev. Suffocating, adj. Tvlºympós. Suffocated, trulyööms. | Suffocation, Tvºyos, Tó ; Tvryuás. 4] I Suffrage—Sun-beams Suffrage, $740s, i. To suggest, ‘ûrotíðmul, and mid, c. dat.; ‘ūTošáAAw, no acr. l., perf. –ééSAmica : épéâAAw ; ‘ûretrov, aor. 2., no other tense ; +'êtroteivo. See To advise, Suggested, +'itóéAmtos. Suggestion, Široſhkī, ‘ūTošox), 'üiroënuoqium. Suicidal, ºf airoo pāyús; + airóxelp, xelpos, 6, # ; +airoqêvos, ov; + aitoktóvos, ov. Suicide, 'üToxaktiorubs 8tov, AEsch. A suicide (i.e. one who kills himself), faito pövtms, ov, 6. Suicidally, FairTopóvas. To commit suicide, faitokTcveto, only act.; Éuavrov Bidgouai, Plat. A suit (at law), 'üyðv, ovos, 6. See Action, (for a bride), ‘Fuvhatevua, T6. See To woo. To suit, intrams. Öppóſo (in Att, prose usu, äppätto), c. dat. or c, Tpos or eis and acc., and T-opal, pass.; Tposappó%, évappāśw. To suit, act. (i. e. to make to suit), āppé@ (in Att. prose usu. written äppätta), c. dat, or c. prep. Th Tpbs, eis, etc. and acc.; Tposappé, épappégo. See To fit. -* Suitable, Šptios; +Tpósqopos, ov; eitſpeths, éiritſi- 3eios; oiketos, sine cas.; Tposºpvās; upſetpos, ov; orčuperpos, ov; Tposílcov, ovora, ov. See Fit, Becom- £ng. To be suitable, it is suitable, impers. Tposílcel. becomes. Suitableness, étutºměetótºms, mºros, ii. See Fitness. Suitably, eúrpetrós, compar. —éotepov, -éo Tata ; Śiti- Tmöeios, éupérpos, uérpia, ueTpíos, Tposmicövtws. Suited to, Tpos, c, gen. A suitor, plumothp, fipos, 6. To sulk, Övsgevatva', or [whether] he sat at home griev- ing and grumbling and sulking at the general happiness, 3) Aviroëpevos kai atévov ſcal Suspeyatvav ćirl Toís kowols &yaôois olcot kaffito, Dem. Sullen, a köðpatros, h, Öv, and bs, 6v. Sullenly, oköðpatrós, "åxãpío Tws. To look sullen, oköðpatráſa, only act.; forköðpáça, only act. Sullenness, ppevöv to ovveotós, Eur. To sully, pugiva. See To stain. Sulphur, &etov. , Sulphureous, &eldºms. Sultry, &eppés. See Hot. A sum, 'épiðuós. The sum (i. e. the total amount), to kepāAatov (of A suit See I: anything that has been said, rather than in an arith- metical sense); so copiºph, TepišoAft. The sum (in arithmetic), Śāvāpus, ii. Large sums, troAA& xpā- uata, Plat.; ovkvå Xpfiuato, Plat. To sum up, kepāAatów, and mid, no pass.; ovykeſpa- Aalów, oftener -ouat, mid.; 'āvāAoytſouai, mid., c. perf. pass. in act. sense, but perf. pass, also with pres. pass. and aor. 1. pass, in pass, sense. To sum up (as an orator recapitulating his arguments), áv ice pañaſq., év ice paNaiots, éirl ice paNaíou eitrov, Ütrouváouai, Éira- vépxopal, Thuc. Dem. etc. Summing up, Šv ice pañatous Štropºvía'avtes, Thuc. I wish then to sum up the whole to you, 800Aouai Toivvy ūpāv éireA6eiv ćirl ice pañatov, Thuc. And to sum up all I say, Św ös $vveX&v Aéya, Thuc. A summing up, ovyice påAata.orus, i. The Sumach-tree, ff00s, 6, #, gen, 500 and 560s. Summer, &épos, Tó; āpaia ; āpa èrovs, Thuc. Of, or belonging to, Summer, &epivás. To pass the summer, &epiſo, only act. Fit for summer, geipivos (of clothes). Summit, copiºph, "àkpa; (of a mountain) &ºpovixia, &kpópeia. See Top. º Having two summits, Siaogos, ov; +5ucópiº)0s, ov. To summon, kāAéa, fut. Icaxéow, Att, often kaxó, and Att, mid. Ra800pal, perf. Icéic}\mica, etc.; Túpa- käNéa, āvakaAéa ; uétáiréuTw, in prose more usu. -ouai, mid, no perf, no pass.: + kilºhoko, only pres, and imperf, act. and pass.; (in law proceedings) TposicäAéouai, mid.; (as a witness) KAmtéâw, no mid. or pass. See To call. To summon by the voice of a herald, Icmpúoroſa. One must summon, HAmtéov. Summoned, otºylcàntos, ov; Ti"KAmtos, ov; uetá- Treptos, ov. Summoned by a messenger, fºiſtráy. 'ye?\0s, ov. A summoner, KAmtºp, fipos, 6. - A summons, k\ſigis, eas, i ; tāpā'icamous ; perd- trepilºts, eas, i. Sumptuous, ToAööárávos, ov; 5ārāvmpós. Sumptuously, Śātāvmpós. Sumptuousness, Šárávn. Sum, #Atos ; +’AróAAwy, ovos, 5; + poisos ; F Aap- très, 360s, fi : Aapatpos wiſ'êpos, Eur.; juépas 8Aépá- pov, Soph.; aidépos 'alcáuštov čupa, Ar. Sum-beams, airyal, ai; fixtov 80Aal, Eur. Ray, - The warmth of the sun, eſamois, ii; +elam ; sun, stand- ing in the sun (as statues, etc.), fövtåAlos, ov, See Beam, 4] 2 Sun-burnt—Supplicate To be in the sun, to live in the sun, Aléopal, pass. To sun oneself, Alágouai, pass. - Of, or belonging to, the sun, fixtóris, ió0s, i. (of a beam). Sun-burnt, ºf Atóktüiros, ov. A sun-dial, ºf atolyetov (prop. the gnomon). To consult the sun-dial, a kiös YvopičTeto, Plat. Sundry, travtočáros, Toukixos. - Sunken, (of rocks, etc.) +'íqāAos, ov; (of the stomach of a hungry man) oiués. Sunless, +’āvīXios, ov; i öüsfixios, ov. Sunny, eúñAtos, ov; TposíAtos, ov; eiſeixos, ov; + Tpósel?,0s, ov; ; fixtóšAmtos, ov; ; ſixtoo Tišás. With sunny weather, Feijmata's. A sunny place, iiMotºwevov. Sum-rise, ’āvartizal j\tov, &v. of pâvoi, Soph. Eur. Sunset, 8vo.ph, usu. in pl. See Setting. Before sunsel, Tplv Øeoû 50wal oréAas, Eur. To sup. See To dine. Superabundance, Toxitxm6ía, ‘ūtrepoxh. See Abun- dance. Superabundant, @TAmbºis, ‘ūtreptAmóſis. dant. Superannuated, Ščopos, Ö, i. Superb, ueyańorpetrás ; peºyáA00xhuov, ovos, 6, #. Superbly, ueyaxoirpetrós, compar. —éo Tepov, -éo Tata. A supercargo, ööatov čartoicotros. Supercilious, Štrépauxos, ov; ‘ūtreporticós, kata- (ppovnticós ; ‘f ‘ātrépºppov, ovos, 6, #. Superciliously, itépotticós, kåta ppovmticós, ‘ūTrép- OTTO. Superciliousness, ‘ūtrepoſta. Superficial, éiritróAatos, ov; Tüttööms. Superficially, trâpépyws. Superfluity, treptovaria ; treptorgötms, mTos, i. Superfluous, treptogós ; trepiepyos, ov; Túpepyos, ov. To be superfluous, treptoraeto, esp. in pres. part., only act. Fond of superfluous words, Aéryov tápepyārms, Eur. Superhuman, ºf ‘ūtreppufis. TO superintend, étrio icotréal, fut. —0.ké!ouai, perf. paSS. (in act. sense) –éoice!!!al ; biotepal, pass., c. fut. mid., aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act., perf. part, Čºpe- atmk&s, sync, often épé0 Tós, òa'a, etc., c. dat. or c. See Abun- * 5 w f éirl and gen,; triotătéw, only act., c. dat. or c. gen.; épopów, only pres, and imperf. To join in super- intending, oivéptotapal ; Givetto Taréco, only act. Superintendence, éiriuéAeta ; triotáois, i. Superintendent, Trío kotos ; tripleAnths, où, 6; £iró- TTms, ov, 6. |Superiority, ‘ūtrépéoà?), TAeovečía ; (in numbers of military force) reptovolta. Superior, Superior to, Kpetorowy, ovos, 6, ii, c. gen.; rā0üréprepos, Tpérepos, + širéprepos. Superior force, ūtrépoxov 0.06vos, AEsch. See Better. To have the advantage of superior numbers in battle, én Too Teplávtos &ywviſeo 6al, Thuc. Superior to, +'étépée or -0ev, c. gem.; + kä0ütrepòe. To be superior, or superior to, trepielpºt (–éïval), sine . cas, or c. gen.; Tepiyºyvouai, fut. —'yevſo opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —eyevópmy, perf. —yé yova, part. —yeyovës, via, and sync. —yey&s, 60'a, also –yeyévmual, etc., c. gen.; Tpoéxw, often contr. Tpoixa, fut. Tpoéča, never contracted, aor. 2. Tpoéoxov ; ‘ūtrepéxo; ‘ūtrepša AAw, no aor. 1, perf. —6ééAmka ; ºf ékvikáo. To be su- perior (i. e. more powerful), širitroAdſo', only act. See To surpass. Supernatural, 'ütreppuffs. Supernumerary, Trepuga &s. To superscribe, éiriypáqo, c. dat, or c. Širl and acc. Superscription, êtriypāq,f : étrºypappa, Tó. To supersede, & piat mut, only pres. imperf. fut. 1. and aor. l. in this sense; Taiſo, sometimes c. gen, of the office. - Superstitious, beloièatuov, ovos, 6, #. To supervise, étrottetºw, only act. See To superiº, tend. Supine, ’ātpá0üpı0s, ov. Supinely, &Tpodiuws. Supineness, Égo Tóvm. Supper, F 66pirov. See. Dinner. Supper-time, 6optmaſtós. Supperless, ’āöettvos, ov. To supplant, 'üTookeNſ@. Supple, 'üypbs, xàAápos, ‘Jºypoplex}ls (only of living things). To make supple, 6táxãAda. Supplemess, "vypóTns, mºtos, i. A suppliant, ‘ikétms, ov, 6, fem. ‘ī ‘icétis, ió0s; +épé. attos; Fictap, opos, 6; ºf ict?ip, fipos, 6; +’āq'fictap, opos, 6; +Tposicrop; +Tpoatãrms, ov, 6; +Tpostpá- Talos. A band of suppliants, tº Tpostpotſ. Protecting suppliants, ‘i’icéotos, a, ov, and os, ov; + iºctºp, fipos, 6; fictios, ov. Suppliant, adj. (of, or belonging to, suppliants, etc.), ºf icóatos, a, ov, and os, ov; ‘iketàpios, and sync. ict#pios; Aitäväs. Assiduously supplicating, Airãphs. The branch borne by suppliants, # icetmpia. See Indolent. |To supplicate, ‘iceteia, c, acc. pers, sometimes c. gen, 413 supplication—surety no pass, mid. very rare; Śikeretſo; +'ikvéopal, fut. išopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. 'ikówmv; +Tpostpétro; (assiduously) Airãpéo, no mid., pass. rare. To fall down before as a suppliant (and therefore), to supplicate, ftpostitta, fut. —Té000pal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –éreoſov, perf. —Téttoka, only act, except fut. mid., c. acc. or c. dat. or c, trpos and acc.; t Tpos- triºtvo, only pres, and imperſ, act, c. acc, or c. prep.; ºf Tpotritva, c, dat. See To entreat. Supplication, ‘ikeTeto, ‘ikeoría; ‘ikétevpa, Tó; trpos- Tpotá; ’āpiśis, i. A supplication (i.e. a solemn procession to the tem- ples for the purpose of supplication, like Livy's Sup- plicatio), Tpósoãos, i. Not making supplication, t’āvicétevtos, ov. To supply, Tápéxo, fut, tapéa and Tapaoxhow, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. Tapéoxov, poet. also -éoyedov, perf. Trapéoxnica, also mid, no pass.; Topſø, Topoivo; étropicéo, -éga, c. acc., more rarely c. gen, once (Eur) c. dat.; £opicéo, ölä'covéo; eitropéo, c. acc. or c. gen.; besides, Tpostropºſal, irposTapéxw; in turn, &vtirápéxo; previously, trporapéxa. See To give, To provide. A supply, Túpoxfi. Supplies, Tà étrutſidewa, Thuc. A means of procuring supplies, couióñ. One who supplies all things, xopmyós. To support (as a prop, as one who prevents from fall- ing), Épetów, perf. pass. Épipeiopal, etc.; inrepetőw; ‘Fatmptſa, -íča; ficăTéxw, only in aor. 2. Icaréaxe- 0ov; +8aatáço, -ãow, but, aor. 1. pass. Saotáx0mu (even of supporting labour, etc.); +&Tepeſ804&t, mid.; +óxéw, rare in the augmented tenses; +&vriñaſgåva, fut. —Aft/ouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —é\ášov, perf. —etamºpa, in act. c. acc, in mid. c. gen. (esp. of sup- porting one actually falling). To support (i. e. pre- vent from starving), Tpépw, Ölatpépa. See To main- tain, To nourish, To feed. To support another's opinion, &AAotptais Yváuals ériypāqouai, Dem. To support in turn (one’s parents, etc.), &uritpépa. Support, Tpoſph. - A support, ºpetopia, Tó; otiipuyê, ty)0s, h; +épua, Tć; + šxmua, Tô (used of Jupiter); to Túplypia, Tó; (of persons) & beads, T6. That he might both say and do every thing to support Philocrates, ºv’ eis intoãoxhy &Tavra ſcal Aé'you cai Trpátrot pixokpáret, Æschin. A supporter (i. e. feeder), t ºperthp, fipos, 6, fem. Spéttelpa. Assisting to support, ovutpépos, by, c. gen, , Supportable, 'üvercrbs, 3), ov, and bs, 6v. rable. Supposable, inroxmirrös, Öv. - To suppose, olopal, and sometimes Att. contr. 1st person, oiual, Šumv, fut, oiñooſal, aor, 1. pass, in act, sense, ºftºnvi ‘itoxapéðvø, fut. Aftyopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamºpa; ovvvoéa, only act.; See To think. To suppose besides, trposutroAapéâva. See Tole. ūTottetºw, ºf étrašića). I suppose, 6%trov (sometimes as a question implying an expectation of an affirmative answer), 6%. One must suppose (i. e. take for granted as a supposi- tion), ‘ūtroAmirtéov, so intofferóov. And I will suppose him guilty, 0#ow 3’ &ötkovyta, Dem. A supposition (i. e. position imagined for the sake of argument), ‘ūtró0eoris; itóAmuwa, T6; 5to80xft. Supposititious, ‘ūT060Aiuatos, ov; ; TAao Tós. To suppress, inrootéAAoua, mid.; 'épěvíſo, KAérto, See To conceal. Suppression, t’āpāvious, ii. See Concealment. Supremacy, jyegovia, c. gen. of that over which. See Power. Of supremacy, suited for supremacy, etc., ii)epovicós. Of supremacy, adv., hyeſtovticós. - Supreme, "iträtos, +'êtréptätos. Sure (i. e. to be trusted as a witness, etc.), triotós; 8éSatos, a, ov, and os, ov; (sure to happen, as a re- sult) *āq victos, ov. See Certain, Firm. “I heard he was alive.” PHIL. “He was sure to be,” êueAAé, SoPH. It is sure to be the case, trós yap oi, MéAAel, Plat. . To be sure (i. e. to feel sure), trioteća); ‘I Tuotóopal, pass., esp. in aor. 1., also in aor. 1. mid. See To be- éIckxérto. lieve. What is sure to be said, to pièAAov Šmóñoreo 6al, AEschin. - Surely, 7, 87ta; of v, usu, with some other particle, &a Tep, yap, etc. (esp. in repetitions, e. g.—if he is, as he surely is, a God, ei 3’ attv, Šotep of v čott, §eos, Plat.; ’āplexei, only in answer, often ironically. Sure-footed, &ttalo-Tos, ov. Surety, BeéatóTms, mTOs, ii. See Certainty. A surety, Čyyvmtās, où, 6; #yyvos, ov. See Bail. 'o be surely, yyváopal, mid. c. acc. of the person for whom, dat, or Tpos and acc. of the person to whom the security is given; for a dell, Tposeyyváopal, c. gen. of the debt. 414 Surf–Surrounding Surf, 560lov, #600s, thäxia, Surface, vajra, rà (of land or sea); Tô Titroxfis, Plat. To skin or touch the surface of twortSw, only act. On the serface, étitróAatos, ov. On the surface, adv., áiritroxºis. To lie on the surface, éiritroxágo, only act. A being on, a rising to the surface, étriſtóAãots, eos, h; éritoxaguós (of undigested food). A surfeit (esp. from wine), kápos, Tó; +kpalitäxm. To have a surfeit, KpaltráAáo, only act. The surge, i ſãAm. A surgeon, iaTpós; +’īātmp, fipos, 6; eas, 6; iótopias xelpotéxyms, Soph. Of, or belonging to, or skilful as a surgeon, iáTpikós. To treat as a surgeon, ióTpečw, pass. of the patient. Surgery (the art), ièrpevois, h; iaTPeta. A surgery (i. e. a surgeon's shop), iórpetov. Surliness, XaAetróttis, mtos, i. Surly, a Tüyvós. See Morose. Surmeh, otius, eas, ii, To surmise, ‘ūTovoéo. A surmise, ÚTóvota. ºf iaTpópavtus, See To suspect. To surmount, ‘ūTrepéâAAw, no aor. 1. act, perf. -8é- ŚAmica; ‘ûrepaipo; + štrepôéw, fut. -6eto opal, no aor. 1., no pass. See To overcome. Surname, éiri"KAmots, eas, h; étroviſuta. Surnamed, + štávvuos, ov, when applied to a person c, gen. of what after, sometimes c, čirl and gen. To surname, ’āvākāAéo, fut. —éow, Att. -ka/A6, perf. —kécAnka, etc.; Tilcoxéw, ‘āvāyopeta. To surpass, vicda; ‘ūtrepéâAAw, no adr. 1. act., perf. –6ééAmica, c. acc., sometimes c. gen.; ‘ūTrepéatva', fut, or aor. 1. act. (not in this sense, in which we only find) fut. mid. –Šágouai, aor. 2. —éémy, perf. –Šéémica, part. sync. often –Še6&s, 60'a, àtos, etc. [these sync. forms chiefly poetic]; 5teppépw, fut.-0íow, aor. 1.-fivey ca, aor. 2. —fiveykov, but chiefly in pres. act. in this sense, c. gen, sometimes c. acc. See To eacel. So great that no room was left to those who came after them to surpass them, Toorootov ćate pumöévi Tôv éti- yiyvouévov ŠtrepéoAhv AeAeſp6.at, Dem. Surplus, Tepiðv, otoa, by, gen. Övtos, etc., most usu. in neut, as a subst, The surplus, to treptorgöv, to treptoroſetov. You have a surplus, Tepteotiv Šuiv, c. gen, rei, Dem. Such a surplus had Pericles, too otitov Tó IIepulcNe? étrépio'o evale, Thuc. To surprise (win by surprise, etc.), avoicevágouai, - *.. mid. To occupy by surprise (a military post, esp. by night), KAértw. See To astonish. A surprise, mil. KAoth. See Astonishment. Taking them by surprise, 'éirposłońtois éiritreo &W, Thuc. The matter takes them by surprise, Tpāyuſ, ’āppártois Tpostrittel, Ar. • * You will be taken by surprise, &ppaktoi Amºpóſio eq6é, Thuc. a To surrender, act. Šköföwºu, Évötöwpu (used also in- trans. as a town surrenders), träpääíðapu; Köotov Toléo, Isoc. A surrender, Tăpââools, eas, i. Surrendered, 'êvãotos, ov; Rö0tos, ov. Surreptitious, KAotatos (esp. of what is so obtained). Surreptitiously, k\otſ. - To surround (i.e. be round), trepito Tapai, pass. and mid., c. aor. 2. and perf act., c. acc. or c. dat.; kū- lcà60, more usu, in mid., also pass, in pass. Sense; TepictſkAéopal, mid.; TepišáAAw, no aor. 1, act, perf. –éééAmica ; treptéxw, chiefly in pres, or aor. 2. —eoxov, in this sense; Tepixéopal, pass., c. acc. or c. dat, (esp. as a crowd surrounds a man); Tepikaeia ; trepieul (–éival), c, dat.; +&pſpétro, only pres, act.; +&pſpišatva (not in fut. 1. or aor. 1. act.), fut. –éâ- gouai, aor. 2. —éémv, perf. –Šéémica. To surround with, to put around so as to surround, TepišáAAw, sometimes c. gen, pers. (but rarely so); &pſpišáAAw; (pp300-w, c. dat. (esp. So as to defend with walls, bul. warks, fences, etc.); Tepitotmut, only in pres, imperf . fut. and aor, 1. act, c. dat.; +&pſpiritnut. To add something to what eaſists so as to surround, Tpostrepi- 6&AAopal, mid. To surround with a wall, trepitet- xt{o ; with a fence, Teptotavpów. See Wall, Fence, etC, • And when they completely surrounded and hemmed him in, Ös 5é puu Tepiotašov kūkāq, kateixov, Eur. Surrounded, Treptotáros, ov, c. Örö and gen.; † trepi- ‘pephs, c. dat. Difficult to surround, 8vstrepianittos, ov, A surrounding, kū'KAworis, ; trepictſkAwols. Surrounding, adj. t &pſpíðpop,0s, ov; ; Treptópouos, ov; ; Tpóseópos, ov; (planted around so as to sur- round) trepta Toixos, ov. Surrounding a city, ºf &pſpi- Teixis ; T âpaq itſ toxus, eas, 6, i. Anything which surrounds, otepēvapa, āros, Tb, c, gen, (e.g. ate p. TúpywV = Túpyol, which surround the city); so telyéww.trepittixal, Öduww.trepitt.= Teixm, ôópot, etc., Eur. - 415 Surveillance—Swear Surveillance,—And he kept him under surveillance, 6 à’ ékéſvov učv év puxacfi ääéopºp eixey, Thuc. To survey, popáo), borrowing fut. Śrópopal, and aor. 2. Éireſöov, etc., pass, rarely beyond pres, and im- perf.; Treptokotréal, fut, -oké!ouai, perf. —éoiceppal - in act. sense; t eq,0peto, See To see. To be a city surveyor, &otivouéo, only act. A city surveyor, &otivágos. A city-surveyorship, &ativopufa. Oſ, or belonging to, a city surveyor, &otvvopicós. To survive, TeplAeſtropal, pass., c. gen.; Tuſáa, Štów, c. aor. 2. —eštov (the tense most in use); (of surviving illness, danger, etc.) Tepipei Yo, c. acc.; Teptetſu (-eival), sine cas.; Treptytyvouai, fut. Yevh- oropal, aor. 2, -eyevówmv, sine cas. To survive (a fixed period), +'êtrektpéxo, fut. —8på- woßpal, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —éöpápov, perf. —öéðpoua, What cannot be survived, ‘āšios, ov. ... To suspect, 'üTottetºw, c. acc., sometimes c. eis and … acc. pers., c. infin. rei, or c, čis or uh, etc.; ‘ûrovoéo, c. acc. or c. gen, pers., sometimes c. acc. rei, eis and acc. pers, or c. acc. rei, dat. pers. etc., only act.; ‘ūTototéo, also mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in act. sense; kátáāošāſo ; Śróttas Éxw, c, trpès and acc., Dem.; (i. e. to think) intoxapéâva, fut. —Affilouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éAášov, perf. —etamſpo. To be suspected, &v6üTottetopal, pass.; Śróttas Šxw, or it. Suáketgal, c. dat., Thuc. Dem. I suspect it will happen, 'üTuotá uh (or u% of yévmtal, º Plat. t gº O, my friend, do not suspect me,& pixtat', eis iſ rotta wh uáAms éuol, Eur, 2. To suspend, 'üvakpeſidugiſal, &práo (see To hang); (an officer, etc.) raiſo, c. gen. of the office. In suspense, wetéopos, ov (of persons and of things). To be in suspense, aiwpéopal, pass., c, fut, mid, c, čv and dat.; Tétopal éAtrígu, Soph. To keep in suspense, 'évantepów. Suspension, (i. e. hanging, q.v.) ºpeplaqués ; (of hostilities) éirexelpía. See Truce. Suspicion, 'ütolia. A suspicion (i.e. an idea), Örö- woua, Év6üpia, Free from suspicion, 'évê'Tottos, ov; āvūtrovóntos, OP/. Suspicious, (i. e. entertaining suspicion) ‘ūtröttms, ov, only masc., sometimes c. eis and acc.; iſtortos, ov, c. gen.; (i.e. liable to suspicion) #Tortos, ov; +kátá. pop pos, ov; ºf €triptovos, ov. Suspicious of ill, ka- xiàrottos, ov; káxitárotos, ov, w ſº » v ; eTri- |To sustain, Épetów. Our suspicious disposition, to juérepov štortov, See To support. Sustained (of style), ºf gºvtovos, ov. Sustenance, Tpoph, 6tätpoſph. See Support. A suture, ºf Śāq)ſ. Swaddling-clothes, atrápyävov, usu. in pl. Thuc. To swagger (in walking), + gavadoga, pass.: +6lā- oráAáicović w. Swaggering, oráAáka'weta. A swallow, xexióðv, 6vos, i. Of, or like, a swallow, fºxexióðvios, a, ov, and os, ov. To swallow, kátátiva, fut. triouai, no aor, 1., aor. 2. katētriov, perf. —Tétwka, perf. pass. -Tétropal, etc. (esp. as the sea swallows ships, etc.); 50%éa, ſut. Éophorouai, no pass.; kāraftopéo. To swallow greedily, ‘f éyxãpv6ötgo. See To eat, To devour To swallow one's anger, & Jubv čá'kva, Ar. A swallowing, kátároots, # ; ’āvācaſpis. Difficult to swallow, §vskátárotos, ov. A swamp, #A0s, tá. See Marsh. Swampy, Alpudº8ms. A Swan, kū'icvos. Oſ, or belonging to, Swans, full of Swans, i ki kvetos. With swan's wings (of Leda), † icicváTTepos. Like a swan, frvicváuoppos, ov. A swarm, śaſuás ; opjvos, Tó. To Swarm (as a place swarms with men), + yapyaſpo, c. gen, only act. See To assemble. - Swarthy, fueMaykpós, òtos, 6, j; fueMävčo Teppos, ov; + keValváplves, oi, ai, only pl. A swathe, i at Aač, Škos, 6. To swathe, a trapyäváa. To sway (a sceptre), t &Aq'étro, only pres, act.; titpatvw, only in pres. act.; + véuo, f wetäxelpíſo. The sceptre is swayed, arcăttpov &vágaretal, Soph. He is swayed by the last speaker, éati toº, Aéyovros, Thuc. Sway, Śāvāuis, eas, ii. See Power, Dominion. To swear, Šuvöpi, pres. also Šuvöw (in prose, but never in Trag.), fut. Öpotpat, aor. 1. &pioga, perf. êućuoka (pres. imper. Trag. ôuvi.), often c, acc. of the God, etc. by whom one swears; Éirów.viſui, giv6- Avvut (esp. of promising or threatening with an oath), ‘ūTówvvut (in prose of taking an oath in order to bar future proceedings), 6tóuvvut ; kárðuvvul, sometimes c. gen. of any one against whom, in accusation of whom, one swears; tāpicapotéa, only act.; Évopkov trouéopal, Plat.; Śpictov Šíðapu, Eur.; before, Tpoéſivöput; besides, trposéuvvut, givetéuvvut ; in eacuse, denial, - 416 f Swearing—Swiftness etc.; 'ârâuvâul and —tw, c. Ph, c. às oi, etc.; $6. Hviſſu, c. to whº and infin., or c. Wh où and infin, or c. infin. by itself; in turn, in contradiction, etc., &V- Táuviſui, &vöörðuvvut ; truly, eiopicéa, sometimes c. acc. of the God by whom, etc.; Käteuopicéa, ; falsely, &Tiopkéa, only act., sometimes c. acc. of the Gods by whom; + levöopkéw, only act.; falsely besides, +TPos- etruopicéo. See To perjure. I swear by Jupiter, Zets àgéuootal, Eur.; Zīva èT&- potov čxa, Soph. Though I swore that I would not do so, öl'éprov kaitep &v &Tápotos, Soph, To swear a person (i. e. to administer an oath to), Öp- ków, ÉÉopków, §§opicſſo. A swearing, Öpicopóata, td. A swearing off, getting off by swearing, Ščop,00 (a. Swearing, having sworn, tºudºuotos, ov; +&Té- uoros, ov (of the person or the words of the Oath); ºf Špicuos, a, ov, more usu, os, ov. Swearing not to do so and so, & Téuotos, ov. To be denied with swearing, 'ütrópotos, ov. Sworn by (as a God, etc.), Śpicios, o, ov, more usu, os, ov : ‘i étréporos, ov. Sweat, ‘iópos, otos, 6. Without sweat, 'üviðpotl, &viðitt. Without sweat, adj. ‘āvīāpotos, ov. To sweat, ‘iópéo (with irreg. contraction into 2 and q, for ov and ot, though Xen. has also the contraction into ov), only act.; 'évičío. Causing sweat, ‘ièpoticós. To cause sweat, iópototrotéa, only act. Apt to sweat, ‘īāpāöms. To sweep (a house, etc.), ſcopéa, -ão ao ; + o-aſpa, only | in pres, fut, and aor. 1. act. (of sweeping a house, or sweeping away dust); away, 'êváká0aípopal, mid.; ºf ovuilda'; off (as enemies from the deck of one’s ship), 'Śīrāpāorga. That a severe and sweeping measure had been passed, &pov to BoöAeupta kal pºéya €yvågøal, Thuc. Sweepings, ºf icópmua, T6. Sweet (in a general sense), #5ts, eia, b, comp. jötav, #ölotos; YAüküs, comp. —itepos, also YAüktov, etc.; 'YAüképás ; Pietàivos, ov; (of sounds, voices, etc.) Aiyêpos, + Aiyês, ºf #5uplex is ; † 65'6poos, ov, contr. –6povs, ovy; fetºp60.yyos, ov; F kaAAſp60) yos, ov, Sweet to smell, #3000 u0s, ov. See Fragrant, (Philomel) sweetest of birds, Šputs &otöotárm, Eur, To be sweet, YAirgívopal, pass. Sweetbread, Táyićpeas, Štos, Tó. To sweeten, + kåtåue}\itów. Sweetly, ióéas. Sweetmeats, Tpäyhuata, td ; Téupata, td. To eat sweetmeats, Tpdymuſ tigo, only act. The eating of sweetmeats, Tpaymuatiouás. Fond of sweetmeats, f ſpi\otpäyhuov, ovos, 5, 1. Sweetness, YAiſkürms, mºtos, i. To swell, oibéa, only act.; ’āvotöéa; GTapyda, some. times also metaph.; +éčotöéo; +éčoykóopal, pass.; (as the sea, etc.) Kupištéopal, pass.; kūpaiva, no mid, rare in pass, often metaph.; + k\{&; (as fruit does when ripe) épyáø, only act. The swell (of a heavy sea), KAüöövtov; +oiðug, ğtoº, Tó; + dāA0s. - A swelling, otönua, āros, T6. Swelling (the act), otômois, h; &votömous. J Swelling, adj., (of the sea) + oiâuátóels; (of a horse's sides) & yicóðms. To swerve, ékkAiva, only act., c. &mb and gen. of that from which ; trópekkäiva. Swift, Täxts, comp. Sároſov, Täxtortos; 80ós; +&icts, comp. Útepos, etc., also superl. &ciotos; t kpattvös, + Aalympbs, ºf Aššpós; +&ić'êpopos, ov; † Tpóðpopos, ov; + kpattvögüTos, ov; fivepāets; (of birds, but applied metaph. to ships, and even to horses) t &ki- Teths; +&icöTTepos, ov; (of foot, most of these words being also used simply for swift) Točákms; eitrovs, Tovu, gen. Tobos, etc.; +&icitovs, Kapilirovs, t tiſſ- vátovs; of wing, +Trepéets, fem. contr. sometimes Trepojo ga; FTTepú)wichs; Ptáxittepos, ov; +'ité- Trepos, ov. Swift (of a ship), i öktüAos, ov; ; tā- xvápms. Swift (of a river), +&icipóms, ov, only masc. Swiftly shot (of an arrow), F &ciéoxos, ov. Swift as the wind, t'éveuwkás ; +'iativepos, ov; +’āvepáels. Swift as a horse, ‘āuittos, ov. Bear- ing one swiftly, ticpattvoq'épos, ov; +&icitogºros, ov. Accompanying, or pressing on One Swiftly (as a pur- suit), ºf Täxötropºros, ov. Swiftly, Táxi), compar. Šárgov, superl. Táxiata and Täxjtata;+Täxa, Tâxéws, itäxos, +806s, Ffittipa, &Tö täxovs, 61& Táxovs, év táxel, orby Táxel, ſcará Tćxos, all Att.; caté, Tóðas, Thuc. To sail swiftly, Táxivavréa, only act. I have come swiftly, 6tstvows incáva, Kotºpov čápas Tööa, Soph. Running swiftly, &köv Tóða Tiffels, Eur. See To hasten. Swiftness, réxos, Tó; Túxiārms, mros, ii; &lcúrms, mTos, h; of foot, Troödokia, i Troödºlceta; ’ākpil Tobov, AEsch, E. E. 4}.7 Swim–Systematise To swim, véw, fut, weigouai, and in Att, prose vevgoi- pal, aor. l. Évévora, no perf; K0Avſišáo; + vixo and —ougi, mid., only pres, and imperf; across, 6tävéa, c. acc. or sine cas.; away, &Tolcoxvušáo; out of (esp., so as to escape by swimming), ČKvéa'; Féickoxvuéâw, c. gen.; round, reptwéo; towards, or to, eisvéw, Tpos- To swim with, tº avvväxopal, mid. One must swim, vevotéov. Able to swim, vevorticós. Swimming, vetois, j. The art, # koWvuéntich. A swimmer, koxvuémths, où, 6; ºf Końvpénthp, fipos, 6. A swimming-bath, koxvuéñ0pa. A swine, is, é, í, gen. Ös, acc. iv. See Pig. Of, or belonging to, swine, xoſpetos. See Pig. A herd of swine, ovoq'opéetov. A swineherd, orišćtms, ov, 6; fem. ‘f ovéóTpta, #66ogicos. To swing, 'üvākīvéa, Tapaoreto, forgevöováw. f PGC-3, A swinging motion, TâAavreia. Swinish, Weios, invés. To be swinish, ºnvéo, only act. Świnishness, Šmvío. To Swoon, AirolvXéw; ákówhaka, fut. -6avodaal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —é0évov, perf. —Téðumka. See To faint. A swoon, Aitolpixta. A sword, Šipos, tá; £ipiðtov, f bágyávov, uáxalpa (prop, short and curved, in opp. to Šíqos, which was straight), waxaiptor; &kivärms, ov, 6, prop, a scimitar, generally; +&yxos, Tá; + kuć6ov, ovtos, 6. The perils of the sword, épkves éiqovs, Eur. A drawn sword, Šipos Tpóica Tov, Eur. Like a sword, Šipoetàfis. Wearing a sword, uáx&lpopópos, ov; +&iqmpépos, ov; +&iq}ſipms, Wielding the sword, ºf oiómpovóuos, ov. Sword in hand, tº Tpóka,Tos, ov. Drawing a sword, + £iqovXkös, Öv (of the hand). Slaying with the sword, + £ipoictóvos, ov. Decided by the sword (battle, etc.), ºf Šipmºpépos, ov. Slain by the sword, ºf Šipoğäämtos, ov (also of death so caused); + giömpörankros, ov; ; otömporphs, fitos, 6 kal ii. To pierce with the sword, repušáAAw XaAlcet watt, AEsch. Appearing to smile me with a sharp sword, Soków és juás āśī, ‘págºyavov Baxeiv, Eur, . A contest in which men fall by the sword, ãoputeths &yovía, Eur, *- Being slain by the sword, Šipčov 'rixelpo Adé&". Soph. -- - Making swords, + šiboupyös, Öv; + pao'yávoup'yös, Öv. The sword-dance, šuptop.6s. A syllable, ovXAášá. A syllogism, orvåAoytopós. To syllogise ovXAoyi{opal, mid, To be inferred syllogistically, avXAoytoté0s. Sylvan, ‘ūAókowos, ov. See Woody. A symbol, éppmveto. See Sign. Symmetrical, a tºppetpos, ov; ; eiſuoppos, ov, Symmetrically, avpuétpws. Symmetry, eiuoppia, avpperpía, 550wós. To sympathise with, ovutrā0éa, only act, c. dat.; ovutdoxo, fut. —Teſgouai, no aor 1, aor. 2. –éráflow, perf. –Tétrov6&; + avutpágoro; in grief with, GiºvaN- yéo, c. dat. pers, sometimes c. acc. rei; avºrev6éa, only act.; giváx00pal, mid, fut. -6égoual or -0%00- gal, also aor. 1. pass. -ax0éa 6my; ovXAVTéouai, pass. c. dat.; +ovutrovéo, c. dat, pers., c. acc. or c, dat of evils; in joy, avyxoſpo; + avyy,9éo, perf –Yéym. 0a, only act. c. dat.; in indignation with, toivagxã. Aów, c. dat.; in hatred, oivéx0a, only act.; in love, ovudixéa. To make to sympathise in grief, ova: Avtréal. - Sympathising with, avºiráðhs, c, dat.; 5uotoiráðhs. - Where one can obtain the sympathy of those who hear. 3rm uéAAel tis otoſegºat 64kpv trpos Táv KAvövtov, AEsch. - Symphony, avu(bovia. The Symplegades, >vptAmyööes, ai, sing only of the strait where the rocks are ; ºvvöpopääes, ai. A symptom, a muetov. See A sign. Symptomatic, a muetéâms. A synod, givoãos, ii. See Assembly. | Synonymous, it give viſuos, ov. Synonymes, to Ögöväua. A system, orijatmud, &ros, Tó; reptodos, h; kóouos. Systematic, Texuicós. 4 To systematise, óðoirotéa, only act. ; texvoxoyéw, only act. 418 Table—Take A. T. A table, rpätreſa; with three legs, 7pirovs, toãos, 6; Tpitóðtov. A money-changer's table, §Aov. The table of laws (at Athens), ščov, ovos, 6. To put on a table, if Tpátreſów. Anything put on the table, Féiritpāréſopa, Tó. With well-spread, table, traxxirpáreſos, ov. A tablet, 5éAtos, h; cºuls, ió0s, h, esp. in pl.: Köp- 6ers, ai; triváictov; + trivač, Škos, 6; Trivacſokos; (on which laws are inscribed) orévíðtov. A white tablet for public notices, Aeëlcopo, Tó. Taciturn, 'épovos, ov. See Silent. Tacitly, &Aóyos. A tack (of ships), Turtpopff. To tack (ships), triotpépo (T&s vats). Tackle, F &txou, esp. in pl.; + šurea, Tá. Tactics, T& Tacticó. A tactician, Taicticós. A tail, oùpá; képicos, ii; +oğpalov, Fößoirá)iov (also the tail-feathers of a bird, or the tail-fin of a fish). Having a tail, Icepico?ópos, ov. - With a thick bushy tail, Aóqoupos, ov. Tailless, 'ékepkos, ov. A tailor, #'iuáttoiróAms, ov, 6. Tailoring, ‘inātuoup'yūch. To taint, uto.tvo. See To defile. A taint, putaoua, T6. See Stain. T9-take, Aguéâvo (in every sense), fut. Afyouai, no aor. 1. act, or mid., aor. 2. čAášov, perf. etAmpa, perf. pass. eſāmuſal (Trag. also AéAmupat), c. acc., some- times in mid. c. gen, of taking hold of; ovXXapéávo, "átroAguéâva ; aipéo, no acr. I. act, aor. 2. —eixov ; + Adjuai, only pres. and imperf mid.; (a city) kpâtéo, c. gem.; ÉKTOXtopicéo ; medicine, Tivo, fut. Triopat, aor. 2. čTuov, perf. Tétrolco. To take to one- self (as a friend, a wife, etc.), ºf Tpostí0epal. To take alive, ſaypéo, only act. and pass.; away, 'épzipéa, mid. more usu. than act., fut. mid. Sometimes in pass. sense, c. dat, pers, sometimes c. gen., sometimes c. prep. §ic or &Tö or Tpos and gen, in mid. often c. gem. acc.; Túpalpéo', 'üvölpéo (esp. of taking away so as to destroy); &Toatepéo, fut. mid. &roo Tepāo'ouai, contr. &roatepojuai, sometimes in pass, sense, c. acc., often c. gem. acc. or c. acc. pers, gen. rei; + dipo, + &raípa. ; (in an underhand way) ‘ūqaptdºo; away from under, 5%aipéo ; away before, trpoxguéâvo; away besides, Tposapatpéopal, mid.; away in retalia- tion, &vTapatpéopal, mid.; besides, in addition, trpos- Aap,6áva, ČiriNapióðvø; beforehand, trpoovatpéo; down, ká0aipéal (esp. of buildings); hold of, ÉiriNapéâvouai, c. gem.; &vttàaušávo, act. c. acc., mid. c. gem.; + trpos- Aáſupal ; ºf papirro, no perf, no pass.; instead, &vri- Aap.6&va. To assist in taking, givečaipéo ; off (from another), a UAdo (esp. stripping, as a warrior does his slain enemy), c. gem. acc.; 'êtroë00, in pres. fut. and aor. 1. c. gem. acc., or c. acc. rei, gem. pers.; so éköða, ; (of taking off another's shoes) ‘ūtroXi'a ; off" (one’s own clothes), &tročj'opal, mid., c. aor. 2., perf. and pluperf act.; Écôtop at ; out, Éaipéo (esp. with an idea of selecting as best), often c. gen, of that out of which ; ŚkAduédvo ; out for the purpose of counting (balls out of the ballot box), ºf ééepdo, —ágo ; partin (a work with another), ovXAguéâvo, c. dat. pers., gen. rei, or eis and acc. (see To co-operate), (prisoner) Xelpöopact, mid., also pass.; together, at the same time, etc., ovykataxopéðvø, orvpatopaxopédvo ; up, Švapéa, ’āvāAap Sávo, intoxqušávo, ; Tposëyopat, mid. (of pieces of wreck, etc.). See To raise. To take up (as one singer takes up a song after another) +'itoöéxopal, mid, c. perf. pass. in act. sense ; (i.e. arrest, q.v.) 'īrāyo, ; up (arms) against, Šuraipa, c. dat. pers, or c. Tpos and acc.; + štaípopal, mid.; upon oneself. "áváAguéâva (see To undertake); upon oneself in addition, Tposawalpéopat, mid.; Tposávätiösual, mid.; Tposawaxaušávo, ; in an underhand manner . ūtroXapéðvø ; with one (esp. as an assistant), ovX. Aguéðvø. To take a thing well or ill (i.e. be pleased or displeased, q, V., at), eſſ or calcós (pépo. To be taken, ‘āAígicopal, fut. &Aógopal, aor. 2. čáAwy (Xenophon has also #Awu), perf. Éd Noica, no other tenses. If you will take my advice, égois Xpºuevos Bovket- plagiu, Fur. As the guarding of the walls took some part of the heavy-armed force, &Tavºokvías (from &TavaMaica) Tâs puxalcãs Tów Teixów pºépos Tu Toi) ātātrucoſ, Thuc. Sail away, taking yourself off out of this land, ékTAel, geavrov ovXAšščov čk risós yīs, Soph. 2 E 2 4} {} Taken—Tapestry One must take, Amtéov, trapaxmTréow ; away, 'épal- petéov ; part in, &vtíAmirtéov, c. gen.; with one, to- gether, etc., orvåAmirtéov, orvutrapaxmttéov. Taken, ČiriXmbs, #60s, # (of a city); or which can be taken, ‘āAwtós; aipériuos, ov; in war, faixuāAwtos, ov. Desirable to be taken, aipétéos. Easy to be taken, ešAmirros, ov; &Aégiuos, ov; eiaſpetos, ov. What can be taken hold of, eiſamirros, ov. What can be taken off, treptaſpetos, ov. Taken away (i. e. dead), t'évapirao fleſs. Not yet taken, 'üváAotos, ov. One who takes part in any business, ovXAffTTwp, opos, ô, c. gen. rei; fem. ovXAfrt pia, A taking, Añipts, h; (esp. of a city, or anything taken in war) ‘āAwais, eos, j; alpequs, eos, ii; (of money) +Aášá. A taking away, Túpaipegis, & paípeois. A taking hold of, Étiãášá. A taking-up (of a subject where another leaves it off), inróAmyls, eas, i. Relating to the taking (of a town, as news, a song of triumph, etc.), ºr ‘āAéguos, ov. A tale, ut,00s (esp. a poetic or mythic tale), opp. to Aó)0s (a true or historic tale); &tóAoyos, + divos. An idle tale, Aoyotroſnua, Tó. A teller of idle tales, Aoyotrotés. To tell idle tales, Aoyototéa, only act. The telling of idle tales, Aoyotrotta. A talent, TäAavrov. Worth a talent, or possessed of a talent, TäAguttatos. Talent (i. e. ability), giveris, eas, i ; Seátórms, mtos, i. - A talisman, ºptATpov. See Charm. Talk, A6)0s, usu, pl. in this sense; AëAta; +Aäxmud, tó. Silly talk, propoxoyfa, reptoro-oxo'yta. To talk, A&Aéw, only act.; StåAáAéo ; SpüAéa, in pass. also to be constantly talked of; ºf wifetw, in pass. also to be the subject of talk; ºf icottNAw, only pres. act. (sometimes esp. to weary by talking). To talk big, Ö/mAoAoyéopal, mid.; oreguouß0éa, only act.; +A&6poo Touéa, only act.; forepºvokoutréa, only act. See To boast. - To talk loud, 'ütroAiyaíva, only act.; idly, pxvápéa ; + p^{w, only act. To talk insolently, plátaſzu y^@ggow &Tav6tſo, AEsch. To be commonly talked of, 81&6pińéopal, pass.; 6ta- éodopal, pass. To be talked deaf, 6taôpińéopal, pass. To be talked down, träräyńattigouai. Aor it is a comfort to women to be always talking of the present evils, éputépwice yāp Tuvaičº Téphis Tów Tapeqtárov kaków’Avi, otów Śel Kai 31& YAérons ëxelv, Eur. - ‘What may not be talked of. §§5mtos, ov; +’âtrößntos, ov. See Unspeakable. Talkative, talking, Toxiàoyos, ov; +AáAos, comp. —ío Tepos ; # Toâvetiis ; # otóuapyos, ov; ; Tpó- Aeoxos, ov; + ššAa\os : Fora wºxos, ov. Gne who talks big, geºvoxöyos, ov. A great talker, ºf icóTis, eas, 6 ; A talking, uv00Xoyia. Talkativeness, troXiàoyſa ; ºf y\alooſaxyla. For love of talking, YAágons xúpiv, AEsch. Tall, uſikpbs, compar. —óTepos, -ótatos, also superl, pañciotos; t eipiens. See High. Tallness, uſicos, rô ; piéyé00s, Tá. A tally, origé0Xov. A talon, êvvä, äxos, 6; ºf xmåſ. With crooked talons, yapalºvvč, Šxos, 6, #; +/au/Ös. The tamarisk, i wiſpi’km. Tame, huepos, a, ov, and os, ov; Titão bs, 6v ; xelpo #0ms. To tame, 5èuća, aor. 2. čáuov, perf. 6éðumka, etc., aor. 2. pass. Bāunv; juspów, Titãoetw; (one's enemies) katağaſıdgoual, mid. See To subdue. Tameable, Tifláaevticós. Newly tamed, + veoſtºyms (esp. of animals taught to draw); ºf veð ſuð, tºyos, 6, #. A tamer, titägevths, où, 6; +’ākeathp (of a bridle). Tamely (as to bear tamely, etc.), eixepôs. Tameness, xelpofibeta; + juspátns, mros, i. A taming, Tiffégéta. Skill in taming, the art of taming, Xepotikh, also to Xelpatikóv. To tamper with, trpád'oro, c. És and acc.; Staireipá. opal, mid., c. gen. If there were no lampering with them in this quarter by means of bribes, et Tiph obv &pyüpp &iſpáorget' év. 0évôe, Soph. To tan, fºupgočepéo, + o-kāAoöspéo. A tank, ºppéap, gen. ppéâtos (but except in Com. usu. ă), etc.; ppe&tía. Belonging to a tank, (ppe&tiatos. A tankard, kpótºp, fipos, 6. See Cup. A tanner, alcüAööeipos, aſkütoôéºns, F orköAoöépms. Tanning, à 6eppäroup'yich. & ºf AšAmpua, Tó. See Height. To tap at (a door), H πYāvāa, only act. Taper, šáðivôs. Tapestry, + kpekööta, Tá. 420 Tar—Tearful Tar, Tſorora. See Pitch. Tardiness, 8péöörms, mTos, i. Tardily, 8púðéas. Tardy, 8páðbs, poet. (not Att.), superl, sometimes +8páðtatos, See Slow. Tares, aipa. A target (i.e. light wicker shield), TréAtm, yéâşov, +’itéa. See Shield. A targeteer, Textagºths, où, i. Belonging to a targeteer, TeXTaoticós, To tarnish, "àpáviga, ’āuavpów. See To defile, To dim. To tarry, ºftwo; uévo, and + pºuvo, only act.; Tpiša, See To stay, To delay. A task, trpóéAmua, T6. See Work. A tassel, ºf Šišo'àvos. A taste, yet pia, T6; (of a thing eaten) xipós. The act of tasting, yetoris, i. - To taste, yetogal, mid., c. perf. pass. Yeyeſſpat in act. Sense, c. gen. ; &Toyet oual; ºf Tátéopal, only in aor. 1. mid. Éirão dºwmv, c. gen, or c. acc.; (as a king's taster) &Toftopéa, only act., c. gen.; before, tºpolyeijo- Pal; slightly, Tapayetopal, c. gen. To make to taste, "I'veto, c. acc. pers. gen, rei, some- times c. gem. acc.; +’āvāyetw. To give to be tasted beforehand, Tpoyevuátíſo, One must make (a man) taste, 'yevo Téov, c. acc. pers, gen. rei. Belonging to taste, Yevotikós. Tasted (to be tasted), yeworós. A taster (i. e. thing to taste with), 'yevatiotov. Tasteless, "å"relpóica Aos, ov. Tastelessness, ’āTelpokáAía. A tatter, f Tpūxos, T6. See Rag. To tattoo, a Tiga. Tattooed, rotičAos. A tavern, kāir)}\elow; otºmua, Tó. A tavern-keeper, kārūAos, fem. Katmals, 80s, i. The trade of a tavern-keeper, karmXeſa. To taunt, I keptopéo, no mid., but also pass. To mock. A taunt, orcóppa, Tó; + keptópºmoris, i. Taunting (of words, etc.), i keptówtos, ov, only pl. A taunter, XAeva.0ths, où, 6. Tautology, Tiêox#. Tawny, Čirićav60s, ov; Föäpolvös, Öv ; # Twpoºs, + £ov66s. With tawny back, ºf Tupgåvoros, ov. A tax, TéAos, Tó. A tax-gatherer, 'üTroöektºp, fipos, 6; &Tošéictms, ov, See 6; ºf eicoa Toxóryos. A farmer of taales, Texaſ vms, ov, 6. The employment of farmer or collector of tawes, Texaſvía. Relating to tawes, or to the farming of them, TeXavicós. To teach, Ötödorica, fut. —Éa, etc., c. gem. acc., some- times c. acc. pers. and infin., -pass. “to be taught.” also c. acc., sometimes c. gen,_mid. “to procure to be taught,” but also often =act.; £icöišágico; Tatēetw, c. gen, acc., often also c. dat. rei, or c. Év and dat., or c. eis or Tepl and acc., or c. infin., sometimes c. acc. reisine cas, pers.; ºppévôa, sine c.; ºf ékpovo 30 ; (as a tutor) trauðūyayyéo, only act. ; traiãotpišéo, c. acc. pers, and infin. To teach afresh, to teach one some new opinion, &vačičágica, ’āvāTatēeča, ; beforehand, Tpočíðdorica, trporatēetw; besides, Tposéióágical, émièl- 6&aica; together, at the game time, etc., orvparatāsūa. One must teach, Öiðactéov, traičevtéov. Taught, or that can be taught (of things), Ötöaktös, łl, ov, and bs, 6v; Tatēevtás; Tāpāöotös, Öv. Who must or ought to be taught, TatēevTé0s. Self-taught, aitépáros, m, ov, and os, ov; † airočíða- FCT0s, ov. A self-taught philosopher, airToup'yos Tās pix00 optas, Xen. A thing taught, Sibayſia, Té ; traíčevua, T6. See Lesson. A teacher, Ötöda kaRos; Tatēevths, où, 6; + šiča-yug, Tö (of time). See Schoolmaster. Teaching, Ötöga KáAía, Siôāxī, Tatēeſa ; traičevorts, eos, iſ ; +&ióačis, ii. See Education. Previous teaching, Tpotat6etc. Belonging to, skilful in, teaching, etc., 616ao Kawaicos Tatēevticós. The art of teaching, à Stöga KaNich, traiševtiki. Like a skilful teacher, ÖiðaakāAikós. A team, ſeiyos, Tó; āpua, Tá; + šxmpo, Tá. A tear, Śākpvov; + dā'kpv, vos, tá; +&ispjuo, rb, in pl.; Salºptov’āxum, Soph.; Aiéâöes 6akpāov, Eur.; váuata čoo-wu, Fur.; uottal:Tºyal, AEsch.; āq,6aßpö- Teyrtos TAmuuipts, Eur. ; a flood of tears, āakpu- orío Taktov fiéos, AEsch. Tears miaſed with smiles, KXava bygåws, wros, and w, 6 See To weep. For my tears quickly rise, taxeſa 'yöp Notls ötékel wº öpp.4tov, Eur. Forcing out tears, ºf ’āvaykööökpus, vos, é, í, Tearful, (i.e. shedding tears) ºf Öakpuésis, ºf Šárpáš- É00s; ºf Sakpuxéov, ovoſo, etc.; (of an eye) +"iträg pos, ov; (shedding tears, or causing tears) + troAióárpus, vos, 6, #; +troXià3'ºpiitos, ov; (causing tears) 83'- 421 r Tearless kputos, ov; + travčákpvtos, ov; † &pſpičákpvros, O}/. Tearless, Fäää'tpütos, ov; +’äääkpus, vos, 6, āşşâyńs. Tearlessly, 'éââltpütí. To tear, (tear to pieces, etc.) orträpägoo, ötagirda, fut, -otágo; † 6tauoupáo), ‘F’äuäggo (metaph. of fear tearing the heart); (as animals tear their prey, etc., or women tear their cheeks in grief, etc.) + šAica, fut. -küow; + dāitto (sometimes metaph. of envy, conscience, etc.), no perf. ; +61264TTa); ‘f &ptăuéo, only act. ; (the cheeks in grief) Spätta, f'&Aoicíſo ; (hair in grief) ºf TíAAw; ºf "3VéAicouai, mid. ; away, off, from, etc., 'épaptáço, fut. -āow ; &Toonrád, c. gen. of that from which, or c. &Tö and gen, some- times even c. gem. acc. ; ; Śāvaa Tãw, ºrogºtá- pda'aw; (of tearing people away) + šūoid ſo, ºf Ópudo; down, kāraftyvöul, ºf kaffaptd.(a ; out, ºf éâuáo; open (a wound), Tâvašftyviſut ; all round, Trept- Čučgow ; in two, öiao Xígo (as the wind does a sail, etc.); up (trees), firāpāqīpa. To be torn, ºf atmuofiñāyéa, only act. (of garments). Tearing my cheeks (in grief), Tibetog ávvyo. 61& Tápmióav, Eur.; so—lear your cheeks (lit. make your white mails bloody in your cheek), and stain your skin with gore, 61& Tapffè0s àvuxa Aévicöv aiuatoire, º: 7) ; Xpótá Te póvlov, Eur. A tear, or tearing, 'épix}, + girápaypés ; fairápay- pa, Tó; +’âuvywós ; +'éuvywa, to (this and prec. esp. of the hair or cheeks in grief); Kätäöpuppa, Tó; + TiNubs (of hair); † Aëlds, ió0s, j (esp. of garments). Torm (esp. of garments), T Aékia Tós; to pieces, Fóia- atrāpaict’s, 6v. Easy to be torn off, süüTó0T&otos, ov. Anything which is torn, to Túpayua, Tó; +éAknua, to (esp. by beasts), c. gen. of the beasts. Iorn garments, Tréttawu Aáciopata, tà, Eur, A teat, &mA3), TvT66s. Tedious, étitrovos, ou (of things); + špoxkös, Öv (of a person). To teem, tícta', fut. Téouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. črecov, perf. Tétoica ; 8púa, only pres, and imperf. c. gen, more rarely c. dat, ; ; påéw, in pres. part. act. See To bring forth. To tell, eitrov, and aor. 1. eitra, no other tenses, only act. in the simple verb ; Śéſirov ; Śpó, in fut. sense, perf, eſpnica, pass. eſpnwal, etc., fut, pass. eipſigouai, aor. 1. pass, épáñ6mv, sometimes éâ5é0my; Aéya'; KáráAéyò, esp. as a message, or the account of an Temple event; &yºyéAAw, ÉayyéAAw; a muatva', 'I kateſtov, évvétro, only pres, act. See To say, To relate. To tell distinctly, entirely, the whole story, etc., Öteſirov, To aid in telling, to tell at the same time, etc., + giveirov. To tell beforehand, trpoéſirov (esp. in the sense of ordering, also of foretelling), c. dat. pers, sometimes, when it means to order, c acc. pers.; Tpoxéyw, tº Tpoöéticulpt. Tell me everything, 6tarépalvé pou, Eur. One must tell, ºppo.0tévv. One who tells, ppgot?ip, fipos, 6. What may easily be told, eúpivakovevtos, ov. Newly told, ºf veðy yeatos, ov. Painful to be told, 60s?\e. ICTOS, Ov. Temerity, Spågårms, mºtos, ii. See Rashness. Temper, àpy?), Tpótos; ºf vó0s, vows. Suiting his temper to that of Tissaphernes, éirigépon ôpy&s Turgaſpépuel, Thuc. - Submitting with temper to the will of those more power ful, kotºbos pépova'a Kpelgoëvov Bovāsūkata, Eur To temper (things in general), Icepāvvuºt, fut. kepāow perf. pass. Icékpāual, etc. Tempered (of iron), ºf Öttös. A tempering (of metals), 8ápii, Temperament (a good temperament), eúkpāgia (Gówá TOS ). Temperance, yºpéreta, goſppodium. Temperate, 0.44 pov, ovos, 6, h; uérpios, a, ov, and os, ov; &ykpátís ; eißtaltos, ov; efficpás, &ros, 6, # (not of persons); icekpāſ,évos (of climate, etc.); eūicpátos, ov (of government, etc.). To be temperate, ow'ppovéa, only act. : éykpātehoua, mid. To be a partner in temperance, ovoo wippovéo. Temperately, goppévos, éykpátós, forea wºpouloué. 1/(1) S. Temperature (of climate), kpāorts, eas, ii. A good temperature, &páveilepāoria. A tempest, Xepºv, &vos, 6; +&iſeAxa. See Storms. Tempestuous, ºf Švszeipepos, ov. See Stormy. A temple, väbs, Att. more usu. večs ; iepov (; Att, I Eur, in chor.), Att, usu. ‘ipov; #60s, tá; +'ävá- kropov; +"iöpüua, Tó; + p.6Aáðpov; a knvi ispá, Eur. The space before a temple, réuevos, Tá; Tpotewévigº, Tó. With a brazen temple, XaAkioticos, 6, #. temples, toxivāos, ov. Before a temple, tº Tpóvãos, ov. A keeper of a temple, veakópos, 6, i. Guardian of the temple, ºf vāopúAač, ćicos 6. 6tao muaiva'. With many 422 Temples—Terrible The temples (of the head), † ºpótápos, nearly always in pl. Temporary, ÖAiyoxpóvios, a, ov, and os, ov. To tempt, Teipäa, and mid, c. gem.; (to lead on by temptation) iTâyopal, mid, Ten, Öéka. A number of ten, body often, etc., Sekës, #60s, h. Ten times, Čekácis. Tenfold, ÖekāTAšquos; 6ekārā00s, -TAoûv. Tenth, 6ékáros. A tenth part, Čekatmuáplov. A tenth (a tax of such value), šekáTm. To collect a tenth, sometimes even to affer a tenth, Öe- Kärsäa, in the latter case c. dat. of the God to whom, in the former c. acc. of those from whom the tax is exacted. The tenths-office, Šekärevtåptov. On the tenth day, ÖeicāTaios. Lasting ten days, Öexhuepos, ov. In the tenth month, lasting ten months, ten months old, ëskäumvos, ov. Lasting ten years, ten years old, etc., 6ékétms, fem, also àskétis, ió0s, h; Sekaetàs; Öekaëtmpos, ov (of time); ‘i Sekdotropos, ov (of time). Interest at ten per cent, Tékos éiríðékatos. Ten thousand, uiptol, Omn., very rarely in sing, e.g. —ten thousand cavalry, intros pupta, Xen.; tºwplo- TAmöffs. The ten thousandth, piptootós. A body of ten thousand, piploo Tils, tos, i. With ten thousand armed men, + pºpuotevXàs, Tenacious, ºf ºrevås. A tenant, pºto'00ths, où, 6; fem. TutatóTpta. Tenantless, Épmºos, ), ov, and os, ov, often c. gen. To tend (i.e. attend to), SepāTetw; +&pſpitroxéo, only act., c. acc., sometimes c. dat.; + couiço; + Topoivo, no perf, only act.; Mox6éo &epātsipiao, c. acc., Eur. To tend to, ſpépa, fut. ofate and oto opal, aor. 1. #vey- ka, aor. 2. #veykov, c. eis and acc.; Tetva', ovyteſva; + #ico, c. adv. of place, oi, Štrol, etc. These things do not tend to your glory, O Lacedæmonians, où Tpos Tās iſſuetépas àóšms, & A&Iceòalpóviou Túðe, Thuc. One who tends, &epāTeuths, où, 6; &epārevTho, fipos, 6. . A tending, &epāreupta, Tó; Sepúreta. Tendency, '&yoyſ. To tender, Tporeſva; (an oath, etc.) Stöwpi. See To offer. + A tender (i. e. a small vessel attached to a large one), vańs ‘ūTmpetikh, Xen. Tender, ‘ātrāAbs, pèAäicës, Pax6ákós; i répmy, compar, TepelvóTepos; +&ij\vs, eia, v; but fem. also ºf §7Avs. Tender-skinned, Tácepáxpos, otos, 6, #. To be tender, uáAäiciów, only act. To make tender ‘āīrāAúva. Tenderly, pax6&icós. Tenderness, ‘āīrāAótms, mtos, i. Atendon, ºf Tévov, ovtos, 6. See Sinew. A tendril, ºf Atá, icos, 6. A tenement, oilcos. See House. A tenet, 66&a. See Opinion. Tenor, the tenor of a man's life, Bíos, See Course, Meaning. Tension, Štátágus, eos, i. A.tºº, ornº, a knvíðtov; gºvels, Té; + k\iota, + ortéym; trepišoAal orcmwap drov, Eur. The gene. a'al's tent, otpātmyelov. Before the tent, i éirío'cmwos, ov. Under the tent, a knvås ‘ūravāos, Soph. The guard of a tent, alcmwoºpčAač, Škos, 6. To pitch a tent, live in a tent, etc., a knvów, only act.; oricnvéa, perf. pass. in the same sense ; 6tagic muéo; at a distance from each other, 5uagic muða. To bring into one tent, ovykāragic]uéa. To live in the same tent, ovakmvéa, only act.; ovaknvóa, Öpoorknváa. Living in the same tent, ovokmvos. A living in the same tent, Ögoatºmvia. One must pitch tents apart from each other, diagºnvm- Téov. Tentative, Teipao Tukós. Tepid, Sepués. See Warm. A term (esp. a technical term), Övoua, Tó. A term (of a proposition), Öpos. Terminable, if ſcărăAúaiuos. To terminate, Año (iſ, rarely 5 in the simple verb, Ö in compounds), ātāAöw; Toto, no perf act, no aor. 2., pass. and mid. not used in quite this sense; teNevtåø, c, acc., sometimes c. gen. See To end. To assist in terminating, ovvěta Ağa. * Termination, TéAos, Tó; Téppa, Tá; 8táAüorts, # ; lcatáAvais. See End. Terrestrial, x0óvios, a, ov, and os, ov; #y yelos, ov. See Earth. Terrible, beivös, poéepbs, ºppikóöms; #ictayAos, ov; oxérxios, a, ov, and + os, ov; faivés; +&Tó-ootos, ov; ºf aivoxapitäs; + šupoéos, ov; +’âtrečxeros, or (of calamities only); F &Tevittos, ov. Terrible in 423 Terribly—That mind, + Bxoovdéppov, ovos, Ö, h; to look at, i östvöſ, atros, 6, #. Very terrible, Távöelvos, ov. A sight too terrible to look at, Kpelo Gov &éapa Sepypad- Twy, Eur. Terribly, Četvös. - Terribleness, àelvörms, mTos, i. To terrify, poééo; €ictXfig ora, aor. 2. pass. -etAftymy and -etAëyny (only the latter in Trag.). See To jºrighten. Territory, territories, yata; oi Špot (lit. the boun- daries); Tà épia; + x6&v, ovos, h; i Tà éptopata. Terror, pó60s; 6é0s, to, no pl.; Seºua, T6. See Fear. Terse, givtop,0s, ov. See Short. Tersely, aived Tpappévos. A tertian fever, Tpitalos. A test, Băgăvos, ii; Sokiulov, f tekufiptov; +6láyva- Orls, m. h To test, Solciuá(w, 830 àviſo, trepicpotſw; +&icatów, in aor. 1. pass. See To try, To ea'amine. One must test, Bao'avioréov. To be tested, Bao'avio Téos. Testaceous, 60tpévos, Öatpákmpós. A testament, 6tá0íkm. See Will. A testator, 6tä0et%ip, fipos, 6. A tester (of a bed), okmvil. To testify, waptiſpéo; Ékpaptupéw, sometimes c. eis or Tpos and acc. of the judge, etc., before whom; triplap- Tupéo (see To witness); against, ſcătăuapriſpéa, c. gen. or c. prep., pass, either of the person testified against, or of the evidence given; besides, trpospap- Tüpéo, Tposótapaptupéa. To join in testifying, ovu- uaptiſpéo. Testimony, papripta, paptiptov, Ériuapriſpía; +pap- tipmua, T6. Testily, ÖvskóAws. Testiness, 8vskoxia. Testy, ŚāskoAos, ov. See Peevish, To be testy, Öuskoxaívo, only act., sometimes c. dat. of the cause. A tetrarchy, Tetpopxia. Texture, TAoich. Even teature, eúðūTAokia. Offine teature, ºf eitmvos, ov. Than, ?, [after adjectives in the compar. degree # is generally emitted, and the noun following put in the genitive caseſ. To thank, eúxãptotéa, c. dat. tröw, only act, in this sense. No. 1 thank you. Tratvá; yewvatos éi; káAós, esp. in To be thankful, 'üyā- , superl. KóAAto Ta, For I think I shall not be without thanks both from you and from all Greece, oluai yüp oik &xaplota's uot *šeiv, oùte Trpès àuðv, otte Tpos Tās ‘EAA&ö0s ātrāorms, Xen. Thankful, sixãpuatos, ov; sixápitos, ov. Thankless (i.e. ungrateful), 'éxãptatos, ov; (i.e. not earning thanks; as we say, a thankless office) +’áxãpis, gen, iros. To be thankless, 'éxãptotéa. Thanklessly, 'üxãpío Tws. Thanklessness, ’āxīptotia. Thanks, Xópts, itos, acc.ita and iv, i. Thank-offerings, xàplotſpua, Tá, Thgſ (i. e. in order that), ás, Širos, iva. [The general rule for all words of this sense is that laid down by DAWES,--that when they are preceded by a verb in a past tense, the verb which follows them is put in the optative mood; when the verb which precedes them is in the present or future tense, then the verb which fol- lows them is in the subjunctive. This rule is subject to some modifications, of which the principal are these:— sometimes the present is used for a past tense ; on the other hand, sometimes, though the first verb is in a past tense, yet the object aimed at is present or future. In these cases the mood of the second verb is regu- lated by the sense, not by the form of expression. Sometimes we find both subjunctive and optative fol- lowing “ that” in one sentence. In these cases the subj. denotes the immediate, the opt. the more remote object, as in Thuc.iii.22. The Plataeans held up torches Štras &aaqi Tô o'nuela. Täs (pp.victopias Toſs troXe- pitous fi, Ical pº 80mbolev, that the signs might be unin- telligible to the enemy, and that, consequently, they might not bring assistance. (See “Theatre of the Greeks”. on DAWES's Canon WI., ed. iv. p. 501-5. JELF., Gr. Gr, § 806.) ‘Os and Štra's are occasionally found with &v, iva never]. That, declaring a fact or reason, after verbs of telling, knowing, etc., 8t, c, indic, or c. opt.; &s, c, indic, ol opt.; † 6000uelca, usu, c. indic, sometimes c. opt, [After verbs of knowing, telling, etc., “that” is often omitted, the moun put in the accus. and the verb in the infin, as in Latin. It is also often rendered by a participle, as-I never repented that I had been silent, où6érote werepéAmoré uot giyāgavri, Plat,; and I am glad that you are prosperous, x&lpo Sé o’ eitvYoëvra. When this participle refers to the nominative case of the verb it is put in the nomina- tive:–But when she perceived that she was injured by her husband, étrel 5'5" &vôpos floºet’īātkmuévn, Eur.] See Gratitude. 424 That—Think That (after verbs of fearing), that not, piñ; Štos ph [according to DAWEs only with aor. 2. Or, where the metre will not allow this, with fut. indic.; but this rule is not invariable, for in the Trag. the aor. 1. is also found after Širos uí]. So that (either as a condition or a consequence), šote, c. indic, c. opt., c. &v and opt., or c. infin. (the indic. implies a more improbable consequence than the opt, see JELF, Gr. Gr. § 866). When an event is ex- pressed which is past happening, and therefore im- possible, és, 3Tws, or iva are used in the past tenses in the indic, when “so that” might be almost changed into “in which case:”—Why did you not take and slay me at once, so that I might never have shown myself to men 3 ti p' of Aagöv čićtelvas eū6üs, &s éðelša pºſitrote éuavTöv 'AvôpóTotot; Soph. It cannot be that I would (or will) say pleasant false- hoods, oùk éo 6’ 3ra's Aéaul Tă jetëm caää, AEsch. For it cannot be but that this is Orestes who is addressing me, où yöp a 6' 6tws 86' oik 'Opéatms écré' 6 Tpos- q,wvów éuë, Soph. That, pron. Škeſvos, il, Ö, and poet. (including Trag.) ' ' KELVOS, In that case, éiceſvos. Said he, that is, Socrates, 76' 6s, 6 ×wkpáTºms, Plat. Thatch (reed for), tºpopos. " To thaw, act. kåtåtñico. The, 6, often blended with its substantive by crasis, e.g. ô &vhp, *āvīp,-Too &vôpos, Tāvöpös, etc. A theatre, &éâtpov. Theatrical, &eóTpicós. A lessee of a theatre, ŠećTpotóAms, ov, 6. The price of admission to a theatre, tà &éopicá. Theft, RA0th; KAéupa, T6; KAwreſa. Their, orgérepos, ogos, ºf Šs. See His. A theme, ‘ūtró0egis, ii. See Subject. Themselves. See Himself. Then, (i. e. at that time) tºre, évraúða, Tnvitcaira (stronger than Tóre, Ellendt. Sometimes c. gen, as- at this time of summer, Tmvikaita toû &épous, Ar.), ë 3a; (i. e. next, after this, etc.) eita étrelta, f €v- Tej6ev, f Šv6ev, Févôsvöe. - Then (as in “Oh then,” “well then,” etc.), *āpa (never the first word in a sentence); Toivuv, oùv (never the first word in a sentence); ‘f viv, enclit. What then 2 Tí Šaí ; Xen. Now then, Tpos Taota. Thence, Śvēev, keiðev, airtó9ev; evtsi,6ev, often of the cause (in which way also Évêev is sometimes used). | A theory, 66')pa, Tó. There, ékeſ, Évêa, aitot, aité91; tſ, esp. in ti 88, answering to T; uév; + dā0i. Thereby, oùto and oitos. See So. Therefore, oùv, oikoúv; Toiyapotºv, T6; + Toiyap; Tpos Taita, Eur.; (in drawing conclusions) &pg. Happiness therefore is the best thing, àplotov Špa # eū6alpovía, Arist. Not therefore, oùkovv. Thereupon, êtreita. See Then. Thick, Tūkvös, Táxts, -ãrepos, etc.; Taptis, éta, w; Tappūs also fem.; (of anything in numbers, arrows, etc.; also of hair), no compar. Thickly, (i. e. in crowds) &ágivá; (i. e. in a thick mass) orteryavāos. To thicken, Täxjvo. A thickening, Táxvvais, eas, i. A thicket, Föpíos, T3, pl. Špia; +Aóxum; t Spüubs, pl. Ópüºol and Öpiad. Belonging to a thicket, AOxplaios, Like a thicket, Aoxuéðms. Thickness, Täxos, Tó; Tāxīrms, mTos, i. A thief, kxéttºms, ov, 6; KAël, wirós, ò; Amatºs, où, 6; Awtobürms, ov, 6 (prop. of clothes, then generally); ‘pop, papbs, 6; tºotreis. A band of thieves, Anotá. plov. Thievery, Amateia. See Robbery. Thievish, ētri"KAotos, ov; Apo Tikös, k\ettikós. Thievishness, Tô KAwTuków. A thigh, umpás; fuſipa, Tá; + p.mpta, Tá. The outer side of the thigh, 'üToyAovtis, ió0s, i. Belonging to the thighs, Wºlpiatos. Thin, Aettos, ioxvös, okåmſbpós; +’āpatos, &, ov, and ös, Öv; Tpix@6ms (of a weak voice). To make thin, ioxvaívo, Tápioxvaiva, Aertüva. To grow thin, Aertivouai, pass. Thinly, Aettàs. Thine, gés. See Your. A thing, Xpſiua, Tó; Tpāyua, Tó; + pyov; + Xpéos, to, only sing.; f pâtis, eas, i (i. e. a thing to be spoken of). To think, (consider. q. v.) woutſo; #7éouai, mid. c. perf. pass. in mid. Sense; (to be of opinion, etc.) oio- Hal, and in pres, and imperf. often oiual, &pmv, aor. 1. pass, in mid. Sense, ºftönv; āokéw, Šošá(w, kara- 3034%; (to think to do so and so, to intend, to ex- pect) voéo; Štavoéopal, mid., c. perf. pass. in mid. sense; t ppéSokal, mid, c. perf. and aor. 1. pass.; (to account a person to be such and such) vouí(w; 425 Thinking—Thousand ~~~ motéopal, mid.; † 6éxopal, mid., c. perf. pass. in mid. sense; (to be capable of thought) (ppovéo; besides, Tposóość; a ; beforehand, Tpoãočágo; ill of, cata- yi-yvágico, fut, -yvágopal, no aor. 1. act., aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. -ēyvaica, c, gen. That they might think of nothing but conquering the land, ôtros &Töyvoia fi Toi) &AAo ‘rt 3) Kpateſv Tàs yńs, Thuc. What can one think? Toi Tis ºppovtſäos éA0m ; Soph. To think anariously, #9 ºppovtíðt eipil, Xen. To be thought of beforehand, Tpoôokéopal, esp. in pluperf. pass. Tpovčeóðygmy. Bach thinks too highly of himself, Éicagºtos éiríTAeów Ti aúTöv č6óēga'ev, Thuc. One should think, voulotéov, Štavomtéov, jymtéov, oim- Téov, ºf vomtéov. To be thought, votuo Téos. Thinking (i.e. capable of thinking), vomtiſcós, òiavom- Tuicós, A thinker, 30&aaths, où, 6 (opp. to one who actually knows). Thinness, Aettótºms, mTOs, i. Third, Tpiros, +Tpitätos; +Tpitóa tropos, ov; ; Tpi. Taios, only of time (juépa, etc.). A third, tpitºluóptov ; Tputti's, Wos, ii (esp. of a tribe). Two-thirds, 600 poipal, Thuc.; 6üo pièpm, Thuc. Thirdsman, ºf Épeãpos. Thirdly, tpitals. In the third place, t& Tpiteia, Plat. Thirst, Öſpa; Štipos, Tó. To thirst (to be thirsty), Öljów, only act, c. gen., sometimes (metaph.) c. infin. Thirsty, Öliſmticós; † 6i/10s, a, ov, and 0s, ov. thirsty, ºf ’āölpos, ov. Thirteen, Tpiskałóeſca. The thirteenth, Tpuskatóékútos; Tpitos étrl 6éica, AFsch. Thirtieth, Tpiākootós. Thirty, Tptákovra, o, ai, Tà, indecl. The number thirty, a body of thirty, the thirtieth day of the month, etc., tpiákós, òos, i. The rule of the thirty tyrants at Athens, Tpiākout apxia. Thirty years old, lasting thirty years, etc., Tpualcovtae- Tils, 6, #, contr. -0.077s, etc.; fem. Tpualcovtaerls, töos, j, contr. —ovtus. Thirty thousand, t Tºtsuipios, usu, in pl. This, 36e, jöe, T66s, etc.; oëtos, airm, Totto; 6öl, more emphatic, more pointed than 666 (scarcely ad- missible in Trag.); so oëToai. Not This man here, Toij &vēpēs toūče, tº &vöpi (or Tāvāpi) Tööe, etc., not used in nom. sing. nor in dual or pl., Trag. On this, ºf Toiv6évôs; év Tóð’, Eur. diately. - A thistle, Fºlcav66. Thither, évtat,0a, Čketoſe, čv0a, airtóge, ºf ketore. The thole-pin, ºf alcoxgås. The thong by which oars were fastened to the thole-pin, Tpotrothp, fipos, 6. To fasten an oar to the thole-pin by the thong, t t porá. opal, mid., and in pass. to be fastened. A thong, ‘iuès, dutos, 6 (i in all derivatives and com- pounds); &yköAm. Like thongs, ‘iuavT&6ms. To fit thongs to, evayköAáa. A thorn, 'âlcáv0lov, f aſkóA0s. A thorn-bush (a sort of thorny or prickly shrub), ºf Tá- Aíovpos, iſ ; ; Śmxos, or a hedge made of, or a stick cut from. | Thorny, 'üſcav06öms, ’ākavömpös, Thorough, ÖA0s. Being a thoroughfare, adj. Aeopôpos, ov. Thoroughly, Tavtåx6s, 5tatavrös, Ötapirepés; eis Tê See Imme- Töv, Plat.; karð Távta, Xen. Thou, ori. See You. Though, cat ; Icaítep, usu. c. part.; #10s (after the word it qualifies, and usu, the last word of the sen- tence, usu, c. part, sometimes kal 690s, or ral el ôpos, c. indic, or iców Śpºws, c. subj.). See Although. Thought, vánua, Tó ; ppovirls, fö0s, iſ ; Śiśvoia, Évuota (esp. a thought); ppóvnua, Tó ; Śiśvāmua, T6. An after-thought, + &rivota. Thoughtful, trepuppovéov, ovoia, ov, etc.; ºppovt10 Ti- kós. See Anarious. To look thoughtful, reqpovticos &Aétro, Eur. Thoughtfully, ºppovtuaticós. - Thoughtless, (of persons) koúpos : + kovipóvoos, ov, contr. —vovs, ovy; 560000s, ov (of persons); t eikaios: (of actions or words) uáratos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Rash, Careless. Thoughtlessly, wiłrmv, eiich, FātpoéoùA@s. Thoughtlessness, &TpošovXia. See Carelessness. A thousand, xiàtol, also in sing. with a collective noun (e. g. a thousand cavalry, Xixia iTTos, Xen.). A thousand, a body of a thousand, the number, etc., + XIXiàs, #60s, h; of one thousand men, etc., x^10- otös, Öos, i. Thousandth, XIAlootós. 426 Thraldom—Throw Containing a thousand men, XIXſavôpos, ov. Of a thousand ships, txialovairms, ov, 6; txtAtóvavs veðs, 6, #. Lasting a thousand years, XIAtétms, ov, 6, or—ths, é0s, 6, i. Commander of a thousand men, XIAtapxos. Two thousand, Ötoxiàtol. Three thousand, Tptaxiàtol, ' etc. The three thousandth, Tpto xiàoatos, etc. Ten thousand, wipio and, with a collective moun, ºff- ploS. A number or body of ten thousand, etc., wipiès, #60s, ii; Avgtoatts, -ãos, i. Ten thousandth, puptootés. Ten thousand times, pupiāris. Twenty thousand, 6tsuiptol. Thraldom, SovXeta. See Slavery. To thrash, "àAodw, 'üträAoda ; +&aſva, in aor. 1. pass. A thrashing-floor, ‘āAws, ii, gem. &Aw, etc.; Śivos. Thrashing time, &Aomºrós. Not thrashed,”&Tpittos, ov. Thread, våga, Tá; 6tdumpia, kpókm ; othuwy, ovos, 6; ºf KAwa tºp, fipos, 6 ; + trivia'ua, Tó. With fine threads, ºf eiſuitos, ov. A threat, 'üIrel}\fi ; +’āTeſºmua, Tó. To threaten, 'üreixáo, c. dat. pers, c. acc. rei, or c. infim., often c. fut. infin, often c. acc. cognat, pass. of the person threatened ; 8taireuxéo, sometimes c. &s and fut. To threaten besides, érairetàéa, trposairetàéa. To threaten privily, to hint a threat, ‘ūtrāTelAéo, c. dat. To threaten any one with an information, sisay- 'yextav 'êvão eſco Tuvl, Dem. Since the Athenians were threatening Peloponnesus, Tów 'A0mvatov ćyketºvav IIexotrovvägg, Thuc. Olſ the dangers, some were threatening, and some actually present, T& pièv #weXAe Táv Óeivóv, T& 6’ #öm Tapfiv, Dem. Threatening, adj. &reixºticós. Three, Tpets, oi, ai, neut. Tpia, etc.; Tptogol, FTpí. poppoi; + rpić)0s, ov; +rphyovos, ov. See Triple. The number three, tpiès, #60s, i. Three times as great, three times greater, TpiTAágios, sometimes c. gen. In three ways, three parts, etc., Tptxà, tpixa. Three hundred, Tpuākāoriou. Three thousand, TpusXàtot. The three thousandth, TpusXIAtootás, A threshold, 839pov, Thrice, Tpts. Thrift, ſpelč6. Thriftily, *āöárávas. Thrifty, petówWös. To thrill (as a person thrills), ºf ºppío'ow, A thrill, ºppiki. To thrive, eúTpāyéw. See To flourish. The throat, a pāyī; Tpéxiàos, pl. T& TpéxmAa Aápvyč, vy'yos, 6; + påpuyê, ū'yos, i. ; ºf Aalpês ; Tvevuávay Staffoal, Eur. See Neck. Has anything gone down your throat? ºr Toy Adpvyya Öteicāvačé gov; Eur. A sore throat, 8páyxos. To have a sore throat, 8payxáo. To cut the throat, faixeuiça, c, acc. pers. Belonging to cutting the throat, t \alpóTogos, ov, both in act. and pass. sense ; ºf AaluóTumºros, ov, ! Gushing from the throat, ºf AalpópüTos, ov. To throb, trnāāa. See To palpitate. A throb, Tââmous, # ; # Thönua, Tó. Throe, 'éxos, T6. See Pain. A throne, Spóvos ; + dāAuo, Tá. With beautiful throne, ºf Aiträpä0povos, ov; ; effeópos, ov. Having many thrones, ‘i troutiñóðpovos, ov. A throng, KXóvos. See Crowd. To throng to a place, étifféal, rare except in pres, and imperf. act, but sometimes perf. Treffömica, and aor. 2. pass. Trefftºnv. To throttle, FTwiya. pass. Through, 6tó, c. acc. or c, gem.; (of time) kata, c. acc.; (i. e. in consequence of, as “through fear,” etc.) 5trö, To be throttled, Tpäxmxt{ougl, C. gen. Entirely through, 6taſtrépès, usu, sine cas., but some- times c. gen.; &utilºpi, usu. c. 816; 31&Taš ; (of time, etc.) 6t& TéAovs. Through fear of what ? Tívos pééov tuxoto a ; Eur. But I will admit to these men that a great deal is done at Athens through bribery, 'Eyð 6é Tottois àuoMo'yū- gap.” &v diro Xpmpidºtov troAA& 6tattpd Treo 6al "A0%- vmoriv, Xen. To throw, 8áAAw, no aor. 1, act., perf. 8ééAnka; Éitto ; imput, imperf inv and lovy, sometimes & dat. of what is thrown, c. gen. of the object at which, or c. Éirl and dat., etc.; Tpoinul, more frequently in mid.; filtréal, only pres, and imperf. act, and pass.; filtrºtáço; away, 'épinul, imperſ, hºtovy and piny; ſpotººs (esp. of advantages, opportunities, etc.); ’āTočáAAa, (also as we say a thing is thrown away when it is 427 Throw—Ticklish sold cheap); at, Šušćaxa, c. dat.; down, petro, perſ, pass, piplºua, usu, in pass, or intrans, sense to be thrown down (i. e. to fall), in act. esp. of throw- ing down walls, etc.; KátášáAAw ; (of throwing down a person) or pååAw ; down besides, étucataffittéo ; down and scatter about, Staffſtro, Staffittéo, +6la- o palpiſa ; down over a precipice, kātākpmuuíſo : down on the ground, trposovëiſo, sometimes c. dat. of the ground, only act.; down carelessly, tº XüTAáço; down or off (as a horse throws his rider), 'êtrogeiopal, mid. (also metaph. of a person throwing off grief, etc.); éktpäxmAtça, ’āvášáAAw, ºf ’āvāxaltiſw; down (as one wrestler throws another), ºf trapao Topévviſui, fut. –0Topó, also -0Tpdºorw, To be thrown down (from a horse), kātākūAtvöouai, pass.; before or to, FirpoéâAAw; beside, by the side of, TräpäääAAw, c. dat, or c. eis and acc.; in, Évinul, c, dat. of that into which, or c, eis and acc.; eiséâAAw; in besides, ‘i éireiséâAAw; against Öesides, t éireſ,éâAAw, c. dat.; off, ºf ékptirta, ; (bad habits) &rotidepal, mid.; oneself forward, ékküélotów —(head first on the ground, és kpóta Tpos yńv, or— a summerset over a thing, Šick. Tép Tivos); oneself on, ériffittw, intrans., sine cas, or c, dat.; oneself into a place, inſt éuavrov čs, c. acc., Xen.; ŚuéáAAw, c. 6s and acc. To throw (a person) into (perplexity, laughter, etc.), áušáAAw, c, acc. of the feeling, dat. pers. To throw over a person (a garment which shall cover him like a tent), F Trapaaknvów. To throw round, TepišáAAw, c, gen, or c, dat, or c. gem, acc., also -opal, mid., c, perf. pass. (of throwing clothes, etc., round oneself); + šupið4AAw (esp. of throwing one's arms round a person), c. acc. of the arms, dat. pers, also c. acc, pers., dat. of the arms; ºf trepittào- ow, rare in perf. To throw up, &vaÉÉittéa, only pres. and imperf.; ’āvāéáAAw; up besides, trposává- 8áNAw ; upon, êtrièáAAw, c, dat, or c. Éti and acc. To be thrown back (as the head of a person asleep), + širtidºoſal, pass. From whence she shall be thrown down the precipice (lit. a rocky leap), 80ew tre+palov &Aua Suoſicev6%getat, Eur. Throwing myself down before the gale, Tpºs TüAm Tapeſo' wavrºv, Soph. Ready to throw (a javelin), SimºylºvXiogévos (lit. having one’s hand in the thong of). One must throw away, Tpoetéov. One must throw back (oneself, etc.), Öttigotéov. A throw, 80Aft; Éthis, jj; peois; +8Añuo, Tó; away, &Troéoxã; trpóeoris, eas, ii; +&iroXakriouás; down and scattering, 6táššups; out or overboard, éké0Añ. Anything thrown, #8éAos, T6. Anything thrown out, fékéoAft. Anything thrown from, Stoichua, Té. Apt to throw away, 'êtrošoxiuatos, ov, c. gen. Thrown, Firaxtos, + šttribs (sc. Auðpos, i. e. death by being thrown). Thrown to, +TpóšAmtos, ov, c. dat. Thrown violently (as stones), kpótaí80A0s, ov. Calculated to throw down, kātāéAntikös, c. gen. A thrush, kixAm, FrixáAm. t To thrust, 3660, fut. 30%a'a, and &ga, other tenses from this last form; (a weapon against) ºf éâlcovtića, c. Tpos and acc. of the object; through, + štátreſpo, c. gen.; FöteXaiva, fut.-exãow; +6linul, c. gen, some- times c. gem, acc.; away imperceptibly, Široirápa,0éa. A thrusting, &ots, eas, i. A thump, ºf Tippa, T6. See Blow, To thump, kpotſw. See To strike. Thunder, 8povtå; + 8póvtmua, āros, Tó. To thunder, 8povtåw, only act.; #ktütréal, aor. 2 êictitrov. A thunderbolt, repavvös, arcmirtós; kepavvoi BéAos Tö, Soph.; cepačviot BoAal, AEsch. f A thunder-storm, Tpmatºp, fipos, 6. Oſ, or belonging to, a thunderbolt, i kepatºvios, a, ov and os, ov; ºf Icepavvopańs. Thundering, ºf 8&püépeptérms; + Icepavvo.66%0s, ov. To strike with a thunderöolt, ºf ovykepavvów. © Struck by a thunderbolt, Épépôvrntos, épépovtnflets; + Icepatºvios, a, ov, and os, ov. Not struck by a thunderbolt, it'éképavvos, ov. Thus, 36e; oitos, and before a cons. otºrw; Tibe, ºf TaüTh; i ös, after an account of what has been done or said, used also in prose with conjunctions où6è, uměč, etc. To thwart, Épitroëí(a. Thy, orós. See Your. Thyme, F&üuos, + airiuéptov. A wild or creeping thyme, f €pirvâAos. A thyrsus, ºf Šiporos; i vápômé, mkos, 6. - Having, bearing, rejoicing in the thyrsus, vapômicopópos, ov; ; eiðupgos, ov; +&vparoq6pos, ov. Making mad with the thyrsus, fºupa'opévís. To bear or brandish a thyrsus, fºupgoſpopéo, only act. A tiara, Tlápa. Like a tiara, Tugpoetēſis. A ticket, oùuéoãov. To tickle, yap'yūAíča"; itvá0, TpoyapyäAfgo. Tickling, kvåg is, h; i kvioubs, fºyapyäAtop:0s. Ticklish, ÖvsydpyäAos, ov. See To hinder. º aor. 2. čicvmw; beforehand, 428 Tide—Time The tide, 6tau}\0s kupićtav, Eur. Tidily, kā%píos. Tidiness, kā0ápiótºms, mºros, j. To tie, 6éw, fut. Öſiga, perf. 6éðeica, etc. A tier, a Tixos. See Row. A tiger, Tºypus, tos, Ö, i. Tight (as a, noose), ºf éirío Taatos, ov; (of anything preserved close) origirijkvos, ov; Gºvtovos, ov; (so that nothing can escape through) a telyāvós. To be tight (so that nothing can get through, otéyo, sometimes c. acc. of what is kept in or out, also mid., no pass. To tighten, tetvo, övtetva, ovyteiva; Štriotăw, fut. See To bºnd. -girãow. Tightness, étréois, j. A tile, ſcépáuos; kepauls, 780s and 80s, i. A tile-maker, kepāuets. See Potter. To tile, Icepäuðw, in pass. Till, Kéxpt and Méxpts, c. gen, also c. subj, or opt.; wéxpt évraúða, c. gen.; Éas, c. indic. of a certain event, c. subj. with or without &v of an uncertain event, c. opt. of time past, sometimes c. gen.; uéxpt and éa's are sometimes united, as—till such a time as, péxpt točTov or Tooroútov, Éws, &v; €astrep; Tplv, also Tpiv Ye, c. indic, pres, more usu. c. indic, fut., often c. indic, aor. or c. aor. subj., also trplv &v or Tpív y” ôt’ &v, or (in Trag.) Tplv (&v being omitted) c. subj., also c. opt., esp. if the preceding clause contains a negative, very often c. infin, (infin. aor. more usu. than pres, or perf), also trply 8% (in Thuc.); ste, c. indic. in reference to the past, c. subj. in reference to the future, in which case we often find §st’ &v in an ob- lique sentence c. opt. (rare). Till then, ºf Téas. Till they returned, év Ša q &v TáAlv čAffa'al, Thuc. To till, yeapyéa : épyágopal, mid., perf. pass, eſp- yaquat, in act. and pass. sense, also fut. pyggðfloro- Mat, in pass, sense; carépyáſoſial; +ymirovéo, only act. To till previously, Tpoepyāšouai. See To cul- tivate. -> Tillable, épyägiuos, ov. Well tilled, eiſepºyos, ov. Tilled land, ye&pympia, T6; yewpyta. Tillage, épyāota, śirepºyagta (also right of tillage), 'yewpyta. Cſ, or belonging to, tillage, yeop yikós. A tiller (of the land), yeapºyás. See Farmer. A tilt (of a waggon), akmuñ. Timber, ššAov, ‘ūAm. Crooked timber (for ship-build- ing), Topveia, |Made of timber, §Aivos, ãotpelos, +80%ptos, f $opt- Trā') ſis. See Wooden. To carry timber, {{xt{opal, mid.; ŚAnyéo, only act. Time, xpóvos. The proper time (to do anything), Icalpös, f'&iquí. The time of day, &pg. The time (or era when any one lived, etc), Nikia; in music, Éij996s; (i.e. leisure) o XoAft. The time allowed to a speaker in the assembly (measured by a water-glass), Tö iſoap. The appointed time, trpoffeopfg; to kūpubv, AEsch.; köptov TéAos, AEsch. To the present time, eis thu viv (30ay #Alicígy, Dem. Before our time, Tpö täs #pletépas àAlicígs, Dinarch. - Lapse of time, TAfiðos xpóvov, Thuc. There is time, éyxope?; Xpóvos éyxa pet, Xen.; Té #69p &yxopel (in the case of an orator), Dem. If I could spare time, et u0, Tapeikoi, Soph. It would take a long time to tell, Ölatpiéh ToàA3) Aé. 'yev, Eur. , , You have no time for false modesty, oùk év aioxium ra oº, Eur. It is time to lay hold of the images of the Gods, &iquées Bpetéav čxed 0&l, AEsch. We are in a situation in which it is not any longer the season to delay, but it is time to act, Kafféo Tapaev "It' oùkét éicveſv Kalpös, &AA’ p'you &iqu%), Soph. But it is no time to be silent when one is in misfortune. quotis 6' oióēv épyov čv kakoſs, Eur. If they have time before they die, éâu pôāgagi Tply &roðavelv, Antipho. Missing the being in time by about forty stadia, &rog X&p Teggapáicopta ud Alata o Tañíovs pº) (p640 at éx0&y Thuc. Attica down to the time of Theseus was inhabited . . . ) *Artilº às Omgág &keſto... Thuc. And to show that they ought not to decide hastily cow- cerning the whole matter, but that they should take time to deliberate, 5mAógal 6*, repi Toi Tavros &s oë Taxéa's airo’s BovXevtéov eth, &AA’ v TAéovt oriter- Téov, Thuc. Of, or belonging to, time (esp. after a long time, or for a long time), Xpóvlos, a, ov, and os, ov. In time, caipios, + &rcuaſos. See Seasonable. In time, adv., eitaipos, + ſcalpíos. In time (of music), šupiðuos, ov; eiſpiituos, ov. Beyond the time for, Försphaepos, ov, c. gem. Out of time (of music), Tăpăpătuos, ov. Out of time, adv, ü'000s. To be in time, étrº &kpils eiut. &kpºv ćpxopal, Eur. To come in time, eis 429 Time-honoured—Toad To be the time (for doing so and so), ‘t’āicuá(w. In the time of, Éirl, c. gen.; Katë, c. acc.; inro, c. acc. For a time, réas, often as Teos. Having been now gone some time he is not come back, xpóvov yap #5m ſppoi)60s &v, où paivetal, Eur. At any time, štroTeotiv. From time to time, whoever might be king from time to time, 6 &el BāortNets, etc. At this time, at this or that very time, Tmuilcatra, some- times c, gen. See Now, Then. At this time to-morrow, aiptov Tºwircáðe. At one time, answered by at another time, &WAore . . . answered by &AAote, etc.; more usu. &AAote ºv. . . #AAote Šē, etc.; sometimes Tóte . . . &AAote 35, Soph.; or Táte . . . &AAote, Soph.; Tôte wºu . . . &AAote Sè, Soph.; &AAore pºèv... t&re 68, Xen.; sometimes the first &AAote is altogether omitted, as —but I lie at one time on the shore, at another on the surf, iceºuat 6' ét’ &ctats, &AAot’ &v Tóvrov adaq, Eur.; often also Šte wºu ... Šte 68, Xen., etc. For he goes at different lines different ways, Épire Yöp &AAot’ &AAav, Soph. He thought at one time that he was slaying the two Atridae with his own hand as he held them, and at different times different people, káčáket pév ča 6' 5te 5urgot's 'Arpetàas airóxelp kretvely Éxov, Št’ &AAot' &AAov, Soph. After a long time, ixpóvia; Šv Makpá (pNoyi paegºpópº, Eur. See Late. One who exceeds his time, intepfluepos, ov, To spend time, ŠišTpiso, usu. sine cas, of the time, but sometimes c. acc., c. Šv or étrº and dat, or c. Tepi and acc. of the object, often c. part. of what one was doing. One must spend time, 6tatputtéov. A consumption or expenditure of time, 6tärpiéfi. He took up a great deal of time, 6tatpuśńv ToxNºv étroímorev, AEschin. To waste time, tTpulmuepéo, only act. Time-honoured, ºf &px&torpeträs. Timely, Katpuos. See Seasonable. Timid, timorous, poéepos, pâAákós, òicvmpos, pax6ā- kös, ºf tapéðaivos. See Fearful. To become timid, ŠirouáAäkiſoual, pass. Timidity, pó60s; 6éos, Tó; Öicvos. See Fear. Timidly, Teq,06muévals. Tin, kaolo frepos. Tincture, Xpápa, Tó. A time (of a horn), † otépôvyč, vy'yos, i. To tinge, xpé@; +xpotí(ouai, mid. See To dye. Tinged with, icolvæðels, c. dat. Slightly tinged, étrices Xpoapávos, c. dat. To tingle (as one’s ears), f Bouééo, only act. Tiny, pikpós, or outiqós. See Little. A tip, i'itepoxfi. To tipple, Tivo, fut. Tíouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2., áirtov, perf. Tétoica. See To drink. - A tippler, pixotrórms, ov, 6. Tippling, pixotoria. Tipsy, i 'Ākpo6&pač, ćicos, Drunk. On tiptoe (with expectation), Öp?ós; uetéwpos, ov; + 6p66 ppov, ovos, 6, #. The tire (of a wheel), ‘Féiríggarpov. To tire, káirtw. See To fatigue. To be tired, ſcdºva, fut. Rápotºval, no aor. 1., aor. 2. êicăuov, perf. Kékºmica, part, sync. icekſam&s, gen, ôtos, often c. part. of what one is doing, sometimes c. dat.; &reipmica, no other tenses in this sense, c, dat. or c. 5th and gen, sometimes c. part. - Tired of (i.e. sated), 6táretàmapévos, c. gen. Pery tired, üTépkotos, ov. Rather tired, üTókotos, ov. Tiresome, popticós. In a tiresome manner, popticós. A tit, aiyidańA0s and alytööAos, i. Tithe, étiãéicatos, ov. Not tithed, 'übekåtevtos, ov. A title, Tposmºyopia. Title deeds, BeSatágets, ai. A titmouse, a truſirms, ov, 6. A tittle, ottypañ. To, eis or és, c. acc.; Topč, c, acc.; Tpbs, c. acc., as taking to one's bosom ; throwing to the ground ;-in addition to, c, dat.; Éirl, c. gen, or c. acc.; &s, c. acc., when the object is a person, or a thing when a person is implied in it; (i. e. tending to) Tpos, c. gen., e.g.—these things are not to your honour, G Lacedæmonians, où Tpos Tās Šuerépas 66&ns, Aaice. 3alpóviol, Táðe, Thuc. To (in point of time) és of eis, c. acc.; ſtáxpt, or uéxpts, c. gen. See Till. To-it is a piece of great folly to think ..., troXAïs eimõeſas, Östis oletal ..., Thuc.,-for to obey the laws well preserves the cities of men, to ydp to ovvéxov &v0p6trov tróAets toūr” a 6", 8tav Tis Toys 6; +oivotAávntos, ov. See vánovs 0.6%) ſcaR&s, Eur. Tinder, tripeſa, Tâ (bits of wood to rub against one And I know not what to say, oiâ’ #xa Ti (pó, AEsch. another so as to strike a light). A toad, ppāvm, ppüvos. 430 Toast—Top Like a toad, ºppvvoetóñs. Calcher of toads, ppuvox6)0s, ov. To toast, it’āqetw. To-day, a fuepov, ‘i Tàpiepa; Tāā’éu juépg, Eur. A toe, 6dictix0s. (Standing) on tiptoe, Śvēxas it "ákpovs, and eis &cpovs Tois àvvyas, Eur. Together, adv. čua, Öuot, sometimes also c. dat. of that together with which ; † 6paptă. Together with, ov, also esp. in Att. §v, c, dat. With. Together, adj. 'â0p60s; +&0AA}s (only of people). Going together, ŠuokéAevdos, ov. The arrival of people coming together, icolvóTovs Tápov- Jía, Soph. To be together, or together with, oivelut (–eival), c, dat.; égiXéo, only act, or c. dat.; † atykeuai, fut. -ketoo- gal, c. dat. To go together, f ŠuapTéa, only act, company, To toil, Tovéo; pox6éa, only act, Toil, Tóvos. See Labour. Toils (nets, q.v.), śpiews, vos, i, usu. pl.: 3pxvotárm p.mxavh, Eur, Death amid the toils, &picvarátm Tnuovº, AEsch. The man is in our toils, ‘āvīp eis 86Aov cabiatatgt, Eur. To be coming into, likely to fall into the toils, eis BóAov épxopal, Eur. Toilsome, ‘I wo'yepôs. See Laborious. A token, a juéoAov, a muetov. Showing us a token of what the city will suffer, pépav ‘Tiróvouav juiv Gia Teigeral tróAts, Eur. Tolerable, "åvektös, Öv, usu, c. neg.; Métpuos, g, ov, and os, ov; oiotos, +&vaaxeros, +&vekté0s; Feito. pºros, Šv; +tAntós; eiéâataktos, ov. Tolerably, &vektós; (in such phrases as “tolerably sweet,” etc.) étraelicós. A toll (at a turnpike), ŠtúrûAtov. A tomb, 'Tápos; i.vijua, Té; a figa, Tó; Túušos (rare in pr.); uvnºetov; (a barrow) āpuoy; Orikos Tápov, Eur. To raise or build a tomb, Xóvvvut (Táºpov). To raise an empty tomb, ºf icevotáſpéo, c. acc. of the person in whose honour. At a tomb, + širitúušios, ov; +éirituušíðuos, Poured on the tomb, ºf Tvu66x00s, ov. To rob a tomb, Tupéopüxéo, only act. One who robs a tomb, Tupéépüxos. A tombstone, ortiºn; Tômua, T6. See See To ac- See To labour. To-morrow, aiptov, adv., and often ä aiptov (subaud. , juépa); also j, pºéAAova’a aiptov, Eur.; 6 aiptov Xpóvos, Eur.; Tô is aiptov, Soph.; † at p. or à és Gip. huépa, Soph. Xen. To-morrow morning, aiptov Tpot, Xen. The day after to-morrow, 'i čvils; eis Évºv, Ar.; aſ plow Tij čum, Antipho. Tone, Tóvos. r Of various tones, toxixophos, ov; troxvappāvios, ov; troAtqovos, ov. - The tongue, YAóroſa; of land, ºf Kéoxos (see Pro- montory); of a balance, a Tóptuov. To put out the tongue (as snakes), FAX!dopal, mid. Tongue-shaped, yMoggetöffs. Uttered by a bitter tongue, TikpóyAwaroos, ov. One who lives by his tongue, ºf éyyāwoooyáo Tap, opos, 6. Tonsils, Töpforðuta, Tá. Too, too much, etc., áyov, ºf Ai’av, f Treptoro.d.; +trépa (of speaking too much, etc.); påAAov toº 6éovtos, Plat. Too great for, too quick for, etc. etc., weigov, Šágoſov, or any other compar., c. 3) or c. Katë and acc. They perceived that he had too little power to be able to assist his friends, jo'0outo airtov čA&tta, 80yapur éxovta à èate toºs pixovs & pewelv, Xen. Too great, or good, or bad, or anything, ºf treptoroids. Too (= also, q.v.), ſcaí. Aye, and many too, ſcal ToàAot ye, Plat. A tool, a ketos, to, usu. in pl. A tooth, Ööots, évros, 6. A back tooth, youpíos. A dog tooth, küvóóovs. The wise teeth, oi kpavtſipes. The teeth which show a horse's age, oi yuáuoves. To cut teeth, 35ovroſpvéa, only act. With one's teeth (to take hold, etc.) +553. With Sharp teeth, Kapyäpóðovs, ouros 6, #. With teeth (like a saw), xúpaktós. To furnish with teeth (like a saw), xàpdoorw. To take (the bit) between their teeth (as a runaway horse), €vöä'Kvo, fut. -ējišouai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. –éöákov, perf. —öéômxa, etc. To have the toothache, 360VTaxyéa, only act. Toothless, 'évööovs, ovtos, 6, #; + vočás. A top (to spin), otpášixos, + šáušos ; 8éušić, Ikos, i. The top, ſcopiºpſi; + képupéos, pl. répupéa, Tá; + &ré- pa, Tô (of a tower). The flat top (of anything), +TA&#, TAğkös, j. Turnp- tops, Šápávišov puxAéïa, Ar. 431 Topmost—Touchstone From top to bottom (to destroy, etc.), + kär" "dºpas. Of, or belonging to, a top, kopi paios. *. On the top, adj. TritóAatos, ov. On the top of éiritroxfis, sometimes c. gen. To cut the top (of anything), 'ünpot opéw. Topmost, f itéptáros. See Highest. A toper, f pixotórns, ov, 6. \ A topic, Tótos, Toticóv. See Subject. A torch, bats, toos, ii, Att. §§60s, etc. usu. in pl.: Aoptès, #60s, h; Aapthp, fipos, 6; + Teikm; +Tup. obs, pl.: T& Tupoº, + 6&Aós; (as a signal) pp.victós. Like a torch, ºf trupo 66ms. Of, or belonging to, torches, F Trevichels. To carry torches, tº Tuppopéa, only act.; † 63.50wzéo, only act. Carrying torches, 63600x0s, ov; +\apitáðmpôpos, ov; + Aquiráð00x0s, ov; + pasſpápos, ov; in both hands, āppäriſpos, ov. A procession of torches, ‘i pāvī, in pl. To torment, AUTéo; 6&Kvæ, fut. Śāčouai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. čákov, perf. 8éömxa, etc. etc.; icevréa. See To pain, To torture. Tormenting the mind, i öäké0ūgos, ov; + 8m;íðugos, Opſ. Torpid, vapkóðms. To be torpid, vapitão, only act.; kápéouai, pass.; éčap- 'yea', only act. To remain torpid (all through the winter, etc.), Ötövapiców. To lie torpid in a hole, ‘poweta, only act. Torpor, väpicn. A torrent, Xelpdfiftovs, sometimes as adj.; Étaš, Škos, 6 (not necessarily of water, also of lava); + kpovvös (metaph. of words). The bed of a torrent, Xäpääpa. Torrid, &eppés. See Hot. A tortoise, xexóvn (also an engine of war so called). A water tortoise, éubs, iſos, i. Tortoise-shell, xeKövetov, or —viov. Tortuous, éAiktós. See Crooked. Torture (i. e. great pain), Ööövm. See Pain. The torture, Bāgāvos, i. r See On. 7]. To torture (i. e. put to the torture), a TpeśAów, 8ta- otpegåów, Tpoxſw, Băgăviſo; 'évášišáço (tiva) étrº Töv Tpoxbv, Andoc. To be put to the torture, éml Töv Tpoxöv čvaéatva', Antiph. ; Śirl too Tpox00 otpegAéopal, Dem. ; ka- Tateivouat Širo Tis Bāgāvov, Dem. One must put to the torture, 3ao'avtotéov. To confess under torture, éic Bao divov eitov, Isae. A torturer, Bāorávio.ths, ot, 6. - To toss, act., Étirta); + deto (of tossing one’s head, and in pass. to be tossed as a ship in a storm). To toss the head, icepovtido (of one who gives himself airs); €kveta, ’āva, Xen. To toss about, intrans., (as people in sleep or sickness) + filtrá(ogal, pass.; (as a ship in a storm) géAéva, only act.; +qtpoééopal, pass. ; treepotiſtréopal, pass. only in pres. ; ; popéopal, pass. To be tossed about on (the sea), ávalopéopal, pass. c. dat. Tossing of or in the sea, ordà0s. Total, ŠAos; Tās, Tåga, Tāv, travtos, etc.; neut. also -āv; +Tpórás, -irão'o, -tráv. Whole. Totally, Távtas, travtexós. See Altogether. To totter, Făuţw, -ãow, only act. Tottering, † a páAspös; Tpoxfixátos, ou (of the foot of an old man). To touch, &lrtouai, only mid. in this sense, c. gen. ; épártouai, c. gen.; TposáTropat; haüo, c. gen, very rarely c. dat. c. acc. only when to touch upon = to speak of, very rare except in act.; Éttilata, c. acc. or c. gem. ; +Tposipato, c. dat. ; Śiyyāva, fut. Šišoua, aor. 2. č0i)ov, no other tenses except imperf., only act, c. gen. (not so strong as & Tropat); # Tpostly- 'yávo. To touch on the surface, étrâqâw; (with grief, etc., or as grief touches) käffikvéopal, fut. -ičopat, no aor. 1, aor. 2, -lkówmv, c. acc. in poet, in prose more usu. c. gen. To touch on (speaking), šplkvéo- pal. To touch lightly, trapayato. To touch at the same time, ovpayato, ovutpostpato. To touch at (as a ship at a port, etc.), Tposéxw, and pres. Tpostoxa, esp. in aor. 2. Tposéoxov, sometimes c. waiv, but more usu, without, c. És and acc. or c. dat, of the place where, sometimes even c. acc. of the place; Tposſpépopal, pass, no perf, aor. 1. -mvéxönv, c. És and acc. See To put in. This fortune, you see, does not touch old men, oùk eis 'yepovras #5s got teſvei Täxm, Eur. Touching at Malea, MáAég trposíazov tpd pay, Eur. Not touching, not having touched, + šikavotos, c. gen. Touch, ‘āq)?), širāq.f, t eisdºpaapa, Tó. A place for ships to touch at, trposé0X3), c. gem. of the ships. For that theirs was a place where they touched on the voyage to Sicily, Św rposéoxfi yüp eival airtois rās Xukextas, Thuc. A touchstone, Bāorévos, h; Atºos, i. The application of the touchstone, trposéoxii. a pºtas, See All, 432 Tough—Trained Tough, okxmpós. See Hard. Toughness, orkampórms, mros, i. Tow, atürétov. To tow, ÉAko, fut. Akërw, etc.; + péAkw. To be towed, &rb káAq, TAéa, Thuc. To be towed by, âtrö káAw träpätraéw, Thuc. Towards, prep, eis or és c. acc., áirl, c. gen, more usu. c. acc.; ºrphs, c, gen, sometimes c. dat, most usually c. acc.; &s, when the object is a person, or sometimes of a thing where a person is implied, c. acc. And ºf the wind had blown towards it, Tvetuá Te ei éyéveto airfi éirt popov, Thuc. A towel, 'i Yeupóuaict pov. A tower, Túpyos, Tupyiólov; Túpots, h; uéravu, üvos, ð (esp. of wood). A watch-tower, treptoirá. The towers surrounding a city, greqāvm Túpywy, Eur.; Túpywy a tepēvoua, Soph. Of, or belonging to, a tower, like a tower, strong as a tower, i trčpyivos, +Tupy&öms. Like a tower, ‘Févrt. Tup'yos, ov. Having towers, ºf trupyóris, ió0s, ii, only fem. With good towers, + etrupyos, ov; + Ka8Afrupyos, ov; + Ka8Airſpywros, ov. Having no towers, támupyos, 01/. Having seven towers, ārrātupyos, ov. To fortify with towers, Tupyöw. To build high like a tower, ‘F trupyów. The guard of a tower, tirupyopiaağ, alcos, 6. To attack a tower, trup'yopiaxéa, only act. Destroying towers, † trup'yočátktos, ov. The space between towers, petárúpylov. A town, Tóxis, eas, #. See City. A town-clerk, or town-crier, Ömuðortos. A town-house (or Guildhall), trpūrāveſov, &pxeſov, A toy, +’áðuppa, Tó. To toy, traigo, fut. Taíčouai, but aor. 1. &matora, no perf act., perf. pass. Trétratogal. A trace, (in harness) Aéračvov. A trace or track, (of anything) "ixvos, + replypāq'ſ ; (of anything dragged along) 6Akbs, orvpués; Éirfrvpua, tá; (of an animal) trópos. To trace or track, (generally) 'ixveto, Fél- Xveūw, térpaoreña, ; (as hounds do) ééetNAw, only pres. act,; ºf otétéo, and -opal, mid. no pass., only pres. and imperf.; (as a pedigree)—so 'üvăţápa, fut. —otorw, aor. 1. —five yica, aor. 2. —fivelykov, no perf. act, aor. 1. pass. -mvéx0mv ; yewed Aoyéa (thu ovy- 'yāvelav), Xen. To trace back (in making a state- ment, so as to repeat from the beginning), irpoxau- Sãva, fut. —Aft}opal, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2, -éââšov, perf. pass. -eſamugal, etc. To be on the track of * + Máreio, c. acc. To examine the traces of +'ixvo a koréa, only act.; téâtzvogrotréa. - - To trace upfrom its source, rêveul (-iéval). A tracing (lines for a copy), 'üpffymais, eas, i. A tracking, ‘ixveta; ixvévois, i. Tractable, eúðywyös, Öv; eijävlos, ov; kāpivos. Tractability, eúčywyía. A trade, épyāoria, &AAäyń ; (of handicraft) Téxum xelpoupyia, +xelpovačia. r Trade, i, xpmuárioticſ. Belonging to trade, xpmuáriotikás. To trade, épy&ſopal, mid., c. perf. pass, in act, or in pass. sense ; in a petty way, + kärmäetw, only act, sometimes c. acc. of the subject. A trader, xpmuáriaths, où, 6. A petty trader, Kärn- Aos, fem. I kámAts, ió0s, i. - Of the same trade with, Ögötexvos, 5, ii, c. dat. Of, or belonging to, or suited to, a petty knavish trader, kärmäikos, katºevticós. Tradition, Täpääoris, eas, i. A tradition, or a traditionary custom, Täpääox#. Whom we know of by tradition, &v &koff fouev, Thuc. Traditionary, Tapašešopévos. To traduce, 6tášáAAw, no adr. 1., perf. -éééAmka See To slander. - Traffic, Šutropla, uétáš0Xà. To traffic, čutroAda, sometimes c. acc. of what is . gained by traffic ; MetášáAAopal, mid, no aor. 1. ; Xpmuátígopal, c. perf. pass. in act. sense; t keptaiva, (esp. with profit); with a person, êvaAAágorouai, pass. c. dat. - A trafficker, éutropos. A tragedian (i. e. a writer of tragedies), Tpáygö0- troubs, rpáygö06tāāakāAos; (or an actor) Tpáygöós. Tragedy, Tpáygöta. To act a tragedy, to represent in a tragedy, Tpayq'6éo. in pass. “to be celebrated in tragedy.” Tragic, Tpáyicos, Tpaypôicós. Tragically, tpāyilcós. Unsuited to tragedy,’ātpāygāos, ov. To trail, épéxico, fut. —exicăaw, etc. To train, Yvºváço, &okéw, éčagicéo ; Śiśāorica, -ëa, sometimes c. gem, acc. (e. g.—to train one to be a horseman, Ötödorica, Tuvè ittréa, etc.), cataokevágo ; troºoºopivéw (prop. of horses, but metaph. of persons), Tatēotpišéa, c. infin, of what a person is to be. To train beforehand, irpoarkéw. See To teach. Trained (of a horse), t'yvºlvös, dö0s, 6, #. FF 433 Trainer—Transposition A trainer (esp. for wrestling, etc.), Tatēotpiéns, ov, 5; (in the gymnastic schools) Yvºlvagths, où, 6 ; ’āAeſirtms, ov, 6. - Training, &gicnois, h; 6taróvnºwa, Tó. A training-ground, tà itókpora Yvºyéria, Eur, The art of training, Tatēotpišikh. Like a trainer, ºf Tatēotpišicas. A traitor, Trpočátms, ov, 6; fem. ‘f trpoëötis, ió0s, 7. A trammel, &picvs, vos, i, usu, pl. See Net. To trammel, épatrošíſo, The tramp (of feet), tiros. To trample on, Tátéo; kátáTâréal, sometimes metaph. on oaths, etc.; ovutrátéo, Aaic rigo; + káðittréouai, mid., no pass. ; +ică01TIreto, only act.; † 67tepéatva', fut. —8%gopal, aor. 2. —éémy, perf -8éémica (esp. by way of insult), c. dat, or c. cató and gen. Trampled on, +Aaštátnros, ov. A trampling on, i Târmoués; +\dictiopa, Tó. A trance, Śvetpov. See Dream. Tranquil, #oixus, ov, compar. -órepos, more usu. ’ā00püémros, ov; Fetſicn80s, ov; 'F'égé'Aevtos, ov; +’āyúpavaotos, ov; (i. e. free from: sorrow) āAüiros, ov; +’āAürntos, ov. See Quiet. To be tranquil, eúðið (opal, mid.; ºf eibuda, only act. ; ‘Feijów, fut, eúðflow, no aor. 1., nor perf. To tranquillise, Fémuspów. See To quiet. Tranquillity, eúðia, joixſa, Tranquilly, joixos, superl, -attata; (i. e. free from grief) ‘āAjira's. To transact, Tpdago, -ëa, perf. Tétrpäxa, trans.; trétpāya, both trans. and intrans., fut. mid, sometimes in pass. sense; 6táſpáo go, Xpmuátíſo, A transacting, 6tá'Tpaśus, i. A transaction, Tpayua, T6. See Affair. To transcend, ÖrepščAAw, no aor. 1., perf. –éééAmica, also perf. pass. in the same sense, c. acc., rarely c. gen. See To surpass. Transcendent, ºf É0x0s, ov. To transcribe, écºpâq,w. A transcript, &vriº)pāqov. To transfer, pºetúšišáço; ueTapépa, fut. -0tow, aor. 1. –fiveyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov, no perf, aor. 1. pass. —mvéx0my; ’āvāpépa (esp. blame, etc.), MetaAAdorow, pºstatíðmul; (from one region to another) ºf Ötopſø; (from one ship to another) getépétéáço. One must transfer, wetā6etéov, A transfer, TúpañAäyń. To transform, wetagkévéſo, MetaTAdorow. change. —attepos, etc.; See Eacellent, See To One who transforms men into swine, goppa Tpia ováv, - Eur. * To transgress, ‘ūTrepézſvo, fut. –éñorouai, aor. 4. —éémv, perf. –6éémico, part. Sometimes poet. Sync. –Šeš&s, 60a, etc., no other tenses in this sense, sine CâS., Or C. a.C.C. ; oual, aor. 1. Tapečáðmu; trapépxopal, fut.-exeſ gopia, aor. 2. —7A00v, perf. —exíAü6&; +“iſtreptpéxaſ, fut –5pāpoºpal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —éöpápov, only act. † Trépéept (–1éval); Trépá, trpágora, c. gem. Soph. also repairépa Tpdoga, sine cas. Soph. To trans- gress the laws, Tápévoſtéa. Transgression, Träpävouía, +'iſtrepšāorig. See Sin. Transgressor, répévoſtos ; trāpāšárms, ov, 6, sync, trapé. Transition, Túpoãos, ii. See Passing. Transitory, ÖAiyoxpóvios, ov; Śºfiaepos, ov; ; Épm- wéptus, a, ov, and 9s, ov; (of a benefit, etc.) *čićipos, 0}/. To translate, ueTaypápoſal, mid.; Sigiropóweto. Transmarine, 6tatávttos, ov; +'êtrepirávttos, a, ov and os, ov. Transmigration, uetáváotáoils, eas, i. Transmission, Štútropitfi. See Sending. Transmutation, uetášoxfi. See Change. To transmute, pleTax Adarga. Transparency, Štáqdveia. Transparent, 6tāqāvīs. To be transparent, potíſo, only act. To transpire (as a report, etc.), 6tépxopal, fut, -eWed O'opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —fix0ov, perf. —exãAü0a. To transplant, uetákmtéâw, uétáſpiteia. Transplanting, uetápireſa ; wétaports, i. To transport, 6tášišáſa ; uétarouíº, and in mid. to cause to be transported ; ueTešapéoual, mid, aor. 2. —eixópmv. A transport, (for horses) irröywyðs, often also it. vats etc.; (for soldiers) orpätiötis, ió0s, ii (vais being understood). The transporting (of merchandise, etc., or men), trāpāya'yń. Means of transport, copióñ. Equipped as a transport, otpatioticós, compar. -áre- pov. Transports of joy, Tepixãpeta. Transported with oy, Tepixãpſis. To transpose, weffiópi'o, uétátfönut. See To transfer. To be transposed, wetāſcivéopal, pass. One must transpose, peta.0étéov. Transposed, ‘ūTrepéâTös (of words). Transposition, wetā0egis, eas, #. Tāpāśaiva, c. perf. pass. Trapaéééo- º o 3. ; See To change. 434 Transverse—Treat Transverse, t \éxplos. A trap, Tâym, Tobāºpa, Toöootpāśm ; # Tâyls, ió0s, # ; (for birds) + Thºrn. A baited trap, föéAeáotpa. The catch in a trap, + £6ttpov, tokavåånöpov. Trappings, päääpo, Tá. With golden trappings, xpigeopdxãpos, ov. To travail, &öiva, only act, sometimes c, acc. of the infant born. See To labour. Travail, &öis, ivos, i. Having seasonable travail, everbópos, ov; easy, eiſtoicos, ov. To travel, Topetopal, pass., c. fut, mid, uropetouai ; ºf 630itropéa, ; (by land only) 836tQ, ; (abroad) ék- ànuéa, only act.; &Točnwéa, ; with, ovvoãoutropéa ; by night, vvictitropéa. See To go. He is at this moment on his travels away from this land, êicönuos &v . . . Tisbe Tvyxável x80Vös, Eur. Having travelled a long journey, 60Aixms Tépua IceAet- 90w 6tauetiläuévos, AEsch. Travelling, + tropévros, h, ov, and bs, 6v. To be travelled, ºf Topetoliuos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; ; tro- peuté0s. One must travel, Topewréov, f Čuropevréa. Easy to travel through, eiſobos, ov. Travel, subst. (esp. foreign), €icömuía, ’āTroömuío. A traveller, Fööirms, ov, 6; † 650itrópos, + šutopos : (foreign) "Čaroëmunths, où, 6. A fellow traveller, orivéutropos. - Fond of travelling, piñáTöömpos, ov; ; 'Troömºm- Tilcós. To traverse, 6tépxopal, fut. –exeffo'opal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. –fix0, y, perf. —éAft\v6a ; Śiśirepòa, only act.; Šta- tropetopal, mid., no perf, but aor. 1. pass.; Tôlag Teixaſ, no aor. 1, nor perf, no pass. See To cross. To tra- verse (i. e. to hinder, q.v.), Éviotăţual, pass., c. aor. 2, and perf. and pluperf, act., c. dat. Treacherous, *ātua Tos, ov; TriéovXos, ov; 30Åepos, fem. ‘f 50A&Tus, ió0s, # ; # 30Åoirotos, du ; (of deeds or words, not of people) + ord:006s. Treacherously, Čš Čirićovăſâs, wet” Tiš. To do anything treacherously, i kxétta, c. acc. of what is done. Treachery, 66Aos, Tpoãogia, ’ātuatía, ČirićovX), ºf ºrig'too jum. Eaposed to treachery, eúetišotºevtos, ov. To plan treachery, ŚwirAérceiv TAok&s, Eur. Full of tortuous designs and treachery in your minds, éAuctº, coiáčv Šyiès, &AA& Tāv Tépić ºppovoivres, Fur. Treasured up, kelp.fixios, ov. Without treachery, *ā60A0s, ov. Without treachery, adv. 'âööAws. To tread, Oteša, sometimes c. acc. of the ground on which, no pass., no mid. in this sense ; tāTéo, no mid., but also pass, of what is trodden on ; ºf K&Tø- oteſ&a. - To tread firmly, Śwrepelão Bäru, or simply &vt. Soph. Xen. Trodden down, ortliſtós. Treason, Tpoë00 ta. See Treachcry. Treasonable, ’ātriotos, ov. See Treacherous. • Treasure (esp. stored up), &mdauphs, kelpíAtov : +&ngoiptapa, T6. A buried treasure, i kārapvč. ix0s, i. s . . . . My treasure (a term of endearment), 3 xpiatov, Ar. To treasure up, &rotideſai, mid.; +&mdavpiſo. See To lay up. Not treasured up, 'ü0m- oatplatos, ov. - A treasurer, or keeper of a treasure, txpügoſpäAoi, alcos, 6. One who treasures up, accumulates treasures, &mdavpotrotés. - A treasury, &mdavpos, Tâuteſov. The treasury, 'dicpáToxts, eas, ii (because that was the treasury at Athens); to kolvöv, to 6muágiov. To treat (a person in such and such a manner), Totéa, c, acc. pers, and adv,; Xpéopal, mid, c. perf. pass. in act, sense, c, dat. pers.; 6tatíðmul, wetáxeſpigo (in mid, as physicians treat a patient); (a disease or a patient) &epâtrečw. To treat with honour, évtiuws &yo, ölö. Tufts &yo, Plat. To treat as a trifle, &ya, Tap' oãéu, Soph. To treat (i.e. negotiate), Tpáo go, . c. És or Tpos and acc. of the party with whom, some- times c. dat. To treat for peace, éticºmpüketopat, mid, c, dat, pers. To treat of (i. e. discuss), Tpa Yuáreiopal, mid., c. perf, and aor. 1. pass., both in act, and pass. sense, c. acc., or c. Tepl and acc., or c. Tepl and gen.; Tpayſia- Toào'yéo. To be treated . . ., Táoxw, fut. Teto opal, no adr. l., aor. 2. čtrá00v, perf. Tétrov6a, c, adv. eñ, kakós, or c. acc. neut. pl. of adj, e.g. &Yaffè, beivö, etc. Who treated both sacred and private buildings alike, 6s Tá te ipê ical tă ăta év ćuotº €trouéro, Thuc. He treated with the Chalcidians in Thrace, Tposépépe A6)0vs Tois étl Opékms XaAkiöetal, Thuc. For all (diseases) are not alike, neither are they all treated alike, où y&p trºo'ai oiſ0° àotal, cète époto's StairpáTrºfital, Plas. g IP 3, 435 Treatise—Tributary One must treat of, trpayuárevTéow. A treatise, trpatypiāteia. - To write a treatise, trpayuáreiopal (see above, To treat). - A treaty, otovël, usu. in pl.; ovv8.hkm; qūuéâris, eas, h; 690&oyſa. A commercial trealy, gºué0Aov, in pl. - To make a treaty, oupéaíva, fut, -éâgoua, no aor. 1. in this sense, aor. 2. —éémy, perf. –ééémka; otrév- Öopal, fut. Gºretoogal, aor. 1. Čaireto'dumu, sometimes c. acc. of the object for which, also perf. pass. ortrel- 04al, both in act, and pass. Sense ; otrovöös réuya, Eur. To make a fresh treaty, Čirio Tévôopal, mid. To wish to make a treaty, ovuéāoreto, only pres. act. To break a treaty, trapao trov6éa, only act. To make a treaty of peace, ovyypápouat eipäviv, Isoc. Secured by treaty, 'ütréatrov60s, ov. Included in a treaty, Évotovãos, ov. Not included in a treaty, ékotovãos, ov. Contrary to a trealy, trâpéotrovãos, ov. Violaling a treaty, Tàpdatovãos, ov. Bringing proposals for a treaty, hotovö0%pos, ov. Treble, tpitxàotos, sometimes c. gen. Trebly, tpitäägtov, c. gen. A tree, 6évôpov, with, besides its own cases, dat. sing. 6évôpet, nom.pl. Šávöpm (Eur.), dat. 5évôpeat (Thuc.) (öévôpov is used sometimes esp. for “fruit trees,” opp. to “timber,” #An); + puxAös, Öos, ii. A fruit tree, ākpóðpvov. - Oſ, or belonging to, or on, & tree, Sevöpicós, òv; 6ev- àpirms, ov, Ö. Full of trees, ‘i troAvöévôpeos, ov, with irreg, dat. pl. —öévôpsogi ; Feißevôpos, ov; f Öevöpôrus, ió0s, ii, only fem.; + devöpókowos, ov. See Woody. Injuring trees, t bevöpoſthuwu, ovos, 6, #. To cut trees, Öevöpolcotréa, only act.; 8évôporopéa, only act. To tremble, Tpéa, fut. Tpéow, Tpéua, only pres, and imperf. no perf., only act.; act.; ºf Tpopuéa, only pres, and imperf act. and mid.; a little, Širotpéuw. A trembling or tremor, Tpóuos. Trembling, adj. i tpopepās; a little, 'üTótpouos, ov, Tremulous, Tpoudºms. To trench, alcárta. - A trench, 366pos; Tāq pos, h; 61%put, ixos, i ; a káſqua, Tó. To make a trench, Tâq peća. To surround with trenches, trepitãºppedo. To block up (a way) with trenches, ’āTotăţpeta, ; 'étro- olcáirtw. - A trencher, F Tivač, Škos, 5; + orávſötov. To trespass, ‘itepéalvo, no fut. I. or aor. 1. act, in intrans. sense, fut. —éâa oual, aor. 2. —éémv, perf. –éé- - Śmica, part. often poet. Sync, -666&s, &ga, àtos, etc. See To transgress. A trespass, i'itepéâota. See Transgression. A trestle, ºf kixAišēs, &vros, 5. A triad, tpiès, #30s, i. - A trial (i. e. attempt), reſpa, ’āiróirelpa, Šištelpa. A trial or proof (as we say a trial of strength, etc.), *Aeyxos, reſpa; +8&oivos, j. Conting to a trial of strength, eis Aeyxov Xelpös u0- A&W, Soph.; so Báo avos xepôv, Soph. - 4 (judicial) trial, ºpiois, eas, # ; Śiºn; 'éyòv, &vos, tävä"kpions, ii, poet, sync. &yk. A fair trial, eū656ücta. - A new trial, a trial tried over again, 'âvščikos Stºn, Andoc. To grant a new trial, 97909 &váölkov Ka- 6íormut, Dem.; &váðucov číkmv trouéo, Dem. . To stand a trial, Šiká(ouai, mid, c. perf. pass, in the Same sense, c. dat of the adversary, or c. Tpos and acc.; Siââlcáçoſal, 'éywviçoſal; bikmu Tápéxw, Eur. Isoc. Mo come to trial, 31& 6tcms ºpxopal, Thuc. And I was acquitted in the trial for murder, viſcov 6’ &riipa pávia Telparāpia, Eur. To make trial of, put to the proof, etc., Teipów, more frequently -opal, mid. c. gen, ; &Torelpáa, and mid.; (things affecting oneself, joy, trouble, etc.). Yetiopat, mid. See To prove. Ye have made trial of them, teºpºv čxete airóv. One must make trial of, 'üTorelpâtéov, c. gen. Triangular, i Tpſyovos, ov. A triangle, tphyovov, A tribe, pīāov, pöAft; ppárpa (in strict Att, prose a subdivision of p5Aft). Of the same tribe, 6,464 vå0s, ov. Divided among the tribe, éiríðūAlos, ov. Of, or belonging to, a tribe, pīAeticós. Belonging to a tribe, adv., pöAéticós. A man of the same tribe, pöAérºs, ov, 6. Of various tribes, trópºpæ0s, ov. A tribunal, &pxeſov, Öicagtiptov, kpitfipuov. . A tribune (or place to speak from), Băua, Tó. A tribune (of the people), Öſpapxos. The tribuneship, Smuapxia. To be tribune, Ömuapxéa. Tribute, pópos, popä, öaguás. Tributary, ÜtroTeXīs, sometimes c. gen 'ºdpol); 436 Trick—Trouble Saguoſhôpos, ov; ovvrexhs, sometimes c. eis and acc. of the state to which tribute is paid. To be tributary, to pay tribute, ‘ūtroTexéa, fut. —éoro, only act.; ovvrexéo, c. eis and acc. or c, dat. of the state to which ; 3ao Moqopéa. To collect tribute, 6&op0A0)éw, sometimes c. acc. pers. from whom, or c. trapū and gen, no mid. pass, of the people from whom it is collected. Free from tribute, f'éðaopos, ov. A trick, adºptago, Tá; réxigoua, T6; 36Awois, #; TráAatoga, āros, Tó; † Téxvi); (by which to get some- thing) TAeovéktmua, Tó; Katao Kevil. A juggling trick, frepárevua, rö; tepäteia. A base mean trick, káicotexvia, in pl. To trick, käräyomteſſa, only act. Trickery, 36Aos, Téxvi), okevopia; Gleevdépmua, Tó. To play jugglers' tricks, Tepåretopal, mid.; Hayyávetw. To play base unfair tricks, Kálcotexvéw, only act.; Kákovpyéo, only act. To accomplish by trickery, orkevopéopat, mid., c. perf. pass. in both act, and pass, sense. A tricky person, tréxvilua, Tó; + otpóðts, tos, 6. To trickle, 7% opal, pass. See To drip. Tricoloured, tpi'xpws, wros, 6, i. A trident, Tptaiva; ix6ijéóAos Anxīv), AEsch. Triennial, ºptérms. A triennial festival, Tptermply, tºos, i. A trifle, pavāpia, patápos, Añpos; Affpmua, Tó. To trifle, Ampée, only act.; pºvápéo, only act. And not to treat the matter as a trifle, kal to trpayu’ &yetv oix às trap' oiâèv, Soph. And also that he had opposed him in some trifling need, and not in any matter touching the safety of his life, ical &ua airós pºv čkeſvg, Xpeias twos, kai oil, és to orápa oróged 6at évowria,0ival, Thuc. A trifier, pxãpos. Trifling adj., (of persons) Ampë6ms; (of persons or things) Koºpos; (of things only) + šā’āios, a, ov, and os, ov, no comp. in this sense. See Frivolous. To think (it) a trifting thing, ríðegal év eixepei, Soph. A triglyph, Tpi”yNüºpos, jj; Tp(y\vgov. A trill, ºf otpáéIAos. To trim (sails), otéAAw, and mid, but no pass. in this sense; (a lamp) firpoéðw, fut. —jaw. Trimeter, Tpiperpos, ov. t A trimket, #'éðuppa, Tó; +’áðuppºrtov. To trip, act. 0.44AAw, ‘ūtrookeNíſo. To trip (intrans.), ôAigbéva, aor. 2. &Atg8ov, other tenses very rare: TTaiw. - A trip, orpáAua, T6; Tratapa, Tb (both often metaph.). Tripe, #xóAikes, ai; i kotAſa. - A tripe-seller, ºf koixtotáAms, ov, 6. Triple, tputados, m, ov, contr. —TA00s, fi, oùv; 7pia- o:3s; +tpitolpos, ov; Tpſirrixos, ov; (of a bevy of . three virgins, as the Graces, etc.) frpitápºevos, ov. A tripod, Tpitovs, toãos, 6. A trireme, tpiffpms; Tptorica Nuos vats, AEsch. To command or fit out a trireme, Tpimpopxéo, some. times (when meaning “to command ”) c. gen. of the ship. * The command or the fitting out of a trireme, tpumpapxſa. The captain or the fitter out of a trireme, tpiffpapxos. Of, or belonging to, the fitting out, or commanding of a trireme, tpumpapxicós. The crew-of a trireme, tpumpdpxmpa, Tó. One of the crew of a trireme, Tpumpirms, ov, 6. A builder of triremes, Tpumpotrolós. The flute-player who gives stroke in a trireme, tpimpaſſ Ams, ov, 6. - Trite, àpxałkós. A trivet, Ağaºğvov. Trivial, pikpès, Att, often opiºpós; +}{310s, a, ov, and os, ov. See Little. - Triumph (i. e. a triumphant feeling), fºxépua, Tá; trepixãpeia. A song of triumph, kéââ60s trotévios AEsch. See Victory. To share in a person's triumph, oup. Taiwuíſa (only act.), c. dat., Dem. A troop (of soldiers), Aéxos, "iam; (of cavalry) pāh; (of revellers, etc.) &íčoros. A trophy, Tpotraſov, sometimes c. gen, of the enemies. The tropics, tº Tpotiká. To trouble, Tàpdogo; +&pdorow, fut. —£o; + 3xAéw, +&oxów. See To grieve, To harass. To be troubled (in mind), "åömpovéa, only act, c. dat.; +&opüéé. opal, pass.; ‘i caxxatva', only pres, and imperſ. Trouble, (i.e. confusion) Tâpéxft; (i.e. difficult, vexa- tious work) tróvos, ŠXA0s; Tpdypata, td; Tpayuá- Teta; (vexation, annoyance) &x9m3&v, ovos, h; Tóvos Without trouble, "årpayuávas, ‘ātróvos. To take trouble about, otovëv čxw, c. gem.; a trovöju trotéopat, c. gen, or c. repl and gen.; a Touðhy Tiêmut, c. &uſpl and gen., Eur, Isoc. etc. To take additional trouble, Tposetritrovéo. - One must take needless trouble, trepiepyarréov. Taking trouble, étritrovos, ov. Taking needless trouble, trepiepyos, ov, |A verse to trouble, 'ürpáyuwy, ovos, 6, #. 437 Troubler—Truth Apt to cause, ford of causing, trouble, Tapáxóðms. He saves you the trouble of going (to look for him), etcAöel troööv orów M6x60w, Eur. So little trouble do most people take in investigating the truth, oùTws 'étáAaſtropos Tois troAAois à (htmoſis This ’āAm0sías, Thuc. Not worth trouble, &otočaotos. Think words useless trouble, udºratov ŠxÅov toys Aóvous vouſante, Dem. Troubled (of the mind), ºf Sońepós. A troubler, Túpdºctop, opos, 6. Troublesome, Bápts, xãAeros, AUTrnpös, ÖxAmpès, 8vs- Yep?ls, Tpayuátóðms, étax6}s, ÖxA6öms; uépuepos, ow (usu. of deeds, but sometimes of persons). Not troublesome, ’āirovos, ov; ‘ātpáyuwu, ovos, 6, i. To he troublesome, # 6XAéo, only act.; 31° 5x\ov eiul (eival), Thuc. Troublesomeness, Băpărms, ºtos, i ; ÉvéxAmois, eas, i. A trough, + trii sãos, h; + Amvös, Ö; + triotpa (only for cattle to drink from); so i triotpov. A trowel, 'üTâywyets. Trowsers, tarāpāśāpa, td. Troy, Tpota; +*IAlos, j; “IAlov, FTPata; +IIépyā- pos, ii, and in pl. Tépyāna, Tá; F Aapčávio. Trojan, Tpaicós; + Aépôāvos, ov; + Agpöövtos, +Tpá- tos, +Towós; fem. (usu. either of women or the land) +Tpotēs; +Toqºs, Šâ0s, h; † IAids, 360s, i. A Trojan, f*IAtets; +Tpês, gen. Towbs, usu, in pl. etc.; +Aapóðvíðms, ov, 6; +IIpăuțăms, ov, 6; t”IAić- ôms, ov, 6. The Trojan war, T& Tpoiká. A truant, i öpâtrétms, ov, 6 (of a runaway slave). A truce, grovöl, usu, in pl.: éirigºrovºh, 6taAAäyh, ékéxelpía, Štákoxh; ’āvoxal, ai. Without a truce, &otovãos, ov. Under a truce, ÜTógtovãos, ov. To make a truce, otrévôopal, mid, fut. Oteloroual, aor. 1. Šotreuodumu, also perf. pass. Éotteto uai, both in act. and pass. Sense, sometimes c. acc. of the object for which, or of the quarrel after which. Truculent, &pids. See Cruel. Truculently, &Mós. True, ’āAmöls, ’āAmöivás; Túpos, m, ov, and os, ov; &#evöhs, ’ārpeichs, Öp6ós; + štáTijuos, ov. True (of prophets, messengers, etc.), *’&Am0ópavtus, eas, 6, #; foºpſis. Very true, TāvāAmºſis. Too true (of words), Ai’av eipmuévos, AEsch. Truly, (i. e. with truth) "ČAmóðs, ’āAmbivals, Öp6ós, + &rſaws, 4 &timTúpas; (verily) #, usu, with some other particle, 7 tºo, 7 ºv, f \, f ſºv bh, etc., in Trag., esp. 7 köpta; 67ta (esp. in answers, to strengthen an assertion, etc.). A truffle, 80Aéós. Trumpery, 56tros. A trumpet, ord'Atri'yi, ty'yos, # ; led 6ov, wVos, j : képas, gen. Icépáros, contr. Képos, etc.; + kóxA0s. To sound a trumpet, GaATíſo, -tyśw, only act, no perf., 3rd sing, sometimes impers, as–the trumpet sounded, éodatriºs. A trumpeter, oraxtlykths, où, 6. This man does this, and acts almost as his own trumpeter for doing it, Taü6' oiros pévov oi kāāavas Éayá. pºevos Statpáttetal, Dem. A trunk (of a tree), Tpéuvov, f Koppés ; (esp. the bottom of the trunk) atéAexos. ~ To trust, (i.e. believe, rely on, etc.) Tetêopal, mid., c. perf. Tétoiffa (in pres. sense, being the tense most used in this sense), and perf. pass. Tréteiopiat in the same sense, c. dat, of that which one trusts to, often c. infin. of that which one trusts will be, etc.; Tri- Treiðouat ; (i. e. to entrust) étutpétro, c. acc. of the thing entrusted, c. dat. of him to whom, in pass. of the person to whom any duty is entrusted ; (in both senses) triotstºw, c. dat, also in pass. of the person trusted. See To entrust. To be trusted (of a man), 6tätrugtetſopal, pass. Trusting small things to chance, Tà outlepā . . . els Túxmu &vels, Eur. For for these reasons placing implicit trust in Alcibiades, T6 y&p ’AAkišić67 Ště Taita ... trposóels ēavtov Šs Trío Tiv, Thuc. One must trust, triatevtéov, c. dat. Trust, Trío Tis, eos, j. See Confidence. Trusting to, ºf Tuotós ; + trfaivos, c. dat. See Rely- £ng. Trustworthy, trusty, triotós; 8éSatos, a, ov, and os, ov; āśióTuotos, ov; eitriotos, ov; pepéyyvos, ov, sometimes c. infin. of what is to be done, or c. Tpos and acc., oftener of things than of persons; Éxéy- 'yvos, ov; (of arguments, etc.) éxipós ; (of deeds, etc.) Tékuaptos, ov. In a trustworthy manner, triotós. Truth, '&Añ9eto, & peñóela, +’ātpékela, + vngépteia. The plain truth, gāq'fivetc.; to adºpés, Thuc. In truth, Tó Švri, Xen. To tell the truth, &tayyáAAely Tă ăvta, Thuc. To know the truth, thu ‘à-pigelov wavóóvo, Antipho. 438 Truthful—Turn To speak truth, "àAmfleta, and in pass. to be truly said; &Taxmóeča, ; &#evöéa, only act.; 6p6ów Aóyov, Soph. In truth, y00v, never the first word in a sentence, often in timesi, as Tāvv y” &v oiv, etc. See Truly. Truthful, &Ambevtukás ; # ThTijuas, ov. See True. To try, (both of attempting and proving) Teipáa, and as often –opal, mid., perf. and aor. 1. pass. used both in act, and pass, sense; State:pāopal, écrépéopal ; &Torelpdo, oftener -opiat (see To attempt); (i. e. to put to the proof, test, q.v.) 60icipaço; ; (as a judge) tºpiva (see To judge); anew, fueTairepāopal. To try every means, every eapedient, Távra kāāov éči"mut, Eur.; Távra káAøv éictetva, Plat. To try whether a fruit is ripe (metaph. to try a man whether he will bear squeezing), + &rooijkágo. One must try, trelpâtéov and —Téa, &Totrelpâtéov. And I am not untried by you with your arts of divination, ováč wavtucăs &rpakros juiv eiul, Soph. A tub, + trieños, j; + qicăpm. A tube, oráplyā, t'yºyos, i. Tubular, guppy)35ms. Tuffstone, Tôpos. Of tuffstone, troºpivos. A tuft (of hair), 4 Aépos. To tug, Akw, fut. Alcàow, etc. Tuition, trauðeta, To tumble (as a tumbler), küéuotda, only act. A tumbler, ‘f Küélotmthp, fipos, 6. Tumefaction, 'évotömoris, eas, i. Tumid, 'F oiââAé0s. A tumour, pºpua, ātos, T6; oripos. See Swelling. Tumult, &ópü60s, Täpäxh, ºf icopkopiyy}, + fió010v, KAóvos. See Noise. To make a tumult, to throw into a tumult, Täpäggae, &opü6éa. See To trouble, To disturb. Tumultuous, Tăpâx6öms, Sopü66öms. Tumultuously, Tapaxa 86s, Te0opvémuévos. Tune, uéAos, Tó. In tune, adv. Ögötavos, ov, sine cas, or c, dat.; orip- qovos, ov, c. dat, or c, gen, or sine cas.; ippoggévos. To be in tune together, ovgºpovéo, sine cas, or c. dat.; ôpoq,wvéa, c, dat. A being in tune together, époqovía. See To pull. See Swelling. Out of tune, adj, ’āváppoo Tos, ov; &vtipwVos, ov; ‘f 'Gºrgābs, 6v ; # Tăpăuovoſos, ov, c. dat. - Out of tune, adv. ºf éicváua's. To be out of tune, 6tapovéa, ’āvapportéa. A being out of tune, Ötöðavia. To tune, &pſid (a. Tuneful, Aiyüpós ; Aiyês, no compar.; + ethyms: + eifixntos, ov; ; ſexotroubs, 6v ; +geX®s, 6v ; ºf u0wo otóA0s, ov. See Sweet. A tunic, Xirèv, ºvos, 6; xitwytokos, +xitáviov. A tunny fish, oképépos, &tivvos ; trºčabs, iſãos, i. A turban, pºi"Tpa. - Turbid, §oxépôs, 80A&öms. A turbot, Wigga, ºnggäptov. Turbulent. See Tumultuous. Turf, tróa. See Grass. Turgid, Öylcóðms (of style), Turmoil, Šápü60s. See Tumult. To turn, act. TPétro, perf. Tétpoſpa (in Orat. Tétpāja); orpépa', wetaatpépa, i kāiva, + 1cdutro; (as a person turns his attention, etc.) Tposéxw, imperf. –éºxov, fut. -éča, or -oxhow, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. –éoxov, sometimes c. acc. (votiv, Šuma, etc.), but acc. often understood, c. dat. of the object ; tāpā- éâMAw, no aor. 1. act., perf. –éééAmica ; (in a lathe) Topveia, trepitopveto ; (as anything disagreeable turns the stomach) 'évao Tpéqa; aside, act. Tăpâtpétro, éttpétro ; Tāpāq,épa', fut. Tápotoro, aor. 1. Tapfiveyka, aor. 2. Tápéveykov (as one turns one's own eye aside, etc.); to one side, TAáytów, ‘i Tàpik Aiva, ; away, "áTorpétro ; &AAdorow, fut. —£o ; F ‘ūtrektpéta ; back, 'üTootpéqa’, ‘ūtrootpéqw, 'évao Tpéqſa ; off. Tápoxeteño (prop, water, but also metaph. a ques- tion) (see To divert); round, reptotpépw, Tepláyo, ºf ’āvālcükxéal; round at the same time, givetto Tpépay; towards, + širvatpépo, c. eis and acc. of the object; + éykäiva, c. dat.; up (the ground), 'évao Tpépa ; + toxeto, with or without yiv.; upside down, ueTap- fittro; 'évo, kal kāra, we'račáAAw, Plat. To turn, intrans. (i. e. to turn oneself, etc.), Tpétropºat ; so also the mid. and pass. of most of the preceding words tº which the act. voice is given for To turn, act.; otpéºopal ; Tsotpépa, act, used intrans., also —opal, mid. and pass.; 'évao Tpépo, act. and mid. and pass.; aside, Topekkäiva, Túpax\do go ; tāpārpé. tropal, mid.; aside from (so as to avoid), €icveta, only act.; away, Čkkaiva ; 'Totpatráouai, only pres. and imperf.; away from (as detesting, etc.), &trootpé- ‘po, more usu. -opal, esp. in perf or aor. 2. pass., c. acc., but in the sense of deserting, c. gem.; back, &tro- otpépo (épavtov, or itſ Tov, or vaúv being understood); étravagtpéq,w, and mid. and pass.; wetātpétropal, mid. and pass.; ‘iſtrootpépa', act. mid, and pass.; round, Treptorpedouat ; petáčáAAoſtal, mid, no aor. 1.; round against (the enemy), ávttaToépa, ; in (as a 439 Turn– limb does in the socket); # Aiyigopal, in pres.; out of the way, Šktpétropat ; towards, ’ātroveſ w, c. Tpbs and acc.; eiotpétropiat, mid. and pass. I do not know which way to turn, oùk éxw trot yuápms tréow, Soph. To turn out (well, ill, etc., of affairs), Batva', fut. Bh- goua, aor. 2. čºv, perf. 8énka, part sync. Besòs, &ga, 6tos, etc., no other tenses ; Tpośaiva', often with an adv. of motion (as, I am waiting to see how matters in that quarter will turn out, kāpāöokö täket- flew of trpoShastal, Eur); so êkéatva, ; ’ātroëatva; ; éépxopal, fut. –exeigopal, no aor. 1, aor, 2. -fiX60w; xwpéw ; ; Tittw, fut. Tegoûgal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. èregov, perf. Tréttaka ; +teñéw. To turn out (by a change of fortune, or by things happening in a manner contrary to expectation), Tépulatauai, pres, and im- perf. pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act.; trepityi- ºvopal, fut. —yevågoual, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-eyeväpnv, perf. —yé yova and —yetyéviſual. As to which one cannot tell how it will turn out, Övoix inrápxe eiðéval ka9' 8,ti xophorel, Thuc. In whose favour of the two it will turn out is uncertain, ômotépws éotal év &ö#24 Kivävveteral, Thuc. For this is apt not to turn out so, pixel yèp Tooro um rairm pārew, Soph. The vision of the night will turn out well, Tóðe pdoua wvictos eş kataoxfigel, Soph. f One must turn, ºf Tpetrtéov; in another direction, Me- Tao Tpertéov. Easily turned (of a disposition), Öğüßotos, ov. Turned up (as a nose), giuds. Turned (in a lathe), Évropyos, ov; Tpoxfiñáros, ov (esp. on a potter's wheel). Turning about, adv., + šAtyömv. Turning (of anything round, as a race-course), f Káu- tripos, ov. Turning back, träAívtpotos, ov. Quickly turning, eitpoxos, ov; + effotpoºpos, ov. Not turning, without turning round, † &a Tpoſpos, 01/. A turn, or turning, Tpotrºl (of the sun, also esp. the turning of an enemy so as to put him to flight), orpoq’h, kapath, wetagtpoſph; kaputthp, fipos, 6; (of a road) + škºrporá; (in music) + otpoſph, foºtpáši. Aos; back, Föroatpopſi; aside, t éktpotſ; round (esp. of troops or ships), áriorpoºph (esp. So as to ad- vance); &toatpop.h (esp. so as to retire); ‘āvao Tpoph, Teputpotſ. A turning-point, 60th. Twin That which causes something to turn, f otpépinº, iyyos, i. Able to turn (act.) in another direction, Petaqtperti. kós, c. gen. - A turn (one's turn to do a thing), uépos, Tó. In turn (adj. as “to do a thing in turn,” etc.), përë- éâA&v, oùga, àv; Śiśāoxos, ov; +&AAágawy, ovoia, OW. In turn, adv., + aff, f aſſis, t bidāoxa; katē Pépos, &vö pépos, Tpos pépos, év učpel, év tá uépel, Trag. Thuc.; ék 6taðoxis. - For different things come in turn at different times, &AAa 'yöp &AA06ev &pietéetat, Eur, A speaking in turn, Petéanyis (ews, j) tav A&yov, Plat. A turning-lathe, Tópvos. A turnip, fºoyyūAls, fö0s, h; +yoyyúAm. Of turpentine, Tepeeſvöivos. A tusk, Xavatóðwy, ovtos, 6. Tusked, xavXióöovs, 6, #, neut. —ovv. Tutelar, tutelary, ºf Tpoortátípios; people) + Yalíoxos, ov; +8mu00xos, ov. tecting. - To be the tutelary deity of (any place), t^ayxávo, fut. Afféouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čAéxov, perf. AéAoyxa. A tutor, Tatēśya'yös (prop. a slave who takes children to school), traßevrºs, où, 6; Tatēotpiéns, ov, 6. See Teacher. The acting as a tutor (with ref. to the pupils), Öpixta. An old twaddler, ºf Kpóvos, ºf Kpóvittros. Totwang, act., fººd MAw, intrams.;+kxé w, fut. RAáyśw. A twanging, or causing to twang, f Waxwós. Twelve, 866eka. Twelfth, Sw8ékáros. Lasting twelve months, twelve months old, etc., +8vokat- ðekāumvos, ov. Twenty, elicoot, and before a vowel —iv. Twentieth, eikoatás. Twenty thousand, Stouiptol. Twice, Sls, if Sixás, FöirAſ, hºvšićis. Twice as well, Siračatws'éuelyov, AEschin. Twice as much, Öttrååo'ías; 6ttàfi ?, Plat. Twice as many as, twice as great as, etc., adj, Sitää- orios, c. 3) or c. gen, or c. 60 ov; birà60s, m, ov, contr. —TA00s, ii, obv, c. 3) or ëorov. See Two. A twig, RAfua, Tá; +kpáöm. Twilight, vvictos 'époxybs, HEsch. Twin, Ötöüuos, m, ov, and os, ov; ; Śióüuoyevſis. Producing twins, Siôüuotókos, ov. (of a city or See Pro- 440 !o twine, TAéko, orvptAéka, &pſpiračica (see To wreathe); round, act. ‘f &ppeafootw. 'wined, mAektós. Anything twined or twining (as a tendril of a vine, a basket, etc.), TAéYua, Tó. wining (skilful in twining), TAektikos, c. gen.; ovu- TAelcticós. o twinkle (as a star), atíñéo, rare except in pres. and imperf act. twinkling, wapuāpāyh (of light, also of the quick- moving feet of dancers), i Åith (of stars or feet). To twirl, Öivéo, both in act. and intrans. sense, also in pass. To twist, otpépo, Aiyigo, TAékw (see To bend); round, back, reptăyw. A twist (a sort of cake), otpetrtés. Twisted, TAektös, ÖAiktós; +éAtë, icos, 6, #. Twisted around, i &pſpi"TAektos, ov. Well-twisted, + eitàektos, ov. Twisting itself (as an animal, a serpent), troXi'TAokos, ov. . A twisting anything (as of a thread, etc.), avatpopf. To twitter (as birds), ºf otpov0íſo. A twittering, Tputtuguês. Two, öö0, sometimes indecl., also gen, and dat, dual 8volv, pl. 606v, Šča i. Two, adj., 8vorabs, usu. of course in pl., sometimes in sing.; 6ità60s, m, ov, contr. —TAoûs, fi, ovv, usu. pl.; àipvios, ov, usu. pl.; +8totoxos, ov, usu. pl.; Föttri- xos, ov; (of persons) +6lyovos, ov, usu, pl. See Double. - The number two, övås, #50s, i. |U. Wacancy, kevörms, mºros, i. The vacancy which is before one's eyes, Öppidtwu ‘àxm- wía, AEsch. Vacant, kevös and FKelvös (Eur. in chor.). See Empty. Vacation, êkexeipta. To vacillate, ákvéw, only act. One must (not) vacillate, (oëk) ākvgréov. Vacillating, Öicvmpós. In a vacillating manner, Ökvmpás. | Wacillation, Škvos. Vacuity, kevätms, mºros, i. A vagabond, vagrant, i öAñrms, ou, 6, also as adj. Twine—Vain By twos, givövo. -- And the army followed him peaceably two and two, kal to orpätevpa hkoxotóel airá, és àüo eipmuukós, Xen. In two ways, in two paris, etc., áixa, Sixfi, Six60ev +6ixás, Fötorgēs. In two places, Ölgaºxi. Two years ago, Tpotrépiſol, Two-fold, Ötöügos. See Door. Two-edged, +&uſpijkms; +&upitãº, fivos, 6, #; áu- ‘pióéčios, ov; +&pſpiðmictos, ov; +&upírouos, ov; +&u- ‘ptortogos, ov; +&ixão Togos, ov; 6ía Topos, ov; +6t. 6micros, ov. See Edge, Two-0ared, &pſpnpicos, +&upſpns, Two hundred, Štákóatos, usu. pl. Two thousand, Ötoxi\tos, usu. pl. Two-handed, +&iraxtos, ov. A type, Túros. See Emblem. To typify, trpošetkviſui. See To foreshow. Tyrannical, Túpavvicós. Tyrannically, ripavvie&s. To behave tyrannically, Túpavvéo. Tyranny, Túpavvis, tà0s, i. A tyrant, Túpavvos (scarcely used in our sense of the word before Plat.). To govern as a tyrant, to tyrannise over, Túpavveča, and Túpavvéa, c. gen, of the country, sometimes c. accº, no mid., but pass. of the country so governed. Free from the rule of tyrants, ’ārūpāvvevtos, ov. Making tyrants, Túpavvoirotés. To take the part of tyrants, Tupavvíſo, only act. A teacher of tyrants, TüpavvočičágkåAos. A tyro, + trpatóweipos. W. with masc. substantives (e.g. &A. 8tos); # 'éyòptms ov, 6. To be a vagrant, FăAmtsta, only act. A being a vagrant, tº ’āAmteta. Vague (of words), kopós. Wain (i.e. useless), wäraibs, a, ov, and os, ov; kevös and (Eur, in chor.) retvás; kotºpos, Aidios, + wayſ. Stos, + ‘āAtos; (of boastful language) Fuetápotos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of prayers, etc.) "dºpavros, ov; (of a person, i.e. conceited) Xavvos, m, ov, and 0s, ov; keväppwu, ovos, 6, ii. Wholly vain, t trappā- Taios, ov. 441 Vain-glorious—Vegetables º -: 3 M vº * - In vain, Härmy, hºws, 'évéunta, fuáratos; 53 keväs, x0s, of ſporayol, of 34 rºoſwevo, rā Todatev, aſ Eur. Thuc. - Not in vain, oilk &rbs, Plat, To make vain, utter a vain word, shoot a vain arrow, etc., + šAlów, only act. To be in vain, Fuátáa, only act. Wain-glorious, ‘āAaſºv, 6vos; 6 kal #. See Arrogant, Wain-gloriousness, ’āAagoveto. Valiant, &Alciuos, m, ov, and os, ov; kpáTepos, and poet. Kaptepbs, compar, ºpetogov, superl. kpóttaros. See Brave. Valid, kūpubs, a, ov, and os, ou ; ioxipós. To be valid, Fioxio, only act. Validity, kūpos, Tó, only sing. A valley, a vale, várm ; város, Tá; + aixòv, Övos, ä, ä ºf yúðAov, only in pl.: + IcóAros, not without a descriptive adjunct, as, the vale of Troy, kóAT0s Tpotas, Eur. Oſ, or belonging to, valleys, ºf väTaſos. With many valleys, ºf troXàTTüxos, ov. Valour, 'épeth, eúſūxia; pévos, T6; &Alcá; Spáros, Tb, also (and when in a good sense the most usual form) &ápoos. See Courage, Bravery. Valuable, Tiatos, o, ov, and os, ov; Évépiðuos, ov; Tuaxºpſis. Very valuable, more valuable than, Tpó- Tiuos, ov, sometimes c. gem.; also—very or most valu- able, troAA00 or TAetortov Štos, - more valuable, TAetovos ūčios, less valuable, pºetovos s, éA&T- Tovos ūčios, Xen. Dem. etc. Valuation, Tiamats, eas, i. Value, tuft ; Tſumua, Tó ; &éta. See Price. To value, Tudo, sometimes c. gen. of the price ; évripºda, a). To value (i. e. think of great value), Tipºda ; + švāpuffuéopal, mid. To value very much, to TAelotov Štěopu, c. dat., Eur, ; Tpb troAAoû Tipidopal, Tpo toWA00 Totéopal, Tepl troXX00 trouéopal, Thuc. Isoc. To value more, Tepl TAetovos Toléopal, Thuc. To value too much, TAéov véuo, c. dat., Eur. To be of such and such a value, #yo (only act, in this sense), c. acc. of the sum. Which, as they were only silver, made a much greater * show, though of small value, &, buta &pyvpá, ToàA6 TAeto Thu şiţu &T' àAtyms àvvápews Xpmud twV trapet- xeto, Thuc. Of twice the value, 6tatáotos, ov. of twelve times the value, Šoćekaatörios, ov. Valueless, ’āöökiuos, ov; +’āAóYuotos, ov. The van (of an army), of Tpotetayuévot, to trpoto- in Xen. - A van, &ppadua;o. See Waggon. - To vanish, "àpävigopal, pass.; +’ävätrétopiat, fut: —TTàgoual, aor, 2. čvértmv and &vertówny or àve. Tráumu, part, sometimes sync, &pirtégévos, etc. To vanquish, vicdo. See To conquer. Wantage, ‘ūTrepé0Añ. Vapid, ‘āAféas, autos, only masc. A vapour, '&Tuls, fö0s, h; +’âtués. To emit vapours, āTuíſo, only act.; ‘āTatuíčo. To be turned into vapour, '&Tuióðouai, pass. Like vapour, &Tućöms, &Tuiã6öms. Turned into vapour, &Tutorrós. A vapour-bath, TúpióTiptov. Variable, Tolktaos; eigetášoAos, ov; + atoxos. Changeable. Variance, 6tapopó, oftenest in pl. See Quarrel. At variance with, Štěpopos, ov, c. dat, sometimes e. See QéI] & o To be at variance, 6tapópos éxa, c, dat., Dem.; Śvēta- ‘popó Rá0ío Tapai, c. dat. See Enemy. To variegate, ºf ToucíAAw. Variegated, troutiaos, ov : + at Aos; ov; ; OTiktós. - Variety, Touciata; Toficiapa, Tó ; troAveiðta ; (from +Trautroikixos, what has previously been) éčańAá'yfi. Various, toucíAos, Tavroſos, travtobáros, Toâvelóñs. Variously, travroias, Tavroöätrós, To vary, act. ToucíAAa. - If he then varies at all from his former account, ei & oùv tº käktpétoiro toº ſp600ev Affyov, Soph. A vase, Aééns, mºros, 6. A Vassal, Ötríkoos, c. gen. or c, dat. Wast, TeX6ptos, a, ov, and os, ov. See Large. Wastly, troAt. A vault, yāAls, fö0s, i. The vault of heaven, oùpávot, 8étras, Eur, ; kū'kxos, by itself; Küttàpos oipávoú, Ar.; # oipävía, and ‘ūtroupěvía épìs, Plat. To vault, &AAouai, mid. See To leap. To vaunt, Kouréa, Koſtráço; etxopal, mid, rare be- yond pres, in this sense. See To boast. A vaunt, kópatos. See Boast. Udder, &mAff ; # of 9ap, &ros, Tó. With distended udder, ºf ei;0mAos, ov. - To veer, ériotpépoua, mid, and pass. See To turn. Vegetables, Aëxãvov, oftenest in pl.; &otſpua, Tá. The vegetable market, T& Aáxãva, • 442 Vegetate—Verity Vegetable, adj. Aëxãumpbs, Aëxáváðms. A gathering of vegetables, Aöxävlo Más. One who sells vegetables, only fem. ‘f AáxãvoTwāfitpia ; ºf AaxavóTwAis, ió0s, i. To vegetate, &dAAw, only pres, imperf, perf. Té0mAa, and pluperf. See To grow. Vegetation, 8Adot mois, eas, i. - Wehemence, ščárms, mTos, ii. See Violence. Wehement, Toxts, troAA3), Toxi), etc., acc. masc. and neut. Toxiv, troAv, most other cases from ToàAös, etc., compar, TXéov, TAetotos. To be vehement, Čvºteivo, intrans., also pass. To speak vehemently against, Toxts, or ioxipós, or ’āyav čyket- fºal, c. dat., Thuc. Dem. Wehemently, ioxipós, Ai’av. A vehicle, àxos ; Śxmua, T6. See Carriage. A veil, kāAürtpa;+ kāavppa, Té; TpokáAvuua. To veil, givapºréxo and ovvoptioxa, fut. –appéo, aor. 2. —ſutreakov (in act, as a garment, etc., veils,’ in mid. as a person veils his face, etc., with a gar- ment), no pass.; so TpolcáAúTToual, mid., c. gen. of the face; avykäAürtopal. To veil one's meaning in ambiguous words, TepišáAAopal, no aor. 1, mid-, sine cas. To throw as a veil over, t TrépikāAüTTa, c. dat. A vein, ſpxéſ, pxeébs, 6 kai ji, lit. (in Xen. also of metal, as we say, “a vein of gold”); ºvéSlow ; + aipuyê, ty)0s, j; +Tryh (only of metal). Of, or belonging to, the veins, pxeśikós. Velocity, Tóxiſtms, mros, i. Wenal, &vios. Wendible, Tpägiuos, ov. A vendor, Tpäthp, fipos, 6. Venerable, oeuvés ; Faißotos, a, ov, and os, ov, com- par. —óTepos and –éo Tepos ; ; Yepāpós ; # Tótvia ; ºf Tótva, only fem.; fºyepdautos, ov; ; Travtågepºvos, ov; Tpésévs, only masc. in positive, but in this Sense more used in compar. and superl. fem. ; in pl. fem. Trotvić6es (used esp. of the Furies). Venerably, orepºwós. A being venerable, aſepºwórms, mtos, i. To venerate, orééo, more usu. in mid., esp. in prose, rarely in any tense except pres. and imperf, except in pass., which has also aor. 1. Čorépômv (almost in mid. sense to be filled with veneration); aibéopal (pres, also fażāopal), fut. aidéo opal, aor. 1. jöé00mu In act. sense. See To reverence. Veneration, aiºs, only in sing. See Reverence. An object of veneration, forééas, only nom. and acc. Sling. Wengeance, tuopia, Sicil; +véueats, #, only in sing. (esp. of the Gods, sometimes esp. the Goddess of Divine vengeance); # Tow? (also as the Goddess of Wengeance). To take vengeance, biºmu Aapéâva, Eur. Lys. See Punishment, To ea'act. Ewacting heavy vengeance, t 35piºicos, ov. See Avenger. - Venison, Tà éAãºpeia (kpéa, sc.). Venom, ‘iós. See Poison. Venomous, ‘iośćAos, ov (of serpents). A vent, FöTà. Wentriloquism, ‘i évotepvouavitta. Wentriloquist,-Aristophanes says of a ventriloquist, eis &AAotpías yaotépas Évêt's kapıçölkä ToxA& xéa. 0.6&t. - To venture, Toàpida, aor. 1. pass., sometimes in act. sense ; civööveto ; Étirto Rivövvov, Eur.; 'évaššíTTa, kivövvov (and sometimes 'évaññitta by itself, kivāv- voy being understood), Thuc. See To risk, To dare. A venture, Icívöövos. See Risk. Wenturesome, piñokſvöövos, ov; Tapakivöövevticós. See Bold, Rash. In a venturesome manner, pixokivāüvos. Venus, Kü"Tpus, ió0s, h, acc. —tóa and ly; +’Appoërm. - Veracity, 'üA#6ela. See Truth. Veracious, &Amóſis. See True. A verandah, + ščéðpa. Verbal,—a verbal order or message was given, ätrö 'yAó00 ms eipmto, Thuc. Verbose, troAijaoyos, ov; ; Toxveths. Verbosity, Toài Aoyſa. Verdant, XAwpós. See Green. A verdict, ilâpos, h. A verdict of guilly, i katapoºra ilāq,0s, Lys. To give a verdict, ilm pigouai, mid., c. perf. pass. in the same sense. See To decide. Werdure, XAóm. The verge, #840pa, td. To verge, Teſvo, often c. adv. of place, A verger, veolcópos. To verify, Beéatów. See To confirm. Verily, #, usu, with some other particles, 7, 8%, 7 u}v, etc. (uhu regards a future intention, 8’h a past action), &AA& Mºv, often in neg. sentences of ſºftw; 8%, usu, with other particles, # 3), vai Sh, etc.; uáAa; uáAa Tou, Xen.; kai udºa, Plat. See Truly. Verity, &Añ0eta. See Trulh. + Kü0épeta, See To tend. 443 Ar- Vermilion—Videlicet Vermilion, kivvášápt. Vermilion-coloured, kivvášápivos. Wernal, éâpivös, h, ov, rarely bs, ov, often contr. #pivös, See Spring. Versatile, touctºos; eitpárexos, ov; +travtotrópos, ov. In a versatile way, eitpáiréaas, Versatility, touriNía, eitpâtrexia. A verse, Širos, tá. To put into verse, évretva els étros. To patch verses together, i koãAopeAéw. A vertebra, orq6vööAos. Very, uá'Aw, compar. HåAAov, superl, uáAtara; Ai’aw; Távv, orpóðpo, + köpta, +”&yav. A vessel, (i. e. a ship, q, v.) vais, veals, h; (not a ship) refixos, Tó; áyyetov; &yºyos, Tó; itáros, Tó. Any brazen vessel, XáAktov and XaAſcetov; xáNicoſia, ró; + x2Akós. A sacrifieial vessel (to catch the blood of the victim), orpäyetov. The vessel of the state, trpſuva tróAeas, AEsch. (so Tpépa Bićtov, of life, Eur.); alcápos tróAews, Ar. A vestibule, irpodipov; ſporâalov, usu, in pl.: + "pé- wińov, usu. in pl.; t irpovártov. A vestige,’ixvos, T6. See Trace. A vestment, vesture, écºis, iros, ii; + eiwa, Tá. See Garment. A vetch, ùpošos. A veteran, + Māpā0wvouáxms, ov, 3. To vex, 5&Kvo, fut. Shéopal, no aor. k. act, aor. 2. ëöäkov, perf, 5èënxa, no mid, except fut, as above, pass. chiefly in perf, and aor. 1, in pass. c. ‘ūtro and gen, or éirl and dat. of the cause; t kviço; + dāirta, no perf. To be vealed, xãAetraſva, c, dat. or éirl and dat, or c. rpès and acc.; Susſpopéa, only act., except in Xen., who has mid, once, c, acc. or c, dat. or c, prep.; khôouai, pass. c. perf. Kéknºa, also in pass. sense; Sup,0400péo (i. e. to vex oneself), only pres. and imperf; ovspépa's Éxw, §vsgöpas &ya, Soph. See To grieve. Vexing, + šiuočápos, ov, sometimes even c. acc. (as —grief vering the heart, Sükośćpos ºppéva Airm), AEsch.; +6áké6üpı0s, ov. See Grievous. Wexation, '&yāvāktmoſis, eas, h; t 3vszépeta. Not to cause you any veration, iva oot unbév čvöoinv articpov, Eur. . . Ugliness, aloxos, Tó; +’āſtoppia. Ugly, &apos, ov; ’āuoppos, ov, compar. -órepos and —éa repos; 3üseiðfis; +6üsſtop pos, ov; taioxpos, a, ov, and os, ov, comp. —Xiaow, -xutos. Very ugly, ‘ūrépator»pos, ov. Victory, Nium; † to kaRAïvikov. A vial, ptáAm (though more of a cup than what we call a vial). To vibrate, 4 tróAAouai, pass., also iráAAw, intrans.; +épxéopal, mid. See To tremble, Vice, ſcălcm, kākia. A vice-admiral, émiotoxets, étuo Toxiāq'épos. A viceroy, iſtrapy:0s. Wicinity, yeltovía. See Neighbourhood. Vicious, kākös, compar. Káictov, Káictatos, also compar. xeſpov, superl. Xeiptortos. See Wicked. Wicissitude, wetā60Aff. See Change. The vicissitudes of time, xpóvov to tróAlv, Xen. A victim, iepelov, orpäylov; Süpa, T6; to pāyetov, + orqāyī; +rpóo payua, T6. The purifying victim, Tö Kä0ápotov. The magistrate who took care that the victim should be without blemish, ispotrotás, A victor, i Tptaict?ip, fipos, 6. See Conqueror. Victorious, étriºths; +vik'n'pěpos, ov; +kaxxivicos, ov, sometimes c. gen, of those over whom, of the enemies over whom ; so #'ötréptepos. Of victory (as glory, song, etc.), vicºthpios, + ka?Atvi- kos, ov; + drivicios, ov. Conducing to victory, viºn- tikás. Giving victory, + vicinq6pos, ov; ; Tporatos. Victorious in all things, ºf traykpārīs; in the council, + vicóšovXos. . Victoriously, Šć ‘ūtreptépas Xepbs, Soph. To be victorious, vicdo. See To conquer. Victory over one's enemies, rporº, Tp, wäxms, tp. Öopos, Trag. Wishing that the Greeks should gain the victory over . Troy, Töv kaAAivikov atépavov 'IAtov &éAwu Aaffeiv 'Axalobs, Eur. - The prize of victory, to virentſipuov; # Tö, ärtvíkiov Sacrifices for a festival in honour of victory, rô vict) Tápia; tā ātivicta; Tô Tporata. Deserving victory, &étávicos, ov. A song of victory, + &rivictov; + k2Axivikov, also ºf kaRAtvikos, i. (36%) understood). Without the crown of victory, &oteq duwtos, ev; +>é- qºvos, ov. Wictuals, attos, pl. Tà gºra; Šipov. To buy victuals, Öywvéa, only act. To victual (an army), árioſitigouai, mid, also intrans. of the troops victualling themselves. Being victualled for forty days, étiqiriguèv regaipú. Kovro, huepôv éxovres, Xen. - Working for victuals only, Širvoirios, ov. Widelicet, #yovy, See Food. 444 Vidette—Violent A vidette, a kotós. See Scout. * * * * ~~~~. ------". To act as a vidette, Tpoepevváopal, mid. See To re- connoitre. To vie with, ēpíſa, c. dat. pers., c. acc. rei, or c. repl and gen. rei, etc.; pixotiuéopal, mid., c. aor. 1. pass. in mid. sense, c. Tpbs and acc. pers.; t TúpášáAAouai, mid. See To contend. A view, Šipts, eas, h; Tpósokis, étropis. comprehensive view, givolis. A place from whence there is a view, 'i étrath. From whence there is a view, efforkoros, ov; + kärottos, ov, c. gem.; + kátóptos ov. For he occupied a seat where he commanded a view of the whole army, Épav Yap eize travros eia!yń otpatov, AEsch. • -" To view, Öpdo, having of its own only imperf. and perf. Šápaka, borrowing other tenses, aor. 2, eiðov from eiða', fut. Škopal, 2. perf. (only poet.) Štrotra, perf. pass. 3ppat, etc., from ēttopal; eisopów, tº Aeto- orw. See To see. Vigilance, sixáčela. TOy. Vigilant, piña cricós. Taking vigilant care of the camp, tº katē to otpató- trečov Ště 'punakis #xav, Thuc. Vigorous, iorxipós; xpſigiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; eiſto- vos, ov; ; &vömpös, ‘i ‘dāpās; (i. e. in full vigour) + 'dicpatos. - To be vigorous, eúðmuéa, and eiðevéo, no mid., but occa- sionally pass.; ’āiquáša, only act.; or ppiyāa, only act. See To flourish. Wigorously, eitóvas, ioxipós. Vigour, ioxis, Ú0s, h; ’ārquh (not without some specific word added, e.g. ākuh (ppevöv, vigour of mind, etc). Wile, aioxpos, &, by, and bs, bu, compar, aioxiou, ałoxtortos; paſſX0s, m, ov, and os, ov. Wilely, aid Ypós. Vileness, pavXórms, mtos, h; aioxpótºms, mºtos, i. A village, kópm. A villager, kapātms, ov, 6; fem. I capitus, iè0s, ii; + oiñtas, ov Š. The chief magistrate of a village, Kapıdpxms, ov, 6. A villain, villanous, trävoúpyos, as adj. 0s, ov, also often subst. See Wicked. To be a villain, to do anything an a villanous way, trà. vovpyéa, only act. Willamously, ºf Távočpyws. Villamy, Távoupyia; t irávoúpymba, to (esp. a deed of villamy). A large Want of vigilance, to ’āqūAak- To vindicate (a person), 'étoxoyéopal, mid., c. §rêp and gen. pers., c. acc. of the charge from which, or c. Tpös and acc. of the charge, sometimes c. acc. of the matter alleged in vindication. See To defend. One must vindicate, ’ātroAo'ymtéov. Windication, 'ütroAoyſa. See Defence. Windictive, uvnoſticăicos, ov. To be vindictive, uvmoirákéw. A vine, &uireAos, h; F otvm, ºf oivávöm. A vine (trained against another tree), ‘āvāöevöpès, dö0s, i. A vine branch, ēaxos. A vine leaf, oivápov. A vineyard, &uireA&v, Övos, 6; + špyáros. Qſ, or belonging to, a vine, &pitréaivos, m, ov, and OS, Op. Loving the vine, piñáutrexos, ov. To cultivate the vine, &uireAovpyéa, only act. Wine-dressing, &ptrexoupyia. A vine-dresser, FăuireAovpyós. Winegar, i öğ0s, Tó. Winous, ‘i oivnpós. The vintage, tpi) mºrós. To gather the vintage, Tpüyáa, sometimes c. acc. of the vines stripped, or of the fruit gathered, only act. and mid. One who gathers the vintage, Tpüynthp, fem. Tpvyń. Tpta. To violate (oaths, etc.), trāpāśaiva, sometimes sync. trapé. (fut. and aor. 1. act. not used in this sense), fut. —Shorouai, aor. 2. —éémy, perf. –ééémica; avyxéa, aor. 1. often —éxea. To violate a woman, ºf pºeipw. Violation (of laws, etc.), a tyxia is, eas, i. A violator (of a woman, Ixion of Juno), + TeXàrms, ov, 6. Violence, (of movement, etc.) pufi, Šium; (of pas- sion, fear, etc.) thröAos; (i. e. intensity) a poëpótms, ºntos, h; (violent conduct to any one, outrage) 8ta; 8talótms, mtos, ii. A deed of violence, "jépus, eas, h; + xeſpapa, T6. To do acts of violence, Xeipovpyéa, only act. To begin deeds of violence, violent conduct, Xelpöv 'éði- ków &pxaſ, Xen. To treat with violence, ‘jépíſo; Biéſo, esp. in pass, to be so treated. Violent (i. e. excessive in strength or vehemence), orqoëpös; Éatorios, ov; xãAetros, + Azépôs, ‘i ſãuevās; éirío'airos, ov; (of wind) +\aptpós; (of calamity) oùpävlos, a, ov, and os, ov; t xeluépios; (of men violent in any passion or feeling) '&kpātos, ov, c. acc. of the feeling ; (of laughter) Tpotretàs; (i. e. 445 Violently—Unaccompanied doing acts of violence) 8tatos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; 8taa’rikás. Violently, (i. e. excessively, q.v.) a páðpa, o boëpós; (i.e. by violence, force) Big, trpès Biav, Trag.; Trpos Tô Bialov, AEsch, A violet, lov. A bed of violets, fiavía. Crowned with violets, t iogrépévos, ov. A viper, éxtöva; Éxis, eas, 6. See Serpent. A virgin, trap6évos, #; tırap0evich, iTóAos, Girl. Virgin, adj., +&Spºntos, ov; +&öäuáros, ov; +’āvav- ëpos, ov; fºvávöpwtos, ov; t &Qvä, öyos, 6, ii. Con- sisting of three virgins, f Tpitápéevos, ov. Not virgin, 'üröpffevos, ov. Of, or belonging to, a virgin, f Tap6évios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ºf trap6évetos, ov; F TrøAircos, AEsch. Looking like a virgin, trapdevotös, Öv. Unsuited to a virgin, 'étap6évévros, ov. See The amusements of a virgin, T& Tapffevetuata. To be a virgin, Trapdevelopal, pass., chiefly in pres. and imperf. . To bring up as a virgin, trapdeveſ w. Virginity, trap6evia, + trapdeveia ; ; Tap6éveupa, Tó ; +&Tépa. Virile, &vöpeſos. Virility, Śvēpeia. Virtually, Śivāuel. Wirtue, 'üpeth, kakokāyā6ta, āvāpāyā0ía; Tô KäAov, Plat. Fond of virtue, pixápetos, ov. Virtuous, ’āyā00s, compar. ‘āpeſvov, 'épio tos, etc.; piloſotrövmpos, ov. See Good. To be virtuous, pigotroumpéa, only act. To pretend to virtue, &vöpāyā0íſoual, mid. Virtuously, eú. Virulent, trikpós. See Poison. A visage, Tpóo wrov. See Face. Wiscous, yNow!,8ms, koppudº8ms. Visible, 37A0s, m, ov, and 0s, ov; påvepos, &, by, and bs, 6v ; éupāvās, kātāqāvīs, évapyńs; károttos, ov, sometimes c. gen. of the place from which a thing is visible; Špårös, Öv, Visible all around, ºf &pſpiqāvīs. To be visible, paivopal, pass., c. fut, mid. pavoukai. Visibly, evapyós, pâvspás, étiqāvās, ºf éºpâvös. A vision, pdaug, Tá; ºf Šipts, ii; ºf pduragga, Tó; +6áknua, Tô (esp. in a dream). A visionary, Werewpoxóyos ; ueteopoxéoxms, ov, 6; geteopogicóiros. - ' ' '. 446 See Man. To talk like a visionary, t MeteopokoTéa, only act. To visit, go to see, etc., Tpéseul (-iéval); €Tépxokat, mid., fut. –exeijoopal, aor. 2. —fix60V, perf –exãAv0a; étravage&opal, mid. ; (as a pupil visits his tutor) ‘potów, c. prep. eis, trapā, Tpbs, etc. c. acc. : étri- ºpoutdo; (as a general visits his sentries) étrioicotréal, fut. (as if from olcétropal) -oicéopal, etc.; (with punishment) uéretſu (–1éval). - They visit on you the slaughter of your mother, ketâA- 66v o” aiwa pumtépos, Eur. One must visit, pottmTéov, c. prep. A visiting, poſtmoris, eas, i. A visitation (of any calamity), okmTTós. A visor, Tpóo wrov. See Mask. Visual, épáticós. See To see. Vital. See Life. To vitiate, pósipa. See To corrupt. To vituperate, àvelöf{w, c. acc. pers, also c. dat. pers, often c. dat. pers, and acc. of the fault on account of which. Wituperation, Šveiðos, Tó. Vivacious, eúðūuos, ov. Vivaciously, eiðūaws, compar. -órepov, -órara. Vivacity, eiðūuía. Wivid, Öğüs. Wividly, Öğéws. Viviparous, woróicos, ov. . To be viviparous, ſootokéw, only act. A being viviparous, (wotokia. An ulcer, éArcos, Tó. To have ulcers, ſcaflexicóouai, pass. Ulceration, ÉNicoots, eas, i. Ulcerous, éptuos, ov. Ultimate, Éaxåtos. See Last. Ultimately, Śoxarov; Tô oxarov, Soph. See At last. - Umbrage, ’āyāváict mois, ews, ii. See Indignation. Umbrageous, forcióðms. See Shady. r An umpire, ºpiths, où, 6; Éaéö00xos, + 8pâ€eūs (at the games) 'üywv00érms, ov, 6; +’āywvápxms, ov, 6. To sit as umpire, Égéðovouéa, only act. Unabashed, 'évaloxvutos, ov. Unabated, + šAmicros, ov, See Incessant. Unable, 'üğüváros, ov, c. infin. or c. eis and acc. To be unable, ’āöövätéw, only act.; Éöövätéw. Unacceptable, &mºſis. Unaccompanied, uévos, poet. Hoovos; (of songs with- out instrumental music) + tre&s. Jnaccomplished, 'TeXīs; "Gºpautos, ov; 'āvāvūros, ov; (of an oracle) +"Gxpmotos, ov. Unaccosted, unaddressed, unspoken to, #’āT640ey- Ictos, ov. Unaccountable, ºf &gkotos, ov. maccountably, ºf ’āvepetºvºlta. naccustomed, ‘ārepos, ov, c. gen, of that to which ; &ñ0ms. - being unaccustomed, ela, c. gen, of that to which; 'âtrepta. Wn an unaccustomed manner, <s. Unadorned, 'ükógumtos, ov. - jnadvised (of persons whom no one dares to advise), "àvov6étmTos, ov. To act unadvisedly, airopºrtſo, only act. Jnadulterated, ‘āričānāos, ov; ’ākñpáros, ov;”ākpā. See Pure. n an unadulterated state, ’ākiššíAws. Jnallotted, tº campos, ov. jmalloyed, ‘āictéðm?\0s, ov. Jnalterable, unaltered,’ākivmtos, ov; 'âuetáo Tpopos, ov; 'égerā'ichaotos, ov. jnalterably, 'étivitas, ‘āuetárivăţ ws, Umamenable, ’āAmirtos, ov. Jnambitious, &pixóriuos, ov. being unambitious, & pixotiuſa. Jnanimity, Ögoãošía. Unanimous, Öployvápov, ovos, 5, 7, ; ŚwóAoyos, ov; ôwoºpóðuov, ovos, 6, h; + couoq pov, ovos, 6, #. To be unanimous, 690) wouovéw, only act.; 6p1060&éo. Jnanimously, 6900593.6bv, Šuoyvapiévos, wi& Yvºn, Thuc. Unapproachable, 'ééâtos, m, ov, and os, ov; 6üséâtos, ov; 3vstrpóséâtos, ov; 3üseisé0Xos, ov; 5ustrpásoãos, ov; +&otišās; (as being holy) +*śööTos, ov. Unarmed, &otAos, ov; *āvoTAos, ov; Yvuvos, +’âtev- | xàs; +'éotömpos, ov. The unarmed side, yūguagus, i. Unarranged, ‘ākóguntos, ov; ’āötoilentos, ov; +'éko- O'LOS, OV. |Unassuageable, t & chantos, ov. l nassuming, TpoeoTaxpévos. |Unatomed for, ‘f "ákáðaptos, ov. Unassisted, 'étiuºpmtos, ov. Unattempted, "åtte‘pmtos, ov; āpyós. Unattended (i. e. with mone, or a very small escort), * Movoo Tiës, ºf Balós. * Unavailable, ’āxpeſos, a, ov, more usu, os, ov. See Useless, º T0s, ov. tjnaccomplished—Unbroken Unavenged, 'étiudºpºros, ov. Unavenged, adv., vºltrotuſ. Unavoidable, ’āufixávos, ov; ‘āqvictos, ty; BisārāA. Aakros, ov; oi (pevictos, Soph. ; (of calamity not in curred by one’s own fault) *āvāudprºtos, ov. - Unawares, adj., *āq partos, ov (agreeing with the person to whom the thing happens, e. g.—I shall be caught unawares, &pparctos Amſp0%gopal, it falls on $/ou unawares, i. e. without your being aware, Špiv &ppáictois Tpostſtret), Thuc.; so 'épúAactos, ov; Aáðpatos, a, ov, and os, ov (agreeing with the thing which happens). See Unknowing, Uneapected. Unawares, adv., A&6pá, sometimes c. gen. of the per- son whose notice is avoided; A&6paías. To do anything unawares, Aavčávo, perf. AéAméa, c. part., often c. acc. pers, without whose knowledga one acts, mid. rarely and pass, never used in this sense, Unbearable, &pópmtos, ov. - Their audacity is unbearable (i. e. hard to associate with), oùic Świxmtöv Špdaros, AEsch. See Intoler. able. Unbeaten, TAmyów &0&0s, Ar. Unbecoming, &etichs, Att. sometimes contr. airfis: ’āirpetrºs, + 5ustpetrás. Unbecomingly, ſcalcoaxmudvas; +&eticós, and + aircós |Unbelief, &Trio Tía. Unbelieving, &tio tos, ov, sometimes c. dat. of him whose words one distrusts. To unbend, act, + xàAów, fut. —Éaw, etc., only act. Unbending, 'ücapittos, ov; ‘ākauTās; +&yvauttos, OV. Unbendingness, ’ākautía. Unbidden, 'ükéAevotos, ov; ai TokéAevotos, ov; (i. e. uninvited, q.v.) ºf airók}\mtos, ov. To unbind, Aña. See To loosen. Unblamable, or unblamed, 'éuepittos, ov; ’āveri'- IcAmtos, ov. See Blameless. Unblamedly, 'évetricæſtøs. Unblemished, TéAeos and TéAetos, a, ov, and os, ov (esp. of victims). Unborn, 'üyévntos, ov, and ’āyévvmtos. Unbounded, 'éuetpos, ov; ; éTpmtos, ov; +&ire pé- orios, ov. See Boundless. Umbribed, 'ü5ékaotos, ov. To unbridle, 'üToxêAlvów. Unbridled, 'ixãAlvos, ov; &xaxivoros, ov; (i. e. licentious) "àkóAao Tos, ov. Unbroken, + šáñmicros, ov; ; &ä, öyos, 6, § ; +”30pavotos, ov. 447 Unburied—Undecided Unbroken, (i.e. untamed, q.v.) + 'â5äuáros, ov; (i.e. Uncommon, 'üreppuis, ms. continuous, as an unbroken series, etc.) Güvexhs. Unburied, 'étápos, ov; +&ictépurtos, ov; +'äuolpos, ov (i. e. deprived of proper funeral honours). Unburnt, ‘ākavatos, ov. Uncalled, adj., *ācantos, ov; † attökXmtos, ov; ºf airóoroſitos, ov. Unceasing, Švöexexhs; t &pgiros, ov. See Endless, Everlasting. * Unceasingly, ovvexãs. Uncertain, (of everything except persons) *āömAos, ov; ’āqāvās; (of reports) 'éuaupos, + kwºos, + &rre- pos; (of hope, expectation, etc.) &rāºntos; + to: AüTAayktos, ov; (of a person, i. e. doubtful what to do) 'éuñXavos, ov, c. gen, of the matter in which, or c. infin; ºropos, ov. See Doubtful. For fortune is an uncertain thing as to how it will turn out, rö täs túxms yºp & paves of trpošāoretat, Eur. How they will turn out is uncertain, Örotépa's fatal év &öñAq, kivāvvetºetal, Thuc. Uncertainly,ápavôs, compar.—éotepov, superl. —éota- Ta; áš &pavows, ék toº & pavods, +&ipāvū. See Doubt. Unchallenged (i. e. unquestioned, unblamed, q.v.), &vetſkämtos, ov. CInchallenged, adv., &vettkäätws. Unchangeable, ’ākīvntos, ov; + šo paxis. See Firm, Unalterable. Unchangeably, 'ükivitas. Unchaste, föösayvos, ov; +’äväyvos, ov. Unchastity, A&yveſa. Unchecked, 'âxãAlvos, ov; (of an enemy's troops) &ño ontos, ov. Uncivil, Tpāxīs. See Rude. An uncle, &eios; it ºvăuepos, ov; on the father's side, Tărpáðexpós; on the mother's, ujitpa's, gen, wos, contr. a, etc. Unclean, +’ávayvos; Uncleanness, utúpia. To unclose, 'évolyviºuſ, imperf. Att, sometimes &véº- 'yov, aor. 1. #votéa and &vépéa, no perſ, act., perf. pass. &véºyuat, etc. See To open. Unclouded, +’āvépeños, ov. To uncoil, f ÉeAío aw. See To unfold. Uncoined, 'éamuos, ov. Uncoloured, ‘āxpáuáros, ov. Uncombed, +&ictévigºros, ov; +’āAirãphs. Uncomfortable (of a situation), xañeirós. To be uncomfortable (esp. in mind), Övszépaíva, Śws- ºpópws &yw. +’ābotéautos, ov. Uncommonness, calvörms, mTOs, i. Uncompelled, "åéiaotos, ov. Unconcealed, +”ákpvittos, ov; ºf ºvéqexas, ov. Unconcern, ÖAiyapta. Unconcerned, ÖAfyopos, ov; +’âuépipwos, ov. Unconcernedly, ÖAiyêpos, + síkóAws. Unconnected, 'üoºvöstos, ov; 'égivatros, ov. This light, not unconnected with the beacon on Mount Ida, páos té6' oilk &tairtrov 'Iöatov trupbs, AEsch. For calamities are objects of pity, even if one is uncon- nected with them, oiktpā yöp Tö, ävstvX'ſ 8potoºs &taal kāv Švpatos &v kvpfi, Eur. Unconquerable, unconquered,  ontos, ov; +’āvī. knºtos, ov; ’āöäuätos, ov. See Invincible. Unconscious of, &iotos, ov, c. gen. Unconsecrated, BéémAos, ov. Unconsidered, &orkertos, ov; &rpáo kettos, ov. Uncorrected, 'êver"TAmicros, ov. Uncorrupted, "åutavros, ov; ’ākpatºpvils. See Pure. To uncover, ékkäAöttw; oneself, unveil (q.v.), &va- kaAürrouai, mid., and poet. —Tw, intrans. . Uncovered, +’ākāAüphs; +’ākāAvTros, ov. t Uncouth, iówtucós; (of a poet, or a style) f Šarū otătos, ov. An uncouth person, 'ióićtms, ov, 6. Uncouthly, iówtukós. Uncrowred, &otepävotos, ov; + šo retrtos, ov. - Unctuous, Airóðms. Uncultivated, &otropos, ov; &pyös, Öv; +’āvīporos, ov; (of men, manners, etc.) "Gyptos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; *āypotkos, ov. See Rude. A being uncultivated, &epyia, sometimes contr. &pyta Uncurbed, 'üxãAlvos, ov. Uncut, &ramros, ov; ‘āropos, ov, Undaunted, ‘āčeňs; ’āq,060s, ov; *ātpeotos, ov; +’ārapéïs, sometimes c. gen. of the dangers; +’âtép- Śmtos, ov. See Intrepid, Bold. Undauntedly, 'épé60s, ’āöeós, +’ārpéotas. Undauntedness, ’āq,0éia. See Bravery. Undecayed, 'üyńpáros, ov; +&yńpaos, ov, sometimes —avs, -ov. Undecided (of a battle or victory), "åkpitos, ov. Undecided by the council, *ārpoéoùAevtos, ov. On account of the long undecided nature of the conflict, 813 to &kpita's Evvexes tis Šufaxms, Thuc. To be undecided (of a person), &pſpiyvoča. See To doubt. +&otépavos, ov; 448 Undecked—Undisciplined Undecked, ºxéopºtos, ov; (of an open boat) &oté- 'yao Tos, ov, - k - Undefended, +*ābpaktos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. (gene- rally, and in Oratt. esp. of an undefended trial); ëpmuos, m, ov, and os, ov. Undefiled, 'êicăpătos, ov; *.xpavtos, ow. Undefined, &óptoſtos, ov. Undefinedly, &optotals. Undeniable, ’āicătă'éAmtos, ov. See To deny. Under, Örö, and poet. Śtral (never so used before a vowel), c. gen. (esp. when indicating that from under which one moves, or indicating an object under which a thing is placed, or a ruler under whose power one is), also c. dat. in the two latter senses; sometimes c. acc. of the object under which a thing is placed, also esp. implying motion towards, so as to go under ; ºf karū, c. gen, as a dead person's soul is said to go (or his body to be buried) katē x60Vös, etc. [LIDD. and Sc. say this is merely “down into”]; intokärw, c. gen.; + evepºe, or —ev; + vépôe, or —ev. Under my government, Éirl Täs éuñs 8aaiketas, Isoc. [this is explained as being strictly “in the time of"). Under thirty years of age, veðTepos Tptákovta érôv, Xen. To be under, iſtrelpit (–eival), c, dat, or c, acc. or sine cas.; ‘ūrākeipial, fut. -ketoſopal, no other tenses, c. dat, or sine cas. To undergo, öq to Tapat, pass., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf, act, perf. part, contr. —eotés, 602, 6T0s, etc., c. acc.; ‘ūtréxo, fut, ifášo, no aor. 1, aor, 2. §tréaxov, and poet. Śtréaxeflow, perf. §Téoxmica; Štro. 6üouai, mid., c. aor. 2. act. -éðvy; + yetouai, mid, c. gen.; + '30Aéa. See To bear, To endure. Underground, Öröyelos, ov; kārūyelos, ov; x0ávios, a, ov, and 0s, ov (meaning however rather “under the earth” than what we understand by underground). Underhand, kpógaíos. To undermine, ‘ūtrofiñéo (only pres, and imperf act. in this act. sense), c. acc.; (prospects, forms of go- vernment, etc.) Ajuaivopal, mid, c. perf. pass. Ae- Aüuaouai, sometimes in act. Sense, c. acc., more rarely c, dat. Undermost, véâtos. See Lowest. To underrate, ‘ūtokoptſoual, mid. To understand, givinput, usu, (even when not re- quired by the metre) in the form évvinul, only act, and fut, and aor. 2. mid., c. acc, or c. gen.; Yiyuágico, fut. 'yvågopal, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. čYvov, etc., perf. pass, Éyvogual, etc.; Mav6ávo, fut. Máðhoopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čuš00v, perf. pepä0mica; twwoéo; Nau- Sávo, fut. Aft|opal, no adr. 1. act, aor. 2. čWüšov, perf. etamºpa; beatrógo (only of understanding speeches. etc.) c. gen.; (of understanding a thing to be so and so) ‘ūtrākota'; so Šišāokouai, mid, fut, -ãouai, also perf, and aor. 1. pass, in the same sense, c. 3s. To have understanding, ſppovéw. To understand thoroughly, ’ātpiéów. To understand (something not expressed = Lat. Subaudio in Gramm.), Tposvtracotopal, mid. Do you not understand from what . . ., où yvápav foxels ē; otov, etc., Soph.; so— Understanding all things, Távtov Yváuavioxov, Soph. One must understand, ÖToxmirtéov; ‘ūtrākova Téov, c. acc. rei, Tepl and gen, pers. & Understanding, subst, v60s, contr. (as always in prose) vows; Yváum; oivetris, ews, #; ppóvnua, tá; vámoſis, ii. See Mind, Reason. - Perceivable by the understanding, vomtés. Understanding, adj. (intelligent), ppéviuos, ov; orive, Tós; intoxmitticos (i. e. able to understand, as ūtroxmirtuch 6tuous, etc.). In an understanding manner, ſppoviuws, forêverós. To come to an understanding with, colvox.oyéopal, c. dat. To undertake, iro5éxouai, mid., c. perf. pass, and pluperf. in act. sense; ’āvāöéxopal; iºta Tauai, pass, c. aor. 2. and perf, act., perf. part. often sync. —eatós, &ga, 670s, etc., c. acc. or c. infin., esp. fut, infin. KätetrayyáAAopal, mid.; folpopal, mid.; in conjunc. tion with another, oivaípoſal, mid, c. acc. or c. gen, of the deed to be done. To be undertaken, Tpoxeipt. Çouai, pass., esp. in perf. - One must undertake, &utiamirréov, c. gen. An undertaking (of labours), +’īvāö0xff. To undervalue, Aiyapéa, only act, c. gen. Undeserved, ‘āváčíos, a, ov, and os, ov, Undeservedly, 'évačías, ’āötkws; uh kat' &#ſav, Eur.; 5Trép and trap& Thy &étav, Eur, Dem. Undeserving, 'évášios, a, ov, and os, ov, c, gen. See Unworthy. Undestroyed, &pgaptos, ov. Undetermined, 36téptotos, 6v; +’ākūpatos, ov. Undeterminedly, 'éâtopfotos, Undiminished, "årpiéâs. Undipped, ‘I’āśćirtuo tos, ov, c. gen, of that in which—" Undiscernible, &épôtos, ov. See Invisible. Undisciplined, ‘āraktos, ov; ’ārīvraktos, ov. To be undisciplined, 'étaktéa, only act. A being undisciplined, 'étašía. In an undisciplined manner, "åtåkta's {} {} Undiscoverable—Unfixed Undiscoverable, undiscovered, 'üveūpetos, ov; 'âve- Šećpetos, ov. - Undisguised, &rpoſpáriotos, ov; +’ākpvirtos, ov. Undisguisedly, &rpoqāorío ros. Undisputed, ‘āvauqto Shtmros, ov; ’āvauqiaoyos, ov; (i.e. at law) āveriöiros, ov. Undisputedly, 'évauqua’émthºros, &vauqixó ya's. TIndistinguishable, F &kpitáqvptos, ov. Undisturbed, Škm}\os, ov; ov; ‘ātāpakros, ov. Undisturbedly, + 300púšas. See Quietly. Undivided, 'üuépio tos, ov; &axiotos, ov; 'âvéuntos, ov; +’āāaotos, ov. To undo (as one undoes a piece of work), 6taxéa, fut. —xeflow, aor. 1. Att. -éxea; trotéo, Soph.; "Girpaktov trotéo, Dem. To undo one's own work, 'üvåvitov Špyov trpá00 w, Plat. To undo (i. e. to ruin, q.v.), ÖAAüut, perf. 2. čAwña in pass. Sense, as also fut, mid. ÖAoûual, and aor. 2. &Aóumv, no pass.; &tóAAüut. See To destroy. Undone (i. e. not done), širpaktos, ov; ’āvāvūtos, ov; +āpybs, 6v; +’āyévntos, ov. Undone (i.e. ruined), FöA0ós; + 3\é6ptos, a, ov, and 0s, 09. To be undone (i.e. ruined, q.v.), + šictop6éopal, pass.; + ékp0eſpoual, pass.; +’āvaolceváçopal, pass.; +oğ0- ual, only in pres. and perf. otzaka. Undoubted, 'évaupiaoyos, ov. See Certain. Undoubtedly, 'évauq i\6-yos. See Certainly. To undress, éköö'w, act. of undressing others, mid., c. aor. 2, act. -éövy, of undressing oneself; &toča, and —oual, mid., in act, sometimes c, acc. of the garments, gen. pers. In mid. Sometimes c, gen, of the garments, etc. Undue, To gain undue advantages, TAeovelcréa. A desire of gaining undue advantages, TAeovečía ; (a trick for that object) TAeovéictmua, tá. One who desires undue advantages, TAeovéictms, ov, 6. Uneasiness, ’āywvía. - Let it not be a cause of uneasiness to you, uire Švaxépés orot yewéa'60, Plat. Uneducated, 'üšičakros, ov; 'âvouiantos traibetas, Plat. - Unenclosed, 'évépktos, ov. Unencumbered (of property), ČAeë0epos, a, ov, and os, ov. Unemviable, H &@Aos, ov. rāq,00vos, ov. 'â0ópü60s, ov; '300púšntos, ’āvāAö'w; ’āyévºſtov Unenvied, & p56vmtos, ov; Unequal, 'évigos, ov, Švouotos, ov; 'évéuáAos, ov. Unequal to eaisting circumstances, xeipov táv inap- xövtwv, Dem.; so fiorowy also is used. To be unequal to (i.e. unable to bear), "štreſtrov, aor. 2. augment in all the moods, c, dat. Unequally, 'üviorals. Unerring, "åväuäpt'ntos, ov; i &ilevöffs. Umerringly, &vapaptitas. Uneven, ävápióAos, ov. Unevenness, 'évapāAórms, mºros, i. Unexamined, &večéAeykros, ov; ’āve;éraatos, ov (esp. by judicial examination) 'ééão'íviatos. Unea'amined, adv. &éâqâvigºras. Unexceptionable, "åveTitium'ros, ov. Unexecuted, '&texís. Unexpected, 'êvéAttoros, ov; tāpā3030s, ov; +’āöö kntos, ov; +’árotos; ov; +&qipaotos, ov. Unexpectedly, &öokáros, trapaxó-Yos, + &éAttws, +’āöökmta ; &lrö Toi) āśokhtov, Thuc.; ák ŚāoreA- Tío Twu, Xen.; Éic toi, Tapačáčov, Dem. Unexpiated, +&icã0aptos, ov. Unexplained, 'ütrepiffyntos, ov. Unexplored, 'éâtépévntos, ov. Unextinguishable, "åtavotos, ov; + ša'éegros, ov. Unfading, +’āyāpaſs, ww. Unfailing, &gºaXás. Unfair, 'üvetrieuchs. Unfairly, "Čviorals. To act unfairly, &yvapovéa, only act. Unfairness, &vettleticeia. See Injustice. Unfaithful, 'étriotos, ov. See Faithless. Unfathomable, f'éévoſoros, ov. Unfavorable (of circumstances), trovnpós. See Adverse, To form an unfavorable opinion of (in any way, as to conduct, success, etc.), catayudaica, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —eyvov, perf. —éyvaka. Unfavorably, Tovmpôs. See Unfriendly, Adverse. Unfed, 'éðeltvos, ov. - Umfeeling, ºf SisäA'ymtos, ov. See Cruel. A being unfeeling, +&Yvouorium. Unfeigned, *āö0A0s, ov. See Real. Unfeignedly, &ööAws. Unfelt, 'êvator0mtos, ov. Unfettered, ‘āöeguos, ov, considerations, ‘āperos, ov. Unfinished, 'éâtépyaotos, ov; +’āTexhs. Unfit, 'üveritàbelos, ov, c. Tpos and acc. See Useless. Unfitly, 'éveritmöeſos. Unfixed, 'ükätäortútos, ov. See Unsettled. See Unjust. Unſettered by secondary 450 Unflattered—Unharmed Unflattered, +'â66trevtos, ov. Unfledged, +&Trepos, ov. To unfold, 'êvãretávviſut, poet. Sync. also #17, fut. –ãoro, perf. pass. -Tétrapal ; ŚeAtago ; +&va- TTügga, -śa. Unforeseen, 'ürposłókmros, ov; &rpopúAaktos, ov (esp. of evils not guarded against as being unfore- seen), &tpógicettos, ov; +’āirpáorros, ov; t&ſpo- pºſióntos, ov. See Unempected. In an unforeseen manner, &rposëokfirws ; 'éká60s (of things so happening). Unforgiving, 'éovyyváuov, ovos, 6, i. Unforgotten, 'éetuvnotos, m, ov, and os, ov. So as to be unforgotten, deuvågros, Unfortified, *āpparros, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. of the means by which, c. rpès and acc. of the enemy ; 'âtetxuatos, ov; 'āváxipos, ov. Unfortunate, (of persons or events) 3vstixis, 3vs: Satuwy; 35stmvos, ov; +’āvox60s, ov; (of persons only) 'étixis, +’āuoupos ; + šup.opos, and + šuopos, ov; (of events, circumstances, etc., only) Kákos, compar. —twu, -toros ; also xépov, xepigros; to- vmpos, +’āqeyyńs ; +’étroTuos, ov; +6üsoilptortos, ov; (of fortune) Båpús. Doomed to an unfortunate end, faivéuopos, ov. Unfortunate in marriage, taivá- Aektpos, ov; ; aivöyüpos, ov. Unfortunate as a father, faivorárip, pos, 6. To be unfortunate, (of persons, generally) Öustüxéo, mo mid, in prose also pass. (esp. in aor. 1.) in the same sense ; ‘ārūxéa, ; (in a particular case) Traio, only act.; ’āTorvyxávo, fut. —reiſſoual, no aor. 1, aor. 2. —érüxov ; ’āveTitmöetws ºrpágow, Lys.; so co- kós, pxaúpos Tpdoorw, etc.; kaicós Táoxw, Trag. Orat. (see To fare); €irl ovuſpopa's ytyvouai, Dem. To be unfortunate in, f €vöust Uxéa, ; in company with, givārūzéa, ºf ovvövstvXéa. To be unfortunate pre- viously, trpoëvstvXéa. To be unfortunate by the infliction of the Gods, + 6al- pováa, only pres, act, usu, c, dat. of the cala- mity. If then they are unfortunate, which may God avert, #v 6' oiv, 6 u% yévoito, xpſia wurat Tüxm, Eur. Unfortunately, Övstixós, ſcákós, i övstróTua's. Umfrequent, a Tůvios. See Rare. Unfrequented, ºf dotiëls, sometimes c. dat. Unfriendly, 'éveritàeios, ov; &möñs; +’āpiaos, ov. In an unfriendly manner, i dºpi\ws. To be unfriendly, dAAotpfws éxw, &A. wpos and acc. y 6täketpal, c. Unfruitful, f'éAoptos, ov; +’ārāprotos, ov; + dkö. pov, ovos, 6, ii. See Barren. Unfruitfulness, t’ākapiría, t Unfulfilled, 'étéAfts; +”ákpavros, ov; +’ākāpirwtos, ov (of an oracle). To unfurl, (a sail, etc.) karatrstävviſit, perf. pass. —tréttàual ; +’āvāretdvvvut, poet, sync. also dutr.; "ávätetva, ; (a standard) alpo. See To spread. S To unfurnish, ēkolcetaſo, esp. in pass. Ungainly, alcalás. Ungathered, 'éovykóutatos, ov; t”áðpetros, ov; + dāpétrávos, ov. g Ungenerous, 'üvexed.6epos, ov. Ungentle, F 'éuetàixos, ov. Ungirt, &@otos, ov. Ungodliness, affeótºms, mtos, ii. See Impiety. Ungodly, 'éðeos, ov. See Impious. In an ungodly manner, 'évogías, Ungovernable, dxãAlvos, ov; + 3üsapktos, ov. Ungraceful, 'üxãplatos, ou ; + ºxépts, é, í, neut. —p, gen.-itos, compar. —to repos, etc.; +’āicopalos, ov. Jngracefully, 'éxãpío tos. Ungracious, ‘āxīpis, Č, ii, neut.-pº, gen, -iros, com- par. -ſatepos. Ungrateful, 'üxãptatos, ov, c. dat, or c. Tpos and acc.; &yváuwu, ovos, 6, # ; +5usXàpiatos, ov. Ungratefully, 'üxãpío Tws. For I think that I shall not be ungratefully treated by gou, oiual yèp oilt áxapío Tws pot *šew . . . Tºbi ūpāv, Xen. To be ungrateful, 'üxãptorréa, only act. He made an ungrateful return, 'étréðak" duoué&s of lcox&s, Eur. Unguarded, 'épêAactos, ov; *āq'poupos, ov; ‘ābpoff. pmtos, ov; (i. e. acting in an unguarded manner) ºf diſppactos, ov. An unguarded state, 'übüAačía. Unguardedly, 'übüAdictaws. Unguent, Hipov. See Ointment. Unhallowed, "åvī’epos, ov; +'éðūros (of sacrifices not duly offered). To unhand, fueðimpal, act. c. acc., mid, c. gen. Unhand this woman, (p6eipov Tāsāe, Eur. Unhappiness, Övsöalpovía. See Misery. Unhappy, Švsöaiuov, ovos, 6, #. See Unfortunate. Unharassed, +’āyūuvaaros, ov. Unharmed, +’áváros, ov; (of anything deposited and reiurned in the same state) 'évéTápos, ov. See Safe, - See Harsh. G G 2 451 - Unharness—United To unharness, Ata, Škāśa. - Unhealthy, (of places, etc.) v00 mpás ; (also of people, etc.) voróns ; (of persons only) éirívoros, ov; (of food) 8äpäs. Unheard, 'évíkovoros, ov. A trying or a judging, or a fining of a defendant un- heard, without giving him the opportunity of being heard, Stich, or yvåg is, or étroëexía &TpósitAmtos, Oratt. Unheard of, i &iatos, ov, and sometimes + aiotos ; (of a person of whom no news has been received) + dkipwictos, ov; (too horrible to be heard of) ‘āvī- Kovatos, ov. - Not to be heard at a distance (of a low voice), ‘ārvatos, 0.9e Unheated, +’ā0épplauros, ov. Unheeded, ºf 'ééovicóAmtos, ov. Unhesitating, Šokvos, ov; diſpopädiatos, ov. See Prompt. Unhesitatingly, diſpopāorío Tws, dókvas. Unhired, +’äutatos, ov. Unhired, adv. 'êuto 6i. - Unholy, 'évégios, a, ov, more usu, os, ov; +’ávayvos, ov; +'évi'epos, ov. Unholy inasmuch as having neglected offering sacrifice, &viepos’ā0ürww trexévov, Eur. See Wicked. Unholily, divoortws. Unhonoured, ‘āriuos, ov; +’āriros, m, ov, and os, ov. Unhonoured (as to funeral honours), t dictépio Tos, ov. Unhonoured, adv. 'ériuws. Unhoped for, 'évéAttortos, ov; +&extrºtos, ov. Uneapected. {Jnhoped for, adv. I déAttws, f {e\tta. Unhurt, 'üTſiplay, ovos, 6, il, sometimes c, gen. of the evil; +’āśAššís ; +’āvāros, ov; +'ātrāpavros, ov; ’āvogos calcóy, Eur. See Safe. Uniform, adj. Povostěřis. An uniform, a kevä. Uniformly, Šuotóvas. Unimaginable, 'üAóytotos, ov. Unimpeded, "åvepatróðiatos, ov. Unimportant, paixos, n, ov, and os, ov; uſicpbs and || oplkpós. Uninflammable, 'ücavorros, ov. Uninformed, 'üuá6%ls, sometimes c. gem. See Ignorant. Uninhabitable, uninhabited, doikmtos, ov; Sãsof- kmtos, ov. Uninitiated, 'étéWeotos, ov, sometimes c. gen, of the mysteries; 'éuintos, ov; 8éémAos, ov, See Uninjured, 'éképatos, ov; (of a city which has suf. fered no defeats during the time spoken of) dit- Tmºros, ov. See Unhurt. Unintelligible, 8vsöveros, ov; 'éoéphs; SisäAotos, ov; 65syvoortos, ov; +’āormuos, ov; † 6üseiſperos, ov; +8wsrékuapros, ov; + dāskpitos, ov. - Uttering an unintelligible sound (of birds), f 8ééapéâ- pºpuevos Unintelligibly, 8voicătăuá0%tws, # 8vokphras. Unintentional, 'âlcov, ovoia, ov, ovtos, etc. (of the doer, more rarely of the deed); (oftenest of an action) 'êicotiatos, ov. Unintentionally, 'acovotos. Uninterrupted (of either work or worker), giveXàs. Uninterruptedly, oriveXós, ’āötaſtráo Tws. With whom they are uninterruptedly at war, Tpös ois où8& Tétrote étaffo avto troXenoëvres, Isoc. Uninvestigated, évečéraotos, ov. Uninvited, *ākAmtos, ov. Union, icoivovía, ovſöyia ; origevěts, eas, # ; (esp. that of living together) + 6pavXta; (i. e. marriage) gºvepits, ii, also givepčis yáuwu, Plat. Unison, āpuovía. A unit, Évès, #60s, h; uovás, #60s, i. To unite, act. (etyviºt, ovſeſ)uvut; pſyvvul, also pres. and imperf. Atoya, fut, mid. often in pass, sense, etc.; avuºſºvvut, etc.; giviaTmut, in pres. imperf. fut. avo Táo w, and aor. l. givéotnoa, aor. 2. perf. and pluperf act. in pass. sense. See To join. To unite, intrans. (i. e. to be united), mid. and pass. of most of the above verbs; ovycepāvviſual, pass., perf. -ké:pāua, ; in friendship, ovvouretáouai, mid. and pass., c. dat. of one's friend; pixtas 'éváicipvapai, Eur.; in opinion, Öployvapovéa, only act.; in a league, oiſvío Tapai, mid., c. aor. 2., perf, and pluperf act., perf. part, sync. often ovved Tös, Öga, àtos, etc. See To agree. t - - To unite (of a wound), ovupvopal, pass., c. aor. 2. act. givépvv, perf. ovutrépiſka, To unite in oneself, ovykoutſoual eis éuavrov, Xen. They determined to advance in order to unite with Cyrus, Šošev airtois trpoſéval eis to Tpó00ev ć's Kūpg ovupičelav, Xen. And the others his allies having united with him in his enmity to the Thebans, ovutrepavapiévov 6é Tów &AAwy Töv ovvepyóv airtó Thy Tpos Omēafous éxópav, Dem. Likely to unite (of a wound), ovuqirikás. United, orévé, tºyos, 6, h; † at ſtºyos, ov (esp. in mar- riage, or as epith, of marriage itself). 452 Uniter—Unlucky The united power, to givappārepov, Dem. A uniter, oivāya, yets. Uniting, adj. act. givāyaybs, c. gen. A uniting, givāywyí; otivöeous, i. Unitedly, 'üTo uſ&s éppis, Thuc. Unity, Śvētms, mTos, j. Universal, couës, h, Öv, and bs, 6v; (or universally applicable) ºf trayicoivos, ov; (of anything done by many, e. g. lamentation uttered universally, etc.) + &upiñáq.fs. Universally, Kotuń, koués, Universally (in point of time), 'éel (see Always); (in point of place, etc.) travtåx00. See Everywhere, etc. The universe, Tà éAa, Xen.; Tô ŠAov, Plat.; Tô Tāv, Plat. Unjust, 'éðikos, ov; groxiás; TāAvôikos, ov; + æköi. icos, ov; ; tāpāvouos, ov; in great matters, peyāAš- ôicos, ov. Plotting unjust things, *āśikopffixávos, ov. To be unjust, 'üğücéa. To decide unjustly, träpäyl- 7 wiègica, fut. —yvágouai, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. —éyvov, perf. —éyvoica, etc. Unjustly, 'übicas; 8ig Sikms, or ’ārep, or ’āveu, or Tépa 6íkms, Trag. Unkind, xãAeros, Tikpós; 6dsvoos, ov, ovs, ovy (as always in prose); ‘i’āqīA0s. See Cruel. Unkindly, trikpós. Unkindness, trikpótºms, mTOs, ii. See Harshness. Unknowing, &to Twp, opos, 6, #. To be unknowing, do a thing without knowing it, Aav- 6ávo, fut. Aftow, no aor. 1., aor. 2. čAá00v, perf. AéAm0a, c. part. (as—lest he perish unknowingly, or without knowing it, ph 6taq,0épels Adón, Soph.), some- times c. acc. of the person who does not know (as— lest he come on me without my knowing, pººl A&6p Me Tposteg öv, Soph), [sometimes Aavčávo is in the participle, and the other verb in its appropriate tense). Unknown, #ywootos, ov; &yvös, Öros, 6, #, Tá; (esp. unknown to fame) 'évéviſuos, ov; so i váviſuos, ov; (of secret actions) Aáðpaios, a, ov, and os, ov; ’āTörpüºpos, sometimes c. gen. of the person to whom they are unknown. See Secret, Obscure. Unknown, adv. Adépá (of what is done unknown to a person), often c. gen, pers.; Kpúéðmu, icpáqa, +A&6paíos. Taking care that no one may pass unknown to you, ©vAágoſov ºf Tís ore Adém Tapaperſpapéum, Eur. And how shall I go through the city unknown to the Cadmeans ? kal Tós 3' &area's elut Kabuelovs Aa3%v; Eur, Well-born mortals, if they be poor, are unknown, of uév eiyévets 8pótov, Tévºtes čvtes, où6èv čupatvova” &ti, Eur. Unlamented, +ºğyoos, ov; +'ävoluwkros, ov; +’ā6&- ºpiros, ov; +'äääkpus, 6, #, neut.-v, gen. —vos. Unlawful, 'évouos, ov; tāpāvouos, ov; ’ā0éutgros, ov; +'éðeſus, iros, 6, ii. - Unlawful conduct, 'évouía, Träpävouſa. An unlawful act, träpävówmua, Tó. To act unlawfully, trăpăvouéa, also in pass. of the action. Unlawfully, 'évéuals, träpävówws. To unlearn, 'étropav0ávo, fut, -ºgouai, no aor, I., aor. 2. —éuá00v, perf. -pepºd.0mica. Unlearned, "åuáðis, often c. gen, or c. repl and gen. or acc.; ’āraíðevros, ov; ‘āuovo'os, ov; ‘āveria thawv, ovos, 6, #; +’âtrópovgos, ov. See Ignoyant. To be unlearned, 'épéðatva', only pres, and imperf, sometimes c. acc. or c. eis and acc. of the matter in which. A being unlearned, 'đić6ía, sometimes c. gen, or c. Tepl and acc., etc. Though he was not unlearned in these matters either, traitot ovöè Tofftwv ye āvākoos jv, Xen. Unlearnedly, "Čuota ws. Unleavened, &@pºos, ov. Unless, eigh, c. indic, or c. opt.; TAhv, usu, with some other particle, e.g. unless if, TAhv et . . . Tºlv éðv,-unless when, TA}v ŠTav, etc. (for the moods governed, etc., see If, When, etc.); 30 oy by Ph, c. subj.; āti wh, usu. when preceded by a negative, Unlet (as a house), 'üg:00atos, ov. Unlettered, 'éuovoſos, ov. See Unlearned, An unlettered life, 'üuovo'ía. Unlike, ’āvápotos, ov. Unlike, adv. 'évouotas. To be unlike, ’āvopouéopal, pass. A being unlike, ‘āvopologis; ii; ’āvopolórms, mºros, i. Unlikely, &reikós. Unlimited, "årepos, ov. See Boundless. To unload (as the crew of a ship unloads its cargo), ěčapéopal, mid, no aor. 1., aor. 2. —sixópmv. To unlock, t’āvāuoxAeëw (of a door). See To open. Unlocked, +”áicAndros, ov. To unloose, Ašw. See To loose. Unloved, +'épiños, ov; +&qiantos, ov. Unlucky, + akatós. See Unfortunate. To be unlucky, &rotvyxávo, fut. —Tetêogal, no aor 1., aor. 2. —érüxov, perf. -tetőknka. 453 Unmaidenly—Unprofitable Unmaidenly, t’ārapbéveuros, ov. Unmanageable, 'éteiðhs (used even of a ship); 30s- Xpmotos, ov; Suspetáxeſptoros, ov. Unmanly, 'évavópos, ov; +&iavs, See Effeminate. Unmannerly, 'épéxfts; “dºypolicos, ov. Unmannerly, adv. & peºs. Unmarked, 'éamuos, ov. Unmarried, ‘āyāuos, ov (in prose used only of man); (only of the woman) ºf &öphs, fitos, 6, #; +&5untos, +&öäuäros; +’āAektpos, ov; +’āvvu pos, ov; +’āvūw- pevros ov; &Qvé yéuov, & vé Aértpov, Eur. See Virgin. Unmeaning, uáratos, a, ov, and os, ov, To be unmeaning, + ºrd ſo, only pres, act. Ummeet, 'üveritàbelos, ov, c. rpès and acc. See Unfit. Unmentioned, &plumadyevtos, ov. Unmerciful, ºf vijñehs, sometimes + vºffs; +’ávouk- Tippov, ovos, ii; +&votiatos, ov. See Pitiless. Unmercifully, 'üvotktía Tws, &veAemuévos, ºf viſãeſºs. Ummerited, 'üváštos, a, ov, and os, ov. Unmeritedly, 'üvačías. See Undeservedly. Unmindful, &pſvínov, ovos, 6, ii, sometimes c. gen. To be unmindful, &plumuovéa, only act, sometimes c. gen. - Unmingled, unmixed, 'ékāpāros, ov; *ākpātos, ov; 'éképatos, ov; &auctos, ov; 'đułyńs, +’ākpatºpvás, Unmingled good will, 'üvavrāyāvigºros súvota, Thuc. Unmolested, 'é96püéos, ov; ’ā00púčntos, ov; &AWTos, ov; sometimes c. gen.; +’āAürntos, ov. Unmolestedly, 'éAürws, # 300púšas. To unmoor, alpa. Ummotherly, +’âuhrap, opos. Unmoved, "åkivmtos (lit. of things, and metaph. of the mind, etc.); +’āreykros, ou (esp. of the heart to pity). Unmown, t’áropos, ov; +’ārāpātos, ov; +"&öpettos, ov; + &öpérávos, ov. Ummusical, f 'éuovoos, ov; +'évouos, ov; + švavôos, - tºº, Unnatural, àAAókotos, ov. It is unnatural, oil, éxel púgiv, Plat. Unnaturally, &AAokórows. Unnecessary, treptorgös. Unobservant, ºf &gicoros, ov, c. gen. To be unobserved (in doing anything), Aav6ávo, fut. Affoopal, aor. 2. čAá09v, perf. AéAmba. Unobstructedly, 'ük&Aüraſs. Unopposed, 'évavitāyāvigºros, ov. Unpaid, "åröutobos, ov. Unpardonable, 'éNaotos, ov. - Unperceived, '&vator0mtos, ov; + ‘āomuos, ov. See Unknown, Unobserved. The whole took fire unperceived, Aaflew 390évra trávra, Thuc. Unperceivedly, AeAm0órws. Unpersuadable, ’āºreiðs, bustretőfis; 80s"relotos, ov. See Obstimate. Unpersuadably, 'ütretóós, òvstretoºtws. Unphilosophical, 'épi\ágoſpos, ov. A being unphilosophical, 'üpiń000 pia. Umpitied, adj. v)}\efts. Unpitied, adv. 'évolktíotos, + 'évoſktas. Unpleasant, "årepths, &mbºls, 8vsxepſis; ’āxáptortos, ov; &pyäAé0s, TAmuſexís. See Grievous, Unpleasantly, &mbós. Unpleasantness, 8vszépeta, &mbia. Unplucked, +”&öpettos, ov. Unplundered, ‘āképatos, ov. Unpolished, + ščeotos, ov (of stone, wood, etc.). Unpolite, ’āirelpólcáAos, ov. Unpopular, 'üxãpiatos, ov; Aütmpás. Suspecting that this might be done in order to make him unpopular, Širototría as p? . . . Širl Staš0Xfitſ, éavrov rojto yévnTal, Thuc. To be unpopular, ‘f pôovéopal, pass. It has made us unpopular among the Greeks, juds Tpbs Toys “EAAmvas 6tašééAmice, Isoc. Unpopularity, póðvos; to €tíð0ovov. Fearing unpopularity with you, Öeto as Thy Tpbs inás &Téx6elav, Isoc. Unpractised (in anything), &trelpos, ov; ’āyúpivaotos, ov; ’āueAétmtos, ov; ’āorvykpótºmºros, ov; ‘āvāoricmtos. ov. See Ineaperienced. - In an unpractised manner, 'éueAethra's, A being unpractised, 'éueAetmata. Unprejudiced, colvös, h, ov, rarely bs, 6v. See Im- partial. * Unpremeditated, '&mpoéoùAevros, ov. Unpremeditatedly, '&rpošovXeūTws. Unprepared, 'Śītāpāorkevos, ov; 'ârâpçoiceiaotos, ov; +&okévos, ov. Unpreparedly, àueAetàtws. Unproclaimed, "åkhpurctos, ov. Unproclaimed, adv., *ākmpükros, ov; ’ākmpvictſ. Unproductive, &yoyos, ov. See Barren. Unprofitable, 'AigiteX}s,’árexhs, f'éképôňs; Fäv6. vmtos, ov. 454 *- Unprofitably—Unshrinkingly Unprofitably, 'üAüoſiteXós. Unpropitious (of omens, etc.), Föſsºmpos, ov; +Trá. popuis, 100s, 6, #. See Adverse. Unprosperous, fºråAſylcotos, ov. See Unfortunate. Unprotected, "Gºppaktos, ov, c. gen, or c, dat. of the In earl S. Unproved, 'évéAeykros, ov; ’āvätrööektos, ov; oë BéSatos, Thuc. Unprovided, 'éuoipos; +&oicevos, ov, c. gen. Unpruned, +’áxeſpotos, ov. Unpunished, & ſhutos, ov; ’ātiuépmtos, ov; ’ā960s, OP. Unpunished, adv, +’āvāti, Unquenchable, ’ātavotos, ov; + ša Šeatos, m, ov, and os, ov. Unquestionable, ’āvapºpto-Sātmtos, ov. Unquestionably, &vapºpto Smtſtos. Unquestioned, 'évéAeyktos, ov; ’āśāgāvtotos, ov. Unquestioned, adv., 'üšāgāvía Tws. Unravaged, +’âtépômtos, ov; &rAmros, ov; 'éképatos, 02/. - An unravelling (of the plot of a play), Añoſis, i. Unready, "Čirpó0üuos, ov. Unreal, ‘ûrovX0s. Unreaped, +’ââpérávos, ov. Unreasonable, ’āAoyos, ov; 'étrelicós. Unreasonably, 'étréoucóTws, ’āretkötws ; 'éoépôs, i. e. without being able to give a reason for being (frightened, etc.). 4” Unreconciled, 'éðiðAAaktos, ov. Unrecorded, +’äuvmuávevtos, ov. Unremedied, 'évíáros, ov. . Unrepented, 'éuetáuéAmtos, ov. Unreproved, §uepºrtos, ov. Unresisted, "&väytävlotos, ov. Unrestrained, &xãAlvos, ov; Aao Tos, ov; "àrpätos, ov. Unrestrainedly, 'üroxáotws, compar. -0Tépos. Unrevenged, ºriuſºpmros, ov. Unrewarded, 'ñxãpurros, ov; +&utg80s, ov. Unridden, 'éváušáros, ov. Unrighteous, ’āčikos, ov. See Unjust. Unripe, &pbs, ov. Unripeness, 396rns, mros, h. Unrivalled, 'évavräytävlotos, ov. To unroll, ºvexforo w. To unroot, €ktpeavíſa, ºf éicôauvíča. Unruffled,’ārāpakros, ov; +’ākūgos, ov; +’ācāuavros, ov. See Calm. See Certain. 'àxãAivatos, ov; ’āicó- Unruly, ŚxA6öms, &reiðſs. See Turbulent. Unsafe, étricivöövos, ov; or påAépés. See Dangerous. Unsafely, Tiriyöövos. *. Unsaid, Šáñntos, m, ov, and os, ov. Unsaleable, *āirpätos, ov. Unsalted, 'évaNuos, ov. Unsanctified, Bé8mãos, ov. fame. Unsatisfied, +’âlcópeotos, ov, c. irreg. superl. &copé. gráros; +’āicépstos, ov. See Insatiable. To unsay, and he cannot unsay this, kočk éotiv attø Tootá y' ékéa Neºv trg)\iv, Soph. Unscrupulous, trăvoúp'yos, ov. Unscrupulously, travotſpyws. To act unscrupulously, travovpyéw. Unscrupulousness, trăvoupyia; travoúpymua, rb (esp. of an action). To unseal, FäväkoyxiſNidſo. Unsearchable, ’āvepečvntos, ov. Unsearchably, 'divepevviros. Unseasonable, ’āicapos, ov; +’āirokalpios, ov; + æða- p0s, OV, Unseasonableness, ’ākaupta. Unseasonably, 'éléaipos, trapalcaípos; Tāpā. kapov, Eur, Plat.; 'êveu or &rep kapoº, Plat.; kapoi, Tépá, AEsch. For you are quibbling unseasonably, où yöp Šv Šećvri Aetrovpyeſs, Eur. Unsecured, *āićAelotos, ov (of doors, etc.). See Un- guarded. Unseemliness, ’āpletpia, +'éuoppia. Unseemly, '&Tpetiis; &eikhs, Att. sometimes contr. aikīs; 'éicoagos, ov; 'äuoppos, ov; + busirpetris. In an unseemly manner, t&eticós, ºf aircós, ‘i’ākóo was Unseen, 'évépátos, ov; &latos, ov, sometimes aiotos (of what is destroyed, and therefore unseen); A&- 6paſos, ov, sometimes tos, &, ov (esp. of a person doing anything unseen, or of the thing so done). See Secret. - To unsettle, Tàpdoorw. See To disturb. Unsettled, &gráðuntos, ov; ’ākārāortáros, ov; +’āvī’- See Unconsecrated, Pro- & āpāros, ov. In an unsettled state, àopforws. - Unshaken, +’ārāpartos, ov; +’āgāAſs; +’ārāAe Tos, av. Unshaven, unshorn, t’ācoupos, ov; +’ákºſpáros, ov. Unshrinking, àokvos, ov. Unshrinkingly, &ókvos, & petóós. Aº (of the hair) 455 Unsightliness—Untractable Unsightliness, +'àuoppſa. See Ugliness. Unsightly, biseiðis. See Ugly. Unskilful, *āverioriuov, ovos, 6 kal ii; &texvos, ov; +’áðahs, c. gen.; +’ärpfewy, wVos, 6, #. See In- eaperienced. - An unskilful person, iótárns, ov, Š, c, gen, or c. repl and acc. To be unskilful, ibioreſa, only act. Unskilfully, &Texvós. - Unskilfulness, ’ātexvío. Unslain, ºf &g partos, ov, Unslaked, 'étavotos, ov (of thirst). Unsociable,’īukros, ov; ‘āvogiantos, ov; 6vskowdºwn- Tos, ov; +’āirposówīAos, ov; † '3"posſiyopos, ov. TInsociably, 'üutictas. Unsociability, "Čučía, &mposſiyopia. Unsold, "åttpātos, ov. Unsought (not to be sought or desired), śmā0s, ov. Dnsound, oráðpós; “itrovãos, ov. Unsown (of ground), áo tropos, ov. Unsparing, ‘āqetöſis. To be unsparing, 'épétèéw, only act, often c. gen. Unsparingly, 'üpetöðs. Unsparingness, ’āqelāta. Unspeakable, §§ntos, ov; 'âuñóntos, ov; &p6eyittos, ov; +&páros, ov; +’átómtos, ov; +&vavö0s, oy; +’ávayóuaotos, ov; + &ottetos, ov. For I have seen unspeakable acts of daring on their part, eiðov Yap airów ºpetogov’ # Aéal A679 Toà- - uſuata, Eur. Unspeakably, t’āqātov. Unspoiled (by the enemy), 'üképatos, ov; +’āöños, 01/. - Unstable, unsteady, &otá'0pmtos, ov; ’ā6ésatos, ov; arāAtué0A0s, ov. See Fickle. To unstring (a bow), šicki'a, Unstudied, 'üueAétmtos, ov. Unsubdued, +"30pgvotos, ov. See Unconquered. Unsubstantial, keväs; uáratos, a, ov, and os, ov, Unsuccessful, *āirpaktos, ov. To be unsuccessful, 'üTorvyxávo, fut. -Teššopal, no aor. 1, aor. 2.-èrüxov, perf. -terixmica, sometimes c. gen. of the object, or c, part. Only act ; 'arpaktéo, only act. Unsuccessfully, '¥irpártos. Unsuccessfulness, ’āirpašta. Unsuckled, +”&0mAos, ov. Unsuitable, ’āoriºuſpopos, ov; &verithūetos, ov. To be unsuitable, 'üvapuootéw, only act. Unsuitably, "Čovuſpápos, ’āveTirmºetws. Unsuitableness, ’āvapgootia. Unsupported, "IAbs (of an assertion). Unsupportedly, piñós. Unsure, a pāAépás; (of persons) 'ŚSééaios, Unsurmountable, f Šuáxos, ov. Unsurpassed, unsurpassable, ’āvūtrépéAntos, ov. Unsuspected, 'évêtrottos, ov; ’āvūtrováiſtos, ov. Unsuspicious, ’āvūTóttevros, ov. Unswerving, 'đićAlvás. Unsworn, 'évéporos, ov. Untainted, 'üutavros, ov, sometimes c. gen. Untaken, 'üváAwtos, ov; (of game)'é0%pevros, ov, Untamed, 'íðduartos, ov; + ščuntos; +’äääuätos, ov. Untanned, i &iſmicros, ov. Untasted, ‘āyevotos, ov. Untasting, tºyevotos, c. gen. Untaught (of a person), 'état6evros, ov; 'éðiðaktos, ov; + šášntos, ov (of things; opp. to Ötödictós). To unteach, "àire01ſo, c. ph and infin. Untested, 'üve£éAeykros, ov. Unterrified,"ärpegros, ov; 'évékirAmºros, ov; +'áráp. 6mtos, ov. See Fearless. Unthankful, 'éxãptoros, ov. See Thankless. Unthinking, 'Āq póvtiatos, ov. See Careless. Unthinkingly, 'F'éq povría Tws. Unthrifty, Tpoeticós. t To untie, Aſo, KAño, +xãAdo, Śww. loosen. See Zo One must untie, ºf petaðetéov. Until, Méxpt and wéxpis, c, gen, or c, opt. or subj, See Tºll. Untimely, &apos, ov. See Unseasonable. At an untimely hour of the night, +&apóvvictos, ov. Unlimely, adv, &apl, usu, c. gen, of the time, e.g. āopl Tàs vulctos, or & vuktös, also c. adv., as vuktop; Tpot, Att, often Tp3, compar. Tpa lattepov (i. e. too early). * I come at an untimely hour, &aptav Ško, Ar. Untiring, àu.0x60s, ov. See Unwearied. Unto, És or eis, c. acc. See To. Untold, & 35mtos, ov, Untouched, 'Śīchpātos, ov (i. e. not so touched as to be injured); &lavotos, ov; ’āképatos; 'éðicros, ov; +&ipóAaktos, ov; (of an argument) '36tépygatos, ov. Untoward, #3vszepſis; 6/sqopos, ov. See Unfortunate. Untowardly, Övsxepôs. Untowardness, àvszépeia, Untractable, ’āIrel{}#s. 456 Jntractably, &lreið6s. Untrained, '&yūuvaotos, ov; ‘āvāyayos, ov. Untried, *ākpitos, ov (of persons or legal actions); (i.e. untested) "Čšāošviatos, ov; (i.e. unattempted, q. v.) '3"reipmtos, ov. Nor am I untried (i.e. unassailed) by you with arts of divination, k" oi6é pavrucis &rpaktos ūſīv eiul, Soph. Untrodden, '&rpićhs; + ša reittos, ov; +&otišás. Untroubled, 'ütépaktos, ov; ’ā9ópúšos, ov; (of men) 'éuox60s, ov; +’árovos, ov, comp. —éatepos. Untroubled, adv., '&Täpäktos, +’ā00púšas. Untrue, ſevöhs. Untruly, ſevöðs. An untruth, leſſos, Tó. To untwine, tº ééextorga. Unvaried, unvarying, àuetákågaros, ov; ’āwetākī- vmtos, ov. See Unchangeable. An unvarnished tale, &rA00s put,00s, AEsch. o unveil, intrans, ’āvākāAöTTopal, mid., also poet. —tto, act.; Éickaxtºrtopal, mid. Unveiled, +'ékáAvirtos, ov; +’ākāAüpffs. Unvexed, +’āAürntos, ov. Unused (i.e. unaccustomed to), *āIrelpos, ov, c. gen. Unusual, i �ms ; +&AAóicotos, ov. See Entra- ordinary. }Jnusually, <s. Umutterable, fūššmtos, ov. See Unspeakable. Unwalled, ‘āTeixtutos, ov; +'étoixos, ov. Unwarlike, ’ātróAegos, ov; ; pinyaixums, ov, 6. To be unwarlike, ‘āToxéuws éxa and foxw. Unwarned, 'üvov6étmTos. Unwary, 'üſpöAakros. Unwarily, 'épüAdictas. Unwashed, + &Aovros, ov. An unwashed state, "åAovola. Unwasted (of a country in war), "åicépatos, ov. Tſnwavering, "åkAiväs. Unweaned, +éiriuag Tàugs, ov. Unwearied, 'éuox60s, ov; Śikoros, ov; +’ākāuéros, m, ov, and 0s, ov. Unweariedly, Färäuätz. Unwelcome, to have come as an unwelcome guest, âlcovarías & pix0al, Thuc. Unwept, +"&rAavotos, ov; +'äääkpus, vos, 6, i ; +’āśā'kpitos, ov. | Unwetted, +”3Spoxos, ov. Unwholesome, voo &6ms. Unwieldy, Útépoyicos, ov. See Dirty, See Unhealthy. Untractably—Void Void, kevös, Unwilling, ‘ālcov, ovoia, ov; ’ākoúgios; ºrpó9ügos QM’. - - To be unwilling, ‘āšovXéa, only act. Unwillingly, 'ükovaios, xãAerós. To unwind, ééeAígora, Unwise, "åqpov, 6, #. Unwisely, ºf &ppóvas. Unwitnessed, "åudpripos, ov. Unwitnessed, adv, ’āuapTipas. Unwonted, ms. Unwontedly, <s. Unwooed, i &Muña Teutos, ov; +&otočaatos, ov. Unworthily, 'évaštas, Unworthiness, ’āvačía; pavXóTms, mTos, i. Unworthy, 'üváčios, a, and os, ov; ’ārāšios, ov. To think unworthy, ‘āraālów, and mid. but no pass., c. gen.: +’âvaštów; +'ātūlāſa, c. infin., or c. to pum où and infin. or c. gen. Do not think me unworthy for you to tell ..., uh w' &Tuáons ºppégal, Soph. Unwounded, Fävoútáros, ov; +*ātpatos, ov. Unwritten, ºpépos, ov; +”&ypantos, ov. Unwrought, + ščeatos, ov; + &gkétapvos, ov. Unyielding, 'üciviltos, ov. To unyoke, Aëw, écAów. To unyoke and put to another carriage, petašeňyvöpu. - Vocal, povíets. Vociferous, -he was vociferous in his praise, Toxts fiv Toſs étraívous, AEschin. Voice, povh, pºoyyás; pôéypa, Tá; + aičí; fºlpus, vos, h; + povnua, Tá; (esp. when of the Gods, in prophesy) Öorga, ºf Öpºpff. With one voice, é, évôs atápióros, Ar. See Foolish. See Eatraordinary. Having a voice, pováels. Töyawa gos, ov. * e 3/ vſ. Having a fine voice, eúſpovos, ov; coxAiqovos, 6v. See Tuneful. With a loud voice, Aaſurpépavos, ov; 2/ éºpovos, ov; + XaAſceópavos, ov; +xańkośćas, ov, only masc, ; + XaAkeóa Topos, ov. Aetrtópavos, ov. With human voice, àvôpa- With weak voice, f 5 e Oſ, proceeding from, many voices, etc., +Toxºfiñ000s, ov; ; trońijºy)\wgaos, ov. Difference of voice, étépoq,ww.ta, Goodness of voice, eúſpovía. Clearness, loudness of voice, Peyāāoqavia. Weakness of voice, pilºpoq,wuta, To practise one's voice, povaakéw, only act. º 5 * 3/ * Voiceless,’āpavos, ov; &pôoyyos, ov; +’āpāvmtos, ov; 3 -u * - / * e t’ärpäyńs. See Silent, Mute, Dumb. See Emply. 457 Volatile—Voyage Wolatile, t Kováčvo0s, ov, contr. (as always in prose) —vows, vovy. A volcano, Étaš, Škos, 6. Wolition, BoöAmoris, eas, i. Woluble, Toxiàoyos, ov; + troºveths. Wolubility, toxi/Aoyta. Voluntarily, Éicovota's ; ÉÉ Ékovortas, or écovotg, so Icaff' ékovo ſav (Yvápms, etc., being understood), éðexovatos, éðexovirmööv. Voluntary, (of a person, or an action) ékoúatos, a, ov, and os, ov; "àétartos, ov; at 6aipetos, ov; (of a per- son only) écov, ovara, ov; attáuštos, m, ov, and us, ov; faitos, aith, aité ; (coming voluntarily) aite- tré))e^tos, ov. A volunteer, éðexouths, où, 6; ’ārāpā'icAntos. Voluptuous, tpi pepós. See Luaurious. Voluptuously, tpi pepôs. Voluptuousness, rpiqh. See Luwury. To vomit, €uéw, fut. Šuéow and épotpal, only act. except the above-mentioned fut.; Śepéo. Voracious, yāotpis, eas, 6, #, compar. —to repos; Ömpáyos, ov. See Greedy. Woracity, troAiſpäyía. A vortex, Föivm. A vote, libos, # ; Yváum ; (by show of hands) xelpotovía. The votes, ékéoxal phqaw, AEsch. The giving a vote, 5tailfiſpions, eas, ii; Trixelpotovía ; ‘pop& Whipov, Eur, Plat. A choosing or electing by vole, 6taxelpotovía. - A number and (therefore) a diversity of votes, toxv- thmſpía. A vote (i. e. a decree voted), i/fiquapa, Tó. To vote, ºnq’ſſo, act, only once in Soph., more usu. mid., also pass, esp. in perf, and aor. 1, ; 6taympigo- ual ; xelpotovéa, often c. acc. of the opinion voted for ; liqov tíðepat (also Tíðeual by itself, once in Soph., c, dat. of the opinion in support of which); iftºpov pépw, Trag. Oratt. The vote will be given, ift pos oſa’etat, Eur. To choose (things) or elect (people to offices) by vote, 6taxelpotovéo. To vote against, to vote that a thing is not or shall no; be, ’āirol/mºptgopal, mid. c. acc., or c, whand infin. ; &lroxelpotovéo, c. whand infin.; catal/mºptſouat (esp. against a person by way of condemnation), c. gem.; Kataxelporovéa, c, gen. To vote the contrary, or to vote against a thing, àwrixelpotovéa, sine cas, or c. gº) and infin. To vote besides, Tposiºn) pigopal. To vote for, étiºn pigopal, én Yelpotovéw (esp. in ratifi cation of a former vote); a v /?qov or Tºv yuápm Tpostíðepal, mid., c. dat, of the proposed measure Dem. To depose or reject by vote, "åtroxelpotovéo To vote with, avulºmbiſougi, c. dat. To join in voting for, orivetrºng tºw. So that you voted to depose your general . . ., and there was only a majority of three votes against putting him to death, &ote &Trexelpotovão ate pºèv Töv otpatm'you ..., Tpets yū uðval ºftºpol Sufiveykov to whº avārol Tipio'at, Dem. One must vote, Xelpotov mtéov. A voting-place, fiftiqos, i. Voting with, on the same side as, otºmºpos, ov, c. dat. of one's friends, sometimes c. gen. of the measure for which; Śwó/mqos, ov. Having an equal vote, an equal right to vote, ‘ioré!ºmºpos, c, dat. Having an equal number of votes, about whom or which the votes are divided, + ioráilm pos, ov. i Voting against, &vtſymſpos, ov, c. dat. Not having voted, & fiquortos, ov. * Elected by vote, blaſhpiatos, ov; xelporówntos, ov(esp. by votes taken by show of hands). - To put to the vote, étrºmptºw, sometimes c. acc. cognat, sometimes c, acc. of the persons whose votes are to be given, or c. eis and acc., sometimes c. acc. of the matter about which, sometimes c. dat. of the moyer of the question; Trixelpotovéw; Tpútáveiſw, c. acc. of the subject, or c. repl and gen, only act in this sense ; libov ćrāya, c. ei and indic, c, dat. of the voters; $74,09 Tpotēmut. To put again to the vote, ávalºmqigo, ; 'évščicoy Thy iftºpov ico.6taſtnut, Dem. To allow the people to vote, 6täxelpotovíav Štěapu Tó ôň9, AEschin. Tampering with votes, f \mſpotrolós, Votive, eúictatos. To vouch, paptiſpéo. A voucher, waptiptov. A vow, eúxft. To vow, eixouai, augmented tenses in Att, usu. mu, perf. pass, eúyuai in pass, sense, but pluperf, mēyanu in act, sense ; besides, éiretyokat ; at the same-time, oriveTret'youai. The vowels, tº pováevra, + tº pavojvra. A Voyage, TA60s, contr. (as always Att.) TAoûs; vav- tixia, otóAos, Topeta, +vavkxmpta, +vavotoxia. A prosperous voyage, Feiſtãota. A bad voyage,’ &TAota. * See To witness. 458 A voyage across, àić'TAovs. A voyage round, Tepi- TAous. A coasting voyage, trapá'TAovs, trăpăcouióñ. Poyages over the Sea, tróvtov vavotoxijuato, Eur. he voyage hither will appear long, and one not to be sailed, pāvūgetat uairpov to Öeūpo TéAäyos, où6& TA&oiuov, Soph. Having a good voyage, TA6 xpmo duevos, Thuc. Voyager, f *utropos. A fellow voyager, 6 ovutàéov. See Traveller, Sailor. p, ºvč, c, acc.; +'évo, sometimes c, gen, of that up to which, Up to a certain amount, Éws, c. gen. Up to this time, uéxpt todëe Toi, xpóvov, Xen. Tºll. 'p-(i. e. get up, rise up), F &va, for &váatmói. e moved his head up and down, kápa Te Stettvač’ &vo KäTw, Eur, 0 upbraid, Övetötſw, c. acc. pers, or c, dat, often c. acc. of the fault and dat, pers, or eis and acc, pers, fut, mid. in pass. sense. See To reproach. p-hill, adv., &pſilov, and Tpos épôtov, Thuc. Xen. ; Tpos to giubv, Xen. See 'p-hill, adj., ápólos, a, ov, and os, ov; 'üvávrms, giués. 0 uphold, 'êvéxo, also &vía Xa, fut. &véa, and &va- ox#09, no aor. 1, aor. 2. &véaxov and poet. (in- cluding Trag.) &véoxeffov. See To support, Jpholsterer, icxlvotroubs, kāivovpyás. pon, êtrl, c. dat. See On, pper, firéprepos, and superl. Širéptătos; wrong side uppermost, as a helmet with the hollow side up, iſ ſtuou kpóvos, or a shield, üTTía &otis, etc. AEsch. Thuc. Upright, Öpflás ; + špólos, a, ov, and os, ov; + šp60- otárms, ov, 6, only masc. (see Straight); (i. e. honest) Sicaios, a, ov, and os, ov. See Just. Upright, adv., + špôootáðmu. An upright posture, Špfförms, mºros, j. To set upright, Öpffów; ’āvop660, often in the augmented tenses with gem. augm, e. g. imperf. iváp000v, ěšop0ów, f icó top9ów. Uprightly, Öicaíos. To act uprightly, Öicatorſpäyéa, only act. Uprightness, bicatorium. See Justice. To uprise, àviotăual, pass., c. aor. 2. perf. and pluperf, act. See To rise. Uproar. Sópüéos, Täpäxj. See Tumuli. To be in uproar, Tăpâgoſopal, pass. See To disturb, To upset, 'êvão Tpépa', 'évaxattíſo (esp. metaph. of upsetting a pian). See To overturn. Voyager—Use Upside down, ‘āvo Kärw, &vo, kal kāra. He turns everything upside down, Távt’ &va Te Kal káta GT.pépav tíðmori, AEsch. For the former state of things is turned upside down Tô y&p Öh TpóT' &véo TpairTat TáAlv, Eur, Up-stairs, Fāvāśāāmv. Upwards, &vo. To have an upward direction, êtrāvākūTTw. Urbanity, eitpostlyopia. To urge, urge on, êtriotrépxo, only pres, and imperf. act.; Śiretya, rare except in pres. and imperf.; ſcate- Tetya, ’āvī"mut; Éirio retºw, only act.; (persons only) Tápośvo, + &rpüvo ; (things only, as war, etc.) See To eacite, To persuade. To urge or be wrgent besides, Tposetticeipal, fut, -keto opal, no other tenses. To help to urge on, to urge together, at the same time, etc., givečopudo, + giveToTpúva. To urge against, €trepšćAAw, no aor. 1. act., perf. –ééSAmico, To be urged (as an argument), 3 J. evaya). c, dat. Or sine cas. ºf ’āyavtſoual, pass. Urgency, 'üváykm. Urgent, 'évaykaios, a, ov, and 0s, ov. An urn, kitos, Tó; + IcáAtris, i50s, ii, acc. -iča and ºf-tv; iWééms, mºros, 6; +Tpox&tms, ov, 6; &uqopeiſs; ºf Teixos, Tó. A cinerary urn (for which also some of the preceding words are used at times, e.g. Teixos, lcáATs, etc.), + gopos, # ; † atéyos, T6. A balloting urn, Jöpia. Use, usage, É90s, T6. See Custom. Use (i. e. advan- tage), āqexos, Tb, only nom. and acc. sing.; & péAeta and T & peata ; Xpeta ; +&q'éAmpa, Tó ; &@éAmots, # ; (i. e. a using) Xpilots, # ; Tpostpopá. What use will this be to the city ? Tí roºt’ oral tº TóAet ; Dem. There is no use in ..., oièëv ép'yov, or oik pyov, c. gen. or c. infin, Soph. Not having the use of reason, "Čxpmotos évéore, Eur, To use, xpdouai, mid., c. perf. pass. Icéxpmual in act. sense, aor. 1. pass. Éxpfia 6mv, c. dat. ; &Toxpdopat, Kätäxpdouai. To use a great deal, very frequently, vopuiſa, [Thuc. uses it as exactly equivalent to xpdogal, Trag. only in pass.]. To use besides, Tposxpóopal, c. dat.; besides, in a different way, TāpākāTäxpáopal ; wp beforehand, Tpokataxptowai. To use (i. e. to be accustomed, q.v.), £60, pres, not in Att., perſ in pres. sense eſota, pluperf, eióðeiv, etc., no other tenses; vouíſo, c. infin, sometimes C. ace. of what is adopted as a custom. See Usual. To be used or usual, kā0íoſtówat, pass, esp. in aor. 2. .459 Useful—Uvula act. Katéotny, and perf. part. Kaffect&s ; + vouſ- Souai. One must use, xpmotéov, c. dat.; besides, trposzpm- O'Te0p. Understanding how to use, Xpmotikos, c. gen. Useful, Xphaſiuos, m, ov, and os, ov, c. dat, pers., c. eis, Tpos, etc., and acc. of the object (and this is the usual construction of words in this sense), sometimes c. infin.; Tpósqopos, ov; &@éAiuos, m, ov, and os, ov; +&Q exhoriuos, ov; 'époyos, ov, c. gen, of the object of pursuit in which, or c, dat, or c. Tºbs and acc.; origqopos, ov; Śrīrāāetos ; ; Śvågiuos, ov; in many things, very useful, troAvogbeaſis ; troAi'xpmotos, ov; in all things, Táyxpmotos, ov. *. Usefully, xpnoſiuws, éirírmöeſos, orvuſpepávtws, & pe- Aiud's. Very usefully, trońvoſpeñós. To be useful, avºupépw, fut. Givotaw, aor. 1. givāveyica, aor. 2. —five yicov, very often 3rd sing. as impers, and the participle is esp. used in this sense. Usefulness, &péAeta. See Use. Great usefulness, Toxixpmorría. Useless, ’āxpeſos, a, ov, more usu. 0s, ov; *ēxpmotos, ov; uératos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ’āvaqexhs ; 'évo- ‘péAmtos, ov; *āxpmotos, ov; ‘āvövmtos, ov; ‘āAioi. Texhs. See Vain. But do not you, O wretched woman, wear yourself out with useless grief, Xī ā’ & ‘rāNaiva ph’irl toºs &umvirous Tpúxov at gavrºv (lit. by grieving for what cannot be undone), Eur. Uselessly, &xphotos, +'âAíos. Uselessness, ’āxpnotíz. - Usual, givá0ms, eia,0&s, vöuiuos ; th9ès, dö0s, 6, i. See above, To be used or usual, Custom. But we will not say it is usual in Greece, ‘AAA’ off vouſ- (elv phoonev Ica.0° EAAdôa, Eur. This usually has a different result, ºptAet Tooto ph TaúTº fiétrelv, AEsch. But when men have been worsted their feelings with re- ference to the same dangers do not usually continue similar, jog nuévov 8& &vöpóv oil, é6éMovoivaiyvápal Tpos Tobs airroës kivöövous époſal elval, Thuc. Usually (as is usual, etc.), eiw96Tws. A usurer, Tokugths, où, 6; (on a small scale) + 360- Aoa rātūs, ov, 6. To be a usurer, Toktºw, sometimes c. acc. cogn, only act.; (on a small scale) + 680x00 Tótéa. To usurp. See To seize, * Usury, Tókos. The practice of usury, Tokuguás." The trade of a petty usurer, à 660Aooſtětich. To be ruined by usury, Katatolcigopal, pass. A utensil, orkedos, Tó. Uti possidetis, It seems good to the Lacedæmonian: and the other allies, if the Athenians should mak peace, that each of us should remain in their presen, condition, on the principle of uţi possidetis (lit. having what we now have), €60ée Aakeóatuovíous kal toſs &AAous Šupp.dxois éðv otrovöös totôvtal of 'Affnvaiot. éirl Täs attáv prévetv čicatépovs, éxoviras &rep vov éxopiev, Thuc. - Utmost, oxiros. Utter, 3Åos. The Athenians were in utter despondency, of 'Affmvaio év travrl 6% &0vuías foray, Thuc. To utter, ‘inul, imperf. tav and lovy, no pass, in this sense; trpofmui, also mid, in aor. 2. Tpoéumv; ’āq'ímpu; ‘p0éy youai, mid., no pass.; +&iºda ; +&poéo, also mid., no pass.; Fätröw, only act., no perf; † Tpoſpépa, fut. TPoolaw, aor. 1. -fiveyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov; ºf Tpostpépa, + šicºpépa. To utter against, Čiriq'Affa, c. dat. See To say. Utterance, pová. See Voice. Utterly, Táutau, äpämv, Tāvv, 'étexvás, ºf Tpóirav, + Tpóð51ſov and + Tpáššuſa, + Tpupwóðev, f irpá Tpupiva, - I am far, aye, utterly removed (from such conduct). troAAoû ye ſcal Too Tavros éAAeſtra, HEsch. Utterly (of destroying or perishing) is also rendered by adjectives, FTpóññigos, ov; faitórpeſvos, ov. Uttermost, #0%aros. -* Vulgar, 'üyopatos, ov; &reipólcáAos, ov; popticós : + Bāvavaos, ov. Knowing that he was no vulgar person, eióðs ſºv oil, 'àpiðubv, Eur. To bring a vulgar person, born of some slave, into your house as its master, &vapíðuntov ći, ŠoćAms twos Tv- valicos és abv böpua beatrórny &yeiv, Eur, By the vulgar, 61° àpiðuðv, Eur. Vulgarity, popticórms, mtos, fi : 'ite pokaxia. Wulgarly, poptikós. | Vulnerable, Tporós. A vulture, º, 'yūTös, Ö; 6pelotrexopyós. Haunted by vultures, + Yūtūs, &60s, h, only fem. The uvula, atāqūAñ. 460 wade through, 8tavéo, fut. —vetoſopal, c. acc. waft, foipigo, only act.; towards, étroupiſo, c. dat. wag (as a dog does his tail, etc.), galvo, no perf, mly act. in this sense, c, dat. of the tail, etc., but uite as often sine cas.; 31ao'atva', oreto, ötageſw. age, wages, uta:06s ; trixelpa, Tá; ulotoqop& prop. the receipt of wages, but mostly used as wages); pugboºpopta. * he wages of impiety, tº éiritiata rās ovsoreéetas, Soph. - !eceiving wages, up to 60s, ov; uto 6apunticos, pusºap- vikös, puo 66 popos (chiefly of mercenary soldiers). See Mercenary. Receiving small wages, ÖAiyóulo 60s, ov. Receiving high wages, ’āömpöyos, ov. "o earn wages (to work for wages), plug flapvéa, only act. ſo receive wages, + pug 60 popéal, sometimes c. acc. of the sum received. n earning or receiving of wages, puto 6apvía. he trade of one who works for wages, i. pug 6apuntlich. o pay wages, pug 6060téo. me who pays wages, puorboð6tms, ov, 6. aying wages, adj. tſuo'666apos, ov. paying of wages, ſuo-00600 (a. ithout wages, Tpatica. 0 wage (war, etc.), Tpoſpépa, fut. Tpootow, aor. 1. —fiveyka, aor. 2. —fiveykov, also in mid. c. dat. of the party against whom ; Śicºpépa ; ºvalpéopal, mid., aor. 2. &vel».ópmv. See To war. 0 wager, ‘f trepušičopal, mid., aor. 1. -ečakdumu, c. dat. pers. with whom, c. gem. of the stake, or c. repl and gen. waggom, &Tāvm, &pſiduača. See Carriage. Øf a waggon, t’āuaśńpns (also of a seat in). Enough to load a waggon, ‘āuašiaios. To wail, 'üváépüxãopal, mid. See To lament. A Wailing, 65uppos, + arováxii. See Lamentation. A wain. See Waggon. Charles's wain, +”Apktos, i. A waist, ºf Øvr). Long waisted, if 830%avos, ov. To wait, Mévo, poet, pres, and imperf. also uſuva, only act., often c. acc, of the person, etc., for whom ; ºvá- Héva, Tposuévo; Téxw, fut. ‘péča, and étrioxido, Wade—Walking W. no aor. 1, aor. 2. čiréoxov, Att. imper. Ttoxes, etc. (not with any sense of waiting for, but sometimes c. acc. of the time during which); 8tärpiša'; (esp. in expectation) kāpāāokéw, only act.; (i. e. to allow an interval to elapse) étaxeſtra, perf. 8ta\éAotta. To wait for, 6éxopal, c. acc.; Tposëéxopal, éköéxopal; (i. e. to watch for) pixágow. To wait for the future, to MéAAov repubéïv, Thuc. Time waits for no man, kalpol oi pºevetol, Thuc. One must wait, prevetéov. To lie in wait for, Aoxtºw, and pass. of the people so surprised ; Śpeåpeto, sometimes c. dat. of those for whom, only act.; Troöéxopal, mid., c. perf. pass. –6éðeypal in act. sense. See To waylay. To lie in wait for by sea, vavXoxéal, sine cas. or c. acc., only act. To wake, act. §yeſpo, perf. §yńyepka, etc.; ’āveyeſpo; ăvio Tnui, perf. pluperf, and aor. 2. act, in pass. sense. See To awaken. To wake, neut. Yelpouai, pass. c. perſ, āyphyopa, plu- perf. Ypmyópelv. See To awaken. Wakeful, &üTvos, ov; '&ypvtwos, ov. To be wakeful, '&YpuTvéo, only act.; +6layputvéow. Wakefulness, 'dºypurvía; &yphyoports, i. To walk, Báčíſo, fut, -ica, and —to ouai, Att, usu. 8aôtoßplat, only act. except this fut, mid, usu, as opp. to itſtrečw “to ride,” or to Tpéxa, “to run,” etc.; Tešeňo, only act.; Teſotropéa, only act.; † trâtéo, only act, in this sense. To walk about, TepitäTéco, sometimes esp. opp. to staying at home ; with, ovºtre- pitatáa. See To go, To come. - - One must walk, 8éâto Teov, Walking on tiptoe, & poigt öaktüAotoi tropºuetwv Yvos, Eur.; so tropflueña tróða, Eur. - To walk one's toes off, 'üTootočáo Toys &vvyas, Ar. A walk, or walking, tepērātos; 8áðugua, tá; 3a5t. opés. - A walking on, ºf vármoubs, c. gen. A walk, or place w walk in, Öpéuos, Tephráros. A walker, F Bāöta rºs, où, 6. Walking, Tegos, + Tebootiëhs; reſevrikos (of ani- mals, opp. to flying, creeping, etc.). Good at walking, ºf Báðuotikás, Walking, adv. 8áömy. 461 "Wal]—Want A wall, toºxos (esp. of a house); Teix0s, to (prop. stronger than Toixos, a wall of a city, a fortified wall); Teixtov (of a house, not of a city); tetxtoua, Tö (esp. a fortified wall); (an outer wall, sometimes with a special motion of defence) + picos, Tó. A small dry loose wall, aiuádió. A circular wall, t tpoxás. A wall round a city, Tepisoxos, + Tepi- Śoxh; in pl. tetxeav Tepittixal, ai, Eur. A cross-wall, ‘iſtotetxtoua, T6. A side-wall, Täpä- Teixtapa, T6. A wall built for the purpose of block- ading, "årotetxugua, Tó. The wall round the Piraeus, 6 kūkā0s toū IIepatós, Dem. Walled, well-walled, ºf eitely ſis. Inclosed within walls (as besieged citizens), Teixãpms. Having a common parly-wall, ÖpióTouxos, ov. Like a dry wall, aiuárúðms. To build a wall, or to wall (i. e. fortify or surround with a wall), Teixigo (in pass, of any place fortified with a wall); Suáretxt{o. To rebuild walls, 'üvâtel- xt{w. To wall off or up, 'étotetxt{w. To join in building a wall, ovutetxigo. To build a wall across, or a cross-wall, 'üTotext{w. To be included in a place (as a suburb in a main town) by having an additional wall built round it, Tpostel- xt{ouai, pass. The building of a wall, Teixiguès, i. of a wall, 'éváTeixtapés. The blockading or cutting off by means of a wall, 'étroTeixious, ii. The building of a cross-wall, 'üTotetxious, i. The surveyors of the city walls, Teixotrotol, oi. A wallet, párka Nos, 6.40%pa, + tipa, firmpiölov, + yūAtós. To wallow, kāAlvöéopal, only pres, imperf, and fut. mid.; Hoºvopal, pass. A walnut, IIepairch; IIepairou köpwov. A walnut-tree, i kāpiśa. Wan, &xpós. See Pale, A wand, Édéö0s, h; vapômé, micos, 6. Bearing wands, vapômicopópos, ov; ; flašö00x0s, ov. To wander, "åAáouai, mid., c. aor. 1. pass, in mid. sense ; TAáváouai, pass. c. fut, mid., often c. gen. of that away from which, sometimes c. acc. of the land over which (sometimes of wandering in mind); +TNá. $ouai, pass. c. fut, mid. TAdyéopal, no perf. pass, aor. 1. TAdyx0mv; +&Aaívo, only pres. and imperf, act. and mid.; ’āAnteio, only pres, and imperf, act. (esp. of beggars, but also of hunters); about, Tepitäävá0- ual, ºf trepiéâ50; through, 6tapoi-áo; to, + ščoptſov, The rebuilding only act, c. acc. To wander away from, &ToTAa" wal (metaph. from a subject, etc.); t Tapatagºo c. gen.; from the right course, tapagºdaxopal, pá c. gen. - She (Io) wanders her very long wanderings, toys it Mikets 8pópovs ... Yvuvéetat, Æsch. - For your language, wandering from sound sense, alar me, ool yèp ékTAñorgova'ſ ue A6)ot trapa NAdagovº ěčečpot (ppevöv, Eur. - To let one's eyes wander, 8tweūw 8Aeſpápots, Eur. To be wandered over (of a district), ºf Tougaivopal, perf. pass. To make to wander, tº TAéváa. away from, 'ütroTAéváa. To make to wand Apollo the king made Cassandra wander about (in inspired state), Meffic’ ‘AtróAAwu Spoudóa Kagod 6pav Švač, Eur. - -: One must wander, TAövmtéov. A wanderer, 'üAñrms, ov, 6; TAğvärns, ov, 6; +TA vms, mTOs, 6, sometimes c. gen, loci. * , - Wandering, adj. TXávnTös, ov; + TAaykros, ), 8. and bs, bu (sometimes in mind); # ToAüºpouos, o f woºds, 360s, 6, (esp. of a people of a wanderi way of life); # pottáAéos; + Tepi'êpouos, ov. Wa, '. dering back, F TáAtutrāayktos, ov (of one's course rapidly, i &ić'täävos, ov; far, if tnAéračvos, of miserably, F 6tstäävos, ov; by night, + vuktutróA0. O!/. Not wandering (from one's mark, object, etc.), + švd TAákmtos, Oly, Making to wander, ºf TAayirtos, ov. Trodden by wanderers, ºf TAévogtiéñs. Wandering, subst. ‘āAm (also of the mind); TAévos TAäum; +TAávnua, Tó; +’āAnteta. Fruitless wan dering, + pārm. - What causes to wander, ‘F ‘āAm. r To wane, pôive, pres, and imperf act. and perf. pass épôiual, pluperf. 646iumv, no other tenses in th; sense ; † 6tafféo, fut. —Éeūgouai, no aor. 1, aor 2. pass. -effèmy, perf. —effémica. Waning, adj. f. pffivās, dö0s, only fem. A waning, pôtois, h; + (p6tvagua, tá. Wanness, &xpótºms, mtos, ii. See Paleness. Want, xpeſa; atávis, eas, h; revta, śpmuta, ’āropſa, évôeta; Xàtos, Tó. - To want, 5èopal, fut. Öefioropat, no aor. 1. mid.," but aor. 1. pass. É6ejónv, in act. sense, c. gen. Évöéo, in this compound act, more usu. than mid... though that ſpottàAéos; by night, + vukti 462 nd aor. 1. pass. in act. sense are also found ; tribéco, nd mid.; otăviſo, act. and pass, in act. sense, esp. perf., no mid., c. gen.; F ‘iſtoo. Távigopal, pass.; tépopal, only pres, imperf. and aor. 2. pass, part. Tepels in act. sense, c. gen, and in Eur. c. acc.; Teptakopal, only pres. and imperf.; ’āTopéa, only ct, in this sense. be in want, Tmtdouai, mid., sine cas., but some- mes c. gen.; uelovertéo, only act. be wanting, ºf Aeſtro, perf. AéAoutra (in prose the ompounds are more usual); ’āttoxetto, Tposaei"Tw, FéAAeſtw. ere is wanting, impers, āeº, part. 6éov, imperf. §§et, ut, behael, aor. 1. Čenge, c. gen. rei, rarely c. nom., ... dat. pers. Sometimes c. acc.; Tposéeſ, &Troöet. rtainty is wanting to me, to rapes ‘ārootepeſ we, ll T. anting (i. e. in want of), Évêehs, c. gen.; Tiêefts; pmuos, m ov, and os, ov; Revés. anting (i. e. deficient, q.v.), áAAittàs. ith fifty ships wanting two, vaval 8volv Šeotgals evtåkovta, Thuc. See Short. anton, ‘ūéptaths, où, only masc, (used also of the wind); # ºxAos, ov. See Lascivious, be wanton, OTpmvićw, only act.; † 6pyda, only ct. o behave wantonly, 'üépiſo; + akiptów, sometimes of he wind, only act. - o treat wantonly, t eyx^ia, only pres. act., c. dat. 6 rush forth wantonly, f €icſcaped ſo, only act. 'o make wanton, t trialvo, and pass, to be made, i. e. o be so, no mid. amtonness, Tpiq h; Tāpāortúa is, i. ut of sheer wantonness, ék toà Teplávros, Dem.; eptovorias, Plat. - ar, TóAepos. 3. E}{ war which it is not wise to engage in, TóAepos 'Śīrā- \epos, AEsch. he art of war, h 6TAiTitch; 6TAopºxia. łkill in war, 7 päxmtikſ. Af, or belonging to, war, Toxeſticós; TOXéulos, a, ov, and os, ov; Toàeputatipios, a, ov, and os, ov. kilful in war, Toxepulcós. See Warlike. - 2 wecessful in war, eúTóAepos, ov. nhappy in war, ºf 5ustróAegos, ov. lain in war, h’āpet påtos, ov. nding war, Toàepiókpavros, ov; +AVoiuáxos, ov. Wasting by means of war, ‘F troAépoq66pos, ov. Erciting war, f €ypepäxms, ov, 6. Wanting—Ward A ship of war, uairpo, TAotov. To war, wage war, etc., troXepiča, in pass. of the war itself, often c, dat. of those with whom ; TpostroAé- péa, c. dat, or c. acc. of those with whom ; ŚiśToxe- Héa, c, dat.; Éctoxepidopal, pass., c, dat. or c. Tºbs and acc.; a Tpätetia, and pass. (esp. perf. and aor. 1.) in the same sense ; ºf otpātm?\átéw, only act.; TóAe- pov alpopat, mid., c. dat, Æsch.; TóAewow tidepal, mid., Eur. To war against, ÉriotpāTeto, act, and mid., c. perf. pass, in the same sense, c. acc., or c. dat, or c. prep., e.g. ēri or eis and acc.; &ut to Tpa- Tetopal, c, dat.; &vrittoxegéa, c. dat.; Tpostoxeſ,éo, c. dat, rarely c. acc. To go to war together (of two parties), giveipu (–téval). To war with besides, Tpos- ToMepāopal, c. acc. To carry on a war to the end, ŠtátroAépéa. To join or assist in war, ovutoAépéo. To manage a war (esp. as general), otpātmyeo, only act, in this sense. To stir up war, Toàegototéa, only act. To eacite to war, éctroMepiča. To attack without declaring war, &Tpopäa to Taos ortpa- Teto èirl, c. acc. To wish for war, Toxeſ, moreto, only pres. act. A conclusion of a war, ŠtúToAéumats, i. One must war, Toàeplmtéov and TroXepmtéa. If war should arise, éây avpitääică, Dem. To raise a war-cry, 'üAáAd ſo, no pass. To warble, uivipiſo, only pres. and imperf; if uivii- popual, only pres, and imperf. mid. See To sing. A warbler, ‘f &otöös, Ö ical #, even (as if an adj.) with superl. &otöótáros (sweetest warbler). See Singer. To ward off, Čučvo, and mid, aor. 2. Trag, often juśvā0ov, and -ópmv, mid., pass, not used in this sense, c. acc. rei, c. dat., or c. gen. pers.; "àAéča, and –0||al, mid, fut. &Aeśńaw and -opal, aor. 1. Aémoa and h\ešáumv, no other tenses, c. acc. rei, dat. pers., sometimes sine cas. pers.; eſpyw, fut. mid. Sometimes in pass. Sense, Att. aor. 2. eſpyä00v, c. gen. or c. dat. pers. ; +’āTeip'yo, öteip'yo; Épîico, no perf, only act, c. dat. pers, or c. &Tö and gen.; ’ārepüka, Čepúkw ; ºf &picéa, fut. Öpicéow, no perf., only act, in this sense, c. dat. pers, acc, rei, either sometimes understood ; + éčaptivouai, mid. One must ward off, f'éuvvtéov and ’ājavvrea. One who wards off, "åAečntip, fipos ; +’āAe&#Top, opos, 6. See Defender. Warding off evil, f'&Aečiuopos, ov. To be a ward (of one’s guardian), Tposetirporetivka, pass., c. 5Tö and gem. 463 Ward—Waste A ward (of a city), kópm. One of a ward, trophtms, ov, 6. Ward,—watch and ward, piñākñ. See Watch. Warder, pëAa;, &cos, 6; + rvpyoqāAač. Wares (i. e. what any one deals in), trøAmua, T6; Tô. Övia. A warehouse, &toºkm. See Magazine. Warfare, TóAegos. See War. Warily, eúAášós, comp. —6eotépos. Wariness, sixáčela. See Caution. Warlike, (of men only) uáximos, m, ov, and os, ov; qixotóAegos, ov; +'äpetºpätos, ov; +geveryxºs, +60xuéAopos ; +éypeuáxms, ov, 6; (of men or things in general) Toxéuicós ; troAéuíos, a, ov, and os, ov; 'épetos, a, ov, and os, ov. In a warlike manner, Toàepicós, pixotoxéua's ; orpä- Twtikós, compar. -óTepov. Warm, &eppés ; (of clothes, etc.) "ČAeetvös ; (of weather, or of places) eißteubs, feiſeixos; (in temper) + Seppävo0s, ov, contr. —vows, vovv. To warm, &epſtaiva', often metaph. of the heart, etc., esp. so in mid, and pass.; &époual, mid., c. aor. 2. pass. 30épmv, fut. Séparouai, but in Att, rare beyond pres, and imperf, often with mid, sense of warming oneself, sometimes c. gen. of the fire at which ; SãAtro, no perf. in any voice; ’āAeaíva, no mid., though there is pass. See To heat. around, † &uſpióðAtra’. To be warm, fºto, no perf.; +’āAea/vw ; (of quarrels) + trapaflepuaívouai. Warming, &epuaytikös, c. gem. Warmth, S&Atros, Tó ; Śepuðrms, mºtos, i. Heat. Loving warmth, piń66epuos, ov. To warn, vov6étéo, only act.; ppevów, only act. in this sense. See To admonish. Warning, vov6érnua, Té; vov6érmats, j. See Ad- monition. Warning, adj. vov6etikos, vov6etriticós. The warp, #Tptov ; + orthuov, ovos, 6. Like the threads of the warp, otºluovo'puffs. A warrior, FTeuxmoºthp, fipos, 6; +Tevzmoths, où, 6; +’àpetóēorðvos ; # TâA&taths, où, 6. See Soldier. Wary, eixõšás. See Prudent, Cautious. To wash, Aoûa, Att. imperf 3rd sing. Sometimes contr. Aov, 1st pl. Aoûprev, and so in pass. Aoûtal, Wotuevos, éNoüvto, etc. (esp. of washing the whole body); viſa, fut. viiſa, etc. (prop. of washing the hands, and only so when sine cas., but sometimes used, See Cautiously. To warm all See more generally, of the whole body, of the feet, an even of things, houses, etc.), sometimes c. acc. what is washed off; kAö(w, prop. of the sea (in whic sense it is sometimes used intrans, c. ºr, and gen, the shore against which, and in aor. 1. pass. in th same sense), but also in a general sense; kārākāśa . sometimes metaph.; (clothes, etc.) TAüvo (but als. generally); kátá.[Aüvo ; (esp. with tears) téyya away, off, out, 'ütroví(w, 'ütroAoûw, icăTakWüſa, Či TAšva. To wash round, and therefore thoroughly trepitääva. To wash oneself, besides the mid, of Aoûo, etc. (a above), t pat?pivo, act, mid., and pass, all in th same sense, even the pass. sometimes c. acc. (e. Xpéa) after it. To be washed all round, Tepicxiſſoua pass. * Of, or belonging to, washing, TAvvrikos, Évrticós. Newly washed, ‘f veoTAüvhs. Washed all round, trepi" RAvotos, m, ov, and 0s, ov. What is or can be washed out, ŠictXütos, ov (of a pollution). Hard to was out, Süsékvittos, ov. - Washing, subst. TAño is, eos, # ; kātā'TAvais. washing off, 'ütróAovais, eas, i. Water for washing in (esp. the hands before a meal, sacrifice, etc.), Xéput, iéos, ; # vittpov. A washhand-basin, h ’āTávitripov. A washerwoman, f patāpiſvtpua ; # TAvvrpls, (60s, # A wasp, orºžič, or pnicös, Ö; + &v0pāvm. Wasp-like, ‘f orgymkos, + orºmkóðms. A wasp’s nest, Gºmicia. Wassail, icópos. See Revel. To waste, (i.e. consume foolishly, wantonly) ºvá. Aſoko, also ºváAów, from which are derived all the tenses except the imperf.; (esp. of wasting money words, etc.) 'êtêvãAtoko, ; ÉKxéa, -ečgo, aor. 1 Att. –éxea, etc.; 6tätpiša (esp. time), "šTroölärpiša, To waste, act. (i.e. cause to waste away) ſuffpaiva, (półvo, only in aor. I. act. £40iga. To waste (i. e. to lay waste), kótta, kāicotrotéo, + 'éAáráſa ; + Ice patów, no perf.; + kä0aipéa, aor. 2. act. -67Aov, aor. 1. pass. –mpé0mu ; 'évágrátov trotea, Thuc. See To ravage. To waste in return, i &ptitropfféa. To waste away, intrans, półvo, only pres, and imperf, act, and pass., and perf. and pluperf. pass.; thicopal, pass, c. perf. Tétnica ; + švtåkopal, c, dat. of the cause. See To melt. Laying waste the country with fire and sword, ków toy] Ical katov tºlv x&pav, Xen. Lest he should learn that I am here, and I should waste| 464 Waste—Watering ull my ingenuity, p} cal pºdºm u' àkovta, kālexed to Tāv oróðtoua, Soph. And I need not waste words in saying, oùù Aéryov Tpoo- §elv jºyotjuai, Dem. How is she wasted away, Ös katéautai 6égas, Eur. Waste, ’āvāAwua, Tá; Štúrpišh (esp. of time, xpóvov sometimes being understood). A thing wasted, TāpāvāAoua, Té. Wasted (i.e. laid waste), *āvāotáros, ov. Not wasted, 'éðjatos, ov; 'étépômtos, m, ov, and 05, ov; + dāfios, ov. A waster, 'évāAwths, où, 6; (i. e. a layer waste) + top9%Twp, opos, 6; + tropºnn hs, ov, 6. See Ravager. - To lie waste, to be a waste, Xepareiſw, only act. Wasting (of a disease), + pffivās, dö0s, i. Wasteful, Tpoeticós. See Prodigal. Wastefully, '&tówleſtos. A watch, påAáich, in every sense, as a division of time, as a post where sentinels, etc., watch, and sometimes even as the guard who keep watch ; ſppovpè, in every sense ; (the act) thenois, i ; + piñatts, i ; ppoſpn- pa, Tb (of the act, or of the guards). A watching (i. e. a keeping awake), ‘āypúirvía. A night-watch, vixevaa, āros, tá, A watching of one another, or of the enemy, &vripi}\ākh, c. trpos and acc. A watch-tower, or place to watch from, a kotić (used also simply for a keeping watch). A watch or watcher, pöAač, Škos, 6; +gicorºs, + ºppov. pós; +&irthp, fipos, 6. See Watch. A day-watcher, juspookótos, sometimes as adj. 0s, ov; huepoſpúAaš, ârcos, 6. A night-watcher, vvictoböAač, Škos, 6. To watch, piñdorow, sometimes c. acc. of what one watches for ; 6tāqā)\dºorw; ºppovpéa, same construc- tion ; tıpéa'; 'popuéa, c. dat. (metaph. from a ship anchored off a harbour, so as to watch it); (in the hope of catching) + šokeſw. To watch (i. e. keep awake), €yeſpoual, esp. in aor. 2. sync. hypépºqu, and perf. &yphyopa. See Awake. To watch from a watch- tower, okottuwpéopal, mid. To watch over, ºf €408siſte, c. dat, only act.; + oikoupéa, c. acc., only act. To watch carefully, i écqvāda ow. To watch for, éirit")- péal, étiq i\doo-w; épeopsto, only act., c. acc. or c. dat.; ſcăpâöorcéa, only act. To watch for, so as to provide for (opportunities, etc.), &epätreiſa. To stand by and watch, orvpatrapatngéa. To watch the enemy, or an adversary in debate, ávtiqiāāorga. To watch by night, vvktopüAšicéw. To keep walch, puxarchu käréxaſ, pvK. #xw, puk. Irotéopal. Æsch. Thuc. To watch one's opportunity, ſcalpöv eixaséouai. He watches his opportunity against our city, ſcalpopu- Aake? Thy TáAlv juáv, Dem. That they might be able to watch them, 6Tws abi & āvakós £ovov, Thuc. Watchful, piñákilcós, sine cas, or c. gem.; piñākri- Watching by, + Tri" ppovpos, ov, c. dat. Watching alone, t uováq poupos, ov. Watching late, + šjikottos, ov. Watching by night, t vvictiº ©potſpnros, ov. Ever watching, t'éeſppovo0s, ov. Watching unperceivedly, t \aſpalov buſ treakiaqué- vos, Soph. Watchfully, + iyept), h ’āSpíč. One must watch, pixaktéov and -Téa; Túpmtéov. To be watched, pvXak Té0s. A watch-fire, tripöv, only in pl. See Fire. To light a watch-fire, ºf trüpaíðw, only pres, act. A watchword, giv6mua, Tó. To give the watchword, Trápaſy'yéAAw. A watch-tower, orkotić, Treptorſ. Water, ‘ūöwp, #6&tos, Tá; + šušpos (of water as an element); # 6pógos, h; # Tórov; yávos Rpmvalov, AEsch.; Yávos 'Agdºrov (any river being taken as the principle or element of water), Eur.; Rpäthp ráðī- 6pos, Soph.; Aiséðes ‘ū8pm Aal, AEsch. Water for washing or purification, etc., xépvily, isos, h, oftenest in pl.; + virtpov, esp. in pl. See To wash. Sprinkling water with your hand, Xepl Greipovº av 'AxeA&ov Špégov, Eur. Want of water, 'évijöpia. Of, or belonging to, water, tºğtmpós; + trmyctos, &, ov, and os, ov. See Watery. Full of water, having plenty ºf water, well watered, troAſſwäpos, ov; Śiríð5üros, ov; + eißpos, ov; + kā- / > * ~, Toppvros, ov. y v =y kós; “dºypijirvos, ov. Gushing out wilh water, häpäxitos, ov. Surrounded with water, trepiffjötos, ov. Under water, 'üTošpixios, a, ov, and os, ov; +8püxsos. Holding water (of a jug, etc.), + švöðpos, ov. To water, àpāo, -ora, no perf. (of watering land or cattle), sometimes (in the case of cattle) c. gen. of the river at which ; Trottſw; + &pbeiſco, only act.; +kärä- ôeiſa, only act.; +'tjöpaiva'. To draw water, 'ü8pedo, and mid, no pass 5 &vrXéo, (very often metaph.). To carry water, jöpopopéa. A Watering (a drawing or carrying of water), jöpeſo, 'ijöpāyaīyta. See Irrigation, - Carrying water (of a man), 'tºpogópos, ov. To fill with water, étravtåéw. - H. B. 465 Water-course—Weapon A water-course, 58päyo) ia, f 'vöpofféa. Water-logged, + štépavt.A0s, ov. Waterproof, oréyov ‘āAa, and simply oréywy, ovoia, ov; orteryvös, or reyāvés. To be water-tight, otéyw, only act. Above water-mark, t’ākšuavros, ov. To surround with water, trepi\plvá(w. To be surrounded with water, repuššéopal, pass., no perf or aor. To drink water, 'ü6potrotéa. A water drinker, 'ü6potórms, ov, 6. Water drinking, ‘īāpotrocía. Watery, Świępos, ov (in every sense, living in water, holding water, etc.); +'īāpmAbs, f'êpésis: (of drink) + ‘āpmx60s, ov. A water-rush, f Boöropov, or os. Wattles (of a cock), Fict.AAato, Tá. A wattle (i. e. anything of wickerwork,+a shield, etc.), yéâşov. A wave, kūpa, rð; kaijów (esp. a large wave), KAi- 8&vlov. A large wave, tpiküºta, - To rise in large waves, kvpuérôouai, pass. - Full of large waves, + küuárſas, ov, 6; + trepiépìxios, ov. With many waves, + Toxiküuwu, ovos, 6, i. With white waves, ‘i Aevicokū'uov, ovos, 6 kal il. Mot beaten by the waves, +'ékúuavros, ov; +*ākāv- oros, ov. Plundering in the waves, f icvpºropóópos, ov (of the osprey). Beaten by the waves, + kuuätotrºhè, fivos, 6, h; +köpio- 8éYuwy, ovos, 6, #. See Sea-beat. To wave, act, oreſa, ’āvāoreto, # 6táráAAw; F ºpä- 6atva', only pres, and imperf. To wave, (intrans.) pass, of the preceding words; also &lagopal (Trag. nearly always Šgg.), pass., no perf, but aor. 1. htx0my. To move in a wavy motion (i. e. not in a straight line), kügalvo. A wavy motion, kūgavois, eas, i. To waver, TâAavréouai, pass.; # kiviſororogat, only pres, and imperf. To keep wavering and changing one's party, airtouwwéa, only act. Wavering (in mind), F TAaykrbs, 3, by, and bs, 6v. Wax, knpös; to smear tablets for writing with, uáAða. Made of wax, waalem, kāpivos; + kmpárà agros, ov; t knpoöérms, ov, only masc. Like war, of a wary nature or appearance, knpoetóñs. A modeller in war, knporadorms, ov, 6. To mould or model in waa, + kmpoxtréa. A way, 66bs, ii; firéAev60s, ii, pl. ai and Tá; † Tpt. 60s, 6, i. Where there is a will there will be a way, Sápoet répe: ortal panxavh 6pao Típios, HEsch. | In the way, adv, Šutroë&v, often c. dat. pers, some- times c. gen, of that which a person is hindered from doing by the thing spoken of, or c, wh, or whoë, or Tb (th and infin. In the way, adj., éutóðios, ov, same construction as éutroödºv. Out of the way, Črto6&v, c. dat. of the person out of whose way one gets. To find an open way, eú06éw (as water does), only act. To give way to (to pity, to the mob, etc.), TAéov véua', c. dat., Eur. Thuc. See To yield. s' To make way for, give way to, örešiotăual, mid. c. perf. pluperf, and aor. 2, act, c, dat.; Ötrekxapév; ‘ūtréeipt (–1éval). : To give way to one pulling against, t &vtevöſöwul (as one sawyer does to the other). A wayfarer, 630irôpos, ov. See Traveller. To waylay, Čpeêpetſa, only act, c, dat,; Aox{{w ; + Aoxºo, no pass., except perf. pass, in act, sense, sometimes c. acc. of the road. Wayward, Šástporos, ov; 6ásicoxos. Waywardly, 8vskóAws. Waywardness, 8vsicoxia. Weak, &00evis; 'éðūváros, ov; ɘ ros, oy, +’āqavpos, +’âuáAós; (in mind or courage) kīAá. kös, ſpañAos; (of a fortress, etc.) &AwTös, h, by, and bs, 69; ‘āAógiuos, ov. Weaker, jogay. To weaken, kārāyviºus and kārayviſw, perf. Kareaya in pass. sense; &orêevów, wetów. To be weak, &00evéw, only act.; 'éööväréa'; tırüpiegal, pass., esp. in perf. Trépetual, c, dat. of the cause. To grow weak, xàAáo; tuwaivopal, pass. To be weah before, irpoeşaa'flevéo, trposéâöövätéw. To act weakly, ºškiſopat. A weakling, + yúvvis, idos, 6. Weakly, à00evös, uéNākós. Weakness, à00éveia, ’āööväufa; Aertórms, mºros, m; (of mind or courage) uáAária; Éraigis, i. A weal, adºxoiſ, wros, 6. Wealth, traoûros. See Riches. Wealthy, TX.otſatos. See Rich. Weaned, +&yāAakros, ov. A weapon, Štraoy; BéAos, to (prop. only of missile 466 Wear—Weep weapons, but also of a sword); orišiptov; ; #yxos, T6. See Arms. To wear (as clothes, etc.), áirtévvvual, fut. —éorouai, etc., c. acc. of the garment, but sometimes c. dat. of the garment and acc. of the limbs covered; &pſpuévvv- pal (the simple verb only poet. and chiefly in perf. pass. part, eiuévos); €vööw, popéo; áupišáAA0- wat, mid, c. perf. pass, in act. Sense, no aor. 1. mid. To wear out, tpixw, no perf. in any voice (often of wearing the mind with trouble, etc.); Karātpüxo ; Teipw, only pres, and imperf. act. and pass.; Tpiša, karátpiša, ; (esp. as disease does) uápaíva, aor. 1. act. Šudpåva; (by rubbing against) ovykpoto, c. dat. of that against which. To be worn away, &Tokvai- ouai. To be worn out (of a person by fatigue, grief, etc.), &treſtrov, aor. 2. (no pres.), perf. &reſpnica, c. dat. or c. Širo and gen. ; ’ātrāyopetºw, trapateivouai, pass.; kálcáougt, pass. A wearing out, "åtrotpiéfi. Wearing out (a man, as fatigue, etc.), +Tpūgāvap, opos, 6; + Tpüotétos, ov. What is worn, i ſpépmua, Tó. The wearing ship, 'ívao Tpoq’í. Weariness, kótros. Wearisome, étrítovos, ov; kotróðms. r To weary, Băpăvo, ºrokvaſa, kātārpiša, täXattropéo. To weary to death, + 'ütrokteiva. To be weary or wearied, káuva, fut. mid. more usu. than fut, act, no aor. 1, aor. 2. čkåuov, perf. kékumka, often c. part. Orc, dat.; Ékkáuva, c. acc.; ’āTokáuva, 'âtretrov, aor. 2. (no pres.), perf. &Teip.mica, c. dat. or c. Wrb and gen. ; 'étáyopeto, c. part. To be weary together, tº givárokáuva. Weary, participles of the preceding verbs, also retpi- pºevos. A weasel, aft\ovpos, 6, #; +yoA:fi. Weather (fine weather), eúðta, eúmuspia, + ałópm, + aiépia. Changeable weather, putatópto. To weave, ‘ūbaiva, fut, rarely or never found, though there is aor. 1. Wºmva and perf. pass. āq'agual, etc., often metaph. ; TAéro, esp. garlands, or (metaph.) plans, songs, etc.; Śutraéka, ; atrá0áa, + ioToupyéa, only act. ; + šAío'ow, chiefly metaph. To weave to- gether, ovutraéka, crêvãqaívo. To weave anew, 'êvãºpatva. weaving, Śāqatva. A weaver, ‘ūqavrás; Épí00s, #. To weave, and finish Belonging to a weaver, or to weaving, or skilful as a weaver, ‘ūq,auticós. Like a skilful weaver, etc., adv., 'üpavtikós. Weaving, ioroupyia; orivăţavois, h; képiciots, ii. A weaver's instrument to strike the threads, oráðn. Using the orträ0m, a tráðmoris, eas, i. - Woven, ‘ūqavrós ; TAektös (of baskets, garlands, etc.), + orträ0mrbs, ov. Finely woven, eijitpuos, ov; + etiqhs. Closely woven, êvãºpavros, ov. A thing woven, ‘ābagua, Té; ‘ûºft. A web, TAoich ; # Tāvm, usu, in pl. + éðqaapa, Tó. Web-footed, greyāvátovs, 6, #, neut.-trovv. Towed, yāpuéo, act. of the man, youéopal, mid. of the woman, c. aor. 1. pass. Yapıſı0my, no other pass. tense, fut. Yapatío w, but fut, mid. Att. Yaſuoup.at, aor. 1. Čyáumaa and Éymua, and so mid. ; (of the man) +’āyouai, mid., and more rarely + &yw. See To marry. Wedded, + viſuqios, a, ov, and os, ov. Fatally wedded, + aiváAektpos, ov; † aivöyüpı0s, ov; † 6ás- Tyāpºos, ov. * - A wedding, yāuos. See Marriage. A wedding-song, + ‘ūpévalos. A wedge, it orghu, orgymvös, Ö. A wedge-shaped order of battle, éuéoxos. Like a wedge, a pnvostôňs. Wedlock, yáuos. See Marriage. To weed, rod (w. Weeding, trogoruás. Weed (i.e. sea-weed), pökos, Tá; pictor. Weedy (i. e. full of sea-weed), pukáöms, A week, ČšŠogăs, #80s, i. To weep, weep for, Säkpāw, perf. pass. in act. sense (of the eyes or cheeks, meaning probably to be suffused with tears [so Eur. has 6akpāw BAépapa.], and then of the mourner himself); €köakpāw, éiriča- kpúw, katačakpāo; KXào, fut. KAaffo'ouai, also Dor. KAava of pat (used by Ar.), Att. also kååſo w, perf. pass. Itékaavual, etc.; ’āvākñata or -k}\do, kātā- RAato, ; + 63rpuffoéo, only pres. and imperf. act. ; +Téy'yopal, pass., rare except in pres, and imperf. To weep before (either in point of time or place), +Trpokkata. To weep a little, t'iroRAata. To weep afterwards, + petalcMałopal, mid. I, seeing you weeping, pitied you, and myself in turn wept in sympathy with you, 'Eyð; o' &m' ào'orov čkéa- Aóvr’ ièöv čákpv Otºtelpa, k" airbs àvraq’īká ros tráAlv, Eur. A finished web, H H 2 #67 Weeping—What Weeping, adj., + Sarpixeov, ovora, etc.; fºãkpúð500s, ov. Weeping much, f'étépôākpus, vos, 6, # ; +troA$6akpus; +troXiāā'icpütos, ov. Ready to weep, + špriºãºpus, vos, 6 kal i. Weeping alone, if pová- RAavros, ov. Weeping, Šarpiſov Šmíčaora Sepp & vauata, Soph. Not weeping, +'éöärpätos, ov; +'éöärpus, vos, 6, #. Not weeping, without weeping, adv., 'übākpitſ. Weeping, subst, cAavºués ; KX&ºwa, Tó ; KXavuov; ; +83'kpupa, T6. See Tears, Lamentation. Wept for, to be wept for, i öäicpjtës, ºf KAavros or RAavorós. - To weigh, act. (as one weighs a thing), formul, only pres. imperf. fut. and aor. 1. act. in this sense. To weigh out (for the purpose of paying), & piarmui, also -øſual, mid., to cause to be weighed for the pur- pose of having paid to one. To weigh (i. e. to consider, q. v.), + štiatáðudopal, mid., no pass. in this sense. To weigh, intrams. (i. e. to be of such or such a weight), *Aka, fut. Alcão w, 'âyo. To weigh down (the scales, etc.), ºf 8piða, perf. Béépiða, in pass. sense ; (of weighing down a man's spirits, etc.) 8āpāva, no perf in any voice. See To oppress. To be weighed down, #8pidouai, pass., sometimes c. gen. of that by which. To weigh (anchor), fumpàopal, mid. Weighed down, 8séâpmuévos. Skilful in weighing, otéticós, Weight, (i. e. a being heavy) bykos ; (i. e. what a thing weighs) Bápos, Tó ; aráðubs, pl. of and tâ (also the weight used in a scale), ºf 8p100s, rá. Weight (i. e. importance), Éoth, +&ykos. Of unequal weight, 'üvouoloéâpſs, To give too much weight (to a consideration), TAéov véuw, c, dat. Thuc. Eur. Weighty, Bāpās; (i. e. important) éuêpièſs. Important. Welcome, ºf &ortraortés. To welcome, to tró(ouai, mid. See To greet. A welcome, ºf &a traorua, Tó. A well, ºppéap, to, gem. ‘ppéâtos, though sometimes in comedy ºppéâtos; ppeatſa. Of, or belonging to, a well, ppeattalos. To dig a well, ºf ppewpüxéo. Well, eú, kāAós, compar. KáAAtov, also ka?Atóvas, superl. KáAAtota; also in superl. ’āourtov, Špirta. See Better, Best, See As well as I can, ws led AAtoſta, dis &ptoſta, eis bºwa. Auv Thy whv, Plat.; &s éðvváumv, Xen. Thinking that it was not well (to do so and so), vowi- oravres oilk v Raxó eival, c. infin., Xen. But still may it turn out well, ovvevéykai 3’ &aws, Eur. * But if not, it were well to die, si è u%), Šave?v Xpečºv, Eur. Well! effye. Well! (in answer) eley. Well born, eiryeviſs. See Noble. Well bred, éuplexſs. See Polite. In a well-bred manner, éuplexâs. A well-wisher, süuoos, ovs, oov, ovv. To welter (in blood), F aiudagopal, pass. A wench, kópm. See Girl. - Were, — If any one were to evamine these matters separately, et Tis Taota raó” airtà éeTáoreiev, Dem. See Would, - The West, Čotépa; Atov Šâgets, Thuc.; Tryal vukºs, Soph.; kve baſa Atov ittéatárts, Eur. He placed them looking neither south (lit. neither to the mid rays of the sun) nor west (lit. nor to the rays departing from life), iópüeff' . . . offre trpès wéa as 80A&s, ’Aktivas oft' at Tpos teNevtdºoras 8tov, Eur. Western, €otrepos, ov; + ša Tréptos, a, ov, and os, ov, The west wind, Zépipos. Wet, subst., votis, fö0s, h; ‘īypótms, mºros, h; +’ikučs, ã60s, h. Abundance of wet (weather), T &ropépia. See Rain. Wet, adj., ‘ūypôs, votepos, + Stepós ; # ºvöäAéos ; + vöttos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of weather, i.e. rainy— q. v.) + šuépios, a, ov, and os, ov; t 6üsouëpos, ov. A little wet, + Täpääpos, ov. Wet through, ētā'époxos, ov; + 8tvypos, ov, c. gen, of what with (metaph.), AEsch. To wet, 8péxo, käräépéxaſ, 6taépéxaſ, vottſa', réyya, ‘ūypaſva'; 6etºw, no perf., chiefly in aor. J. act. To be wet, pass. of words above ; also f Hiſââo, only act. Wetting (sufficient to wet), 6tavrikös, c, gen. A wetting, 8péâts, eas, i. A whale, tº kitos, Tó. Of, or belonging to, or like whales, knt.66ms. What? interrog. Ti; See Who. What (i.e. of what sort P), trotos (oi often in Att.). What, indef (i.e. of what sort), oids (oil), 6trotos (oí sometimes in Att.). What (as to age), of what age, F #Aicos (still more often of what size, etc.). And while lamenting your own fate, you show me in 468 Whatever what misfortane I am plunged, &pmvoúa'a 5& Tö orov âtöágicels u' évôa Tudºrwu kupé, Eur. Whatever, 6motostisoúv, f. 6troiás Tep. See Whoever. Or are we dear to you whatever we do? 3) ool uév hueſs travtaxå Öpºutes pixot; Soph. Wheat, Túpés. The wheat harvest, t tripäumtés. Wheat flour, 'éAewpov. Wheat bearing, + tripoſpópos, ov. Wheaten, Trúpivos; + tripinos, ov. To deal in wheat, trüpotw860, only act. To wheedle, ºf ékóðtra, +&aireia. See To flatter. A wheel, Tpoxás; +&iſis, tá0s, h; i öx0s; +&uirvé, ūkos, i. A magic wheel (used to bewitch people), "ivyā; ivy- 'yos, i. On wheels, or in any way connected with the motion of wheels, of a carriage, of Hector dragged by wheels, of earthenware inade on a potter's wheel, etc., f Tpoxh- Aáros, ov. The wheels are continually rattling, oripiyyes oë ovyó. oriv čováAaTou, AEsch. The nave in which the wheels turn, Airpoxos aipuyê, AEsch. A wheelbarrow, wovágtpopos &uağa, Theoph. To torture on a wheel, Tpoxiga. ‘i ŠpºtfixãTos, ov. To make wheels, ftpoxotrotéa. To wheel, act. (as a general wheels his troops), atpé. ‘pa', act, and pass., also act. used in intrans, or pass. sense ; orvo Tpéºw, 'ütrogluów (also of wheeling ships). To wheel, or wheel round, intrans. &tokówtta, śiri- RéuirTw; t otpoſpoduvéopal, pass.; + kāuirTw; kūicAq, trepielpºt, Xen. To wheel out, i ékkökxéw (esp. in theatrical representa- tions). A, wheeling, "rāpāyayyil, trepiºpopah, ētricap.Th. A wheelwright, +'éuašovpyós. A whelp, origipºvos, okupºvíov. When? interrog. were ; When (not interrog.), ºre, c. indic. of anything actually the case either past, pres., or fut, c. aor. subj. mean- ing when it shall be (i. e. if it ever shall be), but, if following a verb in subj. or opt. then äte in this sense sometimes is followed by opt. when meaning when- ever, as often as, or when followed by Wh, meaning eacept when, always c. opt.; 6tav, c. subj.; áTóte, c. indic. of anything actually the case, c. subj, when an action is spoken of without being restricted to time or Tortured on a wheel, Whether place [But when the Greeks, being pressed, attempted to pursue, they reached the summit with difficulty, being heavy-armed, and the enemy quicky recoiled; and again, when they retreated to the rest of the army, they suffered the same thing, 'Ettel be trieſ&uevo of “EAAqves. étrexépmaav čudºkeiv, oxoxfi wºu étrl to &kpov & puk- votivtat, ÖTAirai Övres, oi Öè troAéulov taxi &vetti- öwy trøAlv Šč, Štröte &tioteuv Tpos rô &AA0 orpſ. Tevua, Taité, étraoxov, Xen.]; 6trótav, c. subj.; ăviţca, c. indic, when meaning whenever c. opt., when c. &v, fivſk’ &v, c. subj.; étrel, c. indic, sometimes c. subj. when a supposed case is spoken of ; often c. & (but in that case usu, Érºv, c. subj.); &s, c. indic.; c. opt, to express a repeated action ; c. subj. to denote what always happens under certain circumstances [this use is more rarel; +%uos, only of past actions. Not saying when, té irote oi, 8topiſaw, Dem. Whence? interrog. Tóðey ; sometimes c. gen, loci. Whence, not interrog. 66ev; 6tróðev, c. indic, but if with öv, meaning whencesoever, c. subj.; #v6ev. Whence, interr., adj., troöätrós. Whenever (see When, above), Étretääu, c. subj., in an oblique sentence sometimes c. opt. "Where 3 interrog. Toi); often gem., as trot, yūs; +Tri; tºtó01; Where, not interrog. §, où; Śirov, c. indic. (in Trag. śirov &v and Štrovirep &v c. subj, who sometimes omit &v and still use the subj.); 6tm, Att. often c. &v, also Širmirep &v c. subj.; +iva, + šv6a. Anywhere, esp. after if-if anywhere, et arov. From somewhere, tróðev. - Where 3 (at which of two places), interrog. trotépa,01; Where (at which of two places), not interrog. ôtroté. pa,61 ; Whereas, étrel. See Since. Wherever, Širov, esp. c. &v (though this is some- times omitted) c. subj., also êtrov"rep &v; Štrovtep, 6trovoov. Wherefore, 6t' 6, Suárep, 36ev; 6' 05, Xen.: &v6' &v, Trag.; &v6' 3rov, Trag.; (in indirect sentences, as—I will say wherefore, etc.) 816tt. To whet, 'ükováa. See To sharpen, Whether, adv. (in indirect questions), ei, etre; when two cases are supposed (i. e. whether it will be or not) eſte is answered by eite most frequently in Att. joined with some other particle—eit' offv . . . eºr’ oùv; or eite ... eit’ &p’ obv; or eit’ oëv... etre kat; or eite Kal . . . eſte kal [poet, the first etre is some- times omitted (e. g.—whether you choose to praise or to blame me, aively eite Me #éyéu SéAcis, Soph.), 46.9 - Whetstone—Whitewash either first or second site sometimes changed into ei, more rarely into #1. Whether men live in a great or a small state, still ..., kåv usiváàmy oikógi trčAlv Káv ulkpāv, Dem. Whether willing or unwilling, &v 6’ &R&v &w ºr’ &kav, Dem. t Whether I receive it or not, ſcal Aaxöv kal pººl Aaxöv, Eur. He was perplewed whether to give or not, & répa's eixe 606vaí Te Wh 600waſ re, Eur. - To whomsoever the dominion of each territory, whether great or small, belonged, &v by fi to kpótos rās yīs £káarms, #v re TAéovos, #v re 8poxvrépas, Thuc. Whether, interrog. trótepov ; and trótepa ; usu, fol- lowed by #. See Question. They asked the God whether they should give up the city to the Corinthians, röy Beby étápowto ei trapačotev Koplvôtois Tºv ráAlv, Thuc. Whether ? adj. interrog. (i. e. which of two), trórepos; Whether, relative, and in indirect questions, Örötepos. A whetstone, ’āková, F&nyăvă. Whey, àpós. Which # interr. Tis ; See Who? Which, indef, and relat. §s, h, 3. Which (of two), indef. §rótepos. Whichever way, Örotépas, Široreposotiv. From which of the two, öttotepwéevotiv. To which side (of the two), or in which way, 6tro- tépoore. On which side (of the two), Štrotépa,0i. While, éos, c. indic. when the action is future, c, čv and subj, in a case of repeated action, c. opt. Heraš, c. part.; t 5ppa (only in chor.), Trag.; £v Štº, Dem.; év $, Soph. While the Athenians were detained about Crete, év roötg év 3 of 'A6mvatoi trepi Kpfitny ſcatetxouto, Thuc, For a while, Téas. Worth while, trpoëp'yov, with or without ti, oiâșu, etc., compar. Trpovpylaitepov and pa. It is worth while, &#av Tpušºv #xei (lit. it causes a de- lay which it is worth), AEsch. To whimper (as a dog, or as children), t kvvgopal, or –éopºl, mid. Whining (of a sound), + givipós. To whinny, ‘ūšpíša. To whip, goatſyów, fut, mid, sometimes in pass. SęIł8é. Which 3 (of two) tróTepos, To shake the whip over (a horse) so as to urge him to gallop, ripaéöopopéo, c, dat. A whip, adorić, Pyos, ii; a.köros, Tá; Hégéxm, fuá- payvo. A whip (for slaves), Šarpixis, ió0s, i. Carrying a whip, Mao Tºyopópos, ov. A whirl (or whirling motion), divn; 3iveuga, Té; +&eXA2. To whirl, act. Aſaga, also poet. (including Trag.) sixtago; +&ivečw, only pres. and imperſ, both in act, and intrans. sense (of moving with a whirling motion); so ºf Sivéa and pass., no mid, also act, often used intrans.; to votpépw. Whirling (or whirled round), +37viets. A whirlpool, àiwn; +xãpv66ts, eos, h. A whirlwind, † Tip&s, -á, but pl. rvſpáves; to Tpó- 60s, ‘Forpépé0s. To whisper, liğüpí(w; +'êtreſtrov, only in aor. 2. To stoop and whisper in one's ear, Tposkútra (perf. —kékūq,a) trphs to ois, or simply Tposkútto, Plat. And a report began instantly to be whispered among us, 8t’ &rov 5’ eiºs ºv troAvs A6-yos, Eur. Whispered, + ſióüpós, To whistle, tailpíſo, -íča, only act.; titrogüpíša +Aátrigo, only act. - A whistle (an instrument), gºpry; tºyos, h; t viyad- pos; (i.e. a sound) avpiyués; taiptyka, té. Making a whistling sound (through moving, etc., as the wind, or a whip, or even a dog's tail) Aiyipós; + ščátovos, ov. White, Aevicës, fem. # Asukës, 450s; +&pymaths, ot, 6, only masc.; ºf Aevichpms, ºf Asukoſpañs, i Aevicayóñs; +Asvkóxpoos, ov, contr. —ovs, -ovy; (of hair, but also poet. of anything) toxios, 3, ov, and bs, 69; (of animals only) + Aérapyos, ov. Thoroughly while, +tréAAévkos, ov. Whitish, råpäAevkos, ov, He knows black from white, rö Aevköv olöev, Ar. : The while of an egg, Xevków. White paint, iliuš0tov. - To be white, tToxtaivopal, pass. See To whiten, for the passive voices of the verbs under that head. To be white on the surface, étriNeviczíva, intrans, only act. To be clad in white, AévXetuovéa. To whiten, Aevkaivo, Aevków. To paint white, jigü6téopal, mid. (one’s face); Aevico- 'ypāq,éo, only act. Whiteness, Aevicórms, mºros, i. A whitening, Asúkava is, eos, h. Whitewash, kovíðua, āros, Tó. 470 Whitewash—Wife To whitewash, kovićw. Whitewashed, éâAmApp.évos, koviárós. Whither? interrog. trā; troº; Whither, relat. §trol, sometimes c. gen, loci; &m, of; tärntrep; fºlva (only used in this sense in ex- clamations), í of rep, + šv6a, + šv6airep. Whither (i. e. to which of two places), árotépage, tro- Tepoore. Whithersoever, 6tmoºv, A Whitlow, trāpavāyīa. To whiz through, Staffougéa, c, gen. A whiz, ºf 50ſéö0s. Who? interrog, rſs ; Who, relat. §s, h, ś ; +8stis, #tis, 3, ri, gen. of rivos, #ativos, etc.; + 8ste ; # 6, not nom., only in the cases beginning with T (to avoid hiatus). Whoever, Šstis, #Tis, éti, gen, oitivos, etc., also Att. gen, ätov, dat. &rº, gen. Att, sometimes àtwv (rare), and dat. §Totori (rare), acc. pl. neut. often ärta ; (after Tâs) + šaros. - Whole, (the whole, etc.) #A0s; tras, Tāora, Tāv, etc.; güutrās, often śćutras, in neut. Jºurāv (usu. §); ‘āras, neut. &rāv; + Tpátás, neut. Toârâu (usu. 3); (of time) + TAetotipms ; (i.e. complete, sound) éAó- Kâmpos, ov; (i. e. made of one piece, not of many) *āoriſv6eros, ov. The whole day, the whole year, 6t' juépas, 6t’êtovs, Xen. On the whole, "GTAós; eis to Tráv ; Śirl trav or éirítrav, katē 6Aov, Ös traff0el. Wholeness, 6Aótms, mºros, i. Wholesome, ‘ūyweivás. See Healthy. Wholly, trópatrav, ŠAws ; tā āAa, Xen.; Tois àAous, Dem. See Utterly. Wholly, adj. (as to perish wholly, to give wholly, etc.), Faitámpsºvos, ov. A whore, trópwm. See Prostitute. A whoremonger, trópwos. Why, ri, Ště ri, tva ºrt, tin, fritte, Why not * r u v ; AEsch.; Tú yöp (esp. used in affir- mative answers); Soph. Plat. A wick, SpwańAls, toos, j. Wicked, kākös, compar. Raktov, kāktorros, also xeipov, superl. xeiptortos (only in Att, prose); troumpos, u0- X6mpós ; (of men only) 'éAirãptos, ov; Távodpyos, ov : + travroſpyos, ov; (of deeds only) +’āvepyos, ov. Thoroughly wicked, traputróvmpos, ou ; # ºrdylcá- kos, ov, no compar., superl. Traykákiortos ; +Trêvé- Aeſºpos, ov; +TráváAms. Wicked in great things, Heydºxotrövmpos, ov. Wicked in trifles, uikporávnpos, ot. Half wicked, huiróvmpos, oy. A wicked man, tſudo tap, opos, 6. To be governed by wicked men, Tovmpokpāréopat, pass Wickedly, kākās, superl, kākata ; kákoſpyws, rà vočpyws, ‘i traylcákós. Wickedness, kākia; kakórms, mros, h; kákm, Tovmpia, u0x0mpta, kākovpyta, +Távoupyia. A wicked deed, kākočpympia, Té'; 't Trávoúpympia, tá. See Crime. A speaking of wicked things, Tovmpoxoyia. A love of wickedness, pixotroumpia, To be wicked, kākovpyéw, only act.; kākāvouai, pass. To join in wickedness, + avpitrovnpeiopal, mid. See To sin. To hate what is wicked, priorotroumpéo. A hatred of what is wicked, priororovnpía. Hating what is wicked, pſororóvmpos, ov. Wickerwork, TAéypia, Tó ; # TAékos, Tá. Made of wickerwork, oiativos, + TAektós. One who works in wickerwork, ºf oiavoup'yós. Wide, eipts, eia, iſ ; TAátēs, "Fortíðtos; (of a country) pºkpós; (of the earth or sea) teipúropos, ov; (of rivers) + trååtågå00s, ov, contr. —Éovs, -povv. Wide-mouthed, eipiſotouos, ov. It is fifty furlongs wide, 6téxel revtſikovta atáðtovs, Xen. Widely, ºf eipi, compar. eipvrépaſs. - To widen, or leave or make a wide space, TAğrüvo. + eipivo, One must widen, TAğrvuréov. A widow, tº Xfipa, sometimes also xiipa yüvñ. To widow, ºf xmpów, often c. gen. of what is taken. To be a widow, to lead a widowed life, Xmpeia, some- times c. acc. (8tov, etc.); Kätäxmpetſw. Widowed, xiipos (of the consort, the house, or mar riage-bed); + effvis, é, í, gen, eúvios, but pl. usu. ečvièes ; +’āvavôpos, ov; +’āvāvöpwros, ov. Widowhood, xmpeta. Width, eúpos, tá; TAéros, Tó. To wield, ºf vapida, only act.; # TúMAw, only act, in this sense, no fut. or perf, though there is aor. 1. êtrmAa ; +’āvāoroa, no perf, in any voice, c, gen. ; + véuw. A wife, ’āAoxos, # ; Yuvh, gen, Yuvaikos, etc., voc. 'yūval [in Att. Com. sometimes sing, acc. Yvvhy, pl. nom. and acc. Yūval, yúvas] ; Yauerh : + šáuap, apros, # ; +’ākottis, tos, # ; + aivevvos, fi : + evå- relpa, + eivirpia ; + orivãopos, ii. See Consort. And having the same wife that he had, Xav Šē Aértpa kol yuvoix' &pidotropov, Soph. º, 471 Wig–Winding Having the same wife as your father, 0.00 Tatpos épé- otropos, Soph. Having the same wife, tº Čučyápos (of Jupiter and Amphitryon, with reference to Alcmena). Having no wife, t '&yūvaiš, alcos. - Unhappy in one's wife, t diſs6&pap, optos. See Mar- Tiage. To be lamented by wives, ºf vuuq,óRAavros, ov, A wig, kepāAh repffleros, Ar. Wild,”&yptos, a, ov, and os, ov; (of animals) jšpi- oths, où ; Öpelvös ; +”ypótºms, ov, 6. Wild-looking, ‘i čv0mpos, ov; fºrmyptopºvos; +&ypt- wirós, òv. To make wild, 'i ºptów, and in pass, to be made (i.e. to be wild). A wilderness, épmuta. See Desert, Wildness, &yptótºms, tyros, i. A wile, ’ārātm (not always in bad sense). Cunning. Wilful, ai,6áöns (also aidóðms ºppsyóv); + airóšovXos, O!/. Wilfully, ai,6360s. Wilfulness, aāāsta, + ai065(a ; + aijóðigua, Té. To be wilful, ai,635igopal, mid. The will, Bovāfi; † Afua, T6. See Intention. Work your will with me, käräxphoragóé plot, Æschin. You should not do it with my good will, oùT' &v . . . Šuoi, 'y’ &v jöéo's Spóms uéra, Soph. A will or testament, 5táðhich ; Śiś6ers, eas, i. To make a will, to dispose of by will, 6tatíðepal, mid. To will, 800Aopal, fut. Bovāńgouai, perf. BeéoùAmual, aor, 1. ČšovXh9mv, in Att, prose usu, hēovÅfiómu, all in mid. sense; £6éAw, fut. —how, aor. 1. #0éAmga, no perf, no mid, or pass., also &éAw, etc. [é0éAw is never used in iambies, except in imperf. #6exov (in which tense they never use éðexov), in chor. and anapaests Trag. use both forms, in Att. prose é0éAw is most usual, except in the phrases ei &éAets, &v ©ebs &éAm. Buttmann says é0éAw implies choice and purpose to do, 80tſaouai, except in the case of the Gods, merely willingness]. Willing, Šköv, otoa, ćuros, etc.; Écoiſotos, a, ov, and os, ov; ‘f trpóðūgos, ov; &opewos, Tpisdo wellos. The people of the Plataeans were not willing to revolt from the Athenians, Tó yöp TAff0el Tôv IIAa, aléov oë Bovāouévy fiv táv 'Ā0nvaſwy & pigtaotai, Thuc. To be willing, #6éAw (see above, To will); &étów ; arpo- Óigeoggi, mid, c, aor. 1. and fut. i. pass, in mid, sense. See Very willing, | Caused by contrary winds, + &vrī’irvoos, ov, contr. Willingly, &guévos, irpoéſuws; #360s, compar. #3tov; *Rougie tpétro, Eur. Very willing, irépubéos. Willingness, trp06juía, A willow, 'i'itéa. Of willow, ºf 'itéivos. Wily, troAi'Tporos, ov; touchaos; (esp. of words) t aiwiños, n, ov, and os, ov. See Cunning. In a wily manner, f irouxiàos. To win, (a prize, etc.) couiçoſal, mid.; pépa, and -oual, mid., fut, oloropal, aor, l. #veyka, etc.; alpopal, mid.; &putaal, only pres, and imperf mid.; (a game, etc.) ºpâtéo, vicdo. See To conquer. To win by labour, ékuox6éa. To win over, tpostoléopat, Metáreiða. See To conciliate. To win over from another, Túpalpéopal, mid., aor. 2. —eixópmv. To wind, act. TAéica, ; ŚAtooſa, poet, also eixtoo w; (of winding wool) toxiſtreiſa, He will wind this out of him, śkirmvie?ral airoi, Taijra, AT. To wind, intrans. (i. e. go in a winding course), ºf éAtoſ- gowal, poet. eixto Gopal, pass. Wind, 'éveſtos, tvoj ; rveſpa, tá; aipa. A fair wind, oùpos, oùpta. Periodical winds, étmorial, oi. A wind blowing on shore, Tpotata (aipa understood). And if the wind had blown that way (towards it), Tvetºza 6* si èyèveto airfi étiqopov (tfi tróAel, sc.), Thuc. - Windy (full of wind, as a sail exposed to the wind, a high place, etc.), Tposſiveſtos, ov; + šveſtáels, i &ve- wóðms; i öifive u0s, ov. Full of wind, piadºms; + ‘ūtmvéulos, ov, Scattered to the winds, + getúporios, a, ov, and os, ov. To fill with wind, Tvevuòrotrouéa. Of, or belonging to, a fair wind, oùptos, a, ov, and os, ow (esp. conducted by one, sometimes epith. of the wind itself). Swift as the wind, † ºvepióels (of thought); # ºve- pudºkms. Having a fair wind, † ethvetlos, ov. To carry with a fair wind, † oipigo, only act. Sheltered from the wind, ºf ‘ūtrāvepos, ov. On the windward side, éic too trposmvéuov, To be eagosed to the wind, ‘āveudouai. —Trvous, ovy. Stopping the wind, † Travo &veſtos, ov Winding, + šAté, icos, 6, j (esp. of a creeping plant, etc.); # koxtrööms (of a coast). See Crooked. - - A winding, ÉAlyºs, Kapth. - 472 WindiaSS— windlass, orpééAm, folkötéan. o raise by a windlass, àvečw, window, Šipls, ió0s, i. he windpipe, &ptºmpta; Twevuðvøv 6taffoal, Eur. ine, oivos; twé0v, to, only nom. and acc. sing.; *Totöv, f 8&icxos, + 8&icxuos ; &utéAov atrovöh, àpiréAov yávos, 86tpuos yávos; Alovèd'ov Yévos, Trag.; oivoros &xum, Eur, ; 8ákxov oivnpal Aougal, Eur.; oiváxvtov Tópa, Soph. Sheer wine, tººkpā- tos. Wine mixed for drinking, + etiqas, &tos, Tó. Boiled wine, oipatov. Bad wine, oiváptov. New bad wine, Frpiº, Tpüyös, Ö. Sour wine, Šč0s, Tó. he God of wine, t 0éoivos. he feast of the God of wine, Tà Oéolva, Dem. troAtolvos, ov. roducing sweet wine, jööoivos, ov. + oivočátms, ov, 6. ond of wine, pixoivos, ov. a cess in wine, troAvolvía. * * - Giver of wine, o sell wine, oivotaxéo. o pour out wine, oivoxoéw, only act. One who pours out wine, oivox60s. vessel to ladle out wine with, oivoxóm. To drink wine, tº oivotrotéo. - To be full of wine, 6towóopal, pass. Perplewed with wine, foivotašvntos ov. Of the colour of wine (i. e. dark), foivöll, 6tros, 6, #; + oivatrös, Öv. A wine-cellar, oive&v, &vos, 6. Without wine, &oivos, ov; + viºxios, a, ov, and os, OV. A wing, Tréput, tºyos, h; trepôv. breast-plate, irrepüylov. The wing of an army or fleet, képas, gen. Ötos; képos, dat, képati, képai, képg, etc.; Kpdatečov, TAetipov. Any winged creature, Trepov (of the sphinx, of a beetle, etc.). - The winged God, IITépa’s, otos, 6. Winged, irtmués; ‘ūtróttepos, ov; Trepéqouros, ov; ºf kārāttepos, ov; +tre+elvös; +Trepčels, fem., some- times contr. Trepodaga, f TTepatós. With The wing of a two wings, 6ttſtepos, ov. With good wings, Feiſttepos, ov. With swift wings, + TTepúywichs. With long wings, Fučkpóttepos, ov. With brown wings, fºov0óttepos, ov (of a bee). With bright wings, AevicóTTepos, ov. With dark or black wings, TepicváTrepos, ov; + we'é- vónTepos, ov; +WeXàvoTTépuš, iſyos, 6 kai i. roducing, fit to produce wine (of a country, etc.), - w * e A wise man, 0.0%loths, où, Ö. -Wise With variegated wings, f iroticiſ, dirtepos, ow. To flap the wings, t TTepiºiſo, only act. To cover or furnish with wings, &vattepów, and pass ; † Trépôw (only in perf. pass, part.). Wingedness, Trépôrns, mros, i. Wingless, &rthy, fivos, 6, #; +&irtepos, ov. To wink, uío, fut, uío w, etc.; a kapāāuffalo w, fut. -če, only act. To wink in assent, t Tripºğw. Apt to wink, alcapāāţivicticós. One who winks, a kapāāuvictºis, où, 6. Without winking, adj. F &0 kapāduvictos, ov. Without winking, adv. &gicapôapºvietí. And he has not a wink of sleep all night, iſ rvov 6’ 6pá Tijs vukTös oë6è traorträAmy, Ar. Winning, subst. # kTipo, Tá. Winning, adj, (i. e. attractive) étáywyðs; Érixápis, itos, 6, #; (i.e. conquering) ºpeto'o ww. To winnow, Airpada, ’āvāAukpado; 8pdoorw, fut. 8péow. A winnowing fan, TTüov; ’āºmpóépotov Špyävov Soph. Winter, Xelpêv, &vos, 6; + xetua, Tó; if yūxos, Tó. Of winter, Xelpspivés; Xelpéptos, a, ov, and os, ov. Wintry (with all the severity of winter, exposed tº the cold of winter, etc.), ºf 5usXetuepos, ov. Winter quarters, xetuáðtov. To winter (pass the winter, go into winter quarters, etc.), Xelºdºo, no mid., but also pass. in the same sense; 6taxeludów. To winter in, trapaxelpid ſo, c. dat. Or c. prep. x Winter clothing, + xetuaqtpov. Good to winter in, eixeipepos, ov. To wipe, to wipe away, wipe off, Čkudora'a, in mid. also sine cas. (of wiping away one's tears); ’ātrouda- orw, t’āToiyāw, f Éouápyvöpu, + šica ada. Wisdom, gopia; giveats, h; v60s, contr. vojs (the latter usu. in Att., though the former also is found); + pºſitis, tos, Att. also -iños, ii; + štriotăum; Tivārms, ºntos, h. Over-wisdom, Tepivota. A being wise in one's own conceit, 60%to opia. Fond of wisdom, pix60.0%0s, ov. Hating wisdom, pig 60-040s, ov. By wisdom, t AeAoytokévos (opp. to a 0évet by strength). See Philosophical. A man as wise as the Gods, + &eophorrap, opos, 6. See Wise. Wise, (of men, places, acts, etc.) orogós; (of men only) aivetés; eiſéovX0s, ov; uppov, ovos, 6, #; étriotăuwu, ovos, 6, #; +&pri"ppav, ovos, 6, #; +&i. 473 Wisely—Withdraw trightms, ov, 6; +öp06éovX0s, ov; +ākpos; +8Aértov, ovara, ov (i.e. seeing the truth); (of plans or actions only) t trijicvös, + 8300s. Eaceedingly wise, wise in all things, Távoropos, ov; ; Travréoſopos, ov (Com.); + Tepura'éppov, ovos, 6, h; † Treptorgös. Wise in one's own conceit, Öočigopos, ov; † 60kmoiropos, ov. Wise for evil, kākoğvetos, ov. Wisely, owqpóvos, + oropós, tºppovoúvtas. To be wise, oroq (ouai, mid, and pass, in mid. sense, often c. gen, of the matter in which, sometimes in aor. 1. pass. of what is wisely done. To be wiser than, Ötsp?povéa (the reading is doubtful), c. acc. I think myself wiser than the physician, trapagoptgopal Töv iotpov, Arist. A wish, eúxh, + Trpo65uto. An eager wish, + atrovöfl. According to one's wish, Katë, yuápmy; katē v6ov or voúv. Contrary to one's wish, trapā Yvápmv. To wish, wish for, etc., xpſo, only pres, and imperf. act., c. gen, or c. infin.; Tposxptigo'; 'YAixouai, only pres, and imperf mid, (in Att. Com, also aor. 1. mid), c. gen, c. repl and gen, c. acc. c. infin, or c, čs and indic.; ÉiriðūMéa, c. gen, c. acc. or c. infin.; Paatetºw (rare in prose though in Xen.); €péa, only pres, im- perf, act, and aor. 1. pass. hpā00mv, in act, sense ; etxopal, mid. c. pluperf. pass. milypºmy, in act. sense, but miſſypat in pass. sense (with a further sense of intending to do, etc.); €6éAw, fut. —Ahaw, etc., also &éAw (é0éAw is most common in prose, but &éAw in iambics, in which é0éAw is only found in imperf. #6exov); BoöAokal, mid, fut. Bovāńgopal, perf. Be- éoùAmual, etc.; (esp. to wish for what is lost) troðéw, fut. —how, and –égopal, etc. See To desire, To be willing. To wish eagerly, greatly, for any thing, + Tpotiuda, c. acc. or infin. To wish for in return, &yritroëéw. To join in a wish, ovutpoſłupéopal, mid., c. aor, l, and fut. 1. pass, in mid, sense, c, acc. or c. infin, or c. 3ros. To wish for something else, to change one's wish, i Pietetxogai. To wish well to a person, teivoéw, nomid, but also t—oſal, pass. c. dat. To wish well in return for benevolence, àvrévvoéa. A wish, Švuòs #5ovºv ºpépel wou Soph. How I wish, &s āv; also with a neg, as és uh, c. opt.; without &v only poet.; &s & peacy, Att, sometimes &06 & p. [in choruses or anapaests Trag. sometimes omit the augment], -ós & peacy, how I wish that I, s—ás & peñes, how I wish that you, etc., c. infin,; #e3e, c. opt., but when with a past tense of what is impossible (having happened some other way) then in indic.; ei Yép; +ei, c. opt.; Trós &v, c. opt. I wish you had not died, oil, éxppſes Saveſv, Soph. They would wish to have done so, elaovro èv, c. infim, Dem. They would wish beyond all measure to have done so, ToMA00 Tptatuto &v, c. infin, Dem. Wit, eitpáreata, āyxivota, &otetoMoyta. Fond of wit, piaevrpätrexos, ov. Being out of one's wits, táv ºppévôw our vöov &v, Eur. A witch, yóns, mtos, 6; + papuākīs, tºos, i. To be a witch, yomteſſw, sometimes c. acc. of what is bewitched. Witchcraft, 'yomteia ; yoñtevpia, Tó; pappièceta. The witch elm, Öpeutte.Aéa. With, orby and ºv, c. dat.; Metà, c. gen, or c, dat.; º, c. gen., denoting the attendant circumstances of any action (e. g.—to sacrifice with sounds of good omen, i.e. while such sounds are uttered, ür' stºpfluov Bois Sigal, Soph.), also c. dat.; Tapč, c, dat. (of what one has with one, what is a person's property), e.g. tap' époi = €ubs, also of living with, i.e. in the house of. We live with a stranger, ščvy trap' &vöp!, vaſopaev, Soph.; (of conduct, as with boldness, with folly, etc.) Stö, c. gen.: + &rö, c, gen. Together with, Öpov, c. dat. We invoke the Furies to receive with propitious hearts their suppliant, so as to save him, taxoduév Eikevičas’ é; eigevav ×répywy Śēxed flat row icérmy owthptov, Soph. My other arms shall be buried with me, tº 5’ rečxm kotv' &uol refláiletal, Soph. They came into Peloponnesus with a small army, ſurpov pºv orporárešov eis thu IIexotóvvmoov eio fixtov ëxovtes, Xen. Not with any great comfort, oil, eiuopeſ; xpéuevos, troAAñ, Soph. To withdraw, act. ‘āvāyw, Étäväyw; ’ārāya (esp. of drawing off a person's attention); +'irogirão, -ãow ; ’āvapéopal, mid, aor. 2. čvel»ówmv, etc. (of with- drawing an action at law, or a document); so Slå- ºpépouai, mid. To withdraw (troops from a battle), &vaxwpíſo, c. acc. To make to withdraw (as senators cause strangers to withdraw before they come to a decision on the subject of debate), we6to Tmut, in aor. 1. mid. - To withdraw, intrams. ‘ūrāyo, Éraváyw; 'iráplatopal, mid., c. aor. 2. perf and pluperf, act, perf. part, often contr. —ear&s, -óoro, -óros, etc.; +’āvaaréAAw. To withdraw from public life, 'épaviçoſal, pass.; &pi- &AA& 474 Wither—Womanish orgual (see above) Töv iſ payºdºrov, or Tàs troAIteſas, Plat. Dem. See To retire. To wither, act. Pºpaíva ; abaíva, no mid, in act. sense, but fut. mid. in pass. Sense. To wither, intrans, 'ütrav0éa, only act.; Jüvaugivouai, pass.; Túpixeſ opal (only of men, by disease, old age, etc.); + Kárákápºpogal, only pres, and imperf. pass, To wither first, trpopépaivopal, pass. Withered, aſſos ; (of persons) + šmpós. A withering, uápavors, ā; † aidvm. Withers, 'üºpwpata. To withhold, & réxw, fut. 'épée, and &Too Yihow, no aor. 1, aor. 2. diréoxov, c. gen. of that from which. Within, êvãov, sine cas., sometimes c. gen., poet. rarely c. dat.; £vtós, c. gen. very often after its case; efora, and čaw, c. gen, and sometimes c, acc.; $vö00ev; ºf Éga,0e or —9ev, sine cas. or c. gen. Within (as, “within a little of doing a thing,” “within four votes of succeeding,” etc.), trapó, c. acc. or c. indic. of the verb, he was within so little of falling in with ..., trapé. Togoûtov čyéveto airó Wh trept- treaeiv, Thuc. From within, ºf čvö06ev. Dwelling within, i évôópixos, ov. To be within, êveupu (–eival), c. dat. Without [all words in this sense govern a gen.], *āvev, xopls, t'êtep (often after its case); +’érépée or ev, +6ixa, + vögqu or iv. Without the knowledge of A&6pā, c. gen. ..Without, adj. 'éuoipos, Šuopos, and Šugopos, ov, c. gen., which all these adjectives have after them ; "ČičAmpos, ov; 'âuéroxos, ov; + šakevos, ov; + yu- Avés; twóvos and Motivos, c, gen, or c. 6th and gen. See To want. Without brazen shields, &xańkos dotríðwv, Soph. [Without is often rendered by uh with a participle:– for it was not possible to do anything without making presents, oi, Yêp fiv irpäägi oióēv på Ötöövta Sápa, Thuc.] To withstand, 'ütropéva, no pass.; &v6tarăual, mid., c. aor. 2. perf, and pluperf act, perf. often contr. pl. —éotápºev, -éotate, -ed tâal, infin. –é0tdval, part. —eotás, -óga, -ótos, etc., c. dat, or c. rpès and acc., sometimes c. eis and acc.; 54 to Tauai. See To resist. A witness, udprus, ipos, 6, #; givia Twp, opos, 6; Féiri- Réprus. A witness from personal knowledge, an eye- witness, airórrms, ov, 6; + airopºdprus. An ear. witness, airfittoos. A joint witness, ovuuápTws. A Jalse witness, levövgäpt vs. Witness (i. e. testimony, q.v.), Haptipſo, paptiptov. Additional witness, étripaptupta. False witness, yew- ãopaptupia, To bear witness, paptiſpéw, also pass. of the testimony borne; Śiquaprupéw, sometimes c. eis or Tpos and acc. of the judges before whom, etc.; Ériu.aptiſpéo, c. dat. of those to or before whom ; against, kátápaptupéo, c. acc. of the deeds proved against a person, c. gen. or c. Katë and gen, pers, in pass, either of the actions testified to, or of the person ; besides, trpos- Štúuaptiſpéo, Tpospaptupéa. To bear witness together with, Jupp.aptupéa, c, dat. pers, acc. rei; Givetriuap- Tupéw. To bear false witness, ſevöopaptupéw (see To perjure); against, catapévôouaprupéo, c. gen, To prove by witnesses, 6tauaprupéa. To call witnesses, to call to wituess, MapTipokal, mid, no pass.; Śiriuaptiſpoſal, kāntetſa. For sometimes a person may be borne down by the false witness of many, eviote y&p &v Kal Katajevöopop- Tupmóeſ) tis Širo ToxXów, Plat. An action or prosecution for false witness, Tô jevö0- uaptipto. Not witnessed, 'éudptiſpos, ov. Having no need of witnesses, +’āpaptiſpyros, ov. Wittily, Šuplexós ; ; Kopliță's, superl. —óTata. Witty, couyos, ye&otos ; 30 Tetos, a, ov, and os, ov; éupceXfis. A wizard, yāms, mtos, 6. Wo, &xos, Tá; Airm. See Grief. Woful, AUTºpós. See Grievous. Wofully, Avrmpós. A wolf, Aikos. A sea-wolf, FA&épa;, &Kos, 6. Of, or belonging to, or like, a wolf, i Aïcetos, a, ov, and 0s, ov. - Like a wolf, adv. f. Aikmööv. Eaten by wolves, Aikóšporos, ov. +Aükočíoktos, ov. Slaying wolves, + Aükokróvos, ov. To be attacked by wolves, Aikóouai, pass. A woman, Yüvh, gen. Yvvaikos, etc., voc. Yūval (also in Comedy acc. sing, Yvviv, and nom. and acc. pl. 'yvval, Yvvös, but rare); +87Avs (sometimes also contemptuously of a man yielding to pain); (as a term of endearment or contempt) yúvatov. An old woman, Ypads, Ypābs, t'ypaſa ; +/páñtov, conts. also ypgötov (in contempt or abuse). Of, or belonging to, women, Yüvaiketos, a, ov, and os, or, See Female. Womanish, Yūwalketos, a, ov, and 0s, ov; +Sãavs, Chased by wolves, 475 Womb—Woolly With the mind of a woman, +&mkövovs, -ovy; +&n- Aüºpay, ovos, 6, #; + yövalicãºpov. Like a woman, #7övalicóptop pos, ov. Imitating women, t'yūvatkóulu0s. Full of women, + yúvatkoTAmóſis. With the voice of a woman, Fºyüvaucáq,wvos, ov. Half a woman, futéotrépôevos, ov. Having beautiful women, ºf ka?,Airáp6evos, ov. Avenging women, in revenge for a woman, f Yuvaikā- Touvos, ov. Slaying by the hands of women, ºf &mAvictóvos, ov. Governing women, + &mAükpäths (of love). Fond of women, piaoyiums, ov, 6; piñoyövaič, aikos (but not found in nom.); biàoyūvalos, ov. Devised by women, + yúvatkóéouxos, ov. Proclaimed by women, + yúvaticokhpuktos, ov. To imitate a woman, f yivaticíſo. To love women, + yüvalicopévéa. To become womanish, påAácſgopal, pass., c. 7pös and acc. of any danger ; t &mWüvoſal, pass. Womanish behaviour, yūvałkioſis, eos, j. In a womanish manner, yüvaukeiws. To be ruled by women, yūvaticokpátéopol, pass. The rule of women, yūvatkokpátía. Frightening old women, + ypā006&ms, ov, 6. The women's part of the house or rooms, yūvatköv, &vos, 6; yūvalicovirus, iè0s, h; tº trap6evöv, &vos, 6, usu. in pl. The womb, yaotºlp, ii, gen. Yaorépos, sync. Yaorphs (both forms in Trag.); ºftTpa, GTAdyxvov; + vºws, #0s, i. To bear in the womb, Örö &vny and Øvrºs pépa, AEsch, Eur.; evtos (ºvns Tpépo, AEsch. To wonder, or wonder at, Savud (w, c, acc., but sometimes c. gen, or very rarely c, dat. (of wonder- ing at, esp. at people or their conduct); ’āºroflavºid ſo; ëxaſ Satipa. Soph. One must wonder, f Satſugaréov. Wonder, Saipa, Té; &épé0s, Th, and more rarely 6, only sing. See Admiration. A wonder, &aijua, Tó. A wonderful story, Trapañoč0x07ta. Wonderful, wondreus, Saugaatös, Sovgåotos; (esp. with an idea of fearfulness) &rträyxos, ov. Wonderfully, Savić0:ws, &avuaotós. Not wondering, “’ā0&upidotos. To be wont, piñéa. See Accustomed. To woo, upmateia, and mid, sometimes also uv, Yá- pov. To woo for another, Trpoſºváoſal, A wooing, † Awhatevua, Té. A wooer, f pluma rhp, fipos, 6, also av. Wood, ŠáAov. Fire-wood, Öpuoropia. Wooden, §Aivos, Šoćpetos, + 30%pios; + airóðvaos, ov. Made only of wood, or of one solid piece of wood, Mováčvaos, ov. Wooden underneath, 'üTööAos, ov. Like wood, ŠišAgesbís. The wood-work (of a house), śāogis, i. The working in wood, T âAovpyía. Working wood, ºf ‘UAoup'yās. Belonging to working in wood, Šišāoup'yicós. The trade of a worker in wood, ćixoup'yuich. To carry wood, ŠčAáywyéw, only act.; $üAigouai, mid. (esp. as soldiers foraging). The carrying wood, ćixoſpopto. Carrying wood, adj. F ‘ūAmpôpos. A wood-cutter, i VAotówos. Cutting wood, Šāokótros, ov (of an axe). The trade of a wood-cutter, à èpvotoutkä, A cutting of wood (the act), ÖAOTopia. To peck wood, ‘ūAokoréaſ, only act. Spoiling wood, ŠčAoq,06pos, ov. A wood, ‘ūAm ; Spüubs, pl. usu. Spüuë, T3, but also (rarely) 8püpıof ; # 6p3oxo, Tá. Living in the woods, ‘VAOváuos, 6, #. Frequenting the woods, ‘Wiśārms, ov, 6; + ‘WAoãpóuos, ov. Feeding in the woods, + VAoqopéös, Öv. A magistrate who manages the woods, 'üAwpós. Woody, ‘ūAóöms, Šárðs; +'UAftels, egora, ev, neut. pl. contr. ÖAávra (Eur.); ºf eißevôpos, ov; Sevöpôtis, iãos, h; + 6evöpókogos, ov; +'WAéicopos, ov. Thickly wooded, BābūčíA0s, ov. Ill-wooded, üğüAos, ov. A woodcock, &Tráyós, ò, 6; &TTäyhv, fivos, 6. A woodpecker, TreMelcós, òvros, and trexerców, avos, 6; àpiſcoxárrms and 8pvolcoxdºrtms, ov, 6; ke^ebs. a ſtºrm. The woof, Čºpſ. Wool, ua NAds; Éptov, very often in pl.: + Aſſivos, tá; Trčkos. A thread of wool, ºpókm. Carded wool, féopa, Tó. A piece of wool, f kåtayua, Té. A piece of wool fastened to the edge of nets, paatós. Dirty wool, oioritmpáv špuov, Ar. Woollen, êpeods, 6, oùv. Wreathed with wool, Fépué. a Terros, ov. Bound with wool, FuaāAoãétms, ov, 6. Lined with wool, FuaāAotós. - Like a wool-dealer, éptotraxilcás. Woolly, pláðns; + 3&aijuaa Aos, ov. K0Após. 'yduov, Short-woolled, 476 Having fine wool, i kańAiTAókäpos, ov. ſo work in wool, éptovpyéa, only act. word, étros, Tó; A6-yos; 57pia, Tó; Śvoua, āros, Tb, only when opp. to èpyov or Tpayua; (i. e. anything uttered) uß60s; + trpósq6eypa, T6. ong words, *āAw8%pal étróv, Ar. Word by word, étros trpos étros, AEsch.; Kat’ ros, Ar. n word indeed (as far as words go), 80'ov &ro Boijs 'éveka, Thuc. In word (opp. to in deed), uá04, Aéryº, övéuggiv. A maker of words, + 0 touštovpyós. To bring word, &yºyéWAw. See To report. These decrees are word for word the same, Taota Tö. |mpiapata rās air&s ovXAaß&s kal T' wità Đàuat’ éxel, Dem. Wordy, toxiàoyos, ov; + troAveths. Work (i. e. labour, q. v.), Távos; (artistic work) téxvi); (i. e. work done, a work) pyov; ; Tāvmug, Tó; i öpyävov; (a work of skill) Téxvnua, Tó; if Téx- vaoua, T6. See Labour. A beautiful work, Toſ- KiXpia, atos, Tb (esp. inlaid or embroidered). To work, Tovéw; épyágouai, mid. c. perf. pass, both in act. and pass. sense, also pluperf. pass. and fut. l. pass. in pass. Sense ; (esp. embroidering, inlaying, etc.) + tourcíAAw, ºf troukixów. See To labour, To make. To work stones, t ticiſo. To work in the hand (so as to soften), Öpyášo, uáAáo ow. To work previously, Tpoepyāšopat. The straps of their shoes worked into their feet, eisebü. ovro eis Tows tróðas oi iudvtes, Xen. One must set to work at, Tibetéov, c. dat. work beautifully, trouicthitéov. Working, making, + špyávos (epith. of xetp). Worked, wrought, aſivelpºyaguévos; (by the hammer, of metal) + orqūpāAáros, ov. Beautifully worked or wrought, + 6&töäAos, ov; † 6albáà éos. Not worked up, *āövépyao Tos, ov. A Working (of gold, mines, etc.), epyāoría. Quickness in working, Täxvepyta. A workman, tértwy, ovos, 6; 5mutovpyös, épyärms; xelpotéxums, ov, 6; texvirms, ov, 6; Épyaathp, fipos, Ö. A bad workman, ºf pâavpot pyos. A fellow-work- man, oivtexvos, Šuðtexvos. Able to work, &étoepyös, Öv. Working hard, épyaatikós. Belonging to a workmån, Ömpuoup'yikós. fn a workman-like manner, Ömutovpyikós. Workmanship, Ömputovpyta. One must Word-–Worth A workshop, pygotiiptov. The world, kóopos, ji oikouprévn. In the world (as the best, the bravest in the world, etc.), áv &vôptºtrous, Plat. - The creation of the world, coop.otrotta. To create the world, koopmovpyéa. To form a theory or system of the world, cooptotrotéo. A worm, orköAmè, nicos, 6; Apus and éAutws, gen. ëAulv60s, j; (in wood) + tepmåøy, Övos, i. Like a worm, aſkwāmicoetēs, groxmicóðms. Breeding worms, alcoxmicotókos, ov. To produce young in the shape of worms, groxmicoto kéa, also in pass. to be born in such shape, no mid. Eating worms, alcºmicoºpóyos, ov. Worm-eaten, Spitääeotos, ov; alcoxmkóépatos, op. To be worm-eaten, okoxmicóouai, pass. Wormwood, & Vivówov. To worry, Ö3'Kuw, fut. Śāčopal, no other mid. tense, no aor. 1. act, aor. 2. čákov, perf. 8éômxa, perf. pass. 8éönywal, etc.; † Kvíſo, fut, -law. See To ver, To annoy, Worse, Xeipov. See Bad. To be worse off than, weléouai, pass. c. gem.; Melovercréa, only act. To be worse off for, éAattöopal, pass., c. acc. or Kará and acc. of the cause. A being worse off than, pelovečía. Worship, Aárpeſa, Sepåreta; Sepārevua, Té; +A&- Tpsvga, Tó. To worship, orééa, and oréSouai, mid. no other tense except pres, used in this sense; &epátreſſo; + ge6tºw, and –ouai, mid and pass, aor. 1. pass., sometimes in act. sense; +A&Tpeão, only act, e. acc. or c, dat, Worshipped, to be worshipped, &avuagtós. Worshipping rightly, eigešís; t eigettos, ov. A worshipper, Sepātav, ovtos, 6; &épárevTh;, ot, 6. Worst, xetplatos, oxatos. See Bad. The worst possible evils, Éaxat’ oxátwº kaicó, Soph. Not having the worst (of a battle), oùic ēAagoſov čxov. Tes, Thuc. Tissaphernes, then, having the worst of it, drew off, 6 oils Turqaq'épums, Čs weſov čxov, ‎\Adym, Xen. To be worsted, éAago douai, pass.; káicigopal. Worsted, kārayua, T6. Worth, prep. &utl, c. gen. Worth, adj. s, c, gen.; &vráčios. Worth, subst. &#ia. To be worth (as a coin is worth such a sum), Şüvá £10.3. 47? worthless—wreathed Worth while, ſpotpyov (with or without ti, otºv, etc.), compar. Trpovpylattepov and -pa. Worthless, paixos, m, ov, and os, ov; oikivos, eire- Affs; +’ioróvelpos, ov; foëtièavös, m, ov, and os, ov; oãevès or uměevos ūčios, Xen. - To be worthless (esp. of men or women), oãév eiul, Eur. Xen. To think worthless, oùbáuot Aéyo, Soph. Worthlessness, où6evía. Worthily, &#tws, ºf éiračíos, + kāračiws. Worthy, s, sine cas. or c. gen.; itátáštos, ov; éráčios, c. gen, or c. infin.; āśtóxpews, wV, 6 ſcal il. Worthy of success, worthy of being preferred, &élévi- kos, ov. To think worthy, &étéo, c. acc, pers., often c. gen, of the thing of which, or c. infin,; Kätaštów. Would, would that, Fei yap, c. opt. See I wish. They would be glad, #6éa's &v airtois eſſ), Dem. Would, when expressing a possibility or probability, is usually rendered by &v with the optative:— A person yielding to insufficient evidence would disbelieve ..., oùic &kpiéeſ àu Tis Xptºprevos Tekºmpig & Tuotoim, Thuc. The barbaric race would never be friendly to the Greeks, nor would it be possible, oùrot’ &v (pixov to Bápéapov 'yāvoir’ by “EAAmaty yevos, oër’ &v čávaito, Eur. Sometimes &v is doubled :- But if you have more good fortune than bad, you would Jare very well for a human being, ‘AAA’ ei Tô TAeto xpmotö. Töv kaków Śxels’Avôpatros ojoſa käpt' &v st trpáčelas &v, Fur. Sometimes the infinitive is found with &v,- I do not think that any of them would make war upon us, oilk &v juïv otopal rottwu oiâéva troAéuñoral, Dem.; For I think that those who will aid us and them would come to our aid if any one invaded our land, but would not join either of us in invading others, ical yèp juiv käketvous Tovs Bombhoovros &v oiual eis Thy oiketav, et ris éuğäAoi, Bombeiv, où ovvetriotpatečgely oièeté. pois, Dem. w Or the participles:–Men who lightly put others to death, and would restore them to life again if they could, fig6tws &mokTivvivres kºl &va6two kópevot y' by ei oioſ T' ºoray, Plat. |When a negative or an impossibility is expressed or implied, it is often rendered by by with the indic. of a past tense, He then, being a continental prince, would never have obtained the dominion over the ad- jacent islands, oùk &v 05v who wy Św Tów Treptotittº #Teiptórns &v éºpâtel, Thuc.]. Would have is rendered by &v with the aorist pluperf. indicative, You would have slain me in rage in which you then were, šictavés r' àv w” dºs Tá 70'6' &pyiguévos, Eur. For if the decrees had be sufficient, Philip would not have been insolent so loſ? ei yüp airdpkm rò pºptoruara ºv, oùi; &v fixtirtº Togoûtov Š8pikei Xpdvov, Dem, - Would, indicating a habit, is rendered by the impei with &v,-Sometimes I would have enough for the day and sometimes I would not, Totè uèv éir’ ºuap six0. eit" oëk eixov &v, Eur, [For other and less usual constructions of &v see Butt mann's Gr. § 139, Sophocles, Gram. $ 215.]. A wound, Tpadua, Tó; TAmyā; Akos, Tá; &TelAft + kévtmua, Tá; † touñ; (esp. from a missile weapon 80Aff. To wound, TAftgoo; Tirpárka, fut. TPéro, etc. fürro, tpavuáriº, kevréo, toiráo (prop. 0 wounds in close combat, but in Eur, of wounds from arrows, and even from lightning); (with a missile weapon) 8&AAw, no aor. l., perf. 8ééAmka; ’ākovtſº To be wounded, or sore from a wound, † Alcaíva, ir pres. act, Wounded, or who can be wounded, + Akóðms. A wounded man, Tpaupištías, ov, 6. Wounding, Akotrolós, òv. Wounding with brass, + XaAkótanktos, ov. A wounding, Tpóoris, eas, ii. To wrangle, épí(w. To wrap up, yicăAürtw; éveta\a, in pres. act.; to votéAAouai, mid., c. pass. in pass, sense; firüká(w. To wrap round, trepietàw, in pres, and imperf, act. and pass., c. Tepi and acc ; round oneself, Trüorgoſial, mid. Wrapped in, + trepitreths, c. dat, ; ; káAvirths, Öy. Wrapped round, † käAvirtös, Öv. Wrath, Šipos, Öpy?), ºf XóAos. See Anger. Wrathful, épylorffels, XäAetrós. See Angry. A wreath, atépávos ; a répua, T6; † atépos, té; + TAókos; i. TAéypia, Tó. With white wreaths, i Aevicooteq\ſis. wreaths, troAvoteq\ſis. To wreathe, a répo, ; TAéka, i kåtaorépa', 'i čáva- orréqo. Wreathed, +TAekrós. - Wreathed with many snakes (the Furies), reträskta- vmpuéval Trvkvois Späicovolv, AEsch. With many 478 wreck, vaväylov, usu. pl. + épeſtria, td. See Shipwreck. hat has been saved from a wreck, tà väbs éké0Aa, Eur. o wreck, fifyvijut. o be wrecked (of a person or a ship), vavāyéw, only act. (lit. and metaph.); (of a ship) flºwiuat, pass. aor. 2. čášáymv (lit. and metaph.); (of a person) ékirſtto, fut. —tregotiaat, no aor. 1, aor. 2. -éirearov, perf. -trettoka, c, čs or Tpbs and acc. of the coast on which. - 'recked, vavāyös, Öv; + vačpôopos, ov. wren, Tpox{Aos, + špxiaos. o wrench, orpe.8Aów. 0 wrest, otpéqw. To wrestle, tàAato, c. dat. of one's antagonist, also in pass. of one wrestled with or overcome in wrestling. To continue wrestling, 6taraxaſw. To throw in wrest- ling, kārātrāAata. wrestler, räAatoths, où, 6. A wrestling-master, 'üAeſtrms, ov, 6. Skilful in wrestling, träAatoticós. restling, TāAm; TáAatoga, Tó. A wretch, "àAdo top, opos, 6. retched, &0\los, a, ov, and os, ov; kálcobatuay, ovos, 6, h; + oiºpos, and in Ar. i. See Miserable. Wretchedly, ‘f Śwspópaſs, + &0Atas. See Miserally. Wretchedness, Övsöatuovía ; + oićös, Öos, ii. See Misery. To wriggle, 'IAvoirdoſial, mid.; Aiſyigouai, pass. Wriggling, adj., 'IAvo traorticós A wriggling, subst., Aiyuqués. To wring, orvurlé@. A wrinkle, Širls, iè0s, h; +@opkls, 760s, h; Śākea, td. To wrinkle, šištíðów. To be wrinkled, 500 douai, pass. Wrinkled, 550bs, piſtičáöms. A wrist, kapirós. To write, Ypápo, kārāypápa, ovyypápa (esp. of Pieces of wreck, A yard (or court), + aixh. The yard (of a ship), kepaſa. To yawn, xatva', fut. xãvoúual, no aor. 1., perf. kéxmva ; xáakw, only pres, and imperf, in which tenses it is more used than prec.; xzagão, and mid. To yawn around, † &pgixãoica. A yawn, TX&oug, té; + xágumwa, Té. Wreck—Year writing a history, etc.); besides, in addition. Toos- 'ypápa, trapáypáqw, Tpostrāpāypāq,w. To alter a writing, uétáypāqa. To write first, at the beginning, etc., Tpoypápo; in answer, &vriypápw, &vretitiºnut étriotox?iv, c. trpos, acc. pers. To write word of, âvaypápa. To write in or on, êtriypáqa (esp. of writing on anything, so as to know it again), etc.; éy'ypáqw, c. acc. of what is written, c. dat, or c. Év and dat., or c. eis and acc. of that on which. To cause one's name to be written in, or entered in a list, eisypápopal (mid.), c. eis and acc. To write on or in in addition, trposey'ypāq,w, trposetti'ypáq,w. To write under, Štroypdqo, c. dat. of that under which. To write on sand (i. e. in fleeting characters), eis $6ap 'ypápa, Soph. One must write, 'ypattéov. A writer, Ypapuatets, Ypäſbets; (i.e. author, in prose) ovyypāqets. To writhe (esp. in order to escape a blow, or also in pain), Aiyigouai, pass. A writhing, Aiyytop.6s. A writing, ‘ypāq, h; ypg|upa, T6; 6éAtos, h; ovyypāqº, (esp. a composition in prose), so otºyºypaupa, T6. A writing on anything, or on the top of anything (as a heading), Čiriypāq'fi, Širi'ypaupa, T6. A writing in a list, €y'ypāq'ſ. A writing subjoined, ütroypāq)ſ. Wrong, kākös, compar. kalciou, superl. Röictatos, also xeipov (see Worse), t\musexís. See Bad. To go wrong (turn out contrary to one’s wishes), &vrikpot;w, c, dat, pers. - To wrong, ‘āśikéw; (by deeds of violence) Bidžouai, mid. and pass. See To injure. A wrong, 'éâtonpa, T6. See Injury, Wrongfully, kákós, éémuaptmuévas. Wry, oricoxićs. See Crooked. To make wry faces, §vuépoqāyov 8Aéro, Ar. A wryneck (the bird), "ivyč, ºvyyos, #. Y. Yea. See Yes. A year, Étos, té; Éviavtós : + šporos; ºpa, chiefly in such phrases as—in the last year, év rà répwaiv &pg, Dem.)—in future years, eis &AA as āpas, etc., Eur. Ten years, āeicéreus otropal (lit. the sowing times re- curring in ten years), Eur. This year, t tites. Last year, répêgu or Trépwort: 479 Yearn—Young The year before last, irporépúai. Neat year, eis véota, Xen. Every year, Šora étm, Xen. Concerning or belonging to a year, either as lasting a gear, recurring each year, being a year old, etc., éviaioios, a, ov, and 0s, ov; relos : étágios, ov; âtéthotos, ov; , śiréretos, 2, ov, and 0s, ov (used also of migratory birds, which come every year). Oſ, or belonging to, last year, repüoivos; Tpoérelos, ov. Of the year before last, Tporepioivos, ov. To live out the year, 5uetíſo. Of three years, lasting three years, three years old, re- curring every three years, etc., Tptérms. Of four gears, etc., tetpaetàs. Five years old, lasting five years, TrevTaetºs, +TrevTétms. Siw years old, éérms, and fem, Éétis, i50s, acc. -iv; so Šktaétms, fem. Öktaétis, Šekétms, fem. Öekétis, etc. It being just ten years and a few days more since first the invasion of Attica and the beginning of this war took place, airóðeka Töv Štex0óvtov kal juspów ôAſyav trapeveykovgåv 3) &s To Tpótov i ésé0A3) és Thu 'Attuchy kai ji àpx?) roß Toxépov toče éyéveto, Thuc. In ten years, in the tenth year, SekaoTópº Xpóvº, Eur. After many years, lasting many years, etc., froxvetiis. To yearn for, kugorda, c. gen. See To desire, To yell, fixdo, only pres, and imperf act. ; + iºa- ictéo, only act. A yell, KAayyú. Yellow, §av00s, ‘i čov66s. Of a pale yellow, &xpós. A yellow hammer, XAwolwy, wVos, 6; XAwpls, toos, i. To yelp, ‘ūAactéa. Yelping, Aaicépuſa, only fem. Yes, val, páxiata ; ſcal uáAtata, Plat. ; + vaix! in affirmative answers, Taota or Taijta 8%), Ar. Does it not seem so to you ? Yes, it does, ’H oi; orol êoke? ; 'Euotye, Plat. Yesterday, x6&s, éx6és; x01ſov and x91%. Yesterday, adj., + x860 ivos. The day before yesterday, trpcºnv. Yet, &rt ; Tw, usu, with a negative, when without a negative usu. with an interrogative. And yet, Kai Tot. * * But yet, &AA’ utms, Eur. Not yet, otºrw, oùT&Tote (only of past time), so où6étro, and oi,6etróttute ; # Wºjtrao, esp. , with an imper. ; ºf uměétro. A yew, guiñaſ, Škos, 6; uſAač, Škos, i. To yield, intrans., etka, only act, no perf, aor. 2. poet, also etcá00v, c, dat.; ‘irético, C. dat, pers., sor times c. gen. rei (as—to yield a person the first seat, “ºn rea, ruv) Sarców, Xen.); +7tépetico; #excepée, only a c. dat, sometimes also c. gen, of the matter in whi avyxopéo; Śpiepal, pass., perf, 5¢etual chiefly us in part. ; (esp. as being defeated) hoa douai, pass., gen. or c. Örö and gen. See To submit. To yield (act) a thing to another, évôtówput, c. acc. r dat. pers., often also sine cas, rei, as intrans.: épé. (as a person yields the command to another), som times sine cas, as intrans.; (i. e. to produce, q. q,épa, fut, otola, aor. #veyka, #veykov, etc.; ’āva 6apul. To yield a little, širevölöwpt, intrans. Thuc. Not yielding too much to pity, piñt’ of crºp TAéov povtes, Thuc. - One must yield, ‘ūtrelictéov, c. dat.; träpäxopmtéo + ovyxopmtéa. A yielding to, figora (esp. to pleasures, passions, etc. C. gen. Yielding to, forarov, ovos, 6, #. c, gen. A yoke, Çüyöv, ſet yos (both the carriage and th beasts that draw it); ‘i (sūyān, ‘f Çevictiiptov; † TA: otvyč, tºy'yos, ii, Eur, A milkman's yoke, f'āoixAa. With golden yoke, xpio 6%)os, ov. Yoked (of cattle, etc.), @ympôpos, ov; ; (i)046po ov; +@ytos. \ With a yoke (of a chariot), +@yatós. The yoke lines of a rudder, i (etyxm. To yoke, Çstºyvöput ; + avykätaſetyvvut, c. dat. 9 that to which one is yoked. Yolk (of an egg), ºf veoo.orós. Like the yolk of an egg, Aekið6öms. f You, Gö, God, etc., Att, gen, often a éðev, dual. contr oºp& Ordów (the only form in Att.), dat. §giv in At prose, Trag. Üui'v, acc. Šuás, and Trag. Špač’s [the trage. dians often use a periphrasis such as to gov 5éuas, Tº obv Kápa, etc.] See Yourself. Of you, of yourself, o'eavtod, fis, and contr. Gavrot, às (both forms in Att.), only in masc. and fem. gem. dat, and acc. sing. You, sir, oùrós, and airós av, as voc, Soph. Plat. - As for you, rö abu pépos, Soph. Hatred of you, 3vspuéveta gºl, Eur. Care for you, oré, phºsa, Hom.; 0% trpopºmºia, Soph. Young, vé0s, a, ov, and 0s, ov; ºf veðpós; +vegöm.80s, ov; i veótpoſpos, ov; + veotpeºffs. Younger, Öiftyo- vos, 6, ii. The younger, 6 vedºwv, Soph. 480 The young (of animals), Tékvov (prop. of men, but , used also of animals); so ºf Trots, trauðbs, d, h; veog- obs (prop. of birds, but used also of any animal); i vogoros, + ptáAix0s; Śēpio, Tá; uáozos; Spéool, ai (of young lions). See A youth. 4 young man, veðvías, ov. Having young, + iyākāAoûxos, 6, #. An action like that of a young man, veðvíevua, Tó. To act like a young man, veðvietopal, mid., sometimes c. acc, of what is done: + veáço, only pres, and im- perf, act. |To be young, veðvtokeiſopal, mid.; † veága, only pres. and imperf, act. To be in the prime of youth, jêda, only act. To be young, or to be in the prime of youth together, ºf Ovv- veðgo. To be young in, to pass one's youth in, | + iykä0méâw, c, dat. To grow young again, "åvnéâw, only act. I wish I could grow young again (recover my youthful vigour), āvméntmptav ‘Pápany étrauá Aqušávely, Eur, To make young again, &vaved (w. |Sacrificing the pregnant hare, young and all, before her bringing forth, airtótokov irpo Aóxov Moyepèv TTáica &vówevos, AEsch. Zeal, trp00üpıſa, Otrovöh. Zealous, Tpó9ügos, ov. See Eager pass. in mid, sense. Zealously, Tpoſiuws, évépyós, ’āpeſāós. | The Zephyr, Zépúpos, See West wind, To be zealous, Tpodiuéopal, mid, c. aor, l, and fut. 1, A zone, (&um, etc. Young—Zoophyte Ycur, (of you) sing, orós; ºf Tebs (Trag, only in chor.), (of ye) ‘ūpuétepos: - Thinking those friends whom your husband thinks so, q'íAous voutgovo” oio ſtep &v tróa is oréðey, Eur. Doing with your own hand faitáxelp, 6, #. See Own. Yourself, airds. - Go through by yourself, 5texts ºrpès airtov, Isoc, See You. - Be yourself, Év gavtoo yewod, Soph.; vöov yewoº, AEsch. - Youth, #6m; veórns, mtos, h; āpa; #Aircía; véa juépa, Eur. A youth, veðutas, ov 6; veðvío kos; kópos and + koúpos (in Trag. only in chor.); #9eos; Épmé0s; pepäictov; &vöpóttas Šump, AEsch.; in fem. Fveåvis, fö0s, j. A fellow youth, ovvépméos, + givné0s. A band of youths, veótºms, mTos, ii; i veoMata, + \ircía. To become a youth (from having been a child), pºetpa- Kuöopal, mid. (éic traíðov). Youthful, veðvikós; veðvías, ov, 6, only masc.; fem +veguis, ió0s, i ; # veó0mAos, + veo6% Ams; (of con- duct, etc.) veotpetrºs, welpolcid.6ms. In the bloom of gouth, &patos; (such as that of a young man) iéñTms, ov, 5. Youthful spirit, veórms, mTOs, i. Z. The zodiac, 6 (wobópos The signs of the zodiac, tà (68ta. See Girdle. The zones, éictuñuata. Yūs, Arist. A zoophyte, (odºpiſtov, II 48] I,ON }}ON : PRINTIED BY gPOTTI3WOOLE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE; AND PARLlAMENT STIREET i - - ---- * 24 1942 UNiv. OF ACH. 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