: GARDINER'S ATLAS OF ENGLISH HISTORY い ​MI D 21.52 DUPL GT G22 A 651239 cap. 2 ¿ 14 Бінш ARTES 318170 SCIENTIA VERITAS LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLUSIEU) UMY TUEBOR SI-QUERIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒNAM. CIRCUMSPICE BEQUEST OF IRVING KANE POND C.E. 1879. A.M. Α.Μ. (HON.) 1911 Allen O. Posed 1 June 27,18944 : } 1 SCHOOL ATLAS OF ENGLISH HISTORY D 21.52 .G7 G22 Cop. 2 WORKS BY SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER. HISTORY OF ENGLAND, from the Accession of James I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War, 1603-1642. 10 vols. crown 8vo. 6s. each. A HISTORY OF THE GREAT CIVIL WAR, 1642-1649. (3 vols.) Vol. I. 1642-1644. With 24 Maps. 8vo. (out of print). Vol. II. 1644-1647. With 21 Maps. 8vo. 24s. Vol. III. 1647-1649. With 8 Maps. 8vo. 28s. A STUDENT'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. From the Earliest Times to 1885. Vol. I. (B.C. 55-A.D. 1509.) With 173 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 4s. Vol. II. (1509-1689). With 96 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 45. Vol. III. (1689-1885). With 109 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. 4s. * Complete in One Volume, with 378 Illustrations, crown 8vo. 12s. A SCHOOL ATLAS OF ENGLISH HISTORY. Edited by SAMUEL Rawson GardINER, M.A. LL.D. With 66 Coloured Maps and 22 Plans of Battles and Sieges. Fcp. 4to. 5s. ( This Atlas is intended to serve as a companion to Mr. S. R. Gardiner's Student's History of England.' In addition to the historical maps of the British Isles, in whole or in part, are others of Continental countries or districts which were the scenes of events connected more or less closely with English History. Indian and Colonial development also obtain due recognition. THE FIRST TWO STUARTS AND THE PURITAN REVOLUTION, 1603-1660. 4 Maps. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. THE THIRTY YEARS' WAR, 1618-1648. With a Map. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. OUTLINE OF ENGLISH HISTORY, B.C. 55-A.D. 1886. With 67 Woodcuts and 17 Maps. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ** This Book can also be had in Parts, as follows:- IN TWO PArts. First Period, B.C. 55-A.D. 1603 s. d. I o Second Period, 1603-1886 . | IN THREE Parts. s. d. I 6 I I • Part III. 1689-1886. • I 6 With Additional Illustrations, Vocabularies, Annotations, and Analyses. Part I. B.C. 55-A.D. 1485 Part II. 1485-1689 SUMMARY OF ENGLISH HISTORY, based on S. R. Gardiner's 'Outline of English History, B.C. 55-A.D. 1880. W. REEP. Fcp. 8vo. 6d. THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, 1789-1795. S. R. GARDINER. With 7 Maps. Fcp. 8vo. 2s. 6d. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO. By By Mrs. A SCHOOL ATLAS OF : ENGLISH HISTORY. EDITED BY SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER, M.A., LL.D. A COMPANION ATLAS TO THE STUDENT'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND' BY SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: 15 EAST 16th STREET 1892 All rights reserved - 2 ( PRINTED BY SPOTTIS WOODE AND CO., NEW STREET SQUARE LONDON IK Pond Bequest 11-30-39 add copy PREFACE. THIS atlas is intended to serve as a companion to the Student's History of England.' My original intention was to select such of the maps in the 'Public Schools Historical Atlas,' edited by Mr. Colbeck, as more strictly con- cerned English history. It soon, however, appeared that more needed to be done. In the first place many additional maps were required to make the atlas satisfactory, and in the second place many of the maps there published appeared to me to require correction. Most of the maps now given are, how- ever, taken from that source, though they have received more or less altera- tion. I have especially to thank Mr. James Gairdner for recasting his map of France in 1429 (No. 17). On all matters relating to the Welsh border I have been guided by the advice of Professor Tout. 6 C With regard to the maps borrowed with the permission of the proprietors from other sources, I have to thank the Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge, for 'England in 550' (No. 3), taken from Mr. Grant Allen's 'Saxon Britain;' and the Delegates of the Oxford University Press, for England in 1065' (No. 9), and The Battle of Senlac' (No. 67), taken from Professor Free- man's History of the Norman Conquest.' In the former some alterations have been made at the author's suggestion, and in the latter some details have been omitted as unsuitable for a school atlas. It is also by permission of the Delegates I have been able to insert The Battle of Poictiers' (No. 70), from Mr. E. M. Thompson's edition of 'Le Baker's Chronicle,' though I have thought it best to omit the preliminary movements of the English army as making the map unnecessarily complicated for my purpose. I have also to thank Messrs. Macmillan and Co. for leave to use 'England after the Treaty of Wedmore' (No. 7), from Green's History of the English People,' and ' England and France, July 1185' (No. 11), founded on a map in Miss K. Norgate's 'England under the Angevin Kings.' Two of the maps of Ireland (Nos. 21 and 24) are taken with the permission of the author from Mr. Bagwell's 'Ireland under the Tudors;' 'England and Wales, 1485-1603' (No. 20), with 6 + ' " 6 PREFACE · a few additions, from Mr. Moberly's 'Early Tudors;' Central Britain, 1715– 1745,' with the addition of Prince Charles Edward's route, from Morris's Early Hanoverians.' For the plans of the battles of the Nile (No. 82), of Copenhagen (No. 83) and Trafalgar (No. 84), and for the two maps of the battle of Waterloo (Nos. 86, 87), taken from the atlas to Alison's History of Europe,' I have to thank Messrs. Blackwood. < The map of India in 1804 (No. 54) is taken from one published by the British Government. It is not in the library of the British Museum, but a copy is in the possession of Mr. S. J. Owen, who brought it to my notice, and there is another copy in the library of the House of Commons, from which, by permission of Mr. R. F. D. Palgrave, clerk of the House of Commons, a reduced copy is here given. The system of colouring in the original map is, however, too complicated for school purposes, and I have therefore substituted for it the simpler colouring adopted in other maps of India in this volume. I have, however, retained the references as in the original map, for the sake of those who may not have access to the map as originally published. I have given to the British Museum library the tracing taken for me with the original colouring, so that it may be consulted there by those interested in the matter. For the battles of Bannockburn and, Agincourt (Nos. 68 and 71) I have to thank Mr. C. W. C. Oman, in whose 'Art of War in the Middle Ages' they originally appeared. The plan of the battle of Crecy has been entirely recast after consultation with Mr. Oman. SAMUEL R. GARDINER. CONTENTS. No. of Map 1 Roman Britain 2 The First Home of the English 3 England in 550 MAPS. No. of Map 28 Germany at the commencement of the Thirty Years' War, 1618 29 England and Wales, May 1, 1643 4 England in 584 30 England and Wales, December 9, 1643 5 England in 626 31 England and Wales, November 23, 1644 6 Europe at the death of Charles the Great, 814 32 England and Wales, 1660–1892 7 England after the Treaty of Chippenham (usually known as the Treaty of Wedmore), 33 Scotland, 1641-1892 34 8 Europe, 912 [878 The campaigns of 1685 and 1688 in the West of England 9 England, 1065 35 Campaign in the North-East of Ireland, 1690 10 England and the French Possessions of William I., 1087 36 Western Ireland, 1691 11 England and France, July 1185 37 Glencoe, 1691 38 Flanders and Brabant, 1690-1696 12 England and France, 1259 39 The Netherlands, 1702 13 Scotland in 1285 40 Western Europe, May 1702 14 1 England in the reign of Edward III., 1327– 1377 41 Western Europe, showing the changes 15 France at the Treaty of Bretigni, 1360 effected by the Treaties of Utrecht and Rastadt, 1713–1714 16 Henry V.'s first campaign in France, 1415 17 Extent of the English conquests in France, 1429 42 Central Britain, 1715-1745 43 Europe in 1730 44 The Silesian and Seven Years' Wars 18 England during the Wars of the Roses 19 France at the accession of Louis XI., 1461 20 England and Wales, 1485-1603 46 47 45 Eastern and Central America, 1755 Eastern and Central America, 1763 The World, 1772 21 Ireland about 1500 48 United States of North America, 1783 22 Western Europe in the time of Charles V., 1525 49 France in Provinces, 1769-1789 50 23 Europe at the Accession of Elizabeth, 1558 India at the close of the Government of Warren Hastings 24 Ireland about 1570 51 Central Europe, 1789 25 Discoveries of England, Spain, and Portugal in the 15th and 16th centuries 52 The Austrian Netherlands, 1792 53 26 The Netherlands at the death of Elizabeth, 1603 54 North Italy and Switzerland, 1796–1805 India, 1804 27 Ireland, 1641 to 1892 55 Central Europe, to illustrate the campaigns of Napoleon 1 8 CONTENTS No. of Map 56 Spain and Portugal, during the Peninsular War No. of Map 61 India, 1857 62 France, 1860-1871 63 South-Eastern Europe and the neighbouring lands, 1892 57 Central and Western Europe, April 1, 1812 58 Napoleon's Russian Campaign, 1812 59 Central and Western Europe, 1815 60 South-Eastern Europe and the neighbouring lands, 1856 64 Industries of the British Isles 65 The World, 1892 66 Africa, 1892 PLANS. 67 Battle of Senlac, October 14, 1066 68 Battle of Bannockburn, June 20, 1314 69 Battle of Creçy, August 26, 1346 79 Battle of Ramillies, May 23, 1706 80 Siege of Quebec, 1759 81 Quiberon Bay and its approaches, 1759 70 Battle of Poictiers, September 19, 1356 71 Battle of Agincourt, October 25, 1415 72 Battle of Edgehill, October 23, 1642 73 Battle of Marston Moor, July 2, 1644 74 Battle of Naseby, June 14, 1645 75 Battle of Dunbar, September 3, 1650 76 Battle of Steinkirk, August 3, 1692 77 Battle of Neerwinden, July 29, 1693 78 Battle of Blenheim, August 13, 1704 87 Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815. Crisis of the Battle 88 Siege of Sebastopol, 1854-5 82 Battle of the Nile, August 1, 1798 83 Battle of Copenhagen, April 2, 1801 84 Battle of Trafalgar, October 21, 1805 85 The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 86 Battle of Waterloo, June 18, 1815. Morn- ing of the Battle : ! I 1 IX 2 II VIII 5 VII III VI 4 3 iv E 52 F 51 G 50 H C 54 D 53 A 56 B 55 B EE H I COTI R OCEANUS I N Mons Grauplus 16 Taus F Agricole Forts Antoninus Gileta Klyde Boderia Aestuaris Firth of Forth) LONDINIUM (London Crayford imbledon B R.Thames Durobrive Kits Coity Ho Rochester Wactin Str Aylesford Durovernme Medway ANDERIDA SILVALTO Forest of the Weald (Cantering CANTI Recalbim Reculver A bes Fleet 56 Rutupiae Richborough Watling Str Postus Dubr Dover Portus Lemanis Tymne 51 B Ituna Aest Solway Firth Wall of Hadrian Luguballum Caer Leul Carlisle B Tyne Armin 10 Anderida Pevensey OCEANUS Moricamba Aest. (Morecambe B HIBERNICUS S Mona Anglesey Segontiur LEGYO VI on IX Ebbra cum Yoxle BRIGANTES Mancunium Manchester AR.Merdey Deva Chester LEGIO XX IT R. Tent VERGIV DEMET 0 C A E Warling ILURES LEGIO IN Isca Silurum Caerleg upon Us Sabrina Aest Isca Exete N U Viriconium Wraveter KENT at the conning of the Saxons OCEANUS GERMANICUS C 54 D Abus Fl. Lindam incoln Humber Metaris Aest. (The Wash Ratae Leicester Venta Icenorum Castor NI Icknield Wa Watling Str E 53 Mendips) S Gleyum Gloucester/ Akeman Str Fosse Way Corminu Hirencester CATIVELLUNNI Icknield Way Verplamium StAlbans ATREBATES BROCI Aquae Subs B B Bath Camlochmu Colchester THONOBANTES LONDINIUM Londond Watling Str Stourovernum Carter rbury latis Shore n Ruitupice F Calleva Atrebatum ANTI I. Dealiorough Serbiodunum AE Silchester enta Belgarum Winchester 3 Portus Lemenis ANDERIDA SILVA DREGNI Fortus Magnus Anderida Morchester Vectis lae Lof Wight RITANN Pernsey/s Th Beachy C I U Head S Fortus Dubree (Dover) 51 ROMAN BRITAIN 50 Roman Miles English Miles 30 CIRCA 400 19 G 50 H I 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII 0 VIII 1 IX F.SWeller, FRGS Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. 55 58 B 56 4 II 6 III 8 IV 10 V 12 ס 54 The FIRST HOME of the ENGLISH D 62 R.Rhine R.Ems S J OR ANGLES ENGLISH S FR 1 O R. Weser S S N VI 2 Elbe 58 B 66 56 B 3 6 II I 2 IV V 2 VI ENGLAND in 550 Angles Saxone Jutes Britons or Welsh 150 Scots Picts Pict Firth of Tay Firth of Forth Bern Lindisfarne Bamborough 54 Solway Firth 1.of Man 52 52 D K S 50 50 6 III 8 IV 10 V 12 VI II F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 50 E R. Dee Deva (Chester) Hum ra um Be York Godmundingham e j Gainas ncoln R. Humber S OR W B 54 Sil Caerleong Severn Glevum Gloucester Cormituum Cirencester) Deorham Sulis Angbresbynid Sorbiduraim Old Scorran E London Thames Winchester Saxons I.of Wight Elmham Easts Angles R Stou Colcheste 52 Saxons East Ke South Saxons Canterbury Anderida Lot Thanet bbs Fleet D 50 HI 4 III 2 IV 0 V F.S.Weller F.R.G.S. Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York, 5 F.S Weller.FR.G.S. VI B 56 B I 6 II 4 III 2 IV O 2 VI I 6 II 10 2 IV V 2 Hii Iona 52 D 50 Picts Forth S Strathclyde Cu Iof Man ENGLAND Lindisfarne Barborough in 584 Angles Saxons Jutes Britons or Welsh Scots Picts 000000 Bernicia Northumberland Lindis 56 Hii Tona B B S 54 Elmer Godmundingham York Doidis Chester Bangor Iscoed Faddiley Maserfiele S Nothing westry) Leicester S n Glevium (Glouces R.Humber Lanoln Middle English riniun ㄢ ​irencester) quae Sults & Both Winghester S The Wash Elmham East Angle Colche ast Middleton's Saxons Londongo ames Canterbury o Kent South Saxons Romney Marsh Lof Wight F.S.Weller F.R.G.S. II 4 III 2 IV O V Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Strathclyde ENGLAND in 626 Kingdoms under the influence of North Humberland Kent Welsh Scots Picts Lindisfarne Bamborough Forth Badwineshurh North Degsastin? Cum Bernici Humbe I. of Man JElmet Loidis Heathfield Chester Gwynedd Bangui Tscoed Masefiell Oswestry R. Tra Mercian Mid Fork aglish Godmundingham R. Humber The Wash Elmham East Angles Bedford R. 52 Caerwell Gloucester α D Wale S Exeter Dorset Wilts et Cirencester Dorchesty Middle East Saxon SaxonsLondono R.Thames Canterbury Kent Winchester e South Saxons I.ol Wight 50 E II 4 III 2 IV Lor.gmans, Green & Co., London & New York. V VIII 20 10 I II 10 ΠΕ 20 IV 30 V 40 VI 50 VII 60 EUROPE at the death of CHARLES THE GREAT 814 English Miles 300 200 400 50 B 40 Lisbon 30 Oviedo Welsh Bordea K of Asturia Toledg Emirat 777 Guadalete Tours North Sea wie 687 gissons S Zulpian Reims Au Chalon Orleans tiere 732 quit Toulou onia aDi Spanish March Carthagena hia Chalons yang RTHME Halogeland onia Chapelle Quand Balt Pomore Wend S Prazzi Ser Viltzes Bohemia Tegnes Mains Strasby Alemami Raving Geneal THEG 2005 Narbonne Barcelona viza M Marseilles Minorca Majoroa E Corsi E Sardinia A D I T A L I P HA chi Kenna H Pole KINGDOM of the AVAR S Carinthia erona E ce Adr Chrobati Ravenn Demati Ancona iatic Sea of Beneventum Naples Carthage T E Tangobar Novgorod RIBES Poles Ba hk 50 White Bulgarians Turkish Trab Morduig S Percheneges KINGDOM of the CHAZARS apris R./Dn Ates u Land of the Turks (Magyars Kingdom of the Danube Bulgarian Sardio Macedo Thesalonga cily R Ope SM hens Peloponesus R R A NE S nia Or Euxine Black Sea Iberia Constantinople Hadrianopol I R pian B S 40 Antioch Aleppo Emesa Damascus rmen Albania Azbijan E S A N S E Alexandr OF THE 20 IV 30 B Jerusalem B A S Baghdad D V 40 VI F.S.Weller ERG.S 0 II 10 III Longmans, Green & Co.. London & New York. 7 56 6° 59 II COTLAND Aleluyd S III IV 2° 1 VI O VII 1° VIII 2º 56 39 Firth of Forth Edinburgh Lo othi Rya lyde TH 55 Galloway B Solway Firth Berwick Lindisfarn Bamborough O an C Tweed Alnwick H Hexham R.Tyne R.Wear Durham ENGLAND After the treaty of Chippenham (usually known as the treaty of Wedmore 878 English Miles 0510 20 30 English Territory. Danish & Norse... Celtic. 60 55 are underlined thus Lincoln The names of the five boroughs R H B 54 IRISH 1.of Man Morecambe Bay SEA R. Ribble Angles S Aberffraw 53 52 St Davids 51 fas Mathuragat P R. Severny Dinerwr Dehen Gewer Manchester R Mersey Chester MER CLA R.Swal Shrewsbury Lichfield Bridgenorth Worcester th B Hereford R R.U Gwent Morganwg Llandaff Bristol Channel Fundy Camelfor EASTWALES WE Watchet o Caerwent Whitby Scarborough R A Flamborough Stamford Br Wharfe Pyork R.Aire Doncaster Godmandingham Heathheld Hained Trent Lincoln ven esteve R R.Humber Boston Derby Nottingham Holland Tamworth Leicester Stamford Crowland S A E Bonham Northfolk U home A SM Oy Me Medeshamstead Warwick Northampton SR.Avon Gloucester Buckingham Burford erborough! Huntingdon R Ouse २ H Thetford ANGLIA Southfolk Dunwich Bedford Cambridge Bury Edmunds Berk -hampstead Lector Cirencester Malmesbury Deorum Avon Dorchester Ashdown Wallingford Wantage B Wanske Wodansker Chippenham r Wedmoreo 16 Par Tantoro Von Crediton Exeter BaBradford Wilt Edingtono Glastonbury Sherborne Wiltono R.Staus Dorset Dorchester Basing DQM Hertford E SS EX hames NDES Hants&n Winchester Southampton Carisbrook N G LIS H Colchester Maldon Ashington London Kingston Suff Rochester Guildford e Oddey Chichester of Fight Susse Selsey CHA Shoreham Shoebury of Sheppey 54 539 D 529 E Stour Thanet Aylesford Banter Sandwich Tunbridge bury Deal ythe omney Winchelsea Hastings ofPevensey NN E L Dover 51° I II 4º E III 3º IV 20 V I Longitude West 0 Longitude East 1° Longmans, Green & Co.. London & New York. VHI F.S.Weller. F.R.G.S. A 65 X 8 25 20 I 15 II 10 III 5 IV 0 V5 VI 10 VII 15 VIII 20 IX XI 35 XII 40 45 A B Ryley aris eland EUROPE 912 Helsing and F ish Trib (Tschutes) 65 B 60 C 55 D 50 45 45 F 40 Hicje Leon 20.0.0 Kingdom of Man R.Sevan W.Wales KM OF LEON R.Douro Zamora Far Oer Shetland Orkney Is earthmess Sutherland SCOTLAND Alchyd R.Forth DA Terla inesburh Lond S North Sea R.Humber Thames Winchester Ghants Right R.Somme Baye Norman Coutances Rennes LeMans 0 Flanders Liege Amiens eman Lion Partn Brittanny Wet North Angers Poitiers Bordeaux 0 ange E Send Tours ليا Bourge Dy of DE R.Eide resland Burgundy α Chalons Aquitaine Garonne Gascony varre B.Ebro CALIPHATE OF CORDOV Tegus 111 5 Perigo sto Tour Toulouse Septimania Swe Gothe Salland Scam Roskalda 4 Esthland Novgorod Clef Russa Letts Gotland Baltie Sea Lung RK Bornholm Hamburg Wend Bremen Saxony Hildesheim KM Utrecht Paderborn Aache Trang 0 ongres ND BURGUND OR ARLES Spanish Marseilles March logne Ingelheim Maine Franco S Jomsburg Praga Regensburg Strasburg Swabia Constantia Paving Pe frenoa Colberg Prussia Pomeraniay Bokemia Bavaria Cutr N Fistula Chrobatia Moravia Austria Carinthia Trent Verona Venie Tara Bologna Ravenna Pisa florenc K Corsica Barcelona Rome IV O V 5 VI 10 VIL L Strigonin Budag HUN CAR Croana S B B. Mor Belgrade Chazars GO 55 D KieDniepe 50 S E Retchenege Danube S 45 (Black Seal Pontu KM OF THE BULGARIA Philippopalis elladrishople Constantinople EASTERN OR GREEK WEMPIRE 40 Ex F ervi Dalmatia Ancona Ragusa Dyrrachiar Varrack Beneventum 15 VIII 20 IX 25 X F.S.Weller, ER.GS. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 9 6 II 4 Ryde T III 3 IV Firth of Forth Edinburgh D an Tweed Carhum 2 1° VI VIL VIO 561 Berwick Lindisfarn Bamborough Alnwick Northumberland S Galloway Firth འི་ས་ Solway Cumberland Herham Re Weal Durham Bishopric of Durham estmoreland 0 R T ENGLAND 1065 English Miles 570 20 30 Earldoms of the house of 60 Godwine... Earldoms of the house of Leofric... Other families. B 54% 53 D IRISH 1.of Man SEA R.Ribble R.Swale Whitby H H rkshire Nida Scarborough K Wharfe Stamford Br PYork R Flamborough Line M Lancaster R.Aire Manchester Doncaster Anglesea Lleyn Arvon S Cheste Ches Ceredigi 52 St Davids Dehe E 51 F B Mersey & Pealand Derby W Derby A f O ottingham E Godmundingham R. Humber Lincoln Lincoln R teven Nottingham Theratury dishda Leicester Nau P Shropshire Radnor MA Bridgenorth Hereford Tamworth Leicester S R ree ster Worcestere Hereford RU Ho Gwent Morganwg Caerwent Llandaff Bristol Channel Lundy? Camelford 1. ST WALES R.Tamar 5 II 4 E Watchet V to N With E Boston Holland Stanford Welle Crowlana A E S 531 Ebonham Northfolk Caister H D Thorney E AS C I Aedeshamstead Warwick Warwick R.Avon 1 Northampton T Bricking hat Gloucester Oxford Gloucester A Cirencester Perford Dorchester Buckingham Wardage Wallingford Deorham Chippenham Wansdyke PAYSTOR Wedmoreo n Exeter ome Enton e Bath Wilts Glastonbury Athelney Toden Dyk Han Winchester OF Huntingdon Bedford uadz fordshi Thetford NG T I A T Southfolk Dunwich ambridge Bury St Edmund Hertford Berkhampstead Middlesex B.Thames Reading ts Colchester Maldon Ashingtorg ALondon Kingston B Medway SurreyRochester Guildford B And restesSw Wilton Shaftesbury Southampton R.Stoug Sherborne Dorset Dorchester ruchaué; LIS H N G III 3 IV Carisbrooke Susse Chichester Selsey of Wight Shoreham Shoebury of Sheppey Aylesford ENN Tunbridge E Stour Lof Thanet Sandwich Canter Tbury Deal Mythe Romney Einchelsea Hastings Pevensey CHANNE L I Longitude West o Longitude East 1 Longmans, Green & Co.. London & New York. Dover 51 50 VIII F.S.Weller, ERG.S. 10 1 6 II E III IV 0 V VI 4 VII 6 ENGLAND and the FRENCH POSSESSIONS A 20 of WILLIAM 1. 40 1087 30 English Miles Possessions of William I.. Dominions directly governed by the King of France. Dominions dependent on the King of France Wales Ireland.. 80 100 54 A North Channel SCOTLAND Solway Firth Bamborough Ahwick Natinaoberland R.Tyne Newcastle Draham Durham R.Tees Wof Man 54 Northallerton Y B IRISH SEA Contarf Dublin Anglesea R Aberffrawe Boroughbr York Stanford Bridge k Scarborough O R T R.Deal Beverley R.Humber Chester Che Derby Nottingham Lincoln Lincoln Newark The Wash Scotland Danish or Norse B 52 22 Wexard pshire Sh Bridgeiorth Nottingh LichfieldLeicester Rockingha Stamford Upsturg don Huongdon Northfipton Lynn Norwich Yarmouth Norfolk Ely Thetford Bugy StEdmund Suffolk Cambridge Warwick Northampton Worcester Worcester Hereford Hereford C St Georges Chamel Davids Tenby Bristol Channel Cardiff Cornwall ماکی Lands 50 Lizard Point D 48 Gloucester Gloucester B.Severn Bristol Devizes Dorche Glastonbury Wilts Somerset Salisbury Sherborneo Devon Exeter Dorset ENG L IS Alderney H Guernsey 0 Bedford Barkhaapst Hertford Middle ssex Buckmgh Oxfo aum Berks Esters London Rochester Surrey Hanchester ON Forest Sussex Banto Abbeyo Chichester Arundels of Wight 53 ewes R.Thames Romney Hastings Pevensey CHANNEL Cherbourg Barfleur Bayeur Jersey Blakeland Caeno Hauteville Val-es-duures Coutances Strait of St Valery Cabais Boulogne Ponthien Fécamp Harfleur Gerber R Rouen Jumieges Laraville Bec R.Se Beaumont Evreux Normandy Avranches, Tinchebray Domfront Alencon St Micha Morlaix Dot Brest Brieux Ambeieres Mai n e Brit Rennies y Hennebon www t Vannes E BAY 0 F 46 BIS C A Y II 4 III Dreu S E 4 ounty of Fland Bouvines Vermandois Amien S Amiens auvais Mortemer Gisors Clair sup Epte Martes Chartres Perche Beleme Na RLoire Angers AnJ te Mons Saumur Loir R.Oise S&Derus Paris Laon Soissons مہی Isle of France Vendor Chartres Orleans Or e annois R R.Maa E E M 500 Reims R.Mare Montmirail R.Seine m 52 R.Maas C 50 D Auxer Pontigny Nevers Nevers Vezelai 48 Dijon E Dy of Burgundy Blois Sancerre Bloision Cher R Roches Bourges Chateau ou Berry uraine RVienne Creuse Poit Mirebea Poitiers R.Lvire Allier Saintonge 2 IV Longitude West 0 La Marche Longitude East V 2 goumois Longmans, Green & Co, London & New York. Bourbonnais Auvergne VI Cluny Forez 46 4 VII FS. Weller, ER.G.S I 8 II -6 III 4 A C 54 B 52 IRELAND (JOHN) Dublin Corlo Limerick Wexford Waterford Anglesea St George's Channel Pemb Strat Florida Abey Bristol Channel North Channel SCOPLAND Solway Fu IV R.Tw V Hamborough 0 VI 2 VII 4 VIII 6 IX Alnwick Newcastle R.Tyne Cartiste Durham R.Tees N ORTH A SEA Lof Man Northallerton Ripon Forging Scarborough Pork Bridlington Bay 54 Deganing Beverley Consi Chester Shrewsbury Bridgnorth Worcester Northampton Houcester Oxford Tintorn Abbey Cardiff Bristol Lincoln Newark Mottinghams Stamford The Wash Lynn Norwich Seterborough Pekingham Ely Bury Huntingdop SEdmunds Cambridge Woodstock Colchester Wallingfords London Thames مسجد Yarmouth Sandwich Z Rochester Salisbury Winchester Dover Canterbury Clarendon Hastings Lewes Exeter Lot Wight R.Humber B 52 R.Maas E 50 Lands End Scilly I Lizard Pt ENGLISH D 48 E 46 BAY Th F 44 G Alderney Guernsey Jersey R.Somme CHANNEL Bayeux Caen R.Seine Calais Boulogne Ponthien Rouen Bec Evreux Normandy Falaise SMichael Tinchebrai. Avranches Brittan Rennes GEOFFREY) OF BISCAY ENGLAND AND FRANCE JULY, 1185. 0 20 40 60 80 100 English Miles Dominions directly governed by Henry II. Dominions dependent on Henry II. Dominions directly governed by the King of France Dominions dependent on the King of France Danish or Norse Scotland 0 Mortain O Donfront y Nantes Ang M Verneuil Alencon a Belleme Sat Lou Perche tres of Flander Amiens Bouvines Vermandoi Amien R. Ose SDenis Reims Champagne R.Mame Loire Isle of rance Orleans Sens Orleannois Seir Freteval Bluis Tomys ou Saumu Fonterrault Chinon Mirebeau Poitierg Poito A 524 Angorn Saintonge Ronne Pontigny duxerre Vezelai C Nevers Citea Nevers ancerr Blois Bourges Loches Berry aine R. Greuse La Marche Limoges Chalus Clermont Limousin G Bordeaux Perigord R.Dordogne Garonne Agenais Querc a Toulouse Bearn S PA I N II 6 III 4 Longitude West 2 V O Mirabel Beziers Allier R.Maas P I 50 D 48 Burgundy Doubs M Dof R.Rhone Lyons Velay Gevandan Vivarais Uzes Nima Melgueil T H E 46 F 44 Foix Barcel ARA Carcasone ussillon Golfe du Lion G Narbonne N VI 2 Longitude East 4 VIII Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. F.S.Weller.F.R.G.S 12 A 54 B 8 II 6 III 4 IV North Channel OLAND Newcastle) R.Tyne R.Twe reed Berwick Notham VI 2 VII Bamborough Alrick 4 VIII 6 IX Note: Fu Speway Carli Durham A R.Tees Northallerton Lof Man Lancaster SEAN R.Ribble Scarborough Ripons Fountains N 0 R T H 54 Bridlington Bay Bekerley S E A R.Deel Trent R.Humber The red lines underneath the names of some provinces signify that they were to be transferred to the King of England after the death of the Countess of Poitou which took place in 1271. 52 Corko Limerick Wexford Waterford Yarmouth IRISH IRELAND Athlone Dublin Carnarv Con Rhuddlan Consili Chester S Mottinghamg Shrewsbury St George's Channel Bridgenorth Forcebarwicks Cardif Bristol Channel Bristol Lincoln Newark reicester Stamford Lynn Norwich Kenilwortho Beckingham Bly Bury Evesham Bedford Woodstock Colchester Gloucesterro Oxford Wallingford London Wes the luster Las Rocheste Odihamo Runnimede Salisbury Winchester E Clarendon great Lof Wight R.Somme CHANNEL The Wash terborough Northampton Cambridge Huntingdon sEdmunds R.Thames Dover 3Sandwich Canterbury Hastings Lewes C Lands End 50 50 Scilly Is D Lizard Pt Exeter ENGLISH Alderney Guernsey Jersey Br ist t 48 E 46 BAY SMichae Bayeux R. Seine Caong Bec Calais Boulogneof Artois Ponthien Rouen Evreux Flanders Amiens Bouvines Vermandois Amiens Gaillard Chateau Vexin Norm and y Falaise Finchebraio Avranche Mortain Domfrore any Nantes M Verneuil Alencon Belleme a i Dole Sarthe ou Saumur Fantevrault Chinon Mirebeato Portiers Poito OF BISCAY La Rochelle F 44 G ENGLAND O AND FRANCE 1259. 20 40 60 80 100 English Miles Dominions directly governed by Henry III. Dominions dependent on Henry III. Dominions directly governed by the King of France Dominions dependent on the King of France. Danish or Norse Territories Scotland Irish Territory тий Perch R. Oise St Denis CoParis Isle of France hartres Reims R.Mar Champagne Loire Orleans Sens Ole annois R Seine Clairvau Fretavat Tors Bloia.. ncerres Blois B Loches raine R. Creuse Lusignan aillebourg Vienne Berry La Marche Angoumois Angouleme aintes onge Bordeaux o u Garonne 3G Bearn SPAI NAT a II 6 III 4 Longitude West 2 V Limoges Clermont Limousin Perigord e n Agenais agon Dorige Querc Toulouse R.Lot Mirabel O n O uz R Cty Pontigny Auxerre Vezelai C Nevers Nevers nais Allier B of Burgundy Citeau VeTay Gevaudan Vivarais R.Maas P M E Doubs R. Macon Rhone R. Lyons T H E B 52 50 D 48 E 46 F Uzes 44 Beaucaire Nimes Alby Beziers Melguei Golfe du Lion G Narbonne arcelona Foix Cerdagne rcasonme Roussill Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. VI 2 Longitude East 4 VIII FS Weller, FR.G.S. 13 55 D 56 57 B C A N T T T 58 A II III 5 IV 3 VI 2 VII 59 59 0 E A Iona & SCOTLAND IN 1285. English Miles 10 20 E 40 60 Firth of Lorn ARRAN OR KLE SASSY ITHNESS SUTHERLAN Dornoch Firth Moray Firth Inverness Elgin Y BADENOCH this R.De Orkney Islands 4 CHAN E R Aberdeen THE MEARNS Dunkeld Methveno Dupplino Scone TRATH EARN Forth Stirling NN Cambushkenneth Bannockburn Glasgow Brechin ANGUS Dundee Firth of Tay StAndrews Forth Dunfermline Kinghorn Firth Falkirke STRATHCLYS R.de CUNNINGHAM KYLE Edinburgh L Q Dunbar Melrose TWEEDDALE Jedburgh MA CEVIOTDALE Firth of Cayd GAL Wigton NITHS NANDALE Solway Firth 7 Longitude West 6 from Greenwich Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Burgh on Sands Carlisle G N E 5 IV 4 V 3 VI 2 N Berwick Norham N F.S.Weller, E.R.G.S. D 55 R 56 T S 58 H 57 B A 14 56° 6º 5° II III 3° IV 20 1° VI O VII 1° VIII 20 F. of Forth 569 A 55 9 S C Edinburgh Berwick LAND Lindisfarn R.Tweed Bamborough Alnwick Warkworth Northumberland Newcastle R.Tyne R ENGLAND IN THE REIGN OF EDWARD 111. 1327-1377. English Miles 0510 20 30 60 A B 154H C 53° IRELAND IRIS I.of Man Firth Solway Carlister Cumberland Hexham Prudhoe Westmoreland Cross Durham Neville's Durham R.Tees R.Swale R.Ure Ripo Lancaster Wharfer H S E A Lancaster R.Aire RRibble R.Mersey R.Dee Rhuddlan St Asaph Conway Anglese Caernarigh Bangor •Caernarvonshire H Manchestero S e ster Chester Severn England. Principality Wales Marches of Wales Whitby Scarborough Flamborough Head I York Bream Stamford Bridge S Kingston upon Hull Ravenspur Doncasters Don Caistor R. Humber Lincoln Rutland Crowland Leicester Stamford E Elmham Norfolk Norwich Thetford Trent Derby. Shrewsbury Stafford Derby Nottingham Nottingham Lincoln Withe Boston Shropshire Lichfield Leicester Welland The Wash Tamworth Bridgenorth Leominster Ludlow Worcester Warwick Laterworth Huntingdo Warwick RAvon Bedford Bedford Bury StEdmunds Suffolk Dunwich Cambridge R.Stear Buckingham Hertford Colchester D St George's Channel Milford Haven Cardigan S&Davids Cardiganshire E Caermarthen Caermarth onethshire RT Usk 52 E 51° Bristol Channel Lundy 1. Camelfordy Cornwall Fowey Truro 5° II Worcester Hereford malern Hererons Me Monmouth Glamorgan shire Llandaff Watchet Cardif R.Severn Northampton Thorney Peterborough R Cambridge Northamptons Gloucester Oxford Gloucester, Oxford Cirencester Radcot Bristol Bath Wells Buckingham Hertford Essex Berkhampstead Wantage Dorchester Chippenhan Wilts Glastonbury Somerset Taunton Devon Exeter Plymouth E N 40 III Wallingford Middlesex Ashington R.Yare Maldon Shoebury R.Thames Sheppey R. Testminster London Berks Reading Hants Wiltono Salisbury Shaftesbury Stow Dorset Dorchester Warehamo GLIS es Kingston Surrey Guttrord Winchester Southampton Chichester Susse rundel Selsey Carisbrook of Wight Rochester Shoreham R.Medw 55 B 54 1539 529 E Canterbury of Thanet Aylesford Stow Sandwich Kent Tunbridge Ryeo Hythe Romney Winchelsea Hastings Pevensey H C HA N N E L Deal Dover #1519 50 30 IV 20 V 1° Longitude West 0 Longitude East 1° Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. VIII FSWeller, FRGS. 15 SEA II 2 Ⅲ IV 2 V 4 VI S Nottingham Shrewsbury R.Trent Lynn A Rockingham Peterborough NORTH Yarmouth Bridgenorth Huntingdon Elyor 52 Worceste Northampton Bury St Edmunds Cambridge Woodstock Gloucester Oxford Colchester O Bristol Channel Wallingford London Bristol R.Thames B Salisbury Winchester Rochester Canterbury Dovera Sandwich Clarendon E Exeter Leves Hastings Calais Wight Boulogne Estaples APO L 50 CHANNE Gregy R.Sommer ENGLISH Alderney Cherbourg Barfleur St Vaste Harfleur Rouen Guernsey Valognes R.Seine C Jersey Boyeure St Lo Caen Bec St Michaels M Avranches of Champagne 48 D Brest Bri Hennebon Flanders Agincourto Arras bien Pont Blanchetachrobbeville a Normand Falaise Fougeres tany Nantes A BAY OF 46 E 44 BISCAY Alencon M a Sarthe Evre Verneuil o AY Beauge Pica Amiens Amiens Beauvais Pont de l'Arche Perche Bregn Poissy SDenis Paris Bouvines R.Oise Compiegne Reims wwp. Marne Meaux Isle of France hartres Cha Bloig Tours jou Saumaur Fontrevaulte Chinon Poitiers Maupertuis Logi G t O u Loches Melun Monterea Patay Orleans Orleanno18 Sen Blpi RCher onne Troyes Seine Pontigny Auxerre Vezelay Sancerres Bourges Berry aine R.Greuse La Marche Augaumois Limoges RiCharente Saintonge Bordeaux Limousin' C Nevers Nevers Apunging Dy of VII FRANCE AT THE TREATY OF BRETIGNI 1360 English Miles 8 40 60 80 100 English Territory French March of Edward III to & from Crecy 1346 thus March of the Black Prince to Narbonne 1355 thus 0-0-0- to Poitiers 1356 in Spain 1367 1-1-1- wwws Moselle Citeaur R.Doubs Hyon yons Quderey Auverg Bourbonnais 4 Lyonnais R.Lou O Perigord R.Dordogne Agenais Armagnac Mirabel R.Lot Toulouse Rouergue n e & R. Rhone R. Durance E M PI R BRhine A 52 B 50 C 48 D 46 E 44 F Burgos Bayonne Bearn Guipuzcoa Pass of Vitoria Salvatierra Roncesvalles Navarrete Pampeluna Navarre Viana Logrono སྐ S G T Foix Golfe du Lion Carcassonne Narbonne Narbonne AGON A R A R.Ebro I Najera P I L E I 4 II N MEDITERRANEAN SEA V 4 VI 6 VII 2 Longitude West 0 Longitude East 2 Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. F 42 F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. Map of HENRY V's First Campaign in France A.D. 1415 1 IV 2 I 2 II A E N 51 B 50 G L Southampton, July 7-Aug. 8. Lof Wight Portsmouth. Aug. 9. ENGLISH Cla Hague I 2 Jersey Cherbourg 1 V Dover A N D Winchelsea ye 16 VI 3 VII A 51 Gravelines Calais Oct 29 Guines CHANNEL Strait of Dover 10 to 13 Augu Boulogne Dieppe Arques Oct.11 Estaples Montreuil Eri Wet12 R.Authie Crecy 1346X Blanche Tache R.Lys Lille B Agincourt Oct. 25 Hesdin BoOct.23 Abbeville Oct 13 R.Somme Frevent Oct.24 Arras Lucheux Doullens Albert Bray Bronne 50 Auraines Pecquigny O Corbie Amiens Oct 30 Oct 14 Boves Oct.15 Nesles Oct.18 Fecamp Oct.8 Montivilliers Harfler Aug17 to Oct.7 Chef de Caur Rouen Beauvais NO/R MAN DY Caen II 1 III 0 Lisieux IV Longmans, Green & Co, London & New York. V 2 VI C 3 VII F.S Weller,FR.G.S 17 EXTENT OF THE ENGLISH CONQUESTS IN FRANCE.A.D. 1429 II III English Miles E N G 50 ENGLISH Alderney Guernsey Ο IV eo London R.Thames LAND 1. of Wight CHANNEL Cherbourg 30 Honfleux Jersey Fourmigny X1450 Bayeux 1440 1449 Caen Str. of Dover Cala VI 6 VII bant BrBurgundian Inder influence Antwe Ghet Brussels Nieuport 1383 Shivs 1385 Dunkirk 13839 Gravelines Roosebek 1382) 1436 1383 1 olives Ouderar de Poperinghe 1383 1383 1383 Agincourt 1415 Artois Arras Somme 1420 1435 Hainault Under Burgundian In(luence) R&Maas Luxemburg. Under Burgundian Influence) Compiegne 1429 Reims 1429 R.Marne 1417 Harfler 1415 Pont Audemer Rouen 1418-19 1449 Gerbergy 1449 Pont de l'Arche 1449 Oise Lisieux Vernon 1450* 1449 NORMANDY A OF Fougeres 1449 1449 Conches 1449% Monte Verneal 1424.1449 鶯 ​Meulan Meaux 1421-2 PARIS 1436* APARIS XMontlheri 1465 Melun 1420 Montereau 1420 DUCHY BRITTANY Vannes PRennes R.Loir Nantes Maine R. Mavenne Sarthe Rouvray Le Mans Patay & Battle of 1448 1429 Herrings 1429 Orleanais Orleans 1428-9 R.Loir X Beauge 1421 Anjou Chinon 1429 Largeau I i B EM Chalons sur Marne 1429 Toul Nancy 01477 of Bar Moselle TRE ai ne R.Seine Troyes Sens 1420 1420.1429 Tonne Lo Crevant 1423 X Cosne 1422 Cty of Bourges Nevers Nevers R. Cher Duchy Domrem Z r gun Saone P Burgundy outé) B Brest C D E Poitou Lde Re S BAY LOleron OF R.Gironde BISCAY Bayonne 1451 Navarre Cognac 1449 Angoumois tong Bourde Blaye 1450-1 R.Vienne Perigord Bourg 1450-1 Castillon 1453 ois Bordeaux 1451 1453 Limoges Bourbon Allier Limousin Auvergne Auvergne R.Dordogne GUIENNE Buch Albret NAVARRE R.Adour Bearn S Agenais Garonne R. Lot Quercy Gaure Armagnac Bigorre Cominges Rouer gue Aveyron R. R.Tarn LANGUE A R A G 0 N ΠΙ IV 2 D Orange Duchy of Savoy 46 R. Rhone R.Isere Dauphine D Avignon Pap R.Durance Provence Marseilles E GULF OF LYONS MEDITERRANEAN SEA VI 6 * Indicates a battlefield. *Attached to a date indicates ravaged at that date. A mere date following the London, Longmans & Co. Explanation that the place was taken, sacked or name of a place indicates a treaty or other historical event: but a line under the date indicates a sage, as Orleans, 1428-9. F.S.Weller, F.R.G.B. English possessions fully coloured red. Burgundian in France fully coloured yellow. in the Empire yellow border. French / submissive to Charles VII) green 55 B 54 53 52 E SL F IRISH S 18 III IV 2 V 1 VI VII 1 VIII 2 II Edinburgh 1385.1482 Melr ND Berwick on Tweed HOL 1402 Hedger Mogr 1464 1482 Bamborough Cas. 1462-3 Dunstanbrough Castle 1462 inwick 1462-3 ENGLAND during the Wars of the Roses Kof Man S Hexham 1464 Towton York 1461 X Wakefield Ferry Br Ravenspur 1460 1461 The Wash Aberystwith 1407 Bristol Channel Blore Healt 1459X Shrewsbury 1403 Bosworth X 1485 1461 Cross Coventry Edgecote Ludlow A1458 Mortimers 1469 X Tewkesbury 1471 Radcol Br. 1387 Stamford 1470 Lose Coat field Northampton 1960 St Albans 1455,1467 x Barnet 2471 LONDON Blackheath Bristol Exeter 155 B 53 Norwich D Bury St Edmunds 1447 52 RThames E Southampton A3811450 Dartford Seven Oaks Lof Wight 1377 1450 1462 7377 Hastings Strait of Dover Winchelsea 1377 *1377 CHANNEL 51 ENGLISH I 5 II 4 III 3 IV 2 V 1 VI 0 VII 1 VIII F.S.Weller, FR.G.S. Longmans, Green & Co.. London & New York. & Indicates a Battle Field Explanation XAttached to a date indicates that the place was taken sacked or ravaged at that date A Indicates an Encampment A mere date following the name of a place indicates a treaty or some other point of interest connected with the place which will be found recorded in the history 19 52 FRANCE at the accession of Louis XI. 1461. English Miles 10 20 40 60 200 II III IV Boundary of the Hingdom of France including both the Royal Domain and the Feudal Domain Domains of the House of Burgundy France 1491 Bourbon Orleans Duke of Berry House of Brittany united to the House of Domains of the House of Anjou and Provence united to the House of France 1481. English 00 0.00000 6 VII 8 VIII 52 B 504 E 48 ENGLISH Alderney to Guernsey England Jersey London N D CHANNE Cotentin Coutances Leon S.Malo B Penthievre Rohan M Bri B A Y 46 Caeno Harku Havre Boulogne Ostend Dunkirk velines Calais Etaples The R.Somme Dieppe Arques Eu Caux Rouen Honfleur Lisieux NORMANDY Alençon Beaumont ny Rennes M a Le Mans u Evreux Bruges. s Antwerpe Feudal Fla ased O a Sched Brussels Hain Tournai Valencies S gudal Domin 1477 athley Picquigny Arras DoCambre Amiens peronne Nesle Picardy Beauvais Compiegne Vexin S. Quentin Fois B R.Sambut Tamur T R.Bhi Coln 20 (Cologne)) Maestricht Liege Aachen Aix la Chapelle Dinant Mezieres Rethel Laon R. Aisne Reims ISLE DE FRANCE Sein Evreux Chartres Chartres Perche 2 Vendome Orleans PARIS Chalons H.Marke E Coblent M P LUXEMBOURG B Mainz E B 50 Trier Worms Speier Verdun Metz C Nancy Toul Strassburg "Vassy Troyes Chatillon 48 Champagn Montereau Nemours Orleans Beauge Plessifonrs Us Toy Blois Blois Vezelay Amboise Dijon Bourge Noches Nevers Bourbon Charolles O Macon BURGUNDY Fr Doubs Fier Comte Jura M of the Empire Nantes Ancenis D R.Loire Saumur Touraine Moncontour Châtellerault Parthenay Po Niort OF de Rela Rochelle Oleron Poitiers O B La Marche Angouleme Limoges ain onge Cour Perigord Coutras E BISCA Y Bordeaux Bayonne Bordela Castillon R.Garonne Albret S Adour 0 Guie Armagnac Clermont Auvergne Lin m/ es R.Dordog Rouergue Montauban 42 S P 4 II Beaujolais Lyons R.Rhone Basel Neufchâtel Besançon Grayson Morat SWITZERLAND Geneva D DAUPHINE Pied edmont Cevennes M Orange Papal Dominions (until 1791) Avignon. Durance GUE Nimes Roussillon Gulf of Nbonne Perpignan Lyons PROVENCE Marseilles to France 1481 Toulon MEDITERRANEAN SEA Bearn Pano M Bigorr Barthe minges Foix Toulouse Carcassonne L Andorra 2 Longitude West O Longitude East 2 of Greenwich 4 VI 6 VII F.S.Weller ER.C Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 56 55 54 TRELAN 6 Stirling Fife 4 Loch Leven St Andrews 2 Firth of Forth Greenock Glasgow Langside Dumbarton Leith Linlithgow EDINBURGH Buddington Dunbar Carberry Hill ND Berwick R.Tweed Flodden S C O T Lochmaben Caerlaverocks Northumberland ENGLAND AND WALES 1485-1603 The boundaries of the Welsh Counties are given as settled in 1543. English Miles 20 2 56 Solway Firth R. Tyne Newcastle Carlisle Cumberland 55 10 20 40 60 Durham Durham N 0 R T H R.Tees Westmoreland I.of Man Furness Abbey Jorvaulx Abbey Fouldrey SEA Liverpool nashire Fountains Ripon YAbbey Pontefract Wakefield Manchester Anglesea Angles arvon Scarborough Bridlingtor S E A Skipton York 54 Whalley Abbey Weighton Hull Don Doncaster R.Humber Der am Louth cab Lincoln Lincoli Southwell Newark Stoke Sleaford Borncastle IRISH 53 CARDIGAN BAY Holywell Flint Denbigh Chester Chester Merioneth Shrewsbury Montgomery Radnor Shrops Nottingha Stafford Leicester Bosworth Atherstone Market Hinkley The Wash Wisbeach Walsingham Norwich Peterborough Norfol Lei Nottin eicester Butland orthampton Orth R. Nen Rugby Hales Warwick Stafford Birmingham Stourbridge Midtow Hereford Brecknock Brecknods Gloucester Monmouth mbroke Milford Haven Pembroke ardigan Carmarthen Glamorgan R. Severn Worcester Warwick Worcester Tewkesbury Woodstoc Gloucester Oxford Minster Lovell Witney Bristol Ely ampton Cambridge Bury St Edmonds Framlingham Suffolk Ipswich Towcester Bedford Cambridge Bedford Ampthill sands Royston Buckingham Oxford Abingdon Lutham shire Berksh e Windsor Hampshire Glastonbury Salisbury Taunton Dorset Weymouth Chertsey rtford Hatfeld St Albans Middlesex Esher 4 Greenwich Blackheath Croydon Surrey Winchester Southampton Beaulieu Milford Solen 51 50 BRISTOL CHANNEL 0 Bodmin Barnstaple Somerset Bideford ornwall Fowey Falmouth St Kevernu 5 Devon Exeter Plymouth Whitsand Boy Teignmouth artmouth ENGLISH 3 2 Su Portsmouth .of Wight S S R. Thames Maidstone Boley KFaversham Tenterdeno e X Lewes Canterbury Sandwich t + Deal Langdon Abbey Dover Shoreham Brighthebraston 53 52 Calais 51 Boulognes CHANNEL 1 Longitude West 0 Longitude East 1 Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. F C E N R A 50 F.S.Weller, FR.G.S. 21 I 10 II 9 III 8 IV 7 A 55 B TLANTIC 54 Lower Mac William O'Connor 0 CE AN 4 Swilly O Dogherty 'DONNELL Erne MAGHIRE O'ROURKE T R.Ban LL V 6 VI A O'Neill 55 L. Neagh RI R AGENNIS E C 53 D کی حمر 13 محمد 30'Malley O'REILLY O'Flaherty AUG T Nugents and other Anglo Normans Athlone O'CONNOR UFFALY LE Upper William mac O'Shaughnessy O'BRIEN O'Conor Dingle SFitzmaurice M Aimerick UN Cashel 54 LL undalk lingford 1 Drogheda Ardee Kello Trin BOY Kilcock Liffey Kildare Hacullen Nag Dublin O'TOOLE STER O'MORE LEIX Kilkenny Callaro ethand TER Cidamel oches Roc R.Blackwater Cork Youghal Barrys and MAC CARTHIES ESMOND O'SULLIVANS SUMAN Baltimore Kinsale Carrick Waterford Powers B.Suir Pungarn n Cartow Mac Murrough Ross Wexforda سے کہو C 53 BYRNE Arklow IRELAND ABOUT 1500. D 52 E I 10 II 9 III 8 IV Longmans, Green & Co.,London & New York. 7 V 6 VI F.S. Weller, Litho. 22 E 45 T T D Cape. N 30 50 C T I C Finisterre 55 55 60 B WESTERN EUROPE in the TIME OF CHARLES V. 1525. The Hereditary States of Charles V. Yellow. The Boundary of the Empire, Red Border.. O 50 100 English Miles 200 15 I 10 II 5 III 0 IV 5 10 VI 15 VII 20 VIL A E N A C E A N Ulster onnaught Munster Kork Dublin Maynooth Kilkenny Waterford NORWAY E e a S B COTLAND St Andrews N Or rth Lighleven Leith Dunbar Edinburgh Berwide DE MARK Ba I t ti Prussia Durham 10 Z Se a Duchy York R. Elbe C Fotheringhay Norwich TAH Brandenburg Stratford on Avon Cambridge Oxfor Amsterdam Zutphen Magdeburg POLAND S Leyden entrecht Münster Wittenberg Bri Gh Antwer 50 Plymouth Lizard P Channel Islands 0 Brittany London bury Dover Dunkir Calai Boulogne Harre ETH Terouenelanders StQuentin R.Se Rouen Brussets Tournai Cat Cumbresis Schmalkalden Saxony G ER Mosell Crepy, Verdun Meta StGermaine Denis Paris Nancy Ivry Dreux Vassy Orleans R Burgundy R.Loire Amboise Bourges Nantes Montcontour Rochelle •Jarnac Coutras Garotine C Pampeluna Bearn n Cranche Geneva WITZERLAND ala MI Marignan son Prague M Bohemian A NY Bohemia Passau Augsburg Innsbruck Trent Moravia Lands Vienna Austria Milan EN LC Mam Venices Orange Nismes Avignon Nice GENDA Modena Florence TUSCANY Corsica E Danube D H U/N G 45 TURKISH Dalmatia To Verice DOMNS Adriatic STATES OF THE CHERCH Ragusa E S Naples a Sardinia 40 40 A R. Tagus PORTUGA lisbon= R Doras S Yuste F St Vincent Cadiz IE R.Ebro PAI N Madrid IN A editerra n a Sicily Me Stof Gibraltar A F R B IV S e a. I C A Malta V 10 VI 15 5 Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. VIL F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 60 23 15 I 10 HI 5 III A 60 B 55 C 50 C I DE 45 A N T 40 40 E A T IV 5 V 10 VI 15 VII 20 VIIL WESTERN EUROPE at the ACCESSION OF ELIZABETH 50 100 1558 200 300 English Miles Dominions of the Spanish branch Yellow of the House of Austria Dominions of the German branch Green of the House of Austria The Empire. Red Border NORWAY CEA 0 N D E NA S 60 B naught WIN Z SCOTLAND Lochleven St Andrews North Leith Dunbar Edinburgh Berwic 10 Dublin Maynooth FA Leinster Munster Kilkenny Waterford Kork Stratford on Avon O York RK Ba 1 ti Prussia Duchy C POLAND Durham Sea A Amsterdam H Leyden Zutphen Utrecht Magdeburg R. Elbe Brandenburg Tilbury Krill H Brussels Rhine E Tournai Cambro SQuentin Cat Cumbresis R.Moselle Schmalkalden Saxony Bohemian R GE M A Prague NY Bohemia Moravia Lands Gui Ghent Antwerp Fotheringhay Norwich Plymouth Lizard Pt Channel Islands Cambridge Oxford London Dover Cala Boulogne Teroue Havre R.Sein Rouen Crepy Verde Metz StDenis SGermain Paris Cape Finisterre C 50 50 Nancy Toul Ivy F Dreux Vassy Orleans R Burgundy rauche WITZERLAND Geneva Passau Augsburg Innsbruck Vienna Austria Grison's MIL Pavia GENOA Tyrol Trent Milan ENLE MarignanoVenice Mante Modena Brittany Nantes R. Loire Montcontour Pampeluna Rochelle Amboise Bourges Jarnac Coutras Bearn Garonne Orange Nismes Avignon Nice R. Ebro O n R Danube HUN D S ARY TURKISH DOMIN 00 Adriatic STATES OF THE CHURCH Florence TUSCANY Corsica 15 Dalmatia Ito Venice) Ragusa E G Sea Naples 40 S PAI Yuste, Madrid I N R.Tagus PORTUGAL F C.S.Vincent II Cadiz Str. of Gibraltar M e dit err Sarmia a n A F R O IV 5 I C CA V. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. a n Sicily S Malta 10 VI 15 e a VIL F FS.Weller, F.R.G.S. 24 I 10 II 9 ш 8 IV 7 V 6 VI OCEAN A 55 B 54 ATLANTIC Burkes and Barrets O'Malley سری willy $ O'DONNELL TYR CONNEL Doherty Derry L.Foy O'CAHA CAHAN O'Connor Sligo The Route Rothlin 1 L.Erne MAGUIRE O'REILLY Dungannon MACMAHON L R. Barn L. & Neagh Belfast NE NOINVH.O R EILLY B.Laggan MacArtane NewryAGENNIS B 55 O'ROURKE MacDermot O'CONNOR NAU HT C O'FLAHERTY 53 Galway H Roscommon EARLDOM OF Athloneses CLANRICARDE DELVIN RBoyne Frim Philipstown KINGS COUNTY L Dundalk Drogheda Navan Naas Dublin 54 R.Liffey more Fustace ER 53 Kildare S Maryborough QUEENS O'BYRNE COUNTY Carlow Leightin Bridge KAVANAGHS D Wexford D Dingle Dingle Bay R.Shannong ixnaw Tralee SMON O'Sullivans THOMOND O'BRIEN MAC CABT S Arra JoKennedy RROLL NORyaneagher Limerick I. Gure Kilmallock HIES E Kenmare Be M Bantry Boy Mallow R.Blackwater MUSKERRY ARBERY R.Lee Cork O'Dwyer Japhet Cloromel Ossory Hilkenny R. Nore Carrick Waterford hokilly DECIES Youghal Rungarvan 1 10 H 9 D IRELAND ABOUT 1570. The red lines indicate the extent of Desmond, influence; the blue lines that of the Ormonde family. III 8 IV Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 52 E 7 V 6 VI F.S.Weller, lith 26 160 140 120 I 100 II Η 80 III 60 IV 40 A 20 VI O 25 2 I 3 II 4 هر III 5 IV 6 V 7 VI 80 A 69 60 Arctic Circle. Cumberlan Davis Strait 1587 80 88 54 53 39 Greenland Iceland 60 B B 52 32 Portugal 40 AFRIC B 40 0 20 Tropic of Cancer D 0 E 20 Tropic of Capricom NORTH AMERICA Me Virginia 1584 Nombre de Di Florida 1518 Newfoundland England 1497 Bahama 1 1492 Hispaniola 1492 Jamaica Antilles Isthmus of Panama Callao Guiana 1535 F 00 40 3 DISCOVERIES OF ENGLAND, SPAIN & PORTUGAL 09 60 15TH & 16TH CENTURIES. in the English THE NETHERLANDS AT THE DEATH OF ELIZABETH 20 1603 English Miles 60 B N O R T S ΤΩ E A 54 18. Vlieland D W Groningen East Friesland lemmingen A The Texel Heiligerlee 8Friesland 59 53 & Alkma Haarlem Leyden The Hague Zeeland Flushing Cads and Ostend 0 C 20 D Dunkirk 51 S Gravelines Ypres ay n N H Zuyder Zee UNITED ETHERLANDS Ovéryssel, NE DUTCH Amsterdam Naar darden Utrecht Delft Rotterday Brit truydenberg Breda Goes Bergen op zoom Shuys Hulst Bruges S d Ghent ISH H Antwerp Mechlin Valenciennes Mons Hainautt Deventer Zutphen Nimwegen Mook Bois le Duct Hertogenbosch Brussels Maestricht Gemblou Liège Venloo imb B 52 51 SOUTH 1500 E Brazil Tarapaca 20 AMERICA D. St Hesain R. Rhine A Arras Valparaiso Chili 1536 F Rio de la Plata L 50 1516 50 40 P 1 a r dy Luxemburg 1 N Magalhaes Strait 1520 G E Luxemburg E 3° Antarctic Circle 60 80 49 Cambrai Chateau Cambrecis Aisne 49 Spanish F F 160 140 120 I 100 II 80 III 60 IV 40 V 20 VI O I 3 II 4 III 5 IV 6 V 7 VI F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S Portuguese 27 I 10 II Ш 8 A IRELAND 10 1641 TO 1892 English Miles 20 30 50 55 E AN Trawenagh B. Loughros B. Rossan Pt Malin Hd Lough Swilly Sheep Haven Tory L Bloody Forelands Aranmore buch Lo Donega R.Finn Culdaff Bay Carndonagh L. Foyle Calentine Londonderry Londonderry IV NOR Sperring M R.Bann Donegal R.Derg T Carrickfergus Lough Belfast B O Broad Haven Donegal Bay Ernes yrone S T EX Killala The Mullet Sligo Bay Enniskillen Killala Shig Monagha LLough Dungannon Erne Fermanagh im U.Lough Erne Newtown Butler Cavan n Largang Benbur Armagh Armagh O Dundalk Lago Lisburn Strangford Newry Lough Downpatricks Dundrum B. Carlingford L. Dundalk B. B 54 Neagh R Comber Portrush BRathlin 1. Fair Head Red Bay CHANNEL Larne Belfast L. 55 6 VI SCOTLA DA AND Bangor L.Conn R.Moy 54 0 53 A T L AN Liscanor B Doonbeg B Clare Ennis Achil Ha C Achil a °Castlebar Clare I. Clew B. J Westport Killery Hr T Lough Mask Carrick on Sharmon Longford ONNAUGHT Roscommon Slyne Hd Birter buy B Kilkieran B Isles of Arran 4 Galway Galway Bay Lough Corrib Roscommon Ballinasloe a Ꭹ Aughrim Athlone tumna Shannon Longford Ree Westmeath Tullamore King's County Lough LE IN Derg Bl Maryborough Queens County Na Kildare S pathy Battle of th the Boyne in Drogheda Mullingar Meath B.Boyne Trim R.Rye Laffey's DUBLIN Dublin Bay Dublin IRISH SEA Hills ER 53 Kilrush Limerick D Loop Hd River Shannon Kerry Ha Smerwick H E Ballyheige B. M oralee Dingle Bay Valentia K Ballinskelig Kenmare River Bantry McGillicudd Bay Reck T RLee Cork Kinsale Bantry Mizen H. Skibbereen Long Island C.Clear B. Limerick Tipperary Cashel A N E acaldown R. Blackwater The Pap I 10 I Waterford Waterford New Ross Wexford Bannow B. Hook Ha Waterford Har Wexford Har. Greenore Pt Carnsore Dungarvan B. Yougoughal Har Ballycottin Bay Cork Harbour Hinsale Har Clonakilty B. Courtmacsherry B. Old Hof Hinsale Cas.Townsend Galley Hd 4C.C1. 9 III Longitude 8 West of IV Greenwich 7 Longmans, Green & Co.London & New York. Wicklow Wicklow Hd Mizen Ha Kilkenny Clonmel R RY Kilkenny Star Carlow Carlow Arklow Vinegar Hill Cahore Pt GEORGE'S CHANNEL 52 E V 6 VI F.S.Weller, FR.G.S. 28 D 54 B 52 Ecclesiastical States in the hands of Protestants I 4 II 6 GERMANY at the commencement of THE THIRTY YEARS WAR English Miles 1618 50 Hague United of ves III 8 Do in the hands of Catholics IV Dominions of the two Branches of the House of Austria Protestant Lay States Catholic Do 10 V 12 VI 14 VIL Rugen Strals SEA Heiligenhafen EAST Por Luberbeck Stade Hamburg Ratzebg BOOK Wis Rostock East Friesland BP of BP of Bremen Oldenbur Nienburg B of Bof Osnabrück Minden DX of Münster Ravensburg Münster Stadtlohn Dof Mark Dy of Elaf Cologne R.Phine Dy of Juliers Br of Paderborn Cologne en Verden SAX O Lunebu S Hanover Brunswick m N.Brandenbu Mecklenburg Werbe Br BY of Wilts to ok. of Havelberg Konigsberg Barwald u Berlim Bot Lebus R. Spree Bor Magdeburg Brandenburg Wolfenbüttel hem Magdeburg Halberstatt Halbers nh Eisleben Cassel Naumburg Hesse Cassel Mühlhaus en Erfurt 218 16 VIII 18 IX P Danzig } Konigsberg SA Ssn SS anden urg Dof Pr To Br R. Netze Frankfort R.Oder R. Warta L R. Vistula 4 Lowicz Warsaw of Dresden Saxony Tha Klostergrab R. Eger B H E S Pras D I A B.Elbe White Hill 47 Jankow Tabor Brauna Breda Bergen op-Zoom Lieg chen Brussels Spanish Fla Netherlands Soissons Verdun LOT T Thonville Coblenz e Hesse Darmstadt hrenbreitstein Bacharach Mentz Falda Frankfort Hochs Mentz Oppe Darmstats Byof Mentz Frankenthannheim ALAN Zweibrucke ain e Tarancy Franche Comté (Spanish Spings Heidelberg's Hulippsburg FE Durlach Dessa Halle Merse Breitenfeld Leipz BO Mersebuoy Lntzeisma Meissen Ba CE Lechprat Naumberg Eisenach Weimar off Wengtadt Naumb& Duchies of Saxony, WBP of Bamber Wurzburg N Bamberg Wurzburg Anspach Heilbronn O Eger UPPER ง PALATINATE Fürth Nuremberg Oettingen Nordlingen Neuburgos Ingolsta Schgrndar Donapworth Hagenau Würtenburg Tübingen Strasburg asburg Breisgau 5 Breisacho GO fre rebung Mithlhausen Constance Ulm Zusmarshausen Biberach Kempten R Pilsen Bar 2 Passau Pappenheims Passau Augsburg Bof Augsbur B Rheinfdden Neuchatel Basel Berne SWISS St Gallen CONFEDERATION Graubündten Valtelline M T Munich OF MAXIMILIAN Geneva Wallis Savoy Venice Piedmont II 6 Milan N Brauiu Salzburg BP of Salzburg Budweis Паре प A en Wittingal r M Brünn Znam Lower r a Vienna, Z DOMINIONS OF FERDINAN Carinthia Venice Carniola 48 E 46 14 12 VI Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York 14 H U Cracow D B 52 N R. Danube A R Y 48 D Turkish Dom ions 46 VII 16 VIII 18 IX 20 X FS.Weller.FR.G.S. 29 56 B 55 I 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 2 VI 1 VII O VIII 1 IX A Dunbar 1650) 56 Glasgow Edinburgh D Dunse Law Berwick S C 0 T 1645 hilliphaugh Dumfries Northumberland 25 Carlisle Cumberland 1640 Newburn Newcastle Durham Durham ENGLAND & WALES May 1st 1643 Districts held by the King Do Do Parliament N 0 R T H B 55 C 54 R E D T Drogheda (1649) Dublin Ι 53 ल 52 22 F 19 51 G 50 N D Wxford 1649 R I Channel of Man محمد کی το S H Anglese SEA Caernarvon cland C Tees S E A ancaster Y Bolton Abbey B C Tadcaster Preston 1648) Bradfords Leeds Adwalton Moor R. Ribble Latham Ho Bolton Sandal Mancheste Boltor Castle Haresborough Skiptore Marston Moore York Scarborough r k 54 Beverley Wakefield, Pontefract Castle Derb Gainsborough (1643) Lincoln Lincoln (1643) Winceby A Sewark Grantham Boston Hull R. Humber D R. Mersey Wigan Liverpool Waringing Fiche Denbi G ht Winnington Br.1659 Cheshire Rowton Heath XoBeeston Cas 1645 Nantwich 1644 Oswestry Merionet R.Des gomery Cardiga an Shrewsbur Monomery Bridgenorth Pern Radnor Shrop d Hopton Heath Stafford J Lichfieldo S Ludlow Hereford Monmouth Brecknock Ragban Cas R. Severn ome Worcester Derby Belvoir Castle Ashby de la Zouch Leicester Leicester worth Birmingham ㄨ ​ordester C 651 OR.Avon Gloucester the Holmby Ho Rafland stamford Basen ap Px (1645) Northampton Edge Hill PO Cropredy Ostwold slip Br gn Cirencester Glouceste repstow Bristol Bath Langport Taunton t Malmesbury C S Πο Huntingdo Crowland Camb R.Ouse 53 Chelmsford Norfolk Norwich Yarmouth Bury St Edmunds S ffolk Colchester Harwich 16480 52 Bedfordon Bedford Buckingham idge Cambridge Hertford Oxford Chalgrove 綠​(43) Uccbridge Windgo h Marlborough Reading Lansdown Ronnet Roundbroy X1643) Devizes Donnington C Middlese E London AreGreenwich Kingston Rochester Hampton C Surrey X Newbury (43&1841) Old Basing1645) Basingstoke Alresford Wardour Cas. Winchester St Georges Scilly I Pembroke Caermarthen Glamorgan Bristol Channel Dostwithiel Barnstaple S St Fagans Stratton Torrington o1643 De von 1Launceston Bradock Down x uro Fowey Pendennis Cas The lizard E Plymouth SH G L C Dorset Lyme Regis Exeter Corfe Cart Weymouth H Hurst Cas Southampton Alton S u Chichester S Portsmouth Neg Carabrook Cos I. of Wight Fundal S S e ㄨ​ˋ F Mouth of the Thames Maidstone (1645) e Beachy Head HANNEL Canterbury t Dover 51 50 H FRANCE H I 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII 0 VIII 1 IX F.SWeller ERGS. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. E 30 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII O VIJI 1 IX 56 49 Dunbar x2650) A 56 B 55 S C Edinburgho Glasgow T L Dumfries Dunse Law 1645 Phillipnaugh weed Berwick Northumberland ENGLAND & WALES December 9th 1643. Districts held by the King Do Do Parliament B 55 C 54 I R E T D Drocedu Dublin IRI 53 N D E xford 1619 52 32 F ستا 51 G 50 Channel Georges S of Man سمی S H A Anglesea S Caernarvon Pembroke E A Carlisle Cumberland R. Ribble R. Mersey Denbi Preston Latham Wader R. Deg Merioneth Cardigan Caermarthen Pembroke gomery land 1640X Newburn Newcastle Durham Durham R. Bole ancaster Y Wigan Tees Swale Maresborough Marston Tadcaster Leeds Bolton Abbey Skipton 1648) Bradfords Liverpool Adwalton Moor Bolton N 0 R T H S E A carborough k York Beverley elly Wakefield Pontefract Manchester Winnington Br. 1659 Cheshire Rowton Heath 1645 Beaton Cas 1644 Oswestry Shrewsbur Shropshire Nantwich Montgomery Bridgenort Svern Radnor Ludlow Hereford Monmouth Brecknock Glamorgan Bristol Channel S Barnstaple Stratton Torrington Jo (x 1643) St Fagans Sandal Castle Derby Hopton Heath Stafford Lichfieldo f Derby ottingham Hull Gainsborough (1643) R. Humber Lincoln Lincoln (1643) Winceby Newark Boston Grantham Belvoir Castle Ashby de la Zouch Leicester) Leicester Chimworth Birmingham Warwick Worcester orgester 1681) Gloucester Raglan Cas stow R. Severn Avon C Rutland stamford Naseby x (1645) Holmby Ho Northampton Edge Hill 1641 (1642) an the Wold slip Br Cirencester Glouceste Bristol Malmesbury e S amp Buckingha Crowland Cambridge Hunting R.Ouse 54 D 53 Norfolk Norwich Bury St Edmunds ffo S Yarmouth 1 k Colchester 16480 Chelmsford Hertford Middlese E Oxford Chalgrove 1643) Ubridge Windsor Marlborough Reading Lansdown Bonnet Bath Body1643) Devizes t e om S e 1645 Langport Tarmton Devon 1Launceston Bradock Down ruro) Fowey Penderauis Cas. Plymouth oFxeter G L I Donnington C Shaw S London ericord greenwidt Kingston Hampton Surrey X Newbury (1643&16) Old Basing1645) Basingstoke Alresford Wardour Cas. Winchester Dorset Lyme Regis arenam S Pool Corfe C Weymouth H Host Cas Alion S Southampton S u Chichester Portsmouth New Carisbro Con I of Wight H C H A Arundel 52 Harwich Mouth of the Thames Rochester Ks Maidstone e(1640) n Canterbury t Dover 51 S e x Beachy Head N N E L G 50 H Scilly I The Lizard E I 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 0 VIII FRANCE H 1 IX F.SWeller ERG.S. E 31 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII O VIII 1 IX A A 56 Dunbar x1650) 56 B Edinburgho Glasgow DunseLaw 164 Philliphaugh Berwick ENGLAND & WALES November 23rd 1644. Districts held by the King B E 55 C 54 I R E D Drogheda 1649 Dublin IRI 53 N D E Wexford 21649 52 F 51 G 50 Channel St Georges S O S C Pembroke H of Man Anglese T Dumfries Carlisle Northumberland Cumberland 1640 Newcastle Newburn Durham Durham SE A Caernarvon R. Ribble R. Mersey merla morland Bolton Castle Tees R.Swale Maresboroug Lancaster Y Bolton Abbey Mars Skiptored Preston 1648) Latham Ho Wigan 1 Liverpool Bradfords Adwalton Moor Bolton Do Do Parliament N 0 R T H Scarborough r k Mooro York Tadcaster Leeds Beverley Hull Wakefield Pontefract Manchester Warrington Winnington Flich S Denbi R. De Merioneth Cardigan gomery Br1659 Cheshire tace Howton Heath 1645 Beeston Cas 1844 Oswestry Shrewsbur Montgomery Severn Radnor Nantwich Shro pshire Bridgenorth Ludlow Hereford Monmouth Brecknock Raglan Cas R. Severn Sandal Castle Derb Hopton Heath Stafford 4 Lichfield Derby A Gainsborough (1643) ottingham R. Trent S R. Humber Lincoln Lincoln (1643) Winceby Boston Newark Grantham Belvoir Castle Ashby de la Zouch Leicester Leicester Tamworth Birmingham Rutland Stamford ha Naseby x (10-25) Holmby Ho Warwick Northampton Edge Hill Worcester Nordester R.Avon Gloucester So Woldstip Br Cirencester Glouceste epstow Bristol Malmesbury S e Br -to Hunting Crowland Camb Cambridg org 2 R.Ouse Bedford Hertford Middlese Oxford ckingham Chalgrove 0313) Marlborough Reading Lansdown o met Bath 1613) downjo t Devizes e 7 S Langport Om e 1645 Tajanton Scilly P Caermarthen -Mangor voice Glamorgan Bristol Channel Truro ນ a 202 S Barnstaple St Fagans Stratton Torrington (1643) Devon 1Launceston. Bradocke Down Fowey Pendennis Cas. The lizard E Plymouth G L E A 55 54 D 53 Norfolk Norwich Bury St Edmunds Suffo Yarmoutfi 1 k Colchester Harwich 16480 Queimsford London bridge Windgren Greenwich sh Newbury (161351641) Old Basing1645) Donnington Co Wardour Cas Dorset Tyme Regis are Exeter Corfe Car S Weymouth H Hurst Cas SKingston Hampton C Surrey Alton Basingstoke Alresford Winchester Soldthampton S New Rochester 11 S S Chichester ex Portsmouth Carisbrook Car I. of Wight H C H Arundel 52 Mouth of the Thames Maidston (1648) Canterbury t Dover 51 Beachy Head ANNE L G 50 H FRANCE H I 6 II 5 III 4 IV 3 V 2 VI 1 VII 0 VIII 1 IX F.S.Weller, ERG.S. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York 32 6 I II Π 3 IV 2 1 VI 0 VII 1 VIII 2 56 56 55 Glasgow Edinburgh Berwick Holy I. SCOTLAND ENGLAND AND WALES 1660-1892 RELAND NORTH CHANNEL Cheviot Hills St Bees Hd Man Solway Firth Warlisle Cumberland Appleby Westmoreland Northumberland Tyne Newcastle Durham Durham R car R.Tees English Miles O 10 20 40 60 A 55 Sunderland NORTH Whitby B Ure Swale Scarborough I R I S Morecambe Bay on Lancaster T k Flamborough Hd 54 H York Preston Wharte S E A SE A R.Ribble Bradford R.Aire Leeds Hull B 64 53 D 52 E C Holyhead Bardsey I. R.Don Sheffield Manchester Nitingham R.Trent Lincoln Lincoln Newark Witham Spurn Hd R.Humber The Wash Holy Inglesea Carnarvon Bay St Mango Asaph Carnarvon Denbigh Denbigh Snowdon Merioneth Lancashire Formby H Bolton Worsley Liverpool R.Dee Flint Mersey Cheshire Chester Stafford rent Shrewsbury Stafford Dolgelly Shropshire Lichfield Derby Nottingh Derby Leicester Leicester Montgomery Montgomery Birmingham Cardigan Coventry Warwick Radnor Worcester Warwick Rugby Hereford L. Wye Worcester Buckingham y Cheltenham Woodstock Cardigan Bay Cardigan Fishguard St Davids на ST GEORGE'S CHANNEL Brides B. Muford Haven Pembroke Carmarthen Carmarthen Pembroke Bay Hd Worms. Brecknock Herefords Monmouth Monmouth Chepstow GIA Cardiff Swansea BRISTOL CHANNEL Lundy 1. Barnstapl Barnstaple 19 Bay 51 Bude Bay F Trevose Hd L Cornw Mounts B Falmouth The Lizard II R.Tamar R.Severn Somerset Rouse C 53 tutlan Northampton R. Nen Welland Cambridg Huntingdon rthampton Bedford Bedford Norwich Norfolk Yarmout Lowestoft D Ouse R.Waveney Southwold Bay Newmarket Ipswich 52 Stour Colchester Harwich Cambridge Suffolk Gloucester Oxford Gloucester Bristol NL R. Thames R. Kennet Kingswood Hungerford Bath Philips Wiltshire Norton Huntingdon Oxford Buckingham "Hertford Rye House Essex Chelmsford Berkshire Surrey Wells Salisbury Winchester Chichester Guildford Susse Selsea Bill Brighton Beachy Hd CHANNEL Middlesex Etor LONDON Hounslow Blackheath Hampton Court Rochester The Nore R.Thames eerness Chathans Ke t Canter) E North Foreland Canterbury Dover Sound Dungeness Straits of Dover Bridgwater Sedgemoon Shaftesbury Hampshire Taunton Devon Exeter Southampton Dorset Stour New Forest Dorchester Lyme Wareham Teignmouth Plymouth Torbay Brixham Start Pt T.of Wight SAlbans Hd ENGLISH F 50 III 3 IV 2 V 1 Longitude West 0 Longitude East 1 VIII F.SWeller. FRGS. Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Lands End Scilly is 33 8 II 6 Π 5 IV 3 VI VII 59 SCOTLAND 10 1641-1892 English Miles 20 40 Orkney 59 Islands Pentland Firth C.Wrath B 58 ebride or Wester N ernAlslands Butt of Lewis Japer The Minch Cromar Sutherland Loch Shin Dornoch Firth Caithne ness Duncansby H Wick E A B S 58 Pof Aird Minch N Uis Canna 57 Barra Rum Muck Sloidart Barra Hd Ardamurchan P T Coll D Tiree Pass of Coll Eright A 56 T Iona Staffa Colonsay Oronsay Firth of Lorn Linnhe Loch Fixe Ben Nevis G an 10 Dingwall Elgin Auldearn Inverness Nail 1845 Elgin Glass Loch Ness raig Lochy werlochy Wallery 1645 16907 Monagh Cullode Moar Nair 746 Lea Cairn Gorn RSpey Churn Toul R.Spey Alford 1645 Kinnaird Ha Turiff Peterhead Buchan Ness C H SR Tummer 1689 Kincardine Stonehaven Esk 1644 Aberdeen R.Dee T 57 R Williecrankic L.Ramoch Forfar Glencoe Lydoch Ben Balyon Lawers Arbroath D Loch Tay Dundee Ben Cruachan Inerary Karine T Pof Rhinns Sound of Jure Loch Kinross Leven Dunfermline E Kilbrennan So Arran Firth of Clyde Bute Sound of Bute Rathlin L 3 Mull of Cantire Sanda 1. 55 IRELAND F 7 II North Channel III Longitude 5 Wigtown Wigtown Mull of Galloway West IV Burrow Hd from Solway Firth 4 Greenwich V Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. E LEarn Almond Tuppermair Perth REarn Sheriff Muir RX1715 Fort Clackman Stirling Stirling Dimmbar Paisleyo Renfrew Falkirk Linlithgow Liphth Glasgow Bothwell Bridge Hamilton Kilmarnoc Ayr Doo Dalkeith 1679 Edinburgh Lamark Drumclog FX8679 Cairns Munt Ken Clyde Peebles Dinsel Berwick Berwick fliphatoh Abbotsford Melrose Selkirk Kelso Broadw45 Roxburgh Hart Fell Annan Nith Selkirk Dumfries Kirkcudbright Dumfries Annan Teviot edburgh Liddel Cheviot Hill N D Buddon Ness StAndrews Mague Moor Fife Ness Firth of Forth O N ston 56 Dunbar Haddington Stabbs Hd E 55 Carlisle G 9. N F 3 VI 2 VII FSWeller, FR.G.S. 34. IV 1 III L. Foyle II Coleraine Londonderry Strabane Omagh Lough Erne Enniskillen Newtown Butler B 35. くじゅ ​I Newton Abbot Tor Bay Totness Brixha 10 Carrickfergus BELFAST OXFOR St Albans Watford Wantage Marlow Uxbridge Maidenhead LONDON A Bristol Bridgwater Weston Sedgemoor Loyland Channel Pensford Bradford BRISTOL Kanshum Bath Chippenhan Slough Marlborough Hungerford Zames READING Windsor Melksham Devizes Newbury Oakingham Stain Chertsey Esher Hounslow Kingston A Philips Nortorb Frome Westbury Basingstoke Odiham Whitefourch Well Shepton Mallett Warminster GUILDFORD Andover Farnham Glastonbury Amesbury Bruton Hindon Alton Stockbridge Somerton Aylesford Haslemere Taamton Wincanton SALISBURY WINCHESTER Shaftesbury chester Romsey Petersfield Midhurst R. Exce Yeovil Sherborne Bishops Waltham Tiverton Chard Southampton Crewkerne Blandford Fareham Honiton Axminster B EXETER Lyme Bridport Dorchester Wareham Ringwood Christchurch ISLE OF WIGHT o Chichester B II Scale of Miles March of the Duke of Monmouth. 1685 Prince of Orange: 1688 Loughbrickland O Monaghan Newry O Cavan Battle of the BOYNE, July 1st 1690. PROGHEDA BOYNE เว Dundalk Drogheda Slane Navano R. Boyne Duleek III Map to illustrate THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1685 and 1688 in the West of England F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. Dulee Gormanston Williams Army JamesD CAMPAIGN IN NORTH-EAST OF IRELAND.1690 F.S Weller,F.R.GS. Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. II 36. A L.Mask GALWAY B Ennis Kilrush I 1 Tuam Kaymore Loughrea Stieve Boug Lough Ree Athlone Ballymore Mullingar Aughrim Shann R.Brosna Shann Lough Derg Steve Bloom Maryborough ne WESTERN IRELAND 1691. R. LIMERICK Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York II Comasnahar Teack Kinlochmore Ballahulish LE LOC Smoudie Falls Gem Co Cona Auchnacoan GLENCOE 1691. W F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 37. Buchael Etive Mt F.S.Weller,FR.G.S. Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. B A 38 D B C I NORTH E A SE II III IV MEUSE V Bois le Duc Blankenberghe Ostend The Sluys Damme BRUGES B Ath C La Bassée Tens R Orchies St Amand Mardiennes Terveer WALCHEREN Middelburg Flushing RIVER Steenbergen BREDA SOUTH SCHELO Goes BEVELAND Tholen Rosendaal Bergen op Zoom FBate Terneuse FLillo Hulst Philippine Sas-van-gent Fecloo ANTWERP St Nicolas LIT. NETHE Herenthals Lokeren Lier GHENT Dendermonde Steenhüfel MALINES Alost Qudenarde B R Lembeck Aerschot R. DYLE Ost Dunkirk Nieuport Furnes Dixmuide Thor Wynendaels Canneghem F Marienkirk L Fort Knocke A Deynse Arseel N Rousselaer Nazaret D YPRES Poperinghe Sonnebeck Beceler Warneton Armentieres Dadizele Menin Lincelles LILLE Herlebeds Courtray Bossu E R S Marchelne Gavre SCHELDT Dottignies rcoing Templeuve Pontechin TOURNAY 4 SLevinus Renais Minoyes DENDER Grammont Enghien Wemel Anderlecht Ost Quentin Lenneck Hal Braine le comte HAIDEN BOIS Vilvorde Dieghem Bettem BRUSSELS FOREST OF SOIGNES Waterloo Frasnes Leuze Eindhoven Turnhout GY NETHE Beverloo Maaseyck Abbey of Pare Baverche hem fossines Tourinne Warre Ghislinghen Steenkirk Braine Alland Mont Montagu Diest N LOUVAIN Haeler Rosebeck Tirlement R.GEE eerlycepen berwinden olanden Ober Hey Lissem Jodoigne R. DEMER Stockem HASSELT Reckem Bilsend STron Neerlanden MAASTRICHT Tongres Wyk Warem LIEGE Planchehoft SAndr Genappe Sart Ramillies Herve Lens Walhair Villers N Soigni Nivelles Perwez Boneffe Quatre Bras USE Limbourg Conde A Roule Seneffe SGhislain MONS DOUA Vitry ARRAS Fraenes Maleto Stymand Gosselie Marchienne Tilly Gemblouxe Lignyombreffe Fleuru Mary temploux Ost Denys Lattine Verviers Huy NAMUR VALENCIENNES Binch Chatelet Malonn Denain Bouchain D Marquion Le Quesnoy CAMBRAI Landrecies FOREST OF MORMAL Givry • Malplaquet Maubeuge CHARLEROI Plains of (St Gerard hain Bouvignes Dinant Walcourt Phillippeville MAP OF FLANDERS AND BRABANT TO ILLUSTRATE CAMPAIGNS OF WILLIAM III 1690-1696 Scale of Miles Bapaume I п Avennes E IV V F.S.Weller FRGS 39 B 3 II III IV THE NETHERLANDS O 5 10 1702 English Miles 20. 30 40 50 60 The Hague 52 51 D 50 Gravelines Mardyke Ostend Dunkirk F 1! Flushing Cadsan Land Bruges Wynendael Ghent Sape a B. Courtrai S Oudenarde n Ypres Lille Tournai Fontenay Ath St Denyso Mons Steinkirko Vlieland The Texel Friesland ZUYDER ZEE AMSTERDAM Leyden Utrecht O Rotterdam Ryswick ch G ET H 6 VI Groningen 53 DS Drenthe NAV Ꭹ S e 1 R. Berkel d lan a Nymwegen the Generality Schelde Antwerp GE Deng Dyle Fy Brussels Louvain I Waterloo Landen Ramiflies Liege Huy Hainault Valenciennes Malplaquett Bouchain DenainMalplaquet Cambray Cambre sis Sambre Landrecies F R N R.Aigne 3 II 4 BIS H R Rhine R I M P Roermonde Kaiserswerth B 52 C Maestricht Cologned Aachen Aix la Chapelle) No Limburg Bonno 51 RLA Rocroi Lu emb E D r g S Luxemburg Longitude East 5 of Greenwich 6 Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Moselle Thionville Treves EET ماله 50 7 F.S.Weller ER.G.S. 40 50 50 15 10 I 5 LRELAN SCOTLAND ст 0 II Edinburgh K ENGLAND 0 III 5 IV 10 V 15 London WESTERN Scilly Is EUROPE 1.of Wight Channel Is B Brest MAY 1702. Red England 45 40 NORTH SEA The Texel Zuyder K OF DENMAR Holsteine Amsterdam UNITED Hanover Ryswick NETHER Ghe Lille Oudengrde} Malplaque R. Seine Versailles R.Loire Rocroi Faris HANDShwegen Gertruydenberg Antiver Brussels Köln Aachen Weser Famillies THE Treves VI 22 20 VII 25 VIII 30 BALTIC SEA Pomerania PRUSSIA To R. Vistula OL Brandenburg AND Brandenburg Frankfort Maines PALATIN Lorraine Frauche Comte Allies of England.... Red border. France Blue. Allies of France.... Blue border. Neutral Countries. O 50 100 Green 200 300 English Miles Nantes K OF FRANC E Geney S Bordeaux R.Garonne Lyons Alsace Baden Strasburg BlackForest Berlin axony Dresden ELEC OF Dan Blenheim Oder Siles MPIR EMP Prague Bohemia BAVARIA Augsburg Mimich Inn Innsbrude SWITZERLAND Tyrol D of SAVOY Milan CMILLA DY of PARNA Genoa lencia Langue doc Cevennes Mts Catalonia R.Ebro Valencia Turin Dauphiny Nimes Provence R.Phone Barcelona Minorca Toulon Corsica Mahon SARDINIA Spanish) Vigo La Gudina Oporto R. Douro K OF PORTUGAL Lisbong RA Tagus R.Ebro Saragogra Км Guadalacara Prihurga Madrid QFVillaviciosa R. Guadiana Cadiz R. Guadalquivir Seville Gibraltar Almanza D 35 Tangiefs I P A CODENA Majorca Ivica E D I T E R R M E GPD OF Venice STATES of the CACHURCH R.Tiber A Vienna Transylvania HUNGARY R. Drave R. Save E T Rome KM OF Naples NAPLES Spanish N KOF SICILY Spanish E A URKISH R. Danube A DOMINIONS Morea N S E A II III IV 10 V 15 VI 20 VII 50 50 B 45 C 40 40 35 F. S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 41 45 55 B 15 10 I 5 II Dublin tland RELAND Edinburgh K OF GRT BRITA gerd En 80 0 Π 5 IV 10 V 15 VI 20 VII 25 VIII 30 K OF DENMARK North Sea & NORWAY Amsterdam Utrecht Verden London abridg K OF SWEDEN SWEDEN Baltic Copenhagen alsund anja S Königsberg PRUSSIA N D Hanover 57 Prussia Berlin xon Vistula Silesia Praque MPIRE Mec of Bavaria Moravia Arch ᎠᎩ Joe Austria enna Buda Pesth K of Hungary Transylvan Temesvar 50 c WESTERN EUROPE 45 Showing the changes effected by the Treaties of UTRECHT & RASTADT 1713-1714 Green. Hereditary dominions of the House of Austria.. K Fontenoy Paris Versailles OF Brusse (to etherlands trial Cologne Verinoul FRA (toFraribe) Bar Belfor S Orange C Avignon THE S Rastad Neufchâtel to Pruskla Municho tzerlan ᎠᎩ Milan Pied Piacenz Turing egoak Tyrol Parma ens odena D 40 E 35 Lisbon Km of Portugal R. Tagu KM Madrid OF PA Gibraltar (to England) F A 10 I II 虫 ​Venice States of the Church Corsica Gr. Dy of Inscany Rome M Barcelona Balearic Iviça E Isles Minorca England) Majorca D I T Sardinia (to Austria) E R R Naples Austria Ragusa Cattaro R.Danube TTOMAN DOMINIONS R Palermo Messina A N Sicily to Savoy E N S 50 40 Morea E Candia 35 E A 10 V 15 VI 20 VII III I 5 C IV A Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 25 F.S.Weller, F.R.GS. 42 57 B 6 I 5 II 4 III ER N FAugustus Glengarry Glenfirman Lochen Fapiam Moidan B Inverary 56 C 55 D 54 E 53 F بت I RELAND North Ch IRI Firth och Ness Moray Firth George Culloden Moor Inverness 3 R.Spey Lochaber Keppoch Dalwhinnie Campia Blair Athol 1.of Man ERTHSHI IV 1 VI Aberdeeng ain Chef Perth Firth of Tay CENTRAL BRITAIN 1715-1745 English Miles 5.10 20 30 60 Route of the Pretender. Forth Dunbar NORTH heriffmuir Stirling Bannockburn Falkirk CateBridge Glasgow Hamilton EDINBURGH Firth Prestonpans North Berwick Clyde Dumfries Kelso Tweed Cheviot Berwick A 57 B 56 C SEA Solway Firth UMBERLANI NORTHUMBERLAND R.Tyne Carlisle Penrith Afton Appleby ORELAND Newcastle Durham DURHAM R Tees Kendal Morecambe Bay SE A SH R.Mersey ReDee 6 I 5 II 4 Π 3 YORKSHIRE. Lancaster York LANCASHIRE Preston Wigan Manchester Stockport Macclesfield IV Cheadle Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. DERBY SHRE Derby 127 miles to (127 London R. Trent 2 V 1 VI R. Humber 55 D 54 E 53 F 0 FSWeller, ERG.S. VI 40 VII 50 VIII 60 IX 70 B 60 A 30 20 I 10 II 0 III 10 IV 60 B 50 40 40 D Rakiar ма Iceland EUROPE 1730 Boundary of the Empire English Miles O 200 200 300 400 500 30 20 SWEDEN White S Archangel NCDOM OF KINGDOM Gulf NOR La of Bothnia 1 reland Scotland K OF CAT BRITA Plymouth Wales En Brest Fontenoy Soissons Paris Orleans Faroelf Shetland 1 Orkney Is Bodeng and IRELAND Edinburgh North Kor Sea DENN Oportola Lisbono Leon S.Sebastian Saragossa Madrid. FR.Tags KINGDOM OF K of Portugal Cadia Ito Spain SPAIN Seville Tangier Fez & Marocco A Amsterda Utrech Mand Stockhol n Finland's Gulf of Finles onlone SPetersburg thonia e Novgorod Baltic Sea spachagen Stralsund Usedom L Bornholm smar gen Hanov Dettingen Maint HE Kegeringe Strassb KINGDOM OF FRANCE Pau Orange Avignon Catalonia Marseilles Barcelona diviza anto Spain M Minarca cha Switzerla Brandenbu Bayar Minions land enod Leghom Sardinia to England (to Say Majorca Algiers 8/1 E D I scary Dresplen Darrac く ​to Austria Prague Bohemia EMPIR Amatria Vienna Salzb ma bur erace Livonia DY of Courland R. Dwing Kostroma E Ա S N Nijni Novgoro Moscow Vilbor Smolensk Wilna Konigsburg Lithuania Vistula KM Grodno Warsaw Craco POLAN Galicia& Lodomiria Presburg ary Hunga Buda Ragusa States of Ito Austria of Naples Rome Naples Palermas 7 Tunis Kie Moldavia Transylvania Belgrade sn vina Corf E (to Austria) R A Tripoli T IV 10 III II R Wallachia Bulg Danube Salonica Sophia R aria R. Dripper Yedis Uk Saratov Khan of the Crimea n Sea of Azov Trimba Black Constantinople Adrianople Sastari Smyrna Lingoras Candia Rhodes Circassia Sea Sinope maks Sivas DO Malatia K S P RE Apuos Polga Astrakhan Cas pian Daghestan Georgia Karso B Sea 50 Teheran D NIO 7 Damascus Arabia N E A N S E A Jerusalem Barca Alexandria E 201 g y 30 VI 40 VII Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 30 F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 44 A I II HAMBURG Schwerin Mecklenberg R.Elbe Kloster Seven R.Weser Reinsbergo Wusterhausen H n V r Salzwedel III P O Stettin Oder E IV e J Neumark Br anden BERLIN R ur Zorhdor Cüstrin Frankfort Kunersdor Spree Brandenburg tsda BRUNSWICK Magdeburg { Minden HANOVER Bückeburg B Li Hastenbeck R.Weser Halbe stad a a V Prussia Vistula We VI Thorn Map for the SILESIAN AND SEVEN YEARS WARS Saebus Kay Züblichau Prussian frontier in 1756 Austrian do. Glogau C Cassel Werra THUR Eisgpatho Gotha Halle rut Rosb IA Erfurt o Zerbst Anhalt Dessau S a Mergebung X Torgau Leipig Lügen Naumburg Hubertsburg R.Elbe Weimar Jena Chemnitz o Neustadt Kegelsdor Pirna Maxen Königstein Toplitz Hesse Dettingen fenburg R. Main Wurzburg Coburg Baireuth Culmbach D Anspach Sulzbach Fürth Nuremberg Neuburg R. Danube I II B Eger Ratisbon Bober S Wohlau Warta B Lusatia Parchwitz Liegnitzo Tewthen Hochkirch Hennersdor Neumarkt BRESLAU DRESDEN Gorlitz S 1 TSe 1 a Lichtenlayn Hohenfriedberg Zittau Ohlau Mollwitz Brieg Schweidnitz o Oppeln Burkersdort andshut Klein nellendorf Lobositz R.Eger Sohro Nimburg Sadowa PRAGUE Elb Kolli Constan Chrudim 0 sse Neisse Gla Cosel S A Jägerndor Troppau e lo Teschena Pilsen B h III R.Moldau Budweis S ות Chotusitz a Iglau Lower Austria IV Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. BRUNN R V Olmütz Marawa H VI g a 4. F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. D 46 00 50 B 110 I 100 E II 90 III 80 IV 70 V 60 VL 50 Hudson's Bay EAN 50 50 110 I 11 100 90 M 111 80 IV Hudson's Bay 70 V 60 VI 50 E A N C 40 E B del Norte Rio Grande Superior rob FN Fort Duquesne Quebec Montreal Osweg Ticonderoga Hennsylvania Maryl M New Orleans Ohio Alleghany Champlain gland wrence Newfoundland C.Breton LO Louisburg Boston Nova Scotia New York Philadelphia North Carolina South Carolina Chesapeake Bay Bermudas:: eorgia Florida Bahama I F GULF OF MEXICO Campeachy Mexico Bay C. Sable D Tropic of Cancer N T I C 20 D 30 B 20 D 30 0 40 Missouri 81 GULF ssippi Super Quebec Montreal Oswego Ticonderoga Fort Duquesng mylvania ROhio Champlain Newfoundland C.Breton. I. Louisburg Nova Scotia) B England own Point Boston New Yorke Alleghany Miladelphia in geen English &Pr betwe New Orleans Virgini North Carolina South Carolina Georgia Florida - OF C.Sable 0 MEXICO Campeachy Mga Bay Chesapeake Bay Bahama 1: Bermudas :: Tropic of Cancer T I C 00 40 30 30 D D 闫 ​10 EASTERN & CENTRAL AMERICA British Frenc 1755 G. of Honduras Santiago Porto Rico 20 St Eustatius 20 E G. of Honduras Santiago Jamaica Trinidad EASTERN & 10 10 Jamaica Hayti I. SChristopher Antigua CARIBBEAN SEA Porto Cartagena Bello 600 Nevis Guadeloupe Dominica Martinique St Lucia StVincent Grenada Tabage R. Orinoco OUTH AMERICA F 80 IV 70 V 60 45 CENTRAL AMERICA 1763 Porto Rico SEustatius Hayti I. stChristopher Antigua CARIBBEAN SEA Porto Bello Cartagena British French Spanish English Miles Dutch 0 100 200 400 600 100 11 90 HII 80 IV Longmans, Green, & Co: London & New York. Nevis Martinique Guadeloupe Dominica StVincent E St Lucia Grenada Tobag R. Orinoco Trinidad OUTH AMERICAF Spanish Dutch Neutral French &British English Miles 100 200 400 100 II 90 III 70 V 60 ES.Weller, E.R.G.S. 47 80 180 I B 160 II 140 III 120 IV 100 V 80 VI 60 VII 40 VIII 20 IX 0 X 20 A R C C XI 40 XII 60 XIII 80 XIV 100 XV 120 XVI 140 XVII 160 XVIII 180 0 C E A N 60 C 40 D 20 E 12 0 Bay NORTH AMER NEW SPAIN (MEXICO) PACIFIC Acapulco F 20 OCEAN G 40 reenland Iceland Faroel Davis Strait Sabrador BR Florida EPA N Newfoundland Brunswick Nova Scotia Bermaidas Bahama I West Indies Ιωνιαίου Guadaloupe Hispaniola For BRITISH ISIS Denmark FRANCE Holland Portugal SPAS Azores Gibralta O Madeira Martinique C.Verdel Curaçao Trinidad Darie Venezuela Dutch Gajana Paita aw Granada French Guiana SOUTH Brazil AMERICA Chili ATLAN Camb Ceuta Minorca P AFRICA Gold Coast Fernando Po Loango Congo Angola Benguela St Helena Mozambique C.of Good Hope Colony 60 THE WORLD (1772) Falkland I .. British Possessions Red 80 B 60 S C 40 D AINDIA Macao 20 Bombay Goa Madras Pondicherry Marilla Philippines Ladrones E Ceylon Palatoon Celebes 0 INDIAN Isle de France Bourbon OCEAN French do. Blue Portuguese Yellow Spanish Dutch Green Orange 180 I 160 II 140 III 120 IV 100V 80 VI 60 VII 40 VIII 20 IX O X 20 XI 40 XII Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Timor F 20 AUSTRALIA G 40 H 60 60 XIII 80 XIV 100 XV 120 XVI 140 XVII 160 XVIII 180- F.S.Weller. F.R.G.S.. 48 75 133 St James Bay Bay 95 I 90 85 ΠΙ 80 IV Hu d s O n S 50 Lake of the Woods L.Nipigon Rainy R Territory 70 VI 65 Anticosti I. awrence 50 50 A 45 B 40 40 u Mississippi R. Lake Superior Lake Michigan C A ake Huron A D Quebec Ottawa R. Montreal Nova Sco Huron INDIANS Champlain Lake Ontario Niagara Indispute Saratoga Lake Erie Iroquo Ohio Monone Alleghany York & Mass Crown Pout Ticonderoga George Oswego Albany Wyoming Pennsylvani Putsburgh ountains Lancaster hanne Baltimores Valley Forge Wes Point ewarko 510 Trenton Burlington Connec out R Hampshire Kennebe Rassachusetts Concord Tod M Penobscot B&R. Portland Salem Boston Massachusetts Hartford Confecticut Havery New York Philadelphia New New de Island London C. Cod 35 S 1 Arkansas Mississippi R ck as a ws TERRITORY MAINLY Missouri O R. Kaskaskia Rinois R. Wabash Ohio R. RI Cumberland Tennessee R R Lexington W D 30 a N Ch erol Alabama West Florid Orleams a Cr a Pensacola Se Charlotteville Virginia Richmond Delaware Bay Pilliamsbury Yorktown R. Roanoke North Charlotte Carolina Blue Gatawabas nah Augusta South Camdene ede Butam Caro Springs Charleston Savannah Geordi a e k St Marks REdisto Port Royal R. Altamaha S. Augustine Norfolk Low Roanoke 1. A Wilmington C. Fear TLANTIC A 45 B 40 C 35 D OCEAN 30 E 25 25 F Seminoles East Florid a UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA 1783 British United States Spanish English Miles C. Sable BAHAMA ISLES E 25 E FS.Weller, FR.G.S. O 100 200 300 I 90 II 85 Longitude West 80 from Greenwich 75 V 70 VI Longmans, Green & Co, London & New York. 49 VI 50 B 6 I 4 E E N N II G 2 GLISH Alderney Guernsey Jersey M III A O N D IV 2 V Dunkirk 4 Ghent 1. Scheld Lille Calais Boulogne CHANNE Cherbourg امام a Hougue Caen rtois ૯ Arras Valenciennes a r dy Amiens รี Havre Rouen a 48 C St Malo Brest Rennies Quiberon Mayenne M a B A Y O F Rochelle 46 BIS C A Y D e 10 r1 Orleans A Angers Tours anis S R. Loire uraine Vienne R Poitiers Rochefort Char G Augoumois G Bordeaux Dord onne S of Rheims PARTS Chalons Limoge nce n O S S R.Marne hampa R.Aube Troyes 6 VII Cologned Bonn R. Rhin R.Moselle 8 VIII 10 Mainz E Frankfurt Dettingen 50 EM Baden Stuttgart R E Donauworth Blenheim R Danube B Metz aine Strasbourg Constance Con gro R. Saone Franche Comté ack Forest S R.Rhine Besanço Basel Bourges Niver nois Moulins Bourbonnais, Chalon Macon Clermont yons Lyonnais An n Valence P Vienne R.Rhone Orang SWIT KINGDOM Savo Grenoble Dau Montpellier Arles urance C Avignon O Ven Marseilles Toulon P OF Turine REPUBLIC OP VENICE 46 DUCHY OF MILAN SARDINIA e Nice REPUBLIC OF RIPO DUCHY OF PARMA GENOA Genoa SEA D E 42 6 Bayonne avarre Pa Bearn rbome MEDITERRANEAN CORSICA D 10 42 F.S.Weller, FRG.S. 4 VI 6 VII 8 VIII P Roussillon Perpignan II 2 Longitude West o Longitude East V FRANCE IN PROVINCES 1769-1789. English Miles 50 4 100 Guipuzcoal Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 50 I 70 Π 75 III 80 IV 85 V 90 VI 95 VII A A 35 35 B 30 0 Cabul Peshawur AFGHANS BELOOCHEES Suleiman M SANDH Hyderabad VsKarpached D 20 20 E 15 Gza F warn of Cytoh Cutch G.of Cutch Suicow Gujerat Di Jhelum Mooltan S H m I.Chenab Ravi Labore B.Sutlej R.Ghagar Panipul JPOOTANA R.Luni M Ajmir N R. Indus Rohileund Ganges Jumna R. Delhi Muth A Agra Gwalior Chambal Holkar and Sindhia Gof Camba (Portuguese A R A B I A Baroda Strat Daman ww Indore R.Nerbadda Tapti R Assaye Aurangabad Salsette L Bassein Bombay Poonah ㄨ​ˋ Ma Sataria Goa (Portuguese 10 Z Laccadive' Islands S 10 5 I I E A Maldive Islands N bar R.Bhima Bighpur H I N E S E 35 E M P R E B a M u n BHOTAN Laicknow Ganges Patna Allahabadhar Bundelend Magpur Pardha Pain R B R.Godavery MIZAMS Golcondus Hyderabad DOMINIONS Tungabui R-Histr TI 1 30 R.Brahmaputr C acca BEN GAD Moorshedabade Plassey Chinsura French F!William Chandernagore CALCUTTA Cuttac TE hanuddy Puri Gandjam Jeypur CARS M Hoogly Tropic of Cancer 25 Chittagong awaddy 20 20 E Masulipatam BAY OF 15 R.Penner Coast Eastern Ghats DOMINIONS S Seringaparam Mysore Tellicherr S Many HYDER ALL Calcat Trichinopoly Madras Arcot St George Pondicherry (French) CFS David Tanjare Coroma S Travancore BENGAL Andaman Islands F G 0 10 C.Comorin G.of Manaar Colombo Trincomalee CEYLON Kandy OCEAN INDIA Nicobar At the close of the Government Islands of Warren Hasting's. 1785 British Dominions Mahratta States Other Native States French Portuguese English Miles D: I AN 70 II 75 > F 5 100 200 300 85 90 VI F.S.Welter, ER.G.S. Longitude East 80 from Greenwich Longmans Green & Co., London & New York A I 55 II O Π 5 IV 10 V 15 VI 20 VII 25 CENTRAL EUROPE Edimburgh 1789 Boundary of the Empire English Miles B IRELAND Dublin OTLAND 50 4-5 D 40 E Brest G L N 8 50 100 Gottland SWEDEN BALTIC Copenhagen en 200 DENA ORTH SE R.Eider Holstein A Mecklen Hamburg burg Ube Riigen Solund SEA Bornholm Konigsburg Prussia ssia 1772To Prussia 1793 Pomerania: Stettin Brandenburg To Prussial Berlin, O D Saxony Poser To Prussia 1793 To 30 IX. Riga T VIII To Ru B.Duna Polotel S R U a Smolensk S 1772 S 55 russia 1795 225 L S aWarsaw S Grodnos To Austria 1795 ed Netherl Bremen Hanover P Brussels Cassel Cologne T H E Dresden Pillr e Brestau Glates Ccow Reichenbach Cablenz Maing agued A LONDONS Rennes Amsterdam The Hague Ostend Dyrdar Harre Rouen Orleans An Austrian Netherla SoTreves PARIS Long Yo Verdun Metz Valmy Nantes R.Lo Besancon Nevers F R A N C E Shochen Geneva Lyons Rhine Basel Wurtem E M burg Regensburg Ba ல P Augsburg Munich Tyrol Berne SWITZERLAND Salzburg arinthia Bay of Biscay Biscay Bordeaux R.Agen Bayonne S.Sebastian Navarre R.Ebro Baronne Toulouse Avignon Savoy mia Moravia Austria D E Vienna O Pressburg R. Darabe M I i a Z T Russ 1793 B Thernig of R.Deana A Kiev 50 R.Bug Jedisan C 15 Styria H u Agram Lembergo To Austria 1772 Bar R.Dniester T Chernowitz R I Jassy A Karlsburg Moldavi a Bess arabia Ismail S N ng g Drave R.Save 0 S TURKIS Dalm ADRIATI Domini N SEA sni Ragusa a Montenegro Scutari Wallachi Orsova Widin Bukaresto Sistova Bulg fia O Saloniki R. Danube aria a Varna S BLACK Adrianople CONSTANTINOPLE Scutor Brasa 40 ngr Milan Geno Genoa rona e Milan Mantu Parma Modena Lucca Florence States of the Church Grange Marseilles Toulon Tuscany Cosica ROME S P Madrid Almanza Saragossa I Catalonia N Tortosa Valencia M Giviza Barcelona E Longitude West o Longitude East D I TERR Minorca पी Majorca a p Naples E Sardinia Cagliari 10 IV A N V SEA 15 Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. bar घ. a Janina VI 20 VII 25 N myrna VIII D F.S.Weller ERG.S. 52 land E D Rotterdam п R.Leck H I NORTH S FA Walcheren 1. Flushing Land Bruges Ostend Dunkirk Farnes AU A Fla Hondschoote 1793 Ypres Lys R. TGhent H TRS Schelde Generality Antwerp 6 LANDS Waal Cleves C1 M E Maestricht bur ᎠᎩ of Juliers Aachen Chapelle's Liege III BP of Münster Cologne Dortmund Cty of 8 IV Westphalia Mark To Cologne) I DY of OF of Berg R Rhine a IEGE Maas F Turcoing 17940 Lille H Tournaia Jemappes R. Scarpe 1782 Code Arras R Le Quesno Maubeuge Cambray Wattignies Landreces 1793 N Brussels B E ProMalines Louvain I Valenciennes Bagon Fleurus 794 Charle Br Neerwinden 1793 N Sambre Nam ur 50 B THE A AUSTRIAN NETHERLANDS 1792 yellow Austrian possessions, Other Lay States of The Empire. red Ecclesiastical States, I English Miles 20 40 green 60 4 Brescia LA60 D GARDA Lonato Peschac Castiglione Solfering Medolg Volta R.Oglio .Chiese R.Minico Custosza Villafranca Isola della Sedig Bozzolo Rivalta Mantua N II II HER uxemburg ND Luxemburg S E III 6 10 Schaffhause LAKE OF CONSTANCE (BODENSEE) Zurich Luzern& Glarus WITZE LAKE OF R.Phones Simpton Mont Cen TURIN MAGGIORE Moselle REV Treves ABP ABA MAINZ 50 Lower Palatinate Zweibrucken III 8 B IV F.S.Weller F.R.GS. 53 IV 12 R.Inn Brenner Pass Botz V NORTH ITALY AND SWITZERLAND 1796-1805 English Miles 0 10 20 30 40 30 Trent Boveredo Bassano GARDA 0. Rivoli Vicenza Brescia Verona Padna Lodi VENICE Pinitiation Customsa mago Mantua R.Adige opisconza 225 Parma R. Ferrara ADRIATIC Modena Bologn SEA Valen ALESSANDRIA O MILAN O Caspand Pavia Ber Montebello rtona Dead Montenoite Oneglia NICE GULF OF GENOA Florence Leghorn II 8 III Longitude East 10 from Greenwich IV Longmans, Green&Co, London & New York. B 44 12 V Edw Weller 54 A I 70 II 75 ΤΗΣ 80 IN 85 90 VI 95 VII A 35 35 Cabulo 1224 Peshaw B Thelum H SHMERE Laik HOR.Chenal 30 CHISTAN AFGHAN Suleiman Mountams R.Indus SINDEH B.Narra Inans Mooltan R.Sutlei REL MOOLTA Ravi Lakorej R.Ghagar DELHI a R.Indus 1 Serina agur 6 16 ROOTANA Deli MA AJ D Hyderabad 13 Rann of Cutch CUTCH G.of Cutch 8 20 E 15 F п Laswario 16 AGRA - Agral AjmirAGUR AJMIR Aravull Paroda GUJERAT G. of Cambas K HA Diu Portugues ARABIAN Salsettel Bombay Bancoote or FSevendroog SEA Strat DOMINIONS 9+ Chambal R.Ganges Gwalior DOMINIONS OF HOLKAR AAND SINDHIA LW M Vindhya Indore Nerbudde DESH Argaum Nagpur Tapti R Assaye 6 Pain R Aurungahad AURUNGABAD Poonah Satara Goap (Portuguese Mal a ba Laceadive. THE PEISHWA 8 Tellicherry R.Godavery RBhima Nandere H I NE S E 35 35 R E E M P B ཏིཙ॰ ༤ ཡ 30 30 M n Ba OTOH Lucknow t BHOTAN R.Brahma Gog Benares Allahabad Ranges Patna 17 ALLAHAB 1 BENG Plasse Chandernagore CALCURT B Gungwana, 10 A R ady Cuttack ORES CIRCARS CUTTACK Jeypur Wardha Godavery ORACH BEEDERra Hyderabad Bijapur U P.Tunga dra 2 Masulipatam. Cosast R.Penner Fern Ghats CARNATIC PAYENGAUT VEH oromande MYSORE Archt Madras Seringapatami Mysore Pondicherry Islands. Calicut 10 C Cochin Trichinopolyjore 3 ด S cavancor Tunevelly Reference 1 Ancient British Possessions orthose of the East India Company 2 Countries Ceded in the Mysore 1792 1799 3 Countries Ceded in the Carnatic &o 1802 G4 Countries Ceded in Oudh &e. 5 5 Countries Ceded in Gujerat 1801 1801 6 Conquered Countries in the War 1803 7 Powers under the Protection of the Company 8 Mahratta States which in consequence of the late transactions subsidised Troops of the Company. 9 Mahratta State of Sindhia. 9 Mahratta State of Holkar. 10 Mahratta State of Berar. 11 Rajpoot States. 12 Sikhs. 13 Cutch 14 Sindh Independent States. 15 Jagheir of Rampore. 16 Jagheirs of Samroo Beagum. 17 Bundelcund understood to be exchanged by the Peishwal for Territories first Ceded by hum on the Western Coast. I 70 II C.Comorin G.of Manaar Trincomalee Colombo CEYLON Handy R.Hoogly Tropic of Ca TIPPERAH Chittagong Irrawaddy P 25 D 20 BAY OF 15 BENGAL INDIA 1804 British Dominions Subsidary & Protected States Andaman Islands F 0 10 Nicobar Islands G Independent States Portuguese 5 100 English Miles 200 300 90 VI ES.Weller, ER.G.S. 75 Longitude East 80 from Greenwich 85 Longmans Green & Co., London & New York. 55 2 I 4 II 6 III 8 IV D 10 10 V 12 VI 14 VII 16 18 IX 20 X Memal SWEDEN Copenhagend MARK NORTH SEA 54 Kiel HOLSTEIN Dubecke Hamburg B Bremen tralsun INDEPENDENT STATES Stettin BALTIC SEA Pillau Niemen Königsberg R.Predel Evlinio Tilsit Danzig Colberg 54 A B Elbe S Vistula BERLIN Cüstrin 52 The Hague M ReHanover Gr.Beeren Pultus Warsaw 52 Hameln Magdeburg Mödperre Oder C Walcheren Is Flushing Antwerp P Deranghit Dessaud Brussels 50 Meuse WESTPHA Cologne Wetzlar Frankfurt Halle eipzig Auerstädt Namburg Dresden ST Jen Saalfeld Liaon D PARIS 48 E Mannheim Verdun Metz Neck H Chalons Rastadt Montmaail Champaubert Aube Fontainebleau Arciss Aube Vaney StDizier Strasburg Stuttgart Luneville Am aves La Rothiers Bars. Aube Nördlingen Ingolstadt Ebensberg Danubechstädt Donauworth Neuburg Landshut ech Munich Hohenlindon Inn angres Lindau Basel Bregenz Zurich Maz Hara Ratisbon INDE Erfurt. Thüringer Wa Heina E Gebi Teplitz Würzbu Nureraberg Eger ひ ​Prague Elbe BOHEMIA Wittenberg Spree Glogau Bautzen Katzbach Breslau Schweidnitz Brien Reichenbach PO LAN D Vistula 50 Brünm Austerlitz D Passau Krems Danube R.Train VIENNA Aspern Wagrant EMP Presburg RE 48 Leoben ORARL SWIT Chur GRISONS DB F I 4 II 6 III 8 IV 10 Longitude East 12 from Greenwich 14 VII 16 VIII Campo Formio IX CENTRAL EUROPE to illustrate the Campaigns of Napoleon. The Frontiers are those of Aug.6 1806. English Miles يلفيديا LO Kilometres 25 50 100 130 100 150 20 X E Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. FS.Weller,FR.G.S. 56 VI 2 VII 4 VIII Toulouse C E 10 I CFinisterre 8 II 6 III 4 IV 2 COrtegal Comunna Tambre Perrol Lugo GALICIA Vigo 42 Orense Oviedo A STORIAS Cantabrian Astorga Esla Leon Sahagun Santander Mountains R. Carrion Palencia Medina de Rio Seco Valladolid Zamora Bayonne R.Bidassoa S.Sebastian Bilba BISCAY GUIPUSCOA R.Adour Gave Orthez Gave doleron PJ Espinosa Vittoria Pampeluna E Burgos AST ALAVA NAVARRE Aragon Tudela R.Gallego Ebro R.Jalon Pau R Tarbes R.Douro Guadarrama Saragossa GON RAGON AR 0 Sierra de R.Jiloca A N Mount B 40 C 38 Oporto R.Minho R. Limia R.Cavado. Braga Busgeo Coimbra Leiri S Robi Obidos Torodras Vimeiro H E TRAS OS MONTES R.Dour R R.Mondego Estrella R.Lexere R.Sabor Almeid R.Tagus Abrantes antarem Cintra Ratas LISTO C.S Vincent D Lagos URA P Elvas R.Tormes Salamanca Ciudad Rodrigo Fuentes d'Ungro Placentia Alcantara agon Side Gredos Talavera Almaran O Sde Guadalupe ESTREMADURA R.Guadiana Badajoz Olivenza albuera Valverde Villa Franca ALEMT ALGARVES R.Zujan C L D Alberche MADRID Toledo R.Henares R.Ta Aranjuez Ocaña E R.Gigueld I A S T R.Guadiana MANCHA Sede Ciudad Beal Almade Guadalmen Cordova R.Guadalquivi Sierra Morena Baylen US R.Genil I A N D Seville Α AԱ SE Neva S.de Malaga Tolon Cadiz Barrosa C.Trafalgar 100 Gibraltar Tarita Strait of Gibraltar 11 Ceuta 6AFRICAL III 4 IV 36 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL To illustrate the Peninsular War English Miles 30 20 30 40 50 8 Jucar E MURCIA R.Segura Alca az 2 ngonero State Gudar EN C Alicantes Cartagena VALENCIA Gerona Tortosa Tarragona BARCELONA 42 B BALEARIC ISLES Minorca MAJORC Palma Mahon 40 Admiral Nelson's Div British Fleet Vice Admiral Collingwoods D Iviza Formentera French&Spanish Fleets S P A I C.Trafalgar 38 D Battle of Trafalgar 21 Oct, 1805 English French & Spanish 1. Victory 2. Téméraire 3.Royal Sovereign 6.Santa Anna 4.Redoutable 6.Bucentaure 36 Wind N.W 7.Santissima Trinidada Longitude West O Longitude East of 2 Greenwich VII F.S.Weller ERGS Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 50 B 40 20 10 п Shetland 1 *Orkney I E N Hebrides CENTRAL & WESTERN EUROPE April 1 1812. English Miles 100 200 C 300 ANTIC T A T R.Shannon Corunna Irish Sea WAFE R.Sever Scilly I II 10 00 Edinburgh NORTH SEA LONDON Amsterda The Hagu R.Thames English Chanel Brussels Channel 1 Havre Rouen BAY OF BISCAY S.Sebastian Rochefort N Bordeaux Garonne Toulouse Antwe DENMARK AND NORW Bremen Berg IV 20 N Stockholm V Gulf of Finland 30 S.Petersburg VI Christiania Copenhagen Oland Gottland Gulf Rige BALTI Bornholm Rogen Swedish Pomerania Mecklenb R. Elbe WESTPHALIA Berli OF Dantzig Tilit Konigsburg PRUSSIA R.Vistula Warsaw GRAND DUCHY OF WARSAW Oder Silesia SAXONY Cologne CONFEDERATION assa Erfurt Prague & R.Pwina R Bresla Galicia Bohemia Moravia Coblenz Metz OF THE Munich Strasburg Regensbur m Da REH IONE Orleans Ba HELVETIAN REPUBLIC Geneva BAVARIA Lyon Venice Turin Nico Marseilles Place Piontime Elba Corsica Ajaccio Barcelona Oporto Lisbon CS Vincent R.Douro S. Salamanca P Gudad Madrid Hodrigo Pragu PORTUGAL R. Guad Badajoz Cadiz C Trafalgar Str. cane Seville Gibraltar Gibraltar Saragossa atalon Alicant inte M Cartagena A Austria Austo TRIAN Presburg Vienna Pesth Theiss Hung 40 BVolga VII Smolensk Borodino Moscow R.Beresino S R.Dniester Mold MPRE Bug Odessa Belgrade Ser Wallachiag R. Danube R.Drave Save Bosnia lyrian Provinces OP Mor ADRIATIC SEA Rome R.Tiber Naples Albania S A Do R. Donet 50 R. Dnieper Crimes Sea of Azof R.Don B BLACK Bosphorus SEA Saloniki Archipelago ple Sea of Marmara Broussa OMINIONS Smyrna Rhodes Cyprus Valencia Minorca Majorca SARDINIA viza Cagliari E D I T E Palermo K. SICILY Corfu Ionian R Candia Tunis R Algiers A Malta NE A N A F R I C A French Empire Kingdom of Italy. 30 States under French Protection... Places in Spain holding out against the French underlined thus Cadiz 10 II Longitude West 0 Longitude East Π 10 IV Longmans, Green & Co, London & New York. 20 SE A Acre Jaffa Aboukir Bay Alexandria 40 30 Cairo 30 VI FS.Weller, FR.G.S. 58. 20 20 56 BALTIC SEA 24 111 26 IV 28 V 30 VI 32 VII 34 Vill 36 IX 38 X 40 द 22 GULF OF RIGA RIGA Dwina R Dinaburg U 053 Drissa Drissa ing SVITEBSK Clubokor Ostromo 3 Lady Sembin OFFER Tilst .wa B HOVNO KÖNIGSBER Friedland Eylau PRUSSIA 54 WARSAW VILNA Smorganis CFultish 52 C WARSAW GRAND DURCHS GRODNO Studzienka Borisowa COMINSK brinsk iper 04 Inkove SMOLENSKY SDniepe Krasnoi Dubrovna Borodin R. Mos MOSCOW Mojaisk Podolsk Viasma Borowsk Woronoff hina Serley Medinsk Malo Jaroslaritz KALUGA 54 Momley Sosch RUSSIAN CAMPAIGN 1812. March of Napoleon To Moscow From Moscow... Scale of English Miles 50 100 150 C 22 24 111 26 Longitude 28 East of 30 Greenwich 32 VII Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. 34 VIII 36 IX 38 X F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 59 50% 20 I 10 II 0 Shetland 15 Orkney I E N Hebrides CENTRAL & WESTERN EUROPE 1815 German Confederation English Miles 100 200 300 B 40 C T LAN A T I C R.Shannon Oporto Lisbon ORTUGAL R Dublin Irish Sea Scilly I ALES R.Severn III 10 IV Edinburgh NORTH SEA LONDON English Channel Channel P BAY OF BISCAY S.Sebastian Astorga R.Doro Salamanca Cuidad Rodrigo Machid bro Havre R.Lo Amsterd The Hagu RThames TO N Christiania 20. Stockholm Gulf of Finland Gulf Riga 30 SPetersburg VI P Hobstein Hamburg R.Kibe Bremen HANOVER KINGDOM Coblen Nassau S S openhagen OF Berlin BALTI Bornholm Rugen SAXONY R.Dwing R.Memel Tilsit Konigsburg Dantzig PRUSSIA Dresden Prague WURTEM- Regensburg Bohemia BAVARIA Munich Austria RVistula Warsaw D POLA Brealey R EMPIRE Vienna Presburg Pesth ST BI A n NETHERLANDS Brusselso Waterloo Rouen R.Se Laure Orleans ?Metz Mainz Coburg Strasburg BURG Bakel Bern FRANCE SWITZERLAND Rochefort Bordeaux Garonne Toulouse Tyone Saragosso Barcelona Gervery enetia Venice R.Drave R.Save Bosnia Galid a OF Ser ARDINIAP Modena DRIATIC SEA Nice Marseilles Luc Minorca Majorca Corsica Ajaccio Florence TUSCANY S Rome m R.Tiber SARDINIA Cagliari Dalmatia Naples KINGDOM Monte Palermo OF NABLES AND SICILY Talaver Valencia Tiviza M E D I T E R R Tunis C.Stin Badajoz R.Guadalou Cadiz C.Trafalgar Str of Seville Gibraltar Gibraltar Algiers Malta (To England A neg Albania S 40 R.Volga VII Moscow S R.Dnieper R.Bug Driester Odessa Moldavia Wallachia B H Saloniki کہیکہ Jonian 1 der British Prote More melia Constan Crimea R.Do R.Donet 4 50 Sea of Azof B BLACK SEA Bosphorus Sea of Marmara Broussa OMINIONS J Smyrna Archipela Candia N E A N S Cyprus E Acre A Jaffa 40 C 30 10 A F R I C A II Longitude West 0 Longitude East III 10 IV Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 20 Alexandria Aboukir Bay 30 Cairo VI 30 F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 60 15 II 20 III 25 IV 30 V 35 VI 40 R R.Bug Otchako Odessa U Dnieper Kherson Perekop C.Tarkhan 45 I BUDAPESTH AUSTRIAN iest R.Drave L. Balaton Fünfkirchen R.Pruth Moldavia ountains EMPIRE Mari R. Maros Theresiopel R.Save Belgrade Widin SERVIA Banjaluka BOSNIA Sarajevo Herzegovina ADRIATIC Hermanstadt Carpath Jassy allachia Bucharest R. Danube Rustehnik Kustendji Sinistria Plevna Sistova Turnova R Shu Varna a C.Kaliagri B States of the Church 40 Ancona KINGDOM Naples OF Trebing SEA Gulf of Taranto Brindisi Tono cainge Novi Bazar BULG Pristina Sophia Balkan R Durazze Salonkis Jarina 5. Go Arta Sania Maura Cephalonia Messina S C.Spartivento CTVO SICILIES Messina MED I 35 32 Larissa G.of Volo Monutains Philippopolis Seres Thaso MAthos Lemno of Saloniki Euboeal Patras Gulf olu Arcadia Navarino Gof Kalagiata Matapan Nav Holokythia Dardanel Adrianople CONSTANTINOPLE Sea of Marmara Gallipoli Mitylene Manisa Chaos Tino Samo SMYRNA G Crim Simpheopol Sebatava Eupatoria C Khersones e S SEA OF AZOV Kerteh Kaffa& St.of Kerteh LACK Bosphorus Scutari Brand Sinope C. Sinope Kizil Tymak Amasia R. Don VII R. Sal A 46 VIII Volga Astrakhan A R. Kuban Stavropol Caucasus SEA Angare Kutaya D Beythehr L I A Adalia n Konieh h W Taurus Mount G.of Adalia ana G.of Iskandern Batoum M. Elbruz Mounta 45 B Tiflis Nisib R.Furat West Bunu R Kars LGokcha R ME 40 M.Ararat rates zeroura ByMurad East Euphrates Diarbekir R.Tigris Van PERSIA LUrumiyah A 46 Perekop Perekop C.Sarybulat G. Frligatch Ungar L.Donkuslav Eupatoria Tarkhan C.Eupatoria Kalamita 45 32° Bay Sasik Aibar AUK Kara Su or Salgir R CMalio Cerigo 36 Candia or Crete Candia SEA OF AZOV N Rhodes Scarpanto Cacco E A AN Tonque of Araba Hardasa harasubazar Simpheropol Bakhtchisaraloding Inker Sebastopol C.Khersones Balaclava 33° C. Sartich S Arabat Bay Kasantip Kertch Kerteh fra Ba C.Tchuban Basty Kara Tau Alushta C.Aya Dagh Yalta Alupta 35° St.of Kerteh CRIMEA English Miles 36 0 10 20 40 60 45 Alexandria yprus Larnaka Hems R. Euphrates Mosul Turkish Dominions Territory paying tribute Damascus to the Sultan Beyrout R SE A Acre Mt Carmel Jaffa JERUSALEM Gaza Dead Sea Mouths of the Nile E G Y T CAIRO IV Longitude 30 East of V Greenwich 35 Longmans Green & Co. London & New York. 35 Bagdad (BABYLON) Hillah D SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE AND THE NEIGHBOURING LANDS After the Crimean War 1856 English Miles 30 50 100 200 300 VI 40 VII F.S.Weller F.R.G.S. 61 A I 70 II 75 III 80 IV 85 V 90 VI 95 VII A C MERE HIN E S E 35 E M P I R E B 35 B 30 30 Cabul lalaba Peshawar HANIST Bolan Pass BELOOCHIST Indus H H Jhelum Chinwalla Lahore m Ravi Sabraon Mooltan H.Sutlej RGhagar Aliwalo Simla Ferozeshah Moodke Patial Delhi Meerut Jumna Gange nges Muttra Ferozabad OURH Lucknow RAJPO.0 TANA Agrahar Hyderabad Shuptachee D Kann or Cutch Cutch G.of Cutch Ajmir R.Luni Aravalli بالشر CO Gwalior Cawnpore Benaresc Allahabad Bundelcund minions ons of Car and Sindho Rewah BENARES 20 E 15 30 30 AG PUB Teypur M Patna B E H R.Gan CIRCARS ges R E n BHOTAN Barhampore temacea Chandernagore Barrackpor ORISSA S R.Brahmaputra Manipur pic of Cancer ench CALCUT Chittagong R.Hoogly Cuttack R.Mahanuddy LOWER BURMAH rrawaddy Masulipatam BAY OF 15 20 D 25 A M GULERAT Diu (Portuguese R A B G.of Camba Salsette L Bombay Ma Goa (Portuguese Baroda Surat 4M R.Tapti Nerbudda Assaye Aurangabad Yagpur Wardha R.Godavery Poona O MINION THE N I Z Hyderabad Bijapur Kistra F 10 Z Laccadive Islands S 17 9 • 5 7 E A a ba? Tellicher Callicut MYSORE Mysore Trichinopoly Cochin as t Travancore G Tanjore R.Penfier Madras Pondicherry (French) Karikal (French) Coroma C Comorin G.of Manaar Trincomalee Colombo CEYLON Kandy Maldive Islands N DIAN I 70 II OCEAN BENGAL Andaman Islands INDIA F 10 1857 Nicobar Islands G British Dominions Protected States Independent States French Portuguese English Miles 75 Longitude East 80 from Greenwich 85 O 100 200 300 V 90 VI Longmans Green & Co., London & New York. 5 F.S.Weller, ERGS 62 50 Calvados Eure Evreux Alençon Eure et Vendee B I SCA Y Ile de Ré Sèvres Niort Poictiers Vienne Alier Gueret 46 La Rochelle Haute Creuse Oteron Rochefort Limoges Pay English Miles 10 Othain Sedan BA Doury O Cariguan Mon on . Buzancy Virton Montmedly Stency Du Sivry 20 UM Longny Longuyon Montfaucon Varennes Angprine Charny Dombaste Verdun Clermont Argonne Fleury Pierrepont Diedenhofens Spincourt hien Briey o Etain stPrivat Conflans Vionville Nouilly Graveloite Mars la Tour METZ Colombey Ars Courcelles Very Chambley 68r Vigneulles Buxipres Ponta Mousson Nomny Souilly Pagny Tricourt Prize la Petite Thiaucourt Chemingt Laheycourt Revigny Mihiel Dieulouard R.Ornan Barle Due Ligny en Barrou Marbached Gustines Commercy Erowari S Woul ANCY Clermont Dome Arlon LUXEMBURG Luxemburg Perigeux Corrèze Tulle Dordogne Cantaly Haute Loires Be Ruy R.Dordogne Privas R.Chier Bordeau Aurillac Gironde Lot Lozère Mend Garonne Aveyron Landes Agen Tarn et Mont de Marsap Garonne Montauban Milla R Mezieres Dax Bayonne R Gers Auch O Toulouse kave Scharente . Gironde innen Charente Vienne Angouleme 6 Lands End Scilly I II 4 E Plymouth N III G ENGLIS H 2 IV A N of Wight 0 V D Calais Boulogne CHANNEL C.de la Hague Alderney Channel Guernsey Jersey Sark Cherbourg Le Havre Caen. Manche Rom Mont St Michel lle et Rennes Vilaine Quessant In Brest Ushant Brieux Cotes du Nord 48 Moribhan Vannes Loire Nantes R.Loire Noirmoutier I BAY OF Ile de Yeu Quiberon &Bay Belle Isle May R.Som 2 VI B Dunkirk E Pas de Calais. Arrase Somme Amiens Seine Infer Dieppe Sarthe Mayenne Le Mans Lavalsarthe Maine Rouen Beauvais Loire Counters R.Lo Loir Orleans Angers Indre et Loire mer Cholet Mortagne LaRoche sur Deux Blois et Cher Remare auro Indre Schelde 4 Ghent L VII BRUSSELS G Cambrai amur ひ ​Liege M Lukent Sedan burg Laon Ardennes Verdun R.Moselle Luxemburg Mose LORRAINE Metz Seine Saone Bourges Nevers Moulins Saône et Loire Macon Vesguthin Montheliard Basell Besancon Doub Jura Pontarlier Rhane SWITZERLA Cher 6 VIII 8 IX 10 X Rhine Bonn olenz E FRANCE IN DEPARTMENTS 1860-1871 Territory lost to France in 1871 tinted red 50 Dise Aisne R.Aisne Seine et Versailles Seine et PARIS R.Marrie Reims Forbach Chalons English Miles 100 B Seine Marne Meuse Worth Oise Melun Bar le Duc Chartres Marne R.Aub Nancy Meur E the Bas Rhine •Stuttgart Strasburg Aube R. R.Danube Ulm Troyes Haute Epinal Loiret Charmont Vosges 48 Yonne Auxerre Marne Cher Nievre Cote d'Or Dijon Haute Saône Haute Mulhausen L.Constance Villerseel Doubs Zurich Moun BERN Lucerne TYROL C L.Neuchatel Lons le Saumier Genevi Loire RLoire Bourg S Ai Haute Savor Lyons Etienne Vienne Geneva R.Rhone MBO L.Como 46 MBJane Chambery Savoie Maggiore Milan T Reece Grenoble Valence Ro Turin R.Po Garonne Lot et Cabo Rodez Rot Ardeche Drome Basses Pyrenees Tarbes Patantes P Pyrenees Haute Garonne Garonne Alby arn Montpellier Herault R Carcassonne FOL Ariege R-Aude Aude Perpignan ANDORRA Pyrenees Orient Mount Longitude West 0 Longitude East 2 Vaucluse Basses Alpes Alpes Avignon Arles SOLELY Bouches du Rhone Golfe du Lion Draiguigna Aix Nar Marseilles Toulon Maritimes Nice MEDITERRANEAN enne es Alpes HaGapi M.Viso Genoa Drangs Digng Gulf of Genoa 44 C.Corso SEA sor&fea VI 4 VII 6 VIII 8 IX Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. ES. Weller, F.R.G.S. 63 I 15 II 20 III 25 IV 30 V 35 VI 40 R.Do VII R.Sal A 45 VIII Volga Astrakhan Stavropol aucasu 45 M Elbru B Tiflis Batoum 45 B 40 35 BUDAPESTH AUSTRI AA Trieste R. Drave ADRIATIC Ancona Naples Messina L.Balaton Fünfkirchen R. Save Banjaluka BOSNIA Sarajevo Herzegovina Trebing S E A Gulf of Taranto MONTE H N GARY Maria R. Maros Theresiopel Belgrade NEGRO Brindisi C.Spartivento St. of Messina Copfa SERVIA Novi Bazar Pristina Duraszo Janina Gof Arta Santa Mara Cephalonia Jassyo Molins Hermanstadt Carpathy ROV Hin Plevna M Bucharest Giurgevo Danube %Rustchuk BULG Sistova Pruth R Otchake Odessa Mouth Siltstrid Kustendji C. Kaliagri Varna B 4. Shumla Turnova Sophia Balkan Monntams T U Salonkis Philippopolis veres of Saloniki Larissa Grof Valo Printa Corinthe Maugh Parrast Gulf of Arcadia Tripoliti Navarino G.of Kalamata C. Matapan Gof Kolokythia 0 Thaso Mt Athos Lemno Dardanell Mylene THENS Andro pho Adrianople CONSTANTINOP U R. Dnieper Kherson Perekop CTarkhan G Crime Eupatoria Chersones Sebastopol S SEA OF AZOV Kertch Kaffa St. of Kerteh LACK Bosphorus Sea of Scutari Marmara Gallipoli Tino Samo clade Tauplia C.Matio Cerigo C.Krio Candia or Crete A SMYRNA Bruzza Rhodes Scarpanto Сахо Angora O Bizil Timak Kutaya DBeyshehr L. S I A 8 n Adalia G.of Adalia O C. Sinope Amana M M Konieh Mounta R.Kuban SEA а O Gof Iskandrun Larnaka Cyprus British Hems 30 MEDITERRANEAN T-RI P 0-L I III 20 п Nisib R.Fura or West Euphrates HOME Erzerough R.Mad or East Euphrates Diarbekir R.Tigris an L Golecha MArarat 40 PERSIA LUrumiyah Mosul R. Euphrates RTigris 35 SEA Beyrout Turkish Dominions. Damascus Acre Territory under Native Rulers paying tribute to the Sultan. British territory paying tribute to the Sultan. (BABYLON) Bagdad Hillah D Mt Carmel Jaffa Alexandria Mouths of the Nile JERUSALEM Port Said SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE AND THE NEIGHBOURING LANDS Dead Sea EG Y P T CAIRO Suez 1892 English Miles 50 100 200 25 Longitude IV East of 30 Greenwich V Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. 35 VL 40 30 300 VII F.S.Weller.F.R.G.S. 64 12 I 10 II 8 III 6 IV 4 V 60 A N 3 Shetland Islands Herrings VI 0 VII 2 VILL Fair I. BRITISH ISLES Industries. Metals & Minerals IRON 60 58 B 56 56 C 54 D 52 32 E 50 A T N I C 0 C 21 Flax Bog Donegal Bay M Hebrides Skye Herrings Coll Mull Tiree he Orkney Islands ॐ Oats Herrings 虫 ​Turbot. Cod &c. Moray Firth Haddock B.Dee O Herrings Oats Aberdeen Ta SJUTES LINENS Salmon Wheat dee Fürth of Tay Flounders Haddocks &c. Islay Jura LINENS COAL Oirth of Forth SHIPS Fhnburgh Glasgow SHALE COAL TRON Tweed WOOLLENS Dairy Produce Dairy El aXLINENS Produce Fax Horses Dace Dairy Flax Produce Bog Bog Bog Bog Sheep R.Shannon Dair Produc a Lea Dairy Produce Wheat 07 10 H II Flax Cattle Firth of Belfast & COTRANS Crops Horses ex R.Barrow Shee GRANTE Firth Solway Lof Man IRISH R.Boyne Dublin Anglesey Mackerel St Georges Channel Scilly 1 SHIPS SEA COAD RON Manufactures Products Coal Fields 오 ​50 English Miles H T R Newcastle SHIPS R.Tyne Sunderland SHIPS COAL LEAD COAL FIRE CLAY R.Tees IRON Wheat WOOLLENS BradfoLeeds PrestoncoTTONS COAL Bolton SHIPS Salford Manchester Liverpool COAL FIRE CLAY SLATE COAL مس Cardigan Bay R.Sa SLATE MACHINERY Sheffield SALT IRON COAL POTTERIES COAL Hull I e IRON R.Humber Nottingham The Wash IRON COAL Leicester IRON FIRE CLAY Birmingham Orchards Hops Merthyr Tydfilo COA FIRE GLAY Bristol Channel R. Sever Orchards WOOLLENS COAL Bristol IRON Wh WOOLLENS Torchards Pilchards GRANITE N SHIPS Orchd GLIS H Wh Blouse Bar a and ey LONDON e a Portsmouth Tef Wight C SHIPS Wheat A 100 58 B 56 56 C S 00 E A S JOysters R.Thames Hops Orchards Brighton Oysters Strait of Dover HANNEL CORPER E 8 III 6 IV 4 V 2 VI Longmans, Green & Co, London & New York 0 FRA AN 54 D 52 E 50 VII F.S.Weller, FR.G.S. 65 Ι 160 II 140 III 120 IV 100 V 80 VI 60 VII 40 VIII 20 IX 0 I 20 XI 40 XII 60 60 XIII 80 XIV 100 XV 120 XVI 140 XVII 160 XVIII 180 XIX 80 B 70 70 60 D 40 Grant Land Victoria Inlet ARCTIC OCEAN Beaufort Sea Banks L C.Bathurst Str. Land Peabody B. Prudhoe La Ellesmere LS Parry Islands, Melville Sound Alber B N.Devo Baffin Bay Baffin Far Chan Davies Str Land PBarrow Alaska Alaska Pen Macke Grt Slave L OMINION Q Charlotte! Vancouver I NORTH AMERICA San Francisco OF Hudson Bay CANADA Huro Winnipeg Mapour Superior L.Michigan UNITE Sacramento TATE S King Oscar Petermann I Spitzbergen C.Bismark Greenland Sea Jan Mayen N.E-Land Wyche I. Dkage 1. Bear I. North C. M Franz oosef Id AR CTIC Ice Cape Zemlia Novaya Z Kara Sea Kolguer I GREENLAND Scoresby Land King William Ld THE WORLD 1892 The British Possessions are coloured Red. OCEAN Chelyuskin C. 0 Taimyr Pe Khatanga.B. Liakof I or New Siberia Denmarle Str Lofoden Arctic Circle Iceland MHed Farel Trondhjem White Archange S b Hudson Stra Shetland Stockholm R. Obi C.Farewell Orkney Christiania S.Petersburg Edinburgh Berlin O Str. of Belle Isle London Kief NEWFOUNDLAND Channel of Paris Boydenna SJohns Race Bisog BRITISH ISLES Vopenhagen P Dubling erpoot Tobolsk abrado Madrid Lisbon Black S Constantinople Sea Mediterranen Sexy Teheran Algiers Morocco The Sahara Timbuctu Irlauske Baikal Muscat SANDIA Burma Wrangel I. 80 B 70 St Lawrence I. Bering Sea 1 Aleutian I G.Lopatka Lena Okhotske Sea of Okhotsk Saghalin Sea Tokio Shanghai Japane Sea Aral halkash Caspian Beling arkand Hrong Cairo alaya M Ever Calcutta angke Khaatum Peri Bombay Karta Aden Muria I B. of Somalis Socotra Laccadivel L.Victoria Nyanza Maldivel L. Pemba Lanabar Seychelle Strafe Sumatra ngapore AmiranteNDIAN OCEAN. A FERICA Lagos Congo Halifax NewYork Washington E Honolu Austin New Orleans Bermudas 20 P A Tropic of Cancer Sandwich I C1 G. of Mexico Mexico Br Bahama I ATLA Gibraltar Madeira. Canary 1. West Indies C.Blanco FIC Guatemala Honduras Jamaica ZC.Verde Colony Barbados I Bathairst 0 G Fanning 1. Christmas I Starbuck.I. Low Is Panama Trinidad Galapagos. I ana British Guiana Deorgetown Sterra Leone Malden Quito Marquesas I River Amazon Calla Lima Brazi C.StRoque Ascension.I. Pernambuco 20 He Tahiti Society T SOUTH Pitcairn. Easter I C E A N AMERICA Valparaiso Santiag Valdivia Monte Video R.de la Plata Buenos Ayres Bahia Blanca G.of St George Falkland Is Str.of Magellari Tierra del buere Rio Janeiro OCEAN StHelena Tanganyika Nysa Walvisch.. Orange R Cape Town Cape Colony Cape of Good Hope H Cook 40 0 Goa Bengal PACIFIC Canton Formosa Hong Hong Hainan Philippine 40 E 20 Ladrone Is Andamand Bangkole Nicobar Cha Sea Islands Caroline I Ceylon Labuanl Marshall 19 North Borneo Settlements OCEAN 0 Chagos I Gea Java Torres Str Sola ma G que Madagascar Cocos B eeling) Cooktown Fijil Rodriguez Burke T auritius N.W. Cape Tropic of Capricorn New Caledonia AUSTRALIA Brisbane Norfolk L. 20 Tristan Z d'Acunha Amsterdam. Paul Perth Leerin H Kermadec Lord Howel Adelaide Melbourne Bass Str. NEW Sydney Auckland 40 Gough I. Tasmania ZEALAND Prince Edward Hobart Chatham I Grozet I Kerguelen I. ::Heard I StewartL AucdandI.. .Bouvet I S. Sandwich 1 T I C C E A Macquarie L N Bounty Antipodes II Campbell Emerald I 60 "Fuego 00 A N T A R 60 S. Shetlands S. Georgia C S.Orkneys J Graham Land Antarctic Circle Enderby Land Kemp L Wilkes Land I 160 140 II III 120 IV 100 V 80 VI 60 VIL 40 VIII 20 IX 0 X 20 XI 40 XII 60 XIII 80 XIV 100 XV 120 XVI Longmans, Green & Co: London & New York. J 140 XVII 160 XVIII 180 XIX F.S.Weller, E.R.G.S 66 IX 60 X 70 I A 30 30 I 20 II Azores I Port Madeira I Port Canary I Str. of Gibraltar Ceuta Spl Tangi MORO Moracco High Was Atla PORTUGAL 10 III O IV 10 V 20 VI 30 VII 40 VIII 50 SPAIN Algiers MEDIT Bona CASPIAN SEA GREECE Sicily Tealan gran ALGERIA UNIS Ghadames C.Bajador Rio de Ora C.Blanco SPANISH PROTECTORATE Tripoli Augila TRIPOLI FEZZAN TIBESTI mis R Malta R Candia Cyprus ANEAN Bengasi SE Ras el Mill G RasArish anto Sinai A S Persian Gulf Assuan Tropic of Cancer A T L 30 B 20 Verde Is Port 10 N T D 1 0 ET St Louis SAHARA OR GREAT DESERT FRENCH SPHERE OF INFLUENCE Timbuktu Senegal R. C.Verde SENEGAL Bathurst Sandin Niger arbalenda FRENCH Bamaku SUDAN SIERRA Freetown LEONE KAN EM Baruwwa L.Chad Abeshr WADAI Sego Say S U Bussa SOKOTO MANDINGO C.Mount Kong M Monrovia .Ascension I. (Br BERIA KONG Newtown ASHANTI Grand Laho Grand Bassan C.Coast Castle San Pedro B BO Niger R AGIRM ORNU Yola ADAMAWA Bente R Rabba koja YORUBA agos Whydab Cross Ra Fernando Pod Gulf of Ganes of Bight of Bening Sp Princes Fort Corisco B homas Sport Annobon I. C Loper Sette Camma CAMEROONS Campo R. Congo FRENCH Howe ONGO GABOON Niadi Kwil Cabinda Pool Stanley Nile Dongola Kh ElFashr N Wady Halfa Suakin S Berber CHasar Kassala Massowah ABYSSINIA ITALIAN PROTECTO RATE SHOA DAREUR ElŎberdh Trand Obock BRITISH SPHERE OF INFLUE Wells R Aruwymi R Ruwenzor wenzor CONGO Leopold H. M.Mfind FREE STATE Rudolf Wadelai Albert yanza i M Kenia GALL Victoria Nyama Tana GERMAN Lake R.Juba M.Kilimanjaro 20 G of Aden ALI Kuria Muria I (Br Bunder Zadehafu UENCES C. 6 Socotra L. Br Ras Hafun Ras el Khyle TALIAN SPHERE OF INFO SOMA . 10 N A A 0 Ango Ange S.Paul de Loandao LUDA 10 Benguella Mossamedes FORTUGUESE Bihe WEST Lake Bangweolo Lake Roy you Ssa BRITISH SPHERE AFRICA St Helena OFZumber Share R.Cunene Humbe Andara Zam INFLUE bes NCE MASHONA 20 Khama's AFRICA 1892 Tropic of Capricorn Walvisch B එ English Miles 200 400 600 800 1000 Bru Hollans Bird I. (Br NAMAQUA Mercury LB7 Ichaboe LBAN Penguin Br Halifax Br Porgersion B Pomona L Plumpudding Br Roast Beef 1. Bri ND Molopo BRIT CHUANALA ORANGE ino Bloemfon APES DAMARALAND LNgami BRITISH PROTECTORATE EXPLANATION British (Br.. 30 French (Fr). German (Ger).. Turkish Italian (Tel. Portuguese (Port![ Spanish (Sp... Independent. Umtate R. COLONY Cape Town Cape of Good Hope Port Elizabeth H H 30 I 20 II 10 Longitude West 0 Longitude East 10 V 20 VI 30 VII 40 VIII 50 IX 60 X 70 F.S.Weller,FR.G.S S.AFRICAN REPUBLIC Pretoria Delagoa Bay ZELULAND ta Durban ugela R. MANICA EAST AFRICA Mozambique Chan Witu Mombasa Pemba I. SPHERE OF BrPr Tanganyika INFLUENCE Zanzibar L&T BrPr Seychelle I Br Amigante 1 C E Alphonse I Mafia I. L.Rukwa Ger: Aldabra L Bry Providence I 10 Ansumption Delgado Comoro I Comodedo 1 Agalega 1 CAmber Quillimane RPungwe Sofala bique ADAGAS C Tromelinl Cargados l Tamatave Antananarivo Mauritius Reunion 20 9 1 N D 30 B Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 67 ENGLISH ARMY English Housecarls Light Armed NORMAN ARMY Heavy armed Foot Horse. Archers A Bretons &c. B Normans C French &c. a The Standard bbb The English Dyke CC dd Malfosse Outpost SEN 555 SCALE OF YARDS 500 1000 1500 1760 I MILE Kings Park D Castle STIRLING AF Gillies. Hill Stians BATTLE OF SENLAC 14th October 1066 The position at the commencement of the Norman attack about 9 a.m. River Forth Bannock Burn BATTLE OF BANNOCKBURN 20th June 1314. Reference ENGLISH A English Archers considerably in advance of main body. B English Main Body in ten divisions. SCOTCH a Scotch Infantry in four columns. bb Scotch Cavalry turning the marsh. Marsh 0000000 Bannockburn B Longmans. Green & Co., London & New York. 68 Road from Edinburgh Road from Falkirk F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 69 70 Crecy THE KING Windmill usson River BATTLE OF POICTIERS Sept 19th 1356. Reference ENGLISH 1 Warwick 2 Prince of Wales 3 Salisbury 4 Captal de Buch AAHedge in front of vineyards FRENCH 5 The Marshals 6 Dauphin 7 Orleans 8 King of France A R.Maye B Vallee des Cleres To Vadicourt To Poichiers 8 BATTLE OF CRECY 26th Aug.1346. Reference ENGLISH A Archers B Diamounted Men at Arms C Welsh light troops FRENCH a Genoese Crossbowmen b Counts of Alençon &Flanders e King Phillip 1 English Mile ROMAN ROAD Farm of Maupertuis One English Mile Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Estrees F.SWeller, F.R.G.S. Mumaloux Beauvoie Wood of Nouaill 71 Road to Calais BATTLE OF AGINCOURT Oct. 25th 1415. Reference ENGLISH AA Archers B English dismounted men-at-arms FRENCH a a Dismounted men-at-arms bb Mounted men-at-arms Village of Sincourt b Δ b Af Village of Tramecourt Village of Maisoncelles Wellesbourne Hastings BATTLE OF EDGE HILL OCT. 23rd 1642. ESSEX'S MARCH Kineton From Southam Dene R. KINGS ARMY PARLIAMENTARY ARMY Oxhall Wormleighton CHARLESS MARCH 72 Warmington CHARLES MARCH Cropredy Edgeott LINE RUPERT LINDSEY Hadway WILMOT Edge Hill Banbury herwell Scale of Miles F.S.Weller, ERG.S. 3Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. 73 River Nidd BATTLE OF MARSTON MOOR July 2nd 1644 ENGLISH MILES HA Wilstrop Wood MARSTON after Horse under ale had begun Porter's Division Newcastle's Whitecoats Tockwith Horse under Cromwell and Leslic MANCHESTER'S LEVEN'S ARMY ARMY FAIRFAX S ARMY To Wetherby Fairfaxs Horse, under Goring Moor Lane Royalist. Parliamentary. MOOR Atterwith Lane 74 Sulby Hall OKEY S DRAGOONS River van Sibbertoft THE KING'S ARMY Sulby Hedge RESERVE YLANGDALE RUPERT Dust Hill Broad Moor B RETON SKIPPON CROMWELL RESERVE PARLIAMENTARY ARMY Long Marston To York Clipston A To Kelmarsh Mill Hill THE BATTLE OF NASEBY June 14th 1645. Foot. Horse. Baggage Naseby A.Probable 15 position of Parliamentary Army. B. 2nd position. C.3d position. 4 SCALE OF MILES 1 Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. 75 To Haddington Belhaven Bay First Position To Enghein Line of Belhaven H Boers DUNBAR BODIES OF HORSE AND FOOT Deer Park Broxmouth House MAIN BODY OF SCOTCH HORSE INFANTRY INFANTRY HORSE INFANTRY Doon Hill Plane St Martin of the French Army Gendarmerie Maison du Boi Montfort Turenne Scale of Miles 1/4 Steinkirk BATTLE OF DUNBAR 3rd Sept. 1650. English Scotch 1 English Mile Main Allied Cavalry Lone of advance from Hall body o Allies ver Senne To Berwick 76. BATTLE of STEINKIRK 3rd Aug1692. F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. A. Advanced Guard of Allies attacking French right. B. Supports of Allies advancing D. French in advance of their right wing. E. First line of right wing of French in support. F. Second line of French right wing. Longmans, Green, &Co. London, & New York. 77 Scale of Miles BATTLE OF NEERWINDEN 29 July 1693. R. Little Gheet Orsmael Wange Neerhespen Eliste E Oberwinden Linsmeau A Neerwinden Bansdorf To Dormael 2 Mile Walcowen Neerlanden Landen A. Allied Camp. B. Troops drawn fram centre to support right wing. C.English Guards. D. French first attach. E. French second attack. F. Right attack of French an left of the Allied intrenchments. Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. F.S.Weller, F.R.GS. 78 Battle of BLENHEIM 13th Aug 1704 Luzinger Höchstädt 71 #1 Eugene Ober Glm arshal Marsin Marshal Tallard R.Danube Unter Gla Blenheim 1000 2 Nebel 15 1000 2000 MIL PACES SCALES O f I ENG. MILE Allies under Marlborough and Prince Eugene. Bavarians & French-under Prince Maximilian&Marsh Tallard & Marsin. Cavaby Infantry HM Artillery Duke of Marlborough Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. F.S.Weller, F.R.GS. 79. Great Ghe britien of the Albies 02 Ramillies Old Roman Rood English Dutch &Danish Allies French Cavalry Infantry *** Artillery 北 ​www.First Position m of the Allie B.Mehaig BATTLE OF RAMILLIES. 23rd May,1706. Tomb of Ottomond ottond Tarieres Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. 1000 Military Paces 2000 3000 4000 Eng + Male F.S.Weller, F.R.GS. Charles R. 80 FRENC idge of Boats Charlebourg SIEGE OF QUEBEC. 1759. Sillery Heights Abraham Boom Shoal Wolfes Core RIVER ST ary at low water. R. MP MEN Beauport T Gen! Wolfe's Camp QUEBEC LAWRENCE PtLevy Longmans, Green, & Co. London, & New York. Isle of Orleans F.S.Weller, F.R.G.S. B 81 30 20 40 Π L'Orient Port Louis 1.de Grop Π IV VI VIII IX 10 50 40 30 20 R.d'Auray Anray Plouharnel Carnac Badene Vannes QUIBERON BAY AND ITS APPROACHES 1759 Depths marked in fathoms The outer shoals vary from 1to 10 fathoms. Noyallo English Miles To Bedon 40 C 30 Port Penthievre Presquile de Quiberon Sarreau Quiberon Bay Passage de la Teignouse assage-de Beniguet Houat 20 Belle Le Palais Haedik I Isle Ф D B A Y 6 Plateau de la Recherche Plateau de l'Actimon Vilaine Paelastel Plateau du Four Guérande E F Banc Guérande 4710 B I S C A Y 30 20 I 10' 3 50 IV 40 VI Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. R. Vilaine B la Roche Bernard 30 St Nazaire R. Loire -20 La Blanche 4710 Pts Gildas E D 30 20 29 VII VII IX ESWeller ERGS. A 82 WIND NNW Shoals without sufficient depth of Water for ships or the Line BAY Mutine Culloden faground) Aboukir I. Zealous Audacious ABOUKIR CASTLE PLAN OF THE BAY OF ABOUKIR Showing the site of THE BATTLE Aboukir Scene of ABOUKIR Peninsula of Aboukir CASTLE of Action BAY OF ABOUKIR Lake Maadieh Sortedam Lake OF Guerrier Conquerant Spartiate Goliath Theseus Sérieu Longmans Green & Co..London & New York. Aquilon Leander euple Souverai L'Artemuss VANGUARD BATTLE OF THE NILE 1st August 1798 BRITISH FRENCHE BOUKIR Minotaur Franklin Defence Tonnant Alexand Diane Justice Swiftsure ORIENT Bellerophon Majestic Hereux Mercure Guillaume Tell Genereux Timoleon UE Lime Kilns COPENHAGEN CITADEL S and BATTLE OF COPENHAGEN 2nd April, 1801. BRITISH DANISH Bank 3WIND S.S.E. F.S.Weller.FRGS. 83 Inner D AMACR ISLAND S a n d DAN Desire Polyp B a ala Passag ANNEBROG LITTLE CROWN BATTERY FLEET n Chan Harbour CROWN BATTERY Dart TREKRONER OR Blanche ELEPHANT Ganges Glatt Ardent Edgar Bomb Ships Russell MIDDLE Bellona aground (Sand Bank) Agamemnon aground) Zephyr 4 Monarch 饅 ​Amazon Defiance Otter T E Alemene E RESERVE Ramallies UNDER Defence SIR HYDE PARKER Raisonable GROUND Veteran Saturn St George LONDONMLS FSWeller FR.G.S Longmans, Green & Co; London & New York. 84 of Action Dreadnought Defence Thanderer Defiance Cadiz Pto Real Medina Sidoniq Scene SPAI C.Trafalgar Plan shewing THE SITE OF BATTLE Gibraltar Strait of Gibraltar Tangier AFRICA Algésiras Tarifa BRITISH Longmans, Green & Co: London & New York. LOUVAFN FRENCH Swiftsure Reveng Polyphemus Prince of Wales BRITI S H WIND N.N.W Pickle Sirius Phoebe Naiad Entreprenante Africa Britannia Euryalus Spartiate Minotaur Agamemnon Orion Ajas Leviathan Conquero Achilles DIVISION OF VICE ADMIRAL COLLINGWOOD Colossus Bellerophon BATTLE OF TRAFALGAR 21st October, 1805. Argonaute San Juan Nepomuceno Sandldefonso Barwick Hermaone Argonauta Achille FLEET Prince des Asturias SPANISH Argus F. S.Weller. F.R.G.S. Tonnan Mars Belleist Royal Sovereig J Lougueux Monarca Pluton Algesiras Aigle ХНОЛОГА Redoutable Nephone Neptuno Scipion Téméraire Intrepide Formidable Duguay Trouin San Francisco Heros Santisima Trmidad BUCENTAURE Rayo COMBINED Mont Blane st Aug mustine Furet Neptune Hortense Bahama Swiftsure Montañez Themis FRENCH & SPANISH Indomptable Anna San Leandf San Justo Cornelie 85 BRUSSELS Hal Braine le Comte Soignies Lasne Senne Waterloo MSTear Chain Brane Alleuds R Plancenou Bierges Limal Wavre Lashes Lambert Limelette Dion le Mont Ottignies la Baraque Maransart Corbais Tourinnes Bousa Mont S Guibert Ways Marbais Nit Vincent Perwez Walhain Sartles Walhuin Gentirmes Sauvenière Genappe Nivelles Quatre Bras filly Frasnes ROAD aynelee Bry ROMAN Fleurus OLD Gosselies CHARLERO Ligny Sombreffe longrifone Gembloux NAMUR RSambre Chatelet WATERLOO CAMPAIGN 1815. E Weller ENGLISH MILES. Longmans, Green & Co: London & New York. 86 A Forsthaus WATERLOO BO CHASSE LORD HILL Braine le Leud Pospol To Brussels To Louvain le Couc Ter la Haye Mesnil Mont St Jean 888888 BRUNSWICK ARANT Merbe Braine BBBB 100 SONBY VANDELEUR VIVIA VENCKE Ransbeeck BEST RED OF SAXE WEIMAR Ta Hay THOS, PICTON Frischermont YLANDT Papelotte Smolhain LMANS GE ΚΕΤ la Haye Sainte Hougomont BACHKI LOBAU MANN Mon Plaisir IMPERIAL Varn MARCOGNET hateau Ohain Warre an Loo B del Brire Doudremont Chaud Brire Beau Chene le Cidlot Rentved BOIS laBelle All WALL SUBERVIE GUARD DOMONT MILHAUD LEFEBVRE DESNOUETTES Planchenoit Pageau Hanolelet BOIS DE VIRE Lasne Stre MONT m Maison dul Longmans, Green & Co., London & New York. Aywior's Coun To Ware mont BATTLE OF WATERLOO 18th June 1815 MORNING OF BATTLE Allies French Cavalry Infantry Artillery SCALE OF I ENGLISH MILE O SCALE ENGLIS F.SWeller, F.R.G.S. 87 Merbe Braine BRUNSWICK Mont St Jean 00000 DITMER TRIPP arm of Mont St Jean AUBRE 口福 ​BOLTONS BATT BRU AN PONSONBY 000000 DE GLUGNY KILMANSEGGE 悦​回回 ​GRANT DORNBERG MITCHELL Housomont GERMAN LEGION BYNG Mon Plaisir ADAM COLL IMPERIAL GUARD BACHELU COLUMN IMPERIAL GUARD Retiring) W25 0000 HERITIER GUARD 18001 CHE VO RO SAXE Papelotte Smolhau La Haye ARCOG la Haye Sainte 10 00 0 SSIERS Belle Allaince 000000 DOMONT DURITE To Wavre ZIETHEN 0641000 SUBERVIE SIMI LOBAU PIRCH 00000000 000 000 00 IMPERIAL GUAR To Charleroi PLANCHENOIT Rossomm Longmans, Green & Co. London & New York. 00110 000000 BATTLE OF WATERLOO 18th June 1815 CRISIS OF THE BATTLE Allies Cavalry Prussians Infantry French Artillery SCALE OF I ENGLISH MILE * Frischermont Châ IS Paje Hanolel Stream HUBER MO F.S.Weller.ER.G.S. 88 C. Khersonese Kamiesh B. Kazatch Pt Kazatch B. Cossack P Peschana B. SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL 1854-5 English Miles 0 Heights in English Feet ury 1857 French Trenches U Mackenzie Hill ROAD TO BILBICK Wasp Battery Telegraph Battery Ft Constantine Quarantine B Khersonese B Streletska B French 30 STAR FORT FSt Michael Sunken Athering Vessels SEBASTOPOL Nicholas Alexander F BE Quarantine Quarantine Bastion Battery Central Bastion Flagstaff 273 Bastion French Works HARBOUR Ft Paul Little Redan SUBURES REDAN WORGNZOF M apoine Aqueduct White Works Attacks MALAKOTE 0376 MAMELON English Attack Parallel Parallel RAVINE Chapman Battery Gordon's Battery ROAD Valley of the of the Shadow of C. Feolent French Head Quarters British Head Quarters RAILWAY MADE MADE IN 1855 890 690 Longmans, Green & Co: London & New York. Balaclava Bluff 57 M'Inkerman Nov.51851 VALLEY OF INKERMAN, Chernaya Traktir Bridge Aug261855 Charge of the Light Brigade Oct.2518 54 WORO Charge of the Heavy Brigade Oct 251854 Kadikoi 732 Balaclava 608 Balaclava Bay F. S. Weller, F.R.G.S. INDEX. Before a name signifies a tribe, county, province, district, or portion of a country. † After a name refers to inset maps. Where a name occurs in more than one map, reference is only given to one. Mar. Name ginal Map Letter Map Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter AACHEN DV 39 Alaska C II 65 Amboise D IV 19 Ararat Mt..... C VII 60 Abbeville B V 15 Albania B III 60 Ambresbyrig D III 3 Aravulli Mts.. сп 61 Abbotsford · E VI 33 Albany B V 48 Ambrières.. DIV 10 Arbroath ... D VI 33 Aberdeen C VI 23 Alberche, R... B III 56 Amesbury A III 34 Arcadia, G. of С III 60 C VI 33 Albert Nyanza D VI 66 Amiens B VI 62 Archangel... C XII 65 Aberffraw C II · 7 Albret D III 17 Ampthill D VI 20 Archipelago C IV 63 Aberystwith.. DII 18 Albuera Cu 56 Amsterdam B III 39 Arcis s. Aube D II 55 Abyssinia Achil, Hd. Abingdon Aboukir Bay.. Aboukir Castle Aboukir, 1. Abrantes Abus, Fl. +Acadia Acapulco Achil, I. E V 20 Alby E VI 62 Amur R. D XVI 65 Arcola B IV 53 C VI 57 G VII 12 Ancenis .... D III 19 Arcot F III 54 82 Alcantara С I 56 Ancona ΒΙ 60 Arctic Ocean A III 65 .. 82 CI 56 .. Alcluyd Alderney ... B II 3 Andalusia D III 56 +Ardèche.... D VII 62 B III 62 Andaman Is... F VI 61 Ardee C V 21 D VII 1 Alemannia. B II 6 Anderida • .... B VII 1 Ardennes B VII 62 C VII 66 Alemtejo C II 56 Anderida Silva F VII +1 +Ardes B VI 24 B V 45 Alençon. ... C III 19 Andes Mts, G VI 65 Ardnamur- E IV 47 B V 62 Andorra...... B III 59 chan, Pt. D II 33 CI 27 Aleppo Ο ΤΙ 60 E V 62 Argaum.. D III 54 CI 27 Alessandria .. B III 53 Andover.. A III 34 Argonne Forest +62 Acre C VI 57 Aleutian Is. D XIX 65 Andredsweald E VI 9 Argyle D III 33 Adalia. C V 60 Alexandria A VI 66 • Angers C IV 62Ariège E V 62 Adalia, G. of.. C V 60 CV 6Angles C IV 2 Ariège R. E V 62 †Adamawa D V 66 D IV 60 Angles East CV 3 Arkaig, L.. D III 33 Adana .. ...... CV 60 Alford.. C VI 33 Anglesea C II 32 Arklow DV 27 Adda, R…………. B III 53Algarves DI 56 Anglia East D VII 9 Arles E VII 62 Adelaide H XVI 65 Algeria A IV 66 Angola F V 66 Arlon • +62 Aden Aden, G. of Adige, R. 66 Algésiras 84 Angora B V 60 Armagh.. B V 27 ·· C VIII 66 Algiers A IV 66 Angoulême D IV 62 Armagnac E IV 17 B IV 53 Alicante.. C V 56 • E IV 19 Armenia B VII 60 Adour, R. AI CI 62 Aligurh C III 61 Angoumois D III 17 Armentières .. CI 38 Adrianople B IV 60 Aliwal B III 61 Angus C VI 13 Arques CIV 19 Adriatic Sea B IV 57 Alkmaar ... B III 26 Anhalt B II 44 Arran.. D III 13 Adwalton Moor D VI 29 Allahabad ... D IV 54 Anjou.. C III 17 Arran Isles .. C II 27 Aerschot .... B IV 38 Alle, R. ·· A X 55 Annan E V 33 Arras A VI 62 Afghanistan.. ΒΙ 61 Alleghany B IV 48 Annan R. E V 33 • • Ars... +62 Africa... FX 65 Alleghany Annandale D V 13 Arta, G. • C III 63 Agen DV 62 Mts... c m 48 Annobon I. E IV 66 ||‡Artois. A V 17 • ‡Agenais D IV 15 Aller, R. ΑΙ 44 Anspach.. DI 44 Arundel... G I 29 Agincourt.. A V .... 17 Allier C VI 62 Antananarivo • F VIII 66 Aruwimi, R... D VI 66 Agra Ο ΠΙ 54 Allier, R. D VI 62 Antarctic Arvon.. C II 7 # С III 61 Alma, R... 60 Ocean I VII 65 Ascension, I... E II 66 Agram C VI 51 Almanza D II 40 Antigua E V 45 Aschaffenburg CI 44 Agricola's Almeida.. B II 56 Antilles D IV 25 Ashanti .... ...... D III 66 Forts A III 1 Almenara C II 40 Antioch .... Aibar Ailsa Craig +60 Almond, R. DV .. E III 33 Alnwick.. A V Ain.. C VII 62 B III Airaines CV .. 16 Aird, Pt. of сп 33 E VIII Aire, R. ... CY 32 CV 9 Alps, The ‡Aisne B VI 62 Alresford F VI Alost Alpes Mari- times Alphonse, I. .... .... 33 Antipode: 7Antrim 38 Antwerp 62 Appin... E IX 66 D VIII C V 6 I XVIII 65 Ashby de la ... Zouch..... E VI 29 B V 27 Ashdown EV 7 1 C III 39 Ashington.. E VII 14 Aosta B II 53 Asia D XV 65 С III 13 Asia Minor CV 60 Appleby. B IV 32 Aspern D VIII 55 62 29 Aqua Sulis Aquitaine · F V 1 Assaye D II 61 E IV 15 Assuan B VII 66 Aisne, R. Aix B VI 62 Alsace B IV 40 Arabat,Tongue Assumption, I. F VIII 66 E VII 62 Alsatia B II 6 of.. +60+Assynt A III 13 Aix la Chapelle A II 6 Altdorf A III 53 Arabia E XII Ajaccio В III 57 +Ajmir C II 54 Akeman, Str... F VI 1 Alton Alupta Alushta F VII 29 • · +60 +60 Alabama, R. .. Alania... D II 48 Alva A IV 56 • Arabian Se. Aragon Aral Sea Aranjuez F II 65 61 Astorga A II 56 • Astrakhan.. A VIII 60 • • B V 56 Asturias.. A II 56 D XIII • • C IV 56 65Asturias, Km. of.... BI 6 B VI 6 Amazon, R. G VI 65 .. Aranmore A III 27 Asuncion H VII 65 B 10 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar ginal Map Letter Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Map ‡Atelcusu Ath. Athelney B IV DII 6 †Bagirmi CV €6 39 Bahama, Is... DIV 45 Batoum Battle Abbey B VII 60 C V 10 Beverloo Beyrout.. .... B V 38 ... DV 60 E IV 7 Bahr el Arab.. C VI 66 Bautzen C VII 28 Beziers G VI 11 E IV 9 Bahr el Jebel.. D VII 661Bavaria B III 6 Bhima, R. E III 54 Athens ... CI 60 Baikal, L.... D XV 65 Bavaria, Elec. Bhotan C VI 61 Athens, G. of.. C ILI 60 Baireuth D II 44 of.... BV 40 Biberach DV 28 Atherstone DV 20 Bajador, C. B II 66 Bayeux B III 17 Bidassoa, R. A V 56 Athlone C III 27 Bakhtchisarai +60 Baylen CIV 56 Bideford.... FII 20 +Athol C IV 13 Balaclava .... B V 60 Bayonne E IV 62 Athos, Mt..... B III 60 Balearic Isles B VII 56 Beachy Hd. F VII 32 Bigorre Bijapur ... E III 17 E III 54 Atlantic Ocean F VIII 65 Balkan Mts. B III 60 Bear, I. B XI 65 Bilbao • A IV 56 Atlas Mts..... A III 66 Ballahulish +37†Bearn E 111 17 Binch.. D III 38 ‡Atrebates F VI 1 Ballaton, L... A II 60 Aube B VII 62 Ballinasloe C II Aube, R... B VII 62 Ballinskellig, Auch E V 62 B. E I +Auckland .... H XVIII 65 Ballymore Auckland, I... 1 XVII 65 Ballymore Auerstadt .... CV 55 Eustace .... A II CV Aughrim C III 27 Baltic Sea.... A IV Augsburg 1Augsburg, Bp. .... Ꭰ Ꮩ 28 Baltimore .... C IV Bamberg .... DV ON NA 20** Beaugé D ILI 19 Birmingham.. DV 32 27 Beaujolais Beaulieu.. D VI 19Biscay A IV 56 FV 20 Biscay, Bay of 62 27 Beaumont C III 19 Bishops Wal- Beauport Beauvais Bec Bedford 80 tham B III 34 B VI 62 Bismark, C. B IX 65 C IV 15 Bissao.. E IX 47 D VI 32 Bithoor C III 61 Beeston Castle DV 29 Black Forest.. B VIII 49 Behar ... C V 61 Blackheath E VII 32 of EV 28 Bamberg, Bp. Behring Sea .. D XVIII 65 Black Sea .... BV 60 Aujila..... B V 66 of.... C V 28 Beira .... BI 56 Blackwater, R. B V 27 Auldearn C V 33 Bamborough. A IV Belesme DV 10 D III 27 Aunis C III 49 Banff C V 33 Belfast BV 27 Blair Athol .. B III 42 Auray. A III 81 Bangkok F XV 65 Belfast, L. B VI 27 Blanc, Mt.... D VIII 62 Auray, R. A IV 81 Bangor B VI 27 Belfort C IV 41 Blancheland.. DIV 10 Aurillac..... +Aurungabad Austerlitz D VI 62 Bangor Iscoed C III 5 Belgae G VI 1 Blanche Tache BV 16 E II 54 Bangweolo, L. F VII 66 Belgium.. A VII 62 Blanco, C..... B II 66 .... D VIII 55 Banjaluka В II 60 Belgrade B III 60 Blandford B II 34 Austin Australia Austria E V 65 Bann, R. BV 27 Belhaven H XVI 65 Bannockburn +68 Belle Isle C III +75 62 Blankenberghe ΑΙ 38 Blave. D II 17 .... B II 6 Bantry E II 27 Belle Isle, St. of D VII 65 Blenheim BV 40 ‡Austria A. Dy. Bantry Bay E n 27 of.. B V 40 Bapaume DI 38 Bellinzona Beloochistan…. A III 53 +78 CI 61 Bloemfontein H VI 66 Austria-Hun- Bar C VI 19 Belvoir Castle E VII 29 Blois CV 62 gary A II 63 C VII 51 Ben Cruachan DIV 33 Austria, Lower Bloody Fore- D IV 44 Bar, Duchy of B VI 17 Ben Lawers DIV 33 land A III 27 Austrian Do- Bar-le-Duc B VII 62 Ben Lomond.. minions C VI 51 Bar-sur-Aube D II 55 Ben Mac Dhui DIV 33 CV 33 Blore Heath DIV 18 Austrian Em- Blue Ridge C III 48 Barbados, I. .. F VII 65 Ben Nevis D III 33 Bober, R. B IV 44 pire... A II 60 Barca ... DV 43 Benares C IV 61 Bobrinsk CV 58 Austrian Ne- Barcelona B VII 56 Benburb.... B V 27 Boden, L. .... A III 53 therlands.... A II 52 Authie R. B V 16 Autun B II 6 Bard Bardsey, I. Barfleur B II 53 Beneventum…. F VIII 8 Boderia D II 32 Beneventum, Aestuaria A V 1 ... C III 15 Dy. of B III 6 Bodmin F II 20 ‡Auvergne DV 15 Barhampore ·· D V 61 Bengal .... DV 61 Bohemia A III 6 Auxerre.... C VI 62 Barnet • E VI 18 Bengal, Bay of F V 61 Bohemian Avars, Km. of B III 6 Barnstaple E II 32 Benin, B. of DIV 66 Lands.... C VII 22 Avennes..... D III 38 Baroda D II 61 Benué, R. D IV 66 Bois le Duc A V 38 ‡Aveyron D VI 62 Barra... DI 33 Berar DIV 54 Bolan Pass CI 61 Aveyron, R. D IV 17 Barrackpore. D V 61 Berber C VII 66 Bologna B IV 53 Avignon E VII 62 Barrosa D III 56 Beresina, R. · A V 57 Bolton C IV 32 Avon, R. .... D V 32 Barrow DV 27 Berg A III 57 Bolton Abbey CV 29 Avranches.. C III 15 Barrow, Pt. B II 65 Berg, Dy. of .. A III 52 Bolton Castle CV 29 Awe, L. D III 33 Barrow, R. DV 24 Bergamo • B III 53 Bombay ·· E II 61 Axminster... Aya Dagh, C. B II Aylesford E VII ‡Ayr .. Ayr, R. E IV 33 E IV 34 +60 Bärwalde Basel 14Basel, Bp. of 33 †Bashkirs... Basingstoke ... B VII 28 Bergen • A III 43 Bona A IV 66 C VIII 62 Bergen op Boneffe CIV 38 E III 28 Zoom A III 38 Bonn A VIII 62 A VII 6 Berkel, R. BV 39 Bonnière .... B VI 16 F VI 29 Berkhamp. Bonvignes.. DIV 38 ‡Azerbijan • C VI 6 Bas Rhin .... B VIII 62 stead E VI 14 Bordeaux DIV 62 Azores, I. ΑΙ 66 Bassano .... BIV 53 Berks E V 7 Bordelais E III 19 Azov C VI 43 Bassein E II 50 Berlin... A IV 59 Azov, S..... Borghetto B III 53 A VI 60 Basses Alpes.. D VIII 62 Basses Pyré- Bermudas Bern CV 45 Borisow B IV 58 B ILI 59 Borneo North F XVI 65 BACHARACH C III 28 nées E IV 62 Bernicia. A IV 7 Bornholm A IV 57 Badajoz .... C II 56 Basuto Land.. G VI 66‡Berri C IV 17 Bornu.. ст 66 Baden... B III 57 Bath E IV 32 Berwick A V 32 Borodino A VI 57 Baffin Bay.... B VI 65 Bathurst C II 66 Baffin Land B VI 65 F VIII 65 Besançon Bessarabia C VIII 62 B VIII 58 C VIII Bagdad D VII 60 Bathurst, C В ЦІ 65 li Beverley D VII 51 29 Boroughbridge Bosnia A IV 10 B II 60 . ་ INDEX 11 Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Mar- Mar- Map Name ginal Map Map Name Letter ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Bosphorus Boston B IV 60 Brihuega сп 40 B V 48 Brill C II 26 Cabul Cadiz • BI D VII 29 Brindisi B II 60 Cadsand... Bosworth D V 18 Brisbane H XVII 65 Caen Bothnia, G. of A V 43 Bristol Channel E II 32 Caerlaverock.. Bothwell Bridge Botzen Bouchain .... Britain, Lower E VI 1 Caerwent ... E IV 33 Britain, Upper D V 1 Cagliari D III C III A IV 53 Britannia BI 6 C III 59 DII 39 British Bechu- Cahore Pt..... DV Bouches du ana Land G VI Rhone.. Boughta Mts. E VII 62 British Guiana F VII 385 66 Cahors DV 62 JHANA NONN 56 5 57 D II с п 39 B IV 62 61 Carinthia Carinthia Carisbrook.. Carisbrook Castle Carlingford Lough Carlisle A III 20 .... B III 6 CV 51 F V 14 G VI 29 C VI 27 B IV 27 Carlow DV Carmarthen E II 65 Carmarthen- ΒΙ 36 • British Sphere Cairn Gorm CV 33 shire E II Boulogne A V 62 of Influence F VI 66 Cairn Toul CIV 33 Carmel, Mt. DV Bounty Is..... Bourbon.. Bourbonnais .. Bourdelois.. I XIX 65 Britons or Cairns Muir E IV 33 Carnac B III 81 CV 17 Welsh В III 3 Cairo A VII 66 Carnarvon.... C II DV 19 Brittany. D IV 11 Caistor C VI 14 D III D III 17 Brixham F III 32 Caithness A XV 13 • Carnarvon Bay C II 32 Bourg..... C VII 62 Broad Haven.. BI 27 Calabria ... C III 6 Carnarvon- Bourges C VI 62 Broad Law E V 33 Calais A V 62 shire D II Bouvet, I. I IX 65 Brosna, R..... A II 36 Calcutta.. DV 61 Carnatic. F III 61 Bouvines C VI 10 Bruges ... сп 39 Caledonia A III 1 Carndonagh A IV 27 Boves C VI 16 Brünn.. D VIII 28 Calicut F II 61 Boxley E VII 20 Brunswick... B V 28 Callan.. DIV 21 Carniola Carnsore Pt. • B III D V 27 Boyne, R.. C V 27 Brussels D III 39 Callao.. Ꮐ Ꮩ 65 Carolina.. D III 48 Bozzolo A I 53 Bruton A II 34 Calleva Atre- Caroline Is. F XVII 65 *Brabant A II 52 Bruzza BIV 60 batum.. F VII 1 Carpathian Bradford A II 34 Buch D III 17 Calvados B IV 62 Mts.. A III 60 CV 32 Buchan B VI 13 Cambay, G. of D II 61 Carrick DIV 13 Bradock Down G III 29 Buchan Ness.. C VII 33 Cambrai.. A VI 62 Carrickfergus B V 27 Braga ... ΒΙ 56 Bucharest .... BIV 60 Brahmaputra C VI 61 Braine l'Alleud C III 38 Bückeburg Buckingham.. BI 44 ++++ DV 32 +85 E VI 32 Cambresis Cambridge... Cambus- kenneth D II 39 Carrick-on- D VII 14 Shannon C II 27 Carrion, R... A III 56 NANA HOTARA HUN NOU ON NO 32 27 32 14 60 32 29 14 6 .... CV 13 Cartagena D V 56 Braine le Buda A II 60 Camden.. D III 48 Carthage C III 6 Comte...... C III 38 Buddon Ness.. D VI 33 Camelford .... F II 14 Carthagena CI 6 Bramham Bude Bay F II 32Cameroons... D V 66 Cashel... D IV 27 Moor СТ 14 Budweis .... D VII 28 Camin.... A VII 28 Cashmere В III 61 Brandenburg. A III 44 Buenos Ayres H VII 65 Camin, Bp. of A VIII 28 Caspian Sea.. A VIII 60 Brandenburg Bug, R. A V 60 Campeachy Bay D II 45 D XII 65 (Neu)...... Brandenburg, Bp. of... Braunau. Bray Brazil.. Brechin B VI 28 Bulgaria.. B III 60 Campo, R. DV 66 Cassack Pt. +88 Bulgarians, Camulodunum F VIII 1 Cassano .. B III 53 B VI 28 C VIII 28 888 Km. of the.. B IV 6 Canada A IV 48 Cassel C IV 28 Bundelcund D III 61 C VI 16 Bunder C VIII 66 • E IV 25 Burford E V 482 Canada, Do- minion of Castiglione A I 53 D IV 7 Canary Is..... B II C VI 13 Burgh on Candia C III Brecknock... E III 20 Sands E V 13 Canna... • C II E III 32 Burgos A IV 56 Canneghem B II Breda A IV Bregenz.. 38 55 Burgundia.. B II 6 Cantabrian Breisach Breisgau Breitenfeld 28 Bremen A III 57 • ... Bremen, Bp. of B IV 28 Brenner A IV 53 Brentford • F VII 29 .. E IV D III 28 E III 28 C VI Arles Burgundy, Cy. Burgundy, Dy. Burke, Tn……….. Burgundy Burgundy .... C VI 49 Mts. A III or Cantal D VI • E VI 8 Canterbury E VIII 8883 88888 65 Castile C II 40 66 Castillon E IV 19 60 Castlebar С II 27 33 Catalonia B III 57 38 D III 51 Catawbas .... D III 48 56 Câteau Cam- 62 bresis D IV 21 32 Cativellunni F VII 1 Cantii.. F VIII 1 Cattaro D VI 41 of..... C VI 17 Cantire E III 33 Caucasus Mts. B VII 60 Cantire,Mull of E III 33 Caux C IV 19 of.. C VI 17 Canton E XV 65 Cavado, R.. BI 56 G XVI -65 Cape Breton, I. B VI 45 Cavan.. B IV 27 Brescia B IV 53 Breslau A IV 59 Burkersdorf Burlington .. C V 44 Cape Colony H XI 65 ‡ B IV 27 BV 48 Cape Coast Cavery, R..... F III 54 Brest B II 62 Bretigny Bridgenorth Bridgwater Bridlington Bridlington Bay Bridport. Brieg Brienne ... Brigantes Brighthelm- ston..... Brighton C IV E V .. E III B VI 32 2222 15 Burmah,Lower Burrow Hd. .. E VI 61 Ĉastle... D III 66 Cawnpore C IV 61 F IV 33 Cape Town ·· HV 66 Caxo CIV 60 29 Bury St. Ed- munds E VIII 29 Capua... 20 Busaco ΒΙ 56 ‡C. Verde Is. Carberry Hill F VIII 65 Celebes E XVI 47 F VII 8 Cephalonia C II 60 A III 20 Cerdagne G VII 12 Bussa C IV 66 Carcassonne E VI 62 Ceredigion. DII 7 A VI 11 ||Bute • D III 13 Cardiff E III 32 Cerigo C III 63 B II 34 Bute, Sd. of E III 33 Cardigan DII 32 Cetinge B II 60 C VII 55 Butt of Lewis B II 33 DII 32 Ceuta A III 66 D II 55 Buxières +62 D VI 1 Buzancy +62 Cardigan Bay Cargados Is. DII 32 Ceva B III 53 FX 66 Cevennes Mts. D VI 62 Carhun A IV 9 Ceylon .... G IV 61 F VI F VI 20 20 CABINDA EV 66 32 Cabriel, R..... BV 56 Caribbean Sea Carignan E IV 45 Chad, L.. CV 66 .... +62 Chagos Is. G XIII 65 . : • 12 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Mar. Name ginal Map! Letter Name Mar ginal Map Letter Name Mar. ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Chalgrove .... Chalon Chalons F VI C VI 29 B VII Chambal, R... C III 227 $3 49 62 Chippenham.. Chittagong Cholet АП 34 Congo, R. D VI 66 Crowland E VII D VI ·· 61 Connaught C II 22 Crown Point BV C IV 62 Connecticut BV 48 Croydon E VI Chotusitz DIV 44 Connecticut, R. B V 48 Crozet Is. I XII 54 Christchurch B III 34 Consilt BIV 12 Cuba • D III Chambery D VII 62 Christiania DX 65 Constance C VIII 49 Culham EV Chambley +62 Christmas, I.. F II 65 Constance, L... C IX 62 Culdoff Bay A IV ¿Champagne B VI 49 Chrobatia B III 6 Constantia • E VI 8 Culloden Moor C IV UNNAGUAN 29 48 20 65 45 20 27 33 Champaubert D II 55 Chrudin CV 44 Constantinople B IV 60 Culm D VIII 8. Champlain, L Channel Is. B V 48 Chur • E IV 55 Conway C III 14 Chandernagore D V 61 Cintra CI 56 Cooketown.. G XVII 65 B III 62 Circars E IV 50 .. Coomassie D IV 66 Cumberland .. Cumberland, I. Cumberland,R. B III 9 A III 25- C II 48 Chanza, R. D II 56 Circassia C VII 43 Copenhagen A IV 57 Cuneo... B II 53 Chard BI 34 Cirencester F VI 29 Corbais 85 Cunningham D IV 13 · *Charente DIV 62 Corbie.. Ο ΤΙ 16 Curaçao E VI 47 Charente Infer D IV 62 Cordova.. D III 56 Custozza ΑΙ 53 Charente, R... C V 62 Citeaux D VI 15 Cordova, Cali- B IV 53 Charleroi Charleston Charlotteville Charmy Charolles D III 38 .... Ciudad Real .. C IV 56 phate of... F III 8 Cüstrin B VII 55 85 Ciudad Rodrigo B II 56 Corfe Castle G V 29*Cutch DI 61 D III 48 Clackmannan DV 33 Corfu сп 60 Cutch, G. of .. DI 61 C IV 48 Clair-sur-Epte DV 10 Corico, B. D IV 66 Cutch, Runn of DI 61 +62 D VI 19 Clare Clare, I. D II 27 Corinium F VI 1 Cuttack D V 54 CI 27 Corinth C III 60 Cyclades с ш 60 Chartres B V 62 Clarendon .... B III 15 Corinth, G. of C III 60 Cyprus CV 60 C IV 15 Clear, C. E II 27 Coritani.. D VI 1 Czaslau D IV 44 Château Clear, I. E II 27 Cork E III 27 Czechi A III 6 Gaillard.... D VI 12 Châteauroux C V Châtelet D III 38 Châtellerault D IV 19 Chatham .... E VII 32 *Chatham Is... Chatillon Chattahoo- chee, R. Chaumont +Chazars Cheadle .... .... Chef de Caux Chelmsford I'XVIII C VI 65 2***26* Clermont D VI 62 ||Cornwall F II 32 Czernowitz C VII 51 Clermont-en- Coromandel Argonne +62 Coast .... F IV 61 Cleves A III 52 Corrèze DV 62 Cleves, Dy. of C III 28 Corrib, L. C II 27 DACCA D VI 61 Clew, B..... C II 27 Corry Arrack A II 42+Daghestan C vu 43 19 Clifton DIV 42 Corsica B III 57 Dahomey .... D IV 66 Clipston 74 Corso, C. E IX 62 Dalkeith E VI 33 D II 48 Clonakilty, B. E III 27 Corunna. ΑΙ 56 Dalmatia .... B III 6. B VII 62 Clonmel. ... DIV 27 Cos C IV 60 Dalwhinnie BII 42 D XI 8 Clontarf.. BI 10 Cosel C VI 44 Daman D II 50 F V 42 Cluny E VII 10 Cosne CV 17 Damara Land G V C III 16 Clyde, Firth of E IV 33 Cossacks C VI 43 Damascus.. D VI E VII 32 Clyde, R. E IV 33 Côte d'Or C VII 62 Damme A II 8888 66 60 38 Cheltenham E IV 32 ·· Coa, R. BI 56 Cotentin.. C II 19 Damnonii G III 1 Chelyuskin, C. B XV 65 Coblenz A III 57 Côtes du Nord B II 62 Danapris, R... BV 6 Chemnitz C III 44 Coburg ... A IV 59 Coulmiers .... СТ 62 Danelaw, The DV 7 Chenab, R. B II 61 Cochin F III 61 Courcelles.... +62 Danes A II 6. Chepstow E IV 32 Cocos Is. G XV 65 Courland, Dy. C V 2 *Cher C VI 62 Cod, C. ... B V 48 of.... BV 43 Danish Mercia C VI 7 Cher, R. C VI 62 Cognac D III 17 Courtrai D II 39 Dantzig A IV 57 Cherasco B II 53 Coimbra. ΒΙ 56 Coutances .... C III 19 Danube, R. B III 60 Cherbourg B IV 62 Coire A III 53 Coutras E III 19 B V 57 Chernaya, R. 88 Colberg A VII 55 Couture ... 86 Dardanelles C IV 60 Cherokees D II 48 Colchester .... .... K VII 32 Coventry DV 32 Darfur C VI 66 Chertsey A IV 34 Coleraine A V 27 Cracow BY 43 Darien ... E V 47 E VI 20 Coll D.II 33 Cray,R. A VII 1 Darmstadt. • DIV 28 Cherwell, R. 72 Cologne A III 57 Crayford A VII 1 Dartford E VII 18 Chesapeake, B. C IV 48 Cologne El.of.. сш 28 Crecy BV 16 Dartmouth F III 20 Cheshire B III 10 Colombey +62 Crediton F III 7 Dauphiné D VI 15 Chester C IV 32 Colombo G III 61 Creeks D II 48 Davies, St.. C VII 65 Cheviot Hills A IV 32 Colon F VI 65 Crépy D IV 22 Dax... E IV 62 Chiavenna A III 53 Colonsay DII 33 Crete, I. of C IV 6 Dead Sea D VI 60 Chichester F VI 32 .. Chickasaws Chicksand Abbey Chiers, R. Chiese, R. Chili Chillianwalla China Sea Chinese Empire D II 48 Cominges D VI 20 +62 ΑΙ 53 Colt Bridge Commercy. Como, L.... Comorin, C. Comoro Is. .... C IX G`II 61 C III 42 Creuse C V 62 Deal E VIII 20 E IV 17 Creuse, R. CV 62 Dee, R. C III 32 +62 Crevant CV 62 Crewkerne B II 34 17|| Degsastan Deheubarth B IL 5 E II 7 Crieff B III 42 Deighem .... C III 38 F VIII 66 Crimea A V 60 Deira B IV 3 F III 25 Compiègne CV 15 Crimea, Khan- Delagoa Bay.. G VII 66 B II 61 Conches B IV 17 ate of the.. C VI 43Delaware C IV 48 F XV 65 Concord B V 48 Croatia E VIII 8 Delaware, B... CV 48 Condé.. сп 38 Cromarty C III 33 Delaware, R... B IV 48 A V .... 61 Confederation Cross, R. D IV 66 Delft c ni 26 Chinon DIV 15 of the Rhine B IV 57 .... Cropredy 72 Chinsura D V 50 Conflans .... .... +62 Cropredy Delgado, C. *Delhi F VIII 66 C III 54 +Chios C IV 60 ‡Congo Free State E VI 66 Bridge E VI 29 Demetae.. F III 1 • ! INDEX 13 Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Map Name ginal Map Map Name Letter ginal Map Letter Denain D II 38 Denbigh. C II 20 Dender, R..... C III 38 Downpatrick.. Draiguignan.. Drave, R. B VI 27 Edinburgh DV 13 Eure et Loire B V 62 E VIII 62 E V 33 Europe DX 65 A II 60 EV 33 Euxine BV 6 Dendermonde C III 39Drenthe B V 39 Edington E IV 7 Everest, Mt. E XIV 65 Dene, R....... 72 Dresden A IV 59 Edisto, R. D III 48 Evesham B V 12 *Denmark A III 59 Dreux D IV 22 .... Eearn, L. D IV 33 Evreux BV 62 Dennewitz... B VI 55 Drissa B V 58 Eearn, R. DV 33 Exe, R. Η ΙΠ 32 Drissa, R. B V 58 Eger C VI 28 Exeter F III 32 Deptford E VII 20 Drogheda CV 27 Egypt DIV 60 Eylau A X 55 Derby B IV 10 †Drome D VII 62 Ehrenbreit- Derg, L.. D ILI 27 Drumclog E IV 33 stein C III 28 Derg, R.... Derry B IV 27 Dublin CV 27 Eider, R. B IV 51 ... B IV 24t C V 27 Eigg D II 33 *Desmond E II 21 Dublin Bay CV 27 Eindhoven.. A V 38 FADDILEY…. C 111 4 Desna, R. B IX 51 Dubrovna B VI 58 Eisenach CV 28 Fair Head A V 27 .... Dessau • C V 55 Duchesne Ft. BIII 45 Eisleben CV 28 Falaise DV 12 Dettingen C 1 44 Duleek C II 35 Elba.. B IV 57 Falkirk DV 33 Deux Sèvres. C IV 621Dumbarton DIV 33 Elbe, R. A III 57 Falkland Is. I VII 65 .. Deva D V 1 E IV 32 Elbruz, Mt. B VI 60 Falmouth FI 32 Deventer B V 26 Dumfries E V 33 El Fashr. · C VI 66 Fareham B III 34 ... Devizes F V 29 EV 33 Elgin CV 33 Farewell, C. D VIII 65 .. *Devon С III 10 Dun +62 CY 33 Farnham A IV 34 .... †Diarbekir .... C VII 60 Duna, R... A VIII 51 Ellesmere Faroe Is. C⭑IX 65 Diedenhofen 62 • Dünaburg A III 58 Land BV 65 Faversham E VII 20 Dieppe BV 62 Dunbar E VI 33 Elmet C IV 4 Fécamp CIV 16 Diest B IV 38 Duncansby Hd B V 33 Elmham. • • D VIII 14 Fedosia, or Digne. .. • D VIII 62 Dundalk BV 27 El Obeidh C VII 66 Kaffa. +60 Dijon Dinant Dingle C VII 62 Dundalk B. CV 27 Elvas .. ... C II 56 Fermanagh B IV 27 DIV 38 Dundee DV 33 ... Ely D VII 20 Fernando Po D IV 66 DI 24 Dundrum Bay B VI 27 Emesa. CV 6 Ferozabad………. C III 61 Dingle Bay Dingwall Diu I... Dives, R. Dixmuide Dnieper, R. .... Dniester, R. Dol DI 27 Dunfermline.. D V 33 Ems, R. B III 55 Ferozeshah B III 61 CIV 33 Dungannon B V 24 Enderby Land J XI 65 Ferrara B IV 53 D II 61 Dungarvan DIV 24 Enghien.. ... C III 38 Ferrol.. A I 56 DV 10 Dungarvan B. DIV 27 England. ΑΙ 6 Ferry Bridge.. CV 18 ΒΙ 38 Dungeness.... F VII 32 Enni. BI 36 Fethard.... DIV 21 A V 60 Dunkeld. CV 13 Enniskillen ΒΙ 35 Fez A III 66 .... A IV 60 Dunkirk.. A VI 62 Epinal B VIII 62Fezzan B V 66 • DIV 10 Dunse Law E VI 33 Erfurt.. A IV 57Fife... A III 20 Dolgelly Domfront • D III 32 Dunstable... E VI 20 Ericht, L. D IV 33 Fife Ness D VI 33 Ꭰ Ꮩ 12 Dunstan brough Erie, L. B III 48 Fiji Is. G XVIII 65 Dominica E V 45 Cas.. A T 18 Erne, R...... B III 27 Findhorn, R. C IV 43 Domremy B VI 17 Dunwich D VIII 14 Erne, Lower, Finisterre B II Don, R. Donauwörth .. Doncaster A VII 60 Dupplin C V 13 L. B IV 27 Finisterre, C. A I BV 40 Durance, R. E VII 62 Erne, Upper, Finland A V .... C V 20 Durazzo. B II 60 L. B IV 27 .... Finland, Gulf Donegal .... B III 27 Durban G VII 66 Erouard +62 of.. B III Donegal B. B III Donetz, R..... B VI Dongola.. C VI 8225 27 Durham. A IV 10 Erzeroum C VI 60 Finn, R... A V B IV 27 Durham Erz-Gebirge C VI 55 Fishguard 57 Bishopric of B V 9 Esher E VI 20 Fiume D II AI 66 Durlach... D IV 28 Esk, R. EV 33 Donnington Castle Doon, R... Doon Hill Doonbeg B. Dorchester.. Durobrivae A VII 1 Esk, N. Riv.. ·· D VI 33 ... F VI 29 Durovernum.. A IX 1 Esk, S. Riv. ·· D VI 33 Head Flanders. Flamborough B VII AI E IV 33 Dwina, R. .... A III 58 Esla, R. B III 56 Fleurus 38 DIV COOT OU OOON OF A 32 52 75 A V 57 Espinosa A IV 56 Fleury +62 D II 27 Dyfed... E II 7 Essex ... CV 10 Flint C in 20 FIV 32 Dyle, R. C III 39 Este B IV 53 Flodden A IV 20 Dordogne .... E IV 19 Dyrrachium. F VIII 8 Esthland A IV 6 Florence B IV 59 Dordogne, R... DV 62 Esthonia BV 43 Florida С II 25 Dornock Firth CV 33 Estrees 69 Flushing C II 39 *Dorset.. C II 10 EADWINES- Estrella, Sa. B II 56 Foix E IV 49 Dortmund.... A III 52 BURGH .. B III 5 Estremadura. CI 56 Fontainebleau DI 55 Dottignies. C 11 38 East Anglia. D VII 7 Etain † 62 Fontenoy B III 41 Douai Doubs.. Doubs, R. Doudremont Doullens Douro, R. Douzy. ... Dover Dover, Str. of Doveran, R. DI 38 Easter I. H IV 65 Etaples B IV 19 Fontrevault D III 15 .. C VIII 62 Eastern Ghats F III 61 Etawah C III 61 Forbach. B VIII 62 C VIII 62 East Florida.. E III 48 Etive, L... D UI 33 Forez D VI 15 86 B VI 16 .... B 11 56 ... Ebbsfleet Ebensberg. Eboracum A IX 1 Eton E VI 321Forfar D VI 33 DV 55 Eu B V 16 Formby Hd. С ІП 32 .... D VI Eubœa, I C III 60 Formentera C VI 56 +62 Ebro R. B V 56 Eupatoria A V 60 Formosa E XVI 65 E VIII 32 Echmühl D VI 55 Eupatoria, C... 60 Fort Augustus ΔΙ 42 F VIII 32 Edgecote DV 18 Euphrates, R. C VII 60 Fort St. David F IV 50 C VI 33 Edgecott 72 Eure BV 62 Fort St. Down B V 27 Edge Hill E VI 29 Eure, R... BV 62 George FIV 56 1 14 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Fort William D III 33 Galloway, Mull Glevum F V 1 Guernsey B III 62: DV 50 of..... F IV 33 Glogau B V 44 Guiana ... DIV 52. Forth, Firth of D VI 33 Galway C II 27 Glota, Fl. B III 1 Guienne.. D III' 17 + 4 Forth, R. Fosse Way. Fotheringhay .... D IV 33 27 Gloucester.. C III 10 Guildford E VI 32 E VI 1 .... Galway B..... C II 27 Glubokoi BIV 58 Guinea, Gulf of E IV 66 D VI 20 Gambia E IX 47 Glückstadt BIV 28 Guinegate .... B IV 19. Fougères .... C III 15 Gandjam EV 50 Goa... E II 61 Guines .... B IV 19 Fouldrey B III 20 Ganges, R..... C II 54 Godavery, R... E III 61 Guipuzcoa FII 15 Fountains Gap. D VIII 62 Gujerat DII 61 Abbey. BV 20 Gard D VI 62 Gundwana. D IV 54 Fourmigny B III 17 Garda, L. di B IV 53 Godthaab C VII 65 Gwalior C III 61 Fowey .. FII 20 Fox Channel.. CV 65 Foyle, L. A IV 27 Garonne, R. Gascony Gatinois D IV 62 Goes A III 38 ... E III 17 Gogra, R. C IV 54 Gwent.. Gwynned E III 7 C III 5 .... D VI 10 Gokcha, L.... B VIII 60 Foyle, R. B IV 27 Gaure .... E IV 17 Golconda E III 50 Framlingham D VIII 20 Gave, R.. D E IV 62 Gold Coast... E IX 47 +France A I 52 Gavre B II 38 Golf du Lion.. G VIII 12 HAARLEM Haddington В III 26: .. A IV 20 Franche Comté с п 43 Gaza DV 60 Good Hope, E VI 33 Franconia .... DV 28 Geete, R... C IV 38 Cape of .... HV 66 Hadrianople.. FX 8 Frankenthal.. DIV 28 Gelderland.... B IV 39 Gorlitz ... CIV 44 Hadrianopolis B IV 6 Frankfort B VII 28 Gemblours.. D III 26 Gormanston CI 35 Hagenau D III 28: Franks, East, Km. of +Franks, West, Km, of Franz Josef Ld... Gembloux .... C IV 38 Gorz +62 Hague, The B III 39. E VII 8 Genappe С III 38 Gosselies D III 38 Hainau F XV 65 Generality, Gotha ... C II 44 Hainault ΑΙ 52 ... E V 8 Land of the.. С ІП 39Gothia. B II 6 Halberstadt .. CV 28 Genesse, R. B IV 48 Gottland.. A IV 57 Hales D IV 20 A XIII 65 Geneva B III 57 Gough, I. I IX 65 Halifax DVI 65 Frasnes Freetown Freiburg C II 38 Geneva, L..... C VIII 62 Gower.. E II 7 Halle C VI 28 Frederikshall French Congo French Empire +French Guiana French Sphere of Influence.. +French Sudan Freteuil Freteval Frevent.. Friedland Friesland Friesland East E VII B IV 43 Genil, R. D III 56 Gowrie CV 13 Hall Land A VII 65, .... D II 66 Genoa B III 59 Graham Land J VII 65 Hamburg A IV 59, D III 28 Genoa, G. of .. D IX 62 Grammont..... C III 38 Hameln B IV 55. DV 66 Genoa, Rep. of D IV 41 Grampian Mts. D IV 33 Hamilton E IV 33. B III 57 George, Ft. A III 42 Grand Bassam D III 66 Hampshire E V 32 D II 55 George, L. B V 48 Grand Lahon D ILI 66 Hampton Ct... E VI 32: 47 Georgetown Georgia F VII 65 C III 45 C II 66 Georgia I., C II 66 DV 10 South Gerberoi.. ... I VIII 60 D V D VI 12 German Pro- B VI 16 tectorate G V .... A X 55 .... A IV 39 D VI 8 A VI 26 German Sphere of Influence Germany Gerona .... E VII B VIII ... *** 8 *: +3 Granson D VII 19 Hanover. • • A I 44 Grantham E VII 29 Harfleur. C IV 19. Grant Land A VI 65 Hart Fell E V 33. Gravelines... BIV 19 Hartford • B V 48. 10 Gravelotte.... +62 Harwich E VIII 32 Gt. Bear, L. C IV 65 Haslemere. A IV 34. 66 Great Britain Hasselt B V 38. Km. of В II 41 Hastenbeck .. ΒΙ 44. 66 Great Britain Hastings F VII 14 62 and Ireland, Hatfield.. E VI 20, B VII 56 Km. of BII 43Haute Garonne EV 62' Friesland West A IV 26 Gers... E V 62 Gt. St. Bernard A II 53 Haute Loire D VI 62: Frischermont 86 Gertruydenburg C III 39 Gt. Slave, L... C IV 65 Haute Marne.. B VII 62 Frisia A II 6 Gevandan F VII 11 Greece С III 60 Haute Rhin C VIII 62 Frobisher Str. A III 25 Gewissas.. D IV 3 Greenland В VII 65 Haute Saône C VII 62 Frome.. A II 34 Ghadames A IV 66 Greenland Sea B IX 65 Haute Savoie.. D VIII 62 Fürth · + Fuentes d'Onoro Fulda Fünfkirchen.. Furat, R..... Furnes .... Furness Abbey Fyne, L....... Ghagar, R... C II 61 Greenock .. A II 20Hautes Alpes.. D VII 62 BII 56 Gheet, Gt. 79 .... Greenore Pt... DV 27 Hautes C IV 28 Gheet Lit., R. 77 Greenwich.... E VII 20 A II 60 Ghent сп 39 Grenada.... E V 45 Pyrénées Havelberg, Bp. EV 62 C VI 60 Ghislinghen C II 38 Grenoble D VII 62 of.. .... BI 38 Gibraltar ... D III 56 Grisons E IV 55 Havre.. B III 20 Gibraltar, St. Grodno B VII 51 Hayti, I.. DV 28 of... D III 56 Groningen.. A V 26 Heard Is. B VI B IV E IV I XIII 28: 62 45 65 DIII 33 Gildas, Pt. St. E VIII 81 Guadalaviar, R. CV 56 Heathfield C IV Gironde D IV 62 Guadalaxara C II 40 Hebrides, or Gironde, R. D IV 62 Guadalete, R... C I 6 Western Is. CI 33 Gisienne, R. D IV 49 Guadalmez, R. C III 56 Hecla, Mt..... C VIII 65 *GABOON .... EV 66 Gisors DV 10 GuadalquivirR. D III 56 Hedgeley Moor +Gainas C IV 3 Giurgevo B IV 63 Guadalupe 56 Heidelberg A IV DIV 18 28 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 00 00 Gainsborough Galapagos Is. Galicia ‡Galla Land………. Gallego, R..... Galley Hd... Gallicia Gallipoli *Galloway D VII 29 Glamorgan E III 20 Guadarrama Heights of FV 65 Glarus.... A III 53 ΑΙ 56 Glasgow.. E IV 33 Sa. de Guadiana, R... B IV 56 Abraham †80- сп 56 Heilbronn D IV 28. D VII 66 Glastonbury E IV 20 Guardafui C IX 66 Heiligenhafen A V AV 56 Glatz • C V 44 Guatemala.. .... F V 65 Heiligerlee.. A VI 28: 26. .... E III 27Glencoe 37 Gudar, Sa. da B V 56 Hellas.. C IV 6. BI B IV 6 60 D III 33 Gueldres... A III 52 Glenfinnan D III 33 Guérande A II 7 Glen Shiel.... AI 42 Gueret CY D VII Helsingeland.. 62 j Republic B VIII & 81Helvetian B III 57 INDEX 15 Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Map Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Hems D VI 63 Hydra. ст 60 Jalon, R. ... BY Henares, R. B IV 56 Hythe.. EVILI 14 Jamaica. Hennebon D II 15 James R. C IV E IV 56 Kells 45 Kelso 48Kemp, Ld.. C-Y E VI 33 J XIII 65 Hennersdorf .. B IV 44†IBERIA…… B VI 6 Janina С III 60 Kempten A CI 2358 *Herault E VI 62 Ice Cape.. B XIII 65 Jankow D VII 28 Kendal DIV 42 ‡Hereford BILI 10 Iceland C IX 65 Jan Mayen I... B IX 65 Kenia, Mt..... D VII 66 Heristal... A II 6 Iceni E VIII 1 Japan.. E XVII 65 Kenilworth B IV 12 Hermanstadt A III 60 Ichaboe, I. G V 66 Japan, Sea of D XVI 65 Kenmare Bay EI 24 #Hertford CIV 10 Icknield Way E VIII 1 Jarnac DIV 22 Kenmare, R... EI 27 Hertfordshire E VI 9 Idle, R. .. C IV 5 Jarrow BV 7 Kennebec, R... B VI 48 Hertogenbosch C IV 26 Iglan D IV #Herzegovina.. B II 60 Ilchester .B.II Hesdin DI 26 Ile de Ré C IV ‡Hesse Cassel.. CI 44 Ile et Villaine BIV *Hesse Darm- Illinois, R..... B II stadt C IV 28 Illyrian Pro- Hexham.. B IV 14 vinces.. BIV ‡Hibernia DI 1 Inch, I. .... A IV 27 Hii A I 4 India E XIII 65 Hildesheim +Hildesheim, Bp. of Hillah. Himalaya Mts. Hispaniola.. D VI 8 Indian Ocean G XII ***** ANOS 44 Jassy A IV 60 Kennet, R..... EV 32 34 Java G XV 65 Kent Ст 10 62 Jedburgh • E VI 33 Kerguelen Is. I XIII 65 62 Jelina .. B VII 58 Kermadec Is. H XVIII | 65 48 Jellalabad Jemappes В II 61 Kerry DII 27 .... ΑΙ 52 Kerry, Hd. DI 27 57 Jemmingen A VI 26 Kertch +60 Jena Ст 55 Kertch, St. B VI 60 Jersey. B III 62 Kesselsdorf C III 44 65 Jerusalem D VI 60 Indian Terri- Jeypur ... E IV CV 28 D VII 63 В III 61 tory. Indore +Indre C II 48 Jhansi C III 61 Country D III 50 Jhelum, R..... В II 61 .. СТ 62 Jodoigne C IV 38 .... D IV 25 Indre, R. CV 62 Jomsburg D VII Hobart Hochkirch.. Höchst Hochstädt I XVII 65 Indre et Loire CV 62 Jordan, R.... D VI BIV 44 Indus, R. CI 61 Jorvaulx .... C IV 28 Ingelheim D VI 8 Abbey. B IV 20 DV 65 +78 Hohenfried- berg CV 44 ... Hohenlinden.. D VI 55 Ingerman Land Ingolstadt. Inkerman Inkerman. Mt. DV 28 Juba, R... Juliers, Dy of D VIII BV 43 A ILI Jumieges .... DV +60 Jumna, R. C U +88 Jura C VII Holland B II 55 Inkovo .... B VI 58 Jura, Sd. of E III WIPESAN 8x 60 Kesteven 61Khama's Khandesh Khartum Khatanga, R. Kherson. Khersonese Bay C VI 7 F VI D III 54 C VII B XV 65. A V +88 66 Khersonese, 52 C..... BV 10 Khyber Pass.. вп 61 Kief.. D XI 62 Kiel A V 33 Kilcock C V Holmby House E VI 29 Inn, R. D VI 55 Jutes B IV 2 Kilcullen CV *Holstein.. Α ΠΙ 59 Innsbrück.. BV 40 Jutland A II 6 Kildare CV Holy I. A V 32 Inverary .... D III 33 Jyenagur С I 54 Kilimanjaro, Holyhead C II 32 Inverlochy D IV 33 Mt. E VIII Holywell C III 20 Inverness ΑΙ 42 .... Kilkenny DIV 81888 8 CUBAAN ON 60 60 55 21 27 27 Homildon Hill A IV 18 Iona сп 13 DIV 27 Hondschoote.. ΑΙ 52 Ionian Is. C II 60 Killala В II 27 Honduras .... FV 65 Ipswich D VII 32 KADIKOI • +88 Killala Bay BII 27 of.... Honduras, G. Honfleur Hong Kong Honiton.. Honolulu .... Hoogly, R.... Hopton Heath Horncastle Hougomont Ireland BI 32 Kaffa, B. +60 Killiecrankie D V 33 E III 45 Irish Sea сп 32 Kaiserswerth Ст 39 Kilmallock D III 24 B III 17 Irkutsk D XV 65 Kalamita, B... +60 Kilmarnock E IV 33 E XV 65 Irmin, Str. E VII 1 Kalamita, G of C III 60 Kilrush DII 27 ΒΙ 34 Iroquois... B III 48 Kaliagri, C. .. B IV 60 Kimberley G VI 66 E II 65 Irrawaddy, R. E VII 61 Kalmucs C VII 43 DV 61 Irtish, R. D XIII 65 Kaluga B IX 58 Kincardine King Oscar D VI .. 33 E V 29 Isar, R. D VI 55 Kama, R. B VIII 43 Land A XII 65 C VI 20 Isca.. G IV 1 Kamlesh, B... +88 King William 86 Isca Silurum F IV 1 Kanawha, R... C III 48 Land B VIII 65 Hounslow .... A IV 34 Isère D VII 62 Hulst Hungary Hubertsburg.. Hudson B..... Hudson, R. Hudson St. Hull Humber, R. Hungary, Km. BUI 44 Isère, R..... D VI 17 Kandy. Kanem G IV 61 Kinghorn CV 13 CV 66 King's County C IV 24 CY 65 Iskandrun, R. C VI 60 | Kara Sea B XII 65 Kingston A IV 34 .. B V C VII 48 Isla, R. DV 33 Kara Su +60 Kingston- 65+Islay D II 13 Kara Tau +60 upon-Hull.. C VI 14 C VI 32 E II 33 Karasai +60 Kingswood EIV 32 A 111 38 Isle of France B V 49 Karasubazar.. +60 Kinlochmore +37 c vn 32 Isle, R. DV 62 Karikal F IV 61 Kinnaird Hd. C VII 33 .... B IV 59 Islip Bridge F VI 29 Karlsburg C VII 51 Kinross D V 33 Ismail... C VIII 51 Kars B VII 60 Kinsale E III 27 of... C IV 43 Italian Sphere Kasantip Bay +60 Kirkcudbright E IV 33 Hungerford E V 32 of Influence D VIII 66 Kasar, C. C VII 66 Kistna, R. E III 61 +Huntingdon B IV 10 Italy BI 60 Kaskaskia CI 48 Kits Coity Huron Lake …. B IU 48 Ituna Aest. CIV 1 Kassai, R... E VI 66 Ho. A VIII 1 *Hurons В ПІ 48 Ivıza C VI 56 Kassala ... C VII 66 Kizil Irmak BY 63 Hurst Castle.. G VI 29 Ivry C IV 19 Katrine, L. .. D IV 33 Kizil Irmak Huy D IV 39 Katzbach C VIII 55 Re C VI 43 Hwang Ho +Hwiccan.. Hyderabad.... E XV 65 Kavanaghs DV 24 Klein Schnel- .. D III 4 JAFFA C VI 57 ... Kay. B IV 44 CI 61 DV 60 Kazatch, B. +88 lendorf Klostergrab.. C V C VI Е ПІ 61 Jägerndorf C VI 44 Kazatch, Pt. +88 Kloster-Seven AI ** 54 28 44 16 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name Mar. ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Map Name Mar. ginal Map Letter Knaresborough Knocke Ft. C VI 29 La Rochelle P C IV .. BI 38 La Roche-sur- 62 Lincoln Lindau .... 10 Louisiana CI 48 E IV 55 Louth C XV 27 Knockmeal- Yon... C IV 62 Lindisfarn.. A V 14 Louvain • D III 39 down Mts... DIV 27 La Rothière D II 55 Lindiswaras C IV 3 Low Is. G II 65 Kollin.. C IV 44 Lasne +85 Lindum D VI 1 Lower Palati- Kolokythia, Lasne, R. +85 Linlithgow DV 33 nate B III 52 G of C III 63 Laswari C III 54 t EV 33 Lowestoft D VIII 32 *Kong D III 66 Lathom House DV 29 Linnhe, L... D III 33 Lowicz B IX 28 Kong Mts.. D III 66 Launceston G III 29 Linz D VII 55 Lozère D VI 62 Konieh СТ 60 Laval B IV 62 Lippe • ΒΙ 44 Lubeck B V 28 Königsberg AX 28 Lea, R. E VII 32 Lippe, R. C III 55 Lubeck, Bp. of BV 28 Königstein C III 44 Lebanon Mts. D VI 60 Lisbon • CI 56 Lucca B III 59 Kostroma B VII 43 Lebus, Bp. of.. B VII 28 Lisburn B VI 27 Lucerne, L. C IX 62 Kovno.. B II 58 Lech, R.... DV 28 Lisieux .... CIV 16 Lucheux B VI 16 Krasnoi B VI 58 Lee, R. E III 27 Lismore ... D IV 24 Lucknow CIV 61 Krems D VI 55 Leeds. CV 32 Lithuania B V 43 Ludlow DIV 20 Krio, O. C III 63 Leeuwin, C. H XV 65 Liverpool C IV 32 Lugo A II 56 Kuban, R. A VI 60 Leghorn CIV 53 Livonia B V 43 Luguballum Kulm .. BV 51 Legnago B IV Kunersdorf B IV 44 Leicester B IV 398 53 Livraimont +86 Caer Leul C V 1 10 Lixnaw ... DII 24 Lund C vu 8. Kur, R. C VII 43 Leighlin Lizard, The .. FI 32 Lunda.. E V 66 Kutaya *Kyle Kurrachee.. Kustendji ... DI 61 Bridge D IV 24 Llandaff. E III 14 Lundenwic ΑΙ 6 .... B IV 60 Leinster C II 22 CV 60 D IV 13 Leipzig Leiria Leith Leitrim B III 44 • CI 56 Lleyn Loango Lobositz. D II 7 Lundy I...... E II 14 FX 47 Lune, R.. B IV 7 C IV 44 Luneburg B V 28 A III 20 Loches E VI 12 Luneville D III 55 B III 27 Le Mans... B V 62 LA BARA- QUE La Belle Alli- ance #Labrador ‡Labuan, I. Laccadive Is….- Ladrone Is. Lembeck C III 38 Lochleven Lochmaben Lochy, L. B III 22 Lurgan B V 27 .. A III 20 Lusatia B IV 44 DIV 33 Lusignan E VI 12 +85 Lemberg C VII 51 Lodi B II 53 Lutter CV 28 Lemno C II 60 Lodomiria • ст 43 Lutterworth .. DV 14 +86 Lena, R... C XVI 65 Lofoden, I. B X 65 D III 25 Lennox ... C IV 13 Logrono.. F II 15 Lützen C VI 28 ... F XV 65 Lens C I 38 Loidis.. C IV 4 FII 61 Leoben E VII 55 Loir, R. CV 62 Lutzingen. Luxemburg +78 .. BI 52 ·· F XVII 65 Leominster D IV 14 Loir et Cher CV 62 Lydoch, L. .. D IV 33 Lagan, R. .... B V 27 Leon A III 56 Loire C IV 62 Lyme BI 34 Laggan, R..... BV 24 Leopold II., L. E VI 66 Loire, R... Ο ΠΙ 62 Lynn B VI 12 Lagos D IV 66 L'Orient.. ΑΙ 81 Loiret C VI 62 ... Lyon, R... D IV 33 La Gudina. CI • 40 Le Palais C III 81 Lokeren В II 38 Lyonnais D VI 15 La Hague, O. сп 16 Le Puy D VI 62 Lombardy В III 59 La Haye.... +87 Le Quesnoi ΑΙ 52 Lomond, L. D IV 33 Lyons Lys, R. .... D VII 62 DI 39 La Haye ... Sainte Laheycourt Lahn, R... La Hogue Lahore ‡La Mancha ¡La Marche Lanark Le Roussart +86 Londinium F VII 1 +86 Lesse, R. DIV 38 London E VI 32 †62 Letts ... C IX 8 Londonderry. BIV 27 • C IV 55 Leuthen. BV 44+ B IV 27 MAADIEH, L. +82 B III 49 Leuze C II 38 Long Island,B, E II 27 Maas, R. ... A II 52 B II 61 Leven, L. D V 33 Longford .... C IV 27 Maastricht CV 38 C IV 56 Lewes.. F VII 20 O IV 27 Macao.. D XV 47 .. DIV 15 Lewis.. BI 33 ... Long Marston E V 33 Lexington, R. C III 48 Longny *Lancashire C IV 20 Leyden ... B III 39 Longside .... A II E IV 42 Liady B VI 58 Longuyon Lancaster .... B IV 32 Liakof Is. B XVII 65 Landen C IV 38 *Landes D IV 62 Landrecies DII 39 Lichfield Lichtenhayn.. Liddel, R. D IV 32 Loop, Hd. ... .... Lons-le-Saunier C VI DI †MacArtane +62MacCarthies.. 20 +62 Macclesfield Macedonia... †73 BV 24 D II 24 E III 21 .. E IV 42 62tMacDermot ·· C III 24 27 B IV 6 CIV 44 Lopatka, C. D XVIII 65 Macengo B III 53 E VI 33 ... Lopez, C. ... E IV 66 McGillicuddy's Lands End FI 32 Liège B VI 19 Lord Howe, I. H XVII 65 Reeks D I 27 Landshut D VI 55 Liegnitz. B V 44 Lorn • C III 13 Machelne B II 38 Langdon Liffey, R. CV 27 Lorn, Firth of DIII 33 Mackenzie C III 65 Abbey E VII 20 Ligny C II 38 Lorraine.. .... B IV 40 Mackenzie Langport Langobardia.. Langres... Languedoc.. 6 Lille A VI 62 Lossines.. сп 38 Hill.. .... F V 29 Lillo, Ft. A III 38 Lostwithiel G II 29 Macon C VII E II 55 Lima G V 65 Lot DV 62 C III 40+Limburg D IV 26 Lot, R. D V 62 Lansdown F V 29 Limerick D III 27 Lot et Garonne DV 62 Laon Lapland Larissa Larnaka.. Larne, L. La Roche Ber- nard .... B VI 62 Limia, R. BI 56 Lotharingia E VI A V 43 Limoges D V 62 Lothian A III 9 ... C III 60 Limolette .. +85 Loughbrick- Macquarie, I. I XVII MacWilliam, Lower.. 8+MacWilliam, Upper Madagascar 888888 65 B II 21 С ПІ 21 ·· F VIII 66 DV 60 Limousin .... D IV 17 land... B II 35 Madeira ... A I 66 B VI, 27 Limpopo, R. Lincelles B VII 81 Lincoln G VI 66 CI 38 B IV 10 Loughrea ·AI 36 Madras F IV 61 Loughros, B... Louisburg B III 27 Madrid BIV 56 .... B VI 45 Mafia L E VIII 66 INDEX 17 Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Map Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Magdeburg +Magdeburg, Bp. of.... Magellan, St. C V 22 Marmara, Sea Mersey, R..... C IV 32 Montauban E IV 19 of.. B IV 60 Merton E VI 7 Montbeliard C VIII 62 BV 28 Marne. В VII 62 Messina CI 60 Montcontour D III 22 • I V 65 Marne, R. • B VI 62 Messina, St. *Magennis B V 21 .... Maros, R. A III 60 of... C II Maggiore, L... B III 53 Marquesas Is. G III 65 Metaris Aest. D VIII *Maguire B IV 21 Marseilles .... E VII 62 Methven .... C V 13 Magus Moor .. D V 33 Marshall Is. ·· F XVIII 65 Metz B VIII 378 Montebello B III 53 .. 60 Montenegro B II 63 1 Montenotte .. B III 53 Montereau .. B V 17 62 Monte Video.. H VII 65 Mahanuddy, Mars-la-Tour.. • +62 Meulan B IV 17 Montfaucon .. +62 R..... D V 61 Marston Moor D VI 29 Meurthe….. B VIII 62 Montgomery. D III 32 Mahon, Port.. C VIII 56 Martigny A II 53 Meuse.. B VII 62 Montivilliers.. CIV 16 +Mahratta Martinique E VII 47 Meuse, R. A V 38 Montlheri • • B V 17 States... D III 50 Marwar C II 54 Mexico E II 45 Montmedy. +62 Loire Maidenhea' Maidstone Main, R.... Maine *Maine et Mainz.. Mainz, Ap. of A IV 34 Maryborough ΒΙ 36 Mexico, G. of.. E V 65 Montmirail DI 55 E VII 20 Maryland .... C IV 48 Mézières C VI 19 .... Montmorenci, DIV 55 Maserfield • C III 4 Michigan, L... B II 48 R...· +80 B III 17 Mashona.. F VII 66 Middlesex .... E VI 32 Montpellier E VI 62 C IV སྐྱ 62 A II 6 Mask, L Massowah сп 27 Midhurst B IV 34 Montreal A V 48 Massachusetts BY 48 Mignaloux.. 70 Montreuil B V 16 • C VIII 66 Milan... B III 53 Moodkee B III 61 A IV 52 Masulipatam E IV 61 Milan, Dchy Mook C IV 26 Maisoncelles +71 Matapan, C. .. C III 60 of... B IV 40 Mooltan B II 61 Majorca. C VI 56 Mathravel D III 7 Milford F V 20 Moorshedabad DV 50 Malabar Coast F II 61 Maubeuge ΑΙ 52 Milford Haven E 1 20 Morat. D VII 19 Malaga D III 56 Maupertuis D III 15 E I 32 Moravia B IV 57 Malatia D VI 43 Mauritius H XIII 65 Millesimo B III 53 Moravia, R. D VI 44 .. Malden, I. G II 65 Maxen.. C III 44 Millet C III 38 Moray. BV 13 Maldive Is.. G II 61 Maye, R +69 Milo... C II 60 Moray Firth.. C V 33 Maldon E VII 14 .. Minch, The B III 33 Malin Hd. A IV 27 Malines B IV 38 Mayenne, R.. Maynooth B IV 62 Minch, Little C II 33 Morea.. .... C II 22 Minden ΑΙ 44 Malio, C. C III 60+Mayo сп 27 Minden, Bp of B IV 28 Mallow D III 24 Mazy C IV 38Minho ΒΙ 56 Malmesbury F VI 29 Mearns, The C VI 13 Minho, R. ΑΙ 56 Malo Jaros- Meath.. C V 27 Minico, R... ΑΙ 53 Morbihan ...... Morecambe Bay.. Morena, Sa.... Morganwg. Moricambe .... C II 62 CV 59 D III 42 C IV 56 .... E III lavitz B IX 58 Meaux B V 17 Minorca.... B VII 56 Aest. D IV Malonnet D IV 38 C V 15 Minsk... C IV 58 Morlaix D III 10 Malplaquet D II 39 Mechlin D UI 26 Minster Lovell E V 20 Morocco.. A III 66 +Malta C IV 57Mecklenburg.. A II 44 Mirabel E IV 15 Mortagne C IV Malvern DIV 14 Medesham- Misnia, Bp of C VI 28 Mortain D V +Malwah D III 54 stead D VI 7 Mississippi, R. DI 48 Mortemer DV Man, I. of ... B II 32 Medina de Rio Missolonghi C III 60 Mortimer's Manaar, G. of G III 61 Seco.. B III 56 Missouri, R CI 48 Cross D IV Manche B IV 62 Medina Mitylene .. C IV 60 Moscow A VI Manchester C IV 32 Sidonia +84 Mizen Head .. DV 27 Moselle .... B VIII Mancunium DV 1 Medinsk. B VIII 58 Mobangi, R... DV 66 Moselle, R... B VIII Mandingo D III 66 Mediterranean Möckern B VI 55 Mossamedes FV 88826 CE885- .** *88 1 62 11 10 18 57 66 +Manica G VII 66 Sea C IV 57 Modena D V 51 Mosul C VII 63 Manilla E XV 47 Medole A I 53 Moero, L. E VI 66 Moulins C VI 62 Manipur.. D VI 61 Medway, R. A. VII 1 Mohilef ... B IX 51 Mount C. D II 66 Manisa C IV 60 Meerut C III 61 Moidart BI 42 • Mount's Bay. FI 32 Mannheim.. D IV 28 Mehaigne, R... +79 Mojaisk ... B IX 58 Mouzon +62 Mantes B IV 17 Mehin CI 38 • Moldau, R. DIV 44 Moy, R. B II Mantua Mar. ... Maransart Maras, R. Marbache Marbais .... B IV 53 Meissen C VI 28Moldavia A IV 60 Mozambique. F VIII B VI A III 13 +85 63 Melbourne H XVI 65 Mollwitz СТ 44 Mozambique Melgueil.. G VII 12 Molopo, R. G VI 66 Melksham A II 34 Moluccas F XVI 47 Channel Mühlhausen .... ... +62 Melrose E VI 33 Mombarsa E VIII 66 +85 Melun.. B VI 62 +Mona ... C III 1+Mull F VIII E III CV D II March.. *Marche Marchienne Marchiennes Mardyke D VI 13 Melville Sound B IV 65 Monaghan. B V 27 Mullet, The .. BI CIV 49 Memel... A X 55 Monagh Lea Mullingar C IV D III 38 Memel, R. A V 59 Mts...... CIV 33 Munich B IV 28 CXXONND CI 38 CI 39 Maria Theresi- opel Marienkirk A III В ц Marignan Ꭰ Ꮩ Mark, Cty.of.. A III Market worth.. Bos- Marlborough.. Marlow DV A III A IV ** *** 2** Mende. D VI 62 Mendips Moncontour Mondego, R... D III 19 Münster D III 27 ΒΙ 56 Münster. C III 28 (Hills) F V 1 Monmouth .. E IV 32 Münster, Bp. of B III 28 60 Mendovio B II 53 Monrovia D II 66 Murad, R. C VII 60 ... 38 Mentz.. C IV 28 Mons Graupius A V 1 Murcia C IV 56 22 Mentz, Bp of DIV 28 Mont Cenis Muscat E XII 65 52 Merioneth- shire Pass B II 53 Muttra C III 61 D III 14 Mont de Mar- Mysore F III 61 20 Merseburg.... 34Merseburg, Bp CV 28 san E IV 62 Mont St. André C IV 38 34 of.. CV 28 Mont St Jean 1+85 18 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name Mar. ginal Map Letter Name Mar. ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter NAARDEN Naas Nagpur BIV 26 CV 27 DILI 61 New Hamp- shire New Haven BV B V 48 Northfolk Nairn CV 33 New Jersey BV 48 Northallerton 48Northampton Northumber- A V 12 D VI D VII .... CV 33 New London.. BV 48 land.. A IV 32 Nairn, R. CIV 33 New Orleans.. DI 48 Norwich. D VIII 32 Najavilla, R... F II 15 New Ross .... DV 27 Norway A V Najera F II 15 New Siberia B XVII 65+Norway, Km.of A V 43 Namaqua New Spain. D IV 47 Nossi Bé... F VIII 227 222*8 32 Orange, R. Orange Free State G V 66 G VI 66 Oranmore A I 36 Orcha B VI 58 Orchies CI 38 22 Ordovices D IV 1 Orense A II 56 66 Orinoco, R. FV 45 Land G V 66 New York.... BV 48 Nottingham *Namur Nancy.. A II 52 B V 48 C IV CV 4 Orissa DV 61 321 E IV 54 ... B VIII 62 Newark C VI 32 Nouilly +62 Orkney Is..... AV, 33 Nandere. E III 54 Newburn C VI 29 Novara B III 53 Orkneys, Nantes Nantwich Naples .... ‡Naples, Km. of.... C IV 62 Newcastle A V 32 Nova Scotia A VI 48 South.. J VIU 65 DV 29 Newfoundland D VII 65 Novaya Zemlia B XII 65 Orléannais C IV 17 B IV 57 Newmarket ·· D VII 32 Novgorod C XI 8 Orleans C VI 62 Newport. .. G VI 29 Novi B III 53 Orleans, I. of +80- BIV 57 Newry BV 24 Novi Bazar B III 60 Ornain, R..... |†62* Narbonne E V 49 Newton Abbot BI 34 Noyallo B VI 81 Orne B IV 62 F V 15 Newtown D III 66 Nüremberg D V 28 .. Orne, R... B IV 62 Narra, R. CI 61 Newtown Nyassa, L. .... F VII 66 Oronsay D U 33. Naseby E VII 29 Butler ΒΙ 35 Nymwegen C IV 39 Orsova D VII 51 Nassau A III 57 Ngami, L.... G VI 66 Ortegal, C. ΑΙ 56 *Natal G VII 66 Niadi Kwili E IV 66 Orthez A V 56 Naumburg C VI 55 Niagara, Ft... B III 45 OAKINGHAM A IV 34 Osnabrück... BIV 41 Naumburg, Bp. Nice E VIII 62 Oberwinden .. †77 Osnabrück, Bp. of... Ст 28 Nauplia C ILI 60 Nauplia, G. of C III 60 Navan C II 35 Navarino C III 63 ‡Navarre... A V 56 Nicobar Is. Nicopolis Nidd, R..... Niemen, R. Niemguen Nienburg G VI 61 Obi, R. C XIII 65 of..... B III 28 .... F IX 8 Obidos CI 56 Ostend CI 39: B V 32 Obock.. C VIII 66 Ostrovno B V 58 .. AX 55 Obotrites A III 6 Oswego B IV 48 .... C III 55 Ocaña.. C IV 56 Oswestry E V 29 .... B IV 28 Oceanus Bri- Otchakov A V 63 Navarrete F II 15 Nieuport ΒΙ 38 tannicus.... G V 1 Othain, R..... +62 Naxia C IV 60Nièvre: C VI 62 Oceanus Ger- Ottignies +85 Neagh, L. B V 27 Niger, R. C III 66 manicus:. C VIII 1 Ottoman Do- Neath E III 14 Nijni Novgorod B VII 43 OceanusHiber- minions .... D VII 41 Neckar, R. .... DIV 55 Nile, R. B VII 66 nicus DII 1 Oudenarde.. DII 39 Neerlanden Neerwinden Neisse.. Neisse, R. CIV 38 Nimburg C IV 44 Oceanus Vergi- Oudh C IV 61 .. CIV 38 Nimwegen. C IV 26 vius F II 1 Ouessant, I. В II 62 C VI 44 Ninoye C III 38 Ockley E VI 7 Ouse, R....... CV 32 C V 44 Niort C IV 62 Oder, R. A IV 57 Ouse, R., *Nemours C V 19 Nisib • C VI 60 Odessa A V 60 Little D VII 32 Nen, R. D VI 32 Nismes E VII 62 Odiham CV 12 Overyssel B V 39 Nenagh D II 24 Nithsdale D IV 131Oettingen DV 28 Oviedo .. A III 56 Nepaul C IV 61 Nivelle, R... A V 56 Offas Dyke C III 7 Oxford EV 7 Nerbudda, R. D III 61 Nivelles. • C III 38 Oglio, R... AI 53 Oxford EV 9 Nesle Ст 19 Nivernois Ст 49 Ogowe, R.... EV 66 Oxhill +72 Ness, L. CIV 33 Nizam's Dms. E III 50 Ohain. +85 Oykill, R. CIV 33 Netherlands A III 59 Noirmoutier, I. CIII 62 Ohio, R... C II 48 Netherlands, Nombre de Ohlau CV 44 Spanish ... C II 28 Dios D II 25 Oise.... B VI 62 Netherlands, Nomeny |†62 United B IV 39 Netze, R. B VIII 28 Neuburg D II 44 Nord Nördlingen Nore, R... A VI 62 Okhotsk...... DV 28 DIV 24 of... Neuchatel C III 43 Nore, The E VII 32 Oland Neuchatel, L. C VIII 62 Norfolk D VII 32 Oise, R. Okhotsk, Sea Old Basing B VI 62 PACIFIC C XVII 65 OCEAN .... E XVII 65. D XVII 65 A IV 57 F VI 29 Paderborn.... Paderborn, Bp. • • of.. Padua.. D VI 8 C IV 28 B IV 53 *Neumark .... A IV 44 Norfolk, I.... H XVIII 65 65 Old Castile.. B III 56 Pagny +62 Neumarkt BV 44 Norham D VI 13 Oldenburg .. B IV 28 Pain, R.... D III 54 Neustadt сп 44 Normandy В III 49 Oleron, I. DIV 62 Nevada, Sa Paisley E IV 33 D IV 56 North America D III 65 Nevers C VI 62 North Berwick B IV 42 + E VI 10 North Cape В II Neville's Cross B V 14 North Carolina C IV Nevis EV 45 *New Bruns- North Channel tNorth Devon.. BI BV wick C VI 471North East New Caledonia New Castille.. New England *New Forest New Granada *New Guinea .. H XVII 65 Land B XI C IV 56 Nth. Foreland E VIII *6*25 62 Oleron, R. Olivenza A V 56 Paita FV 47 C II 56 Palatinate, Olmütz 48 Olonetz DV 44 A VI 43 The Palatinate, B IV 40 32 Omagh Oneglia Ontario, L. BI 34 Lower... D NI 28 • C III 53 Palatinate, BIV 48 Upper.... D VI 28 65 Oporto BI 56 Pale, The C V 21 32 Oppeln C VI 44 Palencia... A III 56 B IV 45 • FV 32 E VI 47 G XVI 65 North Hum- berland North Sea.... N. W. Cape Oppenheim D IV 28 Palermo C IV 57 B V By 7 Oran D III 43 Palma C VII 56 B VII 32 Orange D VII 62 Pampeluna A V 56 .. H XV 65 E VI 19 Panama F V 65 INDEX 19 Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter +Panama, Isth- mus of Paniput Papal States.. D II 25 Philippopolis Philip's Nor- BIV 60 Portus Mag- Raglan Castle FV 29 nus G VI 1 Ragusa E VII 22 C III 50 ton E IV 32 Posen.. B VI 51 Rajpootana сп 50 B IV 59 Philipstown C IV 24 Possession, I. G V 66 Ramillies D III 39 Papelotte .... +86 Phillippeville D III 38 Potomac, R. C IV 48 Rannoch, L. D IV 33. Pappenheim.. DV 28 Phillippsburg DIV 28 Potsdam B III 44 Ransbeeck +86 Parchivitz BV 44 Piacenza B III 53 Powys D III 7 Ras Arish A VII 66 Paris B VI 62 Picardy A V 49 Prague A V 40 Ras Hafun…. C IX 66 Parma, Dy. of C IV 40 Picts A III 3 Prepel, R. A X 55 Parret, R. E IV 9 Piedmont DIV 51 Presburg B IV Parry Is. .... B IV 6.5 Pillau.. A IX 55 Preston C IV +Parthenay. D III 19 Pillritz BV 51 Preston Pans.. E VI 33 Pas de Calais.. A VI 62 Pilsen.. D VI 28 Pretoria... G VI 66 Passau D VI 28 Pinkie Cleugh A III 20 Prince Albert Passau, Bp. of D VI 28 Piombina B III 57 Land B IV Patay ... B IV 17 Pirna C III 44 Prince Edward Patiala B LII 61 Pisa F VII 8 Is. I XI Patna CV 61 Pitcairn I…………. H IV 65 Princes I. D IV 67238 5 58 Ras el Khyle.. D IX 66 57 Rasel el Milh.. A VI 66. Rastadt C IV 41 Ratae.... E VI 1 Rathlin I. Ratisbon A V 27 • D II 44 65 65 Ratzeberg, Bp. of.... Ravenna. BV 28 B III 6. .. 66 Ravenspur. C VII 18 Patras C III 60 Pittsburgh.... BIV 48 Pripet, R. .... C V 58 Ravi, R. B II 61 Pau E IV 62 Pizzighettone B IV 53 Pristina.. B III 60 Ré, I. de... D III 19 Pavia B III 53 Plancenoit +85 Privas.. D VI 62 Reading F VI 29. Payengant F III 54 Placentia B II 56 Prosna, R.... B VI 44 Reckem CV 38 Peabody, B. B VI 65 Planchenoit C III 38 Provence E VI. 49 Reculbium A IX 1 Peakland C V 7 Plassy DV 54 Providence Is. E IX 66 Red Bay A V 27 Plessis-les- Prudhoe . B V 14 Red Sea B VII 66. +Peebles Peking +Peloponnesus Pemba, I. *Pembroke Pendennis E V 33 Tours D IV 19 Prudhoe Ld. B VI 65 Regensburg B IV 57 D XVI 65 Plevna B III 60Prussia B V 41 Reichenbach.. C VIII 55 C IV 6 Plouharnel В III 81 Prussia, Dy. Reikiavik ΑΙ 43 .... E VIII 66 ΕΠΙ 32 Plumpudding I..... of.. C VIII 22 Reikyavik. BI 8 G V 66 Prussia, Km. Reims.. В VII 62 Plymouth F II 32 of... A IV 57 Reinsberg A III 44 Castle G III 29 Po, R.... B IV 57 Prussia, West A V 44 Renais C II 38 Penguin, I. Penner, R..... Pennine Chain Pennsylvania. Penobscot, B. Penrith Pensacola +Pentapolis.. G V 66 Podolsk B X 58 Pruth, R. A IV 60 Renfrew E IV 33 F IV 61 Poictiers C V 62 Pruzzi.. A IV 6 Rennes B IV 62 B IV 32 Poissy. C IV 15 Pugela, R... H VI 66 Retford C IV 5 • B IV 45 Poitou C III 17 Pularoon E XVI 47 Rethel C VI 19 B VI 48 Poland A IV 59 Pultusk B X 55 Reunion. H XII 65 D IV 42 Polotsk A VIII 51 Pungwé, R. F VII 66 Rewah D IV 61 D I 48 Pomerania B VI 51 Puri.. E V 50 Rhætia B II 6 B III 6 Pomona I………. G V 66Puy de Dome.. D VI +Penthièvre C II 19 Pondicherry'.. F IV 61 Pyrénées Mts. E IV Penthièvre Pont-à-Mous- Pyrénées Port B II 81 son +62 Pentland Firth BV 33 Pont Audemer B IV *Perche C IV 15 Pont de Perekop. +60 l'Arche B IV Perekop, G. +60 Pontefract... D VI 29 Perigeux DV 62 Ponthieu +Perigord D IV 17 Pontigny B IV 15 DV 15 27 7222 Orientales .. E VI 8 889 62 Rheinfelden. E III 28 62 Rheims, Pt. of.. E II 33 62 Rhine, R. A VIII 62 17 17 QUENLAND A IV 6 tRhode I. Rhodes Rhone. Rhone, R. Rhuddlan • B V 48 C IV 60 D VII 62 D VII 62 C II 14 Quarantine Ribble, R. C III 32 Perim, I. C VIII 66 Poutus (Black Bay +88 Richmond C IV 48 Perm Pernambuco.. B VIII 43 Sea) F X 8 G VUI 65 Poole G V 29 Quatre Bras Quebec +85 E VI 20. A V 48 Péronne .... C VI 16 Poonah E II 61 Riga Perpignan... E VI 62 Poperinghe ΒΙ 38 ‡Persia.. C VII 60 Porchester.. Persian Gulf.. B IX 66 Port Elizabeth C IV H VI 66 10 Queen Char- Riesen Geb. Riga, Gulf of Ringwood.. C VII 55 A VII 51 A V 57 B III 34 .... lotte Is..... D III 65 Rio de la ‡Perth B II 42 Port Levy .... Peru F VI 47 Port Louis A II +80 81 Queen's County D IV 24 Plata FIV 25 Quercy D IV 17 Rio d'Oro B II 66 Perwez C IV 38 Port Royal D III 48 Quiberon Bay B IV 81 Rio Grande del Peschana, B... +88 Port Said DV 63 Quillimane. ... F VII 66 Norte DI 45 Peschiera ... B IV 53 Portland BY 48 Quito G VI 65 Rio Janeiro H VII 65 Peshawur B II 61 Porto Bello F III 44 Ripon B V 32 • Philiphaugh.. Pesth Petcheneges.. Peterborough Peterhead.. Petermann, I. Petersburg Petersfield.. Pevensey Philadelphia.. +Philippine Is. C VI A XIII C IV 48 B IV A II 60 Pto. Real .... +84 Rivalta ΑΙ 53 EX 8 Porto Rico.. E V D VI 20 Portrush A V 33 Portsmouth G VI 65 34 F VII 14 FV E VI 33 Portumna .... F XVI 65 Portus Dubrae C III .B IX CIV 48 Portugal Portuguese East Africa Portuguese West Africa с п F VII 4525 8 ON Rivoli.. B IV 53 Roanoke, I. C IV 48 Racon.. RAAB Raasay, Sd. Rabba.. Race, C. Radcot Bridge Radnor 1 Radway E VIII 55 Roast Beef, I. G V 66 C II 33 Rochefort D IV 62 D IV 66 Rochelle.. D III 22 D VII 65 Rochester E VII 32 +77 EV 14 D I 32 †72 Rockingham.. Rocky Mts. Rocroi.. Rodez.... A III 15 D III 65 .. E III 39 D VI 62 • 20 PUBLIC SCHOOLS SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Map Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Rodiguez Roermonde G XIII 65 St. Amand... сп 38 Sandal Castle D VI 29 CV 39 St. Andrews D VI 33 Sanding. C II Roeulx C III 38 St. Armand .. C III 38 Sandwich .... E VIII Rohan Mts. ·· С I 19 St. Asaph .... C III 32 Sandwich Is... F II Rohilcund.... Rolica C III 50 St. Augustine D III 48 Sandwich Is., CI 56 St. Bees Head В III 32 South.. I IX Rome .... B IV 57 St. Bride's B... ΕΙ 32 San Francisco E III AR ANAN Segura, R. CV 56 66 Seine B VI 62 20 Seine, R..... C IV 19 65 Seine et Marne B VI 62 Seine et Oise.. B VI 62 65 Seine 65 Inférieur · B V Rominte, R. A X 55 St. Brieux .. · B III 62 Sangonero, R. DIV 56 Selby D VI 29 Romney F VII 14 St. Cast B II 49 San Pedro, R. D III 66 Selkirk E V 33 Romney Marsh F VIII 1 St. Charles, R. A V 48 || Santa Lucia EV 45 Selsea Bill F VI 32 ANANN N***, 62 Romsey B III 34 St. Christopher EV 45 Santa Maura. C II 60 Selsey F VI 14 Roncesvalles St. Davids... EI 14 Santander.. A III 56 Sembin B IV 58 Pass F III 15 St. Davids Santarem CI 56 Seminoles E III 48 Roosebeke.. A V 17 Head ΕΙ 32 Santiago H VI 65 Semlev B VII 58 .... Rosa, Mt. C VIII 62 St. Denis DIV 22 Saône, R. C VII 62 Seneffe C III 38 ... Roscommon C III 27 St. Denys ... D II 39 Saône et Loire C VII 62 Senegal, R.... сп 66 С ІП 27 St. Dizier D II 55 Saragossa B V 56 Senlac .. +67 Rosebeck C IV 38 St. Etienne .. D VII 62 Sarajevo.. B II 60 Senne, R. +76 Rosendaal A IV 38 St. Eustatius.. E V 45 Saratoga .... B V 48 Sens BV 17 Roskild C VII 8 St. Fagans.... F IV 29 Saratov B VII 43Septimania F V 8 *Ross C III 33 St. George's Sardica B IV D V 21 Channel.. E I 32 Sardinia B III 57 Rossan, Pt.... B III 27 St. George Gulf I VII 65 Sardinia, Km. Rossbach B II 44 St. Germain D IV 22 of... D VII 49 Rossounne Rostock. A VI +86 28 St. Ghislain ·· D II 38 Sark B III 62 Servia St. Gothard Sarthe C V 62 6 ||‡Serbs Seres Serinagur Seringapatam Sevenoaks A III 6 B III 60 B III 54 F III 50 В III 60 E VI 18 .... Rotterdam C III 39 Rotuma.. G XVIII 65 Pass St. Helena A III 53 Sarthe, R. C II 17 Severn, R. E IV 32 ... F III 66 Sarzean B V 81 Seville D III 56 Rouen.. B V 62 St. John, R. E III 48 Satara. E II 50 Seychelle Is. E IX 66 Rouergue Roumania +Roumelia Roundway Down.. DV 17 St. Johns .... D VII 65 Saumur CV 62 Shaftesbury E IV 32 .. .... B IV 63 St. Kevern F II 20 Savannah D III 48 Shanghai E XVI 65 B V 59 St. Lawrence, I. C XIX 65 St. Lawrence, R. A VI 48 Savannah, R. Save, R... D III 48 Shannon, R. C III 27 A II 60 Shari, R... CV 66 ... FV 29 St. Lo... B IV 62 || Savoie, Dpt. of D VIII 62 Shaw • F VI 29 Rousselaer... ΒΙ 38 St. Louis C II €6 Savona B III 53 Shawnees C III 48 Roussillon.. E V 49 St. Malo.. B II 49 Savoy, Dchy.of B. IV 40 Sheep Haven.. A III 27 Route, The A V 24 St. Marks D III 48 Saxonia . A II 6 Sheerness E VII 32 .... Rouvray. B IV 17 St.Michael's Mt. C III 15 Saxon Shore, Sheffield... C V 32 Roveredo B IV 53 St. Nazaire D VIII 81 The.. F IX 1 Sheppey, I. of E VII 14 Rovuma, R. F VII 66 St. Nicolas B III 38 Saxons, East.. DV 3 Shepton Mallet A II 34 Rowton Heath D V 29 St. Ninians †68 Saxons, Middle DIV 4 Sherborne .... C III 10 *Roxburgh .... E VI 33 St. Paul H XIV 65 Saxons, South DIV 3 Royston .... D VII 20 St. Paul de Saxons, West D IV Rugby DV 32 Loando ... E V 66 Saxony A IV *Rügen A IV 57 St. Petersburg A VI 57 Saxony, Circle Sheriff Muir 3Sherkin, I.... Shetlands, ·· DV 33 E II 27 57 Shetland Is... A III 57 Rukwa, L.... E VII 66 St. Pol DI 26 of Lower BV 28 Rum D II 33 St. Privat +62 +Saxony, Dy. of CV 8888 28 South Shiel, L.... .... J VI 65 D III 33 Runnimede CV 12 St. Quentin OV 19 Saxony, Elec- Shin Loch BIV 33 Russia A VI 57 St. Roque, C.. G VIII 65 torate of.... C VI 28 Shipka Pass B IV 60 Rustchuk B IV 63 St. Sebastian.. A IV 56 Scania.. C VII 8 Shirwa, L. .... F VII 66 Rutland.. ... D VI 32St. Thomas, I. E IV 66 Scarborough B VI 32 Shoebury E VII 14 Rutupiæ. • B IX 1 St. Tron.. C IV 38 Scarpanto .... C IV 60 Ruwenzori Mt. D VI 66 St. Valery C V 10 Scarpe, R..... DI 38 Shoreham Shrewsbury F VI 20 D IV 32 .. Rye E VII 18 St. Vaste C III 15 Schafhausen A III 53 Shropshire D IV 32 .. Rye, R. CV 27 St. Vincent EV 45 Schandau .... C IV 44 Shumla B IV 60 Rye House. • Ryswick .... E VI B III | 32 St. Vincent, C. сп 57 Scheldt, R. A III 38 Sibbertoft +74 39 Saintes F V 12 Schleswig A III 59 Siberia C XV 65 .... Saintonge D III 17 Schmalkalden CV 22 Sicily, Km. of DV 40 Sal, R..... A VII 60 Schorndorf D IV 28 Sienna F VII 8 Salamanca. B III 56 Schweidnitz .. CV 44 Sierra Leone.. D II 66 SAALE, R. B II 44 Salem B V 48 Schwerin A II 44 Sikhs B II 50 ... Saalfeld .. C V 55 Salisbury E IV 32 Schwiebus B IV 44 Silesia. A IV 57 Sable C. D III 45 Saloniki B III 60 Scilly Is. FI 32 Silistria • BIV 60 Sabor, R. B II 56 Saloniki, G. of С ПІ 60 Scone CV 13 Sillery. 80 ... Sabrina Aest.. FIV 1 Salsette, I..... E II 61 Scoresby Land B VIII 65 Silures F IV 1 Sacramento E IV 65 Salvatierra F II 15 Scoti CI 1 Silvermine Sadowa C V 44 Salzburg E VI 28 Scotland A II 57 Mts... BI 36 Saghalin D XVII 65 Salzburg, Bp. Scutari BIV 60 Simla B III 61 Sahagun A III 56 of.... E VI 28 Sebastopol.. A V 60 Simpheropol BV 60 Sahara Desert B IV 66 Salzwedel A II 44 Sedan B VII 62 Simplon Pass A II 53 St. Abbs Hd... St. Albans.... St. Albans Hd. E VI 33 Sambre B VI 19 Sedgemoor E IV 32 Sinai, Mt. .... В УП 66 E VI F V 20 Samos... C IV 60 Sego C III 66 †Sindh • CI 50 32 Sancerre E VI 10 Segre, R. A VI 56 Singapore G XV 65 INDEX 21 Mar- Mar- Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Map Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Name ginal Map Letter Sinope Sinope, C. Sistova BV 60 Spain, Km. of D II 41 Suakin C VII 66 Tees, R. B V 32 .. B VI 60 B IV 63 Spanish Sivas D VI 43 .... Sivash (Putrid Sea) Skibbereen Spanish March Netherlands Spanish Pro- ΒΙ 6 Sucre G VI 65 Teheran. E XII 65 ...a Sudan C V 66 Teifi, R..... D II 32 A III 40 Suez.. DV 63 Teignmouth F III 32 • Suez Canal……. DV 63 Teith, R. D IV 33 .... • +60 E II 27 tectorate Spartivento, C. ·· B II 66 Suffolk D VII 32 Tellicherry F II 61 сп 60 Suir, R. • D IV 27 Teme, R. D IV 32 Skipton DV 29 Sperrin Mts. B IV 27 Suleiman Mts. ΒΙ 61 Temesvar CV 43 ... *Skrithfinnas A III 6 Spey, R.... CV 33 Sulzbach DII 44 C VII 41 ‡Skye В п 13 Spezzia Cu 60 Sumatra... G XIV 65 Tenby. CI 10 C II 33 Spincourt +62 Sunderland •• B V 32 Tennessee, R. D II 48 ‡Skyro C IV 60 Spires D IV 28 Superior, L. A II 48 Tenterden E VII 20. ... Slane C II 35 Spithead.. FV 32 Surat DI 61 Teplitz C VII 55 ... Slaney, R. DV 24 Spitzbergen B IX 65 Surrey • E VI 32 Terouenne. CIV 22 *Slaves B IV 6 İSlavonic Tribes A IV 6 Stade Spree, R. Spurn Hd. .... B VI C VII B IV 28 Susquehana, R. B IV 48 Terveer A II 38 32 Sussex.. F VI 32 Teschen D VI 44 28Sutherland B IV 33 Testri A II Sleaford:. D VI 20 Stadtlohn C III 28 Sutlej, R. .... В II 61 Tetuan A III 6 66 Slieve Bloom Staffa DII 33 Teviot, R. E VI 33 Mts... BI 36 Stafford DIV 32 Swabia E VI 8 Teviotdale.. D VI 13 .... *Sligo B III 27 D IV 32 Swale, R. BV 32 Tewkesbury . E IV 20 .. Sligo Bay B III 27 Staines... A IV 34 Swansea.. E II 32 Texel, The.... A III 39 Slough A IV 34 Stamford E VII 29 Swazi Ld. G VII 66 Thames, R. E VIII 32 Sluys A II 38 Stamford *Sweden A IV 57 Thanet A IX 1 Slyne Hd. CI 27 Bridge B VI 14 Swedish Thaso.... B III 60 *Smalland ... C VII 8 Stanley Pool.. E V 66 Pomerania.. A IV 57 Theiss, R. A UI 60 Smerwick DI 24 Stanovoi, R. С ХУП 65 Swilly, L. .. A IV 27Thessalonica.. B IV 6 Smerwick Hr. DI 27 Stanz E IV 55 Switzerland . В III 59 Thetford D VII 14 • Smith St. B VI 65 Smolensk A VI 57 Smorgani B III 58 Starbuck, I. .. Start Point States of the G II 65 Sydney H XVII 65 .. F III 32 Syria D VI 63 Thiancourt Thionville. +62 E V 39 Tholen A III 38 Smoudie Falls +37 Church C IV 43 Thorn. B IX 55 • Smyrna C IV 60 .... Stavropol A VII 60 Thorney. D VI 9 Snowdon C III 32 Steenbergen .. A III 38 TABOR D VII 28 Thorout.. ΒΙ Sobraon .. .... B III 61 Steenhufel.. В III 38 Tadcaster D VI 29 Thrace B IV Society Is..... H II 65 Steinkirk D II 39 Taff, R. E III 14 Thuin... D III Socotra C IX 66 Stenay ..... D II 28 Tagliamento, Thum C VI 8888 38 38 28 Sohr C IV 44 +62 R.... B V 53 Soigniés... с ш 38 Stettin B VII 55 ► Tagus, R. C II 56 Thuringer Wald C V 55 Soigniés For- Stirling D IV 33 Tahiti. G II 65 Thuringia ΒΙ 44 ... est C III 38 DIV 33 Taillebourg F V 12 Thyle, R. 85 Soissons C III 43 Stockbridge A III 34 Taimyr, Pen. B XIV 65 Tiber, R. B IV 57 Sokoto C IV 66 Stockem...... B V 38 Talavera B III 56 Tibesti B V 66 Solent.. F V 20 Stockholm. A IV 57 Tallaght C V 21 *Solomon Is. Solre G XVIII 65 Stockport E IV 42 Tamar, R. FII 32 Ticonderoga. Tierra-del- B V 48 D III 38 Stoke ... C VI 20 Tamatave FIX 66 .... Fuego I VII 65 .. Solway Firth F V 33 Stone, Str. F V 1 Tamworth. E VI 29 Tiflis B VII 60 Solway Moss.. A III 20 Stonehaven D VI 33 Tana, R..... ·E VII 66 Tigris, R. C VII 60 *Somalis F XII 65 Stour, R. E VII 32 Sombreffe C IV 38 Stourbridge DIV 85 Stow-on-the- *Somerset E III 32 Wold F VI Somerton *Somme Somme, R..... Sonnebeck.... A II 34 Strabane ΑΙ · • B VI 62 Straits Settle- A V 62 ments F XIV BI 38 Stralsund A VI Sophia Sorbiodunum B III 60 D III 3 Sortedam, L... Sosch, R. Souilly *South African Republic South America *South Caro- C VI ...... +83 58 +62 Strangford, L. Strasburg Strasburg, Bp. B VI B VIII of.. Strata Florida D III 22 2* *** * Tanganyika, Tilbury C IV 22 20 L. E VII Tangier A III 66 66' Tilly C IV 38 Tilsil A V 57 29 Tanjore F III 50 Timbuktu С ПІ 66 34 -F III 61 Timor.. F XVI 47 Tapti, R. D II 61 Tina, Fl... C VI 1 65 Taranto, G. of B II 60 Tinchebrai DV 12 28 Tarapaca E III 25 Tinnevelly G III 54 27 Tarbes A VI 56 Tino C IV 60 62 EV 62 Tarifa.. 84 Tintern Ab- bey C IV 12 28 Tarkhan, C... †Tarn A V 60+Tipperah D VI 54 E VI 62 Tipperary D III 27 Abbey. B III 11 Tarn-et- D III 27 G VI 66 Stratford-on- F VI 47 Avon C III 22 Garonne... Tarragona.. DV 62 Tippermuir DV 33 B VI 56 Tiree DI 33 Strathclyde A III 7 Tasmania I'XVI 65 Tirlemont C IV 38 • lina D III 48 Strathearn.... CV 13 Taunton F III Tirnova 32 B IV 60 • • South Fore- Strathspey. B V 13 Taurus Mts. CV 60 land..... E VIII 32 Stratton... G III 29 Taus, Fl. A IV 1 Tiverton Tobago ΒΙ 34 .... E V 45 Southampton *Southfolk Southwell FV 32 Strelitz A III 44 Tay, Firth of.. DV Tobolsk 33 .... D XIII 65 D VII 7 C VI 20 Southwold Bay D VIII 32 Stringonium.. Studzienka Stuttgart E VIII 8 Tay, Loch DIV 33 Tockwith 73 .... B IV 58 Tay, R. DV 33 Togo D IV 66 B IX 62 Tchuban Tokio .... Spain BI 57 Styria. CV 51 ........ Basty, C. |+60 Toledo E XVII 65 C III 56 68 22 PUBLIC SCHOOLS HISTORICAL ATLAS 7 Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Map Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Tolox, Sa. de.. D III 56 Tunis A IV 66 Vasconia Tongres C V 38 Turcoing CI 38 Vassy ... ΒΙ C VI 6 Vosges B VIII 62 19 Vosges Mts. B VIII 62 'Toplitz сш 44 Turiff.. C VI 33 Vaucluse D VII 62 Tor Bay. BI 34 Turin B III 57 Vectis Iac G VII 1 Torgau Β ΠΙ 44 Turkish +Velay F VII 11 Tormes, R. B II 56 Dominions.. BV 57 Venaisson D VI 49 Toro B III 56 Turkish Tribes B VII 6 Vendee C IV 62 WAAL, R. .. A II 52 Torres St. G XVI 65 Turnhout .... B IV 38 Vendôme D IV 15 Wabash, R. С I 48 .. Tortona Torres Vedras Torrington .... CI 56 G IV 29 .. Tuscany..... Tuscany,Grand B IV 59 Venetia B IV 59 Wadai. C V 66 Venetian Wadelai D VII 66 В III 53 Duchy.. DV 41 Domains CV 51 Wady Halfa B VII 66 Tortosa Tory I. Totnes B VI 56 Tweed, R. E VI 33 Venezuela E VI 47 Wagnelée 85 A III 27 Tweeddale…. D VI 13 Venice B IV 57 Wagram. D VIII 55 Toul ΒΙ D V 34 Tyne, R..... A IV 32 Venice, Re- Wain, R. D III 61 22 Tyrol BIV 59 public of D VIII 49 Wakefield .... CV 20 Toulon E VIII 62+Tyrone B IV 27 Venloo C IV 26 Walcheren.... A II 38 Toulouse E V 62 Venta Bel- Walcourt .... D III 38 Touraine C IV 49 garum ... F VI 1 Walcowen 77 Tournai DII 39 Venta Ice- Wales A II 59 Tours.. C V 62 UGRA, R. B VIII 58 norum E IX Towcester D VI 20 Uist, N. CI 33 Verde, C. C II 66 1+Wales, North Wales, West.. D IV 8 D II 4 Townsend, I……. Towton Trafalgar, C... Traktir Bridge E II 27 Uist, S. CI 33 Verde, C. Is. .. CI 66 Wallachia B IV 60 .... C V 18 Ukraine B VI 43 Verden B III 43 Wallingford .. E V 7 D II 56 Ula, R. B VI 58 Verden, Bp. of B IV 28 Wall of +88 Ulm.. D VI 28 Verdun B VII 62 Antonius B III 1 Tralee... D I 27 Ulster • • B IV 27 Vermandois D VI 10 Wall of Tramecourt |†71 Umtate, R.... H VII 60 Verneuil B IV 17 Hadrian B V 1 Ungar +60 Vernon B IV 17 Walsingham.. D VIII 20 United Nether- Verny +62 Waltham B IV 34 Transylvania B VII 40 lands B IV 51 Verona A I 53 Walvisch, B... G V 66 Tras-os-Montes B II 56 United States D V 65 Versailles B V 62 Wange 77 Traum, R.... D VII 55 Unstrut, R. B II 44 Verulamium F VII 1 Wansdyke. .. E IV 7 Travancore G III 50 Upsala C VII 8 Verviers C V 38 Wantage E V 7 .... Trawenagh, B. B III 27 Ural Mts. D XII 65 Vesoul C VII 62 Wardha, R. D III 61 Trebinge BII 60 Uralsk ... ... B VIII 43 Vexin.. C IV 19 Wardour Trent A IV 53 Ure, R. B V 32 Vezelay DV 19 Castle F VI 29 : Trent, Br. of .. C V 51 Urumiyah, L. C VII 60 Viana.. F II 15 Wareham FIV 32 Trent, R. A III 15 Usedom, I... B IV 43 Viasma B VII 58 Warkworth A V 14 Trenton Treves B V 48 Uzez .. F VIII 12 Vicenza..... B IV 53 Warmington.. 72 C III 28 Usk, R. E III 14 Victoria Inlet A VII 65 Warminster A II 34 D III 28 Utrecht B IV 39 Victoria Warneton C I 38 of.... Treves, Abp. Trevose Hd. Triancourt Trichinopoly Trieste B IV 39 Nyanza E VII 66 Warrington D V 29 .. A III 52 Uxbridge • F VI 29 Vienna B IV 57 Warsaw, Grand FI 32 Vienne CV 62 Dy. of... A IV 57 +62 Vienne, R... C V 62 CI 58 F III 61 Vierzon E VI 10 .. Warta, R. .... B VIII 28 ΑΙ 60 VAAL, R. G IV 66 Vignelles +62 +Warwick D V 32 ... Trim C V 27 Valais... DV 22 Vigo ΑΙ 56 Wash, The... D VII 32 Trincomalee G IV 61 Valdivia H IV 65 Vilaine, R. .. C IV 62 Washington E VI 65 +Trinidad E V 45 Valence .... D VII 62 Villa Franca.. C II 56 Watchet.. E III 7 Trinobantes F VIII 1 Valencia C V 56 Villaviciosa C II 40 Waterford D IV 27 .... Tripoli A V 661 CV 56 Villers C IV 38 DIV 27 B V 66 Valenciennes DI 39 Villersexel... C VIII 62 Waterloo A III 59 .... Tripolitza .... C III 60 #Tristan Valentia, I. Valenza · E I 27 Vilna B VIII 51 Watford... A IV 34 B III 53 Vilvorde B III 38 Watling d'Acunha Tromelin, I. Trondhjem Troppau.. Troyes Truro Tsana, L. *Tschudes H IX 65 Val-ès-dunes.. D IV 10 Vimeiro CI 56 Street ... E V, VI 1 FIX 66 Valladolid. B III 56 Vincent, C. St. DI 56 Wattignies ΑΙ 52 C X 65 Vallée des Vindhya Mts. D III 54 Waveney, R... D VIII 32 C VI 44 Clercs... 69 Vinegar Hill DV 27 Wavre. C IV 38 B VII 62 Valley Forge.. B IV 48 Vionville •..• +62 Wear, R. BV 22 G LII 29 Valmy С II 51 Virginia C IV 48 Wedmore E IV 7 C VII 66 Valognes C III 15 Viriconium E V 1 Weighton C VI 20 B XI 8 Valois.. C V 19 Virton +62 Weimar CV 28 Tsernigof B IX 51 Valparaiso H VI 65 Viso, Mt. D VIII 62 Weissenfels C VI 55 Tuam ΑΙ 36 Valtcline E IV 28 Vistula, R.... A IV 57 Welland, R. D VI 32 Tübingen D IV 28 Valverde сп 56 Vitebsk B VI 58 Welle, R. D VI 66 Tudela 56 Van, L. ..... C VII 60 Vittoria A IV 56 Wells E IV 32 ·· Tullamore C IV 27 Vancouver, I. D III 65 ±Vivarais.. F VIII 11 Wemel B III 39 Tulle D V 62 Vannes C NI 62 Tummel, R. Tunbridge... Tungabu- dra, R. .. D IV E VII 33 14 Var E VIII 62 Vlieland……. Volga, R. A III A VII 57 26Wends Werben A III 6 BV 28 Varaville DV E III 50 .... Varennes .. Varna. .... 10 +79 Volo, G. of.... C III 60 Werra, R. BI 44 Volta A I 53 Weser, R. .... ΑΙ 44 B IV 60 Volta, R. D III 66 INDEX 23 T Mar- Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Map Name ginal Map Letter West Florida West Indies .. West Point D II 48 Wight, I. of .. FV 32 Worms Head! E II 32 Yorabad……….. E III 54 D VI 47 Wigtown F IV 33 Woronoff B IX 58 York CV 32 B V 48 ‡ F IV 33 .. Worsley C IV 32 BV 32 ‡West Wales F II 7 Wilija, R. ……. B III 58 Worth B VIII 62 Yorktown C IV 48 Westbury A II 34 Wilkes Land.. J XV 65 Wrangel, I. B XVIII 65 Yoruba DIV 66 Western Ghats E II 61 William, Fort BI 42 Wrath, C. B III 33 ... Youghal. E III 27 • Western Zoy- Williamsburg CIV 48 Würtemburg B III 59 Youghal, Hr. E IV 27 land A I. 34 Wilna BY 43 ‡Westmeath C IV 27 Wilstrop Wood Würzburg 73Würzburg, Bp. DV 28 .... Ypres DI 39 Yuste E I 22 Westminster.. E VI 32 Wilton E V 7 of C IV 28 tWestmoreland B IV 9tWiltshire E IV 32 Wusterhausen A III 44 +Westphalia с ш 55 Wiltzes A III 6 Wyche, I, B XI 65 ZAMBESI, R. F VI 66 Westport сп 27 Wimbledon A VI 1 Wye, R. D IV 32 Zamora B III 56 Wetzlar.. C IV 55 • Wimpfen D IV 28 Wyk CV 38 Zante C III 63 Wexford...... DV 27 Wincanton B II 34 Wynendael C II 39 Zanzibar, I. DV 27 Winceby D VIII 29 .... Wyoming BIV 48 .. and Town.. E VIII 66 Wexford, Hr.. DV 27 Winchelsea F VII 7 Zatas, R..... CI 56 Weymouth F IV 20 Whalley Abbey CIV Wharfe, R. C V 32 Whitby B VI 32 2222 Winchester EV 32 ‡Zeeland C II 26 .. 20 Windsor.. E VI 20 Zerbst B II 44 Winnington XERES CI 6 Zezere, R. B II 56 Bridge DV 29 Zittau. C IV 44 .... Whitchurch A III 34 Winnipeg, L. DV 65 Znaim.. D VIII 28 White Bul- Wisbeach D VII 20 Zorndorf A IV 44 garians A VI 6 Wismar ... B V 28 Zug.. A. III 53 White Hill D VII 28 Witham, R. C VI 32 YALTA +60 .. White Sea.. C XI 65 Witney EV 20 Yang-tse-kiang E XV 65 Zujar, R. Züllichau C III 56 B IV 44 Whitsand Bay F II 20 Wittingau D VII 28 Yarbatenda C II 66 Zulpich A II 6 ·· Whydah D IV 66 Wittstock B VI 28 Yare, R...... D VIII 7‡Zulu Land. G VII 66 Wick B V 33 Witu E VIII 66 Yarkand E XIV 65 Zumbo F VI 66 Wicklow DV 27 Wohlau B V 44 Yarmouth D VIII 32 Zurich E IV 55 DV 27 Wolfenbüttel B V 28 Yedisan C VI 43 Zusmars- Wicklow Hd. D VI 27 Woodstock EV 32 .. Yenesei, R. C XIV 65 Wicklow Hills C V 27 Worcester.. D IV 32 Yeovil B II 34 hausen Zutphen... DV 28 .... C V 22 Widin... B III 60 Wormleighton +72 Yola Ꭰ Ꮩ 66 Wigan D V 29 Worms C VIII 19 Yonne, R..... B VI 62 Zuyder Zee +Zweibrücken. B IV 39 D II 28 • ADDENDA. Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter Mar- Name ginal Map Letter Name Mar- ginal Map Letter AACHEN (Aix la Chapelle) Anticosti, I. Arkansas, R... †BADENOCH.. Beaucaire +Bibroci 32L B VII 19 A VI 48 .. DI 48 two Sicilies.. Kuango, R. .. C IV 13 G VIII 12 .... F VI 1 †KEPPOCH Keynsham .. Kingdom of the .. B II A II 42 34 New York Nipigon, L. North Carolina B IV 45 Segontium D III 1 A II 48 Sorbiodunum.. F VI 1 C IV 45 South Carolina сш 45 C II EV 66 680 60 Speier C VIII 19 States of the Church BI 60 OTTAWA, R. A IV 48 Sumerset D III 5 Swiss Con- +LINDISWA- RAS.... +Lochaber federation E III 28 C IV 10 .. 5 B II 42 PEISHWA, The E II 50 Lochiel ΒΙ 42 Pennsylvania.. B IV CHARENTE, R. E III 15 Pensford A II Louisiana C II 45 Clairvaux D VIII 12 Picquigny B V ២៦ 45 34 TRIER C VII 19 19 Cöln (Cologne) ‡Cumbria.... B III +GEORGIA B VII 19 Pons Elii C VI 1 4 Pontus Lemanus +MAGASETAN C IV 4 (Lymne).... F VIII 1 VERMONT BV 48 Mahé F III 50 ... Glengarry +Graübundten.. ст ΑΙ E IV 188 45 Mahé F III 54 42 Mainz C VIII 19 28 Maryland Mercians C IV C JV 45 ROANOKE, R. C IV 48 5 WALLIS +West Saxons E III 28 D IV 4 Wiltset DIV 4 HUDSON'S BAY TER- RITORY SABLE, C. E III INEUCHATEL E III 28 St. Gallen E IV A III 48 Nevers, Cty. of CV 17 St. James Bay A IV 0000000000 48 28 Wittenberg Woods, L. of C VI 22 .. 48 the A I 48 Spottiswoode & Co. Printers, New-street Square, London. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01103 2870 ་་ང་" - DO NOT CIRCULATI Reviewed by Preservation 1987 ...... KÜNYEMƏ, MƏKAN PE