m -m--mm---I I-- N 4 I r t U U I I ,dduasced w4wee" Aad~c &ae~tqr dI I I I I I Map of Morocco Tangiei Sebta Tetouan . Ouj da oVolubilis 0Fez0 T;4 -7 ;4 0 Meknes Sfo Azrou 4Q cz El Jadida Saf i Agadir Ifni Midelt U I I I I I I Ksar es Souk Erfoud Marrake~i Ouarzazate Zagora .Goulimine DISTANCES FROM CASABLANCA IN MILESI Al Hoceima Agadir..... Azrou.......... Chechaouen El Jadida... Erfoud..... Fe z............ Goulimine... Larache...... 338 330 189 205 62 403 183 453 180 Marrakesh. Meknes..... Midelt..... Ouarzazate Oujda..... Rabat..... Safi...... Tangier.... Taza...... Tetuan..... 149 146 267 273 403 58 158 236 257 248 U I I I I I ii I 'I A S 'VL * t - m m- --- - - =--m--m I- I m DEDICATED TO ERNEST N. McCARUS Copyright Q 1973 by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih FOREWORD The preparation of this volume was initiated and supported by the University of Michigan Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies as part of its general program of research and training on the languages and cultures of North Africa. A number of studies in anthropology, history, and political science have appeared and others are in preparation, as well as a complete course in Middle Atlas Berber. We are indebted to the Ford Foundation for the grants to the Center that have made this work possible. We are most grateful for the assistance of the people and government of Morocco to our faculty and students. W. D. Schorger V I I I I I I I U I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION This book grew out of the great need for an introductory text in Moroccan Arabic for college students. Most students of Moroccan Ara- bic in modern universities are prospective field researchers in the social sciences, or linguists with special interest in the field of Arabic dialectology. To assure interest among such users of this book, maintenance of a level of linguistic and cultural contact com- mensurate with their background and ability was felt to be of great importance. The thirty-eight texts of this book serve as an intro- duction to Moroccan ethnology, history, folklore and literature, in addition to giving the student a more sophisticated exposure to the syntax of the language. It must be made clear from the outset that the Units of this book are entirely based on the author's An Introduction to Moroccan Arabic, Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan 1973. This study was originally the product of a research project spon- sored by the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies. Following preliminary research in Ann Arbor, a variety of field mater- ials was collected during the summer of 1969, in preparation for the teaching of a course in Moroccan Arabic during the 1969-1970 school year. A large number of field tapes were checked for linguistic and vi I I cultural content by the author with the assistance of native speak- ers of Moroccan Arabic. During the preparation of course materials, all the data were carefully checked by the author with Mr. Ali Kanouni, a native of Fez. This work resulted in the publication of A Course in Moroccan Arabic in 1970. The contents of this present book are a revision and expansion of Part Four of the above-mentioned book. The present volume consists of five parts, of which Part Two is available on tape. Part One, "Notes on the System of Transcription", consists of a bird's-eye-view of the phonological system of Moroccan Arabic, with enough explanations to help the student get maximum benefit from the texts. The system of transcription employed here is in striking contrast to other systems of transcription used for Moroccan Arabic, particularly with respect to tense consonants, short vowels, phonological structure of words, etc. (see pp 1-12). The student is strongly advised to master this system completely before beginning the Units of the book and to consult Part One: Phonology, of the author's An Introduction to Moroccan Arabic, Ann Arbor, 1973 (pp 1-38). Part Two, "Texts", is a series of thirty-eight texts which are adaptations of field tapes (see footnotes attached to the texts of Units 1-10) One unit, Unit 5, is adapted from Morocco: A Glimpse of History, a publication of the Moroccan Ministry of Information, and Morocco, a publication of the Embassy of Morocco, Washington, D.C. As mentioned before, the Units of Part Two provide an introduction to Moroccan customs, ethnology, history, folklore and literature as well as giving a more sophisticated exposure to the syntax of the language. In addition, these Units supply a specialized vocabulary viil I I for the field researcher. An attempt has also been made in the selection of the texts to present important regional styles of expres- sion. It should be noted that words are transcribed as they occur on the field tapes. Slight variations in transcriptions are therefore due to individual speaking patterns, e.g. /tdir/ -/d:ir/ 'she does' /mn Imdrasa/ ~ /mI:mdrasa/ 'from the school' /gal I I i hum/ ~ /gal: i hum/ 'he told them', /wwl:a/ ~ /w:I:a/ 'and he became'. Also of impor- tance are the following examples of acceptable variants in the tran- scription of secondary emphatics: /drb/ ~ /drb/ 'he hit' /xtra/ ~ /xtral 'time, once', /wsl/ - /wsl/ 'to arrive', /as/ /asl/ 'origin'. Part Three - Appendix A consists of twenty-four verb tables. Part Four - Appendix B, the "Glossary of Technical and Grammatical Terminology", presents, in a simple and concise manner, most of the terminology and grammatical information that a student of Moroccan Arabic will encounter in using the language. It is hoped that it serves as a brief reference grammar of the language. Part Five - "Lexicons", (Arabic-English and English-Arabic) include all vocabulary items used in this volume, and in the author's An Intro- duction to Moroccan Arabic, Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1973. The preparation of this book has been made possible by the coopera- tion of a number of individuals. In particular, I would like to ex- press my appreciation to Mr. Mohammed Mahmoudi for his helpful com- ments, constructive suggestions and for his hard work with me this spring. Many thanks are due as well to Mr. Ali Kanouni, Mr. Mohammed Guerssel, and Mr. Mohammed Mahmoudi for recording the Units for use in the language laboratory. I would also like to express my gratitude viii I I to Christine L. La Vasseur for her devoted and most conscientious efforts in typing the manuscript, and for her helpfulness and great dependability throughout the work on this study. I would like to thank Loraine Obler, Umar Hassan and Jamil Ragep for their valuable assistance on the Lexicons. I would like to express my appreciation to Mr. James L. Bixler, studio engineer of the language laboratory at the University of Michigan for his great help and valuable consul- tation in the preparation of the field tapes, the recording of the Units of this book, and for an excellent job in the final mixing of the segments into the currently available tapes. I would like to express my thanks to Professor William D. Schorger who as then Director of the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies initiated the program of research on North African languages and linguistics at the University of Michigan and has whole-heartedly supported it. In addition I would like to thank Professor Kenneth A. Luther, present Director of the Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, who co-ordinated the publishing of this volume. The Center defrayed the costs of research assistants, field trips, typists, tapes and tape recordings, as well as providing me with the time and opportunity to carry out the field research and analysis. As always, I am deeply grateful to my family and, in particular, to my wife, Cecile, whose patience, constant encouragement and deep understanding have sustained by efforts during the work on this book. To Professor Ernest N. McCarus, who introduced me to the field of Arabic dialectology, I present this study. E.T.A. Ann Arbor, Michigan January, 1974 ix I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword..............................V Introduction............................ PART ONE - NOTES ON THE SYSTEM OF TRANSCRIPTION............1 1. Consonants and Semi-Vowels....................3 2 Emphasis, Labialization and Tensees.............4 3. Inventory of Moroccan Arabic Consonants and Semi-Vowels 5 4. Moroccan Arabic Vowels...................................6 5 Moroccan Arabic Vowel Allopoe................6 6. Phonetic Schwa or Short Vowel. .. ...............8 7. Phonological Structure of Words in Moroccan Arabic........8 8. Stress......................................................10 9. Diphthongs................................................11 10. Interchange of Phonemes ........................................11 PART TWO - TEXTS UNITS 1 - 10 UNIT ONE - Jeha Stories 1.1 Text - Jeha and the Clay Pots..........................1 I.1.1 Questions............................................17 1.2 Text - Jeha, His Son, and Their Donkey...............18 1.2.1 Questions. .. ..................................20 1.3 Text - Jeha from Morocco and Jeha from Algeria........20 1.3.1 Questions. .. ..........................23 1.4 Text - The Age of Jeha's*Uncle*...............24 1.4.1 'Questions. .. ................................24 1.5 Text - Jeha and the Donkeys...................25 1.5,1 Questions . ...........................26 1.6 Text - Jeha and the Ducks ...................26 1.6.1 Questions.............................28 1.7 Text - Jeha f rom Oujda and Jeha from Fez...........28 1,7,1 Questions..........................29 UNIT TWO I11 Text - Weather in Morocco..................31 11.1.1 Questions..........................32 11*2 Text - The City ofe Fe...................33 11*2,1 Questions..........................................34 11.3 Text - Educational System in Morocco.......................35 11*3.1 Questions.................................................37 11.4 Text - The Month of Ramadan in Morocco.....................38 11.4.1 Questions............................................43 UNIT THREE 111.1 Text - Tea.........................45 111.1.1 Questions.........................47 I 111.2 Text - The Public Bath..................................47 111.2.1 Questions............................................49 111.3 Text - Friday Prayer....................49 111.3.1 Questions..............................51 I 111.4 Text - The Birthday of the Prophet.............51 111.4.1 Questions..........................54 UNIT FOURI IV.1 Text - Morocco........................55 IV.l~l Questions............................58 IV. 2 Text. - Marriage.......................58 IV.2.l Questions................................................62 I IV. 3 Text- Birth............................................... 62 IV. 3.1 Questions.......................................64 IV. 4 Text - Divorce ..............................65 IV.4o1 Questions............................................66 I IV. 5 Text - Drinking and Gambling...................66 IV. 5.1 Questions..........................68 UNIT FIVE V.1 Text - A Short History of Morocco.................71 V.1.1 Questions.................................................79 V,2 Countries, Cities, and Geographical Areas....................79 UNIT SIX VI.l Text - Two Penniless Friends...............................83 VI.l.l Questions...................................86 VI.2 Text - The Gluttonous Neighbor................86 I VI.2.l Questions.............................88 VI.3 Tx ThMerchanmt ad His Son................88 VI.3.l Questions..............................................90 UNIT SEVEN VII.1 Text - The Story of Saint Joseph...............91 VII.1.1 Questions..........................95 VII*2 Text - The Story of the Peaceful*Man and His Wife ; 96 I VII.2.l Questions .. ............................100 VII.3 Text - The Hard-Headed Wife................100 VII.3.1 Question. .. ..........................101 VI.4Text - At the Customs (A Joe)..................101 I VII.4.1 Questions.............................102 VII.5 Text - In a High Class Restaurant (A*Joke).........103 VII.5-l Questions...........................0 xiI IX.2 IX.2.1 IX.3 IX.3.1 IX.4 IX.4.1 X.1 X.1.1 X. 2 X.2.1 X.3 X.3.1 Text - Jeha and the Roosters . Ouestions ... . .... Text - Jeha and the Beggar . . Questions ... .... .. Text - Jeha Helps His Neighbor Questions .......... UNIT TEN .Text - Ashura. .. .......... Questions ................ Text - Greater Bairam ....... Questions ................ Text - Jeha Visits His Sister . Questions ................. 120 121 121 121 122 123 125 127 127 128 129 130 PART THREE APPENDIX A - Verb Tables ................... PART FOUR APPENDIX B - Glossary of Technical and Grammatical Terminology PART FIVE LEXICON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arabic - English . . .. ... ...................... English - Arabic . ...... . ...................... 131 159 187 191 219 xii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART ONE NOTES ON THE SYSTEM OF TRANSCRIPTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NOTES ON THE SYSTEM OF TRANSCRIPTION 1. Consonants and Semi-Vowels I I Y - -I I I - I r4J -a 4-) 0 .0 0 a) '-4 4-) C-4 0 o (1 I U. '-4 IQ) 0-4 I- r-4 0 r... voiceless p* t t k q 2 stop voiced b dd g voiceless f ss x h h fricative voiced v* z z ? nasal voiced m n lateral voiced I I flap voiced r r semi-vowel voiced w y Table 1. Moroccan Arabic Consonants and Semi-Vowels *These phonemes occur in a few words borrowed from French, e.g. /Iapist/ - /lab:ist/ 'unpaved road, trail' (French 'la piste'), /paris/ 'Paris' (French 'Paris'), /avril/ - /abril / 'April' (French 'avril'). 1For a comprehensive treatment of Moroccan Arabic phonology see Ernest T. Abdel-Massih, An Introduction to Moroccan Arabic, Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1973, pp. 1-38. I I 4 2. Emphasis, Labialization and Tenseness (a) Emphasis, e.g. non-emphatic /t/ as opposed to emphatic /t/ in /tab/ 'he repented' and /tab/ 'it (m) cooked'. Moroccan Arabic is characterized by having a set of "Emphatic" consonants which are sometimes referred to as either "Velarized" or "Flat". An Emphatic consonant is one which is produced by pressing the blade of the tongue against the palate so that the articulation is velarized or alveolarized rather than just dental (See Figures 3-6). Table 1 lists / tds z r / as the emphatic counterparts of the plain / t d s z I r / . We will refer to / ds z Ir / as the "Primary Emphatics". The occurrence of a primary emphatic consonant will cause a plain consonant in the same syllable (sometimes in the preceding and/or the following syllable) to become emphatic. This set of changed consonants will be referred to as the "Secondar 3 Emphatics". The domain of the spread of emphasis is the syllable, which means that a syllable has all or none of its sounds emphatic. This also means that in Moroccan Arabic all of the consonants occur as both emphatic and plain because of the influence of emphatic consonants on plain consonants as explained above. The influence of emphatic ocnsonants on vowels is very notice- able to a non-native speaker. This is particularly clear with the vowel /a/, when in the environment of an emphatic consonant. Listen to your teacher pronouncing /tab/ = [t.a] 'to be cooked' with the a as in English father, Bob, cot and then listen to him pronouncing /tab/ = [tmb] 'to repent' with the a as in English cat, nap, lack. Now try pronouncing /tab/ and then /tab/ and notice when pronouncing the first word how your tongue is drawn back, spread to the sides completely filling your mouth with the dorsum of your tongue raised and in most cases your lips are slightly rounded. Watch your teacher pronouncing /tab/ and see how even his cheeks bulge and also 3 watch the tension he builds up in the muscles around his throat. The influence of emphatic consonants on plain non-emphatic neighboring consonants is also very clear, e.g. /drb/ yd.t] 'to hit' I can be transcribed as /.rb/ or /drb/. The latter form marks /d/ as a primary emphatic and /r/ as a secondary emphatic, since only / t d s z Ir / can occur either as primary or secondary emphatics. In any I case, all emphatics do color the neighboring consonants. Thus, when I I I there is more than one emphatic, we may not mark them all, e.g. dars dars - dars 'lesson' (b) Labialization, e.g. non-labialized /x/ as opposed to labialized /2/ = /xW/ in /xra/ 'feces' and /xCa/ 'other (f)'. Labialization is a feature of the peripheral consonants / b m f / and / k q x y h / . It is here indicated by a rounded stroke over the consonant, e.g. b Labialization is manifested as simultaneous lip-rounding when producing any of the above-mentioned consonants. Thus, /b/ is pronounced as b or bw and // is pronounced k or kw Notice that / b m f / can vary with bw , mw , fw , or bu , mu , fu . (c) Tenseness, e.g. lax /t/ as opposed to tense /t:/ = [tt] in /ktbu/ 'he wrote it (m)' and /kt:bu/ 'he made him write'. Tenseness is a very important feature of Moroccan Arabic. A tense (also fortis) consonant in general is produced with more force than its lax (also lenis) counterpart. Tense or fortis here refers to two identical consonants with no intervening vowel pronounced with stronger articula- tion and greater tension on the muscles of the articulator and, usually, aspiration. Lax or lenis refers to a single consonant pronounced with lesser muscular tension in the speech organ and weaker, laxer articulation and, usually, no aspiration. A tense consonant has precisely twice the duration of a single consonant. The intensity and aspiration (puff of breath) which are char- acteristic of the tense consonants give them a syllabic quality (i.e. maximum degree of sonority in the syllable) so that /b:/ is heard as [ebb] or [ebb]. This is transcribed in most other systems that treated Moroccan Arabic phonology as /ebb/. The same systems use [a] in the transcription of [hh] as [ahh]. In our system of transcription [ebb] is transcribed as /b:/ and pronounced [ebb] and [ahh] is transcribed as /h:/ and pronounced as [a hh]. The raised up vowel - [e a] - denotes that it is purely phonetic, i.e. totally predict- able and causing no semantic differentiation. 3. Inventory of Moroccan Arabic Consonants and Semi-Vowels Moroccan Arabic consonants and semi-vowels shown in Table 1 above may be modified by the features of emphasis, labialization and tenseness discussed in 2 above. The following is a complete inventory of Moroccan Arabic consonants and semi-vowels with the features of emphasis, labialization and/or tenseness: / b b: b b: , m m: m m: , f f: f f: , t t: S t" , d d: d d , s s: s s , z z: z z: , I "1: I I" , n n: , r r: r r: s s" , I z " k k: k k: , g g: , q q: q q: , x x: x x: Sh h , " h h y y" W W" 4. Moroccan Arabic Vowels - I Front Central Back Front Central Back High i u Mid Low a Table 2. - Moroccan Arabic Vowels 5. Moroccan Arabic Vowel Allophones (or positional vowel variants occurring in specific environments) The following table shows the Moroccan Arabic vowel allophones. Notice the modification of the parameters High, Mid and Low. Also note that Central or Centralized vowels are shorter in duration than the front or back ones. ,... I I I I I I I I I I U I I I U Front Central Shorter Back High i u Low High I , = High Mid e o Mid a Low Mid High Low a Low 5 - a Table 3. - Moroccan Arabic Vowel Allophones I I I I /a/ /a/ has the following allophones: [a] as in English 'fat', occurs in the environment of non-emphatic consonants; e.g. /tab/ = [twb] 'he repented' [a] a little further back than the "a" of English 'father', occurs in the environment of emphatic consonants; e.g. /tab/ = [tab] 'it (m) cooked' [(] (centralized pronunciation of [a]) occurs word finally in the environment of non-emphatic consonants. Notice [A] is shorter than [a]; e.g. /lia/ = [Ii] 'no' [5] (centralized pronunciation of [a]) occurs word finally in the environment of emphatic consonants. Notice [5] is shorter than [a]; e.g. /bra/ = [bra] 'letter' /i/ has the following allophones: [i] as in English 'beat', occurs in the environment of non-emphatic consonants; e.g. /sif/ = [sif] 'sword' [e] as in English 'mate', occurs in the environment of emphatic consonants; e.g. /sif/ = [sef] 'summer' [I] as in English 'bit', occurs word finally, in the environment of non-emphatic consonants; e.g. /xali/ = [xmlI] 'my maternal uncle' V V [I] (centralized pronunciation of [I]=[IY]), occurs word finally in the environment of emphatic consonants. Notice [I] is shorter than [I]; e.g. /qadi/ = [qadl] 'judge' /u/ /u/ has the following allophones: [u] as in English 'cool', occurs in the environment of non-emphatic consonants; e.g. /dud/ = [dud] 'worms' [o] between English 'door' and 'soul', occurs in the environment of emphatic consonants and back velars; e.g. /dulm/ = [dolm] 'oppression' [v] as in English 'wool', occurs word finally in the environment of non-emphatic consonants; e.g. /dyalu/ - [dya{y] 'his' I I 8 ['] (or [vw]), occurs word finally in the environment of emphatic consonants. Notice [#] is shorter than [v]; e.g. /qbtu/ = [qbt] or [qbt w] 'he caught it (m) 6. Phonetic Schwa or Short Vowel In addition, Moroccan Arabic has a non-phonemic (with no semantic significance) phonetic schwa or short vowel - Lea]. This occurs as a transition between consonants or consonant clusters. It is voiced in the environment of voiced consonants and voiceless in the environment of voiceless consonants. The vocalic transition has the following variants ranging from [e] or [e] to [a] or [a]; la] , [a] occur in the environment of /T/ and /h/ ; [a],elsewhere. V Examples: ndi [Tandl] I have ktb [kteb] he wrote kl:m [kellem] he spoke xl:a [xa I I] he let, left 7. Phonological Structure of Words in Moroccan Arabic If a consonant is followed by another consonant, there is a predict- able transition. Transition between /C/ and /C/ is heard as vocalic and is represented here by a superscript schwa [a] to represent the short vowels [a], [e, [a] and [] discussed in 6 above. Schwa occurs as the first speech sound formation in English "about" or as the last speech sound formation in English "sofa". The following examples and drills are meant to help the student master this very important feature of Moroccan Arabic phonology, namely the pronuncia- tion of consonant clusters. The examples belowinclude the [e] in the I transcription. Notice that [a] is voiceless in the environment of voiceless consonants and voiced in the environment of voiced consonants. Following are some helpful rules for the predictability of the short vowel [e : 1. /CC:/ .... >[CeCC] 2. /C:C/ ...->[eCCeC] 3. /C:C:/ ---, [aCCaCC] 4. /CC:C/ ---, [COCCaC] I 5. /C:V/ ....-,[eccv] 6. /CC:V/ ----[CeCCV] I I 7. /C:VC/ a[GCCVC] 8. /VC:/ ----:o[VCC] (no change) 9. /CVC:/ ---->[CVCC] (no change) 10. /VC:V/ -----[VCCV] (no change) Examples: 4. k: s: k: 2. d ra 3. s :q: 4. kl :m bd: I f y : q hm: m b I : I 5. b:a r: uz 6. b: ik kin: a yt: a 7. 1 8. '9ab: 9. mux 10. 1 am: a av v9 [ss qq] [b ddra] a 0 ["drrz] Nk mm M. a r o [7bb i k [muxx] ["ammm I) to doubt, suspect doubt, suspicion corn the crack the boy to speak to to change to wake up (someone) to give a bath to wet my father the rice window screen to make someone smoke cigarettes to cover the night father brain as for Additional examples: el:M [~ m to teach fhm [faham] to understand kl:m Ifqih [k al1tam Ifqih] talk to the teacher! IwId Ikbir a 1waGd a Ikbi r] the big boy as xbar s:ha ? Em' xbar ss hha'l how are you? nhmdu L:ah [nahamdu 1lah] fine hr:ktlkum t:bI.a [ rra kta Ikum at:abla1 I moved the table for you. "ahiri wa sahin [L'ahlern wm smh1Gan] Hello sbalh lxir LGsbat a Ixer] good morning xrz [xr Z] he went out 10 : rim sl :m tfd: I kl :mth mtkrfs If" wq . s q gr sm: a y'd: a ht :a tb :ax qd m 'ad:b bx: r hr'rh r:hz qCr-a qr: ru 11 :u hi "u hd:u hd:du hm: u hm:mu sf:ha if-fh zd'u zd:du [eVer~] [e I m ] [sel lm] asidi , mrhba bi [etfaddal as um [kal emthum] in [mtkerfsin] [Ieff] [saqq] [gerr] [semma ] [yett.i ] [Yaddi] IT~d d I [hettY] [tebbax ] [qeddam] [I addeb] [baxxar [bexx r] a [h . rh ] ] [qrr I] [qerra] [helita] [Iaddv] Ihedded] [ hemm] ] I emmea mU-] [ effahvI a [effefhav] [Iadduv] [laddedu] the window he greeted kum • ndna come in sir, welcome here idi , merhb bikum 'Tendna] I talked to them messed up (mp) to wrap up to split to confess to name to cover tomorrow until a cook to present to educate, instruct to steam, burn incense he liberated it (f) or her he taught he made him confess he opened it (m) he opened for him his limit he ironed it (m) Hammou (proper name) he gave him a bath she pitied him he wiped it (f) his grandfather he renewed it (m) I I I I I I I U U I I I I I I I I I 8. Stress Stress does not produce semantic differences in Moroccan Arabic. Primary stress may fall either on the final syllable (terminal) or on the second from the last (penultimate). This is predictable on the basis of syllable structure. Stress is terminal if the last syllable of the word has the structure [CVC] or [CeCC], e.g. 11 frhan samht [sam ht happy I forgave Stress is penultimate if the last syllable of the word has the structure [CV] or if it ends in [-eC], e.g. si:mna [se Iemna] we greeted kl:m [kel lem] he talked (with, to) Also notice stress shift with the e.g. klina k I i nah kl :m kl :mni [ki fni] [k lI n ah ] [k I nih] p [ke I I em] [kel l mni ] suffixation of pronominal suffixes, we ate we ate it (m) he talked (to) he talked to me diphthongs: aw , ay , iy , iw , uw 9. Diphthongs Moroccan Arabic has the following Examples: ,eaw d fayn yd: iw huwa aliy repeat! where? they take along he come! (fs) 10. Interchange of Phonemes The following phonemes vary according to region for different speakers of Moroccan Arabic: z , s , q - g , q - g - , yC - iC , wC - uC . Examples: z-z zuz - zu. v vv mzw: ~ mzw:z v-s srzm srzm m9 - sm9 - ms - smns two married (m) window sun 12 9 -.9 qal gal bqra bgra he said cow tell me! q - 9 - (rare) qul:i - gul:i - ?ul:i yC - iC initially before C ybra - ibra yktb . iktb I I I U I I I I I I or CC or C: needle he wrote wC - uC initially This variation depends on whether the preceding word ends in a consonant or a vowel. /w/ occurs after a vowel and /u/ occurs after a consonant. wahd uTirin xmsa wT rin (here: u - w 'and') twenty-one twenty-five I U I I I U I I I PART TWO TEXTS UN ITS 1 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 1 Unit 1 UNIT ONE Jeha Stories* xqayf ib~a 1.3. Jeha anid the Clay Pots fba wlq dur bada 1hb. sif tatii 2:u baws ywri lqdur ,ma wsra lqdur 0 * * wsra bz~af diqdur, wmalqavs kif aw yrfdhum , awlu bz~eI' bq a kayfk: r P kay±'k: r 'nu yd ir, tqbbum ,wdw:Z ±ihum xit 0 0 wd:ahum 1a dbru wd3&hum id..ar *mli wa). 1d.ar qaltu 'B:u "was nta hrar ?* was n ta hm1%Z awl3 a mlik ? lq iur ttqbhum daba la~s yadyin yslhu ? matzwib's hm.-al weaffi ?11 dazt Y:SJI wza wahd fl:har qa~t~un rn:U 'Sir azwha srili wahd libra * etatu baws y'ri ybra* huwa tfkzr dak nzhar Ii zvfat 'q1ih Sra ybra wbqa lcaql:b c1a hm:al etahalu ,WqaS1:u "bak ws:3lha ld~ar", mli ws:l.ha 1d~ar rnmUs?1u dart ; tatu lyrd weafi This series of jeha stories (1 -147) was recorded in the field Moroccan Arabic 16 Unit 1 Vocabulary xrafa (f) / xraypf ha ,ra (f) qdra (f) / qdur Iani bzaf lawh bz:af fk-r bqa kayfk:r tqb t~ba (f) / -t tqabi dW:Z dw:s xit (m) / xyut dhr (m) / dhur mazlk ? malu ? malha ? lai ? slh hml story, tale a ficticious humorous character known in all Middle Eastern folk literature to buy clay pot I found it (m) to be a lot. He found them to be a lot. to think he remained thinking to pierce, perforate hole, perforation to cause to pass string back What is the matter with you? What is the matter with him? What is the matter with her? For what? What for? to be good for to carry, become pregnant, flood porter, carrier pregnant needle, injection U I U I I I I I U I hMal (m) / hmala hamla (f) / -t ybra d ibra (f) / ybari ibari I I I U I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 17 unit 1 Moroccan Arabic 17 Unit 1 lyrd ' tatu 1*,od to get mad beating She gave him a sound beating. Before listening to the f ield recording., please notice the following regional variants,, The forms that occured in the text are listed first; in parentheses you find variant forms. saft gdra ka§ tayffk r aran :a gal ntaya ruh (sift) (qdra) (kiffas') (kayfk:r) (qal) (nta ) (sir) to send clay pot how he thinks when., as for, suppose that to say you (ns) go! (imperative) I.1.1 Questions *'aspila 2.o was era i1~a bzsaf wlza wy~ta dl.qdur ? 3. mIsi Wra *.1~a )qdur, awsdar ba'swywy:lIhum l4:a' ? Li..awe qaltlu 'Oof:u msi wql 4saT ? 5o mai Ira Iba libra ,as dar biha ? 6. as h'lk f~la ? ( aql 'intelligent' , fl:s 'stupid' ' Iinsane' ) Is--- - - Nor. A fto% U 4 o% TTri-t 1 MIOrOCCan Ar lC18w j eha ,H is S on ,arnd Their D onkey 1.2 - 24~a w:14U WZ's;'O dyalhum hada. lha Ican yadi huwa w: ldii Tadyin msafrmn rakbi'n ruq wahd E:1lp dazu qud: am wahd I: vad: as qalu "Buf suf had fla yf'qu mawalu I adak E:L% mskin *hi~ky~bhdb wvlawa maytms:awws 'v1a rzlihum wyx1:iwh yry:h wbwy~a It' hum f atu wm3.l' ±atu) nzlu m ±uq ~ph~ , wkb iha £uq E: h' w: ldu kaytminw:a qud,-amx whua zaydin dazu v1a wahd zw:maea xra d.aa haduk fl:as qalu "BUf hadak r..az'i makayhwsrnsfwldu yw yaxih yrkb £uq z'3h's whuaC ytm's:a vila rzw1ih I "Iha nzl mi fuq 0*00 E:h w*wrk.*bwldu .dezu vla wahLd I~ma dri~aaRrin qalu "E~u± had iwid hada,qlil Iladab had iwid ,myx1;iws b..ah yrkb fuq E'whs whtlwa ytms:a vla rz~1ih I ~ waws dar zwha, nz-.l wldu wqal~u "yal:ah* rkbt ana ?~blu's n~as rkbna bz'ui mablu'%s n~as, rkbt ntaya rqblu'sfl:as *yal~ah nhz-uh vla ktaf'na . whadakk 5:1 id3.,idaru .hz.,u v3h'w vlaktafhum bluz w aw daxlin lwahd 1mdina daxlin lmdina wfl.as kaydhku "lihum Vocabular Moroccan Arabic 19 Unit 1 Morocc~an Arabic 19 Unit )~ dazu fd:am wahd f:mava dn:as mav a (f) / -t makin (m) / msakin ~ msakn d:b ta.ba tms: a rY:h him syiwr (m) / syiwrin syTiwra (f) / syiwrat 0adab qlilI ladab qbl hz: dxl (kaydxul) dhk (vla) dhk (mva) They passed by a group of people. group poor to torture to walk to rest to be ashamed diminutive of /syir/ 'little, small' politeness, manners, literature impolite (of little manners) to accept, agree to carry to enter to laugh (at), mock, make fun of to kid someone Before listening to the field recording, please notice the following regional differences: gud: am (qud:am) nta (dyals - d-) ntavi , ntavk, ntavu , etc. in front of of, belonging to Notice that the same informant uses /ka-/ prefix in /kayvd:buh/ 'they torture him'. In the previous story he used /ta-/ prefix in /tayfk:r/ Moroccan Arabic 20 Unit 1 'he thinks'. He also uses /mrL:i/ 'when' In addition,, note thatI the same infformant varies in the use off /ntav'/I'off' and /d-/I 'off1'. When asked whether he used /dyal/ 'off' he answered in the affffirmative., 1.2.1 Questions - asgila 1. layn kan y'adi 4a wzwldu ? 2. eu qalu n~as mi sawfu k1a wildu ;akbin b*.ulhum e wg1~f? 3.0 snu dar ila m en d ?I 4.a %soqaluihummav a t sauiya dn &as ? sn u qalu n tas midshi u mif a kaytmwmxa "la riflih wsldu ;akb fuq is]13i? I*I 6.-abiu lmlu n~as msi iafu fta wa1du rafdi± '*l dy alhum ? 7. as Ov~bium ilad imatal - "i:i ytbv klaein i as myzbi; ayn yt MI dyaiu"?I 1.3Jeha f rom Morocco and Jeha f rom Algei 1.3 na" l Vib w'bantai ' iazagir hada ~antat Imyib "rd 4la ia ritat lzwazgir baiytwsta vndu aran:a as3.di whuma galsin iabulhum t.- * m ila nta% U 0m 0a 0lmeihu 1ana~laai bakyu I I I Moroccan Arabic 21 Unit 1 21 Unit 1 wgbd t:bsil Wdwzr 1dm nihtu . ha ntat* lmaib galu "walayn-.i rta druk masi sidi rb:i wdw:r t:bsil wrd.: l.hm rrrxwihtu Vocabular iwa Xl..i d:flya kirna rahi" vrd (via) ilaza'gir tew -a aran -.a t: tam 'wiha (f) /mt l.ukma- wkan @Iwcun lukai lukan lukan lukam lukan :rdm gbdqa* ird 0 0 kun tana kunti rita karm huwa lain: a bna kanu Qndi lmlayn rianxdm mardm qbd*-qbt to invite Algeria to have dinner here ;"wtell"t food; here: couscous si de if (impossible), contrary to f act if I were if you were if he were if we were If' I were a millionaire, I would never work. (a song) to demolish to hold the earth (the world) to round., turn I Moroccan Arabic 22 Unit 1 1 druk now dnya d:unya the world kima rahi ~ kima hiya as it is rd: (-u-) to return I Conditional Sentences with /ila/ 'if (possible, probable)' and /kun/, /lukan/ , and /wkan/ 'if (impossible, contrary to fact)'. (on tape) : 1. ila qtani Iflus , Yadi nmi nwri tumubil . If he gives me money, I'll buy the car. I 2. ila taht :ta , mayadi5 nmS 1ssinima If it rains, I will not go to the movies. 3. ila byiti tmi fhalk , qulhali daba If you want to go, just tell me. 4. ila kan ndk wld mrid , xs:k t#y:t l t:bib.o If you have a sick child, you should call a doctor. 5. ila kanu mndi Iflus , wl:ahi manbqa hna qsmayn dlmagana . If I had money, I would not stay here for more than ten minutes. 6. wkan Ea , kan rani anit . Had he come, I would have left. 7. wkan kan em ei t wilifun , kunt mit ondu . Had he phoned me, I would have gone tohis place. I I I MR-Oroccan Arabic 23 Unit 1 8. wkani kmn:a mina bkri , kuna tlaqina mah tm:a . Had we left early, we would have met him there. 9. lukun "a bkri , kan had :i ga" matra. Had he come early, this would not have happened. 1O. kun kant mwat l1bulis , kanu tawnuha bz:af . Had she gone to the police, they would have helped her a lot. 11. lukun ftu , lukun vIitu lba . If I had seen him, I would have given him the letter. 12. lukan kan hna , kan rah navs ma rasu . Had he been here, he would have been asleep. 13. ila a daba , nmsiw mil . If he comes now, we'll all leave together. 14. luken kunt ana , manmini asidi . If it were me, I would not go. 15. lukan kun:a mina bkri , kan rah hna wslna . If we had left early, we would have been there now. 16. lukan kant Eat , kan rah tkl:m mqaha la had lqady:a . Had she been here, he would have discussed this matter with her. 1.3.1 Questions *augila 2. alas ded 4a dlmayib ila a d azair ? 2. al dar Ega 41maygib mli labulhua tseam ? Moroccan Arabic 24 Unit 1 Moroccan Arabic Unit 1 3. gn~u qal z1~a d1zazagir, waswnu dar? snu dar ZI1a dlmyib f1"axir ? sau cjhk fila d1myib ? 1.4 The Age of' Jeha's Uncle lha wtm:u hada wahd s..y:dl 'a "rid 'ha qal:u"ana vom:i tridu tmiya wtsqbin vam* qal;u zha "kit' walu tmiya wtsq'in vam ana qm:i lukan rah "ad qay's kan rah voidu Iy:a wts 'in md. Vocabular kitf walu lukan rahki md "ays it is nothing (i.e...rMot very impressive) if' he were alive 1.4.1 Question i- su'al vawd~na 1qq sa dyal awvmgU Moroccan Arabic unit 1 25 Moroccan Arabic Unit 1 1.5 Jeha and the IDn1ays bada Eha d:a c'ra dJlhiir d:ahuf bal ybivhum d:8.hur l1s;uq whuwa kan rakb fuq vahd ilimar wtsq'a d3lhmir lirin qud:amua 000 0 mgw~dhum. huwa kayhsb lhmir kayiqa ts~ea , tla xatr huwa kai rakb fuq wahd fliTmar.zl - i kayhw: d m1 fuq ThmTr 1: i Iran rakb 0 0 & 00 ±'uqu, kayhsb esra .kayt1,;%±9uq lhmaa',kayhsb tsea .kayhw:d nn 0 00 0 fuq lhmar,kayhab t'sra. qal 'tkifaws had 1qaVy: a hadi ? sitn1~ iqa wahd s:y:d wbkalu lqac~y:a. qa:l~u ha kif's wha kifa's wqal:u "l:a yxl;ik 1hsb daba 'suf hal kayn mi hmar ?" hadak s:y:d 000 0 0 qa~l awd:i ana rani say±' bna idaw d:Lhmir."1 Vocabulary gw: d l1a xatr hw: d qady: a (if)/t bk (i) ha kifaws wha kifa's to direct, to guide because to dismount,, descend problem, matter it is impossible, it can'It be to narrate this and that (here: he told him the story) Moroccan Arabic 26 Unit 1 Questions o- "asgiia 2. mli*i kayl~sb 1]mrwua rakb %%:a wa~d , l1ai kayiqa ? 3. wmi:i kyhwsd ,iI~a1 kayiLqa ? 40. sru qa iwla mva asu ? 5.0 riu qaitu hadak asYtd msi tawdiu iqgta cdyai.u ? 6. enu Jhrl.k ±'iba ? 1.6 Jeha and the Ducks ft~a wlbrkat bada zha vbndu wahd -"'wkn hadak a %nd dlbrkat. whadak z'waj' bya y~af=,qal 11ha "wa-s matnqw,,' tqbtbumi tridk wftl4ibnm whadak 'B~i ?" qaizu ilp"wvz~a asid~i e1a =..as w1ein ". wSax , hadak zw:8.I msa safr vwha bqa kay'suf fflbrkat,kay'sufhum, kay u um. iwa wy'lbuh zfluXU) dbh whda wklaha mid 2 =t ~:aT qal..u iwa azha x1:itlk qrwa dlb~kat wdaba sayf yir tsta . finha hiya hadik ? gal:u 'tasid~i had '4:i 1:i kman 'ir tsia 1:i kayn" bqaw hakdakhakdak,1.t:a ±ft:ali IVaw %nd iqadi . msaw qnd iqadi wfh~mlu iqady:a ivhadak 5:11 0 Moroccan Arabic 27 unit 1 ihila. qal yadi nzwib %'S*ra dlcazny:a, wml~i flsf:Tlhum ,kill; wahid yqb~. brka . wyad~i ybqa wahd bla brka wtm: a zwha yadi yfklm bi: i yx -: brka daru hadak ws: i* wml: i bqa wahd 1mxazni bla brka, bqa ga"'d bwhdu* qal:U iqadi l1bha "ha nta kat'suf ha huwa hadak mamndu's lbrkatt. -~u asidi ha huria kanu tm.-a el~aw flw:l mayrnsi's yzri ht:a huwa, yd:i w1da ?11 Vocabulary brka (f) /--t hda (i) yrlb zn: (in) / znun ylbuh zwnunu dbh hakdak ft ali qadi (mn) /qudat zcni(mn)/ xWamy: a duck to be able to to wat!Dh over with great pleasure to beat, conquer demon, j inn he could not resist to slaughter thus finally judge government employee, usually uniformed, having messenger duti-es government administration, authorities to Whistle sf -.r Moroccan Arabic 28 Unit 1. 1.6-1 Questions - aB9iia 2. was qbl ~aw1sa la ? wair qai~u ? 3. a's dar *.la mlsi ylbuh 9.un 40. mu zb; Dml 1b'kat ml.:i 7Czv' U s:fr dyalu ? 5. a'snu dar lqa4i mid meaw le'ndu ? VI 6. was qdrr lqa~i 7y1%is lmukiia awlta la ? e"ia's? mw;'Smartt 1.7 Jeha from Ou..da and Jeha f rom Fez tha dulda w~ha df'as hada zbha duicda , wa vnd zvha dfas wbra yhs: lu* iwa nl as trfu, asidi bayl:a Z'ha duzwda rah Zwa vnd gha dfas wbya yhs4;U witamvu ii nan bzzaf .w*.ha du.ida bdalium qal,-hum "Sru huwa Il-iI dayr kima lw tndu leinin oir "iniin 2 nar w:dflin 1ir wdnin ibmar9 0*P 090*p rzwlin ihmrWs I nan yir snar I b . ,wn if 4z ni f lhmar 0 9. I I U 29 Moroccan Arabic 29 Unit 1 wkul 'ei halu , qal.ulu quihalna, daba merfrahai .qal %hum iha duzwda " hadak huwa 3bzr* qalulu "walayn: i lbzar wag 'vndu ii Zxish ? qalhuxm mia drt l 1nah yir bag imtx r'uu "sliha wsafi ba~s*matterfuha's*." Vocabular hwal(M aw yir h Inah (in) / anh 00 xrz cla 1.7,1 Qetions - 'augila 1. lai w' mMs zb~a duida ba'-yt:Laqa inta 2. cawdiLna as qal ib~a duida iLnas ? 3. was qdrtilngas yiawbuh wlsa la ? 40. im kan liawab dib~a duiqda ? to get trapped, get stuck, be caught up to catch, capture, trap to gather, meet (with) heret "like" ta32 here; except for, except that wing sparrow to go out, to leave to lot aoinae down,. break one's word, go off (e.g. a car goes off the road) zia dfas ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -rr% p rb A -m A T ft Ih i n Mf~w A~a4 i~U31 Unit2t UN IT TWO* 11.1 Weather in Morocco V:gs fflmayrib daba y'adi ntkl :m "la t :qs flma.ib kul ~'i kaye~rf' bay].:a lma:rib blad axuna, walakin kayn vndna s':ta wkayn p'biv, wkayn s:iI' wkayn lxrif . 'eta kat:ih mali bz:af wkayn dim kayn r:bit ,iwa f r:bie zwayh 9hr abril, r:biv kayiwn xdr, wkayn lwrd bz :af, wn :as kayxrufu ytsaraw, kayxrulu ytn& :hu fs:awari"e wflhadiqa awl:a fiz:nan, wmnbtd kayzwi s:i . fs:if imadaris kaysd:u wmakaybqawiw d:rari yqraw kul:- wahd kayrnsi ytsara f~iha kayn l:i kayi llbhr wkayn 1:i kaym~si ll:bl wkayn 1:i kaysafr ws:if hnaya sxu si swy:a fl4al kayk=Un xn si wyoa, walakiri nsas mwalfifl bili wkayziw bz:af dyal nsaa kayzuru lmayib ; w:as iku13 ziha m ibed kayzwi 1xrif *iWa fwqt Lllrf lw~aq dyal ssz~; kaybdaw wlbrd kaybqa yqut si ": a, lbrd kaybqa yzi m dak l.wqt Moroccan Arabic Unit 32 Moroccan Arabic 32 Unit 2 Vocabular tqs Ibl (in) / bal xlra (f)/_t si xtra si xtrat tsara tnz :h hadiqa (f) t znan (n)/-at ihal waif (b-) wrrqa (f) wraq 91ra (f) /Ir szra (f) /s'r sat (u) f 91 (in) /f gu1 hadayiq weather mountain time (e.g. two times) sometime sometimes to take a walk to go on excursion garden orchard sea the weather, situation, state to be accustomed (to) tourist leaf, paper tree tree to blow season ki dayr '~q t f~lmyib ? tu hm? I I I I I I I 11.1.1 Questions - m- aslila (ki= kif ) 2. ila1 m f 91 f ivai? 3. ki dayr ;bi" f1'r~ib Li..awe kayta f %;I yif ? I I I I I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 3 Unit 2 59 ki dayr lxrif flmay'rib ? 6. kifas lpqq bna±'amirika 9? 7. ki ahi An f~amirika wl~a flmyib ? The Cit-y of Fez 11.2 mdint fas ml :mudun lqdam 1 :i vndna hna flmay:rib mdint fas mdint fas rndina qdima bz:af l am bnaha imalik mulay dris fvam trnmy:a nilady:a mulay dris t:ani, (huwa 1:i bnaha), wrah uidfun fiha 19 an. mdin t fas qdima whiya 1:i f'iha llamiea dyal 1qaraWY~oin ,Eamiva qdima bz:aI' fiLha bz :af' dyal t :alaba mn anha' 1' alam. mdint fas merufa bz-:naqi dyalha d:y:qin. wila msa wsi wahd tm:a yzur mdint fas , adi ylqa n:as rakbin q'1a lhmir , wadyin fz:naqi dy:qin . la.4 ? li~n:a s:y:arat, aw t:umubilat kima kanqulu maymknlhuas yduzu mn tm:a walihada n~as kaykiinu rakbin %%la 1pir wy'adyin . mint faa kansm3 iwha itasima Jqlmy:a , tlawd: fiha liamita wnoas kayins'u 1lmadam'i tm!;a. wkayqulu bayl:a t:aqafa bdat tm.9a. tawd tani , tdint fas m'rUfa bl'lasima 19islamy:a. d:in l'islami tkw:n tm:a fmdint fas .mulay dris ml :i lza llmyrib zab mvah 1'ialam, wlihada lmdina ur rufa bt :aqafa dyalha wbl' islam dyalba. lmdina waShal fiha dyal s :uk :an ? fiha Mjatayn uxmsin aif (awlta) tt ~at aif dasulctan . mrtfa (baylsa fiha) bzsaf dyal 1m4aip wipwam±ie.bb~a1 daba ,lm4aqa 1bu..many~a , w~amigtt lqaawy3 in 13 i kiilswei kayvrfha. M4oroccan Arabic 34 Unit 2 dfn 19 an anha' 1v alam znqa (f) znaqi li -?n sa walihada sm,,a (i) eas,.ma (fi/t Qlnii (in) "lawd: 'lawd :als taqafa cbawd tani 1 -%islam din (mn) /adan sakn (mn) / suk:an to bury now all parts of the world street because for tbi~s reason to name capital science learning, science scientific, educational (nisba) because culture also., in addition,, again, once again Islam religion inhabitant I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11.2,1 Q uestions 'as'ila 1. qulina smyta dyal wa1~d lmdina m1.3adun :l~dam flmyib ? 2. ikunIsti bra mdint fas?. 3.fin tdfn mulay dri st: an i o? )4fayn kayna Eamitat lqa';aw3in ? S. kifaws dayrin zmnaqifindint fa0 ? 6. wa' s ouibilat ymkinlhuin yduzu fz:naqi 4ty:qin dfas ? 7.slain hum stmyzat 1ti tetaw limint faa ? ela w? 8.0 alsuktan indint faa ? I I Moroccan Arabic 35 Unit 2 11.3 Educational System in Mobrocco n:idam dyal t:qvlimflma:;ib daba 'radi ntkl:m Irla n: idam dyal ttevlim fl.myib .tmay3;ib f:±l wl:a d:r:i, wl:a (kima)* kanvy:Vulih iwid, ml:i kaybda yqra (mnaha mlo~i) kaybda yms'"i ilmdrasa ,ml:i1 katkun frmru sb* ni kaym~i llmdrasa lbtida-7y:a. kaygis fflrdrasa lbtidafty:a xms snin 6O0 0* katkun f'tmru dik s:aea tnasar tam *mi:i kaywsl tnas""ar %%am, kayn wahd lmtihan. kaydw:z wahd imtihan ,bas yduz lt:lim t:anawi , :isi 0 a 0 0 wl:a lkulil kaydw:z lmtihan. ila huwa n"~h, kaym'li lseana iw:la dyal t:anawi. mn s:ana i:w:la kaydw:z Ut snin tanawi, (wkay'sb-.r) wahd sh:ahada smitha %s :ahadla t :anawy :a, (awl :a "'sahadat) t*, Urn t :anawi. mn dqbt shaaw : abtasila kan kayxdm mzyan ,kan timid muztahid, kayduz it :ur t :ani dyal t :' urn t :anawi kaydw :x s:ana rmabfa, ws:ana lxamsa, ws:ana s:atoa. wm:i kaywsl lsoana s:at:a, kaykun dw:z st: snin ft:anawi, ila huwa mai'mru matawd ltam ml:i kaywsJ. s:ana s:at:a kaydw-.z sahada xra niha'piy:a, smitha lbakalurya lEahadat lbakalurya . kayn fimyrib wzu dyaJ. J.'anwat dyal tr:t ur kayn t:vlim lmur:b, l:i t:lamid kayqraw wkaydrsu 'yir blearaby,*a. wkayn 0 0 to0 t:tlim l:i fih ltaraby:a wlfaransy:almuzdawz: , fih 'wuw dl:u'rat t:'J lim lmutr4-,b ht:a huwa bhaildrx kaydw:zu xms snin flbtidai wst: snin ft :anawi, wkaydw :zu bakalurya bit araby :a; wkayqraw 'swy:a dyal lffransawy:a ,wwy:a dllinglizy:a. t:'tiim lmuzdaw'z: kaybdaw ml :btida'i wt :anawi kayqraw blfransy :a, wkayqraw lraraby :a 0 0 0 0 kaliffa; wml,:i kaywslu ls:ana r:abfa kaybdaw yqraw i'inglizy:a kalu'a aznaby :a tanya. ml :i kaywslu lbakaluryakaydw :zu lbakalurya bifransawy :a * 0 0 0 Moroccan Arabic 36 Unit 2 bakalurya adaby :a ila huwa qra 19adab wi :u'rat , vi:a kayqbt lbakalurya q'lmy:a ila huwa qra r:yady:at zema lhsab wl:a V:abi%%y-,at ila huwa qbt lbakalurya ymknlu yni i 11ami%%a . ndna flmay'rib 'lamita fr:bat smitha lamitat muhm:d ixamis. wkayna whda f:as xas:a bt:ul.*ab 1:i kayqraw .rir 0 00* 6 0 1"araby:a wkayn whda fmr:ak's,wkayn madaris tulya i'ra ,bhal lmdrasa 'o 0o0.* .0 0 0* 0 0 0 a 0 J.%ulya ll9asatida 1 :i to:aJlib kaydxu:iha blbakalurya wmnbtd makayqdi rbt, snin kayxru 'zwdustad f lmad:a 1:i byra. ml:i kaywslu t:ul:ab 11Uamita 0 ot 0 * kayn kul:y:a dyal t:ib:, wkul:y:at Jlhuquq, wkul:y:at 'E:arita 1'7islamy:a kaymknlhum ys'b:ru 1:isans 1 :isans mtnah ilaza kaydwszha 9Sfif bhal daba fkul y:at 1'adab , 'aw tit snin fkuJ.:y:at lhuquq, ila ratmxk matawdti itam. ila dw:zti (nqulu) 1:isans fkul:y:at 1'adab, ymknlk ttxr:.l ,ustad flouya lfransawy:a, wl:a ltaraby-,a wJ.:a l:u'ra lginglizy:a 0 a0 (w-9ila) drti lisans fitulum, ymknlk ttxr:i 'ustad fr:yady:at ,w1:a ft*.,abiv'y:at, wl:a tdir bht, wl:a ymknlk tdir t:ib. ft :ib: (kaymknlk tbqa) mabin sbv' snin whda~r 'tam ila byiti txrul mxts: . kayn bz:aif dyal 0 0 0 so t :alaba 1 :i kayxruzvu llxarii bas* yqraw wyzidu ydrsu dirasat tulya & 0.0 00 0 0 0 * 1 I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I Vocabular nidam ((m) / iudum %~ andi ma *0 0 tfl (mn) / atfal tfula 0 'o0 idrasa btidagy:a itihan (mn) / -at nih sahada (f) /- inuitahd (Mn) system kid, child primary school examination secondary education to succeed, pass an examination certificate clever, hadrworking, diligent Moroccan Arabic 37 Unit .2 I~roCCafl Arabic 37 Unit .2 tur (m) / atwar tawd nihavi (m) bakalurya (f) mukr:b timid (m) / tJad timida (f) / tlmidat muzdawE adabi (m) r:yada r:yady:at (always p. in form) z 0~ zema l1sab t:abity:at (always p. in form) lmdrsa leulya llasatida qda (i) mad:a / mawad :ariva fTaza (f) / -t xts: stage to repeat final high school certificate Arabicized pupil double (educational system: French and Arabic) literary sports mathematics that is to say, or, meaning arithmatic natural sciences Teacher's College to spend (time) subject (of studies) Islamic law diploma to specialize 11.3.1 Questions - 7aesila 1. wqtal kaybdaw d:rari lqfaya dyalhum flmayTib ? 2. al kaygls tlmid ftslim lbtida9i flmayrib ? 3- as xgu ydwz baw ymwi Itvlim t, nawi ? Moroccan Arabic 38 Unit 21 4,. I1a1 kaygla ft:vlim t~aiawi ?I 50 slain Imma *S:ahadat 1:i kaytvtaw ftp'blim t~anawi? 6.0 1curi 1ua :uy'at 1"wnaby~a 1:1 kayqrawhum t~1amd flayib ?I 7. nu hUWa t~('1im lmuv'3b .? 9. skan huwa 1f'q bin lbakalu'ya 1"elmy:a wlbakalurya 1'adabysa ? 10.0 54a3.ml tam kaydw~z V:alib flamita basw yqbt liens ? 11. quisna bv4 8:my:at dlyal 1iramieat wlklally:at w~mais 1"ulya 1~i kaynin f1may~ib ?I 12. was kayn ~i la~aba mayriba 1:i1 yq~qaw if 2xari 11.4 The Month of Ramadan in Morocco 5hr rmdan ifimayrib il :i kaywsl rirdan, wrrndan huwa ws :hr 1 :i kaysumu fih irnuslirninI * 0 0 * 0.06 zl:i kaywsl rmdan flmawrib, n:as kaykunu frhanin bz:aif, katkun 14bana t'ad xizat wn :as kaylvunu frhanin *n :as kaysumu, kaydl.:u saymin n :har kul :uI wkaydl:u flxdma dyamhum .f1v"sy:a ml:i lmwdein kaywd:n~nrrb kajzi wqt iftur, n:as kaysl:iw, 1:i kaysl:iw,,wmn b'd kayglsu ba~s yaklu 00 00 0* iwa kul: tw'7ila wkifavs katakul, bhal daba kayn 1 :i kaybdaw blqhwa, y'~ruhahiy lwla ,qhw bllibbha iftr l~ad . l~a aywrbulhrra0 Forms in parentheses are ones which represent deviations from the original field tape. Changes were made for structural purposes. Moroccan Arabic 39 Unit 2 atbqa fry1i ht a kat:ib, kandiru mtaha ).ibzar wimiha, ht:a katwl:i bhal s:ub:a,e'rir hiya iha duq mzyan wkayn n:as 1.:i kaytbriw fiha lhm:us bz:af, wJ.Iu1 (Q 2.awd aws katr zbhum ihrira tqila) lhrira kat:'srb fz:1ayf. kay'zibu n:as z:layrf fuq (Jlmida),wm ~d kaybqaw yxwiw .iwa kayisrbu Jlhrira, walakin dak lwqt kaymknlhum yaklu ihiwa * "ndna wahd ihiwa smyitha 9 :b :aky:a v ndna hiwa smy:tha 's:b:aky:a whiwa i"ra smy:tha griiu , (hiwa xas,-a makattgawb yrr ifrmdan) ,makattbaP #fir frmdan* wkayn wsi xtrat wahd ihiwa smiytha ibriwat o bhalha bhal 'wi 9'laif dyal ibra, hadak hi. VIA' ka y :tulha lb riwa d : rani kayb'riw I :b :aky :a wgriwE fwqt rindan wkayn frmdan tawd tani,,n:as 1:i kayaklu, kayaklu s;, V:mr kaytbav' bz:aif frmdan %*]awd: hlw,wbih kabdaw gw n:as 51 xtrat fJftur ml:i kaysaJliw n:as (lhrira) , 'uf kul:wahd wsha1 kayswrb,zlaifawl:a fu1 ht :a kaysgtp,kayglsu 'hwy :a kayqs :ru 'la ma kad :uz dak imakia," )awd: kaykunu ry :anin fn :har kuJ.:u whuma xd :amin wsaymin kayduz hwy :a dyal lwqt., ngas kaybdaw yxniuu kayxruzu ytsaraw fl:il* (huma makaytsarawws) fn :har (t lawd :avs) kaylwnu saymin wxd :amin (vin :ma) 0 000 kaytsaiw llhai ,kaybqaw mqsdnin ifzynqat ka nsat 1bqd:il daba 0 0 a 00 n:as 1:i katkun "ndhum lxdima kayni'su,bhal daba fl."~ra dl:ilba's kayfiqu ynudu ytsh:ru g nu huwa s:hur ? s:hur (huwa) n:as kayifiqu fzwayh 0 0*0 0 0 0 0 4 0* 0 t:lata ds:bah wl:a r:bia ds:bah bds yaklu ligaxi:a I:ms katkun 0 0 0 0 6 baqya matic at. wrmdlan xs :na n~umu mn suruq Nz:ms hto:a 1l'urub ' :ms ila kan:udu mn r:tea ds:bah,ht:a 1lnsa kaynud lmnu'ad:inkanbdaw nakJlu s:hur kaykun xfii' kaykun im:a hlib, wl:a hlib wxubz mqli, wl:a Moroccan Arabic Unit 2I 40 wkaybqaw saymin ht :a lly'd: flmya;ib .* (iwa daba rrmdan Ktayn masa7 ii cra muhim:a aktr inn l'al lmuslim ixalis labd: ma ysloi xms salawat ffn :har 7 in:aina hada din end imuslimin Wai nku hm. as i whaysumu, wkayzk :iw wkayt' :ru ,z :aka nm naha kul: insan kayxs :u y'ti ima irlus, awl:a z:re awl:a lksiba awl:a Thwayi llmsakinI wJ.:a kayinknlu ykrm D.sakin bku.1: tariqa hadi hiya z :aka. wlt'ugur hiya kul: wahd kayxs :u yxr :Vz .'s ur inn linaly:a, Pawloa ml:inurabahaI dyalu. had l~u'sur kaymi fl :amt' wi:a dar ixiry :a* wkayn nas xas :in huma 1 :i kayZinu duk lhdy :at kul :hum wkayfr:quhum v lmsakin hayza Ira, nhar sbea w~rin frrdan fi:il kansm:iwha "lilat lqac 1r", n:as kul:hm kaykunu frhanin, wkul: vibadl:ah kaybatu rayqin kaysl.:iw fz~:awamit, wkaytlbu I :ah yyfrlhum d :unub dyalhum * nut lqadr kul:hum Lmsl:min kayvamnu bayl:a biban sma kul:hum mftuhin wl: i kaykun v am].'i nb 'sla dik 1:ila kaysl:i wytib 1:ah yf:;lu *n %hav i4i uibv d 'a yuM f'm4an huwa lvid V~yi;. kui1skinsasI kayxr~vu lftra inn bd s:la * 'nu hiya lfftra ? 1I'tra hiya kul: wahd wo:ami'r dyalu ,y'S~i Ilsakin. dak s:i 1:i bora* wl:i makaytil intra 0 a bhal ila masaml iwa asidi wkayn iasail i~ra xas:a Liramadan * a 00 wahiya n:as 1:i kaysumu brain lihuin baws ykmiwwl:a ysrbu,wl:aI ytkl:mu tla nas in bli tib. iwa had Ws,*i iakan sari. Vocabular completes the text, addn more pertinent information. ,&s-%roccan Arabic 41 Unit 2 Moroccan Arabic 41 Unit 2 dl: mwd:n muiad:n / - in wd:n sl:a (i) eadi (m) tzina (f) tnpra (f) itry:a trf (m) / try:f (m) 'la (i) sub :a saala lka~a tgksTl / -t o tnazr traf /trifat to remain announcer of the hour of prayer (in a mosque) to announce prayers to pray ordinary dough metal cooking pot vermicelli piece small piece (Dim.) to boil soup to finish playing cards to have a light meal before daybreak in Ramadan the last meal of the day, shortly before daybreak during Ramadan because remaining sunrise sunset to fry sauce (here refers to stew) envelope s:hur liv.an:a baqi suruq Surub qla (i) lmrqa *flaf (m) /-at Moroccan Arabic 42 Unit 2 gd tb :1 Id: xalis (m) sala (f) / salawat sla / slawat "in:ama hada din amir an *'miv zk:a qs:r zaka (f) insan Ye -z ' ksiba mrskin (m) / msakin km Jayiq (m) / tugqan bkul ayiqa indeed, even, also, all (in negative constructions) to beat the drum the next day true (believer) prayer this is (according to) religion all, together to give alms to pay tithes giving alms, charity person grain (e.g. hard wheat) breeding animals (cattle,sheep) poor person to honor way (road) in every way ( in different ways, by any means income, wealth income mosque charitable society gift to distribute, split the night of the 27th of Ramadan; it is the night in which, according to Sura 97, the Koran was revealed. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I malys a zmarabala (f) / -t lame (f) / Ewa dar ixiry:a hdy:a (f) / -t fr:q lilat lqa4r ",I-roccan Arabic 43 Unit 2 xiry~a(f charitable (Nisba) vbd to adore, worship tibad l:ah people (God' s worshippers) fayq (Mi) awoke 'y'fr to forgive sins dnb (in) / dunub dnub sin ainn to believe lftra almnsgiving at the end of ]Ramadan damir (Mn) conscience hm to prevent, forbid,, deprive hr :m to cause to be forbidden hram forbidden by religion had ':i makan that is it, that is all that there is to it. Questions S'as-qila 1. a suit shV 281 yjumL1 fill lusllimin ? 2.0 was n~as kayxdumis i kaylcwu u aYmin? 3. ilal M O sa atq~ibn kay~u lrgas fiyum ? 4* bals kayflu lmyszba frm~sn ? 5,& vqtai kayfI~u ? 6.ea's kaydiru :;sts. mbcd 1fju T? 7. a~s kaydiru Itlcyat mbed 1ftu; ? 8. smu huwa §tl~u 9. as Z9: Imuslim 1zjij ydir fm4an ? 10.0 kt hiya z~aka ? I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 45 unit Moroccan Arabic 45 Unit 3 UNIT THREE* 111.1Tea ata n :as kul :hum f'lmyrib kbar wsyar , jal wtyalat, fimudun wflvrubY:a,awl:a ).qbayl ,wt'lqprat awlo~a fd:wawr, kays'rbu dima atay bn :"nat* atay bne:"na" "qada maY'riby :a qdima atay kaysrbuh n:as f's:bah wI'd:hur wflvsy:a flma'trib ml:i kaytbriw yqimu atayaw:ala rr:a,kaykun ima Vali flbq~raz ;yni katkun lbnt, awl :a iwid , ml lbqrai fuq lmiPmr wkayxl:ih ht:a kayfli .wimb%*d rmail kayfml atay hbub flbr:ad wkayffi :lu,mvnaha kayysl atay; zm~a kaykub: ima tayb ml :bqrai Nuq atay, wkaydw:r lbr:ad,wyxwi dak 1mim 'fw:X f'ka s,,wmnb ed kaylub dak Ima wkybqa hbub atay fflbr:ad nqi mnb "ds: lala kaydfr asuka wivrav xdr flbr :ad, wkaykub: Tlih ma tayb ml:bqrai wyeml lbr*,ad fuq lmi'mr wahd d:aqiqa,wmnbvd kaykub: has air wyduq =n:u bei a z ila kan 11u awl a meatus in:ama iraliba dbmymaiba kayb'riw atay hiw bz:af v ad *ila han atay ma :us kayzid fih ftukta: wyrd :u ffuq lmimr *wila kan huwa hadak', kayzidu S'i 'wy:a ds:uk:a; *The informant for the texts of this Unit (111.1 - 111.4) was a twenty-eight year old native speaker of Fez. Moroccan Arabic 46 Unit3 f'lta~ilat lma'rriby:a kayn n:as l:i kaysvrbu tlataiawl:a rbqoa awl4 a ktr dikisan .f lmayrib makayqd:mu's atay bwhdu, dima mtah 9i haia kima l:uz, wlgrgav wlkawkaw ,y'tni n*,wa; whiwat kadalik kia ry:ba, aw kar6b yjzai awj.:a lmhn:sa ,wsi xtrat frrndan fs:b:aky:a wibriwat . 1a'ilat Jlmariby :at kul :hum kaydfru maly :a ktira fhad Imasa oiJ. dyal atay, kima s : my:a dn :haa ,wlbr :ad dn,:uqra ,wlkisan dlbn:ar,wlbqral dr:has ,wibabur, wt:as dJ.ysil kadalik * . S 00 0 Qawd tani, kayxs :na n' rf'u bayl :a had '"S :i kayn if ma'rrib kul :u, makayn ht :a :Ti dar fimayrib 1 :i makaysttmlus~ had imasa 9i1 dyal atay ktil.:ha I I I I I I I Vocabular qrya (if)/-t dw:ar (in)/ dwawr yvni m naha mimr (in) / mn'amr sl:l slala z eiri village village mean, that is to say (i.e.) coal or charcoal burner f or cooking to rinse rinsing that is to say the fact is that is it (is), xcl that is it (fs), exactly that is them, exactly wal nuts peanuts t o pay sainovar (also ship, boat) in: am huwa hada hiya hadi huma hadu lgrga vI lkawkaw huwa hadak hiya hadik huma haduk I I I I I I I I I I I I dfv babum ((m) /at Moroccan Arabic 47 unit k:(-U-) to pour (liquids) bqraE (in) / bqarf kettle mqrag' (m) / iqadz kettle Questions w 'asgila 1, ikun 11i kayisb atay fl3mayrib ? 2. kifas kayqim Ilmyarba atay ? 3. %S lan hi-ya S:lIala ? 4o. kifais kaybyiw imyarba atay dyalhum? 9 5o~ aws kayaklu n:as flmayib ma atay ? 6. ikun hum l1wayzw 1idkaystv' uumflmayib ba~s yqini atay ? 7. was kaydftu lma'rariba bz, aT diflus vla atay ? 111.2 The Public Bath llim :ain rlrna'rib kayn bz :af dihin:ainat 1 :i kayrnliwlihum n :as ;hin:ainat stbyain. flinarrib hadi qatida,leyalat kaym'Siw llhin:ain fsobahtwr:.wal ftlsyma Wll~ zamva bl'xI kayrnSpiw bz:aI' dr:Zal qbl cI:hur vlawd:ag kayxn'siw llmsEid ysl,,iw Imit .lutyalat rakayiknlhumA yingiw nhar z,:m%*a fs:bah tl1a xatr r:efal kul:huin kaykunu flhin:am fs:bah aw~ala r~al:i kaybyi ymti llhm:ain xso~u y~ib inrah lffuta dyalu ws *abun wlinhk:a .wlLayalat kaylibu in'vahum kadalik ,n yir had A :i, lyasul aw:ala ir:a,inl:i katdxul lhm:aza katlbr lgl:as gals fflgulsa,wrnnbtd Moroccan Arabic 48 Unit3 iflhm:am. kayziblk zu ds :tu3.a xawyin . fhad lwqt hada ,ila byit nta wi ks*,al ba'swyofsl.-k wyks:lk wiblk Im 1:i byiti ila huwa kan maali , adi ywi tndk fi sat wila huwa han mnsrul,r'adi yfi efldk mn bed, a'snu kaydir lks:al ? aw:ala mr:a, lks:aJ. huwa brasu kayfiblk ima sxun ,wkayibdk fuq lrdwkayks:lk fd:hr, ws:dr,wd:rae dyal-kvwmnbtd hayemi s :abun,wkayysl :k Eulwi :a tiata dlmr*.at mzyan.,wmnbetd kaywq :fk wkays:ifkpwrnnbed kayd:ik ligulsa wkatgls mea %eibadl:ahl:i thm:mu 0 & wkatgls tm:a ht:a lwahd lwqt ml:i hatrtah ima rask wttbr:d, katibs 'o0 0 0 0 hway'zk. wila bryiti 'i h as datay, kaylibuhlk ltm:a , igulsa wmnbe d, katr'ti gi hafa lJlks :al ,wkatxl s mii ibm :am wtrnsi fhalk 0 0 0 0 0 0 vawd tani~kayn n:as l:i kaymqvsiw I'mit wkayks:lu bedy:athum wyyslu lb% dy :athumI wyxi: su wym~siw fhalhum fwqt 1" yalat, mahaykun ht :a Urs ra'l if Thm :am * dak lwqt, kaykunu Y'r rityalat 1 :i kayqablu lhm:am , figulsa katkun wahd lmra 1 :i katqabl dak s, wht:a lks:ala kadalik fdak lwqt , aykunu kul:hum "yalat hadi hiya "adat lhm:am flm&arib kul:u I I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I Vocabulary b1'axq: bprbi (mn) futa (if) futat fwati inhk :a (f)/-.t yasul (Mn) gl:as (mn) /-a gl:asa (if) /-t specially popular, native, ordinary -(Nisba) towel sponge for bath shampoo public bath attendant (male) or manager public bath attendant (female) or manager Moroccan Arabic 49 Unit gul3sa gisa (f' -t glasi public bath dressing room sti (in) / stula bucket ks :1 to massage ks:al (in)/ ks:ala masseur (male) kssala M / t masseuse msali (in)free,. having nothing to do f i sav Dome di at ely Ibd to grab, pull on or out Ib: d to stretch tbr: d to cool tmin ifl~alk you go (home, your own way) 111.2.1. Questions - 9as7ila 1.0fwtaw kaymkiw Ityalat ll1~i:am ,wfuwqta's kayinsiw ;s'i±? 2. as kaydiru :;:Z'al nha; Zw Sm%'a ? 3. asiu x~s lMa tdsi inesha Il1 mam ? 40.asmit la1al fai kayxigiw 1wayghum ftlimam ? 50 8kunhuwa lgl:as ? 6. qulsna as kaydir lks:al ? 7. as kaytmlu n &as m ibvd rm yLP =u ? 8. 'skun hum 1.,1 kayqablu flmam fwt ltyalat ? 111.3 Fri day Pramye r insinin Evaitin kaymis"iw yipliw nhs. ZinMa f4:hu; . alal limua Moroccan Arabic 50 Unit3 fh&' z:ina flmidun cayn bztaf dxlzas lti inskayxdxmis bed qa~ wmalin 14want kaysdzu %Bi sat'a wl.za 'z'ds:way%% qbl gsa~,a r lawdia'S' ntas kulshuin kayzqthum yinsoiw ytwrtaw wkaybdslu Iwayium qbl maym I iw Illmszwi d ly'aliba dyal ;tzal rha3; zme a ka-yinsiw ytw::aw flm: amwaribetd kaymliw yflsiw . miywflu ;:zal llinszid qbl Vsa~a ,kayglsu imic vl:a4 'lawdsai liassiwid wlzwawait4?fT:sifl yir b~t:;abi awisa l1qayV iwa n sas kay gl su . wyqaw lqu;9an I~tsa lwald lwqt 0 kay llt mad:in lvtmea . wkay'adsn l'adan l:w:l wt1sali wt:<. dak lwqt 19imain kaylcun gals fuq lImb; , wkaykun fid:u wald t~sbi1l mbed 1l'adsn ttalt kaybda 19immxulbat lzwumu1va 2wlbed lba kaynzl 19inam m3.ltwib; wypZd ibn &as ;imtayn winbed cayqraw if at~a Eit w be d kaytsalmu bt' Jy athum ,hadi. ha'za mr.ufa . nhaT ~mva nhaT kbir end iinaiin. uibed V~aa lgagdiqa kay';c~u "Ia b'ry:athum. I I I I I I I U I U vocabulary qeat tumna' insd (mn)/ msaid 00 asatid vami" (mn) /awaiit twcia bdi bdil(1-) lyaliba iyaliby:a ];Viva (f) / 14yay Friday prayer Friday prayer mosque mosque to perform ritual ablution before prayer to change one's clothes to chan ge someone's clothes, also to change something for someone the majority mat I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 51 Unit adan prayer calling imam / =at religious leader mb; mnb;v(in) /man abir pulpit tsbih (in)/ tsabl; rosary vlxama (mn) / ulam scholar rkv' to kneel rkc a (f')-/t-at rkavi a bending of the torso f rom an upright position tsalin to greet one another 111.3,1 Questions - "asgila 1 . fayn kayfl: iw insinin galat zwimv'a ? 2. fin kay~j:iw nsas l:i mainnhum's yq3iw fzw:aii' 3. awe kayxy: Imalmin ydiru qbJ. ma ymiiw yfl :iw ? Jj..aws kaydiru ntas flmaxZid qbl ma ywdsn lmuqd:in ? 50 slain l:i kayqlsi bnsas flmaszwid ? 6. aws kaydiru n sas m bv d l..Iba ? 7. asw kaydiru n~as flmayvib mi bv'd Valat z'sea? 111.4 The Birthday of' the Prophet tid linulud oid lmulud huwa nhar fat t13]q ri:abi tuhm:d sl:a l:ahu valayhi 0 0 00 0 wasl:aina. had n:har hada huwa nhar kbir tnrd imuslin. had n:har hada n:as kul:huin kaykunu inw'z*din qbl. aw:ala mr:a, makayn ht:a Ai hd:1l-i kayxdtin flmarib . k1": * L'dIar4At "m+ka tkurI % n rnsdudA 0dAk0%Un% har & Moroccan Arabic 5 Unit3U 1~agilat lmay'riby:a kay%%y:du ffhad n:har *fs:bah bkri htyalatI kayw~o:du **Si f'tur xas: kima r .yayf,, wlb'rir lmtffi f s :mn wit sl,wibriwat wJlmxr:qa wkayn 1:i kayv'mlu 17yry:ba awl:a lkhk kadalik * tyaJlatI yw:du bz:af' mn had imasail dl'akl d'awda' ma*i 'ir llfftur* dak n:har kuJ.:u n:as kayzuru bktdy,*athum * ntum, dak n:har hadak, ml:i kat'zi tbark Jvid ,nrnaha tmTsi tnd 1'asdiqa wtqul:hum "mbark Oeidkum asyadi" "mbark v idk asidi" "mbark v idk alal:a" had iwqt hada labd: matgls utahum swi mud:a wts"rb atay wtakul lwy~oa mn hadcik ihiwat dyal 1" id * my ir dak qti leJRa-7 flat 1myiby.-a kul :hum kaysiftu mn dak 1'a9kl l1awemit w1masalid Olawd:as kayn musaki~n 1 :i. mat ndhum hd:* had Jlyum hada kima Iqatida flmay'ib n:as kayqs:ru mta btdy:athum * 0 0 kaybqaw Emit ht :a ].nsasat 1 :il kaygrbu atay wytsn :tu ela lqurlan wimusiqa* dak n~ohar kui:u kaykunu n:as kul:hum naswtin mia riishumI 0 0 0 0 wkaysl:iw ff1masaffid wz:wamie wkaytlbu 1:ah y'yfrlhum 00 0 0 kayn n :as 1: i kaytz'awu b%*dy :athum wkaytf'ardu b "dyathum wyiwriwI hdy:a wyd:iwha 191 sy:d 1 :i kaykun qrib lihuma dyalhum wmtrufv "ndhum bayl.-a huwa kan rafJ. 'riIf kbir* whad lhdy~a kaymknlha tkun dbiha w~mv wkswa, wflus d:biha kayvtiwha llmsakin w'swmv kayxl:iwh ffs:y:d,kaybqa tmo~a bag' yteuh kul: nhar ffzria awi:a flatyad lkswaI katkun ml:hrir wmtruztvliha eayat m1:qurian ikarim wkayyt:iw biha ]qbr diwali mnbvd mayzw:lu lkswa lqdima* snu kaywqt idik ikawa lqdima? I dik ikswa lqdima kayxb :iwha wiad s :y :d wi :a wlad wladu ila huwa kan v ndu ~awd tani xs:na ntr±'u beyl:a tid imulud nhar mbruk f~~ib kul:u 0 0 0 0 I I I Moroccan Arabic 53 Unit 3 Moroccan Arabic 53 Unit 3 Vocabulary vid imulud w :d rask vy:d lubsta tfa (i) r qa k~k tfa4 dbil;a (if) / dbayl; imva (f) /-t sme (m) gel l1rir IT; aya (f) /-t qupan karim f ,a (i) qb; (m) / qbuT wall (m) / awliya wq t' xbsa (1) xadm (m) / xudsam qgifat (f) /t birthday feast of the Prophet be ready (prepare yourself) to celebrate a feast post office to extinguish (here: to dip) a kind of Moroccan fried pastry dipped in honey Moroccan almond cookie to share the expenses sacrifice candle candles (collective) to light, kindle silk to embroider verse of the Holy Koran or of the Bible Koran holy to cover tomb saint to happen, occur to save, hide attendant tear, cut into pieces pieces Moroccan Arabic 54 unit 3 qS~m to divide mbun~k (m) holy ,Wa (f) /-Wat cover vtab; to consider 111.4.1U Questions - as'ila 1. ikwi huwatci d lmiuud ? 2.m was kayxdmu lmalmin f"'id lmIlud? 3.a aw kaydiru ltyalat fg:bal; bkri ? 14..awe kaydiru nias 11i y~uVx nas "0%in fitid? wa's kayqululhum? 6. mai ytanv'u n~as ftid izailud ,aio kaydirti ? 7. qul~na als kate';f l lhdy:a l:i kayhdiwha btq n-as ls~yzd 8.0 awslcatkwni1km swti fuq lqbT diwali? 9. mi twlgi ikawa qdima ,a's kaydiru biha ?3 U I I Moroccan Arabic Unitnit UNIT FOUR* IV.l Morocco l.may;ib )mayib dula taraby~a f~amal friqyo~a la hdud Thaza' ir wspanya wU1!Ltrib huwa aqrb dula )iffriqy :a ).gurup :a bin mdint tanzwa fs.oamal :lma'rrlbwbin spanya xmstas" dlkilumitr .wimuwasalat bin r:bat awl:a d:ar ibida wbariz haia sahla * kul: nhar kayn bz:af dt:y:arat 1:i 0 06 0 0 0 kaytiru mn imatarat lma~iby:a lbariz , madrid, wlizbun ,wlundr 0 00 00 wftzazaspir , tuns , wrabls ,wr:yad ,wbyrut ,wdimatq ,wby'dad v m:an. wkayn muwasalat blfw: bin r~iyu:;k w;bat. kayn Tarikat tayaran mariby:a smitha r:wayal air maruk, wblaraby:a ixtut 0 0 00.9 0a 0 lmalaky:a lmarriby:a whad 'w:arika , sarika duwaly:a endha nf:atat 'kbar wmzyanin bz :af* wfdaxj. lny rib, ymknlk tsafr blmagina, awl :a bikar ,ala r T ar .t:urqan Olmay:ib mzyanin bz:aff suk :an 2mttilb tqribn rb"P ta'l lmlyun awl a a r kayn flm'rrib Jraliby:a dn:as "arab, wbrbary:in; wkul:hum mslmin. wkayn lihud wlgurup:awy:in, walayn:i qial , i tiata awl:a rbta flmy:a 0 0 Moroccan Arabic 56 Unit4 t:aq§ flina%-trib dima rrzyan .fl :twa kayn 'wswy:a dlbrd, wf s :if flfanub kayn twy,*a diharara inutawas :it daraiat l-harara f~xm'rib tnayn wsb%%in f s:if, wst:in fs:twa . :ta rakat:ih yir efs : twa o fim yrib kayn s:hratwkayn 1ibal,wkayn lvyun,,wlwidan,wkayn blad ±'ilattyma ml :iudun in? ru~hfin '-mlib indint d :ar ibida whiya indina sikaty :a 0 0 0 00 0 wtiiary:a ;widint r:bat 1:y hiya lt'asina ;widint fas J1: i rnm'fa bleasima t:aqafy:a win~hura blaiiat lqarawy:in.; wmrdint tanh C s:ainal wi :i kant idina duwaly:a. wf'lhadr s :w:ah kuJ. hum kayzuru tan'la dima win).:iudun lin%'ruffa flffanub, mdint ar :aki , invnlfa ft :arix lmyribi 0* 0 0 0 0 bl~amal dyalha , wt:q§ Tha'?il ff§:twa* n:as kul:hum fiinayrib kaytkl~mu bl:u*M 3]saraby:a wifransy:a S 0 0 n : as 1: i kan sknu f s: aial kayt: k1: mu bl1ia raby e.a wJi spany: a* wlb rba ry in 0 0 0 0I kaytkl,-mu blbrbary:a wJ~az'by:a kadalik l:uya r*.asiny:a dl~nlaka lmnibys a hy :a ,l:uya ltsaraby.a.,vlawd :ag Iab dula t araby:a gislainy:aU *'ifriqy:a Vocabular dula (f)/ duwal nation hd: (mn) / hdud limit lwzaza' ir Algeria., Algiers tanza Tangier I I I Moroccan Arabic 57 Unit Moroccan Arabic 57 Unit Il. byrut dimasq bydad em:an lmuwasalat blzw: blbhr sarika (f) / -t suk:an tqribn 1laqal:y:a brbari (m) yhudi (m) ktar qlal f lmy :a mutawas:t darala (f) /-t Sta shra (f) / shari wad (m) / widan muhit (m) /-at flmadi sayh (m) / sw:ah rsmi (m) Beirut Damascus Baghdad Amman communications, means of communication by air by sea company inhabitants nearly the minority Berber (Nisba) Jew (Nisba) many few percent average degree (temperature) rain desert river ocean in the past tourist formal, official (Nisba) Moroccan Arabic 58 unit 4I IV.1.I Questions "asgila 1.0 skun ihuma zuzdduwal l9islamysa 1caabysa 13i kaynin wsamal f~riqy:a ?* 2. qulsna ssmyriat dayl bv41leaagim dyal dzuwa1 1lhaabysa ? 3. Ekun huma bv4 buldan l7uupsawyzin 13i ymknlk tm~ilhum 4o. asmit wsarikat Isaya.Tan 1mayiby~a ? kit dayra ? 5. kifaws ymknl.k tsaf; daxl1 1anib ?I 6. kai m 8uk an ftlmaib ? 7. was kuishum msalmin ? 8. as ma iu'yat kaytklsmu lma'yriba ? wI 10. tkl:mlna cia 1w3 t lma'y'ib ? 11. qulsna ikum huma bv4 l iwduri imcrufa £lmarib ? 12. ikun hiya lmdina lmtrxfa fiam l myib , wkun hiya lmdina 1mrafa f1z'axiub ? IV.2Marriage, 1mayvi1 blad vislazm a, araby:a , 'iffriqy:a ,mrui'a bqawaridia d:biha hiya kayd:iw incahuin huh , ws:uk:r , watay , wt:hin , wz:it I 0 . S I I Moroccan Arabic 59unit4 wz:bda, wt:mr, wlbn:a idar itrusa wrnbtd kayt.*atqu tia V:daq S: laq mvnah sha1 dyal d :wrahm l1a 'ila dyal lwld kaymknlhum ydftu dak lmaly*,a l:i kaydfvuha l'ahl dyal iwid, biha va'ilt lbnt katsri lmsa'il 1:i txs: ld:ar, kima fraswat awl:a nuqra, wdo~hb ,wlksawi dyal lbnt kadalik * fhad lwqt l:i r;zal kayd:akru f'ih r~a had lrasa'il ityalat kaykunu kaywf:du l9akl kima lni~wi wt:afin ,wlksksu wlbila ml:i kul: had t:i rnufud n:as kayaklu; wmnbtd lt~a kaygrbu atay, wyqs:ru Emit ,wnmnbtd kaytlbu lfatha * wkaykun mvshum £qih awl :a wriff ,wkayqraw ]Xatha imit wsaffi daba lbnt mxtuba* dak lwqt ltagilat bzqul kaymknlhum yvy:nu nhara~s ykun lq~rs * tts kimaitlada ff1mayrib huwa s'hrayn awl:a tit 'hur urn b%%d lxutba* dak t:lt swhur ,lfaiilat blug ffdak lwqt kaywf:du masagil ktira l:i katxs: lltrs * ltrs kima iqatida flm&ib kaybqa sbv y:am f'dar itlrusa witris* qbl l'rs , wld kaymknlu yzur itrusa tlata wl:a rbta dl mr :at* makaymknlusw ymswi bwhdu dima xs :u ymsi rta wahd 0 '90 0 ml:'9asdiqa dyalu* qbl ltrs ,ltra~ilat bzwui kaytmlu trada "ll'aqarib dyalbum wkay,,ilmuhum nharasw*ltrs *leavilat bful kadalik kayt:aslu bl'aqdiqa dyalhum ',ima brisalat aw tilirun *19asdiqa kayliw kul:hurn ffrhanin ktir,wkayiibu mtahum hdy:at run kul: nut* dik s:bv y~am dlt rs, n:as kul:hum kaykunu nasti ,wf rhanin, bnat, wwlad wIal ,wtyalat ;lii wnhar ,rqsw'akl wna, wtih. flmay~1b lvras mxtalffa'*swy:a *ila kan ltrs ffltruby:a kay'zibu t:b:aja wldry:at~a* nhar ltrs kayinqiw wkayrk:bu itvrusa v1- 19awd* wyd:iwha idar itris* am:a fflmudun lkbar kia r:bat wfas wir:aks wd:ar ibida kaytRrdu wvva taW1 I#Iuq" rwnbtd Aykun rwmsqan qbl vmaaydxul l I Qri C Moroccan Arabic 60 unit . lilt l rs bd:at katzwi whd lmna k2b:&ia P wkatsw:klha wt vk:rlha, wtkh:l:ha ;wwnbed kayduru biha wyd,.iwha bs:y:ara l1rid ltris wifdar leris kayrifduha wyduru biha s'i swy:a qud:ai n nas winn btd kaydx:luha ibit lris n:as kulhum kayzidu fn:aat dyalhum l:il kul~u ht:a lwahd lwqt fs:bah bkri wmnbtd kaymn'iw ysuifu lthris dak lwqt 1 "ris kaykun muiud wkayxruz q"ndhuin f rhan, wkul :huin kaykunu frhanin ,wsaifi o Vocabulary v'ada (if) / Tadat zawai (in) xtb xutba (if) e rs (mn) urs (m) / vrasat qrtisa dbiha (if) dbayh qc4aq maly:a ahi lmswi bstila (if) /-t4k lfatha sriif mxtub (mn "y :n -vris (mn) /rsan v rasa (if)/trays habit marriage to ask a girl to marry engagement wedding sacrifice dowry to pay money, finances ifamidly grilled grilled lamb a pie made with chicken or pigeon giblets and almonds the if irst Suma of the Holy Koran noble engaged to indicate bridegroom bride 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Moroccan Arabic 61 Unit Moroccan Arabic 61 Unit 4 Srada (f) / -t 0 0 t:asl (b-) nast rqs 'na wth 9tih mxtalf am:a eubi (m) 1e ruby:a tbl (m) / tbula 0 0 0 0 tb:al (m) / -a [no fern.] rita (f) -t Sy:at (m) /r"y:aa [no fem.] Sawd (m) / xil Q awda (f) / -t xy:al (m) / xy:ala [no fern. ] zuq (m) / alwaq tsri (m) bldi (m) musiqa (f) sw:k ek:r invitation to get in touch (with) happy dance singing to dance dance different as for, but peasant (Nisba) (one who lives in the country) country (as opped to city) drum drummer oboe oboe player horse mare horseman orchestra modern (Nisba) native, home grown music to clean the teeth to put lipstick on, to muddy, to trouble to put mascara on antimony, kohl kh:1l 04 0 Moroccan Arabic 62 unitL. IV. 2. 1 Questions "asgila 1. mi kayby'i ;sazl ytzw:z' 'siu kaydir? 3. as katd~i Itavila diwid iivaii1a dlbnt midj ymwsiw xbu ibnt ?I 40. anu huwa 94:aq ? 5. aws kad: ir( < katdir a) ilia di.bnt bq: 4aq ? 6.vmsi kayl~ta±f1u Emit a~w kayakiu ? 7. as kaydiru zwbvd le'Ia ? 8. wa's iwid ymkiiu ynu; I'rusa bwl~du ? 10. aws kayiibu mtahum 1'aydiqa wliahl mli yiw llv'rs ? ii. as kaydirix nsas fsgbv yzam dyal ivrs? 13. sim Ii kay1lii:i 1usa 9? lip qulgna kiiawi kayl~taf:lu blilt ivbrs flmay~ib ? IV.3 Birth z :yada lmdmoiktu alawa~h w aii aTa~~ ~ 1 wkaybqaw hakdak ht:a katwid. wmnb vd k1ysm:tui t:rbya i:i tzadt wyq:,uiu 0I ~ a dalu ,wygm~tuh ffixraqi ht:a iwa~id iwqt wkayib:suh aw:ala 0 I 63 Moroccan Arabic unit4 inr:a ,t:rbya makatakul walu yir lhlib 1:i katrd:toha m:ha inn bzazlha ila kant n:fisa nrida,winakayinknlhaws trd:v t:rbya dyalha ,Thad lwqt hada kayaxdulha rd:a%%a ml farmasyan,wy%%m:ruha blhlib wysx:nuha, wyttiwha lt:rbya ht:a lwaid lwqt 1:i rnsha ymkl:ha tvtiha r:daqa inn bzazlha qbl s oab's bsi yumaynl47ila dyal n :fisa kaykriw:lha lhm:ain ila inacan's e ndhum lhm:am fd:ar dyalhum ml:i katmsi n:fisa llhm:amn,kaymnsiw mraha sdiqatha wh].ha wxwatatha wM"%,ha wkayhm:muha, wmnb "d kaywl~iw imit ld:ar dyalha* wl:ila l:i qbl s:ab" ltaila dyal n:fisa, kaysiftu hdy:a ldarha,wfhad lhdy:a kaynak' watay wz.it.,wtin, 'w:mt whawli wl:a wrazl n:fisa huw:a loi kay1~taf:l bwldu awl.-a bntu. wnhar s:ab%% kaye';clu vla hhiin wrfaqat n :fisa wiranha wkay'inlu wahd lhfla fiha aki, wrn'rubat 0 0 & wrnbtdokaysin:iw t:rbya v la smy:a ml:,eaila dyalu wl:a dyaJlha * inb~d s:my:a, ila kant t:rbya wid kayth:Uih awl~a kima kanqulu kayxt~nuh Ixtana walba mnd lt arab tawd tani daba kaymi b:ah llbalady:a wkayelm bih s wkaysz':lu f1]~ala-; lmadariyta dyalu Vocabular tzad (d:zad) zyada hami (mn),k amla (f) w' qabla (f)/ -t nfisa (f)/ -t fk t (4=u-) lxlas wld sm:t trbya / trabi to be born birth carrying (mn), pregnahit (f) to give pain pain midwife woman in labor (during childbirth) to untie placenta, after birth to give birth to dress up a baby baby, infant, new-born child Moroccan Arabic 64 Unit L VT: a zyada/-t gin:t xrqa (if) xraqi lb *:s rd4 rd:v S :buv I~taf I grab tha ra xtana wafzb (in) / wa:Eibat lbalady:a (f) umbilical cord newborn child to wrap a baby rag to dress to suckle to nurse baby-bottle party oif the 7th day aifter the birth off a child to celebrate drinks to perform circumcision circumcision duty municipality I I I I I I I I I U I I I I sz:1 to register, record Ihala liadany:a civil state or registi 0IV.3.l Questions - 'as'7ila 1. aw kaydir v az'l ml i m'atu tkuin hernia wyiiha lw*.v 9? 2.s awe kadgir lqabla wom: n:fisa wxwatatha mi ywflu lJ4ta 3. as kaydiru 1t:3'bya 13i tzadt ? p a' katakul ts.Tbya ? !. ila klut nsfisa mica , ki±'ai kaywk~lu ts;bya ? 6. awe kadsir ltagila dla qbl s:abe b~i yumyi 7. snu huwa 5:buv ? 8. a~s kaydiru lmayriba f s:buv ? ration U I Moroccan Arabic 65 unit 9. aw ayiru lt:;bya ila kant wid ? 10. f1a's kayii iwalid dts~bya 11balady~a 7? IV.4 Divorce t :iaq ffs:ariA'a i'isJlaiy:a bin r:afl 1mrra ffwahd lrnud:a fz,*awaf. dyalhuin ila kan ti xtilaf le1agiiat dyamhum kayvbmlu fmthudathun bal ysalhuhuin wila kant imuffkila a ciba ,Wmakaymknlhum y qilu mu'a bl.~y :athuinm aw :ala mr :a ,ila kant linra indluma, katinli t~ki 11edu1 wiqadi. ltdul dak lwqt, kayvmilu bht,,wyt*y:tu 03a ralTha,,wytkl:mnz*ah rlqady:a wila huw:a kan r.-all midium kadalik kayin~i ht:a huw:a lv~nd 1todu1 00* .0 wyhki3.hum iqady :a mn lihtu. wmnbv'd , 1edul huina kay-Zibu linra wr :aY.1 0 a a wybhtu linudiz' ila t:afqug r:all wlmra bag y eigu ii4r dak lwqt 1 vdul kaysaeduhum. wila huma mat:affqus*, dak lwqt ,le'du1 kaysr:hulhum t:alaq bwz~h sr "1 .awd tani ila kanu vdhu drari syfar, dak lwqt kayguf~u ila kan r:afl. qndu 1ea~ina dyalu, 1:i kaymkinlhum yqablu do~rari s:yar dak lwqt, lmhkarna katitihum it,:ahum* wila Ob :ahum makants" tndu "S'i vagila, 1:i kaymknlha tqabi d:rari, fdak Jlwqt l qadi kayVti d~rriilnr ,bwahd ":rt. whad 'w:rt hada, huw:ama katqabl 0 000 d :rari ; w1'~ab: kayqum bn :uba ; ewnaha hiya kaysrf "Ia imra wvladha wkaymkn 1r:ail yruld: inratu wyvawd ytl:qha mr:a xra .walayn:i ila inira 0 0 9 *0a 0 0 tl:qha rawz1ha ]w..1, tiata dlmr:at , kaynknlus'vy~'daha , 'ir ila ma dzw*atm~' r~1 ~r t::qat mn-u* dak lwqt kaymknlu yrd:ha 00% mr:a xra Vocabulary tlaq todivorce aIs aIsamc*a Moroccan Arabic 66 unit 14 in~hud (in) / -t salh %nukila (f)/ mawakil s vib (in dim ,e adl (mn) / dul qa4i /qu~at iudut (in) / iawadiv sr:h bwih ffrt (in)'/ lrut n:uba (f) / -t srf rd: effort to cause to reconcile problem difficult to oppress oppressed, not guilty jury Judge subject to permit in a manner condition turn, supportY alimony to spend money to turn., return I U I I I I I I I I I I I IV. 4. 1 Q uestions - "asil .m~si kaykun '8i xtii.af bin la w;az'l3ha flmyib ,as kaydiru lvagilat dyslhum? 2.o ai kaydiru l'dul mlii tm'Si 3lihum Ma 41uma ? 3. m3.i lma tkun mfl:qs. "ndaws kayglsu d:rari ? 5. wa's kaymlui l;*:az'lyri41M'a dyalu zmbd ma yll:qha ? il mi ~ra ymnlu y~d:ha ? IV. 5 Drinking and Gamblin I :rab wlqinr loislam hr:m I:rab tiinmsluin larifan) in:ama ws:rab tadu ll'insan aw:ala ir:a, :alinl:i kaYakr kaynsa rasu tanainan,wkaybqa yhdr I I U I I Moroccan Arabic 67 Unit 4 hdra xawya ,1:i ma "'ndha ht:a Svi mm'a wmnb%%d lmuvalaqat dyal s:kayri mra n:asdima katkun fiha mas'akil ktira s:kayryea dima kaydy:vu bz:aff dJlwqt dyalhum mva b"dy:athum. wqlil fayn kaysufu lvagilat dyalhum~wkayxsru maly:a ktira ffw:rab wdima kaykunu mrad,%%lawd:ds sl:rab kaywl:i 1,ndhum vada, wmakaymknlhumi ybqaw bla 's rab wha d si wlqmr kadalik blya , 'awd:as'vlqm:ara kul:hum slagt kayriAu 0 as * ffhad lw: dyal lqmr lii wnhar, dima kaytsl:fu ].Ilus, wdima kayd:arbu mta b%%dy:athum, wkaymvsiw ll.hbs wdima tiqahum yaqin fd:in Itea lwdnihum lqm, :ara dima, 1AY=i wkymiw llxdma dyalhum m 't un w~rnd ,kayzriw vlihum mn lxdma dyalhum Wdia lqm:ara mtkrf vin. had s *i tia swl ois lam h r m lqmr had lma sa 711l kima J.xar, wlqmr kayrd:u r: afTJ qlil lffkr, wkayws :luh 0 0 9 0 00 0 .llmaiakil kul:ha; kima kaymlL:u ywl:i 'Sf:ar awl *a qt:al. whad n:as l:i kayqm:ru, wyskru dima kayti~su ff'sad Vocabulary 1R: M forbid (religious) Ss;ab (in) wine, liquor ZSmi. a5f all together qm::; to gamble lqmr gambling qm:ar / qm:ara gambler 4tdu (in)t/ dyan ~at dasP enemy skr to drink (liquor) skran drunk Moroccan Arabic 68 Unit 4 xsr to lose, to fail, to become inoperable a delinquent, hoodlum, bum slgut (m) / slagt slguta (f) / slagt o@ 0 o es sl:f (1.) to lend, loan salaf ( no p) loan tsl:f to borrow tdarb (ena) ( d:arb) to fight (reciprocal) hbs (m) / bus prison, jail n/Iun prison, jail yrq to drown yarq drowned din (m) / dyun debt shr to stay up late t:l to cause to be late tt:l to be late Era ("la) to kick out hala/-t state mtkrfq messed up if:r to steal sf:ar (m) / sf:ara thief srq to steal qtl to kill qt:al (m) / -a -in killer, murderer lfsad corruption, rottenness IV.5.1 Questions 'gasila 1. la adm 1 islam :Ttab ? 2. kifa kaydw:zu sskayrysa 1wvt dyalhum ? I I I I I I I I I I I U I I U I I I I Moroccan Arabic 69 unit 1 L.wgf3.na 1qm~av w1lala dyalu? 5. kifas 1mumma1a daskayrysa wlqm:&Ta m%%a ngas ? 6. kifas 1W wlqmT yzlqu ln:as 1ma'saki1 ?0 7. aws telsmtu m~ had 4:s bada? Moroccan Arabic 71. Unit5 UNIT FIVEI V.1 A Short History off Morocco iuxtasar t:arix 1mayribiI 48 0S 1maib kima huwa fflhadr, wkima kant'rffuh tlJxarita mat tarff f'1ih hd: ht:a flqrn 1v agr n:as l:w:lin suk *an lma'rib hurna lbrbary:in, awl :a kima nquluhum "S*:luh. kayn oparai ktira xas :a blasl dyaJ."so:1uh * "i bed kayqulu bayl:a huma asihum m asiya wnas krin kayqulu bayl),,a lbrbary :in dxlu llmay'ib mn ;panya , maw itania wnmnb'd tffr:qu flmay:;ib kul:u. 1ffiniqy,.:±n wlqrtaliny :in kanu aws:al a~anib 1 :i %ftarffu vla 1ma~ib 0 0 0 fflqrn tmasit' qbl imilad .wcrlu t -iffara dyalhum fftan~a, wtitwan , wie rayff wmnbq d zaw r:umany :in whtl :u mudun ffJmrrrib kinia 45a1: a, wwlili 1~da mknas , wi Ia fflqrn smabi't miladi faw lqarab l1iriorib whtl:uh kul:u *ffqam st:iny:a wtnayn wtmaniii ,wsl 11i .31Starabi blqiyada dyal ivuqba bn naffit lindint sbta wmn tm:a zad ht:a isus* wmn dak lwqt hadak, tm:a dxl 1 lislam 2moyib wlbrbary:in qblu d:iyana 1*islamy:a *w±\vam sbtomy:a whdal 0 0 90 milady*.a t:ahdu lbrbary:in w1'earab wwl:aw li' wahd tht lJqyada dyal lqa'id lbrbary imuslim tariq bn zyad,,wmgaw lspanya whtl.:uha wsrri:aw "Zb1 tariq 0 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 I Moroccan Arabic 72 Unit aw:ala dlula -7islamy:a flmay'4b xdat siy:itha inn mulay dris bn kbd1:ah bl:hasan bn v'1i wsidna tali kan huwa rl'iq n:abi muhm:d sl:a a & 0 09 2.:ahu c Jlihi wsl :ama wmulay dris wsl 1sainal 1maib l'* am sbc my :a wtinnya wtinanin rl:i lcb:asy:in *Abu ltalawy:in fs:rq s :t'b lmar~bi kul:u kan kayhtarm mulay dris 1-7akbr,IKlawd:as a raildz n~i$~m winbi'td daruh n:as awo.l malik nrribi mbtd mulay dris l'?akbar za wldu dris t:aniwbna mdint l'as fkam tmnrny:a wtmanya)wmlha hiya aw:ala e'asima flmay~ib. wmulay dris t :ani vml t :ihad bin lqbayl l'lmay:"fib innb"'d d:risy:in "z'aw imurabitin; whuma kanu mslmin dxlu 1mayib inn muritanya whtl :u na1iyat dr va,wtaf'ilaJ.t,wsuswtadla f am all' wtlata wmsin *wfv~am all' wtnayn wst :in,,tht qyadt yusl' bn tasl'in t :bnat mdint mr-,ak'swhiya 1vasima t :anya fimyrib. wmnbtd htl :u lmu~abitin f'as wmnbvd zadu lspanya~whtl:u lDandalus kima qurtuba wmalaga w'rrata wfl"aw:l lqrn Ina'sw l'eam all' wmy:a wxnisa wesirrin , waw lmuwh:idin wkanu nas dy :any*:in *w'aw :1 malik ml :muwh :idin kan huwa bn tumrt wlmuwh:idin rnnb'd ma wh:du 3mY~ib kul~ou htl:u liazagir wtuns wlibya *wmhad d :wla hadi dyal lmwh :idin t :bnaw lmdaris ,wlzawamit wlgamitat~whad lhukuma hadi tb:qat lqanunwkant vndhum idara mzyana bz:a', wz3is qwi ktir kadalik wnn aham: muluk lmuw4~:idin ,l malik abu ytisl ytqub lmnsur whuwa km:l lmbani 1hagila l:i bdaha b:ah abu y~equb yusl',bhal tur has :an lr:bat wtm:a bnaw ludaya.,l:i kant ly:amhum qs"la dyal lgiw . wbnaw kadalik msffid 2.kutuby,.:a fzraks' ml :mriny:in, 1 :i law "'ndhum inn s :hra W~ awnuhum bz :al' wlmriny:in Tmlu 0* 0 Moroccan Arabic 73 Unit5 3mayrib im am all' wtlniy:a w:ahd wrbqbin,ht:a 1qbam all' wtltmy:a wtseud wrbv'in) wkan kayby'i bz :al' d1iumur dye.). bni,w1hnazw1'n:,w'thduI t :bnaw bz :af dd~is :atwlhm:amatws :bitaratwlqanatir, wbz :af dimabani ir:n l'mrrib kul * 6 60 m1L:i dvlalt d:wla dlriny:in,iat d:wla dye.) s:vdy:in* wf\'hd s :*dy :in.,lspany :in trdu bz :al' dlmslmin mn qpanya* wduk ).rslri1 dxlu w%%alu folmayrib *win).:muluk s :e'dy :in imalik bind lmnsur.,l1:i kan nmtruf' bsmy :t lmnsur d :ahabi * v~hdu haza Inzyana darha max).:a's 1 'atrakI ydxulu llm'rib l'lwqt 1 :i 1-9atrak kanu wsb :ru s'*:rq 1" awsat w"Sama1 friqj :a wl'y:am lmsur~kant itasima kiiya znr:aks' wtm:a kayn lqbr dyal iwalidaI dye.) lmnsur d :ahabi la).:a inst uda mqw:t 1masaki1 dyal s:vdy:in,q).alu ktirwdtal'u,wmnb~vd zatI 1%l ila 1 "alawy :a wsbr :at Tuk wtbq :u lmxzn mn dak lwqt kit,,:a daba, hadi tit my:at I=* i.9i bdat 1"a'ila )Y~1awyoa s:tb 1m~rnibi,kix1:I in :as, amu bhad iiniiaka, v'lawd: ai kul.:hum luiuluk italawy in kanu muluk dy :any :in, wh~saamin bzsa±' tad., mn mulay rld ,1 :i huwa aw :11 malik v alawi hkt :a 1lair 2nuvinnnmulay ihasan t :ani ,1: 1" huwa m3ik lmaib lali o mn bed iulay rwsid,Ia mulay smavil ,l'am all' wstmy:a wtnayn wsein wkan huwa law I malik 1.-i 'as:s: "aqwa wzjVs f il'rilyma kul:ha , whuwa 1:iI bna mknastwmTlha hiya qlaqjima smatily:a* wmazal ht:a ll9an lqsr I I I Moroccan Arabic 74 Unit wagntun~ aw :1 raiis amiriki wmulay muhim.:d bn e.bdu2.:ah imalik l.mar3ibi fdak 1wqt mn btd,iaw muluk "avlawy:in x'orinpwkanlm~fI'ib f~"hdhum dula mustaql:a l'd:axl wlxarz%* wl"'aw,*l lqrn ltsrin, kan t:il'aq bin l'7urup:awyein kima l'ransa ,w'anglatira, w'~aspanya ,w'italya wbl~ika bat yhtl:u s :rq liawst w~amal l'ricj :a , tlawd :a'l ,braw ygb :ru mawaqis tilary :a whrby:a muhim:a . 'anglatir:a htl:t misra ws:udan ,wgitalya htl:t 00 0 0 0 0 0 libya ,wl'rasa htl:t lmy;b . nl:i dxlu ll'ransy:in flmaTib masm:awhs htilai. walayn :i sm:awh himaya, vlawd :ag huma qalu bayl :a hunia zaw llmr'rib ba's yhmiiw s :ultan imyribi l'dak lwqt mulay tbd lhf id. wiulay Qbd lhl'id dar mtahumn qd l'tlata w~rin mars t'am all' wtsvmy*,a wtnas" wl"'am all' wtsv'my :a wtlata w%%frin,wi :at tanla indina duwaly :a tht lqiyada dyal ll'ransy :in wi.'spany :inwkant mdina tiffary :a muhim :a w~aw:1 qa'7id l'ransi kan kayhkum lmrrib huwa marigal liyuti wbqa l'lm'rib mnmam all' wtsemy:a wtnas,,ht:a 1tram all' wtsvrny:a wxmsa wsrin .wlquy:ad l.i law mn bedu byew yhtl:u 1myrib bqw:a vskary:a wfr*am all' wtstmy:a wsb%%a w&'wr3in t:nsr mulay iuhm:d bn yusl' batal 1stiqla. rahimahul :ah *wkan l"'mru dak lwqt tmntagr ram* wmn dak 0 lwqt bda s:vb lzrrfribi yl'k:r l'listiqlal dyal bladu *w~bru imalik huwa 0 0 00 all' wtsmy:a wsbva wrbvin eml mulay muhm:d ixamis xitab duwali l'i tan~fa 00 0 wtlb l'ih 1 stiqial t :am mn ll'ransy :in wi' ispany :in *wl'dak lwqt kan 000 io0 walayn :i 1hukuma llransy :a kant dd:o had 1', alkar *wl' L'rin 1ult v 0 0 000 0 all' wtsemy:a wtlata wxmsin , hukuima ll'ransy:a nfat imalik muhm:d ixamis 0 0 0 2madagaska , huwa wleagila dyalu* whad 9:i 1:i daru llransy:in slu Moroccan Arabic 75 Unit5 i1tafi-ya ft:%%b imyribi kul.:u wmnbe d kant 7i drabat dd: iffransy :in f:Liay:ib kCul uwnatu bz :aC dyal in~b walayn-.i "s:vb ]may'ibi prnm ' n:srI wagaxiran kant Thaziina llfransyo~in . rnbed sbmla wv''rin swhr dJlmnf'ya ifransy :in ralbru ht :a gi hi: mi 'rliuv iinalik iinyribi lbladu wfst.:a~s*I nuwambir tam alf wtstmy:a wxinsa wxrsin ;Cz rn uh*,md lxamits 1lmay'pib. wftnayn mars wsbta abril "vam aif wtsvmy :a wst :a wxisin %%tarfat £ransaI wspanya bstiqiaJ. iiyrib wfftur bnIs lai,wl-eat tan'a idina mayiby~a wmabqat' mdinaI duwaly:a winulay inuhxn*d bcainis kan Paw:l ialik ma*ibi 1:i £k:r fd:sturI 1inayibi,vwalakin mve alvasaff mat fsota wfrin f'brayr eam alf' wtsemy:a wahd wst :i"n wlma'rvib kul :u kan hazn,wkadalik d,-:uwal It araby :a kul :ha, I vlawd:ag' huwa kan ialik xalis,wbata3. tadim wmbedu , a wldu intlay fl;asari t:ani .imalik l1~asan t:ani txlqI fT:baV f tseud yu.Lytiz "am aif wtsvmyaa wtetud wt'in . wkan Vaiib daki wmuazahid bzsaf . an sautai tsbgt ssiyasa dyal b,-ah wvml dejul lmayrib fsbL'a duzwanbir . tam aif wtsrmyla wtnayri wstain,, wflwqt flar tbd:lat 1manac~r kul:ha f1myib wwlsa 1may~ib dula tq'yta *wi ym~i yur Imyrib daba, yadi yw %vd bzsaf dymasalpid wlm4a'ri9 ,wixizanat, wliamitat w~mtwfyat w1iavanit wlimn-aiil wlba;=a*.at ,wjxu'q . wfhad l~wqt bnfsu tllssnat lmmxaalat wtqdsm xarita (f ) I-ut map 76 Moroccan Arabic Unit 3 qrn (m) / qurun hd: asiya lfiniqy:in lqrtaliny:in qbl lmilad tizara (f) titwan irays r :umany:in htl: nbi fnabi / anbiya zil (m) / *uyuW qa'id (m) / quy:ad lqiyada (f) diyana (f) / -t t:ahd t:ihad (m) 1Q b: asy:in ltalawy:in v alim (m) / iulama d:risy:in qw slh (m) / 9luh ; lha (f)/'lhat Imurabitin 0 0 tb:q qanum (m) / qawanin qwi (m) century, horn anybody Asia Phoenicians Carthaginians B.C. trade, commerce Tetouan Larache (city) Romans to occupy prophet Army leader, commander leadership religion to unite unity the Abbaside the Alawite scholar, learned the Idrisis Berber the Berber Language Almoravides to apply, implement law strong, powerful 77 Moroccan Arabic Unit 5 aham: qila (f) / q'ali d qaf dvif lmriny:in fn: (m) / funun Shd (m) / uhud xus:a (f) / -t (~ s:a / -t) qntra (f) / qanatir qnatr a0 0 o 0 s:tdy:in trd turki latrak qw:a (f) qw:t lmas"akil qlal lmxzn lmmlaka (f) / -t muhtaram as:s: aqwa qsr (m) / qusur dim (m) mustaqil: gistiqlal wq watiqa (f) / wata"iq more or most important fort, fortress to become weak weak the Merinides art reign water fountain bridge the Saadiens to dismiss Turk (Nisba) the Turks power great extent of problems to diminish government, authorities, administrative government kingdom respectable to establish most powerful palace magnificent independent independence happen document I I I I I I I I I I I U I I I I U I I Moroccan Arabic 78 Unit 5 Moroccan Arabic 78 Unit 5 murasalat 0 t:ifaq (m) / -at mwqe (m) / mawaqi hrbi himaya (f) / -t hma (i) tqd (m) / "qud v skari / asakir ns:r * . tns:r hizb (m) / ahzab dd: nfa (i) S91 lvafya (f) "idrab (m) sm m n:sr hzm ihazima (f) lmnfya (f) hl: dstur hzn hazn (m) batal (m) / abtal tb:s siyasa ()/ -t correspondence agreement position military (Nisba) Protectorate to protect contract, agreement military (Nisba) to crown, make king to be crowned (made king) party against to exile to light, start a fire fire demonstration to decide, to persist victory to defeat defeat exile solution constitute to mourn sad hero to follow policy, politics Moroccan Arabic 7 Unit5 ths :n to improve uast'sfa (M mustas~fayat hospital baral / -at bridge brifsu itselfT9 himself tqd := to progress t~aqafa (M) / t culture V.1.1 Questions - 'BBila 1. 51= ihuMa suktan 3lMay:ib l:w:lin?3 3. ikiin huwa Va~iq bn zyad ?3 6. *Skun hurm .duwal isi oa~w m bvd d:risygin? 7. snu smit d:ula fl;aly:a flmayrib ? 9. %%l&a" lf;snsy:in nfaw mu1~m:d 2xaxnis ?3 11.w a smit 1msalik dyal lmay';ib flwqt W_4ai; lmy'rib Morocco 80 Moroccan Arabic Unit 9 agadir asf i dr"'a d:ar ibida Las ifni lqnitra l tray' midlt mkrias mr oakff r:bat sbta s idi qa sm sla sus sawn tadla tal'ilalt titwan tania nida walili Agadir Saf i Draa Casablanca Fez Ifni Kenitra Larache Midelt Mek~nes Marrakech Rabat Sebta, Centa Sidi Kacem Sale Suss Chechaouen Tadla Tafilalt Tetouan Tangier Ouj da Volubilis the East the Middle East the Arab world I:rq s:rq 1"7 awst d :uwal 1 varaby :a I I U Moroccan Arabic 81 Unit5 byrut b ydad dimagq 'iran iqahira lubnan l'purdun ixartuni 00 masr misra r :yad os :udlam .tu~rkya Be'~mi rut Baghdad Damascus Iran Cairo Lebanon Jordan Khartoum Iraq Egypt Egypt Riyadh the Sudan Turkey Amman I I I I I I I I U I I I friqy :a I~ama). triqyaa tuns libya trabis muritanya lazav ir Af rica North Africa Tunisia, Tunis Libya Tripoli Maburitania Algeria, Algiers ly 'rb the West America England amirika U I I I 82 Moroccan Arabic Unit 82 Unit 5 bariz b~liika fransa gi~al-ya 19 aridalUS lizbun lundr lwilayat imut :ahida madagaskar madrid malaga qurtuba 'Purub :a urup :a ibi tariq yrnata PaInri s Belgium France Italy Andalucia Lisbon London America Madagaskar Madrid Malaga Cordova Europe Europe Gilbraltar Granada Moroccan Arabic 83 unit6 UNIT SIXI VI .1 Nwo Penniless Friends zuzdyal__s:Ljab hada asidi walid wz:uz dyal s:hab kanu wahd ixtra ma%%ndhumgi )flus) wgalsin kaytsawru binathum asw yadi ydiru. (qalu) "ar yadi ndiru ? xs:na daba bliaw:l bas" nm'siw nty'd:aw" bqaw kul: wahd kayfk: r mn Eihtu %Si wahd gal l:a~r 'asahbi, ila byina nty'd:aw~ xs:na ntfarqu, kul: wahdI ymsi ydb :r t"la rasu. daba awsrYadi ndiru ?. daba tms'i bwhdk,wana nmswi bwhdi * qai:u (162r) "%%ayn , mwi ana bwhdi ht:a nsquf d "Padi ndir ila hiya lqady:a dyali ana sdqat , 'adi nzi ngul,*k asr wmidi bhali ht:a nta 2 gal:u twax:a wavalih * iwa gls wahd kayvayn wmsa laxor .mswa kayqi :b, kayqi :b whuwa wsl lwahd 1mram. whuwa ygls ffwahd t:bla) wty:t llxd:ani gal:uI 00 0 0 0 0 0 10 zib ly:a wahd t -bsil dyal d:wa o." lablu dfal *"fiblyma hadi 2 bqa kaytib 'rir dik imakia mn dak s:i r.*fiv iwa 5wy:a bqa ht:aI ll'axr whuwa ygul:u "baqi fy:a 'z:uq . 'adi t~zib ly~oa wahd t:bsil dyal l:ubya . iwa msa lxd.aa wwzablu wahd t:bsil d:l.ubya ,wl-.a zv'ma yadiI 0 S00 yakul ,gJls ftsy:a hadak s:y:d, whuwa y'Zbd wahd ifar mn libu, far _ _ _ I I TTn i t. 6 mvoroccan ArDIC84 my:t, whuwa ydini fwst l:ubya. whuwa ybqa kayrw:t ,wywy:t llxdam wy~.y:t llmudir dyal lrnt~'m Nil had imakia hadi t'ndkum! maai nqy:a mare dkum fiha ruraqaba whad s~ i daba , f ar tayh fi1rnakia ki yadi ndir daba ? ana Yadi nmwsi ntsk:a bikum J. wyadi ndir l:azm t iwa bqa imudir kayw~uf ht:a vya .w~waf lqady *a y'adi tsrb lih bz:af iwa whuwa bda ysk:t fr:az~l, gal.: "asidi 1:a ysamh dak ':i l:i klitih !Ti bas makan. wmayadiswi txl:su wdaba 'rir skut. whak nzidk wahd lbaraka *" tah wi flisat. gal~ou (lai*r) "fIa had lhsab ,i bas makan makayn las nfdhkum * whuwa ymsi fhalu re tnd sahbu gal.:u" awdoi ha ana as drt was drt, wflaxr vtawni mazal lflus *"gal :u "bi:ahi qa~y :a hadi "'ndk* ht :a ana radi nms'i ndir bhalk * gal:u !'fin b~da wza had 3mlvm? iwa q"tah n:"t wkul: . w:r:ah kifas dar, wxl:ah msa aran:a hadak ml:i myza,ht:a whuwa gls kaytib inn hna, wytib winn hna wytib innbna ht:a kia mva rasu , qw:a ml:i sala, whuwa ygul:u "iblna vafak wahd t:bsil dyal l:ubya" iwa wlai'r gal:u "ala axy:i 1 :ubya mabqat~ . dak s:i 1:i bqa xwinah daba 2 gal:u "iwa safi wana fayn 'radi ndir had Ifar dyali (daba)? Vocabulary sahb (in) / hab friend sabba (f) shabat t'sawr to consult db r to managze Moroccan Arabic 85 Unit 6 Sayn sdq wavalih t1b yw, t raqb muraqaba (f) /-t uraqib (m) / -in tsk:a likaya (f) / -t lazm 1:azm sb skt sk:t 1:a ysamh * . baraka (f) /-t hsab (f) / -at ola had lhsab fdh fdiha (f) / fdayh bcda nt () / neut ntt (m) / ne ut to wait to come true all right (here) to ask to scream, shout to supervise supervision supervisor to complain complaint it is necessary the necessary (measures), what is necessary to become difficult to become silent, quiet to make silent God forgive blessing, gift (here: money) account in this case, based on this to reveal (shameful secrets) scandal first of all, already to give directions direction, descriptions (plural means 'adjectives') please I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 U I fafak I I Moroccan Arabic 86 u-n--it Vi . 1. 1 Questions - 'sgila 2. %%lag tfa~qu ? 3. fin msa 9se~b i~w-.l ? 40 snru dar tgm:a? 6. kif Uat had 1qq:a 1gsa~b t~ani ? 7. snu qal lzdsam 1g3al~b t,-ani mli.11b l:ubYa ? 8. as qal V:alb ttani ilxd~am? VI.2 The Gluttonous Neighbor 'z:ar lmukra * hada wahd r:all smitu hind huw:a wyzaru ebdlqadr. wahd n:har si vbdlqadr q'rd eia hid llega . iwa tts":aw ~zzni kima lqatida,wmnbed "l:ayhn:ik" ."l:ayhn:ik t yurrayn wl:a tit y:ain mnbvd f'wqt ltswa bd:at dq: hind flbab vla ebdlqadr. "s:alamu q"likum * qalulu "lwaalik s:alamn2 wmnbtd qalulu" zid t,%%:a as:i hind."Aqal:humn '0Jla baraka ),:ahu fikuin wl.:ahi mafy:a mnaytsm~ daba tad ttrs:it 00 walakin yadi nduq in 'akuin* qalulih "inrhba ,t fd : 1 "*iwa zad s:y:d* drb, matdrb, ht:a qada dak *s:i l:i et~a l:ah wmnbtd 000 00 0 srb Swi zui' wl:a tiata dikisan datay wkla n:wa ,wihiwa, wlfakya inn dak S:i ;C:fi" . iwa "i:r krisu, wzad xlfa, wmsa Thalu . aran:a l:a yd~a kadalik ,ni sd wsi hind wl:a tndhuinm q ~f aaa rsJxir vlikuin * qalulu misxir as, hind ."iwa brhum vtad bdaw 0* Moroccan Arabic 87 Un it 35 kayt :aw. qalulu" zid ,tlq id:k*' qal *humn la, wal:ahi U lvadixn maf'y:a ma yakul ht:a wi. haz~a , wb~an inpa rasi , daba %ad fd:it 0 0e 0 0 0 I l'vakJ.* qalulu iwa l :iJ byit . qal:huin1 aran:a f iha Ixir, nduq mwakum si. wy:aOt iwa zad wgls, wbqa kaydrb in:a, wmn :a ht :a xwa duk liYtur kul:huh a% qmil iul d:ar Si qbdlqadr ? bqa kayuif f ih ht:a e'ya wt%% :b fdak 9 -.i .,&awd :ag wladu ,winratu f d:axil rabqalhurn mayaklu tsakn iwa s:y:d kima lqaqida Srb atay w'zbu bz:ai' wdik l:ila drb rbva dikisan datay , ina Thiawi wxri in'a ibab fihin 1:a yd:a kadalik fn±'s lwqt ia daxi. Pndhum tani . 'mslxitr asyadi , as xbarkum ? was rtum bixir ? was mazal iats:itu? ana dn:it mva bali bayl:a rakum tt'h":itu bvda baqyin maklitu ? wabli ana hadi %Si ns:, sava baws teg:it, walayn:i yadi ngls wnduq raaua91 ha:Fa qlila , 'awd.-ai myq:n bayl:a ila raduqts* ravakum mpdi ttql :qu mnn zihti .ivawa aif fih si "bdlqadr wqal~u zid gls inana ila b'rtti 2 iwa huwa bhal ila wzatu ml:zn:ati wn:as zad3 wrb: v; lzi wba kay%%Vi lkru ht:a isbv iwa had n:uba hadi tlvlu frasu, wtarlu mnlihtu, wqal :u " wuf' asi hind , uif nu radi yzi mlhmndaba lfuq,bqa d:uq fdarkum, wawi tv 'w: a ndna iwa mndak n:har hind mm mawla yduq wia yt%%s:a enid ' dlqadr wsafi Vocabulamysoc muikra (in) gluttonous flhin immediately nf BsameI Moroccan Arabic 88 unit Moroccan Arabic 88 Unit 6 bal wahli I yq :n tqJ.:q l'zn:a (f' zatu rl:bi~oati wn:as rb:" %rilih tp (1-.) [fras-] tltJli fr:as t~ri f rasi tar li nihtu tar li mn:u thought gee! to be sure to get mad, to become impatient paradise a heavenly-sent gift, an unexpected girt he sat crosslegged to cause great anger to someone I am fed up with him. I am fed up with him. I am mad at him. Iam mad at him. g cod VI. 2. 1 Questions "a8,7i:a 2.v wqtasw za 4Wmd n "bdlqadr fnaha; t~ani 9? 3. snu qa:lulu wwsnu dar? 6. kifaws ntaliat 1qq:a ?( ntha ' to come to and ) VI.3 The Merchant and His Son t:afi wwldu, hada wahd t:azr fasi lya ymli llhi':. wkant e'ndu bz:af dt:iiara 00 0 4 wlmaly:a . makan 'I'du Vir. wid wahd fvmru tmntal am. qb2. maysaf r0 Moroccan Arabic 89 unit6 llhz: fk:r mva rasu dak )mud:a 1:i yadi ybqa flhf:, xs:u 91 wahd 1:iU ytiq fib bas, yxl oiJu tg.ia~a wlxna3y:a kul:ha fid:u* bqa kayfk:r, kayfk:r,wqal m"'a rasu bayl:a wJ~du rnazaJ. syir wmakaymknluff yqabl had s:i kul:u* wmnbvd rs~a end wahd s:adiq mtrtf bd:aka dyalu iwa trd lw 9 0 I I'Jih wlrbu atay zmi'Q wqal:u "1:ayxl:ik, hna asdiqa gha1 hadi mn fam, wkatvrfni wntrfk, daba "fldi wahd 1mugkila)hiya yadi nmffi llhzw: wkat"tff bayl:a matndi rir wid wahd *wffk:rt bayl:a nxlo~ih huwa 1:i yqabJ. had 1'9amlak wlmaJly-,a vla ranrz' em1:hg: *nsa,7a1:ah 4 a I wa3ayn:i ':u daxl:ha fib s':k:l wdima katdn: bayl:a huwa mazal sfir wdaba b'rt mn:k t~'i 'ndna ld:ar, wtd~akr mcah wtguf 1'iafhar dyalu kifa.9 w* 0 0 a 0 I dayra * was ymknlu yqum bhad 1l'ama2. awl:a la '?iwa qal:u had s .diq hada 1,.:ah yawd,*i, bkui. farah walayn~i byit ns,?aJk sugaJ. wJldk mnn 'aki., qul:i hala 1:i huwa kaybYiha ktir w qal:u dak t:azwr "1hazwa 1:i kayby'iha widi bz:af hiya lmluxy:a . qalo~u s:adiq if 0 U "safi nhar I mila f1tly:a wl :dlna 1vfa blmluxy:a wana wfadi nkun vndkum fwqt 1tga nffa'al:ah wdak lwqt ana ndxu]. lqady:a wnqul:k swa~ kayn * iwa nhar grnta rwqt 1tsa ia dak 8S-yzd, wglsu Emit kay4:,aku wkaY~ku ur a btdy:athum wna'*tin ktir wrannbyasyd Yadi yzii ll1hz': ns'a al :ah* aran :a asidi, la 1 f'a * abt Jlmt%%J.:ina tdzin dlmlulxy,-a s'yr bz :alb aran~oa , wid cndu wahd lkly :b sy:;,%ir dina 0 0 0 d~i kfaso rft mkatih?:t 91 ql~ lwd na ullk=balI 90 Moroccan Arabic unit maicatsii s:ta. wila ratiqtuA by:a xrZu wguifu r :uskum iwa d:iif 0 00 'saif ft:air wtbs:m bd:hk wqal:u had iwid %tndk t.f rit Vocabular 1hz: haz (in) /hiz:az haf :a (f) haZ:at taq (i) (b-) (f-) d:aka-7wwd:aka 9ailak (p) sl dhk kly:b zrb bz :rba tbs *m Q~frit (mn) /%%fart pilgrimage pilgrim to trust intelligence property to doubt doubt to ask to laugh little dog., puppy (dim.) to hurry hurriedly, quickly to smile I devil, very clever VI . 3., 1 Q uestions t9s 7ila 1. ia1 imwid kazi end tt az; l±fasi ? ljlf vmu ? 2. layri kan bya ymwsi t sazw; ifasi ? 3., M= hiya lraikila 1isl kant 'ndu ? 40 . nu n: a"dyal ~tu fwlda ? '.sa qal t a I; adiq cdyalu 9'wfnu flb U1su ? 6. snu hiya 2 la faas fkv vsadiq dyalu ? 7. kifas wr~ahum iwid baylsa huwa di? Moroccan Arabic 91. Unit7 UNIT SEVEN VII.3. The Story of~ Saint JosphU sidna ysf kan sidnayu5±f huwa s:able dya3 1w :lad dyaJ. sidna yvqub . wkan tziz ela S hbz:af. wkan huwa s:y4r fihum wkanu j0*:utu kayriru mn:u wmnibkd 0 IV0 I wahd n :harx :utu kanu y.adyin is*:id wto:afqu ba'g yd :iw mv'ahum yusf wba~s yqtluh .wT),:ahum mabywag yxJ.:ihum yd :iwh *f)t axr bqaw kaytlbuh ht :a w a00 91 xl:ah nina meahum * rnbqod rawwd:awh ht :a lwahd lxla whuma drbuh Qla rasu wrmwh fwahd ibir .wrnbivd, xadu iqami s dyalu, wzabuh At ahum wfilh d:m:,wgalulih boan:a yusf klah d:ib . rnbd,b:ahum bqa kaybki kaybki, ht:a ian:ahu mbqa's kay'suf bvinih* am:a yuisf, ±L1mvm bqa fdak ibir.,ht:a 0 I ,?an:a kanu 'si nas 'Zay:in yaxdu ima, wyusf maJ:i drbatu lfiqa 'sd: fdak d:lw dibir wtlt whaduk n:as xaduh m%%ahuzn wd:awh lwahd lmdina. wfdik lindina bqa ht,*a kbr whaduk n:as 1:i kanu xaduh ml:bir d.:awh whdawh idak lhakm dyaJ. dik lmdina whadak ihakin bqa xaydu kvndu wmkb :ru wdani bhaJ. wldu whadak 1hakm kan mz :w:z bwahd lmra zina bz :af whiya smha zu-J -ixa wkatnt hhadik 4z :uixa w e;bha dak yusm~f, wbqiat -h ~:bbltamaJ. dyalu, I U I Moroccan Arabic 92 Unit vmabya'. yy'dr dak Ihakm 1 :i dayru bhai widu~winnbt"d wahd n :har hadik zulix 0 0 0 0 0 zabthum wwqf'thum fwahd imrah wvatmt :ff:ah wqaitihum"sy :bu sow /sw:bu/) ztina t:f':ah". wrnb%%d "y:tat iyusf wdw:zatu inn qud~amhum. wtsab bilan:a bktrt izwamai dyaiu duk iwasif'at kul:hum qt:v'u s:baL' dyaihum w~tarf~u bli'amai dyal yusl' walakin dik zulixanrz' bha't dak t :asar :uf' dyaiu,wmsat skat bib idak ihakin wt:hmatu b*?an:ahu tbs:i 'iiha wtqb :h '!liha na4 haliak ihakm dxi :u is* :En* wbqa hakdak rnnfi fs :In mabqag kayffk :r ffih tainaman dak Thakn wbqa f'dak s :iz'n kayf's:r 1-?ahiam iduk 1:i misunin mqah ht:a 'van:ahu ts~hr btf'sir 1'ahiam wahd lywn *0 0 0 dak ihakm dyai dik ibiad~kan him bvan:ahu laf f'imanam dyaiu sbta ds:nbulat xdrinw~bv'a ds :nbuiat yabsin. wduk s :nbuiat lyab sin, kayakiu duk s :nbuiat bcdrin , wht :a hd: inaqdrg, yf's:riih dak ihim. wbqa hakdak 9000a0 0 0 fs:fn kayf's:; liaham* wty:t e'iih* wtsab bi'?an:a hadak r:az'i huwa yusf',wgai liii bio'anoa hadak ihui-m dyaiu huwa oa-n:ahu yadi ykun sbea dyal s :anawat mzyanin, wsb a dyal s :anawat fihum iqht wiihada vanshu bag. yd :axar 9i1inn dak igahdyaJlu iduk s -eanawat i1:i yadi tkun ae ba 0 0 0 0 0 wbhakdak dar dak imalik t :a '&n :a wz'at duk s :anawat 1 :i f'iha iqht ,wetarf' bt :f sir dyal yusf' wrd :u kif' widu* amm: dik zuiixa ,f'ht :a hiya dx :iha is:zn* wbqa dak yusf' mq dak imalik ht:a gan:ahu wi--*a i:i kaysy:r dik ibiad *winbed fat dik s:ana dyai iqht, w:i~oaw kul: ha n,,as i:i f'ibad kayliw iiqsr dyal iinalik, baws ywriw igmh* wahd n :ohar Eaw duk X^:utu 000 & 0 whuwa an).:i erfhum, skt magal waiu * inbu' d gal Jlihum ila byitu igmh xs:kum t~oawduiy:a byatkum whyat 'b%:akum. bqaw kayfawdu iih wgai uiih bi gan:a 'I:ahum rafi bsir , iakaygufI w indu yai:ah wahd iwid -srir Moroccan Arabic 93 Unit7U 1:i xl:awh rniah .mnbtd gal~ohum ila byitu lgMh xs:kum t'ibuli dakU ukms,:Tir nsuifu. whuma msaw vnd b :ahuin galuhalih . wb:ahum gal :ihum mraymkns, whada b'ritu y ir tqtluh bha]. yust'w. wbqa kaybki walakin fl'~axir galulih hadik hiya iwasila) ila by'a ba's y~d: lgmh .wtahum dak Rcuhum s:Tir *w~abuh *wil:i zwabuh , sd:u yusif, wxl:ah mn~h ,wftahum lgmh. walakin ml :i byaw yxrzu , Ed: yuisf' dak s' :i bas' kaye~bru lqmh 0 0 0 0 I wdaru fwst iqmh, wxl-,ahurn yiniw. huma yal.*ah m'saw3ht:a ins: t:riq, whuma xltu %'lihum lxud:am dyal lqsr wt:ahmuhum b-7an:ahum srqu hadak bag kayvbru lgmh .w;z:%%uhum qnd yusif wd:uhumn wdx:luhum ls:In . il:i dx:luu s:fn 'tahum lena ,wrnnbv'd 9d: wahd fihurn w~al:ih bag yra~i yfiblih b:ahum. ml:i ffa b:ahum bsij5yal:ah dxl lqsr wgal ana kans'm: riht yusif, kans'm:o riht yusl' wmnbv'd yuisf fab lih dak lqmis 1:i kan rmawh bib) xl:i kan f lbir *wil:i w~rnu b:ahun mabqas' * 0 bsrwbqa kayguf wwa xr:w i:utu mns:!En wwr:ahum 'wkun huwa ,w'~fu bayl:a huwa yusif, wsamhlihurn wbqa b:ahum m"'ahum, wsal'i 0I Vocabulary v"ziz (mn) /tzaz dear 0rar (i) (inn) to be-jealous sy :d to hunt lxa(40wlens 'Ia%(I)0%to- Nthrow1. d ib (i)/dyub wolf' Moroccan Arabic 94 Unit 7 Moroccan Arabic 94 Unit 7 hakm (m) / huk:am xayd (m) waxd (m) zin (m) - zwin t'E:b (b-) axlaq (f) murram marrum (m) Ydr wasifa (f) / -t rrah (m) / mruha tsab tasar:uf / -at thin tbs:l (ela) tqb:h (via) fs:r mnam (m) / -at snbula (f) / s ybs yabs (M) him Ilma (f) / ahl sana (f) / san nsh (Form I - used /ansl • 4 governor, ruler taking taking pretty to admire manners one who is completely in love to betray maid (of a queen) co urtyard to occur, to happen, to be found (impersonal) behavior to accuse to be silly, impolite, rude, daring to be rude, impolite to explain dream ear, spike (of grain) to dry dry to dream dream year famine to advise nabl wat s awat sinin note the informant h/ Form IV) Moroccan Arabic 95 Uni t7 d:axr (kad :uq) katduq: i ( >kad uq: i) kayduq: kat duq: kanduq: u kat duq: u ( ..kad: uq :u) kayduq :u fs daq :a mdquqa Imperative d uq: duq i d uq: u mp daq i n mdquq i n fp d aq : a t mdquqat Verbal Noun dq: duq: dq:an *crushed, grounded I I I I I I I *** *** *** I I 152 Table 18 Biradical Weak Verb za 'to come' (intr.) Perfect anaz i t n t a t i nti i t i huwa z h iy a zat hna I i ntuma vitu huma zaw Participles ms Active rnazi zay' Imperfect kanz'i katzvi ( ..kadz 1) kat i y (,,.kadz i y) kayzv kat Ii ( 2.ka d Ii) kanz'iw katziw (>kadz 1w) kayz'iw fs mazya zay :a Imperative a zy a I mp mazyi n zay:i n fp mazyat z ay :a t Verbal Noun mzI *** *** *** Table 19 153 Biradical Weak Verb I I I I I I I d:a 'to take along' (tr.) an a nt a nt i h uw a h i y a hna nt uma h uma Perfect d : it d~oiti d : it i d:a d :at d: i na d: it u d aw Imperfect kand: kat d: katd: y kayd: kat d: kand: w k a t d:1w kayd: 1w fs Imperative d: i d:iy d: 1w md:y: in Participles ms Active: md:i fp md :y :at md :y :a Verbal Noun It was not possible to did it occur on the field elicit Verbal Noun for taped materials. this verb, nor I I I I U I I I I *** *** *** I I I 154 Table 20 Form II Final Weak vn:a 'to sing' (tr. and intr.) Perfect ana Yn:it n ta Yn: it i nti Yn it i huwa in a h iy a in at h na v n na ntuma in:itu huma in:aw Participles ms m xn: i Imperfect kan n i kat v n: kat in: i y k ay v n: kat in:i kanvn: 1w kat in:i1w kayin: 1w fs m v ny : a Imperive in: iw mp m :ny: n fp mm at Verbal Noun m na *** *** *** 1~55 Table 21I Form II Medial Weak3 mw:d 'to cause to get up or wake up' (tr. and intr.) Perfect Imperfect ImperativeU a na nw :t knw :4 ( ..nw :t:)I n ta nw :t i kt nw: nw :4 nt i nw:t i) katnw :0i n w:iI C~nw :t i) huwa n w: k a y n w d h iy a n w :a t kat nw :4 hna n w :4na kannw:ou ntuma MW t U kat nw : u n w u human w ::u ) kaynw:4uI Participles Ms fS MP fp3 mnw:4 mnw:da mnw:4in mnw:4at Verbal Noun tnwi4 tnwaO I 156 Table 22 Form II Medial Weak xw:f 'to frighten' (tr.) [Corresponding Form I xaf (a) 'to be afraid' (intr.)] Perfect aria xw :ft nta xw :ft i nt i xw :ft i huwa xw :f h iy a xw :f at hna xw : fna t uma xw:f t u huma xw:fu Participles ins mxw f Imperfect kanxw :f katxw : f kat xw : f i kayxw f kat xw :f kanxw f u kat xw f u kayxw :fu fs mxw fa Impeaive xw: f xw f i xw: fu mp mxw f i fp mxw : fat Verbal Noun txwaf *** *** *** Table 23 157 Form II Medial Weak fy:q 'to wake someone up' (tr.) [Corresponding Form I faq (i) 'to wake up' (tr. and intr.)] a n a nt h uwa h i y a h na ntum ht uma Perfect fy :qt f y:qt f y:qt f y q f y qa t f y q na f y :q tu f y q u IMperfect kanfy :q ka t f y :q kat f y:qi kayfy qu kat fy :q kanfy qu kat fy :qu kayfy qu fs mfy:qa Imperive f y q fy q i f y q u mp mfy q in I I I I I I I I I I I I I Participles ms m f y: q fp m fy qt Verbal Noun t fya q *** *** *** I I I I 158 Table 24 Form VIII Final Weak t T': a 'to eat dinner' (intr. ) a na n t a nt i h uw a h i y a h n a nt una h uma Perfect tT :i t ti'v: it i t~ S: i t t TSf: a t Tv: at t Tsv: i na t Tv: it u t T': aw lImper fect kantT :a katt~s :a katt s :ay kayt s :a katt'sv:a kant~.s :aw katt's :aw kayt 'sv: aw fs mt~s :y :a Imperative tTs :a tcisv :ay t Ts : aw mp mt T y :i n Participles ins mt T fp mt~ :y :at Verbal Noun* Ts'a *Other Verbal Noun patterns: tflI:a 'to joke, jest' tflya Verbal Noun *** *** *** PART FOUR APPENDIX B GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL AND GRAMMATI CAL TERMINOLOGY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 161 I APPENDIX B I GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL AND GRAMMATICAL TERMINOLOGY Adjective - A word which limits, qualifies or describes a noun or a pronoun. In the majority of cases, Moroccan Arabic adjectives are basic (c.f. basic noun) words. Most Moroccan Arabic adjectives have the structure CCiC, e.g. /kbir/ 'big' , /sir/ 'small', /zwin/ 'nice', /mrid/ 'sick'. Also see Adjectives of Color and Defect, Diminutive and Modifier. Adjectives of Color and Defect - This is a class of adjectives that refers to color and physical defect. They have the pattern CCC (ms), CCCa (fs) CuCC (p), e.g. xdr (ms), xdra (fs), xudr (p) green Tri (ms), Tria (fs), uri~ (p) lame Adverb - A word or phrase used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Examples of Moroccan Arabic adverbs are /hna/ 'here', /tm:a/ 'there', /bz:rba/ 'immediately, quickly', /bz:af/ 'much, very', /bs:wy:a/ 'slowly, softly'. Affix - A term used to refer to prefixes, e.g. /#ka-/ in /kayktb/'he is writing', infixes, e.g. /-a-/ in /ktab/ 'a book' and suffixes, e.g. /-u#/ in /kl:mu/ 'talk to him!'. Afro-Asiatic - A language stock consisting of five families of languages: Semitic (e.g. Arabic and Hebrew), Egyptian (e.g. Ancient Egyptian and Coptic), Berber (q.v.), Cushitic (e.g. Somali and Galla) and Chaddic (e.g. West Africa: Hausa). Allomorph - A positional variant of a morpheme (q.v.) occurring in a specific environment. English has a noun plural morpheme /Z/ that has the phonologically conditioned allomorphs /s - z - Iz/ as in "cats", "dogs", "kisses". In Moroccan Arabic the connector /W/ "and" has the allomorphs /w/ after a vowel and /u/ between two consonants, e.g. fa wmia 'he came and left' laf Iwid ulbnt 'He saw the boy and the girl. I I 162 Allophone - A positional variant of a phoneme (q.v.), occurring in specific environments and not causing semantic differentiation, e.g. English initial [k hin "kay" and [k] following /s/ in "ski" are both members of one and the same phoneme /k/. The only difference between them is that the first is aspirated whereas the second is unaspirated (see Aspiration). In Moroccan Arabic /a/ has the allophones [w] as in English 'fat' and [a] as in English 'father' in the environments of non-emphatic (q.v.) and emphatic consonants respectively, e.g. /tab/ = [tab] 'to repent' and /tab/ = [tab] 'to be cooked'. Arabic - The most important Semitic (q.v.) language now spoken. It is the official language of Algeria, Bohrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Lybia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sharja, the Sudan, Syria, Tunis, Yemen, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Muscat and Oman. Arabic is spoken by 100 million people. It is the religious language of 650 million Moslems. Arabic is both a modern language and an ancient one, going back over 2,000 years. Classical Arabic was the language of the Koran and the vehicle of Arabic literature. It is still universally acknowledge as the Standard Form of the language and is used in writing and speeches. Modern Standard Arabic is standardized all over the Arab World and is the language of education, the press, radio and TV as well as public lectures. In addition, an Arabic dialect is spoken in each of the Arab countries and varies to some extent from one Arab country to another. Arabists recognize two major dialect groups "Western" and "Eastern"; the Western includes the Arab countries of North Africa through Libya and the Eastern includes Egypt and all the Arab countries of the East. Aspectual - Temporal Forms - The categories of tense and aspect are so closely interconnected in Arabic that, in many cases, it is not possible to separate the aspectual meaning of the verb, i.e. whether the action is completed or not, from its temporal reference. See Imperfect and Perfect for more information on these two categories. Aspiration - The puff of breath after a consonant, e.g. /t/ in English "top",is aspirated where that of English "stop" is unaspirated; e.g. Moroccan Arabic /,t.a/ 'a cover' and /,t:a/ 'to cover' where /./ of I 163 the second example is aspirated. Assimilation - A phonetic process whereby two adjacent phonemes acquire common characteristics or become identical. One important instance of assimilation in Moroccan Arabic is with the phonemes /t t d dr rs s z z n I/ after the definite article /1-/; e.g. /rail/ 'man', /l-rail/ --- /r:a~il / 'the man'. Another instance is with verbs, e.g. /wi:d/ 'to prepare, /w :d-t/ ~ /w:t:/ 'I prepared'; /duq:/ 'knock!', /ka-t-duq:/ ---* /kad:uq:/ 'you are knocking'. Auxiliaries - An auxiliary is a verb used before another verb to elaborate the temperal or aspectual meaning of the main verb; e.g. English "will" in "he will write a letter" or Moroccan Arabic /radi/ in /huwa wadi yktb bra/ 'he will write a letter'. Examples of Moroccan Arabic Auxiliary Verbs: 1. /wadi/ 'will...' + imperfect radi nmi daba I am going to go now. 2. /kan/ 'be' + perfect, imperfect, frequentative, and active participle (q.v.) kan msa He had gone. kunt kanrb atay fs:bah I used to drink tea, in the morning. kant xarza fdak lwqt She was leaving at that time. 3. /xs:/ 'it's necessary' + pronominal endings xs:ni nqra had lsvy:a I have to study this evening. 4. /bra/ 'to want' + imperfect b it nmsi daba I want to leave now. 5. /bda/ 'to begin' + imperfect or frequentative bdat thdr hdra xawya She began talking nonsense. 6. /bqa/ 'to remain, keep on' + imperfect or active participle bqina kanaklu ht:a fd:ina kuI: i We kept eating until we finished everything. bqa gals bwhdu He remained sitting all by himself. Base Form - The simple or basic form of a word to which inflections (q.v.), and affixes (q.v.) are added to derive other forms (See Derivation); e.g. Moroccan Arabic /~ml/ 'to do' is Simple Form I and /stml/ (Form X) 'to use' is derived from it by prefix /st-/. I I I 164 Basic and Derived Verb Stems - (also Forms) Forms II - X of the verb (q.v.) are referred to as Derived Verb Forms, or Stems. Thus, /ws/ Basic Form or Form I? 'to arrive' and /ws:!/ (Derived Form II) 'to cause to reach'; /Tml/ (Basic Form or Form I) 'to do' and /stTml/ (Derived Form X) 'to use' ; /baT/ (Basic - I) 'to sell' and /tbaT/ (Derived - VIII) 'to be sold'; /m'a/ (Basic - I) 'to go, walk' and /tms':a/ (Derived - VIII) 'to take a walk'. Basic Noun - A noun that has no relation to any verb or verb stem (q.v.) from which it could be derived (see Derivation); e.g. /ktb/ 'to wirte' has /ktab/ 'book' as a derived noun. However, in the case of /hdid/ 'iron' and /hd:ad/ 'blacksmith', /hdid/ is a basic noun and /hd:ad/ is derived from it. Berber - A closely related family of languages spoken by approximately 10,000,000 people in North Africa and in the countries of the open Sahara. The Berber Dialects spoken in Morocco are (a) Tamazight (Middle Atlas), (b) Tashelhit or Shilha (High and Anti Atlas and the Sous Valley in Southern Morocco), (c) Rifian Zenatya (in the Rif - Northern and NOrtheastern Morocco). Biradical Stem - A verb stem (q.v.) consisting of two radicals (q.v.), e.g. /ia/ 'to come', /d:a/ 'to take along', /hb:/ 'to love' (c.f. doubled). Broken Plural (Noun) - A plural formed from the singular by internal change. Broken plurals are not predictable. Examples: ktab (s) " ktub (p) book brI (s) bralI (p) mule sn:a (s) snan (p) tooth dr:i (s) drari (p) boy Collective Noun - In Moroccan Arabic this is a class of nouns that designates a group of things or a general category, e.g.'onions are good for you.' The singular or Noun of Unit is formed by adding the femine ending suffix /-a/ to the Collective Noun which itself is masculine singular. In Moroccan Arabic, e.g. bs! onions bsa an onion I 165 lbs mzyan Onions are good. bsa kbira a big onion b i d eggs bida an egg nml ants nmla an ant The regular plural is formed form the singular by adding the plural morpheme (q.v.) /-t/, e.g. bs[ onions bsa an onion tlata dlbslat three onions Comparative - This is the adjectival form that corresponds to English "bigger" derived from the adjective "big". In Moroccan Arabic: /kbir/ 'bigt , /akbr/ /kbr/ 'bigger'. There are several patterns for the Comparative in Moroccan Arabic of which /akbr/ /kbr/ is the most common. Other examples are: Adjective Comparative qwi strong aqwa qwa stronger Tali high ala ?lIa higher byd white abyd byd whiter hmq crazy ahmq hmq crazier xfif light axf: - xf: lighter Notice the following structures: 1. wldi akbr mn wldk My son is bigger than your son. 2. wldi akbr wid My son is the biggest boy. Note that /akbr/ is the same form used for Comparative 'bigger' and Superlative 'biggest'. This is true of all Comparatives and Superlatives. Conjunction - A particle (q.v.) having the function of joining sentences, clauses, phrases or words. Some Moroccan Arabic conjunctions are here listed: ima either im:a-**awl:a-*" either...or... im:a either w u u and aw or lakin but wl:a or lakn: but awl:a or bihq: but im:a-•*aw- -• either...or... walakin but im:a.--wl":a-' either...or... walayn:i but I I I 166 I a wd:asv Ila hq:as Via tqa hit Tla qibal ml:i mnin ht :a ba mahd:...w... vir Via hq: Vla xatr Vla wd: Vla msb:a Vla sabab because because because, since because since, when, as since, when until so that, in order to the more...the more who, which, that as soon as, no sooner than because because because because of because of, on account of wax: a I ukan kun skun ma faynm:a I aynm: a mninm:a kul :ma kif ma kima wqtm:a sha lm:a qd: ma qbl ma bfd ma bla ma asm:a aw:I ma even if, although if (contrary to fact if (contrary to fact) whoever wherever to wherever from wherever, whenever whenever however however whenever however much to the extent that before after without whatever as, when Consonant Clusters - A sequence of two or more consonants pronounced without an intervening vowel, e.g. /st/ or /hl/ in /stahl/ 'to deserve'. Correlative Particle - This particle is the equivalent of English "that, which, what" in such expressions as "it is necessary that...". had v:i ma kan That is it. Lit: "That thing is that which was." labd: ma tzurni You have to visit me. Lit: "It is necessary,that you visit me." It also occurs in connection with such particles as /qbl/ 'before' /bid/ 'after', e.g. /qblma/ , /bfdma/ Definite Article - In Moroccan Arabic /1-/ is the definite article. It is prefixed to nouns and adjectives, e.g. /wid/ 'boy', /lwid/ 'the boy'. If the noun or adjective begins with one of the following consonants, /r r n I s s z z t t d d/, the 167 definite article assimilates to this consonant, i.e. it becomes like it; e.g. V razl a man r:azl the man dr:i a boy d:r:i the boy Demonstratives - The following demonstratives occur in Moroccan Arabic and must be followed by an indefinite noun: Proximity Remoteness hada (m) this hadak (m) that hadi (f) this hadik (f) that hadu (p) these haduk (p) those Examples: hada wid mzyan This is a nice boy. hadak wid mzyan That is a nice boy. In addition, we have the invariable proximity demonstrative /had/ 'this, these' as well as the remoteness demonstrative /dak, dik , duk/ 'that (m), that (f)', and 'those' respectivelly, all of which must be followed by a definite noun. had Iwid mzyan This boy is nice. had Ibnt mzyana This girl is nice. had n:as mzyanin These people are nice. dik Ibnt mzyana That girl is nice. Derivation - The formation of a word from another word or base by the means of affixes (q.v.), i.e. a prefix (e.g. English 'un' in "unemployed") or a suffix (e.g. English '-er' in "teacher") or an infix (e.g. Moroccan Arabic -a- in /ktab/ 'book' derived from /ktb/ 'to write'). Examples from Moroccan Arabic: prefix: /Aml/ 'to do' - Form I Verb (q.v.) /stTml/ 'to use' - Form X Verb (q.v.) suffix: /limun/ 'lemons' - Collective Noun (q.v.) /limuna/ 'a lemon' - Noun of Unit (q.v.) infix: /nTs/ 'to sleep' /nas/ '(act of) sleeping' - Verbal Noun (q.v.) Derived Nouns and Modifiers - In Moroccan Arabic, the verbal noun (q.v.), the nisba (q.v.), the noun of character and profession (q.v.) and the diminutive of nouns (q.v.) are among the most common derived nouns. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 168 Examples: SslI xbz mzsr wid The active diminutive modifiers. Examples: nTs bhd stir to wash isil washing Verbal Noun to bake xb:az baker Noun of Profession Egypt masri Egyptian (ms) Nisba boy wlid little boy Diminutive participle (q.v.), the passive participle (q.v.) and the of adjectives (q.v.) are among the most common derived to sleep to amaze small na Ts mhbud s iwr sleeping amazed tiny Active Participle Passive Participle Diminutive Diminutive - A noun of modifier derived from another noun or modifier. The pattern is not predictable. Base Diminutive bnt girl bnita bra letter bry:a wld boy wlid sir small siwr kib dog klib Discontinuous Morpheme - See Morpheme. Doubled Verb - A verb form (q.v.), the second radical of which is tense, e.g. /gd:/ 'to close', /hb:/ 'to love'. (Notice that /b/ is lax and that /b:/ is its tense counterpart; tense /b:/ has double the duration of lax /b/ and is produced with stronger articulation and greater tension on the muscles of the articulator.) Dual - Certain aIlf yum saTa Tam nuba nouns in Moroccan have forms one thousand alfayn one day yumayn one hour saStayn one year Tamayn once nubtayn denoting the dual, e.g. two thousand two days two hours two years twice Durative - See Frequentative. 169 Emphatic - An emphatic consonant (also Flat or Velarized) is one which is produced by pressing the blade of the tongue against the palate so that the articulation is velarized or alveolarized rather than just dental. /I/ is the emphatic counterpart of plain /t/, e.g. /tab/ 'to be cooked' and /tab/ 'to repent'. Emphatic consonants color plain consonants, i.e. the occurrence of an emphatic consonant will cause a plain consonant in the same syllable (sometimes in the preceding and/or the following syllable) to become emphatic, e.g. /tilq/ -> /tiq/ 'to release' and /.bl/ --- /tbl/ 'drum' The influence of emphatic consonants on vowels is very noticeable, e.g. /tab/ = [tab] 'to repent' where [a] is as in English "fat" and /tab/ = [(tab] where [a] is as in English "father". Moroccan Arabic has the following primary emphatic consonants: It d s z L r/ Exhortative Particle - The exhortative particle /yal:ah/ 'let's' is used in constructions before imperfect forms (without /ka-/) to denote a first person encouraging structure of the type 'let's (do such and such)'. ya[:ah nmliw Let's go. yal:ah nimviw nvrbu kas atay .miT Let's go drink a cup of tea together. Final Weak - A verb (q.v.) which has a vowel as its final radical (q.v.), e.g. /hda/ (i) 'to present', is called weak because of the change that occurs in that ovwel in the imperfect, /yhdi/ 'he presents', and in the imperative, /hdi/ 'present (ms)!',for certain members of this sub-class of verbs. Compare: mha (i) to erase xda (-u) to take bqa (a) to remain, seem mha he erased xda he took bqa he remained kaymhi he erases kayaxud he takes kaybqa he remains mhi erase! xud take! bqa remain! I U I I I I I I I U I I U I I I I Flat - See Emphatic. Fortes - See Tenseness. 170 Frequentative Form - Consists of the imperfect (q.v.) form plus the frequentative prefix /ka-/. It expresses a habitual repeated action, e.g. /kanmvi Is:uq kul: sbah/ 'I o to the market every morning.' /kunt kanm'i Is:uq kul: sbah/ 'I used to go to the market every morning.' or an action which is simultaneous with regard to the time of speech (progressive) or another definite moment, e.g. /kayakul daba/ 'He is eating now.' /kan kayakul ml:i Iit/ 'When I came in, he was eating.' With certain verbs of motion, e.g. /mama/ 'to go' the Frequentative never has a progressive meaning, e.g./kaymsi mn daru IImdrasa kul: sbah/ 'He walks from his home to school every morning.' The Frequentative is also referred to as the Durative. Frequentative Particle - /ka-/, the frequentative particle, is prefixed to the imperfect (q.v.) to derive the frequentative form (q.v.). This particle has the following variant forms: /ka-/ /ta-/ - /da-/ /[a-I . Grapheme - The smallest meaningful unit of the writing system of a language that distinguishes one lexeme (q.v.) or word from another, e.g. English b and t in "boy" and "toy"; Moroccan Arabic t.. /b/ and C. /t/ in L.J /bab/ 'door' and L... /tab/ 'to repent'. Also referred to as Letter. Imperfect - The imperfect is formed by prefixes and suffixes. /ktb/ 'to write', /nktb/ 'I write', /nktbu/ 'we write', /yktb/ 'he writes', /yktbu/ 'they write' Notice that the prefix denotes person and gender and the suffix denotes number. The temporal and aspectual ranges of meaning expressed by the Imperfect form are here listed in terms of corresponding English equivalents. 1. The prefixation of /ka-/ to the imperfect structures gives the frequentative form (q.v.), e.g. katmli Is:uq: kul: sbah She goes to the market every morning. 2. Structures with /,adi/ or /mali/ plus imperfect are future I 171 I structures. Yadi nmsi Ibariz id:a I'll go to Paris tomorrow. 3. Negative Imperative Structures are formed from second person imperfect with the use of the negative morpheme /ma... / matmlis Don't go! (ms) 4. Exhortative (q.v.) Structures yal:ah nm'iw Let's go. 5. Optative (q.v.) Structures [:ah ybark fik God bless you. 6. Future (unspecified) ml:i tvufu qulhalih When you see him, say it to him. 7. Present (unspecified) ana n~rf nhdr Iaraby:a I know how to speak Arabic. Indefinite Article - This is the equivalent of English "a", "an". In Moroccan Arabic we have /Mi/ 'some, a' /wahd/ 'one, a, an'. Note in particular the structures /wahd uv/ 'a couple' /wahd :maTa dn:as/ 'a group of people' Unlike English, it is perfectly acceptable to use nothing at all, e.g. /bida/ 'an egg' as in /klit bida had s:bah/ 'I ate an egg this morning.' Also note the construction/'i wahd/ 'someone'. Indefinite Pronoun - Moroccan Arabic has the following indefinite pronouns: /gi/ 'some' which occurs in /'i bnadm/ 'somebody' /9i wahd/ 'someone' /9i ha'a/ 'something' /Mi nhar/ 'someday' /i nas/ 'some people' /ku{: 1i/ 'everything, everybody'. Inflection - The affixation of certain morphemes to the base of a word to denote person, number, gender, tense/aspect and/or mood of a verb; I I 172 e.g. Moroccan Arabic /ktb/ 'to write' can give us the following inflected forms: /ktbna/ 'we wrote' /yktbu/ 'they wrote'. Interrogative Particles - A word or a phrase used in asking questions. The most common interrogative adverbs in Moroccan Arabic are: a what? as what? fayn I ayn mnin Ias imta Ylai gkun Inu dmn: dya I where? to where? from where? why, what for? when? why? who? which? what? which? whose? whose? hal vhal mn shal mn kif kifav fuqa' wqta nhara was ki I umtr saTa how much, how many? how long (distance)? how long (time)? how? how? when? when? what (when) day? Did, will ? type question particle mn: Isolating Particle - /,ir/ 'only, except, but' zidni ,ir 'i wy:a Give me just a little bit. Labialization - Moroccan Arabic has a set of labialized consonants tran- scribed /' 0 6 4 ' x TT/ . Labialization is manifested as simultaneous lip-rounding when producing any of the above consonants. Thus, // is pronounced as [bw] or [bw]. Lax - (Also Lenis) See Tenseness. Lexeme - Also referred to as Lexical Item or Lexical Form or Word or Vocabulary Item. Lexicon - A list of (all or certain) words in a language. Masdar - A term used by Arab grammarians to refer to the Verbal Noun (q.v.). Medial Weak - A verb stem (q.v.) which has a vowel as its middle radical (q.v.), e.g. /baT/ (i) 'to sell'. It is called weak because of the change that occurs to that vowel in the imperfect /biT/ and in the I 173 imperative /biT/ for certain members of this sub-class of verbs. Compare: baT (i) to sell qal (u) to say xaf (a) to be afraid baT he sold qal he said xaf he was afraid kaybiT he sells kayqul he says kayxaf he is afraid biT sell! qul say! xaf have fear! Minimal Pair - See Phoneme. Modifier - A word used to modify, describe, limit or qualify the meaning of a noun or a pronoun. In Moroccan Arabic this class of modifiers consists of (a) adjectives and (b) participles. Examples: (a) wid kbir a big boy bint kbira a big girl wlad kbar big boys Notice number/gender agreement. (b) dar mhlula an open house Note that participles (q.v.) are derived from verbs whereas in the majority of cases, adjectives are not. More important, adjectives have the form CCiC, e.g. kbir big sir small zwin nice mrid sick Morpheme - The minimal meaningful unit of speech in any language; it may be a word or part of a word, e.g. Moroccan Arabic /ktb/ 'to write' has one morpheme, /ktb-t/ 'I wrote' has two and /ma-ktb-t-4/ "I did not write" has three. Notice that /ma...s/, the negative morpheme,is a Discontinuous Morpheme. Also note that /-/ is referred to as a Morpheme Boundary. Morphophoneme - A class of phonemes (q.v.) belonging to one and the same morpheme (q.v.), e.g. English /s. z_ iz/ as in "cats", "dogs","kisses" which are all morphophonemic allomorphs (q.v.) of the noun plural morpheme (q.v.) whose form is governed by the phonetic environment. In Moroccan Arabic /w/ and lul are morphophonemic allomorphs of the I I 174 connector "and" conditioned by the occurrence of the first before or after a vowel and the second following a consonant, e.g. za wmia He came and left. saf Iwid ulbnt He saw the boy and the girl. Negative Particles - In Moroccan Arabic we get the following negative particles: /ma.../ a/ma.ma...say/ used mainly with verbs maktbi He did not write. /magi/ + adjective, participle, adverb, particles magi kbir He is not big. magi frhan He is not happy. /ma...walu/ 'not at all' ma svir walu It is not small at all. /ma...mr/ 'never, ever' maTmrni smt bhad f:i I never heard of this thing. Nisba - A noun ending in /-i/ in its (ms) form. The term Nisba means 'pertaining to', e.g. dhb gold dhbi golden fas Fez fasi native to Fez zitun olives zituni olive green color Noun of Character - A word (derived in most cases from a verb (q.v.)) that refers to a characteristic of a person or his profession. They are formed on the pattern (q.v.) CC:aC, e.g. kdb to tell lies kd:ab liar nsa to forget ns:ay forgetful Noun of Profession - A derived noun (derived in most cases from a verb) that denotes a profession, e.g. xbz to bake xb:az baker bna to build bn:ay mason xt: hand writing xt:at calligrapher hdid iron nd:ad blacksmith Noun of Unit - See Collective Noun. I 175 Nouns and Adjectives - In Moroccan Arabic, nouns and adjectives show two genders, masculine and feminine, and two numbers, singular and plural. Very few forms show a dual (q.v.), e.g. wid boy bnt girl wlIad boys bnat girls kbir (ms), kbira (fs), kbar (mp), kbarat (fp) big Optative Structures - Moroccan Arabic has a number of optative structures expressing a wish or a desire, e.g. "May God bless you." These structures all refer to the present and future whether they have perfect or imperfect forms, e.g. Imalik muhm:d Ixamis rahimahu [:ah King Mohamed, May God have mercy on his soul. Ttini ktabk (:a yrhm lwalidin Give me your book please (=May God have mercy on your parents.) I V:a ybark fik May God bless you.=Please 1:a yxl:ik May God keep you (preserve you).=Please Participles - Adjectives derived from verbs and inflected for gender and number. Transitive Form I verbs have active (AP) and passive (PP) participles. Intransitive Form I Verbs (q.v.) have AP's only. Forms II - X (q.v.) have one participle that functions both as AP and as PP if the verb is transitive, and as AP if the verb is intransitive. Examples: AP PP Form I kfr (intr) kafr -- to get irritated fs. (tr) fasl mfsul to separate Participle Form II bd: .mbd:I to change III sawb msawb to fix V tI:m mttl:m to learn VI tfahm mtfahm to reach mutual understanding VIII htgarm mhtarm to respect X st 'mi mstS mI to use Particle - A word, usually uninflected and invariable, used to indicate syntactical relationships. In Moroccan Arabic, particles are adverbs (q.v.), conjunctions (q.v.), the correlative (q.v.), the I I 176 isolating particle (q.v.), presentational particles (q.v.), pronouns (q.v.) the reinforcing particle (q.v.) and the vocative particle (q.v.). One thing to remember is that no Moroccan Arabic particle is exactly the equivalent of any given gloss in English. Pattern - Vowels and/or consonants added to the root (q.v.) to form a stem (q.v.). Examples: Root: ktb (denotes writing) Pattern -a- infix between C2 and C3: ktab 'book' Pattern m- prefix: mktb 'office' Pattern #m- prefix and -a# suffix: mktba 'desk' Also see Word Structure. Perfect - The Perfect Form in Moroccan Arabic is formed by suffixation; e.g. /ktb/ 'to write' /ktbt/ 'I wrote'. The perfect expresses the following aspectual-temporal ranges of meanings in terms of corresponding English equivalents: 1. Past za Ibarh He came yesterday. mvina Is:inima miT wxl:ina d:rari fd:ar We went to the movies together and left the kids at home. 2. Present Reference fhmt I understand. ila a , qullih ygIls hna If he comes, tell him to stay here. ha huma zaw Here they come; here,they have come. (Present Perfect) 3. Optative (q .v.) with Present and/or Future Reference Imalik muhm:d Ixamix rahimahu I:ah King Mohamed V, may God have mercy on his soul (now and forever). 4. Future Reference ila taht : ta , maradi' nmgi If it rains, I will not go. 5. No Specific Time - mainly in proverbs qal:u ai xs:k alTryan , qal:u ilxwatm amulay For those who have nothing, luxuries are more important than necessities. (an idiomatic translation) Phoneme - The minimal unit of distinctive sound in a spoken language; e.g. English "till" and "dill" differ in only one phoneme. Likewise Moroccan Arabic /tab/ 'he repented' and /dab/ 'it melted' differ in 177 one phoneme. Such words are referred to as a Minimal Pair. may have positionally conditioned allophones (q.v.). A phoneme Plural (Sound/Broken) - Nouns and adjectives have plurals. Plurals can be either Sound (q.v.), e.g. /frhan/ (ms), /frhanin/ (mp) 'happy' or Broken (q.v.), e.g. /ktab/ (ms), /ktub/ (mp) 'book'. Many nouns have both sound and broken plurals which occur as variant forms, e.g. /msd:a/ 'pillow' (s), /mxd:at/ sound plural and /msad: / - /mxdyd/ broken plurals. Preposition - A word used with a noun or a pronoun to show the relation of the noun or pronoun to some other word or words in the sentence. Some Moroccan Arabic prepositions and prepositional phrases are here listed: b- - bi with, by (instr.) TI- ~ ia on I- - Ii to, for mn from, of ('than' in f- ~ fi in comparative structures) d- of (belonging) fuq above, over tht under, below nta ~ mtaT of (belonging) qud:am ih front of dyal of (belonging) mur after, behind ql: except for (telling tin m:ur from behind vir except for (telling tit mura after, behind ht:a until (up to) wra after, behind bInb along hda near, at one's wy:a with place bin between qbl before binat between bTd after Tnd at (Fr. 'chez'), in th ) me) me) e I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I mTa with possession of Presentational Particle - Moroccan Arabic has two presentational particles (q.v.), /ha/ and /ra-/ 'here is, here are'. Pronoun - A word used to replace a proper name or a noun, or to refer to the person, object, idea, etc. designated by a noun. The following are sets of pronouns and pronominal suffixes occurring in Moroccan Arabic: 178 a) Independent Subject Pronouns ana I hna. nta you (ms) nti you (fs) ntuma we you (p) they huwa hiya he she huma b) Pronominal Suffixes associated with nouns, particles, verbs and prepositions ending in consonants: ktab - i my book dyal -i mine ktab ktab ktab -ha your (s) book his book her book our book your (p) book their book dyal -k dyal -u dyal -ha dyal -na yours his her ours ktab - na ktab - kum ktab - hum dyal -kum yours dyal -hum theirs c) Direct Object pronominal endings suffixed and the preposition /mn/ 'of, from' zar -ni he visited me mn:i zar -k he visited you (s) mn:k zar -u he visited him mn:u zar -ha he visited her mn:ha to transitive verbs from from from from from from from me you (s) him her us you (p) them zar zar zar a a -na -kum -hum he he he visited visited visited us you (p) them mn :na mn: kum mn:hum d) Pronominal /fi/ 'in', ly:a lik lu - lIih liha Suffixes added /bi/ 'with'). to me to you (s) to him to her to the preposition /II/ 'to' (also Suffixed to the preposition /Tla/ 'on'. ly:a on me lik on you (s) I ih on him Tl'Iiha on her I ina I ikum l ihum to us to you (p) to them lina 1 ikum I1 ihum on on on us you (p) them e) Pronominal Suffixes added to verbs ending in /-a#/, and presenta- tional particle /Ca/ 'here is/are' I 179 wr:a -ni he showed me ra -ni here I am wr:a -k he showed you (s) .a -k here you (s) are wr:a -h he showed him ra -h here he is wr:a -ha he showed her ra -ha here she is wr:a -na he showed us ra -na here we are wr:a -kum he showed you (p) ra -kum here you (p) are wr:a -hum he showed them ra -hum here they are f) Pronominal Suffixes added to the preposition /mia/ 'with' are the same as in e) above except for first person (s) /mTaya/ 'with me'. quadriradical Verb - (also Quadriliteral) A verb (q.v.) having four radicals (q.v.) or constituent elements, e.g. /trim/ 'to translate', /sqsa/ 'to ask, inquire', /ffT/ 'to shake' (reduplicative - q.v.). Radical - One of a set of elements that constitutes a verb stem. It can be either a vowel or a consonant. /ktb/ 'to write' has three constituent consonants or radicals; /baT/ 'to sell' has a medial (middle) vocalic radical (i.e. vowel) and /m'a/ 'to go' has a final vocalic radical. Reduplicative Verb - A quadriliteral verb (q.v.) in which the last two radicals (consonants) are a repetition of the first two, e.g. /fifT/ 'to shake'. Reinforcing Particle - /iwa/ 'well' is the reinforcing particle in Moroccan Arabic. Its occurrence is as frequent as English "well" in the corresponding translations below. iwa ml:i uftu kan kayakul Well, when I saw him, he was eating. iwa , had ~:i ma kan Well, that is it. Root - A term used for the core of a word in Arabic and in other Afro- Asiatic languages (q.v.). Most Moroccan words consist of a tri- consonantal (c.f. also triradical and triliteral (q.v.)) root. Biradical (also biliteral) roots are less frequent and consist of two consonants. Roots with four consonants (quadriliteral or quadriradical) occur in Moroccan Arabic but rarely. A root usually I I 180 occurs in patterns (q.v.). A pattern can be either vocalic and/or consonantal. The root normally has a certain meaning attached to it. The basic meaning of the root is modified by the pattern. Examples: 1. (the root/srq/has the concept of 'theft, stealing, robbing') srq to steal srqa theft srqat thefts sarq stealing msruq stolen (notice the/rm-/here is a non-root consonant; it belongs to the pattern) sr:aq thief, robber 2. (the root/hb:/has the concept of 'love, friendship') hb: to love hub: love (romantic) mhb:a affection, close friendship 3. (the root/tim/has the concept of 'translation') trzmna we translated trzama translation Semitic - A family of languages constituting a branch of the Afro-Asiatic (q.v.) language stock. It includes Akkadian, Arabic, Hebrew, Ethiopic, Aramaic and Ugaritic sharing certain common characteristics; e.g. a root (q.v.) and pattern (q.v.) structure, a set of derived verb forms, a set of back consonants /q x Yh T/, a set of emphatic (q.v.) consonants (e.g. / d s/), a tense formed by prefixation and another by suffixation, grammatical gender, feminine formative /t/ ,two-way plural noun formation: Sound plural (q.v.) and Broken plural (q.v.). The adjective "Semitic" was brought into use by A. L. Schlozer in 1781 on the basis of Genesis X and XI. Before Schlozer, the Semitic languages were referred to as "Oriental languages". Sound Plural - A plural formed from the singular by the addition of a suffix without any changes, i.e. singular + /-in/ (mp), singular + /-at/ (fp) mzyan (ms), mzyanin (mp), mzyana (fs), mzyanat (fp) good, nice I 181 Stem - A stem is a root (q.v.) in combination with a pattern (q.v.), to which inflections (q.v.) are added. Strong Stem - A verb stem whose radicals (q.v.) are all consonants, e.g. /ktb/ 'to write', /tram/ 'to translate', /hb:/ 'to love'. Superlative - See Comparative. I Tenseness - A tense (also fortis) consonant in general is produced with more force than its lax (also lenis) counterpart. Tense here refers to two identical consonants with no intervening vowel pronounced with stronger articulation and greater tension on the muscles of I the articulator and, usually, aspiration. Lax refers to a single consonant pronounced with lesser muscle tension and weaker, laxer articulation. I A tense consonant has precisely twice the duration of a single consonant. The intensity and aspiration (q.v.) which are characteristic of the tense consonants give them a syllabic quality (i.e. maximum degree of sonority in the syllable) so that tense /b:/ is heard as / bb/ or /ebb/. Triradical Stem - (also triliteral) A stem (q.v.) having three consti- I tuent radicals (q.v.), e.g. /ktb/ 'to write', /baT/ 'to sell', /mia/ 'to go', /wr:a/ 'to show'. Velarized - See Emphatic. I Verb - In Moroccan Arabic, verbs are classified and discussed in terms of ten forms, of which Form I is referred to as Basic Form (q.v.) and Forms II - X are referred to as "Derived Forms" (q.v.). U Another major dimension involved in the discussion of verbs in Moroccan Arabic is Sound (q.v.) vs. Weak (q.v.). The third major dimension is triradical (q.v.), quadriradical (q.v.) or biradical (q.v.) and doubled. Following are examples of verbs in Moroccan Arabic: I I I 182 a) Sound Trir of derivat Form Basic Derived -adical :ions) Form (this is the richest group of verbs in terms I ktb II TI:m III sawb IV arsI V tsl :m VI tsawb VII thrq _ t'hrgq t- nhrq VIII htarm IX hmar X stTmI to to to to to to to to to to write teach fix send (RARE) learn be fixed be burned respect become red use ClC2C3 C1C2 :C3 C1aC2C3 C1 aC 2C3 aC1C2C3 tC1C2 :C3 tC1aC2C3 tCIC2C3 tcl1c 2 c3 t :C1C2C3 nC1 C2C3 C1taC2C3 C1C2aC3 stC1C2C3 b) Medial Weak Form Basic I baT (i) qal (u) xaf (a) Derived (Examples) I by:T xw: f V tky:I txw: d VII tba T to to to to to to to to sell say be afraid cause to sell cause to be afraid be measured (e.g. grain) be made muddy be sold I I I 183 c) Final Weak Form I Basic mia (i) xda (*u) bqa (a) to to to go take remain Derived (Examples) II m :a to III laqa to V tm9:a to X stTfa to give a walk meet meet (reciprocal) resign d) Doubled and B Form I hb: dq: iradical to love (doubled) (-u-) to knock (doubled) ((-u-) refers to the vowel of the imperfect and the imperative, e.g. /dq:/ 'he knocked', /kayduq:/ 'he knocks', /duq:/ 'knock!'. thb: to be loved d:q: (