BP 528 094 HEAR IS M 839.525 XX OFLIGION NICKER THAN OUTLINES OF STUDY OF THE ANCIENT WISDOM. Outline I The Constitution of Man and his Worlds, and their relations to each other. Outline II Reincarnation and the Laws of Growth. Outline III. The Science of the Soul. THEOSOPHICAL BOOK CONCERN 26 Van Buren Street CHICAGO Mas ARTES 1817 VERITAS LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN KAPLURIBUS UMUM TUEBOR SCIENTIA OF THE 31-QUÆRIS-PENINSULAM-AMŒENAM. CIRCUMSPICE DAIKTAI O FATO DELIVE ! THE GIFT OF FUARUUSAA Prof.George A.Morely Wr 1 | Dift Profeson Denge а дпавед 14-193200 し LIST OF Reference Books Used with Outline I. Occult Chemistry. Seven Principles of Man. Man and His Bodies. The Astral Plane. Death and After. The Devachanic Plane. Birth and Evolution of the Soul. Some Problems of Life. Reference Books Used with Outline II. REFERENCE BOOKS. The Evolution of Life and Form. Secret Doctrine, Vols. I and II. The Christian Creed. Esoteric Christianity. The Building of the Kosmos. The Self and its Sheaths. The Growth of the Soul. Theosophist and Theos. Review. Thought Power. The Science of the Emotions. Man and His Bodies. The Path of Discipleship. The Evolution of Consciousness. Building of the Kosmos. Christian Creed. Esoteric Christianity. Four Great Religions. Avataras. Bhagavad Gita. World Mystery. Iamblichus. Karma. Reference Books Used with Outline III. Reincarnation. The Devachanic Plane. Our Relation to Children. Dharma. Invisible Helpers. In the Outer Court. "Planetary Chains" Lectures. London Lodge Transactions. Key to Theosophy. Fragments of a Faith Forgotten. Secret Doctrine, Vols. I and II. The Beginnings of the 5th Race. The Science of the Emotions. In the Outer Court. The Voice of the Silence. The Three Paths. Doctrine of the Heart. Clairvoyance. Man's Place in the Universe. Invisible Helpers. 2 OUTLINES OF THEOSOPHICAL STUDY ISSUED BY A COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN AMERICA, AT ITS ELEVENTH ANNUAL CONVENTION HELD IN CHICAGO, JUNE 27, 1897. PREFACE. These outlines are designed to aid Lodges of the T. S. and earnest members to follow a systematic and con- secutive course of study, by which they may master the main principles of Theosophy. The text-book to be used is the Ancient Wisdom. The subject-matter of the book is divided into three outlines. Outline I covering the first six chapters, relates to "the Constitution of Man and his worlds, and their relation to each other.” Outline II includes "Reincarnation and the laws of growth." Outline III applies to the last three chapters. and deals with "the Science of the Soul." Each course is complete in itself and is intended to cover the subjects dealt with, although subsequent study may fill in many details. The illustrative readings guide the student to details given in other books. The object of this method is that students may gain a broad and comprehensive understanding of the phil- osophy by comparative study from the standpoint of different writers. The higher synthetic view thus gained will disclose a perfect harmony underlying the whole. KATE BUFFINGTON Davis, MAUDE L. HOWARD, MARY WEEKS BURNETT, Approved: with Mrs. Annie Besant as Consulting Member. ANNIE BEsant. Committee, 4 OUTLINE I. The Constitution of Man and His Worlds and Their Relation to Each Other. TEXT BOOK. THE ANCIENT WISDOM. INTRODUCTION. This should be read, but the closer study of comparative religion may be left until the main principles of Theosophy are grasped, and the student thus obtains a test whereby he may distinguish between the essential and the non-essential. CHAPTER I. THE PHYSICAL PLANE.* Read 5 pages to "the labyrinth of facts." A diagram should be drawn of the seven planes; (see p. 82, "The Seven Principles of Man,") ignoring for the present the technical names showing the functioning of Atmâ, etc. The atom should be drawn on each plane, its outer wall having a different color on each plane, and the inner coatings being shown. The diagram of the seven planes should be used through all the outlines. Notice the fact that there are three waves of evolu- tion, each with its own work. * Owing to changes in the paging of later editions we cannot conveniently give pages in the Ancient Wisdom, but the method adopted will, we hope, sufficiently indicate the parts to be read. 5 Read 4 pages to, "most varied conditions." The most vital point is the existence of the seven conditions of matter on each plane. The plate should be reproduced on the blackboard, and the breaking up process studied. Notice the definition of "a plane." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The article on "Occult Chemistry," Lucifer, Nov. 1895. Any well illustrated article on crystallurgy in a good encyclopædia or work on chemistry. Read to end of Chap. I. Note that the dense and etheric parts of the physical body are really one vehicle for use on the physical plane, and that Prâna plays through the etheric double on the dense body. See physical plane in diagram, p. 32, The Seven Principles of Man. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 5-16. Man and his Bodies, pp. 9-35. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. I.* I. What is evolution and what its guarantee? How does God manifest Himself? 2. 3. Describe the formation of the matter of the universe in planes. 4. What is a plane? 5. Is any matter "dead"? if not, why not? 6. What are the first and second life waves and what does each do? 7. What are the subdivisions of matter on a plane? What are the two main divisions of man's physi- cal body? Of what materials is each composed? 8. * The questions and the illustrative readings are each based on the text-book and not on each other. 6 How is the body built up and how may it be 9. purified? IO. What part of the body receives electric vibra- tions? II. What is Prâna and what its vehicle? 12. How is the mould of the physical body formed, and how is the latter constructed? CHAPTER II. THE ASTRAL PLANE. Read 8 pages to, "but not understood." Grasp clearly the meaning of the term "elemental essence," and the nature of "artificial elementals." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Astral Plane, pp. 47, "the ele- mental essence," to p. 55, O. Ed.; N. Ed. 65-75; pp. 67-77 O. Ed. N. Ed. 88-98, "65 million human lives." Read 5 pages to "poor relations." Note these classes of non-human astral entities, so as to realize that the astral plane is a world with its own normal population. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Astral Plane, pp. 56-62 O. Ed., N. Ed. 76-81, "of the kind at all." Read 3 pages to "the coming earth life." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Astral Plane, pp. 19-23, O. Ed., N. Ed. 29-31, "now known on earth." Seven Principles of Man, pp. 47-48, "from a living person." Read 7 pages to "invisible world." It is very important that the student should understand clearly the composi- tion and working of the astral body during physical life. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 17-19, "on the physical plane." Man and his Bodies, pp. 41 (as to the constitution)-50 to "fulfilling his wish." Read to end of Chap. II. Study diagram on pp 7 82-84 in Seven Principles of Man, the astral and physical planes, noticing the different divisions where the "princi- ples" are taken. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 1 (last line)—4, and pp. 22-24. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. II. I. How is a bridge made between the physical and astral planes by the atom of the physical? 2. What are the general characteristics of astral matter? 3. Explain "elemental essence," and describe an "elemental." 4. What is an "artificial elemental," and how do such beings affect our thoughts? 5. What is the work of "desire elementals"? 6. What is man's responsibility towards the ele- mental kingdoms? 7. Describe severally the astral body of an un- developed soul, an average one, and an advanced. 8. How is the evolution of the astral body quick- ened? 9. Explain the functions of the astral body in con- necting consciousness with the physical brain. 10. Describe the classes of the population of the astral world. II. What parts of man's consciousness find ex- pression through the astral body? I2. What is "going to sleep"? 8 CHAPTER III. KAMALOKA. Read 8½ pages to, "deliver us." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Astral Plane, pp. 25 ("The ordinary person")-35, O. Ed., N. Ed. 31-41, pp. 38-41 O. Ed., N. Ed. 55-57, to "contribution by them." Man and his Bodies, 56("if we follow") -58 "loftier regions." Death and After, pp. 15 (the fate of the body)— to 46 O. Ed., N. Ed. 14-43 "to destruction." Read to end of Chap. III. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 19 ("after death the higher")-21, and pp. 42, 43. The Astral Plane, PP. 33 (last line)-38 O. Ed., N. Ed. 42-55 to "better to avoid it." QUESTIONS ON CHAP. III. I. On what plane is Kâmaloka? What does it in- clude in the nomenclature of religions? 2. Describe the departure of the man from his dense physical body. 3. Why should perfect quiet surround the death- bed? 4. What becomes of the dense body, the etheric double, and Prâna? 5. What rearrangement of the astral body occurs after death? 6. What governs the length of the man's stay in each division of Kâmaloka, and in what do the condi- tions of the spiritually advanced and the average man differ? 7. What is the effect of death by violence? 8. Describe the seven subdivisions according to their inhabitants. 9. How can those in Kâmaloka be helped by their friends on earth? 10. Define a "shell," a "shade," a "spook" an "ele- mentary." 9 CHAPTER IV. THE MENTAL PLANE. Read 7 pages to, "limitations of forms." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Devachanic Plane, pp. 10-26 O. Ed., N. Ed. 12-28 to "with the idea." Birth and Evolution of the Soul, pp. 42 ("as to the way") to 46 to "he will have to live." Read 5 pages to "eyes be blind." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Astral Plane, pp. 62 (The Devas) —65 O. Ed., N. Ed. 82-85, “on the astral plane." The Devachanic Plane, pp. 29 ("the embodied")—33 O. Ed., N. Ed. 31-35, pp. 74-86 O. Ed., N. Ed. 76-87. The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 48 ("a higher form") 49, "body of illusion." Man and his Bodies, 83 ("temporary bodies")-84. Read 9 pages to "faculties of the pupil." ILLUSTRATIVE "results from them." Read 5 pages to "in every sheath.” ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Man and his Bodies, pp. 75 (the causal body)-81. Birth and Evolution of the Soul, pp. 13 (“Now for a moment")-30. The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 49 ("The higher Manas")-58. Read to end of Chap. IV. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: READINGS: Man and his Bodies, pp. 62-75, to Ĥ QUESTIONS ON CHAP. IV. 1. What is Manas, and whence derived? 2. How does he show himself on the physical The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 24-40. plane? plane? 3. How are the subdivisions of the mental plane grouped? 4. What are the characteristics of the mental IO 5. What beings are met there? 6. What governs the place of the Thinker in the Arupa world? 7. How do the vibrations from the Thinker build the mental body? 8. Describe the three types of mental body. 9. Why is a savage often worse than a brute? Describe the birth of the causal body. IO. II. How much of our earth-life helps its growth? 12. What are the illusory "I's" in man? 13. Define clearly the terms "higher" and "lower" Manas. What is genius? CHAPTER V. DEVACHAN. Read II pages to, "chapters on reincarnation." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Devachanic Plane, pp. 33 ("The disembodied")-46 O. Ed., N. Ed. 35-41 to "donor and recipient." Death and After, pp. 46-65 O. Ed., N. Ed. 43-61, to "illimitable past." Read 5 pages to "that high realm.” ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Devachanic Plane, pp. 7 ("a beau- tiful description")-10 O. Ed., N. Ed. 9-12, pp. 48 ("seventh sub- plane")-65 O. Ed., N. Ed. 42-68. Note that in this book the lowest plane is called the seventh, and the highest the first. Read 5 pages to "falls to pieces." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: sub-plane)-73 O. Ed., N. Ed. 79-87. Read to end of Chap. V. The Devachanic Plane, pp. 65 (third ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Birth and Evolution of the Soul, pp. 31-37, to "directed by appetite." II QUESTIONS ON CHAP. V. I. What relation have the illusions of the physical and of the devachanic planes to Reality, and which plane is the more real? 2. What conditions the state of the man in Dev- achan? 3. With what other persons does a man in Devachan come into contact? 4. How is the thinker employed in Devachan? 5. Sketch the progress of successive devachanic. experiences to a developing soul. 6. What are the two great stages in devachanic. life, what vehicles are used in each respectively, and what determines the length of each? 7. Describe definitely the causes in earth life, the heavenly experiences, and the results on a future in- carnation, of life on each of the seven levels of Devachan. 8. What are the "Three Worlds"? 9. How is a fresh life-cycle begun, when the devachanic life is over? IO. 10. Define accurately the "personality" and the “individuality.” CHAPTER VI. THE BUDDHIC AND NIRVANIC PLANES. Read 5 pages to, "destructive of all pain." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Man and his Bodies, pp. 82, 83, to “in- nermost self.' Read 2 pages. 12 İLLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Death and After, pp. 67 (Nirvana) 68 O. Ed., N. Ed. 63, 64, to "back into action. ' Read 4 pages. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Some Problems of Life, pp. 68-71. Read to end of Chap. VI. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Seven Principles of Man, pp. 59-70 to "at a given period." QUESTIONS ON CHAP. VI. I. What is the human Monad? distinguish between this and (a) the Monad of spirit-matter, (b) the Monad of form. 2. what order are they developed in man? What are the three aspects of the LOGOS, and in 3. Give and explain the Theosophical name of the bliss-aspect. 4. How is the bliss-body formed? 5. What is the characteristic of the buddhic plane? 6. With what aspect in the human Monad is the fifth plane connected? 7. Does the individual perish? 8. Where is the foundation of brotherhood? 9. In In what part of man does "separateness" reside? 10. Why is brotherhood the one obligation in the Theosophical Society? 11. Distinguish between the Self and the forms in which it clothes itself, and relate the "principles" to the Self and its forms. END OF OUTLINE I. · 13 OUTLINE II. Reincarnation and the Laws of Growth. CHAPTER VII. REINCARNATION. Read about 5% pages to "and the sage." Note that Reincarnation is a universal principle in nature. Vital points are: (1) That the Monad (which is a fragment of the life of the Logos) has the power in itself to become responsive to all vibrations; (2), that con- tinuity of life and of form is a law in evolution; (3) that the Monad is the continuing substratum. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Evolution of Consciousness. Theosophical Review, July, 1902, p. 451. Esoteric Christianity, pp. 206-8. References under "Monad," in Secret Doctrine. "Studies in the Secret Doctrine," by Mrs. Cooper-Oakley and A. M. Glass. Evolution of Life and Form, pp. 12-16, pp. 126-133. Read about 8½ pages to "reception of the human Monad." Notice the development of the personality in the passage of the Monad through the lower kingdoms. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Study "Axes of Growth," under Building of the Kosmos, pp. 39-40. The Evolution of Consciousness, Theosophical Review, July 1902, p.453. Evolution of Life and Form, pp. 134-8. Study "Causal Body Building," under second lecture on "Planetary Chains." The Self and its Sheaths, pp. 19-20. Evolution of Life and Form, pp. 143-44. Read about 4½ pages to "progress was made." Study how the life spark enters into and is encased by the form germ, the Causal body material. The human Monad comes into its sheath as a tenant and thus the individ- uality begins. - ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Christian Creed, pp. 34-6, pp. 40-43. Birth and Evolution of the Soul, pp. 16-21. Also, see diagrams in "Building of the Individual" Prasnottara, Benares, India, Aug. 1899. Thought 14 Power, pp. 2-8. Science of the Emotions, 19-22. The Self and its Sheaths 14-20. Read about 5 pages to "of a Buddha or a Christ.' For human beings evolution is individual. Notice the logical necessity for Reincarnation. "Without continuity in physical plasm * ** no means for the evolution in mental and moral faculties." In man the causal body is the continuing substratum or entity. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Evolution of Life and Form, pp. 101- 110, pp. 144-5. Thought Power, pp. 25-6-also Chap. 4. Man and his Bodies, 76-81. The Devachanic Plane, N. Ed., 80-83. Read to end of chapter. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS. Growth of the Soul, pp. 206-212. Evo- lution of Life and Form, pp. 41-82. Our Relation to Children, C. W. Lead- beater. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. VII. I. Is Reincarnation a universal principle? Cite proofs. 2. Describe the Monad of form. 3. What fundamental ideas underlie all evolution? How does Theosophy explain Heredity? 4. 5. What governs the supply of Monads? 6. Describe the starting and the journey of the Monad to the point of its reincarnation in the physical plane. 7. How does it climb from lower to higher king- doms? 8. How does personality evolve? 9. Show how life and form are united in the human Monad. IO. How does the difference in mental and moral capacity in human beings arise? 15 II. How were the seeds of mind germinated and builded? 12. What makes these laws of persistent growth. possible? 13. Why cannot evolution be studied in men in the mass? 14. Describe the process of return of the Thinker to earth life. 15. Illustrate importance of teaching Reincarnation to children. CHAPTER VIII. Read about 9 pages to "Pharisees and Scribes." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Dharma, pp. 30-46. Science of the Emotions, pp. 162-167, p. 171. Theosophist, July, 1900, p. 592. REINCARNATION. Read about 9½ pages, to "of his love." Note that the consciousness is described as an evolving entity, and also, that the matter of the three sheaths is subject to evolution. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Evolution of Life and Form, pp. 121-2, 143-153. Thought Power, Chap. 6. Read about 6 pages to "has to teach." Note that if reincarnation is not true, predestination is the only al- ternative. Preparation is necessary for study on the super-physical planes. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: In the Outer Court, pp. 20-37. Growth of the Soul, pp. 365-378. Invisible Helpers, Chap. 14. Read to end of Chapter 8. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Reincarnation, pp. 48-66. Obscure problems of Karma and rebirth, L. L. Trans., No. 36, April, 1902. 16 This Illustrative Reading belongs under, "Read to end of chap. 10." on page 20, just QUESTIONS ON CHAP. VIII. I. Why should we carefully study the ascending stages of consciousness? 2. How do these stages prove Reincarnation? Describe the essential faculties evolved in the first and second stages. 3. 4. What is the difference between will and desire, and how are they related to the building of conscience? 5. What is "the problem to be solved in humanity"? 6. Describe the expansion of consciousness in the third stage. 7. What changes occur in the Thinker when he reaches the fourth stage of consciousness? 8. What is the difference between "ordinary use" of the bodies and the "quickening" of them? 9. Describe the process of quickening of the four bodies. How is the physical body prepared for receiving the vibrations of the higher consciousness? II. Show how genius, family traits, etc., are to be accounted for. IO. 12. How can one recall his past lives? 13. Why is Reincarnation the ladder to Divinity? ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Path of Discipleship, 89-106. Science of the Emotions, pp. 167-71. Esoteric Christianity, pp. 184-191. The Chris- tian Creed, pp. 84-5. In the Outer Court, pp. 112-113. Four Great Re- ligions, pp. 45-9. CHAPTER IX. Read 5 pages to "whence they emerged." Note that in each ones field of influence his own forces work in curves and return to him again. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Shri Rama Chandra, pp. 167-8 to “that law is themselves." The Story of the Great War, pp. 236-8. The Self and KARMA. 17 its Sheaths, pp. 61-66. Key to Theosophy, Chap. XI. "Studies in the Bhagavad Gita," pp. 23, 24, 29, 30. Karma, pp. 5, 33. Read 9 pages to "every force works on its own plane." Subdivisions: (1) Three classes of energies; each gives rise to different effects. (2) Distinguish between their effect on the man who generates them, and on others. who come under his influence. (3) Every force works on its own plane and reacts on the planes below in pro- portion to its intensity. (4) Distinguish between the three kinds of karma. (5) Each man relates himself by karma to family, nation, race, world, and shares with them. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Man and his Bodies, p. 109. Karma 42, PP. 50-54. The Key to Theosophy, Chap. 8 from "Reward and Pun- ishment of the Ego," to end of Chapter. Karma, London Lodge Trans. No. 34, Nov., 1899. Theosophist, Aug. 1902, pp. 654-6. Read 10 pages to "be rid of it forevermore." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Growth of the Soul, Chap. 5. Frag- ments of a Faith Forgotten, pp. 266-7, p. 301, pp. 399-402, pp. 496-506. Theosophist, Oct., 1901, pp. 29-30. Read to end of Chapter 9. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Some Problems of Life, pp. 97-9. In the Outer Court, Chapter 4. Esoteric Christianity, PP. 304-321. Thought Power, p. 127. Yoga-Vasishta, p. 303. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. IX. I. 2. 3. destiny? 4. 5. 6. Define Karma. Give a scientific illustration of this law. How only can a man become master of his own How are Karmic results established? Describe the three great classes of energies. How is Karma made by thought, and by desire? 7. How do the three classes of energies react upon ourselves and others? 18 8. Cite proofs of the law that "every force works on its own plane." 9. Describe "Ripe," "Accumulated" and "Collec- tive" Karma. IO. II. What is the work of the Lords of Karma? What is the binding element in Karma? How does the soul exhaust its Karma? 12. 13. How can a nation secure calm and contentment? END OF OUTLINE II. i9 OUTLINE III. The Science of the Soul. CHAPTER X. THE LAW OF SACRIFICE. Read 3½ pages to "divine life in every form." Po- tentially we are of the essence of the first Logos, and in this essence exists "the triple aspect of Will, Wisdom and Activity." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Christian Creed, p. 57-8. Esoteric Christianity, 200-209. Iamblichus, p. 249, “The Sacred Law of Sacrifices is connected with the order of the Gods." Read 8½ pages to "desirable object to himself." Life identifies with the clinging form, and separation causes pain. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Bhagavad Gita, 5th Discourse, V. 22. Science of the Emotions, pp. 123-4. World Mystery, pp. 146-8, to "all be one with them." Path of Discipleship, pp. 19-40. The Evolution of Consciousness, Theosophical Review, Sept., 1902. Read to end of Chapter 10. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. X. I. What is the essence of sacrifice? 2. Why is an understanding of this law the first step in the science of the soul? 3. How is the primal sacrifice of the Logos related to the birth of beings? What is the nature of life when in action? Give statement of the nature of matter when in 4. 5. motion. 6. Why is the idea of sacrifice associated with suffering? & 7. How does suffering aid in evolution? 20 ¦ 1 : י 8. Why does sacrifice differ in action in human and lower kingdoms? 9. Describe the steps by which men learn the joyful nature of sacrifice. How does a full recognition of this law affect a IO. soul? II. 12. How does a Saviour become? Describe the methods for rapid progress. CHAPTER XI. MAN'S ASCENT. Read 5½ pages to "given to the soul." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: In the Outer Court, pp. 9-18 "human forms" Esoteric Christianity, pp. 311-321. The Growth of the Soul, pp. 401-5. The Voice of the Silence-"Fragment 2" Self and its Sheaths, pp. 84-6. Read 6½ pages to "however modest and lowly degree." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: "Notes" on Light on the Path. The Growth of the Soul, pp. 406-422. The Three Paths, pp. 34-8. In- visible Helpers, Chap. 15. Doctrine of the Heart, pp. 7-15, p. 71. Read six pages to "the man is perfect, is free." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: London Lodge Trans., No. 36, April, 1902, pp. 27-8. The Devachanic Plane, N. Ed., pp. 73-6. Invisible Helpers, Chap. 16. Read to end of Chapter. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: The Path of Discipleship. pp. 107-111, Growth of the Soul, Chap. XI. Voice of the Silence, from "Know con- querer of Sins" to end of the book. QUESTIONS ON CHAP. XI. I. What is man's ascent? 2. How does the soul of the savage differ from the soul of the Divine man? 21 3. What are the two paths, and how are they reached? 4. Who helps the ascending soul, and how? 5. Give the qualifications necessary for entering the path. 6. Why are we given an opportunity to renounce Devachan? 7. What are the conditions of entrance to each of the four initiations? 8. Describe the growth of the soul in each stage. 9. What mighty renunciation is made by a master of wisdom for us? IO. How does the master uplift humanity? CHAPTER XII. BUILDING A KOSMOS. Read five pages to "as we shall see." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Study references in The Secret Doctrine, Vols. I and 2 under Kosmos, Logos and Atoms. The Evo- lution of Life and Form, pp. 19-30. Clairvoyance, Chap. VIII (Akashic Records.) Introduction to Story of Atlantis. Correspondence on Atoms Theosophical Review, Am. Ed., March, 1899. The Building of the Kosmos Chaps. I and II. Read five pages to "into meteoric dust." ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Study 12th Chapter references to Secret Doctrine. Man's Place in the Universe, Chapters 2 and 3. The Story of Atlantis, pp. 68-9. Planetary Chains Lectures. Read to end of book. ILLUSTRATIVE READINGS: Lunar Pitris, L. L. Transaction. Man's Place in the Universe, Chap. 4. Planetary Chains Lectures. The Path of Discipleship, last chapter. Avataras, pp. 86-92. 22 ¿ QUESTIONS ON CHAP. XII. 1. What is a Kosmos? I. 2. To whom do we owe great gratitude for a Kosmic philosophy? 3. How is our Kosmos born? 4. Who are the co-workers of the Logos, and how do they work? 5. Describe the seven-fold character of our Kosmos. 6. What is the source of all forms? 7. What idea is involved in "atoms change their combining equivalents on every planet"? 8. Describe the work of the planetary Logos. 9. Illustrate a planetary chain. 10. II. 12. Describe the work of the builders. How has the Venus evolution benefitted us? What constitutes a perfected man on this globe? END OF OUTLINE III. 23 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 01211 5351