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W | | 2 d§i . §& - º N % % # *- -.. º:.:g ºº..º --r.*: - -‘. %. º \ \ º º º # ɺ 3: gSº * # ; # - - D, . J. L. G. D." D.J. J. J. Jº-Jº. I. D. Jº |- 74% , /36 4%.2 ń 24. 2% ºf T 2. ~~~~~ 2. zz \ 2%.2% *gº 2%.” - - º º º - E N S A M P L E S R A T L W A Y M A K I N G : WHICH, ALTHOUGH NOT OF ENGLISH PRACTICE, . ARE SUBMITTED, WITH P R A CTIC A. L I L L U S T R AT I O N S, THE CIVIL ENGINEER, AND , T H E BRIT IS H AND IRISH P UBL I C. #LOnly On : ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, 59, HIGH HOLBORN. MTDCCCXLIII. PRINTED BY W. HUGHES, KING's HEAD courtT, GOUGH square. TO S I R T H O M AS DE AN E, &c., &c., &c., OF THE CITY OF coºk. WHOSE ENERGIES HAVE BEEN ZEALOUSLY AND LAUDABLY DIRECTED TO (The impriſement uſ big £atińe Country, THIS VOLUME IS INSCRIBED, WITH GREAT ESTEEM, BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, JOHN WEALE. 309386 AD VERTISE MIENT, To Mr. R. F. Ish ERwood, C. E., of New York, I am indebted for his liberal contribution of a scientific description of the mechanical works on the UTICA and SYRAcuse RAILROAD, which is here presented as a valuable and practical illustration of the more economical system of railway construction recently adopted in the United States. The latter portion of this volume, which is devoted to an historical, statistical, and scientific account of the RAILWAYs of BELGIUM in 1842, has been no less obligingly contributed by Mr. E. Do BSON, an enterprising and talented young engineer, who has qualified himself for employment in this particular branch of his profession, and gratuitously bestowed much of his time in bringing before the Public useful and valuable information on this subject, together with some comparative vi º ADVERTISEMENT. estimates of the cost of railway construction in this and other countries, whiáh I have inserted in the second chapter of the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONs. J. W. 59, HIGH Holborn, LoNDoN, JAN. 5, 1843. ILLUSTRATIONs. Pont du Val-Benoît, Liége . . de . Frontispiece. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS, Sketch of the proposed Hastings and Rye Railroad, to join the South-Eastern line e t * ſº ... page xiv. Sketch of Mr. Stephenson's proposed French lines, in com- munication with the South-Eastern * £5. American locomotive engine, now employed on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad for luggage trains, at a speed of from 15 to 20 miles per hour ACX Reduced view of an American excavating machine (in p. xxiii.) UTICA AND SYRAGUSE RAILROAD. I. Isometrical projections of timber bridges on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad—spans of 40 and 30 feet . 9 II. Do.—span of 60 feet . 13 III. Elevation, plan, section, &c.—span of 88 feet . . 15 III". Do.—span of 88 feet ib. IV. Do.—span of 84 feet 19 IV*. Isometrical projection—span of 82 feet ib. V. Do. of an abutment for a bridge of 82 feet span over the Oneida Creek . e * * * & & . 23 VI. Do. of a trestle bridge over the Oneida Creek Valley—60 spans of 29 feet each . 25 VII. Elevation of span of 100 feet - 30 VII*. Geometrical section and plan, and isometrical projection of truss, &c. ió. viii ILLUSTRATIONS. VIII. IX. XI. XIa. XII. XIIa. XIII. XIIIa. XIV. XXV. XXVI. Isometrical projection of a trestle bridge over the Onondaga Creek and Valley—20 spans of 30 feet each Details of the carpentry and joinery of American timber bridges Perspective view of a pile-driving steam engine . Isometrical projection of superstructure for pile road . Do. of iron plate, showing the manner of joining with an end plate beneath the joints—isometrical projections of single and double knees—cross section of superstructure for pile and graded roads—details of superstructure, &c. Isometrical projection of superstructure for graded road Crossing plates for railroad Do. tº • Branch plates for railroad Culvert for do. º º e * Viaduct constructed under the Erie Canal, at Lodi RAILWAYS OF BIFL GIU M. Sections of the Belgian Railway Section of the Vesdre Railway ToGETHER MAKING TwenTY-EIGHT ENGRAVINGs. ^ PAGE 36 42 46 48 ib. £b. 57 £b. 58 ib. 63 40 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. PART I. It is the object of this publication to introduce to the notice of professional engineers, and to the commercial and trading classes, the leading principles of a system of railway construction which — more especially so far as the first portion of the volume extends — has not been practised in Great Britain or Ireland, or as yet been sufficiently explained to lead to its adoption by those most interested in the subject. The railways of Great Britain are doubtless lasting monuments of the professional skill of those agencies which have been employed in their construction," and | Among the various instances of professional devotion which railway engineers have from time to time given to particular objects, may be instanced the extraordinary enterprise and industry of the late Mr. William James, the projector of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, who first surveyed the line: this gentleman, at his own cost, actually surveyed 800 miles of railway projected by himself, several of which lines he lived to see carried out, but in which, alas ! he had no further advantage than the honour of having been the originator. One of the last lines thus surveyed by him, and recently accomplished, is the London and Brighton Railway, 28 miles of which actually run over the b ii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. sufficiently attest the liberality of those who promptly responded to the call for improvements of such vast extent, by which the interests of a considerable portion of the community have been greatly advanced; but it must nevertheless be worthy of consideration, now that the recent—and it is hoped by-gone—state of com- mercial affairs has given time for reflection, whether other interests have not been compromised by the con- sequent divergence of capital from the many other objects on which it had previously been employed. It is needless to advert at any length to the advantages resulting from railway communication: it forms an important branch of political economy, and consequently a still further extension of the means of more rapid transit than we formerly possessed must of necessity be required. It therefore becomes a question at the present moment, how far past experience, coupled with a diligent search into the principles of railway construction adopted by others, may be turned to such uses in our own country, and at the same time remove many of the well- grounded objections which have been urged against the expenditure of such immense sums of money in this particular class of employment, to the prejudice of other interests which connectedly require assistance of a similar nature.” ground which Mr. James elaborately surveyed in the year 1812; his London terminus being at the Surrey foot of Waterloo bridge, then in the course of construction. * “On reviewing the causes of the excesses in the cost of railways, we must not omit to place in a prominent position the extortionate demands of the proprietors of land, not merely for the ground required PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. iii Having now struggled through perils of a recent date, it may be reasonably expected that these necessities will become apparent; and if it can be clearly shown and sub- stantiated by facts, as well as by reference to existing examples, that so desirable an object is capable of attain- ment by more economical means than have as yet been resorted to, it will probably be found that the inhabitants of many considerable and influential towns are ready to bestir themselves, and willing to embrace an oppor- tunity of redeeming some of those advantages of which they have been deprived.” Ireland, an integral part of the empire, needs, from her high physical capabilities and her increasing re- by the railway, but, as they urge, compensation for the injury both to their feelings and property incident upon the introduction of an improved mode of locomotion to their neighbourhood. “These observations, by inviting to an impartial examination of past experience as recorded in railway accounts, are not made solely with the view of defending engineers against the obloquy which is now so indis- criminately cast upon the profession by those whose study of such matters has been but cursory or prejudiced, but also for the purpose of showing that the excess of the actual over the calculated cost does not arise so much from errors in estimate, properly so called, as from the entire omission of items which either do not come within the scope of precise calculation, or are regarded as foreign to a simple estimate of construction.”—Report very recently addressed to the Chairman and Directors of the South-Eastern Railway Company, by Robert Stephen- son, Esq., C. E., on the French Lines (not published), p. 22, 4to. - * “I have held it to be of the utmost consequence to consider economy in the original construction as absolutely essential, to render the formation of these lines successful in a commercial point of view. I have esteemed it also nationally a matter of importance.”— Mr. Ste- phenson's Report on the French Lines, p. 17. iv. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Sources, a still greater share of attention with reference to the improved mode of transit ; for in this respect she has been almost neglected. The Report of the Com- missioners appointed by the late Government” contained statements which, although they led to no practical result, proved that railway constructions, under modified arrangements, might produce important advantages to that extensive and populous country. In Ireland there are many thousand square miles of bog-land; but even these present no insuperable ob- stacles to railway constructions, although the subject has for many years occupied the attention of scientific men, and of the possessors of property in those districts. On the line of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway, similar difficulties at first presented themselves with re- spect to Chat-Moss;' but when dire necessity urged its 4 See Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire into the manner in which Railway Communication can be advantageously promoted in Ireland. 8vo. London, Clowes, 1838. * It is not a little remarkable, in speaking of the difficulties which have been overcome in this branch of railway engineering, that the first instance of an exploratory survey of land of the character of Chat-Moss should have occurred at that place, and that it should up to this day have remained unknown to the profession; that it was first crossed by the original projector of the railway, Mr. William James, who, from the practical impossibility of otherwise surveying it, owing to the extremely soft nature of the soil, was obliged to lay flat on its surface, his entire length, and, rolling over and over, thus explored that portion of the line known as Chat-Moss. In this novel and dangerous enterprise he was followed by Mr. Robert Stephenson, who, adopting of necessity the only means which offered itself of accompanying the ingenious and enterprising projector of the railway, actually followed Mr. James's expedient, and thus had the satisfaction, at the outset of his professional ~~ PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. V. amelioration, these difficulties were overcome, the railway was made to pass over it, and its immediate vicinity soon became richly cultivated. It may therefore be reasonably hoped that some of the bogs of Ireland may yet be made available to the purposes of railway construction by an extensive and persevering system of piling, an example of which will be found in the description of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad, in the United States. A reference to the map of Ireland will at once show the commercial and general advantages which might be expected to arise from the construction of a railway between the cities of Cork and Dublin, thus connecting the former with Limerick, Clonmel, Waterford, Kil- kenny, Carlow, &c., and the latter with Navan, Dundalk, Newry, Armagh, Belfast, and other important towns; and if this object can be accomplished, and a secure and permanent way, similar to others now in operation, obtained by a comparatively small expenditure, the mys- terious and unfair modes which have in some instances been resorted to for raising enormous sums for more exalted works will be remedied, and a proportionately larger return of capital derived." In Ireland, wherever it may be required, cheap and efficient labour may be readily obtained; and as the life, of encountering an extraordinary difficulty, and of enjoying in the issue of the enterprise his share in one of the greatest triumphs of engineering art. - * “It may be said, and I have heard it more than once urged, that if Government undertake the execution of these lines, as has been recom- mended, the original cost is not of much consequence ; nothing, 'Surely, can be more fallacious than this, for to what end can a national vi PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. moral condition of the population is doubtless on the ascendant, it is no less the policy than the duty of the gentry, mercantile and trading classes, and of others interested in the improvement of the country, to en- courage a full developement of her energies by the adoption of railroad constructions, as the best means of securing to that portion of the empire a share of those advantages to which they are justly entitled, but which they have as yet never enjoyed. Surrounded by conflicting, uncompromising, and per- haps misguided interests, the great and talented leader of the present Government has much to contend with, much to consolidate, in successfully carrying on the affairs of the empire; but it is evident, on remarking the appliances of his mind, that his views with regard to internal and national improvement will shortly lead to important changes of a commercial nature, and that a thorough investigation of the resources of the country, the means by which wealth is acquired, if appropriated with a due regard to individual and national benefit, will constitute an important feature in the policy of our present rulers. It is therefore recommended that these suggested improvements should be carried out by the people of Ireland themselves, requiring from the Govern- ment such facilities only as can with convenience be rendered. lavish expenditure on the main lines tend but to limit the sphere of assistance which they are disposed to give or capable of rendering, and by the tardy execution of heavy works to withhold even that accommodation which public interest has so urgently demanded.”—Mr. Stephenson's Report on the French Lines, page 18. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. vii UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD.—This is a continu- ation of the Utica and Schenectady Railroad, and forms a part of the great line of railroad communication between Albany (on the Hudson) and Buffalo (at the north-east corner of Lake Ontario, near its outlet by the River Niagara). Commencing at Utica, on the River Mohawk, this railroad passes in a north-westerly direction along the upper valley of the Mohawk, until it enters Rome: on leaving Rome its further course is at first to the south- west, in which direction it crosses the Oneida Creek, one of the principal feeders of Lake Oneida. It afterwards inclines to the west, and, passing through the villages of Canistota, Sullivan, and Chittenango, in Madison County, and Fayetteville and Orville in Onondaga County, ter- minates at Syracuse. Throughout its entire course this railroad runs nearly parallel with the line of the Erie Canal, which it crosses twice, first on entering Rome, and again on leaving that place. Its length is 52.1% miles, of which distance piles were driven 19??, miles, using about 800,000 lineal feet of pile timber, and 33;ºo miles were graded by excavations and embank- ments in the summer of 1836. The superstructure was laid in the spring of 1837, and the road was finished in July of the same year, at a cost of 28 941,475 00:7 it forms one link in the great chain extending from / & af) y: / 3. - z sº- & A / & 5 //º 7 & 941-475:00 at 84.80 to the pound sterling (the official value) is #196,140. 12s. 4d. The exact value of the pound sterling in the United States of course varies with the rate of exchange; but the value at the Custom-House is always 28. 4'80; and it is safe to put dollars into English money at that rate. _ _-) -----~~~~<--- 2 - “. .2 …” ...’ . . . . / / --~~ \, --" " … .* A. 2– cº) - . 2^" ! / *: ... .3T). .. *=s* .* e” º .*.*... : :" .” x / & ‘. /*2 & 2 / & 2 -/ = C ~ A .2” ** , -------- t 2. -** *...* - - —-2 \-> viii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Boston, on the Atlantic Ocean, to the inland lakes that separate the United States from Canada.” It presented no great obstacles for the skill of the engineer to sur- mount; still much that is curious in science and valuable in practice may be found embodied in the description of the bridges and other works pertaining to it. - In illustrating these constructions, a rigid regard to utility alone has been observed: that which is truly valuable is given, and all useless details and local variations are suppressed. The better to effect this, isometrical projections are added to the geometrical elevations and sections usually employed. This is a species of drawing eminently adapted to the subjects; it presents at one view a complete idea of the construction, and saves the reader much of the time and labour required to form a correct idea of detached portions. These practical details are intended chiefly for the engineer; every subject presented has passed the ordeal of experience; and the structures on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad, which has been constantly used for five years, are still in a state of perfection. - To each Plate is attached a short description, stating all that is there omitted, and explaining the composition. Estimates of materials are also given, which, with the Plates, make all the information needed for construc- tion. 8 This railway is probably the most productive work in the State. According to the statement of the President, the company received for tolls in five months & 117-614,-equal to twelve per cent. On its cost, or thirty per cent. per annum.—Tanner's Internal Improvements in the United States. 8vo. New York, 1840. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. ix The advantages which have resulted from the con- struction of this railway naturally induce us to consider how far a similar application of means might be bene- ficially resorted to in our own country.* Let us imagine the necessity for branch railways out of London, Bir- * “Extensive utility, economical execution, immediate returns— these are the great desiderata of American engineering. A country so wide, and in immediate want of so many new lines of communication, cannot squander the millions at its disposal on the embellishment of a single line. To make a railway or canal on a scale so comprehensive, and with works so gigantic, as for ever to supply the utmost demands of commerce, and supersede all possible improvement—works that shall endure for ever, and hand down the name of their constructor to posterity—such is often our aim ; and here, the permanence of works is often of the highest and first importance. There, on the contrary, the delay of a single year in the completion of the undertaking, the necessity for one additional million, the delay of returns for money ex- pended,—these in America are evils of the first class, which, if incurred to a considerable extent, would prove infallible bars to the progress of the most important engines of commerce, wealth, and civilization. “From the American engineer many of our countrymen might, in their turn, borrow with advantage. We have before us the disastrous results of extravagance in the construction of works on public lines of railway. The evils attending excessive expenditure, even while the capital may not on the whole be a losing investment, are great—it discourages similar undertakings, it exhausts the public wealth, it deprives other districts of new communications—it prevents the ex- tension of numerous branches by exhausting funds on the principal trunk;-it impoverishes the country without adequate return. Why should public works last for ever ? This is an all-important question not sufficiently weighed; the reply is somewhat startling—it is pretty nearly this: if a structure will endure for twenty years, and cost a given sum of money, it will be cheaper in the end than a structure which would last for ever, if it should cost double of the first. If this be true, then it is only too plain that much of the capital invested in our public works has been sunk in magnificent buildings to no good purpose. , X PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. mingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, or other large towns, and that the distances to be passed over— say 3% miles in each case—consisted of marshy land, The Americans found this out long ago, and even here the more shrewd of our capitalists have already begun to make a similar dis- covery. “Suppose then a question to be agitated regarding a new line of railway, whether the bridges shall be of timber or of stone; that is to say, whether they shall cost £100,000, or £300,000, which is about the proportion, the one to last some twenty to twenty-five years without repairs, and the other for ever and a day. Perhaps this question involves the very existence of the railway—perhaps, in the one case, it will pay a fair interest on the smaller capital, and in the other case it will not—the question whether the district shall or shall not have a railway, may depend on this question. Let us look at the result—thus: the timber bridge costs £1000, lasts twenty years, and requires an occasional coat of paint—the stone would cost £3000: suppose this sum of £ 3000, in the hands of the proprietor, and he prefers the timber bridge at £1000, placing the remaining sum of £2000 in the funds; at the end of twenty years he finds that the accumulated interest has not only doubled his capital of £2000, and made it £4000, but has also paid for the painting and slight repairs of his bridge; and with his £4000, he may now build, if requisite, a new timber bridge, at an expense of £1000, and replace, untouched, the whole of his original capital. “In like manner it will follow, that a timber bridge costing only half of a stone one, and lasting twenty years, will be cheaper in the end than a stone bridge, lasting for ever; because the other half of the capital thus saved would, in twenty years, more than double itself, or reproduce the whole sum of the original investment. “This truth, though it has not perhaps ever before been formally recognised, has been powerfully felt in America, and acted on to a certain extent, practically, at home. On some of the railways in the North of England, bridges of great beauty and strength, wholly formed of timber, have been constructed by eminent engineers, with great practical good. Even the inconvenience of repair, when ultimately it shall take place, has been evaded by the ingenious contrivance of dimi- nishing the magnitude of the parts, and so arranging them in duplicate, PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xi and that it would be imperatively necessary to construct arches for that purpose: it will at once be seen that the bridging over the Oneida Creek and Valley, which is nearly a parallel case, and was consequently the most expensive portion of the line, was accomplished at a moderate expenditure, and that the cost of the whole construction, answering all the purposes for the convey- ance of passengers and luggage, and passing over Swamps, creeks, and rivers, was proportionately about one-fifth of the capital which had been expended on the Green- wich Railway at the end of the year 1836,” and which was constructed over a distance which presented no such obstacles. It is therefore obvious that a railway may be con- that one after another they may be successively renewed without injury. This is frequently the case in the beautiful structures of the line from Newcastle to Carlisle—a line to the success of which these plans have materially contributed. “The timber bridges of America are justly celebrated for their mag- nitude and strength. By their means the railways of America have spread widely and extended rapidly. We have no doubt that by the greater introduction of the same material at home the benefits of railway intercourse may receive a much wider extension than under the present system we can venture to hope.”—Athenæum, Dec. 25, 1841. 19 Statement made by the London and Greenwich Railway Company. Cº. #. S. d. Amount of capital . © º ū . 400,000 O O > 3. bonds issued . * e . 133,300 0 0 ,, received from passengers to De- cember, 1836 . ſº º 13,800 0 O 547,100 0 0 xii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. structed over a valley, by means of a timber viaduct, without incurring the expense of making an embankment, which has frequently proved dangerous, and at a con- siderable saving of time and labour;" while the ground Dr. £. S. d. Act of incorporation and amended Bill º 4,500 0 0 Amount of lands, &c., now purchased and agreed e tº e g e 304,200 0 0 Cost of building the railway, expended and incurred * • e * 314,600 0 0 Cost of carriages, engines, &c. gº . 32,600 0 0 Paid interest on shares . ſº tº . 29,600 0 0 Eapenses from the commencement to the 31st of December, 1836. Coaching department . . 5900 0 0 Rates & * (* . 4200 0 0 Police establishment . . 3200 0 0 Office do. . . . . . 6100 0 0 Incidentals • wº . 3100 0 0 22,500 708,000 Estimate of land to be purchased & . 20,000 Engineer's estimate to complete the work . 60,000 788,000 Deduct estimated value of surplus property 100,000 : : £ 688,000 —Railway Magazine, by John Herepath, Esq. Vol. ii. new series, p. 37.—London, 1837. - 11 “As a general rule, the cost of construction of a railway may be regarded as approximately proportionate to the quantity of excavation and embankment; for as these increase in contents, the character and magnitude of the bridges, culverts, &c., become more and more expensive.”—Mr. Stephenson's Report on the French Lines, p. 23. **** = $ PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xiii so passed over may probably be made available to agricultural purposes, by forming sheep pens and other erections for the protection of cattle. Again, whenever it may be deemed advisable to carry a line of railway over swampy or even bog-land, the principle of piling into the solid earth, and cutting lateral drains, as adopted on the Utica and Syracuse Railway, may surely be as successfully followed in England and in Ireland as in the United States of America. By merely glancing at a map of Great Britain we may perceive many prominent wants of this nature, which it is un- necessary to enumerate. As an instance, however, we may mention the necessity for a railway from Hastings to Rye, thence to join the South-Eastern line. This would effect a desirable communication, which might be accomplished at a very moderate expense; and it may be very fairly assumed that the inhabitants of Hastings, which, as a watering place, must of necessity derive considerable advantage from the means of a rapid com- munication with London, would willingly contribute materially to the funds necessary for the execution of the works; while those of Rye could not be insensible to the benefits derivable from a project which would more closely unite their town and its vicinity with the me- tropolis, and thus render the more ready conveyance of fat stock from the Romney marshes to Smithfield a source of considerable revenue. In the county of Kent surveys have already been made with a view to the - construction of a line from Maidstone to Gravesend, connecting Chatham and Rochester; and also in the xiv PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. adjoining county of Sussex, to connect Lewes with Brighton, &c.; and the gradients on these lines are favourable. As an exemplification of the value of the proposed lines from Hastings to Rye, thence to branch into the South-Eastern Railway, and further to extend a branch to Maidstone, and the proposed one to Gravesend, the importance of the project will be best seen by consulting the accompanying sketch, which becomes the more interesting by directing the mind at once to an easy and felicitous communication between London and Paris: in this sketch more ways than one are pointed out for the consideration of those who have different local interests to promote; and it is moreover explanatory of the Report made by M. Vallée to his Government, of the line to Paris by Boulogne, Amiens, &c. It will also be seen by reference to this sketch, that Rye (in addition to its proximity to the rich Romney marshes) becomes a point to which a line of railway must ultimately be made : the improvement of its harbour is consequently imme- diately essential, not only from its vis-à-vis to Boulogne, the distance being 40 miles, but from its presenting an apparent saving to the traveller on his way from London to the French capital. Mr. Robert Stephenson in his Report opposes with much ability the projected line of M. Vallée, and proves beyond a question the important connexion of his branch line with the Belgian frontier by Calais, and branches to Dunkirk, Lille, Valenciennes, &c. Annexed is a sketch which we have taken the liberty of inserting, and ROB: STEPſºi SON ESQº CZ Č/ ſ% O *ZŽ/// Z ož»,%2%e2 …” Žº - w!ºt; S 㺠Antwerp, =Ts R.J. gy- - GHENT &\ & * …, 7. XX. fºgº &- - NG-# =>] sºme \ Ys. / BRUSSELS39 Halº Jºnghzen; O Athl ºubadad sº >&L'ſ LLE_*\--> . -? / Joine/ MONSA S. f <2 N %likes- Ž 22* Aaa"N 3 * Aic C޺ NSºf Zeffus 2: *ts >Ss \ "ºiſie. clº **=# , º Øy ille r jouiens º w" - ..? º - } ſ! º § … wº 2% Mesnize/*%.º. *:::ff - *…*:/" is %"g NAS Möllencourt o cº ARC %.CŞ: º • \ \ •. | w Aray --- \ ſº º:* 2-º- 3. ,\\s' " \ * i - \/"#.º.º. * wishiyºos. Grøtø ºs Sºronºš Nº. º Š sº %= sº AV. C l º *... !" AMIENsº seºmº *3. / Vº stºr - FTV. s" ºf of ** \ & 2- º f / | Aurivale\_º iny/ \ſoreuil. / | º Fl irs \ d'Hºo & **. Graftºvilliers | t Monºläier 7 “” Q = % 'i, illſ, ''. - % * { º," * ..., % * ſº P5 sº 2*P º ºney \ º-g frn, - y as JNRaveºy V s—tº =R}º i. §§o \!… #. < Fº Nº. Śnis Sº w Z * Ş - 7. 2- - S. 4– }<^_ N O T E . -/*roposcº / ºne - Mons: Tallees Zines. Jºnes ºv course of execution.--------------- -$º :* / -22| Jºnes in operation——#— ºº:: R Sºś B. R. Davies ſculp. Pub. by John, Weale, Architectural Z ibrary, 69. High. Holborn. % 22, - SSS SS SS v . *HSS w ; : SSS * , , º §§ \ * v x^ S, ', * N. \ . \ jº \\ | Ž', ' , , , º: r \º ºr : t G k '', \, \, , - % - S trºs º/// º ºx,’’ º, ". Sº NN a S s - NR § w" ޺ -*. # w ---. - st-stºſ-22: tº §§3%%:= ---, -º-S SSS-22. -:- — " ;--. . * A \, , sº- º:-- - - - - * * sº. Tºtº * -- - - --. --> -- ~~~ *-- ~~ * - - ~ -- ~~ ! "… - --→ - : ‘... • - - ~~ & * ; |Hſ * * ASTINGS & R.Y.E. cº ožº º # I.ONDON % Erºs::=sººrººs º- -º |* ‘. }: * || * * **, *, *. O #. *...*. §§ 3r 3. & % º ń - t * º t 3. 3.4% Şū * º *. - & % in # & .../ ". Æ% º / yº/ Ç º % º IELAVRE \\\\\\\\ º wº English. Miles. 30 40 àp Mſiriametres. $ 7 & # 9 + 2* 4 rin Geographical Miles. - R A LWAYºs <} 30 4p 30 G0 SºS PARIS® 20 1 J.R. Davies ſculp. Pub. by John, TVeale, 39 High Holborn. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. XV we direct our readers to seek the gratification of a perusal of the Report recently addressed by Mr. Stephenson to the South-Eastern Railway Company. That it is a better pay-line is beyond doubt; but as it is not within the province of our volume to discuss any thing but what is purely an object for the employment of British capital in Britain, we will dismiss the subject. The introduction of these sketches is merely to bring before the public the communication of Hastings and Rye with the South- Eastern, Maidstone, and Gravesend lines, and also to show the advantageous proximity of Rye to Boulogne for steam-navigation,- a quick, direct, and safe voyage across the Channel. Among other important lines to which this system might be immediately applied, with singular profit and advantage, stands the Shrewsbury and Wolverhampton Railway. This would be effected by a line proceeding from the Grand Junction Railway at Wolverhampton, and thence to the Abbey Forgate at Shrewsbury : thus the entire distance from the metropolis, via the London and Birmingham Railway, would be complete, and this line would become the determined high road to all parts of the county of Salop and North Wales. It is an extra- ordinary circumstance that this important line should up to this day have yet remained to be carried out. It must be apparent that its execution would secure to the whole of the midland counties connected with the Birmingham Railway, not only a rapid intercourse with Salop and North Wales, but practically effect a junction of the metropolis itself with some of the very largest and most xvi. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. important agricultural and mineral districts of the kingdom. The carrying out of this line, particularly now that such active measures are being pursued for the amelioration of the Severn navigation, must render this extension among the most promising and profitable of the various branches of the London and Birmingham Railway. To particularize towns, or indeed entire counties, which would be brought into an immediate and profitable connexion with the county of Salop and the principality of Wales, it would be necessary to enter into an enumeration of every tributary undertaking which regards the Birmingham line as the grand artery of railway centralization in this portion of the kingdom. We are led to these remarks from the evident applica- bility of the new system to this important line, having accidentally come across a survey of the country by Mr. Blunt, whose sections we find offer a ruling gradient of 1 in 268. The principal portion of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad is made for a single track * only, with turn-outs * “On the Baltimore and Port-Deposit Railroad the mode of con- structing the permanent way is one of the main peculiarities of the transatlantic system : when the road has been ‘graded,’ that is, reduced to an uniform way of earth, and covered with the sand, broken stones, or gravel, which constitutes what we call in this country ‘ballasting,” a trench is dug longitudinally under the whole line of each intended rail— in this is laid a continuous series of long balks of timber, about 6 inches deep by 8 or 9 inches wide, and to this the name of the ‘sill’ is given. Across the sills, at distances of 3 feet, are laid transverse sleepers of timber of about the same scantling with the sills, but notched above and below, so as to fit exactly the longitudinal sill; on these sleepers, and at right angles to them, so as to be parallel to the longitudinal sill, are DRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xvii at well-arranged distances; and this mode of construc- tion would probably be found sufficient for most of the lines of communication still required,” as the traffic on the line here referred to is very considerable, and very few casualties, if any, have occurred. In thus presenting to the notice of the public some instructive examples of an economical system of railway construction, applicable, perhaps, to many of the projects that may be speedily submitted to Parliament, it is pre- sumed that the present publication may tend to facilitate, in some degree, the views of those who earnestly desire an extension of our commerce with other countries by a full developement of our national resources; and as the attainment of so desirable an object can alone be effected by a vigorous and determined effort to compete more successfully with foreign prices, thus creating a more extensive demand for the produce of British industry, it is obvious that cheap railway making must of necessity be resorted to. The lamentable accident which occurred a few months since on the railroad between Paris and Versailles, and *others of a less serious character which have recently happened in this country, have naturally given rise to laid long balks of timber, forming a longitudinal bearing or support to the rail, and to this the appellation of string piece is given. The string piece supports the rail, which is laid uniformly along its centre, and attached to it with screws and spikes. The rail, which rests on the stringer, is generally about 50ibs. weight.”—Athenaeum, Dec. 25, 1841. * The Railways of Great Britain and Ireland practically described and illustrated by Francis Whishaw, Civil Engineer, M.I.C.E.: second edition, with some additional useful Plates, 4to. London, 1842. * C xviii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. inquiries into the best mode of constructing locomotive engines, as well as of their management when propelled at high pressure. It is indisputable that the least re- sistance to an engine moving at a great speed tends to throw it off the rail; but there are, it is fair to presume, other causes to which an accident of this nature may be ascribed, one of which may be here mentioned,—the natural tendency of an iron axle, from the great rapidity of motion, to break suddenly; and in such cases the advantage of more than four wheels must be apparent.” From the evidence given in the case of the accident * “ Wrought iron, as Mr. Hood has well expressed it, is in an artificial state, and ‘there is a general tendency to return to the crystallized' or natural ‘state.” One of the best proofs of this tendency was lately mentioned to me by Mr. Hood. It was in the case of an anchor which had lain for about a century in a storehouse at Woolwich, and had become so brittle that on applying a tensile force it flew to pieces. As anchors are generally made of the best and toughest wrought iron, it is presumed that the iron of this had, in the lapse of time, gone back to its primitive state. Whether this change had been aided by its former use, or whether the anchor was originally made of the best wrought iron, it is now impossible to say; but the pre- Sumption is that the iron was good at first, and had retrograded with time. “There seems to be no doubt of heat and continued percussion re- crystallizing fibrous iron. Whatever may have been the character of the iron of which furnace bars had been made, Mr. Hood affirms that they ‘will in a short time invariably be converted into crystallized iron; and by heating and rapidly cooling, by quenching with water a few times any piece of wrought iron, the same effect may be far more speedily produced.” Mr. Hood mentions the case of a piston rod which, after jarring for some time, owing to the key which fastened it to the pis- ton not properly keeping them together, broke off short near the piston, and ‘presented a very crystallized texture.’ Another example on the same authority is much more decisive. ‘A small bar of good tough º 3. º: PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xix which occurred on the Brighton Railroad, it appears that the engines had a rocking motion, which may have been caused by some disparity in the powers of the two engines employed, when travelling together; as the greater capacity and greater length of stroke of the six-wheeled engine over the four-wheeled one in front of it, might have a natural tendency to force it by repeated bumpings, more especially on a declining gradient, over the line of its track, while its divided connecting rod may also have in some measure accele- rated the disaster. It may not be deemed invidious if we direct the attention of the reader to the properties of a locomotive engine recently constructed at New York for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad: it will be seen by reference to the engraving (Plate XXII.) that there are some in- genious contrivances (three of which are specified) which might with some advantage be considered and perhaps adopted by ourselves. iron was suspended and struck continuously with small hand hammers to keep up a constant vibration. The bar, after the experiments had been continued for some considerable time, became so extremely brittle that it entirely fell to pieces under the light blows of the hand hammer, presenting through its structure a highly crystallized appearance. “Mr. Allan, the ingenious foreman of the Grand Junction Railway, informed me that a case had occurred upon their railway of the change of texture in iron by continued use upon railways, mentioned at p. 1014 of the last volume of the Railway Magazine. It appears that a piece had been cut out of the lump from which the crank was made, which showed the iron to be good fibrous iron, but after the axle had been long used and broken, its metal was analogous to cold short or crystal- lized iron.”—Mr. Herepath’s very valuable Report on Locomotive Engines in the Railway Magazine, Dec. 17, 1842. XX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Reference to Plate XXII. A—the long connecting rod, obviating the very acute angle made by short connexions, and lessening the rocking motion, lateral and otherwise; saving the wear of the road, and giving ease to the whole train. B—compensation beam between the truck frame and the axle of the front drivers, for the purpose, when ne- cessary, of throwing the greater weight of the front part of the engine back on the drivers. C—pilot or truck frame, moving on a centre pin, (producing the same effect as the perch of a common carriage,) with four wheels. By means of this auxiliary arrangement, which also provides for an extension in the length of the boiler, the engine is enabled, together with the train, even while in rapid motion, to describe a small arc of a circle with ease and safety. Engines of another kind are also used on this rail- road, which were constructed by Messrs. Rogers and Co., of New York, of which we are enabled to give Some account; * but in alluding to these improvements * The following are the dimensions of several of the best engines on this road : Engines having six wheels—two drivers, 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, the other four being 33 inches, and connected to what is termed a truck is or pilot frame, forming a separate carriage, which carries the front part of the engine, and vibrates on a centre pin, allowing the engine to go round the curves with great ease;—cylinders, 18 inches in diameter, stroke ll inches; number of tubes in the boiler, one hundred and eleven, 8 feet long, 1% inch in diameter; area of fire box 40 square feet; area of fire grate 7:84 feet. Gross weight of the engine 22,215 fts. ; weight on driving wheel 14,325 fts. These engines are used for light trains, and their average speed is 20 to 25 miles per hour. The engines used for the heavy trains are of the following dimen- sions: engine, eight wheels, 4 drivers, two in front of the furnace and r) (2 * ~ . I, OCOMOTIVE ENGINE Recently CONSTRUCTED FOR THE UTICA & SYRACUSE RAILWAY, U. S. t i % * * # * - - * , . A •--- ~~~~. i - - - -ººººº------- . . * * * *-* ~ * - ------- --------------------- : , -, *s. ' ... ... ---> *-*ººt -ºº-ºº-ºº... ** *- :- ~...~ ****:: *** **** * : *, *, * * <-- * *.* is a “ *... * #, | of art, inch to a Foot. . . - —- /...//z ºscà. ºc. Jø/n Mºzſe...ſºhitectura/ Zibrary, 3.9 Åg/. Hoàory. Jan "Z. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxi in American locomotives, it is but justice to the firm of Messrs. George and John Rennie that we should also notice the extraordinary performance of their re- cently constructed engine for the London and Brighton Railway, its superior workmanship and execution having received the praise of all who have witnessed its opera- tion.” § We here subjoin the perspective drawing of a newly patented excavator, originally an American invention, which is capable of cutting and levelling earth-work for two at the back, of 4 feet 6 inches in diameter, the four drivers being coupled on the outside; the other four wheels are on a pilot or truck frame, as described above, moving on a centre pin. Cylinder 18 inches diameter, stroke 12 inches; number of tubes one hundred and thirty-seven, 8 feet long, 1% inch diameter; surface of fire box 42 square feet. Total weight of the engine 22,351 ibs. ; weight on the four drivers 15,833 fps. ; the connexion between the drivers and truck frame being very ingeniously arranged to throw either more or less weight on the principal driving wheels. These engines are calculated to draw very heavy loads, their àverage speed being 15 to 18 miles per hour: the price of these engines is 28 8000. Much depends on the construction of cars for these roads; many of the passengers' cars being constructed of great length and supported at each end by a truck or pilot carriage, moving on a centre pin, which gives great ease to the carriage passing round the various curves, and the lateral play of the carriage being very much reduced: the scantling of these cars is much lighter than usual, combining great strength with neatness; and the accommodations for passengers on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad are of a superior kind. * Description of the ‘Satellite” locomotive engine now running on the London and Brighton Railway. This engine is much admired both for the excellence of its per- formances and the perfection of its construction: it has six wheels of the usual dimensions, viz.: xxii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. the making of railways and for other works at a cost considerably below manual labour, and which has the ft. in. Driving wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 6 in diameter. Bearing do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6 do. The length of the cylindrical part of the boiler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 The diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 4 The number of tubes is 99 of brass, 2 in. diameter, presenting a surface of 450 square feet, and a fire box surface 52 square feet. The cylinders are 18 inches in length, and their diameter 15 inches. In other respects the appearance of the engine is similar to other six- wheeled engines, but there are many modifications both in the machinery and mode of working the steam. The working gear and frame which carries it are unusually strong: the bearings of the weigh-shaft and other gearing are all forged upon the frames, so as to prevent any possibility of accident from bolts coming out, or any derangement taking place by jolting. The frame, with all its gearing, can be detached from the boiler in a few minutes, so as to enable the whole to be removed and cleaned when required. The frames are outside of the wheels; and the springs which support the engine are all below instead of above the frames, as usual : by this contrivance the centre of gravity of the engine is 15 or 16 inches lower than usual, whereby additional security and steadiness is given to the engine. The engine is furnished with hoppers filled with sand, which can be let out on the rails so as to increase the adhesion of the wheels in slippery weather. The steam is worked so expansively as scarcely to occasion any noise as it issues out of the blast pipe, and little or no back pressure against the pistons of the engines: the consequence is, little or no danger from sparks going out of the chimney, additional steadiness to the engine, and with it an increase of power. The power of the engine is so great that she can take double the usual load of engines of equal weight, and she has more than once conveyed seventeen loaded carriages from Croy- don to Brighton at the rate of 28 to 30 miles per hour, without any auxiliary power over the inclined planes, which are about 1 in 264; and on more than one occasion, particularly in the month of October, 1842, the ‘Satellite' took the mail train, consisting of six loaded carriages PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxiii additional advantage (guaranteed by the patentees) of Saving much time : this, we trust, will be found correct upon its adoption in this country, as it forms an im- portant consideration in our proposal for more economic railway making, and will be a desirable object for im- mediate use. ºutlºº. º %; º iº/ . º º .. Fº º º º,...F.A., ſº ſº ſ - :*----- - - º, º Hiſ miſſºlſtillºſiſ . . | > 2. ºf ºz. EE ſºlºſſulſillſillº; @ ... tº ſº | iºjšimli ſ º: fiºſº -a-———ºr T===Pºiº ||||||||||| |S %|ijīās *-------- ==#Eº *º-º:: ºsº † Hºàº T:Cº-º- - 3–Eºs ==::iiiuºte= T*—r== By the attendance of the engine-man and assistant, together with the labour of six men for carting away the besides herself and tender, from Croydon to Brighton, a distance of 40% miles, in 52 minutes, stopping at three places 3 minutes each time; thus performing the distance of 40% miles in 43 minutes, or not far short of - one mile per minute. The consumption of coke is about 2015s. per mile, which is about one-half of the average consumption of locomotive engines in general. This engine has now been working nearly a year, during which period she has run upwards of thirty thousand miles, and has not cost one shilling for repairs, having effected a saving of from five to six hundred pounds below the usual locomotive engines working constantly on railways. - - xxiv. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. removed earth-work, this machine can be made to ex- cavate 1500 cubic yards in twelve hours, at a cost of fuel of 12s. per diem. The cost of the machine is £1500. Earth-work in England has generally been taken at 10d. to 1s. per yard.” ” “Specification, enrolled 7th September, 1842.-This invention may be divided into two parts, and consists, first, in certain arrangements and combinations of machinery, whereby earthy matter may be cut away or excavated, for the purpose of constructing or forming railways, canals, harbours, and other similar works; and secondly, in certain variations in the arrangement of some parts of the machinery, whereby such invention may be applied to dredging or deepening rivers. “The apparatus, as applied to land excavations, consists, first, of a strong rectangular frame of wood, or other material, mounted upon wheels, which are supported, together with the machine, on a temporary railroad; at one end of this frame is a strong crane, consisting of a vertical shaft or pillar, with the jib supported in the ordinary manner by diagonal stays, or arms; to the end of the chain tackle is sus- pended a scoop, shovel, or scraper, made of strong boiler plate iron, and consisting of two sides, end, and bottom, the edge of which latter is provided with four or more projecting points or cutters, and between these, and at their roots, is a steel edge well tempered, so as to resist stone, or other hard substance with which it may come in contact; the chain tackle is attached to the sides of the shovel, and passes over a pulley at the end of the jib, and over another pulley fixed on the top of the pillar or support of the crane, and from thence to the barrel, upon which it is made to coil; the periphery of the last-mentioned pulley is formed with indentations to receive the links of the chain, for the purpose of giving motion to the pulley, which has on its axis a bevel wheel, taking into, and driving a similar wheel, upon the end of an inclined shaft, which shaft actuates certain machinery, fixed to, and supported by, the diagonal arms of the crane. This machinery consists of a barrel, with other appurtenances, round which is passed a chain, with its ends attached to the opposite ends of a beam or arm, which is also fixed to the shovel or scraper. The crane is capable of being moved round, so as to turn the scoop, when elevated, either to the right PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. XXV or left, in a horizontal direction; for this purpose, a ‘horse-shoe pulley, having a groove in its periphery, is affixed to the upper part of the crane; a chain, attached at each end to a transverse bar, passes round this pulley, and over certain horizontal and vertical guide pulleys, to a barrel, in such a manner that, by reversing the motion of the barrel, the jib of the crane can be turned either to the right or left. A steam engine is erected at one end of the rectangular frame, or plat- form, for the purpose of giving motion to the various parts of the apparatus. When commencing operation, the shovel, or scraper, is suspended by the chain tackle, in a nearly vertical position, with the steel points towards the ground ; by releasing the clicks, or catches, of the chain barrel, and applying the break, the shovel will be lowered, and force itself, by its own weight, into the ground; then by communi- cating motion to the chain barrel, the tackle will be raised, and by means of the indented grooved pulley, motion will be given to the shaft, which actuates the machinery on the diagonal arms, which in its turn will force forward the shovel into the ground: at the same time that this motion is going forward, the shovel, or scraper, is being raised or lifted up by the tackle, by which means the shovel has a double motion—a thrusting forward motion, and a lifting motion. When the shovel has become filled, and attained its proper altitude, these motions stop; and the shovel being prevented from returning by the clicks, or catches, the other barrel is thrown into gear by means of a coupling or clutch box, and the crane turned round so as to bring the shovel over the cart,' or other place of deposit, and by certain arrangements it is turned up so as to empty itself; in which position it is again ready for another operation. g “The second improvement relates to a similar arrangement of parts, with some variations, to be fixed in a vessel, and applied to dredging and deepening rivers. The mode of turning round the crane when applied to this purpose, is by fixing on the lower part of the pillar, or axis, a large bevel wheel, which is below deck; a small bevel wheel, keyed on the end of a shaft, takes into and drives the first in either direction. The whole of the apparatus in this part is also driven by a steam engine. “What the patentee claims as his invention is, such construction and arrangement of parts as will effect the object of digging, taking up, and removing in the manner described, (that is to say) by means of a xxvi PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. pendulous scoop attached to a crane or elevated beam, capable of turning horizontally such scoop, and its appendages being worked in the manner before stated, by chains and toothed gear, actuated by a steam engine.”—From a very useful work, the Record of Patents, by Mr. A. Prince, No. 2, for November, 1842. PART II. To carry the subject of our inquiry a little further, it may not be considered tedious to remark that the Utica and Syracuse Railroad affords one instance, out of many in the United States of America, in which a railway to be worked by locomotive power has been constructed and appointed at an average cost per mile of £3600. This amount is exceedingly small when compared with the cost of the railways of other countries. The average cost per mile of the railways in Great Britain and Ireland has been about £30,000,—of the Belgian £15,000,—and of the Prussian railways about £9000, per mile; the latter being, however, generally laid with only a single track. The following particulars respecting some of the latter may be interesting. - Cost of Railways already eaecuted.” Length in Cost per German English mile in miles. round numbers. Berlin, Potsdam line . . . . 3% # 12,700 Magdeburg, Leipsic (double track) 14 6,500 Berlin, Cöthen . . . . . . 20 7,000 Dusseldorf, Elberfeld . . . . 4 15,800 Rhenish . . . . . . . . . 93 19,000 —1 * Chemins de Fer l’Allemagne et du Continent Européen. Paris, 1842. xxviii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Cost of Railways now constructing. Berlin, Frankfort on the Oder . 10% 8,200 Berlin, Stettin . . . . . . . 18 5,400 Berlin, Breslau, Oppeln . . . . . . . . 5,100 Cologne to Bonn . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 Magdeburg to Halberstadt . . . . . . 7,000 Let us contrast with these amounts the cost of some of the principal American lines, including the carrying establishment.” Average cost per Single or mile in Length double | round State. Name of railway. in miles. Construction of track. track. |numbers. Massachusetts. Boston and Lowell . . . . 26'50 | H Rails in chairs on stone blocks. Single | 12,000 9 y Boston and Worcester . . 44" | T Rails on transverse sleepers 3 y 7,700 y? Western Railway (eastern division) . . . . . 54'27 7,300 - y yy y New York. Utica and Syracuse . . 53' |Plate raiſon timber strings . Chiefly single 3,600 3 y Auburn and Rochester . 80° yy yy yy 2,900 yy Attica and Buffalo . . . 30° ?? 5 y 3 y 1,600 New Jersey. Camden and Amboy . . . 61' | H rail on stone blocks and transverse sleepers . . . . , , 4,100 Pennsylvania. | Columbia and Philadelphia 82" |Partly plate rail on timber strings, and partly edge rail on stone blocks and trans- verse sleepers . . . . . [Double 10,000 Alleghany Portage . . . 36' | Parallel rails on stone blocks , 14,700 3 y Virginia. | Richmond, Fredericksburg - and Potomac . . . . . 61' |Plate rail on timber strings . . Single 3,600 99 Petersburg and Roanoke . 59. y? 5 y y y 2,800 South Carolina. South Carolina (chiefly on piles . . . . . . 135°75 5 y y y 33 2,600 Georgia. Central Railway . . . . .193. y y? 5 y 2,400 Alabama. Alabama, Florida and Georgia. . . . . . 156-46 23 } } ?? 3,200 The total aggregate cost of the American railways was estimated in 1839 at £4000 per mile, including all buildings and apparatus. The immense cost at which the existing railways of * Tanner's Internal Improvements in the United States, 8vo. PRELIMINARY ORSERVATIONS. xxix this country have been executed presents an effectual check to the extension of the railway system into remote districts, unless simpler and less expensive modes of construction are resorted to. The Irish Railway Commissioners, assuming the average cost per mile of the railways proposed by them to be from £8000 to £12,000, estimate the probable return for the capital to be expended at the rate of 3# per cent. only. Now without entering upon the question whether these lines are the best that could be adopted, or how far they are superior to the lines previously surveyed for private companies by Messrs. Nimmo, Telford, Bald, and Stephenson, and which were estimated by those gentlemen to yield a profit of from 10 to 13 per cent., let us examine whether it is not practicable, by strict attention to economy, and by following out the principles of the American engineers, to construct in Ireland, and in the remote districts of England and Wales, single lines of railway suitable for the passage of locomotives at a moderate speed at an expense of from £4000 to £5000 per mile, and which should, even at the low rate of traffic assumed by the commissioners, yield a profit of from 8 to 10 per cent. on the outlay. In instituting a comparison between the American and English railways as regards the expense of their con- struction, it must be borne in mind, that whilst in England heavy sums are paid for land and parliamentary expenses, the American railways generally pass over land of little or no value; whilst the Acts of Incorporation are XXX PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. in most instances obtained without opposition, and at a small expense. The relative cost of stations and carrying establish- ment, also depending on the amount of traffic and the distances between the towns touched by the respective lines, cannot form a legitimate subject of comparison ; and our attention must therefore be confined to the cost of the railway proper, i. e. the earth-works, works of art, and upper works. The cost of labour in America is higher than in England. What then is the reason that the earth-works of the English railways have cost such immense sums ? Principally from the cause to which we have elsewhere adverted,—that for the sake of obtaining gradients as perfect as possible, the English railways have been laid out on a system which, although theoretically presenting great advantages, has, we fear, in too many instances been carried out at a cost for which no amount of traffic can ever repay the proprietors. The experience of several years has shown that although for maximum loads, taken at low velocities, it may be desirable to obtain gradients not exceeding 16 feet per mile, yet that on lines which principally depend on passenger traffic, where light loads are taken at high speeds, the engines being almost always above their work, no practical inconvenience results from introducing oc- casional inclines of 50, 60, and even 80 feet per mile, provided they are not of too great length; whilst it has been shown that full advantage can be taken of gravity in all descents not exceeding 1 in 100: and although the PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxi expense of motive power may be somewhat greater than on more level lines, this additional expense will bear no proportion to the interest of the extra capital which must be sunk to obtain first-class gradients. By the introduction of timber bridges also, a great saving can be effected on the amount charged for embankments: it will often happen, especially in rugged and mountainous districts, that a favourable line must be sacrificed on account of the expense of crossing the lateral valleys, or that miles of deep cutting are undertaken for the purpose of crossing a deep valley at such a level as will render the construction of a viaduct practicable at a moderate expense. The small cost of timber constructions, as compared with those of stone, and the comparative facility with which viaducts on the American system can be carried across the steepest ravines, in situations where the cost of stone bridges would totally preclude their construction, offer a ready means for avoiding in future lines the enormous outlay which has attended the execution of the earth-works on the majority of the English railways. Let us next examine the comparative cost of the works of art in England and America. The following Table shows the cost of some of the principal viaducts on the English railways. xxxii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. Cost #9 Construc- Length Height yard tion. Name of railway, Name of viaduct, in yards, in feet. |Total cost. forward, £. £. |Manchester and Bir-ſ Stockport 726 106 || 70,000 | 96 à mingham Congleton 1026 98 113,000 || 110 3 || London and Birming-ſ Colne 104 || 50 10,000 | 96 Tº ham Watford . 123 40 9,700 || 78 3 || London and Blackwall tº º º . . . 20 . . . . 26 à Average . g º & 62 81 U or 36s. per yard forward perfoot in height” É £ ſ] Newcastle and North ſ Ouse Burm . . 307 || 108 24,000 78 ##. Shields Willington Dean 350 82 24,000 | 68 : g|Wishaw and Coltness | Calder . . . 400 50-130 25,000 || 63 25 3 23 ºn # 3 Average . . . . . 93 70 ç H or 15s. per yard forward per foot in height. Extreme '; ; ; ; height. ă ă ă ă , North Union | Yarrow . * 133 | 73 3,000 23 cº *A e & &## *|| or 7s. per yard forward per foot in height. This Table might be greatly extended, but the general average will be found not to vary much from that given above, except in cases of viaducts crossing wide rivers, where coffer-dams and expensive foundations are un- avoidable. The last-named viaduct is a striking example of cheap construction. In the first instance a culvert of two arches of 20 feet span each was built across the River Yarrow, on which the embankment was placed: a flood having blown up the culvert and carried away a great portion of the embankment, the present timber bridge, constructed of trussed beams resting on timber piers, was thrown over the gap within six weeks from the date of the accident, and it has stood perfectly firm ever since the opening of the line. * It must be borne in mind that the cost of the erection of a bridge or viaduct is not in direct proportion to its height, but the above ex- amples being of widely different heights, this result may be taken as a fair average. PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxiii Professor Vignoles, in his lectures on Civil Engineer- ing, delivered at University College, session 1841-2, estimated the cost of brick or stone viaducts, averaging about 100 feet in height, to be from £60 to £70 per yard forward, or about 33s. per foot in height; and stated the cost of those formed of timber arches on stone piers, constructed by him on the Sheffield and Manchester and other railways, which averaged from 70 to 130 feet in height, to have been from £35 to £80 per yard forward, —the first-named price being the minimum and the latter the maximum cost, which is equal to an average of about 11s. per yard forward per foot in height. Unfortunately there are scarcely any examples of stone viaducts in America which can be fairly put in com- parison with those in England, but the following examples of timber viaducts on stone piers, erected on the line of the Columbia and Philadelphia Railway,” for a double track, will give an idea of the cost of the latter mode of construction in America. Height - Cost #9 Length above water yard Construction. Name of viaduct. inyards. in feet. |Total cost. forward. 36. £. West Brandywine . . . 278 72 11,583 42 Timber arches rest-J Valley Creek . . . 174 56 4,451 25 ingon stone piers || Schuylkill . . . . 348 38 26,789 This viaduct carries a foot-way, carriage- way, and two lines of railway ; the cost for the latter there- fore may be taken at one-half, or . . . . . . . . . 13,394 38 East Brandywine . . . 159 30 3,505 22 Average . . . . . . 49 32 or about 13s. per yard forward perfootin height. * The details of the cost of this railway are taken from Tanner's Internal Improvements in the United States. 8vo. d xxxiv. PRELIMINARY ORSERVATIONS. The viaducts on the same line constructed on the principle of a trussed beam, and in which the piers have no thrust to sustain, have cost much less than those formed of arches; but the majority of the timber bridges in England being constructed on the principle of the arch, we have not inserted them in the above Table, our object being not so much to show the actual cost of individual examples as the comparative expense of similar works executed in both countries; and we think that the instances we have brought forward are quite sufficient to show that, making due allowance for the ornamental character of the English viaducts, timber bridging can be, and has been, executed in this country as cheaply as in America; the cheapness of timber in that country being counterbalanced by the high price of labour. Continuing our examination, we find the cost of the upper works of the Columbia and Philadelphia Railway (which we have selected for comparison on account of its having been constructed in a great measure on the principles of the English railways) to have been £5400 per mile, which equals the cost per mile of the upper works of many of the lines in this country;” and we would particularly draw attention to this fact, as illustrative of what we are most anxious to impress on the minds of those who are interested in the extension of 22 The upper works of the following railways have cost respectively per mile, Birmingham and Gloucester t © . £ 5430 Midland Counties º ę tº e * : 6822 North Union & º tº gº * º 5200 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxv the benefits of railway communication to Ireland, that it is not so much the difference of the cost of execution as the difference of the systems of construction employed that causes the enormous disparity in the cost of the European and American railways. The upper works of the American railways generally are not of the expensive nature of those of the Columbia and Philadelphia line; the average cost per mile of superstructure for a single track, laid with a 40 lb. square rail on timber strings, not exceeding £1500, including ballasting and all necessary turn-outs and sidings, whilst that formed with the ordinary plate rail of from 10 to 15 ſps. to the yard, laid in the same manner, does not cost more than £ 600 per mile. Now from these data let us calculate what would be the probable average cost of establishing single lines of railway in Ireland, constructing the viaducts of timber, and making use of severe gradients where necessary, so as to avoid heavy earth-works, the track being formed as on the American lines, but with a rail of a more eco- nomical section than the 40 lb. square rail. Let us take for example the line from Dublin to Cork, as laid down by the Irish Railway Commissioners, a distance of about 166 miles, not including the entrance into Dublin. Taking the several items of expenditure in the order which we have previously followed we shall have — xxxvi PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. 1st. Land and fencing. [Speaking of land, Professor Vignoles says in his report on the lines laid out by him in the S. W. of Ireland, “Nowhere, except for the entrance into Dublin, will the lines interfere materially with any residence-property of importance, nor in any one place that I can remember, injuriously so. The lines for the most part pass over lands of comparatively little worth, and in many places of no value at all, particularly in the bog districts and in the western parts of the county of Cork.”] Very little fencing will be required, except in the vicinity of large towns, and therefore the amount of expenditure under the head of land and fencing will be but trifling, say © tº g Taking for the basis of our estimate the cost of the works on the Columbia and Philadelphia Railway, which we have shown to have cost as much as similar works would have done in England, and assuming the expense of the works of construction for the single line to be two-thirds of those required for a double line, we have— 2nd. Earth-works 3rd. Works of art . e ge o g te 4th. Upper works: we have already seen that the cost of the upper works of the American railways, with rails from 10 Tbs. to 40 Íbs. per yard on timber strings, ranges from £600 to £1500 per mile; so that we may safely assume as the cost per mile of superstructure laid on the American system, but with the patent slotted rail Wºl of 20 Tbs. per yard, about . Total cost per mile of the railway proper . Per mile. 200 1,066 733 1,000 . £2,999 PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxvii Or, in round numbers, £3000 per mile : Total for 166 miles . e The Irish Railway Commissioners assume that 16 engines will be necessary for the working of this line, which, at £1500 each for engine and tender, is . & º O © fº 24,000 Taking the carriages at one-third of this Sll Iſl , e e º º o 8,000 The cost of the material of transport will be º tº' te º #232,000 And taking the cost of the buildings and stations at twice this sum, or . 64,000 The total cost of the carrying establish- ment will be . Total of railway and furnishing Management & miscellaneous expenses, say 10 per cent. Contingencies, say 15 per cent. Total cost of establishment of rail- way Or about £ 4472 per mile. The Commissioners estimate the pro- bable annual receipt on the Dublin and Cork line at e sº And the annual expenditure as follows: Fived eaſpenses—£262.10s. per mile, for 166 miles © e º º . 43,575 Working eapenses—£2625 per engine, for 16 engines º º . . . 42,000 Total of annual expenditure Estimated profit Or upwards of 10 per cent. on the capital. £ 498,000 96,000 £594,000 59,400 89,100 # 742,500 *mºmºm- # 167,170 85,575 :É 81,595 xxxviii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. We will here recapitulate the leading features of the proposed system : 1st, the occasional adoption of steeper gradients than those commonly in use in this country, for the purpose of avoiding heavy earth-works;–2nd, the use of timber instead of masonry as the principal material in the construction of the bridges and viaducts; —3rd, and lastly, the introduction of the slotted rail on continuous bearers, which would effect a saving of two- thirds in the cost of the iron work, as compared with those railways where the 75 lb. edge rail in heavy chairs is employed. Now, referring to lines actually executed, where the parliamentary expenses have been small, and the com- pensation paid for land, &c., moderate; how far is our estimate of from £4000 to £5000 per mile borne out by actual experience? It is to be regretted that the whole- sale system on which railway accounts are generally made out renders it impossible to ascertain, in the majority of instances, what has been the actual cost of the establishment of the railway proper; but the fol- lowing instances will suffice to show what has been accomplished by strict attention to economy. The Garnkirk and Glasgow Railway, 8 miles in length, laid with a double track formed of 50 lb. rails in chairs on stone blocks, has cost, including stations and furnish- ing, £107,364. 12s., or about £13,420 per mile. The Hull and Selby Railway, opened in 1840,-30.65 miles in length, laid with 55 ſh. and 63 ib. rails on longitudinal and cross sleepers, cost, up to the time of its opening, £369,589, or £12,319 per mile; which PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. xxxix includes nearly the whole of the expense of the establish- ment of the line. The Slamannan Railway, 12 miles in length, of which the works are constructed throughout for a double line, but which has been laid with a single track formed with 50 ſh. rails in chairs on stone blocks and cross sleepers, has cost about £100,000, or at the rate of £8128 per mile ; and when the second track has been laid down, will have cost about £10,000 per mile. In the case of the Hull and Selby line, the cost of land, compensations, and parliamentary expenses, amounts to nearly £4000 per mile, leaving between £8000 and f 9000 per mile as the actual cost of the railway. Now if, as shown by the above instances, railways have been constructed in this country in the most sub- stantial manner, with double lines of rails, and furnished with an effective carrying establishment, at a cost not exceeding £10,000 per mile, is it not evident that by adopting a less expensive system of construction, such as that described in the following pages, the sum of £5000 per mile would be quite sufficient for the esta- blishment of single lines of railway in such districts as those through which the proposed lines from Dublin to Cork and other places, before referred to, have been laid out? And is it not better to construct railways which shall yield a profit of from 10 to 15 per cent., even though they should only last for twenty years, than those which may last for centuries, but which will never repay the interest of their cost?” Let us illustrate this * See Part I. pp. ix–xi., in which we have given some able remarks on this subject, extracted from the Athenæum. xl PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. by an example: we will suppose a railway constructed at a cost of £30,000 per mile to produce a clear profit of 5 per cent. ;-had the first outlay, by adopting a tempo- rary mode of construction, been confined to £10,000 per mile, the interest would be at the rate of 15 per cent. instead of 5;-and setting apart 10 per cent. of this profit as a reserved fund, thirty years would suffice for the gradual reconstruction of the railway in the most permanent manner, after which period the proprietors would enjoy in perpetuity the benefit of the full interest of 15 per cent. For the purpose of correcting the many mis-statements which have been made with reference to the expense of our present system of railway construction, we here annex an Alphabetical Table of the names of the engineers em- ployed, gauge of rail, extent and cost of the Railways of Great Britain and Ireland up to Midsummer, 1840, compiled from Mr. Whishaw's admirable work, already referred to.” Since that period the amount of expen- diture must of necessity have been increased by various modifications and extensions. * The Railways of Great Britain and Ireland practically described and illustrated. 2nd edition, 4to. London, 1842. Eatent, Cost, &c., of the Railroads of Great Britain and Ireland to June, 1840. *— Name of railway. Engineers. Gauge. Length Cost. ft. in. miles. 36. Arbroath and Forfar . . . Grainger 5 6 || 15 160,000 Ardrossam and Johnston Moffat . 4 8% 5% 19,250 Aylesbury . . . . . R. Stephenson . 4 8% 7 59,000 Ballochney . . . . . . . McNeill . . 4 6 6 38,431 Birmingham and Derby Junction R. Stephenson . 4 8% 38#| 1,030,000 Birmingham and Gloucester . Moorsom . . . 4 8% 55 1,329,300 Bishop Auckland and Weardale . Storey 4 8% | 84 96,000 Bodmin and Wadebridge . . . . . . . Hopkins . . 4 8% | 1.4% 35,498 Bolton & Leigh, & Kenyon & Leigh Juncil. Hargreaves . 4 8% 9:#| 157,750 Brandling Junction . . . . . . . . Brandling 4 83 17# 326,970 Canterbury and Whitstable James . 4 8% | 6 80,000 Chester and Birkenhead . Dixon . . . 4 9 || 14:#| 496,999 Chester and Crewe . G. Stephenson . 4 8:#| 20% 458,333 Clarence * * * * Tennant . . 4 8% 32% 500,000 Dublin and Kingstown . Vignoles . . . . . 4 8% | 6 303,724 Dundee and Arbroath . Grainger & Miller. 5 6 16% 140,000 Dundee and Newtyle Blackadder . 4 6% 12% 170,000 Durham Junction tº Harrison . 4 8% 4} | 130,000 Durham and Sunderland . . . . . . . Blenkinsopp 4 8% 13+ 256,000 Eastern Counties, calculated from Shore- ditch to Warley Common . Braithwaite . 5 0 18% 1,234,958 Edinburgh and Dalkeith Rankin . 4 6 # 133,053 Edinburgh and Glasgow Miller . 4 8% 46 | 1,200,000 Edinburgh and Newhaven McNeill . . . . . 4 8% 2 140,000 Garnkirk and Glasgow . . . . . Grainger & Miller . 4 6 8 107,364 Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and Ayr 5 y 5 y 4 8% 33% | 732,381 Glasgow, Paisley and Greenock . & ?? yy 4 8% 22% 533,333 Grand Junction . . . . . Locke . 4 8% 82% | 1,921,496 Great North of England . Storey 4 8% 45 1,300,000 Great Western º Brunel . . . 7 0 | 1.17% 4,508,160 Hull and Selby Walker & Burgess |4 8% # 369,589 Lancaster and Preston . Locke . . . . . 4 8% 20 440,000 Leeds and Selby . Walker & Burgess |4 8% 20 340,000 Leicester and Swannington G. Stephenson . 4 8% 16% 140,000 Liverpool and Manchester Locke . . . . 4 8% 30% 1,407,172 London and Birmingham . R. Stephenson . 4 8% | 1.12+ 5,698,375 London and Blackwall . Stephenson&Bidder 5 0 # 643,343 London and Brighton . Rastrick . . . . . 4 9 || 42} | 1,800,000 London and Croydon Gibbs. . 4 8% # 615,159 London and Greenwich tº Landmann . 4 8% #| 668,280 London and South Western . . . . . Locke . 4 8% 76% 2,054,386 Manchester and Birmingham (to Stockport) | Buck . . 4 9 29% 895,914 Manchester and Bolton . . . . . . . Hawkshaw . 4 8% 10 650,000 Manchester and Leeds . G. Stephenson . . . 4 9 || 49% 2,113,988 Midland Counties Vignoles. . 4 8% 57# 1,257,811 Newcastle and Carlisle . Blackmore . . 4 8% 6.1#| 950,000 Newcastle and North Shields Nicholson . . . 4 8% 7 240,000 Northern and Eastern . R. Stephenson . . 5 0 || 28#| 269,496 North Midland R. Stephenson . . . 4 8:#| 68 2,635,942 North Union . & Wigmoles . . 4 8:# 25 578,931 Paisley and Renfrew . Grainger . . . 4 6 3 30,000 Sheffield and Rotherham Swanwick . 4 8% 5} | 170,000 Slamanman tº º McNeill . . 4 6 12# 120,400 South-Eastern tº º Cubitt . . . . 4 8% 69 | 1,850,000 Stockton and Darlington G. Stephenson . . . 4 8:#| 25+ 250,000 Stockton and Hartlepool Heather . . 4 8% | 8 92,500 Whitby and Pickering . G. Stephenson . . . 4 8:#| 24 135,000 Ulster . . . . . . . Godwin . . . . 6 2 #| 107,602 York and North Midland . R. Stephenson . |4 83 || 23 445,942 62 xlii PRELIMINARY OBSERVATIONS. In concluding these preliminary observations, we ven- ture to offer some few suggestions to those who may be more particularly interested in the projects now contem- plated for an extension of railway communication in various districts of the United Kingdom :—1st, A strict regard to economy as the basis of such constructions ;— 2dly, The adoption of such legislative enactments as may best control the expenditure in all its ramifications;–and 3dly, The selection, from the maximum shareholders, of such only as are willing to discharge gratuitously the duties of Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, and Directors;– assured that by a rigid adherence to these leading principles the success of such projects may be most effectually promoted, and thus produce a happy con- summation by the advantageous employment of British capital and by a more general diffusion of means for the advancement of British industry. JOHN WEALE. MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. As all the bridges constructed on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad resemble each other in the framing of the timber, in the manner of scarfing, (which is tech- nically termed fishing,) and in the connexion of the floor beams, it is unnecessary to introduce geometrical plans, elevations, and sections in every Plate: accord- ingly they are confined to the delineation of the 84 feet span, of the 88 feet span, and of the 100 feet span bridges." For the same reasons, specifications have not been appended to every plan; as in general they would be but mere repetitions of each other. They are given for the heavy bridging across the Oneida Creek and Valley, for the 100 feet span bridge over the Mohawk River, and for the trestle bridge over the Onondaga Creek and Valley; and these are sufficiently numerous to explain the manner of construction and the quality of material used. The trusses for the other spans are represented in l Engineers of the works, O. H. Lee, Esq., and Major C. B. Stuart. B * & 2 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE isometrical perspective, giving in one view the manner of framing, connexion of timbers, and all the detail, as contrived and executed in the original: appended to each Plate is a short description, stating the principal dimensions, and from the attached estimates of timber may be drawn their various sizes. Thus the practitioner, if unacquainted with the principles of the style of drafting (where isometrical projections are alone used), is enabled to recover the plan in geometrical proportions. The trestle bridge over the Onondaga Creek is not upon the line of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad, but was constructed by the Company at its western terminus, for the Auburn and Syracuse Railroad, which joins it there, and thence extends westward. List of Prices for which the Bridges on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad were constructed. Location and description of Bridges. - ; Foundation. Price plineal ft. for super- [Masonry in White structure, | piers and pine tim- Oak No. of finished ac- abutments |Excavation ber ºp. M. piles feet No. of Kind of cording to per cubic | per cubic ft. board driven #. Name of Bridge. span. spans. foundation. plans. yard. yard. In 168 Sure, foot. 28. 28’ A& 28° 28. Mohawk River, east of Rome . . 100 l Pile bents 17-66 0-75 Erie Canal, near Canastota . . 88 l Stone abuts. 18:00 8:00 0.18 10:00 Oneida Creek, near Oneida Castle | 84 I 25 7 y 19-00 4-75 0.45 15-00 Mohawk River, at Rome . . . 60 2 5 y 5 y 12-88 5:00 0- 18 9-00 Erie Canal, at Rome . . . . . 60 l Pile bents 10-50 0-25 10:00 0.40 Butternut Creek . . . . . . 40 2 5 y 3 y 8'13 0-35 Limestone Creek . . . . . . 40 2 3 y 5 y 8-13 0-35 Chittenango Creek . . . . . . . 40 2. 5 y 27 8:13 0-35 Canaseraga Creek . . . . . . 40 l 77 y? 8-13 0-35 Canastota Creek . . . . . . 40 I }} 37 8:13 0-35 Coweslon Creek . . . . . . 40 2 } } 3 y 8, 13 0-35 Oriskany Creek . . . . . . 40 2 5 y 3 y 8:13 0-40 Sanquois Creek . . . . . . 40 2 37 77 8-13 0-40 Lake Brook . . . . . . . 30 I y 7 77 8-65 0-40 Canaseraga Raceway . . . . . . 30 l 5) 3 y 8.65 0-40 Oneida Valley . . . . . . . 30 60 Piles & bents 5:00 4-93 0-20 10-00 0-24 Alexander's Brook . . . . . 30 l Timber bents 8-65 0-40 Brandy Brook . . . . . . . 30 l 73 yy 8.65 0-40 Stony Brook . . . . . . . 30 I 3 y y 7 8.65 0-40 Mud Creek . . . . . . . . 30 2 Pile bents 8.65 0.40 Spring Brook . . . . . . . 30 l jy 3 * 8-65 0-40 Onondaga Creek . . . . . . 30 20 Piles 5.08 0-35 Remarks:—The above prices include the iron and all materials necessary to finish the superstructure of bridges according to plans and specifications. The masonry to be laid in water lime. Ö9 4 MECHANICAL works ON THE GENERAL DESCRIPTION. THE bridges constructed on the Utica and Syracuse Rail- road are of the kind denominated plank bridges. They are formed of thin sawed timber, of equal thickness, dis- posed in a system of triangular bracing, so as to throw the entire strain upon the abutments and piers. From the disposition of the grade line, which is generally but a few feet above the surface of high water, there remained no room to place the road-way upon the top of the framing: this occasioned the necessity for suspending, by vertical posts, a stringer to carry the floor beams that support the rails, and also to receive the ends of the braces and arches, thus bringing their lateral thrust into a longitudinal strain upon it. Each stretch or span of the bridge is composed (according as the road-bed was graded for one or two tracks) of two or three vertical truss frames, formed of white pine timber, arranged in the manner represented in the plans. These frames sim- ply rested upon the foundations, over which the stringers were notched. The timbers with which the frames are composed were brought into close contact in the desired position, and there securely bolted and strapped together. The floor timbers were placed at right angles to the UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 5 sides of the frames, and were generally notched down and laid without any fastening upon the upper sides of the stringers. In some cases, however, where the grade line approached the surface of the water very nearly, they were suspended beneath the stringers, by stirrup irons, as shown in Plate I. fig. 2. The framing of the diagonal braces between the posts, and also of the braces and arches that abut into the stringers, was effected by cutting completely through the posts and stringers, forming a square step at the ends of the braces and arches to fit the notch, and, simply bringing them in contact without the use of the mortise and tenon joint, fasten them securely to an adjacent post. In the absence of a post at the ends of the stringers, the principal abutting braces with the arches were strapped down upon the stringers. The posts are single, and the stringers, arches, and braces were fastened in pairs upon their sides by screw bolts and tremails. Whenever Scarfing was necessary it was effected by bringing the square ends of the timbers together, and bolting iron bars along their sides, having first inserted a block of wood, of the thickness of the posts, between the opposite timbers, at the place of scarfing. As the truss frames are very thin, in proportion to the superficies of their sides, collateral security was necessary, to prevent them from warping, or falling from their vertical position: this was effected by gallows frames, formed by running up opposite posts in the opposite frames, and connecting them crosswise by a cap piece, at a sufficient height to permit the passage of the trains beneath : to stiffen the 6 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE frames, braces were then inserted in the angles. Directly at the sides of the posts that formed the gallows frames were laid floor beams, of the necessary length to project 5 or 6 feet beyond the sides of the trusses: from their projecting ends braces were inclined against the truss, and fastened so as to bring them nearly in a line with the gallows frame braces. Each truss frame is protected from the action of the weather by a casing of white pine inch boards, placed vertically upon its sides and ends, and matched at the edges with a tongue and groove, so as to entirely exclude the water. Between the casing and the timber of the frame, fuming pieces were inter- posed, 1 inch thick, to secure a free circulation of air from beneath, the bottom remaining uncovered. The casing was thoroughly nailed and secured to the frame. Each truss frame is covered by a coping plank that projects over its sides: this coping plank was bevelled on its upper surface, so as to carry off the water. Under each projecting edge was made a groove, and a mould- ing inserted in the angle effectually prevented the access of water. The truss frames are separated by a distance of 11 feet. The flooring of the bridge is com- posed of pine or hemlock plank, well spiked or pinned to the floor beams. The ends of the plank are sepa- rated by a slight space from the sides of the truss frames. All the timber used in construction was of the first quality of square-edged white pine, perfectly sound, and free from black or loose knots, windshakes, wormholes, and sap, and was framed and braced in the most accurate and workmanlike manner, so as to secure UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 7 the whole strength of the timber. Each shoulder and joint was made to fit and bear with the utmost precision. The side and end coverings of the truss frames were thoroughly covered with two coats of oil and white lead, as were also the coping, gallows frames, and outside braces. The bolts and straps used were of the best quality of American wrought iron, of the specified sizes. The screw bolts were of round inch iron (driven through 3-inch auger holes), with substantial square heads, nuts, and washers: the screws were 2 inches long, with a clear and strong thread. As the lateral thrust of the braces and arches that compose the truss frames is re- solved into a longitudinal strain upon the stringers that receive them, the abutments and piers are consequently subjected only to the downward pressure of the weight of the bridge. The engineers were thus enabled to make the foundations of less dimensions, and of less durable materials, than would have been required for a bridge with arches thrusting directly upon them. For this purpose pile bents were adopted, as the cheapest and most efficacious means to insure the object. The piles were of straight and sound white oak timber, 12 inches square, and free from wane and loose or black knots. In all cases they were driven sufficiently deep to reach the hard or solid bottom. They were sawed off at the proper level to receive the cap pieces, which were fastened on by the mortise and tenon joint, and secured by trenails, 2 inches in diameter, well wedged at their heads. 8 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Each bent consists of two rows of piles, driven in straight lines, on a line corresponding with the thread of the stream. Each row consists of four piles for single track, and seven piles for double track bridges. These rows were placed at distances of 1, 2, or 3 feet apart, varying with the spans of the bridges, and were connected together by cross caps, dovetailed into the longitudinal caps. The piles were so arranged in the rows that one was situated immediately beneath each truss. The cap pieces are of the same quality with the piles, and were framed and finished in a substantial and workmanlike Iſla Iſl]162]”. The sides of the bents were planked up from 1 foot below low-water mark to their tops with sound 3-inch white oak plank, laid edge to edge, and strongly pinned to the piles. The larger bents were generally filled with cobble stone. The trestle bridges were used in crossing wide valleys, considerably depressed below the grade line: they were a cheap substitute for embankments, and effected a great saving of time in construction. As these decay, in the progress of years, they are filled up with earth, hauled by locomotive engines at a reduced cost. These structures are formed by erecting, at short distances, wooden piers, composed of single bents: across them horizontal stringers were laid, and supported at equal spaces by braces abutting in the posts of the bents. A railing was erected upon the sides, and the stringers were covered with plank, upon which the railway was THE TI & sºlº sº lº All WAY UNITED STATE // - - //, //, / ºr 0/40 & 9// /* Jazz/2 ºzº-ſºº. | ſº - zºº.º. - 7%///w/ / /º/, ſº ſº. A/, /d/or”. Move”, ſº - - - - |UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 9 constructed. All the timber used in their construction was of the same kind and quality as that used in the construction of the truss bridges, and the workmanship was the best description of carpentry. The tremails which hold the tenons in their mortises are octagonal in their section, and were driven through auger holes of a less diameter: their heads were spread by wedges after they were driven home. - The bents were placed on piles, driven to a hard bottom, and sawed off at the level of the ground, and also on foundation walls of stone masonry, according as the nature of the soil would permit. Plate I.-Fig. 1 is an isometrical projection of one- half of a bridge of 40 feet span. The truss, one of the simplest that can be contrived, is very cheap, and easy of construction. It consists of two stringers at bottom, and, at a distance of 5; feet between them, of two horizontal abutting pieces at top, with sloping abutting braces footing in the stringers: vertical posts, placed 63 feet from centre to centre, connect these, and project 6 inches above and below the truss. Upon each side of the posts are a pair of minor braces, footing in the stringers, and abutting at the centre of the span beneath the horizontal abutting piece. º Bolting blocks are inserted between the ends of the stringers, and between the lower ends of the abutting braces, forming a solid mass to bolt through. The tim- bers are fastened together by wrought iron screw bolts, 10 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE and the sloping abutting braces are tied down upon the stringers by wrought iron bands. The flooring beams are placed equidistant 5 feet from centre to centre, notched down 1 inch, and laid upon the stringers: two of them are produced 54 feet beyond the exterior face of the truss, and from their extremities braces are inclined and spiked against the horizontal abutting piece, thus giving the truss a greater base, and assisting to sustain it in its vertical position upon the abutments, A railing is placed at each end of the truss, which is then boarded up, coped, and painted. Across the flooring beams are laid the wooden rails, 8 inches Square, and upon them are spiked the oak ribbons and iron plate that form the track. The inter- mediate spaces of the floor are laid with 3-inch thick pine plank. The abutments are formed of two rows of piles: the piles, 12 inches Square, are placed 2 feet from centre to centre transversely, and 4 feet from centre to centre longitudinally, united at top by a longitudinal cap, 12 inches Square, with a cross cap beneath each truss: the exterior of the abutments is then cased up with 3 inch thick oak plank, |UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 11 Estimate of Timber for a single Track Bridge of 40 feet Span, 11 feet in the clear between trusses. --- Amount in No. of | Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. In 168 Sull'C, 4 || Stringers - White pine 46 4 x 15 920 4 || Horizontal abutting pieces j y 77 14+; 4 x 15 28.1% | 8 || Sloping ?? braces y 5 y? 17} 4 x 15 690 8 : Minor 97 5 y ?? 77 9% 4 x 9 228 4 || Railing posts » , , 4}. 6 x 4 34 4 3 y caps }} 33 10% 3 x 12 126 4 Coping plank, not shown in Plate , , 10% 3 x 16 168 2 * 7 3 y y? 7 y 77 14% 3 x 16 116 4 5 y 22 y? ?? 5 y 6 3 x 16 96 4 | Bolting blocks ?? 5.9 4 4 x 15 80 4 ?? ?? 3 y 3.9 2 4 x 15 40 6 | Flooring beams ?? 5 y 134; 7 x 12 553 2 , yy Jy yy 24% 7 x 12 340% 4 ?? y 5 braces ?? 7 y 8 6 x 6 96 Flooring plank, not shown in Plate , ,, 15 3 x 12 1334 Siding boards yy ?? 3 y 3 y 9 || 1 x 4 to 10 915 * , 7 y ?? 9 y 3 y 6 1 x 4 to 10 495 6 Main posts 3 y 5 y 9 4 x 15 270 4 ?? 7 y y; 77 5# 4 x 15 115 68.98% Estimate of Iron. 68 bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 12 inches long in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts for ditto, 2 inches square by 1 inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by } inch thick. / 2 4 wrought iron bands, 2 feet 8 inches by 12 inches in clear, of 2; inches by # inch thick iron. Total weight of iron, 568 fös. Fig. 2 is an isometrical projection of one-half of a bridge of 30 feet span: the truss is similar to fig. 1. In a bridge of this span the stringers and horizontal abutting pieces are separated by a distance of 34 feet between them. The posts are placed 10 feet from centre to centre. Bolting blocks are inserted between the ends of stringers and between the lower ends of sloping abutting braces, as in fig, 1. ; , , / ! / ". . [..t. 4% *1 wº ! ;-- 23 & I 2 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE The flooring beams are suspended beneath the truss by stirrup irons that pass between the stringers, and over oak wedges, laid upon the stringers in contact with the sides of the posts. At right angles to the flooring beams, and notched three inches over them, are laid heavy longitudinal runners, of the necessary depth to make their upper surfaces in the same plane with the top of the stringers. The whole width of the bridge is then floored over with pine plank, and the 8 inches square rails are laid directly over the longitudinal runners, with the oak ribbons and iron plate for the track, as in fig. 1. From the ends of the floor timbers, braces incline to the truss, as in fig. 1; and the bridge is finished in all respects the same, with the omission of the railing, and the substitution of oak trenails for iron bolts. The foundations are of single timber bents, composed of mud sill and cap united by vertical posts: braces are introduced at the ends, on the same inclination with the embankment behind them. The rear is then planked up. The sills, cap pieces, and vertical posts, are of 12 inches square pine timber. The braces are of 6 × 9 inches pine scantling. The planks are of 3 inches thick pine. … ------ |º !! ~> (~S |- 7/7, 27 // /º/, ºz/2.7/º/º/, Zººnoº.cº. -> º//º/, // ºr Jožº ſº. Wºozy. Mºrº ZºZº. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 13 Estimate of Timber for a single Track Bridge of 30 feet Span, 11 feet in clear between trusses. Amount in No. of Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. IdealSUITC. 4 || Stringers White pine 34 4 x 15 680 4 Horizontal abutting pieces y y 5 y 10# y? 215 8 Sloping ?? braces y; 77 13 3 * 520 2 Coping planks, not shown in Plate , , 12+ 3 x 16 98 4 } } } } }} yy yy 13 yy 208 8 || Bolting blocks ; : ; ; 2#. 4 x 15 100 2 | Flooring beams ; 7 y? 24 10 × 12 576 4 y? ,, braces y; ; ; 6# 6 x 6 81 2 Longitudinal runners y? y? 34 8 x 15 680 4 Posts ?? 5 y 7 4 x 15 140 4 | Wedges for stirrup irons ,, oak I 6 x 10 20 Flooring planks ,, pine | 13; 3 x 12 I 185 Siding boards, not shown in Plate , ,, 6} | 1 x 4 to 10 572 5075 40 | Trenails of white oak, 1% inch diameter, 8 square 8 Tremails of white oak, l inch diameter, 8 square } Estimate of Iron. 4 bands, 2 feet 3 inches by 12 inches in clear, of 2; inches by # inch wrought iron. - 4 stirrup irons, 33 inches by 10 inches in clear, of 2; inches by # inch wrought iron. Total weight of iron, 280 fts. Plate II. is an isometrical projection of a truss for a bridge of 60 feet in span between abutments: it is, as may be seen, an enlargement of the 40 feet span in Plate I. fig. 1. The additional strength and stiffness required for the additional length is obtained by the in- sertion of a pair of arches and counter braces. As the depth of the truss increases in proportion with the span of the bridge, while its thickness continues only the same, it obviously requires more security against the tendency of its enlarged superficies to warp and change its vertical position: this is effected by means of 14 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE gallows frames, formed by running up posts in opposite trusses, and connecting them at top by caps: the frame is then stiffened by inserting braces in the angles. The depth of this truss, measuring from the bottom of the stringer or chord to the top of the horizontal abutting piece, is 10 feet 3 inches. The posts are placed equi- distant 7 feet 9 inches from centre to centre. This bridge rests on a similar foundation, and is in all respects finished in the same manner as the 40 feet span in Plate I. fig. 1. Estimate of Timber for a double Track Bridge of 60 feet Span, (3 trusses,) 11 feet in clear between trusses. | Amount in No. of - Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names, timber. in feet. inches. IIl CalSUlre. 6 | Stringers or chords White pine | 66 4 x 15 1980 6 Horizontal abutting pieces ?? 7.7 31#. 4 x 12 756 12 | Sloping 7 y braces ; : y :) 19; y 7 948 12 Minor 7 y 5 * ?? 7 y 18% 73 888 12 | Diagonal braces between posts y; 77 11+ 4 × 8 360 6 77 77 77 5 y 37 ! 8#. y? 132 2 || Gallows frame caps ; , ; } 25% 8 × 8 270} 8 y 3 ,, braces ; : 33 6 6 x 8 192 6 || Railing posts 77 y? 6# 4 x 6 78 6 ,, CapS y 7 2 7 10# 3 x 12 193} 18 Arch pieces ; : y : 16 4 x 12 1152 12 ?? 5 y - 77 y? 7% ?? 360 13 | Floor timbers, not shown in Plate , ,, 25% 7 x 12 2305% 2 77 7 ? 3 y 37 y? 37% 3 y 525 4 } } braces 3 y ; : y :) 9; 7 x 9 2043 | 6 || Coping plank, not shown in Plate , , 16# 3 x 16 || 396 6 - 35 3 y ; 7 77 } } # ?? 204 6 - 77 7 7 77 3) 77 11 3 y 264 9 || Main posts , , ; 11+ 4 x 12 405 6 j } y 7 77 y 7 7 ?? 168 6 Gallows frame posts ?? y? 18% 35 444 6 | Bolting blocks 2 y 23 4}. 5 y I02 6 yy 77 39 ?? # 4 x 15 165 6 y? 5 y 77 } } 2} 4 x 12 54 Flooring plank, not shown in Plate , , 15 3 x 12 3630 Siding boards 5 y 5 y ,, , , , 11+ | 1 × 4 to 10 || 3004 3 y , , } } ?? 7 y 2 y 7 ?? 903 27 | White oak tremails, 1% inch dia- 20,083; meter, 8 square, and 12 long 30 | White oak tremails, 1 inch dia- meter, 8 square, and 8 long Z// º A 1/zºº/ ºne. ZŽeº /ø/ ? Zozzzzzzzzazz of //oor Zº/2. - - | 3.2/7% Wo/” A. È § § » Š ~ N ! ~ § & Z%& Zºº /ø//, //22/2. //ºz, /////////|× |- ~ L---- ---- ---- *ZTLI ( 1 ) ) Œ - ( )|-T- |- ºczzo” on Zºe AA /ø/ 3 º - - - - Z/2Z. 32. & Zºº ºoz ºzz/º a zºº - Zºº | - ºn º - - -- - - - - - - - - Z% ºn ſº Zººlºº /* A ſº- UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 15 Estimate of Iron. 195 bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 12 inches long in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts, 2 inches square by 1 inch thick wrought iron. washers for ditto, 3inches diameter by } inch thick wrought iron. 6 bands, 3 feet 3 inches by 12 inches in clear, of 23 by # inch wrought iron. e 6 bands, 2 feet 6 inches by 12 inches in clear, of 23 by # inch wrought iron. Total weight of iron, 171 libs. Plates III. and III." show a considerable alteration in the system of trussing. The truss here represented of 88 feet span is much simpler in its design than that of 82 feet span, shown in Plate IV.“: like that, this possesses the abutting pieces, abutting piece braces, and stringers, united by vertical posts, stiffened by counter braces; but, substituted for the arches, minor abutting pieces, and their sloping braces, are a succession of parallel braces, notched into the stringers opposite to a post, crossing an intermediate post, and notching beneath the abutting piece opposite to a third post: they are bolted to the posts at their intersections, and secured by trenails to the counter braces. Upon the exterior of this truss is bolted a pair of arches (parallel) that thrust against the stone abutments: they descend below the stringers, and are fastened to the end posts produced downwards: they form a great addi- tion of strength and beauty. In casing up the bridge the arches are cased sepa- rately, adorned with mouldings, and relieved by a darker tint. l6 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE In this bridge the floor timber braces were retained, but the gallows frames were omitted, as it was deemed that sufficient security against lateral twisting was ob- tained by the extra width of truss given by the arches. A railing was placed at the ends of the truss, and the details in all respects were the same as described for the other bridges. The depth of truss, from under side of stringer to upper side of abutting piece, is 10% feet. The distance from centre to centre of posts is 87 0 feet. The span of the arch is 86 feet, and the rise to its intrados is 13; feet. The foundations were stone abutments, with wings flared, executed in a good style of workmanship, but possessed of nothing in the design to warrant particular notice. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 17 Estimate of Timber for a double Track Bridge of 88 feet Span, (3 trusses,) 11 feet in clear between trusses. - Amount in No. of Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in fect. inches. measure. , 6 Chords or stringers White pine 63 4 x 16 2016 6 2: . - 93 5 y ?? 37 3 * 1184 6 Horizontal abutting pieces 37 33 52; 4 x 15 1582% 12 Sloping y? braces ?? 5 y 25% 3 y 1515 36 | Truss braces 37 y 7 21% 4 x 12 3096 12 35 35 ; : } % II. 5 y 528 21 | Posts 33 y 3 11% jj 966 6 yy ; : y : 8} 7 y 204 6 ,, at ends ; : y : 16# 77 390 6 ,, for railing y y 5 y 6% 4 x 9 117 6 || Railing pieces y; 7) 14# 4 × 12 354 18 Diagonal braces between posts 77 y? 12% 77 900 6 5 y 3 y 2 3 y? y? 10% 3 y 252 6 y 5 7 y 7 y y 7 5 y 6% 75 156 12 Arch pieces 2 y 75 2I 4 x 18 1512 18 33 y 7 37 5 y 18#. 5 y 2025 17 | Floor timbers 3 y 77 26# 7 x 12 3183} 3 2 y - 5 22 7.5 41 , 861 2 | y, 1, ,, , , | 1.14% º 1653 6 3 y , braces ; : 77 11} 7 x 9 370} 6 || Coping plank 3 y 7 y 27 # x 16 540 6 7 7 } % 3 y 77 10 72 200 6 5 y 5 § y 5 ?? 15 5 y 300 6 Bolting blocks between stringers y 7 y 3 4 4 x 16 128 6 Splicing 7 7 7 y 73 y 7 7# 22 248 6 | Bolting , abutting braces ?? 5.5 4# 4 x 15 142% 12 ?? ,, feet of arches y y 5 y 2 4 × 12 96 Siding boards 7 y : y 11% 1 x 4 to 10 | 6900 Flooring plank ,, , , |15 & 20 23 x 12 5500 35,432+ 36 | Tremails of white oak, 1% inch diam., 8 square, and 12 long 12 | Tremails of white oak, l inch diam., 8 square, and 7 long Estimate of Iron. " 192 bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 12 inches long in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts for ditto, 2 inches Square by 1 inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by + inch thick. 108 bolts for splicing bars of 1 inch round wrought iron, 12# inches long in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts for ditto, 2 inches square by 1 inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by # inch thick. 18 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE 18 splicing bars of wrought iron, 10+ feet long, 3 inches by # inch thick. 6 wrought iron bands, 3 feet by 1 foot in clear, of 2; by # inch thick iron. 93 bolts for arches, of 1 inch round wrought iron, 20 inches long in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts, 2 inches square by 1 inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by } inch thick. Total weight of iron, 4328 ths. BRIDGING OVER THE ONEIDA CREEK AND WALLEY. The crossing of the Oneida Creek Valley constitutes the heaviest piece of bridging on the line of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad. W The ground is here depressed from 15 to 30 feet below the level of the surrounding table-land: as the approaches furnished no excavation for embankment, trestle-work was adopted as a cheaper substitute. The valley at this point is about 2000 feet broad, and a trestled structure is carried over it in spans of 30 feet, measuring from centre to centre of bents. The creek is crossed by a span of 84 feet, which will be hereafter described. Referring to Plate VI., it will be perceived that the trestle-work is of the most econo- mical character; the stringers rest upon single bents, composed of sill and cap piece, with vertical posts between them, stiffened by cross braces of plank pinned against them. The upper surfaces of the stringers are united by a continuous flooring of plank, fastened by spikes. At //ºnov//o/, ///Zºº”, ºr ſº zºº/// 2. r r r - T --r- | ---- · | 1 S+ ſºs |- |----- <!”{ |× |-|-r! - r- r'. |· | )№ |- _-_ae - zº *º º· Zºº Zººlºº VV 22/27 z/2 2/2ZZººſ' s...}s | № ºx- . . . . . . . . .|- - - - ---- , , , ) |- ! !!!!!!!!!!!!-- - 2 // ºzºſ /ø/ / / /ø/27 2/22222/1277. /…/ 22, ſº wº A /ø/2 2//z. غ ſº, - 27/ º/7. ºw/2 6 fºeſ nº - J/zzarº dº. A. // / /º/, º/, /º/, 2 º/eº /º/, // //ºn ºº: /9/2. //, /a/ / /ø//, // - UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 19 distances of 10 feet the stringers are supported by braces, which abut in the posts, and are held in position by the mortise and tenon joint. *- The whole is surmounted by a plain railing, framed upon the exterior by notching out half the lower ends of the posts, then setting them upon the stringer, and spiking their descending parts against its side. Around the posts is placed a projecting coping plank, which covers the ends of the flooring planks, and presents a fair appearance to the eye. The railing, coping plank, and side of the stringer, are painted; and, viewed from above, the structure presents the appearance of a level platform. w" The width is 23 feet and 7 inches in the clear between the railing; a double track is laid throughout, formed by cross ties, of the same size and distance apart as are used in the Superstructure for the road-bed; across these, and directly above the stringers placed beneath, are laid the rails and iron plate. The bents for the trestle-work east of the Oneida Creek rest upon foundation walls of stone masonry; those on the west rest upon a foundation of bearing piles. .** The span of 84 feet, (see Plates IV. and IV.“ of span of 82 feet, isometrically drawn,) it may be seen, shows a gradual increase of strength over the 60 feet span; an extra set of abutting pieces and their attendant braces are added, and the timbers are increased in section throughout. - This span is the most perfect adaptation of the prin- 20 | MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE ciple of trussing used on this railroad; the bridge is exceedingly rigid, and bears the heaviest loads without being sensibly affected. The timbers are secured in position by bolts alone. In this truss the distance between the stringer and abutting piece is 10+ feet; the posts are placed 9 feet from centre to centre, and the counter braces are notched into them. The gallows frames were con- structed in the manner of those in the 60 feet span bridge; and all the detail and finishing were of the same character described for that span. The abutments were partially composed of rectangular masses of masonry, executed as per specifications for a height of 10 feet above low water, and were raised to the level of the stringers by wooden frames: the stringers of the trestle-work join upon them, which accounts for their pier-like appearance. Specification of a Bridge to be constructed for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad Company, across the Oneida Creek and Valley, reference being had to the plans of the same, in the office of the Engineer of said Company. The bridge is to be composed of 1 span (truss) of 84 feet, over the Oneida Creek; 20 spans (trestle) of 29 feet each, (see Plate VI.,) east of, and 40 spans (trestle) of 29 feet each, west of said 84 feet span, and extending across the Oneida Creek Valley. If in the opinion of the engineer it may be deemed necessary or advisable to add to, or deduct from, the length of said bridge, it is * UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 2] hereby understood that the addition or deduction shall not vary more than five 29 feet spans, at each or either end, from the number of spans specified above. Foundations for the 84 feet Span. A pit, 38 feet long and 15 feet wide on the bottom, shall be excavated to a depth of 3 feet below the bed of the creek. The bottom of said pit to be levelled off, and two courses of 6 inches thick timber to be laid crosswise, projecting 2 feet from the base of the masonry on every side. - Masonry.--The masonry shall commence at the level of 16 feet below the stringer of the bridge; at which place the abutment shall be a parallelogram 30 feet long and 7 feet broad; each face shall be laid with a batter of 1 in 12 for a vertical distance of 12 feet, where an offset of 6 inches shall be made, and the masonry continued on the same batter for a further distance of 4 feet. The masonry to be composed of good sound building stone, well quarried, with flat beds and square joints; no stone to be used of less size than 6 × 12 × 18 inches. The corner stones to be well bonded into the body of the work, and none to be of a size under 12 × 18 × 30 inches, with their beds and sides squarely dressed and truly set. The face stones to be laid on their broadest beds, and disposed in alternate layers of headers and stretchers; the headers to compose one-third part of the masonry, and to extend through at least two-thirds of its thickness. 22 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE The face stones to have their beds and ends dressed square, and to be laid with a full bearing surface. The face of the abutments to be hammer-dressed, ranged in courses and breaking joints. When finished, every joint to be neatly pointed. Carpentry.--The abutment from the top of the ma- sonry shall be carried up to the level of the bridge stringers, by a trestle-work of wood constructed as follows: Two parallel vertical frames shall be erected, at a distance of 3 feet asunder; they shall be strongly braced, and united at top and bottom by cross ties. Each frame shall consist of a sill and cap piece, sepa- rated by a distance of 14 feet. The sill and cap piece of each frame shall be united by seven vertical posts, tenoned into them and well tremailed. Upon the outside of the posts, braces shall be pinned, as shown in plan. The cross ties which unite the frames at top and bottom shall be dovetailed 4 inches into the sills and cap pieces. The posts shall be so disposed that one pair shall be immediately beneath a bridge truss. The three pairs directly under the bridge trusses shall be stiffened by cross braces, pinned against either side, as shown in plan. The trestle shall be made in a workmanlike and sub- stantial manner; every joint is to fit and bear with the utmost precision. All the trenails used are to have their heads well wedged; to be 1 inch in diameter, and octagonal in section. The timber to be of sound white pine, free from sap, S N o Oo N ºl S O OO C N Š N N \| N. N º \ OO O | >O O º O- s ` s *~ ^. O ^ N º > o O O - 9. 2 Abutment fºr a Żrzāze of 627.5%z. over zºe (/lezza (Żee/ Jazz/e 4/7%at 27 272c/. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 23 windshakes, wormholes, or large loose knots, and to be of the sizes specified in the subjoined estimate of timber. - Estimate of Timber for one Trestle Frame, forming part of an Abutment for a Bridge of 82 feet Span, over Oneida Creek. —See Plate V. - - Amount in feet, No. of Kind of Length Size in board. pieces. For what purpose used. timber. in feet. inches. measure. 2 | Cap pieces . . . . . . . . . White pine | 28 |12 x 12| 672 2 | Sills . . . . . . . . . . . , ,, 28 ,, . 672 14 | Posts . . . . . . . . . . y? y y 15 ,, 2520 10 | Cross ties . . . . . . . . . yy 7 y 5 y 7 600 4 || Side braces . . . . . . . . 7 y 7 y 9 || 3 x 9 81 4 y; ' , , , , ~ * * * * * * yy y? 15% 7 y 139% 4 yy 3 y • * * * * * * * * 9 y y? 21; y 7 1933; 4 jp ; : - - - - - - - - - y? yy 15 9 y 135 4 ?? 2 y - - - - - - - - - 3 y 23 8% } } 76# 18 | End , ?? y y 8 5 y 324. 54.13% 116 Tremails of oak, lin. dia". & 12 in, long 244 y; 2, yy 15 , I38 35 77 ,, 18 , Estimate of Cost for one Abutment. 6525 feet, board measure, white pine plank in foundation . . (a) 28 15:00 p. M. B. M. . 28'97.87% 54.13% feet, board measure, white pine plank in trestle frame . (a) 28, 15:00 ,, 3 y → • 81 - 20 Workmanship on ditto, including cost of trenails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170:00 16171 cubic yards stone ma- sonry . . . . . . . . . (a) 28°4'75 p, cubic yard . 768: 12 28°1117.19% Note.—The above estimate is founded on the prices contracted for, and shows the actual cost of the abutment. Superstructure for the 84 feet Span.—See Plate IV. The Superstructure of the bridge is to be composed 24 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE of three parallel vertical truss frames, placed upon the foundations at right angles, and separated from each other by distances of 11 feet. The truss frames are to be composed in the manner shown on the plan, and the timbers to be firmly bolted together. All the timber in the superstructure shall be good, sound, well-seasoned, square-edged white pine, free from Sap,-that has been sawed at least six months, and is of the dimensions marked on said plan, and stated in the annexed estimate of timber. The whole shall be framed and braced, as shown on said plan, in the most substantial and workmanlike manner: each shoulder and joint must fit and bear with the utmost precision: every brace and bearing timber that has not a perfect fit and bearing will be rejected. The flooring beams are to be placed at right angles to the truss frames. The joints of the arch pieces to be in the line of radii to the arc. The string timbers to be spliced as shown on the plan, with three splicing bars to each joint: said splicing bars to be 11 feet long, pierced with holes and fitted with spurs on the ends: one hole in each end of every bar is to be so placed that the bolt will pass through the adjacent post. A splicing timber 5 × 18 inches, and of such length as will fill the space between the posts, shall be inserted between the stringers, and the bolts shall be screwed until all the timbers are forced into close con- tact. The floor is to be formed with sound 2% inches thick 77a3//e ///d/e. Oneida Geeſ' laſ/el' yazs of 297&ez. , Yezz/e 67?et = Z z/2c/. A. Man, re//JC. /#/.../r/te/tvooz/.C./ZzZe/. - - -------- Z%/25%ed &y Jø//w /ø/e, 3.2////, /70//ory. Movemžer, Z%2 UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 25 white pine plank, laid edge to edge, and firmly spiked to the floor beams. The sides of the truss frames are to be cased up with sound, well-seasoned white pine tully boards, planed, matched, and nailed on vertically edge to edge in close contact. Fuming pieces are to be interposed between the casing and truss frame. The trusses to be coped with sound white pine plank, projecting 2 inches over their sides: the upper surfaces of said plank to be properly bevelled for throwing off the water, and the under surfaces to be wrought with a groove. Painting.—The siding of the trusses and the gallows frames to be covered with two coats of oil, of such colour as may be directed. - Iron.—The bolts to be of the bèst round wrought iron, 1 inch in diameter, to be driven through g-inch auger holes; the nuts and screws to be cut with a perfect thread. The heads of the bolts to be firmly fastened on; to be of #-inch thick iron by 2 inches square. The nuts to be of the same dimensions as the heads, and provided with washers. - In such places as the engineer shall permit, white oak tremails may be used. The bands to be of the best bar iron, 2% by § inch, firmly welded together. - The splicing bars to be of 3 × # inch thick iron, of the same quality with the bands. Foundations for the 29 feet Spans.—See Plate VI. For the spans east of the 84 feet span, the foundations 26 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE shall be prepared by digging a trench 3 feet below the surface of the ground, and of sufficient length and breadth to receive the masonry. A double course of 2% inches thick pine planks to be laid crosswise, and a wall composed of good sized building stone, laid in water- lime mortar, to be placed upon them. The wall to be 2 feet thick, 28 feet long, and of such height as the levels of the engineer may indicate: said walls to be laid in a workmanlike manner, to the satisfac- tion of the engineer. For the spans west of the 84 feet span, the foundations shall be prepared by driving, to a depth satisfactory to the engineer, seven good, sound, white oak, white or pitch pine, or cedar piles, 12 inches diameter. Upon the foundation walls, and upon the foundation piles, timber bents are to be placed, constructed as follows: a sill and cap piece are to be framed upon seven vertical posts with the mortise and tenon joint. The posts to be of a sufficient length to make the top of the bent on a level with the bottom of the stringers. The posts are to be so placed that each shall be directly beneath its corresponding stringer. The bents shall be stiffened by cross braces of plank pinned against the sides. The bents placed upon the pile foundations shall have their sills fastened to the heads of the piles by the mortise and tenon joint, and by iron straps 3 inches by # inch thick, passed around said sill and bolted to the piles. Four straps to each bent. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 27 Superstructure for the 29 feet Spans.—See Plate VI. The superstructure to be composed of seven stringers, laid at right angles upon the bents, and directly over the posts placed beneath. Four stringers to be placed directly beneath the rails of the track. With the exception of the middle stringer and post, braces are to be inserted, on a slope of 1 to 1, between the stringers and posts. The braces are to be notched in, and held by the mortise and tenon joint. A railing, composed of cap piece and vertical posts, is to be fastened upon the exteriors of the outside stringers; and the stringers are to be floored over with 2% inches thick pine plank. The quality of timber and style of workmanship to be precisely the same with the 84 feet span, before specified. The railing posts, railing caps, and the exteriors of outside stringers, are to be painted with two coats of oil, of such colour as may be directed. The whole of the above-named work, together with the delivery and acceptance of the materials, and all things connected therewith, to be under the direction and inspection of the said engineer. Such parts of the above-named work as are not par- ticularly described are to be in accordance with the directions of the said engineer. 28 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Estimate of Timber for a double Track Bridge of 84 feet span, (3 trusses,) 11 feet in clear between trusses.—See Plate IV. - Amount in No of Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. - Names. timber. in feet. inches. I measure. 6 | Stringers or chords White pine 61% 5 x 18 || 2767% 6 : yy 53 33 y; 34% 3 y 1552% 6 | Horizontal abutting pieces 77 y? 36% 5 x 15 1368} 12 | Sloping abutting braces 95 3.5 30 y 2 2250 6 Minor horizontal abutting pieces 95 y? 18% 5 y 693# 12 || Minor sloping abutting braces y; 77 21% 5 x 12 1290 12 Sloping braces at centre . 9 y 75 13 5 y 780 18 Arch pieces 99 y? 19 5 x 15 2137% 12 3 y 5 y yy 12 16# }} 1237; 9 || Posts y; ' )? 14% 5 x 12 652% 6 yy ,, ..., | 11 ,, . 330 6 º - Jy Jy 6# y? 202; 6 Gallows frame posts - 35 y? 19 33 570 2 Gallows frame caps 33 53 26 7 x 12 364 8 || Braces for ditto 3 y 5 y 7# 6 x 12 360 12 | Diagonal braces between posts y? 3 y 15 5 x 12 900 6 53 y? . y? 99 jj . 11% y? 345 6 y? 3 y 25 5 y y 3 9% 3 y 285 14 | Floor timbers 33 y 3 26 7 x 12 || 2548 2 y? 5 y - ?? 2 y 11; y 2 156; 2 33 37 » , 40 yy 560 4 y y 3 y braces 72 y? 12 7 x 9 || 252 6 || Splicing pieces between stringers 95 y? 8 5 x 18 360 6 1, 22 3 * 5 y 53 ?? 9 75 405 6 jj 5 y , sloping abutting braces ?? 5.5 7 5 x 15 262%. 6 || Splicing pieces between ends of arches }} }} 4 • 150 Flooring plank y; 77 15 2; x 12 || 4950 Siding boards 55 y? 14% |1 x 4 to 10 6540 6 || Railing pieces 2 y 27 14 5 x 15 525 6 57 posts ?? - y? # 6 x 5 97% 6 Coping plank 3 p 35 19 4 × 19 722 6 2 3 33 52 yy 18 y; 684 6 73 5 y 77 yy 15 ?? - 570 36,868; Estimate of Iron for the above-named Bridge. 219 bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 15 inches in clear of head and nut. * . - heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by 3 inch thick. 144 bolts for splicing bars, of 1 inch round wrought iron, 15% inches in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 29 144 washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by } inch thick. 18 splicing bars of wrought iron, 11 feet long, 3 inches by # inch thick. 6 wrought iron bands, 4 feet by 15 inches in clear, of 24 by # inch thick iron. * 6 wrought iron bands 2% feet by 15 inches in clear, of 2% by # inch thick iron. Total weight of iron, 3500ibs. 54 white oak trenails, 8 inches square, 2 inches diameter, and 15 inches long. 30 white oak tremails, 8 inches square, l inch diameter, and 15 inches long. Estimate of Timber for one Span of 29 feet in clear between Bents.-See Plate VI. tº Amountin No. of Kind of Length | Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. measure. For one Bent. * 7 | Posts . . . . . . . . . White pine | 19 | 12 x 12 | 1596 1 | Cap piece . . . . . . . . y y 5 y 26 7 y 312 1 | Sill . . . . . . . . . 5 § 23 5 y * 7 312 2 | Diagonal braces . . . . . ,, . , || 28 3 x 12 168 2388 Superstructure. 7 | Stringers . . . . . . . y y 5 y 30 7 x 14 1715 12 | Braces for ditto . . . . . 2 y 7 y 15 7 x 10 || 1050 16 || Railing posts . . . . . . 3 y 95 4# 5 x 5 158; 2 pieces . . . . . . 33 y? 30 125 92 5 y y? 23# 2% x 12 1768; yy 3 y 30 2% x 8 100 30 | Flooring plank 2 - || Coping , 4917+5 | Total . . 7305+3 72 | White oak tremails, 8 inches square, 1 diam., and 12 long 24 | White oak trenails, 8 inches Square, 1 diam., and 7 long Note.—The subjoined estimate is founded on the prices contracted for, and shows the actual cost of one span. 30 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Estimate of cost for one Span, eaclusive of Foundations for Bent. - 30 lineal feet of superstructure . . . Q & 5:00 . . 28, 150-00 2388 feet,board measure timber in one bent (@ 23 15:00 p., M. 35'82 framing ditto . . . . . . (a) 28°30:00 ,, 71-64 28° 257.46 Where foundation walls are used, add for 6:22 cubic yards stone masonry (a) 28°4'93 p. cub. y”. 28°30'66 435 feet B. M. plank in foundation Q & 10:00 p. M. 4:35 28°35'01 Where bearing piles are used, add for 175 lineal feet of pile timber (G) 3 cents #9, foot . 28' 5:25 Driving ditto Q 24 cents #p, foot . . . . . . . 28°42'00 Iron for ditto . . . . . . . . . . . . 28°15'00 28 62-25 Plates VII. and VII." represent a bridge of one span of 100 feet in the clear between abutments, constructed across the Mohawk River, near the city of Rome: it is the longest span used on this railroad. The manner of trussing is precisely similar to the 84 feet span shown in Plate IV., making the obvious alterations required for an extended span: it rests on pile bent abutments. The dimensions are figured on the plan, and the whole is so shown in detail as to preclude the necessity of further description. The piles in the abutments are so arranged as to bring one pair of them directly beneath each truss. Fig. 1 is a geometrical elevation of the side of the truss. Fig. 2 is a horizontal section of one-half the bridge, \,|_ - |-_- - - -| 13 ? §.Š §- § | №|---- ---, -, < 7Lºſ ºs |-! |-'s - s Ayyº, ſ/2/2, 32 /º/, ////oz, Vorº Z /* |- (~~~~ | š S | | | | | | | | | | // // // //|- // | // // // // 2 ºz. … //zº Zºº - ſº tº -L - -> - - I - - - - s L. L. - A Zoo, Zºº /º/ . Zºzzazzazz of | ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | || .| g||B| || p |||||-| || | || || || || | –| /^.|× | || || || | |- |- ·---- ---- |- |-! · |º+- … |-|- |----- ...….---- || º |---- ||× s') || ſo Lº | | | | is ‘’ · - ſº ſ |- | |×|…| //}ºff"),| |- |- | | //////////ſºſ,|× | | | | ||||| |||| ||- | ----- T - is L. L. L." | – | || |- ſ', / 'y',// ºcc/Zozº on ſize AA º/ º | | | || || | · | | Ze º zºez - 7 ºzzº º ZºZ. A of 77/sº Zºozzzzzzzzzzz Zºyeczzoz. . | … /* - - ºf Z /º/º. º /º/, /º/”." º - - * /º/, // º/.../ Zºº, º wº. º.º.º. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 31 taken at the top of the stringers, showing the connexion of the floor beams and flooring. . Fig. 3 is a cross section taken at right angles through the centre of the bridge, and shows a side view of the abutment. Fig. 4. is an isometrical projection of the truss. Specification of a Bridge of 100 feet Span, to be constructed for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad Company, over the Mohawk River, at Burrows, about 5 miles east of the city of Rome; ºréference being had to the plan of the same, in the office of the Engineer of the said Company. FO UNIDATION S. The superstructure is to be supported by timber bents, or abutments formed by driving piles into the ground in the manner herein specified. - The bearing piles are to be of sound, square-edged white oak, free from sap or loose knots, and of a suffi- cient length to be driven into the ground to a depth satisfactory to said engineer, say, not to exceed 25 feet. After they are driven, the piles are to be sawed off at the proper elevation to receive the cap pieces. The cap pieces are to be fastened on by the mortise and tenon joint, and secured by white oak trenails. Each abut- ment is to consist of two rows of piles, separated by a distance of 3 feet, and driven in straight lines at right angles to the axis of the bridge. Each row is to consist of 7 piles. The cap pieces are to be of the same size and quality as the piles, and to be 274 feet long. The sides 32 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE of the bents are to be planked up with sound 24-inch pine planks, laid edge to edge, and pinned against the piles. The bents to be filled with cobble stone, well packed. The timber to be delivered upon the ground of the lengths and sizes specified in the annexed estimate of timber. Estimate of Timber for one Abutment. Amount Amount in No. of Kind of Length | Size in in lineal feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. feet. measure. 14 || Piles . . . . . . . . White oak | 32 | 12 x 12 || 488 2 | Caps . tº € $ tº tº tº we 27% tº tº 55 3 || Cross caps . 5 15 558 7 5 o Plank . . . . . . . White pine 46 | White oak tremails, 8 in. square, 1 diam., and 12 long . & Estimate of Cost for one Abutment. 558 lineal feet of white oak timber @ 12 cents p, lineal foot & 66.96 488 , , ,, pile timber driven (3) 75 ,, 2 3 2 3 366-00 70 ,, ,, cap , framed @ 25 ,, 2 3 5 3 17:50 750 feet, board measure, of pine plank (a) 28°10:00 p. M. B. M. 7:50 28° 457-96 Note.—The above estimate is for the contracted prices, and shows the amount paid on the final estimate. SUPER STRUCTURE. The superstructure is to consist of one stretch of 100 feet in clear of abutments, and to comprise three trusses, so placed as to leave a clear way of 11 feet between them. The trusses are to be framed and braced according to said UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 33 plan, and the timbers are to be of such dimensions as are marked thereon, and stated in the annexed estimate of timber. The timbers are to be firmly bolted together with iron screw bolts. The whole is to be framed and braced in the most substantial and workmanlike manner: every shoulder and joint is to fit and bear with the utmost precision, and the timbers are to be placed in the positions shown on the plan, with the utmost accuracy. The timber to be used must be sound, fair, and square-edged pine, free from sap, wane, and large or loose knots, and that has been sawed during at least six months. The floor is to be laid with sound 2% inches thick white pine planks, placed edge to edge, and spiked firmly to the floor beams. The floor beams to be laid at right angles to the direction of the trusses. The sides of the trusses are to be boarded up with sound, well- seasoned white pine tully boards, planed and matched together, placed edge to edge vertically, and firmly nailed to the trusses. Fuming pieces, 1 inch thick, to be interposed between the casing and trusses. A small space is to be left between the ends of the flooring plank and the sides of the casing. The trusses are to be coped with white pine plank that project 2 inches beyond the sides of the truss, and have their upper surfaces bevelled, to carry off the water; their under surfaces to be wrought with a groove. The timbers are to be notched over each other at the places shown on the plan; each notch is to be squarely cut of the exact size, and to fit and bear with the utmost precision. D 34 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Painting.—The sides and ends of the trusses, the gallows frames, and external braces, to be covered with two coats of oil and white lead. - Iron.—The screw bolts are to be round wrought iron, 1 inch in diameter, to be driven through #-inch auger holes. Their heads to be 2 inches square by # inch thick, and to be firmly fastened on. The nuts to be of the same dimensions with the heads, and each provided with a washer 3 inches in diameter by # inch thick. Where directed by the engineer, white oak tremails, octagonal in section, and 1% inch in dia- meter, may be used. The bands are to be made of the best wrought iron, 2% inches by § inch thick, firmly welded or screwed together, of the size specified in the annexed estimate of iron. . One stringer in each truss shall be spliced once, and its opposite shall be spliced twice at such places as will equally break joints, as represented on said plan. There shall be 3 splicing bars to each joint. Each splicing bar shall be 11 feet long, of 3 inches by # inch thick wrought iron, fitted upon the ends with spurs, and pierced by holes, as shown on said plan. The splicing bars to be firmly fastened to the stringers by 1-inch diameter screw bolts, of the quality specified above. The workmanship of the iron to be neatly and accurately executed, and the material to be of the first quality. The whole of the above work, together with the delivery and inspection of the materials, to be under the direction of the engineer; and the said work is UTICA AND 35 SYRACUSE RAILROAD. to be constructed in every respect in accordance to the specifications and plans; subject to such alterations as may be directed from time to time by the engineer. Estimate of Timber for a double Track Bridge, 100 feet Span, 11 feet in clear between trusses. Amount in No. of Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. I measure. 3 | Chords or stringers White pine 50% 5 x 18 1136+ 3 e & © . . . . . . 59% tº º 1338#. 3 63 14.17% 6 tº § tº tº 23% * & 105.7% 6 || Horizontal abutting pieces 54} | 5 x 15 2053} 12 Sloping braces 30% º 2306} 6 Minor horizontal abutting pieces 18% * : * 703} I2 - sloping braces 21} | 5 x 12 1275 12 | Sloping braces at centre 16+ * * 975 36 Arch pieces 18% 5 x 15 416.2% 9 | Posts for gallows frames 19 e & 1068; 12 | Posts 14% 11063. 6 * * 11% 431}. 6 7# 290; 6 for railing 5% 206+ 6 | Caps .. 10 tº ſº 375 18 Diagonal braces (between posts) 15;} | 5 x 12 14.17% 6 tº gº tº º tº e 12# * * 382; 6 tº º & e 93. tº e 292% 3 Gallows frame caps 26} | 7 x 12 551} 12 tº e braces # 6 x 12 468 19 | Floor beams 26 7 x 12 || 3458 2 23# tº ſº. 339 3 tº º sº º 42 & & 882 6 || Braces to ditto 13% 7 x 9 425} 9 || Splicing blocks between stringers 7# 5 x 18 523# 6 e e gº º tº e 6 tº º 270 6 & º & ºt sloping abutting braces 5 5 x 15 187% 6 Splicing blocks between feet of . arches •. 4 sº º 150 6 | Cap plank tº 28 3 × 19 798 12 tº e º º - 10 tº tº 570 Siding boards 15 || x 4 to 10 8000 Flooring planks I5 to 20, 2} x 12 6586 45,203; 120 | White oak tremails, 8 inches square, 1% diameter & 15 long 33 | White oak tremails, 8 inches square, 1 diameter, & 12 long 36 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE f Estimate of Iron. 294 bolts,' of 1 inch diameter round wrought iron, 15 inches in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. washers for ditto, 3 inches diameter by # inch thick. 270 bolts for splicing bars, of 1 inch round wrought iron, 15% inches in clear of head and nut. heads and nuts for ditto, 2 inches square by # inch thick. 27 splicing bars of wrought iron, 11 feet long, 3 inches by # inch thick. 6 wrought iron bands, 4 feet 2 inches by 15 inches in clear, of 2% inches by § inch thick iron. 6 wrought iron bands, 3 feet 1 inch by 15 inches in clear, of 2% inches by § inch thick iron. Total weight of iron, 4857 ftis. Plate VIII. represents a trestle bridge constructed over the Onondaga Creek and Valley, for a length of 600 feet. It is at the western terminus of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad, and was constructed by that Railroad Company for the Syracuse and Auburn Railroad at their junction. The Onondaga Creek, at the place crossed by the line of railroad, was formed into a mill pond by an artificial dam below; so that the depth of water at the lowest was about 11 feet. The foundations were constructed during the winter season, while the pond was frozen over. The position of each pile having been accurately ascertained on the level surface of the ice, a square hole was cut just of the proper size to admit the pile; the piling machine was then brought on, and the piles were driven into the hard gravelly bottom below the bed of the pond. The trestle-work was executed in spans of 30 feet ºwn wº. -Z fºot ºzzº of Zºº /* Jø/e º: Way/, ///e (// (7% /ø/-y ººzzº *//w/º ºn Wºe, º/, ///o/7, Mºreº UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 37 each, measuring from centre to centre of bents, and it very much resembles, in its general features, the trestle bridge over the Oneida Creek Valley, represented in Plate VI. It is, however, a much firmer structure. The piles and the sills of the bents are 14 inches square, and the braces that stiffen them are double on each side, and are held in position by screw bolts of iron in place of tremails. The heads of the piles were sawed off at the level of 1 foot above the surface of the ice, and the sills of the bents were fastened upon them by the mortise and tenon joint, and further secured by wrought iron straps; four straps to each bent. A general description of the superstructure would be but a repetition of that for the Oneida Creek Valley Bridge; it is therefore omitted. The subjoined specifications and estimates of material fully explain the kind and quality of work- manship and material used in its construction. Specification for a Trestle Bridge to be constructed for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad Company, over the Onondaga Creek, near Syracuse, reference being had to the plans of the same, in the office of the Engineer of the said Company. The bridge is to consist of 20 spans of 30 feet each, measuring from centre to centre of bents, and to be of a sufficient width to accommodate two tracks. To be con- structed on pile foundations. FO UNIDATIONS. The foundations to be prepared by driving bearing piles of square-edged, sound white oak timber, to the 38 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE depth of the hard bottom beneath the creek bed, or to the satisfaction of the engineer. The piles to be sawed off at a level of 1 foot above low-water mark, and to have their heads joined by the sill of the bent. The piles to be of straight and sound white oak timber, hewn square, and totally free from wane and large or loose knots, and to be of the dimensions specified in the annexed estimate of timber. The piles are to be seven in number for each bent, to be driven in a straight line, at right angles to the line of railroad, and at such distances apart as are represented on the said plan. BENTS. Upon the heads of foundation piles, a sill, 14 inches square and 27 feet long, is to be fastened by the mortise and tenon joint, and further secured by wrought iron straps, passed over them and bolted to the piles. Im- mediately over the piles, seven vertical posts, 12 inches square, are to be erected, of the length specified in the annexed estimate of timber. Upon them a cap, 12 inches square, is to be mortised and firmly held by white oak tremails. Upon each side of the posts, two parallel braces, of the dimensions specified in the annexed estimate of timber, are to be firmly fastened by wrought iron screw bolts. All the workmanship of the foundations is to be of the first-rate style of joinery, and executed as per plans and specifications. The timber for the bents to be of sound, square-edged white pine timber, free from black or loose knots, windshakes, wormholes, and sap. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 39 Iron.—There are to be four straps for each bent, and two screw bolts to each strap. They are to be of the dimensions stated in the annexed estimate of iron, and are to be manufactured from the best quality of American wrought iron. - A screw bolt is to be passed through each brace and post at their intersection. The screw bolt is to have a clear and strong thread cut at its end, 2 inches long, and to be manufactured from the best quality of American wrought iron. SUPER.S.T.R.U. CTURE. The superstructure is to be composed of 7 stringers, laid across the bents, at right angles to the line of their direction, and directly over the posts placed beneath. The ends of the stringers to abut squarely, and to be notched one inch over the cap pieces of the bents. A sloping brace is to be inserted between each stringer and post, and to be firmly held in position by the mor- tise and tenon joint, well tremailed. The tops of the stringers are to be planked over with 2% inches thick white pine plank, firmly spiked down. Upon the outside stringer a railing is to be erected, composed of railing posts and cap pieces. The cap pieces to be mortised upon the posts. Each joint of the cap piece is to be protected from water by a piece of canvass, Saturated with white lead and oil, tightly bound around it. A projecting coping plank, placed upon the level of the flooring planks, is to be notched around the posts, and firmly spiked upon the outside stringer. 40 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE All the timber used is to be of the first quality white pine, free from sap, wane, windshakes, wormholes, and all loose or large knots; to be sawed perfectly square- edged, and true to the sizes stated in the annexed esti- mate of timber; and to be framed and braced in the most substantial and workmanlike manner. Every shoulder and joint is to fit and bear with the utmost pre- cision, and to be united by white oak trenails of the specified size and section. The timbers are to be placed in the positions represented on the plans with the utmost accuracy, to the satisfaction of the engineer. Painting. — The railing posts, cap pieces, coping planks, and the exteriors of outside stringers, to be covered with two coats of oil and white lead. The delivery and acceptance of all the materials used for the said bridge to be under the inspection of the said engineer, and to be executed to his satisfaction. The plans to be subject to such slight alterations as he may from time to time direct. UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 41 Estimate of Timber for one Span of 29 feet in clear between - Bents.-See Plate VIII. Amount in No. of - Kind of Length Size in feet, board pieces. Names. timber. in feet. inches. In CaSllſe, - For one Bent. - 1 || Sill . . . . . . . . . . White pine | 27 | 1.4 x 14 441 1 | Cap piece tº e º 'º e - tº e • * 12 x 12 324 7 | Posts. . . . . . . . . . e - tº e 13 ... 1092 4 || Braces for ditto . . . . . tº º & © 25 3 x 8 200 2057 Superstructure. 7 | Stringers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 7 x 14 1715 14 | Braces for ditto . . . . . a - e e 16% 7 x 10 1347# 15 || Railing posts . . . . . . • * : * * 4# 6 x 6 2.13% 2 ... Caps . . . . . . e - e. e. 30 º º 180 60 | Flooring plank . . . . . . . . . . | 12 2% x 12 || 1800 2 | Coping . . . . . . . . tº º e tº 30 || 2; x 9 112% 5368; 28 | White oak tremails, 8 inches square, 1 diam., and 14 long 42 | White oak tremails, 8 inches - square, l diam., and 12 long 28 White oak tremails, 8 inches square, 1 diam., and 7 long 30 | White oak trenails, 8 inches square, 1 diam., and 6 long Estimate of Iron. 4 straps of 2; x # inch thick wrought iron, 7 feet long, pierced with 4 holes, opposite; for 2 bolts. 8 screw bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 15% inches long in clear between head and nut. - heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. 20 screw bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 15 inches in clear between head and nut. - - heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. washers, 3 inches diameter by # inch thick. 2 screw bolts of 1 inch round wrought iron, 18 inches in clear between head and nut. - heads and nuts, 2 inches square by # inch thick. washers, 3 inches diameter by # inch thick. Total weight of iron, 298 ibs. 42 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Estimate of Cost for one Span, inclusive of Foundations for Bent. 224 lineal feet of white oak pile timber, 14 inches square, @ 3 cents #9, foot . * ( © e º . 28; 6.72 Driving ditto, (G) 35 cents p, lineal foot . * º te 78’40 298 fibs. of wrought iron (a) 12 cents p, ib. . . . * 35-76 30 lineal feet of superstructure, @ 28° 5'08 #9 foot . © 152°40 2057 feet, board measure, white pine timber in one bent, at 28 15:00 p. M. B. M. e ge º gº e 30° S6 Workmanship for ditto, at 23° 30'00 p. M. B. M. . . 61-71 28, 365'85 Note.—The above estimate is founded on the prices contracted for, and shows the actual cost for 1 span. JOINIERY. Plate IX. represents the various joinery used in framing the bridges. The timbers and proportions given in this Plate for the joinery of the truss bridges are made out for the 84 feet span; but they are of the same character in all the trusses, the proportions being slightly altered to suit the increased or diminished section of timbers. The joinery for the trestle bridges is for both valley crossings. Fig. 1 represents the extremity of a stringer, notched to receive the main abutting braces and the arch pieces. The notches are cut to a depth of 3 inches, at right angles to the inclination of the braces. The ends of the braces and arch pieces are then cut so as accurately to fill the notches; and being placed in position, the iron bands of 2; by # inch wrought iron (represented in fig. 2) are driven over them, and they are further secured /º/, / º/ 2 Aºy & TZ, A” cº, ºr Zºº. º/e ºn-era- ºw/º ºwe wº º A/ºr //,” /ø//zºº ſº ºf ºver or Zºara ººze º Zºº”zzº of ºyer Øyviny Zºzº ºr Zºye Zºº º/” Zºº ºverzez A/o/− Zºº Z%/ 7 º ºw. - - /* ºr ſº, ſº º żo/”. Woº, /* A 1//wwº - - UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 43 in position by inserting bolting blocks between them and their opposites, and firmly bolting through. Fig. 3 represents the vertical posts of the bridge truss, with a diagonal brace inserted between them. The posts have a double notch cut at either extremity upon op- posite sides, to a depth of 3 inches at right angles to their longitudinal axis. The notches are cut at such distances from the ends of the posts that they shall be covered by the main abutting pieces and stringers; thus preventing them from falling out sideways, as they retain their places by virtue of their position alone. Fig. 4 represents the coping plank for the bridge trusses. It is bevelled as shown in fig. 4, and is grooved upon its under side. The siding boards that case the truss are nailed on, flush with the outside of coping plank; between them and the truss frames fuming pieces 1 inch thick are interposed, over which space the groove is made, to further insure the exclusion of water from the truss frame. Fig. 5 represents the joinery of the gallows frames. A pair of opposite posts (one in each truss frame) are run up to a sufficient height, and a tenon 4 by 5 inches is framed upon their tops. A gallows frame cap, with its extremities mortised and notched 2 inches over the posts, is then placed upon them and fastened down by tremails. At a distance of 5 feet from the post a mortise and notch are made in the under side of the gallows frame cap, and a brace tenoned to match it is inserted between the cap and post: the lower extremity of the brace rests upon the main abutting piece, and against the side of the post, 44 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE to which it is fastened by a screw bolt. The gallows frame brace is notched 2 inches on one extremity at right angles to its inclination, and is fitted accurately to the step cut in the cap to receive it. The tenon of the brace is secured by a tremail. Fig. 6 represents the framing of the floor timbers: a notch 1 inch deep and 15 inches long, or of equal length with the thickness of the truss frame, is made upon its under side, and the floor timber is simply laid over the stringers without any fastening. Fig. 7 represents the joinery of the long floor timbers and floor timber braces. The floor timber is notched 1 inch over the stringer, and being produced to a suf- ficient length, a step and mortise, as shown in fig. 7, are made at a distance of 6 inches from the end. From the extremity of the floor timber, a brace is inclined against the truss, to assist in preserving it in a vertical position. The brace, at one extremity, is tenoned, and fitted with a notch 2 inches deep at right angles to its longitudinal axis. The notch and tenon fit accurately into the step and mortise of the floor timber, where they are secured by tremails. The other end of the floor timber brace is notched so as to embrace the main abutting piece of the truss frame, to which it is fastened by screw bolts or spikes. Fig. 8 represents in detail the railing arrangement for a trestle bridge. The railing post, at its lower end, is notched out half its width for a length of 9 inches; it is then placed upon the stringer, and its descending part is firmly spiked against the side. A coping plank, with notches 6 inches square, to embrace the posts, is then UTICA AND syRACUSE RAILROAD. 45 spiked upon the top of the stringer. Its inner edge is placed flush with the inner face of the posts, and its outside edge projects 2 inches beyond their outside faces. The tops of the posts are formed into a tenon which fits into a corresponding mortise in the cap, and is firmly held there by trenails. Fig. 9 represents the mortise and tenon joint that unites the vertical posts, caps, and sill pieces, in the trestle portion of the abutment shown in Plate W. The mortise and tenon joint, here represented, is always the same in character; the size of the tenon being only varied to suit the section of timber that contains it; it is 4 × 5 × 12 inches. The cap is notched down upon the post 1 inch, and is mortised of the exact size of the tenon, which is then fastened with 2 tremails. Fig. 10 represents the joinery of the cross ties used in the same trestle (Plate V.). They are dovetailed 4 inches of their depth into the caps and sill pieces of the vertical frames; the dovetails are 8 inches broad at their narrowest end: they are tightly fitted into hol- lows cut into the caps and sill pieces, of their exact size and shape, and are firmly held by 3 trenails to each joint. RAILWAY SUPERSTRUCTURE. The plan of superstructure adopted on the Utica and Syracuse Railroad differs widely in its detail from any before contrived in America. The timbers are of greater Section, a larger amount of iron is used, and greater care 46 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE was taken in its adjustment than has been generally practised on roads constructed with the plate rail. - PILE ROAD. - As a considerable length of this road passes through a deep swamp, a foundation of great permanency was required: this gave rise to a modification of the super- structure, and formed that which is known as pile road. The swamp varied in depth from 10 feet to 60 feet, and was nearly on a dead level throughout; the grade line closely corresponded with its surface, so that it was necessary to reach the hard bottom before any foun- dation could be effected. Piles were adopted as the cheapest and most efficacious means to secure a durable and substantial basis; they were driven to their places by a steam pile driver (Cram's Patent).” This was a machine formed of a platform about 25 feet long and 8 feet broad; at one end was erected two pair of leaders or guides, in which the hammers moved. Im- mediately behind the leaders were fixed the rollers, with the necessary brakes and gearing for working the ham- mers, raising the piles, &c. The rollers were revolved by a small high-pressure steam engine, occupying the rear of the machine. The arrangement of the leaders was the same as in ordinary piling machines; a curved piece of wood forced open the shears when the hammers reached their elevation. The hammers were confined to the leaders by a groove; they weighed about 1000 lbs. each, * I have added to the work the engraved Plate of a pile-driving steam engine, which, although it shows its operation for driving piles for a rail- way, is equally applicable to pile-driving in bridge constructions.—J. W. º | Tºº - | | | | || || | | | º - º - --~~~~ --~~~~ - l Till †ll Hº: Tl|| º | | | --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - º - Fºº-ºº: - Hº-Jº. - sº== - º - -º-º-º: º-rºº - - - -º-º: - - º-º-º: ------> - - --- - sº sºsºsº. * --~~~~ ----- --~~. -- - - - - - --- - - - - --- T-- -- - --~~-º-º-º: sº - º - º - --~~~~ - --~~~~ º º Sºº º --- - º º º ~- --- - º- - - - - --- - --> --- --- - - =sº sº º º --- º º º - --- - - - - - --- ------ - -- º - - ºsº- sº --~~ s sº º --~ sº-º - - º º --- º º - º º --- * =º º-º-º-º-º: - -- - ---> --ºn- --- --- - Tºº º - -- --- º º º º ºr " - --- -º- - ------ -- --- º - º * - º - - - - º- - ->~~ ºs ss - º -- sº ºº -- - ºº:: - - ..º.º.º. * > ºr ºs--- tº Nº- - - - sºlº ºn tºº ºwº-wº | -- -- -º- --~~~~º -- - º, º sº - - º º - -- ºs- – sº ºs--> ºr s - sºsºs º-ºº: - - --~~~~ --- C -º- ºs-SQº -- - - - - sº Nº- - - - - - - - - - - -- - --~ - - sº - ->- - - - --- - --~~~ - TTC Nº. - - - -- --~~ - - --- sº º º' -- ~~ --~~ - - -ºš s º sº -º-, - - º Qºs sº º - - - - º sº - - --- Sºssºs tº: - º - --- --~~~~ - - - º - - º Cº. º-º-º-º: - Sºº-º-º-º: º - sº - sº sº. º N º - sº tº sº Sº --> - - º ºf - - - - - --- - - - | `-- -- - --- - --- º ºs--- ºn-º-º-º: *º-º-º-º-º-º-º-º: --- --- sº - º - ºt- ºw- º - ºrº - - --- Nº- --- - º - - N - -- -- ºx----> jºjº º º - - - sº wºn Sºº º- --- - ------ - - - - - --~~~~º - - - ºw- a lºº- º Nº. - Sºssº - - --- º - -- *~~~sº º štºs SNNº. º-ºº: Nº-º-º: - - ºSºººS -> - - Nº. W $1. Sºº--- - --~ ----> * Nº -º - ~~~~ - --- - ** **-ºs--- - - - - --- - -------- - - -- - - - -n. - ----- º'- - º - - - º - - - - ºvº- - - - - - º ->~~~~ - -- º ºº: - N w ------- º Nº N Wºlfº º º - - R ----- - - - -- --- - - - º Nº. §§§§ w Rºssºsºsºsºs Nºvº Nº. - - y - --~ N - -- - NS º Nº. nº º sº Nº \\ Nº. § NºNºNº. anºvºn §º - º -- - wº - º - -------- - - wn-tº- . - - - - - - - W RN sº N. Nº - snºw - º --->|- -N- º - - vuºt.” - --~~~ - º - ------ ----- - º - - - - - - - - - --- - wºrs T. -- -º- º- --- - º, ºn --- -- º, ºn º º - - - ---º sºvº A 1//www.rº/ oc. ////º/” ºr John Wºº. W. Woº. Wovº A/? |UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 47 were made of cast iron, and at their last blow fell through a space of 27 feet. A pair of piles were driven at one operation by this machine; when driven, cast iron rollers were placed upon their heads, and the machine, by means of an inverted rail, moved on to the next place. The heads of the piles, sawed off to reduce them to the proper level, were found sufficient to supply the furnace with fuel. The men employed in operating the machine were a foreman, a steam engineer, two brakemen, and two men in front at the saws; also a horse and cart to furnish water for the boiler. Properly geared in front of the machine, and between the leaders, was a saw that played on a sway bar and could be pressed against either pile as it was driven home. The machine was manufactured complete for the cost of 28° 2000. The pile was pre- pared for being driven by simply sharpening one end to a point, and squarely butting the other; it was drawn up by ropes worked by the engine, secured in position between the leaders, and driven to the hard bottom. Generally the piles manifested no disposition to split; where they did, their heads were encompassed with an iron hoop. When the pile was not of sufficient length to reach the hard bottom, another was dowelled upon its head, and this was repeated as often as necessary. The piles were charred to increase their durability, and an auger hole, bored in their heads for the purpose, was filled with salt, and securely plugged up.” The piles * Mr. Thomas Roberts, of Plymouth Dock-yard, has patented an ingenious invention for scarfing timber, which may also be used for driving piles of great lengths.-J. W. 48 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE were driven 498 feet from centre to centre transversely, and 5 feet from centre to centre longitudinally. When the piles were driven to the satisfaction of the engineer, the superstructure was framed upon them as follows: (see Plates X, and XI."). A cedar cross tie, 4 by 12 inches in section and 8 feet in length, was securely fastened upon the heads of each pair of piles by a white oak trenail, 2 inches in diameter, 16 inches in length, and octagonal in section. At right angles to, and upon the cross ties, were laid the white pine longitudinal rails: they were fastened to the cross ties by cast iron knees, spiked against both sides of the rail, and down upon the cross ties; two knees at each intersection of tie and rail. When the rails joined a knee of larger size was used. The joining of the rails was effected by simply bringing their square ends into close contact. The single knee is shown in Plate XI., fig. 3. The double knee is shown in fig. 4. The rails were 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet in length, 8 by 8 inches in section: at each end of the rail an auger hole was bored, filled with salt, and plugged up, to prevent the prema- ture decay that naturally takes place at the joints. Upon the tops of the rails, and precisely over their centres, were placed white oak ribbons, 3 by 1% inch in section; upon them, with their inner edges lying in the same ºvertical plane, was placed the iron plates, 2% by # inch in section: both ribbon and iron plate were then firmly spiked to the rail. The iron plates were separated by a distance of 473 feet between them, being the width of the track in the clear. The iron plate was properly laid with end plates, and all the details and fixtures were as shown in Plate XI. ºve // Zºº Zºº & Jºe Žºr Aºſe // Jºe /zºº we ºf º * º, º/º/, /a/. - A ſº wº Zºº” ºn Mºz/º/, ///www.Move” Zºº - - - ºf 2.5 7./ 2 & Zºº /ø/ 4, & - - - - Si. - Øoºr Jeczon of Jºzzzzzzzzzz zºº § Özºr Jeczzoz of Jºzezwºczzzzz zºr . Zºz/2 Zºo…? s Gºwzzazz Zºozz/ Jazz/ei/ and/º/fºot S. Jazz/e Zzyzoh-Zzzoz. ) /º/e Zºra Z7 ºzzº. || "... g S º º § * S. sº - 35 - s º º º - º: s - s s |S. . S. - º s * s § - S. - Sº, Zºº & s - - § Zºomººzz/ /º/ecºzon of § Jºſe Azee zzzzzzzzz rºce Zºomezzcz/ Prºjection of Zoº /* zzzzzzzzzz/ Jºze - - - - - - -º-º-º-º-º-º: - ////º/” ºr ºn ſº, º ż Zoº”. More/cº Z//* Zºº & Zºo” ºccº” or Zºe º/eºſ/ º zºº” or yozzº wºº & Zºº //zze ººzzº &e Zoº zzzzzzzzzzz rºce - º /º/, // // 22. Zºo”///ºon of ººzººe /ø/- //zzzzzz/ Zºozz/ Z///armooz.cº.za/ Zºº & Jø//, /ø/e, º/////7/07, Move”. Zºº UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 49 Specifications of the Materials and of the manner of constructing the Pile Road for the Utica and Syracuse Railroad. PILES, The piles are to be of perfectly sound white, yellow, or pitch pine, white elm, cedar, black ash, tamarack, or hemlock timber. They are to be straight, and no piles having marks of decay will be accepted. The piles are to measure at the butt, or larger end, not less than 12 nor more then 17 inches in diameter, exclusive of bark, and to be of the length specified in the requisitions for the same. The piles are to be delivered along the line of the road at such stations as the requisitions shall designate, so as to be conveniently used by the piling machine: they are to be driven into the hard bottom, to the - satisfaction of the engineer, by a hammer weighing 1000 lbs., and falling through 27 feet at the last blow. The piles are to be driven perpendicularly, 4.98 feet from centre to centre transversely, and 5 feet from centre to centre longitudinally : they must be sawed or chopped off squarely at the butt, well sharpened to a point at the smaller end, and if there should appear to be any danger of splitting, the heads are to be bound with iron hoops. In such cases where the pile shall not be of sufficient length to reach the hard bottom, it shall be sawed off square, and a hole 2 inches in diameter and 12 inches deep shall be bored into its head: into this hole a white IE - 50 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE oak tremail, 2 inches in diameter and 23 inches in length, shall be driven; and another pile, similarly bored, shall be placed upon it, brought to its proper position, and driven home to the satisfaction of the engineer. The piles must be accurately driven, with regard to position and vertical direction, and if any pile shall be found so much out of place that the longitudinal rail would not cross it, it must be sawed off, and another driven by its side. Smaller inaccuracies may be obvi- ated, if so directed by the engineer, by inserting a brace between the pile and cross tie; and all loss or waste of material, so caused by the carelessness of the con- tractor or his agents, shall be at the expense of the contractor. When driven to the required depth, the piles are to be cut off on the grade line, by circular saws, carefully adjusted to it; and if any pile shall be sawed off so unevenly as to require extra labour to fit the superstructure upon it, the engineer shall estimate the expense of such labour, and deduct it from the prices of the pile contractor, unless said contractor also lays the superstructure. CROSS TIES.–SEE PLATE X. The cross ties are to be square-edged sawed planks, 12 inches by 4 inches in section, and 8 feet long, sawed off square at the ends, and clear of stub-shot. They are to be of white cedar timber, perfectly free from wane, sap, large or loose knots, and other imperfections. There will be one over each pair of piles. The centre of the tie is to be on a line with the centre of the track. The UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 5]. ties are to be neatly fitted upon the piles, and an auger hole, 1% inch in diameter, is to be bored through the tie, and 12 inches deep into the head of the pile: into this hole a white oak pin, 16 inches long, 2 inches in diameter, and octagonal in section, is to be driven. When it is driven within 3 inches of the hole, its head must be split, and a wedge inserted, when it shall be driven home. * The pins must be split from straight-grained, well- seasoned white oak timber, and wrought with a plane to the specified size and shape. RAILS.–SEE PLATE XI. The rails are to be sawed on four sides, true and even, so as to be in section precisely 8 inches Square, and in - lengths of 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet, exclusive of stub-shot: one-half of the rails is to be 20 feet.long or over. The rail timber is to consist of perfectly sound, square- edged white and yellow pine, free from wane, shakes, sap, and black or loose knots. The timber is to be inspected, on or after delivery, by the engineer, who shall have full power to reject every stick that is in his opinion unfit for use, or contrary to this specification. The rails are to be laid longitudinally on the cross ties, and directly over the centre of the piles beneath: they shall be separated by a distance of 4-65 feet between them. At each intersection of the rail and cross tie two cast iron knees shall be spiked in the angles, so as firmly to secure the rail upon the cross tie. The rails shall be laid so as to break joints along the length of the road. 52 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE The joining of the rails shall be effected by simply bringing their square ends in contact, and holding them in position by a double knee, of larger dimensions than the intermediate ones. Near the ends of each rail auger holes shall be bored, filled with salt, and securely plugged up. O AIK R.I.BBON AND IRON PILATE. Directly over the centre of the rails shall be laid white oak ribbons, 3 inches by 1% inch in section, and of lengths varying from 15 to 30 feet: at least one-half is to be 20 feet or over in length. They shall be so laid as to break joints with the rails beneath them. They shall be sawed on four sides, so as to be precisely of the above-mentioned section. They must be of the first quality white oak timber, free from sap, shakes, and loose or black knots. They shall be laid by merely bringing their square ends in close contact. The iron plate shall be 2% inches by # inch in section, and in lengths of 15 feet, weighing 30 tons to the mile. They shall be laid with their inner edges corresponding with the immer edges of the ribbons, so as to make a distance of 473 feet (the width of the track) between them. In laying them care shall be taken that no joint of the iron plate shall be within 5 feet of the joints of the rails or oak ribbons beneath. - The iron plates intended for the curved portions of the road must be bent by some effectual process, to suit the curves, before being laid. At each joint of the iron plate, end plates shall be meatly fitted into the oak UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 53 ribbons, so as to bring their upper surfaces in the same horizontal plane. \ The end plates shall be of wrought iron, 6 inches long, 2% inches broad, and # inch thick, fitted with a hole in each end, corresponding with holes in the ends of the iron plates. A space of # inch shall be allowed for the variation of metal, in laying the iron plates. When the iron plates, end plates, and oak ribbons are carefully adjusted, they shall be firmly fastened down together upon the rails, with pressed spikes, 6 inches long and # inch square, one in every 18 inches. RNEES.–SEE PLATE XI, The knees are to be single and double, made of cast iron. A double knee is to be placed at each joint of the rails. The single knee shall weigh 1% ib., and be fastened to the rail and cross tie by one spike driven into each. The double knee shall weigh 1 °o ib., and be fastened to the cross ties, and to the rails at their joints, by one spike in each rail, and by two spikes in the cross tie. The knee is to be placed upon both sides of the rail, two for each intersection of rail and cross tie. The spikes used in fastening to be pressed, 5 inches long and # inch square. 54 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE Estimate of Cost for one mile of Superstructure for Pile Road, founded on the average of prices for which it was eaecuted. Amount. Price. 28 cts. 56320 Feet, board measure, white and yellow pine rails, delivered at . . . . 28, 14-12 p. M. B. M. 795 24 1056 | White cedar cross ties, delivered at . . 41 cents each 432 96 3300 | Feet, board measure, white oak ribbons, delivered at . . . . . . . . . .8 25 p. M. B. M. 82 50 30|| Tons of iron plates, delivered at . . . 38 75 # ton 2250 720 |fps. of end plates, delivered at . . . . 9 cents each 64 80 6758 fibs. of cast iron knees, delivered at . . 5% cents tº th: 371 69 1500 fibs. of pressed spikes, to fasten on rail plates, delivered at . . . . . . 9 tº e H35 1089 fbs. of pressed spikes, to fasten knees to - rails and cross ties, delivered at . . 9 * 9 98 01 2112 | White oak trenails, to fasten cross ties to piles, delivered at . . . . . . . 1 cent each 2]. 12 Salting and charring piles . . . . . 50 Workmanship, putting timber together, and spiking on iron plate . . . . 350 Add for contingencies . . . . . . 50 Total cost for one mile of superstructure 4701 32 Average cost of piling timber, and for driving the same per mile . . . . 1864 48 Grand total per mile . . . . . 6565 80 The total distance piled was 19% ºf miles, and consumed an aggregate amount of 800,000 lineal feet of pile timber, at an average cost of 2+ cents per foot. GRADED ROAD. The Utica and Syracuse Railroad, for the remaining distance of 33;ºo miles, was graded in the usual manner by excavations and embankments; and being brought to the grade line throughout, a superstructure of the fol- lowing description was laid upon it. A trench was excavated of the proper size, and a sill was firmly bedded in it. Where the sills abutted end to end, they were supported by a piece of wood of the same section laid beneath them. At right angles to, and upon the upper surfaces of the sills, were spiked the cross ties; UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 55 and again, at right angles to the cross ties, and immedi- ately over the sills, were laid the longitudinal rails. The centre of the rail and sill are in the same vertical plane. Upon the longitudinal rails oak ribbons and the iron plates are firmly spiked. The rails are fastened to the cross ties by cast iron knees, and the detail in all respects is the same as described for the superstructure of the pile road. - This plan of superstructure is represented isometrically in Plate XI.", and by a geometrical cross section in Plate XI, - - The average price per cubic yard for earth excavation was 11.1% cents. - s The average price per cubic yard for embankment was 11 fºo cents. Specifications of the Materials and manner of constructing the - Superstructure for the Graded portion of the Utica and Syracuse Railroad. SILLS. The timber for the sills is to consist of sound white pine or hemlock timber, free from wane, shakes, sap, and large or loose knots, sawed on four or two sides. If sawed on two sides, it must make a stick 4 inches thick, and the sawed surfaces must be wide enough to measure 6 inches on each side of a line drawn over their centres. If sawed on four sides, it must make a stick precisely 4 inches thick and 12 inches broad. Said sill timber is to be delivered in lengths of 15, 20, 25, and 30 feet, and at least one-half is to be 20 feet long or over. A trench is to be excavated of the proper size, into 56 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE which the sills are to be firmly bedded: their upper sur- faces must correspond exactly with the grade line. The sills shall be supported at their joinings by a block of pine wood, 4 inches thick, 12 inches broad, and 2 feet in length, placed under their ends. The sills are to be placed at a distance of 498 feet from centre to centre. - CROSS TIES. The cross ties are to be square-edged sawed planks, 8 by 4 inches in section, and 8 feet in length. They are to be of white cedar timber, perfectly free from wane, Sap, large or loose knots, and all other imperfections. They are to be placed 5 feet from centre to centre on the centre line of the track. The cross ties shall be truly at right angles to the direction of the track, and shall be firmly spiked upon the sills by pressed spikes, 6 inches long and # inch square. The centre of the cross ties shall correspond with the centre of the track. RAILS, OAK RIBBON, AND IRON PLATE. The rails, oak ribbons, and iron plate shall be pre- cisely the same in kind and quality of materials, and the workmanship shall be of the same degree of excellence as specified for the superstructure of the pile road. All the details and finishing shall be precisely as stated in the specifications for the pile road superstructure. (º/ yº, A/zzo Z2. Zºº / Vºyer / ºn 7 - – - A/º/ 2 s - Jºee/ - º º º º º 3. s º º Jºz/2, 3 ºzºa, Wyºzzº A Mººre// re. Z///w/ / //, /ø/e, º/, ///www.ſºlº /* Lº /º/whº-ooººººº. Z%/2 /2 2. (ºy //zzº - 7/4 - - --- ~ - - ( ) º - - - - O Zºeyº Zºº */ - ºs Jºey - T- Tº - - º -|- T- ------------ 22 - - - - – - º - - + - – z; (#) = -- - - s — - º º - º - > * - T - -- -- º ~ s Jºzz/2 ºzzºzy-/7”/ - - - Zºº /º/, whº ºze/ - A Lºº. ZººZººZ 4) Jº Wºz/º Z// Zºº /º/Z. TJTICA AND syRºcuse RAILROAD. 57 Estimate of Cost for one mile of Superstructure for the Graded Road, founded on the average of prices for which it was erecuted. . - Amount . Price. 28’ CtS. 56320| Feet, board measure, white and yellow pine rails, delivered at . . . . . . . .8. 14.12 p. M. B. M. 795 24 42240. Feet, board measure, white pine or hem- lock sills, delivered at . . . . . .# 7.92 • * ' 334 54 1056 | White cedar cross ties, delivered at . . 31 cents each 327 36 3300 | Feet, board measure, white oak ribbons, delivered at . . . . . . . . . 28, 25 p. M. B. M. 82 50 30| Toms of iron plates, delivered at . . . 28 75 # ton 2250 %20 its. of end plates, delivered at . . . . 9 cents each 64 80 6758 ibs. of cast iron knees, delivered at . . . . 53 cents #, fb. 371 69 1500 thS. of pressed spikes, to fastem on rail plates, delivered at. . . . . . . 9 º gº 135 421 thS. of pressed spikes, to fasten cross ties to sills, delivered at . . . . . . . 9 º ºg 37 89 1089 |fps. of pressed spikes, to fasten knees to * rails and cross ties, delivered at . . 9 tº e 98 0] Workmanship, laying timber, and spiking on iron . . . . . . . . . . 400 Add for contingencies . . . . . . 100 Total cost for one mile . . . . 4997 03 -* / 2. - -, .* e f ^- CROSSING PLATES. Plates XII. and XII.” represent two modifications of crossing plates. - w Fig. 1 shows one that diverges in the ratio of 1 in 7. Fig. 4 shows one that diverges in the ratio of 1 in 4. They diverge in various ratios, from 1 in 4 to 1 in 20, according as the rails cross each other at a greater or less angle : the general arrangement is the same in all: of course their lengths increase or decrease in an inverse ratio to the rate at which they diverge. The condition that governs their length is this, that they shall measure 3 inches across the tongue at one end, and 3 inches across the opening at the other. a These crossing plates are placed at every intersection of the rails, caused by one track crossing another ob- 58 MECHANICAL WoRKS ON THE liquely, or by one track, as in a branch, diverging from another. - - They are made of cast iron, and are firmly spiked to a heavy sill of wood. At the place where the greatest wear occurs, from the friction of wheels passing over it, steel plates are let into the iron, and, by their greater hardness, effectually resist the increased strain. Fig. 1 shows a horizontal projection of a crossing plate that diverges 1 in 7. - Fig. 2 shows a side view of the same. Fig. 3 shows an isometrical projection of the same. Fig. 4 shows a horizontal projection of a crossing plate that diverges 1 in 4. Fig. 5 shows a side view of the same. Fig.6 shows a horizontal projection of the same. Branch Plute - Pranch Pſate or Switch e or Switch *: T-sº M a 7. T 2, a c /6 Crossing Branch Plate or Switch *> → or Switch A r a nº Tºr a c k BR, AN CH PILATES.–SIEE, PLATE XIII. The first four figures of Plate XIII. represent a branch plate or switch. A pair of these branch plates are placed wherever one track diverges from another, so that by simply shifting the slide, a train may be passed upon either track. Their length is of course regulated by the degree of curvature with which one track sweeps from another: the condition that governs this is, that the space between - - - - /ø. ///, / - - …” - - - - - zoº º/ - Z-5 - 4. - - º ſ zoº }. z: ſ - 24 2/3 º' }. 24 ſº D º - |- — sº º ==º -: — - - l_ſ — - - - *I ºl O O O Nº O O C *O O º O * O. C. O |so O O - --- L | -> - Aºy O - ºf ". - -- º O O º // / - Azzzzzz/, //zzº - - - ºe Zé º -7/ºoz - -: WAN // 3 ( o \ / / O O Z --- N º º º A O O O / º/º/, //, wº - - A lº- Zºº” ºr ſº Zºº /º/” º * º º - * Zºº / | | | | | * : º *N N + (2///ey/ Jºe jºy, /zºoz Lºy & //, /3 2. - -- Z% ºr ſº ſº.” Z//, ///www.lºrº ZºZº. * - - UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 59 the iron plates at their termination shall measure 2% inches. One end of the branch plate revolves on a pivot, and the other is moved by a wrought iron bar, worked by a lever, placed at a convenient distance: this iron bar is notched to admit the branch plates (the pair being moved together). The plates at each end of the slide make a proper finish, and secure its more perfect action: they have a jog at one end to receive the iron plate of the superstructure which is spiked firmly upon them. The end plates are well spiked to a heavy wooden sill. Sliding pieces are neatly let into this sill, and are kept well oiled, to facilitate the action of the slide. The slide, end plates, and sliding pieces are of cast iron. CU LVERTS. The last four figures of Plate XIII." represent a cul- vert of 4 feet chord. The subjoined specification suffi- ciently explains the manner of construction and the quality of the materials. Fig. 5 is an end view. Fig. 6 is a longitudinal section through the centre of the cul- vert. Fig. 7 is a ground plan of the wings and part of the trunk. Fig. 8 is a cross section of the trunk. The culverts and viaducts of stone resemble each other very closely in the arrangement of the wings and in the general design: they were all constructed on timber foundations and arched, except the small square drains. It was therefore deemed unnecessary to present more than two; one of the larger and one of the smaller class. 60 MECHANICAL WORKS ON THE The specifications of materials and construction were the same for all. t - SPECIFICATIONS. - Foundations.—A pit shall be excavated, of suitable width and length, to the firm gravel. If this should occur at too great a depth below the bed of the creek, the pit shall be refilled with gravel, well puddled to a proper level. Upon this shall be laid a double course of timber, disposed at right angles to each other: the courses shall be of the thickness directed by the engineer, not to be less than 4 inches, nor to exceed 8 inches. The timber to be of first quality pine, or hemlock, free from any symptoms of decay. In culverts over 4 feet chord the courses that compose the foundations for the wings shall be pinned or spiked together. The top of the planking shall be placed one foot beneath the bed of the stream, and shall be carefully puddled over between the abutments with 1 foot thick of clean gravel, to preserve the timber from rotting, when occasionally exposed to the action of the air. Abutments.-The abutments shall be carried up plumb, on front and rear from the foundations to the springing line of the roofing arch: they shall not be less than 2 feet thick, and 2 feet high between the founda- tions and the springing line of the roofing arch, for cul- verts of 4 feet chord and under. For culverts over 4 feet and not greater than 8 feet chord, the width of the abutments shall not be less than 3 feet, and their height between the foundation and springing line of the upper UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 61 arch shall not be less than 4 feet. For culverts over 8 feet chord the abutments shall have a suitable increase, as may be directed by the engineer. - The face work shall be laid up in regular courses of hammer-dressed stone, and the backing shall be com- posed of rough-hammered masonry, well bonded into the face work. For all culverts of 4 feet chord and under the courses shall not be less than 6 inches. For all culverts over 4 feet chord the courses shall not be less than 8 inches. The ends of the abutments to conform to the wings. Arches.—The arches are to be a semicircle in form. For all culverts of 4 feet chord and under the arches shall be 1 foot thick. For all culverts over 4 feet and not greater than 8 feet chord, the arches shall be 1; foot thick. For cul- verts over 8 feet chord, and for culverts of lesser chord, when placed beneath the pressure of heavy embank- ments, the arches shall be increased in thickness, as may be directed by the engineer. - The thickness of the courses shall not exceed their depth, and in no case shall they exceed 18 inches. For culverts of 4 feet chord and under no course shall be of a less thickness than 6 inches, measuring on its face. For culverts over 4 feet chord no course shall be of less thickness than 8 inches, measuring on its face. The intrados of the arch to be well hammered to the proper curve. The beds of the arch-stones to be well hammer- dressed in the line of radii to the curve. The extrados 62 MECHANICAL works ON THE of the arch to be spalled off tolerably true and even to the line of the curve. The ends of the arches to conform to the wings. The arch-stones to break joints along the length of the culvert. The square drains are to be roofed with flagging, 9 inches thick. Spandrel Backing.—The spandrel backing is to be carried up plumb, 1 foot high above the rear corner of the abutment, for culverts of 4 feet chord and under, and 2 feet high for culverts over 4 feet chord. From thence it shall be carried on a line tangent to the exterior curve of the arch. The backing to be com- posed of rough-hammered stone, well laid and bonded. Wing and Parapet Walls, —The wing and parapet walls shall be constructed on a semicircle, to which the ends of the abutments and arches shall conform. The face shall be carried up plumb: the rear shall be carried up plumb to a certain point, where a bevel extending down from the coping shall intersect it. The parapet walls shall have whatever elevation above the arch the engineer may direct. The wing walls shall terminate in a rectangular but- tress with a flat top, of such dimensions as the engineer may direct. From the inner side of the buttress the wing and parapet walls shall slope upward on whatever bevel the engineer may direct. The buttress, wing, and parapet walls shall be coped with coping stone, neatly jointed and dressed: for all culverts of 4 feet chord and UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. 63 under the coping shall be 6 inches thick: for all culverts over 4 feet chord the coping shall be 9 inches thick. The coping shall have a projection of 2 inches over the face of the walls. The wing walls for culverts of 4 feet chord and under shall not be less than 2 feet thick at their foundation; and for culverts over 4 feet and not greater than 8 feet chord the wing walls at their foundation shall not be less than 3 feet thick; and for culverts of greater chord they shall be suitably increased, as directed by the engineer. Whenever it shall be necessary to construct the cul- vert askew, the curve of the wings shall be modified accordingly, in a manner suited to the directions of the engineer. - The masonry shall be of the same character as speci- fied for the abutments. The stone for the masonry of culverts shall be of a sound and durable quality: the stretchers shall be in breadth at least 14 their depth, and in no case less than 1 foot. The headers for the culverts of 4 feet chord and under shall extend through the abutments and wing walls; and for culverts of greater chord they shall be at least 2; the depth of the course in length. The beds shall be dressed back 6 inches from the face, and laid horizontally with a full bearing of water-lime mortar. The headers shall be properly inter- spersed to make a firm and substantial bond. Plate XIV. represents a viaduct of 14 feet chord, 64 THE UTICA AND SYRACUSE RAILROAD. constructed at Lodi, beneath the Erie Canal. The wings are arranged askew 30°. It furnishes the best example of the larger class of culverts and viaducts, the others differing from it chiefly in the local variations. The work was executed with great neatness and pre- cision. The courses were composed of large stone, neatly dressed, laid, and pointed. The quality of mate- rials and the style of workmanship in all respects accord with the foregoing specifications. - Fig. 1 represents the ground plan of the wings and part of the trunk, showing the arrangement of the timber foundation. Fig. 2 is a longitudinal section through the centre of the viaduct, and is supposed to be viewed in right- angled directions to the centre. Fig. 3 is a cross section, taken at right angles through the trunk. Fig. 4 is an end view, seen at right angles to the front line of the wings. //zzº 7// Z I N % N - N N - N ^N. N % N - % N % - N N º N % N % º - - N - - - º º - º - º s - º - .90 - - - /7///zz zºº //, //ze (Zazz/ - - - º Jºzzº ºf Zazzº - A/ ? - - - > - º / º |- º - º º - *—t º º §§ º º N N Ş, N N S N tº Lº - º 2 ZNZ º - º ØØØ ſº ſº º Aº, ſº ſº º ż ż ż, ſº ſº º N. N. N. L º Lº - - - - - - -- - - - - - --- A 1/- Zºº ///// / / //, /ø/ 7% //, ///www.ſorº Zºº THE RAILWAYS OF BR. L.GIUM IN 1842. TRAN SLATED AND COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS IBY EDWARD DOBSON, Assoc. I.C.E. P. R. E. F. A. C. E. THE interest of its subject, and the difficulty of obtaining accurate information respecting foreign engineering works during their execution, sufficiently explain my reasons for bringing the present work before the Public. The railways of Belgium, from the peculiar circum- stances under which they have been constructed, demand the especial attention of the engineers of this country, where the whole of the existing lines have been executed by private enterprise, at a cost from double to treble that of the Belgian railways; and the proposed esta- blishment of a system of Government railways for Ire- land gives an additional interest to the subject at the present moment. The following account of the railways of Belgium has been compiled from the reports and official returns pre- sented at different times to the legislative chambers, and from personal observations made during a recent visit to that country in the autumn of the present year. The descriptions of the machinery for working the Liége inclines, and of the Val-Benoit bridge, are drawn up from the contract specifications. iv. PREFACE. The detailed account of the works on the several lines is translated, with slight alteration, from the last report of the minister of public works, those parts being of course omitted which are only of local or temporary interest. The returns relative to the cost of establishment, amount of traffic, working expenses, &c., are also taken from this and preceding reports. I have not thought it worth while to swell these pages by giving a description of the private lines of railway, as they are at present almost exclusively confined to the colliery districts, and are of but little importance in an engineering point of view. In the numerous calculations made for reducing the foreign to the English measures, I can scarcely venture to hope that no errors have escaped detection, but I trust they are very few in number and unimportant in their nature. EDWARD IDOBSON. London, December, 1842. C O N T E N T S. {NTRodUCTION CHAPTER. I. CONSTRUCTION. SECT. I.-General description of the Belgian railways. General direction, length, gradients, curves, gauge, rails, bal- lasting, plantations, drainage, barriers, distance standards, arrangement of the stations, &c. SECT. II.-Detailed account of the works of the Belgian railways. Sections opened for traffic up to the 1st of January, 1842 NORTHERN LINE. Section from Brussels to Mechlin y 2 Mechlin to Antwerp FASTERN LINE. Section from Mechlin to Louvain 2 3 Louvain to Tirlemont > y Tirlemont to Waremme 3 3 Waremme to Ans 2 3 Landen to St. Trond Louvain branch—from the station to the canal basins wPSTERN LINE. Section from Mechlin to Termonde 2 3 Termonde to Ghent 2 3 Ghent to Bruges 2 3 Bruges to Ostend 2 3 Ghent to Deynze y 2 Deynze to Courtray PAGE ix £5. 10 12 13 14 16 17 ib. 18 20 21 22 23 24 vi CONTENTS. PAGE * SOUTHERN LINE. Section from Brussels to Tubise ſº gº º . 25 P 9 Tubise to Soignies & & & . 26 3, 2 Soignies to Mons & & ſº . 28 SECT. III.-Sections in construction on the 1st of January, 1842. EASTERN LINE. The Liége inclines © tº tº ge & . 29 The Val-Benoît bridge t ge º ſe . 37 Valley of the Vesdre (from Liége to the frontier of Prussia) . 41 Summary description of the works of the section from Liége to Pepinster (1st, 2nd, and 3rd lots) tº tº . 51 First subdivision of the first lot (section from the Meuse to Chénée) o te º e e . ib. Second subdivision of the first lot, and second and third lots (section from Chénée to Pepinster) . tº Q . 52 Summary of the works of the second section (from Pepinster to the Prussian frontier, 4th, 5th, and 6th lots) . . 55 WESTERN LINE. Line from Courtray to the frontier of France . w . 56 Line from Mouscron to Tournay § tº e . 60 Note on the execution of the works of the western line: Section from Courtray to Mouscron e e tº . 63 3 5 Mouscron to the frontier of France ſº & 66 2 3 Mouscron to Templeuve . tº tº . ib. J D Templeuve to Tournay . tº e . 67 SOUTHERN LINE. Section from Mons to Quiévrain tº dº e . 69 Line from Namur to Charleroy e e º . 75 Line from Charleroy to Braine-le-Comte e * . 77 CONTENTS. CHAPTER II. CARRYING DEPARTMENT. . Carriages. Passenger carriages, description of, number, &c. Table of the cost of the material of transport up to the 1st of May, 1842 ºp tº . Locomotives. Number, description of & o Speed, power of engines, how limited by the gradients Number of miles run by locomotives Consumption and cost of coke . Fares, Trains, Passengers, &c. Fares º e Table of the number of passengers conveyed on the Bel- gian railways from 1835 to 1841, inclusive Receipts from passenger traffic . gº & g . Goods traffic, carriage of goods, when commenced, rates of charges CHAPTER III. COST, REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURE. . Cost of first establishment. Amount of capital expended from 1st May, 1834, to 31st December, 1842 . & tº Table showing the total cost of the first establishment of the Belgian railways from the 1st of May, 1834, to the 31st of December, 1841 tº tº to face page Original estimates te e © e te Table showing the estimated and actual cost of the first lines of the Belgian railways constructed under the law of the 1st of May, 1834 º & to face page Table showing the difference between the estimates of 1840 and 1842 Average cost of the railways per mile & wº 2. Capital engaged in the construction of the railways. Capital, how raised tº g © * tº e Amount of effective capital raised up to 1st of January, 1842 . © * Amount of additional capital required PAGE 79 80 8]. 82 83 84 ib. 85 ib. 87 88 89 ib. 92 93 94 95 96 ib. viii CONTENTS. Amount of traffic required to pay 5 per cent. interest on the capital 3. Revenue and eaſpenditure. Table showing annual receipts of every kind from 1835 to 1841, both inclusive; and also the working expenses during the same period e ſº * > © 4. Profits. Result of the working of the railways for the year 1841 e e * sº tº Probable net revenue for the year 1842 . gº Consideration of the increase of traffic to be derived from the completion of the sections now in construction PAGE 97 98 100 ib. 101 IN T R O D U CTION. THE northern and southern provinces of Belgium pre- sent features of a very opposite character. The provinces of Antwerp, Eastern Flanders, and Western Flanders, are a series of rich polders, inter- sected by numerous canals and dykes, and so teeming with population that this part of Belgium has been com- pared to an immense village, to which the numerous hamlets and châteaux give it no small resemblance. The provinces of Hainault, Namur, Liége, and Lux- embourg, on the contrary, have a very different character, consisting principally of a rugged district of mountains covered with dense forests still harbouring the bear and the wolf, intersected by rapid streams, and scantily peopled by a hardy race, different in both character and language from the inhabitants of the Flemish provinces. It will be seen, from the above remarks, how varied are the conditions under which the railway system of Belgium has been established. The northern and western lines, placed but a few feet above the level of the sea, with gentle curves and almost on a dead level, presented few engineering difficulties, the principal point of im- portance being to avoid interference with the drainage X INTRODUCTION. of the districts through which the lines pass; whilst the eastern and southern lines, carried across mountain ridges upwards of eight hundred feet above the level of the sea, and through valleys in one instance four hundred feet in depth, have required works of art which, from their magnitude and the difficulty of their execution, will bear comparison with any of those of the present day. By reference to the map of Belgium it will be seen that the great central line from Ostend to Liége crosses nearly all the principal valleys at right angles, presenting in the hilly districts a rapid succession of heavy cutting and embankment, whilst the eastern and southern lines, viz., from Ghent to Tournay, Brussels to Quiévrain, Braine-le-Comte to Namur and Liége, and from the latter place to the Prussian frontier, have been laid out for the greater part of their several lengths, along the sides of, or parallel to, the valleys watered respectively by the Rivers Lys, Senne, Sambre, Meuse, and Vesdre; and from the numerous works of art required for the crossings of the several rivers and the lateral valleys, as well as for maintaining uninterrupted the existing communications with the numerous manufacturing es- tablishments on the banks of the Meuse and Sambre, are of a much more expensive character than the former. Amongst the various works of art, the beautiful bridge of the Val-Benoît over the Meuse above Liége deserves especial notice, both from the elegance of the design and the excellence of its execution. The pile foundations used in the erection of this bridge, and in similar situa- tions, are worthy of mention as a remarkably economical INTRODUCTION. xi mode of obtaining a foundation, without having recourse to the expensive methods in common use. In the erection of the viaduct which carries the rail- way across the lowest part of the marshes between Templeuve and Tournay (western line), the engineers had recourse to the American system of driving piles through the marsh until they reached the firm ground, at an average depth of 22 ft. below the surface; on the heads of these piles were laid timber platforms, as in the erection of the Val-Benoît bridge, on which the piers of the arches were built in the usual manner. The planting of the slopes is a feature which deserves attention, whether viewed as a protection against slips, or as a source of future revenue, to say nothing of the pleasing effect to the eye of the traveller, as contrasted with the naked and dismal appearance of some of the deep cuttings on the English railways. The self-creating nature of railway traffic has, perhaps, never been so fully displayed as on the Belgian railways. Let us take as an example the line from Brussels to Mechlin. A short time before the revolution, the Dutch Government caused returns to be made of the number of passengers carried annually by the public conveyances between the towns of Brussels, Mechlin, Liége, and Ant- werp. These returns showed the average number of passengers conveyed annually between Brussels and Mechlin to be about 75,000, and it was calculated that this would be about three-fourths of the number of passengers who would avail themselves of the rail- way. But at the close of the year 1836, after the rail- xii INTRODUCTION. way had been open eight months, it was found that the number of passengers carried between these towns amounted to no less than 421,439, or upwards of eight times the number conveyed in the same number of months previous to the establishment of the railway. The number of persons conveyed on the railways from the 1st of May, 1835, up to the 31st of December, 1841, amounts to upwards of eleven millions. The carriage of goods was not commenced until 1838. The directors, in the first instance, confined themselves to letting out empty waggons to the common carriers and forwarding them by the trains. This arrangement remained in force till August, 1840, when the directors determined on becoming their own carriers, charging according to tonnage, on a scale varying with the nature of the merchandize to be transported. In May, 1841, this system was further extended by the delivery of goods at their place of destination, instead of merely transporting them from station to station, thus com- pletely destroying the business of the private carriers, who, finding their occupation taken from them, com- menced an organized opposition, which, if it was not productive of benefit to themselves, materially injured the traffic on the railways. In a report dated the 22nd March of the present year (1842), the minister of public works estimated the loss arising from the adoption of the systems of 1840 and 1841 to be not less than £25,618. 10s. 5d. for the seventeen months during which they had been in opera- tion, and recommended a return to the original system. INTRODUCTION. xiii In accordance with this suggestion, the letting out of waggons to the carriers was recommenced in the fol- lowing May, and has continued ever since; the manage- ment still, however, undertaking the carriage and delivery of goods as before. The total receipts from the carriage of merchandize for 1838 amounted to £2343. 15s. 7d., and for 1841 to £79,395. 9s. 4d. The regular progression of the traffic, month by month, during 1839, is very remark- able; the receipts for February under this head amount- ing to £286.7s. 7d., and for October to £2991. 12s. 7d., showing a tenfold increase during eight months only. In the face of this extraordinary traffic, that on the common roads has progressively increased,—a fact which illustrates most forcibly the benefit which has resulted to the commercial interests of the country from the in- creased facility of communication afforded by the esta- blishment of the railways. The following Table of the pro- duce of the péage des barrières, answering to the English turnpike tolls, from 1831 to 1839, may be interesting. The produce of the tolls let to the highest bidder was, in Francs. 1831 2,390,882 1832 2,195,343 1833 2,360,416 1834 2,415,769 * 1835 2,385,430 year of the first opening of the railways. 1836 2,447,985 1837 2,584,791 1838 2,759,548 1839 2,749,301 xiv. INTRODUCTION. Perhaps the most striking feature of the railway system of Belgium is the extension of the benefit of rapid communication to the humblest equally with the highest ranks of society. It will be seen by reference to the returns that the amount received from waggon passengers is greater than that derived from those either of the first or second classes; and no one who has not travelled on the Bel- gian lines can form an idea of the extent to which the peasantry avail themselves of the facilities of transit afforded by the railways. The very poorest are hardly so poor but that the saving of time counterbalances the expense of railway conveyance: let us illustrate this by a practical example. An agricultural labourer will earn about 15d. per diem, so that the value of his time may be considered to be about 1%d. per hour: if he has to travel a distance of three miles, this journey, if under- taken on foot, will not occupy less than an hour, which will occasion a loss of 13 d. ; the fare on the railway will be lid., and the journey will not occupy more than twelve minutes, making a total loss of líd., whilst the time saved is equivalent to 16., so that a saving of #d. is effected by the use of the railway. The question here naturally arises, Will the working of the Belgian railways pay the interest of the capital expended on their construction? By reference to the returns given in Chap. III., it will be seen that the net revenue for 1842 is estimated at 4% per cent. on the capital engaged in the construction of the lines from the working of which this profit is to be derived. We INTRODUCTION. XV may assume the average cost per mile of the lines at present open to be about £12,000; their actual cost ranging from about £8000 to £16,000 per mile. It is therefore evident that whilst some lines are yielding a large profit, others are hardly paying their working ex- penses; a conclusion which is confirmed by the fact that the net receipts of 1841 were less than those of 1840 by upwards of £5000, whilst the number of miles run by trains was considerably greater. The following is a com- parison of the working of these two years: Excess of receipts over Number of miles run Net receipts per mile expenditure. by trains. per train. £. S. d. S. d. 1840, 83,226 4 8:# 733,879 2 3 1841, 78,133 6 114 900, 106 1 8% Although, from the progressive increase of the traffic since the first opening of the railways, there appears little reason to doubt that the net receipts will ultimately cover the interest of the six millions of capital to be sunk in the undertaking, it seems very questionable whether some of the lines will not always be worked at a loss; for example, the line from Liége to the Prussian frontier, which will have cost by the time it is completed little less than £50,000 per mile, not including the fur- nishing of the line, can hardly be expected even by the most sanguine to realize, under the present tariff, more than 1; or 2 per cent. On the capital; whilst it is as yet doubtful whether the steepness of the gradients will xvi INTRODUCTION. not even cause the working expenses to exceed the receipts. The result of our inquiry, therefore, amounts to this, - that although taken as a whole the traffic on the several lines will probably fully cover the interest of the capital, the met revenue will be much less than it would have been, had the Government confined itself to the construc- tion of some particular lines. Whence we may conclude, that had the construction of the railways been left to private enterprise, either one-half of the present lines would have remained unexecuted, or an increased tariff would have neutralized the benefits which Belgium is now reaping from increased facilities of communication. We cannot better conclude these introductory remarks than by quoting the following observation made by a French writer on this subject:-‘‘L'expérience ayant démontré partout que les grandes entreprises de ce genre ne sont jamais concédées à des Sociétés particulières, qu'au préjudice du public, en absorbant à perpétuité, ou pendant de longues années, des bênéfices auxquels un gouvernement ne peut prétendre pour son compte, il eūt été à regretter que l’intérêt de quelques capitalistes l'emportät sur celui de la masse, et qu'un tarif, peut-être double ou triple vint paralyser ou restreindre les heureux effets du chemin de fer pour un pays qui a commencé et qui poursuite son Ceuvre avec tant de courage et de persévérance.” THE RAILWAYS OF BIFLGIUM. CHAPTER. I. C O N S T R U C TI O N. SECT. I.-General Description of the Belgian Railways. General Direction.—The laws of the 1st of May, 1834, and of the 26th of May, 1837, authorized the construc- tion, at the expense of the State, of four great lines of railway, which should diverge from Mechlin, as a com- mon centre, in the following directions: miles. chains. Northward to Antwerp, for a length of . . 15 67 Eastward to the Prussian frontier at Welkenraedt, with a branch from Landen to St. Trond . 91 52 Westward to Ostend, with a branch from Ghent to the French frontier and Tournay e . 125 66 Southward to the French frontier at Quiévrain, with a branch from Braine-le-Comte to Namur 115 46 Total length º . . . 348 71 In the official returns published by the Belgian Go- vernment, however, Brussels is taken instead of Mechlin as the point of division between the north and south lines; and as this arrangement is much more simple and convenient than the former, we shall adhere to it throughout the present work. B 2 THE RAILWAYS Taking, then, Brussels as the starting point for the northern and southern, and Mechlin as that for the eastern and western, lines, the routes and lengths of the several lines are as follows: miles. chains. North Line, to Mechlin and Antwerp, in length . 28 71 East Line (with a branch line from Landen to St. Trond), to Louvain, Tirlemont, Landen, Wa- remme, Liége, Chénée, Chaudfontaine, Pepin- ster, Verviers and Dolhain-Limbourg, to unite at Welkenraedt (on the Prussian frontier) with the Rhenish railway running from the Belgian frontier to Aix-la-Chapelle and Cologne, whence it is proposed to unite it by way of Minden (for which the surveys are in a forward state) with the numerous German railways which will soon be opened between Berlin and Vienna, thus uniting the North Sea at once with the Danube and the Baltic . . . . º e West Line, to Ostend by Termonde, Ghent, and Bruges, with a branch line from Ghent towards the French frontier at Mouscron by Deynze- Peteghem and Courtray, (to unite at Courtray with the French railway to Lille and Paris,) and from Mouscron to Tournay . e . 125, 66 91 52 South Line, to Hal, Braine-le-Comte, Soignies, and Mons, to join at Quiévrain the French railway from Paris to Valenciennes and the Belgian {- frontier (with a branch from Braine-le-Comte to Charleroy and Namur) . . . o o . 102 42 N.B. The branch railway uniting the Brussels north and south stations is considered to form part of the south line. Total length as before . . 348 71 OF BELGIUM. 3 Gradients, Curves, &c.—The gradients on the lines at present opened are very favourable, the steepest not ex- ceeding 1 in 200, with the exception of the Liége inclines of 1 in 36, worked by fixed engines, and an incline of 1 in 70 at Louvain, on the branch line leading from the rail- way station to the canal basins, which is not travelled over by trains. The unopened portion of the eastern line, however, presents much more formidable gradients, the most objectionable of which are a short incline of 1 in 111, near Dolhain-Limbourg, and an incline of 1 in 125, 24 miles in length, between Dolhain and the Prussian frontier. . The curves are generally favourable; the most ob- jectionable are— Two of 1988 chains radius, between Brussels and Mechlin. One of 9-44 52 on the branch line leading to the - canal basins at Louvain. One of 19.88 , between Mechlin and Termonde. One of 18:13 » , Ghent and Bruges. One of 9-94 55 , Bruges and Ostend. One of 17-39 25 59 55 One of 19-88 52 35 55 One of 18:13 35 , Ghent and Deynze. Gauge of Way, &c.—The clear gauge of the lines throughout is 4 ft. 8% in.," and the intermediate space 6 ft. 6; in. The rails in present use are wrought iron parallel T rails in lengths of 14 ft. 9 in., and weigh 50 ſhs. to the lineal yard; they are fixed with iron wedges in cast iron chairs placed 3 ft. 3 in. apart from centre to centre. | 1 metre 50 c. from centre to centre of rails. 4 THE RAILWAYS The joint chairs weigh 24 lbs. and the intermediate ones 21 ſps. each. The way is laid throughout on cross sleepers. The rails at first laid down were of the fish-bellied form, and weighed only 40 ſhs. per lineal yard. The joint and intermediate chairs used with this description of rail weigh respectively 20 fts. and 161bs. Nearly all these rails have been taken up and exchanged for the 50 fps. rails now in use. The following descriptions of ballasting have been used in different parts of the railways, viz., gravel, sand, broken stone, small coal, dross from founderies, and cinders. In some of the stations, where small coal is used for this purpose, the tracks are distinguished by a layer of sand or gravel.” The slopes of the embank- ments and cuttings are grassed over and planted with trees, and are in some instances protected at bottom by, dwarf retaining walls of rubble masonry. Near Tirlemont, and on many parts of the railways, a system of benching has been resorted to in the cuttings with great success. The system of drainage throughout the whole of the railway appears to be very complete. In the cuttings the surface water is brought down the face of the slopes by wooden troughs or semicircular half brick drains, into the horizontal side drains, which are paved at bottom, and are of ample section to carry off the water. - * This simple expedient is found to be of great service in keeping the way clear for the passage of the engines, especially on holidays when the concourse of passengers is very great. OF BELGIUM. 5 The barriers at the level crossings consist merely of a sliding horizontal bar resting in two upright posts. The railways are not fenced off from the adjoining land except in the immediate vicinity of the stations. The distance standards are of wood, and are placed at intervals of 24'85 chains. The whole of the distances are measured from a stone column erected for that pur- pose in the centre of the Mechlin station. Arrangement of the Stations.—The arrangement of the stations is simple and inexpensive, the only build- ings erected being those actually required for the service of the traffic. The booking offices and passengers' waiting rooms usually form a long one-story building, one room deep, with doors in front and rear, communicating with the exterior and interior of the station. The booking offices are placed in the centre and the waiting rooms at the ends of the building, by which arrangement the third-class or waggon passengers are kept entirely distinct from those making use of the first and second-class carriages. The fares are taken and the tickets given at pigeon holes in the fronts of the booking offices, which command in the rear an almost unin- terrupted view of the interior of the station through large windows, or, more properly speaking, glazed partitions. The waiting rooms are of large dimensions, but are not fitted up with the comforts and conveniences which form so prominent a feature in the arrangement of the passenger stations on the English railways. 6 THE RAILWAYS It should be, however, borne in mind, that many of these buildings are merely temporary erections, which are being replaced at the first-class stations by sub- stantial two-story buildings, which, although built in a plain and inexpensive manner, have a meat and pleasing appearance, combined with much architectural effect. One of the handsomest of these new stations (which are, however, all built to one uniform design, slightly mo- dified according to circumstances) has been lately com- pleted at Louvain; others are erecting at Bruges, Tirle- mont, &c. There are no passenger sheds or platforms as in England, and the booking offices are generally a con- siderable distance from the rails. The conveniences form detached erections and are well contrived, but are in very exposed situations. The engine-houses are brick buildings, rectangular on plan, and of a plain but architectural elevation. The turn-tables for locomotives are 13 ft., and those for carriages 10 ft., in diameter. The switches are worked in some places by eccentrics, and in others by lever handles, weighted to keep the points right for the main line. The central depôt is at Mechlin, and contains extensive workshops for the repairs of the locomotives and tenders, and for the construction and repair of the carriages, trucks, and waggons, required for the service of the line. The buildings for the stationary engines on the Liége inclined planes are constructed of brick in the most sub- stantial manner, and have a bold and architectural ap- pearance. wr OF BELGIUM. 7 The buildings at the intermediate stations only re- quire notice on account of their simple and inexpensive character, no outlay having been made on them beyond what was absolutely necessary to carry on the traffic. Connected with the subject of stations may be men- tioned the huts erected at intervals on the side of the railway for the police of the road and for the tools and stores of the waymen. Close to each of these is placed a cast iron stand supporting a stock of spare rails, with the proper complement of chairs and sleepers, ready for immediate use. SECT. II.-Detailed account of the works of the Belgian Railways. - Sections opened for traffic up to the 1st of January, 1842. NORTHERN LINE. SECTION FROM BIRUSSELS TO MECHLIN, The first line of way was opened between Brussels and Mechlin on the 6th of May, 1835. The section is 12 miles 34 chains in length. The principal gradients are— Beyond Vilvorde, one of 1 in 357, for the length of 41.75 chains. And near Mechlin, 2, 1 in 400 55 48°71 , & © *- \ Radius. Length. The principal curves are chains. chains. At the entrance of the station at Mechlin . . 19.88 17-39 Near the bridge of Eppeghem . tº e . 19-88 68° 14 Curve and counter curve at the Vilvorde station 49-70 30-07 Between the distance posts, 4% and 5% . . 99-40 30-8 I 8 r THE RAILWAYS The principal works of art are— At Laeken, a bridge over the Senne of one elliptic arch, 39 ft. 4% in. Span. - At Eppeghem, a culvert or viaduct of fourteen elliptic arches, each 6 ft. 6% in. span. * At the same place, a bridge over the Senne of two segmental arches, each 20 ft. 6 in. span. * At Sempst, a bridge over the Senne similar to that at Eppeghem. And, lastly, at the entrance of the station at Mechlin, an iron turn-bridge over the Louvain Canal, 27 ft. 10% in. span.” The laying down of the second line of way was begun in 1837, but it was not opened until the be- ginning of 1838. The section has received two junctions, viz.: 1. The branch line leading to the Brussels northern station, which is about 74°55 chains in length, and was laid in the first instance with a double line of way. It was formally opened at the fêtes of September, 1841, and has been worked ever since. 2. The branch line uniting the northern and southern lines. This branch crosses the Willebrouck Canal by a bridge belonging to the town of Brussels, and skirts the Boulevards. It has only a single line of way, and is about 12922 chains in length. The opening and in- auguration took place at the fêtes of September, 1841. The section from Brussels to Mechlin has been the subject of a very heavy expenditure since its opening, from the three following causes: * A second bridge, similar to the first, is being built at the entrance of the Mechlin station. . OF BRLGIUM. 9 1. The formation of the way at too depressed a level. 2. The use of white and other fir timber for the sleepers. 3. The lightness of the rails. The effect of the first of these causes has been that the slopes of the road have been injured at every over- flow of the Senne; that the floods have several times risen so much above the level of the road as to interrupt the traffic; * and, lastly, that the drainage of the valley of the Senne during the periodical inundations has been materially affected. - Different works have been undertaken, and are still in process of execution, to remedy these evils; the slopes have been protected by retaining walls of rubble-work and by hurdles; the level of the rails has been raised on an average 1 ft. 74 in., and additional ballasting has been put on the road for the distance of about 298-20 chains; lastly, the Eppeghem viaduct, and several culverts, have been constructed, to regulate and facilitate the escape of the flood-water. The sums already expended on these heads amount to about £6,800. The employment of white fir sleepers makes it neces- sary to replace almost all those which have not already been changed since they were first laid down. The present price of pollard oak sleepers delivered is 3s. 4d., whilst those of white fir cost from 2s. 5d. to 3s. 1+d. * In the spring of 1839 the floods rose 6 inches above the level of the rails, and all communication between Brussels and Vilvorde was suspended for a time. 10 THE RAILWAYS Nothing has been neglected to diminish as much as possible the expense of renewing the sleepers. Ex- periments are now being tried to test the merit of M. Boucherie's process of preserving wood from decay, by means of a preparation of pyrolignite of iron, sea salt, and sulphate of soda. This process is inexpensive, and has already in France been subjected to trials which appear to have been generally satisfactory. It will be impossible to know before next year the result of the experiments now in progress. & Lastly, the lightness of the rails has caused such an amount of waste and breakage, that during the year 1841 it was necessary to replace 2000 rails, and the renewal of the old rails must be continued during the present year (1842) on a still more extensive scale. The minimum cost of changing the rails cannot be estimated at less than that of laying them down in the first instance. SECTION FROM MECHLIN TO ANTWERP. This section was opened for traffic in the month of May, 1836; its length is about 14 miles 60 chains. The principal gradients are, going from Mechlin, Between Contich and Hove, an chains. inclination of . tº . 1 in 500 for the length of 45°43 From Hove to beyond Vieux- Dieu, an inclination of . 1 in 500 55 140°45 Lastly, nearer Antwerp, an in- clination of º ſº . 1 in 370 , 107-85 OF BELGIUM. II. The curves are— Radius. Length. chains. chains. At the Surinckx Hof (in the commune of Mechlin) 149:10 1923 Near the bridge of Duffel tº * ~ Q . 69°58 23-96 At the distance post, 3.1% º gº dº . 139-16 17-05 55 55 38% tº tº e . 198°80 34°09 At the entrance of the Antwerp station . . 59-64 34.79 The principal works of art are— A bridge over the Dyle, close to the Mechlin station. This bridge has two elliptic arches, each 49 ft. 2% inches span. A bridge of one semicircular arch, 21 ft. 3; in. span, between the distance standards Nos. 21 and 21%. A bridge of 36 ft. 1 inch span, over the Waes Bliet. This bridge is of masonry, and has one elliptic arch. A bridge over the Grande Néthe, near Duffel, formed of five elliptic arches, each 19 ft. 8% in. span, and an opening 22 ft. 113 in. wide, over which is placed a cast iron turn-bridge. There is also an opening in the pier supporting the pivot of the turn-bridge. Lastly, a bridge 16 ft. 43 in. span, over the Herenthals Canal, near Antwerp. The second line of way has been open ever since the month of June, 1837. The inundations have never caused any accidents upon this section. The only expenditure found requisite has been caused by the necessity of changing the white fir sleepers at first employed, as well as the light rails made use of in the original construction of the rail- way. The formal opening of the commercial station of the railway on the right bank of the Scheldt took place on the 25th of August, 1840. 12 THE RAILWAYS EASTERN LINE. SECTION FROM MIECHLIN TO LOUVAIN. This section was opened for traffic on the 10th of September, 1837. The works of art, and the earth-works for a double line of way, were contracted for on the 3rd of March, 1836. The length of the section is 14 miles 72 chains. The works of the second line of way, from Mechlin to Haecht, were commenced on the 11th of June, 1839, and from Haecht to Louvain on the 1st of January, I841. The second line of way was opened from Mechlin to Haecht on the 15th of October, 1839, and from Haecht to Louvain on the 4th of October, 1841. This section comprises six inclines (rampes), of a total length of 10 miles 20 chains, of 1 in 1000, 1 in 500, 1 in 333, and 1 in 239; six slopes (pentes), of a total length of 4 miles 3 chains, varying from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 500; and seven curves, viz.: A curve of 24'85 chains radius, and 21:17 chains in length. Do. 74°55 55 52°68 55 Do. 149'10 55 86°47 55 Do. 173-95 55 30°56 55 Two do. 248'50 55 31-31 55 Do. 298-20 53 76.67 55 The principal works of art are— Five bridges, of which four are from 13 ft. 1% in. to 16 ft. 43 in. span, and one of 39 ft. 4% in. span. OF BRLGIUM. 13 A tunnel 121 ft. 4 in. long, and 22 ft. 11% in. wide. Four bridges over ordinary roads, from 9 ft. 11 in. to 16 ft. 4# in. Span. - Thirty-four culverts, of 1 ft. 11% in., 2 ft. 7% in., 3 ft. 3% in., 4 ft. 11 in., 6 ft. 6% in., and 10 ft. 2% in. opening; and Thirty crossings of paved and common roads, with barriers. To guard against inundations, a bridge 16 ft. 4; in. span has been built at Muyse. This bridge was con- structed to allow the diversion of a portion of the waters of the basin of the Senne into that of the Dyle. The earth-works on this section are trifling. . SECTION FROM LOUVAIN TO TIRLEMONT. The section from Louvain to Tirlemont was opened for traffic on the 28th of September, 1837. Its execu- tion lasted three years; its length is 12 miles 9 chains. The works of art, and the earth-works for a double line of way, were contracted for on the 17th of Sep- tember, 1834. The works of the second line of way were begun be- tween Louvain and Vertryck on the 1st of February, 1840, and between Vertryck and Tirlemont the 7th of January, 1841. ,' The second line of way, executed at different times, was opened for traffic on the 25th of April, 1841. This section comprises— Four inclines (rampes), of a total length of 430-84 chains, from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 250. ...” 14 THE RAILWAYS Five slopes (pentes), measuring together 524:17 chains, from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 500. And twelve curves, viz.: . - A curve 49-70 chains radius, and 21:05 chains in length. Do. 62° 12 55 38°II 95 Do. 67'09 55 64'70 55 Do. 74°55 55 63-80 55 Do. 86-97 55 20:02 25 Do. 86-97 55 47-25 55 Do. 89-46 55 59-98 55 Do. 99-40 55 40.79 55 41°25 2, Three do. 124'25 55 {º 55 48°24 55 Do. 198'80 55 73-99 25 The principal works of art are— The single line tunnel of Comptich, 45'72 chains in length, cut through very difficult ground. - (The works for a second tunnel have been lately com- menced.) A bridge over the Velp, 16 ft. 4% in. span. A road-bridge over the railway, 22 ft. 11% in. span. Ten bridges over ordinary roads, from 6 ft. 6% in. to 18 ft. span. Thirty culverts, from 1 ft. 74 in., 2 ft. 7 in., 3 ft. 3% in., and 4 ft. 11 in. to 8 ft. 2 in. wide. Twenty-three crossings of paved and common roads, with double barriers. The earth-works are of considerable magnitude. SECTION FROM TIRLEMONT TO WAR.E.M.M.E. The section from Tirlemont to Waremme was opened for traffic on the 2nd of April, 1838; its length is 14 miles 39 chains. / OF BELGIUM. 15 The works of art, and the earth-works for a double line of way, were contracted for on the 19th of April, I835. The works of the second line of way were commenced between Tirlemont and Landen on the 10th of February, 1840; and between Landen and Waremme the 1st of May, 1841. This section comprises— & Nine inclines (rampes), of a total length of 931-17 chains, from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 250. Three slopes (pentes), of 114.31 chains, from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 500. Eight curves, viz.: | A curve of 94.43 chains radius, and 81.30 chains in length. Do. 96-91 55 78:56 55 Do. 99-40 55 101° 18 55 Do. 119°28 55 52-52 55 Do. 126'73 55 95-81 55 Do. 126'73 35 97.45 35 Do. 198'80 55 45°56 55 Do. 248°50 35 51*03 55 The principal works of art are– A bridge 26 ft. 3 in. span. $ A culvert 13 ft. 1% in. wide. Six road bridges over the line, all of 24 ft. 3 in. span. Twelve bridges over ordinary roads, from 11 ft. 6% in. to 14 ft. 9 in. span. Forty, culverts, from 1 ft. 7% in., 3 ft. 3 in., and 4 ft. 11 in. to 8 ft. 2% in. wide. And fifty crossings of paved and common roads, with double barriers. The earth-works on this section are very heavy. 16 . THE RAILWAYS SECTION FROM WAREMMIE TO ANS. The section from Waremme to Ans was opened for traffic on the 2nd of April, 1838; its length is 12 miles 17 chains. The works of art, and the earth-works for a double line of way, were contracted for on the 13th of April, 1836. A portion of the second line (124-25 chains), beyond Fexhe, was executed in great haste in November, 1840. The remainder of the section was commenced on the 19th of March, 1841. A portion near Fexhe was opened for traffic in February, 1841, and the remainder on the 21st of October of the same year. - This section comprises— Ten inclines (rampes), of a totallength of 729.93 chains, of from 1 in 500 to 1 in 250. A slope (pente), of 49.70 chains in length, of from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 500. Three curves, viz.: : A curve of 1:14:31 chains radius, and 49.84 chains in length. Do. 335-47 23 ° 122:50 - Do. 447-30 55 59-64 55 55 The principal works of art are— Two road-bridges over the line, each of 24 ft. 3 in. span. Eleven bridges over ordinary roads, from 11 ft. 64 in. to 14 ft. 9 in. Span. Thirty-five culverts, 1 ft. 7% in., 2 ft. 73 in., and 3 ft. 33 in. wide. OF BELGIUM. 17 And forty-nine crossings of paved and common roads, with double barriers. The earth-works are also very heavy on this section. SECTION FROM LANDEN TO ST. TRONID. The section from Landen to St. Trond was opened for traffic on the 6th of October, 1839; its length is 6 miles 62 chains; it is a single line. The works were contracted for on the 20th of June, 1838. This section comprises— Two culverts, 6 ft. 6% in. and 9 ft. 11 in. wide. Two do., 1 ft. 7% in. and 2 ft. 7% in. wide. Five bridges over ordinary roads, 13 ft. 1% in. span. Eleven crossings of paved and common roads, with double barriers. An incline (rampe), of 11-92 chains in length, of from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 250. Three slopes (pentes), of 437-36 chains in total length, of from 1 in 1000 to 1 in 250. LOUWAIN BRANCH – FROM THE STATION TO THE CANAL BASINS. This branch was opened for traffic in June, 1841; it is a single line, 46.71 chains in length. The works were contracted for on the 20th of No- vember, 1839. This branch comprises— A bridge, 39 ft. 11% in. span. Do. 19 ft. 0} , A culvert, 2 ft. 7% in. wide. 18 THE RAILWAYS An incline (rampe), of 1 in 71,–29-82 chains in length; and 4 curves, viz.: One of 9:44 chains radius, and 9:44 chains in length. 55 12°42 35 7.95 35 55 29°82 25 8-94 55 55 54.67 35 4-97 55 WESTERN LINE. SECTION FROM MECHLIN TO TERMONIDE. The section from Mechlin to Termonde was opened for traffic on the 2nd of January, 1837. The time occupied in the execution of the works was 16 months. The line is a double one, of the length of 16 miles 37 chains. The sidings comprise altogether a length of 447'04 chains. t The principal slopes (pentes) are— One of 55-55 chains in length, of 1 in 3333 Do. 104°16 35 1 in 1250 Do. 506'58 55 1 in 833 Do. 383-82 55 1 in 500 Do. 10.87 55 1 in 192 A Do. 9° 13 , 55 1 in 125 The principal curves are— One of 19.88 chains radius. Do. 263-41 55 Do. 176'43 35 Two of 99°40 53 Do. 248°50 39 One of 173-95 55 Do. 99-40 22 OF BELGIUM. 19 The principal works of art are— A bridge of two arches over the Senne at Hombeeck. An iron turn-bridge at Capelle over the Willebroeck Canal. A large viaduct over the railway at Malderen. Two bridges over ordinary roads. Ninety-one culverts. The buildings of the Termonde station. Fifty-four crossings of common and highroads. The works of the second line were begun— From Mechlin to Capelle, on the 1st of May, 1839. , Termonde to Buggenhout, , , 55 , Buggenhout to Malderen, on the 5th of September, 1840. , Malderem to Capelle, on the 10th of January, 1841. The second line was opened for traffic— Between Mechlin and Capelle, on the 9th of September, 1839. 55 Termonde and Buggenhout, on the 28th of April, 1840, 55 Buggenhout and Malderen, on the 1st of November, 1840. 55 Malderen and Capelle, on the 31st of October, 1841. Several works have been executed to regulate and facilitate the escape of the waters at times of inunda- tions, viz.: A culvert 4 ft. 11 in. wide at Londerzeel. Do. 6 ft. 6% in. , 35 A small road-bridge 5 ft. 10% in. span at Malderen. A culvert 3 ft. 11 in. wide at Buggenhout. Do. 3 ft. 3 in. , 22 20 THE RAILWAYS SECTION FROM TERMONIDE TO GEIENT. The section from Termonde to Ghent was opened for traffic on the 28th of September, 1837. The execution of the works occupied a year and five months. It is a double line, 18 miles 26 chains in length. The sidings comprise altogether a length of 169-27 chains. The principal slopes (pentes) are— One of 108-94 chains in length, of 1 in 2500 Do. 276-82 59 1 in 1000 Do. 515-97 55 I in 666 Do. 271-85 55 1 in 500 Do. 27.83 , 1 in 346 The principal curves are— One of 99.40 chains radius. Do. 186:37 55 Do. 261-01 55 Do. 134:19 55 Do. 49-70 35 The principal works of art are— An iron turn-bridge over the Dendre at Audeghem. Four bridges over ordinary roads. A bridge over the railway at Wetteren. A bridge-keeper’s house. Six large culverts. Fifty-eight small do. A retaining wall at Ledebergh. The buildings and appendages of the Ghent station. Forty crossings of roads and highways, with barriers. OF BELGIUM. 2} The works of the second line were commenced— Between Wetteren and Ghent, on the 1st of May, 1839. 55 Termonde and Audeghem, 55 59 25 Audeghem and Wetteren, on the 1st of January, 1840. The second line was opened for traffic— Between Wetteren and Ghent, on the 29th of April, 1840. 55 Termonde and Audeghem, 55 55 - 25 Audeghem and Wetteren, on the 21st of October, 1841. The floods have never caused any damage on this section. SECTION FROM GHENT TO BRUGES. The section from Ghent to Bruges was opened for traffic on the 12th of August, 1838. The execution of the works occupied a year and nine months. The line is a single one, 27 miles 58 chains in length. The sidings comprise altogether a length of 77°22 chains. - - The principal slopes (pentes) are— One of 254:00 chains in length, of 1 in 1666 Do. 180°05 55 1 in 1000 DO. 603°20 55 1 in 666 Do. 386-66 35 1 in 500 Do. 38°65 29 1 in 400 Do. 26'34 35 1 in 277 The principal curves are— One of 1813 chains radius (on an incline of 1 in 277). Do. 37.27 • 35 Two of 298-20 55 2 2 THE RAILWAYS The principal works of art are— One large bridge of three arches over the Scheldt, close to the Ghent station. Five bridges over different rivers. An iron turn-bridge over the Lys at Tronchiennes. A bridge-keeper's house. A road-bridge over the railway at Aeltre. A bridge over an ordinary road at the same place. Sixty-six culverts. The buildings of the Aeltre station. To guard against the damage caused by the over- flowing of the Lys to the slopes in the meadows of Tronchiennes, they have been strengthened with hurdle- work, and numerous oak drain-pipes have been laid down. The earth-works are unimportant upon this section. SECTION FROM BIRUGES TO OSTEND. The section from Bruges to Ostend was opened for traffic on the 28th of August, 1838. The execution of the works occupied a year and three months. The line is a single one, in length 13 miles 53 chains. The sidings comprise altogether a length of 25'04 chains. The principal slopes (pentes) are— One of 79.02 chains in length, of 1 in 2500 Do. 5’ll 55 1 in 1666 Do. 240-98 25 I in 1000 Do. 137.06 29 1 in 666 OF BELGIUM. 23 The principal curves are— One of 39:76 chains radius. Do. 44'73 25 º Do. 331°49 55 Do. 17-39 55 T}o. 19-88 55 Do. 43-73 55 Do. 9°94 55 The principal works of art are— The buildings and minor works of the Bruges station. Two bridges over ordinary roads in crossing the town of Bruges. - An iron turn-bridge over the Nieuport Canal at Plasschendaele. A bridge-keeper’s house. . Thirty-four works of art executed between the old and the new stations, consisting of bridges, sluices, and culverts. The buildings of the old station. The coke ovens and the buildings of the new station. Thirty-one crossings of highways and roads, with double barriers. In crossing the fortifications of Ostend, and at the bridge of Plasschendaele, the slopes are protected by brick revětements. The earth-works are very trifling. SECTION FROM GHENT TO DEYNZE. The section from Ghent to Deynze was opened for traffic on the 22nd of September, 1839. * The line is a single one, of the length of 10 miles 64 chains. - * The sidings comprise altogether a length of 146:30 chains. 24 - THE RAILWAYS The principal slopes (pentes) are— One of 108.98 chains in length, of 1 in 2500 Do. 15.94 55 1 in 1176 Do. 143-07 55 1 in 555 Do. 215-34 55 1 in 4000 Do. 35'92 55 1 in 303 The principal curves are— One of 18:13 chains radius. Do. 119°28 55 Do. 149-10 55 Do. 74°55 55 The principal works of art are— Sixty-four bridges and culverts. The buildings and appendages of the Deynze station. Thirty-four crossings of highways and roads, with double barriers. To guard against the inundations caused by the over- flow of the Lys, the road has been raised 1 ft. 7% in. between the distance posts No. 59% and 62. SECTION FROM DEYNZE TO COURTRAY. The section from Deynze to Courtray was opened for traffic on the 22nd of September, 1839. The line is a single one, and is 15 miles 72 chains in length. The sidings comprise altogether a length of 49.99 chains. *. The principal slopes (pentes) are— OF BELGIUM. 25 One of 117:48 chains in length, of 1 in 1666 DO. 129-61 25 1 in 1428 Do. 356'54 55 1 in 1000 Do. 45:36 55 1 in 833 Do. 20:17 > 1 in 500 The principal curves are— One of 74°55 chains radius. Do. 119°28 55 Do. 99-40 55 Do. 49-70 55 Do. 34.79 55 The principal works of art are— Eighty-four bridges and culverts. Two bridges over ordinary roads. Sixty-five crossings of highways and roads, with double barriers. SOUTHERN LINE. - SECTION FROM BRUSSELS TO TUBISE. - This section was opened for traffic on the 17th of May, 1840. The execution of the works occupied two years and two months. The line is a single one, 12 miles and 19 chains in length. * The works were contracted for—from Brussels to Forest on the 27th of February, 1839; and from Forest to Tubise on the 10th of March, 1838. The principal curves and inclines (rampes) are— 1st curve, to the left, of 397-60 chains radius, and 81'64 chains in length. 26 - THE RAILWAYS 2nd curve, to the right, of 24.85 chains radius, and 26.53 chains in length. - - - 3rd curve, to the left, of 124'25 chains radius, and 53°26 chains in length. - - 4th curve, to the right, of 124:25 chains radius, and 21:11 chains in length. - ... * An incline of 1 in 22222 length 132°20 chains, 55 1 in 1190 , 22-70 , 55 1 in 769 ,, 126-27 , 55 1 in 833 , 105.80 , 53 1 in 1660 , 93-22 , 95 1 in 970 , 62-62 , 55 I in 384 , 257'33 , 55 1 in 3333 , 113.65 , 55 1 in 250 , 69°22 , And a level of 16'34 chains. The principal works of art are— A bridge over the Senne at Droogenbosch, of 39 ft. 4% in. span. An iron (fixed) bridge at Loth, 32 ft. 9% in. span. A bridge of masonry at Hal, 30 ft. 6 in. span. A bridge over the Charleroy Canal, 14 ft. 1 in. span. A bridge of masonry over the Senne at Tubise, 32 ft. 93 in. Span. º . Two bridges of 13 ft. 1% in. span each. Three bridges over common roads, 13 ft. 1% in. span each. Forty-three culverts, from 1 ft. 3% in. to 6 ft. 64 in. wide. The buildings and appendages of the Hal, Tubise, and Bogards stations. : Forty-one crossings of highways and roads, with double barriers. SECTION FROM TUBISE TO SOIGNIES. This section was opened for traffic on the 31st of October, 1841. - OF BELGIUM. - 27 . The execution of the works was commenced in No- vember, 1839, and lasted one year and eleven months. The line is a single one. The works were contracted for-from Tubise to Hennuyères on the 30th of October, 1839; from Hennuyères to Braine-le-Comte on the 29th of April, 1840; from Braine-le-Comte to Soignies on the 13th of May, 1840. Its total length is 10 miles 51 chains. The principal curves and inclines (rampes) are— 1st curve to the right 298-20 chains radius, length 49-37 chains, 2nd , left 124'25 , , 52'27 , 3rd 55 right 72-56 55 2, 28°17 , 4th 55 do. 72'56 25 2, 10°82 , 5th 55 do. 149'10 55 , 70-86 , An incline (rampe), of 1 in 333, length 1:13 chains, 55 1 in 200 , 28627 , 55 1 in 200 , 109'58 , 55 1 in 333 , 130-80 , 55 1 in 500 , 39'26 , 55 1 in 500 , 69-72 , A slope (pente), of 1 in 500 , 52.42 , 55 1 in 250 , 70'll , 55 1 in 500 , 33-14 , The principal works of art are— Two bridges over common roads, 13 ft. 1% in. span each. Several bridges over rivers, 13 ft. 1% in. span each. Seven culverts, 3 ft. 3% in. wide each. Two smaller do. A viaduct over the railway, 29 ft. 6% in. span. A bridge over a common road, of two arches, 13 ft. 1% in. span each. The Braine-le-Comte tunnel, 16 ft. 4; in. wide, and 25.68 chains in length. 28 THE RAILWAYS A bridge over the Senne, 16 ft. 4; in. wide. SECTION FROM soignIES TO MONs. The works of the section from Soignies to Mons were contracted for as follows: t From Soignies to Jurbise, the 18th of December, 1839. ,, Jurbise to Bustiau, the 26th of February, 1840. , Bustiau to Mons, the 26th of August, 1840. This line is a single one, 15 miles 14 chains in length. The principal curves and gradients are— 1st curve to the left 198:80 chains radius, length 54.56 chains, 2nd , right 149'10 55 2, 108°23 , 3rd , left 124:25 25 2, 129'95 2, 4th , do. 85-27 55 ,, . 19°24 » 5th ,, do. 79°52 55 2, 64°40 , 6th , do. 74°55 35 2, 60°37 , 7th , right 41.82 95 , 4094 , 8th ,, do. 84°49 55 2, 41°29 , 9th 2, do. 79°52 55 , 55°50 , 10th , do. 74°55 55 2, 22°50 2, An incline (rampe), of 1 in 500, length 132:04 chains, A slope (pente), of 1 in 250 , 330:00 , 35 .1 in 400 , 27°92 , 55 I in 250 , 203°40 , 55 1 in 250 ,, 180°60 , 55 1 in 275 , , 37-61 , The principal works of art are, between Soignies and Jurbise— Two viaducts over the railway, 29 ft. 6% in. span each. Two bridges over common roads, 14 ft. 9 in. span each. Eighteen culverts, from 1 ft. 11% in. to 9 ft.11 in. wide. Between Jurbise and Bustiau– OF BELGIUM. ºr 29 Two viaducts over the railway, each 29 ft. 6% in. span. Two bridges over ordinary roads, each 14 ft. 9 in. span. Three culverts, 9 ft. 11 in. wide. Three do., 1 ft. 7% in. and 1 ft. 11; in. wide. Between Bustiau and Mons— Three bridges over ordinary roads, each 14 ft. 9 in. span. A bridge with flood-gates over the Haine. Two wooden bridges over the ditches in the fortifications of Mons, close to the station. The buildings and appendages of the Mons station. Sect. III.-Sections in construction on the 1st of January, 1842. EASTERN LINE. l e THE LIEGE INCLINES.” To effect the descent of the railway from the table-land of La Hesbaie" (from Ans) into the valley of the Meuse, the direction, after an investigation which lasted several years, and embraced the examination of a great number of projects, recognised the necessity of employing in- * The portion of the line between the stations of Ans and Liége was opened for the conveyance of goods on the 18th of April, 1842, and for that of passengers on the 1st of May; the solemn inauguration did not, however, take place until the 17th of July following. ° La Hesbaie was formerly a district situated on the left bank of the Meuse, which included St. Trond, Liége, Tongres, Herstal, Waremme, Landen, Hannut, and a part of Huy. Waremme was the principal to Wn. 30 THE RAILWAYS clined planes, which, notwithstanding the numerous and important works they require, offer, nevertheless, the most suitable means of surmounting the difficulties which the excessive irregularities of the ground at the outskirts of the town of Liége present to the establishment of a railway. --- The account of the works in the valley of the Vesdre from Liége to the Prussian frontier contains, in the description of the several lines surveyed for the inclined planes, a complete justification of the motives which induced the Government to adopt, for the entrance into Liége, the line now executed. On leaving the Ans station, and approaching the Meuse, the line describes a curve of 116-79 chains radius, on a level, which brings it to the summit of the first inclined plane, 98-40 chains in length, overcoming a vertical height of 180 ft. 5 in. (inclination 1 in 36-1764); to this succeeds a level 16:40 chains in length, forming, opposite the Faubourg St. Marguerite, a platform on which are placed the buildings for the stationary en- gines. Then commences the second inclined plane, which, like the first, is 98.40 chains in length, and overcomes also a vertical height of 180 ft. 5 inches. At the foot of this second inclined plane is the prin- cipal station of Liége, situated a few yards above the level of the Quai d'Avroy, with which it communicates by a wide street 29.82 chains in length. On leaving the station the railway runs straight for some distance, and then, forming a curve of 49-70 chains radius, reaches the bridge of the Wal-Benóit over the OF BRLGIUM. 31 Meuse, at a distance of 75.34 chains from the foot of the lower incline. The formation of the railway in this neighbourhood was rendered very difficult by local circumstances. It was necessary to have two straight portions, each 98-40 chains in length; to cross all the communications at such a height as to allow of bridges above or below the line,—the use of ropes excluding level crossings; to balance the getting and filling so as to preserve for cultivation valuable land; and, lastly, to get rid of the material from the cuttings in a descending direction, in order to diminish as much as possible the expense of cartage.” The adopted line, which fulfils as far as possible all these conditions, has required very heavy earth-works and numerous works of art. Between Ans and the Meuse, the formation of the road, for a length of 328-02 chains, required the ex- cavation of upwards of 731,920 cubic yards of earth and schist, the latter material having occasionally re- quired blasting with gunpowder. The levelling for the stations, and the foundations of the buildings, have caused excavations to the amount of nearly 392,100 cubic yards. The numerous thoroughfares existing in this populous neighbourhood rendered necessary the erection of twenty bridges in the above distance of 328-02 chains; seven of these are of large proportions, passing over the railway; 7 From the heights at Ans to the quays of the town of Liége, a dis- tance of about 4 miles, the ground falls nearly 400 feet. 32 THE RAILWAYS they have a uniform span of 27 ft. 104 in., and are from 24 ft. to 42 ft. 9 in. in height. The others, to the number of thirteen, placed under embankments in most places of considerable height, are of spans varying from 8 ft. 6 in. to 32 ft. 10 in., and of a maximum length of 124 ft. 8 iſ between the fronts, supporting embankments of from 49 ft. 2 in. to 62 ft. 4 in. in height. Two lines of way were at once laid down, intended, the one for ascent, and the other for descent, only. The descending track is provided throughout its whole length with guard-rails, formed of half balks of timber (see Plate 25), and at the foot of each incline there is a siding into which trains would be turned in the event of their arriving at too great a speed. The trains descend by gravity alone, the speed being regulated by the breaks of the carriages, and when an additional check is required, by those of waggons especially constructed for the purpose, and provided with powerful breaks (waggons traineaux); the time occupied in the descent is 18 minutes. The trains are drawn up the inclines by ropes which are put in motion by stationary engines, a system of which the application dates as far back as 1808, and which is consequently anterior to that of locomotives. Notwithstanding the numerous improvements which have brought loco- motives into general use on roads which are nearly level, when trains have to be drawn up inclines as steep as 1 in 33, these engines lose through gravity a great portion of the power necessary to raise them- OF BELGIUM. 33 selves; and in such circumstances stationary engines have a decided superiority over locomotives, espe- cially on lines so important as that from Antwerp to Cologne. Each incline is furnished with an endless rope about 6 in. in circumference. The pair of engines which works the rope of the lower incline is, according to the general custom, placed at its summit; whilst that which works the upper incline is placed at the foot of the latter, This innovation, which is peculiar to the inclined planes of Liége, presents several advantages which merit notice. The engines being placed together, can, by a very felicitous arrangement, replace each other in case of repair, and thus render unnecessary reserve engines, which would have doubled the first outlay. Great economy of fuel results from being able to reduce the number of furnaces that would have had to be fed, had the engines been placed apart from each other. In fact, the same boilers, after having served the engines of the lower incline, continue to produce a supply of steam for the use of the engines of the upper incline. The number of persons required to work the engines is also much reduced, and this centralization of motive power gives more unity to the service. The engineer, being stationed outside the engine-house, commands a view of both of the inclined planes and of the stokers, and is able, without leaving his place, either to start or stop the engines; he has also under his eyes a dial with a needle, the motion of which, corresponding with the progress of each ascending train, indicates its position D 34 THE RAILWAYS on the incline. This indicator is very useful in working the engines at night and during fogs. To give the necessary signals from one end to the other of the inclined planes, tubes 1 inch diameter are made use of, running the whole length of the inclines. Each tube communicates at one end with an air-bell, partly immersed in a reservoir filled with water; at the other end is placed a whistle. On the bell being pressed down, the air, finding no other means of escape, passes through the tube and sounds the whistle placed at the other end. The air-bell is of course placed close to the monitor who has to give, and the whistle close to the one who has to receive, the signal. By an ingenious arrangement each end of the tube can be successively placed in communication with a whistle or an air-bell, so that after giving a signal an answer can be received to give assurance of the first signal having been heard. It is by means of these signals that the engineer is informed that the trains are ready to ascend the lower incline, and afterwards that they have reached the summit of the upper incline. It is also employed to announce the arrival of the descend- ing trains. The rope is attached to the trains by a pair of claws, which is opened at the moment when the trains arrive at the summit of each inclined plane, so that the rope is detached without the agency of the engineer. It could be detached in the same way at any part of the inclines, in case of an accident happening during the descent. OF BELGIUM. 35 Each ascending train being furnished with a break- waggon as in descending, in addition to the ordinary breaks of the carriages, the breaking of the rope could have no further result than occasioning a delay in the progress of the train. As has been already mentioned, the hauling rope of each incline is an endless one. Let us fix upon some point for the purpose of following it through all its windings; for example, that at which the trains at the foot of the lower incline are attached: from this point of departure during the ascent it is carried along the middle of the road on cast iron friction sheaves placed 32 ft. 9; in. apart. It remains thus in sight as far as the point fixed upon for detaching the trains: it then descends below the road, and, passing through a tunnel, arrives at a horizontal sheave, which gives it the direc- tion necessary for entering the grooves of the two large driving wheels. The rope makes five half-turns round each, which give it the hold necessary for drawing the trains. On leaving the driving wheels, the rope makes a half-turn round a tightening sheave attached to a tension truck placed behind the engine-house; returns thence to the railway, and having again passed round a horizontal sheave, and gone through another tunnel, re- appears on the descending line, along which it is carried as on the ascent. Arrived at the foot of the incline it passes again under the rails and makes a half-turn round a sheave placed under the road, re-ascends to the level of the rails, and reaches the point whence we first Set Out. 36 THE RAILWAYS The use of the tension truck just mentioned is to strain the rope sufficiently to give it a hold on the driving wheels, and to render this strain constant under all the variations of length arising from the load or atmospheric influence. To effect this the truck is drawn by a balance weight hung in a well which rises and falls according to the contraction or elongation of the rope. The rope of the upper incline presents exactly the same arrangements. The engine-room occupies the angle formed by the intersection of the alignments of the two inclined planes. The engines are placed in the centre, and the four large grooved driving wheels at the angles of the building. These wheels are of cast iron, 15 ft. 9 in. diameter from centre to centre of grooves. Their axles are continuations of two driving shafts, each worked by one pair of en- gines. By means of couplings the motion of either pair of engines can be transmitted to one of the two ropes, by throwing into gear one of the two great wheels round which it is wound. Both ropes can thus be worked with a single pair of engines; all that is necessary to effect this being, after having thrown into gear one of the driving wheels of the lower incline, to bring the train up to the intermedial platform, to throw it out of gear, and to connect the shaft with one of the driving wheels of the upper incline. This throwing out of and into gear is performed whilst the train is passing over the intermedial platform, and occasions but a slight delay, which is avoided in the ordinary working of the engines OF BELGIUM. 37 by appropriating to the working of each incline one of the two pairs of engines. Each pair is collectively of 160-horse power, or 320-horse power in all. The engines are low-pressure and on the marine prin- ciple, with cylinders 4 ft. 1 in. diameter, and 4 ft. 6 in. stroke. To render it more easy to start them, a small 10-horse power engine, used for supplying the reservoirs with water, works an air pump which prepares the vacuum in the condensers of the large engines. Since the opening of the inclined planes the engines have completely fulfilled the expectations previously formed upon calculation. They were calculated to draw a train of from twelve to fifteen carriages up each incline in 6 minutes, which is at the rate of 12 miles 34 chains per hour, whilst they have already in the same time drawn up as many as sixteen carriages. The symmetrical arrangement of the various parts forming the ensemble of the stationary engines, which cover a surface of 386 square yards, and the perfect workmanship of every part, give them an air of simple grandeur, which will distinguish them from those em- ployed for the same purposes on other railways. The whole of the machinery for the inclined planes was manufactured at the Seraing establishment near Liége. VAL-BENOIT BRIDGE. The bridge over the Meuse, which carries the rail- way from the Wal-Benoit to the Bac-en-Pot shore, is also open for pedestrians and carriages, on payment of 38 THE RAILWAYS a toll, which is received for the benefit of the State. This bridge is composed of five segmental arches, 65 ft. 73 in span each, springing from the level of the highest water line. The piers, which are at right angles to the longi- tudinal axis of the bridge, are 8 ft. 24 in. in thickness at top, and 9 ft. 11 in. in thickness at the base, measured above the set-off of the foundation. Their height from the springing to the set-off is 18 ft. 4 in., and that of their footings 5 ft. 2; in., of which the bottom course is 16 ft. 5 in. in width. The abutments are 50 ft. in length, not including the engaged half pier, which carries the springing of the end arches; they each contain a road-way 16 ft. 4; in. wide, and 16 ft. 4; in. in height, measured at the crown of the arch, not including 1 ft. 74 in., the depth of the invert, of which the centre is distant 35 ft. 3 in. from the river angles of the abutments. The towing-paths are 8 ft. 24 in. below the springing line of the arches, and 13 ft. I; in. in width. The width of the bridge between the fronts of the arches is 49 ft. 2% inches. The abutments, measured at the springing line, are 62 ft. 4 in. in width immediately behind the half piers, and 75 ft. 6 in. in width across the projections con- taining the road-ways. The down-stream and up-stream cutwaters of the piers are of a semicircular form, and are capped by a con- tinuous string surmounted on the outside by a curved segment 8 ft. 24 in. radius. OF BELGIUM. 39 The string of the half piers is continued as an impost on the face of the abutments, and also round the inside of the arch-ways. The large arches are 3 ft. 4 in. in thickness at the crown. They are surmounted by a horizontal cornice 1 ft. 5% in. in height, which also runs round the outside of the abutments. Four straight flights of steps, 9 ft. 11 in. wide, in- cluding the side walls, are placed at the extremities of the bridge; these steps lead from the level of the towing-path (where they project considerably beyond the fronts of the abutments) to that of the main cornice, and communicate with the top of the embankments of the road. The foundations of the abutments are placed on timber platforms and piles. The piers were built in caissons and rest upon massive platforms of timbers framed into and crossing each other, 1 ft. 74 in. in thickness, each resting on six rows of seventeen piles each, cut to a level 5 ft. 1 in. below the lowest summer-water level, that is to say, about 7% in. above the level of the zero of the scale of the Meuse at the Pont des Arches at Liége. This system of construction is unique. The timber platforms forming the bottoms of the caissons were framed on shore and launched like ships into the river. After having been towed into their proper positions they were loaded and sunk upon the pile foundations, being kept in their places by piles driven through apertures left for that purpose, provided with wells reaching to the 40 THE RAILWAYS level of the water: these piles were afterwards built into the solid masonry of the piers. Roads are formed under the side arches for the passage of the horses engaged in towing. The arch-ways and the space in front of the abutments are paved with stone. At the right and left of each arch-way runs a trottoir with curbs of cut stone. The main cornice already spoken of as forming a raised foot-way on the bridge is surmounted by a parapet composed of stone pilasters and cast iron balusters, placed upon stone plinths, and crowned by a capping extending also over the pilasters. The surface of the bridge is divided into two parts in the direction of its length by a line of raised foot-way, on which is placed a railing to separate the railway from the public road. The rails are laid on four continuous lines of stone blocks, which at the same time support the chairs and form guard-rails to prevent the trains from going off the line. (See Plate 25.) The space not occupied by the blocks is paved in brick with a fall towards the mouths of the drain-pipes, built into the vaulting for the escape of the rain water. The abutments are surmounted on each side by a lodge, built of cut stone, intended for the toll-takers and for the police of the bridge. The public road is paved with stone, with two side gutters which conduct the water to the drains. The bridge is lighted by six lamps placed in the central foot-way in the line of the dividing railing. OF BELGIUM. 41 Each flight of steps is lighted by four lamps, placed at the upper and lower ends of the parapets. v.ALLEY of THE VESDRE (FRow Liége to the FRONTIER OF PRUSSIA). The course of that part of the railway from Antwerp to Cologne comprised between Liége and the Prussian frontier was not finally determined on until the year 1839 for the section from Liége to Pepinster, and until 1840 for that from Pepinster to the frontier. This part of the railway is of more importance than any other throughout the whole of the Belgian lines, not only on account of the difficulties of execution and the expensive nature of the works, but above all, because it is the last link of the chain which, connecting the Belgian and Prussian railways, will unite the Scheldt with the Rhine, and thus carry into effect the original objects of the law of the 1st of May, 1834. No part of the Belgian railways offers more serious difficulties or requires more gigantic operations. In the space of less than 24 miles 68 chains, all the obstacles, all the incidents which influence the constructive arts, have been presented by the line from Liége to the Prussian frontier. The two chains of mountains confining the valley furrowed by the river Vesdre, the existence of the chaussée following the winding course of the river, the great number of manufacturing establishments whose claims for compensation were to be avoided, or whose 42 THE RAILWAYS acquired rights were to be respected, and other motives not less important, explain the boldness of a scheme to which all these obstacles should give way. - The extreme complexity of the elements of the plan,— the examination and the discussion of the numerous plans proposed for the route in the vicinity of Liége,_ the crossing of the town of Werviers, which gave rise to long discussions,—the fixing of the point of junction between the Belgian and Prussian railways at the frontier, Land, lastly, the engineering questions which rose up en masse respecting difficulties previously un- known, but which were met with at every step upon the ground traversed by the railway, all these circum- stances were so many causes for delay in the adoption of the final plan. The engineers, Messrs. Simons and De Ridder, had already, in 1833, prepared and presented a project for a line from Antwerp to Verviers. This project, which formed the groundwork of the law of the 1st of May, 1834, was necessarily modified after the working of the first sections opened for traffic had shown that the rail- way would not serve exclusively for the carriage of goods, as had been at first thought, but that it would acquire a much greater importance from transporting travellers at high speeds. The sinuous route proposed in 1833, with numerous and sharp curves, was unsuited for a passenger line, and accordingly, in 1835, fresh surveys were ordered, hastening as much as possible the proposed line from Liége to Verviers. The point of junction between the Belgian and OF BELGIUM. 43 Prussian railways not having been determined at this time, it was impossible to proceed with the portion com- prised between Verviers and the Prussian frontier. In a conference held in October, 1834, between the Cologne committee and the engineers of the two countries, it had however been agreed upon that what- ever might be the route ultimately adopted for the Prussian railway, its junction with the Belgian line must in any case be made by the table-land of Eupen, and thence by Cornely-Munster, leaving Aix-la-Chapelle on the left. At the request of the authorities of Aix-la-Chapelle, Messrs. Simons and De Ridder were authorized, in April, 1836, to put themselves in communication with the Prussian engineers intrusted with the surveys for the railway between Aix-la-Chapelle and the Belgian frontier. These conferences could not take place im- mediately, because they could not be really useful until after the surveys of the ground comprised in the ex- treme sections of the two lines had been entirely finished. Now it was quite necessary that they should be in as advanced a state in Prussia as in Belgium. Moreover, it was not until August, 1837, that the company formed for the construction of the Rhenish railway was formally sanctioned by His Majesty the King of Prussia. It was not therefore until after this that the surveys of the Rhenish railway between Aix-la-Chapelle and the frontier were pushed with any activity, and it was not possible before the spring of 1838 to open the con- ferences, and to decide positively on the point of junc- 44 THE RAILWAYS tion, which, however, was ultimately fixed at Welken- raedt, the line from that point taking the direction of Aix-la-Chapelle. - Although for the above reasons the surveys for the part between Werviers and the frontier could proceed but slowly in the interval between the years 1835 and 1838, the final arrangements for the portion between Liége and Verviers were carried on with great activity. As early as the 5th of April, 1836, the engineer pre- sented the plan of the part from Liége to Nessonvaux : this plan comprised two routes, one by the Wal-Benoît and Chaudfontaine, the other by Grivegnée and Chaud- fontaine. This plan was approved of on the 11th of the same month, so far as concerned the part comprised between Chaudfontaine and Nessonvaux, and the engineers re- ceived authority at the same time to proceed immediately to the acquisition of the land required between the two points. No decision could be made with regard to that part of the route included between Liége and Chaudfontaine, as much on account of the discussions which were started in favour of and against each of the two routes by Wal- Benoit and Grivegnée, as on account of the indecision which still existed with regard to the course of the sec- tion from Ans to the Meuse, for which various projects were presented at the same time as that of the Govern- ment engineers. The plans for the two proposed lines from Liége to Chaudfontaine (by the Wal-Benoit and by Grivegnée) OF BIFLGIUM. 45 were referred for consideration to the Corporation and the Chamber of Commerce of Liége, and on the 16th of May following a commission of inquiry was appointed, composed of Messrs. Noël, De Moor, and Masui, to ascertain which was the better route for the railway in the vicinity of this town, This commission, after having heard the opinions of the delegates of the Corporation and of the Chamber of Commerce, and also of the principal manufacturers of the town of Liége, on the 25th of the same month made a report to the Minister of the Interior, showing the nu- merous objections attached to the route by Grivegnée, and concluding by giving the preference to the route by the Wal-Benoit, provided that a branch line were con- structed to unite the centre of Liége with the projected Guillemins station at the foot of the inclined planes. Lastly, on the 20th of August of the same year, after having heard the partisans of both projects and having satisfied himself on all the points on which a contrariety of opinion had thrown doubts, the Minister of the In- terior passed a resolution approving of the route from Liége to Chaudfontaine by the Wal-Benoit and the plain of Angleur. This resolution at the same time directed the en- gineers to present plans for a branch line extending from the Pont des Arches at Liége to the Guillemins station, to run along the quays of the Meuse. The line being thus approved of from Liége to Nes- sonvaux, preparations might have been made for com- mencing the works; but the final settlement of the 46 THE RAILWAYS business was again delayed by the uncertainty as to the route to be adopted for the inclined planes, for the situa- tion of the Guillemins station, and for the position of the bridge over the Meuse. It would also have been in- judicious to commence the works of the section from Liége to Nessonvaux so long as those between Ans and the Meuse were not in progress. It was not until the 22nd of March, 1838, after the termination of the numerous discussions which arose out of the various objections and claims brought forward by the town of Liége, and by M. Chevron and others, that it was possible for the engineers to prepare a schedule of conditions for the execution of the works of this section by piece-work at fixed prices. The minister of public works, in submitting this pro- ject for examination to the commission of engineers united under the direction of the inspector-general of the ponts et chaussées, thought it necessary to raise the question, whether it would not be preferable to adopt for the execution of these works a fixed contract instead of one by piece-work. This commission, by its report of the 6th of June following, proposed, by a majority of three to two, to make the undertaking the subject of a contract by piece-work. The minority were in favour of a fixed contract. In order to be able to choose between the two propositions, the minister directed the preparation of a new schedule of conditions for a fixed contract. Whilst this new schedule was in preparation, M. Wifauain, inspector of the ponts et chaussées, presented OF BIFLGIUM. 47 his report upon the proposed branch railway to Namur, in which he pointed out the inconveniences resulting from the use of inclined planes. This report led to a fresh inquiry as to the necessity of employing inclined planes for the descent from Ans to Liége, which was still an open question. Desirous of having the most complete information on a subject so important before making a decision which might afterwards have been regretted, M. Nothomb, then minister of public works, in July, 1838, directed a commission of engineers to ascertain from personal survey whether it would be possible to reach the valley of the Meuse by following a longer route, in which it would be possible to overcome the difference of height between the Ans summit and the bottom of the valley by gra- dients of about 1 in 200, thus doing away altogether with the Liége inclined planes. On the 20th of October following, this commission made a report which stated that in the various directions proposed or thought of for avoiding the inclined planes, it would be necessary to undertake extraordinary works, not only of great cost and almost impossible to execute, but really dangerous. In consequence of this report the system of inclined planes and the new schedule of clauses and conditions for a fixed contract were finally approved of by a minis- terial decree of the 29th of October, 1838. This digression on the inclined planes, although foreign to the account of the Wesdre line, has been, however, necessary to explain how it happened that, although the 48 THE RAILWAYS route from Liége to Nessonvaux was approved of on the 20th of August, 1836, it was not until 1839 that the schedule of works for this section was brought forward. Although the attention of the minister was so par- ticularly directed to the important question of the in- clined planes, he did not neglect to hasten as much as possible the letting of the works of the Vesdre railway, and at various times recommended the greatest activity in the completion of the plans. It was not until the 7th of April, 1839, that M. Simons brought forward a complete plan for the line from Liége to the frontier, proposing at the same time to execute at first that part only between Liége and Verviers. . It then seemed as if nothing would further delay the commencement of the first division of the Vesdre rail- way. However, a new invention arose which was much cried up at the time, viz., the Laignel curves,” and the possibility of employing these curves gave rise to fresh delay. The attention of the engineers was attracted by this invention, and long and warm discussions took place on the desirableness of employing this new system of curves of small radius for the line of railway in the valley of the Vesdre: it appeared that under this system the gra- dients might be much reduced, that there would be 8 M. Laignel's invention consisted in making the outer wheel run on its flange in passing round sharp curves, to effect which he proposed to substitute, when necessary, a wide plate rail for the ordinary edge rail. The elevation given to the outer rail was of course very considerable. OF BELGIUM. 49 much fewer tunnels to cut and bridges to build, and fewer diversions of the course of the river and chaussée to be effected. Such a result, could it have been ob- tained, would have considerably diminished the expense of the Wesdre line. * In order that the important question of the Laignel curves might be thoroughly examined, the inspector- general of the ponts et chaussées proposed, by his report of the 27th of June, to put in immediate execution that portion only comprised between Liége and Chaud- fontaine. The plans of this section were approved of on the 4th of July; and the adjudication, at first named for the 7th of August, took place on the 21st of the same month. It should be observed that in the plan brought for- ward by M. Simons, the directing engineer, the em- bankment in the plain of Angleur, between the Fourchu Fossé and Chénée, was to be made with earth to be brought from the mountain, and that the commission of engineers charged with the examination of this plan thought it preferable to obtain the earth necessary for this embankment from side cuttings. The commission also thought it necessary to advise a change in the arrangement of the slopes, so as to allow the lowering of the Chénée bridge and viaduct. Nevertheless the works were tendered for as announced, but the result being considered unfavourable, the contract was not approved. The discussion of the question of the Laignel curves, which had caused the postponement of the adjudication of the part beyond Chaudfontaine, did not promise an IE 50 THE RAILWAYS early solution, for the experiments which took place had the effect of confirming in their conviction the opponents of the system, without, however, shaking that of the par- tisans of the contrary opinion. In this state of things the minister of public works thought it advisable to proceed, in the most complete manner possible, to definite and conclusive trials: he therefore appointed a fresh commission, and drew up, himself, the outline of the course of experiments to be tried. Although these trials were never completed, they sufficed to show that the new system did not offer the advantages that were expected to be derived from its adoption; for, on the 20th of September, the inspector- general proposed the adoption of M. Simons' plan as far as Pepinster, with the exception of some slight modifications in the gradients. The plans and speci- fications, with the schedule of conditions for the adju- dication, in three lots, of the section from Liége to Pepinster, were at last approved of on the 9th of October, 1839, and the adjudication, fixed at first for the 30th of the same month, took place on the 20th of November following. The three lots together, esti- mated at the sum of £181,200, were contracted for at the sum of £170,360. OF BELGIUM. 5.I. Summary description of the works of the first section. From Liége to Pepinster (1st, 2nd, and 3rd lots). The first lot of this section was divided after the ad- judication into two subdivisions. First subdivision of the first lot.—Section from the Meuse to Chénée.” The part of the railway comprised between the bridge over the Meuse at the Wal-Benoit and the bridge over the Ourthe at Chénée forms the first subdivision of the first lot of the section from Liége to Pepinster, and has a length of 1 mile 47 chains. - The works of art of the section from the Meuse to Chénée are— 1st. A bridge over the Ourthe at Chénée, composed of three arches of 52 ft. 6 in. span, having their springings placed at the level of the highest floods. This bridge, like that of the Wal-Benoit over the Meuse, has a road-way for carriages and foot pas- sengers: it was commenced on the 13th of May, 1840. 2nd. A viaduct of twenty-four arches, of which twelve are in- side and twelve outside the zinc manufactory at Angleur; the first formed for the communications of this establish- ment, and the second for the escape of the flood-waters of the Ourthe. This viaduct, which joins the bridge above mentioned, also has a road-way for carriages and foot passengers. Its construction was commenced on the 19th of No- vember, 1840. * This section has been lately opened. 52 THE RAILWAYS 3rd. A road-bridge opposite the Château d’Angleur, begun in May, 1842; • * And, 4thly, a retaining wall on the right bank of the Fourchu Fossé. - The cost of the construction of the works of art, and of the earth-works of the section, amounts to £28,995. 4s. Second subdivision of the 1st lot, and 2nd and 3rd lots.- - Section from Chénée to Pepinster. The works of the second subdivision of the 1st lot, and those of the 2nd and 3rd lots, extending from the bridge of Chénée to beyond Pepinster, comprise, in addition to the embankments and cuttings, of which the sections vary according to circumstances, Nine tunnels and one vaulted way, making a total length of 109.34 chains. The mountains pierced by these galleries presented great obstacles to the execution of the works, both from the unexpected presence of water and from the hardness of the rock of which they consist. Amongst others, the Halinsart tunnel, the longest of all (in length 31.65 chains), has also been the most difficult to execute. Fourteen bridges, from 91 ft. 10% in. to 98 ft. 5 in. span, and generally divided into three arches of different forms and dimensions. These bridges are built for the most part either OF BELGIUM. 53 entirely on piles, or partly on rock and partly on piles, and four only entirely on rock. Seventy-one road-bridges, drains, and culverts, spread over the whole length of this section. Forty dykes and retaining “walls, all rendered necessary by the diversions of the river, or by the claims of proprietors of factories. The principal points fixed upon for the establishment of stations on the first three lots are Chénée, Chaud- fontaine, and Pepinster. The Chénée station will receive some importance from the commercial nature of the neighbouring loca- lities, and from the arrivals by the River Ourthe. That of Chaudfontaine will be frequented by the bathers and by the pleasure seekers of Liége, and it may be strongly presumed that it will be very pro- ductive in the summer season. Lastly, Pepinster will receive the bathers from Spa. The first three lots having been contracted for, the commission of engineers still remained occupied with the project from Pepinster to the frontier: this project gave rise to long discussions, not only as to the situation of the Werviers station, but on the question whether the high ground of the frontier was to be arrived at by means of a continuous incline or by an inclined plane. Three different plans had been proposed by M. Simons, directing engineer, viz.:- - 1st. A plan placing the Verviers station at the spot called L’Harmonie, with an embankment 9 ft. 11 in. high in the 54 THE RAILWAYS interior of the station, and ascending by a continuous incline from the station to the Prussian frontier. 2nd. A line which would place the station at the place called Gérards-Champs, with a similar embankment at the station, and rising by a continuous incline to the frontier. 3rd. A line placing the station in the Gérards-Champs, without an embankment in the station, and rising by a continuous incline to the foot of an inclined plane, of 1 in 37, to be formed in the valley of Ruyf, and from the summit of this incline to the Prussian frontier by ordinary gradients. On the report of the commission of engineers specially charged with the examination of the design, the last route, placing the station at Gérards-Champs, with an inclined plane at Dolhain, was approved of on the 18th of March, 1840. The specification and schedule of clauses and conditions for the adjudication of the works not being ready, M. Simons was directed to hasten their completion. The route with the inclined plane having been adopted against the advice of M. Simons, he brought forward, in the course of the month of August, a new design, similar in every respect to that adopted on the 18th of March preceding, with the exception of the substitution of a continuous incline of 1 in 125 for the inclined plane.-See Plate 26. This last plan was approved of on the 8th of Sep- tember, 1840, without having been submitted to the council of the ponts et chaussées. The adjudication of the works of the section from Pepinster to the frontier took place on the 30th of the same month, and the three lots of which this section is made up, estimated at OF BIFLGIUM. 55 £136,760, were let on the 16th of October for the amount of £143,800. Soon, however, fears manifested themselves as to the difficulties, and even danger, which might attend the working of such steep gradients, when their extent was considered. Although the works were too far advanced to return to the first plan of 18th of March, 1840, the minister of public works directed M. Viſquain to examine into the real state of the case, and by his advice appointed a commission directed to proceed to England in order to observe the effect of steep gradients on the progress of trains on the English lines, and to embody the in- formation thus acquired in the replies to a series of questions drawn up for that purpose. * The report of this commission, which contains much valuable information on the practical working of steep gradients, set the question at rest by fully confirming the views of M. Simons. Summary of the works of the second section, from Pepin- ster to the Prussian frontier, (4th, 5th, and 6th lots.) This part of the works of the railway, which, on leaving the Pepinster district, crosses the manufacturing town of Verviers and joins the Prussian frontier, is by no means the least important division of the Vesdre line, either on account of the difficult nature of the works or the serious engineering questions to which it has given rise. 56 THE RAILWAYS The works which compose this section consist, inde- pendently of the earth-works, embankments, and cut- tings, of L Nine tunnels of a total length of 67.09 chains. Five bridges, of which the last, No. 19, at Dolhain, has twenty land arches, of 32 ft. 9% in. span, and from 55 ft. 9 in. to 59 ft. in height. Sixty-three road-bridges, drains, and culverts. . Fifty retaining walls on the banks of the river. WESTERN LINE. LINE FROM COURTRAY TO THE FRONTIER OF FRANCE. The first general surveys for this line, undertaken in execution of the law of the 26th of May, 1837, were made in 1838. It was at first intended to touch the town of Menin, and to extend the line as far as possible into Western Flanders, in which are the towns of Ypres, Poperinghe, Furnes, Nieuport, and Dixmude; but, on the one hand, the nature of the ground, considering the neces- sity of directing the line towards Tournay, and, on the other hand, motives of economy, and the consideration of the advantage which would accrue both to Belgium and France from taking the shortest route, induced the engineers, on leaving Courtray, to take a line which, quitting the basin of the Lys, crosses between Aelbeke and Mouscron, the lowest summit of the range which separates the above-named basin from that of the Scheldt. This route places the highest point of the line only OF BELGIUM. 57 78 ft. 8 in. above the Courtray station, and the distance between the two places being upwards of 5 miles, the steepest gradient necessary is less than 1 in 333. Before reaching the French frontier, and taking the direction of Tournay, the line crosses the deep valley of Mouscron, on a heavy embankment, reaching Mouscron by a deep cutting through the hill separating the vil- lages of Mouscron and Luigne: the Mouscron station is placed partly in this cutting. After several conferences between Messrs. Noël and Vallée, (the engineers appointed by the French and Bel- gian Governments to settle the conditions of the junction of the railways of the two countries between Lille and Ghent,) it was settled by a treaty made at Ghent in November, 1838: 1st, That the definitive surveys should be made under the supposition that the French line would pass to the west of Roubaix; 2nd, That the two frontier stations of Mouscron and of Roubaix should be placed on one and the same alignment; 3rd, That the longitudinal section between Mouscron and Roubaix should present an ascending and descending slope, meeting near the frontier stream of the Espierre, so that the two stations should be placed at the two summits; 4thly, and lastly, That in the event (then considered as very improbable) of the French Government adopting a line to the east of Roubaix, this line should be united to the Belgian line, laid down as above described. These conditions formed the basis of a preliminary plan for the line from Courtray to the frontier, pre- sented by M. Noël on the 12th of January, 1839, and 58 THE RAILWAYS approved by the department of public works on the 18th of February following. In consequence of unavoidable delays the working plans, specifications, and schedule of quantities, &c., for the section from Courtray to Mouscron were not com- pleted until January, 1840. º The project was approved of by a ministerial decree of the 22nd of February following, and the public adju- dication took place on the 1st of April. The length of the section is 7 miles 52:14 chains, as follows: 374-56 chains in straight portions. 83°43 , in curves of 99.40 chains radius. 50'll , 55 86-97 55 70-17 55 55 74-55 55 33.87 , 55 24'85 (ending at the Mouscron and Courtray stations). 612-14 = 7 miles 52°14 chains. The longitudinal section presents various gradients, of which the steepest does not exceed 1 in 354. The earth-works are to the extent of 825,154 cubic yards. The works of art under the railway itself comprise-- Twelve road-bridges and twenty-four culverts, besides forty-five drains under common roads. * The total amount of masonry in these eighty-one works of art is 10,724 cubic yards. Amongst the subordinate works we will only mention the paving, which amounts to above 8371 square yards. OF BELGIUM. 59 The whole of the works, estimated at £44,440, in- cluding a fixed sum of £2120, were contracted for at £37,900, or 15 per cent. under the estimate. The arrangements for the junction of the French and Belgian railways were made by M. Debout on the part of the French, and M. Noël on the part of the Belgian Government. After several conferences between these gentlemen, which led to no result, a treaty was entered into on the 7th of January, 1841, in conformity with which the works of the junction have been executed. The plans of the section from Mouscron to the frontier were approved of by the department of public works on the 22nd of March, 1841, and contracted for on the 15th of April following. The line comprises two straight portions, together chains. making a length of • • ſº e e . 99-03 Connected by a curve of 99.40 chains radius, the length of whose arc is . ſº gº tº Q * . 20.81 Making a total length of . gº & . . . 119°84 The longitudinal section presents a uniform slope of 1 in 400. The earth-works comprise 151,297 cubic yards. The works of art consist of two road-bridges, five culverts under the railway, and ten drains under the lateral and cross roads. The total amount of masonry contained in these works is 2288 cubic yards. The rails are laid on this section for a double line, in accordance with the articles of the treaty of the 7th of January, 1841, which settles that a double line of way 60 THE RAILWAYS should be at once established between the frontier sta- tions of Mouscrom and Turcoing. The whole of the works of this section, estimated at £6800, including a fixed amount of £696, were con- tracted for at £5160, or about 26 per cent. below the estimates. LINE FROM MOUSCRON TO TOURNAY. The preliminary surveys for this line were made in 1838. The original intention of the Government was to place the Tournay station on the left bank of the Scheldt, at the Quai des Salines, thus rendering it un- necessary to cross the river, whilst, at the same time, the favourable nature of the ground on the left bank offered great advantages for the construction of the railway. The local administration of Tournay, however, were strongly opposed to this route, on the ground of its interference with valuable property in the immediate vicinity of the town, and demanded that the line should cross the Scheldt and enter the town by way of the meadows of Meir, the station being placed on the Quai du Château, on the right bank, where the line would not interfere with private rights. An additional reason for placing the station on the right bank of the river was the increased facility of effecting at some future time a junction between this town and the southern railway. * It was not without much hesitation, caused by the expensive nature of the works required for crossing the OF BELGIUM. 61 Scheldt and for carrying the line over the Meir meadows, and not until after many conflicting projects had been examined and rejected, that the Government finally decided on adopting a line which should cross the Scheldt by a fixed bridge about a mile and a quarter below the town, and, passing over the Meir meadows, should have its terminus at the Quai du Château on the right bank of the river. The final project for the section from Mouscron to Templeuve was approved of on the 30th of December, 1840; and the adjudication of the works took place on the 27th of January, 1841. g - The project for the section from Templeuve to Tour- nay, by the route of the Meir meadows, was formally approved of on the 20th of January, 1841; and the works were contracted for on the 24th of February following. a' The section from Mouscron to Templeuve is 7 miles 52-55 chains in length, viz.: 506’28 chains in straight portions. 45'67 , in curves of 99.40 chains radius. 32°10 , in one curve of 74°55 chains radius. 28'50 , 55 24'85 (on leaving the Mous- cron station). 612°55 The longitudinal section contains various levels and inclines, of which the steepest does not exceed 1 in 330. The earth-works amount to 543,220 cubic yards. The works of art belonging to the line itself comprise 62 - THE RAILWAYS ten road-bridges, one of which crosses the line, and twenty-two culverts. - The remaining works of art comprise fifty-nine drains and drain-pipes. The masonry of these ninety-one works of art amounts in all to 8370 cubic yards. The principal item of the subordinate works is a quantity of new paving, amounting to upwards of 4783 Square yards. * The whole of the works, estimated at £31,000, in- cluding a fixed amount of £1480, were contracted for at £25,702. 8s., or about 17 per cent. below the esti- mates. v. - The section from Templeuve to Tournay has a length of 3 miles 53:67 chains, as follows: 225-82 chains in two straight portions. 54:14 , in a curve of 149'10 chains radius. 13°71 , 55 99°40 » 293-67 The longitudinal section, from the beginning of the section to the bridge over the Scheldt, comprises levels and inclines of which the steepest does not exceed 1 in 333; from the bridge to the foot of the ramparts the line falls at the rate of 1 in 270. The earth-works amount to 198,698 cubic yards. The works of art contracted for were described in the specification to consist of a bridge of two arches over the Scheldt, two road-bridges, nine culverts, and six aque- ducts, exclusive of twenty-one drains to be built under the lateral and cross roads. OF BELGIUM. 63 [As will be seen hereafter, a bridge with one arch only was substituted for the two-arched bridge over the Scheldt, and a viaduct on arches for the two large cul- verts intended for the escape of the water from the Meir meadows.] The amount of masonry contained in these thirty-nine works of art, as at first intended to be executed, was about 5623 cubic yards. These works also required 15,876 cubic feet of timber, including 800 piles. The other works worthy of mention are the retaining walls, of which there were 9328 superficial yards to be constructed; and the paving, comprising 2391 super- ficial yards of new work, and 2033 yards of old paving to be relaid, exclusive of 2391 superficial yards of pro- visional paving. The whole of the intended works, estimated at £20,000, including a fixed amount of £960, were contracted for at £17,400, or about 13 per cent. below the estimate. NOTE ON THE EXECUTION OF THE WORKS OF THE WESTERN LINE. SECTION FROM courTRAY TO MOUSCRON. The contract for the works made on the 1st of April, 1840, was approved of on the 4th of the same month. In consequence of the slow progress of the earth- works, especially of the Marché and Mouscron cuttings, (the earth from which had to be thrown into embank- ment by means of waggons on temporary rails for mean leads of 64:61 chains and 59-64 chains,) the contractor 64 THE RAILWAYS obtained leave to execute the greater part of the embank- ments from side cuttings, throwing a great part of the soil from the cuttings into spoil-bank, the ground for which was acquired at his own expense. This alteration was extremely advantageous to the Government, as the embankment formed from side cut- ting stood extremely well, whilst that executed with the earth from the cuttings was so bad that it was necessary to replace it with better material, as will be presently shown. At the commencement of the year 1841 it was found that the sides of that part which had been opened of the Lauwe cutting, although on an average only 6 ft. 6 in. deep, would not stand at any slope whatever, but that driven forward by the springs which made their escape at the level of the railway, they were continually slip- ping, forming large cracks in the rear of the slopes which increased every day both in size and number. The ground loosened itself in successive vertical layers, and the fallen earth attained such a state of liquefaction that it was impossible to reform the slopes. Difficulties similar in their nature, but not so great in proportion to the depths of the cuttings, having already been successfully overcome on different points of the Belgian lines, especially in the Wilmersom cutting near Tirlemont, by the construction of large drains filled with stones or fascines, it was determined to make a trial of this kind in the Lauwe cutting, which succeeded perfectly; that part of the cutting where the slopes had been re- formed on this plan, in September, 1841, having stood OF BRLGIUM. 65 perfectly well throughout the winter, whilst the rest of the cutting was completely filled up with the slips, and the ground in the rear had sunk to a considerable distance. As soon as it was ascertained, after the thaw in Feb- ruary, 1842, that the experimental slopes with drains, filled as above, had sustained no alteration, plans and specifications were prepared for a complete system of drainage. The embankment formed with the earth from the part of the Lauwe cutting, opened in 1841, soon showed symptoms of failure similar to those displayed in the cutting itself, in consequence of which the contractor was forbidden to carry on the works in the manner at first intended, and it was found necessary, 1st, to throw into spoil all that part of the Lauwe cutting which re- mained to be opened; 2nd, to remove all the embank- ment which had been formed with material from this cutting; and, lastly, to reconstruct the embankment with good material taken from the environs. Similar failures took place from the same causes in a portion of the Marché embankment, finished in 1841 with the earth from the Marché cutting; the slips reached the centre line of the embankment in many places, and in March, 1842, it was decided upon to reconstruct all the portions which had failed with ma- terial to be taken from side cuttings. These modifications of the original plan have caused an increased expenditure to the amount of about £1160 (exclusive of the expense of the new system of drainage, F 66 THE RAILWAYS which formed no part of the contract of the 4th of April, 1840): this is covered by a corresponding diminution in the cost of the land required for the railway, and by the saving effected by constructing a great part of the masonry with Harlebeke bricks of good quality in place of bricks from Armentières (France), as at first intended. The works relating to the laying of the additional lines of way, with the eccentrics and turn-tables in the Mouscron station, as well as the ballasting of the interior of the station, have been contracted for at £ 1117. 2s. 9%d., not including the cost of the materials. The buildings and enclosure of this station were esti- mated at £4400, and were to be contracted for on the 8th of June of the present year, 1842. SECTION FROM MOUSCR ON TO THE FRONTIER OF FIRANCE. The contract for the works of this section, taken the 15th April, 1841, was approved of on the 29th of the Same month. The embankments on this section have failed from the same causes that affected those of the preceding section, and they must be reconstructed with material from side cuttings. SECTION FROM MOUSCRON TO TEMPLEUVE. The contract for the works for the construction of the road, taken on the 27th of January, 1841, was approved on the 3rd of March following. The only important deviation from the original plan consists in throwing into spoil the greater part of the OF BELGIUM. 67 Estampuis cutting, and executing the corresponding em- bankment from side cutting. The sand for the ballasting comes from Zulte. Two stations, or rather halting places, will be formed in this section; one at Néchin, the other at Templeuve. The cost of the erections at these stations will be very trifling. - If, however, the Tournay station should be made a principal bureau de douane, it would be necessary to establish bureaua secondaires at the stations of Néchin and Templeuve, which would then require to be com- pletely enclosed. SECTION FROM TEMPLEUVE TO TOURNAY. The contract for the works, taken the 24th of February, 1841, was approved on the 5th of March following. The specification provided that the passage of the Scheldt should be effected by means of a bridge of two arches, each 31 ft. 6 in. span, under one of which there was to be a towing-path of masonry 6 ft. 6 in. wide, thus reducing the ordinary water-way to 56 ft. 6 inches. At the recommendation of the council of the ponts et chaussées, a fresh design was made, before the adjudica- tion, for a bridge with a single arch 56 ft. 6 in. span, with a towing-path carried on brackets. This alteration made but a trifling difference in the expense, and the working drawings put in the hands of the contractor were made from the latter design. The overflowing of the Meir meadows caused great delays in the execution of the works. 68 THE RAILWAYS In April (1841) it was determined to construct a viaduct on arches for the length of 5 chains over the lowest part of the Meir meadows, instead of the em- bankment at first proposed. By the construction of this viaduct were avoided– 1st. A very considerable amount of embankment; 2nd. A corresponding length of retaining wall to be built at the foot of the slopes; 3rd. A number of trenches in the meadows; 4th. Two bridges intended for the escape of the flood- water, which object was attained more completely by the construction of the viaduct. It was supposed that the foundations of the piers for the arches might be of rubble or béton; but the floods preventing any accurate survey at the time, the designs were prepared for foundations of rubble-work, and the longitudinal section of the line and the designs of the works of art were modified as required. The plans for the several alterations, having been agreed to by the contractor without any alteration in the amount of his contract, were transmitted to the department of public works on the 9th of May, 1841. Early in June, on the retreat of the waters, the ground on the site of the viaduct was well sounded, when it was found that there was no firm bottom within 23 ft. of the surface, and it became necessary to con- struct the whole of the viaduct on piles from 26 ft. 3 in. to 28 ft. in length. Note. — The whole of the line from Courtray to Tournay is now open. OF BELGIUM. . 69 SOUTHERN LINE. SECTION FROM Mons To QUIEVRAIN.” This line commences in the Rue du Rivage at Mons, crosses the fortifications by a curve 34.79 chains radius, and runs in a straight direction until it meets the Haut- Flénu Railway, 4.97 chains from the Mons and Condé Canal at the entrance of Jemmappes. From this point it takes a direction nearly parallel to the canal as far as the boundary of this commune; it then crosses the village of Quaregnon, passes close to that of Wasmuél, and runs in a straight line until opposite St. Ghislain : from this point it takes a fresh direction, crossing the village of Bossu, and, making another turn at Hainin, runs in a straight line between the chaussée from Mons to Valenciennes and the village of Thulin, and ends at the frontier near the village of Quiévrain, about 21:37 chains from the spot where the above-mentioned road crosses the French frontier. The various straight portions, with the exception of that part of the line crossing the fortifications of Mons, are connected by curves of 149'10 chains radius. The length of the section, as above described, is 992-88 chains. The level of the railway is 102 ft. 4% in. above the level of the sea at its starting point, and 99 ft. 9 in. above the same level at its termination at the frontier. This difference of level is overcome by gentle slopes, the steepest of which does not exceed 1 in 400. 19 Lately opened for traffic. 70 THE RAILWAYS Between Mons and Bossu the line runs through the meadows bordering the Trouille and the Haine. The ground is almost every where composed of peat, which often becomes liquid and forms complete quagmires. Throughout the Wasmuél and St. Ghislain marshes the railway is every where in embankment; the greatest height is 13 feet. Between Bossu and Quiévrain the ground rises, and the railway is in cutting at four places. º The first cutting is at Bossu; length, 20:48 chains; maximum depth, 7 ft. 4 inches. The second is opposite Hainin; length, 52-56 chains; maximum depth, 21 ft. 3 inches. The third is between Hainin and Thulin; length, 4174 chains; maximum depth, 12 feet. The fourth, and last, is near Quiévrain; length, 87-96 chains; maximum depth, 21 ft. 9 inches. The first cutting is through quicksand. The strata of the second cutting are much distorted; after the clay is found a greasy greenish sand, clayey gravel, and potter's earth; a bed of sandstone is next passed through, after which marl is found in abundance; the potter's earth then re-appears, as well as the sand and gravel. The third cutting is through marl and gravel; the surface is a plastic clay. -> The Quiévrain cutting is in stiff wet clay. Between Thulin and Quiévrain the line runs for the distance of 142° 14 chains on embankment, 13 ft. in height throughout. OF BELGIUM. 71 From Quiévrain to the frontier the line runs through the meadows of Honelle on embankment, about 10 ft. in height. The ground is chiefly peat. PRINCIPAL DIVISION OF THE SECTION FROM MONS TO QUIEVRAIN. This section commences at the foot of the glacis of the fortifications of Mons, and ends at the stream called la petite Honelle, which forms the boundary between Belgium and France. The earth-works, the works of art, and the laying of the permanent way, were put up for adjudication on the 28th of October, 1840. The estimate for the works amounted to £32,000. The contract, approved on the 14th November, 1840, amounted to £26,960. - The contract only included the works strictly neces- sary for the construction of the railway; but it was Soon greatly extended in consequence of an alteration in the direction of the line between Mons and Jemmappes, the establishment of five stations, and the construction of several inclines. The expense of these additional works amounts to £11,786. 7s. 4d. The earth-works amount to 954,247 cubic yards. The works of art are seventy-two in number, and . comprise— 1st. A bridge of 32 ft. 10. in. span over the Honelle at Quiévrain. & 2nd. A bridge of 27 ft. 104 in. over the Haine and the Trouille united at Jemmappes. 72 THE RAILWAYS 3rd. Two short tunnels, one of which is under the street of Hainin, and the other under the Brunehault chaussée, near Quiévrain. 4th. Two bridges, each 23 ft. span, one of which is over the Trouille, between Mons and the chaussée, from this town to Valenciennes, and the other over the Haine at Jemmappes. 5th. A bridge of 13 ft. 1% in, span, over a stream in the marshes of St. Ghislain. 6th. A bridge of 11 ft. 6 in. span over the brook of Quaregnon. 7th. A bridge of 11 ft. 2 in. span over the Elouges brook, near Thulin. 8th. Three bridges, 9 ft. 11 in. span, one of which is in the meadows of Cuesmes, over the Fossé des Machines ; the second under the slope of the chaussée from Mons to Tournay, near St. Ghislain; and the third over the waste channel of the Honelle, near the bridge of 32 ft. 9 in. span at Quiévrain. 9th. A culvert of 9 ft. 2 in. span in the meadows of Jem- mappes. 10th. A culvert of 5 ft. 10} in. over the Sequis brook. 11th. Six do. 4 × 11 > 12th. Sixteen do. 3 , 13th. Eight do. 2 ” 14th. Eighteen do. 2 , 55 15th. Ten drain-pipes 11% and 15% in. diameter. 55 l 2 52 : All these works are in masonry, with the exception of the drain-pipes, which are of oak. The greater part of the bridges are built on piles, on account of the yielding nature of the ground on which they are built. The arches of some of the bridges are elliptical, viz., those of the following spans, 11 ft. 6 in., 23 ft., 27 ft. 10 in., and 32 ft. 9; inches. OF BELGIUM. 73 The road-bridges are all constructed with flat arches. The bridge of 23 ft. span over the Haine is on the skew, and that of 27 ft. 104 in. has one front perpen- dicular to the river, which is crossed very obliquely, and the other parallel to the line of the railway: this arrangement was unavoidable, the bridge affording a passage both for the railway and a village street. Account of the works between the Mons station and the com- mencement of the section from Mons to Quiévrain. The works were contracted for, as piece-work, at about 15 per cent. below the estimates, on the 30th of March, 1841; the contract was approved of on the 30th of June following. This contract comprises the earth-works, works of art, and laying of the permanent way, including the supply of the necessary materials. The works of art comprise— 1. A bridge in masonry over the Trouille, of one segmental arch, 23 ft. span. 2. A bridge over the principal ditch of the place, with abut- ments and piers of masonry supporting a timber platform, in six divisions, viz., five fixed, 16 ft. 4 in. wide from centre to centre of piers, and one moveable, 12 ft. 5 inches wide. 3. A bridge 13 ft. 1 in. span, with a timber platform resting on abutments of masonry, over the ditch of the flood dyke. 4. A culvert of masonry, 7 ft. 4 in. span, over the Fausse Trouille. 5. A culvert of masonry, 4 ft. 1 in. span, over the ditch of the covered-way. 6. The construction of retaining walls, covered with a timber platform 26 ft. 3 in. wide, in the cutting through the rampart. 74 THE RAILWAYS 7. The construction of retaining walls in the place d’armes of the covered-way. The expense of the works may be estimated at £4800. Rails, &c.—The supply of rails for the line from Mons to Quiévrain has formed the subject of three suc- cessive contracts, dated the 5th of May, 1840; the 10th of July, 1841; and the 17th of February, 1842. The first of these contracts is for the supply of 1100 tons” of rails and chairs, at the following prices: Rolled iron (rails), at £10. 19s. 11}d. per ton. Cast iron (chairs), at £7. 12s. per ton. Wrought iron (keys and spikes), at £ 22 per ton. This contract amounted to the sum of £16,753. 19s. 64d. The second contract was for a supply of double chairs for crossings, and amounted to £127.8s. 11%d. The third and last contract comprised 250 tons of rails and chairs, at the following prices: Rolled iron . . . £9 7 2% per ton. Cast iron . . . . 6 9 7} Wrought iron . . . 16 11 24 35 55 The total amount of this contract is £3262. 9s. 114d. The 250 tons of rails of this last contract are made on the pattern called rails à fausse coupe, or à joints & trait de Jupiter, which has been made use of for the rails of the second line of way between Ghent and Ans, and is considered superior to that before adopted. * The French ton is nearly equal to 19 cwt. 2 qrs, 22 ibs. English. OF BELGIUM. 75 The whole expense, therefore, of the iron-work for the line from Mons to Quiévrain amounts to £20,143. 18s. 5; d. Sleepers.-The sleepers for the line from Mons to Quiévrain have formed the subject of several contracts, altogether amounting to £6390. 15s. 24d. Ballasting.—The amount of ballasting required for the principal line of way, and for the sidings and inside the stations, will be about 57,678 cubic yards. The materials to be employed are pebbles, sand, scoriae, and cinders. The pebbles and scoriae will be placed at the bottom of the ballasting in those parts of the embankments which are made of peat, and in the cuttings between Bossu and the frontier, where the soil is generally very Wet. Every where else sand and cinders will be employed, the latter being placed at the surface. LINE FROM NAMUR TO CHARLEROY. This line runs through the valley of the Sambre, being principally on the right bank of that river, and presents engineering difficulties of great magnitude, on account of the numerous works of art required and the irregular nature of the ground, which has rendered necessary a great amount of excavation and embank- ment. The necessity of preserving uninterrupted the naviga- 76 THE RAILWAYS tion of the river is a great obstacle to the rapid execu- tion of the works, no less than thirteen bridges having to be built over the Sambre, all requiring the river to be turned during their erection. The bridges are of a uniform design, each of three arches, 32 ft. 10 in. span, of an elliptic form, having a rise of 3 ft. 3 in. At each end of every bridge is a land arch 16 ft. 4 in. span, which serves at once for the necessary communications, and for the escape of flood-waters. The various road-bridges over the line are 29 ft. 6 in. span, and of sufficient height to allow the locomotives to pass under them. All the important works of the line are built of cut stone taken from the numerous and excellent quarries in the neighbourhood; but those of secondary importance are chiefly built of tooled stone. The line is divided into four sections, viz.: Chains. Contracted for 1. From Namur to Mornimont, length 719.16 1839. 2. , Mornimont to Tamines , 495-61 April, 1840. 3. , Tamines to Châtelineau , 369-67 55 4. , Châtelineau to Charleroy , 285-27 Sept. 1841. 1869-71 There are no curves of less radius than 49-70 chains, and the gradients do not exceed 1 in 333, except one incline of 1 in 250, for the length of 4134 chains, where the line crosses Couillet. The line is to be laid for a single way, but the earth- works and works of art are executed for a double line. OF BIFLGIUM. 77 It is expected that the line will be ready for opening in the spring of 1843. LINE FROM CHARLEROY TO BRAINE-LE-COMTE. This line ascends the valley of the Piéton as far as Gouy, crosses the summit ridge at Godarville, and passing the hamlet of Manage, and by Familleureux, runs from the latter place in a straight line to Braine-le-Comte. The total length of the line is 25 miles 39.83 chains; it is divided into four sections, viz.: 1. Charleroy to Gosselies, contracted for 14th May, 1841. 2. Gosselies to Gouy 55 95 3. Gouy to Familleureux 55 18th July, 1841. 4. Familleureux to Braine-le-Comte 14th May, 1841. The gradients do not exceed 1 in 285, and none of the curves are of less radius than 49-70 chains. * The engineering difficulties are not of less magnitude than those of the line from Namur to Charleroy, the irregularity of the ground requiring heavy cutting and embankment; besides which, in some places the nature of the soil is so bad that more than ordinary precautions are necessary to keep up the slopes of the cuttings. It is this circumstance which has led to the construc- tion of a tunnel at Godarville 27-33 chains in length; and at Belle-tête, on account of the difficulties presented by the cutting, it is in contemplation to substitute for it either a tunnel or breast-walls of great height. Amongst the other important works of art on the line must be mentioned— 78 THE RAILWAYS A viaduct of nine arches, 29 ft. 6 in. span, in the valley of the Sennette. A bridge over the Sambre. Three bridges over the Charleroy Canal. A bridge over the eau d’Heure. - Four bridges over the Piéton. A number of short tunnels under roads, common road and other bridges, culverts, &c. All these works are built with cut stone, rough stone, and bricks, but the latter material predominates. The earth-works and works of art are executed for a double line, but the road will be laid for a single way only. It is expected that the line will be ready for opening by the spring of 1843. OF BELGIUM. 79 CHAPTER II. CARRYING DEPARTMENT. SECT. I.--Carriages. THERE are three” descriptions of passenger carriages at present in use, viz., diligences (first-class), chars-à- bancs à glaces (second-class), and open and covered waggons (third-class). The diligences are divided by a narrow passage into two compartments, each holding nine persons. These carriages are lined and stuffed throughout, and are exceedingly comfortable convey- 3.11C0S. There is little difference between the second and third- class carriages, except that the former are closed at the sides, as their name implies. They each contain six rows of seats, and hold thirty- two passengers. On the 1st of May, 1842, the number of passenger carriages was— Berlines and diligences . . . . 100 Chars-à-bancs à glaces } 395 Open and covered waggons 495 * There were originally two descriptions of first-class carriages, viz., berlines and diligences, but the latter only are at present used. 80 THE RAILWAYS i This number will be progressively increased until it reaches the complement fixed by the council of the ponts et chaussées. -- the material of the carrying department up to the 1st of May, 1842, with the probable total cost of the com- plement of locomotives and carriages of all descriptions The following Table shows the actual cost of considered necessary by the council of the ponts et chaussées for the complete working of the 348 miles of railway of which the construction has been ordered by the Government. _* Stock Number Price of * 's fixed by existing Re- each | Total cost Probable total cost the council on the maining descrip- of the of the full com- of the Ist of to be tion stock still plement of loco- ponts et May, con- ; of car- to be con- motives and Description. chaussées. 1842. structed, riage. structed. carriages. 38. 3. 36. S. d. Locomotives and tenders 180 127 53 2,000 || 106,000 Diligences and berlines ; 160 I.00 60 200 12,000 Chars-à-bancs à glaces } 600 395 || 205 || 108 22,140 Open and covered waggons Luggage Waggons tº 100 60 40 112 4,480 Co do. jº 500 65 || 435 72 || 31,320 Goods do. 700 388 312 68 21,200 Wood do. 400 274 126 68 8,568 Cattle do. I50 51 99 80 7,920 Horse do. 40 20 20 112 2,240 Carriage trucks 100 53 47 88 4,136 Parcels vans 500 120 || 380 104 || 39,520 Assistance waggons . 30 14 16 68 1,088 Coke do. 200 71 129 72 9,288 Ballast do. . . . 180 89 91 56 5,096 Complement of tools in the workshops ge 12,000 * Total 286,996 From this must be deducted the value of the stock in *} 9,416 struction on the lst of May, 1842 . * c s sº y 277,580 277,580 0 0 To this must be added, - 1st. The sum expended up to the 1st of January, 1842 . . . . . 524,529 14 3 2nd. The sum expended from the 1st of Jan. to the 1st of May, 1842 19,811 8 23 3rd. The sums due on the lst of May, 1842, and since that time 2,000 0 0 Total probable cost of locomotives and carriages 823,921 2 5% OF BELGIUM. 81 SECT. II.-Locomotives, The whole of the locomotives are six-wheeled with cranked axles. The number of locomotives on the 31st of December, 1841, was one hundred and twenty-six, of which 18 had 14-inch cylinders, 6 2, 13 35 43 , 12% 55 39 , 12 55 20 , 11 55 Total 126 % Of these 42 are of English, and 84 of Belgian make; the names of the makers are as follows: ENGLISH. BELGIAN. Stephenson . . . 30 Cockerill . . . . 69 Longridge . . . . 10 Societé du Renard . 10 Fenton and Murray . I Societé St. Leonard . 5 Sharp, Roberts, and Co. 1 ºsmºssºmsº *==º 84 42 Thirteen engines, five with 14-inch, and eight with 13-inch cylinders, were in progress of construction at the same date. These are intended for the eastern line, which, on account of the steep gradients and the heavy traffic, requires engines of great power. The following Table shows the limit of the load that can be drawn by a single locomotive on the maximum gradient of 1 in 200. 82 THE RAILWAYS Di f Pressure of Load in tons, including engine iameter O steam in Speed in and tender. cylinder driving libs. per sq. miles in inches. wheels in ft.) inch. per hour. Ordinary. Maximum. 12#. 5#. 60 13 to 16 70 90 to 100 14 4}. 60 13 110 140 to 150 (wheels coupled). N. B.-In snowy weather these amounts are re- duced one-half. The average time employed in the journey from Ostend to Ans, 129 miles 67 chains, is about six hours thirteen minutes, exclusive of stoppages, which is at the rate of 20 miles 70 chains per hour. (Note.)—It may be interesting to examine what will be the limit of the load for a single engine upon the 24- mile incline of 1 in 125, between Dolhain and the Prussian frontier (eastern line). Assuming the re- sistance due to friction to be 0:004 * of the load, the resistance due to gravity and friction on an incline of 1 in 125 will be— Friction . º e O°004. Gravity . º º O°008 * Making together ge 0.012 of the load; whilst on an incline of 1 in 200 we have— Friction . Q o O°004 Gravity . e tº O°005 Making together only 0-009 of the load. * Equivalent to 9 fts. per ton. OF BELGIUM. 83 So that an engine under the same circumstances will draw at the same speed, on the incline of 1 in 200, 1} times the load it will on that of 1 in 125; and conversely the load it will draw on the latter incline will be only #ths of that it will draw on the incline of 1 in 200, the speed being the same in both cases. Whence it follows that in the ascent of the Dolhain incline the weight of the trains must not, under ordinary circumstances, exceed— For a speed of 16 miles per hour, with a locomotive of 12-inch cylinder, 50 tons. For a speed of from 13 to 16 miles per hour, with a locomotive of 14-inch cylinder, and 44-ft. wheels, 75 tons. For a speed of from 16 to 19 miles per hour, with a locomotive of 14-inch cylinder, and 5-ft. wheels, 65 tons. In snowy weather the effective power of the engines will be much more limited. - The following Table shows the number of miles run by locomotives from the 1st of May, 1835, to the 31st of December, 1841 : 1835 (eight months) 31,297 miles 32 chains. 1836 91,838 » 51 > 1837 191,357 , 13 55 1838 403,116 , 27 , 1839 542,304 , 77 , 1840 733,879 , 47 , 1841 927,032 , 36 , Total 2,920,826 miles 43 chains. (N.B. The number of miles travelled by trains during this period was 2,892,980 miles 60 chains only; the remaining 84 THE RAILWAYS 27,845 miles 63 chains being run by locomotives engaged in piloting, &c.) The total cost of the coke consumed during the year 1841 was £34,158. 3s. 2d., or, on an average, 9d. per mile per train. - - By improved management the consumption of coke during the summer of the present year, 1842, has been brought as low as 53 ſhs. 11 oz. per mile per train. Coke ovens have been built at Mont-plaisir, Mechlin, Antwerp, Ghent, Ostend, Ans, and Hal; and the average cost of the coke produced by these seven establishments is about 1s. 2d. per cwt. SECT. III–Fares, Trains, Passengers, &c. The fare for a first-class passenger between Ostend and Liége, a distance of 133 miles, is about * 12s.; for a second-class passenger 8s. ; and for a third-class pas- senger 6s. ; which are respectively at the rates of 1d., #d., and #d. per mile. The following Table exhibits the total number of passengers conveyed from the 1st of May, 1835, to the 31st of December, 1841, with the corresponding receipts. * The fares are subject to frequent alterations. i Oo ºv Table of the number of travellers conve gyed on the Belgian Railways from 1st of May, 1835, to the 31st of December, 1841, both inclusive. - 7,269,128 CIVILIANS. MILITARY. FIRST-CLASS. SECOND-CLASS. TEIIRD-CLASS, - Passengers by extra Years. Berlines. Diligences. Chars-à-bancs. Waggons. Chars-à-bancs. Waggons. trains. Totals. 1835 4,534 19, 100 76,847 320,958 421,439 1836- 13,131 42,752 191,358 624,066 tº º tº º 871,307 1837 11,782 90,803 321,413 929,714 1,072 29,793 1,384,577 1838 17,503 215,893 604,935 1,343,354 1,611 55,007 2,238,303 1839 2 233,264 618,296 1,049,378 I,077 50,714 tº e 1,952,731 1840 243,143 656,336 1,294,934 163 3,843 900 2,199,319 1841 210,085 719,065 1,706,724 2,395 1,475 2,639,744 Totals 46,952 1,055,040 3,188,250 145,675 2,375 11,707,420 Table showing the receipts from passenger traffic under the above heads from the 1st of May, 1835, to the 31st of December, 1841, both inclusive. £. s. d. £. s, d. £. S. d. #. s. d e ºf e 128 0 0 |689,087 8 10 d #, s. d #. s. d.l. e * e 273, 175 3 10 4,747 13 7} Six years 8 23|159,558 is ii.245,315 ió 3 à. s. months. }|sº 2 86 - THE RAILWAYS The number of passenger trains running on the several lines during the summer of the present year (1842), was as follows: Daily number of Name of line. Between trains each way. Northern line . Brussels and Antwerp . . 4 Eastern and Ostend º º d • * Western lines Landen and St. Trond . 3 Ghent and Courtray Southern line . Brussels, Mons, and Quiévrain 3 In addition to these through trains there are short trains between the first-class stations. Since their first opening in 1835, thirty-seven in- dividuals have lost their lives on the railways, and fifty-two others have received injuries more or less serious. As will be seen by the following list, the greater part of the accidents have been caused by the imprudence of the sufferers. Accidents causing in- Accidents causing death; juries of a more or less and which may be serious nature, & which attributed to may be attributed to * the impru- the the impru- the Class of victims. dence of the railway |dence of the railway || Total. victims. itself. victims. itself. Travellers . . . . 8 l 14 6 29 Workmen and others - engaged in the service 17 5 15 17 54 of the railway Suicides . . . . 6 * * g º & © 6 31 6 29 23 89 OF BELGIUM. 87 SECT. IV.-Goods traffic. The carriage of goods on the railways did not com- mence until February of the year 1838. The Table of receipts given in Chapter III. shows the rapid in- crease of this branch of the traffic since its first esta- blishment. The following are some of the rates of charge for the carriage of goods, &c. Carriage on the railway. Delivery. Heavy goods 1%d. per ton per mile. #d. per ton. Light goods 2}d. .55 9:#d. , Do. fragile 3}d. 55 10%d. , Per waggon load of four tons, 9d, a mile, (loading and un- loading of the waggons at the expense of the owners.) Carriages, four-wheeled e wº de wº 9% d. per mile. Do. two-wheeled tº o e º 6}d. 55 Horses, three . tº * e e o 9łd. , Do. two e e e te cº º 7#d. 55 Do. one ge © © c o e 6#d. , Cattle, per waggon, five to eight beasts {º 7%d. , 55 three or four do. . e 6; d. 55 3 88 THE RAILWAYS CHAPTER III. COST, REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURE. SECT. I.-Cost of first establishment. THE total outlay of capital for the establishment of the Belgian Railways from the 1st of May, 1834, to the 1st of January, 1842, amounts to the sum of £4,162,127. 3s. 9d., which is made up of the following items: Land, law expenses, earth-works, works of art, permanent way, stations, plantations, and general expenses Locomotives, carriages, &c. Total cost of first establishment Maintenance of way, police, locomotive power, management, and sundries during the years 1835 and 1836, paid out of the funds voted for the construction of the railways Balance due of advances made to the firm of Cockerill and Co., Seraing. (N.B. For lo- comotives, &c., to be supplied for the rail- ways) . & tº • e dº In hand on the first of January, 1842 Advances made to the avoués of the manage- ment for law expenses £. 3,587,563 524,529 9 10 14 3 4,112,093 23,996 8,599 16,638 800 Total of expenditure paid out of capital £ 4,162,127 TABLE showing the total cost of the first establishment of the BELGIAN RAILwAys from the 1st of May, 1834, to the 31st of December, 1841. - [To face p. 89. FORMATION OF THE ROAD. - - - STATIONS. •. MATERIAL OF TRANSPORT. Total cost of the first : establishment of the Land, compen- Earth-works, works SPECIAL CONTRACTS. Expenses Belgian railways SECTIONS. sation for Law of art, and laying - Plantations. of Total for each Booking offices and waiting rooms, engine-houses, workshops, - General expenses. Total for the road Locomotives, carriages, &c., &c. from 1st May, 1834, crops, &c. expenses. the permanent way. Sleepers. Rails, &c. inauguration. section. turn-tables, water columns, fencing, &c., &c. . and stations. to 31st Dec. 1841. NORTEIERN LINE. £. S. d. #6. S. d. £. S. d. 36. S. d. £. S. d. 38. S. d. £. s. d. £. S. d. - £. S. d. 36. S. d. 38. S. d. 38. S. d. #6. S. d. 36. S. d. Brussels to Mechlin . . . . . 32,178 17 8% 537 10 8 26,547 l. 6; 8,841 17 2% 43,600 0 0 445 12 13 | 1,567 0 7# 113,717 19 ll Brussels (Allée Verte), Vilvorde . 16,421 2 0} Salaries . . . . 69,749 12 9% Locomotives and tenders, &c. 229,688 2 9 Mechlin to Antwerp . . . . 35,435 17 3 | 1,131 19 9 64,231 9 lif 8,838 18 0 52,000 0 0 722 I9 7 1,429 2 7 163,790 6 33 Mechlin . . . . . . . . 44,805 7 lä Office expenses, Duplicate parts . . . . . 6,500 7 4 - Antwerp, Duffel, Vieux-Dieu . . 10,556 16 9; - printing, bind- 2,994 7 3}. Carriages, &c, &c. . . . . 200,147 2 4 WIESTERN LINE. •' Termonde,-Cappelle, Malderen . 2,934 17 2 ing, books, &c. Metals; iron, steel, &c. . . 46,716 12 3 Mechlin to Termonde . . . . 15,691 11 4} | 330 0 93. 45,753 3 7+ | 10,545 4 1% 57,999 10 9 415 2 113 10 0 93 130,744 14 5 Ghent, Wetteren, Audeghem . . 12,851 1 0 Surveys, plans, &c. 2,582 3 3 Barrows, carts, boats . . . 446 19 2 : | Termonde to Ghent . . . . . . 61,674 l 5% | 1,198 5 13. 46,436 19 3 11,424 12 2 60,590 15 Il 494 l 11% 94l 3 0# 182,759 18 ll} | Bruges, Aeltre, Bloemendael . . 8,551 19 6 Furniture **) 3,594 0 9%. Beams and weights . . . 1,675 1 5} 3 Ghent to Bruges . . . . . . . 46,612 l 6% 1,644 19 2% 81,432 I. 10} | 11,822 0 0 48,417 6 9 649 15 5% 177 18 7+ 190,756 3 53 Ostend . . . . . . . . . . . 4,899 15 3 struments y 2 Baskets . . . . . . . 34 0 0 #. Bruges to Ostend . . . . . 21,510 10 11+ 287 9 7 49,507 19 84 3,668 0 0 28,000 0 0 167 7 33 158 6 9% 103,299 14 4+ | Deymze . . . . . . . . . . 1,056 14 l; Assistance . . . 176 0 0 - Tin Ware . . . . . . . 721 12 93 3 Courtray,+Harlebeke, Waereghem 5,408 17 3} Unforeseen and 1,851 17 0} Cranes, jacks, crabs, *} 6,164 14 9 E-4 Branch to Lille and Tournay. Louvain,_Haecht . . . . 5,231 15 7 extra expenses y Zſ +. º: * y Ghent to Deynze-Peteghem . . 12,488 15 0} 23 4 3% 17,365 1 0} 2,783 0 0 H. r { tº g 215 13 3 Tirlemont, Vertryck . . . . . 5,387 2 4+ 'ransport of English *} à | jºy . . ; ; ; 6 16 4 36,787 4 103 || 4,660 0 0 } 62,975 3 7 tº º 215 13 3 } 165,686 19 93 W. “” . . . . . ; ; ; motives and carriages 1,696 18 ll P- . - Ans,—Fexhe . . . . . . . . 8,269 18 5 Wages of workmen and *} 30,738 2 6 ſº IEASTERN LINE. St. Trond,-Landem . . . . . 4,359 11 0} perintendents * y : i Mechlin to Louvain . . . . . 32,503 6 5 524 0 0} 63,262 18 24 || 10,979 7 8 53,706 2 6 201 Il 9% 526 8 2% 161,703 14 93 || Brussels (les Bogards) . . . . . 7,854 10 0} ºn | Louvain to Tirlemont . . . . 23,255 18 9% 204 17 6+ 110,544 12 10# 6,536 19 7# 38,251 0 13. 490 18 llì. 90 7 9} 179,374 15 8% Hal,—Tubise . . . . . . . . 9,213 11 1 5 Tirlemont to Waremme . . . . 20,786 12 4} tº º 110,091 10 5 10,156 4 8 49,092 12 9 544 12 4; & ſº 190,671 12 7% | Braine-le-Comte . . . . . . . 1,080 19 2+ 2 Waremme to Ans . . . . . 18,653 19 11}| 962 18 0 59,829 13 0 8,991 17 0} 36,894 3 0# 146 5 3 tº e 125,478 16 4+ | Soignies . . . . . . . . . 1,402 12 2% 2. Jurbise . . . . . . . . . . 1,138 7 7# S Limbourg Branch. . Mons . . . . . . . . . . 5,664 8 10+ 5 Landen to St. Trond . . . . 9,974 13 8 187 18 7 22,975 13 83 1,971 8 0 12,388 13 4 303 15 23 121 17 5 47,923 19 113 - & tºm-mºsºm-ºsmº ºmºmºmºs ſº Total for buildings and erections . . . . . . l, 159,386 12 3} CO SOUTHERN LINE. Eccentrics, switches, and sidings . 3,046 16 10 Brussels to Tubise . . . . . 82,083 13 6+ 765 16 6 59,205 19 93 7,825 7 113 26,431 2 9 232 10 0 458 0 0} 177,002 10 73 | Turn-tables tº & g e º 17,895 9 6 Tubise to Soignies . . . . . 32,288 15 10} & ſº 76,721 17 I 500 4 4+ 14,363 19 93 10 7 7 9 13 l; 123,894 17 10 | Reservoirs . . . . . . . . . 4,605 16 8:# Soignies to Mons . . . . 36,472 13 3} 56,854 9 ll 1,372 16 0 26,766 14 3} . . . ... • 121,466 13 5% Water columns . . . . . . . 1,828 11 11:# Junction line between the north Lamps, reflectors, gas-tubing . . . 2,301 11 9% and south stations at º 20,409 16 4 7 0 0 12,929 6 2 1,047 4 7# 7,993 7 3 69 13 7# 42,456 8 0} | Steam engines in the workshops . . 2,169 5 10% U and the new north station - Anvils, vices, melting-pots, &c. . . 5,874 7 l; Fire engines . . . . . . . 454 4 4% Total for appurtemances . . . . . . . . . 38,176 4 3 Total amount of expenditure up to the - - 31st of December, 1841, for the *} 530,187 13 8 7,812 16 4+ 940,477 2 4 || 111,965 l 63 || 619,470 12 10 4,825 0 7+ | 5,990 19 3 2,220,729 6 63 197,562 ló 6# 80,948 1 2 2,499,240 4 3% 524,529 14 3 3,023,769 18 6% tablishment of the opened sections . 2. EASTERN LINE. * Sº Ans to Liége and the Meuse . . . 49,134 5 0 338 14 0 54,328 8 10} | 3,149 8 4} 25,113 16 10 tº tº tº e 132,064 13 l Charleroy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 0 0 | Salaries . . . . . 25,121 4 0} 5 The Val-Benoît bridge . . . . tº º * { 39,176 11 4 e g tº e tº e tº º 39,176 11 4 || Liége (Guillemins station) tº e º e º 'º e 1,006 5 7; Office, expenses, * E | Liége to Verviers and the frontier | 98,941 9 2 334 14 8% 229,082 16 64 5,452 9 11+ | 48,385 2 11 e e & © 382,196 13 3} | Buildings for the stationary engines on the inclined 14,538 6 11 ". º 1,078 9 1 £3 planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . y lng, DOOKS, &c. % SOUTHERN LINE. - Stationary engines, sheaves, &c., of the inclined planes 29,028 16 24 Surveys, plans, &c. 929 19 ll; 3 Mons to Quiévrain . . . . . 35,503 11 8% º º 23,863 11 4 5,387 3 24 18,310 3 3 tº e tº tº 83,064 9 54 Furniture and *} 1,299 17 7 O “ struments y 2. Namur Branch. H | Braine-le-Comte to Charleroy . 29,727 9 6} | 200 0 0 22,954 19 11; 7,875 13 11} 54,891 6 93 * * * - 115,649 10 3 % Charleroy to Namur . . . . . 31,672 15 4} * & 53,870, 18 13 8,668 0 0 29,379 18 3} © º º & 123,591 11 93. = WESTERN LINE. § 2 | Courtray to the frontier . . . . 24,086 2 83. tº gº 22,942 17 7} 3,072 0 0 21,392 5 9 71,493 6 13. § U Mouscron to Tournay . . . . 30,088 11 83 & ºt 12,064 ll 2+ 3,604 0 0 22,226 16 0} 67,983 18 ll} Total amount of expenditure up to the - 31st of December, 1841, for the º 299,154 5 2% 873 8 8% 458,284 15 0 37,208 15 5% 219,699 9 10% tº º e tº a l,015,212 14 1% r c 44,681 0 9 28,429 10 8 || 1,088,323 5 6} tº tº tº e 1,088,323 5 6% tions in construction . . . . . - General total of the cost of the first establishment of the Belgian *} 829,341 18 103 |8,686 5 0} | 1,398,761 17 4 || 149,173 16 113 |839,170 2 83 || 4,825 0 74 5,990 19 3 3,235,942 0 83. tº - 242,243 17 3} 109,377 ll 10 || 3,587,563 9 10 524,529 14 3 || 4,112,093 4 1 ways & © tº dº ſº tº gº Note.—In columns a, b, and c the aggregate of the items exceeds the total amounts, thus: a would be £1,015,220. 14s. 3d.—b, £ 159,406. 12s. 4}d.—c, £ 44,685. 8s. 9d. These differences exist in the official return, and probably arise from errors of the press. OF BIFLGIUM. 89 The annexed Table gives the details of the cost of first establishment. l The original estimates, which formed the basis of the law of the 1st of May, 1834, have been very greatly exceeded by the actual cost of the construction of the railways. From a report presented to the Legislative Chambers in the autumn of the year 1839, it appears that up to that period the expenditure incurred in the establishment of the first lines had been nearly double the estimated amount; the excess being in the following proportions, viz.: 39 per cent. on the cost of the earth-works and works of art; 183 per cent. on that of the stations, work- shops, &c.; 138 per cent. on the estimated value of the land; and 315 per cent. on the material of transport (locomotives, carriages, &c.). This excess of the expenditure over the estimates arises partly from the fallacious nature of all estimates which are not based on previous experience, and partly from the extended views which the Government was led to adopt in consequence of the results obtained on opening the line between Brussels and Antwerp. The unexpected amount of passenger traffic realized on this line in the course of a very short period showed the expediency of obtaining a more perfect railway and higher rates of speed than were contemplated in the enactment of the law of 1834, the main object of which was the conveyance of merchandize between the Rhine 90 THE RAILWAYS and the ports of Antwerp and Ostend by a more rapid and economical mode of transit than previously existed. The following enumeration of the principal deviations from the original plan brought forward in 1833 is sub- joined, in justice to the eminent engineers under whose able management the railways have been constructed. Permanent way.—The gauge has been increased from 1" 40° to 1* 50°, and the middle space from 1" 80° to 2* 00°. The weight of the rail was originally intended to be only 35 lbs. per lineal yard, and the chairs light in proportion. The sleepers are of larger dimensions than specified, and, to give the track more solidity, have been bedded in a ballasting of sand or gravel, which was not included in the first estimates.” Earth-works, works of art, &c.—The increased width of the road has led to a corresponding increase in the amount of earth-works. The bridges over the railways, designed with a uniform span of 19 ft. 8 in., have been executed with spans of 23 ft., 24 ft. 7 in., and 26 ft. 3 in. ; the tunnel at Tirlemont has been made 14 ft. 9 in. wide instead of 10 ft. 6 in. wide, as first intended; the large bridge over the Něthe, at Duffel, which was intended to be of wood, has been built of masonry; that over the Scheldt, at Ghent, has been constructed for four tracks instead of two only; and the turn-bridges have been * The depth of the ballasting is about 0". 50°., or 1 ft. 7% inches. The cost varies from about 3s. to 5s. per cubic yard. OF BELGIUM. 91 executed throughout in iron instead of in wood, and generally of greater spans than at first intended. Carrying department. Stations, locomotives, car- riages, &c.—In the cost of the establishment of the railways is now included the construction of booking offices and waiting rooms, warehouses, and sheds for goods; engine and carriage sheds; coke ovens, work- shops, and other erections; all of which were in the year 1833 considered as belonging to the contractor for the carrying department, it being intended at that time to lease the line under Government, and consequently the estimates only included the works of construction of the railway proper. Advantage has been taken of all the most recent im- provements in the construction of the locomotives and carriages, and thus it is that the locomotives set down at first as only to cost from £800 to £1000 each, and which were to have a speed of from 10 to 15 miles an hour only, drawing a load of less than 100 tons on a level, have cost from £1520 to £1680, but are capable of drawing greater loads on inclines of 1 in 333, and even of 1 in 250, or to draw passenger trains at a speed of 24 miles per hour. The dimensions of the pas- senger carriages and of the trucks and waggons have been increased; the wheels have been made of wrought instead of cast iron, and the construction of the breaks, axles, and buffers, has been greatly improved as regards both safety and economy of transport. In framing the estimates for the southern extension of 92 THE RAILWAYS the first lines, the experience gained during the con- struction of the latter enabled the Government engineers to arrive at more correct conclusions respecting the pro- bable cost; and in the spring of the year 1840 they drew up a fresh series of estimates for the completion of all the lines, which, after having been revised by the council of the ponts et chaussées, formed the basis of the loan of the 26th of June, 1840. The following Tables show the difference between the actual and estimated cost of the first lines, and also the difference between the revised estimate of the year 1840 and the estimate of the present year (1842) for the total completion of the Belgian railways. TABLE showing the Estimated and Actual Cost of the first lines of the Belgian RAILways constructed under the law of the 1st of May, 1834. [To face p. 92. ORIGINAL ESTIMATES. ACTUAL COST UP TO SEPTEMBER 30, 1839. RAILWAY. GENERAL EXPENSES. RAILWAY. GIENERAL EXPEN SES. Earth-works, Material of trans- Earth-works, Material of trans- NAME OF SECTION. works of art, port; (loco- works of art, and port; (loco- OBSERVATIONS. and permanent Stations. Land. Total. motives, car- Surveys and permanent Stations. Land. Total. motives, car- Surveys “and way. riages, &c.) management. way. riages, &c.) management. £. S. d. 38. S. d. #6. S. d. 38. S. d. 36. S. d. #6. S. d. #6. S. d. #6. S. d. 3. S. d. £. S. d. 38. S. d. 38. S. d. ... ſ Mechlin to Brussels (single line) 39,364 0 0 || 2,612 0 0 || 10,540 16 0 || 52,516 16 0 || 820 0 0 - *The annual cost of superintendence, &c., for # S l line bet B l 74,999 6 5 13,861 9 7} | 31,491 1 7} 120,351 17 7# |→ about 70 miles of railway is as follows: # sº ºn. º 42,800 0 0 | 1,800 0 0 44,600 0 0 1,520 0 0 One ingénieur en chef directeur :8 600 # - 7 } 114,405 Il 2% 39,939 5 7% 33,007 15 2+ | 187,332 12 0 Tººramarºº lº - in orla li A. C. 0 00 0 0 | 12,096 0 0 || 62,760 0 0 , 14 - y U Mechlin to Antwerp (single line) 47,764 0 2,9 9 y 1,140 0 0 Twenty surveillants at 100 each 2,000 ſ Mechlin to Louvain do. 44,721 4 0 | 2,252 0 0 | 8,488 16 0 || 55,462 0 0 || "" " " | 1,110 0 0 | 93,894 2 5 | 1,625 8 9, 31,581 15 23 127,101 6 5 Office expenses, printing, &c. 680 à Louvain to Tirlemont do. 77,288 0 0 | 1,652 0 0 | 12,312 0 0 || 91,252 0 0 | 3,240 0 0 || 119,151 11 23 2,231 4 9 20,915 12 9 142,298 8 9% Annual total £5,120 --> - The average time required for the completion of É Tirlemont to Waremme do. 94,792 0 0 || 2,196 0 0 | 16,070 8 0 || 113,058 0 3,420 0 0 || 116,020 2 5 1,231 8 0 18,734 12 93 || 135,986 3 23 >332,041 8 0 || 55,779 0 0 a line of this length being about two years, the Ar ºf A. - expense of superintendence may be taken in U. Waremme to Ans do. 62,554 0 0 || 2,392 0 0 | 12,648 0 0 || 77,594 0 0 || 2,880 0 0 74,930 12 0 6,013 I 7% 17,589 3 2% 98,532 16 10 round numbers at about £150 per mile. ſ Mechlin to Termonde do. 51,680 0 0 || 3,520 0 0 || 13,040 0 0 | 68,240 0 0 ||Y 960 0 0 76,335 4 9% 1,953 2 5 15,430 10 5 93,718 17 7% * This amount also includes the cost of manage- d; ment, &c., for the lines from Ghent to Courtray .# | Termonde to Ghent do. 66,800 0 0 || 3,360 0 0 || 13,400 0 0 || 83,560 0 0 1,840 0 0 84,896 4 7,037 14 5 58,730 3 2% 140,664 1 7% and from Landen to St. Trond. T - 20,000 0 0 ; Ghent to Bruges do. 78,360 0 0 || 4,240 0 0 | 16,000 0 0 || 98,600 0 0 2,040 0 0 || 137,725 13 7} | 7,700 4 0 43,778 6 5 189,204 4 0} U Bruges to Ostend do. 54,360 0 0 || 2,720 0 0 8,400 0 0 || 65,480 0 0 || 1,120 0 0 74,747 10 5 || 2,429 0 0 21,615 0 9% 98,791 ll 2% || Totals for the railway 660,483 4 0 || 29,644 0 0 | 122,996 0 0 967,105 18 5 | 84,021 19 2% 292,874 l 7} Totals for the railway and material, &c. 813,123 4 0 80,000 0 0 |20,090 0 0 1,344,00l 19 23 332,041 8 0 , 55,779 0 G'. Excess of actual, over estimated, cost . 39 per cent. 183 per cent. 138 per cent. 66 per cent. 315 per cent. The cost per mile of the first lines has been as follows : Maximum. Minimum. Land and compensation for a double line of way 36 1,480 36 5.15 Earth-works for a double line 3,863 386 Works of art for do. º º e e & º e o º s e e º g * - 2,576 193 Upper works for a single line of way laid with a double track for #th of the length, including ballasting, &c. 3,220 3,220 Stations, turn-tables, coke ovens, &c. - & e sº & . tº e o e - 386 386 Surveys and management 257 109 Total £11,782 364,809 OF BELGIUM. 93 Table showing the total estimated cost of the Belgian railways. Revised estimate Present estimated Name of section. of 1840. COSt. 2- Sections open for traffic. 3. S. d. #. S. d. Brussels to Antwerp . e 303,378 2 5 303,378 2 5 Mechlin to Ostend 633,350 4 9 633,350 4 9 Mechlin to Ans 711,458 18 5 743,458 18 5 Ghent to Courtray . . 170,923 17 7 170,923 17 7 Landen to St. Trond . . . 48,336 14 5 48,336 14 5 Brussels junction line between +. north and South stations } 18,000 0 0 29,546 0 10 # Brussels to Mons 431,184 2 5 517,007 15 2+ }- †< Total of sections open for traffic 2,316,632 0 0 |2,446,001 13 7} cº E: e e e *: Sections in construction. ſº I Ans to the Prussian frontier 7 28,000 0 0 | 1,224,000 0 0 Braine-le-Comte to Namur 480,148 7 2+| 562,186 16 0 Mons to Quiévrain . . . . 89,600 0 0 128,716 4 0 Courtray to the French frontier | 123,073 6 5 131,000 0 0 Mouscron to Tournay 149,953 0 9% 111,560 0 0 Total of sections in construction | 1,570,774 14 5 2,157,463 0 0 h Sections open for traffic. Brussels to Antwerp tº 144,290 l l 2+ 228,061 9 7% Mechlin to Ostend 63,529, 19 2+ 84,847 15 2+ Mechlin to Ans 40,617 18 5 42,658 1 7+ Landen to St. Trond 6,823 1 7} 6,823 l 7+ Ghent to Courtray 17,920 0 0 17,900 0 0 Brussels to Quiévrain 68,220 12 0 76,731 19 2+ 5 < Total of sections open for traffic 341,402 2 5 457,022 7 24 § à Sections in construction. Ans to the Prussian frontier 40,000 0 0 132,400 0 O Braine-le-Comte to Namur 31,600 0 0 75,800 0 0 Mons to Quiévrain 12,400 0 0 22,280 0 O Courtray to the frontier 9,980 0 0 8,920 0 0 Mouscron to Tournay 14,700 0 0 10,520 0 0 UTotal of sections in construction 108,680 0 0 249,920 0 0 94 THE RAILWAYS SUMMAR.Y. - Revised estimate Present estimated Name of section. of 1840. cost. Railway proper. £. S. d. #. S. d. Sections open for traffic . 2,316,632 0 0 |2,446,001 13 7} Do. in construction . 1,570,774 14 5 2,157,463 0 0 3,887,406 14 5 |4,608,464 13 7} Stations. Sections open for traffic . 341,402 2 5 457,022 7 2% Do. in construction . 108,680 0 0 || 249,920 0 0 450,082 2 5 706,942 7 24 Total of revised estimate - - - of 1840 tº º e 4,337,488 16 10 Excess of present estimate ) H ºn $ over that of 1840 } 972,918 3 113 Amount of present estimate . . . . . . 5,310,407 0 9} Law expenses not included in the above . . 6,776 ll 5 Salaries of engineers, &c., prior to June, 1840. 13,731 9 6 Total of present estimated cost for the comple- º 3 tion of the several lines now in construction } 5,330,915 I 8:#| Estimated cost of the full complement of loco- te & 823,921 2 5 motives and carriages # 6,154,836 4 2 # Total estimated cost of first establishment of the Belgian Railways e e º It will be seen from these Tables that the average cost per mile of the 348 miles 71 chains of railroad now in construction will be £15,251. 19s. #d., not including the furnishing of the lines. This average cost will be divided amongst the several provinces aS follows : Cost per mile. Length. - ſº S. d. Miles. Chains. Eastern Flanders . e 8,536 5 O 55 65 Western Flanders . o 9,836 12 11 51 75 Limbourg © • • 11,072 13 3 12 32 Namur . g dº . 12,855 17 6 15 41 Hainault g ge . 13,403 l 6 76 60 Brabant tº * > . 14,536 l 10 70 46 Antwerp . . . 15,795 5 9 23 21 Liége . . . . 36,938 18 6 42 51 OF BELGIUM. 95 The average cost per mile for each line will be as follows: - £. S. d. For the northern line from Brussels to Antwerp 18,012 7 10 For the eastern line from Mechlin to Liége, Verviers, and the Prussian frontier, and from Landen to St. Trond . ſº º e . 24,578 14 9 For the western line from Mechlin to Ostend, and from Ghent to Courtray, Mouscron, and Tournay . © tº º * º . 9,231 10 2 And for the southern line from Brussels to Mons, Quiévrain, Charleroy, and Namur © . 13,712 1 6 That part of the eastern line between Ans and the Prussian frontier will cost on an average £49,093. 2s. 9d. per mile. - SECT. II.-Capital engaged in the construction of the Tailways. The funds required for the construction of the Belgian railways have been raised, as required, by way of loan on Government securities, bearing from 3 to 5 per cent. interest. Three successive loans have been voted up to the present time; they have produced the following SUIIſlS : £. S. - d. Loan of the 1st of June, 1836, at 4 per cent. . 1,094,566 11 0 > 3 25th of May, 1838, at 3 ,, . 1,431,121 7 O 5 3 26th of June, 1840, at 5 ,, . 3,280,000 0 0 Total amount of capital raised up to the 1st Jan. 1842 5,805,687 18 O 96 THE RAILWAYS Total brought forward • . £5,805,687 18 0 From this amount must be deducted— 1. Amount expended on the construc- £. S. d. tion of common roads . ë . 320,000 0 0 2. Amount expended on buying up the grant for the canalization of the Sambre e ge * e . 99,600 0 0 3. Amount expended on the purchase: of 4000 shares in the Rhenish railway 133,984 0 0 4. Amount of working expenses of the years 1835 and 1836, paid out of the capital as above mentioned . . 23,996 6 9 5. A portion of the loan of £3,280,000 employed to defray expenses uncon- nected with the railways, as stipu- lated by the law of the 26th June, 1840, authorizing the raising of the loan, amounting altogether to . 201,541 7 0 779,121 13 9 779,121 13 9 Leaving as the effective capital . * 5,026,566 4 3 The total cost of the whole of the railways in con- struction is now estimated as follows: #8. S. d. Formation of the road tº tº ſº tº . 4,623,972 14 6+ Stations, &c. . © • º tº ſe e 706,942 7 24 5,330,915 I 8: Locomotives and carriages g e © . 823,921 2 5; Estimated total cost . e tº g e . 6,154,836 4 2% The amount of capital raised up to the present time is 5,026,566 4 3 The additional capital required for completing the whole of the railways amounts therefore to . 1,128,269 19 11} The official returns show the amount of capital ex- pended on the establishment of the sections that have OF BELGIUM. 97 been opened up to the 1st of January, 1842, to be £3,023,769. 18s. 64d., of which the interest at 5 per cent., calculated respectively for the number of months that each of the sections had been open, amounted to £138,313. 9s. 6d. wº The sales of the surplus land not required for the purposes of the railways had produced, up to the 1st of January, 1842, the sum of £601. 14s. 8d. The interest of this amount, at 5 per cent., amounting to £30. 1s. 9d., being deducted from the above-men- tioned sum of £138,313. 9s. 6d., leaves £138,283.7s. 9d. as the amount to be covered by the profits arising from the working of the railways, in order to pay the interest of the capital engaged in the undertaking. We shall presently have occasion to examine, under the head of revenue, how far this result has been ob- tained. 98 THE RAILWAYS The following Table shows the total amount of receipts railways up to the 1st SECT. III.-Revenue and Passenger traffic. got Time during which i the railways have Carriages, horses! been open. Passengers. Luggage. Goods. and cattle. º £. s. d. 1 #8. S. d. 36. S. d. £. S. d. 1835, 8 months. 10,759 17 11+ | º © tº 1836, 12 , 33,005 6 33 | 1837, 12 , 55,999 10 10% 679 15, 6 1838, 12 , |117,432 14 2. 4,186 17 13 || 2,343 15 53 * 1839, 12 , 145,461 15 5 5,300 ll 73 16,486 15 0# 2,743 18 0 | 1840, 12 , 161,878 0 33 5,290 2 10} | 39,950 9. 3.} 5,647 l. ll 1841, 12 , 164,550 3 10 5,089 19 6+ | 70,236 0 0} | 6,947 3 5} 689,087 8 10 |20,497 6 7} | 129,016 19 9} | 15,338 3 4| **) 36 709,584 15 5} 36 146,59) The working expenses during the Sam] Annual expenses. Time during which Locomotive power, the railways have Police and main- repairs of Management and Total Total of annual been open. tenance of way. carriages, &c. sundries. expenditure. receipts. £. S. d. £. s. d. :6. S. d. £. S. d. £. S. d.] 1835, 8 months. 2,023 7 2% 3,998 4 4% 729 6 7% 6,750 18 23 10,759 17 llì. 1836, 12 , 5,305 9 11% 9,905 17 3 2,034 1 4} | 17,245 8 6# | 33,005 6 33 1837, 12 , 13,854 8 9 || 25,409 16 7} | 8,330 5 2+ 47,594 10 6% 56,679 6 4 1838, 12 , 25,568 10 7 | 68,221 2 113 | 16,156 6 0} ||109,945 19 63 |123,913 6 9. 1839, 12 , 29,136 13 6+ 77,824 13 94 | 16,197 15 7# 123,159 2 11+ | 169,993 0 1 1840, 12 , 26,113 4 63 81,750 19 84 22,316 4 8 || 130,180 8 11% 213,406 13 8. 1841, 12 , 30,397 17 6 94,784 13 113 || 45,737 8 63 |170,920 0 0 |249,053 6 11 Total 6 years, 8 r: I º 3 i months 132,399 12 1 || 361,895 8 7+ | 111,501 8 0# |605,796 8 9 |856,810 18 0} OF BELGIUM. | Eagenditure. } every kind from the 6 January, 1842. first opening of the t traffic. "| cash and bonds. Delivery of goods. sundies. Annual total. | £. S. d. £. S. d. | 6. S. d. £. S. d. - tº º - © - e. 10,759 17 11+ 33,005 & 3, 56,679 6 4} * * 128,918 & 9 169,993 0 1 183 2 1 457 17 24 |213,406 13 8 1,004 11 2 | 1,048 & 11, 177 5 0}|249,053 S 113 | 1,187 13 3 | 1,048 311, { 0s. 4}d - | 685 2 2, 1856,810 is on | period were as follows: - Avenge per mile per train. Expenses. - - . Excess of | | . Police | Loco- i. receipt || |*::" | Nº ºr º: "º ºi. | expenditure. trains. of way. &c. Total. Receipt. diture. º £. S. d. miles. chains. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. H| 4,008 19 84 || 31,297 32 || 3 || 2 64 5% 4 3} | 6 10% 2 6} § 15,759 17 83 91,838 51 || 1 || || 2 13 53 || 3 9 || 7 24 || 3 53 tº 9,084 15 10 | 191,357 13 || 1 53 || 2 73 105 || 4 113 || 5 11 11}, | 13,967 2, 403,116 28 || 3 || 3 || || 9 || 3 s, 6 is 8, li 46,833 17 13 || 541,385 29 || 1 0# 2 10% 7} || 4 6% || 6 3+ | 1 8#. ill 88,228 4 s, 733.879 47 83 || 2 23 7% 3 6% 5 9% 2 3 || 78,183 6 11, 900,106 20 s: 2 is || 0 || 3 9, 5 & st #|251,014 9 33 2,892,980 60 11 || 2 6 9} || 4 2+ 5 11 || 1 83 100 THE RAILWAYS SECT. IV.-Profits. The entire cost of the Belgian railways is now esti- mated at £6,154,836.4s.2%d. Therefore, when the whole of the lines are opened, the annual net revenue required to cover the interest of the capital engaged at 5 per cent. will be £307,741. 16s. 24d. Let us examine how far this result has been attained. The excess of the receipts over the expenditure in- curred for the working of the several lines during the year 1841, amounts to £78,133.6s. 1144. We have already seen that the amount of traffic necessary to pay 5 per cent. On the capital expended on the lines at present open is £138,283. 7s. 9d., which, at the above rate of interest, represents a capital of £2,765,667. 14s. The net revenue for the year 1841, therefore, is equi- valent to 2.82 per cent. only on the capital. But the great increase which has taken place in the traffic during the autumn of 1841 and the spring of 1842, has led the minister of public works to estimate the net receipts for the year 1842 at £320,000. The expenditure for the same period being estimated at £177,600; The net revenue for the year 1842 will, therefore, probably amount to £142,400; Whilst the amount of capital which will have been employed up to the 31st of December, 1842, in the construction and establishment of the lines open for traffic up to that date, and on which the interest has OF BIFLGIUM. IOI to be calculated, cannot be estimated at more than £3,200,000; - Therefore the net revenue for 1842 may be safely expected to realize 4:45 per cent. on the total cost of establishment. Taking into consideration the great increase of traffic that is likely to result from the completion of the un- finished sections, which, uniting the Belgian to the great Continental lines, will render complete, so far as Belgium is concerned, the great chain of communication now con- structing between the leading capitals of Europe, which will place Ostend, Antwerp, and Brussels within a few hours' journey of Paris, Berlin, and Vienna, there seems little reason to doubt that at no very distant period the net receipts will fully cover the interest of the capital engaged in this great national undertaking. gº § *AN ºf PRINTED BY whūGHEs, KING's HEAD courT, GOUGH SQUARE. # / & *res *f #~~~. # j - go tºº - * * * * * * * * f & i-º-º: .*.*&# Muſlim ; } \ # # ‘…ºs, **Cººl , , ¿• wºsásºs, ******* ºn, kassa e ºſs!!!!!!!!!!!: : ( )· 5, *******************************-- , , , , , s rº-rº-aer, * ?, ~ ~ ~~~); ******|- ſº, sºsiºs se yº ſa ze ſwae ºsºšºs vaesº ºwº ºłº ſwºi º ex-f ſ ºs ·!!**************w ºwº; grººt§*** *********** aerºpº· ********* • • • ****, *) se ? 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