* ? ; i ; * - ; ; ; *.x - * * . . . ;-; ; ; ;: -;i ; ; - ;; ; ; ;”. :- as ;... * *? -; ;..; s. a ei x ? : r , - ... ;- - * * ... :------; * . . . s. ;;;;; ; ;;;;.: - - ? **; *-*: ; -; ; ;i * ; : - ; ; ; ; „: ; - s-a:*: - s: s : ; ; - ; ; ;i ; ;; e ; 3 ! ; ; ; *y ; ; i; ; ; ; R ; ; ; ; ; *: ; ; - -, ; ; *: ; ; ; ; ; : - ; ; - s; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : , :*: ; , PR C PE R T Y O F (” - gf ; /; ?A, . ti i ; ? : ă, / ; t; fi i) ; r- i ă/ /? - i g/ r - i z : - * l am / ă A?” A A: ; * a f ! 7 ; ; A ; r! d ş. Aş ; 3. Zy ; f f 4 i; ; iv ..? ; 5 / ; A? ; ; ti i jf. s- p g/ / v Ab - - V E R ! ! A S S C | E N ! ! A k, R T E S INTRODUCTION Ţ0 THE HAWAIAN LANGUAGE (An English-Hauvaiian Vocabulary) Comprising five thousand of the commonest and most useful English words and their equivalents, in modern Hawaiian speech, correctly pronounced, with a complementary Hawaiian-English Vocabular! Compiled by l- A ţa.” HENRY P. JUDD Professor of the Hawaiian Language at the University of Hawaii MARY KAWENA PUKUI Hawaiian Translator at the Bishop Museum and JOHN F. G. STOKES Formerly Curator of Polynesian Ethnology of the Bishop Museum Printed and Published by TONGG PUBLISHING COMPANY HoNoLULU, HAwAII, U.S.A. –T- e P | (e 449 J ( O 1945 - Copyright 1945, by - HENRY P. JUDD, MARy KAwENA PUKUI and JOHN F. G. STOKES *. ş ter- z c>-- - A - . - - , A ? -, » ” - A. (-2 . - * ! RR. - Cod; - | 262/C2Ce 55ă 54 /0 eţ The purpose of this little work is to assist the English-speaking person so desiring to acquire readily a working knowledge of the Hawaiian language. We learn best to speak by speaking, whether it be our own language or another tongue, so the plan is to furnish the reader with a verbal equipment sufficient to enable him to converse accurately in Hawaiian with those who still use the language as their own. The equip- ment offered is, in addition to grammatical notes, a careful selection of five thousand of the most used and most useful English words, with their various equivalents as spoken by present-day Hawaiians among themselves. The whole is con- tained in a small booklet, especially limited as to size so that it may be conveniently carried for ready reference. We recommend to the reader or student sin- cerely desiring to learn the language, attendance at classes in Hawaiian. Failing this we expect that he will practice speech with Hawaiians wherever he may find them, and so accustom his ear to the native enunciation. It might be noted that the brusque approach of some haoles to Hawaiians is resented. Ha- waiians are naturally polite and deferential, and appreciate such qualities in their friends. We feel confident that the English list will prove extensive enough for ordinary wants. For frequency of use it has been checked by the word- counts of Edw. L. Thorndike (1921 and 1932), 6 Preface W. F. Tidgman (1921), Ernest Horn (1926), and Buckingham and Dolch (1936). On the point of utility, it was found to contain prac- tically all of the 850 English words which C. K. Ogden (Basic English, 1934) considered suffi- cient to cover the needs of everyday life. How- ever, since the vocabularies of individuals, as well as of localities and classes, vary greatly, we felt that the range of synonyms should not be too closely restricted, and the usefulness of the present work is thereby enhanced. The Hawaiian translations are based on H. R. Hitchcock's English Hawaiian Dictionary (1887) modified, where desirable, after refer- ence (1) to the following English-Hawaiian vo- cabularies: J. S. Emerson (1845), Lorrin An- drews (1865), F. E. Midkiff and J. H. Wise (about 1929), Mary H. Acherley (1930), an anonymous manuscript used in Hawaiian classes at the University of Hawaii by F. W. Beckley in 1925 and by J. F. Woolley in 1928, and subse- quently published for the Hawaiian Language League (1936), the Hawaii Tourist Bureau (1937) and O. Shaw (1939), and, (2) to L. Andrews' Hawaiian-English lists (vocabulary, 1836 and dictionary, 1865), and their revisions by H. H. Parker (1921). For elision of archaic or obsolete ternus, and particularly for the Hawaiian pronunciation, main dependence has been placed on the second member of the compilers who, in her early life, received special training on the subject from the old masters of chanting. Debatable points were referred to many Hawaiian scholars, in partic- ular to Mr. David Piimanu, translator at the Preface 7 Archives of Hawaii, and the Reverends S. K. Kamaiopili, Edward Kahale and H. K. Poepoe, to all of whom, and to the many others con- sulted, we make our grateful acknowledgment. Special thanks are due to Dr. Denzel Carr, the accomplished linguist, for guidanee in eval- uating basic sounds. - For the Hawaiian portion, emphasis is laid ori the fact that the words selected are those cur- rently used by the present generation between its members. Some native terms, recorded when the language was first written over a century ago, have become obsolete and are omitted as unheard today. Also avoided, but for another reason, is the “pidgin,” “haole” or “pake” Ha- waiian, frequently mistaken for real Hawaiian by foreigners. In another class is the introduction of terms necessitated by the changes in modern Hawaiian living conditions. The Hawaiian met the re- quirements by various methods: (1) Adapting its original terms. (2) Direct borrowings of foreign words and clothing them in Hawaiian garb. (3) Combining (l) and (2). The subject of communications furnishes ex- amples of all the groups. For the first, we may follow the evolution of the terms moku and ka“a. Formerly and today, moku means “severed,” and hence also a “district” or “island,” namely, “something cut off.” When foreign ships were first seen, on account of their size they were thought to be floating islands, and therefore called moku. From this, steamers became mokuahi (fire slips), airplanes, moku- 8 Preface lele (flying ships), and submarines, mokulu“u (diving boats). Ka“a means “to roll,” “to . revolve,” “move round about,” etc. Hence, when introduced, wheeled vehicles were termed kata. From this, railroad trains became ka“aahi (fire cars), and street-cars, ka“auwila (lightning or electric cars) a term also applied at first to automo- biles. However, the equivalent for the word “auto- mobile” was soon included in the second group, dressed in Hawaiian fashion as okomopila. Other terms, such as kelepona, kelekalapa, uwea, etc. will be recognized readily as native pronunciation of the English, “telephone,” “telegraph,” “wire,” etc. The Hawaian status of adaptations of this class is sometimes questioned, but they have as good standing in Hawaiian as have “telephone,” “tea,” “canoe,” etc. in English. The third group includes such interesting hy- brids as uwea“ole, literally “wireless,” and kalaiwaka“a, “chauffeur.” The term ka“a, as already indicated, had a native origin, while kalaiwa is merely the Hawaiian pronunciation of “driver.” - We have adherred to the work of earlier writ- ers on the Hawaiian language, with two excep- tions: (1) The glottal closure, known to the early Hawaiians as u“ina, we recognize as a con- sonantand include in the alphabet. It is repre- sented by an inverted comma (“), as is done regularly for the Samoan dialect, and is being done now by the Bishop Museum in its Ha- Preface - 9 waiian manuscripts. It represents the Polyne- sian (not the Hawaiian) “K,” attenuated until almost completely elided. Not only by the Ha- waiians was this Polynesian “K” so treated, but also by the Samoans and Tahitians, while it was retained in full volume by the other Polynesians in New Zealand, Tonga, Cook, Marquesas, Tua- motu and Easter Islands. - The “utina is still part of Hawaiian speech, but has not previously been indicated in writing except to distinguish between au “my” and au “thy” and in a very few other words. It has been treated largely as a diacritical mark, al- though Alexander noted in his grammar: “This gutteral is properly a consonant, and forms an essential part of the words in which it is found.” Its presence or absence in Hawaiian words marks distinct terms. For instance, three such words have been written ai, although pro- nounced differently. The correct forms would be “a“i, meaning “neck,” “ai, “food,” and ai, “sexual intercourse.” For clarity, we believe that the “u“ina should be indicated when writing. But, whatever the student may choose to do, we afford him the opportunity of knowing the words he uses, and thus of avoiding possible slips. (2) The second exception is the allowance of three values to the Hawaiian vowels, instead of the two, “long” and “short,” previously given. We added an “intermediate” after endeavoring in vain to reconcile some of the pronunciations in the latest dictionary with the spoken Ha- waiian. 10 - Preface Since this work is intended for use by English- speaking people, it would be well to list the main points in which Hawaiian differs from English. Hawaiian articulation is based very largely at the back of the tongue, while that of English is nearer the tip. In Hawaiian, vowels are of primary impor- tance, and many words have no consonants; all vowels and consonants are sounded, and semi- vowels are absent. In English, many vowels and consonants are silent, and semivowels are pres- ent; the consonants are all-important, number- ing about twenty-five and represented (omitting “c, q and x”) by eighteen characters, only seven of which occur in Hawaiian. In Hawaiian, all syllables end with a vowel, and no two consonants adjoin. Generally, nouns precede their adjectives, and verbs their subjects. The same word may very often appear as a noun, adjective, verb or adverb, without change in pronunciation. The verbs “to be,” and “to have,” and the auxiliaries are not represented in Hawaiian by verbs, but by construction of the sentence or by particles. In Hawaiian, personal pronouns cover a wider field and are more precise than in English. Grateful acknowledgment is made to the Di- rector and Staff of the Bishop Museum of their suggestions and guidance in the work, and of the use of the Museum's facilities. The Compilers. jammatical Motea This is not the place for a complete grammar of the Hawaiian language, copies of which are for sale in the book stores. However, the fol- lowing notes will be helpful to the English- speaking student. ALPHABET The Hawaiian alphabet is comprised of thirteen letters, the vowels a, e, i, o, u, and the consonants h, k, l, m, n, p, w and the “utina represented by an inverted comma ('). The vowels are given pure sounds based on the Italian, unlike the English in which four of the long vowels are really diphthongs. Such will be realized after slowly pronouncing the English long “a, i, o, u.” Thus, “a” closes to 99 , “ee”; “i” begins with “ah” and closes to “ee”; “o” closes to “oo” or to “u” as in “rule,” and “u” is pronounced “iu” or “yu.” Omitting the vanish, Hawaiian vowels are pronounced as follows: Long Short ă, as in father. ă, as in republican. e, as in obey, fete. ă, as in nicety. i, as in marine, pique. i, as in mariner, charity. ö, as in rose, vote. ö, as in democrat, eulogy. ü, as in rule. ă, as in pull. As indicated, the long vowel is marked with the macron, and the short vowel with the breve. One other value, at least, may be noted between the long and the short. We have termed it the “intermediate,” and written it 12 Grammatical Notes without diacritical marks: a, e, i, o, u. How- ever, we have not so far been able to find English words to illustrate the value, unless, perhaps, for the a, as in “flora.” When ac- cented the vowel seems to acquire additional strength. In Hawaiian the short vowels as in the Eng- lish, “at, net, it, not, nut” are lacking, although the vowel in the last word is approximated by the Hawaiiană. The Hawaiian ends his syllable with a vowel, without carrying it to the consonant following. vowEL COMBINATIONS Two adjoining vowels generally coalesce as a diphthong, when the second is light or un- accented. Andrews combines all the vowels in this manner, but the following are more com- îll Oil : Ae and ai, like “i” in “line,” but closing to ă and i respectively - Ao and au, like “ow” in “how,” but closing to ö and ü respectively. Ea, near “ea” in “pear.” Ei, like “ai” in “raiment,” or “a” in “lay.” Ia, as in “pier.” Oa, near the “a” in “all” or “aw” in “awl.” Oe, oi, as in “oil” or “coy,” but closing to ă and i respectively. - Ou, like the English long “o,” closing to “oo.” Other combinations are present, with the first vowel light or unaccented, and partic- ularly when the second vowel is strong and accented: The initial i is pronounced like “y,” so for ia we hear “yah,” for iu, “you,” etc. The medial i, is split into very light i and “y,” Grammatical Notes 13 so that mikioi, is not pronounced “micky-oy” but mi-kiyoi. Similar conditions apply to Ha- waiian e, but in a lesser degree. After o and u, the sound of “w” creeps in, and in many words, for clarity, the w is so written. Thus, the words in each of the fol- lowing couples are the same : oa', owa'; oi' owi'; ua'hi, uwa'hi; aue', auwe'; ui'la, uwila; uo”, uwo'. Many words contain more than two vowels together, especially with compounds, the pro- nunciations of which are followed. In other words, a division is generally made into pairs of vowels, one heavy and one light, or the pronunciation may be ascertained by observing the accent. In this connection, it would be well to remember that the “utina is a con- sonant and that such a word formerly written hauoli is hau“oli, and is thus at once divisible into hau-to-li for pronunciation. CONSONANTS The consonants are pronounced as in Eng- lish, with some exceptions : ? K. As in English, with some variation towards “t,” and to “tch” before iu. For chanting, it is pronounced “t.” It represents the Polynesian “t” which predominated in the Hawaiian Islands between 1778 and 1809 ac- cording to the dozen vocabularies made in those years. By the time the present Hawaiian orthography was established in 1825, the “k” sound had become so general that the charac- ter “k” was adopted. - L. An unstable consonant, now pronounced as in English, but formerly spoken as a soft 14 Grammatical Notes “r” and (though rarely) as “d.” In the various lists and writings of 1778-79, the sound was “r” (totals, “r” 126 times, “l” once and “d,” four times). By 1792-94, from this percentage of 0.7, the “l” sound had increased to 8%, and by 1804, to 16%. In 1826, the missionaries voted six to two in favor of retaining “l” for the Hawaiian alphabet, and rejecting “r.” In some words, “l” alternates with “n” ; for in- stance, the Hawaiian for “charcoal” is nanahu or lanahu. - - W. This consonant ranges between soft “w” and soft “v,” inclining however to “w.” The sound “w” is heard (1) when an initial : (2) when a medial, (a), preceded by o or u; (b) when followed by an accented or strong vowel; (c), when an initial of parts of compounds. The “v” sound is heard when preceded by a, e, i, and followed by a short vowel. Some speakers consistently use the soft “v” for w, except after o and u. Such usage was regarded by missionary orthographers as mere afectation. It were better to regard it as a local dialectical variation of limited range. How- ever, some foreigners today are pronouncing it as though a strong “v” in the mistaken idea that such is correct. “ The “utina is the vestige of the Polynesian “k,” and is sounded, somewhat like a grunt, by a brief stoppage of the glottis. It has been called the “glottal stop,” “gutteral break,” and, from its employment in Arabic, the “hamzah.” Its close relationship to the Polynesian “k” will be realized by sounding “ah” with the open glottis, and then with the temporary Grammatical Notes 15 closure, followed by “kah” sounded in the throat. This Polynesian “k” has, as in Hawaii, been reduced by the natives of Samoa and Tahiti. In Samoa it is regarded and written aS a COnSOnant. Although seldom written in Hawaiian, as it should be, nevertheless it has been pre- served in speech-in most instances correctly, as may be ascertained from the Polynesian prototypes of the words. The following are examples : Hawaiian Other Previously Polynesian Written Pronounced 313. a a 8la a“a aka ală “aa - a a “a“a kaka ahu ahu ahu ahu “ahu kahu koe koe toe koe ko“e toke kai kai tai kai ka'i taki The first four words, although similarly written, are shown by their pronunciation to be distinct from each other. The same applies to the pairs which follow them. The accent occurs on the syllable next to the last in most Hawaiian words. Some are unaccented. By changing the accent, or the length of the vowel, or both, a word will take on an entirely different signification. The word poho, if po'ho, means “to patch”; if pohö', “to sink.” 16 Grammatical Notes Kö'kă means blood, and kökö, netted bag. Köhö'lă, “reef flats” and köhölă', “whale.” Kă'lă, “proclamation” and kălă, “dollar.” Lü'lă, “calm, still” and lülü', “to shake.” In emphasis, the vowel is sometimes length- ened, as for instance, kölö'hă, “mischief,” has been pronounced, kölö'hă. Similarly, today, the “u“ina may be heard where it is out of place. Măăă and keiă are two examples ob- served, which some people pronounce mă“ăă and ké“iă. ARTICLES The definite article “the” is represented in Hawaiian by ke or ka in the singular, and by na in the plural. Ke is used before all words beginning with the letter k, while, in general ka precedes the rest. However, ke also pre- cedes some other words, particularly among those beginning with a, o, p and “, which will be indicated in the lists by (ke). The plural form na is also a common plural sign. The indefinite article “a” or “an” is ex- pressed by he, and sometimes by kahi, kekahi or ho'okahi, meaning “one.” Kekahi is also the equivalent of the expression “a certain.” “He” is used only in the nominative case, for in other cases the word “kekahi” is used. lixample-I see a horse. Ke ike nei au i keka- hi lio. NOUNS Gender is indicated by the terms kane, “male,” and wahine, “female” following the noun. Rarely, distinct whole terms are found as “elemakule, “old man,” and luahine, “old woman.” Grammatical Notes 17 The plural is indicated (1) by the na, as na kamaliti, “the children.” (2) By the col- lective nouns, mau, pote, pae and puiu. Mau has a general, but limited application as he mau lio, literally, “many horses,” hence “some horses.” Po“e is generally used for ani- mate objects, putu for inanimate and pae for lands, as kela pote kanaka, “those people,” he pu“u pohaku, “a heap of stones,” or “many stones,” keia pae moku, “these islands.” (3) By the addition of ma to a person's name, as Hanale ma, “Henry and his group,” or “the Henrys.” (4) By lengthening a syllable in a few words, terms for persons as kănă'kă, “per- son,” kă'năkă, “people”; “ălămăkă'lă, “old man,” 'ălămă'külă, “old men.” „- Except for this class of examples Hawaiian has no inflections. ţ. - Declensions are by prepositions or particles. PREPOSITIONS OR PARTICLES “Of” as the sign of the genitive case is ex- pressed by a or o. A implies that the object is created, initiated or intimately connected and controlled by or with the subject when a living person. O is general. Na hale a Keoki, means “The houses built by George”; Na hale o Keoki, “The houses owned or occupied by George.” Thus, the son of George would be indicated by the use of a, but the father of George, by o. “The bow of the ship,” is ex- pressed as Ka ihu o ka moku. - - A possessive case is expressed by ka or ko, “of,” in the use of which the rules are similar for a and o, although the order of the posses- sor and possessed is changed. Thus, while 18 Grammatical Notes “George's house,” may be expressed in Ha- waiian in two ways, Ka Keoki hale, and Ko Keoki hale, the first indicates that George was the builder, and the second, the occupant. A wider possessive is contained in na or no (which also follow the rule for a and o) and is translated as “of, for, concerning, on ac- count of.” No Keoki he mau hale, literally “Of or for George a few houses,” would be translated as “George has or possesses some houses.” No ko Keoki hale, . . . means “Con- cerning or on account of George's dwelling . . .” An obligation is also implied by na as Na Keoki e kukulu i kona hale, “George should build his house.” No is also translated as “from,” as is mai, when used with the directives aku, “thither” and mai, “hither,” after the place-name af- fected. No indicates origin and mai separa- tion, thus, No Kauai mai implies that one be- longs to Kauai, and Mai Kauai mai, merely an arrival from Kauai. Mai Honolulu aku, implies a departure from Honolulu. I, ia, io, “to,” “at” or “in” of time, and “by” with adjectives and neuter verbs. The form ia is used before pronouns and proper names, as is io when also followed by nei or la. I is also a word, not translatable in English, but important in Hawaiian and used to con- nect the verb and the object. It might be termed the sign of the accusative case. It be- comes ia and io before pronouns, etc. as men- tioned in the preceding paragraph. In brief speech it implies a request or com- Grammatical Notes - 19 mand, through the elision of the verb, as i wai, “bring water.” Ma, “at” or “in” of place, and “by” before pronouns and names of persons when it takes o immediately following and later nei or la. Other equivalents include: through, unto, alongside of, by means of, according to. Me, “with.” E helepu me ia, “Go together with him.” E, “by,” after passive verbs, as Ua hanatia e Keoki, “It was done by George.” The vocative case, used in address, is indi- cated by e, as E Keoki ! “O George !” The “o emphatic,” so termed, is the word “o, appearing as a sign of the nominative always before proper names and pronouns, as : Holo aku la o Lono, “Lono sailed off.” O lakou no na kanaka, “They are the people.” PERSONAL PRONOUNS First Person Singular, I, aă, waă. inclusive, I and you, kăăă. Dual, we; I and he, măăă. inclusive, I and you many, kăköă. Plural, We, exclusive, I and they many, măköă. Second and Third Persons Singular, You, ăă. He, she or it, iă. Dual, You two, “ölüă. They two, lăüă. Plural, You many, “öukou. They many, lâkoă. DECLENSION, PERSONAL PRONOUN, SINGULAR NUMBER †: s 5 ..º * ge 2 ºn s First Person Second Person Third Person § 3. '3 º º or O O ſº he, she 1. . º I &all you ‘oe or it ia 2. “o s I ‘owau, wau you “o ‘oe he ‘oia 3. ſ a of : of me, my, a‘u your au his ana, a ia lo mine o’u OUI ſo ia la ona, º e \o ia nei ſka, of of nue, my, katu, ku'u your kau, ko his k ſka ia la tº g 8 Ilê 3. * \ ko In 11 le ko'u, ku'u kou, ko ka ia nei k ( ko ia la * * e” ona, l ko ia nei Na ſ for, of, belong- mine na'u yours nau his ... [na ia la # Ila Iſla g ſº No l 111g to : no'u In OUI y \ na la Ile1 ( no ia la nona, \ no ia nei ia to, and objec- Ine ia'u you ia ‘oe him ia ia io tive: io°u la i ou la io'u nei i ou nei iona la IIlêl through or by : me ma ou la . you ma ou la him. ma on a la - ma o'u nei ma ou nei t Iſlal from : nne mai o"u aku you mai ou aku him mai ona aku. º mai o"u mai mai ou mai l mai ona mai . It le with : me Iſle all you me ‘oe him me ia 10. e by: frie © all you e ‘oe him. e ia Grammatical Notes 21 ADJECTIVES Attributive adjectives follow their nouns, and are not modified for gender, number or CalSC. Comparisons are formed by the addition of adverbs; * Positive degree, anu, cold Comparative ” anu a'e, anu aku, colder Superlative ” anu loa, coldest, very cold. The comparative is also indicated (1) by contrast, as : nui kela, u'uku keia, "that is greater than this,” lit. "that is large, this is small.” (2) by the verb "oi, "to excel,” or the adverb mamua o, "before,” or by both. The statement "This is sweeter than that,” may be variously rendered : Ono a'e keia i kela; Ono aku keia mamua o kela; oi aku ka ono o keia mamua o kela , etc. NUMERALS The cardinal numbers used today are: 1 ka'hi 20 iwäkälu'ä 2 lu'ä 30 känäko”lü 3 ko”lii 40 känähä' 4 hä 50 känäli'ma 5 li'mä 60 känäo'nö 6 (ke) o'nö 70 känähi kü 7 hi'kü 80 känävä”lü 8 vä”lii 90 känäivä 9 i'wä 100 haneli 10 *ü'mi 1,000 käükäni 1 l 'ümikümamakahi 1,000,000 milio'nä In general, the units are prefixed by a when counting. At other times the prefix is e, ex- cept for "one,” which is ho'oka'hi. The tens and larger numbers are preceded by an article. 22 Grammatical Notes The units are connected with the higher numbers by kuma'ma (as with “11” above), and the tens by me. Thus 968 becomes eiwa haneli me kanaonokumamawalu. The numbers following “40” are introduc- tions complementing the ancient native system, which continued with 400 lăii 40,000 ki'ni 4,000 mănă 400,000 lă'hă and rendered the number 968 as elua lau me eha kanalaakumamawalu, lit. “two four-hundreds and four forties and eight.” “Four” was also expressed by kăănă, and “forty” by ka'ăă. Ap- parently Hawaiian numeration was a blending of the quarternary and decimal systems. The ordinals are formed by placing the dis- tinguishing articles (ke or ka), before the cardinal, except for “the first,” which is ka mua. Thus, “the sixth time” becomes ke ono o ka wa, lit. “the six of the time.” Distributive numbers are indicated by the prefix pa, as pakahi, “one apiece,” palua, “two apiece.” Fractions are expressed by the prefix hapa, as hapakolu, “one-third.” VERB Conjugation, Active Voice Indicative mood Primitive hana au I worked tenSe Present ke hana I work tenSe nei au Present e hana I am working tense 8 la al Grammatical Notes 23 Past tense i hana au I worked* Perfect ua hana I have worked tense il Pluperfect ua hana I had worked tense e il Future e hana au I shall work tenSe Subjunctive and conditional Present ke hana if I work tense au Future ina e hana if I shall work tense il Past tense ina hana au if I worked Preterite ina i hana if I should work tense &ll *s- Preterite i hana au if I should work tense Imperative e hana 'oe work you Prohibition mai hana don't you work “oe Infinitive e hana to work Participles - Present e hana ana working Past i hana worked In the primitive or indefinite tense, the past is generally understood; more rarely the pres- ent or the future may be represented. The passive voice is formed by suffixing ia (euphonic variants, hia, lia, mia, ia) to the verb, or by inserting ia after a following ad- verb. Occasionally the i of the suffix is elided. *I hele au–is correct but conditional–I went (because of something). Ua hele au–I went (no condition). 24 Grammatical Notes The verb “to be.” A term for the verb “to be” is lacking from Hawaiian, wherein the association of the ob- ject and its name is generally sufficient to make a term unnecessary. In the simplest form of statement, the verb is indicated by the article he, “a or an,” as he ilio, “it is a dog,” lit. “a dog,” and is sometimes followed by the strengthening particle no, as he wai no, “there is water,” lit. “a water indeed.” It is also understood with words in apposi- tion, as “Owau ke ali“i, “I am the chief,” lit. “I, the chief,” in which case the subject is generally preceded by the “o emphatic. The sentence “So it is in Hawaii here,” would be rendered “So in Hawaii here,” namely Pela no ma Hawaii nei. “Who is that?” in Hawaiian idiom becomes “Who that?” namely Owai kela ? the answer to which may be to Keoki no, “it is George,” or simply “George.” - Thus it may appear that a term for the verb is not essential to the language. The verb “to have.” A term for this verb indicating ownership is also lacking, but to express its meaning, the possessive case is used. For instance, “John has a horse,” would be rendered No Keoni helio, lit. “John's (or of John) a horse.” “He has a land” would be He taina kona, lit. “A land his.” “He has no land,” “A“ole ona “aina, “Not of him land.” The passive verb loata, “to be obtained, to get” approximates the equivalent of “possess.” “I received the book,” would be rendered Loata Grammatical Notes - 25 ia“u ka puke, lit. “Received by me the book” in which “the book” becomes the subject of the sentence. As an auxiliary verb, “have” is translated by ua. Directives and locatives Following the verb (or the adverb if present) but not expressed in English, are the direc- tives aku, “outward,” mai, “hither,” ae, “up- wards or sideways,” and iho, “down.” These directives are followed by the particle nei, meaning “nearness” in place or time, or by la, indicating remoteness. When la is combined with aku, afe and iho, the accent is moved for- ward, as follows : aku'la, ate'la and iho'la. Relative particle ai This particle followed the verb, either di- rectly, or after the adverb and directive. Fol- lowing a vowel, it is sometimes abbreviated to 'i. It is translatable by “which,” “in which,” “when,” “where,” depending on the context. Order of words in a simple sentence. The tense sign. The verb itself. The qualifying adverb. The passive sign ia. The verbal directive. The locatives nei or la, or the particles ana or ai. - The strengthening particle no. The subject. The object. Of course it is seldom that all are found together in the one sentence. 26 Grammatical Notes WORD ADAPTIONS and CONTRACTIONS As mentioned previously, the same word may be a noun, adjective, verb or adverb in Hawaiian. At other times we may see a noun, adjective or adverb made into a verb by pre- fixing the causative ho'o or ha'a. Before cer- tain vowels, these have been contracted to ho“ or ha“. Inversely, nouns are formed from verbs by use of the present participial form ana, “ing.” “Contraction,” for instance is translated in Hawaiian as “contracting,” and has practically the same meaning. In addition, many words may be found with the participle reduced to na, after a vowel and joined to its verb. For instance, hanauna, “a generation,” or “the group of brothers and sisters,” was derived from hanau ana, hanau meaning “to bear” or “be born.” Example of Hawaiian narrative From Alexander we adapt the following analysis of a passage from the Hawaiian ro- mance of Laieikawai: 1 2 3 Iloko o ko Laieikawai mau la ma Waiapuka, During Laieikawai's days at Waiapuka, ua ho'omauia ka pio ana o ke anuenue ma was continued the arch -ing of the rainbow at 1 kela wahi, iloko o ka manawa ua a me ka that place, in the time rainy and the Grammatical Notes 27 4 malie, i ka po, me ke ao; aka, aole fair, in the night, and the day ; but not 5 - 6 nae i ho“omaopopo na mea a pau i ke ano yet - understood the persons all - the nature o keia anuenue; aka, ua ho'omauia keia mau of this rainbow; but were continued these 5 ho“ailona ali“i ma na wahi i malamaia signs chiefly at the places were guarded 7 8 3 8 *i ua mau mahoe nei. where these twins - 9 I kekahi manawa ia Hulumaniani On a certain time to Hulumaniani 10 10 6 e ka'ahele ana ia Kauai a puni ma kona travel- -ing - Kauai around in his 9 “ano makaula nui no Kauai, a ia ia character prophet great of Kauai, and to him 5 11 12 - 12 i hiki ai iluna pono o Kalalea, “ike mai arrived - upon right - Kalalea, saw hither 13 6 4 la oia i ka pio a keia anuenue i Oahu then he - the arch of this rainbow on Oahu 28 Grammatical Notes nei; noho iho la “oia malaila he here; dwelt accordingly - he there a 14 15 iwakalua la i kumu e “ike maopopo ia twenty day as means to seen clearly be 16 17 18 'i ke ano o kana mea e ike nei. by which the nature of him thing to see which. Translation: In the days when Laieikawai was at Waiapuka, the arching of the rainbow was continued at that place in rainy weather and in fair weather, by night and by day; but yet, all persons did not understand the nature of this rainbow , but these tokens of a chief were continued in the places where these twins were guarded. On a certain time while Hulumaniani was traveling around Kauai, in his capacity of great prophet of Kauai, when he arrived at the very summit of Kalalea, he saw the arch of this rainbow on Oahu here; he accordingly dwelt there twenty days in order to discern more clearly the nature of what he saw. Notes: 1. Iloko o is a compound preposition like “inside of” in English. 2. Ko, the preposition “of” indicating the genitive case, - 3. Mau, sign of the plural. 4. I, and before proper nouns and pronouns, ia, a widely used preposition meaning, “to, towards, in, at, unto, by, for, in respect Grammatical Notes 29 5. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, of, above, more than, on account of, etc.” according to Andrews. It is also the sign of the objective case. I, the sign of the past tense. I, sign of the objective case; ia (some- times io) before proper nouns and pro- Îl OtlIlS. . 'I, abbreviation of the relative particle ai, referring back to wahi. It should be joined to the verb. Ua . . . nei together mean “this” or “these.” I, ia, in this connection is referred to the preposition in No. 4 above, and thus might be translated as “upon.” However, An- drews regards it as an adverb meaning “while” or “when,” , which is clearly its application in the places used. E . . . ana, the participial form indicating continuance. Ai, the relative particle. Iluna . . . o, “on top of,” paralleling No. 1 above. La, here implying past time. I, here denotes purpose. Ia, form of the passive separated from its stem by an advel b. - 'I, relative particle referring to kumu (see Nos. 7, 11). - 18. Kana, “his” and nei, a relative particle substituted for ai; a common construction of a relative clause. agla4--4aaaaaa 2/ocaâulat In the word-list which follows, the syno- nyms are separated by commas, the definitions by semi-colons and the parts of speech by colons. When a word in English represents more than one part of speech, the noun is given first. a-academy 33 A a, an, kekă'hi, kă'hi, hö“ökă'hi, he. abandon, (desert), hăălă'lă lö'ă; (give up), waihö lö'ă. abdicate, (vacate), hă“ălă'lă; (resign), waihă. abdomen, “opu'. ability, mă'nă hötökö', 'i'kă hă'nă. able, (competent), makăăkăă, ăkămăi; (poten- tial, hi'ki. aboard, mălu'nă: go aboard, 'étă. abode, wă'hi no'hă pată. abolish, hă“öpăü, hötönö'ă. about, mă kăăwă'hi; (at), mă; (almost), tănă- ănă, kokö'kă; (concerning), e pi'li ă'nă nö. above, mălu'nă, ilu'nă, ki“ékită ată. abroad, (widely), lă'hă; (in foreign lands), i nă “ăină 'é; (out-of-doors), măwa'hö. abrupt, (rough), kălăkă'lă; (brief), oki 'é; (as land), pa'li lö'ă. absent, mă kă'hi 'é, hiki “o'lă măi: to absent, hö“ökă“ăwală. absolute, kükă'hi, mă'nă lö'ă. absolutely, maoli, küakă'hi. absolution, hăikă'lă. absolve, kă'lă. absorb, (imbibe), o'mă; (be engrossed) li'lă lö'ă. abstain, kaohi, tă“ö'lă e hötöpă'. abstract, (summary), mö“ole'lă i hă“öpokölăi'ă: (to withdraw), nu'hi; (steal), kă“ili. absurd, lăpăwală. abundant, la'"ră 1 'no, nu'i wală. abuse, abusive, „otoma“ină“ină, ha'nă i'nă. 2 p - g; P academy, ăhăhă'i i'mi nă“ăüaă. J4 accelerate–across accelerate, tăwiwi, hötöhikiwa'wă. accent, kălă'lă lă'ö. accept, (receive), apă, la'wă măi; (agree to), aé. accessible, (attainable), hiki; (friendly), lăă- le“ă. accessory, (accomplice), kökü'ă; (adjunct), hö- “u'lii“u'lii. accident, uli'ă. accommodate, (receive), hötökipă; (supply), hă“ölă'kö; (help), kökü'ă. accompany, he'lă pü; –(as on piano), kökü'ă pü. accomplish, hötökö', ho'lö po'nă. accord, külikă, löka'hi. according to, mămu'li o. account, (narrative), mö“ole'lö; (reckoning), helă, pilă wăiwăi: to account, hö“i'kă, hö“ălcă'kă. accumulate, (amass), hö“a'hă; (collect), hö- i'lii'li. accurate, pololei lö'ă. accuse, hö'ahe'wă, hötöpii. accustom, hö“ömă“ămătă. ace, ă'ki; (flyer), meă lă'lă pötöke'lă. ache, ă'hă; (sharp), hăi; (dull), nălă'lă. achieve, hă“ökö', hă'nă. acid, wăi ălrikă, meă ă'wătă'wă. acknowledge, (admit), aă; (verify), hötö'iă. acquaintance, hoălaünă; (knowledge), “ikă. acquire, löata. acquit, hă“ökătă, kă'lă. acre, e'kă. across, mă kélă “ăötăö, măi kekă'hi “ăötăö a kekă'hi ăăăă: to step across, măăăă; to act–adopt 35 lay across, kăă ké“ă. act, (deed), hă'nă; (legislative), kănăwăi o kă “ăhă“öle'lă: (to do), hănă; (carry out), hötökö'; act in drama, hă'nă kéă'kă; act for, pă'ni hă'kăhă'kă. action, (court), hö“öpii; (naval) kăăă iwăănă o nă mo'kü kăiă; man of action, kănă'kă “ălă' ă. active, “ălă'ü, miki hă'nă. actor, kănă'kă hă'nă kéă'kă. actual, maoli, “o'iai“ö. acute, (sharp), “oi; (pain), hă“i; (shrewd), mă“ăleă. add, (numbers), hö“u'lătu'lă; add on, pakăi. additional, hö“öpi'li hoă. address, hă“i“6le'lă; (abode), wă'hi no'ho; to address, (as a person), kămă“ili'ö; (as a letter), kakăăinöă. adieu, ălo'hă. adjourn, hötöpănă“ă. adjust, hă“öpo'nöpo'nă. adjutant, lună kökă'ă, ho'pă; adjutant-general, ho'pă kénélă'lă. administer, (as public affairs), lă'wălă'wă; (as estates), hötöpo'nöpo'nă; (as oaths), hă- “öhi'ki; (impart), hăă'wi. admiral, akimală'lă. admiration, măhă'lă, măkăhe'hi. admire, măhă'lă, făpö'nö. admit, (let in), hötökömă; (acknowledge), aă, adobe, pöhaküle'pă, wăimă'nă. adopt, (as own child), hănăi; (as god-child), hă“ökă'mă; (approve), “ăpo'nă; (as opin- ion), ă'pă. 36 adore–ago adore, (worship), hötömănă; (glorify), hö- “önă'ni. advantage, külă'nă i “oi a'é. adversary, ăné'mi, meă kü“é”, hoăpaiö. adversity, p0“ină, pöpiliki'ă, nelă. advertise, advertisement, hö“ölă'hă. advice, “5lelöă“ö. advise, ă“ö. affair, hă'nă, ă'nă hötöipăipă. affect, (influence), hă“öhü'li mană“ö; (pre- tend), hötökămă'ni. affectation, (ke) “ă'nö hötöiö. affection, (love), (ke) alo'hă; (disease), mă“i. affidavit, hötöhiki, hötö'iai“ö. affirm, hö“ö'iă. afford, (give), hăă'wi; can afford, hiki. afloat, lă'nă, lă'wă. afraid, makă“ă. Africa, Apelikă. after, măho'pă, mămu'li. afternoon, “aii'nă lă. afterward, măho'pă ă'kă, iho'pă ăkă. again, hoă. against, kü“é akă. age, (period), aă; (years), măkăhiki: aged, (ancient), kăhikă; (full of years), nu'i nă măkăhi'ki. agent, (one who acts), ăkă'nă, ho'pă: (power or cause), mă'nă, kü'mă. aggressive, hö“u'kă wală, hă'nă wală. aggressor, meă he'wă mu'ă. agile, mămă, kă“ükă“ülă'lă. agitate, (shake), hă“ölă'lilă'li; (incite), hö“a lă. ago, mămu'ă a'kă năi; wă i ha'lă. agree-allegiance 37 agree, mană“ö likă; (consent), aă likă; (cove- nant), kü“ika'hi; (harmonize), kö'hú likă. agreeable, 'o'lăto'lă. agreement, “öle'lö aă li'ké. agriculture, “oihă'nă măhi“ăi. aground, (as a ship), i'li, (canoe), măü. ah, kăhăhă, ăăwé'. aha ! (serves you right), ăikölă. ahead, imu'ă, mămiu'ă ă'kă. aid, kökă'ă; (cooperate), ală. aim, kăülo'nă pololei; (intend), mană“ö. aimless, lălăă wală. air, ăă, lă'wă; (melody), le'ö melă: to air, kăülă“i; to put on airs, hötökö'hükö'hă. airship, mokulă'lă. alarm, pü“i'wă, hikile'lă: to alarm, hötöpü“i'wă, alas, ăăwé”. albacore or tuna, (ke) tă'hi. albatross, (goony), ăă“ükewăi; (black-footed), ka“upă. alcohol, ăléköho'lă, wăi kü'lă. alert, măkăală. alga, li'mă. alias, (false name), in 5ă kă'păkă'pă : (namely), “ö'iă ho“i. alibi, mă kă'hi 'é. alien, kü'pă nö kă “ăină te; (str.inger), măli- hi'ni. alienat - hötöhu'li kü“e', hötömokuahă'nă. alight, (dismount), le'lă ila'lö; (on branch), kăi: (lighted), mălă'mălă'mă. alike, li'kă a likă. alive, o'lă; (lively), hăihăi. all, păülö'ă, ăpăă, hăină pă allegiance, küpătă măho'pă. ü. 38 alley-amen alley, (ke) a'lă “olöli'; bowling alley, kăhă'ă “olöhü”. alliance, kü“ika'hi; (group), hăi. allow, aă. allowance, hăăwină, mălne'lă. allure, külă'nă măkăhe'hi: to allure, hö“öwă'lă- wă'lă. ally, hoă, kökăă. almighty, mă'nă lö'ă: The Almighty, Ké Akă'ă Mă'nă Lö'ă. almost, ănătă'nă, kokö'kă, măi. alms, manawăle“ă. - aloft, ilu'nă, mălu'nă. alone, wală nö, me'hăme'hă, hă“ökă'hi wă'lă nö, along, mă; along with, pü; (onward), akă. alongside, mă kă !ăötăö. aloud, lohe'ă. already, ănö i'hö năi. also, hoti, nö hoti, kekă'hi. altar, küă'hă. alter, (change), hötölö'li; (castrate), pătă. alternate, (substitute), ho'pă: alternate colors, păükükü: to alternate, tă'lö kekă'hi a o kekă'hi akă. although, “oiai, ină nö pa'hă, eiă nă“ă, akă'. altitude, ki“ékite'nă. altogether, păă pü, hu'i likă. always, măă, i nă wă a păă. amazing, kupăiăna'hă, kăhăhă. ambassador, 'ălă'lă aăpu'ni. ambition, (urge), (ke) ă'kă; (aspiration), ikăi- kă kă mană“ö e löata. ambush, hălu'ă, to ambush, hötöhălu'ă. amen, ămă'nă, ămă'mă. amend–anonymous 39 amend, hötöpo'nöpo'nă hoă: amends, hötömai- ka“i ă'nă. America, Amălikă. amiable, “o'lă'o'lă. amid, iwaènă, măwaénă. amidships, măwaénăko'nă o kă mo'kü. ammunition, p0kă'. among, amongst, iwaénă, măwaénă. amount, hăină, helună. ample, la'wă po'nă. amuse, hö“ölă“ălătă. amusement, lă“ălă“ă, pă“a'ni. an, kă'hi, hătăkă'hi, kekă'hi, hă. anarchy, hötömă'lă 'o'lă, kănăwăi 'o'lă. ancestor, küpună; ancestors, kü'pună. anchor, helău'mă, hăkăü. anchorage, wă'hi ku mo'kă, anchovy, nă'hü, ancient, kăhikö. and, ă, ă mă. angel, ănă'lă. anger, angry, hühü', inăină. :p angle, hăină. angler, kănă'kă kămököi. animal, holöhălo'nă. ankle, pă“ăpătăwawaă. anklet, küpetă wăwaé. annex, pakăi, hă“ökăi. anniversary, lă hötömană“ö. announce, (proclaim), kükălă; (publish), hă- “ölă'hă. annoy, hötönaukiuki, hă“öulăhuă. annual, pö“ăi măkăhiki. anonymous, inöă “o'lă. 40 another-apply another, (additional), hoă; (different), oko“ă, “e: another person, ha“i. answer, pa'nă, hă“ină: to answer, pană, hă“i. ant, no'năno'nă, naónăö. antique, meă kăhikă. antiquity, wă kăhiko. anus, “5ko'lă. anvil, kü'ă, küăhăö. anxiety, anxious, pihoihoi, hö'păhă'pă. any, kekă'hi. anybody, anything, kekă'hi meă. anyhow, mă kekă'hi tă'nă. anywhere, mă nă wă'hi likă 'o'lă. apart, kă“ăwală. apartment, keè'nă no'hö. ape, ke'kö, măpü: to ape, hö“ömahü“i. apiece, pă-; one apiece, pâka'hi. apologize, mi'hi. - apparatus, pa“ăha'nă, la kö “oihă'nă. apparent, moakăkă. - appeal, (to plead), nonoi; (urge), köi; (as a decision), hötöpii. appear, hö“éă măi, hi'ki măi. appearance, nanăină, hi“öhi“önă. appease, hötönă', hötömătălili, hötömă'limă'li. appeasement, (modern), ată wală ănă i kă ha“i köi. appendix, (book), “öle'lă pakăi; (human), nă- "ăă moă. appetite, to'nö kă făi; without appetite, kăne'ă. applaud, măhă'lă. applause, pă“ipă“i. apple, ăpă'lă. apply, (as an object), hötöpili; (as the mind), hötöpă“ă; (as for work), noi. appoint-armistice 41 appoint, hă“ökö'hă. appraise, hötöho'lö wăiwăi. appreciate, (rise in value), hötömăhă-ăhă'ă; (esteem highly), hötömaika“i. April, Apeli'lă. approach, hötökoköké. appropriate, küpo'nă: to appropriate, hötökătă- wală. appropriation, hăăwină. approve, “ăponö, hö“apo'nă. - approximate, ă'nă likă, ănătănă pololei: to approximate, hötökokö'kă. apron, epă'né. apt, (fit), küpo'nă; (ready), makăükăă; (ace customed), mă“ă, wăléa. aquarium, vă'hi höti'kétiké iă. arbitrary, (capricious), mămu'li o kă mană“ă i'hö; (despotic), măwa'hö o ké kânăwăi. arbitrate, ăwaă. arch, pitö; (chief), kitékită: to arch, hötöpită. archery, pănăpă'ă. archipelago, paămo'kă. archives, waihonă mötolelă aăpuni. area, (size), nu'i; (surface), fili. argue, wă'hăwă'hă kümumană“ö; (dispute), hö- “öpă“ăpătă; (use repartee), hötöpăpă “öle'lă. arise, a'lă, făă, kü. aristocratic, kăikăi, hănăhănă. arithmetic, alimăkikă, nă he'lă. ark, pa'hü; Noah's Ark, Halélă'nă a Noă. arm, li'mă, lălă; arms, meă kăăă: to arm, hö- “ölă'kö i nă meă kăăă. armament, la kö kăiă. armchair, no'hă nu'i, armistice, hă“öma'hă ké kăăă. 42 armory-aside armory, ha'lé waiho'nă la kö kăăă, halé pai- kaú. armpit, pö“aă“aă. army, pü“ă'li koă. around, pu'ni. arouse, höăăăă, păipăi. arrange, hötöponöponă, hötöno'höno'hă. arrest, (apprehend), hö'pă; (check), kătăkătă. arrive, (here), hiki măi; (there), kü măi; (in sight), hö“éă. arrogant, hötöki“ékită, hătăkăi, hă“ökă'nă. arrow, pu'ă pănă. arrowroot, pi'ă. arsenal, wă'hi la'kăkăüă. art, hă'nă notăati; (skill), (ke) ăkămăi, artful, mă“ăleă, article, (thing), meă; (clause), păükü' '5le'lö; (essay), mană“ö i kakăü i'ă. artificial, hă'nă i'ă e kă limă o kănă'kă; (feigned), hötökămăni, 'o'iaită 'o'lă. artillery, nă pükünia'hi. artisan, kănăkă ăkămăi i kă'nă hă'nă. artist, meă i wăléa i kă'nă hă'nă. as, likă, e likă mé; (since), “oiai; (as if), mă hé meă la; (such as), pénéi. ascend, piti; (as smoke), pünö'hă. ascent, pi“ină. ascertain, hötömaöpă'pă lö'ă, “ikă lă“ă. ash, ashes, lehă. ashamed, hilăhilă. ashore, i kăpăkăi: to go ashore, (to land), le'lă iü'kă, paă; (to ground), i'li. Asia, Aki'ă. aside, mă kă !ăötăö, mă ka'hi kătăwală, ask–atmosphere 43 ask, (request), noi; (invite), könă; (inquire), ninaă; just ask questions, nié'lă. asleep, hiămoé. aspect, hi“öhi“ö'nă, nanăină. ass, kekă'ké, ékăkă. assassinate, kimöpö', ki pü wa'lé. assault, (military), hö“ü'ka; assault and bat- tery, hăkăkă a me kă li'mă nu'i pü. assemble, “ălcöăköă. assembly, ă'hă, ănăină. assert, (affirm), hötö'iă; (state), hă“i. assess, (tax), alăhăă; (compute), he'lă. assets, wăiwăi. assign, (give), hăă'wi; (as property), waihă. assist, kökü'ă. assistant, kokötölu'ă, ho'pă, associate, hoă, kokătălu'ă: to associate, lăünă pil. - association, ăhăhăi, hăi. assort, hötökakătăwa'lé. assortment, kélă mé ké'iă meă. assume, (take for granted), kö'hă; (as power), la'wă; (pretend), hötökămăni, pitikoi. assurance, “ănipă“ă; (impudence), maha“öi. assure, hö“ö'iă; (insure), pănă“i o'lă. astern, iho'pă. astonish, kahahă, hă“öputi'wă. astonishing, kupăna'hă, kămăhătă. astride, ki“ihelăi. astrologer, kilö hökü'. astronomer, ă“öhökü'. at, mă, i. athlete, ikăikă. athletic, hă“öikăikă ki'nă. atmosphere, lă'wă, (ke) éă. 44 atoll–Autumn atoll, moküpu'ni făkătălzötă. atom, hănăhă'nă. attach, hötöpili, hötöpa'ă; (as for debt), hă'pă; (be enamored), pili ălo'hă. attack, (person), li'mă nu'i; (army), hö“ü'kă. attempt, hö“a“o. attend, (heed), hă“ölo'hă; (serve), mălă'mă, lă'wélă'wă; attend meeting, he'lă i kă hălă- Wăi. attention, (heed), hă“ölö'hă, nănă; (to study), ho'öndö; (civility), mali'ă: stand at atten- tion, kü măli'ă. attitude, ă'hă. attorney, lő'iă, ho'pă: attorney-general, 16'iă ktihină. attract, “u'mé. - attractive, făülii, meă hiăăi i'ă. auction, kükălă'. audience, (ke) ănăină. auditor, lu'nă hö“ö'iă. August, (month), Aüka'ké: (grand), hă'nö- hă'nö lö'ă. aunt, makuăhină hanaănă. Australia, Aukaküli'ă. authentic, “o'iai“ö. author, (source), kü'mă, meă hötökü'mă; (composer), meă hă'kü. authority, (official), mă'nă kăio'hă; (expert), meă “i'kă. authorize, hătămănă. autocracy, mă'nă hă“ökă'hi. autograph, hăpăpüli'mă. automatic, meă hă'nă nö'nă i'hö. automobile, 5kömopilă. Autumn, Ha“u'lălăă. auxiliary-badge 45 auxiliary, kokö“ölu'ă. avenue, (ke) alănăi ălze'ă. average, avéli'ké. aviation, lă'lă ă'nă. aviator, meă lă'lă. avocado pear, peă. avoid, ă'lă, lăünă “o'lă. await, kă'li, kăkă'li. awake, (sleepless), hiătă: to awake, ală; awake suddenly, puo'hă. award, (judgment), “öle'lă hă“öho'lö; (prize), makană. aware, hă“ömaöpö'pă. away, mă kă'hi 'é, a'kü: go away, he'lă pélă'. awful, wă'liwă'li. awhile, liălită iki. awkward, hă'măhemă. awning, (ke) ănini, lo'lă pală lă. ax, kö“ilipi. axis, i'hö. axle, paăpaékö'mă. babble, wălă“ăă. baby, pépé. bachelor, kănă'kă i ma'lă 'o'lă. back, ku'ă: to back, e“mi ku'ă: at the back, mă- ho'pă ată. - backbone, iviküămă“ö. backward, iho'pă; (slow), lölo'hi. bacon, pua“a ha'mă, “ită puata ăa'hi. bad, (sinful), “ină, kölö'hă; (worthless), wăi- wăi 'o'lă, măkăhe'wă; (decayed), pöpă'pă, pălăhö'. badge, hö“ăilo'nă. 46 bag–barber bag, fă'kă. baggage, ukă'nă. bail, (of bucket), ăă păkăkă; police bail, pe'lă: to bail water, kă. bait, măănă. bake, hö“ömo“ă “o'mă, hötö “o'mă. baker, kănă'kă pă'hi pala'oă. balance, köănă: to balance, kăălikă; (as ac- counts), hö“öhălikă. bald, “ohu'lă, ni'ă. bale, pă“o'lă nu'i; (as of hay), pütă'. ball, kinipöpö; cannonball, pökă'; (dance), (ke) ănăină hü'lăhü'lă. ballet, hălăhă'lă pă'kăpe'kă. balloon, pălu'nă. balloon-fish, '5“opühuă. ballot, pălo'kă. bamboo, 'o'hă. banana, măia. band, (girdle), (ke) apă; (company), hăi, făhăhăi; (group), potă; (musicians), ba'nă: to band, hăi. bandage, wăhi ă'hă. bank, (stream), kăpă; (earth), ahu'ă; (fi- nance), banăkö'. bankrupt, panăkălu'pă. banner, haă. banquet, făhă“aină hă“öhă'nöhă'nă. baptism, papekikö. bar, ăăkă, păükü'; (saloon), păkaükaă; (in court), pă; (lawyers), pă'pă 16'iă; (har- bor), wă'hi păpătă; (obstruction), pală: to bar, pă'ni, pată. barbarous, hihi'ă, hüpö; (cruel). lökö“ină. barber, kănă'kă ă'kö lăuöhö. bare–be 47 bare, (empty), nă'ö; (naked), “ölo'hălo'hă, kö- hănă; bare reef, küăăă, köhă'lă; (mere), wală nö. bargain, (good), măkăpo'nă; (bad), pöhö'; to bargain, kü“ăi. bark, (tree), i'li; (dog), ăăă; (vessel), kiăpă'. barn, halăpăpătă, hală holöhölo'nă. barnacle, pio“éo“ă. barracks, hală no'hă koă. barracuda, kăkü. barrel, pa'hă păle'lă. barren, (of animals), pă; (of land), păno'ă; (of tree), hu'ă 'o'lă. barrier, păKü, meă kétăkă“ă. base, (foundation), kü'mă, kăhă'ă: (vile), haă- mi'ă: baseball, kinipöpö. bashful, hi'lăhilă. basin, (hand), pă ki'ni; (land), pö'hö “ăină; (pond), lököwăi. basis, mă lă, kă'mă. basket, i'é, paiki. bat, (mammal), “öpetă petă; bat for ball, lă“ăă kinipöpö. bath, bathe, “autaă. batter, (baseball), meă hi'li kinipópö; (cake), mea“önö mo“ă “o'lă. battery, hăină pükünia'hi; (electric), mikini hă'nă ivilă. battle, hö“ü'kă kăăă. battleship, mo'kăkăăă, manăwă'. bay, ku'o'nă, kăiku'önö. bayonet, “ălăăăki'. bazaar, hală kütăi, făă. be, hé (see p. 24) 48 beach-beg beach, (wash of waves), aăkăi; sand beach, kă'hă o'nă; (shore), kăhăkăi. beacon, lă'mă. bead, hu'ă a'nia'ni, püpü léi. beak, nă'kă, nă'kă mă'nă. beam, kao'lă; (breadth), lăülă'; (light), kü- kü'nă: (to shine), mălămălă'mă. bean, păpă'pă. bear, peă: to bear, (reproduce), hănaă, hă“ö- hu'ă; (carry), hăă'wé; (support), kö“ö; (endure), ăhönu'i. beard, “ü'mi“ü'mi. bearer, (carrier), meă lawă; (messenger), “ălă'lă. bearing, (mien), “ănă; (of ship), hö“ăilo'nă nănă. beast, holöhölo'nă. beat, (patrolman's), făpănă: (to strike), ha- hai, pepe'hi; (vanquish), lănăkilă; beat to windward, hötöpitipii. beauty, beautiful, nă'ni. because, nö kă meă; (since), “oiai. beckon, (with head), kunöă; (with hand), pe- “a'hi. become, (befit), köhăpo'nă, küponö; (come to be), li'lă. bed, moă, pelă moé; flower-bed, mă'lă pu'ă; (as of river), köwă': bedroom, lă'mi moé. bee, nalöme'li. beef, itö pipi. beer, pi'ă. beetle, pă“ă. before, mămu'ă, imu'ă o ké ală. beg, măki'lă; (entreat), köi ikăikă; (request), noi. begin-beyond 49 begin, hö“ökü'mă; (start), hö“ömă'kă. behalf, (sake), po'nö; (for), nö. behave, no'hö po'nă, no'hă măli'é. behind, iho'pă, măho'pă, mă ké ku'ă. being, (human), kănă'kă; (viable), meă o'lă. belief, believe, mănă“öi“ö: (trust), hilină“i. bell, pe'le. bellow, “üwö'. bellows, “üpămaka'ni. belly, “öpü'. belong, pili i'ă, nă, nö. beloved, meă ălo'hă. below, mălală, ila'lö. belt, küă'pă, kătăi. bench, (seat), no'hă löti'hi; (work), păpă hă'nă. bend, pelă, pită: to bend, pelă, hötökekétă; bend knee, küku'li; bend neck, külöă. beneath, mălalö. benefactor, meă lokomăikă“i, maku'ă. benefit, po'nă, pömaika“i. bent, (tendency), akă o kă năăă; (bias), pate'- wă'ewă: (crooked), kăpăkă'hi; (folded), pelăi'ă, lăkătă. berry, hu'ă li“ilii. beside, mă kă ăăăă; beside the mark, halăhi'; beside oneself, hehe'nă. besiege, hö“öpă'ni. best, “oi lö'a, măikăi lö'ă. bet, pili, piliwăiwăi. betray, kümakaiă. better, măikă“i a“ă. between, măwaănă, iwaénă. beware, ălcăhă'lă, mălă'mă. - r as beyond, măö a'kă, iő a'kă. 50 bias–blight bias, hi5'; (diagonal), lă'lă. Bible, Kă Pă'lăpălă Hemölă'lă. bicycle, paikikală, kătă he'hi wăwa'ă. bid, (order), kăüo'hă, kénă'; (at auction), kö'- hö. big, nu'i, nunu'i. bill, pilă, pălăpălă; (beak), năkă mănă. bind, pută', năkiti; (as books), hămăhămă. bird, mănă. birth, hănaă. birthday, lă hănaă. biscuit, pele'nă. bishop, piho'pă. bit, hănăhănă, hăki'nă; drill bit, năö wili; bridle bit, hăö. bite, na'hă; (nip, insect bite), ă'ki. bitter, mătămătă, tă'wătă'wă. black, ă'lă“ă'lă. blacksmith, (ke) ămă'lă. bladder, Öpă mimi, pă“ă mi'mi. blade, (as of knife), mă'kă; grass blade, lăă. blame, “ahă'wă: to blame, hö“ahe'wă. blank, hă'kăhă'kă. blanket, hălăhă'lă, kă'pă hălăhă'lă. blast, (explode), hö“öpahü'; (wither), măă. blaze, lă'pă a'hi: to blaze, ata'. bleach, hă“öké“öké“ö; bleach clothes, hötöhăă. bleed, (lose blood), kăhăkă'kö; (extract blood), hö“ökă'hă kö'kö. blend, hăipü', kăwili pü. bless, hötöpömaika“i. blessing, pămaika“i. blight, kăkă'nă, pönală: (to wither), măă, mi- mină; (frustrate), hăăhokă. blind–bolt - 51 blind, (in one eye), măkăpă“ă; (wholly), mă- kăpö'. blister, “olöpü'. block, păükü'; (pulley), pala'kă hită: to block, păpă'ni a pa“ă, ké“ăkă“ă. blond, (ke) o'hă hălcăăkéă. blood, kö'kö. bloom, blossom, pu'ă: to bloom, mohală. blot, hăpală, kö'hă: to blot, pă“ă'lă, hötöhăpă- lă; remove blot, holoi a na'lö. blotter, pă'pă 'o'mă inikă. blouse, pala'kă, pălăuki, lake'kă. blow, haăă, kăi: to blow, pă'hi; (pant), păü- păăă'hö; (as the nose), hötöké'. blow-hole, (ke) pă'hi. blue, polu”, uliu'li. bluff, pali, nă“ü: (gruff), “okă'lăkă'lă: to bluff, hö“ă“ă'nö. blunt, (as a tool), “oi “o'lă, kümümü; (abrupt), okă'lăkă'lă. blush, piti kă 'u'lă. boar, puata ka'nă. board, păpă; (food), făi: to board, (feed), hănăi: (go on board), ăă. boast, kăénă, ăkănă; boast and strut, liki. boat, mo'kă; rowboat, wătăpă; steamboat, mo- kua'hi. body, ki'nö. boil, mă“i héhé: to boil, pailă, kü'pă. boiler, ipă ma'hă. boisterous, hăăwalăăă; (stormy), inö nu'i, küpi'kipi'ki'6'. bold, ă“ă, wiwo'o'lă. bolt, măki'ă; (of cloth), ăpă': to bolt, (fasten), hö“öpătă; (flee), măhu'kă. 52 bomb–bowels bomb, pökă păhü'. bond, po'na, pălăpălă hă“öpătă. bondsman, ho'pă mă kă po'nă. bone, i'wi. bone-fish, “oti'ö. bonito, (ke) ă'kă. booby, loie'lă; (gannet), ă. book, pu'kă. bookkeeper, kupakăkă. boom, (in river), (ke) pă'ni; (of sail), pü'mi; (noise), kă'ni; market boom, piti'nă o ké kümükü“ăi. boot, kămă“ă puki: to boot, pă'kü. border, kă“ă, pale'nă, lihi. bore, (to drill), wili, hoă; (to weary), hă“öulă- hu'ă: bored, hăihăi “o'lă. borrow, nonoi nö kă mănă'wă. bosom, po'li. boss, hă'kă hă'nă, lună: to boss, no'hă hăkă. bossy, hö“öhă'kă. both, nă meă elu'ă; laúă elu'ă. bother, hötöpiliki'ă. bottle, “ömo'lă; (gourd), hăăwăi. bottom, kö la'lă lö'ă, păpăkü', kă'hi mălalö: (rump), lă'mă. bough, lălă. bound, lă'lă; (limit), kăüpale'nă. boundary, pale'nă. bouquet, poké pu'ă. bow, (of ship), i'hă; (salute), kunöă: to bow, kunöă. bow, (weapon), pănă; cress-bow, kăkăkă; (ribbon), pö; rainbow, (ke) ânu'énuă: (to curve), pită. bowels, nă“ăă, ăhă. bowl–bride 53 bowl, polă: to bowl, folökătă “olöhü'. box, pahă: to spar, pălépălé', mă'Kömökö. boy, keiki, keikika'nă: boys, kămălii kană. brace, kö“ö. » bracelet, küpătă limă, (ke) apălimă. braid, hi'lö: to braid, ulă'nă, hi'li, hilö. brain, lölö. brake, pălă'ki, meă hötöpătă. branch, lălă: to branch, mănămănă. brand, hötăilo'nă pă“i; to brand, kü'ni, hö“ăi- lo'nă. - brandy, pala'ni. brass, kéléă'wă. brave, koă, wiwo'o'lă. brawl, hăkăkă', hăünaélé. bread, pala'oă. breadfruit, “ilă. breadth, lăülă', (ke) ăKe'ă. break, (to fracture), uhă'ki, hăi; (demolish), wăwa'hi; (sever), mo'kă; (as waves), po- pă“i; break open, kipö'; (shatter), “ulüpă”; (as glass), năhă'; (tame), hötölă'kălă'kă; (rend), haéhaé; (as day), wă'hăwă'hă. breaker, po“ină na'lă; (high surf), kăiköö'. breakfast, “ăină kakăhiă'kă. breast, u, umăumă, wăiü': to breast, paiă. breath, hă'nă, (ke) ahö, (ke) éă. breathe, hă'nă, hă. breed, (reproduce), hănăă; (spread), hö“ölă'- hă; (arouse), hö“ü'lu. breeze, a'héa'hă, maka'ni a'nia'ni. brethren, nă hoăhănăü. bribe, kipe. brick, ăwinihă'pă. bride, wăhină mală hoă. 54 bridge-bud bridge, ăapă; (as of nose), i'wi. bridle, kăülăwă'hă: (to restrain), kaohi. brief, pălăpălă hötăkăkă: (short), poko'lă. bright, (brilliant), “owă“owă'kă; (shining), hă- lă'li; (as moon), könă'nă; (clever), holö- mu'ă lö'ă. brim, brink, kă“ă, niaă, kă'pă. bring, hömăi, la'wă măi; prefix i- as in iwăi, “bring water.” British, Péléka'né. brittle, hă'kihă'ki wală, pă“ăpătă“ină. broad, lăülă', ăkeă. broadcast, “öle'lö hö“ölăüla'hă. broil, hăünaălă: to broil on coals, köălă; (broil undressed), püle'hă; (broil in leaves), lawală. broken, hă'ki, năhă'. broker, ălcă'nă. broom, pülu'mi. brother, hoăhănăă ka'nă; older brother, kăi- küată'nă; younger brother, kăikăină; bro- ther of sister, kăikună'nă. brow, laă; eyebrow, kătămă'kă; (brink), kă“ă. brown, uliu'li, hă“ălă“ă'lă. brownie, menéhü'nă. bruise, pălăpü': to bruise, hötă'hă. brunette, hău'li. brush, pala'ki: to brush, kahili, pülumi. brute, (beast), holăhălo'nă; (human), kănă'kă lökö“ină. bubble, hătă, hăăhăă. bucket, păKéké. buckle, pi'hipi'hi: to buckle, hötöpătă. bud, (flower), '6pută: leaf-bud, (formation), mă'ö; (opening), likă, Buddhist-bus 55 Buddhist, Bu'dă, Hötömănă Képăni'. budget, pilă hăăwină; (as of news), pü“o'lă: to budget, hö“ölălă i kă hă“ölilö ă'nă. bug, pă“ă, tă'kă, mü; bedbug, “ükü li'ö. bugle, pü kéléă'wă. build, (as house), küku'lă; (as ship), kăpili. building, hală. bulb, hu'ă kănă; (electric), (ke) a'nia'ni kü- ku'i. bulk, nu'i, hapănui. bulkhead, păkü. bull, pipi ka'nă. bullet, păkă'. bulletin, pălăpălă hö“ölă'hă. bully, hötömatăü. bulwark, palékăi. bump, pă“ü: to bump, hötökăi. bumper, pală hăilă. bunch, (as grapes), huhu'i; (as bananas), “ăhui. bundle, pă“olö, (ke) 'o'pă; (sheaf), pütă'; bun- dle of poi, pati'ăi. bunk, wa'hi moă; (bosh), '6pă'lă. buoy, poé; (float), mo'ăo. buoyant, lă'nă. burden, hăă'wă, ukănă hă'li: to burden, hă- “ökăümă'hă. bureau, (office), oihănă, măhe'lă; pahă“umă. burial, bury, kă'nă: (funeral), hötölă'wa. burn, wă'lă a hi: to burn, “a, hotă', kăni; (scorch), papătă; (destroy by fire), pă'hi i ké a'hi. burr, huă kălăkă'lă. burst, păhü', păhă'. bus, kă“ă 'ohu'ă. 56 bush-calm bush, laălă“ăă, lăăă hătăhătă. business, “oihănă. busy, pată i kă hă'nă. but, (otherwise), akă”; (furthermore), eiă nă“é; (except), köă nă“ă; (only), wală nő. butcher, meă lo'lă pipi. butter, wăiüpă'kă. butterfly, pülălăhu'ă, lepălepăohină. butterfly-fish kikakapă. buttocks, lă'mă. button, pi'hi. buy, kü“ăi măi. - by, e, mă: by and by, mămu'li, kokö'kă, ma- ho'pă. . - C cabbage, kăpi'ki. cabin, keă'nă mo'kă, püpă'pă ha'le. cabinet, (political), pă'pă kuhină; (case), pa'- hü waiho'nă. cable, kăilă nunu'i; (anchor chain), kăülăhaă heléu'mă; telegraph cable, ăwe'ă kélékălă'- Ild, cactus, păpipi, pănini. cafe, hală făină. cage, wă'hi hötöpă“ăhaă; bird-cage, pa'hă mă'- nă. cake, meă“önö. - calabash, “umă'ké; water gourd, hăăwăi. calendar, ălămăna'kă. calf, pipi keiki; (of leg), 'o'lă'o'lă wăwaă. California, Kalăpo'ni. call, kăhăă; (name), kă'pă; (visit), kipă. calm, măli'ă, lă“i; dead calm, p5'hă: to calm, s! - hötömăli'ăli'ă, hötönă'. camera-card 57 camera, pa'hă pă“i ki“i. camouflage, hö“öpă'épé“é. camp, wă'hi hö“ömoă'nă: to camp, hötömoă'nă. campaign, (political), păipăi kalăi“ăină. can, ki'ni: (be able), hiki; to can, hă“ökö'mă ilo'kö o ke ki'ni. Canada, Kanaka. canal, ăăwă'hă, ăăwăi. cancel, hö“öpăü. cancer, mă“i “a“ăi. candidate, mö'hö. candle, i'hăihă. candle-nut, hu'a küku'i. candy, kănăké', kö 'o'mă“o'mö. cane, kö“ökötö; sugar-cane, kö. cannery, ha'lă hă“ökö'mö ki'ni; pineapple can- nery, ha'lă hă'nă halăkahiki. cannibalism, tăi kănă'kă. cannon, pukünia'hi. canoe, wă“ă. canvas, kăpolă'nă; (sails), nă pă“ă. canvass, (for funds), noi; (for votes), păipăi. cap, păpalékă'pă. capable, măkăükăă. cape, (headland), laă; (garment), kihei, kö- lo'kă; feathered cape, “ahă“ü'lă. capital, (money), kămăpătă; (seat of govern- ment), kapika'lă. captain, kăpănă. captive, pi'ö. ş capture, hö'pă, lăwăpi'ö. car, kătă; railroad car, kătă alăhaă. carbon, tită o kă nană'hă. card, pă'pă inöă; cardboard, pă'pă mănoănoă; 58 care–Catholic (playing), pă'pă hahaă; (business), pălă- pălă hö'ölăhă. care, mălă'mă ana: to care, mană“ö nu'i; care for, mălă'mă, kiăi; be careful, ăkăhă'lă. career, “oihă'nă. careless, kăpălă, hö“öhemăhemă. cargo, ukă'nă. carnation, ponimöi'. carnival, făă. - carpenter, kămănă'. carpet, moénă wéléwă'kă. carriage, kătă; (the act), hă'li ă'nă. carry, la'wă, hă'li, hă'lihali, hăpai, 'a'wă (ob- solete) ; (on shoulder), ăăă'mö, ă'mö (ar- chaic); (with yoke), făüă'mă; (on back), hăă'wă, wa'hă (archaic); (as a child in arms), hii; (in hands), kăikăi, lawă; (on stick between two), köi, kă“ikă“i; (as corpse), hö“ölă'wă. - cart, kătă la'wă ukă'nă, kătă kăüwö'. carve, (as meat), 'o'ki'o'ki; (as wood), kalăi. case, pahü, wăhi'; court case, hihi'ă. cash, kălă küi'ke. cashier, meă mălă'mă kălă. cast, (throw), kiő'lă, hö“öléi, nöă; cast for fish, kămököi; (as metal), hö“öhehăă. castaway, n., '5lu'lö. caste, külă'nă iwaènă o kănă'kă. castle, kăkă'lă. cat, popă'ki, 6waii. catalog, (of names), pă'pă inöă; (of goods), pu'kă meă kü“ăi. catch, hă'pă, făpă: (as a cold), löaa. caterpillar, pă“ălu'ă, enăhă. Catholic, Käkölikă, ăkeă wală, pili lăülă'. cattle-challenge 59 cattle, pipi. cause, kü'mă; (in law), hihi'ă: to cause, hö“ö- kü'mă. caution, (ke) ăkăhélé: to caution, ă“ö. cavalla or pompano, (large size), uluă; (me- dium), pă“utu; (small), păpi'öpi'ö. cavalry, koă kăü li'ö. cave, (ke) ă'nă, lu'ă. cease, o'ki, hö“o'ki, hötöpăü; (stop !), “uö'ki! ceiling, pă'pă pală. celebrate, hö“ökülăiă. celebrity, meă kăülă'nă. cell, (room), lă'mi haiki; (cavity), pukăpu'kă. cellar, keă'nă măla'lö o kă hală. cement, (mortar), pună pöhakă, (gum), pi- la'li; to cement, hötöpipili. cemetery, ilină, pă ili'nă. censer, ipükü'ni tă'lă. censor, lună făpo'nö. censure, “6le'lö hö“ahe'wă. census, păpăhă'lă kă'năkă. cent, kănă'kă. center, kiköwaănă, waănăko'nă. centipede, kănăpi'. century, kénékuli'ă, hăne'li măkăhi'ki. ceremony, hă'nă hötöhă'nöhă'nă. certain, (sure), maopă'pă lö'ă; (some), kekă'hi. certainly, i'ă; (in response), aă nö pa'hă, pălă' i“ö nö, pélă nö. certificate, pălăpălă hö“ö'iă, chain, kăülăhaă. chair, no'hă. chairman, lunăhötömală. chalk, pö'hö. challenge, ă“ă 60 chamber–check chamber, kee'nă, lă'mi; (association), ă'hă, “ă'hăhăi; chamber of gun, (ke) apă. champion, pă“öke'lă. chance, (opportunity), wă küpo'nö; (happen- ing), meă uli'ă wală. change, lö'li; small change, kenike'ni li“ili“i: to change, lă'li, hă“ölö'li; change appearance, hötănă“é; (become), lilö; (exchange), kü- ă'pă; change form, hă“ömălălă; change money, wăwa'hi kălă. - channel, köwă'. - chant, (recite), o'li; chant and dance, hă'lă. chapel, haléhălăwăi hö“ömănă. chapter, moku'nă. character, (ke) ă'nă, tănă maoli; (symbol), hö“ăilo'nă. charcoal, nănă'hü, lănă'hü. charge, (command), kăüo'hă; charge a debt, kăki, hötăi“e”; (accuse), hötöpii; charge a gun, hötöpi'hă; (in battle), hö“ü'kă. charity, manawăle“ă, ălo'hă. charm, “onöă; (trinket), meă hötöhi'wăhi'wă: (to delight), hö“ölă“ălătă: charming, nă'ni. chart, (diagram), pălăpălă hö“ikă; (map), pălăpă'lă făină. chase, alăală, hăhăi. chaste, ma'émată, haumi'ă 'o'lă. chat, kămă“ili'ö hö“önănă'ă. chatter, wălă“ăü. chauffeur, kalăiwă, kalăiwă kătă. cheap, măképo'nă, emi. cheat, apă'kă, kikiki. check, (draft), pilă kikötö kălă; (pattern), pă- pămü': to check, kétăkătă, kaohi; (as list), kă'hă. checkers-cigar 61 checkers, könă'nă, păpămü'. cheek, păpălină. i - cheer, hăăto'li: (to gladden),hötöhăihöi; (en- courage), păipăi; (hurrah), hülö'. cheerful, o'hăo'hă, hăihăi. cheese, wăiüpăkăpă“ă. chemical, wăi lătăă. chemistry, păi lăăă, hötöhăihăi lătăă. chest, umaumă, kă“ăpă“ă: (box), pa'hă nu'i. chew, năă; chew the cud, hötölüălăăi. chicken, (fowl), moă; (chick), moă keiki. chief, ălii; (head man), (ke) pă“ă. child, keiki, kă'mă: children, kămăli“i. chill, (cold and damp), kötăkătă, hăihăi; (shivering), hă“ükăkă; (cramps), “öpili; chills and fever, li mé kă wă'lă. chimney, pu'kă üahi. chin, ăăwaă. - China, (country), Ki'na; (people), Pă'ké'; (crockery), pă. - chisel, ki'lă. chocolate, kököle'kă. choice, meă kö'hö, wae: (exquisite), mi'limi'li. choir, pă'pă himeni. choke, (throttle), “u'mi, “u'u'mi; (from food), pu“u'ă, lăöwă. * choose, kö'hö, waă. - chop, pokăpokă: to chop firewood, kăkă; (fell), kü'ă; chop up, “o'ki'o'ki. Christian, Kalikiă'nă. Christian Science, Hö“ömă'nă Nă“ăiaă. Christmas, Kalikimă'kă. church, (building), luăki'ni, halăpu'lă; (organ- ization), ekalăsi'ă. cigar, kikă'. 62 cigarette-climate cigarette, kikăliki. circle, pötăi; (of friends), pöhăi. circuit, kă“ăpă'ai. circulate, (as blood), lă'nă; (publish), hötö- lă'hă; (move around), ho'lă kătăpăni. circumcise, “okipoépoă. circumstance, (ke) tă'nö: . circumstances, kü- lă'nă. circus, hă'nă kéă'kă. citizen, kü'pă, mălcă“ăinănă. city, külănăkăüha'lă. civil, (polite), tănă “o'lăto'lă, wăipăhé”; (civic), kiwi'lă. civilization, mălă'mălă'mă o kă lăhui. claim, küleă'nă: to claim, köi. clam, '6lă'pă. clan, “ohană. clap, (as hands), pă“ipă“i; (as of thunder), kii“i. clasp, (as hands), apă; (embrace), püliki. class, păpă, kălă'nă. clause, (paragraph), păükü pălăpălă; (of sen- tence), mămă'lă o kă höpună“öle'lö oko'ă. claw, mikiaă. clay, pălö'lö. clean, ma“ămată: (to weed), waălă: (cleanse), hö“ömă“émătă, (purify), hăikă'lă. clear, moakăkă, maopă'pă; (as water), taiati; (as weather), măli'ă: (to free), hötöpăkă'lă, hă“ökătă; (to clarify), wă'hă. clerk, (secretary), kakăă“ölelă; (salesman), meă kü“ăi. clever, ăkămai, notăaă. cliff, pa'li. climate, (ke) 'a'nă o kă ăă o kă ăină. climb-coconut 63 climb, (ascend), piti; (as a tree), pînă'nă. clip, meă hötöpă'ă; “umi“i: to clip, ă'kö. clipper, mokülă'lă. cloak, kölo'kă; (feathered), ahă“ălă: to cloak, u'hi. clock, ăwaki nu'i. close, (tight), pată; (stingy), pi; (sultry), iki- i'ki: to close, (shut), pă'ni; (cover), poti; (terminate), hötöpăă: (near), ă'nă likă, kokö'kă, pi'li. closet, waiho'nă. cloth, lo'lé. clothe, hă“ökö'mă lo'lă, hötă“ă'hă: clothes, lo'lă ko'mă, tătăhă. cloud, ăö; to cloud over, hötömă'lümă'lă. club, (weapon), ne'wă; (social), kălă'pă, făhă- hăi. clumsy, he'măhe'mă, hăwăwă”; (lumbering), pepă'éku'é. cluster, hăihăi. clutch, tă'pă. coach, kătă; (tutor), kü'mă: to coach, ă“ö. coal, nănă'hă pikimă'nă. coarse, (as material), mănoănoă, öpă ăpătă; (uncultured), kuă“ăina. coast, kăpăkăi: to coast, (toboggan), hé“ého- lu'ă. coat, kăkă; coat of arms, hö'ăilo'nă nö ké kü- lă'nă; (as of paint), hö“ökă'hi ha'mă ă'nă. cobweb, pünawă'lăwă'lă. cock, moă kană: cock the gun, hötală i ké kikö. cockroach, ălălü'. cocktail, meă i'nă i awi'li i'ă. coconut, ni'ă; coconut palm, kă'mă ni'ă. 64 code-comic code, (legal), pu'kă kânăwăi; (secret), kakă. coffee, ko'pă. - coffin, pa'hă küpăpată. coil, “öwili. coin, kălă pată. coition, ăi. cold, coldness, (ke) a nă; (a chill), li; cold in head, puni'ă: (chilly), anüană, hă“ihă“i; (reserved), laúlaănă “o'lă. collar, tă“i kă'lă. collect, (assemble), hö“akoăkoă, hö“a'hă; (glean), noii; collect taxes, 'o'hi. collection, höta'hă ă'nă, hö“i'lii'li ă'nă; (heap), ahu'ă. collector, meă 'o'hi; (tax), lună auhăă; (cus- toms), lu'nă “o'hi du'tă. college, ku'lă nu'i. collision, hötökăi. colonel, köne'lă, kolone'lă. colony, panălă“ăă. color, hö“ölă“ă, wăi hö“ölă“ă; (stain), kö'hă. colorless, “atia“i. column, kölă'mă, kia nu'i; (as of figures), lăla'ni. comb, kă'hi; hair-comb, kă'hi lăăö'hă. combat, hö“ü'kă kăüă, hăkăkă'. combine, hă'i pü, hötöhăi; (cooperate), ală pü. - come, he'lă măi; (approach), hötökoköké. Come! Măi! comet, höküwe'löwe'lă. comfort, comfortable, 'o'lă'o'lă, mahă: to com- fort, hötö'lă“ö'lă. comic, hö“ömăkătă'kă, hötă kătă'kă. command–compel 65 command, kăio'hă: to command, kăio'hă, ke- mă'. commander-in-chief, ălihikăită. commence, hötömă'kă, hă“ökü'mă. commencement, (graduations), pu'kă. commend, “ăpo'nă, hö“apo'nă. - comment, tolelă wă'hăwă'hă; (criticism), löi- löi. commerce, oihănă kălă'pă. commission, (warrant), pălăpălă hötökö'; (pay), tă'kă nö ké kütăi ănă: to commis- sion, hötököhă, hötămănă. - commissioner, kömiki'nă, “ălă'lă aăpu'ni, lună aăpu'ni. commit, (do), hă'nă; (consign), hă“öili; (to memory), hă“öpătă năăă; (to prison), hă- “öpătăhaă. committee, kömită. common, pi'li likă; common report, lăüla'hă; common sight, măă; common sense, no- “önotă po'nö, (ke) ăă kănă'kă. comnnonwealth, aăpu'ni măkă“ăină'nă. commotion, pitölo'kă. communicate, hăti mană“ă. community, po'é. compact, (agreement), “öle'lă aă likă; lady's compact, hă'önă'nină'ni: (condensed), pată, pa“ăpü. companion, hoă. company, măă hoă; (association), hăi, ăhă- hăi; military company, pă“ăli koă. compare, hötöhăli'kă. comparison, hă“öhălikă ă'nă. compass, pănănă. compel, kăi, hă“ökiki'nă. 66 compete-conduct compete, hö“ökükü. competent, makăükăă. complain, hă“öhalăhală; (grumble), “ohu'mă. complaint, (bodily), mă“i; (legal), kü'mă hă- “öpii. complete, păü po'nă: to complete, hötökö po'- nö, pată po'nă. - complex, pohihihi complexion, (ke) fă'nö o kă i'li kănă'kă. complicate, hötöhihi'ă, hă“öhăikaă. compliment, “5le lö măhă'lö. comply, aă akă. compose, hă'kă; (to quiet), hötömă“ălili. compound, hötöhü'i, kătăwili pü. comprehend, hă“ömaöpăpă. compromise, aă likă. comrade, hoă. conceal, hünă”; conceal self, pă'é; conceal corpse, hünăkă'lă. conceited, hötökă'nă, hötoi“oi, hötöiö. conceive, (physically), hăpăi; (mentally), hö- “ü'lă i kă mană“ö. concern, (interest), küleănă, po'nă; (business), “oihă'nă: to concern, pili: concerned, pili- huă: concerning, nö. concert, ă'hă me'lă: act in concert, a'lă likă. conclude, (close), hötö'ki; (as a treaty), hö- “öho'lö. conclusion, hopă'nă, pănină mană“ă. concrete, kămă'ki: (not abstract), kuăpă'pă. condemn, hö“ahe'wă. condescend, hă“öhă“ăhă“ă akă, mali'i măi. condition, (state), “ănă; (terms), kânăwăi. conduct, fă'nö o kă hă'nă ă'nă: to conduct (lead), alăkă“i; (direct), hötöké'lă. confer–consider * 67 confer, (give), hăă'wi; (converse), kükă pü. conference, ă'hă kükă, (church), ă'hă nu'i, hăi nu'i. confess, mi'hi. confide, wă'hăwă'hă mană“ö. confidential, (trustworthy), păülă'lă i'ă, hilină“i i'ă; (secret), meă hünă'. confine, (boundary), pale'nă: to confine, hö- “öpătă. confirm, (ratify), hötö'iă; (strengthen), hötö- kupă“ă. - conflict, hăkăkă', paiö: to conflict, kü'e'. conform, hötökulikă, külikă. confound, hötökăhu'li. confuse, hăikăă, hă“öhilikăi. confusion, (tumult), hăănaălă, pi'ălo'kă; (dis- order), hăikăă. congenial, kö'hă, “o'lăto'lă. congratulate, congratulation, măhă'lă. congregate, ălcöăköă, hăi. congregation, (ke) ănăină pulă. Congregationalist, Kalăwină. congress, ăhă“öle'lö lăhu'i; Congress of U. S. A., “A'hă Kăükănăwăi o Amelikă Hüipüi'ă. connect, hötöhăi. connection, pili ă'nă. conquer, lănăki'lă, lawă pi'ă. conqueror, nati. conscience, lună“ikăhă'lă. conscious, i'kă maopă'pă. consecrate, hötölă:ă. consent, aă. consequence, hopănă. consequently, nolăilă. consider, no“önotă. 68 consideration-continue consideration, mali'ă ănă; (pay), ukü. consign, hö“öili. consignment, wăiwăi i hötöilii'ă. consist, hö“öhü'i, hăii'ă. consistent, küpă“ă. console, hö“ö'lă“ölă, hö“önă'. consolidate, hă“öhăi a hă“öpă'ă. conspicuous, (visible), ahăwălă; (distin- guished), hă'nöhă'nă. conspire, “ohu'mii. constant, (firm), küpătă; (continuous), kümăă, măü. constitute, (appoint), hötökö'hă; (compose), hö“öli'lö. constitution, (laws), kümükănăwăi; (body), (ke) o'lă ki'nă. constrain, (impel), köi; (restrain), kaohi. construct, küku'lă. construe, wă'hăwă'hă “öle'lă. consul, kanikă'lă. consult, kükă pü. consume, (use up), hötöpăă; (destroy), lükü; (eat), “ăi. consumption, hă“öpăă ănă; (T. B.), mă“i hökii. contact, hă“öpili ă'nă: to contact, hă'i pü. contain, pată külo'kö, pată ilo'kö. contemplate, no“önotă. contemporary, o'lă likă. contempt, hötöwăhăwăha'. contend, “ă“ü'mă“ü'mă. content, “o'lăto'lă, luană. contention, paiő. continent, mâhelă făină nu'i. continual, măă. continue, hă'ömăă. Contract–COre 69 contract, aă likă, ukăpăă: to contract, (agree upon), hötöho'lă; (shrink), mimiki; (as disease), löa“a. contraction, hötöpokö'lă ă'nă. contradict, hötökă“ikăi '5le'lö. contrary, (opposed), kü“é'; (stubborn), pată- kiki”. contrast, liké 'o'lă, ă'nö okotă: to contrast, hö“ökükü. ă contribute, hăă'wi, hötökăpă; (charitably), hăă'wi manawăle“a. control, kaohi pată. controversy, hă“öpă“ăpătă. convene, hö“ălcoăkoă. convenient, makăükăă, küpo'nă. convention, “ă'hă, ă'hăhăi. converse, kămă“ili'ö pü. conversion, lö'li ă'nă, hü'li ă'nă. convert, hötöhü'li mană“ö; (transmute), hötö- lö'li. - convey, (carry), la'wă; convey property, hö- “5li'lö. convict, pa'ăhaö: to convict, “ahă'wă. convince, hă“ömaopă'pă, hötö'iaită. cook, kü'kă: to cook, kü'kă, hă“ömotă. cool, hăihăi: to cool, hötömătălili. cooperate, ală. cooperation, lăüli'mă. copper, kéléă'wă. copy, ko'pă, meă li'ké: to copy, kakăă ko'pă. coral, făkătăkătă; coral-rock, pună; coral-reef, püko“ă. - cord, kăülă litilii; (of wood), pailă wăhie. cordial, (manner), pümaha'nă, hötö'lătö'lă. core, hă'kă; breadfruit core, pikoi. 70 cork-course cork, “ümoki. corn, külină. corner, hăină; (outer), ki'hi; (inner), kü'o'nö. coronation, po'ni möi'. corporal, köpală: (bodily), pili i ké ki'nö. corporation, hăi; (protruding abdomen), ké- ké. corps, po'ă, păpă. corpse, küpăpa“ă. correct, pololei, po'nă: to correct, hö“öpölolăi. correspond, (write), kakăü lă'kă; (agree), kö'- hii. corrupt, (depraved), haămi'ă: (to bribe), kipé. cosmetic, meă hö“öuiu“i. cost, kümükü'ăi: to cost, hötöli'lö. costly, nu'i kă lilö. cot, moă 'o'pi'o'pi. cottage, hală “uukă. cotton, pălăpălă. couch, (movable), pünă'ă; (fixed), hikiăă. cough, kü'nă. council, ăhă kükă; privy-council, ăhă kükă malii'. counsel, (lawyer), lö'iö; (advice), '5lelöăă. countenance, helăhăle'nă. count, he'lă. counter, (in store), păkaăkaă; (in games), hö“ăilo'nă. counterfeit, hă'öhălikă kölöhă, kălă apălcă. country, paă'ăină; (rural parts), kuăăină. county, kălă'nă. couple, păpăluă: to couple, hăi pălu'ă. courage, wiwo'o'lă. course, (ke) a lă, moă ănă; (of time), (ke) aă; watercourse, ăăwăi, kăhăwăi. court-credit 71 court, pă; law-court, făhă hötökölökölö; (of house), păhală; royal court, po'é o ké ală ăli“i. courteous, lăületă, ă'nö 'o'lă'o'lă. courtesy, külă'nă wăipăhe'. cousin, hoăhănăü. cover, (lid), (ke) pă'ni, (ke) poti; (cloth), u'hi. covet, kükö, “alü'nă. cow, pipi wăhiné. coward, hohe wală, makă“ü wală. cowboy, paniolă. cowherd, kă'hă pipi. cowrie, lehă. crab, papa“i; rock-crab, “ă“amă; sand-crab, “ohi'ki. crack, (small), nakăkă; (large), 'owa“owă', mawaé: to crack, “owă'. cracker, (food), pele'nă; (firework), hö“öpă- hupăhü'. craft, (trade), “oihă'nă hănălimă; (boat), mo'- kü li“ilii; (cunning), mă“ăleă. cramp, “opili, ma'été'lă. crash, hö“ökăi. crater, luăpă'lă. crave, liă, fii'ni; (beseech), noi hătăhăă. crawl, kö'lö. crayfish, crawfish, ulă, ulă papă'pă. crazy, püpu'lé. cream, kălimă wăiü': ice-cream, hăükali'mă. create, hă“ökă'mă: The Creator, Ké Akă'ă. creature, meă o'lă. credentials, pălăpălă hö'apo'nă. credit, (honor), kü'mă măhă'lă; trade credit, hö“ăi'é”: to credit, hilină“i. 72 creed–cucumber creed, kü'mă mană“öi“ö. creek, kăikütö'nö; (stream), kăhăwăi, muliwăi. creep, (crawl), kö'lă; (go secretly), hötömö'- hö. - crest, pikö; family crest, hö“ăilo'nă küăühă crew, poté lui'nă. cricket, “uhini. crime, kalăimă. cripple, '6“ö'pă. crisis, lö'li ă'nă. criticise, criticism, löilöi. crooked, kekété, kăpăkă'hi. croon, me'lă hötönă'hănă'hé. cross, kătă: (peevish), tătă'kă: (to thwart), “ălăi. crow, ălălă”: to crow, “ötö'. crowbar, kölöpă', meă ă'nă. crowd, pü“ălă: to crowd, hötöké”: crowded, pa“ăpü'. crown, kalăünă, lăi ălii; (as of head), pikă. crude, mă'kă. cruel, hötömaină“inö. cruise, ho'lö möană. cruiser, mo'kă manăwă'. crumb, hü'nă. crumble, hö“o'kăo'kă. crush, hă“öpépé: crushed, pépé. crust, papă“ă. crusty, “ă“ă'kă. crutch, kötökötö. cry, (weep), ăwe'; (call), kăhăă. crystal, p0ha'kă “atia“i: (clear), moakăkă. cube, pată“ilio'nö. cucumber, kătăkă'mă. ă. cue-cycle 73 cue, (billiards), lăăă pa'hăpa'hă; (line), lă- la'ni; (reminder), kü'mă hotomănă“ö. cultivate, mă'hi. culture, mă'hi ă'nă; külă”nă nă“ăüaö. cunning, mă“ăleă. cup, polă. cupboard, pa'hă pă. curb, (street), kătă alănăi; to curb, kaohi. cure, hö“o'lă. curio, meă paküwă 'o'lă. curious, ă'nă 'é”; (prying), maha“öi. curl, mimilă: to curl, milă. curlew, kiöăă. curly, pitipii. currency, kălă aăpu'ni. current, (ke) aă; air current, (ke) a'héa'hă; current time, he'lă năi; current report, lo- nöi'ă. curse, to lay a curse, tănăi; (revile), hă“ili- fili, küă'müă'mă. curve, pită. cushion, küki'ni, ulu'nă. custody, (care), mălă'mă ă'nă; (arrest), hö- “öpătăhaă ă'nă. custom, meă mă“ă măü. customary, kulu'mă, măă măă. customer, meă kü“ăi. customhouse, hală du'tă aăpu'ni. cut, 'o'ki; (carve), “o'ki'o'ki; (chop), po'kă- po'kă; (fell), kü'ă; (whittle), kö'li; to be cut, mo'kü. t cute, (shewd), mă“ăleă; (attractive), ăălii; (in speech), pöwe'kö. cycle, (period), (ke) aă, wă; (wheel), hăilă. 74 dagger-dear D dagger, paho'ă. daily, kélă mă keiă lă. dainty, (as food), 'o'nă; (in dress), “ăülii, măiaú. dairy, wă'hi mălă'mă pipi wăiü'. dam, (ke) păniwăi; (breeder), kümülăă. damage, pohö', pö“ină. damn, hö“inö wală. damp, kăwăü'; damp and cold, kö“ékö“ă. dance, hăă; (foreign), hălăhălă; (native), hü'lă. - dandy, kănă'kă hö“ökă'hăkă'hă. danger, pă“inö. dare, “ă“ă. dark, pötă'lă“ă'lă, poăli; dark color, uliu'li. darling, hi'wăhi'wă, mi'limi'li. darn, pahönöhă'nă. dart, i'hé: to dart, lă'lă mămă. dash, (to ground), păki; (as waves), poti; (to pieces), wăwa'hi. data, kü'mă. date, (time), mana'wă; (fruit), huă pă'mă. daughter, kăikămăhiné. dawn, wănătăö, (ke) ălăulă. day, lă; daylight, (ke) ăă. dazzle, 'oli'nöli'nö. deacon, kiakö'nă. dead, death, mă'kă, mă'ké lö'ă. deaf, ku'li; deaf-mute, tătă. deal, (to trade), kălă'pă; (apportion), măhe'- lă; (as cards), hăă'wi. dear, alo'hă, punăhelă; (expensive), pipii: “Dear Sir,” “aloha.” debate-defile 75 debate, hötöpăpă, paiő. debt, tăi'é'. decay, pöpă'pă, pălăhö'. deceit, mă“ăleă. deceive, hötöpănipă'ni. December, Kăkămapă. decent, küpo'nă; (of person), hö“öponă. decide, hö“öho'lö. decimal, pău'mi. decision, mană“ö hötöho'lö. deck, (ship), one'ki; (cards), pă“ă pă'pă. declare, hă“i, hö“ölă'hă. decline, (refuse), hö“o'lă; (descend), “aăi. decorate, kăhikö, hö“önă'ni. decoration, hö“ăilo'nă hă'nöhă'nö. decoy, păka'li: to decoy, hötöpănihăi. decrease, emi. decree, kăüo'hă, kănăwăi. dedicate, hö“ölă“ă. deduct, hötölă'wă. deed, (act), hănă: to deed, hătălilă. deep, (as sea), hoho'nă; (as pit), pă“öpă“ö. deer, di'ă, ki'ă. defeat, hötaühă“ă; be defeated, (lose), li'lö, ha“u'lé. defect, kină'. defection, ki'pi. defective, he'măhemă. defend, defense, pală; (court), '5le'lö pală: defenses, păkăüă. defer, (postpone), hötöpănă“ă; (to another), mali'ü. defiance, höătănă, “ă“ă ănă. defile, (ke) alănăi haiki: to defile, hătăhaă- mi'ă. - . 76 define-depot define, wă'hăwă'hă. definite, maopö'pö. defraud, “apă'kă. defy, tă“ă. degenerate, meă inö lö'ă: to degenerate, hö“i ho'pé. degree, (rank), külă'nă; (measure), kekă'lă. dejected, dejection, pilihu'ă. delay, hăkăli'ă: (to postpone), hötöpăne“e. delegate, “ălă'lă: to delegate, hötöili iă ha“i. deliberate, ăkăhă'lă: to deliberate, no“öno“ö po'nö. delicate, (health), pălăpălă; (material), la'hi- la'hi. delicious, 'o'nă; (tasty), mikömi'kö. delight, hăă“o'li, o'hăo'hă. deliver, (give), hăă'wi; (save), hötöpăkă'lă. deluge, wăikă'hă; The Deluge, Kăi-a-Kahină- li“i: to deluge, kă'hă nă'i; (as with work), pa“ă lö'ă. ş demand, kăüo'hă: to demand, köi. democracy, aăpu'ni a kă le'hăle'hă. Democrat, Demökăla'kă. demon, kiăpölö', kaimöni'ö, “üha'nă fină. demonstrate, hö“ikă maopă'pă akü. den, lu'ă holöhöio'nă, (ke) ă'nă. dense, paăpü'. dentist, kaikă ni'hă. deny, hö“o'lă. depart, he'lă. department, măhe'le. depend, kaăkăi, kă'li. deposit, waihă. depot, (railway), hală hötölă'lă. depreciate–detect 77 depreciate, (lessen), hă'e'mi; (disparage), hö- “inö. depression, (business), hö'e'mi oihănă; (men- tal), ulükü'; (surface), pö'hă. deprive, hötönă'lă. depth, hoho'nă, pö“öpötö. deputy, ho'pă. descend, i'hö. descendant, pu'ă, mamö. descent, iho'nă; (genealogy), pă'pă küăühăă. describe, hötăkăkă, hö“ikă tănă. desert, wăăăku'ă, păno'ă: to desert, hă“ălă'lă. deserts, hu'ă o kă hă'nă. design, (purpose), mană“öpată; (sketch), (ke) ă'nă, kiti kă'hă i hö“ikă !ă'nă. designate, ku'hiku'hi. ţ desire, (wish), mă'kămă'kă; (yearn), “i“ini; (lust), kükö. desk, păkaúkaă hă'nă. desolate, nă'önă'ö, me'hăme'hă. despair, păă kă mană“ölă'nă. desperate, pohö' lö'ă; (rash), ă'ă măkăhe'wă. despise, hötöwăhăwăhă'. destination, wă'hi e he'lă a'kü ăi. destine, waă, kö'hö. destiny, hopă'nă. destitute, nelă, hă'nă, filikö'lă. destroy, hö“öpăü; lă'kă. destroyer, (vessel), mo'kü lă'kă. destruction, lă'kă, mă'kă. detach, hö“ökătăwală, wă'hă. detachment, măhe'lă. - detail, (appoint), hötökö'hă; (relate), hă“i lă“ă. detain, kaohi, “aută. detect, 'i'kă. 78 detective-dignity detective, măka“iki'ă. determine, mană“ö pată; determined, “önipă“ă. detest, hö“öpăilă'ă. detour, (ke) a'lă kăpăă: to detour, “ălö. deuce, (cards), pă“ălu'ă. develop, hötömohă'lă. device, meă i no“öno“öi'ă. devil, kiăpölö'. devote, mană“ö măă, hö“ölă“ă: devoted, pili ălo'hă. devotion, hötömănă, ălo'hă. devour, tăi; (voraciously), hö“önütă. devout, hăipu'lă. dew, kéhăă. diagonal, lă'lă, hi5'. diameter, (ke) ănăwaănă. diamond, kăimă'nă. dice, paăo'nă, hăilo'nă. dictate, (for writing), hăi akü a nă ha'i e ka- kăă; (order), kăüo'hă. dictator, (ke) pă“ö aúpu'ni na'nă kă mă'nă a păü lö'ă. dictionary, wă'hăwă'hă “ălelă. die, (ke) ă'na: to die, măkă. diet, tăi: to diet, tăi păkikö. differ, difference, likă 'o'lă, kü'e'. different, oko'ă, tănă'é'. difficult, patăkiki', pohihihi. difficulty, küpilikii. dig, 'é'li; (to loosen ground), pă ă'li. digest, (summary), mană'ă nu'i: to digest food, hötöwă'li i kă tăi; (think over), notöno“ö po'nö. dignity, hi'ehi'e, kă'pükă'pă. dim-discourage 79 dim, pöwe'hiwe'hi; (as twilight), möle'hüle'- hă; (as sight), pöhină. dime, ké'niké'ni. dimensions, nă ă'nă. dimple, mină. din, hănăkü'li. dine, ăi: dinner, făină nu'i, patină. dip, hö“ölă“ü; dip up, kiötă; (as fingers), hötö'; (as oars), kö'mo; dip the flag, hă'ki kă haă ilalö a ilu'nă. diplomacy, kükă ănă mawaănă o nă aúpu'ni, hö“ömă'limă'li. direct, moă pololei: to direct, ku'hiku'hi. direction, moă ă'nă; (medicinal), (ke) ă'nă, lu'lă. director, lu'nă hö“öpo'nöpo'nö. dirt, lă'pö. dirty, lă'pă, păămată'lă. disability, hiki 'o'lă, păü kă po'nă. disable, hăănă'lă i kă hiki. disagree, külikă 'o'lă; (as foods), küpo'nö 'o'lă. disagreeable, tătă'kă; (unpalatable), 'o'nö 'o'lă. disappear, nală. disappoint, hötöho'kă. disappointment, ho'kă. disaster, păpiliki'ă, pö“inö. discard, kiö'lă; (give up), hă“ălă'lă lö'ă. discharge, (dismiss), hötökătă; (freight), hötö- lăi ukănă; (gun), ki pü; (debt), hötökătă; (as duty), hö“ökö”; (as water), hö“ökă'hé. disciple, haimănă. discipline, mală po'nă: to discipline, ă“ö ikă- ikă. discount, u'kă hö“e'mi: to discount, höte'mi. se ap * * discourage, discouragement, păăpăüa'hă. 80 discover–district discover, (uncover), wă'hă; (reveal), hö“ikă; (see first), “ikă mu'ă; (find), löata. discuss, kükă, wă'hăwă'hă. disease, mă“i. disgrace, waiă: to disgrace, hă“öhilăhilă. disgraceful, hilăhi'la maoli. disguise, tănă“e”: to disguise, hötănă“é'. disgust, hötöpăilă'ă. dish, pă. dishonest, fă'pă. dislike, mă'kămă'kă “o'lă. dismiss, hötökătă; (set aside), waihă. disobey, hötökă'li, hötölo'hă 'o'lă. disorder, (confusion), hăikăii; (room), mo- kaki'; (mob), hăănaălă; (disease), mă“i. dispatch, (send), hă“öănă hikiwa'wă; (kill), pépe'hi a mă'kă. display, (show off), hötökă'hăkă'hă; (as cour- age), hö“ikă; (as goods), hö“ikă“i'ké. displease, hötönaă'kiü'ki. displeasure, u'kiu'ki. dispose, (arrange), hă“öno'höno'hă; (as proper- ty), hötölilö; (incline), mali'ă. dispute, hă“öpă“ăpătă. disqualify, “ăpo'nă “o'lă. dissolve, hötöhehă“ă; (terminate), hă“öpăă. distance, mamaă, iă. distant, mamaă. distinct, (apart), oko'ă lö'ă; (clear), moakăkă. distinction, kăülă'nă: distinguish, (discriminate), hötömaöpă'pă i kă liké 'o'lă; distinguish oneself, hö“ökăülă'nă. distress, (pain), ă'hă; (straits), piliki'ă. distribute, măhelă, pă“ünaúă. district, ăpănă, okănă, mo'kă. distrust–donkey 81 * distrust, kănălă'ă, hilină“i 'o'lă. disturb, hökai, hötöpiliki'ă; disturb the peace, hötöhaúnaălă. disturbance, hăănaélé; (in class), hăăwalăăă. ditch, ăăwăi, ăăwă'hă. - dive, (submerge), lă“ă; dive headlong, kühoă- pö“ö. divide, kuălă'pă: to divide, măhelă, pă“ünaüă. dividend, măhe'lă kălă. divine, (cleric), kăhănăpălă: (god-like), tănă akă'ă. division, (sharing), pă“ünaăă, măhe'lă; (fac- tion), mokuahănă. divorce, o'ki mală, kătăwală. dizzy, poni'üni'ă. do, (perform), hă'nă, hă“ökö'. [Not auxiliary.] dock, (wharf), ăwapă; (to reduce), hö“e'mi. doctor, kaăkă; (native medico), kăhănă lăpă- ăă. - doctrine, meă i ă“öi'ă. document, pălăpă'lă. dodge, ală. dog, “ili'ö. doll, kii pépé. dollar, kălă. dolphin, ma'hima'hi. domestic, kănă'kă hă'nă: (not foreign), kü- lo'kö. domesticate, hö“ölă'kă. dominate, hă“öhă'kă. dominion, mănă, aăpu'ni. donate, hăă'wi wală, makană. donation, lălü. donkey, kekăkă. 82 door-drift door, (ke) pă'ni pukă; with door-frame, tipă'- kă; door-way, pu'kă kömö. dose, măhă'lă lătăü. dot, kikö. double, (duplicate), lu'ă likă: (twofold), pă- lu'ă: double-dealing, hă'nă pate'wate'wă. doubt, kănălă'ă. dough, pala'oă mă'kă i hötöwă'li i'ă; (slang for money), kălă, moni. dove, (ring neck), éhakö”; (biblical), mănă nünii. down, hăă, hăühăă; (downward), la lă, ila'lö: go down, i'hö. dozen, kaki'ni, “ămikümamalu'ă. draft, (money), pălăpălă kikă'ă kălă; (out- line), kakăi ă'nă, ko'pă; (army), waă ănă; (of fish), hăi iă; (of air), kokölöli'ö. drag, kăüwö'; drag along ground, kăüalakö. dragon, mötö lă'lă. dragon-fly, pina'ö. drain, ăüwăi; to drain, hötökă'hă. drama, hă'nă kéă'kă. draw, (haul), hüki, kăüwö'; (as a picture), kăhă; (attract), 'u'mă: drawer, pa'hă 'u'mă. drawback, kümü kétăkătă, auhăă du'tă i hoti- ho“ii'ă. dread, dreadful, wă'liwă'li. dream, moă“uha'nă. dress, lo'lă kö'mă: to dress, (clothe), hötökö'- mă lo'lă, höătăhă; (as a wound), wăhi'; dress ranks, hötöpölolăi i kă lălani; (as soil), kipălă; dress fowls, (pluck), ănă- ănă; (draw), küăi. drift, (sand), kuălă'pă o'nă; drift-wood, pi- hăă”: to drift, lă'nă wală. drill–dwell 83 drill, paikaă: (to bore), wili pukă. drink, i'nă. drip, külü. drive, (as a car), hö“öké'lă; (as cattle), hötö- huli, hötöă'; (as in work), hötăăăă; (with the wind), kă'ălălă'wă; drive out, kipă'kü. driver, kalăiwă. droop, lo'hă, lăhă. drop, (as of water), külü; (of rain), pă'kă u'ă: to drop, ha'u'lă, hö“öha'u'lă. drove, pütă holöhölo'nă. drown, piho'lö, mă'kă i kă wăi; drown forcibly, lümă“i. drowsy, măkăhiamoé. drug, lăăă lăpăăă. drum, pahü, pahü kă'ni. drunk, 'o'nă. drunkard, kănă'kă 'o'nă măü. dry, malotă; (barren), păno'ă; (thirsty), mă- kăwăi: to dry, kăülăi, hötömălötö. duck, kăkă'; wild duck, kolo'ă. due, (as a debt), ăie'; (suitable), küponă. dull, kümümü'; (as sound), kamămă; (stupid), loloiă'lă. dumb, mümulă, tătă. dung, kükaă. duplicate, lu'ă likă, ko'pă. durable, paă, măă. during, 'oiai, i kă wă. dusk, möle'hüle'hă. dust, lă'pă aă'aă: to dust, kahili. duty, po'nă; (tax), du'tă wăiwăi, auhăü wăi- wăi. dwell, no'hö. 84 dye-effort dye, hö“ölă“ă. dynamite, kiană păükă. E each, păka'hi, kélă meă ké'iă meă. eager, ă'kă nu'i, ikăikă kă mană“ö. eagle, aèkö. ear, pépeiaő; (as of corn), huhu'i. early, hiki mu'ă; (in morning), wănătăö. earn, löa“a mămu'li o kă hă'nă. earnest, küi“ö, mană“ö ikăikă. earth, honu'ă; (soil), lă'pă; The Earth, Ké ăö nèi. earthquake, (ke) ola“i, năăăăă. ease, (comfort), mahă, năne'ă. easily, hiki wală nö, mă“ăla'hi. east, hiki'nă. eat, “ăi, pa“ină. echo, küpinati, wăwă'. eclipse, (as of sun, etc.), poăli. economize, hötömăkăülii. economy, mălă'mă po'nă; (political), kalăi- “ăină. - edge, (brink), kătă; (of implement), mă'kă; (of board), niaă; (border), lihi. edible, küpo'nö i kă tăi. edition, hötöpăkă. editor, lună hă“öpo'nöponă. educate, education, hötönatăüaă. eel, pu'hi. efect, hu'ă o kă hănă; (purport), tănă; effects, ukă'nă, wăiwăi: to effect, kö, hă“ökö'. efficiency, mikioi. efficient, mikimiki. effort, höa“o, hă“öikăikă. egg–emergency 85 egg, hu'ă; hen's egg, huă moă. Egypt, Aikupikă. eight, wă'lă, ewă'lă, awălă: eighth, kă wă'lă. eighteen, “ümikümamawălă: eighteenth, kă “ümikümamawă'lă. eighty, kănăwă'lă: eightieth, ké kănăwă'lă. either, kekă'hi o laăă. elastic, lahöli'ö: (springy), hö'lă, “ö'lă. elation, höihöi. elbow, kü“ékü“éli'mă. elder, kăhikö ată: (of brothers), kăiküată'nă; (of church), lunăkăhikö. elect, kö'hö, waă. election, kö'hö ă'nă. electric, electricity, ăwilă, ăilă. element, mö'lă, kü'mă; elements, nă meă hötö- kü'mü. elementary, kü'mă mu'ă. elephant, élépă'ni. elevation, (height), kă'hi kităkită; (act), hăpăi ilu'nă. elevator, elăwe'kă. eleven, “ümikümamaka'hi: eleventh, kă “ămikü- mamaka'hi. eliminate, hötöpăă. eloquent, păwe'kö, makăükăü i kă '5le'lă. else, (besides), 'é ată; (otherwise), i 'o'lă, elsewhere, mă kă'hi 'é. embalm, i'ălö'ă. embarrass, hötöhi'lăhi'lă. embassy, potă “ălă'lă aúpu'ni, emblem, hö“ăilo'nă. embrace, păliki, apă. emerge, pukă. emergency, piliki'ă kühe'wă. 86 emotion-engrave emotion, pihoihoi. emperor, ămépé'lă. emphasize, kălă'lă le'ö, hötömaöpö'pă lă'ă. emphatic, kö“ikö“i. employ, (use), lă'wălă'wă; (hire), hötöli'mă- li'mă. employer, hă'kü hă'nă. employment, hă'nă, toihă'nă. empty, hă'kăhă'kă: to empty, nini'ni, kiő'lă a'kü. - enable, tămănă. enchant, (fascinate), hötöhiătăi; (bewitch), hö“ökălăkăpu'ă. encore, hă'nă hoă. encourage, hö“ölă'nă, paipai i kă mană“ö. encyclopedia, pu'ké hö“i'kă poko'lă nö kélă mă ké'iă meă. - end, ho'pă, hopă'nă; (as of rope), pi'kö; (of house), kălă; (of a board), wélăă: to end, hötöpăă. endless, păă 'o'lă, măülö'ă. - endorse, (approve), 'ăponă; (as a note), kakăă kăkö“ö. endure, (last), măă; (bear), hötömanawanui, ăhönu'i. - enemy, éné'mi. energy, “ălă'ü, mikimiki. enforce, hötönă“ă ikăikă, hötöănăünă. engage, (promise), '5le'lă pată; (hire), hötö- li'mălimă; (employ), pată i kă hănă; (in battle), hö“ü'kă kăüă; (betroth), hötöpălăă. engine, ăniki'ni, mikini, engineer, wiliki'. England, English, Pélékană, Enélani. engrave, kă'hăkă'hă. enjoy-escort 87 enjoy, höihöi, lă'ălă'ă. enlarge, hötömăhă'ăhă'ă, hă“önu'i; (as a pic- ture), hötölă'lă. enlist, kö'mö; (as sympathy), hö“ală. enormous, nu'i he'wăhe'wă, wă'liwă'li kă nu'i. enough, la'wă. enter, kö'mo, hö“ökö'mă; enter an action, hötö- piti. entertain, (receive), hă“ökipă; (divert), hö- “ölă“ălă“ă. enthusiasm, ăhöhi'ă. entire, holö“ökoă. entitle, hötöküleă'nă. entrance, pu'kă kömö: to entrance, hö“öhöi- höi, hötöhiătăi. envelop, wăhi, hötöpü'ni. envelope, wăhi lă'kă. envy, li'li. epidemic, mă“i ăhülăü. Episcopalian, Hötömănă Piho'pă. equal, (similar), likă; (tied), păi a pă“i. equation, kăüliké. equator, p5'ăi waénă. erase, holoi. eraser, meă holoi. erect, kü pololei: to erect, küku'lă. err, error, (sin), he'wă; (mistake), kuhihe'wă; (wander), lălăii; (in grammar), păhe'mă- hemă. errand, hö“öünăünă ă'nă. eruption, (volcanic), hü kă pă'lă; (skin), pă- “ăpătă, hă'éhăă. escape, palékănă: to escape, pake'lă. escort, (formal), hüăkăi hötöhă'nöhă'nö: to escort, he'lă pü. 88 especial–exacting especial, mană“ö nu'i i'ă. especially, “oiai ho“i. essay, kümümană“ö i hăkăi'ă: to essay, höa“o. essence, (extract), wăi höfătălă; (character), i“ö. establish, (settle), hă“öno'höno'hö; (set up), hötökăhăă; (as laws), hötöküpătă. establishment, hală “oihă'nă. estate, (realty), wăiwăi pată; (rank), külă'nă; (deceased's), hötöilină; (chief's), (ke) ahă- puă“ă. esteem, măhă'lö nu'i. estimate, kö'hă, mană“ă, kăăpăönă. eternal, măü lö'ă. eternity, (ke) ăă păă 'o'lă. Europe, Eulo'pă. evade, “ă'lö. even, (smooth), lăămăni'ă; (equal), păi a pă“i; (balanced), kăülikă: even so, pelă' i“ö nö. evening, (ke) ă'hiă'hi. event, hă'na nu'i, meă hiki măi. ever, (at any time), kekă'hi wă; (always), măü. everlasting, măă lö'ă. every, a păă: everybody, everything, kélă' meă ké'iă meă: everywhere, mă nă wă'hi a păü. evidence, '5le'lö hö“ikă. evident, maopă'pă lătă, akăka. evil, (bad), “ină; (sinful), he'wă; (disas- trous), pö“inö. evolution, meă i kü'pă no'nă i'hö. exact, likă lö'ă, küpo'nă: to exact, köi, exacting, patăkiki', 'o'olătă, exactly–expand 89 exactly, pelâ' i'ă. exaggerate, hötönu'i; (boast), hă“ănui. examine, (handle), milimili; (interrogate), ninaninaă; (at school), hö“ikă ku'lă. example, kümühötöhălikă. exceed, oi, păkă'lă. exceedingly, lö'ă. excellent, măikăi “oi, kilöhă'nă. except, (omitting), köă: (to omit), hă“ökoă. exceptional, pă“öke'lă. excess, kăülă'lă; (dissipation), ă'hăă'hă. exchange, hu'i kükă kălă'pă: to exchange, pănă“i, küă'pă. excite, hötölălălă'lă; (arouse), hötăăăă. excitement, pihoihoi; (tumult), ulăaotă. exclaim, hö“o'hö. exclude, pă'ni a'kă. exclusive, (excepting), he'lă 'o'lă i'ă; (re- served), no'hö kătăwală, lăünă “o'lă. excursion, hăăkăi măka“ika“i. excuse, (regret), mi'hi; (pretext), “öle'lă hö- tă'lö'ălă: (to pardon), kălă; (exempt), hö“ökü“ü. execute, (perform), hötökö'; (kill), hătămăkă. exempt, hötökă“üi'ă: to exempt, hötökătă. exercise, hötöikăikă ki'nă; (lesson), hăăwină hötömă“ămătă: (to use), hö“öhă'nă. exhaust, (empty), hötöpăă; (tire out), mălu'- hilu'hi, păüpăüa'hö. exhibit, exhibition, hö“ikă, hö“ikă“ikă. exile, wăilă'nă, kue'wă: to exile, kipă'kă. exist, (live), o'lă. existence, o'lă ă'nă. expand, (extend), hö“önu'i; (open up), moha'- lă. 90 expanse–extraordinary expanse, (ke) ălce'ă. expansion, hö“ake'ă ă'nă. expect, (await), kăkă'li; (hope), mană'ölă'nă. expel, kipă'kü, hă“ökü'ké. expend, hö“ölilö. expense, li'lö. expensive, pipii. experience, i'ké. experiment, höa“o. expert, ăkămăi, ăilölö. expire, (breathe), hă'nă; (die), mă'kă; (end), păü, explain, wă'héwă'hă, hötăkăkă. explode, păhü', păhă'. explore, i'mi lö'ă, hă'li. export, hötöili wăiwăi i nă făină “e. expose, hö“ikă ăke'ă, waihö wală, exposition, höti'kăiké. express, (company), hu'i hă'li üka'nă; (mes- senger), 'ălă'lă: (to state), hăi, hötăkăkă; (signify), hö“iké. expression, (phrase), '5le'lö; (face), ă'nö. exquisite, ăălii, nă'ni, măikăi lö'ă. extend, (expand), hö“akeă, hötöpălă'hălă'hă; (stretch forth), kikötö; (prolong), hötölo- “i'hi. extensive, (wide), lăüla'hă; (large scale), nu'i. extent, lăülă'. extinct, mă'ké, pi'ö, na'lö. extinguish, hötömă'ke, hötöpi'ö; (as a fire), kinăi. extra, hoă, “oi a'é; (surplus), ké'ü, kăülă'lă. extract, (essence), wăi höfătălă meă ăi: to extract, unu'hi. extraordinary, kupăiănahă. extreme-fan 91 extreme, wélăü, pale'nă: (utmost), “oi lö'a a'kü. - eye, mă'kă: eyeball, “ono'hi; eyebrow, kă'é- mă'kă; eyelash, li'hili'hi; eyelid, kuăpoti mă'kă. F fable. '5le'lö na'nă. face, helăhălenă, mă'kă; (front), (ke) ală. fact, “oiaită, meă i hötököi'ă. faction, mokuahă'nă. factory, hală hă'nă. faculty, (power), mănă; (of university), po'é kümüă“ö. fade, (wilt), măé, lo'hă; (as colors), hăkéăkăă. fail, (in class), ha'u'lă; (in business), pohö'; (in health), năwa'liwali; (disappoint), hö- “öho'kă. faint, (weak), năwa'liwali: to faint, ma“ü'lă. fair, făă, hö“ikăikă: (fine), măikăi; (beauti- ful), nöheă; (blond), hăkăăkăă; (equit- able), kăălikă; (honest), hötöpo'nă; (pass- able), tă'nö măikăi. fairy, küpu'ă. faith, mană“öită, păălă'lă. faithful, küpătă, to'iaită. fall, (water-fall), wăilă'lă: (to drop), ha'u'lă; fall over, hină; fall and shatter, hio'lă. false, wahăhătă, hötöpănipă'ni. fame, famous, kăălă'nă. familiar, mătă, wălă'a, kămătăină i'ă. family, “ohană. famine, wi. fan, pe'a'hi; sports fan, meă măhă'1ă, meă lă- “ălă'ă i kă pă'a'ni ă'nă. 92 fancy–feed fancy, mană“ö ulă wală. far, mamaă, lö“ihi. fare, (charge), u'kă; (food), “ăi. farewell, (ke) alo'hă. farm, tăină măhi'ăi; to farm, măhi“ăi. farther, maó akă. fashion, păikini. fashionable, hötömahutii'ă. fast, (tight), pată; (swift), mămă; (dissi- pated), făhătăhă: to fast, höökéăi. fasten, hötöpată; (nail up), kaki'ă. fat, kéléké'lă; (plump), mömo'nă: to be fat, mömo'nă. fatal, mă'ké. fate, hopă'nă. father, makuăka'nă: to father, hö“ökă'mă. fathom, ănă'nă: to fathom, ă'nă i kă hoho'nă. fault, he'wă; (blemish), kînă'. favor, lokomăikăi; to favor, mali'ă, kökü'ă. favorable, 'o'lă'o'lă, küpo'nă. favorite, punăhe'lă. fear, makătă, wă'liwă'li: to fear, makătă, hö'- pöhö'pö. fearful, hö'pöhö'pă. fearless, wiwo'o'lă. feast, lütăü; (banquet), făhă“aină; (dinner), pa- “ină: to feast, ăi a ma“o'nă. feather, hülümănă. feature, (lineament), helăhălenă; (prominent part), meă tă'nö nu'i. February, Pepălăali. federal, hăi, federală. fee, u'kă, “auhăü. feeble, năwaliwali, pălăpă'lă. feed, ăi: to feed, hănăi. feel–film 93 feel, hăhă; (like the blind), hăpă'pă; (sympa- thize), ălo'hă likă; (sense), “ikă. feelingly, menémené. fellow, (companion), hoă, kokötölu'ă; That fel- low ! Kelă kă“ă'kă. felt, lo'lă mănoănoă; felt hat, păpală kalăpo'ni. female, wăhină: females, wă'hină. fence, pă: to fence with swords, kăkăpă'hi. ferns, pălăi, kü'pükü'pă. ferry, mo'kă hă'lihă'li. fertile, hu'ă nu'i; (as soil), mömö'nă. fertilize, kipă'lă. festival, (ke) ănăină lă“ălă'ă. fetch, kii. feud, hătămăăhală, hăkăkă'. fever, pi'wă, “öwă'lăwă'lă. few, kakă“ikă'hi; (scattering), kăwă'lăwă'lă. fiber, mata'wă. fiction, 'o'iaită 'o'lă; (novel), kataă hă'kă wală i'ă. fictitious, kă'păkăpă, 'o'iaită “o'lă. field, (cutivated), kihapăi; (open), ku'lă. fierce, tahi'ă, haă. fifteen, “ümikümamali'mă: fifteenth, kă “ămi- kümamali'mă. fifty, kănălimă: fiftieth, ké kănălimă. fig, pikă. fight, hăkăkă”; (battle), kăăă. figure, hu'ă he'lă; (shape), ki'nă; (picture), ki“i; to figure, kakăă he'lă; (be prominent), kăilă'nă. file, (rasp), apăapă; (row), lălani; file of pa- pers, pü“o'lă: to file, (as papers), hă“ökömö. fill, hötöpi'hă. film, ili la'hila'hi, tătămötö: films, kii '5'nită'ni. 94 filth-flashlight filth, filthy, pă'lăpé'lă, haimi'ă. fin, (back), kuălă'; (side), pă'wăpă'wă; (tail), hită. final, ho'pă lö'ă, pănină. finance, mălă'mă kălă. financial, nö nă kălă. find, lőa'a. fine, ukă hötöpăi: (small), măkălii; (as dust), aă'aă; (comely), nă'ni, ăălii. finger, mănămănălimă. - finish, (polish), hötöhinühină; (goal), pa'hă hă'pă: to finish, hötöpăă po'nă, hötökö'. fire, (ke) a hi: to fire, (as a gun), ki; (kindle), hotă'. firearms, nă pü ki: fireworks, kăölă'lă. firm, (business), hăi: (stable), năüă 'o'lă, pată; (resolute), “ănipă“ă, küpătă. first, mu'ă, măkămu'ă; (chief), pötöke'lă; first- born, măkăhiapă. fish, i'ă: to fish, lăwăită. fish-hook, makăi. fishnet, tupe'nă. fishpond, lö'kö ită. fist, pă“ăpătălimă. fit, măi hă'ki: (suitable), piliponă: to fit, hötö- kuponă; (as clothing), hötökükü. five, limă, elimă, ali'mă: fifth, kă limă. fix, (trouble), piliki'ă: to fix, (fasten), hötö- pă'ă; (mend), kăpili hoă. flag, haă: to flag (signal), pe'a'hi. flamă lă'pălapă ahi, ulă o kă ahi. flap, (as wings), kăpălălă; (as flag), kilă'pă- lă'pă, wă'lö. - flash, ănă'pă. flashlight, küku'i pată limă. flat–fold 95 flat, pălahălahă, iliwăi. flatter, flattery, pălă, hătămălimă'li. flavor, 'o'nă: to flavor, hö'o'nă'o'nă. flea, “ükülă'lă. flee, taăhătă, măhu'kă. fleece, hă'lă hipă: to fleece, apă'kă. fleet, ulümo'kă, 'aimo'kă: (swift), mămă, hiki- wa'wă. - - flesh, tită. flexible, năpănăpă, hö'lühö'lă. flight, (as of birds), lă'lă ănă; (fleeing), hătă ănă; put to flight, hötaăhă'ă. flighty, “öpu'lăpu'lă. flirt, hötöhăi, hötömahi'ă. float, meă lă'na; net float, mo'üo: to float, lă'nă; float ashore, paă. flock, (birds, people), taină; (sheep), pütă'. flood, wăikă'hă nu'i; The Flood, Kăi-a-kahină- lii. floor, păpăhă'lă, păpăhă'hi. flour, pala'oă, pala'oă mă'kă. flow, kă'hă. flower, pu'ă. - - fluid, wăi, kélă mă ké'iă ănă wăi: (not solid), hăhă“ă. funk, pohö', ha'u'lă. flute, 'o'hă kă'ni, 'o'hă pu'hi. flutter, kăpălili. fly, na'lö: to fly, lă'lă, hötölă'lă; aăhă“ă; (as clouds), kătălălă'wă; (speed), ho'lö mămă. flying-fish, mălölö. foam, hăăhătă; foaming sea, kăiahălă. fog, 'o'hă. - fold, (ke) opi, pelă; sheep-fold, pă hipă: 96 foliage-forgive -fold, pa-, eg. păhă', “4-fold :” to fold over, pelă; fold up, “o'pio'pi. foliage, lăü lăăă. folk, po'é, nă kănăkă. follow, hahăi, ukă'li. follower, meă ukă'li; (disciple), haămănă. folly, nătăüpő, lăpăwală. fond, puni; (affectionate), ălo'hă. fondle, mi'limi'li. food, meă “ăi: food for journey, (ke) ö. fool, hüpö, kănă'kă puniwală: to fool, kölö'hé. foolish, hüpö; (partly demented), olalăă. foot, wăwaă; (measure), kăpăai; (base), kă- mă: to foot a bill, hötökătă. football, popö pă'kă. for, i, nö, nă: (because), nökă meă. forbid, păpă'. force, ikăikă, mă'nă. to force, (by urging), “önötönöă; (physically), limănui; (ravish), pătă. forecast, wănă'nă. forehead, laă. foreign, “é, haolă. foreigner, haolă, kănă'kă 'é. foreman, lună. foremost, mu'ă lö'ă; (in competition), pă“öké'lă. foresee, wănă'nă, kilökilö. forest, ulălătăă. - forever, măă lö'ă. forfeit, u'kă hötöpăi, lilö, hötönă'lă. forge, kăpăa'hi: to forge, (counterfeit), “ăpă- kă; (fashion), kü“ihaő; forge ahead, nété imu'ă. forget, poină, hă“öpoină. forgive, kă'lă. - forgiveness–fragrant - 97 forgiveness, kă'lă ă'nă. fork, (ke) “ö; (branch), mănă. form, (image), kii; (body), kină; (shape), “ă'nă: to form, (become), lilö; form a com- pany, küku'lă i hăi. formal, mé nă löină. formation, hö“ökü'mă ă'nă; (military), lăla'ni ă'nă. former, mu'ă. formerly, mămu'ă. forsake, hă“ălă'lă. fort, păpă, pă kăüă. forth, akă, imu'ă. forthwith, ănö'. fortune, wăiwăi nu'i; good fortune, pămaika“i; bad fortune, pă“ină. forty, kănăhă': fortieth, ké kănăhă'. - forward, (onward), imu'ă: (impertinent), ma- ha“öi. foul, (in sports), he'wă, küponă 'o'lă: (filthy), pé'lăpălă, haumi'ă. found, hö“ökü'mă. foundation, kü'mă, kăhăă. founder, meă hă“ökü'mă: (to sink), piho'lă, pă- lă'mö. fountain, wăi püă“i, kitöwăi. four, hă, ehă', ahă': fourth, kă hă. fourteen, “ămikümamahă'; fourteenth, kă “ămi- kümamahă'. fowl, moă, mă'nă. fox, ălöpă'kă. fraction, hapă, hăki'nă. fragment, (part), făpănă; (crumb), hănăhă- nă; (very small piece), lihi i'ki. - fragrant, fătălă, tă'lă. 98 frame-froth frame, meă hö“öpătă; framework, nă i'wi: to frame, kăpi'li, kükulă; frame up, hă'kă 'ă'pă. France, French, Pălani. frank, hunăhună 'o'lă, “oiai“ö. fraternal, hoăhănăă, ă'nă hoăhănăă. fraud, apă'kă, ă'pă, hă“öpü'nipü'ni. freckle, luluă“ină. free, (independent), küoko'ă; (loose), hă“öho'- lö; (gratis), mănăa'hi; (relaxed), năne'ă: to free, hötökü“ü. freeze, (congeal), pată i ké a nă; (be be- numbed), “5pi'li; freeze to death, mă'kă i ké ană. freight, ukă'nă. frequent, pinăpină: to frequent, helă măă. fresh, (new), hoă; (raw), mă'kă; (as water), hăihi“i. fret, né, hötöha'lăhală. Friday, Pötali'mă. friend, hoalo'hă; (chum), hoăpili; (very close), aika'nă; (home sharing), mă'kă- mă'kă. friendly, hoălaünă. frigate-bird, man-of-war hawk, i'wă. fright, hikile'lă, pü“iwă: to frighten, hötöwă'- liwă'li. - fringe, kü“üwe'lă; (border), kătă. frivolous, lă'ălătă notăno“ö 'o'lă. frog, pălo'kă, la'nă. from, măi, măi . . . măi, măi . . . akă. front, ală: in front, mămu'ă. frost, hăă, kéhăă a nă. froth, hütă, hătăhătă. frown-gang - 99 frown, hăăkătămăkă: to frown, hăăkătăkă'e- mă'kă. - fruit, huă; edible fruit, hăăăi. fry, pălăi. fuel, nă meă “a i ké a'hi. fugitive, măhu'kă. fulfill, hö“ökö'. full, pi'hă; (satisfied), ma“o'nă. fun, lă“ălă“ă. function, "oihănă: to function, hă'nă. fund, waiho'nă. funeral, hö“ölă'wă. funnel, (engine), pukă ăa'hi; (liquid), kană'- ki. funny, măă !ă'kă“ă'kă. fur, hălă pălăpălă. furious, (angry), inăină; (tempestuous), pü- kiki. furlough, wă hö“öma'hă. furnish, hö“ölă'kö. furniture, la'kö. further, (to help), kökü'ă: (distance), maă' a'kă. fury, inăină, hühü wă'liwă'li. future, kö mu'ă akă, kă wă maho'pă. G gain, pu'kă; (winnings), ăă. gale, maka'ni nu'i. gallon, kălă'ni. gallows, tămănă. gamble, piliwăiwăi. game, (play), pă“a'ni; wild game, meă hihi'ă. gang, hăi. 100 gap-gift gap, hă'kăhăkă; gap in range, mawaé, wă'hi hă“ăhă“ă. garage, hă'lé kă“ă. garbage, “öpă'lă. garden, mă'lă, kihapăi. garlic, tăkătăkai păpü. garment, lo'lé kö'mă, “ătă'hă. gas, éă mămă. gasoline, kăkălină, aileă. gate, pu'kă pă; (turnstile), pu'kă ăwăi. gather, (assemble), hötăköăköă, hö“u'lă'u'lă; (harvest), 'o'hi; (col l e ct), hö“ilii'li; (hoard), hö'a'hă. gauge, (ke) ă'nă. gay, lă“ălă“ă, hăă'o'li. gem, pöhakă măkămăé. general, ălihikăăă, kănălă'lă: (common), lăă- lahă. generation, (production), hă“öhu'ă ănă; (unit), hanaănă. genial, “o'lă'o'lă, lăünă. genitals, mă“i. genius, (ke) ăkămăi maoli. gentle, (tame), la'kă; (quiet), măli'é. gentleman, kéönimănă. genuine, maoli, “o'iaită. geography, hö“ikă honu'ă. germ, mö'lă; (bacteria), mü mă“i. German, Germany, Kălămani'ă. gesture, ku'hi. get, (obtain), löata. ghost, lă'pă. giant, piliku'ă. giddy, poni'üni'ă; (frivolous), haulă'ni, lă'ălă“a. gift, (present), maka'nă; (talent), “ikă. ginger-good - 101 ginger, awapă'hi. gipsy, “oha'nă kue'wă. girl, kăikămăhină: (girls), kăikămă'hină. give, hăă'wi; (present), makană; (alms), ma nawăletă; give up, hăă'wi pi'ö, păüa'hö. glad, hăă“o'li, “o'lito'li. glance, ăla'wă, lă'hă. glare, “olinölină: (to shine), hulili; glare with anger, nănă hühü', huli'li kă mă'kă. glass, (ke) a'nia'ni; (tumbler), kită'hă. glide, niaă. glimpse, “ikă li'hi. glitter, hulă'li, (ke) alo'hilo'hi. globe, (sphere), kină poépoă; The Globe, Kă Honu'ă. gloomy,(dark), poă'liü'li; (sullen), nünu'hă. glorify, hötönă'ni. glory, glorious, nă'ni. glottal stop, “ăină. glove, mikilimă. glow, (as of fire), ă'năă'nă; (of face), “u'lă“u'lă. gnaw, nă'lină'li, tă'kită'ki. go, he'lă; go afoot, he'lă wăwaă; (run), ho'lă; go in, kö'mă; go out, pu'kă îwa'hă. goal, pahăhă'pă. goat, kăö. goat-fishes, wă'kă, möană, kumii'. goby, “ö“o'pă, paătă, pănă“ă. god, (ke) akă'ă; God, Ké Aku'ă, Iăho'vă. goggler, aku'lă. gold, ku'lă. golf, kolo'pă, kinipöpö hi'li. good, (upright), ponă, măikăi; (flawless), ki- nă “o'lă; (correct), pololei. 102 goodbye-graze goodbye, good morning, (ke) alo'hă. goose, néné. gospel, ăăănéli'ö. gossip, holöholă“ölelă. gourd, hü'ă, ipătă'wătă'wă, pöhu'ă. govern, hö“ömă'lă. government, (ke) aăpu'ni. governor, kiă“ăină. gown, holökü', lo'lă. grab, kă“ili, făpă. grace, (kindness), lökömăikă“i; (beauty), nă'ni. grade, külă'nă, păpă; road grade, moă ă'nă. gradual, măli'é. graduate, (from university), pukă ponă; (mark degrees), kă'hă i kă hană“ă. graft, (join), pakăi; (cheat), apă'kă, ală'nă. grain, (seed), hu'ă; (minute particle), hă'nă. grammar, pilitölelă, hö“iké '5le'lă. grand, kămăhă“ö. grandchild, mö“öpună: grandparent, küpună, kükü: grandparents, kü'pună. grant, (assent), aă; (give), hăă'wi. grape, huăwăină. grasp, hö'pă, fă'pă, lălaă. grass, măü“ü, wă'üwă'ă. grasshopper, “ühini. grate, o'lă, tănăi. grateful, hötömaikai; (pleasing), “o'lüto'lă. grave, luă küpăpată; (mound), hé; graveyard, ilină: (serious), küo“ö. gravity, kăümă'hă, kö“ikö'i. gravy, kăi. gray, tahinăhină, hinăhină. graze, (eat grass), ăi măăă; (touch lightly), hötöpă i'ki. grease-guardian 103 grease, ailă. greasy, kélékélé. great, nu'i, nunui; (eminent), hă'nöhă'nă, kö“i- kö“i. Greece, Greek, Hălă'nă. greed, greedy, “alü'nă, “ană'nă. green, (light), “omă“ömă“ö; (dark), u'iu'li; (un- ripe), mă'kă. greet, alo'hă akü: greeting, (ke) alo'hă. grief, kăniühü'. grieve, ăwe', kăümă'hă. grin, hö“ökéké i kă ni'hă. grind, (sharpen), hă“ökălă; grind sugar-cane, wilii ki; (oppress), hă“ökăămă'hă. grindstone, hoană, hoană kă“ă. grip, pată a pată, ă'pă. grit, (sand), (ke) o'neo'né; (pluck), mană“ö küpătă. - groan, “ühü, nă. groove, hoăi: to groove, ho'lă. gross, (twelve dozen), “ümikümamalu'ă kaki'- ni: (bulky), nunui; (uncleanly), kăpălă. ground, lă'pă, honu'ă: to run aground, i'li. group, po'é, paă, pă“ă; (herd, bundle), pü'ă'; (cluster), huhui; (of islands), paămo'kă; (of houses), kaăhă'lă. grouper, hăpă“ăpătă. grove, ulülă“ăü. grow, ulă, măhuăhu'ă; (become), li'lă. growl, nunu'lă; (grumble), na'măna'mă, “ohă'- mă; (snarl), hötökéké. grudge, hö“ömăühală. guarantee, hötöhiki nö kă po'nă o kekă'hi meă. guard, kiă“i. guardian, kăhă. 104 guess–handsome guess, kö'hă wală. guest, măă i hă“ökipăi'ă, mălihini, hoătăi. guide, alăkăi: guide-post, ki'ă ku'hiku'hi. guilty, he'wă, “ahăwăi'ă. guitar, kikă'. gulf, kăiku“önö. gum, pila'li. gun, pü ki; (cannon), pükünia'hi. gut, năăă. gutter, hăwăi, ăăwă'hă. H habit, hă'nă mătă. habitual, mă“ă măü. hail, hu'ă heki'li. hair, (on human scalp), (ke) o'hă, lăüö'hö; (human body), hă'lühü'lă; (on beasts), hü'- lă; (beard), “ă'mită'mi; (fuzz), hă'ă. hairless, '5lo'hă; (bald), “ohu'lă; (beardless), hă'i “o'lă. hairy, hă'lühü'lă. half, hapălu'ă. hall, hölö; (entrance), lănai; meeting hall, keă'nă hălăwăi; hall of justice, keă'nă hă“ö- kö'lökö'lö. halt, (stop), kü; (hesitate), hăpăkută. ham, uhă puata, puata ha'mă. hammer, hăma'lă. hamza, kikö “ü“ină. hand, li'mă: to hand, hömăi. handicap, küwală, kü'ală. handkerchief, hăinăkă'. handle, (ke) ăă; kă'nö: to handle, lă'wălă'wă; (feel), hăhă. handsome, nöhăă, măikăi, ui. hang–hazard 105 hang, (on gallows), li; hang self, kă“ă'wă; hang up, kăă ilu'nă; hang out to dry, kăă- lă“i; (be hung on cross), kăili'ă. happen, lö“öhi'ă, küli'ă, uli'ă. happy, happiness, hăă'o'li. harbor, (ke) ă'wă, ă'wă kü mo'kă: to harbor, hötöki'pă. hard, (firm), pată, patăkiki'; (severe), 'o'olă'ă. hardly, (not quite), “ăpă'épă'ă ănătă'nă; (se- verely), “o'olătă. hardware, nă măă pată. hardy, uăü'ă. harm, pö“ină; to harm, hötöpiliki'ă. harmony, (accord), löka'hi; (music), năhănă'- hé o kă le'ö. harsh, (in manner), ni'hă; (in voice), kă'lă- kă'lă. harvest, wă “o'hi: to harvest, “o'hi. haste, ăwiwi, hikiwawă: (walk fast), aăaă. hasty, püpuahă'lă, mămă. hat, păpală. hatch, (of ship), pu'kă: to hatch, kikö kă hu'ă, hö“öki'kö. hate, inăină, ni'ni. haul, (pull), hă'ki; (drag), kăăwö'. haunt, wă'hi mătă măă: to haunt, (as a ghost), lă'pă. have, (own), no Hawaiian term, but expressed by placing subject in possessive case; as an auxiliary, “u'ă. Hawaiian, Hăwaii; Hawaiian individual, ka- mă“ăină o Hăwaii, kănă'kă maoli. hawk, iö. hay, măü“u malotă. hazard, (golf), kătăkătă, lu'ă kü'mă păpăonă. 106 he-hermit he, iă, o'iă. head, (ke) pă“ö: to head, alăkăi; head off, ălăi. headache, nălă'lă. - headquarters, kiköwaénă. heal, hö“ö'lă, lăpăăă. health, (ke) olă ki'nă; o'lă po'nă. heap, (ke) ahu'ă, pă“ü, pailă: to heap, hö'a'hü. hear, lo'hé. heart, (organ), pă“ăwăi; (figurative), năăă. heat, wă'lă; great heat, ă'năé'nă, hahă'nă: to heat, hă'nă a wă'lă. heathen, pekană. heaven, la'ni, (ke) ăöu'li, lă'wă. heavy, kăümă'hă, kö“iköti. heed, hă“ölo'hă, mălă'mă. heel, kü“ékă“é wăwaă. height, ki'éki'é; grand mountain height, kilă- ki'lă. heir, hötöili'nă. hell, kehé'nă; (pit of fire), luăa'hi. hello, hă'lö, ălo'hă. helm, hoău'li. helmet, măhio'lă. help, kökü'ă. helpless, năwa'liwa'li. hem, lă'pă, pelă: to hem, hă'mă wili. hen, moă wăhină. hence, măi năi akă; (therefore), nolăilă, nö iă meă: henceforth, măi ké'iă wă a'kü. herb, lăă nahe'lă; (edible), lăăăiki'ăi, lăă nabelă “ăi i'ă. herd, pută': to herd, hötöpütă', hötă. here, eiă, matană“i, năi. hereafter, măho'pă akă. hermit, kănă'kă no'hö mehăme'hă. hero–hoist 107 hero, kănă'kă !ă“ă nu'i i nă piliki'ă; kănă'kă koă; wiwo'o'lă. heron, bittern, aikütă. herring, makia'wă. hesitate, (waver), kănălă'ă, külă'nălă'nă; (stammer), u“ü'. hew, (shape), kalăi; (fell), kü'ă. hibiscus, alöală; (flower), pua'löa'lö. hide, (skin), i'li: (to secrete), hünă'; hide self, pătă. hideous, püpu'kă. high, ki'éki'é. highway, (ke) alănă'i aúpu'ni. hike, he'lă wăwaă i kă lö'ă. hill, pă'ă; (of potatoes), pă'é. hinder, kö ho'pă: to hinder, kétăkătă, hă“öhă- kăli'ă. hinge, “ă'mi. hint, (remind), hö“öhe'lă '5le'lö; (for gain), hö“ömaöă. hip, kikă'lă, păpăko'lă. hire, (wages), u'kü hötöli'mălimă: to hire, hö“öli'mălimă. history, mö“ole'lö. historian, küăühăă. hit, (slap), păi; (punch), kăi; (pommel), pa- lă'kü; (whip), hahaă: to be hit, pă, kü. hitch, hiki“i; hitch along, né“é. hither, iă năi, i kăiă wă'hi. hive, pahü me'li. hoarse, leöhă'; very hoarse, hanăpilă. hobby, hă'nă i mă'kémă'kă nu'i i'ă. hoe, hö. hog, puata. hoist, hüki ilu'nă. 108 hold–hostile hold, (grip), pată; (claim), küleănă; (of ship), pu'kă: to hold, hötöpă“ă, mălă'mă. hole, pukă; (pit), luă; (cave), (ke) ă'nă; (tear), năhaă. i holiday, lă nu'i, kulăi'ă. hollow, (depression), pö'hă, ho'nă: (in face), hö'mă; (empty), hă'kăhă'kă; hollow tree, pühă', pühö'. holy, hămălă'lă, hötă'nă. home, hö'mă, hală, kauhă'lă. homely, mükö'ki. honest, hötöpo'nö. honey, wăi me'li, hö'nă. honey-bee, nalöme'li. honeycomb, waiho'nă me'li. honor, fă'nă hötöponă: to honor, hă“öhă'nöhă'- nă. honorable, hă'nöhă'nö. hoof, măitaă holöhölo'nă, mai“ütă. hook, loii, kiloă: fishhook, makăă. hoop, (ke) apă. hop, lelă'lă. hope, mană“ölă'nă. horizon, “ălihila'ni, hălăwăi. horizontal, filiwăi. horn, (animal), kiwi, hăă; (trumpet), pü pu'- hi. horrible, wă'liwă'li kă “ină. horse, li'ö. hose, (stockings), kaki'ni; water hose, iliwăi. hospitable, mă'kămă'kă nu'i, hötökipă. hospital, haikăpilă, halămă“i. host, (crowd), pütăli; party-host, măkămă- kă; inn-host, hă'kă hală. hostile, ănă'mi; (unfriendly), lökö“ină. hot-hurricane 109 hot, wălă; (feverish), “öwă'lăwă'lă; (close), ikii'ki. . hotel, hokă'lă; (inn), hală hötökipă. hour, ho'lă. house, hală; long house, halăă. household, “ohu'ă. how, (?), peheă? (the way that), ké 'ănă e . . . ăi. however, akă nă“é, akă ho“i. howl, kuwö'. hub, pukăi. huddle, pü“ălătă'lă, pukăi. hug, püliki, apă: hug a shore, ho'lă pili “ăină. huge, nu'i hewăhewă. hulk, mo'kă pöpö'pă. hull, (of vessel), ki'nö o kă mo'kă. hum, hămă'mă, hü: humming-top, hü. human, kănă'kă, tă'nö kănă'kă. humane, lokomăikă“i. humanity, kănăkă. humble, hăăhătă, ălcăhai. humid, kăwăü', ma“ü'; humid and hot, ikii'ki. humility, hătăhătă. humor, (wit), hötömăkătăkă: to humor, aă i kă mă'kémă'ké. hunch, (premonition), halită. hunchback, kuăpătă. hundred, hane'li: hundredth, kă hane'li. hunger, pölo'li. hunt, (chase), hahăi holăhălo'nă; (search), “imi. hurricane, makani pükiki', makani nu'i. 110 - hurry-imitation hurry, (haste), “ăwiwi, lălălălă; (urge), hă- “ökiki'nă. hurt, ă'hă: to hurt, hötă'hă. husband, ka'nă; ka'nă mală. hush, hamăă; hush, as a child, hötönă”; (be quiet !), kü'likăli! hut, püpă'pă hală, kămă'lă. hymn, himeni. hypocrite, hötökămăni. | I, au, wăă. ice, hăă. ice-cream, hăükali'mă, aikali'mă. idea, mană“ö. ideal, ă'nă hötökö ponă. identify, hötö'iă “ikémă'kă. identity, “ö'iă nö. idiot, lölö, hüpö. idle, no'hă wală; (at ease), năneă. idol, (ke) akü'ă kii. if, ină'. ignorant, nătăüpö, i'kă 'o'lă. ignore, nănă “o'lă. ill, mă“i, “5mă“imă“i. illegal, kü 'o'lă i ké kânăwăi. illegitimate, măwa'hă o ké kănăwăi, mănă- a'hi. illustrate, (with pictures), hă“önă'ni mă nă kii; (exemplify), hötöhălikélikă mană“ă. image, (statue), kii kalăii'ă; (reflection), (ke) a'kă; (likeness), li'ké. imagine, mană“ö kö'hö wală. imitate, hötömahăi, hötömatăüe'. imitation, hă“öhăli'kă. immediate–inclose 111 immediate, kö'kă: immediately, ănö', hăkali'ă “o'lă. - immense, nu'i pale'nă 'o'lă, hiki 'o'lă ké ănăi'ă. immoral, he'wă haumi'ă, küpo'nö “o'lă. immortal, o'lă măü, mă'ké “o'lă. impatient, păüahă wală, ăhănu'i 'o'lă. imperfect, kină, he'măhe'mă. impiety, tăiă, hötömală'kă. implement, meă hö“öhă'nă. implore, noi hă“ăhă“ă. imply, kăönă. import, (meaning), kăönă: to import, hă“ökö'- mö ukănă i kă taina: imports, ukă'nă hö- “ökömöi'ă. importance, “ă'nă nu'i. impose, (lay on), kăă; (deceive), “ă'pă, hă'nă făpi'ki. impossible, hiki 'o'lă. impression, (mental), kü i kă mană“ă; (print- ing), păi ă'nă. imprison, hă“öpătăhaă. improper, küponă 'o'lă, kö'hă “o'lă. improve, holömu'ă, hö“oi ată kă măikăi. impudent, hă“ökă'nă, maha“ăi. impulse, mană“ö ulă wală. in, i, mă, mălo'kă, ilo'kă. inability, hiki 'o'lă. inaugurate, hötökü'mă. incentive, kü'mă hö“ölă'lălă'lă. inch, ini'hă. ş incident, meă e pili ă'nă, meă hiki wală măi. incline, lăpă: to incline, (lean), hi5'; (be dis- posed), no“öno“ö ată. inclose, (surround), hătăpăni; (put in), hă- “ökö'mö. 112 include-inflict include, hötöhă'i pü; (inclose), hö“ökömö pü. income, nă löa“a. inconsistent, külikă “o'lă. inconvenience, meă hötöpiliki'ă. incorrect, kuhihe'wă, pololei “o'lă. increase, hötömăhăăhăă, hă“önu'i ată. incur, lö“öhi'ă. indeed, pélă i'ă, pélă nö. indefinite, maopă'pă 'o'lă. independent, küoko'ă. index, pă'pă ku'hiku'hi. India, Ini'ă. indicate, ku'hiku'hi, hö“ike. indifference, pălă'kă, nănă “o'lă. indignant, u'kiu'ki, hühü'. individual, meă, meă hă“ökă'hi; (single), pă- ka'hi. induce, hötökönökönö. indulge, hötö'lütö'lă, hötökö wală i kă mă'ké- mă'kă. industry, (diligence), hötöikăikă, hă'nă măă; (branch of work or trade), “oihă'nă hănă- limă. inevitable, hiki 'o'le ké ă'lö. inexperienced, hăwăwă'. infant, pépé. infantry, pütă'li koă he'lă wăwaă. infection, măi lă'lă, fă'hă tatăi. inferior, hătăhă“ă i'hö. infirm, năwa'liwali, pălăpă lă. inflame, hotă'. inflammation, ăpă'hăpă'hă. inflate, hötöpi'hă i kă maka'ni. inflation, hötönu'i i'ă. inflict, kăă akü, hö“öili mălu'nă. infliction-inspire 113 infliction, hötöpă“i. influence, mă'nă hö“öhü'li. influenza, falü'. inform, (tell), hă“i; (instruct), hötönatăüaă a'kă. informal, lăünă “o'lă“o'lă. information, löata măi kă hötikă, “ikă; (news), nühoú. inhabit, no'hö. inhabitants, potă no'hă. inheritance, hötöilină. initial, mu'ă: initial letter, hu'ă mu'ă. initiate, hötökü'mă. initiation, kö'mö mu'ă ă'nă. injunction, “ăle'lă păpă, “öle'lö ă“ö. injure, hötă'hă, hötöpo“ină. injury, 'é'hă, pö“ină. injustice, hă'nă pa“e'wăte'wă, pololei 'o'le. ink, inikă. inland, mău'kă, iu'kă. inn, hală hă“ökipă. innocent, hală “o'lă. innumerable, le'hăle'hă. inquire, (ask), ninaă; (seek), i'mi. insane, păpulă. insect, hölöhölonă litilii, mü; (no generic term). insert, hötökö'mö. inside, ilo'kö, mălo'kö. insinuate, hă“ökö'mă; (imply), Öle'lö mă“ăleă. insipid, hükăkăi, manana'lă. insist, köi ikăikă. inspect, nănă i “ikă pă'nă. inspire, (inhale), hănă; (infuse), hă“öü'lă; to be inspired, ulă. 114 install-intestines install, hă“ökö'mă. installment, măhe'lă, u'kă li“ilii. instance, meă hötöhăliké; for instance, e lă“ă mă ke'iă. instant, mănă'wă poko'lă lö'ă: instantly, ănö', “ămö“ölă. instead, mă kă'hi o kekă'hi meă. instinct, notöno“ö ulă wală, “oúli kü'mă. institute, hötökă'mă, hă“ömă'kă. institution, meă i hö“ökümüi'ă. instruct, ă“ö, hötönătăüaö. instrument, meă pa“ăhană; (musical), meă hö“ökă'ni. insult, hö“inö wală. insure, iniku'ă, pănă“i kălă. integrity, ă'nă hă“öpo'nö. intellect, no“öno“ö. intelligence, nătăüaă, ikă. intend, intention, mană“ö e hă“ököi'ă. intercede, ăwaö. intercourse, lăünă ă'nă. interest, (payment), ukă pană“ă; (stake), kü- leă'nă: to interest, hö“ală i kă mană“ö. interesting, năne'ă, hă“önănă'ă. interfere, kö'mă mawaănă, ăkătăkătă. interior, internal, külo'kö. intermediate, măwaănă. international, măwaănă o nă aăpu'ni. interpret, unu'hi, măhe'lă “ăle'lă, höti'kă !ă'nö. interrupt, (conversation), kăhămă'hă; (work), hö“öpiliki'ă wală. interval, wă, köwă măwaénă. intervene, kömö măwaénă. interview, kükăi kămă“ili'ö, ninaninaă. intestines, năăă. intimate–Italy 115 intimate, pili lö'a: to intimate, hö“ikă, hă- “öhe'lă “öle'lö. into, ilo'kö. intoxicate, intoxication, 'o'nă. introduce, (bring in), hötökömö, hötölă'hă mu'ă; (acquaint), hö“ölaünă. intrude, kö'mö wală, kö'mă he'wă. invade, kömö kăüă. invalid, meă năwa'liwali, meă “ömă“imă“i: (not valid), mănă fo'lă, wăiwăi 'o'lă. invent, i'mi i nă meă i “oi ată; no“önotă a hănă. invention, hă'nă hoă. invest, hötömoé kălă, hötöpăkăpăkă; (sur- round), hötöpă'ni; (in office), hă“öno'hă “oihă'nă. investigate, noii, ninaninaă. invisible, i'kă mă'kă 'o'lă ită. invite, invitation, kö'nö. involve, (entangle), hihi'ă; (implicate), hö- “ahe'wă. Ireland, Eire, Ilélani. iron, hăă; flat-iron, ăiă'nă. irrigate, hă“ökă'hă. irritable, hühü köké. irritate, (vex), hă“önaă'kiü'ki; (as a wound), hötöpă'hă. irritation, ukiu'ki, hötöpă'hă ă'nă. island, mokupu'ni, mo'kă. issue, (progeny), keiki ponöi'; (result), ho- pănă: (to emerge), pu'kă; (publish), hă'ă- pu'kă. isthmus, pütă'li. it, iă, oiă: itself, iă meă i'hö. Italy, Ikali'ă. 116 itch-jump X4X itch, kaki“ă, mă“éaă: to itch, manetă. item, ită'mă. ivory, păla'oă, nihăpăla'öă. J jail, halăpătăhaă. jam, (conserve), ké'lă; (difficulty), küpiliki“i ă'nă: (to crush), hö“öpépé'; (to crowd), hö“öké”. p janitor, kănă'kă mălă'mă hală. January, Ianüali. Japan, Iapa'nă. Japanese, Kăpăni'. jar, (container), ipă; (shock), năuéuă: (to clash), hötökăi. jaw, (ke) ă: to jaw, hă“ăpătăpătă. jealous, lili. Jehovah, Iého'vă. jerk, hö“ânătă. Jesus, Ie'su. Jew, Jewish, Iukaiö. jewel, pöhakă măkămăă, mö'mi. job, (work), hănă; (contract), u'kă păă. join, (assemble), hăi; (connect), hötökü“i. joint, hötökutină; (of limb), ă'mi; (of cane), pună, po'nă. joke, hötömăkă“ă'kă. jolly, hoihoi. journal, mö“olelă kakăă. journey, kătăhă'lă. joy, hăăto'li, 'o'li“o'li. judge, lună nănă; (legal), lunăkănăwăi: to judge, hötökölökö“lă, hö“öho'lö i kă po'nă. juice, wăi. July, Iulai. jump, lă'lă, léhei, lékei; (hop, frisk), lelă'lă. June–knit 117 June, Iu'nă. junior, (second of name), opi'ă; (younger), opi'ö i'hö. jury, kiu'lă. just, (impartial), kăălikă; (upright), hötöpo'- nă: (barely), “ănătănă. justice, kăülikă. justify, hö“apo'nă. K keel, iwikă“ă'lă. keen, (sharp), “oi; (clever), ăkămăi, no'éaă. keep, (preserve), mălă'mă; keep on, hătămăă; (restrain), kao'hi. kerosene, ailă mahă, ailă honu'ă. kettle, ipă hăă. key, door-key, ki; (in music), le'ă kă'mă. kick, pă'kă. kid, kăö keiki. kidnap, kă“i'Ii kănă'kă. kidney, pă“ăpătă. kill, pépe'hi, pêpe'hi a mă'kă, hötömă'ké. kind, (sort), (ke) tănă: (gentle), lokomăikăi kindle, hotă', kü'ni. kindling, pălăpălă, hotăă'. king. möi', ălii. kingdom, (ke) aăpu'ni ălii. kiss, ho'ni. kitchen, lă'mi kü'kă. kite, lă'pă. knapsack, “ă'kă hăă'wă. knee, ku'li. kneel, kükü'li. knife, pă'hi. knit, kă. 118 knob-lasso knob, pöhe'öhe'ö. knock, (on door), kikéké; (on head), kiko'ni; (punch), kăi; knock down, külă“i: knocked- out, păă kă “ikă. knot, hipă“ă; to knot, hiki“i, nakii, muki“i. know, i'kă. knowledge, i'ké, nătăüaö. ? ! ? ? ? ? ? ● Korea, Korean, Köleă. L labor, (work), hă'nă, hănălimă; (toil), lu'hi; (travail), nă'hünă'hü. lace, li'hili'hi; shoe-lace, li kamătă: to lace, li. lack, nelă, he'măhe'mă. lad, keiki, keikika'nă. ladder, (ke) alăpii; step-ladder, (ke) alăhă'kă. lady, le'ké, wăhină măikă“i. lake, möanăwăi, lököwăi. lamb, hipă ke'iki; (biblical), keikihipă. lame, '5“ö'pă. lamp, küku'i, ipă küku'i. land, ăină: to land, paă, lă'lă iu'kă. landlord, (innkeeper), hă'kă halékipă; (land- owner), hăkă“ăină. - landscape, hităhi“ö'nă făină. lane, (ke) alănăi, alănă'i “olöli'. language, '5le'lö; (foreign), nă'mă. lantern, küku'i he'lă pö. lap, “uhă: to lap up, pălă. large, nu'i, nunu'i; (extensive), ăke'ă. lash, kăülă hi'li: (to whip), “ühaă; (to tie), hăăho'ă: lashings, (of canoe), făhă lă'nă- lă'nă. lasso, kăülăti'li: to lasso, hătăhăi. last–leave 119 last, ho'pă lö'ă: to last, măă. late, (tardy), lo'hi, lölo'hi, ho'pă; (recent), i'hă năi. latitude, lăkikü'. latter, ho'pă a'é, ho'pă i'hă. laugh, laughter, făKătălcă. launch, (boat) wătăpâ' ma'hă: to launch, hötö- lă'nă. lava, luatipă'lă; sheet lava, pahoéhoă; clinker lava, (ke) tătă'; (pumice), pöhakă öa'hi, “ă'nă. lavatory, wă'hi holoi; (latrine), wă'hi hötöpăü- piliki'ă. law, kănăwăi. lawn, pămăü“ă. lawyer, lö'iö. - lay, waihă; (as eggs), hănaă; (as bricks), hö- “ömoă. layer, külă'nă. lazy, molowă, pălaăală'lă. lead, (metal), kepăă: to lead, leader, (ke) ălă- kăi. leaf, lăă; cane-leaf, lă“ö; ti-leaf, lă“i. league, kü“ika'hi; (three miles), éko'lă milă. leak, (roof), kü'lă; (ship), li'ă. lean, (thin), wiwi, olălă: to lean over, hi5; to lean upon, hilină“i. leap, lehei, lă'lé. learn, ă“ö, imi năăăăă. learning, năăăăă. lease, hötöli'mălimă. least, “u'u'külö'ă, meă i'ki. leather, ili, fili hă“ölă“üi'ă. leave, (let alone), waihö; (depart), hăălă'lă; (will), hötöili. - 120 lecture-liberty lecture, hăia“ö, hă“i“öle'lö. ledge, niăă, (ke) tănă“ü. lee, tăö“ăö mălalö. leeward, mălalö. left, he'mă. leg, wăwaă. legend, ka“aă. leggings, liki'ni, pa'lă wăwaă. legion, lékeö'nă, le'hüle'hă. legislature, făhă“öle'lö, făhă“öle'lă kăükănăwăi. legitimate, (legal), kü i ké kănăwăi; (admissi- ble), “ăponöi'ă. leisure, luană, năne'ă. lemon, lă'mi. lemonade, wăi lă'mi. lend, hăă'wi li'lö “o'lă. length, lö“i'hi, lö'ă. leper, lepă'lă. leprosy, măi păkă, măi lépé'lă, măi hötökătă- wală. less, e'mi i'hö. lesson, hăăwină, 5lelöă“ö. lest, o, i 'o'lă. . let, (permit), aă; (lease), hătălimălimă; (with imperative), e, i, o, ină'. letter, (missive), lă'kă; (character), huă pă- lăpă'lă. level, “iliwăi. lever, ă'nă, löhăi. liability, kü. liable, kü: to be liable, i'li. liar, meă wahăhătă, pelă. liberal, manawăletă. liberate, hă“ökătă. liberty, (freedom), küoko'ă; (release), hötö- library-link 121 kătă ănă; (permission), aă. library, waiho'nă pu'ké. license, laikini. lick, pă'lü. lid, (ke) poti, (ke) pă'ni: eyelid, poti măkă. lie, (falsify), hötöpă'nipă'ni, wahăhătă, pe lă; (recline), moă; lie off and on, kălă'wă; lie to, pöhölu'ă. lieutenant, lukăne'lă. life, (ke) o'lă. lift, hăpăi. light, mală'mă, mălă'mălă'mă; daylight, ăă: (not heavy), mămă; (slight), i'ki; light- minded, pu'ni lă“ălătă: to light, (kindle), ho“ă, kü'ni; (illuminate), hötömălă'mălă'mă. lighthouse, hală ipükükü'i. lightning, ăwilă. like, likă, (ke) 'a'nă: to like, (be fond of), pu'ni; (wish), mă'kămă'kă: (so), pé; like this, penei; like that, peiă. likely, (probably), pa'hă; (suitable), küpo'nă. likeness, kö'hă likă; (photograph), kiti. likewise, năhăi, pălă hăi, * lily, lili'ă. limb, lălă. lime, (calcium), pu'nă; (fruit), hu'ă lă'mi. limit, pale'nă: to limit, kăăpale'nă. limp, “o“i. limpet, “opi'hi. line, (rope), kăălă; fish-line, (ke) a'hă; (row), lăla'ni; line drawn, kă'hă; (Equator), Pö- “ăiwăănă-honu'ă. i linen, lilină. link, meă hötökăi; (of chain), păükü kăălă- hăă: to link, hăăhăi, hăăkăi pă. 122 lion-lodge lion, lio'nă. lip, lă'hălă'hé; (edge), kătă. liquid, wăi, héhéă. liquor, wăi “o'nă. list, păpăhă'lă, pă'pă hö“iké: to list, kakăă inöă. listen, hötölo'hé. literally, pili lö'ă i kă huă“öle'lö. literary, hă'li pu'ké. literature, nă pălăpă'lă. litter, “5pălă; (stretcher), mănă'lă: to litter, hö“ömokăki'. little, litilii, i'ki, tutu'kă. live, (exist), o'lă; (dwell), no'hö. livelihood, “oihă'na. lively, 'éle'ă. liver, (ke) a'kă. lizard, mötö. load, hăă'wă; ukă'nă: to load, (as freight), hö“öü'kă; (as a gun), hö“öpi'hă. loaf, (bread), “o'măto'mă pala'oă, pöpö pala'öă: to loaf, hötönăneă, hötöhalămănă'wă. loan, meă i hăăwii’ă nö kă mănă'wă; (money borrowed), kălă hötăie'. loathe, hă“öpăilă'ă. lobby, hă'nă hötöpăipăi: to lobby, păipăi. lobster, (crayfish), ulă, ulă papă'pă. local, külo'kö. locality, kăăwă'hi. locate, (place), hötöno'hă; (find), löata. location, wă'hi, kăhu'ă. lock, (of door), la'kă; (as of hair), “öwili: to lock, ki: lock-up, halăpătăhaă, halăwăi. lodge, (secret order), hă'i malü': to lodge, no'- hă iki; (as a complaint), waihö. lodgings–lowland 123 lodgings, wă'hi no'hă. log, păükü kümülăăă. loiter, milită'pă, lölo'hi, kăkă'l. London, Lakănă. lone, lonely, me'hăme'hă. long, lö'ă, lölö'ă; lö“i'hi: to long for, “I'i'ni. longitude, lönikü'. - look, nănă; look for, i'mi, hă'li; look out for, măkăală, hăkilö. looking-glass, (ke) a'nia'ni nănă, a'nia'ni ki- lö'hi. lookout, (place), wă'hi kiă“i, wă'hi nănă; (structure), 'ălă“ö. loop, kipă'kă. loose, (slack), 'ălă'ălă; (free), hemă; (pro- digal), “u'hă“u'hă. lord, hă'kü. lose, (financially), pohö'; (as a race), ha'u'lă; (be lost), nalöwală, lilö. lot, (quantity), nu'i; (share), măhelă; house- lot, pă hală; (destiny), hăăwină. lottery, piliwăiwăi. loud, kă'ni nu'i; (voice), nu'i kă le'ö. loud-speaker, hă“önu'i le'ö. louse, tă'kă; head-louse, tă'kă pătă. love, (ke) alo'hă; to make love, hötöi'pöipă; (hold dear), hötöălo'hălo'hă. lovely, nöhăă, onao'na. lover, ipă. low, (not high), hătăhătă; (cheap), măkăponă, e'mi; (meek), ăkăhai; (feeble), pă'lüpălă; (vulgar), pă'lăpă'lă. lower, (below), mălalö i'hö: (let down), kătă, hö“ălitălii. lowland, honu'ă, ku'lă. 124 loyal–main loyal, loyalty, küpă“ă. lubricate, hötöpăhătă. luck, lucky, lă'ki, pömaika“i. luggage, ukă'nă, ukănă piliki'nă. lull, (to soothe), hötönă”; (abate), măli'é; lumber, pă'pă lăăă. lump, pă“ü. lumpy, pă“ăpătă, hă'kühă'kă. lunatic, păpu'lă. lunch, “ăină ăwakéă, pa“ină ăwakéă. lung, (ke) akémămă. lure, hötöwălăwă'lă, hötöhălu'ă. lurk, hö“ömăkăki'ă, pă'é. lust, măkăle'hö, kü'kö. luxury, la'kö lo'ă. M machine, miki'ni. mackerel, mackerel scad, “ope'lii. mad, püpu'lă, hehe'nă; (angry), hühü (infatuated), hö“öhihi 'i'nă. magazine, (periodical), pu'kă he'lühelă; pow- der-magazine, waiho'nă păükă. maggot, i'lă. magic, hötökă'lă kupu'ă; (sorcery), “ană“ănă'. magistrate, lu'nă kănăwăi. magnet, magneto, măkéné'ki. magnificent, nă'ni lö'ă. magnify, hă“önu'i, hă“ömăhă'ăhă'ă; (exalt), hötönă'ni, hötölăă. maid, (servant), kăăwăwăhină; (girl), wă- hi'nă opi'ö. mail, ă'kă lă'kă. main, (ke) “ă'nö nu'i. 9 aş lö'ă; mainland–mar 125 mainland, ăină maku'ă. maintain, (support), hötölă'kö; (affirm), hö- “ö'iă; (continue), hă“ömăă. majesty, 'i'hii'hi, möi'. major, (officer), meki'ă; (greater), hapă nu'i. make, (do), hănă; (build), küku'lă; (compel), köi; (earn), löă“ă; make known, hă“ölă'hă; make good (a promise), hö“ökö'; make good (a loss), hotihoti; make light of, mană“ă 'o'lé; make much of, mană“ö nu'i; make out (understand), hö“ömaöpă'pă, akăka; make out (accomplish), kö; make over, hötölilö; make up (reconcile), hă- “ölăülă'ă; make-up (adorn), penă, hă“öu- “iu“i; make water (leak), lită; (urinate), mimi. male, ka'nă; (breeder), ké“ă. malice, mană“ö inö, “6puko'péko'pé. man, kănă'kă, kană; mankind, men, kănăkă. manage, hö“öpo'nöpo'nö. manager, lună hötöpo'nöponă; (plantation), hă'kü. mango, manăkö'. manifest, (of ship), pă'pă hö“ikă ukă'nă: (evi- dent), moakăkă, akăkală“ă: to manifest, hö“ikă. manner, (ke) tă'nă: manners, “ă'nö lăünă. manual, (book), pu'kă lawă limă: (of the hands), limă. manufacture, hă'nă. manuscript, pălăpă'lă. many, le'hüle'hú, nu'i wală. map, pă'lăpălă “ăină. mar, hötökină, 126 marble–mature marble, pöhakă măpălă: marbles, ki'nikini, măpă'lă. march, (month), Malaki: to march, kă“i, pai- kaă. margin, kă“ă, li'hi; stock margin, köwă'. marine, (soldier), koă manăwă'; (navy), nă mo'kă: (of the sea), o ké kăi. mariner, luină. mark, kă'hă, hötăilönă: (distinction), kăă- lă'nă. market, măkăkă, 'oihănă kălă'pă. Marquesas Islands, Nü“ühi'wă. marry, mală, hötăö. marshal, ilamă'kü, ălihikăüă nu'i, (ke) alăkăi. marvelous, kupăiăna'hă. mascot, meă hă“öla'ki. mask, pă“ökii, uhimă'kă. mass, (bulk), nunui; (people), le'hüle'hă; (at church), me'kă. massacre, lă'kü. massage, lo'milo'mi, lo'mi. mast, ki'ă. master, (lord), hă'kü; (teacher), kü'mü: (to overcome), lănăki'lă, hötöpi'ö. mat, moénă. match, (lucifer), kükaăpă'lă; (similarity), li'- ké; (contest), hötökükü: to match, hö- “öhălikălikă, kö'hă. mate, (companion), hoă, kokötölu'ă; first mate of ship, mălămămo'kă; second mate, hüli- păhă. material, meă. matter, meă; (pus), pălăhehe'; (difficulty), piliki'ă, hihi'ă. mature, o“o, pălă, maku'ă. may-mention 127 may, (month), Mei: (permissive), aăi'ă, hiki nö; (potential), măli'ă, pa'hă. maybe, pelă pa'hă, aă pa'hă. mayor, meiă. meal, patină; (ground grain), hu'ă hötaă“aă. mean, (stingy), pi; (harsh), uahö'ă; (middle), iwăănăkö'nă: (signify), mană“ö: means, wăiwăi. meantime, i'ă wa nö, i'ă mănă'wă. measure, (ke) ă'nă. meat, (flesh), “i“o. mechanic, mechanical, hă'nă li'mă. medal, mekă'lă. meddle, (with hands), lălă'mă; (in affairs), hökăi. mediate, ăwaö. medical, lăpăăă. medicine, lă“ăă. medium, (means), kü'mă; (middle), meă ma- waănă; (spiritualistic), hă'kă. meek, ălzăhai. meet, meeting, hălăwăi. melody, le'ö me'lă. melon, ipă; water-melon, ipă“ăimă'kă, ipă- ha'ölă; musk-melon, ipătă'lă. melt, hötöhehă“ă. member, hoă, lălă. memorial, meă hă“ömănătă; (petition), pălă- pă'lă hötöpii. memorize, hă“öpă“ănătăă. memory, hö“ömănă“ö. mend, hă'nă hoă, kăpili; (cloth), paho'nö- ho'nö; mend in health, o'lă hoă. mental, o kă no“öno“ö, o kă nătăü. mention, hă“i, hö“ikă. 128 merchandise-mind merchandise, wăiwăi kălă'pă. merchant, kălă'pă. mercury, wăi kălă, meă ă'nă wă'lă. mercy, lokomăikăi, (ke) ălo'hă. mere, merely, wală nö. merit, hu'ă o kă hă'nă: to merit, po'nö kă löata. merry, '5'lită'li, lă'ălătă. mess, (company), potă tăi pü; (individual), măhelă tăi; (disorder), hökăi: (to dirty), hökă“ă. message, “öle'lö hötöunăi'ă. messenger, tălă'lă. metal, măkală, hăă. meteor, hökülélé, kö'li. method, hötöno'höno'hö mikioi. methodical, ă'nö mikioi. Methodist, Mekoki'kö. Mexico, Méki'kö. midday, (ke) ăwakéă. middle, vaănăko'nă. midnight, (ke) aúmoă. might, mă'nă, ikăikă. mild, (gentle), ăkăhai; (of voica), nă'hănă'hă. mile, milă. military, “oihă'nă koă. milk, wăiü'. milk-fish, a'wă. mill, wili; sugar-mill, wilikö”. million, milio'nă: millionth, kă milio'nă. mimic, hötöpili, hötömahăi. - mind, notönotă, nătăă; (will, thought), ma- nă“ö: (to heed), hötölö'hă, mali'ă; (care for), mălă'mă. mine–mock 129 mine, (excavation), lu'ă “ălii'ă, (ke) ă'nă “élii'ă; (submerged), pökă păhü kăi: (be- longing to me), ko“ă, na“ü, etc. mineral, minelală. minister, (pastor), kăhănăpălă; minister of state, kuhină aipu'ni; (ambassador), ku- hi'nă “ălă'lă. minor, “u“u'kü i'hö. minority, hapă “ü'kă. minute, (60 seconds), minu'ké: (very small), “u“u'kü lö'ă, măkălii: minutes, mö“ole'lă hălăwăi. miracle, hănămănă. mirror, (ke) a'nia'ni nănă, a'nia'ni kilo'hi. miscellaneous, kélă mé ké'iă. mischief, hă'nă ă'pă, kölö'hă, “ăpi'ki. mischievous, “éă. miser, punikălă, pi. miserable, (un h a ppy), lă“ülütă, hăălă“ă; (worthless), lăpăwală. misfortune, pă“ină, pöpiliki'ă. miss, (maid), wăhină mală “olă: to miss, hală, halăhi'. mission, mikio'nă. missionary, mikane'lă, mikiónă'li. mist, (fog), “o'hă; (fine rain), noă. mistake, kuhihe'wă, lălăii. k Mister, Mr., Mikă, Mi. mistress, (Mrs.), wăhină ma'lă; kept mistress, wăhină mănüa'hi. mix, (blend), kăwili; (mingle), hă“öhăi, hăi pü. mob, lehălehă, ulăaotă, pot hăăhainaălă. mock, hătămăe'wăe'wă, he'năhe'nă. 130 mode–moss mode, (manner), (ke) tănă; (fashion), tănă măă. model, (ke) ă'nă hötöhălikă: to model, hănă i likă. moderate, pălcikö: to moderate, hö“e'mi. modern, nö ké'iă wă. modest, ălcăhai, hă“ăhă“ă. moist, moisture, kăwăü', ma“ü'. molasses, mălăkă'ké. mold, (mildew), punăhe'lă; (soil), lă'pă mö- mo'nă; (form), (ke) ănă: (to make), hă'- nă; (decay), pöpă'pă. moment, keko'nă, wă poko'lă lö'ă; (import- ance), (ke) “ă'nö nu'i. Monday, Pötakă'hi, Monéke'. money, kălă, mo'ni. mongoose, mănăku'ké. monkey, ké'kö. monstrous, (fearful), wă'liwă'li; (great), nu'i. month, (lunar), măhină; (calendar), mală'mă. monument, ki'ă hö“ömană“ö. mood, (ke) ă'nö. moon, măhină. Moorish Idol, (fish), kihiki'hi. moral, po'nă, hă“öponă. more, nu'i a'é, hoă: to be more, “oi. moreover, hoti, nöhoti, 'e'iă hoti. Mormon, Molémo'nă. morning, kakăhiă'kă. mortal, (human being), kănă'kă: (fatal), mă'kă. mortar, (cement), pună hămă; (utensil), ipă kăi; (ordnance), pü ki pökăpăhü'. mortgage, möla'ki. mosquito, măkikă. moss, li'mă. mOst–museum 131 most, nu'i lö'ă, hapănui. moth, püléléhu'ă, okai; clothesmoth, mü. mother, makuăhină; mother-in-law, maku'ă hünoăi wăhină. motion, “o'ni, nă'énă'ă ănă; make a motion in meeting, noi; second a motion, kökă'ă. motive, kü'mü i hă'nă ăi. motor, mă'nă e nă“ă ăi; (machine), mikini. motorcycle, mokokăikă'lă. mound, (ke) ahu'ă, pă“ă. mount, (as a picture), hötökö'mă; (as a horse), “ătă; mount guard, hötöno'hă i kiă“i. mountain, măünă, kuăhiwi. mourn, mourning, kănikăi, kăniühü', küma- kenă. mouse, io'lă litilii. mouth, wa'hă; mouth of river, snout, etc., nă'kü. mouthpiece, wahă“öle'lö. move, 'o'ni, nă“ă, hötönătă; move an adjourn- ment, mană“ö e hö“öpănă“ă. moving-pictures, kii ă'nitö'ni. much, nu'i, nu'i lö'ă, nu'i wală. mucus, wălăwă'lă, hüpé. mud, ké'lăkă'lă, ükă'lă. mud-hen, (coot), alaă. mule, hö'ki. mullet, ă'mătă'mă, ănăă. multiply, hötönu'i, hötömăhă-ăhă'ă. multitude, le'hăle'hă. murder, păpe'hi kănă'kă. muscle, olonă', tită. museum, ha'lă hö“ikă“i'ké. 132 music-nationality music, (vocal), me'lă; (instrumental), pilă hă- “ökă'ni. musician, (performer), meă hötökă'ni pilă; (composer), meă hă'kü melé. mussel, nahăwe'lă, pio'éo'é. must, po'nö. muster, hötăko'ăko'ă; muster cattle, hă“öhuli pipi. mute, mümulă, le'ö 'o'lă. mutiny, ki'pi. mutter, na'mina'mü, “ohu'mă. mutton, tită hipă. mutual, likă, kăülikă. muzzle, wa'hă; (snout), nü'kă; (cover), pü- nă'kă. my, a“ă, o“ü, etc. mynah, pihăăkă'lă. myself, ăwăă nö, notă i'hă, etc. mystery, păha“öha“ö, meă pohihihi. N nail, ku'i, kaki'ă; human nail, miki“ăă, măi'aă. naked, köhă'nă, folo'hălo'hă. name, inöă: to name, kă'pă. namely, “ö'iă ho“i. nap, külüihiămoă, hö“o'lă“o'lă. napkin, kăwe'lă; table napkin, kăwe'lă păpă- “ăină. narrow, “olöli', haiki. na rrows, köwă. nasty, (dirty), pelăpă'lă, haika“ă; (mean), “ină. nation, lăhui, (ke) aăpu'ni. national, nö ké aăpu'ni. nationality, lăhu'i. native-nest 133 a tă native, maoli: a native, kü'pă, kămă“ăină: na- tive land, (ke) o'nă hănaă. natural, maoli; (unassuming), ăkăhai. nature, (personified), Naku'ră; (character), (ke) “ă'nö maoli. naughty, kölö'hă, “ăpi'ki. nautilus, ăăwă“ălălu'ă. naval, “oihă'nă mo'kă. navel, pikö, pikö '5pü'. navigate, hötöho'lö mo'kă, hă“ökélé. navy, ulümokükăăă; (fleet), ulümo'kă. near, kokö'ké. nearly, “ă'nătă'nă. neat, mikioi, ma'émată; (dainty), ăălii. necessary, küpo'nă: to be necessary, e po'nö ăi. necessity, kă meă e po'nö ăi; (want), nelă. neck, tăti. necklace, neck-tie, léită“i. need, nelă. needle, kăi, küikă'lă, kăi hămăhă'mă. negative, (denial), hötö'lă; photographic nega- tive, (ke) a'nia'ni pă“ikiti; a'nia'ni a'kă kii. neglect, hötöhemăhemă; waihă wală. negligent, pălă'kă, hötöhe'măhemă. negro, pă“élă, ni'kă, neke'lö. neighbor, hoălaúnă, hoăno'hă. neighborhood, kă'hi koköké. neither, tă“ö'lă kélă', 'ă“ö'lă ké'iă; tă“ö'lă hoti. nephew, keiki. nerve, (ke) atălölö; man of nerve, püko'nă- ko'nă. nervous, pihoihoi wală. nest, pünă'nă. 134 net-noise net, (fish), “upe'nă; (small-meshed), năé; (mosquito), păkü; (netted bag), kökö: (to gain), pukă. neutral, kă“oko“ă. never, tătă'lă lö'ă. nevertheless, akă ho“i. new, hoi. news, nühoü. newspaper, nüpe'pă. New York, Nü Io'kă. New Zealand, Nükila'ni. next, kekă'hi a“ă, măho'pă măi. nibble, nă'lină'li. nice, măikăi, ăălii. nickel, (money), hapău'mi, ălimă kenă'kă. nickname, inöă kă'păkă'pă. niece, kăikămăhină. - night, p0. nightmare, moé“inö. nine, i'wă, ei'wă, taiwă: ninth, kă i'wă. nineteen, “ümikümamaiwă: nineteenth, kă “ümikümamaiwă. ninety, kănăi'wă: ninetieth, ké kănăi'wă. no, ăălă, ăăhă, olă. ble, kăükăüălii, hă'nöhă'nö. (; “ă“ö'hă meă, meă “ö'lă. nod, (as signal), kunöă; (drowsily), ki'mö. noise, hănăkă'li, kă'ni; (soft rustle), ne'hé; (rustle, rattle), nakăkă; (sharp creak), “ăină; (crackle of thunder, rattle), nakă'- lă; (hum, rumble), hămămă; (roar of waters, of thunder), hălălă; (roar of surf), pătăpü'; (roar of animal), făwö'; (sound of rhythmic beat), ko'ă'lă; (gabble), wălă- ăă, hăăwalăăă: to noise about, hă“ölă'hă. ÎlOne–Illlt 135 (none, tă“5'lă hötökă'hi, ă“5'hă. nonsense, '6le'lă lăpăwală. noon, (ke) ăwakéă. nor, “ă“ö'lă hoti. normal, meă măă, külikă mă nă lu'lă; normal school, ku'lă ă“ö kü'mă. north, făkaă; northeast, hiki'nă tălcaă; north- west, kömöhă'nă “ălcaú. nose, i'hă. not, tă“ö'lă, '5'lă. notary, lună hötö'iă pălăpă'lă. note, (letter), lă'kă poko'lă; (explanatory), “öle'lă wă'hăwă'hă; (memo.), '5le'lă hötöma- nă“ö; (promissory), pălăpălă kikătă, pilă hö“ăi“e”. - nothing, tă“ö'hă nö, meă “ö'lă. notice, i'ké; public notice, “öle'lö hötölă'hă: to notice, “ikă. noticeable, maopă'pă lătă. notify, kükă'lă, hötikă. notion, mană“ö u'lă wală. notwithstanding, akă nă“ă, tă“ö'lă nă“ă. novel, hoă; (romance), kataă. novelty, (ke) tă'nă hoă, meă hoă. November, Nowămapă. now, ănö'. nucleus, kü'mă, kiköwaănă. nude, köhă'nă, kă'pă tă'lă. nudist, meă he'lă wală. nuisance, meă hötöpiliki'ă wală. number, helu'nă: (to count), he'lă. numerous, le'hüle'hă. nurse, kă'hă mă“i; nursemaid, meă mălă'mă; (to suckle), hănăi. nut, kuku'i, kuku'i haőlă. 136 O–odd O O, oh, (exclamation), ăăwe'; (vocative), e. oar, hoé. oath, hötöhi'ki. obey, hö“ölo'hé. object, meă; (purpose), mană“ö pa'ă: (to op- pose), kü'é. objection, kü'mii kü“é. objective, méă i kăülo'nă i'ă. obligation, (debt), ăită; (duty), po'nă. oblige, (compel), köi; (gratify), “o'lăto'lă; (assist), kökü'ă. obscure, (of sight), pöwe'hiwe'hi; (vague), po- hihihi, maopă'pă '5'lă; (humble), hătăhătă. observe, (see), “ikă; (watch), hăkăpo'nă, hă- kilö. obstinate, pă“ăkiki. obstruct, obstruction, ké“ăkă“ă, ălăi. obtain, löa“a. obvious, maopă'pă lă'ă, moakăkă. occasion, wă; (cause), kü'mă. occasionally, i kă'hi wă. occidental, kömöhă'nă. occupation, hă'nă, “oiha'nă. occupy, (as a house), kömö, no'hö; occupy oneself, hă'nă, hötöpătă po'nö. - occur, (happen), lötöhi'ă; (come to mind), a'lă măi. occurrence, uli'ă. ocean, möană. o'clock, ho'lă. October, Okako'pă. octopus, (locally, “squid”), hăă. odd, (unlike), likă !ă'lé; (eccentric), ănătă; (uneven), kăüpate'wă. odds–opinion 137 odds, “oi, köănă, ké'ü. odor, (fragrance), “ălă; (stink), pilaă. of, kă, kö, ă, 5. off, a'kü: be off, he'lă pélă'. offend, (violate), kü“é; (anger), hă“önaă'kiü'ki. offense, hă'nă he'wă. offer, (give), hăă'wi; offer food, kăă tăi; offer sacrifice, kăămă'hă, hăi. offering, hăăwină, mohai. office, “oihă'nă, keă'nă “oihă'nă. officer, lu'nă. official, mé ké kăüo'hă, mă'nă “oihă'nă. officious, lălă'mă. often, pinăpi'nă. oil, ailă, hină; (coconut), mănă“i: to oil, kahi'nă. ointment, meă po'ni, hină. O.K., O.K. old, (ancient, aged), kăhikă; (worn-out), apălă: old man, “ălămăkălă; old woman, luăhină. omit, (neglect), waihă wală; (exclude), pă'lă. on, (onward), imă'ă: (upon), mălună, ilună; (at or with), mă, i. once, i kekă'hi wă, akă'hi; at once, ănö', kö'kă. one, ka'hi, akă'hi, hötökă'hi, kekă'hi. onion, “ălcătăkăi. only, wală nö. open, hamă'mă: to open, wă'hă, hemă; (un- fold), mohală. opening, pu'kă; (in woods), kipă'kă. opera, kéă'kă me'lă. operate, (work), hănă; operate surgically, “oki, kă'hă. opinion, mană'ă. 138 opportunity–outfit opportunity, wă küpo'nö. oppose, kü'é, kătăkătă. opposite, (facing), mă ké a'lă, mă kélă făö“ăă; (contrary), kü“é. oppress, hă“ökuăpătă. oppression, hö“ökăümă'hă. or, pa'hă, i “ö'lă. orange, ală'ni. orator, kănă'kă hă“i“öle'lö. orchard, kihapăi, ulă huă“ăi. orchestra, po'é hötökă'ni pilă. order, (a command), kăăo'hă; (arrangement), hötöno'höno'hö po'nö; (rank), külă'nă; (fraternity), pă'pă; (check), pilă kikă“ö kălă: to order, kăüo'hă, kénă'. ordinance, lu'lă, kănăwăi. ordinary, mătă măă. organ, okănă; (of body), pa“ăha'nă. organization, hăi. organize, hö“ökü'mă. oriental, hiki'nă. origin, kü'mă, măkămu'ă. original, mu'ă lö'ă, ki'nă hoă. originate, hötökü'mă, hă“ömă'kă. ornament, kăhi'kö: to ornament, hö“önă'ni. other, “é, é ă“ă: the other, kekă'hi meă “e, kă lu'ă, hé meă “é ă“ă. otherwise, i “ö'lă iă. ought, po'nă. our, kö kă'üă, kö măköă, (see pp. 19-20) out, outward, iwă'hă, măwă'hö: (directive), a'kü: outside, kowă'hö. outbreak, (volcanic), hü, păhü'; (on skin), pă“ăpătă; (insurrection), ki'pi, hăănaălă. outfit, nă la'kö: to outfit, hö“ölă'kö. outing-page 139 outing, pi'kiniki, măka“ika“i. outline, kă'hă öwă'hö; (of discourse), iwi hă“ia“ö. outrigger of canoe, ia'kö; (float), (ke) amă. outstanding, (due), kătă “ălă; (prominent), ki“éki“ă. oven, (modern), (ke) 'o'mă; ground oven, i'mă, ă'mă. over, mălună; (across), ma5' ăă; (excess), “oi. overcome, lănăki'lă, hötöpi'ö; to be overcome, pi'ö. overlook, (see over), nănă mălu'nă; (oversee), kiă“i, hă“öpo'nöpo'nă; (miss), hală; (neg- lect), pălă'kă; (condone), waihă. overseer, lu'nă. owe, tăie'. owl, püă'ă. own, (self), ponă“i': to own, löata; (admit), aé. owner, o'nă, meă nö'nă. oyster, pipi, “ölă'pă. P pacific, malină, lă“i: Pacific Ocean, Möană Pakipi'kă. pack, (knapsack), hăă'wă: to pack, (trunk), hăhaă, hötö', hăö; (to load), hötökăü, hö- “öili. package, (bundle), pü'o'lă, pütă', (ke) 'o'pă; (box), pa'hü. paddle, hoă: (to play), e păta'ni ilo'kö o ké kăi. page, (of book), ăăăă; (boy), keiki lă'wă- lă'wă. 140 pageant-paralysis pageant, hö“ikă“ikă. pail, pălţă'ké. pain, ă'hă; (pang), umii; (ache), hăi; men- tal), ă'hătă'hă: (to hurt), hö'é'hă. paint, penă: to paint, (as the face), penă, nöünöüneă; (to daub), hăpală. painter, (artisan), meă hă'mă penă; (artist), meă pe'nă kii; (rope), kăülă wătăpă'. pair, pată, kăülu'ă: to pair, kăülu'ă, pălu'ă. pajamas, lo'lă moé. pal, ho'ă, hoăpili. palace, hală ălii. pale, haikeă, hakeă, nanănăkeă. palm, (tree), pă'mă, loălă; (hand), păhălimă. pamphlet, pălăpălă pă“ii'ă. pan, (ke) pă ki'ni. - pancake, pala'oă pălai. Panama, Pănămă'. ş pandanus, hală; (tree), pühălă; (leaf), lăă- hală. pane, “ăpănă a'nia'ni. panic, makătă kuhe'wă. pant, năănăă, păăpăüa'hă; (as a dog), ă'hăă'hă. pants, lo'lă wăwaă. papaya, mikă'nă, he“i, papăiă. papaya-bird, “ăimikă'nă. paper, pă'pă; (writing), kălă'nă; newspaper, nüpă'pă; (essay); mană“ö i hăkăi'ă. par, likă. parade, hötökă'hăkă'hă; (military), paikaii: to parade, kă“i. paradise, paradaiso. paragraph, păükü' '6le'lö. parallel, moă likă. paralysis, măi lölö. parcel–pat 141 parcel, păto'lö litilii: (to divide), măhelă. pardon, hăikă'lă; (forgive), kă'lă. pare, kö'li. parent, (Hawaiian), maku'ă; own parent, lu- ăü“i; parent-in-law, hünoăi. car, kü. ş. parlor, lü'mi hötökipă, keă'nă. parrot, mă'nii alo'hă, palo'kă. parrot-fish, ă'hü. parson, kăhănăpălă, kă'hă ekalési'ă. part, hapă, măhelé, “ăpănă, păikü'. partial, (biased), ă'wă“ă'wă; (fond of), puni. particle, hină. particular, (precise), mikioi; (careful), ălcă- hă'lă. partner, ho'ă, hoăhă'nă. partnership, hă'i “oihă'nă. party, (person), meă; (group), po“ă, hăi; (din- ner), “ăhă“aină; (social), hă“ölăülă“ă; (fac- tion), făötăö. pass, (defile), a'lă “olöli'; free pass, pălă- pă'lă kö'mö wală; (thrust), hoă: to pass, mă“ală; (as a bill), hă“öho'lă; (as hand), ă'ni. passenger, “ohu'ă. passion, (anger), hühü “ină; (lust), kükö. passport, pă'lăpălă aă. password, “5le'lă kiă“i, “öle'lo hünă'. past, hală: the past, mămu'ă, wă i hală. paste, meă hötöpipili. pastor, kăhănăpălă, kă'hü ekalési'ă. pasture, pă holöhălo'nă, ku'lă holöhölonă. pat, (apt), makăükăă: to pat, pătipă“i măli'ă. 142 patch–pen patch, (taro), lă“i: to patch, paho'nöho'nă, pö'hö. path, (ke) a'lă, kuămötö. patience, (ke) ăhănui, hă“ömanawanu'i. patient, (invalid), meă mă“i. patriotic, ălo'hă făină, mălcă“ă aúpu'ni. patrol, kiăi kătăhă'lă. patronage, hă“öpömaika'i ă'nă. pattern, (ke) ănă, kă mă hătăhălikă. pause, ma'hă i'ki. pave, pavement, kipă“pă, kipaăpaă. paw, wăwaă: to paw ground, he'lă; (to han- dle), hăpă'pă. pawn, pănă“i wăiwăi, kütăi nö kă mănă'wă. pay, u'kă, hă“ökătă; (profit), pu'kă. pea, pi. peace, malühi'ă, kütika'hi. peacock, pikăkă. peanut, piné'ki. pear, peă. pearl, mö'mi. pebble, i'lii'li. peck, kikö, paă; peck repeatedly, paăpaă. peculiar, (one's own), ponăi”; (odd), ănătă. pedal, he'hi. peddle, peddler, kălă'wă, piă'lă, matăăăăwă'. pedigree, mötöküăühăă. peel, pată“ă, i'li: to peel, i'hi, ho'lăho'lă. peep, kitei, hălö; (sound), pi'öpi'ă, i'ăită. peer, (associate), ho'ă; (noble), ălii: to peer, mănă. peevish, tată'kă, hühü wală. peg, pină lăăă; (surveyor's), pa'hă: to peg, măki'ă. pen, pă'ni, păniki'lă; (yard), pă. penalty-personage 143 penalty, hö“öpă“i. penance, hö“öpăi hăikă'lă. pencil, pénikală. peninsula, tănămökă. penny, pă'ni, kéné'kă. pension, ukü hi, ămăă. people, kănăkă, po'é: to people, hötöu'lă lă- hii. pepper, (plant, pod), nioi; (ground), lü păpă. perceive, (see), “ikă; (understand), hö“ömaö- pö'pă. percentage, pălcéné'kă. perch, kăă. perfect, hemölă'lă, kină tă'lă: to perfect, hö- “ökö po'nă. perform, hă'nă, hö“ökö'. performance, hă'nă. perfume, (natural), möani, (ke) 'ălă, tatălă; (bottled), luki'ni, wăită'lă: to perfume, hötöpe'. perhaps, pa'hă, măli'ă pa'hă, ină pa'hă. period, (time), wă, mana'wă; (punctuation), kikă, kikökă'hi. perjury, hö“öhiki wahăhătă. permanent, măă, pată. permit, permission, aă: written permit, pălă- pă'lă aă. perpendicular, küpo'nă, küpololei. perplex, hă“öpilihu'ă, hötöhăikaă. perplexity, pi“ötö', hăikăă. persecute, hö“ömatăü, hö“inö. persist, hă“ömăă, hă“ökupătă. person, kănă'kă, meă. personable, “upă'lă, onao'na. personage, meă hă'nöhă'nö. 144 personal–piece personal, pilikină. personality, külă'nă; (remark), Öle'lă pili- ki'nö. personally, ihă. personnel, po'é. persuade, köi. perverse, kekă'é, “o“oletă. pervert, hötökăhü'li. pest, meă “ină. pestilence, ahulaă. pet, (favorite), punăhe'lă; (anger), nu'hă; to pet, mi'limi'li. petition, pă'lăpălă höö“pii: to petition, noi, hötöpii, pulă. petrel, ăăă, ăwă“ă. pheasant, kölöhă'lă. Philippines, Filipino, Pilipină. phone, kélépo'nă. phonograph, pahütölelă. photograph, ki“i: to photograph, pă“iki“i. phrase, mămă'lă “öle'lö. physic, lăăă. physical, ki'nö. physician, kăükă lăpăăă. piano, piă'nă. pick, pă“öke'lă; pickax, kipikă'ă: to pick, kö'- hă, waă; (as fruit), 'o'hi; (as a lock), wă'- hă; (as ground), pă ă'li. picket, (guard), kiă“i; (paling), lăăă pă. pickles, hu'ă hă“ömiköi'ă. picnic, pikini'ki. picture, kii. pie, păi. piece, făpănă, hăkină, păăkü'; (bolt, as of cloth), ăpă'. pier–plague 145 pier, ăwapă, üapă. pierce, “ö, hoă. piety, (religious), hăipulă; (filial), (ke) ălo'hă. pig, puata. pigeon, nünă, mănăkă. pile, (beam), poă löihi; (heap), pailă, (ke) ahu'ă; (nap of cloth), ohălăhălă: to pile, hö“a'hă. pill, huăă'lă. pillar, ki'ă, poă. pillow, ulună. pilot, (ke) paila'kă, (ke) alăkai. pin, kü'i pină, mălci'ă. pinch, iniki; (squeeze), “umi'ki; (be nar- rowed.), hötömi'ömi'ö; (steal), tăihu'ă; (ar- rest), hă'pă. pine, lă“ăă paină: to pine, li“ă. pineapple, halăkahiki. pink, “ălcă'lă. pint, paină. pioneer, paióni'ă. pipe, păipă, 'o'hă; waterpipe, piă'lă wăi; tobac- copipe, i'pă pă'kă. pirate, păwă', pöwă mo'kă. pistol, păpănăpănă. pit, lu'ă. pitch, kă, kepăă hămă; (slope), lă'pă: to pitch, (throw), năă; (as a tune), puană; (as a tent), kükulă. pitcher, (jug), pikă; (ball), meă nöă. pity, (ke) alo'hă me'năme'nă. place, wă'hi, kă'hi: to place, waihă, kăă; (es- tablish), hötöno'hö. plague, măi ahulaă; (nuisance), meă hă“öpi- liki'ă. 146 plain-pluck plain, (flat land), “ăină păla'hăla'hă, “ăină pă- pü: (evident), akăkă, maopă'pă; (homely), nükö'ki. plait, ulă'nă, hi'lö. plan, păpăhă'nă: to plan, hö“ölălă. plane, (even), lăümăni'ă; (tool), kö“ikă'hi; airplane, mokülă'lă. planet, hökühă'lă, hökü“aătă. plank, pă'pă măno'ăno'ă. plant, (growth), meă ulă, meă kănă; indus- trial plant, nă meă “oihănă: to plant, kănă. plantation, mahină“ăi, kihapăi; (sugar), mă- hikö”. - planter, kănă'kă măhi“ăi. plaster, (lime), pună; (sticking), meă hötö- pipili. plate, (ke) pă. platform, (paved), paăpaă; (rostrum), făwăi; (political), păpăhă'nă. - play, pă“ani, lă“ălă“ă; (drama), hă'nă kéă'kă: to play music, hötökă'ni; (cards), hahaă; (gamble), pili. pleasant, “o'lă“o'lă, măli'ă. please, (politeness in request), “olă“olă; to please, hö“ö'lütö'lă. pleasure, lă'ălătă, ă'litö'li. pledge, wăiwăi pănă“i: (to plight), hötöhi'ki. plenty, la'wă po'nă, hé nu'i. pliers, “üpă hö“öpată. plot, (of story), kümümană“ă; (ground), ăpă- nă: to plot, ki'pi malü'. plover, köléă. plow, pălăă, “ötöpălăă. pluck, ăă, koă: to pluck, (as fruit), 'o'hi; (as a fowl), u'năună; pluck out, ühu'ki. plug-poor 147 plug, (stopper), “ümo'ki; (tobacco), păpă“ă- pakă. plunder, wăiwăi hăă: to plunder, hăă, pöwă'. plunge, (dive into water), lă“ă; (fall headlong), kimă; (dip), höu. P.M., (afternoon), alăinălă; (evening), (ke) ă'hiă'hi; (night), pö. pneumonia, nümöni'ă. pocket, păkéké. poet, hă'kü me'lă. poetry, nă melă. point, (tip), wélăă, pikă; (subject), kümüma- nă“ö; (cape), laă; (dot), kikö: to point, kü'hiku'hi. poison, lă“ăü mă'ké. pole, lă“ăü lö“i'hi; (flag), pa'hă haă, ki'ă haă; (telephone), poă; (fish), mökăi; (axial ex- tremity), wélăü. Pole Star, Höküpătă, Kiopătă. police, policeman, măkai. policy, mană“ö hă“ökö', păpăhănă; (insurance), pă'lăpălă pănă“i. polish, hinühină; (elegance), hötöhi'ehi'e: to polish, tănăi, hă“öhinühină. polite, wăipăhé'. politic, no'éaă. politics, kalăi“ăină. poll, pă“ö; (tax), aăhăă ki'nă; (voting), wă'hi köhö pălo'kă. pomp, hö“ökă'hăkă'hă. pond, lö'kö; fishpond, lö'kö iă. pool, (freshwater), ki“öwăi; tidal pool, kăhă'kă. poor, (needy), “ilihănă, nelă; (lean), olă'lă, wiwi; (ill), “onawa'liwali; (quality), inö- “ină. 148 pop–potato pop, păhă'; (soda water), wăi mömo'nă. pope, popă. poppy, puăkală. * a fi a ta! ufe a- population, lăhu'i, kănăkă. porch, lănai. pork, “ită puată. porpoise, năită. port, (ke) ă'wă kümo'kă; port side, ăăăă he'mă. porter, (carrier), kănă'kă ha'li ukănă; (door- man), kiă“i pu'kă. portion, măhe'lă, hăăwină. Porto Rico, Pökölikö. portrait, kii, kiti helăhăle'nă. Portuguese, Pukiki'. Portuguese man-of-war, pătimalaă. position, wă'hi; (rank), külă'nă; (office), “oi- hă'nă. positive, maopă'pă, hötö'iaită ă'n possess, löa'a. - possession, löa“a ănă; (colony), panălă“ăă. possible, hiki. possibly, pa'hă. post, poi; (military), păpu: to post, (mail), hă“ökö'mă lă'kă; (as sentry), hötöno'hă. postage, pă“ölă'kă. poster, pălăpălă hă“ölă'hă. postman, la'wă lă'kă. postoffice, hală lă'kă. postpone, hă“öpană“ă. postscript, Öle'lö pakăi. pot, ipă; (earthenware crock), kélémani'ă. potato, (sweet), tăwală, făwală maoli; (Irish), “ăwalăkăhi'ki. ă poultry–preside 149 poultry, moă, mă'nă la kă. pound, paonă; (cattle), pă aúpu'ni: to pound, ki“i. pour, nini'ni, hö“ökă'hé. poverty, nelă, hü'nă. powder, păükă: to powder, hö“aă'aă. power, mă'nă. practicable, hiki. practice, practical, hă'nă măă, lă'wélă'wă măă: to practice, hö“ömă“ămătă. praise, măhălă: to praise, hă“önă'ni, hötömai- kai. pray, prayer, pulă, noi. preach, hă“i'5le'lö. preacher, hă“i“5le'lö, kăhănăpă'lă. precede, he'lă mămu'ă. precedent, (ke) ă'nă hö“öhălikă. precinct, făpănă, măhelă. precious, măkămăă, hi'wăhiwă. precipice, pali. prefer, ma'kéma'kă; be preferable, a'hö. pregnant, hăpăi. prejudice, mană“ö kü“é'. premium, (insurance), ukă inikă'ă; (gift), ma- ka'nă “ăpo'nă, mănüa'hi; (over-price), u'kă măhu'ăhu'ă. prepare, hö“ömăkăikăii. presence, (ke) a'lö; presence of mind, makăă- kăă. - present, (gift), makană; the present, ănö': (here), eiă: to present, hăă'wi, hötikă. presently, koköké. preserve, (jam), kă'lă: to preserve, mălă'mă o “inăină. preside, hă“ömă'lă. 150 president-prisoner president, pălăkike'nă. press, (machine), mikini kăö'mi; (printing), păi pălăpălă; The Press, nă nüpă'pă: to press, kăö'mi; (to crowd), hă“öké”; (with iron), ăiănă, pălzi. presume, maha“öi; (suppose), mană“ö walé. pretend, pretense, hö“ökămăni. pretty, u“i, măikă“i, nöhéă: pretty good, măi- kăi i'ki; pretty bad, inö nö. prevail, (conquer), lănăkilă; (be prevalent), lă'hă: prevailing wind, makani măă. prevent, pală, kétăkă“ă. previous, mu'ă, mămu'ă a'é. price, kümükü“ăi. prick, meă “o“oi, kükü': to prick, hoă, “ö. prickly pear, pânini, păpipi. pride, hăăhe'ö, hötöki'ékită. priest, kăhănăpălé. primary, mu'ă, kü'mă mu'ă; (election), kö'hö mu'ă. prime, (chief), mu'ă, nu'i; (excellent), pö- “öke'lă. primitive, (original), măkămu'ă; (ancient), kăhikö. prince, keiki ălii; (crown), hötöili'nă möi'. princess, kămălii, kăikămăhină ălii. principal, nu'i, mu'ă: (capital sum), kümă- pătă; (head), (ke) pă“ö. principle, löină, mö'lă. print, (cloth), lo'lé kălăkoă; (picture), kii; footprint, kăpăa“i, mehe'ă: to print, pă“i. printer, kănă'kă pă“i. prior, mămu'ă a'é. prison, hală patăhaă. prisoner, patăhaö. private-property 151 private, (soldier), koă maoli: (personal), po- nö“i, küokotă; (alone), me'hăme'hă; (se- cret), malü'. privilege, küleănă; (advantage), pömaika“i. prize, u'kü, makană: to prize, mană“ö nu'i. prize-fight, pélépélé', mö'kömökă. probable, “o'iaită pa'hă. problem, nănăhă“i, mană“öhă“i. proceed, he'lă mu'ă; proceed from, pu'kă măi. process, hă'nă. procession, kăi, hăăkă“i he'lă. proclaim, kükă'lă; (publish), hă“ölă'hă. produce, nă huă: to produce, hötikă; (yield), hă“öhuă. profess, hö“ö'iă; (pretend), hötökămăni. profession, “oihă'nă. professor, pelopă'kă. profit, pu'kă, pömaika“i. program, kuhikuhină. progress, holömu'ă: to progress, nă“é imă'ă. prohibit, păpă, hö“ökă'pă. prohibition, hötö'lă wăitö'nă. project, păpăhă'nă: to project, hö“oi; (throw), nöă. prominent, “oi, kitékită; (eminent), kö“ikö“i. promise, “öle'lă pată, hötöhi'ki. promote, (in rank), hă“ökităkită; (initiate), hö“ökü'mii. prompt, makăükăă, 'élé'ă. pronounce, puană. proof, “öle'lö hötö'iă; (printer's), păi mu'ă. propaganda, hö“ölă'hă mană“ö. proper, küpo'nö. property, (real), wăiwăi pată; (personal), văivăi lă'wă. 152 prophecy-puff prophecy, prophesy, wănă'nă. prophet, kăülă. proportion, hă“ökăülikă. propose, (propound), hă“i mană“ă; (nominate), kö'hö inö'ă; (marriage), noi e mală. proposition, mană“öhăi. proprietor, hă'kü, o'nă. prose, “5le'lă mătămăă. prosecute, (arraign), hötöpii; (carry on), hă- “ömăü. prospect, (scene), nanăină; (expectation), meă kăkălii'ă: to prospect, i'mi lö'ă. prosper, prosperity, kü“o'nö“o'nă. prostitute, wăhină hö“ökă'măkă'mă: (to de- base), hö“öhătăhăă. protect, hö“ömă'lă, mălă'mă. protest, '5le'lö kü“é”: to protest, hö“öhalăha'- lă, hötö'lă. Protestant, Hötö'lă Po'pă. proud, hö“ökă'nă, hătăhe'ö. prove, hö“ö'iaită. proverb, “öle'lö no“éaă. provide, hă“ölă'kö, lölii. providence, mălă'mă ă'nă. province, panălăăă; (sphere), küleănă, mă- he'lă o kă “oihă'nă. provisions, meă ăi. provoke, hă“önaă'kiü'ki; (incite), hö“ölă'lă. prudent, (cautious), ăkăhă'lă; (wise), no'éaă. pry, (spy), hötömăkăki'ă; (lever), ănă, “ohi'ki. public, lăhui, le'hüle'hă: (open), ăkeă. publicity, lăüla'hă. publish, (announce), hötölă'hă, kükă'lă; (is- sue), hă“öpă'kă. puff, (of wind), püahi'ö: to puff, pă'hi. pull–quart 153 pull, (backing), kökü'ă: to pull, hü'ki; pull up, ühu'ki; (row), hoă. puliey, (block), pala'ka; (wheel), pokăkătă. pulse, pănă. pump, paămă; (quiz), niănie'lă. pumpkin, pălă“ăi, ipă pü. punch, (with fist), küti; (poke), hoă: metal punch, hăă hoă pu'kă. punish, punishment, hötöpă“i. punk, (for mosquitoes), păükă măkikă. pupil, haimănă; (of eye), “ono'hi. purchase, kü“ăi măi. pure, purity, ma“éma“ă. purple, po'ni. purpose, mană“ö pa“ă. purse, “ă'kă kălă, tătă mo'ni. pursue, pursuit, hahăi, alăălă: (occupation), “oihă'nă. push, pa'hă. put, (place), waihă, kăă; (in golf), hi'li. puzzle, pohihihi: to puzzle, ho'opöhihihi. pyramid, pu'o'ă. Q quail, ma'nă kăpălă'lă. quake, earthquake, (ke) olai, năăăăă: (to tremble), hă“ălă'lă. qualification, măkăükăă. qualify, hă“ökuponă, hötömăkăăkăă. quality, “ă'nö; (rank), külă'nă kitékită. quantity, nu'i, küanikă. quarantine, hă“ömă'lă. quarrel, hötöpătăpătă, băkăkă', paió. quart, küătă, 154 quarter-raid quarter, (a fourth), hapăhă'; (mercy), (ke) ăhönu'i: quarters, kăivă'hi. quartet, le'ö me'lé păhă'. queen, möîwăhină, ăliiwăhină. queer, “ănöé”. question, ninaă, nié'lă, ui; (doubt), kănălă'ă; (subject of discussion), kü'mă pa'iă. questionnaire, pălăpălă ninaninaă. quick, wikiwiki, hikiwa'wă; (hasty), “ăwiwi; (nimble), mămă; quick-minded, tată'pă. quicksand, (ke) o'nă pohö'. quiet, măli'ă, nă, mală, malühi'ă. quilt, kă'pă tăpănă, kihei. quisling, kümakaiă. quit, (leave), hă“ălă'lă: Quit! “uö'ki! quite, (wholly), a pău; (very), lo'ă. quiver, (as wings), kăpăli'li; (as lips), hă- “ikă'kă. quota, măhe'lă kăălikă. quotation, “öle'lă i unuhii'ă; (market), păpă hö“ikă kümükü“ăi. R rabbit, i5'lă lăpă'ki. race, hăihăi; footrace, küki'ni; (breed), ma'- mö; human race, lăhu'i kănă'kă. radius, kăhăhănăi. raffle, i'mi löata. raft, lă'nă, meă hötölă'nă. rag, wă'lă. rage, hühü nu'i, inăină; (of sea or mob), kü- pikipiki'5'. raid, (incursion), păkahă; police raid, hö'pă- hö'pă. rail–rave 155 rail, kaă'lă; to rail, küa'müamă: railroad, (ke) alăhaö. rain, u'ă. rainbow, (ke) ănu'énu'é. raise, (lift), hăpăi; (rouse), hö“ală; (grow), hötöü'lă; (increase), hötömăhu'ăhu'ă; (bring up), hănăi. rake, ko'pă, hăömănămănă: to rake, hăpu'kă, hăö. rally, (stir up), hö“é'ü“ă'ă; (combine), ală. ram, hipă ka'né: to ram, hoă, pa'hă. ranch, wahi hănăi hölöhălo'nă. range, (row), lăla'ni; (extent), (ke) ălceă; (power), hiki. rank, (grade), külă'nă, păpă; (row), lăla'ni: (foul-smelling), hăănă; rank growth, ulă nu'i, hihi. ransom, ă'kă pănă“i: to ransom, pănă“i. rap, kike', kikéké”; (to hit), kiko'ni. rapid, hikiwa'wă, kiki'. rare, (underdone), motă i'ki; (scarce), kakăi- ka'hi; (choice), milimi'li. rash, tată nă“ăüpö. raspberry, “ălcă'lă. rat, ió'lă. - rate, (ke) “ănă; (price), kümükü“ăi: to rate, hö“ökülă'nă. rather, (by preference), ă'hă; (somewhat), i'ki. rating, külă'nă. ration, măhe'lă “ăi. rattle, nakéké. ravage, lă'kă, hötönă'önă'ă, hăöwală. rave, kămă“ili'ö püpu'lă, wălăăă mă kă hühü'; (go into raptures), ăhăhi'ă; (talk irration- ally), “ölă“ölă'. - 156 ravish-record ravish, (rape), pă“é; (enrapture), hăihăi. raw, (uncooked), mă'kă; (of meat), kö'lékö'lé; (cold and damp), kö“ékö'é; raw materials, nă meă mă'kă, nă la kö maoli. rayon, hapăkilikă. razor, pă'hi “ü'mită'mi. reach, (stretch), kikötö lălaă; (extend), hö- ho'lă. read, he'lühe'lă. ready, makăükăü, lölii. real, “oiaită, maoli. realize, (achieve), kö; (get), löata; (appre- hend), hötömaöpö'pă; (gain), pu'kă. rear, ho'pé; (of army), hănăpa“a: (to foster), hănăi; (raise), höală; (build), küku'lă. reason, (faculty), no“öno“ö kănă'kă; (motive), kü'mă: to reason, no“öno“ö pü. reasonable, küpo'nö, kü i kă no“öno“ö. rebel, ki'pi. rebellion, ki'pi aăpu'ni. recall, (bring back), ho“iho'i măi; (remember), hö“ömană“ö. recede, recession, hoti iho'pă, e'mi. receipt, (payment), likiki, pă'lăpălă hötökătă; (recipe), lu'lă wă'hăwă'hă. receive, löa“a. recent, i'hö năi, hoă. reception, (social), ki'pă ă'nă; (receiving), lö- a“a ă'nă. recess, (nook), kü“o'nă; (vacation), hötöma'hă. reckon, (count), he'lă; (consider), notönotă. recognize, recognition, tikă, hă“ömaöpö'pă. recommend, “ăpo'nă. record, mö“olelă kakăă; (in sports), pă“öke'lă; (phonograph), pă hă“ökă'ni. recover-regular 157 recover, (regain), löata hoă; (in health), olă hoă, konăköne'ă; (cover again), u'hi hoă. recreation, pă'a'ni ă'nă, hötönănă'ă ănă. recruit, koă hoă: (to recuperate), hă“öikăikă hoă. - red, “u'lă'u'lă. reduce, (diminish), hö“e'mi; (conquer), hă“ö- pi'ă. reef, püko“ă; bare reef, küăăă, köhö'lă: to reef, li. reel, pokăkătă wili: (to stagger), hikăkă. refer, kuhiku'hi; (as to committee), waihă. referee, meă ăwaö. reference, pi'li ă'nă. referendum, aă küikăwă'. reflect, (consider), no“önotă; (as light), tănă'pă. reflection, (image), (ke) akă; (blot), kină'. reform, hă'nă hoă, hă“öpo'nă ă'nă: (to reclaim), hö“öhü'li hoă. refrigerator, pa'hă haii. refuge, pă“ühonu'ă, wă'hi palékă'nă. refund, (as over-payment), ho“ihoti hoă; (to reimburse), pă'ni hoă. refuse, “öpă'lă: to refuse, hö“o'lă. regard, (attention), malită; (respect), măhălă; (reference), ku'hiku'hi ă'nă: to regard, hă“ö- lö'hă. regiment, pută'li koă. region, wă'hi, moku'ăină; (in compounds), ăă-, waă-. register, pu'kă hötöpată inöă: to register, (record), kakăă; (indicate), hö“i'kă; (as letters), hă“öpată. regret, minămină, mi'hi. regular, kü i kă pololei, wăléă. 158 regulate–renown regulate, hö“öponöpo'nă. regulation, lu'lă. reign, no'hă ălii ă'nă, (ke) aă. rein, kăülăwă'hă. rejoice, hăă'o'li. relate, (tell), hă“i; (refer), pili. relation, (narrative), ka“aă; (kin), pili kö'kö, “ohană, pilika'nă. release, hö“ökütă, wă'hă. reliable, păülălăită, “5'iăită. relic, meă hă“ömană“ö, köănă nö ké küpăpată. relief, (respite), mahă; (help), kökă'ă; (sub- stitute), (ke) pănihă'kăhă'kă, ho'pă. relieve, hö“öma'hă. - religion, hö“ömănă. religious, hăipulă, mană“öi“ö. relish, meă mi'kömikö: to relish, 'o'nö. rely, păülă'lă, hilină“i. remain, (stay), no'hă; (be left), köă: remains, köănă. remark, wă'hi “öle'lö: to remark, hăi. remarkable, kămăhă“ö. remedy, (physic), meă höo'lă, lă“ăü lăpăăă; (redress), meă e po'nă ăi. remember, hö“ömană“ö. remind, höală mană“ă, paipai. remit, (as taxes), hötökătă; (transmit), hă- “öili. remittance, (money), kălă i hö“öilii'ă. remove, (take), lawă ă'kă; (leave), he'lé ă'kă; (dismiss), hă“öpăă. renew, hă'nă hoă; (note), hăă'wi hoă i pilă “ăie'. renown, kăülă'nă. rent-resolution 159 rent, (fissure), mawaă; (tear), năhaéhaă: to rent, hötöli'mălimă. repair, “ă'nă: to repair, hă'nă hoă, kăpili. repeal, hötöpăă, hă“öno'ă. repeat, hă“i hoă, kükăi“olelă. repel, pa'lă, hötökute, kipă'kă. repent, mi'hi. replace, ho“iho“i; (supercede), pă'ni hoă. reply, pană; (rejoin), kiké'. report, lo'nă; formal report, hö“ikă; (noise), pöhă'. reporter, kakăă nüpă'pă. represent, kü nő ha“i, pă'ni; (show), hö“ikă. representative, lu'nă măkă“ăină'nă, ho'pă: (typical), külikă. republic, (ke) aăpu'ni măkă“ăină'nă. Republican, Răpăpălikă. reputation, inăă. request, noi. require, köi, kăüo'hă; (need), he'măhemă. requisition, pălăpălă köi. rescue, hă“öpake'lă. research, noi“i. resemble, hötöhălikă, külikă. resent, u'kiu'ki. reserve, waiho'nă, mălămăi'ă; (aloofness), hă- “ökă'nă, hă“ökă“ökötă: to reserve, hö- “ököă. reservoir, lu'ă wăi, waiho'nă wăi. residence, wă'hi no'hă. resign, waihă, hăălă'lă. resist, pală, kută'. resolute, küpată, tă'ni pată. resolution, (formality), '5lelă hötöho'lö; (re- solve), '5'ni pată. 160 resolve-review resolve, hă“öho'lö, mană“ö. resort, kă'hi e helă pinăpină ăi: to resort, tăkö'ăkö'ă, he'lă pinăpină; (for aid), imi kökü'ă. resources, wăiwăi. respect, măhă'lö. response, pană. responsible, kü; (important), kö“ikö“i. rest, ma'hă; (support), kötö; (remainder), köănă: to rest, hötöma'hă. restaurant, hală “ăină. restore, (return), ho“iho“i; (heal), hötö'lă. restrain, kaohi, kă“ăkă“ă. restrict, kă ăpălă'nă. result, hopă'nă, hu'ă i löa“a. resume, hă“ömă'kă hoă. retail, kü“ăi hă“öpu'kăpu'kă. retain, hö“öpată. retainer, (fee), u'kă hö“öpată lö'iö; (depend- ents), “ohu'ă. retire, (withdraw), he'lă akă; (as bonds), u'kü. retreat, wă'hi malü', pă“ühonuă: to retreat, “aăhăă. return, (profit), pu'kă; (report), pă'pă hö“i'- ké: to return, hoti; (restore), ho“ihoti. reveal, hö“ikă. revenge, pănă“i i kă “ină nö kă “ină; to seek revenge, hă“ömăüha'lă. revenue, nă löa“a. reverence, ă'éhi'ă, hötă'nö. reverse, kekă'hi făăăă ă'kă; (loss), păină: to reverse, hö“ölö'li ată. review, nanăină iho'pă: to review, hoti iho'pă; (as troops), măkatika“i; (as a book), hă'li. revive–ripe 161 revive, (recover), pohală; (revivify), hötö- poha'lă; (as business), hötală hoă. revolt, (to rebel), ki'pi; (disgust), hă“öpăilă'ă. revolution, hötăühă'li ănă; (turning), kaia a'na. revolve, kătă. revolver, püpănăpănă. reward, u'kü. rheumatism, lumakikă. rib, iwi ăăăă; rib of ship, waă. ribbon, lipină. rice, laiki. rice-bird, ăilaiki. rich, wăiwăi, la'kö. rid, hö“ökătăwală akü. riddle, nă'nă. ride, kăă, hăăho'lă. ridge, (sharp), kuălă'pă; (broad), kuălönö. ridicule, hötöhénéhă'nă. ridiculous, hötömăkătă'kă. rifle, pü: to rifle, pöwă'. rigging, liki'ni. right, (title), küleănă: (proper), po'nă, kü- po'nă, pololei; (dextral), “ăkaă: to right, hă“öpo'năpo'nă, hă“öpololei. righteousness, ponă. rim, kătă, lihi. ring, (ke) apă; (finger), kö'mă; (group), hăi; (boxing), wă'hi mö'kömökö: to ring, kă'ni, hötökă'ni. riot, hăănaélă. rip, năhaă. ripe, (mature), o'o; (mellow), pălă. 162 rise-rough rise, (ascent), pi“ină; (origin), kü'mă: (as- cend), piti; (arise), ală; (stand), kü; (emerge), pu'kă. - risk, piliki'ă: to risk, “ată. rival, hoăpaiö: to rival, paiő pü. river, muliwăi; (stream), kăhăwăi. roach, 'élélü'. road, (ke) a'lă, (ke) alănăi. roar, (of animal), “ăwö'; (of surf), pă“épü'. roast, lo'ké, hötö o'mă; (in ground), kălă'ă. rob, robber, pöwă', hăö wală. rock, păhakă nunu'i; sunken rock, pukotă: to rock, (as a chair), paipai; (as a ship), külă'nă, kütö“i. rod, lăăă; (staff), kötökötö; (fishing), moköi. roll, “öwili; (list), pă'pă inö'ă; (bread), pa- la'oă litilii: to roll, kătă, hă“ökătă; (as a stone), “olökă“ă; roll over, kăkă“ă; roll up, “öwili. romance, (novel), kataă; (love affair), pili ălo'hă: to romance, hă“ănui. roof, kăüpă'kü. room, lă'mi, keă'nă; (space), wă'hi ăkeă. rooster, mo'ă ka'né. root, ată; taproot, mă'lă; (origin), kü'mă: to take root, ko'lă ké ată; (as a hog), ă'kă; root out, uhu'ki. rope, kăülă. rose, lo'ké. rot, pălăhö'; (nonsense), lăpăwală: to rot, pö'pă. rotten, pöpă'pă; (of eggs), aélă. rough, kălăkălă; (as land), “apătăpătă, mă- sa se . . . . . * A m. ni'hă. round-Russia 163 round, (cycle), puni: (circular or globular), poăpoă: to make round, păpö; to round off, pöhă'kă; round-up, höă', hö“öhă'li. rout, aihă“ă: to rout, hötăühă“ă; rout out, hö“öhü”. route, (ke) alăhe'lă: to route, hă“ömoă ké ală. routine, hă'nă mă“ămăă. row, (line), lăla'ni; (dispute), hötöpa“ăpată; (riot), hăănaălă: to row boat, hoă. rowboat, wă“ăpă. royal, ăli“i. rub, (lightly), küăi; (heavily), tănăi; (back and forth), küo'lö. rubber, lahöli'ö. rubbish, (waste), '6pălă; (nonsense), lăpă- walé. rudder, hoău'li. rude, (crude), hăwăwă', nătăüpö; (impolite), hă“ökănă, ni'hă. - rug, moénă palé wăwaă. ruin, (adversity), pö“ină lö'ă; (destruction), hio'lö ă'nă: to ruin, hă“ökăhă'li. - rule, löină, lu'lă: (to govern), hă“ömă'lă: to rule a line, kă'hă lăla'ni. ruler, (governor), (ke) pă“ă aăpu'ni; (imple- merit), lu'lă, kă'hă lălani. rumble, hămă'mă, kămă'mă. rumor, lo'nö wală. rump, kikă'lă, ho'pă. run, ho'lă; (flow), kă'hé. runner, küki'ni. rural, kuă“ăină. rush, (plant), nănă'kă, făkătăkai; (hurry), ho'lă nu'i: to rush, tăwiwi. Russia, Luki'ă. 164 Russian-sample Russian, Luki'ni. rust, kükaéhăö. ruthless, lökö“ină, menăme'nă olă. S sabotage, hötöpo“ină malü'. sack, 'éké: to sack, pöwă'; (dismiss), kipă'kă. sacred, (holy), hö“ănă; (consecrated), lă“ă. sacrifice, (offering), mohăi; (loss), pohö': to sacrifice, hăi, mohăi, kăüma'hă; (to lose), hötöpohö'. sad, kăümă'hă, lă“ülütă, fă'hătă'hă. saddle, nohöli'ö. safe, palékănă, mală: iron safe, pa'hă hăă. safety, malühi'ă. sail, pă'ă: to sail, ho'lă. sailboat, wătăpă pă'ă. sailor, luină, ké'lă mo'kă. saint, hăipulă. sake, po'nă. salad, (no Hawaiian term). salary, ukă kümăă. sale, kü“ăi li'lö. salesman, kănă'kă kü“ăi. salmon, kămănă. saloon, hală ină lă'mă. salt, patăkăi: (seasoned), mikă; (briny), lită: to salt, köpi'. salute, hötăilo'nă măhălă: to salute, hăă'wi măhălö, salvation, (ke) olă, olă măă lö'ă. same, likă, höökă'hi. Samoa, Kămoă. sample, ă'nö hötöhălikă, ă'nö likă. sanctuary–say 165 sanctuary, wă'hi hötănă; (asylum), pă“üho- nu'ă. sand, (ke) o'nă. sandals, kămătă, kămă'ă hawélé. sanderling, hunăkăi. sandwich, tăi mămă: to sandwich, hö“ökömö mawaénă o nă meă elu'ă. sane, măikati kă notănotă. sanitarium, haukăpilă. sanitary, o'lă ki'nö. sap, kö'hü, wăi. sap-head, nă“ăüpö. sarcasm, hö“önă“ăikö'lă. sarcastic, kikoi, hötöhă'năhă'nă. sash, kătăi, apă, küa'pö. Satan, satană, kiă'pölö. satin, kilikă pahoéhoă. satisfaction, (ke) ă'nă o kă mă'kémă'kă, 'o'lü- o'lă o kă mană“ö. satisfactory, tăponöi'ă, la'wă nö. satisfy, (satiate), hötöma'onă; (content), ma'- hă; (prove), hötölă; (as of claim), hötökătă. Saturday, Pötao'nö. sauce, kăi, mikö: to sauce, păkikă', hönékö'ă. saucer, pă litilii. sausage, nă“ăü kă'ké. savage, (barbarous), hihi'ă; (cruel), lökö“i'nö; (uncivilized), hüpö. save, (rescue), hötöpăkă'lă; (redeem), hötölă: (except), köă. savings, löata höilii'li. savior, meă hötöpăkă'lă ănă; The Savior, Kă Hö“ö'lă, Ie'sü Kristo. saw, (ke) o'lă, păhiolö: to sav, o'lö. say, '5lelă, “i, hăi. 166 scale–scramble scale, (measure), (ke) ănă; (in music), păkö- li; fish-scale, una'hi: (to ascend), piti; scale fish, unăünă'hi. scales, (balances), kăăpăönă. scalp, “ilipă“ö. scandal, hö“ină, “öle'lö hötöhaămi'ă. scar, ălină, lină lină. scarce, kakă“ikă'hi. scare, hă“öpuiwă, hötömakă“ükă“ü. scatter, (strew), lü, hö“öhelelăi; (disperse), hötöpue'hă. scene, nanăină. scent, (see “perfume”); (trail), mehe'ü: (to track), hă'nühă'nă. schedule, pă'pă hö“iké; (of prices), pă'pă ku'- hiku'hi kümükü“ăi. scheme, kümühă'nă: to scheme, hötöno'höno'- hă hă'nă. scholar, (pupil), haumănă; (sage), kănă'kă no'éaú. school, ku'lă; school-teacher, kümüku'lă. science, (ke) ăkéăkămăi. scissors, “üpă'. scold, nü'kă. scoop, kiö“é: (to beat competitor), kă“ili mu'ă. scorch, (as food), hö“öpapă“ă; (as clothes), “ăni'ă. score, (count), he'lă; (to scratch), kă'hăkă'hă. scorn, hö“öwăhăwăha'. scorpion, mötönihătă'wă, mötöhuălötă'wă. Scotland, Kekoki'ă. scoundrel, kănă'kă “ină. scout, ki'ă: boy or girl scouts, püă'li kămăli“i. scowl, hö“öküéküémă'kă. scramble, hö'pühö'pă. scrap–section 167 scrap, hăkină, hu'nă; (fight), hăkăkă'. scrape, hihi'ă, piliki'ă: to scrape, kă'pă. scratch, kă'hă: to scratch, wă“üwă“ü; (as a hen), he'lă; (as a cat), ăwală. scream, ăwă', ăwă nu'i, üwală. screen, (sieve), kână'nă; (partition), păkü; (moving-pictures), kiti “5'ni“öni: to screen, pa'lé, hünă'. screw, kuinăö; (propellor), wili kăkătă; cork- screw, wili “ămo'ki: to screw, wili. Scriptures, Băibală, Pă'lăpălă Hemölă'lă. scrub, (brushwood), nahe'léhe'lă; scrub-team, hu'i holo'nă: to scrub, holoi. sea, seawater, kăi. seaman, luină. sea-sick, pölueă, lua“i. sea-urchin, wă'nă, “ină, hău'kéu'kă, etc. seaward, ikăi, măkăi. seaweed, limă. seal, (mammal), “ili'ö ho'lă i Kăăăăă, üwală; (die), ki'lă, höăilönă pă“i: to seal, kilă. seam, kü“ină. search, i'mi, hü'li. search-light, mălă'mălă'mă kikö“ö. season, kăă; (of growth), lă“ăülă: out of sea- son), lă“ăwe'lă: to season, (food), hötömi- kö; (as lumber), hötömalo“ö. seat, no'hö: to seat, hă“öno'hö. second, (in time), keko'nă; (backer), kökü'ă, ho'pă: (in order), kă luă: (to support), kö- kü'ă. - secret, meă hu'nă, malu': to secrete, hünă'. secretary, kakăă“öle'lă; secretary of state, ku- hină aăpu'ni. section, măhelă, hăkină. 168 secure–sergean? secure, (tight), pată; (protected), mală: to se cure, löa“a, hö“öpată. security, (safety), malühi'ă; (surety), wăiwăi hötöpătă. see, “ikă, tikémă'kă; (look), nănă. seed, (generally), 'ănătă'nă; (in pods), hu'ă- seek, i'mi, hü'li. seem, “it seems,” mă hè meă lă, i kă nănă a'kă. seize, (grasp), ă'pă; (arrest), hö'pă. seldom, kakă“ikă'hi. select, mi'limi'li, pă“öke'lă: to select, waă, kö'hö. self, i'hö, ponöti. selfish, pi, ală'nă, “aută. sell, kütăi a'kă, kü“ăi li'lö. senate, kenă'ké. senator, kenako'ă. send, hö“öănă; send for, kénă”; (as freight), hö“öili. senior, mu'ă, maku'ă. sensation, (perception), hötömaöpö'pö ă'nă. sensational, hö“öpihöihăi. - sense, “iké; (meaning), ă'nö; (opinion), ma- nă“ă: common sense, notönotă maoli. sensible, (cognizant), “iké; (reasonable), notă- no“ö. sensitive, pihöihöi kö'ké, kü“i'ă wală. sentence, (clause), höpună“öle'lö: to sentence. “öle'lö hö“öpă“i. sentiment, mană“ö, '6le'lă pili. sentinel, sentry, ko'ă kiă“i. separate, kă“ăwalé, oko“ă: to separate, hö“ö- kă“ăwa'lă. September, Kepakémapă. sergeant, kakiă'nă, lună ko'ă. series-shallow 169 series, păpă. serious, (earnest), küotă; (important), fă'nö kötiköti, tă'nă nu'i. sermon, hă“ia“ö. servant, meă lă'wălă'wă, kăüwă'. serve, lă'wălă'wă, no'hö kăüwă'. service, lă'wălă'wă ă'nă; (duty), “oihănă; (church), hălăwăi hăipu'lă. session, no'hö ă'nă, hălăvăi. set, (clique), hăi: (firm), pată; (obstinate), patăkiki', (immovable), “önipătă: to set, (place), kăă, hötöno'hă, waihö; (as the sun), napă“ö. - settle, no'hö pată; (sink), emi; (decide), hötö- ho'lö; (pay), hötökătă. settlement, (village), kaihălă; (colony), pa- nălă“ău. seven, hikă, ehikă, tahikă: seventh, kă hikă. seventeen, “ümikümamahikă: seventeenth, kă “umikümamahikă. Seventh-Day Adventists, Hötömănă Pötao'nă. seventy, kănăhi'kü: seventieth, ké kănăhiku. several, măă, kekă'hi măă. severe, (harsh), “o“olă“ă; (violent), ikăikă; (as a storm), “inö. sew, hü'mühü'mă. sex, ă'nö ka'nă “ă'nö wăhină. sextant, (ke) ă'nă hăină. shade, mală; eye-shade, u'hi mă'kă: to shade, hötömă'lümă'lă. shadow, (ke) akă. shaft, (column), ki'ă; mine-shaft, lu'ă ă'li. shake, lülü', hötönaăăăă; (as of earthquake), nei. shallow, (shoal), păpătă; (as soil), hăpăpă. 170 - sham-shingle sham, hö“ökămă'ni. shame, hilăhilă. shape, hi“önă, “ă'nö o ké ki'nă: to shape, hötö- po'nöpo'nö; to shape a course, hă“öpololei. shapely, ăălii. share, măhe'lă: to share, pă“ünaăé. shark, (common), mănö'; man-eating shark, niü'hi. sharp, (in point), “oi, wi'niwini; (acid), “ă'wă- fă'wă; (clever), ăkămăi; (in practice), mă“ăle'ă. shatter, wăwa'hi; shattered, nahahă'. shave, (as beard), kă'hi; (wlnittle), kö'li. she, iă, o'iă. shed, kămălă; to shed, pa'lé. sheep, hipă. sheet, (bed), u'hi pe'lă; (of paper), kălă'nă, “ăpănă pă'pă. shelf, kaă'lă, hăkăkăă. shell, (as of crab), i'wi; (projectile), pökă' păhă': to shell, (as beans), wă'hăwă'hă. shells, (most univalve mollusks), püpü; of bivalves: (clam), “ölă'pă; (mussel), naha- we'lă; (oyster), pipi. shelter, wă'hi mală, wă'hi lă'lă: to shelter, hö“öma'lüma'lă. shepherd, kahühipă. sheriff, măkati nu'i. shield, pa'lă, pală kăăă. ş shift, (share of work), măhelă hă'nă: to shift, (change), hă“ölö'li; (as responsibility), ho- *oi'li. shine, mălă'mălă'mă, alo'hi. shingle, pililăăă, piliha'lă: to shingle, kăpili. ship-shutter - 171 ship, mo'kă: to ship freight, hötöili ukă'nă, hö“ü'ka: shipwreck, ilimo'kă. shirt, pălu'lé. shiver, hă“ükéké. shoal, (shallows), păpătă; shoal of fish, pü“ălă i“ă. shock, năăăăă: shock electrically, loă“ă i kă üwilă. shocking, filihi'ă, wă'liwă'li. shoe, kămătă. shoot, (young plant), “ohă', pöhu'li: to shoot, (as a gun), ki; (as an arrow), pană; (sprout), kü'pă. shop, (work), hală “oihănă; (store), hală kü“ăi. shore, kăhăkăi, kăpăkăi. short, po'kă, poko'lă. shortly, kokö'kă, “émötö'lă. shot, (cannon), pökă püküniă'hi; (bird), lă. shoulder, pă“öhiwi: (to carry), ăăă'mă, kăă- pö“öhi'wi; to shoulder off, hö“öké'. shout, hö'o'hö, üwă'. shove, pa'hă, kötö maho'pă. shovel, kopălă'. show, hö“ikă: to show, hö“i'ké“i'kă; to show off, hötökă'hăkă'hă, hötoiă. shower, (of rain), küăăă; sudden shower, nau- lă; shower bath, ăăăă nini'ni: (to rain), u'ă, (to scatter), lü. shrimp, “6paă. shrine, heiaă, u'nă, kotă. shrink, (contract), mimiki; (recoil), ăă'kă. shrub, laălă“ăă. shut, pă'ni. shutter, olă'pălă'pă. 172 shy–single shy, (coy), hilăhilă; (timid), hö'pöhö'pă, wi- wo wală. shyster, “apă'kă, ă'pă. sick, (ill), mă“i; (nauseated), pölueă. sickness, “ömă“imă“i. side, făötăö; (of head), huăpötö: to side with, kökă'ă. siege, hötöpă'ni kü'é'. sieve, sift, kănă'nă. sight, ikămă'kă; (appearance), nanăină: (to aim), lă'nă. sign, hö“ăilö'nă; (omen), “oili: to sign, kakăü inöă. i signal, höăilönă; (flag), haă h5ăilönă: to signal, (nod), kunöă; (by hand), pe'a'hi. signature, hapă pülima, inöă kakăüi'ă. silence, le'ă 'o'lă: to silence, hötöpăă; (to hush), hamăă, hötömăli'ă. silk, kili'kă. silly, kö'hă 'o'lă, lăpăwală. silver, kălă. similar, ă'nă likă, likă pü. simple, (clear), maopö'pă, akăka; (natural), maoli; ( ignorant ), năăăpö; (feeble- minded), lölö. sin, hală, he'wă. since, (ago), mămu'ă; (after), măho'pă măi, (because), nö kă meă; (while), “oiai. sincere, “oiaită, hötökămă'ni 'o'lă. sing, himeni, melă. single, hötökă'hi; (united), löka'hi; (unmar- ried), mală 'o'lă: (to select), waă: (singly), păkahi, sink-sky 173 sink, (kitchen), kă'hi holoi pă: to sink, pohö'; (in liquid), pălă'mă, piho'lă; (lessen), höe'mi. sinner, lawéhală, meă he'wă. sip, mukiki. sir. No Hawaiian equivalent, but the follow- ing might serve: “Dear Sir,” Alo'hă “oă: (O master), e kă hă'kă: (call for attention), aühéă “oă, ăiă néi. - sister, hoăhănăü wăhină; sister of brother, kăiküăhină: o l de r sister, kăiküată'nă; younger sister, kăikăină. sit, no'hă. site, kăhăă. situation, (locality), külă'nă, kăüwă'hi; (oc- cupation), “oihă'nă. six, o'nö, eo'nă, “ao'nă: sixth, ké o'nă. sixteen, “ümikümamao'nă: sixteenth, kă “ümi- kümamao'nö. sixty, kănăo'nă: sixtieth, ké kănăo'nă. size, nu'i. skate, holăhăă, helă păhăă. skeleton, i'wi ki'nö. sketch, wă'hi kii, wă'hi kăkăă: to sketch, kă- hăkă'hă. skill, (ke) ăkămăi, no'éaă. skillful, makăükăă. skin, i'li, tălă'ălă; (rind), pa“ătă: to skin, lă'li. skip, (jump), lălălălă; (desert), hă'ălă'lă. skirt, (dress), palăko'ki; riding or hula skirt, pă“ü'; (border), lă'pă, kă'pă: to skirt, kăhă. skull, i'wi pötö, püni'ă. sky, (ke) ăöu'li, la'ni, lă'wă. 174 - slack-smart slack, (loose), ă'lă“ălă; (negligent), pălă'kă: to slacken, hö“ălă“ălă; (to slow), hö“ökă- “ülü'ă. slacker, meă pălă'kă. slacks, lo'lă wăwaă. slander, alăpă'hi, tă'kită'ki. slant, hi5', moé kăpăkă'hi, pahită. slap, pă“i. slate, pă'pă pöhakă; (candidates), pă'pă inöă. slaughter, lă'kă, pépe'hi wă'lă. slave, kăüwă”; bond slave, kăüwă kuăpată. sled, hölu'ă. sleep, hiămoé, moă. sleepy, măkăhiamoé. sleeve, limă lo'lă. slide, kăhă'ă păhătă, kăhă'ă hölu'ă: to slide, păhă'ă; (as land), kătă; (to toboggan), hătă hölu'ă. slight, (slender), puahilă, wiwi; (trifling), meă i'ki: (to snub), hötöpăwă'ö, hötöho'kă. slime, a'wéa'wă, wălăwă'lă; (mucus), wă'lă. sling, măă; to sling, (as a hammock), höho'lă. slip, (oversight), kuhihe'wă; (garment), mă“ü- mătă; (twig), lălă “opi'öpi'ö: to slip, păhă'- mă; (in walking), pakikă; slip away, mă- hu'kă; slip off, wă'hă. slippers, kămătă hătăhătă, pală wăwaă. slippery, păhă'éhătă, pakikă. slogan, “öle'lö hö“ă'ütă'ü. slope, lă'pă: to slope, hi5'. slow, (not quick), lo'hi; (dilatory), hăkăli'ă. sly, mă“ăleă. small, litilii, uu'kă, i'ki. small-pox, hepă'lă. smart, ăkămăi, ălă'ă, miki; to smart, wălănită. smash-so 175 smash, wăwa'hi; (with implement), kipö; (in- to), hö“ökü“i. smear, hăpală. smell, (sense), ho'ni; sweet smell, 'a'ălă; bad smell, pilăü, höho'nă: to smell, ho'ni; (to snuff), hă'nühă'nă. smile, mină“a'kă. smith, (ke) tămă'lă. smoke, ăwa'hi, üa'hi: to smoke, (as tobacco), pu'hi; (as hams), hă“öpipi; to ascend as smoke, punö'hă. smooth, (glossy), păhătă, lăămăni'ă; (calm), malină: to smooth, hănă ă mani'ă; (to regulate), hötöpo'nöpo'nă. smother, pată kă hă'nă, “u'mi. snail, kămălo'li, püpü kölö, püpü kănitoé. snake, nahă'kă, mă“ö. snap, (as fingers), pănă; (as teeth), ké'pă; (as gun), kănăpi'; (as whip), “ăină; (in speech), kétă; (as rope), patină; (as stick), uhă'ki. snapper, ulău'lă, “5pă'kăpă'kă. smatch, kă“ili. sneak, ni'hi, kölö pă'ă. sneer, he'năhe'nă, löilöi. sneeze, ki'hă, ki'hă. snipe, wandering tattler, ulili. snore, nöno', nono'lö. snort, hă“ă, höhö'. snout, nă'kă. snow, hăă. snuff, (tobacco), pă'kă aă'aă: to snuff, hătă, hănă; (as a dog), hă'năhă'nă. so, (thus, likewise), pe, pénei; (very), lö'ă; (therefore), nolăilă; “so it is,” pélă nö. 176 soak-soothe soak, (to steep), hö“u', hă“ömăü'; (imbibe), “o'mö. soap, kö'pă. - sober, (serious), küotă; (not drunk), “o'nă “o'lă. social, lăünă. society, lăünă ănă; (company), hăi. socket, kü'mă; socket of eye, măkălu'ă. socks, kaki'ni. soda, ko'kă; soda-pop, wăi mömonă. soft, pălăpălă, wă'li; (as poi), hăhătă. softly, măli'é. soil, lă'pă. soldier, koă. sole, (fish), păkii; (of foot), kăpüati, poli wăwaă: (only), hötökă'hi wală nö. solemn, (grave), kö“ikö“i; (sacred), “étéhi'ă, hö“ă'nö. solicit, (request), noi; (entice), pă'ă. solid, pată. - solitary, (alone), me'hăme'hă; (desolate), nă- önă'ö. solution, (dissolving), hö“öhéhé“ă ănă; (ex- planation), wă'hăwă'hă ă'nă. some, (number), măă, kekă'hi; (quantity), kăiwă'hi. sometime, i kekă'hi wă. somewhat, i'ki. somewhere, mă kăüwă'hi, mă kekă'hi wă'hi. son, keikika'nă. son-in-law, hünonăkană. song, hime'nă, me'lă. soon, kö'ké, koköké, hikiwa'wă. soot, pă“ü. soothe, hă“ömăli'ăli'ă, hötönă'. sorcery–specie 177 sorcery, tană“ănă', hă“öpi“öpită. sore, “ă'hă. - sorrow, tă'hătă'hă, lă“ülütă, kăümă'hă o kă nă“ăă. sorry, minămină, mi'hi. sort, ă'nă: to sort, waă, hă“ökătăwală. soul, “üha'nă. sound, kă'ni, le'ö; (confused.), wălăăă; (strait), köwă; (firm), pată; (healthy), ki- nă “o'lă; (as opinion), “o'iaită mao'li: to sound, kă'ni, hă“ökă'ni; resound, kötă'lă. soup, kü'pă, kăi. sour, (acid), ă'wă“ă'wă; (morose), nanăă, ké“émo'ă. source, kü'mă; (spring), punăwăi. south, he'mă, küku'lă hemă; southeast, hiki- năhemă; southwest, kömöhănăhemă. souvenir, meă hătămană“ö. sow, pua“a kümülăă: to sow, lülü' space, wă, köwă, (ke) ăKeă. spade, “ötö kopă'lă'. Spain, Kepani'ă. Spaniard, Paniolă. spare, (frugal), păkikö; (thin), wiwi; (as tire), köă; (as time), kătăwală: to spare, (forbear), aă'ă; (be merciful), ăhănui. spark, hünăa'hi. sparkle, lilélilă, hălă'li. sparrow, mă'nă li“ilii. speak, “öle'lă, “i; (converse), kămă“ili'ă; (ad- dress), hă“i“öle'lö. Speaker of House, lună hătămă'lă. spear, (dart), i'hă; (pike), pölölü'. special, küikawă, waă. specie, (coin), kălă pată: species, tănă. 178 specimen-sport specimen, meă hö“iké. spectacle, nanăină. spectacles, măkăania'ni. speculation, (financial), hötöpăkăpăkă; (con- jecture), no“öno“ö wală. speech, Öle'lă, (address), hăitolelö. speed, holömămă; to speed, holönu'i, “ăwiwi. spell, (time), wă, mănă'wă i'ki; (charm), hănă hö“ömănămănă: to spell, pălă; (relieve), hö“öma'hă măi. spend, hö“ălilö akă; (wastefully), u'hău'hă. sphere, pöpö, poépoă; (station), külă'nă. spice, huă 'ălă, meă hă“ömikö ăi. spider, nănănă'nă, lă'nălă'nă. spill, (overflow), hanini; (upset), hötökă- hă'li. spin, (as rope), milă; (as a top), ninită. spine, iwiküămă“ö; (thorn), kükü'. spiny, wănăwănă. spirit, (soul), “ühană; (ghost), lă'pă; (cour- age), ă'nö koă. spit, ku'hă; sand spit, laă o'nă. spite, hă“ömăühală, '6'pütină. splendid, nă'ni kămăhă“ö. split, (as wood), kăkă; (into factions), mokua- hănă; (divide), măhe'lă. spoil, (plunder), wăiwăi pi'ö: to spoil, (as vegetables), pălăhü”; (as meats), mă'lămă'- lă; (to rob), hăă, păka'hă. sponge, “üpi, hăăhătăkăi: to sponge, holoi; (be a parasite), hăăpilimăăăi. spoon, pu'nă. sport, pă“ani, lă'ălă'ă. spot-staff 179 spot, kiko, “oni“ă; (dirt), pă“ălă; (place), kăü- wă'hi: (to soil), hötöpăüma'ălă; (detect), hăkilö, ki'ă. spout, kănă'kii; nă'kă: to spout, püăpüa“i. sprain, maiii. spray, (liquid), ă'hă, ăhükăi; (branch), lălă. spread, (feast), făhă“ăină: to spread, lă'hă; (as cloth), hălii, höho'lă; (as news), hö- “ölă'hă. spring, hălă; (water), punăwăi; (season), kăă kăpălăă; (to leap), lălă; (pounce on), poi, popă“i; (germinate), kü'pă, no'pă; (bubble up), püă“i. sprinkle, (rain), uă i'ki: to sprinkle with hand, pi, pipi; (to hose), kiki. spur, képă; (lateral), lălă; (of fowl), kăkălă: to spur on, hö'é'ütă'ü. spy, ki'ă: to spy, hö“ömăkăki'ü. squadron, măhe'lă “aimo'kü. square, kuéă, hăinăhă”; (just), hötöpo'nă, kăü- likă. squash, ipă pü, pălă“ăi: to squash, hă“öpăkü'. squat, poipoă: to squat, kiéléléi. squeak, “ăi“ăi'. - squeeze, (trouble), piliki'ă: to squeeze, (as in a clamp), “umiki; (as in milking), “üwi”; (press down), kâö'mi. l. squid, hă“ă. stab, hoă. stable, hală holöholönă; (firm), '5'nipătă, pa“ă. stack, ahu'ă; smokestack, pukă üa'hi. stadium, kăhă'ă pă“ani. staff, kö“ökötö; (official), nă kökă'ă; (flag), pahii haă; (music), otă. 180 stage-stationery stage, (platform), “ăwăi; (period), wă; The Stage, “oihănă kéă'kă. stagger, hikăkă, künă'wăné'wă. - stain, (dye), kö'hă; (blot), pă“é'lă, kînă': to stain, penă, kö'hü. stairs, alăpii, tănă“ü. stake, (stick), pa'hă; (wager), wăiwăi pili, pătă. stale, kăhikă, manana'lă. stalk, kü'mă: to stalk, hötömo'hă. stall, (market), wă'hi kü“ăi: to stall, (stick fast), mamăă; to stall off, hötöpănă“éné“é. stammer, “u“ü'. stamp, (imprint), hö“ăilo'nă pă“i; (postage), pö“öle'kă: to stamp, păti; (with foot), he'hi, ke“ă'hi. stand, (table), păkaükaă li“ilii; to stand, kü. standard, haă; (criterion), (ke) ă'nă, paămăă. star, hökü'. starboard, “ăö“ăă “ălkaă. starfish, pă“ă. starch, pi'ă. stare, nănă po'nö, hăkăponă. start, puo'hö; (to begin), hö“ömă'kă: to be startled, pü“i'wă. starve, măkătăi, hötö'ki'ăi. state, moku'ăină; The State, Ké Aüpu'ni; (condition), “ănă; “in state,” hă'nöhănă: to state, hă“i, höăkăka. statement, hă“ină, “5le'lö. station, kăhăă; (rank), külă'nă; (railway), hală hö“ölă'lă; (police), halăwăi: to sta- tion, hötöno'hö. stationary, pată. stationery, kălă'nă. statistics–stimulus 181 statistics, mă helă. statue, kii, kii kalăii'ă. stay, (prop), kö“ö; (rope), kăülă kötö: to stay, (stop), no'hă, kăli; (to prop), kötă, păipăi. steady, (fixed), pată, (regular), măă; (re- liable), küpată; (sober), “o'nă 'o'lă: to steady, hö“öküpată. steak, “ită köă'lă. steal, tăihu'ă, la'wă wală. steam, mahü. steamer, mokua'hi. steel, kilă: to steel, hötöpatăki'ki'. steep, ni'hini'hi: to steep, hö“ü'. steer, pipi pătă: to steer, u'li, hötöké'lă. stem, kü'mă; (as of vessel), i'hü, mu'ă. stenographer, kakăü poko'lă. step, footstep, kăpăai: to step, he'hi; (as a mast), küku'lă. step-father, makuăka'nă koléă. steps, alăpii, (ke) tănă“ă. sterling, “oiaită, maoli. stern, ho'pă; (severe), 'o'oletă. stevedore, pötölă'. stew, meă tăi ku'pă. steward, kuă'nă. stick, lăăă: to stick, sticky, hötöpili, pipili. stiff, “o'oletă, mălo“ălo'ă; (as breeze), ikăikă. stifle, “u'mi, “u'u'mi. stifiing, (close), ikii'ki. still, (apparatus), mikini pă'hi wăitönă: (quiet), măli'ă; (yet), a hiki i ké'iă wă. stilt, stilts, kükülüaă“ö. stimulant, meă hötöhöihöi. stimulate, hö'éă'éă. stimulus, kü'mă hă“ölălălă'lă. 182 sting–straightforward sting, meă kiki; (scorpion's), huă'lö ă'wă: to sting, (wasp, etc.), kiki, '5; (with bite), *ă'ki. sting-ray, hihimănă. stingy, pi, alătă, kulipă“ă. stink, pilăă, höho'nö. stir, (commotion), hăănaélé: to stir, (mix), kăwili; (rouse), höală, hö“éă'êă. stitch, hămăhă'mă, hönö: stitch in side, *umii. stock, waiho'nă; (capital), kümăpată; live stock, püă holöhölo'nă: (as of gun), pötö lăăă: to stock, hötöpi'hă, hă“ölă'kö. stockings, kaki'ni. stomach, “öpu'. stone, păhakă: to.stone, hailă'kă; throw single stone, pe'hi i kă pöhakă. stool, no'hö litilii; footstool, ke“éhină. stoop, külöă. stop, (to end), hötöpăü, hötö'ki; (to stand), kü: “stop !” “uö'ki! stopper, “ümo'ki, popö“i. store, (shop), hală kü“ăi; (warehouse), wai- ho'nă: to store, hö“a'hă. storm, fină, “o'olokü': to storm, (attack), hö- *ii kă. stormy, (weather), inö“inö; (assembly), hăă- naélé. story, (narrative), ka“aă; (fib), hö“öpă'nipü'ni; (of house), pă'pă olună. stout, (plump), pă“ipăi; (strong), ikăikă. stove, kăpüahi. straight, pololei. straightforward, hötöpo'nă. strain--stripe 183 strain, (racial), mamă: to strain, hötömălö'é- lötă; (as rope), li'öli'ö; (to filter), kănă'nă, kăkă. straits, köwă; (need), piliki'ă. strand, mata'wă; (shore), kăhăkăi, (ke) o'nă: to strand, i'li. strange, 'é, fă'nö'é, kupăna'hă. stranger, mălihini, kănă'kă 'é. strangle, (throttle), 'u'mi, tutu'mi; (choke), pü“u'ă. strap, kăălă i'li. stratagem, păpăhă'nă hötöhălu'ă. straw, măă“u malo“ö. strawberry, 'ohelöpă'pă. stray, ăăwă'nă, ho'löho'lö wa'lă. streak, tonitănită; (of light), kükü'nă. stream, kăhăwăi: to stream, kă'hă. street, alănui. - streetcar, kă“ăiwi'lă. strength, strenuous, ikăikă. - stretch, hötömălö'ălötă; (spread), höhö'lă; (as the hand), kikötö, o; be stretched, möli'ö. stretcher, mănă'lă. strict, hötöpo'nö lo'ă, hötöpololei. strife, tătămătă'mă, mokuahă'nă; (fight), hă- kăkă”. strike, (to punch), kă“i; (whip), hahaă; (cease work), olöha'ni; (as clock), kă'ni; (as flag), kütii. string, kuăină; (fish line), (ke) a'hö. strip, tăpănă 15'i'hi: wă'hă; (peel), mai'hi; (lay barren), hăănă'önă'ă. - stripe, “oni'ănită, kă'hăkă'hă lolo'ă. 184 strive–subscribe strive, (endeavor), hötöikăikă; (contend), tă“ü'mă“ü'mă, hăkăkă”; (be factional), mo- kuahă'nă. stroke, (blow), hahau, hili; (pen), kăhă; (business), pu'kă; (oar), kü ă'nă; to stroke, kă'hi 'o'lă'o'lă. strong, ikăikă, pă“ipă“i; strong-smelling, ho- ho'nö. struggle, 'ă“ü'mă“ü'mă, hăkökö. stubborn, pa'ăltiki', nu'hă. student, haimănă. to study, hă'li nă“ăüaö. stuff, meă; (baggage), ukănă; (trash), “öpă'- lă: to stuff, hă“önütă “ăi; hă“öpi'hă. stumble, “6kü'pă. stump, kü'mükü'mă: to stump, (electioneer), păipăi; (overreach), hötöpiö; to be stumped, künănă. ; stun, (deafen), kü'likă'li; (knock out), hă“ö- păü kă “i'ke. stupid, lölö, hüpö. sturdy, ikăikă, pătipă“i. sty, pă puata; (on eyelid), uleu'le. style, tă'nö; good style, hi'éhi'é: to style, kă'pă. subdue, (conquer), hă“öpi'ö; (tame), hö'ölă'- kălă'kă. subject, (denizon), măkă“ăină'nă, kü'pă; (top- ic), kümühă'nă: (subordinate), mălalö: to subject, hö“ömală. submarine, (boat), mo'kă lă“ă. submit, (yield to authority), aă i kă le'ă mă'- nă; (obey), hötölö'hă; (surrender), hătă'wi pi'ö. - subscribe, kakăă inöă; (to paper), la'wă nü- pă'pă. substance-superintendent 185 substance, meă; of remark, “i“ö; substantial, (solid), pată; (prosperous), kö“i- köti, küto'nă“o'nă. succecd, (replace), pă'ni; (accomplish), kó. success, holömu'ă. such, o i'ă tă'nö, likă mé. suck, 'o'mö. sucker, (shoot), “ohă', pöhu'li; (fool), hüpö. sudden, hikile'lă, 'émötö'lă. sue, (in law), hötöpii; (beg), nonoi hătăhătă. suffer, (undergo pain), 'é'hă'é'hă; (allow), aă. sufficient, la'wă. sugar, köpătă; sugarcane, kö; sugarmill, wi- li kö. suggest, hö“öpă'kă mană“ö, ku'hi. - suit, (clothes), pa“ă lo'lă kö'mă; (action at law), hihi'ă; (courtship), i'mi mală. suitable, küponă. sulky, nünu'hă, mümulă. sulphur, kükaăpă'lă. sum, hăină nu'i: to sun up, he'lă. summary, hö“ü'lă“ü'lă: (prompt), hăkăli'ă “o'lă. summer, kăii wă'lă. summit, wéki'ă, pikă. summon, kăăo'hă, kăhăă. sun, lă: to sun, kăilă“i. sunbeam, kükü'nă. sunburn, papă“ă lă. Sunday, Lă Pulă, Kăpaki, La Hötănă. sunrise, pu'kă ă'nă o kă lă. sunset, napötö ă'nă o kă lă. sunshine, lă“élă“ă o kâ lă. superintend, hötöponöpo'nö. superintendent, lună. 186 superior–swamp ; 4X superior, meă ki'éki'é ată; (higher), mălu'nă ată; (surpassing), “oi ată. superstition, mană“ö hüpö; (idolatry), hötömă- năki“i. supervisor, lună kiă“i. supper, pa“ină ă'hiă'hi. supplement, pakü“i. supply, la'kö: to supply, hö“ölă'kă, hă“ölă'wă. support, (prop), kö“ă; (livelihood), mălă'mă: (to hold up), paăpaă, kö“ö; (nourish), hă- năi. suppose, mană“ö wală. suppress, hö“ăpăü, kinăi; (as emotion), “u'mi. supreme, mă'nă kitékité, kitékită lö'ă. sure, 'o'iaită lö'ă, maopă'pă lö'ă; (secure), pa“ă lö'ă. surf, nală. surf-board, pă'pă hă“ănă'lă. surface, i'li. surgeon, kaikă kă'hă. surgeon-fish, ma“itii. surmame, inöă “oha'nă. surplus, păké'lă, ké'ă. surprise, hătăhă“ö, kahahă'. surrender, hăă'wi pi'ö, hăă'wi lilö. surround, hötöpă'ni, pötăi. survey, (land), ă'nă“ăină; (view), nănă po'nă. survive, o'lă. suspect, suspicion, hötöhüoi. suspend, hă“ölă'wă; suspend by neck, kătă'wă, li; (as judgment), kăpăă i'ki. suspense, pilihuă, pihoihoi. swallow, mö'ni; (togulp), ă'lă. swamp, nené'lă; (salt marsh), (ke) ali'ă: to swamp, pihă'. swarm-tailor 187 swarm, huhu'i: to swarm, mumu'lă. sway, hötömă'lă ă'nă: (to totter), lă'lilă'li. swear, hö“öhi'ki; (blaspheme), kütă'mătă'mă. sweat, hoă. sweater, kuă'kă. sweep, pülu'mi, kăhili. sweet, (tasty), 'o'nă; (melodious), nă'hénă'hă; (fragrant), “ată'lă. sweetheart, ipă. swell, (sea), “ălă“ălă: to swell, pe'hă, măhu'ă- hu'ă. swift, mămă lö'ă, kiki'. swim, ală. swing, léléköa'li: to swing, lă'wă, lă'wălă'wă. switch, (whip), lăăă hi'li; R. R. switch, hăă alăkăi. sword, păhikăăă. swordfish, tă“ü. sympathy, (ke) alo'hă, ălo'hă me'néme'nă. symptom, “ou'li; (in diagnosis), külă'nă. syrup, mălăké'ké, wai. system, hö“öno'höno'hö po'nö ă'nă. T table, păpă; (stand), păkaükaă. tablet, (writing), pă'pă kakăă; (medicine), hüaă'lă. tack, kü'i litilii; hard tack, pele'nă: to tack, hötöpii. tact, (ke) ălcăhai, no“éaă. tag, hö“ăilo'nă: to tag along, hahăi măho'pă. Tahiti, Kăhi'ki. tail, (beast), huă'lă; (bird), pu'ăpu'ă; (fish), hită; (kite), kakăiapă'lă, tailor, kélălo'lă. 188 take-teach take, nă löata: to take, la wă; (to seize), ho'- pă; (to capture), hă“öpiă; (to obtain), löa“a. * tale, kaaă, möolelă; (count), helună. talent, kălé'nă, no“éau, ăkămăi. talk, kămă“ili'ö; loud talk, wălăăă: to talk foolishly, “ălă'ălă'; (to gabble), ă'hită'hi. tall, ki'éki'ă, lö'i'hi; tall and thin, pilălă'hi. tame, lă'kă; (flat), hăihöi “o'lă: to tame, hö- “ölă'kă. tan, (bark), hi'li; sun-tan, hauli i kă lă: to tan, hötölă“ă i'li. tangle, hihi'ă: to tangle, kăhihi. tank, pahüwăi, luăwăi. tap, (water), piü'lă wăi: to tap, (rap), kiké”; (broach), hoă. tape, le'ki, molină. tar, kă. tardy, lo'hi. target, hö“ăilo'nă. tariff, pă'pă du'tă wăiwăi, pă'pă aăhăă. taro, kă'lă. taro-patch, lö“i. task, păükü hă'nă, u'kă păă; (lesson), hăă- wină. tassel, kü“üwe'lă. taste, good taste, mikioi: to taste, hö“a“o. tasty, 'o'nö, mi'kö. tattoo, (drum), hö“ökă'ni pa'hü: to tattoo, ka- kăükă'hă. tax, aihăi: (to accuse), tahă'wă. taxi, kătă hătălimălimă. tea, (beverage), ki; (meal), patină ă'hiă'hi. teapot, ipüki'. teach, ă'ö: teacher, kümăăă, kümükulă. team-terminus 189 team, hăi. tear, wăimă'kă; (rip), năhaă: to tear, ühaé; tear to pieces, haèhaé. tease, hă“öhă'néhéné: to tease, (banter), hă- năwă'lă; (vex), hötönaă'kiü'ki, hötöhéné; (importune), né. - telegram, kelékăla'mă. telephone, keléponă. telescope, “ohănănă. tell, hăi; (count), he'lă: bank teller, lună helă kălă. temper, ănă; good temper, “o'lă“o'lă; bad temper, “ată'kă. temperate, păkikă. temperature, wă'lă ame ké a'nă. temple, luăki'ni, hală lă'ă, heiaă. temporary, küikawă”. tempt, temptation, hö“a“o, hă“öwălăwă'lă. ten, tă'mi, he tă'mi: tenth, kă “ü'mi. tenant, hoă“aină, meă hö“ălimălimă hală; (serf), löpă'. tend, mălă'mă, lă'wălă'wă. tendency, hilină“i, (ke) ău. tender, (ship's), mo'kü lă'wălă'wă; (legal), kă- lă mă ké kănăwăi; (bid), pălăpălă kö'hö: (soft), pă'lăpălă, no'lă; tender-hearted, lo- komăikă“i: to tender, hăă'wi. tenement, nă lu'mi hö“ălimălimă. tent, hală lo'lă, hală pătă. term, (time), măhelă mănăwă, wă; (expres- sion), Öle'lö, huă“öle'lă: to term, kă'pă: terms, kănăwăi. terminate, hö“öpăü, hötö'ki. terminus, hopé'nă alăhaö. 190 - termite–thermometer termite, hăhă, “ukülăăă; (winged), naőnaö- le'lă. tern, năiö. terrace, tănă“ü, honu'ă păpă. terrible, wă'liwă'li. territory, kéliko'li; (land), “ăină; (province), panălă“ăii. terror, wă'liwă'li, hă“pöhö'pö. test, (trial), höta“o; (standard), ă'nă. testament, (will), kăüo'hă, pălăpălă hă“öilină. testify, hö“i'ké. testimony, “öle'lö hö“ikă. text, (of discourse), pă“ötöle'lă, kümümană“ă; (of book), “öle'lö i pă“ii'ă. than, mămu'ă o; “This is bigger than . . . , nui keia mamua o, (lit.: Big this before ..). thank, măhălă; hă“ömaika“i. Thanksgiving Day, Lă Hötömaikai, Lă “Ai- péléhü', Lă Höalo'halo'hă. that, (that one, generally), kélă', i'ă, öi'ă, “u'ă ... lă; (that of yours), kenă'; (who, which), ăi: in order that, i; (because), nö kă meă. the, (singular), kă, ké; (plural), nă. theater, keă'kă. theft, thief, tăihu'ă. their, (dual), kö laüă; (plural), kö lăkoă. them, iă lăüă, iă lăkoă. themselves, lăüă i'hă, lăkoù i'hă. then, (at that time), i'ă wă, i'ă mănă'wă; (therefore), alăilă. thence, măi lăilă ă'kă. theory, kümümană“ö. there, malăilă, maă', iő': there! aiă la ! therefore, nolăilă, nö i'ă meă. thermometer, meă ă'nă wă'lă. py they–throne 191 as es; tă they, (dual), lăăă; (plural), lăkoă. thick, măno'ăno'ă; (not clear), pöwe'hiwe'hi; (intimate), pili; (crowded), paăpü'. thief, tăihu'ă. thigh, uhă'. thimble, kömö, kömö hü'mühü'mă. thin, la'hila'hi; (in flesh), wiwi. thing, meă. think, mană“ö; (reflect), no“öno“ö. thirst, thirsty, măkăwăi. thirteen, “ămikümamako'lă; thirteenth, kă “ümikümamako'lă. thirty, kănăko'lă; thirtieth, ké kănăko'lă. this, ké'iă, “u'ă . . . năi. thistle, puăkală. thorn, kükü', meă 'o'oi. thorny, wănăwă'nă. thorough, olăhonü'ă, pată po'nă. thoroughfare, (ke) alănăi. though, i'nă pa'hă, “oiai nă“ă. thought, mană“ö, no'önotă. thoughtful, (intelligent), no“önotö, mikolélé- hu'ă; (considerate), mali'ü. thousand, kăükă'ni, tăisă'ni: thousandth, ké kăükă'ni. thrash, hahai, hi'li. - thread, lo'pi; (of discourse), kü'mă hă“iă“ö. threat, threaten, hötöwă'liwă'li. three, ko'lă, eko'lă, “ako'lă: third ké ko'lă. thrill, kăpăli'li kă hoăpă. thrive, (prosper), hötöküo'nöo'nă; (grow), ulă po'nă; (as plants), lu'pălu'pă. throat, pă“ă. throb, kö'ni, kăpăli'li. throne, no'hö ălii. 192 throng–tiny throng, pu“ălă“ü'lă kănăkă: to throng, küpi- pipi, ăkö'ăkă'ă. - through, (finished), păü po'nă: (between), mă, măwaénă: (by reason of), nö kă meă; (by means of), mă o. throw at, nöă; throw away, kilöi, kiă'lă, hă- “ölăi. thrust, hoă, “5. thumb, mănămănălimă nu'i. thump, kü“ikăi. thunder, héki'li. Thursday, Pö“ahă'. thus, pe, penei. tick, “ü'kă; (sound), kö“ă'lă. ticket, kikiki; (political), pălo'kă. tickle, hă“ömănătönătă; (gratify), hötölă“ălătă. tidal wave, kăi mimi'ki, kăi“ătă. tide, kăi, (ke) ăă; (high), kăi nu'i; (low), kăi mală“ö, kăi mă'kă; (ebb), kăi emi; (flow), kăi piti. tie, (knot), hipătă; family tie, pili; tie-vote, kö'hö likă; neck-tie, lăităti: to tie, hikiti, năki“i; (to equal), hă“öhălikă; (in games), păi a păi. tight, pată; (as money), kakăikă'hi; (drunk), “o'nă. till, (money), pa'hă kălă: to till, mă'hi: (un- til), ă, ă hiki. 4 tiller, kănă'kă măhiţăi; (rudder), hoău'li. timber, lă"ăă. time, wă, mănă'wă; (era), (ke) aă. timid, hötöpă'épătă, hilăhilă. tin, ki'ni. - tint, (color), kö'hă: to tint, hö“ölă“ă. tiny, măkălii. tip–toothpick 193 p 2 u; si iar u? tip, pikö, wéki'ă; tip of tongue, lăăălă'lă; (as in races), hăilo'nă: to tip, hăă'wi manawă- le“ă. - tire, (ke) apă hăilă: totire, lu'hi. tissue, (biological), i'hă, “ită; (paper), pă'pă la'hila'hi. - title, (rank), inöă hănăhănă; (heading), pă“ö; (right), küleănă. to, (towards, unto), i, iă', iő': (sign of infini- tive), e. toad, pălo'kă. toady, hă“öpilimeătăi. » . toast, pala'oă papătă: to toast, köălă; drink a toast, i'nă hă“ömăhă'lö. tobacco, pă'kă. toboggan, pă'pă hölu'ă: to toboggan, hă'é hölu'ă. today, ké'iă lă. toe, mănămănăwăwaă. together, pü. toilet, (dressing), kăhi'kö; (water-closet), wă'- hi hă“öpăüpiliki'ă. tolerate, ăhönu'i, hö“ömanawanu'i. toll, aihăii: to toll the bell, hö“ökă'ni i ka pă'lă. - tomato, “ohită ha'ölă. tomorrow, apöpö. ton, kă'nă. tone, kă'mi o kă le'ö. tongue, (ke) ălă'lă, (ke) elă'lö. tonight, ké'iă pö, i ké'iă pö. - too, (also), nö hă“i; too much, nu'i lo'ă. tool, meă hă'nă, meă patăhă'nă. tooth, ni'hö. toothpick, (ke) “ö ni'hă. 194 - top–tragedy ; p top, welăü, weki'ă, pikö; spinning top, hü. torch, lă'mă, lămălcü'. torment, (pain), 'é'hă nu'i; (harassment), meă hötöpiliki'ă nu'i: to torment, hötömatăă, hă'nă “ină. torpedo, mikini hötöpăhü'. torrent, wăikă'hé nu'i. toss, kiă'lă, hă“ölăi. total, (sum), hăină: (all), păü lo'ă, holo“ökoă. touch, hö“öpă', pili. tough, o“olătă, uăü'ă. tour, hăăkăi kătăpăni: to tour, helă măka“i- ka'i. tourist, măka“ika“i. tournament, paiă pă“a'ni. tow, (fiber), ma“awă: to tow, kăuwö'; tow a ship, hötökö'lă mo'kü. towards, i, ió", mă. towel, kâwe'lă. tower, ălă'ă, puotă; watch tower, hală kiăi. town, kaönă, külănăkăühală. toy, meă pă“ani: to toy, (handle), mi'limi'li; (dally), kölö'hă. track, mehe'ü, alănu'i: to track, a'lüală. tract, “ăină; (paper), pu'kă li“ilii. tractor, meă kăivö'. trade, (commerce), kăle'pă; (handicraft), “oi- hă'nă hănălimă: to trade, kăle'pă, kü“ăi a'kü kü“ăi măi. trade-wind, maka'ni kămă“ăină. tradition, “ăle'lă măi nă kü'pună măi, mö- “ole'lö. traffic, (st r e e t), nă“ă ă'nă i ké alăhe'lă; (trade), kăle'pă. tragedy, hă'nă wă'liwă'li. trail–tree i 195 trail, mehe'ü: (to drag), kăăwö măho'pă; (trace), hă“ökölö. trailer, kătă kăăwöi'ă. train, (railway), ka“ă'hi; (retinue), potă ukă'- li; (dress), hăă: to train, (teach), ă“ö; (break in), hötölă'kălă'kă; (accustom), hö- “ömătămătă; (as vincs), hötöü'lă po'nă. traitor, kümakaiă. tramp, kue'wă, aătă wală: to tramp, helă wăwaă. trample, he'hi. transact, hă'nă, hö“ökö'. transfer, hötöli'lă; (carry), hă'lihă'li. translate, unu'hi, unu'hi “öle'lö, măhe'lă “6le'lă. transparent, a'nia'ni, moakăkă. transport, (ship), mo'kă la'wă “ohu'ă; (emo- tion), lilă lö'ă: to transport, hă'lihă'li, la'wă. trap, “upi'ki, păhă'lă. trash, “öpă'lă. travel, kătăhă'lă, hüăkăi. tray, pă păla'hăla'hă. treachery, kümakaiă, ki'pi. tread, he'hi; tread water, hötöpină'nă. treason, ki'pi i ké aúpu'ni. treasure, wăiwăi: to treasure, hötömană“ö, mă- lă'mă. treasurer, pătükü' treasury, waiho'nă kălă. treat, meă e höihăi ăi kă nă“ăă: to treat, hă'nă; (doctor), lăpăăă; (entertain), hötöhăătoli; (discourse), wă'hăwă'hă kümümană“ö; (ne- gotiate), kükă. treaty, kü“ika'hi. tree, lă“ăă, kümülă“ăă. 196 ; tremble–trousers tremble, hă“ălă'lă. tremendous, “a“olă o kă'nă măi, wă'livă'li kă nu'i. trench, ăăwă'hă: to trench, kupă'. trepang, beche-de-mer, lo'li. trespass, (entry), kö'mă he'wă; (offense), hă'- wă, hală. trial, (endeavor), höta“o; (suffering), pöpili- ki'ă; court trial, hö“ökölökö'lă. triangle, hăinăkö'lă. tribe, (family), “ohană, (descendents), mamă. trick, (feat of skill), hă'nă ălkămăi; (fraud), “apă'kă; (habit), hă'nă mă“ă; (in cards), hü'li, kimă'kă: to trick, kölö'hă, hătăpăni- pü'ni. tricky, mă“ălăă, “ăpi'ki. trifle, meă litilii; to trifle, pă“a'ni wală. trigger, kikö o kă pü. trigger-fish, hü'mühü'mă. trim, ăălii, mikioi: to trim, (prune), pătipă“i; (hair), ă'kö; (cloth), “o'ki; (ship), hă“ö- po'nöpo'nă; (adorn), hö“önă'ni. Trinity, Ké Kăhiko'lă. trip, hăăkă“i: to trip, “ökü'pă; (step nimbly), helă mikioi. triplets, püko'lü. trolley-car, kăăăwilă. troops, pü“ă'li ko'ă. trophy, makană, hötăilo'nă nö kă lănăkilă. tropic, pö“ăi. - tropical, wă'hi maha'nă. tropic-bird, köată. trot, holökükü. trouble, piliki'ă. trousers, lo'lé wăwaă. truCe–tutOr 197 a f se truce, kü“ika'hi küikăwă'. truck, kă“ă kălă'kă, kă“ăukă'nă. true, truth, “o'iai“ö. trump, hă'li: to trump, kămaă, kimă'kă; to trump up, imihală. trumpet, pü kă'ni; (speaking), olé”. trumpet shell, pă, olé”. trunk, (tree), kü'mă; (clothes), pa'hă lo'lă; (elephant's), i'hü. trust, păülă'lă, hilină“i: (to extend credit), hö“ăie”. trustee, kăhăwăivăi. trusty, păălălăită. try, hö“a“o. tub, kă'pă. tube, 'o'hă, păipă. tuberculosis, höki“i, (ke) aképăü. Tuesday, Pö“alu'ă. tuft, püpü. tug, (boat), mokua'hi hö“ökölö mo'kü: to tug, hu'ki ikăikă. tumble, (to overturn), külă“i, hötöhină; (fall), hiolö, hină; (roll), “olökătă. tumbler, kită'hă. tumult, hăănaălé, ulüao“ă. tune, le'ö me'lă: to tune, hötöpo'nöpo'nö. tunnel, (ke) ănă i paă i'ă. turkey, péléhü'; (country), Küle'ké. turn, hă'li ănă; (spell), wă: to turn, hă'li; (to wind), wili; (to change), lö'li; turn from, aúi; turn on hinges, olé'pă. turnstone, akeke'kă. turtle, ăă, ho'nă. tutor, kümüă“ö: to tutor, ă“ö. 198 twelve–under twelve, “ümikümamalu'ă: twelfth, kă “ümiku- mamalu'ă. twenty, iwăkălu'ă: twentieth, kă iwăkălu'ă. twice, pălu'ă. twig, lălă tutu'kă: (to notice), “i'ké. twilight, (ke) ălău'lă; (morning), pa'wă, wă- nă“ăö; (cvening), li“ülă”; wănăpö'. twin, măhoé. twine, kuăină: to twine, wreathes, '5wăi; (as vines), hihi, hă“öhi'hi. twist, wili, hilö, milö. two, lu'ă, elu'ă, “alu'ă. type, tănă; (symbol), hötăilo'nă; (printer's), huă kepăü. typewriter, kakăü kikökikö. typhoid, fi'vă nu'i, fivă hi kö'kö. tyrant, meă hă“ökăümă'hă wală. U ugly, (unsightly), püpu'kă, nukö'ki; (ill- natured), inö“inö. ukelele, “ükülă'lă. ultirnate, ho'pă lö'ă. ultimately, măho'pă 15ă. umbrella, mămă'lü, loü'lă. urnpire, ăwaő. unable, hiki 'o'lă. unanimous, löka'hi. uncle, anăkă'lă, makuăka'nă hanăună. uncommon, (rare), kakă“ikă'hi; (unusual), *ănă“e”. unconscious, pă'ü kă tikă păă kă lo'hă, li'lö kă no“öno“ö. uncover, wă'hé. under, mălalö, ila'lö. underneath-until 199 underneath, mălalö i'hă. underpants, palémă“i. undershirt, palé“i'li. undersigned, kă meă nö'nă kă i'hö. understand, hă“ömaöpă'pă, maopă'pă, “ikă. undertake, hö“a“o. undertaker, kănă'kă hă“ölă'wă. undo, wă'hă, wă'hă hoă; (reverse), hó ökă- huli. undoubtedly, pélă itö nö. uneasy, pihoihoi, ma'hă “o'lé. unexpected, mahă“i 'o'lă i'ă; (sudden),hiki- le'lă. unfortunate, pă“ină. unfriendly, makonă', lăünă 'o'lă. unfurnished, ku'lăku'lă, hötölă'kö 'o'lă i'ă; (bare), “5lo'hélo'hă. unhappy, kăümă'hă. unicorn-fish, kă'lă. ţ uniform, măkălikă: (invariable), tănă likă. union, hăi, hă“öhăi ănă; The Union, Ame- likă Hüipüi'ă. unite, hă“öhăi, hötökă“ikăi. unity, löka'hi. universe, (ke) ăă holötökoă. universal, mă nă wă'hi a păă. university, ku'lă nu'i. unjust, kăălikă “o'lă, ă'wătă'wă. unknown, “i'ké “o'lă i'ă. unless, ké 'o'lă. unlike, likă “o'lă. unlikely, tăto'lă pa'hă. unlucky, păkală'ki, păăă. until, ă, ă hiki. u” inöă măla'lă 200 unusual-vanish unusual, măă măü 'o'lé, é. up, ilu'nă, mălu'nă. upper, mălu'nă ată. upward, ilu'nă ată. upon, mă, mălu'nă; (at), i. upright, küpololei, küpo'nă; (honest), hötöpo'- nö. - upset, (to overturn), hötökăhü'li; (a boat), pihö'. - upstairs, mălu'nă. urge, köi, hö“ökiki'nă; (invite), kö'nă. urine, mimi. us, (dual), iă kăüă, iâ măăă; (plural), iă kăköă, iă măköă. use, (value), wăiwăi; (service), lă'wélă'wé ă'nă: to use, lă'wălă'wă. useful, wăiwăi, măltăpo'nö. usual, meă măă. utmost, ho'pé lö'ă, mé kă ikăikă a pătă, utter, (complete), păüpo'nă: to utter, 'éké'mă, hă“i. utterance, '5le'lö. V vacant, vacancy, hă'kăhă'kă. vacation, wă hö“öma'hă. vague, pöwe'hiwe'hi. vain, hătăKăi, hă“öki'ékită: in vain, măkéhe'wă. valley, ăwă'wă, kăhăwăi. value, wăiwăi; (price), kü'mă li'lă. valuable, wăiwăi. valve, (ke) pă'ni. van, (vehicle), kătă; van of army, hünălă'wă. vanish, nală, maha'ni. vanity–vicious 201 vanity, (pride), hăăhe'5; (idle show), hötö- kă'hăkă'hă. vapor, (steam), mahă; (fog), 'o'hă. variable, lo'li wală, lolélu'ă. variety, kélă me ké'iă ă'nă. various, kélă me ké'iă. vary, lö'li a“e. vast, (great), nu'i lo'ă; (boundless), pale'nă “o'lă. vegetable, meă“ăi lăünahă'lă. vegetation, meă u'lă. veil, u'hi; (for face), “uhimă'kă. vein, (ke) ăă; (blood-vessel), ată kö'kö; (ore), ăü mekă'lă. velvet, wélăwă'kă. - ventilate, hă'ökă mă ăă; (expose), hötikă ălceă. venture, (risk), hö“a“o; (dare), “ă“ă. verandah, lănai. verdict, “öle'lö hă“öho'lö, verse, (section), păükü'; (poetry), me'lă. vertical, küpololei. very, lö'ă, maoli. vessel, (ship), mo'kă; (container), ipă, ă'pă. vest, păliki. veteran, ko'ă kăhikă, patăhă'nă kăhikö. veto, hö“o'lă. - vex, hö“önaă'kiü'ki, hö“öulăhu'ă. vice, (sin), he'wă; (crime), ha'lă; (wicked- ness), “ină, ăiă”; (substitute), pă'ni, ho'pă. vicinity, kă'hi kokăkă. vicious, (sinful), pu'ni i ke “ină; (defiling), haămi'ă; (mean), “ină, hühü'. 202 victim–volunteer victim, (sacrifice), meă kăüma'hă i'ă; (prey), (ke) pi'ă; (dupe), meă hă“öpănihăi i'ă. victory, lănăkilă. view, nanăină: to view, nănă. vigilant, kiă“i, măkăală. vigor, (strength), ikăikă; (force), mănă. village, kaiha'lă. vine, lă“ăü hi'hi; grape vine, kümüwaină. vinegar, pînikă. vineyard, mălăwaină. violate, (as promise), hă'ki; (ravish), pă“é; (break forceably), limă nu'i. violent, (as wind), 'i'nă; (as man), wă'liwă'li kă hühü', hehe'nă. violet, wăiöle'kă. violin, pilă, wăiölină. virgin, pă“ăpătă: (new), hoă; (chaste), hăă- pă' 'o'lă. virtue, (rectitude), po'nă; (legal force), ira. visé, făpo'nă, hö“apo'nă. visible, “ikémă'kă i'ă. vision, (eyesight), 'i'kă o kă măkă; (appari- tion), (ke) akăkă'; vision with eyes closed, hihi“ö. visit, (social), lăünă; (tour), mălta“ika“i. visitor, hoălaúnă, mălca“ika“i. ş vital, (of life), kü i ke o'lă; (of importance), wăiwăi po'nö, ă'nă nu'i. vocabulary, pă'pă töle'lă, pu'kă unu'hi '5lelă. vocal, pili i kă le'ă. voice, le'ö. volcano, pă'lă, măănă pălă; (crater), luăpă'lă. volume, (book), pu'kă; (quantity), nu'i. voluntary, mă'kémă'ké i'hö. volunteer, kökă'ă wală. vomit–wardroom 203 vomit, luai. vote, (ballot), pălo'kă: to vote, kö'hă. voter, meă kö'hö pălo'kă. voucher, pălăpă'lă hötikă hötöli'lö. vow, hö“öhi'ki. - vowel, huăpă'lăpălă leökă'hi. voyage, (by sea), ho'lă möană; (by air), lă'lă. vulgar, (coarse), pă'lăpă'lă; (unrefined), kuă- “ăină. VV wade, ăăhă'lă. wag, kănă'kă hö'ömăkă“ă'kă: to wag, “ö'nită'ni. wage, (pay), u'kü: wage war, hö“ü'kăkăăă. wager, pili. wagon, kă“ă. wail, ăwă', kümake'nă. waist, pühakă: waistcoat, püli'ki. wait, (pause), kă'li, kăkă'li; (attend), lă'wă- lă'wă. waiter, kuă'nă, meă lă'wălă'wă. wake, (ship's), (ke) a'wéa'wă; (vigil), kiăi kü- păpa“ü: to wake, ală. walk, he'lă wăwaă. wall, pă; (of house), păiă; stone wall, pă pö- ha'kă. wallet, fă'ké kălă. wander, aătă, ăăwănă; (be a tramp), kue'wă; (be delirious), püpu'lă. want, nelă, filihă'nă: (to desire), mă'kémă'ké. war, kăiă. ward, (person), meă hötökă'hă i'ă; (room), keé'nă; (precinct), tăpănă: to ward, pa'lă. warden, kă'hă mălă'mă, lu'nă kiă“i. wardroom, keănă hătăkipă. 204 warm-weak warm, maha'nă; lukewarm, pümaha'nă; (ar- dent), höihöi. warm, ă“ö. warrant, (of arrest), pă'lăpălă hö'pă: to war- rant, hö“ö'iai“5. warrior, koă. warship, mo'kă kăüă, manăwă'. wash, holoi. washer, mikini holoi, pi'hipi'hi păipă. wasp, (yellow), höpă“ö; (black), nălöpă'kă. waste, (desert), wăöăku'ă, ăină nă'önă'ö; (ref- use), '5pălă; . (prodigality), ăhăăhă: to waste, hö“ömăü'năü'nă. watch, ăwa'ki: to watch, kiă“i. water, (fresh) wăi; (salt), kăi: to water, hö- “ökă'hă wăi. waterfall (or cascade), wăilă'lă; (trickle), wăi păihi; “down-side up” falls, wăipuhi'ă. watermelon, ipăha'ölă, ipă“ăimă'kă. waterproof, (coat), kukăwă'ké: (impervious), kö'mö “o'lă kă wăi. waterspout, wăipă“ilă'ni; (blow-inole), pă'hi. wave, (shore), na'lă; (ocean), “ălă: to wave, (as hand), pe a'hi; (as flag), wă'lă. wavy, “ănă“ünău. wax, pila'li; beeswax, kükaénală; earwax, kökü'li. way, (path), (ke) a'lă, alăhe'lă; (manner), (ke) ă'nö, ăö“ăă: to be under way, nă“é, kö'lö. we, (I and thou), kăăă; (I and he), măüă; (I and all you), kăköă; (I and all they), măköă. - weak, (tender), pălăpălă, (sickly), năwa'li- wali; (without strength), ikăikă olă. wealth-wheat 205 wealth, (riches), wăiwăi; (affluence), la kö. wean, (as a child), uku'hi; (alienate), hă“öhă'li. weapon, meă kăăă, meă hö“ă'hă. wear, (as dress), “ă“ă'hă, kö'mă; wear away, hö'e'mi; wear well, pa“ă. weary, lu'hi, mălu'hilu'hi. weather, külă'nă o kă lă; (good), wă măikă“i; (storm), “ină. weave, (plait), ulă'nă; wcave cloth, mi'lă. web, meă i ulanăi'ă; spider's web, pünawă'lă- wă'lă. wed, wedding, mală. wedge, ü'nă. Wednesday, Pö“ako'lă. weed, nahe'lăhe'lă: to weed, waélé. week, pu'lă, hépéko'mă. weep, hălotilo“i; (wail), ăwé'. weigh, (find weight), kăăpăönă; (consider), no“öno“ö; weigh anchor, hă'ki i ké helău'mă. weight, kăimă'hă, kö“ikö“i. weird, ă'nă lă'pă, tătăhi'ă. welcome, (ke) alo'hă, ki'pă alo'hă: to welcome, hötökipă 'o'lă'o'lă. welfare, pömaika“i. well, luăwăi; (artesian), luăwăi a'nia'ni: (healthy), mă“i 'o'lă: to well up, piiă“i: (rightly), po'nö. west, kömöhănă: western, “ăö“ăö kömöhă'nă. wet, pu'lă, kăwăü'. whale, kohölă', pala'oă. wharf, ăwapă, ăapă. what, heahă? (that which), kă meă; what ! kăi! whatever, (all that), kélă me ké'iă; (at all), nö. wheat, hăikă, pala'oă. 206 wheel-wicked wheel, hăilă, pokăkătă: to wheel, kătă. wheelbarrow, hăilă pală'lă. when, (how soon ?), ahăă? (how long ago?), inăhéă? (at the timc), i kă wă. whence, (from which?), măi héă măi? nöheă? (from that which), măi kă'hi. whenever, i kă wă, aiă a. where, (?), măhăă? (at which place), mă kă'hi; (whither?), ihăă? i kăhi hăă? wherever, mă nă wă'hi a păă. whether, (of two), owăi o laúă; whether or not, ină pa'hă . . . ină tăto'lă pa'hă. which, (?), hăă? kă meă hăă? (that), ăi [“the thing which he saw,” ka mea ana i “ike ai]. whichever, kélă pa'hă ké'iă pa'hă . . . ăi. while, wă, mănă'wă: (pass time), hă“öhală mănă'wă: (during), “oiai, i kă wă. whip, hahau, hi'li. whirl, kăkătă, nini'ă. whirlpool, mimilö. whirlwind, püahi'öhi'ö, tătă. whiskey, wăi“ö'nă, wekeke'. whisper, hăwă'năwă'nă. whistle, (steam whistle, auto horn, etc.), oăoă: to whistle, hă“öki'öki'ö; (as wind), hü. white, kă“ökétă, kă'ă. who, (?), wăi? owăi? (the one that), kă meă .. ăi. whole, holötökoă. wholesale, kü“ăi nu'i. wholesome, (sound), küponă; (healthy), hö- “o'lă. why, (reason), kü'mă: Why? Nöké ă'hă? “Why indeed !” Nö ké ăhă' lă! wicked, (sinful), tăiă', he'wă; (bad), “ină. wide-with 207 wide, (broad), lăülă'; (extensive), ăkeă. widow, wăhinékanéma'ké. wife, wăhină, wăhină mală. wig, lăü6'hö kü“i. wild, (untamed), hihi'ă, tahi'ă, la'kă 'o'lă; (an- gry), hühü'. wilderness, wăöăku'ă, wăönăhă'lă. will, (testament), kăüo'hă; (determination), mană“ö. willing, “o'lă'o'lă. ţ win, (at games), ăă; (conquer), lănăki'lă; (suc- ceed), pu'kă; (get), löata. wind, maka'ni: to wind, wili. windmill, wili makani. window, pukă“ania'ni. windshield, pa'lă maka'ni. windward, ilu'nă, kö“ölăă, mană“é. wine, waină. wing, (of bird), tehă'ă, pekăke'ă; (of house), pakăi, măhe'lă; (of army), măhelă, lălă: to wing, (wound), pă; (to fly), lă'lă. wink, i'mă, ăwihi. winner, meă pu'kă, meă éă. winter, kăăa'nă, hötöilă. wipe, kăwe'lă, holoi. wire, ăweă. wireless, ăweă“o'lă. wise, nă“ăüaă, no'éaă. wish, mă'kémă'kă, (ke) ă'kă. wit, (knowledge), “ikă. witch, küpu'ă; (seeress), wăhină kilökilö. witchcraft, (divination), kilökilö; (lethal sor- cery), hötöpi“öpită, “ană“ănă'. with, mă, pă. 208 withdraw–worth withdraw, (take back), la'wă hoă; (to retire), hăihăi, hăălă'lă. wither, măă, mimină. withhold, alătă, kao'hi. within, ilo'kö, mălo'kö. without, (outside), măwa'hă, iva'hă; (not having), mé . . . 'o'lă. witness, (testify), hö“ikă; (see), “ikă. witty, hă“ömăkéă'kă. wizard, küpu'ă; (diviner), kilök:'lă. woe, pöpiliki'ă nu'i, kăămă'hă nu'i, wălăni'ă: woe ! ăüvé! wolf, “iliăhăă. woman, wăhină; women, wă'hiné. wonder, hă“öhă“ö. wonderful, kupăiăna'hă, kămăhă“ö. wood, lă'ăü; firewood, wăhi'e; driftwood, pi- hăă”; sandalwood, filiă'hi, lă“ăü“ălă: woods, ulălăăă. wool, hă'lă. woolen, hü'lühü'lă. word, “ölelă, huă“öle'lă. work, hă'nă. workmanship, ă'nö o kă hă'nă. works, workshop, wă'hi hă'nă. world, ăă: The World, Ké Aö N éi, kă honu'ă néi. worm, (of screw), năö; earthworm, kö“é; cut- worm, pö'kö; army worm, pă“élu'ă; (per- son), lăpăwală. worry, kăămă'hă, pihoihoi o kă nă“ăă. worse, oi ă'kü kă “ină. worst, inö lö'ă. worship, hö“ömănă, hăipu'lă. worth, wăivăi i“ă. - worthy–yes 209 worthy, küpo'nă, kö“ikö“i. wound, 'é'hă, pălăpü': to wound, hö“é'hă. wrap, (cover), u'hi; (shawl), kihei: to wrap, văhi”. wreath, lăi: to wreathe, hă“ölăi, kăü lăi. wreck, shipwreck, ilimö'kă; (misfortune), pă- “ină: to wreck, hă“öpo“inö; (as a ship), i'li. wrench, hăö wili: to wrench, (sprain), măüi; (force), wili. wrestle, hăkökö. wrestler, meă hălcökö. wretched, (miserable), kăămă'hă, lă“ülütă; (worthless), “ină“inö. wriggle, paka“üwili. wring, “üwi'. wringer, miki'ni “üwi lo'lă. wrinkle, minömină. wrist, pulimă. write, kakăă, kakăü limă. wrong, he'wă, po'nö 'o'lă. Y yacht, mo'kă hötöho'lö lă“ălătă. yam, u'hi. yard, (measure), iwiléi, iă'; (enclosure), pă. yarn, (story), kataă; (fiber), lo'pi hălăhă'lă. yawn, hamă'mă. year, măkăhi'ki. year-book, pu'ké măkăhiki. yeast, hü, hü pala'oă. yell, “üwă', hö“o'hö. yellow, me'léme'lă, lé'nălă'nă. yelp, “ăötăöă. yes, (in full assent), aă; (with reservations), é; (indifferent), ă; (unwilling), “ü. 210 yesterday–zone yesterday, inăhinéi. yet, (nevertheless), akă nă“ă; not yet, tă“o'lă i ké'iă wă. yield, hu'ă löa“a: (to produce), hö“öhu'ă; (agree), aă. yoke, ku'ă pipi, “aiă'mö: to yoke, kăülu'ă. you, (thou), “oé; (you two), Ölü'ă; (all you), “öukou. - your, (singular), kăă, köă; (dual), kă “ölă'ă, kó ölü'ă; (plural), kă “öukou, kö “öukoă. yourself, “oă i'hö nö, etc. young, opi'öpi'ö, hoă, ui; (as fruit), mă'kă. youngster, keiki. youth, opi'ö. youthful, u“i, opi'ö. Z zeal, mană“ö ikăikă. zero, “o'lă. zigzag, kiké“ékété. zone, (geographical), kătăi; (biological), wăö; (city), măhe'lă. -aaaaaa-aagla4 The original plan of this work was an English- Hawaiian vocabulary, with the Hawaiian words correctly pronounced and the English equivalents as applied at the present day. Such has been completed in the preceding portion. Later, the publisher earnestly requested a complementary Hawaiian-English vocabulary, which is supplied in the following pages. The limitations of the linotype machines available threatened to delay the work unnecessarily, so the full pronunciation of the Hawaiian words (already given in the preceding portion) is not repeated. It is sufficient to remember that in most Hawaiian words, the accent falls on the syllable next to the last, and hence, needs no representation in the list. However, it is used to indicate exceptions, or vowels unusually long. a-(ke) aha 213 a, of, to, at. (ke) a', jaw. (ke) “a, broken lava. “a, to burn. “a'a', conflagration : burning, raging: to kin- dle ; burn fiercely; rage. (ke) “a“a, broken lava; stony. “a“a”, dwarf : short and stocky ; silent, lonely ; stuttering. “a“a, a dare : to dare, tempt; to venture. (ke) a'a, small roots; veins or arteries, etc. “a“aho, lath ; lattice. “a“ahu, cloak, outer garment: to put it on. “a“ai, cancer : cating, spreading. “a“aki, to bite ; nibble as fish. (ke) a“akoko, vein; blood vessel. “a“ala, pleasant odor. (ke) a'alolo, nerve. “a“ama, black rock-crab; theft. “a'aniu, fiber cloth at coco-palm leaf butt. “a'apo, quick to learn : to catch and retain. “a“aua, coarse skin or complexion. ae, yes, consent. a“e, oblique directive; separately. “a“e, to step over an object; to break a tabu; to go onto. “aea, to raise head ; to rise out of water. ae“a, wandering; to wander. “ae“ae, finely comminuted material; face pow- der. - - aelo, rotten, as applied to eggs. aeko, eagle. aeko, eagle. (ke) aha, what? why? 214 aha-(ke) ahua aha, braided cord of coir, hair or intestines, prayer based on braided coir, assemblage of priests, edge or border, measure in sin- gle line. ahaaha, to pant heavily. aha'aina, great feast. 'aha'i, break off and take away. ahahui, company, society. aha“olelo, council, legislature. (ke) ahe, breeze, wind. ahe', person avoiding another on account of fear. “ahe, cough. ahea, when ? in the future. aheahe, light breeze. ahe“ahe', hacking cough. ahele, hand snare. aheleia, trapped. “ahewa, punishment, blame, censure. “ahewaia, condemnation. (ke) ahi, fire. (ke) “ahi, albicore. (ke) ahiahi, afternoon, evening. “ahi“ahi, defame; bring to disrepute ; tattle. “ahina, gray color. “ahinahina, slate color. “ahiu, fierce, wild. taho, lath ; batten for thatch. - (ke) aho, fish line; breath, patience, resolu- tion, kindness: to have breath. (ke) ahonui, endurance; patience: patient. (ke) ahu, heap, storage. “ahu, clothing mat, canoe mat. (ke) ahua, bank; ford : to be raised on a plat- form. (ke) ahuawa–akaaka 215 (ke) ahu'awa, sedge used for fiber. “ahui, bunch. “ahuiwaina, bunch of grapes. (ke) ahulau, epidemic, pestilence. ahupuata, land division, estate. “ahu'ula, feathered cloak. ahuwale, conspicuous, in plain sight. ai, relative particle. (ke) ai, coition. “ai, food : to eat, consume, destroy. tati, neck. aia, there. aia, behold ! “aia”, irreligious, un principled. “a“ia“i, brilliant white; clearness of glass. “aie”, indebtedness : to owe. 7 “aihamu, to eat waste food; to destroy by sorcery. “aihue, thief: to steal. “a'i'kala, collar. (ke) aikane, friend. “aikola, “Serves you right!” “aiku', to eat informally. “a“iku', wry-neck, stiff neck; high collar. aila, oil, lard, grease; to smear with it. ailaea, ailea, gasoline. 'ailolo, an expert, graduate. “aina, food, eating, dining; refuse; land. “ainaho'oilina, inherited estate. taiwaiu', infant. aka, particle prefixed to imply care. aka', but, if not. (ke) aka, shadow; reflection. taka, to laugh, deride. “akaaka, laughter : to laugh. 216 akaakai–(ke) alahaka “akaakai, bulrush, onion. (ke) akahai, meekness: modest; gentle. (ke) akahele, to go, or going, carefully; to beware. “akahi, one; first: once. akaka, clear, plain, luminous. akakale“a, manifest. akake', reckless; intrusive. (ke) akaku, apparition. “akala, raspberry: pink. (ke) akamai, wisdom, ingenuity: skillful. “akau, right hand; north ; right. (ke) ake, liver; ambition; eagerness: to de- sire. (ke) akea, broad, open space: publicly. (ke) akeakamai, philosophy, philosopher. “ake“ake“a, to obstruct, block. (ke) akema'ma, the lungs. akena, agent; to boast, brag. “aki, to bite, cut with teeth, backbite. “akitaki, tonibble; to slander. akimilala, admiral. “ako, to clip, cut, pluck. “akoakoa, assembled : to assemble. “akotakota, coral; the horned coral. (ke) aku, bonito. aku, verbal directive. (ke) akua, God, or gods. (ke) ala, road, path, way: to awake, arise. (ke) ala, fumes: spicy, perfumed, aromatic, to anoint with perfume. ala', round smooth stone. “alae, mud-hen. “alaea, red ochre. (ke) alahaka, step-ladder. (ke) alahele–(ke) alohi 217 (ke) alahele, itinerary. (ke) alahao, railroad. alai, obstruction : to hinder. alaila, then. alaka“i, leader: to guide. “alala, to cry as young animals. alaalai, alailai, to hinder, cross, obstruct. talana, church offerings : to offer same. “alani, orange. (ke) alanui, highway, road. “alapahi, slander: to slander. alapi“i, ladder, steps, stairs. (ke) alaula, twilight morning and night; first dawn. (ke) ale, to swallow whole; to gulp. tale, wave, billow. “ale“ale, moving, tossing as sea waves. (ke) alelo, tongue. alekohola, alcohol. alemanaka, almanac. “ale“o, watch tower; look out. (ke) alia, salt marsh or bed. “alia, to wait, restrain. alepapeka, alphabet. “alihi, horizon: rope for net weights and sink- el S. alihikaua, commander-in-chief. (ke) alii, chief, king. alimakika, arithmetic. alina, scar; disgrace. (ke) alo, front; face; presence. aloalo, hibiscus. “alo, to elude, dodge, evade. (ke) aloha, affection, sympathy, greeting. (ke) alohi, a shining; glitter, brilliancy. 218 (ke) alohilohi–(ke) anaina (ke) alohilohi, luster, sparkle etc. alopeka, fox. (ke) alu, to combine forces for action. alu, muscles of eye: to relax, hang down; ruffle up. alualu, pursue; to hunt; to follow. “alu'alu, flexible skin ; fetus; loose, wrinkled; slack, as rope. (ke) “alualua, rough road; multiplication ta- ble. (ke) aluka, crowd ; indiscriminate heaping up. “alunu, see anunu. (ke) ama, float for canoe outrigger. “ama“ama, mullet. (ke) amama, ancient “amen.” amana, gallows. (ke) amala, blacksmith, armorer. amene, amen. “ami, hinge; joint; reciprocal and hula mo- tion ; inch-worm. (ke) amio, eddy of water; current of air. (ke) amo, shoulder burden: to carry so. ana, present participle: pronoun, “of him.” (ke) ana, a cave. (ke) ana, measure, model or pattern. “ana, pumice. ana“aina, to survey land. “ana“ana, sorcery. “ana“anapu, repeated flashing: to flash, as lightning. “anae, full sized mullet. (ke) anahonua, geometry. “anai, to rub, to grind, polish, blot out; to lay a CUITS e. (ke) anaina, an assembly : to congregate. anana-(ke) aouli 219 anana, a fathom. “anapa, a flash, sparkle; to glitter. anatomia, anatomy. (ke) anawaena, diameter. “ane“ane, nearly, almost. anei, at this time; just now ; a word indicat- ing a question. ane“i, here. anela, angel. “anemoku, peninsula. ani, gentle breeze: to blow softly; to draw net on surface; to beckon. “ania, smooth and even. (ke) aniani, glass: transparent. (ke) anini, avning. ano', at present time, now. (ke) ano, dread; reverence; sense of invisible presence, good or evil. (ke) ano, likeness; meaning; quality; kind. ano“ano, seeds, progeny. “ano“e”, unlike : to be different. (ke) anu, anuanu, cold. (ke) anuenue, rainbow. anuhe, caterpillar. “anunu, (also alunu), usury; grafter; greedy ; COVetOt1S. (ke) ao, day, daylight; The Earth ; cloud; en- lightenment, knowledge. (ke) a“o, tuition : to teach. “ao, dried taro, sweet potato, or breadfruit. “aoa, ao“aoa, howl, of dog. “ao“ao, side. “a“oe, “a“ohe, “a“ole, atohe, the negative. (ke) a“ohoku', astronomy : to teach it. (ke) aouli, the firmament, sky. 220 apa, apa'apa–aue, auwe' “apa,apa“apa, slow, careless ; interfering; blocking progress. apa, roll, bundle, bolt of cloth. “apana, portion, part. apala, apple. apau, (properly a pau), all. “apiki, scoundrel: tricky, crafty. (ke) apo, ring, band, bracelet: to span, em- brace. “apo, apo'apo, to catch, grasp, seize. “apono, to approve. “apono“ia, adopted, accepted. “apopo, tomorrow. “apu, coconut shell cup; small bowl. (ke) apuapu, a file, rasp. “apuepue, hardly ; with difficulty. “apuka, cheating, forgery, a swindler, embez- zler. (ke) au, current, eddy or circular motion in water, train of thought; gall, bile. (ke) au, period, reign. au, I. au, yours, thine. a“u, of me. (ke) atu, swordfish. (ke) au, handle, shaft. “au, to swim. “au“a, closeness: stingy : to withhold. “auamo, bearing stick, yoke; to carry on shoulder. a“uane“i, soon. auau, to walk fast. “autau, a bath : to wash. aue', auwe, Alas! Dear mc ! Oh my ! Expres sion of grief. auhau–(ke) awalau 221 “auhau, a tax; a tribute; doctors' fees; dues : tO aSSeSS. “auhea, where? “auhe“e, to flee. auhele, to wade; to swim about. “aui, case in grammar: to decline, pass by. “auina, descent, slope, decline. “auka', bar, as of soap, gold, etc. auku“u, the bittern, the heron. 'auli“i, petite, neat, nice. “aulima, firestick for hand. “aumakua, ancestral spirit; reliable person. “a“ume“ume, contention, strife: to pull back and forth. “aumoana, sea farer. (ke) aumoe, lateness at night; sleep time. “auna, great number; flock, as of birds. “aunaki, nether stick for rubbing fire. (ke) aupuni, government. “auwa“a, fleet of canoes. “auwaalalua, nautilus. “auwae, the chin. auwaha, furrow, ditch, channel. auwai, ditch. “auwana, to wander, go astray. auwe', aue', Alas ! (ke) awa, passage through reef; modern, “harbor.” “awa, the narcotic, Piper: bitter. “awa“awa, sour, bitterness, to taste. “awahia, sour, bitterness, of feeling. “awai, pulpit; rostrum. (ke) awakea noon. (ke) awalau, channel or harbor of many in- lets, i.e., Pearl Harbor. 222 awapuhi–'ehaeha “awapuhi, ginger. (ke) awawa, valley. “awe,'awe“awe, squid's tentacles. (ke) aveawe, wake of vessel; trail of smoke : tenacious; adhesive. “awe“awe“a, indistinct; not clearly apprehend- ed. awelike, average. 'awihi, a wink, to wink with one eye as in flirting. “awi'wi, to hasten, hurry. Demokalaka, Democrat. e, call for attention. e, by : sign of future tense. “e”, different, other, new, strange : previously : adversely. ea, call of attention. ea, assent or question–“Aye,” “Ell what?” (ke) ea, breath ; life; air; breeze. “ea, turtle; thrush in mouth. “e“a, cloud of dust; whirlwind; dust or spray windblown. eaea, medicine; offensive odor of sea or SWamp. 9 eaha, What? How ? “e“e, to embark, go aboard. “e“ehia, reverence: fearful, solemn. “e“eke, to shrink from anything. “eha, physical injury, pain, ache: sore: to suffer. “eha“eha, pain, mental distress: sad. ehako'–'ena'ena 223 ehako', dove. “eheu, wings, winged. “ehia, how much ? how many ? eho, stone pillar; stone god. tehu, sand-colored; reddish light-colored na- tives. (ke) ehu, ehukai, spray. ehuehu, violence. “ei, “eia, here; here is. eka, acre. “eka, dirty, foul. “eka', hand of bananas. ekalesia, church organization. “eke, bag, pouch, pocket. “eke“eke, displeasure; nervousness: fussy; over-exacting. “ekemu, to speak; to respond. “ekeu, wing. eki, ace. “eku, to root, turn up earth. “elaueki', bayonet. “elele, messenger; delegate. (ke) elelo, tongue. “ele“ele, dark, black. “elelu' roach. “elemakule, old man. elepani, elephant. - “eleu, efficient, capable; active, alert, lively. “eli, to dig. emepela, emperor. emi, emiemi, recession : cheap : to decrease, re- cede, debase, sink, flag. emikua, to back up. 'emo'ole, instantly, sudden, prompt. “ena“ena, heat: hot; properly heated. 224 enemi–haele'ele enemi, enemy. enikini, steam engine. enuhe, caterpillar. eo, wager won : winning. epane, apron. “eu, full of mischief or fun: to rise from a sitting position ; to move along. euanelio, the gospel. “ewatewa, biased, unjust, unequal. (ke) ewe, navel string; place of one's birth ; ancestral trait. fea, bazaar. falu', influenza. e H ha, four. ha, to expel breath. ha'a, causative prefix. ha“a, the Hawaiian dance; dwarf. ha“aha“a, low; lowly, meek, humble. haaheo, proud, haughty, magnifićent: to Strut. * ha'akei, proud, haughty: to scorn. ha'alele, to desert, forsake, cast off. ha“alulu, to tremble, totter, shudder, quake. ha“anou, to hold breath by intense effort. ha'ano“u, to exaggerate in speach. ha“anui, a boaster: to boast. haawe, a back burden : to carry on back. haawi, to give. haawina, a gift, a portion; a lesson. hae, flag; bark of dog: fierce; vicious. haehae, to tear, to rend. haele“ele, blackish, brown. haha'–hako'ko' 225 haha, to feel with hand. hahai, to follow. haha“i, a breaking: to tell on, report. hahana, very warm from exercise, fever or heat of the day. hahau, to whip; to play cards on table. ha'i, to narrate, tell, confess. ha'i, a break, to be broken. ha“i, another. - ha“ia“o, sermon, discourse. ha“ihai, undulation of voice: to break. haikaika', to mock, make faces. haikea, pale. haiki, narrow, pinched. ha'ili“ili, to curse, revile; blaspheme the gods. hailona, omen; sign; lot in casting lots. hailuku, to stone; to destroy; to hit with a weapon. haina, declaration, answer, statement. hainaka, handkerchief. ha“i“olelo, a preaching, address. haipule, piety : religious: to worship. haka, hole; ladder; henroost; spiritualistic medium. hakahaka, blanks; want: hollow as eyes; empty. hakaka fight; to quarrel. hakalia, delay, slowness; space of time. hakapono, to watch earnestly, stare, gaze. hakeakea, faded : to fade. haki, easily broken : to be broken. hakihaki, brittle; to be broken in pieces. hakilo, to spy, watch narrowly. hakina, piece, fragment. ha'ko'ko', wrestling: to wrestle. 226 haku-halulu haku, a lord, core: to weave, compose. haku'aina, landowner. hakui, food cooked with hot stones. haku“i, echo: to reflect sound. hakumele, poet. hala, sin: wicked : to sin; to miss. hala, Pandanus. - halahi, to miss a mark; whiz; miscarry. halakahiki, pineapple. halana, to overflow, flood. halawai, a meeting: to meet. hale, house, home. haleali“i, palace. halehalawai, meeting house. haleku'ai, store. halelana, floating house; house boat; Noah's Ark. halelu psalm. halepa“ahao, jail, prison house. halepapa“a, storehouse, barn. halepule, prayer house; church; chapel. hali,halihali, carry in hand; fetch. halia, premonition, hunch ; sudden remem- brance. hali'alia, beloved ; remembered with affection. hali“i, to spread out, on or over. halike, to equalize; resemble. haliu, to turn and look or listen. halo', to peep around or under. halo“iloti, watering of eyes; tears welling in eyes. haloko, pool. - halulu, roar of water, wind, trucks, airplanes, etC. haluku–hapai 227 haluku, thuds accompanying quarrel or play- ing in house; bangs on walls. hamama, open : to open, yawn. hamale, hammer: to hammer. hamau, silent; to hush. hamo, anointed; to smear; rub lightly. hamole, round and smooth; hairless, bald. hamu, meal fragments. hamumu, hamumumu, hum. hana, work, labor; to make, do. hana, to be or become warm. hana, bay, in place names. hana', middle post of house gable end. hanai, feed, nourish, support, adopt. hanalima, labor: hand-made. hanapa“a, steady employment. hanau, birth : to be born. hanauna, a generation ; relatives of the same. hanawale, to do gratuitously; to pick on others. haneli, a hundred. hanini, spill, overflow, pour out. hano, to use as a syringe; inject. ha'no', asthma. hanohano, glory, honor, pomp: distinguished. hanopilo, hoarse. hanu, breath : to breathe, to smell. hanuhanu, to sniff a scent. hanupanupa, choppy as of the sea. hanupilo, offensive breath, halitosis. hao, iron: a robber : to plunder, to grasp greedily. ha“oha“o, wonder, marvel. haole, white, foreign. hapa, fraction, part. hapaha, quarter. hapai, lift up, carry: pregnant. 228 hapaku'e-hea hapaku'e, impediment in speech: deformed. hapala, to daub, paint; smear, blot, defile, defame. hapalua, half; half a dollar. hapapa, shallow soil; superficial: to grope with the hands. hapapulima, autograph. hapuku, to grab hastily; to gather. hau, dev, snow, ice, frost; a certain breeze. ha“u, to snort; to puff tobacco smoke. hauka“e, filthy, smudged : to deface, blot out. haukalima, ice cream. haukapila, hospital. ha“ukeke, shiver with cold, quiver. haulani, restive, on the go; unconventional. ha“ule, lost; dropped : to fall; stumble; (po- etically), to die. - hauli, dark, swarthy ; brown. haumana, student, apprentice. haumia, impurity, defilement, (spiritually). hauna, fishy smell; stinking, rank. haunaele, commotion ; panic; riot, rough- house: to flee in war. hau“oli, joy. haupa', eat greedily. haupia, pudding of arrowroot and coconut milk. hauwala“au, gabble. hawai, aqueduct, flume. Hawaii, Hawaii. hawanawana, to whisper. hawawa, inexperience : awkward, clumsy. he, a or an. he, young caterpillar; grave. hea, which ? what ? heaha-hia - 229 heaha, what? he“e, squid, octopus : to flee, flow, melt. heeholua, tobogganing; to toboggan. he“enalu, surfing; to ride on the surf. hehe, boil, running sore. hehena, madness: insane. hehi, to tread; trample, stamp, step. hehu, to uproot, dig up. hei, net, snare, stratagem, string figure, deco- ration, ornament. he“i, papaya. heiau, large place of worship. heihei, a race: to race. hciheilio, to race horses. hekau, stone anchor; towline; hawser. hekili, thunder. - hele, to go, move, walk. helehelena, face, features. helelei, scattered ; broken or crumbled. helepela', Begone! heleuma, anchor. helu, memorial recitation: to count; to scratch in the earth like a fowl. heluhelu, read; recount; recite. heluna, numbering, a number, amount. hema, the left; south. hemahema, avkward, clumsy, inexpert: to Want. hemo, loose, separated, untied. hemolele, holy, perfect. henehene, disclain, mockery, derision, sneer. hepekoma, week. heu, heuheu, fuzz, down or fine hair. hewa, fault, defect, error, mistake. hita, netting shuttle: to make fire by rubbing. 230 hia'a'–hinuhinu hia“a', wakeful. hiaku, to fish for aku. hiamoe, sleep. hiapo, first-born. hiehie, impressive appearance, good style, pride: dignified. hihi, tangle of weeds, rank growth of grass, vines etc. hihia, entanglement; law case: difficult. hihimanu, stingray. hihito, to see in a vision or a dream. hihiu, wild, untamed, barbarous. hi“i, to hold in arms, to nurse. hi“ipoi, to tend and feed child or person; fondle. hika'ka', to reel, stagger. hiki, to be able, accomplish, arrive; to rise, as the sun. hikie“e, fixed couch or lounge. hiki“i, a binding: to tie. hikilele, mental shock: to startle. hikina, east; arrival. hikiwawe, to be quick: quickly. hiku, seven. hilahila, shyness; shame: bashful. hili, bark for dyeing: to plait, tie on, whip, smite. hilinati, trust, confidence: to lean on. hilo, spin, twist, braid. himeni, hymn, song: to sing. hina, hinahina, gray. hina, to fall down. hina“i, basket. hinu, oil, ointment, grease. hinuhinu, bright, shining, polished. hio–ho'akoakoa 231 hio, a mountain wind; whistling wind in house: to break wind. hio', leaning, oblique: to slant. hi“o, restless; boisterous. hi“ohi“ona, appearance. - hi“olani, to lie at ease, lounge; (poetically), to sleep. hiolo, collapse, as a house; lansdlide. hi“ona, features, appearance. hipa, sheep. hipu'u, knot, fastening: to tie a knot. hiu, to fling, throw violently. hitu, tail of fish. hiwahiwa, precious, esteemed. hiwi, summit. ho, asthma ; hoe: (as imperative verb), trans- fer, remove. ho is a common abbreviation for the causative prefix ho'o, when preceding a vowel. hoa, companion; club: to beat with a club. hota', to kindle, inflame. hoata, to become confused; blunder. hoatai, guest; dining companion. hoa'aina, tenant. ho“a“ano, to bluff. hoahana, partner, fellow workman. hoahanau, blood relative. ho'ahewa, condemn, blame, find guilty. ho'ahu, lay up, collect, gather. hoaia“i, white, clear, shining. hotaie', to extend credit, charge indebtedness. ho'ailona, sign, mark, signal, target, lot cast. hotakaka, to explain thoroughly. ho“akea, enlarge, extend. - hotakoakoa, to assemble, collect, muster. 232 ho'ala-ho'i hotala, to rise, arouse. hoalauna, neighbor, visitor, close friend. hoaloha, friend. hotalohaloha, to court; to bless; to give thanks ; to pay respects to. hotalu“alu, to loosen: to slack a rope. ho“amana, to empower. hoana, grindstone: to grind. ho 'a'no, reverance : holy. ho“ano“e', to change. hoanoho, neighbor. ho“anuanu, to freeze. ho“ao, ancient marriage. hota“o, to try, taste, undertake. hoapaio, antagonist, opponent. ho“apono, approve. ho“auhete, to disperse, put to flight. ho“auhuliana, revolution. hoe, paddle. ho'ea, risen : to be in sight; to arrive. ho“eha, to injure, give pain. ho“eha“eha, injure, give pain, harass, vex. ho“emi, to lessen, reduce, rebate, debase; drive back. ho“eu“eu, to rouse to action, rally, drive in work; to stir up. hoeuli, rudder. hoewa“a, to paddle a canoe. hohe, coward. hoho”, to snore, snort. hohoa, to strike, beat. hohola, to unfold, spread, extend, radiate. hohono, strong smelling. hohonu, deep. hoti, to go back: also, besides. hoihoi–holua 233 hoihoi, joy, hopefulness: glad, brisk. ho'ihoti, to restore, bring back. - ho“ike, witness, exhibit: plain : to make known. ho“ike“ike, to make known, display. hotino, to harm, abuse, persecute, insult. ho“ino“ino, to disfigure, deface; slander. hoka, chagrin : thwarted. hoka“e, to smudge. hokai, to disturb. hokele, hotel. hoki, mulc. hoki“i, tuberculosis. hokiokio, to whistle. hoku', star. hokulele, meteor. hokuwelowelo, comet. hola, hour. hole, to groove. holehole, to peel, to strip off. holo, to run, move, sail. holoholo, to walk about; sa il about. holoholona, animals. holohau, to skate. holoholo“olelo, gossip, slander. holoi, to clean, wash, scrub. holokahiki, Hawaiian sailor voyaging to for- eign lands. holoku', gown, “Mother Hubbard.” holotokoa, entire, whole. holokuku', to trot as a horse. holoma'ma, holonui, speed. holomua, progress. holowa“a, box, chest, cradle. holu, spring: flexible. holua, a sled for tobogganing. 234 homai–ho'ohikiwawe homai, Bring here! Give here! This way! home, home. honi, salutation: to kiss, touch noses, smell. hono, bay, cave, sheltered spot in the sea. honu, turtle. honua, flat land, The Earth. ho'o, causative prefix. Note: This prefix is often shortened to ho“ before a vowel. Thus the word next below, namely ho'o', is in full ho'o-o'. Ho“ahu, on a previous page is in full, ho“oahu. ho'o', to reach in. ho'oha'aha'a, to humiliate, abase, debase. ho'oha'i, to flirt. ho'ohaiki, to contract, shrink. ho'ohala, to cause to miss, to pass, while away. ho'ohalahala, to refuse assent, complain, pro- test. - ho'ohalike, to resemble, make similar, copy. ho'ohalikelike, resemblance, similarity: to equalize. ho'ohalua, to ambush, lure, spy. ho'ohanohano, to elevate to rank; to honor. ho'ohauhili, to cause confusion in speech. ho'ohaumia, to pollute, defile. ho'ohaunaele, to incite a riot. ho'ohehe“e, melt, soften, cast. ho'oheihei, to race. ho'ohelelei, to scatter, as sowing; throw away. ho'ohenehene, ridicule, mock, jeer, mimic, tease. ho“oheu, to bleach, as clothes. ho'ohihia, to perplex, vex, complicate, en- tangle. ho'ohiki, to make affidavit, to swear. ho'ohikiwawe, to accelerate. ho'ohilahila-ho'okahe 235 ho“ohilahila, to be timid ; humiliate. ho“ohinuhinu, to polish. ho'ohiolo, to demolish, as building. ho'ohiwahiwa, to honor; to adorn. ho'oho, to shout, cry out. ho'ohoihoi, charm, delight, entertain, en- COurage. ho'oholo, decision in court: running free, as a horse: to run, sail, settle, determine, appraise. ho'ohua, reproduce. ho'ohuahualau, to obtain information by in- direct questioning. ho'ohuhu', to make angry, provoke; to pretend anger. ho'ohui, to introduce socially. ho'ohuikau, complicate, complex. ho'ohuli, to turn around, change, alienate. ho'ohuoi, suspicion. ho'oia, to prove. ho'oiaito, to prove, allege, take acknowledg- ment. ho'oikaika, to strengthen, encourage. ho'oili, to put on conveyance, transfer, export. ho'o“ili“ili, to collect in store, gather in heaps. ho'oilina, inheritance, heir. ho'okuleana, to entitle; to give right of usage or possession. ho“oilo, winter. - ho“oipo, ho'oipoipo, to woo, court, make love. hotokata, to pay a debt; discharge obligation. ho“oka“awale, separate. ho'okae, treat contemptuously, scorn. hotokahakaha, showy, dandified, display. hotokahe, to pour out, irrigate. 236 ho'okahi–ho'okolo ho'okahi, one, alone, only. hotokahuli, overthrow, overturn, confound. ho'okala, to sharpen, grind. ho'okama, to adopt, as a child. hotokamakama, prostitution, fornication. hotokamani, to pretend; hypocrisy, sham. ho'okamaniha, to be rude, unsocial, or un- feeling. ho'okanaka, manly; to act like a man. hotokano, to be proud, haughty. ho'okapu, to prohibit, consecrate. ho'okapukapu, to exalt, glorify; make a pre- tence at consecration. ho'okau, to place. hotokaulana, to make famous, celebrate. ho'okaulike, to balance. ho'okatulua, to slacken, procrastinate, hesitate. ho'okaumaha, to lay burden on, grind, op- press, wear. - ho'oke', to crowd together, push one aside. ho'oke“ai, to abstain from food, fast. ho“okele, to steer, conduct; steersman. ho'oke“oke“o, make white, bleach. ho'okiteki“e, pride: to elevate, lift up, be proud. ho'okikina, to hurry, command, boss; make dogs fight. hotokina, to persist. hotokina”, to mar, maim. ho'okipa, to entertain, welcome. ho'oko', to fulfill, carry out contract. hotokoe, to reserve, set aside. ho'okohu, presumption : to appoint, empower. ho'okokoke, to approach. hotokolo, to crawl along, crouch ; to track, trail. ho'okolokolo–ho'olaulea 237 hotokolokolo, to try in court. ho'okomo, to insert, enter, put into. ho'oku“e, to oppose, clash. ho'oku“ekute, to push, to elbow. ho“oku“eku“emaka, to frown, scowl. ho'oku“emaka, a frown. ho'oku“i, to join, connect, annex, weld. ho'oku“ikahi, to unite, reconcile, make treaty. ho'oku“iku“i, to unite, join by sewing, splice. ho'okutina, a joining, uniting, seam in gar- Iment. ho'okuke, to drive off, banish, expel, shoo. ho'oku'ku', a fitting, measuring; to compete. hookulike, conform. ho'okumu, to begin, originate, establish. ho'okupa“a, to confirm an agreement, persist, be steady, establish. hookupono, to fit, qualify. ho'okupu, a contribution : to contribute; to cause growth. ho'oku“u, dismiss, release, absolve, free. ho'ola, safety, salvation: to heal, recover. ho“ola“a, to consecrate, set apart. ho'olaha, to spread out, advertise, extend, publish. ho'olaka, ho'olakalaka, totame. ho'olako, to supply, enrich, provide. ho'ola'la', to plan. ho'olale, to cause stir, hasten, incite. ho'olalelale, to get ready quickly; to hasten generally. ho“olana, to cause to float, launch, give at- tention, cheer up. ho'olaulea, to celebrate, appease, calm, recon- cile, satisfy complainant. 238 ho'olauna–ho'omahola hotolauna, to give introduction; be good friends. * ho'olawa, to finish; have enough ; supply. ho'olawe, to carry, take from, deduct. ho'ole, to deny, refuse assent. ho'ole“alea, to amuse, charm, assuage, gratify. ho'olei, to throw away, reject, fling; to put on a garland. - ho'olewa, a funeral and service : to bear or Carry a Corpse. ho'olilo, to cause transfer, change, spend, be lost. ho'olimalima, to lease, hire, make a bargain. ho'olohe, to cause to hear; listen, obey, sub- mit. ho'olo“ihi, to prolong, extend. ho“ololi, to change, alter, reverse. ho'olualuati, to chew the cud; to induce vomit- ing. ho'oluhi, make weary, oppress. ho'oluliluli, drink shaker: to stir up, agitate, rock as in cradle. ho'olu“olu, to quiet, comfort, pacify. ho“olu“u, to immerse; to dye, color; dip into. ho“olu“utili, to tan hides. hotoma“a, to accustom, practice; gain skill by practice. ho'oma“alili, to cool or compose oneself. ho'omatamata, to make familiar by use; prac- tice; acclimate. ho'oma“au, to bully, tease, persecute, torment. ho'oma“emate, to clean. ho'omahie, to flirt, as a child. ho'omahola, to spread out, as clothes ; expand as flower. ho'omahuahua-hoomanamana 239 hotomahuahua, to enlarge, magnify, increase. hotomahuti, fashion: to ape, mimic, imitate. ho'omaikai, Thanksgiving; honor, favor: grateful : to make good, correct, bless, thank, praise. hotoma“ino, to revile, abuse, make sad. hotoma“ino“ino, to slander, deride. ho'omaka, to begin, commence a work. hotomakakiu, watchful : to lurk, lie in wait, watch jealously. ho'omakaukau, to prepare, qualify. ho'omaka“uka“u, to terrify. hotomakauliti, thrifty, careful, provident : to economize. ho'omake“aka, witty; comic : to excite laugh- ter. ho'omalamalama, to cause light, illuminate; enlighten. ho'omalili, to appease. ho'omalimali, to soothe; to flatter; gratify; gain by flattery. ho“omalotelo“e, to strain. ho'omaloka, unbeliever: impious : to be dull; disbelieve. ho'omalo'o, to make dry, wither; season, as lumber. ho'omalu, to make peace; rule over, protect. ho'omaluhiluhi, to exhaust, i.e., tire. ho'omalule, to be limp; metamorphose. ho'omalumalu, to overshadow, obscure, dark- en, cloud over. ho'omana, to worship, ascribe divine honors. hotomanaki“i, idolatry. hoomanamana, heathen worship : to practice sorcery. 240 ho'omana'o–ho'onu'u ho'omana“o, to remember. ho'omanawalea, to give alms, contribute to charity. - - hotomanawanui, patience: to endure. ho'omane“one'o, to make itchy; to tickle. ho'omaopopo, to assure, make certain. ho'oma“ona, to satiate. ho'omau, to be constant; persist; perpetuate. ho'omau', to moisten, soak. hotoma“aue', to mimic speech. ho'omauhala, to hold a grudge, cherish re- venge. - - ho'omaunauna, wasteful: to spend uselessly. ho'omo“a, to cook. ho“omoana, camping place: to encamp. hotomohala, ho'omohola, evolution: to unfold, as a blossom ; spread. ho'omoho, to stalk. no'ona, appease. norona“auao, to instruct. ho'onana, to take purgative. no'ona'na, to quiet, comfort, console. ho'onanea, to put at ease, relax; to be absorbed in occupation. ho'onani, to glorify, honor, adore, exalt; dec- orate. ho'onaueue, vibration; shaking of earthquake : to rock, shake to and fro. - ho'onaukiuki, to irritate, provoke, exasperate. ho'onele, to deprive, make destitute. ho“oneoneo, to desolate, ravage. ho“onoa, to free from kapu; abolish ; cause to Cea. Se. ho'onoho, to install, seat, regulate, locate. ho'onu'u, to eat heartily, devour. ho'opa –ho'opilimea'ai 241 ho'opa, to touch, handle, hit. ho“opa“a, to make fast. ho“opa“ahao, to imprison. ho“opa“ana“au, to memorize. ho“opa“apa“a, argument or quarrel. ho“opae, to run canoe up on beach. ho“opahu', to explode, blast. ho“opahupahu', fire crackers: to sound suc- cessively, throb violently. ho'opa“i, to fine, punish, revenge. ho“opailua, to nauseate : abhor; loathe. ho“opakele, to deliver, rescue, cause escape. ho“opalahalaha, to widen, extend. ho“opalau, to betroth. ho“opa'lau, to commit perjury. ho'opalupalu, to soften, mollify. ho“opane“e, to postpone. ho“opa'pa', repartee: to feel as a blind person. ho“opapa, corner shelf: to overlay. ho“opau, to finish, cease, consume, cancel. hoopaupilikia, to relieve nature. ho“ope', to anoint, perfume; to break fine, mash. ho“ope'pe”, to pound, crush, break by blows; to cringe, to approach with fear. ho“opiha, to fill. hoopihoihoi, to excite. ho“opii, to accuse in court, appeal, inform. ho“opi“ipi“i, to beat against the wind; to stir or rouse to anger. ho'opili, to stick to, cling to, apply. hoopilihua, to perplex. ho“opilikia, to get into difficulty; bother. ho“opilimea“ai, to toady. 242 ho'opio–ho'owaha ho'opito, to arch, bend, curve, crook. ho'opi“opio, to practice sorcery. ho'opipi, to smoke, as hams. hoopipili, to glue, paste. ho'opohae, to tear open for examination. hoopohihihi, to bewilder, puzzle. ho'opo“ino, to injure, mar, deface. ho'opokole, to shorten, contract. ho'opololei, to straighten, correct, aim. ho'opono, honor, uprightness: honest: to rec- tify, put in order; to have a good charac- ter. ho'oponopono, to superintend, regulate; make up deficit. hoopowehiwehi, to confuse, make obscure. hoopuehu, to scatter, disperse. ho'opu“iwa, to frighten suddenly; astonish. ho'opuka, to emerge, appear, publish; per- forate. - ho'opukapuka to merchandise, speculate; con- tradict. ho“opulu, to fertilize land. ho“opunana, to make a nest. ho'opuni, to surround; deceive. hoopunihei, to decoy, trap. hoopuniwale, to fool; to be easily fooled. ho'opunipuni, deceit, treachery ; to lie. ho'ouka, ho“uka, to attack; to load animal or boat. ş ho'oulu, to sprout, make grow; stir up ho'ouluhua, to weary, vex, oppress, bore. ho'ounauna to order, command, boss; send on an errand. - ho'owaha, to insult. ho'owahaw aha'–hue 243 ho'owahawaha', to treat with contempt, ridi- cule, despise, - hoowalewale, to tempt, deceive, ensnare, be- witch, charm. ho“owali, to mix, blend; with 'ai, “food,” to digest. ho“oweliweli, to alarm, terrify, menace, threaten. - hope, last, ending, late, rear, substitute. hopena, ending, conclusion. hope“o', wasp, “yellow jacket.” hopohopo, fear, dread. hopu, hopuhopu, to seize, grasp, catch, scramble. hopuna“olelo, sentcnce; pronunciation. hou, sweat: new, recent, fresh, additional: to stab, poke at. ho“u', to soak, dip in liquid. hotuluulu, to collect, assemble; cause in- crease; add. hu, ferment, yeast, leaven : to swell up as leaven , whistle as wind. hua, fruit, egg, seed, result, testis. hu“a, train of dress : to froth, hua“ai, edible fruit. huaale, hua'le, a pill, tablet, medicine. huahuwa', envy. hua“i, to dig out of ground, uncover oven. hu“akai, hu“ahu“akai, sponge, sea-foam. huaka“i, large company traveling. huamoa, hen's egg. hua“olelo, a single word; expression. huapalapala, letter of alphabet. huapo'o, side of the head. huawaina, grapes. hue, gourd, water calabash. 244 hue-hulumanu hu'e, to cause to flow out; unload; remove. huelo, tail of beast or reptile. huewai, long-necked gourd for water. huhu, clothes-moth; termite. huhu', anger, displeasure. huhui, a swarm. hui, union: to unite, come together, assemble. hu“i, cold, chilly, ache, rheumatic pain. huihui, mixed, mingled, united. hu“ihu“i, cold, chilly. huikala, to cleanse, purify; pardon. huikau, disarrangement; confusion. huila, wheel. huila palala, wheel-barrow. huina, a number, meeting point, angle. huinaha', a square, quadrilateral. huinakolu, triangle. huipu', to mix together, unite, blend. hukakai, tasteless, unpalatable. huki, to draw, pull; deviate. hula, dance and song: eye twitching: to dance to rhythmic song. hula', to raise with lever; expel, eject. hulahula, the foreign dance: twitching: to flutter. hulali, shining surface, reflector: to glitter; be muddy. huli, to turn, seek; change opinions. hulilau, calabashes or gourds (large size). hulilua, shifty; turning both ways. hulipahu, second mate of vessel. hulu, feathers, wool, hair in general. huluhulu, wool blanket, blanket: hairy. hului, to draw together; to grab all. hulumanu, plumage. hume-aloa - - 245 hume, to bind on loins; put on malo. humu, humuhumu, to sew cloth, to sew. huna, minute particle, grain. huna, to conceal, disguise, pretend. hunahuna, crumbs. hunahuna to secrete, hide. huna'kele, native burial, secret burial : to so bury. - hunalewa, van of an army. hunapa“a, rear of an army. hune, poverty : poor. hunoai, parent-in-law. hunona, child-in-law. hu'pe', nasal mucus. hu'po', savage, ignorant; fool. hu'wa', envy. hulo', hurrah ! i, sign of imperfect tense, potential, and im- perative moods. - i, to, towards, in, etc., and connecting verb with object. - “i, to speak, say. ia, he, she, it. - ia, this, (present); that, (absent). ia, sign of passive. ia', to, before proper names and pronouns. ia', yard. ita, fish. ia', as long as, while. “iaha, to what? for what? “iako, canoe outriggers. i“aloa, preserved corpse; mummy. 246 “ie–ilina “ie, made of canvas, cotton, linen; braided material ; woody vine (Freycinetia), wov- en basket: flexible. i“e, tapa mallet. Iehova, Jehovali. “ie“ie, Freycinetia : decorated with its leaves. i“ekuku, tapa mallet. ihe, javelin, war dart, spear. iheihe, a fish. - ihi, strip off bark or skin, flay, peel. “ihi, “ihi“ihi, holy, sacred, majestic. - iho, soft tissue or pith, earth axis, axle: self: to descend: downwards ; at that time, then, just, already. ihoiho, heart of tree; candle. ihu, nose, snout, bill. ii”, sour, mouldy. “i“ini, to yearn, crave, desire. ikaika, power: strong, energetic. “ike, knowledge : to know, see. “ikemaka, visible; to witness. iki, small, little. “ilalo, below. ilamuku, executive officer, marshall. ili, descent of property : to strand a ship. “ili, skin, hide, bark, surface, area “ilihia, fear, ave, reverence: shocking. “ilihune, poor, destitute; in need. iliili, to pile irregularly. “ili“ili, pebbles ; pieces in konane. “ilikai, sea surface. “ilikea, light colored skin. “ilikona, wart. ilimoku, shipwreck. ilina, cemetery. “ilio–ipu 247 “ilio, dog. “iliohae, a wolf. “iliwai, water hose: horizontal. ilo, maggot. iloko, within. iluna, above, upward. “imi, seek, look for. - “imo, “imo“imo, to wink, twinkle; (“imo, with one eye; “imo“imo, with both). imu, ground oven. imua, before, in front of. ina', if, provided that. “ina, sea-urchin. . inahea, when ? (of past time). inaina, anger, malice. “inamona, a relish ; kukui roasted and pounded with salt. - inehinei, yesterday. “iniha, an inch. “iniiniki, to pinch repeatedly. “iniki, nip off, pinch, “inika, ink. “ino, sin; wickedness; storm: bad: very. inoa, name. - “ino“ino, badness; worthless; to be sad. inu, a drink, to drink. îo, hawk. i“o, true, real; certainly. “i“o, flesh; one's person; gist. ioio, to taper. “io'io, to chirp, peep. inikua, insure. “iole, rat. ipo, sweetheart. ipu, gourd, melon; cup, mug; dish. 248 ipuahi-kaahele ipuahi, censor. ipu'aimaka, ipuhaole, watermelon. ipu'ala, muskmelon. - ipu'awa, the bitter gourd. ipuhao, iron pot; kettle. ipuholoi, wash basin. “ipuka, door, passageway. ipukai, dish or bowl for fish or meat. ipuki”, tea-pot. ipukukui, lamp. ipupaka, tobacco pipe. iubile', jubilee. itamu, item. iuka, inland. iwa, nine. iwaena, between, among. iwaenakonu, middle, center. iwaho, out, outside. iwi, bone; close relative. iwika“ele, keel of ship. - - - iwikuamo“o, backbone; chief's near relative and attendant. - - iwilei, shoulder bone, collar bone; a yard. iwipo'o, skull. K ka, ke, the definite article. ka! exclamation of surprise, etc. ka, of, or belonging to. - ka, to bail water; to dash, radiate. ka, tar. kata, a roller, wheel or wheeled vehicle: to roll. ka'aahi, ka'ahi, railroad train. ka'ahele, a journey: to travel about. kaakaua-kahua 249 ka“akaua, a chariot. ka'alelewa, flying clouds: to drive with the wind. - ka“ao, legend, fable; to recite, narrate. ka'apuni, going or traveling around. ka“au, forty. ş ka“auila, street car. ka'awili, to writhe in pain. ka“e, brink, border. kaelewa“a, unfinished canoe or boat. kaena, to boast, glory, brag, be conceited. kaha, to draw, make a scratch, cut open. kahaha!, expression of surprise; to wonder. kahakaha, to scarify; engrave. kahakai, the sea shore; shore belt. kahawai, stream, river, ravine, kahe, to flow. kahea, to call. - kaheka, shore pool; salt pan. kahekoko, hemorrhage. kahi, a place: some. . . kahi, a comb: to cut, shave, scrape. kahihi, to entangle, choke with weeds. kahiki, foreign country. kahiko, ancient, aged. kahiko, garments; furniture; to adorn, dress, invest. kahikolu, The Trinity. kahili, a fly-brush, a broom; royal standard. kahinu, to rub with oil; anoint. kahi“umi“umi, to shave the beard. kahoaka, soul of living person. - - kahu, guardian: to bake in ground; kindle fire. - kahua, foundation, encampment. 250 kahuli-kakale kahuli, to turn over; to be changed, be upset. kahuna, expert practitioner; (modern appli- cation), sorcerer. kahunapule, priest, parson. kahuwaiwai, trustee. kai, the sea, sea water, brackish; gravy. ka'ikati, to carry in hands; to take up, carry. ka'i, to lead, direct, attract. kai“e“e, tidal wave. kaikaina, a man's younger brother; a woman's younger sister. kaikamahine, daughter; girl; niece. kaikea, sap, sapwood , fat of hogs etc. kaikua“ana, a man's older brother; a woman's older sister. kaikuahine, a man's sister. kaikumane, a woman's brother. kaiku'ono, gulf, bay. ka'ili, to snatch ; take by force; jerk fish line; labor for breath. kaimana, diamond. kai mimiki, tidal wave. kaka, to rinse. kaka', the common duck. ka'ka', to beat, whip; split wood. kaka“a, to roll, turn over and over; spin as a top. kakahiaka, morning. kakaiapola, kite tail. kaka“ikahi, few, scarce, rare. kakaka, cross bow. kakala, spur of cock; anything sharp or pointed. kakala“au, fencing with spears. kakale, to be thin, watery; to dilute. kakali–kalana 251 kakali, to wait, expect. kakalina, gasoline. kakane, to blight. kakani, to make a noise; be noisy. kaka“olelo, counselor, adviser. kakapahi, fencing, sword exercise. kakau, to write; to tattoo. kakau'olelo, scribe, clerk, secretary. kakele, to slip, slide. kaki, to charge a debt. kaki, khaki. kakela, castle. kakiana, sergeant. kakolika, catholic. kakia, to nail. kakini, stocking: dozen. kaki'o, the itch. kakiwi, to layer slips; to plant graftings. kako'o, to support, uphold, assist. : kakou, we, (inclusive plural of three or more). kala, government proclamation; end of house; surgeon fish : to proclaim; to absolve, pardon. ka'la', money; silver; dollar. kala“e, clear, calm. kalai, to hew, to cut. kalaiaina, political economy. kalaimoku, counselor. kalaipohaku, mason; stone cutter. kalaima, crime. kalaiwa, driver, chauffeur. kalakala, rough, rude, harsh; like a rasp; thorny. kalana, county. ka'lana, sieve; stationery; to strain. 252 kalani-kamokoi kalani, gallon. kalapu, club. kalaunu, crown. kalea, whooping cough : to choke. kalekona, dragon. kalawina, Presbyterian. kalele, to lean on for support. kaleleleo, accent. - v ka'lena, talent. ka'lepa, a peddler; merchant: trading. kalepalepa, to flap, as sails or flag. ka'lewa, a swing: to float; to lie off and on , carry weight suspended between two. kali, to wait. kalima, crcam. kalo, taro. kalikiano, Christian. kalikimaka, Christmas. kalua, double ka'lua, to bury; to bake underground. kaluha', water weeds. - kama, child. kama“a, shoes, sandals. kama“aina, native born. - kamaha“o, wonderful, astonishing. kama“ilio, to converse. kamala, booth, hut, shed. kamali“i, children. kamaloli, snail. kamana, carpenter. kamaniha, rude, coarse, sullen. kamano, salmon. kamelo, camel. kamumumu, rumble, clatter; crunchy. kamokoi, to fish with rod. kana-kaona 253 kana, a tOn. ka'na, his. kamaha forty. kanaka, a man; a human being. ka'naka, people, men. kanake', candy. kanakolu, thirty. kanaloa, a certain deity. kanalua, doubtful. ka'nana, same as kalana. kanapi, centipede. kanawai, a law. kane, male; husband. kanea, loss of appetite. kanemake, widow. kanemale, married man; bridegroom. kani, sounding; a singing, report of gun. kanikau, a dirge : to mourn. kanikela, counsul. kaniuhu', sorrow, grief: to sigh, complain. kano, a handle for a tool; tree trunk. kanu, to bury or plant. ka'nuku, funnel for liquids. kao, goat; skyrocket; scow. kaohi, to withhold, detain, restrain. kaokao, syplailis. ka“oko“a, separate, neutral. kaola, house-beam; bar or fence rail. kaolele, sky rocket; fireworks. kaomi, to press down, squash; suppress emo- tion. - kaona, import; implication. kaona, town. 254 kapa-kauka kapa, cloth beaten, cloth, bed clothes; bank, shore, margin: to designate by name; to nickname; to term. kapae, to turn aside; pervert; stow away. kapakahi, one sided; crooked; partial. kapakai, sea shore. kapakapa, assumed name, alias : fictitious. kapala, a writing, priting: to blot out. kapalili, to tremble, palpitate, throb, flutter. kapalulu, to flap the wings, shake, quail. kapena, captain. kapeku, to splash water, as in driving fish. kapi, ko'pi, to sprinkle; to salt. kapiki, cabbage. kapili, to join, unite; to plaster. ka'pipi, ko'pipi, to sprinkle. kapikala, capital. kapolena, canvas. kapo'o, depression ; enter or sink into out of sight. kapu, tub: forbidden ; sacred. kapukapu, dignity. kapua“i, footprint, sole, foot measure. kapua'hi, fire place. kapulu, dirty, careless, gross. kau, summer season ; period : to place, hang, alight. ka'u, yours. ka“u, mine. kaua, war, battle. ka'ua, we, inclusive dual: to detain; invite to stay. kauhale, village, neighborhood kauhuhu, ridgepole. kauka, doctor. ka'ukama-keaka - * 255 ka“ukama, cucumber. kaukanawai, to establish laws. kaula, rope. ka'ula, a prophet. kaulahao, iron chain. kaula“i, to hang out to dry. kaulana, fame: celebrated. kaulawaha, bridle. - kaulia, to be suspended ; hung on cross. kaulike, to balance; make alike. kaulua, double, as canoes etc. ka'ulua, to hesitate; delay. kaumaha, weight, weariness; sacrifice. kauna, four. kauo', kauwo', draw, drag along. kauoha, dying charge, command : to order; to commit to another. - kaupaku, roof; to thatch. kaupaona, scales for weighing: to weigh. kaupalena, to limit, to bound. kaupili, mutual love : to be united. kaupo'ohiwi, to shoulder, as weight or arms. kauwa', servant, slave. kauwahi, something, some place, some part. kawaha, vacant, hollow. kawau', dampness; moisture from fog. kawele, towel, napkin. kawelewele, hanging ropes; leader in towing. kawili, to mix together, blend. ke, ka, the definite article. ke, sign of tense. kea, white. ke“a, stud animal : to hinder, to bar; to shoot al I"OWS. keaka, theatre. 256 r keakea-kenekulia keakea, white. ke“ake“a, obstruction.; crossed sticks: to hinder. kealia, salt marsh; salt pan. ke“apata, chest. kee, crookedness: crooked. keehi, to trample, stamp with foot. ke'emoa, crabbed, sour, surly. keena, room, office, apartment. keha, to be puffed with pride. kehakeha, to be proud. kehau, mist; frosty vapor. kehena, Gehenna, Hell. keia, this. keiki, child. kekahi, one, some, some one. kekake, donkey. keke, cranky, surly: to contend, scold; ex- pose the teeth. ke'ke', protruding abdomen. kekea, albino. - keke“e, crooked, incorrect. kekele, degere, degree. kela, that. kele, to reach by sailing; to sail off and oii. kele, kelekele, fat, grease; slippery. keleawe, copper, brass. kelekalama, telegram. kelekalapa, telegraph. kelepona, telephone. kelikoli, territory. kena, that (in possession of person addressed). kena', to order, command, compel. keneka, a cent. kenekulia, century. kenelala–kike' 257 kenelala, general. kenikeni, ten cents, a dime. ke“oke“o, white; proud, haughty. kepa, to snap, as teeth; to scrape, as dirt from board. ke'pa', spur. kepani', Japanese. kepau, lead, rosin, tar. keonimana, gentleman; polite. keu, additional; remainder; surplus. keu, surly: to contradict, scold, snap. ki, the ti-plant (Cordyline) : to shoot; squirt. kia, pillar, post, mast; spike, nail; deer; rod for bird lime: to trap birds. kia“aina, governor ki'aha, tumbler, cup, mug. kia“i, a guard : to watch over. kiakona, deacon. kiapolo', devil, demon. kialoa, long, beautiful canoe. ki“ei, to look into, peep at. kiteki“e, high, exalted, steep, holy. kiele, fragrant blossom, the shrub and per- fume; Gardenia. - kihapai, farm; cultivation patch. kihe, to sneeze. kihei, shawl. kihelei, astride: to straddle. kihi, outer corner, edge, tip. kii, image, picture, idol, statue: to fetch. kika', cigar; guitar. kikaha, to pass without recognition ; to soar like the frigate bird. kikala, the hip, buttocks, rump. kike', dialogue, repartee : to rap, rejoin. 258 kike'eke'e–kinohi kike“eke“e, zigzag. kikania, burr. kikaliki, cigarette. kike'ke', knock at door. kiki, sting. kiki, rapid, quickly. kikiki, ticket: to cheat. kiko, dot, point, small spot: to peck. kikokiko, spotted, speckled, striped. kiko'o, a span: to bend the arm, or bow ; stretch out hand or wing. kikowaena, center of circle. kila, steel; chisel. kilakila, tall, strong, great, brave, majestic. kilepalepa, to flap or flutter as flag. kilika, silk; black mulberry. kilo, star-gazer, astrologer; to spy. kilohana, the very best. kilohi, vanity; pride; to be looking in a mir- ror; to glance about with pride. kiloi, to throw away. kilokilo, enchantment : magical : to tell for- tuneS. kilokilohoku', astrologer. kilou, a hook. kimo, to nod drowsily ; bend in bowing; to pound. ki'na', blemish, blotch; sin. kimopo', secret plot to kill : to assassinate. kinai, to quench; extinguish as fire. kini, 40,000; tin; gin; zinc. kinipopo', baseball; ball-playing. kinipopo' peku, football. kino, body. kinohi, the beginning; origin; Genesis. ki'o–kohama 259 kito, dirty puddle; dregs : to excrete. kio'e, to dip up, scoop, skim. kioea, curlew; tall and thin person. kiola, tolay down for inspection ; throw away; overthrow. ki“owai, puddle, pond. kipa, kindness, hospitality: to turn in and lodge. kipaku, to drive away, banish, expel. kipapa, a pavement : to pave. kipe”, bribe : to pelt with stones. kipi, rebel; sedition: to revolt. kipikua, pickaxe. ki'po', break box open; smash. kipuka, an opening; snare for birds; poncho. kipulu, fertilizer. - kiu, spy. kiure, jury. kiwi, horn. ko, sugar cane: to be fulfilled ; become preg- nant; drag, tow. koa, soldier: to be brave. ko“a, horned coral; coral rock. ko“ala, cooked on coals ; broiled : to toast. koali, beach vine; Ipomea. koe, remainder; excess : to remain; to clean off pulp. ko“e, angleworm. koekoe, to mar surface by rasping or scratch- ing. ko'eko“e, cold and wet; cold food: tasteless. ko“ele, farm; garden for the chief: to strike, beat, tick as a clock. koena, remainder. kohana, naked. 260 kohi–kolopa' kohi, to dig; check; disunite. koho, to choose, select, guess. kohola, reef flats; bare reef. kohola, whale.- kohu, sap, especially colored; ink or coloring matter; likeness: agreeable; appropriate. kohu“ole, silly. kohupono, decent : to choose to do right. koi, to urge, implore; tempt. - ko“i, adze. koia, of him. ko“ikahi, carpenter's plane. ko“iko“i, heavy, substantial, honorable. koina, compulsion; pressure to pay. koke, quickly koko, blood. ko'ko', knitted or netted bag. kokoke, near to, almost; to be near. kokoleka, chocolate. koko“olua, assistant, helper. kokua, help. kokuli, ear wax. kole, raw; inflamed. kolamu, column. kolea, plover; step-parent; parent-in-law. koli, a meteor: to pare, whittle. koliana, accordion. koli“uli“u, indistinct sound from afar. kolo, to crawl. koloa, wild duck. kolohe, polluting, vile; roguish, playful, mirth- ful, jolly. kolohala, pheasant. koloka, cloak. kolopa', crowbar. kolu–kua - - 261 kolu, three. kolu', glue. O komikina, commissioner. komike, committee. 9 komo, tenon; finger ring, thimble: to enter. komohana, west. komolole, to dress. komowale, to trespass. kona, south ; south-west. kona, his, hers, its. konane, bright, clear; Hawaiian checkers. koni, to throb; to taste, to try. konikoni, to nibble, as fish ; to throb repeat- edly. kono, to solicit, invite. konohiki, overseer of chief's estate. konu, suffix used with waena, “center.” ko'o, prop, brace; cock's tail feathers. ko“oko'o, staff; supporter. ko“olau, north ; windward. kopa, soap. kopa“a, sugar. kopala, corporal. kopala', shovel. kope, rake; coffee. ko'pi, sprinkle with salt. kou, yours kou', moist, wet, damp. ko“u, mine. - ko'wa', space, strait, channel. kowali, to swing to and fro, as skipping rope. ku, suitable, adaptable, liable; to arise, stand. kua, anvil for tapa or for blacksmith: to feli a tree. kua, the back. 262 kua'aina-kuhewa, (mai kuhewa) kua“aina, back country : coarse. kuaiana, older of brother or sister. kuatau, basin inside reef. kuahine, brother's sister. kuahiwi, mountain summit. kuahu, altar. kuai, to rub or grind two together. kuai, to remove entrails. ku'ai, to barter. kuailo, to explain some enigma. kuaina, twine, string. kuala, usuriously. kuala, dorsal fins of fish. kualapa, ridge. kualono, broad ridge; space atop the moun- tain. kuamo'o, backbone; frequented path. kuamuamu, blasphemy: to revile; to curse. kuapata, bondman: severe; laborious. kuapo, exchange, “swap”. kuata, quart. kuaua, fall of rain; passing shower. ku'auhau, genealogy : historical. kute, to push with elbow. ku'e', be opposed; resist. kuea, square. ku“e“e', disagree, bicker. kueka, sweater. ku“ekute, joint, knuckles, elbow. ku“emaka, eyebrows. kuene, steward, waiter: to adjust; to prepare or conduct correctly. kuewa, vagabond. kuha, spit. kuhewa, (mai kuhewa), heart failure; stroke. kuhi–kuki'ni 263 kuhi, to infer, intimate, point out; surmise. kuhihewa, error in judgment or opinion. kuhikuhi, to show, point out, designate. kuhikuhihana, program. kuhina, regent, premier. kuhoupo'o, to dive head-first. kui, pointed instrument, pin, nail, needle, spike. kui, to pound with the end; to punch; to disseminate news; to sound, as thunder; to join. kutia, to stumble; to be hindered. ku“ihao to forge, work iron. ku'i'ia, wrought. kutikahi, treaty; union of feeling. kuikawa', free, unbound, independent, tem- porary. ku“ina, sewing, seam. ku“ipalu, to pulp, pound fine. ku“ipehi, to attack verbally or physically. kuka, coat. ku'ka', to consult. kukae, excrement. kukaenalo, beeswax; unbleached muslin. kukaepele, sulphur; matches. kuka“i“olelo, chat, conversation. kukala, to broadcast; proclaim publicly; noti- fy. ku'ka'la', auction. kukaweke, rain coat. kuke, to nudge, push gently. ku'ke, cook. kukekuke, push repeatedly with elbow. kukini, cushion. ă kuki'ni, messenger; runner in a race: to run. 264 - kuko–kuluihiamoc kuko, strong desire: to lust. kuku, to strike, beat. kuku', thorn, piercing seed. kukui, candle-nut; lamp; torch. kukuli, to kneel, crouch. kukulu, to erect, build, stick up. kukuluhema, South. kukulu, to drip. kukuluae“o, stilts: the stilt bird. kukuna, rays; radii. kukuni, to kindle; burn. kula, gold. - kula, dry land; field; opon land. kula“i, to push, push over. 8 kulaia, festal, feast day; holiday. kulana, reputation, station, rank. kulanakauhale, town, city. kulanalana, unsettled, unsteady: to reel. kuleana, a right; ownership; interest. kulekule, unsettled; unfurnished. kulele, drive away with a puff. kuli, knee; deafness: deaf: to be stunned with noise. kulia, one's lot; luck: to strive. kulihiamoe, to doze. kulikuli, to stun with noise; Hush ! Shut up! kulike, accord. kulima waiu', cream. kulina, corn. kulipolipo, depth : extremely. kuloko, domestic affairs; interior. kulolo, pudding of coconut with taro. kulou, to bow, bend forward; stoop. kulu, drop of water; leak from above. kuluihiamoe, nap: overcome with sleep. kulukulu–kunihinihi 265 kulukulu, to drop continuously; given to talking. kuluma, customary. kumama, units in excess (used in counting). kumakaia, traitor; ambuscade; to betray. kumakena, mourning in loud voices. kumano, head of watercourse; reservoir; dam. kumolemole, smooth and steep, as unscalable precipice. kumu, bottom, foundation, origin, tree trunk. kumua“o, teacher, instructor; coach. kumuho“ohalike, pattern, example. kumuhana, scheme, topic, subject. kumukahi, origin; beginning or occasion for any thing. - kumuku'ai, equivalent in barter; price in cash sales. - kumukumu, stumps or roots; to be cut short. kumulau, a producer, breeder; female with many offspring. kumumana“o, subject, text, theory. ku'mu'mu', to be dull or blunt as a tool. kumupata, principal, capital; solid foundation. kumuwaina, grape vine. kuna, form of itch. kuna, freshwater eel. ku'na'na', to be stumped, at wit's end, to stand gazing about. kunane, brother of a sister. kuneva, kunewanewa, weariness, to stagger. kuni, to kindle; burn, or light. kunihinihi, edge of precipice; central ridge of hair or helmet. 266 kunou–kupukupu kunou, to make signs by nodding or beckon- ing. kunu, cough : to roast meat on coals. kunukalea, whooping cough. kunukunu, to grumble covertly; to groan. ku'o'i', to limp or stagger; to rock like a vessel. kuokota, standing aloof; independent. kuokuolo, kuolo, vibrating motion, as in rub- bing. ku'ono, recess in room; nook; bay, gulf. kuonoono, prosperity : well furnished; sup- lied. kuo'o, serious, sober-minded, earnest. kupa, citizen, resident; soup; cooper. kupa', dig a trench ; dig out canoe. kupata, firm, strong, fixed ; to stand fast. kupaka, to writhe, twist. kupakako, clerk , supercargo. kupalu, to stuff with food; to make a favorite. kupanaha, wonderful. kupapa“u, corpse. kupete, bracelet or anklet; fetters. kupenu, to dip; to dye by dipping. kupikipiki'o', raging of the sea or multitude. kupilikiti, to be crowded, confused; be in a jam. kupinati, noisy; general crying; echo; mourn- ing. kupipipi, throng. kupono, upright, honest, perpenticular; to fit. kupololei, perpendicular. kupou, bend forward in drowsing or stumbling. kupu, to sprout. kupukupu, ferns. kupua-laiki 267 kupua, sorcerer, wizard. kupulau, kau kupulau, Spring. kupuna, grandparent; ancestor. kupuni, to stand around; surround as an enemy. ku“u, my, mine: to release, let go. ku“uku“u, short-legged spider. kuululu', shiver with cold. ku“uwelu, tassel, fringe. L la, the sun, day. la, particle following verbs. La “aipelehu', La Ho“alohaloha, or Ho'omai- ka“i, Thanksgiving Day. la“a, sacred; devoted ; to be holy. laala“au, herbs, shrubs. la“au, vegetative growth; wood; trees; medi- cine. la“au“ala, sandal wood. la“aulapaau, medicine. la“aulu, growing season. la“aumaka“i, policeman's baton. la“auto“oi, bramble, briar. lae, forehead, cape, brow of hill. la“elate, unobstructed view; clear; bright shining as sun. laha, to be spread out. lahilahi, thin. laho, scrotum. laholio, rubber, elastic. lahui, assemblage; people, nation: to pro- hibit, lay a tabu, la“i, to be calm. laiki, rice. 26s laikini-lapuwale laikini, license. laka, tame, domesticated. lake“e, to be coiled; to be flexed. lakeke, jacket. laki, luck, lucky. lakiku', lattitude. lako, supply, sufficient. lakou, they (three or more). lala, diagonal. la'la', branch, bough ; member : to parcel out. lalama, to get into mischief by handling. lalani, rank, row, line. lalau, mistake: to go astray. lalau, seizing. la'lau, to seize. lalelale, haste; to hurry. lali, greasy, as hands; fat; slippery as mud. lalilali, greasy; wet. lalo, down. lama torch, light; alight; rum. lana, to float, be buoyant. lana“au, float with current; drift. lanahu, nanahu, coal, charcoal. lanai, shed, porch, booth. lanakila, conquest: to prevail. lanalana, unstable; buoyant; spider. lani, sky. laoa, laowa, be choked by obstruction. laola“o, bundle of fuel sticks, fagot. lapa, flat; ridge, side of ridge. lapaau, to cure illness. lapalapa, flat; blaze: to boil. lapu, ghost. lapulapu, collect in little heaps. lapuwale, foolishness, vanity : worthless. lau–lehelehei 269. lau, leaf; tip; 400: to produce leaves; to reach out for. laua, they two. lauhala, pandanus leaf. laula, broad. laulaha, to be spread abroad. laulau, a bundle; wrapper. lauleta, peace, friendship. laulima, cooperation. laumania, smooth, even, plane. laumeki, to flow or move slowly; recede. la umilo, to writhe; kill by torture or by twisting. - launa, friendly; to associate. launahele, vegetables. lauoho, head hair. lauwili, confusion: variable, fickle; deceitful. lawa, enough, ample. lawaita, a fisherman: fishing: to catch fish. lawakea, white cock; white attire. lawe, to take, carry, transfer. lawehala, sinner. lawehana, workman; laborer; to undertake. lawelawe, to serve; to handle. lawepio, to capture. lawewale, extortion. le“a, joy, pleasure, gratification. le“ale“a, to delight in, be merry. leke, lady. leha, to turn eyes; glance. lehei, lekei, to jump, leap over; alight. lekeona, legion. lehelehe, lips. lehelehei, hop as a bird. 270 v leho-lihi leho, cowrie shell. léhu, ashes; 400,000. lehulehu, many; a multitude, host. lei, necklace, wreath ; crown; string of beads. lei“a“i, necktie. - leina, a leap, a spring, a bound. leka, letter. lele, to fly, jump. lelekoali, a swing; to swing. lelele, to hop, bounce, frisk. lelelele, running jumps : to skip, run off; fore- sake as a wife. lelepau, to trust in ; to credit. lemu, buttocks. lemi, lemon, lime. lena, yellow : to strain as a bow, sight or aim, bend. leo, a voice. leoha, hoarse. leopaki, leopard, lepa, flag, garment border or fringe. lepe, cockscomb : diagonally lepela, leper, leprosy. lepeka, mite (coin). lepo, dirt. lewa, atmosphere; visible heavens : to swing; float. lewalewa, to swing frequently; to float; dangle. li, chill from cold, ague, or fear: to hang by neck. lia, fear or dread in visioning a spirit. lia, a desire for; a yearning after. liha, nausea ; a nit. lihi, border, edge. lihilihi–loea 271 lihilihi, eyelids, eyelashes; lace. li“i, little, small. li“ilii, small, little, diminutive. like, to be like. likiki, receipt. likini, rigging. liko, opening as a bud; to swell. lilelile, bright, shining; to sparkle. lili, jeaous, anger; pride. lilia, a lily. liliha, nausea: to be satiated. lilikoti, passion fruit. lilina, linen. lilio, tightly drawn; slant-eyes. lilo, to become another's; to change; be lost. lima, arm, hand; five. limaikaika, to assault, handle roughly, “to strong-arm.” limu, alga. linalina, a scar on body; to be sticky. lino, rope; to weave, twist or braid. lio, horse. li“o, restless, uneasy. linoleuma, linoleum. liona, lion. lipi, sharp, tapering; axe. lipine, ribbon. lipo, deep, bottomless as the ocean. liu, leakage, bidge water: to leak. litula', dusk; twilight; mirage. liuliu, prepared; ready. li“uli“u, for some time. loa, long, of time or space; very. loata, gain: obtained : to be obtained. loea, skillful, clever, applied to women. 272 loha-lono loha, wither, wilt. lohe, to hear. lohea, to be heard. lohi, slow, feeble. lo“i, taro patch. loiele, dull, slow. lo“ihi, long, in time or distance; tall. loi, to “size one up.” loiloi, deprecation of appearance or work: to SÎleer. loina, rule; law. loio, lawyer. lokahi, accord, unanimity, unision, agreement. loke, rose; roast. loko, pond, lake. lo'ko, within. loko“ino, to act vilely ; deal malevolently. lokomaika“i, benevolence, grace, favor, good will. lokowai, fresh water lake; fountain. loku, heavy rains; tears; anguish, mental or physical. lola, roller: sluggish, inactive. lole, cloth, particularly foreign; garment: to be reversed, changed; to skin an animal. loli, sea-slug: to turn over, to change. loli“i, to make ready ; vrovide. lolo, brain, marrow lo'lo', idiot: palsied lolohi, very slow; backward : to loiter. loloiele, stupid, dull. loloiwi, marrow. lomi, to press, massage. loniku', longitude. lono, report, news: to be heard; to hurl. lo'ohia–lulu 273 lo'ohia, to be overtaken; to come upon, befall, happen. - lopa', farmer, tenant. lopi, thread. - lou, hook, pain in side : to bend as hook. loulu, palm. lu, that thrown away or scattered : to scatter, sow; to shake. - - . lua, a pit : two. - luaahi, luahi, volcano; hell. luahine, old woman. - luati, vomit. lua“ipele, sulphur; lava. luakini, temple; church. lualua“i, the cud. - luana, leisure : satisfied, easy, content : to live idly. lua“ole, the best; darling; nonesuch. luapele, crater, volcano. luapuhi, blow hole. luau, taro leaf; feast. luawai, well, cistern. lu“e, to be loosened, scattered. lu'elu“e, gown. luhe, wither, droop, fade. luhi, opperssion, fatigue : tiresome. luina, sailor, mariner. luku, slaughter, wholesale destruction. lukanela, lieutenant. lula, rule; manners. lule, to shake. luli, to vibrate, rock, roll as ship. luliluli, to wag, totter. lulu, calm; still, of wind and water. 274 lulu–ma'e'ele lulu', donation: scattering: to sow; to shake out dust; to winnow; to throw dice; to shake fists. lulua“ina, freckle. lulumi, to crowd in. luma“i, to kill by drowning; to duck in water. lumakika, rheumatism. lumi, room. luna, overseer: upper, above. lunaho'omalu, chairman. luna“ikehala, conscience. lunakanawai, judge. lupe, a kite. lu'u, to dive, plunge out of sight. lu'ulu“u, grief: painful, miserable. luwahine, luahine, old woman. M ma, et al.; accompanying; as, Keawe ma, “Ke- awe and his group.” ma, to fade, wilt; blush : at, by, through, in, unto, alongside of, by means of, according to. ma'a, experience; habit: accustomed. ma“a, a sling; to sling. matalahi, nobleness; easily done. ma'alea, subtlety: prudent, wise, crafty, shrewd, sly. ma“alili, lukewarm, cooled. matalo, to pass by or through ; proceed; lose. ma“anei, here, at this place. ma“au, indifference; persecution. ma“awe, fiber, strand. mae, blasted, as fruit; withered. maea, displeasing odor. ma'eele, cramp: benumbed, numb. maemae-maia 275 maemae, withered, drooping. matema“e, clean, pure, chaste. maewa, swaying. maha, to rest; to enjoy ease and quiet after pain. - mahalo, wonder: to approve, praise, applaud, thank. mahana, warm. mahani, to cool off, as emotions; to pass off or away; to vanish. maha“oi, bold, impertinent. mahea, where ? mahele, a portion, division. mahi, energetic: to cultivate. mahiai, to farm. mahiki, to vibrate: to peel off as scale; to exorcise. mahimahi, dolphin, Coryphaena. ma'hina, the moon, a month. mahina, cultivated patch. mahina“ai, field, farm; husbandry. mahiole, war cap, helmet, officer's cap. mahoe, twins; name of tree. mahola, to spread out, extend; expand. mahole, to bruise, as the flesh ; break up. mahope, behind, after; hindermost. mahu, steam. nearly : from. ma'hu', hermaphrodite; male simulating fe- male. mahuahua, to increase, expand, thrive. mahuka, to flee, escape from ; to bolt. mai, Do not ! Come here! Hither; almost, ma“i, sickness, disease; the private parts. maia, banana. 276 maiao-makamua maiao, human finger or toe nail. maiau, neat, skillful, expert. ma“ihi, to strip; peel as truit. maika“i, good, beautiful. maile, perfumed vine. mainoino, inhuman; defacement; atrocity; suffer. - mai“u“u claw; hoof. maka, face, eye, edge, point, mesh etc.; very hard stone : raw, uncooked , green, unripe. maka“ainana, commoners, distinct from chiefs. maka“ala, watchfulness : to be awake, alert. makaaniani, spectacles. maka“e', to be opposed to. ma'ka'ha', gateway ; passage through fish pond walls. makahiamoe, drowsy. makahiapo, first born. makahiki, year. makai, seaward. maka“i, guard, constable; to inspect, spy. maka“ika“i, diversion; visit; to go sight-see- ing. maka“ikiu, detective. makaki“i, a mask. makakiu, to be a spy. makala, to untie, loosen. makaleho, haughtiness; lust, lasciviousness. makalii, very small or fine, diminutive. makalike, uniform. makalua, socket for the eye-ball. makaluku, bent on slaughter. makamae, precious, valuable; much desired. makamaka, friend; beloved one. makamua, first; the beginning. makana-makuahine 277 makana, gift, present. makeneki, magnet; magneto. makani, wind. makapata, blind in one eye. makapo', completely blind. makapouli, to faint; be dizzy. makau, to be ready. ma'kau, fishhook. maka“u, fear. makaukau, readiness. maka“upena, mesh of net. makawai, small outlets for water; running te a rS. - make, dead : to die. / make“e, covetous : to have great regard for. make“ewaiwai, avarice. - makehewa, bad bargain : in vain ; to no profit. makeke, mustard , market. makemake, desire. wish. • makena, mourning; lamentations ; many, often, much. makewai, thirst : thirsty. makia, bolt, pin, nail, spike, makepono, good bargain. makika, mosquito. - makili, to open a little, as the mind. makilo, to beg. - . makolo, to crawl : ask a favor. makolu, wide, thick. - makona, implacable, unfriendly. makou, we, plural exclusive. maku', dregs, sediment : thick, stiff, like mo- lasses. makua, a parent: full grown. makuahine, a mother. 278 - makuakane–malu makuakane, father. maku'e, to elbow; provoke anger; frown. makulu, to drip. mala, garden; cultivated field. mala“e, a calm, calmness, pleasant appearance. malaila, there. malaelate, clear; serene, as sky; smooth as plain; without obstruction. malakeke, molasses. malalo, downward, under, below. malamamoku, first mate of vessel. ma'lama, take care, heed. malama, light; a solar month. malamalama, light. malana“i, northeast wind. malawaina, vineyard. male, phlegm : to spit. c ma'le, marriage. malia, perhaps, lest. malie, quiet, calm, gentle, smooth: to abate. malihini, stranger. malimali, soothing. malino, calm, pacific, smooth. mali“o, first rays of light. maliu, to give attention, heed; be civil. malo, loin cloth. ma'lo', taut, straight, firm. malotelo“e, fatigue : weary, stiff with labor. malohi, a want of sleep : weary. maloko, within. malolo, ebbing of spring tides; day of pre- paration before sacred day. ma'lolo, flying fish. malo'o, dry; dead, of a dried up vegetable. malu, shady, protected ; peace. malu'–manamanawawae 279 malu', secret; without order. malua, slight depression. maluhi, tired, weary. maluhia, safety. maluhiluhi, wornout; weariness from travel. malumalu, shade; protection, safety. maluna, above. mama, to chew and reject. mama, light, quick, active, swift. mamae to wilt, be wilted. mamala, fragment; small piece broken from a larger. mamala“olelo, clause (in grammar). mamalu, a shade, umbrella, defense: cover- ed, shaded. mamao, far away, distant. mamau, to stall; to stick fast. mamo, descendent; war cloak of the mamo feather. mamua, before, first, formerly. mamuli, behind, afterwards, by and bye. mana, authority, power, might. mana, branch or limb of tree. ma'na, to feed from mouth. manai, needle for stringing flowers. mana'i, windward. manaka, bored, dull, tame. manako', mango. manalo, sweet, as fresh water. manalomalo, unseasoned, insipid. manakuke, mongoose. manamana, a branch : branching. manamanalima, finger. manamanawawae, toe. 280 mananalo–maoi mananalo, insipid, stale. mana“o, to think, wish, will. mana“oi'o, to believe. mana“olana, hope. mana“ona“o, to grieve. mana“oha“i, proposition. manawa, feelings, affections. mana'wa, time. manawatino, evil disposition. manawalea, alms, charity: generous. manawanui, steadfastness; patience. manele, sedan chair, litter. mane“o, itch; acrid. mania, smooth, even surface. . mania, dizziness, sensation when filing saws; unpleasant noise. - maniania, even, smooth, dull, sleepy, lazy. manienie, Bermuda grass. mano, 4000. - ma'no, head of distributing water channels. mano', shark. - manoanoa, thick, as a board; coarse. mano“i, coconut oil scented; perfume. manu, bird. manuea, blundering, careless, awkward. manuahi, gratis. - manuku', pigeon ; dove. manumanu, rough, defective; blunt, not sharp. manununu, to creak, grate. manuwa', warship . i mao, to be ended, as a rain storm or tears. mao', there, yonder. ma“o, green. - maoa, soreness from rubbing. ma“oi, bold, shameless, arrogant. maoli-meha, mehameha 281 maoli, native; genuine. ma“ona, filled, satisfied. maopopo, plain, clear: to be sure. mapela, marble. ma'pu, fragrance; bubbling, as a spring. ma pu”, ape. mapuna, boiling up, as a spring. mau, constant, continuous, frequent: to be stopped. • mau, a word indicating the plural. ma“u', moist, wet, damp. maua, ungrateful. ma'ua, we, dual exclusive. mauhala, unforgiving. ma'ui, sprained : to wring. ma“ule, to faint. - mauli, last night of moon. mauna, mountain. ma'unauna, wasteful; prodigal. maunu, bait. mau'nu, to moult; shed skin ; change fron chrysalis. .. - - mau“u, general name for grass, herbs, rushes. ma“u“u, moist. mawae, cleft, crack, fissure. mawaena, among, between. mawaenakonu, center. mawehe, to separate, be loosened. me, with, like. mea, a thing; material. mea“ono, cake. me“eau, the itch ; mange: blisters on skin. meha, mehameha, alone, lonely, desolate, for- saken. - 282 meheu–mimiki meheu, track, trace, foot print, impression; scent followed by dog. meia, mayor. mekia, major. mekekiko, Methodist. mele, a song; to sing. melemele, yellow. meli, honey. menehune, brownies. menemene, fearful for one; feelingly. me'nu', menu. meka, the mass. mekala, metal; medal. meumeu', blunt, dull; rounded on edge. miana, place to urinate. miha, to appear dark, as the depths. mihi, regret; repentance. mikanele, missionary. mika, mister. miki, energetic; readiness. mikiao, claw. mikimiki, efficient: to be quick, brisk mikinilima, mikilima, glove. mikini, machine. mikioi, neat; excellence in work; good taste. mikiona, mission. mikolelehua, quick minded; skillful; reason- ing. - mikomiko, relishable, as food; seasoned; de- licious. mili, to handle, feel, examine. milimili, curiosity: to view, handle, examine, milo, to twist; spin, as a thread. mimi, urine: to urinate. mimiki, to recede, as undertow. mimilo–mokuahana 283 mimilo, whirlpool. mimino, to wrinkle, curl up; wither. minamina, regret for loss or error; sorrow; COvetOt1SIleSS. mineka, mint. minelala, mineral. - mino, curling up; crown of head; dimple. mino'aka, smile. minomino, wrinkle. minuke, minute. miomio, to be tapered, compressed; dive in water. - moa, fowl. mo“a, cooked thoroughly. moakaka, clear, plain, intelligible. moana, ocean; to be spread out. moani, fragrance wafted on the breeze. moe, bed : to sleep , lie down; dream. moehewa, to be disturbed; to talk or walk during sleep. moe“ino, nightmare; unpleasant dream. moekolohe, adultery, fornication. moe“uhane, dream. moemoea', to dream or fantasy. mohai, sacrifice. moha“i, to break in two, be broken. mohala, to open, expand as a flower; to blos- SO1) l. moho, candidate. moi, sovereignty; majesty; king. mokaki', disorder of room. mokomoko, a boxer; to box. moku, land division; ship: to cut, divide in tWO. mokuahana, faction: divided, unfriendly. 284 mokuahi–mumule mokuahi, steam vessel. moku'aina, state; island. mokulele, airplane; clipper. mokulu“u, submarine. mokupuni, island. molaki, mortgage. molalelale, colorless ; clear. mole, tap root; foundation ; principle element. molehulehu, twilight : dim. molina, tape. molio, taut: to be stretched. molowa', lazy. momi, pearl; jewel. momona, large, fat; rich, fertile; sweet. moni, to swallow, consume. mo'o, lizard, snake; genealogy; track. mo“olele, dragon. mo“olelo, history, tradition. mo“oniho'awa, viper; scorpion. mo'onui, dragon; alligator. mo“opuna, grandchild. mouo, buoy : float. i mu, clothes moth, and other small bugs. mua, first; previously; foremost. mu“emu“e, bitter. - muka', a seizing, devouring; smacking of lips. muki', kissing motion : to suck, to kiss mukiki, to suck in, as smoke or water; to sip. mukoki, plain, homely. muku, to be cut short. mulea, insipid ; bitter. muli, after; behind. muliwai, lagoon; river. mumule, silent; sullen; mute. mumulu–naki'i 285 mumulu, swarming flies, bees, mosquitoes, etC. mu“o, leaf bud. mu“umu'u, underslip; loose house dress. mu“umutu moepo', night gown. N na, definite article, plural: of, for, belonging tO. - k- na', quiet, pacified : to labor for breath, as from asthma. na“au, intestines; intelligence. na'auao, enlightenment; wisdom. na“aupo', ignorance; stupidity. na“e, but, yet, furthermore. naenae, to pant for breath; sigh. naha', bent; broken : to be split, cracked; to act as purgative. -w nahae, torn : to tear, rend; break off. nahaha', broken; brittle : to shatter. nahelehele, weeds. nahenahe, mild; melodious. nahili, awkward, blundering, careless. nahoahoa, wound on head and related pain. nahu, to bite. - nati, conqueror: to acquire by own efforts; take by conquest. - na“inati, sour, crabbed; to struggle against opposition. naio, intestinal worms. naka, shaking; cracked as earth from heat. nakaka, split, shattered, cracked. nakeke, to rustle, rattle. nakele, soft, slippery, boggy. naki“i, to tie, bind; to cord, 286 nakinaki–naonaolele nakinaki, to bind often, bind fast. nakolo, echo; hollow sound. naku, rushes. naku, to root; to trample. - nakulu, noise of water drops; rumble; echo. nakulukulu, clatter; pattering. nalinali, nibble, gnaw. nalo, a fly: vanished : to be lost. nalomeli, honey bee. nalopaka, wasp. nalu, wave, surf. nalulu, headache. namunamu, tonibble, as fish; grumble, mut- ter. nana', snarling disposition; fault finding. nana, for him, his. na'na', to gaze at, look, examine carefully. manahu, lanahu, coal, charcoal. nanahu, bite (teeth or pain). nanaina, appearance, countenance. nanao, insert hands or fingers; think deeply; probe. nanapono, to watch earnestly. nanea, leisure: easy, cozy: to repose. naneha“i, problem in mathematics. nani, glory, splendor: beautiful. nao, to probe. nao, ripples, fine ridges, streaks, thread of SCreW. nao wili, drill bit. na“o, mucus. naonao, ants in general. naonao, insert hand; seize. na“ona“o, phlegm, spittle, mucus. naonaolele, winged termite; winged ant. nape-nihi - 287 nape, to bend; yielding; swaying, as branches. napenape, soft, flexible: to be shaken; vibrate rapidly. napo'o, to set; go down as sun. nau, to chew, to gnash teeth. nau, for you, yours. na“u, of me, mine. naue, to shake, tremble as earth. naueue, a moving; earthquake; shock. naulu, heavy mists; shower of heavy rain without clouds. naunau, to chew, munch. naupaka, shrubs of the genus Scaevola. nawali, sickly, weak, feeble. nawaliwali, feeble, sick. nawele fine, like spider-web. ne, fretting: to be teased ; to droop. nete, to move, to change place. nekelo, a negro. nei, this; here; this time or place. nele, want : destitute, deficient. nelu, fat, fleshy. ne'ne, goose. nenelu, miry place, marsh. neo, nothingness; silence: empty, bare. neoneo, desolate, solitary; lifeless. newa, staff, cudgel; policeman's club. nia, bald; round and smooth as bald head. niania, calm, shining, smooth, bald. niao, edge. niau, easy sailing: to glide. ni“au, stem of coconut leaflet. niele, to ask, enquire, interview. nieniele, to question repeatedly; to pump. nihi, stealthy. 288 nihinihi–nono' nihinihi, carefully, quietly. niho, tooth. nihomole, a gap in a row; notch. nihopalaoa, ivory. nika, nigger. - ninaninau, to question, examine, probe, inter- rogate. - ş ninau, to question. nini, ointment, balm; petty jealousy. ninini, to pour out, as liquid. niniu, to whirl, spin. nioi, chili pepper plant and fruit. niu, coconut; palm and fruit. niuhi, the man-eating shark. no, of, for. noa, release from restrictions. noe, mist, spray. noteau, art, i.e. skill : wise, prudent, skillful; aCute. nohea, lovely. no'hea, whence? noho, a seat, chair, bench, layer: to sit, to dwell. nohoaliti, throne. noho“i, also. noi, (note: ke noi, the request; ka noi, the one asking), a request: to beg, entreat. noi“i, to investigate, research ; to reflect. nolaila, therefore. nolunolu, soft and springy as a mattress. nona, his, hers. nonanOna, ant. nono, redness of face, of sunburn, of angry eyes. nono', to snore. nonoi–oe', 'owe' 289 nonoi, to beg, appeal, borrow. nonolo, to breathe hard, snore. no'ono'o, a thought: to think, reflect. nou, to throw at. nou, yours. no“u, mine. nounou, to throw stones back and forth. nu, to groan, shake, sound, roar. nuha, to sulk, be obstinate, balk. nuhou recent news. nui, large, great. nukoki, plain, homely. nuku, mouth, snout, bill. nukunuku, to complain, to rail. numonia, pneumonia. nu'nu', dove, pigeon. nunuha, taciturn, unsocial, stubborn, contrary. nunui, very large, gigantic. nunulu, to growl, grunt; to warble. nupepa, newspaper. O o, lest: of or belonging to. (ke) o, food for journey. “o, “The O emphatic.” (ke) 'o, a piercer, fork: to pierce, dip. “o, there, yonder. (ke) o“a, house rafter. oa, to burst over, as a stream. “oaka, flash of light; sun reflection: to open. “oe, thou, you. 'o'e, sharp darting pain: to prick: to gore. 'oe', 'owe', rustle of leaves; a noise of running water : to whiz. 290 (ke) oeoe–oki“oki (ke) oeoe, whistle or horn of train, steamer or automobile; lengthened neck. 'oha, sprig, sucker, branch. “ohana, family, clan. ohaoha, fond recollection, joy, delight. tohe, bamboo. “ohelopapa, strawberry. “ohena'na', spyglass. • , tohi, to gather up, glean, harvest, collect taxes. “ohiki, sand crab; to shell, pry up; probe or pierce. oho, a calling: to call out. (ke) oho, hair of head; leaves. ohohia, enthusiasm. “ohu, a fog, mist. “ohua, dependents of household; passengers. “ohule, bald. “ohumu, to murmur, grumble, complain. “oi, first, most excellent; greater; the best; sharp. “o“i, to limp. “oia, yes; it is so. “oiai, while. “oiai“o, truth, verity. “oihana, business; occupation, trade. “o“ili, to project, appear. “oiwi, personal appearance; substantial part. (ke) oka, dregs, sediment; sawdust, crumbs, filings, hulls. “oka, oak tree; oats. “okana, district; organ. oki, to end or finish; stop. “oki, to cut, cut off, cut in two. “oki“oki, to cut frequently, or in small pieces. 'okipoepoe–olulo 291 “okipoepoe, circumcision. - oko“a, different, another, separate; whole. “okole, the anus; posteriors. “okoleke, pig Latin. okomopila, automobile. “okupe, to stumble, trip. - (ke) ola, life; health, recovery : alive: to live. (ke) ola“i, earthquake. “olala, lean, poor in flesh. olalau, demented. olaola, to gargle. ole, speaking trumpet. “ole, no, not; lacking. “olelo, a word; speech, language: to say. “olelonane, proverb; riddle. “ole“ole, indistinct : to chatter. “olepe, oyster, clam. “olepe, to turn, as a hinge. “olepelepe, lattice work; network. oli, olioli, to chant. “oli, “olioli, joy, happiness, exultation. “olinolino, bright, brilliant; to dazzle. “oliwa, olive; oleander. (ke) olo, a saw : to saw; to grate. olohani, to strike work. “olohelohe, destitute, naked, bare of vegeta- tion. “oloka“a to roll along. "ololi', narrow. olona, fibrous shrub, cord. “olo“olo, calf of leg; to hang loosely ; a gar- ment too long. “olu, supple, flexible; elastic. “olua, you two. “olulo, person cast away or shipwrecked. 292 olu“olu–'opa' “olu“olu, cool, agreeable; good natured. “oma, oven; baking place. “oma“ima“i, sickly, weak; to ail. “oma“oma“o, green. omo, to suck. “omole, glass bottle. omomo, to draw into mouth. “omo'omo, a long loaf of bread or meat. ona, bird mite; nettling of skin, with pimples. “ona, owner: drunk. ona, of him, his. (ke) one, sand; beach. onea, destitute of inhabitants. “onawaliwali, to flag, be weak or poorly. one“i, here. oneki, deck. “oni, to move, stir. “oni'o, a spot; spotted. “onioni, to dodge; move back and forth; wag. “onionio, spotted; striped; streaked. “onipa“a, firm, strong, fixed, immovable. (ke) ono, six. “ono, deliciousness: to relish ; desire to taste. “onohi, eyeball. “onou, to force, compel; to urge upon. o'o, ripe (of fruit); mature (of people and animals). “o“o', digging tool : to crow. “o'oi, sharp, prickly. 'o'olea, unyielding, hard, stiff, exacting, ob- stinate. “o“olopu', a blister. “o“opa, cripple : lame. 'o'opu, goby fishes. “opa, to squeeze. 'opae–'owe' 293 “opae, shrimp. “opala, rubbish, litter, garbage. “opa“opa, wearied; lame from walking. (ke) “ope, bundle. “ope“a, scrotum : to overturii. 'ope'apea, bat. (ke) 'opi, folds, in cloth. opiii, cramps; torpor. opio, young. '6piopi, to fold up; wrap. “öpu, the belly. “opiuina, opium. “opua, narrow pointed clouds. opu“ino, “opu“ino“ino, hostile, unfriendly, ma- levolent. 'opukopekope, malevolent, surly. “opulepule, light-headed ; giddy; moronic. “opu'u, to bud, sprout, or bloom. opu“upu“u, coarse. o'u, yours. o“u, mine. “oukou, you, plural. “ouli, character, description ; sign, omen. “outou, long sharp-snouted. “owa', to be split, as a board : to crack, as ground. “owai, to twine into wreathes. “owai, properly “o wai, who? “owaka, a flash. “owa“owa, divided, cleft. “owa“owaka, brilliant. “owau, I. “owau, a cat. “owe', see “oe”. 294 'owili-paha' “owili, a roll, a bolt; to roll up, coil. “owelawela, warmth of fever. P pa, a distributive particle. pa, barren, as a female. pa, a wall; an enclosure : to divide out; to fence. (ke) pa, flat dish, plate, pan. pa“a, tight, fast, secure; steadfast: a pair; a suit. pa“a“a, banana skin. pa“ahana, energetic worker; implements, uten- sils. pa“ahao, convict; prisoner. pa“a“iliono, cube. pa“akai, salt. pa“akiki, hard, compact, difficult. pa“amau, standard. pa“ani, play of games ; sport. patapu', crowded, overwhelmed; deluged with work. pa“apata“ina, brittle. pae, cluster, group; margin or border to be cast ashore; to land. pa“e, to strike on ear. pa“ele, negro; blot, dirty spot. pae“aina, paemoku, archipelago. paepae, platform, pavement, threshold. paepae, to bear up, support. paepaekomo, axle. pa“ewa, pa“ewatewa, bent; biased; erroneous. paha, perhaps. paha, four-fold. pahale-paimalau 295 pahale, house lot; yard. paha“oha'o, mystery. pahe“e, sliding; to slip. pahele, noose; snare; ambush. pahemahema, ignorant; ungrammatical. pahemo, to be loosened; to slip in walking. pahi, knife, sword. pahikaua, sword. pahoa, dagger. pahoehoe, smooth shining lava. pahole, to peel off; “bark the skin.” pahonohono, to sew up; patch. pahu, drum, barrel, box, chest, ark, coffin; stake in ground for mark: to push. pahu', to burst, explode. pahuhopu, a point or goal. pahu“olelo, phonograph. pahupahu, billiards. pahupahu', fire crackers. pahu“ume, bureau; drawer. pahuwai, water barrel; tank. (ke) pai, a printing: to strike with open hand, clap, slap, stamp, print. paia, sides or inside walls of house. pa“iai, pounded taro. paihi (waipaihi), trickling waterfall or cas- cade. - paikau, to drill, parade. paiki, suitcase; doctor's satchel; bag. pa“iki“i, photograph. paikikala, bicycle. paila, heap, pile. paila wahie, cord of firewood. (ke) pailaka, pilot. patimalau, Physalia, Portuguese man-of-war. 296 paina-pala paina, pine tree; fine cloth like serge. patina, meal, dinner: to feed, to board; to Snap, as a rOpe. paio, debate; combat; quarrel. paionia, pioneer. paipai, rocking chair: to rock; to encourage, urge on ; canvass for votes. pa“ipa“i, to clap, applaud. paipu, pipe; water pipe. paka, tobacco; rain drops : to listen and cor- rect pupils' errors; to park. pakaha, to oppress, cheat, fleece. pakahi, apiece; one to each. pakalaki, bad luck. pakali, decoy. pakaukau, table; buffet; bar. paka“uwili, to encircle, entwine; squirm. pakeke, bucket; pocket. pakela, excess: to exceed, excel. pakela'ai, gluttony; luxurious living. pakele, to escape, be free from. pakeneka, percentage. paki, to spatter. paki, to throw down; press with iorn. pakiti, flattened; flat faced. pakika, smooth : to slip. pakike', saucy reply: insolent. pakiko, to be temperate. pakini, pan. pakoli, musical scale. paku, curtains; screen; partition; inner wall. pakua, pakuwa, commonplace. paku“i, added on : to engraft, annex, splice. pala, ripe, mellow soft. pala'ai–palepale 297 pala'ai, squash, pumpkin. palaha, to fall flat. palahalaha, to be flat, spread out. pălahe', rotten: to decay; run after bursting. palahe'he', pus, matter. palaho', rotten, putrid. palai, a fern: to fry. palaimaka, enemy's pretense of friendship; contempt. palaka, pulley-block; jacket-shirt: inactive; neglectful of obligations. palaki, brush. palakahuki, to decay as vegetation. palale', speech not easily understood. palani, brandy; France; French. palaoa, whale ivory; ivory, palaoa, bread, flour. palapala, writing, inscription; The Scriptures. palapu', wound. palau, plow. palau, to lie. palaualelo, lazy, unoccupied. pale, sheath ; outer garment: to ward off. pale“ili, undershirt. palekai, breakwater, bulvark. palekana, a defense; a savior : rescue; to have escaped trouble. palema“i, underpants. palemaka, veil. palela li“ili“i, keg. palemakani, windshield. palemo, to sink down in water; be sunk. palena, border, limit. palepale, to fend off; to parry. 298 palewawae–paopao palewawae, house slippers. pali, cliff, precipice. paloka, ballot. palolo, clay. palu, to lick, to lap. palua, double. paluna, balloon. palula, cooked potato leaves. palule, shirt. palupalu, weak, feeble, soft. pama, paIm. pana, bow; the pulse: to shoot arrows; to flip; to snap fingers. pana“i, reciprocity; ransom : to return favors. panala“au, colony. - pana'na, compass. panapua, archery. panau, gadabout: to be restless. pane, to answer; utter. pane“e, to hitch forward. (ke) pani, stopper; something filling a va- cancy : to shut, to close. panihakahaka, to substitute. panini, cactus, prickly pear. (ke) panina, end; finis. panoa, barren region: desert. paniolo, cowboy; S :iard. (ke) paniwai, dam. pao, to peck like a bird; to dig from below; dig out with chisel. pa'oa, disappointed, unlucky; heavily perfumed. paona, pound; weight. paopao, to beat; to peck repeatedly. paopao, a maul. papa-pea 299 papa, flat surface; board; rank, class, order; table. pa'pa', to forbid, prohibit. papa“a, burned to crisp, parched, crusted: to thirst. papahana, plan, stratagem. papahele, papahehi, floor. papahelu, list, score. papa“i, crabs; small hut. papale, hat, cap. papalekapu, cap. papalina, the cheek. papalua, to double. papani, a shutting out; river boom : to shut. papapa, beans. papa“u, a bar: shallow. papipi, prickly pear. papu', a plain; a fort: clear. pau, all ; finished ; entirely. pa“u, soot; smut; ink-powder. pa“u', woman's skirt; also for riding or danc- ing. paua, mussel. pauka, powder. pauku', fraction, portion, piece cut off. paulele, to trust in, confide. pauma, pump. paumatele, dirty, defiled, foul. paupauaho, breathless; desperate from weari- IleSS, pe, thus, so, as. pe', crushed, flattened; to anoint, be per- fumed. pea, bear; pear; avocado. pe“a, cross, tabu sign; sail. 300 pe'ahi–pepeepaka pe'ahi, the hand: to fan, brush, beckon with hand. pete, to hide self. pe“elua, caterpillar. peheu, flipper, fin; wing. pehea, how? pe'a, cross, tabu sign; sail. pehi, to pelt. - pehu, a swelling; to swell. pekapeka, to tattle; accuse falsely. pekekeu, wing. pekana, pagan, heathen. peku, to kick. pela, mattress; bail. pe'la', thus ; in that manner. pelamoe, mattress; pillow. pelapela, filthy, stinking, foul, nasty. pele, a volcano. pelehu', a turkey. peleke, brake. pelekikena, president. pelena, crackers. pelo, to flatter; to lie. pelu, to double over; bend at joint, fold. pena, paint. penei, thus, as. peni, writing implement. penikala, pencil. penikila, pen. pepa, paper. pe pe”, crushed fine, flattened. pe pe”, baby. pepe“ekue, lumbering, clumsy. pepe“epaka, plug of tobacco. pepehi–puai 301 pepehi, beat severely; kill; murder. pepeiao, ear. pewa, tail fin of fish. pewapewa, side fins and tail. pi, peas, lentils: close, stingy; to sprinkle. pia, arrowroot. pitalu, be almost blind. piano, piano. piha, to be full. piha'a', driftwood. pihaekele, mynah bird. pihapiha, fish gills; ruffle. pihe, loud cry; wailing; lamentation. (ke) pihi, button. pihipihi, buckle; large button for ornament. piho', piholo, to swamp in boat; to founder. pihoihoi, astonishment, joy, excitement, an- xiety ; timid. pihopa, bishop. pi“i, to ascend, climb. pi“ipi“i, curl of hair : curly-headed. pika, pitcher. pikake, peacock; jasmin. pikapua, vase. piki, peach ; beet. pikiniki, picnic. piko, navel; end; summit. piku, fig. pila, fiddle, violin; any musical instrument; bill. pilalahi, tall and slender. - pilali, gum; wax; resin; bird time; kukui guIIl. pilau, strong stench, stink. pua“i, to flow out as blood, or as a fountain. 302 - puakala-poai puakala, thistle; Mexican poppy. puali, company of soldiers, army, host; com- pression, isthmus: compressed. pili, coarse grass; relations: related to: to adhere; to coincide; to bet. pilialo, bosom friend. pilihua, sad, perplexed, anxious, dejected. pilikana, kin, relative, friend. pilikia, trouble. pilikua, giant. pilikoko, relative. pilipa'a, adhere, stick. pilipili, adhering, sticking, connected, pilipu', united; adjoining. pilipono, suitable; fitted tightly, tight. piliwaiwai, betting, gambling. pineki, peanut. pinana, to climb; to scramble up. pinao, dragon fly. pine, a pin: to pin. pinepine, frequent. pinika, vinegar. (ke) pio, captive, prey; to destroy; be con- quered; to be extinguished. pi“o, arc of circle : bent, arched : to be curved. pi“o“o”, perplexity; mentally confused. piopio, peep, as a chicken. pipi, pearl oyster; beef, cattle. pipi, to spray, to sprinkle; to urinate. piula, pewter, tin, aluminum, etc. piwa, fever. po, night, dark. obscure. po'a, castrated. po“ae“ae, armpit. potai, circle, hoop : to girdle; to go around. poale-pokaia 303 poale, open, as a sore; hole. po'alo, to gouge eyes; shell beans. poe, buoy. - pote, company, assemblage. poeko, clever in speech. potele“ele, night time; darkness. poepoe, round, globular, circular. poha, Cape gooseberry: burst. pohai, circle of people: to gather around. pohaku, stone. pohakulepo, adobe. poheoheo, knob. pohihihi, mystery: obscure, puzzling, complex, entangled. poho, small concavity; bellowing of sail; palm of hand; chalk; patchwork: to puff out; to patch. poho', loss or damage : sunken : to sink; to lose money. poholima, palm of hand. poholo, to sink; to drop or slip through. poholua, to lie to, as a ship pohopoho', marshy; muddy; sinking. pohu, calm after storm. pohue, gourd; water calabash, piece of gourd. pohuehue, Morning Glory vine of the beach. pohuku, to round off corners. pohuli, shoot, sucker. (ke) po“i, cover, close container: to pounce on; to curve and break as surf. poi, taro paste. po“ino, bad luck; injury. poka', bullet, ball; ammunition. poka“a, spool : to wind up. 304 pokakaa-po'o pokakata, wheel of pulley or vehicle: turning, rolling. pokepoke, chops : to cut in pieces. poki“i, youngest of family. poko, cut worm. poko, pokole, short. pola, bowl, cup; flap of malo. polewa, to sway to and fro; be unsteady. poli, bosom or lap. polinahe, slender waisted. polo, polo. poloai, general invitation. poloka, frog; toad. pololei, uprightness; straight. pololi, emptiness : hungry. polopeka, professor; expert. polopolona, musty smell; smell of room long closed. polu', blue. poluea, nausea ; seasickness. pomaikati, good fortune; blessing: prosper- OUIS, pona, puna, joints of sugar-cane, bamboo, etc. ponalo, blight; plant louse. poni, purple: to besmear, daub, anoint; be purple. poni moi, coronation ; carnation. pololei, uprightness : hungry. poniniu, poniuniu, turning motion ; vertigo: dizzy : to spin around. pono, goodness; uprightness: to be just. pono“i”, own, self. (ke) po'o, head, summit. po'o, slight depression on surface: to make Sa Il G. po'ohiwi-pua'i 305 po'ohiwi, shoulder. po'okela, champion : exceeding, better; ex- ceptional. - po'ola', stevedore. po'oleka, stamp. potopo'o, deep, as pit; sunken, as eyes. popilikia, difficulty, disappointment, distress, disaster. popo, rotten ; to rot. popo', ball; round loaf; any rounded mass: to gather up; make round. popo', (from apopo), tomorrow. popo'i, bung, stopper, curling of waves : to cover; to pounce on. popoki, a cat. popolo, berried shrub (Solanum). popopo, rotten, decayed. pou, post, supporting column. pouli, dark, obscure. pouliuli, very dark, gloomy. poupou, squat; short and stout. powa, robber; pirate; murderer. powehiwehi, dim, vague, seeing indistinctly. poweko, clever in speech. pu, together with. pu', shell, trumpet, horn ; gun. pua, blossom, flower; arrow. pu'a', bundle, fagot; herd, drove; to tie in bundles; to feed from mouth. pua“a, hog. putata, to bundle sticks for kindling. puahilo, slender; fine as a spider's web. puahio, puff of wind: to come and go suddenly. puahiohio, whirlwind. pua'i, to flow out as blood or as a fountain. 306 puakala-puke puakala, thistle; Mexican poppy. pu'ali, company of soldiers, army, host; com- pression, isthmus: compressed. pualoalo, hibiscus flower. puana, pitch of tune: to pronounce a word; introduce the subject or speaker. puanuanu, to be cold, chilly. pu'ao, womb. puapua, tail feathers; coat tails. puapua“i, spring or fountain; spout. puapuamoa, frock coat; skirted coat; cock's tail feathers. - pu'awa, bitterness; awa root. pute, potato hill: to hill potatoes; to onset, attack, ravish, force. puehu, dispersion, scattering. pueo, owl. puha', to hawk; to belch ; breathe as turtle. puho', abscess; to burst as a boil. puhaka, the loin; waist. puhala, pandanus tree. puhi, eel: to puff, blow; to burn, smoke tobacco. (ke) puhina, blow hole. puhipaka, smoke tobacco. puia, to spread, as fragrance. putipu“i, fat, plump, stout, flourishing. putiva, fright; surprise; amazement. puka, a hole; doorway, entrance; profits : to pass through, issue, appear; to gain; to win a race. - puka“ani'ani, window. pukalaki', ruffled, as hair; flaring temper; scattering blast of wind. puke, book. pukiki –punohu 307 pukiki, strong, furious, boisterous, stormy; Portuguese. pukini, pudding. pukota, rocks submerged; reef; coral rocks. pukolu, triplets. pukonakona, tough, brave; strange (of people). pukuniahi, cannon. pula, small particle, as dust; mote in eye. pule, prayer; incantation : to pray, worship. pulehu, to roast on coals, broil, burn. pulelehua, butterfly. pulewa, swinging at anchor. puliki, vest: to embrace, clasp; . to wr a p around. pulima, wrist. pulu, wet, as clothes. pulumi, broom. pulupulu, cotton; kindling. pumahana, warm; lukewarm. puna, stone coral; lime, mortar; a spring; spoon; joint of cane or bamboo. punahamo, mortar. punahele, a favorite, friend. punahelu, mildew, mould. punalua, triangular matings. punana, nest. punawelewele, spider's web. pune“e, couch, settee. puni, a surrounding of fish; termination of a period: to desire; be fond of, deceive: to be around. punia, cold in head. puniu, coconut shell; human skull. puniwaiwai, avarice; covetousness. punohu, to ascend, as smoke. 308 punua–'ua punua, fledgling. pu'o'a, pyramid; house with posts uniting at top. puoho, to start in fright; to exclaim. pu'olo, bundle, scrip, bag, container. pupanapana, pistol. pu'pu', shells in general; bead. pupuahulu, bustling, hasty, quick. pupuka, ugly; worthless. pupule, crazy; insane. pupupu, small hut. pu'u, any round protuberance from a pimple to a hill. putua, choked or suffocated, as with food. pu“uhonua, refuge, asylum. puuku', treasurer; stewardship. pu“ulima, fist; wrist. pu“ulu, crowd. puiulu'ulu, to huddle, throng; to be thickly massed. pu“unaue, to distribute, share. pu'uone, sand heap; dune. putupata, virgin; kidneys. putupu'ulima, knuckles. pu“upu“uwawae, ankles. pu“uwai, heart. R Repubalika, Republican. U u, the breast, udder. “u, grief, sorrow : to weep. ua, rain; shower. “ua, sign of perfect tense. 'ua-ukuhi 309 “uta, vain, useless; to no profit. uahi, smoke; cloud. uahoa, hard-hearted; harsh; unyielding. “uala, sweet potato. “ualakahiki, Irish potato. uapo, uwapo, wharf; bridge. uaua, tough, sinewy, hardy. ue, to shake. “uha', thigh. “uha“uha, prodigality: to waste. uhaki, to break, snap as stick. “uhane, the soul. uhi, yam. uhi, a vcil; covering, cloak; stains or tattoo marks. uhimaka, mask. “uhini, grasshopper ; cricket. uhola, to spread out, unfold. “uhu', grunting, as of hogs. uhuki, to pull up by roots; eradicate. uti, symmetry: young, strong, beautiful. uila, uwila, lightning, electricity. “u“ina, the hamzah, “, “a gutteral break in pronunciation between two vowels;” sharp report; snap of whip, cracking of fingers. “ui“uiki, to twinkle as stars; gleam, glimmer. uka, inland. ukali, to follow after one. ukana, baggage, luggage, freight. “ukele, muddy, slippery. ukiuki, to be offended, to resent. uku, wages, pay; fine, tax; to pay. “uku, louse, small insect. ukuhi, to dip up; to pour from one container to another; to wean. 310 - “ukulele–unu ukulele, flea; small guitar. ukupau, contract. ula, lobster. “ula, red, scarlet; red of flame. “ulala, crazy, demented. ulana, to weave, plait, braid. “ula“ula, red, rosy, crimson. ule, penis. uleule, sty on eyelid : to hang. uli, blue, as sky; green, as meadow; dark blue : to steer. ulia, accident. uliuli, blue, green, dark colored, brown, black. ulu, growth, grove : to grow; to be inspired. “ulu, breadfruit. uluahewa, derangement, mania, delusion. uluao“a, mob, disturbance; confusion. uluhua, angry, worried, vexed, frantic. ulula“au, forest. ulumoku, fleet. ulumokukaua, navy. uluna, pillow. “ulupa, to shatter, dash to atoms. uluwehiwehi, jungle; overgrowth of verdure. umauma, bosom, chest. “ume, attractive; magnetic: to pull, draw out. “umeke, bowl. “umi, to throttle, strangle, stifle. “umii, clamp; pain in the side. “umi“umi, beard or face hair. “umoki, cork or bung. unahi, fish scales: to scale fish. unaunahi, to scale fish. une, lever: to pry with a lever. unu, to wedge, prop; to draw up a dress, unuhi–waele 311 unuhi, to draw out from; translate. “uoki, Stop ! “upa', scissors, bellows; implement with sim- ilar action. “upamakani, bellows. “upaupa', to open and close mouth as in speak- ing. * upehupehu, inflammation. “upena, fish net. - - “upiki, a trap, snare, treachery; to snap as trap. - “upi, sponge. upu, recurring thought. “u“u, to strip bark or skin ; to pull out. “u“u', a stammering: to groan. “u“uku, small, little. tutumi, to throttle, stifle; to restrain, curb. uwaki, watch, clock. uwalo, to cry out. uwao, peaceful : to intercede, arbitrate, recon- cile. “uwa“uwa', noisy, boisterous. uwe', to weep. uwea, wire. uwea“ole, wireless. “uwi, to squeeze, as milking; to wring. uwiki, wick. uwinihapa, brick. “uwo', cry out; bellow, roar, growl. W wa, space, in time or place. wa“a, canoe. wae, to select, choose, sort, separate. waele, to weed. 312 waena-waiwai waena, the middle : between. waenakonu, the center. waha, mouth. wahahe“e, lie. waha“olelo, deputy, representative. wahapata, to banter; to scold. wahi, a place; words cited: some, little, few. wa'hi, portion broken off for sharing: to break open. wahi, envelope, sheath : to wrap. wahie, firewood. wahine, female. wahinekanemake, widow. waho, out, outward, outside. wai, who? wai, fresh water, liquid. waia, disgrace. waiho, to lay down; to place or set aside; stop; assign. waihona, place for laying up. waihonaka'la', treasury. waikahe, stream; a deluge. wailana, still water : to banish. wailele, waterfall, cataract. wailua, spirit. waimaka, tears. waioleka, violet. waiolina, violin. wai“ona, strong drink. waipahe', courteous : gentlemanly. waipuhia, waterfall blown back by wind. waipu'ilani, waterspout. waiu', milk. waiupakapata, cheese. waiwai, goods, property: costly. waiupaka-wehe 313 waiupaka, butter. wakawaka, serrated ; sharp : to glitter. wala“au, gabble, loud talking; babble. walania, pain; anguish; woe. walawalalatau, great noise: to shout. wale, alone, only. wale, plilegm; acidic saliva; mucus. walea, accustomed , content; apt : to indulge in ea se; be satisfied. walewale, mucus, slime: allurement; decoy : to he deceived. wali, soft, fine as paste or flour. walu, eight. wawalo, to cry out ; make a noise; echo, walu, to scratch ; rub, rasp. wana, sca urchins. wana“ao, dawn. wanana, prophecy. wanawana, thorny, spiny. waniki, varnisli. wanila, vanilla. wao, zone on mountain slopcs. waoakua, wilderness, desert ; desolate place, waonahele, wilderness. wau, I. wa“u, a gratcr : to scrape, scratch, grate, wa“uwa“u, to scrape ; to scratch. wawa, a tumult: noisy. wawae, leg, foot. wawahi, to smash, break to pieces, demolish ; to change money. wawa“u, quarrelsome : to scratch as a cat sharpens claws. wawe, quickly, soon. wehe, to open, displace, exhibit, loosen. 314 wehewehe-wiwo'ole wehewehe, to explain, expound. wekeke', whiskey. wekiu, top, summit. wela, heat : hot, burnt; burning. welau, extremity; tip. welawela, very hot. weleweka, velvet. welelau, end, extremity; most distant part of country. weli, fear; scion or shoot from roots. weliveli, fear, dread : terrible. welo, welowelo, to float in the wind. welu, a rag. weluwelu, to be torn to pieces. weuweu, herbage; grass. wi, famine. wikiwiki, quick. wili, to twist; to wind. wiliki, engineer. wiliko', sugar mill. wilipuata, corkscrew. wi'wi', lean, feeble : to be shriveled up. wiwo, fear, shame, dread : afraid. wiwo'ole, fearlessness: bold. |---- ► G=} – != |---- (~~); }); G=) ---- (=) ©=` ©=` ©, • • €--> = № G=) • • → │ ├──m =) – != ſų ¿ ;