wº ºw E º º º t *:::: º º § º fººl º tºſ, | # # # º # º º º tº: º tº: º; #; º º º * º º º: - ſº º º ſº º º # º %; ; t1 | : #:; *; º* t tº t º t # i; ; º º | º # t; t|E. º º t | : º * ; #: # º # # º: # t t º * : †† * ; # *# !;; -| i º | # º : t # i ; : ; : # . ; º t ; § ; i ; § t ; ; i § º § º º º ; : t | º f. | ; º ºt !!! fººt l º ; t! \ t º l | º: 1}}}|{{! º º unitºwº #. ; § º łº!!!!}{ º º t º # º º: - ; #######| || | º # :::ſ::::::1:1: - #: º § ti. º ! { ! t;" tº . ſº \º, #; §§ 3. i | i ſ #. ſ : # : A. C A T A L O G. U E OF THE E L L S , ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE L J, JM A R C K I A N’ S S Y S T E M ; TOGETHER WITH H}escriptions of New or F are Species, C O N T A H N E D IN T H E C O L L E C T I O N OF \ ! s : * John C. JAY, M. D. M EMBER OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL History, NEw-York; coRRESPONDING MEMBER of THE ACADEMY of NATURAL SciENCEs, PHILADELPHIA ; of THE UNITED STATES NAVAL LYcEUM, BRookſ, YN ; OF THE BOSTON NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY, &c. ILLUSTRATED BY SEVERAL PLATES. THIRD EDITION. N E W - Y O R. K. : PUBLISHED BY WILEY & PUTNAM, No. 161 BROADWAY : AND 67 PATERNOSTER-ROW, FL O N \} {} N . 1839. D. FANSHAw, Printer, 150 Nassau-street, New-York. N. s º -s I N T R O D U C T O R Y O B S E R W A T H O N S . In submitting the third edition of my Catalogue to the Public, in its present form, it is proper to remark, that, owing to its not being in my power to consult some of the works referred to, and, in consequence, being obliged occasionally to copy a reference, there may be errors to be met with ; but, so far as it has been in my power, the References will be found correct. - The Arrangement pursued is that of Lamarck, with the new Genera of later writers interspersed, in their proper places. Great care has been taken to have the authorities and localities correct; and wherever there was any doubt, a note of interrogation has been placed, and the space left blank; all which spaces, I trust, some of my friends will enable me to fill. It is entirely owing to the generosity of my numerous correspondents, both abroad and at home, that it is in my power to add many species to the present edition ; and I trust that they will consider my returns in as favorable a view. The two former editions of this Catalogue having answered the purpose for which they were published, viz., that of presenting to my correspondents and others, in a convenient form, what shells I had, and what I could furnish in return, I submit the present one to the Public, in the hope, that besides the above object, it may prove of some use. The names 4. of 305 Genera appear, arranged in their proper order. Upwards of 500 American species will be found distributed among the different Genera, with references to Ame- rican works, where they are figured or described. Indexes are annexed, containing the full titles of all the works referred to, and the names of the authors of species, which are generally abbreviated. With regard to the shells figured in the Plates, my object is to obtain information respecting them, whether they are new or not, and I will therefore be happy to receive any information respecting them; only observing, that, in the event of any of them proving new, a further description of them will appear in the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural His- tory of this City. I have been disappointed in the execution and coloring of the Plates, particularly in the figures of Conus Rhododendron, Couthouy, and Dolium Melanostomum, Nobis, which fall far short of exhibiting their beauty and brilliancy. Plate I. of the last edition, containing well-known shells, as it would appear, has not been inserted ; but for the information of those of my friends who may not be aware of the fact, I would state that Figure 1 is Bulimus pentagruelina, Moricand. Figure 2 is Pupa elatior, Spix. Figure 3 is Bulimus melanostomus, Swainson. Figure 4 is the young shell of Bulimus bilabiatus, Sowerby, published in the Zoological Journal, vol. v. p. 49, and afterwards, Bulimus maximilianus, by Moricand. In the Malacological and Conchological Magazine, Part 1st, for a copy of which I am indebted to the Author, Mr. G. B. Sowerby, that gentleman remarks, that Aplysia is more proper than Laplysia ; and also desires to know the author of the Genus Dythalmia. My Catalogue was too far advanced to make the desired alteration, or to insert the above authority. I have since learned, that M. Mühlfield is the author of Dythalmia Danubii, and am disposed to think it a different species from the Mytilus polymorphus, Gmel. Collectors are not probably aware that the Numbers, in the first column, are, and always will be constant ; so that by placing the same Numbers on their specimens, and making a slight mark opposite the corresponding number in the Catalogue, they will have a Catalogue of their own collection, with very little trouble ; and, by having it interleaved, can insert any others, in their proper places. With respect to exchanges, I repeat, that it will give me pleasure to exchange duplicate specimens, and will receive live and perfect shells, whether they are enumerated in this Catalogue or not ; and, as far as I am able, supply whatever may be desired in return. JOHN C. JAY, 22 Bond-street. New-York, April, 1839. C A T J L O G U E SHE FL I L S I N T H E Co L L E C T I o N o F J O H N C L A R K S O N J A Y. **ºgºsºsºsºsºlº A A N N U L A T A I'orms the Winth Class of Lamark's Division of Animal Nature. A N N U L A T A S E D E N T A R. I.A. D OR S A. L I A. 128 ARENICOLA piscatorum, Lam., European Ocean. Encycl. pl. 34, f. 16. 129 SILIQUARIA anguina, Lam., New Holland. Born. t. 18, f. 15. M. A. L. D.A. N. I.A. CLYMENE 136 DENTALIUM elephantinum, Linn., East Indies. Mart. 1, t. 1, f. 4 A, et 5 A. 142 {{ entalis, {{ Europe. D’Argen. t. 3, f. K.K. 145 % nigrum, Lam., East Indies. 138 {{ politum, Linn., 4. Gualt, t. 10, f. F. 140 a. & 4 pretiosum, 2 N. W. Coast Am. 6 ~ 85 TUBICINELLA balaenarum, *...* 147 PECTINARIA 150 SABELLARIA 151 {{ 153 TEREBELLA 157 AMPHITRITE 162 SPIRORBIs 163 {{ 189 SERPULA 171 {{ 187 {{ 174 {{ 176 {{ 180 a. {{ 190 C & 180 {{ 168 {{ 192 WERMILIA 200 a. GALEOLARIA 202 MAGILUs infundibulum, “ lobata, Mont., tubularia, {{ vermicella, Lam., vermicularis, Linn., triquetra, Lam., decumbens, Sowb., antiquus, Lam., A M P H IT R. I. T E A . Belgica, Lam., Rhode Island. alveolata, Lam., Europe. crassissima, {{ {{ conchilega, Lam., {{ penicillus, Lam., Havre. S E R P U L E A . nautiloides, Lam., Europe. spirillum, “ Torbay, G. B. arenaria, Linn., Mediterranean. contortuplicata, “ Corsica. dentifera, Lam., Seas of Asia. decussata, Gmel., Antilles. East Indies. Great Britain. {{ African Ocean. Corsica. Corsica. England. Isle of France. Dic. Natseit. 57, p.435.pl. 4, ſ. 1. Penn. Zool. Brit. 4, pl. 92, f. 162. Encycl. p. 57, f. 5–12. Mull. Zool. 3, p. 13, t. 89, f. 1–2. List, Conch. p. 553, f, 5. Dorset, Cat. pl. 19, f. 27. Astrol. t. 3, p. 289, pl. 67, f. 8–10. Argenv. t. 4, f. D. Astrol. pl. 67, f. 27–28. List. 547, f. 4. Gmel. Syst. Nat. p. 3745. Walker, f 71. Turt. Conch. Dict. pl. 24, ſ. 84. Adams. t. 11, f. 2. -- Mull. Zool. tab. 86, f. 7–9. Born. p. 436, t. 18, f. 14. Sowb. Genera of Shells, Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 2–3. T E N T H C L A S S. C I H. R. H IP E D A. CIR. R. H ID ET) A S E S S I L I A. Lam., Head of Whales. Sowb. Genera of Shells. 88 CoRoNULA v. balaenaris, 87 CC Back of Whales. sea turtle. Lam., diadema, £6 {{ Chemn. 8, t. 99, f. 845–6. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. 7 89 (CoPONULA.) 89 a. { % 90 73 72 47 70 51 46 50 69 56 58 44 45 91 97 99 81 105 * 100 103 104 106 107 111 110 112 {{ BALANUS { % { % {{ ACASTA CREUSIA PYRGOMA. CoNOPAEA ANATIFA Poll,ICIPEs { % CINERAs {{ OTION testudinaria, {{ War. radiata, angustatus, conoides, cylindraceus, fistulosus, miser, nigrescens, ovularis, punctatus, radiatus, stalactiferus, sulcatus, tintinnabulum, “ Montagui, verruca, cancellata, *elongata, Lam., Back of sea turtle. {{ South Sea. Q California. Mont., Great Britain. Lam., {{ {{ Europ. Ocean. {{ England. 4 ( New-York. {{ East Indies. 44 Great Britain. Brug., East Indies. {{ 4. {{ Red Sea. “ Great Britain. East Indies. Lam., Great Britain. Lam., Great Britain. Lam., Pacific. Say, South Carolina. Chemn. 8, t. 99, f. 847–8, Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 5. f. 4. Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 6, f. 5. Donov. Br. Shells, pl. 30, f. 3. Enorr. Vergn. 2, t. 2, ſ. 6. Chemn. 8, t. 98, f. 838. “ 8, t. 97, f. 821 Chemn. 8, t. 97, f. 824 “ 8, t. 97, f. 827. Encycl. pl. 164, f. 15. Sowerby, Gen. f. 42, 43. Poli. 1, t. 4, f. 5. Chemn. 8, t. 97, f. 830. Sow. Gen. f. 4-5. Chemn, 8, t. 98, f. 834. Ency. Brit. Sup. t. 3, p. 171, pl. 57. Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. v. 2, p. 324. C I R. R. H I P E D A P E D U N C U L A T A . dorsalis, lavis, striata, vitrea, cornucopia, mitella, membranacea, Linn., vittata, Cuvieri, Lam., Barbadoes. {{ South Atlantic. {{ Great Britain. {{ North Atlantic. Lam., Cape de Werds. {{ East Indies. Great Britain. Lam., Lam., Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean. Encycl. pl. 166, f. 5. Sowb. Gen. f. 1 & 2. Encycl. pl. 166, f. 2. Wood Gen. Conch. Pl. 10, f. 4. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. f. 2. é & * { Poli. 1. tab. 6, f. 20. Wood Gen. Conch, pl. 12, f. 2–3. Sowb. Gen. f. 1–4. * Balanus galeatus, Lam., 118 I.15 114 122 125 126 21 2 b. PHOLAs 207 213 210 210 a. 21|| 211 b. 205 205 a. 208 209 a. 206 a. E L E V E N T H C L A s s. C O N C H H F E R A. Order H. — C on chifer a B in uscu Iosa. SECTION I. —C O N C HIF E R A C R A S S IP E D A. A . TU B IC O L A R I A. ASPERGILLUM, agglutinans, {{ Javanum, CLAvAGELLA FISTULANA gregata, SEPTARIA TEREDINA personata, TEREDO navalis, 4% (4. {{ Z/. PH O L A D ARIA. Californica, candida, clavata, COStata, 4. Crispata, £ 6 dactylus, - « dactyloides, papyracea, truncata, 215 GASTROCHAENA cuneiformis, 217' { % modiolina, Lam., {4 • ? Lam., Lam., Linn., Conrad, Linn., Lam., Linn., New Holland. East Indies. (Fossil.) France. Corsica. Up. California. European Ocean. East Indies. Gulf of Mexico. South Carolina. Sandy Hook, N.Y. Sandwich, G. B. Mediterranean. Torbay, G. B. Great Britain. Devon. G. B. Connecticut. St. Croix. Great Britain. Desh. Ency...vers. t. 2, p. 73, no. 2. Martini. 1, t. 1, f. 7. Eneycl. pl. 167, f. 6–16. Sowb. Gen. n. 29. f. 1-4, fossil. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 236. Chemn. 8, t. 101, f. 861. “ 8, t. 102, f. 867–9. Sowb. Gen. pl. 1. (with the animal.) Chemn. 8, t. 102, f. 872-874. Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 15, f, 3–5. Poli. t. 1, pl. 7, f. 1-11, et pl. 8, f. Sow. Gen. f. 1. [1-11. Penn. Z. Brit. 4, pl. 40, f. 13. Turton Bivalves, pl. 1, f. 1-4. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 2, p. 321. Sowb. Gen. f. 3–5. ! { ** f. 1–2. -w **. "fºr * / # ... a k--&- * * - A' ...’ r • * - / w * -- f Af .-f ….." * *A*- £2.29° - £c' & // # & St r Z * il. S. S 9 216 a.GASTROCHAENA OVata, 215 a... “ Sowb., Isle of Perico. Zool. P. 1834. pt. 11, p. 21. truncata, {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ { { & ( t ( & 4 S O L E N A C E A . 233 SOLEN *antiquatus, Lam., Devon. G. B. Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 29, f. 3. 221 a. “ coarctatus, Gmel., Nicobar. Chemn. 6, t. 6, f. 45. 234 44 constrictus, Lam., China Seas. 226 a. “ corbata, Q Q 226 {{ cultellus, Linn., East Indies. Chemn. 6, t. 5, f. 36, 37. 230 {{ Dombeii, Lam., Peru. Encycl. pl. 224, f. 1, a. b. c. 223 {{ }. ensis, Linn., Rhode Is. & G. B. Poli. t. 1, pl. 11, f. 14. 231 4% Javanicus, Lam., Java. Chemn. t. 11, tab. 198, f. 1939. 228 {{ minutus, Linn., British Ocean. 4 & 6, t. 6, f. 51–52. 224 {{ pygmaeus, Lam., Torbay, G. B. Pennt. Zool. B. 4, pl. 46, f. 23. 235 {{ radiatus, Linn., Sumatra. Chemn. 6, t. 5, f. 38, 39. 237 ( { rostratus, Lam., East Indies. “ 6, t. 7, f. 53, 54. 222 4% siliqua, Linn., N. York & G. B. “ 6, t. 4, f. 29. 227 a. “ Squamosus, Mont., S. Devon. G. B. Wood. Gen. Conch, page 140. 223 a. “ truncatus, Leach, Europe. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. 219 & 4 v’ vagina, Linn., Sandwich, G. B. { { “ f. 2. 36 {{ violaceus, Lam., East Indies. Desh. Enc. vers. t. 3, p. 852, no. 6. 238 (£ viridis, Say, Rhode Island. Con. A. M. Conch. p. 28. 232 Sol, ECURTUs caribaeus, Blain., New-York. Con. A. M. Conch. p. 23. 241 a. “ Costatus, Say, - {{ {{ {{ { { “ p. 21. 220 a. “ fragilis, Conrad, {{ 46 & ( & & “ p. 19. 229 44 legumen, Blain., Mediterranean. Poli. tab. 11, f. 15. 241 b. “ lucidus, Conrad, Upper California. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 231. 222 a. “ strigilatus, Blain., Mediterranean. Poli. t. 1, pl. 12 et 13. 240 b. “ subteres, Conrad, Upper California. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 233. 233 o. Sol, ENELLA Norrisii, Sowb., Valparaiso. Zool. p. 1832, pt. 11, page 197. 236 t. PHol.ADOMYA candida, Sowb., Tortola. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells. 239 m. GLAUCONoME Chinensis, Gray, Rivers in China. Sowb. Gen. of shells. 240 PANOPAEA Aldrovandi, Lam., Sicily. Chemn. t. 6, t 3, f. 25. 242 GLYCIMERIs siliqua, Lam., North Seas. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. * Solen centralis, Say, Rhode Island.—Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 316. 3 10 246 251 a. 250 250 a. 245 254 a. ANATINA 262 255 260 a. 254 253 203 249 257 245 a. THRACIA 252 a. 248 a. MyA (4 {{ {{ “N {{ {{. {{ {{ {{ LYONSIA {{’ PERIPLOMA {{ {{ vº arenaria, cancellata, mercenaria, *Norwegica, truncata, elliptica, Leana, longirostris, papyratia, Subrostrata, truncata, Cuneata, hyalina, trapezoides, corbuloides, declivis, phaseolina, 261 d. OSTEopes MA corbuloides, 263 a. LUTRARIA 273 266 265 a. 264 264 a. 267 263 M Y A. R. I. A . Linn., Europe. Conrad, Upper California. Say, New-York. Gmel., Great Britain. Linn., {{ 2 Bombay. Conrad, Plymouth, Mass. Lam., East Indies. Say, Rhode Island. Lam., East Indies. {{ {{. 7 Arica. Conrad, New-York. Desh., Brazil. Deshayes, Mediterranean. . Conrad, Massachusetts. Kiener, Mediterranean. Desh, Sicily. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 235. Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 17, f. 3. {{ § { “ pl. 18, f.4, 5. Brook's Conch. pl. 1, f. 10. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 6, p. 263. Chemn. t. xi. vignt. 26. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 2, p. 314, Chemn. 6, t. 6, f. 46-48. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. pl. 11, f. 12. Schum. Conch. pl. 5, f. 1, a b. Blain. pl. 76, f. 7. Conrad, A. M. Conch. p. 44. Kiener, Ico. pl. 2, f. 4. Chemn. t. 10, p. 345, t. 170,f.1647-8. SECT F O N II. – CON CHIF E R A TE NU IP E D A. 4.4 {{ ({ {{. { % canaliculata, complanata, compressa, Cottardii, elliptica, lineata, piperata, solenoides, Say, Lam., {{ Payr., Lam., Say, Lam., {{ M A C T R A C E A . South Carolina. Indian Ocean. Sandwich, Eng. Corsica. Devonshire. South Carolina. Mediterranean. Cornwall, G. B. * Osteodesma corbuloides, Desh., Wood’s Index, Sup. pl. 1, f. 3. Chemn. 6, t. 24, f. 238-9. Da Cºsta, tab. 13, f. 1. Pa r pl. 1, f. 1-2. Brook's tab. 2, f. 20. Say's A. Conch. pl. 9. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. Chemn. 6, t. 3, f. 21. 11 273 n. CUMINGIA 296 284 301 278 307 313 308 275 280 279 293 311 200 28S 299 309 297 276 277 * 281 314 287 285 316 3.19 315 320 a. 318 327 a. GNATHoDON 329 335 333 334 342 MACTRA {{ C& {{ Californica, alba, australis, Brasiliana, carinata, crassatella, Crassa, “deaurata, gigantea, grandis, helvacea, lactea, lateralis, maculata, plicataria, ruſa, similis, solida, Spengleri, striatella, stultorum subtruncata, turgida, violacea, CRASSATELLA donacina, {{ UNGULINA Sol EMYA {{ {{ glabrata, Kingicola, radiata, rostrata, cuneatus, oblonga, borealis, Mediterranea, velum, AMPHIDESMA Boysii, Conrad. Sta. Barbara. Lam., Sandwich, G. B. {{ New Holland. {{ Rio Janeiro. & 4 East Indies. {{ Sandwich, G. B. Turton, Devon. “ {{ Rhode Island. Lam., Long Island. Chemn., Prout's Neck, Me. {{ Adriatic Sea. Poli, Mediterranean. Say, Rhode Island. Linn., India. Chemn., Indian Ocean. Lam., East Indies. Say, South Carolina. Linn., England. {{ Cape of G. Hope. Lam., East Indies. Linn., Sandwich, G. B. Mont., S. Devon. Engl. Gmel., East Indies. Chemn., Tranquebar. Lam, New Holland. {{ Sumatra. {{ New Holland. Sowb., « Lam., South America. Gray, Alabama. Lam., Senegal. Totten, Rhode Island. Lam., Mediterranean. Say, Long Island. Lam., Mediterranean. * Mactra arctata, Conrad Jour. A. N. S. p. 234. Chemn. 6, t. 22, f. 220-I. Linn. Syst, Nat. p. 1125. Chemn. 6, t, 24, f. 235. Knorr. verg. 6, t.34, f 1. Da Costa, pl. 14, f. 6. Conch. Ins. Brit. t 5, f. 7. Conrad. M. Conch. t. xiv. f. 1. é & & 4 ** t. XV. Encycl. pl. 253, f. 1. a, b. Poli, 1, t. 18, f. 1-3. * 1, t. 18, f. 13-14. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, page 309. Chemn., 6, t. 21. f. 208-9. “ 6, t, 20, f. 202-4. Variety of Stultorum. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 309. Sowb. Gen. f. 3. & £ ** f. 1, Encycl. pl. 255, f. 1, a, b. Poli. t. 1, t. 18, f. 10-12. Mont. Test. B. p. 93. Sowb. Gen. f. 2. § Chemn. 6, t. 22, f. 213.214. Encycl. pl. 257, f. 3. Sowb. Gen. pl. 2. Tankerv. Cat. pl. 1, f. 2. Sowb. Gen. pl. 1, f. 2. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. sillim. Journ, vol. 26, p. 366. Sowb. Gen. Shells, f. 1-2. Conrad. M. C. page 66. Mont. Test. t. 3, f. 7. 356 a. (AMPHIDESMA) decisa, 338 a. “ 338 {{ 355 {{ 345 a. “ 353 {{ 352 {{ 357 m. MEsodes MA 360 m. “ 359 m. “ 358 m. “ 360 a. Cor BULA 362 (C 364 4% 358 {{ 368 a. PANDORA 368 { % 367 4% 367 C. “ 369 “ v’ 375 SAxIcAvA 372 {{ 376 44 370 a. “ 370 {{ 377 SAxIDOMUs 378 a. PETRICOLA 378 4. 379 44 386 {{ 385 {{ formosum, lactea, pulchrum, reticulatum, solidum, transversum, Chemnitzii, donacia, donacilla, glabrata, contracta, nucleus, porcina, sulcata, depressa, obtusa, rostrata, striata, trilineata, distorta, pholadis, praecisa, rhomboides, rugosa, Nuttallii, dactylus, lamellosa, ochroleuca, pholadiformis, ruperella, 12 , sº Conrad, Upper California. Sowb., Pacific. Lam., Mediterranean. Sowb., Bay of Caraccas. {{ Walwich Bay. Gray, Arica. Say, Long Island. Desh., New Holland. {{ Peru. {{ Mediterranean. {{ African Ocean. C O R B U L E A . Say, Rhode Island. Lam., Devon. G. B. { % Buenos Ayres. “ Senegal. Sowb., Sumatra. Lam., Great Britain. {{ Mediterranean. Qu. et G. New Zealand. Say, Long Island. L IT HOPH A G A. Say, Massachusetts. Lam., North Sea. Turt., Devon. England. Desh., Massachusetts Bay. Lam., Devon. England. Conrad, % New-Jersey. Lam, Mediterranean. {{ England. {{ Rhode Island. {{ Mediterranean. J. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 239. Sowb. Conch. Ill. f. 8. Poli. 1. pl. 15, f. 28-9. Sowb. C. Ill. f. 2. “ “ “ f. 11, 12. Say, A. C. pl. 28. mid. fig. Astrol. pl. 82, f. 9-11. Sowb. Gen. i. 3. tº “ f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 312. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. Encycl. pl., 230 f. 1, a, b, e. Payr. p. 34, no. 47. Sowb. S. Conch. f. 7, 8, 9. Astrol. t. 83, f. 10. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 2. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 318. Chemn. 8, t. 82, f. 735. Conch. Ins. Brit. tab. 2, f. 12. Sowb. Gen: f. 1-4. Upper California. Journ. Acad. N. S. vol. 7, p. 249. Payr. p. 34, no. 49. “ p. 1, f. 9-10. Sowb. Gen. f. 1-2. Desh. Encycl. v. t. 3, p. 747, no. 3. 13 382 (PETRICOLA) striata, Lam., Mediterranean. Payr. p. 85, no. 51. 392 WENERUPIs irus, Lam., Devon. England. Poli. 2. t. 19, f. 25–26. 398 {{ La Jonkairii, Payr., Corsica. Payr. p. 36. 390 {{ perforans, Lam., Torbay, England. Mont. Test. B. t. 3, f. 6. 397 {{ Peruviana, Nobis, Peru. See Plate. N Y M P H A C E A. NY MPH A C E A S O L E N A R. I.A. 404 SANGUINoLARIA Nuttallii, Conrad, St. Diego, Calif. Journ. A. N. s. vol. 7, p. 230. 399 4. occidens, Lam., East Indies. Chemn. 6, t. 7, f. 61. 400 {{ roSea, {{ Crab Isl. W. Ind. Sowb. Gen, f. 1, 2. 402 Čt rugosa, {{ East Indies. Chemn. 6, t. 9, f. 79–83. 410 PSAMMOBIA carulescens, Lam., East Indies. Sowb. Gen. f. 3. l. 406 {{ feroensis, £4 Belfast. List. t. 394, f. 241. 412 {{ flavicans, {{ New Holland. Sanguinolaria livida, Lam., 405 a. “ fusca, Say, Rhode Island. Conrad, M. C. tab. 7, f. 1. 409 {{ maculosa, Lam., Tiger Bay, Africa. Encycl. pl. 228, f. 2. 407 a. “ pacifica, Conrad, Columbia River. Journ. A. Nat. s. vol. 7, p. 241. 408 a. “ {{ Va.T. Upper California. “ “ “ “ “ . . . 407 {{ vespertina, Lam., Mediterranean. Chemn, 6, t. 7, f. 59, 60. 423 PsAMMOTAEA violacea, Lam., East Indies. Blain. Malac, pl. 78, f. 2. NY MPH A C E A. T E L LIN A. R. I. A. 440 b. TELLINA acuta, Wood, West Indies. Wood. Gen. C. pl. 44, f. I. 486 & ( alternata, Say, South Carolina. Jour. A. Nat. s. vol. 2, p. 275. 447 a. “ Balaustina, Linn., Mediterranean. Payr. pl. 1, f. 21, 22. 437 a. “ Balthica, (ſ North Sea. Chemn. 6, t. 13, f. 128. 482 {{. bimaculata, {{ European Ocean. “ 6, t. 13, f. 137. 476 “ Brasiliana, Lam., Rio Janeiro. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. No. 46. 440 a. “ calcarea, Linn., North Seas. Chemn. 6, t. 13, f. 136. 465 {{ Crassa, Penn., Devon. England. Pennt. Zool. B. 4, t. 48, f. 28. 479 {{ deltoidalis, Lam., New Holland. Astrol. pl. 81, f. 14-16. 452 {{ depressa, Gmel., Devon. England. Poli. 1, t. 15, f. I. 441 a. “ dispar, Conrad, Wahoo. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 259. 4 14 v. 457 (TELLINA) ** 456 454. 446 a. 442 469 445 a. 467 434 439 a. 449 a. 472 442 a. 458 480 440 c. 443 450 487 473 453 451. 431 461 444 … 439 468 464 443 a. 481 448 a. 438 436 463 449 462 441 436 a. 455 432 donacina, Linn., exilis, Lam., fabula, Gmel., fausta, Pultney, foliacea, Linn., lacunosa, Chemn., Lantivyi, Payr., lingua-felis, Linn., maculosa, Lam., Madagascarien-Gmel., mera, [sis, Say, multangular, Gmel., nasuta, Conrad, nitida, Poli, nymphalis, Lam., obliquilineata, Conrad, operculata, Gmel., planata, Linn., polita, Say, polygona, Gmel., pulchella, Lam., pumicea, Born, radiata, Linn., remies, {{ roSea, Lam., rostrata, Linn., rugosa, Born, Scobinata, Linn., secta, Conrad, solidula, Soland., Sordida, Couth., Spengleri, Chemn., staurella, Lam., striatula, 4% Strigosa, Gmel., Sulcata, Lam., Sulphurea, (4 tenera, Say, tenuis, Lam., unimaculata, {{ Devon. England. Mediterranean. Sandwich, Eng. Senegal. Indian Ocean. Guinea. Corsica. Indian Ocean. West Indies. Madagascar. Mass. Bay. Tranquebar. Columbia River. Mediterranean. Guinea. Upper California. East Indies. Sandwich, G. B. South Carolina. Indian Ocean. Mediterranean. {{ West Indies. {{ California. Indian Ocean. New Holland. Indian Ocean. Upper California. North Wales. |Mass. Bay. Nicobar. New Holland. Great Britain. Adriatic. East Indies. {{ Mass. Bay. England. West Indies. Poli. 1. t. 15, f. 10. Desh. Enc. v. t. 3, p. 1013 no. 17: Donov, Brit. Conch. t. 3, tab. 97. pl. 98. Wood. Gen. C. pl. 36, f. i. Chemn. 6, t. 9, f. 78. Payr, t. 1, f. 13–15. Wood. Gen. C. pl. 40. f. 2, 3. - “ pl. 36, f. 3. “ pl. 39, f. 2, 3. Say's Amer. Conch. Chemn. 6, t. 9, f. 77. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 258. Poli. 1, t. 15, f. 2–4. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 50. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 259. Wood, Gen. C. pl. 42, 1. Poli. t. 1, t. 14, f. 1-15. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 276. Chemn. 10, t. 170, f. 1650–3. Poli. 1, t. 15, f. 8. Born. Mus. t. 2, f. 2. Brooks, t. 2, f. 17. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 38, f. l. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 14. Chemn. 6, t. 11, f. 105. Born. Mus. t. 2, f. 3, 4. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 35, ſ. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 257. Da Costa, Conch. B. t. 12, f. 14. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3. f. 11. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 37, f. 2. Chemn. 6, t. 8, ſ. 66. Lister, t. 267, f. 103. Adams. pl. 17, f. 9. Rumph. Amb. t. 42, f. 1. Chemn. 6, t. 11, f. 104. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 303. Chemn. 6, t. 12, f. 10. Encycl. pi. 289, f. 3. & 4 6& & 4 & 4 44 & 4 & 4 15 - 490 438 a. (TELLINA) 435 {{ 448 ARCOPAGIA 492 CoRBIs 497 a. LUCINA 498a. “ 503 {{ 501 a. “ 496 a. “ 500 a. “ 502 {{ 498 {{ 496 {{ 507 {{ 499 a. “ 497 {{ 500 { % 505 {{ 506 {{ 508 {{ 539 DONAx 514 a. “ 543 {{ 517 { % 516 {{ * 533 & 4 532 {{ 541 {{ 535 {{ 515 {{ 529 { % 530 {{ 545 {{ 514 ( . 536 { % 544. {{ 537 { % TELLINIDES versicolor, virgata, Linn., Timorensis, Lam., OVata, Leach, fimbriata, Cuvier, aurantia, Desh., bella, Conrad, carnaria, Lam., columbella, {{ contracta, Say, dentata, Linn., divaricata, Lam., edentula, {{ Jamaicensis, {{ lactea, {{ Nuttallii, Conrad, Pennsylvanica, Lam., radula, “ reticulata, {{ Squamosa, {{ undata, {{ anatinum, Lam., Californica, Conrad, complanata, Desh., compressa, Lam., Cuneata, Linn., denticulata, ({ elongata, Lam., fossor, Say, meroe, Lam., pubescens, Linn., ringens, Lam., rugosa, Linn., Scalpellum, Wood, SCOrtum, Linn., Scripta, {{ triradiata, Q trunculus, Lam., Cozzens, New-York. Indian Ocean. Straits of Malacca. Great Britain. Pacific Ocean. Indian Ocean. Upper California. Mediterranean. Senegal. Rhode Island. St. Jago de Cuba. Rhode Island. West Indies. 44 Mediterranean. Upper California. West Indies. Devon. G. B. Mediterranean. (4 Plymouth, G. B. Mediterranean. Sta. Barbara. Devon. G. B. Sumatra. Tranquebar. Mediterranean. Africa. Long Island. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. West Indies. South Sea. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Sumatra. Torbay, G. B. Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist. Chemn. 6, t. 8, f. 67–71. Blain. pl. 72, f. 2. 2, a. Brown’s Conchology. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, Chemn. 7, t. 87, f. 396. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 7, p. 254. Chemn. 6, t. 13, f. 126. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. Wood. Gen. Conch. pl. 46, f. 7. Poli. I, t. 15, f. 25. Chemn. 7, t. 40, f. 427–9. “ 7, t. 39, f. 408-9. Poli. 1, t. 15, f. 28, 29. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 255. Sowb. Gen. f. 4. Chemn. T, t. 38, f. 399. “. . 6, t. 12, f. 118. Poli. t. 20, f. 14. Pennt. Zool. B. 4, t. 55, ſ. 51. Poli. t. 2, t. 19, f. 7. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 254. Sowb. Gen. f. 8. Lister. t. 391, f. 238. Chemn. 6, t. 26, f. 260. “ 6, t. 26, f. 256–7. Adams. t. 18, f. 1. Journ. Acad. N. S. vol. 2, p. 306. Chemn., 7, t. 43, f. 450, 452–3. { { 6, t. 25, f. 248. ( & 6, t. 25, f. 251–252. & 4 6, t. 25, ſ. 250. Wood's Index, Suppl. pl. 2, ſ. 1. Chemn. 6, t. 25, f. 242–7. & 4 6, t. 26, ſ. 261–5. Poli. 2, t. 19, f. 12–15. 16 vittata, Lam., Brasiliensis, Lam., loevigata, {{ danmoniensis, Lam., Scotica, Turton, Castanea, Say, “ var. {{ *sº Mediterranean. Brazil. Tranquebar. Rhode Island. Devon. England. Long Island. Provinceton, Ms. wº Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 14. Sowb. Gen. f. 1. Chemn. 6, t. 25, f. 249. Sowb. Gen. f. 1, 2, 3. Conch. Ins. B. tab. 11, f. 3, 4, Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 1. SECTION III. —Con CHIFER A LAMELLIPEDA. 527 (DoNAx) 547 CAPSA 546 “ 549 CRAssin A 549 a. “ 548 a. As TARTE 548 b. “ 555 CycLAs 552 “ 2 556 a. “ 557 4% 553 ({ 554. 4. 554 a. “ 552 a. “ 551 {{ 555 a. “ 571 CYRENA 570 “ 569 a. “ 567 { % 566 {{ 563 a. “ 564 {4 573. “ 563 { % 568 * { 2^ 572 {{ C O N C H AE . C O N C H AE. F. L. U V I A T I IL E. S. Calyculata, Drap., cornea, Lam., dubiosa, Say, fontinalis, Drap., lacustris, {{ obliqua, Lam., partumeia, Say, rivalis, Drap., rivicola, Lam., similis, Say, Bengalensis, Lam., Caroliniensis, 4% Consobrina, Caill., fluminea, Lam, fuscata, {{ Jayensis, Lea, orientalis, Lam., papua, Lesson, trigonella, Lam., violacea, {{ Zeylanica, {{ Bordeaux. Drap. pl. 10, f. 14, 15. Riv. Thames, Eng. Blain. pl. 73, f. 1, a. Ohio. Montpelier. Europe. Thames, Eng. Ohio. France. Europe. Ohio. Bengal. South Carolina. Egypt, China. { % Sumatra. East Indies. Batavia. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Ceylon. Say's Amer. Conchology. Drap, pl. 10, f 9-12. “ pl. 10, f. 6, 7. Chemn. 6, t. 13 f. 134. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 380. Drap. pl. 10, f. 4, 5. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 380. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 10. Bosc. 2, pl. 18, f. 4. Caill. Voy. t. 2, pl. 61, f. 10, 11. Chemn. 6. t. 30, f. 322–3. “ 6, t. 30, f. 321. Trans. P. S. pl. 17, f. 52, vol. 5. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert no. 2. Guerin. Mag. Zool. pl. 11. Encycl. pl. 301, f. 1, a. b. Chemn. 6, t.32, f. 336. 17 v’ lº Ł" 573 1. CYRENOIDA 574 GALATHEA 575 576 ã76 a. 618 CYTHEREA 586 a. 583 a. 582 58S 609 6{}{} 628 620 a. B89 587 a. , 617 • 644 592 626 ... 650 598 * 642 bj91 616 585 a. - 580 2 604 593 627 579 601 A 584 639 610 {{ CYPRINA 4 : {{ Dupontia, Joannis, radiata, Lam., & 4 & 4 C O N C H AE Islandica, Lam., 4 ( {{ arabica, Lam., Californianus, Brod., callosa, Conrad, Castanea, Lam., Casta, { % castrensis, {{ chione, {{ concentrica, {{ convexa, Say, corbicula, Lam., crassatelloides, Conrad, Dione, Lam., divaricata, {{ erycina, {{ exoleta, { { flexuosa, {{ florida, {{ gibbia, 4. gigantea, { { guineensis, ( & hieroglyphica, Conrad, impudica, Lam., lasta, ( { lilacina, ( { lincta, {{ ltisoria, {{ maculata, {{ meretrix, {{ mixta, {{ Ornata, {{ t - * 5 2 - • , - * ...” - i ºf . . . ." ... ". * , Senegal. Senegal. with the animal. M. A. R. I N AE . Norway. Rhode Island. Red Sea. Upper California. {{ {{ Indian Ocean. {{ {{ C & {{ Mediterranean. West Indies. Long Island. Atlantic Ocean. California. Gulf of California. East Indies. Indian Ocean. England. Indian Ocean. Florida. Indian Ocean. Ceylon. W. Coast Africa. Sandwich Islands. Indian Ocean. Moluccas. & C England. Japan. West Indies. Nicobar. East Indies. 4. {{ Chemn. 6, t. 31, f. 327–329. Blain, pl. 73, f. 3. Chemn. 6, t. 32, f. 341. List. t. 272, f. 108. Chemn. 11, t. 201, f. 1963–4. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 252. U’hemn. 6, t. 33. f. 351. “ 6, t, 33, f. 346. “ 6, t.35, f. 367–8, 370. “ 6, t. 32, f. 343. “ 7, t. 37, f. 392. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 6, p. 261. Chemn. 6, t. 31, f. 326. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 253. Chemn. 6, t. 27, f. 271–3. “ 6, t. 30, f. 316. “ 6, t. 32, f. 337. “ 7, t. 38, f. 402.404. “ 6, t. 31, f. 333, 334. Chemn. 7, t. 39, f. 415–16. “ 10, t. 171, f. 1661. { { 6, t. 30, f. 311. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 253. Chemn, 6, t. 33, f. 347–348, 350. “ 6, t. 34, f. 353–4. “ 6, t. 32, f. 338–9. “ 7, t. 38, f. 403. “ 6, t. 32, f. 340 “ 6, t. 33, f. 345. Born, t. 4, f. 12, 13. Encycl. pl. 271, f. 2, a. b. Chemn. 6, t, 35, f. 369, 370. 18 ** 641 (CYTHEREA) 586 a. 611 582 a. 584 a. 629 632 587 635 653 607 631 612 590 634 613 715 668 a. 727 671 668 700 a. 720 a. 663 669 705 680 688 660 C. 2 72S 683 744 a. 703 673 699 694 675 681 {{ {{ 696 WENUS pectinata, pitar, picta, planulata, prora, prostrata, punctata, purpurata, Scripta, Squamosa, sulcatina, tigerina, tigrina, tripla, undatina, Venetiana, adspersa, aurea, Beudantii, bicolor, cancellata, casina, Chinensis, circinata, corbis, crebisulca, decussata, Dombeii, exalbida, fasciata, floridella, gallina, gemma, geographica, granulata, litterata, Malabarica, marica, mercenaria, Montagui, ' * A Lam., Adans, Lam., Sowb., Conrad, Lam., {{ {{ Chemn., Gmel., Payr., Lam., Linn., {{ Chemn., Born, Lam., %6. Linn., Lam., Chemn., Donov., Lam., Linn., Totten, Chemn., Gmel., Linn., Chemn., Linn., { % Dill., Indian Ocean. Senegal. Indian Ocean. South Sea. New Holland. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Brazil. Indian Ocean. China. Indian Ocean. Antilles. Amboyna. West Indies. Strait of Malacca. Mediterranean. Zanzibar. Plymouth, Eng. Corsica. Mediterranean. West Indies. Devon. Eng. East Indies. Brazil. East Indies. 4%. Chemn. 7, t. 39, f. 418, 419. Adans. pl. 16, f. 7. Chemn. 6, t. 35, f. 373, 376, 384. Sowb. Gen. fig. 2. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 253. Chemn. 6, t. 29, f. 298. “ 7, t. 37, f. 397-8. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 9. Chemn. 7, t. 40, f 420–6. “ 6, t, 31, f. 335. “ 6, t. 35, f. 371, 372. “ 7, t. 37, f. 390–1. “ 6, t. 35, f. 374-5. “ 6, t. 31, f. 330, 332. Rumph. t. 42, f. C. Poli. t. 2, pl. 20, f. 15–16, Chemn. 7, t. 42, f. 438,439. “ 7, t. 43, f. 458. Payr. Cat. pl. 1, f. 32. Poli. 2, t. 21, f. 3. Encycl. pl. 268, f. 1, a, b. “ pl. 275, f. 6, a. b. Chemn. 10, t. 171, f. 1663. “ 6, t. 30, f, 311-12. “ 6, t. 36, f. 382, 384. Encycl. pl. 276, f. 1, a, b • J Ireland and Medit. Poli. 2, pl. 21, f. 16, 17. Arica. Atlantic Ocean. Devon. England. Europe. Torbay. Rhode Island. Amboyna. West Indies. Amboyna. Indian Ocean. Timor. New-York. T}evon. G. B. Encycl. pl. 279, f. a. b. Chemn. xi. t. 202, f. 1974. “ 6, t. 27, f. 277-8. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 66. Chemn. 6, t. 30, f. 308, 310. Sillim. Journ. vol. 26, p. 367. Chemn. 7, t. 42, f. 440. “ 6, t. 30, f. 313. “ 7, t. 47, ſ. 432–3. “ 6, t. 31, f. 324–5. “ 6, t. 27, f. 282–4. “ 10, t. 171, f. 1659–1660. Mont. Suppl. t. 26, f. 1. 19 722 (VENUs) 753 {{ 666 a. {{ 721 ( & 746 £ ( 718 { { º, 695 {{ 660 a. {{. 745 a. {{ yº 670 {{ 660 {{ 706 {{ 662 { { 661 a. {{ 7(34. {{ 661 {{ 667 ( & 714. {{ 731 ( & 667 a. { { 672 {{ 701 {{ 702 {{ 665 a. “ 698 ( & 666 {{ 716 {{ nebulosa; notata, Nuttallii, opina, Ovata, ovulaea, papilionacea, paphia, Peruviana, plicata, puerpera, pullastra, pygmaea, radiata, rariflamma, reticulata, rugosa, Scotica, sinuosa, staminea, subrostrata, textile, texturata, thiara, turgida, verrucosa, virginea, 754 WENERICARDIA australis, 769 CARDIUM 783 { { 763 {{ 7.59 {{ 756 a. {{ 762 ({ 765 {{ 800 {{. * … • ** *** * * * * … : ; f *** - * & 3. . . " •. aculeaturn, aeolicum, apertum, Asiaticum, bi-angulatum, Brasilianum, bullatum, cardissa, * Chemn., Say, Conrad, Gmel., Lam., 4% Linn., {{ 4. Gmel., Linn., Mont., Lam., Chemn., Lam., 4. Gmel., Maton, Lam., Conrad, Lam., Gmel., Lam., Dillw., Lam., Linn., 4% Lam., Tranquebar. Long Island. Sta. Barbara. Indian Ocean. Belfast. New Holland. Indian Ocean. St. Thomas. Peru. Senegal. South Sea. Europe. West Indies. Brazil. Africa. East Indies. {{ Devon. G. B. New Holland. Chemn. 6, t. 34, f. 359-361. Journ. A. N. S. p. 271, vol. 2. “ “ “ “vol, 7, p. 250. Chemn. 6, t, 34, f. 355–7. Maton. Act. Soc. Linn. 8, p. 83. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 59. Chemn. 7, t. 42, f. 441. “ 6, t, 27, f. 274–6. Chemn, 6, t. 28, f. 295–7. “ 6, t. 36, f. 388–9. Dorset. Cat. pl. 1, f. 8. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 3. Chemn. 6, t. 36, f. 386. Encycl. pl., 283 f. 5, a, b. Chemn. 6, t. 36, £382–4. “ 6, t. 29, f. 303. Mat. Act. Soc. Linn. 8, t. 2, f. 3. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 72. Upper California. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 250. East Indies. Malabar. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Øſ. Devon. G. B. Torbay, G. B. New Holland. C A R D I A C E A . Linn •7 Born, Chemn., {{ Sowb., Lam., {{ Linn., Devon. England. East Indies. Pacific. Nicobar Islands. Pacific. Rio Janeiro. Martinique. East Indies. Encycl. pl. 267, f. 7, a. b. Chemn. 7, t. 42, f. 442. * 7, t. 42, f. 443. “ 6, t. 27, f. 279-281. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 39. Chemn. 6, t. 29, f. 299–300. “ 7, t. 43, f. 457. Astrol. pl. 78, f. 12–14. Chemn. 6, t. 15, f. 156. { % 6, t. 18, f. 187–8. { { 6, t. 18, f. 181—3. & 4 6, t. 15, f. 153–4. Sowb. Conch. Ill. f. 2. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert, no. 7. Chemn. 6, t. 6, f. 49–50. “ 6, t. 14, f. 143, 144. 2 {} y^ 766 756 808 767 786 b. 786 786 a. 764 a. 776 77 780 a. 796 787 799 772 802 781 775 795 807 776 a. 773 788 a. 781 a. 764. 800 a. 787 a. 789 a. 797 7.58 783 a. 778 785 771 a. 780 806 785 a. (CARDIUM.) { % ciliare, Gmel., costatum, Linn., Pionaum, Sowb., echinatum, Linn., edule, {{ & 4 {{ {{ {{ elatum, Sowb., elongatum, Lam., erinaceum, 4. fasciatum, |Mont., fragum, Linn., Groenlandicum Chemn., hemicardium, Linn., isocardia, 4. Junoniae, Lam., laevigatum, {{ marmoreum, {{ medium, Linn., Mortoni, [tum, Conrad, multipuncta- Sowb., muricatum, Linn., Nuttallii, Conrad, Panamense, Sowb., papyraceum, Chemn., pinnulatum, Conrad, Polii, Payr., pubescens, Couth., retusum, Linn., ringens, Chemn., rubrum, |Mont., rugosum, Lam., rusticum, {{ Senticosum, Sowb., serratum, Lam., Soleniforme, ( . Substriatum, Conrad, Sulcatum, Lam., tuberculatum, Linn., 779 771 794 unedo, {{ Portsmouth, Eng. Africa. South America. Torbay, G. B. Dartmouth, Eng. Ireland. Mediterranean. Pacific. West Indies. Mediterranean. South Carolina. Indian Seas. Nova Scotia. Indian Seas. West Indies. East Indies. Devon. Eng. Mediterranean. East Indies. Rhode Island. China. South Carolina. California. Panama. East Indies. Rhode Island. Mediterranean. Mass. Bay. - Persian Gulf. Africa. Tenby, Eng. East Indies. Adriatic Sea. Pacific. Europe. East Indies. Upper California. Mediterranean. Torbay, G. B. East Indies. Chemn. 6, t. 17, f. 171, 172. “ 6, t. 15, f. 151, 152. Sowb. C. Ill. f. 1. Chemn. xi t. 200, ſ. 1951–53. Da Costa, B. Conch. t. 13, f. 6. List. Conch. t. 334, f. 171. Poli. 1, t. 17. Sowb. C. Ill. f. 3. Seba, 3, t. 86, f. 2. Poli. 1, t. 17, f, 4–6. Mont. Suppl. t. 27, f. 6. Chemn. 6, t. 16, f. 166–7. Sowb. Gen. f. 2. Chemn. 6, t. 16, f. 159–161. { { 6, t. 17, f. 174–176. & 4 6, t. 14, f. 145–148. {{ 6, t. 18, f. 189. { { 6, t. 17, f. 179. & 4 6, t. 16, f. 162–164. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 6, p. 259. Sowb. Conch, Ill. f. 14. Chemn. 6, t. 17, f. 177. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, pl. 17, ſ. 3. Sowb. C. Ill. f. 21. Chemn. 6, t. 18, f. 184. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 6, p. 260. Poli. tab. 16, t. 2–4. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, ſ. 6. Chemn. 6, t. 14 f. 139–142. & 4 6, t. 16, f. 170. Mont. Test. B. t. 29, f. 4. Chemn. 6, t. 19, f. 191. Wood’s Gen. Con. pl. 55, f. 2. 3. Sowb. C. Ill...f. 10. Encycl. pl. 299, f. 2. “ pl. 296, f. 6, a. b. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 228. Chemn. 6, t. 19, f. 190. & 4 6, t. 17, f. 173. Wood's. Gen. Conch, pl. 58, f. 3. 21 777 (CARDIUM) 811 CARDITA 811 a. {{ 818 (4 v2 S35 {{ 823 {{ S27 { % 821 {{ 820 a. 4. 820 {{ 810 a. 4. S22 & 4 826 4. 813 44 810 (4 817 {{ S12 4. , 836 a. CYPRICARDIA 841 HIATELLA 843 IsocARDIA y 844 {{ 849 CUCULLAEA 876 ARCA v. 863 {{ 866 { % 864. {{ 863 a. 44 878 {{ 880 {{ tº 880 a. 4% 881 £ 4 867 { % vº 853 (4 862 44 v SSQ {{ ventricosum, ajar, assimilis, bicolor, borealis, calyculata, Concamerata, crassicostata, muricata, phrenitica, radiata, rufescens, sinuata, Squamosa, Sulcata, trapezia, turgida, angulata, arctica, COr, Moltkiana, auriculifera, antiquata, barbata, Domingensis, fusca, Gaimardi, granosa, inaequivalvis, incongrua, indica, lactea, Noap, Ovata, pexata, Brug., Brug., Sowb., Lam., Conrad, Lam., Brug., Lam., Sowb., Lam., Sowb., Lam., 4. {{ Brug., {{ Lam., Lam., Lam., Lam., {{ South Carolina. Senegal. Pacific. Red Sea. Rhode Island. West Indies. 4% Senegal. Rapa Islands. . Red Sea. Panama. Gulf of Nicoya. Mediterranean. 4. 4% { % Indian Ocean. Encycl. pl. 299, f. 1. Adans. Seneg. pl. 16, f. 2. Zool. Proceedings. Knorr, verg. 2, pl. 20, f. 3. Con. Marine Conch. tab. 8, f, 1. Sowb. Gen. f. 1, 2. Chemn. 7. t. 50, f. 506, a b. c. Adans. Seneg. tab. 15, f. 8. Z. J. page 195. Chemn. 7, t. 50, f. 502, 503. Z. Journ. p. 195. List. pl. 347, f. 185. Desh. Enc. Meth. ver, t. 2, p. 201. Poli. 2, t. 23, f. 22. “ 2, t. 23, f. 11–21. Chemn. xi. t. 204, f. 2005–6. “ 7, t. 48, f. 490-1. Lord Hood's Island. Sowb. Gen. of shells. Plymouth, Eng. Mediterranean. East Indies. A R C A C E A . Lam., Linn., 4% Lam., Brug., Payr., Linn., Brug., Say, Lam., Linn., {{ Gmel., Say, East Indies. Africa. St. Croix. Antilles. Barbadoes. Mediterranean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. 'South Carolina. Sumatra. Sandwich, Eng. St. Thomas. Red Sea. Long Island. Chemn. 6, t. 6, f. 51, 52. Sowb. Gen. f. 1, 2. “ “ f. 3. Sowb. Gen. f. 1, 2. Poli. t. 25, f. 14, 15. “ t. 25, f. 6, 7. List. 233, f. 67. Chemn. xi. t. 204, f. 2007. Payr. pl. 1, f. 36–9. Eneycl. pl. 307, f. 1, a. b. & 4 pl. 305, f. 3, b. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 268. List. 232, f. 66. Poli. 2, t. 25, f. 20–22. Chemn. 7, 53, f. 529. & 4 7, 54, f. 538. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 268. 6 22 862 a. (ARCA) 877 875 852 882 851 860 a. 855 890 - PECTUNCULUs 893 906 905 895 891 896. 900 912 a. NUCULA 914 d. 917 915 915 d. 914 909 e. 912 d. 916 d. 918 TRIGONIA £ 4 {{ {{ 4 & £ 4 & 4 {{ { { { % 919 UNIO* reticulata, rhombea, Scapha, Semi-torta, Senilis, tortuosa, transversa, lumbonata, glycimeris, marmoratus, pectinatus, pectiniformis, pennaceus, pilosus, rubens, violascens, curvirostra, Eightsii, limatula, margaritacea, myalis, obliqua, Portlandica, proxima, tenuisulcata, pectinata, acutissimus, Chemn., Born, Lam., {{ Linn., « Say, Lam., Lam., Humph, Couth., Say, Lam., Couth., Lam.,, fossil, Say, Couth., Lam., East Indies. Indian Ocean. West Indies. New Holland. Africa. Indian Ocean. Gardiner's Island. West Indies. Great Britain. Mediterranean. West Indies. East Indies. {{ Mediterranean. East Indies. Mediterranean. Guinea. Sandwich Islands. Rhode Island. Sandwich, Eng. Mass. Bay. Walparaiso. Maine. Mass. Bay. { % T R T G O N I A N A . New Holland. N A I A D A . Lea, M A. R. G. A. R. I. T. A. . Alabama. Chemn. '1, t. 54, f. 540. “ 7, t. 56, f. 553, a b. “ 7, t. 55, f. 548. Fav. Conch. pl. 51, f. G. 1. 4 & pl. 51, f. C. 2. Barbut Conch. pl. 7, f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 269. List. Conch. t. 367, f. 207. Poli. 2, t. 25, f. 19. Chemn. 7, t. 57, f. 563. “ 7, t. 58, f. 570–1. “ 7, t. 58, f. 568–9. Knorr. Verg. 5, t. 30, f. 3. Poli. 2, t. 25, f. 17, 18. Encycl. pl. 310, f, 3. Payr. Cat. pl. 2, f. 1. Sowb. C, Ill. ſ. 5. See Plate. * Say's Amer. C. pl. 12. Sowb. Gen. f. 7. Bost. Jour. N. H. vol. 2, pl. 3, f. 7. Sowb. Conch. Ill. f. 21. [the sea. Found in a clay pit 4 miles from Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 270. Bost. Jour. N. H. vol. 2, pl. 3, f. 8. Astrol. pl. 78, f. 1-4. Trans. Am. P. S. pl. X. f. 18, V.4. * In the arrangement of the Naiades I have adopted the classification of Isaac Lea, Esq. of Philadelphia. His “Synopsis of the family Naiades of Lamarck,” and also descriptions of several new species, illustrated by beauti- fully colored plates, have lately appeared in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, Vol. VI. Part 1. New Series. 1838. 23 920 (UNIo) 2 921 { % 922 {{ 923’ “ 924 {{ 925f “ 926. “ 927 44 925 a. “ 928 “ 927 a. . “ 929 £4 930 { % 931 { % 932 “ 1064 {{ 933 44 934 {4 935 {{ 1070 “ 936 { % 937 tº 938 { % v. 939 & 4 940 { % 941 £ 4 942 { % * 943 {{ v. 944 4% 945 tº 946 { { 947 { % 94S “ 949 { % 950 “ 951 4: v’952 {{ 953 {{ AEsopus, alatus, altilis, ambiguus, amnicus, angulatus, angustatus, Anodontoides, apiculatus, arcaeformis, arction, asper, asperrimus, atratus, auratus, badius, Batavus, brevidens, camelus, Capigliola, capsaeformis, cariosus, castaneus, circulus, clavus, coeruleus, coccineus, compressus, complanatus, confertus, Congaraeus, Conradicus, Cooperianus, cornutus, corrugatus, crassidens, crassus, Lea, Green, Say, Conrad, Lea, Ziegler, Lea, { % {{ Say, Lea, Swains., 4% Kokeil, Lam., & 4 Payr., Lea, Say, Lea, {{ Lam., Lea, { % Barnes, Lam., {{ Say, Cumberlandicus|Lea, Ohio. 4% Alabama. South America. France. South America. South Carolina. Ohio. Louisiana. Tennessee. Ohio. Alabama. Ohio. Chili. New Holland. Rhone. Europe. Ohio, { % Corsica. Tennessee. New Jersey. Alabama. Ohio. 4% Hindostan. Ohio. { % New Jersey. South Carolina. 44 - 4 & Tennessee. Ohio. {{ - East Indies. Ohio. 44 Tennessee. Swain's Exot. C. pl. 7. Conrad. Fresh W. Shells, p.2, f.1. Sowb. Gen. pl. 1, f. 2. Schroet. Fluss. tab. 3, f. 5. Sowb. Gen. f. 2. Trans. A. P. S. p. 17, f. 43, v. 4. & C { { ( & - pl. 8, f. 11, v, 4. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 52. Tran. Am. P. S. pl. 17, f, 44, V. 4. “ { { “ V. 6, pl. 4, f. I0. ( ; & 4 “ v. 4, pl. 9, f. 15. é & “ “ v. 4, pl. 5, f. 3. Swains. Zool. III, pl. 171. voy, dela Coquille Mol. p.15,f:55. Mich. Suppl. pl. 16, f. 25. Drap. pl. II, ſ. 3. Trans. Am. P. s. v.4, pl. 6, f. 6. v.5, p1.15, f45. & 4 '6% ( & Payr. Cat. pl. 2, ſ. 3, 4, Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 2, f. 4. Encycl. Am. Conch. pl. 3, f. 2. Trans. Am. P.S. v.4, pl. 11, f. 21. v. 3, pl. 9, f. 14. & 4 { % U. Modioliformis, Say. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, p. 13, f. 25. “ v. 6, pl. 5, f. 12. “ v. 3, pl. 12. f. 22. Encycl. Am. Conch. pl. 3, f. 1. Trans. Am. P. s. v. 5, pl. 16, £47. {{ { % § { t; “ “ “ v. 4, pl. 6, f. 4. * “ “ v. 5, pl. 9, f. 23. « “ “ v. 5, pl. 8, f. 21. - Conrad, Monog. pl. 4, f. 1. wood. Gen. Conch, pl. 24, f. 1-3. Conrad, Mon. pl. 26. Wood's Ind. Sup. pl. 1, f.6. Mya. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 7, f. 19. * Castalia ambigua, Lam. t Hyria corrugata, Lam., Sowb. 24 954 vſ 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 1072 967 V 968 969 970 971 972 973 974. 922 a. a 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 2’ 983 928 a. v/ 984 985 986 987 1069 988 989 990 (UNIO) { % { % 4% 4% 4% cuprinus, cylindricus, decisus, declivis, decurvatus, dehiscens, donaciformis, dromas, ebenus, Egyptiacus, elegans, ellipsis, elongatus, emarginatus, fabalis, foliatus, fragosus, fulvus, fusculus, gibbosus, glans, globosus, Gouldianus, gracilis, graniferus, Grayanus, Griffithianus, Haysianus, heterodon, Hildrethianus, Hopetonensis, Hydianus, inflatus, iris, irroratus, Jayensis, Jullianus, Lea, Say, Lea, Say, Ross., Say, Lea, 4. 44 Caill., Lea, {{ Pfeiff, Lea, {{ Mexico. Ohio. Alabama. Ohio. France. Ohio. 4% Tennessee. Ohio. Nile. Ohio. {{ France. Ohio. Hildreth, “ Conrad, {{ Lea, IMühl., Barnes, Lea, £4 Ward, Barnes, - Lea, 4% 4% {{ { % Rang, v. Kirtlandianus, Lea, lavissimus, lacrymosus, {{ { % South Carolina. Europe. Ohio. 44 4% 4. 4 4% China. South Carolina. Tennessee. Pennsylvania. Ohio. Georgia. Louisiana. Alabama. Ohio. 4. Florida. Africa. Ohio. { % { % Q Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4. pl. 12, f24. Encycl. Am. Conch. pl. 4, f. 3 Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, pl. 12, f.23. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 35. U. Batavus, Lam. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 24. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 4, f, 3. “ “ “ v. 5, pl.10, f29. “ 4. “ v. 4, pl. 9, f. 14. Caill. Voy.á Méroé.t.2, pl.61,f,6,7. Trans. Am. P.S. v. 4, pl. 9, f. 13. & 4 4 & “ v. 3, pl. 4, f. 4. Trans. Am. P.S. v. 5, pl. 9, f. 22. “ “ “ v.4, p. 10, f. 16. Conrad, Monog. pl. 4. pl. 6. f. 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, p. 13, f. 39. U. Batavus, Lam. {{ & 4 Conrad Monog. pl. 27, Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4. p. 8, f. 12. V. 5, p. 4, f. 12. C. J. Ward’s Letter. Sillim. Journ. vol. 6, p. 174. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, p. 19, f. 60. & 4 & 4 “ v. 5, pl. 9, f. 26. * “ “ v. 5, p. 15, f. 46. “ 4 & “ v. 5, pl. 3, f. 7. & 4 & & “ v. 3, pl. 8, f. 11. “ “ “ v. 5, pl. 3, f. 8. & 4 ( & “ v. 6, pl. 9, f. 24. & 4 & 4 “ v. 6, pl. 6. f. 14. & 4 & 4 “ v. 4, pl. 14, f. 28. { { & “ v. 3, pl. 11, f. 18. & 4 ( & “ v. 3, pl. 5, f. 5. & 4 ( & “ v. 6, pl. 9, f. 23. 4 & & 4 4 ( Trans. Am. P.S. v. 5, pl. 14, f.41. “ “ “ v. 3, pl. 13, fº. {{ & C & C V. 3, pl. 6, f. 8. - 25 926 a. (UNIo) 991 992 993 1075 994 995 997 924 a. 1065 996 1066 1001 1002 998 999 1003 1004 T005 L006 , 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 J.T.018 } 1019 1020 1021 ... 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 lanceolatus, Lea, Leaii, Gray, Le Contianus, Lea, lens, {{ limagnæ, Bouill., littoralis, Lam., luteolus, {{ marginalis, 44 |Menkianus, Lea, merdiger, Waltz, metanever, Lea, Michaudii, modioliformis, Lea, monodontus, Say, multiplicatus, Lea, multiradiatus, “ Nashvillianus, “ Tennessee. nasutus, Say, New-York. Niloticus, Fer., Nile. Novi-Eboraci, Lea, New-York. obesus, { % Virginia. obliquus, Lam., Ohio. occidens, Lea, “ Ochraceus, Say, New Jersey. olivarius, Lea, Burrill Riv. Ind. orbiculatus, Hildreth, Indiana. ovalis, Flem., Europe. Ovatus, Say, Illinois. parvus, Barnes, Ohio. patulus, Lea, 44 perdix, {{ Tennessee. perplexus, {{ Ohio. personatus, Say, Tennessee. phaseolus, Hildreth, Ohio. pictus, Lea, Tennessee. pictorum, Lam., Europe. pileus, Lea, Ohio. North Carolina. China Ż Georgia. Tennessee. France. & 4 New-York. Bengal. Tennessee. Furope. Ohio. Des Moul. France. South Carolina. Ohio. {{ 4% platyrhynchus, Rossm., Carynthia. plicatus, purpuratus, Lam., Say, Le Sueur, Ohio. Louisiana. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 3, f. 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 12, f.35. & & 4 { { 4, pl. 8, f. 10. U. ovalis, Flem., Sowb. Encycl. pl. 248, f. 2. Conrad's Monog, pl. 10, f. 1. Encycl. 247, f. 1, a. b. c. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 19, f. 59. Conrad's Monog. pl. 5, f. 2. U. ovalis, Flem., Sowb. Trans. Am. P.S. v. 5, pl. 13, f.40. Say's Am. Conch, pl. 6. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, pl. 4, f. 2. £ 4 & C “ v. 3, pl. 9, f. 15. & 4 ( & “ v. 5, pl. 14, f. 43. Conrad's Monog. pl. 18, f. 1. Caill. Voy.ā Méroë, t.2,pl.61,f.8,9. Trans. Am. P.S. pl. 24, f,114,v.6. & 4 ( & “ v. 4, pl. 13, f. 26. Conrad's Monog. pl. 43, f. 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 10, f.16. Conrad's Monog. pl. 17, f. 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v.4, pl. 16, f, 38. Conrad's Monog. pl. 16. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 19, f. 5. Conrad’s Monog. pl. 2, f. 1–3. & 4 £ 4 pl. 9, f. 1. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 12, f. 20. '4 & & 4 “ v. 5, pl. 11, f. 31. & & & & “ v.4, pl. 17, f, 42. Conrad's Mong. pl. 24. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 22. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 11, f. 32. Wood's Gen. Conch.pl. 19, f. 3, 4. Trans. Am. P. S. v.4, pl. 18, f. 47. Encycl. Amer. Conch. pl. 1, f. 8. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 7, f. 9. 26 $.” • I 028. 1029 1030 920 a. H.031 1032 1067 1074 1033 1068 1034 1073 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 921 a. 1040 1041 1042 1043 104.4 1045 1046 1071 104.7 1048* 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 105.5 1056 919 a. 1027 (UNIo) { % & 4 44 £ 4 pustulatus, Lea, Tennessee. pustulosus, {{ Ohio. pyramidatus, « { % radiatus, Lam., Pennsylvania. Rangianus, Lea, Ohio. Ravenelianus, “ North Carolina. rectus, Lam., Ohio. reniformis, Schmidt, Europe. Requienii, |Michaud, River Rhone. retusus, Lam., Ohio. riparius, Pfeiff, Europe. Roanokensis, Lea, Georgia. rostratus, Lam., Europe. rotundatus, 4% Louisiana. rubiginosus, Lea, Ohio. Schoolcraftensis, “ Green Bay. securis, 44 Ohio. Shepardianus, “ Georgia. solidus, {{ Ohio. Sowerbianus, & 4 Tennessee. Spinosus, & 4 Georgia. splendidus, {{ & C Stapes, {{ Alabama. subovatus, { { Ohio. subrotundus, {{ { % subtentus, Say, South Carolina. subtetragon, Mich., France. sulcatus, Lea, Ohio. syrmatophorus, “ South America. Tappanianus, {{ Pennsylvania. tenuissimus, {{ Ohio. tenerus, Ravenel, South Carolina. trapezoides, Lea, Louisiana. triangularis, Barnes, Ohio. trigonus, Lea, {{ Troostensis, {{ Tennessee. tuberculatus, Barnes, Ohio. . . tumidus, Pfeiff, France. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, pl. 7, f. 9. & C & “ v. 4, pl. 7, f. 7. { { {{ “ v. 4, pl. 16, f. 39. Conrad’s Monog. pl. 10, ſ. 2. Trans. Am. P.S. v. 6, pl. 18, f. 56. v. 5, pl. 3, f. 5. Conrad's Monog. pl. 15. Drap. pl. 11, f. 3. Mich. Supplement, pl. 16, f. 24. & C & C 4 & Conrad's Monog. pl. 8. Wood's Gen. Conch. pl. 19, f. 1, 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 8, f. 21. Lister Conch. pl. 147, f. 2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 2, f. 3. ( & ( & “ v. 3, pl. 8, f. 10. ( & & 4 “ v. 5, pl. 3, f. 9. £ 6 C & “ v. 3, pl. 11, f. 17. & 4 & & “ v. 5, pl. 13, f. 38. & 4 ( & “ v. 6, pl. 5, f. 13. “ “ “ v. 5, pl. 10, f. 28. { { £ 4 “ v. 6, pl. 16, f, 50. * { & 4 “ v. 6, pl. 19, f. 61. & & & 4 “ v. 4, pl. 7, f. 8. { { & 6 “ v. 4, pl. 18, f. 46. & 4 & 4 “ v. 4, pl. 18, f,45. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 15. Mich. Supplem. pl. 16, f. 23. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 8, f. 12. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Trans, Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 17, f. 55. ( & “ “ y. 3, pl., 11, f. 21. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 7, ſ. 1. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, pl. 3, f. 1. ( & £ 6 “ v. 4, pl. 16, f.41. 4 & & 4 “ v. 4, pl. 16, f. 40. { { & 4 “ v. 5, pl. 10, f. 30. Sillim. Journ. vol. 6, pl. 7, f. 8. Encycl. pl. 248, f. 9. * Hyria avicularis, Lam. * 27 1057 (UNIO) 1058 { % 1059 {{ 1060 {{ 1061 {{ ‘ 1062 { % 1063 {{ 1076 MARGARITANA 1077 {{ 1076 a. “ 1078 {{ 1079 {{ 1080 { % 1086 {{ H081 4. 1083 {{ 1084 {{ 1085 (4 1087 DIPSAS 1087 a. “ 1105 a. ANODoNTA 1088 { % 1089 {{ 1090 & 4 1091 {{ 1109 a. ( (. 1092 & 4 1093 { % II.06 a. “ I 094 {{ H.095 {{ I096 {{ 1097 44 1099 {{ 1098 {{ 1100 (ſ II.02 ({ 1104 a. “ 1101 a. “ turgidus, Lea, undulatus, Barnes, Wanuxemensis, Lea, varicosus, { % ventricosus, Barnes, verrucosus, {{ ZigZag, Lea, arcula, Lea, Bonellii, {{ deltoidea, { % calceola, {{ complanata, & 4 confragosa, {{ margaritifera, “ marginata, {{ Raveneliana, & 4 rugosa, 4. undulata, (4 discoideus, Lea, plicatus, Leach, anatina, Lam., arcuta, Caill., Benedictensis, Lea, Chaiziana, Rang, Crassa, Swains., curvata, Fer., cygnea, Lam., cylindracea, Lea, decora, {{ edentula, {{ elongata, Swains., exulcerata, Willa, Ferussaciana, Lea, fluviatilis, & 4 fragilis, Lam., gibbosa, Say, grandis, {{ imbecillis, {{ intermedia, Lam., Louisiana. Tennessee. {{ Ohio. Illinois. { % Ohio. Georgia. France. Ohio. {{ Wisconsin. Illinois. New-York. {{ North Carolina. Ohio. New-York. China. {{ Europe. Senegal. Lake Champlain. Senegal. Plata. Senegal. France. Mexico. Ohio. 4. South America. Italy. Ohio. New-York. Ohio. Georgia. Missouri. Ohio. France. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 5, f. 11. Conrad's Monog. pl. 7. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 11, f. 31. v. 4, pl. 11, f. 20. Sillim. Journ. vol. 6, pl. 14, f. 14. Conrad's Monog. pl. 22. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 3, pl. 12, f. 19. 4 & ( & & 4 Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 22. f. 69. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 13, f. 38. ‘. v. 3, pl. 3, f. 1. Sillim. Journ. vol. 6. pl. 13, f. 22. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 16. Wood's Gen, Conch.pl. 23, f. 1–3. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 1, p. 459. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 17, f.50. Sillim. Journ. Vol. 6, pl. 13, f. 21. Sowb. Gen. f. 3. & 4 & 4 { { Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 11, f. 33. v. 3, pl. 14, f. 24. & 9 & 4 . ( & Sowb. Gen. shells, f. 2. Caill. Voy. a Méroë, pl. 61, f. 4, 5. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 16, f.48. Swain's Zool. Il. 1st ser.v.3, pl. 167. Drap. pl. 11, f. 6. pl. 12, f. 1. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 13, f. 40. v. 6, pl. 20, f. 63. Swain's Zool. Ill. 2d series, pl. 1. & C “ “ 1st ser, pl. 167. ( & & & {< Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 6, f. 15. Wood’s Index, pl. 12, f. 35. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 4. Anod. inflata, Le Conte. Anod. corpulenta, Cooper. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 6. f. 16. Anod. cygnea, Lam. 28 1107 a.(ANoDoNTA) lato-marginata, Lea, 1103 1103 a. 1104 1108 a. 1105 1106 1107 1102 a. 1108 1109 1110 1110 a. 1111 1112 1113 IRIDINA 1114% 1115 1116 1117 T118 1130 1123 1121 1140 1122 1120 1131 64 4% 4% {{ & C SPATHA DICERAs CHAMA 4% & 4 4% 4 {{ {{ South America. magnifica, “ China. minima, Millet, Europe. Nuttalliana, Lea, Riv. Wahlamat. obtusa, Spix, Brazil.- ovata, Lea, Ohio. pavonia, { % 4% plana, « Illinois. rostrata, Kokeil, Europe. Stewartina, Lea, Louisiana. suborbiculata, Say, Illinois. subcylindracea, Lea, New-York. testudinaria, ? Ganges. Wahlamatensis, Lea, Wahlamat. Wardiana, £6 Ohio. P L. A. T I R. I S. exotica, Lam., Africa. OVata, Swains., Liberia. coelestis, Lea, Senegal. elongata, {{ { % Nilotica, £0. Nile. rubens, « { % C H A M A C E A. arcinella, Linn., Florida. crenulata, Lam., Senegal. dama-cornis, 4% East Indies. exogyra, Conrad, Upper California. gryphoides, Linn., Mediterranean. lazarus, Lam., West Indies. radians, {{ East Indies. * Pleiodon Macmurtriei, Conrad. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 12, f. 34. * “ “ v. 5, pl. 5, f. 14. & 4 ££ “ v. 6, pl. 20, f. 62. Spix, pl. 22, f. 3, 4. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 2, f. 2. 4 : 4 & “ v. 6, pl. 21, f. 65. 6 : 6& “ v. 5. pl. 7, f. 18. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 6, f. 17. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 11. Trans. Am. P. S., v.6, pl. 24, f. 117. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 20, f. 64. 6 g £ & “ v. 6, pl. 14, f. 42. Blain, Malac. pl. 66, f. 2. Journ. A. N. S. v. 7, part 1, pl. 13. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 22, f 70. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Caill. Voy. a Méroë,t.2, pl.60,f,11. & C £g 4 & t.2, pl.60,f.12. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Adans. Seneg. pl. 15. Chemn. 7, t. 51, f. 507–9. Journ. A. N. S. page 256. Chemn. 7, t. 51, f. 510–13. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells. f. 3. Chemn. 9, t. 116, f. 992. 29 w” 1134 1139 1124. 1148 1144. 1143 1152 1150 1149 1153 1154. 1151 1158 1164. 1173 1164 a. 1182 1177 1175 1174. 1180 a. 1163 1183 1181 1163 a. 1165 a. (CHAMA) {{ { % ETHERIA {{ {{ ruderalis, sessilis, unicornis, Cailliaudi, elliptica, plumbea, Lam., Linn., Brug., Fer., Lam., Fer., South Seas. West Indies. {{ Cataract of Nile. East Indies. Senegal. *************** Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 15. Chemn. 11, t. 203, f. 1995–6. & 4 7, t. 52, f. 519, 520. Caill.Voy. & Méroé,t.2.p.61,f.1–3. Blain, Malac. pl. 70 bis. f. 2. Sowb. Gen, of Shells, f. 1. Or d e r H II. – C ora C. In if e ra. U raima u scu I o s a . TRIDACNA . {{ {{ {{ HIPPoPUs , MoDIOLA {{ {{ {{ {{. {{ T R. I D A C N E A. crocea, elongata, gigas, mutica, serrifera, Squamosa, maculatus, Adriatica, barbata, Capax, caudigera, cinnamomea, discors, discrepans, glandula, Guyanensis, lavigata, lithophaga, microptera, Norwegica, */ ** • * & Z. (' , ; 4 gº , { } . Lam., {{ {{ Lam., South Seas. Indian Ocean. { % East Indies. Indian Ocean. East Indies. East Indies. M Y T I IL. A C E A . Lam., Adriatic. {{ Sicily. Conrad, Sta. Diego. Lam., Coast of Africa. & 4 Isle of France. {{ New Holland. {{ Mediterranean. Totten, Massachusetts. Lam., Africa. Quoy, New Guinea. Lam., Mediterranean. Desh., Coromandel. Q Norway, 8×43, º f *. List. Conch. t. 353, f. 190. Encycl. pl. 235, f. 4. List. Coneh. t. 354, f. 191. Astrol. pl. 80, f. 1–3. Chemn. t. 7, pl. 49, f. 497. Astrol. pl. 79, f. 1. Astrol, pl. 80, f. 5, 6. Poli, pl. 32, f. 8. “ pl. 32, f. 6, 7. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 242. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Chemn. 8, t. 82, f. 731. Born. Mus. p. 121, Vig. f. D. Poli. t. 2, pl. 32, f. 15, 16. Sillim. Journ. p. 367. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. Astrol. pl. 78. f. 17, 18. Sowb. Gen. f. 1, 2. Chemn. t. 8, pl. 85, f. 760, 30 $2 * * 1160 (MoDIol.A) 1167 {{ . A 1169 {{ 11.78 4% 1166 a. “ 1168 {{ 1161 4. 1186 DYTHALMIA 1208 MyTILUS 1207 {{ 1194 a. “ 1193 {{ 1211. {{ 1195 a. “ 1192 a. “ 1196 a. “ 1187 a. “ 1215 {{ 1198 {{ 1188 {{ 1192 {{ 1214 {4 1223 {{ 1219 {{ 1187 {{ 1191 a. “ 1204 4% 1194 {{ 1220 a. “ 1206 tº 1188 a. 4% 1205 ( & 1189 a. “ 1202 {{ 1203 {{ 1228 PINNA 1236 46 1226 tº 1227 a. “ papuana, Lam., New-York. picta, 6% West Indies. plicatula, { % New-York. silicula, 4% New Holland. striata, Q Q sulcata, Lam., Indian Ocean. tulipa, 4% West Indies. Danubii, 2 River Danube. achatinus, Lam., Africa. afer, Gmel., Barbary. bifurcatus, Conrad, Sandwich Isles. bilocularis, Lam., Sumatra. borealis, 44 New-York. Californianus, Conrad, Sta. Diego. cochleatus, Q Q crebristriatus, Conrad, Wahoo. cubitus, Say, Charleston, S. C. edulis, Linn., Seas of Europe. elongatus, Chemn., Oran, Barbary. erosus, Lam., New Holland. exustus, « West Indies. gallo-provincia- “ Mediterranean. hamatus, [lis, Say, Mobile. incurvatus, Maton, European Ocean. Magellanicus, Lam., Cape Horn. minimus, Poli, Mediterranean. opalus, Lam., Australia. ovalis, « Peru. pellucidus, Penn., River Dee, Eng. perna, Tam., Oran. polymorphus, Pall., Black Sea. Smaragdinus, Chemn., Indian Ocean. subsaxitatus, Williams.,Great Britain. ungulatus, Lam., Chili. violaceus, (« Mediterranean. angustana, Lam., Mediterranean. dolabrata, {{ Australia. flabellum, {{ Indian Ocean. fragilis, Turton, Devon. England. Brooks’ Int. pl. 4, f. 48. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. & & {< é & f. 7 • / . Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 8. Chemn. 8, t. 84, f, 754. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 5. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Born. Mus. t. 7, f. 6, 7. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, pl. 241. Encycl. pl. 218, f. 5, a. b. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 242. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 242. vol. 2, p. 263. Fav. Conch. pl. 50, f. O1, O2. Chemn. 8, t. 83, f. 738. & & {{ Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 2. Chemn. 8, t. 84, f. 754. Poli. pl. 31, f. 1-13. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 50. Pennt. Brit. Zool. 4, t. 64, f. 74. Chemn. 8, t. 83, f. 742–3. Poli. pl. 32, f. 1. List. Conch. t. 363, f. 204. Encycl. pl. 219, f. 3, a. b. Pennt. Zool. Brit. t. 4, pl. 66, f.3. Knorr. Vergn. 4, t. 15, f. 4. Sowb. Gen. Shells, f. 4. Chemn. 8, t. 83, f. 745. Loud. Mag. N. H. art. ix. p. 353. D’Argenv. Conch. pl. 25, f. N. Encycl. pl. 216, f. 1. Poli. pl. 34, f. 4. Chemn. 8, t, 90, f. 780. D'Argenville, Conch. t. 22, f. F. Turton, Bivalves, pl. 20, f. 2. 31 1240 1231 1232 1239 1229 1233 1225 1234. 1227 1230 1267 1260 1256 v. 1255 1259 1257 1261 1262 1263 1270 1274. 1271 1273 1288 1291 1286 1282 1281 1280 (PINNA) {{ CRENATULA PERNA {{ 4% GERVILLIA CATILLUs INOCERAMUs MALLEUS {{ .4% 4% AVICULA incurva, marginata, muricata, nigrina, nobilis, pectinata, rudis, Saccata, semi-nuda, Squamosa, Californica, canina, costellata, ephippium, femoralis, isognomum, marsupium, Sulcata, vulsella, albus, anatinus, vulgaris, vulsellatus, Atlantica, costellata, Crocea, lotorium, macroptera, nebulosa, Linn., Nicobar. Lam., East Indies. Linn., South Carolina. Lam., Pacific. Linn., West Indies. {{ New Holland. & 4 Atlantic Ocean. {{ Batavia. Lam., South Carolina. Gmel., West Indies. M A L LACE A. Conrad, California. Lam., New Holland. Conrad, Atooi. Lam., Madagascar. {{ East Indies. & 4 Indian Ocean. {{ New Holland. 4% {{ £4 East Indies. Lam., New Holland. 4% Nicobar. * {{ East Indies. 4. Red Sea. Lam., Atlantic. {{ East Indies. 44 Isle of France. {{ East Indies. {{ West Indies. Conrad, Sandwich Isles. Chemn. 8, t. 90, f. 778. Gualt. test. t. 79, f. C. Rumph. Mus. t. 46, f. M. Encycl. pl. 199, f. 1, a, b. Bonan. recr. 2, f. 24. Chemn. 8, t. 87, f. 770–1. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 92. Rumph. Mus. t. 46, f. N. Encycl. pl. 199, f. 4. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 91, f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 25. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 91, f. 8. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 246. Sowb, Gen. Of Shells, f. 2. Chemn. 7, t. 59, f. 582—3. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Chemn. 7. t. 58, f. 577. Klein: Ostr. t. 8, f. 19, 20. List. Conch. t. 199, f. 33. Chemn. t. 11, pl. 206, f. 2029–30. Encycl, pl. 177, f. 14. Brooks’ Introd. pl. 4, f. 39. Chemn. 8, t. 70, f. 657. Encycl. pl. 177, f. 9, 10. “ pl. 177, f. 6. Rumph. Mus. t. 46, f. G. Chemn. 8, t. 81, f. 728. FCnorr. Vergn. 6, t. 2. Journ. A. N. S. Vol. 7, p. 246. 32 1283 1289 1287 1293 1298 1309 1307 1305 1306 1313 1357 1331 1318 a. 1359 1318 … 1315 a. 1322 a. 1332 1377 1334. 1345 1353 , 1356 1317 1323 1317 a. 1320 C. 1349 1323 a. 1324. 1315 1316 (AVICULA) semi-Sagitta, Lam., { % Squamulosa, 4. 4% Tarentina, (£ {{ virens, (4 . MELEAGRINA margaritifera, Lam., Africa. Tiger Bay. Mediterranean. New Holland. East Indies. P E C T IN ID A. PEDUM spondyloideum, Lam., Red Sea. LIMA fragilis, Lam., Nicobar. {{ glacialis, 6% West Indies. {{ inflata, {{ {{ 4% Squamosa, {{ 4% PLAGIOSTOMA HINNITA Poulsoni, Conrad, California. PECTEN asperrimus, Lam., New Holland. & 4 aspersus, {{ South Sea. “ Audouinii, Payr., Mediterranean. “ aurantius, Lam., Indian Ocean. « bi-frons, £ 4 New Holland. 4% concentricus, Say, New-York. {{ exoticus, Chemn., Red Sea. {{ flavidulus, Lam., Mediterranean. £4 gigantea, Wood, Pacific. { % glaber, Chemn., Mediterranean. {{ imbricatus, Lam., Red Sea. {{ inflexus, {{ Corsica. {{ Islandicus, Chemn, North Sea. {{ Jacobaeus, Lam., Devon. England. { %. Japonicus, 4. Japan. {{ lavis, Pennant, Devon. England. {{ lati-auratus, Conrad, Upper California. { % lineatus, T}a Costa, Devon. England. {{ madreporarum, Petit, Red Sea. & 4 Magellanicus, Lam., Maine. 4% maximus, {{ Devon. England. {{ medius, {{ Cherbourgh. List. Conch. t. 220, f. 55. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 9. Encycl. pl. 177, f. 8. Chemn. 8, t. 80, f. 721, a. b. Barbut. Verm. p. 66, pl. 11, f. 4. Astrol. pl. 76, f. 15–21. Born. Mus. t. 6, f. 8. Chemn. 7, t. 68, f. 652. Poli. t. 2, pl. 28, f. 19–21. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. f. 2. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, pl. 14. Desh. Ency.vers, t.3, p.725, no. 25. Encycl. pl. 212, f. 6. Payr. Cat. pl. 2, f. 8, 9. Chemn. 7, t. 65, f. 618. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 4. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 259. Chemn. t. 9, pl. 207, f. 2037 8. “ 7, t. 67, f. 638. Wood's Ind. Sup. pl. 2, f. 7,0strea. Poli. t. 2, pl. 28, f. 11, 12. Encycl. pl. 214, f. 2. Poli. t. 2, pl. 28, f. 4, 5, et 17. Chemn. 7. t. 65, f. 615, 616. “ 7, t. 60, f. 588. “ 7, t. 62, f. 596. Pennt. pl. 64. f. 3. [f. 9. Journ. A. N. S. v. 7, pt. 2, pl. 18, Da Costa, B. Conch. pl. 10, f. 8. Encycl. pl. 208, f. 5. {{ pl. 209. f. 1, a, b. Chemn. 7,t. 60, f, 586–7, et 589. 33 1324 a. (PECTEN) 1360 a. {{ 1341 {{ 1319 a. “ 1322 {{ 1348 {{ 1364 & 4 1342 {{ 1365 {{ 1343 “ 1820 a. “ 1321. { { 1333 {{ 1324 a. “ 1325 & 4 1327 {{ 1362 {{ 1358 {{ 1344 {{ 1366 & 4 1320 b. “ 1329 { % 1361 {{ 1319 {{ 1380 a. PLICATULA 1379 {{ 1378 {{ 1386 SPONDYLUs 1402 {{ 1395 4. 1396 {{ 1401 {{ 1398 {{ 1385 (3 1393 {{ 1397 {{ 1406 {{ 1405 {{ 1408 PODOPSIS multifasciatus, 2 Corsica. niveus, Atlantic Ocean. nodosus, Lam., West Indies. obliquatus, Conrad, Pacific. obliteratus, Lam., Indian Ocean. opercularis, {{ British Channel. ornatus, 4. Atlantic Ocean. pallium, {{ East Indies. pellucidus, {{ Mediterranean. pes-felis, {{ {{ pes-lutra, Linn., {{ pleuronectes, {{ Indian Ocean. plica, Lam., South Sea. polimorphus, Brown, Mediterranean. purpuratus, Lam., Sandwich Isles. radula, {{ East Indies. Sanguineus, {{ Atlantic. Senatorius, {{ Indian Ocean. tigris, ſcus, “ East Indies. Tranquebari- (« Indian Ocean. tumidus, Brod., Upper California. turgidus, Lam., Atlantic Ocean. varius, Penn., Tenby, G. B. zig-zag, Chemn., Atlantic Ocean. Cristata, Lam., West Indies. depressa, {{ & 4 ramosa, £4 {{ Americanus, Lam., West Indies. aurantius, { % China. coccineus, { % Indian Ocean. crassi-Squama, “ croceus, Chemn. ducalis, (C gaedaropus, Linn., regius, {{ spathuliferus, Lam., varius, Q violascens, Lam., truncata, Lam., Seas of India. , Indian Ocean. East Indies. Mediterranean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Q New Holland. Courtagnon. Chemn. 7, t. 67, f. 635–6. Gualt. t. 99, f. C. D. Chemn. 7, t. 66, f. 622–4. Brooks’ Int. pl. 4, f. 41. Chemn. 7, t. 66, f. 625. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Poli. t. 2, pl. 28, f. 7. “ t. 2, pl. 28, f. 16. List. pl. 171, f. 8. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. D’Argenv. t. 24, fig. C. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 11, Knorr. Vergn. 5, t. 9, f. 4. Chemn. 7, t. 66, f. 628. { { 7, t. 65, f. 617. { { 7, t. 64, f. 608. { { 7, t. 67, f. 647. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Poli. t. 2, pl. 28, f. 10. Chemn. 7, t. 61, f. 590–2. Chemn. 7, t. 47, f. 481. Gualt. t. 104, f. F. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Encycl. pl. 195, f. 1, 2. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Gualt. t. 99, f. E. F. Encycl. pl. 192, f. 2. “ pl. 191, f. 4. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Encycl. pl. 190, f. 1, a b. & C pl. 193, f. 1. & 4 pl. 194, f. 4, 6, 7. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vertb. no. 21. Encycl. pl. 188, f. 6, 7. 9 34 wº 1410 GRYPHEA 1414 OSTREA 1430 {{ 1444 {{ 1417 {{ 1456 {{ 1445 {{ 1426 “ 1446 { { 1412 { { 1450 & C 1454 {{ 1413 {{ 1458 {{ 1462 {{ 1448 {{ 1425 {{ 1452 “ 1447. ( & 1429 {{ 1469 WULSELLA 1468 { % 1471 {{ 1478 PLACUNA 1479 {{ 1477 {{ 1484 ANOMIA 1485 {{ 1482 & C 1487 {{ 1483 {{ borealis, Canadensis, Cornucopiaº, cristata, crista-galli, cucullata, denticulata, doridella, edulis, folium, fusca, hippopus, hyotis, laticarda, limacella, parasitica, plicatula, rubella, Virginica, hians, lingulata, Spongiarum, papyracea, placenta, sella, Cepa, electrica, ephippium, fornicata, patellaris, O S T R A C E A . Lam., {{ {{ Born, Chemn., Born, {{ Lam., Linn., {{ Lam., - {{ Chemn., Nuttall, Lam., Gmel., {{ Lam., Gmel., Lam., {{ & C Lam., {{ - 44 Linn., { % {{ Lam., ( [. fossil. New-York. {{ Indian Ocean. Isle of France. Pacific Ocean. East Indies. Africa. Sumatra. England. Indian Ocean. China. Atlantic. East Indies. Sandwich Isles. West Indies. Indian Ocean. West Indies. Atlantic. Virginia. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Sumatra. Red Sea. Indian Ocean. Java. Atlantic Ocean. Mediterranean. New-York. European Ocean. New-York. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vertb. no. 3. Encycl. pl. 180, f. 1, 3. ( & pl. 181, f. 4, 5. Born, t. 7, f. 3. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Born. t. 6, f. 11, 12. “ t. 6, f. 9, 10. Encycl. pl. 188, f. 4, 5. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Encycl. pl. 184, f. 10, 14. { { pl. 184, f. 1. Desh. Encycl. t. 2, p. 288, no. 2. Chemn. 8, t. 75, f. 685. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Encycl. pl. 185, f. 2. Chemn. 8, t. 73, f. 674. Born. p. 121, Vign. f. B. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Chemn. 6, t. 2, f. 10. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1-4. Encycl. pl. 178, f. 5. Encycl. pl. 174, f. 2. Brooks’ Int. pl. 4, f. 46. Chemn. 8, t. 79, f. 714. Encycl. pl. 171, f. 1, 2. “ pl. 171, f. 3, 4. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells, f. 1-3. Encycl. pl. 170, f. 4, 5. 1.2 } 491 #497 1498 1500 ORBICULA Cumingii, Brod., 1500 a. “ lamellosa, {{ Peru. 1510 TEREBRATULA caput-serpentis, Lam., Mediterranean. 1507 {{ dentata, £4 New Holland. 1508 {{ dorsata, (ſ South Sea. 1506 {{ flavescens, & 4 Java. 1503 a. “ Gaudichaudii, Valenc., Chili. 1501 a. “ picta, ? New Holland. 1503 (£ pisum, Lam., Isle of France. 1512 4% psittacéa, {{ Newfoundland. 1509 { % sanguinea, & 4 New Zealand. 1502 a. “ Septentrionalis, Couth., Maine. 1511 (£ truncata, Lam., Norway. 1501 {{ vitrea, * Mediterranean. PRODUCTUs 1515 LINGULA anatina, Lam., Senegal. 1516 “ hians, Swains., China. SPHAERULITES RADIOLITES CALCEOLA sandalina, BIROSTRITES DISCINA CRANIA personata, { % ringens, R U D H S T A . Lam., Courtagnon. Lam., Mediterranean. Haening., {{ B R A CH I O Po D A. Chili. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1-3. Encycl. pl. 171, f. 1, 2. Poli. t. 2, p. 189. Trans. Z. S. t. 1, 2d pt. pl. 28, f. 1. “ pl. 28, f. 2–5. & 4 & & { { Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Astrol. pl. 85, f. 1–5. Chemn. 8, t. 713, f. a, b. c. Astrol. pl. 85, f. 6, 7. [3, f. 18. Bost. Journ. N. H. vol. 2, no. 1, pl. Encyl. pl. 243, f. 2, a. b. c. “ pl. 239, f. 1, a. b. e. d. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4, 5. Swains. Zool, Ill. 2d ser. pl. 25. 36 T W E L E T H C L A S S. M O L L U S C A . © tº di e º H . P T E R O P O D A. I 519 HyALAEA cuspidata, Lam., Atlantic Ocean. Astrol. pl. 27, f. 1–5. 1518 { % tridentata, {{ Mediterranean. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 2. 1522 CLIo borealis, Linn., New-York. Encycl. pl. 75, f, 3, 4. 1526 CLEODoRA caudata, Lam., Sicily. LIMACINA 1531 CYMBULIA Peronii, Cuv., Mediterrariean. Blain. Dict. Sc. Nat.pl. 59, f. 3. PNEUMoDERMon wººdºº º ºr ~" ºr ºs Zºº O r d e r H H . – G a ster op o d a . SECTION I. — H Y D R O B R A N C H IAE . T R IT ON I A N A. 1535 GLAUCUS Forsteri, Lam., Atlantic Ocean. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 3. 1540 a. Eoſ, Is Bostoniensis, Couth., Boston. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 2, f. 1. 1537 {{ Cuvieri, Lam., Boulogne. Encycl. pl. 82, f. 12. 1537 a. “ gymnota, Couth., Charles River. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 1. f. 3. 1541 {{ peregrina, Lam., Mediterranean. Encycl. pl. 85, f. 4. 1543 4% Salmonacea, Couth., Massachusetts. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 1, f. 2. 37 1544 1547 1548 1554 1557 7 b. 17 6 b. 20 c. 19 a. 11 b. 40 b. 5 10 b. 8 b. 42 a. 5 b. 6 1 b. 41 a. 4 b. 40 c. 7 a. 4 2 7 9 b. 1573 a. I580 a. 1573 1588 a. TRITONIA { % SCYLLAEA TETHys DoRIs {{ PHYLLIDIA Hombergii, Reynoldsii, pelagica, argo, tuberculata, CHITONELLUS CHITON {{ {{ {{ {{ armatus, Barnesii, Californicus, Cumingii, elegans, Emersonii, fasciatus, fascicularis, fulminatus, incarnatus, inornatus, Magellanicus, marginatus, marmoratus, olivaceus, pectinatus, piceus, setiger, spinosus, Squamosus, sulcatus, textilis, alveus, amaena, apicina, aurea, Cuv., Couth., Linn., Linn., Cuv., Boulogne. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 6. Charles Riv. Mass. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 2, f. 1-4. Boulogne. Boulogne. Seas of Europe. PHY L L I D I A N A. Nuttall, Upper California. Gray, Coquimbo. Nuttall, Upper California. Frembl., Valparaiso. {{ {{ Couth., Massachusetts Bay. Linn., St. Croix. 4. Seas of Europe. Couth., Massachusetts Bay. Nuttall, Upper California. (C Sandwich Isles. Chemn., New Holland. Pennt., Sandwich, G. B. Linn., Barbadoes. Frembl., Walparaiso. Gould, New-York. Gmel., West Indies. King, Atooi. Brug., South Seas. Linn., St. Croix. Quoy, New Holland. Nuttall, Upper California. Conrad, Plymouth, Mass. Say, New-York. - Lam., Cape Good Hope. Nuttall, New Holland. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 5. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 9. Planc. Conch. p. 105, t. 5, f, g, h. Sowb. Conch. Ill. f. 2. Sowb Conch. Illus. f. 32. - f. 29. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, f. 10. Wood's Gen. C. pl. 1, f. 4, 5. Sowb. Gen, of Shells, f. 3. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3. f. 19. & 4 é & & 4 Chemn. 8, pl. 95, f. 797–8. Pennt. B. Zool. 4, t. 36, f. 2. Encycl. pl. 162, f. 11, 12. Zool. Journ. t. 3, pl. Supp. 16, f. 4. Wood's Gen. Conch. t. 1, f. 8. Sowb. Conch. Ill. f. 17. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. I. * f. 2. Astrol. pl. 75, f. 31–36. & 4 * { & C Jour. A. N. S. vol. 6, pl. 11, f. 20. & 4 & 4 vol. 2, page 223. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 1. 10 38 1578 a. (PATELLA) Azorica, 1581 1576 1589 1594. 1595 1617 1597 1581 a. 1580 b. 1590 a. 1574 I596 1578 1575 a. 1593 a. 1591 a. 1603 1582 1598. 1601 1601 a. 1585 a. 1582 a. 1596 a. 1575 1579 a. 1586 a. 1587 a. 1574 a. 1614 1612 1577 a. 1577 1588 1606 1586 1579 1592 1576 a. {{ {{ {{ {{ { % {{ barbara, barbata, caºrulea, cochlear, compressa, cymbularia, deaurata, diaphana, exarata, fenestrata, granatina, granularis, laciniosa, lavigata, Lamarckii, leucophaea, leucopleura, longicosta, Magellanica, mamillaris, {{ Walº. mamillata, monticolor, nausaltica, oculus, Opea, Oregana, {{ parva, Nuttall, Linn., Lam., - & 4 Born, Linn., Lam., Gmel., Nuttall, {{ Chemn., Payr., Nuttall, Gmel., Lam., Gmel., Linn., {{ Nuttall, {{ Petit, * Born, Va.T. pellucida, pectinata, pileata, plicata, plumbea, punctata, pyramidata, Saccharina, Safiana, scabra, Nuttall, {{ {{ Donov., Linn., {{ Nuttall, Born, Lam., {{ {{ Linn., Lam., Nuttall, Fayal. Falkland Isles. Walwich Bay. Mediterranean. South Seas. East Indies. Pacific. Falkland Isles. Upper California. Sandwich Isles. Upper California. Atlantic Ocean. Cape Good Hope. Tiger Bay. Upper California. Mediterranean. Upper California. St. Thomas. Africa. Straits of Magellan. Africa. West Indies. Upper California. {{ {{ Chili. Walwich Bay. Sandwich Isles. Upper California. Columbia River. Devon. England. Sandwich, “ Mediterranean. Upper California. New Zealand. Senegal. Mediterranean. Africa. East Indies. False Bay. Upper California. Knorr. Vergn. 5, t. 13, f, 5. Martin, Conch. 1, t. 8, f 64, 65. Born. Mus. t. 18, f. 3. Blain. Malac. pl. 49, f. 2. 66 { % pl. 49, f. 6. pl. 49, f. 7. ( & { { Knorr, Vergn. 1, t. 30, f. 2. D’Argenv. Conch. t, 2, f. II. t. 2, f. O. Martini. 1, t. 7, f. 54, Payr. Cat. pl. 4, f. 3, 4. 4t & C List. Conch. t. 539, f. 22, Fav. Cat. pl. 2, f. 184. Fav. Conch. pl. 1, f. A., 2. Martin. Conch. 1, t. 7, f. 58, 59. List. Conch. t. 537, f. 17. Gualt. t. 9, fig. H. Mull. Zool. Dan. t. 1, pl. 12, f. 4, 5. Born. Mus. t. 18, f. 9. Blain. Malac. pl. 49, f. 5. Born. Mus. t. 18, f. 1. t. 18, f. 2. Payr. Cat. pl. 3, f. 6–8. G. & C & List. Conch. t. 532, f. 10. Anim. Sans. Vert. no. 20. Genus Lottia, Sowb. 39 1583 a. (PATELLA) 1594 a. 1589 a. 1618 I580 C. 1595 a. 1593 1615 1584 a. I611 1600 1615 a. PATELLOIDA 1633 a. SIPHONARIA 1635 a. 1634 c. 1634 a. 1632 a. 1635 b. 1633 b. 1632b. 1633 b. 4. {{ {{ {{ Spectrum, striata, strigilata, Surinamensis, tessellata, testudinalis, testudinaria, tricostata, umbonata, viridula, vulgata, gigantea, Algesirae, amara, capensis, crebricostata, gigas, Lessoni, leucopleura, radiata, stella, Nuttall, Petit, Nuttall, Gmel., Müller, {{ Linn., Gmel., Nuttall, Lam., Linn., Gray, Quoy, Nuttall, Quoy, Nuttall, Sowb., Blain., Q Blain., Petit, Upper California. Chili. Upper California. Surinam. Upper California. Iceland. Indian Seas. New Zealand. Upper California. East Indies. Great Britain. Pacific. Gibraltar. Sandwich Isles. Cape Good Hope. Sandwich Isles. Pacific. Chili. Peru. S EMI. PHY L L ID I A N A. 1621 a. PLEUROBRANCHUs membrana-Flem., plumula, ſceus, Mont., 1622 a. 1623 UMBRELLA 1624 { % {{ Indica, Mediterranea, Lam., 44 S. Devon. Eng. { % {{ Isle of France. Gulf of Tarentum. C A. L. Y P T R A C E A N A. 1626 PARMoPHoRUs australis, 1630 a. EMARGINULA curvirostris, 1630 1631 {{ {{ fissura, rubra, 1647 a. FISSURELLA aperta, Blain., Desh., Lam., {{ Sowb., New Zealand. Mediterranean. Sandwich, Eng. Great Britain. Africa. Martini. 1, t. 7, f. 50. Müller, Zool. Dan. 1, t. 12, f. 6, ', Chemn. 10, t. 168, ſ. 1614–5. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells, f. 2. Chemn. 10, t. 168, f. 1622–3. Pennt. Brit. Zool. 4, t. 89, f. 145-6. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, Lottia, f. 1. Astrol. pl. 25, f. 23–25. Astrol. pl. 25, f. 28, 29. Sowb. Tank. Catalogue. Blain. Malac. pl. 44, f. 2. Blain. Malac. pl. 2, f. 4. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Mont. Test. Brit. 2d Vign. - Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Payr, Cat. p. 92, no. 178. Blain. Malac. pl. 48, f. 2. Blain. Malac, pl. 48, f. 4. Donov. Brit. Shells, t. 1, pl. 3, f. 2; Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 10. 40 St. Thomas. 1661 {{ 1644 (FIssuPELLA) Barbadensis, Lam., Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 5, 6. 1640 C. “ biradiata, Frembl., Peru. “ “ “ f. 23.52. 1641 4% Cayenensis, Lam., Cayenne. {{ & 4 “ f. 7. 1638 6 4 crassa, {{ . Pacific. « “ “ f. 9. 11. 1640 b. “ ..] crenifera, Sowb., {{ “ &&. “ f. 73. 1647 a. “ *crenulata, 4% Upper California. “ 't & “ f.31. 38. 1637 a. “ grandis, “ Walparaiso. “ “ “ f. 48. 1639 & 4 graeca, Lam., St. Thomas. £8 “ “ f 3. 1647 & 4 hiantula, { % Cape Good Hope. Born. Mus. p. 414, Vign. fig. F. 1642 4. lilacina, 4% Chili. Desh. Encycl. t. 2, p. 137, no. 21. 1646 a. “ limbata, Sowb., {{ Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 66, 74. 1643 a. “ neglecta, Desh., Mediterranean. - tº ſt “ f. 30. 1637 & 4 nimbosa, Lam., West Indies. & & C & “ f. 2. 1640 44 nodosa, {{ Barbadoes. tº ºt “ f. 1. 1641 a. “ obscura, Sowb., Gallapagos Isles. “ “ “ f. 27. 1636 a. “ oriens, “ Valparaíso. & t < * ** f. 25.60. 1645 a. “ Ornata, Nuttall, Upper California. 1639 a. “ Panamensis, Sowb., Panama. $owb. Conch. Illust. f. 72. 1644 a. “ pica, Nuttall, Upper California. 1636 “ picta, Lam., Straits of Magellan.Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 4, 26. 1648 46 pustula, {{ Porto Rico. 4t tº “ f. 20. 1645 4 : radiata, & 4 West Indies. 46 & 4 “ f. 62, 64. 1642 a. “ subrotunda, Desh., Chili. & 4 * { ** f. 44. 1638 a. “ virescens, Sowb., Panama. 6 & & 4 “ f. 37. 1656 a. PILEoPsis Garnotii, Payr., Mediterranean. Payr. Cat, pl. 5, f. 3, 4. 1659 {{ intorta, Lam., £6 Fav. Conch. pl. 4, f. B. 1658 {4 mitrula, 4% Barbadoes. List. Conch. pl. 544, f. 31. 1660 “ subrufa, {{ Wahoo. Sch. et Wag. pl. 229, f. 4060–1. 1657 {{ ungarica, {{ Tenby, England. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. 1660 b. HIPPonix barbata, Sowb., Attooi. . 1660 C. & 4 cornucopiae, {{ fossile de Grignon. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1-9. 1666 a. CALYPTRAEA Chinensis, Linn., Devon. England. List. Conch. pl. 546, f. 39. 1664 {4 equestris, { % Indian Ocean. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. 1662 tº extinctorium, “ West Indies. Blain. Malac. pl. 48, f. 8. 1663 “ lavigata, Lam., European Ocean. Martini, Conch, pl. 13, f. 121–3. 1661 b. “ radians, Desh., Peru. Sch. et wag. pl. 229, f. 4063. rugosa, {{ 4% Brod. Trans. S. Z. t. 1, pl. 27, f. 8. * This shell was brought from Sta, Diego, Upper California, by Col. Nuttall. 41 1662 b. (CALYPTRAEA) spinosa, 1665 a. 1665 1663 b. 1669 CREPIDULA 1671 a. 167T. 1668 b. 1672 a. 1667 1669 a. 1669 b. 1670 b. 1672 1673 1668 1667 b. 1673 a. I 671 b. 1670 1675 ANCYLUs {{ 1674 1677 1680 a. 1688 1687 a. 1690 a. 1686 a. 1690 v. 1691 a. ... 1687 {{ & 4 {{ (4 {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ ACERA 1680 BULLAEA {{ 1683 BULLA {{ {{ { { Sowb., striata, Say, tectum-Sinense, Lam., umbrella, Desh., aculeata, Lam., convexa, Say, dilatata, Lam., exuviata, Nuttall, foliacea, Brod., fornicata, Lam., glauca, Say, navicelloides, Nuttall, patula, Desh., Peruviana, Lam., plana, Say, porcellana, Lam., Tugosa, Nuttall, Squamosa, Brod., strigata, {{ unguiformis, Lam., fluviatilis, Muller, lacustris, 4% rivularis, Say, aperta, Lam., elongata, Q ampulla, Linn., aplustre, {{ australis, Quoy, brevis, {{ Californica, Nuttall, cornea, Lam., cylindracea, Pennt, fasciata, Brug., Chili. Rhode Island. South Seas. Guatimala. Atlantic Ocean. Plymouth, Mass. Magellan. Upper California. Peru. Atlantic Ocean. Rhode Island. Upper California. Chili. Peru. New-York. Indian Ocean. Upper California. {{ (4 Chili. Mediterranean. France. England. Ohio. B U L L AE A N A . England. New Holland. India. East Indies. New Holland. {{ {{ California. England. 4% Manilla. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4 et 7. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 5, p. 216. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. Brod. Trans. S. Z. t. 1. pl.27, f. 1. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 227. Sowb. Gen, of Shells, f. 5. Brod. Trans. S. Z. t. 1, pl. 28, f. 9. List. Conch. pl. 545, f. 33. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, pl. 226. Voy. de la Coq, pl. 15. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 226. Martini. 1, t. 13, f. 127-8. Brod. Trans. Soc, Z. pl. 29, f. 10. & 4 ( & “ “ pl. 28, f. 12. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. & C & £ “ f. 2. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 1, p. 124. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f 1, Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. & C £ & $6 f. 8. Astrol. pl. 26, f. 38, 39. { { pl. 26, f. 36,37. Payr. Cat. pl. 96, no. 188. Pennt. B. Zool. p. 73, f. 5, 6. Chemn. 10, t. 146, f. 1348–9. | 1 42 1691 (BULLA) fragilis, 1689 {{ hydatis, 1684 a. “ insculpta, 1682 & lignaria, , 1685 (4 maucum, 1685 a. “ obtusa, 1686 “ physis, 1692 {{ solida, tº 1684 {{ striata, 1692 a. “ triticea, 1688 a. “ undata, 1689 a. “ viridis, 1695 LAPLYSIA depilans, 1697 4 & punctata, 1700 DoDABELLA fragilis, 1699 C& Rumphii, SEC TI O N 1703 ONCHIDIUM Peronii, PARMACELLA 1707 LIMAx cinereus, 1705 a. “ Salicium, 1709 ARION succineus, 1710 TESTACELLA haliotidea, 1711 {{ Maugei, Lam., Devon. England. Chemn, 10, t. 146, f. 1358. Linn., {{ {{ Totten, New-York. Poli. pl. 46, f. 28. Sillim. Journ. v. 28, p. 350, f. 4. Linn., Bangor Bay, Eng. Sowb. Gen. of Shells. f. 3. & 4 Manilla. Mont., Devon. G. B. Linn., East Indies. Brug., Isle of France. & 4 Africa. List. Conch. t. 714, f 73. Walker, Test. Min. f. 61. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. Chemn. 10. t. 146, f. 1356–7. Poli. pl. 46, f. 17, 18. Couth., Massachusetts Bay. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 1, f. 8. Brug., Atooi. Rang, Guyama. L. A. P.I., Y S I A N A. Linn., Mediterranean. Cuv., {{ Lam., Mediterranean. Cuvr., Indian Ocean. tºº ºf ºººººººººººººº sººººººº- List. Conch. pl. 715, f. 74. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 5. Rang.H.N. des Aplys. pl. 16 et 17. & & & 6 “ “ pl. 18, f.2–4. Laplysia depilans, Linn., Rang. Hist. Nat, des Aplys, pl. 1. II. – PNEUMO BRAN CHIAE. L Y M A C I A N A. Cuv., Java. Mull., France. Bouillet, “ Bouillet, France. Fau. Big, France. Fer., Bristol, G. B. Blain. Malac. pl. 46, f. 7. Drap. Hist. des Moll. pl. 9, f. 10. Bouillet Cat. page 18. Bouil.C. des Coq de l'Auv. p. 14. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 8, f. 8. “ “ “ pl. 8, f. 12–15. 43 1712 b. WITH INA I712 a. “ 1712 {{ 1713 a. & 4 atrovirens, elongata, pellucida, subglobosa, Moric., Brazil. Drap., France. {{ { % Mich., { % “ghºf, ºr aves ºf Mºgº ºver Jee- ºrº-ºve. A Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 9, f. 1. & 4 & 4 {{ pl. 9, f. 6. - Mich. Comp. Drap.pl. 15, f. 18–20. © r d e r H H H . — T H a c Hà e i i po d a . S E CTION I.- T R A C H E LIPO D A PHYTIP H A G. A. 1823 b, HELIx 1741 b. “ 1823 b. “ 1799 b. “ 1774 44 , 1824 b. “ , 1735 a. “ 1819 b. ( : 1821 b. “ T764 {{ 1730 { % 1770 b. “ 1746 b. “ …” 1832 { % 1821 & 4 1743 d. “ 2 1758 b. “ i775 {{ 1775 b. “ 1775 C. “ 1728 {{ 1728 b. “ 1805 b. “ 1728 d. “ acies, aculeata, acutimargo, alabastrites, alauda, albanica, albolabris, 44 {{ algira, alonensis, alpicola, alpina, alternata, apicina, apressa, arborea, arbustorum, { % Var. {{ Va.I’. aspersa, {{ {{ Va.I. C & {{ C O L I M A C E A . Fer., Dalmatia. Mull., Auvergne. Ziegl., Dalmatia. Mich., Oran, Africa. Fer., West Indies. Rossm., Albania. Say, New-York. Fer, var. maxima. {{ “ unidentata. Linn., Spain. Fer., « Ziegl., Tyrol. Fau. Big., Alps. Say, New-York. Lam., France. Say, Alabama. { % Ohio. Linn., France. “ Mt. Dore. & 4 Mt. St. Gothard. Mull., France. {{ England. sinistral, France. scalaris, “ Helix acutimargo, Zeigl. Drap. Moll. pl. 7, f. 10, 11. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 80, f. 7. Daudeb. Hist.des Moll.pl.103,f,2,3. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 13, f. 1, 2. H. major, Binney. “, H. Zaleta, Say. Daudeb. Hist, des Moll. pl. 67. f.3. {{ & 4 “ pl. 36A, f. 8. Helix arbustorum, Drap. ; Daudeb Hist. des Moll. pl.67, f.3. Encycl. Amer. pl. 1, f. 2. Mich.Compl. a Drap. pl. 15, f.9,10. Daudeb. Hist, des Moll.pl.49A,f.3. Encycl. Amer. art. Conch.pl.4,f.4. Daudeb.Hist.des Moll.pl.27,f.5-8. “ “ “ pl. 29, f. 1–3. Drap. Moll, pl. 5, f. 18. Daudeb. Hist. des Moll. pl. 18. ‘In clusters. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 19, f. 1, 2. pl. 19, f. 3. { { { % . ( & 44 R.” 1824 1742 (HELIx) auricoma, Fer., Cuba. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 46, f. 7–9. 1811 a. “ auriculata, Say, Florida. Daudeb. Hist.des Moll, pl. 50,f.3,4. 1717 a. “ badia, Fer., Martinique. “ “ “ pl. 56, f. 1-4. 1760 4% Banksia, 7 South America. Helix Peruviana, Lam. 1768 { % Barbadensis, Lam., Barbadoes. Daudeb. Hist, des Moll.pl.47, f.3. 1752 b. * * barbata, Fer, Sicily. & 4 & 4 “ pl. 66,4 f. 3, 4. 1771 {{ bidentata, Chemn., Germany. Mich. Comp. A Drap. pl. 14, f. 26. 1802 a. “ bipartita, Fer., Manilla. Fer. Hist, des. Moll. pl. 75A, f. 1. 1745 {{ Bonplandii, Lam., Cuba. “ “ “ “ pl. 46A. f. 2. 1734 b. {{ Bulveriana, Lowe, Madeira. Sowb. Zool. Journ. t. 1, pl. 3, f. 6.7 1741 {{ calatura, Fer., Bourbon. Daudeb.Hist.des Moll, pl. 28,f.3.4. 1777 b. “ Californiensis, Lea, Upper California. Trans. Am. P.S.vol. 6, pl. 23.fºfg. 1776 & 4 candidissima, Drap., France. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 27, f.9–13. 1744 a. “ candidula, Mich., Lyons. Helix striata, Drap. 3. 1804 a. “ caperata, Turt., England. & 4 { { “ Q. 1766 b. “ Carascalensis, Fer., Pyrenees. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 67, f. 1. 1803 { % cariosa, Olivier, Levant. “ “ “ “ pl. 64, f. 3. “ 1739 b. {{ cariosula, Mich., Palma. Mich. Cat. des Test. Alger. pl. 1. 1818 b. “ caronis, Desh., Sicily. [f. 11, 12. 1791 { { carthusiana, Drap., France. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 33. 1790 {{ carthusianella, “ {{ “ “ pl. 6, f. 31, 32. 1815 (4 cellaria, Mull., {{ “ “ pl. 8, f. 23–25. 1752 40 Cepa, {{ St. Domingo. Fer. Histdes Moll, pl.53A, f. 1-3. 1787 { % cespitum, Drap., France. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 14, 15. 1817 b. “ ciliata, Fer., - { { Mich. Comp. A Drap. pl. 14, f. 27. 1746 a. “ cincta, Mull., Italy. & 4 & 4 “ pl. 14, f. 2. 1814 {{ cinctella, Drap., France. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 28. 1730 d. “ cinerascens, Parr., Galicia. Helix Iutescens, Zgl. 1820 b. 4% cingenda, Turt., England. Helix pisana, Mull. 1765 b. {{ cingulata, Stud., Tyrol. Fer, Hist. des Moll. pl. 68, f. 3, 6. 1802 b. { % cirta, Terver, Constantia. Terver's Catalogue. 1763 {{ citrina, Linn., East Indies. Chemn.9, t. 131, f. 1167, 1175. 1763 f. {{ C & Val". {{ Amboyna. Knorr. Vergn. 5, t, 22, f. 7. 1780 a. “ clausa, Say, Ohio. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 37, f. 1. 1738 b. “ colubrina, Crist., Wienna. 1776 b. “ Columbiana, Lea, Columbia River. Trans. Am. P.S. v. 6, pl. 23. ſ. 75. 1810 b. “ companyoii, 2 Pyrenees. r 1717 { % concamerata, Wood, East Indies. Wood’s Index, Suppl. pl. 7, f. 21. 1830 a. “ concava, Say, Ohio. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 159. {{ conica, Drap., Italy. Drap. Moll. pl. 5, f, 3–5. 45 1718 (HELIx) & 4 1825 1823 1784 a. 1796 1738 a. 1811 1780 C. 1767 a. 1827 b. 1804 1828 b. 1732 a. 1791 a. 1820 c. 1793 a. 1816 b. 1811 b. 1753 b. 1736 d. 1754 1790 b. 1795 b. 1815 b. 1760 a. 1745 a. 1800 a. 1788 1755 a. 1757 b. 1835 a. 1829 b. 1751 b. • 1833 1785 1745 d. 1755 b. 1773 a. 1734 1738 b. (£ {{ {{ { { {{ coniformis, Conoidea, conspurcata, contusa, Cookiana, corisopitensis, cornea, corrugata, Costata, costulata, crenulata, Cryptozona, cristallina, dejecta, denotata, dentiens, dentifera, Desmoulinsii, diodonta, ( { discolor, duplicata, Dupotetiana, edentula, Egypta, elegans, elevata, ericetorum, exilis, exoleta, fallax, flava, Fontenellii, fraterna, fruticum, fuliginea, fuliginosus, fulva, galactites, gibbosa, Fer., Drap., {{ Fer., Gmel., Desh., Drap., Lea, Müll., Pfeif., Olivier, Rossm., Mull., Crist., Fer., {{ Binney, Farin., Say, Mühlf, Fer., Lowe, Terver, T}rap., Q Drap., Say, |Mull., {{ Say, & 4 Terver, Mich., Say, Mull., Fer., Griffith, Mull., Lam., Fer., East Indies. Italy. France. Brazil. Jamaica. Europe. France. Madeira. Germany. Austria. Syria. Sicily. France. Verona. Ohio. West Indies. Vermont. Pyrenees. Ohio. Transylvania. Antilles. Madeira. Oran, Africa. Jura. Egypt. France. Ohio. France. Pondicherry. Ohio. & 4 Bougie. France. Ohio. France. Guadaloupe. Ohio. France. East Indies. South America. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 108, f. 1. Drap. Moll. pl. 5, f. 7, 8. - pl. 7, f. 23–25. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 39B, f.2, 3. pl. 51B, f. 4. pl. 75B. f. 1–3. pl. 67, f. 4, 5. Helix pulchella, Mull. Helix rugosiuscula, Mich. 7 -. Oliv. Voy. pl. 31, f. 5, a. b. Helix cingulata, Stud., 3 Drap. Moll. pl. 8, f. 13–20. Helix palliata, Say. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 48, f. 2. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 1, pl. 21. Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 51A, f, 1. “ pl. 46, f, 3–6. Low. Prim. Zool. pl. 6, f. 20. Drap. Moll. pl. 7, f. 14. Helix globulus, Mull. Q. Drap. Moll. pl. 5, f. 1, 2. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 37, f. 2. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 16, 17. Fer. Hist, des Moll, plg2, f. I. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 5, p. 119. Helix Alpina, Fer. 2 Wood's Index Suppl. pl. 7, f. 16. Drap. Moll, pl. 5, f. 16, 17. Fer. Prod. no. 120. Helix glaphyra, Say. Drap. Moll. pl. 7, f. 12, 13. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 104, f. 6,7. 12 46 1721 (HELIx) 1757 a. 1754 b. 1803 b. 1794 b. 1729b. 1826 a. 1735 1735 f. 1797 b. 1724 a. 1770 1835 1830 b. 1750 b. 1819 1831 b. 2 1778 1778 a. 1778 b. 1778 C. 1778 d. 1778 e. 1778 f. 1716 a. 1780 b. 1813 1735 d. 1834 a. 1822 a. 1833 a. 1718 a. 1789 1745 b. 1768 1832 b. 1801 b. 1731 b. 1738 a. 1747 { % (4 {{ {{ gigantea, glabella, glaphyra, globuloidea, granulata, grisea, gularis, haemastoma, {{ Lam., Drap., Say, Terver, Quoy, Linn, Say, Linn., hieroglyphicula,Mich., Himalana, Lea, hippocastanum, Lam., hirsuta, Say, hirta, Menke, hispanica, Mich., hispida, Linn., holosericea, Stud., hortensis, Mull., “ var. yellow, { % { % {{ {{ {{ 44 {{ ( . {{ { % { % {4 {{ {{ rose, hospitans, Bonel., hybrida, Poir., incarnata, Mull., incerta, Drap., indentata, Say, inflecta, { % inornata, {{ intermedia, Fer., intersecta, Poir., irregularis, Fer., Isabella, {{ Istriensis, Mühl., Jeannotiana, Terver, Josephina, Fer., Kermorvani, Mich., labrella, Lam., Sandwich Isles. England. Ohio. Oran, Africa. New Guinea. Holyhead, Eng. Alabama, Calcutta. 4 var. Oran, Africa. India. Martinique. Ohio. Croatia. Spain. Clermont Ferrand. Moravia. France. no bands. Mt. Dore. one band. five bands. “ Clerm. Ferrà. Mt. Dore. Sardinia. Germany. France. {{ Ohio. 4% {{ Trieste. France. Egypt. West Indies. Istria. Bougie. Guadaloupe. France. Madagascar. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 15, f. 5. 7. Drap. Moll.pl. 7, f. 6. - Encycl. Am. art. Conch. pl. 1, f. 3. Astrol. pl. 7, f:6-9. Helix aspersa, Mull. - Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 156. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 32, f. 1, 2.5. Chemn. 9, t. 130, f. 1150, 1151. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19, f. 66. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 39, f. 3, 4, ( ; , ; ; “ pl. 50A. f. 1-3. Helix deplana, Zgl. 2 Drap. Moll, pl. 7, f. 20–22. Fer. Hist. des. Moll, pl. 51, f. 5. “ pl. 35 et 36. Mich.Comp.à Drap.pl. 14, f.12–15. Helix hortensis, Mull. variety. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 30. Helix olivetorum, Gmel. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 372. vol. 2, p. 153. vol. 2, p. 371. Fer. Prod. no. 163. Helix striata, Drap. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 28B. f.8,9. Helix Barbadensis, Lam. £ 6 & 9 {{ { % “ variabilis, Drap. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 56, f. 1-10. Helix corisopitensis, Desh. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 75, f. 1. 47 }* 1755 (HELIX) .” 1754 a. 1804 b. 1760 1741 d. 1833 b. 1743 b. 1726 1834 b. 1771 b. 1827 a. 1792 a. 1781 b. 1725 1743 d. 1738 1747 a. 1812 a. 1745 b. 1758 1722 I 813 1807 1835 C. 1748 b. 1740 ~1736 1787 a. 1779 a. 1715 C. 1742 ^ 1740 c. 1734 a. I748 d. 1723 I761 b. 1736 a. 1809 1728 a. 1716 C. {{ lactea, Mull., lavipes, {{ lanuginosa, Mich., laxata, Fer., Leaii, Ward, lefeburiana, Fer., lenticula, & 4 leucorum, |Mull., leucozona, Ziegl, ligata, Mull., ligera, Say, lima, Lam., limbata, Drap., lineolata, Lam., linguifera, Fer., lucana, Lam., lucida, Drap., lutescens, Zgl., maculosa, Born, Madagascari- Lam., magnifica,[ensis, Fer., major, Binney, maritima, Drap., marmorata, Fer., maZZulii, Jan., melanostoma, Drap., melanotragus, Born, meridionalis, Wood, metaformis, Fer., Michaudi, Desh., microstoma, Lam., minuta, Say, mirabilis, Fer., monodon, {{ monozonalis, Lam., Morea, Fer., multilineata, Say, muralis, Mull., muscarum, Lea, mutabilis, Parrys., Spain. Malabar. Oran, Africa. Peru. Ohio. Illyria. Sicily. Italy. Illyria. Dalmatia. Ohio. Porto Rico. Clermont Fer. Antilles. Ohio. Tiger Bay. Clermont Fer. Galicie. Egypt. Madagascar. (4 South Carolina. France. Spain. Sicily. France: Calcutta. Otaheite. East Indies. Cape de Verd. Cuba. Ohio. East Indies. France. East Indies. Greece. Ohio. Sicily. Cuba. Albania. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 45. : pl. 92, f.3–5. ( & & C { { Helix Peruviana, Lam. C. J. Ward's MSS. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 69, f. 6. pl. 66,” f. 1. pl. 21A. & & 4 & é & £ 4 ( & t & Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 20, f. 1-4. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 157 Helix punctifera, Lam. Drap. Moll, pl. 6, f. 29. Helix undulata, Fer. “ apressa, Say. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 28, f. 11, 12. Helix cellaria, Mull. " Helix irregularis, Fer. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 73A, f. 2. Helixpolyzonalis, Lam. Bost. Journ. N. H. vol. 1, pl. 12. Drap. Moll, pl. 5, f. 9, 10. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 40, f, 8. Philippi Moll. Siciliae, t. 8, f 3. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 20, ſ.5,6,9. “ pl. 32B, f. 3, 4, 6. Helix Otahietana, Fer. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 108, f. 2. Low, Prim. Faun. Mad. pl. 6, f:22. Helix auricoma, Fer. “ pulchella, Mull. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 31, f. 4,5,6. Drap. Moll, pl. 7, f. 15. Encycl. pl. 462, f. 6, a b. & & & 4 Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 46A. f. 3. pl. 41, f. 4. & C & & 4 & Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19,f.59. 48 ...” 1726 (HELIx) 1732 1746 d. 1786 1777 1777 a. 1777 b. 1777 C. 1777 d. 1777 e. 1777 f. 1777 g. 1777 h. 1777 i. 1747 d. 1783 1739 d. 1767 b. 1816 1782 b. 1787 b. 1779 b. 1717 C. 1795 1766 1768 b. 1818 a. 1820 C. 1794 a. 1749 1756 b. 1818 1739 a. 1732 d. 1760 1718 C. 1735 b. 1733 1797 1780 {{ {{ {{ {{ 4. 4% {{ {{ {{ mutata, Lam., Italy. . naticoides, Drap., Toulon. nautiloides, Desh, Italy. neglecta, Drap., & 4 nemoralis, Linn., France. « Drap., var. rose. {{ 4. “ yellow. {{ “ “ rose and 1 band. 44 {{ ( . {{ . . . { % “ “ yellow and 1 band. { % {{ {{ {{ 2 {{ 4% (ſ {{ (ſ & 4 3 {{ ,4% 4% {{ 44 4. 4. {{ (£ {{ ( & 5 {{ memorolina, Petit, France. Niciensis, Fer., a Nickliniana, Lea, California. nitens, Gmel., France. nitida, Mull., {{ nitidiuscula, Sowb., Madeira. nucleola, Rang, Antilles. Nuttalliana, Lea, Columbia River. obvia, Parreys., Corfou. obvoluta, Mull, Germany. olivetorum, Gmel., France. Olivieri, Fer., Syria. Otaheitana, “ Otaheite. palliata, Say, Ohio. parilis, Rang, Antilles. pellis-Serpentis, Chemn., Brazil. Pennsylvanica, Green, Pennsylvania. personata, Lam., France. perspectiva, Say, Ohio. {{ Wagn., Brazil. Peruviana, Lam., Peru. phalerata, Rossm., Carynthie. phlebophora, Lowe, Madeira. picta, Born, Cuba. pileus, Mull., Pacific. pisana, {{ Bordeaux. Helix leucorum, Mull. Fer. Hist.des Moll, pl. 11, f. 17–20. Drap. Moll. p1.6, f. 12, 13. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 39A, f.3,4. - pl. 34. {{ & ( “ pl. 33. & 4 { % “ pl. 34. * { ( & ( & * c << 6 & , & 6 { { & ſ £ 6 & C pl. 33. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 39A, f. 1. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 23, f.84. Helix nitida, Mull. Drap. Moll, pl. 8, f. 11, 12. Low. Primit. Faun. Mad. pl. 6,f,6. Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 49. f. 1. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 23,f.74. Helix neglecta, Hartm. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 51, f. 4. & 4 & 4 { { pl.82, f.7,8,9. Drap. Moll. pl. 7, f.3–5. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 29, f. 4, 5. & C & & & & pl. 50A, f. 7. pl. 49, f. 2. pl. 75A, f. 2,3. Bost. Journ. N. H. vol. I, pl. 16. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 51, f. 1. tº « (ſ pl. 79, f. 7. & 4 & 4 & C & & {& ( & Spix. Test. B. tab. 17, f. 2, 3. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 74, f. 3. Wood’s Ind. Suppl. pl. 8, f. 81. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 12 et 13. pl. 63 A, f. 3–8. Drap. Moll, pl. 5, f. 14, 15. & & C 4 & 49 1767 (HELIx) 1719 1746 1817 1765 a . 1722 1737 b. 1727 1822 b. 1820 a . 1826 1724 1788 b. 1799 1730 a . 1733 a,. 1747 b. 1759 b. 1800 b. 1738 a. 1821 a . 1762 b. 1772 b. 1769 b. 1820 a. 1786 * 1715 d'. 1749 d. 1719 €. 1820 . 1721 C. 1757 a . 1764 b. 1731 a . 1739 a . 1732 b. * 1722 C. 1828 1802 1723 C. ( ( planospira, planorbula, planulata, plebeium, polygyrata, polyzonalis, polymorpha, pomatia, Pouzolzii, profunda, pulchella, pulla, punctata, punctifera, purpuragula, pygmaea, pyramidata, pyramidella, Pyrenaica, Quimperiana, ragussaca, Rangiana, Raspailii, revelata, FRichardi, rhodostoma, Roissiana, rosacea, roseti, rotundata, ruderata, rufescens, rugosiuscula, rupestris, sarcinosa, sarcostoma, sativa, scabra, | Fer. 5 Payr., Fer., { % . Drap. 5 Fer.; . Muller, Mull., Stud., Mont., Mich., Drap., Fer., Webb, Ziegl., Fer., Lam., Scarburgensis, Sowb., Italy. Florida . Moluccas. Lyons. Brazil. . East Indies. Madeira. France. Dalmatia. Ohio . France, Jamaica. Martinique. Cubà, Java. France. Italy. . Brazil. France. ( ç Pyrenees. Corsica. | France. Tennessee. Italy. » East Indies. Cape Good Hope. Teneriffe. France. Styria. England. France. " (% Madeira. IMoravia. Georgia. New-York, England. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 68,f 7-10. Helix septemvolva, Say. Swains. Zool. Ill. Ist ser. pl. 9. Drap, Moll. pl. 7. f 5. Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 69A, f, 7. & c & c * pl. 10, f. 4, a.b. Low.Prim.Faun.Mad.p.6,f.11-16. Fer.Hist.des Moll. pl. 21 et 24,f.2. Payr. Cat, No.220. » Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 70, f. 4, Drap Moll pl. 7, f 30-32, Fer, Hist. des Moll. pl. 14, f, 6-8. 4t 4t cc pl. 48, f 3. pl. 46. f. 1, 2. Trans. Am. P. s.v. 5, pl. 19, f.60. Fer, Hist. des Moll. pl. 80, f, 1. Drap. Moll. pl. 6, f. 6. Spix , Test. B. pl. 16, f. 1, 2. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 69, f. 5. Helix corisopitensis, Desh. & c , & c 6 € Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 65, f 1. Payr. Cat, pl. 5, f. 7,8, Mich, Comp,à Drap, pl. 15, f 6-8. Helix profunda, say. Helix pisana, Mull Fer, Hist. des Moll, pl. 104, f,2,3, Dillw.cat i 2, p. 921. Mich.C.des Coq d'Alg·p.I,f:17,18, Fer. Hist, des Moll pl. 79, f. 2-5. Helix glabella, Drap. Mich. Comp. Drap.pl 14, no. 8. Fer, Hist, des Moll. pl. 80, f. 2,3, * " " pl. 109,f. 1-3. woods Ind, suppl, pl. 7, f 34 Helix alternata, Say. Turt. Manuel, fig. 48, 13 50 Ix) - * 1808 b. (HEL v. 1750 {{ v. 1719 {{ 1782 “ 1785 b. “ 1715 a. “ 1740 d. “ 1742 b. “ 1769 £ 4 1737 a. “ 1828 a. “ 1798 b. “ 1773 b. “ 1741 b. “ 1781 {{ 1733 d. “ 1822 { % 1808 {{ 1808 b. “ v 1759 b. “ 1725c. “ 1779 {4 1775 a. {{ 1726 C. “ 1784 b. “ 1834 “ 1727 c. “ 1778 b. “ 1774 d. “ 1827 {{ vº 1806 b. “ 1744 b. “ 1763 b. “ 1728 c. “ 1812 b. “ 1733 b. “ 1725 tº 1751 d. “ 1748 {{ Schmidtii, Zeigl, Senegalensis, Chemn., Septemvolva, Say, serpentina, Fer., setigera, Zgl., Setosa, ( { sicula, {{ similaris, Fer., sinuata, Mull., sinuosa, Grmel., solitaria, Say, Soluta, Mich., speciosa, Nobis, spinulosa, Turt., splendida, Drap, Squamatina, Q striata, T}rap., strigata, Mull., strigella, Drap., subglobosa, Binney, subrostrata, Fer., sylvatica, Drap., Taitensis, Q tecta, Ziegl, Terverii, Mich., thyroidus, Say, tiarella, Webb, tigrina, Y. Crist., Townsendiana, Lea, Tranquebarica, Q tridentata, Say, trizona, Rossm., trochiformis, Mont., tumulorum, Webb, turritella, Parreyss, umbrosa, Pfeiff, undata, Lowe, undulata, Fer., unguicula, {{ ungulina, Linn., Carniole. East Indies. Florida. Italy. Sicily. Dalmatia. Sicily. Brazil. Antilles. - {{ Ohio. Oran, Africa. East Indies. England. France. - Q France. Switzerland. France. Massachusetts. Greece. France. Madagascar. Moravia. Toulon. New-York. Teneriffe. Italy. Columbia River. India. New-York. Walachia. England. Teneriffe. Croatia. Austria. Madeira. Antilles. East Indies. Java. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 78, f.i. pl. 51, f. 6. pl. 40, f. 7. 46 gº & & 6 : {{ ( 4 Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 54, f. 3. Chemn. 9, t. 126, f. 1110, 1112. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2d., p. 157. Philippi. Moll. Sicil. tab. 8, f. 15.3 Figured—plate 3, f. 9. -- Helix aculeata, Mull. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 40, f. 1-6. Mich. Comp. Drap.pl. 14, f 33.34. Fer. Hist, des. Moll, pl. 67, f. 6,7. Drap. Moll, pl. 7, f. 42. Bost. Journ. N. H. pl. 17. . Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl.30, f, 4–9. Helix vesicalis, Lam. - Helix limbata, Drap, 7 Mich.Comp. Drap. pl. 14, f. 20–22. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 49A. f. 4. Trans. Am. P. s. v. 6, pl. 23, f.80. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 51, f. 3. Helix fulva, Mull. Wood's Index, pl. 8, f. 62. Fer. Hist.des Moll. pl. 16, f, 3–6. pl. 76, f. 3, 4. pl. 77, f. 2, 3. £ & { { & 4 & & ( & & C & & ſ & 51 1751 (HELIx) 1748 d. “ 1774 b. “ 1784 ! { … 1729 (% 1731 {{ 1765 (4 1720 {{ 1749 b. “ … 1730 b. “ , 1776 a. “ . . . . 1773 « 1742 d. “ 1793 b. “ 1731 d. “ 1796 b. “ I814 b. “ 1756 {{ 1767 .4% 1836 C.A.RocoLLA i852 { % 1837 { % 1838 “ 1853 {{ 1842. {{ 1841 {{ 1839 4% 1851 “ 1840 “ 1847 {{ 1845 4: 1846 {{ 1848 {{ 1848 a. “ 1843 b. “ 1843 a... “ $ºr’ 1858 Asostoma 1863 a. HELICINA unidentata, Drap., ( . Chemn., VancouverensisLea, variabilis, Drap., vermiculata, Mull., versicolor, Born, verticillus, Fer., vesicalis, Lam., villosa, Drap., virgata, Wood, viridis, Desh., vittata, Muller, Wardiana, Lea, Webbiana, Lowe, Xartartii, Farin., Zafarina, Webb, Zaleta, Say, Zonaria, Linn., Zonata, Mull., acutissima, Lam., albella, {{ albilabris, (4 angistoma, Fer., Carmelita, {4 elegans, Gualteriana, Lam., inflata, {{ labyrinthus, Chemn., lapicida, Lam., lucerna, Mull., lychnuchus, Lam., Madagascarien- “ marginata, [sis, “ planata, {{ plicata, Born, pyrostoma, Fer., spinosa, Lea, depressa, Lam., aureola, Fer., Austria. Guyana. Columbia River. France. Toulon. Antilles. Austria. Madagascar. Switzerland. Devon. England. Madagascar. Ceylon. Ohio. Madeira. Pyrenees. Oran, Africa. Ohio. East Indies. Austria. West Indies. France. St. Thomas. West Indies. France. Spain. Porto Rico. South America. Europe. St. Domingo. Jamaica. Madagascar. St. Croix. Sicily. Panama. India. Alabama. South America. Jamaica. Helix monodon, Fer. Fer. Hist.des Moll. pl. 104, f. 8, 9. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 23, f. 72. Drap. Moll. pl. 5, f. 11, 12. Fer. Hist, des Moll.pl. 39A, f. 5, 6. pl. 17, f. 1-3. pl. 80, f. 8, 9. “ pl. 10, f. 3, a.bc. Drap. Moll. pl. 7. f. 18, 19. Helix variabilis, Drap. Chemn. t. 9, pl. 122, f. 1055–6. “ t. 9, pl. 133, f. 1190–2. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 23, f.82. Low. Prim. Faun. Mad. pl. 5, f.10. Helix arbustorum, Drap., 3 { { * { & 4 § { & t & 4 ( & 4 & & & ( 6. & & Bost. Journ. N. H. vol. 1, pl. 20. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 71 et 72. Helix planospira, Lam. Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 57, f. 3. Drap. Moll, pl. 6, f. 25–27. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 59. & 4 & “ pl. 60, f. 1. pl. 32, f. 4. Drap. Moll. pl. 5, f. 1, 2. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 62, f. 1. Chemn. 9, t. 126, f. 1100, 1101. Fer. Hist.des Moll. pl. 54B, f. 2–5. & C & 4 “ pl. 66,4 f. 6. Chemn. t. 9, pl. 126, f. 1108–9. & 4 ( & ( & Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 56A, f. 2–8. & 6 & & & £ pl. 25, f. 5, 6. “ pl.63,f.3–6,9,10. pl. 30, f. 2. pl. 54B, f. 1. pl. 13, f. 3, 4. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 4, pl. 15, f. 35. & 4 4 & ($ 4 & 4 & «s & 4 & & & 4 Fer, Hist, des Moll. pl. 53, f, 3–5. 1861 a. (HELICINA) 1862 b. 1864 T860 b. 1866 1860 1864 a. 1861 b. 1860 a. 1870 a. 1888 1885 a. 1881 1891 a. 1893 a. 1887 a. 1895 a. 1896 1889 a. 1891 1871 b. 1868 a. v- 1884 a. 1873 a. 1890 a. 1890 1886 1888 a. 1880 1889 1880 c. 1894 a. 1892 a. 1896 a. 1869 a. / 1880 b. 1868 b. 1869 b. 1869 1893 {{ Brownii, costata, fasciata, lutea, orbiculata, picta, pulcherrima, Sloanii, Substriata, armifera, avera, chrysalis, cinerea, clausilioides, corticaria, cylindrica, cylindrus, dentata, doliolum, dolium, Dupotetii, edentula, elation, exigua, Farenesii, fragilis, frumentum, gastrodes, Germanica, granum, Goodallii, hordeum, inflata, Kokeilii, marginata, megacheilos, Michaudii, microstoma, mumia, muscorum, Lea, Gray, Lam., Say, Lea, Gray, Say, Drap., Fer., Drap., Boub., Say, Mich., Desh., Drap., {{ Terver, Drap., Spix, Say, Desm., Drap., { { Ziegl, Lam., T}rap., Fer., Stud., Wagn., Rossm., Drap., Crist., Terver, Andr., Lam., { % Porto Rico. Ohio. Mexico. Java. India. Ohio. France. Cuba. France. Pyrenees. Ohio. Pyrenees. Jamaica. Jura. France. {{ 4. Brazil. Ohio. Pyrenees. France. Trieste. Italy. Germany. France. England. Austria. Brazil. Styria. France. Italy. Bougie. Galicia. Antilles. France. Zool. Journ. pl. 6, f. 6. & 4 “ pl. 6, f. 3, Say's Amer. Conch, pl. 46. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19, f. 57. Zool. Journ, pl. 6, f. 4. Journ, A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 162. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 47, 48. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 153, f. 1–4. Drap. Moll, pl. 3, f. 53, 54. Mich.Desc.de Coq. bull. de Bord. Chemn. xi. t. 209, f. 2061–2. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 41, 42. “ “ pl. 3, f. 43. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 28–9. Spix. Test. Braz. pl. 15, f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 375. Drap. Moll, pl. 4, f. 4. “ “ pl. 3, f. 51, 52. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 44. “ “ pl. 3, f. 45, 46. Mich. Comp. Drap. pl. 15, f. 39,40. Spix. Test. Braz. pl. 14, f. 4. Pupa muscorum, Lam. Blain. Malac. pl. 38, f. 5. Drap. pl. 3, f. 36-8, 53 1870 b. (PUPA) 1874 a. 1867 a. 1875 a. 1884 1879 a. 1881 a. 1883 1867 b. 1887 1878 a. 1886 a. 1869 1882 2, 1873 1869 b. 1892 1868 1885 1880 a. 1875 1904a. Clausilia 1909 d. 1898 C. 1909 a. 1899 a. 1907 b. 1904 d. 1906 a. 1908 b. 1899 C. 1905 1909 a. 1902 b. 1903 b. 1909 1901 C. 1900 a. 1907 a. 1905 a. ({ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ (£ (4. {{ & 4 {{ & C {{ &C {{ {{ {{ {{ ({ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ ({ 4. (6 nana, Mich., Ovata, Say, pagodus, Fer., pentodon, Say, polyodon, Drap., pygmaea, {{ Pyrenoearia, Mich., quadridens, Drap., 5-dentata, Rossm., secale, Drap., sexdentata, Wagn., striata, (4 sulcata, Lam., tridens, Drap., tridentalis, Mich., Tournefortiana Fer., umbilicata, Drap., uVa, Lam., variabilis, Drap., vertigo, ( & Zebra, Lam., albo-guttulata, Wagn., antiperversa, Fer., Bergerii, Braun, bicanaliculata, Fer., bidens, Drap., blanda, Ziegl, Braunii, Charp., caºrulea, Fer., Catarvensis, Ziegl, Cerata, Rossm., collaris, Fer., costulata, Lam., crenata, Menke, cretensis, Meg., Dalmatina, Partsch, densestriata, Rossm., dubia, Drap., exarata, Ziegl, exesa, Spix, Lyons. Ohio. Isle of France. Ohio. France. Bordeaux. Pyrenees. France. Dalmatia. Austria. Brazil. Para. East Indies. France. Lyons. Levant. Kent, G. B. West Indies. France. Auvergne. Levant. Dalmatia. Martinique. Tyrol. Porto Rico. France. Dalmatia. Q Greece. Dalmatia. Moravia. Barbadoes. Porto Rico. Italy. Smyrna. Naples. Tyrol. France. Dalmatia. Brazil. Mich. Comp. Drap. pl. 15, f. 24–5. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 375. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 376. Wagn.Sup.Chemn.pl.235, f4117. pl.235, f4125. Mich. Comp. Drap, pl. 15, f. 37,38' Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 3. Pupa cinerea, Drap. ; Wagn.Sup.Chemn. pl.255,f.4119. Spix. Test. Bras. tab. 14, f. 3. tab. 14, ſ. 2. Chemn. 9, t. 135, f. 1231, 1232. Wagn.Sup.Chemn. pl.235, f4113. Mich.Comp.Drap.pl. 15,f.28 et 30. Blain. Malac. pl. 38, f. 6. Turton's Manuel, f. 78, [4123. Wagn. Sup.Chemm.pl.235, ſ.4122, - pl.235, f4120. “. . pl.235,f.4126. Bowd. Elem. of Conch. pl. 12, f.8. 4 6 ( & & & & & & 6 & £ 6& ( & 4 & & & {{ Wagn.Sup.Chemn. pl.236,f.4146. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 163, f. 5,6. Clausilia tridens, Chemn. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 5–7. Rosm. Icon. t. 2, pl. 7, f. 99. “ “ t. 2, pl. 7, f. 100. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 163, f. 7. Clausilia Tridens, Chemn: Helix crenata, Fer. Rossm. Icon. t. 2, pl. 7, f. 98. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 10. Rossm. Icon. pl. 7, f. 108. Spix. Moll. B. pl. 14, f. 1. 14 54 1903 c. (CLAUSILIA) fallax, 1902 C. 1904 c. 1901 e. 1905 G. 1907 d. A 1906 c. , 1907 C. 1905 d. 1900 d. 1899 b. 1899 e. 1900 c. 1900 b. 1909 b. 1908 d. 1901 b. , 1906 1908 c. 1898 a. 1901 a. 1907 1905 b. 1898 e. 1898 b. 1909 C. 1903 d. 1908 1897 d. 1902 a. 1898 d. 1906 d. 1899 d. 1900 d. 1909 a. 1901 d. 1906 b. 1897 a. 1904 b. 1903 a. firmbriata, formosa, Gargantua, gastrolepta, granatina, grossa, irregularis, lavissima, lamellosa, Macarana, Menkiana, minima, obscura, obtusa, Ornata, pachygaster, papillaris, Parreysii, parvula, plicata, plicatula, punctata, punctatissima, pupoidea, reflexa, Ragussensis, rugosa, Semirugata, solida, stigmatica, strigilata, sublevis, Sulcosa, tridens, ungulata, varians, ventricosa, virgata, zebriola, Ziegl, Mühl., Ziegl, Fer., Ziegl, q Ziegl, {{ . {{ Rossm., Ziegl., Q Pfeif., Q Pfeif., Ziegl, Partsch, Drap., Q Stud., Drap.; {{ Mich., Q Spix, Q Meg., T}rap., Ziegl, Drap., Ziegl, Mühlf., Q Rossm., Chemn., Ziegl, {4 Drap., Crist., Fer, Moravia. Croatia. Dalmatia. Brazil. Dalmatia. Q Illyria. Italy. Dalmatia. {{ {{ Hessie. England. Germany. Q Dalmatia. France. Q Germany. France. { % Brazil. Q Dalmatia. France. g Lyons. Q Italy. q Dalmatia. Porto Rico. Q Styria. Germany. Italy. Morea. Rossm. Icon. pl. 7, f. 111. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 163, f. 2. Rossm. Icon. pl. 7, f. 112. “ “ pl. 7, f. 101. Wagn.Sup.Chemn.pl.236,f,4143. Rossm. Icon. t. 2, pl. 7, f. 97. Clausilia dubia, Drap. Rossm. Icon. pl. 7, f. 103. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 13. Clausilia minima, Pfeif. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 17, 18. Mich. Comp. Drap. pl. 15, f. 23. Pupa inflata, Wagn. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 19, 20. Drap. Moll, pl. 4, f. 8, 9. Rossm. Icon. pl. 7, f. 110. Clausilia lamellosa, Wagn. Chemn. 9, t. 112, f. 957. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 14. 55 1939 1945 a. 1940 C. 1910 C. 1928 b. 1927 C. 1925 C. 1949 a. 1944 b. 1923 a. 1912 C. 1925 a. 1925 1930 C. * 1935 1934 e. 1927 a. 1929 c. 1917 1916 C. 1917 C. 1918 c. 1926 a. 1924 c. 1926 1937 b. 1914 b, 1929 b. 1949 1910 b. 1927 b. 1919 C. 1912 I943 c. 1946 1919 a. 1946 b. 1918 a. 1947 b. BULIMUs 1897 b. (CLAUSILIA) Ziegleriana, Q France. Peru. Huasco, Chili. Copiapo, “ {{ t{ South America. Brod., Sowb., Brazil. Q acutus, Brug., affinis, Brod., albicans, {{ {{ Wà.T. {{ albus, Sowb., auris-muris, Moric., bilabiatus, bilineatus, Sowb., brevis, Q Broderipii, Sowb., { % Val’. {{ cactivorus, Brod., calcareus, Brug., capueira, Spix, Caribaeorum, Lam., chersonesicus, Sowb., Chilensis, {{ citrino-vitreus, Moric., citrinus, Brug., “ var. a. {{ “ var. b. {{ corneus, Desh., coturnix, Sowb., Coxeiranus, Moric, decollatus, Brug., decorata, Fer., derelictus, Brod., discrepans, Sowb., Dufresnii, Leach, erosus, Brod., erythrostoma, Sowb., fraterculus, Fer., gallina-Sultana, Lam., glaber, Desh., goniostoma, Fer., granulosus, Brod., { % Va.T. ( & Gravesii, King, “ var. a. 4t Columbia. England. Chili. Peru. W. Columbia. East Indies. Brazil. St. Croix. Dalmatia. Coquimbo. Bahia. Cayenne. {{ {{ Morea. Chili. Brazil. France. India. South America. St. Salvador. New Holland. Peru. Chili. Guadaloupe. Cayenne. St. Domingo. Rio Janeiro. Walparaiso. Conception. Peru. Conception. Drap. Moll, pl. 4, f. 29, 30. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 30. “ f. 22. f. 22. f. 51. $ $ € $ {{ { { & £ ( & ( & {4 Zool. Jour. t. 5, pl. Sup. 40, f. 1,2. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 29. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 1, 1.4 & ( " ( & ‘‘ f. 1,++ f. 2.4 Fer. Hist.des Moll, pl. 140, f 9,10. Spix, Moll. Braz. pl. 13, f. 4. Fer:Històes Moll.pl.142B, f.1-7. & 4 4 & &&. Bulimus rosaceus, King. - Moric. Mém, de G. t. 7, pl.2,f.19. Chemn. 9, t. 110, f. 928-931. “ 9, t. 134, f. 1210–1212. Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 148. Desh. Exp.de Mor.Z.pl. 19,f. 11,12. Sowb. Conch. Illus, f. 3, [7–11. Moric. Mém. de Gen. t. 7, pl. 2, f. Fer, Hist, des Moll, pl. 140, f. 1-8. “ “ “ “ pl. 112, f. 3, 4. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 38. f. 52. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 113, f. 1–3. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 34. & C ! { ** f. 50. Fer. Prod. p. 58, no. 395. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 10. Encycl. pl. 460, f. 4, a. b. - Maw. Voyau Bré.pl. de Coq.f.3. Bulimus Chilensis, Lesson. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 7. Y.” Bulimus Peruvianus, Brug. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 12.* $4 & C {& 56 1948 b. (BULIMUs) 1931 {{ 1911 % 1942 c. 4t 1936 b. “ 1922 b. “ 1911 b. “ 1936 c. “ 1924 .4% 1947 tº 1945 { % 1914 C. “ 1929 a. “ 1930 b. “ 1911 a. “ 1943 44 1928 C. “ 1911 c. “ 1932 c. “ 1921 C. “ 1933 c. “ 1938 a. {{ 1941 44 1943 b. “ 1933 tº 1935 a. “ 1914 a. “ 1924 a. “ 1913 b. “ 1936 b. “ 1936 {{ 1910 {{ 1943 a. “ 1911 a. “ 1913 C. “ 1921 a. “ 1941. C. “ 1922 {{ 1942 b. “ 1944 c. “ Gravesii, var. b. King, Guadalupensis, Brug., hamastomus, Scop., heterotrichus, Moric., hordeaceus, Brug., Jacobi, Sowb., Javanicus, « Jeannotii, Terver, Kambeul, Brug., . Kingii, Fer., lavus, Brug., Laurentii, Sowb., lemniscatus, Desh., leuzonicus, Sowb., Lita, Fer., lubricus, Brug., limnoides, Fer., Lyonetianus, Lam., maritimus, Spix, melanostomus, Swains., melo, Quoy, modestus, Brod., montanus, Drap., multicolor, Rang, multifasciatus, Lam., mutabilis, Brod., mutilatus, Say, nitidus, Brod., Nux, {{ obscurus, Drap., Octonus, Brug., ovatus, “ Panamensis, Brod., papyracea, Scop., {{ Va.T. {{ pudicus, Mull., pentagruelinus, Moric, Peruvianus, Lam., phasianellus, Humb., planidens, Michel, Quilliota. Guadaloupe. Rio Janeiro. Brazil. France. Gallapagoes. Java. .- Bougie. Senegal. New Holland. Amboyna. Isl. St. Lorenzo. Peru. Manilla. Brazil. !" Europe. 5- Ákºs Martinique. East Indies. Brazil. (4 New Holland. Huahco, Peru, Germany. Rio Janeiro. Mexico. Santos, Peru. South Carolina. Peru. Gallapagoes. France. Barbadoes. Brazil. Panama. Brazil. £4. {{ {{ Peru. South America. Brazil. Sowb. Conch.Illus. f. 12.** Chemn.9, t. 134, f. 1224. Leach, Zool. Mis. pl. 29. Moric. Mém.de Gén.t.7, pl.2,f.5,6. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 23. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 45. & £ { { é & f. 35. Catalogue of Mons. Terver. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 141. Chemn. 9, pl. 111, f. 940–949, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1833, p. 37. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 6, 6. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 53. Spix. Moll. du Brésil, pl. 7, f. 3. *** **Chemn. 9, t. 135, f. 1235. Fer. Hist.des Moll.pl. 142, f2–12. Chemn. 5, t. 160, f. 1513, a. b. Spix. Moll. du Brés. pl. 10, f. 1, 2. Swains. Zool. Illust. t. 1, pl. 4. Astrolabe, pl. 9, f. 4. 7. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 19. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 22. Sowb, Conch. Illust. f. 89, Bulimus picturata, Fer. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 15. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 373. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 2. {{ & & ( & f. 37. Bulimus hordeaceus, Drap. Chemn. 9, t. 136, f. 1264. & 4 9, t. 119, f. 1020, 1021. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 25. Bulimus Lita, Fer. Spix. Moll. du Brésil, pl. 7, f. 1. {{ {{ “ pl. 11, f. 2, 3. Moric. Mém. de Gen. t. 6, pl. 1.f.7. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 114, f. 1–4. B. iostoma, Sowb.Zool.J.pl.5,f.1. Mag. de Conch. pl. 25. 57 vº 1920 b. (BULIMUs) 1934 a. “ 1949 b. “ 1950 b. {{ 1926 C. {{ 1937 a. {{ 1912 b. “ 1919 “ 1929 {{ 1929 d. “ 1929 C. { % 1928 a. ** 1947 a. “ 1917 b. “ 1933 a. “ 1915 b. “ 1938 C. “ 1939 C. “ 1933 b. “ 1939 b. “ 1940 b. “ 1932 a. “ 1935 G. “ 1946 a. “ 1914 {{ 1931 b. “ 1919 b. “ 1939 a. “ 1912 a. “ 1940 {{ 1936 a. “ 1920 a. “ 1922 C. “ 1929 a. “ 1912 r. PARTULA 1913 r. “ 1915 r. {{ 1910 r. {{ 1917 r. “ 1911 r. {{ princeps, Brod., Mexico. Proteus, {{ Truxillo. {{ Va.I. al. {{ {{ * Var. b. 44 {{ pseudo-succine-Moric., Bahia. pulchellus, ſus, Brod., Peru. punctulifer, Sowb., Chili. Pythogaster, Fer., Philippine Isles. radiatus, Brug., France. “ var. a. (4 Italy. “ War. b. (4 Germany. rosaceus, King, Valparaíso. rubellus, Brod., Truxillo. rugiferus, Sowb., Gallapagoes. scalariformis, Brod., Peru. Scutulatus, “ £6 sordidus, Less., C & '', sporadicus, D'Orb., Bolivia. striatus, King, Peru. Taunaysii, Fer., Brazil. tigris, Brod., Truxillo. translucens, {{ Panama. tuberculatus, Desh., Sicily. turritus, Brod., Truxillo. undatus, Brug., Mexico. undulatus, Guilding, St. Vincents. ustulatus, Sowb., Gallapagoes. varians, [dus Brod., Truxillo. velutino-hispi- Moric, Brazil. ventricosus, Drap., Montpelier. versicolor, Brod., Peru. vexillum, {{ Panama. vimineus, Moric., Brazil. vittatus, Brod., Peru. auriculata, Brod., Huaheine. australis, Fer., New Holland. gibba, “ Guam. hyalina, Brod., Oheatarda. Otaheitana, Fer., Otaheite. roSea, Brod., Huaheine. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 18. Bulimus sordidus, Less. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 14 a. f. 14 b. Moric. Mém. de Gent. 7, pl.2,f.18. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 17. f. 36. Fer. Hist, des Moll.pl. 110, f. 1–3. & & & 4 & ! & 8 ( & & C “ “ “ “ pl. 142,f.4–6,8. £6 {{ & 4 C & *{ { & 4 - £8 { { &é & 4 & 4 & & Sowb. Conch. Illust. f 5. {& {{ « 'f, 32. & 4 & 8 ** f. 40. 6& ºf “ f. 13. £6 & & ** f. 39. & 6 & & * f. 14 a. + £ & “. f. 78. & 4 “ “ f. 56. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 113, f. 4–6. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 21. -č & & & & & f. 11. Phillippi. Moll. Sicil. pl. 8, f. 21. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 31. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 115. sowb. Conch. Illust.f. 54. f. 42. f. 20, 20.* Moric. Mém. de Gen. t. 7, pl. 2.f4. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f 31, 32. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 16. f 26. Moric. Mém. de Gen. t.6, pl. 1,f.5. & & Ǻ & 4 & & &g £g C & & 4 & 4 Bulimus lemniscatus, Desh. Zool. Proceed. 1832, p. 125. Chemn. 9, t. 121, f. 1041. Astrolabe, pl. 9, f. 18–22. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 9. Chemn. 9, t. 112, f. 950, 951. Zool. Proceed. 1832, p. 125. 5 58 1969 ACHATINA acicula, 1965 tº albolineata, 1961 a. tº Algira, 1960 b. “ amphora, 1956 {{ bicarinata, 1970 {{ columnaris, 1951 a. “ flammea, 1968 {{ folliculus, 1963 {{ glans, 1963 a. “ lamellata, 1965 {{ leucozonias, 1953 a. “ marginata, 1957 {{ Mauritiana, 1957 a. “ Oahuensis, 1965 a. “ Oleacca, v. 1951 {{ perdix, • 1961 a. “ Poireti, 1971 (£ pulchra, 1954 ({ purpurea, 1964 a. “ regina, 1960 C. “ semitarum, v. 1966 a. “ striata, v. 1960 {{ vexillum, 1961 & C Virginea, v, -——- & 4 … 2.- : * V 1971 b. ACHATINELLA alba, 1970 b. “ decora, 1969 b. “ pallida, 1967 a. “ rosea, 1974 b. “ spirizona, 1973 b. “ Stewartii, 1972 b. “ turbinata, v. 1973 SUCCINEA amphibia, 1975 a. “ avara, 1974 a. “ obliqua, 1974 {{ oblonga, 1977 {{ ovalis, 1976 a. “ rubescens, 1986 AURICULA bovina, Lam., {{ Desh., Fer., Lam., {{ Q Mich., I am., Fer., Walch, Swains., Lam., Green, Fer., Lam., Fer., Linn., Lam., Fer., Cº. Desh., Lam., {{ Nuttall, Fer., Nuttall, Swains., Fer., Nuttall, & 4 Lam., Say, & 4 Drap., Say, Desh., Brug., France. Martinique. Sicily. Sierra Leone. Africa. Guinea. Q Spain. West Indies. Bahia. Martinique. Africa. Mauritius. Wahoo. Cuba. Africa. Spain. Africa. ( & Bahia. Martinique. Florida. West Indies. Florida. “. . . . . . . . . 2 ºf 3. Wahoo. {{ 6% Sandwich Isles. Wahoo. * { { % France. Ohio. {{ Auvergne. Ohio. Antilles. Brazil. Drap. Moll. pl. 4, f. 25, 26. , Achatina leucozonias, Walch. Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 136, f. 1-5. Fer. Prod. p. 54, no. 352. Fer. Hist. des Moll, pl. 128. Perry's Conch. pl. 51, f. 6, 7. Mich. Comp. Drap. pl. 15, f44,45. Chemn.9, t. 117, f. 1009, 1010. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Swains. Zool. Illus. pl. 30. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 124A, f. 1. Mag. de Conch.pl. 3, f. 1, 2. Fer. H.des Mol.pl.131,131A,131B. Achatina Algira, Desh. - Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 36. Fer. Hist, des Moll.pl.136, f.6–10. pl. 121. pl. 120. ( ſ. ( ſ. £6 {{ & t & 6 (6 & & Fer. Hist, des Moll, pl. 155, f. 5–7. Swains, Zool.Ill.2d ser. pl.123,f.1. Fer. Prod. no. 433. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 11, f.4–10. Fer. Hist, des Moll. pl. 11, f. 1–3. pl. 11A, f. 1. Mag. de Conch, pl. 4, f. 1, 2. & 6 {{ £ 6 & & Fer. Hist. des Moll. pl. 159. 59 1991 (AURICULA) coniformis, Cornea, denticulata, Dombeiana, felis, Firmini, fuscagula, glabra, Judae, leporis, lineata, lutea, Malchi, Midae, minima, monile, myosotis, myotis, nitens, Ornata, personata, plicata, scarabaeus, Sileni, subula, bidentatus, borealis, 2010 a. CycLoSTOMA auritum, 1983 a. “ 1997 { { 1990 (£ 1984 {{ 1981 a. “ 1979 {{ 1995 & 4 1981 C & 1983 {{ 1979 a. “ 1980 b. “ 1996 {{ 1980 {{ 1989 {{ 1993 (£ 1988 & ! 1999 {{ 1992 {{ 1980 a. “ 1998 {{ 1982 a. “ 1985. {{ 1982 {{ 1980 C. {{ 1990 r. MELAMPUS 1991 r. { % 2031 {{ 2007 a. “ 2016 a. “ 2034 (4 2025 {{ 2016 {{ 2012 {{ 2017 a. “ 2012 a. “ 2020 a. {{ 2021 {{ bistriatus, Blanchetiana, consocium, Cumingii, elegans, ferruginea, flavula, Indica, Jamaicensis, lapidaria, lincinella, Lam., Desh., Mont., Lam., {{ Payr., Lea, Linn., Lam., {{ Drap., Quoy, Muller, Lam., Drap., Lam., Drap., Nuttall, Lam., Fer., Mich., Desh., Lam., {{ Quoy, Say, Conrad, Ziegl., g Moric., Q Sowb., Drap., Lam., { { Desh., Chemn., Say, Lam., Barbadoes. New-York. Devon. England. Peru. East Indies. Mediterranean. Brazil. Tortola. East Indies. Brazil. Jura. Taheite. Brazil. Moluccas. France. West Indies. Boulogne. Wahoo. West Indies. Boulogne. Pondicherry. Sumatra. St. Domingo. New Holland. New-York. Rhode Island. Dalmatia. England. Brazil. g Isle of Tumaco. France. Algiers. Porto Rico. Bombay. Jamaica. Ohio. France. Blain. Malac. pl. 37 bis. f. 4. Desh. Encycl. t. 2, p. 90, no. 9. Walker, Test. Min. f. 50. - Encycl. pl. 459, f. 7, A. B. “ pl. 460, f. 5, a. b. Payr. Cat. pl. 5, f. 10. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19, f.76. Bulimus glaber, Desh. Blain. Malac. pl. 38, f. 1. Spix. Test. Bras, tab. 13, f. 1, 2. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 20, 21. Astrolabe, pl. 13, f. 25–27. Chemn. t. 9, pl. 121, f. 1037–8. Favan. Conch. p. 65, f H2. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 18, 19. List. Conch. pl. 834, f. 60, 61. Blain. Malac. pl. 37 bis. f. 6. Martini. 2, t. 43, f. 446. Mich.Comp. A Drap.pl. 15, f42,43. Chemn. 9, t. 136, f. 1251-2. Burrow’s Elem. pl. 20, f. 1. List. Conch. t. 1058, f. 9. Astrolabe, pl. 13, f. 39, 40. Auricula cornea, Desh., , Moric. M. de G. t. 7, pl. 2,f:21–23. Proceed. Zool. Soc. vol.2, p. 32. Drap. Moll, pl. 1, f. 5 et 7. Mich-Coq d'Alger, p.11,no.2.fx3. Encycl. pl. 461, f. 6, a. b. Variety of C. volvulus. ! Chemn. xi. pl. 209, f. 2057-2058. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 1, p. 13. Encycl. pl. 461, f. 2, a. b. 60 2030 (Cyclosroma) maculatum, y^ 2032 tº 2006 a. 2026 2000 2013 a. 2011 a. 2008 a. 2003 2033 2027 2004 2001 2009 a. 2037 a. PLANORBIs 2040 a. *** 2047 a. 2035 b. wº- 2040 b. ... 2037 2042 a. 2043 a. 2043 * 2036 2035 W. 2038 b. 2036 a. 2046 a. *** 2039 d. 2036 b. 2041 a. 2044 2046 2044 a. 2045 a. 2035 a. {{ {{ {{ {& Drap., Lyons. marginata, Say, Ohio. obscurum, Drap., Pyrenees. patulum, & 4 France. planorbula, Lam., Senegal. 2 Popayana, Lea, New Granada. protracturm, Ziegler, Styria. punctulatum, Fer., Cuba. sulcatum, Drap., France. translucidum, 2 South America. truncatulum, Drap., France. unicarinata, Lam., {{ volvulus, {{ Calcutta. Wolziana, Mich., Algiers. L. Y. M. N. AE A N A . albus, Mull., France. armigerus, Say, New-York. bicarinatus, {{ “ Braziliana, '? Brazil. campanulatus, Say, New-York. carinatus, Mull., France. complanatus, Linn., England. compressus, Mich., France. contortus, Mull., « corneus, Lam., « cornu-arietis, “. Manilla. cornu-amonis, Fritz, Austria. cristatus, Drap., France. deflexus, Say, Ohio. exacuosus, & 4 {{ ferrugineus, Spix, Brazil. Guadalupensis, Sowb., Cayenne. hispidus, Drap., France. imbricatus, Mull., {{ intermedia, ? Rome. leucostoma, Millet, France. marginatus, Drap., ( & Drap. Moll, pl. 1, f. 12. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 172. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 13. & © “ pl. 1, f. 9–11. Encycl. pl. 461, f. 3, a. b. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl. 23, f.76. Drap. Moll. pl. 13, f. 1. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 28–31. Encycl. pl. 461, f. 1, a. b. “ pl. 461, f. 5, a. b. Mich. Coq. d’Alger. f. 21–22. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 45–47. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, pl. 164. Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 4. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 166. Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 3. Chemn. 9, pl. 127, f. 1121–1123. Mich. Comp. A Drap.pl. 16, f.6–8. Chemn.9, pl. 127, f. 1126. Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 1. C & {{ 6 & f. 3. Drap. Moll, pl. 2, f. 1, 2, 3. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 165. Spix Test. Bras. pl. 18, f. 1, 2. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Planorbis albus, Muller. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 49–51. Mich. Comp. pl. 16, f. 3, 5. Drap. Moll, pl. 2, f. 11, 12 et 15. 61 2045 (PLANoFBIs) nitidus, 2041 b. “ 2039 { { 2037 b. 4. 2040 {{ 2047 “ 2041 ( { 2061 PHYSA 2060 b, “ 2056 { { 2060 a. “ ~ 2057 {{ 2060 (t 2058 a. “ 2058 {{ … 2067 a. LYMNAEA * 2068 “ 2071 a. “ 2068 a. “ 2076 “ 2062 b. “ 2065 a. {{ • 2063 b. “ 2071 & £ 2072 {{ 2070 b. “ 2073 {{ 2066 b. “ 2069 “ 2064 “ 2070 {{ 2075 (ſ 2067 b. “ 2068 b. 4 & 2063 tº 2069 b. “ 2074 ({ Mull., olivaceus, Wagn., orientalis, - Q parvus, Say, spirorbis, Mull., trivolvis, Say, vortex, Mull., acuta, Drap., aurea, Lea, Castanea, Lam., elliptica, Lea, fontinalis, Drap., gyrina, Say, heterostropha, “. hypnorum, Drap., appressa, Say, auricularia, Drap., catascopium, Say, desiduosa, a elodes, (t fragilis, Pult., fusca, Pfeif, glutinosa, Drap., intermedia, Fer., leucostoma, Lam., megasoma, Say, minuta, Drap., Moravicus, Parrey., OVata, Drap, palustris, {{ peregra, {{ reflexus, Say, rugatus, Ziegl., siculus, Parrey., stagnalis, Lam., strigatus, Parrey., umbrosus, Say, France. Bahia. Lyons. New-York. Lyons. New-York. France. Lyons. Virginia. Garonne. Ohio. France. New-York. {{ France. New-York. France. River Delaware. New-York. {{ Devon. England. Germany. Devon. England. France. Cornwall. France. Moravia. France. 4. (6. New-York. Dalmatia. Sicily. France.º. º.º. Sicily. Ohio. 16 Drap. Moll. pl. 2, f. 20–22. Planorbis ferrugineus, Spix. Drap. Moll. pl. 2, f. 6, 7. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 54, f. 2. Drap. Moll, pl. 2, f. 4, 5. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 10, 11. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6,p).23, f. 106. Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 7. - Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19,f.83. Drap. Moll, pl. 3, f. 8, 9. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 171, £& " £ 4 vol. 2. p. 172. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 12, 13. Journ. Acad. N. S. vol. 2, p. 168. Drap. Moll, pl. 2, f. 28, 29. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 55, f. 2. & & 66 “ pl. 55, f.3. - pl. 31, ſ. 3. Mont. Test. B. pl. 16, f. 7. & & tt {{ Turton's Manuel, ſ. 103. Mich. Comp. A Drap.pl. 16,f.17,18. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 3, 4. Drap. Moll. pl. 3, f. 5–7. Drap. Moll. pl. 2, f. 30, 31. “ “ pl. 2, ſ. 40,42, pl. 2, f. 34–37. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 31, f. 2. tº {{ Sowerby's Genera of Shells, f. 1. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 31, f. 1. 62 M E L A N I A N A. 2086 MELANIA amarula, Lam., Sumatra. Sowerby's Gen. of Shells, f. 1. 2093 b. “ annulifera, Conrad, Alabama. Con. Fresh Wat. Shells, pl. 8, f2. 2093 a. “ armigera, Say, Ohio. Journ. A. N. S. vol., 2, p. 178. 2093 {{ aurita, Mull., Africa. Magas. de Conch. pl. 12. 2090 a. “ canaliculata, Say, Ohio. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 175. 2087 a. “ carinata, Ravenel, Yadkin River, N.C. - 2094 a. {{ catenaria, Say, South Carolina. Journ. A. N. s. vol. 2, p. 379. 2092 b. “ comma, Conrad, Alabama. Con. Fresh Wat. Shells, pl.8, f.7. 2094 b. 4. congesta, (4. {{. Silliºn. Journ, vol. 25, p. 343. 2081 {{ corru gata, Lam., East Indies. Lam. Anim. Sans. Vertb. no. 5. 2085 {{ decollata, {{ Guyana. & 4 & 6 &g “ no. 9. 2078 a. { %. depygis, Say, Ohio. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 8, f. 4. 5. 2080 d. “ fasciolata, Oliv., Isle of France. Caill. Voy. A Méroë, pl. 60, f. 8. 2082 C. “ Hollandrii, Fer., Carniole. 2090 b. “ Hydeii, Conrad, Alabama. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 8, f. 1. 2086 b. “ isogonia, Say, Ohio. 2079 a. “ lavissima, Sowb., New Spain. Zool. Journ. t. 1, pl. 5, f. 5. 2080 a. 4. laqueata, Say, Tennessee. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 47, f. 1. 2089 b. “ lima, Conrad, Alabama. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 8, f. 8. 2080 b. “ lineata, Say, Ohio. º - - # 2096 {{ multilineata, { { Virginia. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 47, f. 3. 2082 a. “ mutilata, “ South Carolina. - 2088 b. “ nassula, Conrad, Alabama. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 8, f. 9. 2077 a. {{ nupera, Say, Wabash River. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 8, f. 1, 2. 2081 b. “ obovata, {{ Ohio. - 2077 C. “ olivata, Conrad, Alabama. Sillim. Journ. vol. 25, pl. 1, f. 13. 2095 b. 4 prasinata, {{ {{ & 4 “ “ “ pl. 1, f. I4. 2091 b. “ salebrosa, {{ Tennessee. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 4, f 5. 2078 C. “ Sayii, Wood, Scioto River. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 4, f. 24. 2097 {{ semi-carinata, Say, Ohio. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 47, f. 4. 2088 a. “ Setosa, Swains., East Indies. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 7, f. 6-8 2088 {{ spinulosa, Lam., Timor. Astrolabe, pl. 56, f. 12-14. 2079 b. “ subglobosa, Say, Ohio. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 5, p. 12s. 2085 b, “ trilineata, {{ { % 2083 C. “ Troostiana, Lea, Tennessee. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 6, pl.23,f. 86. 2078 « truncata, Lam., Guyana. Encycl. pl. 458, ſ. 3, a. b. 2086 a. “ tuberculata, Lea, Tennessee. Trans. Am. P. S. v.4, pl. 15,f.31. -3 --* * 3. .* \,” * * *t ºf £4. 63 2094 (MELANIA) 2081 c. “ 2082 b. “ 2095 § { 2080 d. “ 2096 q. EULIMA 2097 b. RIssoA 2097 g. “ 2097 p. “ 2097 a. {{ 2097 d. “ 2097 e. {{ 2097 l. {{ 2097 k. “ 2097 O. “ 2097 f. (t 2097 Im. “ 2097 h. “ 2097 n. “ 2097 q. “ 2097 c. “ 2080 q. ANCULOTUS 2081 q. “ - 2082 q. “ 2078 q. “ 2077 q. “ 2079 q. “ 2095 a. Io 2096 a. “ 2099 a. MELANOPSIs 2102 {{ 2100 b. “ 2098 {{ 2101 {{ 2106 PIRENA 2107 {{ 2108. { % 2105. {{ 2104 & 4 tuberculosa, undulata, varicosa, Virginica, virgulata, major, acuta, Bruguierei, cancellata, Chesnelii, cingilus, costata, crenulata, exigua, Gougeti, lactea, minutissima, Montagui, oblonga, scalaris, ventricosa, angulatus, dentatus, nigrescens, pictus, praerosus, taeniatus, fusiformis, Spinosa, Braziliensis, buccinoidea, cornea, costata, Dufourei, aurita, granulosa, Owenii, Spinosa, terebralis, Payr., Desm., Mich., Desm., Conrad, Couth., Conrad, 4. Say, Conrad, Lea, ( & Moric., Fer., Africa. Ohio. { % s (t St. Elena. Mediterranean. {{ European Ocean. Indian {{ Sicily. Mediterranean. Corsica. Senegal. Mediterranean. {{ “ {{ § { £( Alabama. River Potomac. {{ Alabama. Ohio River. Alabama. Tennessee. {{ Brazil. East Indies. Austria. Syria. Mediterranean. Africa. § { £& Madagascar. Amboyna. Magas, de Conch. pl. 13. Ward’s Letter. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 47, f. 2. Astrolabe, pl. 56, f. 1-4. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 1. Desm. Bull. des Sc. pl. 1, f. 4. Payr. Cat. pl. 5, f. 17, 18. Da Costa Brit. Conch, pl. 8, f.6,9. Mich. Desc. du Genre Ris. f.23,24. “ f19,20. & 4 £ & & & Desm.B.desse.delasoo. P.pl.i.f.i. Mich. Desc, du Gen. Rissoa,f.1,2. f:29,30. f. 7, 8. f.11,12. * f.27.28. Payr. Cat. pl. 5, f. 13, 14. Desm. B. des Sc. de la Soc. P. f.3, Mich, Desc. du Gen. Riss, f. 31,32. Desm.B. des Sc. de la S.P.pl. 1,f.2. §§ & f ( & $4. & { { * { & 8 ( ; { { {{ § { Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 8, f. 15. Conr. Fresh W. Shells, pl. 8, f.17. & & - § { & & & 4 p. 62. pl. 8, f. 13. p. 63. tº {{ 4t { { & C 4 & {{ {{ Trans. Am. P. S. v.4, pl. 15, f.37. “ v. 5, pl. 19, f. 79. £ & { { Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Sowb. Gen. of shells, f. 3. Chemn. xi. pl. 210, f. 2080, 2081. Melania aurita, Muller. Lam. Anim. Sans, Vert, Il O. 4. Encycl. pl. 458, f. 2. a. b. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. 64 2111 2112 21.11 a. 2112 a. 2124 b, PALUDINA 2115 2115 b. 2118 a. 2113 b. 2122 b. 2115 c. 2117 b. 2114 a. 2116 c. 2124 2120 a. 2123 C. 2117 c. 2121 b. 2116 b. 2124 a. 2118 2120 c. 2120 b. 2119 a. 2113 c. 2118 c. 2118 b. 2119 2119 b. 2121 2114 c. 2119 c. 2114 b. 2113 a. 2117 WALv ATA ... ( ſ. ( & {{ {{ & 4 ( & {{ P E R IS TO M I A N A. piscinalis, planorbis, spirorbis, tricarinata, abbreviata, achatina, acuta, altalis, anatina, bicarinata, Boissieri, bulimoidea, costata, cylindrica, decisa, dissimilis, elongata, erosa, Ferrussina, gibba, grana, impura, integra, limosa, magnifica, marginata, miliaris, multicarinata, muriatica, naticoides, ponderosa, porata, pyramidalis, similis, Subcarinata, unicolor, Fer., Drap., ( & Say, Mich., Lam., Desh., Ravenel, Desh., Desm., Charp., Mich., Q Parrey., Say, {{ Swains., Ziegl, Desm., Mich., Say, Lam., Say, {{ Conrad, Mich., Parrey., Caill., Lam., Fer., Say, (t Crist., Mich., Say, Lam., France. {{ Switzerland. New-York. Jura. Rochelle. Montpelier. Santee Canal. France. {{ Rome. Lyons. India. Hungary. Ohio. {{ Moravia. France. {{ Ohio. France. Ohio. {{ Georgia. France. Croatia. Syria. France. Germany. Ohio. {{ Italy. Montpelier. Ohio. Egypt. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 34, 35. & 4 “ pl. 1, f. 32, 33. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Mich. Comp, a Drap. pl. 15,f.52,53. Encycl. pl. 458, f. 1, a, b. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 23. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, ſ. 24, 25. Mich. Comp. A Drap. pl. 15, f48,49. Mich.com.p.A Drap.pl.16.f54.55. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 10, f. 1. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 98. Mich. Comp. aPrap.pl. 15,f.56,57. Drap. Moll. pl. 13, f. 4–6. Journ. A. Nat. Sc. vol. 2, p. 378. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 19. Journ. A. N. Sc. vol. 2, p. 174. & 4 “ “ vol. 1, p. 125. Conrad's F. W. Shells, pl. 8, f. 4. Mich.Comp, a Drap.pl. 15,f.58,59. Caill. Voy. A Méroé, pl. 60, f. 6. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 24, 25. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 30, f. 1. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 174. Paludina achatina, Lam. Mich. Comp. A Drap. p. 93, no. 1. Caill, Voy.ā Méroë, t. 2, pl. 60, f.7. 65 2120 (PALUDINA) 2133 AMPULLARIA 2114 ({ 2132 & 4 2127 a. “ 2125 b. “ 2135 a. {{ 2139 ( & 2129 {{ vº 2127 {{ 2135 {{ 2136 a. {{ 3.133 a. “ 2130 {{ 2125 « vº 2138 “ 2134 a. “ 2138 a. “ 2134 a. “ 2126 b. “ 2130 a. “ 2126 & 4 2030 a. “ 2129 a. “ 2131 { { 2137 a. “ 2144 CHILINA 2145 {{ 2146 {{ f ,' - & :3' * + …/4 & c. 7 º' As ºf yº / 2140 Navicºla 2143 {{ 2142 { % 2164 a. NERITINA 2160 {{ 2158 {{ viridis, vivipara, avellana, carinata, Columbensis, corrugata, Crassa, Cumingii, effusa, fasciata, fragilis, gigas, globosa, Guinaica, Guyanensis, Hopetonensis, insularum, lineata, ochracea, olivacea, ovata, rugosa, Scalaris, Sloanii, virens, ZOnata, Dombeyana, fluviatilis, major, ..' - * * ... . . . . ** A. e.g. * * * * * , elliptica, lineata, tessellata, atra, auriculata, brevispina, Swains., {{ Sowb., Lam., {{ £4 Spix, Swains., Lam., {{ Lea, D'Orb., Wagn., Nobis, Brug., Oliv., Lam., D'Orb., Q Lam., Wagn., Sowb., Gray, Sowb., N E R IT A C E A. . •y & 2 : * , º “. Lam., {{ {{ Nuttall, Lam., {{ Auvergne. France. New Zealand. Egypt. South America. India. Bahia. South America. Guadaloupe. West Indies. Australia. River Amazon. East Indies. Guinea. Cayenne. Georgia. Arg. Republic. Brazil. Spanish Maine. Guinea. Egypt. West Indies. Mexico. Cayenne. China. Brazil. South America. {{ {{ & {{ '' -- .* # -? - Aft 24." -**.*. & "A #24 ºff Isle of France. India. Calcutta. Sandwich Isles. New Holland. Timor. Drap. Moll. pl. 1, f. 26, 27. Say’s Am. Conch. pl. 10, mid. fig. Astrolabe, pl. 15, f. 1-9. Caill. Voy. A Méroë,t.2, pl. 60, f.9. Swains. Zool. Ill. t. 3, pl. 120. & & “ “ t. 3, pl. 136. Swains. Zool. III. t. 3, pl. 157. .../ Chemn.9, t. 128, f. 1133-1135. * * * Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 5. Spix. Test. Bras. pl. 1, f. 1. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 119. Chemn. I0, pl. 173, f. 1684–5. List. Conch. t. 128, f. 28. Trans. Am. P. S. v. 5, pl. 19, f. 84. Spix. Test. Bras, pl. 4,f.4,pl.5,ſ.2. Figured—pl. 3, fig. 8. Encycl. pl. 457, f. 1, A. B. Caill. Voy. A Mér. t. 2, pl. 60, f.10. Chemn. 9, t. 128, f 1136. Figured—pl. 3, fig. 7. Lam. Anim. sans. vertb. no. 7. Spix. Test. Bras. pl. 2, f. 1, 2. Sowb. Conch. Illus. f. 1 1. & & {{ “ f. 10. {}, . Aº. 2; re ," ,, …< * , ºf 32, ". .33/ Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1–3. Encycl. pl. 456, f. 2, a. b. “ pl. 456, f. 3, a. b. Encycl. pl. 455, f. 6, a b. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 8. 17 66 2163 a. (NERITINA) caffra, Gray, Sandwich Isles. 2172 “ canalis, Sowb., New Zealand. 2157 a. “ chlorostoma, {{ Taheite. 2165 a. “ Convexa, Nuttall, Sandwich Isles. 2157 {{ corona, Linn., Isle of France. 21.59 {{ crepidularia, Lam., East Indies. 2152 a. “ dilatata, Brod., Otaheite. 215.2 ( & dubia, Lam., Manilla. 2162 {{ fasciata, {{ New Holland. 2168 { { fluviatilis, Linn., Europe. 2155 {{ gagates, Lam., Bourbon. 2150 a. “ globosa, Brod., Columbia. 2169 a. “ granosa, Sowb., Sandwich Isles. 2156 a. “ intermedia, {{ Gulf of Nicoya. 2150 b. “ intertexta, Will., Benacum. 2159 a. “ Lamarckii, Desh., Sumatra. 2151 a. “ latissima, Brod., Mexico. 2163 {{ lineolata, Lam., Cayenne. 2166 a. “ microptera, Nuttall, Wahoo. 2155 a. “ Morio, Sowb., Easter Islands. 2172 a. “ pallida, ! Sicily. 2150 {{ perversa, Gmel, Courtagnon. 2158a. “ picta, Sowb., Panama. 2160 a. “ prevostina, Fer., Europe. 2151 {{ pulligera, Lam., India. 2170 a. “ punctulata, ( & Isle St. Vincents. 21.71 a. “ pupa, Linn., Jamaica. 2174 a. “ reclivata, Say, Mexico. 2168 a. “ reticulata, Sowb., Lord Hood's Isl. 2164 {{ Semi-conica, Lam., Q 2162 a. “ Smithii, Gray, Calcutta. 2154 a. “ spinosa, Sowb., Taheiti. 2175 a. “ stragulata, Mühlf, Carniole. 2165 (4 strigilata, Lam., West Indies. 2151 b. ** transversalis, Ziegl, Hungary. 2160 b. £4 trifasciata, Menke, River Weser. 2153 a. “ turrita, Chemn., West Indies. 2154 a. “ undata, Desh, Taheiti. 2160 c. {{ venosa, Menke, West Indies. 2167 a. “ vespertina, Nuttall, Wahoo. Sowb. Coneh. Illust. f. 51. 4 & 6 & ** f. 22. {{ & 4 {{ f. 34. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 20. & f < * “ f. 25. {{ { { ** f. 11. 4 * 4 ( “ f. 28. & & ( & ** f. 35. 4 ( ; “ f. 33. & C ( (. “ f. 29. 4 ( { { “ f. 12. Figured pl. 4, f. 11, 11, 11. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 7. Sowb. Conch, Illust. f. 17. £ 4 { { “ ſ. 3 et 16. { { {{ {{ f. 37. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 40. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 1. & & { { * f. 46. & 4 { { “ f. 26. & & & 4 * f. 21. { { & ( ** f. 30. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 257. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 2. {{ & 6 ( & f. 23. & 4 { { 4 ( f. 36. Neritina undata, Desh. Pfeiff. III. p, 49, pl. 8, f. 19, 21. Neritina turrita, Chemn. Rossm. Icon.Sussw.Moll.pl.7,f.52. Neritima transversalis, Ziegl. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 4. * “ . . f. 9. Menke's Synopsis, p. 140. 67 2167 2169 21.75 2153. 2154 2183 2186 2181 2184 2180 217.6 2194 2187. 21.93 2179 2190 2182 2191 2177 21.78 2.185 2204. 2233 2212 y” 2226 2231 2217 2205 a. 2213 … 2234 2212 a. 2204 a. 2223 2235 2203 2237 2240 a. 2206 2205 (NERITINA) virginea, { % viridis, {{ Waigiou, { % zebra, {{ zigzag, NERITA albicilla, ( . Ascensionis, & 4 atrata, {{ - chamoeleon, {{ chlorostoma, {{ exuvia, & 4 littoralis, { { Malaccensis, {{ Ornata, {{ peloronta, {{ plicata, { { polita, { % tessellata, { % textilis, {{ undata, {{ versicolor, NATICA albumen, {{ cancellata, {{ can rena, ( & castanea, { { Chinensis, {{ collaria, & 4 consolidata, { % cruentata, {{ duplicata, {{ fanel, ( . fluctuata, {{ fulminea, { % glauca, {{ glaucina, {{. y heros, {{ immaculata, {{ vº mamilla, {{ mamillaris, /2/4s V Lam., Linn., Less., Lam., {{ Linn., Gmel., Chemn., Linn., Lam., Linn., Q Lam., Q Linn., & 4 & 4 Gmel., {{ Lam., {{ Lam., Couth., Lam., Say, Adans., Sowb., Lam., Humb., Lam., Say, Totten, Lam., {{ /* . A...?. .# A/ j. A ..' ... / . . . . AA" * ,< . . . West Indies. Guadaloupe. Waigiou. South America, Cayenne. Cape Good Hope. India. West Indies. East Indies. {{ {{ Great Britain. Straits of Malacca. South America. West Indies. Indian Ocean. { % West Indies. Indian Ocean. West Indies. { % East Indies. West Indies. Indian Ocean. Mediterranean. East Indies. Senegal. Coast of N. Engl. Mediterranean. New-York. Senegal. East Indies. Africa. Peru. Indian Ocean. New-York. Rhode Island. Amboyna. West Indies. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 27. 44 g { ** f. 24. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 31. f. 41. ( ; $4. , ( & Chemn. 5, t. 193, f. 2000, a. b. “ 5. t. 191, f. 1956, 1957. “ 5 t. 190 f. 1954, 1955. “ 5 t. 192, f. 1988–1991. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells, f. 3. Chemn, 5, t. 191, f. 1972–3. Chemn. 5, t. 192, f. 1976, Sowto. Gen. of Shells, f. 1, 2. Chemn. 5, t. 190, f. 1952–3. “ 5, t. 193, f. 2001–2014. “ 5, t. 192, f. 1998–9. “ 5, t. 190, f. 1944–5. Burrow’s Elem. pl. 20, f. 8. Chemn. 5, t. 191, f. 1962, 1963. Chemn. 5, t. 189, f. 1924–5, * 5, t. 188, f. 1911–1914. sowb. Gen. of shells, f. 1. Blain. Malac. p. 36 bis. f. 4. Chemn. 5. t. 187, f. 1887–1891. List. Conch. t. 568, f. 19, a. ? Bost. J. N. H. vol.2, pl.,3, f. 14. Chemn. 5, t. 188, f. 1900, 1901. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 247. Adans. Senegal, pl. 13, f. 3. Figured—pl. 4, f. 10. Chemn. 5, t. 187, f. 1881, 1884. Voy. de la Coq. pl. 14, f. 1. Chemn. 5, t. 186, f. 1856–9. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 248. Sillim. Journ. vol. 28, p. 347, f. 6. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Chemn. 5, t. 189, f. 1932–3. 68 2227 12 2207 2203 a. 2214 2218 2220 a. 2235 2242 2210 2238 * 2240 Y 2244 2243 2215 2229 2230 224.5 a. JANTHINA 2246 2246 2246 a. 2247 a. 2253 SIGARETUS 2251 2250 2249 2254 (NATICA) {{ & 4 & C {{ & 4 ({. { { & 4 {{ { { £4 “ marochiensis, Lam., Guyana. melanostoma, {{ Indian Ocean. melanostomoides, Quoy, New Guinea. millepunctata, Lam., Madagascar. monilifera, 64 Africa. pallidula, Brown, Belfast. patula, Barnes, Peru. plicatula, Nuttall, Wahoo. plumbea, Lam., New Holland. pusilla, Say, New-York. triseriata, t{ {{ Valenciennesii, Payr., Mediterranean. variolaris, 2 California. vitellus, Lam., East Indies. zebra, {{ California. Zonaria, { % East Indies. J A N T H IN E A . bifida, Nuttall, Wahoo. Communis, Lam., Atlantic Ocean. - ( { {{ exigua, { { globosa, Nuttall, Pacific. prolongata, Blain., Corsica. M A C R O S T O M I A N A . cancellatus, Lam., Vanikoro. concavus, {{ Africa. haliotoideus, {{ . England. iris, 2 East Indies. perspectivus, Say, New-York. Astrolabe, pl. 66, f. 16–19. & 4 pl. 66, f. 1–3. ( & pl. 66, f. 4–8. Chemn. 5, t. 186, f. 1862–3. Fav.Conch.pl. 10,f.N.et pl. 11,f.A. Brown's Conch. Of G. B. Natica glauca, Humb. Astrolabe, pl. 66, f. 13–15. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 257. é & & & vol. 5, p. 209. Payr. Cat. pl. 5, f. 23, 24. Chemn. 5, t. 186, f. 1866–7. & C 5, t. 187, f. 1885–6. Encycl. pl. 453, f. 2, a. b. Chemn. 5, t. 166, f. 1577–8. Encycl. pl. 456, f. 2, a, b. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 1. Chemn. 10, t. 165, f. 1596-7. Sowb.Gen. of Shells, f. 1. & ( { 4& f. 2. Say's Amer. Conch, pl. 35. 2250b. GALERICULUM laevigatum, Brown, Massachusetts Bay.Brown's Conch. of G. B. {4 {{ 2250 C. “ Ovatum, 2255 f. NERITOPSIs cancellata, Sowb., Vanikoro. 2259 STOMATELLA auricula, Lam., New Holland. 2256 ( & imbricata, { % South Seas. Bost. Journ, N. H. vol. 2, p. 110. Sigaretus cancellatus, Lam. 7 Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 5. {t & 4 “ f. 1. 69 2262 2273 2270 2278 2281 2269 2280 2266 2282 2283 2272 2271 2268 2292 2300 2299 2297 2301 2302 2298 2309 2312 231() 2314 2308 2313 2318 2325 2324. 2324 b. STOMATIA phymotis, HALIOTIs asinina, {{ australis, {{ canaliculata, {{ Cracherodii, { % excavata, ( & marrmorata, {{ Midae, {{ pulcherrima, {{ splendens, {{ striata, {{ tuberculata, {{ tubifera, ACTEON trifidus, ToRNATELLA auricula, {{ fasciata, {{ flammea, {{ nitidula, {{ pedipes, ( & solidula, PYRAMIDELLA dolabrata, \ {{ maculosa, {{ plicata, {{ sulcata, ( & terebellum, {{ ventricosa, WERMETUs lumbricalis, SCALARIA australis, {{ communis, {{ {{ Lam., New Holland. Linn., East Indies. Gmel., New Holland. Lam., & 4 Linn., California. Lam., New Holland. Linn., East Indies. Lam., ( & Chemn., South Sea. Gray, California. Linn., Indian Ocean. {{ England. Gmel., New Holland. P L I C A C E A . Totten, Rhode Island. Lam., East Indies. Brug., England. Gmel., Q Larm., Isle of France. {{ Senegal. Brug., Indian Ocean. Lam., East Indies. {{ Pacific. {{ Isle of France. Nuttall, Wahoo. Lam., South Carolina. Quoy, New Holland. S C A. L. A. R. I. A N A . Lam., Senegal. Lam., New Holland. ({ South Carolina. ‘‘ War. - Q Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Chemn, 10, t. 166, f. 1604, 1604,a. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Leach. Z. M. pl. 58. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Martini. 1, t. 14, f. 139. ( & 1, t. 14, f. 136. Chemn. 10, t. 166, f. 1605–6. Martini. 1, t. 14, ſ. 138. & t 1, t. 16, f. 146–9. Chemn. 10, t. 167, f. 1610, 1611. Silliman, Journ. vol. 26, p. 368. List. Conch. t. 577, f. 32, b. Kiener, Icon. pl. 1. ſ. 3. pl. 1, f. 1. pl. 1, f. 5. Adams. Seneg. pl. 1, f. 4. Kiener, Icon. pl. 1, ſ. 2. { % & t & 6 & 4 Chemn. 5, t. 167, f. 1603–4. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 5 et 5, a. pl. 1, f. 4. {{ & £ Kiener, Icon. pl. 1, f. 2. pl. 1, f. 1. & & & C Adans. Seneg. pl. 11, f. 1. Kiener, Icon. pl. 6, f. 17. pl. 4, f. 10, a. b. pl. 1, f. 2. & ‘ 4 & £ 6 { { 18 70 2322 2321 2319 2319 a. 2326 2328 2331 2334 2330 2335 2340 … 2343 2345 2, 2339 2344 2357 2350 2351 2380 a. 2. 2377 2410 vº 2.382 2361 a. 2378 2387 2363 a. 2365 a. 2424. 2420 a. 2403 2383 2406 y^ 2407 2433 (SCALARIA) {{ {{ { % SoLARIUM (4 ROTELLA {{ {{ TROCHUs {{ v2." {{ {{ 4% (£ coronata, lamellosa, lineata, Novangliae, pretlosa, raricosta, Subulata, distorta, elegans, laciniata, rugosa, Cape Good Hope. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 8. Corsica. “ “ pl. 3, f. 7, a b. New-York. & “ pl. 2, f. 5, pl. 6, f. 20. Massachusetts Bay. Bost. Journ. N. H. v.2, pl. 3, f. 5. East Indies. Riener, Icon. pl. 1, f. 1. Mediterranean. “ “ pl. 2, f. 6. Massachusetts Bay. Bost. Journ. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, f. 4. Singapore. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 4. Moluccas. Indian Ocean. {{ Riener, Icon. pl. 1,f.1 et pl.2,f.1,a. pl, 3, f. 4. & & 4 T U R B IN A C E A . granulatum, hybridum, luteum, perspectivum, variegatum, elegans, lineolata, rosea, Adansonii, agglutinans, annulatus, argyrostomus, ater, calatus, casrulescens, Californicus, castaneus, cinerarius, cinereus, concavus, Cookii, conuloides, conulus, Crassus, Lam., India. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 2. {{ Philippine Isles. ( & “ pl. 3, f. 5 et 5, a. { % Sicily. & 4 “ pl. 4, f. 9, a. 4% East Indies. & & “ pl. 1, ſ. 1. { { Fegee Islands. “ “ pl. 4, f. 7 et 7, a. Beck, Martinique. Riener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 6. Lam., Manilla. & 4 “ pl. 1. 4% East Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 166, f. 1601, h. Payr., Mediterranean. Payr. Cat, pl. 6, f. 7, 8. Lam., West Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 172, ſ. 1688–1690. Chemn., New Zealand. Martyn's Conch. 1, t. 33. Gmel., South Sea. Chemn. 5, t. 165, f. 1562, 1563. Lesson, Chili. Chemn., West Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 162, f. 1536, 1537. Lam., New Holland. Encycl. pl. 444, f. 2, a. b. Nuttall, Upper California. {{ { % { % Linn., Mediterranean. Chemn. 5, t. 171, f. 1686. Da Costa, Belfast. List. Conch. t. 633, f. 21. Gmel, India. Chemn. 5, t. 168, f. 1620, 1621. “ New Zealand. “ 5, t. 163, f. 1540. {{ Mediterranean. “ 5, t. 166, f. 1590, 1591. Linn., {{ “ 5, t. 166, f. 1588. Mont., Torbay. Da Cost. Conch, pl. 6, f. 7. 7 I $/ 2368 a. (TRochus) 241.1 2428 24.25 2360 a. 2391 2366 a. 2398 2360 2363 2376 24.08 2360 b. 2362 a. 2390 2380 2396 2360 C. 2397 23S1 2426 2384 2386 2388 2416 2431 2385 2373 2367 a. 2362 2371 2434. 2379 2419 2432 * 2389 2405 2440 2445 2446 {{ {{ {{ Monopont'A ( ( { % Cunninghamii, doliarius, erythroleucos, excavatus, Fermonii, granosus, gubaldomus, imbricatus, imperialis, indicus, inermis, jujubinus, Laugieri, luridus, maculatus, magus, marmoratus, Matonii, Mauritianus, merula, manus, Niloticus, noduliferus, obeliscus, ornatus, papillosus, pyramidalis, rhodostomus, Roissyi, solaris, stellaris, striatus, tuber, umbilicaris, umbilicatus, virgatus, Zizyphinus, AEgyptiaca, australis, canaliſera, Q Q Chemn, New Zealand. Gmel, Sicily. Lam., Antilles. Payr., Mediterranean. Lam., Sandwich Isles. * Mediterranean. Gmel, West Indies. 44 New Holland. 4. East Indies. 4. West Indies. { { Isle of France. Payr., Mediterranean. Nuttall, Fayal. Linn., Indian Ocean. { % Sandwich, Eng. Lam., Indian Ocean. Payr., Mediterranean. Gmel., Isle of France. Chemn., Cape Good Hope. Lam., New Holland. Linn., Indian Ocean. Lam., East Indies. Gmel, Indian Ocean. Lam., Q Pennt, England. Lam., Corsica. {{ False Bay. Payr., Mediterranean. Lam., West Indies. Grmel., New Holland. Linn., Devon. G. B. {{ Mediterranean. { % {{ Pennt., Torbay, England. Gmel., Indian Ocean. Linn., England. Lam., Corsica. { %. New Holland. ! { East Indies. Griffith's Cuvier, pl. Chemn. 10, t. 165, f. 1579, 1580. “ 5, t. 162, f. 1529, a. b. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 11, 12. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 5, f. 11. Chemn. 5, t. 162, f. 1531. “ 5, t. 173, f. 1714, 1715. tº g 5. t. 172, f. 1697, 1698. {{ 5, t. 173, f. 1712, 1713. & 4 5, t. 167, f. 1612, 1613. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 3, 4. Chemn. 5, t, 168, f. 1615–1618. “ 5, t. 171, f. 1656–1660. & £ 5, t, 167, f. 1606, 1607. Payr. Cat, pl. 6, f. 5, 6. Chemn. 5, t. 163, f. 1547, 1548. “ 5, t. 165, f. 1564, 1565. Chemn. 5, t. 167, f. 1605. Chemn. 5, t. 160, ſ...1510–1512. Da Costa, Conch. pl. 3, f. 3. Chemn. 5, t. 161, f. 1516, 1517. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 13, 14. Chemn. 5, t. 173, f. 1700, 1701. & & 5, t. 164, f. 1553. Chemn. 5, t. 165, ſ. 1572–1576. “ 5, t. 171, f. 1666. , Da Costa, Conch. pl. 3, f. 4. Chemn. 5, t. 160, f. 1514, 1515. “ 5, t. 166, f. 1592–1594. Chemn. 5, t. 171, f. 1663, 1664. * xi. t. 196, f. 1890, 1891, Encycl. pl. 447, f, 5, a. b. 2 2441 (Monodont A) carchedonius, Lam., 2439 2460 a. 2441 a. 2459 v/ 2448 2437 a. 2440 b. 2444 2435 a. 2439 a. 2442 2444 c. 2436 2443 a. 2460 2438 a. 2443 2450 2440 a. 2447 2458 2485 a. 2 2470 2482 a. 2496 24.72 a. v. 2471 2481 v. 2481 b. 2500 2469 v. 2484 2501 2466 tº 2486 a. 2470 a. 2506 2500 a. 2473 a. {{ coronaria, Couturii, cruciata, Draparnaudii, fragarioides, fusca, Jussiaei, labio, Lessonii, marginata, modulus, Olivieri, pagodus, Pharaonis, Richardi, Sayii, tectum, tricarinata, Vieillotii, viridis, Zebra, aculeus, argyrostomus, bizonalis, caerulescens, canalis, chrysostomus, cidaris, cinereus, cochlus, cornutus, coronatus, granulatus, imperialis, incarnatus, inflatus, irroratus, jugosus, labiosus, {{ Payr., Petit, Payr., Lam., Nuttall, Payr., Lam., Payr., Nuttall, Lam., Payr., Lam., Brug., Payr., Nuttall, Lam., {{ Payr., Lam., Q Gould, Linn., Q Lam., Mont., Linn., Gmel., Couth., Chemn., Gmel., (ſ Chemn., Grnel., Couth., Totten, Say, Mat. et R. England. Mont., East Indies. Chemn. 10, t. 165, f. 1583, 1584. Africa. Encycl. pl. 447, f. 6, a. b. Mediterranean. Payr. Cat, pl. 6, f. 19, 20. Brazil. Mons. Petit's Letter. Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 17, 18. New Holland. Upper California. Chemn. 5, t. 166, f. 1584. Undescribed. 3 Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 24, 25. Africa. Chemn. 5, t. 166, f. 1579–1581. Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 3, 4. Upper California. Undescribed. 3 Red Sea. Chemn. 5, t. 171, f. 1665. Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 15, 16. East Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 163, f. 1541, 1542. Africa. Trochus Pharaonis, Linn. - Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 1, 2. Atooi. Undescribed. 3 East Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 165, ſ. 1567, 1568. Q Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 6, f. 21–23. New Holland. Encycl. pl. 447, f. 2, a. b. Q |Massachusetts Bay. Indian Ocean. Chemn. 5, t. 177, f. 1758, 1759. Europe. Mediterranean. Littorina Basterotii, Payr. Devon. G. B. Mont. Test. B. pl. 12, f. 11. Moluccas. Chemn. 5, t. I'78, f. 1766. Tiger Bay. “ 5, t. 184, f. 1840–1847. Massachusetts Bay. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, £9. East Indies. Chemn. 5, t. 182, f. 1805–6. China. “ 5, t. 179, f. 1779, 1780. Straits Malacca. “ 5, t. 180, f. 1791–1793. East Indies. “ 5, t. 176, f. 1744-6. China. “ 5, t. 180, f. 1790, Massachusetts Bay. Boston Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, £13. Plymouth, Mass. New-York. Sillim, Journ. v. 26, fig. 5, a-c. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 239. Mont. Test. B. t. 20, f. 2. Cornwall, G. B. . “ “ “ t. 13, f. 7. 73 2’ * 2° 2480 a. (TURBO). 2488 {{ 2473 {{ 2465 tº 2466 b. “ 2469 a. “ 2487 {{ 2491 {{ 2467 a. “ _ 2465 a. “ 2494 {{ , 2466 a. “ 24.76 a. “ 2476 {{ 24.71 a. “ 2478 {{ 2474 a. “ 2495 “ 24.75 a. “ 24.72 {{ 24.76 a. “ 2493 {{ 2483 {{ 2468 é & 2474 {{ 2480 { % 2475 {{ 2484 a. “ 24.67 {{ 2505 {{ 2478 a. “ 2468 a. “ 2462 MARMARoSTOMA planospira, Nuttall, 2487 a. LITToRINA arenica, 2488 a. {{ 2487 b. {{ 2489 a. {{ 2488 b. “ 2490 b. PyRAMIS labiatus, Brown, littoreus, Linn., margaritaceus, “ marmoratus, {{ minimus, Wood, minutus, Totten, muricatus, Linn., neritoides, {{ obligatus, Say, obscurus, Couth., obtusatus, Linn., palliatus, Say, pallida, Nuttall, petholatus, Linn., petraeus, (C pica, {{ politus, Pennt., pullus, Linn., punctura, Mont., radiatus, Gmel., reticulatus, Mont., rudis, Donov., rugosus, Linn., Sarmaticus, {{ -- setosus, Gmel., smaragdus, “ Spenglerianus, “ tigrinus, Beck, torquatus, Lam., trochiformis, Linn., variegatus, ({ vestita, Say, Nuttall, iostoma, {{ maculata, {{ planaxis, ( & tenebrata, {{ Crenatus, Brown, Great Britain. Europe. Indian Ocean. { { Q Cape Cod, Mass. Barbadoes. Mediterranean. Massachusetts. Massachusetts Bay. North Sea. Massachusetts. Upper California. East Indies. South Devonshire. Tortola, W. I. Cornwall, G. B. Mediterranean. T}ublin. Red Sea. England. Holyhead, Eng. Corsica. Cape Good Hope. East Indies. New Zealand. Indian Ocean. Tiger Bay. New Holland. Barbadoes. Europe. Massachusetts Bay. Upper California. Fayal. Upper California. {{ {{ (£ {{ Sandwich Isles. England. Mont. Test. B. t. 11, f. 6. Born. Mus. t. 12, f. 13, 14. Chemn. 5, t. 177, f. 1762. “ 5, t. 179, f. 1775, 1776. Wood's Index, Sup, pl. 6, f. 29. Sillim. Jour. v. 26, p. 369, f. 6,a.b. Born. Mus. t. 12, f. 15, 16. Chemn. 5, t. 185, f. 1854, nos. 1–11. Journ. A. N. S. v. 2, p. 241. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, f. 12. Chemn. 5, t. 185, f. 1854, nos.c.d. Journ. A. N. S. v. 2, p. 240. Chemn. 5, t. 183, f. 1826–1835. Dorset. Cat. pl. 18, f. 13. Chemn. 5, t. 176, f. 1750, 1751. Pennant. pl. 82, f. 1. Born. Mus. t. 12, f. 17, 18. Mont. Test. B. pl. 12, f. 5. Chemn. 5, t. 180, pl. 1788, 1789. Mont. Test. B. pl. 21, f. 1. Donovan, pl. 33, f. 3. Chemn. 5, t. 180, f. 1782–1785. “ 5, t. 179, f. 1777, 1778. “ 5, t. 181, f. 1795, 1796. €t 5, t. 182, f. 1815, 1816. “ 5, t. 181, f. 1801, 1802. Chemn. 10, p. 293, Vign.24,f.A. B. & 4 5, t. 163, f. 1545, 1546. Seba. 3, t. 56, f. 26, 31, 34. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 241. TJndescribed. 7 Undescribed. ', Brown's Conch. of G. Britain. 19 74 2492 b. (PYRAMIs 2495 b. 2491 b. 2493 b. 2510 PLANAXIS 2507 { % {{ {{ {{ elegantissimus, Brown, politus, truncatus, unicus, {{ ({ . {{ Sandwichensis, Nuttall, Sulcata, 2514 a. PHASIANELLAambigua, 2522 2513 2527 2515 a. 2518 2521 2517 2520 a. 2514 2513 a. 2525. 2526 2535 2534 2529 2548 2537 2532 2528 2531 2530 ({ ( & {{ angulifera, bulimoides, canalis, inflexa, lineata, Mauritiana, Peruviana, pulla, rubens, tenuis, Vieuxii, vinctus, bicingulata, brevialis, duplicata, erosa, exoleta, fuscata, imbricata, replicata, terebra, Lam., Nuttall, Lam., {{ Brown, Couth., Lam., {{ ({ Payr., Lam., Mich., Payr., Brown, Lam., {{ {{ Couth., Lam., {{ England. S. Devon. England. {{ {{ Tenby, {{ Sandwich Isles. Africa. Sandwich Isles. St. Thomas. New Holland. Great Britain. Brown's Conch. of G. Britain. { { { { & 4 {{ 4 & 4 & & 4 4 & { { & 4 & £4 Undescribed. 7 List. Conch. t. 980, f. 39. Undescribed. List. Conch. t. 583, f. 37, 38. Chemn.9, t. 120, f. 1033, 1034. Turbo canalis, Mont. 7 Massachusetts Bay.Couthuoy’s MSS. West Indies. Isle of France. Peru. Mediterranean. New Holland. Mediterranean. & C Belfast. East Indies. Senegal. East Indies. Lam. Anim. sans. Vertb. no. 6. 4 & ( & “ , ‘‘ no. 9. {{ £ & £ 6 “ no. 5. Donovan, vol. 1, pl. 2, f. 2–6. Encycl. pl. 449, f. 2, a, b. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 5, 6. Brown’s Conch. of G. Britain. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 56, f. 30.et 37,38. Encycl. pl. 449, f. 1, a. b. Massachusetts Bay. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 3, f. 1. Guinea. Indian Ocean. Chili. Indian Ocean. Africa. Martini, Conch. 4, t. 152, f. 1424. Martini, Conch. 4, t. 152, f. 1422. § { “ 4, t. 151, f. 1412. Encycl. pl. 449, ſ. 3, a b. 75 S E C T I O N H I. — T R A C H E LIP O D A Z O O PH A G A . C A N A. L. I. F. E. R. A. . 2591 CERITHIUM adversum, Brown, England. Walk. Min. Test. f. 48. v. 2558 ſº aluco, Brug., East Indies. Encycl. pl. 443, f, 5, a b. v. 2567 {{ asperum, “ Isle of France. Martini, Conch. 4, t. 157, f. 1483. 2580 {{ atratum, {{ Rio Janeiro. Born. Mus, t. 11, f. 17, 18. 2554 a. “ Cailliaudi, Q Q 2564 & . decollatum, Brug., East Indies. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. 2588 {{ dislocatum, Say, South Carolina. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 235. 2553 {{ ebeninum, Brug., Isle of France. Chemn. 10, t. 162, ſ. 1548, 1549. ... 2555 a. “ Emersonii, Adans., Massachusetts Bay. 2560 {{ Erythroeonense Lam., Red Sea. 2, 2570 y, “ fasciatum, Brug., Ceylon. Martini, 4, t. 157, f. 1481, 1482. vº 2557 & . granulatum, “ Africa. Encycl. pl. 442, f. 4. - 2592 {{ Latreillii, Payr., Mediterranean. Payr. Cat, pl. 7, f. 9, 10. 2579 { % litteratum, Brug., Antilles. Born. Mus. t. 11, f. 14, 15. v. 2568 { % lineaturm, {{ Pacific. Encycl. pl. 443, f. 3, a. b. vº. 2583 ( & lima, {{ Guadaloupe. Brug. Dict. no. 33. 2560 a. { { marmoratum, Quoy, Q Figured—pl. 2, f. 5. 2550 a. “ minutum, Nuttall, Wahoo. - v. 2577 {{ morus, Lam., East Indies. 2561 { { muricatum, Brug., Africa. Chemn. 9, t. 136, f. 1267, 1268. 2552 a. {{ mutatum, - Q Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. … 2554 {{ nodulosum, Brug., East Indies. Encycl. pl. 442, f. 3, a. b. 2556 {{ obeliscus, {{ {{ “. . pl. 443, f. 4, a, b. 2565 {{ obtusum, Lam., Timor. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 4, f. 8. 2553 a. ( { Pacificum, Sowb., Pacific. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 9. ... 2550 {{ palustre, Brug., East Indies. Knorr. Vergn. 3, t. 18, f. 1. 2584 {{ perversum, Lam., Mediterranean. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 7, 8. 2549 a. “ pusillum, Nuttall, Wahoo. - - - 2562 {{ radula, Brug., Africa. Adanson’s Senegal, pl. 10, f. 1. 2589 {{ reticulatum, Totten, Rhode Island. Sillim. Journ. v. 28, p. 352, f. 8. 2551 a. “ rupestris, 3 Sicily. 2566 { { semigranosum, Lam., New Holland. Encycl. pl. 443, f. 1, a. b. ... 2551 { { sulcatum, Brug., East Indies. “ pl. 442, f. 2. * &-A- - 46-2 £4.3 :- 23 - - - A “ A * * * /* ~ * * 2.7% J c 4- #.- A g ... .º.º. * * ~ * ºf ...a * , ". A. : * ,’ 4. fº ^4 (?, ſ & ºf § ** . 3, 3 . « . . . Żºłę & e 6 i ! tºw. . $4" AA; .*.* tº '-'. *''-- .” A | ? \, A. ->r. ** A. § - # “. . º t _*-* 76 \. 2552 2556 a. 2576 v. 2569 t 2555 2573 2595 2610 2607 2620 a. 2597 2618 2594 a. 2596 a. 2596 2616 2619 2613 2620 2609 2629 2636 2628 2634 ^2627 2638 2647 2631 2637 2640 a. 2639 2640 2643 2635 2625 2624 2622 2626 2633 (CERITHIUM) telescopium, {{ tristoma, {{ tuberculatum, {{ vertagus, 4 : vulgatum, {{ Zonale, PLEUROToMA auriculifera, & 4 Babylonia, { % buccinoides, {{ Cordieri, {{ echirlata, {{ elegans, & 4 gracilis, {{ mitraeformis, {{ muricata, é & modifera, { % Philberti, {{ tigrina, {{ Wauquelini, & C virgo, TURBINELLA capitellum, & carinifera, {{ ceramica, {{ cingulifera, {{ cornigera, {{ craticulata, {{ exanthostoma, {{ gravis, {{ infundibulum, { % iostoma, & 4 lineata, {{ nassatula, ſ & ocellata, {& polygona, {{ pugillaris, C & pyrum, {{ rapa, ( & rhinoceros, {& rustica, Nuttall, Lam., {{ Nuttall, Singapore. West Indies. Red Sea. Amboyna. Mediterranean. India. Africa. East Indies. Manilla. Mediterranean. New Guinea. Cape Good Hope. S. Devon. England. Isle of France. Q Java. Mediterranean. Q Mediterranean. Amboyna. Indian Ocean. {{ Moluccas. West Indies. East Indies. Mediterranean. Sandwich Isles. East Indies. Antilles. Pacific. New Guinea. West Indies. Isle of France. St. Croix. East Indies. { { New Guinea. Africa. Chemn. 5, t. 160, f. 1507–1509. Blain. Malac. pl. 20, f 3, 3 a. Born. Mus. pl. 10, f. 16, 17. Knorr. Vergn. 6, t. 40, f 4, 5. Adans. t. 10, f. 3. Lister, Conch. t. 1018, f. 81. Chemn. 9, t. 136, f. 1269, 1270. Encycl. pl. 439, f. 1, a b. Martini, 4, t. 155, f. 1464, 1465. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 11–13. Encycl. pl. 439, f. 8. Wood’s Index, Supp. pl. 5, f. 8. Mont. Test. B. pl. 15, f. 5. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 5, f. 25. Encycl. pl. 439, f, 9, a. b. & & pl. 439, f. 3. Encycl. pl. 439, f. 6. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 14, 15. Martini, 4, p. 143, Vign. 39, f. B. Chemn. 11, t. 179, f. 1723, 1724. Martyn's Conch. pl. 1, f. 5. Lister, Conch. t. 829, f, 51. Encycl. pl. 429, f. 1, a. b. Chemn. 11, t. 179, f. 1725, 1726. Encycl. pi. 429, f. 3, a. b. Encycl. pl. 390, f. 1, a. b. {{ pl. 424, f. 2. Astrolabe, pl. 35, f. 17, 19. Martin.Conch. 4, t. 124, f. 1160–1. Encycl. pl. 423, f. 1. C & pl. 431 bis. f. 3. Sowerby's Gen. of Shells, f. 1–3. Martin. Conch. t. 3, pl. 95, f. 916. Chemn. 10, t. 150, f. 1407, 1408, Martini, 3, t. 95, f. 1104, 1105. 77 v’ 2621 (TURBINELLA) scolymus, 2649 CANCELLARIA asperella, 2653 a. 2653 2651 C. 2651 a. 2663 b. 2652 2657 2660 C. 2648 2650 2649 a. 2657 a. 2673 FAScroLARIA 2666 2670 2669 2672 2667 ~ 2665 2709 2691 2713 2682 a. 2709 a. 27'14 2683 2719 27.03 a. 2698 2681 2683 2717 2718 2699 - {{ ({ {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ buccinoides, cancellata, *Couthouyi, decussata, ha-mastoma, nodulosa, obliquata, oblonga, reticulata, scalarina, solida, tritonis, aurantiaca, distans, Coronata, filamentosa, Tarentina, trapezium, tulipa, afer, antiquus, articulatus, australis, Bamfius, buccinatus, carinatus, cinereus, cingulifera, cochlidium, colosseus, colus, contrarius, corneus, COrona, Lam., Lam., Sowb., Lam., Nobis, Sowb., ! { Lam., {{ Sowb., Lam., Quoy, Brown, Lam., Pennt., Say, Say, Lam., West Indies. East Indies. Callao. India. Massachusetts Bay. Panama. Gallapagoes. Q Haynam. Q Antigua. Isle of France. St. Elena. Q Red Sea. South Carolina. Saldana Bay. East Indies. Gulf of Tarentum. West Indies. ( ſ. Senegal. Great Britain. Barbadoes. New Holland. Great Britain. Senegal. North Sea. * New-York. Amboyna. East Indies. Indian Ocean. East Indies. North Sea. Maine. Gulf of Mexico. Encycl. pl. 431 bis. f. 2, a. b. Encycl. pl. 374, f. 3, a. b. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 11. Encycl. pl. 375, f. 4. Bost. Journ. N. Hist, pl. 3, f 3. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 8. f. 40. Mart, Conch.4,t, 124, f. 1151,1152. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 26. “ f. 19. Encycl. pl. 375, f. 3, a b. Chemn. 4, t. 124. f. 1172, 1173. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 6. f. 15. & £ ( ; & 4 { { & 4 C & & 4 { % & 4 Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 1. Lister, Conch. t. 910, f. 1. Encycl. pi. 424, f. 5. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 16. Encycl. pl. 431, f. 3, a, b. { % pl. 431, f. 2. Encycl. pl. 426, f. 6, a b. Marti. 4, t. 138, f. 1292 et 1294. Encycl. pl. 426, f. 1, a, b. Astrolabe, pl. 34, f 9–14. Donovan, t. 169, f. 1. Born, Mus. t. 11, f. 10, 11. Pennt. B. Zool. 4, t. 77, f. 96. Journ. A. Nat. S. vol. 2, p. 236. Chemn. 10, t. 164, f. 1569. Encycl. pl. 427, f. 2. “ pl. 423, f. 2. “ pl. 437, f. 1, a b. Say's Am. Conch. pl. 29. Chemn. 10, t. 161, f. 1526, 1527. * Cancellaria buccinoides, Couthouy. 20 78 v/ . 2697 (Fusus) 27.08 a. “ 2700 a. “ 2701 (£ 2688 {{ 2695 (6 2711 a. “ 27'04 { % 2682 {{ 2696 { % 27.05 a. “ 2685 & 4 2712 4. 2685 a. “ 2694. “ 27.07 a. “ 2700 - 4 & 27.04 a. “ 2705 {{ 2684 a. “ 2687 { % 27.06 a. ( & 2683 a. “ 2721 PyRULA 2722 {{ 2743 { % 2730 § { 2739 {{ 2752 { % 27.28 “ 2745 (« 2742 ( & 2738 {{ 2751 { % 2723 {{ 2737 “ 2729 {{ 2732 {{ 2733 { % 2725 & 4 pleurotomarius,Couth., coronatus, Lam., costatus, Pennt., decemcostatus, Say, filosus, Lam., incrassatus, {{ Islandicus, & 4 laticostatus, Desh., lignarius, Lam., longissimus, {{ morio, {{ nebula, Mont., Nicobaricus, Lam., Nifat, { % proboscidiferus, Lam., purpureus, raphanus, rufus, Syracusanus, striatus, torulosus, turriculus, violaceus, canaliculata, carica, citrina, ficus, galeodes, lavigata, melongena, neritoidea, nodosa, papyracea, patula, perversa, rapa, reticulata, spirata, spirillus, tuba, Mont., Lam., Mont., Lam., Sowb., Lam., Mont., Q Lam., West Indies. Salcomb Bay. Maine. New Holland. East Indies. Torbay, England. Ceylon. North Sea. East Indies. {{. T}evon. G. B. Nicobar. East Indies. Massachusetts Bay. East Indies. Great Britain. East Indies. Devon. G. B. Mediterranean. Norway. East Indies. Devon. G. B. Saldana Bay. New-York. South Carolina. Madagascar. East Indies. Moluccas. Courtagnon. Brazil. East Indies. Red Sea. China. Bay of Caraccas. Florida. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Amboyna. Tranquebar. China. Encycl. pl. 430, f. 4. Pennt. B. Zool. 4, t. 82, f. 2. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 5, p. 237. Encycl. pl. 429, f. 5. “ pl.423, f. 5. “ pl. 429, f. 2. Mag. de Conch. pi. 21. Encycl. pl. 424, f. 6. Martini, 4, t. 144, f. 1339 et 1344. Encycl. pl. 430, f. 3, a. - Mont. Test, B. t. 15, f. 6. Chemn. 10, t. 160, f. 1523. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 5. Bost. Jour. N. H. v. 2, pl. 1, f. 9. 6t { { “ v. 1, pl. 5 et 6. Mont. Test. B. t. 9, f. 3. Chemn. 10, t. 163, f. 1558. Mont. Test. B. p. 263. Chemn. 10, t. 162, pl. 1542, 1543. Encycl. pl. 423, f. 4. Mont. Test. B. t. 9, f. 1. Encycl. pl. 436, f. 3. “ pl. 433, f. 3. Martini, 3, t. 94, f. 909,910. 3 & 3, t. 66, f. 734, 735. £ & 2, t, 40, f. 398, 399. Fossil. Chemn, 10, t. 164, f. 1568. 6 & 10, t. 165, f. 1577, 1578. { { 10, t, 163, f. 1564, 1565. Encycl. pl. 436, f. 1, a. b. c. Encycl. pl. 433, f. 4, a. b. Martini, 3, t. 68, f. 750–753. Encycl. pl. 432, f. 2. Martini, 3, t. 66, f. 736–7. Encycl. pl. 437, f. 4, a b. Martini, 4, t. 143, f. 1333. 79 (PyRULA) ventricosa, ({ vespertilio, MELoNGENA occidentalis, STRUTHIOLARIA inermis, { % nodulosa, RANELLA argus, ( . bitubercularis, {{ bufonia, ( & caudata, & 4 caudisata, ( { crumena, 4. gigantea, ( { granifera, { % granulata, {{ leucostoma, {{ lavigata, {{ nitida, { { pulchra, & ranina, { % semigranosa, {{ spinosa, « ventricosa, {{ vexillum, MUREx adustus, # - ; : { % angularis, {{ asperrimus, ( { axicornis, {{ Blainvillii, ( { brandaris, ! { brevispina, { % calcitrapa, { % capucinus, & 4 cornutus, ( : costularis, * { crassilabrum, { { Crassispina, {{ crispatus, 4% ducalis, Sowb., Lam., Nuttall, Sowb., Lam., Lam., { % { % Say, Lam., Panama. Indian Ocean. California. New Zealand. & 4 Indian Ocean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. New-York. Amboyna. Mediterranean. Java. Easºndies. New Holland. Pacific. Bay of Caraccas. East Indies. Mediterranean. Red Sea. India. Pacific. { { East Indies. Senegal. Mediterranean. East Indies. Mediterranean. { % East Indies. {{ Indian Ocean. Africa. Red Sea. East Indies. Amboyna. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Encycl. pl. 434, f. 3, a. b. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3, 4. 4 & & & 4 ( f. I, 2. Encycl. pl. 414, f. 3. a. b. “ pl. 412, f. 6. Chemn. 11, t. 192, f. 1843–1846. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 48. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Martini, 4, t. 133, f. 1270, 1271. Encycl. pl. 413, f. 1. “ pl. 414, f. 4. Martini, 4, t. 133, f. 1272, 1273. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 15. f. 4. Figured—pl. 2, f. 5, 6. Encycl. pl. 412, f. 2, a. b. & G & 4 4 ( Sowb. Genera of Shells, f. 3. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 16. . f, 3. & 4 & 4 & & Martini, 3, t. 105, f. 990, 991. Adans. Seneg. pl. 9, f. 22. Martini, 3, t. 109, f. 1021–3. ( & 3, t. 105, f. 989. Payr. Cat. pl. 7, f. 17, 18. Chemn. 10, t. 164, f. 1571. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 10. Martini, 3, t. 103, f. 982. Chemn. 11, t. 192, f. 1849, 1850. Martini, 3, t. 114, f. 1057. Encycl. pl. 419, f. 8, a. b. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 14. Chemn. II, t. 189, f. 1819, 1820. (ſ 11, t. 187, f. 1802, 1803 Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 56. 80 2798 (MUREx) 2835 2822 a. 284.3 2851, 2820 a. 2816 2794 2825 2821 a. 2797 2834 2833 2800 a. 2832 2807 2796 2842 a. 2799 2810 2860 2825 a. * 2822 27.91 2856 2803 2826 2820 2840 a. 2823 a. 2836 2795 2790 2792 2793 a. 2818 2817 2830 2833 a. 2840 & 4 { % { { elongatus, erinaceus, erythrostomus, fenestratus, fimbriatus, funiculus, gibbosus, haustellum, hexagonus, imperialis, inflatus, lamellosus, Magellanicus, megacerus, meionulus, microphyllus, montacilla, Nuttallii, palmarosæ, phyllopterus, pinnatus, princeps, radix, rarispina, regius, rufus, Scorpio, sextatilis, Sexcostatus, subglobosus, Tarentinus, tenuirostrum, tenuispina, termispina, tortuus, trigonulus, triqueter, trunculus, unidentatus, vetulinus, Lam., Linn., Swains., Lam., {{ Linn., Lam., Linn., Lam., Swains., Lam., Gmel., { % Sowb., Lań. { % Chemn., Conrad, Lam., & 4 Swains., Africa. Brod., Lam., {{ Swains., Lam., Linn., & 4 Brug., Wood, Lam., & 4 Brod., Lam., Born, Linn., Sowb., Lam., East Indies. Torbay, G. B. Pacific. Indian Ocean. Wahoo. Africa. Cape de Verd. East Indies. {{ Pacific. East Indies. Falkland Isles. Straits Magellan. East Indies. {{ { % Indian Ocean. Upper California. Indian Ocean. China. { % Panama. West Indies. Panama. East Indies. Africa. California. Q Gulf of Tarentum. East Indies. Moluccas. Indian Ocean. Mediterranean. China. East Indies. Encycl. pl. 421, f. 1, a b. c. • * Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 2. ' Chemn. 10, t. 161, f. 1536, 1537. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 5, f 17. Chemn, 10, t. 161, f. 1540–1541. Martini, 3, t. 115, f. 1066. Encycl. pl. 418, f. 3, a b. Swains. Zool. Ilust. pl. 1. Martini, t. 102, f. 980–1. Chemn, 11, t. 109, f. 1823, 1824. Martini, 4, t. 139, f. 1297. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 18. Chemn. 10, t. 161, f. 1528–9. Encycl. pl. 415, f, 5. Chemn, 10, t. 163, f. 1563. List. Conch. t. 946, ſ. 41. Sowb Gen. of Shells, f. 5. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 122. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 43. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 113. Martini, 3, t. 113, f. 1056. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 15. - Martini, 3, t. 106, f 988–1003. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 3. Encycl. pl. 441, f. 3, a, b. Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 5, f. 23. Chemn. 11, t. 189, f. 1821, 1822. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 8. Born. Mus, t. 11, f. 1, 2. Martini, 3, t. 109, f. 1018–1020. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 52. {{ { { ** f. 48 81 v. 2881 2863 2875 2884 2880 2886 2882 2877 2867 2888 2889 2871 2864 2870 2885 2862 2896 2869 2872 2887 2895 2865 2866 2868 2874 2878 2891 2861 , 2901 2906 2904 2907 2903 2902 TRITON - {{ {{ {{ . {{ {{ {{ {{ { % {{ {{ {{ {{ { % {{ {{ 6% ( { {{ “ {{ {{ {{ anus, australe, canaliſerum, cancellatum, chlorostomum, clandestinum, clathratum, clavator, corrugatum, Cutaceum, dolarium, femorale, lampas, lotorium, maculosum, modiferum, olodonta, pileare, pyrum, rubecula, Scabrum, scrobiculator, Spengleri, Succinctum, tripus, tuberosum, undosum, variegatum, , * , , . •, I - t *::: * : * * * * * , , ...” " .4% '. W. , ' ' ', RosTELLARIA curvirostris, {{ • { { {{ fissurella, macroptera, occidentalis, pespelicani, rectirostris, 2915 PTERocBRA aurantia, East Indies. {{ New Holland. {{ East Indies. {{ West Indies. {{ {{ {{ Isle of France. {{ East Indies. “ Indian Ocean. {{ Mediterranean. ( & West Indies. { { East Indies. {{ St. Croix. “ East Indies. « Indian Ocean. {{ East Indies. {{ Corsica. Nuttall, Wahoo. Lam., West Indies. {{ East Indies. 4 : Pacific. King, Valparaiso. Lam., Mediterranean. {{ New Holland. {{ Brazil. r “. - Q {{ Tortola. ( & East Indies. {{ Barbadoes. A L A T A . Lam., Moluccas. {{ Grignon. {{ Q Beck, Norway. Lam., Corsica. {{ Pacific Ocean. Lam., East Indies. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. f. I. Martini. 3, t. 112, f. 1045–1047. Encycl. pl. 415, f. 1. {{ &# 4 & Sowb. Gen. Of Shells, f. 2. ' Encycl. pl. 413, f. 4 a. b. Sowb. Gen, of Shells, f.3. Encycl. pl. 416, f. 3 a. b. Sowb. Gen, of Shells, f. 3. Knorr. Vergn. 2, t. 24, f. 5. - 4, t. 16, f. I. Encycl. pl. 420, f. 3 a.. b. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Encycl. pl. 416, f. 1 a. b. Martini, 4, t. 136, f. 1284–5. & & ( : Encycl. pl. 415, f. 4 a.. b. Martini, 3, t. 112, f. 1040–1043. « 4, t. 132, f. 1259–1267. Chemn. 10, t. 163, f. 1556, 1557. {{ 11, t. 191, f. 1839, 1840. “ 11 t. 191. f. 1837, 1838. Chemn. 11, t. 193, f. 1858, 1859. Martini, 3, t. 112, f. 1050, 1051. Buccinum undosum, Quoy. , Seba. Mus. 3, t. 80. Knorr. Vergn. 5, t. 6, f. 1. Encycl. pl. 411, f. 3 a. b. Recent. Martini, 3, t. 85, f. 848–850. & & 4, p. 344, Vign. 41. Chemn. 10, t. 158, f. 1508, 1509. 21 82 : v. 2916 (PTERocFRA) chiragra, STROMBUS & v. 2911 ( & Jº 2912 £6 vº 2913 ( & A." 2014 {{ . - 2910 :{ { 2922 2958 {{ v. 2931 (t yº. 2926 “ v. 2937 tº tº 2927 {{ 2928 “ , 2940 6 : v. 2947 “ 2955 {{ 2956 ({ 2925 § { v. 2934 {{ ... 2921 {{ tº 2954 {{ , 2938 {{ , 2923 {{ v. 2930 {{ 2949 {{ tº 2935 {{ 2921 a. “ … 2950 y^ 2926 A., “ 2923 a. “ 2959 {{ \ ..." . 2960 ( & - 2946 “ v. 2932 &ſ º 2.942 {{ 2924 a. “ vº 2924 {{ ... 2944 © & v. 2943 {{ lambis, mille-peda, pseudo-scorpio, “ Scorpio, truncata, - accipitrinus, alatus, Auris-Dianae, canarium, cristatus, dilatatus, epidromis, floridus, galea, galea, jun., gallus, gibberulus, gigas, granulatus, Isabella, latissimus, lentiginosus, lineatus, luhuanus, maculatus, marginatus, mauritianus, melanostoma, Pacificus, Peruvianus, plicatus, pugilis, succinctus, Thersites, tricornis, tridentatus, troglodytes, i.am., Lam., Gmel., Linn., bituberculatus, Lam., Linn., Lam., & C Lam., Wood, ºt Linn., {{ “ Wood, Lam., Linn., Nuttall, Linn., Lam., Swains, { % { { Lam., Linn., 44 Wood, Lam., Gmel., Lam., East Indies. Indian Ocean. Manilla. {{ . East Indies. New Holland. West Indies. Brazil. East Indies. West Indies. East Indies. Amboyna. Manilla. Batavia. Moluccas. Nicoya. ( & East Indies. Batavia. West Indies. Persian Gulf. East Indies. {{ 4. Red Sea. West Indies. Wahoo. Q Isle of France. Q South Seas. Peru. Moluccas. West Indies. Indian Ocean. - º Bombay. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Knorr. Vergn. 1, t. 28, f. 1, 2, . Chemn. 10, t. 155, f. 1479, 1480. & Aº ‘ Lister, Conch. t. 867, f. 22. Martini, 3, t. 88, f. 860. Chemn, 10, t. 159, f. 1512–1515. Martini, 3. t. 81, f. 829. Swains. Exotic Conch. pl. 11. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Martini, 3, t. 83, f. 836, 837. “ 3, t. 79, f. 818. Swains. Exotic Conch. pl. 46. “ Zool. III. pl. 71, mid. fig. Martini, 3, t. 79, f. 821. “ 3, t. 78, f. 807–809. Wood’s Index, Supp. pl. 4. f. 13. & 6 § { £ 4 pl. 4, f. 14. Swains. Exotic Conch. pl. 32. Martini, 3, t. 77, f. 792–798. “ 3, t. 80, f. 824. Wood's Index, Suppl. pl. 4, f. 21. Martini, 3, t. 79, f. 817. “ 3, t. 83, f. 835. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 134. Chemn. 10, t. 155, f. 1483, 1484. Martini, 3, t. 77, f 789, 790. Chemn. 10, t. 156, f. 1489, 1490, Martini, 3, t. 88, f. 865, 867. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 47. pl. 17. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 39. Encycl. pl. 408, f. 2, a. b. { { {{ & 4 Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 2. Born. Mus. t. 10. f. 14, 15. Wood’s Index, Supp. pl. 4, f. 17. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 31. Sowb, Gen. of shells, f. 6. Chemn. 10, t. 156, f. 1491, 1492. 83 v/ % L^ v’ l.” 2945 (STRom BUs) urceus, 2922 a. 2939 2966 CAssIDARIA 2961 2965 2964 2962 2967 - 2981 2994 3000 2974 2983 2997 * 2977 2973 a. * 2976 2976 a. 2978 * 2992 3001 2973 2974 a. 2989 2985 2993 2991 2999 2987 2975 2996 2996 a. 2982 ({ & 4 {{ {{ {{ (i. Linn., Vanikorensis, Quoy, vittatus, Linn., d Indian Ocean. Vanikoro. Moluccas. PU R PUR I FER A. cancellata, Kiener, echinophora, Lam., oniscus, {{ striata, {{ tyrrhena, , ( & vexillum, Kiener, areola, Brug., canaliculata, Lam., coarctatum, Valen., cornuta, Brug., decussata, {{ erinaceus, {{ fasciata, {{ finbriata, Quoy, flammea, Brug., “ var. a. Kiener, glauca, Brug., granulosa, {{ lactea, Kiener, Madagascariensis Lam., Massenae, Kiener, pyrum, Lam., rufa, Brug., saburon, « Sulcosa, { % tenue, Wood, testiculus, Brug., tuberosa, { % vibex, , 4% “ War. Kiener, Zebra, Lam, Isle of France. Mediterranean. West Indies. East Indies. Mediterranean. Indian Ocean. Moluccas. Ceylon. Peru. Indian Ocean. Corsica. New Holland. South Sea. New Holland. Indian Ocean. West Indies. Moluccas. Mediterranean. Q Madagascar. East Indies. New Holland. East Indies. Mediterranean. Corsica. East Indies. West Indies. {{ Isle of France. Mediterranean. Moluccas. Martini, 3, t. 78, f. 803-806. Astrolabe, pl. 31, f. 7–9. Martini, 3, t. 79, f.819, 820. Kiener, Icon, pl. 2, f. 4. {{ . (4 & 4 44 . pl. 1, f. 2. pl. 2, f. 5. ~ 2' pl. 2, f, 3. - pl. 1, f. 1. pl. 2, f. 6. pl. 10, f. 19. ... pl. 14, f. 28. pl. 8, f. 15. pl. 2, f, 3. pl. 9, f. 16 et 16 a. pl. xi. f. 21 et 21 a. pl. 5, f. 8. pl. 4, f. 6. pl. 3, f. 5. pl. 3, f. 5, a. pl. 5, f. 9. pl. 12, f. 23. pl. 16, f. 35. pl. 2, f. 2. pl. 8, f. 14. pl. 15, f. 30. pl. 7, f. 12, 13. pl. 14, f. 27. pl. 12, f. 22, 23. Cassis Massenae, Kiener. Kiener, Icon. pl. 9, f. 17. pl, 3, f. 4. pl. xi. f. 20. - pl. xi. f. 20 a. pl. 10, f. 18. 84 3017 RICINULA vº 3009 & 4 3008. { % v. 3010 “ 2 3006 “ ~ 3061 tº 3018 { % 3019 é ( v. 3012 {{ 3045 a. “ vº 3016 { { 3024 a. PURPURA 3049 a. “ 3023 a. “ 3027 a. {{ ... 3027 & 4 3048 a. “ 3054 {{ 3028 (\{ 3050 a. “ 3033 tº 3043 a. {{ 3034. §§ 3039 a. “ 3039 “ 3028 a. “ . . *2-3024 ;: wr 3046 tl. , {{ 3031 a. “ 3026 {{ yº. 3038 “ 3049 “. 3062 {{ y^ 3025 a. “ 3033 a. “ 3026 a. “ v. 3060 “ 3044 a. “ 3032 a. “ albolabris, arachnoides, clathrata, digitata, horrida, hystrix, lobata, marginalba, morus, mutica, tuberculata, abbreviata, angulifera, aperta, argus, armigera, bezoar, bicostalis, bitubercularis, bucciniformis, bufo, Callaoensis, callosa, calvitoma, carinifera, chocolatum, columellaris, concatenata, Conradii, Consul, coronata, cruentata, deltoidea, diversiformis, dumosa, echinata, echinulata, Edwardsii, fenestrata, Blain., Lam., Blain, Duclos, Blain., Duclos, Lam., Blain., Lam., (£ Kiener, Lam., Blain., Lam., Nuttall, Lam., Duclos, Lam., Blain., Nuttall, Lam., {{ ( & {{ Q Conrad, Blain., Lam., Payr., Nuttall, Sandwich Isles. Indian Ocean. India. New Ireland. Indian Ocean. New Zealand. Q New Zealand. Isle of France. Madagascar. Sandwich Isles. West Indies. Chili. Pacific. - Q Isle of France. California. South Sea. Martinique. Madagascar. Callao. Madagascar. Sandwich Isles. New Holland. California. Gulf of Nicoya. Isle of France. Upper California. Indian Ocean. Senegal. South Sea. Martinique. Nicobar. Attooi. Corsica. Sandwich Isles. Kiener, Icon. pl. 1, f. 2. { { {{ & 4 { { . {{ {{ & & ( & tº & 4 £ 4 { % t ( & & C & 4 { { {{ {{ {{ pl. 1, f. 3. pl. 3, f. 5. pl. 3, f. 6. pl. 1, f. 1. pl. 2, f. 4, 4 a., 4 b, pl. 3, f. 7. pl. 5, f. 11, 11 a. pl. 4, f. 9, 9 a. pl. 4, f. 8, 8 a. pl. 5, f. 10, 10 a. Kiener, Icon. pl. 19, f. 56, 56 a. pl. 15, f. 42. pl. 20, f. 59. Kiener, Icon. pl. xi. f 30. & 4 & 4 & 4 & 4 { { & £ & 4 ( & & 4 “ & 4 ( & pl. 17, f. 49. pl. 36, f. 85 a. pl. xi. f. 32. pl. 8, f. 19. pl. 20, f. 60. pl. 26, f. 71. Purpura bufo, Lam. Kiener, Icon. pl.-17, ºf 8: . 6 & & £ {{ { % & 4 & & & 4 é & { { {& & 44 “ &é Journ. A. N. pl. 26, f. 70. pl. 20, f. 58. pl. 8, f. 20. pl. 16, f. 48. pl. 18, f, 53, 53 a. pl. 37, f. 85 d. pl. 13, f. 37. pl. 19, f, 57. S. v. 7, pl. 20, f. 20. Kiener, Icon. pl. 18, f. 52. {{ & 4 Payr. Cat, pl pl. 16, f. 47. . 7, f. 19, 20, 85 3056 (PURPURA) fiscella, Lam., Peru. Kiener, Icon, pl. 6, f. 12 a. b. 3034 a. “ foliacea, Conrad, Sandwich Isles. Journ. A. N. s. v. 7, pl. 20, f. 24. 3046 “ francolinus, Kiener, India. Kiener, Icon. pl. 42, f. 97. 3032 a. “ fusiformis, ? Chili. Mons. Petit’s Letter. 3054 a. “ Grayi, Kiener, Pacific. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 1. 3031 {{ haemastoma, Lam., Senegal. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3% f. 78 a., b. S Z_ 3038 a. “ harpa, Conrad, Attooi. Journ. A. N. S. v. 7, pl. 20, f. 25. 3041 a. “ haustum, Quoy, New Zealand. Kiener, Icon. pl. 35, f. 69. v. 3029 {{ hippocastanum, Lam., Tonga-Tabou. “. “ pl. 12, f. 33, 33a. 3051 {{ imbricata, § { Mediterranean. Martini, 4, t. 122, f. 1124–5. tº 3047 a. “ intermedia, Kiener, Senegal. Riener, Icon. pl. 12, f, 34. 3022 a... ($ Kiosquiformis, Duclos, New Holland. & 4 “ pl. 15, ſ. 40. v. 3050 {{ lapillus, Lam., Europe. “ “ pl. 29, 30 et 31. 3037 a. “ macrostoma, Conrad, Sta. Barbara. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 7, p. 267. 3032 ({ mancinella, Lam., East Indies. Kiener, Icon. p1, 16, f. 46. 3076 {{ melanostoma, Wood, Q Wood's Index, Supp. pl. 4, f. 3. 3040 C. “ melones, Duclos, Peru. Kiener, Icon. pl.39, f 93, 93 a. 3042 a. “ monodonta, Quoy, Tonga-Tabou. “ “ pl. 17, f. 50, 50 a. 3053 a. “ musiva, Kiener, Moluccas. “ “ pl. 9, f. 22, 3035 {{ meritoides, Lam., Cape de Verds. “ “ pl. 22, f. 62. 3030 a. “ Nuttallii, Conrad, Fayal. Journ. A. N. s. v. 7, pl. 20, f. 19. 3054 a. “ ocellata, Kiener, Peru. Kiener, Icon. pl. 37, f. 86. - 3036 a. ". ochrostoma, Blain., Sandwich Isles. & 4 “ pl. 10, f. 29. vº 3023 { % patula, Lam., West Indies. & & “ pl. 24, f. 66-66 b. v. 3021 “ persica, “ Persian Gulf. “ “ pl. 25, f. 67. vº 3029 a.’ “ pica, Blain., Tonga-Tabou. “ “ pl. xi, f. 31. … 3036 { % planospira, Lam., Peru. “ pl. 21, f. 61. 3055 “ plicata, “ East Indies. Pur. Hippocastanum, Lam, var. 3022 “ Rudolphi, 4% £6 Riener, Icon. pl. 25, f. 68, 3040 { { scalariformis, 4% º “ “ pl. 19, f. 55. y^ 3045 Y. “ sertum, a India. & 4 “ pl. 41, f. 96-96b. 3056 a. “ spirata, Blain., Sandwich Isles. * { “ pl. 38, f. 90. 3042 4. squamosa, Lam., Cape Good Hope. { { “ pl. 29, f. 76–76 a. 3025 {{ succincta, '4% New Zealand. & 4 “ pl. 27, f. 73–73 a. 3044 {{ textilosa, .4% New Holland. 4 & “ pl. 27, f. 72–72b. 3057 { % thiarella, 4% Senegal. € $ “ pl. 15, f. 41–41 a. 3065 44 trochlea, {{ Cape Good Hope. ( & “ pl. 28, f 75-75 b. 3080 {{ turbo, Duclos, Q tº 3030 {{ undata, Lam., South Sea. Kiener, Icon, pl. 34, f, 81–81 c. 3051 a. “ violacea, Kiener, Nicobar. c{ “ pl. 19, f. 57. 22 86 3089 MonocBRos brevidens, Conrad, 3081 {{ cingulatum, Lam., 3083 a. “ citrinum, Sowb., v. 3085 {{. crassilabrum, Lam., 3087 {{ engonata, Conrad, 3081 a. . “ fusoides, King, 3084 “ glabratum, Lam., 3082 a. “ grande, Gray, 3082 { % imbricatum, Lam., 3088. “ lapilloides, Nuttall, v. 3085 a. “ lugubris: y Sowb., 3087 a. “ plumbeum, Kiener, 3086 a. “ punctulatum, Gray, 3083 {4 striatum, Lam., • 3090 ConcholBPAs Peruvianus, Lam., v. 3105 HARPA articularis, Lam., 3103 “ conoidalis, {{ 3101 {{ imperialis, “ 3107 { % minor, § { … 3104 {{ nobilis, . . . 3111 “ Rivoliana, Lesson, v. 3106 { % rosea, Lam., v. 3102 {{ ventricosa, “ p. 3118 DoIIUM fasciatum, Lam., ... 31.15 {4. galea, {{ 3122 $6 latilabre, Kiener, v. 31.17 {{ maculatum, Lam., 3125 {{ melanostomum, Nobis, v. 31.16 { % olearium, Lam., 3124 (4 “ var. Kiener, v. 3121 {{. perdix, Lam., v. 3119 & 4 pomum, « 3120 (« . variegatum; §§ 3128 TRICHOTRoPIs costellatus, Couth., 3137 b. BUCCINUM achatinum, Lam., 3170 4. aciculatum, { % , 3162 b. “ ambiguum, Mont., 3132 {{ Anglicanum, Mart., Upper California. Pacific. Chili. Peru. California. South Seas. Peru. East Indies. California. Peru. California. « Indian Ocean. Pacific. Indian Ocean. Isle of France. “ of Bourbon. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Africa. Muscat. East Indies. East Indies. Mediterranean. Pacific Ocean. Coromandel. Friendly Isles. East Indies. New Holland. New Zealand. Ceylon. New Holland. Journ. A. N. s. vol. 7, p. 264. Encycl. pl. 396, f. 4 a. b. Kiener, Icon. pl. 46, f. 104c. ( & { { pl. 45, f. 104. Purpura spirata, Blain. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 7. Kiener, Icon. pl. 41, f. 101. Purpura Grayi, Kiener. Straits of Magellan.Kiener. Icon. pl. 43, f. 99-99 a. Monoceros punctulatum, Gray. Kiener, Icon. pl. 44, f. 102. Sowb. C. Illust. Eburna, f. 3, 4. f. 3. $g 6 : & & Kiener, Icon. pl. 43, f. 100. Kiener, Icon. Purpura, pl.23,f,65. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 3. “ “ pl. 3, f. 4. “ “ pl. 2, f. 2. “ “ pl. 4, f. 6–6 a. “ “ pl. 3, f. 5. “ “ pl. 5, f. 8. & 8 & £ pl. 5, f. 8, 8 a. pl. fet pl. 6, f. 9. ( 4 & 4 Kiener, Icon. p1.3, f, 5 et pl.4,f.6. “ “ pl. 2, f. 2. “ “ pl. 4, f. 7. “ “ pl. 3, f. 4. Figured—pl. 8 et pl. 9. Kiener, Icon. pl. 1, f. 1. { % “ pl. 1, f. 1 a. “ “ pl. 5, f. 9. 6 & “ pl. 5, f. 8. Dolium maculafum, variety. Massachusetts Bay.Figured—pl. 1, f. 19, 20. Cape Good Hope. Kiener, Icon. pl. 7, f. 21. Mediterranean. S. Devon. G. B. Great Britain. { { “ pl. 16, f. 55. { % “ pl. 21, f. 81. * { “ pl. 4, f. 9. 87 2. 3134 (Bucci NUM) annulatum, 317.9 3177 3141 a. 3137 a. 3184 a. 3.133 a. 3182 a. 3141 3192 a. 3.167 a. 3183 a. 3174 3140 b. 3156 3.180 3172 3142 3180 b. 3190 a. 3176 3145 a. 3144 a. 3157 31.63 3157 a. 3146 a. 3182 3138 3.194 3166 a. 3155 a. 3190 3152 a. 3152 3153 a. 31.68 3135 3193 3147 {{ {{ Saldanha Bay. Moluccas. Java. Ceylon. Malabar. Upper California. Q Mediterranean. Indian Ocean. Tonga-Tabou. China. St. Thomas. Mediterranean. New Zealand. Madagascar. Indian Ocean. £4 ( . Corsica. Peru. Mediterranean. New Holland. Mediterranean. Teneriffe. Sicily. Chili. Mediterranean. Corsica. Indian Ocean. - Q East Indies. New Ireland. England. Sandwich Isles. Q Port Jackson. Sicily. East Indies. Cape Good Hope. Lam., arcularia, Linn., aurantium, Lam., Bellangeri, Kiener, Blainvillii, Desh., Boysii, Nuttall, callosum, Wood, Calmeilii, Payr., canaliculatum, Lam., cinctum, Quoy, clathratum, Kiener, clavula, Menke, coccinella, Lam., cochlidium, Chemn., Coromandelianum, Lam.,Coromandel. coronatum, Brug., cribrarium, Lam., crenulatum, Brug., Cuvierii, Payr, dentifera, Q dermestoideum, Lam., distortum, Wood, D'Orbignyi, Payr., fasciatum, Lam., fasciolatum, { % Gayii, Kiener, Gervillii, Payr., gibbosulum, Linn., glans, 4 & globulosum, Kiener, graniferum, “ Gualtierianum, “ hepaticum, Mont., hirtum, Kiener, inflatum, Lam., Jacksonianum, Kiener, lavigatum, Linn., lavissimum, Gmel., ligatum, Kiener, lineolatum, Quoy, Bay of Islands. Kiener, Icon, pl. 4, f. 11. pl. 28, f. 115. pl. 25, f. 101. pl. 14, f. 48. pl. xi. f. 38. Kiener, Icon. pl. 6, f. 18, 19. Payr. Cat. pl. 8, f. 7–9. pl. 23, f. 89. Astrolabe, pl. 30, f. 5–7. Kiener, Icon. pl. 27. f. 108. 4 & C & Kiener, Icon. pl. 25, f. 98. “ pl. 6, f. 17. pl. 22, f. 85. st “ pl. 28, f. 112. ( & “ pl. 16, f. 57. & 6 “ pl. 23, f. 90. & C “ pl. 20, f. 74–76. Kiener, Icon. pl. 25, f. 100. 6 & “ pl. 18, f. 64, 65. pl. 13, f. 42. & & “ pl. 22, f. 86. & C “ pl. 17, f. 61-63. & & “ pl. 21, f. 79. £ 4 “ pl. 13, f. 43, 44. “ “ pl. 28, f. 116. “ “ pl. 15, f. 52. “ “ pl. 10, ſ. 33. “ “ pl. 27, f. 111. & “ pl. 19. ſ. 70. Mont. Test. B. pl. 8, f. 1. Kiener, Icon. pl. 19, f. 73. Martini, 2, t. 38, f, 387,388, Kiener, Icon. pl. 19, f. 73. £6 “ pl. 8, f. 26. pl. 7, f. 20. pl. 5, f. 15. pl. 1, f. 3, & £ & 4 & 4 { { {{ {{ 88 A: v’ !” 3180 a. (BUCCINUM) Linnaei, 31.59 3170 a. 3148 3184 3158 3140 a. 31.65 a. 3151 3.187 3174 a. 3140 3139 31.78 3.185 a. 3149 3186 3.186 a. 8183 3143 3164 a. 3.191 a. v2.3168 a. 3134 a. 3136 3181 3135 a. 3141 3171 a. 3130 3143 a. 3142 a. 3.169 a. 3175 . 31.98 3195 3199 31.97 1396 {{ {{ {{ EBURNA Payr., lyratum, Lam., macula, Mont., maculosum, Lam, marginulatum, “ Miga, Adans., moniliferum, Wal., muricatum, Quoy, mutabile, Linn., neriteum, { % obsoletum, Say, olivaceum, Brug., papillosum, Linn., pediculare, Lam., plicatulum, Nuttall, politum, Lam., polygonaturm, {{ Poulsoni, Nuttall, pullus, Linn., reticulatum, & 4 rufulum, Kiener, Schroederi, Beck, senticosum, Linn., serratum, Dufres., testudineum, Chemn., Thersites, Brug., tigrinum, ſcum, Kiener, Tranquebari- Gmel., trivittatum, Say, undatum, Linn., undosum, Quoy, viverratum, Kiener, vittatum, Linn., Zebra, Lam., areolata, Larm., glabrata, {{ lutosa, {{ spirata, “ Zeylanica, .4% Mediterranean. Senegal. Torbay, G. B. Mediterranean. Naples. Barbary. New Holland. New Ireland. Adriatic. Sicily. New-York. Ceylon. Java. England. Sandwich Isles. Senegal. Brazil. Upper California. East Indies. Torbay. Mediterranean. India. Amboyna. California. New Zealand. Asiatic Ocean. Q Coromandel. New-York. Maine. Isle of France. Mediterranean. Indian Ocean. France. China. East Indies. New Zealand. Ceylon. {{ Payr. Cat. pl. 8, f. 10–12. Riener. Icon, pl. 22, f. 88. Pennt. pl. 82, f. 6. Encycl. pl. 400, f. 7 a.. b. Kiener, Icon. pl. 29, f. 117. pl. 22, f. 87. pl. 3, f, 8. pl. 27, f. 110. pl. 24, f. 93. pl. 29, f. 120. Journ. A. N. S. v. 2, p. 232. Kiener, Icon. pl. 15, f. 53. pl. 15, f. 54. pl. 25, f. 105. Kiener, Icon. pl. 8, f. 27. & C “ pl. 29, f. 119. Kiener, Icon. pl. 28, f. 114. pl. 23, f. 91. pl. 24, f. 95. Kiener, Icon, pl. 9, f. 31. pl. 9, f. 28. pl. 1, f. 1, 2. pl. 28, f. 113. pl. 10, f. 32, pl. 23, f. 92. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 231. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 5. pl. 12, f. 41 a. b. c. pl. 10, f. 35. pl. 9, f. 29, 30. List. Conch. t. 929, f. 23. Riener, Icon, pl. 2, f. 3. Ancillaria glabrata, Swains. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 6. ( & {{ £g é ( pl. 2, f. 4. pl. 1, f. 1,2, pl.3,f.5. 89 3221 TEREBRA 3209 v. 3211 3220 a. 3214 3213 y 3203 y^ 3204 3226 V2' 3208 w” .* 3202 8. 3202 3203 a. 3222 v’ 3229 y 3204 a. ** 3220 2 3201 3205 #. vº 3205 v. 3217 , 3207 1. 3205 a. 3206 a. 3218 3228 tº 3212 - 3206 vº 3224 { % {{ {{ & 4 aciculina, Babylonia, caºrulescens, cancellata, cerithina, chlorata, crenulata, dimidiata, digitale, duplicata, Dussumierii, flammea, gemmulata, granulosa, hastata, Lamarkii, lanceata, maculata, monile, muscaria, myuros, oculata, pertusa, Petitii, scabrella, Senegalensis, striata, striatula, subulata, zebra, Lam., Kiener, Lam., Kiener, Lam., Kiener, { % Lam., (4 Quoy, Lam., . . . . 4. Swains., Kiener, Lam., & Quoy, Lam., {{ Kiener, East Indies. Indian Ocean. Seas of India. Moluccas. Timor. East Indies. { % Moluccas. Coromandel. Isle of France. China. Seas of India. East Indies. Senegal. West Indies. Seas of India. East Indies. 4. Mariannes Isles. Indian Ocean. Moluccas. Indian Ocean. Seas of India. South Carolina. New Holland. Senegal. Caroline Isles. Seas of India. Tonga-Tabou. Panama. C O L U M E L L A. R. I. A . 3234 a. Colum BELLA acuminata, 3248 3242 3235 a. {{ { { 4. avara, fulgurans, fusiformis, Nuttall, Say, Lam., Nuttall, Attooi. Fayal. New-York. Indian Ocean. 23 Kiener, Icon. pl. 7, f. 13 a. b. & 4 “ pl. 14, f. 34, 35 a. ${ “ pl. 6 et pl. 7, f. 12. 4% “ pl. 12, f. 28. & 4 “ pl. xi. f. 25. { % “ pl. 4, f. 8, 8 b. & 4 “ pl. 5, f. 9, 9 a. * { “ pl. 2, f. 2 a. b. Kiener, Icon. pl. 12, f. 26, 26 a. “ “ pl. 8, f. 17. - “ “ pl. 5, f. 10. “ “ pl. 5, f. 11, II a. Kiener, Icon. pl. 10, f. 23. & C “ pl. 9, f. 19. 4 & “ pl. 10, f. 22, 22 b. pl. 1, f. 1, 1 a. pl. 12, f. 29. pl. 3, f. 4 a.. b. pl. 14, f. 34, 34 a. & 4 “ pl. 4, f. 7. pl. xi. f. 24, 24 c. & 4 “ pl. 13, f. 32. pl. 14, f. 34 a. pl. 8, f. 15 a-c. Astrolabe, pl. 36, f. 23, 24. Kiener, Icon. pl. 9, f. 18, 18 c. - pl. 4, f. 6. pl. 3, f, 5. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 230. £ncycl. pl. 374, f. 7 a. b. 90 }^ 3232 a.(CoLUMBELLA) lavis, 3240 a. “ 3243 {{ 3232 {{ 3241 { % 3233 a. “ 3240 4% 3245 & 4 3231 {{ 3234 ( & 3230 {{ 3249 {{ 3266 MITRA 3304 & 4 3268 a. “ 3284. {{ 3267 a. “ 3260 {{ 3269 { % 3272 a. “ 3276 a. “ 3273 a. “ 3321 { % 3302 {{ 3290 {{ 3306 {{ 3278 {{ 3279 {{ 3274 & 4 3300 & C 3308 {{ 3269 a. “ 3.298 {{ 3265 a. “ 3330 {{ 3275 a. {{ 3312 {{ 3255 {{ 3299 {{ Brown, lanceolata, Q mendicaria, Lam., mercatoria, { % nitida, & 4 nodulosa, Nuttall, ovulata, Lam., punctata, {{ rustica, {{ semi-punctata, “ strombiformis, “ Sulcosa, Sowb., adusta, Lam., aurantiaca, {{ bizonalis, Nuttall, caffra, Lam., calostoma, Nuttall, cardinalis, Lam., Casta, {{ circula, Kiener, columbelliformis, “ contracta, Swains., conularis, Lam., conulus, ({ cornicularis, {{ coronata, {{ corrugata, {{ costellaris, { { crenifera, { % crenulata, {{ cucumerina, {{ Cumingii, Q dactylus, Lam., Defrancii, Payr., dermestina, Lam., Dupontii, Kiener, ebenus, Lam., episcopalis, {{ fenestrata, {{ England. Peru. India. West Indies. East Indies. Sandwich Isles. Q Indian Ocean. Atlantic Ocean. Africa. Pacific. Lord Hood's Isle. Timor. New Zealand. Sandwich Isles. Seas of Asia. Sandwich Isles. New Holland. Amboyna. Madagascar. f 3 ° f Q East Indies. South Seas. Africa. {{ Indian Ocean. {{ Seas of India. East Indies. & 4 Bengal. Mediterranean. Sandwich Isles. Red Sea. Corsica. East Indies. India. Knorr, Vergn. 4, t. 16, f. 3. Martini, 2, t. 44, f. 452–458. List. Conch. t. 827, f. 49b. Encycl. pl. 374, f. 4 a. b. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 3. Martini, 2, t. 44, f. 465, 466. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 1. Zool. Proceed. 1832, p. 118. Encycl. pl. 369, f, 5 a. b. “ pl. 375, f. 5. Martini, 4, t. 148, f. 1369, 1370. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 6, 6 a. pl. 33, f. 109. pl. 5, f. 13. pl. 15, f. 46. pl. 9, f. 25. Kiener, Icon. pl. 34, f, III. pl. 12, f. 38. pl. 18, f.i.60, 60 a. pl. 22, f. 67, 68. pl. 19, f. b. pl. 4, f. 11. pl. 32, f. 105, 105 a. pl. 9, f. 24. Kiener, Icon. pl. 31, f. 103. Payr. Cat, pl. 8, f. 22. Kiener, Icon. pl. 28, f. 91. pl. 13, f. 39. pl. 12, f. 35. pl. 1, f. 1. pl. 31, f. 104. 9 | 3264 (MITRA) 3287 3273 v. 3267 3313 3271 a. 3303 3324 3291 3278 a. 3296 y^3281 3316 3259 º, 3310 3318 3266 a. v. 3256 3309 3307 3.277 ... 3257 v. 3315 3263 3285 3272 3275 3286 tº 3292 3276 3265 3274 a. 3301 3295 3270 a. vº 3262 3335 3283 3277 a. #. sº sº .* 3281 a. THIARA { % { % {{ {{ {{ § { {{ ferruginea, filosa, granatina, granulosa, harpaeformis, Lamarkii, limbifera, litterata, lutescens, marrmorata, melaniana, melongena, microzonias, millepora, muriculata, nucleola, oliviformis, papalis, patriarchalis, paupercula, plicaria, pontificalis, retusa, sanguinolenta, sanguisuga, scabriuscula, Serpentina, stigmataria, striatula, taeniata, terebralis, tessellata, texturata, tringa, turbinellus, versicolor, vittata, vulpecula, Isabella, Lam., { % { % { { Desh., Lam., {{ § { Lam., {{ {{ {{ Lam., { % { % * {{ 4% { % Lam., Ziervogeliana, Kiener, Q Q Kiener, Lam., Q Martyns, Q Q Seas of India. New Holland. Barbadoes. Indian Ocean. Q Indian Ocean. {{ Corsica. Guinea. Indian Ocean. { % Isle of France. Indian Ocean. {{ Moluccas. Indian Ocean. & 4 South Seas. East Indies. Indian Ocean. New Holland. Indian Ocean. New Holland. Indian Ocean. East Indies. West Indies. Indian Ocean. Africa. Q New Holland. Q Indian Ocean. New Holland. Swains., New Holland. Kiener, Icon. pl. 8, f. 23. “ pl. 5, f. 12, 12 a. “ pl. 4, f. 10. “ pl. 8, f. 22. “ pl. 25, f. 75. “ pl. 3, f. 7. “ pl. 17, f. 54. “ pl. 16, f. 50. “ pl. xi. f. 32. “ pl. 34, f. 112. “ pl. 10, f. 29. “ pſ. 21, f. 65. “ pl. 28, f. 89. “ pl. 7, f. 19. “ pl. 28, f. 92. “ pl. 26, ſ. 83. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 3, 3 a. “ pl. 27, f. 88. “ pl. 15, f. 48. “ pl. 20, f. 63. “ pl. 1, f. 2. “ pl. 15, f. 49. “ pl. 14, f. 45. “ pl. 24, f. 75. “ pl. 4, f. 9, 9 a. “ pl. 6, f. 17. “ pl. 24, f 74. “ pl. 13, f. 41. “ pl. 19, f. c. “ pl. 8, f. 21. “ pl. 13, f. 42. “. . pl. 2, f. 4. Encycl. pl. 374, f. 10 a. b, Kiener, Icon, pl. 7, f. 18. £& {{ {{ “ pl. 20, f. 61, “ pl. 21, f. 64. “ pl. 16, f. 52. Kiener, Icon. pl. 14, f, 43. 92 3373 Wol. UTA ancilla, 3386 { % angulata, Soland., East Indies. Kiener, Icon. pl. 38. 3343 { % armata, Lam., & 4 & 4 “ pl. 8. 3354 { % Brasiliana, Soland., Brazil. Chemn. xi. t. 176, f. 1695, 1696. 3365 & 4 carneolata, Lam., East Indies. Encycl. pl. 379, f. 4 a. b. 3349 {{ cymbium, Linn., Africa. Species Conch. Cymba, f. 9, a-d. 3342 { % diadema, Lam., Asiatic Ocean. Encycl. pl. 388, f. 2. 3344 {{ ducalis, { { Indian Ocean. 3364 a. “ elongata, Swains., {{ Kiener, Icon. pl. 45, f. 2 et pl. 39. 3346 {{ Ethiopica, Linn., New Holland. & 6 “ pl. 5. 3376 {{ fulminata, Lam., China. Martini, 3, t. 98, f. 941, 942. 3368 a. { % glans, Linn., Africa. Wood's Index, pl. 21, f. 183. 3392 { % gracilis, Swains., New Holland. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 42. 3389 { % “harpa, Barnes, Peru. Schub. et Wagn. t. 217, f. 3034–5. 3361 {{ Hebraea, Linn., Indian Ocean. Knorr. Vergn. 6, t. 24, f. 1. 3355 {{ imperialis, a East Indies. Schub. et Wagn: t. 214, et 215. 3377 {{ Junoniae, Chemn., Q Kiener, Icon. pl. 45, f. 1. 3379 { % - lapponica, ( 4 East Indies. Martini, 3, t. 89, f. 872, 873. 3362 a. “ lyrata, 7 Java. Swains. Exot. Conch, pl. 41. 3374 { % Magellanica, Chemn., Straits of Magellan. Chemn. 10, t. 148, f. 1383-4. 3372 { { magnifica, Lam., New Holland. Kiener, Icon. pl. 33. 3347 {{ melo, Soland., East Indies. & & “ pl. 15. 3383 {{ mitra formis, Lam., Java. 3362 { % musica, Linn., West Indies. Martini, 3, t. 96, f. 927–929. 3341 { % nautica, Lam., East Indies. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, pl. 2. 3348 a. “ navicula, Linn., Guinea. Martini, 3, t. 71, f. 768. 3348 {{ Neptuni, Gmel., Africa. Kiener, Icon. pl. 1. 3359 {{ nivosa, Lam., New Holland. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 5. 3350 {{ olla, Linn., Africa. Kiener, Icon. pl. 14. 3375 {{ pacifica, Soland., New Zealand. Swains. Exotic Conch. pl. 14. 3369 a. “ pallida, Gray, Q Riener, Icon. pl. 48. 3356 {{ pellis-serpentis, Linn., East Indies. Encycl. pl. 378, f. 1 a. b. 3368 £ 4 polyZonalis, & 4 Indian Ocean. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 181. 3352 {{ porcina, Lam., Africa. ICiener, Icon. pl. 12. 3367 a. “ praeputium, Linn., {{ 'Chemn. 10, t. 148, f. 1391–4. 3351 {{ proboscidalis, Lam., & 4 Kiener, Icon. pl. Xi. 3353 {{ Scapha, Gmel., Cape Good Hope. & £ “ pl. 16, pl. 17, pl. 18. —i- * . Mr. Barnes' description of this shell is contained in the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History in the city of New-York, vol. 1, p. 139, pl. 9, f. 4. Read 5th April, 1824. 93 3370 3364 3445 3378 3357 3380 3366 a. 3380 a. 3394 3423 MARGINELLA 34.13 a. 3411 a. 3405 ... 3416 3397 a. 3403 º 3406 3414 3399 3405 a. , 3415 3425 3417 a. 3404 3396 3420 3414 a. 3418 3407 ... 3408 34.17 3400 3397 3400 a. 3431 Volvania \. 3430 3427 34.32 3428 (VoluTA) * { {{ { % {{ {{ {{ {{ . (4 {{ { % Sulcata, Chemn., thiarella, Linn., tessellata, Lam., undulata, C ( vespertilio, Linn., vexillum, Gmel., zebra, Linn., punctata, Swains., aulica, Sowb., Adansoni, Kiener, affinis, Beck, apicina, Menke, aurantia, Lam., avellana, {{ Bellangeri, Kiener, bifasciata, Lam., bivaricosa, {{ bullata, Gmel., caºrulescens, Lam., cincta, Kiener, cornea, Lam., Curta, Sowb., diaphana, Q faba, Linn., glabella, Lam., interrupta, ( & irrorata, Menke, lineata, Lam., longivaricosa, “ muscaria, { % persicula, Linn., quinqueplicata, Lam., radiata, {{ strigata, , Chemn., . . . . . . . . . . . . . cylindrica, Brown, Miliacea, Lam., pallida, {{ retusa, Brown, triticea, Lam., West Indies. Barbadoes. East Indies. New Holland. (4 East Indies. New Holland. Q New Holland. Africa. Senegal. West Indies. Senegal. Indian Ocean. Bahia. Senegal. {{ India. Curacoa. Senegal. Africa. Sumatra. Senegal. {{ CC {{ Cape de Verd. Guinea. New Holland. Senegal. Sumatra. Q Guinea. England. Corsica. Senegal. England. Senegal. Chemn. I0, t. 149, f. 1403, 1404. “ 10, t. 149, f. 1401, 1402. Swains. Exot. Conch. pl. 12. & 4 ( & & & pl. 27. $t. Zool. Illust. pl. 83. 4 & ( & “ pl. 77, “ Exot. Conch. pl. 44, Kiener, Icon. pl. 46. f. 1. Tank, Cat. pl. 3. Riener, Icon, pl. 7, f. 27. Kiener, Icon. pl. 3, f. 11. pl. 4, f. 18. pl, 9, f. 43. pl. 2, f, 8. pl. 3, f. 10. pl. 4, f. 15. pl. 1, f. 4. pl. 8, f. 32. pl. 4, f. 17. pl. 7, f. 30. Kiener, Icon. pl. 2, f. 7. pl. 1, f. 1, 2. pl. 5, f. 21. Kiener, Icon. pl. 5, f. 22. a 4t pl. 3, ſ. 12. pl. 3, f. 14. pl. 5, f. 19. pl. 2, f. 5. Leach. Zool. M. 1, t. 12, f. I. Kiener, Icon. pl. 8, f. 37. & 4 6% {{ § { {{ ( & Brown’s Conch. of G. Britain. Kiener, Icon, pl. 6, f. 26. Lister, Conch. t. 714, f. 70. Prown’s Conch. of G. Britain. Kiemer, Icon. pl. 6, f. 25. 24 94 3444 ovula 3434 a. 3446 a. 3446 3440 3440 a. 3443 3442 3437 3443 a. 3439 3436 3445 a. 3442 a. 3440 C. 3445 3441 tº 3438 , 3447 3527 3484 3517 a. 3515 3461 3508 3528 , 3457 v 3500 3468 v. 3475 vº. 34.72 3518 a. tº 34.86 3487 g. 3503 {{ {{ { { CYPRAEA & 4 C & {{ {{ {{ {{ {{ acicularis, Adriatica, avena, birostris, Carnea, emarginata, gibbosa, hordacea, imperialis, intermedia, lactea, oviformis, patula, secale, Seminulum, spelta, triticea, Verru COSa, volva, achatina, adusta, annulata, annulus, arabica, arabicula, arenosa, argus, aseilus, Aurora, Lam., Sowb., {{ {{ Sol., caput-Serpentis, Linn., carneola, carnicolor, caurica, cervina, Childreni, cicercula, {{ Duclos, Lam., {{ 2 Linn., C O N V O L U T A . West Indies. Adriatic. Mexico. Pacific Ocean. Mediterranean. Q Brazil. Africa. East Indies. Brazil. Timor. East Indies. Plymouth, G. B. Q Pacific. South Seas. Japan. Indian Ocean. Java. South Seas. East Indies. Annaa, Pacific. Tahiti. Ind. & Pac. Ocean. Real Llejos. Pacific. Friendly Isles. East Indies. Society Islands. Tahiti. Pacific. China. East Indies. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Annaa. Sowbspec Conchovul, f49-52. 6& & 4 £ & & 6 f. 23, 24. Sowb. Conch. Il. Cypraeadae, f. 59. Sowb.Spec Conch. Ovul.f41, 42. & & & & & £ & £ & 4 C & { % { t & 4 f. 17, 18. f. 54, 55. f. 28–31. f. 53. f. 6–9. f 32, 33. f. 13, 14. f. 1–5. f. 58. f. 36. f. 40. ſ. 43. f. 35. f. 10–12. f. 56, 57. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 73. & 4 Sowb. Conch. Illust. f : f. I33. f. 4. f. 115. f. 85. f. 77. f. "5. f. 125. ſ. 93. f. 141. f. 131. f. 165. f. 158–160. f. 175. f. 69. f. 84. 95 3476 (CYPRAEA) cinerea, Linn., West Indies. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 163. 3488 h. “ clandestina, {{ East Indies. & 8 { { “ f. 87. 3520 { % coccinella, & 4 Encycl. pl. 356, f. 1 b. 3483 C. “ commixta, Q Q ... 3489 {{ cribraria, Linn., Mauritius. Sowb. Conch. Illust, f. 16, 63. , 3522 b. “ cruentata, Gmel., East Indies. “ & 4 “ f. 112. 34.52 ({ cylindrica, Born, Tahiti. & [. & 4 “ f. 101. tº 3449 a. “ eburnea, Barnes, Pacific. Ann. Lyc. N. H. v. 1, pl. 9. f. 2. 3491 a. “ edentula, Sowb., Africa, Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 26.4 v. 3485 ( : erosa, Linn., Annaa. & 4 & 4 “ f. 171, 172. 3498 a. “ Europaea, Lam., Europe. 4 & & 4 “ f. 142,142.* v. 3456 {{ exanthema, Linn., West Indies, £ & & “ f. 170. 3447 a. “ eXusta, Sowb., Persian Gulf. £ 4. & S. 44 f. 2.3 , 3450 {{ felina, Gmel., East Indies. 4 & & I “ f. 135,137. 3524 d. “ fimbriata, Dillw., Mauritius. £ 4 & 4 ** f. 140, 3496 {{ flaveola, Linn., East Indies. & t {{ “ f. 11. 3511 a. “ gangrenosa, Gmel., Ceylon. & 4 { { “ f. 8, 8.* 3505 {{ globulus, Linn., East Indies. & S 6 ( “ f. T8. 3520 a. “ guttata, Gmel., {{ ( & £ 2 ** f. 176. vº 3507 {{ helvola, Linn., Tahiti. ( ; & C “ f. 121. 3493 & 4 hirundo, & 4 East Indies. & 4 { % “ f.174,12.** v. 3462 {{ histrio, Lam., { { gé &t “ f. 80. 3519 a. “ Indica, Q {{ { { { % ** f. 103. 34.64 a. “ interrupta, Gray, Ceylon. { { 4 & ** f. 15. , 3482 b. “ interstincta, Q Q … 34.72 a. “ irrorata, Sol., Elizabeth Isle. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 25. , 3487 ( . Isabella, Linn., Pacific. “ “ ** f. 98. v. 34.48 a. “ Lamarckii, Gray, East Indies. $6 ** ** f. 12. A 3479 a. ( & lentiginosa, { % Ceylon. £ £ & 4 “ f. 139. 3512 { % limacina, Lam., East Indies. Martini, 1, t. 29, f. 312. 3481 a. {{ Listeri, Gray, Indian Ocean. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 114. 3473 {{ lurida, Linn., Mediterranean. 4 ſ { { “ f. 82. , 3483 ( { lynx, & 4 East Indies. 44 & 4 “ f. 107, 118. v3529 {{ maculata, Barnes, {{ Ann. Lyc, N. H. v. 1, pl. 9, f. 1. 3525 e. “ Madagascarien-Lam., Pacific. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 116. Jº 3460 {{ mappa, [sis, Linn., Friendly Isles. & & i & “ f, 70, 99. , , 3526 f. “ Margarita, Sol., Ulitea. { { £ 6 “ f. 6. v. 3459 { { Mauritiana, Linn., Pacific. & ! & 4 ** f. 164. vº 3456 a. “ melanostoma, Leathes, Persian Gulf. 4 4 £ & “ f. 64, 65. v. 3513 {{ moneta, Linn., West Indies. 4 & ! { “ f. 123, 130. 96 3466 (CyprAEA) 34.76 a. , 3511 3514 , 3488 3516 a. 3519 3506 , 3480 a. 3518 34.74 a. 3498 34.66 a. 3458 a. 3515 a. 3478 a. \,, 3510 3467 a. 3526 v2. 3516 v. 3464 3455 a. 3497 3460 c. , 3463 3509 a. 34.73 a. , 3463 a. Jº 3509 , 3465 v 3502 3492 3524. 3453 v. 34.71 3451 3528 h. ./ 3458 , 3469 v. 3490 {{ {{ 4% {{ 4% {{ { % 4. ‘. . {{ {{ 4. {{ {{ mus, Linn., nigropunctata, Gray, Nucleus, Linn., obvelata, Lam., ocellata, Linn., onyx, et var. {{ Oryza, Lam., ovulata, {{ pantherina, Sol., pediculus, Linn., picta, Gray, poraria, Lam., pulchella, pulchra, Gray, punctata, Linn., punctulata, Gray, pustulata, Lam., pyriformis, Gray, Quadrimaculata, “ radians, Lam., rattus, { % Reevii, Gray, Sanguinolenta, Gmel., Scottii, Brod., Curacoa. Gallipagos Isle. Mauritius. Tahiti. Ceylon. East Indies. West Indies. Cape Good Hope. Persian Gulf. West Indies. Guaymas. Ceylon. Swains., Pacific. Persian Gulf. Mauritius. Panama. Mexico. Ceylon. East Indies. {{ Africa. New Holland. East Indies. Garden Island. Scurra, Chemn., East Indies. Solandri, Gray, Pacific. spadicea, Swains., New Holland. Spurca, Linn., East Indies. staphylaea, {{ Mauritius. stercoraria, 4% Persian Gulf. stercusmuscarum, Lam., East Indies. stolida, Linn., Ceylon. sulcidentata, Gray, East Indies. tabescens, Solander,Ceylon. talpa, Linn., Indian Ocean. teres, Gmel., Haynam. tessellata, Swains., S. Sea Islands. testudinaria, Linn., Mauritius. tigris, {4 Indian Ocean. turdus, Lam., East Indies. / . . . Sowb. Conch, Illust. Encycl. pl. 355, f. 10. Sowb. Conch. Illust.f. f. 156, 157. f. 22. f. 86. f. 13. f. 67. f. 17. f. 38. f. 145. f. 168, 134. f. 148. f. 162. f. 68. f. 40. f. 126. f. 117. f. 20. f. TH: f. 23. f.88, 89. f. 146. f. 52. f. 108. f. 44. f. 106. f. 43. f. 95. f. 81. f. 83. f. 167. º - /. - º {{ {{ {{ { % & 4 g º r ." - , i. * .. º /A. • a / . A = * { * * * *: - a {{ & 4 © & {{ {{ & & $6 { % £4 t “ & 4 & 4 € 6 {{ £6 £4 { { $t 91, 92. 12.* f. 110. - f. 14. f. 113. f. 56. f. 94. f. 152. f. 90. f. 173. 97 v. 3494 (CYPRAEA) undata, Sol., East Indies. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 109. 3467 {{ ventriculus, Lam., New Holland. Cypraea achatina, Sol. y^ 3474 {{ vitellus, Linn., Pacific. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 66. , 3445 4% ziczac, {{ East Indies. { { & C & 4 f. 143. 3477 {{ ZOnata, Lam., Indian Ocean. & 4 € $ (* f. 79. yº. 3530 TEREBELLUM subulatum, Lam., Indian Ocean. Martini, 2, t. 51, f. 569. 3544 ANCILLARIA candida, Lam., Isle of France. Sowb. Spec. Conch. f. 5–7. 3545 { % Castanea, Sowb., East Indies. & 6 & 6 ** f. 20–23. 3541 {{ cinnamomea, Lam., Indian Ocean. {{ {g ** f. 10–13. 3539 %-9 glabrata, Swains., {{ • 6% tº “ f. 60–64. 3547 & Mauritiana, Sowb., Mauritius. & 4 & 6 “ f. 1, 2. 3546 {{ rubiginosa, Swains., East Indies. & 6 (t ** f. 49–52. 3542 {{ ventricosa, Lam., 4. 4 g { { “ f. 26–32. 3597 OLIVA acuminata, Lam., Java. Martini, 2, t. 50, f. 551-553. 3555 {{ angulata, { % East Indies. “ 2, t. 47, f. 499, 500. 3596 ( & auricularia, “. Brazil. Oliva utriculus, Lam. variety. , 3582 {& bicincta, & 4 * Encycl. pl. 364, f. I a... b. 3580 a. “ biplicata, Sowb., California. Sowb. Tank. Cat. p. 33. 3594 {{ Brasiliana, Lam., Brazil. Chemn. 10, t. 147, f. 1367–8. … 3588 {{ Carneola, 4. East Indies. - Encycl. pl. 365, f, 5 a. b. 3620 a. “ columellaris, Sowb., Q Sowb. Tank. Cat. p. 34. 3606 {{ Conoidalis, Lam., West Indies. Martini, 2, t. 50, f. 556. 3617 {{ Cruenta, Q -- Q 3608 {{ eburnea, Lam., West Indies. Swains. Zool. Journ. pl. 2, f. 2. ... 3560 (, . elegans, {{ Ceylon. Encycl. pl. 367, f. 3, a, b. 3561 £ 4 episcopalis, 4% East Indies. List. Coneh. t. 719, f. 3. tº 3552 {{ erythrostoma, “ Indian Ocean. Encycl. pl. 361, f. 3, a b. 3605 {{ fabagina, & 4 Q é & pl. 363, f. 5, a. b. 3553 a. “ flammea, Q. g 3566 {{ flammulata, Lam., Pacific. Martini, 2, t. 49, f. 526. 3558 ( & fulminans, 4. Indian Ocean. Chemn. 10, t. 147, f. 1374. v. 3579 {{ fusiformis, {{ Pacific. Encycl. pl. 367, f. 1, a. b. 357.6 ( { glandiformis, {{ Peru. Adans. Seneg. pl. 4, f. 6. 3563 “. guttata, {{ New Holland. Martini, 2, t. 46, f. 491,492. 3583 {{ harpularia, { % 4% Chemn. 10, t. 147, f. 1376, 1377. 3601 { % hiatula, {{ Senegal. Martini, 2, t. 50, f. 555. 3581 {{ inflata, { % East Indies. Encycl. pl. 364, f. 5, a. b. 3589 “ ispidula, {4 Indian Ocean. Martini, 2, t. 49, f. 522–530. 3564 & 4 leucophaea, {{ {{ “ 2, t. 51, f. 564. 25 8 3618 (OLIva) 3556 (4 3619 é & 3609 {{ 3590 $4 3611 {{ 35.50 {{ 3565 { % 3572 & 4 3620 {{ 3570 {{ 3578 {{ 3557 {{ 3598 & 4 3587 {{ 3551 4. 3593 {{ 3554. {{ 357.1 {{ 3580 4. 3607 {{ 3595 4% 3562 { % 3592 C & 3796 CONUS 3672 a. “ 3699 {{ 3757 {{ 3718 {{ 3689 {{ 3698 (4 3625 {{ 3793 {{ 3638 {{ 3664 {{ 3713 {{ 3783 {{ 3632 {{ 37.84 {{ 3787 {{ litterata, Say, maura, Lam., mutica, Say, mana, Lam., oriola, {{ Oryza, * { porphyria, {{ reticularis, {{ sanguinolenta, “ Sayana, Scripta, Lam., Senegalensis, {{ Sepulturalis, {{ Subulata, ({ tessellata, {{ textilina, {{ tigrina, {{ tremulina, {{ tricolor, {{ undata, {{ undatella, {{ utriculus, { % venulata, ! { volutella, {{ abbas, Lam., abbreviatus, Nuttall, achatinus, Brug., amabilis, Lam., amadis, Gmel., ammiralis, var. i. “ anemone, Lam., araneosus, Brug., archiepiscopus, “ arenatus, {{ asper, Lam., augur, Brug., aulicus, Linn., aurantius, Brug., auratus, {{ auricomus, Lam., Florida. New Holland. South Carolina. Martinique. Indian Ocean. West Indies. Panama. East Indies. Timor. South Carolina. Africa. Senegal. East Indies. Java. East Indies. West Indies. East Indies. { % Timor. Ceylon. California. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Panama. East Indies. Sandwich Isles. Asiatic Ocean. South Sea. Borneo. South Sea. New Holland. Moluccas. East Indies. Philippine Isles. China. Ceylon. East Indies. Indian Ocean. China. Indian Ocean. Say's Amer. Conch. pl. 3. Martini, 2, t. 45, f. 472, 473. Journ. A. N. S. vol. 2, p. 228. Tºartini, 2, t. 50, f. 543–547. 6s 2, t. 49, f. 534, 538. { % 2, t. 50, f. 548. { { 2, t. 46, f. 485,486. Encycl. pl. 361, f. 1 a. b. Martini, 2, t. 48, f. 512, 513. Encycl. pl. 362, f. 4 a. b. “ pl. 364, f. 3. “ pl. 335, f. 1. Martini, 2, t. 50, f. 549, 550. & & 2, t. 46, f. 493, 494. & 4 2, t. 51, f. 559, 561. { % 2, t. 45, f. 475. List. Conch. t. 727, f. 14. & 4 “ t. 739, f. 26. Chemn. 10, t. 147, f. 1373. Chemn. 10, t. 147, f. 1369, 1370. Martini, 2, t. 46, f. 488. Swains. Zool. Illust. Oliva, f. 1. Chemn. 10, t. 143, f. 1326 b. c. Chemn. 10, t. 142, f. 1317, 1320. { { xi. t. 182, f. 1770, 1771. <& 10, t. 142, f. 1322, 1323. Encycl. pl. 328, f. 9. Encycl. pl. 318, f. 7, 8. Martini, 2, t. 54, f. 602. Encycl. p1. 320, f. 3–7. Chemn. xi. t. 181, f. 1745–1747. Swains. Zool. Ill. pl. 65. Encycl. pl. 343, f. 3, 4. Favan. pl. 16, f. D 4. Encycl. pl. 343, f. 1. Knorr, Vergn. 5, t. xi. f. 5. 99 * wº 3801 (Conus) 3622 3651 3708 3770 3794 368] 3631 3786 3655 3775 3667 3709 3720 3677 3729 3628 3669 3690 3644 3694. 3671 a. 3764 3763 3636 3687 3627 3732 3661 3712 3666 3650 3768 3670 36.21 3735 3733 3706 3688 3665 {{ australis, bandanus, Barbadensis, betulinus, bullatus, canonicus, capitaneus, cedo-nulli, clavus, distans, dux, eburneus, figulinus, flammeus, flavidus, franciscanus, fuscatus, generalis, genuanus, geographus, glaucus, grandis, granulatus, gubernator, hebraeus, hyaena, imperialis, Jamaicensis, lamellosus, leoninus, litteratus, lividus, magus, Maldivus, marrmorells, Mauritianus, Mediterraneus, mercator, miles, Lam., Brug., ( . Linn., Gmel., Brug., Ilinn., Brug., Linn., Brug., {{ { % Linn., & 4 Brug., {{ Linn., { % {{ Gmel., Q Linn., Brug., Linn., Brug., Linn., Brug., {{ {{ Gmel., Brug., Linn., Brug., Linn., Brug., £ 4 Linn., C & millepunctatus, Lam., New Holland. Moluccas. West Indies. Madagascar. Bhilippine Isles. East Indies. Asiatic Ocean. Caraccas. East Indies. New Zealand. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Philippine Isles. Africa. Q Mediterranean. Pacific. East Indies. Senegal. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Q Surinam. East Indies. Africa. {{ Moluccas. West Indies. Ceylon. West Indies. Asiatic Ocean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Maldivia. East Indies. Africa. Mediterranean. Africa. Moluccas. Asiatic Ocean. Sowb, Gen. of Shells, f. 4. Encycl. pl. 318, f. 5. { % pl. 322, f. 8. & & pl. 333, f. 1, 2, 8. Sowb, Gen. of Shells, f. 9. Encycl. pl. 345, f. I. Martini, 2, t. 59, f. 660–662. Encycl. pl. 316, f. 7. Martini, 2, t. 52, f. 570. Chemn. I0, t. 138, f. 1281. Encycl. pl. 342, f. 4, 5. “ pl. 324, f. 1, 2. “ pl. 332, f. 1, 2. Chemn. xi. t. 181, f. 1754, 1755. Pncycl. pl. 337, f. 5. “ pl. 319, f. 4, 7. Swains. Zool. Illust. pl. 118. Martini, 2, t. 56, f. 623–625. Encycl. pl. 322, f. 12. Chemn. 10, t. 138, f. 1277, 1278. Sowb. Gen. Of Shells, f. 2. Martini, 2, t. 52, f. 574, 575. Encycl. pl. 340, f, 4–6. “ pl. 321, f. 2. “ pl. 327, f. 5, 7. “ pl. 319, f. 2. “ pl. 335, f. 4. " “ pl. 322, f. 5. Chemn. 10, t. 140, f. 1299. Encycl. pl. f. 1, 4. “ pl. 321, f. 5. Martini, 2, t. 52, f. 579, 580. Swains. Zool. Ill. pl. 127. Encycl. pl. 317, f. 5, 6, 8, 10. “ pl. 330, f. 9. “ pl. 330, f. 4. Martini, 2, t. 56, f. 620, 621. 6 & 2, t. 59, f. 663, 664, Encycl. pl. 323, f. 2, 3, 5. g © © & f : : & © o © * . : : : : C f tº gº a • © 100 3742 (Conus). 3781 {{ 3696. { % 3673 . 4. 3649 4. 3647 & 4 3684 4% 3633 4 3624 - 4 3804. {{ 3715 {{ 37.59 {{ 3623 4% ... 37.82 (£ 3641 & 4 3788 { % 3691 4. 3790 . “ 3643 a. “ 3755 {{ 37.77 {{ 37.91 a 3691 4. 3711 {{ 3639 {{ 3662 {{ 3710 & 4 3767 {{ 3731 { { 3630 {{ 3805 & 4 3652 “ 3769 { % 3658 {{ 3772 {{ 3762 {{ 3779 “ 3635 4% 3686 4% 3695 (£ : * > : : Mindanus, mitratus, monachus, monile, mus, musicus, mustelinus, nebulosus, Nicobaricus, niger, nivosus, nobilis, nocturnus, Nussatella, obesus, Omaria, papiliomaceus, pennaceus, planicostatus, Portoricanus, praefectus, praelatus, prometheus, proteus, pulicarius, pusillus, Quercinus, raphanus, rattus, regius, rhododendron, roseus, Spectrum, sponsalis, Brug., £ 4 Linn., Brug., 44 {{ {{ Soland., Brug., Q Lam., Linn., Brug., {{ 4 ( Chemn., Brug., {{ £ 4 Chemn., Couth., Lam., Linn., Chemn, stercus-musca- Gmel., striatus, [rum, Linn., strigatus, Sulcatus, Sumatrensis, Suratensis, * * y & e : i Y ** * * * * & - Brug., ( . . {{ {{ Philippine Isles. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Asiatic Ocean. Guadaloupe. China. Asiatic Ocean. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Q West Indies. Moluccas. (4 Philippine Isles. East Fridies. Asiatic Ocean. Guinea. Asiatic Ocean. 2 Porto Rico. Antilles. East Indies. African Ocean. Atlantic “ Pacific. Wahoo. Timor. Asiatic Ocean. West Indies. Asiatic Ocean. Australasia. West Indies. Indian Ocean. Pacific. Asiatic Ocean. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Moluccas. East Indies. Seas of India. Encycl. pl. 330, f. 7. “ pl. 342, f. 3. Knorr. Vergn, 3, t. 16, f. 2, 3. Chemn. 10, t. 140; f. 1301–1303, Encycl. pl. 320, f. 9. “ pl. 322, f. 4. Chemn. 10, t. 138, f. 1280. Encycl. pl. 317, f. 1-4, 9. “ pl. 318, f. 9. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, ſ. 3. Encycl. pl. 318, f. 1, 6. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 7. Chemn. 10, t. 142, f. 1318. Martini, 2, t. 54, f. 596. Chemn. 10, t. 138, f. 1282, 1283. Born, Mus. t. 7, f. 14. Sowb. Conch. Illust. f. 15. Encycl. pl. 338, f. 4. Martini, 2, t. 52, ſ. 573. {& 2, t. 54, f. 601. Encycl. pl. 331, f. 5. Martini, 2, t. 56, f. 626,627. “ 2, t. 63, f. 698, 698 a. Chemn. xi. t. 183, f. 1788, 1789. Martini, 2, t. 59, f. 657. Encycl. pl. 341, f. 1, 2. “ pl. 338, f. 7, 9. Chemn. 10, t. 138, f. 1276. Figured—pl. 7, f. 2, 3. Martini, 2, t. 63, f. 707. ( ſ. 2, t. 53, f. 582, 583. Chemn. xi. t. 182, f. 1766, f. 1767. Martini, 2, t. 64, f. 711–713. Encycl. pl. 340, f. 1–3. “ pl. 342, f. 1. “ pl. 321, f. 6. Chemn. 10, t. 144 a. ſ. A. B. { % xi. t. 181, f. 1752, 1753. *7. y 3646 3765 3668 3722 JA 3798 3773 ..., 3643 3642 3637 3740 3685 3678 3676 3626 3809 3812 38.19 (Conus) taeniatus, { % terebra, { { tessellatus, { % testudinarius, { { textile, ( { Timorensis, { % tulipa, & 4 varius, {{ vermiculatus, { % verrucosus, { % vexillum, {{ virgo, { % vulpinus, { { Zonatus, } {} | China. East Indies. Indian Ocean. Antilles. East Indies. Timor. Indian Ocean. East Indies. Africa. Senegal. Moluccas. East Indies. Guinea. Indian Ocean. sºr ºr e-r ‘e’ ºr eve - --> -º- ºre rve Chemn. 10, t. 144 a. f. M. N. Sowb. Gen. of Shells, f. 6. Martini, 2, t. 59, f. 653, 654. { { 2, t. 55, f. 605, 608. & £ 2, t, 54, f. 599, 600. Encycl. pl. 341, f. 3. Martini, 2, t. 64, f. 718, 719. Chemn, 10, t. 138, f. 1284. Martini, 2, t. 63, f. 699, 700. & 4 2, t. 55, f. 612 c. 612 d. Chemn. xi. t. 182, f. 1758, 1759. Martini, 2, t. 53, f. 585, 586. Born, Mus. t. 7, f. 13. Chemn, 10, t. 139, f. 1286–1288. © r d e r R W . — C e g Bn H a o gº o dà a . D I y Is I O N I.- POLY THAL AM o US CE PH A L A Po D A. O R T H O C E R A 'H' A . BELEMNITEs ORTHOCERA linearis, {{ raphanus, NoDos ARIA HIPPURITES CoNILITES SPIRULA Peronii, Brown, Lam., Lam., Great Britain. Mediterranean. L IT U O L A T A . Moluccas. Brown’s Conch. of G. Britain. Martini, 1, p. 1, Vign. 1, f. A. B. Martini, 1. p. 254, Vign. 11 f. 1-3. 26 102 SPIRo1,1NITEs LITUOLITES C R I, S T A T A. RENULITEs CRISTELLARIA ORBICULINA S P H AE R U L A. T A . MILIOLITEs 3830 q. Gyrogon ITEs medicaginula, Lam., Grignon. fossil. MELoNITES R. A. D. I O L A. T A . RoTALITES LENTICULITES PLACENTULA N A U T I L A C E A . Disco RBITES SIDEROLITES Pol, YSTOMELLA WoRTICIALIS NUMMULITES 3846 NAUTILUs Beccarii, Mont., Tenby, G. B. v/ 3844 {{ pompilius, Linn., Moluccas. Mart, 1. p. 226, vign. 10. t. 18,f.164. 3845 {{ umbilicatus, Lam., East Indies. Chemn. 10, t. 137, f. 1274, 1275. 103 v 3850 3852 3851 3855 3868 3867 3864 3869 A M M O N E A T A. AMMONITES OR BULITES AMMONoCERATITES TURRILITEs BACULITES DIW IS I O N II. — M. O NOT HAL A. M. O U S C E PH A L O P O D A . ARGONAUTA argo, Linn., Mediterranean. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 84, f. 5–7. {{ nitida, Lam., East Indies. “ “ 3, t. 84, f. 9–12. & 4 tuberculosa, 4. Pacific. Knorr. Vergn. 6, t. 31. DIW ISION III. – N A K E D C E PHAL O POD A. OCTOPUS vulgaris, Lam., Mediterranean. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 2, f. 1–4. LOLIGOPSIs LOLIGO Pealii, Le Seuer, New-York. & 4 Sepiola, Lam., Havre. Encycl. pl. 77, f. 3. {{ vulgaris, ({ Seas of Europe. Pennt. Zool. B. pl. 27, no. 43. SEPIA officinalis, Linn., Mediterranean. Seba. Mus. 3, t. 3, f. 1-4. 104 O r d e r W. — He t e rop o d a . V 3872 CARINARIA vitrea, Lam., New Holland. Martini, 1, t. 18, f. 163. PTEROTRACHEA PHYLLIRoE I N D E X OF THIE B O O K S R E F E R R E D T O I N T H I S C A T A L O G U E . ADANs. SENEG. ANNALs LYC. N. H. ASTROLABE, BAR B. VERM. BLAIN. MALAC. BLAIN. DICT. N. S. BoRN, MUs. Bosc, BosT, J. N. H. BoUIL. CAT. Bow D. ELEM. BRoDERIP, BROOKES, BROWN, BRUGUIERE, BUoNANNI, BURRow, CAILLIAUD, Histoire Naturelle des Coquillages du Senegal, par M. Adanson. Annals ofthe Lyceum of Natural History in the city of New-York. Voyage de la Corvette l'Astrolabe. Barbut's Genera Vermium. Manuel de Malacologie et de Conchyliologie, par H. M. Ducrotay De Blainville. Blainville in the Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, article, Mollusques. Ignatius A. Born, Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis. (L. A. G. Bosc)—Histoire naturelle des coquilles. Boston Journal of Natural History. Catalogue des Coquilles de l'Auvergne, par M. J. B. Bouillet. Clermont Ferrand. Bowden's Elements of Conchology. In Transactions of the Zoological Society, London. | Introduction to the Study of Conchology, by Samuel Brookes. Conchology of Great Britain by Thomas Brown. In Encyclopédie Méthodique, art. Vers. Recreatio mentis et oculi in observatione animalium testaceorum. Elements of Conchology by the Rev. E. J. Burrow. | Voyage à Méroé et Fleuve Blanc. 27 106 CHEMN. CONRAD, CoQUILLE, CouTHUOY, D'ARGENVILLE, DA Cost A, DES HAYES, DESM. Donov AN, DoRs ET. CAT. DRAPARN AUD, ENCYCL. ENCYCL. AMER. ENCYCL. BRIT. FAvANNE, FERUss AC, GMELIN, GRIFF. CUv. GUALTIERI, GUERIN, Journ. A. N. S. KIENER, KLEIN, OST. KNoFR, LAMARCK, LEACH, LIST. Concłł. LOND. M. N. H. Low E, MARTINI, MARTYN's, MATon, See Martini. New Fresh Water Shells of the United States. Monography of the Family Unionidae. American Marine Conchology. Voyage de la Coquille. In Boston Journal of Natural History, and also in MSS. by Joseph P. Couthuoy, Naturalist in the U. S. Exploring Expedition. Conchyliologie. British Conchology. Expedition de Morea—art. Zoology. Encyclopédie Méthodique, art. Wers. Des Moulin Bulletin des Sciences par la Société Philomathique. Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles. Natural History of British Shells. Catalogues of the Birds, Shells, &c. &c. of Dorsetshire. Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la France. Encyclopédie Méthodique. Nicholson's Encyclopædia Americana. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Supplement, art. Conchology. Conchyliologie, ou Histoire Naturelle des Coquilles. (D’Audebarde de) Histoire Naturelle des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles. Systema Naturae Linnaei. Translation of Cuvier by Griffith. Index Testarum Conchyliorum. Magasin de Zoologie. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Species Géneral et Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes, par L. C. Kiener. Ja. Theod. Klein, Tentamen Methodi Ostraceologicae. George Wolfgang Knorr, Les Délices des Yeux et de l’Esprit. Animaux sans Wertèbres. Zoological Miscellany. Martin Lister, Historia sive synopsis Methodica, Conchyliorum. London Magazine of Natural History. Primit. Faun. de Madère. Systematisches Conchiliencabinet fortgesezt von Chemnitz. Universal Conchologist. Transactions of the Linnaean Society, London. 107 MAw E, MENKE, MICHAUD, MonTAGU, MoRICAND, MüLLER, OLIVIER. PAYRAUDEAU, PENNANT’s, PERRY's, PFEIFFER, PHILIPPI, PLANCUs, Polſ, PRO. Z. S. RANG, Ross MASSLER, RUMPHIUS, SAY, SCHROFTER, SCHUBERT et WAGNER, SCHUMACHER, SEBA, SILLIMAN's, Sow ERBY, SPIx, Sw AINson, TER v ER, TRANS. A. P. S. TURTON, Voyage to Brazil. Synopsis Methodica Molluscorum, par C. T. Menke. Complement a Draparnaud. Catalogue des Testacea d’Alger. Description des Genre, Rissoa. Description de Coquille. Testacea Britannica et Supplement. Memoirs de Geneve. Zoologia Danica. Voyage dans l'Empire Ottoman, l'Egypte et la Perse. Catalogue des Annelides et des Mollusques de l'Ile de Corse. British Zoology. - Conchology. (Charles) Systematische anordnung und Beschreibung deutscher land und wasser-schnecken. Enumeratio Molluscorum Siciliae. Jani Planci de Conchis minus notis. Testacea Utriusque Siciliae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society, London. Sander Rang—Histoire Naturelle des Aplysiens. Iconographie der land und Susswasser Mollusken. Thesaurus Imaginum Piscium, Testaceorum. Thomas Say—American Conchology. (J. S.) Fluss-Conchylien. Continuation of Martini et Chemnitz. HDescriptio Thesauri Rerum Naturalium. American Journal of Science. Conchological Illustrations. Genera of Shells. Species Conchyliorum. Tankerville Catalogue. Testacea Fluviatilia Braziliensis. Exotic Conchology. Zoological Illustrations, 1st and 2d series. Catalogue of the Collection of Mons. Terver, Lyons. Transactions of the American Philosophical Soc. Philadelphia. Conchological Dictionary of the British Isles. Conchylia Insularum Britannicarum, or British Bivalves. Manual of British Land and Fresh Water Shells. 108 WALKER, WARD, WooD, Testacea minuta rariora nuperrimè detecta in Arena Littoris Sandvicensis, 1784. MSS. of C. J. Ward, Roscoe, Ohio. General Conchology. Index Testaceologicus et Supplement. L H S T OF A U T. H. O. R. S. The following Authors are quoted, and their names chiefly abbreviated. Adam.—Adanson. Andr.— 2 Bar.—Barnes. Beck. Binn.—Binney. Blaim.—De Blainville. Bonel.-Bonelli. Born. Bosc. Boub.- 2 Bouil.-Bouillet. Bronn. Brod.—Broderip. Brown. Brug.—Bruguière. Caill.—Cailliaud. Charp.–Charpentier. Chemn.—Chemnitz. Con.—Conrad. Cooper. Couth.-Couthuoy. Cozz.—Cozzens. Crist.—Cristofori. Cum.—Cuming. Cuv.—Cuvier. Da Costa. Desh.-Deshayes. Des Moul.—Des Moulins. Desm.—Desmarest. Dill.—Dillwyn. Donov.–Donovan. D'Orb.-D'Orbigny. Drap.–Draparnaud. Duclos. Dufres.—Dufresne. Far.—Farines. Fau. Big.—Faure Biguet. Fer.—Férussac. Flem.—Fleming. Frembl.— t Fritz. Gmel.—Gmelin. Gould. Gray. Green. Griffith. Guild.—Guilding. Haning.—Haeninghaus. Hild.—Hildreth. Humb.-Humboldt. Humph, Humphreys. Jan. Joannis. Riener. King. 109 Klein. Kokeil. Lam.—Lamarck. Lea. Leach. Leathes. Less.-Lesson. Lesueur. Linn.—Linneus. List.—Lister. Lowe. Mart.—Martini. Madon. Mat. et R.—Maton et Rackett. Martyns. Meg.—Mégerle. Memke. Mich.-Michaud. Millet. Mont.—Montagu. Moric.—Moricand. Mühl.—Mühlfield. Müller. Nuttall. Olivier. Pall.—Pallas. Parr.—Parreyss. Parisch. Payr.—Payraudeau. Pennt.—Pennant. Pełłł. Pfeif-Pfeiffer. Poir.—Poiret. Polº. Pult.—Pultney. Quoy. Qu. et G.-Quoy et Gaimard. Rang. Rav.–Ravenel. Retz.-Retzius. Rossm.—Rossmaesler. 28 Say. Schºmidt. Soland.—Solander. Sowb.-Sowerby. Spia. Stud.—Studer. Swains.—Swainson. Terver. Tožtem. Turt.—Turton. Valen.—Valenciennes, Wagn.—Wagner. Walch. Waltz. Ward. Webb. Wºlla. Williams.—Williamson. Wood. Zeigl.—Zeigler. E X P L A N A T I O N . OF THE IP Tº A T. Jº $o -> 3% “sº- P I, A T E H . Figure 1. BULIMUs cinctus, Nobis. º,- . rºzā sk HABITAT, Calcutta. - . At a 2. a y < * * * * Remarks.-In the event of this shell not having been previously described, I propose the above name for it, from the White Band with which the body whorl is girt. For the possession of this rare Bulimus I am indebted to Burn W. Budd, M. D. of this City. Figure 2, 3. TURBo Rotelliformis, Nobis. HABITAT, South Seas. Remarks.--This shell was brought into Boston during the last year, and ap- pears to be undescribed; on the upper surface it has every appearance of a large Rotella, but underneath the large and deep Umbilicus shows that it does not belong to that Genus. Should it prove to be new, a description of it will appear in the Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of this City. 112 Figure 4. AMPULLARIA Brownii, Nobis. HABITAT, River Amazon. Remarks.--This ponderous Ampullaria was procured from Capt. Brown, of Beverly, Massachusetts, who brought it from the above mentioned locality. It bears some resemblance to the Ampullaria crassa, Swains. figured in Spix. tab. W. f. 1. It may, however, be only a variety. Figure 5. AMPULLARIA Storeria, Nobis. HABITAT, River Amazon. Remarks.--This is also one of the rarities brought home by Capt. Brown; and it is at his suggestion that I have named it after a very able and zealous Naturalist, D. Humphreys Storer, M. D. of Boston. Figure 6, 7. HELIx Planorbis, Nobis. HABITAT, Island of Togobo, Gulf of Guyaquil. Remarks.--This beautiful shell was found by Capt. Sloat, U. S. N. It is owing to the generosity of his Son, in whose cabinet it was, that I am enabled to add this unique shell to my collection. It was the only one obtained, al- though some time was spent in searching for another. The marking on the upper surface is very similar to that of the Helix pellis-serpentis. Figure 8, 9. PALUDINA scalaris, Nobis. HABITAT, Everglades of Florida. Remarks. This shell is white, semi-transparent, and very fragile ; the Su- tures of the whorls are very angular, and of the same character with the Ampul- laria scalaris, D'Orbigny. It was presented to me by Count Castelneau, whose researches in this country will, without doubt, add much interesting matter to our knowledge of Natural History. Figure 10, 11. LYMNAEA gracilis, Nobis. HABITAT, Essex Co. New-York. Remarks.-I am indebted to Professor Benedict, of Burlington, Vermont, for two specimens of this very slender and fragile Lymnaea. 113 Figure 12, 13. NUCULA Eightsii, Couthouy. Annals Lyceum Natural History. HABITAT, New South Shetland. Remarks.-A description of this new species of Nucula was read before the Lyceum during the last year, by Joseph P. Couthouy, Corresponding Member. Mr. C. presumes this to be a new species, from its remote locality, and the fact that it is neither alluded to by M. Des Hayes in his new edition of Lamarck, nor figured by Sowerby in his “Illustrations of the Genus Nucula,” which embody all the new ones carried to England by Mr. Cumings, from the South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. A few specimens only of this shell were picked up on the shores of New South Shetland, by Dr. James G. Eights, of Albany, N. Y. Figure 14, 15. WENERUPIs Peruviana, Nobis. HABITAT, Coasts of Peru. Figure 16. FissurELLA. nigrita ? Sowerby. Zoological Proceedings, p. 127, 1834. HABITAT, Tiger Bay, West Coast of Africa. Remarks-Mons. Largilliert, of Rouen, France, sent me this shell, with the following description of it made by a friend of his, who found a few specimens only at the above locality. “It was found in an animal having a black skin, and a reddish-colored belly—of a very tough substance, and nearly as thick as the hand. The shell is smooth on the back, and is entirely enveloped by the skin, with the exception of a small hole. It is found in the crevices of rocks washed by the sea.” It is a pure white within ; and the margin, which is entire, has the appearance of having had a narrow strip of the external coating ground off, showing a white margin around the base of the shell, externally. Figure 17, 18. TRICHOTRoPIs costellatus, Couthouy. Boston Journal Natural History, vol. 2, pl. 3, f. 2. HABITAT, deep waters of Massachusett's Bay. 29 114 Figure 19, 20. NUCULA Portlandica, Hitchcock. Boston Journal Natural History, vol. 1, p. 327. Remarks.-Fossil. From the tertiary formation near Portland, Maine. I am indebted to Mrs. S. Dunlap, of Salem, for specimens of this fossil. Figure 21. HELIx denticulata, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-This Helix has been in my collection for several years, and I can- not find that it has been described ; nor have I ever seen a duplicate. P L A T E II. Figure 5. CERITHIUM marmoratum, Quoy et Gaimard. “Cerithium, testa turrita, tuberculosa, transversim striata, apice plicata, albido lutes- cente, fusco vel subrubro marmorata ; apertura ovali, albida; canali recurvo.” Voyage de l’Astrolabe, Zoologie, tome 3, par. 1, page 109, pl. 54, fig. 4. HABITAT, New Holland. 3 Remarks,—When the second edition of this catalogue appeared, I was not aware that this shell had been previously figured. Having however lately re- ceived a copy of the above splendid work, I immediately discovered Cerithium magnum, Nobis, to be the Cerithium marmoratum of Messrs. Quoy and Gaim- ard, whose description I have taken the liberty to copy. Of the two specimens in my Cabinet, one is exactly five inches in length. Figure 6, 6. RANELLA pulchra, Gray. Sowb. Conch. Illust. Ranella, fig. 19. Biplex Perca, Perry's Conch. pl. iv. f. 5. HABITAT, East Indies. 3 Figure 7. Figure 8. P L A T E III. AMPULLARIA scalaris, D'Orbigny. Guérin's Magasin de Zoologie. Ampullaria angulata, Nobis, HABITAT, Mexico. AMPULLARIA ochracea, Nobis. A. testa ventricoso-globosa, tenui, lavi, ochracea; anſractibus convexis et ad suturas albo-carulescentibus. - HABITAT, Spanish Maine. Remarks.-Mr. G. B. Sowerby, in the 1st part of his Malacological and Con- chological Magazine says, that this shell is only a variety of Ampullaria fasciata, Lamarck. I received eight specimens of this beautiful shell, all precisely alike, except that some were larger than others. The person from whom I obtained them told me that they came from the Spanish Maine; and I am still of the opinion that it is a distinct species. - - Figure 9,9. HELIx speciosa, Nobis. H. testa subglobosa, imperforata, Spadicea; anſractibus fasciis albis transversis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks,—I have received another specimen of this pretty Helix, which was brought by a sailor from the Isle of France. P L A T E I V . Figure 10, 10. NATICA fluctuata, Sowerby. “N. testa subglobosa, pallida, lineis albis longitudinalibus flexuosis angulatim picta; spira bre- Vissima, acuta; apertura magna, superne acuta, infra effusa, rotundata; umbilico angusto, tecto ; callo columellari expanso, infra albo, crasso, superne castaneo, tenuiore.” OBs. “Besides the longitudinal white zigzag lines upon a fawn-colored ground, there are four transverse bands, Very little darker than the ground color itself. The dark chestnut edging to the expanded columella callus is a principal character of this shell.” Sowb. Tankerville Catalogue, Appendix, p. xii. Natica imperforata, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks. I take this opportunity to return my thanks to Mr. Sowerby for a beautiful copy of the above work; and also for pointing out his prior claim to the above shell. Having however figured it, I add the above description copied from the Appendix to the Tankerville Catalogue. Figure 11, 11, 11. NERITINA granosa, Sowerby. “N. Testa subrotunda, compressiuscula, subalata, alba, epidermide migra induta, extus granosa, granis, per series ordinatis; labii externi margine crenulato; subtus planulata, labio columellari, lato, aurantiaco, margine interno sinuato, edentulo.” Sowerby, Tank. Cat. Appendix, page xi. Sowb. Conch. Illust. Neritina, fig. 6. Neritina papillosa, Nobis. HABITAT, Sandwich Islands. Remarks. I am indebted to Mrs. Say for several specimens of this curious and beautiful Neritina. They were brought from the Sandwich Islands by one of our Missionaries. 30 P L. A. T E V . Figure 1, 2. UNIo spinosus, Lea. “Testa spinosa, subtriangulari, inflata, inaequilaterali, postice acuto-angulata; valvulis subcras- sis ; clivo umboniali carinato ; natibus vix prominentibus; epidermide atro fuscă, glabrå; dentibus cardinalibus deorsum inclinantibus; lateralibus subgrandibus subcurvisque; margarità purpureà.” Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. vol. vi. p. 57, pl. xvi. HABITAT, Altamaha River, Hopeton, near Darien, Georgia ; also Liberty County, Georgia. - “Shell spinous, subtriangular, inflated, inequilateral, acutely angular be- hind; arcuate on the dorsal margin ; substance of the shell rather thick, thinner behind; spines erect, opposed in each valve, placed in a row before the umbonial slope, and nearly parallel thereto ; umbonial slope carinate; beaks scarcely prominent; ligament short and thick; epidermis dark brown, shining, finely wrinkled; cardinal teeth inclining downwards, single in the right and double in the left valve; enlarged and truncate at the anterior end; lateral teeth rather large, thickened and curved in the inferior portion; anterior cicatrices distinct; posterior cicatrices confluent; dorsal cicatrices placed in the inferior part of the cardinal teeth; cavity of shell deep; cavity of the beaks angular; nacre purple.” Mr. Lea also observes, in his interesting details of this shell, that “the teeth differ in some of their characters from any Unio with which I am acquainted. The highest part of the dorsal curve is equi-distant from the extreme ends of the two teeth. The cardinal teeth are remarkable for their form and position, being very much enlarged at the anterior end, and pointing to the anterior margin. The lateral teeth are lamellar, and unusually enlarged on the inferior portion, thus forming an inverted curve, the inferior portion of the double lamellar tooth being very much larger than the superior one. The nacre of the shell is purple, approaching a rose color, and is very beautiful.” - The specimen in my Cabinet is a very perfect young shell, with only two per- fect spines, one on each valve, and exactly opposite. These spines are hollow, and on the interior of each valve, and immediately underneath the spines, there is, in my specimen, a covered canal running towards the anterior margin, and into which a bristle may be inserted for half an inch. Whether this canal com- municates with the external spines I cannot say; but it appears to me to be very probable. I am indebted to Major Leconte, of this city, for the beautiful specimen in my Cabinet. The figure is a copy of Mr. Lea’s plate. Figure 1. Figure 2. Figure 3. P L A T E V H . BULIMUs ustulatus, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks. I procured this shell from a dealer in this City, and thus far have not been able to find any description that would apply to it. It is two and five- eighths of an inch in length, and about one broad. It has seven convex whorls, of which the last, or body whorl, appears contracted. The margin is reflected, has the appearance of a tooth on the centre of it, and is of a dirty bluish color. The aperture is contracted, and somewhat ear-shaped. The umbilicus is small, and formed by the reflection of the margin. The stripes are longitudinal and diagonal, and are remarkable for having a burnt or scorched appearance. The interior is a bluish white. BULIMUs Aurora, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks. This beautiful specimen has nine slightly convex whorls, is ex- tremely light; semi-transparent; surface smooth and glistening, and the color is uniform throughout. It is slightly umbilicated, and is two and three-eighths of an inch in length. The apex is obtuse, and the sutures compressed and corrugated. ACHATINA bicolor, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-This shell has six convex whorls, the sutures of which are marked by a broad, yellow-colored band. The lower parts of the whorls are of a dark reddish brown. The columella is very much arched, and the truncation very abrupt; lip acute; aperture white. I have three specimens; but this one, al- though the smallest, is the most perfect. 120 Figure 4. Figure 5. BULIMUs virgatus, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-Shell polished, striped brown and white ; margin reflected; apex rather obtuse ; whorls five, slightly convex; columella a little concave; inte- rior white. BULIMUs porraceus, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-This shell closely resembles the last, and may be only a variety. It is covered with a greenish yellow-colored epidermis. The margin is much expanded, and together with the interior is a beautiful glossy white; a small, dark-colored band commences at the umbilicus, crosses diagonally the columella, and disappears internally. It is much more umbilicated than the last, and is a heavier shell. Figure 6, 7. PANDoRA striata, Quoy et Gaimard. “Pandora, testa orbiculato-trigona, securiformi, alba, intus margaritacea; valva dextra, plana, longitudinaliter striata.” Voyage de l’Astrolabe, Mollus. pl. 83, f. 10. HABITAT, New Zealand. Remarks.-My specimen measures one inch and a half by one and a quarter, and is beautifully marked with crowded concentric plaits. P L A T E V II. Figure 1. BULIMUs tristis, Nobis. HABITAT, Zanzibar. Remarks.--This shell is entirely new in our collections, and was received by Mrs. S. Dunlap, of Salem, Mass. who very kindly sent me the specimen which I have figured. The color is the same both externally and internally ; the lip is acute; is slightly umbilicated, and has numerous longitudinal striae. Figure 2, 3. Conus rhododendron, Couthuoy. “C. testa cylindracea turbinata, rosea, alba et fusca nubilata, punctis cinnamomeis superne infer- neque notata, Striis transversis Sulciformibus numerosis, spira obtusa, columella Superne sulcata, fauce alba.” Annals of the Lyceum Nat. Hist. Mass. HABITAT, Seas of Australasia. “Shell cylindrically turbinate, of a blush rose color, longitudinally clouded with white and pink, surrounded by three bands, composed of irregularly grouped triangular pinkish colored dots; the first near the spire, the two lowest near the base, the interval being without spots: circled by about 30 impressed transverse striae, which, near the base, deepen and widen into distinct sulcations; are inconspicuous near the middle, and become more prominent again near the spire. The spaces between these striae are flattened in such a manner as to give the shell the appearance of being ribbed or hooped; thickly set, minute longi- tudinal striations cover the whole surface, but are most apparent in the trans- verse sulci-spine obtuse—its whorls concave, with three or four revolving striae on each ; aperture dilated at the base, with a strong oblique sulcus at the superior portion of the columella, and a prominent ridge near its lower extre- mity—lip internally of a rich cream color.” +. Remarks.--This very beautiful shell, which in the richness and delicacy of its coloration is equalled by few of the Genus, was presented to me by Augus- tus A. Adee, Surgeon U. S. N. It measures exactly two inches in length. 31 122 Figure 4, 5. CYCLosToMA Cumingii, 7 Sowerby. Figure 6. Zool. Proceed. 1832. 2d Part, p. 32. HABITAT, Island of Tumaco, South America. Remarks. I have two fine specimens of this large and rare Cyclostoma. The apex of the spine is visible in the Umbilicus. The largest one measures 2} of an inch in breadth, and 13 inch in length. BULIMUs dubiosus, Nobis. HABITAT, Brazil. 7 Remarks.-Shell turrited—mouth ear-shaped—columella with a white ridge, caused by the reflection of the internal lip, which covers, or rather forms an um- bilicus—lip acute, aperture narrow, contracted, and produced backwards at its base, forming something like a canal. It has nine whorls slightly convex, and compressed at the sutures. It is striped longitudinally and diagonally, with irre- gular ferrugineous lines—size 1; inch in length, and ; broad. For this curious and interesting species I am indebted to G. W. Pratt, Esq. of Boston, Mass. Figure 7, 8. CYCLos ToMA multicarinata, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-The last whorl of this shell has ten elevated horizontal ribs, or ridges, equi-distant from each other, and crossed longitudinally by numerous fine striae—margin is reflected, and partly covers the umbilicus—lip white, shell reddish; with the exception of the firmbriated edge to the margin, it re- sembles Cyclostoma pulchrum, Sowerby's Genera of Shells, figure 2. Figure 9, 10.-CycLosToMA maculosa, Nobis. Figure 11. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.--This Cyclostoma is remarkable for the angularity of the base of the body whorl, and somewhat resembles the base of a Trochus. The umbili- cus is almost closed. The shell has a polished appearance, and is beautifully mottled with reddish brown blotches. MELANIA lata, Nobis. HABITAT, Rivers in Alabama. 123 Remarks.-I cannot find that this Melania has been described by Mr. Conrad among those which he collected in the same state, and have therefore ventured to give it as a new species. The apex of the spine is eroded, which gives it a blunt termination. Figure 12, 13. CycLostomA multilineata, Nobis. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks.-A very pretty shell, with five reddish lines surrounding the body whorl. The umbilicus is closed; the aperture is round, but the margin is in- dented on the external and superior part. P L A T E V H II. - I X. DOLIUM melanostomum, Nobis. HABITAT, Friendly Islands. Shell very large, ovate-globose, pretty light, very ventricose, ridged trans- versely with numerous convex ribs, alternated by other ribs, about two-thirds smaller, sunken between the larger ribs. The furrows which separate them are also sunken, and very distinct. Suture channeled ; spire somewhat elevated, formed of five rounded convex whorls ; the lower one forms of itself almost the whole of the shell. The aperture very large, of a bright coffee color within, and exhibits elevated transverse ribs corresponding to the external depressions. The right lip is a shining black, or nearly so, terminated by a festooned and den- ticulated border. The columella is entirely covered with a shining coffee-co- lored enamel, through which appear the transverse ribs; it spreads off from the columella towards the base, and forms a large umbilicus. The base of the co- lumella and the five first ribs, which are closer together than the others, are of a dark reddish brown. The whole surface of the shell is of a pale brown color, with a few white spots on the face of the shell, and also on the second whorl of the spire. The right lip is colored dark brown, externally, for about three- fourths of an inch, forming the black margin in plate IX. The whole surface is also marked by numerous longitudinal striae. It measures seven inches and three quarters in its transverse diameter, and nine inches in length. Remarks.-This splendid shell was sent me about two years since from Nan- tucket. It was brought in there by a whaler, and was obtained at the above locality by the natives, who were diving for shells. It was the only one found, and has excited the admiration of every beholder by its beauty, size, and singu- larity of construction. It not answering to any description in Mons. Kiener's “Iconographie des Coquilles Vivantes,” a work now in course of publication, and in which a monograph of the genus Dolium has appeared, I have no doubt that it is a new species, and one which surpasses all the others in splendor. 125 The peculiar arrangement of the transverse ribs on the surface point out at first sight its claim to a new species; to which may be added the magnificent enamelled appearance of the aperture. The two figures are the result of two different attempts to get an exact representation of this shell, but falls short in some little particulars; and for the coloring, I have found it utterly impossible to get justice done it. The figures, therefore, will only give a tolerably correct idea of the general appearance of the shell, but none of its beauties. 32 P L. A. T E X. Figure 1, 2. WoluTA armata ?, Lamarck, variety. HABITAT, unknown. Remarks,—This rare shell has been in my collection for several years, and I have always been under the impression that it was a distinct species. Having, however, lately received the Livraisons of Mons. “Kiener's Iconographie,” which contain figures of the Wolutes, and upon examination of the figures of the Woluta armata, Lam., and its varieties, I am inclined to think this may be one of them. Not having received the text, I am only able to judge from the figures. My specimen has three large plaits on the Columella, with an additional smail one above the others. It is a very delicate, light shell, although from its size one would suppose it to be heavier than it is. Length 8 inches, breadth 4 inches. 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